Space Coast Conservative Florida's 2024 Amendment 4: Abortion












Florida's 2024 Amendment 4: Abortion

There is a leftist commercial being shown all over the place that has a Dr. Jerry Goodman of Sarasota, FL, saying that he's unable to help his patients because of Florida's "abortion ban".

To which I respond: there is NO BAN. There are LIMITS, yes, but NO BAN. "Words mean things" as Rush Limbaugh used to say and a "ban" means that there are NO exceptions. When a doctor makes a commercial telling people that there is a ban it's absolutely untrue. He knows there is no ban because the State of Florida sent out an alert to Florida physicians reminding them "that abortion is permitted 'at any stage in pregnancy' to protect the life and health of the mother". Check the Florida State Statutes regarding "Termination of Pregnancies" for yourself and see if I'm telling you the truth. Abortions are LIMITED in Florida to the first six weeks, but they are NOT BANNED and the State of Florida reminded physicians of this BEFORE the doctor made the commercial and yet, he decided to participate in the commercial and LIE to the people anyways.

"390.0111 Termination of pregnancies.-

"(1) TERMINATION AFTER GESTATIONAL AGE OF 6 WEEKS; WHEN ALLOWED.-A physician may not knowingly perform or induce a termination of pregnancy if the physician determines the gestational age of the fetus is more than 6 weeks unless one of the following conditions is met:"
The law has provisions for the "life of the mother" issue. It's a bit more complicated than Kermit Gosnell's abortion dungeon was, but it's still safe and it helps protect the mother as well as the baby because now there are TWO doctors (a second opinion, which in almost EVERY OTHER MEDICAL ISSUE is recommended) who must agree that abortion would be the best course of action. That's always a good thing; having a second opinion. Don't you agree? Would he prefer to have more Gosnells?

The LEFT has financed another ad saying that parental permission/notification is still going to be required if Amendment 4 passes. I received my sample ballot yesterday from the Brevard County Supervisor of Elections and the sample's wording is different than what the LEFT is saying it is. Look at the ACTUAL wording of the amendment:

"Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion
"No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. [my italics and bolding]"
Do you see anywhere on there that says that PARENTAL NOTIFICATION/PERMISSION IS REQUIRED for a minor to have an abortion? NO, YOU DO NOT! It says that the legislature will have to have another vote to put that back in place because if Amendment 4 passes, the decision is EXCLUSIVELY between the patient and the "patient's healthcare provider"! The PARENT is NOT INCLUDED in Amendment 4! They say that it's going to NOT prevent parental notification, but it's a bit of TRICKY WORDING that makes it so vile that PARENTS ARE DELETED FROM THE PROCESS WITHOUT ANOTHER VOTE BY THE FLORIDA HOUSE AND SENATE AND A SIGNATURE FROM GOV. DESANTIS! This is VILE. If you could trust the LEFT to be HONEST with their Amendment 4 would they have worded it in such a way that the LEGISLATURE will have to have another vote to STOP ABORTIONS ON MINORS WITHOUT PARENTAL NOTIFICATION/PERMISSION? DO NOT TRUST THEIR LIES about this amendment! They want to kill more babies and that's why they LIE TO YOU. It's disgusting. Totally, absolutely disgusting!

Back in September this physician got the same reminder information from the State of Florida saying that if a woman's life is allegedly in danger, it's acceptable to abort the child if it means that the mother will live. Of course, that scenario is very, very rare. It's so rare, in fact, as to be basically non-existent. In fact, according to Human Life International,

"Abortions performed to preserve the life or the health of the mother are so rare that they do not register statistically, according to Alan Guttmacher of Planned Parenthood, who did more to promote and spread abortion on demand throughout the world than any other individual."
That's the former president of Planned Parenthood, a fomer OB/GYN's words! Not mine! So why does the LEFT want to keep using "the life of the mother" as the BIG REASON to keep abortion available to everyone at any age and until the moment of birth? Why? Because if they can keep it available to everyone at any time in the pregnancy, they can claim that they're "pro-woman" (I guess they don't consider the little girls they're aborting as anything to be "pro-woman" about). They need to continue with abortions because (and this may shock you) there's a lot of FUNDING for organizations that perform abortions (kill babies).

In one version of the commercial, is a woman who claims that she had to have an abortion because she had a brain tumor. Some women would have an abortion immediately, even though there are women who successfully get treated for their brain tumors and carry their pregnancies to term:

"Two patients (one with GBM and one with a grade III anaplastic astrocytoma) terminated their pregnancy; the rest delivered healthy babies. Of the 15 women diagnosed with brain tumors during pregnancy, 7 underwent cesarean sections, 3 had vaginal deliveries, and the method of delivery was unknown for 3. Of the 3 patients who underwent vaginal delivery, 2 underwent tumor resection before delivery, and the third was diagnosed only after delivery. Of the patients who underwent cesarean section, one patient with GBM underwent surgery and radiation therapy during pregnancy, 2 underwent biopsy, and 3 had no treatment during pregnancy. Six of the 7 cesarean sections were performed at term. One patient, who had GBM, underwent cesarean section at 32 weeks gestation because the fetus developed intrauterine growth retardation."
(As an aside, I have a question for you. If a brain dead woman can give vaginal birth to a baby why would anyone think that a brain tumor demands killing the baby?)

The LEFTIST federal government loves abortion. They put a premium on keeping abortion sacred and protected. It's the LEFT'S most treasured "right" (it's NOT in the U.S. Constitution, and it is NOT a "right"). This is why they must LIE to protect being able to kill babies no matter what. They have many organizations who support killing babies, but that doesn't mean that "might makes right" because there are just as many (if not more) that support allowing the baby to live.

The commercial aside, I have a few more questions for you.:

  1. Any time a child is created tell me when the child had a say in that creation, please. Did the baby get to choose its parents? Did the baby get to choose the circumstances (loving marriage, single mom, rape, incest, or drug induced looseness)? Did the baby get to choose what country, religion, race it is conceived into? Did the baby have a say in any of that? If you answered "No" to those questions, why is it the baby is the only one who has to DIE for it?
  2. If GOD created the baby, and I wrote a long blog about "What the Bible Says About Abortion" then why would GOD approve of abortion, which KILLS His creation? The Bible says that GOD decides when a baby is conceived, and He knows what the circumstances are of a child's conception. Don't you think He would also know whether -- if the mom chose to face the difficulties and grow stronger via the struggle -- that child is the right thing for that mother at that particular time? If giving the child up for adoption is the choice the mom makes and she does so at least she's letting the child that GOD created live. Isn't that nicer, more loving, stronger than aborting the baby GOD created?
  3. If the baby is a "leach" as some say it is, then how about the emotional pain that stays with a woman after abortion? Even the NIH admits there is a psychological effect of abortion in a paper on their website called "Psychological Consequences of Abortion among the Post Abortion Care Seeking Women in Tehran". So the NIH will admit that there are psychological effects of abortion for women in Tehran, Iran, but not in America? These emotional, psychological scars last for the rest of your life if you're someone who has had an abortion. Treatment can help, but post-abortion depression and other post-abortion negative results including anxiety disorder, alcohol abuse, suicidal thoughts, drug (marijuana) abuse, etc. linger. IF the baby is a leach, the after effects of killing ones child is also a leach; this one a mental, emotional and psychological leach!

Republicans need to tell the single women of America the TRUTH about abortion. They need to find a way to tell them about what a child in the uterus actually is, teaching them about the baby's heartbeat and when that starts beating. That, according to some research, is at five or six weeks after fertilization. Did you know that? After six weeks, every abortion is stopping a beating heart. According to other, more modern research, a baby's heartbeat is detected AT 21 DAYS AFTER FERTILIZATION! That's according to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S OWN WEBSITE, but they still push ABORTION ON WOMEN, saying it's a RIGHT TO KILL BABIES! So ANY WOMAN having an abortion after day 21 is definitely killing a LIVING BABY. The federal government's website states:

"The developmental period defined as CS-10 was first described in 1957 (at that time called 'age group X' or 'horizon X'), and it was already in this paper that the onset of cardiac pumping activity was assigned to this stage of development and that the age of CS-10 embryos was estimated to be 22 ± 1 days after fertilization."
It also quotes a German study from 1898 that states,
"'A circulation, driven by contractions of the heart tube, is already present in human embryos of approximately 2 mm length.”) [48] (pp. 445–446). His descriptions and illustrations of such embryos matched with the morphology of CS-10 and CS-11 embryos but the age of these embryos was reported to be 12–14 days after fertilization"!
Twelve to fourteen days! That's 1898's knowledge and since then the LEFT has slowly but completely HIDDEN THAT KNOWLEDGE FROM THE PUBLIC SO THAT THEY CAN KILL BABIES! Thank you, Margaret Sanger! It gets WORSE! In a paper done by Wilhelm His, Sr., in 1880 he wrote,
"... the heart is formed as a tube and, according to observations made on animal embryos, is actually working.”) [49] (p. 155). The age of these embryo was reported to be 16–18 days after fertilization".
The author of the paper this information comes from reminds us that:
"The term 'heartbeat' is used to describe 'the regular movement that the heart makes as it sends blood around your body' [11]. The above-mentioned observations suggest that, with regard to the embryonic heart, we should not speak of a beating heart before coordinated regular movements of its walls generate a unidirectional fluid flow within the vascular network of the embryonic cardiovascular system. In human embryos this functional state seems to be reached during CS-10 [21 days]."
Remember: this information is at least 25 years old so more recent findings could lead us to an even earlier day!
"Thus, on the basis of these data, which are more than 25 years old, the first heartbeats of an individual human embryo may be expected to appear during a time span that starts at 20 days after fertilization [my bolding]".
Add to this the fact that the FDA has approved UNSAFE mail order abortion pill, Mifepristone,, that can not only kill the baby but
"is responsible for a 500 percent increase in abortion-related emergency room visits for complications such as hemorrhage, 'fast, weak pulse,' 'shortness of breath,' diarrhea, dizziness, headache, vomiting, and 'pain' across the back, arms, neck, and abdomen, and a myriad of other risks. Even the FDA admits in the mifepristone label that 1 in 25 women who down the drug will end up in the hospital.[links omitted]"
Sounds to me like the Federal government, that published the study with the dates on its own National Institute of website, is pushing to not only KILL BABIES, but likes the idea of KILLING WOMEN, TOO!

The LEFT'S hatred of babies and their desire to kill as many of them as possible is astonishing. This latest push via Amendment 4 is just another symptom of this truth. The Amendment's background is that it is supported by pro-abortion organizations like the "ACLU of Florida, Planned Parenthood, Florida Women's Freedom Coalition, Florida Rising, SEIU 1199 Florida, and Women's Voices of Southwest Florida." Of course.

The truth is that if Amendment 4 passed even BallotPedia states (under "Financial Impact Statement") that

"The proposed amendment would result in significantly more abortions and fewer live births per year in Florida."
However, it goes on to say something that should scare every parent of a daughter in Florida. It says
"The increase in abortions could be even greater if the amendment invalidates laws requiring parental consent before minors undergo abortions and those ensuring only licensed physicians perform abortions. [my bolding]"
"IF"? IF? Why are we voting on an Amendment to the Florida Constitution that we don't even know where it will LEAD? Shouldn't this be better thought out, or.... Oh. Maybe that's the point. Maybe it was thought out enough to make sure that it's approved of by people who don't think things through, don't investigate for themselves and then it will be taken advantage of by the LEFT when it's passed by trusting people. Is that how this is supposed to work? Look at the very next statement on BallotPedia about Amendment 4 in this section:
"There is also uncertainty about whether the amendment will require the state to subsidize abortions with public funds."
So if this thing passes, the fact is that YOU might wind up PAYING FOR ABORTIONS because the wording on this Amendment is so very, very vague that it will be taken advantage of and that's exactly what the LEFT wants!

Consider also, that the wording is so very vague (intentionally so?) that there is the possibility that there will be no limit to the abortion time frame. Ultimately, if this Amendment 4 passes, a thirteen-year-old girl, who has been trafficked by her uncle and gotten pregnant by one of her abusers can be taken to a doctor at 8 1/2 months pregnant and an abortion performed at YOUR EXPENSE without parental consent. This is what the LEFT WANTS. This is why they worded it as it is and why they want you to be too lazy to do the research for yourself. But you're smarter than they think you are and you're reading this page. Thank you and babies all over Florida thank you.

My recommendation for Amendment 4 is that you VOTE NO ON 4! It's better to protect life than it is to take a chance that you'll be aiding and abetting a scenario like I outlined above, don't you think?

Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or baby-killing monsters.

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