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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | This is a paid political advertisement or something or another communication and I paid for it. Whatever political disclaimers are necessary for just about everything listed is here, just as a CYA. "I" am the person listed below in the disclaimers. Paid political advertisement. Paid for by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927 No candidate approved this advertisement. Paid electioneering communication paid for by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927 (Section 106.1439, F.S.) Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927 And, ya' know, our US Constitution used to call it "Freedom of Speech". What happened to that? NOTE: Maureen Rupe's "The History Of PSJ's Incorporation" page has been replaced by her "The History of the Port St John Incorporation Initiative" page. Another change and another page in which she did NOT mention her part in AUTHORING PSJ incorporation. From the first page, "The History of PSJ's Incorporation" to the new page, to everywhere in between, Maureen Rupe conveniently leaves out the truth about Maureen Rupe's involvement in pushing for incorporation. The page below reflects what the previous page, "The History of PSJ's Incorporation" said. If you read the current page, linked above, you will see similar ideas as the first version, but you will not necessarily see the exact quotes as below. However, that does not mean that they were not on Maureen Rupe's "The History of PSJ's Incorporation" page. If you would like to read the original, contact Maureen Rupe and ask her if she will e-mail it to you. I'm sure she saved a copy since the current version is "psj_incorporation2.htm". This page covers the PSJ Incorporation TRUTH, that Maureen Rupe touches on as one topic of her Frequently Asked Questions page (Changed to the "Issues" page). I give you the truth backed up by documentation. I will cover other topics of interest to me (and anyone who lives in District 1 who could be facing having Maureen Rupe as their Commissioner. If you want the truth, keep reading. If you aren't interested in the truth, more's the pity, but you may not wish to read below. First Victory! This site was so effective against Maureen Rupe that Maureen has taken down the link to her page on incorporation to make some changes and will have it back up as soon as she wants to. When that will be, I have no idea. However, I do know that this site referencing hers and refuting her "patent leather", pie-in-the-sky, "I had nothing to do with it" version was totally effective. And when I point out the truth, she has to backpedal very quickly and find a way to get around the truth. When her link comes back up, believe me, I will be watching for it. And, when -- or should I say if -- she does post it again I will be fact checking on it and it had better be the truth. In the meantime, the link I have still works for the page she first posted, and I can get you there and the facts below are still true. If she posts something else, I'll comment on that, too. Remember, Maureen Rupe's "cotton candy" version of the PSJ incorporation debacle is not the truth. I have proven that below. And I'm still having fun, so on with the show! Maureen Rupe is at it again. She posted things on her website to make her look better to those who don't keep track of history, nor of the truth: i.e., the History of PSJ's Incorporation (now The History of the Port St John Incorporation Initiative neither of which mentions her authorship of incorporation). I found it very interesting that she would do such a thing; try to pull the wool over so many people's eyes again after what she put the PSJ area and the communities of Hardeeville, Frontenac, Delespine and Williams Point through a few years ago. But, she is a perfervid political animal and she apparently does think that she can succeed in twisting the truth and history into her version of things. Remember Hillary Clinton claiming that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary (the first person known to succeed at climbing Mount Everest: with Sherpa Tenzing Norgay)? Too bad it couldn't have been true: Sir Hillary didn't climb Everest until 1953, six years after Hillary Clinton was born in 1947. Same thing is happening here with Maureen Rupe: she's trying to change the past to fit the future. But I suppose a tiger can't change her stripes so it shouldn't surprise me. Once a wool-puller, always a wool-puller. Notice on Maureen's PSJ incorporation page that there is not a single mention of the group that Maureen Rupe, Mary Tees and Carmine Ferraro founded. You remember the group, Port St. John For Tomorrow? The one that they founded so that they could push for incorporation? Notice who the Vice President is? Maureen Rupe! Right! And on page six of that paperwork, we see that Maureen Rupe is also the Registered Agent. That means she agreed to accept paperwork responsibility if anything were forthcoming from the State. We had not forgotten that, had we? And yet, there is no mention of Port St. John For Tomorrow at all in Maureen Rupe's History of PSJ incorporation page. I wonder how she could have forgotten something that took up so much time in her life. I wonder how she could have forgotten all the meetings Port St. John For Tomorrow organized and held in order to push for incorporation. I wonder how she could have forgotten getting the campaign banking account for Port St. John For Tomorrow. I wonder how she could have forgotten calling the Brevard County Sheriff's office during one of their meetings because someone disagreed with them and wouldn't just be walked over. I wonder how she could have forgotten the victory party planned at Amy Tidd's house (I have the expense report that proves it) that turned into a defeat tomb. I wonder how Maureen Rupe could have forgotten putting the community overlay on PSJ, Delespine, Frontenac, Williams Point and Hardeeville without telling the four communities that they were included by Port St. John For Tomorrow in the incorporation plans. How can Maureen Rupe forget how angry the residents of the Four Communities were? And, yet, Maureen Rupe's little page on incorporation does not mention Port St. John For Tomorrow! Want proof that Maureen Rupe was responsible for the PSJ incorporation fiasco? Here it is in spades! Read page two. In Maureen Rupe's own words to the Florida Division of Corporations (her signature, her words, her letterhead, second paragraph): "Port St. John for Tomorrow was specifically set up to explore the idea of incorporation of the community of Port St. John. Since this issue was voted down on November 5, 2002, this is no longer an issue, and Port St. John for Tomorrow has been dissolved and is no longer performing any function."I think that says everything that Maureen Rupe's History of PSJ's Incorporation (now The History of the Port St John Incorporation Initiative neither of which mentions her authorship of incorporation) page does not tell you: The TRUTH. Maureen Rupe and her buddies decided that PSJ was ripe for political takeover and that they would be the ones doing the taking. They formed Port St. John For Tomorrow specifically for the task of incorporating Port St. John (read her own words filed with the State of Florida!) and set deceptively about it with scare tactics, lies, distortions, half-truths and false accusations against our neighbors to the north and south: Titusville and Cocoa. That's the truth of the matter. On Maureen Rupe's page there is no mention of her part in the incorporation fiasco. There is no admission that she had anything at all to do with it. There is just a general glazing over of the idea of incorporation and the fact -- in general -- that it kinda' just happened and well, it didn't come about. What nonsense! Maureen Rupe was deeply and completely involved! I have the PSJ pooperpaper, HAPPENINGS, and her own writings in it to prove that she was deeply involved. I have the publications that the group put out. I have recordings of the public meetings they held and I attended. I still have the reviews the five committees in Tallahassee did and their comments on the horribly unrealistic and incompetent feasibility study (and I have the feasibility study in full). And, I will be posting those webpages from my first website, ConservativePSJ.US, and if you need to see the papers themselves, I can get you copies. I put copies of the study, the five committees' reviews and the corrections sent in by Port St. John For Tomorrow (and the resulting committee reviews of the corrections) at the Cocoa Library and at Truman Scarborough's office. Whether they are still available or not, I don't know. Call and ask. Or, I can get copies made again. I still have the originals I received from the State of Florida. I kept all that because I knew I would need it when the political beast that is Maureen Rupe decided to rear its ugly head again. I have the proof. I have it in spades. And I will enjoy seeing her squirm when I get all this up to remind the people of what Maureen Rupe really is. Maureen Rupe's candidacy statement said she has the "experience over the last 20 years in being an advocate for growth management and quality of life issues". What the truth shows is that Maureen Rupe is for turning rural areas into cities. Proven. She was the founder of the group Port St. John For Tomorrow that tried to forcibly incorporate four small communities -- Delespine, Frontenac, Williams Point and Hardeeville -- into one big Port St. John. Maureen Rupe and her efforts put that issue on the ballot. Maureen Rupe's "growth management" has been proven to be trying to force people who did not want to be part of a city they wanted nothing to do with (including some residents of Port St. John) into being in that city! Due, in part, to my hard work, investigative resourcefulness and don't give up attitude, incorporation was defeated by 73.52%. That tells you what people thought of incorporation and the idea of forcing someone into a city they didn't want to be part of. I posted the truth on my website: State Statutes, County Ordinances, the reviews of the five committees in Tallahassee, letters and e-mails I received from different people, notes on phone conversations I had, budgets of cities of similar population and size, etc., etc., etc. I also published the fact that of the five main people in Port St. John For Tomorrow, three of them threatened to sue me for getting the truth and publishing it. Maureen Rupe threatened twice. That's not counting, of course, the number of times she threatened to sue me because of the truths I published about the PSJ Home Owners' Association (twice there, too).
Now you see just some of the facts surrounding Maureen Rupe's version of the History of PSJ's Incorporation. The truth is a lot different than her patent leather version. In her version, she had nothing to do with it and it was all a far off dream. In the truth Maureen Rupe had everything to do with it, as I have proven. One last thing. The incorporation study that was sent to Tallahassee to have the State consider incorporation was lacking a few things
when it arrived in Tallahassee; they sent it back to be corrected. It was corrected and sent back to Tallahassee. One of the
corrections was the (required by law) signatures of three people who were sponsoring the incorporation effort. Those names: The "Just Say NO to Maureen Rupe" pages! Already Available: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Coming Soon: ![]() Paid political advertisement. Paid for by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927 No candidate approved this advertisement. Paid electioneering communication paid for by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927 (Section 106.1439, F.S.) Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927 |
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