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PINNED:   March 18, 2025: 4:48 p.m.   There is a Special Election on April 1st and early voting has already started for it, but I wanted to get my endorsements in before regular voting. So I pin this to the top of the page so that you can easily find who I endorse. For Florida State Senate District 19 I endorse Mark Jon Lightner III because I love that he's a Christian Conservative who is a Brevard native and that he thinks that Debbie Mayfield and the incumbent here, Randy Fine, bouncing between offices and basically defying the term limits Floridians VOTED FOR, instead of obeying "We, the People" is not good for us. I agree with him. I think that the other candidates aren't going to have a prayer because one is getting all of the donations in support of him (Tim Thomas) from the real estate industry which makes him beholden to them and we know that that's not good. Marcie Adkins may be a Ph. D. but she ran in 2020 as well and she answered the question "Are you interested in running for a different political office (for example, the U.S. Congress or Governor) in the future?" She answered "No." But that was when she was running for the FL House in 2020, so she LIED because now she's running for the District 19 State Senate. The Incumbent, Randy Fine, did a similar thing as Mayfield: got around our term limits law and I don't think that an honest person would do that. I ENDORSE Mark J. Lightner III for Florida Senate District 19. For Florida State Representative District 32, it's difficult to find much information on the Republican candidates (goodness knows, I'm not going to endorse a demonRAT!). I ENDORSE Bob White for Florida State Representative District 32. Reasons: He is endorsed by people I respect. He has a great reading list of books that inform his ideas about what government should be, and I don't want Debbie Mayfield in there again. Vote for Bob White. So there are my April 1, 2025 endorsements for the Special Election. Please remember to do your own research and if you find something that you think could change my mind, please feel free to contact me with your suggestions. Be nice. I retain the right to PUBLISH ANY EMAIL I RECEIVE -- especially those that will make someone regret contacting me. I don't take kindly to attacks, nor do I tolerate fools. Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, bully or fool. It's free speech, First Amendment protected, so deal with it. March 24, 2025: 3:28 p.m.   Well, another day and another update. I have no idea when my hubby will be home since I believe that it was his launch that went up this afternoon, so I don't know if he's going to be home in five minutes, or two hours. So I'll get started. March 24, 2025   DemonRAT Violence:   Yet again, another demonRAT decides that the LAW doesn't apply to them; and yet again, idiot loudmouth, jasmine crockett has threatened physical violence against Republicans, specifically, Sen. Ted Cruz and Elon Musk. She is encouraging her "followers" (actually, those PAID by thevilegeorgesoros to do things) to not only destroy Tesla cars and dealerships, but to also to "You go clean off on [Ted Cruz]." That, legally, it's a CRIME to do this, but since when does the LEFT feel like they should obey the law? This has not gone unnoticed. "Attorney General Pam Bondi issued a stark warning to Crockett on Sunday, cautioning her to 'tread very carefully' after she called for Elon Musk to be 'taken down.'The LEFT HATES when Republicans -- or anyone NOT them -- are in power. They HATE it with a deep-purple-almost-black hatred. There is nothing they won't do to try to get and keep power. With power for them comes influence and money and that's their reason to live; well, that and killing babies. March 24, 2025   Baby-Killing LEFTIST:   A woman in pro-baby-killing Illinois (where babies in the womb are killed at the whim of the Mom no matter how old the baby is) was left with a perforated uterus, baby parts left inside her and a trip to the ER after her baby's killer said he had removed all the parts after tearing the baby apart while the baby was still ALIVE and at 22 weeks (5.5 MONTHS OLD -- the youngest premie to survive with medical intervention was born and survived at 17 weeks!) the baby's limbs and parts are very discernable and he LIED, this baby-killing "doctor" -- an OB/GYN (apparently, also a BUTCHER) -- practices based upon DEI and he travels to another state to do so. He does abortions in Illinois, but he lives in Ohio. So he goes where the abortion -- baby-killing -- laws are more lax so that he can be a butcher there and not have to worry about it too much? Class act. Remember, this "doctor", as I said, bases his treatment on DEI: "As a Queer identifying physician, I understand the barriers many LGBTQ patients face in accessing care. Equity Clinic is a uniquely designed family planning/abortion clinic in that we founded our organization on principles of equity and social justice. We provide family planning services including contraception and abortion services. Our staff are trained in anti-oppression activism and receive specific training on anti-heterosexism and anti-transphobia including appropriate language and humility. Our intake process and history forms are gender affirming/neutral. All our facilities are gender affirming/neutral."Sounds to me like his license needs to be yanked, but can I can't control that. Another question is if a DNA MALE came to him for an abortion would he go ahead with the procedure? (Just asking.) This is the kind of thing that makes people really PRO-LIFE because no one needs to do this to another human, unless they're sick masochists who really don't care about others. Agree? March 25, 2025   Deporting Illegal Alien Invaders:   Hurray! President Donald J. Trump has resumed deportation flights to Venezuela! I'm very glad about that. It's a good thing. Pres. Trump is deporting Venezuelan citizens back to Venezuela and the fascist in control there is not happy about it. He isn't stopping it, and has actually agreed to accept his people back, but he's not happy. Do we care? Not I, and apparently, nor do Pres. Trump or Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, who both pressured the fascist to cave and accept his citizens back. Remember: these are people who were born in Venezuela, to Venezuelan parents, and probably Venezuelan grandparents, making them Venezuelan citizens. They have NO RIGHT to be here in America if they crossed our border ILLEGALLY. It's a good thing. A very good thing. March 25, 2025   Saving Taxpayer $$$:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has been very good about keeping his promise to save taxpayer dollars. He and hsi team -- Elon Musk and DOGE to EPA Director Lee Zeldin and all the rest of his cabinet and team -- are saving US LOADS OF MONEY! The EPA: "The EPA has now cancelled over $22 billion worth of contracts — $2 billion going to this NGO that Stacey Abrams was tied to."I'm sorry, but I'm grinning ear to ear because of that. Can we do this more, please? March 25, 2025   LEFTIST "judge":   themuslimvileone nominated the most LEFTIST, most ANTI-Constitutional, most-radical "judges" he could find and probably instructed them to be even more radical and farther LEFT if ever a Republican got elected to the White House. This particular "judge", jeb boasberg, has ignored the U.S. Constitution, ignored EXISTING LAWS, and ignored right and wrong, and done whatever he thinks he can get away with in order to obey his masters: thevilegeorgesoros and themuslimvileone. Too bad he is breaking the law. He also is crossing lines national security-wise. He needs to be disbarred and put in prison, not allowed to continue wearing the black robe of omnitient power (as he apparently considers it). March 25, 2025   "judge" merchan:   So it looks like the whole trial against Pres. Donald J. Trump and the charge that he committed a crime by offering and paying Stormy Daniels a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and she accepted that agreement, signed it, and walked away with the money, was a TOTALLY ILLEGAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST PRES. TRUMP, coordinated by the "judge", the prosecutor and the alleged "witness" against Pres. Trump. This is called COLLUSION and it's ILLEGAL, but since when does that matter to the LEFT? SMH. BTW, why is it that the ONLY party involved in a TWO-PARTY AGREEMENT was Pres. Trump? Why wasn't Stormy Daniels charged with something, too? After all, she agreed to the whole thing and walked away much better off. If it's an agreement between two parties and they both benefitted, why is only one prosecuted? Because she wasn't Pres. Donald J. Trump and collusion wouldn't harm her. LEFTISTS do this to try to stay in power. I'm GLAD they have been losing so much lately! March 25, 2025   I'm going to stop with that for today. My hubby is on the way home. He'll be spending less time at work after his rocket went up today. Sigh. It'll be good to have him not working sixteen hour days. We can get some of our projects finished, instead of just small bits of progress. Happy Camper. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. March 21, 2025: 3:28 p.m.   Missed a few days due to life interfering. Sorry about that. When your sister calls to chat just when you're going to do website updates, you (naturally) talk to your sister. Or, when you can't sleep the night before, you want to get some sleep, so you do that. Sometimes, that's what happens and I do what I can. I'll get started. March 21, 2025   Judicial Activism:   This isn't the America that the Founding Fathers designed when "rogue judges" are interfering with the Executive branch of government. Our branches of government -- Judicial (SCOTUS, etc.), Legislative (House and Senate), and Executive (President Trump) -- were set up to be separate but equal, as in the judicial couldn't control the Executive, nor could the Legislative branch control the Judicial. They all have their distinct duties outlined within our Constitution. Apparently, though, the LEFTIST "judges" don't read the U.S. Constitution nor do they care what it says. They wear the black robes so they think they are in control. That's not the way it's supposed to work and President Trump is tiring of it. I hope there's something he can do to stop them, or maybe the allegedly "Republican-controlled" House will step up and do something to right the judicial wrongs that started the moment Pres. Trump was sworn into office. (Don't hold your breath, it's just a thought.) I don't know why the INSANE "judges" were approved by the legislative branch, but I wish they'd do what our Governor, Ron DeSantis, suggested yesterday: strip the radical LEFTISTS of their jurisdictions via House vote being attached to a "must pass bill" would ensure that it was passed and that would stop the nonsense they're doing. The LEFTIST "judges" don't want Pres. Donald J. Trump to do ANYTHING that would lessen the illegal alien invader future voting bloc because if Pres. Trump can deport these illegal alien invaders, then the LEFT won't be able to WIN elections via making all of these illegal alien invaders into citizens with the stroke of a pen, which is the plan. Is that what is best for America? I don't believe so and I think, nor do you. March 21, 2025   DOGE Finding Waste:   Well, yet another government agency has been found to have WASTED OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to "live like kings [my italics]". Elon Musk and DOGE shut it down. "'FMCS employees 'unblocked' their government credit cards to turn off typical abuse protections, then used them to apparently fund personal expenses and simply bill anything they’d like to the government. One employee leased a BMW; another (IT director James Donnen) billed the government for his wife’s cell phone, cable TV at both his home and his vacation home, and even his subscription to USA Today.And people actually complain about this kind of abuse being stopped by DOGE? How much do they actually ENJOY paying taxes if they want to keep this kind of FRAUD happening? Or is it just that they want a similar cushy, no-show, all expenses paid government "job", too? Is that what makes them hate DOGE: the dream of living the same way off of YOUR MONEY? March 21, 2025   Bwahahahahahaha!:   I admit, I'd pay to see this. I really would pay to see big mouth, tutu boy, tim walz, fight the guy who accepted his challenge. Yep. Tippy-toe-tim said he think he could "kick the [backsides]" of most trump supporters. So, a Trump supporter has accepted the challenge and wants to meet tippy-toe-tim in the ring for a charity event, offering up $10,000 for the privilege. Tennessee's Knox County Mayor, Glenn Jacobs, at 7 feet tall, 320 pounds said he'll step into the ring for tippy-toe-tim to prove his point and I would love to see it, but how much you want to bet tippy-toe-tim backs out? I think he's already wet his pants at least once when he heard the challenge. I doubt there are enough Depends® to soak up what would happen if someone accepted Glenn Jacobs' challenge on behalf of tippy-toe-tim. He'd be on the first plane he could find to a place without an extradition treaty with America if that happened; suitcase and carry-on both filled with Depends®. IF it does happen, tickets will cost a fortune! March 21, 2025   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   What thinks you? Do you want him to be back in the public eye, or do you want him to quietly slip into his... Oh. Wait. He already slipped into his sunset years, but apparently his wife and he (or she's just saying he does) want back into the public eye. He wants to be somebody again. He wants to be a contender in the influence show for the LEFT. Or, perhaps it's just his wife and family, who have lost the gravy train of influence peddling and money laundering that gave them their millions who wants "back in". Either way, I hope the answer is a huge, resounding "No!" March 21, 2025   Christianity GROWING:   It's growing on college campuses as thousands of college students come to Christ, thanks to an organization called Unite US (website here). That's excellent! Thousands of students accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior is a great start! Pray that this continues. March 21, 2025   LEFTISTS Support Murderers and Pedophiles:   That's what they're PROVING via their stance AGAINST deporting them. If the LEFT wanted to support America, they would NOT support keeping the murderers and pedophiles in America and they wouldn't be USING LAWFARE to keep them here! So now we see the priorities of the LEFT: allowing MURDER and PEDOPHILIA in America. We have a "new sheriff in town" in FBI Director, Kash Patel, and CIA Director, John Ratcliffe, so will they step in and STOP this nonsense? Let's hope so. It can't be ONLY Pam Bondi's "spine-of-steel" that is trying to stop this nonsense. Let's hope it's a concerted, administration-wide effort. America needs to stop the LEFT to stay America! March 21, 2025   Epstein Files MISSING:   Who is protecting whom? That's what everyone wants to know because someone in the FBI is "withholding" (ahem) "thousands of pages" of Epstein files and Pam Bondi wants them back and wants them released to the public. So which TREASONOUS LEFTIST FBLie agent is hiding them to protect someone he/she agrees with? It's gotta' be a LEFTIST because Conservatives would releas it without hesitation and let the chips fall. The LEFT? They look out for their own. That's the biggest clue as to what is happening here. March 21, 2025   Well, my hubby's home so I'm going to close with that. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a wonderful weekend. I'll try to be here Monday, barring life interfering. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. March 18, 2025: 5:49 p.m. I don't have much time left here before my hubby gets home, but I did want to tell you about this: The rumor that Girl Scout Cookies have been recalled due to glysophate and heavy metals is FALSE and there is NO health risk for cookies. So if you like Girl Scout Cookies (I don't) and want to do business with an organization that allows BOYS to share in your daughter's Girl Scout experience then go ahead and buy Girl Scout Cookies. After all, the Girl Scouts of America (GSA), have this on their FAQ page: "What is Girl Scouts' position on serving transgender youth?Yeah. Buy GSA cookies. Support trendie transie-ism and allowing your neighbors' daughters to be camping with a DNA/Chromosomal/physical BOY. I will never touch them and haven't for over ten years. March 18, 2025   My hubby's on his way home so I'm going to close with just those two things for today. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and I hope to be here tomorrow. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. March 12, 2025: 4:12 p.m.:   I have tried something different today. The date is a link to the "National Day Calendar" so that you can see what things are "celebrated" on this date. For instance, today is
March 12, 2025   Inflation:   (Had some fun with that word.) Anyways... Inflation is falling and it's falling fast! The price of eggs has come down (I believe I heard the Press Secretary say) $1.22 since President Trump was sworn into office. The price of just about everything is coming down and it's coming down FAST. That's good for everyone in America and I hope that people start waking up to the difference between a demonRAT FAUXministration -- or ANY demonRAT administration -- and a Conservative Republican administration. Republicans (TRUE CONSERVATIVE ONES) like nothing more than to save Americans money and to enforce laws that are just and right and to MAGA! That's why the LEFT HATES it so much that President Donald J. Trump (still LOVE typing and saying that) won last November. The "main stream media" (msm) hates it -- and America -- so much that they're trying to convince Americans this is just temporary and inflation will go back up. Not under Pres. Donald J. Trump's leadership, it won't. If someone tries the monkey business (read: LIES) they did with fraudci-china-19, we've been there, done that, learned the lesson and I seriously doubt Pres. Trump would believe a word out of their mouths, nor would most Americans. We'll never do that again because there are still many who got the POISON "vaccine" who will DIE because of it and everyone will LOVE someone who faces their demise because they believe fraudci and birx. Biggest mistake America ever made was listening to those two. I'm so grateful 3/4 of my family didn't get the POISON. It's not a good thing and I'm very, very sorry for those who did. Anyways, don't listen to the msm. They're known LIARS, too. March 12, 2025   Dept. of Education:   Pres. Donald J. Trump promised to kill this department and send control of education back to the States. The idea is that it's better to control education closer to home because that's where the impact is going to be: in the state where the children live. If you have a horrible education program in your state, your welfare programs will be bogged down and overloaded, crime will increase and unemployment will skyrocket. Fix that via giving children a good education that will enable them to be employable, to be able to read, write, do math, know science, history and be able to learn on their own after they graduate even if they don't go to college. That's what we need. When Linda McMahon took over the Dept. of Education she knew that President Trump wanted the department dismantled and she took the job anyways. She's doing a great job of dismantling it, having cut staff by 50% already. I like that. It's good (as the demonRATS love to say) "For the children". March 12, 2025   demonRAT Retiring:   Yet another demonRAT says, "Bye!" This is the THIRD demonRAT to announce they won't run for re-election and this time it's Jeanne Shaneen (d-NH) who has announced she won't seek re-election. Don't let the front door hit you on the backside on your way out. Or do. Whichever. Just leave! March 12, 2025   Catholic Charities Trafficking?:   Would it surprise you if you found out that the Catholic Charities that have been making MILLIONS of dollars from "helping" ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS come to America, sign up for all kinds of taxpayer-funded programs then disappear into our streets and live on our dime (more like dollars!), has also been trafficking -- perhaps not just in entry to our country -- but perhaps also in sex trafficking little children? Would it surprise you? After the priests of the Catholic Church were found to be so many pedophiles, after it came out that many were homosexual, were having affairs, etc., etc., etc., it turns out that some Catholics are using the Church as a cover for their twistedness and that the people of the Catholic Church should abandon their religion if that is what it allows of its pastors/shepherds and leadership. For Pete's sake, the current (if he hasn't yet died) Pope is a Fascist who supports homosexuals, which is totally against what God says! I will NEVER understand anyone being Catholic. My Dad was as were/are his whole family. I was never interested in being Catholic and have been to a Catholic Church only once for a wedding. That's enough for me. I hope that organization is soon dismembered from the head down! March 12, 2025   Hurrican Helene Aftermath:   While bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe ignored the people of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina and did NOTHING to help them after Helene did terrible things up there, Pres. Donald J. Trump is helping the people. His HUD Secretary, Scott Turner, is going to be dragged through the mud, though, because the msm is going to say that he refused to help Asheville, NC residents because he turned down an application for aid because they were going to distribute the money along DEI lines. It was in the application! "Asheville’s request explicitly included plans to prioritize Minority and Women-Owned Businesses (MWBE) within its Small Business Support Program.Pres. Trump ordered that DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) be done away with in federal government programs and anything to do with the federal government. For Asheville, NC, to apply saying they were going to distribute the money ($225 Million) via the DEI model is a slap in the face to every person in Asheville and it's a good thing that Secretary Turner said, "NO!" DEI has no place in America anymore. I'm very glad of it, too! March 12, 2025   NASA and DEI:   If you want to have another example of why DEI is a bad thing, just look at what it did to NASA. "According to a report from Open the Books, the Biden administration invested around $13 million in DEI from 2021 to 2024, prescribing trainings and programming that subordinated white and male employees against women and employees of other races."And that's why we needed to get rid of DEI. It was a RACIST thing to implement, had horrible results and did NOTHING to help people get along, do better at work, or any other positive thing the LEFT said it would. Anything the LEFT touches -- especially if they design it -- is a disaster. We don't need to implement anymore of their horriblenesses. Let's just make that a law that if a LEFTIST designs, or comes up with a plan, or creates committees, or programs, that all of them are immediately given the heave ho and out the door they go; along with those who designed/created them! It should be a law. March 12, 2025   USAID Destroying Docsuments:   A senior USAID official ordered the destruction of documents so that they can hide all of the HORRIBLE things they've been using your money for, or so that it won't be proven that the USAID money was being distributed to demonRATS for their campaigns, to buy expensive things for their homes, or whatever slush fund crap they wanted. If they're destroying documents, you know they're hiding something so I'm curious as to what it is they're hiding. Aren't you? I hope that everyone whe destroyed a document, deleted a file, took a hammer to a hard drive or a thumb drive, CD/DVD, whatever all get arrested and charged with destruction of government property, etc., and spend ten years in prison. That's what they deserve. March 12, 2025   demonRATS:   Hehehehehehe...
March 12, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby is on the way home. Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll try to see you here again tomorrow. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. March 10, 2025: 3:34 p.m.: National Napping Day & National Mario Day: as well as others:   Missed a few days because my hubby came home a bit earlier than the usual twelve to fourteen hours he's been working lately. He's in the rocket business, so he has to do what he has to do to get things into orbit and that's what has made him work such long hours lately so he had to take time off to keep from getting too much overtime. Then this weekend was a special day at our house so taking half of Friday off was a good thing, too. It was a good weekend and I hope you had a good weekend as well. I'll get started. March 10, 2025   DemonRATS' Scare Tactics:   Anything President Donald J. Trump (still LOVE writing and saying that!) tries to do to save money for America and get us to a better financial footing is used by the LEFT to try to make people afraid. You'll soon be seeing all kinds of LIES about Medicaid and how he's trying to make it go broke, starving children, killing the elderly with lack of medical access, harming women with... because.... well, he's Trump and you know that's what he does. RRRRiiiiiggggghhhhhhttttt. Anyways, be prepared because it's coming at you ("To a theater near you!"). Knowing the LEFT they'll use all kinds of scary images: sad people, someone kicking a puppy, a little girl crying, elderly people not knowing where their next meal is coming from, or how to pay a hospital bill. Shake in your shoes, y'all, becaues that's exactly what the LEFT wants! They want you afraid because people in fear DO NOT THINK. They REACT. Don't be afraid. Remember when the LEFTIES of PSJ tried to incorporate PSJ, William's Point, Frontenac, Hardeeville and part of Sharpes? Those LEFTIES wanted you AFRAID of Titusville, Cocoa, city water, city sewer, being forcibly incorporated (as they were trying to do to William's Point, Frontenac, Hardeeville and part of Sharpes!) and about ninety other things. But coming to my website, going to the Civic League's meetings and website told you the TRUTH about incorporation and how bad it would be for PSJ and the other areas they were absconding with. We told you to NOT be afraid becuase the County had been here to provide services for us all along and would continue to do so and we didn't need another layer of government over us to be able to keep functioning as we were. The LEFTIES tried to scare you, but I told you the TRUTH. Are we worse off now for NOT having incorporated? No. We're just fine; in fact, even better since we also got rid of the PSJ Home Owners' Association! So, apply the lessons learned there to NOT allow the LEFTIES attacking President Donald J. Trump to scare you into believing them. Think. Research. FIND THE TRUTH for yourself. Don't listen to the LEFTIES because their trademark is the LIE they always tell to get their own way. March 10, 2025   Poetic Justice:   I LOVE this! Remember the app bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's FAUXministration came up with, the CBP One App that allowed ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS track their hearings for alleged asylum, or other stuff they needed for their ILLEGAL INVASION? Well, it seems that it isn't going away, it's just been repurposed to help them SELF-DEPORT! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!! LOVE THAT! It now has three choices:
March 10, 2025   Saving Taxpayer $$$$:   Secretary of State, Marco Rubio ("Little Marco") announced that the audit of USAID is complete and that they are CANCELLING 83% of the programs! Do you know how much that will save us? They say it's "tens of billions of dollars" that will now NOT be spent! That's excellent! We no longer will pay for transing people in foreign nations, or Sesame "Gay Bert and Ernie" Street anywhere in the world! I am very grateful to the DOGE team and hope they go through EVERY government agency with a fine toothed comb and stop ALL of the government's wasteful spending. It's TIME to start putting the American people FIRST, not just using them as an unlimited wallet to reach into at will and take as much as they can get. America FIRST and FOREVER! March 10, 2025   Greenland: State #51?:   President Donald J. Trump is correct. Having Greenland as part of America would be good for the United States in many ways, and good for the whole world as well. I hope that they decide to take President Trump seriously and join us for their own good, as well as for so many other reasons. If they decided to do so, Pres. Trump has promised them an investment into their country of "billions of dollars" and that would make life in Greenland so much better. I'm not saying it's horrible now, just that when you get an influx of money into your country -- a sparsely populated country, at that -- it's not going to hurt anyone. I hope they decide to hold a referendum on it soon and that they vote "Yes!" They do want to join America. "Epic" would not begin to describe it! March 10, 2025   Cyber Attack on X:   What used to be known as "Twitter" has been under a huge cyber attack today and they were offline for a while because of it. They've had three outages today (as of the article's writing and posting), and who knows how much worse it's going to get? The LEFT has a visceral hatred for Elon Musk lately, even trying to damage all of the Tesla vehicles out there, even though it's not the owners' faults. They hate him because he's using his skill and talents for Pres. Donald J. Trump and that's so very wrong in the eyes of LEFTIES that they have to do something hateful and stupid. The LEFT: Insane Asylums needed! March 10, 2025   ABA:   Wow. This is something I've never thought of, but "ditching" the American Bar Association (ABA) would be a good thing for Pres. Trump to do! I am appalled by what passes as an "attorney" or a "judge" nowadays. The LAW certainly doesn't matter to them and if they want to break it, they absolutely do! Look at the lawfare against Pres. Trump and how they treated the J6 prisoners! Laws were ignored, re-written, trashed, twisted, turned, burned, trampled upon, mocked and dismissed by both "judges" and "attorneys" who are approved by the American Bar Association. It's GOT TO STOP! Our LAWS MATTER and they're supposed to be administered fairly and equally, that's why our statue of "Lady Justice" is BLINDFOLDED so that justice can't see the color of your skin, your sex, your age, your ethnicity, your political affiliation, your bank balance, your ANYTHING. Justice -- TRUTH JUSTICE -- only goes by the LAW and what you have done against the law. PERIOD. That's not what the ABA has enforced. They have stood silently by (at least in public: in private they're apparently rooting for the destruction of our laws) and let all of the HORRIBLE "judges" and "attorneys" do the trampling when they're supposedly an OVERSIGHT organization that enforces correct behavior by their members. Apparently, according to the past twelve years' of "oversight" the ABA supports their BAD ACTORS. Of COURSE they do because Trump! March 10, 2025   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   During his FAUXministration, it has been found (thanks to the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project) that EVERYTHING he signed -- except his resignation letter -- was signed by either AUTOPEN or a computer-generated image of his signature. He couldn't remember what he signed because HE NEVER SIGNED ANYTHING. That puts EVERY BILL he "signed", EVERY EXECUTIVE ORDER he "signed" and EVERYTHING ELSE into LEGAL QUESTION because if he didn't sign it, then he didn't have to understand what he was "signing" (what the AUTOPEN was signing) and he didn't have to worry about whether he was mentally competent to "sign" such a bill into law! NONE of the bills he signed should be legal! NONE of them. His signature was basically FORGED by a machine! NOT the same as an actual SIGNATURE. Will the LEFT allow this LACK of actual SIGNATURE to make a difference? What will the SCOTUS say? I don't know, but it's going to be a BUMPY RIDE to see how this plays out. The U.S. Constitution calls for a SIGNATURE, not an AUTOPEN, a real person--the PRESIDENT-- to SIGN THE BILL into LAW. bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe NEVER DID, thus, they never became law. At least, that's the way I see it. Agree? March 10, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby is on his way home and we have things to do. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and I'll try to be here again tomorrow. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. March 5, 2025: 2:47 p.m.: National Cheese Doodle Day:   I kid you not. Today is "National Cheese Doodle Day". "Cheetos, the cheese that goes CRUNCH!" needed its own day, as snacks often do. Priorities, right? March 5, 2025   President Donald J. Trump:   He made a speech to a joint session of Congress (Senators and Representatives) and it was a great speech! It wasn't his State of the Union Address, which, initially, I thought it was, he'll give one of those next year, after he's been in office for a little over a year; but he decided to do this anyways. In his speech, he put it to the LEFT and they really didn't like it. Before he even started well, demonRATS were trying to drown him out and Al Green (IdiotLeftist-TX), got thrown out (with escort from the Sergeant at Arms), and they had special paddles made up (think ping pong paddles, but with words on them) they held up and looked like little old crazy church ladies in a southern church on a hot Sunday morning right before they trample little ones on the way out the door so they can get to Cracker Barrell two minutes earlier. They had T-shirts made up with words like "Resist" on them. They walked out (and the room smelled better) and they generally made themselves look as foolish, petty and stupid as possible. At that, they succeeded. After the demonRATS in the House and Senate decided to make themselves look bad, it was the turn of the LEFTIST msm who wasted NO TIME. Pres. Trump had made a thirteen-year-old boy who has been fighting brain cancer for at least six years an honorary Secret Service agent because his dream has been to become a cop since he was a little boy. So Pres. Trump had credentials made up for him, had the head of the Secret Service give it to him and the Republicans applauded and dried their eyes. DemonRATS? Sat on their hands and did nothing. So nicolle wallace said that she hopes the kid with "brain cancer doesn't kill himself after getting assaulted by Trump supporters." (Really.) SMH. rach-hell madcow decided to UP THE ANTE and amazingly said, "'For the record—and this is disgusting—the President made a spectacle out of praising a young man who thus far survived pediatric cancer, as if the President had something to do with that.'"It's "disgusting" that Pres. Trump did something nice for the kid? That kid has no fewer than 905 law enforcement agencies that have sworn him in, given him credentials, made him an honorary member of their team and rach-hell madcow thinks it's "disgusting" that President Donald J. Trump made Devarjay "DJ" Daniel an honorary Secret Service agent. That msnbc commentator has no heart, just hatred of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Their new lows keep on surprising me. March 5, 2025   scotus:   I haven't trusted them for years, but now I shall never trust them again. They did something so mind-boggling WRONG that I litterally dropped my jaw and muttered "What?!" They ruled that Pres. Trump MUST continue with USAID payments even though they are so very, very ridiculous and wasteful. What is wrong with the FIVE "justices" (now INjustices), especially those who should be able to be considered "conservative"? They aren't. ONLY Alito and Thomas are reliably Conservative. The rest of them? SMH. "The court ruled 5-4 with Justices John Roberts and Amy Coney Barret siding with the liberal justices."Roberts and ACB do NOT deserve to be on the scotus. They don't belong there since they apparently KNOW NOTHING about the U.S. Constitution and the Separation of Powers portion of it. Ridiculous ruling from ridiculous people. March 5, 2025   Death in the House:   Rep. Sylvester Turner (D-TX: al green's counterpart and sheila jackson lee's replacement) was sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives in January, but died last night or this morning of unknown causes. So there will be a special election to fill his seat. Too bad they can't hold two at the same time because al green quit out of frustration with Pres. Trump's win. March 5, 2025   DemonRAT Mayors:   DemonRAT mayors running "sanctuary cities" testified before Congress today and they revealed how much they have spent on illegal aliens: "Chicago: $574.5 millionSo Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) (I call her APL) came prepared and sent criminal referrals to the DOJ to investigate all of the mayors for "direct violation of 8 U.S. Code § 1324". I don't really like APL because it seems like she is the more conservative aoc: never saw a camera she didn't want to talk to, nor a mirror she could pass without stopping. I just don't have a good impression of her, but on this, she did good. Let's see if anything comes of it. March 5, 2025   justin trudeau:   Is he using the America/Canada border issue to "stay in power"? After all, he announced his resignation and said that elections would take place sometime after March 24th. Is Pres. Trump correct about trudeau's effort to stay in power? Would it surprise anyone? March 5, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby came home and I sent him to run an errand for me (for a change) and I want to be finished here before he gets back. Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll try to be back tomorrow. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. March 4, 2025: 3:56 p.m.: National Grammar Day, etc.:   It's also National March Forth [sic] Day, a day in which we honor our Veterans because they "Marched Forth" into battle for us. March 4, 2025   University Report:   When you think of how much putting
a child (or anyone) through American colleges nowadays, you think about the cost: ENORMOUS. You
think about the (HOPEFUL) benefits. You may even think about the cost resulting in a really great
education. Too bad that's not true on most American campuses. It's the result of many things:
LEFTIST professors, DEI, indoctrination, lazy professors who hand their teaching responsibilities
off to grad students who may or may not be good teachers (of course, that's true of the professors,
too). It's scary to think about spending over $100,000 for a four year degree; even more for
a Master's Degree or doctorate. There is an "Radical ideas, ideologies and influences are flying at public university students from seemingly every direction: through equity-focused research concepts, grants from the federal government, foreign dealmaking, DEI-pushing staff and even far-Left coursework. The consequences spill back out in all directions as well: research results become part of the intellectual canon and public discourse; radical professors strengthen their bona fides with public backing; foreign countries can appropriate American-funded research and inject their own influence through funded faculty and students; and graduates enter a work-force filled with ideas about equity, racial justice, transhumanism, settler colonialism, gender theory and more.Yeah. College is a waste of money for most people. I think every person considering attending college, or paying for college for someone should read the report. As you can tell from the quote, it's not pretty. March 4, 2025   Ukraine Eating Crow:   After the kerfuffle last week when their President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, went into the White House and disrespected America and our President and Vice President, Zelenskyy is now crawling back, cap in hand. He's supposed to sign a deal in which America gets Ukraine's minerals and Ukraine has to try for PEACE with Russia in order to get anything else from America. That's the power of standing your ground and keeping your word, which is what Pres. Donald J. Trump did and he WON for America. As usual. March 4, 2025   Panama Canal:   Thanks to President Donald J. Trump's leadership and pressure, the Panama Canal is no longer under Chinese influence. Yes, BlackRock now has a majority control over it, but that's better than China, I hope. March 4, 2025   LEFTIES Know NOTHING:   Our American education system in the subject of American Government (Civics 101) is WOEFULLY LACKING. Either that, or LEFTIES just skip that class on a regular basis. For instance, this guy, Toure, who hasn't a clue as to who is in control of the U.S. Military. The whole cnn panel -- with the exception of Scott Jennings -- is clueless. I think they either skipped Civics classes, or slept through them, or maybe just pushed anything they once learned long enough to pass the test two weeks later out of their minds when they finished the course. Either that, or they're just LEFTIES who want to fit in with the "Cool Kids In Class" and do whatever it takes to be accepted by the dumb kids who wear the right clothes and attend the right parties. March 4, 2025   Censorship Being Exposed:   There's a group called "Alliance Defending Freedom" that is sending public records requests to many federal government agencies in order to "expose 'federal funding of tools that may be used to censor Americans' speech'". How much you want to bet they get stonewalled by many "federal government agencies" who still have bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe appointees running or staffing them, and when the info is released that there are so many pages of information "responding to" the FOIA request that they have to transport them railroad cars? How much you also want to bet that they try their best to get those cars LOST? I hope that my suspicions are totally UNfounded; however, considering the past eight years, would you be surprised? March 4, 2025   Butler, PA, Assassin Did NOT Act Alone:   That was my first gut reaction. He's a KID. He didn't do this alone. He was a PATSY. Look at my posts around the date of the first assassination attempt, July 13, 2024, and you'll see that I was saying that the kid ("patsy" is what I called him) did NOT act alone. In fact, my first sentence about it is this (July 15, 2024): "The LEFT is so full of vitriol and hatred for Pres. Donald J. Trump that one of them -- with or without orders and coordination from the current FAUXministration or someone within it as yet unknown -- tried to assassinate Pres. Donald J. Trump!"I knew that the kid did not act alone. Now, a private investigator is saying the same thing. That's no surprise to moi. March 4, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today so that I can move some of my posts around. I just realized that I still have July of 2024 on my "Page Deux" and need to move days around to update my "Page Deux" and "Storage 2024" pages. I can't close out "Storage 2024" yet, but I can move some things to appropriate pages. I've been lazy about that. Sorry. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 27, 2025: 3:26 p.m.:
National Toast Day and National Retro Day:  
Epstein List Release!:   It's finally February 27, 2025   Trump's HUD Director:   Wow. Pres. Donald J. Trump is finding so many, many ways to save taxpayers' dollars and to make America work better that I'm surprised we haven't yet heard a sonic boom! Even his Housing and Urban Development Director is saving money via doing away with a horrible program themuslimvileone set up! I love that they're saving taxpayers as much money as the can and that they're looking in every nook and crannie, on every ledger page and spreadsheet to find places to save money. It's a very, very necessary and good thing! February 27, 2025 themuslimvileone:   Yesterday I did a blurb about the Wayne Allen Root article about themuslimvileone and today, Root continued with a Part Two of that article and there will be a "Part Three" on Monday. This segment is about the criminal case against themuslimvileone in how he spied on President Donald J. Trump (still love writing that!). The article says (in many more words than this!) that it has been themuslimvileone in charge since he was cheated into office -- except for the four years of Pres. Trump's first presidency. It was themuslimvileone who ordered a LOT of wrongs, ALL of the spying on Pres. Trump, and ordered or approved the selling of America's plutonium reserves. Question is, what did he get out of some of his nefarious deeds? How much money did he make out of some of the things he did/approved, and how much POWER did he make/achieve with the rest? His ego certainly would have made that a prerequisite for any of the things he ordered/approved because his ego's as big as the whole universe and we know he loves -- LOVES -- to feed that ego! February 27, 2025   POISON "vaccine":   The Pfizer POISON "vaccine" is so dangerous I'm shocked that it's still on the market. It should have been removed from the possibility of being given to anyone at all. Now we see that it's worse than we thought because it gave a nurse a bone-killing disease and she has been through many operations that replaced her bones. That's horrible! It's a very painful thing and it's awful to have to go through that but will Pfizer ever have to face consequences for doing that to her? Probably not. I hope and pray that they will have to, but I won't hold my breath. Maybe with RFK Jr. as the Health and Human Services Secretary we'll see Pfizer have to pay a price. Let's pray so. February 27, 2025   Trendie Transie:   In yet another example of the LEFT'S VIOLENCE, another transie got violent and tried to "blow up a Tesla dealership". Why do transies think it's okay to hurt others? Why do they seem to think it's their right to do harm to others just because they're not satisfied with their own bodies and they can't force us to use their "preferred pronouns". Excuse me, but if they tried to get me to call a cat a giraffe, I wouldn't do that, either, so it has nothing to do with their pronouns, it has to do with speaking the TRUTH. I won't lie to you even when you tell me to! GOD says, "Thou shalt not lie." It made His Top Ten List (Ten Commandments) so I don't care what a transie says for me to call him/her, I'm going to use the DNA/Chromosomal designation that GOD gave that person! I don't lie on command for anyone, but that's what transies want and they'll be violent in order to make it happen. If I demanded something of them that they didn't do, would they acquiesce to me and do what I wanted? If NOT, then do I have the right to harm them? If the answer is "NO!" for me, it's "NO!" for them! February 27, 2025   Trendie Transie 2:   In Maine, there are 57 school districts that HIDE children's gender confusion from their parents. That's not good. That's pitting parents against children in a very harmful way. You know that old saying "Feed a cold, starve a fever"? Yeah. Those school districts are feeding the fevery while the parents (for the most part) are trying to do what's right for their child and starve the fever. Teachers, administrators, and staff, on the other hand, are trying to put themselves between the child and parent and creating more conflict than otherwise would exist. The school employees in those districts need to be FIRED and never able to get a job in any school system ever again. February 27, 2025   Good News! Good News!:   Hey, lookie at that! "Young people are turning to CHRIST" according to a "major study"! Excellent! It's time for a major revival in America and we should pray for that to happen quickly. We need Jesus in this land and we need to have a relationship with GOD in this nation and in our own hearts. Do you know Jesus? It's very easy to do so. Just say, "Jesus, I have done things that are wrong; big things and little things. I ask that you forgive me of those things, every one of them and you come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior and turn my life around for You, Lord. Make me the new creation You promised to do, Lord, make me new. In Jesus' Name, Amen." It's that easy. Then start reading your Bible; the New Testament is the best place for new Christians to start, probably with the Book of John, which some call the Gospel of Love because John teaches us about how much GOD loves us and how much Jesus has done for us because of that love. Would you like to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Just pray that prayer and mean it. February 27, 2025   demonRATS IMPLODING:   I LOVE that! I LOVE that the demonRAT Party is DYING HARD! I LOVE that they are losing donors, and "[T]he demographics Democrats have typically relied on to win elections don’t have the numbers the party needs to win anymore."Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! That's GREAT NEWS, too! February 27, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. I it's almost six in the evening and I have things to do. My list is almost completed, though, so folding clothes, emptying the dishwasher and waiting for my hubby to get to the farm later this evening is all that is left. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and that you have a wonderful weekend. I probably won't be posting tomorrow because my hubby will be here and we'll head back to Florida Sunday. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 26, 2025: 4:21: National Letter to an Elder Day:   I missed a week because I'm in Georgia taking down the Christmas decorations up here. I hate doing it but it has to be done. i have to take two wreaths down, pack a nativity set away and take the twelve or fourteen bins out that we empty up here every Christmas back out to the shed. I'm going to save the take it back to the shed part for my hubby because we need to rearrange the shed and get the canning jars out so we can give them to my hubby's cousin and aunt. We don't can things because our garden flopped last year and we're not very good at gardening. Anyways, I had company yesterday (hubby's cousin and aunt) and that was a great time, but it meant I had no time to do updates. So I'll do just a few today, and I'll try to be here tomorrow, then Friday my hubby will be up here with me and we'll go back to Florida on Sunday. Let's get started. February 26, 2025   themuslimvileone:   I don't always (or even usually) agree with Wayne Allen Root, but in this particular instance, I do agree with him: themuslimvileone was probably in charge for the last four years. Would it surprise anyone since bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe was as bright as a brick and as capable of running the federal government as a bale of hay? It had to be someone else running things, so I would not be surprised to find out that the "Ego-on-two-legs" (A.K.A. themuslimvileone) was in control? I don't believe it was jillybelly, nor crackheadhunter. I think -- and always have thought -- it was themuslimvileone because of the policies enacted and the things that happened against President Donald J. Trump. bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe didn't think of those things, nor order those things done. He could barely order ice cream, so him coming up with such devious, illegal things? IMPOSSIBLE. February 26, 2025   U.S. Special Forces Master Sergeant, Jeremy Brown:   I'm angry. I'm angry that this honorable veteran was arrested and falsely charged and thrown into PRISON for not complying with the effort to FRAME Pres. Donald J. Trump! Jeremy Brown was imprisoned under false pretences, pardoned and ordered released by Pres. Donald J. Trump weeks ago, but held longer than legally allowed by the U.S. Marshalls still under the vile control of themuslimvileone and -- FINALLY released from prison today! His arrest and imprisonment was totally ILLEGAL but since when has the LEFT ever cared about what is legal, right, or moral? Not afraid to answer that question honestly: Never. I'm glad Master Sergeant, Jeremy Brown is out from under the grip of the filthy, vile, lawless LEFTIES who did so much wrong over the last four years! I hope they pay a hefty price for their wrongs! I also hope Brown SUES THEIR PANTS OFF! February 26, 2025   Leftist Doxxing Conservative:   There's a Conservative who uses the screen name "Data republican (small r0)" on "X" and she has been finding different ways that YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS have been wasted and misused by the LEFT for the last few years. She has reported that to "We, The People" and apparently a LEFTIE decided that it's time she be doxxed for doing so. It turns out she's deaf and autistic and has trouble communicating, needing an interpreter, even though she can write, but even writing is difficult for her. The LEFTIST who doxxed her is allegedly deaf as well, but he didn't care about his victim being deaf as well; he cared about shutting her up and scaring her because now LEFTIES who could be violent know where to find her and who she is. That's not the right thing to do, but that's how LEFTIES do things: put your opponent in physical danger and if something happens to them, it's okay with them because it serves their purpose which is to shut their opponents down. Life isn't precious to them, but POWER is. That's the difference between Conservatives and LEFTIES. I'd say it's a pretty big difference, agree? February 26, 2025   Pervs FIRED:   Hurray! It's about time that people learn that being at work is not the right place to get your twistedness on. It's good that DNI, Tulsi Gabbard, FIRED pervs who went to chat rooms supposedly set up for work purposes, from their work computers, on taxpayer time, to talk about sex change issues, sexual perversions (besides sex change), and air their filthy pleasures while YOU PAY THEM. Gabbard did the right and good thing and FIRED everyone who was participating. That's a good thing! February 26, 2025   "Judicial" (read: "LEFTIST") Activism:   They put their own LEFTISM AHEAD OF THE LAW so I don't have to call them "judges" because they're not judging anything properly, their just saying "My LEFTISM is more important than the law! Laws be darned! My LEFTISTM MATTERS MORE!" Thus, yet another ruling stopping Pres. Trump from exercising his CONSTITUTIONAL PRESIDENTIAL POWERS AND RIGHTS. I wish that it was ILLEGAL to confirm LEFTIES, vote for LEFTIES, or for a LEFTIE to run NGOs/charities. It would make the world so much better! February 26, 2025   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Would it surprise you to find out yet another way the LEFT WASTED YOUR MONEY? Yeah. I dind't think it would. So now we find out that USAID paid for "dog collar manufacturing and pickle making in Ukraine". They spent YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS on that. Don't you LOVE that? You paid to have dog collars made in Ukraine. Doesn't that make you feel warm all over? Oh. Sorry. I should have said "Hot under the [dog] collar" shouldn't I? February 26, 2025   LEFTIES DESTROYING EVIDENCE:   They've been trying to hide the PROOF of their malfeasance/misfeasance/illegal activities for a long time now; at least since immediately after Pres. Trump WON the election. The LEFTIES started shredding papers immediately, deleting computer files immediately, bashing hard drives with hammers immediately and doing whatever else they had to do to prevent themselves from being THROWN INTO PRISON where they belong! The LEFT has done so many illegal things in the last twelve years to get and maintain POWER that I'm still surprised that they aren't still counting "votes" in the 2024 election. Honestly, at this point, I would not be shocked to see LEFTIES in the next elections -- local or national -- sitting on park benches blatantly filling in fake ballots and openly carrying them over to a drop box somewhere. That's how much they care about the rule of law. February 26, 2025   Did more blurbs than I expected to do today. Apparently there was a lot to cover. Again, I'll try to get back here tomorrow. There's always so much to do up here at the farm that I can but hope to get to updates, but rarely do. Sorry about that. I'll try to see you tomorrow. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 13, 2025: 12:55 p.m.   Today is the following National Days:
February 13, 2025   RFK, JR. CONFIRMED:   Yep. President Donald J. Trump won again! RFK is our new Secretary of Health and Human Services! I'm hoping that this will be the start of a change in the chemicals that are allowed in our food. We don't need a lot of the things that are in there and other countries like Europe and Canada don't allow them at all. I'm not a fan of Europe or Canada, but even morons get something right every now and then. I think that they got some of their food stuff right. MAHA! Oh, yeah, and -- of course -- mitch mcCONnell voted AGAINST RFK Jr., and then bad mouthed him! Class act: minus the "cl"! February 13, 2025   demonRAT Resignation:   Well, it looks like a demonRAT from MN has decided to not run for office again. Sen. tina smith is not going to run again. I wonder if that means she'll be replaced by a MAGA Republican. Wouldn't that be nice? It would definitely benefit the nation, and it would be good for Minnesotans as well. Pray hard. February 13, 2025   Mad "Mouth" maxine:   She's scared of what Elon Musk and his DOGE team may find when they start looking at individuals who are part of the government (yes, including Congress and the Senate) and who wound up making MILLIONS while not being PAID enough to be WORTH that much. She "said the quiet part out loud": "'Well, you know what happened at Treasury, and you know what happened over at the CFPB,' Waters said. 'People of this country are being violated because all of our privacy has been taken up by Elon Musk and Trump.'Notice that Freudian slip: "we don't know what they have on US"? She was talking to Fed. Chairman, jerome powell, who has already been targeted by DOGE, so why is she including herself in the investigation's "Ruh-Roh!"? Why is she scared if she has nothing to hide? Why? February 13, 2025   DEFUNDING the Deep State:   First, HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! Second, Pres. Donald J. Trump has decided to totally DEFUND USAID (Excellent!) and he's withdrawn America from the United Nations Human Rights Council and then DEFUNDED the United Nations Relief and Works Agency! Then he topped it off by "significantly cut funding" to the NED, National Endowment for Democracy, "essentially 'starving' the organization". It's not a good organization anyways, so that's just fine with me. Saving money and defunding or cutting bad organizations that waste taxpayer dollars! I love it! DOGE is doing great work and Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing great work cutting excessive spending! I'm very, very happy about this. Why? I'll let the article tell you: "As with many government-funded non-profits and cutouts, what started as a possibly ‘good intentioned’ has turned into an imperialistic disaster. Just recently, NED’s publication, the Journal for Democracy called for the arrest of Poland’s PiS party to 'ensure that populism does not return,' comparing it to the 'crimes of communism':""Populism" is what got Pres. Donald J. Trump got elected on. Is it "communism"? No. It's putting America first and it's saying that the CITIZENS of America come before anything else. If they were working against a populist contender, they were working against the people of that nation, of Poland! That's what we were funding through that LEFTIST organization. Defund ALL LEFTIST ORGANIZATIONS. ALL of them! This organization is SO BAD that "The list of countries that NED has been accused of meddling in regime change is vast. It includes Ukraine and Venezuela, as mentioned, but also Nicaragua with the election of Violeta Chamorro in 1990 and again in 2018. They meddled in Belarus in 2020 by backing opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. NED funded organizations such Universal Rights Supporting Families of Political Prisoners and other civil society groups and ‘independent media.’ They were involved in the 2001 coup in Haiti against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. They also meddled in Bolivia, Cuba, Libya, Georgia, Serbia, Mongolia, and Kyrgyzstan."We should NEVER have been paying for that! Why would they think that meddling in all those places would be okay? It's NOT okay. Let the people of that nation decide what direction they wish to go. Don't use American taxpayer dollars to prevent that! It's WRONG! February 13, 2025   Following the Constitution:   That's what Pres. Donald J. Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance are doing. According to the U.S. Constitution, Pres. Trump is doing EXACTLY what he is given AUTHORITY TO DO! That's according to a SCOTUS JUDGE: "John Marshall, the greatest chief justice in Supreme Court history. And he did not squirrel this view away in a private journal. Instead, Marshall publicly explained that courts could not review presidential decisions on 'political' subjects 'entrusted to the executive' in a Supreme Court opinion."The case was Marbury v. Madison and since then, this rule has been KNOWN BY ALL for Presidential Powers and for the LEFTIES to try to change it so that they can impeach, limit, silence, or hogtie Pres. Trump is just WRONG. YOU KNOW THE TRUTH now. Stand up to the LEFTIES surrounding you and tell them about this. Don't let their ignorance be a good enough excuse for them to support this nonsense the LEFTIES in power are doing in order to try to prevent the TRUTH about their own WRONGDOING being exposed. They are panicking (ask mad mouth maxine) and they're worried about being found out and their POWER being taken away and their MONEY being taken away and their FREEDOM being taken away. They could go to PRISON if the TRUTH comes out -- IF justice is applied. U.S. A.G., Pam Bondi, are you listening? NO MERCY. Remember, the LEFT will do ANYTHING to STOP PRES. TRUMP. That's why 22 demonRAT Attorneys General made a pact to STOP him. Yeah. The LEFT is despicable and they HATE YOUR FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY. If YOU are PROSPERING, they believe you WON'T VOTE FOR THEM and their welfare/government programs to keep you dependent upon them. That's another reason they have to stop him; well, that and the fact that they're worried about their WRONGS being discovered and them facing PRISON. That's the LEFT for ya'! February 13, 2025   LEFTIES LIED!:   No surprise there. LEFTIES ALWAYS LIE. If their lips are moving, they're LYING. It turns out that I was correct when I doubted the numbers for both employment and the economy. All the LEFTIES LIED to us. "[T]he true cost of living, as measured by our research, rose more than twice as much — a full 9.4 percent. And that laid bare the oft-quoted riposte that wage gains outpaced inflation during the crisis following COVID-19. When our more targeted measure of inflation is set atop our more accurate measure of weekly earnings, it immediately becomes clear that purchasing power fell at the median by 4.3 percent in 2023."They've LIED, supported by the msm, and the federal government agencies worked together to GASLIGHT the American people. Meanwhile, they're spending money left, right, center, up, down, sideways and backwards on FRAUDULENT payments while taxing "We, The People" to death! It's about time for this to stop! Happy they've found it and are stopping it. February 13, 2025   U.S. A.G., Pam Bondi:   I LOVE what she is doing! I LOVE that she's strong and determined and KNOWS the U.S. Constitution and sticks to it! I also LOVE that she is SUING NY's Kathy Hochul, and Letitia James for non-cooperation with the Federal Government ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASIONS. She's already sued Illinois and Chicago for the same thing. She's setting an example that if you don't cooperate, you're going to be in trouble and defending your LAWLESSNESS in court. I don't know how many governors are going to be willing -- in this political atmosphere, considering how the American people feel about the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION -- to stand up in court and defend their support of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS. They really shouldn't be willing to do that. Their states' residents will send them out of the state on a rail, after they're tarred and feathered. A little icing on the cake? There were pictures hung on the wall in her office building that were put up recently of bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe, kamalaugha and meritless garlic -- three weeks into President Donald J. Trump's administration -- so she stopped and took the time to REMOVE ALL THREE PICTURES! I LOVE IT! There is much, much more to do in this administration to DRAIN THE SWAMP, because they don't have control of ALL of the alphabet agencies yet, nor do they have any control over the LEFTIST "judges", so they shouldn't get too confident yet. The LEFT is still trying to sabotage everything they can. Pray for Pres. Trump's success and safety! February 13, 2025   Draining the Swamp!:   He's done it again! He's FIRED people in the Dept. of Education and the Small Business Administration for "poor performance"! He also fired "multiple [bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe] appointed US Attorneys." I Like it! The DOE should be dissolved because the States should be in control of the educational institutions in their states. The closer to home, the closer to control by the parents, the better the school is. That's why private schools can be very, very good for students and parents are happy with them, generally speaking. I hope he dissolves the DOE completely! February 13, 2025   I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, Valentine's Day. We'll see. I don't know what my hubby has planned or if he has anything planned. I don't have anything planned. It's a busy week for him at work and he may come home exhausted and I'm not that worried about it. We can always do something Saturday for it. Restaurants will probably be less crowded. We'll see. I hope you and your special someone enjoy it. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 12, 2025: 2:30 p.m.   Missed yesterday's updates not because of my eye but because my hubby asked me Monday night to go to Cocoa and do an errand and while I was out I decided to do an errand on my list as well. So, I spent yesterday running errands and when I got home I thought it was too late to do so. Sorry. My eye, however, is on the mend. The bug (spider?) bite has dissipated a bit and the swelling is going down and eye drops have helped with the dry eye feeling that it brought with it. So that's good. Well, let's get started. February 12, 2025   DNI, Tulsi Gabard:   Yep. She was CONFIRMED 52-48! That's good. Now all we have to do is make sure she follows Pres. Donald J. Trump's orders, plan, ideas and MAGA goals. I'm hoping that the Senate will do the right thing and also confirm RFK Jr., whose confirmation vote is set for tomorrow, as well, so Pres. Trump can have the cabinet he wants. Tulsi's confirmation is one step closer. Hurray! February 12, 2025   Pres. Trump's Triumphs:   Yet another American is set free due to Pres. Trump's bargaining skills and persuasion. He's already brought home six Americans from Venezuela. I'm very glad that these Americans got released via Pres. Trump's abilities. It's all good. February 12, 2025   China-Fraudci-19:   I thought this NONSENSE was over! I'm APPALLED that the Cincinnati Children's Hospital (CCH) has (allegedly) denied a heart transplant due to the girl being "UNvaccinated", A.K.A. POISONED. The kicker? She's a "distant relative" of Vice President J.D. Vance. I wonder how that's going to go over and play in Peoria. I bet the Cincinnati Children's Hospital is going to receive a lot of negative comments on this one. A little girl's life is at risk and they put a "vaccine" that even the CDC admits is dangerous and they also manipulated data to make it look effective. And the CCH demands that a twelve-year-old takes the shot to get a new heart that could be damaged by the POISON "vaccine"! How absurd is that?! When will the "medical" community choose to do the RIGHT thing instead of the demonRAT thing? It's wrong, immoral and irresponsible! Apparently, CCH doesn't care about any of that, NOR the little girl's LIFE! (Yes, this makes me angry.) February 12, 2025   LEFTIES Won't Shop:   Allegedly, that is. A LEFTIST group is trying to punish American companies because they are getting rid of DEI. I'm sorry, but Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Crybabies gonna' cry. They don't want anyone to buy anything at all, anywhere, for the 24 hours of February 28th to protest the demise of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Happy Dance! February 12, 2025   Egg Prices:   Because the former FAUXministration ordered the demise of millions of chickens nationwide. I do NOT believe that all of those chickens needed to die. I believe that bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's handlers wanted to get rid of as much food -- especially protein sources -- as possible in order to force us to go vegan or to make us eat bugs. The price of eggs has skyrocketed and stores are rationing eggs because of the murder of millions of chickens. The LEFT will do whatever it takes to put us under their thumb. I hate what they've done to America and I hope and pray that this is UNdone soon. It's wrong what the LEFT has done and President Trump is busy UNdoing what they did over the last four years. It's not that easy for the chicken farms because I don't know any chickens that start laying eggs before they're six months old. That's the soonest chickens will start producing after being born. Some chicken farms were invaded by the lying FAUXministration and their chickens were killed early in the FAUXministration's term. Others were done more recently. The problem is, that we needed all of the chicken farms' egglayers to be producing in order to maintain the volume. The bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAUXministration ensured that didn't happen. They're still despicable. Remember, once the guy from the federal government got to the farms and said bird flu was found the farmer didn't get to have a local vet come and give the chickens tests for a second opinion. That fact alone is worth remembering. February 12, 2025   Inflation; Thanks, LEFTIES:   Again, the LEFT has messed Americans over. The Federal Reserve Chief, jerome powell, has done what he could to help demonRATS win the 2024 election, but when President Donald J. Trump won in November, he started doing what he could to RAISE INFLATION and to make Pres. Trump's numbers look bad. Too bad people have the common sense to know that Pres. Trump isn't the one responsible for these bad numbers since he's only been in office since January 20th. It's all the LEFT'S fault. February 12, 2025   "Correct The Records":   I LIKE IT! Pres. Trump has asked the NCAA to "correct the records" and give the trophies to the REAL WOMEN who came in second to the MEN! I think it should be done. I was appalled that men were allowed to compete in women's sports in the first place, but the LEFT supported this NONSENSE and ruined so many, many lives because the boys who got "bottom surgery" can't father children, and the girls who got "bottom surgery" can't mother children, and if the girls got only "top surgery" they will never breast feed any children they may have had if they didn't do the bottom surgery. The LEFT supported this. The LEFT supports abortion up to and beyond birth, the mutilation of little children because they're trying to fit in with the latest trend and they support children growing up in single-parent households as well as in homes with two same-sex parents. That proves that the LEFT HATES children almost as much as -- if not more than -- they hate Christian Conservatives. February 12, 2025   DOGE:   They've already uncovered so much STUPID spending, waste and corruption that I'm not surprised the LEFT is upset -- that spending is supporting THEM! Now they're SO UPSET that Elon Musk and his DOGE personnel are finding the WASTE of TAXPAYER DOLLARS and telling Americans about it. We get to see there has been a LOT of WASTEFUL SPENDING some of which we already know about, but there's much more out there and if we STOP all of the waste, we can save a LOT of money and our taxes will go down. If we can get the stupid, LEFTIST "judges" who magically get assigned the lawsuits to stop trying to BLOCK Pres. Trump's agenda and DOGE, and who have a history of "twisting the Constitution" to block anything Conservatives want to do and to institute LEFTIST agendas. This is not right, but it's hard to get rid of a Senate-approved "judge". If the LEFT gets their way, via judicial activism, riots, LYING to the public in elections getting elected as a RINO, but actually being a LEFTIST LIAR, or any other way they can find to get/maintain POWER. I really despise the LEFT. I hate what they want to do to America, what they support, what they are hiding. That includes bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's participation in getting Pres. Trump's house raided by the FBLie! I don't care that he is old and feeble. He needs to pay for his wrongs, too, he and his whole family, even if they are pardoned! I pray that they're totally exposed this term of Pres. Trump and that America turns against them and they get thrown in PRISON. I'll help build new prisons to hold all of the corrupt LEFTIES if that is what it takes! I want this especially because USAID helped fund TERRORISTS who KILLED U.S. Soldiers! OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS were used to help kill Americans! That's not just wrong, it's totally IMMORAL and ILLEGAL. IT'S TREASON and you and I via taxes helped pay for it thanks to the LEFT! February 12, 2025   Retirement Fiasco:   Wow. This is absurd. The U.S. government has been processing retirement paperwork in in a cave, by hand, on paper, filed in boxes on miles of shelving. That's how they've done it for years and they haven't updated/modernized things for years. Take a look at the pictures of how the federal government treats your paperwork. I'm shocked. I thought that at least during the previous Trump administration that would have been found and modernized. I wonder how many people work in that cave and if DOGE can fix this ridiculousness. February 12, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. I will try to be here tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 10, 2025: 2:41 p.m.: National Clean Out Your Computer Day:   Missed Thursday and Friday because we went to the farm Thursday and I was getting things ready for that. Friday we were busy trimming the grapevine (Scuppernong and Muscadine, the others not quite big enough to seriously prune as yet) and other things around the farm. Friday I spent some time in the tractor picking things up, leveling things out and enjoying time in it again. I love my tractor. It's so much fun to use! Now I want an excavator, a smaller tractor (it will fit in the small places where my big tractor won't go), a skid steer with a mulching attachment and a few other toys. Our barn may have to have some additional storage just under roof! I love learning how to run big machinery. It's fun and with big machines we can get things done easilly. That's always a good thing. February 10, 2025   themuslimvileone and DOGE:   Did you know that he created the DOGE? According to The Gateway Pundit article, It tells about how themuslimvileone's "obummercare" website was such a dismal failure at roll-out (you remember this part, don't you? After all, even the LEFTIES in the msm had to admit it was awful, malfunctioned all the time and didn't do the job it was allegedly setup to do; and you know it's bad when the LEFT criticizes something one of them created!), that he created something called the "United States Digital Service" which was "given the authority to fix the Obamacare website, HealthCare.gov."The article goes on to say how DOGE came about to be on Pres. Trump's team, even though it was created by an absolute LEFTIE: "Importantly, the service was given the authority to investigate and operate the tech backends of all federal departments and agencies.So for the LEFT to cry foul for the DOGE to take its responsibilities seriously and do the job themuslimvileone set it up to do is disengenuous at least, hypocritical as usual! The LEFT now despises the entity it's "Most Favored Son" created because it's doing something that the LEFT is not happy with. That's the way the LEFT is: do what WE WANT and ONLY WHAT WE WANT, or we'll find a corrupt judge somewhere to stop you and we can have our own way again! Little diaper wearing, poop-dropping (jerry nadler, anyone) babies! February 10, 2025   CFPB:   This is why I wholeheartedly recommend Hillsdale College and ONLY Hillsdale College for people to send their children to. They have a spine and they have their priorities correctly aligned with history, truth and GOD. They congratulated Russ Vought, the new Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) head, created by none other than Chief Fauxcahauntus, and tweeted, "Trigger warning: We will not be deleting our earlier post congratulating @RussVought". Now, that's a great tweet! Vought's alma mater did delete their congrats after whiney LEFTIES complained about it because "Vought is to facilitate the funding requests from quarter to quarter by the Fed to replenish the coffers of CFPB. He's the federal human resources department and chief operating officer rolled into one. His request for the 3rd quarter, being that Former sentient President Joe Biden's director already covered them through the 2nd quarter? Please provide...$0 dollars. [my bolding]"Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Take that, LEFTIES! This agency has little to no oversight so the leadership has to be the defender of the American Taxpayers' dollars, and until Russ Vought, it has been getting money, hand over fist, straight from the Federal Reserve, to spend as it sees fit. Now, there's a Trump person in there and he can see what's been happening, fix it, help destroy the agency and maybe, just maybe save Americans millions -- if not billions -- of dollars by getting that thing off the taxpayers' funding rolls! I LOVE IT! He decided that the agency's current available balance of $711.6 million was enough to do its "duties", whatever they may be. Then he told his employees to do "absolutely nothing" without written permission from his office! The LEFT must be wetting their pants! "This agency was born out of a financial panic, created to become a slush fund of the left, and has been wielded as a financial weapon used in a partisan ideological manner. Its demise is nothing short of glorious."Amen to that! Amen to that. February 10, 2025   FEMA:   Pres. Donald J. Trump and the DOGE are trying to STOP government waste, but the rest of the government agencies still run by LEFTIES are upping their game and, apparently like FEMA, wasting more money. For instance: "'The @DOGE team just discovered that FEMA sent $59M LAST WEEK to luxury hotels in New York City to house illegal migrants. Sending this money violated the law and is in gross insubordination to the President’s executive order. That money is meant for American disaster relief and instead is being spent on high end hotels for illegals! A clawback demand will be made today to recoup those funds.'"Sounds to me like LEFTIES are still on control of FEMA and that needs to change immediately and we need to send EVERY ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER staying in NY hotels at U.S. TAXPAYER expense back to whatever country they came from -- yesterday, if not sooner! Let's stop wasting money and start enforcing the LAWS that we already have in place and start putting America -- and AMERICANS -- FIRST! NO MORE MONEY FOR ILLEGALS OR LEFTIES! February 10, 2025   DOGE:   U.S. A.G., Pam Bondi, has it right; the LEFT is AFRAID of what will be found when DOGE gets to their little havens of LEFTIST respite. They don't want to have their little extra-legal dipping and dividing of funds from this or that agency discovered and they don't want the cash flow to end. That's why they're willing to shut the government down to stop DOGE and Pres. Trump from finding their gravy trains. The LEFT and their sneaky ways of getting money into their coffers and into their programs that buy votes and voters are like the tunnels dug underground by Mexican drug cartels to smuggle drugs and people into America. They're there but we don't see them and we don't know about them until it's late in the game and they're finally ferreted out. That's what the DOGE is doing: ferretting things out and the LEFT HATES THAT. They loved the gravy train tunnels, and now they're willing to shut down the whole government if those tunnels are shut down, closed off and the American people find out about how horrible they've been to the American taxpayer with all of their CHEATING and lawlessness. IF justice prevailed in America, 80% of the LEFTISTS in any federal government power position would go straight to PRISON for the rest of their lives for the things they've done, the laws they've broken. But, "justice" is for the Conservatives, the "little people" in "flyover country" in America. Hopefully, with President Donald J. Trump in office that is about to change. Let's pray he has the courage to do put LEFTIES in prison who deserve to be there. After all, ripping America off is illegal and giving "aid and comfort to our enemies (Sesame Street for children in the Middle East, really?) is TREASON. February 10, 2025   Bye-Bye Rocketship?:   There has been a long "mission" called the Space Launch System (SLS) to create a base on the moon, headed by -- can you believe this one? -- Congress: "SLS is a Frankenrocket, cobbled together out of parts new and old. Its most innovative feature is taking fully reusable Space Shuttle engines — cutting-edge technology from the 1970s — and throwing them into the ocean after each launch. It's a beast designed by Congress (not by engineers) to please contractors spread out in dozens of conveniently located congressional districts."Can you imagine ANYONE wanting to risk their lives flying on that thing? It's underpowered, over-budget and totally worthless! IF DOGE gets ahold of this, it will also be GONE. That's why heads will explode if it gets axed: Elon Musk is the owner of SpaceX, and their main competition. I'm sure that's going to be a heavy duty fan that it hits. February 10, 2025   Crybabies:   Federal employees are not happy. They have been told things like "come work in the office", or "you're not to do anything without my approval", or "you're going to be paid, but you're not going to be working here anymore" and they're "fearful" an "angered" and "confused". I don't think that's the appropriate response, but LEFTIES are always afraid of something so what's the big deal here? After all, "[F]ederal employees as a professional demographic are also the most pampered and insulated workforce in our nation. They get more leave than private-sector employees and generally work fewer hours. Federal employees enjoy unparalleled levels of legal protection from being fired, protections that were strengthened during the Biden administration."Yet, President Donald J. Trump and his DOGE team are doing what the American taxpayers want: a smaller government, lower taxes and a more RESPONSIVE government (one that doesn't ignore its funders -- US. We are supposed to be in control of our government, NOT the employees, NOT Congress, NOT the White House or the SCOTUS. "We, The People" are supposed to be in control and that's what President Donald J. Trump is trying to do: return the federal government TO US, and that's what has the LEFT so up in arms and "scared". They don't want "We, the People" to be in control because we would oust them in a heartbeat, and we would drop their funding in half-a-heartbeat and we would lock the doors behind them! LEFTIES are losing their minds and trying desperate measures because they don't want to lose POWER and the MONEY it brings them. Watch them go INSANE as they try every dirty deed in the book and make up new ones to try to STOP President Donald J. Trump, the greatest President in the History of the World! February 10, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby just got home without calling first, so I'm going to go do other things. Y'all have a great evening and I'll try to be here tomorrow. No promises. I got bit by a spider while in Georgia, and it's in my right eyebrow and it's making my face swell around my eye and my eye really dry (eye drops help), so if that's bad tomorrow (how long do spider bites take to heal?) I probably won't even try to do updates. We'll see how that goes. I think you understand. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and ALL J6 political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he is in the White House where he has belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 5, 2025: 2:25 p.m.   LEFTIST LIES:   Hurray! There is one less LEFTIST LIE out there because "We, The People" spoke up. The IDIOT running the U.S. Mint made a new coin that had a LIE embedded in the information about it. She did it to perpetuate the "insurrection" LIE and she said that it was intended to "honor the brave Capitol police, heroic lawmakers, and fearless journalists who 'survived' that fateful day." Yes. Really. These "brave Capitol police" actually fired flash bang grenades, smoke bombs and rubber bullets into a crowd of peaceful protestors standing around near the capital. That's what made people react! Nothing was happening until the police did the WRONGS that happened on that day. They litterally BEAT INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DEATH, ensuring they were trampled upon and FOUR TRUMP SUPPORTERS WERE KILLED THAT DAY by the powers that be who were doing the WRONG THING. Rosanne Boyland, Ashli Babbit, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips all died because of the "brave Capitol police" who used unnecessary excessive force Also Known As (AKA) POLICE BRUTALITY. Thankfully, it looks like the public outcry against this LEFTIST LIE! I hope that this idiot gets forced to resign soon because (allegedly) Trump can't fire the LIAR! February 5, 2025   Another Trump WIN!:   Yep. Another victory. Hurray! This time it's against "special counsel" joke smith and DA fani willis "A federal court ordered the DOJ to provide information on communications between Special Counsel Jack Smith and District Attorney Fani Willis regarding the prosecution of then-former President".Question is, will they obey? Under Pam Bondi, they will, but she's not absolutely confirmed as yet. The Committee passed her, but the whole Senate still has to vote on her nomination. I think that will happen, but the DO[IN]J has a history on non-cooperation and until she's in office and she will be cleaning house as soon as she's confirmed, but until then, they can keep doing their dirty deeds. When you fill an office with LEFTISTS that's what happens. It's almost as if they use the "safety in numbers" idea: When we break the law even if it gets investigated, they won't take all of us, so why not? LEFTISTS are despicable. February 5, 2025   LEFTISTS Get Taxpayer $$$:   It's no wonder the LEFT is so upset over the closing of USAID! They've been using it as a funding source for LEFTIST PROPAGANDA! They used USAID to give POLITICO $8 MILLION. Think that's bad? USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) ALSO gave $3.1 MILLION to the NY Times and the BBC got $3.2 MILLION taxpayer dollars -- and that's just the start of a long, long list the the DOGE has found. I'm sure there are going to be more. Sometimes they'll find that these BUSINESSES got more funding via US TAXPAYER DOLLARS from other US government agencies. For instance, "Politico has received from various swampy federal govt [sic] agencies" $34.4 MILLION! That's why Politico never said anything bad against bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe or any other LEFTIST! You know who else got funded by USAID? How about U.S. A When you find the TRUTH about the LEFT, it's always DISGUSTING, isn't it? They LIE to us and spend our money like it's from their own pockets (after all the money laundering it is, but that's beside the point) and look at us with a straight face and say that they're trying to do what is best for us. Rrrriiiigggghhhhhtt. Remember, President Donald J. Trump is doing all of this "finding out" LEGALLY via an office that themuslimvileone created when he was in office. Why the LEFT are complaining about the current president using an office that the LEFTEST prezidunce on record created, I have no idea; unless it's because we're finding out the TRUTH about how the LEFT uses taxpayer dollars! There's so much more! Read this article telling you about how much Reuters news services got and Watch the full video here of just a SHORT list of the things USAID has spent YOUR MONEY on! Your eyes will roll. February 5, 2025   Pam Bondi, U.S. A.G.   Well, first I have to report what I did not see reported yesterday, so let's start with the Senate approved Pam Bondi as US AG! The vote was 54 to 46 so that's a great thing! Now I can tell you that she has vowed to STOP FEDERAL FUNDING to sanctuary cities! Hurray! I think that's excellent! Take away federal funds and many cities -- especially LEFTIE-run cities -- will be hurting big time! Question is, will they choose to protect the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS in their city, or will they choose to STOP protecting those ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS and choose to receive federal funds? What thinks you? Remember that old saying, "Money speaks"? Yeah. Let's see what happens. In other good news about Pam Bondi, U.S. A.G., she's going to investigate the LAWFAIR against Pres. Donald J. Trump that the LEFTIES did in order to stop him. I hope she looks into the three impeachments, too (two that actually happened, one that was just a rumble) and that she releases all of the information that she finds. I want FULL TRANSPARENCY from her office on everything she finds out as a result of these investigations so that we can know whom to trust. If we find out that our legislators are part of the problem, they get voted out at the earliest possible moment. February 5, 2025   LEFTIES HELP ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS:   We know that the LEFT is not happy with President Donald J. Trump closing the border and deporting people. We know that there are some LEFTIES who will do anything they can to HARM America. For instance, ilhan "I married my brother" omar has been videoed telling people how to avoid being deported and now another LEFTIE, representative gwen moore (D-WI) is doing the same thing. They tell people how to avoid law enforcement and how to continue breaking our laws. Sounds to me like the FEDERAL GOVENMENT SHOULD DEFUND every district that has legislators who try to help ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS escape deportation. I think that if we DEFUNDED the legislators' districts for them doing wrong they may decide to start obeying and supporting the LAW! Agree? February 5, 2025   IMPEACHMENT!:   Of course. The left is already crying for another impeachment against President Donald J. Trump. He's doing more FOR America than they can STAND, so they MUST IMPEACH him! The person screaming for impeachment is rep. al green (dumbo-TX), and he's trying to impeach President Donald J. Trump because of his remarks about "taking ownership of the Gaza Strip". Pres. Trump has promised to rebuild it, to make it better and to move those currently living there to another country. This could help bring stability and peace to the region, IF the terrorists who live there now will only allow that to happen. However, not everyone likes the plan: Muslims living in Gaza don't, the nations that would be receiving the terrorists don't and the LEFT doesn't. But we'll see what happens. Perhaps the THEAT of doing this will be enough. February 5, 2025   Another Victory!:   Since Pam Bondi has been sworn into office the FBLie is going to become the FBI again and as part of that change, they have handed over info on agents involved in the J6 shenanigans against Americans. I think there will be a price to pay for those involved because Pam Bondi doesn't like people breaking the U.S. Constitution. How many of them will quit of their own accord PRIOR to being named and punished? Alternatively, how many will stay and try to stare her down and think of themselves as "invincible" and "protected"? My question is, if they're feeling invulnerable, who is it whose protection they are relying on to save their sorry skins? It can't be themuslimvileone anymore because he's lost his influence. Is it thevilegeorgesoros? Probably not because with President Trump and his Cabinet in power, he has lost his influence in the most power places. Who is it the LEFTIES think will protect them? That answer may surprise us because I'm thinking that there are quite a few Senators and Representatives who would gladly stand between Pam Bondi and her targets, mostly LEFTISTS, but many RINOS as well. That's not actually the surprise, though, because I bet others who are going to be on that list, too: ben crenshaw, perhaps all-talk-no-action jim jordan, ted cruise, etc.? Talk is one thing: doing is another whole ball of wax. Let's see which names pop up and how quickly resignations take place. February 5, 2025   CBS kackleskamala Released:   The HEAVILLY DOCTORED CBS interview with kackleskamala has been released by the FCC. According to the story, CBS is NOT happy about this. As my brother would say, "Oh, wah!" February 5, 2025   President Donald J. Trump:   What an effect his win and swearing into office has had on our country! He's been in office for just over two weeks and already U.S. Army recruitment has skyrocketed with red-blooded Americans who want to serve our country instead of just using it to get gender reassignment surgeries that they'll regret later and have to undo on their own dime! He's turning the whole world around as progressive/liberal/leftist governments worldwide are crumbling and dying ignominious deaths and putting the people of their country first used to be passé but the people of the world have decided that they don't want to be considered last by their country's leaders. They want to be considered FIRST and that's why the LEFT is LOSING WORLDWIDE. It's a good thing. A very good thing! And President Donald J. Trump is the reason it has started. The world is different with President Donald J. Trump as President. He's good for America and the whole world. He will be considered the best President in history, with Ronald Reagan second. February 5, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll try to be here again tomorrow. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 4, 2025: 2:33 p.m.   USAID Puzzle:   Remember the Vindman twins? This is the one who was "elected" to Congress (SMH) Well, the one "elected" decided there was something important enough to him that he chose to try to get into the USAID building, even though President Donald J. Trump, closed the building and told everyone who worked there to stay home. Trump put Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, in temporary control of the organization. So what was Representative Vindman doing there? What was so important to him that he tried to get in, but was stopped by security? Was it something to do with the fact that there are records there that prove that USAID PAYS our ENEMIES TO KILL US? "USAID dollars support Iran's proxies Hamas. If that's shocking, then you'll want to sit down for this next revelation. The U.S. State Department and USAID pay millions of dollars per week to the Taliban, the bin Laden family leading the group, and the Haqqani terror network."Are you GLAD USAID is shut down now? I AM! I hope it NEVER opens back up because if the LEFTIES ever get back into power, they'll start this crap up again! Another reason to be happy it's closed -- besides the fact that it irritates LEFTIES -- is that they are using TAXPAYER DOLLARS to pay for absolutely RIDICULOUS things! Glad we are getting rid of those things, if not that organization! Too bad aoc isn't happy about it! In fact, most people defending it are on its payroll, or have benefitted from it around! Which makes getting rid of it even BETTER! Bwahahahahaha! February 4, 2025   Pres. Trump's Nominees:   I'm hoping that when it gets to the Senate's turn, that they'll agree with the different committees and approve them. So far, we've had several nominees approved and already making a difference. We still have fourteen to go, but the good news is that we have RKF Jr. approved by the committee he went in front of (Senate Finance Committee), and Pam Bondi (nominee for U.S. Attorney General) has been approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, even though LEFTISTS didn't want to do so. This, from the committee that approved kjb for the SCOTUS, a woman who can't even say what a woman is yet is going to be making rulings on women's issues! SMH. I'm hoping that EVERY Trump nominee is approved and that we can get on with Making America Great Again! UPDATE: Tulsi Gabbard has just advanced from the Senate Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron if ever I've heard one!)! Gabbard MAY soon become our next DNI! February 4, 2025   Idiot demonRATS:   Want to know exactly how stupid the
LEFT is? Here are two of the most recent examples: February 4, 2025   Draining the Swamp!   Pres. Donald J. Trump has already cleared out so many bad actors in the US government that it's almost like Christmas every day. Today, it was 1,000 EPA employees who got their pink slip via email! I LOVE IT! Soon, maybe, fingers crossed, it will be the people of the Department of EDUCATION (read LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION)! Can you imagine? How exciting and wonderful! Return education to the states and make that something that they deal with locally! I love it! Also, there are over 20,000 federal employees who have accepted Pres. Donald J. Trump's "buyout offer"! They're leaving the federal government payroll and how much money is that going to save us? All of these people getting the boot means we're saving a WHOLE BOATLOAD of taxpayer dollars! I hope he does the same thing to the U.S. Postal Service because we're paying people there to do NOTHING and that's a total waste of money! Let's do this! February 4, 2025   Chinese Spying On U.S.:   They've been spying on us for a LONG time, but my question is, did the bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAUXministration know about this, support it, allow it? You tell me. February 4, 2025   The LEFT is NUTS!:   They really are insane. They have NO IDEA how to make things work in America's favor, but they can't stand that President Donald J. Trump is WILDLY SUCCEEDING AT DOING SO. So they complain. They whine. They accuse. They make false statements saying that it's racist, sexist, homophobic, ethnic discrimination, whatever. Yeah. They have to find something to complain about, fair or unfair, they don't care. The LEFT MUST complain; especially if it's about something Pres. Trump is doing. Pres. Trump is WINNING on TARIFFS but the LEFT has to try to find something wrong with that. They're so predictable. February 4, 2025   I'm going to close with that for now. My hubby's going to be home soon and he'll take me to get my vehicle that is in for repairs. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to pray for our country and for protection for Pres. Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance and their families because there are still nuts out there who hate Pres. Trump -- and they're probably being paid by USAID. (Okay. That's a joke. Don't take it seriously... but seriously, is that a possibility?) Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. February 3, 2025: 2:40 p.m.   Missed Friday because I put away some craft items I had used and that led to a couple of hours of reorganizing, cleaning out and general cleaning of my craft room/office. It needs a few more hours, but it's a start. I do a lot of crafts and my most recent craft pick up is junk journaling and I really enjoy it because I've loved paper for years and years and have collected nice papers for a long time. When I found out what junk journaling is I had to do some junk journals. Now I'm hooked. So, accumulating all of that means finding ways to store it without tripping over it. I've done better than I thought, but I admit, there are some things I have to figure out since I also have about 200 books in here on my bookshelves, floor and miscellaneous places. I love books, too. I don't do a lot of fiction reading, so most of my books are non-fiction: religion and Bibles being a big part of that. What can I say? I'm weird. February 3, 2025   Trendie Transie Crashing:   I found a story at HotAir.com about there being a 3,000% INCREASE in DEtransitioners in ONE YEAR! I can't read the whole story because I'm not a VIP member, but the headline alone is worth mentioning! Isn't that amazing? I have said since the get-go that this was a "trend" and it looks like the trend is dying. Too bad so many people were so negatively impacted by the weakness of their parents, the collusion of the medical/big pharma/psychological coalition of money-grubbing deviants who didn't care about their patients but did care about the money transing kids brought them. It's time for class action lawsuits against these heartless, money-worshipping deviants. I hope people sue, and sue, and sue and that every doctor, psychiatric practitioner and pharmacist who helped in this LIE loses everything. February 3, 2025   red target:   Well, look at how things change. They wouldn't allow Salvation Army bellringers (which is why I've never shopped there) and they wouldn't allow Toys for Tots to solicit donations there, but they did support the Trendie Transie movement and they have been very DEI, until their recent announcement that they were allegedly going to do away with it (which we know is a LIE -- see January 30, 2025, "Target LIED", below). Now it looks like the LEFT believed the alleged reset of the red target's corporate values and the LEFTIES are going to boycott them! My, oh, my! Whoever thought we'd live to see this day? When they LIE about giving up DEI and the LEFT -- without looking into it for themselves, without think... well, they've never been capable of thinking... without reading anything outside of their own little bubble -- believed red target's LIE and now they're all angry and boycotting. SMH. But, SMH with a wry smile. February 3, 2025   $1 BILLION MISSING:   Quick! Make the FBLie search the pockets of every bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's and his wife's wardrobe because they've done something tricky with our money, even though they allegedly sent it to the Ukraine. How much of $1 BILLION is 10% for the "Big Guy"? Swiss bank accounts for BUYthem and his kin. That's $100 MILLION divided by at least eight people? That's $12,500,000 each. How many people get that free and clear because they're traitors to America and they laundered $! Billion through the Ukraine? Is this what bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe did? I've suspected so all along and now that so much money is missing, I think my suspicions were well-founded. Agree? February 3, 2025   James O'Keefe:   He has caught more wickedness and treason, voter fraud and government cheaters on camera doing and saying things than the FBLie has in its LIFETIME! James O'Keefe is a One-Man FBI! Now he's caught another government employee saying that their part of the Department of Homeland Security is going to DEFY DHS Chief, Kristi Noem's orders. In fact, he says out loud that she "can't tell them what to do"! I bet when she fires him -- which is "imminent" -- she can tell him exactly what to do: gather your personal belongings and go with these two security guards out of the building! I bet that's coming since he's already been "placed on leave and is under investigation" and that's being told what to do! February 3, 2025   Winning "Bigly!":   It looks like Mexico has had a change of heart since the 25% tariffs went into effect against them. Now they say they'll work with Pres. Trump to close the border! That's a good thing to do. Now all they have to do is stop the human and drug trafficking across our border. On the Panama Canal, Secretary of State, Marco Rubio (FL's ex-Senator) has had success in getting this commitment from Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino: "Mulino confirmed that he would not renew Panama’s involvement in China’s Silk Road initiative and would consider trying to withdraw before its renewal."How's that for good? Winning "Bigly!" In the Canadian kerfuffle, there's a survey that shows that even though some Canadian businesses are removing American wines from their store shelves, a survey says that many Canadian businesses plan to move production to the U.S. or have business acquisitions in America. That's another WIN for Pres. Donald J. Trump! In Venezuela, Special Envoy, Richard Grennell, has gone down there and negotiated the release of Americans imprisoned by the "corrupt, socialist Maduro" regime. Not satisfied with doing just that in a day, he also announced that he had taken out another leader in ISIS in Somalia. How much you want to bet that Ms. "I married my brother", ilhan omar, won't be able to stay quiet about that? Winning just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger! February 3, 2025   DEI DEADLY:   Want to know why President Donald J. Trump is getting rid of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)? It's because it KILLS PEOPLE! Don't believe me? Look at the FACTS: the FAA turned down QUALIFIED APPLICATIONS for Air Traffic Controllers in order to hire less qualified people to meet their DEI standards! They would rather have someone less qualified who ticked the right boxes than a super-qualified person who could have prevented all of the near misses in the air since DEI hiring was put in place! It's so bad that airline pilots started speaking out about it! They want to go home alive and well to their loved ones instead of in pieces in a body bag! It's no wonder they spoke out! When your air traffic controlloers are NOT as qualilfied as they should be, the number of accidents is definitely going to go up. It's amazing that we have had it worse since themuslimvileone started this idiocy! Feburary 3, 2025   BofA's History of De-Banking Conservatives:   I remember this story from a few years ago, but it lost visibility after so many other BAD things that have happened. It came to light again recently after Pres. Donald J. Trump confronted them at the World Economic Forum in front of everyone there. (I love Trump!) Of course, they quickly tried to deny they ever did that, but now attorneys are challenging that denial. "Lawyers for the nonprofit free speech firm Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) dispute Bank of America’s claims. They say evidence does suggest at least some parts of the enormous company have indeed refused service based on customers’ religious or political beliefs."It's not just that they debank people. They also help SPY on Americans who do business with them. "Testimony to Congress in 2023 said that, without requiring a warrant or any legal process, Bank of America provided the FBI a list of people who made any transactions in Washington, D.C. with a BoA payment card between Jan. 5 and 7, 2021. This flagged tens of thousands of Americans as potential domestic terrorists and opened numerous completely innocent Americans to federal investigation simply because they happened to be somewhat near a small number of individuals rioting at the U.S. Capitol. [my bolding]"They did other things as well, but to do "reasonable use" of the article I can't use too much of it. Read it for yourselves. They're not a good company, IMHO, especially if they help our own government SPY ON US WITHOUT REQUIRING A WARRANT! That's shades of Hitler's having children spy on their parents and vice versa! It's NOT ACCEPTABLE IN AMERICA! They should be forced to rename their bank to "Bank of SPIES" or "Bank of ANTI-America"! February 3, 2025   Corruption and LYING: There is a National Medal of Honor Museum being built and there's a story associated with that new entity that is APPALLING. They're putting a LIAR in there and keeping a HERO OUT. Disgusting. This needs to change and change NOW! February 3, 2025   U.S. Should Leave the United Nations:   I've said this for YEARS and now I have a good article to explain FIVE BIG REASONS to LEAVE THE U.N. I hope that President Donald J. Trump reads this article and does remove America from the United Nations and KICKS THE U.N. OUT of America! That would be a HUGE money savings for American Taxpayers! Let's do this! February 3, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. Except, I want to give a link to something that may make you LOL; it did me. Check out Twitchy.com's Monday Morning Meme Madness and you'll laugh at least a few times. I certainly got enough laughs to share them with others. Enjoy and I hope you have a great rest of your day. I'll try to be here tomorrow. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. January 30, 2025: 4:17 p.m.:   Had to get the oil change done on my little car that gets really good gas mileage yesterday. When I was finished there, they had recommended $795 worth of other work (not warranty covered) and I needed some stress relief and went to the thrift store where I found my first Christmas present for this year and a really, really, really good deal on something that I didn't yet have up at the farm, so I got it, too. Now I can have that craft item up there and do some stuff up there that I couldn't have otherwise done. I like it. Anyways, I'm going to get started with today's updates. January 30, 2025   DC Black Hawk/Plane Midair Collision:   First, I want to say that my prayers are with those who lost loved ones in this unimaginable tragedy. I am so sorry for your loss. Second, we need to find out why the air traffic control center wasn't properly manned. And then we need to find out why the American Airline plane's movements were so eratic before the crash. There were no survivors and the helicopter pilot probably saw the airplane prior to the collision and helicopters are very maneuverable that it should have been able to avoid a collision; UNLESS it had a mechanical problem and it could not do so. The media is being hypocritical about it (shock, surprise), and if you recall, the bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAA focused on DEI hiring, so did that play a part in it? I wonder if it's part of the problem. We need to know the TRUTH about this and all of the other Black Hawk crashes lately. Is it manufacturer error? Is it sabotage? What is the TRUTH about this? January 30, 2025   Mexico:   I must agree with this assessment because I've been saying it for a long time. Mexico is a hostile foreign power and should be treated as such. They have done everything they can for the last forty years to use drugs as a way to enrich their own leaders -- those who support, cover for, and cave to the drug cartels -- and to do as much damage as they possibly can to America and Americans! Whether through drug trafficking into our nation, or through supporting the trafficking of humans (including little children), and encouraging and supporting ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS to cross our border illegally, Mexico has been our de facto enemy for forty years, but has maintained "Most Favored Nation" (MFN) status for decades without deserving it. It's time the TRUTH be made abundantly clear in our foreign relations worldwide and that includes branding Mexico as a terrorist nation at our border and our border not only strengthened, but guarded with a heavily armed military presence on our side to prevent the cartels from thinking we're an easy target. Let's show Mexico and their cartel buddies what true power looks like a few times and I bet they'll start toeing the line! January 30, 2025   Wasting Taxpayer $$$:   Want to shake your head really, really hard with your jaw hanging open? No? Okay. You don't have to do that, but I bet you'll want to as you read about these "twelve wasteful grants" you're paying for that are the worst of the worst, not the whole list. Your money under bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe was not seen as something to use wisely. It was seen as something to give to their buddies, money launder and get into individuals' pockets (or DNC coffers) and to pay off those doing illegal actions on your behalf. That's what the LEFT does and how they operate and -- worse than that -- they are never, NEVER made to pay a price. It's a travesty. January 30, 2025   Trump Nominees:   Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard and Sen. R.F. Kennedy are or have testified before a Senate committee today. Patel before the Senate Judiciary Committee and Gabbard before the Senate Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron if ever I heard one) and Kennedy before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Predictably, the LEFTIES decided beforehand that they would definitely OPPOSE anyone President Donald J. Trump wants to put in his cabinet, especially those who have a history of standing up AGAINST the LEFT prior to being chosen. Heaven forbid anyone think something a LEFTIE doesn't want them to think, or do anything the LEFT doesn't like or approve of. I mean really, how dare they (remember greta thunberg)? So we expected this, and I think all three were prepared for it; although to the extent of the absolute idiocy of the LEFT, I doubt anyone can truly prepare, I think all three handled it well. At least they didn't do what I would have in their situation: laugh loudly and point. January 30, 2025   Lefties Just Can't:   President Donald J. Trump (still love writing that!) fired seventeen Inspectors General last Friday but she just couldn't accept it. She said he didn't follow protocol so she wasn't going to leave. Well, that didn't sit well with the head of the Executive Branch of our government, President Donald J. Trump, so he had her removed from her office and she will probably join the others in suing to maintain her position, but I think, in the long run, she'll still be gone. At least, that's my hope. I would have loved to have been there to watch security escort her from the building. That's a show I've yet to see. January 30, 2025   Foreign Influence in American Colleges:   Is Qatar's funding making the anti-Israel protest happen? Are Muslim dollars protecting Islamic extremism and terrorism at the expense of our GREATEST ALLIE, ISRAEL? As Sarah Palin used to say, "You betcha!" At least, that's what it's looking like. January 30, 2025   LEFTIES CHEAT:   Well, gooooooollllllyyy! Shocked and surprised, I'm sure. (/sarcasm) A LEFTIE in Connnecticut was caught changing Repubican voter registrations to demonRAT registrations. Raise your hand if you're surprised it was a LEFTIE. Okay. No hands. Yeah. It's par for the LEFTIE course. Jauary 30, 2025   Target LIED:   Take a closer look at the target announcement that they're closing their DEI practices and you'll see that they LIED. "Kiera Fernandez, formerly known as Target’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, now goes by a new title: Chief Community Impact and Equity Officer. What a clever rebrand.So, ladies and gentlemen of Conservative-ville, don't start shopping the red circle store because they said they were doing something sensible, correct and good. Their LIES have been found out. They have not changed one IOTA of their LEFTIST ways. If I saw a Salvation Army bellringer and a Toys For Tots drive outside of every red circle store in America this year, I might start to think they were serious about doing something -- anything? -- right. I'm sorry but I think the forecast would have to include snow in hades for that. January 30, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. I think I'll just sit and enjoy the evening for a while longer outside. Actually, I have to. My hubby and son went to pick up a few things at Lowe's in T-ville and when he was on his way through the house, he automatically locked the back door (force of habit) on his way out and my son locked the front door on their way out. I'm locked out of the house until they get back. But, as I said, I'm enjoying the day, so that's not so bad. I heard (didn't see, just heard) a Sandhill Crane fly overhead and I'm watching little warblers fly around and maybe robins fly over, too. Enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll try to see you tomorrow. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. January 28, 2025: 4:36 p.m.:   Today is National Data Privacy Day and if you want to protect your data, do something proactive: don't just wait for your programs to do it for you. Use a VPN, or at the very, very least, have a good program on your computer to help hide your data. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I endorse candidates, I have to have my info on my website, or I can be fined, sued, whatever. Not a good thing for privacy and data protection. However, I do take other precautions, which I shall not share here. Let's get started. January 28, 2025   Florida Legislators BLOW IT!:   If you haven't heard about how the Florida Legislators have ROYALLY SCREWED UP you're in for the same kind of shock I had when I read the story. They caved to the LEFTIES and gave themselves a RAISE in the same session! All but ONE voted for this! I think you should ALL contact your Representatives and Senators and tell them that what they have done is UNacceptable and that you want them to to UNDO it! No raise, NO U.S. Agriculture Commissioner in charge of Florida's borders! The Ag Commissioner has reason to WANT ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS in Florida; to pick our crops and give cheap labor (under the table?). That's NOT a good thing. For them to vote FOR this atrocity makes me wonder how much money they've been given to do this flip-flop from being considered a very CONSERVATIVE, Trump-supporting State House and Senate. Makes me want to slap them all, too! Call them and tell them that what they have done is UNacceptable and that they will either vote to UNDO this mess, or they will be removed from office POST-HASTE! Everyone who voted for this stupidity is deserving of being voted out of office immediately! January 28, 2025   Lefties Losing It: &Nbsp Should I put an "again" in this sentence? They are so angry at Tulsi Gabbard for leaving the demonRAT party that they can't allow her to become the Director of National Intelligence. They can't stand it and they'll do everything in their power -- especially LYING -- to try to prevent her from being confirmed. They can't stand the fact that she was even nominated -- and by TRUMP no less -- and if the phrase "seeing red" means anything, multiply it by about the national debt after bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe left office. Yep. That's how angry the LEFT is at Gabbard. She could do the right thing now and help protect America, but they don't want that. They want a slave for life doing their bidding and obediently saying "Yes, Master" after every order. January 28, 2025   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Hurray! The Tren de Aragua gang members who took over an apartment building in Colorado have been arrested in NY. I wonder if they went to NY because they felt more confident in their ability to hide there? I wonder if they went there because they know so many bleeding heart LEFTIES are there who might help them disappear into the American landscape. I wonder if they will try to come back after being deported. I think it's time to stop the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION of our nation, close our borders completely -- no new visas, no green cards, no visitors for a while until we get this completely under control. That means closing every smuggling tunnel coming into America and kicking EVERY illegal alien out -- and if that means kicking out entire families, so be it. I'm a heartless female dog (isn't that a nice way to say it?) whenn it comes to protecting little children from predators, traffickers, drugs, shootings, etc. Our children matter -- born and still in the womb -- and allowing them to be placed in danger because some LEFIST MORON wants to get all the "feels" for being so kind and open minded is not just wrong, it's dangerous and I will stand against it every 24/7/365! January 28, 2025   Out The Door!:   Pres. Donald
J. Trump promised to "Drain The Swamp" in his first term, but he didn't
know who was in the swamp, how big it is, nor how bad it actually is.
In his second term, he knows and he's
kicking more swamp creatures out the door
and I'm loving it! If he gets rid of 35,000 federal employees who are
anti-America, anti-free speech, anti-second amendment, etc., that's
just fine with me. That's 35,000 fewer federal employees who are
doing their best to destroy America and everything she is supposed to
stand for; and with Pres. Donald J. Trump as President, will stand
for once again soon!
Kick all the LEFTIES/RINOS to the curb!
That's how it should be. It's what themuslimvileone did in reverse.
And if you can't kick them out, hopefully they'll follow
Sen. Gary Peters' (D-MI) example
and retire! Can you imagine an entire SENATE and HOUSE of MAGA people? January 28, 2025   Leftists LIE:   Pres. Donald J. Trump had a deal with Los Angeles, or so he thought. He promised federal help on two conditions; they do certain things to start solving the State's problems, but the LEFT and RINOS hate the idea of him having any say in anything except sending money so that they can spend the money however they want. After CA reps agreed to the conditions, though, a DEI LEFTIE prevented the residents from accessing their property and that means that the things said during the press conference CA officials had with President Donald J. Trump, turned out to be LIES. Shock. Surprise. LEFTIES LIED. How many is that? I can't count that high. January 28, 2025   U.S. Military a FIGHTING FORCE AGAIN!:   I love that our military is going to be a fighting force capable of protecting our nation again. With the bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAUXministration it became more of a male in female clothing fashion show and that's not a good thing for a military to be. It should be a lean, mean, fighting machine that will intimidate other nations to stay in line and not mess with us! Thanks to President Donald J. Trump, it's going to become that again because he's getting rid of DEI, trendie tansies and critical race theory and changing it to a merit based military again! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! I know a female who is in the Army (or at least was) who, being a black, female, lesbian, got three promotions in two months -- and this woman couldn't even comprehend the words she was reading! I tutored her for two months until her mother refused to pay me and part of that tutoring was trying to help her learn to comprehend what she was reading. She could usually read the words, but she had no idea what they meant. She couldn't paraphrase them after she read them. She couldn't pass the USAF entrance exam even after being tutored by the USAF for it and taking the test something like FIVE TIMES! The Army accepted her, but what they got was something not becoming the uniform, but promoted anyways because of what she was, not WHO she was. It's a disgrace, but that's what our military was under themuslimvileone who did this for her and BUYthem continued. It's time for MERIT promotions, and I don't mean what gender you pretend to be, with whom you prefer to bed down, or what snuggle toy you dress up as on the weekends! Merit as in you worked hard, know your duties, perform them correctly and consistently, and pitch in to help when needed. That's what MERITS a promotion, not the crap that's been receiving it lately. January 28, 2025   letitia Games:   When will someone finally DISBAR her? She deserves it because she doesn't care about the law, she cares about pleasing her master, thevilegeorgesoros! IF he ordered her to sue for dead people to be given voting rights as a legal thing, I bet she'd do it. Now, she's suing Pres. Trump for freezing federal grants and loans when it's HIS CALL TO MAKE! He's the duly, legally elected PRESIDENT, not her boss, thevilegeorgesoros. Yet, that doesn't matter to her. What matters is kissing her master's backside and being obedient. I wonder where her secret bank account is: Switzerland or the Caribbean somewhere? January 28, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. Hubby's on his way home and I'm going to focus on him when he gets here. Y'all have a good evening and I MAY see you here tomorrow. I have to get the oil changed in one of our vehicles tomorrow. Had an appointment for it last week but when the snow was forecast for Georgia, I stayed up there to see it, then it was a LOT more than the light dusting I expected so I stayed because I haven't driven in snow for years and I don't know if I could do it safely, nor if the people around me could do so safely. Anyways, that's scheduled for tomorrow and I have errands to run prior to that, so I probably won't be here. If not, I'll see you Thursday. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. January 27, 2025: 4:28 p.m.: Holocaust Remembrance Day:   Today is the day we remember the over 17 MILLION people who died under Hitler's Fascistic/Communistic, hate-filled regime. This date is set aside for doing so by the United Nations. Too bad for those 17+ Million people because even though the U.N. chose this date, they "forgot" about it today. Jews worldwide are hated because they're God's chosen people (that's what it says in the Bible in many verses; look it up). The Jews cannot help being the chosen people, but they sure are persecuted for it! January 27, 2025   BUYthem's Pardons:   Have I found a loophole in the pardon he "gave" to the J6 committee? I realized that, President Donald J. Trump has issued a pardon for the J6 prisoners, naming them individually and didn't just say something along the lines of "Those people serving time for J6 convictions" or whatever. He named them. That's what the LAW says he must do: name the people he is giving pardons to. Name. That's a big word for this subject because no one on the "J6 Committee" is named that on their birth certificates or marriage licenses, drivers' lincenses, or even their paperwork for being in Congress. No one was sworn into Congress or the Senate with, "I, J6 Committee Member, do solemnly swear..." were they? No. According to the U.S. Pardon Attorney's website, and the question, "If I apply for any form of executive clemency, what information about me will be released publicly upon grant or denial of my request by the President?"under the question the answer says: "Presidential grants are a matter of public record, so immediately after Presidential action, the name of each person granted a pardon or commutation, along with the district they were convicted, year of sentencing, offense, and the date the President granted their request is publicly listed on the Office of the Pardon Attorney website. [my bolding]"So if that be the case, then the "J6 Committee members" are NOT pardoned because NONE of them are named "J6 Committee members". According to the listing on the Pardon Attorney's website, NONE of the committee members are NAMED. Thus, ARE ANY OF THEM ACTUALLY PARDONED? Did BUYthem actually throw the J6 Committee members under the bus? Look at the wording: on the actual "pardon": "THE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO SERVED ON THE SELECT COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE JANUARY 6TH ATTACK ON THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL ("SELECT COMMITTEE"); THE STAFF OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE, AS PROVIDED BY HOUSE RESOLUTION 503 (117TH CONGRESS); AND THE POLICE OFFICERS FROM THE D.C. METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT OR THE U.S. CAPITOL POLICE WHO TESTIFIED BEFORE THE SELECT COMMITTEE [caps in original]"See ANY NAMES? I don't. Otherwise we'd see NAMES like "Adam Kinzinger", "Elizabeth Lynne Cheney", etc. Is this something that could mean that Pres. Donald J. Trump could go after those fools? January 27, 2025   Firing LEFTIES:   Hurray! Pres. Donald J. Trump (still LOVE writing and saying that!) has FIRED more DO[IN]J idiots, including some from joke smith's team. I hope joke smith realizes he has NOT been given a preziduncial pardon by bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe. He really should be sweating bullets! January 27, 2025   Bwahahahahahaha! IRS to Border Patrol!:   BloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe tried to hire 88,000 new IRS agents to GO AFTER AMERICANS who support Pres. Donald J. Trump. The day President Donald J. Trump was sworn in, he put a halt to that hiring effort and wound up with something like forty-something thousand, who were hired and authorized to carry a gun. Well, they may be carrying a gun, but they'll be employed by the U.S. Border Patrol instead of the IRS and their mandate will be to STOP ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS from entering our country! Bwaahahahahahahaha! That's PERFECTION! If you've got them, flaunt them, right? May as well use them since they're already hired and apparenntly trained with a weapon, right? As long as those weapons don't get pointed at the regular BP agents, or U.S. citizens -- ACTUAL CITIZENS, NOT border crossers -- I'm fine with it. I think it's brilliant! January 27, 2025   Catholic Money-Grubbing:   You want to know the REAL REASON why the Catholic Church -- especially the bishops and this rancid "pope" -- supports the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION of America? It's because OVER $1 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO DO SO: "This writer crunched the numbers and the total for just the spending in this post is: $1,119,120,360.Isn't that telling? Now you know why they are so vehement at protecting the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS of our country: the almighty DOLLAR! And you wonder why the pope drinks from a golden chalice? January 27, 2025   G'bye Stupidity!:   One of my favorite things about Pres. Donald J. Trump's administration is that they're going in and quickly not only draining the swamp by firing a lot of people, but they're also getting rid of "woke". I hate "woke" and refuse to cooperate with it. I won't call a guy in women's clothing with or without makeup a "she/her/woman/womxn", whatever. He's a man/guy/he/him/male. Period. I'm so very, very happy to see woke miiitary base names disappearing in this administration, as well as rainbow lanyards, etc. It's a beautiful thing! I want to know when they'll get rid of "Gay Pride Month" (all of June) and "Black History Month" in February. We're AMERICANS and we shouldn't be divided by SKINTONE or sexual preferences! That's what NON-discrimination policies say! January 27, 2025   I'll close with that for tonight. My hubby will be home soon and I'm still outside enjoying the warmth of a Florida day after the snow days in Georgia at the farm (picture below). Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. January 24, 2025, 1:47 p.m.:   Missed yesterday because my sister called and we talked for over three hours, which took my update time totally away, but she's worth it. I'll get started. UNpinned: January 24, 2025   Birthright Citizenship:   Want to know why President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) to stop so called "Birthright Citizenship"? Read the TRUTH about "Birthright Citizenship" here. Remember: "[I]t wasn’t until about the middle of the 20th century, amid massive upheavals in American life, that the notion of “birthright citizenship” was adopted — over and against how we had understood the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause since it was adopted in 1868."That's right. "Birthright Citizenship" is NOT what the Founding Fathers intended, nor is it good for America. Read the provided in the article (including these two) and you'll see that we WERE NEVER SUPPOSED TO HAVE so-called "Birthright Citizenship" and NO OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH HAS IT so what happened? Read the articles and find out for yourself. Education is an amazing thing. January 24, 2025   Illegal Alien Invaders:   Well, Pres. Trump has been in office for four days and he's already deporting illegal alien invaders after hunting down illegal alien criminals and arresting them, he's gathering others for just this purpose. They're not just being sent home by Pres. Trump, they're also not coming across our border because they know they'll just be sent back! Also, they're closing illegal alien invader shelters, which saves taxpayer dollars, too! I LOVE it! What I want to see next, as far as deportations are concerned, is all of those LEFTISTS who said they would leave America if Pres. Donald J. Trump won and was sworn into office deport themselves! It would be so nice to live in America without the likes of julia roberts, rosie odonnel, whoopie goldberg, etc., etc., etc. wouldn't it? Let's see if they keep their word. (My guess: Nope. Unfortunately.) January 24, 2025   fraudci:   Pres. Trump has removed his taxpayer-funded security detail and now he has to pay for his own security and limosine! I'm glad! He's ripped America off enough and he's such a despicable thing that I rather hope that he gets flees and that they bite him all over and maybe he'd realize that the things he did to beagles wasn't fun for anyone but a masochist like him. When asked if he would feel responsible if anything happened to fraudci because of the security detail being pulled, MY PRESIDENT said, "No." He wouldn't feel responsible and Pres. Trump has the names of some very fine security companies that fraudci could pay for himself. I LOVE IT! January 24, 2025   Leftist Hystrionics:   Ooooohhhh! Be afraid! Be very afraid... of Elon Musk! The man the LEFT LOVED because he was doing incredible things like making electric cars and saving the planet (never mind their history of starting fires that are nearly impossible to extinguish or their self-driving feature causing accidents), or the fact that he is a highly successful rocket pioneer, or that he bought Twitter and turned it into "X" (named after his son?). Never mind the jobs he's created and the people he has helped. Forget all of that. You MUST fear Elon Musk for two reasons. 1: He supports President Donald J. Trump (I LOVE writing that!) and 2: He did an awkward movement (similar to the one aoc did two days ago, I might add [scroll to bottom of linked story]). Oh, me, oh my! He must be a Nazi! He's supporting freedom and the only candidate who could save America from the edge of the cliff the LEFT had put it on, and he put his hand to his heart in love and then threw the love to the audience. Proof positive he's a Nazi, just like aoc must be... Oh. Wait she can't be a Nazi because she does not support saving America. She must be a great American, right? (End sarcasm.) January 24, 2025   J6:   Ya' know, when bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe left office, he pardoned the whole J6 committee (darn it!), but he didn't pardon the corrupt prosecutors and judges who put the J6 prisoners behind bars with false charges, rigged trials, bad judgments from corrupt judges, did he? Nope. He did not. I want Pres. Trump's DOJ to look into EVERY trial that put a J6 defendent behind bars, threatened and pried plea deals from INNOCENT VICTIMS and totally ignored law, legal precedent and the U.S. Constitution scrutinized and if there is ONE instance of the prosecutors or judges involved in ANY of the trials breaking the law via procedure or perjury, coercion or corruption, I want THEM ALL to face their own trials and be put into prison just like they did the J6 prisoners. The J6 prisoners were INNOCENT AMERICANS and didn't deserve to be put in jail! At least one, Jake Lang, was in prison for FOUR YEARS WITHOUT A TRIAL and without access to his attorney at times, and ALL of them were treated poorly, sometimes denied medical care, given solitary confinement for weeks or months, given horrible food, etc. That means that EVERY PRISON GUARD AND WARDEN, U.S. Marshall, etc., who was involved with treating the J6 prisoners that was should ALSO face prosecution under existing laws and they did not receive pardons, either, so they can be prosecuted by the new administration. Let's see how they like their own soup, so to speak. The difference being that their rights would be upheld, their treatment would be better and their own ILLEGAL ACTS would be what put them their, not being set up by their own government, railroaded and threatened into prison by a corrupt system that only targeted Conservatives! January 24, 2025   More Pardons!:   He did it! President Donald J. Trump has pardoned the pro-life grandmas who bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe had put into prison for praying and singing at/outside of baby-killing factories. He arrested 78 year-olds and threw them in prison for praying for babies' lives to be saved! Inhuman monster that he is, bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe actually hates everything that we love: from America to babies in the womb, he's a puppet monster who should never have been installed (NOT elected; cheated, yes, not elected) into the White House. Those pulling his strings (thevilegeorgesoros and others) are to blame for most of his actions, but this one I would not be surprised to find out was his own doing. He's never liked children (unless they were his own so he could shower with them) except to touch them, taste them, sniff them, etc. He's disgusting and he belongs -- to use a phrase hilloser popularized -- in a "basket of deplorables" filled with LEFTIES. January 24, 2025   Poor msm Babies!:   The msm babies covering President Donald J. Trump are "exhausted" from covering him. After LYING about how "energetic" bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe was for the last four years, they finally get a president back in office who is actually doing things and now they cry that they are tired because he's doing so much they are being worn out by his accomplishments and having to cover them! As my brother would say, "Oh, boohoo." That's what they get for LYING for bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe for four years. They knew he was incapable of executing the office of prezidunce and had the energy of a dead sand flea, but they covered for him and LIED to America and the world while they crossed their fingers behind their backs. I say, "Excellent! Be exhausted. It's only fair." January 24, 2025   Budget Cuts:   Hurray! The people President Donald J. Trump has chosen to help save American taxpayer dollars are looking at TRILLIONS in SAVINGS after they have examined a fraction of the spending the LEFT has implemented and they're going to find more! Do you know what that will do for our economy, our tax burden, our federal budget and our deficit? We're going to be rolling in dough (or is that DOGE?) for the next four years, and if JD Vance is elected to serve after President Donald J. Trump is finished, probably the eight years after that! Sigh. I love what President Donald J. Trump is doing for America. January 24, 2025   BUYthem Crime Family:   We all know how ABSOLUTELY CORRUPT the BUYthem Crime Family is and we all know that crackheadhunter's laptop was NOT a Russian disinformation campaign to help elect President Donald J. Trump. We all also know that the pardons bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe gave his family members (after giving his son the first) were an admission of guilt on their behalf (remember: he did NOT pardon himself or his Dr. -- A.K.A. "wife", "nurse", "keeper", "diaper changer", "ice cream orderer", etc. -- or his puppetmasters. If the DOJ's Pam Bondi were to look into the ILLEGALITIES of the LEFT'S last four years, would thevilegeorgesoros be arrested for the lawlessness he partakes in against America? Would the msm be held responsible for their deeds, or would U.S. Senators and House members, or other judges not involved in the J6 show trials be put behind bars? I hope Pam Bondi and her staff stay super busy prosecuting the LEFT'S wrongs for the last twelve years. That's enough to keep a thousand people busy 24/7/365 for ten years, I'm sure, not to mention increasing the need for prison cells and new facitities to accommodate all of the LEFTIES who SHOULD BE ARRESTED for what they've done. I'd love to see that, wouldn't you? January 24, 2025   demonRATS Panicking!:   They're in a quandry. They don't know what to do or how to handle this! Their constituents want to SUPPPORT President Donald J. Trump's policies and goals but the demonRAT Senators and Representatives want to keep spouting the horrible progressive policies they've come to adore as they try to stick it to President Donald J. Trump, his nominees and all Conservatives. So what do they do? chuck "I'm an old idiot" schumer called a strategy meeting to try to figure out what to do to block President Trump, but not anger their constituents enough to throw them out in the next election. Poor babies have to figure out how to walk the tight rope they've started wrapping around their own necks without being hoisted on their own pitards (mixed metaphore, I know, but it's funny, so I'm going with it). Shall we all say a collective, "Awww... Too bad."? Nah. Just let them hang/hoist. January 24, 2025   DO[IN]J Leftists:   Leftists are so despicable. They are corrupt as can be and they don't give carp [sic] about anything/anyone but themselves and their POWER. Take for instance this story about how two DO[IN]J attorneys who helped HIDE the way C-19 deaths happened, i.e. putting sick people in nursing homes that had not been exposed to C-19 and spreading the illness to the elderly who then DIED from it. This practice killed THOUSANDS in NY, but the LEFTISTS in the DO[IN]J covered that up. The two attorneys worked for the IG's office and they LIED in their IG report. Pres. Trump, in his first term, opened a civil rights investigation into the nursing home practice and these two idiots covered up the practice's impact, then later, claimed that it was TRUMP'S fault that it happened, when it was the demonRAT governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Read the story. When the joke says that ten attorneys at the bottom of the ocean is "a good start" these two attorneys are the kind of attorneys the joke is talking about. January 24, 2025   demonRAT LIARS:   Yep. They LIE. They don't just casually lie (although they do that, too), they lie all the time about almost everything. For instance, James O'Keefe (brilliant investigator) has found out that they're working to undermine Pres. Trump's agenda and administration by secretly "working behind the scenes with third-party groups and retired generals to undermine the Trump Administration."Do yoou know what this is called? TREASON. And James O'Keefe has the admission of it on video. I hope Pam Bondi goes after this group with a vengeance! January 24, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. I wanted to show you what I've been
looking at for the last few days. Pay no attention to the garage we're adding to the carport we're
going to enclose. It's a work in progress. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. January 22, 2025: 5:22 p.m.   Sorry I missed so many days. I was busier than I thought I'd be after the new year. We came up to the farm last Thursday and I stayed up here because the weather forecast said there would be snow. They were right! Last night I stayed up and watched it snow through the night. I love snow and it's gorgeous looking out over our white fields. I tried to do updates on Monday -- Inauguration Day -- but I had forgotten my password pin for my computer. I don't use this one very often I couldn't get into my computer until I finally found a way to get it to allow me to reset my pin. My goodness, computers can be a great help, but also a royal pain in the backside! I'll get started as I glance out the window and see the snow again! January 22, 2025   PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!!!:   It's offical [sic]! It's official! He was sworn in as our 47th President on Monday, January 20th. He gave a great speech and then went and talked to friends and then went and gave another (shorter) speech at the arena where his fans had waited for him for hours. There, he signed some Executive Orders and then watched the "parade" and went to the White House's Oval Office and signed some more Executive Orders -- the first of which (IF what I saw was the start of his signings) was the pardon/commutation of most of the J6th prisoners! I was hoping he'd sign that at the podium as soon as he finished being sworn in, but he waited a few hours and I'm sure that the J6th prisoners didn't really mind the extra few hours. I watched as much of it as I could find (we don't get regular television here: we have an antenna, but that doesn't get anything, and we don't have cable or satellite so we rely on the internet (which we finally have access to as of summer of last year) and a Roku stick. I watched a new YouTube news channel and RSBN's broadcast of some of the Pres. Trump news and was so happy I shed a few tears because our nation would be safer, freer, going to be more prosperous, going to be more law-abiding, better with Pres. Donald J. Trump in office and I was again very grateful to GOD that He protected Pres. Trump from the assassination attempts, that He made Trump win the Nov. 5th election and protected him and JD Vance, their families and their cabinet members. I know the LEFT is so distraught right now that some even shaved their heads and we know one LEFTIST who even got herself sterilized because she was so upset about a second Pres. Trump administration. (SMH!) Anyways, y'all probably already know most if not all of that, but I wanted to recap because I love thinking about it. It's a new dawn of American greatness and I'm very happy and excited to see what Pres. Donald J. Trump and his cabinet are going to do. I know not everyone is happy about it, but even those unhappy with Pres. Trump being in office again will certainly enjoy the lower prices, the lower taxes, the higher security, the lower crime rates, the more job opportunities because there won't be illegal aliens taking away jobs. I'm a happy camper, that's for certain. It's good to be an American and I look fowared to seeing how wonderful our future is. January 22, 2025   CHEATING demonRATS:   They tried to CHEAT in Minnesota and prevent a Republican legislative majority from doing anything at all. The LEFT tried to seat someone who was INELLIGIBLE: "Democrats ignored electoral laws and illegally put forward an ineligible candidate, and after a challenge, he was disqualified from serving."Guess who got involved and tried to prevent the Republican majority. If you guessed Gov. tim "sissyboy" walz, you're right. He tried to SUPPORT ILLEGALITY and deny the RIGHTFUL REPUBLICAN MAJORITY. Can you imagine if he had been sworn into the VP post on Monday instead of JD Vance? We are so blessed that JD Vance is our Vice President! January 22, 2025   J6 Committee II:   We're going to have a SECOND J6 committee, but this time they're going to be doing an investigation INTO the FIRST J6th committee's wrongdoings. They're looking into FBLie "abuses" and I hope they're looking into ways to make the original J6th committee's members pay a price for the LIES they told, the evidence destroyed, the witnesses coached (if they coached one, who says they didn't coach another?). I'm hoping that the TRUTH comes out some day soon about how horrible the original J6 committee was and that there are ways to make them PAY for their horribleness. January 22, 2025   Wokeness In Churches:   Tuesday morning, the National Cathedral is where newly sworn in presidents, VPs and the country's "leadership" go to allegedly pray for the country and present a unified front. Well, the tradition was upheld and when Pres. Trump, JD and others were there yessterday, the female Episcopal "Bishop" decided that her "sermon" was going to be a tool to deride Pres. Trump and his ideas to Make America Great Again. She scolded Pres. Trump from the pulpit about his goals and keeping his promises to the American people. Episcopals have gone against the Biblical teachings for a long time now (females being ordained is NOT what GOD said to do) and this "Bishop" has decided to try to scold Pres. Trump from the pulpit even though Pres. Trump's plans, goals, promises are GOOD for America and GOOD for her. She forgets that the Trump agenda is a GODLY agenda in that he's enforcing the rules, as does GOD, he's putting his American country first, as GOD does with Israel, and Trump is using Biblical values to set his agenda and GOD will bless that. ANY "clergy" worth the title who prefers the LEFT'S agenda is worthy of defrocking. Any "clergy" who stands on the Word of GOD and supports the Biblical values GOD would endorse will stand with Pres. Trump and his agenda. If you go to a church that does NOT support Pres. Trump's agenda, leave that church. Like GOD told the Israelites to NOT inner-marry with the people who are surrounding the Israelites, that was His agenda, but the Israelites didn't listen and inner-married and GOD had to punish them for disobedience. It's time for churches to pay a price for being LEFTISTS ON PARADE and nothing more. When you have homosexual "pastors", out there spouting the nonsensical, anti-biblical agenda and idiocy of the LEFT from the pulpit (no matter the denomination), it's time for you to not just leave that "church" (more of a weirdo club than a church), RUN! Get away from that club as quickly as possible. If I had been at that service, I would have gotten up and walked out, at the start of the "bishop's" diatribe. It was uncalled for, unprofessional, non-spiritual, LEFTIST spewing and nothing more. She should be defrocked and fired today. January 22, 2025   Laken Riley Act:   It has passed the Senate and now it passed the House and heads to Pres. Donald J. Trump's desk for his signature -- and Trump will sign it. The LEFT is so HATEFUL, so determined to PROTECT ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS whom they hope to give voting rights so that they can retain power forever, that 156 demonRATS VOTED AGAINST the Laken Riley Act. Can you imagine? SMH. POWER over LIFE, over reason, over ENFORCING EXISTING LAWS, that's what the LEFT puts first: POWER. Remember that. When it comes time for you to be taken into account by the LEFT, will they give your life, welfare, or safety any more weight or considertation than they did Laken Riley's if disregarding you will help them get/stay in power? Don't bet your life on it. January 22, 2025   Pete Hegseth:   I think he's going to be a great Secretary of Defense, but the LEFT is trying everything they can to deny his confirmation. Too bad it's not working for them (yes, that's sarcasm). Don't you wish that the LEFT had even a modicum of integrity and honor instead of nothing but a desire for POWER and MONEY? The LEFT are disgussting. January 22, 2025   ROTTEN LEFTIST:   You want to know just how totally SCUMMY the LEFT can get? Check out the PA District Attorney who is trying to ADD CHARGES to J6 prisoners in order to KEEP THEM IN PRISON! That's not just outrageous, it's IMMORAL and it's EVIL. Does he care? No. He's doing the bidding of thevilegeorgesoros and pleasing his master is what matters to him, NOT the LAW, NOT what's RIGHT, NOT what's MORAL: thevilegeorgesoros is his god. They both need to be shot to the moon on the next rocket. January 22, 2025   I'm going to close with that for today. I hope you are enjoying the second Trump PRESIDENCY as much as I. I hope you get to see and play in SNOW if you so desire. I hope that I can get back here tomorrow since I wrote down my password this time! I'll try to see you tomorrow. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. January 2, 2025: 4:09 p.m.   Late start so probably don't have much time for a lot of updates today, but we'll see what happens. Let's get started. January 2, 2025   Islamic Violence:   Two men who were probably tied through some connection at Fort Bragg decided to use terrorist tactics to kill Americans recently. One, a convert to Islam, even went to Cairo, Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood HQ. He drove his rented pickup into a crowd in New Orleans on New Year's Eve. The second one rented a Tesla pickup (ugly things, but apparently great at diverting blasts UPwards, and blocking the outward, horizontal blast, protecting people and things) even though the FBLie says there's no link, even though it seems too "convenient" to have the two acts be DISconnected. I don't know if they have any other suspects but that doesn't mean we aren't being LIED to, or they just don't yet know if there's a link. I don't trust the FBLie, nor this FAUXministration so be prepared for more attacks or word about more perpetrators. In other words, expect every BAD thing this FAUXministration will allow. This FAUXministration is so full of LIARS and horrible people that -- including the hed of the FBLie, CIA, etc., not to mention bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe and his horror of a spouse -- that I don't trust a word, syllable, letter that these LIARS emit. Nor should you trust them. Watch for more LIES coming soon to a government release to you! Remember, where Islam is concerned, "All Islam is Radical" is a blog I wrote back in September of 2016, so if someone has converted, watch out! They've got a chance to become violent because of their newfound beliefs; someone raised in it has a propensity for violence anyways, due to the teachings of Islam. Yes, I have two Korans/Qurans and part of the Hadith, so I know what I'm talking about. January 2, 2025   J6 "Bomber":   A "new report" by a House subcommittee has PROVEN that the FBLie has decided to NOT investigate the ALLEGED pipe bomber of J6 fame. In fact, "'But two days later after the pipe bombs, he notes, emphasis his — without explanation, they were told to stand down! No need to look for the guy anymore'"Within TWO DAYS the FBLie was telling people "Meh. Never mind." to a BOMBER? Yeah. Something is fishy here. Very fishy. January 2, 2025   BUYthem's Last Days:   Thankfully, "A three-judge panel of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday permanently blocked Biden’s effort to restore net neutrality rules.Three judges on a federal appeals court said, "Nope!" That's a very good thing. BUYthem really is trying to destroy as much FREEDOM as possible on his way out. He's also trying to permanently BAN all off-shore oil and gas drilling. I don't know if a judge will step in and do something about this, because I have looked up the law that he (allegedly) based his Executive Order on, but I haven't read the whole thing as yet. I don't know if he's got a leg to stand on, though, because what I have read of it states that the GOVERNORS of the STATES where the off-shore drilling would be done have some say in whether it's done near their states. Don't trust this FAUXministration for the next 18 days. They're at their most dangerous right now. Be wary. It looks like he also considered -- and may STILL BE considering -- bombing Iran before he leaves office so that he can start WW III. Is that what you want? It's what bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe wants because he thinks he can make more laundered money off of it. Remember, the Ukrainian war is nothing for BUYthem except a money laundering scheme; he gives U.S. TAXPAYER DOLLARS to Ukraine, they take a bit, but give most back to the demonRATS -- and yes, "The Big Guy" BUYthem gets his 10% -- to spend as they wish, thus helping keep them in power and buying votes and cheating for votes (see L.A.'s 2024 election ridiculousness, for example). Talking about the "last days" of this FAUXministration and the STUPID things they're doing right now, they have decided that they want to reward their cohorts via giving "Presidential Citizens Medals to lizziechainey [sic] and bennie thompson, for their part on the J6 ILLEGALLY CONVENED Committee. Isn't that nice? I don't mind if he gives her a medal as long as he doesn't follow it up with an all-encompassing pardon as he did for his son! Medals can be worn, melted down, tossed over fences (john ketchup kerry), but a pardon is forever. Let's not see that happen! Agree? January 2, 2025   MAJOR Terrorist Attacks Coming Soon:   After the New Years attacks, we know that there are Muslim TERRORISTS living in America. We also now know that "at least 1,000 Al-Qaeda-trained" and ISIS-trained terrorists are now on American soil thanks to bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe. He allowed them here and he is responsible for the fifteen people who died in the New Orleans attack and all of the injuries, as well as the blood of the upcoming victims of the terrorists and gang members, violent criminals bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe BROUGHT into this country in order to keep demonRATS in power for as long as possible. This is how much YOUR LIFE and the LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN mean to the LEFT: POWER FIRST for them. They'll put on a show about being saddened by your loss after they're gone. Don't believe it, though, because your loved ones' lives are just another sacrifice to their god: POWER. January 2, 2025   RINOS BEHAVE!:   They really do need to put Americans FIRST this year as they go through the confirmation processes for Pres. Donald J. Trump's nominees. IF they don't get the confirmation process done and get people into place to do the job of protecting Americans, they'll have American blood on their hands, becasue we've just seen how the FBLie and this FAUXministration handles terrorist attacks: fumbling from the start and LYING through their teeth. Let's not let that continue. Put American lives FIRST and get these nominees CONFIRMED! RINOS, DO NOT let BUYthem continue to persecute Catholics, Trump supporters, pro-lifers and parents at school-board meetings. Don't allow that and let terrorists KILL AMERICANS because they can and WILL if you don't step up and put AMERICANS FIRST -- not on the "kill list", as does this FAUXministration but -- on the list of people to protect, do good for, serve and ensure our rights are protected by the government that we elected to do so. Don't be so PC that you put your PC-ness ahead of our grandchildren! American children's lives matter! Don't you DARE put them last! January 2, 2025   INFLATION!:   Wow. CaliMarxiFornicatia's eggs hit $9 a DOZEN and if they keep nastynewsom in office, the prices will continue to rise and even more people will be leaving there instead of starving their children because they can't afford food. That's a ridiculous price for a dozen eggs! Absolutely absurd, but the LEFT doesn't care. They're IN POWER and that's what matters. January 2, 2025   China Virus, Redux?:   Now they're saying that in China there are ALLEGEDLY "multiple respiratory viruses" that are killing people. Where these viruses came from they don't say (of course, it's bats, or something similar, we'll be later told), and they're releasing videos again of full emergency rooms and I'm sure people will panic. Remember for the china-fraudci-19 scare, I investigated and told you to NOT fall for it. I pointed out that the videos are a rare release for such a secretive country to suddenly open up and publish that it has BAD things happening. When had they EVER done that before? Answer: they NEVER HAD. All of the people -- with one exception -- dying suddenly on the streets fell foward and put their hands out to protect their faces as they fell. People dying or fainting/passing out don't do that. They don't have time. I have passed out/fainted before. I didn't have time or even the thought to do something to protect myself. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS LATEST EFFORT TO GIVE YOU ANOTHER "VACCINE"! DO NOT FALL FOR IT! Remember, they tried to do this with "Monkey-Pox" last year; trying to scare us all into sheltering in place, getting the POISON "vaccine" and wearing masks. Most people -- guestimating 90% -- put them on ignore. Do it with this stuff, too. January 2, 2025   Gotta go. Hubby just got home. Enjoy the rest of your evening and I won't be here tomorrow. It's a special day at our home so I will try to be here Monday -- if I'm not traveling. Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in every election from now on! Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be protected from the LEFTIES and their hatred of him as he returns to the White House where he belonged for the last four years. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me. January 1, 2025: 8:26 p.m.: Happy New Year!:   Thought I'd share with you the poem I wrote for this New Year. I hope you like it. Two MenLet's hope and pray that 2025 is a great year for America to get strong again, to be wise again, to be GREAT again! Let's be what GOD intended America to be: A Christian nation who puts GOD first and looks to Him for guidance, strength, purpose and truth. Agree? Remember the older stuff is on Page Deux or on the Storage pages. |
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