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HOME TRIBUTE Video Page Page Deux Storage Main Government Links PSJ Info Religion Services Politics My Links My Blog Writers | Storage 2014December 2014 December 31, 2014: 2:23 p.m.   I can't believe it's the last day of 2014. It didn't seem to go by in a blink as did some years, but it has been rather quick. I wonder how quickly 2015 will pass and if it's going to be a banner year for freedom, or a topple into totalitarianism for America. I wonder if it's going to be one of attacks by released Gitmo detainees or if it's going to be a Russian encroachment into America that thevileone has set up that will be a problem. Who knows? Perhaps it will be none of those things because the incoming Republicans (as opposed to republiRATS like bonehead boehner, john mccain't, mitch mcCONnell, etc.), but if any of those things happen, we know it's going to be thevileone we have to thank for it. In the meantime, 80% of America enters the New Year with cooler weather. So jealous. December 31, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Michelle Malkin's article takes a closer look at the horrible year it had. I'm glad it had a horrible year. They say that enrollment has soared, but I think that it's just because people didn't like the idea of being "outside of the law" and facing a penalty. The penalty is probably cheaper than the premiums they'd be paying and the cost share they'd be picking up as well, so why not be outside the law in this? After all, the government, constitutionally, cannot ORDER US to BUY anything. So what's wrong with standing up for YOUR rights and telling thevileone to go bite himself? Don't forget that those who have signed up for it face the Supreme Court's ruling possibly destroying their coverage and -- while that'll be sad for them -- it'll be good for FREEDOM. Let's hope that john roberts actually has a spine this time; although I seriously doubt that will happen. Businesses are still struggling with the costs of this garbage. And when it comes to death panels, the things Sarah Palin was mocked about, they were always in there but they, too, were lied about. The truth never escapes some people's lips and thevileone is one of those, and his administration are full of those people. Remember, this thing is not universal but it is a royal, total, absolute, humongus screw-up. thevileone's healthcareTAX was NEVER about healthcare, but it was ALWAYS about CONTROL. That's all it is: another way to control as many folks as they can as completely as they can. Those 670,000 Floridians who signed up are just going to have to deal with their decision and regret it later. The problem is that in the meantime, the rest of us are regretting their sign-up, too, because we're paying for half of them via the subsidies that are in place! It's not about healthcare. It's about wealth redistribution and CONTROL. After all, if you need a medical procedure, specific medicine, etc., and the government controls access to it, controls the cost of it, controls manufacture of it, what kind of CONTROL can they exert over you in order for you to get it? Remember, never let a good crisis go to waste and if it's a medical crisis that you are in, then what pressure can they assert over you? Also remember that it's thevileone's big business buddies/donors who are getting rich from this thing, not the little companies who expected to be able to stay afloat via this program. Don't you always love how it's his donors who get OUR taxpayer dollars? Does that not speak volumes? December 31, 2014   Cuba:   thevileone's policy change has made things so much better! (*sarcasm, of course*) December 31, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Girls can be MARRIED -- even in the CRADLE: Shariah Law. I'll never apologize for disagreeing with everything Islam stands for, believes and practices. This is pedophilia's power trip and it may as well be called "Child Abusers International" instead of a religion. It's disgusting that anyone can even think of allowing that, believing that, approving of that. But that's what happened with the leadership of Islam: they approve of pedophilia even down to the cradle ages. Sick. Disgusting. Repulsive. Islam. Could this have been part of the reason why people are more likely to have a bad day in Islamic countries (and socialist countries). December 31, 2014   Hollyweird's sick experiments on their children leads to another child with problems. The future is dim for that little girl because the parents chose to dress her as a boy from the time she was tiny. That creates gender confusion and that leads to the possibilities of Shiloh/John committing suicide in the future, as happens to a lot of people who go through that sort of confusion. Such a sad story. I'm sure that if Shiloh/John does committ suicide in the future that "society" will be to blame, not the rich and famous parents who put a little girl in boys' clothing and hair cuts. What is wrong with parents nowadays? December 31, 2014   NYPD thugs threaten to kill cops tonight. That's just wrong. Where are the parents of the people who are threatening to kill cops? How did they raise those people? How can anyone say, "Because you wear a certain uniform I want to kill you"? There are bad cops, but there are also good cops. Don't lump them all together and try to take judgment upon yourself. That's up to GOD or a court of law and a jury of their peers, not you. Good cops should not be slaughtered because there are bad cops just as bad cops should not be praised because there are good cops. There is not a blanket statement about "good" or "bad", just that they are all cops. Don't lump all cops together and target them all. Cops are like your kin: you can get along with, trust, and enjoy most; but the others you can't abide. Would you kill the fun, trustworthy, nice relatives because you can't abide others? December 31, 2014   LIAR's lies revealed and, boy!, are they doozies! December 31, 2014   Well, my internet browser is acting up again. Sigh. I think I should undo what I did this afternoon in accepting an update to Java. Some things just don't work well together. So, I'll close for now. Today is the last day of 2014. Where did it go? Can you say that you accomplished what you wanted to this year? My list was almost complete, but I didn't get one or two things done. Next year, I'll hopefully get 100%. Until next year, pray for America to have a revival and to have peace this New Year's Eve. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for Israel. Pray that Islam and atheists will accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be healed and released. Pray for each other. GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 30, 2014: 2:40 p.m.   I've refrained from commenting on the Sony hacking story because I didn't believe it was N. Korea who was behind it. Now we have the TRUTH: it was a disgruntled ex-employee. That's who did the hacking, not N. Korea. When this administration says "Look over there!" you can bet your bottom dollar that this administration is WRONG. They don't care about the truth. All they care about is diverting attention from themselves and their own screwups. I can also bet a buck-and-a-half that thevileone's administration's policies, practices or advice that are at least partially responsible for the ex-employee being laid off. That's why the "Look over there!" move by this administration. It's their usual tactic. As Erick Erickson was saying this afternoon, it's all about keeping you distracted. For instance, what story will distract you from the fact that thevileone forced a wedding to be MOVED so he could play golf in less than 24 hours before the wedding was supposed to take place. The bride and groom were both Army Captains and they had to give up their dream wedding location so that their inconsiderate, thoughtless, selfish Comrade-In-Cheat could play golf when and where he wanted. He couldn't have found another golf course to play at; nor could he have postponed his game by a few hours; nor could he have waited a day. No. He had to play his game then and there and he made sure that a wedding was inconvenienced, moved and ruined so that his ego could have the glory and gall of disrupting something for his own convenience. Now, watch and see what "crisis" is focused on instead of the wedding being ruined. I betcha' it'll happen. December 30, 2014   "Dr. Watson explained how futuristic technologies like spraying chemical particles into the sky to reflect sunlight back into space have the potential to disrupt how rain falls, how plants grow and how life lives."That's right. The "global warming" folks are trying to manipulate Mother Nature to such an extent that they may, indeed, bring about the extinction of many species. I think this is what they want: a "purified" planet that will never experience the scourge of mankind. Read the article. You'll start fearing them, too! If they were right in all of their absurd assertions, the antarctic sea ice wouldn't be at record highs, and carbon dioxide (the "greenhouse gas") wouldn't help tropical rainforests to grow. But they're not only wrong, they are trying to use their scare tactics to control you and nothing more. That's the truth and the sooner you learn it, live it, acknowledge it, the sooner you'll be able to take back control over your own life and defy those who would LIE to get you to obey. December 30, 2014   msnbc is struggling; as is cnn, with all time low viewership. Meanwhile, FoxNews is in its 13th year of being #1. I don't think of FoxNews as being that "Fair and Balanced®", but I do think that they have at least put a better face on the effort than the others. That's why they're #1 and those other two are in the flushing process, as all crap should be. December 30, 2014   I think there are a lot of good cops out there and some bad cops. But good or bad, this was a year of 56% increase in cops being killed. That's not good and de blasio's words made that percentage at least three cops higher (two NYPD cops and the one in FL). He should be not only ashamed of himself, but he should be held responsible as an accessory before the fact. I support the NYPD cops who turned their backs on him and I think they're right to do so. I also think that they have a reasonable fear for their lives and for not responding to the "little things" that make the money for the city (traffic tickets, etc.). It's time for de blasio to apologize and to show respect the men and women in police uniform. He should remember that their lives are on the line daily and that their lives matter, too. It wasn't police tribunals that decided to not indict in each of these cases. It was "civilians" and they looked at the evidence that the public doesn't get to see and they decided, not cops. That should speak volumes to the "protestors" (puppets being used by this administration -- never let a good crisis go to waste, after all) and those little marionettes should go home and stop allowing themselves to be manipulated. I love Dr. Walter Williams and he is absolutely correct! December 30, 2014   Remember that de blasio supported the Sandinista regime? Yeah. He was a huge fan. Now he's Mayor of NYC? Ick. December 30, 2014   Say WHAT? Deporting illegal aliens "in absentia"? How on earth do you do that? You can't deport someone without them being there to deport. It's all smoke and mirrors. It's the ability to say they've done something without actually having done it. In other words (and in TRUTH) it's a way for them to LIE about having deported illegals because they know that the American people did not appreciate what thevileone did when his "Magic Pen" did in the Executive Order that broke the law and magically made the existing laws mute and of no account (therefore breaking his alleged "oath" [now known as a LIE] of office as well). Leave it to thevileone to find a new way to do something WRONG! December 30, 2014   thevileone's really bad year? It was worse for America. He was still president. December 30, 2014   LOL! The Top 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2014. How do you choose? That's my problem. There are way too many to choose a top twenty. I agree for the most part with the people on this list, but I think he missed a few and I wouldn't necessarily put them in that order. But it's still fun to read. December 30, 2014   thevileone to use the veto pen. He can't let anyone else have their way, so it's all about thevileone and his power. Little spoiled brat. December 30, 2014   CBO: Social Security out growing its income: "In calendar year 2010, for the first time since the enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1983, annual outlays for the program exceeded annual tax revenues (that is, outlays exceeded totalrevenues [sic] excluding interest credited to the trust funds). In 2013, outlays exceeded noninterest income by about 9 percent, and CBO projects that the gap will average about 17 percent of tax revenues over the next decade. As more members of the baby-boom generation retire, outlays will increase relative to the size of the economy, whereas tax revenues will remain at an almost constant share of the economy. As a result, the gap will grow larger in the 2020s and will exceed 30 percent of revenues by the late 2020s.Thanks, thevileone! If your actions had not damaged businesses, there would be more people employed and that would mean more people paying into the Social Security program and that would mean the gap forecast would not be as bad as it is. thevileone, you've done so much for America. How can we ever thank you? (*sarcasm, of course*) December 30, 2014   Don't ya' love the lower gas prices we've been seeing lately? I actually paid under $2.50 a gallon the other day and I was about to do cartwheels all over the gas station's lot. We have fracking and OPEC's reaction to fracking to thank for that. I love oil independence! December 30, 2014   Just a reminder: 75,000 new regulations in 2014 from thevileone. You must be breaking the law somewhere somehow every day at least two or three times. You deserve to be arrested, at least that's what thevileone must think, with all of the new regulations. You lawless person! (I think it's more of thevileone misplacing blame for his own actions.) December 30, 2014   I'll close for now. Hubby just got home. Remember to keep an eye on PSJ History.com. I don't know yet what I'm going to do there, but we'll see what comes up. Pray for a revival to sweep across this great land, for protection for our police forces -- and their self-control -- and for America's recovery from thevileone and his policies. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for peace across this land and in the world. Pray for Israel. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam and atheists to accept Christ as their Savior. Pray for each other. GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 28/29, 2014: 10:47 p.m.   I couldn't wait to share the Minion Monday pic this week, so I'm posting it a little bit early. This week, I share another fun experience with Hank from our cruise. In this pic, Hank is "King of the World!" Remember the scene from the movie "Titanic"? Yeah. Hank had to recreate it. Enjoy! December 29, 2014: 10:08 a.m.   I announced it first over at PSJ History.com and I will now announce it here. I now own and operate PSJ History.com. It is mine. See me smile? December 29, 2014   Those who wish to legalize use of "medical" marijuana don't have a real foot to stand on. After all, marijuana lowers IQ has no real medical benefits (in fact, has enough negative medical results to make it an illegal substance) and legalizing it does lead to abuse/dependency: "In NESARC, residents of states with medical marijuana laws had higher odds of marijuana use (OR: 1.92; 95% CI: 1.49–2.47) and marijuana abuse/dependence (OR: 1.81; 95% CI: 1.22–2.67) than residents of states without such laws."Marijuana caused vehicular deaths have increased in some states. I understand that there may be some anecdotal stories about marijuana helping people, the facts of marijuana and what it does to those conditions that are allegedly "helped" by using it do not negate the fact that marijuana is still bad for you and that there are NO advocacy groups for those conditions that support marijuana use for that condition. If the advocacy group is not supporting it, why should others? December 29, 2014   December 29, 2014   Keep the families of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 in your prayers. I can't imagine what they must be going through. December 29, 2014   SMH. People with brains are needed desperately to teach anti-cop protestors how to think. Really, folks. Calling the cops while protesting the cops? That's a total "Doh!" moment and they're too stupid to realize it. December 29, 2014   SMH 2. What? I hope it wasn't our taxpayer dollars paying for that. December 29, 2014   SMH 3. What a way to end the year. Three SMH's in one day. Are people really that stuid? Sorry. Rhetorical question. December 29, 2014   Some Buddhists are tired of being targeted and they're fighting back or striking first against Muslims. There's a new "militancy" rising in some Buddhists and it's leading to violence and things that are not recommended by the teachings of the Buddha. I guess personal property rights, personal safety and the safety of those you love rank as more important than certain religious teachings in their world. After all, when you have little and someone takes that little away, it feels like more is being taken away than if you have more than enough. December 29, 2014   An United States embassy in Iran? Only after they are converted to Christianity and there are no vestiges of Islam remaining. Then it would be safe to put our people there. Until then, NOPE. December 29, 2014   Christmas presents being returned at record levels. Unfortunately, one of my presents will join that record. I liked the thought but the product itself was not well executed. My hubby got me a foot massager with heat, but the massage part hurts my feet instead of massaging them. It's outta' here. December 29, 2014   "Hoax" crimes are big business nowadays. We've seen campus rape stats be hoaxed, racist hate crime hoaxes, and now we find out that anti-Muslim hoax hate crimes are among the most often used hoaxes. Is there no end to the LIES people will use to manipulate those who don't pay attention? (Rhetorical question, of course.) December 29, 2014   Politician praises terrorism in support of Hamas. Hanin Zoabi, an Israeli Arab Knesset member, thinks it's okay to use terror to get your own way. I don't know why she's a "politician" instead of a suicide bomber if that's what she believes. After all, won't she get her place in heaven with 72 virgins if she blows herself up in the name of her beliefs? Of course, it never says if those virgins are men or women, so if it's just females, that's a no-go for her since homosexuality is against the rules of Islam. Oh well. I suppose that's why she is a politician instead; no real reward for being a suicide bomber. I wonder how, being in Israel at this time, she can see the results of the things she supports and still support them. Is she without a soul, or just another true believer in Islam? December 29, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Christians and churches are still targeted by Islam worldwide. When Christ returns and Islam is left behind and the world is plunged into darkness because the salt and light (Christians) are gone, Islam will have free reign. Think of that. Think of how bad it will be when Christ calls home His children. Think of Islam having free reign. Think of the salt and light being gone and the sinfulness of mankind having total control over the people of this earth. That's the truth of the post-rapture world. If they're doing this kind of thing to Christians today, think what they will do to those left behind tomorrow. I'm sorry to sound all doom and gloom, but the truth is that it will not be good. This is how it SHOULD be, getting along is NOT IMPOSSIBLE. GOD loves us all and wants us all to know Him. He doens't want terrorism. December 29, 2014   thevileone's organization to train 1,000 "community organizers". To what end? Why is he trying to organize now, when he has no third term to look forward to? Or does he? December 29, 2014   I wanna go to Vegas! Not to gamble, nor to see the shows. I wanna go if it snows! I love snow. December 29, 2014   Wisconsin Gazette calls 2nd Amendment "stupid" and says its repeal is "pst due". This is what passes as news in some places? If that's the news then we need a reboot. That's an OPINION, not news. The readers of the Wisconsin Gazette needs to lose their First Amendment rights if we should lose our 2nd Amdnem rights. Remember, the First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. [my bolding]"Would they like it if we just exchanged "take aways"? They take away our Second Amendment rights and we take away their First Amendment rights? Wouldn't that be good? December 29, 2014   Well, I've got things to do today and it's time for me to do them. If you haven't read my Christmas present to you yet, you may wish to do so because I take it away in a few days. It's "Trapped Behind a Diesel Rabbit" and I hope you enjoy it. Until next time, Pray for a revival to sweep across America. Pray for our troops. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for peace. Pray for Israel. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing, and for others like him. Pray for each other. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 26, 2014: 6:20 a.m.   I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and that it continues through today. I won't be doing updates today because I've got plans to spend quite a bit of the day out with my hubby. I did want to say "Thank you!" to our Heroes, though, so here's my Flag Friday picture: "Tribute To Our Heroes 197: A Single Voice". Have a great day! Merry CHRISTmas! Remember, He not only came as a baby to live amongst us, but he also lived a sinless life and died the death we all deserved to die so that He could pay the price for OUR sins. Accept His sacrifice and allow His blood to wash you clean. Eternity is your choice: choose wisely. GOD Bless you all! By the way, Can you find Hank, my Minion? Merry CHRISTmas! December 24, 2014: 3:44 p.m.   I have too many things to do today to sit down and get the usual update done. I think you can understand that, considering the date. So, instead of the usual, I will give you the unusual. My Christmas Gift to you, my readers, is "Trapped Behind a Diesel Rabbit" Chapter 1, which I wrote way back in 2008. I hope you enjoy it. Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours! December 23, 2014: 4:32 p.m.   Christmas's fast approach has me hopping! I ordered the last gift today but it's a Christmas/other important day gift for someone I love very much. So, it will arrive after Christmas but that's okay. On another note, I've been trying to figure out what to give you my readers for Christmas and I think I've come up with something that I hope you will like. That gift to you will be given tomorrow evening and I hope you really do like it. For now, and for what I believe will be a few blurbs because I was planning on doing some cleaning (dusting: how I hate it) and baking tonight, let's get started. December 23, 2014   Russia is trying to re-form the USSR. That's not a good thing. Why those nations would give up autonomy in favor of slavery to the State, boggles my mind. I know freedom is hard. It means taking responsibility for your own actions and that you have to take care of yourself (well, those who aren't on the government teat) and that it means making decisions for your own life and that those things scare some folks. However, giving up your life, choices, property, etc., so that the high muckety-mucks will be able to make those decisions for you in exchange for a mindless, obedient existence is a abberation to me. How people can choose that over freedom I have no idea. December 23, 2014   Proving that the cry to "raise the taxes on the rich" does not work, France kisses goodbye 75% tax on the "rich". Can you imagine anyone wanting to earn enough money there to have to pay three-fourths of your earnings in taxes? To my way of thinking, that would lead me to retire, live off of the government teat and never earn another dime because if I had been that close to paying 75% I would have been paying into the system enough to make me want some of it back. After all, what benefit were those paying 75% getting besides the fact that they could walk down the street and seeing those who were living on the government teat having a lot more free time than you and still complaining that you weren't paying enough. Would that not irk you? December 23, 2014   Satanists put up "holiday" display in FL capitol. As I've said before, they're stupid for doing so. After all, if you don't remind folks that they have a chance of going to hades -- satan's domain -- why put up a display that will remind them that there is a choice? If there's a hades, then there's a heaven. After all, if there's a satan -- someone who chose ego over GOD -- then there must be the One who created him as an angel of light but whose ego overtook common sense. December 23, 2014   Woot. More bad drivers on the roads? Just what we need. (*sarcasm*) December 23, 2014   I agree with Donald Trump. We don't need jebby-boy. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any committee, candidate, campaign, or Common Crap Core supporter.) December 23, 2014   N. Korea will have 80 nuclear weapons by 2020. That's not a good thing, folks. If you want to know more about N. Korea, read the book, "Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il". Open your eyes and know that the people of N. Korea desperately need our prayers because, even according to an U.N. report, life in N. Korea is a "nightmare". Dictators have a tendency to make life worse, not better. Thus my opposition to thevileone. December 23, 2014   David Barton wins! Hurray! December 23, 2014   Stephen M. Kirby agrees with me. I've done it in a different way, but we both think the same. The god of Islam is not the GOD of Christianity. In fact, I made a "Chart: Compare GOD to Allah" that helps you visualize the differences very easily. December 23, 2014   IRS used against Americans. You know, good guys don't do that sort of crap. Only bad guys -- dictators, tyrants, emperors -- do that sort of thing. But that's thevileone all over again. BTW, where are the cops that should be arresting IRS officials? December 23, 2014   Why we should changed the way "Lame Duck" sessions work. I'm thinking it's time to make Congress answer to US, instead of just to themselves. December 23, 2014   Salon: spewing BS as a Christmas present. There is NO CHRISTIAN religion that supports rape in any way, shape, or form. Islam, with its sex slaves and infidel slavery, does support rape -- as long as it's rape against those who are not Islamic. That's just hunky-dorey. Even within Islam, if you rape your neighbor's wife, then it's okay if she spoke to you while unaccompanied by a male family member. Then you can even rape a Muslim woman. Rape is never acceptable in Christianity. December 23, 2014   December 23, 2014   I must go. I have things to do and I really must dash. I'll post your Christmas gift tomorrow. Until next time, pray for a revival to sweep across this land. Pray for peace. Pray for Israel. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Republicans to get a spine. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for each other. GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 22, 2014: 1:17 p.m.   "Minion Monday: Hank's Glamour Shot" is a cute way to start the week. On our cruise I took a few glam shots of Hank and I had one of the ship's professional photographers take a pic of Hank all dressed up. You can read what happened to that pic at the link, but be prepared to shake your head. Now, on with the blurbs! December 22, 2014   thevileone:   His fundraisers have cost us a bundle! And he's got an "enemies list" that you probably can figure out for yourself. Do you realize that ACORN is raising its illegally ugly head again? Yep. thevileone is helping revive them. For what reason could he be reviving an organization that helped him get elected via massive amounts of vote fraud? I have my guesses and remember, a national "emergency" (i.e.: race riots in the streets?) can help a president cancel elections. I think Rudy Giuliani is right. thevileone did make race relations worse and his words and deeds have put law enforcement officers' lives in danger. But that doesn't matter to him. After all, "never let a good crisis go to waste", right? Have you ever seen incompetence as bad as thevileone's admin? He's not just incompetent, though, he... is... evil. But you already know that, don't you? In the U.S. military, support for thevileone has falled to 15%. Well, I wonder why? (*sarcasm*) December 22, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Islam traffics in the sex trade. They kidnap women and force them into sexual slavery and then enjoy the profits. Very peaceful. Of course, it's not peaceful from the point of view of the female victim, but since when do women matter to Islam? December 22, 2014   December 22, 2014   Why does this list describe almost every progressive/leftist organization? Does the Pope know all the wrong people? December 22, 2014   Judge gives orangutan HUMAN rights. I suppose he doesn't know the difference? Let us hope that this nonsense stays in Argentina instead of spreading. December 22, 2014   Families are prepping for the apocolypse. Have you prepared? Are you ready? I look at it this way: "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."So it's not as if we have anything to worry about. TRUST in the Lord. December 22, 2014   Satanists put up display to counter Nativity. Why can't satanists, atheists, humanists, etc., just let others believe, worship and live their faith as the others wish to do? Why must it always happen that they must "counter" our faith symbols and that they have to mock and redefine our faith? Do we go to their satanic masses and mock, criticize and counter their "faith"? It's not a "live and let live" situation for the atheists, satanists, humanists, etc. It's always they get to live as they see fit and they get to correct, mock, etc., us for living as we see fit. They are such attention seekers. December 22, 2014   I've got something I want to get done so I'm going to stop there for now. Pray for America and for a revival to sweep across this land. Pray for our troops. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's quick release and healing. Pray for each other. GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 19, 2014: 1:47 a.m.   It's Friday and you know what that means! I wanted to post it now while I'm thinking of it. "Tribute To Our Heroes 195: That Place of Grief's Greatest Pain" is my way of saying "Thank you!" this week. I pray for you all! GOD Bless You! December 19, 2014: 5:44 p.m.   Sorry for the late start. Had to help my hubby get ready for going to see his mother. He has some work to do up there; one project in particular needed extra tools and he had trouble finding it. So, let's get started. December 19, 2014   Are you a Dr. Oz fan? Did you know that half of his medical advice is WRONG? Yep. Now are you a follower of Dr. Oz? When someone sells out their medical credentials for pupularity and higher financial gain than being a mere physician, I wouldn't trust them with a dead mongoose. December 19, 2014   More proof this admin has blood on its hands. Fast & Furious weapons were used to kill Americans and in every death, every drop of blood is on thevileone's and eric holder's hands. Why are they not arrested? December 19, 2014   How much will this cost us? Another day, another vacation, and more golf. Must be nice to be living high on the hog at someone else's expense. December 19, 2014   Gannett reporter pushes thevileone's policies while allegedly covering the story "objectively". You do know that Gannett owns both Florida Toady [sic] and U.S.A. Today, right? "Objectively" is totally subjective, apparently, in Gannett world. December 19, 2014   Hack attack gets federal employees' personal info. Have LifeLock? Might want to consider it. December 19, 2014   CHRISTmas wins! Excellent! Excellent! There's NO law against a town having a nativity on public property. If a town says that the "official religion" of that town is Toe-Worship and that everyone living there must now worship Toes, then there's a problem with that. That's "establishing" a religion and that's totally UNconstitutional. But to have a nativity on public property does not "establish" a religion; it celebrates one without establishing it. It also acknowledges that America was founded BY Christian men, on Christian values and based upon biblical principles. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging Christianity, even if you're a government entity, and there's nothing wrong with doing so. Don't believe me? Search the Minutes of the First Congress and other records of our early history. Find out for yourself. December 19, 2014   Former Islamic terrorists now translating the Bible in order ot win others to Christ. GOD is working in the Middle East and in other Islamic countries to bring Islam out of the darkness and into the light of Christ's love. GOD is moving in a big way over there and I pray for Islam to come to Christ en masse so that they can know Christ, have peace, love and joy, and know that their souls will go to heaven -- guaranteed, not maybe -- without them having to kill others to get there. GOD loves Muslims as much as he loves Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, and His own Son, Jesus Christ. The problem is that Islam doesn't have the same GOD as Christianity's GOD and theirs doesn't love them nor teach them to love. GOD is working via dreams and visions in Islamic hearts, and if He's willing to do that for so many Muslims, just think what He can do when they have the Word of GOD, the Bible, to read as well. It's going to change the world! December 19, 2014   I'm going to start buying Sunbeam products. Their company has made a Christian statement every year at CHRISTmas time for the last 75 years. Good for them! December 19, 2014   Good for Texas. I like Texas for most of the things it does. Although, it still has a few flaws, I am hoping they shall correct those transgressions soon. December 19, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   This thing takes over preschools?: "On Wednesday, the White House Summit on Early Education will unveil nearly $1 billion in new 'investments' to 'expand access to high-quality early childhood education to every child in America' from 'birth and continuing to age 5.'"From birth? What is it Rush has said for years: "cradle to grave"? Rush was right. As usual. December 19, 2014   Most of the time liberals/lefties/progressives scream at the top of their lungs "Majority RULE!" and they think they have everyone else under their thumb via that mantra. The problem comes when the majority goes the other way. Then liberals/lefties/progressives take it to court. It's coming for this Arkansas town, mark my words. December 19, 2014   Does SunPass also check your speed? If you're going too fast through the SunPass lane, will you get a ticket? Do you like the SunPass you got to go through the toll booths without having to stop and pay being used against you? Do you enjoy a nanny state? Do you like the spying on you and lack of privacy brought about by use? I'm not fond of the idea. Makes me kinda' wonder if they're spying on us there, where else is the State spying on us? December 19, 2014   I'll believe it when I see it. The last time the Senate vowed to do something we got thevileone's healthcareTAX. We don't need anymore vows from the Senate, no matter what they say it is! December 19, 2014   UCLA's anti-Semitic Near East Studies is rotten to the core. UCLA is a college and should be unbiased but, as usual, filled with liberal/leftie/progressive teachers it must teach the leftie's views of everything. When it comes to bias, the lefties don't know how to be otherwise. December 19, 2014   Merry Christmas! USA's nuclear arsenal down 85% while thevileone normalizes relations with Cuba and Russia falls apart. Remember his promise of more "flexibility" to Putin's man? Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? Is that what we're soon going to be facing again? December 19, 2014   N. Korea planned attacks on nuclear plants? That's not good, folks. It's not good. December 19, 2014   IRS ego, anyone? Oh, my goodness! December 19, 2014   Sen. Rand Paul has lost it. I really don't think he's got a clue. December 19, 2014   More confirmation that jebby-boy isn't right for America. I may have been close to first, but I wasn't alone, nor last. December 19, 2014   I'm going to stop there for today. I'll be back on Monday. Until then, pray for America to have a revival, pray for our troops, pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini, pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks, pray for each other and pray that GOD will protect, defend and guide America back to Him! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, see ya'! December 18, 2014: 12:08 p.m.   Missed yesterday. Felt like I had a touch of something -- maybe the flu my son had before he got strep -- and had as much energy as it took to breathe and keep my heart beating. Felt like typing would take too much effort. So I skipped yesterday and am back today. So, let's get going. December 18, 2014   November's U6 unemployment rate: 11.4%. It's not getting better right now because most of those hires are retail seasonal help. The Christmas hires brought the number down a little and most of those hires will be released again after Christmas so the numbers will be higher. Thanks, thevileone! December 18, 2014   thevileone's admin breaks the law again. This time it's HHS giving money to thevileone's old buddies, ACORN, to use them as healthcareTAX "Navigators". Don't ya' love how much thevileone breaks the law with impunity? No one has the courage to hold him accountable to the existing laws so he gets away with breaking the laws his oath of office says he will protect/support and defend. He is more than the law and above it. He wants a new law? He writes it. He dislikes a law? He breaks it. A law effects him negatively? He overwrites it. The law is thevileone; thevileone IS the law. That's how he's doing things and it disgusts me that no one in an actual "law enforcement" job has the gonads to arrest him for it! December 18, 2014   YEOW! Could humans survive that? It would be really cool to be able to travel like that, but could our bodies survive it? We can only take so many Gs for so many minutes before we black out, or have other negative consequences. Could we actually do this? Would we need physicals before we try? Healthy folks only need apply? Cool technology, but maybe we should reserve it for sending packages? December 18, 2014   Yesterday I came out against the whole Jeb Bush for prezidunce idea. Today, Michelle Malkin joined me. The Jeb Idea is so "popular" that Rush suggested a Jeb/hillclintOOn ticket. Yeah. Let's NOT do this. It's a bad idea. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or Common Crap Core supporter.) December 18, 2014   Remember when thevileone told Putin's man that he would have "more flexibility" after he got reelected? Is his "normalization" of relations with Cuba part of that "flexibility"? What does Russia get out of it? How about a place close to America on which to stand some of its nuclear weapons? What then? Is Putin desperate enough to want to attack America? You tell me. Did he also promise China more flexibility? They're doing nuclear weapon testing. Is this part of "flexibility"? Is America in real danger? December 18, 2014   Racial bias to help a short person reach something? That's what msthevileone claims. Problem is, when the woman's sister talked to the Glenn Beck program today she said it wasn't racism, it was height that played a part and that her sister voted for thevileone twice so it's not racism. thevileone and his wife want racism to continue because they use it as a tool as often as possible. They want to act like victims so that they can be felt sorry for? Why not just go eat some more Kobe Beef and lobster, or go on another taxpayer-funded vacation instead of telling a LIE about someone who supports you? After, that little lady had nothing bad to say about you so why sully her good name? Why? Because it's a useful tool and that's all they care about. December 18, 2014   "Tolerism": the left's latest battering ram. Great read and "Congratulations!" to Howard Rotberg for an excellent article! I also just downloaded the book. December 18, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Uninsured? The fines start kicking in soon. You may want to get an attorney if you're declining coverage. You may need it. It's not actually legal for the government to MAKE you spend money on something you don't want. But since when does the law matter to thevileone? Did you know that Vermont is shutting down their single-payer plan because of costs? It was inevitable, but they didn't want to face facts when they set the thing in motion. They say that Blacks are falling further behind under this cruddy plan but I wonder if the report is just another way to milk the admin for money? No harm in wondering, is there? There's an Ohio group releasing horror stories brought about by this garbage. Horror stories abound. What's bad is that they'll only get worse and there will be more people involved in these horror stories as more people are forced -- via fines and threats -- to sign up for it. Are you enrolled? Will you have stories like these to share with your family and friends? Aren't you so looking forward to that? The "Americans are stupid" guy, Johnathan Gruber, will be brought back before Congress to get the TRUTH (as if he knows how to tell it) about how this crap was sold to the American public. Another part of the BIG LIE was that healthcare costs were only going to go higher. Problem is, it's not true: costs were declining. Did you know that in AFRICA, they're reporting that part of thevileone's healthcareTAX program is "stealth voter registration"? Don't ya' love how the TRUTH goes elsewhere and we have to go to AFRICA to get it? Isn't that special? The Cato Institute reminds us that the scotus may not rule as it SHOULD. It also says that the Republicans should be prepared with something other than a "lite" version of the same thing. I can't imagine America liking a "lite" version of the same thing any better than they do this garbage, so why should Republicans bother? December 18, 2014   College rape: It's not the epidemic feminazis want us to believe. December 18, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   How can any woman want to be a Muslim? If the male Muslim is going to treat women with such barbarism, such violence, such hatred, why would any woman support Islam? Where are the feminists standing against this? Women were MURDERED because they wouldn't have sex with or marry a jihad soldier and the "feminists" stay mute? Are they afraid of Islam? Where are the peaceful Islamic men and the Islamic women who want peace standing against this being how their peaceful religion is being shown to the whole world? Where is the Muslim population standing up and acting against this portrayal of their holy book and their peaceful religion? Where are they? When people DIE, isn't that enough to make them stand up? When things are broken, that's one thing. When people are being slaughtered, that's something that people who do NOT SUPPORT IT should stand up and fight back. Where are they? Where is the Muslim who lives down the street standing against their religion being besmirched by the terrorists who "take things out of context" -- not in my reading of the Quran/Koran -- and who make their beliefs look bad? Are they afraid of their fellow "peaceful" Muslims, or do they know that the terrorists are doing exactly what the Quran/Koran and the Hadith tell them? When "Westboro Baptist" was actively making fools of themselves and making a mockery of True Christianity, I spoke out against them and said they were not really Christians and that they were doing the WRONG thing. I am an average person, not a politician, nor am I famous in any way, but I spoke out against it. Where is the average Muslim speaking out? Where is the "PEACE AND TOLERANCE" within Islam? December 18, 2014   Shep Smith, Liberal, has an MSNBC moment. One of many, I'm sure, but with the way he's gone, he needs to just make the move and get it over with. He hasn't been a right fit with FOX for quite a while. December 18, 2014   thevileone's surgeon general nominee very ANTI-gun. Your rights? Hold on to them tight because they're coming for them. They're coming. December 18, 2014   Well, I'll stop for there for now. I have things to do and some of them are Christmas things. Can't miss Christmas things, can I? Pray for our troops. Pray for America to have a revival sweep across it and bring people to Christ. Pray for each other. Pray for Pasot Saeed Abedini and his release. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for each other! GOD Bless America and until next time, See ya'! December 16, 2014: 12:38 p.m.   Hi. How you? I'm hapy. My son made it back to work yesterday and he made it through the day. Hurray! He was tired, tired when he got home, but he was happy that he made it the whole day at work. I say "Good for him!" I'm glad he was well enough to do so. I'm almost finished with my Christmas shopping (goody!) and my Christmas cards were sent out before Thanksgiving, so all I have to do is baking and some cleaning. I'm not going to do the kind of baking I did when the boys were small when I used to bake for days and make several batches of their favorites. I used to put out a spread of no fewer than 23 (I believe it was) homemade cookies, bars (Spicy Raisin, Rice Krispie, etc.), Date Nut Balls, cakes and pies. This year, I have asked the boys for their favorites and hope to keep it to about eight different treats. We'll see how that goes. Well, that our news for now. Let's start on the blurbs you came for. December 16, 2014   NO!   We don't need this. I used to think that Jeb Bush would be a good president. Now he supports Common Crap Core and he only disliked THE WAY thevileone did amnesty, NOT the amnesty itself. Also, he doesn't know how the game works when it comes to the national level. It's easier to work with folks who live down the street from you than it is to work with those who live across the nation and think totally different than you. He is NOT the right person for the Republican nomination. He may do for a dumborat nominee, but not for a party whose platform includes: "Prosperity is the product of self-discipline, work, savings, and investment by individual Americans, but it is not an end in itself. Prosperity provides the means by which individuals and families can maintain their independence from government, raise their children by their own values, practice their faith, and build communities of self-reliant neighbors."Consider that Jeb Bush supports Common Crap Core, that first quote "raise their children by their own values" leaves Jeb in the "not qualified" group. As well, the tax portion considering the second link about him not knowing "how the game works" (above). Then the immigration thing, as he supports the blanket amnesty but not "the way" thevileone went about it does NOT support the platform that wants "highly educated" immigrants who come here the proper way. He's NOT QUALIFIED to run on the Republican Party Platform. I DO NOT ENDORSE JEB BUSH. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or Common Crap Core supporter.) December 16, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   He wants healthcare facilities to focus more on "Climate Change"? Really? "In a best-practice guide for healthcare providers and policymakers released on Monday, the administration advises them on how to best improve their "'climate readiness.'"Is this the Twilight Zone we're living in? Focus on "climate change" while children may lose their coverage? Priorities? In this piece of garbage, the insurance companies have to do some giving (after the taking) to keep another debacle at bay. They're doing a CYA for thevileone. Buds to thevileone will do what it takes to protect him. The enrollment deadline was yesterday but how many "new" enrollees are there? And, don't forget to deduct the number of folks who dropped their last year's enrollment because they found out their premium was going up sky high. So the number of enrollees either went down, or stayed the same? We know that doctors have stopped practicing because of this garbage, now we find out it's also closing down hospitals. (Well, "climate change" preppers maybe we should call them?) When this thing was such a failure during last year's sign-up period the dumborats stood by it and lied about its numbers. They're still lying about its enrollment numbers and this year's enrollment numbers will probably be cooked, too. Liars lie: that's just a fact of life, like "gravity works". We all know that thevileone is a liar, after all, he won the "Lie of the Year" award, which made him the "LIAR of the Year". Let us pray that when the Republicans are sworn in on Jan. 6, 2015 that they will defund this disaster and that the Freshmen Senators and Congress will stand strong and FOR America instead of caving and kissing thevileone's butt like the current leadership -- bonehead boehner and mcCANTell. December 16, 2014   bonehead boehner accused of using a LIE to get "cromnibus" vote to go his way. Why anyone would trust a syllable that comes out of bonehead boehner's mouth, I have no idea, but the guy is accusing bonehead of lying. When you hang with liars, you get lies; kinda' like lying down with dogs. How many times have we seen bonehead kissing the backside of thevileone, putting his arm around him, laughing with him? Two peas in a pod aren't that different. December 16, 2014   hillclintOOn is NOT "inevitable".
Finally! Someone who agrees with me. I sincerely do NOT believe she will run. I think she has health issues that make her life difficult and
that at 69 (in 2016), she'll have even more difficulties if the record holds. She's still wearing those unusual glasses and she
is having difficulties raising money.
I think her time is past and I'm glad of it! She's also surprising many college kids: December 16, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Taliban kills 126-140: school children targeted. They killed the school children and teachers; burning one teacher alive and making the children watch before shooting the children one by one. Peaceful Islam. They say it was a lesson to the supporters of Malala Yousafzais, the girl they had shot in the head, but who survived and is now a Nobel Peace Prize winning advocate for education for the girls of Islam. I don't know how anyone thinks that shooting children and burning their teachers alive is good for their "religion". I don't understand that kind of thinking. I don't see what the Taliban hoped to gain besides fear and hatred of them and their beliefs. Do they really think that the parents of those children will want to support them now? Do they think that it will ingratiate them in the hearts and minds of the people who loved those children: parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends? The Taliban is doing itself more harm than good by hurting and killing children but their hatred and darkness is so deep and dark that they can't even see the truth. If Islam was a religion of peace, would this event have even been a possiblity? If the Koran and Hadith didn't support this kind of barbarism, wouldn't the people who did this already be in the process of being hunted down and brought to justice? Where are the parents calling for justice for their children? Where are the people who are out finding the animals who did this? There will be no real outcry because they all know that Islam supports this kind of action. The darker the action, the better it is supported. If that was not the case, where is the Islamic outcry over how to treat female SLAVES? Darkness rules Islam. It is not even remotely related to Christianity or Rabbinical Judaism. Not even close. December 16, 2014   Dr. Thomas Sowell has a great read this week. Of course, he usually does. I love that man! December 16, 2014   I'm going to stop with that today because my hubby's fixing the brakes on my vehicle and I have to go help him. Pray for our troops, Pastor Saeed, revival, that thevileone be stopped in his tracks, and for each other. GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 15, 2014: 10:52 a.m.   Well, got my son feeling well enough to go home. I didn't let him speak for five days (he used a white board and pen and paper), made sure he rested a lot (he stayed on the couch or slept in the hide-a-bed 98% of the time he was here) and made him stay hydrated and made him eat. It was not an easy task; he didn't feel like eating and drinking because of his sore throat, but he did it and slept a lot. He played goofy Christmas music on his computer while we decorated the tree and made us guess who sang the songs. It was not always easy. He got most from way back when (Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Dusty Springfield, The Crystals -- Who?) and some I should have known but didn't recognize: Cher sounded like a man. Anyways, he's all better and went home yesterday morning and I'm hoping he will be able to get through his day at work today without any ill effects. He missed about two weeks of work because before the strep he had the flu (one of his coworkers' mother had the same two punch and wound up in the hospital). Hopefully, he can get through the next year without having any more illnesses. Poor Bucko lost about ten pounds in two weeks because he couldn't eat. He looks good, but it's a rough way to lose weight! Now, on with the blurbs. December 15, 2014   It's Monday and you know what that means. It's time for my "Minion Monday: Hank's Souvenirs" to show you just a small portion of what Hank came home with from the cruise. He liked dressing up each day and being seen shopping in the promenade and he really enjoyed the experience of being very popular among the ladies. One woman even threatened to take him home with her via stealing him away from me. Yikes! December 15, 2014   Do you know the health status of everyone you're having sex with? Well, considering who my readership is, the vast majority probably do. Others, however, do not. The World Health Organization has found that ebola can survive up to 82 days in seminal fluid. Sex outside of marriage is dangerous in so many ways. December 15, 2014   msthevileone:   "Tree bark": description of her lunch program food. Sounds yummy! (*sarcasm*) December 15, 2014   The recent staffer report that has the American left up in arms is a big scam. Remember Congress approved "enhanced interrogation". So when they scream about it and difi says that it's a shame, disgrace, etc., and that it did no good and that it got no info that was useful, she (of course) is lying. Lefties lie. That's all there is to it. BTW, pelosipig knew all about it although she said she didn't. December 15, 2014   Pray for this to work. It would be a miracle. I would love to see the IRS totally limited and no longer a threat for the American people. December 15, 2014   Lefties are ignorant of history. It would be funny if it weren't so alarming. "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" is the old saying. How about a new take on that: those who do not KNOW history are doomed to repeat it? For instance, did you know that, historically, it has been dumborats who have supported racism not Republicans. Remember that. December 15, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Do you read your sales receipts from 7-11? If you do, you'll notice that there will soon be advertising for thevileone's healthcareTAX on them. Will I shop 7-11 anytime soon? No. Will anyone who does read their receipts and actually see the ads? Doubtful. In other healthcareTAX news, which scotus justice will sell us out? That's not what the story says, it's my interpretation of the events surrounding this piece of garbage and of the future possibilities. It's not a good program for those needing mental health care and it's passage, if you recall, on Christmas Eve helped no one but Marxists/Communists and it's going to be a danger to people until it is repealed -- without replacement. I am hoping that when the new Senators and Representatives are sworn in Jan. 6, 2015 that one of the first things they will do is to abolish thevileone's healthcareTAX and never replace it. That would be a good thing! December 15, 2014   The U.N. wants to shrink the world's population. Not a good idea, but that's what they want. Who are these clowns? December 15, 2014   Peace and tolerance:   In a chocolate shop hostage situation in Australia a jihadist took hostages. It ended with the jihadi dying so he may or may not get his seventy-plus virgins, but no matter. He did his part for jihad. He had already been charged as being an accessory in the death of his wife, done several sexual assaults, sent hate mail to the survivors of dead Australian soldiers, and had killed at least one of the hostages. Meanwhile, in Israel a terrorist thew acid at a family but a passerby saw the incident and ran the guy over, then shot him. He survived, but he'll be back in prison when he gets out of the hospital. Is there a terrorist group trying to sell the corpse of James Foley? That's disgusting. In order to get an American's body back we should give them money that will help them do the same thing again? Really? No. Don't do so. Considering all of this, do you appreciate bud-o-thevileone, bill ayers, saying America is a "terrorist nation"? Yep. That's thevileone's ilk: America is worse than ISIS/ISIL. I totally disagree, but thevileone and other lefties agree with ayers. December 15, 2014   Barbarism: the newest power tool.
The video: December 15, 2014   2016:   For the next presidential election, dumborat choices are elizabeth ("Cheekbone Cherokee") warren (SHRILL) and hill clintOOn (SHRILLER). If I were a dumborat, I think I'd rather vote for a dead mouse, a round of Stinky Cheese and a pathological liar in an insane asylum. You'd get the same IQ, the same level of honesty and the same smell as the other dumborats candidates so far, so why not do something smarter and vote for the cheese, mouse and liar? It would be better for America. The problem is, I don't know if the republirats will have the same kinds of candidates! December 15, 2014   "Life In Post-Truth America" by Daniel Greenfield: an excellent article and one you should read. The TRUTH never passes the lips of the left; especially not from this administration. To thevileone, speaking the truth is like a cross, holy water, or whatever to a vampire: it burns! That's why he NEVER does it. December 15, 2014   I'll close with that for now. Maybe I'll look around and see if anything else strikes me as important enough to comment on (or ridiculous enough, or funny enough, whatever). Pray for America, for a revival to sweep across this land and that the Holy Spirit will come touch hearts, change lives and save souls. Pray for our troops. Pray for peace. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's healing and release. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for everyone who reads this website; for their health, protection and blessings upon them. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 12, 2014: 10:51 a.m.   Sorry to have missed a few days -- and to miss today, also -- but I have been taking care of my youngest son. He's got the worst case of strep throat I've seen for a very long time and I brought him home after visiting him at his apartment. He wasn't eating, was unable to sleep well, and wasn't even drinking water or other liquids very well. After being here since Wednesday evening, he's feeling well enough to have eaten two small puddings in the last twenty-four hours so that's an improvement. I got him gummy Vitamin C things to eat to help him through, and as many soft things to eat as I could think of. I made him smashed peas last night and he said that swallowing the skins was torture, he's hurting that badly. He likes peas, but couldn't eat them last night. I'm also making sure he doesn't speak and that he's not swallowing the phlegm because that upsets his stomach and he doesn't need that anymore. He thinks he's lost ten pounds since he got sick; first with the flu, then strep throat. He's got three prescription meds which he can't take because they hurt his throat and he can't eat but one says to take with food. Poor bucko. I'm hoping he'll be well soon, but until he is, I have to be in the area because he's using a white board and marker to communicate and I can't "hear" him when he's in the other room and I'm in here. So, I'll post my "Tribute To Our Heroes 194: Mailing You Our Thanks" and I'll say, "Have a great weekend!" Pray for our troops, revival in America, Pastor Saeed Abedini, that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks by the new House and Senate Republican majority, for each other and for my son's quick recovery. I hate to see him hurting and not eating. Until next time (Monday?) GOD Bless America and YOU. See ya'! December 9, 2014: 11:46 a.m.   Tools atheists use against CHRISTmas. Remember one thing: they can try to deny and delete Christ from CHRISTmas all they want. When they're in Hell, then they'll believe. It'll be too late, but they'll certainly believe. In other words, we'll get the "last laugh" (although even atheists going to hell is not funny: they won't like the experience, that's for certain). When it comes to CHRISTmas, the idea of having any sort of "celebration" without Him is absurd. When anyone cuts CHRIST out and changes CHRISTmas to "Winter Holiday", or "Season's Greeting", I reply with "Merry CHRISTmas!" and if it offends them, awww, too bad. I have the right to say it and if they don't want to hear it they'd better get their fingers in their ears before I say it. Amen? December 9, 2014   Aaaaahhhhh... public schools:   D.C. schools try to force religious schools into government's way of thinking. Well, shock, surprise. It's always that way: lefties trying to kick GOD out of the picture, no matter what the picture is. They'd kick Christ out of the last supper if they could. Or at least make it the "last snack" instead of a full meal because it wouldn't be as important if it's just a snack. Of course, it would have to meet the "nutrition" guidelines of msthevileone's program, or it would be banned in that way, too, so they'd have to take a long, hard look at the picture to see what foods were being depicted to see if it would be an acceptable depiction of a healthy snack. Oh, well. So much for the Lord's Last Snack, it's got wine and carbs. Nope. Out on that measure, too. Then there's the pedophiles who have figured out how to get close to kids the easy way: become a teacher. Like this guy who was targeting girls 8-11 years-old. He should be physically castrated and then released into the general population of a really big prison. I think the prison inmates will take care of the rest of it. They don't like people who hurt children. Of course, if it's not sex, it's drugs: use, manufacturing and intent to sell. Don't you want to put your child in public schools now? All of these stories I've found are public record. I'm not saying that private schools are spotless. In fact, there are stories about bad teachers there, too. I am saying that you should homeschool your children because your children are worth it. They're worth protecting and they're worth sacrificing for, and teaching them the truth about Christ, although some schools try to stop even the mention of Christ's name and try to limit students' free speech rights and religious freedom rights. Of course, that particular school was brought to "see the light" and the student was allowed ot start a Christian club. (I love it when right wins!) December 9, 2014   Student told to drop class instead of standing against homosexual "marriage". This happened in an allegedly "Christian" college! See? It's not just public schools. Leftists infiltrate every institution, organization, entity they can in order to change everything into their unbelieving image. This college is no different. Let the lefties in and everything goes to ____ in a handbasket. December 9, 2014   GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS!   Pregnancies ended via abortion at all time low! For 2010 to 2011 the number of pregnancies ending via abortion dropped from 33% to just 18%. That's excellent! Women are realizing that it's better to not go through the consequences of abortion and kill their baby in a horrific way. I'm hoping that the report is accurate (it is from thevileone's admin, so there is some doubt in my mind since he is such a pathological liar) and that the number only gets lower each year until it reaches absolute zero. December 9, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Feds will distribute your medical info to 35+ agencies. Once you sign up, everyone knows all of your medical history. I mean, after all, it does concern the whole government whether your colon is free and clear of polyps, don't you think? They're even giving your health info to the FTC! The Federal Trade Commission needs to know about your polyps? Really? Too far? You do know that small businesses are going to be hurting after the new year because of this garbage. That clown, Gruber, is apologizing for his "stupid" Americans remarks, but that doesn't negate anything he said about you, it just means he is sorry he got caught. Nor does it erase the program he helped LIE into being. Will this thing be overturned by Congress with the medical device tax being the first step? Not a snowball's chance. Will the scotus get rid of the subsidies, or will this thing keep getting worse and worse and worse? The problem is, so many people are trying to make it work in whichever way they have to -- Executive Orders, Congress and the Senate putting together a bill to do so, through law suits taken to the scotus, or anything else -- as long as it's still considered the LAW, it's still BAD. It can't be fixed. It MUST BE REPEALED and NOT REPLACED. Just get rid of the whole thing and make sure it never gets done again. Let the free market fix itself and it will. Government trying to step in and "fix" anything that big only messes thing up. Look at the "break-up" of the "Ma Bell" system. Nowadays they're approving every merger to come along and the monopoly is being slowly but surely rebuilt; with us paying a whole lot more to get services than would otherwise have been available. Healthcare should not be taken down the same path, nor should we use Socialist/Communist programs that have been proven to fail every time they're tried. Learn from the past, don't seek to repeat it! December 9, 2014   The KS Senate candidate reminds me of jim barfield's campaign. I wish he would prove me wrong. I do so want to be wrong about him. I want to have totally missed on my opinion of jim barfield. Do I believe there's a snowball's chance that I am? No. Unfortunately no. I do so wish. I would love to be pleasantly surprised. December 9, 2014   Illegal Immigrants:   Al Qaeda terrorist crossed US/Mexico border several times because thevileone's open border policy helped him do so. "Hope" and "Change": I "Hope" thevileone's policies doesn't "Change" America into a nuclear wasteland. December 9, 2014   bonehead boehner's BILLION $$ gift to illegals. That's YOUR money, folks. bonehead boehner is giving it to illegals. Isn't that special? December 9, 2014   December 9, 2014   thevileone's Executive Order "anti-church". His latest pro-homosexual order is going to force the Church into making some big decisions. What will thevileone do when/if the Church pulls out of America as a whole? That would cost a pretty penny in income tax revenue for America. Awww... too bad. December 9, 2014   thevileone says he wants people back to work, but signs EO that proves he's lying. His lips were moving. December 9, 2014   I'll close with that for now. Pray for our country, for revival, for GOD's protection and forgiveness, for our troops. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and for others like him. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for others who read this site. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! December 8, 2014: 11:19 a.m.   We're back from our cruise and Hank really enjoyed the cruise! Proof is in the pics: "Minion Monday: Hank's First Moments Onboard" shows Hank ready to go! He had such a good time! He made new friends and got a lot of compliments and there's something that happened that will tell you exactly how popular onboard the ship Hank really was. However, I'm not going to reveal what those incidents were until it's time to post the appropriate Hank photo. It was quite a shock to Hank, but I knew Hank was popular so it didn't surprise me that much. I'll let you know when I tell you the incidents. December 8, 2014   And I must post the link to the Flag Friday pic for last week. With the ship's internet out I couldn't make the pic public, nor could I link it. So here is "Tribute To Our Heroes 193: What If He Was Bad?". Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough. December 8, 2014   Cruise Roundup:   Well, our cruise was very relaxing and it was something that we really needed, but it wasn't relaxing because of the ship, Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas. It was relaxing because we spent a lot of time on the balcony of our cabin and we love just sitting out there, talking, watching the ocean go by, spotting flying fish and listening to the water make its amazing sounds. The first thing that went wrong is that the night prior to our sailing we received an e-mail notification that the itinerary had changed from Coco Cay, Bahamas, Charlotte-Amalie, St. Thomas and Philipsburg, St. Maarten, to Coco Cay, Nassau, Bahamas and Cozumel, Mexico. I've been to two of those places four times, and Coco Cay once before (without leaving the ship). So we stayed onboard the whole cruise and just relaxed. Then there was the ship itself which had its problems. The outside of the ship was not as clean as it should have been, the inside was showing its age and needed some work, the internet (I was told) didn't work properly after Wednesday and I received a full refund of my internet package purchases (plural because the first time the coupon for it didn't work). The shower ran tepid to scalding no matter where I set it, the bed was so lumpy and had such a big body depression on both sides that I took a picture of the bed (then apparently accidentally deleted the pic), the bathroom was smaller than a postage stamp which makes the shower smaller than that; my elbows hit the front and back walls at the same time without even being straight out. (Can you tell we didn't have our usual Royal Suite?) There weren't enough elevators in the ship and there was usually a long wait. We asked for three towels a day on the first evening, but didn't get the towels until the next day, after our showers and after we asked again, which seemed to be a pattern: ask twice (or more) receive once. As Diamond Club members we received two waters, one Coca-Cola and a small package of cookies free as our "Welcome Aboard" gift. Diamond Club means we've accrued enough points via cruising on ships Royal Caribbean owns (Celebrity -- our usual cruise line -- is one of their lines) and they give us cookies, water and Coke? Really? There were no robes, although they did deliver four cookies on Wednesday -- free -- to our cabin as another acknowledgement of our membership status. Oooohhh... we're impressed. The food in the Windjammer Cafe got so bad that we wondered if we were deliberately being given worse food in order to drive us to eating in the main dining room (Leonardo's) at least once during the cruise. I know it's illegal for them to do so, but I wondered several times if they were putting out the line food that had not been eaten yesterday. The good stuff: The crew members were nice and the towels were fluffy and soft. The crew, however, seemed reticent (reluctant) to do anything different, special, other than the norm for fear of doing the wrong thing. They did help me do a special Hank, but they seemed fearful of getting in trouble for having done so. Not a part of the crew, but there was a sales representative in the jewelry store who had an attitude. I told him I have a rare gemstone and he asked some questions and made some statements of which at least one could have been considered slanderous against a company I do business with. I wrote him up, turned it in to the Customer Service desk and they made a photo copy of it and recommended I send the original to corporate so that they could see it, too (the copy stayed on the ship with their records). The next day I received a phone call in my cabin from the Shop Manager and was told that the Manager would be having a meeting with the sales rep soon and had been in an e-mail conversation with the rep for several e-mails. I was told that Royal Caribbean was glad I gave them the info and that they would deal with it. I reminded the Manager that if the rep had done that to me, he probably did it to others as well, and I heard later that the rep would probably be kicked off the ship when we returned to Port Canaveral. I usually purchase at least one good jewelry deal (it must be a really good deal) onboard or in one port but on this cruise, I purchased no jewelry at all. (Which felt kinda' strange.) So, that's a round-up of my cruise experience. It was, as I said, a relaxing cruise, because I allowed all of that (and more) to roll off my back and focused on time with my hubby, on relaxing on the balcony and watching GOD's creation going past. It was awesome. December 8, 2014   Is this what thevileone is bringing us? He's done everything he can to make it happen. What can we do to stop it? We could impeach thevileone. There has been a movement to do so for a long time. But we don't have the spine within the mcCAN'Tell/bonehead boehner-led Congress to do so. That means it would be up to "We, The People" to do the right thing and to NOT obey illegal and immoral orders from thevileone. That means that if our military is told to do "X" and it's illegal or immoral, then they have the right -- even the duty -- to disobey that order. The same applies to the reserves, every law enforcement agency and every Officer of the Court. It's up to US, the people, to do the right thing because we all know by now that thevileone WON'T. December 8, 2014   $182,129,786 for 4 months of housing illegal children. That's YOUR money being spent there; almost TWO MILLION DOLLARS to house the children whose parents are now here or coming and to whom dumborats will GIVE the vote so that they can control the country forever. It's a pattern they shall use again and again and again: invite, receive, amnesty and vote. It's how they'll stay in power. Why are the people standing for this instead of getting their representatives to stand up for the U.S. Constitution they were sworn to "support and defend"? Every Senator or Congressman swore this oath when being sworn into office: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. [my bolding]"You see that portion I bolded? Do you really think that mcCAN'Tell and bonehead are doing that? Kick them out of office and put someone in there who will uphold their oath of office! It's ridiculous what they're letting thevileone get away with! He has no shame and he's helping illegals BREAK THE LAW and get away with it. It's true! thevileone's admin is helping cover up fraud! December 8, 2014   msthevileone:   WY drops her "lunch" program. Good. It's about time the schools and states start standing up for their rights! Freedom has a cost and part of that cost is waking up to the lack of freedom! When msthevileone dictated this crud, every school system bowed low and kissed her backside. Now, they're finding out that it's not good for anyone or anything and they're starting to straighten their spines and find their voices. It's a good thing. Freedom taught via salad. Whodathunkit? December 8, 2014   Good question that we need an answer to. Problem is, whom do you believe? If the press tells us this terrorist is dead, do you believe them? (I don't.) If thevileone tells us so, you KNOW I'm not believing that. If his lips are moving... So how do we find out? Any ideas? December 8, 2014   Our military has a crisis of morale. They're disheartened by thevileone's hatred of the military, by his lies about what's going to happen, by his use of the military for non-military purposes (ebola hospitals?), and by the fact that their Commander-In-Chief is such a LIAR and a Marxist that they know that they cannot trust him. That's a horrible feeling to know that if you were the one in the hole with the keys to start a nuclear war that you can't trust the CIC. A lot of Americans honor, respect and love our military members, so in that, they're cherry. However, when the leadership of any organization -- military, school, business, charity -- is a lying bas_____, it gets to you. That's the problem; the military has been putting up with defunding, loss of respect for their leadership (including some in the Pentagon because thevileone has replaced the good with the bad) and I would not be surprised to see that retention will be at an all-time low until a change of leadership in the Red House goes to a TRUE CONSERVATIVE who LOVES America and who will support and defend the U.S. Constitution that the U.S. military serves. December 8, 2014   It's not just the military that thevileone has negatively affected. Racism under thevileone has worsened, as we all know, and he and his administration set the example for how to conduct race relations: don't prosecute blacks who break the law. Don't worry about that. eric holder's double standards are plenteous and profound and thevileone knew that he was a racist when he brought him on. It's all about destroying America and racism is just another tool to use. Look at what's happening around America today. Are all of those protests spontaneous, people acting on their own? No. It's organized and I bet it's organized by Organizing for America -- now changed to thevileone's name (why is that?). Does that not speak volumes? December 8, 2014   I was so pleased to come home and see that Landrieu lost. That was excellent news! December 8, 2014   Show me a man's friends... December 8, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   More doctors are leaving practice because of this thing. With the law of supply and demand that means that costs will go higher as time with your doctor gets shorter. Isn't that what you wanted? Let's hope the scotus does the right thing and its ruling makes this thing collapse. Wouldn't that be wonderful? You won't have to pay your firstborn to have a broken leg x-rayed, examined and cast. It's all bad, folks, all bad. So why is it still here? Because people are afraid of being called "racist". What a tool to have in your employ; a bully pulpit and a hammer ("Racist!") and you have America by the.... Well, you know. December 8, 2014   November's U6 unemployment rate: 11.4%.
Now, the Christmas employment is kicking in and there is hiring going on. But remember, that's not what thevileone really wants. He wants us miserable.
this? December 8, 2014   Dumborats everywhere are using an alleged Benjamin Franklin quote, ""Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."Problem is, it's NOT Benjamin Franklin. Someone posts it, others pick it up without checking it for accuracy and the legend (AKA: LIE) is born. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth? December 8, 2014   Do you go to Disney? Do you buy their products? Are you a Christian? You may want to find out why they censored a 10 yr.-old's answer that included GOD in part of her answer to their question about the best part of the "holidays". Censoring GOD out of Christmas? Why support that? December 8, 2014   On that cheerful note, I'll close for now. Pray for America, that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks, that the House and Senate will change leadership and get strong, Conservative leadership, and that a revival will sweep across this land and America will open its heart to GOD and turn back to Him. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for peace and for Israel. Pray that Islam and atheists will come to Christ. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! November 2014 November 28, 2014: 9:48 p.m.   I got so focused on telling you how things were going to work for my cruise that I forgot to post a link to my Flag Friday pic! Bad! So, here it is, better late than never. "Tribute To Our Heroes 192: We Are Thankful". So sorry I forgot to post it this afternoon. Again and again and again, thank you for your service! November 28, 2014: 3:39 p.m.   Hope everyone had a Blessed Thanksgiving Day and that everyone remembered to thank the Good Lord for providing for our Founding Fathers and helping them make it through those tough founding years, for the provision He gives you each and every day, for our freedom (such as it is nowadays), and for those who have given their time, effort, blood, sweat, tears -- and yes, some their lives -- for your freedom and for America each and every day. I want to remind you that this will be the last real posting until Monday, December 8th because fo my cruise. We leave this Sunday and return the following Sunday so I'll start posting again that Monday. I'll make sure I have a Hank for Monday that you can see by visiting my Flickr account and I'll try to post a Flag Friday picture on Friday, too. So be sure to check that out when it's time. But, other than that, I won't be posting until the 8th. My son will be home to feed the cats, so that's taken care of, but he doesn't do HTML so he can't update my site. For now, though, on with a few blurbs. November 28, 2014   thevileone:   It's all about ME! Isn't it always? The law is about him, the earth rotates around him, the stars refuse to twinkle more than he, and the sun would never dare outshine him -- in his own mind, at least. You see, he thinks that if he doesn't believe America has a right to exist, then it shouldn't be here, so he's doing everything he can to destroy her. Narcissists do that; and if ever he was good at anything, it's narcissism. November 28, 2014   The GOP CAN deFUND thevileone's amnesty tyranny. Well, DUH! They have the purse strings of America's taxpayer dollars! They can STOP funding on anything they so desire if they can get the votes to do so. That's in the Constitution. For thevileone to think that he can say, "So let it be written. So let it be done." is nonsense! He does NOT have that power. Although, with his narcissism, it doesn't stop him from trying to do it anyways. The question now is if the Republicans have the SPINE (Puhlease! They reelected bonehead boehner and mitch mccan'thell as their leaders again. DUH!) to actually deFUND it. Any confidence? November 28, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Folks are homeschooling! Opposition to this piece of uselessness is making parents choose to homeschool instead of subject their child to the PC stupidity. Prediction: There will be a marked difference between the children who are homeschooled and those who are in public schools that have implemented this dumbing down program. The gap will be so wide that those who were put through the CCC system will be unemployable and on the government teat their whole lives unless an until they get a real education on their own. November 28, 2014   Aaaahhhh... public schools.   Children being FORCED to CONVERT TO ISLAM in AMERICAN PUBLIC SCHOOL. Excuse me?! Say WHAT!? That's not America. When one Dad protested and contacted the school about it, they banned him from the school! That Dad has a right to protect his daughter from being forced into Islam by her history teacher! The Dad is suing. GOOD! I hope that principal, the teacher and anyone on staff who supports the forced conversion are all FIRED. Read the article. Everything the history "teacher" was assigning the kids in her class to do equals CONVERSION TO ISLAM. Is that what you want for your children? Join the others and homeschool your children. It's better for them. November 28, 2014   Poverty does NOT cause crime. It's a mantra of the left, but it's also a lie, as usual. November 28, 2014   Under thevileone's administration the U.S. military has been so denigrated and so changed into a PC mess that even when an officer tries to step in and prevent a lesbian couple from DISROBING at a military funciton that OFFICER is the one who is discharged from the military. thevileone has made our U.S. military into so much LESS than what it was under Rondaldus Magnus, The Great. When you look at where our country, military, economy, rights, etc., were under The Great One and currently, the evidence speaks for itself. This sucks. November 28, 2014   Seriously? Seriously? SMH. November 28, 2014   Will England leave the EU? I think the EU is going to fall apart completely next year. Putin's doing his muscle flexing and some countries will want to support that nonsense, while others will oppose it vehemently (and rightly so). Their economies are destroying each other. The people like the freedom of travel, but miss their autonomy. The center cannot hold and the EU will fail by the end of 2015. November 28, 2014   Ponzi scheme from Treasury may mean that America is close to following the EU next year. Republicans you MUST act to stop thevileone and his exorbitant use of the taxpayer dollar as gifts to his buddies and those who can scratch his back better than the last guy. You MUST. November 28, 2014   thevileone appoints incompetence so that he can look smart. Problem: It's not working! November 28, 2014   Well, I'll close with that. I've got some packing to do and I've got Hank stuff to get ready (yes, Hank's really going on the cruise) and so many other things to do! I'm actually (and finally) getting excited about this cruise! Pray for our country, that a revival will sweep across this once-great land, that GOD will forgive us our sins and heal our land. Pray that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for everyone who reads this website. GOD Bless America and YOU! And I'll see you December 10th! Until then, See ya'! November 26, 2014: 1:13 p.m.   $$$$$:   hillclintOOn wasted $18.5 MILLION to renovate unused Afghan jail. Don't ya' love the way they use YOUR money and waste all they can? They use it to bribe businesses to hire illegals, to create an administration of "diversity" and "inclusion" and on stupidity like $50,000 on synchronized swimming for SEA MONKEYS! Are you sick to your stomach yet? That's the CRAP this administration is spendig YOUR hard earned money on! Want to read more? Read this year's report on government waste by Sen. Coburn. WARNING: It will make you angry. November 26, 2014   thevileone promises veto to bill that would help American businesses. Shock. Surprise. November 26, 2014   Malkin on why thevileone's "justified anger" speech left out. I couldn't believe he had the gall to spout that nonsense. "Justified anger" isn't organized with weeks of training and people being PAID to do the organizing. "Justified anger" would have been the Duke LaCrosse players who were falsely accused of rape, or the Justice Clarence Thomas after Anita Hill's sexual harrassment allegations. (NOTE: You may wish to read that link since it sheds new light on the confirmation hearings for Justice Thomas and the lies that were told to "support" the allegations made by Hill.) Those are reasons for "justified anger": FALSE charges make for "justified anger" on the part of the party who is falsely accused. For the rioters, who were NOT falsely accused, to be told they are "justified" in what they are doing because they are angry is thevileone giving them permission to break the law. It's just another sign of his lawlessness, another way he's a RACIST. November 26, 2014   Now that the locals have NOT indicted Wilson, thevileone's admin will try to do so. They're racists, so they'll try hard to find a way. Will they also prosecute the rioters who burned buildings, destroyed vehicles, looted, etc., in cities across the country? Wanna' lay even money? November 26, 2014   Your federal phone taxes are going to go up. They want to tax you more so that they can allegedly spend it for improved internet connectivity in public schools and libraries. The program is nicknamed "E-Rate" and it's funded by a tax on phone services. They're asking for a 62% increase in current spending. Make your hair catch fire? There's more: "Even though E-Rate currently has $5 billion of unspent money in its account, the FCC wants to raise taxes on phone companies still further in order to finance its proposed spending hike. This would result in increased rates for phone customers of at least 16 percent, which would go to the Universal Service Fund in general, not specifically to E-Rate. [my bolding]"Remember folks, it's going to be spent "on the children" so you can't possibly be against it. Your FLORIDA (not federal, county, or city) cell phone taxes are currently 22.38% and your home phone (or satellite dish, or other communication devices) is 9.17%, for unincorporated Brevard, it's 5.22% and for cities within Brevard (available on same link as Brevard's) it varies by city. Your federal bill (as explained here) includes all of these taxes. If you have a home phone and a cell phone, you're paying both rates. Add to that the taxes you pay to be able to watch television via satellite dish, your internet service and anything else you have a contract to receive and you've got a LOT of monthly taxes to pay. Don't ya' love the hidden taxes the governments get to put upon you? November 26, 2014   Peace and tolerance:   Cutting the throats of babies: so peaceful. Whoever supports Islam supports this kind of barbarism. It's WRONG and any Muslim who does not stand up against this barbarism is allowing it to happen. If they want the reputation of their religioun to change, they should stand up against the actions of those who are doing the damage to their religion, not against those of us who point it. November 26, 2014   Congress CAN DEFUND thevileone's amnesty program. I don't know why they have to deFUND an ILLEGAL ACTION. Just IMPEACH thevileone and they won't have to deFUND anything! November 26, 2014   dumborat consultant says Crist won. Not as in "he was elected", but that it was a win in that he lost. Rrrrrriiiiggghhhtttt. November 26, 2014   Ferguson:   Now I'm not the only one saying that thevileone is responsible for the violence of the riots. He encouraged it happening and he wanted it to happen. Then, when it did happen, he JUSTIFIED it. How reprehensible is that? Then holder reminded folks that the feds are still looking for a way to indict Wilson, but too bad he doesn't have evidence to do so. Since when, however, has that ever stopped thevileone from doing exactly what he pleased? Too bad the prezidunce isn't as smart as Pharrell Williams about this. My question is, when will Pharrell Williams realize that now he's got a price to pay because he didn't toe the PC line? I bet it takes a week or two, but there will be a price extracted. November 26, 2014   Another reason to NOT join a union. It's all about the power, folks, not the "little guy". November 26, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Senator gets it right, then gets slammed. The real number of enrollees is still falling: or should I say "questionable", "up for grabs", or "constantly changing depending upon who is speaking"? Unfortunately, now abortions are covered under over 1,000 plans in this piece of garbage. Did you know that in designing this garbage, the "architect" of it, johnathan gruber, argued that abortion is an "economic benefit"? Say what?! Even those who are signing up for this thing today may have difficulties finding a doctor. Did you know that this garbage is so bad that even the NY Times is making a case for FULL REPEAL? Too bad LIVs (Low Information Voters) don't read the NYT. It's making people in Raliegh, NC, lose their jobs or accept fewer hours. Now, when it comes to what thevileone said about the employer health plans, Forbes says is a "three-legged stool of deception". I have an idea: Let's kick one of those legs out from under that stool! November 26, 2014   "A Progressive Guide To Thanksgiving Conversation" A fun look at the Thanksgiving dinner table with others. My gift to you for Thanksgiving. Enjoy! November 26, 2014   I'll close with that for now. There will be no updates tomorrow, and probably on Friday I'll do just a few because I'll be getting ready for our cruise on Sunday. Pray for our country to turn back to GOD; for a revival to sweep across this land; for atheists and Muslims to come to Christ; for the health and safety and quick return of our troops; for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks and that America is more resilient than thevileone and his ilk think she is. Pray for Republicans to get new leadership -- those with a spine would be good. Pray for fellow readers of this website. Pray for peace. Until next time, GOD Bless America, have a Happy Thanksgiving, and GOD Bless YOU! See ya'! November 25, 2014: 11:18 a.m.   Officer Darren Wilson NOT indicted. You probably already knew that, but I like the fact of it so much that I wanted to post it here. The Grand Jury was chosen prior to this case and had already served for a while. They took their time, did a very thorough job, asked for additional evidence, interviewed all of the witnesses, considered the forensic science and what it told them about the evidence, and made an informed, correct decision. For anyone to get angry about the non-indictment and riot (opportunisticly) is not just wrong, it's RACIST. They wanted Officer Wilson indicted because of his skin tone. If that's not racism, what is? November 25, 2014   If you're more interested in your Constitutional RIGHTS than in walking around a building looking at paintings, ephemera, dresses, cameras, whatever, this map of where gun stores outnumber museums and libraries may be of great help to you. (HT: AT) November 25, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX can't be changed by Executive Orders? thevileone said that taxes can't be changed by Executive Order of a future president. Taxes are exempt from that. Well, since the scotus ruled that the healthcare fines were a TAX, how on earth can thevileone change the healthcareTAX via EOs if it's a TAX and taxes are exempt from EOs in his own words? Or, if you read it another way, what he's saying is that future presidents CANNOT do what he is doing. He's special. November 25, 2014   "AGW’s predictions are not being reliably confirmed by observations. When stasis and/or cooling occur rather than warming -- as has been the case over the last decade-and-a-half -- atmospheric scientists fudge interpretations by saying that if it is cool, well, that is just weather; if it is warm, though, that is climate. Alternatively, they claim AGW predicts the cooling -- as, for example, with the recent polar-vortex outbreaks. However, a theory that predicts everything predicts nothing -- because a theory that predicts everything cannot be falsified through testing; nothing will serve to rule it out."Next time someone says "most scientists agree", tell them that means nothing if the "scientists" agree on ego stroking nonsense. After all, how wonderful/horrible are people if we can effect something that is so much bigger than us, designed by GOD to provide for and protect us, as well as to heal itself from almost anything we can throw at her? They think they're so powerful? Or is it just that they like to think of themselves as benevolent dictators over the earth, and they're just here to "protect" her? Either way, they're wrong about "global warming". November 25, 2014   (*Smirk*) So now what's he gonna' do? He knew his actions were illegal before he chose to use EOs to hide Fast & Furious documents. He just believes that the rules don't apply to HIM! After all, he's special. November 25, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Johnathan "Americans are stupid" Gruber to testify. Gruber's been tossed by thevileone, the guy who said he was "brilliant". Is it time for payback for that tossing? After all, it's not comfortable under a bus! At least this clown told the truth about skyrocketing premiums in this "fool 'em" legislation while thevileone was LYING to us. If you recall, I warned you and others did, too. People who chose to support this LIE in articles, in speeches, in are just as responsible Gruber and thevileone for LYING to the people. We should send them all to Russia to help Putin bring the former USSR back together since they so much want to live in a communist country. Note that at least one dumborat is regretting passing this piece of garbage. November 25, 2014   hillclintOOn steps in it with hotel. Open big mouth insert big foot. If the shoe fits... November 25, 2014   Putin's banning key Islamic items. He's got more courage in his nose hairs than thevileone has in his entire body. At least Putin is standing against terrorism's potential hold in Russia. Here, thevileone encourages it and helps it along. November 25, 2014   I'm going to close there for now. I am expecting company and I have to make lasagna for supper, and that sort of thing. GOD Bless America. Pray for our troops, Pastor Saeed Abedini, for peace (worldwide and in Ferguson and elsewhere here), for revival in America, for Islam and atheists to come to Christ, for fellow readers of this site. GOD Bless You! See ya'! November 24, 2014: 12:26 p.m.   It's Monday and that means it's time for "Minion Monday: Hank Gets to Go on a Cruise!" He was so excited when we told him that he would be accompanying my hubby and I on our November 30th seven night cruise aboard the Freedom of the Seas! He grabbed his ticket info booklet, took the front page with his name on it and bounced all around the house! I caught him as he made a trip down the hall and by the time the shutter clicked he had bounced three times -- on the walls! He was ecstatic! I'm glad he's happy about it and I thought I'd share the info as a way to give you a "heads up" that I won't be posting during that week. We leave this coming Sunday and we return the following Sunday. We're only going to Coco Cay (Royal Caribbean's privately owned "island" [more like a sandbar; been there before]) and then to Charlotte-Amalie, St. Thomas and to Phillipsburg, St. Maarten. We have three days at sea and that's my favorite part of cruising so I'm not complaining! Remember: starting Sunday this website will not be updated for one week. Let's get started with the updates for today. November 24, 2014   EboMa:   thevileone is giving amnesty to those with ebola. He wants them all to be able to come here and get treatment at OUR expense. Isn't that special? November 24, 2014   Ferguson: Mob wants MOB RULE. Does the truth matter to them? Does the evidence matter to them? Does the fact that Wilson was attacked by Michael Brown matter to them? Does the fact that Brown was NOT a "gentle giant" as alleged, but did that matter to them? The Brown family attorney is already laying the grounds for an alleged racist decision saying it's "'The process is completely unfair,' Crump told ABC News. 'I just think this process is unlike anything I've ever seen in my 20 years of practice. We don't think it's fair.'"It's not about TRUTH. It's not about JUSTICE. It's not about EVIDENCE. It's about RACE. And that's what they want it to be about because in calling racism they have the power to intimidate, control, extort. The protests in Ferguson are not about JUSTICE, they're about EXTORTING A SPECIFIC RESULT that THEY approve of. Evidence, truth and justice matter. Mob rule is NOT law; it's lawlessness. Considering the fact that thevileone told the protestors to "stay the course", I wonder from whom they learned that idea? NOTE: 2:08 p.m. The verdict is in, but it's not released yet. Will there be violence during the protests that will be a celebration if Wilson is indicted, and a protest if he's not? Absolutely. November 24, 2014   November 24, 2014   First Amendment on trial again. Posting a "threat" (and the person who did the posting says it was NOT a threat, thus the quotes) on social media can be blowing off steam, or it can be a real threat that someone tries to carry out. I think that you can't prosecute the threat because it IS Free Speech, but you prosecute the ACTION, using the threat as evidence. Does that mean that someone must die or be injured by the person making the threat before I think it's okay to do anything? No. I think that the person being threatened has the right -- nay, the DUTY -- to defend themselves and to alert law enforcement to the threat and advise them as to whether the potential victim thinks it's a real threat. Thus, law enforcement can go talk to the potential perpetrator and they can diffuse the threat, or arrest the person placing the threat if they find evidence that the person is planning on carrying out the threat. ALL cases should be based upon ACTIONS. According to the First Amendment you cannot be prosecuted FOR WORDS; that's what FREE Speech is. You have the right to SAY things. You do NOT have the right to take actions to carry out that threat. This is another instance of having a gun is a good thing. If someone threatening you has a gun, even the odds and have one, too. Just be sure you practice, keep it handy and you don't let them surprise you. Be aware. Be prepared. Be armed. November 24, 2014   I don't like SNL (Saturday Night Live) because they haven't been funny to me for years. They went PC a long time ago and have just recently been doing things that are a little edgier in that they have been putting the lies of the left to comedic criticism. For instance, they mocked thevileone's unconstitutional amnesty order so completely that the WaPo decided they should fact check the comedy skit! How protective of thevileone is the WaPo? That protective. Amazing. November 24, 2014   Kiss more FREEDOM goodbye. thevileone creates 3,415 MORE regulations for you to obey. Don't worry. They're easy to remember. (*sarcasm*) November 24, 2014   November 24, 2014   How many LIES have the dumborats told about the "war on terror"? David Horowitz says "too many to count". I agree, because I'm sure he doesn't know all of the lies, just some. I'm sure there are some even he doesn't know. Isn't that sad? November 24, 2014   Do you believe thevileone's admin? They say they're going to destroy surveillance records. Stand on your head and spit in your ear while twiddling your toes if you believe them. November 24, 2014   BENGHAZI:   The cover-up continues. The truth will only come out after about forty years after thevileone's death in order to protect his legacy. By then the statutes will be up, the buildings will be named, and the parks will have their signs up and after every city has a street named after you, who cares what you did that was wrong? November 24, 2014   Is WiFi causing health problems? That's what some are saying. November 24, 2014   Aaaaahhh... public schools:   Teacher: Pilgrims were America's first TERRORISTS! Say WHAT? That's disgusting. It is public school so that's what they're teaching. That's bad enough, but then they put a child in physical danger and that's just WRONG. Or when they have sexual relations with a student, that's WRONG, too, but it seems to be happening more and more often. Homeschool your children, folks. It's better for them. Don't put a bigger house, nicer car, college savings ahead of THEM. Homeschool your children. November 24, 2014   I'll close with that for now. Pray for our country, for revival to sweep across this land, for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks, for GOD to forgive our sins (abortion, divorce, pornography, drug use, lying, etc.) and that GOD will heal our land. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, and for the health, safety and quick return of our troops. Pray for peace. Pray for America to be more resilient than thevileone thinks she is and that we can handle the illegal immigrant influx better than he thinks and that it doesn't help destroy America. Pray for Islam and atheists to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for fellow readers of Space Coast Conservative. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! November 21, 2014: 12:53 p.m.   It's Flag Friday and that means it's time for a "Tribute To Our Heroes 191: In The Sunset of Taps". Thank you for your service and thank you for your sacrifice. I can never say it enough. November 21, 2014   Woke up with a sinus headache this morning, so I won't be doing many blurbs, and it's SOOOO tempting to
not comment on thevileone's lawlessness of last night, but I do have to mention it at least. So, let's let thevileone speak
for himself against what he just did: November 21, 2014: CORRECTION:   Sheriff Joe Arpaio has FILED SUIT against thevileone's amnesty. HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! You go, Sheriff Joe! November 21, 2014   When thevileone finished breaking the law, he released more Gitmo detainees. Just to round it out, you know. November 21, 2014   How to stop thevileone? With his ego, is it possible to stop him? How many huge pins would you have to have to pop that head? November 21, 2014   Remember who helped thevileone break the law last night. When will rubio be held accountable? November 21, 2014   thevileone's "lawlessness demands accountability"? Okay, Mr. David Limbaugh, I love you and I'm reading your latest book, but just WHO has the COURAGE, SPINE and CHUTZPAH to actually do that? Show me ONE officer of the law with the courage to arrest him, ONE judge with the courage to issue a warrant, ONE regular person who can get close enough to perform a citizen's arrest (they'd be arrested by the Secret Service for trying to do so) and I'll be knocked over with a feather. I agree with Mr. Limbaugh totally; how to make that happen is what I don't get. Who will do this? How? More than that, will it make a hill of beans' worth of difference? November 21, 2014   I totally agree with Gov. Rick Scott. November 21, 2014   pelosipig "least liked" in Congress. boo. hoo. November 21, 2014   This is how our House/Senate members go in middle class and exit MILLIONAIRES. al "I'm a moron" franken has taken that route. November 21, 2014   I'm going to stop with that. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks and protect America from thevileone's evil. Pray for our troops. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for a Holy Spirit led revival to sweep across this land and that tens of thousands will be saved. Pray for peace. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 20, 2014: 5:06 p.m.   Late start because I had errands to do; including going to Christmas, FL, and mailing my Christmas cards so that they had the Christmas postmark. I don't do that every year, but this year since I put so much effort into making them myself I thought it would be appropriate to mail them from Christmas. Anyways, let's get started. November 20, 2014   The Bill Cosby appearance at the King Center will go forth as scheduled. Look: I don't know why so many people are dumping the guy. Personally, I think it's RACISM. Think of it this way:
If anyone protests at the Cosby event tomorrow night I hope they are read the riot act. If they have a ticket to the event, I hope they sit there, enjoy the show and don't make a scene. If someone does make a scene, I hope these things are pointed out to the heckler because Cosby has the RIGHT to continue his show until he's PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law; not persecuted in public opinion and prosecuted via RACIST ideas that it's the BLACK MAN who is the RAPIST but clintOOn who is the HERO and a great guy and life of the party. Where is the equality in that? November 20, 2014: A Day That SHALL LIVE IN INFAMY:   thevileone to announce his ILLEGAL EXECUTIVE ORDER AMNESTY PLAN tonight. In a few hours America will change if the Republicans don't stand up and react immediately with a court order to STAY that action and to cease and decist with the breaking of his oath of office. His action -- no matter how he goes about it -- will be TOTALLY ILLEGAL in granting amnesty, pardon, prosecutorial discretion, or any other way. But, as those of you who visit this website often know, since when has the law mattered to thevileone? BTW, has he now earned the nickname I use for him, "thevileone", in your eyes now, too? November 20, 2014   November 20, 2014   Ferguson:   St. Louis Mayor is an idiot. November 20, 2014   EboMa:   What is thevileone thinking? Sorry. Rhetorical question: he doesn't. When it comes to ebola, what is thevileone hiding? There's a possible new case being tested in NYC. What is the truth about ebola in America? That's hard to say considering thevileone's lying lips. If a Republican were doing the same things thevileone does how long would it take for that Republican to be run out of town on a rail? November 20, 2014   Pentagon duped: paid Bergdahl ransom to con man. What? It went to thevileone? November 20, 2014   Antibacterial soap being accused of causing cancer. Remember, folks, they said something similar about saccharin but found later that it was false. However, with Nutrasweet they keep selling it even though the FDA even has a report on the toxicity of Nutrasweet. Look at who is funding the antibacterial soap/cancer link and then figure out if they have a stake in the outcome. If they do, ignore the "research". November 20, 2014   Ugh. Al Not-So-Sharp-ton get different treatment and lives by different rules than the rest of us because he's buddies with the "high and mighty" ones. For instance, "Sharpton owes, 'more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses.' While Sharpton’s friends de Blasio and Obama have been in power, his tax bills have grown – and the organization which he runs, the National Action Network, has not paid federal payroll taxes."He's their bud. He's special. He can get away with it. You owe $789 (arbitrary number: could be $12, or $103,293) and they'll come and get you! The point is, it's nice to be friends with thevileone. Liberals/lefties/progressives/commies stick together. November 20, 2014   November 20, 2014   That's it for now. Pray for our country; especially after what thevileone says this evening. Pray that GOD will protect America, make her more resilient than thevileone and his minions think she is, that GOD will bless America and that GOD will heal our land. Pray for our troops. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini. Pray for peace: worldwide and in the whole Ferguson area. Pray for guidance, wisdom and strength. Until next time, GOD Bless You and See ya'! November 19, 2014: 2:54 p.m.   Missed yesterday because life interrupted my best intentions to get my updates done. So, today, because yesterday was so strange, I'll start with the strangest interview I've read since I read "Helter Skelter" and the interviews with Charles Manson. What's that? It's the interview with Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith's children, Jaden and Willow Smith. How do I describe it? Pretentious; obtuse to sound deep; immature New Age Buddhism; coached; really stupid. So, I thought I'd start there. After reading that interview you may think the rest of the links are good news. Of course, you'd first have to be able to figure out what the opposite of "apple" is (Of course, it's watermelon [think about it] so they're way behind the curve.) before you can judge whether or not the other links are good news. You'll understand if you read the Twilight Zone music. November 19, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Killing Jews in a Synagogue is NOT "peace". It's wrong. It's something that WE should stand against because if WE don't do something to help Israel stop this then the Muslims will try it here; and it won't be limited to just the Jews. Christians are as big an infidel and as hated by Islam as Jews. It's something that we must stop. If we do not we will have the same killings here and WE will be their targets. thevileone's administration is doing everything they can to help Islam. So don't count on our government to protect you. "Peace and tolerance" has NOTHING to do with Islam, and Islam has NOTHING to do with "peace and tolerance". It is submit, convert and serve or DIE. Join me in praying for Islam to be brought to Christ. At least in that there will be no one forced to convert, nor killed if they refuse. November 19, 2014   thevileone's amnesty is going to be announced tomorrow. He has NO Constitutional authority to do this, but since when do DICTATORS need Constitutional authority? They're claiming that The Great One, Ronaldus Magnus, did amnesty via executive order, as thevileone is doing. It's NOT TRUE but since when did that ever stop the liberals/lefties? Truth has nothing to do with pushing their agenda. Truth be darned: they're willing to LIE as often as they can to DESTROY AMERICA. What Ronald Reagan (and GWH Bush: 41) did was sign a bill passed by BOTH the House and the Senate. For Reagan it was the Simpson-Mazzoli Act and if you read the entire thing -- passed by the House and Senate; NOT EXECUTIVE ORDERED -- it has nothing to do with EXECUTIVE ORDERS but with Congress putting into words what they wanted to do! We had a split majority: House controlled by Rep./Senate by Dems. They did the immigration amnesty, NOT Ronald Reagan via EO. He did sign the BILL into law, but he DID NOT do an executive order! thevileone is doing all of this WITHOUT the authority of Congress, the Senate, the U.S. Constitution. He's doing it ILLEGALLY, but that's the way he's done things got into office and every year thereafter (see, especially, May 25 and April 6). thevileone proves daily that he wants to destroy America and yet no one is willing to step up and arrest him and stop him. Why? November 19, 2014   thevileone spent $1,539,402 for Labor Day trips ALONE! That's YOUR money! BTW, how does that 1,000th peanut butter and jelly taste and have you enjoyed having a Dictator for prezidunce? Wanna' make that PB & J taste even better? thevileone spent $358,490.90 of YOUR MONEY on going to a wedding. Mmmm... PB & J. November 19, 2014   November 19, 2014   You've lost so much personal freedom that the U.S. is now ranked #20 in the world. This happened because of thevileone and his disdain for YOU and for YOUR plan for YOUR future. When he was ACORNed into office, I bet even those who helped cheat him into the Red House didn't expect this. November 19, 2014   Ever have your identity stolen, or care about someone who has? Yes? Then this is going to make you angry as all get out. Because thevileone is going to pardon thousands of identity thieves. Isn't that special? What kind of lesson does that teach them? They can do anything with impunity? That YOUR identity can be taken and done with whatever they so desire and that YOU will have to pay the price for THEIR crimes? Of course it does. Otherwise why would thevileone be doing it? He likes telling the bad guys that they can get away with it. He does support Islamic terrorism as well, so why would he even blink at pardoning identity theives? Come on. Right is wrong and wrong is right in thevileone's eyes. Learn that and life will be more easily understood. November 19, 2014   Ferguson:   Muslim group wants to take over Ferguson protests? Sounds to me like "Danger! Danger, Will Robison!" Be careful what you ask for. You may get more than you expected. November 19, 2014   Why to NEVER store your passwords on your computer. Even if you're NOT online they can get your data now. Thanks folks who invented that. Thanks so much for sharing it. (*sarcasm*) November 19, 2014   Saddam DID have WMDs, but the msm LIED to make Bush look bad. Amazing that we cna't trust the msm nowadays. It used to be that they were FOR us, not AGAINST us. Nowadays they hate America as much as thevileone. How do you trust anyone who hates America? Islam hates America, too. Remember that. November 19, 2014   Animal rights activists want you to stop drinking milk. The life of a milk cow is so horrible; then it ends in death. While it's a nice way to get a good cry, there's NO TRUTH to the leftist tripe about dairy farmers. The left paints them as heartless bas____s. A lie, of course (it is lefties speaking, after all), because the TRUTH is dairy cows are treated MUCH better than what the left tells you. Drink milk, folks. It's good and it's good for you. BTW, that "argument" they use about milk not being drunk by any other animal besides humans after they are weaned? Wrong. My cat still drinks cows' milk. But that's rather not the point. GOD made us to be able to do stuff that other animals cannot. Don't fall for that "after they're weaned" argument. We eat cooked food, but no other animal does. We eat mixed foods (baking cakes, making salads, peanut butter and jelly) and no other animal does that. We eat fermented foods -- yogurt, wines (well, drink) -- and animals do not do that. So what's the alleged big deal about other animals not drinking milk after they are weaned? Shall we only eat what we can reach/make/find ourselves when we're weaned? If that be the case, humans would have died out centuries ago. We are the SUPER-ANIMAL. We have better, bigger, more abilities than the other animals. We were told by GOD to "be fruitful and multiply" and that we have done. Remember, though, we were also told that we "have dominion over" the whole earth and that means that we are the biggest, baddest beast in town and we can do what the others can't. Show me a another animal that could have created the internet, light bulb, radio, china, flushing toilets, gardening even! Show me! If you can't do that nor can you convince me that humans should not drink cows' milk. November 19, 2014   dumborats blame thevileone but they're only partially correct. He, alone, was not responsible for "breaking" the dumborat party. Did any of them stand up to him and say "Stop! You're ruining our reputation and hurting the party!" No? Did you ever see any of them make a serious effort to stop thevileone from doing more of the things that damage America, or did they SUPPORT him? They supported him? Hm. When did you see dumborats go, en masse, to thevileone and tell him to stop playing so much golf, traveling so much, spending so much money on HIS OWN pleasures, ignoring how much the American people are hurting? Oh. That never happened either? Then thevileone didn't "break" the dumborat party on his own. He had help from every dumborat who did nothing, said nothing, tried nothing to stop him! Let them crybaby all they want, but we all know that's the TRUTH! November 19, 2014   I'll stop with that for now. Pray for our country; for peace in Ferguson and elsehwere and for thevileone to not destroy America. Pray that America is more resilient than thevileone thinks and that the illegals he's going to be "gifting" tomorrow with more than is LEGAL for him to do (Dictators don't care about the LAW) won't do as much harm as they possibly could to America. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for Israel's safety and security. Pray that every believer in Islam comes to Christ. Pray for jim barfield to prove my opinion of him WRONG; that he's not just a RINO in the back pocket of the lefties, as was chuck nelson. Pray that GOD will forgive our sins, bless America and heal our land. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! November 17, 2014: 10:41 a.m.   It's Monday. Hope you had a great weekend and will have a great week this week. Let's start you out with a smile with my "Minion Monday: Hank! You Sneak!" in which Hank finds his first Christmas present of the year. I think he enjoyed last Christmas too much. Anyways, I have lots of stuff to do today, including an appointment to go to so I won't be doing a lot of updates today. Let's see what I can get done, though. Let's get started. November 17, 2014   thevileone USED to believe that illegal immigrants were BAD for America. So what changed? Why is he still going to do amnesty for all the illegals he invited in? He can benefit from all of those illegals getting the VOTE will benefit him how? After all, he can't run for a third term, so how can he be benefitted via the illegals? Enough illegals voting for a man -- even as a write-in -- can get him elected via a split vote. No one will have as many votes as he due to the fact that when you have two people splitting 100 votes each gets more votes than when you have to split that 100 votes three ways: a dumborat, a Republican and thevileone. He's counting on his messianic complex and the fact that they were brought over by him to help him stay in office. Between that and a possible future "emergency" that he can declare martial law and deny any law but his law, and you've got a dictator who will stay dictator for as long as we do not rise up against him. Then you've got all those bullets he ordered and stockpiled to deal with. Make people afraid of the government and you've got government control for as long as they're not willing to die for their beliefs. Americans haven't had to fight on their own soil for so long (not since the Civil War) that I wonder if we have the backbone for it. What price are we willing to pay for America? Are we willing to fight on our own soil against what should be a FORMER president? We've got two years to figure that out. If he's not trying to stay in office one way or another, then why do all of this? November 17, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   "Stupid" Liar-Gate: It only gets worse. Now there are SIX videos of gruber admitting thevileone LIED to you about this piece of garbage. Well, DUH! His lips were moving! November 17, 2014   Fire and ice in Alaska. I've never seen a volcanic eruption in person. That's one disaster I've never had the "pleasure" of seeing. I bet it's amazing to see, and amazingly terrifying! I've been through earthquakes; seen tornadoes close, but not IN; hurricanes, yep; blizzards, check! Volcano? No thanks! November 17, 2014   thevileone ENCOURAGES riots. Now, that's a good prezidunce! He cares about racism in the police forces and he proves it over and over and over again. Remember when that professor was arrested and thevileone said the cops acted stupidly? Or when he commented on the Trayvon Martin shooting? Add to that all of the racist remarks thevileone's attorney general has made? Remember how holder refuses to prosecute blacks and that holder was a member of the Black Panther party in his youth. Now thevileone's encouraging civil unrest because a black kid was shot in self-defense by a white cop? Does anyone at all recall that there's a law on the books whose charge is "enciting a riot"? When will thevileone be charged with that? He's ENCOURAGING the rioters to stay on course! What else do you call it when the prezidunce of the USA tells you to riot besides "enciting a riot"? If that's not ENCITING, I don't know what is! ARREST HIM! November 14, 2014   Aaaaahhh.... public schools!   They tell kids to stop praying and singing "Amazing Grace" during free time. They don't realize that it's against the LAW for them to do so, and they will face court and they will be taught the lesson the hard way. Now, Florida teachers are trying to say "no" to annual testing. I don't think that prepping for the FCAT is all that should be taught in FL schools, but there should be SOME testing. At least let the teacher make the test up about what they've been teaching and then go from there! But don't let the teacher protest in the school. Of course, if they're high why would they care about teaching? That's when they're not visiting a student in the hospital and touching them inappropriately. Oh, it was an eight-year-old he was touching. Remember, folks, perverts go where their prey is. If that means getting a degree in teaching, that's what they do. Even "sexting" is something they do if it helps them get what they want: YOUR KIDS. It's disgusting. Homeschool your kids, folks. It's safer and better for them. November 17, 2014   He cares! Don't believe that. He's up to something sinister, not caring. He doesn't give a rat's backside about anyone except himself. Ask yourself how much it's going to COST YOU for him to be sure everyone is in a HOME? Like your paycheck or just want to sign it over to him every payday? November 17, 2014   This is thevileone's America. Want more? November 17, 2014   Pastors in MI standing up for traditional marriage. I stand with them. Along those lines, when will someone push to be allowed to marry their Collie? It's a "civil right" to marry whoever you want, right? November 17, 2014   thevileone is WRONG. Beheadings DO REPRESENT ISLAM. The fact is, since he studied Islam as a child, he KNOWS he's lips-are-moving-so-he's-LYING. November 17, 2014   LOVE the title. If the shoe fits... November 17, 2014   dumborat fraud? Nah, say it ain't so! November 17, 2014   November 17, 2014   Well, I'll go for now. Pray for: our troops, revival in this land, Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, peace, GOD to bless this land, and Rush Limbaugh's continued health. Until next time, See ya'! November 14, 2014: 11:27 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and that means it's time to say "Thank you for your service!" "Tribute To Our Heroes 190: One Salute". Then there's something else that I thought I'd share with you. I drew these portraits of the boys when they were young. I had to wait until they were asleep to do the drawings because it's very hard to get a child under two to sit still long enough for a portrait. so the left one is my eldest son, the right the younger. Enjoy. November 14, 2014   You know what amazes me? The things that the dumborats tell themselves to placate their masses after a butt-whipping election loss. You know, things like the White Working Class (WWC) hates dumborats. Which, in reality, is so wrong. We don't hate dumborats. We hate what they want to do to America. There is a difference. For instance: if you are bugged by people who chew gum -- especially during important events which should be respected and you see gum chewing as disrespectful -- you might hate that the person chewing gum chose to do so at that time, but you don't hate the person. The person may be doing things that are good for you or for your country, so you don't hate the person, you just hate that they're chewing gum at that moment. Conservatives don't hate dumborats. We hate what they want to do to America in changing it into a communist/socialist/marxist country in which they are in control of everyone and everything. We LOVE FREEDOM; hate the idea of losing it. Then there's the other thing they are telling themselves: we lost because the rich folks are allegedly getting richer. Right. Rich folks getting richer made people vote AGAINST dumborats? Anyone with half a brain cell can debunk that one. After all, the dumborats are "for the poor" and I don't mean for them getting poorer. If you're going to vote against the rich in the past, you voted dumborat. However, in this election that's not what happened. People saw that thevileone was helping the RICH. Would that not be a more logical explanation of what is happening: people being upset that their middle class lives are being negatively impacted while they watch thevileone help his rich buddies? dumborats can interpret the facts all they want in whichever way they want and their sycophants will swallow it hook, line and sTinker. Thinking is not a requirement for being a dumborat. Reality is 90% perception for them and as long as they think it, then it must be true. Peter Pan syndrome affects the dumborat masses. (BTW, HT AT.) November 14, 2014   pelosipig caught in another lie. She didn't know Gruber after she knew him. If the truth kissed her on the lips... Then she denies the vote to a pregnant, wounded warrior Representative. Class act, pelosipig. November 14, 2014   NSFW OR CHILDREN: TACKY LIBS:   Feminists again keeping it raunchy. They think that making things as gross as possible, by being as offensive as possible that they're going to win people to their side? Or that shock value is going to make people agree with them? Hello? When you are that stupid you really shouldn't put it on display. November 14, 2014   Illegal aliens:   Golddiggers crossing our border illegally should NOT be taunting their benefactors. They're already making trouble as they cross the border. Imagine a whole country full of this sort of behavior when they came here ILLEGALLY and they're throwing it and everything else they can get in the faces of those PAYING THE PRICE FOR THEM COMING HERE AND GETTING ALL THE HANDOUTS. AmeXica: love what she can give you when you're here illegally, and hate those who are paying for it. Sweet. (*sarcasm, of course*) Let's not forget who is DOING this. Thanks for nothing. November 14, 2014   "One Nation Under Godlessness" -- Malkin's brilliant. November 14, 2014   Pope says heaven will be a "party". Considering that he believes that you don't have to believe in GOD to go to heaven, which is allegedly backed up by Catholic teachings, I don't think I'd want to be at that party. After all, that would include people like the raunchy feminists, above; like those who participate in gay pride parades (NSFW OR CHILDREN); those who support aborting a smiling baby; etc. That doesn't sound like "heaven" to me. It sounds a LOT HOTTER. November 14, 2014   JW sues FCC over admin plan to "monitor" news and blogs. In other words, over the plan to control the internet. Judicial Watch is trying to protect YOU. I've supported this great organization for years. You may wish to do so, too. November 14, 2014   hillclintOOn's campaign group e-mails leaked. They have phrases in them like "'smite Republicans mafia-style'hillclintOOn: mafia member and president? Maybe that explains all the suspicious deaths surrounding her? November 14, 2014   Liberty Lunches:   msthevileone's "food" is NOT appreciated by students. Teach them about freedom however you can. This is the BEST lesson on FREEDOM (thus "Liberty Lunches") I've seen for young people. They're learning about freedom via having their lunch choices dictated to them and realizing that they don't like that dictatorial edict and its resulting lunches. Good for them! I bet it makes the lefties so mad! November 14, 2014   CAIR says college is anti-Muslim. "CAIR has expanded its mission to include censoring material at public schools in this country and has been especially active in Florida. Among the targets is one of the nation’s largest taxpayer-funded universities, situated in the central part of the Sunshine State. It’s called the University of Central Florida and it has an enrollment of around 59,000. A tenured communications professor, Jonathan Matusitz, was targeted by CAIR for teaching anti-Muslim bigotry because his course stresses the link between terrorism and Islamic culture. The award-winning academic, a native of Belgium, also suggests countries should resist the global spread of Islam."The TRUTH is always offensive to those who don't want the TRUTH known. For a Muslim to deny the connection between Islam and terrorism is to deny reality. They can't behead people and video tape it and publish it for all to see, stone people to death, cut off hands and publish the video of it, do female genital mutilation as a normal practice of their organization, take down the Twin Towers, hit the Pentagon, target the White House (or Capitol Building, they're not sure which are they?), destroy everyone and everything that does NOT support Islam and then claim they're NOT a terrorist organization. Oh, but in lib-world it's okay. Reality and TRUTH matter not there. November 14, 2014 November 14, 2014   So what's the big deal? Get over it. November 14, 2014   I'll close with a treat for you. It's not a song that makes much lyric sense, but listen to the voices not the words: November 13, 2014: 11:20 a.m.   Earthquake "swarm" in Nevada and another strong quake in southern KS makes me wonder what's going on. There were 98 quakes at Yellowstone National Park in October. Kinda' makes me go "Hmmm..." I don't know what is going to happen, but this doesn't sound good to me. November 13, 2014   dumborats start eating their own. They've already sounded off a bit on getting rid of pelosipig as part of their leadership team. thevileone has thrown other dumborats under the bus (nothing new there); but he's thrown them under the bus, too, so "all's fair", right? Well, not all because they were warned off of blaming black voters and of course, the "women" aren't responsible, either. After all, why would women NOT vote for dumborats since they care so much about what's between a woman's legs? It's ridiculous. Blame who is responsible: 1) thevileone; 2) dumborat power-hunger, bring about a total disregard of the wishes of the American people; 3) dumborats' taking away America's rights. That's why the dumborats lost. It all comes down to POWER. dumborats want as much POWER as they can beg, buy, borrow, or steal. Who else shall they devour in their desire to linger in its halls? (Hint: Don't stand near ketchup, salt and pepper!) November 13, 2014   Gruber: "stupid", "stupid", "stupid". Now there's a third video of Gruber saying that the American people are stupid and that they had to hide what was in thevileone's healthcareTAX because we're too stupid to understand it. Um... I don't understand how someone who is on video at least three times calling the American people "stupid", can't be said to be the pot calling the kettle. Really, folks. How much brain activity does there have to be to KNOW that if someone is getting you on video you don't call the American people PAYING you "stupid". In my book that's an absolute and total DUH! November 13, 2014   thevileone is trying to leave us defenseless. He's cutting more Army officers; probably those who disagree with him. He's trying to stack the proverbial deck and leave only those who will take the order to shoot fellow Americans if we step out of line and discharging the rest. If they would follow the U.S. Constitution, I betcha' they're gone. Yeah. I distrust thevileone that much. Got a problem with that? "Many are being pushed out despite having good records. When the Army announced the impending officer cuts a year ago, officials said they would target officers with evidence of poor performance or misconduct.Many of those being forced out were first enlisted soldiers who made the effort to be accepted into the officer ranks. My brother-in-law did that in the U.S. Air Force and retired as a Lt. Colonel. It's a lot of work and it's something that should be acknowledged and rewarded. To take away their officer pensions, their rank, any part of that is a slap in the face to those who most deeply understand that they are serving their COUNTRY and NOT A SINGLE MAN. That's what thevileone is doing: targeting those who are most likely to disobey the order to fire. He says it's to save money, but he's going about it all wrong. November 13, 2014   pelosipig can't admit it's because she's INCOMPETENT and UNPOPULAR. The former Speaker of the House can't accept that she's just not all that. Her reality must really suck right now.boo. hoo. November 13, 2014   61% of Americans don't want federal control of the internet. They like free speech, free enterprise and FREEDOM. To give the government control over the internet would take away a large portion of each of those. Let's not let this happen, folks. Contact your elected officials -- current and those about to be sworn in -- and tell them to oppose thevileone's taking control of the internet. Elected officials usually make themselves immune to the laws those of us in "fly-over country" are told to abide by, but this will affect them as well. If not them, then their family members and they'll be held responsible. If the shoe fits, etc., but it will be thevileone's "Magic Pen" that will probably do it. I would love to see thevileone IMPEACHED as soon as the new members are sworn in, wouldn't you? November 13, 2014   From bad to worse. The dumborats got even dumber and put the LIAR and Cheekbone Cherokee, elizabeth warrn, in a leadership position: "She would be part of the messaging and policy team."Great. Now we know that the dumborats want to LIE to America even more. I guess if that's your main modus operandi it works to appoint a known and PROVEN LIAR who has raised the ire of REAL Native Americans. This is from a group of Native Americans who want the TRUTH from warren: So part of the "messaging and policy" of the dumborat party shall be LYING more, no matter the proof of the TRUTH being otherwise? Would it surprise ANYONE? November 13, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It's KILLING people in rural America. Is that not what we warned you about? November 13, 2014   Lame quack session: greatest threats list. What damage can thevileone do between now and when he's supposed to leave office in 2016? He can do a LOT of damage, especially if the House, Senate and American people don't stand strong and speak LOUD AND LONG against him. November 13, 2014   L'idiot speaks. Twice. I don't have a problem with the idea he's pushing: American flags should be "Made In America". But consider the rest of the politician and then consider his words. What's he up to? Setting up a run for president? November 13, 2014   November 13, 2014   I'm sooooo looking forward to having one more TRUE CONSERVATIVE on the RINOed BOCC and to having support for Comm. Infantini from TRUE CONSERVATIVE, Curt Smith. I don't know what to expect from jim barfield. I really don't. I know what I dread happening: another andy anderson, mary bolin, chuck nelson, all three registered Republican but actually RINO. Look at their voting records and all three of them voted with dumborat, fisher, more often than with TRUE CONSERVATIVE and Republican, Infantini. That's a farce and it proves who they are/were. Remember, anderson has filed to be a State Representative. Start in January of 2009 and read the minutes of the anderson years and votes taken. See how often he helps down Infantini, votes FOR higher taxes, supports the WRONG ideas, kisses the backsides of the left. If you don't want to see that applied to the whole state, don't support anderson. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or RINO.) November 13, 2014   I'll close on that note. Pray for the protection of our country and for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for a revival to sweep across this land and that GOD will forgive Ameria for our sins and heal this land. Pray for peace here and abroad. Pray for Islam to accept Jesus Christ as their savior and that the belief in the Islamic teachings will die. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's continued health. Pray for Florida and Brevard County to turn to GOD and to be led by the Holy Spirit, instead of the spirit of Communism, environmental wacko-ism, progressivism. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 12, 2014: 1:13 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to food poisoning. Purchasing frozen scallops and cooking them at home is something I shall not do anytime soon. I know we cook them properly but the question is how do the processing plants do the processing? Considering the fact that this is probably the fourth time I've gotten sick from frozen scallops that I know are cooked thoroughly and properly at home, the problem must be in the scallops before they were frozen. No more frozen scallops. I know enough about how the seafood sections of grocery stores do things to choose to have NO scallops at home. Anyways, that's the reason for skipping yesterday. I did some projects instead, though. I finished making my Christmas cards and made a padded camera bag for my hubby's camera yesterday. Those projects kept me from focusing on my upset tummy, slight fever and aching head. Better to stay busy than to focus on that. November 12, 2014   thevileone wants to CONTROL the internet. He's saying it's to "protect" YOU but since when has that ever been a priority with thevileone? If he wants to protect us, why would he tell Putin to wait until after the election so that he'd have "more flexibility" after his reelection? Considering Putin's current taunting of America's sovereignty why on earth does thevileone want to be more flexible in dealing with Putin? (Besides, being a coward both before and after the election does not translate into being "more flexible", does it?) thevileone's protecting us is a farce. He wants to destroy America. If that means taking out internet freedom and controlling everything on/in it, that's what he'll do. If we cannot communicate with each other without government interference, how can we organize against him or those who come after? How can we defend America without a place to start? How do we assert ourselves as a group without the internet to find each other? I know I've met and made friends with several people who still follow my website because of the incoropration battle within PSJ. I've met others through the internet due to the other issues I've commented on. Controlling the internet is NOT good for "We, The People" and that's exactly what thevileone wants! If he wanted to do what was good for us, why did he secretly reverse the online gambling laws that were already in place? November 12, 2014   November 12, 2014   thevileone's got ANOTHER failure under his belt. The ONLY thing he has actually succeeded in is in being a confirmed, award-winning LIAR. Wow. That's something to be proud of. November 12, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:  
More evidence that they LIED to you to get support for this garbage. Liars lie, folks. Those
in search of POWER at any cost are going to LIE to you in order to get that power. Remember when I made this video? November 12, 2014   How much will thevileone's new RACIST program cost you? With him, who knows? As much as he can get out of you, probably. November 12, 2014   This is what I want for Christmas. Sigh. I want it. November 12, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:  
They tolerate nothing except submission.
Free speech? Nope. Not allowed. They
destroy history, burn, stone, crucify and behead
those who won't submit to their terrorist organization. BTW, remember the story of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammed, marrying a 6 year-old girl and
consumating that marriage when the girl was NINE? Here's more info on that story: November 12, 2014   U.N. Arms Trade Treaty goes into effect December 24, 2014 (Christmas Eve). Why that date? Weren't they thinking anyone would be paying attention? It's BAD FOR US and for America and it really should alarm you! It's so bad that EVEN FORBES magazine does NOT support it. They warn that our Second Amendment rights will be affected! We don't want the U.N. taking away our guns. They can keep their grubby hands off of our guns and out of our lives. In fact, I support kicking the U.N. OUT OF AMERICA altogether! No more diplomatic immunity for those who rape, murder, deal drugs, for the pedophiles who have immunity because their country is full of sick puppies and they come over here to hurt our children. Kick the U.N. out of AMERICA! November 12, 2014   When GOD makes you, He doesn't make mistakes, sin, nor excuses. Those who say they're trapped in the wrong body and go through gender-reassignment surgeries are having regrets and committing suicide at higher rates than those who don't undergo the surgery. It's something that people should consider more carefully. When GOD made you, He made you as you SHOULD be, without mistake. (To go along with that, GOD does NOT make people homosexual. It says in Romans 7 the Bible: "21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.See where it says "THEY exchanged [my bolding and caps]"? That tells us that the people who are homosexual CHOSE to be so. THEY exchanged: they took what they had, what GOD gave them, and traded it for what satan lied to them about. It has nothing to do with genetics since "The flawed thinking behind a genetic test for sexual orientation is clear from studies of twins, which show that the identical twin of a gay man, who carries an exact replica of his brother's DNA, is more likely to be straight than gay."(More on this on my Storage 2014 page dated July 19, 2014.) People need to think carefully about how they look at their sexual orientation. GOD doesn't make sin, mistakes, nor homosexuality (which, according to GOD's word is an abomination to Him: the ACT, NOT the PERSON). GOD makes people He loves VERY, VERY much and it's up to US to choose to follow Him and His ways. If we choose to not follow, that's our free choice, but there is always a price to pay for that. Unless we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are doomed to eternal seperation from GOD and His love and to eternal damnation, fire, torture and pain. That's OUR CHOICE if we choose to deny Christ. There are rules and GOD would not be a righteous GOD if He made some play by the rules and allowed others who did NOT play by the rules to be in heaven anyways. No matter how "good" you think yourself to be, there is NOTHING you can do without accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to get to heaven without Him. GOD loves you but he can't break His own rules to be nice to you! Would you like it if a referee in a game you were playing broke the rules and allowed the other side to be nice to the other team? No? If it's wrong for a referee in a game to do that, then it's even more wrong for a Holy, Righteous, Loving GOD to do so! If your Mom played favorites, you are still feeling the sting of that favoritism. If GOD played favorites, how much moreso? Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior and let GOD deal with your sexual image issues. You don't have to deal with the pain of it; He will. Turn it over to Him and see what He can do for you. GOD LOVES YOU. He wants to help you. Just ask. November 12, 2014   I will close on that note for today. Pray for our country to have a revival and that the Holy Spirit will sweep across this land. Pray for GOD to bless America and to keep her safe. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christians in prison worldwide. Pray for GOD to stop thevileone in his tracks. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for Islam and atheists, scientologists and Hindus to come to Christ. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 10, 2014: 3:34 a.m.: Veteran's Day: WRONG! Tuesday was Veteran's Day, not Monday.   It's Veteran's Day and I thank you for your service. I can never say it enough. Someone else wanted to thank you for your service, too. Hank gathered up his buddies and they had a bit of a cook-out and got busy with "Minion Monday: Hank Organizes a Veteran's Day Parade". They built a float and everything. Remember to thank a veteran for your freedom today. They are the reason we are free. November 10, 2014: 11:04 a.m.: Veterans Day: WRONG! Tuesday was Veteran's Day, not Monday.   I don't trust thevileone to NOT try to take over the internet. He's all about power for HIM and for what HE wants. He no more cares about what YOU want than does a stone. Don't trust him, folks. He's a LIAR and we know that he's never told us the truth about anything: his plans with the internet included. November 10, 2014   Whatever happened to "Seperation of Church & State"? That's allegedly what the lefties believe in. If the State can't interfere with Church stuff, then should this couple be fined for their RELIGIOUS beliefs? Should they be punished at all for the way in which they practice their religious beliefs? For instance: If the same incident happened that a (let's be totally ridiculous here) satanic church (I refuse to cap the enemy's name) refused to perform a marriage for a Christian couple; or even a mosque refused to do so. What rights would the satanic church or a mosque be fined for having refused to perform that marriage? I bet it would be ignored. I bet that there would be no fines, don't you? Isn't that a problem? Christianity is the ONLY thing it's A-Okay to discriminate against. That's a problem. November 10, 2014   thevileone is seen as "weak". Well, DUH! November 10, 2014   Another "green" company applies for YOUR money. $539 MILLION worth! Are we going to throw more good money after bad? Show me a "green" company that has made a huge difference as have regular power companies and I'll show you how it's a lie. In fact, when you do a search for "environmental companies that have made a huge difference in the world", you get nothing to do with environmental companies making a huge difference. November 10, 2014   Netanyahu is correct: DO NOT cave to Iran. Iran can't be trusted. We don't want the rest of the world to be in danger because the world kissed Iran's backside. If we cave, that's exactly what's going to happen. Do you trust thevileone with this? November 10, 2014   Kissy-kissy. More butt-kissing of thevileone's Butt Of Power from the Washington Post. November 10, 2014   Ferguson protestors are ridiculous. They have a list of demands that will make you laugh out loud. November 10, 2014   thevileone helped create the Islamic State. It is TIME to question his claims of "Christianity" and to hold his feet to the fire of Matthew 7:15-23: "15“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.Where is thevileone's testimony? Where does his fruit fall? HE HELPED CREATE THE ISLAMIC STATE. Is that NOT FRUIT? Look at all of the evil he has done. Look at all of the LIES he has told. Look at how racism has played a HUGE part in his administration. Look at how he HIDES THE TRUTH and how he has obfuscated everything in order ot hide his own malfeasance and wrongdoing. Look at the way he spends OUR money for his own leisure and how he makes us suffer so that he can enjoy the fruit of OUR labor. Look at the FRUIT he bears and judge him according to what his own life speaks. Do not trust him with your future. He is not trustworthy. November 10, 2014   It's not their fault. Poor babies. Go crying in their diapers to their mommies. November 10, 2014   I hope he does. I hope he does. I hope he does. If he does, he WILL win. He has the proof and the dumborats did the deed: the WRONG deed, of course. I hope he sues their butts and takes them for MILLIONS of dollars. Maybe it will teach them to STOP LYING. I doubt it, but it's a good wish. November 10, 2014   Cheekbone Cherokee starts her bid for president. Sigh. It's not officially her campaign start, but she's saying the usual dumborat preziduncial campaign tripe so she's running. Goodness knows she has the ego to do so. November 10, 2014   South Brevard, FIND SOMEONE ELSE to support. RINO Anderson isn't what South Brevard needs for their District 53 State Representative. RINOs are NOT good folks to put into office. If Anderson's Check out his voting record and find out for yourself. He voted with lefties Fisher, Nelson (R) and Bolin (R) most of the time; against the ONLY TRUE CONSERVATIVE on the BOCC for years, Trudie Infantini. He even participated in mocking Commissioner Infantini so that he could fit in with the lefties. That's not the kind of guy you want representing you. November 10, 2014   Chagas: Disease could be as big as AIDS. Read about what it is and how you catch it here. It is the CDC's website, so you may want to do more research, just in case. We all know how reliable they've been about Ebola, so we don't want the same thing with Chagas. If it's spread so easily though, we need to know about it and prevent the spread of the disease. They say that over 300,000 Americans have already been infected with this deadly disease. Research for yourselves and prevent infection. November 10, 2014   dumborats want "Executive Orders" forcing minimum wage hike. Um, no. Executive actions are supposed to instruct the different departments in how to implement the law, not in enacting new laws. That's how EOs are supposed to be used: as an instructional memo, not as LAWS. Too bad thevileone doesn't know the difference and the House and Senate are too cowardly to stand up to him and teach him the difference for fear of being called "racists". The American people don't know the difference and believe that they are subject to a Dictator's orders and they go along with EOs as though they are laws. They're ONLY EOs! That does NOT make them LAWS. They are not enforceable! If we disobeyed EVERY EO thevileone sent down, there would be NOTHING he could do about it IF the U.S. Constitution was followed. (Note the caveat "IF"). If law enforcement organizations decided to be uneducated, ill-informed idiots and try to arrest someone for disobeying an EO, any good attorney could get you out of jail just by explaining the difference to a judge -- who should ALREADY know the difference. Let's say thevileone wrote an EO that said that every time you have sexual relations of any sort with anyone you have to call this 900 number and report the time, date, circumstances, position(s) used, the person(s) you had sexual contact with, what kind and IF you used any form of birth control, who -- if anyone -- "reached the summit" (if you know what I mean) and whether you said yes to everything every step of the way. Would that be an EO you'd be willing to go along with? No? Why? Because it's personal and he has no business knowing that info? Well, a case can be made that he does have an interest in getting that info, requiring that of you; after all health care includes sexually transimitted diseases, pregnancies, etc., and he did write the healthcare law and does amend it via EOs. Would thevileone, as prezidunce, have the authority to require that of you? If not, why not? It's an Executive Order and if EOs must be obeyed by the American people, then EOs must be obeyed. He has signed the paper with his "Magic Pen", does that not make it a legitimate Executive Order? He is the prezidunce; should that not make everything he demands of us something we must deliver? He has the power! Should we not kowtow to it? If you answer "NO!" you are correct. EOs are NOT legal law. We do NOT have to obey them. WE, THE PEOPLE are more powerful than he because we can disobey him and we can IMPEACH him and we can say "ENOUGH!" Let us do that soon. November 10, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:  
Will there be another website circus for this enrollment period?
It is thevileone. For this enrollment period, they've
cut the forecast new sign-up number by 30%. Preparing for failure is a really good idea when you're
that good at failure. If you used this piece of garbage,
prepare to use about a tree's worth of paper for your taxes.
It's not pretty, folks. Did you know that you're "allowed" only three months without health insurance coverage under this totalitarian regime?
You may also want to know that
this is how they think about you: November 10, 2014   I'll close on that wunnerful note. Pray for our country; that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks, illegal immigrants won't get amnesty and the vote to change our political landscape; for revival in this land and for GOD's Spirit to sweep across this great country and bring people to Christ by the tens of thousands. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini (and HURRAY! for those two Americans released by N. Korea!) and others like him. Pray for peace. Pray that Islam comes to Christ and that Islam as a religion (not the people, but the belief in) dies because of them turning to Christ. Pray for GOD to bless America and keep her safe. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 7, 2014: 3:48 p.m.   It's Friday and you know that Fridays bring with them "Tribute To Our Heroes 189: The Price Paid". It is my Veteran's Day tribute to all of you who served. Thank you for your service. You know I can never say it enough. November 7, 2014   Way back in February of 2012 I wrote "Something Suspicious This Way Comes" about the "death" of Osama bin Laden. Now, there are two different versions of who shot bin Laden. I don't see that as being a very reliable thing: two different versions. Similar, but there are just enough things that still make my article about the alleged death of bin Laden still relevant. I don't know. Maybe he is dead, but reading about the discrepancies -- that someone else noticed, not I; which should mean something -- still makes me wonder. November 7, 2014   thevileone promised "no boots on the ground". So, can 3,000 MORE boot (two per soldier) indicate that HE LIED? What? It's not as though it was the first time. What else do we expect from the Liar of the Year? Shall he win it this year for all the lies of 2014? November 7, 2014   Putin flexes his muscles again. Tanks, Howitzers, etc., roll into Ukraine. Freedom isn't free; nor is it easy. Its hold is tenuous at best, and if we do not return that grip freedom slips away like water over a cliff. The people of Ukraine tasted of freedom and then let it dribble down their chins and run down their shirts, instead of swallowing freedom like a dehydrated man tasting fresh, clean water for the first time in days. Freedom rests within our hearts only if we allow it to do so. Otherwise it finds a closed door and a fenced mind that wants only what someone tells it to want, believes only what someone tells it to believe, does only what others tell it to do. Freedom crashes through all of that and breaks loose of the boundaries of someone else's plans for your life. Ukraine is losing freedom because enough of them never really had it in their hearts and minds in the first place. Do you have freedom in your heart and mind? How do you know? If you're a Conservative Christian you have freedom. Otherwise, you're too busy doing what others tell you; believing what others tell you; living as others tell you. Conservative Christians do not have that burden. "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Do you have freedom? November 7, 2014   GOP Representative saying "deny funding for green cards". boehner tries to play "tough guy" and warns against amnesty. I absolutely agree: we should NOT give illegals a free pass after they broke our laws to get here. We used to deport those who did that. We used to enforce EXISTING LAW. But thevileone thinks he is above the law and he is KING, able to do as he pleases and able to spit in the eye of the law. He says "amnesty by Christmas" and to hades with the law. Don't ya' love having a DICTATOR instead of a president? November 7, 2014   Libs trying to nix an idea before it even starts. Question: If we weren't thinking it why give us that good idea? Really, if Walker can be elected, survive a recall, be re-elected in a dumborat state, and still be a viable candidate for 2016, why should we NOT start thinking about him for president? After all, there must be something about him that his state likes. Why not take a better look? I've been encouraged to look at Dr. Ben Carson for president and I will look into his life, history, ideas, plans, beliefs, etc. However, I think Allen B. West (Col. Retired, US Army) is more my kind of guy. He has some experience, having served as an U.S. Congressman for two years, plus I've never heard the word "compromise" come out of his mouth (I can't say the same for Dr. Ben Carson). If we had both of them on the ticket, Allen/Carson (Pres/VP respectively) I might go for that. But Carson individually, right now? Not yet. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate.) November 7, 2014   Bad idea to allow that here. But it's not surprising. There seems to be a lot of that going around government agencies right now. I wonder why... November 7, 2014   Warning: Detour Ahead! No, really. They'll be detouring 407 and 528 in a few days so be aware of that. November 7, 2014   In our system MOBS don't decide who is innocent or guilty. For the people of Ferguson to be still all riled up is ridiculous. The evidence should count for something whether they like it or not. Facts are facts are facts. Even if you don't like the facts, that doesn't make them any less truth. The forensic evidence proves that the officer in question did NOT commit murder. To have a group of people demand that "justice be done" and if they don't get their form of "justice" things are going to get ugly is not "justice". It's CONTROL. It's barbarism as bad as Islamic terrorism. If they don't get their way they will break things and hurt other innocent people until someone caves. Terrorism has no place in our justice system. To have a bunch of wanna' be thugs march and chant, posture and preen until they choose to start wrecking things is worthy of arresting everyone who participates. Charge them with disturbance of the peace as a start, then if they broke anything or hurt anyone, charge them with as much as possible for that. CONTROL is what Ferguson is about; not justice. Justice is concerned with TRUTH, not mob rule. November 7, 2014   thevileone's admin's incompetence is showing again. November 7, 2014   Pope warns of "pagan Christians". What? Wait. Isn't this the same Pope who said that you don't have to believe in GOD to get to heaven? Who is he calling a "pagan Christian"?! Pot calling kettle? November 7, 2014   Okay. Did that. Now we get to change thevileone's policies. November 7, 2014   scotus to hear new case against thevileone's healthcareTAX. Will john roberts be the deciding vote again, and will he change his mind at the last minute? If he does, what do you think he'll get out of kissing the Butt Of Power? I'd love to be a fly on the wall and know the TRUTH about john roberts' switcharooni. We have him to thank for thevileone's healthcareTAX (it was his changed-at-the-last-minute vote that made it into a TAX, not a "fine") getting this far. If it weren't for john roberts we would not have this atrocity hanging around the necks of doctors, hospitals, patients and benefitting insurance companies. Who isn't FOR big business, if not thevileone considering how much of our TAXPAYER money he's ensured goes to benefit them? Let's hope john roberts considers the U.S. Constitution this time, instead of whatever he considered last time. Maybe then we can be rid of this piece of garbage once and for all. November 7, 2014   October U6 unemployment rate: 11.5%. Thanks, thevileone! We couldn't have done it without you! (*sarcasm*) November 7, 2014   Landrieu to speak about herself? Just asking. November 7, 2014   dumborats and Conservatives have opposing goals so how are we supposed to "work together" to get to OPPOSING goals? Also, WHY should Conservatives work with their opposition to achieve anything at all since they ARE OPPOSING GOALS? Should it not be "I'll work for mine and see how it can benefit the most people and you work for yours to see how many people it can benefit and we'll see whose idea is the best for America, the most popular with the American people and which party gets reelected"? Is that not the way it should be? After all, if you have two opposing goals (think of a tug of war) and you work with your opposition, you not only lose but you go the wrong direction. Should America want to go in the wrong direction again? NO. Don't work WITH the dumborats; work AGAINST them. That's what is best for America in the long run. November 7, 2014   Well I'll stop for now. Pray for revival in America. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Pray for peace and for Pastor Abedini and others like him. Pray for Islam to come to Christ. Pray for thousands upon thousands to accept the Lord as their Savior. GOD Bless America and GOD Bless you! See ya'! November 6, 2014: 2:30 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today. I've been trying to get something done for my husband and then when he comes home I have to go out and about with him. He's preparing for an event this weekend and then we're going to go shopping for an event for us that I'll tell you more about later. So let's start with $1.4 MILLION of your money going to MEXICO to stop employment discrimination. I'm sorry. I didn't get the memo. When did Mexico become PART OF AMERICA? Why are we doing that? Why are we sending ANY money whatsoever to MEXICO without their being a disaster and us sending humanitarian relief? If there's not an earthquake, landslide, etc., and people are in dire need of immediate disaster relief, we should NOT be sending our hard-earned taxpayer dollars to MEXICO! Need I add, especially not for "employment discrimination"?! Who okayed this? thevileone, I'm sure. IMPEACH HIM! November 6, 2014   Should we trust the bonehead? I'll believe it when I see it. bonehead boehner has a much spine as a jellyfish. I seriously doubt he'd do anything that would upset thevileone. He kisses the "Butt Of Power" every chance he gets. November 6, 2014   Is this holder's replacement? If she's NOT a racist, and she's a CONSTITUTIONAL attorney who actually believes in and FOLLOWS the U.S. Constitution (unlike thevileone), I'm all for her. IF, on the other hand, she's more about PC, restitution and as racist as holder, then I hope she can't be confirmed by the newly powerful Republican House and Senate. Wouldn't that be sweet? The opportunity to prevent thevileone from having a ditto of holder in that office is available. Question is, will the Republicans use it? IF they DO, HURRAY! IF they DO NOT, what was this election all about? November 6, 2014   I think this is hysterical! Sly. Very sly. November 6, 2014   EboMa:   NYC monitoring TRIPLE the number of people since the first patient in NYC. Didn't I tell you they've been hiding how many ebola cases are in America? The media agreed to not report them? That's the allegation. Now thevileone is requesting $6.2 BILLION to "fight with" [sic] ebola. He's sending that money -- YOUR money -- to Africa. Either that or thevileone is using ebola as an excuse to give money to more of his Islamic buddies. The second option is just as plausable as the first, agree? Now, as I said he would, thevileone has ordered our troops to treat ebola patients. Yes, they're experienced healthcare workers, but does that prevent them from getting sick? Remember, we've had nurses and doctors here in America who got sick treating it. So I think my prediction was valid. BTW, if ebola is so difficult to catch, why did the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Conference in New Orleans BAN doctors who have been to ebola infected countries from attending its conference? After all, they would know, would they not, how easily ebola is or is not spread? November 6, 2014   dumborats frustrated with pelosipig.
But wait! She's the one who marched down the streets of D.C. with the huge gavel in her hand and had the great visual from it. How can they be frustrated with
her visuals? Isn't that what it's all about for dumborats: LOOKS? November 6, 2014   thevileone's admin is so incompetent. The Russians hacked into thevileone's admin's computers and planted malware. If you're a frequenter of government websites you may want to call them for info instead of using their website for a while. November 6, 2014   thevileone may as well have said "I'm Mr. Popularity!" He's SOOO narcissistic! The world revolves around him because HE IS the sun, the moon and the stars, plus the KING OF THE WORLD! November 6, 2014   Sigh. Love it. November 6, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) DOES happen as a rule in Islam. When it is denied, that denial is a LIE. And to this brutal, barbaric organization (Islam) thevileone wants to give a nuclear deal in exchange for help fighting ISIS? Does it make sense to anyone to give NUCLEAR WAR CAPABILITIES to an ISLAMIC STATE of ANY sort? I don't care if they swear on a stack of Korans that they'll never use nuclear weapons against us, DON'T GIVE THEM THE CAPABILITY! They LIE as much as thevileone, who was raised Islamic and speaks favorably of his religion still. Remember, Islam is still killing people for being Christians. It's happening everywhere, and it includes the ax attacker in NYC as the Muslim aggressor. Is it a good idea to give nuclear weapons to a religion that thinks that anyone who is not of their religion should DIE? I think not. November 6, 2014   Wow. Got more done today than I thought I would. I gotta' go, so pray for America. Pray for the Republicans to do the right things. Pray for them to have a spine. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone on his tracks. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and for others like him. Pray for revival to sweep across this land and that people will give their hearts to Christ by the tens of thousands; including Muslims. Pray for peace. GOD Bless America and GOD bless YOU! See ya'! November 5, 2014: 12: 38 a.m.: A GREAT DAY!   Republican SWEEP! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAA! Let's hope they don't blow it big time! In my endorsements, I did pretty good. Those I lost on: barfield won (Bleck.); orfinger was retained (uh oh); nancy maloney beat John Moser (darn!); the ½¢ sales tax was voted in (why?); the EDC retained their power (bad for Brevard); people believed the lie that the Document Stamp tax going to "environmental issues" won't raise their taxes (DUH!); judicial appointments got defeated. So I lost a few, but I will be proven correct in the long run. At least I'm not so desperate as to say something as stupid as hillclintOOn is the REAL WINNER. (Say what?) There are still a few races not yet decided so Republicans (Hopefully, CONSERVATIVE Republicans) may still gain a few seats. I'm so glad it's over! I received more election mail this year from more candidates than ever before. I received election mail from dumborats this year, too. I suppose they thought that because I am registered No Party Affiliation (NPA) that means that I'm up for dumborat influence, or will vote for them. Get real. Ain't gonna' happen. Not unless there's a dumborat out there who is TRULY, ABSOLUTELY, INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY JUST LIKE RONALD REAGAN during his presidency, there's no way I'll ever vote for a dumborat. I disagree TOTALLY with their party platform and could not associate my name with that in any way, shape, or form. So, I'm glad the election (for the most part; minus those still in contention) is over. I can stop wearing out my shredder. They are, however, good for giggles. November 5, 2014   IRS: how thevileone will pay America back for dumborat defeat. Don't ya' love the IRS being used as a weapon against us? It isn't legal to do so, but thevileone has never cared about legal/illegal when it concerns anything he wants to do. He's above the law, outside the law, IS the law in his own little-bitty-pea-sized brain. We need to impeach him NOW! The IRS still hasn't looked for the lois lerner e-mails. It's not as if they have to obey the law, now is it? November 5, 2014   The GOP needs to take on eric holder now. They need to put him in prison for the rest of his life because of the blood shed he and thevileone caused via Fast & Furious. It would not have happened without their help. Accessory before the fact. November 5, 2014   Teeheeeheee...(*smirk*) Poor widdle babies. November 5, 2014   thevileone said it, will he now resign? He didn't want to be prezidunce without having the Senate, too. So will he resign? November 5, 2014   OR votes against giving ILLEGALS drivers' licenses so when will eric holder and thevileone's admin show up to SUE the state? What will happen to the liberals' view of thevileone when their vote is overturned by this admin because this admin thinks that the vote doesn't mean anything as long a the admin wants it, the admin gets it? Will the liberals/progressives/lefties/commies in OR still LURB thevileone? November 5, 2014   Brits sacrifice their children to PC. As I've said: lefties have a War On Children and if they gave a rat's patutti for their children they would not allow Muslims to rape their children and DO NOTHING TO STOP IT! England disgusts me. November 5, 2014   EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS to understand lefties. I understood them years ago, but this article is VERY good at telling us from the inside what the left is like. Read it. Learn it. This is reality. This is what we are up against and what the author left. I applaud the author for the article. November 5, 2014   Gun "control" candidates lost last night. Maybe our Second Amendment rights are safer now? We'll see. November 5, 2014   Even the dollar perked up after the Republican SWEEP. The DOW celebrated the Republican victory also. As I said: It's a great day... until thevileone speaks up and ruins it? November 5, 2014   Aaaaaahhh... public schools:   Football player penalized for thanking GOD after touchdown. The ref punished his team by fifteen yards for "unsportsmanlike conduct". The ref should be fired. It's not unconstitutional for a high school football player to say anything about GOD during a game. The ref is discriminating based upon religion and he should be fired for his bigotry! November 5, 2014   Fighting resumes in Ukraine. Pray for peace for that country. Russia is not helping the situation, I'm sure, and Putin still wants to reconstitute the old USSR. It's a bad situation for the people of Ukraine and especialy dangerous for children. November 5, 2014   Not just "Eewww!" but "Why?" November 5, 2014   I'm going to stop there for now because my IE is acting up again. I really do need to find a better web browser. Any suggestions? Thank GOD for the election results of yesterday -- and hopefully more to come -- and pray for America. Pray for revival and for GOD's blessings on us and that He'll forgive America's sins and bless us and heal our land. Pray for peace. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini. Pray for jim barfield to act like a TRUE CONSERVATIVE even though he accepted money from local dumborats. Pray for Islam to be totally changed into a Christian belief system. Pray for our country's very existence with thevileone still pushing for all the power he can get. Until next time, GOD Bless America, and you, and I'll See ya'! November 4, 2014: 3:09 p.m.: ELECTION DAY: GO VOTE!   What a RACIST remark! Can you imagine the outcry if a white politician had said the same thing? Amazing. November 4, 2014   Aaaaahhh.... public schools   One sent out 717 "missing studet" messages to parents. Oh my grandpa! Can you imagine that feeling? Your child is missing? What a difficult thing to be put through by accident! In another school, a teacher threw a shoe at an elementary school student! Anger management issues? Did you know that Texas tops the nation in teacher/student sex cases? Another "good reason" (*cough*) to send your child to public school? Not. Just remember it doesn't happen ONLY in TX. Then there are the teachers who have apparently taken lessons from msthvileone. Sometimes, unfortunately and despicably, the sex is NOT consensual and the student is raped. That's not a teacher: that's a predator. All of this "extracurricular" activity makes you wonder how effective they are at teaching, does it not? In Maryland, 3% are said to INeffective teachers. November 4, 2014   thevileone has been spying on someone who wanted to do her job as a reporter and tell the truth about thevileone and what he was doing. thevileone doesn't like the truth being known. He wants to LIE to everyone and have no one who will defy him. That's how he wants to get and maintain power: LYING all he wants with no one who will stand up to him and tell the TRUTH about what he's doing. Sharyl Atkisson was telling the truth about him and that's why she was set up. November 4, 2014   thevileone has this on his hands, too:   As many as 55 American children paralyzed due to illegals bringing enterovirus into the country. thevileone did that. Those American children are suffering because of thevileone's actions. He should be held criminally responsible; or the parents should sue him (and WIN) in civil court. He did this. November 4, 2014   LOL! No kidding. November 4, 2014   "Civil war" amongst dumborats? That's what is promised if immigration reform isn't passed. The problem is that even if there is a "civil war" amongst them BOTH SIDES are still dumborats and if they don't harm America in one way, they'll do it another. November 4, 2014   DO[IN]J finaly releases SOME of the Fast & Furious documents. It'll take a while to go through the 64,280 pages, and who knows what will be found in them, but at least it's a start. Who knew that a court could actually make eric holder do anything? Question for you: why has eric holder not been disbarred yet? He's done everything he can to disobey the law, to be uncooperative with court orders, to dely compliance. Why is he still an attorney? Why has he not been disbarred? November 4, 2014   Duke Univ. prof wants to cancel the midterm elections. He has help with this stupidity from a student, but it's all about giving more power -- kingly power -- to the prezidunce. Isn't that just so dumborat? November 4, 2014   I love Dr. Thomas Sowell! He's soo good! November 4, 2014   Did Sen. Kay Hagan's hubby break the rules after receiving stimulus money (taxpayer dollars; never forget that)? There's someone calling for an investigation into how the money was spent. Good. Hold dumborats' feet to the fire when it comes to OUR money. November 4, 2014   In TX the Republican candidate for GOV. was NOT LISTED ON THE BALLOT MACHINES. Tell me that's an oversight? Cheating is as cheating does. November 4, 2014   I'm surprisingly going to stop there for now. Don't know why: just gonna'. Pray for our country. I have the feeling that it's going to be a bumpy next few days until all of the election fraud is covered up and all the excuses fall into place. GOD Bless America. Until next time, See ya'! November 3, 2014: 3:04 a.m.   I wanted to post a link to my Minion Monday post before going to bed. So here's "Minion Monday: Hank Wanted To Vote" in the spirit of the day. And, as promised, I wanted to post a picture of the desk my hubby and I made. It took a while to get it done, but it's finished and I'm sitting at it. It's gorgeous! So now I'll go to bed. G'night! November 3, 2014: 12:58 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have earrands to run and I must get to them but I did want to do some of this first. So let's start with a show of Russian respect for thevileone. (*smirk*) November 3, 2014   Election ads feature thevileone's healthcareTAX. They think that saying they'll vote against it is going to get them elected. With all of the problems this piece of garbage has created, I can't imagine thevileone's healthcareTAX NOT being an election issue. November 3, 2014   November 3, 2014   I hope Republicans win. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or otherwise. November 3, 2014   I've gotta' scoot and get my errands done. See ya' later today. November 3, 2014: 3:31 p.m.   Didn't get my errands run. I got in my vehicle to do my errands and the ABS light came on, but it has done so before and it has always gone away after a slow drive around the block and pumping the brakes (hubby thinks there's air in the brake line). This time it didn't go off. So I came back to our driveway and got out to see if any of the brakes were hot. When I got to the right front wheel to see if the brake was hot (if it's hot, it's probably locking up), the tire was going flat. So the ABS light probably kept me from being stuck on the side of the road somewhere with a flat tire. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." GOD is good. November 3, 2014   Don't trust the polls. You still need to go VOTE if you want to be able to complain later. (*snicker*) No, if you want to have a say in how this country goes, in what your children's futures have in store, in what happens to slow down or speed up thevileone, you MUST VOTE. Don't just rely on everyone else to carry the water for your responsibility and privilege. YOU go vote. Get out there. Do it. Then complain if you need to if it doesn't go your way, if the people you vote for get elected but don't keep their promises, if illegals determine our election. In fact, if the FRAUDULENT votes are the votes that decide OUR election we have no one to blame but ourselves because we have not gone out in numbers big enough to counter that fraudulent vote. Don't blame others for what WE should hold OURSELVES responsible for! VOTE or shut up! November 3, 2014   Student starts campaign to repeal msthevileone's lack-of-lunch program. Good for the student! msthevileone's lack-of-lunch program is the BEST LESSON IN FREEDOM America's students have had in a very long time! I'm proud of the students who are fighting back and I think this is excellent! BTW, if a PARENT fed their children the kinds of lunches msthevileone makes schools feed everyone's children, I believe that the DCF would have been called on that PARENT a LONG time ago! Agree? November 3, 2014   Nah. Really? November 3, 2014   SOOO JEALOUS! I wanna' go! November 3, 2014   Good sign. Let's see what tomorrow holds. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate.) November 3, 2014   Say what? SMH. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate.) November 3, 2014   msthevileone encourages dumborat slavery. That's the way I see it. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate.) November 3, 2014   CBO updates budget projections: "•Annual spending for Social Security is projected to grow by almost 80 percent. Under current law, outlays for that program would climb from 4.9 percent of GDP this year to 5.6 percent in 2024, according to CBO's estimates.Thanks, thevileone! Just what we needed! (NOT!) November 3, 2014   Sadam did have nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. The dumborats just don't want to admit that GWB was right so they're in constant denial. Truth is truth is truth. When they're wrong they should admit it, but they're too infantile to do so. Poor babies. Should I get them a pacifier to share? November 3, 2014   I suppose I should get off this computer and do other things. I've been working on something I've never done before: making my own Christmas cards via a kit I ordered. They provide a LOT of stuff but I have added other things, too. I have about 23 cards completed (well, put together, but not signed, addressed, stamped, etc.) and I'm looking forward to getting the rest of them done. I don't know if I'll do this again next year, but it has been enjoyable. Pray for a CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY WIN tomorrow. Pray for our country to have a revival and that GOD will forgive us our sins and heal our land. Pray that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks -- impeached even. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini (BTW, I have been completely remiss in not congratulating Sgt. Tahmooressi on his release from Mexico's jail) and for his healing and release; and for others like him. Pray for peace in Jerusalem, in America and throughout the earth. Pray for America to be a million times more resilient than thevileone, george soros, et al, believe Americca to be. Pray for GOD's blessings on this fair land. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! October 2014 October 31, 2014: 3:40 p.m.   Think voter fraud is a lie? Think again. Voter fraud happens all the time in HUGE numbers. You need to get out of the house and VOTE so that you can counter the FRAUD that happens and we can have an election THIS TUESDAY that has a greater chance of having results that are as close to fraud-free as possible. VOTE. Or you have no one else to blame. October 31, 2014   Well, I went and voted yesterday and in order to make sure I was as informed as possible, I did my due diligence and looked up the judges that were up for retention. I wound up voting for retention for all of them EXCEPT ORFINGER. I didn't vote to retain Orfinger because it sounds to me in this testimony during a disciplinary action that he was trying to find a way to word it so that the attorney he personally sanctioned and fined $12,000 for allegedly counseling the client in the attorney's case to LIE TO THE COURT. If a judge can try to word his own testimony in such a way so as not to damage an attorney's reputation when the attorney has already done something that breaks court rules, then we don't need the attorney NOR the judge who is trying to help the attorney. That's in my humble opinion, of course, but why would we want to keep a judge who does that? So that's my two cents worth. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or cronyism.) October 31, 2014: 11:54 a.m.   It's Halloween, but I don't do Halloween, so lah-ti-dah on that one. But it's still Friday, and that means it's Flag Friday and that means it's time for a "Tribute To Our Heroes 188: You Didn't Take 'This Way Out'". Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough. October 31, 2014   dumborats send threats to a MILLION voters. Now that's the way to make friends and influence people. Strong arm politics is what you get when the powerful are afraid of losing their power. This is the dumborat party: "'If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not.'"If this stupid letter is not voter intimidation I don't know what is. Well, yes I do. It's the New Black Panther Party standing outside a polling place with weapons in their hands. That's intimidation, too. Will it happen again this year? Is thevileone still the prezidunce? Then if they're not threatening you, they're resorting to begging. Boo. Hoo. If they're not threatening or begging, they're cheating. October 31, 2014   Messing with Halloween candy? That's unAmerican, but it's also msthevileone. She takes her eating program way too seriously. Halloween candy should not be exchanged for broccoli. Candy is so much better. Can you imagine a little kid at the door, "Trick or Treat!" and getting a brussel sprout? They'd throw that out believing that for the first time ever they received a trick. A the next door they get a carrot stick; and the next a package of bean sprouts? They'd give up and go home. Did you know that her school lunch program is costing schools $1,300 DAILY? Yep. It's "for the children". Her lunches are hated by children and the pictures of them would make most grown men turn up their noses. I certainly wouldn't want to eat that slop. October 31, 2014   Cuomo's opponent's wife confronts Cuomo about his lies. People should do this. When candidates lie to the public they should be confronted with their lies. I think there should be a "Truth in advertising" LAW that for political advertising the candidate (incumbent or challengers) MUST be TRUTHFUL -- absolute, verifiable, unquestionable truth -- in their advertising or face fines or firing. If a candidate lies about his opponent, fine the liar $5,000 per airing or print. If a candidate lies about his/her true principles (as in RINOs telling us they're Conservatives but being liberals like Andy Anderson, Chuck Nelson and Jim Barfield) then they get relieved of their office immediately upon their third vote that went against their own advertising. Yes, sometimes there are compromises, but when a candidate tells us one thing then gets into office and consistantly goes totallly against what they told us it's time to say that they are NOT what we voted for and that they used false advertsing and that we're not going to tolerate that anymore. We are not supposed to be voting for a LIE, we are supposed to be voting for a TRUTH that we were told we would get upon voting for "Candidate X". Take the prezidunce, for instance. How many people believe he delivered on his "Hope" and "Change" promise? Where is the "Hope"? Yes, there has been change -- for the WORSE, not the better. He LIED to us about everything (as I knew he would) and they did NOT vote for what he is doing, THEY voted for what he advertised he would do. Instead they are getting higher taxes, a downgraded economy, job loss, more regulations, they've lost their health insurance and can't afford the insurance he's offering. It's time for the TRUTH in Advertising law to kick him out: at least it would have already happened if my "Political Truth In Advertising" law was part of our U.S. Constitution, state constitutions, etc. I think it's what we need to do in order to take our country back and to keep "We, The People" in charge! What thinks you? Would ANY politician vote to pass it? October 31, 2014   October 31, 2014   Let us pray. It would be good for America. October 31, 2014   "permanently taking 1.8 million cars off the road."They're also going to make you change your house's air conditioner: "EPA will reduce heating and cooling loads at its labs and further save energy by converting from constant to variable air flow systems that respond to ventilation demand."Is that not special? Freedom, anyone? October 31, 2014   EboMa:   CDC says sneezing spreads abola. Then they take it down. When will they tell you the truth about ebola? Will they wait until it's too late? October 31, 2014   I can't help but smile... October 31, 2014   I'm going to stop there for now. I have a project I want to get done and some pics to take of my new desk! Yes, it's finished! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! My hubby and I put in the drawers, affixed the top and put in the shelves last night. This is the desk I designed, my hubby built and I did a custom stain color, stained it, waxed it, polished it and helped a little with the construction of the pieces. I'll try to get pics today during sunlight hours because last night the pics just weren't coming out as I wanted. I'll sew the curtains I want to do and then try again with the pics. Remember to pray for our troops, revival in this land, for Islam to come to Christ, Pastor Saeed Abedini to be released and completely healed, peace, for thevileonen to be stopped in his tracks and for GOD TO BLESS AMERICA and heal our land. Until next time, See ya'! October 30, 2014: 10:08 a.m.   Ketchup kerry said to be "somersaulting through space, untethered" from this admin. If the shoe fits. October 30, 2014   Gitmo former detainees join ISIS & other groups to fight and kill again. thevileone really does know what he's doing when it comes to helping Islam hurt, kill and destroy. He's their best friend. October 30, 2014   MD CITIZEN voters SUE MD over NON-citizens voting. If CITIZENSHIP is to be cherished and valued at all, we need to have something in America that we can do that the ILLEGALS CANNOT do; that includes the VOTE. To put the leadership and direction of this country into the hands of those who recently came from Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cost Rica, Panama, etc., when they have NOTHING IN THE GAME to lose, KNOW NOTHING about our country and about our history and our founding, and allow them to vote, is WRONG. It's all okay with liberals/progressives/lefties because they think that they can control the country that way and change America into a Marxist regime. At what cost do they do so? Do they pay the price? No, they get more "power" and they think it's worth it because of that. Your children and their futures? Who cares? Liberals/progressives/lefties don't care because it's not about "the children" it's about the POWER. Freedom? To liberals/progressives/lefties it's a price WE have to pay, not that THEY should pay because they have nothing to lose. If they can make America a Marxist country and be part of the POWER, they're fine with that. What they forget is that most of them haven't kissed enough of the right butts to get them the POWER they so desire. Not a problem: they'll kiss more. The problem remains that others pay the price, including their own children, but they're on the altar of PC, too, and they can be sacrificed just as easily as the rest of us. It's the right price to pay for a dead America and a demolished American dream. October 30, 2014   SF "celebrates" World Series victory by rioting and breaking things. How is that a "celebration"? In my home, when we celebrate we don't break things. I don't understand how anyone can say "We Won! Let's go break things, set fires, and steal!" How is that OKAY? Why is that an acceptable part of our society nowadays? If they had lost and rioted, it would be NO MORE ACCEPTABLE than winning and rioting. Rioting is NOT OKAY! What is wrong with us that we just say "It's the way they do things nowadays," with the "they" being whoever will participate in that stupidity: green, purple, magenta, or lime, their skin color doesn't matter. Rioting should NOT be acceptable! October 30, 2014   October 30, 2014   Doh! Elbows are ebola resistant, don't ya' know? October 30,, 2014   Budget cuts responsible for five "friendly fire" deaths? That's what is being asserted now. That, and that the people at fault are not the people in charge: thevileone and those he appointed to control the military. None of the high-muckety-mucks are to blame. They had nothing to do with another problem. No! They're absolutely innocent and clean and the wind-driven snow. (*sarcasm*) October 30, 2014   That's just ridiculously stupid. But if the lefties want to be stupid, who are we to stop them? October 30, 2014   Hagel says we are creating "a new world order". Sounds to me like it's time to head for the hills if that be the case! October 30, 2014   Drink Coca-Cola? May want to reconsider that. October 30, 2014   CBS says thevileone's admin is low. Well, that's one way to look at it. October 30, 2014   Houston's Mayor withdraws subpoenas for Pastor's sermon notes and communications. That's good. Considering what the lefties say about "seperation of church & state" I don't know where she allegedly received the dictatorial right to ask for them in the first place. She stepped over the line, erased the line, destroyed any semblance of a line, etc., and she should be drummed out of office. October 30, 2014   I've got errands to run today, so I shall close with that. Pray for our troops, for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, that a revival will sweep across this land, that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks, that TRUE CONSERVATIVES will win EVERY election next week and that the dumborats won't be able to cheat enough to get them into office. GOD BLESS AMERICA and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 29, 2014: 1:15 p.m.   thevileone used to be a "community organizer" in Chicago. The "joke" he tells about that is more truth than joke. This isn't Chicago, you can only vote once? I think that's an admission of guilt more than anything else. Is this part of the reason dumborats avoid even mentioning his name? October 29, 2014   La Raza info tells people where to vote without ID. If you look at La Raza's website you will see why thevileone wants to give them amnesty. They urge their followers to vote -- how much you wanna bet every vote urged is for a dumborat? October 29, 2014   thevileone's admin: as classless as can be. He's a national embarrassment and I am ashamed of his administration for all they're tryint go do to America and for how they treat our allies. From day one, thevileone has done the wrong thing every time. From not attending wreath laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery to remember on Memorial Day those who gave all, to his presents to world leaders thevileone has been someone to be ashamed of. thevileone is an embarrassment to everyone -- especially dumborat candidates -- today. Maybe that's why audience members are walking out on him. He should resign and skulk back under the rock he crawled out from under. That's not a racist statement; it's about his policies, uncouthness and supremacist attitude (do a search on his name and the word "arrogance" and you get 3,590,000 results [up from the previous 2,200,000 of 2009]: I wrote about his arrogance here) not his skintone. October 29, 2014   Voting machines cheating again. They deny it's happening, but "Twelve have been thoroughly tested– and the problem could not be replicated. The others are out of service."Think about that statement. "The others [those the problem was replicated in?] are out of service." So for those that actually did it when checked they are out of service and those that only did it sometimes are still in use? Isn't that still a problem? Isn't that still stealing votes for the dumborat party? Well, election machines are helping dumborats, then there's the Alderman candidate who offered "raffle prizes" for votes. Of course, she is a dumborat and that "raffle" was in violation of election laws, but who cares about the law? If you're a dumborat you're allowed. It's part of the dumborat culture, right? October 29, 2014   College students support MURDER OF BABIES. They call it -- because their professors taught them so -- "post-birth abortion". IT'S MURDER! But their professors taught them that it's an "abortion" and "abortions" are legal, aren't they? Is this why you send your kids to college; to have their morals totally corrupted and all sense of right and wrong turned around and twisted into something unrecognizable? This is disgusting and you can put the blame squarely on the shoulders of our public "education" system and liberal college professors. I highly recommend Conservative Christian Colleges like Regent University, Hillsdale College and Liberty University. I can almost guarantee your child's (nor your own) morals will NOT be corrupted at those schools. October 29, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   214,524 doctors opt out of this garbage. They choose to not participate because the prices they get paid for procedures would mean they'd have to go out of business. They have to pay their own insurance rates, their office manager, nurses, receptionists, etc., plus their electric bill, water bill, rent or mortgage, for their equipment, their paperwork processes (an increasing load to bear under this garbage), repairs to equipment and/or the building if they own instead of renting; all of this is part of the cost of being a doctor. It's all something they have to take into consideration as they decide what to do about participating in or not participating in thevileone's healthcareTAX. When a doctor charges you, he's paying for all of this pluse any student loans he has to pay back for the education that allowed him to be able to treat you. There are other expenses, too (professional organization dues, etc.) that he has to pay for out of his own pocket, and your doctor has to have a paycheck in order to pay his/her own bills. thevileone's healthcareTAX is such a slap to doctors that I don't blame them for leaving instead of accepting the pay of a shoe salesman. October 29, 2014   I'm in shock. I agree with Ralph Nader. Wow... October 29, 2014   wendy "baby killing is good" davis can't get it right. Of course, a ridiculous suggestion may have seemed like a good idea to the her since stupid is as stupid does. She had a brain once. She aborted it. October 29, 2014   FBI breaks the law again. They entered rooms in Vegas without a searach warrant and it's not the first time they've done bad and stupid.
October 29, 2014   I'm going to stop there for today. My internet program (I'm going to find a different one I'm so tired of the problems with IE!) is acting up and I'm frustrated with it. Pray for our troops, Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christians in prison, revival across this great land, peace, for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks, and for TRUE CONSERVATIVES to be elected next week. GOD BLESS AMERICA and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 28, 2014: 4:41 p.m.   Late start today so let's get a few blurbs done then we'll try to get started earlier tomorrow. How about we start with an upcoming scotus ruling that may prevent fillibusters in the future? The Constitution says that the House and Senate get to make their own rules for how they do business (Section 5; para 2): ""Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings,"How will the scotus get around that? I don't know but we'll wait to see if spineless john (roberts) votes the way the liberals want him to vote. Even money. October 28, 2014   A rude awakening has occurred: October 28, 2014   A HUGE October 28, 2014   dumborats run from harry reid and thevileone. When your leadership scares your voter base should that not tell you something? Wake up, dumborats! You're headed the wrong direction and you're trying to destroy the very thing (America) that gave you the opportunity to be as powerful as you are. How stupid can you get to shoot your own country in the foot? I'll let them shoot themselves in the foot, but they need to leave America out of it! October 28, 2014   Another dumborat keeping it classy (*cough*). He called his opponent, SC Gov. Nikki Haley, a "whore" at a campaign event. dumborats really are amazing. How low can their standards go? Will they ever reach the lowest point of their lows? If they reach the center of the earth do they win a prize, or just burn up? October 28, 2014   Let us pray that this trend continues and that in 2016 when thevileone was hoping to cash in on the illegals he brought into this country that they vote for CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS (NOT RINOs) and throw thevileone overboard and for a real loop. He will never be able to get his head around the stereotypes in his head that all blacks and all Latinos are going to vote dumborat, no matter what. He'd be babbling in the corner for six weeks! October 28, 2014   hillclintOOn tries to take it back. Awww... too bad. Her own words betrayed her. She said something and then got called on it and is now trying to undo what she did. Poor behbeh. October 28, 2014   Why is Putin in a hurry to start a war? He is pushing the boundaries worldwide and he's going to push someone just a bit too far, and BOOM! WWIII starts with Putin and China agreeing to go against the rest of us. Why is he in such a rush to make it happen? Does he want to get it done in his lifetime? He just had a birthday and is 62 years-old so is he afraid that he'll never see "Mother Russia" whole again? Why is he willing to see so many of his people DIE? Others will die as well, we all know that, but as the leader of a country he's supposed to be looking out for his own, not trying his best to kill them. October 28, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Baby-killer hailed as hero. That's pretty sick, but it is Islam. When you have nothing good to serve you serve bad. When your god does not love you, only loves your DEATH, you seek death. That is Islam. Their god does not love them, as the GOD of the Bible loves all and sent His Son to die FOR us (as opposed to us dying FOR him), Islam's way of belief leads to death and destruction. Christianity teaches that GOD is love and He wants to give us good things, to be with us through all eternity. Islam has no guarantees: not even for martyrs who have no more promise of heaven than the "infidels". It's such a shame that so many Americans are drawn to this destructive organization. Now, they say the U.S. government is taking terrorist threats seriously. It's fine to let the "regular" Americans have no real security (open southern border lets how many Islamic terrorists in?), but when it comes to their own safety? Use planes, trains and automobiles to keep them safe. It's so bad, that even Europe is tired of Islam's ways. They're protesting in the streets by the thousands. October 28, 2014   Republicans say they'll stop amnesty if they win the Senate. Should we trust them? It's better to have Republicans in the Senate than more dumborats, agree? I'd say "Trust but verify" as Ronaldus Magnus used to say. October 28, 2014   I'll stop there for now. If I find something you really should see of course I'll post that later. Pray for our troops, for revival to sweep across this land and bring thousands upon thousands to Christ, for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks, for TRUE CONSERVATIVES to win in November 2014, for Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christians like him and until next time, GOD BLESS AMERICA and YOU! See ya'! October 27, 2014: 1:13 p.m.   Monday, Monday... Which means it's time for "Minion Monday: Hank Tries Yoga"! He really shouldn't have gone through every pose they had listed. How do you spell relief? October 27, 2014   Hehehe... thevileone's coattails not as effective as they used to be. People riding his coattails, in fact, are losing points, not gaining. Sigh. It's a wonderful thing. October 27, 2014   Good point: fiscal responsibility only a concern for dumborats when it means they don't have to do voter ID, or enforce current election integrity laws. Well, that and if it means the border is DEEMED "secure" and boatloads of illegals can vote. It's not as if they really want to obey the laws as long as whatever laws they break are in their own benefit. Lawlessness leads to power and power is what they want. October 27, 2014   Aaaahhh... public schools:   Teaching Koran & there's no god but allah. Sorry. That's not what I would want my kids to learn. Then there's the teacher who gets a DUI on the way TO school. Yep. Want that teacher teaching my children. (*sarcasm*) How about the science teacher who accidentally started a fire that burned four of his students? Accidents happen, but ouch. Or the local, Polk County, FL, teacher arrested on DRUG charges. Good influence, huh? Or the teacher who had sex with one of her students, and tattooed his name on her body? Sure. I want my sons under her influence (*sarcasm*). Or if I had a daughter, being taught by this guy. (NOT!) Let's all give a shout-out to the teacher who assigned students to inventory their home medicine cabinet for her. Just a little invasion of privacy there and why would a teacher want to know? What if that teacher was looking for specific drugs and had a gang of students (she was a junior high school teacher) who would go rob that house of the specific drugs she wanted? Black markets can be very lucrative. What if the teacher wasn't just looking to invade their privacy but also to invade their house? Sure, sometimes teachers do good things. But considering how many times we've seen teaching being given a black eye by the perverts who get a job as a teacher so that they can be closer to their prey, I think that it would be safer to homeschool children. It's better for them, it gives you the opportunity to teach them your values, ideals and beliefs without having them countermanded by a liberal atheist teacher and without having them subjected to perverts. "What about socialization?" you ask. Socialization is nothing more than learning how to fit into the crowd. Homeschool for your children. It's better for them than fitting in. October 27, 2014   Chocolate reverses age related memory loss. MMmmmmmmm.... chocolate. I knew there was a reason I loved chocolate. I just forgot what it was for a little while. (Not really: I could never forget why I love chocolate!) There are a LOT of reasons to LOVE CHOCOLATE! I think it's GOD's perfect creation (remember Jesus was NOT created, but begotten). Also, I think He created it after He created woman. He knew Adam wasn't going to get it right 100% of the time and that Eve would need something to help her through. (*wink*) October 27, 2014   Ugh. No! (Just in case: Paid political advertisement paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or familial dynasty.) October 27, 2014   CBO report: We can't tell you. There's a reason for that, though: "The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has concluded that 'there currently is no reliable baseline estimate of the amount of health care fraud in the United States,' and CBO has not estimated the amount of fraud—either detected or undetected—in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which has primary responsibility for federal oversight of all three programs, is developing an estimate of the incidence of fraud for some Medicare services; that estimate is expected to be available soon."Don't ya' love government [IN]competence? We're PAYING these folks! My question is, for what? October 27, 2014   CBO report: $2.2 BILLION "slightly higher" than $0.1 BILLION. I suppose when you're talking numbers that HUGE, a $2.1 BILLION INCREASE could be considered "slightly higher", but not in my book. Oh, my grandpa! What on earth have they been smoking? Add to that the fact that the HARP program was SUPPOSED TO SAVE $63.0 BILLION when it was pushed. EXCUSE ME?!!! $65 BILLION DIFFERENCE? thevileone's lips were moving again. October 27, 2014   Soldiers sent to African continent now in isolation in Italy. To tell you the truth I'm quite surprised that someone in the Pentagon or this administration even thought of that. I am GLAD they thought of the possibility of one of those soldiers coming into contact with ebola and being contaminated, thus the quarantine, but I'm shocked that it was actually carried out. I was concerned. To tell you the whole truth, the soldiers themselves, I thought would be the ones initiating a quarantine period so that they wouldn't get their loved ones sick if they had come into contact with ebola. I trust our soldiers a heck of a lot more than I trust this administration. Did they extend the quarantine to accomodate the newly discovered 50 day lifetime on surfaces for ebola? October 27, 2014   Classless crist keeping cash. Exploiting women is the dumborat trademark and the cristmeister has proven he's a true dumborat. No wonder he's supported by dumborats. October 27, 2014   ND amendment declares "life begins at conception". Hey, FLORIDA, LET'S DO THIS! October 27, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It's RAISING THE PRICE of HIV drugs in FL. I bet that wasn't part of the promise of better treatment, lower prices and doctors and insurance you can keep, no matter what the NYT preaches. People's premiums are going up, but thevileone refuses to tell us how HIGH they'll go up until after the election next month. He can't tell you the truth because if he does he knows folks won't vote dumborat because more folks will realize that the dumborat leadership is full of liars. Some people are saying that this piece of garbage is a success. Not so. Any success is due to Medicaid expansion, not to this piece of garbage. Now there's no doubt: thevileone's healthcareTAX has INCREASED premiums in almost every state. The numbers are in, and they're just going to go up after the election. How much more will you pay? A new study tries to "explain" why people don't like this garbage. Could it possibly be because we don't like SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, MARXISM, which is what this thing is a cornerstone building block for? Could it be the lack of freedom in that the government is TELLING US AGAIN on what to spend our own hard-earned money? Could our desire to make our own spending choices have anything to do with it? Not according to the study. It's not about freedom. It's about choices. Too bad the study didn't ask any questions about FREEDOM and the ability to CHOOSE WHERE TO SPEND YOUR OWN MONEY. They focused on other things, of course. October 27, 2014   I shall close for today. Pray for our troops, for Pastor Saeed Abedini, for other Christians in prison for being Christians, for peace worldwide, for America to have a revival and that thousands come to Christ. Pray that Islam will come to Christ and stop trying to turn the world Islamic via violence. Pray for our country's protection against thevileone and that he will be stopped in his tracks. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! October 25, 2014: 11:19 p.m.   in FL, ATHEISTS plan to distribute "cartoon" book of BIBLE sexually assaulting women. Atheists are weird and think weird thoughts. I can't imagine doing something like this. I can't imagine trying to subject children to a book of sexual assault on women. The alleged "War on Women" is NOT a Conservative thing; it's a confirmed LEFTIST ATTACK ON WOMEN and it's not something they should get away with. I accuse the LEFT of having a WAR ON CHILDREN, too. Think about it: the left's favorite activity, abortion, kills children; they have children use foul language (the "F" bomb) to promote their ideology; they subject children to an assault on their biblical beliefs and/or sexual assault on women; they encourage moms to have their babies then go back to work and let "the village" raise their children (by "village" they mean the government); they don't care what msthevileone does to STARVE the children in school lunch programs as long as it's one of THEM in charge and doing it; they bring children from Central and South America illegally into the USA so that they can promote their cause and release pitiful pictures of them in concentration camp-type settings that the LEFT has created; they consider children props and pawns and use the phrase "for the children" more often than they use the toilet. It's not as if they give two flips about children. They just like to USE them, chew them up and spit them out like old chewing gum that has lost its flavor. That's the Left's War On Children! October 25, 2014: 4:14 p.m.   An unusual Saturday update because I found a few things to share with you that I thought were
worth the update. Let's start with
hillclintOOn says companies don't create jobs.
Sounds like she's been listening to thevileone's "You didn't build that" a bit too much: October 25, 2014   As I've previously questioned, if it were only CHILDREN who came into America this year across our southern border, why all the green cards? Eight-year-olds can't vote (well, not legally at least), so why an ID? New study says that LARGE NUMBERS of NON-CITIZENS vote in U.S. elections. What the study doesn't admit is that the dumborats help that happen. They do everything they can to help illegals, Mickey Mouse, dead people and felons vote in our elections. Who do you think filled in the ballots that were recently seen being stuffed, en masse, into the ballot box in AZ? Notice that the T-shirt he's wearing has an activist dumborat organization's name on it? (Duh! on him.) No one said they had brains, just chutzpah. October 25, 2014   If dumborats get their way, by this time next year, my site would be banned as dumborats move to limit political speech. If they can limit political speech on the internet, they can limit ANY speech on the internet. They can take total control and stop freedom from having any outlet whatsoever. Is that what you want? Telling them what you think about that may be a good idea. Whether they'll listen is another story altogether. After all, they are dumborats and they are trying to shut folks like you and I down. No harm in trying, though. As far as I know they can't take away your birthday. October 25, 2014   EboMa:   JW exposes thevileone's ebola plan: "Another key player here is a cryptic carrier known as Phoenix Air. We know this air carrier has been responsible for transporting Ebola victims, but that’s all the American people are being told. How safe is Phoenix Air and what kind of relationship does it have with the U.S. government? This much seems clear: Phoenix Air is more than just a medical transport unit. It appears to have significant DOD contracts."I wonder how many ebola victims it has transported from the African continent into America for more of us to be exposed. Exactly how much American blood does thevileone have on his hands and when will he be made to pay for that blood? October 25, 2014   Michelle Malkin has an EXCELLENT column today. Where was thevileone? He was praying toward Mecca. October 25, 2014   More Americans are renouncing their citizenship and leaving what used to be the best country on earth. Who can blame them? After all thevileone has done to destroy America, maintain as much power as he can (with all these new Hispanic voters will he be able to stay in office in 2016?), and even jacking up the exit fee for those those who renounced their citizenship! Now with all of the crap he's done -- or in the case of ebola, not done -- can anyone be blamed for Americans leaving America and trying to find a better place? BTW, May I highly recommend Panama since they based their most recent Constitution upon ours? It's as close as you'll come to finding America elsewhere in the world and the climate is pleasant. It's a growing economy, too. So there is a way to make money down there that is totally legal and moral. If you want to escape AmeriKa, Panama will welcome you. October 25, 2014   That's all that I see that tickles my fancy for today, but I did want you to see those. Pray for our country; for a revival and for hearts to turn to GOD and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Muslims and atheists to accept Christ and come out of the darkness and into GOD's love for them. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for our troops to be kept safe, healthy and to come home soon and uninfected. Pray for peace. GOD Bless America, our troops and you! Until next time, See ya'! October 24, 2014: 2:52 p.m.   It's Friday and you know what that means. Flag Friday pic: "Tribute To Our Heroes 187: When Eyes Are Watching" is ready for your viewing. Thank you for your service. I can never say "Thank You!" enough. October 24, 2014   Hurray for us! They say it has been nine years since an actual hurricane has made landfall in FL. We've probably gotten as much rain this year as if at least a major hurricane has hit, but I'll take the rain over a hurricane any day! October 24, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Hatchet attacker in NYC a Muslim. More of the same. Why is it that if there are peaceful Muslims who don't think that they should convert or KILL others that they are NOT SPEAKING AGAINST this sort of thing? Why? Is it because they're afraid of their fellow Muslims if they speak out against the "convert or die" Muslims? If that be the case, how can they claim "religion of peace and tolerance" if the people already within the religion are afraid of being killed for disagreement with the violence? Does their silence not speak volumes? Of course, you can number amongst those staying silent on the subject thevileone himself. His lack of actions speak louder than his lying lips. October 24, 2014   EboMa:   Ebola is in NYC: PANIC! It's amazing. Look at what this administration says: It can't be spread by casual contact. So, if it's NOT spread by "casual contact", why is it that when someone is diagnosed, the CDC and other health agencies automatically hunt down those who have been in CASUAL CONTACT with anyone diagnosed with ebola and "quarantine" them for 21 days? Hmmmm? Think about that. Are they LYING TO YOU? Were his lips moving? After all, the CDC says something else but they obey thevileone and follow his dictates. So who is the health official in America? thevileone must be because the CDC is bowing and kissing his backside. Doesn't that make you feel all kinds of better? October 24, 2014   Valerie Jarrett helped COVER UP Fast & Furious lies. Well, she is the right hand of thevileone, so why wouldn't she LIE? It's not as if thevileone would allow anyone around him who would hold him to the TRUTH, now is it? He surrounds himself with LIARS because he IS A LIAR. Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man. October 24, 2014   Twenty-five European banks fail stress test. Woopsie! Sounds like Europeans need to consider alternatives. Of course, at least 25 AMERICAN banks failed their stress tests this year, too. So what does that say about the global economy? I think we have a finger we can point right at thevileone for our part of that. In the EU, they have several people they can point at, but considering how every economy on earth is tied together now, how can it be that one big collapse (the EU, for instance) would not have at least some impact on ours? Would it take ours down? Don't know, but at the very least we would get a pretty big bump. October 24, 2014   October 24, 2014   Idiot judge got it all wrong. Just because they because True The Vote finally got their tax exempt status from the IRS that does not mean that the lawlessness of the IRS did NOT happen! When you are attacked on the street and beaten to within an inch of your life by the time the trial comes around most of your wounds are probably going to be healed; all of your bruises will be gone, your cuts healed and broken bones knit back together. Because the wounds are healed does that mean that the attack did not happen? No. The wrong was STILL DONE and the law was still BROKEN. The judge in this case got it WRONG WRONG WRONG and should be removed from the bench because of this ruling. October 24, 2014   If Ferguson goes back into riots you know that it's not because of anything the officer did, but because the rabble-rousers want to make trouble and nothing more. It's all about POWER and it's got nothing to do with justice. Remember: JUSTICE includes not being charged with a crime you DID NOT do. Remember all the activists and organizations like the "Innocence Project", et al? They are trying to prove that people in prison did NOT commit the crimes they've been charged with. Some of those folks have been proven innocent, others have failed the test. Should the Ferguson cop have to spend jail time when all of the forensic evidence is showing that he told the truth and was attacked by the guy he shot prior to shooting him? Should the cop go to trial and have that expense and the city/county/state waste the taxpayer dollars because a few people want the POWER to force the issue? What if he did go to trial and was found INNOCENT of all charges? Would they still riot? Absolutely. It's not about THE TRUTH and right and wrong; it's about POWER. Isn't that always the way? October 24, 2014   thevileone throws "his party under the bus" and he "can't help" but do it. I think he can help it; he just doesn't want to stop. He has to blame someone else and he doesn't care who else (although I have no memory of him throwing msthevileone under the bus and that should tell you something) he throws under the bus and places the blame on, as long as it's NOT himself. He's never responsible for failures, missteps, wrongs; he's only an intelligent, successful, creative and moral prezidunce in his own mind, that is. Those of us in reality know better. October 24, 2014   Utopia: exposing thevileone as "America’s very own fraudulent Wizard". October 24, 2014   On that fun note, I shall close for now. I will see you again for Minion Monday. I'm sure Hank has something up his sleeve so we'll see what that is next week. Pray for our country; for a revival and for hearts to turn to GOD and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Muslims and atheists to accept Christ and come out of the darkness and into GOD's love for them. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for our troops to be kept safe, healthy and to come home soon and uninfected. Pray for peace. GOD Bless America, our troops and you! Until next time, See ya'! October 24, 2014: 1:39 a.m.   After reading this story and and the follow-up, I had to do it. This is what I sent CNN: "Re. Carol Costello's comments:As someone who survived a childhood of domestic violence the very idea of someone being gleeful at anyone hitting a woman makes my stomach lurch. That it is another woman expressing glee over the violence makes me despise that woman to the "nth" degree. What a worm this Ms costello [sic] is! THE ONLY WAR ON WOMEN IS THE LEFT'S/PROGRESSIVE'S HATRED OF ANYONE AND ANYTHING CONSERVATIVE! For that, they should be utterly ashamed. October 23, 2014: 1:17 p.m.   Progressive feminists, keeping it classy. WARNING: VIDEO NSFW, or anywhere else. Read the article, don't watch the video unless you enjoy little girls using the "F" word. Progressives: polluting the children to exploit them for a cause. October 23, 2014   Aaawwww.... too bad. Dumborats start blaming thevileone for their expected losses. His chickens have come home to roost! October 23, 2014   There's a problem when your core principles (assuming dumborats have any) are all wrong at heart. When the going gets tough, you screw up and start showing them. For instance, you write that desegregation was an unwilling "invasion" and that can be taken in so many different ways. Instead of leaving the issue in State hands the feds came in and forced the issue. Well, lah-ti-dah. Can he think back to the lessons he allegedly learned back then and apply that to what thevileone is doing today? Apparently not. October 23, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   As soon as I heard about the shooting in Ottawa, Canada, yesterday, I said it was a follower of Islam. Today, I was proven correct. Does that not tell you something about the organization's reputation? Can you imagine if the motorcycle gang, "Hell's Angels" had a similar reputation and something happened? What would be the first thought in your mind when you heard about the incident? "Hell's Angels at it again." is what you would think. It's NOT a motorcycle gang with the worst reputation on earth. It is a dark, angry, hateful "religion" that is more about power than anything else. If it were otherwise, why don't we think of a motorcycle gang, or even the MS-13 gang when we hear about bad things happening in North America? October 23, 2014   EboMa:   Hospitals consider withholding treatments "too dangerous" for personnel. Well, I bet it's that and the fact that thevileone's healthcareTAX is being used to pay for some of this and their coverage stinks and the hospitals would be taking it on the chin for these things. Remember, EBOLA HAS MUTATED 300 TIMES so the treatments will continue to change. Some strains will need dialysis, some extreme respiratory care. If thevileone's healthcareTAX is going to be paying for this stuff (because we all know everyone now has healthcare because of thevileone's healthcareTAX, right?) then that means that it's going to increase the costs of the program. Add to that the fact that thevileone is IMPORTING people WITH EBOLA into the USA for treatment. Their care won't be covered by their governments, who knows if they have insurance in their home countries. Who does that leave stuck paying for their extreme medical interventions (including the cost of getting them here)? Us. Another way to destroy America and Americans. BTW, are they "disappearing" patients with ebola and covering up how big the outbreak really is in America? October 23, 2014   Crist says it's "worth it" if you lose your job so that your coworker who was hired first can continue to work and get $10 an hour minimum wage. What happens when that person's coworkers decide they want $12 an hour, or $15 hourly? They'll lose their job, too, along with several others. Businesses will close and the economy will take a nose dive that won't be recovered from for years and years. The only people employed will be those working for the federal government and even they won't be working for too long afterward. Why? Because no employment by all of those ex-taxpayers who are no longer paying taxes means government layoffs, too. So there will be massive UNemployment and the United States of America will be experiencing 35% unemployment for the first time ever. Even in the Great Depression the unemployment rate peaked at 25%. Imagine what worse than that would look like today. Want to find out? Raise the minimum wage to $10-15-20 an hour as some are out there screaming for. They'd change their tunes in a heartbeat if they actually got a look into the future. October 23, 2014   eric holder's WIFE now has "Executive Privilege" in Fast & Furious? That's what thevileone is trying to do. Stretching the bounds of credulity. October 23, 2014   That green card number is now 34 MILLION instead of the 9 MILLION reported yesterday. So why all the green cards -- that are used to get employment when the employment age is 16, and all those CHILDREN who came over were how old? -- if there weren't very many ADULTS who came over illegally? Remember: they wouldn't allow even Congressmen from seeing the illegals as they were housed in temporary housing. Why keep Congressmen from seeing them if there's nothing to hide? Now, they're getting medical care at OUR expense and it's all coming together for thevileone to do as he wishes. Also remember, when they give them a photo ID, they can also get a driver's license. As Rush says once you get a driver's license, you can get on the voter registration rolls. thevileone, destroying America one step at a time. October 23, 2014   LOL! LOL! LOL! Go home, stained dress. October 23, 2014   Special treatment in college for athletes? Would the first person who is surprised by this please stand up? October 23, 2014   October 23, 2014   DO[IN]J pays "expert" $70,000; he belittles black voters. "Mr. Stewart: 'People who register to vote the closer and closer one gets to Election Day tend to be less sophisticated voters, tend to be less educated voters, tend to be voters who are less attuned to public affairs. That also tells me from the literature of political science that there are likely to be people who will end up not registering and not voting. People who correspond to those factors tend to be African Americans...' [bolding in the original]"Wow. He has a really low opinion of black voters, doesn't he? It only gets worse from there. Read the entire article. Wow. October 23, 2014   The clintOOns and thevileone's admin helped keep MAJOR DONORS/PEDOPHILES (PLURAL) from prosecution. "It's for the children" is their favorite phrase. I guess this was, too. Despicable. Absolutely despicable. Children are nothing but power tools to the left. They care about children as much as abortion does. October 23, 2014   Leftie whines about Amazon & fast selling CONSERVATIVE books. His tears are the only real sea level uptick in America. Poor baby. Just can't face the fact that Americans like to read Conservative books, and that -- far and beyond that -- Conservatives read MORE than the left. Well, at least more of what matters. After all, lies are irrevelant to educational and factual information. He was immediately countered with the TRUTH. October 23, 2014   Aaaaaahhhhh.... public schools. More teacher/student sexual activity. This time, the female teacher recorded it and showed it to the football team. Keeping it classy in school. October 23, 2014   On that wunnerful note, I'll close for today. Pray for a revival to sweep across this land and that GOD would touch hearts and change them for Christ. Pray for our troops; those fighting in Muslim controlled countries as well as those fighting ebola. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christian prisoners worldwide. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks and restore America. GOD Bless America, our troops and YOU. Until next time, See ya'! October 22, 2014: 2:53 p.m.   Even DNC Chair, dw-s won't acknowledge dumborat vote = thevileone's agenda moves forward. She's running scared, too. Well, tremble and shake because it's absolutely true: a vote for a dumborat = a vote for thevileone and the agenda he wants, thevileone's healthcareTAX continues and people's hurting continues and worsens. Let them vote for inncompetence and confusion if they want. They'll be paying a higher price than the rest of us because he always eats his own first. I'm surprised his "let's starve kids and call it lunch" wife is still around. Although after that little put up kiss at the polls. I wonder how much antiseptic that girl went home and used after that kiss. After all, thevileone did kiss folks who treated ebola patients. Shouldn't he be under quarantine instead of kissing strangers? October 22, 2014   Will the PC Canadians tell us if the shooters are/were Muslim? Just asking. Yes. It is an assumption we jump to nowadays (although few will admit it) because of the violent recent (and ancient) history of Islam. Considering the beheading in OK by the convert to Islam, the jihadist at TX's Fort Hood being Muslim, the recent convert who killed a Canadian soldier, the recent convert in London who tried to behead an 82 year-old woman, etc., etc., etc., how else are we supposed to think of it? Islam's reputation as a violent, murderous, hatefilled, power-hungry, propaganda tool is well-earned. Don't blame others for thinking of your organization when something bad happens. It's the truth; Islam is doing these things. Can we blame Jehovah's Witnesses? No. How about Methodists? No. Mormons? Nope. Scientologist? Not happening. Islam? Yes. Because they have the people who do this sort of thing. We don't think of Methodists because there is no history -- ancient or recent -- of this kind of action. Islam is responsible for its own reputation. Islam's beliefs teach that it's okay to do this sort of thing. GOD teaches that it is NOT good to do this, but that you should love your neighbor -- and that includes our infidel neighbor or our Islamic neighbor. GOD LOVES MUSLIMS, but He does not love their current beliefs. He wants them to accept His love, His Son as their Lord and Savior and for them to come out of the darkness that is Islam and into the Light of Christ, His Son. GOD's LOVE can bring them peace, love and hope and they can walk in that peace, love and hope and not hate their neighbor (the infidels) and they won't have the reputation of violent, murderous monsters anymore because they will be out of the organization that teaches them to be so. GOD LOVES MUSLIMS and commands us to love them, too. We do not have to love their darkness, but we should love them enough to pray for them to come to the Light that is Jesus Christ. October 22, 2014   EboMa:   thevileone bringing ebola patients to us. Sending our troops down to be exposed wasn't going to be enough for his plan to destroy America, so he had to find ebola patients to fly into America -- folks without passports, visas, etc. -- so that he can claim "humanitarian reasons" for bringing infected, contagious ebola patients here to infect us, our children, our parents, our neighbors. " Specifically, the Obama administration’s goal is to bring Ebola patients into the United States for treatment within the first days of diagnosis, according to high-level sources that provided JW with details of the scheme. It includes special waivers of laws and regulations that ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease as dangerous as Ebola."Leave it to thevileone (EboMa) to ensure he kills as many Americans as possible. Leaves fewer people to oppose him, I suppose, but what a way to go. Isn't he sweet? (*sarcasm*) October 22, 2014   Considering how competent we know thevileone to be (*cough*), the feds practicing for nuclear explosion in Times Square is so very reassuring! (For those of you who do not recognize an ENORMOUS AMOUNT of SARCASM, I want to let you know that it was there.) October 22, 2014   'Tis nice to be the son of the bumbler. Special privileges go a long way in Nepotism World. October 22, 2014   Dems: OHHHHHH!!! NOOOO!!! SAY IT AIN'T SO!!! Poll says women want "Republicans" to win in November. Say what??!!! October 22, 2014   Let the CHEATING begin!: James O'Keefe proves CO dumborats support election FRAUD. 850 voters in NYC are OVER 164 years-old; blamed on an old law and a "snafu", but really? In NC illegal immigrants were "discovered" on voter registration rolls. Illegals are just that: ILLEGAL. They are NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE ANYWHERE IN AMERICA, but they do. There are churches being used as campaign stops although that activity is forbidden by law: "Candidates visiting the church may be introduced, and political candidates may even preach in the pulpit so long as the pulpit is not used as a political forum to urge the members to vote in favor of the candidate."Does that stop the dumborats from doing so? No. All of this cheating and an army of attorneys ready to litigate for "their side" to win. Shouldn't it be for ELECTION INTEGRITY the attorneys fight and if so, then why is there going to be opposition? There's opposition because for dumborats, it's WIN AT ANY AND ALL COSTS, even if that's breaking the law and voter fraud. Trust our elections? I don't. October 22, 2014   dumborat idiot speaks: foolishness issues forth. October 22, 2014   Indicator of desperate times: networks are ignoring Nov. election news. They just can't face their impending defeat, or they're trying to make you forget it's happening so that you won't go vote? Either way, it's a sign of their self-fulfilling prophecy of defeat and doom. boo. hoo. October 22, 2014   Ready to issue illegal immigrants green cards. Illegal immigrants here for less than a year and they're being gifted rights they have no idea what to do with. Can they get jobs in this economy? If they can, are they taking the job you hoped to get in the same economy? Can they find housing on the pay for that job? Or are you going to wind up paying for that, their food, education, etc.? Or are so many of them minors that that money will go to their foster caregivers and those caregivers are dumborats who are going to be getting the money? Is the foster care system being turned into a dumborat pay to play scheme to get votes? Is that what's happening here? Would it surprise anyone? After all, if he's issuing 9 MILLION GREEN CARDS, which allegedly allow migrants to WORK in the U.S.A. legally and most of the illegals that flooded into America from January until who-knows-when were UNDER AGE CHILDREN, WHY WOULD THEY NEED A GREEN CARD TO WORK HERE if American citizens are able to work only after they turn sixteen (16)? Why the green cards for nine-year-olds? October 22, 2014   Hubby's home so I'm going to go. Pray for our troops, for revival in this land and that GOD would heal this land (and turn our hearts toward Him), for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, and for TRUE CONSERVATIVES to be elected next month. GOD Bless America and until next time, See ya'! October 21, 2014: 1:03 p.m.   $775 MILLION of your money paying federal workers on "extended paid leave". "Tens of thousands of federal workers are being kept on paid leave for at least a month — and often for longer stretches that can reach a year or more — while they wait to be punished for misbehavior or cleared and allowed to return to work, government records show."Isn't that just what you pay taxes for: to pay people waiting to be punished for (or cleared of) misbehavior, sometimes for over a year? Sounds to me like their supervisors and bosses are just giving them a benefit of paid leave time and if they do get fired (they don't say what the percentages are) they have sometimes gotten raises and promotions during that time! There are 57,000 employees in miscellaneous departments and 8,600 in the DOD who have (in some cases) been put on administrative leave for over three years! PLUS: "The GAO report almost certainly understates the extent and cost of administrative leave because the figures examined by the auditors were incomplete. The numbers reviewed account for only about three-fifths of the federal workforce since not all government agencies keep track of the practice."So the cost is even HIGHER. This is thevileone's administration and the dumborats who support him. Incompetent at its core, wasteful as its goal. Anything they can do to destroy America. October 21, 2014   Ferguson: forensic evidence proves cop NOT doing something wrong. There's no need to listen to a crowd of people calling for his trial (and other things) if the forensic evidence proves that he did nothing wrong. A trial would only showcase his innocence and give those calling for his trial and for "justice" (what they're really calling for is his blood) a chance to riot more after the cop is exonerated. Trial by lynch mob is not a fair trial: evidentiary proofs could be ignored in a trial due to the desire for blood that is still being stirred up by those who stand to benefit from the unrest (the Jesse Jacksons of the world). If there's were a real reason to go to trial the evidence would support that reason. In this instance, the evidence does not support a need for trial. It's as simple as that. October 21, 2014   thevileone bringing more illegals into America. How much does he want to destroy us? Does this not tell you? If not, I have some swampland on the moon for sale. October 21, 2014   Video showing cop profiling Muslim was a HOAX. Shock. Surprise. October 21, 2014   Lollipop Lewinsky back again. Have you ever noticed that whenever she is not a topic of conversation that she jumps back into the spotlight somehow? She is all about being the center of attention and she hates not being infamous. She's an ego trip on two legs. Look at what she's done to stay in the spotlight:
October 21, 2014   NAACP wants to create election confusion? Whatever it takes to maintain POWER is what they will do. Cheat? Yep. Lie? Oh, yeah. Use the New Black Panther Party to intimidate voters? They've got the t-shirt. October 21, 2014   EboMa:   Five U.S. airports to receive ebola patients thanks to thevileone. He'll bring them into these five airports and allegedly have them "screened" to prove they're not carrying it. Problem is that there's no proof any of them are sick until they start coming down with the symptoms, but they can STILL BE CARRYING EBOLA. In other words, he's exposing more of us to this deadly disease ON PURPOSE and there are more ebola patients than we're being told. Isn't that what we need: an administration that imports sick people, subjects our troops to ebola and malaria, and doesn't care how many Americans get sick as long as it serves their purposes? October 21, 2014   Southern border so dangerous law enforcement officials afraid. That tells you something, does it not? If thevileone would STOP BRINGING folks in from Central and South America it would be easier to secure our border. But, no. Border security and the safety of Americans? Not a priority for this administration. He prefers to get more dumborat voters in here so that he can stay in power for as long as possible. After all, who is going to vote against him since he's the one who made their American citizenship possible? October 21, 2014   David Horowitz: Blood on [thevileone's] hands. That's what I've been saying for a long time. October 21, 2014   I WISH!!! From her typing to GOD'S ears. October 21, 2014   The vote fraud has already started. It's a dumborat organizer stuffing the ballot box. Shock. Surprise. October 21, n2014   Well, that's it for today. GOD bless America. Pray for revival, for Pastor Saeed Abedini, our troops worldwide. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! October 20, 2014: 1:39 p.m.   Hello! Hope everyone had a great weekend, as did I. I spent some of the weekend working on the desk my hubby and I are making for my office. We got the top and two sides and drawer area stained with a color I mixed myself and waxed and we have to buff the top out and do another layer or two on the sides (and maybe on the top as well, depending). We have to make the two drawers, then sand, stain and wax them and the two shelf boards, and install them and the thing will be finished. It's gorgeous! I love the way the stain picked up the colors and highlighted the grain of the wood. It brought out some green, browns and "pinks" in the wood and I think it's beautiful. I will post a picture after it's complete and I'll link to it so you can see it, too. In the meantime, it's Monday and you know what that means: "Minion Monday: Hank Tells Frank the Story of Jonah and the Whale"! I hope you like it. October 20, 2014   More reasons to vote for Rick Scott: Crist violated campaign finance rules and had to refund some of his donations. His campaign is casting aspersions upon Scott, but he's breaking the rules himself. Hypocrisy rules from Crist's "class act". I don't know about anyone else's standards, but raising money for your gubernatorial bid at a STRIP CLUB is NOT my idea of the kind of principles -- or lack thereof -- I want my governor to have. I just don't understand how that's a good example for our children to see in a governor. Want to talk about the alleged "War on Women"? How about subjugating them at strip clubs and making campaign money off of their bodies? Is that not abhorrent to dumborat Crist? Apparently not, since he raised $50K from using women's bodies. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or creep exploiting women's bodies.) October 20, 2014   thevileone to BRING ebola-infected people INTO America for treatment. We're not talking one or two healthcare workers who are Americans; we're talking a LOT of NON-citizens and BYPASSING Congress: "The plans include special waivers of laws and regulations that ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease as dangerous as Ebola."We have LAWS for a reason. This law is to PROTECT AMERICAN CITIZENS from those who are NOT AMERICANS from infecting Americans with a communicable disease. The law? What is that to a DICTATOR? thevileone is an IDIOT Dictator. October 20, 2014   Smirk. October 20, 2014   Illegals to get IDs (and the vote?). Would it surprise anyone if thevileone used an Executive Order to make illegals legal on November 6th so that they can vote November 8th? He'd be sure to exempt them from the identification requirements some states have instigated so that they could vote dumborat without having to prove they just got here. Our elections need to be trustworthy and thevileone is ensuring that they will never be so again. There will be up to 34 MILLION green cards and other identification cards made available to illegal immigrants. Can anyone think of anything good to come of this? October 20, 2014   Really? Maybe it's just another nutcase theory, or it explains something about why I'm usually very upbeat. October 20, 2014   Cyber-humans? Ewww. I'm not getting any chips put inside me. I'm not going to go down that road. I refuse. It's not something I'm willing to experiment with, to accept, or to condone. October 20, 2014   thevileone trying to prevent Congressional vote. On the important things thevileone wants complete control. He is a DICTATOR in his own mind, actions and desires. October 20, 2014   IRS SCAM going around. If you get a call from the IRS be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN it IS from the IRS before you start talking dollars to them. The IRS is a powerful government agency, yes, but they don't call out of the blue and start threatening you and demanding money on the first call. An audit is done and you have the chance to provide paperwork and proof of the items the IRS has a problem with. Don't just give anyone claiming to be IRS agents any kind of money, check, credit card info, pre-loaded Green-Dot credit cards (a favorite of this scam), etc. If they're really from the IRS they give you the chance to prove that you tried to obey the rules and that you tried to do the right thing. The fake IRS agents just call and threaten. Don't give them any money! Call the REAL IRS and report the scammers! October 20, 2014   ISIS getting YOUR TAXPAYER $$$! Thanks, thevileone! October 20, 2014   Another dumborat refuses to say whether they voted for thevileone. Cowards is the label for them, but it also speaks volumes about thevileone's coattails. October 20, 2014   Bye-Bye, Wendy Davis? Wouldn't that be SWEET!? October 20, 2014   This is WRONG. It should NEVER happen. I can't imagine a mother or father allowing -- much less sanctioning -- someone to do that to their daughter. It's inhuman. October 20, 2014   Another reason to NOT go vegan. Sperm count is MUCH lower in vegetarians. So men, if you want to make a baby, you have to eat steak, pork chops, etc. (Boy, this was tricky for wording!) October 20, 2014   Sorry. Denmark is STUPID. They're so PC that they're putting their own people AT RISK by letting jihadists back into the country and giving them "counseling" upon their return. How ignorannt and PC is that? October 20, 2014   ID pastors threatened with jail time and fines for NOT performing "homosexual wedding". What happened to the chapel owners' rights? Where are their First Amendment religious rights? Do they have to go AGAINST their OWN BELIEFS because someone else's desires trumps their First Amendment delineated rights? Do homosexuals have the right to get married? Yes. They can marry anyone of the opposite gender at that chapel that they so desire. HOWEVER, they do NOT have the RIGHT to FORCE the owners to marry them to someone of the same gender against the owners' religious beliefs! They do NOT have that "right". It is the few forcing the majority to kiss their backsides. It is the forced enslavement of the majority to do the bidding of the homosexual minority. October 20, 2014   October 20, 2014   Aaaaahhh... public schools. Discipline is questionable, at best, and sometimes it's totally out of control: "At this point the teacher can be seen grabbing the teen by the hair and slamming her into some lockers."If that sort of discipline isn't bad enough, sexual misconduct is rampant and the language is sometimes questionable at best. I say, as usual, homeschool your children. It's best for your children. October 20, 2014   I'll stop there for the day. I hope you check out the Minion Monday link in the first blurb for today. It's fun. Pray for a revival in America and for the release and healing of Pastor Saeed Abedini. Pray for our troops -- especially those in Islamic coutries and those on the African continent "fighting" (more like just being exposed to) ebola. Pray for TRUE CONSERVATIVES (NOT RINOs) to win in November. GOD Bless America and YOU. Until next time, See ya'! October 17, 2014: 1:39 p.m.   It's Flag Friday and that means it's time for "Tribute To Our Heroes 186: On Your Birthday", titled thus because it's a family member's birthday and I'll be doing just a few blurbs so that I can get going on birthday prep. Sorry, but birthdays are important. So let's get going. October 17, 2014   Remember the mantra, "Bush lied, troops/people died"? Now, as I've asserted all along, we know that BUSH DID NOT LIE and that the WMDs were there all along but the msm was hiding the TRUTH from you and that the msm LIED, not George W. Bush. Ask yourself why? Why did the msm LIE TO YOU? Is it not their JOBS to "FIND THE TRUTH" and to REPORT THE TRUTH -- without spin? Is that not allegedly the JOB of the msm reporting the TRUTH and telling us without spin what the TRUTH is? Not when you have a lot of progressives in journalism who put their progressive agenda ahead of the TRUTH. Not when the progressive agenda is their religion and they must do all they can to promulgate that religion. Not when the msm chooses politics over integrity. Again, they prove that they CANNOT BE TRUSTED. FIND THE TRUTH for yourself because time after time after time, the msm proves you cannot get it from them. October 17, 2014   Another Fast & Furious gun used in a crime against American. thevileone and eric holder have more blood on their hands. When will they be arrested for aiding and abetting before the fact? October 17, 2014   EboMa:   thevileone's new "Ebola Czar" has no medical background. Yeah. That shows how much he cares. He puts an ATTORNEY in the position of "Ebola Czar"! Does that make sense to anyone at all? I mean, if thevileone cared would he not put a MD in there, instead of... Lisa Monaco OR Ron Klain, depending on which network you look at. (Speaks VOLUMES about the msm, does it not?) Whoever it is, neither has a medical background and that should tell you what's most important: two attorneys instead of a doctor? Ebola can sue? October 17, 2014   Michelle Malkin reveals how four PROGRESSIVES took over CO. Read the article and watch the video. Pay attention. I can happen anywhere. October 17, 2014   CA poverty rate at 23.4% and Washington D.C.'s is 22.4%. Progressive places have a lot higher incidence of poverty than Conservative places. What does that tell you? Progressive policies are bad for you, folks. Progressive policies are bad. October 17, 2014   Frontpage has this: October 17, 2014   Satanic group wants to confirm the BIBLE in display. Hmm. Does that make sense to anyone? They worship satan (I refuse to dignify him with a cap.) and USE THE BIBLE to illustrate their display and, in effect, affirm the BIBLE. If they don't want to believe in the Bible, that's okay with me, but why tout it if they don't want to believe in it? Why remind folks that they -- those who worship satan or don't accept Christ as savior -- are doomed to hell and eternal damnation, torment and pain, in a Christmas display when Christmas reminds folks that Christ was born to save them from the same fate as satan's? Hmm. Doesn't sound like an intelligent plan to me, but if that's what they want to do. October 17, 2014   Excellent article about leaving Islam as a black American: "Jihad Crow is Jim Crow with an Arab accent and no foreseeable expiration date." October 17, 2014   Seriously? Seriously? "[T]he economic doyens of the EU have determined that Italy is no longer in recession due to a new way of measuring economic growth and GDP—one that counts illegal activities such as drug trafficking, prostitution and arms smuggling as part of the mix."The EU is failing, folks. I predicted it as it was being created. It was doomed from the get-go. Why they've forced its continued existence for this long I will never know. October 17, 2014   dumborats running from thevileone. They won't admit they've voted for him. How loud is that? October 17, 2014   Aaaahhhh... public schools. Is your child undergoing "gender sensitivity training" in school? If so, pull your child out of that school and homeschool your child. It's better for your child. It really is. No matter how much governments hate homeschooling. October 17, 2014   Don't act like animals. I don't understand how anyone can do that. Animals do things like this. It's not their right to decide what song parents sing to their child. The attackers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. October 17, 2014   Hunter Biden, bumbler's son, tested positive for cocaine. Maybe that's why the bumbler has a history of mildness on drug enforcement. Maybe he knew what his son was doing and didn't like the idea of his son going to jail. Just saying it's possible. October 17, 2014   Let's see how many heads spin: Comparing Hitler to thevileone: Part 1. LOL! I'd love to be a fly on the wall in some homes when they see this. I can hardly wait to read part two. October 17, 2014   Wow. Got more done than I expected, but it's time to go get ready for birthday fun. So, GOD Bless America. Pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini. Pray for Conservative wins in November. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Pray for revival in America and that there would be thousands upon thousands brought to Christ and that America will turn back to GOD, instead of their backs on GOD. Until next time, See ya'! October 16, 2014: 3:17 p.m.   Sorry I missed so many days. That cut on my hand got infected and since it's on the heel of my palm, it was not something I could type with. My bracelet rubbing against the cut was causing some pretty intense owies, so typing was out of the question. My apologies. I missed posting my Minion Monday: Hank Discovers Sherlock Holmes pic on Columbus Day. It's fun doing Hank pics, but it's a lot of thinking when it comes to ideas. Hope you enjoy them. Now on with the regular blurbs. October 16, 2014   EboMa:   thevileone should admit ebola is airborne: "We believe there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients, which means that healthcare workers should be wearing respirators, not facemasks."But thevileone has decided to IGNORE the truth. He hasn't an iota of concern for you, your loved ones, or anyone on earth besides himself. He should be increasing the quarantine time, but he's not. He should be making sure that the money given to the CDC and NIH went to the proper places, but no. He allowed the National Institute of Health head, Dr. Francis Collins, to spend TAXPAYER DOLLARS "funneling a major stream of funding to a company with ties to a Democratic donor—and away from a company that was developing a treatment now being used on Ebola patients."Yeah. He cares. He cares so much (*sarcasm*) the Canadians are calling it "surreal". Considering his actions surreal is an understatement, IMHO. His whole admistration is into surrealism. At least one military member is taking possible exposure seriously; a lot more seriously than thevileone and his administration, that's for certain! Especially when you take into consideration the fact that all he wants to do is to monitor the SPREAD of ebola, instead of stopping it. What a moron. Finding another way to help him destroy America: thevileone, America's worst enemy and biggest natural disaster. October 16, 2014   JW sues to get more info from "most transparent" administration. Transparency and opaqueness must have exchanged definitions because this is not transparency to most folks. In thevileone's administration transparency is prosecuted, penalized and jailed. (Sweet!) Although his administration has a memorandum about transparency. When is it going to kick in, that's what I wanna' know. October 16, 2014   O! No FOOD!:   School lunches so skimpy! Remember, it's National School Lunch week. October 16, 2014   clintOOn/google in cahoots? October 16, 2014   Illegal immigrants: D68 Enterovirus linked to illegals. So now we have enterovirus, ebola, chikungunya, and yellow fever in L.A. The CDC isn't going to do squat to stop all of this and it's going to be bad as bad can be if "We, The People" don't do stuff to stop it. October 16, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   The website isn't going to tell anyone cost increases until AFTER the election. Secrecy is fun. For instance, did you know that there are seven different ways to raise the rates of this piece of crap? Did you know that there's allegedly dental care under this farce? Even pediatric dental care? Congress lied (get this) TO GET HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. October 16, 2014   Good. October 16, 2014   Parents liable for what kids put on Facebook. That's according to a court. I think it's WRONG, but the court says that's the way it is right now. October 16, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   In England Muslim RAPE GANGS are rampaging through the country and England is too cowardly to do anything about it. Glad I'm not a British citizen. Muhammad and sex slaves: yep, that's Islam. Why is a religion so oriented around sex? Is that what Islam is supposed to be: sex, sex and more sex? Even ketchup kerry gets in on the sexual theme. Why is that? Why is a religion so much about sex? October 16, 2014   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools. It's sex, drugs and loss of control. If it's not the teachers behaving badly, it's the students. Don't ya' love it? Homeschool your kids, folks. Homeschool your kids. October 16, 2014   October 16, 2014   I'll close with this for today: Men's brains wired to want sex over food. That's no surprise. So with that I'll say GOD Bless America, Pray for our troops and for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, pray for GOD to stop thevileone in his tracks, pray for Conservatives to win in November, and for a revival to spread across this land like wildfire. Until next time, See ya'! October 10, 2014: 3:12 p.m.   Hand's still sore -- maybe moreso today than yesterday -- so I'll play it by hand as to how many blurbs I do today. But let's start with my Flag Friday "Tribute To Our Heroes 185: Thank You For Your LIFE!" I appreciate your service very much and I can never thank you enough. October 10, 2014   thevileone's admin hiding the TRUTH from Judicial Watch. They say "It's classified". Riiiggghhhhttt. In other words they're trying to hide the truth from everyone so that they don't have to answer to us. That's totally unconstitutional because they are SUPPOSED to answer to us. An administration that doesn't want to answer to the people is an administration that has too much to hide. October 10, 2014   Don't listen to thevileone when he talks about ebola. He's not just wrong on the avoidance info he gives out, he's dangerous! If you want to stay healthy and you think it's possible someone is in your area who may have ebola, leave the area. Avoid contact and avoid touching things they've touched. Wash your hands, your clothing ASAP, and your hands again. Use chlorinated water (tap water has chlorine), and soap. Don't think that just because you've not heard about someone that it isn't possible. It's possible. You just don't yet know that the still, small voice that you are hearing tickle your soul is GOD telling you to listen, leave and wash. Better safe than sorry is always better than sorry. October 10, 2014   Common Crap Core:   TS Gold is coming and it's aimed at YOUR CHILD! It's aligned with Common Crap Core and it's BAD all the way around, through and every other way. Now why on earth would any leading "Conservatives" support this crap? The article linked takes a look. I'm hoping that Steve Crisafulli comes to his senses after reading through the information at the link I sent him and that his ill-informed support for it will soon wane. I agree: the Constitution is the answer to CCC. When you look at the Constitution there is NO power in the Constitution for the federal government to have a place in public education. Nothing. For people to say that CCC is "state" power, is a crock of crud. Nationwide, parents are frustrated with it and children don't like it. Why the government isn't listening to us is because thevileone doesn't care. What he wants is to make people stupid so that they will be incapable of thinking for themselves and incapable of rebelling against totalitarian governments in the future the dumborats and progressives want to bring about. A ridiculous result of speaking out against it? Teachers are being disciplined and their FREE SPEECH RIGHTS denied. Yep. That's Common Crap Core for you. No Free Speech. Say anything against it, you're in big trouble. How can anyone support that? October 10, 2014   October 10, 2014   Davis: Lower than snake poop. October 10, 2014   DH[IN]S morale at all time low. Sounds like they need to wipe the slate clean (do away with) and start over. Why not? It would probably be best for America. October 10, 2014   Funny Florida laws. Thought you might like a giggle about now. October 10, 2014   Meatless Monday comes to FL schools. Meatless Monday? Really? But protein is important to growing bodies and the ability to focus in school. Children are going to suffer: grades will come down and children will come home hungry. It's ridiculous to go meatless. GOD said "take and eat" and refusing to do so is disobedience. October 10, 2014   thevileone gives "slightly more sophisticated" speeches? Speechwriters are amazing, aren't they? October 10, 2014   scotus blocks WI voter id requirement. I have lost all respect for the scotus. How can they block something that is necessary for our Republic to maintain integrity in our elections? How on earth can they think that's bad? Did john roberts go all squishy again? What do they have on him? October 10, 2014   thevileone looks for ways to close Gitmo. He's not looking at how to do it legally, just by Executive Order because, you know, he's all that. Heil! October 10, 2014   What a swooning kissbutt. October 10, 2014   Smirk. EPA blows it again. October 10, 2014   Well, my hubby just got home so I'll close with this reminder that my election endorsement page is available. Check it out. Pray for our troops and for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone and progressives in their tracks. Pray for a revival in America. Until next time, GOD Bless America and See ya'! October 9, 2014: 4:21 p.m.   Just a few updates today. I have a cut on my hand that is making typing a bit painful so I'll do a few important things and then do better tomorrow after it heals a bit. Let's start with Hillsdale College's Imprimis article that says that I am correct about Executive Orders being unconstitutional and that being the case, "We, The People" do not have to obey them. The article does not say that we don't have to obey them; that was/is all me. But it does say that EOs are not what our Founding Fathers set up. EOs are things Kings, Dictators, Tyrants, the Pol-Pots of the world use; thus, thevileone's use of EOs to do everything he so desires. October 9, 2014   Judicial Watch sues Phoenix for records that are connected with the federal entities that were involved in Fast & Furious. Good for JW! I hope they prove that it was thevileone, eric holder, valerie jarrett and all the other losers in this administration who are responsible for so many guns crossing into Mexico and then some of those being used against Americans! Then, I hope that all those responsible are put in jail for the rest of their lives and buried on prison grounds -- without honors. October 9, 2014   JW confirms 4 ISIS terrorists arerested in TX in last two days. thevileone's lips were moving and he LIED about there being no such thing. JW proved it happened. thevileone is a despicable creature. He doesn't care a whit about your safety, the safety of your children, or the safety of your grandparents. If he did he would close the borders and he would stop all flights from ebola stricken countries. Has he done any of that? No. That's why we now have ebola on American soil and ISIS terrorists here to kill as many as possible. Chaos brings about the 12th Imam and that's what the Islamic leader of America wants: the 12th Imam and Shariah Law here in the USA. October 9, 2014   thevileone using the courts to cause "confusion" in our elections. It's easier to cheat when there is confusion. Cheating is the only way the dumborats know they can guarantee a win. Remember the Chris McDaniels challenge of the Thad Cochran "win" in Mississippi? He challenged because there were people who cheated via voting in both the Democrat and the Republican primary. It's okay to cross over in MI, but it's NOT okay to vote in both primaries. Thus, those who did so were breaking the law -- a.k.a. cheating. The count took a long time because some Supervisor of Elections offices were uncooperative and fiddle-faddled and made the fact finding effort slow and arduous. Now, it's just being heard by the MI Supreme Court and we'll see what they rule, but I think that McDaniels having found that many fraudulent votes for Cochran should be a fair reason to overturn the election results. Cheating is cheating and it should NEVER be rewarded and being re-elected and given all those taxpayer dollars and Senate perks is a huge reward. October 9, 2014   I don't trust this "assault" on pelosipig. They do this to make themselves seem more "centrist" as though they're more Conservative than they are. Trust me, they've used this tactic for YEARS. Don't trust a dumborat. October 9, 2014   WARNING: NSFS (Not Safe For Stomachs): I warned ya'. October 9, 2014   Ebola in America: Don't trust a word thevileone's admin says. Use your own best judgment. If someone seems ill, avoid them. Carry antibacterial gel and wipes and alcohol wipes with you and wash your hands as soon as you touch something that you're not certain of. Wipe down the buggy you use at the grocery store, throw the wipe away. Be careful to wash your hands after you shake hands -- IF you shake hands -- and be sure to BE paranoid about it. Better paranoid than to have ebola without the vaccine available here in America since they sent it all to other countries -- at thevileone's request. Speaks volumes, that, does it not? Ebola is now in Australia, Spain, Macedonia, America, and who knows how many other countries. Why did the U.N. not make the stricken countries stop flights from leaving while they could contain this plague? Now we have 4,000 American troops over there being exposed to it. What if one of them gets it and doesn't realize it while they're on the way back? Are they going to use the CDC's non-existent quarantine regulations that thevileone banned in 2010 to prevent those 4,000 U.S. soldiers from bringing it back to their loved ones? Remember, the effective medication is NO LONGER HERE. What will they do to prevent 4,000 cases from coming back to America? What about the safety of their children and spouses? What will they do for those soldiers and for their health and the health of their families when they return? thevileone is using this as a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON AGAINST AMERICA. He needs to be drawn and quartered for this stunt. ONE ADDITION: Remember plastic coffins found in GA years ago? (2002, to be exact.) Yeah. Now he has reason to use them. October 9, 2014   No kidding. Show of hands: who is surprised? October 9, 2014   October 9, 2014   I think I'll close with that. I've had to correct a lot of typos today because of my hand placement on the keyboard. Sorry if I missed a few. So, I'll go. Pray for our troops and for Pastor Saeed Abedini. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks and make America more resilient than george soros thinks. Pray that TRUE CONSERVATIVES (maybe only fiscal Conservatives, but TRUE FISCAL CONSERVATIVES instead of RINOS) win every election next month. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that GOD will bring Islam to Christ. They need His light. GOD Bless America and GOD Bless YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 8, 2014: 10:48 a.m.   Missed yesterday. Sorry about that. I worked for hours and hours on the page I will be soon posting about the elections in November. My research is taking a long time because there's a lot to look up. We have many things to vote on and many people to vote for/against (whichever your mindset at the time for a particular candidate), so my research is extensive. Doing so messed up my schedule because I worked on it for so long that my brain kept going and going and going and I couldn't make myself go to sleep. I finally got to sleep about two in the afternoon, but that doesn't mean that I could have put together a cohesive sentence for the last six or so hours of that awake time. So, anyways, here I am today. I'll try to put together a few cohesive sentences now. Let's get started. October 6, 2014   Remember, they want to legalize "medical marijuana" in Florida? Not a good idea. It's very addictive and if you believe in second-hand smoke health problems, what's going to happen to the second-hand smoke people who are exposed to marijuana smoke? What if folks are careless and smoke it in the same room as their children, or even other adults? Will it be their addiction because of second-hand smoke? It also means that CO was "reckless to legalize marijuana" and their governor was correct. October 8, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Finally waking up: Democrats realizing that this thing hurts them more than helps them. Now, even Wal-Mart is cutting healthcare coverage under this plan. I think that's funny because they endorsed it and they supported it. Now they're finding out that it isn't going to be all that was promised and they are having to make hard choices to keep folks employed they have to cut some employee coverage. Well, that's what happens when you support stupid. Do you know that the guy who produced anti-healthcareTAX movie is being audited by the IRS? Shock. Surprise. (NOT!) No matter how you look at it (unless it's through kiss-his-backside-thevileone-loving-glasses), this things is a DISASTER. As it was meant to be. It can't be successful when 33% of insurers are considering EXITING the business because of this piece of crap dictatorship. When the administration is dictating ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES that must be done to make something work then that thing is doomed to fail; just as designed. This piece of garbage still hurts business growth and people are paying for it in more ways than they realized they'd be paying for it. Despite what progressives say (LIE), the cost of thevileone's healthcareTAX is a total failure. Close this subject with this irony of ironies: in lawsuit, HHS charged with not enforcing this garbage. Now whodathunkthat? October 8, 2014   Confidence in thevileone's economic plans down. Confidence in anything thevileone does is down. People are starting to wake up to the fact that he's a failure; a flunkie; a fool. It's no shock to those of us who have a clue. October 8, 2014   Twitter: privacy? What privacy?: "pressing for the ability to be more candid in its twice-a-year transparency reports than the government has been willing to permit."They want to give the government MORE info than the government requires and "has been willing to permit"? Really? Do you want Twitter selling you out without the government asking them to do so? Twitter is willing. They're SUING to make the government TAKE your info. Is that what you want? October 8, 2014   $31.5 MILLION MORE to food stamp recipients. They need their fruits and veggies, ya' know. Whether they eat them or not, they need that extra $31.5 MILLION in TAXPAYER dollars. While you eat your peanut butter and bread sandiwches (because you can't afford the jelly anymore), they get YOUR money to buy veggies. Isn't that special? October 8, 2014   LOL! Oh, wah. October 8, 2014   google reading your bills? Yep. October 8, 2014   Hawaii drops plan to name park after thevileone. Awww... too bad. (*sarcasm*) October 8, 2014   America's first ebola patient has died. When he came over he was already infected and he didn't care if those he loved over here would get it. Now he's exposed a lot of other folks and lost his battle with it anyways. What a legacy to leave. October 8, 2014   Woah! 110 MILLION in USA have STDs? People! Control yourselves! You're not animals! October 8, 2014   dumborat wants AMERICAN TAXPAYERS TO FUND HAMAS! That's how stupid some dumborats are. How absurd his desire is. How can anyone want that? October 8, 2014   Study: Life after death may exist. Well, DUH! The Bible tells us that our souls live forever after our bodies die: in heaven with GOD and in the presence of PURE LOVE, or in hell and in eternal torment it's up to us to choose. But the Bible tells us we shall all live after death, where that may be is up to us. October 8, 2014   Women in groud combat troops (front lines) not good for combat. For the most part, women are just good as men at most things. I am just a good a shot as most men, better than some-to-many. However, just because I can hit any target I aim at that doesn't mean that I could be effective on the front lines. I don't do well in the heat (I have a history of getting heat stroke, passing out, heat exhaustion, etc.), and I don't do well carrying heavy loads for long periods and the gear that would have to go with me would be heavy and make me even hotter. This is not a discriminatory statement: it is a statement of fact. Period. Women were made by GOD, IMHO, to be able to do things that men cannot do. We have different physical abilities and we have different personality characteristics. Yes, we are strong emotionally, but men (IMHO) are more geared toward the massive amounts of killing that is required in a real combat position. Women are cops, too, but a cop shooting someone is quite rare in comparison to the act of war where shooting to kill is the norm. Women are the nurturers of the human soul, of the growing children, of those in pain. We are made that way. GOD made Adam to do the hard stuff; Eve to do the easy stuff. Remember, we think differently, we see things differently, our brains function differently (and there's a picture of that). If you have a problem with the reality that men and women are different, that's too bad. The truth is the truth is the truth. When GOD made us, He made us different. I think that difference is what helps glue us together when we marry and if we don't resent that difference, and work within that difference, then it's a better marriage for it. I think that women should be restricted -- yes, RESTRICTED -- to being support personnel behind the lines, not on the front lines of war. I think that if there's a reason to put a female on the front lines, it makes some men try to protect the girl rather than focus on killing the enemy and keeping himself safe. That's wrong: putting a distraction on your own side. War is horrible and making it more difficult for our own side is not a good thing. Keep women in support positions, don't put them on the front lines. Call me a sexist if you so desire. I don't care what you think of me. I think women are special and need to be treated as such. October 8, 2014   American barbarians on the rise. I've been saying so for years. October 8, 2014   "Serious crimes" found in clintOOn probe. Well, DUH! Whitewater was a series of "serious crimes" and if anyone thinks the clintOOns had nothing to do with it, I think they're drinking way too much clintOOn Kool-Aid. Read Ann Coulter's "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" and you'll see how bad it was. They got away with everything because the leftist media covered the clintOOns' backsides! October 8, 2014   ISIS members crossed our southern border? Would it surprise you? October 8, 2014   I'll stop for now. Remember that I'll be posting my election research as soon as I complete it. GOD Bless America and our troops. Pray for our country and that GOD would keep us safe, our troops safe, and Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him safe. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone and george soros in their tracks and that TRUE CONSERVATIVES will be elected in November all across this great land. Until next time, See ya'! October 6, 2014: 4:24 p.m.   Minion Monday: Hank Returns! Thought you'd like to know that Hank is back after his visit to Gru, Lucy and the girls. He had a good time, his heart was healed by being with his fellow Minions, and of course laughing with and spending time with the girls. He is glad to be back, though, because he really likes our family and he says the Florida weather is a bonus. I don't consider the weather here a bonus, but different strokes. So, I'll keep you informed about what is happening with Hank. Hope you're as glad to see his return as am I. October 6, 2014   msthevileone gets her lunch handed to her, so to speak Another school board is rebelling! I LOVE the lunch program she designed because it is teaching children -- and school boards -- more about FREEDOM than anything else the progressives have done! I LOVE that the children are rebelling and fighting back and MAKING the school boards change the program.. I LOVE that people are realizing that it's THEIR OWN CHOICE what they eat, not the government's! It's a GREAT LESSON IN THE BASIC FREEDOMS THAT THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON and that's a GREAT LESSON! If they had tried hard to make a program that could teach our youth about FREEDOM they couldn't have done a better program than the school lunch program (check that link to find out how much this thing costs, too!) People are seeing what their children are eating for lunch (or should that be what they're NOT eating for lunch?) and that it's NOT msthevileone's girls who are eating her menu (click on the arrows at the right to see what her girls are eating) people are realizing that it's a lunch menu of the haves (msthevileone HAS) and the have-nots (that's you). Compare what your kids ate for lunch today to what the Sidwell Friends (the school the daughters go to) ate: "October 6, 2014So, which menu do you prefer: what your kids ate today, or what thevileone's girls ate today? Yeah. I thought so. The haves and the have nots. msthevileone is just making it more and more evident and taking CONTROL and YOUR PARENTAL CHOICES AWAY FROM YOU. October 6, 2014   Islamic terrorist involved in El Paso, TX, drug ring. Shocked? No. I didn't think so. October 6, 2014   Ooopsie! Considering what Islamic countries have been doing/going through lately I don't really like the idea of any Islamic country having any kind of nuclear capabilities. I don't want them to have nuclear power nor nuclear weapons. Until they can make their people abide by a standard of behavior that includes valuing humamn life, not throwing acid on women, not doing genital mutilation of girls, not using their children as bombs, not beheading someone who disagrees with their religion and refuses to convert to it, etc., etc., etc., they don't need nuclear weapons. When they can learn to be humans and to respect human life and the value of human life, they don't need to have nuclear weapons. I can, of course, make the same argument against PROGRESSIVES in America and throughout the world. October 6, 2014   thevileone issued a statement about the OK beheading by the Muslim convert. You won't like it; unless, of course, you hate America. He sent the following to the Muslim mosque the beheader attended: "'Your service is a powerful example of the powerful roots of the Abrahamic faiths and how our communities can come together with shared peace with dignity and a sense of justice,' President [thevileone] said."See? Told you. October 6, 2014   OH school being used as terrorist front? They're importing "foreign workers" and are under investigation by the FBI and other agencies; not that an FBI investigation will do anything at all with thevileone as their overseer, but it's good to know that they're at least pretending to care about terrorists coming into the country as "teachers" at an Ohio school (and probably other schools). We'll see what happens and if the FBI actually makes any difference here. Even money says "Nope." October 6, 2014   Marburg virus now on the loose. First thevileone allowed ebola to come to America, up to 100 cases suspected or confirmed, so what will he do to stop Marburg? Probably nothing. He doesn't care. It's another step toward destroying America. What further proof do you need? Love your children? You should want thevileone out of office along with EVERY dumborat out there who supports him. Remember, it was thevileone who changed the quarantine rules for people entering the country from other places that had serious illnesses rampaging through them. October 6, 2014   scotus is full of cowards. October 6, 2014   FBI warns of terrorist attack in U.S.A. Pay attention. If you have the chance to stop something from happening it's MUCH better than dealing with the consequences of inaction. Of course, thevileone is partially to blame for it. Just as he planned. October 6, 2014   Doh! Answer me this riddle: Does desperation lead to stupidity, or does stupidity lead to desperation? Whichever: it's the norm for progressives. October 6, 2014   Illegals being released from jails and prisons. Seems to me that illegals have more rights than those of us born here whose parents were born here: i.e. "natural born citizens". Maybe we should renounce our citizenship and go live in Mexico for a few weeks then cross the border claiming refugee status? Now, take the influx of illegals that have been brought into this country by thevileone and look ahead to what America will be like in 2050 (part 1). Is this what you want? October 6, 2014   Aaaaahhhh... public schools. More teacher/student sex going on than reading, writing, history & math. They do whatever they can to seduce students and they even plan it between the TEACHERS! A threesome with two teachers and one student? That's wrong in so MANY, MANY ways! Even the principal knows it's going on sometimes and does nothing about it! It's not just one student a teacher can target, sometimes the teacher has sex with multiple students, (one at a time this time). It's not just female teachers, male teachers do it, too. Then there's the drugs some teachers use, sell, whatever. If they're teachers, shouldn't they set a good example? Drunk driving and drug posession are NOT good examples. Homeschool your kids, folks. It's best for them. October 6, 2014   Check out the chart. It will make your jaw drop. This is a PRO-thevileone site, and look at the numbers. Very telling. BTW, ignore their pro-thevileone jobs numbers. Fact is the unemployment rate is 11.8% NOT the 5.9% the pro-thevileone's are pushing. October 6, 2014   I suppose I'll stop there for now. GOD Bless America and send a revival. Pray for the safety of our troops and for their quick return, and for Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christians in prisons worldwide. Pray that GOD will protect America from our enemies -- within America (thevileone, reid, pelosipig, holder, soros, ayers, etc.) and outside America -- and that TRUE Conservatives will win in November. Until next time, See ya'! October 3, 2014: 1:05 a.m.   Thought I'd do a quick link to my Flag Friday pic because I wanted to make sure it was posted. I thank you for your service and I think you are a blessing! Thus, "Tribute To Our Heroes 184: GOD Blessed America With You!" October 3, 2014: 1:02 p.m.   thevileone "fires up" activists for illegals. He's telling them, "'The clearest path to change is to change [the voter turnout] number,' said Obama 'Si se puede, si votamos! Yes, we can, if we vote!'"The problem is that he's talking about ILLEGAL immigrants who have NO RIGHT TO VOTE! If he's going to let them vote then we may as well become Mexico NORTH. He's trying to change America into AmeXica and that's not his job! He's supposed to be president of the United States of America and he's supposed to uphold and defend our U.S. Constitution. He's not doing that, but that's what he's SUPPOSED to be doing! Instead, he's doing his level best to DESTROY America and to create havoc so that the 12th Imam can be ushered in. He's no more a Christian than is satan. October 3, 2014   The ACTUAL unemployment rate is 11.8% for Sep. 2014 not the 5.9% being reported. The numbers have been revised UP, as they were just before the 2012 election, and in Oct. 2010, too. It's an electin ploy this administration uses: make things look as rosy as possible when it comes to jobs and the economy right before the election so that they'll stay in office then tell the truth a few days after the election results are finalized. That's how they keep from being thrown out. Revise the numbers. Lie to the people long enough to get them to keep you in office. Don't worry about the TRUTH. Just revise. Just LIE. Just stay in POWER. October 3, 2014   I'm glad someone's using thevileone's words against him. Now all we need is to use his words against him in a court of law and in IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS. If the U.S. Constitution was consulted, was checked at all, was used as evidence against him, both cases would be a slam dunk indictment against thevileone! October 3, 2014   msthevileone on the campaign trail for dumborats. When will they abandon that sinking ship? It really is going down. October 3, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Judge rules against the ACA, but it's not all good news: "'The court holds that the IRS rule is arbitrary, capricious, and abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.706(2)(A), in excess of summary jurisdiction, authority or limitation, or short of statutory right, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 706(2)(C), or otherwise is an invalidation of the ACA [Affordable Care Act], and is hereby vacated. The court's order of vacatur is stayed, however, pending resolution of any appeal from this order.'"The good news is that the judge knows the laws and ruled that the IRS rule is "arbitrary, capricious and abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with the law". The bad news is "The court's order of vacatur is stayed, however, pending resolution of any appeal". He's strong on the law and right and wrong, but weak on standing up for his rulings. Too bad. It could have been really good news for the people of OK. Please, Lord, let this be the first step toward dismantling totally and completely the ACA (thevileone's healthcareTAX). October 3, 2014   Malkin's column very good: as usual. This kind of lottery is not good for America. October 3, 2014   Ebola is dangerous but precautions are lacking. SMH. How many dead do they want before they'll start taking this seriously? October 3, 2014   Peace and tolerance:   OK terrorist who beheaded coworker attended radical mosque. That's where he learned about beheading those who didn't accept his religion of "tolerance" and "peace". That's where he learned that submission at any cost to the other guy is how it's supposed to be. Learn about Islam and its plans for conquering America. Don't be lulled into complacence via lies. October 3, 2014   I stand with the people of Hong Kong who want FREEDOM! They really do need our support. October 3, 2014   EPA/Army Corps of Engineers trying to take more of OUR RIGHTS away. It's all about POWER for this administration. We need to do away with this administration and return FREEDOM to the PEOPLE! October 3, 2014   Well, my hubby's home from work early because he was gone all week to CA. So I'm going to spend some time with him and I'll see you again on Monday. GOD Bless America. Pray for our troops and for Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christians in prison worldwide. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! October 2, 2014: 2:01 p.m.   Not many updates today because I have an errand to run. I will say, however, that you must be careful about who you vote for in the Primary Elections! I urged you to do a write-in for Michael Hartman, but that, it turns out, would be an illegal thing to do. If you don't vote for him in the Primaries, you can't vote for him later. He's out of the running and no matter what you find out after the Primaries about the remaining candidate in your party, you can't go back and choose someone else to vote for. If it comes out that the remaining candidate in your party -- or in any other party you would consider voting for -- is a turkey, you're stuck. You either vote for the turkey or you vote for someone outside of your party. (That's probably how so many idiot dumborats get elected: think alan grayson.) Here's the official word: "Linda,Yep. Your PRIMARY VOTE is SO VERY, VERY IMPORTANT. Do your research. FIND THE TRUTH for yourself, or write to me and remind me that it's time to do research PRIOR to anyone voting in the Primaries. It's too important to just throw your vote away. The Republicans are now stuck with Jim Barfield as their candidate. How many of them will vote for the turkey in order to vote for the Party? It's not worth it. I'll talk to Jack Smink some more and see if it's going to be worth anyone's while to vote for him. I may even talk to the Libertarian. I don't hold with the Libertarian Party's platform (they want to legalize drugs and prostitution to mention two things I disagree with) and I really have a problem with voting for a Libertarian because of their platform. HOWEVER, if I'm going to vote for the least of the evils, it may be... No. I can't do that. Jim Barfield is a RINO. I cannot support him. The Libertarian I cannot support. Supporting prostitution -- the denigration of people to becoming nothing but sex objects like a sex toy you'd buy at an "adult" store -- is immoral. People are more valuable than prostitution makes them. Libertarians supporting the denigration of humans into sex toys is a disgusting thing for a party as a whole to do. Their defense is that it's a "victimless" crime: a choice the two parties involved make of their own free wills. Ask the women, children and men who are in prostitution if they felt like they had a choice, if they did it because they like the work. I'll bet you that 98% will tell you no, and what do Libertarians do with the pimps who beat the women when they don't make enough money nightly? Is that a "victimless" crime, too? Libertarians use the guise of "victimless" to cover the fact that they don't want to enforce the existing laws and make the effort to protect the people who feel trapped into this sort of activity. If they don't have to enforce the laws they can spend more time getting high, I suppose. I'm not 100% comfortable doing so, but just in my talk with Jack Smink so far, he seems like a reasonable, intelligent person who is willing to listen and agree to disagree without getting all up in your face. Therefore, I endorse Jack Smink for D2 County Commmission. Check out his website. Part of his website says: "It is my implementation of these two principles that I believe will empower me to make good, sound decisions, impacting our community with a productive balance of minimum taxes, smaller government, economic and cultural development while strengthening our citizen’s rights."That sounds like someone we can work with. He is a bit of a tree-hugger, but it doesn't seem like he's a Hamster yet. Keep him on your speed dial and talk to him frequently if he gets elected. This is the only way to make sure he knows what YOU want him to do. Make sure HE represents YOU. Otherwise, Brevard will suffer and we'll lose more jobs, more homeowners and any future our children may have otherwise had here. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or coward.) October 2, 2014   TX ebola patient exposed at least 100 people. Did you know that thevileone dumped the quarantine laws back in 2010? He is responsible for any ebola deaths that happen here in America. Their blood will be on his hands. How many deaths is this Nobel Peace Prize winner responsible for? Thousands. October 2, 2014   msthevileone says Senate control rests on "a few hundred votes". So let's take those "few hundred" and let's convince them to vote Republican: CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN, not RINO. Even if thevileone is never impeached as he SHOULD be, at the very least controlling the House and Senate would be better for our country and for our future. IF, that is, the control is more Conservative than bonehead boehner and mitch mcconnell are. Those two need to be replaced with staplers because the staplers would have more courage and higher IQs! October 2, 2014   *Twilight Zone music*. October 2, 2014   Secret Service Director resigns. Good. Now if we could get her BOSS to resign, that would be even better! October 2, 2014   GSA official FINALLLY charged: 4 yrs later. "The lavish event, held by the GSA for its employees, featured luxury accommodations for staff and their loved ones, fine cuisine, wild parties and expensive gifts. Adding insult to injury, dozens of agency workers were awarded cash bonuses for arranging the outlandish Sin City celebration. Details if this atrocity were featured in a GSA Inspector General report published a few years after the exorbitant 2010 bash."That Las Vegas party only cost the taxpayers $1 MILLION but what's a MILLION dollars when you've got all the taxpayer dollars you want to spend? Drop in the bucket to this administration. After all, Kobe Beef and lobster dinners at our expense are de rigueur for them. October 2, 2014   Aaaahhhh... public schools. This incident makes me uncomfortable. I don't care what nationality the guy is, what color his skin is, what religion he is. If you go onto school property and ask questions about how many COPS are on campus, how close the closest POLICE STATION is, and questions like that, it raises red flags to me. IF the guy was asking about if it's a good school, if the teachers were thought to be good teachers, if the curriculum was rigorous and worthwhile, then I would not be concerned. It would sound like he was trying to choose a school for his children. Questions about cops on campus and the location of the nearest police station? That bothers me. October 2, 2014   Well, I must go get ready to run my errand. I'm taking someone with me (You'll find out who on Monday... hint, hint.) and I'll let you know now that I plan on posting soon about the other issues that will appear on the ballot. Then, I plan on moving it all to one page so that you don't have to search for the info. I may even post the Primary election info below the stuff for November's election just so no one can say I've changed my mind, or whatever. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and for the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christians in prisons worldwide. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone and george soros in their tracks. Pray that TRUE CONSERVATIVES (fiscal and/or social) be elected this November. Until next time, See ya'! October 1, 2014: 11:36 p.m.   My apologies for missing several days. I found out Saturday that a close friend -- we had decided we were "sisters from another mother" because we were so much alike -- died last week. It was a shock for everyone. When we had lunch August 6, 2014 at Ossorio's and planned on getting together again in September. It was she who loved to go to the gun range with me and I was teaching her how to shoot better. Now she's gone and I will miss her very much. That's why I did no updates for Monday and Tuesday. I was still so surprised by her loss and I still miss her like crazy, but the surprise is giving way to acceptance and I will see her again in heaven. I wonder if they have a shooting range in heaven...? FLORIDA AMENDMENTS: October 1, 2014   Amendment 1: LAND GRAB. Oh, sorry. The correct title is "Florida Water and Land Conservation Initiative". The important part of the tax initiative: "would dedicate 33 percent of net revenue from the existing excise tax on documents to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund.[1] [my bolding]"Thirty-three percent? Do you want to have even more land taken off of the tax rolls and put onto YOUR backs to do the upkeep, and to pay for while being told that you can't go there and use that land, or that you can only do certain things there? Do you really want more "hands off" land that you will ultimately pay for forever and you will be unable to use a lot of it for anything? I've been doing some birding in the last year. When I go birding with my hubby, I see how much land is already owned by the different government levels within this state (and a few other states). I also see that to go into a little-bitty park in some cases costs four or five dollars just to go in and go down a road that is less than a half-mile long and turn around and come back out because there's NOTHING there to see, do, or otherwise be considered worth the entrance fee. Yet, this little park is on the taxpayer's back to do the upkeep for the rest of their lives and they have NOTHING they can do there but maybe a picnic, use the potty, if they can get to the river/creek/lake they may be able to fish, and a little Frisbee throwing may be done but the park I'm thinking of was so small that it's questionable about that. It was absurd that we had to pay to get into that little thing, and that the taxpayers are paying for such a waste of money. Do we really want to vote to do that? The State of Florida already has 29.2% of their lands owned by the federal or state government. (And that does NOT include county and city governments!) Do we really want to dedicate 33% of excise taxes toward buying MORE land? In 2014 ALONE, the State of Florida spent $17,893,765 buying 23,120 ACRES of land in Florida. Do we want to spend MORE on land purchases? Really? The Florida Budget has a break down of what is what and the tax mentioned, the documentary stamp tax is available starting on page 72 and you'll see that the State of Florida is receiving approximately $2,069,400,000 (yes, that's BILLION) for fiscal year 2014-2015. We are already spending $94,800,000 of that money on Land Acquisition. They DO NOT NEED ANYMORE of OUR MONEY. Almost $95 MILLION is enough. Don't you think? VOTE NO on Amendment 1. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, PAC, or tree hugger.) Vote NO on Amendment 2. Read the wording of Amendment 2. Find out for yourself. You've seen my links that prove that almost EVERY medical condition that "medical marijuana" is allegedly good for is actually NOT RECOMMENDED by the advocacy group for that medical condition. IF the advocacy group for that particular medical condition is saying "DON'T DO MARIJUANA" for that condition, why on earth is someone else coming along and saying "'Medical' marijuana is needed"? If you have glaucoma and you've done the research as has the Glaucoma Research Foundation, if the Glaucoma Research Foundation is NOT -- for MEDICAL REASONS -- recommending "medical" marijuana, then why should someone else come along and tell you to use it for glaucoma, why listen to those who are ill-informed? There IS NO MEDICAL CONDITION for which the ADVOCACY GROUP for that condition actually recommends the use of "medical marijuana". Period. So why on earth listen to those advocating for it? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, PAC, or loopy drug user.) Amendment 3 allows the current Governor to fill judicial vacancies. My gut reaction to this one is a resounding "No!" Think of sotomayor, bader-ginsberg, and the other libs on the scotus bench. Do we really need a dumborat governor doing that to us? I don't think so. Then there's the fact that there are liars who will support a bad progressive judge in an election because they want the influence that the progressive judge would give them via the progressive judge's rulings. So either way we may be messed over. My research tells me that the progressive League of Women Voters is AGAINST 3 so that makes me want to support it. Our U.S. Constitution gives the President the power to appoint judges, so our Founding Fathers apparently liked the idea. Progressives hate the idea but I bet they'd support the idea if bader-ginsberg or sotomayor died the day before thevileone left office and he quickly appointed hillclintOOn to the scotus. So, either way we could be having bad judges, but I'll go with the Founding Fathers on this one and say, "VOTE YES ON AMENDMENT 3" because it's an idea our Founding Fathers favored. I may live to regret it, but there's no guarantees either way that we'll have only Constitutional judges on our benches, so I'll go with what they believed. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, PAC, or progressive woman voter.) October 1, 2014   Judicial Watch proves FBI kept in touch with terrorist. Not to spy on Al Qaeda, or for any good purpose, but because they're all that. The FBI seems to have the attitude that the 9/11 Commission was obsessed with pinning the 9/11 attack on innocent men, women and children on Islamic terrorists. Amazing. October 1, 2014   Ebola in America. Children were exposed and if they have it, they've exposed others and the list goes on. This is not a good thing. Add to ebola enterovirus and Chikungunya (spread via mosquitoes), and the CDC saying that illegal immigrant children could be spreading a virus and you've got one messed up health situation in America. I wonder if thevileone will ever take responsibility? Sorry. Rhetorical question. October 1, 2014   thevileone's admin: Looking for a chance to charge discrimination. shock. surprise. October 1, 2014   Malkin has a point. Don't relax just yet. It's not a good thing to trust this admin or anything they say, and the "vetting" process for training Muslims is about as well done as a colander at holding water. Who knows what they were trying to get training for and what kind of access they had to what info over here? Is Islam planning another 9/11 or some other attack? Don't relax yet. October 1, 2014   Is the Secret Service really interested in protecting thevileone? Or are they so sick of him that they've started obeying his orders when it comes to his personal security? Just asking. Just asking. October 1, 2014   thevileone is so very INconsiderate. He eats avocado with goat cheese and bell pepper, crisped halibut with basmati rice and mango crème brulee while the Prime Minister of India drinks a bowl of hot water because they scheduled the meeting for suppertime. So very INconsiderate of thevileone. He should have been more aware and he should have scheduled the meeting at a different time of day. He's a toad. October 1, 2014   I'll close for now. GOD Bless America. Pray for our troops and for the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, and pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! September 2014 September 26, 2014: 3:37 p.m.   Tribute To Our Heroes 183: As Seen From Space is my Flag Friday offering and thanks to those who have served. I can never thank you enough. September 26, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   If this is the "peace and tolerance" of Islam, allah can keep it. I don't think the rest of the world needs any part in it. Of course, that's not what thevileone thinks. He likes Islam; most Muslims do. I bet he endorses beheadings, too. September 26, 2014   wassy-schultz at it again. If she had a brain to play with... September 26, 2014   I bet thevileone planned for this to happen. This way he can put the blame for the illegals being able to stay on the COURTS instead of admitting it was all him. September 26, 2014   Eight Seminole County schools evacuated after bomb threats. Fals alarms, all, but it's unnerving to the parents and kids. September 26, 2014   The "fly-over country" libs, yes, but the high muckety-muck libs? They'll never give up on thevileone. They've staked lives, fortunes and lack of honor on him. There's no way in hades the george soros-types, the george looney-types, or the kiss-ups won't give up on him. They still believe that he hasn't had the right chance, that the conservtives are robbing him of his opportunities. They still believe. They're just frustrated that he's being robbed. September 26, 2014   clintOOn foundation supports killing babies. Rapists do that because they don't want to have to support a child if it is conceived through the rape they've just committed. We all know that billyboy is pretty much an expert on the subject. September 26, 2014   I'm going to stop there because I don't want the barfield info to get too low on the page right now. I want you to see that, to think about it and to share it with others. So, GOD Bless America and keep her safe from thevileone and others like him. Pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini (and the other Christians in prison) and pray for TRUE CONSERVATIVES to win this November. Until next time, See ya'! September 26, 2014: 2:17 a.m.   Thought you'd like to keep an eye on candidate dollars so I got a link for you: Candidate Contributions and Expenditures. Take a look at who is giving money to whom. It's a good thing to watch that. September 25, 2014: 2:31 p.m.   I will start today with something from Scott Ellis. Apparently he sees the same things in D2 Rep. candidate, Jim Barfield, as do I. "Thursday we received a full dose of the Matt Reed rooster crowing the far right was done in Brevard. While Mr. Reed and the Florida Today were taking credit for numerous races where no such candidates existed, the two real races in play on Election Day were the County Commission races. In these races we had clear distinctions of Establishment and Non-establishment candidates, and a few more in between for good measure.That's a letter Scott Ellis (Yes, the Clerk of Court Scott Ellis) sent to FL Toady [sic] (but he didn't spell it "Toady" as do I). They didn't publish this in its entirety, but they did publish a condensed version. I'll publish the whole thing. This letter tells me that the folks in D2 should do a write-in vote for Michael Hartman and defeat the underhanded techniques of Barfield and his camp. Don't let deception win. Do a write-in for Michael Hartman and teach the liars and deceivers a lesson! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, Clerk of Courts, or newspaper commentator.) Speaking of liars and deceivers, I sent jim barfield an e-mail two days ago and have yet to hear back from him. The e-mail: "Mr. Barfield,I will publish any responses I receive from him. IF I hear from him at all. Actually, I expect a threat of a lawsuit, but that's par for the course for RINOs and progressives in this county. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, Clerk of Courts, or newspaper commentator.) September 25, 2014   Don't let the front door hit you on the backside when you leave! Or do. I don't care. eric holder is GONE! PARTY!! PARTY!! PARTY!! WoooHooo! Another one bites the dust. The best part? The contempt of Congress charge will PROCEED even though holder has stepped down. Excellent! Gowdy and his committee are doing the RIGHT thing! Goody! Gowdy! Gowdy! Happy Camper! On top of that, Judicial Watch has had another victory over holder and he has been ordered to stop delaying and turn over FAST & FURIOUS documents no later than October 22, 2014! I bet his headaches have just begun. PREDICTION: A blanket pardon for holder from thevileone is in the works and will be delivered upon demand. September 25, 2014   Putin proposing property seizure possibility. They're looking for trouble. Trust me, they'll find it one way or another. September 25, 2014   Possible attacks on subways in NY and Paris? ISIS is making some noise about it. Problem: thevileone says ISIS/ISIL is "not Islamic", so if they're not Islamic, then why are they using Islamic tactics? Since the end of WWII and the defeat of Hitler and Japan what other group/religion uses the kinds of terrorist tactics that Islam does? There is no one else besides ISLAM that uses terror as a weapon of war. Moral fighters use the rules of war, attacking only those in uniform, military targets only, and do so without targeting civilians. That's not how ISLAM fights. ISLAM is morally bankrupt, heartless, evil and as bad as it comes when it comes to FORCING people to do as ISLAM demands. ISLAM demands TOTAL SUBMISSION. ISLAM demands CONVERSION. ISLAM demands POWER AND CONTROL. ISLAM is NOTHING more than a RELIGION OF SATAN and POWER. ISLAM IS EVIL. September 25, 2014   dumborat crybaby: but most dumborats are. September 25, 2014   I LOVE msthevileone's school lunch program. It has done more to teach children how to think for themselves, stand up for what they want, about the liberties lefties try to take away and about freedom of CHOICE -- choice in what you want for lunch -- than anything we could have taught them with multi-million dollar programs. I LOVE msthevileone's school lunch program because THE KIDS have been rebelling against government control over their food choices and lives. More and more often, the program is being dropped because the kids have rebelled against it and they've found out about what happens when the government is involved in the minute details of people's lives. That's a good thing! September 25, 2014   thevileone's IRS targeted organizations that were "'educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.'" The "constitutional professor" doesn't want you to understand the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights because if you do, you'll also understand how thevileone is BREAKING BOTH. He wants you ignorant and defeated. He wants to be able to take away your rights and keep you in the dark so that he doesn't have to worry about you fighting back. That's how lefties work: keep you ignorant and you won't fight back. That's why they're doing Common Crap Core, too: Your ignorance is their bliss for those who are trying to make you their slaves. September 25, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Pusher of CCC "standards" CHANGES HER MIND. Now, she's totally against it. Better late than never, I suppose. Now, the pushers are pushing Catholic schools to accept CCC "standards". In TN, it's losing support among teachers. And if you want to talk about bullies, look at CCC! Believe it or not, there are some Dems. against this crud. One of them may become NY Senate Education Chair. I wonder if that means that NY can kiss CCC goodbye. Wouldn't that be great for NY kids? September 25, 2014   12 out of 12 studies CONFIRM LINK BETWEEN ABORTION AND BREAST CANCER. How many abortions you have all but dictates whether you will have breast cancer. Twelve out of twelve studies. There is NO DOUBT that there is a link between abortions and breast cancer. No doubt. Your body may have a price to pay, but you don't have to pay an eternal price. If you've had an abortion, GOD STILL LOVES YOU and wants to forgive you. Your baby is in heaven (or babies if you've had multiple abortions) and GOD loves your child/children. GOD will FORGIVE you if you ask Him to forgive you. He LOVES YOU and wants to forgive you. PLEASE, ask His forgiveness and ask Him to help you forgive yourself. Seek help and counseling from a Christian counselor and know that you don't need to live in guilt, fear, self-condemnation and your own unforgiveness of yourself. GOD LOVES YOU. Don't live outside of that love any longer. Go to Him and ask Him for His forgiveness and to come into your life and into your heart and to heal your heart and soul. He already has your baby/babies in His arms. He wants to hold and comfort you, too. September 25, 2014   I think I'll stop on that note for now. I want to leave that as the last thought for some. GOD Bless America. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for our troops and their safety. Pray that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks. Pray that TRUE CONSERVATIVES will win in November. Until next time, See ya'! September 24, 2014: 6:21 p.m.   FOX chief backs hillclintOOn. No wonder FOX has gone to hades in a hand basket with that kind of leaders. I think their backing is going to be for naught. I think hillclitOOn's health issues are going to prevent her from running -- or at least from completing her run. I'm not saying she'll die, nor that I want her dead. I am saying that she's still wearing those glasses that means she has her brain problem still and that doesn't bode well for a president. If she has another episode there's no telling what the results will be. Does she want to be back in the Red House so badly that she'll endanger her health for it? Life, or preziduncy.... Hmmmm... Tough choice for some. September 24, 2014   Putin pushing his limits again. He has no respect for the rights and freedom of other countries, other people. He wants it all. He is as evil as thevileone and he needs to be brought back under control. Too bad thevileone is so flexible since the election. It's costing people their lives and their freedom! September 24, 2014   Aaaaahhhhh.... public schools. If they're not threatening to kill them with robots, they're having sex with their students. They seem to like doing that. Or if they're not having sex with the students or threatening to kill them with robots, there's always the drugs they deal and the date rape drug recipe. (Say what?!) Yes, there are some good teachers out there, but you gotta' be aware of the bad ones who pose a real threat to your children. Homeschool your children, folks. It's best for them. September 24, 2014   Just a little bit of government intrusion here. Just a little. September 24, 2014   thevileone controls what is reported about him. Whatever happened to a free press and the U.S. Constitution: "Amendment II guess thevileone doesn't believe in the U.S. Constitution, does he? September 24, 2014   Judicial Watch was correct, of course: "The agency created by President Obama to warrantlessly collect the private financial information of millions of Americans fails to adequately protect the data and must boost security, according to a federal audit conducted with Judicial Watch’s assistance."Don't ya' love it? (*sarcasm*) September 24, 2014   Well, my hubby just came home and I've got a sinus headache. All this rain is making my sinuses go nuts. So I'm going to stop for the day. Sorry it's so short. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, and pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Also, pray that the candidates of GOD's choice will win in November. We need His help with that! Until next time, See ya'! September 23, 2014: 3:48 p.m.   I hope you've taken the few minutes it takes to watch the video above about feminism. It's all about CONTROL, folks. It's not about "equal pay for equal work". That's a load of.... Well, you know. It's all about CONTROL. That's all the lefties want. They don't care about women because if they did, they would not ENCOURAGE out of wedlock babies which is one of the biggest factors leading to poverty for the mother and child than almost anything else. They don't care about abortions (the women being aborted or the women having abortions) and the devastation -- emotional, mental, spiritual, sometimes physical -- brought on from having abortions. They don't care about the latchkey kids from moms working outside the home instead of focusing on their families and staying home to raise the children and give the children security, solid foundations (emotional, moral, educational, etc.), or they would encourage women to do just that: stay home instead of focusing on their careers and finding their "fulfillment" elsewhere. When lefties say they care about something always look at the way they treat that something and if they use it for CONTROLLING OTHERS, then it's not that they care about that, it's that it's a pressure point they've built upon for years and they can use it to make others jump through hoops. For instance, how big a carbon footprint just ONE of algore's luxury homes will leave. Yeah. He cares about what he's preaching. The fact is, he sold Current TV to Al Jazeera and pocketed the money of those he supposedly preaches against. Against, that is, until and unless it can financially benefity him. Proof is in the pudding, folks. If they cared about it instead of using it to CONTROL you, their ACTIONS would FOLLOW THEIR WORDS. September 23, 2014   September 23, 2014   Pray for the people of Africa. They have a long road ahead of them and if they are to survive they need medical help and prayers. September 23, 2014   eric holder: Prime example of CONTROL. September 23, 2014   YOU PAID $700,000 for thevileone to drink beer, play pool and fundraise. Don't ya' love their version of America? Elitists get to do whatever they want at YOUR expense. That's their version of America: they play, we pay! Ah... progressives. When they're in control they're in CONTROL! September 23, 2014   Took a little break to talk to the unconventional D2 candidate for County Commissioner, Jack Smink for a while. He and I are going to get together and talk sometime in the near future and that way I can see who he is and what he stands for. So far he sounds like a reasonable man. We'll see how things go and I'll keep you informed. September 23, 2014   thevileone:   Stupid is as stupid does. Delivering an U.N. speech about the need for "green" policies worldwide, he shows his sincerity via using styrofoam? (*smirk*) Did you know that his July trips cost you $1,159,823.50? That's just July! Must be nice living high on the hog off of OUR dimes. September 23, 2014   Lesson learned from Sen. Ted Cruz's IDC heckling and departure: the title of an organization does NOT always TELL THE TRUTH about that organization. The "In Defense of Christians" is a front group for people who hate Israel and lies to get money from Christians. That's why I always, always, always tell you to do your own research and to "FIND THE TRUTH!" because if you just go by titles -- like the all-pervasive (R) behind RINO candidates' (and at times even dumborats who changed party affiliations to get votes -- think Charlie Crist) names nowadays -- you can be misled and you can be put into an untenable situation. If he'd have paid attention to the facts about who was behind the group I do believe he would have said a resounding but polite, "No, thank you!" to the invitation to speak at such an organization's summit. I know I would have! September 23, 2014   Been there. Done that. Literally have the t-shirt. Let's not do that again. September 23, 2014   Women, don't be this stupid. Really. Don't be that stupid. Oh, and if you are, don't publish it! Criminutly! September 23, 2014   Illegal Aliens On Parade:   More are on their way. Of course, they'll get here and, of course, YOUR taxpayer dollars will pay for their room and board. September 23, 2014   Well, I shall go for now. Hubby's home. Didn't get as much done today as I had hoped, but talking with Mr. Smink took up some of my update time. Again, I'll keep you posted on how that goes. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops -- especially those in the Middle East -- and for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! September 22, 2014: 2:30 p.m.   Hope you had a great weekend. Hubby and I went birding on Sunday and found a new (for us) species for our list. Hurrah. I like birding but sometimes it's frustrating because birds don't cooperate. Just because they're reported to be in a certain area that doesn't mean that their wings don't work. They've frustrated us more often than not, but it's still fun to go try. Yes, we get to see other areas of the state that we hadn't seen before, and sometimes we get to see a bird that wasn't on our radar but is new for our list, but that doesn't mean that the Ruff we went to find not being there wasn't frustrating: especially when you're rather new to birding and still unsure as to how to figure which of those little sandpiper/plover/whatever birds is which. Going birding with an experienced birder is better in that you can look to them to help with identifying a bird you don't recognize and they know where to look for certain species. It also can lead to you finding more birds, but there's no guarantee that an experienced birder equals birds that are cooperative and appear where they were reported or that they'll let you see them. Then there's the frustration of finding out just how much of our state is owned by a layer of government and off the taxpayer rolls because WE already purchased the land, but WE still have to pay to go onto that land WE own, or that WE can't touch it at all because the GOVERNMENT says we can't use land WE own. That's VERY frustrating. It irks me to no end that WE own land and the GOVERNMENT (which is supposed to be "WE, The People") tells us WE can't touch it. Can we change that? Let us try! September 22, 2014   Swiss government says vegan diet bad for kids. It's bad for adults, too, but no one will admit that because it's not PC. "Veganism is wonderful!" some folks say. Nope. I will never believe that because if it were good for us I don't think that GOD would have commanded his priests to eat part of the meat of the sacrifices. Would GOD command His people to eat something that was bad for them? No. He loves us and He loved them. He would never say to eat something that was considered holy although it's bad for you and will do bad things to your body, would he? Common sense and any remote knowledge of GOD's Word tells you that that way of thinking is antipode to GOD's Word. Veganism hasn't been recommended by GOD since the fall, which He knew would happen and prepared steak for. September 22, 2014   hillclintOOn's past comes back to haunt her in writing. Her love of Saul Alinsky is on parade. Remember, Saul Alinsky is thevileone's guide (with george soros) in how to destroy America and a clintOOn preziduncy would just mean more of the same destruction. Well, that and more of her "hard dog to keep on the porch" philanderer. It would also mean that we have another totally unqualified progressive who hates America to continue the destruction of America in the Red House. That's not a good thing for your children and any future you hope they'll have; unless, of course, you want them to live in a Marxist dictatorship. September 22, 2014   McKinney, TX best place to live. Just because of the name of the town I used this. Figure it out. September 22, 2014   DH[IN]S faces high level of employee turnover. They've also got a morale problem. I would say "I wonder why", but no one would believe me. Maybe starting to stand against thevileone and doing what's right will help with the morale problem. I don't know. I do know that they've been doing the wrong thing for so long that if the department fell apart altogether it wouldn't bother me. One less government "security" agency to contend with intruding into our privacy is a good thing, IMHO. September 22, 2014   "Refugees" are a security risk to ALL countries. Anyone can make claims that meet the "standards" (what "standards"?) of needing refugee status. The problem is that anyone can also LIE about what's happening in their own country and why they need "refugee" status. If we checked things out on 99% of those claiming "refugee" status, I'd say a good 90% (if not more) of those would be denied and turned back. If your progeny's safety is of any concern to you, I would encourage you to sign the petition to CLOSE the border and find out who is IN our country before we allow more possible terrorists and others who aim to harm our children, harm our country, harm our economy, etc., into our country. If we don't know who is here how can we consider ANYTHING or ANYONE secure? Are your children safe under this administration? NO! Absolutely not. His open border has endangered us all and he's GLAD of it because it will help destroy America; who cares what it does to your children? Not he. September 22, 2014   Ruh-roh. September 22, 2014   Desperate woman turns to destructive man. She's expecting anything besides total destruction for her country with his history of destroying countries? Stupid is as stupid does. September 22, 2014   Hollyweird is trying to get hillclintOOn elected via the TV show "Madam Secretary". It's not going to work because the character is so much BETTER than hillclintOOn that it makes the real clintOOn look BAD. The show's character is strong, decisive, pro-America, is willing to stand up to power (as opposed to the real clintOOn's kiss-up to power), and has something the real clintOOn has no idea of: integrity. The show's juxtaposition with reality is going to do more harm than good, but Hollyweird doesn't think in real terms. They believe that they can put something out there and it's suddenly the truth. Remember the after effects of the movie "Avatar"? Yeah. The TV show "Madam Secretary" is going to have a similar effect. September 22, 2014   September 22, 2014   RINOs seen "moving" toward "center". It's not "moving" toward the "center", it's moving LEFT and that means that they have no core values and don't care about what's the RIGHT thing to do. They just want to be eleced. That means they'll sell you out in a heartbeat after being elected if it means they'll be able to have more power, keep the power they have, or get influence with a new group/person/agenda. Don't elect RINOs (BTW, Did you know D2 RINO, Jim Barfield was/is an EDC Board member? Remember what's going on with the EDC here in Brevard? Also remember that local LEFTIES are donating to his campaign and that should tell you a LOT!). They're sell outs from the get go. (BTW, can you imagine a RINO Party? Their campaign slogans would have to be things like, "We're only elephants on the outside!", "We want power at any cost!", "Make believe we want what's best for you!", or "Elephants can remember, but we only act like we do!", "America! We'll cave!", "Gray on the outside, RED on the inside!") Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or covert commie. September 22, 2014   ISIS isn't the only threat. Well, DUH! Over there, they think that the CIA and ISIS are working together. If that is the truth, then thevileone ordered it and it proves that he's lawless and should be held accountable for the deaths there -- including the beheadings ISIS has been doing. If thevileone has done this, he's not fit to be prezdunce, or hold any position other than PRISONER in a federal penitentiary. September 22, 2014   "...in an attempt to evade the responsibilities of the new requirements of Florida's Sunshine Law..." The Farty-Four and the EDC at it again. September 22, 2014   Inland port still in the works. Sigh. More to moan about for certain folks. I don't think it's a good idea, but for other reasons. For me it's a security reason. How many times have we seen stories of stowaways in containers in America and elsewhere. I have a problem with that; especially considering that we have the space program so close and a lot of highly dangerous chemicals stored around us because of that program. Then there's the fact that Tampa is also a port city and Orlando and Disney, Universal, Sea World, LegoLand, etc., as convenient targets and what terrorists shipped in via cargo container could do to our state. No. I don't like a lot of cargo ships coming here. It's got NOTHING to do with the environment and everything to do with security. September 22, 2014   I'll stop there for today. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops, pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him, and pray that GOD stops thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! September 19, 2014: 9:33 a.m.   Flag Friday:   "Tribute To Our Heroes 182: The Twenty-Four". I post to say "Thank you!" because I can never say it enough. Thank you for your service! September 19, 2014   I stayed up all night and I worked on a scarf for which I have been collecting yarns for the last few months. I really like the way it's coming together. I made it very long so that I can wrap it around a few times since it's not going to be wide (at least that's the way I see it in my head; what I actually make it into may change). I think it's really pretty and it was definitely worth the work and the lack of sleep but now my fingers are tired (especially my "threading" hand [my left]) and typing for a little while may stretch them out again. So I'll do just a few updates today and I'll then go to bed. So let's get started. September 19, 2014   So sad. Scotland chose to stay in the U.K. Choosing to bow the knee and pay the taxes to support the "royal" family makes no sense to me. I don't understand wanting that. September 19, 2014   Did you know that thevileone is such a bad prezidunce that 1/4 of Americans are fine with secession? Leaving the union because of thevileone's lawless administration and his elitism, golf and luxury vacations at our expense while he does all kinds of "Executive Orders" to control us is now being seriously considered as an option. I'd love to see the movement take off and hit 70% and see what thevileone would do. My guess: remember all those militarized police? Yeah. He'd have no problem with that. September 19, 2014   Enterovirus is making kids across the nation sick. Read about the symptoms and make sure you go to your doctor for treatment. Don't want this thing getting to other children, or making someone with a compromised immune system getting it. Take care of yourself and wash your hands a lot and all of that. Okay? September 19, 2014   Why $15 hourly wage is BAD for fast food workers. You get paid $15 hourly and people stop buying fast food because the cost of your pay raise will be passed on to the consumer. People stop buying fast food, what happens to your job? The boss keeps you on and just eats the losses? No. You get $15 hourly for about three weeks then you get fired because the boss has to fire some people to keep the overhead cost lower and he can keep the place open for a few more weeks. Too bad your co-workers got the $15 hourly wage, too, and as the doors close for the last time two weeks later, your friends are out of work, too. But you got your $15 hourly for at least three weeks. Was it worth it? Yes, I've worked fast food. My first two jobs were fast food. Trust me, I never dreamed of getting even $5 hourly while I was working fast food because the minimum wage back then was a lot less than that ($2.30 hourly) and I had my own place, my own car, bought my own food, gas, clothes and paid my own rent. You want to tell me how hard things are? Been there. Done that. You're making a whole lot more. Shut up. September 19, 2014   msthevileone's hypocrisy is on parade again. shock. surprise. September 19, 2014   FAST & FURIOUS:   thevileone REFUSES to release the documents, filing another motion in court to prevent it. They can play this game all day to keep thevileone's wicked, horrible, anti-American, traitorous secrets. If thevileone is not held accountable by our court system then he has made himself immune from accountability in the courts; therefore making himself DICTATOR who is above the law and who answers to no one except himself. Is this AMERICA? Is this what you want? September 19, 2014   thevileone's vast military experience (*sarcasm*) makes him take on Pentagon. Reality: He has no experience in the military but he is a dictator so he thinks he can make a better plan. Reality: His ego is bigger than the solar system so naturally he thinks he knows best when it comes to fighting a war. After all, don't all "community organizers" know how to properly execute a war? September 19, 2014   Putin and thevileone seem to be mirror images of each other. Putin brags: thevileone brags. Putin uses the military as his personal tool: thevileone uses the military as his personal tool (sometimes even to hold an umbrella for him). Putin thinks he's GOD: thevileone thinks he's GOD. Mirror images. September 19, 2014   dumborat doesn't think republirats will win in November. Why are we not surprised that a dumborat thinks that? After all, dumborats gave us FAST & FURIOUS, BENGHAZI, thevileone's healthcareTAX, an open southern border that is spewing illegals into our country like a broken water main and the dumborats are doing nothing to stop it (in fact, thevileone threatened to sue AZ if they atually did something to prevent folks from coming over. dumborats gave us unemployment as high as 17.1% (U6: Oct., Nov., & Dec., 2009; April 2010), and no lower than 12% since January 2009; and thevileone gave us race riots, lack of transparency, etc., so the dumborats are going to win. Rrrrrrriiiiiiigggghhhhhttttt... September 19, 2014   Well, I'm nodding off here so I'm going to go to bed. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops, pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and the other Christian prisoners, and pray that thevileone will be stopped. Until next time (Monday, I belleve), See ya'! September 18, 2014: 3:24 p.m.   It's been six days since I did an update. My Minion Monday is on hold until Hank returns (if he returns), so I didn't post for that. I've been trying to do updates, but the leading of the Holy Spirit made it impossible. I literally sat at my computer for hours, wanting to do updates, but feeling like I shouldn't. Someone apparently needed to see something that was near the top of my site and get the info there. So, here I am, given permission to go ahead with the updates and ready to do so! BTW, I also did some birding with my hubby while being told to withhold updates. My favorite bird that we saw recently was a female Purple Gallinule. As with most female birds, she was quite different from her male counterpart; mostly brown and dull, but she was a cool find. She was at the Viera Wetlands yesterday so if you want to see her, she may still be around. September 18, 2014   The Farty-Four: Stupid is as stupid does. Giving the EDC another $1.4 MILLION? DUH! September 18, 2014   Christians in Ukraine being tortured and killed. So is Putin using Muslims to do his dirty work, or are the Muslims using Putin to get the opportunity to hurt, maim and kill more people? Either way, they're both evil and they're doing it all with the blessings and "flexibility" of thevileone. Tell me something. Will we be facing incidents like this on in Australia soon? I bet they didn't expect it there, and we are TOTALLY unprepared for it here. Who will have to die here in America before thevileone stands against Islam instead of making excuses for not being strong against it? Rerouting the military to fight ebola instead of ISIS is not a strong stand against Islamic terrorists. When you are a Muslim, you don't want to fight against Muslims. September 18, 2014   Scotland is voting today on whether to stay in the United Kingdom (not so united anymore). I've supported the move to independence and freedom from bowing and scraping before a monarchy since the question arose. I think freedom demands that bowing and scraping be OVER with and it may bother the elites that you don't do so anymore but it's what's best for the vast majority of the people. I hope they vote to leave the U.K., but I think it may be close. It may be a 53/47 proposition; I don't know. I have my preferences, but we'll see what the Scottish people think. Either way, I pray that there is no violence no matter what the decision. September 18, 2014   Smirk. Community outraged over idea of naming school after thevileone, so plan is cancelled. Smirk. September 18, 2014   dumborats are feeding on each other. They're falling apart because their ideas are so wrong, so bad for America, so vile. The "fly-over country" Democrats (the every day Joe guys and gals, not the "leadership" dumborats) are not happy with what the dumborats have been doing. It's just time for the dumborats to step down and admit they've messed things up royally. Will it happen? Not with their egoes. Even hillclintOOn isn't immune from dumborat feeding frenzy. Good! September 18, 2014   U.S.A.F. dumps "So Help Me GOD". GRRRRRR... I'm an Air Force brat who married an Air Force brat who served in the Air Force for over twenty years. I have U.S.A.F. so deeply in my family bloodline that even my Great-Aunt E. served as a Women's Air Corps pilot (she was adventurous her whole life). One of my uncles died from a brain tumor while serving in the U.S.A.F., several other uncles also served for at least the minimum, cousins, a sibling and other blood relatives have been in the U.S.A.F. My sisters and I were in the JRAFROTC in school; as were at least two of my brothers-in-law. I used to say that when I bleed I bleed Air Force blue. Now, I'm ashamed of the U.S.A.F. Until they return to "So Help Me GOD", I will not be favorable to them. They've made a grave mistake in kicking the Christian GOD out of the service. Such a shame. September 18, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   bonehead boehner bends over backwards to help dumborats do anything they want: "[T]he House passed a continuing resolution that will fund the government after the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, and that will permit funding for Planned Parenthood (the nation's largest abortion provider), the entirety of Obamacare, and an amendment requested by President Barack Obama "'to train and equip appropriately vetted elements of the Syrian opposition.' [my bolding]"More baby killing because dumborats wanted it. bonehead boehner should just change parties since his mouth is so firmly stuck to pelosipig's backside that he can't get away from it. This thing is costing people MORE than they thought it would. In fact, a lot of people can't afford the "Affordable Care Act". That's because those who thought it would be cheaper were willfully ignorant. They were ignoring the TRUTH we were telling them and opting for the HOPE of thevileone telling the truth. He couldn't speak the truth if his life depended upon it. For them to trust him to tell the TRUTH is the height of stupidity, but that's what they wanted. They sold it as something that would help immigrants, too. Over 100,000 immigrants are losing their healthcare coverage thanks to this thing. Trusting thevileone is never a smart thing to do. Although, people are waking up to this thing and enrollment is DROPPING, not increasing. (Took them long enough.) No matter how many are (or are not) enrolled in this piece of garbage, the websites are still all messed up and they're a high risk for security problems. What a waste of taxpayer dollars. (*shock. surprise.*) A good thing that is coming about because of this piece of garbage is that it's changing voters' minds and they're more likely to vote for someone who is voting to stop the insurer bailout. The fact that thevileone is using OUR taxpayer dollars to pay for BABY KILLING via thevileone's healthcareTAX is just wrong, but it is the Holy Grail for the dumborats and there's no way they could NOT fund it somehow. They MUST sacrifice babies to the false god of the vote. What cost their power? How many souls are under their thrones awaiting judgment day for their murders? Even with baby killing being funded via thevileone's healthcareTAX, the policies available through this garbage are of lower quality than those before this garbage. In MA, the transition cost from Romneycare to thevileone's healthcareTAX is ENORMOUS. Anything to do with thevileone's healthcareTAX is pricey. We warned ya'. The next enrollment date is approaching and it'll be bad. Bad because "[T]he Administration is finally getting a grip on enrollees’ eligibility for subsidies, based on income or immigration and citizenship status. That has recently led to bad news for almost half a million Obamacare enrollees, who have been told that they are about to miss the deadline for cleaning up their paperwork. 115,000 will be dropped at the end of September, if they cannot verify their citizenship or immigration status. Another 363,000 will have their subsidies clawed back, because they have not verified their incomes. Many of these will find the full premiums t0o [sic] high to handle, and drop out."He promised so much and delivered so little. When a liar lies you really should not be surprised. September 18, 2014   eric holder doesn't punish crime within the Do[IN]J's ranks. This is a lawless administration. They are above, beyond and outside of the law; in their own estimation, at least. When will someone have the courage to arrest them? September 18, 2014   CO has a "Rocky Mountain Jihad". There's an alleged terrorist training camp in York, SC, too. There are allegedly at least 35 such camps around the USA. I bet those camps are getting bigger considering the possibility of Muslims crossing our southern border. Then there's the U.S. Congressman tries to interfere with TRUTH getting out about border "security". If they weren't afraid of the truth why try to ban Judicial Watch from revealing it? Isn't that special? thevileone is endangering our children even more and golfing and vacationing on our dime all the while. Sweet! (*sarcasm*) September 18, 2014   September 18, 2014   Progressives have to LIE about Rush to make him look bad and try to make advertisers quit advertising with him. How many times will they try this tactic before they give up? The reason they do this is because they know how effective he is at getting people to start thinking and using the "little grey cells" the Good Lord gave them. When they do that, they stop being libs/lefties/progressives and start being Conservatives. Rush is probably the biggest threat to progressivism because he does make people THINK. He makes common sense break through the purple haze of progressivism and when people's brains wake up it's usually rather enjoyable to them and they don't go back to being asleep at the wheel of their lives. No one can control them with the lies anymore. No one can fool them with emotions and no one can make them brain dead zombies again. Progressives hate losing membership. September 18, 2014   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What's fair for the goose... September 18, 2014   On that note of poetic justice, I'll close for now. My hubby's home and supper's cooking so I'll go do other things. I'll be posting my Flag Friday pic later tonight/early tomorrow morning, so expect to see it. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini and the other Christian prisoners, pray that GOD stops thevileone in his tracks and have a great evening. Until next time, See ya'! September 12, 2014: 9:45 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and my posting for the day is up as "Tribute To Our Heroes 181: A Day of Remembrance". Yesterday I watched a show that broke my heart all over again. "The Cross and The Towers" will do the same to you. Remember that the people in the towers died because of the terrorists' desires to destroy America and force us into following a religion of another's choice. The act itself was heartless and soulless, but the fact that they want to do the same sort of thing to the rest of us, want to force us into their beliefs, is (to me) despicable and contrary in every way to what America stands for: FREEDOM! September 12, 2014   Surprise. Surprise. It was the threat of severe fines that made Yahoo cooperate with the government, not because they wanted to, but because they were forced into it. When the government is determined, they've got a lot of tools to get it done. September 12, 2014   Free speech can be a lie, judge rules. Specifically, he was speaking of political ads that used lies, but the judge said it wouldn't be a good thing to have the elections office be the arbitor of "truth". While, in principal, I agree with the idea of a government entity deciding what is "truth", there should be a way to make those running for public office tell the "Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth". Truth in election campaigning should be a MUST, a natural thing, but it's not. I think that says a LOT about "We, The People" and what we're willing to accept as our representatives. That's a HORRIBLE reflection of what our electorate has become. Are we that lacking of morals, values, TRUTH and caring about our country and our children's futures? September 12, 2014   "New" humans by 2050? Such a crock. Evolution doesn't mean that we change our behavior it means our DNA changes. DNA doesn't change because we have robots to do things for us. September 12, 2014   If Ronald Reagan's admin said something similar, wouldn't the lefties be outraged? This administration is so racist. September 12, 2014   BENGHAZI: This admin KNEW 3 MONTHS prior that attacks were coming. They did nothing to protect the Ambassador, staff, or security personnel, but they KNEW it was coming. Does that not say it all? September 12, 2014   $$$$ TAXPAYER $$$$   $761 MILLION to educate illegal alien minors. Enjoy paying taxes for that? Enjoy paying taxes? I hope you do because it's only going to get worse. If that's not bad enough, they wasted $3.2 MILLION to get MONKEYS DRUNK. Isn't that "loverly"? September 12, 2014   A rhetorical question? September 12, 2014   bumbling biden is such a farce. September 12, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Islam beheads then mutilates its victims: WHILE LAUGHING. Yeah. Very peaceful and tolerant. Considering that, what is going to happen when thevileone ARMS ISIS? I'm sorry, but common sense doesn't seem to have any place in this administration and it leads to the kind of stupidity that I just linked to. It's not just head-shakingly stupid, it's DANGEROUS. But that's what thevileone likes best about it: it endangers more of America and his goal is to destroy America so he's happy with that. Remember, if Islam gets its way, this is what women have to look forward to. Is that what you want for your daughters? September 12, 2014   Women "turning on" thevileone? Problem is that libs/lefties/progressives don't really give a flip about whether they like the person and who they are and what they stand for. What matters is the "(D)" behind the name. The fact that they're ridiculously incompetent and award-winning liars makes "no-never-mind" to them. What matters is the "(D)". He'd still get their votes as long as they could give it to him. September 12, 2014   Here's why you should sign the petition to end the Export/Import Bank. Let's stop this outflow of our money to foreign countries. September 12, 2014   August's U6 unemployment number: 12%.
Personally, I think that's a bit low. So many people have quit even bothering to look for work that I think the number is higher. Then there's the
CBO's Budget update as to how the current laws are going to impact us over the next ten years: Kinda' scary to me; especially slide 13. Look at the amount of "Personal Income Taxes" revenue they get in the next ten years. That's scary! September 12, 2014   Aaaaahhhh... public schools. Another CONSERVATIVE t-shirt banned. What happened to their First Amendment right? That lack of Free Speech rights extends to fathers, too. Then there's absurd school assignments like this. Compare Bush to Hitler? No agenda there. But at least one teacher tells the truth about public schools. It's much more comparable than the Bush/Hitler thing; especially when you remember "totaliarian" school lunch program! There's also the attitudes against Christians that make concentration camp comparisons more appropriate. There's also the authorities who protect the pervs in the schools. In concentration camps the high-muckety-mucks defended their underlings no matter what. Then there's the tricky ones who get away with it at any cost. Yeah. IMHO, "concentration camp" is more appropriate. September 12, 2014   Is she scared? September 12, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   thevileone wants to VETO bill that would allow you to KEEP your present health insurance. Which he promised wouldn't happen, didn't he? He won the 2013 "Lie of the Year" award, didn't he? Now everyone's going to figure out that he was lying. Republicans are voting against this thing again. Better than supporting it! September 12, 2014   I think I'll stop there for today. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops (even those thevileone is sending into another war), pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and other Christian prisoners, and pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks, because only He can! Until next time, See ya'! September 11, 2014: 2:39 a.m.: NEVER FORGET!   This is a Day of Remembrance for all Americans and for other countries around the world who lost people in the 9/11 Islamic Terrorist attacks. My thoughts and prayers to all whose hearts were torn asunder because of a loved one's loss on that day. I was blessed. On that day, my brother-in-law worked in the Pentagon and left the building to attend a meeting elsewhere six minutes prior to the airplane hitting the building. My Aunt S. was scheduled to be in one of the World Trade Center Towers that day but had finished her business the previous day so she planned to spend the day shopping in NYC. Her plans changed after the first plane hit. This is a sad day, but it's also a day that we remember how resilient and how STRONG America is! We, The People, make her strong and We, The People, will continue to do so! We will always remember and we shall never kowtow to terrorism, violence against the innocent, nor to anyone or anything that would force us to do their bidding! We Are AMERICA! And WE SHALL NOT FAIL! Associated with this day is something so utterly stupid that I have to post the link now because I was surprised by my hubby earlier today and he came home and we went out together until late, then had some family things to deal with as his mother is going through some medical tests, and we made arrangements to do something this weekend. After eating a late supper and doing my nails, it's the first time since arising yesterday that I've had the opportunity to do anything on my website. So I'll share one thing right now: thevileone says ISIS/ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) "is NOT Islamic [my caps]". "'Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic,' [thevileone] said, speaking from the state floor of the White House residence. 'No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.'"He's a fool. He thinks we're going to believe that after we have plenty of evidence (besides 9/11). Check places like Pamela Geller's site, or Jihad Watch, or even Front Page magazine and see if Islam orders the killing of innnocents! Check out the Charter for Hamas's founding. Some of Hezbollah's earliest activities were terroristic. Can anyone call Boko Haram anything but an Islamic terrorist organization! But, no. ISIS/ISIL, in thevileone's estimation, "is not Islamic"? After they do everything the other Islamic organizations have already done and continue to this day to do? A fool and his head are soon parted (with apologies to Thomas Tusser)? The bad news is that I'm not certain I'll be getting to updates later today, either. I have an event to check in with, an appointment to keep, a "date" with my son (after the appointment), then -- after all of that -- I hope to be able to get some updates done. If not, I'll see you on Flag Friday. If I do get around to them, I hope and pray I have nothing worse to link to than the fact that our prezidunce has proven, yet again, that he's a fool and deserves that "prezidunce" more each and every day! Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops (including the new ones thevileone is sending into yet another war), pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini, the Army soldier in Mexican prison, the pastor in N. Korea, etc., and pray that thevileone will be arrested or that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! September 9, 2014: 10:41 a.m.   Did you know that ISIS terrorists are getting money from somewhere within America? They're transferring money via Arab Bank, which Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is trying to get designated as a Transnational Criminal Organization at the State Dept. Problem is, the State Dept. (ketchup kerry's domain) is under the sway of thevileone and he supports ISIS. Doesn't matter what they do with the money as long as it's bringing about chaos. September 9, 2014   FREE SPEECH UNDER ATTACK! Read the text of the bill here. They're trying to undo the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizen's United decision. They're trying to make the union power (and money) the only voice heard in elections. Don't let this happen! Contact your representative and tell them you don't approve of this freedom-restrictive bill and that you like free speech and want it to stay available for us! September 9, 2014   What will happen during your next cop encounter? People's money is being confiscated and in order to get it back, there's a long battle with law enforcement. Cops today seem to think that it's okay to break the law as long as they have a badge to hide behind. They can't hide behind a badge: they can just claim the right to break the law as long as we don't fight back and their bosses (and local judges) cover their sorry backsides. Wrong is wrong is wrong. A badge does not negate, cover nor change wrong into right. A badge used to mean that the person was very trustworthy, honest, had a lot of integrity and wouldn't even think of breaking the law (for a lot of law enforcement, that is). Now, a badge is as much a sign of "Caution! I'm a cop and I may just break the rules because I'm all that!" as much as a badge of being a good guy. To me, it's an equal division of cops who are good and bad and that means we can't trust any of them because that's not a good enough division to NOT be cautious around any and all cops. But, that's just my personal opinion. I wish I could trust every law enforcement officer I will ever meet; I cannot. Nor can anyone else. More's the pity. September 9, 2014   thevileone:   He doesn't have a plan that will work because he's got no real desire to win a war, to do it right. His desire is just to kill more Americans. He'll send as many of our troops to war as he can because it means fewer people to oppose him and what he wants to do here at home. He's so lame. He even seeks to say he's better than G.W. Bush again. It's all Bush's fault! BoooooHooooo! His words are empty, vain and mean nothing. They could only mean something if he EVER told the TRUTH. Since that's physically impossible for him to do, then all of his words are empty, vain and mean nothing. The Nobel Peace Prize winner has bombed ISIS in Iraq. Not that he means to bomb them, but his facade of wanting to do the right thing is important to him. After all, he can't just proclaim that he's a Marxist Muslim who has been practicing jihad against America since the day he was sworn into office because that would not go over very well. Now, I'm not the only one calling him a coward. It's about time the truth was spoken by others. BTW, did you know that he's sending American troops to fight Ebola in Africa? What are they going to do? Shoot it? They're being sent over there to be exposed to it and bring it home to kill more Americans. That's the goal. That's thevileone. He's not an American President: he's an American Executioner. He's killing Americans and America. 12th Imam coming up! September 9, 2014   U.S. Air Marshall in Nigeria attacked with syringe. They flew him home to Houston and he's in the hospital, but what told the attacker that he was a U.S. Air Marshall? September 9, 2014   hillclintOOn wouldn't be front runner if she were running to be the second woman president, says Chuck Todd. I think her health issues will only get worse and even if she has been running unofficially, she won't finish her run and she'll never be elected again. She's got something more wrong with her than her Communist beliefs, scandals and record number of deaths surrounding her. She's got a snowball's chance in a hot pizza oven. Mmmmm... pizza. September 9, 2014   Unemployed more likely to shop than look for job. That's according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. So if you're unemployed and living on welfare, unemployment, etc., you're having a good time browsing the racks at Macy's? Why? If folks have families to support how can they spend money on Wal-Mart, Macy's or any other frills when a job would be so much better for their families? SMH. September 9, 2014   Atheist group: sit out Pledge of Allegiance. No, don't sit out the Pledge. Stand up, take your hat off (if you're a guy) and put your right hand over your heart (center chest). That's the right thing to do. It's not GOD you're honoring during the Pledge of Allegiance. He's a mere mention. It's our COUNTRY you're honoring during the Pledge of Allegiance, not GOD. To sit out the Pledge spits on our country, not the GOD whom our Founders honored and mentioned in most of their writings. Atheists don't understand what the Pledge is nor what it stands for. September 9, 2014   GOOD NEWS!   The abortion rate in America is DECLINING! That's excellent! As women (and girls) learn what a baby actually is in which stage of development they're choosing life more often. A child starts life at conception and that life matters. That life could be the next Albert Einstein, Cocoa Chanel, or Ronald Reagan. Each child matters. It's important that the child get the chance to be born. It matters. September 9, 2014   Maybe the Department of Education needs an education? September 9, 2014   The so-called "god" particle could destroy the universe? Question 1) If they're having such a difficult time finding it, how can it be a threat? 2) If they do find it, how on earth can they "contain" or "control" it? 3) If it's really a "god" particle, would it not be something they would not be able to "capture" in the first place? Capturing something this elusive is going to be tricky. Even if they do find its "signature" or some real sign of it, who says that they can do anything with it besides finding it? I think it's one of the goofiest projects ever, but I'm a bit cynical about most things. Trying to find something so that they can disprove the real, One True GOD, is a goofy experiment -- especially when you name the particle you're trying to use to disprove GOD -- after its namesake! It's the goofy who do goofy things, though. It's like aTHEISTs who say they don't believe in GOD, but have "THEIST" as part of their names. Would it not be better to call themselves something like "Couchiests", or "Potatoists", or whatever? Which reminds me. During a discussion with my hubby over a post I used in my updates I told my hubby that I came up with a new name for "Atheism". I'm going to call it "Athei-ology" from then on. They're no longer "atheists"; they're "atheiologists" because they really believe that they don't believe. That's a religion! September 9, 2014   I hope Scotland opts out. I am all for anyone dumping "royalty" and leaving a concept that was around since before Christ and has led to wars, betrayals, death, dissatisfaction and servitude for those under the failed system that is a monarchy. I hope Scotland opts for freedom and for the right to choose with whom they associate themselves. I hope Scotland leaves the United Kingdom (no longer united) and chooses not to bow and scrape for royalty and chooses not to "bend the knee" to anyone except GOD alone! September 9, 2014   D.C. politicians should be ashamed of these numbers. They prove that the D.C. politicians are NOT serving us and we've noticed. My, how we've noticed! Good. September 9, 2014   Aaaahhhhh.... public schools. Lapdancing teachers and all. Teacher/student sex is common place nowadays. Why send your kids to public school if you don't want to teach them about sex at an early age? After all, if the teachers are going to be seducing them, does that not teach them about sex? You could teach them math at home but why do that when a teacher could teach them math and that a teacher seducing students equals good? If they're not having sex with the students, they're selling drugs to them? Sure. Public schools are good for your kids. (*sarcasm*) If they're not selling the drugs to students, they're at least having the drugs delivered there. Sounds to me like some teachers just can't wait to escape from their students either via using drugs or selling drugs on school grounds. Then there's always the horror of finding out that your child's teacher physically abused your son in class. MORE: Shame suit for dress code violation in ORANGE PARK, FL? That's not necessary. Keep the girl in the nurse's office all day, making her do her work, send her home with the other students and make sure she knows the dress code. In TX, schools are doing "Meatless Monday" lunches. Indoctrination. Public school? IMHO, not a good option. September 9, 2014   Parrish Medical Center ends Health First contract. That leaves 5,000 folks without insurance. Makes me curious so I went and read the August 2014 Board meeting minutes and found out they're cutting pay increases (page 5 item 7); but they're increasing pension pay. So when you don't work for them anymore you get better pay, but while you work for them your pay doesn't go up as much as was previously planned? That makes sense (not). But it's their hospital to run as they see fit. Whatever. More curiosity made me do other searches: A Hospital Stats page for Parrish has info you may need. Then there's HealthGrades.com and the info there. They've got a problem with blood infections following catheterization and following surgery. Yikes! Be sure to click on all the links to get all of the info there. Make an informed choice. To be balanced about it, Cape Canaveral Hospital is rated, as is Wuesthoff Medical Center. Know before you go. September 9, 2014   Fast food workers want $15 hourly. I worked fast food as my first job as a teen. I understood then that if I got paid more than the then-minimum wage for a beginner employee, the chain would have to raise its prices. Higher prices mean fewer customers; fewer customers means tough times for the chain and a pay cut for me. It's all related, but the libs/lefties/progressives want to stir the pot and put fast food out of business because they've judged fast food as "unhealthy" and they use too much beef, chicken and electricity. They are bad for the animals and bad for the earth and make food that is bad for us so they must be put out of business. That's the goal: putting the fast food industry out of business (ostensibly) to save the animals. Don't think they're actually doing this for the workers, nor even for the animals. They're doing it for the CONTROL. Most fast food workers are young, ill-informed folks who don't pay attention to the politics of it all, and who couldn't explain the economics of the $15 hourly pay if their lives depended upon it. No, folks. It's not about the hourly rate, it's about CONTROL. Putting fast food out of business is CONTROL. This is the practice arena. If they can do it to fast food, they can do it to other industries: oil change places, then tire places, then auto parts, Wal-Mart, everything up to Macy's (well, maybe not Macy's; they like to shop there too much!). It's CONTROL. They CONTROL you. That's the goal. September 9, 2014   I'll close for now. Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini and the rest of them, and pray that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. See ya'! September 8, 2014: 2:45 p.m.   It's Monday and that means it's time for Hank! It's rather sad today, though because in this "Minion Monday: Hank Gets Ready To Leave". I will miss him while he's gone. September 8, 2014   Check out who is still up for election in November. You've got to educate yourself about who is running and what they stand for. Do internet research and FIND THE TRUTH! For instance, a candidate still up for election in November, Jim Barfield (R-ino?), running as a Republican but taking campaign donations from the likes of William Hillberg (whose wife was rupester's website creator and who still has rupester's website still available and her parent directory shows how many times the site's pages were changed. He also accepted donations from Tony Sasso (D) who defeated rupester in 2008, Vincent Lamb, Treasurer of Friends of Ulumay in 2008 (read Tree Hugger), Jerry Sansom, who gives to Democrats, and Jonnie Swann, etc. Sounds to me like Jim Barfield is a R-INO, more than a true R. I will be contacting the other two candidates, the unconventional Jack Smink (NPS), and John Jude McCurry (LPF) (LPF is the Libertarian Party of Florida) whom I disagree with when it comes to legalization of drugs. I don't think that marijuana is "harmless" nor do I think it's a good idea to legalize it. I think that the punishments for marijuana use should be changed to make more of a difference in the first offenders' lives. Have them do things like sit through a visit of family members whose lives have been impacted by their loved one being on drugs, or the victims of the drug users and serve community service time of 100 hours -- in the heat, in chains, in pink if they're guys, neon green for girls. Maybe that would help stop some of that nonsense. (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or cronie.) September 8, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Freedom Works has some info that will knock your socks off (remove garters quickly!) and then there's my fallback source Grumpy Opinions' Common Core stack and it will knock you on your backside. So you'll be sockless on your butt. Good time to do some reading. When it comes to this issue, Crist has already "embraced" CC, while Rick Scott is "straddling" the issue. I know Scott is not my idea of a really GREAT choice, but he's better than the opportunistic, party-jumping Crist. The third option, Adrian Wyllie, is also a Libertarian -- drug legalization is a "selling point": "V. VICE LAWSYeah. So, no. I don't think I will EVER endorse a Libertarian candidate. I don't think that drug use is a "victimless" crime. When people use drugs they get addicted and they resort to lawlessness to get their drug of choice. Libertarians would subject your family to break-ins, robberies, murders before the drug user would be charged with a crime. Instead of prosecuting people for drug possession, use, or sales, they'd wait for the violence and the property damage to do something. Does that make sense to anyone? I don't care where Wyllie stands on Common Crap Core, he doesn't get my endorsement. Meanwhile, in South Florida, Lee County withdrew from CCC then reinstated it. They should make up their minds. BTW, see what you think of all these "helpful" CCC math videos. Can you do CCC math? (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or whatever.) September 8, 2014   O'Keefe "ebola'd up" and walked across U.S./Canada border. Feel safe now? September 8, 2014   IRS docs reveal more of this admin's disregard for the LAW. The IRS was just following its "dear leader" and using the same tactics they knew he would allow. No harm in doing the same thing the boss uses, right? September 8, 2014   The animals are out again. They're doing it because they can get away with it. People are afraid to say anything. They're animals and want others to act like animals with them. Study hard, be a law-abiding citizen who tries to make it in life and you're "too white"? That's absurd. This "knock out game" has got to be stopped. It needs to be stopped now. September 8, 2014   McDonnell guilty of corruption. September 8, 2014   Food prices going up. Darn. Milk is also on that list and I love milk. I just had a big glass of milk with my breakfast and I don't want to pay even more for it. Darn. September 8, 2014   Sounds to me like thevileone is trying to stir up trouble. Freezing the assets and bank accounts of folks of Middle Eastern descent only means they'll be here, in America, and angry as all get out. Sweet. (*sarcasm*) What other stupid stuff can thevileone do to put America in danger? He's trying really hard to come at it from all angles! September 8, 2014   thevileone delaying amnesty in effort to help dumborats in November election. Hopefully it won't make a difference. Hopefully people will be tired of the dumborats and their hatred of America, the racial divisions thevileone has helped foment, and of all of his "Executive Orders". Hopefully, they'll vote for the other guys who LOVE America, all she stands for and for FREEDOM and STRENGTH! Without America's strength, the world faulters and fails. We need America strong again! September 8, 2014   Unions: NOT A GOOD THING   As I've always said, they're about money for the high muckety-mucks. They're not about helping the "little guy", the regular union member. They're about big money for the bosses and for the dumborats. They do more than just vote in elections; fraud is a possibility. And wherever they are unions are bullies and could now be subject to anti-bullying laws in Australia. Unions seem to think they're above the law. (Sounds to me like thevileone.) They'll do whatever it takes to get what they want. They even target private citizens and do what they can to destroy them. Unions: Not a good thing. September 8, 2014   Check out the Heritage Foundation's Index of Culture and Opportunity. You may not like what you see and you can thank thevileone for that. September 8, 2014   September 8, 2014   How about some good news for a change? September 8, 2014   Panera Bread asks customers to leave guns at home. Well, DUH! 1) Losing business is a good thing? 2) Getting robbed without anyone there to protect your employees and customers is a good thing? 3) Letting the bad guys know that you're doing stupid is a good thing? 4) Denying me my 2nd Amendment rights is a good thing? 5) Panera Bread is NOT a good thing to me anymore and I WON'T be eating there again until they change that policy. Will you? September 8, 2014   The Blaze froze my Internet Explorer again so I'm frustrated and going to stop for the day. Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini as well as all Christian political prisoners and pray that GOD stops thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! September 5, 2014: 11:23 a.m.   Well, it's happening again. I have the opportunity to have a day with my son and I'm taking it! I won't be doing updates until later so until then, enjoy my Flag Friday posting, "Tribute To Our Heroes 180: In My Memory". I thank you all for your service. Until later, GOD Bless America! September 4, 2014: 1:42 p.m.   Sorry about missing yesterday. I got a call from my hubby saying he was coming home early and to get ready to go out, so I did just that. We got home late and I'm just now getting to the computer for the day. Wanna' see something that will make you laugh and laugh and laugh? This is where I go for a good guffaw. Pay special attention to the one featuring the image with an embryo, a pic of Wal-Mart and a man in a hard hat. The idiots on the guffaw page call the embryo a "single cell" even though the picture shows it has no fewer than FOUR cells. Love how high they can count, don't you? BTW, note that the guffaw source is now SUPPORTING charlie crist? Here's an idea as to why. Note the last four lines: "Lastly, Crist says he is anti-tax, but consider that he just recently signed a state budget raising, according to the Times/Herald, 'a historic amount of taxes.' Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder. And Charlie Crist’s actions prove him to be anti-family, anti-life, anti-gun, and very much in favor of taxes."That's why dumborats are supporting crist. (Just in case [since it mentions a candidate]: paid political advertisement: Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent [remember that word] of ANY candidate, campaign, committee, or guffaw-inducer!) September 4, 2014   thevileone:   thevileone won't tell us where the illegal children went. He is thevileone. What else would anyone expect? Now, his admin is "probling" the Ferguson, MO, P.D. Sounds to me like he's trying to do the racist thing again. What else would anyone expect? It doesn't matter that witness accounts may be.... questionable (at best). What matters is THE AGENDA. Create more racial hatred and create chaos to issue in the 12th Imam. That's the goal. The truth that Michael Brown was NOT shot in the back, and the evidence supports the COP'S testimony. Not that the TRUTH ever mattered to thevileone, but that's thevileone. What else would anyone expect? Ya' know, thevileone is so bad on immigration that even a lib-dumborat blasts him. It is thevileone. What else would anyone expect? And if he wants to accomplish something of real value to America this week, he can order these two terrorists deported and never allowed back into the country! But it is thevileone and I don't really expect him to do anything good for America. September 4, 2014   Question: Is DWS absolutely insane, totally desperate, or just lower than a snake's belly? September 4, 2014   NSFW or Children:   I LOVE WHAT THIS GUY DOES! I don't like his language after he closes the door (if you don't want to hear the "F" word, stop the video as soon as he starts closing the door), but I LOVE what he does in standing up for HIS RIGHTS and the U.S. Constitution! That was EXCELLENT! September 4, 2014   Something else I LOVE: Schools dropping msthevileone's lunch programs like hot potatoes! LOL! They've figured out that what the kids won't eat is not going to be nutritious to anyone. Food uneaten is not nourishment. It's been a known failure for a long time but her failure is not something the msm has covered much. Of course, they want to make sure she looks good to everyone, but that's a failure, too. She burns her own popularity to the ground with each public appearance, each royal decree, each interference in our lives and choices. Her intrusion into our personal freedoms, food choices and nutrition for our loved ones is inexcusable and inappropriate. She has no right, no place and no education to do so. It's absolutely ridiculous that she thought she had a high enough IQ to make it possible for her to boil water, much less decide for us what is good enough for our children to eat. She's nothing more than a busy-body who thinks she knows better than everyone what we should do, while she holds herself seperate from the same ideas and eats whatever she wishes on OUR DIME! She's a mockery of intelligence and her demands should be absolutely discarded, mocked and negated. September 4, 2014   Red light camera manufacturers think you need to keep getting tickets via camera. I disagree. You should be given the right to confront your accuser as in the Sixth Amendment and if a red light camera can answer questions put to it to tell me what the situation was when I allegedly ran the red light, then, sure!, keep the red light camera. Until the camera can be SWORN IN and answer questions like I would have to, then the red light camera can kiss my backside: twice! September 4, 2014   How many illegal campaign pesos will hillclintOOn return with? Remember, the clintOOns have a history of accepting illegal contributions. She won't hesitate to accept pesos (or any other form of contribution) if offered. She's all about staying in power at whatever cost to anyone and everyone. With progressives/libs/lefties it's all about THEM having the POWER while the rest of us PAY for their power and for them BEING IN power. Ego; what a "loverly" thing, huh? September 4, 2014   Well, it's after four in the morning and it's time for me to stop. I will try to see you later today; barring pleasant (better than unpleasant) surprises, that is. So, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and for Christian political prisoners worldwide, and that GOD will stop thevileone in his tracks. Until next time, See ya'! September 2, 2014: 6:13 p.m.   I just remembered that I didn't post a link yesterday to my "Minion Monday: Hank Gets Distracted and My Son Diverts Disaster" pic. Minion Monday can't go unnoticed, now can it? Sorry about that. Enjoy! September 2, 2014: 2:16 p.m.   MORE BLOOD ON HIS HANDS:   thevileone is RESPONSIBLE for this man's death as well as James Foley's beheading. thevileone claims that he's had security briefings on ISIS for the last year and considering that ALLEGED briefing status (although he doesn't even ATTEND security briefings) one would think that thevileone would have a strategy on how to deal with this terrorist organization. A year's worth of preparation and you know what the smartest man in the world would have a plan/strategy, right? Not with thevileone. He's so smart that after a year of briefings he HAS NO PLAN. IMHO, he takes waaaayyyyyy toooooooo looonnnnnggggg to make some decisions. It costs American lives, but that's just fine with him. He'll head off to meet with world leaders (he doesn't lead, he makes excuses!) at our expense and then he'll be sure to get some golf in there somewhere. He'll be so tired after his rigorous schedule (rigorous GOLF schedule, that is) that he'll have to be sure to stay on vacation -- proven by his actions. If this is a PRESIDENT, I say "No, thank you." to someone who takes his oath of office so lightly. September 2, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   You're getting hit with a bigger portion of the bill than they told you. So what's new with that? thevileone tells you one thing and delivers something so totally different that it's a neck-snapping turn of events, but you really shouldn't be surprised by his lies about this thing. After all, the 2013 Liar of the Year has done so about everything related to his healthcareTAX and he's not going to stop. He promised you could keep your insurance but we all know that's a big lie, don't we? (If you don't yet know -- or acknowledge -- that, get out from under the rock you've been hiding under and get some awake time!) If you've made the mistake of signing up for it your taxes are going to be a nightmare. I don't know why anyone would want to sign up for it, but there are some who still believe it's a good thing. Ask Canada, England, etc., about their socialized medical system and you'll find out that thevileone's healthcareTAX is not a good thing. It's a disaster but it helps him destroy America and that's exactly what he wants! The cost of surgery is going up thanks to thevileone's healthcareTAX and they can't even get the websites done properly! If they can't do a website, how can they do healthcare? September 2, 2014   DH[IN]S loses 6,000 more foreign students. Remember, some of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist hijackers were here on student visas, too. So how many of the latest lost 6,000 are terrorist Islamics? Another question that comes to mind: How much has this administration helped them disappear and how much will it help them harm America? September 2, 2014   State Dept. won't say whether it has revoked passports of those who went to fight FOR and WITH ISIS. My hunch: they haven't. Other countries have taken steps to do so but I don't see thevileone as worrying about it. IF he were worried about it would he not leave our Southern border open for imminent ATTACK. I think thevileone has a LOT to answer for. I wish someone would arrest his backside and put him in jail for "high crimes and misdemeanors". He is absolutely guilty of it and he needs to be jailed, prosecuted, found guilty and made to pay back every penny he has ever received from the taxpayers (even his vacation rentals and security detail), and he needs to spend the rest of his life in a federal penitentiary -- he and his VP! September 2, 2014   thevileone's "more flexible" allowing Putin to reconstruct Soviet Union. Remember? He told them to expect it and he's delivering -- in spades! September 2, 2014   The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner, thevileone, sends U.S. troops to Somalia, Chad, back to Iraq, (despite saying he would not do so), to Egypt, Uganda, Nigeria, etc., but he won't send them to help Ukraine. Remember that "more flexible" above? Yep. He's allowing the Soviet Union to be rebuilt. Isn't that wunnerful wunnerful? (*sarcasm*) September 2, 2014   Hurray for Scotland! I like that they're moving closer and closer to independence from the British Crown. I don't like any form of royalty and the very thought of bowing and bending my knee to a PERSON -- kings and queens are no more than that -- is abhorant to me. Why an accident of birth gives ANYONE the alleged "right" to rule over another person befuddles me. I don't believe in royalty and accidents of birth that allegedly give people the right to demand taxpayer obeisance and support. I believe in FREEDOM! It may also allow the rest of the U.K. to back out of the E.U. Bonus! I don't like the E.U. either. I've predicted its failure since before the vote that created it. September 2, 2014   bumbler biden puts dirty foot in mouth -- again. If I said "He's dumber than a box of rocks" I'd be insulting the rocks. Can you imagine having him as our next prezidunce? Heaven help us! September 2, 2014   At least dumborats are good for a hearty laugh. Perhaps nothing else, but a heart haha, yes. September 2, 2014   Is the FBI obeying thevileone, or just in denial? I think it's the former and it's NOT good for America! September 2, 2014   Where is "Moderate" Islam? You'll have to read Mr. Greenfield's article to find out. I think Mr. Greenfield is absolutely correct in this article, too. September 2, 2014   This teacher's arrest is just WRONG. He wrote a futuristic book about a school shooting and he's arrested for it? That's stupid. The guy didn't actually shoot anyone, nor did he have a weapon on campus. He used the issue of school shootings as a book subject. Who contacted the cops about it? The local school board. What happened to Free Speech, First Amendment protected? He should SUE THEIR BUTTS OFF! (Assuming, that is, that he had nothing in the book that would link him to an already committed crime.) September 2, 2014   Speaking of teachers, Aaaaahhh... public schools. What about this one, too? Then there's another one in TN, and the CA teacher arrested for having child porn. One in IL arrested for sexual assault, and a "celebrated" teacher arrested for multiple felonies (sex with student): all lead me to believe that homeschooling is safer for your kids than public schools. Better safe than sorry, right? September 2, 2014   Great read about Marxist Feminism's ruination of women. "'By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!' they resounded."A shocking quote from the TRUTH of what happened in the forming of the N.O.W. Read the article. Open your eyes. This is what is going on right in front of you. It's the agenda of left to destroy the family and America as a whole. FIND THE TRUTH and find out that feminism isn't about burning bras, marching for equal rights and equal pay. It's about destroying the family and the American male. Read the article. September 2, 2014   "[Federal] measures to control weapons would have to pass the toughest review by state courts."Hey, FLORIDA, follow their lead! September 2, 2014   Well my hubby's home and I'm going to stop now and be with him. We're building me a desk (to my design and specs) and it's time to do some sanding, then staining and waxing and then it will be finished. We won't get it all done today, but we're working on it. So until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and the Christian political prisoners, and pray that He will stop thevileone in his tracks! Until next time, See ya'! August 2014 August 28, 2014: 7:42 p.m.   Late start today because I stayed up all night last night. I started to go to bed but while brushing my teeth a poem started in my head so I grabbed a notepad nearby and started to write it down (Yes, I keep a notepad in the bathroom for reminders and situations like this. You should, too.). Well, that led to me coming back to my office and my computer because the poem was just flowing. It turns out that I used it for my Flag Friday "Tribute To Our Heroes 179: A Thousand Years" pic. I post it now because after writing that poem I didn't get much sleep before getting back up and I don't know if I'l be up at midnight to post it then. Hopefully I'll have been asleep for at lest a little while by then. So, anyways, that's what's up. I had to get some work done around the house and sat down to do updates. Hopefully I won't be sleeping at my computer in five minutes! Let's get started in an effort to prevent that. August 28, 2014   JW sues CA university to end state tuition grants for illegals. That will save CA taxpayers a LOT of money. It's one thing to say "Okay, you're here and you have to eat until we can send you back to your family." It's another to tax us so that the government (which is allegedly US) can give our money away to provide freebies everything under the sun and more ABSOLUTELY FREE to them! It's wrong to tax law abiding citizens in order to give to people who BROKE OUR LAWS TO GET HERE and TAKE from us! It's not right. It should NOT happen. And if anyone has a problem with me thinking that, too darn bad for them! Considering that CA's welfare system is being extensively defrauded I think that they've got enough troubles. August 28, 2014   I hope he loses. I hope he loses. I hope he loses. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or comedian.) August 28, 2014   Smiling. August 28, 2014   Why is the Do[IN]J giving Bank of America settlement dollars ot leftist groups? You've got four guesses and the first five don't count. August 28, 2014   IRS's lois lerner erased her Blackberry after asked for files from it. shock. surprise. August 28, 2014   Putin invades Ukraine and violates Finland's air space. I bet thevileone has no idea what to do. He's so unprepared and that's why Putin is doing what he's doing. Remember, they mock him a lot. You don't mock someone in public if you respect or fear them. thevileone is neither respected nor feared, thus the mocking continues and the people of Ukraine are paying the price. August 28, 2014   Maybe that's part of why this is happening. I bet the illegal alien amnesty he's planning has something to do with it, too. America doesn't mind people coming to America legally but the illegals coming here and demanding -- and our government mandating -- that we pay for their everything is WRONG. Remember: an "Executive Order" is NOT the LAW. WE DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY EXECUTIVE ORDERS. Those are supposed to be orders to the different departments on how to execute the laws that Congress passes. For him to TELL US to do "X" is NOT THE LAW. HE DOES NOT HAVE THE CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO ORDER US AROUND. WE CAN DISOBEY ALL EXECUTIVE ORDERS because they are NOT LAW. Remember that. August 28, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   CBO says it discourages work. Anything he can do to destroy America is good to him. August 28, 2014   thevileone's admin SUES MN city for rejecting an Islamic center. Why does he support Islam so much? He sues to help Muslims but I did two searches and I can't find a single incident where he sued to help Christians. Does that not tell you anything? August 28, 2014   Peace and Tolerance   Muslim men rape nuns. Where are the Muslim women standing up against this violation of women? Where are the Muslim men who think this is wrong and will stand against it? Why is RAPE okay in Islam? Is that what Muhammed would okay? If so, why follow a man who thinks that it's okay to rape women? Is that a man worthy of following? Is the god who would condone that worthy of following? Remember, Islam is bringing its violence to America. So we shall have to be prepared to stand up to them and prevent their lawlessness and violence from gaining a foothold here. That's why I support this bill! August 28, 2014   Is autism related to vaccines? New study seems to indicate so. If the vaccine is linked to autism the people who covered it up should be in serious trouble. August 28, 2014   I'm still having difficulties with being able to go to Breitbart and The Blaze without IE crashing. I have no idea why it's happening but I believe they both use WordPress as their platform (as opposed to HTML) and I may have to download something to help with the inability of IE to deal with Cascading Style Sheets right now. I just wanna' go to the sites, have them work properly and not freeze up and be able to link back to their pages. Is that too much to ask? BTW, it's not just my computer. My husband's computer is doing it, too, and it actually started having difficulties before mine did. Can I slap both sites? So, anyways, I will stop there for tonight to prevent me from getting frustrated because I'd love to do some links to those sites but can't. A note: I probably won't be doing updates tomorrow because we have plans for the day. Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed and other prisoners, and pray that GOD will stop thevileone. See ya'! August 27, 2014: 3:44 p.m.   I have to admit that I'm mostly very satisfied with the results of yesterday's elections. I posted the link again just in case you hadn't seen them. I was very happy to see so many of those I liked succeed. Again, Congratulations to them all! Now, on with the updates. August 27, 2014   msthevileone's lunches are being rebelled against. What a wonderful lesson in FREEDOM for our youth! They are figuring out that the GOVERNMENT should NOT tell them what to eat because what they eat is part of their personal choice and it's part of FREEDOM! I'm so proud of those kids who are rebelling against the food tyrant! August 27, 2014   Professor bans "Bless you!" I think he's taking things a little too far. It doesn't interrupt class for someone to say "Bless you!" after a sneeze. It's called being kind and curteous. For a professor to ban "Bless you!" but not "Gesundheit" for the same alleged reason is just religious discrimination. ACLJ should give that bigotted professor a call. August 27, 2014   IMF Chief under investigation. thevileone condoned her getting the position. I wonder if that should tell us anything? August 27, 2014   Malkin has reason to slam them. When someone is a doormat who enables those who use them as doormats it's just a matter of putting their politics ahead of their own self-respect. Sacrifice yourself to be walked on and used so that the PC ideals can be pushed forward. That's just stupid. But, some folks are more than willing to do it because the powers that be (harry reid, specifically, in this case) want to walk on them and that's just hunky-dorey with them. Some folks have as much self-esteem as a piece of belly button lint. I am not one of those. August 27, 2014   hillclintOOn:   Her policies destabilized much of the world. Yeah. She was an excellent S.o.S. So good, in fact, that the whole world is now using that distress signal: S.O.S.! S.O.S. because they're in big trouble thanks to thevileone and hillclintOOn. She's TOTALLY incompetent. That "hug summit" must have "taken" because she and thevileone are raising funds together. Tell me something. Why would the dumborats set a primary calendar that would help her? Every time she opens her mouth people dislike her more. Every time she opens her mouth she sticks her grimy foot into it. Remember her "dead broke" comment? Yeah. That helped. It made people look into the facts and find out that while in the White House the clintOOns were always campaigning and receiving money from foreign nationaals (which is totally illegal) and did other things illegally. Now, we see that they are worth almost $80 Million and I wonder how all of that came about. Think about the long list of inexplicable deaths surrounding them and the list of wrongs his tape recordings in which he admitted... What? Must you read the book to find out since Kenneth Starr didn't have access to them. Then there's the scandals: Whitewater, Filegate, accepting money from foreign nationals, etc., etc., etc. This is what hillclintOOn has to face if she decides to run in 2016. What will she do to fend of the idea of her own reputation preceding her? After all, with all of those mysterious deaths surrounding her has thevileone learned from her? (Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man?) Just asking. August 27, 2014   Muslim "activists" demand U.S. law enforcement changes their training. Sounds to me like Shariah Law is the next step. After all, Dearborn, MI, is already there so what's to prevent Islam from doing so to the rest of us? WE ARE! That's what. We do NOT kowtow to others demanding that our proven, historic CHRISTIAN FOUNDING be changed from Christianity to Islam. WE SHALL NOT CONFORM! I shall NEVER give in to Islam, to Shariah, to the followers of death. NEVER! August 27, 2014   What is behind this oddity? I wonder what's actually going on there? Has thevileone found a fall man, or is he the next guy to find a mysterious end? Keep an eye on this. Now that the story has seen the light of day there's going to be a price to pay. August 27, 2014   Pray for Israel as Iran now threatens them, too. How are they to survive, except that GOD intervene? He will intervene, you know. GOD loves Israel and it was He who put Israel together with his own hands. He drew the outline of it. He gave it to Moses and the children of Israel. Those who pray for Israel will be blessed. So pray for Israel and be blessed. August 27, 2014   Russia hacked our banks. I thought thevileone had promised to be "more flexible" and that the promise would prevent putin from doing stuff like this. Oh, well. So much for "friends"; with "friends" like that, who needs enemies? August 27, 2014   Uh.... I'm spechless. What can be said? August 27, 2014   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools. Some may scoff at my posting these stories, but consider how you would feel if it were YOUR child these teachers had preyed upon. Then scoff at my postings. Considering how many times it happens -- and happens, and happens, and happens, and happens, and happens -- one would think that parents would at least be hesitant to send their children to ANY public school nowadays. But the schools are full and the students pay the price. I think it's horrible that this happens so often and that the UNIONS do what they can to protect predatory teachers and get them severance packages! Not a good thing. This is NOT what our taxpayer dollars should be used for, but it's the way liberals/lefties/progressives do things. We should refuse to pay ALL school-related taxes until our school board kicks the unions out and make our teachers take responsibility for TEACHING and for their own actions. By "teaching" I mean stuff teach them enough to be able to answer questions like this: an 1895 test for 8th grade; or the sample questions given by David Barton of the 1700-1800s tests; or a high school admission test from 1885. How about teaching our students THAT instead of "If it feels good, do it!", or "There is no GOD."? How about TEACHING?! Would that be so hard? August 27, 2014   The Hamas attack against Israel has reached a peace agreement. I don't trust Hamas as far as I could throw them. Remember a few days ago they had a "cease fire" agreement that lasted only long enough for them to kidnap an Israeli soldier: ninety minutes? Remember the three Israeli teens Hamas kidnapped and killed? That's what started this thing. Now there's allegedly reached a "peace" agreement. I'm guessing this will only last long enough for their arsenal, down from 10,000 to 2,000 rockets, to be replenished. Keep an eye on that. August 27, 2014   Started late so I'm ending early. Hubby's home. Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for America and our troops, pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and all Christian hostages/prisoners, pray that GOD will stop thevileone, and I'll See ya'! August 26, 2014: 10:33 p.m.: Primary Election Day:   Well, the results are in and those I endorsed did pretty well. I'm not taking credit for their wins, I'm just saying that I chose a lot of the right people (I believe). Within my endorsements I'm going to put the names of those I recommended in heather. I offer my CONGRATULATIONS to those who won. ALSO, I want to congratulate ANDY ZIEGLER on his win. If I had remembered to check that election I would have recommended him, too, because I've been familiar with his name for years and think he's pretty good. So, I'll put some color on some names then we'll go from there. August 26, 2014   thevileone   He's trying to go around Congress again. Considering that we have laws that cover treaties and all of that, if he does this he is TOTALLY breaking the law and that makes his actions HIGH CRIMES and that WE DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY HIM. It's that simple. It's ANOTHER IMPEACHABLE offense. This Nobel Peace Prize "winner" is considering a war against jihadists in Syria and his bombing of Libya should have gotten him a bonus Nobel Peace Prize because, you know, one good farce deserves another, right? Of course you know he LIED about the IRS e-mails and you know that no one is going to pay a price for LYING to Congress, to the American people, or to any courts they may or may not face. Speaking of truth, thevileone couldn't even begin to spell the word. If his heart is beating he's lying. You know that's the truth. August 26, 2014   Wanna' put your money where your mouth is? Check out this APP! While you're at it, there's also 2nd Vote that I told you about yesterday. Putting your money where your mouth is works to support the organizations, businesses and people YOU AGREE WITH. If you disagree with a company's politics, why shop there? Why grace them with your presence? Why do so? They'll spend YOUR money on what THEY like to support. So why give them money? Find out where you're spending your money and use that info for your own favorite things -- purchased from a business that won't just give it lip service August 26, 2014   It has been a long and busy day. I've been running, running, running all day and I'm exhausted. Until next time, See ya'! August 25, 2014: 2:16 p.m.   GIVE to help CA earthquake victims. Folks are going to be hurting for a while. On top of CA's own disasterous policies and politics they have an earthquake that destroyed homes, roads and office buildings. They need our help. Please give to your fellow Americans. August 25, 2014: 2:18 p.m.   It's Monday and you know what that means. Start your week with a smile. "Minion Monday: Hank Likes It!" Hank's girlfriend wanted them to have more in common. So Hank let her dye his hair. She seemed nonplussed. August 25, 2014   thevileone:   Remember when thevileone went to Martha's Vineyard on your dime then returned home for whatever reason, was said to have put together some Executive Orders and then headed back to Martha's Vineyard on your dime? I wanna' know why those EOs are NOT listed for the public to read. What's he hiding and what's he up to? Fox reports that it's anti-gun EOs: "The president's executive order banning the reimportation of 'military weapons' really only affects old M-1 Garand 30-06 rifles. These rifles have been used in the Civilian Marksmanship Program program and are mainly purchased by collectors. At one time they were 'military weapons' but they were used in World War II and the Korean War.Read the entire article. You need to know this. No wonder he doesn't have those listed. He's after your guns, folks. It's just another step on "The Road To Serfdom". Remember that one line in the story that lets you DISOBEY those (and ALL EOs): "As with many actions these days by the [thevileone's] administration, the president doesn't have the authority to rewrite the current rules. Changing these rules for corporations requires congressional action. [my bolding]"Remember, thevileone LIES CONSTANTLY and he lied about guns and gun purchases for at least two weeks before writing new EOs about them. What's next? Targeting semi-auto handguns like mine? If so, we've got a fight on our hands, and we SHALL WIN. Then, he has ordered a review of the militarization of police services. He's probably unhappy that it's not happening quickly enough for him to order them around sooner. After all, once they accept U.S. military equipment are they not beholden to obey him? He gave them stuff, they accepted it, and as with Common Crap core, that means they must obey. Right? They say people are disconnecting from him, not liking how he's doing things, but that doesn't prevent him from being a DICTATOR. After all, dictators rule by (usually deadly) force and they're not exactly loved: feared, yes, but not loved. That's what thevileone is doing: he's DICTATING our lives, the law and America's demise. He's also orchestrating a LAND GRAB in the west. Be ready for TRUE DICTATORSHIP if thevileone gets his way. August 25, 2014   Did you know that Charlie Crist (D) "circumvented" the rules to give Titanic Director, James Cameron, $20 million. And he wants to be Governor again? Want more of this? (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement: Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or circumventing.) August 25, 2014   Burger King considers move to Canada because of the tax rates in America. thevileone said he'd create more jobs -- remember his promised "laser focus" on creating jobs? -- apparently he's working on doing so for other countries. It's one more company gone to other countries and how many jobs gone with them? Thanks for nothing, thevileone! August 25, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Remember, there is a FL organization that fights Common Crap Core. Stay informed on this stuff and check in with that organization and read all of the Common Core postings at GrumpyOpinions.com. Did you know that Bobby Jindal (Gov. LA) has a press release about his stance against CC? Look at the places FL is listed. I like that. One of the architects of CC is again in trouble. Did you know that there's an APP to find out which businesses support CC? It's called 2nd VOTE and I'm getting it and I put a link to it on My Links page. What a great idea! August 25, 2014   Lowering expectations? It's de rigeur for thevileone's admin. Who could
help BUT lower expectatioins after watching him for five minutes (or should that be seconds)? He's supposed to be the smartest man on earth, but would
the smartest man on earth have said this: August 25, 2014   I'll close on that note. REMEMBER TO VOTE TOMORROW, GOD Bless America, Pray for our troops, Pastor Saeed Abedini and the Christians held throughout the world, pray for the journalists held as political prisoners, pray for America, and pray that GOD will prevent thevileone from doing any more damage to America. Until next time, See ya'! August 22, 2014: 8:33 p.m.   I had a strange day today. Averted a minor catastrophe for my son, which kept me up most of the morning and since I usually go to bed in the morning, that messed up my sleep schedule. So I slept during part of the day, woke up to check on the situation then was too tired to stay awake so I got more sleep. Minor catastrophe averted, son is happy, I'm no rested and it's too late to do much in the way of updates, so I'll do just this: my latest article: '[thevileone]: Ameria's Lucifer". I did use thevileone's real name for the article at Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns, but I refuse to use it here. So enjoy reading it, have a great night and an excellent weekend. If something grabs my attention, of course, I'll post it. Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini (and the guy in N. Korea being held prisoner for leaving a Bible in a hotel room) and I'll See ya'! August 22, 2014: 2:14 p.m.   It's Friday and that means it's time for Flag Friday and my "Tribute To Our Heroes 178: When Their Leader is Wrong"! Thank you for your service and GOD Bless you all! August 22, 2014   When thevileone's admin makes big banks pay, who will wind up footing the bill? thevileone's admin is punishing the innocent in this one and they're trying to make all banks fail. "Operation Chaos" is what thevileone is doing and he's trying to make America fail so that he can bring about the destruction of America and usher in the 12th Imam. Well, GOD's got his hand over America and more people are praying for America now than probably ever before and thevileone WILL NOT SUCCEED because GOD is more powerful than thevileone and GOD is watching over us, protecting us and still blessing America because GOD is GOOD! August 21, 2014: 12:51 p.m.   Are you voting for "their" candidate, or YOUR candidate? It's something to consider. I do not think that Thad Altman is the best candidate. Remember he was on the BOCC from 1984-1992 for D5? No thanks. I endorsed his opponent, Monique Miller. (Paid political advertisement. (Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaing, or RPOF-crush.) August 21, 2014   I can't tell you how GLAD I am that the TSA is being sued by JW. The sexual assaults and ridiculousness need to stop. It's horrible what the TSA has done to little children, to elderly women, to celebrities even and I'm praying that the lawsuit will result in the TSA's infringement of our personal rights being halted posthaste! August 21, 2014   Peace and tolerance:  
ISIS is heartless and thevileone won't do much about it.
He cares so much about what ISIS is like and what they're doing that
he appointed the do-nothing, holder,
to investigate the murder of James Foley and
he went straight from "condoling" the family to playing golf.
Yeah. He gives two flips and a double bogey. The truth is that
ISIS is targeting Americans and to see
thevileone go play golf and "yuck it up" (quoting Rush) within moments after the speech reminds me very much of
billyboyclintOOn at Ron Brown's memorial and his
fake tears: August 21, 2014   Their blood is on thevileone's hands. The worst part of it? thevileone doesn't care that he has American blood on his hands. He doesn't care because it's American blood. That's what he doesn't care about. If it were Muslim blood he'd care a LOT more! Remember, he sued a trucking company for firing Muslim drivers, provided weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood and his immigration rules favor Muslims over Christians. If thevileone cared about Americans more than he cares about Muslims, he'd care about the blood shed by "dreamers" he brought in to help him destroy America. August 21, 2014   Colleges are favoring Muslims, too. If you want to send your kid to some of the colleges out there be prepared for them to start hating Israel and favoring Islam. It's a dangerous game the colleges are playing in their effort to be PC: dangerous and STUPID. They really haven't a clue what they're opening the future of their campuses up to. In the next ten to twenty years if PC still rules campuses, there will be no mixed gender classes, females will have to wear either burkas or neck to toe coverage (long sleeves, long pants or skirts, no tight-fitting clothes), and that's IF females are allowed a college education at all. Is that what colleges think will happen? Probably not. But being an ignorant educator does not mean that you are not responsible for your won ignorance nor for the results of your ignorance. Colleges need to change or face this kind of future: it's their choice. August 21, 2014   Ahhhhh.... public school. That's just weird to have kids re-enact the Michael Brown shooting: especially if they didn't use the TRUTH to do so. Then there's the lunch rooms being rearranged. Plus there's another school's treatment of the Pledge of Allegiance. Sigh... Can we just homeschool them and make things better for our kids that way? August 21, 2014   I'm against the 1/2¢ sales tax in Orange County. As the story says, "Most of the money is not going into the current school system, he said, but will be spent on new school construction – which benefits developers, not school children, Guetzloe noted.If they want to give money to the kids in the classroom, it should be written into the ballot wording. Instead, it's more focused on the THINGS of schools, not the KIDS using those things. If a developer wants to come in and put a mega development in place, let him. But make him pay for the land the school will be on, the design and construction of that school and make sure that the right to do so includes handing that land and building over to the County as soon as it gets cleared to be used by the inspectors. That would prevent the need for the half-cent sales tax and it makes fiscal sense. The developer benefits, the county benefits, the children benefit, the development benefits in having a school in it and the taxpayers benefit. It's a five way WIN! August 21, 2014   I have a harsh question. Why is Michael Brown's family using his death to gain their fame? As I wrote in "A Dozen Departures", people run to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Instead of being ashamed that their son was a thief they're sainting him ("Gentle Giant"?) and making life miserable for others as part of what I call the "My family member was a good person no matter what he/she did!" practice. I never met Jeffrey Dahmer but I bet his family didn't think he was a saint after he was proven to have killed all those people. Same idea: if your family member has done something wrong would you try to get fame from it, or would you try to just let the truth be the truth? Where is the shame in our society? Michael Brown beat a cop after shoplifting and pushing the shopkeeper around! Where is his parent's shame when it comes to their son's behavior? And when do they book on the O Show (does she have a show?), Ellen, Maury, etc.? August 21, 2014   More voices equal more freedom! I don't worship Beck by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I barely trust him in some things and have written critically about him in the past. However, that doesn't prevent me from agreeing with Beck that the more voices we have the better America is and that the ComCast/TimeWarner Cable merger would be bad for America. Think of it this way: How many of you have tried to get DSL or other over the phone lines internet service for your home or small business? How many of you found (as did I) that the ONLY option available to you is ATT? Where I live I have no other option. Nothing else is available to me because ATT bought everything else up. In my recent transactions with ATT their representative LIED to me about what service I was going to be getting, about what price I was going to be paying, about what speed internet I would have and about the installation I would receive. I was told I would be receiving 40mbps at $41.50 monthly. I was scheduled for that installation as witnessed by the installers (plural) who came out to install my new U-verse service (I was told that was my only option, too, since they're putting everyone onto that service). The installers were confused because they were instructed to install the 45mbps service lines (two lines) and they brought with them the highest speed modem and installed new wires and a new connection box in my house. When the outside installer went to the junction box at the corner of Fay and Homestead, she found that the office had only turned on 6mbps service to my house. She couldn't do the second line because it wouldn't do any good to have it. They were so confused that they checked the work order and found that yes, they were supposed to do the double lines, but that the service turned on was only the lower speed. When I called to talk to customer service about that, I asked to speek to Customer Retention because they are the people who can allegedly help you the most. After an hour on the phone with the Customer Retention specialist (a Mrs. "S" -- not her full name), and informing her that ATT's representative LIED to me and that I had ATT for a class action lawsuit because their representative had:
"Mrs. McKinney the only email I would be able to send would be the email confirmation after the changes are made."My proof is in the work order, the equpment they sent out, etc., and the fact that after I spoke to Mrs. S, she refused to send me a detailing of the things ATT was telling me would be our contract, but she would tell me that she can't send me any other kind of e-mail except the one that tells me she can't send me anything. If she had not agreed to sending me a CONTRACT AGREEMENT STATEMENT VIA E-MAIL, then why would she have sent me an e-mail at all? Add to that, I have printed out the ORIGINAL numbers Mrs. S entered into my account information. I was allegedly going to pay $25.50 monthly but that lasted only two days (thank goodness I printed it out). Now they've billed me for $41.50 and I'm still not getting the 40mbps I was promised by H, the original sales person at ATT. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WITH MONOPOLIES! They get to lie to, cheat and mistreat their customers in whichever way they so desire because they have their customers over a barrel: there's nowhere else to go. That's why I support Beck's effort to prevent the merging of ComCast/TimeWarner. The more OPTIONS the people have the BETTER the people are treated! August 21, 2014   Another reason to hate unions. They're not about the "little guy". They're about the POWER and the union heads like that power! They like rubbing elbows with the prezidunce and giving him all that union money to do with as he pleases. That's what unions are about, not helping the working man or woman. August 21, 2014   Duplicate registrations for voting? Nah. Voter fraud doesn't happen! It's so very, very rare... (*sarcasm, of course*) August 21, 2014   I'll go for now. Until next time for Flag Friday, GOD Bless America (and keep us safe), pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini, and I'll See ya'! August 20, 2014: 3:19 p.m.   Aaaaahhhh... public schools. They try to take GOD out of schools, but it's totally UNconstitutional to do so. The Supreme Court has ruled that students have RELIGIOUS rights in public schools and the teacher who suspended the student needs to be FIRED. Atheists do NOT RULE THE WORLD! More people -- a LOT MORE -- are CHRISTIANS than atheists and just because the atheists make more noise that doesn't mean that they are the majority. It means that they're just more against GOD. Nothing new there. Nothing new in what happened to a student who was suspended after writing about killing a dinosaur with a gun. Where is there ANY common sense (not taught in Common Crap Core) in public school teachers and administrators nowadays? All they seem to want to do is have sex with the students! Teachers all over the country are having sex with students. Since when was it okay for predatory creatures to teach our children? Is that okay with anyone? If we put them into classrooms with hungry lions would they be any safer? Adding insult to injury, your taxes pay the perps' pensions! Yeah. They get to keep their pensions after being caught. So your taxpayer dollars are going to pay for a perp's retirement. Gotta' love it! (*sarcasm*) August 20, 2014   Common Crap Core   People are souring on this crud. Excellent! It's about time! It seems that this thing leads to a decline in ability instead of an increase. Unfortunately, Louisiana's judge hasn't soured -- yet. At least in Indiana, they've gotten rid of it! Hurray for Indiana! That's sooooo good for the students! When it comes to Common Crap Core, a prize-winning mathematician says it doesn't add up. No kidding. Anyone with eyes to see can tell you that. To see more of the BAD, HORRIBLE TRUTH about this thing, check out the TRUTH at GrumpyOpinion.com There are two ladies who post there who have been the lead investigators into this thing for years and have been sounding the alarm bells since the beginning. They've been on Beck's show and a Fox show or two and they are the BEST resource for the TRUTH. August 20, 2014   thevileone:   He cares so much! The American journalist who was beheaded by ISIS was so important to thevileone that he rushed out to play golf after playing like he cared. Wow. Heartfelt, wasn't it? If Bush had done the same thing he would have been excoriated. thevileone? Nah. He's allowed. Did you know he's hiding the truth about how insecure his healthcare website is? He refuses to cooperate and let people know that if they actually use his website, their info is open to theft pretty easily. Are you sure you wanna' sign up? Did all the envirowhackos out there know that thevileone is opening more of Gulf of Mexico up to oil drilling? This after trying to blame the oil companies (and saying the company has been corrupt "for years") for the Deepwater Horizon incident. What happened to thevileone caring about the environment and what about his new commitment to stopping "global warming"? All those oil wells will be contributing to "global warming" because they're bringing up the fossil fuels that will be used to pollute our planet? What about that? Is he not to be held responsible for his own decisions? You know what's funny about thevileone's administration, though? His top advisors have been leaving him and going to FIGHT the unions that helped get him cheated into office!(Poor, poor unions! [*sarcasm]) What's that about? August 20, 2014   I've been telling my hubby the same thing for three weeks. Watching nature -- when the birds migrate, what the ants and bugs are doing, how soon the cat's winter coat starts filling in -- will tell you what to expect. The migration of the northern birds has started at least a few weeks early. Cerulean Warblers are down here already and that's at least two weeks early, which means they started weeks prior. It's going to be a cold, cold winter up north. Canada and the northern states will be so hard hit that there will be power outages frowm downed lines and people may freeze. Stock up now on winter woolens and on things that you'll need to stay warm. Even here in Florida we'll get our coats out of storage, dust them off and wear them with sweaters! It's gonna' be a cold one. August 20, 2014   Perry grand juror dumborat party delegate. So the dumborat prosecutor who brough the charges went to a grand jury that had a democrat activist as a member; and the member broke the rules in speaking to the public. Isn't that a clue as to how valid the charges are? Even a fellow dumborat, Allen Dershowitz, decries the indictment! He's not alone, because other dumborats think it's a JOKE, too. Dumborats like to slit their own throats and the prosecutor who brought the charges has done just that. Others will now look at him as a joke, a political firebrand who doesn't know when to pull the trigger and when to hold back. He's ruined his career and all he's going to be able to do afterward is get a job as a lobbyist for the dumborat party. He's lost every other opportunity via his own stupidity. August 20, 2014   You know that "gentle giant" some folks in Ferguson have been touting? Not so much. He beat the cop before the cop shot him. Read more about Ferguson's troubled times here. What's happening there is race pimping via eric holder and this administration. How much you wanna' bet they try to spread the violence? Another chance to create chaos and usher in the 12th Imam. August 20, 2014   I'll end with this today because I can. GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and Pastor Saeed Abedini (and other political prisoners),
the other American journalist ISIS is threatening to kill, and until next time, See ya'! August 19, 2014   Comm. Trudie Infantini explains how the Farty-Four want to RAISE YOUR TAXES. I don't want higher taxes. I want LOWER taxes. Who in Brevard besides the very rich can afford to pay higher taxes? I don't think those who are struggling now to make it will be able to handle higher taxes and they'll have to move out of the area in order to survive. It's ridiculous to even consider raising taxes at this time, but the Farty-Four are really not caring what YOU want and what is good for YOUR family. They just want to have more to spend -- allegedly ON YOU. Shouldn't YOU be the one deciding where to spend what money you do have now instead of the Farty-Four raising your taxes and taking MORE OF YOUR MONEY and choosing where to spend YOUR money? I think YOU should decide. Agree? If you agree, write to the Farty-Four and tell them that it STINKS that they want to take more of your hard earned money away from you so that THEY can spend it and you don't support that idea at all! August 26, 2014: 10:33 p.m.: Primary Election Day:   Well, the results are in and those I endorsed did pretty well. I'm not taking credit for their wins, I'm just saying that I chose a lot of the right people (I believe). Within my endorsements I'm going to put the names of those I recommended in heather. I offer my CONGRATULATIONS to those who won. ALSO, I want to congratulate ANDY ZIEGLER on his win. If I had remembered to check that election I would have recommended him, too, because I've been familiar with his name for years and think he's pretty good. So, I'll put some color on some names then we'll go from there. The following few paragraphs above the line are my endorsements for the August 26th Primary Election. This is a paid (as in I pay for my internet service) political (they are candidates) advertisement (as in someone besides myself may be reading this). Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or complainer. Read and tear your hair out or read and agree; it's a free America -- for a little while longer. August 19, 2014   ENDORSEMENTS:   Early voting started yesterday and I'm still working on my recommendations. I completely forgot about early voting this year or I would have had my recommendations up already. My sincerest apologies. I can tell you that I recommend (bolding means endorsement): Misty Belford for D1 School Board; George Paulk for Group 13 Circuit Judge (he has Scott Ellis's endorsement and that's golden to me!); and Wayne Justice for Port Commissioner; Rick Scott for Governor gets my endorsement because he's pro-Second Amendment and pro-life over Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder and Yinka Abosede Adeshina. For the race for County Judge, Group 5, between Oscar Hotusing and Benjamin Garagozlo, I chose Benjamin Garagozlo simply because when I looked into Oscar Hotusing, I was sadly disappointed. I didn't expect to find something like that. But, it happened. And, yes, Hotusing was found guilty. I found nothing like that with Garagozlo. A judge should be above reproach, or as close to it as possible. I don't find that in Hotusing. For the race for County Judge, Group 3, between Michelle Vitt Baker and Minerva A. Simpson, I found that Baker's last campaign was dirty and she was publicly reprimanded for it. Good for the reprimand; bad for her reputation. Shows how much she enjoys the power if she'll stoop that low. Don't like that in a judge. She knows the rules (or at least she's supposed to) so she should play by them (If she has good judgment!). So I looked into Minerva A. Simpson. I found NO disciplinary actions or other bad news about her; thus, my endorsement. For Circuit Judge 18th Circuit, Group 14, I checked the names and if the name Robin Lemonidis sounds familiar to you it's because she's the attorney who represented the shooter in the "loud music playing" case. I can find no disciplinary actions for either candidate so I'll go on my impressions of them. I'll go with endorsing Brooke Deretany Goldfarb becasue she was featured in an article and she acknowledges that human trafficking is a problem still and she's involved in fighting that. The human trafficking problem affects children (girls mostly, but boys as well) as young as infants. This problem needs to stop and I support a different organization that helps do just that. ADDITIONAL INFO: The Lemonidis campaign is getting some additional help in this from "Florida Citizens for Qualified Judges, Inc." a PAC her former law partners established. One of the founding members is John R. Kancilia (from her own website): "In March 1996, Robin and co-counsel, Phyllis Riewe, obtained an acquittal of an innocent man charged with 2nd degree murder, on a case they took pro bono for a young 19 year old boy who had been wrongfully accused. Shortly thereafter, Robin formed a partnership with three lawyers in April 1996, which became O’Brien, Riemenschneider, Kancilia and Lemonidis. While with the partnership, Robin argued before the Florida Supreme Court in October 1999, and served on the local Judicial Nominating Committee, from 1998 until 2000. [my bolding]"So she's having help in the dirty campaigning. Take that into consideration when you're voting. For Circuit Judge, 18th Circuit, Group 19, you may find this video interview interesting. I think Susan Stacy wipes the floor with the other two. I didn't like Donna M. Goerner's reason for going into law: so she would know the law and not be taken advantage of, because it speaks of victimhood and a distrust of the system she seeks to serve. How can you distrust a system but want to be IN that same system? I don't like that. Nor do I like that the male candidate's wife did this. It's one thing to support your husband, it's another to get others involved in slamming your husband's opponent. Then there's the "gift" controversy from 2012's elections. Doesn't ring quite as above board as I'd like it to be; their argument is lame at best. Lastly, there's the Circuit Judge 18th Circuit, Group 23 between Maurice Arcadier, Nancy Maloney and John Moser, I found that I wasn't impressed with the way Arcadier allegedly responded to law enforcement "invoked his possible judgeship"? Really? If true, that doesn't bode well for the way he'll handle his personal life if he gets elected. If true, there's an attitude of "I'm special" and superiority represented by those words: "invoked his possible judgeship". The article further states that Arcadier said, "'If I take the bench, this won't…'" which, to me, is even worse! So he's out. I checked Nancy Maloney and John Moser and neither of them had any disciplinary actions (disciplinary actions are a first disqualifier for me) against them with the FL Bar. I looked into their qualifications and their personal background and I like the fact that John Moser served his country valiantly. He gets my endorsement. For County Commission D4 race, I've got to go with this guy, Curt Smith and for County Commission D2 I endorse Michael Hartman. He's a CPA (like Comm. Infantini) and I like what he said on Bill Mick Live. My thanks to Brevard Times for their coverage of this Primary Election. I forgot that Thad Altman and Monique Miller were running for D16 State Senate until I saw it there. We're in D13 for the FL Senate, so I missed that one. Between the two of them, I have gone to both websites and I like Monique Miller. Learn more about her here. As for Altman? Meh. ALSO: There are ballot initiatives to vote on IN NOVEMBER. Educate yourself NOW and you won't be caught out. Don't let the advertisements fool you. Do your own research. Educate yourself. Pray about it. Do what it takes to vote for the best future for FLORIDA and your children here. That's what a vote should be about. That's the right way to do it. So that's it with the endorsements. Vote as you see fit, but that's who I would vote for. I can't vote for all of them because I'm NPA, but I will vote for the non-partisan ones and do more endorsements before early voting for the General Election in November. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaigns, committees, or candidates. No one had anything to do with my endorsements besides myself. I think for myself. So stick that in your pipe -- regular pipe, not crack pipe -- and smoke it.) August 19, 2014: 3:50 p.m.   If the page loaded a little faster today it's because I sent the older stuff to Page Deux and I'm hoping that will help. Let's get started filling it up again! August 19, 2014   China is flexing its aggressive bent. They've sent their troops across the border with India a few times recently and that's not good. That's hinting that they're ready to do something that will lead to war. India won't just lie down and let China walk in. This is what could lead to a really bad place. Add to that: Russia is testing missiles. Question for you: if thevileone were not in office, but let's say Romney had won, would they be doing this? No? Speaks volumes, n'est-ce pas? August 19, 2014   I've not commented on the Michael Brown story yet because I know that whenever something like this happens the TRUTH takes a while to come out. It seems like now it's coming out because medical records show that Michael Brown attacked the cop. The cop, according to witnesses, didn't shoot Michael Brown and according to one report, a dozen witnesses confirm the cop's version of events. The shooting was not unprovoked. Michael Brown and his buddy had already assaulted the cop. The cop was trying to keep them from fleeing and when ordered to stop Michael Brown turned and rushed the cop, resulting in the officer taking steps to defend himself. With a swollen face and fractured eye socket it's no wonder the shots all went to the left side of Brown's body. Add to the unrest from ill-informed, emotional residents you have people coming in from across the nation to stir up trouble. That's not the way it should work. The TRUTH should matter to everyone; not just to those who are outside the situation. If the guy was willing to beat a cop -- while he was high on marijuana -- and after shoplifting and pushing the shopkeeper around, what else was he willing to do? One must ask the questions that are hard and uncomfortable to get the right answers. If all we ask are the "nice" questions all we get are the "nice" answers. I don't do PC and that's what PC does: fits the mold and makes it fit in "nicely". TRUTH is better than "nice". August 19, 2014   Did the Republican Party of Florida set Gov. Scott up? It seems they wanted to embarrass him and chose someone to appear with Scott in a commercial that would come back to bite Scott. Note that the article also mentions an ethics complaint filed against Scott three years ago? The final rulings for the Florida Ethics Commission are here and there is NOTHING there AGAINST Rick Scott. The filing of an ethics complaint means NOTHING as far as wrongdoing! Don't be fooled by that! Anyone can file an ethics complaint for almost any reason. Witness the proof and the fact that if it's BASELESS or , ruled legally insufficient Rick Scott would have gotten a letter similar to that in the last link. I see nothing in the Ethics Commmission's records page that indicates an ethics complaint whose findings went AGAINST Rick Scott. NOTHING. Am I saying he's perfect and innocent as a lamb? No, but neither does that mean that he's as bad as some would have you believe. (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, party, or ethics complaint!) August 19, 2014   I had a short break there in the middle of the previous posting. I can't believe how confused my computer became when the batteries in my mouse died! The whole thing locked up; Internet Explorer would do NOTHING, I had to tab through to an exit point, reboot the machine after replacing my batteries and then bring everything up again. How a mouse's batteries can be so important to the well-being of my computer is frustrating. It was like my computer said "Oh! What do I do? Someone cut my tail off! Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm so confused!" Praise the Lord that I had some replacement batteries or I would have found a brick wall somewhere to throw this thing against. I love computers. I hate computers. Batteries? I think I hate them, too! August 19, 2014   I'll close for now. Supper's ready (steak from the grill) and I'm hungry and my hubby's been home for a while now. So until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for the safety of our troops (and for Pastor Saeed Abedini), and I'll See ya'! August 18, 2014: 2:07 a.m.   I had to post my "Minion Monday: Hank and Girlfriend Take in the Last Rays of Sun" because I think it's funny. Good Monday morning, everyone! See you later for updates! August 18, 2014: 3:15 p.m.   thevileone's admin is at it again. They've cut 500 Majors from the Army and now they're cutting 8,000 senior enlisted Navy personnel. I want you to note how USA Today slanted the story, too: "But there is a big upside to the process: Clearing out senior enlisted who have engaged in misconduct or whose performance has slipped noticeably makes way for hot running sailors to move up."The way they frame it makes every senior enlisted person a person who has participated in misconduct or whose performance "has slipped". What they're doing in reality, is clearing out those who pose the biggest threat to leading opposition to illegal, immoral orders that may endanger our freedom. thevileone is making it impossible for anyone in the military to have the courage or leadership to oppose him. Why would that be? Hmmm? August 18, 2014   thevileone's stupidity:   thevileone keeps training Libyans as pilots and nuclear scientists: "Less than two years after four Americans got massacred in a terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya the Obama administration is disregarding congressional opposition to lift a decades-old ban on Libyans attending flight schools and training as nuclear scientists in the United States."Who cares that it's a bad idea and dangerous to the rest of the world. thevileone knows best. (*sarcasm*) Remember thevileone's healthcareTAX's disastrous rollout? Those responsible for it got huge bonuses and other perks. Yep. That's what thevileone thinks of our taxpayer dollars: use them not to protect us, but to reward those who are WASTING OUR MONEY. So that's what is important to him. Proof is in the bonus. thevileone writes new Executive Orders as he tries to wiggle out from under his own actions (blaming Bush), and western states fear that thevileone may do a huge land grab. Well, he has to have somewhere to put all those illegals -- or to give them "their" country back (Would you put it past him?) You wanna' know how stupid he is? He denied ammo to Israel while they're still under attack. He's enabling the bully, which (to me) makes him a bully, too. (Magic Word!) Oh, and those of you who think you can trust him because he's "One of us"? His plan hurts you the most. He's NOT on your side. He's on the side of chaos and bringing about the 12th Imam. That's his goal. Never think he'll do anything to help you that won't promote his ultimate goal. Chaos is required for the 12th Imam, so he creates chaos. He does everything for that one specific goal. Never count on him for anything else. August 18, 2014   Sheriff Arpaio may have found the person responsible for FORGING thevileone's birth certificate. I wish that the TRUTH would come out about this. It's been shown that the birth certificate is a fraud. So when does thevileone get kicked into PRISON and out of the taxpayer's pockets? August 18, 2014   I love this. It's good. Very, very good! August 18, 2014   Come on, Scotland! Vote for INDEPENDENCE! No more queen to bow and scrape to; no "royal family" to support via your taxes. I think every country should go Representative Republic as did America all those years ago. But learn from our mistakes: define what a "natural born citizen" is within your constitution so that no posers can be put into office without making it abundantly obvious. After all, why would anyone who was "natural born" have a problem with that? August 18, 2014   Do you ever long for the days of paper? Paper medical files are a lot more difficult to hack via the internet. The correct people are the only ones who see it and it's not as scary as the things that are happening now with electronic files. Sigh... Oh, for the good ol' days. August 18, 2014   August 18, 2014   Well, I'm going to stop for now. Until next time, GOD Bless America, Pray for our Troops and I'll See ya'! August 15, 2014: 10:18 p.m.   FINALLY! Someone else sees the light and states the obvious: Allen West says thevileone is an "Islamist"! I've said so since September of 2010! Why don't people listen to me when I tell the the TRUTH years prior to the more famous? People need to learn that I know these people as well as Rush "knows every square inch of his glorious naked body"! August 15, 2014: 3:15 p.m.   It's Friday and that means it's time for my Flag Friday pic: "Tribute To Our Heroes 177: Running Late". Hope you like it. I have some good news for me: my hubby came home early today to be with me. I have some bad news for you: my hubby came home early today to be with me. So I won't be doing updates today. I may come home and do some this evening after he goes to bed, but don't hold your breath. We're thinking about doing some more bird watching tomorrow. Word is the Cerulean Warblers are making their way south already and that's on both of our "must see" lists. So until Monday (probably; barring something earth shattering -- in which case I'll just be saying "Good luck!"), GOD Bless America, pray for the safety, health and protection of our troops and I'll See ya'! August 14, 2014: 1:47 p.m.   I don't really feel like doing updates today so I'll just do a few that I think are important. As I visit other sites I may have to change that idea, so don't be upset if I do more than I currently plan. Okay? BTW, does it feel like Friday to anyone else? I want tomorrow to be Saturday, maybe that's why today feels like Friday. Anyways, let's get started. August 14, 2014   Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini as ISIS is threatening to kill him. Please keep him lifted up and pray for his healing after Islam's horrible torture of him. August 14, 2014   thevileone:   He's on vacation, but he MUST find a way to spend more of our money. That's why he's returning to D.C. for whatever reason. He'll make some sort of statement in an official setting and he'll have his photo op and then he'll wing his way back to his vacation -- on our dime, of course. Him caring about wasting our money is akin to saying that he and hillclintOOn get along. Or like saying that hillclintOOn and her hubbybubby are not racists. (Right.) thevileone cares about nothing but himself, spending taxpayer dollars on HIMSELF and how he can destroy America. He may also care about letting more Christians DIE, Islam to keep on killing and letting race riots happen, but mostly he cares golf. Now, that's a good prezidunce. August 14, 2014   Aaaaahhh... public schools. Having special needs children dig through the trash for recyclables? Nah. That's not demeaning to the students. That's nothing. (*STRONG SARCASM*) What on earth were they thinking? (Or were they thinking at all?) August 14, 2014   Well, I guess that's it for now. My Internet Explorer just crashed big time and it is refusing to come back up. That prevents me from doing more updates for now. I'll see if I can get this fixed and maybe then I may come back and do more. We'll see. Until next time, whenever that may be, GOD Bless America, pray for the safety and health of our troops and I'll See ya'! August 14, 2014: 2:45 p.m.   Fixed it! So let's start back up with August 14, 2014   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Border patrol told to "let as many people go as possible". That's from thevileone's orders. Does that not tell you something? Sheriffs are being told to treat illegals as they would any other CITIZEN. Excuse me? They're ILLEGALS and they came here ILLEGALLY, breaking our laws to be here and they're to be treated as CITIZENS? Does anyone besides myself see a problem with that? Now they tell us there are more coming and your child's school will be impacted by this influx. That's why so many parents are listening to me and homeschooling their kids! That's a good thing and it's what's best for their children. It may be safer for spouses, too, considering what this teacher stands accused of. (Oh, my goodness!) It's safer for kids who don't want black eyes (say what?). Or maybe it's just safer because you don't want your kids having sex with their teachers. Whatever your reason, don't dismiss the idea of homeschooling your children as a great alternative to public or private schools. August 14, 2014   Well I got the Internet Explorer working in time to do a few updates and then the storm comes through. Not that I mind the storm, but better safe than sorry, so I shall go for the day. Until next time, GOD bless America, pray for our troops (and Pastor Saeed Abedini) and I'll See ya'! August 13, 2014: 12:51 p.m.   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! That's right. I'm cheering because a DEMOCRAT -- a PRO-GUN, PRO-Second Amendment Democrat -- won his primary. I think that's great because folks like bloombergermeister and other anti-First Amendment types were pumping loads of money into defeating the pro-gun Sheriff Clarke and I LOVE to see anti-gun folks LOSE! A Sheriff with common sense and a deep appreciation of the U.S. Constitution is a good Sheriff. That's why I'm glad he won. Let's see how he does in the November general election since he has only an Independent (who is an admitted SOCIALIST) to run against and no Republican challenger. I think the Republicans are comfortable with a pro-gun, pro-Constitution Sheriff and not running someone against him is a smart thing to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Good Luck to Sheriff Clarke in November! August 13, 2014   thevileone LIED about not having lobbyists influence his decision making. shock. surprise. August 13, 2014   Study shows Americans have little influence in U.S. policy. In other words, D.C. is NOT listening to US. They needed a study to show that? You can look around and see that. You can remember thevileone's healthcareTAX was passed although more than half of us were agaisnt it. They stopped listening as soon as thevileone was sworn in. They started following their messIah (notice it's a mess the "I" creates and he says "AH!" in this instance) and stopped listening to us. It's no longer a government "of the people, for the people and by the people" it's a government of "forget the people"! August 13, 2014   People buying guns to protect themselves in Ferguson, MO, and surrounding areas. People have the right to defend themselves and if people are going to be looting and rioting then the common sense thing to do is to find a way to defend ones family, property and self. When people takes it upon themselves to decide that an incident gives them the right to riot and loot then they're just looking for an excuse to hurt people and break things -- including breaking the law. Now they're planning (planning!) a similar riot in L.A. Is that not incredible? "Oh, all of us are getting together next Tuesday to riot. Be there at nine and we'll light this town up!" Excuse me? Where are the conspiracy to commit a crime charges? Where are the charges for inciting to riot? Where are any charges for doing the wrong thing? Why should the buisness owners and taxpayer always be handed the bill for the wrongdoing of those participants? Why not hand THEM the bill? Make those who paricipate pay! They make those who call in false reports that require police responses pay the bill, why not do the smae with riots? August 13, 2014   Maybe you should take to wearing hats, too. Why is google going to be SPYING ON US as we're out and about? Why is that legal? Why should they have that capability without a citizen's group taking them to court to stop it? Where is my right to privacy? What if someone who is stalking a hollyweird star hacks that satellite and focuses on following that star and uses it to help them kill a hollyweird elite? What if they used it to stalk a little girl in your neighborhood and the girl was killed because of their hijacking of the satellite? What will it take to make this go away? Where is our alleged "right to privacy" when it comes to how much google is SPYING ON US all the time? And how long after google gets that video will they hand it over to the government without subpoenas for the government's use? This is wrong, folks. Wrong in every way and we should oppose it. August 13, 2014   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Homosexual illegals want special deportation protections. They're special. They should not be deported because they're homosexual. That makes them "targets" at home and they'll be persecuted there so they should be given special circumstances here and not forced to return home. Right. Like thevileone was going to send anyone home? Get real. They just want it known with whom they have sex; they're looking to hook up, not keep from getting deported. They're forming their underground homosexual community via publicity. They left theirs back home and they're just forming another here. Here in FL, most employment gains went to immigrants. So they'll have to have a green card to be able to work here? Right. What about their healthcare being lost because they don't have correct documents? "Some 310,000 people with inconsistencies in their citizenship and immigration materials might lose their federal marketplace health coverage Sept. 30 unless they provide proper supporting documents by Sept. 5, the Obama administration announced Tuesday."Right. I betcha' they're going to be "forgiven" that, too. There's a great question being posed at Frontpage Magazie by Walter Williams (I love that man!), when this whole illegal alien thing blows up in their faces, what will those who support the open border say to deny their involvement in supporting it? August 13, 2014   Remember, thevileone is on vacation on YOUR dime while we skip the jelly on our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and we scrape together dimes to buy gas. Reality is going out to eat will cost you more, as will ten other things. August 13, 2014   Inviting fraud? That's the modus operandi for this administration. August 13, 2014   This is why tornadoes "like" trailer parks. Isn't this a question we've all wondered about? Glad to supply an answer. August 13, 2014   "Twenty-five years from now, in 2039, federal debt held by the public would exceed 100 percent of GDP, CBO projects. Moreover, debt would be on an upward path relative to the size of the economy, a trend that could not be sustained indefinitely." This is how much thevileone cares about your future. "[E]xceed 100%". What will your taxes be to cover that? August 13, 2014   On that cheerful note I'll leave you for today. Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops, and I'll See ya'! August 12, 2014: 12:49 p.m.   thevileone's buddies turning on him? Reporters have started writing stories that aren't all that flattering to thevileone. They're starting to tell some of the truth about him. It's amazing that the truth is coming out; especially that it's coming from his usual kiss-ups. Finally, the chips are falling where they SHOULD fall and thevileone should be held responsible for his policies' failures, for his wrong-doing, his lawlessness and every bit of the illegal alien invasion and all of the illnesses being brought across our borders. August 12, 2014   Republicans support Sheriff David Clarke in WI. I heard him interviewed on Beck this morning and I support him, too! He sounded like a good man with common sense and who supports our Second Amendment rights. That's what a Sheriff should do! August 12, 2014   Releasing 600+ illegal alien CRIMINALS BROKE THE LAW. So what's new? thevileone's admin breaks the law and someone actually thinks that's enough of a singular incident to actually investigate it and report it? What's wrong with these folks, thinking that thevileone breaking he law is worth reporting? How dare they. (*sarcasm*) August 12, 2014   Standing up for hillclintOOn is trying to help her get elected. Just as the television series "Madam Secretary" is a campaign ad for hillclintOOn (with a MUCH better secretary than hillclintOOn EVER was in reality), and she's allegedly ready for office, electing hillclintOOn would be difficult, at best. So let's hope that she's not "likeable enough" to get elected. She's not good for America and with all of her scandals she really should be considered a non-entity when it comes to presidential potentials. August 12, 2014   Marizela is still missing. Michelle Malkin's cousin is still out there somewhere. Keep her and her loved ones in your prayers. August 12, 2014   Local Politics:   County Commission D4 candidate info. Remember that D4 Republican candidates Richard Charbonneau and Greg Jones financially benefit directly or indirectly from the government aid that the EDC (think Mitch Needelman, Rose Harr, etc.) and they support the EDC. The candidates who do not support this crap are Republicans Curt Smith, Frank Zilatis; and (NPA) Randall Victor "Vic" Brungart. So read up on the candidates and make sure you vote according to what is BEST for your children's futures. That's the American way. That's what a lot of folks have forgotten in their rush to the government teat. And just to make it simple candidates for FL Senate District 16. With some additional food for thught on that race. Monique Miller's website and his website. Note: I haven't liked Altman since he was a snide whippersnapper in the BOCC. His attitude sucked and, IMHO, was one of superiority in everything he did. I am going to look into Miller's background and see if I can support her. If so, she's got my endorsement. (Paid Political Advertisement: Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or development council.) August 12, 2014   The truth is coming out. The msm hides the bad stuff the dumborats do and showcases anything they think is negative on the republirat side. Anyone surprised? August 12, 2014   thevileone thinks YOU should PAY FOR illegals' education. They shouldn't have to contribute at all. They can take all they want and WE have to give it, but them contribute? Puhlease! Never trust a rino/progressive. They LIE, they LIE, they LIE. August 12, 2014   thevileone is an IDIOT! Letting Libyans get FLIGHT TRAINING HERE? FLIGHT TRAINING? REALLY? thevileone is a MORON! August 12, 2014   Speaking of idiots... She is also one. As is (*cough*) franken. (*gag! I said his name! Wash my mouth out with soap, garlic, something!*) August 12, 2014   When homosexuals FORCE anyone to do business with them the homosexuals are FORCING people to give up their religious beliefs. That's not First Amendment kosher. It's wrong in so many ways. If America is a truly FREE country then our delineated FREEDOM to observe our religious beliefs as we see them is not to be trumped by who someone likes to have sexual relations with. Your sexual proclivities do not TRUMP my First Amendment right to my religious views and to practice those views as I see fit. If I do not wish to condone your sexual proclivities I should not be FORCED to do so. I have no business knowing what you like to do sexually, so why do you want to tell me and then make me pay the price for you telling me? Duh! You like to do certain sexual acts. I don't need to know those acts. Why tell anyone what you like to do? Should all heterosexuals wear t-shirts that say "Heterosexual and Proud of it" or "Heterosexuals are people, too", or "Heterosexuals do it GOD's way"? (*tweek tweek*) If homosexuals want "special rights" (which is what they demand since they demand that religious rights be TRUMPED by their desire to do something sexually with a person of the same gender) then they should go to France, Norway, England. Here, in America, we have the FIRST AMENDMENT and that should not kowtow to ANYONE's sexual proclivities. Your orgasm does not trump my GOD. August 12, 2014   On that pithy little phrase I shall close for the day. Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and See ya'! August 11, 2014: 6:25 p.m.   James O'Keefe shows just how unsecured our border is. Crossing our southern border -- twice -- dressed as Osama bin Laden and no one stops him. It's not that our agents don't want to protect us. It is that they are ordered not to protect us. They're busy babysitting and trying to stay alive after violent gang members and sick people come across. The latest border patrol agent to die was shot in front of his family by illlegals. The agents have as much of a problem with the things thevileone is doing as you and I. The problem is they're on the front line and not allowed to fight back. Pray for their safety and for the impeachment or arrest of thevileone. GOD is our only hope since we cannot trust the House, Senate, or law enforcement to do it. Fast and pray for America. August 11, 2014   Why is this acceptable to a portion of our society? If something happens that they like (a victory for their football or basketball team, for instance) or if something bad happens, it's "Let's go out and break things and take whatever we want!" time. Why? Something bad happens does not mean that it's okay for you to do something bad, too. It means that there is a way to handle the situation legally, peacefully and morally. One bad does not equal more bad. It means find a way to make good come out of it, not find a way to make more bad come from it. How many people have to be stolen from, hurt, or killed to equal that one teen's life? How many more people have to pay the price besides the one responsible? Let's also remember that the circumstances of the teen's death are still under investigation and there's nothing that looting and rioting will prove, solve, or help. It just makes that portion of society look worse. Why not learn from past riots where nothing was acomplished except more people having criminal records and NOT riot for everything? After rioting for so much -- sports victories or losses, perceived crimes against a specific race, because the Easter Bunny didn't leave you your facorite candy -- does it not lessen the impact of the riot in the first place? August 11, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Hamas executes its own. Islam is totally and completely heartless. What else do you call a religion that teaches children to murder? Children shouldn't be taught to kill. They should have childhoods full of laughter, joy and learning how to be good adults, not murderers. Islam kills babies -- including their own -- and anyone who does not agree with them, convert to their religion, or pay them. Is Islam about life or death? If you look at the evidence, it's a religion of death, not life. That's so very sad. The GOD of Christianity loves them and does not want them dead. He wants them to have joy and love and LIFE, not death. The GOD of Christianity loves their children and wants them to live, too! Why does Islam teach its adherents to kill their own children if it's a religion of peace? Shouldn't that peace also be available to their children? But, no; Islam is a religion of death, hatred, single-minded murderousness. Christians worldwide pray for the souls of the Islamic people. I do. I pray that they will have their souls touched and that their eyes will be opened and their darkness wiped away by GOD's love and the Light of Christ's sacrifice for THEM as well as for everyone else. GOD -- the GOD of Christianity LOVES MUSLIMS: not their actions, but the people. I just wish they would love themselves enough to accept GOD's love instead of Islam's hate. Ask a Muslim if allah loves them and the only answer they can give (if they're being honest) is that he loves their deeds, but not them. Even being a martyr does not guarantee heaven for a Muslim. Accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior will get them to heaven, guaranteed. Dying for -- or killing your children for -- allah will not. The same GOD who loves Muslims loves all agnostics and atheists, too. The GOD of Christianity LOVES YOU and everyone else. He created us all. Ask GOD to make Himself real to you and He will. Allow yourself to open your eyes and heart and GOD will come in! August 11, 2014   msthevileone's lunch progrm being dropped. There's a revolt against it because the kids won't eat the crud she promotes. If they're worried about kids going hungry during school hours shouldn't they serve a lunch they're willing to swallow instead of trash? They should stop regulating school bake sales and start making it possible for children to have a modicum of FREEDOM in school instead of total and absolute adherence to thevileone's Hitler-like control. August 11, 2014   thevileone's admin can't do anything right. They love to waste YOUR money (and mine!) and they love to claim transparency while being totally opaque, impenetrable, dirty and thick (totally "dirty" as in corrupt and "thick" as in dumb). thevileone is "smart" is a big fat lie. August 11, 2014   Why did taxpayers pay so much for hillclintOOn's book tour? I want a REFUND! August 11, 2014   Another whopper from thevileone. He would know the truth if... You know the rest. August 11, 2014   thevileone is poison to candidates and a lot of them are distancing themselves from him. Too bad (or should that be "hopefully"?) it won't do them any good to stay close or distance themselves. Either way, it looks like Conservatives are winning. See me smile? August 11, 2014   Condolences to the family of Robin Williams. I liked him as an actor when he was young. Lately he went way left and I stopped watching anything he was in. Poor man had his own demons and they cost him his life. Sad day for those who loved him. August 11, 2014   I know that's not a lot of blurbs today, but I'm stopping for now. It's almost nine and my hubby's home, so until next time, GOD Bless America and See ya'! August 11, 2014: 8:11 a.m.   Up all night again; again working on my latest offering, but this time getting it posted to GrumpyOpinions.com. Grumpy is publishing it in two-fers, two subjects at a time because it's such a long piece. They are doing it that way, but Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com published the whole tamale. So if you don't want to read it on my site you have two other options. August 11, 2014   Also, it's "Minion Monday: Hank Tries Gardening" and he's trying to grow something -- but he refused to use seeds. You'll have to check it out to find out how he expects to grow anything without using seeds (or a plant) and we'll watch together to see what comes up! August 11, 2014   The candidates who support the EDC are NOT the candidates I support. I think that the EDC gets enough of our money to need to answer to US and that transparency is imperative! If they don't want to be TOTALLY and actually transparent (not using thevileone's version of "transparency") then they need to GO AWAY, be DISBANDED, go KAPUT! If they refuse to tell US how they're spending the money we could be spending on the things we want to spend our money on, then they have no right to exist as an organization! Candidates who support the EDC's hiding the truth are candidates I cannot trust: period. (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or EDC[ommission]! August 11, 2014   ISIS uses terror to capture territory. I think ISIS is such a horrible thing -- cruel to the point of heartless and soulless, incapable fo feeling anything remotely close to compassion, pity, or empathy; choosing evil instead of good, darkness over light, ruling via pain and death instead of helping and righteousness -- that if they stay in power, they will be the death of millions (as opposed to thousands as they currently are) and they will be the death of ANY peace in the Middle East because they will divide the Middle East, nation against nation, and tribe against tribe in every nation. There will be so much death and destruction that those who are left alive will be few and they'll be so afraid that it will be impossible to unite with them due to lack of trust of anyone. It's a bad thing ISIS is doing, but when ISIS is finished with this particular run-through, they'll find something else to cut out of the population or another reason to be offended by "X" and they'll keep chopping hands off, heads off, etc. ISIS is a bad thing and if they aren't soon stopped it will be even worse over there.. August 11, 2014   The Gaza truce lasted how long? Sounds like thevileone was ivolved in it! August 11, 2014   Well, it's getting late and I need to get some sleep. I've been up since yesterday. So until next time, GOD Bless America and I'll See ya'! August 8, 2014: 7:14 a.m.   I've been working on an article for a few weeks now and it's finally -- finally! -- finished! In my word processing program it's just into the twenty-first page, so you can see that it's a long read. Thus, I've made it easy for you to read it in chunks. You'll see what I mean when you get there. The title: "A Dozen Departures: Twelve Things Progressives Have Taken Out of Society That Need to Return". I think you'll like it. Why not write to me and tell me what you think? It could get interesting. Remember, I reserve the right to publish anything you send, so think carefully prior to contacting me. I've got to get some sleep. I've been up all night working on this. Until later, See ya'! August 8, 2014: 1:34 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and my "Tribute To Our Heroes 176: Once Rebel Son" is available for your perusal. Thank you for your service and thank you for all you've done for America! August 8, 2014: 3:17 p.m.   Thought I'd leave my Flag Friday link at the top and start down here because our troops deserve to be at the top. Let's get started. August 8, 2014   This is what started the current Hamas/Israel war. It was NOT Israel's doing but I'm sure they would have finished it -- and still may have to if Hamas starts up again. Hamas had three teenage boys murdered and those boys were Israeli (one had dual citizenship: Israeli and American, so they killed an American too!). Is there any reason to doubt as to Hamas's intentions: the total destruction of Israel and all of its Jewish inhabitants? August 8, 2014   Inside the mind of a wacko. This woman is nutso! August 8, 2014   Illegal Aliens:   Sheriff says they'r ecrossing in "military fatigues". They're coming over ready to start war on us? They're admitting they are going to do so! Thanks, thevileone! Just what we needed: war within our borders on top of everything else. Don't forget, all those children have to go to school somewhere and the schools they'll be going to are the same ones your children attend. The schools your children attend you pay taxes to support. So higher taxes are coming your way. Thanks, thevileone! All these illegals -- child or adult -- are going to be bad for America's way of life but it's going to be worse if thevileone's other plans are allowed to go forth. Allegedly, if they have a lawyer they'll probably get to stay. Otherwise, they'll be hidden and let loose and say anyways? BTW, guess who gets the privilege of paying for those lawyers? You got it. WE do. Isn't that special? August 8, 2014   ISIS says flag of allah will fly over Red House. For all we know, it flies inside the Red House daily. August 8, 2014   thevileone is bombing Iraq. Now Islam will have another reason to attack Israel or America. Remember, crossing our southern border are not just folks from Central America. Muslims are crossing our border there, too. They fly to somewhere in South America then catch a ride to Central America and hoof it into America from Mexico. And they bring their beliefs with them. What irks me a lot about this is that those who have crossed from Mexico are the ones out taxpayer dollars are paying to give them health care, food, shelter, etc. Not only are they coming here to kill us but they're taking full advantage of thevileone's desire to create havoc and bring about the 12th Imam on OUR dime! That's irritating. August 8, 2014   Ebola spread in USA: "inevitable". That's what thevileone has done to America. The CDC has issued the "highest" alert response with this ebola outbreak. Sounds like they're concerned about it. So why would thevileone want to bring that into America? You have three guesses and the first four don't count. August 8, 2014   ketchup kerry is an idiot. End hunger in Africa by barring farm land? Really? Does he even know how to blow his own nose without using a cannon? He blew his own brains out years ago witness his own statements. No one capable of thinking can say to end hunger by barring farm land! Hello! Earth to ketchup kerry! Incredibly stupid man. August 8, 2014   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Another Judicial Watch/True The Vote VICTORY that will lead to greater election integrity in Indiana. We need this kind of thing to happen all across this great land! We NEED election integrity! It is imperative that we can trust our elections to be fraud-free! August 8, 2014   More "TRANSPARENCY":   First it was lois lerner and the IRS e-mails. Now they're trying to find e-mails related to thevileone's healthcareTAX that have suddenly gone missing. They're saying that over 20 people have "lost or destroyed" e-mails that are required by law to be kept. A little hidey-seeky going on here as with the lerner gang's e-mails? I think maybe it's time for a law enforcement officer with integrity to step in and arrest everyone in thevileone's administration: INCLUDING thevileone! August 8, 2014   Well my hubby just came home so I'll close with a question for ya'. What's he gonna' serve; Oscar Meyer? (My bad.) Until next time, GOD Bless America, pray for our troops and for America. See ya'! August 8, 2014   I also had to note that thevileone has less honor than cop referencing him because the cop at least had the grace to apologize and resign after his trampling of the U.S. Constitution. thevileone will never do so, although he really, really should! August 8, 2014   More lefty hypocrisy. msthevileone changes school lunches and has an "eating healthy" program and tries to control what everyone from our soldiers to school children eat then she says that "No one cares what they eat!"? If that be the case let's shut her program down! That would be a GREAT THING! August 8, 2014   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools ... and sex. I mean, sex ed. Well, in this instance, sex ed pertaining to bondage and kinky stuff. In a 9th grade sex ed book: sex toys, S & M, etc. Why? What does the school system have to gain by teaching your children that kind of crap? Perversion does not have to be taught: it comes naturally. Ask Sodom and Gommorah if you need proof of that. Perversion is easy; it's being good that is difficult: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:It's easy to be wicked and it's hard to be good. That's the Word of GOD: I'm just in agreement with it. Kids don't need to be taught how to be twisted and evil. But that seems to be a lot of what happens in public schools. Really, folks, what are they teaching our kids? Sex, drugs and rock and roll? August 8, 2014   I'm going to stop there. I saw those things and had to post. Until next time, GOD Bless you all, pray for our troops and See ya'! August 7, 2014: 2:00 p.m.   Sorry about having to leave early yesterday but my Mom called and I love talking to my Mom so I focused on her. Priorities, ya' know, must be family because -- while I love you all -- Mom is more important than updates. She's doing fine, by the way. Her hip is hurting her a little at times, mostly when she's been on her feet all day, but she is still going strong and she still has more energy than any two-year-old I've ever seen. Wish I had inherited that. I have mental energy (I just imagine I have energy -- LOL!) but I don't have physical, get up and go energy the way she does. She's 77 and still amazing. So, let's get started. August 7, 2014   Our government is "missing" $619 BILLION -- AT LEAST! How does a "transparent" government do that? They "failed to report it", that's how. They spent that much without letting "We, The People" know. This administration really had a field day spending every penny they don't yet have that your kids and grandkids are going to be paying off. Isn't that what you really wanted? Debt, debt and more debt. Wunnerful, wunnerful. (*sarcasm*) August 7, 2014   Texas law enforcement reportedly indicted for embezzling $5.6 million in Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) funds, still listed as "Top Cop" in three different agencies in that area. What is wrong with an indicted felon serving as the "top cop"? After all, as a even cops say that if thevileone (my word, not theirs) can disregard the Constitution why can't they? It's an attitude from the top down. If thevileone is the CEO of America, then it's a corporate attitude and the cops are carrying that same attitude as the CEO. (thevileone is the "Executive Branch" of the government, thus he is the Chief Executive Officer: CEO of America.) They're just following his lead, doing what they see him doing. What's wrong with that? If it tramples on YOUR rights, what's wrong with that? If thevileone can do it, so can they! It's another reason we need to stop him: so that his evil doesn't transfer to those below him. Evil has a tendency to spread and these cops are proof. August 7, 2014   Russia doesn't fear thevileone nor do they respect him. Which leads to problems for America and the rest of the world. They see him as gutless, weak and willing to let them have their own way with us and with the rest of the world. Reagan said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" and the wall came down months later. They knew Reagan meant business and that he wasn't a lily-livered sissy who rides a girl's bike in mom jeans and a helmet. (Such a manly man!) Yeah. Russia is waiting for the promised "more flexibility" after his reelection and what he's going to do for them to allow them to be the ruler of the world as the resulting chaos brings about the alleged 12th Imam (in thevileone's beliefs). That's what's up, folks. A sissy tries to bring about the alleged 12th Imam. If I were the 12th Imam I would never answer that call. Who wants to be associated with a sissy? August 7, 2014   thevileone's evil trickles down. See? Trickle down does work -- in more than just the economy. August 7, 2014   Hawaii gets a rock and a roll then it's in for two storms. Sounds like it's going to be a rough ride over there for a while. Keep them in your prayers. August 7, 2014   Atheists just can't stand others having freedom. They don't like it when people pray. Atheists are cowards. They're afraid of prayer and of GOD and of religious freeom in general. If they weren't afraid of it, why try so often to silence it? They're despicable. August 7, 2014   CDC thinks the ebola outbreak is dangerous. Which probably means that you need to take it seriously, too. Remember that if someone has flu symptoms they can be contagious. Also remember that Canada's government fact sheet says "infections can occur through contact with infected body fluids due to the reuse of unsterilized syringes, needles, or other medical equipment contaminated with these fluids (1, 2). Humans may be infected by handling sick or dead non-human primates and are also at risk when handling the bodies of deceased humans in preparation for funerals, suggesting possible transmission through aerosol droplets (2, 6, 28). In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected"So now you know that the thing is suspected to be airborne. If that be the case, there is no such thing as someone who cannot be exposed to it. Remember, thevileone brought two ebola patients to America. Those patients are not the only ones who have been exposed. The people who went to get them, treated them while on the ride back and those who are treating them now have all been exposed. thevileone brought death to America in more ways than racial divides. August 7, 2014   William Binney's NSA info will blow your mind! Don't think that this is benign, folks! thevileone's spying on us is a deadly cancer to America and to ALL freedoms that were delineated in the U.S. Constitution and it's NOT something to release without a battle! Stand up! Do the RIGHT thing for the future of America AND for yourself and your progeny! Don't think this is a little thing. It is NOT! August 7, 2014   I'm going to sign off for now. I received my new cell phone and I want to work on getting it activated and set up and the storm is out there rumbling away. I will do my Flag Friday posting about midnight, as usual, and until next time, GOD Bless America and See ya'! August 6, 2014: 4:39 p.m.   Had a great time at lunch with my friend. We decided we were sisters from another mother because we're so much alike. We met at Ossorio's and it was my friend's first time there (she lives west of Orlando) and I do believe we'll be going back in the future because she loved everything about Ossorio's. Had a great time now on with a few blurbs. August 6, 2014   Lefty Hypocrisy On Parade:   reichchchchchchch paid $242,613 to teach ONE course but he has a track record of condemning "income inequality". Then there's the pelosipig's invoking Jesus to try to keep illegals here but being pro-baby-killing when it comes to abortion. Who Would Jesus Kill? Then there's always -- always -- thevileone saying Congress is "mean" as he tries to get dumborats elected this November. I suppose he was "nice" when he:
August 6, 2014   It's all about thevileone. The world revolves around him. The sun rises and sets on him. The world could not rotate on its axis without him. That's what he believes. August 6, 2014   I can't believe I'm going to write this. In some ways I agree with msthevileone. When it comes to certain things, yes, women are smarter than men. We're wired differently and we understand relationships better than men. We can watch a couple across the room and know that they are headed toward divorce. We see the signs of a person in emotional pain and we pick up on it faster; but we also know when someone's faking it to try to manipulate others. So, yes, in that way and a few others, women are smarter than men. But there are ways that men are smarter than women, too. How, I can't think of right now but there's gotta be something! (*big grin*) August 6, 2014   My momma's on the phone so I'm gonna' go. Until next time, GOD Bless You and See ya'! August 5, 2014: 8:20 p.m.   I had to do this one because it's so good! Chris McDaniel says he has enough proof HE WON! Going to court to fix the VOTER FRAUD done to keep Thad Cochran in office. Now why on earth would someone cheat in an election? (*SARCASM*) August 5, 2014: 8:38 p.m.   What you need to read to understand how thevileone's EOs are breaking the law big time. August 5, 2014: 4:05 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I got a late start and my hubby will be home soon. As soon as he's home, I'm signing off, so let's start with a great article by Dr. Thomas Sowell "Is Thinking Now Obsolete?" It's a great question. Pay attention to the evening news and you'll see people interviewed who say "I feel..." whatever, or who can barely put two sentences together to form a complete thought. It's amazing how stupid some people look (via editing, selective publication, or if it's just them, I don't know) and they should be ashamed to be on television and appearing so stupid. But, that's another thing that's gone in today's society: shame. I've got something coming out on that in a day or two. I've been working on an article and now it's about twenty-one pages! So, I'll finish it either tonight or tomorrow evening and post it before the end of the week. Until then, read Thomas Sowell. He's a very intelligent man and he knows how to write! August 5, 2014   Ebola:   There have been six more tested in NY and the one susected case in OH is NOT ebola. That's a good thing. It's not an easy disease to beat and the two they brought back in that special plane were very blessed that the medication is working so far. Let us pray that if it is totally effective and safe that more of the medication can be made pretty quickly and maybe we can save lives in Africa. We'll have to see how all of that goes. Maybe we have enough to start treating any Americans who may have it here. I don't know. Whichever, I hope this medicine is effective, safe without long term effects, and can be manufactured at low cost. That would be a wonderful blessing for America and for Africa. August 5, 2014   Illegal Immigrants:   DO[IN]J report: Almost 50% of federal crimes near Mexican border. That means that quite a few of the illegals crossing over are breaking our laws as they come into America. I thought they were coming here to improve their own lives, not to commit crime and take away from those who already earned the things they own. To have an illegal alien come into America and think that just because they're here they have the right to everything from free food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare and everything you have as well! If they want to be accepted here they need to start acting as though they want to be melted into the great melting pot, not just start destroying it. If they're going to come over don't rape, murder and steal on the way! Can you imagine how much damage can be done by 770 illegal crossings in 24 hours if they're raping and murdering as they get here? Come on! They came here for a reason and that reason wasn't just to create havoc. If they want to be able to stay that means they have to follow the rules of being here. One of those rules is "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". If we're going to be paying for everything you have for quite a while (even if that means sending you home to your Momma) don't murder us. Common sense tells people with brains that it is wrong to do so! Ya' know, if they do come here and rape, steal and murder, they're doing nothing more than following the example of the lawless prezidunce who brought them here. If he can be lawless, so can they, right? August 5, 2014   Corporations need to "show up" in Africa? Why? So they can prove what? So their people can get ebola and die, too? What does thevileone want from corporations besides kissing his butt? August 5, 2014   Russian gangs are after YOUR identity. They also want to raid your bank accounts. Don't tell me that Putin knows nothing about this. I don't believe it for a heartbeat. He's all for it. I bet he takes a portion to finance more weapons to use against America and our allies. Ever think of getting some sort of anti-identification theft protection? May be the time to start thinking about it, or at least looking into it. August 5, 2014   Oh, how fitting! Party-changer, crist, a Mega-Hypocrite Award winner. August 5, 2014   Your taxpayer dollars (well, yours, your children's, grandchildren's and great-grandchildren's: $2,007,358,200,000 in benefits and entitlements in fiscal year 2013. That includes people like lois lerner who received full retirement and full pension after targeting Conservatives and calling them foul names and all of that mess. It also includes paying $23 billion over 10 years (2007 numbers) for illegal immigrants. That's not including thevileone's vacations nor his golf and fundraiser travel! Must be nice being king. August 5, 2014   My hubby is home so I'm going to go spend time with him. It will be a late posting tomorrow, too, because I have a lunch date with a friend (and maybe her hubby will be there, too), so I'll do that and some errands then come home and do updates. Until next time, GOD Bless America and See ya'! August 4, 2014: 4:29 p.m.   Today's Monday and it's a sad Monday because Hank Misses the Girls and he was incosolable yesterday. He cried and cried. It was so sad. I'm thinking I'll send him home to visit the girls next month and if he comes back, he comes back. If he doesn't, it was nice having him here. We'll see what happens and I'll keep you posted. For now, on with the blurbs. August 4, 2014   Illegal Aliens:   People from countries with Ebola virus crossing into America after they fly to South America, then get transport to Mexico and walk across the border with the others breaking our immigration laws to come here. If Ebola kills hundreds -- or more -- of Americans, it's thevileone's fault. There's already someone in NYC being tested for Ebola. Every border death that has happened since he advertised for people to come here from Central American countries is on thevileone's hands. Now, he's hoping that Americans will die, too? He's something else (what -- besides an America-hater -- I haven't figured out yet). thevileone is closing some former military facilities used to house illegals so where are they going to go after the closed military bases are emptied? They're going into our neighborhoods, that's where. It doesn't matter what diseases they may carry; what gangs they're part of; or where they came from. They're coming to a school with your children and grandchildren in them; a neighborhood you live in; a store you shop in. Oooohhweee! Something to look forward to! (*SARCASM*) Let us all hope that people remember that come November. It won't be just a Dem/Rep thing. It's affecting YOUR CHILDREN and YOU and the safety and health of everyone you know. August 4, 2014   Whatever happened to FREE SPEECH in America? This guy has First Amendment rights. Do I agree with what he was doing? Actually, I think he could have found a different place to burn the Quran, but I believe that in America he was the right to do so. People's right to burn the American flag has been upheld several times in court, so why was he charged at all after burning a Quran? Is that not as much a Free Speech right as burning a flag? Is it diffeerent because the burned items belong to a religion, instead of a country; or is it that they belong to a CERTAIN religion in Dearborn, Michigan -- the most Muslim-controlled city in America? Burning a Bible has been done, but if someone burns a Bible and punches someone trying to stop him, no charges are pressed. Where are our standards? Are they Shariah-oriented? If not, why the difference? August 4, 2014   dumborat trying to TAX YOUR sugar intake. dumborats are losing it. They're just so eaten up (get the pun?) with controlling you that they are going nutso with the idea of TAXING EVERYTHING YOU DO. It's disgusting. Whatever happened to FREEDOM? August 4, 2014   August 4, 2014   thevileone's admin shows its pettiness. August 4, 2014   LOL! Another reason to hate unions: they're full of short-sighted leaders! As the tea leaves were definitely readable in 2008, it serves the guy right for endorsing thevileone. Full disclosure: I have a family member who dabbles in coal sales and things related to coal mining. He did not endorse thevileone (to the best of my knowledge) and I'm sure he doesn't like what thevileone is doing to the coal industry. To see how thevileone is doing things to destroy America is sad. To see those who supported thevileone's election wake up and smell the burnt coffee is funny as all get out. As the worm turns, the worm turned on them! Awww... too bad. August 4, 2014   The msm supports thevileone's continuing efforts to destroy America so I wonder how they feel about their stories being "monitored" by the FBI and rated on positivity or negativity toward the FBI -- and probably thevileone as well. Does the "Fourth Estate" enjoy the idea of them being answerable to this administration? If they don't mind it with this administration, what about the next Conservative administration (if ever there is one)? Will they mind being answerable to a Conservative? Will they like it when the next step (and there will be a next step, mark my words) is controlling what they write? Will they like it when they have to run all stories past the Red House press office before publishing it so that it meets the Red House's positivity requirements? Will they enjoy being a part of thevileone's propaganda machine and nothing more? That's what's coming. Is that what they want? Press freedom, anyone? Or do they get what they wanted; an empirical tyrant who controls everything and everyone -- even those who supported him and everything he has ever done? August 4, 2014   pelosipig can't take criticism of ANY sort. Not even factual criticisms that stem from research into the Congressional record will be permitted. She must go and wag her finger and yell and scold. Poor, poor pelosipig. She's just so sensitive! August 4, 2014   "Children's book publisher Elizabeth Laws, meanwhile, took to Twitter to say that it was the first time in 25 years that 'a children's book leaves me speechless'. 'Would love to deconstruct everything wrong with this. #1, Open Carry isn't a verb,' she wrote. 'Bad enough that her parents pack heat, but who made a teen wear a granny blouse? Or tease her hair? #badparenting.'"To quote someone we all know: "people that [sic] have their full faculties do not use words that attack the person, only the argument for their philosophy."Lefties don't like guns or the ability to defend oneself -- unless, of course, you're: or any number of lefties. Thank the Lord that instead of the lefties, the Second Amendment is winning in so many ways that even when lefties think they've won, they've lost. Trouble is, they are so bass-ackwards that they have rallies to encourage women to become victims. Someone tries to do something to me I'm going to be able to defend myself. Women who are anti-gun are going to be victims. Why would a so-called women's group demand that women be incapable of defending themselves? I can't understand that at all. As someone with a concealed carry permit, I SUPPORT the "National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2013". It would allow me, as a FL licensed concealed carry permit holder, to carry my weapon in any state in the U.S.A. except where state residents are not allowed to carry: banks, bars, federal government buildings, hospitals, etc. I'd be able to go to Virginia and legally carry. I'd be able to go to Texas and carry; all fifty states (as thevileone says in all "57 states") would be open for me to carry. If you want to be able to protect yourself, you should be able to do so in more than just your state of residence. History shows that carrying is the better choice and that if you're the crime victim you are a lot closer than a cop. A cop may be there in a minute, but you could be dead by then if the perpetrator is determined to make you so. Don't be a victim. Take care of yourself and disappoint the lefties. Ruin their day. It's fun! August 4, 2014   Some lefties think ABORTION -- baby-killing-- is FUNNY. How sick is that? On a scale of one to ten, an eleven. It's over the top. Ask the baby being torn apart -- arm from its body, leg from its body, head squished and removed from its neck -- if it's funny. (NSFW or Children:) Look at the truth of what abortion is (VERY graphic) then see if you can laugh about it. Is that funny? Lefties think that's something to laugh about? That's sicker than sick: it's disgusting that they can even THINK of laughing about it. It's a LIFE or DEATH situation for the BABY; an innocent human being whose only crime is to be something the mother doesn't want. Like a pair of shoes, it can be discarded and the only way to do so is to kill it. Human life is precious! Laughing about killing a baby is sick. Remember, abortions devastate the MOTHER as well as kill a child. Abortion is not "pro-family" and never can be. It's murdering a baby. That's not pro-family. It may be legally -- but only due to PC -- allowable but that does NOT make it right. Remember: those who practice and push abortion won't tell you the truth, not even about some sexual practices, but the TRUTH is ABORTION KILLS A HUMAN BABY. Is that what you want to live with the rest of your life? Love lives. Let your baby love you. Let your baby live. August 4, 2014   I'll close on that note. Until next time, GOD Bless You and Keep Our Troops safe. See ya'! August 1, 2014: 6:38 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to having other things to do. Today I'm late because I had to meet my hubby at the tire place so that we could buy new tires for his truck and we went looking for birds while waiting and then shoppping and to eat. We just got home and here I am. I did post the Flag Friday picture early this morning and it's "Tribute To Our Heroes 175: When Weary, Weak". I hope you like it. Now on with a few blurbs for today's update. Hopefully, next week I'll hae more time for blurbs. I enjoy my website and I enjoy doing blurbs and finding the TRUTH about what the progressives/lefties are doing to America. The Bible says "Then ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Without TRUTH we cannot have freedom. Without TRUTH we are enslaved by the LIES. Without TRUTH we live in darkness and the darkness is never good for us. If we want to live free and in the light, we must know the TRUTH! That's why I do my website. Because the TRUTH matters. Now, on with more TRUTH. August 1, 2014   Speaking of the TRUTH, watch the TRUTH about the Hamas/Israel war. It's NOT Israel who is the one at fault here. Hamas puts weapons inside of schools, hospitals, people's homes. Hamas is evil. In Gaza, even Muslims curse Hamas. Did you know, that Israel is STILL providing Gaza residents TONS of food, medical supplies, etc., even while Hamas attacks Israel? Did you not know about that? It's the TRUTH! Did you know that the lefties/progressives still hate Israel and anything America does for Israel even though Hamas is the one who started the war. Like the Hamas attack and kidnapping 90 minutes into a "cease fire" that they asked for and that was supposed to last three days. Hamas doesn't want peace; they want Israel GONE. Read Hamas's Charter and you'll see in the Prelude to it: "Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors."In the Introduction you find: " This is the Charter of the Islamic Resistance (Hamas) which will reveal its face, unveil its identity, state its position, clarify its purpose, discuss its hopes, call for support to its cause and reinforcement, and for joining its ranks. For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah’s victory prevails."This is why Hamas attacks Israel all the time. It's in their Charter! Later in the charter in Article Seven we see this: "The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim)."In Article Thirteen: "There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility. The Palestinian people are too noble to have their future, their right and their destiny submitted to a vain game. As the hadith has it: 'The people of Syria are Allah’s whip on this land; He takes revenge by their intermediary from whoever he wished among his worshipers. The Hypocrites among them are forbidden from vanquishing the true believers, and they will die in anxiety and sorrow.'"Then in Article Fifteen: "When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty binding on all Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad."In Article Twenty: "Our enemy pursues the style of collective punishment of usurping people’s countries and properties, of pursuing them into their exiles and places of assembly. It has resorted to breaking bones, opening fire on women and children and the old, with or without reason, and to setting up detention camps where thousands upon thousands are interned in inhuman conditions. In addition, it destroys houses, renders children orphans and issues oppressive judgements against thousands of young people who spend the best years of their youth in the darkness of prisons. The Nazism of the Jews does not skip women and children, it scares everyone."In Article Twenty-Eight: "The other Arab and Islamic states are required, at the very least, to facilitate the movement of the Jihad fighters from and to them. We cannot fail to remind every Muslim that when the Jews occupied Holy Jerusalem in 1967 and stood at the doorstep of the Blessed Aqsa Mosque, they shouted with joy: 'Muhammad is dead, he left daughters behind.' Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims."In Article Thirty-Two: "Within the circle of the conflict with world Zionism, the Hamas regards itself the spearhead and the avant-garde. It joins its efforts to all those who are active on the Palestinian scene, but more steps need to be taken by the Arab and Islamic peoples and Islamic associations throughout the Arab and Islamic world in order to make possible the next round with the Jews, the merchants of war."Do you see why Hamas attacks Irael? Hamas attacks Israel because its CHARTER says it is THEIR PURPOSE. They are not for PEACE; they are for WAR. They have nothing else they WANT to do but kill Jews. Who can read their Charter and think otherwise? The TRUTH is what matters and the TRUTH is in their Charter! That's exactly what they want to do! Yet, the U.N. attacks Israel for "not sharing" the Iron Dome technology with Hamas. The U.N. is full of idiots. August 1, 2014   thevileone has a LOT to answer for. All these dead bodies are at thevileone's hands! EVERY dead body of the CHILDREN who didn't make it should be laid at thevileone's feet because HE DID THIS. Every death that the illegals are responsible for thevileone made that hapen. He has killed all those children and he's trying to bring Ebola to America so that he can kill US too. He's a Muslim. No doubt about it. After all, what religion are most of those children? Islamic? Nope. Catholic. He doesn't care about those kids because they're the "infidels", let them die! August 1, 2014   By the time thevileone gets finished with America there won't be anything here worth having for China's long range missiles that can now reach us to be wasted on. While China can now reach us without leaving their own shores our military is shrinking. Isn't that wunnerful? August 1, 2014   The CIA's been spying on the Senate (I'm sure on thevileone's orders) and we have proof that Lois Lerner targeted Conservatives (same as yesterday's link), and the fact that the DO[IN]J was involved in COLLUSION with Lerner and you have PROOF of TYRANNY also. Isn't that nice? We have a MURDEROUS TYRANT in the Red House. Sweet! (*sarcasm: Major Sarcasm*) August 1, 2014   11,472,000 Americans out of the workforce since thevileone took office. If the Chinese want us they'll have the diseases that the illegal immigrants are bringing in to deal with, an American workforce that hasn't been working since 2009, and thevileone's healthcare system that isn't working. Yeah. That's what they need with all of their financial problems. With all of that, will they actually want to add more to their plate? August 1, 2014   I'm going to stop with a positive -- or at least fun -- item. Check out Flippy Cat's falling dominoes videos. Careful though. They're addictive! Until next time, GOD Bless America and See ya'! August 1, 2014: 9:07 p.m.   Additional note: The DO[IN]J (eric holder) ordered to hand over Fast & Furious documents. The TRUTH is about to come out. Good for the TRUTH and good for the future. July 2014 July 30, 2014: 3:21 p.m.   IRS e-mails prove Lerner targeted and denigrated Conservatives. So now which lie will she use? They won't resort to lies now that they've been proven guilty. They'll just say, "Whatever! We're the ones in power. Get over it. You don't have the right to do anything about it. We won." They'll be putting their noses in the air and looking down them at us and telling us to mind our own business. That's what will happen. They don't care about right and wrong. They care about POWER and only that. July 30, 2014   Illegal Aliens:   Amnesty via EO an "impeachable offense"? Krauthammer thinks so, but that if Republicans did so they'd lose the election. Remember, it's not just chldren crossing our border. It's adults who have rented children to be able to come here and then what happens to the child? Does the renter stay with the child and ensure that child's safety, well-being? No! Not always. The child is a tool to be able to get into America and stay. That's not good enough to make the renter stay with and care for that child. That renter, under thevileone's plan, will soon have work visas, healthcare, education benefits, housing, food stamps, etc., all provided by YOU. thevileone's goals are so bad that even a few dumborats are balking at cooperating with or endorsing his plan. It won't stop him. His goal is the destruction of America and creatig chaos to enable the return of the 12th Imam. A lack of support will not stop him. He should be stopped, but no one has the courage to stand against him. No law enforcement officer will arrest him for his lawlessness. Show me a member of the House or Senate who has actually done something to stop him: contacted a judge to have an arrest warrant issued, or something similar. No one is opposing him. Why? Where is the Secret Service agent who will arrest this lawless, destructive liar? Where is America's hero? July 30, 2014   DH[IN]S seizing vehicles that don't meet EPA regs. Yep. That'll keep our homeland secure. Sure it will. Idiots. If that's the kind of orders they'll obey, be prepared to read about DHS agenst opening fire on Americans for such infinitesimally small reasons as to be ridiculous. This is the DH[IN]S agents' proving grounds. If they'll do this without question, they'll follow other orders that lead to true danger for freedom. Start talking to those who work for the government -- any government -- about what they would do "if" because they need to decide how far they're willing to obey now before they have to make a snap decision later. They need to set their mind on their stopping point because if they don't there may not be one. BTW, did you know that the "Seperation of Church and State" the left always screams so loud and clear is apparently not applicable to the DH[IN]S when it comes to passing out Bibles to illegals who crossed our border? Yep. The Catholic Bishops paid for them but the DH[IN]S distributed them. Now, if there's a seperation clause in the U.S. Constitution and they're giving the illegals OUR GOD GIVEN rights delineated and guaranteed U.S. Constitution, why is the DH[IN]S doing this? Just asking, folks. Just asking. Also, the DH[IN]S is giving Jewish Institutions $12 MILLION taxpayer dollars to step up their security processes. Sorry, but I don't get why American taxpayer dollars should go to that. As I said earlier, how about Seperation of Church and State? Or, forgive the question, is this one of thevileone's buddie's getting a contract somewhere? July 30, 2014   Ebola is spreading worldwide. An American doctor got it and died. People are spreading it because they don't realize they have it and they travel while they've got it. It's a very, very dangerous and deadly virus with no known cure. Be careful out there, folks. July 30, 2014   July 30, 2014   "4) Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America:If you have to go that far back to get info for a "scorecard" sixteen years later you must be looking to skew the data and thus the RESULTS. It's not about Americans being able to protect themselves anymore. It's all about them being as anti-gun as possible and doing what it takes to get more people on that bandwagon, which is usually BAD for your safety. For instance, the gun laws in Chicago are strict but they lead the nation in "gun violence". (I hate that term. I've never seen a gun be violent. It sits there until it's picked up by a person and that person is violent and used the gun to do something bad. The gund did NOTHING but what the PERSON MADE it do. Stupid term.) Gun control idiots keep getting dumber and dumber. For instance, (NSWF OR CHILDREN) women who protest gun rights TOPLESS! (Say what?! Yep.) Don't go to that link with your children or hubby in the room. The only reason I linked to it is to prove they did so, just in case I was called a liar for just telling about it. Amazing how wacko some people get when it comes to my right to defend myself. Thanks to a recent ruling doctors in FL aren't supposed to be asking you about guns during appointments. It used to be that they were supposed to ask you if there was a gun in the home, if anyone owns a gun. Now, that's not legal to do in FL. Happy camper! July 30, 2014   thevileone does NOT care about the lives of Christians. They're being beheaded in the Middle East and all he can say is "Ho hum. Not interested. Islam can do whatever it must to bring about the 12th Imam. Not a problem." If he cared, he'd be doing something. See him doing anything? No? He's too busy fundraising and vacationing. He's spent $44,351,777.12 as of March of this year in travel expenses. Why would he work? He wants Kobe Beef and lobster at our expense, why work when you can golf away your time as prezidunce? Remember, he's going back to Martha's Vineyard for 16 days in August. Why would you work when you can do that on someone else's dime? July 30, 2014   JW forces clintOOns to fess up. They have a lot of money they "earned" via speaking fees that would legally be considered a "conflict of interest" if they obeyed the law. Too bad the clintOOns, like thevileone, don't have to obey the law. They're special. To wit: "'These documents are a bombshell and show how the Clintons turned the State Department into a racket to line their own pockets,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 'How the Obama State Department waived hundreds of ethical conflicts that allowed the Clintons and their businesses to accept money from foreign entities and corporations seeking influence boggles the mind. That former President Clinton trotted the globe collecting huge speaking fees while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy is an outrage. No wonder it took a court order to get these documents. One can’t imagine what foreign policy issues were mishandled as top State Department officials spent so much time facilitating the Clinton money machine.'"So that's why hillclintOOn quietly accepted the role of Sec. of State: she could send billyboy all over the place and get paid to have him out of her hair. I'm sure she liked that. July 30, 2014   I'll close on that thought-provoking link. Until next time, GOD Bless America and I'll See ya'! July 29, 2014: 3:11 p.m.   This disgusts me. thevileone saying that Muslims "built the very fabric of our nation" is kissing the backsides of those who have sworn to kill us. Considering what Muslims did to America on 9/11, what they have been doing and contintue to do Christians worldwide for a very long time and what they are currently doing to Israel I don't see how anyone who (rarely) professes he's a "Christian" (although I don't consider what he sat under in the "Reverend" Wright's church as Christianity) can "celebrate" Islam at all. It's just not right. It's evil. July 29, 2014   In CO Christians are required to break their own religious beliefs. The Colorado government is making sure that his Christian beliefs are stamped out and he's ordered to submit quarterly "compliance" reports to see if he's obeying the government and going against his own religious convictions instead of standing up for his own First Amendment rights. The baker was even ordered to "reeducate" their employees! Communism! The Colorado government has gone completely Communist in this and the bakery owner afflicted [sic] here is fighting back. The Colorado "Civil Rights Commission" has no right to impede the baker's religious freedom right and order him to bake cakes for homosexuals. They have no authority there and I would totally give them the finger and a stick in the eye and defy them absolutely and completely while appealing their ruling and while suing them for trampling on my First Amendment rights! You must realize that this First Amendment infringement is important TO YOU here in FL as well. Also realize that it's a one way street because, according to the ACLU who is representing the homosexuals in the case, "Spencer’s ruling said Phillips’ constitutional rights are secondary, because otherwise the 'cost to society' isn’t considered. He granted homosexuals a special standard.Note that the ruling gave "homosexuals a special standard [my bolding]. It's ONLY Christians who are supposed to kowtow and kiss the king's ring and disavow their own beliefs and toe the PC line of accepting homosexuality. If the baker had been a Muslim -- for whom homosexuality is so wrong that they STONE homosexuals -- would this have gone any further than the couple turning around and walking out of the bakery? July 29, 2014   IRS targeting still an ongoing battle to get the TRUTH. There's a plan to motion for the arrest of Lois Lerner from Congressman Steve Stockman. She lied to Congress and didn't cooperate with handing over information. Lois Lerner's hard drive was NOT "destroyed", just scratched and her lies are multitudinous and for that she needs to be held accountable. So, let's hold her accountable but also eric holder for not cooperating with the investigation and thevileone, too, for being the liar in chief. Let's take the whole admin down and start over. It would be better for America and the world. July 29, 2014   hillclintOOn admits she has "millions". But wait. She was saying she was "dead broke" until she was called on it. Typical of the liberal/progressive elites, she lies without hesitation and as a matter of course. It's routine for her and she expects us to believe and swallow every lie. It's our duty to believe it. It's her RIGHT to believed whenever she lies and no matter how outrageous the lie is. We must believe! We must believe! We must believe! July 29, 2014   bonehead boehner isn't going to try for impeachment. shock. surprise. July 29, 2014   Blood test that could detect ALL types of cancer. That would be really good. A simple blood test could save a bunch of lives, get treatment started early and make it easier to fight the cancer with aggressive early treatment. Let us pray that this is real and that it is very, very successful! July 29, 2014   D.C. Police Chief orders officers to obey court ruling allowing them to carry their weapons outside their houses or businesses. It's all good. July 29, 2014   If you don't read the article, at least check out the graphics in this Malkin blurb. Too good! July 29, 2014   Thanks in part to thevileone electricity costs are at all-time high. Then there's the fact that the FPL plant's replacement increased our rates thanks to the efforts of local environmentalists. We have enough to pay for -- and thanks to thevileone getting more daily (border crossers) and more debt via executive order -- and this is not helping. July 29, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Republicans shouldn't worry about the implications of the court ruling. They should just do what is RIGHT, GOOD, CORRECT and let the chips fall where they may. But with this latest ruling (check the link on healthcareTAX), it's not a good thing and we've still got a long row to hoe. Remember how much the insurance companies supported this crud? Now we know why. I knew a long time ago why, but it's the proof that I was lacking. Follow the money. Now that we've got all of those illegal aliens here, maybe the insurance companies can use some of that cash to cover them. It's better than us paying out the nose for it, agree? Did you know that thevileone's admin is still intervening to make sure people fall in line? Yeah. They've got to CONTROL everything. That's what it is all about: always have been and always will be. July 29, 2014   Well, the storms are returning and my hubby's home, so I shall go for now. Until next time, GOD Bless America and See ya'! July 28, 2014: 2:52 p.m.   It's Monday and "Minion Monday: Hank and His Girl's First Dance" is available to make you smile! July 28, 2014   Illegal Aliens:   thevileone will take care of the gangsters crossing our borders? That's what the gangsters think. They were told that he'd give them medical care, free education, etc. What about the bill to do all of that? We get to pay that. Those of us who work hard, pay our bills, don't cheat on our taxes, etc., we get to foot the bill for everything thevileone does. Isn't that what you want? The gangsters are coming here and recruiting others to help them kill Americans, terrorize communities, sell drugs, pimp girls and generally create chaos. thevileone's saul alinsky "Rules for Radicals" tactics are working. He'll do whatever it takes to destroy America and bring chaos into the world so that the 12th Imam can come and rule the world with Shariah Law. That's what thevileone wants and is working toward. If it weren't what he wanted, why is he not listening to the 77% of us who don't want this illegal influx? Our poor border patrol agents are hog-tied by thevileone's rules as well as by environmental rules. What is the problem with keeping our borders strong and defended? It won't help thevileone achieve his goal of Muslim world domination. July 25, 2014   Israel:   If thevileone didn't want to help bring about the 12th Imam, why is he blaming Israel for Hamas's actions? Also, Hamas is using children for human shields as they attack Israel and illegally cross their borders, so why is that something that thevileone doesn't disagree with? Why is he defending Hamas when Hamas is the aggressor? thevileone actually THREATENED ISRAEL because they criticized ketchup kerry's laughable "diplomacy". Now, all around the world Jews are being persecuted. It's sick and it's wrong. The Jewish people are GOD's own and He made a vow to them thousands of years ago that they would be His forever. GOD blesses those who pray for Israel and who help Israel. For America to NOT do that -- and to, instead, blame Israel -- is wrong. Am I saying Israel is right in all she does? No. Absolutely not. But in every situation we are told to pray for Israel, and in this particular fracas, Hamas is the aggressor, so why stand with the aggressor? That's not the American norm but under thevileone it is what we are doing! That's very telling, is it not? July 28, 2014   Let's not do this. We've already seen how someone with NO EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER (thevileone) runs things, and although I do believe Ingraham would be Billions of times better than thevileone, we still don't need someone with no exeperience whatsoever. thevileone, if nothing else, has given us a good enough example of what inexperience does to a nation. I would love to see Allen West run. (BTW, while you're there, check out the article he wrote this morning.) I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. July 28, 2014   China still poses a threat to America, its not just Islam or Russia. There are people and countries that would love to see America destroyed. One of them is in the Red House. July 28, 2014   LOL! Albright is always wrong. Sec. of State under billybob clintOOn, she endorsed thevileone and endorseS [sic -- for emphasis] hillclintOOn. So many folks are waking up to the fact that thevileone is a failure. Sad that they were incapable of looking beyond his skin color for two elections. When you look to externals like skin color instead of internals like principles, ideas and beliefs (the things he did to get elected and the people he hung around with should have told them something). Why lefties and squishy-squashy, namby-pamby republirats who endorsed thevileone (see list here) without looking deeper, I have no idea, but they did. thevileone should never have been elected, but with the endorsementes he received and the ACORN cheating and the New Black Panther voter intimidation that happened, thevileone was a cheat-in, not an elected president. He has never been a valid president and never shall be. Now, he's using "executive orders" to help destroy America. All of his "Magic Pen" to be a TYRANT and DICTATOR instead of allowing Congress to make the laws thevileone just makes it up as he goes along. July 28, 2014   Sarah Palin Channel! How about that? If you want to subscribe, it's $9.95 a month, or $99.95 annually. It's up to you but check it out because she has a countdown counter of how many days, hours, miutes and seconds are left in thevileone's administration. I like that. Can I set that clock forward, please? July 28, 2014   The Tiny Tyrant is rattling his sabre again. He's threatening a nuclear bomb on the Red House. I don't want to set the clock forward like that, but it would be okay with me if he resigned. The Tiny Tyrant should have a visit from thevileone. They'd probably get along just fine. Problem is that thevileone would probably pick up a few tactics on controling people while there. We don't want that, do we? July 28, 2014   "Jesus, Today's Church and Inequality": YOU NEED to read this! Frontpage did a great thing here. I am very glad to see someone else taking on the erroneous teachings of the liberal left on what Jesus allegedly taught, believed and wanted us to follow. It's about time. July 28, 2014   If this year's election is so important to the left, it should be TWICE as important to us! I'll be looking into all of the current candidates this week, so keep an eye out for my upcoming list of candidates that I would prefer. I can't say that I outright endorse some of them because I'm sure that in some races it's going to be the lesser of the evils, but that means it's still an evil. I don't like voting for evil, even if it is a "less than". So, you'll have to hold your nose and vote in some of these races, I' sure, but it's what we are offered. If there's a place to do a write-in on some of these, it may be something to consider. But doing a write-in is sometimes "throwing away your vote" by others' standards. By my standards, it's keeping your principles and having a standard. July 28, 2014   Marijuana legalization is a bad idea. I can't think of ONE good thing about it besides the fact that it's been "decriminalized" and that means fewer people in our prisons. Well, the problem with that illogic is that we can "decriminalize" a whole lot of things -- murder, rape, pedophilia -- and then the prisons would be even less crowded but that doesn't make those actions any less wrong! Marijuana use for "medicinal" purposes I have shown you that every medical reason has been negated by the very organizations that are the primary support organizations for that particular malady. Cataracts? They don't support it. Epilepsy? Nope. None of the medical maladies that are allegedly helped by medical marijuana have an endorsement for the drug's use for that malady. None. So what is the push about? USE. There are people who want to use it. Don't tell me it's not addictive, studies have proven it IS addictive and that people who use marijuana do go into harder drugs or become alcholics, especially if they start using it at an early age. Marijuana is a gateway drug and if giving people permission to use it leads to more FATAL car accidents then why is it considered a "good" thing? Don't people have to LIVE in order to need medical or recreational marijuana? IF the answer is "Yes" then why legalize something that leads to more deaths? Common sense dictates otherwise. July 28, 2014   I'm going to stop here, folks. My hubby is home and my computer's running really slow for some reason. BTW, is anyone else having difficulties with The Blaze and with Breitbart? I've been not using them much lately because they've been crashing my Internet Explorer after about ten minutes on the sites. It's too frustrating to go there except when I use my iPad, and even then the pictures don't usually show up at The Blaze and Breitbart is slow. What's up with that? Do you have the same problem? If so, let me know because I would like to know if there's a fix to it if it's just my computer. If there's more than just me, then it's probably the sites' problem. So, until next time, GOD Bless You and See ya'! July 25, 2014: 11:55 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and I have internet service still, so let's start with my "Tribute To Our Heroes 174: In Her Hands". GOD Bless all who served. I can never thank them enough July 25, 2014   thevileone approves drilling for oil off the east coast. And I know at least a few local environmentalist wackos are so upset. Oh, wah. July 25, 2014   Malkin reports on the Delphi workers messed over by thevileone. They're getting closer to getting back the pension thevileone stole from them. Hurray. July 25, 2014   thevileone helps terrorist, so we should impeach him. Proof: "administration officials were well aware of the group’s declared intention to turn its Syrian sanctuary into a springboard from which it would send men and material back..."My goodness what must people see with their own eyes to believe that thevileone is EVIL? July 25, 2014   Another GOOD reason to hate HOAs. If they guy wants to build furniture for needy veterans, why are they not supporting him and helping it get delivered instead of being hard nosed knot-heads and trying to make him stop? What morons. July 25, 2014   Al Q. wants to bring America to a digital halt on 9/11. Allegedly they're targeting our electronic infrastructure -- water treatment facilities that are run with computers, computers used by governments, etc. -- and they want to destroy America that way. Well, that's what we expeceted. At least it's not thevileone doing it this time. July 25, 2014   Personal interest mention: The White Pass & Yukon Route train derailed near Skagway. Several years ago my family and I went on the trip of a lifetime to Alaska. We stayed two days in Vancouver, BC, before we boarded Celebrity Cruise Lines' Summit and hubby and I entered our Royal Suite and the boys their adjoining Concierge Class Suite and there we stayed for two weeks during the repositioning cruise that went north from Vancouver to the Inside Passage then stopped at Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau, Skagway, and Hubbard Glacier, going north and south through the Inside Passage. Then we went to Victoria BC, where we met with a Flickr friend, and then toAstoria, OR, and in CA, to San Francisco, Catalina Island and finally to San Diego where we stayed for four days before flying home. It was a wonderful vacation and my son has some great photos of the trip. One of the things we did was go on that train. It was interesting, relaxing and I took a video of it to send to my Mom. She go to see the whole vacation, not just the train ride. I will never forget that trip. It was wonderful. Thoughts and prayers to those injured in the derailment. July 25, 2014   I stand with Israel and rumor has it Hamas's morale is collapsing and they're running from Israeli commandos. GOOD! If they're going to start something Israel has the right -- the duty -- to finish it. Attacking Israel, I believe Hamas is finding out yet again, is never a good idea. July 25, 2014   Ignoring Issa; another bad idea. Issa doesn't strike me as the kind of person who will tolerate having this administration thumb their collective noses at him. I'd love to see him have several of them arrested. Can you imagine eric holder's and thevileone's reactions? I would love to see a hidden camera video of that! Please, Lord, let this happen! July 25, 2014   msthevileone pushing genetically modified foods. A lot of folks don't think that's a good thing. GMOs are thought to be a health risk to people who eat them. And if it's not the food grown from genetically modified seeds, it's the chickens that we eat and what the chickens eat goes into us and msthevileone is PUSHING that. She "cares" about your children? July 25, 2014   thevileone's approval rating: 39%. Those who want to impeach him: 33%. From the same article there's this: "A plurality of Americans — 45 percent — believe [thevileone] has gone too far in expanding his presidential powers."I think thevileone is having a bad day. Awww.... poor baby. July 25, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Muslim jihadist holds up buckets full of heads. What? That's not tolerance? Why not? At least he wasn't a Christian who witnessed to them. That would have been INtolerance! (*sarcasm*) And then there's Nigerian Muslims who killed 75 with two bombs. I bet they were tolerant, too. BTW, if you're going to use civilians as shields, including apartment complexes, hospitals and mosques don't let Israel see you launch a missile from there. Remember, folks, thy did this to themselves. July 25, 2014   Detroit's PETA offers to pay water bills of those who will go Vegan. Question they may not have thought about: How are they going to verify that the folks went vegan? Are they going to have monitors for them? Are they going to... uh... collect their bowel movements... ick.... and see if the people whose water bills they are paying are sticking to the vegan agreement? How are they going to verify it? I don't think they've thought that one through. Of course, being vegan, I suppose that their brains aren't functioning as well without animal proteins. Because, science shows, "Is plant protein as good as animal protein? The simple answer is no." That means that those of us who still enjoy a good steak from the barbeque, or a nice hamburger, or a bit of bacon are smarter than vegans. Anecdotally, that's been proven time and time again! (*smirk*) July 25, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:  
So much for reading the hanging chads and trying to supernaturally ascribe "intent". We know that pelosipig said: "What’s important to remember politically about this is if you're a state and you don’t set up an exchange, that means your citizens don't get their tax credits—but your citizens still pay the taxes that support this bill."So, not only did pelosipig admit they had no idea what was in it, but passed it anyways, but the guy who helped put it together admits that the federal level marketplace is NOT A SUBSIDY RECEIVING ENTITY. All those folks who signed up under the federal marketplace and got a tax subsidy? Guess what? You LOSE America WINS! Remember, the IRS is supposed to be part of the administration of this mess? How on earth are they going to do that? Would a tea party member get a death panel faster than someone who supports thevileone? Considering recent events, I think so. This isn't going to work, folks. If the SCOTUS gets ahold of it, let us pray that john roberts sees the writing on the wall and borrows a spine long enough to vote for AMERICA instead of for thevileone's wishes. July 25, 2014   I'll stop there for now. I'd like to get a small project done today, so until next time, GOD Bless you and See ya'! July 24, 2014: 1:10 p.m.   Well, that was unexpected! I did my updates on Thursday and shut it down and a little while later our phone line went dead. Since we use a high speed DSL we have a router and a phone line to do so and when our phone line still wasn't working on Tuesday I got fed up and called ATT. They came out yesterday and worked on my phone line and moved my line to a closer junction box and tested things and ran a new kind of line in my attic, etc. It turns out the person who did the "sale" and scheduling for this was not absolutely truthful with me (shock) and the installer's team had to check back with ATT's computer because the sales person did something wonky and had the interior of my house wired for a whole lot faster but had the exterior box the same; but the lines going to the house were only for a slower speed. So the installation team was confused and she lied to me and the whole thing as frustrating for all of us. So, I'll be on the phone with ATT later today and trying to get them to fix what the sales person lied about. For now, though, my internet is again available and I'll apologize for missing my Flag Friday posting of my "Tribute To Our Heroes 173: When Wind Blown" and I thank you again for your service. Then here's the link to the Minion Monday pic that I couldn't post on Monday. Thanks for your patience with me and let's get started. July 24, 2014   Cuomo to find out how many homosexuals, bi-sexuals, etc., in NY state. Allegedly so that he can provide better healthcare for them. In Germany when Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews he first told them to register as a Jew. Then they had to start wearing arm bands (as did Christians, etc.). Then they were rounded up into "safe zones" -- or what he told them was a safe zone -- and he fenced the area off. Then he put them all into cattle cars and sent them to the death camps. Cuomo wants you to self-identify as being of a specific sexual orientation? What business is it of his or anyone's? Why tell the government something that isn't their business? Why volunteer to be government labeled? Don't get me wrong: if homosexuals want to trust the government with that info, that's their choice. Thinking twice about it may be a better idea though. Speaking of homosexuality, actor who chose to quit instead of acting homosexual sexual encounter is going to be excoriated by hollyweird. I think he did the right thing. If he doesn't want to kiss a guy, he has the right to not have to do so. The fact that others are telling him he just ruined his own career tells us how much influence in hollyweird the homosexual agenda has. Elsewhere, a CO judge struck down the voter approved BAN ON homosexual "marriage". Then there's the whole Michael Sam and Tony Dungy thing. Why is it only Christians who are targeted for criticism over anything they say? Tony Dungy said nothing wrong. He didn't want a circus following a player of his. So what? If the player was -- instead of homosexual -- two-headed and always had the media around him because of that and Dungy had said the same thing would Dungy have been excoriated because of that? After all, two-headed people are minorities, too. Then consider the differences between how Michael Sam and Tim Tebow are treated. Yeah. There's a big benefit in being homosexual in some circles. Did you know, for instance, that if your competing on an otherwise level playing field in a government contract bid, but the other business in the bidding is owned by a homosexual that the homosexual is probably going to win due to preferences given to minority owned businesses? Yep. Same is true for ethnicity, gender, etc. You're playing against a liberal stacked deck. July 24, 2014   I agree with Howard Stern on this. Israel has the right to exist and has a right to defend its country. Howard Stern is correct that Israel is our ally; although thevileone is not theirs. Israel is doing what it can to compromise but no matter what they give up, no matter how much land they hand over, they are still criticized for not giving up more. Christians are commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and we will be blessed if we support Israel. thevileone is doing everything he can to ensure Israel's demise because that's what george soros wants. We all know that supports thevileone with HUGE donations to multiple organizations whose money goes to help thevileone destroy America. With backers like george soros who could help but try to destroy America since both thevileone and soros want to do so? Shared goals and a lot of money lead to hard times for the rest of us. July 24, 2014   I'm glad I stopped watching TMZ. They are a bunch of foul-mouthed, cooler-than-thou, self-aggrandizing, hollyweird-worshipping sycophants without a brain between them (although I do give Harvey some credit for making money off of every half-ounce of hollyweird stupidity and non-news). I watched TMZ for a while because it was funny and then something happened to the language limits on television and radio and now there seems to be few words barred and TMZ started going for all of the foul language they could use. That's when I said no. That didn't work for me. Stories about a starlet's mocha macchioto? Fine. Something about a star's tennis shoes, or running into a sign? Okay. Start using foul language while focusing in someones private parts? No. Bash Sarah Palin? They're outta' here and never to darken my television again. TMZ? Strike three. July 24, 2014   Someone else who has reached "Strike Three" status with me: Rand Paul says he disagrees with VOTER ID LAWS. Say what? Voter ID laws will make our elections more honest and help us to prevent fraud! To say that he disagrees with that begs the question is he wanting to use the same tactics that dumborats use in order to steal elections? What is wrong with him? Does he want power so much that he'll allow cheating and kiss the backside of the loudest mouths in order to get the power? If that be the case can ANYONE trust him if he gets that power? Think about who is in office now and the tactics he used to get there. Is that what you want again, but with a different letter after his name? What is wrong with Rand Paul? He wants it too badly, that's what. He's willing to do what it takes, just as the current Red House occupier has done. July 24, 2014   Hanoi jane sees no irony in calling Murdoch bid "unconscionable". The things she did in Vietnam are what's "unconscionable", not Rupert Murdoch owning Time-Warner. Maybe she's just hating the idea of her ex's property getting in to the hands of a more conservative owner. I don't know. All I do know is that fonda has no right to call anything anyone else does "unconscionable". July 24, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   NY circuit court overturns taxpayer subsidies. Rush tells us what could happen next and it's possible that this could be really, really good; or it could be no big deal. We'll see what's next since it could wind up with the SCOTUS. Which means justice john roberts would have his hands all over it again. Can we trust him to go with the U.S. Constitution and consider the fact that most of us did NOT WANT this piece of garbage and that the House admitted that they hadn't read it before they passed it? After all, pelosipig got up and said that they had to pass it to know what was in it (paraphrased). Is that going to lead the SCOTUS to take into account "intent"? If so, are they reading hanging chads since they'd have to be imputing intent to those who did not read it and thus had no idea what was in it? OR, is it the fact that they didn't read it that will allow the SCOTUS to assume that it wss the intent of Congress to do so? It can be either way. We may see whether roberts has a spine this time. Did you know that thevileone thinks you're either stuipd or that... "'Most folks don’t have the time to sort out all the intricacies of Obamacare or Benghazi or this or that'"So which is it? Do you think that HE has the time? After all, he must go play another round of golf and get ready for another vacation, and have lunch and fundraise with the hollyweird elites, when does HE have the time to understand all of the "intricacies" involved? Think about his words. Is he actually trying to call you stupid? I think so. BTW, notice that thevileone is now referring to it as his named care again? Remember in January of this year when even thevileone stopped calling it by his name? Yeah. Liars turn on the tip of a needle and don't need a dime to turn on. This thing needs to go away. It's fraught with fraud. It may be that insurers are trying to limit HIV patients' access via high co-payments. It's not just HIV/AIDS people being effected, though. An app for deciding who will get cancer treatment is helping oncologists decide who is going to get treatment and gets to live and who won't. Death panels, anyone? BTW, did you know that this thing is SOO BAD that even in Africa they're saying it's a "Signature Achievement of Unaccountable Bureaucracy"! I can't help but smile when I see the truth. July 24, 2014   hillclintOOn can't admit she was WRONG. She says that the "Russian reset" was a success. That's why they have rebels who support Russia shooting down airplanes full of civilians, right? July 24, 2014   Illegal Alien Invasion:   jeb bush has lost it. He isn't thinking about how this will inevitably effect your children's futures. He's not thinking about America's future. He's thinking about... What? Progressives all think alike, so I'd say he's thinkinig of how best to destroy America just like thevileone. Have you noticed how marco rubio is changing his tune: depending, of course, on who is listening. There's something else to think of when considering the resulting changes in America's culture that will come about if amnesty is given. For one, our relationship with Israel may change because Hispanics don't necessarily feel the same way about Israel as we do. Illegals are very creative when it comes to crossing our border. What next: ultralights? Now thevileone wants to change "illegal aliens" into "refugees". That's one of his favorite tactics: change what something is called or the meaning of the word that should be associated with that thing (remember when thevileone redefined the following words: There are others that have been defined as well, but we'll stop there. He is at it again. He can also be blamed for the people who are getting injured as they try to cross our borders. He doesn't care about teh children coming over. He just cares about the damage they can do to our system to help destroy America. These kids are being used as weapons against us and it's our government -- particularly our prezidunce -- who is wielding the weapon. Impeach thevileone. He's lying.July 24, 2014   Planned Abortionhood says S & M is normal. It's telling teenage girls that it's okay to allow men to HIT them! That's not just wrong, it's immoral, despicable and irrefutably will lead to girls accepting being abused by men. What is wrong with the people who are pushing that crap? Are they mentally fit to be working anywhere, much less in a place girls go when they are especially vulnerable? Come on! Get a grip! Stop the insanity and misogyny that is PP! July 24, 2014   July 24, 2014   The Veteran's Administration has become a death trap for our HEROES. They tell a cancer-stricken vet to "get a job" and refuse any treatment for the vet. Incredible. July 24, 2014   Riiiiggghhhttt... He's an idiot. July 24, 2014   Speaking of idiots, the Cheekbone Cherokee's 11 Progressive Commandments are as absurd, un-American and anti-free market as any progressive screed ever written. I honestly don't think she came up with these things on her own. She had some help because she's not smart enough to do this on her own. I mean, come on, if you have someone asserting her "Cherokee-ness" because of her cheekbones even though someone has done the geneaology to prove warren is LYING about being Cherokee. (Remember that, instead of being Cherokee, warren's family persecuted Cherokees. BIG difference.) July 24, 2014   NAACP shuns CONSERVATIVE blacks. Well, shock. surprise! July 24, 2014   Hubby's home so I'll stop there. Until next time -- and as long as my phone line doesn't go dead again -- GOD Bless you and See ya'! July 17, 2014: 11:49 p.m.   District 2 Republican Candidate forum Aug. 6, 2014. If you're a Republican who lives in District 2 and want to hear from at least some of the candidates for D2 Commissioner you may want to attend. Why it's not held within D2's borders I have no idea, but that's how they did it. Stay informed. Educate yourself. Become familiar with who is running for every office this November. Do NOT vote blind. Do NOT vote for someone just because they're the fist person listed on the ballot in your party. Do NOT vote for someone because you like their smile, voice, or know their dog. Inform yourself. I'll be doing my investigations into the candidates soon and will post the info I find and publish my endorsements. I do not know if there is a candidate in every area that I can endorse. There may be some offices that don't have anyone good enough to endorse. We'll see. Remember, there are some folks who won by default because no one ran against them. This is not what should happen, but it does happen often. This year alone, there have been EIGHTEEN (18) people who have been "elected" without a single vote being cast for them because no one ran against them. Are they good for the job? Who knows? We didn't get a vote in the matter and I don't think that's right. Maybe we should change the law so that every candidate's name is on the ballot and we'll be able to vote "Yes" or "No" on that candidate filling the position. I think that would be a great option! What thinks you? (Additional note: D4 Candidate page links can be found here. Do your research!) (Paid Political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or cruddy candidate left over.) July 17, 2014   IF this plane was shot down, we've entered a new era. I say "IF" because it has not been confirmed as of my writing this. If the plane was shot down who did it: the government of the Ukraine, separatists, or someone trying to prove something? We have no answers yet. But if the plane was shot down and Russia has a part in it, we've entered a new era: an era of Russia trying to show its world supremacy and trying to show America that we have nothing that will keep them from being a world tyrant. If this be the case, the question becomes have they joined forces with China? With a Russia/China alliance there could be big trouble on the horizon. There will be few ways to prevent a huge kerfuffle. Let us wait on the investigation's conclusions before we think "Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!" but it could well be that the future has just gotten a bit darker. July 17, 2014   Israel is still under attack as Hamas continues to violate ceasefire. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" and you will be blessed. Let us hold Jerusalem and all of Israel in our prayers. Hamas has a history of violence against Israel. We need to keep the safety of Israel and its people in our prayers. July 17, 2014   Illegal Aliens:   YOUR FLORIDA taxpayer dollars to care for illegals immigrant minors. Yep. They're coming to Florida and YOU will have your taxpayer dollars used to care for them. Isn't that what you want? After all, whatever diseases they have come with them, as do their gang affiliations, their attitudes, their families soon to follow. Without jobs to go to, those families will be staying, eating, shopping, being clothed and housed by YOUR taxpayer dollar, too. Thank thevileone for all he's taking from you to give to them. He is so thoughtful and so considerate of what YOU want to do with YOUR money that he'll take it all from you so that others can dow what they want with YOUR money. He deserves your thanks, don't you think? July 17, 2014   July 17, 2014   Good! Cooler temps are always welcome. If Florida became more like... I don't know... Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, I'd be happy! July 17, 2014   McDaniel's lawyer says they have enough evidence to launch a challenge! Chris McDaniel (Thad Cochran's opponent) has earned my respect for STANDING UP FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY and not allowing an election to go to the person who cheated to get elected. They've already found so much cheating that they can challenge the election results. Think of what it would mean if this ONE guy who believed in election integrity could actually put the cheater off of the "Winner's Seat" and make it real that the cheater was held acountable for cheating and the cheater paid the price via time in jail, or at elast being fined and his win taken away. Can you imagine how that would energize other candidates to stand their ground when cheating is known to have happened? Imagine if George W. Bush had caved when all those Florida recounts and the hanging chads and the fact that the dumborats didn't want to count military absentee ballots? Yeah. Election integrity is VITAL to our Representative Republic. Let's strive to make our elections honest again. Let's stop giving up the fight to have integrity in our elections. It is VITAL that we return integrity and that we can trust that the results were not cheated into being what they otherwise would not have been. July 17, 2014   Homosexuals and other variants smaller number than previously assumed. Those self-identifying as homosexual, transexual, bisexual, etc., according to CDC survey, are less than 3% of American population. That's a lot lower than most of us were lead to believe. Rush explains why a lot of us think the number is closer to 20% to 30%. He's right. Now, the World Health Organization is recommending preventative HIV drugs. If you are homosexual and want to have sex, take the HIV/AIDS drugs BEFORE you become sexually active. I don't know that it will help considering how "HIV mutations occur naturally all the time in everyone with HIV", I wonder if a preventative is actually going to do any good. I pray that one day they find a cure. Until then, remember that not having sex is better than dying from having sex. Self-control can save your life. July 17, 2014   thevileone's admin breaks the law again. Yawn. So what's new? July 17, 2014   July 17, 2014   Aaaahhhh... public school. Another teacher having sex with her student. Or there's always the drug dealing teacher. Of course, we've seen that a lot. Are all public school teachers bad? No. But considering the atmosphere that allows this kind of conduct, that covers it up, that allows those teachers (in some instances) to remain on the payroll it's something that I would not send any child of mine into. July 17, 2014   If you plan to go to a theme park soon, STAY CLOSE TO YOUR CHILDREN. I mean, real close. Don't let them go to the bathroom alone. Don't let them sit alone. Don't let them ride a ride alone. Better you than the employees who go where they need to go to be around children. This news should terrify everyone who has gone to a theme park recently. It's disgusting that these men worked there, but without prior convictions there's no way to find out until it's too late. So keep close to your kids while you're in the "Happiest Place On Earth" or the happiest place may become a nightmare. July 17, 2014   I'll close with that. Until next time, GOD Bless You and See ya'! July 16, 2014: 9:56 p.m.   Late start today due to other obligations. I'll do just a few blurbs then I'll say goodnight. So let's get started. July 16, 2014   Let's start with the classy statement of msthevileone. Yeah. She's as classy as a pig in a pen. July 16, 2014   From one flotus (what does that "f" stand for now?) to one of her predecessors: hillclintOOn charges $2,777 PER MINUTE. She has explicit contract demands, too. Can you imagine Laura Bush doing any of these things? I can't. July 16, 2014   Illegal Aliens:   This is what thevileone is letting into the country. I think this is something thevileone knew would happen and didn't mind sacrificing American lives to get what he wanted. Remember, this is the situation we'll have with thousands of illegals not just one admitted illegal. At least their $50 MILLION resort is nixed. If they're going to stay here why should they have a better house than those of us paying for their room and board? At least they caught this illegal carrying a gun before he murdered anyone. At least. Question: Would they have still arrested him if the serial number had NOT been filed off? After all, he had no concealed weapons permit and he wasn't a legal citizen, so where was his right to "keep and bear arms" since the Constitution only applies to CITIZENS? Would they still have arrested him with the serial number, or would they have said, "Oh, that's okay. We trust you!"? Of course, the dumborats are supporting all of these illegals crossing. There is a backlash against government plan to put all those children wherever the government wants them. People and whole cities are unhappy with the idea of their cities being exposed to whatever is coming their way with those illegals. I don't blame them. Why the dumborats are supporting all of this wrong-doing I don't know. It's having a really bad backlash for them. Who knows? Maybe this will be the best thing to get the dumborats out of office. Looks to me like they just bit themselves in the collective butts. Of course, so did the "Gang of Eight": including the FOUR republirat Senators who supported this crap. Remember those names. Remember those names and what they helped happen to America: RUBIO, GRAHAM, MCCAIN and FLAKE -- ALL republirats. They helped this happen. They compromised last spring, allowed the logistics to get done during summer and fall of 2013 and then helped make sure that America -- and your children's health and futures -- were put in danger. Remember those names. July 16, 2014   Teacher/youth pastor accused of having and producing child porn. Perverts will go where they need to go in order to be around children. This guy worked at a Christian school. In Pennsylvania a former music teacher is accused of similar charges. In Virginia, a former teacher is in jail charged with soliciting sex from a teen and having child pornography on his computer. Homeschool your kids, folks. Homeschool your kids. July 16, 2014   It's not just us. There are weirdos in England, too. Of course, England and I are no buddies, so I'll stop there in my commentary. (Bow and scrape, tug the forelock. Not I.) July 16, 2014   July 16, 2014   Illegalities in thevileone's admin? NO WAY! (I hope you've come to recognize sarcasm when you see it.) The law does not apply to this admin. They're the ones MAKING the laws, not ABIDING by them. They're above the laws. Those stinkin' laws are for the little people, those of us in flyover country, not for the high and mighty THEM. They're SPECIAL. They don't have to abide by the same laws as you and I. Heck, there are NO laws they have to obey except the LAW OF EXPEDIENCY: whatever it takes to get done what they want done is what the law is and they can do it. Nothing else matters. That's how they roll. July 16, 2014   Free Speech: Where is FREE SPEECH on college campuses? In the Japan Times is a good article about that. And Abolitionists 4 Life are suing Boise State University over their "Free Speech Zone" policy, too. It's good to see free speech is important to people. We need to protect our rights. Use them or lose them; stand FOR them or fall UNDER them. That's the way it goes. Ask Nebraska what thevileone is doing to free speech there. July 16, 2014   It's almost midnight and I've bashed two flotuses, bashed thevileone several times, bashed pedophile teachers, bashed anti-free speechers and anti-gun morons. That's not bad for two hours' work. I'll sign off for now and I'll See ya'! July 15, 2014: 12:24 p.m.   The lefties can't stand religious freedom for Christians. They're trying to take it away. They support it for Muslims, atheists, New Agers -- anything except Christianity -- and they're introducing bills to prevent Christians from following their own religious beliefs. Isn't that special? I think the lefties are walking a dangerous road and they need to watch out for lightning. Even if the SCOTUS doesn't strike them down... No. That's not a threat. It's reality. GOD has a way of righting wrongs without the help of men. Ask Noah. July 15, 2014   Another waste of taxpayer dollars. Why do we need to find out if there is life outside of our planet? What are we going to do, cover them under thevileone's healthcareTAX, give them transportation and housing to cross our border and live here to vote for dumborats and make sure that they've got diseases that are contagious before they get here so that we'll have people getting sick from that, too? We've got more important things to do with that money and it's not finding E.T. July 15, 2014   "Tranquility"? Really? LOL! LOL! LOL! Do you think it would do any good to send thevileone a dictionary with the word marked and highlighted? "Tranquility".... Riiiggggghhhhhhttt... July 15, 2014   Illegal Immigration:   thevileone's actions "threatens foundation of our Constitutional Republic". But that's what thevileone wants. His goal has always been to destroy America. Remember, thevileone is a Cloward and Piven strategist and his reading was called into question because he was reading the book, "The Post-America World" by Fareed Zakaria: "Zakaria describes with equal prescience a world in which the United States will no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures."Note the wording: "dominate", "orchestrate" and "overwhelm"? Yeah. Sounds to me like he's anti-American. Otherwise why use those derogatory words? Why make it sound like America is the puppet master pulling all the strings to keep other countries down? He's painting us as a controller, while in reality if other countries leave us alone and don't bother their neighbor we're historically a non-aggressive, supportive, caring, charitable (more charitable than any other nation on earth, in fact) and most friendly and cooperative nation. Why not use that as part of the blurb? Does it serve a purpose? Oh, yeah. Remember, this is part of the bigger picture. thevileone is out to do everything he can to destroy America and if he has to "lose a few" children from Central American countries, so be it. That's how he rolls. Whatever it takes to destroy America. July 15, 2014   IRS e-mails were sought by Inspector General, lawsuit reveals. The IRS is still furiously trying to keep their actions -- and who ordered those actions -- a secret, but slowly, slowly it is unraveling. Let us pray that the truth can be found and the appropriate people prosecuted (even thevileone). July 15, 2014   Say it isn't so! thevileone's supporters turn to the "Cheekbone" Cherokee as their next preziduncial candidate? ReallY? That's pretty desperate. She also hates America so I suppose that those who support her do, too. After all, eight years of thevileone and they go for someone who will continue his policies? How dumb are they? July 15, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It has missed its target goal by 50%. It looks like bonehead is going ahead with his lawsuit. It will come to nothing, but he may as well put on the show. He thinks it makes him look like he has a spine. How wrong he is. I'm sick and twisted because I think it's fitting justice for someone who supported this piece of garbage to lose their insurance. After all, if you want to hurt the rest of us why should you also not suffer? But I'm terrible. With insurance rates going up people are getting a rude waking up, but that doesn't prevent thevileone's supporters from "ballyhooing" it all around the globe. If you're on thevileone's healthcareTAX, demand for the HIV drugs is huge and it will grow because the World Health Org. says HIV is on the rise in gay men. That's an expensive drug and to have to treat more HIV/AIDS positive patients is going to cost even more, raising insurance premiums even more. Sounds like it's getting more and more expensive to be on this thing. Did you know that "millions of children" could soon lose their coverage? "Millions of children could lose coverage, and millions more insured via Medicaid or ObamaCare plans could have an even tougher time finding a doctor."But I thought thevileone's healthcareTAX was supposed to cover children. What happened to that? In Florida, many doctors won't accept thevileone's healthcareTAX. Even a former D-party precinct chairman has started a website that admits that [thevileone's healthcreTAX] Hurts Seniors.com. He's now considered a turn coat by some. The truth will out, though, and I applaud the guy for telling the truth. July 15, 2014   July 15, 2014   Here comes the storm. I'll close for now. Until next time, GOD Bless you and See ya'! July 14, 2014, 2:42 p.m.   Let's start with a local issue, because this makes no sense to me. First they vote against things, then they vote for it. Our BOCC's Dimwitted Double Duo really haven't a clue. This EDC thing just keeps getting more and more involved. Scott Ellis is correct in his assertions and our money IS OUR business (WE ARE the government, remember that!). Now outside organizations are filing legal briefs siding with Ellis in order to help remind the courts that they need to keep the EDC accountable for how they are spending OUR money. It's imperative that the EDC be held accountable because they are doing business on behalf of the COUNTY via negotiating with businesses to come into Brevard and whether they will receive tax breaks or have special allowances for their building permits, etc. If that's not working for the County, then what is? Looking at it in the bigger picture, IMHO, anyone who gets County funds on a regular basis for services rendered -- especially when that's their only chartered raison d'etre -- should have to operate completely and absolutely in the Sunshine! When they don't operate in the Sunshine, people wind up breaking the law and the taxpayers end up footing the bill for their wrongdoing thrice over: the cost of the contracts illegally done, the cost of prosecuting the wrong-doers and their imprisonment if sentenced to prison time. If the EDC is not a public entity, then why are they allowed to do the County's business? If they are not accountable to US, then STOP GIVING THEM OUR MONEY! Let them find a way to make money without dipping into the taxpayers' pockets! July 14, 2014   Illegal Immigrants:   thevileone did this. He didn't put a gun to their heads and force them into the river, but the promises his advertisements and false info gave the families of those children may as well have shoved those kids into the water. There's now a ten-fold increase (10x more than usual) granting of asylum requests. He's helping them disappear into the system and you're paying the price of their transportation, housing, food, medical care, dental care, etc., etc., etc. Meanwhile, msthevileone tells Latinos that her hubbybubby will continue his tyranny. He don't need no stinking Congress! He's "Der Leaderschmidt" and he can make his own laws! While the Tyrant-In-Chief does whatever he wants -- on OUR DIME -- his attorney general whines "It's racial" when opposition rises. Yeah. This is the same AG who has a policy within the Do[IN]J to NOT PROSECUTE black on white crime. In other words, those whose skin tone is the same as his get a free pass. That's probably because he's as much of a radical as thevileone. They think that crying "Wolf!" (A.K.A. "Racism!") for every little thing will get them a free pass for whatever they want to do. They can discriminate and yell "Racism!" but it's they who are the racists, but because they scream it first, loud and proud, they are listened to and believed. It's all a crock but they use it as a whip against the rational population of the "Intimidated People of America". That's just how they like it. If they can keep folks intimidated with the call of "Racism!" they can CONTROL you. That's what it's all about. July 14, 2014   Violent gang recruiting minors in illegal alien shelters. Bring them over here so that they can help kill innocent people? Is that what this is about? Is that going to be good for the children? Is that what thevileone had planned? Or did he give a flip what happens to the children as long as it serves his purpose of breaking the system? Cloward and Piven anyone? July 14, 2014   Con. Darrell Issa should NOT comply with thevileone's request. If Issa caves, he's no friend of yours or mine! July 14, 2014   thevileone is so bad that even Chicagoans are mad at him. It's so bad that one man used my line that thevileone "will go down as the worst president ever". Well, duh! I only said that five years ago! July 14, 2014   Judicial Watch beats the IRS in court. Hurray! Now let's see what happens with the IRS investigation. Let's see if thevileone will be cooperative. My guess? I seriously doubt it. July 14, 2014   Is this in your future? I think thevileone wants it to be so. July 14, 2014   Food stamps? Check ebay, Facebook, etc. Fraud is prevalent and thevileone doesn't want to stop it because it helps break the system and that helps destroy America. July 14, 2014   Is this another of thevileone's buds getting overpaid by $9 MILLION? How much you wanna' bet? July 14, 2014   Another dumborat displays hypocrisy. They're very good at that. Whatever serves their purpose at the time. July 14, 2014   Yes, another round of golf and soon another vacation. Must be hard to be so overworked. July 14, 2014   Malkin takes on "Snotty Bloomberg". LOL! Love it! July 14, 2014   FDA trying to take more choices out of our pantries. When the government steps in and tells us everything we can and cannot do how is that FREEDOM? Government says "You can't eat coconut oil on your popcorn" and we all order popcorn without coconut oil at the movie theaters. The government says we have to buy low flush toilets and -- voila! -- low flush toilets are all we can buy. Light bulbs not pleasing to their royal hineys? We have to buy CFLs. It's ridiculous and it's not FREEDOM! July 14, 2014   Don't tax the internet. Read the report from the Heritage Foundation. I think you'll agree. Send your representatives a note telling them to NOT tax the internet and to make the ban permanent. The internet is supposed to be an area of FREEDOM and to start taxing it also leads to CONTROLLING it. Is that what you want? July 14, 2014   thevileone should be standing WITH Israel, instead of stabbing them in the back. thevileone says he's a Christian but his actions speak louder (MUCH LOUDER) than his words. If he were a Christian he would be supporting Israel instead of stabbing them in the back. He's a cad. July 14, 2014   Is thevileone "slipping mentally"? Is thevileone's mental stability something we should be worried about? I wouldn't doubt it. July 14, 2014   A different look at Joan Rivers' comedy. I support Joan Rivers because I support FREE SPEECH, First Amendment protected. I think comedy is supposed to be funny and I think that different people find different things funny. Anyone who doesn't like Rivers taking comedic jabs at the high-mighty-rich-powerful thevileones, that's something they need to deal with via changing the channel instead of trying to silence Rivers. Rivers has the RIGHT to say what she wants. It's FREE SPEECH. If someone wants to say that Rush Limbaugh is gay, or that the Texas Cheerleader who likes to hunt, Kendall Jones, should be hunted down and murdered, the Lefties think that's all okay. But let someone criticize their precious people and it's an all out war on the speaker and free speech. July 14, 2014   Well, my hubby just got home so I'm going to go. Until next time, GOD Bless you and See ya'! July 14, 2014: 12:52 a.m.   Returned from our time out of town. Had a great time and while we were away I took my Flag Friday picture but didn't link to it because I didn't trust the security of the internet connnection. So, I give you my "Tribute To Our Heroes: On the Beaches" and "Minion Monday: Hank Visits the Aquarium". Yes, Hank went with us. I resume regular updates later today. Until then, See ya'! July 8, 2014: 7:46 p.m.   No updates to speak of today because I've been getting ready to go out of town for a few days. My hubby and I had to cancel an earlier trip so tomorrow my son will be holding down the fort here and my hubby has put together a trip for us. I say it that way because he is the one who chose where we are going, where to stay, for how long to stay, what to do, made all of the reservations and met my requirements: 1) Not a lot of time in the sun, 2) Bird watching is fine, but we have to do at least one new thing we've never done before, and 3) he was to keep it all a secret from me. He has apparently met those requirements because he has made the reservations, has scheduled three things we've never done (it was going to be four but apparently the company he was trying to do business with on the fourth item was closed for the season) and all I know about it is that we'll still be in Florida and that we leave tomorrow and return Saturday. I also know that we can dress casually for the whole trip. Good. I'm curious about the trip and where we'll be and what we'll be doing, but I am also excited to see what he has come up with. So I've been washing the new clothes we bought yesterday for the trip and I've been doing housework and talking on the phone all day long. It's a family member's birthday and I spent about three hours on the phone with her, and then a friend called and talked for another hour or so. It's been a busy day and it's not over yet, so no updates (except to say that I AGREE!) until Monday, July 13, 2014. Until then, GOD Bless and See ya'! July 7, 2014: 2:06 p.m.   Wow! That was a fun weekend! We had fireworks going off around our neighborhood from Thursday evening until last night. I think everyone spent some serious dollars on their fireworks this year because they just kept going and going and going! It was great to hear (and see a few) and to know that -- although we have a depressed economy and thevileone is still trying to destroy her -- people are still celebrating America and being American. That's a great thing because it proves we still believe in America and we still celebrate that belief. thevileone cannot take that away from us because we know that he won't be in power forever and we know that we can rebuild and make America great again! Now, on with the blurbs. July 7, 2014   It's Minion Monday and Hank decides to take up painting. He actualy did a pretty good job. July 7, 2014   Illegal Aliens   When it comes to finding the truth, have you noticed how Republican lawmakers are being dumborat lawmakers? That's thevileone at work, guys. He knows the dumborats won't tell the truth about what they've seen so they're let in. If the Republicans were let in, they'd tell the truth about what they saw and thevileone's poll numbers would go down even further. thevileone isn't deporting anyone; not even those who came in prior to the January hiring push to escort the current child illegal immigrants. Of course, there are protests breaking out against this invasion of our country that thevileone is orchestrating. But thevileone will bring in riot squads to control U.S. CITIZENS, not to prevent illegals from invading our country. Yeah. thevileone's priorities are straight, aren't they? (*sarcasm*) These illegals are not only coming here without proper immigration papers, but they are bringing tuberculosis scabies and other diseases: some we had already considered "eradicated" in America, but the vileone doesn't care about that. He wants AmeXica and he wants to do everything he can to destroy AmeRica. It's sad that people committed voter fraud to get thevileone elected and now because of that fraud, all of America is suffering. That's what happens when you can't trust that our elections are untampered with. We all suffer from the cheating. How much will our children's and grandchildren's futures be impacted by this influx of illegals and all that it will do to America? Who knows now? We will have to do what we can to get thevileone and his policies out of office in 2016 (if not impeached prior to that) and then overturn everything he has done to destroy us. Let us start praying now for that to happen. July 7, 2014   thevileone is targeting ordinary citizens to spy on more often than not. Is he watching YOU, me? Who knows. Most of the spying he's doing is illegal, but since when did that matter to thevileone? July 7, 2014   July 7, 2014   School nutrition groups are now fighting msthevileone's lunch program. They want the children to eat instead of puke. July 7, 2014   Palestinians (Islamics) bombarding Israel. Israel struck back and now it's looking like it may be a hard row to hoe. Let's watch this and PRAY for ISRAEL's peace and safety. I STAND WITH ISRAEL. July 7, 2014   Tyical clintOOn. July 7, 2014   Presbyterians step further away from GOD and His ways. They've gotten so far away from a truly Biblically based religion that they can now be said to be just a new age gathering of like minded liberals who don't believe in the Bible nor in the GOD of the Bible. Presbyterians who want to have a relationship with GOD should find another place to worship because He's not welcome there. July 7, 2014   I support Joan Rivers and her Free Speech rights. I also think it's hysterical! July 7, 2014   England has NO Free Speech rights. Preach the gospel on the street? You're shut down or arrested. Say something negative against Islam? You're arrested. It's ridiculous and it's WRONG. Did you know they had a statute against "insults"? Yeah. Freedom is NOT allowed in England and that's what the progressives want in America. Be careful, America. We do NOT want to lose our First Amendment rights. July 7, 2014   CBO says the federal highway fund is going bust. That's thanks, in part, to vehicles that get better gas mileage -- including the "hybrids" and electric cars. Folks not buying gas means no gas taxes. Awww... too bad. July 7, 2014   CBO's estimate $15 MILLION for "Foreign Service officers [to] receive additional training on religious freedom". Of course, that's just a piddly amount to them (read the link) but I wonder why they'd teach Foreign Service officers about religious freedoms when we are basically losing ours here in America? Why is it only in foreign countries that theveileon's admin teaches that religious freedom is important? Gives one pause, yes? July 7, 2014   Did you know about this program? I had no idea it was going on. "Sadly, on June 24th, the US House passed HR 1281, a bill that nationalizes newborn genetic screening without consent".Did you know about this? If you have a child the government will take your child's DNA and map your child's genetics and track your child throughout his/her lifetime -- without your knowledge or consent? Did you know about that? July 7, 2014   Common Crap Core:   NJ votes Thursday whether to at least slow it down. Maybe they'll even trash it altogether. We'll see. It's predicted that next year, WI will have a big battle over it. There are a lot of states already dropping this thing or considering do so: "[F]our Republican controlled states — Indiana, Louisiana, South Carolina and Oklahoma — to announce that they were dropping them from their public schools. Several other states, including Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio and Missiouri have faced pressure to do the same."They don't mention that Rhode Island groups are wanting to opt out. Folks, this is part of why Common Crap Core is WRONG for our children. It dumbs them down instead of educating them. July 7, 2014   I'll close with this today: a parade float draws controversy. Personally, I ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY AGREE WITH IT! Good stuff! Brave folks! Until next time, See ya'! July 4, 2014: 1:28 a.m.: INDEPENDENCE DAY!   It's Independence Day and I wanted to do my posting for today's "Tribute To Our Heroes 171: Founders' Dream Follow Through". GOD Bless Our Heroes and GOD BLESS AMERICA! July 3, 2014: 2:47 p.m.   Know-Nothing-Knox insubordinate. Question: Is he filing a legal brief in support of the EDC so that he can hide something he has done, or for some other reason? What is his motivation? After all, the BOCC voted unanimously to order the EDC to turn over records to Scott Ellis (which the EDC, as far as I know, still has not done) and Knox complied with that. Why this and why now? "'The Commission voted August 20, 2013 to demand all legally permissible documents be turned over,' Infantini said. 'Yet, 11 months later our County Attorney prepares his own agenda item overruling the decision of the County Commissioners and the judge, in an effort to prevent the release of documents. Mr. Knox has not responded to my request as to who initiated this agenda item. He should not be initiating it himself. This is like an act of insubordination - doing the opposite of what you are instructed to do.'"So what is knox up to? Why is he supporting keeping secrets when Florida -- and Brevard County -- have Sunshine laws? What is he hiding? July 3, 2014   Unemployment numbers nationwide are NOT good news. In fact, there are 92,120,000 adults not working or even looking for work anymore. July 3, 2014   You can thank thevileone for your Independence Day celebrations costing more. Thank thevileone also for higher gas prices. It's not just our prices that he's messing up. He's also killing the dollar worldwide. That's future trouble for America. So glad he doesn't get a third term -- at least not legally. With his attitude and his Magic Pen, who knows? July 3, 2014   Bombs that can be implanted into people but not detected may be our next big security risk at airports and elsewhere. With violence escalating in Israel, Americans becoming jihadis and wanting to go fight for Islam so that the Caliphate can be established, and a Seattle Muslim executing two homosexual men where is anyone stopping Islam? They do have a plan to take over the world. Last month was the worst Islamic violence moth since 9/11 So what is the world doing in response? Who do you trust with your security? Are you ready to stand? July 3, 2014   Islam is claiming Jesus is Muslim. WRONG! Jesus is no more Muslim than am I. Check out my Compare GOD to Allah chart to see the TRUTH. Jesus is mentioned in the Koran, but in the Bible, the book actually about Jesus Christ, His Life and His followers, Jesus never mentions Islam, nor being an adherant to it. So Islam is lying about Jesus being Muslim. July 3, 2014   I am going to stop for now. My hubby is home and I just found out an acquaintance died a few days ago. Until next time, have a wonderful Independence Day (I'll do my Flag Friday Tribute To Our Heroes but I don't know about updates) and I'll See ya'! July 2, 2014: 3:15 p.m.   Didn't do updates yesterday because after my appointment my hubby and I went down to Bass Pro in Palm Bay and bought some stuff, then we went to a few places I had never been before. My hubby belongs to a fishing club and he took me to three of the places where he and his club fishing buddy launch the boat and check in. One of them was very interesting and I want to go back there, so we're thinking of doing that sometime soon. We didn't get back until late and I thought I'd be going to bed quickly because I didn't get much sleep: too bad my brain disagreed. I couldn't really focus enough to do much in the way of updates, but neither could I sleep. So instead I watched videos of one of my favorite groups, the a capella group, Pentatonix! Five very talented young people there, that's a given, but their music just amazes me. They also competed in season three of "The Sing Off", but I didn't watch it while it was actually happening in 2011 because I don't usually watch nbc. I did find it via the group's PTX Official website and I've been addicted to their amazing vocal music ever since. Went to bed about eight this morning, got up at noon. I'm not too big on sleep. July 2, 2014: 1:14 a.m.   I must do this one NOW: NY court strikes down CYBERBULLYING law in favor of FREE SPEECH! Another court ruling in FAVOR of FREEDOM! Hurray for AMERICA! Hurray for the courts coming back to their senses! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Free Speech RULES! July 2, 2014   Uh... BK is really doing this? Why? July 2, 2014   This could have some amazing results if it pans out. GOD provides our every need, and this is definitely a need. July 2, 2014   thevileone sues a company that is requiring employees to speak in English. thevileone: What's so special about America, and illegals more important than our troops. Yep. That's our prezidunce. July 2, 2014   Going to Grandma's house this weekend? Be ready to pay more for gas. But that's okay with thevileone. He's all for it. Apparently these numbers will be changing soon enough. Thanks, thevileone! (*sarcasm*) July 2, 2014   Illegal Immigration:   Woops! thevileone's tyranny is showing again! Threatening doctors to keep quiet or face prosecution for telling the TRUTH about illegal immigrants and the diseases they're bringing into our country is right up thevileone's alley. See, Free Speech - First Amendment protected - is NOT what thevileone wants for others, just for himself. Tyrants want that. He's not a "Constitutional Professor/Scholar" unless it's to know exactly which part of it he's breaking at the moment. He's putting our Border Patrol agents' health at risk, and as the illegal aliens get transported around the country and into OUR area, thevileone's putting YOU at risk, too. Do you really want your child to face the measles, scabies, chicken pox and strep throat as well as mental and emotional issues these illegals are bring with them? No? Awww... too bad. thevileone does. Why does part of me believe that this plan was part of a deal between bonehead boehner and thevileone sometime early last year when bonehead was sucking up to thevileone so much? It takes a while to plan the logistics to get all of this done, and then to get the employees in place to carry out the logistical portion. We know this administration advertised for "escorts" for children in JANUARY of this year. So the logistics were planned, the escorts found and then the plan was executed five or so weeks ago. That's suspicious to me. Remember when Marco Rubio was pushing for amensty? He and bonehead were doing this at the same time, and the rest of the "Gang of Eight" crowd have a lot to answer for in this debacle. They supported him in all of this. My question: Did this illegal alien influx get orchestrated last spring between the "Gang of Eight", bonehead boehner and thevileone while they were all pretending to get along and why did they need these illegals to be here? Were the "Gang of Eight" members -- Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO), Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY[4]) -- needing them here for some particular reason, and if so, what was that reason? Elections are in November. Just enough time to pass blanket amnesty and immediate citizenship AFTER the PARENTS of these children are given it by thevileone. "Amnesty advocates have been calling on President Barack Obama to not only stop deportations but also expand the Deferred Action program that he enacted through executive action to also include the parents of the children of illegal immigrants. [my bolding]"Seems to me that this debacle was a long time in the making and that thevileone had a "Gang" of help and they did it on the sly in the spring of 2013. Anyone have any doubts? July 2, 2014   Say what? Crazy. July 2, 2014   July 2, 2014   Poll: thevileone the worst prezidunce in 70 years. I said he's the "WORST POTUS EVER" back in March 2009. Nice that folks are realizing that I was right five years ago and still am today. (Humble, aren't I?) July 2, 2014   I'll close with that. My hubby's home and I want to spend some time with him. So, GOD Bless You, one and all. Until next time, See ya'! (Yes, that's still in honor of/pushing Vince to get his website back up and running!) June 2014 June 30, 2014: June 30, 2014: 5:18 p.m.   Let's start this glorious day with my Minion Monday: HankVader says, "Frank, I am Your Father!" Can you guess which movie Hank watched this weekend? June 30, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   SCOTUS sides with Hobby Lobby!!!!! That's what makes it a glorious day! It's another defeat for thevileone! Excellent! Although there are still several bad news items about thevileone's healthcareTAX. For instance, in MA, all patients are being asked new questions. Although, I have been asked those questions before, maybe it's a bit more probing now. Did you know that this thing helped crash the economy? It did. Shock. Surprise. Add to that there is a doctor shortage that is getting worse. I don't mean short docs (5' or below), I mean that there aren't enough doctors because of thevileone's healthcareTAX. They're getting out of "doctoring" because they don't want to deal with this piece of garbagio [sic: a little "Italian" language thrown in there]. Costs for this thing are skyrocketing. Have you subscribed? Is your wallet empty? Are you surprised? The individual mandate is going to be born by just a few while the rest of us ride scott free? I don't think so. thevileone could NEVER let that happen! Every promise he's ever made about someone getting something for free has always resulted in a problem for the person receiving the "free" whatever. Well, that is, unless you count Muslim countries and organizations. They truly do get things free -- FREE TO THEM, but NOT TO US. We pay while they play and kill. Isn't that thevileone's agenda in a nutshell? June 30, 2014   In another ruling, the SCOTUS did another thing CORRECTLY!!! WoW! Isn't that AMAZING? What's gotten into them: BRAINS? June 30, 2014   Even after the recent SCOTUS knockdown of thevileone's "Executive Actions" thevileone still vows to use "Executive Orders" all summer long. What he means is "Executive TYRRANY", or "Executive BYPASS OF CONGRESS", or even "Executive RULE". It's not in the Constitution that he can do anything he so desires, but it's in his HEART to IGNORE the U.S. Constitution that he is allegedly a scholar of and to do anything and everything he so desires. He's not a president, he's a prezidunce and he's an acting TYRANT. June 30, 2014   Illegal Immigration: thevileone "gives up on" immigration reform. Yeah. Right. Okay. Everyone who believes he's giving up on immigration reform (read: AMNESTY and IMMEDIATE CITIZENSHIP WITH VOTING RIGHTS), stand on your head, spit in your left ear while tap dancing on the top ceiling of the Empire State Building from the ground floor lobby. What? No takers? June 30, 2014   See me smile? It couldn't be a more appropriate poll outcome. It is so very well deserved. June 30, 2014   Will their "Whistle Blower" status be granted? Or will thevileone make them pay for exposing another of his administration's failings? My bet: thevileone will make them pay one way or another. June 30, 2014   June 30, 2014   msm gives a Commie a grand send-off with mentioning the "Commie" part. What? Did you expect them to tell the TRUTH? Nah. June 30, 2014   Another dumborat scumbag indicted on child sex charges. When dumborats took away "Right and Wrong" from the American ideal, they did so for their own benefit. They didn't want to face charges like this guy, they just wanted to get away with it. They like the idea of NOT facing prosecution instead of being held accountable. What happens here? Do they teach it at college? June 30, 2014   Well, DUH!!! bonehead boehner is good at stating the obvious. June 30, 2014   File Under "Stupid Is..."   If you don't like spiders, don't get close enough to them to light a fire to the stack of clothes one is hiding in. At the very least you can be seriously hurt, or the spider can bite you. At the very most, you can burn down your appartment/house and injure others. If you want to get rid of a spider that you don't want to get close to, do as I do. I get the vacuum cleaner out and use the extension wand and stay away from the spider but suck it right into the vacuum and it never bothers me again. Problem solved without fire. June 30, 2014   Unveiling Saba Ahmed? I think she was a "plant" at the seminar. But that's just IMHO; maybe she was there "by chance" or because she was truly curious about the seminar. Briggite Gabriel's first observation to her was very revealing, though. As I read the article, I must conclude that she was indeed there by design. To Ms Ahmed, I would ask another question: If there are truly peaceful Muslims, why do they give to their mosques which give money to terrorist organizations like the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, I.S.I.S.[L.], etc.? If someone truly believes in and wants peace they do what they can to prevent terrorist organizations that will ENSURE WAR get NONE of their money. If that means not giving to their mosques or Muslim organizations besides their mosques, then that's what they'll do. Otherwise, they are supporting TERRORISM with their tithes and they're not really anti-war, anti-terrorism, nor PRO-PEACE. Being a "moderate Muslim" can never be a reality as long as they choose to give to terrorism. June 30, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Bodies of three teens kidnapped in Israel found. I wonder how Saba Ahmed thinks that contributes to the "moderate" portion of Islam? Or how about the bride and groom decapitated by the bride's family? Peace, tolerance and moderation? Boko Haram is still killing people as are ISIS warriors who are destroying Iraq and declaring a "Caliphate". Well, when does the 12th Imam rise from the well? After all, that is what is taught about him. When does that happen? June 30, 2014   "[U]niversity in Virginia Beach has defended its choice to deny a student's request for a club about the Second Amendment because it might try to change school policy on concealed carry."Shaking in their Louboutins. Remember three things about the Second Amendment, folks:      1) It says the right of THE PEOPLE, not THE MILITIA. It says YOU have the RIGHT to "keep and bear", not keep and STORE, not look at, not only if you're serving in the reserves. YOU have the RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. YOU.      2) The left and the U.N. do NOT WANT you to exercise that right. The U.N. is NOT your friend when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. And,      3) If you DO NOT EXERCISE THAT RIGHT, YOU WILL LOSE IT and then you'll be at the mercy of the government, terrorists, or criminals who want to hurt you, take away your things, or even KILL you and take over your country. Those are the three truths you need to remember. Now, go out there and get your concealed carry permit and then practice at the range regularly and CARRY your weapon with you. It's YOUR RIGHT and when it comes to RIGHTS, USE IT OR LOSE IT! (That oughtta' get some knickers in a twist!) June 30, 2014   I'll close for today on that note. Tomorrow I'll be busy until late in the day so I may or may not do an update tomorrow. Part of the decision is when I'll be home and the other part is what the weather is doing. So, until next time, See ya'! June 27, 2014: 5:56 p.m.   Just in case anyone missed it: Scott Walker, Gov. of IL, was NEVER TARGET OF INVESTIGATION by the Special Prosecutor. The lefties are making it all up. "'At the time the investigation was halted, Governor Walker was not a target of the investigation. At no time has he been served with a subpoena.'"So the lefties telling you that Walker was the subject of a Special Prosecutor investigation were all LYING. shock. surprise. Don't progressives ever tire of their "leaders" getting caught LYING and making THEM look bad via association? Guess not since they're not insisting they stop. Shame, isn't it? June 27, 2014: 3:41 p.m.   Missed yesterday because by the time I got home from lunch with friends and shopping afterward, the storm was upon us and I don't like to turn my computer on during storms with a lot of lightning. I did do a Flag Friday pic early this morning, though and it is "Tribute To Our Heroes 170: Because I Appreciate Your Service". Thank you for your service and for all you -- and your family -- have given for us. I can never say it enough. June 27, 2014   thevileone is using YOUR taxpayer dollars to PAY Palestinians to KILL Jews. Those payments are on a sliding scale: kill more Jews, get more money. That includes if you kill children. The Palestinians PAY their people to do so and some of that money is given them by thevileone. Never mind that it's AGAINST OUR LAWS for him to do so. Never mind that it's morally WRONG to do so. Never mind that it negates his "Christian" testimony (NO REAL CHRISTIAN would want nor help Jews be slaughtered). This is not just WRONG, it's probably an impeachable offense because he's "giving aid and comfort to our enemies". Palestinians are Islamic terrorists and he's giving them OUR money. Impeach the bass-tart! June 27, 2014   Judicial Watch requesting IRS email court hearing. They're tired of being jerked around, too. It's time to hold thevileone accountable. It's time to make him start living under the same laws he demands we live under. If we cannot hold him accountable TO US, then he is more than a prezidunce, he has become a dictator/tyrant because he has no accountability. Is that what you want? June 27, 2014   More Executive Orders (read: TYRANNY) in FAVOR OF illegal immigrants. thevileone is creating the downfall of America, and making it AmeXica in order to get more votes. This is the math they have done to make sure it worked in their favor come November. They had to have a certain number of "new voters" (illegals will be given blanket citizenship with a wave of his Magic Pen, MARK MY WORDS) and the dumborats will sweep to power and then there will be no stopping them. As I told you before, thevileone had a hand in making this massive influx happen and now they're finding proof. BTW, notice in Rush's comments about the bonehead lawsuit that he echoes my June 25 comment about the bonehead lawsuit? How good am I? June 27, 2014   I want you to know for certain that thevileone does NOT CARE ABOUT AMERICANS. How do I know that? His actions speak volumes. Include in those actions this amnesty push. Now, our Border Patrol agents are testing positive for some of the diseases that the illegals are bringing with them across the border. If he doesn't care about the Border Patrol and their families, what makes you think thevileone will care about you and your progeny? Add to that the fact that his policies are increasing energy costs as well as the cost of food for our families, healthcare (even thevileone's healthcareTAX), in fact, his policies have crushed our economy. Does that bother him, or any of his sycophants? Nope. America can be ruined as long as they're happy. That's what counts. June 27, 2014   Remember, Mexico still has :Most Favored Nation" status with America even though their military has crossed our borders and FIRED ON our Border Patrol Agents! IMHO, that alone should break that MFN standard and reduce them to rubble. We should close our southern border, erect fences as high as the eye can see, deport every illgal we find (no matter age, gender, etc.) and we should close them out of our lives. Let Mexico stand, sink or whatever on their own dime. June 27, 2014   hillclintOOn no longer flavor of the month. (*smirk. giggle.*) June 27, 2014   thevileone's policies are hurting lefties, too. (*giggle. smirk*) (Turning it around prevents it from being redundant, right?) June 27, 2014   Malkin nails thevileone again. I love her. She is so spot-on! June 27, 2014   Mississippi's Republican primary still under a cloud because there were some things happening there that should NOT have been happening. Seperation of Church and State? Nah. Not when it comes to the establishment (read: PROGRESSIVE) republirats getting their kiss-butt candidate re-elected. They did every underhanded thing they could to make sure Cochran "won" (it's not really a VICTORY if you have to CHEAT TO WIN) the primary. They've found OVER 1,000 examples of ILLEGAL VOTES in JUST ONE COUNTY and the republirats are just ho-humming it. Let's hope and pray that McDaniel sticks to his guns and finds enough illegal votes and challenges the Cochran "victory" in court. The Cochran cheated victory can then be overturned and that election will be given back to INTEGRITY. If we cannot TRUST our elections to be done completely on the up and up, then we cannot trust our elections. Without the ability to trust our elections why bother having them? Why not just go with the old feudal system: he who has the ability to kill, destroy and intimidate enough people will be the one who rules? That's what the dumborats and republirats are after: POWER. Why not take it down to the nitty-gritty past way and get it over with instead of persisting with a charage of election integrity? IF McDaniels caves in this I will be severely disappointed. BTW, you can help finance the effort to restore election integrity by donating to help with this investigation into voter fraud and help McDaniel find out how badly the voter fraud was and help him challenge it in court. That's the right thing for him to do: stand up for our election integrity. Caving only feeds the fraud beast. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or republirat progressive kiss-butt!) June 27, 2014   Study: ALL employment growth since 2000 went to immigrants. Americans? Nah. They don't need no stinkin' jobs. Let them go hungry. They have enough already. (*snark*) June 27, 2014   Another lefty caught in hypocrisy. shock. surprise. He's a progressive dumborat, of course. June 27, 2014   Internet freedom helps protect American interests. Oh. So that's why handed control of the internet over to someone else. Everything makes sense when looked at in the light of thevileone hating America. It all adds up. June 27, 2014   thevileone can dish it out but he's such a baby that he sure can't take it. If he were any more of a crybaby he'd have to wear diapers. He's an embarrassment to anyone with an ounce of courage. Can you imagine being in the military and facing death under this ninny's orders? Wipe his nose with his bib, he's crying again. June 27, 2014   Well, hubby's home and I'm going to go spend time with him. GOD BLESS AMERICA (PLEASE!), and until next time, See ya'! June 25, 2014: 8:25 p.m.   Late start today because I've got other things happening sometimes. Let's start with some GOOD news for a change. SCOTUS strikes down warrantless cell phone searches AND data tracking. The SCOTUS did something so right that they have temporarilly earned back their caps. I am quite in shock that they've done something right. But they've done a few things right lately. The EPA ruling was half right and they've got other important decisions upcoming. Let's hope john roberts keeps his spine intact. June 25, 2014   Some of the IRS e-mails have been found. They show that it wasn't just those of us in "fly-over country" who were targeted. They went after at least one GOP Senator, too. Now all we have to do is wait until we can find the e-mails that PROVE that thevileone told the IRS to target TEA Party people and other conservatives. Not that it will make a difference to some because they'll keep kissing his backside anyways. thevileone's buddy is heading the IRS so is it any wonder that this is happening? Someone tell hime the answer is "Yes!" June 25, 2014   The VA "red flags" some patients for delayed treatment. Isn't that just what we pay them for: to DELAY TREATMENT for our HEROES? Disgusting. June 25, 2014   thevileone's admin does this. June 25, 2014   Catching up... After all, in October of 2013 I said the same thing with different words. June 25, 2014   clintOOns trying to stay popular. Awww... too bad. Let's just say it's not working too well. People are waking up to the truth about them and it's about time! June 25, 2014   Despicable wass-schultz. June 25, 2014   June 25, 2014   bonehead files lawsuit over thevileone's executive orders. Why do I not trust this? Why does this seem like little more than a show and that thevileone will emerge unscathed, untouched and uncaring about what bonehead does. June 25, 2014   Working on battery power and my battery is running out so I'll close for now. Until late tomorrow (I have a lunch engagement so it'll be after that). Until next time, See ya'! June 24, 2014: 6:38 p.m.   I'll start with Oh my, oh my, oh my. Got ear plugs? June 24, 2014   First the Redskins, now the Cleveland Indians. Soon they'll have to remove colors from the crayola box because they're racist. What's next: renaming the colors? No more "black" that crayola is now to be called "Lack of Color"? Get real, folks. Nowhere is there a guarantee against being offended. And since when did we become a nation of WIMPS? Get over it. Grow up. Get a pair. Whatever. Stop being such a baby. June 24, 2014   Peace and Tolerance: Boko Haram resorts to kidnapping more people. That's how peace does things, ya' know? Kidnapping is sooo peaceful. (*sarcasm*) If that's not peaceful enough, they released a Christian woman then re-arrested her when she tried to leave their country. Sorry. I see no "tolerance" there. Speaking of Islamic extremism, one of thevileone's DH[IN]S advisors says America is an ISLAMIC country. Did you know that thevileone's administration believes that? IF he were a Christian would he be speaking out against that statement RIGHT NOW? After all, they're planning to ATTACK AMERICA again so why would thevileone NOT be speaking out against all this? He's not going to do anything right because he is not interested in doing the right thing. In that link is an opinion piece accusing thevileone of a War Crime via not fulfilling the mission G.W. Bush (43) started. I couldn't agree more. More Muslims AND Americans DIED because of thevileone. He should go to prison for the rest of his life -- and then be buried there when he dies! June 24, 2014   IRS Chief is a LIAR. He's a defiant, snarky
punk who needs tp spend some time in jail for LYING to Congress and maybe that would deflate his artificially puffed up chest. They've already
admitted to wrongdoing in one case
but they're trying to keep it at one so that they don't have to comply with
anything they don't want to.
For the
"most transparent administration ever"
thevileone sure has a lot of opaque. If this is "transparency" I am SOOO GLAD we don't have windshields that are of the same transparency!
Even bill maher is tired of thevileone's lies.
Other lefties are tired of his lying, too.
thevileone doesn't know how to tell the truth. Well, yes he probably does, but he CHOOSES to NOT tell the truth.
There's probably NOTHING he WON'T lie about.
If asked what his name is he will probably soon enough start saying "Bob Smith" or something similar. If the truth ever passesd his lips, he'd have to
get them amputated. June 24, 2014   What is Mexico's government doing about this? Why are they NOT acting to STOP this? Some of thoe illegals coming into America WENT THROUGH Mexico. Why have they done nothing to prevent it. I thought they were our friends. If they don't help us, how can they be our friends? June 24, 2014   FL Veteran fighting HOA over American flag in yard. I hate Home Owners' Associations. They're like Nazi organizations to my way of thinking. It's MY property and why should my NEIGHBOR have more say over MY property than I? To me, an HOA should have three duties: Be a "GOOD WILL" ambassador between the local property owners, be a social organization that organizes the local Christmas party and 4th of July picnic, and to be a good draw to encourage others to want to live in the neighborhood. They may also encourage membership in the local PTA so that they can be active in improving the local schools. Otherwise, HOAs should be quiet, leave folks alone and stay the heck out of everyone else's business! June 24, 2014   This is what thevileone thinks of our HEROES. Our troops are subject to murderers and pervs, and that's just a START! That's how much thevileone is concerned about our veterans. That's another reason I call him "thevileone". He is VILE. June 24, 2014   I agree with Phil Robertson. I also agree with Mike Rowe. They're both correct. Don't like it, too darn bad. June 24, 2014   With that little "up your nose", I'll close for the day. Until next time, See ya'! June 23, 2014: 1:58 p.m.   It's Monday and there's bad news: "Minion Monday: Hank Has the Flu". It's not serious, but he's not feeling well. June 23, 2014   "NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models."Good news is that the scotUS has taken a step in the right direction. No regulations of "green house gas emissions" for thevileone. LOL! Recall, if you will, thevileone's "Executive Order" (AKA Dictator's Rule) about green house gasses? And then there's his rules about heavy trucks and how their fuel standards should be modified. Remember his 2012 EO that limits green house gasses for power plants? Cost of coal going up? That's why. He's such an evil person. Now he's warning about the intensity of hurricanes while we've been experiencing an eight year lull in hurricane frequency and intensity and there's no "Global Warming". It's all about CONTROL. There are scientists who DISAGREE about "Global Warming" being real and they are speaking out. But to those who are in the PC crowd, or the low-information voter crowd, it's something they take as the gospel truth. Must be sad to be so easily led and so stupid. Even the U.S. government is saying that temps are dropping. "[T]he warm changes have generally been decreasing while cool changes have grown."If it's gotten to OBVIOUS that even thevileone's administration has to admit that, then it's time for the Hamsters to get off their wheels of "global warming" alarmism and to start living a life without fear. My goodness, it's hard to make a Hamster see reality! June 23, 2014   Illegals bombarding our borders "will get citizenship" according to bumbling biden. I think it's time for the illegals to STOP being bussed, flown and transported around America to spread them into the RED states and to make the next election a dumborat victory due to illegals voting. Well, not "illegals" anymore after thevileone gives them blanket citizenship with a swipe of his Magic Pen. I betcha' a buck-and-a-half that before thevileone advertised for "escorts" in Jan. 2014 for these chldren he also used our money for the illegals entering now (check the Health & Human Services program, the Department of Homeland Security program, Department of Housing and Urban Development, etc.). Then check the 2013 budget section titled "Investing In Our Future". Then tell me thevileone had nothing to do with this influx of CHILDREN into America. If you believe he had nothing to do with it, I've got some disgronified globulamite crystals to sell you for a really good price! June 23, 2014   thevileone lets them go and they go elsewhere to get arrested. June 23, 2014   IRS e-mails still out there. What the IRS is trying to cover up is thevileone's involvement in the targeting of TEA Party folks. The TRUTH will eventually come out. When it does, there will be hades to pay and thevileone will make someone pay hard. It's always the least culpable who pays, in his administration, but someone will be fired, retired early with full benefits, whatever. Will thevileone be held responsible? Nah. Never happen. June 23, 2014   charlie rangel may have difficulty getting re-elected. I hope his opponent wins; not the dumborat opponent, who could be just as bad. But if his republirat opponent wins, that could be a good thing. I hope it happens. June 23, 2014   Saddam Hussein DID HAVE WMDs. Now the truth comes out that YES, HE DID HAVE CHEMICAL WEAPONS. But the msm won't tell you the truth about it. Check CBS's report says: "The news came amid reports that ISIS had seized a major Saddam Hussein-era chemical weapons facility in al-Muthanna, north of Baghdad. Ward notes, however, that it is extremely unlikely ISIS will be able to do anything with the chemical materials left at the facility, which are believed to have been sealed under concrete or rendered unusable by international forces about a decade ago."They admit that there WAS a chemical weapons manufacturing facility, but they won't admit that Saddam Hussein actually MANUFACTURED chemical weapons with the facility. They don't answer the obvious question of why he would have a chemical weapons facility if not to USE it to make chemical weapons, they just say it's "extremely unlikely" anything could be done with the leftovers. I'd also like to know what those folks in the State Dept. who said Hussein had - and USED - chemical weapons and how they feel about the msm and lefties who said that the war in Iraq was "based on politics" and not on real information? Then will people remember that thevileone also said Syria had not used chemical weapons? Don't those State Dept. employees who made the assertion all those years ago that Saddam Hussein DID INDEED HAVE CHEMICAL WEAPONS deserve an apology from the msm and this administration - and hillclintOOn - and a few others? It wasn't just George W. Bush who got lambasted for the assertion, it was their reports, their intel that was called into question. Where is the apology TO THEM? June 23, 2014   thevileone goes un-swooned over. I bet he hated that. poor baby. June 23, 2014   The DEATH and JOB LOSS prezidunce. That's how thevileone should now be viewed. June 23, 2014   thevileone PROVES, yet again, he is NOT a Christian. YOU NEED TO READ THAT ARTICLE. June 23, 2014   Insurgents threaten Israel. I STAND WITH ISRAEL. If the insurgents attack Israel, Israel has the DUTY to defend itself and its people. If Israel decides to drop a MOAB on them, that's fine with me. They have the RIGHT and DUTY to defend themselves, to fight back, to do what they need to do to repel the aggressors. I STAND WITH ISRAEL! June 23, 2014   And here comes the afternoon storm. I shall close for now. BTW, I didn't get to go to do the bird watching we wanted to do on Friday, but we did go down for a day trip on Saturday. We went to Juno Dunes Park in search of a rare sighting of a Bananaquit that was spotted there. Never saw him, but we then headed to the Okeechobee Lake area and looked around there (nothing new and wonderful there). It was a long ride -- a lot of it in the rain -- and we didn't get home until just before midnight. Spending time with my hubby is always good, but riding for that long in the pouring rain was not. Until next time, See ya'! June 20, 2014: 3:06 a.m.   I wanted to let you know that I won't be doing much of an update today because I'll do a few links here and then nothing until Minion Monday. My hubby and I are going out of town this weekend; maybe until Sunday, definitely Friday and Saturday. We'll see how it goes. So, I'll post my "Tribute To Our Heroes 169: Honoring" Flag Friday pic in memory of those who have served. Then I'll let you know (if you didn't already) that Justina Pelletier FINALLY gets to go HOME! That's SUCH GOOD NEWS! And, finally, harry reid says his side "doesn't have any billionaires". Uh, if you scroll down a bit here, you'll see 167 names of dumborat billionaires. Proves once again that harry reid is losing it. Anyways, that's the stuff I wanted you to see. Until next time (Monday), See ya'! June 19, 2014: 8:51 a.m.   Gay gene? Not really. The researcher himself uses terms like, "'When people say there's a gay gene, it's an oversimplification,' Sanders said. 'There's more than one gene, and genetics is not the whole story. Whatever gene contributes to sexual orientation, you can think of it as much as contributing to heterosexuality as much as you can think of it contributing to homosexuality. It contributes to a variation in the trait.' [my bolding]"He also uses terms like, "influenced by" (as opposed to determines), "affected" (as opposed to "caused"), "some impact" (as opposed to "decided"), "played a role in" (as opposed to "ensured"), "contribute to" (instead of "made"). The announcement also included the following: "The gene or genes in the Xq28 region that influence sexual orientation have a limited and variable impact. Not all of the gay men in Bailey's study inherited the same Xq28 region. The genes were neither sufficient, nor necessary, to make any of the men gay. [my bolding]"and the truth of their fears is revealed in this sentence: "The flawed thinking behind a genetic test for sexual orientation is clear from studies of twins, which show that the identical twin of a gay man, who carries an exact replica of his brother's DNA, is more likely to be straight than gay. [my bolding]"They're worried about a genetic test that would allow for testing while the baby is in the womb and the gay children being aborted (although, for liberals I thought abortion was a good thing; why not in this instance?). Read the article. That's what they fear. They CANNOT PROVE that homosexuality is CAUSED BY GENETICS. They cannot. But they WANT TO IMPLY that homosexuality is caused by genes so that they don't have to say that -- like lying, pre-marital and extra-marital sexual relations, stealing, murder, etc. -- homosexual sexual activity is a sin. Being TEMPTED to have homosexual sexual activity is NOT a sin: that's the "I feel homosexual" part of it. It's not the FEELING that's a sin. It's what you do in your brain in that regard, and what you do with your body that are sins. You can't always help/prevent your feelings: you CAN ALWAYS take responsibility for and determine what ACTIONS you do. If you participate in homosexual sexual activities, that is sin. Being tempted to do so is from satan and you can't always help that the thought entered your mind. What you should do is decide that you will not DWELL there. As the old saying goes, you can't prevent a bird from flying over your head, but you can prevent him from landing and building a nest there and staying for the summer! Think of it like this: Is there something you saw in a movie that scared, depressed, or grossed you out that you -- by an act of your will -- have decided to NOT think of or bring to mind of your own volition? Same thing with homosexual thoughts. You can CHOOSE to not let those thoughts dwell in your mind, and you can CHOOSE to not participate in homosexual sexual activity. It's your BODY and YOU CONTROL IT. Choose to NOT participate. CHOOSE to stay chaste, or better yet, ask GOD to help you deal with the temptation and to take away all of the sexual temptation that is being thrown at you. He LOVES you and He will help. There is NO GENETIC DETERMINER for homosexuality. GOD made our genes and we are a reflection of Him and He does not CREATE sin. He LOVES you and would never create you as an abomination. You are NOT an abomination: YOU are GOD'S BELOVED. HE LOVES YOU. Accept His LOVE and accept His help. June 19, 2014   thevileone does what it takes to hide the TRUTH. IRS e-mails "lost" and hard drives "destroyed"? How convenient. Is there not ONE HONEST person within this administration who will do the RIGHT thing? Not if thevileone and eric withholder had anything to do with their hiring. June 19, 2014   Propagandist for jihad terrorists: Southern Poverty Law Center. Shock. Surprise. June 19, 2014   bowe bergdahl is a traitor. He shouldn't be here in America. He should be at Gitmo. Well, on second thought he should be here in Leavenworth. Gitmo's too good for him. June 19, 2014   America now the 101st "most peaceful" nation. Excuse me? We were attacked by terrorists and fought back. That's bad? And we have a prezidunce who was prematurely awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (in his case it should have been the "Nobel 'PIECE' Prize" because he is a piece of work, isn't he?) and who proves that he doesn't know the meaning of the word. Peace to him is a gimmick. It's a "Hope" of "Change" that he no more wants to deliver on than he wants to leave the Red House when he's supposed to in 2016. June 19, 2014   thevileone has decided he doesn't need Congress's permission or even to inform them about his decision on Iraq. He's the prezidunce and he doesn't need anyone's permission. He's the Dictator-In-Chief and he doesn't have to have anyone's approval! That's what he thinks, but that's not the law. Law-shmaw. He doesn't have to abide by that. June 19, 2014   hillclintOOn's choices were ALL BAD. But will her book admit that? No. She's got no sense of what she has done and the question becomes do we want ANOTHER prezidunce who has no clue? I don't. June 19, 2014   Touchè! hillclintOOn asked to sign her book to "Chris Stevens" and asked, "What difference does it make?" when she balked. Kudos to Matt for having the chutzpah to do it! Watch the video. It's good! June 19, 2014   Nielsen ratings tampered with? Woopsie. That's why I don't listen to Nielsen ratings, polls, etc. I trust GOD and my own instincts. Oh, and sometimes I trust my hubby's instincts (*wink*). Since when should we worry about ratings, anyways? Ratings are a measurement of how many people are watching/listening, "sheeple". But I go my own way and if I like something/someone -- whether or not it is/they are "popular" -- I listen to them or watch them. I don't go along with the crowd. For instance, there's not a single sitcom I watch on any of the big networks. I couldn't even tell you 99% of the names of the sitcoms. I know there's one called "Big Bang" something, but that's because someone I know mentioned it. Personally, I started watching the commercials for the show (I've never seen the actual show) and I think it's probably one of the dumbest shows on earth if the commercials are accurate. I hear it's pretty popular though. Why, heaven knows. June 19, 2014   Portecting American interests in having Freedom on the Internet. You need to read this and know what's happening. June 19, 2014   Marine tries to convince V.A. that he's NOT DEAD. If the V.A.'s not messing up our vets' healthcare, they're messing up their deaths. Is there ANYTHING this administration CANNOT SCREW UP? June 19, 2014   Is your thyroid healthy? If you have symptoms of thyroid problems, read "Thyroid Healthy" and find out how to help yourself. June 19, 2014   Al Jazeera shutting down... in Egypt. In America, it's still here. Tells us which is more gullible to its propaganda, yes? June 19, 2014   Well, I guess I'll stop here for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 18, 2014: 3:43 p.m.   "Mr Birol said the EU will lose a quarter of its electricity over the next decade as old power stations are shut down, cutting 150 gigawatts of supply. Yet the deformed structure of EU energy pricing has left utilities in such deep crisis that they cannot finance new projects. 'Wholesale power prices are 20pc [percent] below recovery costs so there is no appetite to invest. Europe needs to look at the design of its energy market very closely,' he said."The problem is that the EU is believing the Hamsterism of the left: "While coal is abundant, it is the dirtiest fuel without carbon capture and storage (CCS), a technology yet to flourish. The IEA said failure to wean the world off coal would make it impossible to meet CO2 targets and hold global warming to a rise of two degrees Celsius by 2100."If they continue down the path they are currently on, their countries will not only be bankrupt, their countries will be downgraded to third world countries in order to "save the environment". They like solar panels, but solar panels produce their own problems and those problems are not taken into account when solar panels are being pushed as the world's saviors. Then there's the rest of the bad news about "alternative" energy sources: how they hurt other parts of the "environment". For instance, wind farms are killing birds, and solar panels are killing birds and other animals. So we save the planet to have it bereft of animals? On what, then do people live? Oh! That's the goal. We all go VEGAN. What the solar enthusiasts don't tell you is that manufacturing solar panels includes the use of TOXIC CHEMICALS and that means POLLUTION and damage to their beloved environment: "[I]n the future, we’ll also eventually need cheaper, non-toxic, and abundant solar materials to help make solar panels an even more important power source. [my bolding]"Isn't that special? They say they're all for "Green" this and "Green" that, but PUSH a TOXIC process to go GREEN! Hypocrisy, anyone? (BTW, "global warming"? REALLY?) June 18, 2014   thevileone has the patent office steal SIX trademarks. It opens up the Washington Redskins® trademarks to the use of anyone who wishes to use it. I hope the Redskins owner sues thevileone for everything they can get. thevileone did something absolutely and totally UNconstitutional and he should be held accountable. It's not something that every Native American has a problem with. In fact, some support the Redskins name. Just ask yourself this: If the Redskins football team has to change their name, how about Sioux Falls, ND; Cherokee, WY, etc.? There is a whole list of places that would need to change their names. And that's just the start! How about the schools that use Native American mascots, etc.? I went to a school whose mascot was a Native American "Indian" and I know of a junior high who had a mascot that was a "Brave". Is that going to have to change? How many high schools have that kind of mascot? Even here in FL, we have the Florida State Seminoles and there are other colleges with similarly named mascots. Will all of them have to change their names? How about those who are NOT "Native American" names, just other names that could be one day considered "offensive"? Names like the local restaurant, "The Black Tulip": Is that an offensive name because it has the word "black" in it? Or how about "China Garden" is that offensive? Or maybe we should just bar names of THINGS altogether so that there could no longer be an "American Airlines" or an "Italian Fisherman", or maybe the whole of the naming process should just be banned? Maybe instead of having a United States of America, England, France, Mexico, we should just use "Country A", "Country B" designations or "Country #1", "Country #2" designations? But then who decides who is "#1" and is that discriminatory? I mean, after all, who would want to live in "Country #2" with its associated potty humor? How far shall we push this nonsense? How "sensitive" do we have to be to ensure NO ONE is EVER "offended" by anything? The U.S. Constitution, if you read it, never says anything about anyone having the right to NOT BE OFFENDED. Nor does the Bill of Rights say anything about anyone not being offended when it comes to their feelings hurt. If the law must take into consideration everyone's feelings we shall NEVER have FREEDOM AGAIN! Let's stop this baby-sitting and start being FREE AGAIN, using our LANGUAGE as a means to use the words available to communicate properly and ignore the snivellers out there and get on with adult conversations! June 18, 2014   Our veterans deserve better than this. The VA is so full of people who hate the military that they are doing everything they can to ensure the death of our veterans. If that's how this administration "helps" our veterans, who needs them? Then take into account that thevileone is treating illegal aliens BETTER than our heroes and you add insult to injury and it's mud kicked into the faces of our veterans, and done so intentionally by this administration. That's despicable. June 18, 2014   Unfortunately, this will never happen. At least, it won't happen unless and until thevileone upsets enough dumborats in the House and Senate to provoke them to act because republirats are certainly too cowardly to do so! June 18, 2014   Insert comment here. June 18, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It's already costing us BILLIONS and some facilities and orgs are no longer accepting patients because of this piece of crud. As those who accept thevileone's healthcareTAX program, their advertising costs are going to be passed on to YOU, either as a patient, or as a taxpayer, or both. What's the TRUE COST of this thing per state? Check out the map in the link and your eyeballs will bug out. "While most states are experiencing very significant increases to their citizens’ average premium payments, nine states face astonishing average increases of more than 80 percent!"Can you say, "Ouch!"? You know, thevileone's healthcareTAX has NEVER BEEN ABOUT BETTER HEALTH CARE! It has ALWAYS been about giving money to his supporters and about bankrupting America. That's the goal! Destroying America has always been what it's about. thevileone cares not a whit for anyone besides himself (witness the vacations he takes while Muslims take over Baghdad again, the economy tanks, Russia invades the Ukraine, the "government shutdown" was going on and last, but certainly not least, in Jan. of this year folks tried to figure out if they had healthcare coverage. Admit it. If he gave a crap about anyone but himself would any of those vacations happened? June 18, 2014   Border-schmorder: thevileone handing over child illegals to illegal family members already here. So if they can find the illegals who are already here in order to give them custody of one of their minor relatives who recently came over unaccompanied by an adult relative, why couldn't thevileone have found that relative PRIOR to the child coming here and deported the relative before the "Ariel Air Lift" ever happened? Should "Ariel" be given a free pass because she made it half an inch into our country prior to being picked up by thevileone's folks and transporting her to NYC, for instance, or any number of other places YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS are being used to send her? Come on, America! Wake up! June 18, 2014   thevileone is now going for our oceans. He must CONTROL EVERYTHING! If he can't control it now, he'll find a way later!! Bwaahahahahahahahahahahaaa! He's rotten to the core. June 18, 2014   Is there NOTHING thevileone WON'T use to SPY on YOU?! Now it's the Postal Service! For Pete's Sake! Why does he want all of this info? My guess: so that he can detect those of us who are going to stand in oppostion to his dictatorship and he can silence us before we being to oppose him. He will take another term in office if only for the reason that he knows it's not supposed to happen and the RULES do NOT apply to HIM! He shall be god! (At least in his own pea brain.) June 18, 2014   Aaaaahhhh... public schools. Blocking Conservative websites? Hey, Communists do stuff like that, why not the public schools? And if they're not censuring the student's research, there's always a chair to hit students with. Hey, whatever's handy, right? (*sarcasm*) Or they can get on Facebook and use the N-word. Remember, special needs students are not immune to being targets of bad teachers. Or, they could just be using your kids for kiddie porn. That's not a problem, now is it? (*sarcasm*) June 18, 2014   I'll close on that. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and until next time, See ya'! June 17, 2014: 3:01 p.m.   thevileone CREATES AMEXICA. Another way to make sure he can stay in power and continue his destruction of AmeRica. You do realize, don't you, that YOU are paying for them to find a way to STAY here? They're secretly using U.S. military bases to house these folks: including Ft. Hood of Nidal Hassan's terrorist attack (insult to injury). All the while, they are bringing in diseases and violent gang members. Of course, all the lefties are LYING about what they're doing. Don't forget: YOU will wind up paying the price for all of this: you, your children and their children. It's going to be tax increase after tax increase, more and more regulations to abide by and the things that are give to those who are here ILLEGALLY will be not given to you. They'll have special privileges because the government -- the one YOU are paying for -- will be giving them the things they don't earn by the sweat of their brows, but have via the sweat of YOURS. June 17, 2014: 4:20 p.m.   Help Nebraska tornado victims. Be sure to use the drop down menu to choose "Disaster Relief". June 17, 2014   IRS:   More LIES: We LOST them. and computer experts are saying "Didn't happen". It didn't happen because there are back-ups of the back-ups of the back-ups. Redundancy is the requirement of the government and of most businesses. To say that all of those back-ups lost the SAME e-mails at the SAME time from the SAME people is like asking us to believe that the earth's shape is a star instead of a sphere. Look in the mirror and see what eye color is looking back at you then deny it and say it's pink with purple polkadots. Convince yourself of it because it's just as easy to believe as it is to believe that the IRS e-mails were all lost. June 17, 2014   Price of food skyrocketing. Are you a meat-eater? I am. I know my money isn't going as far as it used to. Let's not forget that there was a harsh winter and other situations that made the price of wheat increase. That makes the price of bread, cereals, etc., go up. The cost of produce is going Up, UP, UP! Let us not forget that thevileone's policies add to increased food prices (supply and demand) and to the cost of cooking your food. You have a LOT to thank thevileone for. Not only has he made sure you pay more for food, but then he's making sure you pay for the food of illegal aliens, as well. Isn't that special? June 17, 2014   El-KaBOMB! hillclintOOn book bombs! Aawwwww... too bad. (*sarcasm*) Is she losing her appeal? Is she losing her destiny to rule? Is she losing her fan base? Yes. Yes. Yes! There are reasons some think she won't run, but she's got a HUGE ego, and they seem to forget that. I think it's possible that she will try it on. She'll start a campaign, but she won't get far enough to stay at it. People realize that there is a difference between thevileone and hillclintOOn, but there's not a big enough difference for them to want hillclintOOn. Don't forget, she'll slam the "rich" but she's RICH, too, no matter how much she tries to hide it. She's as big a LIAR as her hubby and thevileone, so why go from one LIAR to another? Why go from evil to evil? Do we want someone in the office who will treat others like this? I don't. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or LYING ex-FLOTUS.) June 17, 2014   House budget cuts IRS and halts enforcement of thevileone's healthcareTAX. Will that make a hill of beans' worth of difference in either case? I seriously doubt it. Remember, thevileone still has his "Magic Pen" and the rules don't apply to him. June 17, 2014   Gas to hit SIX YEAR HIGH. Can you afford to pay more? You're paying more for everything else, includiing "tranny grannies", so why not more for gas? After all, he doesn't have to pay for gas right now (WE BUY IT FOR HIM), so why should he care what YOU pay? June 17, 2014   So convenient, this capture. When the polls go so low, he has to do something to make his polls go up. Rush is right, the suspect will do that; AFTER he is COACHED by this administraiton to do it. June 17, 2014   They want to aim at the USA next. If they do, I'll be the first to shoot back. June 17, 2014   GM recalls total MORE than cars SOLD in the last FIVE YEARS! Ouch. June 17, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Remember: we DO NOT NEED jeb bush. Even homeschoolers know it's a HORRIBLE thing. Politicians are running on opposition to this crud. I don't blame them; as long as they're actually opposed to the whole thing, instead of just using it as a foot in the door. The count of bills against it is up to 340. That's a lot of paper, talk and taxpayer dollars to pay for it all. Why not just listen to the people in the first place? Why not just do what the constituency wants you to? Isn't that what our REPRESENTATIVES are supposed to do: REPRESENT US, instead of run us over with what will benefit THEM? There's a difference between REPRESENTATION and TYRRANY. Let us not forget which is which. June 17, 2014   Residents of Jersey Shore town should tell gov to take a flying leap. June 17, 2014   June 17, 2014   I think I'll close with that for now. Until next time, have a great evening and, See ya'! June 16, 2014: 10:00 p.m.   Well, busy, busy day today. Got up and went to my dental appointment, then to run errands with my hubby, who came home early because he has the water pump out of his vehicle and was using mine. After errands we went birdwatching until almost 8:00 p.m. because for Father's Day my hubby got a new, more powerful lens for his camera! Then we stopped at the grocery store and inally sat down at my computer and -- finally -- our telephone lines have been fixed by the phone company and we had internet service since it went out about twenty-seven hours ago. As far as I know, I couldn't have done updates sooner if I'd tried. So, I'll just give you my "Minion Monday: Hank Makes a Father's Day Gift". I'll look around a little and see if I want to post anything else, but right now, that's all that's scheduled. Until next time, See ya'! June 16, 2014: 10:28 p.m.   Okay. I gotta' comment on the Pope's hypocrisy -- again. He wants the "rich" and bankers to get some "ethics"? Pot calling the kettle?
June 14, 2014: 12:55 a.m.   hillclintOOn "dead broke"? When they left the White House in 2000 they claimed $150,796 in DEDUCTIONS! Dead broke? I would love to be that dead broke! June 13, 2014: 1:01 p.m.   "Tribute To Our Heroes: America: Tattered, Torn" is my Flag Friday Tribute To Our Heroes this week. I hope you'll read it, pass it on and think about it. June 13, 2014   That's rich.   thevileone says that Iraq must include everyone in their governmental decisions. Uh, maybe he should take his own advice? Maybe he should listen to the Conservatives and not just the progressives/liberals/Marxists? Maybe he should consider OUR point of view, thoughts, ideals, plans, finances instead of ignoring not just the U.S. Constitution, but also the laws that have been written since then (sometimes even his own laws -- thevileone's healthcareTAX)? Maybe he should consider US instead of just how much he hates America and how much he wants to destroy us. What thinks you? June 13, 2014   Eeeeeewwwwwwwwe..... Get it? June 13, 2014   thevileone surrounds himself with evil people. He especially likes women who break the law so he can throw them under the bus later. He likes throwing women under the bus. Remember how he did so with Sebelius, Lerner, et al? Yeah. He's a misogynist. But he's just fine with men who break the law, too. He doesn't throw them under the bus as often, but he will do so if it's convenient to him. June 13, 2014   JW still trying to get to the TRUTH about BENGHAZI. I wish them luck. Getting ANY TRUTH from thevileone's administration is like pulling an elephant's tusks without anesthesia. He lies about EVERYTHING and he LIES BIG and all the time. Wasn't that what we wanted in a prezidunce? No? Well, that's what happens when we allow our voting process to be corrupted by cheating. June 13, 2014   Border Patrol beomes Babysitter Patrol. June 13, 2014   thevileone preps for "mass civil unrest". He asks universities to study how the MILITARY should best respond. Will they fire on Americans? Start NOW talking to every military member you know, befriending them, making them know that YOU and your friends and family are not THEIR enemies. Remind them that in firing on fellow Americans, they are obeying an ILLEGAL order and that they are betraying America because "WE, THE PEOPLE" ARE the government, not thevileone. Remind them that WE are their bosses, NOT thevileone. Remind them that WE pay them, not thevileone. Remind them that in firing upon US, they're firing upon their family, friends and loved ones as well as the country's future. thevilone is NOT America's future, he is its demise. Remind them of this NOW and let US prepare them for what could someday become "mass civil unrest" -- ESPECIALLY, if thevileone refuses to leave office in 2017. June 13, 2014   bumbler did it again. He's a barrel of laughs, isn't he? Too bad they're all nervous twitters. June 13, 2014   Ask yourself why google is collecting so much of your data and what they're going to do with it? Ask yourself why they want so much info on you and how they could use it against you in the future. It's difficult to even want to keep ANY google products. I have two: a tablet I bought four or more years ago and a cell phone. I'm considering dumping both because of crap like this. June 13, 2014   Thanks to Gov. Scott and our legislators Florida is going even more PRO-LIFE! HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! Babies should not be murdered for the convenience of the mom. It's not right and it's not fair. Killing a baby is WRONG, not matter what. Even in cases of rape, killing the baby punishes the BABY for something the baby had nothing to do with. The baby didn't rape his/her mom so why kill the baby? The baby can be given up for adoption but don't kill the child for something the child did NOT do. Good for FLORIDA for protecting the innocent! June 13, 2014   bowe bergdahl is back in America. We know he is a deserter and why he deserted and that he declared against America, so why is he not returning to America in handcuffs, going straight to PRISON and awaiting a military tribunal to face court martial and spending the rest of his life in Leavenworth? Why is he being treated so sweetly? Where is the JUSTICE to those who DIED looking for his deserter's backside? Why isn't he under guard and shackled? June 13, 2014   Who is sabotaging our power plants and why are they doing so? It's not going to take an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) like the tiny tyrant wants to use. Take out 750 power plants of the 3,000+ we have and the grid will be overtaxed and shut itself down. Doing practice steps like this attack will teach them how to do it and the orchestrated attack will accomplish what they want. Question: See stepped up protection around power plants? No? Why not? June 13, 2014   Another second passes and another lie passes through thevileone's lips. This time he's joined by the "Cheekbone Cherokee", elizabeth warren (another grand liar). June 13, 2014   thevileone's TRIBUTE TO OUR TROOPS:   He's using military bases as dumpging grounds for illegals. The VA sacrificed our vets for SOLAR PANELS. So very caring. He's considering sending them to yet another war. (Nobel Peace Prize winner?) Let's not forget that he traded a TRAITOR for TERRORISTS, ignoring the fact that that TRAITOR cost at least SIX American soldiers' lives. Yeah. He cares. (*sarcasm*) June 13, 2014   Tragic jail death of mother of seven makes me think that instead of jailing a parent for their children's truancy, why not just hold the children back until they actually attend school in a satisfactory basis to be able to achieve the education needed to graduate and actually become a contributing member of society? Don't let a child graduate while still illiterate and incapable of doing basic math skills. I've seen people working at fast food joints who have no clue what to do without the cash register telling them what change to give. If I give someone $7.03 for a $6.78 bill, they look at me as though I'm from Mars, instead of just handing me back a quarter. It's so astonishing to see how many people don't know how to do that sort of math. Don't even get me started on their inability to read and comprehend what they're reading. If a child is incapable of doing the basics of reading, writing (legibly and well; proper grammar and punctuation included) and arithematic, then keep the child in school until they're thirty if necessary to teach them those basic skills. But after they're twenty-one make them start paying tuition. Also, if they don't attend school after age fifteen put them in jail instead of their parents. That may open a few eyes, too. June 13, 2014   hillclintOOn is a coward and won't answer questions. She got a few that were too tough for her recently and now she is just saying "No!" What a coward. Want another coward for prezidunce? I don't. June 13, 2014   Dangerous gang members may be crossing border with the flood of children. I would lay even money on that one. They're opportunists and this is a golden opportunity given to them by thevileone. I'll bet you one more thing. I'll bet you that if the TRUTH ever comes out about this massive illegal immigration thing it will be PROVEN that thevileone and his administration were responsible for it happening, for the advertising that is going on in Central and South America and that they intended it to happen so that all those illegals will be given OUR taxpayer dollars to be able to live here until they can be given blanket citizenship and immediately gain LEGAL VOTER STATUS and they can vote this November and in 2016 for thevileone to stay in office. He will continue his own version of the Mariel Boatlift until just prior to the 2016 election and he'll give them blanket citizenship and voting rights. Boom. Third term. June 13, 2014   With that thoroughly disgusting thought I'll close for today. Until Monday, See ya'! June 12, 2014: 1:57 p.m.   A gentle reminder: Father's Day is this Sunday. Have you done your shopping yet? I ordered my hubby his Father's Day gift last night. I had to talk him into letting me get it for him, but it's on its way. I don't know if we're going to count the new barbeque grill/smoker as part of his Father's Day goodies or not, but I do know that the ribs we made on them Tuesday night were SOOOO good. Yummy! If you haven't done your Father's Day shopping yet, you may want to do that soon. June 12, 2014   "We do not read in the news media about the people who threatened violence but were helped. Prevention is invisible to the public when it succeeds. In fact, there have been many successful cases, and we have likely prevented far more shootings than have occurred."Think about that. Read the article it's very good. It's not new rules and regulations (even sneaky ones) that will make a difference in shootings. It's teaching people that HUMAN LIFE MATTERS that people are important and that if their life matters, so does someone else's. Even their enemies have value as human beings. Use words, not bullets, not fists, not knives, etc. Words get your point across but they don't kill people. Teach people that they matter and that their opponents' lives matter and that it's not within their rights to take another person's life and maybe then you'll see a greater drop (it's already decreased a lot in the last twenty years) in "gun violence". As it is, mothers abort their babies, OR raise them without valuing them and ignore them, basically, for their whole lives. Those children grow up feeling like they don't matter and if they don't matter then no one else matters because they were probably raised the same way. I've seen cases of this kind of child rearing and it saddens me to no end. When I saw it within my own family I turned my relative in (three times) to the proper authorities. She and her hubby had to go to parenting classes. It has made a difference, I'm told, but I don't see them anymore so I can't say. Value your children and they will value others. That will help with the way things are dealt with in their lives. And don't fall for the left's habit of classifying everything they can as a "school shooting". They're calssifying 74 shootings even NEAR a school as a "school shooting", just as they read the "hanging chads" years ago when they read people's minds about how they were intending to vote. A "school shooting" has a particular definition and facts associated with it. To change those facts and the definition to enlarge the number is specious at best. June 12, 2014   Yeah. Right. LIAR.
Islamic extremists: Then there's: June 12, 2014   Is it your RIGHT to know if the feds are spying on you? The feds are trying to prevent the local cops from telling us how much the feds are doing so. Question: to whom do the local cops owe allegiance? In my opinion, their allegiance should be to US, not to the feds. We are their neighbors, go to the same church they attend, shop at the same shops and pay the same taxes. We should be their FIRST priority because WE PAY THEIR SALARIES. They should be obligated to tell us what the feds are doing that we do not know about. It's their DUTY to tell us, their employers, what is going on. June 12, 2014   The storm is getting too close. I'm going to shut it down and unplug for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 11, 2014: 7:58 a.m.   I may as well get this done since I can't get my brain to slow down enough for me to even think of going to bed. Yes, I've been up since yesterday. I've never liked sleep, and today it's just one of those things I guess I don't feel like doing. So, let's get started. June 11, 2014   Say what?!! I don't think I can believe that. If he's telling the truth he needs to be checked for sociopathic tendencies. June 11, 2014   Cantor can't. He was defeated in the primary by a TEA Party candidate. (As my sons would say, "Gaheet!" [= "Giggle!"]) Kiss it bye-bye, Cantor. If you were a TRUE Conservative you'd still be in there. But no. You had to go the wrong way. Now if only we could do the same thing to lindsey grahamnasty (he won in his primary: darn it!), di-fi, barbara boxed-her, pelosipig, reid, boehnder, etc. That would be SOOOOOOO nice. At least we did get Tim Scott a win in SC. That's good, is it not? I don't know much about him, but I think he's a Conservative, yes? June 11, 2014   June 11, 2014   Here's another "Gaheet!" hillclintoon's book trashed by critics. Finally have the courage to tell the truth about them, huh? Spines returning, or just tired of kissing clintoon backside? June 11, 2014   I'm amazed she's not home yet. Justina Pelletier has been kidnapped by the State of Massachusetts and the fact that she has been in State custody for this long should speak VOLUMES about the State of the Union and FREEDOM here. Her being still in State custody absolutely disgusts me. Send her home to be with her family! June 11, 2014   google head attends MARXIST meeting. Aw, that ain't nothing. Our prezidunce is one, the person he backed to be IMF Cheif, LaGarde, gave the keynote speech. thevileone hangs with george soros who is a known bad guy. So, what's new about google chief being one? Or maybe that's why they all work so well together when it comes to spying on us? Just a thought. June 11, 2014   DC considers "fitness tax" while elsewhere in TaxLand, folks look at putting a "Fat Tax" on "junk food". How many stories have we heard in the last five years about junk food diets on which someone lost weight? Diets like the Twinkie Diet? So if they can lose weight on junk food, who is to say what IS junk food and why should we tax it when it can be said to be a diet food after those folks lost weight on it? Hmmmm? Either of those things is a FREEDOM TAX, not a tax on anything else. June 11, 2014   You pay for this fraudulent activity. Shouldn't we be more outraged? After all, the money given to the government for those food stamps was supposed to be used to feed people who legally qualify for the assistance, not to help them RIP the rest of us off! We should be outraged; or perhaps it's just happened so often we've lost our ability to be outraged by the now-petty things and save it for those things that thevileone does that are just so totally outrageous that it makes our teeth hurt. June 11, 2014   VERY GOOD POINT! June 11, 2014   Uncle STEAL is taking more land. Not only is thevileone's admin stealing the land from a farmer, but they're taking 1/3 of his land and THEY'RE MAKING HIM PAY FOR IT ANYWAYS! That's not just wrong, it's outlandish! It's criminal! It's insane! June 11, 2014   thevileone LIED, Americans DIED. He's now a murderer how many times over? June 11, 2014   This is what happens when thevileone gives aide and comfort to the enemy. Our other enemies want their terrorists back, too. Isn't that what being a spineless worm makes happen? June 11, 2014   Dr. Walter E. Williams on the "White Privilege" conference that a lot of teachers and administrators (and some guilt-riddled students) attended. If this is what they waste their time on, it's no wonder they prefer Common Crap Core to help them dumb down your children and allow them to teach them this crap. June 11, 2014   Brevard is #1! Brevard is #1! Brevard... Oh. It's in FORECLOSURES. And the BOCC just voted how many new or higher taxes, fines and fees on us? Isn't that special? June 11, 2014   Info on "All Aboard Florida" may raise your taxes even more. Can you afford it? June 11, 2014   Tell me why cops need anti-mine vehicles? Anyone? This is NOT a good sign, people. June 11, 2014   I'm finally getting sleepy and it's almost 9:30 a.m., so I'll go see if I can get some sleep. Until then, I'll say a prayer for you and don't lose hope The kind of hope that ocunts always comes fro GOD. Until next time, See ya'! June 10, 2014: 4:19 p.m.   hillclintOOn: Her book's already deeply discounted. Speaks volumes. Speaking of volumes, my prediction: there will be a second book forthcoming if she "decides" to run. It will be along the lines of "her" first ghost-written book, "It Takes A Village" and it will be a policy book that will include the typical liberal/leftist lies: "War On Women" (have you ever noticed that the acronym for that is "WOW"? Just noticing.), "Global Warming" (Hamsterism), Rich Don't Pay Enough of Their Fair Share!, etc. In other words, it's going to be the usual tripe. Meanwhile, her lying has already started being revealed. Of course, she refuses to take responsibility for ANY of her own actions. She in typical liberal mode: Lie, lie, and lie again. That's what the left does. It's their modus operand; almost their raison d'etre. I used to attend a church whose pastor was fond of saying about wrongdoing, "a lie is the handle that fits them all". June 10, 2014   thevileone's jarrett in secret meetings with activists for 6y6yyrtyrtyrtyyytrytryyillegal immigrants. So what is she promising them in exhcange for what action? If they vote for dumborats they'll be able to stay? She'll get them all green cards and voter registration cards with false SSNs if they vote for the dumborat in whatever neighborhood she transports them to? What marching orders did thevileone give her in order to totally destroy the integrity of our elections this time? After all they've cheated in the past so what's to stop them from using illegals to cheat again THIS November? Fix the election, fix the problem. After all, the ends justify the means, right? June 10, 2014   thevileone: the buck never gets HERE. I think it's despicable and COWARDLY that thevileone never takes nor accepts responsibility for anything he does. It's always someone else's fault. It's always "Not me!" He's such a baby. Two-year-olds do that, not mature adults. Will he ever man up? Or will he just try to prove he's SOMEBODY via sending others into harm's way? He's good at sending others to do his dirty work. He's good at geting our brave soldiers killed. But he's still a COWARD. And he still broke the law. June 10, 2014   Did thevileone's admin leak info on others? Would it surprise anyone? As I said, the ends justify the means. June 10, 2014   It's happening just as thevileone wanted. That's why he released the five WORST terrorists he could. Not because that was the deal, but because it would help destabilize the region and more of our people would DIE. Yep. More activity in Taliban/Al Qaeda circles means more DEAD AMERICANS. That's what he wants. June 10, 2014   Deepest sympathies. Pray for their families and for the loved ones of ALL of our troops who have been killed in Afghanistan and/or Iraq: all 1964 of them. June 10, 2014   Strep can lead to PANS. Scary stuff. Watch for changes in your child's behavior if they've had strep. June 10 2014   Blaming the right is a media pattern. Fact is, leftists are FAR MORE VIOLENT than the right. Too bad the msm won't do a thing to tell that TRUTH. June 10, 2014   AAaaaaaahhhhh...... public schools... LOL! LOL! LOL! Can we PLEASE at least teach children the BASICS? Maybe, just maybe, teacher tenure being "unconstitutional" will help make teachers actually DO SOMETHING other than skate. Or, rather than kidnapping students. Or texting students at 3 a.m. and visiting the girl's house after the parents got upset about it. Or if the teacher was a total racist... (IF the allegations are true.) Or there's always the teacher who rapes a student. That's, unfortunately, becoming more and more prevalent. Or maybe it's just a handful of students a teacher has sex with and that makes it okay. Maybe that's part of the reason there are school shootings? If the teachers teach that there is no right and wrong, then why shouldn't the students follow their lead? Homeschool your kids, folks. It's safer that way. June 10, 2014   Taxes next year going to be a bear. It's all about HOPING you can CHANGE what is going to be your taxes and you're not going to like it. June 10, 2014   "'Right now it’s not even possible to get even the mildest restrictions through Congress and we should be ashamed of that.'"We should be ashamed for sticking up for our Second Amendment rights? That's what he thinks of the U.S. Constitution. That's a DICTATOR's terminology. That's a CONTROLLER'S terminology. That's what he thinks of YOUR rights. Apparently, thevileone thinks "You simply cannot praise Australia’s gun-laws without praising the country’s mass confiscation program."So when thevileone has a chance, he'll take it. Hold fast to your guns. Hold fast to the Second Amendment. Don't let either of them be taken away! June 10, 2014   Miss USA recommends self-defense for women. Feminazis are outraged, of course. I don't watch the Miss USA or any other "beauty" competition (It's a scholarship program! Rrriiiggghhhhhttt.... Swimsuits and boob jobs add to "scholarship"). I think they're a waste of women's time and it only encourages women to try to meet unrealistic standards of "beauty" and allows men to objectify women's bodies more via the swimsuit competition. It's a crock to consider it a "scholarship program", IMHO. If pageants were actually "scholarship programs" then why are there so many stupid answers to easy questions? I'm not even close to a Feminazi, but I think "beauty pageants" are a crock. If any woman really wants to go to college, don't go to a beauty pageant to get there. There are much better scholarship programs. I know some of the women I respect have gone the pageant route (Sarah Palin, Terry Meeuwsen, etc.), but I don't think that they got where they are because they were in a beauty pageant. I think they got where they are because of their brains, not their looks. June 10, 2014   The 2014 "budget" is scary. If you can call this a "budget", that is. I call it more of a "bodget". June 10, 2014   Well, my internet connection is acting up and I've been offline for the last ninety minutes or so and got back online just to say "Good night, sleep tight, don't let thevileone's bugs bite." Until next time, See ya'! June 9, 2014: 7:54 p.m.   Hopefully life will cooperate now and I can do my updates on a more regular basis this week and in the future. For now, I'll start with "Minion Monday: Hank Knits a Gift for His Girl". I love my Minion! June 9, 2014   thevileone has betrayed America. He's done it since his first day in office, so why the big fuss now? Maybe folks are getting tired of it? Or Maybe his decisions are fially irritating people? Senators are getting tired of it. Ya' know, he's gotten so bad even the msm is tired of thevileone's actions. But that won't last. They'll be back to kissing his backside soon enough. After all, it is an election year. Sheriffs are tired of it. Border patrol agents are getting fired for revealing it. All while thevileone says "MY government [my caps]". His ego is getting the best of him and although he's confident that it will never happen that others will have the courage to impeach him, there may be someone out there with the courage to prosecute him. At least, that's Ben Shapiro's suggestion. I honestly don't care if he's impeached first or prosecuted first, either way, thevileone would be outta' there and the Red House (as in Marxist/Communist/Socialist) would be back to being the White House again and America would start becoming America again! June 9, 2014   The V.A. is in worse shape than many thought. If thevileone gave a hoot about our troops (our HEROES) this would not be happening. Truth is, he doesn't give a hoot and if he did he doesn't have the slightest clue as to how to fix it, nor who to get to do the fixing for him. He's totally clueless. June 9, 2014   Your banking info is being shared. Is that any of the government's business? If not, then why is thevileone ensuring it happens? Hmmmm? June 9, 2014   If you were "dead broke" would you be allowed to buy multi-million dollar houses? clintoons must be "special". June 9, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   ERs filling up with patients because of this piece of crud. While low income Americans were promised the sun, the moon adn the stars if this thing got made into law, the truth is the exact opposite. So thevileone LIED again? shock. surprise. Editor: "End, Don't Mend" this thing. No one can tell us how much it's going to cost and that's another good reason to end it. But, for thevileone, it's one in a myriad of scandals with him. Truth is, if you look at it one way, thevileone's healthcareTAX is being dismantled by thevileone himself. June 9, 2014   I've gotta' go now. I'll start my updates earlier tomorrow. Until next time, See ya'! D-Day, 70th Anniversary: June 6, 2014: 1:50 p.m.   Thank you for your service. My "Tribute To Our Heroes 167: Between Two Pillars" is for you and about you. GOD Bless you for your service. I think Viking River Cruises' short piece about Normandy is very good and it may lift your heart a little. Of course, some WWII vets have difficulties with thevileone's policies and rightly so. I can't imagine how you must feel when you go to the VA and receive the kind of postponing, disrespect, and blasè attitudes that this administration has toward you. So I give you a tribute with my photos and I hope you like them. Please also visit Let Freedom Ring where a WWII veteran is making movies about his fellow veterans. It's important to know that you are not alone. Again, and always, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! June 6, 2014   Heaven forbid! Been there, done that, got the BENGHAZI to prove it didn't work! June 6, 2014   I agree: let the people in his platoon testify as to what they saw happen. Let the relatives of those who died looking for him testify as to how the loss of their loved one affected their lives. Let susan rice continue to tell the administration's LIES (does ANYONE in this administration even know how to spell the word, "TRUTH"?). Then show the jury the "secret documents" that show that bergdahl became an Islamic extremist and declared "jihad" against America. And ask harry reid "What difference does it make?" (I'll remind you that it made SIX Americans DIED looking for him when they thought he was salvageable.) I agree that, yes, bergdahl is someone's child but so were those SIX who died trying to save the traitor's butt! What about their lives? Do they not matter? Not to thevileone. Now, we have to worry about the NEXT "someone's child" the Taliban will have. thevileone encouraged them to kidnap and hold hostage our troops. Now they can demand anyone and anything and thevileone will just hand it over. He thinks he'll have cover now. Mark my words: thevileone did this exchange in order to give himself coverage for his own desires and deeds. Now he thinks he has a reason to release Gitmo Taliban members, to give the Taliban money and weapons, to start making Americans adhere to Shariah Law. Mark my words. June 6, 2014   Let's stop wasteful energy subsidies. We'll have to wait until after this administration is dead and gone ("dead" because I wouldn't be shocked if he made an "emergency" situation and declared a national emergency and declared himself Dictator For Life at the same time), but let's stop. We're Taxed Enough Already and don't need to pay extras to the energy companies. June 6, 2014   Sorry to have to do this, but I must go now. I missed yesterday because I went to an estate sale conducted by a friend of an acquaintance's estate. Mr. K (not his full name, of course) died in Sep. or Oct. of last year and the first day of the estate sale was yesterday. I bought some books he had and a koala bear and I'll have a nice memory of he and his wife (who died about six years ago?) every time I see that koala or read the books. From there I did some shopping and came home. On the way home, another friend called and asked if we could go last night to the movie she wanted to see. I said yes and we met about two hours later in T-ville to see the movie. Afterward we talked in the parking lot for about an hour and I came home. It was a busy day and today I have to go pick my hubby up from the airport and that's why I must leave you now. I will do better next week -- unless life happens and interferes with my plans! Until next time, then, See ya'! June 4, 2014: 8:19 p.m.   Had a bit of an unexpected break here. I worked on a few projects around the house and saved us over $100 and that's a good thing! I missed posting a link to my "Minion Monday: Dressed For The Party" pic. Hope you like it. For now, on with the updates! June 4, 2014   thevileone's LAWLESSNESS:   He brings home a TRAITOR at the cost of at least SIX AMERICAN LIVES. He traded five Taliban members that "could put America in danger"; even according to thevileone. Yet, he's determined to make America a victim of more Islamic terrorists. Trust me. Those Gitmo detainees are not going to have served all that time at Gitmo without making America pay. Even though thevileone himself admits that the detainees he released may be a danger to America, he wants to do it again. If that doesn't open the eyes of EVERY American on the face of the earth, then nothing will. Now, thevileone gave the Taliban something to crow about. That's exactly what he wanted, but no one on the left will admit it. thevileone will go down as a TRAITOR to America and the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. If, that is, the TRUTH is told about him and his outright evil hatred of America. Problem is, more of bergdahl's unit say he was not a hero. That's probably why thevileone wanted to make sure he came home: he's someone else who hates America. thevileone likes that. June 4, 2014   hillclintoon distancing herself from thevileone's Taliban release. She was totally involved in it from the get-go in 2011, but she's trying to make it seem like she had nothing to do with it. That's why a hillclintoon presiduncy would be a TOTAL DISASTER. Continuing for another four years (2017-2021) the polciies of this administration would absolutely destroy America, and with America, the WORLD. We may as well kiss it all goodbye. June 4, 2014   Feds seize Sarasota police records. The ACLU was "stunned". Well, Lah-Ti-Dah. The ACLU shouldn't be "stunned" that the feds are not cooperating. After all, the ACLU has supported that sort of action for years, so why be shocked by it? Reality bites, n'est-ce pas, ACLU? June 4, 2014   Payback? From which: Mexico, or thevileone? After all, wasn't it AZ's Jan Brewer who stood up to thevileone? Now all these illegals are going into AZ? Coincidence? June 4, 2014   Secret Service wants to track social media SARCASM. Free Speech shutdown coming up! thevileone doesn't like people being sarcastic about him. Aww... pooor baby. wah. June 4, 2014   Must take a break for a while. Mom's on the phone. Back soon. June 5, 2014: 12:13 a.m.   Back from Mom's phone call. We spend way too much time talking and laughing when we call. It's fun and goofy and we talk and talk and talk. Did it again. So, I'll do just a few more updates then do more later today. June 5, 2014   Impeachment if he does it again: so says lindsey grahamnasty of all people! Yeah. Like we're going to believe grahamnasty? Not in a BILLION milleniums! June 5, 2014   Aaaaahhhhhh... public schools. Swearing and sex toys: that's what it should be about, right? (*sarcasm*) Oh, and of course, condoms for 6th graders. Just what we want to use our taxpayer dollars for: condoms for 6th graders. (*sarcasm again*) Then there's the rapists as teachers... or the special ed teacher who had sex with her student and did other things undisclosed. It's becoming de rigueur in public schools. Teachers having sex with students? It's almost passe. Nowadays, even the school board members are in on it. A child's age doesn't matter to the teacher who wants to get their jollies. It's all about the fact that to them, there seems to be no right and wrong. Teacher seems to equal the right to have sex with whomever -- or do whatever to whomever. It's to the point of ridiculous to even think of sending a child to public schools. I just wonder why it is this way. Why is it the teachers think they'll get away with it? Why is it something the teachers think is okay? What happened to their sense of morality? What happened to right and wrong? June 5, 2014   Florida residents need to be careful of mosquitoes. They're carrying dengue fever and chikungunya. Click the links for the symptoms. Stay indoors if you can. Wear long sleeves and pants. Use pest repellant. If you develop symptoms, don't hesitate to go to the doctor. June 5, 2014   Well, I'm finished with updates for this early morning. I'll do a few later today. I have to run down to a friend's sale tomorrow and we'll see if I can come away with a great deal. Until next time, See ya'! May 2014 May 30, 2014: 12:10 p.m.   Missed yesterday. Hubby unexpectedly took the day off and we went out and did some scoping out of the local birdwatching places that we found listed online. We made it to five new spots yesterday -- not really to do any birdwatching, but to find out where they are. We did some birdwatching as we went to the MIWR's Black Point Drive (nothing thrilling or new there). Even still, we saw four new to us species yesterday: a Sharp-shinned Hawk, a White Wing Dove, a Norther Rough-winged Swallow and something we haven't been able to identify yet. So it was a nice day spending time with my hubby and driving around northern Brevard and looking for birds. It's good to birdwatch via automobile in this heat. Oh! We did start out going for the first time to check out the Enchanted Forest. I've been there to pick someone up once before; hubby dropped the person off, so he's been there once prior also. We've never before looked gotten out of the car and looked around. We shouldn't have bothered. Anyways, hubby's at work today and I'm here to do some updates so let's get started. May 30, 2014   My "Tribute To Our Heroes 166: We Don't Go Without You!" is ready for you to see. Check it out and remember to keep our troops in your prayers. My neighbor's daughter is headed to Afghanistan in the next two or three weeks. I feel like I helped raise her and her sister, so please keep Z.I. in your prayers! May 30, 2014   Planned abortionhood report released by Live Action. Live Action has been investigating planned abortionhood for over six years via undercover ops. The truths revealed about planned abortionhood should make planned abortionhood lose all taxpayer funding forever. I doubt that what should happen will happen, but the report should make a huge difference. Abortion is such a sacred cow to all the lefties and progressive righties that the report may have no lasting impact at all, but at least the truth has been told. What the legislators do with the truth they will themselves be held accountable for. May 30, 2014   Shinseki resigns. The problem with this is that it's not entirely his fault. He can only do what his boss allowed him to do. If his boss didn't authorize him to provide real, timely and effective treatment to all veterans, with this totalitarian dictatorship, he could not do it even if/though he may have wanted to. When thevileone speaks, his minions must listen. Otherwise it's their heads -- and it's their heads anyways, so whether any of them go against him or not, THEY always pay the price. It's NEVER him. He's the one who is always blameless. He's always innocent, uninformed, angry when he finds out about it and he's going to fix it. Right? That's the picture he always paints of himself. He's got the HOPE that he can CHANGE things. He's changed them, all right: for the worse in every way, shape and form. History will record him as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. May 30, 2014   JW sues thevileone's admin: "Judicial Watch alleges that in 2009 then-White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and then-deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, on behalf of the Obama administration, both used their position and influence as highly placed federal employees to affect the outcome of federal elections – in direct violation of the Hatch Act, which states that an employee may not 'use his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election.' Emanuel is now mayor of Chicago and Messina now runs the Obama White House-allied Organizing for America (OFA) and is a political consultant. [my bolding]"I've said it for years that they cheated in elections. Apparently I'm not alone. May 30, 2014   Reverse discrimination lawsuit WON. "Lt. Christopher Barrella, who is white, had accused the village of awarding the police chief’s job to a Hispanic officer with few qualifications and a lower test score."If the qualifications are the same, make the best choice. If there's a difference, and one is more qualified than the other -- no matter the skintone, nationality, religion, etc. -- choose the BEST QUALIFIED PERSON. Skintone is NOT a qualification! It's an incident of birth. It doesn't matter! If you're going to have a skintone-centric society, you're going to have a bad society. We're more divided now than ever before and that's because this prezidunce and his administration ensures that skintone is the utmost priority for as many decisions as possible. Remember the "New Black Panther" voter intimidation investigation they dropped because they were black? Dropping that investigation was WRONG. People should NOT escape criminal prosecution because of skintone: no matter what that skintone is. If you consider skintone for any decision other than what makeup and clothing you're personally going to wear, then you may wish to reconsider your thoughts on skintone. GOD made all of us and He made us equal and LOVES us all equally. If that's what GOD does, that's what WE should do. Hiring, firing, loving, hating someone because of their skintone is wrong. You should love everyone as GOD loves them -- without seeing their skintone. This administration is not judged by me based upon their skintone, but upon what they have done, are doing and will do to this country and their efforts to destroy America. In destroying America they are affecting me, my Mother, my sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles, sons and hubby and any grandchildren I may have. That's why I don't like thevileone. He's destroying anything he can that I love and hold dear. I love America. I love her second only to how much I love GOD. I put America second on my priorities list because if I loved my family first, I could betray America to save a family member. What I know, though, is that in betraying America for one family member I'd be betraying every family member I have as well as my friends and their families, total strangers and their families and any futures they would have had without my betrayal. I put America second on my priority list because I could never betray America and do that to the rest of my family to save one. My sons and hubby know this. I taught my sons the same. It's GOD, America, family, friends, job, the rest of the world: those are our priorities. I don't dislike and distrust this prezidunce because of his skintone. I dislike him because of his deeds, lies and destruction and damaging of all I hold dear except my GOD. thevileone can never damage nor destroy that, but if thevileone could, he would. I hold thevileone in complete and utter disdain because of what he has done. May 30, 2014   Aaaahhhh..... public schools!   Michelle Malkin'ss TRUTH about data mining our children. Has your child's Body Mass Index (BMI: A.K.A. a measurement of how much fat is in your child's body) been measured at school? Did you ask them to do so? Did you even know it was being done? Did your child receive a "BMI Report Card"? Don't ya' love how the government is tracking every portion of your child's life and what it could mean to YOU? For instance, if your child is, in their opinion, a little too heavy you're a bad parent and your cabinets and refrigerator should be clieaned out of all the junk food. If, on the other hand, your child is too thin for their liking, then you are a bad parent and you are starving your child and not ensuring your child eats enough healty food. You should immediately ask msthevileone about what your child should eat. After all, she has the expertise to know what your child should and should NOT eat, correct? (BTW, if she's so very smart, why didn't she graduate Princeton summa cum laude, instead of just cum laude? There is a .25 grade point difference, or a 10% difference [depending upon which system Princeton used at the time] between the lowest requirements for summa and cum laude, so where's her alleged brilliance?) While we're on the subject of schools, let's not forget about the teacher who made "inapporpriate remarks" and the teacher's aide/coach who was arrested on sex charges. Let's not forget about those two. Too bad it's not just two. In Minneapolis a teacher set up a meeting with a 14 yr. old for sex. He got arrested because the 14 year-old wasn't; it was a cop. Not a cop, but a security guard at school beat a wheelchair bound student. There are more and more reasons to NOT send your child to public school. Homeschool your kids. Put them first. Otherwise, this is what you may subject them to. May 30, 2014   Blarney carney RESIGNS! The only problem is that the next press secretary will LIE just as much as Blarney. They can only tell the press what thevileone says for them to say. If the boss lies they must lie also and we KNOW that thevileone is a LIAR. May 30, 2014   The economy is "shrinking" whether or not the msm will tell you the truth about it. Add to that the U6 unemployment rate that's still too high add a lot of travel expenses from thevileone and his family to pay for (and he has more travel on your dime planned), don't forget that, and you've got a hurting America. Does thevileone care about your family's struggle to survive? Retirees, you're losing 30% of your income to TAXES. Some of that used to pay for thevileone's Kobe Beef and lobster dinners, and his traveling high on the hog. Meanwhile, you'd have about $5,000 MORE to spend if it weren't for thevileone and his policies and the dumborats' support. Is that what you want? May 30, 2014   Riiiiiiggghhhhhttt... (*snicker*) May 30, 2014   hill clintoon says she's under attack. Cry baby. Man up! May 30, 2014   More spying: targeting your FINANCIAL information. Why would thevileone need that info? Does that not give you pause? May 30, 2014   I shall close with that for now. Hubby just got home and I'm going to go. Until next time, See ya'! May 28, 2014: 3:09 p.m.   One of the projects I started last year is going to be worked on again, thanks to the fact that we figured out how to solder copper sheeting pieces together. We had ordered what we were told was copper-colored solder, but turned out to not be solder, just thin wire. I got ripped off on that internet order. Not happy with it, but it's done now and too late to do anything about it. We experimented Memorial Day afternoon with small pieces of copper scrap that I had kept from cutting the needed pieces. It was interesting to try different techniques and sizes, figuring out how to approach different soldering needs. We got a bit frustrated with some of the things we tried that didn't work, but learned a lot. We also had to move quickly because the solder was melting and sometimes it fell to our feet in small blobs and they were very hot. We learned to keep our feet tucked under. We did learn how to do it, so my project will be moving forward and I won't be trusting anyone for copper solder anymore. For now, on with the updates. May 28, 2014   thevileone denies he's weak. LIAR. He also doesn't salute the graduating cadets at West Point. As CIC, he's supposed to return a salute. You always saw Bush, Reagan and others doing so. If someone honors you with a salute, as CIC, you should return it. He disrespects the military and you can see it not only in the unreturned salutes, but also in the way he has alloed the VA to handle things for our heroes. He's such a cad. May 28, 2014   VETERANS PUT ON IGNORE:  
A whistleblower in TX says the VA there is run "like a crime syndicate".
Read that article and look at the picture associated with the article. When I was there at 3:31 p.m., it showed a lot of veterans with missing limbs. That's
something we shall become accustomed to seeing because thevileone didn't keep his 2007 promise: May 28, 2014   SMH. Moron. May 28, 2014   hillary's got chutzpah. Not brains, just chutzpah. May 28, 2014   The South is going PRO-BABY/PRO-LIFE! Good for the South! They're leading the way toward a more humane, more loving America. Saving babies still in the womb is a GREAT thing! Thank you, Southern lawmakers. You did good! May 28, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Car bomb kills 38 in mostly Shiite neighborhood. I don't understand that. By association, I am a Southern Baptist (although I disagree with some of their doctrine on the Holy Spirit's place in our lives) but I wouldn't understand if someone who was Freewill Baptist decided to attack me for not being the "right kind" of Baptist. Why can't Sunni and Shiite get along? Is it more about POWER and CONTROL than RELIGION? I think so. They're so CONTROLLING that if you marry someone your family didn't want you to, they STONE YOU TO DEATH. They prevent others from visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Power and control is universally their thing. Remember: they want to CONTROL AMERICA, too. Well, if you consider a command to "wipe out America" as control... Otherwise it's just a complete annihiliation, not control. Don't believe they want CONTROL? Check out the dress code restrictions for the female soccer cup fans. If that's not CONTROL, what is? May 28, 2014   College not teaching American HISTORY, but a modified (read PC) version. Why pay $125,000 for a college education that's going to be filled with LIES? If they're not going to teach you the TRUTH, why bother going? You can study on your own (unless you're trying to be a doctor, or something similar) and learn just as much. You can even get a full college education via LuxVera from Regent University. You'll learn the truth there and you'll get a high quality education. May 28, 2014   How much ya' wanna' bet the "Magic Pen" will come out to undo this? May 28, 2014   I've been getting a little surprise almost weekly lately in that a video I put together in 2009 about thevileone's healthcarTAX has been getting hits almost daily lately and sometimes it makes the top ten of my picture views. That surprises me because I didn't do any push to get it seen -- especially not in the four years -- and it's more popular now than when I posted it five years ago. Nice surprise. On that note I'll stop for today. Hubby just came home and I've run out of things that interest me. Until next time, See ya'! May 27, 2014: 8:56 p.m.   msthevileone hates anyone to disobey. She who must be obeyed hates dissent! May 27, 2014   May 27, 2014   thevileone says 9,800 U.S. troops will stay in Afghanistan. thevileone will do whatever he can to hurt more Americans. He'll do whatever he can to ensure more of our troops DIE. He'll do whatever he can to do more damage to America and Americans. thevileone is an awful excuse for a human being and he hates being called on it. He's a despicable thing. May 27, 2014   What "accoplishments"?
What, exactly, is she proud of? BENGHAZI? Is she proud
of that? Is she proud of her reaction to it: May 27, 2014   I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! May 27, 2014: 11:14 a.m.   Well, Mom's gone and I'm back to my regular schedule. Mom wears me out. She's in her mid 70s and she can't sit still. She still works (she was here between classes: she teaaches at a Technical College how to be a CNA) and she loves to do things. If she's not going somewhere she feels like she's not accomplishing anything. She's amazing. I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend. I hope you took the time to thank someone for their service. I hope you took time to remember that the military in this country have paid the ultimate price -- and their families -- for the freedoms you are supposed to understand and enjoy. Maybe if more people understood how wonderful the Founding Fathers set this country up to be they'd understand why our troops do what they do and why they give all to protect America. May 27, 2014   May 27, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   The extent of the disaster is astonishing. thevileone has no problem creating disasters. He's very fond of them. It allows him to be in control because if he can use his "Magic Pen" he can do whatever he pleases. Isn't it amazing that no matter how big a disaster this thing is pelosipig still says it's "beautiful"? Don't ya' wonder if she has a brain? People aren't going to their own doctor under this thing (who can find one that's participating instead of retiring?) but they are going to the ER instead so that they will be seen instead of waiting. Did you know that about half of the "enrollees" are REFUSING to pay the premiums? Yeah. They're so happy with it that they refuse to pay for it. Question is, are they refusing to pay for it because the cost is too high (premiums have gone up and they're going to be even higher next year), or because they think they should get it for FREE (read, on YOUR dime)? Remember "free clinics" that used to treat the homeless and others who could not afford medical care? This lousy law is shutting down those clinics. I thought it was supposed to help people, but I suppose it was just another part of the LIE that is thevileone and all he does. Maybe if he'd ever told the TRUTH about this thing -- or about ANYTHING -- more people would support this crap. But, as it is, Americans do NOT support thevileone's healthcareTAX. They never have and never will. Americans want to be in control of their own healthcare and they want to be the one making all of their own medical decisions and think the government should not be a part of that decision. I've said for a long time that thevileone is a racist and hates black people now they're realizing that his healthcare law will hurt black people just as he intended. I said in Sep. 2011 that he hates black people just as much as he hates whites, so it's showing in his wretched law. Whichever way you look at it, no matter what skintone you have, this thing is a farce. May 27, 2014   iPhones held for ransom? Hackers locked iPhones (worldwide?) and are demanding ransom before they unlock them. I don't have an iPhone, although I did look into getting one recently. Now I'm glad I nixed the idea due to costs. I don't like paying a lot of money for monthly service nor for the phone itself. Not getting an iPhone makes today a better day. Sorry if you're going through this lock thing, though. I know a lot of folks who are very frustrated today. Hopefully the i-people will get a fix done without a ransom -- and quickly! May 27, 2014   This is "iffy" at best. Naturally, a federal judge appointed by clintoon, sided with thevileone and eric with-holder. May 27, 2014   This tells you how much thevileone cares about our military veterans. He gives better care to Gitmo detainees than to our veterans. Speaks volumes. May 27, 2014   FAST & FURIOUS   Do[IN]J admits docs should have been released -- refuses to release them anyways. This is an acting dictatorship and they answer to nobody so why would they release documents they know should have been released? It's not OUR business what THEY do. We don't have the right to know; at least, not in their opinions. May 27, 2014   thevileone identified CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan. Then tried to walk it back. Remember the Valerie Plame affair in which President George W. Bush, V.P. Dick Cheney and others were dragged through the mud and said to be the leakers? They weren't the leakers but they had to pay the price as though they were. Now, it's been acknowledged that THE RED HOUSE ITSELF (thevileone) has outed the Station Chief in Afghanistan and what happens? Where's the investigation? Where's the special prosecutor? Where's the outrage? Where is the dumboratic outcry and sense of indignation? Oh. Sorry. That's right: it's a dumborat dictator so he gets a free pass. It's not a Constitutional Republic anymore: it's a dictatorship of special privilege and favoritism. May 27, 2014   Well, yeah. May 27, 2014   Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous. I think that this is another example of wasting taxpayer dollars on frivolous lawsuits and making a nuisance of himself. This guy is really wanting attention. If he wants attention that badly put him in stocks outside the prison and let the public deal with him. Let's see how much he likes attention then. May 27, 2014   thevileone picks another loser. His whole administration is full of losers, liars, cheats and idiots. Show me a man's friends (or cabinet; or czars) and I'll show you the man. May 27, 2014   I'll close with that for today because my hubby called and said he had his time for the pay period and will be home early. (HURRAY!) We'll be running errands together and going to get me a present. I already know what the present is and it's GORGEOUS! Happy, Happy, Happy! I love good presents. So, until next time, See ya'! May 26, 2014: 12:55 a.m.: Memorial Day:   Spent the last week with my Mom here and because of that I've had no time to do updates. Sorry about that. Mom likes to GO, GO, GO! She's always on the run somewhere and she barely sits down for a moment. Doing updates was impossible. I did do a Flag Friday pic, "Tribute To Our Heroes 165: I Wish You" and I've done my "Minion Monday: Memorial Day Salute!". I hope you have remembered to thank a veteran today. They are precious people for having served, sacrificed and done what most of the rest of us could not. Again, I say a big, "Thank you for your service!" to our U.S. military members. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! May 19, 2014: 12:45 p.m.   Mom arrived safely and we've had a great time so far. Hank, of course, was thrilled to meet my Mom. He now understands what a Mom is and because of that he really had a heart for my Mom. He waited on her hand and foot and did everything he could to make sure that she wanted for nothing. It was so sweet! He even made sure Mom ("Grandma" to Hank) got a good night's sleep. He dressed for the occasion as "Hank, The Sleep Tight Fairy" for Minion Monday. In the morning we're going to go do some shopping and -- as usual -- with Mom and I we'll have a great time. Of course, Hank wants to go with us, but we'll have to see if he's getting on Mom's nerves to have someone under foot all the time asking if she needs anything, wants anything, is there anything he can do for her? While it's sweet, it may get tiresome. We'll see if Hank stays home to help with supper, or if he gets to go and help "Grandma" some more. Until next time (whenever that may be), See ya'! May 16, 2014: 12:30 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to having the flu. I'm feeling better today but not quite up to snuff, and due to the flu I'm so far behind in my getting ready for Mom's visit "To Do" list that I don't have much time to do updates today. So I'll start with my Flag Friday, "Tribute To Our Heroes 164: How Many Ways?" and thanking you for your service to this great country! Now, on with only a few important blurbs. May 16, 2014   "Research which heaped doubt on the rate of global warming was deliberately suppressed by scientists because it was 'less than helpful' to their cause, it was claimed last night. In an echo of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal at the University of East Anglia, one of the world’s top academic journals rejected the work of five experts after a reviewer privately denounced it as 'harmful'."Desperate people do desperate things. SCIENCE is NOT SCIENCE if it's based on a VOTE. Science is FACT, not OPINION. When "scientists" cover up data and results that conflicts with the outcome they WISH to be the TRUTH, then they're NO LONGER SCIENTISTS, they're political hacks with an agenda who do not deserve the title "scientist". It's all about CONTROLING YOU via the "climate change" LIE. It's not about the TRUTH which is what SCIENCE is SUPPOSED to be about. It's about them fitting in with the folks they want to be accepted by (Rush's LCD kicking in there), and the people pushing this LIE using the LIE to CONTROL others. Those Hamsters who push this crud also LIE in their own reports about the findings. Changing the results and "scooting" the data along an axis is NOT SCIENCE, it's AGENDA and there is a BIG DIFFERENCE. Don't let Hamsters CONTROL YOU. Stand up for FREEDOM. May 16, 2014   Amnesty: Building the dumborat Voter Pool:   thevileone wants to halt deportations via his Magic Pen. While thevileone allegedly has a "commitment" from bonehead boehner to PASS amnesty. Then they walked that statement back. Would anyone be surprised if bonehead had promised to do so? Why did the people of OH give bonehead the victory in the primaries? What were they thinking? They released over 36000 illegal alien criminals who have: "Criminal illegal aliens released by the Obama administration between 2009 and 2011 went on to be charged with 19 murders, three attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, a House Judiciary Committee report previously documented."And they want to do more of the same? Does that sound at all like thevileone cares about the SAFETY and SECURITY of your family? No? Didn't think so. May 16, 2014   If you dare to criticize thevileone sooner or later YOU WILL PAY! Why would anyone want to work in this administration considering thevileone's dictatorial attitude and maltreatment of the underlings? May 16, 2014   GM fined $35 MILLION allegedly over not responding quickly enough to consumer safety issues. GM didn't play the game according to thevileone's rules. Recall when thevileone "fired" the GM boss? GM's failures were not Wagoner's fault but that doesn't mean anything to thevileone. I bet if you looked long and hard enough you'd find a place where Wagoner criticized thevileone and that's why he's been fired. May 16, 2014   First Amendment:   Two brothers who believe in GOD and the First Amendment and won't back down are losing business and being criticized for their beliefs and stances. Personally, I SUPPORT THE BENHAME BROTHERS. I think they're absolutely, totally, and completely CORRECT and they have the RIGHT to say what they have said. They have the RIGHT to peaceably assemble outside of abortion clinics and they have the RIGHT to try to save innocent babies' lives. I stand with those who are standing for the FIRST AMENDMENT and the right to SPEAK YOUR OWN MIND. That includes the strange beliefs of Donald Sterling and his REFUSAL to pay the fine. Being FINED for what he SAID? That's NOT FREE SPEECH! That's speech at a cost. That's censorship. It's his RIGHT to hold those views -- whether to get into the pants of what he thinks is a hot younger woman, or if he, indeed, holds those views as his personal beliefs. While I find those ideals abhorrent, he HAS THE RIGHT TO HAVE THEM and to SPEAK THEM. He has that right! I also stand with Don Jones, the Miami Dolphins player who reacted negatively to the homosexual kiss of Sam and his boyfriend. Just as Sam and his guypal have a right to be "in love", Jones has the right to say "Horrible" about their sloppy, over-the-top smooch on national television. It's FREE SPEECH, FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTED, but only the kiss is protected by the politically correct and the left. Jones has as much right to his opinion as anyone else. Fining him and re-indoctrinating him (teaching him to think "right" about the sloppy-choppy-smoochy-woochy), is WRONG and it's a VIOLATION of his FREE SPEECH RIGHTS! I stand for the U.S. Constitution and Free Speech and our "right to keep and bear arms" are the MOST important rights in the whole thing! They are now under attack by the left and if we don't stand up -- even with folks like Donald Sterling (philandering horndog that he is) -- we will lose our Free Speech rights faster than they have because we won't have the practice in standing and there won't be anyone left on either side to help us if we do try. Stand up now: even with those who are saying things you don't agree with. May 16, 2014   JW is on the trail of more corruption within thevileone's administration. Good. We need to find the WHOLE TRUTH about thevileone and we need to IMPEACH thevileone ASAP. They've found out that thevileone is pouring MILLIONS into FAILING black colleges (why are there "black" colleges but not all "white" colleges?) and they're breaking new student loan rules. That's thevileone for you. He makes sure YOU obey the laws -- even as he changes them with a stroke of his Magic Pen -- and he gets away with all lawlessness. That's the TRUE SIGN OF A DICTATORSHIP. He's wasting YOUR money on making federal buildings "energy efficient", too. When will this prezidunce be held accountable? When will, "We, The People", hold him accountable TO US? When? May 16, 2014   My heartiest, deep-felt "Congratulations!" to Rush Limbaugh for winning the Children's Book "Author of the Year" Award! It's causing lefties apoplexy. They hate it in every way, shape and form, and the fact that Rush won is causing them to go into spasms of hysterics. They're finding any way they can to denigrate his win. It so irritated lefties that they have to try to justify their hatred of Rush's win by intimating that Rush supporters cheated so that Rush would win. I think that's hysterical. I own the book. I read the book. I think it's fun for kids. I'm going to send my copy to my grand-niece so she can read it to her little sister and learn the TRUTH about America's founding instead of just the LIES the public school system will teach her. May 16, 2014   I'll close with that for today. Remember my Mom will be here this Sunday and for about a week after that so my updates may be put on hold until then (except, of course for the Minion Monday posting so that people can smile). I may have a few days I can do updates, but my Mom doesn't like to sit down for much of anything. She's almost 77 and she's still going strong. She has a list of things we'll do while she's here: fishing, bowling, bird watching, shopping (thrift stores, of course), probably more fishing, learning to use her new camera, and about a thousand other things. If I had half her energy I'd be a whirling dervish. She's amazing. So, check in and we'll see what I have the time to sit down and do. If Mom lets me sit down, that is. Until next time (Minion Monday, at least), See ya'! May 14, 2014: 11:55 p.m.   Illegals Getting A Free Pass: thevileone promises amnesty push in two to three months. The 36,000 released criminal illegals we found out about yesterday SHOULD be a deterrent for ANYONE to support amnesty. But, no. thevileone and his ilk are all in favor of it because they think it's automatic votes. Only CITIZENS OF AMERICA are SUPPOSED TO BE ALLOWED TO VOTE, so why would AMNESTY give them more votes? Answer: Because they don't follow the law when it comes to voting. They want every illegal alien to vote for them because they know that with all of the wrong they've been doing lately illegals voting for them in massive numbers is the only way they will get re-elected. That's the way the dumborats (and progressive/liberal/leftist rhinos) do things. May 13, 2014   May 14, 2014   TEA Party victory in WV! Hurray! Hurray! Even better? Ben Sasse won in NE! That's EXCELLENT! Now let's do that about a hundred more times! May 14, 2014   Some think hillclintoon WON'T run. I agree. I think her health issues are going to be too serious at the time to allow her the luxury of running. I also think that when she has seen her disapproval numbers after BENGHAZI and all the other crud she's done, she hasn't got a snowball's chance, IMHO. May 14, 2014   "Average" American? Smart or dumb? May 14, 2014   Data collecting from EVERY "consumer". I think it's time that this nonsense stop. It's totally unconstitutional and it should have been stopped by the courts but we cannot count on the courts anymore. They're open to CONTROL via the government. Ask john roberts. May 14, 2014   Aaaahhh... public schools. Don't ya' love it that SCHOOLS are LYING to their students? How do they expect their students to NOT LIE when the school system itself has set the example that it's OKAY TO LIE as long as it fits your agenda and gets you what you want? How? How do children learn non-violence when their teachers are violent? How do you teach children not to steal when the TEACHER is STEALING FROM THE STUDENTS? Stealing not just cash, but prescription meds? How do you teach children to be sexually pure until marriage (and faithful after marriage) when the married teacher seduces them? Or when two of them work in the same school and do the same type of stuff? What kind of example is a teacher who drives to work drunk? WHAT is all of that wrong doing by the teachers your child is supposed to be learning from actually teaching your child? Is that the kind of example you want for your child? Homeschool your child. It's sooooo much better for them! May 14, 2014   May 14, 2014   thevileone is still trying to control the internet. It's not a surprise. We all know how much he wants to CONTROL us. May 14, 2014   BENGHAZI   It's being treated as a joke by the lefties. Four Americans died and it's being laughed at by them. Disgusting. May 14, 2014   "Gay marriage" upheld in latest ID court ruling. It's not a "marriage"! When will they get the idea that their unions will never be a "marriage" because a "Marriage" needs one male and one female? May 14, 2014   I'm going to close on that lovely note. I have things to do to get ready for my Mom's visit this Sunday. Until next time, See ya'! May 13, 2014: 3:21 p.m.   Just in case you were worried about my giving away my Mom's Mother's Day gift, don't. I called and offered her four choices and she chose the one I expected her to choose. So, it's okay. I didn't give anything away because I'd already told her that it was going to be whichever she chose and when she chose the camera I gave her some details about it so that she would know what it could do in case she didn't think it has enough options. She's loving the idea of it so far. She will be here Sunday and I'm so excited! So let's start the blurbs. May 13, 2014   Did you give your children the MMR vaccine? Measles are on the rise and if they didn't get the vaccine they may be exposed to it and come down with the disease. I think I had it when I was a kid. I don't recommend anything that makes you itch a lot. It's not fun. My chickenpox and mumps and all of that are probably where I got my hatred of itching. Some folks worry that the MMR vaccine leads to autism, but others think not. Make your own choice for your own child (don't let the government be the parent), but choose wisely. My sons both received the MMR but would I do it now? I don't know. The autism/MMR vaccine possible link was not suspected then. Now? I think I'd research it awfully hard before I made my choice. May 13, 2014   We have the "right to be forgotten"? It's a ruling in the EU courts that google must take down links if we ask them. I like that ruling. May 13, 2014   "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. [my bolding and caps]" The scotUS has ruled that "under GOD" is NOT establishing a religion. Surprise! The scotUS did something RIGHT! How about that?! May 13, 2014   "According to Australia's National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), Antarctic sea ice grew by a record amount this April, increasing by a rate of more than 110,000 sq km (42,471 sq miles) per day to a total of nine million sq km (3.5 million sq miles)."Remember: When they LIE to you, they think you're TOO STUPID to FIND THE TRUTH for yourself, and they use a LIE to CONTROL YOU. Don't let them CONTROL you. Think for yourself. FIND THE TRUTH! May 13, 2014   Tax revenues up, but it's not enough. thevileone has spent so much (with the help of the House and Senate, too) that even the record revenue hasn't made a real dent. I wish I could turn back time and make thevileone become a different person so that he wouldn't hate America and he wouldn't have done all of this destruction to us. I hate what he has done to America and what America's weakness has done to the world. May 13, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   OVER $5 BILLION and counting for the development and alleged use of the websites for this piece of garbage. Of course, the prices for those who chose to enroll are going UP. shock. surprise. "The increases range from 0.57 percent, proposed by the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest, to 14.2 percent by Group Health Options."A 14.2% increase: what? You didn't expect it after we told you it would be happening? According to one whistleblower, it's not just the $5 BILLION website costs, it's ridiculous that we're paying folks to sit and DO NOTHING when they're supposed to be reviewing applications for the TAX. But, no. It's the ACORN equivalent that is in charge of this part, so why expect work? It's not just the website and the workers we're WASTING money on. The thing is totally flawed but the dumborats (and some republirats) won't stop supporting it because it's about CONTROL, not health. Remember "If you like your doctor..."? This thing is INTENTIONALLY DESIGNED to LIMIT CHOICES and if your doctor wasn't one of the limited choices, too darn bad. And their LIES just keep rolling in. Don't ya' love an administration that wouldn't know the truth if it kissed them on the lips, slipped them the tongue and grabbed their crotches all at the same time? Yes, that's what thevileone does for us: LIES and grabs and grabs and LIES. It's all about CONTROL. May 13, 2014   36,007 DANGEROUS CRIMINALS thevileone released. It's all because they are ILLEGAL ALIENS and thevileone does NOT CARE about YOUR safety. If he cared about YOUR safety would he have: "The crimes committed by illegal aliens released from federal custody include homicide, sexual assault, theft, kidnapping and alcohol-related driving convictions. In all, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) freed 36,007 aliens convicted of 88,000 crimes from detention centers throughout the United States, according the breathtaking agency records, which were obtained this month by a nonpartisan research center dedicated to studying immigration issues. [my bolding]"Remember, your children are in greater danger because thevileone didn't do the RIGHT thing and send the ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS back to Mexico (or wherever), nor did he KEEP THEM IN PRISON. Instead, he just releases them to do whatever they wish to US so that HE and the dumborats can get more votes. They can vote if they're out of prison (at least, they can get away with it), but in prison they're not supposed to. That's the point. May 13, 2014   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! Toooo GOOOOD! May 13, 2014   Good! Surprising, but good. Whoever would have expected Harvard to do the right thing? May 13, 2014   BENGHAZI:   Ted Cruz is right. Trey Gowdy leading the charge to prove it. Shockingly, two dumborats endorse the Select Committee looking into BENGHAZI. Maybe they're more concerned about the four dead Americans than the party who made them dead: as they should be. And back to Cruz, who has ten questions about BENGHAZI. I probably have a few more than ten, but his will do. May 13, 2014   I am PRO-LIFE.   The VA Governor is not. Typical dumborat is trying to subvert the laws that make baby-killing clinics hold to certain standards. In Kansas, they're DEFUNDING planned kill-your-baby-hood. Hurray for KS! Doing the RIGHT thing is always good! While the dumborats support killing babies all the time, a new study finds that abortion has disastrous affects on your future. "A new study has concluded that, while largely ignored by the scientific community, abortion is undoubtedly the most consequential issue determining the socioeconomic and demographic composition of the United States."If you want a brighter future for yourself, DON'T have an abortion. Don't do as the dumborats want you to do and kill your BABY, carry your baby to term and raise him/her yourself or adopt the baby to a relative, to to a couple who can't have children and will be good to your child. It's the most loving choice for your baby and for yourself. May 13, 2014   Common Crap Core:   This is what they're "teaching" your children. Is this good enough? That's the kind of thing the federal government thinks is good enough for your children. (BTW, If it's not a federal government program why was the federal government pushing it?) There are some teachers out there, like this one, who do NOT support this crud. May 13, 2014   That's it for today. Until next time, See ya'! May 12, 2014: 4:12 p.m.   Hello! I hope everyone had as great a Mother's Day as did I. I had french toast made from cinnamon bread for breakfast. We served it with strawberries, whipped cream and syrup. We also had bacon, scrambled eggs and I drank Golden French Toast coffee! Yummm! For supper we had homemade lasagne with green beans and garlic bread and a white cake with raspberry filling for dessert. How many pounds I put on in one day I've been afraid to check! I got really good binoculars to help in my birdwatching, some cut roses and a calla lily plant. To make it even better, I got my Mom something she has been wanting for a few years now and making her life better always makes me happy. So she's going to have a great -- if late -- Mother's Day when she arrives here this Sunday. I'm looking forward to teaching her how to use her new Olympus Pen camera! She has been wanting a DSLR camera for a while now and I am so glad I thought of it for her gift! It is a joy for me to give things to my Mom that make her enjoy her life more, or make her life better for her in some way. I've given her a new oven, dishwasher, countertops, point and shoot cameras, computers, MP3 players, etc., to make her smile. It's one of my greatest pleasures to see my Mom happy. So, that makes my Mother's Day. Hope you had one that was just as wonderful. Just in case you didn't, although the concept of "Mother" was foreign to him because he was born from a test tube, and only knows Gru as his idea of a "Dad", Hank, my minion, did some research and found out what a Mother is and how important she is in a minion's (or child's) life. So here's "Minion Monday: Happy Mother's Day!" Now on with the blurbs. May 12, 2014   thevileone's admin protecting SOME TERRORISTS and allowing them to enter America! "[thevileone's] administration appears to have a terrorist 'hands off' list that permits individuals with extremist ties to enter the country, according to internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents obtained by a United States Senator."Do you really think thevileone gives a flying flip about your safety or the safety of your children? Think again! May 12, 2014   MERS case in Orlando. That's scary. Inform yourself of what it is and what steps to take to avoid getting it. If you develop symptoms be sure to see your doctor. May 12, 2014   Bad Cop! No Donut!   Officer threatens arrest for filming him manhandling suspect. It is LEGAL to film cops doing their duties. If they are misbehaving and you are filming that misbehavior it's LEGAL to film that. If the cop has a problem with being filmed doing his wrong behavior then he should STOP BEHAVING BADLY and he won't have a problem. BTW, along the same lines, WHAT? That's nonsense. If it's LEGAL to video a cop, it's also legal to audio him. Come on. Get real. May 12, 2014   Speaking of cops, did the media spin the FL Sheriff's Association stance Or did they get it right, just put it in different words? Back on May 6, 2014 and May 7, 2014 I posted a link to an article that said that the FL Sheriff's Association would not support your right to take your gun with you in case of an emergency. Well, yes, and no, as it turns out. IF you have a CCW, they'll support your right to take your gun with you. IF you do not have a CCW they want you to have to leave your gun home for the looters to find. Isn't that special? Allow some the right to protect the property that will allow them to protect themselves but others will have to do without that protection in case of an emergency and leave their property behind for those who do not respect the law. The FL Sheriff's Association may have a singular point in this: the law as written may be difficult to enforce. But considering how often the law enforcement officers of America are having difficulties with the fact that it's LEGAL to FILM officers what difference does it make if the law, as written, is a bit confusing to law enforcement? Shouldn't they be the ones making the effort to understand and find a way? After all, it is their job. May 12, 2014   Common Crap Core   It's weeding out the weenies: the backlash for supporting this thing is growing and claiming its first "victims" -- besides our children, that is. You know they say that this IS NOT a FEDERAL program, so if it's NOT a federal program, how can the FEDERAL DEPT. OF ED erect obstacles to LEAVING it? Answer me that. It all started with thevileone's "Race To The Top" program (question is, which definition of "race" was he using, considering that we know thevileone IS A RACIST (NOTE; I remind you that "thevileone" is my term for the current president of the United States of America. The Western Journalism article actually uses his proper name, which I do not allow on my website, thus the bracketed "thevileone" instead of his proper name:: "But the impending harassment of even the private sector for non-compliance with bogus and probably unconstitutional race-based regulations should not come as a surprise to anyone who knows anything about [thevileone]. To [thevileone], forcing the government to carry out his race-based ideology has always been one of his goals as demonstrated by his own statements and actions throughout his career. He was raised with the message of hate; he married a woman with like views, his most trusted friends share also in this ideology, and he will continue to implement racist bias into his Presidential term and jeopardize our freedom—not as whites, blacks Asians or Hispanics, but as Americans."This is just another one of those programs. As Rush Limbaugh says, the "lowest common denominator" is what Common Crap Core is about. I don't mean the math equation, I mean the LCD within PEOPLE. How can the make us all equally stupid, or one as dumb as the other so that no one is better than the rest, no one stands out, no one excels? That's what Common Crap Core is all about: lowering expectations to almost non-existent so that it won't matter if one public-schooled child is stupid since they're ALL GOING TO BE STUPID. This will enable the dumborats and liberals/progressives/lefties to LIE to them and not have any opposition because everyone will be too stupid to find out the truth for themselves. That's what Common Crap Core is all about: how low in IQ can you go? You know this thing's gotta' be bad when even CHICAGO teachers OPPOSE it! They're forcing our military bases into it so our soldiers' children will be stupid first. Sweet. (*sarcasm*) Although its supporters mock those of us against it, it's still BAD FOR OUR CHILDREN. Homeschool your kids, folks. It's so much better for them. And, personally, I don't think we should go down this road. No jeb bush. I used to respect him, but he supports Common Crap Core, so no. I don't respect him anymore. May 12, 2014   Pope: Baptism for "Martians"?! Say what?! (*Twilight Zone music*) May 12, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Kidnapping little girls and forcing conversion to Islam? If it's a FORCED conversion, it is not a conversion. It is trying to stay alive and nothing more. Using children as a weapon is against the Geneva Convention so why are these terrorists not being hunted down by the U.N. and every country in the world not taking part in finding these girls and freeing them? No matter how much lefties defend Islam, the horrendous acts of Boko Haram are based on Islamic beliefs (even National Geographic calls them "Islamist") and hillclintoon's State Department refused to acknowledge them as a terrorist group. When will the lefties start TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM? Read "The Truth About Muhammed" by Robert Spencer to find out the reality about Islam. It's not even CLOSE to what you've been told. In fact, it's a political weapon more than a religion and "peace and tolerance" have nothing to do with it. May 12, 2014   BENGHAZI:  
Lefties CANNOT admit the TRUTH about BENGHAZI.
If it weren't so harmful to the families it would be almost (almost) funny. In fact, the left is so desperate to distance thevileone from any
responsibility whatsoever that
pelosipig claims two of the families called her and asked that it not be looked into anymore.
She said that they told her it was too painful for them to try to find out the truth. Rrrriiiiiggghhhttt. Let's see the NSA turn over the recording of that
phone call! On the flip(-ed-out) side, May 12, 2014   May 12, 2014   $20 BILLION for thevileone to fly in updated helicopters. That's YOUR money. Soon you'll have to eat the peanut butter and jelly off a spoon because you won't be able to afford the bread thanks to thevileone's spending for himself and his family. May 12, 2014   On that wunnerful wunnerful note I'll close for today. Until next time, See ya'! May 9, 2014: 12:03 p.m.   I'll be taking the rest of Friday. I'll tell you why on Monday. Don't forget this Sunday is Mother's Day so honor your mother with at least a phone call. I will post the Flag Friday pic for this week, "Tribute To Our Heroes 163: The Hurt" Until Monday, then, have a great weekend! See ya'! May 8, 2014: 4:20 p.m.   This is NOT good. To have no idea what our form of government is currently is NOT a good thing for the Fed Chair. Really, that's a bad sign. More bad news: "Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, referencing the Congressional Budget Office's long-term budget projections, told the Joint Economic Committee of Congress today that "under current policies the federal government’s deficits 'will rise to unsustainable levels.'"That's bad, too. To make me feel oh, so much better (*sarcasm*), is the "possibility of a new financial crisis developing in the second half of this year." Aren't you glad we allowed voter fraud to get thevileone into the Red House? (BTW, what to call it: Titanic.) May 8, 2014   Will lois need Superman to get her out of House arrest? I wouldn't hold my breath, especially since bonehead boehner won his primary against a good man and True Conservative. What is wrong with the people of Ohio? Why would they do something that stupid? I don't know but I do wish that someone like Trey Gowdy was in charge of this committee so that we could get the TRUTH out of lerner. With 10% of TEA Party donors audited by the IRS (Illegally Reviewing Some?) one would think there would be no need for questions, just a hardcore decision to punish those who did the wrong thing; especially the leadership. But, republirat leadership is too wimpy-cowardly-crybaby to be anything but overcooked spaghetti, so (as I said) don't hold your breath. May 8, 2014   Pssssttt! Israel, don't believe a word she says! She has a record of LYING. shock. surprise. May 8, 2014   That's rich. The most dysfunctional human alive says that? SMH. Of course, the hollyweirdos swallow every word. I sometimes think that hollyweirdos are just folks who really need other people's applause and approval and will do anything and everything to get it. They're needy wannabes who think they've made it because they've got an award or ninety (of course with at least one award show per day for hollyweird, how can anyone in hollyweird NOT have an award?). Too bad all they are is still needy. I'll add "GULLIBLE" to that, too. There are also a lot of sexual perverts there. May 8, 2014   The "tolerant" left tolerates EVERYTHING except free speech for Conservatives and Christians. It's the most acceptable form of discrimination on earth to shut a Christian up, to shut down his/her business, to assault them as they hold a sign. It's not only acceptable, it's applauded by the lefties. You're a hero if you do something to a Christian, including infringe upon the Free Speech rights of said Christian. Tolerance for the left is a one way street: WE must tolerate THEM. They don't have to tolerate anything we do for even a millisecond. Must be nice to be in CONTROL. May 8, 2014   thevileone to pledge equal education for ILLEGALS. Sorry, but where do they get equal rights with AMERICAN CITIZENS? Oh, I forgot. He's a god in his own mind so he can do whatever he wants with his Magic Pen and phone. Bad me. May 8, 2014   This man is a LEADER on the LEFT: May 8, 2014   Woops! Hubby's home and we're going to run an errand together. Until next time, See ya'! May 7, 2014: 3:43 p.m.   I've been postponing my updates today because I've beent trying to figure out what to get my Momma for Mother's Day. For the first time in many years, I'm stumped. I have ideas, but none of them seem right yet. So I'll keep looking, but right now I'm just floundering. For now let's do updates and you can take a look at some of my bird pics. For the most recent, scroll to the bottom of the page. Now, on with the updates. May 7, 2014   Ted Cruz lists 76 "lawless" acts of thevileone. I said the same thing in October of last year, "Lawless: This Administration is an Acting Dictatorship". Good to see that folks are catching up. May 7, 2014   Another way to make more debt, to waste more of YOUR money and to help his voter base: $1.9 MILLION to help people choose more nutritious food. Isn't that why you pay taxes? May 7, 2014   thevileone's LIES:   Eight million signed up for healthcare? LIE. shock. surprise. And he LIES about "climate change", BENGHAZI, the economy, and about everything else. In fact, it has become clear to those paying attention that thevileone LIES so often it has become a habit. But that's just another excuse, IMHO, to make it "nicer" that the guy who swore on a Bible to be good for America is now destroying her and LIES, LIES, LIES to cover up his utter hatred and blatantly destructive actions against America. A LIE is the handle that fits all sins. Our current prezidunce is proof of a LIAR'S destructive capabilities. NEVER trust a LIAR. NEVER. May 7, 2014   Okay. That's weird. Considering that things are going down that road already (three people "marrying", homosexuals "marrying", etc.), I can't see a reason to disallow it. After all, who is to say what a "marriage" is? GOD, the One who designed it? Why should He have any say in it? Why should He be the one to decide right and wrong... Oh. Sorry. There is no wrong in the eyes of some. May 7, 2014   Libs say CENSURE Conservative websites. shock. surprise. Libs do that. If you don't like the TRUTH, shut it up. Shut it down. Make sure your opposition doesn't get to tell the TRUTH about you. That's what will make things all better because if the TRUTH isn't spoken, written or released then they don't have to worry about how it affects them. Easy. Shut 'em up! Shut 'em down! Silence the opposition and make sure that the TRUTH stays hidden. It's easier for the left that way. And we all know we want life to be easy for the left, now don't we? May 7, 2014   May 7, 2014   Snicker. What a loser! May 7, 2014   huffpo has reason to cry. Trust me, they will. May 7, 2014   Young adults not working. It's part of the economy thevileone has to take blame for as well as part of the way they were raised. May 7, 2014   Response to evil woman's abortion video comes to fore. My reaction (besides that she's evil) is that her video doesn't show her six months from now, being haunted by the abortion, depressed, angry at herself for having killed the child GOD gave her (although she'll never admit it), using sex, drugs or alcohol to dull the pain. It doesn't show how she cried into her pillow late into the night. It doesn't show how she will face health problems in the future because of the abortion she had to glorify killing of the most innocent life on earth; a child in the womb. Her video doesn't show how she'll deal with the repurcussions for the rest of her life and that depression is going to be her companion until she deals with the horrible thing she did. Her video doesn't show that she'll need to ask forgiveness from GOD, as well as from herself and her baby's daddy, in order to move on in her life. Her video doesn't show the child -- in pieces -- dead in the dish; a child she could have loved, cuddled, raised and cherished. I have a prediction. She will regret it later, but she won't post a video telling us the TRUTH about that regret unless she accepts the Jesus as her Lord and Savior and then she'll tell the TRUTH about it. May 7, 2014   Discrimination based upon homeschooling? It's going to be legal discrimination because it's not based upon "sexual preference, gender, race, nationality, religion, etc." It's going to be a lot of "Conservatives need not apply" if this is allowed to stand. In this administration, it will not only stand, but it will be applauded and the scotUS with john roberts on it won't even consider taking it up, nor ever ruling against thevileone's desires. Whatever they have on john roberts, he is now their puppet, which makes the entire allegedly "supreme" court their puppet. May 7, 2014   Scientists playing with fire. "Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!" May 7, 2014   On that note, I shall stop for now. Until next time, See ya'! May 6, 2014: 10:56 a.m.   BENGHAZI:   Delusions of advisors helped hide the TRUTH. Now that the TRUTH is coming out about BENGHAZI we need to make sure that the people know about it. We need to get ALL of the TRUTH for the families of the victims. Those four men died because of this administration's having set them up. To allow the murderers to get off scott free would be a slap to the victims' families. Meanwhile, ketchup kerry gives the BENGHAZI information subpoena the finger. He says he won't comply with a subpoena. He's that far above the law. Takes after his boss. Besides, he's too busy spending YOUR taxpayer dollars on globe trotting to answer the House's questions. He's going to be in Mexico. He's not going to change his schedule to comply with a subpoena! Why, it's absurd to think a subpoena is that important. (*sarcasm*) I have a prediction for you. I predict that if someone is going to be blamed for this -- someone besides a republirat -- I predict that the one to be thrown under the bus will be hillclintoon. thevileone has used her before and will do so again in a heartbeat to save his own backside. If anyone takes a fall for this, it will be hillclintoon. Mark my words. May 6, 2014: 12:58 p.m.   FL Sheriff's Association wants YOU to have to LEAVE YOUR GUNS in case of emergency. If you have to leave them behind the looters can come and get them then you'll be held responsible for doing what the Sheriff tells you to do? What about your Second Amendment rights when it comes to emergencies? Where does the U.S. Constitution say that your Second Amendment rights go away in cases of emergency? Remember when I wrote in April of 2013, "In Whose Hands Is YOUR Freedom?" Yeah. You need to pay attention and be ready to be the one who stands up for your OWN SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS! May 6, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Romneycare being swallowed up by thevileone's healthcareTAX. MA is trying to do something -- anything! -- to try to make a failure into an even worse failure. That's what happens when dumborats rule for a long time. In NV approximately 90,000 MORE people will lose their insurance coverage. That's still the truth, still reality for what thevileone has done. Well, that's okay. It's just us: "We, The People" and not them. It's going to cost even more than the last calculation but that doesn't matter. It's still thevileone's healthcareTAX and it's all okay as long as it's whatever he wants. He must be obeyed. The state run marketplaces are still a mess and it's not going well in the states when it comes to paying for it. For instance, in OK, less than half those who signed up have paid their first premium. Tells us something about their true desire to have it, yes? Maybe they haven't paid their premiums because they know that there will be a lack of doctors to the tune of 91,500 by 2020 (so much for "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."). With that many doctors getting out of the doctoring business why pay the premium for a policy that won't be able to deliver anything? People are waking up and that is a good thing. Problem is, they're paying a high price for that rooster! May 6, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Assignment: Prove the Holocaust did NOT happen. It's sixteen pages worth of an asignment, so it's not a single line typo. When you spend that much space on something, it's intentional. Isn't this what you want your children to learn: anti-Semitism? The Holocaust DID happen. The victims of the gas chambers and the horrific experiments and starvation are real and there were witnesses within our own liberating Army members who saw the truth with their own eyes and could never forget what they saw, what the prisons did to those people and how many awful things they saw as they went through those death camps. It's too well documented, witnessed and the artifacts, the pictures, the documentation is too abundant and truthful to be a creation of a hoax. I stand with Israel and will never stop doing so. Did you know that a Dad was arrested for speaking out against it and that there's a teacher who is "ashamed" of teaching this crap? It's so bad that good teachers -- yes, there are some good teachers -- are ashamed of it? That's very telling. The teacher should also be ashamed of the data mining Glenn Beck documents in his book, "CONFORM". Data mining includes getting info on what religion you are, how much time you spend working on weekends, how much you make annually, etc., then they sell the info to commercial companies. Think of what kinds of junk mail you'll be getting once the school system little Johnny attends finds out that Dad's a CPA, Mom stays home and loves to do scrapbooking, Susie is involved in softball and ballet and Johnny himself loves animals, NASCAR and plans to be a dentist. Can you imagine the targeted junk mail you'll now receive? That's a big part of this piece of crud: selling the info to make government more money. Isn't that special? May 6, 2014   The face of EVIL comes in many forms. This is one. May 6, 2014   Peace and Tolerance:   Incest? Oh, yeah! That's okay in Shariah Law now! Wanna' "have fun" with your daughter? Totally acceptable. Wanna' find out what's beneath your sister's hajib? Go for it! For men, there are now no stops in Shariah Law. For a man in Shariah Law, if it feels good, do it! Rape your daughter, then kill her for damaging YOUR HONOR. It's all go in Shariah Law. Want that for America? If not, STAND AGAINST IT! May 6, 2014   How much you wanna' bet that the idiot BOCC members -- all EXCEPT Commissioner Infantini -- will try to do as CA: tax you for every mile you drive? Four of them would vote for it. Let's hope that enough people would actually show up and stand against this tax when it does come here. Otherwise, considering how long this county is and how far some folks must drive to get to and from work daily, there will be folks moving OUT of Brevard County at the earliest possible opportunity and Brevard County will actually be killed by the BOCC. Would it surprise anyone, considering the number of taxes they've already raised (stormwater, anyone?) and how many they still plan on doing so? May 6, 2014   Of course they did it wrong. What else do you expect? Farm bill had critical mistakes and it's just going to make matters worse. shock. surprise. It's not as if we should EXPECT the House and Senate to do the RIGHT thing, now is it? May 6, 2014   What happens if N. Korea does collapse? China will swoop in and take over? Or will the people rise up and demand a change of direction as they've dreamt of freedom for so long? I pray the latter. May 6, 2014   I've given you reasons to NOT legalize "medical marijuana" use and now, The Heritage Foundation, too, says it would be a mistake. See? I was right again. May 6, 2014   Hubby surprised me and came home for lunch. I guess I'm finished for now. Until next time, See ya'! May 5, 2014: 5:39 p.m.   Back from Georgia and I believe we got all of the things my Mother-In-Law wanted done completed. We actually did a few other things, too. The only problem was that the other folks who stay with her sometimes love the beds she has; I do not. She has rocks for beds. Big, hard, cement-style boulders in the shape of a mattress and covered with sheets and I can't sleep well on that. I have a memory foam mattress with three inches of gel infusion at the top. I got up Saturday morning with an aching back. I was pulled out of bed by my hubby Sunday morning with my back screaming at me. I had to stretch my back until I could move without agony. I was so glad one of the projects we got finished on Saturday was replacing the shower head in the bathroom we were using. I stepped in there and put it onto the "massage" setting and sighed. Hard beds are the pits. I didn't really want to get out of my bed today, but I did. Then I spent the morning thinking about climbing back in! Thus, the late start. I'm over it and here's a few blurbs. May 5, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Avoiding penalties? It's more like making sure the truth is suppressed for the first three years of this crud. That way no one can say what a miserable failure it is until it's too late to make it go away. Louisiana is still fighting it and a UConn poll says Americans are still "skeptical" about it, which is putting it mildly, IMHO. If they want to dumb down our children and make them totally government dependent why be so sneaky about it? Why not just come out and tell us so? Remember, if they have to lie to you they're hiding something: "Many states, now more than a year into Common Core implementation, have discovered the standards and its accompanying curriculum are not what they were promised."In other words, THEY LIED TO YOU! Wake up! Wake up to the fact that it IS a FEDERAL program, or the feds wouldn't be threatening states that withdraw from it! Would they? That's apparently what NC will face if they opt out of this crud, too. What's shocking to me is that some parents are soooo out of it and disengaged that they don't even know about this thing. That's disgusting and it's bad parenting. Parents should be totally engaged in their child's life, not so disengaged that when the feds try to dumb their child down their only concern is whether the school's free lunch program will still be offered to their child! Let me ask you this: If Common Crap Core is so new, fair and wunnerful-wunnerful, why is it the same-old same-old doing the program? It's not good for your children. I still say "Homeschool your children, folks." It's so much better for them! Is Florida heading toward a LGBT friendly program: AIR? Which will also be involved in some heavy duty data mining on YOUR CHILDREN. (Isn't that special?) (*sarcasm*) I think it would be a GREAT thing if we STOPPED this thing and saved our children and their futures. But, hey, I'm just a Mom, FL resident and VOTER. Floridians face a dark road with this kind of leadership response to our concerns. Is this what you want? May 5, 2014   May 5, 2014   Voter ID law "discriminates", so says clintoon appointed judge. Wow! That was unforeseen! (*sarcasm*). May 5, 2014   House to float a bill to end NSA surveillance. Which dumborat or leftie republirat will have the BB gun to shoot that one down? Yeah. I have no hope it will pass. They're enjoying too much the blackmail made possible from the surveillance. US supreme court justice john roberts, anyone? May 5, 2014   As I said when I started this would be a day of a few blurbs and I think I'm at my limit for today. So, I'll leave you with a smile. It's Minion Monday: Calling Dr. Hank! Have a great evening and until next time, See ya'! May 2, 2014: 10:19 a.m.   BENGHAZI   Yes, BENGHAZI was two years ago, but that doesn't mean that it isn't important. If you want to know how important it is, ask the mother of one of the people who were murdered by this administration if it's important to know THE TRUTH. This administration can't recognize the truth in any way, shape, or form. For instance, blarney carney is at his usual podium with the usual LIES: "At his press briefing April 30, Carney took a question about the new documents from ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl. 'Jay, I guess you’re aware that Judicial Watch obtained an email from Ben Rhodes to staff members about the Benghazi attack.' Carney disputed Karl’s characterization-'That’s incorrect'—and followed with a jaw-dropping claim. 'The email and the talking points were not about Benghazi. They were about the general situation in the Muslim world where you saw, as you may recall, protests.'"If you believe that stand on your head, touch your left knee to your right kidney and spit in your own right ear. All of this new info is bringing some republirats to their senses: at least about BENGHAZI. Krauthammer compares the e-mails released to the Nixon tapes. IMHO, a talking, burning bush that's not being consumed could not get some folks to believe that thevileone LIES constantly, including about BENGHAZI. So a U.S. military General says "we didn't even try" it means nothing to some folks unless it means he's just one of the haters. They'll stand by thevileone even though he wasn't even in the Situation Room during the BENGHAZI attacks. He handled it personally, in their opinion. Okay. Have it their way. If he handled it personally, that makes him personally responsible for the four lives lost. Oh, well, that isn't true because he didn't do it. They can't have it both ways. Either he handled it personally and he's personally responsible for FOUR AMERICAN'S DEATHS, or he didn't know about it, wasn't making the decisions and he didn't have responsibility for the deaths, but was just an incompetent, irresponsible prezidunce. Which is it? As expected, and like hillclintoon, pelosipig thinks we should be talking about something else: "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the emails were a distraction from real issues.thevileone's administration is doing the "diversion, subterfuge" and is responsible for FOUR AMERICAN'S DEATHS at "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi". She's just trying to cover up for them! So we have the proof that thevileone LIED about BENGHAZI. When will thevileone be IMPEACHED? May 2, 2014   Stand against abortion and get hated on. As usual. His twins were aborted without his knowledge or consent. They were part of HIM, too, but his girlfriend got to choose DEATH for them. He had no say. He didn't even know she had killed them; she said it was a miscarriage. Imagine how betrayed he felt when he was told his babies were gone and he helped comfort her over "their" loss -- a loss he thought she shared with him. Instead, she KILLED his children and she accepted that comfort, the special things he did for her to help her cope with the loss SHE CAUSED, and then to find out she KILLED those babies of his? Can you imagine the betrayal? Of COURSE he broke up with her! He probably agrees with MLK's niece: abortion is "black genocide" just as the Planned "Parenthood" (A.K.A. Planned Killerhood) founder, Margret Sange, wanted. May 2, 2014   Dobson "tears into" thevileone. GOOD! It's about time a prominent Christian SPOKE THE TRUTH about this evil in the RED House and makes sure that history records at least ONCE a Christian speaking the truth to power! I think it's about time! It's time to stop this namby-pamby, candy-coated, chocolate- wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth-I'm-so-sweet Christianity and start standing as Christ did against the money changers in the temple. HE went and MADE HIS OWN cat-o-nine tails and took it into the temple and overthrew the money changers' tables and used the whip on them! THAT'S what CHRIST did! So next time you wear a "WWJD" anything, REMEMBER THE TEMPLE! May 2, 2014   hillclintoon hates the media. The story asks what she's afraid of. I have an answer: more Botox. May 2, 2014   Since his swearing in (or should I say "lying in"?) the U6 unemployment number has stayed between 12.3$ and 17.1%. In April the labor force shrank by more than 800,000. So when it comes to America's "booming economy", you may wish to rethink that. May 2, 2014   I wish America would run out of bad news on this subject: Aaaaahhhh... public schools. It's ridiculous how many bad teacher stories there are out there. Why would anyone send their children to a public school and expose them to this kind of bad behavior? Teachers are supposed to be a good example to the children under their tutelage. Instead, the children are targets for sexual perverts, druggies and violence. It's not just illegal, it's immoral. To send your child into that sort of atmosphere is also wrong. You'll say "One bad apple..." Correct. But considering that there have been so many convictions of teachers lately, I ask you "Where is the ONE part of that saying?" If it were JUST ONE, I'd be fine with public school attendance. Considering the fact that it's not just one, but a seemingly growing number of teachers who are convicted of wrongdoing, why is it acceptable to take the chance? Percentages are increasing, not decreasing. The pressures put on the teachers, the lack of moral right and wrong from the teachers and the students, the lack of the presence of GOD in the schools, all add up to a really bad atmosphere in public schools. If my boys were school age again, I would still homeschool them. May 2, 2014   Wanna' help tell the TRUTH about hermit gosnell, baby killer? May 2, 2014   The left's hypocrisy on parade; again. shock. surprise. May 2, 2014 &nbp On that note I shall close for today. I have to finish packing and getting things gathered up to go to GA. So, take a gander at my "Tribute To Our Heroes 162: When in the Dark and Doubt of Days". Thank you for your service. Until next time, See ya'! May 1, 2014: National Day Of Prayer   Pray for our nation. May 1, 2014: 11:02 a.m.   I missed doing updates yesterday because I was out of the house most of the day. Errands to do, etc., as life happens. Tomorrow I may do a few updates and then have to go because I'm heading to GA for the weekend. My mother-in-law has some household repairs that need done and I'll be going up with my hubby and bro-in-law to help with that (and see some birds that I haven't yet seen!). So it's been a busy week again. Today, I'll have to get the updates done later because I'm heading to the movies with my friend who has moved back here from Texas! Hurray! While looking for the movie theater that had the movie we want to see, Heaven Is For Real, I saw that the Cobb Theaters in Merritt Island does not allow concealed carry: "At Cobb Theatres, we are dedicated to ensuring a quality movie experience for all guests. For this reason, please note our Zero Tolerance Policy regarding the following:Not liking the idea of being a sitting duck (or that would be a "Sit AND Duck" in a movie theater), I wrote them the following: "I just read on your website that -- even though I have my CCW permit -- I am not allowed to carry a concealed weapon into your theaters. That's a problem, not for me but for you. If I am not allowed to defend myself from a crazy while I'm in your theater then your theater is a no-go zone for me. I must be allowed to defend myself anywhere I am. You lose my business."I'll let you know if I hear back from them. That's all I have time for now. Until later today, See ya'! May 1, 2014: 2:01 p.m.   My friend has been having some health issues and they acted up before we could get together today so she cancelled our get together. I am praying for her health to improve. In the meantime, I can do updates! May 1, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   GA "Health Freedom Law" to go into effect July 1st. I like that they are taking steps as a state government to protect their freedom and the liberties of their residents. Is Texas, the state that is allegedly one of the "best" at this kind of thing, doing something similar? They have a group pushing it, and they've actually passed something, but what it does to help, I'm not sure. There is a national organization helping states figure out what they can do to avoid participating in and being damaged by this crappy TAX law. I think we should REPEAL NOT REPLACE this piece of donkey dung. Betsy McCaughey wants it repealed and replaced: "Even Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) speculated Friday that repeal is unlikely because it will be 'difficult to turn the clock back.'"The problem with replacing it is that it's still the government deciding the who/what/when/where/how/why of healthcare. It should be something YOU decide when it comes to your doctor, your insurer, which policy you buy, how long you want to push for treatment of any particular ailment (that is, not a death panel's decision), etc. That's called "FREEDOM". We need every influential voice to push for that instead of a government program. BTW, only 67% have allegedly paid their premiums; "allegedly" because it's this administration and who knows what the TRUTH is in this? Something laughable: even CNN is calling thevileone on his lies about this thing. CNN? Really? Yep. Maybe they've read the numbers. It ain't pretty. The only reason this thing was offered in the first place was because he wanted to give folks another way to get a free ride. It's another way to destroy America and that's all he cares about. May 1, 2014   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools. If this is what they teach in public schools about proper behavior, I'd double my efforts to get folks to homeschool their children. Between that and teachers who have sex with their students, not just one teacher and one student, it's happening all over America. If teachers aren't having sex with the students, some teachers beat their students. Some just do drugs or sexually harass their students, but one is just so fed up with her chosen profession and its commensurate frustrations that she allegedly threatened to bomb her own school. Public schools: safe, secure, friendly. Why not send your children there? May 1, 2014   Common Crap Core   Rebrand the program and push it, the GOP (Grand Ol' Progressives) say. Sounds to me like a great idea (*sarcasm*) Speaking of schools, did you know that in Colorado the students said the pledge TO ALLAH? Aaaaaahhh.... public schools. May 1, 2014   I just don't think this will work out for the good. I don't know that genetically mutating human skin cells to create sperm (of all things!) will turn out the way anyone of the creators think it will. I hope that IF a baby or babies are conceived by any of these mutated cells that the baby/babies are not also mutated by it in some way. Also, think what this will do to sperm banks, sperm donors, etc., if they can use skin cells instead of the real thing. BTW, can a woman now be the father of her own baby? We have yet to test that, I suppose. May 1, 2014   While we're having our National Day of Prayer, Russia was having its May Day parade. May Day celebrates Russia's Lenin wrote of May Day 1900: "In another six months, the Russian workers will celebrate the first of May of the first year of the new century, and it is time we set to work to make the arrangements for organizing the celebrations in as large a number of centers as possible, and on as imposing a scale as possible, not only by the number that will take part in them, but also by their organized character, by the class-consciousness they will reveal, by the determination that will be shown to commence the irrepressible struggle for the political liberation of the Russian people, and, consequently, for a free opportunity for the class development of the proletariat and its open struggle for Socialism."So Russia celebrates May Day to celebrate Socialism. No wonder we pray for our country on May 1st: we have a socialist as prezidunce and we need to protect America from thevileone! May 1, 2014   thevileone USED TO BE FOR net neutrality. He didn't want the government to be in control of, nor involved in controling, the internet. He hasn't taken it over. Instead, he gave it up. Now we have to face censorship from other countrie. Isn't that freedom? That's what thevileone has done. May 1, 2014   thevileone wasting YOUR money again. He gave $24.5 MILLION to push circumcisions in Swaziland? That's YOUR MONEY! Did you really want to spend it that way, or would you prefer spending it on defending America and helping our vets? I know my preference! May 1, 2014   As long as he's not "giving aide and comfort to our enemies", i.e., telling them our secrets, I think Snowden DESERVES this award. Without his whistleblowing, we wouldn't know the true extent of the spying America is doing on its own people. May 1, 2014   I'm sorry, but hubby just got home and I'm going to stop here and spend time with him. He went to work at midnight last night and got home just a few minutes ago so he's been gone a long time. Remember: just a few blurbs tomorrow and then I'll be in GA for the weekend. Until next time, See ya'! April 2014 April 29, 2014: 5:39 p.m.   Went to lunch with a friend today, then shopping, thus the late start. Hoping that next time we get together we'll have time to go to the shooting range, too. We love to go shooting together. It's fun, relaxing and the time flies while we're there! For now, though, let's get started! April 29, 2014   Bad Cop! No Donut!   Someone else arrested while doing something TOTALLY LEGAL. Cops seem to think that it's illegal for the public to video them as they arrest someone else. The cops forget that it's LEGAL TO FILM THEM and if they don't want to be filmed they shouldn't be in the business. Cops need to settle down. April 29, 2014   Twitter slides. April 29, 2014   BENGHAZI   thevileone played a part in pushing the "video" LIE. Why that wasn't the "Lie of the Year" for that year, I have no idea. This administration is so full of **it that if someone did a brain scan they'd just see crap. April 29, 2014   Nader says to impeach thevileone. I've never been a Nader fan, but in this, I agree with him. April 29, 2014   The numbers aren't pretty for thevileone. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! April 29, 2014   He lies, he lies, he lies, he lies, he lies! thevileone wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch all at the same time. He's not capable of telling the truth unless and until he's caught so tight in his lie that he can't do anything but back out of it. April 29, 2014   I totally disagree with what Sterling said and think he's an idiot for thinking the way he does. With that said, though, I wonder where his First Amendent rights went? Free Speech is NOT ABOUT SPEECH WE ALL LIKE! Free speech is not just the freedom to stand up in the city square and tell us that the sun is shining, the birds are singing and we're all going to have a tax decrease! WooHoo! We can all get behind that kind of free speech. The Founding Fathers created the First Amendment so that we can do more than that. The First Amendment is more about this kind of speech; the kind we hold our noses and disagree with but stand up and say "You've got the First Amendment and you have the right to say stupid stuff. But do you have to say it out loud and prove your own IGNORANCE?" The First Amendment protects ALL speech: political, racist, sexist, sweet nothings to the vilest gangster rap you can imagine (BTW, which is more offensive: some of the modern gangster rap or what Sterling said?). When people are reacting to this guy in this way, why are they not doing the same sort of reaction when a gangster rapper says similar things? Could it be because those up in arms now are the racists? April 29, 2014   Sicko dumborat caught with child porn. What is wrong with "men" who are into that stuff? IMHO, any "man" who must view children as sex objects is NOT a man, but instead only as old, emotionally, as his youngest victim. REAL men don't do that. April 29, 2014   DH[IN]S covers up Mexico's military crossing into OUR country illegally. They don't care about OUR security. All they care about is getting more Mexicans to vote. April 29, 2014   thevileone isn't popular in the Philippines. They get it. April 29, 2014   "Cheekbone Cherokee", Elizabeth Warren, was waaaayyyy overpaid. Must be nice. I've been doing some digging into my family's history via an genealogy website and found out that there is a controversial story in our family that we are part American Indian. Turns out, we are not. The genealogy website proved it to me. So I straightened out the misconception in our family about that. We found the source of the story, but the story was not true. So to the best of my current knowledge, we are not part Cherokee. April 29, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Doctor says it's time to defy thevileone's healthcareTAX. I must say I AGREE WITH HIM!Why we have waited this long, I have no idea.April 29, 2014   bonehead boehner is as big a LIAR as thevileone. April 29, 2014   msthevileone's two days in China: 222 THOUSAND taxpayer dollars. Mac and cheese again tonight? Aren't you glad she went on that trip on YOUR DIME? Isn't that special? April 29, 2014   holder sets out to PROVE racism. He's doing so via giving YOUR MONEY to groups like ACORN, his brown shirted personal army, and other supporters of thevileone's. It's not about a study; it's about financing his buds and spreading more money around for the primaries and November elections. April 29, 2014   Do you want YOUR child's school to be an Islamic school? Want to live under Shariah Law? Want to have your wife/daughter/self wear a hijab? That's what they're trying to do. Love America? FIGHT BACK! April 29, 2014   LOCAL:   D5 School Board candidate info and the BOCC is trying to RAISE OUR TAXES AGAIN. Is anyone surprised? April 29, 2014   I'll close on that. I can hear what sounds like the storm coming our way. So until next time, See ya'! April 28, 2014: 3:53 p.m.   I just received a response from Mr. Chinaris to my question about his opinion of Common Core. His reponse is: "paulchinaris@gmail.com"To which I have two responses:    1) If he's just going to reiterate verbatim what he's already said in the Brevard Times, why not just refer me to that? Did he just copy and paste?    2) If you recall, the states were told that if they accept federal monies for their schools they'd also have to accept Common Core. To me, Chinaris's answer is vague and rather noncommital. His statement can be interpreted that he supports Common Core, or that he's against Common Core. Which is it? He supports "state and local control" but the "state and local control" are both IN FAVOR OF Common Core: the State accepted the money. At the same time, he says that it needs revision before "high stakes accountability testing is implemented." So which is it? Does he support it, or is he "agin" it? Wishy-washy doesn't wash with me. April 28, 2014: 1:30 p.m.   I have to apologize for all of the typos lately. My keyboard has some sticky keys and I haven't caught all of the places where the keystrokes haven't taken, although the keys were hit. My "s" key is super sticky and I have to almost pound it to make it take. My lower left keyst (z-n) are sticky, too, so I'll be taking my keyboard off of my computer soon and checking under it to see what's causing the problem. It's very frustrating to read a sentence after I write it and to see that several of the letters are missing, even though I did hit the keys. Let's start the day with the usual week-starter: Minion Monday: An Old Fashioned Romance shows Hank and (name withheld upon request) during a romantic evening. Don't worry: it's family friendly. April 28, 2014: 1:30 p.m.   My heart goes out to those who were in the path of the tornadoes in the midwest. If you'd like to help them, you can give to help the tornado victims of America's heartland. Give your prayers, too. April 28, 2014   ketchup kerry proves yet again how ENORMOUSLY STUPID he is. It's not just he, it's the whole administration since he had to get approval to say this kind of crap. April 28, 2014   Tell me why we should vote for republirats. They've caved on everything that is important (and quite a bit that isn't important), so why vote for a dumborat with a different name? For ANYONE to say that "We have to vote for the Republican, no matter who it is because a third party candidate hasn't got a chance and we'd be just handing the election to any dumborat running if we don't vote Republican." IS RIDICULOUS! In voting for ANY republirat running -- Romney to mccain't -- is tantamount to saying that the direction our country heads via elections is of NO CONSEQUENCE TO US because it matters more what LETTER is behind a political candidate's name than where that candidate would take our COUNTRY. We can ONLY have a future that has ANY hope at all for our children's children's children IF WE VOTE FOR THE TRUE CONSERVATIVE on the ticket and ONLY the TRUE CONSERVATIVE. IF we vote strictly (R), all we are doing is assuring the same pathway we are headed now because the current leadership/candidates/committees in the republirat party are nothing more than dumborat progressives in republirat red tie clothes! Voting for republirats BECAUSE they ARE republirats is tantamount to signing over America to the commies currently occupying the RED House! VOTE FOR THE TRUE CONSERVATIVE on the ticket, no matter what party they belong to! If they're of the Duckbilled Platypus Party VOTE FOR THEM IF THEY'RE TRUE CONSERVATIVES! I don't care about letter of the majority in the House or Senate -- (D), (I), (L), (R), or (DPP) -- as long as they're TRUE CONSERVATIVES! If they can't fill that bill, pass them by! April 28, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:  
One doctor practices: this thing is killing that tradition.
Remember: "The $677 million being reported as the cost of building healthcare.gov is but a drop in the bucket compared to the true cost of the first ACA open enrollment period. Counting all the grants given to states, taxpayers are out $6 billion, none of which went toward actually providing anyone with healthcare. [my bolding]"Yep. And it's just starting, folks. It's just starting. Have you considered the similarities between this crud and Common Crap Core? Yep. They're being done for the same reasons: destroy America and give thevileone a DICTATORSHIP. Is that what you want? Let's hope people remember THIS in November. April 28, 2014   China demolishes Christian churches. Communism doesn't like Christianity. Communism doesn't want anyone to worship anything except the "Dear Leader" -- the head of the Communist Party. That's all they'll tolerate. When anyone talks persecution, they should START with Christians being persecuted worldwide, not with other things.
April 28, 2014   scotUS to rule on cell phone searches. What do you think they'll do with that? I think they'll rule that it's just fine to search the cell phone of any person they're talking to. After all, they may have "reasonable suspicion" and all that, don't ya' know, when the person using that phone is sneezing at them or something. Right? April 28, 2014   WHAT????!!!???!! An administration official with a CONSCIENCE? I think I'm in shock. They're usually as crooked as thevileone wants them to be. They usually have NO SCRUPLES WHATSOEVER. ONE had a conscience? WOW! That's astonishing! April 28, 2014   Read this for the truth about race-based preferences. It's a thought-provoking article and I didn't realize that the recent scotUS ruling could be ignored so easily. Very interesting article. April 28, 2014   Federal judges found to be ruling in cases; despite conflicts of interest. That's not a good thing because now some of those cases have to be retried. That's a waste of taxpayer dollars and time. Whatever happened to the integrity of our courts? We can put this down to the presidents who have chosen these judges. If the presidents would choose folks with INTEGRITY we wouldn't have to worry about this. Yes, I'm including both parties in this. April 28, 2014   BAD COP! NO DONUT!   Cop chokes non-resisting, handcuffed student until the student lost consciousness. Another case in Buffalo, NY, where cops beat a man is being called police brutality. Then there's the Galveston case where the cops zapped and pepper sprayed guests. How can we trust cops when they're treating us like this? How? If I need a cop will I be able to trust the cop who responds IF I call? Or will I be the person thrown to the ground, beaten senseless and jailed because a cop has a god complex and thinks he's/she's above it all and can do whatever they wish because they have a badge and a gun? When will law enforcement across this nation realize that they've given themselves a bad reputation and that if they want to change that, they have to change THEMSELVES? I used to trust cops -- never implicitly, but mostly. Now? I'm sorry, but I cannot. April 28, 2014   TRUTH: The cry of "racism" is a whip not equally applied. April 28, 2014   Wall Streeters are nuts! hillclintoon would be a disaster: especially after thevileone's administration's disaster! I don't know who did the poll, but it may depend upon how the question was worded as to what the response would be. Let us hope that is the case here. Anyone who wants America to prosper and recover from this administration should NOT support hillclintoon. A TRUE CONSERVATIVE should be the person they support, so let's hope that the wording was pro-clintoon, instead of just Wall Streeters crazy. April 28, 2014   Wireless networks are inherently insecure; even baby monitors are susceptible. April 28, 2014   This is why America is in such desperate trouble. And I'll close with that for today. Until next time, See ya'! April 25, 2014: 7:25 p.m.   Late start today because I have been out of the house all day long. First we went to Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa Beach to check out the bird watching there. We've seen postings at the birding sites online and have intended to get down there. Hubby took the day off today and we got up early and we went out there. The birding boardwalk is nice. It was at least ten degrees cooler on the boardwalk than in the sun. We saw a few birds (some folks saw a lot more than our beginner eyes could spot) and we had a nice few hours together. Then we went to my hubby's fihing buddy's house and I dropped him off there so they could go to a fishing tournament together. I went to the T-ville wetlands (kinda' opposite but west a little of Cracker Barrell) and drove around that for the first time. It was hot, I saw loads and loads of Red-Winged Blackbirds, Grackles, Moor Hens Coots, and some Cow Birds. I also saw more dragonflies than I could count. Otherwise, there were a few shore birds and five or six other birds. Not very thilling. The woman working there said that if you go there just as they open at seven in the morning you can sometimes see a bobcat. As long as you don't smell like raw meat that would be cool. After that, I came home and realized that I hadn't done the shopping. Back out and to Lowe's and Publix. Then home again and filled the birdfeeders and the suet cages and sat out there trying to relax. Too bad the bugs had already come out so I went in very soon thereafter. April 25, 2014   Today is Flag Friday in which I Tribute To Our Heroes 161: With a Gorilla! I think you may like it. April 25, 2014   I like this so much I put a permanent link to it at the top of the page. Let's keep a happy eye on that countdown! April 25, 2014   Rusia is watching us. They're watching our launches. Isn't that special? Maybe we should just invite them in to see the whole thing? It wouldn't surprise me if thevileone did so. After all, he gives ALL of our enemies exactly what they want from us, so why not let them have that, too? April 25, 2014   April 25, 2014   THAT'S RICH! For her to complain about "facts" is like her husband, the "unusually good liar" telling us that saying that he didn't have sex with "that woman". Facts? hillclintoon wants FACTS? Then why does she say married to the second most incessant (thevileone is the FIRST) LIAR in the history of the world? She wants FACTS? Rrrriiiiggghhhhhtttt! April 25, 2014   I'm sorry folks, but I'm going to finish with that. As you know, I've been out of the house all day and I'm getting quite hungry because I haven't eaten since breakfast before 8 a.m., and it's after 8 p.m. now. So, until next time, See ya'! April 24, 2o14: 10:54 a.m.   I've been praying for my eyes to be made young again. I've grown tired of contact lenses because they started "gunking up" my eyes. I started having to soak them overnight two or three times a week when it's supposed to be once a week. Today, I can read my computer screen without contacts in and without glasses on. GOD sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins so that we can be forgiven our sins and reconciled to Him and spend eternity with Him (and Jesus and other believers) in heaven. Before his death on the cross, Christ was whipped, the flesh torn from His body, the muscled pulled from His back, his organs and bones exposed as the ceramic shards, metal pieces and other items of torture tied into the ends of the whip met their tender, undeserving target -- Jesus Christ's back and body. He went through that because He loves us and by His stripes we are healed. My eyes are getting stronger, focusing better and seeing clearer each day for the last four days. Today, I can see my computer screen without enlarging it and without squinting hard because I have believed GOD's Word and believed in His Son's sacrifice for my healing. Thank you, GOD and thank you Jesus for providing for me yet again! This is the fourth or fifth miraculous healing in my life. I am so very grateful! April 24, 2014   Juxtaposition:   Under thevileone, Russsia moves to put the old USSR back together. Iran builds nuclear weapon, 60% of the U.S. troop deaths in Afghanistan happened under thevileone and food prices are skyrocketing. Under the Ronald Reagan presidency, he told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, and IT HAPPENED! Iran didn't have nuclear weapons, although they wanted them. we didn't send troops to Afghanistan to die, rather we aided those we thought were the "freedom fighters" and let them fight for their own freedom and their own country. Under Reagan, our economy was sooo much better than under thevileone. I miss Ronald Reagan. I miss his belief in America. I miss his positive attitude. I miss his belief in us. I miss his belief in GOD. We have none of that now. Sad thing, yes? April 24, 2014   $90 MILLION of YOUR money spent to build houses in Haiti. I don't begrudge folks having a house to live in, but if I want to help them have a house I'll donate my money WILLINGLY -- by MY CHOICE -- to a charitable organization that won't have as much waste as does the federal government. For instance, Operation Blessing has been there since immediately after the original earthquake and has been helping out for years. They've provided medical aid, housing, businesses, food, clean water, etc., etc., to help the people there. I have given to Operation Blessing for years so that they can help others around America and the world. If you're going to do something for people in need, give to a charity like Operation Blessing and you'll give the people more help because there is less overhead and administrative costs than via the government doing it. Let's use OUR money for OUR choice of things, NOT the government's choice of things. April 24, 2014   I don't trust this. I don't trust the feds to do the right thing, to administer this fairly, nor to use it -- or allow it to be used -- for our BENEFIT, instead of for our detriment. April 24, 2014   April 24, 2014   Friend of thevileone beats girlfriend, gets 25 hours community service. Friends in high places allow you to kick your girlfriend over 110 times and try to smother her and still get just a slight wrist slap. Why do we put up with this? April 24, 2014   Lefties won't tell you the truth about some things. Why the left did this, I have no idea. They really should reconsider their humanity. They're supporting, freeing and kissing up to animals who raped a woman, beat others and "rampaged" through Central Park. These animals got released, their convictions vacated -- although they were guilty -- and they're suing the government for recompense for their time in prison. This is wrong on so many levels it's disgusting. April 24, 2014   Cops Behaving Badly: Wrong apartment, 75 yr. old tied up by cops. They were supposed to be two doors down. Amazing. A cop "murdered" a burglary victim's dog. Can anyone say, "Bad COP! No donut!"? Then there are the cops who jumped on an elderly man who called for an ambulance for his wife. She was having a dementia episode and he was afraid for her after she broke a window. The cops arrived and jumped on the old man, handcuffed him and arrested him. Cops really do need to go through retraining on how to interact with people as well as what OUR constitutional rights are. If a cop isn't trusted by the public, it puts the public at risk because they'll not call cops for help, and it puts the cops at risk because the public won't want the cops to come near them after cops are known for being BAD COPS. Trusting a cop can be a good or bad thing nowadays. It used to be the right thing to do (unless you're a mob family member). Now? I'd rather put my trust in the Constitution and defending myself than in some cops. Cops brought this upon themselves via their own actions. If the public does not trust them, they have no one to blame but the person in the mirror and the others who wear the uniform. If they won't discipline themselves and others within the force, the public cannot and should not trust them. I like cops. A lot of cops (including my nephew) are good cops. But how do we delineate between the good, bad and ugly (so to speak) with all these stories out there about bad cops? April 24, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Dems blams "misinformation" on higher costs for healthcare insurance. It's not that people are actually paying more, they assert, it's that you're "misinformed". Misinformed by who? The insurance companies that were quoting their prices under thevileone's healtcareTAX? That's not "misinformation". It's FACT. And, it's not the "death panels", but it is at home care for seniors is being cut under this thing. Grandma can't get help? It's up to you to fit her into your life, or...? April 24, 2014   Fire harry reid! Fire harry reid! I like that mantra. I'll join it, in fact! April 24, 2014   Peace and Tolerance: Muslim rape gangs consider women "easy meat". And then the woman goes to jail for having been raped. That's injustice piled upon rape and violation. Which is that: peace or tolerance? Victims of rape can also be executed for having been raped. That's executed by the STATE, not just her family (although they can kill her in an "honor" killing because she was raped). Where is the N.O.W. on this and why are they not standing for WOMEN in Muslim countries? Islam has no allies unless they are MUSLIM allies. It's not as if they don't want allies. They just want YOU TO CONVERT before they'll not try to kill you. Even then, if you're a woman you're fair game. April 24, 2014   Aborted babies burned in the U.S.A. for electricity. That's wrong. It's sick. It's barbarous. April 24, 2014   Well, hubby's home for lunch so I'll go. Until next time, See ya'! April 23, 2014: 10:51 a.m.   Sorry about not doing the updates I said I would do yesterday. We didn't get home until late and then we still had to do supper. We went yesterday to Turkey Creek Park in Palm Bay because we had never been there before and thought we might see some birds we hadn't yet seen. Well, it was a place that should have been very "bird-friendly" but we didn't see that many birds there. Those we did see we had already seen at Fort De Soto or Mead Gardens, or in our own back yard. We saw one new bird, a Black-Throated Blue, and everything else was a "seen it". After four hours in Turkey Creek, we went to one of my favorite places and I got a great deal on something I found there. It's in "New With Tags" condition (and it had the tags!) and I paid about $210 LESS for it than if I had purchased it new. That's a great deal for something I really like! I love saving money! Anyways, that's what happened that I didn't get updates done yesterday. My apologies. Now, let's get started for today. April 23, 2014   VOTING INFO:   Brevard Times's first look at D1 School Board candidates is a good way to start finding out about the candidates' stances on the issues. I have written to Paul Chinaris, as promised: "Monday April 21 3:58 p.m.I have not heard back from Mr. Chinaris as yet. The last question in the Brevard Times article is the Common Core question and he answers it there (not to my satisfaction, but it's up to you to see if his answer meets your standards). Question is, will he try to CHANGE the direction of Brevard County schools away from Common Core, or will he stick with Common Core? IF Mr. Chinaris responds to my question -- with the informational link I included in the e-mail. Remember: any -- ANY - politician who REFUSES to respond to a legitimate question from ANY constituent (potential constituent since he's the candidate for and not elected to) is NOT worth his/her weight in snot. ALL polticians should be ready, willing and able to respond to legitimate questions from EVERYONE who asks, not JUST those who are "on their side". IF a politician is NOT willing to do so then that politician is NOT willing to SERVE EVERYONE IN HIS/HER DISTRICT. That, to me, is very much a signal that the politician is NOT worth electing. IF you cannot treat your POTENTIAL constituents equally, during the election, how much LESS will you do so while in office? I'll give him more time, but right now, I'm not impressed. Oh, and for those of you in D2, school board candidates answer questions for you, too. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, party, politician, or ill-educated child.) April 23, 2014   Brevard schools ranked 13th of 50? Rrriiiggghhhhttt... That's why I had to tutor a high school girl who couldn't understand any but the most basic words she was reading. She had absolutely NO reading comprehension whatsoever. Another girl was failing in almost every subject; especially struggling in math. Those two I couldn't help because after the evaluation period the mother couldn't afford to pay for hte tutoring. Another student I tutored was going into the FOURTH GRADE and was incapable of READING. I mean he could neither spell nor read simple wrods like "cat", "house, "car"; going into the fourth grade! His Mom invested in his future and paid me to tutor him twice a week, an hour each visit. Twelve visits later he was reading to grade level and I could give him a word and he would SPELL that word CORRECTLY. Thirteenth in the country? On which drugs? April 23, 2014   Commie robin fisher's NBEDZ project to destroy SCRUB JAY HABITAT? Yeah. He votes for all these environmental lands and issues and money to be spent on it, UNTIL it would impact something he wants. Scrub Jays? Relocate them. Gopher tortoises? Mitigate them and move 'em out. Something else is more important and it's got to be done to benefit the folks in north county. Isn't that a sign of a true PROGRESSIVE: "If it benefits ME, I'll move heaven and hades, change the rules and switch sides to make it all good for me."? April 23, 2014   EDC appeals ruling that they ARE subject ot Sunshine Law. If they have nothing to hide, why fight releasing information so hard? It's OUR money they are spending. WE need to have access to what they are doing with it. IMHO, if they REFUSE to open up and operate in the Sunshine, the head of the EDC although named to the "Top 10" list) should be IN JAIL for failure to comply. April 23, 2014   Now thevileone sends our troops to Poland?
I thought he won a Nobel PEACE Prize so why is it he's sending troops to POLAND?
I thought he had
promised in 2008 to BRING OUR TRROOP HOME. Whatever happened
to that promise? April 23, 2014   Antibiotic resistant MRSA found in homes. I happen to know a person who currently has a MRSA infection. She lives in SC and I pray for her recovery daily. She is struggling because she has Lupus (an auto-immune disorder), pneumonia, sepsis and at least one MRSA infection (perhaps another in her toes now). MRSA is a BAD bug. Please be careful and if you have symptoms of a MRSA infection be sure to head to the doctor' office immediately. Don't delay. Okay? April 23, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   MILLIONS more WASTED "fixing" the $90 MILLION website. Isn't that wunnerful? It was done so poorly the first time that they have to spend the same amount again? Is that the goal? Bankrupt America in any way they can? Don't you wish that you could be a TOTAL FAILURE in yoru job and still get HUGE TAXPAYER FUNDED BONUSES? Yep. It's nice to have friends in high places. Did you know that some of the effects of this thing could be "devastating"? Not only can it be "devastating" to us in one way, but if you go through a "navigator" it could hurt you via identity theft, too! Too bad they're not being careful whom they hire. April 23, 2014   thevileone's not so pecial elsewhere. April 23, 2014   scotUS doe omething RIGHT? Really? AMAZING. April 23, 2014   Another Deputy giving cops a bad name. When will the dpeartments realize that THEY are the ones getting dinged by this kind of action. ALL law enforcement departments NEED to give their people a refresher course in OUR contitutional rights. WE DO HAVE RIGHTS and they need to be reminded of that and taught how to correctly handle situations without infringing upon OUR RIGHTS! April 23, 2014   I think I'll close with that for now. My eyes are tired and I will gie them a rest. Until next time, Until next time, See ya'! April 22, 2014: 12:58 p.m.   I just got some good news! My hubby may be headed home early because he's still catching up on the overtime comp-time that he built up while in the launch process. So, we've talked about going out to a new-to-us birdwatching area. I want to get some more shots like this Summer Tanager. He' so CUTE! So I'll do my posting after I return fro a little excursion, okay? Until then, See ya! April 21, 2014: 1:26 p.m.   Good Monday! I'm back from my little vacation with my hubby. We went to the Florida panhandle and did some bird watching. It was relaxing and fun -- if WET. It rained and rained and rained. We went bird watching anyways. We drove through the St. Marks park areas and watched for birds out the windows. When we saw one we rolled the window down, tried to take a picture (one that didn't focus on the rain instead of the bird) and rolled the window back up. Keeping the cameras dry was impossible but we dried them and kept on trying to get a shot. It did stop raining on Friday long enough for us to get out of the car and walk around a little. By that time we were at St. George Island's park and we knew via internet to look at a place in the park called the "Youth Camp" and there was a very nice elderly lady there who pointed out birds and told us what to watch for. She was an experienced twitcher and we appreciated her help. Later we met Sheila who was also an experienced bird watcher and she showed us several more birds, including a night jar -- Whip-Poor-Wills, Chuck Will's Widows and others are night jars. They blend into the bark of the trees so well that they look more like a lump in the branch than a bird! In all, over the weekend, we saw over seventy (70) kinds of birds! To a beginner that is a lot of birds! It was a great time, very relaxing and my hubby and I spent almost every moment together. That's a good weekend! April 21, 2014   Being Monday, you know what is coming, don't you? It's Minion Monday! This week's picture shows what kind of appetite Minions can have. We had Easter dinner -- sort of. Hank got a head start, so to speak. I hope you enjoy it. April 21, 2014   April 21, 2014   Gardasil: "Ineffective, Deadly, Very Profitable". That's why we need to do away with Gardasil: DEADLY. Why would you give your daughter -- or allow a governor/government to FORCE your daughter to take -- a DEADLY medicine? Why would anyone do that? Why DID Rick Perry, Gov. of TX? It's WRONG. It should be stopped. Merck, IMHO, should be heavilly FINED -- every dime they made off of it should be given to those who have been hurt by it. And, IMHO, Rick Perry should lose his governorship because of this! April 21, 2014   Where else did this happen? April 21, 2014   FAA doesn't follow up because: "The inspectors were threatened with dismissal when they pointed out the serious safety violations and became government whistleblowers. A year earlier a scathing congressional report detailed the serious safety mishaps that regularly occur on runways across the country, especially at the nation’s busiest airports. That investigation also exposed that the FAA has unscrupulously close ties to the industry it regulates. [my bolding]"In other words, the high muckety-mucks let "serious safety violations" go because they were hoping that when ready, they could leave the FAA and get a job with one of the companies they were supposed to be regulating, watching and punishing. No punishment, no correction means a better chance of the FAA's high muckety-mucks getting a cushy job when they leave the FAA. YOUR safety put in jeopardy for a future job prospect. Isn't that so very telling about how much this administration cares about you? When will some folks wake up? April 21, 2014   A little Kobe Beef... a little lobster? Irritates e every time she tries to control us. April 21, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Trust your politician? Some really should NOT be trusted. Let's see what happens with this. It's being used to ADVERTISE TO YOUR KIDS "Brands including Barbie, iPod, Mug Root Beer and Life Savers showed up on the tests more than a million students in grades 3 through 8 took this month, leading to speculation it was some form of product placement advertising."Is that what should be happening in SCHOOL? We've seen all the negatives of Common Crap Core, with NO positives visible in the near or distant future. What we, in Brevard County, need is someone who stands AGAINST this thing. Which local D1 School Board candidate stands against it? Chinaris doesn't even mention it on his site. Misty Belford doesn't mention it on her website by name, either. However, I asked Mistly Belford in an email what she thought of Common Crap Core (without the "Crap" part) and she said, "Thank you for reaching out to me. I have not read everything on the link you sent me but I did scan through it and read the first couple of posts. I am ashamed to say I have not yet seen The Lego Movie or Frozen. Perhaps when they come out for digital download at home I will catch them. Regardless of my movie viewing habits though, I am not now, nor have I ever been, in support of common core for our students. I had serious concerns about common core when it was initially introduced as a concept and now that were are introducing the common core standards in lower grades, I am seeing the impact of those standards first hand each day as I visit my children’s school and it is frightening!That' what he wrote to me in an e-mail Feb. 14, 2014 (Valentine's Day). To my way of thinking that's a great thing! I would much rather know where the I'm going to ask Chinaris directly what he thinks of Common Core and will post his response. This will help you figure out which candidate aligns better with your own beliefs, how you want your children educated and who will be better for Brevard County's future. April 21, 2014   Do you really want to build thevileone's preziduncial library? You may have to pitch in $100 MILLION worth, like it or not! Where do I OPT OUT?! April 21, 2014 &nbssp show me a man's friends, Ill show you the man. Liars lie and they hang together. April 21, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Let us HOPE this is the way it works out! That would give us reason to celebrate on election night! I'd party until daylight and I look forward to that victory! Do you like Jeb Bush as a presidential candidate? He is alleged to support this thing. In GA less than half of their enrollees have apid their premiums. (Of course, when you're not told the price of the premium until AFTER you agree to pay them, that's not a surprise but the price is!) Did you know that dead folks support this trash? Yep. Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy is being used to push it. Perhaps that's because once you sign up you're as good as dead when it comes to getting medical help? April 21, 2014   I'm going to close for now. I'll let you know when/if I hear back from Mr. Chinaris for Common Crap Core response. Until next time, See ya'! April 16, 2014: 10:40 p.m.   NOT a coincidence: ANOTHER LIE. shock. surprise. If thevileone knew how to tell the truth it would kill him. April 16, 2014   CONTROL. It's all about CONTROL. April 16, 2014   lois lerner wanted the DO[IN]J to "look into" TEA Party. Does anyone think this is impossible? What is it with these folks thinking that they are immune from punishment? It's the fac that they know that the administration WON'T do anything (in fact, encourages it) and that the republirats won't do a darn thing about it that empowers them. They've got nothing to worry about. April 16, 2014   Well, I'm going to stop again there. I'll be away until Minion Monday! See ya' then! April 16, 2014: 12:48 p.m.   Took a day off yesterday. Don't really know why, just didn't get updates done. It was tax day, maybe that's why. We've had our taxes done for a few weeks and are expecting to receive our refund soon, so that's not something that kept me from doing the updates. I guess it was the vacation mode that sprang up within me because my hubby took the day off yesterday and it felt like a holiday. We changed our previous plans on where to go. We had planned on going to St. Augustine for a few days, but we've been there, done that so many times that we needed to see something else (but I will miss stopping in at LuLi's Cupcakes!). We've decided to head further north and we're going to go to a good birdwatching area that we've never seen before. It's going to be fun and our son will be here to take care of things at home. I'm hoping to see a Black Rail because my bro-in-law hasn't seen it yet and he'd be jealous. (I'm ornery that way.) I actually want to get two sightings of them: one to make him jealous and one to rub it in. LOL! My bad. For now, on with the updates. So I'll do updates now and then not again until Monday of next week. I'll be sure to do a Flag Friday Tribute To Our Heroes and post that on Friday, but otherwise, you'll see me on Monday. Let's get started. April 16, 2014   There are a LOT of earthquakes happening -- in IDAHO? "Curiouser and curiouser". Wonder what's up with that? April 16, 2014   Every full time, private sector employee supports ALMOST TWO people living off of them. Isn't that special? We don't have an American dream anymore, unless it's the dream of living off of the other guy's hard work. It's a system that thevileone has ensured happened and it's something he is encouraging to grow (amnesty, anyone?). It's not the America we grew up with; it's the Communism of thevileone and his co-commies. We need to stop this nonsense or lose America altogether. Vote for the TRUE CONSERVATIVES in the next election. Ignore the letters following the names; if they're a TRUE CONSERVATIVE -- no liars need apply -- vote for them even if they are Libertarian or No Party Affiliation, or even republirat: it's their CONSERVATIVE stance that matters. Check out our Supervisor of Elections "Announced and Qualified Candidates" page and keep an eye on it. Note that Matt Nye, for instance, has withdrawn. I can't say I'm upset about that. I do not consider him as a Conservative, considering personal experiences I've had in conversation with him online. It's getting too close to NOT be informed on this. Visit the candidates' website pages and read up on them and attend forums they'll be participating in. Remember, it's up to US to keep ourselves informed. If we vote ill-informed, we get what we deserve. Speaking of which, have you checked out Chinaris's "Issues" page lately? He finally put one up, but it's not very good, IMHO, since he does NOT address Common Crap Core, nor the issue of his conflict of interest. His wife was Brevard County's Teacher of the Year last year. If she does not resign or take a hiatus while he serves on the School Board, can there be any doubt that there is a CONSTANT CONFLICT OF INTEREST while he serves as HER boss? I just sent an e-mail to the new candidate, Shana Lynn Moore, to see if she will tell me about her stances. Maybe there will be a new favorite of mine. I'll let you know. April 16, 2014   More wasting of taxpayer dollars in bureaucratic overlapping. This is ridiculous. Consolidate all of those overlapping offices and save a LOT of TAXPAYER dollars. April 16, 2014   The ACLU is targeting Conservatives to get them to shut up in their stances AGAINST amnesty. The ACLU is on the wrong side of the issue, as usual. They've done one or two things lately in which they've been on the correct side, but that doesn't wipe out their record of abominable wrongs. April 16, 2014   thevileone wants to bail out Detroit pensions at YOUR expense? Okay. Hands raised of those who are surprised? No hands? Not even one? Nope. Didn't think so. How much is it going to cost you? Peanut butter is good, isn't it? April 16, 2014   bloomberg is WRONG! You CANNOT EARN your way to heaven. It is through FAITH ALONE -- faith in Jesus Christ as YOUR Lord and Savior -- that gets you to heaven. YOu cannot EARN your way in. If so what hope would one of the theives on the crosses to either side of Christ have had?: "39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”It's NOT baptism, WORKS, giving, self-flagellation, the law (Old Testament obedience to every jot and tittle of the laws), being a "good" person ("And Jesus said unto him, 'Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.'"), or anything else that can get you into heaven, mr. bloomberg, except FAITH in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Are you ready? April 16, 2014   It's happening in L.A.; is it happening elsewhere? I wonder if there's a problem here in FL, too. It's one of those things that if you have it in pocket A, you'll find out it spread to pockets B-Z, too. Has anyone checked to see if it's happening here? April 16, 2014   thevileone's Magic Pen is going to do AMNESTY without authority. He doesn't have the CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to do amnesty via his Magic Pen, but it looks like he's going to do so. He's creating AmeXica so that we cannot defeat dumborats in the November election. To the Hispanic community out there: Isn't it so nice to be SOOOOO TAKEN FOR GRANTED? YOU, the Hispanic community, are thought to be SOOO under the dumborats' thumbs that YOU will do WHATEVER they instruct you to do. Isn't it a special feeling when you are being used as puppets? Or, at least, knowing that the dumborats think of you as PUPPETS incapable of thinking for yourselves and voting on your own convictions and beliefs? April 16, 2014   Can dumborats CHEAT ENOUGH to get HER elected even after thevileone's healthcareTAX debacle/disaster/drubbing? Can she be elected WITHOUT CHEATING? I wonder sometimes if dumborats will vote for ANYONE with a (D) after their names as long as they don't have to vote for another party, or if they intentionally vote for the person furthest to the left, as close to Socialist/Communist as they can find? Is the everyday dumborat voter a Socialist/Communist at heart and votes as such? Or is it the leadership who are the commies and who are dragging the dumborat party, with little to no resistance from the rank and file, into the commie realm? What is preventing the leadership from just declaring, "Okay. We're tired of denying it and we admit that we ARE COMMUNISTS and we WANT AMERICA to be a COMMUNIST COUNTRY!"? What's preventing them from doing so when their rank and file, flyover country constituents are NOT FIGHTING THEM TOOTH AND NAIL to PREVENT THEM FROM DOING SO? It's up to the rank and file membership of BOTH main political parties to CONTROL THEIR LEADERSHIP and if the leadership won't listen, it's their job to REPLACE THEM ASAP! April 16, 2014   I LOVE THIS! YES! LET'S DO IT! Call your Congressman and Senators and have them suppor this bill! April 16, 2014   Aaaaahhhhh.... public schools!
April 16, 2014   dumborats change the CENSUS to help thevileone's healthcareTAX look better. Lips. Moving. April 16, 2014   Birdwatching is something I've recently taken up so that I can spend more time with my hubby. He's been into it for about a year; me for a few months. I started going along strictly to spend time with him when he'd go out during daylight left after his long, busy days at work. I wanted to spend more time with him during his latest launch flow so I went with him to see the birds. It was nice and I got some good shots, and he liked my photography of the birds better than his own. He was not used to using a camera at all, much less using a DSLR, so it was fun to see his reaction to my photos of the birds we saw. As he's become more familiar with using a DSLR his pics got better and I got more interested in birdwatching. So that's what my time away will be. We'll be doing some birdwatching and spending time together because now my hubby's finished with that monster rocket and I have him all to myself for a few days! Hurray! So, until Monday, April 21, 2014, See ya'! April 14, 2014: 2:45 p.m.   Spent the weekend watching birds with my hubby. On Saturday we went to Fort De Soto on the west coast with my brother-in-law who got my hubby into this hobby-becoming-an-obsession. Bro-in-law has been into birdwatching for at least four years so he has more experience than us. He looked at our cameras on the way over and made some setting suggestions for getting better pics of birds because birds jump around a LOT and are very difficult to get a a good picture of them because of their jumpiness. Setting the camera's shutter speed a little higher made it easier to get the bird in focus, but not easier to get the bird! It was a fun visit and we left the house at 7 a.m., got back about 9 p.m. That's a long day in the heat! Yesterday hubby and I went to a place bro-in-law suggested, Mead Gardens in Winter Park, FL. Another hot day in the heat for over five hours and we got some good pics, some of which I will post some to my Flickr account later, and we met someone there whom we had seen the previous day at Fort De Soto. We talked cameras and lenses and found out that you can rent lenses! Never knew about that. I guess there's very little nowadays that you can't rent in one way or another. So anyways, let's start the day with my usual week starting offering: it's "Minion Monday: Hank's 2 Month Anniversary"! Start the week with a smile! April 14, 2014   Did you know that thevileone has proposed 442 new TAXES since taking office? Yep. 442 new taxes; which reminds me. Have you filed your 2013 income taxes yet? They're waiting! I'm glad we filed early and don't have to worry about it tonight. We're stress free tonight! WooHoo! April 14, 2014   Speaking of taxes, the IRS targeting of Conervative groups has been in Conservative news again. Too bad the msm has chosen to ignore it and not tell you the truth about it. How they can call themselves "news" networks, I have no idea. What they need to change their names to is more like "blood" networks. That old saying "If it bleeds it leads" makes everything about people being hurt or killed more important than what is happening to everything you will be impacted by. News is MORE than blood and death. That affects relatively few people unless it's things like the 9/11 attacks, the Boston Marathon Bombing (one year ago; hard to believe it's been that long), or something massive. When a mother kills seven of the babies she gave birth to and then put their bodies in the garage, that's more important to cover than the fact that thevileone is trying to do a UNIVERSAL GUN REGISTRY. Have you heard about that elsewhere? No? Let's make sure that spreads! The msm certainly won't do it. April 14, 2014   thevileone and his family have been abusing YOUR money in their travel spending. shock. surprise. They live like a king, queen, a queen mum and two princesses on our dollar while we scrimp and save to get money to pay the orthodontist. We wait to buy new tires so we can afford band camp for the kid, while thevileone and his family eat Kobe Beef on our dime. We postpone any vacations except those we drive so that we can afford to fix the roof, update our kitchens, or pay the hospital bill for the appendictomy Junior needed; thevileone and his family party hearty at unprecidented costs. Is this what America should be? April 14, 2014   Michelle Malkin nails it! "Auntie Zeituni is an enduring symbol of all that is wrong with this country’s immigration “policy” — or rather, its complete lack of a coherent, enforceable system of laws and rules that puts the national interest first. She was a beneficiary of the welfare state run amok, enabled by bipartisan fecklessness. To the bitter end, she bit the hand that fed her with predictable ingratitude and metastatic entitlement."The fact that those in "high and mighty" places get special treatment for their illegally here relatives is disgusting to me because we are NOT a country of special privilege. We are allegedly a country of EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW. When thevileone's relatives get special treatment we have nothing that makes this AMERICA; we have a dictatorship, tyranny, or a monarchy. April 14, 2014   thevileone's eric holder blocks mergers by REPUBLICAN CEO's and that's just one more way thevileone targets more Conservatie people than those who agree with him 100%. It's another sign of thevileone's trying to divide America and to play favorites. He does whatever it takes, folks. It's a real shame, although eric holder and thevileone don't feel ashamed at all. April 14, 2014   As CA goes, so goes America? Maybe it's time that folks start waking up and seeing the truths that have been in front of their eyes for years? Let us pray. April 14, 2014   Oh. Gag. We don't need this. April 14, 2014   I don't know about this. I just don't have an urgency in my spirit that the blood moons are going to be a big thing. I have learned to NOT believe in the signs that men can find and that only GOD knows when what is going to happen. It's not that easy to figure it out. That's soothsaying and we aren't supposed to do that. We should, instead, look to the Lord who knows all things and sees all men and knows their hearts and His sign will be all that we need. Remember two years ago when it was said that on May 21, 2012 the Lord would return? Yeah. Didn't happen. This is going to be another one of those. Men search the sciptures and skies for signs and make connections that are not actually connected. It's like saying that because flour is a component of most cakes it means that GOD wants us to eat cake. Sounds good to me, but it's not a real connection, is it? Or like some claim, "Marijuana is a plant made by GOD, so it's a sign that we should smoke and eat pot." Right. And arsenic is something made by GOD in the same way so we should eat arsenic? The four blood moons will come and go and we shall be here. This does NOT mean that you are safe forever. It means that every moment that passes you are closer to the time of tribulation, to the rapture, to the final judgment. For all we know the blood moon will come tonight and go tomorrow and we will be facing the end times tomorrow afternoon (beside taxes, I mean). It's entirely possible that the Lord will return BEFORE this evening and the blood moons will be a sign for those left behind. It's possible that it will be another thousand years before the Lord returns. Whichever the truth is, are you ready? If it's fifteen months, fifteen years, fifteen centuries, or fifteen seconds from right now as you read this. Are you ready? Here's how to be ready. April 14, 2014   Personally, I think the guys who did this were cowards. But I'm just a feminist at heart: I WANT women to live. April 14, 2014   "Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy [is] claiming that it is law-abiding gun owners that are the problem in Chicago. He so hates Illinois’s new concealed carry law that he hinted he is ordering his cops to shoot concealed carry license holders on sight without giving them time to inform officers of their situation."Now that's what I call a constitutionally literate, sensible, Second Amendment stance -- SARCASM INTENDED! April 14, 2014   On that sarcastic note, I'll close for the day. Remember to file your taxes before midnight tomorrow if you haven't done so already. If you're getting a refund, be sure to file. After all, IT'S YOUR MONEY! Don't let the feds keep it a moment longer than necessary! Until next time, See ya'! April 11, 2014   Rush Limbaugh's Cancer Cure-a-thon: Give to help find a cure for blood cancers. It could save millions of lives. April 11, 2014: 12:53 p.m.   Another study says stormwater is NOT the cause of Indian River Lagoon problems. This information has been out there since 2013 so why did the BOCC NOT take that into account when they voted to raise our taxes to "protect the Lagoon"?! Frustrating that manatees, tortoises and Scrub Jays get more protection from the government (the Farty-Four and the Feds!) and have more alleged "rights" in those idiots' eyes than we HUMANS who can VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE! Irritates me. April 11, 2014   Did you know about the Sensa ruling? They've been making false claims, according to the feds. So, if you used Sensa and lost weight on it, (according to the feds) it was just psychosematic. You could have done it without the "help" (that wasn't helping). I intended to post this a long time ago, but forgot. Sorry. April 11, 2014   The National Science Foundation wants $83 MILLION more of YOUR money. "Long rocked by scandal, fraud and waste the federal agency that funds science and research in the United States is playing the China card to persuade Congress to approve an $83 million increase to its already excessive $7.2 billion annual budget."Don't ya' love the feds and the games they play to waste more taxpayer dollars? Can I slap them all? April 11, 2014   Nevada ranch becoming ground zero for property rights stand. It's this administration's belief that he has all the power and whatever HE does to US, we just have to take. They're such thugs that they've even brought thugs in from out of state to help intimidate Mr. Bundy. Well, two can play at that game and the State of NV needs to stand by Cliven Bundy! If they don't they will soon find out the feds play for keeps. April 11, 2014   cbs didn't want Sharyl Attkisson to investigate thevileone. I disagree: It wasn't the "investigate" part they feared. It was the fact that they couldn't make her shut up after she got to the truth. I think it's because she wouldn't cover things up, brush them under the rug, etc., that they feared. It wasn't Attkisson knowing the facts herself; it was her SHARING them that they hated. April 11, 2014   Another dumborat lies. shock. surprise. She said she'd stick around. But that was eleven days ago. That's a long, long time in the lawmakers' world. Now she's resigning after doing nothing and she thinks she's going to be famous for doing nothing. Naturally. April 11, 2014   TSA misconduct: AGAIN. April 11, 2014   Even George Will is fed up with "this abusive government". It's about time! April 11, 2014   Dirty tricks politics in NE. Let's pray that the MOST CONSERVATIVE, TRUE CHRISTIAN will win this, no matter which candidate it is. April 11, 2014   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! dumborat's racism backfires on him. Too funny! April 11, 2014   Let's hope this happens soon. If the House won't pass it, let's hope the Base Commander will! April 11, 2014   See? hillclintoon is NOT universally loved. There's still hope that even if she gets the nomination that she won't win. Cancelling appearances because a BENGHAZI Mom is going to be there also speaks to her COWARDICE. April 11, 2014   thevileone's lips are moving about Israel. Another millisecond, another lie. April 11, 2014   Brandeis has double standards, (as do Yale, Duke and Auburn, as well as other colleges). Sending your kids to college exposes them to a lot of crap. I think it's best to send your young adult to a local college where he/she can get a degree but not be on campus 24/7. Coming home and giving you the ability to correct the crap your child was taught during the day is the only way to balance it. If your child wants to go to college again later, when they're well-founded in the faith, well established in his/her political beliefs and well versed in defending their principles, that is the time to do so. But at eighteen or thereabouts? No. Don't let them be brainwashed. April 11, 2014   In August 2013 I wrote about the evils of legalizing marijuana then chose to respond to the comments I received. Today, a lot of my articles' assertions are proven correct. Again. April 11, 2014   You need to know what's headed at America because we didn't take a stand against people NOT assimilating. The great melting pot is no longer a melting pot, but a salad bar: a special section for this, for that, and for the other. People get to choose which section they go into, but they don't get to go outside that section. That's not what we were intended to be. April 11, 2014   It's Flag Friday! "Tribute To Our Heroes 159: Exit 32" is up and waiting for you. Remember, next week I'll be gone at least two days. Which weekdays those days will be I don't yet know. But if it's going to be Monday, I'll sign on long enough to let you know. Until next time, See ya'! April 10, 2014: 3:03 p.m.   It's gone! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! The Atlas V that went up this afternoon at 1:48 p.m. was my hubby's rocket. He worked long, hard hours getting that thing launched and it's good to have it gone. I'll see my hubby again! Hurray! So glad it's gone. We're going to take some time next week to go somewhere and relax during which time I'll be doing no updates. When that is right now, I am uncertain. His schedule is dependent upon how long it takes to get other things wrapped up, people sent home and what kind of paperwork he needs to do, but it's going to be a few days next week, okay? For now, I'm sooooooooooooo glad it's a successful launch, things (as far as I know) are working properly and that it means he can take some of the comp time for his long, long hours. Happy Camper! April 10, 2014   U.S. a.g., eric "temper tantrum" holder is showing his haughtiness. He is NOT to be held to any standard but his own! How dare anyone question that standard or his authority?! Typical crybaby. He wants authority, he should also accept the accountability to hold that authority. April 10, 2014   $7,921,638.66 on ONE thevileone 2013 family trip. Enjoying that peanut butter and jelly yet? Remember: your healthcare costs are going up, as are your food costs, your clothing prices are going up and what you pay for electricity is soaring. And he spends almost $8 MILLION of YOUR MONEY on HIS family vacation. Must be nice being a dictator. April 10, 2014   This is creepy. If a mâitre d' wants to find info on you to "be nice" to you, I think it's just as likely that he can find info that can allow him to find an excuse to cancel your reservation, too. If he finds out you're the "wrong sort" of person he can call you and make an excuse, "We're overbooked and the person we expected to cancel has just shown up, so I'm sorry, but your table is not available." (That's an example; not the mâitre d's words.) Is this America? I don't think the restaurant is one I'd like to go to -- even if I could afford it. I value my privacy more than a good steak. April 10, 2014   Feminazis make no sense. It's epidemic for them to not make sense (note the article below the top one on this link: amazing). They support thevileone, who is the the real chauvinist, and they voted for him twice. But they blame the Conservatives and republirats for a "gender gap"? They need to check the mirror! April 10, 2014   Woopsie- doodle! This is not good. April 10, 2014   So What Has Lois "Lerned"?   The House panel has voted to hold her in contempt, she colluded with dumborat, Elijah Cummings Congressman from MD, and she could (SHOULD) be arrested because she violated all kinds of laws in sharing the info and in targeting Conservative groups. Her office is not intended to be a political agenda agency but the dumborats have turned it into nothing but a tyrannical, political, party-serving government bully. So what has Lois "Lerned"? She is learning that thevileone and eric holder will stand behind her and that she has nothing to fear in refering her case to the DO[IN]J since eric holder thinks he and thevileone are the victims here! Can someone give them a reality check, please? April 10, 2014   This is another case of BAD COP. Law enforcement agencies need to educate their employees on the U.S. Constitution, on civil rights, on property rights and on the historic facts of the area they are working. What are these cops doing obeying the orders given to them? Why are they not reporting to the location and STANDING WITH THE BUNDY FAMILY? That's the right thing to do: Stand with the FAMILY not obey the government! The Constitution is being so violated in this situaation! It's WRONG! These cops are WRONG! This situation -- the Bureau of Land Management putting a TURTLE ahead of a U.S. Citizen's Constitutional RIGHTS -- could be the start of the coming revolution against the dictatorship that is thevileone's administration and against progressive policies in general. Let us HOPE so! April 10, 2014   bonehead boehner angry that thevileone is making him look bad for supporting thevileone! boo. hoo. April 10, 2014   While my condolences and prayers go out to the victims and their families of the PA stabbing at a high school, one must ask why and was he being treated with any sort of drugs? It's got to be looked into whether these violent episodes are being caused by drugs that are supposed to be helping and are instead hurting. April 10, 2014   Brandon Darby makes a VERY GOOD CASE AGAINST AMNESTY. We need to make the immigration LAWS back INTO LAWS. We need to enforce what is already on the books, not make AmeXica, but to welcome LEGAL IMMIGRANTS into the country because they love AmeriCa enough to come here the right way instead of defeating the LEGAL immigrants' efforts to do the RIGHT thing. If we give blanket amnesty (again) we're giving the wrong message, rewarding breaking the law (which only encourages more lawlesness) and we're putting America's future in jeopardy. This is a bad idea and always has been. Enforce the borders. It's the right thing to do. April 10, 2014   FL District 19 folks need to read this. If you know someone who lives there, send them the Breitbart link. (Just in case: Paid plitical advertisement. Paid for and approved by moi, Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaigns, candidates, committees, political parties, or creeps.) April 10, 2014   I'll close with this one: Family Dollar's closing 370 stores so why build a SECOND store in PSJ? Maybe they've tried to expand too quickly? Maybe they're just silly? Maybe they're clueless? Buy land, build stores and close them at the same time? Does that make sense to anyone? Until next time, See ya'! April 9, 2014: 12:49 p.m.   Sorry about no updates yesterday. I sat down at my computer almost as soon as I finished my morning prayers and started writing. I didn't write updates, but a short story that I got the idea for from a dream I had. I wrote until almost 8 p.m. and it is a good story. What I'm going to do with it, I have no idea but it was fun writing it. Later today, if the weather holds, I'm hoping to go out and check out some of the new lenses I purchased over the weekend. Yep. I talked to a lady while I was out birdwatching with my hubby last Wednesday and I asked her about her "bazooka" lens (some of those lenses are huge). We talked about the different brands of lenses and then about the cameras. She had a camera that was a step above mine and she was looking to sell it because she was leaving the brand because they're not going to be making DSLRs anymore (those of you who follow tech blogs will know to which I refer). Sigh. I asked her what she had and she had the camera mentioned and some lenses and she'd be willing to sell them all as a bundle, or individually. I gave her my e-mail address and she contacted me a day or two later. Saturday we went and I bought the bundle: camera, three lenses she had with her (plus one she's mailing later along with other accessories), a battery charger, three batteries, two 4GB memory cards and a 2x converter! Now my hubby has my original DSLR and I'm using the one I bought on Saturday (the step up) and we're both using the lenses! There's only one duplicate lens between the lenses I already had and those I bought Saturday and that's okay because it's a good lens to have a duplicate of. Am I a happy camper? Oh yeah! So, with that in mind, I'm thinking I'm going to keep the blurbs I do to the very picky and important and I'll just do a few and then tomorrow I'll try to do a regular update. Let's get started. April 9, 2014   I don't think this will amount to anything
considering that U.S. attorney-general-failure,
eric "sarcasm-and-threats" holder
doesn't give a crap about the truth and about right and wrong, or about the U.S. Constitution. If he did care he'd have done something abuot it a long
time ago. He'd have done something about
Fast and
April 9, 2014   Breitbart proves the point. Andrew Breitbart would have LOVED that! April 9, 2014   TN wants to BAN the United Nations from MONITORING TN ELECTIONS! I think that's a GREAT IDEA! I also think Florida should follow suit! Contact your Florida House of Representatives member and your Florida State Senators and tell them to do the same! April 9, 2014   Let's all pray that alan "loud mouthed clown" grayson gets defeated this November. He's a disgrace to his district and to Florida as a whole. I think he's nothing but a desperate wannabe in the political world who gets laughed at behind his back because he is so uncouth and boorish. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, political party or milli-brained clown.) April 9, 2014   Pray for the Bundy family and for America since that's who is threatening the Bundys. This is NOT the America I grew up in. This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and it SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING HERE! This is more like Russia, China, or Cuba. April 9, 2014   theivleone's lips were moving again. April 9, 2014   Child sex trafficking is being fought not just by Glenn Beck's friends but also by Orphan's Promise. Whichever you choose, help save these children. I give. Won't you give, too? April 9, 2014   Got FREEDOM? April 9, 2014   Missile defense: Are we defending ourselves? April 9, 2014   Your internet freedom is in jeopardy. That's thanks to thevileone, of course. How many ways can he destroy freedom? Let him count the ways... April 9, 2014   I'll close with that for now. Until next time, See ya'! April 7, 2014: 11:10 a.m.   It's Monday and you know what that means: Minion Monday: Hank Gets Punked for April Fool's Day. Hank's girlfriend (name withheld upon request) had a big April Fool's Day surprise for Hank. He was totally taken in by it! April 7, 2014   This is scary. We do NOT need this. Federal agencies getting "police" powers? Not a good thing. That's why they were buying all that ammo; so that the new police agencies could use them against us? Not a good thing. April 7, 2014   EDC has to turn over the reoords within 30 days. Scott Ellis has -- AGAIN -- safeguarded Brevard County residents and he's watching out for US while the Farty-Four won't do the right thing in any way, shape, or form. I'm thankful for Ellis's efforts. he really does know his stuff and he really is good for Brevard. April 7, 2014   While he was Goveernor of Florida, I supported Jeb because he was Conservative. Now I think Jeb Bush would be a HUGE mistake for Republicans and America. He's a strong supporter of Common [Crap] Core and he's a supporter of amnesty for illegal aliens and for open borders. He doesn't want America to be a soverign nation, which means he's a "One World-er" and that means he is a danger to OUR freedom. He would be a HUGE mistake. Let's learn from the mistake already in the RED House and not put another mistake in there again. Let's learn to turn away from the progressives and to embrace the U.S. Constitution as the Founding Fathers meant it (not as the scotUS and others have "read" it) and let us vote FOR America instead of against her. (Just in case it's needed -- although, he's not a candidate yet, so it's probably not legally required -- Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, party, or illegal alien.) April 7, 2014   Not again. Been there, done that gave away the t-shirt. He's not going to stand up and fight and be a Conservative firebrand so I don't want him. I want someone akin to Scott Ellis who will take the fight to them and make sure they toe the line. I don't want a milquetoast (dipped in milk and soggy), "nice guy" who wouldn't be able to melt sugar in his mouth if his life depended upon it. I want someone who is as Conservative as I -- or moreso (good luck on that one) -- and who will stand tall, talk the talk and walk the walk, go toe-to-toe, eye-to-eye with the progressives and Hamsters, the big government idiots and I my candidate will NOT blink. I want him to look them in the face and tell the truth without fail and to know, believe in, trust and follow the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES of this great nation! I want someone who is going to be Ted Cruz (inelligible due to the "natural born citizen" clause), Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Rush Limbaubh all rolled up into one. I want someone who is giong to believe in GOD and not be ashamed; who is willing and able to pray spontaneously in public, to believe in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (and ME) and will look to HIM for guidance, and will lead the nation according to that guidance. That's what I want in a president. The exact OPPOSITE of what we now have. April 7, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   republirats expand this thing! bonehead boehner is such a LOSER! He's a crying coward and he's wrong in every way, shape, or form. And, yes, just as I said on April 1st, they LIED about the number of enrollees.. So is anyone surprised? If his lips are moving... Scaring folks is always good, don't you think? Being scared of having to pay the penalty is what made those folks who did sign up for this thing do so. They didn't want it because they liked it, thought it a good idea, or were excited about having to pay higher premiums, and have larger deductibles. They didn't want to be in trouble with the government. Isn't it nice to scare a nation? It's so nice to cancel insurance programs FOR CHILDREN, too, n'est-ce pas? This thing's so wunnerful they're signing up prisoners for it. That's so special. There are some of us (probably a LOT of us) who believe this thing is doomed to FAIL because socialized medicine has FAILED everywhere else it has been tried. Why not learn from the mistakes of others instead of putting America through the same pain as the socialized medicine countries have already entered and are struggling to deal with? Learning from the mistakes of others (and NOT joining them in the mistake and not repeating their mistake) is the smart thing to do. Proves the dumborats (and now some republirats) are not smart. Want to meet other folks who are NOT in favor of this thing? Check out this Facebook page. and the Florida chapter of the 10th Amendment Center (H/T PM). April 7, 2014   thevileone is still paying WOMEN LESS than he pays men. Another thing he says he cares about (equal pay for equal work, etc.) but is proven to be LYING about. Awww... His lips are so out of control and they betray him often. He really does need to get control of them. That way he wouldn't be the PROVEN LIAR that he is. 2013 Liar of the Year is what he is and he's going for a double! April 7, 2014   What's up with all the OK earthquakes? The USGS has a map of recent American earthquakes and OK is very active. What's up with that? April 7, 2014   April 7, 2014   charles rangel is an embarrassment to America. He needs to be in prison. April 7, 2014   No "progressive" groups were targeted by the IRS and there won't be anything done about it as long as there's a dumborat in office. Better to hide the transgressions of all instead of telling the truth. It's easier that way. April 7, 2014   Homosexual mafia? The clintoons and thevileone said similar things as the Mozilla CEO who was fired for saying the same things. Now, there's a Catholic nun underfire for the same thing: FREE SPEECH. Or does "Free Speech" no longer exist? One thing is for certain: the scotUS is NOT standing up for the First Amendment. I think the homosexual mafia is very well organized and very vocal, but they're not the majority. Why are the rest of us so scared of the minority -- ANY sort of minority -- be it homosexuals, anti-gun pushers, pro-baby-killers, etc.? Why are WE who are CORRECT in our beliefs, politics and stances made to be afraid of those who are WRONG? We need to stand up and say, "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."We MUST FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT and FREE SPEECH IS RIGHT! April 7, 2014   I'll close on that note. I hope you have a great day and until next time, See ya'! April 4, 2014: 3:22 p.m.   April 4, 2014   Did you know that we haven't been protecting our nukes? Isn't that a good thing to do: have lax security on our nuclear weapon stockpile? Makes all kinds of sense to me. (*sarcasm*) April 4, 2014   Underground railroad from Mexico to USA. Just what we need; amnesty and an underground railroad to make sure everyone can get here -- and bring whatever they want -- who wishes to come. Sweet! (*sarcasm*, of course) April 4, 2014   $6 BILLION of YOUR money the State Dept. has lost. It's not missing. It's in the hands of the Muslim Brohood. That's what Benghazi was all about: getting rid of the witnesses. April 4, 2014   With ketchup kerry in charge, is it any wonder the Middle East is in a mess? He has a hard time tying his own shoes. How anyone thought he'd be a good diplomat is beyond me. April 4, 2014   Even the presumptive to-be can't list her own "accomplishments" while SoS. Maybe because there weren't any? Well, there was BENGHAZI. She and thevileone did that. April 4, 2014   Common Crap Core (CCC):   bill gates not happy with Michelle Malkin. Oh, boohoo. Why is he so determined to make our children STUPID? Ask yourself what he gains from it? Will his computer programs be used in their CCC education, in new robots that will "aid" in their future education? What is he gaining from this? Why is he suddenly so interested in participating with the world when just a few years ago he was a bit of a recluse? Now he's all over everywhere and he's trying to take over your children's education. Why? Follow the money. Follow the money. In other CCC news, if confusing math work is NOT part of CCC, why is it appearing EVERYWHERE CCC is? Hmmmm? Just a "koinkidink" (coincidence) that confusing, goofy math processes are being taught at the same time and under the same headings as CCC? Really? A "koinkidink"? Wow. "Koinkidinks" are funny like that, aren't they? Remember, you have the right to opt out of the exams but if you're going to expose your children to the curriculum, what's the difference? Why expose them to this crap at all? Just homeschool them! There are 100 state bills to try to slow, delay, or stop CCC, which tells you the extent to which this thing is NOT trusted after people look into it! Considering the experiences of people with children already in it, it's no wonder it's not a popular program! This thing is unppopular because it's a piece of CRAP! Homeschool your kids instead of subjecting them to this mess. It really will destroy their brains instead of teaching them anything good. It creates a brainwashed servant class. That's the goal! April 4, 2014   No volcanic eruption at Yellowstone, scientists say. Yesterday there was a story that it would be erupting, perhaps soon, because bison were allegedly running OUT of the park. Problem with that is that the bison were running INTO the park. I can understand people believing it because of all of the recent earthquakes: 64 earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 or above in the last 24 hours! That's a lot of earthquakes! Let's just hope the scientists are correct! April 4, 2014   Some Congress members think they're underpaid! Excuse me while I'm laughing myself silly! Let me guess: they want a pay increase AND more benefits? April 4, 2014   Lefties don't like FREE SPEECH unless you're agreeing with them, you MUST BE PUNISHED for thinking differently, wanting something else, believing something else. YOU MUST CONFORM!!! April 4, 2014   April 4, 2014   Look at the REAL unemployment numbers since thevileone took office. They've NEVER been below last month's 12.6 and spent 28 MONTHS IN THE OVER 16% area. That's how bad thevileone is for America! April 4, 2014   I'll close today with the usual Friday's "Flag Friday" posting "Tribute To Our Heroes 158: Because It's Never Too Late". GOD Bless you and thank you for your service! Until next time, See ya'! April 3, 2014: 1:31 p.m.   Some of you are so very, very disappointed to see this. Awww... Too bad. You fell for my April Fools Day joke. Wah. Others (including those who clicked on the link figured out that I was just pulling an April Fools Day joke on everyone. I hope it gave the lefties a moment (or 24 hours) of joy and elation. That's what I was going for. Today they're back crying in their beer. Wah. Now, on with at least a few blurbs because I am going to be (barring unforeseen circumstances) down in Viera for the Stormwater TAX INCREASE meeting today at 5 p.m. Are you going to attend or do you think that the TAX increase is a foredrawn conclusion and the three-muck-a-teers (fisher, nelson, bolin) will vote for a tax increase no matter what and that maybe there will be a fourth vote (anderson) for it if the other three vote for it? The only person I can count on to vote AGAINST this is Trudie Infantini and she's been a reliable lower taxes person all along. That's why the left hates her so much: she doen't go along with their higher taxes desires. As I said, Wah. April 3, 2014   My condolences -- again -- to Fort Hood. I hope we don't allow this to happen again. If a military base is undefended via no one being armed except the military police then the military is just as vulnerable as any elementary school. This should NOT happen. Let's allow our military members who carry weapons. Let's give them refresher courses, IF they do not already have a concealed carry permit as a civilian, and allow them to open carry. It's better than having all the crazies go postal on base. April 3, 2014   No limit to individual contributions, scotUS says. Wanna' give $5 or $5,000,000 to a candidate? Go for it! Free Speech is a good thing and political contributions are a form of Free Speech. Which means the right is going to have to exercise that right as much as -- if not MORE THAN -- the left or we're doomed! April 3, 2014   Malkin nails it in great style. She's got a great sense of humor and her sarcasm is so sharp and on point that it can split a hair. LOVE IT! April 3, 2014   April 3, 2014   Noah's ark DID float research says. Technically, it didn't say it "did" because that would imply acknowledgement of the truth of the biblical story. April 3, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Yep. The 7 million number was a lie. shock. surprise. Even some on the left are predicting what will be the first to go. BILLIONS of YOUR dollars were spent to advertise this thing that none of us wanted in the first place. Why advertise it to us when we never wanted it anyways? April 3, 2014   I'll close for now. Have something to do. Until next time, See ya'! April 1, 2014: 4:11 p.m.   Late start due to a project I had to get completed. It was so much fun and I really enjoyed doing this project. You'll see the results of the project within the next few days. I think you'll like it. I'll do just a few blurbs for today considering my late start and the fact that my hubby may want to go out birdwatching when he gets home (or he may want to work on taxes --ugh-- to get our refund back sooner). Whichever, I think I'll try to keep it short today. So let's get started. April 1, 2014   Illegal Aliens:   Court: "local police departments aren’t obligated to comply with federal immigration detainers". Requests? I suppose it's like thevileone's healthcareTAX, if they like the illgeal they can keep the illegal? Catholic Bishops push for amnesty because it'll get them more folks in the pews? More folks equals more in the offering? (Slightly cynical. Priests should be preaching, supporting and pushing for obedience of the law ["Render unto Caesar that which is Caecar's...") instead of pusshing for people to be able to BREAK the laws. Wrong is wrong even if it gets more people in the pews. At least there is some good news regarding illegal immigration: KS and AZ won their fight to require proof of citizenship BEFORE people get to vote. That's a good thing! April 1, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Folks are CHOOSING to pay the pentalty instead of joining the program. It's better than having some felon know all of your personal info, or having your info stolen from the website. I don't blame them. I think it's the smartest move. After all, 75% of the people on this thing are going to PAY MORE. They'll probably lose their doctor, lose their hospital and their medicine, but pay more. So why bother signing up for it? They say that they've reached their 7 million enrollees goal. I think they are counting dead people they signed up for it, and my hubby thinks that they're counting all the folks who tried to sign up, got kicked from the website and when they logged back in they were counted again. Whichever, there's no way they've reached that 7 million goal without some sort of LIE about it. Considering their record of lies about enrollment how can anyone think anything else? Did you know that this thing is ruining lives in at least five different ways? mitch mcconnell says this thing's a "disaster" but he supports it anyways. He has got to go. April 1, 2014   You know, my hubby's home and I'm fed up. I'm so tired of this stuff that I just can't take it anymore. Between thevileone, dumborats and the GOP (Grand Ol' Progressives), I just wanna' throw my hands up and scream. I quit. March 2014 March 31, 2014: 11:09 p.m.   I missed this earlier: Court says EDC IS SUBJECT to SUNSHINE LAWS. Hurray! I want to know where EVERY PENNY of my taxpayer dollars are going because that equals accountability. For the EDC to get my money and NOT tell me where and how they spend it, is WRONG in every way, shape and form. I'm glad Scott Ellis won re-election! He's doing a LOT for our rights and our protection! March 31, 2014: 12:21 p.m.   I hope everyone had a great weekend. I enjoyed my weekend. I went to a fishing "tournament" that was held for my hubby's office for kids to be able to come out and learn to fish and spend time with parents whose hours are sometimes exceptionally long. There were no "winners" in the "Adult" section, but I did catch more fish than my husband (my 7 to his 5); three panfish, two reds, two trout and a huge black drum. It was great fun. That was Saturday morning. Afterward we went to one of my favorite shopping stops, a thrift store I frequent, and found some books and miscellaneous there. Came home the long way, saw some birds and took pics while the tornado warning was upon us. Relaxed and went to bed early (for me). Sunday was some light yardwork (pulling dandelions) while hubby and son did some of the heavier duty stuff and, of course, I took my Minion Monday: Hank-zan Swings On Vine pic. I really enjoyed doing this one. Now, let's get started with today's updates. March 31, 2014   68,000 CRIMINAL IlLEGAL ALIENS RELEASED by thevileone. America, land of the freed criminal under thevileone's administration. March 31, 2014   YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS paid for this? Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy all over? March 31, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Republican couple get VOTER registration from CA program PRE-MARKED with [dumborat]. "A local couple in La Mesa, California were shocked to receive completed voter registration forms from Covered California with their party registration listed as 'Democrat' after they enrolled in Obamacare."So they're defrauding the elections again? Shock. Surprise. BTW, you do remember, don't you that today is the LAST day to register for this crap? Until, that is, thevileone's Magic Pen goes into its SuperHero action and illegally decrees another extension of the "law". Remember, if you tried to sign up before and encountered difficulties, thevileone has already extended the deadline for you until NEXT Monday. So NEXT Monday we'll get another Magic Pen action? Allegedly, thevileone's healthcareTAX was supposed to ensure coverage for all those uninsured Americans out there? Yeah, we're all paying the price because (even the experts agree) only about 1.7% of the actual UNinsured have signed up for The Big LIE. Ya' know, I thought that part of the reason to implement a new "national" healthcare plan was to lower premiums but this thing raises premiums for most folks. Oh. Sorry. I forgot the 2013 LIAR OF THE YEAR probably should have won it 2007 THROUGH 2013 and probably should win it this year, too. The TRUTH is that this thing cuts choices, not premiums and that anyone who enrolls is bound to be shocked by it sooner or later. Whether in premium costs skyrocketing, or they're ripping off the young adults signing up, this thing is NOT cheaper than the other options. Too bad that was just another promise of thevileone. So what if either 6 or 7 million sign up for this piece of crap? Then what? Then it will be breaking even? Ever heard of attrition? If so, then what? Will it be taking from the young so that you can rob them to pay the old? Come on! It's AMERICA we're talking about! That's not the way we're supposed to work. Hopefully, the failure of the Oregon program will effect the rest of the program so that it ALL fails entirely and we can go back to the open market and improve what was there. We could allow people to shop across state lines for insurance and we could allow the open market to set the prices of procedures without government interference! That would all be good! March 31, 2014   Common Crap Core:   NH chooses to keep it, and it's going to be a HUGE election issue, but do you know the TRUTH about it? Watch the video on the link. Your ideas about this thing may change. Common Crap Core is so bad that if you read all of the stories here you'll grab you childrean and run screaming from any school that has implemented it. In OH, they have an "opt-out" for the testing done and they retaliate if you choose to opt-out. Common Crap Core is a piece of dung wrapped in a pile of poop, covered with excerment and presented in a gilded package of petrified BM. I think I've figured out what they're doing here, though.
March 31, 2014   March 31, 2014   Hey, I have an idea. Let's don't and say we did. Please! Please! Please! March 31, 2014   Well, I'm going to close with that for now. I feel a big of a headache coming on and if I get offline and do other things it will go away. I've also got other things to do and I want to get them done. Enjoy the Minion Monday pic! Until next time, See ya'! March 29, 2014: 9:29 p.m.   Did Commie Fisher have a secret agenda while making TAXPAYERS PAY for the Miracle City Mall redo? "In the same month as the J C Penney representatives presented their grievance to Commissioner Fisher about the Miracle City Mall [possible asbestos issue], Commissioner Fisher meets a developer whose name is Allen Goins. This proves to be an important meeting due to the fact that Allen Goins later obtains an option to purchase the Miracle City Mall in November 2012, for approximately $6 million."What's going on behind the scenes here that we don't know the full story on? I'll try to keep you posted. (HT: Ms Barbara) March 28, 2014: 2:58 p.m.   It's Flag Friday! For today's posting, check out "Tribute To Our Heroes 157: A Star for Stripes" because I can never thank you enough for your service! March 28, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It's not very popular although the RED House says it's "a very popular thing". If they have to LIE to you they are hiding something from you, they think you're too stupid to figure it out themselves, and they think that they can pull the wool over your eyes even further. Are you going to let them get away with that? As we've seen, it's not very popular AND it's too expensive. Even if you can afford the monthly premiums, you can't afford the deductibles. You may be paying only $64 a month but when you go see a doctor and get a prescription, your deductible is $10,000 so it's like you're not covered at all until you reach that $10,000 deductible. How often do you spend enough to reach that mark in a single year? This piece of crapis so bad that it's driving harry reid crazy. (It's not as if he had far to go to get there.) Do you know how much the program cost us so far? ""'From a regulatory perspective, the law has imposed more than $27.2 billion in total private sector costs, $8 billion in unfunded state burdens, and more than 159 million paperwork hours on local governments and affected entities.'"That's just the start! Read the link. There are more costs: at least $13.5 BILLION worth of additional costs of one sort or another. With the inflation that is coming, double that. This is what you, your children, your grandchildren, etc., etc., etc., are saddled with thanks to the dumborats. They're now trying to get hollyweird to push this crap, too. Isn't that special? This thing is so bad that even the godfather is abandoning it. "If you like your doctor" he said you could keep it, but did he include a dentist? Then there's the bonehead boehner betrayal boondoggle. This is the last straw for my tolerance with bonehead. He has gone too far using this tactic and he's now as despicable to me as thevileone. Remember: THIS THING IS NOT A LAW BECAUSE thevileone CHANGES IT ON A WHIM. Challenge it in court and thevileone's own actions will take this thing down! March 28, 2014   Lesbians charged with starving their adopted children. A ND mom starved her son to death. In AZ, a mom and dad starved their 9 month-old to within days of death. I have one question for these people: Where is your soul? There must not be one in any of these people because if they had one they could never do this to a child. They harmed children and GOD does not like that. It's going to be a dark day of judgment if they don't turn their lives over to Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins -- and make no mistake, what they've done is a sin -- they have a sad, dark future. It's hard to consider someone worth saving when they do this, but GOD LOVES US ALL: even people who do this kind of thing. March 28, 2014   msthevileone cost Aamerica how much? They're never going to tell us the full amount because some of the costs are "secret". Remember how many trips they went on in 2013 at YOUR expense? They're going to Martha's Vineyard this summer. How much you want to bet they'll have another vacation between now and their late summer Martha's Vineyard trip? Must be nice to be a dictator. You can do anything you want and WE pay for it. Sweet! March 28, 2014   Israelis being denied entrance into America despite his alleged support of Israel. He's such a LIAR. March 28, 2014  
March 28, 2014   Our Heroes are committing suicide at alarming rates. We need to let them know that we support, love and honor them and that we want them to be live. We can help them through. We can help them, not to "get over" this but to be a support system for them, to help them deal with the things they saw, the losses they survived, the heartbreak they live with. We can help them. We do honor them. We do LOVE them and want them to live. Along those lines, I repost the link to my "Tribute To Our Heroes 157: A Star for Stripes" because I want them to live. March 28, 2014   I'll close for now. Have a good weekend! Until next time, See ya'! March 27, 2014: 1:51 p.m.   thevileone is GIVING RUSSIA OUR WEAPONS while giving lip service to standing against them.
Remember the message to Putin: "Article IIIt's TIME. March 27, 2014   With the weapons thevileone is giving to Putin will Russia go for the North Pole after it gets the Ukraine? It's going to take even the parts of the Ukraine that don't want to be back in the USSR. Putin doesn't care what they want and, like thevileone, he doesn't have to care. Putin, like thevileone, is a law unto himself, answerable to no one. Question for you: With all of the Russian troops heading into the Ukraine, why is everyone sending money to the Ukraine when they know it will wind up in the hands of Putin? Does that make sense to anyone? Think, people! When Russian invades the Ukraine Putin will wind up with the money! See today's first post! That's what is going on here! March 27, 2014   Abortion KILLS WOMEN a well as BABIES. It's not just the baby who dies in some abortions. Since there is no real requirement for reporting deaths due to complications from abortions the number reported is probably much lower than reality. If a doctor perforates a woman's uterus and she bleeds out, that's not reported as a botched abortion, but as something else: "The cause of her death was hemorrhaging, a perforated uterus, and delay."Then there are the babies who survived the abortion and are left to die, or just murdered and the barbarism of that practice should haunt everyone who participates in it or hears about it. That should not happen in a civilized society (nor should burning dead babies to heat a hospital!) and we should all make every effort to protect babies as soon as a child is conceived. A baby is a gift from GOD. Destroying that gift is to tell GOD "No thanks. I know best. You were wrong." I think that is a really stupid thing to say and abortion an inhuman thing to do. March 27, 2014   Dumborats Being Investigated On Parade: CA State Senator, Leeland Yee, inicted on arms trafficking (although he's allegedly a staunch anti-gun person). Charlotte, NC's Mayor Patrick DeAngelo Cannon is under investigation and has resigned allegedly due to "public corruption by accepting bribes". The RI House Speaker, Gordon Fox, who resigned his Speakership after the FBI raided his home and office. Include State Assemblyman William Scarborough (D-St. Albans) in the list of FBI home and office raids on dumborat legislators. Rob Andrews from NJ will step down as the investigation into his actions is ongoing. Also under indictment is State Sen., LeAnna Washington (D) from PA whose trial starts soon. And probably the worst of all as far as being a despicable act: IL Rep. Keith Farnham under investigation for alleged child porn. All dumborats. All being investigated, under indictment, or going to trial already. Rush says that it's the dumborats cleaning house now so that it won't happen just prior to the election. If that be the case, they KNEW this stuff was going on and did nothing until they thought it may intefere with them keeping the Senate if any of this broke immediately prior to the election. If Rush i right, that's just typical dumborat CYA. They're getting rid of the least of these; throwing them under the bus as a "Look! We've cleaned our house out!" but they don't take harry reid, pelosipig, etc., the BIGGEST RATS stay and are in charge. What I say, contrary to Rush's view (and I don't totally disagree with Rush; he and I could both be correct here), is that I HOPE that it's a sign that someone within the FBI has started a quiet revolution against thevileone and his regime and his party's corruption. It's possible that they're starting with the small fish so that the big fish will get scared and mess up. It's possible the FBI is tired of being kept under the thumb and used as a party tool, thus the push back starts now and they're pushing back hard. So, you see, Rush and I could both be correct. It's not until the elections and beyond that we will find out if it's a combination of Rush and I, just Rush, or just I. We'll see. March 27, 2014   Smirk. Like he would know anything at all about FREEDOM?! RRrriiiigggghhhhhtttt... March 27, 2014   Why is the Border Patrol releasing illegals INTO TX, instead of sending them back to Mexico? Oh, yeah. AmeXica. Votes and healthcareTAX participants that WE'LL pay for by the foot. Isn't that special? March 27, 2014   Autism on the rise: is it because of vaccinations or does it start in the womb? What is causing it: maternal diet of mercury in vaccines? What do you think? March 27, 2014   Watch to see how CT's jobless numbers increase. They've decided to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 and it's going to mean that a lot of people will lose their jobs. March 27, 2014   Colleges are doing some students a grave disservice. To give this paper an "A-" is not just wrong, it's a LIE to the student, teaches him NOTHING except that it's okay to be nothing but an athlete without a fully functioning intellect and that his teachers don't really care about his brain, but just care about his athletic abilities and nothing more. That's not a proper function for a college. Colleges are supposed to TEACH and improve their students' ability to learn, think, analyze, be curious and satisfy that curiosity with truth. It's not supposed to teach them nothing but the coach will help you be STUPID! March 27, 2014   She's criticizing someone she used to praise? In the past, she has praised thevileone. Maybe her eyes have been opened? March 27, 2014   Support the Palin candidate, Julianne Ortman over Senate Clown, al franken, all day every day. If you can't give to her financially, pray for her victory. franken is an embarrassment. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any and all campaigns, parties, committees, or clowns.) March 27, 2014   SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY? A recycled container full of seeds from a garden they cannot eat out of because of its sewage sludge content? (Or is thevileone giving a secret message to the Pope via those seeds?) Great gift for the Pontiff. (*sarcasm*) March 27, 2014   I'll close on that smelly note. So until next time, See ya'! March 26, 2014: 10:05 a.m.   Missed yesterday because my friend and I met at the gun range and shot about 150 rounds and then went to lunch. After a liesurely lunch I dropped by a favorite haunt and found some good art supplies for cheap. Then I came home and tried to start doing updates, but my hubby came home and wanted to tell me about his day while relaxing in the back yard. So I shut my computer down and did no updates. Then my Mom called, and we always talk for a long time; then it was supper time and after supper hubby and I talked about our future plans. Then it was time for bed. Sorry about no updates, but life happened. March 26, 2014: 2:11 p.m.   Vote for "Rush Revere & The Brave Pilgrims" Rush Limbaugh's children's book about our Founding. It's a good book, and, yes, I have it. March 26, 2014   Pelletier to stay in state custody! OUTRAGEOUS! This is a travesty. The people of the State of Massachusetts should immediately RECALL THIS JUDGE and fire every DCF employee! The agency is out of control and if you look at their record, they're also incompetent! As far as I'm concerned, the judge in this case was incompetent, too. Is this going to be what happens everywhere in America in the future? March 26, 2014   Report destroys claim that thevileone is the "Deporter in Chief". Yet another TRUTH put to thevileone's LIES. Is anyone surprised? March 26, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   kagan, sotomayor: "pay the penalty". That's what they think of the idea of freedom of religion in the First Amendment: don't like it? Pay for the RIGHT TO NOT LIKE IT! Another extension? Not a LAW. It cannot be a law in America if ONE person can change it on a whim. It doesn't fit the legal definition of a "law": "A body of rules of conduct of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by controlling authority.That's why the scotUS case about Hobby Lobby are so important. It's necesary to undo thevileone's healthcareTAX. If allowed to stand it's against the U.S. Constitution in many ways. That's why we must pray for john roberts and that he'll have a spine and stand up to whatever they are using against him! If you like your healthcare insurance you can keep it? What if they decide that you have the "wrong" insurance? They'll penalize you up to 18 times WORSE than if you have NO insurance. Got FREEDOM? March 26, 2014   Smirk. I like thi. March 26, 2014   Russia seizes fifty-one Ukrainian ships. This is not a good thing, here, folks. We need to stay informed about this one. March 26, 2014   CAIR kills television show? "Peace and tolerance" and sexual harrassment? Sweet! (*sarcasm*) March 26, 2014   msthevileone still in China. Wish they'd keep her and her barking momma! March 26, 2014   I endorse this, agree with this, applaud the authoer of this article. This article is so spot-on it's almost ridiculous. The Grand Ol' Progressives (GOP) have broken their promise and betrayed you, me and America! But the dumborats have done worse. March 26, 2014   March 26, 2014   Google glass IS used to spy on folks. It's not an innocent product; it's NOT meant to be innocuous. March 26, 2014   reid had to return $17,000 worth of "gifts" allegedly given to his granddaughter. So good to see the right thing being forced upon a dumborat. I'm sure it wouldn't have been done if no fuss had been made. March 26, 2014   It sure is sad when dumborats use MARIJUANA to try to get their voters out. You use what tools you have, I suppose, but do you really want potheads to be deciding America's future? Really? March 26, 2014   Common Crap Core:   Expert says "Return to 2006 English Language Arts Standards". I agree. Remember the link above about the workbook from Common Crap Core and the 2nd Amendment? If that's what they're teaching the children, they're doing them a grave disservice and harming America's future. But since when did that matter? Common Crap Core is NOT about giving children a high quality education. It's about dumbing them down (witness some of the work for it) and about teaching them that the U.S. Constitution is NOT what it was traditionally believed to be, but instead it is what THEY SAY it is and that they have no real Secondn Amendment rights. If they can be that blatantly ANTI-CONSTITUIONAL what else can they teach AGAINST in Common Crap Core? Will they teach that YOU, THE PARENT, are NOT the final arbiter of their lives while they are minors, but instead that the STATE, SCHOOL, OR THEIR TEACHERS ARE? What else will they brainwaste (it's not brain washing, it's brain WASTING to subject your children to Common Crap Core) your child with if they'll take away the U.S. Constitution? March 26, 2014   While I am glad that Michelle Malkin's Mother-In-Law is feeling better, I cannot agree with Malkin's stance supporting "medical" marijuana. I've told you previously that there is nothing except anecdotal evidence that there is any benefit at all. I've shown you that the organizations for the specific illnesses say NOT to use marijuana as a treatment for it. I'm sorry but I believe there are other things that are more appropriate, more effective, more medically sound and more moral. Yes. MORAL. Hate that? Too bad. March 26, 2014   On that rebellious note, I shall close for today. Until next time, See ya'! March 24, 2014: 11:56 a.m.   In England, some hospitals have been burning aborted babies to heat hospitals. That's horrible. That's heartless. That's so very, very wrong. Aborting a child is murder and you've done enough wrong in just killing an innocent baby who has done no wrong. To put that baby (whole or in pieces) into a "waste-to-energy" furnace and use that innocent baby's body for heat is akin to "Soylent Green is PEOPLE!" England is headed there. Is that where America is bound to follow? BTW, did you know that the U.S. attorney general' wife co-owns an abortion clinic and the doctor there is going to prison for Medicaid fraud? How much did eric holder know and when did he know it? Same question for his wife: when and how much? I think that should be investigated. March 24, 2014: 3:02 p.m.   It's time to remind you of what I said in March of 2009 in "Already a LOSER!", a blog I wrote sixty days into thevileone's preziduncy. This may surprise you. March 24, 2014   Malaysia flight MH370 assumed crashed into Indian Ocean. I don't know anyone who was on that airplane but I do pray for the family and friends of the passengers and crew of that plane. Also, I send condolences to Washington State mudslide victims' families. Our prayers cover you and our heart are with you. March 24, 2014   In China, free speech, and "questioning and criticism" of political leaders is crucial for msthevileone: "'When it comes to expressing yourself freely, and worshipping as you choose, and having open access to information - we believe those are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet,' Mrs Obama told an audience of around 200 students."While here, in America, her husband doesn't seem to think that US speaking out against him is a good thing. So it's a one way street for thevileones: In China only is free speech for the unelected an important idea? Yep. March 24, 2014   Can you believe I agree with the Vatican Chief Justice? (Or does he agree with me?) thevileone's policies progressively "more hostile" toward Christians. If someone living in Italy can see it, why can't people here see it? I've said it time after time after time: It is evident that thevileone is NOT a Christian because if he were a Christian he wouldn't be hostile toward Christianity. It's as simple as that. March 24, 2014   Is anyone surprised that thevileone is the "most well traveled, expensive" president EVER?
He' a Dictator-King who is all about living the high life while he can. Remember msthevileone's birthday party when they had to pay the tab? They told
people to EAT BEFORE THEY CAME TO THE PARTY. When they're spending our money they live high on the hog. That's the difference: they'll spend OUR
money so that they can save THEIR OWN. That's quite selfish of them, is it not?
He' going to more countries than he can count Remember this? March 24, 2014   DH[IN]S's "security exercise" targets online dissent against thevileone. Allegedly, they're targeting only one "group called 'Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny,'", but considering that most of us who speak out against thevileone could be targeted under the same idea -- if not actual membership -- then anyone who speaks out against thevileone could be targeted. Sounds to me like thevileone is trying to silence opposition ahead of his big forthcoming announcements. What big announcements? I don't know but could it be a THIRD TERM? Or maybe it's that he's instigating the demise of the "free press"/ clause in the First Amendment, and that he's destroying freedom on the internet by handing over registration control to China (even after they hacked into our military databases)? Or will he announce that he's going to veto the ENFORCE Act, thereby declaring that he DOES NOT BELIEVE HE MUST ABIDE BY the U.S. Constitution? Whichever -- or is it ALL of the above -- it is (or they are), America is in for a bumpy ride in the next two years. Either we stand up and BE AMERICA, or we stay seated with our mouths closed, our hands in our laps and do nothing and allow this DICTATORSHIP. It's up to us. What shall it be? March 24, 2014   hollyweird actor, kevin spacey, is a hypocrite. Don't worry, though, he's not alone. March 24, 2014   Awwww.... too bad. Too, too bad... Sarcasm is fun. March 24, 2014   Remember I told you that Twitter was going to die? It's losing $1,000 every minute, and only 11% of its 2012 sign-ups are still using it. That's a big drop. They've also had to remove Twitter #music because, basically, no one is using it. Music is popular; the Twitter app wasn't. Even The Motley Fool sees three big problems with Twitter, but they are still "rosy" about it. In the face of all of this, Twitter is trying to make it more user friendly. Removing the hashtags (#) and the "at" (@) signs? How can that make it better? Don't know what they're thinking there, but I don't know if it will help. The "social media" scene is so fluent and volitile that seeing the user numbers drop so drastically may indicate that the time for this particular "social media" event is over. It's like hula hoops and bobby socks: it had its time and it may be time to move on. March 24, 2014   Women's Studies Prof to be charged with battery on female teen. What does that professor teach: Hatred & Hypocrisy 101? March 24, 2014   Is this "pot stirring" or just making a point? Turns out the "racial messages" were a hoax. So when the black owner of the board the racial messages were written -- by HIMSELF -- was he trying to teach a lesson, or just trying to get someone else in trouble? If the latter, that's despicable. If the former, what has he now learned? March 24, 2014   "Amendment IIIs that not what would be happening if the Sheriffs obey the courts and whatever law is passed down from the Magic Pen or elsewhere, our Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms" infringed? Let us NOT rely on others for our freedom. WE MUST STAND as Idaho has. Thanks to women in FL, there are more people to do so! (I am one!) March 24, 2014   I think I shall close for today. I do have a sticky "S" key on my keyboard that I have to figure out how to fix. If you see a missing "s" from today's posting, that's why. I had to smack the key to get it to take and it was irritating. So, to make it less irritating, I'll close with my usual post for this day of the week: "Minion Monday: Hank's Girlfriend Practices for Masseuse Test". Hope you like it. Until next time, See ya'! March 21, 2014: 10:58 p.m.   Drudge was telling the TAX TRUTH! Small businesses DO have to PAY THE HEALTHCARETAX NOW! So if you own a small business, you may want to figure out thevileone's healthcareTAX! March 21, 2014: 12:18 p.m.   March 21, 2014   In China on our dime, msthevileone won't talk about Human Rights but will instead focus on "education". Will that focus include food education, telling the Chi-coms what and how much to eat and how much to exercise? She does so to us, why not to them? msthevileone, her mom and daughters are traveling on our dime, so why don't they do as we want them to while they're there? I think it would be only fair if they'd be forced by LAW to convey the message the people wanted conveyed to any country they visited while they were traveling at our expense. For instance, while in China they could talk to the leaders about forced abortions and why they should be stopped. Or she could cover their political prisons and their brutality. She could talk about China's weapons against America and what they plan to do with them. She could talk about things of substance. Things that matter to America. But, no. She's a coward and she won't get controversial because Commies treat each other with kid gloves. March 21, 2014   Common Crap Core:   They're trying to figure out how to sell this crap. People who are researching it and finding the TRUTH about it are not liking what they see. So the supporters/pushers (yes, like drugs) are trying to figure out what the best marketing scheme would be for it to become a success. Want to see why Common Core is Crap? Check out a parent's comments on a math problem. So tell me, why would Bill Gates spend $2.3 BILLION of his own money on Common Core if he's getting nothing out of it? What will he benefit if/when it gets passed? Follow the money. It may be crude, but it always tells the truth. March 21, 2014   Got freedom?   Are you sure? thevileone's meeting with tech company presidents to talk about spying on you. I wonder if they'll figure out how to do it better, sneakier, with fewer leaks about the fact that it's still happening, or if they'll just talk about which lies to tell to cover it up better? March 21, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   pelosipig is soooo desparate to make it look good. If it weren't such a lie it would be funny. How can anyone tell us that this thing is a success? It's all based upon supposition, desires for it to be a success, and "hope and change". It's not proven. It's just a dream. Remember, no matter what they promised even the architects of this crap admit you're going to lose your coverage. No one likes this thing and it stinks to high heaven but it's still being pushed as though it's the best thing since sliced bread. They're "fundamentally transforming America" (or should that be "transFORCING" America?) and they'll do whatever it takes to get that done, but does that intrinsically mean that it's a "good thing"? No. It means people will be working less in order to get this crap, no matter the promises it's a mess, and it messes up Medicare and Medicaid programs already existing. It's BAD ALL THE WAY AROUND, THROUGH, and every way possible. REMEMBER: It CANNOT be a law if ONE person can change it 37 TIMES SO FAR! IF this is AMERICA and he's allegedly the president the U.S. Constitution limits his powers to specific things and changing a law via Magic Pen is NOT one of those powers! Either the Congress and the Senate passed a bill as presented and signed "as is" and THAT is the law, or thevileone is a DICTATOR who can change whatever he so desires about America without regard to the U.S. Constitution, the law of the land, the House and Senate, or any other constraints. It's one of two things: This is the LAW of the land which can only be changed via ruling of the scotUS, or by vote of the House and Senate. There is nothing in our Constitution that allows for thevileone to do it via Executive Order. IF this is NOT the law, then why are we worried about whether he is chanign it or no? It's as simple as that: IS IT A LAW? March 21, 2014   For what will they use this? Will they load it with bombs and sail it into our ports? Will they try to get up cloe and personal to a cruise ship? Will they use it as a prop in their next progaganda movie? You tell me. March 21, 2014   thevileone drops the "H" in his foundation's name. Awww... No more "Hussein". Too bad. He can drop it. That doesn't mean the rest us shall. Isn't that right, Hussein, old boy? March 21, 2014   THIS is what's going to turn public opinion about cops around. This kind of action -- instead of the usual "bad cop" story commented on here -- is what will turn public opinion into TRUSTING cops again. I love this because it shows a cop doing the right thing and being HUMAN instead of just an authority figure. It's the right thing for a cop to do. March 21, 2014   Will dumborats run hillclintoon or bumbler? Both are losers for the country, so it's not as if it matters. March 21, 2014   Another example of biased reporting. In a Gallup Poll, they asked respondents what the best thing would be about her presidency if she were elected? They SPUN it that the top responses were that she would be the first woman president; then "experience", a change from the previous TWO administrations (that includes thevileone's admin), and that she'd have a dumborat agenda (baby killing, higher taxes, commie goals, bigger government, no gun for citizens, CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL). What they DON'T put an emphasis on is that the MOST COMMON RESPONSES were: "Nothing      27%NOTHING or NO OPINION; 49% of the respondents said that. Either number is BIGGER than 18% for "first woman", 9% for "experience" and 5% on "best choice". Why weren't the negative numbers focused on, instead of the alleged positives? Bias, anyone? March 21, 2014   I hope Rush Limbaugh wins this! IMHO, he's getting more kids to read the TRUTH than any previous book except the Bible. He should win but will PC get in the way of his victory? We'll see how fair this thing will be. March 21, 2014   Speaking of Rush, he gave his first homework assignment and this is it: READ THIS. Thought I'd make your homework easy for you. March 21, 2014   So if you'll excuse me now, I'll go do my homework. Until next time, See ya'! March 20, 2014: 12:57 p.m.   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It's not giving you healthcare it's taking away your options. That's what pelosipig says is a "winner". If that's a winner in dumborats' eyes, I'd hate to see a loser. Even a guy who voted twice for thevileone says his abuse of power is "frightening". It's not only "frightening" but the "facts" surrounding thevileone's healthcareTAX -- its enrollment, who is signing up, etc. -- are probably skewed: "I called the toll-free support number and asked why the website had denied me tax credits. The pleasant-sounding young man who answered took a quick look at my income information and agreed that it looked like I should be eligible. Then he started asking how I had answered the multiple questions the application process requires. When he asked whether I had indicated I currently have health insurance, I said I had … because I do have health insurance.So you're being LIED TO AGAIN. Even while they're signing you up they can't tell you the truth. Isn't that special? So now that we know they LIE about everything in, about, around, through, over, under (the sun), between the lines of thevileone's healthcareTAX, what will they do to get Sen. Johnson's lawsuit against it dropped? Will they simply LIE, or will they do the john roberts thing and find something he's ashamed of and use it to blackmail him into dropping the suit? If he drops it and gives a flimsy excuse, they've got something on him. Trust me, that's how these thugs work. All of this while they spend $17 MILLION OF YOUR MONEY TO ADVERTISE THIS CRAP. $17 MILlION MONTHLY! That's OUR MONEY! And they're using it to advertise the LIES that are this program. No wonder America is going broke. BTW, if you Mom calls to nag you into signing up, tell her a polite "No, thanks!" They're trying to push mothers into nagging their children into signing up? Really? Interfering in the parent/child relationship in order to push their LYING CONTROL-ORIENTED NON-LAW? Isn't that wunnerful of them? They're telling your Mom what to do. If I were you, I'd jump in and PROTECT MY MOTHER FROM GOVERNMENTAL BULLYING. But, maybe governmental bullying of mothers is what dumborats want? March 20, 2014   March 20, 2014   Puuuuhhhhlllleeeaasssseee! "A Homeland Security initiative to put fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border could discriminate against minorities, according to an [thevileone]-appointed federal judge who’s ruled that the congressionally-approved project may have a 'disparate impact on lower-income minority communities.' [my bolding]"It's just another lame excuse to help thevileone turn AmeriCa into AmeXica; i.e. more votes for dumborats. Amnesty supporters LIE to the American people in order to gain support for their amnesty push. Silicon Valley is just trying to use foreign workers to save money because Americans have priced themselves way out of employers' comfort zones. It's like this: high college tuition costs lead folks who get their degrees to ask for high wages when they graduate so that they can pay off that college debt. When the employer wants to save money in order to keep costs down for the consumer, they want to hire foreign workers with similar credentials who will work for a lower wage. A lower waged, foreign worker means the company has to support immigration. More immigration means more competition for the same high end job, which means supply and demand can force down wages: the more people you have wanting the job the less you need pay because you can take your pick of folks who will take the job for $50K instead of $75K. (It's better than being unemployed, right?) So now we have more foreign workers, getting paid less, or American workers being forced to accept less, and that means less money flowing into the economy and that hurts America. Is that what the ultimate goal is? Is thevileone behind this? Let us not forget that people get fired if the wages go too high. High wages mean more foreign workers (and let us not forget about moving companies -- thus, jobs -- off-shore) and lower wages means keeping jobs but also keeping demands for high wages. Higher wages will get folks fired and that means more unemployed. It's not like companies are trying to pay folks pennies a day: no one in America is working for that if they're working above the table. I'm saying that companies have to be able to make money in order to afford the taxes they have to pay, the benefits package they give you, the payment on the company's properties (are they buying the building and land, or is it a fleet of vehicles, or something else?), some sort of savings for the future of the company in case a tornado strikes the building, for insurance for the company, for some sort of pay for the company's owners/investors, etc., etc., etc. All I'm saying is that Americans are being taught to price themselves so far out of the market (a $10.10 minimum wage for first time hires? Really?) that they will wind up without a job for their whole lives if they don't learn to start adjusting their own self-worth to meet the market. Anyone who refuses to meet the market is going to lose out and the market may have to choose "second best" in order to afford what's out there, but it's the "first best's" fault for pricing themselves so high. For instance: A high school basketball coach who is considered the best out there can price him/her-self at $100,000 or at $200,000 or at $5 Million; which price is more likely to get a job for the coach? If you chose the $100,000 you are correct. If the second best is pricing him/her-self at $50,000 does that not make the second best coach more likely to be hired by a wider range of schools, all able to afford that price? This is the same thing: our college grads are pricing themselves out of the market. March 20, 2014   234. 234 standardized tests between Kindergarten and HS graduation. And they still "graduate" students who are illiterate in reading, writing, arithematic, American and world history, science, basic logic and critical thinking. So what in the Sam Hill are these tests "proving"? I've tutored a kid going INTO FOURTH GRADE who couldn't read basic words: cat, dog, house, mother, sky. I taught him in less than twelve hours how to read. I've tutored a high school girl who had no reading comprehension whatsoever. She could read quickly, but she could not understand what the sentence said that she just read at break-neck speed. She had no clue because they didn't teach her a basic vocabulary. I've tutored a middle school girl who was still having trouble with every subject; and had done so for years, but was in middle school! Those two girls' mother pulled them from tutoring due to financial difficulties before I could help them. What are the schools teaching? My boys could read and understand college level books when they were in the sixth grade! I cannot say that for most of the kids coming out of our public schools! Let us also recall that their priorities are messed up! March 20, 2014   preziduncial priorities totally messed up: msthevileone is in China -- at OUR expense. thevileone focuses on his March Madness bracket. When msthevileone returns from China, the whole family will go to Martha's Vineyard to relax and play at YOUR cost. Priorities. Priorities. Isn't it wunnerful being so grand? March 20, 2014   Free Speech takes a huge hit. We need to be vigilant with our freedom. If we don't stand up for it we WILL lose it. March 20, 2014   She's telling the TRUTH about BENGHAZI and other things on her website SharylAttkisson.com. Check it out. Keep an eye on it. She's fearless. March 20, 2014   Judge reduces child RAPIST'S sentence to a slap on the wrist. Over 100 sex acts starting when his little relative was SIX-YEARS-OLD and the judge gives him a slap on the wrist. Where is justice for that little girl? Where is morality? Where is right and wrong? What happened here: did the judge enjoy the case too much and do this as a "thank you" to the RAPIST? What is wrong with that judge? Or is it just that this is how much our children are now valued in America by some folks? They're nothing more than sexual playthings for adults to use and abuse and if that means they have to suffer to provide for adults' sexual pleasure, so be it? Our children are SO MUCH MORE VALUABLE than to be treated like they don't matter as this judge's change in sentencing shows. BTW, why does it NOT SURPRISE ME that he was appointed to the bench in 1989 by a dumborat governor? March 20, 2014   If the NSA doesn't want its water use to be known, what else are they hiding froom us? There's no telling, really. They don't like to tell us anything even though they WORK FOR US instead of working AGAINST US. Can't we FIRE our EMPLOYEES? March 20, 2014   I'll close with that. Until next time, See ya'! March 19, 2014: 6:45 a.m.   Early start today because of yesterday's short posts and I have an appointment this afternoon, so let's get to it. March 19, 2014   "Negotiators from the EU and US have been meeting in Brussels this week to push forward their great fusion of two of the world’s largest economies. There is almost no aspect of life on either side of the Atlantic that will not be impacted by the partnership, including the way we protect our environment from economic activity. [my bolding]"Keep an eye on it because, although they say thevileone's goals may be failing, and teachers in Europe say it will harm education in Europe, that does NOT mean that it could ever be good for us. Hamsters like CONTROL and that's all the Hamsterism thought train ("train" because they're all hooked together in group-think) is: CONTROL of YOU. March 19, 2014   You need to watch some of these videos. This woman's life proves GOD's existence, IMHO. When you feed over 300 with food for eight, that's GOD. March 19, 2014   Maylasia flight MH370 still puzzling mystery. I don't have the slightest clue what happened to that flight, but I will pray for the people who boarded it and their family members until we know one way or the other. Please join me in that. March 19, 2014   Have the Grand Ol' Progressives (GOP) grown a spine? No way! They're going to start holding thevileone's feet to the proverbial fire and hold him to obedience of the law? Really? Join me in saying, "I'll believe it when I see it"? Skepticism does not begin to express my reaction. bonehead boehner, john mccain't, mitch mcconnell actually do something? Rrrriigghhhtttt. March 19, 2014   Considering yesterday's study results, the RED House's Pastry Chef was right to resign. Don't demonize butter and sugar, enjoy them! March 19, 2014   Common Crap Core:   AZ has a battle within the (R) party about it. Apparently some are for it and some are against it, but those who are for it are probably not paying attention. Even a Ph.D. can't do KINDERGARTEN work using this crappy system! Doesn't that tell anyone anything? It's tragic that children are being hurt by this crap and the states and teacher unions don't seem to care. Is it laziness or just apathy? March 19, 2014   thevileone's trying to HIDE THE TRUTH and bury it as deep as he can and not have to answer to us at all. His dictatorial attitude sickens me. He answers to US, not vice versa, but we are the ones being held accountable TO HIM. That's not America. That's not America. March 19, 2014   thevileone's healthcaretax:   It needed young folks, but didn't get it. That gives me hope for the younger generations. At least they're smart enough to say no to this thing. Remember, the scotUS is still considering the "anti-conscience" mandate and it will be that ruling that decides if companies founded upon Christian principles will have to disregard those principles and just obey the Dictator In Cheat. What will they rule: with thevileone because of what he has on john roberts, or for the U.S. Constitution as they are supposed to? Remember, this thing will be bad for the health care work force and its pushers are being racist. Isn't that special? (*sarcasm*) They're racists and liars but does that make a difference? March 19, 2014   [thevileone's] $4 TRILLION Budget is it the left's last hurrah? I HOPE SO! Especially that "last" part. March 19, 2014   That's all I can find that interests me right now. Maybe later there will be more posted, but it's 8:30-ish in the morning and I wonder how many columnists have had the chance to write their columns for the day. Maybe after they wake up, get their first cup of coffee and do their morning ablutions they'll post something I can use. We'll see. BTW, what is it about coffee that allegedly wakes people up? I've been drinking coffee most mornings for about six months now and I don't see a difference at all. I don't get kept awake by it, nor does it help me wake up in the morning. So what's the big deal about a cup of joe in the morning? I just like the flavor, but the caffiene is not having an impact on me. Why is that? Until next time, See ya'! March 18, 2014: 9:48 p.m.   Hahahahha! Look! When I'm right, I'm right. People should listen to common sense and not to stupid rules about what they should or should not eat. Because now a study says I AM RIGHT, again! Remember, what I said on the 17th? I didn't know at that time that a new study would back me up! It will be as you believe it to be with you. If you believe you will die of a cholesterol induced heart attack, you will do so! If you believe that no amount of cholesterol will hurt you, it will be as you believe. Remember that. Also, remember that "A joyful heart doeth good like medicine." So stay happy, relaxed and goofy and you'll live a long, long life! March 18, 2014: 8:18 p.m.   Probably just a few updates today. I've had a little computer trouble and don't want to get too frustrated with this process. March 18, 2014   Let's hope a TRUE Conservative wins IL. It would be good for the state and it would be a great thing to get rid of union influence in IL politics. I think unions, as a whole, should go away, so does this surprise anyone? March 18, 2014   thevileone lets an Islamic terrorist whine in public. thevileone wants people to feel sorry for terrorists. I refuse to cooperate with that. March 18, 2014   NSA recorded EVERY call from a foreign nation. I guess it's because they don't have a U.S. Constitution...? Or is it just because thevileone told them to do so? Are they following orders, or a suspect? Are they following "Der Leader" or alleged leads? You've got four guesses and the first five don't count. March 18, 2014   ketchup kerry to Kremlin... March 18 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:  
$407K bill that's supposed to be covered by this thing.
Sounds to me like it's all wonky. Okay: raise hands if you're surprised. No hands? No surprise. No surprise and
no compassion in this thing.
Cancer? It's a pre-existing condition and most often we hear about it not being covered. What? Another lie? No hands raised?
How about raising your hands if you're surprised that it benefits INSURANCE COMPANIES
more than paying doctors and helping patients? Surprised there? Just remember: "A lie is the handle that fits all wrong-doing." (Pastor Gene Grace said
it when I first heard it.) That includes the lie about childhood obesity numbers declinig. (It's not
necessarily a healthcareTAX item, but it is related -- in both the lie and the general subject of health -- so I thought I'd put it in.)
thevileone says he won't deport relatives of illegals of those who enroll.
Is this what thevileone thinks is important? Is his healthcareTAX a tool to change America into Amexica so that dumborats will control Amexica forever? March 18, 2014   Yeah! And I hope I win! That would be so sweet! March 18, 2014   Between what Sandy Berger stuffed down his britches and "secret" clintoon tapes (wasn't Richard Nixon impeached because of secret tapes?), how much of the eight years of clintoon is left... besides cigars, that is? March 18, 2014   March 18, 2014   Well, I'll stop for now. I have an appointment tomorrow so I'll try to get updates done before I go. If not, it may be another short day. Until next time, GOD Bless and until next time, See ya'! March 17, 2014: 5:11 p.m.: St. Patrick's Day!   Start with a smile: It's "Minion Monday: Hank Goes Bird Watching With Surprising Results!" I laughed when I saw this one in the camera. I thought it'd be cute, but it just made me giggle. I love it! (And, yes, he has on green binoculars, so he's wearing the green for St. Patrick's Day!) March 17, 2014   Speaking of laughing: Putin IS.
Who can blame him? He knows thevileone has no teeth and his bark doesn't even threaten. He's a 78 lb. wimp who wouldn't be able to throw a punch hard enough
to kill a mosquito, much less do any harm to Putin's Russia. This is the problem with electing leftist Commies:
weak leaders lead to confrontation, not peace.
Remember, that link's "prankster" was giving signals of "being more flexible"
and now he's trying to sound tough? Puhlease! March 17, 2014   Poison? I think that's a common theme amongst dumborat "leaders". They are poison. People are tired of being lied to but the leaders don't listen, don't learn, don't understand that TRUTH MATTERS. TRUTH MATTERS to Americans who want to be able to live in freedom and to have a brighter future today than yesterday, and a brighter future for their progeny than for themselves. Trouble is, dumborats don't get it. They think that the brightest times for America are past: and if they have anything to say about it, they WILL be! March 17, 2014   Tax revenues hit all time high in first five months of 2014. Are you eating better, getting better services when you go to a federal building, or use a federal "service"? Are your welfare checks that much bigger, or are they smaller because they've raised your taxes, too? Are you getting something good out of it or is thevileone's wasting of your taxpayer dollars making your hard labor for all but naught? If you aren't seeing a great benefit to higher taxes, then why are we putting up with this? March 17, 2014   This guy has it right. Let's support him! This guy isn't caving to the EPA's stupid demands and that's what ALL of us should do! March 17, 2014   National Guard reservist linked to Al Q plot? That's what happens when our military goes Islamic. When our military goes Islamic to whom do they owe their first allegiance? Will it be US, or their god? Which, and do you want to face the consequences of that? March 17, 2014   Count me skeptical. How can you claim that something came from the "Big Bang" when you 1) weren't there to witness it? 2) Don't know for certain that it wasn't something more recent that created it? and 3) May have had nothing to do with THE "Big Bang" but may have been a seperate event whose waves are just now being detected? I'm skeptical of this one. It doesn't feel right. March 17, 2014   Study: Omega 3 not as healthy as we were told. Here's my theory on food and eating: Eat what you like, just not to excess. If you believe it will hurt you or be bad for you, then it will be. If, on the other hand, you don't think it will be bad for you, then it can't hurt you. Chocolate, for instance, has many health benefits but they used to say not to eat it. Indulge, but don't over-indulge. Don't fall for the skinny-girl is best crap. We've even found that being overweight is even not as bad as previously thought. Don't listen to others; listen to your body. If your body isn't complaining, don't let the voices of other folks discourage you. March 17, 2014   March 17, 2014   March 17, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Many Americans choosing to opt out. Good. That's as it should be. Keep your freedom. Make your own healthcare decisions. While 35% of Americans will be eligible for Medicaid under this piece of crap, it doesn't mean that you won't have something to take care of yourself. You will. It just means that as they sell it to you, they'll tell you that you won't have to pay a dime. It's another LIE the 2013 Liar of the Year tells you as he sells you garbage. It's got to be garbage or they wouldn't have to be changing the way it works all the time. Even its "tax CREDITS" are bad for you and when you enroll in this piece of garbage you'll regret it sooner or later. It isn't preventing "big companies" from making "big money" off of YOUR health insurance, so it's not taking the money out of medicine. Tell me, if this thing was all so wunnerful, wunnerful, wouldn't they be able to sell it with something that has more class than twerking? If it was all that popular and hot, wouldn't it sell itself, or be sold via word of mouth? After all, look at what Duck Dynasty did with its growth and how popular they are, simply because people started talking about the show and telling others about it. That's telling people that there are a lot of folks out there who think the same way, live the same way, believe the same way. If thevileone's healthcareTAX were as popular as Duck Dynasty we couldn't keep people from signing up as soon as it was available. As it is, we have had open enrollment since last year and they're still struggling to get five million PAID enrollees? Isn't that very telling? March 17, 2014   A powerful PRO-LIFE message. It's LIFE that matters; not someone else's definition of "Quality of Life". Give your child LIFE, help him or her grow up, then let him/her figure out what his/her life is going to be. It's not your decision. It's theirs. March 17, 2014   May GOD have mercy on his soul and I hope that the church he lead to protest our military members' funerals and all the other outrages he committed will never be repeated by his ex-congregation. March 17, 2014   I'll close with this for today. I think the guy's trying to say that thevileone is still a lazy, immature, self-centered, insecure, conceited, pot-head who wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch all at the same time. That's what I think he's saying, but I may be wrong. Until next time, See ya'! March 14, 2014: 2:07 p.m.   Sorry about missing yesterday. As I removed something from the microwave yesterday morning it twisted in the cloth napkin I had used to prevent burning my fingers and the contents of the bowl splashed out and some landed on my right forearm. I had a first degree burn from my elbow to my wrist on the tender side of my arm. Ouch. Immediately, I put cold water on it, then iced it for forty-five minutes and then put pure aloe vera gel on it. The redness want away but the ouch was still there and sitting at the computer typing was not something I really wanted to do with that burn. I could use my mouse beause it didn't entail my arm sitting on a computer surface (mine is textured) since I use my mouse on my leg, thus my arm didn't touch anything hard (yes, yes, I know: as in my arm want from the arm of the chair to the mouse and my forearm was in midair). So I sat at my computer but instead of typing, I clicked and clicked because I remembered that Ancestry.com was having a free weekend and I thought I'd look to see if there was anything I could find. My Mom's side of the family has been a mystery to us since her dad didn't talk about his childhood much. They knew he was orphaned early (at age three), but not much else. In the past when I've looked (not recently) I found nothing. This time, I found relatives I didn't know we had who had posted their research to Ancestry.com and my grandpa's family is now fleshed out (so to speak) and I now know about family members I didn't know we had! In order to find out more I even joined them for a month. I called my Mom and told her and she almost cried. It was very cool finding the information and I sent it to my Mom, my Mom's sister and my sister. Mom and her sister, until yesterday, thought their progeny were the last of the line in their family name. Now they know that they had cousins they never knew existed. That was a good way to spend an afternoon of being unable to type! Today, my arm is better and I can type, so let's get to it! March 14, 2014   lois lerner broke the law and Judicial Watch knows it, as does Congress. Will Congress press charges? No. They're dumborats and cowards for the most part. When will the law matter again? Only if and when a Conservative is in the now-RED House and the House and Senate are full of Conservatives as well. That's when doing the right thing (not the thing that will keep them in power, the RIGHT thing) will matter again. I think we need to make that happen. Agree? March 14, 2014   Millions of Americans aren't working. Sometimes it's because they cannot find a job although they're looking. Sometimes it's because they're happy being on the "take money out of your neighbors' pockets to get what you want" plan A.K.A. "welfare" or "government assistance". Sometimes it's because they are trying to get a job that is occupied by illegal aliens and an American citizen would cost the employer more than a pay under the table guy. (Although, in the long run the illegal can cost the employer willing to hire him/her more than an American citizen in the long run if you take future trouble with the law if discovered.) Sometimes, it's because they're trying to get into a government job and government employees cost more than private sector employees so that opening has a lot of competition for it. Don't worry about them, though. No matter the reason they're unemployed, there's still the "take money from your neighbor's pocket extension plan". And, as usual, the dumborats prolonged it. Sweet, huh? BTW, While there are more millionaires in America than ever before, the info doesn't disclose what industry that growth is happening. I wonder if it's the "green" industry where thevileone has given so many taxpayer dollars away? Just asking. March 14, 2014   Aaaahhh.... public schools. OK is still struggling with what to do (or not do) about Common Crap Core. Common sense should tell them to stay away from it, but there must be a lot of folks out there without common sense. Do you think that schools should teach sex ed in a different way? I thought they were doing enough damage as it is. Did you know that Common Crap Core will FEDERALIZE education? With the exception of NASA, any time you put the feds in charge of anything it's screwed up. That's all there is to it. March 14, 2014   I covered the other day the fact that lefties are now trying to ban the word "bossy" when it's used on women. I like Malkin's take on that idea. How can anyone not like her writing? Question for you: If "bossy" is supposed to be banned, why is thevileone allowed to use it to push his healthcareTAX? Hmmmm? March 14, 2014   Remember when thevileone LIED about deportation numbers? With "complete amnesty" being pushed by republirat donors it seems to me like they support thevileone's lying, and his Magic Pen. Don't worry. Those republirat donors are just supporting the dumborats and their demands. Why those republirats are keeping their membership in the (R) club, I have no idea. It's obvious that they aren't (R)'s so why fake it? Or is it an Operation Chaos type thing? March 14, 2014   Where do I sign up? I WANT THIS! March 14, 2014   Why do I doubt this will result in ANY real legal action? A hillclintoon adviser who is being investigated? So what's new and when do the investigators get killed? March 14, 2014   I hope this goes from Matthew Vadum's pen to REALITY. What's funny, though, is that dumborat leaders want to do the Jolly (WINNER) / Sunk Sink thing again. Rematch? Like losing? Considering the fact that they outspent Jolly by a huge amount and that they had high recognition names come endorse the Sink, and that she was the assumed winner even before the opposition was decided, sounds to me like they should leave well enough alone. If Sink sinks again would she not be considered a certain loser, someone no one wanted anything to do with? Would that not be too big an indicator of her disfavor with folks? But, I'll let the dumborats choose their own demise. March 14, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Bribery being used to get folks to sign up. This thing is nothing to sing about, but they're using music, too. It's probably bad and off-key, but they're trying. A dumborat strategist tells them "Stop being so **** defensive" about this thing and start telling folks it's worth standing up and fighting for. Sounds to me like they know they are in trouble with this horrible death-focused program and they don't want to admit supporting it. They're names are on the rolls as having voted for it. They can't deny that part. Rush says they should say, "This is not what I voted for. This law's been changed 30 times since the one I voted for." I say let the dumborats sink their own ships. Let them figure out how to do things that will be detrimental to their own cause. No skin off our noses. March 14, 2014   I support Caroline Glick's plan to bring peace to Israel and its neighbors. Watch the video. It's a good plan. I stand with Israel. March 14, 2014   I'll close today with my "Tribute To Our Heroes 155: On Wings of Dreams". Remember to thank a military member -- past or present -- for our FREEDOM (what's left of it) and to remember that there are those who paid the price for it. GOD Bless our military. Until next time, See ya'! March 13, 2014: 4:47 a.m.   I stayed up all night working on it, but it's done. The Stop The Stormwater Fee! page is complete. Read it. Share it. Send it to others. Write to your County Commissioners about it. Do whatever it takes. Just stop this ridiculousness. Attend the meeting if nothing else. Info at the top of the Stormwater page. BTW, I start with the fact that a FEDERAL JUDGE has already ruled that "stormwater is not a pollutant" nor is it something the EPA can regulate. If they can't regulate a NON-POLLUTANT, HOW ON EARTH CAN BREVARD COUNTY DO SO? March 12, 2014: 9:33 p.m.   Got a notice today from the County that they were going to implement a Stormwater Utility Fee. (Do you know how happy I am about that?) I'll be doing some research into the other places that have actually done the same thing already and I will put some info together. I'll post a link to the info where you can find it. The meeting date for the first hearing is Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in Viera at the Government Center in Bldg. C in the BOCC meeting room, First Floor. BE THERE to fight this thing. We can't afford more taxes and we can't give in to the blackmail that is environmental wackoism. March 12, 2014: 3:12 p.m.   College professor allegedly assaults minor. The minor was participating in a pro-life display and the professor allegedly had other views and took one of the pro-life displays. When confronted by a sixteen-year-old pro-lifer female, the professor allegedly scratched, pushed, etc., the girl. If the allegations are true they're shocking; especially considering the fact that the professor accused is a professor of (get this) "black cultural studies, pornography and sex work" in the Feminist Studies Department. A feminist who attacks a young woman? Oxy-moron, anyone? March 12, 2014   DO[IN]J sues to stop FL from purging dead people, etc., from voter rolls. According to a WESH 2 report, the findings their reporter came up with include: "In that short time, more than 100 people registered to vote in those two areas were proven to be ineligible by the reporter. A Cape Coral woman, eligible to vote in elections, was tracked down through jury excusal forms that verify she’s not a U.S. citizen. A Naples woman, who is not a U.S. citizen either, voted six times in 11 years without being detected by authorities. A Jamaican man is also registered to vote though he’s not eligible. The reporter obtained his 2007 voter registration form, which shows the Jamaican man claims to be a U.S. citizen. Problem is, no one bothers checking to see if applicants are being truthful."Remember, the DO[IN]J (eric holder) is SUING FLORIDA to PREVENT them from removing illegal voters, dead people, etc., from its voter registration rolls. Why? Because those illegals help dumborats win elections. Dead people can't vote, but liars who are being told to go vote in that dead person's name will do so and they steal elections this way. That's why thevileone's administration is SUING FLORIDA. If they can keep those names on there they can continue to steal elections. Want elections to be honest, to have integrity? Then we must stop vote fraud. March 12, 2014   Do you really know who is helping thevileone do his evil deeds? Read about john podesta and find out who is helping make decisions that affect you, your children, your business, your future, your taxes, etc. Oh, and you may wish to read the article because it contains the truth about someone else, too: someone who is being named as a dumborat front runner for 2016. Got you curious? Good. Go read it. March 12, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Michelle Malkin's family's health insurance saga continues: thanks to thevileone. It's been a mess thanks to thevileone's executive orders and pen-ready presidential delays. The health insurance companies don't know what to do nor when to do it. thevileone keeps changing the "law" (it can't be a law if a single man can change it on his whim) so that no one knows what's what nor when it's what. That's the problem with having a dictator: you never know what he's going to do and how it will affect your life. The truth is, it is NEGATIVELY affecting people's lives. Do you realize that dumborats spent $3.2 MILLION in OR alone advertising this failure and they're doing things on the sly that could mean that if your healthcare insurance was cancelled you could opt out altogether! Is that a good thing? Wait for the Magic Pen to get ahold of it. Of those who have "signed up", there are still about 1,100,000 who haven't paid their premiums. So are they actually "signed up" or have they changed their minds and decided to not pay the price? Sounds to me like a lot of buyers regret. BTW, does this tell you how serious thevileone is about the healthcareTAX? Did you know that HHS says they don't have the statutory AUTHORITY to do as thevileone is doing? Oh. I suppose that means that only thevileone can use that Magic Pen and do as he pleases. Let's not forget who is helping push this crap. Yeah. Their partners tell you a lot about what the priorities are, don't they? March 12, 2014   Bitcoin is doomed. Sounds to me like it's a good thing a lot of people did not get involved. Curiosity made me look, but the whole thing was so... "iffy". I don't know who did buy these things, but I'm glad I didn't. March 12, 2014   Rrrriiiiggghhhhttt.... thevileone should be mocked, too. March 12, 2014   Folks are gearing up for something that will never happen.
That's what I think is not going to happen, at least. If the clintoons had that much political clout still
their weight could have saved the sunk Sink. It didn't.
There are WAYYY too many scandals surrounding her.
She is seen as a shrill, shallow, power-mad, shrew who screams: March 12, 2014   The IRS liars are being exposed. lois lerner should be in jail momentarilly. Too bad her co-conspirator, thevileone, won't be in the cell beside her. March 12, 2014   dumborats live in a fantasy world. Sorry, that's old news, but it bears repeating. March 12, 2014   I'll close with this for today: Rush's second book is #1 on Amazon.com! I have yet to order it, but I will! I hope it stays at #1 for many weeks as did his first children's book. Until next time, See ya'! March 11, 2014: 9:05 p.m.   HURRAY! Another dumborat LOSS! Alex Sink SANK! Excellent! March 11, 2014: 9:17 p.m.   I've been saying this for over TEN YEARS! Neurologist says there is NO SUCH THING AS ADHD! I say it's a matter of lack of discipline, giving your child too many choices (twenty toys compared to five leads to a lot of jumping from one to the other to the other and not learning how to settle down and play) and lack of teaching your child how to focus. He says it's diet and lack of iron in the blood. Read the article if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD. You need to know this. March 11, 2014   Senate for Sale? That's what the RNC says harry reid did. shock. surprise. March 11, 2014   March 11, 2014   I totally disagree with this idea. I refuse to pay for something I had nothing to do with. If they want money let them go back 240 years and get it from that time! March 11, 2014   E-mails PROVE thevileone disrespected WWII veterans. Tells you EXACTLY what he thinks of our veterans and our military in general: they're nothing but PAWNS to be used to manipulate others. That's all they are. Nothing more. Disgraceful, immoral punk. March 11, 2014   On that note, I shall close again tonight. Hurray for David Jolly's WIN over the Sank Sink! That's excellent! Until next time, See ya'! March 11, 2014: 1:27 p.m.   March 11, 2014   Speaking of hypocrites, alan "clown" grayson, is one. He's an embarrassment to humanity and to FL. Did you know about the new anti-grayson website, "No Guts Just Nuts"? Love! March 11, 2014   DiFi says "No spy". She doesn't want to be spied on, the Congress to be spied on, or anything else to do with her to be spied on, but she'll allow the rest of us to be spied on. Typical progressive. March 11, 2014   This is WRONG: Convicted felons should NOT be PAID with TAXPAYER DOLLARS!!! Oh, but he's a dumborat who, after being convicted, went on indefinite leave and is still getting paid his State Senate pay. BTW, which state do you think is stupid enough to do this? You got it: Califoria! March 11, 2014   Pray for a David Jolly win! We don't need his opponent. Help David Jolly win! (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, commission, party, or anything else. It's just little ol' moi.) March 11, 2014   msthevileone wants to "ban" another word? Oh, and she's helping the Girl Scouts pus the ban for the word "bossy". Is that what you want your daughter to do? Got Free Speech? March 11, 2014   bill gates is doing some very wacky things. Why on earth would he want a huge database of all of the students' records? Why would he want to do that, support that, implement that? Could computer sales have anything to do with it? Got PRIVACY? March 11, 2014   Our electric grid is "inherently vulnerable" to sabatoge. Without electricity how are people going to react to a terrorist event while the electricity is out? Where will they get their info? How will emergency services be able to communicate and handle things? How about the hospitals and their back-up power supplies? Will they be ready? This is not a good thing, folks. Remember, PSJ is between two power plants that supply power for a lot of folks. What will happen if they choose to attack the FPL station and the Reliant Power Plant? March 11, 2014   What has happened to this airplane? I've restrained from commenting because I didn't know what to say about it. Was it down, did it land safely elsewhere and we'd know in a few hours, did it crash into the water, was it hijacked? We still have no answers; just a bigger, and growing, mystery. I don't know what happened to those passengers and if this is a terrorist plot, who all was involved. I pray that the innocent are safe and will be returned to their loved ones, alive and well, soon. Keep them in your prayers. March 11, 2014   I'm sorry, Paul Ryan, but did you really expect anything else? March 11, 2014   China halts "shadow banking"? Did you know they participated in "shadow banking"? No? Nor did I. What does it mean that they're stopping it and is it temporary? Will it effect you and I? What will it do to the interest rate (if anything)? The story really doesn't answer the questions, but we know that our economies are tied together and whence goes China... March 11, 2014   Aaaaahhhh... public schools... Cussing out your student... An ex-teacher getting 25 year sentence for child porn... Showing your students YOUR OWN PORN... Possibly assaulting a student... And finding a legal loophole to allow them to have sex with students. Now, don't you WANT to send your child to public schools? Homeschool your kids, folks. It's safer! March 11, 2014   No surprise here. thevileone PRESSURED the IRS to target Tea Party groups. E-mails show it's true. shock. surprise. March 11, 2014   I have a nephew who is a cop. Even with a cop in the family, because of crap like this, I no longer trust cops. San Diego has another case that makes me cringe. There are way too many stories out there that make me think that cops cannot be trusted. I used to think that most of them were on the up and up and we could trust them implicitly. Now? I think it's possible that there are too many cops that think the badge makes them all-powerful and able to decide for themselves what your rights are or are not. That scares me. Any cop who thinks that because they have the badge that they have the unquestionable right to do with you and to you as they wish is not a cop but is a danger to our freedom and to our civil rights. If cops reading this have a problem with what I'm saying then the answer is to make sure that you, your coworkers, your employees, your bosses do NOT think "BADGE=POWER & AUTHORITY". Remember, "We, The People" have the power and the authority because WE PAY YOUR WAGES and YOU WORK FOR US and for you to try to override OUR RIGHTS because it makes you feel in control by taking away OUR CONTROL over our own bodies, our futures, our freedom, is wrong. You, Sir/Madam, are a BAD COP. Turn in your badge if your badge makes you feel like you have the right to try to run roughshod over MY RIGHTS. Nothing you have gives you the right to trample my rights. NOTHING. If I have NOT given you CAUSE -- TRUE CAUSE -- then you need to restrain YOURSELF and make sure that you keep MY Constitutional rights in mind! March 11, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   This is a good thing. People need to know what the truth is regarding the total cost of thevileone's healthcareTAX. It's good to do show them. Another good thing? Judicial Watch is still on the case! I love Judicial Watch! March 11, 2014 &nbssp thevileone is making it easier for Syrians to enter America while making it harder for Israelis to enter America. Remember, even our own State Departments lists Syria as a sponsor of terrorism but lists Israel's "cooperation in fighting terrorism." thevileone shows his true stripes again. March 11, 2014   I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! March 10, 2014: 12:08 p.m.   Guess what. It's Minion Monday in which Hank says "Hi-Dee-Ho, Neighbor!". Check it out. March 10, 2014   State trying to create nullification law against federal gun enforcements. Florida, are you paying attention? March 10, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Unions sad because this thing could DROP WAGES BY $5 HOURLY. Less pay for union workers mean unions will be losing members because pay is one of the big reasons people join unions. They believe that the union makes them get more for their efforts, even if they put very little effort forth (remember postal workers paid to not work?). Yeah. Is that why people join unions: less effort for higher pay? Teachers have a union. They have more days off and more "teacher work days" than ever before. But they get higher pay. The same holds true of postal workers (as illustrated previously), auto workers (robotic assembly lines really made their jobs easier), government workers (federal and state; some county and city workers, too), health care workers, etc., etc. Unions mean more POWER for the bosses, not better anything for the workers. If the workers really benefitted from it, wouldn't they drive as nice a car as the union bosses? In the meantime, if you have questions about thevileone's healthcareTAX, he'll be answering your questions about it on WebMD.com. The "Liar of the Year" will be answering questions regarding his "Lie of the Year". Sounds like something I'd want to participate in if I did NOT want the TRUTH. Agree? Talk about chutzpah. Republirats are building a database of people who have LOST their insurance because of the "Lie of the Year". They'll probably be getting a few of them to do commercials for the (R) candidate in their states; or at the very least getting republirat ads for their local elections, just in case they can be pulled into that party. I wouldn't be surprised at all if dumborats left in droves. After all, this program is a total disaster in every way. So try to avoid it if you can because there are other options besides this skunk out there. March 10, 2014   Lefties are so racist. They claim that the only reason we don't like thevileone is because of his skin tone. WRONG. If we only dislike him because of his skin tone, then why do we LOVE Allen West? Same skin tone, so why do we love him if we hate someone else because of his skin tone? We love Dr. Ben Carson and he's the same skin tone as thevileone, so how can skin tone be the deciding factor? We love Dr. Thomas Sowell (especially his sense of humor and intelligence) and he's the same skin tone as thevileone. How is it racist? We love scotUS Justice, Clarence Thomas, so how is that racist when he's the same skin tone as thevileone? We are NOT racist. If anything it's vice versa; the vileone is the racist. Conservatives don't dislike folks based upon their skintone. We don't like folks because of their beliefs and if they try to destroy America or change her into something she is NOT and was never meant to be. Period. March 10, 2014   When will hollyweird learn that GOD is not mocked and SNL will reap what it sows? I predict that in about a year SNL will be no more. Their last desperate gasp will be to spit in the faces of Conservatives in every conceivable way in the last episode and they will not leave gracefully, but angrily, tauntingly, despicably. They will shout and rage and shake their fists that their voices were silenced becuase they were speaking "truth to power" or some such nonsense. The truth is, they are making their beds and shall lie in them. March 10, 2014   CA has 6.9 earthquake plus aftershocks. Sounds to me like things are a bit shaky in America right now. We've had earthquakes in our area, there have been a few small quakes in the midwest, up north and always in CA. What's going on around America that they are being so shaken up? What does it portend? March 10, 2014   March 10, 2014   JW: "Stand Up for the U.S. Constitution" I agree. We need to ALL do that! March 10, 2014   March 10, 2014   shock. surprise. Louis Farrakhan defrauds the government. Wow. I could be bowled over with about 20,000,000,000,000 tons of steel. I'm so very surprised. (*sarcasm*) March 10, 2014   Children are being taught to be animals? It sure seems so considering the horrific things they are doing nowadays. March 10, 2014   thevileone's rejection of Israel is a DANGER for us. GOD chose Israel and Israel's friend is GOD's friend. Israel's enemy is GOD's enemy. What is thevileone thinking? He's thinking he hates America and wants to destroy her and all of her allies; starting with Israel. Muslims have hated Israel for a very long time and this is no different. March 10, 2014   Study states the OBVIOUS. March 10, 2014   Worst Congress ever? No. I'd say that when pelosipig was
the Speaker of the March 10, 2014   I'll close today with some recommended reading for you. I have been reading the Joseph Prince books "Destined To Reign", "Unmerited Favor", and "The Power of Right Believing". I read them in the wrong order (read them as listed here because that's the order they were written in) and read "The Power of Right Believing" first, then went to "Destined to Reign" and am now reading "Unmerited Favor" and I don't recommend you read them in that order. I recommend starting at the beginning and going from there. It's a lot easier to get your mind around what he's saying, which is a lot different from the traditional teachings I was taught when I became a Christian. Read them in the right order and you'll be able to wrap your mind around the new stuff a lot better. Until next time, See ya'! March 8, 2014: 1:18 a.m.   I've been waiting for someone to explain something to me for about a month now. You see, there was an awards dinner last month given by the League of Women Voters who gave out "Women of Action" awards. One particular award winner was awarded because: "'Rupe,' Collins said, 'has fought for clean water, clean air and our Indian River Lagoon for many years.' She is president of the Partnership for a Sustainable Future, a coalition of diverse groups working to establish and maintain an economically and environmentally sustainable future for Brevard.'"WRONG. You can't be president of something that no longer legally exists. The Partnership for a Sustainable Future was administratively dissolved by the State in September 2013: ""Detail by Entity NameSo she was awarded for something that she let die? Very action-y. Remember the old saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? Yeah. March 7, 2014: 12:44 p.m.   It's Flag Friday! Just thought I'd let you know. March 7, 2014   What if America never existed? A good question for Flag Friday. March 7, 2014   CPAC is a farce; mitch mcconnell and donald trump as speakers? Really? That's what passes as "Conservative" in the "Conservative Political Action Committee"? Unless they had several of their speakers there as illustrations of what is NOT Conservative, then they should be a non-entity in true Conservative circles. Then there's the laugh of the whole gathering: this pic of mcconnell with a gun. Really? According to The Madison Project and The Political Guide website, mitch mcconnell's gun record is more ANTI-Second Amendment than pro. And he carries a gun onto the stage with him at CPAC and they fall for it? CPAC is a farce. March 7, 2014   Another day, another VACATION AT YOUR EXPENSE. Must be nice being Dictator who can do anything he wants at your expense while you eat mac and cheese for the last two years. BTW, his vacation place: Key Largo, FL. Ugh. Maybe we should hit him up for some of our money back? This vacation comes immediately following a party at the RED House given at OUR EXPENSE. During the party he couldn't even spell "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" correctly. What an expensive idiot. March 7, 2014   Don't worry, though: bumbler is also vacationing at OUR EXPENSE. He can't be out-vacationed by thevileone, now can he? After all, he is second in command and he gets as many vacation days as the top dog. Right? Remember: YOU ARE PAYING FOR THAT. March 7, 2014   March 7, 2014   Malkin TOTALLY SCHOOLS wassy-schultz! Another Malkin Masterful Slap Down! Excellent! March 7, 2014   Facebook makes meeting face to face more difficult? I figured out that the "social media" sites were not for me after a few months on them. They just weren't something I enjoyed. Facebook was boring. Twitter was useless and tedious to use in discussions (although in ONE situation I did get to spend five hours witnessing Jesus Christ and GOD's LOVE to a Muslim; their god does not love them). To me, the so-called "social media" sites are for other people because I just don't think they're worth my time. March 7, 2014   msnbc pushes UN-credentialed BABY-KILLERS as HEROES. msnbc is the lamest excuse for a waste of time and money on television there is. To make heroes of people who perform abortions (kill babies) without having the proper admitting credentials to a local hospital. If they don't have admition credentials they cannot send a woman in an emergency situation after or during an abortion to a local hospital under his or her own name. In other words, they wouldn't be the admitting doctor and their patient would be put on the shoulders of a doctor with privileges. That's all the law did that is closing all but six abortion clinics (baby killing centers) in Texas. But madcow can't have the truth stand in the way of the pro-BABY-KILLING agenda. Truth? Who cares as long as they can kill another baby? March 7, 2014   Bitcoin has fallen apart and the alleged "father" of isn't answering questions. Question: If he wasn't behind it, and Bitcoin says "The Bitcoin Foundation, an advocacy group promoting the adoption of the digital currency, said '... We have seen zero conclusive evidence that the identified person is the designer of Bitcoin.'"then who is behind Bitcoin? I can think of only one person who is devious enough, rich enough, evil enough, to try to undo the worlds' currencies with a digital currency and who would get people involved then yank the rug out from under the whole thing and he's a huge backer of thevileone. Did george soros have anything to do with Bitcoin? After all, his writings support the idea of, if not Bitcoin specifically. Who else is that evil? March 7, 2014   Stupido rubio silent on immigration? He has realized the error of his ways and he is trying to distance himself from his error. Too late. Doesn't he realize Elephants Can Remember? (LOL! Had to do it!) March 7, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Vegas casino union workers may strike because they'll lose their coverage under this thing. Well, join the rest of America. They expected special treatment because they were thevileone's buddies, but they weren't given the promised exemption. Waaah. Did you know they're still trying to cover up the truth about this piece of garbage? Yeah. Making excuses and covering up is one of the very few strengths of this administraion. If they're not collecting the data, someone else is and found that Latinos are being left out. They've released some info on how they're financing thevileone's healthcareTAX but the numbers don't reveal much and are a bit confused. Shocked? Want another shocker? It's not the UNinsured who are signing up for this thing. Why anyone is doing so, I have no idea, but it's their choice. They'll regret it, mark my words. March 7, 2014   Got privacy? March 7, 2014   If you have to put a disclaimer on the film ("'The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the Book of Genesis.'")denying that it's a faithful reproduction of the story, then it's not a BIBLE story. It's something less than. Why spend money on something less than the TRUTH OF THE BIBLE? If you're going to learn about Noah, read the BIBLE instead of going to a movie that apparently needs to be defended by its creators. The True Creator of the Noah story did not need to defend it, so why settle for a half-ahemed substitute? Remember, it's an "art show" not "the essence, values and integrity of" the TRUE Noah story that is in the Bible. March 7, 2014   Oh, my word. Too funny. March 7, 2014   I'll close with that one. Until next time, See ya'! March 6, 2014: 10:59 a.m.   USSR being reconstructed. thevileone's Nobel Peace Prize did him no good in trying to prevent it, did it? He saw a country be invaded and his Nobel Peace Prize didn't help him do anything about it. He's so gifted and talented at bringing about peace that the prize just sat on the shelf and didn't help at all. Why, oh, why did Putin NOT listen to the Nobel Peace Prize winner? Wasn't he impressed with the Nobel Peace Prize? Was Putin not at all concerned that the Nobel Peace Prize winner would be upset? Oh, the Nobel Peace Prize! Why was it not respected? (*sarcasm, of course*) March 6, 2014   I hope the people of Scottsdale, AZ, band together and RECALL their mayor. What he did was so totally disrespectful and heartless. What about the family of the fallen cop? Can you imagine their reaction to his denial of a moment of silence? His mother's heart must have broken when she heard about that. March 6, 2014   The Pope admits theft. Stealing a cross from a dead man? Dropping the "F-bomb"? Saying you don't have to believe in GOD to get to heaven? Is this what the Cardinals thought BEST represented today's Catholic beliefs and the direction they wanted the Church to go? Really? That's sad. March 6, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It's "inevitable" that you'll pay for illegals to get this crud. Well, at least there's a bill to make the fine for NOT signing up $00.00. Someone's trying to do the right thing. Not sure thevileone will let that one go without VETO, but at least they're trying (or putting on a good show of it). Talking about "good show of it"... IF the "navigators" are doing GOD'S work, what is satan's? Considering that it's making us a "nation of men, not laws" how can that be doing GOD'S work? Especially considering that it's hurting 33% of Americans. Is that GOD'S work? It's also hurting hospitals. Is that GOD'S work? At least people are realizing that it's not worth the trouble, pain, and upheaval it's causing. Speaking of admitting something: the RED House has quietly admitted this thing is having a negative effect on work hours. So he lied then admitted the lie. Anyone see a paattern here from the LIAR OF THE YEAR? Now, even those who were uninsured are realizing this is NOT a good thing. (Well, knock my socks off!) By the way, if you've had home healthcare for your elderly loved one, kiss it goodbye. thevileone didn't think they needed it so his healthcareTAX got rid of it. Don't bother helping the elderly. In thevileone's eyes, they're not worth it. (How much do you want to bet his mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, would still get it if needed?) Although reid calls them "Lies! All lies!" people are hurt by this plan. Just remember: voting in 2016 for hillclintoon won't be any better since hillclintoon thinks thevileone's healthcareTAX is "too important" to turn back. Excuse me? It's hurting hospitals, businesses, people with pre-existing conditions, the elderly and everyone else and it's "too important" to turn back? Really? Is that what you want to be president after thevileone? Is that what dumborats really want? March 6, 2014   Just saw this story
and it made me realize: March 6, 2014   Staples kicks out anti-gun kooks on Staples property. I like that. Thank you, Staples. Now if you'll stick to that stance, I'll continue shopping there. Appreciate it. March 6, 2014   dumborats' actions prove claims of color-blindness the falsehood it is. They see color in everything. Ask eric holder. When dumborats say that they're for one skin tone and that makes them wunnerful wunnerful, that in and of itself tells you that it's the skin tone that matters. When it comes to the Senate not approving the cop killer-supporter that's just the idea of supporting law and order (e.i. cops) being more important than approving someone who supports killing cops. It doesn't always boil down to skin tone, ethnicity, nationality, etc.: usually it's just the facts of the case -- MINUS skin tone. March 6, 2014   Cruz: Abolish the I.R.S. YES!!! Love it!!! March 6, 2014   Texas is down to twenty abortion clinics? For a state as big as Texas, that's a long way to drive for an abortion if yours closed down. GOOD! I'm looking foward to when it's down to SIX, then to two and then to ZERO! Babies are precious. Even in the RARE instance when a baby is conceived during rape, that does NOT make the baby worthless, something to flush down a drain bit by bit. Ask Pam Stenzel: her father was her mother's rapist. Her life has value and she is a good person to have on earth. Remember: when it comes to rape and a child conceived by rape, that two wrongs never make a right and making the child pay with its life for the sins of the father is not right. Abortion kills. Abortion makes the wrong person pay for what someone else has done. March 6, 2014   thevileone is our "biggest national security problem". No joke. March 6, 2014   Well, the storm is closer than I thought it would be so I'm going to shut it down. Don't like being online -- or even on my computer -- during a storm. That makes this, Until next time, See ya'! March 5, 2014: 1:47 p.m.   Sorry for the brevity of yesterday's update. As you know we've been having vehicle issues. My son's car broke down and needs a new clutch. He works and I stay at home so I loaned him my vehicle. That was three weeks or so ago. It has been so frustrating to think of an errand I want to run and be stuck at home unable to do that errand. So ten days ago a neighbor was washing a new vehicle in his driveway when I went to check the mail. We talked about his new (to him) vehicle and what he was going to do with his old vehicle. He said he was selling his old vehicle for $500; it needed a new fan motor and the a.c. needed charged; it had a booboo in the back and the inside was in desperate need of a deep cleaning: otherwise it worked fine and had good brakes and tires. I said we might be interested. When hubby got home he checked it out and said that we would like to buy it. The next day we did just that. We deep cleaned it, replaced the fan motor and went to register the vehicle. The registration and insurance more than DOUBLED the cost of the vehicle! We had to pay $407 for registratio n; $125 for insurance. It's a 2001 Saturn SL (four door sedan) and it cost $407 (that's just until October when we'll have to register it again)! I think the registration price is ABSURD! It's disgusting. Part of that cost was the list of other things we're paying for while registering our vehicles. Did you know you were paying for all of that? Yeah. Sweet, huh? Your license plate/registration fee is partially going to the Juvenile Justice system? Really? Yep. What Juvenile Justice has to do with vehicle registration I have no idea, but there it is. Anyways, all of that to say that my brevity yesterday was due to the fact that I had some errands to run that had been postponed for a while and I was itching to get them done. It feels good to have my transpo back. It's part of FREEDOM. March 5, 2014   thevileone's admin has no constitutional boundaries when it comes to him getting what he wants and doing things his way. Congress want you to stop doing something? Spy on Congress. thevileone was allegedly a constitutional professor. I guess he studied it so that he would know exactly what to ignore. March 5, 2014   The DH[IN]S is allowing folks to hire illegals and NOT worrying about enforcing the law. Everyone who is surprised by this, into the pool. March 5, 2014   Pleading the fifth is the progressive's favorite pasttime. They like to do so because they find it very difficult to defend their own actions. If they don't speak, they don't have to defend. It can be seen as a flacid admission of wrongdoing, but it's not an admission of wrongdoing because they don't say anything but "I plead the Fifth." When progressives "testify" plan on hearing this broken record over and over and over again. Know this, though: When they have been caught doing wrong, and plead the Fifth, it's not because they're afraid of being found guilty of anything. It's an "in your FACE" contempt that makes them use the Fifth, not any guilt on their parts. The ability to feel guilt is not in them. The ends justify the means. Get it however they can; that's the goal. Refusing to answer the questions via the Fifth is another way to rub our noses in their POWER and CONTROL. Let's see if Issa does go with contempt of Congress charges here. I'd love to see it against her and eric holder (and others, I'm sure). March 5, 2014   LOL! Something hillclintoon has accomplished? Uhhh... We still support her! That's basically what the lefties are saying about hillclintoon. They can't name a single accomplishment but they'll still vote for her because it's her DUE. Is this what America is meant to be: a place where it's someone's DUE? I beg us to be better than that. The Constitution is not set up for "due"; it provides a much better way. Let us go for higher ground than alleged "due". March 5, 2014   It's been three years... Let us hope and pray that Marizella is still alive and that she will soon be returned to her loving family. March 5, 2014   When "hate crimes" are being FAKED, it's time for a reality check. When it's this big a "fear factor" thing to worry about the PC crap that the unconstitutional "Hate Crimes" law, it's time to delete the law. It's against the First Amendment in the first place. It tries to legislate speech and FEELINGS (are you not allowed to feel how you feel?). It's impossible to prevent it from being selectively enforced (George Zimmerman was a victim of this law). It's impossible to control feelings in the heat of the moment (that does not make it impossible to control ACTIONS and ACTIONS are what are actually illegal) yet the progressives want YOU to be prosecuted for a FEELING while in the middle of a bad situation. It's also another way to target folks by RACE: making one race the aggressor no matter the situation because the progressives can ASSIGN FEELINGS to whichever situation they desire and to WHOMEVER they desire as long as they are the "right" RACE. Hate crimes are nothing more than another whipping stick and another way to CONTROL you. March 5, 2014   March 5, 2014   Beware: Sexual perverts are everywhere. I suppose, though, that if a prezidunce, clintoon, can get away with an affair while in office then what's so shocking about a NY State Representative being a sexual perv? After all, we sexualize children as young as five years old, Hollywood stands behind an alleged child rapist, Abercrombie & Fitch uses near nude teens, (and other companies use kids as sex objects to sell their products), so what's so shocking about a NY Representative being a lude jerk? (*sarcasm*) March 5, 2014   Senate dumborats are covering their ahems. If this were NOT an election year those same dumborats would be voting in FAVOR of the nominee. As the prezidunce himself and hillclintoon both prove, experience doesn't matter for dumborats. What matters is who you know and what your politics are. As long as you're progressive enough, you're fine with them! March 5, 2014   Possible AIDS vaccine that works? 1) There hasn't been enough testing to prove it is otherwise harmless. 2) There is the possibility of this shot giving people a false sense of invincibility: if they're "protected" by this shot then they won't get it no matter what dangerous acts they participate in. 3) How much pressure will there be on the governments of the world to okay this shot without properly and extensively testing it? If the governments cave without the appropriate testing what harm can be done and who will be held responsible? (Answer: NOT the governments, but the company who created this thing will be made to pay the price.) I HOPE that someday it is proven to be safe and that it will do what they think it will do without doing any other harm. I sincerely hope that it does. There are way too many deaths due to AIDS and it would be a good thing to save those lives. March 5, 2014   MA "high court" (high on what?) rules "up-skirt" photos NOT ILLEGAL. Excuse me!?!?!? What about common decency? Oh. That's not taken into account in some courts, apparently. Right and wrong? Don't count on them. It's only a moral thing, not a legal thing? What was that court thinking? March 5, 2014   Folks are getting fed up with their states not doing the right thing. I can't really blame them. Florida is pretty Conservative, and for that I am very glad, but they could do more to protect our FREEDOM, lower our taxes (see list of taxes stuck onto your vehicle registration fees), kick the federal government OUT of OUR business (that's as in "company" business and personal business) and to ensure our property and personal rights are protected. The first best step: OPT OUT OF thevileone's healthcareTAX! March 5, 2014   Now, THIS IS A GOOD JUDGE! He could tell the truth when he heard it and he had some common sense. It's ridiculous that the attorney for the girl did things this way, but... Wonder how a broke eighteen-year-old paid an attorney his fees? Just asking. After all, the parents wouldn't be the ones paying for that since they wouldn't pay for her college after the way she treated them (and RIGHTLY so). I suppose pro bono is an option. March 5, 2014   March 5, 2014: 8:09 p.m.   Well, that was unexpected. My internet suddenly cut out and I had no way to sign off and say goodbye. So now I wanted to say it: Until next time, See ya'! March 4, 2014: 3:29 p.m.   Just a few updates today because I have other things to do. I thought I'd start the day with a few beautiful pictures. Check out a frozen Niagra Falls. I love cold weather and I love snow and what happens when it's cold. One of my favorite annual trips I took with friends when I was a young woman was to a frozen falls that was backlit for effect. It was nowhere near Niagra's "Wow!" factor, but it was still beautiful. I hope you enjoy the pics. March 4, 2014   March 4, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Another day, another DELAY as thevileone and dumborats try to keep November defeat at bay. Will it help them get victory in November? Don't forget that it's going to hurt small businesses and bails out big businesses (so much for the traditional dumborats thinking big businesses are bad, huh?). In the meantime, more hospital workers getting the ax: "Obamacare could cost the University of Carolina (UNC) system as much as $47 million per year starting in 2015 — and the universities may cut hours and jobs to comply, Campus Reform has learned."thevileone's whole goal in EVERYTHING he does is to destroy America. This is just the first step. If you're sick, cannot afford coverage and turn to his stupid, destructive plan to try to get insurance, although your deductibles are sky high you accept that because it's something at least, but when you go to the hospital it's closed down or short staffed and your stay is miserable and things go awry, well, that just the cost of destroying America. Now, imagine that's your SON OR DAUGHTER that it happened to. thevileone wants that. Is that what you want? March 4, 2014   I'll close with this ridiculousness. Study finds many think HTML is an STD! I find that hysterical. Until next time, and with apologies for being so short today, See ya'! March 3, 2014: 4:16 p.m.   It's Monday and you know what that means: Minion Monday: Hank Gets Serious! Start the week with a smile. March 3, 2014   Russia has a spy ship in Cuba,
this I've mentioned. They also have been
trying to make South America avialable to their ships and planes, too.
Considering what
they're doing in the Ukraine, the fact that now
Russia and China -- two of our biggest enemies -- are now allied
against the Crimea and the U.S.A., and the
sheer cowardice and weakness of thevileone,
it's shaping up to be a very dangerous time. If we had a staunch Conservative in office this would not be happening. Instead of a Ted Cruz type, we have: March 3, 2014   clintoon documents "slow rolled" for release. "[L]awsuits and threats of lawsuits" make things happen in this administration, but it shold not be that way under the "most transparent presidency" in history. Oh. Sorry. His lips were moving. March 3, 2014   YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS: $7,396,531 for thevileone's 2013 vacations. That's just in FLIGHT expenses! It doesn't cover hotels, food, security, etc., etc., etc.! Peanut butter and jelly taste good? I hope so. You, your kids and great-great grandchildren are going to be eating it for long enough to even START to pay off the debt thevileone is racking up; in part, with this kind of bill for travel! March 3, 2014   Vaccinations saving money, but is there a cost? Some parents believe that certain vaccinations cause autism. Some have seen changes in their children that happened within days (if not hours) after the vaccination. There's a lot of controversy surrounding it and there is at least one AMERICAN university study that DOES show a link. That was back in 2008; a study's results released two days ago agree THER IS A LINK. Sounds to me like you need to make your own decision about what's good or bad for your child. If they get the measles, mumps or rubella because they didn't get the vaccine, then you'll have to deal with that. If they get autism from the shot, then that's another thing to deal with. Can't win for losing? March 3, 2014   March 3, 2014   March 3, 2014   Aaaahhh... ahhahahahahaaaaa.... public schools. (Okay. My bad.) But some principals are worse! Or even some teachers and what they're accused of doing. Homeschool your kids, folks. It's a heck of a lot SAFER. March 3, 2014   Biggest threat to Christianity: GOVERNMENT. Especially thevileone's administration. Oh, and the Pope's tongue. March 3, 2014   RNC shuns Sarah Palin. She's the best thing to happen to the RNC since Ronald Reagan and they can't get past the FACT that she's more popular than they. Jealousy rears its ugly head and she gets dissed all the time. That's another good reason to stay OUT of the republirat party. Their leadership has not grown up as yet and they cry like babies whenever she's right (often) and they're wrong (always). Whiners and losers at the head of the RNC I won't have anything to do with. March 3, 2014   Justina Pelletier's family can take her back to her original doctor and the gag order on the family has been lifted. Next step: custody of their daughter returns to the parents and the state and Boston Children's Hospital gets the heck out of the Pelletier family's medical (and all other) concerns! This has been a ridiculous situation since the Pelletiers went to Boston Children's Hospital and to see what that family has gone through via the interference of ONE doctor should put the fear of the State into every parent in America. One determined, agenda driven doctor's word and your child is no longer yours? Disgusting. March 3, 2014   I'll end with that good news. Let us keep Justina and the family in our prayers and pray for our country, too. Freedom is NOT FREE. Remember that FREEDOM includes our children and raising them as we see fit without the interference of government agencies and doctors with agendas! Until next time, See ya'! March 1, 2014: 3:27 a.m.   "We know there are a lot of issues that have built up against our lagoon. Fertilizer, letting cities dump street sewage in the past, not cleaning out baffle boxes, street drains running straight into the water's edge, septic tanks too close and probably even more issues that haven't been found yet, but we need to look at all the issues. So before we start putting diapers on the manatees, pelicans, Flipper and our fish thinking the Indian River Lagoon water problem will go away, we might want to reconsider."That's from the usual snit under the heading "Septic Tanks and the Indian River Lagoon" referencing the blurb I wrote on Feb. 13th. I was commenting on a FL Toady [sic] article that said that man was not the polluter of the Indian River Lagoon, it was animals -- including manatees. Well, apparently that didn't sit (enunciate when you say that!) very well with certain folks. Lah-ti-dah. (Perhaps she thinks that "manatees, pelicans, Flipper and our fish" actually step out of the water for a potty break?) I did some research to see if I could find some more info to back up my belief that it was not humans. What I found was the following:
Since we know that sea vegetation CLEANS the water and that the manatee are destroying that sea vegetation and that the manatee population has grown in the last forty years since its "endangered" classification, we can see that the unintended consequence of the environmentalist wackos has lead to the pollution of the Indian River Lagoon. So while they whine and scream that they need to "protect" it by their own actions they are the reason it is polluted! If they want to have a sustainable earth as they're always screaming for, demanding, etc., why don't they leave things alone? Sixty years ago when the manatee population was used for food we didn't have this problem. But, no. They had to interfere and blame the resulting pollution on YOU. It's not about our alleged polluting, it's about THEM interfering in the first place! Then there's the fact that she again speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Consider on one of the pages I wrote about her candidacy and the public record of her writings and speaking on the public record at County, City and board meetings, etc., PSJ HOA Newsletter, May 1995, Maureen Rupe writes: "On May 16th, the Brevard County Commission voted unanimously to accept the recommendations of negotiations between our association and Lawyer, Tim Bradley, the Brevard County Attorney, and Florida Dept. of Community Affairs. What this amounts to is monitoring of groundwater in PSJ, installation of an aerobic septic system for new homes, and have a study started by the end of the year. With these, we will be able to basically stop all talk of sewers indefinitely."Remember how often she and PSJ4T used the threat of Titusville or Cocoa FORCING PSJ to hook up to their sewer systems while they were pushing incorporation? Is she FOR septic tanks or AGAINST them? There's another problem with this as well. The coquina ridge that is under the railroad tracks was said, a long time ago, to protect the lagoon from the houses' septic tanks west of the railroad tracks from having an impact on the Indian River Lagoon. Those houses east of the tracks are on a sewer system so their poop doesn't go anywhere near the river. That leaves PSJ homes free and clear of all blame for the poop in the Idian River Lagoon. Don't you wish she would make up her mind as to where she stands on this issue? When it does impact her and her pocket book, she's agin' it; when it doesn't impact her and her pocket book she's for it? Is that the way it works? That's not taking responsibility and being an adult. Perhaps it's not the "manatees, pelicans, Flipper and our fish" who need the diapers? February 2014 February 28, 2014: 1:05 p.m.   It's Flag Friday! "Tribute To Our Troops 153: When Things All Tilt" is my latest tribute and "Thank you!" to those who have served or are serving. I can never say it enough. February 28, 2014: 2:36 p.m.   thevileone shows his true self: RACIST. February 28, 2014   Bitcoin goes "PoP!" I hope you didn't have anything in it. I never invested in it but I did put links up so that you could look at it and see if you trusted it. Some folks like to try new things. I just couldn't make myself trust it (nor could I afford it!). February 28, 2014   YUCK! If you have an easily upset stomach, don't even read the story. "Peace and tolerance" huh? I guess they couldn't tolerate what he did. February 28, 2014   Is hillclintoon sick? I've thought so for quite a while. I don't know that her health issues will allow her to run in 2016. It's going to be a waste of money investing in her campaign because her PAC will either have to send it back (rich folks get theirs first?) or they'll send it on to the candidate/party of their choice. February 28, 2014   FINALLY! A court ruling that makes sense! February 28, 2014   PROBLEM: Why is Russia staging on OUR side of the world? They're putting their ships in South America and Cuba; their planes in the same. Is this the start of war? If so, we have thevileone to thank for it. BTW, the Ruskies will have another think coming because, thanks to thevileone, there are more Americans now fully armed, locked and loaded, than EVER before (number-wise, not percentage-wise) and their battle may not be with those who follow thevileone's orders (the "private army", the military kiss-ups and those afraid to disobey an order), it will be with US, those who still LOVE AMERICA and want the best for our children! That's a lot of folks to face. And when WE prevail, thevileone will stand in his bunker where he's protected by a LOT of troops and Secret Service people after he sold us out and he'll take credit for OUR victory. February 28, 2014   February 28, 2014   Planned Killerhood says when life begins for baby DOES NOT MATTER. The baby's life? Unimportant. All that matters is that they get to kill it. This tells you about who they are at the very core, does it not? Don't forget that these murderers got 542 MILLION Taxpayer dollars in 2012 and is still getting YOUR money. Remember: thevileone's healthcareTAX FORCES US TO PAY FOR ABORTIONS and planned killerhood gets a lot of that business. Is this what you want? Stand up. February 28, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Sen. Ted Cruz says he'll REPEAL EVERY WORD of this piece of garbage. That'll give me sweet dreams for certain. How about you? While Cruz is set to undo this piece of crap, thevileone, Dictator-DeFacto, announces "retroactive" subsidies. His magic pen at work again. If it's capable of being changed by ONE PERSON then it CANNOT BE A LAW. In America we have a way of changing the laws of the land (including this crap), and it's NOT one man one pen! If he can change it on a whim, it's NOT A LAW! When will people realize that? Meanwhile, people who enrolled can't find a way out of it. That's against the Fourth Amendment: "Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. [my bolding]"thevileone's healthcareTAX is SEIZING their money and won't let it go. Totally unconstitutional. When will we stand up against this thing? February 28, 2014   msthevileone thinks she's smarter: moms are "confused and bewildered". Her effort to "help" moms is going to cost US about $2 BILLION. Isn't that special? She cares so much she's going to make those "confused and bewildered" moms PAY to make them capable of understanding what she is capable of understanding. She's so sweet. (*Yes, that's sarcasm.*) February 28, 2014   thevileone is so thrifty. (*sarcasm*) February 28, 2014   Aaaahhhh.... public schools.... They just keep getting better.... and better... and they're getting help from the courts to be this way. Wunnerful. Wunnerful. February 28, 2014   bumble grumble. February 28, 2014   Got FREEDOM? Apparently not. See Fourth Amendment, above. February 28, 2014   Another dumborat gives it up even though dumborats are allegedly confident of the 2014 results. The ONLY way they can be confident of results is if they're confident in their cheating system they have set up. Is this why they're confident? February 28, 2014   Is this the TRUTH? Or is it another whitewashing of the progressive agenda? The TRUTH is always surprising to the left. (Maybe because they're so unused to it?) February 28, 2014   Really bad movie draws spoilers. If you were thinking of seeing "Non-Stop" with Liam Neeson, don't bother. It's a disgrace. February 28, 2014   I'll sign off with that. Until next time, See ya'! February 27, 2014: 12:14 p.m.   Legoland in England did the right thing. I think they were taking the safety of their visitors seriously and renting out the park to a known radical Islamicist is not really good PR. Wish that Disneyland/World would learn that lesson. February 27, 2014: 1:37 p.m.   America at the "tipping point". Either we STAND and take back our U.S. Constitution and America's adherance to it, or we refuse to fight for our country and thevileone makes us a dictatorship and we become SUBJECTS (as in "subject to his whims and mercy") instead of CITIZENS. It's YOUR choice. What will YOU do? What's important to YOU? Will you STAND? Or will you whine as America falls? I WILL STAND. February 27, 2014: 2:21 p.m.   Support the effort to STOP the IRS being used to stop free speech. If the dumborats can use it on the Tea Party and Hollywood celebrities who else can they use the IRS to silence? Will it be YOU? Or if they can use the IRS for this, what can they NOT use the IRS for? Something to think about, yes? February 27, 2014   thevileone frees terrorists; they're arrested for more terrorist activities. What made thevileone think that a terrorist would NOT participate in terrorist activities after being released? Would it be that they were "reformed"? No? Maybe it was because they were convinced that terrorism was the wrong thing to do? No. Maybe because thevileone is a Muslim and thought that he could release some of his brothers-in-belief without drawing too much attention (with the help of the msm) and doing so "in dribs and drabs" wouldn't make anyone else notice either. thevileone is NEVER correct. He's ALWAYS on the wrong side of TRUTH, of RIGHT, of AMERICA. February 27, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Convicted Muslim terrorist working as a "healthcare navigator": confirmed. See how important you are to thevileone? He wants terrorists to have your name, social security number, address, birth date, etc., etc. Why? Ever hear of identity theft? Or maybe they'll be allowed to ask questions about your religion? If they have your religious beliefs on file can they target folks? After all, she bombed Jews in Israel because they were Jewish, are not all infidels the same as Jews in their eyes? thevileone's healthcareTAX is bad for America in every way, but that doesn't stop republirats from caving in to it. Spine, anyone? No? Didn't think so. If elected (Heaven forbid!), hillclintoon says she'll "'clear away all the smoke and try to figure out what is working and what isn’t'" in this piece of crap. Problem is, if she does that, there won't be anything left! Heck, they'll even have to trash the name because if you call it his-name-care then they don't like it because he's associated with the failure. If you call it the longer "Affordable Care Act" it's a LIE. No one can afford this trash! (And it's only going to get WORSE!) thevileone's healthcareTAX is hurting more people than it allegedly helps. Unless you're part of thevileone's "friends and family" plan and got a free pass from participating in this crap, you're facing huge deductibles, higher premiums, different doctors, medications, hospitals, less care and more out of pocket expenses. Isn't that what they promised? Now you're paying more and paying for everyone else's "more" (or "less" depending upon the surgery), making it even more expensive. Remember "If you like your health care plan..."? His lips were moving! February 27, 2014   This is NOT good. It's so very dangerous considering that thevileone is depleting our military and so very willing to be more flexible after he was reelected. Yeah. It's not looking good. We either take back America, or thevileone hands it over to Muslims and Russians. Sweet! February 27, 2014   Considering the results of this search aren't you so very, very glad that Planned Parenthood is pushing S & M to TEENS? Yeah. That's a disaster in the making. February 27, 2014   msthevileone LIES like her hubby-bubby. shock. surprise. February 27, 2014   N[IN]SA spying on you via your webcam. I put two layers of opaque paper over my computer's camera and taped them in place. No one's going to spy on me via my camera! Go low tech. It's safer. February 27, 2014   War on Women! War on Women! Waaahhhh.... Waahaahhaaa! It's all a crock. Look at the ways it's the dumborats who have a war on women:
February 27, 2014   Another "on the come" award. They're giving him the award to encourage him to be good; not because he IS good, has PROVEN he's good, or has a RECORD of being good. They're just saying "Your GENES make us believe you WILL BE good at this job." They're banking on an unknown, just as the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to thevileone was given to him for NO REASON WHATSOEVER -- besides the fact that he is the first (after billyboy clintoon) black president. IF Ronan Farrow had an ounce of integrity he'd hand the award back and ask to be awarded it AFTER he had earned it. February 27, 2014   boxer is insane. She really needs to retire. February 27, 2014   WARNING: NSFW OR CHILDREN   Another animal pretending to be human. Don't raise your children to be like this bus passenger. He's wrong and he deserves to be in jail. February 27, 2014   Is your ID safe? No. Not even when you think it is. February 27, 2014   dumborats want MILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS to do "gun violence research". That has been studied and studied and studied. Why do they need taxpayer dollars to prove that people can protect themselves effectively if they own a handgun? It has been shown via anecdotal evidence time after time after time, and studies prove it, too. So why do the dumborats want to spend YOUR money doing another study? I'll tell you what the results of the study WILL BE and that will tell you the WHY answer. The study WILL SHOW that concealed carry is dangerous to those who have a conceled carry permit, to the children who live in the house where the gun is stored, or children who visit the house, and it WILL SHOW that guns ARE NOT used by violent street gang thugs to kill innocent children but that the gun in the hands of a Conservative DOES! That's what the dumborats' gun violence "study" WILL SAY. You know why it WILL SAY this? Because nine times out of ten, of the author of the study is not a person of high integrity, the person paying for the study always has a say in how the study is designed, who is studied, what is studied and what the results will be (think PSJ Incorporation Study). Mark My Words! February 27, 2014   FINALLY MA lawmakers are getting involved in the Pelletier case. Remember: this is not the only case of the government taking over a child. It happens more often than you may think. For instance, it's happening in Alaska it has happened in FL, and Justina's not the first child Boston Children's Hospital has done this to. That's so wrong that I think the hospital should be shut down. February 27, 2014   Ellis/EDC testimony finished; ruling pending? So is the EDC a going to be found a "public entity" that would then be subject to the Sunshine Law? I think the testimony and evidence proves they ARE a public entity. So when it comes to Sunshine Law, the EDC really should be subject to telling us how they spend OUR money. February 27, 2014   ONE brave, determined man CAN make a difference! Do not think that you can't change things! You may be the one GOD is going to work through. You CAN make a difference, but ONLY if you STAND UP! February 27, 2014   Until next time, See ya'! February 26, 2014: 2:40 p.m.   How can anyone trust cops nowadays? With incidences like this who can trust cops? Not when COPS TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHTS, you can't trust them then, can you? February 26, 2014   "Peace and tolerance"? Rrriiiggghhhhtttt.... So very tolerant that they like to break things and kill people. "Toleration" has its limits! It's all about CONTROL and YOUR OBEDIENCE. Isn't that "peace and tolerance"? February 26, 2014   N[IN]SA to EXPAND data gathering. Got FREEDOM? Nope. February 26, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   It's the GOP's fault! -- sebelius. Of course it is. IRS: YOU WILL PAY!!! Not only will you pay, but every bad story about thevileone's healthcareTAX is a lie, according to reid. That's laughable because there is proof of the bad stories and he knows it. Desperation time setting in? With all of these shenanigans going on people are getting fed up with this thing and it is a fact that opposition to this thing is growing. I think America waking up to the "Lie of the Year" (again, which makes thevileone the "LIAR of the Year") that they could keep their doctor/health insurance/etc. if they liked it is part of that growing rebellion. Another part is that most of us don't want to pay people to quit their jobs PLUS pay for their healthcare afterward. We are supposed to take care of ourselves and our children and our elderly parents and STILL provide for lazy butts who won't work and want US to pay for their birth control, abortions, (btw, if there's free birth control on this thing why should we have to fund abortions since they're allegedly USING that birth conrol?), face lifts, breast enhancements, tummy tucks, flu shots, hang nail removal and wart treatments? I say that thevileone is trying to BANKRUPT US (as well as the United States of America) personally so that we will have nothing and then we'll be incapable of fighting back because no one will have anything. The government will be broke. The people will be broke. Only those with vast fortunes -- as thevileone has -- (BTW, how did he get to be worth $12.2 MILLION on a salary of $400,000? Think about that for a little while.) will be able to have/do/buy anything. THEY'LL be the ones in CONTROL because that is what COMMUNISM does. It puts the "elites" in CONTROL and makes the rest of us paupers. Something to look forward to, oh, boy! February 26, 2014   States draft "religious liberty" laws. Why bother? With thevileone's administration and his magic pen they'll undo them -- or eric holder will instruct the states' Attorneys General to just ignore those laws -- and homosexuals will be able to CONTROL others' freedoms again. CONTROL. That's the name of the game. It's not about a cake, a photograph, etc. It's about FORCING someone to do something they don't believe is right. It's about getting into the faces of Christians and saying "YOU MUST ACCEPT ME although I DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT YOU!" That's what it is about. CONTROL. The photographer and cake makers DID NOT TRY TO CONTROL the homosexuals who approached them to do business with them. They simply said no to a job. The homosexuals chose to CONTROL the photographer and cake makers via suing them and slamming them in public. That's intimidation and it made at least one company close its doors. It's not about EQUAL RIGHTS, it's about MORE RIGHTS. In these situations the homosexuals have MORE RIGHTS than those who choose not to do business with homosexuals because of religious reasons and the homosexuals cannot tolerate someone else choosing to NOT do business with them. They MUST FORCE them into doing what is against h their beliefs. That's giving the homosexual MORE RIGHTS than those who don't want to do business with them. EQUAL rights would mean that the following exchange would happen: Homosexual to baker: "I want you to do a wedding cake for my girlfriend and my wedding."That's EQUAL rights. The way it actually plays out nowadays is that the homosexual leaves and sues and FORCES the religious beliefs of the baker to be ground into dust on the cement and the baker is FORCED to make the wedding cake. That's not EQUAL. That's CONTROL. February 26, 2014   Seriously? SERIOUSLY? They try to limit our gun rights saying WE may be dangerous with a gun and the "trained" by the government folks are the ones LOSING weapons? Really? Things are bass ackwards. February 26, 2014   Margret Sanger founded what became "Planned Parenthood" on the belief that blacks and others were INFERIOR and should be eliminated as a race. Her dream is coming true and it's thanks to the black people themselves that Sanger's eugenics wet dreams are happening. This is a tragedy that only the future will reveal in its devastation to the black people as a whole. A hundred years from now there will be no "black race" because there will be no one left to marry who is not in some way a mixed race. I have no problem with interracial marriages. I have no problems with black people. I have a problem with killing babies of any nationality, race, religion, creed. Killing babies is WRONG. Aiding in your OWN genocide is stupid. Destroying the future of your own race is short-sighted to say the least. Don't kill your babies. Give them a chance to live, grow up and make you proud of them. LOVE THEM. Please don't kill them! February 26, 2014   Well the storm's getting close and I don't like to be on my computer during a storm. So I shall go for now. I may or may not be back later. We shall see. Until next time, See ya'! February 25, 2014: 3:26 p.m.   I had to correct a blurb from Feb. 13th's Chinaris blurb. I had to insert that the Mrs. has known rupester via serving on the same County boards (PSJ Library and PSJ Parish Medical Center) since 2004! The Mrs. had told my friend that she didn't really know the rupester very well. She still knew her well enough, apparently, for rupester to recommend her for the PSJ Advisory Board. Consider: Do you recommend someone for a board that you don't think is going to agree with you -- especially one you're already on? So I corrected the info. Check the link to see. February 25, 2014   Hollyweird proves it is bogoted against Christians. I supported the Academy in their first disualification of the guy who e-mailed the directors and got "Alone Yet Not Alone" its attention. He did wrong in my eyes. Whether he admits it or not, he did wrong. For them to disqualify the SONG -- in which the singer did nothing wrong -- under a lame excuse is just being bigoted against Christians and against the idea of the message of GOD's love. February 25, 2014   Abortion kills: Not just the baby, but the mothers, too.
She's not the only suicide via abortion. "[A]bortion dramatically increases the risk of suicide."
It breaks women's hears and
damages their souls and gives them guilt beyond what they can carry without turning to drugs, promiscuity,
or alcohol.
Suicide via abortion is a worldwide problem.
Women are not told about the
guilt, shame, hurt, regret and physical ramifications. February 25, 2014   Speaking of babies: A three parent child? That's what scientists are trying to do. I think that GOD would have other things to say about the process than the news is saying. GOD created man and woman to create children, not any combo thereof. It's something that they really should take into consideration. Just because they can doesn't mean they should. Just because you can cheat on your spuose, does that mean you should? Just because you can take that money from your employer does that mean you should? Just because you can shoot someone does that mean you should? No; in every instance, no. Don't think that it's okay with GOD just because He doesn't prevent it. He leaves it up to us to decide to do the right thing, instead of forcing us to do so. He hopes we will do the right thing, but there's no coercion. A "disease free" child? I doubt it. Even if it is "disease free" what other problems will there be? Mark my words, there WILL BE other things they had not taken into consideration. The child will suffer because of what they're trying to do. The "Rule of Unintended Consequences" is going to kick in and the child will be the one who pays the price because science will deny responsibility. February 25, 2014   February 25, 2014   Religious freedom in AZ facing uphill battle? Some think Brewer will cave. The bill doesn't give businesses the "right" to discriminate. No, but it SHOULD give them the right to CHOOSE with whom they do business. "No shirt, no shoes, no service"? That's a form of "discrimination", is it not? Does it not allow them to say "NO!" to someone who wants to do business with that particular establishment? What's the difference? It's all the same result: No, I don't want to do business with you. Christians have rights, too. To say that they cannot choose to NOT do business with a homosexual is discrimination against the Christian. BTW, if a homosexual says "No" to doing business with someone because they're Christian, is that okay? February 25, 2014   dumborats have been CHEATING during elections FOR YEARS! It has finally come to light and been proven. Will that change anything? Only if WE MAKE THE CHANGE HAPPEN! If we stand up to the left and we demand integrity in our elections and we MONITOR EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, then and only then will we have honest elections! February 25, 2014   Another terrorist sympathiser gets a pass from thevileone's admin. When he talks about keeping someone safe, it's his wallet he's referencing. February 25, 2014   The Second In Command: eric holder says states don't have to enforce laws; except for homosexual marriage. Double standards? They're okay for this administration! After all, they're the ones in control, so who is to say what's written in stone, or even on parchment paper and signed by the Founding Fathers? They can change whatever they want. They have the pen and cell phone. Is that why black pastors are saying to IMPEACH eric holder? Or are they racists? February 25, 2014   Ultimate BETRAYAL. Listen to their ACTIONS not their words. Making those who serve pay the price in yet another way is an OBAMINATION [sic]. It's WRONG, just wrong. But since when did that matter to thevileone? February 25, 2014   In just three years CA Gov. Jerry "Brown has allowed the release of nearly 1,400 lifers, while going along with the parole board about 82 percent of the time."These are rapists, murderers, etc.; violent criminals that can -- and some if not most, will -- re-offend. They'll do another crime that should put them back in prison. Problem is, CA doesn't want to spend the money on anything but welfare and buying votes. February 25, 2014   Common Crap Core: Change the name to protect the guilty then pass it anyway. shock. surprise. February 25, 2014   I'll stop there for now. Until next time, See ya'! February 24, 2014: 9:52 a.m.   Common Crap Core:   Parents have good reason to NOT support this thing. I know they are waking up in droves and starting to stand against it; rightly so. If you're uninformed about this federal take-over of education, you need to find a way to get around the effort to suppress the TRUTH about it and get the info. Do your own research, follow the links on my website, check, especially, this link. Read, read, read about it. Talk to your local school boards and elected representatives and ask them to NOT support this program. If someone supports this thing, DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM. No matter what party they're in, supporting a program that is BAD for our country, children and future is WRONG. I wouldn't vote for even Sarah Palin if she came out in support of Common Core (SHE HAS NOT), I disagree with this program that much. This program is nothing more than a federal government power grab and it's rotten to the core. Stand against Common Core if you want a bright future for your children. If you don't give a rat's backside about your children, support it. But remember, they will pay the price while you sit on your backside and did nothing to help them. Won't that make you feel so much better? February 24, 2014   Kasparov: if [thevileone] were president back then, he'd still be a Soviet citizen. Thank the Good Lord for Ronald Reagan and all he did for America. I still miss him. I wish we could find another like him. Where is our next Ronald Reagan? Some think it may be Sen. Ted Cruz, and yes, I like him, but he's not a natural born citizen as our U.S. Constitution demands so he cannot be the next Reagan. I want the next Ronald Reagan to be found, voted into office and to serve us -- not his ego as did clintoon; not his commie buddies as does thevileone -- as did Reagan. I want Reagan back. February 24, 2014   YOUR RIGHTS:   Former scotUS justice wants to CHANGE the 2nd Amendment TO: "'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms when serving in the militia shall not be infringed.' [my italics]"From what the Founding Fathers wrote: "'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.'"That's a HUGE change. Only those serving in a militia would be able to have a gun according to that former scotUS justice. That would mean that if you're not on the books (so to speak) as a member of a sanctioned militia (read the National Guard, U.S. military, or a well funded private army) you would NOT be allowed to own a gun. This is NOT what the Founding Fathers wanted for us. Is it what you want? In CA there is at least one candidate who is telling the truth about his lack of 2nd Amendment support. One honest RINO. Wow. Miracles do happen. He may have just defeated himself with that statement. I'm not complaining. Bank manager fired for having her licensed conceal carry gun with her at work suing her employer after they fired her. She is suing because firing her violated her constitutional rights. Remember that "keep and bear arms" thing in the 2nd Amendment? I agree with the bank manager: her rights were violated. I like her thinking and hope she wins. BTW, the bank is in FL so if she wins, YOUR right to carry at work may be impacted in a positive way. There are three Second Amendment cases going before the scotUS this session. (UPDATE: scotUS DENIES hearing two of the three cases! Thanks, john roberts?) So your Second Amendment may be further enhanced, protected, or with john "last minute change of mind" roberts still on the bench, who knows what's going to happen? Remember, when those who hate the Second Amendment (especially the "Stand Your Ground" idea that helps further the Second Amendment) they'll do what it takes to make things look bad and you've got to know the facts, do the research about their assertions and negate them publicly. You know the msm isn't going to do the negations so you have to do so. It's ridiculous how far they'll reach to try to diminish our right to protect ourselves. Reemmber, if someone tries to "infringe" upon your rights, VOTE THEM OUT of office. It's your GOD given right to protect yourself. Do not let anyone take that right away (unless you're a convicted felon; then you don't have much choice). Also remember that thevileone is NOT above dictatorial actions against American citizens and he's shrinking the U.S. military so that will make us more vulnerable to attack (and it will decrease the number of folks actually trained in defending us) so we must be able to defend ourselves. Your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is IMPERATIVE to YOU. February 24, 2014   dumborat says clintoon following is a "cult". "It's her turn! It's her right! It's her due!" some want to shout at the top of their lungs (from the bottom of their lungs would actually go farther because there's more breath support behind it, but that's another subject). Well, it's NO ONE'S "right". It's NO ONE'S "due". It's up to US who we put into public office via OUR VOTE. If she -- or ANYONE else -- thinks that clintoon is "due" it, they'd better read the U.S. Constitution again because it never says anything in there about anyone having the "right", "due", nor "turn" to be PRESIDENT! It is up to "We, The People" who becomes president and if WE don't think she's the right person, then nothing is going to prevent us from making sure she does not get into office via our vote. Since when do we have a "due" system of government? Since when is the country handed to anyone via "line of ascension" or "due"? So what that she stayed with her cheating dog? So what that she did all that work earlier in her life? So what if she is a favorite of the American left? She is NOT "due" the presidency. She is due NOTHING MORE than the chance to run. We cannot stop her in that, but we can turn out in droves to vote AGAINST her! February 24, 2014: 1:21 a.m.   I couldn't wait to post this, so here is GOOD NEWS! piers morgan, the bratty brit, is going away! Hip, Hip, Hurray! Hip, Hip, Hurray! Hip, Hip, Hurray! I've LONGED to say that. What an excellent day this is going to be! February 24, 2014: 1:22 a.m.   Start the day with two smiles! It's Minion Monday: Hank Learns Magic! Enjoy! February 24, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Defender of thevileone's healthcareTAX slimes woman who lost coverage under thevileone's healthcareTAX even though she has leukemia and the guy who slammed her is her State Representative. Yep. The lady who is in the video lower on the page (Feb. 19, 2014) is being attacked for speaking out. WSJ writer's mother lost her insurance: "[T]here is something deeply and incontestably perverse about a law that so distorts and undermines the free activity of individuals that they can no longer buy and sell the goods and services that keep them alive. ObamaCare made my mother's old plan illegal, and it forced her to buy a new plan that would accelerate her disease and death. She awaits an appeal with her insurer."Does that sound like a good program to you? So while we are losing our health insurance and being forced onto thevileone's healthcareTAX, thevileone's program is encouraing the incarcerated to enroll. They're in prison, are taken care of at OUR expense already, and they're being encouraged to enroll? How will they pay their premiums? The cost is sky high, they make pennies on the dollar in prison jobs and they're supposed to enroll in thevileone's healthcareTAX? Why is thevileone wanting prisoners enrolled? It's something to think about, yes? With all of the lies out there (remember: thevileone won "Lie of the Year" for his "If you like your doctor..." lie, making him the Liar of the Year) it's difficult to say how many people are signing up for this crud, but they keep telling us false numbers about it anyways. They can't let it be shown for the failure it is or they'd look bad. It's not as if the true stories about people's costs tripling, them losing their health insurance altogether, or their medicines not being covered encourage people to sign up, but they still want you to believe that this piece of garbage is still oh-so-popular. Liars lie. Remember that. February 24, 2014   "He told tales of climate change, wildfires, droughts and floods and also showed clips of his now widely debunked 2006 film Inconvenient Truth"Now they've come up with a new excuse for why "Global Warming" is true. Hamsters have their religion and they're not willing to give it up. Poor, poor hamsters. February 24, 2014   Good News! Good News!   Another dumborat retires!! Happy dance! They're dropping like flies, folks! Running scared? After having their pic taken with thevileone signing thevileone's healthcareTAX into law they've seen the writing on the wall? Associating yourself with thevileone's healthcareTAX is apparently NOT a good thing! I love that picture if it's going to do this! There are a lot of changes coming to the House and Senate. Let's hope that EVERY available seat goes to a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE! Pray now, pray hard, pray until every vote is counted! February 24, 2014   I'll stop there for now. Just a reminder that it's Minion Monday: Hank Learns Magic! and I want you to smile. Until next time, See ya'! February 21, 2014: 3:20 p.m.   Another leftist COSTLY failure? shock. surprise. "In the last few years the administration has dedicated huge sums to eradicate food deserts. This includes $75 million to study ways of better recognizing the nutritional needs of low-income communities and more than $100 million in Obamacare grants to 'reduce health disparities' between minorities and whites by, among other things, eliminating food deserts."So why are we tolerating this? Why don't we stand up? When will we stand up? February 21, 2014   Even the lefties are disagreeing with what thevileone is doing. When even your own side is against you, that tells the rest of us that he's really messing up. It tells us, but thevileone is deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to the truth. He can't see it, hear it, believe it and we all KNOW he can't SPEAK it! February 21, 2014   thevileone is making people homeless with his policies. Just another step in thevileone's destruction of America. Ho hum. February 21, 2014   This is what we have Hamsters to thank for.
Remember who, in part, we have to thank for higher electricity costs? Also, there's this: February 21, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Young people (15-35), msthevileone thinks you are a "KNUCKLEHEAD". Doesn't that make you feel good all over? She thinks so highly of you, your life, education and efforts. She really respects you, now doesn't she? Did you know that thevileone's healthcareTAX includes a hidden tax on PREGNANCY? Yep. They'll do anything to tax us, including tax babies. Next up: taxing them en utero? (Wouldn't surprise me.) He's operating on the sly again. If he could do everything he wanted without anyone knowing about it in time to stop, change, divert him, he'd be a happy camper. The faster he can destroy America the better in his eyes. thevileone's healthcareTAX will cover the abortions that kill so many babies. With abortions covered, will the incidence of black babies being aborted increase even more? That would be so very sad. Babies are PRECIOUS GIFTS FROM GOD and to destroy that little life is so very heartbreaking to Him and to me. I don't understand how anyone can do that. I understand desperation, but that's not an answer to it. It's a compounding of your own pain and you will live with it (if the abortion doesn't kill you, too) for the rest of your life. It stays with you. It haunts you. It makes a whole in your soul because of what could have been. Don't abort (kill) your baby. Give it life not death, a chance, the opportunity to be loved and grow and think, "Thank you, Mom, for loving me enough to let me live." All human life is precious. Let your baby live. In an astonishing admission of reality, bumbler says that they did NOT make their 7 million enrollment goal. When it comes to websites for this travesty, CA's isn't working properly yet (but they're not alont) and there are AT LEAST three ways theileone's supporters are still LYING to America about this crap. LYING? Really? Wow! Never saw that one coming! (*sarcasm*) This thing encourages people to NOT work and sitting on the couch all day is all kinds of fun, but it doesn't pay the bills, so guess who will? (Don't you like supporting all those folks with YOUR hard work?) If you work for the government (city, county, state, or federal) you are going to be a big loser in thevileone's healthcareTAX. But don't worry. kathleen sebelius is lying about that so it must be truth. Right? Too bad this thing isn't a law. Laws are changed via Congressional action, not presidential fiat. So it can't be a law since we live in a Representative Republic and a nation of LAWS. IF this was a law it could NOT be changed by thevileone acting alone -- well, he and his pen. February 21, 2014   O'Keefe has made a difference: again! His exposè has really alerted Texas election officials to what the ACORN-types are doing and how to counter their cheating tactics in the upcoming November election. Let us hope and pray that our election this year will be totally trustworthy and unadulterated. If even ONE vote is cast illegally then we have a problem: many votes cast illegally is a theft of our electoral integrity, process and of the results that SHOULD HAVE BEEN. But that's the goal, is it not? February 21, 2014   Dinesh D'Souza indictment questioned by senators. He said something negative against thevileone so of course he's been indicted. Even dennis rodman is being "investigated" by thevileone's admin because he dared say something against the dictator! That's the way things work in this administration. February 21, 2014   GOP (Grand Old PROGRESSIVES) are SO AFRAID of Ted Cruz. And if they're afraid of Ted Cruz, they're afraid of YOU. They are just dumborats in disguise. There's nothing more telling sometimes than who you are afraid of. The GOP needs to be afraid; very afraid. The 2014 elections will cost them as many seats as it will dumborats so they should all be quaking in their boots. They're probaby too dumb and cocky to be so, though. bonehead boehner is way too confident of his own power. Let's prove him wrong. February 21, 2014   Common February 21, 2014   I'll close today with my Flag Friday "Tribute To Our Heroes 152: Where The Sun Shines Through". Until next time, See ya'! February 20, 2014: 2:20 p.m.   thevileone breaks the First Amendment AGAIN! You know, the one that gives us the right to: "Amendment ISo if you're not supposed to abridge the freedom of the press, then why are there going to be government watchdogs in newsrooms? There's nothing Constitutional about that! It's WRONG. But that's why thevileone is doing it: because he CAN! February 20, 2014: 12:44 p.m.   PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! I PRAY this happens! I'd volunteer to help him get elected. I'd hold signs, make calls, e-mail, text message, whatever! I would LOVE to vote for Allen West For PRESIDENT! (NOTE: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, Common Core supporter, or crappy crud. this is MY website with MY thoughts and MY opinions expressed via MY First Amendment Rights!) February 20, 2014   Tiny satellites, free internet, NO GOVERNMENT MONITORING? That's the premise. Sounds exciting to me. I like the last part best! February 20, 2014   In thevileone's administration, doing something wrong means getting higher pay. Wait until one of his people do something really horrible and what kind of bonuses, applause, accolades and fetes they get then! I wonder if he sent champagne and a job offer to Osama bin Laden? Just asking! February 20, 2014   Tales of UNconstitutionality: TSA confiscating aluminum foil. I wonder if they're just doing it to bother us or if there's really an alleged "reason" for it? Anyone have it in their shoes? The N[in]SA to keep MORE of your info than they said they were? "A number of government lawyers involved in lawsuits over the NSA phone-records program believe federal-court rules on preserving evidence related to lawsuits require the agency to stop routinely destroying older phone records, according to people familiar with the discussions. As a result, the government would expand the database beyond its original intent, at least while the lawsuits are active."Any port in a storm, huh? Hiding behind court eveidentiary rules is SO LAME! Not only that, but the roads are going to be reading your license plate and they'll keep that record, too. Now the DH[IN]S won't have to go ahead with their plan because Cisco can just track the license plates and hand the info over to the DH[IN]S. Isn't that special? thevileone's administration is so bad that even his A.G. can't explain where in the Constitution thevileone is given Executive Order authority. But that doesn't matter to them. They'll do it anyways. Remember: he has a pen and a phone and he knows how to use them to usurp the Constitution. Don't believe that thevileone usurps the U.S. Constitution? The Glazov Gang agrees with me. That's because I'm always right. (LOL!) February 20, 2014   Food stamp enrollment at all time high. We warned you what thevileone would do to America. Some folks didn't listen. Now they're learning the hard way. Why do people not listen to the voice of reasonable thought and learn the easy way instead of having to go the difficult route? Why not learn from the experiences of others? REMEMBER: "Those who do not learn from history are DOOMED to repeat it." -- George Santayana. If you want to make your life easier teach yourself to listen to those with experience and brains that work. If they've been there, done that, or read the history of those who have and it's all bad, why would anyone wish to repeat the bad? Learn to NOT REPEAT THE BAD. History is a wonderful teacher, if we'll learn the TRUTH about it and we'll actually allow ourselves to learn from her. February 20, 2014   Aaaahhh... public schools and heroin using teachers. Makes me want to send my kids to public schools. NOT! If high teachers won't make me want to send my kids there, then maybe how teachers make kids clean the restrooms will do so. Don't you think this is appropriate for a teacher to make a kid do? No? But... It's public schools they don't do anything wrong there! Now, do they? (*sarcasm*) (NOTE: Not all teachers are bad; not all public schools suck. It's just that so many of them are and do that it needs to have attention drawn to that fact.) February 20, 2014   Bad Cops, Bad Cops, Whatcha' Gonna' Do... Another American arrested for FILMING A COP which is NOT ILLEGAL. It's totally legal. But, there are cops out there who make trusting any cops difficult. This cop is one of them. There was a similar incident here in Brevard County by the BCSO. The police have militarized themselves and some are not averse to breaking the rules themselves. Arrests for filming cops -- which is TOTALLY LEGAL TO DO -- happen more often than you may realize. This does not bode well for the future. BTW, have you noticed the local cops getting military vehicles? That's happening a lot nowadays, too. I am having a very difficult time trusting most law enforcement officers now. I read the horror stories of exaggerated egotistical creatures in uniform and their lawless tactics and strong arming of citizens exercising their rights and I am afraid for our country. I fear because I start to believe that if given the UNlawful order to open fire on unarmed citizens that some of them would obey that order. How many of them? I don't know. I wish there would be a massive effort within the law enforcement community to remind them of what OUR RIGHTS are and what IS and what IS NOT breaking the law. Also, to teach them (with a bi-annual four hour refresher course) how to handle situations they are uncertain of, are angered by, or are being filmed in. If the law enforcement community would focus on what WE CAN DO then they would not be feared and distrusted by the public. Until they are taught that the U.S. Constitution says that if it's not ILLEGAL BY LAW, then it IS LEGAL. Us filming them IS LEGAL. February 20, 2014   Common Core: thevileone supports Common Core and is mandating states fund it to the tune of $16 BILLION! Although this mandate has LOWER STANDARDS "These national standards are qualitatively inferior to the best state standards, including those in Massachusetts, Indiana, and California."and the mandate violates the laws already on record: ("The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, signed by President Lyndon Johnson, specifies that 'no funds provided to the Department [of Education] under this Act may be used … to endorse, approve or sanction any curriculum designed to be used in an elementary or secondary school.'"Since when did that matter to the lawless president? February 20, 2014   You need to take this into consideration before you jump to conclusions about WI Gov. Scott Walker. The "probe" into his e-mails is another fishing expedition, just as was the one into Sarah Palin's e-mails. February 20, 2014   At Boston Children's Hospital -- the place that took illegal custody of Justina Pelletier -- they have the "right" to do research on her because they've got custody and they can do as they wish. Is that why the doctor who changed her diagnosis and made the false accusations against her mom and dad was banking on? Did she just need a guinea pig? February 20, 2014   I'll close for now. Until next time, GOD Bless and See ya'! February 19, 2014: 11:51 a.m.   Federal employees OFF more than 25% of the time in this fiscal year. So you're paying them to NOT work; exactly how thevileone wants it. February 19, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:
Controlled by con artists and criminals? Sounds
just like the rest of the administration, n'est-ce pas? In Georgia,
the FOURTH hospital closing due to payment cuts
is putting patients in a bit of a bind (putting it mildly). I guess the "Lie of the Year" didn't cover the hospital claim, just if you like your doctor or
insurance you can keep it. He never said if you like your hospital you can keep it. So I suppose that means he didn't lie about that; just
everything else. Rrrriiiiiggggghhhhhttttt...
No evidence it will? Maybe. But there IS ABUNDANT evidence that it already HAS caused job loss. Not only have jobs been lost but the
negatives have just begun.
We're going to see a lot more bad come from this crap legislation ("We have to pass it to know what's in it!") than any inkling or iota of good.
Hopefully law suits such as
the "anti-conscience mandate" suits headed to the scotUS
will bring some relief -- or maybe undo the crap altogether -- and employers like Hobby Lobby will be able to NOT comply with the abortion and contracept mandates.
You know it's an unpopular thing when
even late night television show audiences aren't signed up for it.
That tells you something, does it not? In the meantime, in CA,
a man's back surgery is on hold because the doctors aren't in the CA plan.
It's negatively impacting a lot of people's healthcare. That
doesn't matter to thevileone, though. It's what he had to do to take over 1/6 of the economy and start the destruction of America. Your health? Who gives a
whoop? "News last May that Sebelius had asked business executives and nonprofit groups to donate to Enroll America, a nonprofit organization formed to help encourage millions of Americans to sign up for the new Obamacare insurance exchanges, provoked an uproar among Republicans on Capitol Hill."Something's just not right in that. Now the usual suspect (CA) wants to cover illegal immigrants with thevileone's healthcareTAX. Do you really want to pay for that? You will if they get their way. In OH, a homosexual "couple" sues because they've been denied coverage. We were told that pre-existing conditions were covered. They were "married" prior to applying for coverage. Would that not make them eligible for a "family" plan? February 19, 2014   O'Keefe exposes ACORN tactics in Texas voter registration scheme. Cheating is NOT an OPTION in dumborat efforts: IT'S A MANDATE! February 19, 2014   I agree: STOP IT! February 19, 2014   Cost of milk to go up. In some places they're already paying over $4 per gallon. I can't imagine how much they'll be paying now. February 19, 2014   Someone agrees: hillclintoon's past is FAIR GAME. She did those things. She said those things. Both speak to her character, beliefs, plans, goals, desires for the country. They reveal her life experience, her attitudes about certain things (including "hard dogs to keep on the porch"), how she'll handle things IF elected (or ACORNed into office). Every bit of her past is FAIR GAME because SHE said and did those things. When electing someone to public office every part of their history -- their's, not their children's, sister's, etc. -- is fair game. When you look at the candidate you have to look at the WHOLE candidate not just what they're saying at this particular moment in time. If they're saying "X" right now, but said "Y" earlier about the same subject, we need to know that. We need to FIND THE TRUTH and we need to help others be able to know it. It's fair game to find out about the candidates because if we vote blindly, we have thevileone as an example of what happens when we do that. Heaven knows we DON'T want to do that again! February 19, 2014   FBI report shows gun sales up; crime DOWN. Of course it is! If you are going to face a gun when you have a knife, you're going to think twice. Even if the bad guy (or girl, nowadays!) has a gun and the victim has one, too, it's going to prevent crimes in a lot of cases. The bad guy doesn't want to face a gun. They want it easy. They don't want to be shot anymore than the victim wants to be shot. Guns are good in the right hands; and the right hands are the hands of the American people! Have a broken gun? Will gun control laws eventually make that an offense? They're doing that in England. As goes Europe (including England) so the dumborats want us to go. Watch your RIGHTS, folks. USE THEM OR LOSE THEM! Get your concealed weapons permit and carry daily. Use it or lose it because they lie to get what they want and what they want is to take your guns away from you! February 19, 2014   Paxil MAY PROMOTE breast cancer formation. If you're on Paxil, talk to your doctor about trying something else? February 19, 2014   NSA official beat his 3 year-old son to death. That's exactly the kind of person we need protecting America, right? (*sarcasm*) February 19, 2014   thevileone's grabbing more power via Executive Order. Dictatorship is fun! February 19, 2014   If you like children to be children instead of sexual playthings, this story will sicken you. The religion of "Peace and Tolerance" tolerates child sexual abuse -- call it what it is: RAPE OF CHILDREN AS YOUNG AS 3 MONTHS OLD -- and hates the Christian world not because we condemn it, but because WE EXPOSED IT. We opened the world's eyes to their barbarism and we are to blame for that barbarism? That's their thinking! Incredible, but true. This is what SHARIAH LAW would bring to our shores: sex with 3 month-old baby girls. What amazes and SICKENS me is that the MOTHERS of those little girls have not stood up and prevented it, fought back against it, nor even exposed this practice themselves in an effort to prevent it! What kind of woman allows that? I WILL NEVER ACCEPT SHARIA LAW because it is EVIL, VILE, INHUMAN and BARBARIC; especially to women! February 19, 2014   I'll close with that. I don't want you to be distracted from that thought. Until next time, See ya'! February 18, 2014: 10:50 a.m.   71% REGRET. It's a form of wake-up pill. It comes after realizing that the LIAR OF THE YEAR (he who wins "Lie of the Year" MUST BE the LIAR of the Year) has lied to you. It comes from watching your family's ability to buy anything goes down the drain or up in smoke because of the LIAR's LIES and what he has actually done to hurt the economy. It comes from first getting your hours cut and your healthcare cut so that you can go on thevileone's healthcareTAX as the governmment (the LIAR) wants you to; from there to being fired so that the company can stay in business while adhering to thevileone's healthcareTAX orders. All of this and more adds up to a wake up pill that's making people REGRET voting for thevileone's re-election. If only they had thought, listened, or just stayed home it would have been so much better. Now we all pay the price. Aren't they proud? February 18, 2014   Could the reason for the Bin Laden cover-up be what I conjectured two years ago? They're working awfully hard to keep something hidden. Is it that bin Laden is still alive? Could that be it? He's thought to be able to "come back alive". So if he's not dead but being hidden somewhere that's a good reason to NOT release his death photos, and for the Arab world to keep his name alive, yes? It's something to think about. Remember: there is no proof and those who would know the truth are now dead. Does that not strike you as a bit too convenient? February 18, 2014   soros bets AGAINST AMERICA -- again. He's part of the "Hate America First" gang, along with thevileone. He's the puppetmaster pulling thevileone's strings. He's an evil creature not worthy of respect or regard. He's rich, but he got rich via destroying other people's countries and financial well-being. February 18, 2014   Now Girl Scouts are AGAINST FREE SPEECH. They'll sue anyone critical of them. No. Not anyone; just the PRO-LIFE groups who are critical of them. Isn't that what you want your little girl to learn while in the Girl Scouts of America: The First Amendment does not apply to anyone but those who agree with you? I think that the GSA that I used to belong to is now a farce of an organization and that they have been under the thumb of progressive leaders longer than we realized. They've become a cancer upon the land instead of a blessing to it. Now they're all PC and rotten to the core, but progressives will sue PRO-LIFERS who say that the Girl Scouts are supporting the wrong things. If I had a daughter I would never let her join the GSA, I'd put her into a Christian alternative organization. For a very complete list of scout-like resources (NOT all Christian), check this link. There are other options. February 18, 2014   The Girl Scouts of America is under attack, in part, because they support Planned Parenthood (Planned Baby-Killing-Hood). Planned Baby-Killing-Hood is an evil, money-grubbing sad place to work, according to an ex-employee. Shock. Surprise. February 18, 2014   Remember, folks, doctors can be wrong in telling you to abort (KILL) your baby. They can be very, very wrong. No. Let's make that, "they ARE" very, very wrong. February 18, 2014   Don't forget Justina Pelletier who needs your help! This is the girl who has been kidnapped by the Boston Children's Hospital and has been kept away from her parents for a year, and has NOT been given treatment for her Mitochondrial disease and it's killing her. One doctor did this. One doctor took a child away from her parents, has put the child into a psychiatric hospital where she cannot receive regular treatment, and her health is deteriorating. The parents are not allowed to see their daughter except for an hour a week in a supervised visit at the social worker's office to whom the case was assigned! This is absurd! Her parents need financial aid and you can donate here or via PayPal here. This could be YOUR child. Who is to say that you won't run into the same kind of doctor the Pelletiers ran into? Keep America free and let's start with fighting back for this little girl. February 18, 2014   No. You should have NOT tracked our calls at all instead of simply admitting that you were doing so. There's such a thing as the Fourth Amendment and thevileone's administration violates it all the time. That's wrong. Don't break the Constitution you were allegedly sworn (fingers crossed behind your back does not negate your oath unless you're six while taking that oath and none of them were six) to uphold and defend. That's what you should have done. thevileone and his administration don't treat America as though we've got a Constitution. They run this country as though he is a dictator. Actions speak louder than words, don't they? February 18, 2014   Aaaahhhh.... public schools. Bias? What bias? There's no bias there. (*SARCASM*) February 18, 2014   He's got pen and he knows how to use it. New regulations forcing trucks to get better gas mileage. Problem is laws come from the House and Senate, not thevileone. But that never mattered to him. February 18, 2014   dumborats to protect thevileone's healthcareTAX for 2014 elections. I think that they are fighting a losing battle there, considering the first post of today: 71% REGRET voting for thevileone's second term. dumborats are not facing reality. It's not JUST thevileone's healthcareTAX that makes him a bad association. It is everything he has done. He's not popular because of his anti-freedom stance, his dictatorial attitude and his lavish parties while we eat mac and cheese AFTER PAYING FOR HIS PARTIES. That's what is happening in America: people are waking up. It's not just thevileone's healthcareTAX; it's everything. February 18, 2014   People LIKE freedom. It's a natural yearning of the human heart. Those who try to deny it for too long face problems they didn't count on. It's not just an American ideal, it's worldwide. February 18, 2014   Former U.S. Congressman arrested for making porn film in Zimbabwe. What a great reputation this clown has: "Reynolds, once a close confidante of Rev. Jesse Jackson, resigned in disgrace after two years in Congress when he was convicted of 12 counts of statutory rape, solicitation of child pornography and obstruction of justice.I bet his Momma's so proud! (*sarcasm*) February 18, 2014   Credit card holders should "expect" a home visit from the bank behind card? Capital One's contract says that if you are a customer they can do a home visit. They'll COME TO YOUR HOME or OFFICE if they so desire. Are you sure you wanna' keep that card? Do you have the option of getting a different card from another bank and transferring the balance? It's something to think about. February 18, 2014   Man visits heaven and lives to tell about it. He's not the only one who has been to heaven and lived. There's the Colton Burpo who went to heaven at age 4, saw his great-grandpa and the sister his mom had miscarried prior to his conception and birth, but had never been told about. He sat on Jesus's lap and watched his dad pray for him in the hospital. Heaven is real, folks, and if heaven is real, then GOD is real and HE LOVES YOU SO VERY MUCH! February 18, 2014   dumborats who admit IRS targeting is WRONG? Mercy me! Miracles do happen. February 18, 2014   Texas: the Lone Star State is the "Land of the free and home of the brave", home of Sen. Ted Cruz, and the hope of the nation if the going gets tough. Even in Texas, though, there is an Islamic terrorist base that is growing. If it can happen there it can happen anywhere. It could soon look like Michigan if they're not careful. We need to keep an eye on this. Just because the people don't participate in terrorism, that doesn't mean that their mosque does not SUPPORT it financially. Let's not finance those who wish to kill us. It's wrong to live here and plan against us. Oh, sorry. We have a prezidunce who does so. February 18, 2014   If charged and convicted will he go to jail? Wouldn't that be rich? He'd sell his Momma before he'd go to jail. Watch and see. February 18, 2014   On that note, I shall close for now. Until next time, See ya'! February 18, 2014: 2:35 a.m.   Missed doing updates besides that, below, so I will post the link to my Minion Monday: Hank's First Date pic and hope you enjoy it. It is safe for work and children, as usual. February 17, 2014: 12:30 a.m.   I just realized that I told someone something was on my website that was not. I shall now rectify that error. I have been in touch with Misty Belford, candidate for D1 School Board. I don't know her personally, nor have we ever met. I have, however, perused her website (as well as her oppostion's website) and the info on Belford's is more comprehensive and complete. I wrote to ask her about Common Core to which she responded: "From: Misty BelfordDo I like that answer? Oh, heck yeah! LOVE IT! That's what I like to see in a candidate for Brevard County School Board: Courage, conviction, and caring for our kids. That's all good to me! The link I sent her was this info on Common Core. It's something that you need to read, too. I wish Mr. Chinaris would read it and he would publish his position on Common Core. As is, he doesn't mention it at all. He barely mentions our schools! (I'm not impressed.) My friend who contacted me about possibly changing my views on Mr. Chinaris sent me this e-mail today, quoting my website in the first paragraph: "Lindy,(Remember: the first paragraph from my friend was quoting my second blurb on Mr. Chinaris which was brought about by my friend contacting me and suggesting that I may wish to change my stance -- my first blurb -- below.) First, he never said that HE initiated "most of the conversation". What he said was that the Mrs. had talked to HIM; not that it was in answer to his starting a conversation with her. Second, is his second paragraph, a veiled threat? I've never responded well to threats: veiled or otherwise. I've never responded well to anyone trying to intimidate, manipulate, control me, or change my mind. He knows this. I did change it, as you can see below, via putting it into the formm of a question: "The wife had spoken to him. Did they think that a third party's involvement (she knew my friend knew me and was talking about my website) would get me to change my stance on Mr. Chinaris's candidacy?"Well, lah-ti-dah. My husband, as I told my friend, was listening to the conversation because I had it on speakerphone while we spoke and he heard the same thing as I. I don't think I misconstrued anything my friend said. I don't think I did anything other than convey on my website the message I heard from him. IF my friend has a problem with that, it's his problem. Question: IF it was my friend who initiated the conversation, was it also my friend's idea to try to get me to change my mind about what I said about the Chinaris candidacy? If so, then my friend should know better and the Mrs., considering that this is a FREE COUNTRY (at least for a little while longer) and I have a First Amendment RIGHT to comment on the candidates, should have discouraged him. But what if it was not my friend's initiative? Again, read the paragraph quoted from FL Toady [sic]. Happy with that? Sales tax increase and conflict of interest, anyone? To make it easier on you, here is EVERYTHING I had posted on the Chinaris candidacy previous to the phone call from my friend (what all of the fuss is about): "September 16, 2013   Speaking of elections, Here [sic] are the 2013 candidates and issues for Brevard County (some candidates ran without opposition so they are already "elected"); and the 2014 Brevard County Candidates. Keep an eye on the Supervisor of Elections' website, folks. It keeps you well informed. District 1 needs to pay attention to this one:(Yeah: I needed a proofreader that day.) All of this fuss over that? Can you believe that caused a candidate for School Board to be that concerned? For anyone to be that concerned over the fact that I mention their opposition and his wife's association with a particular PSJ resident and how it could effect his candidacy is very, very telling. It speaks to both the candidate's desire to distance himself from a particular person and to the associated person's poison within Brevard County. I pointed out the association -- with PROOF of the association in the person's own handwriting -- and I'm asked to change my position. I've not mentioned that candidate since September 16, 2013 (and never prior to that) until February 13, 2014; after the phone call asking me to/suggesting I do so. Can you believe all of this is about a little blurb mentioning one person knowing another? Did my friend's phone call do the Chinaris candidacy good or harm? February 14, 2014: 10:24   Happy Valentine's Day! Hope it's a happy day and that you and your honey/sweetheart/cuddlebear/darling/sweetheart/boopsie-woopsie/sugar/honeybunny/whatever cute names you call each other have a romantic day. I hope you take the time to connect or reconnect with your spouse today (or fiance, etc.). I hope you have the chance to have some "quiet time" and that you have remembered to get each other a meaningful gift (it doesn't have to be expensive; handmade works) or do something nice for each other. I hope that if you forgot and don't have time to get it done today that you are quickly forgiven and don't have to sleep on the couch for too long (that's for the male readers; the females can get out of trouble pretty quickly). Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and that tomorrow you're still exhausted. ;-) February 14, 2014   February 14, 2014   Malkin reviews the last five years of thevileone's tenure. It ain't pretty, folks. It ain't pretty. February 14, 2014   Analysis: will hillclintoon run? I agree with this guy's probabilities, but I think that in the final decision, she'll not run. She knows that there are so many negatives out there regarding her history as first spouse of Arkansas and of the U.S.A. (Filegate, Whitewater-gate, Vince Foster's "suicide", Travelgate, etc., etc., etc.) and she knows they'll all face her again. She won't have the energy to fight those battles again. She may ask "What difference, at this point, does it make?", but she knows what difference it makes. Right and wrong matter to most of us. The fact that, so far, she and her "hard dog to keep on the porch" have gotten away with it. That's a problem. The whole idea of right and wrong are given to us by GOD and that is built into our souls. That the clintoons have gotten away with every wrong they've committed thus far (except for actually having been impeached, although not removed from office), still rubs against that ingrained idea of justice. This is what will prevent clintoon from winning. February 14, 2014   Bwahahahahahaha! bumbler did it again! Bwahahahahahha! Such a moron. He's the one who takes over if thevileone bites it? He'd have more brains than thevileone, so that's a bonus. He's funnier than thevileone. Another bonus. He's got more experience than thevileone. Sounds like a winner to me. (*Tongue in cheek, but only just.*) February 14, 2014   U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO pushes amnesty again. In one way he's right: some Americans are not willing to do some of the work that illegal immigrants do. Americans of a certain age have been taught that they deserve $50 per hour to sit down and breathe and that qualifies them for the kind of pay they want. They think that working at a fast food restaurant means a $316,962 annual salary in a no-show job... Oh, wait. That's reserved for msthevileone. They'll have to settle for $59K plus benefits. All of this is about "amnesty", as Ted Cruz calls it. Maybe he "killed" the bill that republirats were hoping to get through just by calling it what it is. That's the hope, at least. February 14, 2014   Cruz also says that Grand Old Progressives (GOP) think their constituents are "gullible". Is anyone surprised by that? Of course they think their constituents are gullible otherwise they wouldn't talk down to them. They don't think we can figure things out ourselves, do our own research, "FIND THE TRUTH" without their words. If we couldn't their offices wouldn't be inundated with phone calls, e-mails and letters telling them to straighten up and fly right. But, despite the evidence to the contrary, the GOP is so far above the rest of us, have their noses so high in the air and have gotten so deep into thinking like the lefties that they still think their constituents stupid. That's sad, to say the least. February 14, 2014   My hubby just surprised me and came home for lunch on Valentine's Day, so I shall go for now. Maybe I'll be back later. Maybe I'll be too tired... Until next time, See ya'! February 13, 2014: 9:59 a.m.   Got a surprise call yesterday from someone who has been so busy that we haven't spoken in quite a while. He wanted to ask me to reconsider my comments on a particular political candidate, Paul Chinaris. I don't usually change my mind and my friend knows that, but thought he'd give it a shot. My friend is such an optimist. The wife had spoken to him. Did they think that a third party's involvement (she knew my friend knew me and was talking about my website) would get me to change my stance on Mr. Chinaris's candidacy? Influence pedal much? My friend's call did prompt me to do more digging on this particular candidate. So let me tell you what I found out. He does have a website, although it's not impressive and he does have an "About" page, but how many times on his whole site does he mention OUR schools (as compared to his own education and his wife's teaching [Teacher of the Year, Congratulations!] credentials)? So I was not impressed with that. He is a Rotary Club member, etc., etc., but that has nothing to do with schools. He doesn't talk about the issues: Does he support or condemn "Common Core"? How would he try to keep the children at Brevard County Schools safe? What would he do about the drugs brought into schools? Would he change or stay the course on how the schools teach sex education: is abstinence education an option in his eyes? Does the administrative side of education make enough money, or do they need raises, too? Would he increase the walking distances to schools, cutting back on bus service to save money? What are his funding priorities? Does he think that we should close more schools and consolidate, or should we decrease salaries of the bureaucracy and cut the "froo-froo" crap from the curriculum and stick with the best of the basics: reading, writing, TRUE history (not the PC lies now taught that teach our children to HATE AMERICA), math, science and basic art classes (no crucifixes in urine, etc. taught as "good art") and music (choir, orchestra and band)? Does he support the half cent (or even higher) sales tax (the answer could be below)? All of that considered, what actually strikes me the most is the paragraph I found at FL Toady [sic]: "Paul ChinarisMoney, money, money. Question: He's a candidate for the Brevard County School Board. How is he going to VOTE for ANYTHING with his WIFE AS A TEACHER WITHOUT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Hmmmm? Won't he have to recuse himself on that basis from EVERY vote because it is an automatic conflict of interest when his SPOUSE is going to benefit or be hurt by almost every vote? I base my evaluation of Mr. Chinaris on 1) The conflict of interest. 2) The fact that his wife is a long time friend with rupester (show me a man's -- or woman's -- friends and I'll show you the man or woman). They're friendly enough for his wife to be at the top of the list of people she recommended for the PSJ Advisory Board IN 2005 February 13, 2014: 3:15 p.m.   February 13, 2014   Navy map of where their resources were during the BENGHAZI attack. Judicial Watch is not letting go of this. GOD Bless them for doing so. The TRUTH needs to be known about this murder and the murderers held accountable. February 13, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:
Enrollment in the disaster slows w..a...y... down.
That's because people are realizing that their friends who did sign up in December are facing the disaster of not having their children covered,
finding that they are not covered although the website said they were, their doctors aren't in the plan, their pharmacists are not in the plan,
their prices are ten times higher than they were PROMISED they would be, etc. When you see others suffering from the same thing you were considering
doing, the smart thing to do is to NOT DO THE SAME THING. Some folks are actually learning the easy way here and learning from their friends' mistakes.
Miracles do happen. (BTW, you'll hear that over three million have enrolled, but
don't believe the lie.) The
new CBO report
is devastating to thevileone: or SHOULD be.
Question for you: Why is the "Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage" noted as "(Millions of
nonelderly people, by calendar year) [my bolding]"? Why do they NOT count the elderly in this? Is that the only way they can make the numbers look
anywhere close to NOT devastating? OR are the death panels going to take care of that? The ol' February 13, 2014   dumborats want the IRS to be their ENFORCEMENT arm. They want the IRS to step in and make campaigning AGAINST dumborats something that the IRS interferes in via not granting 501(c) status, or in any other way campaign, speak, or write against dumborats. Did we not warn you about this? February 13, 2014   I LOVE RUSH! "'I think the people of this country are gonna sweep Democrats out of office every chance they get, every opportunity they get — and I think there’s plenty of evidence for it right now,'"Let's make this happen across the board, down the line! February 13, 2014   "Civil Disobedience" or gun control? To me, those who participated in "civil disobedience" were actually doing the gun control. Read on! To my way of thinking, the folks who refused to register their firearms were the ones who were controlling what happens to their guns, where they were known about, what info is stored where, etc. That's my kind of gun control! Bwahahahaha! February 13, 2014   Mammograms do NOT reduce breast cancer death rates. I've said it's a bad idea for years. Common sense tells us that it's bad to expose sensitive breast tissue to that sort of squeezing and radiation on a regular basis. To have my doctors tell me time and time and time again that I need to get a mammogram because it's been "X" years (usually a lot longer than they like) just made me smile. I know my body because I've lived in it for all these years (never you mind how many) and I can tell when something's going wrong with it. When you take a mammogram, IMHO, you do more damage than good and, again IMHO, it's adding to the problem they're allegedly trying to eradicate. So, my common sense was spot on. GOD gives us the ability to think, folks. Do it. February 13, 2014   If China respected thevileone they would NOT be doing this. No one takes thevileone seriously. They know he's a sixty pound sissy. He's a danger to America, as much a danger as China becuase of his policies, weakness, hatred of America and his "sissiness". February 13, 2014   How many ways does google want to make us stay away from using their services? That's what they're doing. Tracking our e-mails now, that's about twenty reasons to stay away from using google anything. I admit: I have an Android phone and it's a google thing. I do text message on it. I do not e-mail things (although I have received one or two -- from them) on it, and I've stopped using my calendar and gone old school (paper and pen) calendar and try to use my phone for as little as possible. I have it with me 24/7 just in case there's an emergency but I use it mostly -- truth -- as a clock. I check the time on it more often than I do anything else. So if you're in the same boat, try to cut back on your usage of google stuff. Don't use their search engine (your searches are given to the NSA immediately), don't use their gmail account (mine is all but cobwebbed over), or anything else you can get away from. I just remembered I have a Blogger account. I think that's tied to google, too. Darn. Now I have to change that. Sigh. Not fun, but probably a good idea. February 13, 2014   Well, my computer did updates the other day and since then my web browser has been acting up. It's doing so now, and it's an okay place to stop, so I'll go for now. I'm going to talk to my Mom. She has six inches of snow on her front yard and wants me to talk her through sending me a picture via text message of her yard. I'm so jealous. I wish I could go up there and see it, but I can't. So, I'll look at the pics and drool. Until next time, GOD Bless and See ya'! February 12, 2014: 11:37 a.m.   DH[IN]S buys MORE ammo, this time SNIPER rounds. How many snipers does the DH[IN]S have? In 2010, they employed about 388,000 people; including outside contractors. Of that 388,000 people how many of them are snipers? According to the DHS's written testimony they have 72,000 ARMED personnel. According to the DHS's testimony, "Most of our agents and officers are required to qualify four times each year plus an annual night time qualification on all issued weapons, including pistols as well as rifle and/or shotgun. There are variations between the components, but in general employees are allotted approximately 200 rounds of ammunition for qualification and training each quarter and specialized agents or teams also participate in advanced firearms training that use additional ammunition."So if they have 3,600 snipers (one twentieth) that's about forty rounds of ammo per person for one practice session. That's not a lot of ammo. The last time I went to the range (Feb. 4th) I and the two women I was teaching to shoot went through over 100 rounds of 9mm and over 50 rounds of .380s. Does the number of rounds the government is buying now alarm me? Heck yeah. But what alarms me more is the attitude of the governmental agencies purchasing the ammo and the blind obedience some of the agents inevitably will have when ordered by the high-muckety-mucks to open fire on U.S. citizens for whatever reason the high-muckety-muck so desires to give the order. Having a firearm at all is a huge responsibility; being proficient in its use and care is a must. But it's what we choose to do with that firearm that is the question that should alarm us when it comes to this administration. Ammo purchases are not in and of themselves a bad indicator. Watching what this administration says and does IS. That's what bothers me. February 12, 2014   YOU PAID FOR THIS. Still enjoying your mac and cheese? Remember last month when thevileone and msthevileone paid for their own party and they wouldn't spend THEIR OWN MONEY to feed their guests? But when YOU PAY for the food, they go all out. Does that not tell you something? February 12, 2014   February 12, 2014   GITMO now has a terrorist run/attended business school for the detainees. YOUR taxpayer dollars at work. Isn't that special? February 12, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: FL dumborats know it's an election year: they're running ads criticizing this thing. Employers who are laying people off (or firing them) are having to swear that they're not firing folks because of thevileone's healthcareTAX. Next comes the forced swearing of allegience to thevileone? Freedom, anyone? No. Not with thevileone's lawlessness, pen and phone. He's made himself our DICTATOR. We must obey. We must bow down. We must acquiesce. We must agree. Florida NEEDS to join this coalition against federal program. It would be good for all Floridians if we opted out. It would prevent things like this socialized medicine failure from happening to our kids. Medicaid costs increase because of this thing. See how much justice john roberts betrayed America? See how bad his decision to change his mind was? He said it was a tax and boy, did he help it be! I agree with Allen West: this thing is unfair. How do we get out of this thing? Rebel. February 12, 2014   how bonehead boehner caved: shock, surprise. Jelly fish have more spine than he. February 12, 2014   Energy grid terrorist attack. What is the government doing about it? With this administration, probably nothing. But they'll buy more ammo to act like they give a crap. February 12, 2014   Market mimicking 1929 madness. Thanks, thevileone. We appreciate it. February 12, 2014   Life is precious, especially children's lives; unless you're in Belgium or the Netherlands. I don't call that love. I call that a desire to be rid of the problem. February 12, 2014   Well, if you'll excuse me for a little while, I'm on the phone with my Mom doing some long distance trouble shooting for her computer and I'm trying to focus on that for a little while. I'll be back soon. February 12, 2014: 4:34 p.m.   It took longer than I thought it would so I'll do just a few more blurbs of things that caught my attention. Things like wendy davis's support late term abortion ban after all that fuss she made about abortion rights a while back. My, how the tide has turned. Hypocrisy, anyone? BTW, she also now supports medical marijuana. Until, that is, she finds some reason to NOT support medical marijuana and then she'll be against it. This woman changes her [what] mind as often as she changes her shoes, if not moreso. Hopefully, she'll fade into the sunset -- but she'll probably do so on the wrong coast! February 12, 2014   University of AL "students" allegedly don't like PRO-LIFE messages. The ADMINISTRATION removed the PRO-LIFE display but it was the allegedly the STUDENTS who were offended? If the students had a problem with it they would have just said something to the students who put it up. They're not afraid to say something. They've been taught to do so. So why is the university claiming it's the students who were offended? I bet I know who was offended... February 12, 2014   $18,200,000,000,000 debt is what we are putting upon our CHILDREN'S AND GRANDCHILDREN'S shoulders. Are we that selfish? Really? Come on, folks! It's time to stand up and to say, "Heck no! We're NOT going to take this anymore!" Our patience is gone, our time of relying on someone else is finished and our time to stand up and take back our country is NOW! We are a Republic, a country of LAWS, not lawlessness, as is thevileone. It's TIME. February 12, 2014   San Diego did the right thing. IF the guy's not a RINO. Let's see what he does. Also, this was good news in the race, too. Question: How do they know that the "machine crash[ed]" as opposed to the machine working but folks choosing to vote for the Republican because they didn't like what thevileone was doing to them and didn't want a mayor who may do the same thing? Just asking. February 12, 2014   Did thevileone betray the Ft. Hood victims? ABSOLUTELY. DO NOT FORGET WHAT thevileone HAS DONE -- AND NOT DONE -- HERE! This is so very telling about what thevileone really thinks, believes, WANTS! February 12, 2014   I shall close for the day now. I wish you all a peaceful evening. GOD Bless and until next time, See ya'! February 11, 2014: 11:03 a.m.   thevileone thinks he's KING. "I can do whatever I want."Actually, legally, constitutionally, HE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO DO SO. Problem is, this "constitutional professor" knows that he's not supposed to do the things he's doing and he is in your face breaking the constitution and he KNOWS HE IS. This is the very definition of defiance and lawlessness and he DESERVES to be arrested, charged with breaking his oath of office, treason (how often has he given aide and comfort to our enemies?), and several other crimes, found guilty and sentenced to prison for the rest of his life and to restitution via the government taking every penny he has. That's what should happen to thevileone. When someone in authority will have the courage -- or just be so very tired of thevileone's dictatorship -- I do not know. I just know it SHOULD happen and SOON. February 11, 2014   So they didn't actually say the words "stand down" for BENGHAZI but they were given orders to stay put where they were. SAME THING. Why are the republirats giving them a pass on this? February 11, 2014   National Guard training to fight against 2nd Amendment uprising?
Is this what's happening here: "It is well known amongst dictators, the world over, that a private army is necessary to control the great unwashed masses over which they force their rule." February 11, 2014   Judicial Watch takes on the IRS. That's JW: fearless! While we're talking about Judicial Watch, let's mention that they've found an e-mail that says the Pentagon ordered the destruction of bin Laden death photos. Tell me that it was NOT an order that came from the Red House and I'll tell you that you're full of crap. Support Judicial Watch, folks. They're so very worth it. February 11, 2014   House republirats kiss up to thevileone and hike the debt ceiling. Voting AGAINST the debt ceiling increase also KEEPS military veterans' pension CUTS. So they either vote with bonehead boehner and raise the debt ceiling and UNDO the military veterans' pension cuts (HELP our veterans), or they can vote AGAINST the debt ceiling increase and AGAINST our veterans via KEEPING the pension cuts. bonehead boehner is a despicable creature and I hope he gets defeated, recalled, or jailed before the end of this year! At least, that's how it started. Now they say they'll make it a "clean" debt ceiling increse without the pension plans being associated with the debt ceiling increase. Problems: 1) they tried to do the wrong thing in the first place, 2) they are still DOING a debt ceiling increase, clean or not and 3) Who would trust bonehead boehner? Now the dumborats are trying to look as though they support veterans. That's laughable. February 11, 2014   R.I.P. Shirley Temple Black. February 11, 2014   Shock. Suprise. This is getting to be so very, very predictable. thevileone's administration wouldn't know how to do the right thing if it hit them over the heads. I don't know, maybe we should try it and see if it makes a difference? February 11, 2014   Why is the Department of HOMELAND SECURITY doing this? Are they just making sure we don't get lost on the bus? Can't get on the bus, find a seat, get to our destination and get off without having difficulties? Why would they do this? February 11, 2014   Matt Bevin responds to mitch mcconnell's dirty tricks. mcconnell can't win by discussing the issues, so he has to try to muddy the waters with allegations that Bevin did something that mcconnell himself VOTED IN FAVOR OF. If what Matt Bevin said is true, there's a vast difference in the two situations: Bevin had a legal obligation to sign something that his underling wrote, so he did, while mcconnell CHOSE to vote for TARP of his own free will. Big difference. February 11, 2014   reid wants to change the rules again to help thevileone. dumborats like to change whatever it takes to give their side more power, control and money. That's all that matters to them. Constitution? What's that? February 11, 2014   Future tense: Go to the post office to get a loan? That's going to screw things up royally, but that's okay. Do what it takes to destroy America and this, too, shall help. February 11, 2014   Common Core's roots in Communism? 100% chance. When you see the basic teachings of Common Core you see Communism. That's all there is to it. February 11, 2014   That's just plain embarrassing. February 11, 2014   The Second Amendment is getting a second chance in AZ. The people's voices are being heard at last! February 11, 2014   On that good note I shall close for today. Until next time, See ya'! February 10, 2014: 9:29 p.m.   Forgot I had marked this one to do: WEFS (formerly BCC) okays handguns in vehicles on their property. That's with or without a CCP (Concealed Carry Permit). This goes along with last year's court ruling allowing such. Which brings up the gun control activist found to be carrying a GUN at a public elementary school. So someone who was AGAINST guns was CARRYING a gun while on an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAMPUS? Hypocrisy is the lefties' middle name, is it not? February 10, 2014: 1:38 p.m.   Start the week with at least one smile: Minion Monday: Hank Makes Valentines Day Cookies. His recipe is good (I had a few cookies from the second batch), but don't try his alternate recipe. I took a pic of him making his alternate recipe, too, but I didn't try any of the cookies from it. You may not want to try it either after you see the ingredients he set out! February 10, 2014   Check out this anti-NSA site. It's good and you need to be aware. Bookmark it. Visit it often. Be informed. FIND THE TRUTH! February 10, 2014   I agree with RUSH: this isn't a "Big Wow!" release. It makes hillclintoon look the victim again. Do we want to elect a victim, or a strong woman who would have stood up to her philandering spouse and kicked his wayward wonk out of her life? I'm a stronger woman than hillclintoon considering how victimized she makes herself out to be. Oohhh... she had no control! Yeah. Right. We've all heard about her "Much of what transpired next between Bill and Hillary Clinton was plainly audible to Secret Service agents and household staff members down the hall. In the past, Hillary had thrown books and an ashtray at the President -- both hitting their mark. This time, he would later tell one of his oldest political confidants, Hillary rose to her feet and slapped him across the face -- hard enough to leave a red mark that would be clearly visible to Secret Service agents when he left the room. [my bolding]"Sound like a victim to you? To me it sounds more like an abusive, angry spouse. He should have pressed charges. But, no. She is claiming "victim" status and trying to go for the pity vote. Question: Why would anyone vote for a president on the basis of PITY? Shouldn't we vote for a president more based upon experience, principles, goals and INTEGRITY? If we're voting for a president on any other basis then those who voted that way get what they deserve and our country pays the price for it: witness, thevileone. BTW, I think that the timing to all this is very suspicious. All of this philandering news would NOT be happening if the clintoons DID NOT APPROVE IT BEING DONE AT THIS TIME. This is a campaign issue? Yep. This is how the clintoons play the game. February 10, 2014   Live by the suicide bomb, die by the suicide bomb? Sorry, for the paraphrase. February 10, 2014   MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars later it's still not ready. I think this is intentional. Those departments are run by lefties and all they do is waste our money so its delay is probably on purpose. They like leaving America vulnerable. But, knowing this administration if it was ready to be used it would be used against US not for the purpose it was allegedly made to perform. February 10, 2014   LOL! This is EXCELLENT! States are fighting back! Love this! Totally shocked that it's MARYLAND who is starting the battle! Pleased, but totally shocked. Good for them. Now we need to get Utah to do the same; there's one in Washington state; and other locations. So let's TURN OFF THE NSA and stop the erosion of our Constitutional rights before they're completely gone! February 10, 2014   I post this link STRICTLY to ask the question: WHY IS IT ANYONE'S BUSINESS with whom or how anyone else likes to have sexual relations? Why must everyone announce it, delineate it, define it, share it with the whole world? What is the psychological malfunction that makes anyone say, "Hey! I know! I've GOT to tell everyone that I like having sex this way!"? That's something Freud in his time would have thought, at the very least, unusual. Do we see straight people coming to a stack of microphones, cameras and tape recorders in order to announce, "I'm heterosexual and I like to have sex in the traditional "missionary" position. I don't do anything kinky and I stay true to my spouse because we're married."? Why not? Because we don't think it's necessary. For the homosexual world to pressure folks who choose homosexuality as their proclivity to announce it to the world, allegedly to "support" those who are still hiding their homosexuality, is rather narcissistic (at the very least), self-serving definitely and rather disgusting. Think about how the homosexual world is manipulating others into making announcements. Does that not tell you something about the fact that in order to BE homosexual you MUST OBEY THE COMMANDS OF HOMOSEXUALITY? Can someone not be comfortable with choosing homosexuality unless and until they let the whole world know? Must it be a tattoo on their foreheads that entitles one to acceptance within the homosexual world? This is manipulation, not acceptance. This is puppetry, not pride. This is "I must force you to do it MY way before I'll accept you into MY world" and nothing more. Which speaks volumes about those who acquiesce and who they are, their need to be accepted and their desire to please someone to whom they wish to be accepted. Rush Limbaugh calls this kind of behavior the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) and when the homosexual world says that others MUST announce their homosexuality BEFORE they'll be accepted into that world, the homosexual world is demanding nothing less than the LCD. Coming out must be performed properly, with adequate coverage or it doesn't count: the LCD requirement is not met. If there is no fallout there is no acceptance of the announcement. It's a disgusting, twisted requirement of the homosexual community and for anyone to have a requirement like that is not a matter of acceptance and support, it's a matter of CONTROL. This kind of manipulative CONTROL tells you about homosexuality. February 10, 2014   This Valentine gives the finger to America and hugs those who wish to destroy us. Isn't that special? February 10, 2014   Common Core is nothing more than a leftist brain washing scheme. They want to control the future via dumbing down the children, making them as stupid as possible and, thus, creating a future of people who NEED welfare because they're too stupid to be hired for high paying jobs and a promising future of promotions, raises and growth. If they can take that future away from your children and grandchildren they can have future generations on welfare and sure to vote dumborat. That's the plan. Look into how bad Common Core is and you'll see that I'm right. Don't support Common Core, folks. It will destroy everything and everyone it touches. February 10, 2014   "Peace and tolerance": and "peace and tolerance": and "peace and tolerance": and "peace and tolerance". BTW, did you know there is no separation of church and state in Indonesia? The government finances trips to Mecca for the haj. Can you imagine that happening in America? It's coming if we don't stand up. February 10, 2014   This is how dumborats see work? SMH. February 10, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Rationing critical drugs will only get WORSE under this tyrannical "law". It's going to make everything worse in the healthcare world. To tell you the truth, I don't think the Republirats' plan will be any better. It should be the free market deciding all of this, not the government. The only place the government has in our healthcare is in prosecuting someone who does something wrong. Of course, despite thevileone's LIES, America will NOT get a pay raise, but a $70 BILLION pay CUT. His lips were moving, weren't they? It's SO BAD even Politico is saying it's bad! (That's a miracle, folks.) Remember the rollout back in October and how bad it was? They hired a "good" company to fix the website but that company has its own problems. How much, in the final tally, will this thing cost America? Trillions upon trillions. In the meantime, AIDS patients are having difficulties in LA and that's not playing well. Now, six Senators and two Congresspeople have joing a lawsuit to stop it. Good! It's about time they stood up. Too bad some corporations are supporting it. Now we find that some insurance companies are upset with Republirats trying to make one small change. They're upset because they think it will cost them government money. Your taxpayer dollars at work keeping this thing alive. Don't you love it? One last question: Has your child lost his/her doctor yet? It's happening and children are "getting hosed". Is that what you want? February 10, 2014   Hypocrisy, anyone? February 10, 2014   Unions are desperate to survive; want unionism taught in SCHOOL. Unions don't "strengthen" families as their signs say. Unions strengthen the union bosses and give them more political clout. That's what unions do: politics. If they worried about your families they'd not support some of the crap they do support; crap like thevileone's healthcareTAX. February 10, 2014   The Swiss have learned how rampant immigration hurts their country. Why    won't    America    learn    from    the mistakes    of thevileone and others? Why? February 10, 2014   What a heartless Valenties Day message! Planned Baby-killerhood at it again. Kill your baby for Valentines Day. Just heartless. February 10, 2014   thevileone's admin is against Christians: "The report notes that the Obama government 'has established a training base for the FSA, say rebel field commanders. It includes $57 million in cash to pay the rebels.'[my bolding]"Shock. Surprise. And he gives lip service to being a Christian? They were moving! February 10, 2014   A Tale of Two Faiths: As one guy believes the lies of satan and gives up his faith another guy experiences a miracle and builds his faith. I don't know what the guy who turned his back on GOD was thinking, but crises in faith do happen. They're horrible to experience but turning your back on a kind and loving GOD is not the answer. The whole universe declares GOD's existence, His glory, His love for us. I cannot deny GOD and His LOVE for us. I pray that you will find GOD's love in your life, too. I even pray for the guy who sadly decided to become an atheist. After all, atheism is a lie from satan. It's also very sad. February 10, 2014   On that note I shall close for today. Don't forget about the smile of the day in my Minion Monday: Hank Makes Valentines Day Cookies pic. I think you'll enjoy it. Until next time, See ya'! February 7, 2014: 2:48 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I'm trying to get some chores done around the house. I still have to take down the last of the Christmas decorations -- the one I really, really hate to take down because it's instant Christmas cheer is still up. I'm determined -- but saddened -- to take it down and put it away today. I've also got other chores to get done and I have to finish reading a book I started (so that I can start another) and tackle a few other things as well. It's going to be a busy weekend. But let's start the few with Flag Friday's "Tribute To Our Heroes 150: In The Heart of Our Town". Thank you for your service. February 7, 2014   From bad to bumbler? Let's not. February 7, 2014   thevileone's incompetent admin proves their incompetence yet again. The only two things thevileone and his entire administration IS good at are LYING and HYPOCRISY. They are ALL very good at that and they follow their lying leader's example to a "T". Disgusting. February 7, 2014   thevileone's paying off another debt to one of his buds with an ambassadorship. That's how many? Count them yourself. He's got a pen and he knows how to use it: EO's and paybacks. February 7, 2014   Axelrod doesn't want hillclintoon to bleed the donors dry. He's afraid she'll get all the money that he thinks should be going to other candidates for this year's election and for 2016. Go ahead, dumborats, give to hillclintoon. We'll defeat her BENGHAZI ... I mean handily. February 7, 2014   Sen. Rand Paul tells it straight up. clintoon is a sexual predator dog. "Dog" part via his own wife. February 7, 2014   How stupid do dumborats get? This stupid. February 7, 2014   If this is true, Crist needs to go to jail, does he not? February 7, 2014   Hijack attempt? Report is short and rather uncertain, IMHO. Keep your ears open for more on this. February 7, 2014   The U6 umemployment number has been over 12% since thevileone's election. Does that not speak volumes? February 7, 2014   Someone held responsible? Of course, it's a low totem pole person. February 7, 2014   Fluke glad Rush called her a "slut". He used the word as defined, that's all he did. Now she thinks she can make a political career out of it via running for a seat in the CA House. Well, at least she has more political experience than thevileone when he ran! Is that an endorsement of Fluke? Nope. Just a statement of fact. February 7, 2014   This is what will happen to America if dumborats get total control. DO NOT put another dumborat in office. Elect TRUE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS into office every time, every seat, every election. It's the only way to save America. February 7, 2014   First the IRS targeted Conservatives, not the TSA does. thevileone's administration is showing its hatred of all things Conservative; which goes with its hatred of all things good and American. February 7, 2014   This org has NOT looked into Common Core well enough
to endorse it. They really should know better: February 7, 2014   I'll close with an appropriate comment from Charles Krauthammer: "The Comment Made by Jay Carney That Charles Krauthammer Says Will Be ‘Emblazoned on the Tombstone of Liberalism’"From Krauthammer's lips to GOD's ears. Until next time, See ya'! February 6, 2014: 10:20 a.m.   thevileone's pen is actively ENDANGERING YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. He used that pen to CHANGE THE LAW and allow immigrants with "limited" TERRORISM CONTACTS into our country. How many times have I told you that thevileone hates America? Yep. He keeps proving me correct, doesn't he? February 6, 2014   eric holder won't be held responsible for FAST & FURIOUS. I wish Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's family could get the TRUTH out of this administration, but it won't happen. They know the truth, but they will never admit it. The truth cannot pass their lips: especially if it would mean them being held accountable for something. The ONLY way we'll know the whole truth about how horrible this administration is would be for his replacement (Lord willing there will be one before 2016 and if not, then in 2016) to unseal every document pertaining to thevileone and his administration against thevileone's will. It would be an unprecedented move and would hopefully lead to indictments out the ying yang, but will it happen? Even a True Conservative in office would have a difficult time going against that because the msm would tear him/her apart. However, it is only recently that the presidents have been sealing the majority of their papers (clintoon did) so it's not a long time tradition. Let us hope, pray and work for a TRUE CONSERVATIVE president after this evil has been impeached or served its two terms and that his replacement will do what is right for the nation not for his/her predecessor and unseal both the clintoon's papers and thevileone's papers and let the truth be known and the chips fall where they may. (Well, the truth as far as we can know it after Sandy Berger's little pants stuffing incident.) Let us pray that the incoming president will unseal everything and let the TRUTH wash us clean. February 6, 2014   john mccaint throws a temper tantrum because he can't give Syrian rebels weapons. Boo.Hoo. This was so bad that someone ELSE apologized for him: "The outburst was so embarrassing that Senator Graham, also an advocate of U.S. military intervention in Syria, apologized for McCain’s disturbing outburst. 'Graham actually apologized to the group for McCain’s behavior,' according to the source, who sat through the entire meeting. 'It was truly unbelievable.'"mccaint needs to go. February 6, 2014   Twitter, Facebook, etc., making you incapable of thinking for yourself. LOL! Considering the lefties I know who are on Twitter, theory proven. Those on the right? Not so much. I think the lefties are more inclined to "go along to get along", to try to fit in with the crowd than those on the right. I think that the lefties want to be liked so much that they will accept whatever someone they want to be liked by tells them; in words or deeds. An actress they admire comes out in support of standing on your head for fifteen minutes a day because it increases blood flow to the brain and makes you smarter? Lefties will start standing on their heads fifteen minutes a day. Those on the right will do the research and find out if there is any actual research to support that assertion and if so who did the research, what their agenda was and who financed the research. Only if the research is valid would those on the right consider it as a possibly true statement. Most, however, would not feel the need to start standing on their heads; lefties would be on their heads before the actress finished speaking. February 6, 2014   bonehead boehner has his nose so far up thevileone's backside... Increasing the debt ceiling is BAD for America, but bonehead doesn't care. He's kissing thevileone's backside as much as he can. He no more cares about what is right for America and for us than he cares about whether someone in China snores. He's not good for us, folks. He needs to go. February 6, 2014   ketchup kerry served in Vietnam, remember? Such a moron. I support Israel and their right to build in Israel wherever they wish. If that means that they build a settlement where some people think it should not be built, too darn bad. Israel is a sovereign nation and they have the right to do as they wish in their own nation. I support Israel and I support SodaStream. Scarlett Johansson is doing the right thing. February 6, 2014   I urge you to OPT OUT. Otherwise strangers will be able to use their google glasses to find all kinds of info about you just by looking at your face and using a facial recognition app. They send that to the app's database and the info from social media sites pops up on their eyeball. Yep. That's an invasion of privacy. I don't see how any of this can be legal considering the police need a search warrant to get the same info on you but folks with google glasses can just scan your face. Something's not right here. February 6, 2014   GM is losing money; not just their own but yours, too. Isn't it amazing that they get our taxpayer dollars to waste and they still can't make a profit? This administration still gives them our money, though, and that helps them destroy America. It's part of the bigger picture. Destroy America and Israel (which you know they're trying to destroy), then turn against Great Britain (I'll include Canada in that part) and all of her territories and all you have left is a broken western civilization and a lilly-livered Europe, the communist countries and Muslim countries. Europe won't fight against communism, nor will they fight against Islam. They'll fall easily. So that will leave communist countries and Islam. They'll fight it out and who will win? By that time it won't matter to the rest of the world because it will mean America in slavery to whoever took control after thevileone's administration and supporters destroyed America. We will be dead or in chains. Who holds the keys to those chains won't matter at the point when we're there. What will matter is that "We, The People" did NOTHING to prevent it. Is that what you want? February 6, 2014   TSA agents seem to get preferrential treatment, would you not agree? There will be no charges for a feel up instead of a pat down. It's a freebie for the GAL who did it. It's a perk of the job. That's all. Your rights? What? You have rights? Nah. Not with the TSA and this administration. February 6, 2014   More taxpayer dollars to go to waste in Farm Bill. It's not as if this administration wanted to save us some money, nor that the progressives in the House and Senate were trying to save our money. After all, it's just OUR money; why should they care that they're bleeding us dry? It's not as if it's affecting them! That's what matters! (*sarcasm*) February 6, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: LOL! thevileone's admin can do NOTHING correctly. Whether you're CHOOSING to not work, fired, or laid off doesn't matter: the fact is there will be FEWER Americans employed because of thevileone's healthcareTAX. When they start bailing out the insurers involved in thevileone's healthcareTAX it will cost us $450 MILLION for ONE INSURER alone! Yeah. This is all good, right? (*sarcasm*) There is a silver lining according to Red House spokeswhiner, blarney carney, because people will now have options about whether they retire early or keep working when their healthcareTAX is free. Well, not really because that 2.5 million job loss reported yesterday may not have been high enough. Which begs the question: is thevileone trying to MAKE FOLKS LAZY with this thing? It's something to think about when you consider how they're pushing the "benefits" of job loss. Now I have to find a new pharmacy to shop at. CVS is kissing thevileone's butt so I'll be shopping at Walgreens instead. I used to like CVS but I put my money where my mouth is and I won't be shopping at CVS until they realize that thevileone's healthcareTAX is taking away our FREEDOM and killing jobs across this great land and that's not what they should be supporting. Cigarettes are nasty, but they're not taking away our freedom. What CVS has chosen is doing just that. You also need to know that a pay raise during thevileone's healthcareTAX could increase your insurance cost by $20,000. Yep. Earn $1 more and there is at least one jump spot where the premiums go up by $20 thousand. Isn't that wonderful? Can you afford that? I can't. Why is it called the "Affordable Care Act" again? I hate this thing. February 6, 2014   But...but...but... marijuana is safe, right? (*sarcasm*). February 6, 2014   Another cop gone awry. Cops, if you don't want this kind of reputation, retrain, refocus, refer to the U.S. Constitution and ABIDE BY IT. WE HAVE RIGHTS and for you to try to take those rights away, to ignore them, to trample upon them, to use bully or intimidation tactics against citizens trying to live their lives and doing NOTHING WRONG is what is giving you the current "militarized police" label. If you don't want the label, don't do things that will bring that label upon yourselves. It's that simple. Fabruary 6, 2014   thevileone pushes Hamsterism at National Prayer Breakfast. He's launching "climate hubs"; will they work with the wheels already in the cages? (BTW, Did he bring his rug and face Mecca?) He is a first rate hypocrite and he shows it. His lips were definitely moving. February 6, 2014   CA messing with religious liberty (First Amendment right). CA doesn't surprise me. They're so far left they can probably be certified insane. February 6, 2014   Why does the POST OFFICE NEED AMMO? This does not bode well. Why is thevileone arming every portion of the federal government? Why is he apparently planning on using every federal worker against us? I say "against us" because if they weren't going against us why would they need ammo? February 6, 2014   HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! February 6, 2014   Don't try this diet: it can kill you. Cotton balls and tissues are not made for eating. I'm sorry, but I'm appalled that anyone has to be told that. February 6, 2014   PETA would rather KILL animals than find homes for them. "People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals" was outed by others years ago as being a pro-kill organization. I warned you on "My Links" page with the following: "•PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals practices this policy of "euthanasia" on their fact sheet page (my bolding):This year they have an 82% KILL RATE. They would rather KILL an animal than try to find homes and love for an animal. It's a sham organization when it comes to caring about animals, IMHO. Killing is easier on the people within the organization and takes a lot less effort, but the animal's life is no more. For an organization to be able to tout "ethical treatment" while KILLING so many of the animals they collect money to allegedly do good things for, is a farce, a lie, a fraud, IMHO. How much does it cost to KILL an animal as opposed to feeding, housing and doctoring it? What do they do with the rest of the money? February 6, 2014   There was a lot out there today and I did a few more blurbs than I expected. So, I shall close for now. I hope you have a great day, although with news like the blurbs I posted today, I know that it's tough. So, I'll leave you with a bit of good news: It's the BEST NEWS out there. Until next time, See ya'! February 5, 2014: 9:09 a.m.   I missed a few days because of circumstances unexpected: my son's car. On Sunday it developed a problem too big for him to ignore and Monday found my hubby picking our son up and driving him to his job and me picking our son up and taking him home. The in-between time included hubby having to go pick up his medicine at the pharmacy, me having a dental appointment, doing shopping, coming home and dropping off the groceries, picking son up and taking him back to his apartment, picking up hubby who had taken off the tire, purchased a replacement and had it installed, going to BJ's, back to son's apartment, home, for a three mile walk and home again. By the way, son works in Melbourne, so that makes the fun level a little more understandable. Yesterday, with tire fixed, he took his car to work, only to get off the highway at Pineda Cswy. and find a place to park because his car was breaking down. He called me just before 9 a.m. saying that his car had no power and would not gain speed. Having just showered, I quickly finished my morning ablutions, dressed, found a hat and the jewelry I wanted to wear (including my Valentine's Day present: gorgeous!), gathered my things (I had an appointment to go to lunch and the shooting range with two friends, so guns, ammo, eye and ear protection), and leave the house two hours prior to my planned time. It's a good thing I had woken up early and gotten my housework done. Picked up my son near the intersection of Pineda and N. Wickham, drove him to work, went back up Wickham to a thrift store there that I frequent, from there to a store my hubby asked me to check for a tow item (didn't have it), then to my friend's house further up Wickham. From my friend's house further north on Wickham to a Greek restaurant, then south on Wickham to go to the range (Action Gun). From there, north again to my friend's house, south to a thrift store, south to pick up my son, who wasn't able to leave work yet. North to my friend's house to pick up my guns and ammo which she had allowed me to store at her house for the afternoon. North to meet my hubby where son's car had been parked so that we could put the car on the tow trailer he rented. South to pick up son; north again to meet hubby (with son finally off work and with me), from there home via U.S. 1. Now son is driving my van until we can replace the clutch in his car. Totally unexpected twist to the day, busy day, and tiring day. Thus no updates yesterday or Monday. So, I'll start today off with what I missed on Monday -- your smile: Minion Monday: Hank Has a Difficult Time Choosing. Now, on with the rest of the blurbs. February 5, 2014   dumborats support DICTATORSHIP of thevileone. Judicial Watch calls it "Despotism"; six one, half dozen the other. Breitbart says that his E.O.s are the worst ever (he's considering one for ENDA) and all of this adds up to me being right way back when I said "I condemn him to being already the worst POTUS ever. Let me repeat that: B. Hussein O. is already the WORST POTUS EVER.Yep. He's been a loser for a very, very long time. February 5, 2014   bonehead boehner pushes amnesty because he's an idiot, too. Don't all idiots back the same thing? Some surveys say businesses want amnesty but I'd question that survey. Who did the survey? What questions did they ask? How were the questions worded: to get that sort of response or in a manner that could have allowed a neutral or negative response (some questions are worded to not allow a definitive "No")? I don't really think businesses want to hurt their neighbors. But I do believe politicians have no qualms about it. Not even those politicians one would think should have been of good reputation. Some sell out; for whatever reason, they sell out. (BTW, isn't zuckerberg a businessman who got help from a dumborat operative?) Dr. Thomas Sowell says republirats are out to betray the nation via siding with the dumborats on amnesty. Sounds like the typical entrenched republirat. February 5, 2014   8th circuit says USDA can't keep hiding food stamp data. Why does it take a judicial decision to to get to common sense? February 5, 2014   NSA "probably" spies on members of Congress. Shock. Surprise. Now they know how it feels? The states are trying to fight back against this but it's not until after thevileone is out of office that things will start to chnge. February 5, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: It only gets worse just as thevileone wanted it to. Maybe part of the problem with the website for this farce is from the software having been designed in Belarus? You know, the former Soviet Union country? Yeah. That one. Remember, "This is my last election,” [thevileone] said. “After my election, I have more flexibility."Was this draconian healthcareTAX part of that "flexibility"? It rushes the destruction of America, so does it plays a part in it? Have an elderly person whom you love in your family who may have to go on this farce? You may wish to kiss the goodbye before they sign up. This trash increases the cost of employing someone while at the same time it is REDUCING THE INCOMES of most Americans. Are you happy about it yet? Within the law itself, the rules make it COST US $2 TRILLION and it will REDUCE the labor force by 2.5 MILLION people. There is good news, however, about thevileone's healthcareTAX: unions are NOT exempt from it and they're SO TICKED OFF! (*smirk*) Poor, poor babies. February 5, 2014   Army recruiting fraud: who is trying to make us mistrust our military? Have you noticed the number of negative stories about our military lately? Could it be part of the bigger picutre: something to make us dislike/mistrust our military, instead of respecting them for the jobs they do and the risk to their own lives? I think it's possible that this is being blown way out of proportion and making as much of a fuss about it as possible so that they military will look as horrible as possible and the public will look less favorably on our troops. That's one of the things dumborats have wanted to happen for years. Now, unfortunately, they have found a way to do so. February 5, 2014   Porch dog off the porch again. Will it effect hillclintoon's presidential bid for 2016? Probably not. It's more a way of gaining pity points -- and with dumborats, pity points equal votes -- for her campaign. You'll see more and more of this as 2016 gets closer. It's a campaign strategy, not a "scandal" story. Mark my words. February 5, 2014   Aww... buhbye. And good riddance. February 5, 2014   I DO NOT TRUST THE POLICE since I've started seeing stories like this -- a LOT of them -- including stories like this right here in Brevard County. I acknowledge that the cops -- sheriffs, police, state troopers, etc., are the "first line of defense" against crime and that they put their lives on the line daily. That's an undeniable truth. However, when they break OUR Constitutionally guaranteed rights and they arrest, harass, intimidate, bully, or beat us WITH NO REASONABLE CAUSE, they are the goose-stepping troops of the Nazi S.S. and nothing more. I will never again trust the cops the way I used to and NO ONE changed my mind about that EXCEPT THE COPS THEMSELVES. They changed how I view them. It was their deeds. Isn't that a shame? February 5, 2014   More wasting of YOUR money for nothing. Isn't that a surprise? (*sarcasm*) February 5, 2014   $550 MILLION of OUR money to Iranian Mullahs. Don't ya' just love that? (*sarcasm*) February 5, 2014   Aaaahhhh.... public schools crossing another line. So where is their line? What line will public schools NOT cross? Oh. I have one: They'll never endorse Christianity. February 5, 2014   Scott Ellis's lawsuit against EDC awaits ruling. It's in the hands of the judge now. He has chosen to change the rules about what governs whether the EDC has to obey the Sunshine Law since they get so much in public funds. Let's see if he was making it easier for them to get out of it, or if he's made it another Ellis slam dunk. I'm hoping for the latter. February 5, 2014   Do you want 1/2¢ sales tax increase? That's on everything you buy except for food. So a pair of shoes would cost more, as would a mattress, car, refrigerator, etc. It's the high ticket items that you'll feel this on. It's "for the children" and the public schools so that they can teach crappy Common Core to your children. Willing to pay more for that? I'm not. I refuse to vote for another half-cent for schools when they turn out illiterate, ill-educated, insipid graduates who think America is evil but want to live off her teat anyways! No way! February 5, 2014   thevileone treats women unfairly so why do so many alleged "feminists" worship at his vile toes? Hypocrisy reigns on the left (toe). February 5, 2014   I'll close with that for now. I hope you have been considering what to get your loved on for Valentine's Day. It is going to be here in eight days, so get shopping! My hubby gave me my gift already. I know what I want to get him, but he gets to choose between two gifts (a new lens for his camera, or a cool new showerhead he likes). Have you made your choices? Don't forget! Until next time, See ya'! January 2014 January 31, 2014: 1:33 p.m.   Let's start Flag Friday with Tribute To Our Heroes 149: Whizz Bang! Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough. January 31, 2014   Wendy Davis supporter disses Bristol Palin. Davis supporters are apparently desperate to show their support but to do the "Squirrel!" thing to distract from the long list of Davis's lies. The Girl Scouts endorsed Davis, which lead to a drop in cookie sales (official "CookieCott" page here), which lead to pro-BABY's-LIFE groups joining the boycott and a semi-retraction of the GSA's endorsement. Davis is one screwed up politician who hasn't got a principled cell in her body. She's all over the place and people have noticed. Watchdog.org has filed a complaint against her for "Davis failed to disclose more than $25,000 in interest and dividends she earned from 2010 to 2012 on the personal financial statements she filed those years. Davis also failed to disclose that she was paid by the employer of a lobbyist — namely, the law firm of Cantey Hanger, LLP."A pro-baby-killing liar who fails to do full financial disclosure? Typical dumborat. January 31, 2014   This one will shock you: CA Senator wants in-state audit of thevileone's healthcareTAX. January 31, 2014   Darn! pelosipig says she's not going to retire. She's delusional enough to think the dumborats can keep the house and she'll be speaker again and be able to take "Speaker 1" to fly wherever she wants at taxpayer expense again. January 31, 2014   thvileone SUES FL to get back door to halal food in prison. He started with kosher food knowing it would lead to halal (food prepared to Islamic law standards). "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which pretends to be a Muslim civil rights group, is ordering Florida prison officials to offer Muslim inmates halal meals, which would cost taxpayers in the Sunshine State a lot more than the regular jailhouse cuisine."This is going to cost FL a lot of money and this is going to come from... drum roll, please... US. You knew it was coming! January 31, 2014   Hey, gun grabbers, here's more TRUTH: Firearms kill FEWER children than drowning and fires. You going to ban water and fire? January 31, 2014   "Shocking extremism": Zuckerberg casts stones at anti-immigrant groups. Legal immigrants are more than welcome. ILlegal immigrants should go back and come in the RIGHT and LEGAL way. What's so extreme about saying, "Hey, if you're going to come to America do it the legal way. Obey our laws to get here, while you are here, and after you become a citizen."? What's wrong with that? I don't understand anyone who would look at their neighbor and say "Aww... That's okay. You're welcome to anything you want." if their neighbor was coming into their house on a regular basis and taking things from them. Because that's what happens: in criminal behavior as well as in the taxes coming out of our pockets to pay for the healthcare, education, food, housing, clothing, gasoline, utilities, and everything else some of the ILlegals get FROM US. We could use our own money to buy things for OUR families but we can't do so because we have to pay for so many ILlegal immigrants and others on welfare programs throughout America. We spend over $101,267,700,000 ANNUALLY (that's HUNDRED-BILLION) on welfare programs (number of households times amount per household, rounded). That's money we could be using to pay off our mortgages, send our kids to college, or save up for a vacation. But, no. We are FORCED by the federal government to spend that money on other folks. Now the Republirats and this administration are not to be trusted when it comes to illegal immigrants and amnesty. Stay diligent. Stay informed. Protect your families. Remember: not all immigrants are ILlegal immigrants and not all ILlegal immigrants are dangerous criminals: but ALL ILlegal immigrants are criminals because they broke our laws by crossing the border ILlegally in the first place. No one should BENEFIT from the commission of a crime. Allowing them to get food stamps, education, healthcare, etc., at OUR expense is them benefiting from a crime. We can't do that. Why should they be allowed to? January 31, 2014   TSA is a joke: do away with the joke. It's time. The Washington Examiner agrees. Let us not allow this farce to perpetuate any further. A show is a show is a show. The show is over. We don't believe the TSA is keeping us safe. End the performance and go to Israel and find out how to do airport security correctly. January 31, 2014   STEM CELLS FROM BLOOD CELLS SHOULD end the alleged, imagined, contrived "need" to kill babies via embryonic stem cell research. Expose regular blood cells to an acidic fluid for thirty minutes and you've got the stem cells you need. It's that simple. Save the babies. Don't do stem cell research on embryos, use the regular blood cells turned into stem cells. It's kinder, more ethical, probably cheaper and easier. January 31, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Children are being DENIED specialty care and there are going to be more regulations and that will lead to more denials of care and more people unhappy with it. It's killing small businesses but that doesn't matter to thevileone. He's happy that his plan of destroying America is working out for him. Remember, liars lie and he is one. So if he ever says that he didn't know his program was going to do this to America, DO NOT BELIEVE HIM! January 31, 2014   Aaaaahhh... public schools. Sigh. When will the slippery slope to hades end in public schools? Teach your children at home, folks. Use A Beka text books, Liberty University's books, Bob Jones text books, Alpha Omega text books, or any of a number of other Christian or secular homeschool curricula. Just don't subject them to the mindbending, truth-revising, PC-brainwashing public schools. It's not safe for them and it's not good for America's future. (NOTE: Not all public school teachers are bad, but the system is too broken to trust our children to the system and the good teachers' hands are tied via that system. Homeschooling is the best option, IMHO.) January 31, 2014   Drug clemency from thevileone. Another sigh. Is there nothing he won't do to make you dependent upon something/someone besides yourself and GOD? January 31, 2014   I'll stop for now. I have things to do and I want to work on a procrastinated project. So until next time, See ya'! January 31, 2014: 3:40 p.m.   Spent a few minutes moving my "Difficult Questions" from my Forums to My Blog to make them easier to use and access. I'll be closing down my Forums soon because, honestly, I forget I have them. This will make it easier to find things so that anyone who wishes can get to most of my extemporaneous writings in one place. So, I hope you'll look them over if you haven't seen them in a long time, or if you have never seen them. See you later today! January 30, 2014: 1:17 p.m.   disney channel (trash for cash) teaches homosexuality to little girls. Their target age audience: less than ten. Yeah. They're not trying to corrupt your children. They're just trying to make sure they accept everything and anything under the sun. It's all okay. If it feels good, do it. Right? Wrong? Nah. Those don't exist. disney is sending that message and that's why I don't do disney. I haven't been there, supported their programming, or anything else since about 1989. How about you? (H/T: SCF.) January 30, 2014   Michelle Malkin's latest article is about "wealth-shaming". It is a curious thing that all of the dumborats who do the shaming are themselves rich. So why do they say that others having a little bit more than some is a bad thing when the money they have in their bank accounts is off-limits to what they want to do to ours? Answer: They're special. They know what's best for everyone and for everyone's bank accounts. Redistribute everyone else's wealth, but not their own. No. Never touch their money because, you know, they're special. Ask george soros, pelosipig, reid, thevileone. January 30, 2014   msnbc's going to kill itself with its own stupidity. Come on. Even the far left progressives must get tired of this kind of stupidity and hypocrisy sooner or later, yes? If not, they deserve what they get. January 30, 2014   The Grand Old Progressives (GOP) are killing their own party. Idiots. January 30, 2014   WooHoo! Dah-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt, "Another one bites the dust!" Nostrilitis is outta' here! (*happy dance*) Are they trying to tell us that they can see the writing on the wall? Is that what's happening here? Are they admitting defeat before even heading into the battle? Good! Dah-dunt-dunt-dunt-dunt... January 30, 2014   Under thevileone, racism thrives. This is wrong and ridiculous, but it is what eric holder and thevileone support. January 30, 2014   While I may have liked the song "a former member of the board of governors and currently on the music branch’s executive committee, [who] violated the Academy’s rules against lobbying by personally e-mailing “members of the branch to make them aware of his submission during the nominations voting period,” according to a statement released by the governors Wednesday."That means that the Academny did the right thing in revoking the song's eligibility. Just think how well the song could have done if the guy had not broken the rules. If he wants to complain he can complain about himself. January 30, 2014   thevileone is deceiving you on Iran and it's a danger to us all. Does he care? Probably not. It's a loss for America but since when did that matter to thevileone? He gambles with America's future all the time. Ask Putin. January 30, 2014   Housing sales not good and some people are giving thevileone credit for a "good" economy. thevileone calls for higher corporate taxes even though corporate taxes hurt more people and the lefties/progressives still say thevileone is doing good. The income gap is growing thanks to thevileone and people will pay even HIGHER prices for FOOD this year. All while the progressives and lefties say thevileone is doing a good job. Will they ever wake up, or at least admit they are awake but standing firm on their leftist desires and he's delivering them? January 30, 2014   hillclintoon the dumborat front runner? Or will thevileone again throw a wrench into her plans? IF he tries to go for another term (and I wouldn't doubt it), she'll have all kinds of things to say about him, his birth certificate (remember, hillclintoon started "birtherism"), and she'll talk about his other lies, deceits and I bet she'll even dump the truth on BENGHAZI if he tries to go for another term. But, do I think she's got a snowball's chance? Not really. She'd continue thevileone's policies and take them even further. America has had enough of thevileone and enough of his healthcareTAX but she'll still push it -- AFTER (IF) she gets elected. January 30, 2014   LOL! I bet this really irritated thevileone. Compared to a bunch of duck call makers, thevileone is not a superstar. So sad. So sad. (Not.) January 30, 2014   thevileone is coming for YOUR IRA. He wants every penny you have. He wants to redistribute it as HE sees fit. Is that what you want? Do you want thevileone to take away YOUR RETIREMENT ACCOUNT? That's the next thing he's going to do via Executive Order. He has a pen and he knows how to use it. (Yes, someone has to remind him to put the writing end down, but he does use it!) January 30, 2014   If he gets support for this from enough of us will he actually go through with this? Let's support him in doing so. January 30, 2014   I'll close with that for now. Until next time, See ya'! January 29, 2014: 2:28 p.m.   Read this Eye On Brevard article: THE CONTINUING SAGA OF THE MIRACLE CITY MALL. Is this something that should be happening? The question is regarding the lack of transparency of the NBEDZ, certain County Commies, the developers involved, Parish Medical Center's involvement and a few other questions about what is actually happening. Is there some back scratching (his/theirs) going on here? Who will benefit from this deal? Not the taxpayers, considering we are paying out the nose to do something that, IMHO, should not be done in the first place. After all, this is the City of Titusville, A.K.A. Taxville, and if they can't help the businesses based there to prosper then the County residents should not be the ones who keep bailing out their failed policies. If something is broke, let those who broke it take the responsibility to fix it, not the rest of us. But, no. In Brevard County it seems -- and this link appears to back it up -- that if you know the right folks you get taxpayer dollars for whatever you darn well please. Isn't that what politics is supposed to be for: Back Scratching 101? In the March 2013 Happenings, we read on page 4: "Miracle City Mall, if everything goes as planned will be leveled and rebuilt as an outdoor mall. I have been on the committee reviewing to make this a reality. [my boldng]"That's the rupester's writing in her "Good Day!" slubs. She goes on to say, "I'm also on the Parrish Medical Center Board of Directors, and we are enthusiastic in having medical offices as part of this redevelopment."Look at the information from the pooper paper and compare that to what the two linked articles at Eye On Brevard have to say about this. Do you see any possible backscratching happening? Hmmmmm? In 2013's June pooper paper slubs, on page 4, she writes, "As Parrish Medical Center is talking on [sic] having a two-story medical office facility with at least 12,000 square feet, I've been on [sic] a lot of briefings and it should have a big impact, not only on the city of Titusville, but for us in Port St. John. The developer has completed a lot of open air mall projects across the states, and it should be something we all want. The latest site plan shows 4 anchor stores, 4 smaller retail stores, 5 restaurants, a grocery store, a multiscreen movie theater, and a two-story medical office facility. All this will be around a Town Center pavilion where various activities will be held throughout the year."I see on the Greater Titusville Renaissance's website that the plans are a little different from what the City of Titusville has on hand. The mall is officially sold so this is going to be heading into the demo phase of the development, but what is the truth regarding what is actually happening behind the scenes? Another question to consider: Do you see letters to the editor complaining that there is no more mall in T-ville (well, there's the one with Sears in it, but there's very little shopping there, too)? If no one is missing the shopping opportunities there, why even bother to build something to replace it? Shall I add, especially at taxpayer expense? Look deeper. Find more. What is it that had to be hidden: "? Was it as a result of the public records request made by petitioner RG on October 29 that prompted Alan Goins into sending a letter requesting that all information regarding the project be kept confidential according to FS 288.075?.If it's got to be hidden from those paying the bill, there must be something to hide. Where is the FL Attorney General? January 29, 2014   thevileone INITIATED COMMON CORE. That's according to David Axelrod. How much more proof do you need that thevileone WANTS TO DESTROY AMERICA? How much more? January 29, 2014   The Lies of the Coup Address: Demagoguery, foolish proposals, etc. In other words, the same old same old from thevileone. He said, "I" 69 times; "me" 6 times; "my" 8 times. Nah, it's not all about him... Never. (*sarcasm*) He did a "Jekyll and Hyde" thing, but when you're lying it's easy to turn on a dime. And he's always lying. He's still pushing the destruction of America in whichever ways he can and whatever he can get any sort of support for it. Thus, the lies for those who are earning minimum wage. Problem is, we all know that raising the minimum wage leads to higher UNemployment: "Raising the minimum wage causes employers to hire fewer workers overall."You can see that what thevileone is trying to do will be bad for America; especially those whom he alleges he is trying to help. So whenever he says he's trying to help someone, just replace the word "hurt" for that and then you'll find the truth! For instance, when thevileone said that he wanted women to have equal pay, he should start with the women on his own staff getting paid equally. If he really cared, wouldn't he be leading by example? He's such a liar that a Congressman wore a Santa tie to commemorate the giveaways thevileone pushed but doesn't really care about except in how much it will harm America. I don't think a Santa tie is appropriate. A better tie would have been The Riddler. Because if thevileone has a symbol it IS the question mark. Or maybe it should be something else... January 29, 2014   Beretta chooses Tennessee and I'm so jealous! I was hoping they'd move to our area of Florida so I could work there. I have two favorite brands of guns: Beretta and Ruger. I own and love both. To have been able to work at Beretta (if they'd hire me) would have been a wonderful thing: especially the employee discounts! But, maybe we should look at TN as a possibility for when my hubby retires. That's an option, depending upon the rest of the info: taxes, politics, Second Amendment rights, etc. January 29, 2014   Republirats helped pass the Christmas tree tax in Farm Bill. Shock. Surprise. They are dumborat-lites. "RINO" isn't even applicable to most of them anymore. They're dumborat-lite and they are showing it in their caving. bonehead boehner is a coward and can't stand to do the right thing. He wants the other side to like him as much as mccain't wants it. Both need to be replaced. January 29, 2014   Aaaahhhh... public schools. The Teachers' Unions have such power that when a teacher does something THIS WRONG, the teacher gets to keep his job. Watching porn at school? Awww.... that's okay! Homeschool your kids, folks. It's best for them. January 29, 2014   thevileone's cousin is NOT thevileone but he does STAND AGAINST HIS COUSIN. I love that. January 29, 2014   Secretly shipping U.S. weapons to SYRIA: that's thevileone for you! shock. surprise. January 29, 2014   Jim DeMint, Heritage President: "'This President has acted like the playground bully who when he can’t have everything he wants, he decides to take his ball and go home. This is not the way our government is supposed to work.'".See? I'm not alone in my assessment of thevileone. January 29, 2014   That pen and phone thing? eric holder can't find a clause in the Constitution to support it. That's because THERE ISN'T ONE! It's totally UNconstitutional! When will people realize that thevileone is, de facto, a DICTATOR!? Wake up, America! January 29, 2014   Armed against amnesty? Just because they're armed against it that doesn't mean they'll even remember they have the knowledge/weapon. Pray that they remember and stand strong. January 29, 2014   I shall close for now. I hope you will consider what you've read here today and then you'll be more interested in the TRUTH, in what is happening in America and what is going on in your own back yard. Pay attention. Get involved. Do something; even if it's just writing an e-mail or a snail mail letter. Do something to make a difference for America! Until next time, See ya'! January 28, 2014: 3:26 p.m.   The State of the Union address is tonight. Personally, I call it the Lies of the Coup (adding to Rush's "State of the Coup") address. The best SOTU he could do is if he got behind the podium and just stood there without saying a word for thirty minutes. THAT is the ONLY way thevileone could do a SOTU address without him lying to everyone, blaming others for his failures and using the words "I", "Me", "My" more than any other words. Yep. His ego shall be on display. Remember, thevileone has a pen and phone so why bother addressing "We, The People" to whom HE answers? After all, he doesn't need the House and Senate with his Dictatorship (pen and phone), so why even bother? Answer: he's rubbing our noses in it. He will TAKE what he wants, no matter what the law says (ask his healthcareTAX and how many times he has unilaterally changed that "law") he will TAKE it. He will make it happen because that's what DICTATORS do. thevileone is NOT a president; he is the Dictatorial-Liar-In-Cheat and nothing more. We do NOT have to obey him because he is NOT the president. A president obeys the U.S. Constitution and he is ignoring it, trampling upon it, tearing it apart, and/or ignoring it. Thus, he is NOT our president. He is a DICTATOR and DICTATORS are NOT ALLOWED in America. DICTATORS should be OVERTHROWN and arrested, tried and convicted for treason. He should spend the rest of his natural life in PRISON (preferably, Sheriff Joe Arpaio's; and wouldn't that be sweet?). January 28, 2014   Donor to thevileone to run anti-Keystone Pipeline ad and ANTI-GUN ad are set to run before the Dictator-In-Cheat's SOTU. Anyone surprised by the messages? January 28, 2014   Amnesty's fate rests in Tea Party Conservatives' hands? With a pen in thevileone's hands, I'd say that's not quite right. January 28, 2014   thevileone's desires take a hit. He wanted more secrecy but didn't get it. Good. It's about time. January 28, 2014   hillclintoon's elitist attitude is something to remember. Don't let her get away with that ol' yarn she likes to spin that she considers herself "just one of us". She does not. She considers herself better than, smarter than, more informed than, more insightful than, etc.,etc., etc. She's all that and a slice of cinnamon toast, too: at least in her own mind. January 28, 2014   CA farmers afraid of fed gov. Why should ANYONE in America be afraid of the government? Something is WRONG with that fact. The government is supposed to answer to US, not vice versa. thevileone has turned things around for long enough. It's time this changed. January 28, 2014   Pentagon afraid of China's military dominance in five years. Well, duh! thevileone hates the military or else he'd have had our people back from Afghanistan and Iraq already instead of leaving them there to be killed by Al Qaeda and the Taliban all these years and he wouldn't have cut retirement benefits. With thevileone making those kinds of choices and cutting other budgeted items from the military, how can China (who loves their military and look forward to using it against us) NOT have the advantage? Another reason for thevileone to go. January 28, 2014   Why? Why would Facebook want to read your TEXT messages? January 28, 2014   Don't know why for certain, but I do believe I'm finished for now. Just not that willing to keep reading the crap thevileone is doing. Don't have the patience for it today. So, until next time, See ya'! January 27, 2014: 2:58 p.m.   I'll start with a smile with my Minion Monday: Hank Loves Watching the Fire! Hank likes candles, fires in fireplaces, chimneas, but not in buildings. He's not a pyromaniac he just likes to relax via a flickering flame. January 27, 2014   dumborat, menendez, helps fugitives who stole MILLIONs keep from being deported to face their sentences. This guy needs to be replaced, after he has been indicted, tried, convicted and put in prison for his wrong-doings. Yes, that's "doingS". He has a record of doing the wrong thing, but he's a dumborat and he is always let off. What a surprise. January 27, 2014   GASP! joe scarborough got something RIGHT? WOW! That's amazing. January 27, 2014   "[thevileone's] administration is selectively enforcing immigration laws depending on the gender of the illegal alien and which country he or she is from"... So who is surprised that thevileone is doing so? He's trying to get as many illegal immigrants in here as he can so that he can wave his magic pen and -- Suddenly! -- they're all made legal citizens with complete voting rights and all other rights conferred upon them via thevileone. They owe him and he owns them: body, soul and vote. That's what he wants: someone to vote that he can have a few additional terms in office. He's not willing to let go of the power, vacations, being served hand and foot, security and the Kobe Beef we pay for. He's going for it. He's wanting it all; dictatorship is what he desires with him in control. His cabinet members apparently agree with thevileone. Stupidly, some Republicans are willing to follow his lead. Any Republicans who vote for amnesty should also start packing their own bags. They'll be gone sooner rather than later. January 27, 2014   Maybe this is why I have never liked Angry Birds. It's leaky. January 27, 2014   hillclintoon "regrets" BENGHAZI? The ONLY reason she regrets BENGHAZI is because she got caught doing it. She is one of those who are being held responsible for it. It's like all of those guys you see on television who are crying while they're in police custody and saying, "I'm going to jail!" They're never sorry for the person they killed, never sorry for the loved ones of the person they killed and their loss, or even for their own families; they're always sorry for themselves. This is what hillclintoon is doing now. She sees her chances of being the first female president as being lost because of BENGHAZI and that's what she regrets: her chances gone because of her incompetence, not the loss of life. If she regretted the loss of life there wouldn't be so many deaths surrounding herself and her philandering "hard dog to keep on the porch". January 27, 2014   dumborats facing "election disaster" in November elections? Please Lord, please! Let this be what actually happens! Let TRUE CONSERVATIVES WIN BIG in November 2014 and November 2016! In Jesus's Name, Amen and Amen! January 27, 2014   Anti-Common Core op ed hits hard and goes viral. What she is saying is correct and true. Common Core is to DUMB DOWN the students, not make them smarter. Common Core is to create a SERVANT CLASS, a WORKER CLASS, akin to what they have in England. There they keep people dumb so that they can be the housemaids, the stable muckers and the nannies of the upper classes. Is that what you want for your grandchildren: nothing more than servanthood? That's what Common Core is setting up. January 27, 2014   Considering his history, what's so shocking about this poll? No one should be surprised that folks don't trust thevileone. No one at all should be surprised by that. I bet even thevileone isn't surprised by that. January 27, 2014   Yeah. Right. Appropriate picture. Ted Cruz is correct on his SOTU address comments, but should it be called "State of the Union" address? Or, as Rush says, should it be the "State of the COUP" address? I agree with Rush. January 27, 2014   Some channels are editing Ted Cruz and he's not allowed to voice his full opinion in some things. They're afraid of Cruz because of his popularity. They're afraid because he is RIGHT! January 27, 2014   dumborat's hypocrisy is showing: BIG TIME! shock. surprise. January 27, 2014   Radel's resignation after cocaine. I can't disagree with the decision. January 27, 2014   Helping Al Jazeera is de rigueur for Time Warner. It fits within their own agenda, so why not? January 27, 2014   Grammys more about EVIL than singing. Today's Hollyweird award ceremonies are not about who is good, better, best, but about who is the most outrageous and outlandish, most shocking "celeb" and who is the loudest "celeb" in speaking out -- and acting out -- against the traditional American family and family values. It's about "In your face-ism" and about nothing else. January 27, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Children can't be put on their parent's healthcareTAX plan. That's a problem and it's getting worse. Now, homosexual "couples" not covered by BlueCross/Shield in NC. Will that turn homosexuals in NC against thevileone's healthcareTAX? Who knows? Now, msthevileone wants you to pitch in $10 to "save" thevileone's healthcareTAX. Excuse me? It's costing us way too much already so what in the world would induce us to pay to "save" it? For me, nothing. Ain't gonna' happen, ain't gonna' happen. In CA, only 1/3 of those who lost insurance have regained it. Now they're scrambling to find coverage that includes their kids. Yeah. This thing was such a good idea! (*sarcasm*) January 27, 2014   LOL! Davis does the "Squirrel!" January 27, 2014   Another laugh to end the day with. January 24, 2014: 11:03 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and my Tribute To Our Heroes 148 is posted. Thank you for your service and GOD Bless You! January 24, 2014   This indictment against Dinesh D’Souza is so PURELY POLITICAL it's ridiculous. "'This office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process,' Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement."Riiiggghhhhttt.... The U.S. Attorney's office has "a zero tolerance approach for corruption of the electoral process"? Tell that line to Anita Moncrief as she unveiled ACORN. Did this administration ever get involved in prosecuting ACORN? No. In fact, they were involved in the defrauding of our electoral process. But someone who makes a documentary about thevileone and how bad thevileone is gets indicted after the movie is a huge success? ACORN was allowed to run wild because thevileone organized it that way and whatever he wants must be allowed to happen. Our Congress has as much of a spine as jellyfish. Our Senate is run by dumborat supporters/fawners of thevileone and there's no way the U.S. Attorney's office, the DO[IN]J, or anyone else -- not even the scotUS -- will take thevileone on over his vote fraud organizations and financial corruption. Only Judicial Watch has tackled the problem. That's why I support them. I hope Dinesh D’Souza wipes the floor with them! January 24, 2014   Blimps to guard D.C.? Some think it will be a bad thing because they can use the equipment on those blimps to spy on Americans (which is against the law and unconstitutional). Others think it's going to help keep our politicians safe. Hmmm... There'a balancing act there. Let's just put up a line of defense that will work. Put all the progressives -- pelosipig, reid, thevileone, wrangle, bumbler, etc. -- out in front of D.C. and let them stand there with NO WEAPONS WHATSOEVER (except their words: as they want us to have no weapons) and let them defend D.C. with their words. Let them talk an attacker out of attacking D.C. and out of killing everyone there. They're smart (they must be; most graduated some college or another and that proves their smart, right?), they can talk a lot (they're politicians aren't they?), and they think no one needs weapons to defend themselves so let's see if they will stand up for their country and their own words the same way they want us to have to defend ourselves. That's a good compromise, yes? January 24, 2014   Smith & Wesson quits CA. Gun manufacturers have to protect their businesses and if a state changes its laws they must leave to protect their business. Not a problem; it's the right thing to do. What baffles me is the states' actions in making a change in the laws. Negative changes that will make gun manufacturers leave a state result in a loss of jobs -- a lot of jobs considering the number of guns being sold since thevileone took office. I think that a state that alienates its gun manufacturers is a stupid state. If Conservatives and those who support the Second Amendment in general leave those states following the dumb law change the state deserves that, too. So watch your STATE legislature and see what they are doing to gun and ammo manufacturers and if they do stupid, make plans to abandon them. If they can do stupid to the manufacturers, they can do it to you. January 24, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Judicial Watch still working for us agaainst thevileone's healthcareTAX. I support JW as much as I can. They do excellent work and they're determined, strong and they don't cave. I like that. Unlike Republicans, who are trying to fix it and keep it in place. Sigh... Republicans have gone progressive out the yingyang. Irritates me. Glad I'm no longer a Republican. Those who are signing up for thevileone's healthcareTAX should get the Bronze plan instead of the Gold Plan because it's better for them -- if ANYTHING with this thing has even a modicum of "good" in it. They say that today there are three million people who have signed up for thevileone's healthcareTAX. I think that's an overstatement, but I'm a skeptic about anything to do with thevileone (except for his hatred of America and his desire to destroy her completely). You can count thevileone's healthcareTAX as one of many things that are going wrong for dumborats. Well, IMHO, they're going RIGHT. This is how it's supposed to be: people realizing that what dumborats want to do TO us is not what is good FOR us. It's a good thing. When even the everyday Democrats have figured out that the dumborats in leadership of their party have betrayed them in every conceivable way, that's a step in the right direction. But, yes, even dumborat leadership is realizing they're in trouble because they support thevileone's healthcareTAX. Why do I feel like rubbing my hands together, laughing wildly and saying, "Bwahahahahaha! It's working! It's working!"? January 24, 2014   Republicants going to kiss up to amnesty via SOTU response. Republicants may as well change their name to that: especially the "can'ts" thing. They can't do the right thing. They can't stand up for America. They can't decide to be strong. Bill Kristol says let amnesty die. I agree. As I've said time after time after time, if you want to come over, come on! BUT DO IT LEGALLY as did our ancestors. I hope you will join me in praying for the House Conservatives who are planning a takedown of the amnesty bills. I think that would be a good thing for America. Agree? January 24, 2014   What happened: did he say something bad about thevileone? LOL! I didn't know until I just now looked it up!! Yes, he did diss thevileone! Now the feds are going after dennis rodman! Too funny! That's something you just don't do; dissing thevileone is NOT allowed. You'll pay. You'll pay. January 24, 2014   The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports Common Core. I will never again support the Chamber of Commerce after this. If they think this is good, they have NO IDEA what GOOD is. January 24, 2014   MMmm... good discovery. One of my favorite things while on a Celebrity Cruise ship is their french toast with maple syrup on it. They do something special to their french toast and it is SOOOO GOOD! Add maple syrup and you wanna' bathe in it, it's so good. Yum. Now the quantity of Maple syrup may go up which will make the price come down. Yum! January 24, 2014   James O'Keefe targeted by Cuomo? When will dumborats learn that just because someone is a Conservative that doesn't mean that you can take away their Constitutional rights! O'Keefe and others have been targeted by dumborats because they're Conservatives. Lefties do with the same things (as proven above in the Dinesh D'Souza blurb) and nothing is done to them. So why is it WRONG for Conservatives to do something that dumborats do? Oh. I see. Becuase it's CONSERVATIVES. January 24, 2014   Perry of TX supports marijuana decriminalization. I haven't considered him a Conservative since his Gardasil decision. Anyone who thinks that government knows what's best for children over their parents' rights to decide is NOT a Conservative. Perry is that person, thus NOT a Conservative. Now he's kissing up to the pro-marijuana use folks? Really? He's a political goner. January 24, 2014   Noonan's clock strikes hollow. She's now saying that no one is listening to thevileone after she supported him in 2008 and slammed Romney in 2012. She's not worth listening to either. January 24, 2014   Doctors are becoming our JAILERS. First the doctor who took over a girl's life when her parents brought her in for flu-like symptoms and the doctor decided that her previous doctor was wrong with a different diagnosis. Now this? Do you trust your doctor? Maybe you should think hard on that. January 24, 2014   I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! January 23, 2014: 2:33 p.m.   Another debt ceiling increase in February? That's what thevileone wants. Isn't it good to have someone with such spending restraint in the Red House? January 23, 2014   U.S. military to become hippie troops? Beards, piercings and tattoos? All for alleged "religious freedom" reasons. Really? More like to make it seem like they're not in the military, but instead a bunch of volunteers who just happened to wear the same clothing. I'm sure that's going to look so good on parade. January 23, 2014   I'm not sure if this is kissing up, or if it's just making hillclintoon look even more ridiculous. To me, It's the latter; but I'll never begrudge anyone doing that. January 23, 2014   Despite "protestations" from thevileone, the IRS is still targeting Conservatives: this time in Hollyweird. Shock. Surprise. You'd think that with even Hollyweird being part of the targeting that the high-muckety-muck actors and actresses in Hollyweird would be protesting loud and long. After all, if he can target anyone in Hollyweird he can target them, too. So now they either have to suck up even harder (watch for bruised faces and brown noses) or stand up against it. I'm thinking make-up artists will be working very hard on noses in the near future and beyond. January 23, 2014   Subway and msthevileone team up. I haven't eaten anything at Subway since... about 1996, or earlier. Even when I did eat there, it was only a few times. So, maybe it's a good thing, considering what their politics are. January 23, 2014   Omega 3 may help your brain not shrink. The title to the article is a bit messed up, but my link is the gist of the story. So if you're not taking Omega 3 pills or taking much of it in, you may want to consider changing that. After all, when it comes to your brain, size apparently does matter. January 23, 2014   Vacation time: thevileone and bumbler cost the TAXPAYERS $295,437. That's in ONE weekend. Mac and cheese is so delicious, isn't it? January 23, 2014   Congress SHOULD act: but with bonehead boehner leading it? Congress is so ineffectual that it's ridiculous. January 23, 2014   Macy's, JCPenney's, Albertson's grocery store, Sears and a WHOLE LOT of other stores announce CLOSINGS of either certain stores or the whole line. Thanks so much, thevileone! Your economy is really so VERY GOOD AND STRONG. (*sarcasm -- a LOT of sarcasm*) Oh, well. Maybe they can move to Canada. January 23, 2014   thevileone and google: a team made in... Well, you know. January 23, 2014   Running for Congress in FOUR states? I didn't think it would be legal, but the article points out that it is legal. My question would be why would anyone want to be in the Congress with the lack of leadership they have? Well, leadership in any direction except the WRONG direction. January 23, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Senior healthcareTAX advisor to leave admin. Awww.... too bad. How much severance pay will he get and for how long? Are we talking lifetime? Is his name being listed amongst those special folks thevileone personally ("I have a pen and I know how to use it") writes into the law as being exempted? After all, the guy who helped implement it should be totally immune from it, right? Did you know that under thevileone's healthcareTAX that when you die, the state can SEIZE YOUR ASSETS in order to pay any debts you owe to the government's healthcareTAX? Yep. Your children can be left with NOTHING because of thevileone. Is that what you wanted? This thing isn't just bad, it's ugly. It does EVERYTHING WRONG and it's bad for America: exactly as thevileone planned it. thevileone will claim that number of uninsureds is due to his healthcareTAX but don't believe it. His lips will be moving. Because of thevileone's healthcareTAX, Target is cancelling coverage for ALL PART-TIME EMPLOYEES. Yeah. He is definitely to BLAME for insurance coverage losses, but the insurance companies could make $90 BILLION because of it. Thus, their support for it. thevileone touts 1.1. million have signed up for healthcareTAX programs (considering the problems how would ANYONE know?) but compare that to UP TO 14 MILLION LOSING COVERAGE and you've got a huge problem. Aren't you oh, so happy with this disaster? Yeah. Didn't think so. January 23, 2014   thevileone gave #1 MILLION of YOUR dollars to Morocco to promote gender equality. Yummy PB & J! January 23, 2014   I totally disagree with this ruling. If a homosexual female "couple" wants a baby, they have to get the sperm from somewhere since neither of the women will be able to provide it. The State taking the donor to court for child support because the homosexuals didn't make enough money to raise a child without public assistance is NOT the man's fault. It was the choice of the homosexuals to seek the sperm and it was the choice of the homosexuals to do so without adequate income to raise a child. It was NOT the sperm donor's fault that they went on public assistance. In order for the homosexuals to go the cheap route and not involve a doctor in the process and the donor did them a kindness to cooperate with that arrangement. The donor signed a paper releasing all parental rights to the child, at the request of the homosexual women (who, by the way, are no longer a "couple") and the donor is being punished by the custodial mother via the ordered child support. This is ridiculous but it should also be seen as a warning to any man considering sperm donorship. Do NOT donate your sperm to ANYONE in any arrangement whatsoever. You'll end up paying more than you ever imeagined. January 23, 2014   Black Conservative, Tim Scott (R-SC) attacked by NAAC[L]CP leader.
Rush is right: the NAA[L]CP only represents those who fall in line, goose-step to the leftist/progressive line and do not deter from it. For a Black person
to be anything but leftist/progressive is anathema to them.
They don't understand individuality and thinking for yourself,
doing your own research and being able to "FIND THE TRUTH" on your own. If they understood that, they'd be supporting ANY black person choosing
whatever he/she wanted for their lives, their votes, and their political party affiliation. But the NAA[L]CP does not do that, they cannot do that.
If they did their membership would shrink to nothing and their leadership couldn't be paid. I checked them out on Guidestar,
an organization that watches non-profits and helps you find info on them. It's not good.
But a more liberal group gives them high kudos:
Charity Navigator likes the NAA[L]CP. The part that suprises
January 23, 2014   I'll close for the day with the most and least Bible-minded cities in America. I think the Bible should be taught in public schools as GOD's word, read aloud in the streets, preached from the pulpit as it was written (not as liberals change it) and read and studied in homes around the world. That's what I think, so hate me if you want, but I'm not changing that. Until next time, See ya'! January 22, 2014: 2:22 p.m.   Feds free more illegal aliens: is OUR state helping illegals? This is ridiculous. We have them in custody and then they're released? Why? Why not go ahead and deport them and let them find a way back instead of just saying, "Okay. You'll be back in two years anyways, so we'll just release you as though those two years have already passed."? If FL is helping illegal aliens stay in the U.S.A., then Florida is not doing its citizens any good. It's been said that the illegals will do the jobs that Americans won't. I disagree: Americans have been taught that they DESERVE sky-high pay for doing next to nothing and that hard work is beneath them so they don't want the jobs that illegals do. It's not that Mexicans are taking away the jobs we want; they're taking the jobs that pay beneath the average American's high and mighty thoughts of themselves. I blame American public schools for this, and the dumborat party for it, and the lazy parents who teach kids that any work they do is worth $50 an hour. The truth is that their work is worth much LESS than $50 hourly and that if they had the brains it took to make $50 hourly that they'd not have to worry about getting a job, they'd be making jobs themselves and hiring others! Reality check! January 22, 2014   55 MILLION DEAD BABIES and they're still spewing the same lunacy they have for the last forty years: "Today, as we reflect on the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to the decision’s guiding principle: that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health."If thevileone knew anything at all about abortions and what they do, he'd realize that it's NOT THE WOMAN'S BODY TORN LIMB FROM LIMB and that she does NOT have the right to do that to SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY! She and her abortionist are killing the most innocent life -- yes LIFE -- on earth and they say it's because it's HER body that is effected? Incredibly heartless; but that's thevileone start to finish. January 22, 2014   There are those who support life in the womb. GOD bless them and keep them warm! The snow isn't slowing them down! January 22, 2014   Bill Gates: Government spying not always bad. Well, if they are spying after getting a warrant from a judge after showing the judge legitimate cause, and if they're spying on someone who is a terrorist, or a pedophile, or a murderer, well, yeah. In those instances -- and within those parameters -- spying is not a bad thing. Going outside of those parameters, however, is WRONG, unconstitutional, infringing upon people's rights and I think that any government entity that does this (are ya' reading, NSA, thevileone, etc.?) should be the ones in PRISON for spying. They have rules to live by as well; too bad thevileone has told them that they don't even need to think about those rules and can do as they please. Right is right and wrong is wrong. What thevileone is doing is going to come back and bite him in the butt. What the NSA can find out about Joe Schmoe they can find out about thevileone. It will come back at him. Mark my words. January 22, 2014   Pro-baby killer, Davis, really is messed up. Self-centered does not even begin to describe it. She's as narcissistic as thevileone. January 22, 2014   I agree with the Japanese Prime Minister. If the world does not stand up to China (and soon, Russia, Iran and Islam in general) we'll pay too heavy a price. January 22, 2014   Another "journalist" joins thevileone's admin. This one goes to the DO[IN]J with eric holder's illegalities and racism. I wonder how comfy she'll be with his actions and words. I wonder if her "journalist" hat will be discarded and all of the principles of journalism will be dead to her as she serves thevileone and holder, or if she'll have questions that go unanswered, requests for information ignored and all of that will make her start digging... Nah. She's got a cushy government job now: one with POWER and PRESTIGE. Why push? Why question? Why bother? She's got benefits. She's "inside". She has everything she's ever dreamed of. She won't be touched by thevileone's healthcareTAX because, well, you know, he is above that and he can write her name into the law and make her exempt. She's now one of the chosen. Her life is easy and made. Or, maybe I'm wrong... but considering she took the job, I doubt it. January 22, 2014   I must stop here at least for a while. I have to go pick someone up from the airport and it's time for me to get ready and go. I may do a few more blurbs tonight, maybe not. We'll see. Whenever I get to it, until next time, See ya'! January 21, 2014: 10:18 p.m.   Wow. Today went wonky. I intended to get this done a long time ago, but what with running errands and a phone call to my Momma, well, things went wonky. Mom and I haven't spoken since Friday and when it's that long between talks we kinda' go long. Today's call was 2.5 hours or more and we always enjoy it. As usual we laughed and laughed and laughed and it was fun. So it's a late start and I'll do just a few blurbs. You know, the most important ones. January 21, 2014   I was, of course, correct: Pot is worse for you than alcohol. If his lips are moving, he's what? You know the answer! He's LYING, of course! And wrong, as usual. January 21, 2014   55 MILLION babies murdered in utero. Thanks to the lie that was Roe v Wade, mothers have murdered their babies time after time after time. This is another reason GOD says not to lie. There are consequences to a lie. In this instance, it's a 55 MILLION child LIE. Maybe it doesn't matter to some, but it does matter to those 55 MILLION BABIES. January 21, 2014   EPA SHRINKS WY by million acres. This is absurd. We need to stand up to the EPA and take away their assumption of power. The EPA is totally out of control. We, The People are not ruled by the EPA. The U.S. Constitution does not give them the right to CONTROL us. In fact, it gives US the right to CONTROL THEM. When will America remember that? January 21, 2014   Did you invest in Facebook? You may want to reconsider some of your investment strategy. January 21, 2014   Texas sees increase in illegal alien arrests: up 57%. If they want to come to America, GREAT! Come to America! But do it LEGALLY! Don't break our laws by coming to America illegally and think it's going to be okay with us. Our ancestors came over legally from other lands and that made our citizenship worth having. If breaking the law is the only way you want to come over, then you're spitting in America's face as you come over and you're trying to make yourself, your situation, more important than the RIGHT way to do things. It doesn't work that way. We can't accept that you're that special because you aren't. Even if you do have an IQ of 5,000, it still does not entitle you to break the rules. We are a land of opportunity, but we are also a land of LAWS. Don't come here by breaking the law and then telling us you're anything more than a common criminal and we have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to send you back as often as you try to break our laws. Period. January 21, 2014   Former VA Gov., McDonnel (R) indicted, with wife, on 14 counts. So the dumborats will celebrate late into the night and they'll claim that only the R's are corrupt and that they're so much better. A crook is a crook is a crook. What letter is behind their names doesn't matter. What matters is that they're crooks and they deserve to be in prison. January 21, 2014   Think you can win $1 BILLION via March Madness bracket? I know so little about basketball that I had to look up "March Madness" to be sure I had the right sport! Yeah. I'm that "basketball illiterate". January 21, 2014   Joe McCarthy wasn't wrong and you need to know the truth. If McCarthy is bad in your mind, then how much worse must thevileone be? Look at what thevileone is doing to America in dividing us, shouldn't he be held to the same standards as McCarthy? "By far the most important thing about his suspects was their positioning in the governmental structure, and other posts of influence, where they could shape American policy or opinion in favor of the Communist interest. This they did on a fairly regular basis, a subject that deserves discussion in its own right."McCarthy uncovered Communists within our government. thevileone fills his cabinet and czar spots with Communists so, to me, we NEED ANOTHER JOE MCCARTHY! January 21, 2014   YOU fund "environmental projects" in Mexico. You could be feeding your children something more than macaroni and cheese but the government uses that soup money for "environmental projects" in Mexico? I think it's wrong. We need to stop this nonsense. January 21, 2014   Go ISRAEL!!! I support their right to defend themselves! I support Israel. January 21, 2014   dumborats and thevileone killing the housing recovery. dumborats kill everything they want to kill in order to have CONTROL. January 21, 2014   Oh my goodness. Baby-killer, Davis, pulls a biden. Stand up, Chuck! January 21, 2014   In Chi-Town it's not just the politicians who are corrupt. Years of sexual abuse of children hidden by Catholic Church. I guess you don't have to believe in GOD to get to heaven. January 21, 2014   FL Black Republican agrees thevileone, if tried and convicted of treason, should be... I agree. January 21, 2014   Since I said I'd only do a few blurbs tonight, I'll stop there and update tomorrow. I'm supposed to pick someone up at the airport tomorrow -- IF their flight hasn't already been cancelled. Until tomorrow, See ya'! January 20, 2014: 1:12 p.m.   Let's start with a smile today. I give you my Minion Monday: Hank Write His Memoirs. He's starting to believe his own publicity. January 20, 2014   If thevileone actually cared about our safety, would he be allowing this? A big, fat NO! is the answer. But some choose to believe his lies and think he's trying to keep us safe. What a farce! January 20, 2014   Another dumborat liar in office. It's not just one lie; it's usually multiple lies on multiple subjects. Sigh. When Republicans and Conservatives are proven to be liars, they are usually ashamed, drummed out of office and go into hiding for a few years (ask newt gringrich). When dumborats lie in order to get into office (thevileone and ACORN, for example), or while IN office (thevileone and EVERYTHING THAT PASSES HIS LIPS), dumborats don't care. The ends justify the means there and if dumborats lie, that's fine and dandy as long as their constituents get what they want. When you intentionally elect people without honor and without integrity you get what you voted for. When you support lying you will, sooner or later, feel the effects of those liars. It will come back on you because you will never be able to trust a word they say and when they say they'll do "X" for you, they'll instead do "Y" TO you. Liars lie. Never trust, elect, or support LIES and LIARS. It hurts you and others in the end. January 20, 2014   How much you wanna' bet that it comes out later that WE paid for msthevileone's birthday bash? How much you wanna' bet they had something other than appetizers and drinks? They've publicized that the invitation said "eat before you come", but they're LIARS so I'm guessing that we'll find out later (someone will say something to brag about it) that we actually paid megabucks for this shindig for msthevileone. Considering how publicity houndish these folks are (yes, the guests, too) if they didn't have something to hide why ban cell phones? Anyone want to lay even money? January 20, 2014   Cuomo: pro-life people not welcome in NY. So he wants to kick all pro-lifers out of NY? Does that tell you anything about how much he values human life? The answer is "Yes! It does." And he values it not at all. January 20, 2014   Don't go to Sochi to see the Winter Olympics. It's just not safe. If someone offered me an all expenses paid trip to them, I still wouldn't go. The Winter Olympics is too big and too good a target for ISLAMIC terrorists. Notice it's the "Peace and tolerance" thing that has targeted and threatened the Olympics. Not Baptists. Not Catholics. Not Mormons. ISLAM. Let us not ignore the facts. ISLAM is NOT peacefule nor is it tolerant. It is a religion of total world dominance and control. Do not believe anything that says otherwise. January 20, 2014   thevileone is expected by Israel to LET Iran go nuclear. Muslims want Muslims to have whatever it takes to make the infidels convert, obey and kowtow. So of course thevileone will LET Iran go nuclear. It's not just expected, it's an IMPERATIVE to thevileone! Is this what you want? January 20, 2014   It's thevileone's ACTIONS not his skintone that make him vile. If he loved America and his actions showed it as Allen West, Dr. Thomas Sowell, or Justice Clarence Thomas do, thevileone wouldn't be vile. It's not skintone that matters: it's what thevileone is DOING: trying to destroy America as it was founded and as we know her. He's trying to impose Communism/Marxism on us, destroying our healthcare system and he's doing everything he can to create racial hatreds. It is not WE who are racist, look to eric holder and everything that escapes his mouth. Look to thevileone himself and all of his lame excuses and blaming someone else's racism for what his own actions. He can never take responsibility for anything he does, can he? January 20, 2014   Hollyweird's hypocrisy showing yet again. January 20, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Calling all libs: can you be the magic bullet that makes young people sign up for this thing? They're looking under every dustbunny and in every crook and nanny to try to get young people to do the deed and sign-up for it. Young people are staying away in droves, though. Some say it's so lacking in young people signing up that it's in a "death spiral". But that doesn't prevent thevileone from getting out his DICTATOR'S hat and delaying another portion of it. He has a pen and he knows how to use it. Law? What law? If he can change it as easily as that, it CANNOT BE A LAW, it's a list of suggested actions and nothing more. Laws are written, voted upon, approved, signed and recorded and, thus, SET AS IS until another VOTE of the legislature. This cannot be an enforceable law when all it takes is a swipe of the Dictator's Magic Pen and the law is suddenly changed. That's not how our form of government works! Yet, thevileone does this and no one does a thing to stop it, to arrest him for being a Dictator, or to change the law VIA VOTE OF THE LEGISLATURE (which our Constitution says is how it happens) to suit his whim. It's all the Magic Pen and he gets whatever he wants whenever he wants. Dictatorship. Totally unconstitutional. January 20, 2014   Common Core "embarrassingly dumb" says college professor. Hillsdale College's standards are very high and they send forth a very well educated student after graduation, so the professor's comments should be listened to. The left is so enamored of making Common Core the future of your children that they're even trying to say that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would have supported it. I think that's a crock. If he'd had the opportunity to look it over, I think he'd say that it was bad for EVERYONE; especially black kids. But, no. Progressives/lefties continue to push Common Core so that they can have more CONTROL and so that they can keep their kids out of Common Core schools and thereby have a built-in way to establish a heriditary monarchy via having a dumbed down population and an educated elite. Sound like England to anyone besides myself? January 20, 2014   $128 TRILLION rip-off. It's being done to "save the planet" and we are the ones suffering because of it. January 20, 2014   thevileone thinks pot no more dangerous than alcohol. Problem with his comment: the CDC has done a study of alcohol and its effects on folks. It's not good. Just reading the news will tell you that 80,000 deaths annually occur because of alcohol. So saying that marijuana is no worse than alcohol is not a good comparison, is it? Of course, the CDC has info on marijuana that would conflict with thevileone's words but that doesn't prevent thevileone from lying; nothing can. Any fourth grader can find info that's available that shows that marijuana is bad for you. Those who say otherwise? Follow the money or their usage. The reports of marijuana's use as treatment for glaucoma? Even glaucoma.org does not support it. Lung capacity increase? With continued use, lung capacity declines. How about treating epilepsy with marijuana? Epsilepsy.com says " So far, no clear, definitive, solid evidence exists to show marijuana helps seizures." Some say it helps with cancer: cancer.org disagrees and the American Cancer Society has a study that says pot CAUSES testicular cancer. I think it's coming down all on the negative side here. Some say it may decrease anxiety; Not so much. Its alleged positive effects in helping those with Alzheimers: but, in fact, it may ADD TO the problems of Alzheimer's. Then they say that it helps decrease the pain of Multiple Sclerosis, the National MS Society says "Studies completed thus far have not provided convincing evidence that marijuana or its derivatives provide substantiated benefits for symptoms of MS." For every claim they make, there is a negative. For instance, the claim that it is a good treatment for Hepatitis C, is not really suported by the website, Hepatitis Central. It states, "A French study of untreated individuals with Hepatitis C (those not taking interferon therapies) showed that, compared with occasional or non-users of the drug, people who used marijuana daily were:There is even more bad news for those with Hep C on that site, so if you've got it, you may wish to check it out. For alleged positive effects of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and as a former sufferer with that, it's of interest to me. However, it's not usually even suggested for IBS. I was cured of it by the love of GOD. He cured me sometime in 1988 and I've not had a problem nor incidence with it since. For every alleged benefit of smoking marijuana there are problems that those who are pushing it don't tell you about. For every alleged benefit there are reasons why there is NOT an actual benefit. It's all bad. There are two other alleged "medical uses" for marijuana but my computer has started acting up so I'm not going to be able to cover them. Look it up. January 20, 2014   So I'll close with that for now since my computer is acting up. I hope you have a good day and don't forget to check out Minion Monday: Hank Write His Memoirs! Until next time, See ya'! January 17, 2014: 12:02 p.m.   Didn't do more updates yesterday because I went shopping after the Bible study and didn't get home until
after 8 p.m. I had to show off my finds to my hubby and look through the books I bought and put everything away and eat supper and all of that stuff,
so by the time a chance to do more blurbs rolled around I was too tired. I want to bed early (for me) and woke up late after a short night Wednesday.
So, let's start today with something to be sure to make you smile: January 17, 2014   Under thevileone America is becoming MORE RACIST than it had been since the 1970s. This is WRONG to do, but it is thevileone and how he wants it. The universities kiss his backside and eric holder makes laws (illegally) that make anything a non-"minotiry" person does a racist event and now the racial divide is bigger than it has been for forty years. This is what progressies/commies do: divide and conquer. That's one of the first things Hitler did when he took over Germany. Learn from history folks, or RE-LIVE IT. Don't let this happen. Stand against thevileone! January 17, 2014   He's also dividing us in the rich/poor divide. Growing income inequality means that the rich are getting richer while thevileone's healthcareTAX makes the poor poorer. He does what he can to help his rich buddies and the rest of us be darned. January 17, 2014   Think your text messages are just between you and the person you're texting? Wrongo, Bongo. And if you believe that thevileone didn't know, THINK AGAIN. He knows. He knows because he's the one who orders it. But he'll never admit to it because that would mean accountability and that YOU would know that he's been the one behind YOUR loss of privacy. Don't ya' love the prezidunce knowing all about your private life? Doesn't that make you important and special? Or is it an absolute violation of YOUR PRIVACY? Although, with the spying that he didn't know about, he's supposedly making a plan to cut back on it that he'll announce today. Considering that he didn't know about it, he must have thought fast to come up with a solution to a problem he was unaware of. Boy, he's quick. January 17, 2014   Morgan & Morgan to push another anti-free speech law. They couch it in the ever-so-popular "anti-bullying" vernacular, but when you look at the big picture, it's a law that would prevent the youth of Florida from exercising their free speech via criminalizing (applying penalties to, including fines and jail time) certain kinds of speech. Teach them early that speech is not free and that they have to abide by the GOVERNMENT'S ideas of what speech is and is not acceptable and if they stray from those ideas and dare to use a term, phrase, word or even ATTITUDE as an individual or group that they are going to be criminals. This is against the First Amendment, clearly and plainly, and there are already Florida "anti-bullying" laws on the books. I have a better idea. Instead of teaching our children that their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT does NOT APPLY TO THEM, let's teach our children how to be strong enough to stand up for themselves and to ignore the words of others. If they are touched, that's assault; they should press charges against that person. If they are being taunted, teased, picked on, made fun of, they should be strong enough to put those people on ignore and get on with their lives. Speech is supposedly protected by the U.S. Constitution and our young people USED TO HAVE THAT PROTECTION, too. Now, they are being taught, slowly and gradually via laws like this and by taking away their religious freedoms, that their speech is controlled by the "greater good" of the State and they must toe the line or pay the price. Is this America? Compare and contrast that to what the federal government is doing to us and see where we are now. January 17, 2014   U.S. Olympic goalie forced to remove "We The People". The I.O.C. is anti-American. They've proven that for years. January 17, 2014   This is wrong. But it's thevileone doing it so who cares, right? When it comes to amnesty, dumborats are all over that. Too bad they're stupid and incompetent in all of their efforts. January 17, 2014   hillclintoon's goons at it again? Fifteen people dead who had info on BENGHAZI. They can't testify, tell their versions, confirm nor deny any part of the info we may already have. So, does the TRUTH about BENGHAZI matter at this point? If it weren't important, would those fifteen people be dead? January 17, 2014   Coburn announces retirement. That makes sixteen Congresspeople who are leaving via retirement. Let us pray, work for and hope for TRUE Conservatives to replace them! It could only HELP America get back on the right track. Who knows? Maybe it could even lead to the impeachment of thevileone. That would be nice. January 17, 2014   ketchup kerry is a "jihad coddler". Malkin always gets it right. January 17, 2014   Top Republicans huddle with thevileone's aide. "Top Republicans" are the spineless, whimpering, "I want to be loved" ones. Kissing thevileone's backside won't get them anything except replaced when the opportunity comes: both by their constituents and by thevileone. He can get what he wants without their help: ask the scotUS's john roberts. January 17, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: OR's Multnomah County putting prisoners on thevileone's healthcareTAX. So you get to pay for them, too. Then there's the company you've paid MEGABUCKS to do what? "CSC's failure to meet the delivery deadline for developing an automated refund fraud detection system cost the IRS between $200 million and $300 million."Then you just paid them $19 MILLION to work on Visa processing? Well, it is thevileone. What's another waste of money? Just remember, if you do want to sign up, don't use thevileone's website to do so. Healthcare.gov is totally unsecured. Anyone can get into it and grab whatever info they want -- including yours. Remember, you may get healthcare of a sort, but your kids and their kids and grandkids will pay for it. Is that what you want? Or do you want to leave your children something better than YOUR BILLS? The Republicans in the House are trying to make this thing at least a bit translucent (something you can see through, but not as clearly as if it were uncolored glass: rose quartz compared to white topaz). The bill won't get past the Senate, but House Republicans did try. Problem is, their efforts may be a temporary side show before they abandon their opposition. Never trust a lilly-livered leader leading spineless cowards, that's the lesson. Another lesson: don't believe anyone who says it's costing us less to have thevileone's healthcareTAX than our regular medical care system where we decided with whom to do business instead of the government deciding for us. January 17, 2014   AP: How much did the federal budget cost us per word?
That answer may disgust you. Top that with
No one read that oh-so-expensive bill before passing it.
Shades of: January 17, 2014   I'll close today with my Tribute To Our Heroes 147, Flag Friday pic. Until next time, See ya'! January 16, 2014: 12:56 a.m.   This is the darkness that is Islam. It's a religion of hatred, suicide and murder. It's a religion of male dominated violence and servitude. It's not about "Peace and tolerance" but about "You convert or we kill you!" That is the truth of Islam. There is no LOVE, only hatred and death. The differences between Christianity and Islam are multitudinous. Choose LOVE. Choose Christ. Choose LIFE. January 16, 2014   thevileone again promises to BREAK THE CONSTITUTION. Dictator-In-Chief, he has a pen and he knows how to use it! (Isn't that a song I've heard?) Although, bonehead boehner tries to wave the Constitution and say he'll stick by it, his serious lack of spine gives me no hope that he'll do anything but kiss the dictatorial backside when push comes to shove. bonehead is a coward. January 16, 2014   Hollyweird producer, whinestein [si-incorrect], vows to make anti-gun/anti-NRA movie. (Oh, and it's going to have meryl streep in it, too.) What he forgot to say is that it will flop at the box office and no one will see it but the progressives/lefties and it will make so little money he'll have it on DVD before the first run is over so that those lefties can order it and watch it at home because they're all unemployed and way too cheap to go to the theater and pay current ticket prices to see the waste of electricity, time, paper and effort. Awww... too bad. January 16, 2014   Grand Ol' Progressivs (GOP) considering 32 candidates for prez run in 2016. Unless they go with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE they're wasting their breath, time, money and whatever reputations they have left. If they put up another mccain't, or a grahamnasty, or any other such nonsensical farcical idiot, they may as well just hand the election back to thevileone and say "Appoint a successor or keep it yourself, it's up to you." If the Republican Party does not go hardcore, TRUE CONSERVATIVE with the 2016 election candidate they can kiss the Republican party goodbye because it will officially die at that point. Mark my words: Go hard, true right or buy the headstone now. January 16, 2014   Just DO IT! Use a firm that is run by a real security guy and who knows what he's (or she's) doing and who will take things seriously and train their people the way Israel does their screeners. It will be better for our security, they won't be allowing terrorists onto planes to do "dry runs" and they will be more polite, less intrusive and the lines will move faster. What we have now is akin to Bozo doing the screening! Let's change this! But, don't put the TSA in charge of the change-over. That could be a disaster! January 16, 2014   Aaaahhh... PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!? NSFW or CHILDREN! This is wrong. Just wrong. Of course, public schools ban the BIBLE but bring on the sex! Twisted teachers. Sometimes cruel teachers, too. Homeschool your kids, folks. Homeschool your kids. January 16, 2014   BENGHAZI: I bet it was a NEW CIA Annex. Special built for the purpose. The attack was an Al Qaeda-related group attack and thevileone LIED about the attack being cause by a video. Which means that hillclintoon also LIED through her teeth about BENGHAZI, too. Progessives LIE? Say it ain't so! (*sarcasm*) January 16, 2014   They're coming for our guns. If it's not the Fed, it's the State. Hold tight to the Second Amendment and make sure you know your rights! January 16, 2014   If you are considering an abortion choose LIFE instead. It's the best choice. It's the safest choice. It's the most loving choice. It's the kindest choice. It's the best choice. Be PRO-CHOICE: CHOOSE LIFE! January 16, 2014   YOU are funding the advertising of AMERICAN FOOD STAMPS in Mexico. Isn't that special? thevileone wants Mexicans to know that they, too, can get food stamps if they cross our borders illegally and come live off of your dime. I say "your dime" because by the time thevileone gets finished with you, that's all you'll have left! January 16, 2014   Cats think we're just bigger cats? As someone who likes both cats and dogs I don't know that I see that much difference in the two. My cat follows me around like a dog, plays fetch and chase like a dog and is as smart as a dog. I've had dogs who have been more like cats, so I don't see a big difference. I think the main thing is that a dog displays his loyalty in a different manner than cats. I've seen both be extraordinarily loyal and do things that break people's hearts so dogs and cats are equal there. To me, the biggest difference between cats and dogs is that cats are more independent than dogs: still loyal, but more independent. If you don't feed a dog, he'll wait until hades freezes over for you to get him food if he's well trained. A cat, on the other hand, will ask you for it, demand it of you, then get it him/herself. Dogs don't usually do that. January 16, 2014   Uh... Why this info now? Kinda' makes me nervous. It's good info to know, but it kinda' makes me go... Uh.. Yeow. January 16, 2014   Seriously? He was thinking of running? Snowball's chance. January 16, 2014   Dummy, Di-Fi, needs to retire. Clueless is her middle name. January 16, 2014   Brevard made Drudge Report: but what a way to do so... January 16, 2014   With these kinds of numbers how are they going to keep their stock prices up? January 16, 2014   Worst of the worst? I noticed the LYING, "The Butler", by the O wasn't in there. PC, anyone? January 16, 2014   Okay. Weird of the day: Sneezing Sponges. I kid you not. January 16, 2014   Well, I didn't realize I'd find this much to do at this time of the morning. It's now 2:20 a.m. and I've done what amounts to a full posting for today. I'm not sure if I'll be posting later or not, considering how much I've posted already I may not have room to do more. Or, I may not have time, depending on my errand list after my Bible study. We'll see how this first meeting goes and what the time looks like after I get home and I'll decide from there. So, until next time (later today or tomorrow, whichever), See ya'! January 15, 2014: 12:54 p.m.   I'll start by telling you that I may be late in posting tomorrow. I was invited by a friend to come to her Bible study group and I accepted the invitation. So I may post a few blurbs in the morning, or it may be evening that I post. I don't know how I'll work the posting stuff out but I'll get at least a few blurbs done. Today, let's start with a weird one: Thieves try to steal Sigmund Freud's ashes. Why? January 15, 2014   Religion of "peace and tolerance" strikes a funeral and a market. Forty-four are dead because of "peace and tolerance". I wonder what violence looks like if forty-four is the number for "peace and tolerance". Pray for the people trapped in the darkness of Islam. Pray for them to have the light of Jesus Christ seep into their souls, hearts and minds. Otherwise this kind of "peace and tolerance" will continue. January 15, 2014   Big BRO: Is the government able to spy on you via your computer and radio frequencies? They've been doing it to foreigners (allegedly ONLY foreigners) so they can do it to you. Is this what you want? It's what the FISA courts want. They don't want any changes to the rules that allow thevileone to spy on whomever he so chooses. Why should they want changes? It allows them to use secrets against people. Ask john roberts. He's sure to deny anything. Now, there's a high security phone that is "NSA proof". Can you believe it's come to this? This administration is WAY OUT OF CONTROL. Remember the Gettysburg Address: "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."Whatever happened to that? Has it perished from the earth? If not, it's very close to doing so. Stand up. January 15, 2014   BENGHAZI: documents released document thevileone's LIES. His lips were moving. The Senate report says BENGHAZI attack could have been PREVENTED. As I've said for over a year: murder. January 15, 2014   Radiation in Baltimore's waters? No. That's practice for something. But where there actually IS radiation on the beach, nothing's being done. thevileone's so competent. (*sarcasm*) January 15, 2014   $73 MILLION more of your dollars wasted. Trying to help people get off of welfare while living in public housing? Yeah. Right. That's bribery money to ensure they vote dumborat in November. That's all this is. January 15, 2014   Egypt investigates its own prisoner abuse: absolves itself. Sounds like they've learned from thevileone's administration:
January 15, 2014   Want to keep an eye on what's happening with the amnesty movement? Keep an eye on this website. It will keep you well informed and tell you what those who are pushing for amnesty think of as "Fair". Question is "Fair to whom?" Is it fair to us that people want to break our laws by crossing our borders illegally and then try to FORCE us to support them in every way, shape and form? One way or another we are paying for them when they come over here illegally. And they expect us to say, "Oh, boy! Let's do this!"? Why? Do we not have the right to expect others to abide by the laws like we must? Do we not have the right to hang onto and spend the money we work hard to acquire as we wish, as opposed to being taxed so that the government can force us to spend our money on others -- even those who broke the law to come here? Is that "fair" in your eyes? It is not fair in my eyes. If they want fairness, make it fair on everyone: come across our borders LEGALLY via getting the proper paperwork done and waiting your turn and coming over, abide by the laws and do things the right way as did our ancestors. Otherwise, take a hike in a southward direction until you get back to where you came from and make your life there. Oh, conditions are not good enough for you there? Then blame your own government and make things change there! Don't come here and make us change to suit you when you are coming here to get by force -- government welfare programs, crime, or whatever -- what you won't make your own country do for you, or allow you to do for yourself. If you're not willing to stay in your own country and make your country better, don't come over here and make our country worse via more welfare recipients and higher taxes. If they want "fair" be fair to ME AND MY CHILDREN, too. Stay in your own country. Make things better for your children there, or come here legally, but don't break our laws, raise our taxes to take care of you and expect me to welcome you! That's not fair! January 15, 2014   LOL! I love Malkin! Too funny! January 15, 2014   U.S. Soldier held for five years in Afghani prison and I bet thevileone won't do a darn thing to help him get home. Just as with American pastor, Saeed Abedini, who thevileone refuses to help get home, this soldier is left to be tortured because thevileone agrees with torturing the infidels. He's a disgusting thing. January 15, 2014   Putting the truth to the football lies. The truth is always better than a lie. Don't fall for the lies. FIND THE TRUTH! January 15, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: dumborats are scared of ads featuring the healthcareTAX truth. They don't want folks to know that THEY VOTED FOR IT, support it, and will continue to support it if re-elected. They're scared of the TRUTH. dumborats are retiring instead of facing thevileone's healthcareTAX. They're scared of losing their re-election bid while thevileone's healthcareTAX is going into a death spiral. You males are NOT signing up and that's who they needed to sign up in order for this socialist plan to work. Awwww.... too bad. Too bad thevileone's legacy won't be socialized medicine, too. Too, too bad. It's going to be his incompetence and his wars. That Nobel Peace Prize he got for NO REASON WHATSOEVER is now a lie that stares at him daily. Does it bother him? No. He's probably proud of the lies. After all, it got him what he wanted. That and his magic pen. You want to know someone really stupid? Meet Brian Schweitzer who thinks thevileone's healthcareTAX doesn't go far enough. I don't think he's been paying attention. Do you? I'll close this blurb with a link to another idiot. This one thinks a woman with Stage IV cancer should shut up and die. She's tweeting and blogging about her experience and that, to this creep, is wrong. She should save her money for her loved ones to inherit and just take the pill and die without fighting for her life. It's her duty. It's the right thing to do. Just shut up and die. Welcome to the way the left thinks about the value of human life. Sweet, yes? (*sarcasm*) January 15, 2014   Will scotUS stand up for the U.S. Constitution? Don't count on it. January 15, 2014   They're still trying to spend us into prosperity while basically telling our Heroes to forget the pension promises they got when they signed up to putting their lives on the line for America. It's not thevileone's job to keep America's promises to them. After all, he hates the military, as all good progressives/lefties do. The military can all be bombed out of existence for all he cares. It would just make his "communization" (new word?) of America easier if there were fewer people around who would stand up to him, which is what the military would be. Oh, well. We military folks must just put up with it. After all, who are we but those who protected his "right" to do so? In the meantime, fund these failures while punishing our military retirees. Isn't that special? January 15, 2014   21st Century Learning Centers HARMING CHILREN.
But thevileone wants to continue it. Shock. Surprise. Just as with Common Core: January 15, 2014   Palins Brother: IRS harassed their Dad SIX TIMES since 2008's presidential campaign. This is thevileone's way to do things. Targeting those who oppose him is his M.O. Dictators do this. Presidents do not. January 15, 2014   I'll close with that for now. As I said earlier, I don't know when I'll get the updates done for tomorrow, but I'll at least get a few up. Until next time, See ya'! January 14, 2014: 12:36 p.m.   thevileone VOWS to BREAK THE U.S. CONSTITUTION! Um... Where are the House and Senate on this? Why are they not telling him that he can no longer sign "Executive Orders" to CREATE LAWS since our Constitution says that the law originates in the House and Senate, the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH? He's in a totally different branch, the Executive Branch, but that doesn't give him the right to write LAWS from there. He is supposed to be the one who makes sure that the laws that COME FROM the House and Senate are EXECUTED properly and as soon as they are set to start. Every Executive Order he writes and signs and tries to enforce is TOTALLY ILLEGAL and we should ALL IGNORE IT and anything to do with it. Since it is NOT A LEGAL LAW (lawless laws are morally unenforceable), we should make our own vow: DISOBEY EVERY EXECUTIVE ORDER. Have a silent revolution. If thevileone signs an EO for it, DISOBEY. January 14, 2014   So now we find out what kind of threat they hold over the scotUS. Since the scotUS refused to take up Judicial Watch's lawsuit against thevileone in trying to get release of bin Laden's death pictures, two things could be happening here: thevileone has something on some of the justices, or thevileone told the justices the truth that Osama bin Laden is STILL ALIVE and that YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS are keeping him safe, fed, clothed and comfy somewhere, thus there are no death pics. Which? I'm laying even money on the latter. Tells you how much I trust thevileone, yes? January 14, 2014   Has thevileone betrayed us again: this time to Iran? Probably. He hates America so why wouldn't he betray us? Iran is saying they won in the negotiations. Iran is saying we could not beat them in a war. Well, under thevileone we probably couldn't. But put any male president in there with a millionth of a brain cell and he'd have more brains than thevileone. Put President Sarah Palin in there and she'd beat Iran while putting on her lipstick. Can you imagine Iran having that kind of chutzpah while Ronald Reagan, G.W.H. Bush, or George W. Bush was president? Either clintoon and thevileone? Yeah. A two-year-old with a squirt gun could defeat them. Adding insult to injury, thevileone says "Give peace a chance" as our sworn enemies build nuclear weapons to use against us -- with thevileone's help. Dictators can do that, ya' know. January 14, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Lies from Liars who Lie while Lying. That's all the wunnerful wunnerful healthcareTAX enrollment numbers are. Add to the healthcareTAX (read: US paying for THEM), 79% of those enrolling are eligible for subsidies to get this thing. In other words they're finding out who else they can put on the government teat and make you pay even more. But, trust me, thevileone doesn't want you to know anything about how his healthcareTAX works. Meanwhile, SC lawmakers want to prevent any SC money to be used for thevileone's healthcareTAX. Can Florida do the same thing, please? Listen up, Florida guys and gals, do the same thing! Jay Leno: "American Hustle" movie about marketing thevileone's healthcareTAX. Wouldn't surprise me; especially if they made it look GOOOOOD. Then, Jimmy Kimmel piles on and mocks it, too. You can tell it's safe to speak out against thevileone's healthcareTAX when the late night comedians are mocking it. When I think of the youth of our nation may not be giving them enough credit. After all, they're NOT enrolling in this farce, so that makes them smart enough to figure out that it wouldn't be good for them, or that they couldn't afford it, or that they don't want thevileone's administration to have all of their personal information and know absolutely everything about them, or whatever! If they're smart enough to NOT sign up for it, they're smarter than I gave SOME of them (those who love Jersey Shore, for instance) credit for. In all of this, the msm is, of course, helping hide the truth. Journalism is not what it used to be; at least, not in the "msm". For the alternative media, it's close to what it SHOULD be. Let us rely more on the alternatives than on the traditional msm because they're more trustworthy. January 14, 2014   A good reason to NOT use marijuana. Personally, I would never use marijuana because I've seen folks who do use it. They're dull. They're slow. They're anxious to get another joint. If that's not signature enough of addiction, what is? When I was a teen we had for a short time three male neighbors who were roommates. One worked at a bar as a bouncer until late into the night. He would come home and smoke a joint and listen to his music -- and we would listen to the music because he cranked it up and we could smell his marijuana and it stunk. Even as a teen, I saw the dimwittedness of the bouncer and knew that it was from his nightly use of marijuana. Hating the smell and knowing that it was something that dulled the brain and slowed thinking I chose then to never try it. I have never tried marijuana. I never shall. It's not something that interests me, although I'm a child of the 70s, it shall never be used by me. Every study that says that there is no harm in marijuana I bet was funded by those who have a vested interest in marijuana production and sales. If it weren't harmful and dangerous why advertise not to drive stoned? Hello? Yet CO legislators decided it was "safe". They complain about drunk driving then make it possible for more people to drive impaired. I'm not sorry, but I don't see the sense in that. Do you? January 14, 2014   Under thevileone America's economic freedom has dropped; so much so that we are no longer on the TOP TEN list. Estonia is ABOVE US on the list! The reason: "The U.S. and the U.K, historically champions of free enterprise, have suffered the most pronounced declines. Both countries now fall in the 'mostly free' category."To me, that speaks volumes: ALL BAD. January 14, 2014   An amazing histoic moment for CNN. January 14, 2014   This is disgusting. How can they even think of spending that much considering what a mess thevileone has made of America and how strapped and unemployed most Americans are? How can they do this? Heartless gutter snipes. January 14, 2014   Don't hate people for their skin color. That's: 1) Something they cannot help, change or had anything to do with. 2) Not important because we're all HUMANS and we're all the same inside and 3) In the eyes of GOD, we are ALL HIS CHILDREN and HE LOVES US ALL so hating someone because of their skintone is wrong in His eyes. If you're going to dislike someone do so over what they have control over: their actions and words. If they support turning America into a Communist country, hate that! If they're trying to make pedophilia the norm, hate that! But do not HATE THE PERSON, hate their ACTIONS and WORDS. I can't think of a single person I hate: not even thevileone. I hate what he believes in, stands for, wants to do to America. I hate that with a passion. For him, personally, he's an idiot, yes, but he's GOD's child, too. He's deluded, mislead, a liar-and-a-half, but he's GOD's creation just as I and hating him -- wishing him dead and in hell -- is beyond my pay grade. Can I mock him, disdain him, put the truth to his lies? Yes. That's allowed. After all, Christ mocked the Pharisees and others in Matthew 23, and I am to follow His example, so that's allowed. But the other is not. January 14, 2014   hillclintoon's Iowa dream may not be secure. Let's hope that she has no traction whatsoever and that the continuation of this dumborat nightmare is declined as a TRUE CONSERVATIVE is elected. And, speaking of elections, have you checked the Brevard Supervisor of Elections' Qualified Candidates page recently? Do so on a regular basis. Then know when you are supposed to be at the polls to vote FOR the candidate of your choice, or AGAINST the candidate you don't want in. However you choose to do it, get out there and VOTE (for the TRUE CONSERVATIVE, that is!). January 14, 2014   Want to prevent this sort of thing? Do what I do. I put two layers of opaque paper over my built-in computer camera and taped them in place. Even if they hack in, they can't see anything. If they can hack into the camera, they can hack into the computer to turn the camera on but if they do so on my computer they'll see paper, only paper. Low tech works! January 14, 2014   EPA got their budget restored and can still control "carbon emmissions". In other words, they're still able to push the Hamsters' "Global Warming" lie. Hamsters use this as a hammer to pound on us and keep us under CONTROL. That's all it's about: CONTROL. January 14, 2014   I think I'll stop there for now. I have other things to do today and I want to get that started. I have a gift to make for a friend and I'll work on that today. Until next time, See ya'! January 13, 2014: 11:48 a.m.   I can't promise how many blurbs I'll get done today. Something's going on with my HTML program and as I worked on it early this morning it acted up and it just crashed again. Sigh. Sometimes I really love computers and sometimes that brick wall comes back into my mind. Although, admittedly, I don't believe this problem is the computer, it's the program in the computer. Part of the problem last night I believe was that my ISP was doing maintenance and my updates were not showing up on my site. I checked it as I got online and my updates were there. So that was good, but now my program is doing its goofy thing. I think they coordinate this, don't you think? Well, if it's going to act up, I'm going to post my Minion Monday: Hank Tries a New Look: Tattoo, Too! pic. That way you can at least get a smile out of it. Now let's see what else I can get done. January 13, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: Now that thevileone has screwed up his program, WE are going to be stuck with bailing it out. Isn't that special? Mess us over by making our health insurance get cancelled, doctors close their practices, hospitals fire people, the "substitute" doesn't work worth beans and now WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR HIS SCREW-UP. Being a dictator sure is nice. You never have to answer to the people for anything you do. All you do is say "Okay. THEY'LL PAY FOR IT." Then he sticks his nose in the air and goes and plays golf. Sweet! Oregon's healthcareTAX website still isn't working, and the Spanish language one is written in "Spanglish". Classy. Just classy. January 13, 2014   JW & True the Vote make Ohio toe the election law line! Really good news! It's time we make our elections honest again and make our elections above reproach. All the cheating thevileone orchestrated to get ACORNed into office shall not stand! We shall have elections with INTEGRITY again! January 13, 2014   Triple A says this New Year's day had highest gas prices ever. Not a surprise to me since we went to Myrtle Beach, SC, that day for my hubby's immediate family's family reunion. We had a great time, but gas prices were ridiculous. Thanks, thevileone! January 13, 2014   Another BIG WASTE OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS. Seriously. They paid money to do this: "A taxpayer-funded study has determined that racism may accelerate aging in African-American men, especially in those who have experienced 'high levels of discrimination' and those who 'internalized anti-Black attitudes.'"Haven't they wasted enough of our money? The answer is apparently, "Nope." January 13, 2014   Hmmmm... If other people weren't effected by this, I'd laugh. January 13, 2014   thevileone's buddies release Al Qaeda terrorist. Anything to help Islam. That's one of thevileone's goals. Christian my backside. January 13, 2014   Sheila Jackson Lee makes a fool of herself again. I think it's her favorite hobby. January 13, 2014   Have you ever noticed that I only cover actors/actresses/Hollyweird when it's something that interests me -- usually political? I don't do "awards" shows or info unless they do something really stupid and I think you need to know about it. One reason is because with the ridiculous number of American film awards out there (just check those in the United States) if I covered Hollyweird for anything but the politically interesting I'd have a website more like People Magazine®. There was another show just the other day (Saturday? I don't know since I don't watch them or give a flip about who gets what.) and there seems to have been a few interesting bits, but really, who cares? It's Hollyweird. It's people who have to award themselves daily in order to feel like their lives mean anything. If they need accolades all the time they probably also need Jesus because He's the One who will help them feel good about themselves even if no one is clapping. Must be sad living in that world of Hollyweird. All of the divorces, the fitting in, the expenses of the hangers on, it must be sad. January 13, 2014   Well, DUH! That's no shocker. January 13, 2014   scotUS to decide if thevileone's "recess" appointments were legal. The catch is that thevileone appointed folks while the Senate was NOT in recess. He just defied the law and DICTATED that it happen. Dictators do that. The question now is will thevileone use whatever he has on john roberts in order to get his own way here, will thevileone let the chips fall where they may believing that the appointment is already made and has been in effect for years thus will be allowed to stand but "don't do it again" handslap, or will they try to use something on one of the other justices in order to get their own way? Which of the three? I say handslap. January 13, 2014   waxman challenger a new age guru. Sounds to me like a female version of waxman would be just as bad as keeping waxman. Don't vote for either of them: vote for a TRUE CONSERVATIVE. That's the right thing to do. January 13, 2014   CT has Common Core problems. Any state that has gone into it has Common Core problems. Why one state doesn't learn from another state's problems I have no idea, but they seem incapable. Florida's Governor, Rick Scott may be reassessing his support of the crappy program. Let us pray that he chooses to shut down Common Core completely (the FL Republican Party voted to oppose it, so that may help). since Common Core is nothing but Common Crap. January 13, 2014   NSFW: $175 MILLION OVER-payment on... Well, read about it. We're WASTING taxpayer dollars on this? Yep. Amazing. If women want us out of their wombs, don't you think we should also be out of this? Or is this gender discrimination again? January 13, 2014   thevileone to have "year of action" on economy. Watch out, folks. Anything he touches falls apart! He won't stop at the first failure, either. He makes sure he keeps focusing on it until the whole thing is absolutely destroyed. Have a fallback plan? January 13, 2014   The Pope and I finally agree on something. January 13, 2014   harry reid (who else?) blocks vote on sanctions against Iran. He kisses the backside but thevileone still isn't well pleased. The obeisance was not good enough. thevileone just wants Iran to have nuclear weapons and dumborats were not acting quickly enough, or correctly enough for him. It's all HIS way or nothing. Dictatorships work that way. What's next: "Off with their heads!"? January 13, 2014   Grand Old Progressives (GOP) vow to do whatever it takes to keep TRUE CONSERVATIVES out. They like POWER and don't want to have theirs diminished. They've rubbed elbows (and wallets) with the rich and famous for so long that they've grown accustomed to their places and they don't want to let it go. Kissing butt is apparently addictive. January 13, 2014   Ted Turner and feminazis support China's abortion practices happening IN AMERICA. They are repugnant and vile. Anyone who thinks that aborting a child is a good thing is WRONG. Anyone who supports aborting a FORCED abortion is a mentally sick creature, no longer human. Anyone who thinks that a child is a blob of tissue, or an "unviable fetal mass" is ignorant and stupid. Babies are babies from the moment they are conceived. They're precious in the eyes of GOD and they should be precious to each of us as well. January 13, 2014   I'm going to stop there for now. My cat just tried to jump up to something she doesn't usually get on. Problem: it has Christmas stuff on it still and she knocked stuff off and broke them. I have to go clean up Santa Claus. Until next time, See ya'! January 13, 2014: 1:39 a.m.   Wow! Second earthquake off east coast in a week! This one's north of Puerto Rico (where I spent three years as a kid). This one's a 6.4 and it's difficult to imagine earthquakes here considering that I lived for six years in CA and we had them there, too. What's going to happen next? Have water, food, etc., for a week? May want to stock up. January 13, 2014   Where is the First Amendment here? Being put in JAIL because of your blog? "Mr. Shuler, 57, was arrested in late October on a contempt charge in connection with a defamation lawsuit filed by the son of a former governor. The circumstances surrounding that arrest, including a judge’s order that many legal experts described as unconstitutional and behavior by Mr. Shuler that some of the same experts described as self-defeating posturing, have made for an exceptionally messy test of constitutional law. [my italics]"And so it starts. January 13, 2014   Clock turning back? Has she checked the mirror lately? It ain't working. (My bad.) January 13, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: It may get sick of itself? (A slight play on words, but...) Friend of thevileone gets a big job. Raise your hand if you're surprised. This thing is soooooo screwed up.... Only a truly incompetent group of people could have put this thing together. OR someone put it together this way so that it WOULD fail. Which is it? It really doesn't matter. The truth is that it is bad either way and that this was something that the scotUS should have NEVER approved of but thanks to whatever they have on roberts... It's all part of destroying America, folks. That's the goal. That has always been the goal. It continues to be the goal. For as long as thevileone is in public office anywhere -- or as long as any of his cohorts are in public office (hillclintoon, etc.) -- that shall remain the goal. Learn that and FIGHT BACK. Add to all of this the fact that health insurance companies are NOT getting payments from those who allegedly signed up and you get an even bigger problem. But, that's okay. It was supposed to be that way. January 13, 2014   Aaaahhhh..... public schools. NSFW or CHIDLREN: NY Common Core website sent students to RAUNCHY SEX QUIZ. Another good reason to completely shut down Common Core. January 13, 2014   The fact that this man still has ANY credibility at all is a shame and should be an embarrassment to the Republican Party. He needs to go. He needs to retire, live without having any influence over any allegedly pro-American, Conservative political party whatsoever. Rove is a progressive and should be a pariah as an advisor. He is wrong on almost every issue (I don't know his stance on abortion) and his advice should be totally ignored. In fact, in most things, do the exact opposite! Janury 13, 2014   Legalized marijuana shops in CO "likely targets". I'm sorry to have to say this but, "Well, DUH!" I've actually had a Disqus "disqussion" with a pro-legalization idiot who was saying that marijuana shops were not targets of crime. When I proved the guy wrong with links to stories of the shops in CA being robbed -- at gunpoint sometimes -- the guy still couldn't admit that potshops were targets of the bad guys. He also could not admit that smoking marijuana is bad for you (it kills brain cells, can lead to harder drugs, may be connected to lung cancer, etc.) although I linked to and quoted from stories that proved what I was saying. For him to have admitted that he was wrong in any way, shape, or form was impossible. I've found that most folks who support the legalization of marijuana are that way. Dead brain cells will do that to you. January 13, 2014   Apparently GM getting loads of TAXPAYER DOLLARS still can't make them build reliable trucks. Fires? Really? Sweet! (*sarcasm.*) January 13, 2014   mccain't is CENSURED by his constituents. I can think of about 14 other Republicans who need to have the same thing done to them. I think almost every dumborat should be censured, too, but by America as a whole, not just the folks who get to vote for them! January 13, 2014   Libertarianism rising? As you may have guessed by my comments on marijuana above I am not a Libertarian. Their party's platform is for legalizing drug use (see 1.2: Personal Privacy) and I am not for that. Also, they take a pro-abortion stance by being too weak to stand against it, but also too cowardly to stand for it "1.4 AbortionTherefore, I can NEVER support that party. January 11, 2014: 3:29 p.m.   Just a few blurbs on things I found that I thought you'd like to know. Let's start with the lies of maryl streep about Walt Disney. Yeah, streep lied about Disney but the msm won't call her on it because, well, she is meryl streep. Why anyone thinks that's special I have no idea. She's a rich lying moron, no big deal. January 11, 2014   LOL! That's very telling. I was on Facebook for about a year and didn't do much on it. I was on Twitter about six months and didn't do much on it, either. Maybe this article explains why: I'm not a narcissist. January 11, 2014   Justina Pelletier to be moved to a different facility. This is the girl who Boston Children's Hospital has held hostage for almost a year, taking custody of her and changing her diagnosis and making her health deteriorate after changing her treatment. I hope that the Boston Children's Hospital gets sued and loses so big; and that the doctor who was behind all of this loses her medical license! I hope and pray that the parents soon get their little girl returned to their care and that they will get her health straightened out by treating her again for what she was diagnosed as having: Mitochondrial Disease. This whole story is ridiculous and disturbing and a true example of what happens when the State oversteps its boundaries and chooses to be thugs and tyrants! January 11, 2014   Neiman-Marcus customers' credit cards hacked and Target says the number of victims is now 70 MILLION. This is something that is going to be more and more prevalent and if the stores aren't going to do everything necessary to be able to safeguard their customers' information then it's going to be up to us to either use cash or use a service like Lifelock.com. The problem I have with a service is that if they get hacked, they have everything that's important to us -- SSNs, credit card info, bank account info, etc. -- and that could be a disaster. I am wondering if I should choose just plain cash for everything. It's probably now the safest choice. January 11, 2014   Another thevileone appointee that is going to be BAD FOR AMERICA. Show me a man's appointees and I'll show you who the man is. thevileone hates America and all of his appointees prove it. January 11, 2014   Can you tell it's an election year? It really is becoming so very obvious that dumborats are running scared. But don't trust them. Soon enough we'll be paying out the nose again. And they're still going to play politics with the budget no matter what they do to try to seem more "moderate" and "fiscally conservative" in the meantime. Never trust dumborat leaders. Never. January 11, 2014   "Lone Survivor" is a big hit! People want to see the truth. It's raking in the dough: $14.782 MILLION! While I endorse the movie, I will not see it until the DVD comes out that has all of the "F" words bleeped out. I know that cuts the dialogue in half, but I can't abide the "F" word in anything, casual conversation or a movie, so paying to hear it would be anathema to me. Parents, don't take your kids to see this movie unless you want them going home with a deranged vocabulary. The violence does not bother me: it is a war movie and war is not nice, pattycake, nor arm wrestling. It's blood and guts and torture and death. It's not nice and it's not supposed to be. So that doesn't bother me considering it's a reality movie. I think people do worse to each other on a daily basis and that's not shown in most movies so no big deal. Don't take your kids to see it. No one under 21 (or IMHO, 30) should see this movie. I do wish it continued success. January 11, 2014   University of Florida sued over their anti-gun policy. Good! Just because people are on campus that doesn't mean they forfeit the right to defend themselves. January 11, 2014   I'll close with that because I hear the sounds of my husband starting the process of taking down our Christmas trees. Of all the things I have to do in life, taking down the Christmas decorations is one of those I hate the most. I love how my house looks when it's all decorated for Christmas and I get sad when I have to take it down. So until Monday, unless something tickles my fancy prior, See ya'! January 10, 2014: 11:12 a.m.   WSJ: christie vs thevileone: christie's is jaywalking. Perspective. January 10, 2014   Michelle Malkin has a timely warning. Just because a name has "Republican" or "Conservative" in it, that does NOT mean that they actually ARE "Republican" or "Conservative". People lie. Ask thevileone. January 10, 2014   thevileone's ways have put way too many Americans out of work.
The U6 number is actually 13.1 for December 2013 thanks to Christmas seasonal
employment. Remember,
for every job added, FIVE PEOPLE LEFT the work force.
Yep. Their lips are moving when it comes to the msm reporting employment numbers.
The msm hyped other numbers
although the truth was totally different:
January 10, 2014   LOL! thevileone has told more lies than there are sand particles on the world's beaches. I think the latest promises are a campaign promise for his third term. January 10, 2014   My guess: Duck Dynasty will win. I love Duck Dynasty and I can hear some of you now, "Of course she does! She's a hater anyways, always has been." Oh, bite me. January 10, 2014   Woman who released thevileone's "birth certificate" DIES IN PLANE CRASH. Shades of clintoon's RON BROWN. Similar/Same? Something very fishy here. January 10, 2014   Cruz: thevileone "dangerous and terrifying". Hit the nail on the head. January 10, 2014   Bosses more likely to be Republican, according to study. Maybe that's because there are more dumborats living on the government teat, living on government grants and those sorts of things than there are Republicans. The study actually said they are also more likely to be Conservative. Conservatives work harder, longer and are smarter than liberals so that's part of it. January 10, 2014   Young veterans committing suicide in record numbers. Please, if you're a veteran and you feel depressed, suicidal, alone, don't go that route. Get help. Reach out. Contact me and I'll try to find someone to help you, or contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, or contact a church of your chosen denomination. Don't take your own life. We need you to live and to thrive and America appreciates your service. Thank you so much for your service and for your dedication and for all you've done for us. We do appreciate it. Please, reach out for help. Don't think you don't matter, YOU DO. January 10, 2014   This number scares liberals/progressives/lefties/thevileone. That's why they're pushing harder for gun control. As you know my version of gun control is firm grip, acquire target, sight alignment, smooth trigger pull, controlling recoil, repeat if necessary. That's gun control. And I'm pretty darn good at it. January 10, 2014   Target info breach bigger than first thought. I have never spent a dime at Target because I like to spend my money where my mouth is and Target hasn't supported anything I believe in so I don't support them. Now I am very glad that I stand on principle and that it's worked out to my good. I like to do my research about the companies I like to do business with and I don't think that I'll ever shop Target unless and until they change their corporate ways. January 10, 2014   It's against fed law to turn away a service dog and his/her owner. Even if you are a restaurant service dogs have to be allowed in because they perform a legitimate, legally recognized service for their owners. This restaurant should get no veteran/military business whatsoever until they apologize and change their policies and attitudes. January 10, 2014   Rock and hard place? NY hospitals put there. "Medical marijuana", IMHO, is a farce. There have been plenty of studies that it does no medical good for anything humans go through: not glaucoma, nor Parkinsons, nor anything else that is claimed to be a medical reason for use. It's just an excuse to allow it and not jam the jail system with people arrested for pot use. Problem is, if we legalize marijuana in order to prevent so many arrests, what else will we legalize for the same reasons? There are consequences for this. When people choose to make wrong right, there are always consequences. January 10, 2014   Bitcoin: What do you think? I have looked into Bitcoins and I just don't know what to think of them. Instinct tells me not to get involved with them because they are so unknown and volatile. It also tells me that it could be a really bad thing: could be. When I get curious about things and have a really bad feeling about them when I look into that thing I think I should share that info with you. Bitcoin.org is where you'll find the founding organization. Look into it if you're curious, but remember it is nothing guaranteed (not that our money is any better, thanks to thevileone), and it rises and falls on the whims of those who own it. Your $1,000 investment today could be worth $20 tomorrow, or vice versa. They're hard to find, hard to figure out and hard to predict, but if you want to get one or some, just remember: I warned you. January 10, 2014   Aaaahhhhh...public schools. Twitter 101, Facebook, too? Teach the kids "social media" instead of math, reading, writing and history. What a waste of NJ taxpayer dollars. January 10, 2014   "War on poverty" actually NOT HELPING. In fact, the war on poverty as "fought" by the left is actually hurting the black population that it was allegedly setup to help. Is anyone surprised? January 10, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Did you know there are hidden fees inside this garbage? Yep. They're being discovered now and they're finding out that thevileone's healthcareTAX will cost you even more than first said. Shock. Surprise. There are all kinds of problems with the paperwork and healthcare jobs are being slashed so even if you want to join this crud, you may not have doctors or nurses to help you. Of course, thevileone doesn't want transparency law for this disaster to be passed. He has things to hide and he is against anything that will prevent him from doing so. For those who signed up it's time to pay their first premium and if they can do so, I'll be surprised considering how incompetent the system is. For instance, finding out it doesn't cover your children can be a big shock when you are trying to get them coverage in the first place. Oh, and msnbc is saying that there's a threat to thevileone's healthcareTAX: the Little Sisters of the Poor. Nuns, whodathunkit? (LOL!) Only thevileone can screw things up this badly. January 10, 2014   Social [IN]Security tells 81 yr.-old he's dead and it happens more often than you may think. Yep. Competence runs rampant in this administration. It just overflows. January 10, 2014   I'll close with that good news. I posted the link to my Flag Friday pic in a blurb but I'll post it again just in case any veterans missed it. Until next time, See ya'! January 9, 2014: 7:37 p.m.   Needelman case moved to Seminole Co. Lucky break? Or will the truth still matter there? January 9, 2014: 5:57 p.m.   Late start today. Sorry about that. I'll get started with the chris christie kerfuffle. Yeah. It's a mess. I think that if he didn't know he's allowing his folks way too much leeway. If he did know, it shows how vindictive he is and he is NOT presidential material because we already have a vindictive idiot in office and we know how bad things are now. Do we really want another vindictive idiot in the oval office? bonehead boehner says christie's still a contender. Shows how stupid bonehead is. There is a lot more to this story: at least one person died while backed up in the traffic (although no one can swear that the person wouldn't have died anyways) and at least a few others in ambulances were delayed en route to the hospital, and other issues. But this is the sort of thing that pogressive politics come down to. It's all about CONTROL and POWER and their exercise of it over the rest of us. In the way? No problem. Progressives will do whatever it takes to solve that problem. Ask billyboyclintoon and all the suspicious deaths around him. January 9, 2014   Food stamp fraud not being prevented nor prosecuted. Doesn't that tell you something? Fraud, waste, abuse have thrived and flourished under thevileone's administration because that is what it takes to keep his numbers as high as they are (although not very good; they'd be lower without this waste). It also speaks volumes about what his priorities are, n'est-ce pas? January 9, 2014   New Fed Reserve head: Will she be as bad for us as the person who appointed her? (In case you didn't know that person is thevileone.) January 9, 2014   Jeff Jacoby's son missing. He hasn't been seen by his family since Monday. Jeff Jacoby, you may recall, was the journalist who had to apologize in 2000 for plagiarizing Rush Limbaugh's grandfather's article about the Founding Fathers. As a conservative columnist he was probably punished more severely than any libs would have been. Our hopes and prayers are with that family and I hope that Caleb comes to no harm. January 9, 2014   VA court hits free speech. Online service/product reviews made anonymously now a no-no? January 9, 2014   eric holder needs to go to prison for the rest of his life. He has done so much that is wrong and illegal and he refuses to answer to no one. Where is the person with enough spine to arrest him? January 9, 2014   Common Core is bad, folks. We need to make sure that it doesn't take hold; NY is delaying it. It is BAD for your children. It is BAD for America's future. It is going to dumb the children down to such an extent that they won't even know there IS a U.S. Constitution, much less care about the protections it used to afford us. January 9, 2014   Did you know there's a fatal pig virus in 22 states? Yep. Take precautions, folks. Keep a small package of those antibacterial hand wipes with you and use them after touching things or shaking hands. Do it because there's also deadly bird flu in America and the regular flu. It's illness and disease time, so take precautions. January 9, 2014   Donor to thevileone heading investigation into IRS targeting. Tells you something about how much they want the truth to come out does it not? This is absurd, but in the age of thevileone absurd is the norm. BTW, it was eric holder who chose the person to do the "investigation". Where are the handcuffs for him? January 9, 2014   Amnesty is BAD FOR AMERICA but thevileone doesn't care. He wants the votes. Question: Does he want those votes so that he can stay in an additional __ number of years? Is he planning his dictatorial move to stay in office? No harm in asking. January 9, 2014   thevileone is responsible for 74% of troop casualties. He ordered the troop increase and 74% of the American troop deaths in Afghanistan have occurred since then. He's a murderer. He said he would bring our troops HOME. Were his lips moving? January 9, 2014   Feds -- eric holder -- trying to prevent Larry Klayman's day in court against them. holder doesn't want to go to court because he knows that what he's been doing is wrong. It's not that "wrong" matters to him; it is that he doesn't want to be ordered to STOP doing wrong. He's an officer of the court, being part of a bar association somewhere (where, who knows?) so he'd be in contempt of court and face disbarment if the court ordered him to stop. This is why he's fighting so hard to continue to spy on you and to gather info on you. January 9, 2014   FL is expanding the "Stand Your Ground" law. Now you won't go to jail for firing a warning shot. That's a good thing. We have the GOD-given right to defend ourselves. January 9, 2014   Wow. What a discovery. I'd have been tempted to keep them, but I think the Sheriff made a good move. It must have been a hard choice, though. January 9, 2014   Did you feel this? There was an earthquake in Florida! January 9, 2014   Pray for the safety of our Olympians. Sochi is in a month but Russia hasn't gotten things safe and secure for anyone yet. Pray for their safety. January 9, 2014   This isn't just sad, it's wrong. Our veterans should NOT have to live like this. January 9, 2014   Three things to end with that will take away a little stress from the day: 1) Spiritual people are less stressed. So if you want to relax some, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 2) Then, a watch a polar bear cub's first steps (turn the volume up). And, 3) I didn't want you to miss this. Niagra Falls frozen over is a beautiful sight. Until next time, See ya'! January 8, 2014: 10:11 a.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned. I have to run errands, too, so I have to get out of here early. I'll get started. January 8, 2014   Throwing the book at thevileone sounds like fun. The author says Pollitics was more important than people's lives to this administration. Shock. Surprise. January 8, 2014   holder says "Stop targeting minorities" in classrooms. He sees racism everywhere he looks. I bet he dreams of racism; fantasizes about prosecuting every white person for some sort of racism and gets his jollies that way. January 8, 2014   thevileone chooses cop killer to head Do[IN]J "Civil Rights" division. So is anyone surprised that he chose a cop killer for the Do[IN[J? No? Didn't think so. January 8, 2014   Is bonehead boehner guilty of something? "Is John Boehner dodging a legitimate, thorough and coordinated investigation of the Benghazi terrorist attack because it will damage his political position as House Speaker? Or, is he passive and inactive because he got briefed on the intelligence and special operations in Libya as a member of the 'Super 8?' In that case he likely possesses 'guilty knowledge.'"Just asking. January 8, 2014   LOL! Hamsters on ice. Too good. January 8, 2014   Possible terrorist arrested in OH? Forty-eight explosives found inside vehicle makes me go "Hmmm..." January 8, 2014   soros supports destroying America and internet gambling. Nice guy. (*sarcasm.*) January 8, 2014   It's really bad when cops go bad. It really speaks volumes when cops decide that the laws they are supposed to enforce are the things they decide don't apply to them. That, to me, says a lot about who we have to worry about, too. January 8, 2014   Since when does the federal government have a say in a business's name? Where is freedom in that? What about the rights of the owners, the fans' support, support of the American Indians and the general idea of this being America? What happened to that? January 8, 2014   thevileone creates 50 year poverty high. I've said for a long time that he wants to destroy America and every day he proves me correct. January 8, 2014   Statue to satan? That's just WRONG. January 8, 2014   "Knockout" ASSAULTS still happening. I'll no longer call this the "knockout game" because it's NOT a game; it's ASSAULT. Legally defined it is ASSAULT. Let us not call it a game because no matter what the perps think, it's an ASSAULT on an innocent victim who, most often, has no opportunity to defend themselves nor fight back. If we continue to water down what these gangsters are doing it will contiue to be considered "no big deal" because, after all, it's "just a game". No. It is ASSAULT. It is NOT a game. It is illegal. It is immoral. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I wish the msm would follow my lead and stop calling it a "game" also. Think of it this way: when an adult male rapes a little boy (or girl) it's now called "molestation". A molestation used to be when someone touched you without consent or your desire. Raping a child is RAPE but it's been "prettified" by calling it "molestation" and that makes it not such a bad thing. This is why pedophiles get such light sentences because we have made their crime "nicer" via the word we call it. Same thing applies to the "knockout" ASSAULTS. We call it a game and no one should be jailed for just playing a "game". Words mean things. This is not a "game"; it is ASSAULT and if they're thinking it's a "game" they're prosecutably wrong. Everyone who tries this should be arrested and jailed for at least a year. January 8, 2014   I agree: Amnesty pushers don't care about Americans. They care about getting more dumborat votes. That's all it is. January 8, 2014   I shall close with that for now. Until next time, See ya'! (BTW, Vince, when are you going to start your website up again?) January 7, 2014: 12:13 p.m.   "Global Warming" caused this. Are you cold enough? I'm a happy camper. I love - LOVE - cold weather. I prefer this to stepping outside and turning into a drip because it's so hot and humid. This is a piece of cake: delicious, yummy, fun, decorated with sparkles. Love it! January 7, 2014   IL residents rather carry a gun than sign up for thevileone's healthcareTAX. Smart folks out there in IL. Actually, it's happening all over America. I think this is a true indicator of how little we trust our government. We don't trust our federal government, nor do we trust our state or local governments to keep the feds off our backs and out of our business. That proves that we are ready to start standing up for ourselves because our elected officials are AGAINST us, or at the very least, NOT FOR us. They're for POWER and CONTROL just like the feds. Protect yourselves. Do what's right for your family. If that means buying a gun, buy a gun. Learn how to use it properly. Learn the rules and laws. Then realize that it's a big responsibility and that you have to think through what situations would make you draw that gun. What would it take to make you lay a hand on that weapon with the intent to use it? If there is nothing that would do so, don't bother buying a gun. If, on the other hand, you would prefer to protect yourselves rather than wait the ten minutes it will take for the cops to get there, then buying a gun is a real option. Think it over before you spend the money. I do advocate self-protection. I do advocate learning how to handle any weapon you own. I do advocate thinking. Don't be naive enough to think that you can rely on the government to do the right thing 100% of the time. They will not (thevileone is in office and you know all the bad he's done) and there are those within the government who do not want to do the right thing (pelosipig, napolitano, holder, thevileone, needelman, reid, etc., etc., etc.). You must be prepared to either be a subject of the dictator or a Citizen of America. It's your choice. January 7, 2014   Government checkpoints gathering "voluntary" DNA via local police. They stop you at a "checkpoint" (sound like East Germany, anyone?) and they say that you can give saliva and blood but you don't have to. Well, they have uniformed COPS there and the cops are under the direction of the federal government and who is going to argue when they have GUNS? Hmmm? This is a Communist tactic. This is WRONG. It's unconstitutional and it's going to bad for YOU if you participate because they'll have a "voluntary" -- offered up by you without a court order, without anyone "threatening" you -- DNA sample and they can use that DNA for whatever they want. Remember the defense tactic O.J. Simpson's attorneys used: "planted evidence"? Yeah. They'll have your DNA. What can they do with that? January 7, 2014   Religion of "Peace and Tolerance" writes constitution TARGETING CHRISTIANS. So peaceful to write it into the constitution and make sure that Christians, because of their religion, will not even be considered full citizens. Yep. That's so very tolerant. So peaceful and tolerant that they use little kids as suicide bombers instead of manning up and doing it themselves. They're COWARDS to use children as their killers. If they truly believed what their religion teaches, they'd WANT to do the suicide bombings themselves because dying as a martyr is the only way to even come close to assuring yourself a place in Islam's heaven. IF they beleived their alleged religion, they'd WANT to get their assurance (as close as Islam comes) to heaven. Without dying a martyr you have no promises, you can't work hard enough, you can't please their god enough to get to heaven. Even Muhammed didn't know if he was going to heaven, so what hope do they have? If they believed, truly believed, they'd be killing themselves instead of their children, sisters, brothers. Anyone who uses children instead of being the suicide bomber themselves is a faithless liar. January 7, 2014   Own a new car? The manufacturer tracks where you go. They can store that info and give it to the government whenever asked for it. Big Brother IS watching. January 7, 2014   Iran wants nuclear bomb to "keep Israel in its place". Okay, so now we know why they want the bomb. What we don't know -- or at least others will alledge we don't know it -- is why thevileone supports them getting the bomb. He gives support for Israel lip service when called upon for it, but reality is he hates Israel as much as he hates America. Muslims hate both countries and he proves with his actions time and time again that he is Muslim. This is part of the proof. January 7, 2014   Fracking threatens Saudi oil dominance. Frack! Frack! Frack! Frack here! Frack now! Frack! Frack! Frack! January 7, 2014   Buying votes 101: always give them more of the money that people who work are paying into the system so that they can spend more time taking from those of us who work. Isn't that the way it works? You have a job and work hard to pay your own bills and put food on your own table, keep yourself clothed (thank you) and to save a little for when you get to retire (if ever). But the government keeps taking more in one way or another and giving it to other people who won't -- for the most part -- work and they like being on the couch all day. They have iPads, iPhones, iPods, huge latest-greatest televisions on their walls, newer cars in their drives than you have and they complain that they're not getting enough from the government. You pay for their housing, phone, food, electricity, spending money, healthcare, gas and education. They still complain about not having enough. So maybe we should ALL quit working and go on federal assistance and see how thevileone deals with that. Serve him right since that's what he wants. January 7, 2014   CA could become as many as SIX states. I don't think that's a good thing. I do believe that people have the right to decide if they want to be part of the most ill-informed, most radically left, most liberal and idiotic state in the history of America (although there are a few other states that are close). However, I don't think that it will be a good thing for them to break up. I think that Conservatives should be more willing to step up and speak out. There should be a Conservative invasion of CA and there should be so many that they take it over and change it into what it should be. Just as liberals/lefties/progressives are trying to do to TX, Conservatives should do to CA. Turnabout is fair play, so they say. January 7, 2014   Feds issued 3,659 new laws in 2013. If you want to know every new rule and regulation you have to abide by, you'll have to take the time to read them all. Then, within those laws, are there other rules you have to live by as well? For instance, in thevileone's healthcareTAX, the thing itself is a LAW, but within that LAW are a bunch of new rules, regulations, compliance orders and at least one federal board that can issue new rules and regulations at any moment. Are you going to read them all, keep up with them all, obey them all? This is why I believe in SMALL government: the smaller the government, the fewer rules and regulations we have to abide by and the less intrusive into our very thoughts (hate speech is based upon how you're thinking and feeling). If you're for big government, you should be so very, very happy about this. You should be chomping at the bit to read all these things. So get busy and read them all. I'm sure I just made your day. January 7, 2014   scotUS's roberts refuses to put emergency stay on thevileone's healthcareTAX. What do they have on roberts that makes him kiss their butts so much and ignore the U.S. Constitution so vehemently when it comes to thevileone's healthcareTAX? What do they have on him? January 7, 2014   Hamsters seeking new Pied Piper. The wheel is still going around, but they're tired of staring at the same old butts. January 7, 2014   BENGHAZI: A REAL investigation is needed. The families of the dead DESERVE the TRUTH. They deserve to know what actually happened, who was involved and where thevileone was and what his actions -- and INactions were -- during the event. The TRUTH is needed here - the whole truth. January 7, 2014   7.3 BILLION Taxpayer dollars in unemployment overpayments in 2013 ALONE. The dumborats just voted in the Senate to increase unemployment payments by another three months? How much do they want to overpay in that three months? That's just ONE YEAR of overpayments: $7.3 BILLION. How on earth do they do that without it being intentional? January 7, 2014   dumborats try to silence Conservatives before election. They think that if they can use enough scary words regarding what we say that it is going to make others want us to be silenced, too. What I say to that: Thththththththththththththththth! (*raspberry*). Too bad. You don't get to silence me. Not going to happen. It's my RIGHT to speak and I will exercise that right. Go cry in your marijuana. January 7, 2014   Teachers need to learn that CHRIST IS ALLOWED in public schools. It is Constitution-based free speech to bring Christ into the public schools. The schools have no right to stop a pupil from doing so. The scotUS has ruled so, as have several federal courts and district courts. Teachers need to keep their biases OUT of schools and allow their students their GOD-given free speech and religious rights. January 7, 2014   thevileone's healthcareTAX: A new entitlement program started by this crud. Now we'll have even more of our money taken out of our paychecks. Isn't that special? Curious about how much things will cost? This chart will help you visualize it. Ouch. Remember how bad it is because they're doing the ol' "Squirrel!" routine and trying to paint the "rich" as the bad guys. Remember two things about that: 1) THEY ARE RICH so they don't really mean that the RICH are the bad guys; just the Conservative rich are the bad guys. 2) When was the last time you dreamed of being poor one day? Don't you want to be better off in the future than you are now? If they demonize what you want to be then why would you believe they'll support you being that? They don't want you to succeed. They want you poor. They want you on the government programs so that they can count on your votes. That's all this is about: CONTROL. January 7, 2014   I'll close with this for today: Surprising government programs costing you MEGABUCKS. $10.2 BILLION to be close to exact. Come on! Do we need to waste this money? Couldn't we be spending that money on our own families instead of giving it to the government? Let's get real. Until next time, See ya'! January 6, 2014: 12:00 p.m. First Posting of the New Year!   How about that? We've made it to another New Year without the world being annihilated. Amazing. No Hamsters' "Global Warming" predictions came true Even the "High Priest" of "Global Warming" is laying off people because there seems to be a lack of funding for belief in this nonsense. So they have to find a way to get the current weather situations to match their LIE. Thus, this cold snap allegedly -- according to the Hamsters -- due to "Global Warming". If this cold is due to WARMING, then high IQs are the result of STUPIDITY. Have you ever noticed how they change their story to match ANYTHING that is happening? Have you ever noticed how it's all OUR FAULT and because of US THEY have to have CONTROL because WE don't know how to do things THEIR way and save the planet. Don't you love their CONTROL efforts? January 6, 2014   thevileone TOPS the "10 Most CORRUPT Politicians for 2013 [my caps]" list. shock. surprise. January 6, 2014   clintoon appointee orders release of "terrorist facilitator". This is just ONE reason we need to think carefully about who we elect -- or allow to CHEAT their ways -- to public office. When they appoint the wrong folks to be judges and czars we all suffer the consequences. January 6, 2014   scotUS SHOCKS me: orders Utah homosexual "marriage" stopped for now. Yep. I'm all agape. I never expected that. I thought for certain that homosexual "marriage" would be A-Okay with them. Considering the healthcareTAX they came up with, after thevileone was saying that it's not a tax, not a tax, not a tax! The scotUS decided that it was a tax and that allowed thevileone's healthcareTAX to be put into effect. The scotUS doing something that could be considered "good" afterward? Totally unexpected. January 6, 2014   Ugh. All I can think of is: her "M.O." and her friends who went suddenly dead in incredible circumstances and all of the scandals surronding her and her "hard dog to keep on the porch". I really loathe the idea of having a continuation of thevileone's administration (which is what hillclintoon would be) in a skirt and a long history of mysterious deaths surrounding her. It's a scary thought to think of what America would look like after thevileone's eight years of Marxism and a continuation of that with hillclintoon's at least four years of Marxism (unless, like her husband, she gets impeached). I would really hate to see hillclintoon as prezidunce. It would destroy America completely. January 6, 2014   Understatement. Duh. DC is a "sick, dysfunctional" place? Well look at who is in control. Does that not tell everyone all they need to know? Hello? January 6, 2014   thevileone's healthcaretax: "Glitches" leave over 100,000 in the lurch? Well, competent is as competence does. Leadership is trickle down. When the leader is competent, he hires competent people and good things happen. When leadership is incompetent, this is the result. In CA, they've extended the payment deadline to Jan. 15th. Of course they did! A law? What's that? Oh, it's written down to make it unchangeable and enforceable? Nah. No one cares about that! thevileone can change the law anytime and any way HE wants. Dictators do that. With thevileone, it's "Have pen, will rule!" No one can stop him as long as he has a pen. Dictatorship is his fortè. To put the ridiculous to the idiocy, HHS, sebelius, pushes thevileone's healthcareTAX via cold weather. Any excuse, any reason, anything: get creative with ways to push OBEDIENCE. They know nobody wants this thing but the "government of the people, by the people, for the people" as the Founding Fathers laid our country's government out, is ignoring that very principle. They can't get anything right and now, the administration is being sued because of it. Sigh. Now we pay for that, too. Even though thevileone's healthcareTAX is responsible for 2/3 of governmment waste? Sweet! (Sarcasm.) But at least one person unintentionally speaks the truth about this unholy mess. January 6, 2014   While you eat PB & J, msthevileone continues the Hawaiian vacation that thevileone and the two girls returned from. I don't know if this was a "birthday present" for msthevileone or just another stick in the eye to America because now we have to AGAIN pay for an extra AF1 trip from DC to Hawaii and back, costing US even more to get her back. I think that's the truth of the matter: Dictators like to prove they can spend OUR money and this is just another example of them doing so. Remember when they vacation, BO, the dog, flies separately ON OUR DIME! Also remember, msthevileone's mother goes on our dime, too! So, while you eat frozen pizza for the second time this week as an affordable family meal, they eat at Morimoto's in Waikiki ON YOUR DIME! That includes the mom-in-law! Isn't that what you signed up for? January 6, 2014   Illegals want to break our laws and benefit from it no matter how they have to do so. "Victim" is the cry to keep from being sent home. Lying is okay nowadays because if thevileone and his whole administration can do it, then why can't they? If it is good enough for the prezidunce, why can't they do so too? January 6, 2014   The future of American goods? Raise taxes high enough to make it difficult to get things, or trace them with enough spyware or government red tape and a black market will inevidibly be created. There's no getting around that. Too bad progressives/libs/lefties are too ignorant to realize that. January 6, 2014   thevileone is putting our troops out there as sitting ducks. Sitting ducks while Al Qaeda has all the guns and ammo means that our troops are being presented as easy prey. This is WRONG! But it's thevileone and no one -- NO ONE! -- is surprised. Why our troops don't rebel against this dictator-in-chief, I have no idea! Add to that, the fact that, "the Afghan government will free an estimated 650 prisoners from a Bagram detention facility" and you have a real mess! Does thevileone care? Nope. January 6, 2014 &nbs $1 MILLION to promote Common Core in CT? I'd refuse to pay my taxes in CT until they stopped pushing that horrible program. It's ridiculous that this thing is still being installed into our schools. January 6, 2014   $3.35 MILLION of YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to "improve Aemenian media"? Why? Is someone on drugs? January 6, 2014   BENGHAZI: Al Qaeda, or NOT Al Qaeda? It's Al Qaeda, no matter what you hear. January 6, 2014   Another appointee who should NEVER have been appointed. But thevileone surrounds himself with those who hate America, just as he does, so we should not be surprised by another loser. January 6, 2014   LOL! Electric cars not bring in gas tax revenue so states are turning against them. It's also expensive to have them in the state because of "charging stations" being demanded at state expense. Didn't Rush predict this years ago? January 6, 2014   Just a quick note on my time away. I had a great time. We saw family that we hadn't seen in 22 years and I wouldn't have recognized them if I walked by them on the street, stood by them in line or sat beside them in a theater. I was amazed at how much some of us had changed. It was good to see everyone again and the event and venue were a great success! It was a fun time and the illustrator I met with is so very talented. I look forward to seeing how this works out. I did do a Minion Monday: Hank Goes Bowling pic during the family reunion. I think Hank enjoyed the party as much as did I. We even danced together. (*smiley face*) Until next time, See ya'! NOTE:   This is or may be a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39227, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate. NOTE:   This is a paid political campaign communication. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate. NOTE:   This is -- or used to be -- FREE SPEECH: First Amendment, U.S. Constitution PROTECTED! So if you don't like it, get lost! Read another site! Cry to your Mommy! Eat a brownie! Go bumm a cigarette from someone! Suck your thumb! Just don't whine to me! |
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