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HOME TRIBUTE Video Page Page Deux Storage Main Government Links PSJ Info Religion Services Politics My Links My Blog Writers | Storage 2015December 2015 December 29, 2015: 4:31 p.m.   Just a few little blurbs today because of the late start and the fact that I have to help with the major portion of the "Big Project" Part C. Important Note: My Mom will be down either tomorrow or the next day and that means a lot of doing, going, laughing, talking, laughing, talking, laughing, going, doing. So updates for New Year will start after she leaves, okay? December 29, 2015   Aaaaahhhh... Public Schools:   NY public schools doing "massive grade inflation", so that they don't lose public funding, I'm sure. If they worried about the future of the children whose lives they're impacting by LYING about their grades and test results, then they'd be ashamed and they wouldn't be doing this crud. But, no. It's all about the teacher's union and keeping them all employed and receiving taxpayer funds. That's the truth about LYING to make the school system look good; it's for the benefit of the unions, not the children who are pushed through school dumb as a box of rocks. Shame on NY schools! Shame! Shame also on Beaumont, TX, school assistant superintendent who set up the system to do the same thing in her district! She also stole a quarter million dollars from the school! NJ's students diddn't do well on their annual tests; even worse than expected in some schools. The same kind of results were reported in OH: worse than expected. To be honest with you, these results are probably due to the massive Federal takeover of education. Whatever themuslimvileone touches is destroyed. When you have several generations who are too ill-educated to fight back against the government, too uneducated to know their basic Constitutional rights, and don't care as long as the government keeps giving them things, it's easy to overthrow a nation. In CT, 1/4 of districts didn't test enough students to meet the federal requirements due to parents choosing to "opt-out". (Parental involvement, at last!) So our schools are dumbing down the students so much they can't even pass tests they focus on for half the year? That's bad. December 29, 2015   Woops! Hubby's home and it's after five so I'll go. Sorry about that. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 28, 2015: 2:14 p.m.   I hope that everyone who celebrates the True Reason for the Season had a Merry Christmas and that they remembered to be grateful for the One whose birth we celebrate on that day. I hope the rest of the world minded the own business, didn't hurt anyone that day and that those who don't celebrate it remember that it's never too late to start as long as they have breath in their lungs. GOD accepts, loves and forgives ALL who ask and turn from their wicked ways. GOD LOVES YOU and He wants you to have an eternity with Him and in His love. That decision is up to you, though, so I hope you will make that choice before it's too late. You have the opportunity to do so right now. Why not just try it? Why not say "Jesus, if you're real, if you are the Son of GOD and you love me as I am, no matter what I've done, without anything to offer you except myself, I ask you to come into my heart and show me Yourself. Make yourself real to me, Jesus. Show me GOD Your Father, even as I do not even know if you're real." Just say that right now and you'll see what happens. What can it hurt if He's not real? No one else will know if you've said this prayer unless you tell them. After all, if He's not real and you are just saying nonsense then who cares and why not say it? IF, on the other hand, He is real, He does care, He does come into your heart and life, He does show you GOD His Father, then you will have the full benefit of being the adopted Son or Daughter of GOD and your eternity will be with Him in the presence of love, acceptance, peace, joy, plenty, forgiveness, resplendence and contentment. It's totally up to you, but why not just try it and see what -- if anything -- happens? If there is no GOD, what can it hurt? If GOD is real, it won't hurt in that instance, either. December 28, 2015   JW files against Hawaii for going ahead with racist election. The courts ordered them to cancel it, but Hawaii's leftist/progressive/liberal governor went ahead with it. They went directly against the courtS: yes, plural. Both a U.S. District Court and the scotus (PTUI!) ordered Hawaii to cancel the election but Hawaii didn't listen. Sounds to me like Hawaii's going to be in a lot of trouble. Race based elections have been illegal for a long time now and to have Hawaii bring that around again is despicable! December 28, 2015   BENGHAZI:   themuslimvileone released BENGHAZI documents on Christmas DAY! Of course he does! It's not as if it's a special day or anything. It's not as if it's something to be celebrated or something. It's just a date to be used because no one's going to be paying attention to him during that date in particular. It's another "Squirrel!" thing: "Look at your Christmas day celebrations, your presents, family, friends, football, the tree, whatever! Just don't look over here at what I'm doing!" themuslimvileone says. He's so repulsive. December 28, 2015   December 28, 2015   Puppetmaster hates Cruz and Trump. george soros is trying to prevent anyone except those he can control from winning the preziduncy. He wants hillclintOOn because he knows he can control her with promises of money afterward. He wants someone who is greedy, corrupt and progressive to be prezidunce because he can control those evil people; they'll dance to his tune. If he thinks that neither Cruz nor Trump are going to dance to his tune, that's ALL GOOD, IMHO. That speaks well of both Trump and Cruz. December 28, 2015   ketchup kerry makes laugh out loud statement. He counts Syria as a 2015 "win"?! Amazing. Didn't know anyone could have quite that much Chutzpah. Well, that's not true. themuslimvileone, both clintOOns and a lot of the people who serve(d) them all have an equal amount. So, I really shouldn't be surprised, but I am. Will there be no end to the left's/progressive's/liberal's lies and redirects? No. Just Chutzpah: pure, unadulterated and huge. December 28, 2015   Watch out. BLM will be on the march again. Tamir Rice, the boy who pointed a "toy" weapon (It was missing its telltale orange tip.) at cops and was then shot by them, will be the next "cause celeb" because the Grand Jury who looked at the evidence (including the video of the incident, I'm sure) decided that the cops didn't do anything wrong. It was not their fault that they didn't know the gun was a toy. It was the fault of the person who took out the orange tip; whether that was Tamir or not, it's that person's fault. December 28, 2015   Hollyweird:   Okay. That's just wrong. samuel l. jackson will never again be someone I watch. He's not just wrong, he's a stupid racist. No doubt about it. His own words prove it. Kurt Russell, though, is RIGHT! December 28, 2015   hillclintOOn:   billybob's victims fear the possibilitiy of her presidency. Rightly so. After all, Vince Foster and 60+ others have paid the price for crossing the clintOOns and getting in the way of what they want, or of knowing too much. If you're seen to be a problem in the clintOOn camp, you may want to leave the country and hide out as Elizabeth Gracen did after she said he raped her: "[Gracen] told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. Close friends of Ward, however, say she still maintains privately that Clinton forced himself on her."You get on the wrong side of the clintOOns and you have a price to pay. She has learned her lesson and wants to live. They have detractors, of course, but they also have their protectors and supporters who turn the blind eye and do what they need to do to stay close to power -- or whomever they think will have that power. Kissing the wrong butt can still sometimes pay off. December 28, 2015   December 28, 2015   Another school lunch program revolt. When the food is revolting what do you expect? December 28, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   We've been "subsidizing the sun" for years. What we need to do is stop wasting that money and start doing things that make sense! Design a filter for coal-fired plants to clean the air better, or build more electrical dams, or maybe even upgraded nuclear power plants. We need to make sure we can provide our own energy -- truly provide it, not do "it looks good" but produces less than 3% -- and not rely on outside sources. If we can't and we have to rely on outside sources then we are also subject to their prices and their cut-offs. That's not what we want. December 28, 2015   WooHoo! I HOPE SO! That's what Florida needs! More FREEDOM, not less! It's a good thing! December 28, 2015   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 24, 2015: 5:38 p.m. Christmas Eve:   First, Merry Christmas everyone! For my Flag Friday pic I'm posting early today because Christmas Eve is a time for family and I want you to be able to spend it with yours as much as I want to spend it with mine. So, I present you with today's offering: "Tribute To Our Heroes 248: Trimming the Tree". I hope you like it and I hope that you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All and Merry Christmas to all! December 24, 2015   For my Christmas gift to my readers, I give you part of my book, "Resident, 300 Willow Street". I hope you enjoy it. BTW, if you know a publisher who is looking for a new author... *wink* Merry Christmas, Everyone! Have a wonderful Christmas and a joyful New Year! GOD Bless You All! December 23, 2015: 2:17 p.m.   Of course the liberal msm has different rules for dumboRATS and Republicans. When it comes to themuslimvileone's girls, they're off limits! Chelsea Clinton? She's off limits! The Bush twins and other Republicans' children? They were fair game. Sen. Ted Cruz's little girls? They're fair game, too. The despicable left has no boundaries, no sense of right and wrong, no limits to their vileness when it comes to politics and getting their own way with "social issues" (traditional family values). It's no holds barred and fire when ready for dumboRAT lefties/progressives/liberals. They have no class. December 23, 2015   The WaPo writes of themuslimvileone's "Christian faith" but if you read the full transcript of his euology to Rev. Clementa Pinckney they use to tout themuslimvileone's alleged Christianity, it's more about equal rights, and damning America for its "racist past" than about his own non-existent Christianity. The WaPo is trying to paint a good picture of a bad subject, moving target and pathological liar. They do their readers -- and the TRUTH -- a grave disservice. December 23, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   themuslimvileone is only deporting about 27% of the CRIMINAL ILLEGALS who are found in America. Only 27%. That tells you how much themuslimvileone cares about your family's safety: about 27%. He doesn't think you should be safe because if you're not safe then it helps destabilize America and that helps destroy America and that is his goal. He hates America and he hates Americans. If it were otherwise his actions would prove it. Too bad his actions prove I'm correct. That's just wrong for a prezidunce of America to hate America. It is what ACORN, cheaters, dead people and Mickey Mouse voting did to us, though. I suppose we have to deal with it for at least eleven more months. Who knows? Maybe more. December 23, 2015   ROTTEN ryan:   He's being laughed at (to his face) for trusting harry reid. Well, DUH! Anyone with half a proton's worth of brain cell material will tell you that trusting reid is a dumb thing to do. I think he's actually LYING to people and that he didn't actually trust reid. I think he trusted bonehead boehner and followed his master's string pulls and did exactly what bonehead wanted. I don't think it has anything to do with reid. No, I'm not defending the dumboRAT. I'm saying that bonehead boehner and reid wanted the same thing and casting reid as the bad guy keeps bonehead out of trouble. reid may have spoken to ROTTEN ryan. But bonehead has more influence. December 23, 2015   ISIS's fake passports are a real danger. They could use them to go anywhere -- including HERE, in America. They could come here and be seen as "refugees". I bet they are already here, actually. After all, that's themuslimvileone's way of doing things: do it first, mock people about it later. December 23, 2015   hillclintOOn: She's NotMyAbuela. That's the hashtag that emerged after she addressed a largely Hispanic audience and said she was their "abuela" -- grandmother. *smirk* Just because she's old enough to be that doesn't mean they think of her as such. She has to earn some respect and good will from them before she can make that claim and not have it backfire. You'd think that someone with as much political hackery as she would have the common sense... Woops. That's a word that cannot be associated with hillclintOOn. So maybe she should have the... Well, can't use "intelligence" either. Nor can I use "smarts", "brains", "experience"... Hmmmm. Well, maybe it's not something we'd expect her to know to NOT do. Maybe we should just expect stupidity from her in the first place. I know I do. Maybe everyone else should, too. December 23, 2015   Welcome, Mr. Franklin Graham! I'm glad you left the Republican Party, too. I did so in 2008 after they LIED about Sarah Palin. I can choose with whom to associate and I chose not to associate with LIARS like the Republican Party. I wish that others would choose to associate themselves with a more honest, more American group of people. They've become nothing but dumboRAT lite. December 23, 2015 Well, that's a surprise. My hubby just got home and we're still working on "The Big Project" Part C, so I'm going to go. I can't do much to help, but I can be a better support and cheerleader if I'm not doing updates. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 22, 2015: 2:23 p.m.   December 22, 2015   Transparency Schmansparency:   Again, JW has to sue themuslimvileone to get the information "We, The People" have the right to know. If themuslimvileone's administration is transparent I'm a schnosberryblinkledipplekanish, and so are you! December 22, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She wants to "battle alzheimers"? Is that personally or just (allegedly) professionally? I think it's personally. It's said that she naps a lot nowadays. That's a symptom of alzheimer's. Sounds to me like it's a personal issue. December 22, 2015   Excellent news! bonehead boehner's influence is dwindling. I'm so glad; it is good for America! December 22, 2015   Seriously? Seriously?! December 22, 2015   "Morrow points out in his book Questioning the Bible there's more evidence that Jesus lived than Julius Caesar, yet no one doubts Caesar existed.Yet, people who don't want to admit that there are such things as RIGHT and WRONG continue to FORCE those of us who believe in Jesus and want to worship Him and His Father to stop doing so and to shut up, or be punished in some way. Jesus LIVES and was on earth with us as a man for thirty-three years! Yet, the lefties/progressives/liberals and other religions try to deny Him! It's absurd that here in America -- a nation founded on Christian principles, by Christian people, and for Christian religious freedom -- we tolerate those who wish to silence those of us who carry on the Founding Fathers' traditions and beliefs! What wheyould happen to them in a Muslim nation; would they dare speak out against Islam in a Muslim nation? I seriously doubt they'd make a peep against it because the only reason they make a fuss here is because they know that Christianity teaches us to LOVE our enemies and to pray for them, while Islam teaches to kill their enemies and anyone who doesn't agree with them is an enemy! GOD LOVES YOU! ALL OF YOU! He loves you just as you are and wants you to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ! Jesus gave His life for you! He died so that you can live! Jesus paid the price for all of the wrongs you have ever done. If you accept Jesus's sacrifice and His gift of salvation you, too, can live forever in the kingdom of heaven. If you do NOT accept Christ and His sacrifice, you will live forever in torment, regretting your choice, regretting not believing this blurb, regretting that you have scoffed at the Greatest Gift ever offered anyone and offered FOR FREE. All you have to do is accept it, reach out and receive it. GOD LOVES YOU and JESUS DIED FOR YOU. That's the TRUTH. Accept it and live forever in heaven in the presence of love, peace, forgiveness, acceptance, etc. Deny it and live forever without love, forgiveness, in torment, pain, hatred, agony, regret, remembering everything you've ever done that were wrong, deceitful, sins that you had long forgotten about. It's your choice. GOD LOVES YOU. He's offering you the better future through this blurb or you wouldn't be reading it. Accept the Greatest Gift this Christmas time. It's because GOD LOVES YOU that you are reading this. Don't deny it. Don't turn away. Ask a simple question in your heart and mind: GOD, is this true? Then listen. Your heart will hear the truth; if your head will get out of the way and shut up for a moment. Don't deny it. Don't drown GOD out. Listen. GOD LOVES YOU. GOD loves YOU. No matter who you are. No matter what you've done. No matter what "great sin" you've committed. GOD LOVES YOU and He'll accept you just where you are, no matter what you've done. You don't have to change first, clean yourself up first, go do "X" first. Just as you are, GOD LOVES YOU. It's your choice as to what you do with that gift. Accept that gift today, right now. Be set free. Accept eternity in love. Accept freedom and peace. Accept Jesus and all He's done for you. It's a free gift. You have to do nothing except receive. Do it now. I beg you. Do it now. December 22, 2015   Well, it's Christmas time and that means things to do and I shall close with that invitation to receive the Greatest Gift. Please accept it. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 21, 2015: 2:49 p.m.   Only a few blurbs today because I can't sit at my desk an do updates with my leg/ankle/foot raised and I've already been standing on it longer today than I should. So let's get started. December 21, 2015   Finally! lindsey gramNASTY drops out of Rep. presidential race. No one was going to vote for him anyways, so it's high time someone in his camp told him he was wasting his time! Who's next? December 21, 2015   themuslimvileone always throws the race card. It's his sword and shield. No matter who/what/when/where/why/how anyone anything he throws the race card if he's not happy with what's going on or who said what. He's got that card in his hands at all times. He uses it to silence his detractors and to give him cover for his destruction and hatred of America. He's the racist, but he points his bony fingers at everyone else and says, "Racist! Racist!" every time he thinks it will give him cover. The Donald is speaking some truth about themuslimvileone and themuslimvileone resorts to his security blankie. What a baby. December 21, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   CBS tries to make Muslims look good: "As you watch the segment below, it is painfully obvious that Luntz and CBS News had an agenda to show this group as one-dimensional patriots who are victims of discrimination, which is in and of itself a bigoted portrayal."Shock. Surprise. Islam is not the "victim" group in any nation: They just killed 6 of our Troops; and almost daily there is news of Islamic terrorism. Yes, there are some Muslims who do the right things, there is no doubt about that. But there are far FEWER stories like the last link than like the first two. Islam has a problem and it's integral to the religion. When the teachings of its "prophet" and its holy book teaches to kill anyone and everyone who does not convert (or who won't pay the "jizya" a protection tax), then the whole religion is a problem not just those who are currently killing people. Anyone who practices Islam has that command. Anyone who wants to truly be in obedience to their book has to follow its commands. Killing the infidels is in the Koran/Quran. If they are to be faithful to the book, they must do so! Do not think that it's just a radical few; it's the religious teachings of the religion! And they want to dominate the WORLD. Protect your children from those who are currently violent and be aware of potential threats from others. December 21, 2015   Hey, look! Titusville made CBN News! They made it for doing something GOOD! How wonderful! December 21, 2015   Aaaaahhhh... Public Schools:   VA teacher circulated Koran; excluded Bible. She took steps to exclude Christianity from her teachings so that her students were indoctrinated into something other than Christianity. This is the same teacher who had her students copy the Islamic conversion statement and said it was just a calligraphy lesson. I took calligraphy in art classes in school. None of my teachers had me copying other languages. I learned about serif and non-serif, slant, proper use and care of the nibs (the metal writing points of the pen), etc., but never was I asked to write something in a language other than English. I think it's a crock that this teacher hasn't been fired and that the students and teachers were not given an apology by the school system! December 21, 2015   You need to be aware of this if you will be going under a scalpel soon. Get your relatives and friends to donate blood in your name if you want to be sure of what's happening there. Better safe. December 21, 2015   Well, hubby just got home. He had to come home early due to the SpaceX launch. So I shall go for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 18, 2015: 1:30 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and today's Tribute is, "Tribute To Our Heroes 247: Because of Folks Like You!" Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! December 18, 2015: 1:27 p.m.   Missed a few days. Went Christmas shopping with my hubby Wednesday after trying to help a friend with his car. Didn't get the car fixed but did get the problem diagnosed and my hubby said today that he's found a solution. Hurray! Shopping was interesting. It's the first time I've gone shopping in a wheelchair. Thursday I did house things and my ankle bothered me after I did some stuff I probably shouldn't have done (Shshshshsh! Don't tell my P.A.!) Since I can't put my leg up while I'm at my desk doing updates, I didn't do updates. I tried to be still and rest it. That didn't work. Had other things to do. When I went to bed my leg below the knee was swollen. Oh, well. Gotta' do what ya' gotta' do. Anyways, let's get started for today. December 18, 2015   Ted Cruz is the most educated of the 2016 presidential candidates. No surprise there, but I still don't totally trust him. He's probably my favorite of the candidates (Rick Santorum is second), but he's done too much talking without the walking. So my trust for him is still tentative. I would want him to keep his word if he were elected. I can't yet trust him to do so. At this point, I don't know to whom I shall throw my endorsement. It won't be a dumboRAT, you know that. But I am thinking of looking seriously at other parties to see who is up for offer there. Maybe I'll surprise myself. I don't know. We'll see after Mom leaves at the end of the first week in January. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or currently questionable candidate.) December 18, 2015   I've seen other things like this article on Mother Teresa prior to this one, and I've never understood why people think she should be "sainted". (I'm sorry, but I thought GOD made saints, not a vote of specific people.) I don't think she was saintly and I don't think she should be considered as all that wonderful. The articles I've seen about her were not very flattering. I've researched the Catholic Church and their teachings and I know the Bible (I'm just about finished with reading it through twice this year.), and I don't see where it teaches in the Bible that we should make "saints", pray to "saints", worship "saints", make medals of "saints", have pictures of "saints" that man votes on to create. GOD's Word says that those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior are saints. It's not a designation that man can vote on. You become a "saint" upon accepting Christ. Why would the Catholic Church have to vote on something that is already done by GOD at the moment someone accepts Jesus? Isn't that presumptuous to withhold the status to the rest of the Church and believers whom they shepherd considering what the Bible calls Believers: Saints? The Catholic Church has a lot of things that are against the Bible. I've been doing research into it for a long time but haven't yet taken the time to do a "Compare" page. It's on my long list of things to do. When I get it done, I'll post it here, you know that. December 18, 2015   JW sues themuslimvileone again. The "most transparent" administration (remember his promise?) is the LEAST transparent and he has to be sued and forced to do anything that is even somewhat close to the appearance of transparency. I hope and pray that he is out of here in 2017. I hope and pray that he really does leave the Red House and that a True Christian Conservative as our new president and the White House is reinstated. Another commie -- or leftist/progressive/liberal/RINO -- is the last thing America needs right now! December 18, 2015   hillclintOOn: I wonder about something. Did she WANT our secrets to be available to others? Considering how often she was told about security and e-mails and text messages and all of that, why would she put all of that info -- and the class she had to take about how to handle sensitive information: including how NOT to handle it -- why would she do exactly the opposite of what all of the people concerned with security told her to do if she did NOT want sensitive information in the hands of others who should not have it? It's obvious that she went against everything and everyone concerned with security. If that's not intentional then what is? The question remains about her: is the DNC still protecting her? Her opponents believe so. If true, that would mean that it's not an even playing field on the dumboRAT side. It's hard enough to run against an alleged "favorite" but to have the party you belong to work against you as well? That's just wrong. There should be no favoritism, but it is the dumboRAT party and (like the RINOParty) they should make things fair and even for their candidates. There should be no favoritism. Too bad what should be is never the way it is in politics. December 18, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin has a lame excuse for protecting Muslims in America: "During a recent event covered by Judicial Watch, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson compared the discrimination Muslims face in today’s climate of 'fear, suspicions and prejudice' to McCarthyism, the movement to weed out Communists during the Cold War."Right. Lame. Lame. Lame. December 18, 2015   I warned you against ROTTEN ryan. Now we have him to thank for funding everything we didn't want funded. He caved, kissed butt, brown-nosed so hard his beard went brown. He's not a republiRAT. He's just a RAT. He's not even a RINO: he's a RATO (Republican; Actually The Other). He's bonehead boehner's puppet boy and we all know how far bonehead had his head up themuslimvileone's backside. ROTTEN ryan is the same. That's why they funded Planned AbortionHood, illegal immigration benefits, Syrian "refugee" aide (read helping Islamic extremists enter our country and live comfortably off of OUR dime until they try to kill as many of us as possible) and other things we did not want. RATO strikes again! December 18, 2015   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools!   Teaching children to convert to ISLAM. Isn't that what they should learn in public schools? When parents objected, the closed the schools countywide out of an "abundance of caution". So you have the teacher trying to convert children to Islam -- the religion responsible for so many murders, rapes, drownings, beheadings, bombings, 9/11, Paris's massacre, the USS Cole, the first WTC bombing, San Bernardino, the barracks at Beirut, the brutal gang rape of a CBS reporter, etc., etc., etc. -- and they close the schools because American parents are upset that the teacher was trying to convert their children into that religion? Yeah. We're the bad guys in that school system's eyes. Another school system, made the children sing "alahu akbar" at a Christmas concert! It's happening all over America. Teachers are taking it upon themselves to teach your kids to love Islam. They're doing you no favors. Do you want your kids indoctrinated into Islam, into hating you because you're not Muslim, into betraying America? Is that what you pay your taxes to do: work against you and the American way? December 18, 2015   Considering the previous blurb, I wonder if those teachers are trying to create helpers for the THOUSANDS whose visas were revoked due to terrorism concerns. After all, we know that the fewer people resist them the easier it's going to be to destroy America as we know and love her. Who is to say it's not a concerted effort? There is a federal Dept. of Education that is taking a stronger more dominant role in the local school systems. Sounds to me like they've been pushing themuslimvileone's agenda to me. Even after San Bernardino themuslimvileone continues to say there is no "credible threat" in America from Islam. Really? Considering what happened a day after he said that ISIS/ISIL was "contained" (the Paris attacks) and the same day he last assured us there were not "credible threats" within the U.S. I think we should all keep our eyes and ears open and consider not going to crowded, well publicized events and places. There is no way in hades I'd go to NYC for the dropping of the legendary ball. It's just not smart. December 18, 2015   Women injured more often in combat training than men, and they have double the mental health issues of men. When exposed to combat, women just are not made by GOD to handle that kind of exposure. They're not cut out to be murderers and to see the results of murders. Yes, women are doctors and see all kinds of horrible things that have happened to people due to car accidents and other traumas. Acknowledged. They also treat gunshot wounds, stabbings, rapes, etc. However, that's not in a war situation in which they are personally in danger at the same time as they are seeing those things. In war they are being shot at and shooting back. In war they are in danger of setting off an IED, or being near a grenade explosion, or other terrible things. GOD made women to be nurturers, not warriors. We are the warrior support system, but not the warrior. To put women into frontline combat positions is asking for trouble, not doing good. themuslimvileone is WRONG in this and so much else. December 18, 2015   My web browser started acting up so I'll stop here for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 15, 2015: 1:24 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to my ankle bothering me a lot. Spent the day sitting on my bed with my ankle elevated and still in the huge medical boot. I even have to sleep in it for one more night then I can take it off to go to bed. Sigh. It's clunky, heavy, not very conducive to wearing blue jeans and difficult to walk in. It's just a bother. Looking forward to getting it off and to my ankle being all better. Anyways, how about we get started? December 15, 2015   December 15, 2015   BENGHAZI:   We have PROOF that our troops were ready to go help but that themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn did not authorize that help to do so. It's exactly as I've said for years: themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn have blood on their hands. December 15, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   themuslimvileone spent $20 MILLION to help ex-cons get jobs. Why ex-cons but not you, your neighbor, those who have NOT been in prison? Why ex-cons? Are they all Muslim drug offense ex-cons? (Just asking.) December 15, 2015   Homeland INsecurity:   DH[IN]S deports 1,000th of 1% for TERRORISM. Considering San Bernardino I think that the number should be MUCH higher than that. Considering how many "Syrian refugees" are coming into America (thanks to themuslimvileone's policies and help) I think that themuslimvileone is setting us up for more terrorism on our soil, more dead American citizens. That's part of the plan: creat havoc and declare a "State of Emergency" because then he can cancel the 2016 elections and he can stay in power until the "emergency" is over. He doesn't want to stop living off of YOUR DIME. He likes the power to destroy America. That's why he isn't going to let hillclintOOn run. She'll be in prison or threatened with it and drop out before he declares himself IMAM OF AMERICA, and that he is the 12th Imam. (Not really, but his ego believes it.) He'll declare himself "Dictator for Life" and we'll have to bow down and kiss his shiney-behiney. Destruction of America is his goal; power his aphrodisiac. December 15, 2015   Censorship in America: Cambridge MA, City Council CENSURES Breitbart.com! The home of Cambridge College, an ex-great college and center of learning and individual thought, now CENSORING a news outlet in order to DEFEND ISLAM? Yep. Islam is more important in Cambridge than FREE SPEECH, than the FIRST AMENDMENT, than a FREE PRESS. How does a city survive that? If they can censure Breitbart.com, they can do so to any and ALL other news sources. It's time to stop kissing Islam's butt and to start standing up for AMERICA and AMERICAN CITIZENS' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! December 15, 2015   When I first heard about the LA school terrorist threat Other schools (Portland, OR, NYC, and other cities) were said to have received similar threats. Now they're saying that "the threatening message was routed through Germany, but investigators have not determined its origin and believe it was sent from a location 'much closer,' he added." Sounds to me like someone didn't study for a test but that's taking it a bit too far! December 15, 2015   Coach banned from praying files complaint. Good! I'm glad people are standing up -- legally and otherwise -- for their First Amendment rights! It's about time that Christians start fighting back! If we don't we deserve what we get! Look at what happened to our public schools once Christians allowed GOD to be kicked out of their childrens' schools via the scotus (PTUI!) ruling and them sitting quietly down and taking that ruling as gospel. It's absurd that Christians allow Christianity to be outlawed in every way and every place except their hearts and minds while inside their homes. That's NOT what GOD calls us to! He calls us to be a light that IS NOT hidden under a barrell. Instead, some are frightened into silence and obedience. It's appalling to see so many Christians say, "Well, it is the law." If the KY clerk, Kim Davis, had not stood for what is her First Amendment protected religious rights would we have anyone to look to and say, "If they can do it..."? I doubt it. Now people are standing up and they're doing what GOD says is right, not what man says is right. Good! That's the way it should be! December 15, 2015   Ugh. They deserve each other. December 15, 2015   UK has a problem. Even if the ISIS member doesn't work within the UK government department, it still means that their internet isn't secure enough to prevent hackers from using their IP address. Either way, they've got a problem. December 15, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   ISIS: Convert or die! Letters sent to many Swedish civilians warning them to convert to Islam, pay the protection tax, or die. Sounds to me like they have a racketeering charge, a death threat charge and a charge for using the postal services to convey threats of harm or violence coming at ISIS. Those are some of the charges they'd be facing here -- IF themuslimvileone's admin chose to charge them. Knowing themuslimvileone, he'd be throwing them a party at our expense! ISIS has "dungeons" in which they keep sex slaves before they kill them, of course. After they torture them, abuse them, repeatedly and horribly rape them, they just kill them. Peaceful toleration of that is abomination to GOD and all things good and holy. ISIS needs to be carpet bombed with MOABs! Problem solved. ISIS has targeted innocent children with Down Syndrome and wants all of them dead. Is that "peace and tolerance", or is that just awful, repugnant, sickening? I vote the latter. Of course, they're no better in that aspect than Planned AbortionHood. When it comes to babies, the only difference is their religion or lack thereof. December 15, 2015   Ted Cruz demolishes Stupido. Good. Stupido made his bed, now he's trying to climb out of it instead of into it. He doesn't want to be held accountable for his past actions or statements. I think he -- and ALL POLITICAL CANDIDATES -- should be held accountable for their actions and words. If he's got to be held accountable for his "Gang of Eight" support of amnesty, so be it. Stupido rubio should be held accountable for it. He said it, worked it and pushed for it for months. It was only after he found out how badly it hurt him that he started stepping gingerly back from his support of blanket amnesty. He needs to be reminded that just because he used to be the "Golden Boy" of Florida's Republican Party, that doesn't mean that "We, The People" will allow him to act like a dumboRAT and get away with it! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or clownish Stupido.) December 15, 2015   Fast and Furious:   Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry's, family still seeking justice. Two men were sentenced were prosecuted, but themuslimvileone refuses to do anything to help the family find out who in the U.S. government made the call to put those guns in the hands of murderers. That's because if they went after everyone who had a hand in his death (before and after the fact), they'd have to go after themuslimvileone, too. Remember, he's the one who put together his version of "Fast and Furious" which is where Terry's murderers got the weapon. themuslimvileone was an "accessory before the fact" and he's got Brian Terry's blood on his hands, too. December 15, 2015   themuslimvileone refuses to bomb ISIS. Is he afraid to? Or is themuslimvileone protecting ISIS? Think about that next time you hear about someone being raped, murdered, tortured, beheaded, or whatever horrible thing they decide to do to someone. Think about themuslimvileone's complicity. December 15, 2015   themuslimvileone's VACATIONS:   Another ridiculously expensive Christmas vacation. Why he "celebrates" Christmas I have no idea. He's not a Christian. This year's farce will cost taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars that they could be having in their own pockets and using for presents, food and clothing for their chilren. But, no. themuslimvileone has to vacation in Hawai'i again. While you figure out how to save money by cutting back on your Christmas festivities, themuslimvileone and his family and entourage will be eating, drinking and partying on your dime. That adds so much to our Christmas festivities, don't you think? December 15, 2015   On that note, I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 11, 2015: 12:23 p.m.   It's Friday and of course, that means it's time for my "Tribute To Our Heroes 246: The Guilt". I thank you for your service over and over and over again because I mean it and I understand the price you're paying: not fully (because I never could), but at least enough to appreciate it. GOD Bless You All and all of your families! December 11, 2015: 1:20 a.m.   I wanted to make sure I got this one posted for you to see. Does it tell you anything about Microsoft that they REMOVED "With GOD as our Father" from the song "Let There Be Peace on Earth"? I think Microsoft is going the wrong way in a BIG way and they're going there fast. Maybe my next computer will be Linux. Tired of anti-Christian companies. December 11, 2015: 12:56 p.m.   JW sues SF to help protect America. They're trying to stop the "Sanctuary City" ordinance that expanded the program. "[SF Sheriff Dept.'s] new policy directive, which goes even further than San Francisco’s infamous sanctuary ordinance, runs directly contrary to federal law, which states, '[A] Federal, State, or local government entity or officials may not prohibit, or in any way restrict, any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from [ICE] information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.' (8 U.S.C. § 1373)."SF is putting its citizens at risk so that they can play the "We're better than you" game. Sounds to me like the citizens of SF need to elect some new representation that will put their physical safety ahead of their "feel good". You can "feel good" better alive than dead. Why is SF so full of idiots? December 11, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She's desperate: trying a message of "love". She's tried everything else to get her poll numbers up, she may as well try grandmothering us all. Nothing else is working. I have a question for her. If she finds out about another bimbo eruption for her "love" billyboyclintOOn, will she preach that message to him, or will she be throwing ashtrays and screaming at the top of her voice again? December 11, 2015   Is this the truth? A TX Imam who agreed with Donald Trump's idea to stop all Islamic immigrants from entering the country has allegedly been forced to resign as the Imam of his mosque. Sounds to me like the rest of the Muslims in that mosque didn't like the idea of stopping terrorists from entering America. Sounds to me like he's got at least a few trouble-makers in that mosque. That's what I gather from his firing. Sounds to me like the FBI needs to check into the members of that mosque. Although, themuslimvileone may have already put a stop to that idea since he is the one behind stopping the FBI investigation into the San Bernardino investigation. Yep. themuslimvileone stopped the FBI from investigating fully the evidence in the San Bernardino shooting case. He shut it down. Doesn't that tell you something? It speaks volumes to me. December 11, 2015   "The primary purpose of the act was to provide funds for operation of the U.S. military. However, the act also includes several other provisions to protect Second Amendment rights, which the Constitution recognizes to be 'necessary to the security of a free State.'"I can't believe ROTTEN ryan and mcCONnell put that through. It's a miracle! December 11, 2015   Sen. Ted Cruz vows to "utterly destroy" ISIS. I hope that if he's elected (and he'd be better than Trump, IMHO), he'll carry through with his words rather than welch on them like he did after he spoke out so vehemently against Loretta Lynch's (USAG) confirmation. It's because of that one thing that I don't fully trust him. He spoke but he didn't follow through. Makes me wonder if he'll follow through on other things. After all, he also "fillibustered" against another themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX vote then voted to allow it to go forward. Cruz/Sessions try to fix H-1B bill. Their bill is "American Jobs First Act of 2015" and it makes it more difficult for companies to save mega-dollars from hiring foreigners to fill American jobs here. He also has a plan to put a moratorium on H-1B hiring if he is elected president. Again: he must take action! Talk is cheap. Action costs you. Is Cruz afraid of that cost? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy other candidate.) December 11, 2015   Remember a few days ago when themuslimvileone's admin was saying that Trump's idea of deporting Muslims and stopping their immigration to America was considered "unAmerican" and "disqualified" him from running and he should just drop out now? I suppose that means that they think Jimmy Carter was disqualified and should have stepped down as well, since he actually DID what Trump said. Why did they not impeach Carter (some of them were in office already!)? December 11, 2015   "'love movie festival', research on elephant sounds, and even new coal plants"Coal plants are one of the major polluters known to man, according to the earth huggers, but our money that is allegedly going toward stopping pollution is actually building coal plants?! It doesn't end there: "U.S. Secretary of State [ketchup kerry, who served in Vietnam] made a big splash Wednesday when he announced a doubling of U.S. aid for poor countries to adapt to global warming, now at $860 million a year. [my italics and bolding]"Yeah. YOUR money is being wasted on elephant sounds and ketchup kerry is vowing to double down! How absurd is that? Enjoying your mac and cheese? December 11, 2015   GASP! SHOCK! SAY IT ISN'T SO! themuslimvileone broke the law. Again. This time to trade for muslim convert bowe bergdahl. Show of hands: Who is surprise? No hands? Didn't think so. December 11, 2015   ISIS may have passport printing machine. Sounds to me like they have a contact somewhere within the administration. I wonder who that could be? Could his initials be themuslimvileone? Then there's the Missouri problem of stolen propane tanks and 150 throw away cell phones that could be used to create a bomb. Sounds like that needs to looked into quickly and thoroughly. Problem: themuslimvileone may prevent it. December 11, 2015   Sen. Mike Lee slams Stupido rubio. rubio was using lies about the "USA Freedom Act" against Sen. Cruz and Lee corrected the record -- and Stupido. Good. Someone needs to keep him in line. Before his ego got so huge, rubio was a good guy. Then he was elected Senator and suddenly, he's GOD's gift to America and he thinks he should be president? No. He's NOT a gift, he's a person who was doing fine until he listened to the whispers in his ear (or in his head?) and his easily inflated ego got the best of him. His support and membership in the "Gang of Eight" was the first sign that he thought he was all that. Now, I wouldn't trust him with my back yard, much less all of America! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or egotistical candidate.) December 11, 2015   As usual, 3 of 5 County commies chose to ignore the will of the people. They are governing against us instead of FOR us. They should all be recalled. Those three: Andy Anderson, robin fisher, and Jim Barfield, who I was absolutely correct about in my opinion of him: He's a RINO. Just as I warned you against. I endorsed his opponent, Jack Smink, an Independent. He was quirky, but gut instinct said he was being more open and honest about who he was than was Barfield. Now we're stuck. Don't vote the ticket line. Vote what's BEST for your FUTURE and for your CHILDREN! Get out of that PARTY LINE MENTALITY! December 11, 2015   I'll close for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and your weekend, and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 10, 2015: 1:38 p.m.   Well, the doctor said that my ankle wasn't fractured, but that the ligaments are damaged, so he put me in this huge boot thing and told me to sit down and stop being so active. I got the "active" gene from my Mom, who (at 78) still goes and goes and goes and is still teaching people how to be CNAs (Certified Nurse Assistants)! My doc said that the boot would slow me down and keep my foot in the proper position to let the ligaments heal. I know I should sit down, put my foot up and obey the doc, but it's CHRISMTMAS time and I love Christmas and the whole thing is so frustrating! Sit down and don't do Christmas shopping, decorating, baking? REALLY? Arrrrrggggghhhhhh!!! I did find that one pair of shoes I own has a sole that's high enough to make it easier to walk (and faster) with this boot on.. and my Mom will be down later this month... and there's still stuff to do.... My bad. December 10, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   It's TRUE that TERRORISTS are coming in as Syrian refugees. Proven. Confirmed. Undeniable. That doesn't stop themuslimvileone from trying to hide the truth and continue to LIE about it. Not that anyone is surprised that he is lying (his lips are moving) but some still expect him to at least TRY to keep their children safe. I wish they'd stop counting on that. themuslimvileone no more wants to keep America safe than he wants the truth known about who he is, what he is, where he came from, etc. He is as deceitful as the clintOOns and hates America more: unless, of course, he gets his way and gets to stay in office for a lifetime. Then he'll love America paying his luxury way. December 10, 2015   Rush proves that what Trump said DOES NOT disqualify him from running! I don't think Trump would be a good president. We've seen what an ego on legs does to a country: nothing good. Thus, my hope for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected. But what Trump said is in SUPPORT OF EXISTING LAW! Passed in 1952, 8 U.S. Code 1182 states: "'Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.'"So, as you see, Trump said something that was TOTALLY APPROPRIATE and that was absolutely in line with EXISTING LAW and that, as president, he would have the authority to carry through with his plan. The msm's attacks on him since then have been unfounded -- well, unless you consider their panic at his soaring numbers as a foundation for attacking him -- and they're desperate to stop his popularity. I'm not desperate to stop his popularity, but the fact remains: we're there, doing that, so why do it again? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy comb-over.) December 10, 2015   On the same subject, Congress is set to vote on EASING PASSAGE for immigrants! What?! Yep. Congress, under ROTTEN ryan (under the puppetry of bonehead boehner, who in turn is being run by george soros and themuslimvileone), is going to EASE passage -- that is, make it easier for illegals and immigrants of all sorts, including terrorists -- to enter our country and do harm to anyone and anything they so desire. Think San Bernardino and you'll have an image of what Congress is allowing to happen again and again and again. Isn't that special? (*sarcasm*) December 10, 2015   *GASP!* A LIBERAL FEMINIST gets it! Okay. Someone can pick me up off the floor now. December 10, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:  
This is why we MUST
pray for and witness Christ to Muslims. If they're going to be the largest world religion at the end of the century (and I kinda' doubt it,
considering that many Muslims are coming to Christ) then we need to bring them to Jesus and the world will be a better, safer place.
Face it,
most Americans don't know much about Islam.
What some do believe (not know) about it is not based upon educating themselves via reading the Koran/Quran, Hadith, etc., but is
instead based on what themuslimvileone says about it, what the msm says about it, what ill-informed idiot celebreties say about it.
If they'd take the time to educate themselves via reading the Koaran/Quran and Hadith they'd learn that the Islam that kills, destroys and
hates everything that is not Islam is taught and supported in those books. Until you read stuff "straight from the horse's mouth"
(so to speak) you don't know the whole truth. I read the Koran/Quran to "FIND THE TRUTH!" just as I read The Book of Mormon, the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Jewish Talmud (at least part of it) to know what that religion teaches about itself. That's how
you'll "FIND THE TRUTH!" Otherwise, you'll be open to being misled by someone telling you lies. That's what is happening to some in
America who are too lazy to educate themselves. December 10, 2015   We've said for a long time that CAIR is a terrorist support organization. The fact that they give death benefits to terrorists' families should prove it, should it not? December 10, 2015   Want another reason to leave Facebook? How about this? December 10, 2015   Attack on Christmas!   Idiot feminazis: "Say No to Mistletoe!" I think feminazis just NEED to have something to be offended and upset about. Too bad. I like mistletoe and I like getting kisses under it. My hubby is a good kisser and I like it when he kisses me. I wonder if their problem is that they don't get kissed, even while standing for hours under mistletoe and that's the real reason they don't like it. Just wondering. Then, there's the U. of Miss. stupidity. They changed the name of a CHRISTmas event because it was too CHRISTian! DUH! No crap, Curmudgeon! If they don't want to celebrate a CHRISTian holiday, why the blank are they celebrating CHRISTmas? Why bother? In fact, I don't think non-believers should bother at all. No one who is NOT a Jew bothers celebrating Rosh Hoshannah, so if you're not a CHRISTian why celebrate CHRISTmas? If you're atheist, agnostic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc., etc., why put up a CHRISTmas tree, lights, etc.? If U. of Miss. is not a CHRISTian organization, they should allow the students and faculty who are CHRISTians to celebrate CHRISTmas as they allow Muslims to observe their holy days, so they should allow CHRISTians and Jews to celebrate theirs. U. of Miss. sure is screwed up right now. They're totally locked in the crap of PC up to their eyeballs and that's sad for their students who are learning only how to be offended! December 10, 2015   Almost forgot to mention that I did an update on PSJHistory.com in which I posted to the MaureenRupeExposed.com Resources page all of the links I have on my PSJ Info page here. She wants me to take down MaureenRupeExposed.com? Let's see what happens when I post even MORE things to the site. I post the TRUTH, she says LIES and smears my good name by alleging that I had something to do with pornography. I can't get the County to do anything about it so I do what I can. The County, in fact, wrote this bit of idiocy: "From: Berrios, Cristina;You know I had to respond to that. "Considering the response to my request for retraction for the character assassination on Mr. Pete Costello and I that Maureen Rupe gets away with on the public record thanks to the County's constant protection, and the standard just sent to me as part of that favored citizen status, if I wrote on public record that Maureen Rupe did "X" and pretended to be hurt by that "X" would I receive the same protection? If the tables had been turned and I had first made the allegation against her, would the County offer me the same blanket cover?Then I remembered something else and sent this addendum: "BTW, I assume that you realize how absurd your reply is considering that you work in the County Attorney's Office (although considering who the County Attorney is, I must give that assertion at least fifty percent doubt). We may have Free Speech according to the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment, but we also have something called "libel" and "slander" which are laws that allow punishment of FALSE speech. I have proven Rupe's assertions false in every way possible yet the County stands behind her and hides behind something they no more believe in than they do the Tooth Fairy. How ridiculous you all look!The County, especially D1, allows the rupe-a-dupe to get away with anything she wants. They keep using her as our "represtantive" via appointing her to many different committees, boards, etc. Why they do that, I have no idea. I have submitted my name as a potential candidate to be appointed to committees and boards and have served on a few in the past (PSJ's Fay Lake Wilderness Park Committee and the The Art in Public Places Advisory Board come to mind) but I haven't heard a thing from D1 about any appointmenst. Why don't you submit your name to be considered for appointment if you reside in D1's district. See if you can get appointed to a committee, board or anything that is supposed to "represent" the residents of D1. Or maybe we'll all learn that commie fisher is only willing to appoint those who kiss his backside and think like him. Let's see what happens. Try the experiment. December 10, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her "most repugnant" lie. She's just like themuslimvileone. If her lips are moving, she's lying. She's NOT what America needs right now. We need an honest, open president who will tell us the TRUTH about what he/she believes, wants, plans to do and background. We don't need another LIAR in power. We don't need another person who hates America in power. We need someone who loves America, is totally sold out to her founding principles and Founding Fathers' ideals and beliefs, is a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE and who is truly, totally, unequivocably qualified according to the U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers' understanding of "Natural Born Citizen". Otherwise, we have a further disaster on our hands. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or pantsuit princess!) December 10, 2015   December 10, 2015   On that "lovely" note I'll close. I wonder if it's okay to go to the gun range while in a "boot"... Anyways, enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 9, 2015: 12:55 p.m.   Sorry but there won't be updates today due to my doctor appointment. My ankle hasn't stopped swelling and it's still tender, so I have to get it x-rayed again and they'll have a better idea what's going on with it. The first x-ray was interfered with by the swelling, so they couldn't get a good pic. They said that if it's still swolen and tender that they might have to put it in a cast. Ugh. Just what I don't want. How do I decorate for Christmas in a cast? We'll see. After that we need to run errands and I may have to do them on crutches. Wouldn't that be fun? (No.) Anyways, I spent the morning doing other things that needed done and I must get ready for my appointment, so I'll sign off for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 8, 2015: 2:37 p.m.   Sorry, folks, for the unexpected break and I want to say a quick "I remember" to the memory of those who died in Pearl Harbor all those years ago. Friday I helped my hubby get ready for a trip out of state then decided to start Part C of the "Big Project" and did more of it than I expected to do. We started on it and finished step one and I was very surprised that we did that much. It was great fun, not too difficult, and before I knew it, it was over. Then we had to wait for supplies and now we can start step two! Monday's update was prevented because I had to run an emergency errand when someone I love locked themselves out of the vehicle they were driving. I wound up going to Cocoa with my hubby then sitting while he worked on that person's vehicle and fixed it, so that he could drive home his truck that he had loaned him. From there we went to Lowe's and picked up the supplies to do step two of Part C, something I had ordered, return something I bought but hubby didn't like, and to get a Christmas tree! It wasn't until we did that last thing that it started to feel like Christmas to me, which is wierd. I ususally have the Christmas spirit from Independence Day (or at the very latest Labor Day in September. This year, it waited to hit me until we had chosen the tree. So, anyways, it is time to do some blurbs of important issues, or just things I find interesting. Let's get started. December 8, 2015   hillclintOOn, Snoozerextraordinnaire:   She slept past the time for a security briefing immediately after BENGHAZI. She didn't think it important enough to set her alarm for. Wow. She's callus. Also in the e-mail releases forced by Judicial Watch were e-mails that prove that sidney blumenthal and his son were two of those behind the BENGHAZI video LIE. Did you know there was such an organization as this: "Glen Doherty [CIA contractor killed in the Benghazi attack] was a fellow member of the Military Religious Freedom Advisory Board, which fights to ensure that our military is not further compromised by the Christian Dominionists who seek to turn it into an instrument of their religious zealotry, an army for Christ rather than for the defense of our nation. He was invaluable in helping us uncover several cases where religious indoctrination was taking place under the guise of military training…. [my bolding and italics]"They don't want the military to be used as an "army for Christ"? Who was trying to do that? In order for there to be an organization against it, there should have been some evidence of a movement toward that. There is NONE. The fact that someone wants to pray, have a Bible verse on their desk, or read their Bibles on their breaks (all legal activities and protected under the First Amendment), does NOT equal "an army for Christ". It equals FREEDOM and the First Amendment being in force. That's all. But hillclintOOn and her ilk fear "an army for Christ" because there are a few Christians in it. I want you to ask yourselves if she would be a good prezidunce if that's how she and sidney blumenthal feel about Christianity? Would your beliefs be safe under that sort of administration? Think about that. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any committee, candidate, campaign, or crappy LIAR.) December 8, 2015   JW's victory is good for Hawai'i. The unintended consequence may be bad for America, though. With themuslimvileone creating with the stroke of his pen and a call on his cell phone thousands of new citizens (bypassing Congress, of course) there may come a time when America is overthrown via the vote of all of the new Muslim voters that themuslimvileone created. Shariah Law may be enacted throughout America if islam is allowed to become the biggest voting block and if a single TYRANT'S desires and actions create a majority Muslim citizenhood in America. We will no more BE America; we shall be a third world country and we shall be enslaved by the Muslims and our female children will be their nine-year-old brides! We cannot allow that to happen. We MUST send Islamic immigrants BACK, as Donald Trump says. I do NOT endorse Trump, but I do agree with him on this point. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or TYRANT trying to destroy America.) December 8, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   The San Bernardino shooters did not act alone. They're finding out that his mother may have been involved. Their radicalization wasn't just recent, either. They were also in contact with people on the FBI's watch list. Of course those people weren't terrorists! No! They were just people who had like beliefs and with similar goals. That doesn't make them terrorists! Heaven forbid! (*sarcasm* Get over it.) Islam is NOT a religion of "peace". It is a religion of DOMINATION and CONTROL. It wants to dominate the whole world and make everyone bow their knee to the god of THEIR choice, not of ours. Individual religious, educational, or other choices such as when to go somewhere and with whom to go, are gone under Islam. It's not freedom. It's total and absolute bondage. They also have a strange sense of how to celebrate Christmas. Ewwwww! December 8, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Another report proves how much themuslimvileone is WASTING, with the help of Congress and the Senate, of course. They've done NOTHING to stop him in ANYTHING he's tried to do, so I hold them as responsible as themuslimvileone himself. For example (from the article and the Federal Fumbles Report):
"The State Department spent $5.75 million in foreign countries to conserve a Buddhist temple in Vietnam, on Bengal folk music in India and to preserve Jamdani weaving traditions in Bangladesh."Uh, what happened to the leftist/progressive's/liberals' favorite cry "Seperation of Church and State!" with that first expense: "conserve a Buddhist temple in Vietnam"? How is that NOT crossing and joining of church and State? This whole list is disgusting. We should demand less spending and more accountability from EVERYONE in the government! December 8, 2015   December 8, 2015   Hurray for Wayne Ivey! He's getting better and better in my book! He has asked Brevard County CCW holders to take on terrorists. I think it's better to stand up for yourself than to wait for the cops to show up five minutes after you're dead and the terrorist is gone. Liberty University goes so far as to give free concealed carry classes! That's so EXCELLENT! We've been ignoring themuslimvileone's desires and buying guns since he was sworn in. Maybe the rest of America realized the truth about themuslimvileone as did I. Let us pray that we never need to use them! December 8, 2015   On that lovely note I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 3-4, 2015: 11: 29 p.m.   It's almost Friday and that means a Flag Friday. Today's offering and thanks, "Tribute To Our Heroes 245: The Present". I hope you like it and I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! December 3, 2015: 3:27 p.m.   Well, that day off was a surprise. I didn't realize it at the time, but Tuesday afternoon while doing updates I accidentally squished my computer's cord in one of our new recliners' mechanism. It was when the battery on my computer ran low and I turned it off and started putting it away that I found the cord was squished. My hubby fixed it last night and I'm back. (Lefties/progressives/liberals fear and tremble.) I don't know how many blurbs I'll get done today. It is a special day in our family and I may have company soon so I'll see what happens here. Woops. Hubby just got home, too! I'll still do a few blurbs and then I'll go. December 3, 2015   ISIS "czar" is Hamas sympathizer. themuslimvileone is letting the fox guard the henhouse. Isn't that typical? December 3, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Muslims did the shooting in CA massacre. I bet themuslimvileone's ISIS czar would support that. Neighbors didn't turn them in because they feared being called "racist"! It's not going to be as easy as in Europe to make America into an Islam controlled country. We FIGHT BACK! Sheriff Joe Arpaio calls on ALL concealed carry holder to carry and ACT! Even in -- of all places! -- a NY County, the Sheriff is calling for the same! They don't want us to be victims, they want us to fight back and to be proactive in protecting ourselves and others. I agree with that! Don't wait for the cops to come when bullets are already being shot. You should be able to fight back and protect yourself and others! Don't be a victim! Fight back! Stand up! Get your concealed carry permit and learn how to properly use your weapon. Learn how to shoot and be ready, willing and able to shoot someone who is trying to kill you. If it comes to you or them walking away, YOU need to be able to survive and walk away. It's better than your loved ones burying you. Agree? December 3, 2015   Guns? themuslimvileone wants you to HAVE NONE! He wants to take them all away so that you are DEFENSELESS. That's his goal. It's his wet dream. It's his heart's desire. His excuse (lame though it is) is that it will "deter terrorists". Yeah. Anyone who believes that stand on your head, spit in your ear and kiss your own elbow all at the same time. We need to be able to defend ourselves from jihadists. We have been a free country and we cannot accept bondage to Shariah Law and Islam's demands now. We must be able and willing to fight for America and ourselves! themuslimvileone does not want that. He wants to stop us from being free. It's his dream to destroy America. Let us stand firm and not allow him to do so! December 3, 2015   The V.A.'s horrid treatment of our veterans results in three low-level employee firings. It's not the high-muckety-mucks who get fired. It's always the lowest guy on the totem pole. That's the way lefties/progressives/liberals do it. If this had been a Republican administration the top dog would have stepped down and several directly under him would have been let go, too. We need accountability in D.C., not just excuse making and back-slapping when they get away with it. December 3, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   GOP promises to pass a repeal bill; dumboRATS vow to make it painful and to force a vote on gun control. Sounds to me like dumboRATS are on the wrong side; as usual. Why do dumboRATS want you disarmed? Ask yourselves why they want you to be unable to defend yourself? Why do they want you to be shot and unable to shoot back? Why do they want your children attacked and murdered without you being able to do anything about it but cry and plan their funerals through your tears? Why? December 3, 2015   Women now allowed in most combat positions. One of the things that proves how low America has gotten in their morality is that we no longer honor, cherish and protect women. When you put a woman out there to kill and be killed you are not only destroying your ability to reproduce but you are lowering your standards of humanity in that the mothers will no longer be considered special, someone to honor. Women were built to be honored and to be protected. Yes, we are strong, and able to protect ourselves in extreme circumstances, but we weren't built to do so in war. War changes people. Men were meant to do that. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the women went out to battle. Nowhere. Deborah advised and chose the leaders of the battle, but she did not go to battle herself. She strategized and planned, but she didn't go kill people nor was she in the line of fire. Same with the Jael: she was not in battle, but she hid an enemy, fed him, let him fall asleep in her tent, then killed him (Judges 4 and 5). Neither woman went to actual battle. They were part of the winning team, but they weren't out there shooting arrows, and that's a lesson to us today. GOD uses women, but He never built women to be in a real war battle. Against ISIS, or someone trying to kill someone we can step in and protect via our own weapon, yes, that's what GOD wants. But He never made woman, the stronger but more sensitive of the species, to be in battle. If that upsets you, so be it. That's the way I believe and where I stand. N.O.W. types can kiss my shiney behiney instead of complain. December 3, 2015   Leftist CA shooting narratives totally destroyed by TRUTH. It wasn't what the lefties/progressives/liberals wanted it to be: a Conservative, NRA lifetime member, pro-lifer, gone nutso over something to do with Planned AbortionHood and racism. That's what the left wanted it to be. I'm GLAD they are ALWAYS wrong. Remember, it's NOT "work place violence"! It's TERRORISM! It's ISLAMIC TERRORISM that killed and injured those people in San Bernadino! It's nothing else! And themuslimvileone refuses to stand up to it! That's because HE IS ONE! "A house divided against itself cannot stand" and themuslimvileone cannot stand against Islam! December 3, 2015   Of course, ROTTEN ryan gives same answer bonehead would have given. Puppet, puppet, do my bidding! December 3, 2015   shep smith loses Conservative credentials. He has been going down that road for a while, but this comment is the final straw. Just because he's on Fox, that doesn't mean that he is a Conservative. Remember, they also had alan colmes (gag!), geraldo rivera (puke!) and others who can make any True Conservatives lose their lunch. Then there are the lefties/progressives/liberals in hollyweird who tweeted their stupidity. They needed to get the facts before proving their standing in the Leftie Brainless Group. It's disgusting that they don't wait for facts but make assumptions and prove themselves so ignorant. A bigger problem is that the LBG have too many stupid candidates who are just as stupid as they. Truth is, the problem is as much the Left as Islam. Why? Because the way the Left handles the problem of Islam is to bind its victims and to silence us instead of binding and silencing Islam. How stupid is that? December 3, 2015   I'll close with that. I have info on a local issue but I'll hold that until tomorrow or next week, or so. We'll see what happens. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! December 1, 2015: 12:28 p.m.   Can you believe it's December?! I'm amazed! I thought that this year was going at a normal speed for the first part of this year, but then our "Big Project" started and it's been running at double speed since! It's unreal that the year is almost over when it seems just yesterday was Independence Day (Fourth of July for those of you who were public schooled your whole lives.) Anyways, it's time to start another month and to start updates for today. Let's start with the MD Deputy Attorney General's bad behavior and Project Veritas's uncovering of the truth about his lack of understanding of the law. Perhaps he should reconsider inviting young women into his hotel room (while he's still married!) and divulging secrets to them. His admissions should get him fired, but I doubt they will. dumboRATS don't fire each other over bad behavior. They high five each other for getting away with it. December 1, 2015   Help our Veterans be honored this Christmas. Sponsor a wreath for their fallen ones' graves. They deserve it and so do the families of the fallen who will visit their graves this Christmas, to share their hopes for the Season, to speak of how much they are missed, to show what they received for Christmas, to share heartaches and sorrows. A wreath is a simple thing, just $15 will put one on a Hero's grave and it will honor them during one of the most important times of the year. Let's not let any of our Heroes go without that honor. Do as I did. Sponsor at least two wreaths and see if it doesn't touch your heart to do so. December 1, 2015   JW discovers Secret Service hiding themuslimvileone's extravagant travel expenses; paid for by YOU, of course. That's why they're supposed to report it. They try to hide the costs of his golfing trips, vacations, etc., so that "We, The People" don't get as upset by his luxury expenses while we eat more mac and cheese. With JW it's difficult to do, though, keeping all those secrets. Judicial Watch forces their release and forces the truth to come to light. It's good to know the TRUTH about the costs of themuslimvileone because we're paying for them. If it was coming out of his pocket it would be different. When it's coming out of OUR pockets, that's something we need to know - and have the right to know - about. December 1, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her book was "rushed" through approval by the State Dept. so that it could be used for her campaign. It wasn't held up because of the fact that it had State Dept. secrets in it. It wasn't held up because it had things that other countries shouldn't know about. It was rushed through with those things in it so that she would be able to use it as a campaign tool. Our country's secrets and security be darned as long as clintOOn gets her way! That's the America we live in right now. I so look forward to that being OVER! Did you know she can't think of ANY condition to commit ground troops against ISIS? If they killed Bill would she commit ground troops to fight ISIS? How about Chelsea? Would that make her commit ground troops? She's totally admitting that she hasn't a clue about how to counter them and that she has no real plans to do so. As long as they stay "over there" she's fine with them killing innocent babies, children, women, elderly and males of fighting age. She'll let them come over here (can't think of "any" condition) and kill Americans and won't commit ground troops here? Is that what you want for prezidunce? I certainly don't! BTW, the FBI says they'll continue their investigation into her no matter what is happening for 2016 elections. Good! Also, check out her "word cloud"! Ouch! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or confused old crab!) December 1, 2015   WaPo writer says themuslimvileone would have lost WWII. I say he would have joined Hitler, not fought him. He never would have been part of a team fighting WITH America. He would have joined the team fighting AGAINST America. If England's Hamlet plays were being done in German, it would have been because themuslimvileone joined Hitler and the good, honorable men of WWII's military had fought on the side of Germany if themuslimvileone had been prezidunce back then. It would not have been a choice for themuslimvileone; he would have rushed to Hitler's side and kissed his butt as hard as possible. He would have done anything to help destroy America and any and all forms of democracy, Western civilization and Christianity. That would have been themuslimvileone's goal back then as it is today. December 1, 2015   Another dumboRAT politician GULTY on corruption charges. Why don't we change what we call dumboRAT "politicians" and start calling them "Future Inmates"? It seems to be applicable to a LOT of them! December 1, 2015   CA Gov. Jerry Brown may have some trouble ahead. He's been abusing his position as Governor and he's been using CA State resources to try to personally benefit financially from that use. Sounds like another "Future Inmate" headed down that lane. December 1, 2015   Lefties/progressives/liberals are using the shooting at the CO Planned AbortionHood clinic in a despicable way. They are lying about every jot and tittle of the incident and they know it but that knowledge doesn't stop them from doing so. It's no surprise that lefties/progressives/liberals take the opportunity to LIE about who did the shooting, who "inspired" the shooting and what the shooter believed, who he followed, etc. What the lefties/progressives/liberals should NOT do, though, is believe they're going to get away with it. We're used to them lying, but they should be used to us putting the TRUTH to their lies. December 1, 2015   What do you think is happening here? Do you think it's just people hoaxing/trolling? Or do you think it's a legitimate organization and that "white" people should be able to organize and not be shamed for standing up for their rights just as every "minority group" out there does? There are "Gay Rights" (and every variation of that human foible) groups, "BlackLivesMatter" type groups, Islamic Rights groups (CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.), the N.O.W. (NAGs, as Rush Limbaugh calls them) for women, the KKK for racist white people, etc., etc. So why can't non-racist "white" people just want to stand up for their rights? After all, if everyone else gets to organize groups to stand up for their rights, why not "white" people? Do not "white" people get a voice at all? December 1, 2015   Ya' know, with Sheriff Joe Arpaio using volunteers to patrol malls I think people are safer there. I like that he's doing something to help make possible terrorists think twice about doing something to hurt others. Armed volunteers patrolling the malls is a good thing. Add to that those who are concealed carry permit holders and terrorists may have a bigger problem than they thought. Quick fix to a problem that should not exist. We should not have terrorists in our nation, but themuslimvileone disagrees with me on that. He's inviting them in and we're paying for it! December 1, 2015   Eh. Leave him there. December 1, 2015   Boy, is he WRONG! themuslimvileone thinks America will elect a dumboRAT in 2016. How stupid does he think the American people are? Don't answer that. themuslimvileone doesn't think. There's also no number low enough to equate to his disdain of the American people and their intelligence. In his own mind themuslimvileone is oh, so much better, grander, smarter than the rest of us. He's all that and a luxury golf trip to prove it, with his nose in the air to enable him to look down on the rest of us. That's why the American people will NOT elect a dumboRAT to succeed him: there won't be an election to choose his "successor". It will be a power grab and themuslimvileone will be in for a lifetime term if he has his way. December 1, 2015   As expected (and as I warned you) ROTTEN ryan sells America out again. 10,000 more "refugees" will be "allowed" into America thanks to ROTTEN ryan and mcCONnell. So much for safety for your children. December 1, 2015   Well, I must dash. My computer's battery is almost dead and I have to shut this down. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 2015 November 30, 2015: 4:56 p.m.   Late start due to other things I had to get done, thus just a few blurbs today. Part B of the "Big Project" is humming along. We have done about 80% of the work and there are a few more things left. I have one big part in that last 20%, but with my chipped ankle, I don't know when I'll get that part done. Then there's Part C which we are considering starting this weekend to get completed by Christmas, and Christmas shopping and decorating (with all of our 50+ bins of Christmas decorations!) and making cards and the eleven scarves I've already crocheted! Yep. Been busy since July and it won't stop until after the New Year! That's a fun year! Anyways, let's get started with the few blurbs. We'll see how far we get. November 30, 2015   themuslimvileone still trying to destroy EMPLOYERS. He's making sure that his administration squeezes as much money out of employers as possible on allegations of some sort of discrimination. It's ridiculous, but it is another way to destroy America, so you know he's going to do it! November 30, 2015   World leaders: Do what we SAY, not what we do. They get to jet all over the world creating loads of CO2, but the rest of us? We're not even supposed to cook out on our grills. It produces too much carbon. We're not supposed to use incandescent lights because it takes too much electricity to run them. We're not supposed to drive SUVs or even to eat beef because cows should be done away with because they pass too much gas and cause "global warming". Yet, world leaders are always meeting to discuss how to CONTROL US and to prevent us from doing what we want when they get to do anything they want. Is that the way it should be? After all, isn't there such a thing as teleconferences? They could all sit home in their jammies, with their stockinged feet up and shoving chocolates into their big mouths and still hear each other's words, or even video conference and still see each other! But, no, they have to meet face-to-face and they have to FLY to get there. Is that the way it should be? I think NOT. BTW, themuslimvileone is already planning on bypassing Congress to get the CONTROL over us that he wants. Beware, America. themuslimvileone is wanting more POWER! November 30, 2015   How does this happen? What are they up to, and how many have done the same here, in America and what are they up to? Kinda' makes you go "Hmmmmmmmm...." November 30, 2015   The guy must have kissed his backside really well!
Once fired, rehired, what's the next shoe to fall? Oh! I see! He's a former clintOOn person. That's what keeps them loyal to themuslimvileone.
They like to be November 30, 2015   hillclintOOn:   More of her e-mails prove she broke the law. It's ridiculous that she's not yet in prison. But, if themuslimvileone is still considering a lifetime in office, don't worry. She'll be in prison before next year's election, if she's still around. Or maybe I should say IF she's capable of focusing that long. After all, she's very confused. Her plan, if (on the off-chance) she's elected, is to increase the debt by a huge amount. In other words, do more of themuslimvileone's type spending. Remember, as BENGHAZI's attack built, she wanted to know about how to get to a shopping place. Remember, she chooses anti-Semites to join her team. Sounds to me like yet another good reason to vote for someone else! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or LYING corruptocrat!) November 30, 2015   BlackLivesMatter made up of bullies who like to do nothing but intimidate, create havoc and CONTROL others. It's not about equality, fairness, or anything else. It's all about CONTROL. They want you to be scared to NOT obey. November 30, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   They're recruiting in Minneapolis for ISIS. According to Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), "'It is an unpleasant but unavoidable fact that bringing in a large unassimilated flow of migrants from the Muslim world creates the conditions possible for radicalization and extremism to take hold. The FBI director tells us there are now active ISIS investigations in all 50 U.S. states.'"I think they came here radicalized and it is themuslimvileone's goal to get the radicals here because it's another way to destroy America and to create a crisis and stay in power because of that crisis. Anything he can do to make his stay on our dime as long as possible, he'll do. You know what? I hope Texas does sue groups bringing in Syrian "refugees". There are way too many ISIS members claiming refugee status to trust what is being allowed into America. Do you really want an ISIS member as a neighbor? Do you want them living near your child's school? November 30, 2015   November 30, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   themuslimvileone is SO GOOD AT IT! I don't think it's possible to name every way he's done so without a computer keeping track. I don't think people can count that high in their lifetimes. November 30, 2015   Dr. Ben Carson loses any chance of my vote. I hadn't decided to support him, but I also hadn't decided to definitely NOT support him. Now, with him saying that "pro-lifers" are "hateful" and use too much hateful rhetoric? There's no way on this earth I'd vote for him. I don't hate those who are pro-murdering innocent unborn babies. I pray that they'll change their hearts, minds, voices and realize that they were once the same as those they support murdering. I don't hate them. I hate what they support. Murdering babies is murdering babies. How much more hateful can you get than that? My words are not more hateful than actually tearing a little baby limb from limb as it tries to get away from its abortionist/murderer, are they? Really. Which is more hateful: tearing a child's arms, legs and head off, or saying it's murder to do so? Check your heart, head, logical thinking skills and then answer the question, Dr. Ben Carson. You don't get my support nor my vote. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda Mckinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or condemning candidate.) November 30, 2015   I'm going to stop there for now. I have things to do, as usual. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 26-27, 2015: 11:21 p.m.   Thanksgiving is almost over and I want to give "Thanks!" for our troops. I can never say it enough: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So today's Flag Friday is "Tribute To Our Heroes 244: Thanksgiving" and I hope you will remember that we owe our military -- all who served or are serving -- for the chance to be here, to be free, to have a life that is ours to live. Thank you for your service and THANK YOU for all you've done for us! GOD Bless You All! November 25, 2015: 1:11 p.m.   Sorry about the little break again. Part B of the "Big Project" was very demanding and add to that the chipped ankle and a lot of Tylenol and I wasn't in a place to do any updates. It's not that it made me incapable, but it did take time, make me tired and all of that stuff. It's not fun. I'll do just a few blurbs on the things I think are most important and then I'll wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! How's that? November 25, 2015   You may recall the resignation of rupe-a-dupe that accused Pete Costello and I of being associated with pornography via her allegation that because of the website Costello started, MaureenRupeExposed.com (that I now own) the rupe-a-dupe's name is on "many porn sites" and that because of MaureenRupeExposed.com, (which allegedly has her "name, address, and [her] house on aerial view.") multiple pornography sites have a link to that information. If this were true, it would truly be an egregious sin that I and/or Mr. Costello had committed. Too bad the alleged porn link has been proven false and the fact that her own campaign website (still up illegally) has her phone number, address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address, and her complete "volunteer activity" list (she called it a resume). What rupe-a-dupe doesn't say is that, as a PSJ Advisory Board member, Mr. Costello has been in multiple meetings with rupe-a-dupe as a fellow member, in the same room and she never said anything to him about the website he previously owned going to "multiple porn sites" before, during or after the meetings. She did rant at Pete that he needs to make me take MaureenRupeExposed.com down, but he can't make me do diddlysquat so she was wasting her breath and she knew it at the time. Now, I am asking the rupe-a-dupe to retract her pornography connection allegation because she has slandered my good name on public record and she did so while accusing Mr. Costello of being the "guilty party". Problem was that her thoroughly negated "proof" was not proof, nor was it directed at Mr. Costello, but at me! Doing so made her associate two people -- to Conservative Christians -- with pornography, one of the ugliest slurs you can allege against a Christian Conservative. She really should wake up here and smell the coffee -- very strong coffee -- and she should issue an immediate apology on the public record, send it to all of the people she sent her resignation/character assisination letter to, and publish it in her column in the local pooper-paper. I asked her for an apology, but I don't know if I'll get one. IF I do, I'll be glad to accept it and I'll publish it here. November 25, 2015   themuslimvileone's administration:   Imam who issued fatwa now teaching in prisons and telling the gullible papers that Islam is a religion of "peace and harmony and brotherhood". Yeah. We've seen the list of murders and attacks Islam brought about. If that's peace, harmony and brotherhood, I'm a goatfish! Yet, themuslimvileone thinks it's a good idea to have this clown teach our prisoners about Islam! How absurd! Speaking of absurd, themuslimvileone wants more Muslims in America and he's doing everything he can to make sure it happens! He's trying to destroy America and every idiot who voted for him is to blame for helping him do so! He's even letting in Jihadis! They're sworn to kill people! Yet, themuslimvileone is willing to let them come here and make us watch out for their violence! He is letting liars stay in America whether or not they'll be a danger to us! To "combat" the additional threat to our safety, he tells us "See something, say something". What if we're already too dead to say anything?! Hello!? He's trying to destroy America. In order to do so he has to create chaos and that means people will die. He will have blood on his hands via the terrorists he let in and racial tensions he built himself. It's time for him to be arrested, kicked out of office and tried for treason! November 25, 2015   I've said for a while now that themuslimvileone wants a third -- fourth, fifth, lifetime -- term. What I didn't know what that there could be some actual validity to my concerns. Take this link with a grain of salt, but there's allegedly credible evidence that he's going for a third term. I don't know the author, nor the type of paper the Canada Free Press is, but I do know that I believe it to be probable. As Rush Limbaugh says, "I know liberals like I know my..." Well, maybe not that. I wouldn't want to go there, nor would you. Suffice it to say I can tell what the most likely scenario will be after years of observations. Would it surprise anyone if he were to go for three, four, ten? November 25, 2015   November 25, 2015   November 25, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   They're still breaking the rules. That's why I say that the argument that "At least if it stays legal it's safer" is such a farce. Kermit Gosnell ran a legal abortion clinic and he did things that were abhorant! But he was legal. Women die daily because of botched abortions and babies are murdered after being born alive. In a Texas legal case, it was found that thousands of women end up in ERs due to botched abortions. In 2006, that number was a possible 68,000 annual deaths from abortions. Is that the number of women you're willing to sacrifice on the altar of PC? That doesn't count the female babies that have been killed by abortion. Why do women put up with this? Safe = abortion + legal is not a true equation! Wake up! November 25, 2015   I'll leave you today with this bit of Good News: Don't be PC in Harris County, GA. I LOVE IT!
Enjoy your Thanksgiving and be thank-ful. I am thankful for the fact that Pete Costello is getting better. They got all of the cancer and the doctors have declared him cancer free. Hurray! I am thankful for the health of my family and I. I'm thankful that my Mom is coming down to visit and see our new kitchen and the rest of the "Big Project" late next month. I'm thankful that my ankle is getting to rest for the next few days on comfortable furniture (yes, we got our new furniture today). I'm thankful for my hubby and sons. I love them very much. I'm thankful for the little things, too. Like my cat wanting attention and hearing her purr; tiny wildflowers that make you wonder at how much GOD loves us to think to make those for us and make them grow where we can see them in all of their minute glory. I'm thankful for the sounds of children playing, unafraid and unharmed (hopefully this shall continue in America). I'm thankful for the sunsets that take my breath away and for the bird's song that wakes me up. I'm thankful for the fact that I am a Natural Born Citizen and that I live here, in America, where I have the opportunity to make my own life whatever I want and have the brains, innitiative, gumption and determination to make it. I'm thankful for hot and cold running water in indoor plumbing: I'd hate to shower outside. I'm thankful for the fact that when our sons were smaller, I got to hear them laugh in their sleep -- the best sound in the whole world!-- and that they are glad that it tickles me so. I'm grateful, Lord, so very, very grateful for You and for Your sacrifice. Thank you, Lord, GOD Almighty. I'm grateful. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and the rest of your weekend and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 20, 2015: 12:51 a.m.   It's Flag Friday time! This week, I wrote a poem about a father's love. I hope you enjoy it. This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 243: You'll Always be her Dad!" Thank you for your service and sacrifices. I can never say it enough! GOD Bless each and every one of you and your families, too! November 19, 2015: 1:40 p.m.   Well, good news and bad news from me. Good news: My "Big Project" is now complete! We now have a brand new, updated kitchen that I designed! I took some (rather poor) pictures of it and posted them on my flickr account and here's what I posted:
The bad news is that I went to PAFB Hospital today and got an X-ray of my left ankle. It seems that I've chipped the ankle bone and I'm supposed
to be off my feet totally for the next two days. Then I'll be wearing a brace for two weeks. If the swelling doesn't go down I have to go back in and
I may be put in a cast. Ugh. I've got work to do and this isn't making it any easier to get it done! I'm not a happy camper when it comes to my
ankle. I asked my P.A. if I could climb ladders and he wasn't so happy about the idea, but told me I could after two days off my feet and if I wear
my brace and good shoes and have a sturdy ladder. When I told him I'd already fallen about two weeks ago he checked my skull for More bad news: That's all the update I have the energy to do right now. I'm taking Tylenol (which I don't usually take) and I'm tired because I didn't sleep well last night. So I shall close for today and hope to do more tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! Novemer 18, 2015: 9:56 a.m.   See? I'm not the only one saying that themuslimvileone wants to destroy America. It's just now that others are catching up. (*wink*) Actions speak louder than words. If you look at his actions, the truth will hit you in the face if you just sit still long enough to let it. November 18, 2015   The invasion just keeps on coming! There are more Hispanics coming in from all over and terrorists from the Middle East are coming to America to change our country into what it was never meant to be. Bet your bottom dollar that themuslimvileone will be giving all of them blanket citizenship with a stroke of his pen and a call on his phone and he'll have enough new citizen voters to keep him in office. At least, that's his goal. Whether the hillclintOOn voters will go along with that, I have no idea. Although, with her medical and legal problems getting worse with each passing month, I seriously doubt that she'll be able to do anything to stop him. She'll be hospitalized or in prison by the time the next election comes around. Her followers won't give her the pity vote because it's going to be too tempting to buck the system and keep themuslimvileone in office and make history that way rather than to vote for a sick felon. Although, when you look at it, either vote is for the same thing. themuslimvileone has broken so many laws that we saw yesterday that even the HuffPo was admitting it so he's a felon, and he's sick with hatred for America. So voting for either hillclintOOn or themuslimvileone is voting for a sick felon. November 18, 2015   Another proof of themusimvileone's actions speaking louder than his words. He won't arm the Christians fighting against ISIS. He'd rather them die than be able to fight back and defend themselves. He says with his lying lips that he's a Christian but his actions prove otherwise. If "You shall know them by their fruits" then his fruit proves he's no more Christian than is satan. November 18, 2015   Peace and Tolerance: &nbesp Poor puppy. Rounding up terrorists in France (where one female terrorist blew herself up) five cops were wounded and a police dog killed. I hope that's the end of the terrorist's hateful actions in France. I wish that worldwide terrrorists would either accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and change their hearts and souls or that they would be found, defeated and jailed. Terrorism has no place in the world. It's not up to others to force anyone to accept their ideology. Remember, Jihad is an "important concept" to Islam. Which means that they're not going to want to let it go. We should all pray for Islam to turn away from terrorism, accept Jesus into their hearts and to turn away from the anger, hatred and violence of their former lives and to peacefully "coexist" (ooooh, a PC word: it burns!!!) with the rest of us. GOD is able when man fails. November 18, 2015   Watch out, Idaho, you may have a RINO in the House! He's got a 95% Conservative Review score so why would he not answer a question from Breitbart? His 95% comes from things like: "Labrador also departed from the conservative agenda in 2013 on the issue of immigration. As a member of the House, he worked with a bi-partisan group of House members that wanted to legalize the millions of illegal immigrants currently in the United States."He's apparently very touchy on the immigration issue. Maybe he needs to consider what country and people he's representing. November 18, 2015   Letting in Syrian refugees without vetting them is a mistake. It puts Americans in danger and themuslimvileone's administration knows that but lets them in anyway. Again, his actions speak louder than his words. The FBI acknowledges that there has been "extensive terrorist plotting" for attacks during the holidays. Carry your weapon. Use it if you have to. You can save lives; including your own. themuslimvileone is a despicable creature. I won't even call him human anymore. He's just a despicable creature. November 18, 2015   November 18, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Welfare money used for vacations to Cuba? Yep. That's just not right. Nor is it right to spend money paying V.A. employees to be on leave instead of firing incompetents! That money could go to our veterans, not to someone who can't do the job! November 18, 2015   Unusual earthquake: in Boston. November 18, 2015   In 3 of 4 tests, TSA FAILED to find weapons. That's pretty much been their record since they were implemented, hasn't it? They hire people to "keep us safe" and put us through the proverbial ringer as we travel, but they fail at doing the one thing that will actually keep us safe! Just like themuslimvileone, his entire administration and all associated with it are incompetent. November 18, 2015   Hey! How often do you get to say this?: Let's follow Poland's new leadership's direction. Let's send "refugees" back unless they can prove who they are, what they believe and what they're here for. If they can't prove that, they get sent back! We need to also send back the Hispanics who have crossed our borders illegally. Let's do so to protect our country as Poland's new leadership are suggesting they do for their country! November 18, 2015   Why do they prefer Islam to Christianity? themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn both do. The author says: "Muslims are benighted victims of poverty; Christianity made them victims of poverty in the first place. Christianity thus bears blood guilt for the sins of Islam, but Islam bears none of its own."The problem being that, if indeed that is their belief, they give no credit where it truly belongs: to the governments and rulers of their nations. It is not Christianity's doing that the people in charge of Muslim majority countries are keeping everyone else in poverty. It's their rule and their governments that are making Muslims poor. It's not Christianity's fault. After all, the people in charge in those countries are not Christians. November 18, 2015   Gov. Scott for House & Senate to "refrain from" funding relocating refugees to Florida. Good! We don't get to know who these new neighbors are and whether they're terrorists coming here for no good reason. If we can't find out, we don't need them to be here to hurt us and our children! Thanks, Gov. Scott. Let's just hope the House and Senate finally listen to what "We, The People" want! (It would be the first time in a long time!) November 18, 2015   Brevard Co. School Board gave itself a pay raise. Glad to read that Misty Belford voted against it. Hope she stays the person I thought her to be when I endorsed her! So far, she's doing pretty well. November 18, 2015   How could they not support this? BOCC supports anti-corrpution law. It would make it easier for the State Attorney to "go after" public officials who may be corrupt. If someone opposed this would they not be the first target when/if it did pass? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the bill. I'm just wondering how anyone could actually vote against it without having a target placed on their foreheads (metaphorically speaking, of course). November 18, 2015   I missed this. Sorry. Brevard's Budget Review Committee has some recommendations. We'll see if the BOCC listens to any of them. November 18, 2015   I'll close with that for now. BTW, Part A of the "Big Project" is being finished today. You can't see it but there's a huge grin on my face! Happy Camper! Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 17, 2015: 12:08 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   Shock! Surprise! The HuffPo admits: "[themuslimvileone] asserts his right as President to order targeted killings of American citizens outside the territory of the United States based on his judgment that they pose a threat to the United States by their assumed intent to commit a terrorist act against the country or its citizens anywhere in the world. He claims that his personal deliberation, along with appraisals by senior members of the Intelligence community, meets the constitutional standard of due process. This is a legal travesty."In fact, in that article, the HuffPo has FIVE "articles of indictment" against themuslimvileone, including:
November 17, 2015   DumboRATS LYING to you. AGAIN. They lie every time their lips move. We all know what a lie is: it's an effort to manipulate and CONTROL YOU. When someone lies to you, it's not love, caring, wonderful, nor being a good leader. It's them trying to control you via telling you something that they think you'd like to hear, or not telling you something you don't want to hear. The TRUTH shall set you free, but the dumboRATS don't want you free. They want you obliged to them, tied to them, enslaved to them. That's what the truth is. They want your vote and nothing more from nor for you. They'd smack their mothers in the mouth to get your vote. November 17, 2015   America's Safety:   themuslimvileone released ISIS terrorist MONTHS AGO! He released the terrorist in Illinois. When will we see that same terrorist attacking something in D.C.? When will we see him organize something in Dearborn, MI, the "Islamic capital of America"? When will we see Americans dead and wounded because themuslimvileone put Islam ahead of America? themuslimvileone will have blood on his hands, and I'm thinking it's going to be sooner rather than later. Remember, he also released five Gitmo terrorists -- including the bodyguard of Osama bin Laden -- just the other day. When will we again (Ft. Hood, Boston Marathon, etc.) see the results of his hatred of America? When he puts Islam ahead of America, he's putting his religious hatred of America ahead of YOUR safety. Is that not reason enough to IMPEACH HIM? Although Sen. Ted Cruz has submitted a bill to bar Syrian refugees and 22 governors have said "NO!" to them, themuslimvileone has allowed over two THOUSAND MUSLIM Syrians and only 53 Christian refugees into America since 2011! The whole thing was supposedly making it possible for Christian refugees to escape from Islamic terrorism. Now, the Christian Syrians who are trying to escape are, instead, traveling all those miles to find that the terrorists are on the same bus with them and being relocated into the same neighborhoods! That's themuslimvileone's way of doing things: put Islam first and foremost. He cannot be trusted with America's safety. Be prepared, folks. Be prepared. November 17, 2015   DumboRATS want to silence opposition. The FCC is being used by themuslimvileone to shut down political websites so that no one can oppose him, criticize him, mock him. If he gets his way the FCC will be shutting down the Drudge Report, Breitbart.com, Michelle Malkin, PJMedia.com, Freeper (FreeRepublic.com), Judicial Watch, HotAir.com, RedState.com, my website and thousands of others that have been critical of themuslimvileone. He'll especially want to silence the biggies, but he'll also go after those of us who have been warning against a third (and through eternity) term. He's all about being in POWER. That's what he wants. He wants POWER and to live off of your dime. November 17, 2015   Why? themuslimvileone is getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from them, that's why. He's paying back his supporters. That's why idiots who have done nothing for America are getting the Presidential Medal of FREEDOM? Yep. November 17, 2015   WHEN, not IF, Islamic terrorism becomes as rampant here as in Israel, we should demolish their homes as does Israel. It's amazing to me how people/entities hate Israel when they've done nothing but been victims of Palestinian and Islamic aggressions since their inception. Yet, people blame Israel for even being in existence! For instance, Massachusetts is anti-Israel, as is Europe. When it became vogue to despise the victim I don't know, but when it comes to Israel, although it's done nothing but protect itself and warn others to protect themselves from the same enemies, people still fall for the anti-Semitic propaganda and hate Israel. As for me, I STAND WITH AND BLESS ISRAEL. November 17, 2015   Army Reserve weapons missing after break-in. Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good. I wonder if they have a clue as to who it was who broke in and took the weapons. I hope they catch the perpetrators and find the weapons before they get to be used against Americans. November 17, 2015   BlackLivesMatter assault whites, use racial epithets. They're acting as though for whatever reason they are protesting everyone is to blame for it except themselves. Have they never heard the old saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Their actions are going to be more damaging to their cause than a help. Stupid is as stupid does and the leadership in this case is being stupid. Protesting things based upon -- not just one, but several -- lies is stupid. Acting like they are is even moreso! November 17, 2015   Sorry to do so, but my "Big Project" Part B is calling! I have things to do and I'm so excited to get them done! Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 16, 2015: 1:45 p.m.   BENGHAZI:   Judicial Watch has done it again. They've gotten to the TRUTH. hillclintOOn e-mails PROVE she thought it was NOT the video on the night of the attack. Yep. When you hear a dumboRAT leader speak, it's always, always, always a LIE that first comes out of their mouths. They can't help it. They are pathological, congenital LIARS. Of course she lied about BENGHAZI. She doesn't know how to do anything else. No. That does not excuse her. It makes her even an even worse choice for prezidunce. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or congenital liar.) November 16, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Not only is she a LIAR to the "Nth degree", she's also "often confused" and an "often confused" woman needn't apply for prezidunce, IMHO. The person who said that hillclintOOn was "often confused" is none other than her personal assistant, Huma Abadin, and she would know. She's been fastened to hillcintOOn's hip for years. She's seen the confusion first hand and was coaching a newbie on how to handle hillclintOOn. Did you hear about the string of felons who have worked for at least one of their foundations? Yep. Felons 'R' Us, may as well call the clintOOns. They enjoy the company of those kinds of people. They enjoy breaking the law and getting away with it. They're good at it. Remember, she claimed to have tried to join the Marines? She also said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary? Remember when she said she had to "corkscrew" in because her helicopter was being fired at? Yeah. Maybe she was "confused" then? Do we need another congenital, pathological liar in the Red House? I don't think so. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or congenital liar.) November 16, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   themuslimvileone spends $3.1 Million on trips for golf, NY family trip, and Martha’s Vineyard vacation. And those are just the expenses they've uncovered so far. Don't ya' love paying for his good times while you struggle to feed your family and put shoes on your kids' feet? Isn't it what you want to do with the money your family works so hard for? Doesn't it just make your day knowing that themuslimvileone is eating Kobe Beef and lobster while you eat another night's worth of mac and cheese? (Yes. Sarcasm. Just in case you're new here.) November 16, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   I would have put the Paris attack at the top of the page, but America is my focus. It's another horrible, horrible thing that Islam has done and innocent people paid for the evil in the hearts those who committed this atrocity. My son's roommate's cousin was killed in the Bataclan Theater concert. I made a sympathy card last night for him. His cousin decided to stay and go to the concert because she listened to the band years ago, changing her plans to leave prior to the concert. My sympathies, and I'm sure the sympathies of every non-violent person on earth -- go out to those who lost loved ones and who are hurting today. I pray GOD will comfort you and touch your heart to heal. What we have to consider is that it's going to happen here -- again! We need to make some changes to prevent that. The first change: the prezidunce! The second: the Speaker of the House. The third: Senate leadership. When we make all of those changes and put TRUE Conservative Christians in office, America will be a safer place. November 16, 2015   Speaker ryan won't block importation of Muslim refugees. He's kissing themuslimvileone's butt already and he's not going to stop; he'll only get worse. He's bonehead boehner's back door guy so he's taking the orders and kissing the backsides and he's nothing but a puppet. He won't make a change from bonehead. He'll be more of the same with fewer tears, less smoking and a better face. Nothing else will change. It makes me mad. November 16, 2015   themuslimvileone:   Meanwhile, he's "too busy" to debate over terrorism. Doing what? Golfing? I haven't seen him doing anything but wasting taxpayer dollars. He's so touchy, too! He doesn't like critics who "pop off" about the way he's handling Islamic terrorism. He still won't even call it "Islamic" terrorism. He refuses to say the words. What Mark Steyn says is true: "The Barbarians are Inside and There are No Gates". I know who took the gates down, too. It was themuslimvileone. And he wants to let more in. The worst part is that there will be another attack somewhere and it may or may not be worse than Paris. One thing is for certain, though: Innocent people will be murdered by Islam in the name of allah and in the name of dominating the whole world in order to bring the Mahdi's return and to make all of us into Muslims. That's the goal: world dominance and control, conversion of every human into Muslims, and having no one who can deny them anything. That's what themuslimvileone is HELPING to happen! Mark my words: themuslimvileone's efforts have included importing Islamic terrorists under the guise of compassion for "refugees". It's nothing more than putting you and your family in danger of losing your freedom and of being forced into accepting Shariah Law. Is that what you want? November 16, 2015   Ooooohhhh... Jealous! I wanna' go! November 16, 2015   November 16, 2015   T-Mobile exec steps in it big time! He's going to regret his stupidity. So will his company. Maybe that will make them part ways, maybe not. Whichever, it will be interesting to see what his future is. November 16, 2015   NO CLASS! Black activists create "f-Paris" hashtag because they're jealous that the Paris terrorist attacks took the spotlight off of them. How petty! How ridiculous! How hateful! How dare they? That's the worst case of egotistical self-absorption I've seen outside of themuslimvileone. They're absolutely spoiled rotten! November 16, 2015   I'm going to close for today. The "Big Project" did not get finished last Friday, so it's scheduled to get finished this Wednesday. That's Part A of the "Big Project". Now, we're on to Part B of the "Big Project" and I'm going to go work on that now. So, enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 13, 2015: 8:47 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and my posting is late today. I do apologize, but if you read the free verse poem and below it, I think you'll understand why. "Tribute To Our Heroes 242: Tell Me Again, Grandpa" is not just a Flag Friday posting. It's also a tribute to my friend, Phil "Grumpy" Bassett died yesterday and I mourned his passing and forgot about the Flag Friday posting. Again, my apologies. Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough! November 13, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   $1.7 MILLION to house released federal prisoners in public housing. You pay for their food, place to sleep and healthcare while they're inside, so what's the difference now? Will they continue to get the taxpayer funded healthcare and everything else they had inside: food, clothes, denatal, vision and healthcare, entertainment, exercise equipment and education? That's what they had inside. Now we're stuck paying for their housing so when do we pick up the bills for the rest of what they're used to? November 13, 2015   Turkey prices are turkeys! The price has soared this year due to overall increases in food (and everything else) prices, but mostly due to the bird flu that killed so many chickens and turkeys this summer. Maybe it's time to do something less traditional? Maybe a cookout, a ham, tofu? (No, not tofu.) November 13, 2015   NO! Don't do it! It's NOT time to draft Romney! He's not right for this time! He's WRONG! Wrong! Wrong! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy idea!) November 13, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   It's starting to fall apart?! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! It's GOOD that it's starting to crumble, fall apart, disintegrate, descend ungracefully into its final demise! I am very, very glad! Let it die a quick, absolute, ignoble death! And let all politicians who supported it go away with it! November 13, 2015   Anyone who follows idiots like this girl deserves to be considered idiots. The people who follow her must be stupider than she, which makes rocks, dead leaves and boogers smarter than her followers. November 13, 2015   Never go to her movies again. Don't watch her on television. Don't buy magazines with her in them; especially not on the cover. I don't even know who she is besideas the story about her. Is this the one they call JLo, or is JLo a singer? Whichever. Pray for her soul, but don't spend money supporting her crazy ideas. November 13, 2015   I have to agree. The left is trying to change every country on earth into a socialist/marxist/communist/ISIS country. I hope and pray it doesn't happen. It may, however, be the end of the EU as we know it. Which, IMHO, would be good for Europe. The EU was an idea that should have never come to fruition. I've forecast its demise since it was instituted. I still think it's going to fail. It's not like the USA. There are no core likenesses country to country besides being human. They have a lot of different ideas, histories, traditions, languages. There's no way to unite something that is so diverse without a war to do so. The recent influx -- invasion -- of Islamic freeloaders may just be that war, but it will tear the EU apart due to the different reactions the countries will exhibit. November 13, 2015   Space debris headed our way? They're saying it's going to hit earth today. Wear your hard hats if you go out and about? Nah. Wouldn't do any good. It's traveling so fast that it wouldn't even be slowed down by a hard hat. Wear your steel-toed boots on your head? Nah. That would look stupid. Besides, it wouldn't go with your outfit. It's going to either burn up in the atmosphere or plunge into the Indian Ocean. So, fuhgetaboutit. November 13, 2015   themuslimvileone:   He still has bad things he wants to do to America before he is supposed to leave office. (Note the "supposed".) The list includes:
November 13, 2015   I try to stay away from most polls, but this one has me tickled. According to the poll, most people think that hillclintOOn's e-mail server was either "illegal" or "unethical". Unsurprisingly, "'Most likely to think she did nothing wrong: African-Americans, 'strong' Democrats and liberals,' McClatchy observes."Shock? Surprise? November 13, 2015 hillclintOOn:   Is the dumboRAT primary rigged for her? Would it surprise anyone? It is, after all, her "turn", is it not? If not, if this is still America and "every vote counts" then why is everyone already declaring her the winner? It's not a done deal, it's just an assumption and we all know what happens when you assume, right? She won't be able to get the nod because she won't be healthy enough to be the candidate. No matter how whitewashed her medical report was she has serious medical issues. She may think she's RFK and FDR combined (or is she channeling them, too?) and she thinks that she can fake healthy long and well enough to be elected. I don't think it's going to happen. She'll have another crisis before the dumboRAT convention in July of 2016. BTW, themuslimvileone still has the FBI investigating her and they're expanding their probe. So even if she's healthy enough the question becomes will she be a free candidate, or one in federal prison? Or, at the very least under federal indictment? Would people vote for a federally indicted candidate, even though she is a dumboRAT? November 13, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Aggravated assault on two cops is what this thrice previously deported illegal is now charged with. He keeps coming back and he should have never had the chance. The fence themuslimvileone promised to build was never completed as he promised. No big deal. It's just protecting America and Americans. He doesn't have to keep that promise. After all, destroying America has always been his goal. When it comes to the border, I side with Sen. Ted Cruz. stupido rubio is totally wrong on this one. (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or stupido.) November 13, 2015   I'm going to close for now. As I've been doing the updates I've been watching more work being done on our "Big Project" and I'm very glad that today is the last day scheduled for it so I'm hoping that Part A of our "Big Project" is almost finished. Let us pray that things continue to go as planned for it. More on that later. IF Part A does get completed, I'll post pictures of it later. Then you'll see part of why I've been missing posting on so many days. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! VETERAN'S DAY! November 11, 2015: 11:28 a.m.   It's Veteran's Day and it's a shame that most places no longer do Veteran's Day parades to honor our heroes. It's something that has gone by the wayside in our busy, "Who cares?" world. So to do my part, I give you my Tributes To Our Heroes Album in which you can see my Tributes To Our Heroes from #1 to the most recent, #241. Most of them have a poem honoring our heroes to read with the picture of the American Flag -- our flag that our heroes fought and some died for -- and always, always, always, my deepest and eternal "THANKS!" GOD Bless You All! That's all I can do for updates today. We're finishing our part of one part of the "Big Project" today and we're doing another one or two steps in another part of the "Big Project", one of the expanded portions is going to be worked on today. I found some really cool things to do with our expanded portion and we are working diligently to get everything done before Thanksgiving. I know we'll have "Big Project" Part A completed, Part B will be done, and -- if I had my wish and dream -- the "Small Project" (Part C?), which was started last weekend, will be finished, too. Anyways, that's the deal. We'll be working on that today and I must focus. Sorry for no updates besides this. Remember to thank a Veteran today! Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 10, 2015: 3:13 p.m.   Didn't intend to take so many days off, but the "Big Project" is taking a lot more time than I thought and it recently expanded to include more than just the original plan. Our "Small Project" was also started recently so we're dealing with a LARGE amount of stuff to do and trying to schedule it all up and trying to get it all done. Add to that the fact that my hubby got the flu shot Oct. 30 and a week later I got the flu, as usual. Every year he gets a flu shot, I get sick. It's just not fair. Anyways, just a few blurbs today because I have lots of "Big Project" stuff to do! BTW, I want to say a big "Hello!" to my new acquaintance, Ronna, whom I met via a phone call and who is Conservative and married to a three-tour Iraq-Afghan veteran. Hello! November 10, 2015   Drugs enter America via Mexico, as most of us know, but it's the cartels that are the "greatest criminal threat" to us. I think that the U.S. military should be deployed down there and they should fight the Mexican cartels every time the cartels are found to be crossing our borders. Governors have the right to call out the National Guard. Why don't they do that and station them on the border? We should have the "retired" military equipment there for the National Guard (as opposed to at the local police stations) and we should fight for our country where we are being attacked. We are being attacked at the border with Mexico and themuslimvileone is doing nothing about it! November 10, 2015   Michelle Malkin has a new book out. I LOVE the title! She's got a razor sharp wit and knows how to use it. She's small, but it's not size that determines IQ and ability. She's got a double serving of both. November 10, 2015   hillclintOOn:   I think themuslimvileone's trying to get her out of the way for his THIRD term in office. After all, if it's no longer "her turn" (as someone I know asserts) who better than he to stand in for her, to step up and make the sacrifice of staying in office and of continuing to destroy America as the country we used to know and love? He has let it be known that he will stay active in politics after he left the Red House, he has denied and mocked the idea of a third term (but we all know what happens when he mocks and denies: he immediately DOES what he's been mocking). So hillclintOOn out of the way would be ideal. That's why he isn't calling off his (to quote her) "f-ing dogs". He wants her out of the way. Bumbler is not there. Bernie's got a snowball's chance. O'Malley who? Yeah. He's in like flint if he really wants it -- and he does -- he'll take it by whatever way he can. Emergency powers, anyone? November 10, 2015   Court rules that themuslimvileone over-stepped on amnesty. He went too far and he doesn't have that authority and they upheld the previous ruling and added their own comments. It's a good thing, but he's already trying to figure out a "go around" just like he did with the Hobby Lobby ruling. He'll do as he darn well pleases, drop to the floor, kick, scream and pound his fists if he has to, and the law and what the courts say matter not. He's themuslimvileone and no one shall stop his plans! How dare they try! November 10, 2015   Parents, GET A GRIP on your children in college, shake up their world and tell them to grow a pair (yes, even the girls)! They're college aged and they are such wimpy whiny-babies that it's ridiculous! They're so "sensitive" that they're whining about a word here, a look there, a flag the other place. Anyone who disagrees with them, who has the audacity to say they're wrong, to quote the Founding Fathers or the U.S. Constitution, it's all something that makes them "feel threatened" and they have to be protected by the administration, police, whomever is willing to coddle them! Tell your kids to grow up! Did you send 18+ year olds to college or four-year-olds? They're acting more like the latter! November 10, 2015   I haven't trusted the FDA for years. Now I know another reason as to why. November 10, 2015   Congress passed bill banning closing of Gitmo. Too bad themuslimvileone thinks so little of Congress that he'll just yawn and do it anyways. He is the Emporor/Dictator/King after all. Who is he to consider anything that Congress does? November 10, 2015   Smirk. He's got the msm by the tender bits. That's basically what brucey-lucy is saying. He went trans in order to stop any bad press? Is that what's up here? I think he was just jealous of his daughters-in-law and wanted to compete in the hollyweirdo world and get as much ink as do they. Once it's gone when you're used to having it it's apparently worth cutting things off to get again. November 10, 2015   themuslimvileone made this happen. Iran has stopped dismantling their nuclear centrifuges and themuslimvileone's deal with them is to blame. He wasn't going to stop them from building a nuclear weapon, from refining more nuclear material, nor to even be inspected by the U.N., America or anyone else. themuslimvileone is happy that they're going nuclear and that their nukes will be easily able to reach Israel. themuslimvileone is looking forward to that. He is Muslim after all. Getting rid of Israel and America is his desire. November 10, 2015   Russia has developed a weapon to defeat our defenses. I want to know why we haven't developed something to get around that. Why are we behind Russia? Since we went to the moon we have been technologically ahead of Russia. Why now are we behind? Any guesses? Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! themuslimvileone is why. He keeps taking money away from the military and their contracts for deveopment and spending it on buying dumboRAT votes. That's why he's spending so much money on illegal immigrants and on making them citizens and voters as soon as he can. Helps with that third term thing, ya' know? November 10, 2015   That's rich. He didn't turn down the position of "Pope" when it was offered to him. He has power and the Catholic Church has money and he's in control of both. He's a hypocrite or he'd be resigning. November 10, 2015   Mark Levin's two GREAT questions for Republican candidates. I think they both need to be asked and I think that they can be very telling hearing the answers. I also think that it's doubtful that it would ever happen. I love Levin. I love to hear him say, "Get off my phone!" It makes me laugh. November 10, 2015   I don't like that Dr. Carson is going the right direction here. He's on the wrong road there. So is stupido rubio. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or crappy trade deal.) November 10, 2015   How much stupid can one company do and still survive? I think Starbucks is out to find out. Now they're forgetting CHRIST-mas is the Reason for the Season and they chose no decorations, no greetings, nothing but the color red for their Christmas season cups. To join the "Stupid Bandwagon" CBS mocked Christians for not appreciating the decision. They gave a lame excuse but it's not surprising that they're doing the stupid again. They seem to like it there. November 10, 2015   DumboRAT shoulda' kept her mouth shut. She really is pushing it. November 10, 2015   Hubby's home and that means "Big Project" work. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 6, 2015: 1:37 a.m.   Sorry about missing a few days. I said earlier this week that the "Big Project" is hitting its stride again and I wasn't kidding. I have been running errands for it and working on it and it's just coming together wonderfully! The problem is, it's also going to take my time for the next week or so as well. It expanded a little more than we thought it may and we're thrilled by it but, boy, is it keeping us hopping! Today we worked on the "Big Project" as well as having an unexpected guest, so that took more time away from working on my website. Then, we had an unexpected quick trip to Orlando to get something we needed for the "Big Project". Whew! We're getting to the short rows and it's not a moment too soon! So now, and perhaps the only posting for today, I give you my Flag Friday picture and I say "Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough!" Here's my "Tribute To our Heroes 241: Forgotten Date". I hope you enjoy it! Hope to see you later today, but if not, please understand. Noveember 3, 2015: 2:29 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   His administration has committed "High Crimes and Misdemeanors". That's what Judicial Watch says and I think they're absolutely correct. But he gets away with it all the time. No problem. He'll just throw the RACE card if someone tries to make him abide by the laws that the rest of us have to abide by. For instance, you know that RAPE is bad and that it should be reported and the perpetrator punished and the victim helped. Correct? In themuslimvileone's administration homosexual rape in the military is underreported, allowing the rapists to rape again and again and again, without fear of being punished. It could be as many as 210,000 military MEN being raped by other men in our military annually. "Don't ask, don't tell" was bad enough. Now it's all out, no holds barred and let's get it on even if you don't want to! Do you know that he is letting THOUSANDS of people convicted of drug crimes out of prison? Really! He is rewriting the existing laws and he's not shy about doing it. His pen just sits up and acts on its own sometimes, it's so used to rewriting the law. His "Executive Orders" are being used for what they were not intended. That has never stopped themuslimvileone, though. He's all about breaking the rules to his own benefit and his own dictatorship. If you're sending your kdis to a four year college, that money you spent may be for nothing. themuslimvileone is making it easier and beneficial for jobs to hire an illegal rather than your college graduate. Isn't that special? Talk about a screwed up prezidunce! He's worse for America than anything else in history has ever been! He's a danger to America in more ways than I can count, but putting Muslim concerns above America's safety is first and foremost! After all, when his way of doing things in America helps kill 500,000 middle aged white people as he helps Muslims, does that not speak volumes about him? November 3, 2015   soros wants to get rid of all national borders. We'll just be one, big, happy world if he has his way. With him in control, of course. He can destroy as many economies as he can with one fell swoop if we get rid of national borders. November 3, 2015   James O'Keefe films college professors. This time he has filmed them saying that the Constitution is "oppressive" and other bad things and one even went so far as to SHRED the U.S. Constitution. Folks, why do you spend good money to have your kids taught Marxism, communism, socialims, to HATE America? Why? Homeschool them, or send them to a Christian college you can trust. I recommend Hillsdale, Regent, and a few others. Don't trust your child's brain to the liberals. It's a precious thing to waste. November 3, 2015   Hahahahahahahaha! Too funny! November 3, 2015   clintOOn:   Young voters not hot on her. Good! Some are smarter than I previously thought. November 3, 2015   Gay priests, pedophile priests, now greedy, selfish priests. Who says that the priesthood represents GOD? They certainly don't even try to prove that assertion. One scandal after another after another and they still claim that they're superior and should hear YOUR sins? Meanwhile, all they do is cover up their own. Sounds to me like the Catholic Church needs to clean up its act, legalize priests and nuns getting married (1 male to 1 female marriage) and stop acting as though it owns the rights to righteousness. It does not. If you know the Lord as your Savior you received His righteousness when He died for you on the cross. Stop acting as if you're unworthy of His sacrifice and only the pope is worthy of speaking to GOD. GOD LOVES YOU and wants to hear directly from you, not in rote rosary prayers but in heartfelt, truth-filled talk to HIM. That's the truth of a relationship with GOD. It's not membership in a specific church -- Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, or any other -- that will get you to heaven. It's a relationship with GOD and belief in His Son, Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Don't let corrupt men be your intercessors because corrupt men don't know GOD as well as you may. November 3, 2015   Black church fire suspect arrested. Good! Why was a black man setting fires to black churches? Was it to ramp up racial tensions? Why did he do it? November 3, 2015   Aaaaahhhh... public schools:   Teacher arrested for watching gay porn in class. Well, that's no fun for him. Although in jail he may have an even better time. SMH. Then there's the teacher accused of allegedly having sex with two students. Another teacher having sex with students. I know! Let's just legalize it and that makes it all okay, right? We won't have as many teachers in jail and that will solve the problem. (Same as with marijuana and other drugs.) Yes, that was sarcasm, in case you were wondering. It happens so often now that in VA, 60% of teachers who lost their licenses were involved in crimes against children! Is that acceptable to you? It's not acceptable to me. I think that part of the curriculum for any teacher's college education should be impulse control and the ramifications of not having the wherewithal to "Just Say No" to sex with students. If they have to have sex, they should go seduce an adult and leave their students alone! November 3, 2015   Well, DUH! It's not rocket science! Of COURSE the Fed is helping themuslimvileone. Any two-year-old could tell you that! November 3, 2015   I shall close there for today. Things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! November 2, 2015: 4:17 p.m. Went to shut down my computer and checked my e-mail before I did so and found this: "Dear Citizens of Brevard County,I wrote an e-mail and sent it out to a lot of my friends who live in Brevard County. I hope everyone who buys gas in this county will let the BOCC know what they think of the idea: especially and specifically those who do NOT want a 6˘ per gallon gas tax increase! We don't have the money to be fulfilling the BOCC's every whim and wish! November 2, 2015: 2:24 p.m.   Okay. This is the last week of the "Big Project" and we have five more things to do for it. The problem is those five things will take time and that means that I have to allocate enough time to do those things. That time has to come from somewhere/something so I will be doing a few updates each day for this week and when the "Big Projecct" is finished next week, I'll be able to post pictures of it; if everything is complete. Whenever it is complete, I'll post a few pictures of what the "Big Project" has been and tell you a little about who/what/when/where/why. It's been an exciting, tiring, frustrating, time full of delays and set-backs but it's finally -- finally -- almost complete. It's almost done and I'm so very, very looking forward to its completion! So for now, I'll do a few updates and then I'll have to go do some "Big Project" work. Let's get started! November 2, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her supporters -- who vote -- are sometimes ILLITERATE AND IDIOTIC! Don't believe
me? Watch this: November 2, 2015   November 2, 2015   I agree with Mark Levin. Priebus should be FIRED. Don't wait for him to resign. Just fire his butt. Where on earth did he come from, anyways? He was a no one who came from nowhere as far as I can tell. Someone's "golden boy" who suddenly got tossed into the limelight and wasn't ready for it and didn't know what to do with it and has been bumbling it ever since! He needs to be fired. Today. Now. It's not a moment too soon. November 2, 2015   No, he can't. jebbybebby can't fix his own flubs, how can he be expected to fix what themuslimvileone has done to America. As a governor, jebbybebby was pretty good. I supported him. When he became a "private citizen" again, he went all liberal and supports amnesty and Common Crap Core. Both are bad for America and he supports both. That's why his numbers are so low: he's supporting the wrong things, not the right. We don't need more of the same and themuslimvileone supports both of those things, too. Is that what you want? I still haven't found a candidate I truly support. I shall let you know, though. I do know one thing: It's not jebbybebby, any dumboRAT, nor is it stupido rubio (who changes his stripes about every half hour), nor any of the others in the lower percentiles in polls. I also don't support Trump (imminent domain supporter that he is). I like and agree with some of what he's saying (anti-amnesty; deportation for ILLEGALS, etc.), but I don't want another inexperienced ego on legs as prezidunce. Been there, doing that. Don't need another round. This is all academic, of course, as in: just in case themuslimvileone allows an election in 2016. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or "can't fix this". BTW, can you imagine an anti-jebbybebby ad that features the M.C. Hammer song tune of "Can't Touch This" but with the words changed to "Can't fix this!"? I think that would be hysterical!) November 2, 2015   November 2, 2015   I just realized how quickly this year went by. I suppose staying busy is one of the things that makes that happen. Busy I have been and I shall be, so I'll sign off here so that I can do other things. The "Big Project" awaits. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 2015 October 29-30, 2015: 11:48 p.m.   I won't be posting anything Friday except my Flag Friday posting of "Tribute To Our Heroes 240: The Scariest Things". I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless you all! October 29, 2015: 2:35 p.m.   themuslimvileone again putting destroying the country ahead of your and your children's safety. Two cases prove that he doesn't give a flip about Americans or America as long as he can do everything he can to A) Stay in office, and B) Destroy America in as many ways as he possibly can. October 29, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   Saving the heads for BabyBits to sell is the latest in the BabyBits for sale scandal. Planned AbortionHood has no heart. They have no soul. They're all about the money and the power and killing the most innocent of any humans on earth. There's a special place in hell resserved for those people: the people running the clinic, staffing the clinic and the "doctors" (Hippocratic Oath, anyone?) doing the actual abortions. They'll remember each abortion, they'll see the faces of each child they murdered, and feel the pain they caused each child and they'll understand what that abortion did to the mother and other family members of the child they murdered. They'll see the mental torture of the mother, know what caused her alcoholism, her drug use and her four attempted suicides. They'll understand it because they'll feel it. That's only part of what hell will be like for the Planned AbortionHood murderers. If they don't turn their lives over to Jesus and accept His forgiveness, I don't think that their eternity is something they'll be willing to contemplate now. They don't want to face the fact that there is a right and a wrong and that they are choosing wrong. They want to get rich off of killing babies. They want to limit the birth rates of certain races. They want to keep a political power point and not lose the advantage of the funding it provides. They want to do what they shouldn't be doing so that... It doesn't matter "so that". What matters is that they are killing babies. Killing babies is wrong. October 29, 2015   October 29, 2015   paul ryan, Speaker of the House. Ugh. I just hope he's not as big a disappointment and embarrassment as I believe he shall be. Prove me wrong, ryan. Prove me wrong. He helped push themuslimvileone's favorite budget through so he's already one down in my book. It's not a good thing, folks. Not a good thing. October 29, 2015   Did you watch the media's worst debate performance yet last night? Note I said, "yet"? They can do worse, and probably will. I didn't watch it because I knew what to expect and because I don't believe campaign promises and rhetoric. We've had enough personal experience with the local liars to know not to believe 80% of what is said during campaigns, unless you know the person campaigning: Scott Ellis, Trudie Infantini, those kinds of folks, I believe. Others, not so much. Even those I endorse I sometimes have to choose between two unknowns and I make the best decisions I can after as much research into them as I can do. I usually contact individual candidates and ask to meet them in person, face to face, or at least have time on the phone with them. That tells me a lot about them, usually, too, because I ask some tough questions. I shall have to start doing my research into the candidates soon because I don't remember when our primary is this year. Hmmm... BRB. From the Brevard County Supervisor of Elections' "Candidates" page: "The 2016 Presidential Preference Primary Election will be held on March 15th, 2016.Get your info here. I'll be digging into federal, state and local election candidates soon. Someone recently told me that they go to my website for their info because I do all the research and I have all the info they need. That was very sweet of them and very flattering. I'll do my best. We've already had a candidate withdraw from the D1 County Commission race, so keep an eye on this stuff. It's important to be informed. October 29, 2015   Russian planes buzz USS Ronald Reagan. Sounds like a threat, or at least a challenge, to me. But, no. Take great comfort, my friends. themuslimvileone says there is no new "Cold War" and that everything is hunky-dory between America and Russia. Excuse me, but what planet has he been on for the last six years? It's getting worse, not better. He knows this because he orchestrated it! "Flexibility" remember? If he goes to war with Russia he can declare another emergency with emergency powers and cancel all elections until further notice. He will stay in power. That's what he wants. He wants to stay there for as long as it takes to destroy America. Don't think he's going to walk out of the Red House in January and just wave goodbye from the limo. He's not! He LOVES the luxury at our expense! He loves the power! He loves the ability to remake America in HIS IMAGE! He's not going to "go quietly into that dark night", he's going to stick around by whatever means for as long as he can. He's not the anti-Christ -- yet, but he's getting close! October 29, 2015   October 29, 2015   Coach suspended for praying with team after game. When does your First Amendment right end? Does it end when you cross the threshold of the school yard? Does it end when you cross the football borders? Does it end when you accept the job as coach or teacher? Answer: NONE of the above. Your First Amendment rights do NOT end and if the players want to join you in prayer, their First Amendment rights do not end because they're on school property. Prayer is allowed in school and on school property. That coach should SUE the school system for violating his First Amendment rights. October 29, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Costs are rising across the nation. In
Source: SpaceCoastConservative's YouTube Channel Yeah. I was right six years ago, wasn't I? October 29, 2015   I'll not be posting tomorrow. I have errands to do and I won't be able to do both run those errands and post. So, I have to prioritize. I will do my Flag Friday pic tonight. Remember to watch out for the kids who will be out Trick-Or-Treating this weekend. Also keep your eyes open for your neighbors' property. Sometimes people like to do things on Halloween night that they would not otherwise do. Pray for our nation. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 28, 2015: 4:03 p.m.   Right before I went to bed last night I checked my e-mail on my tablet and something told me to check PSJHistory.com -- specifically, the MaureenRupeExposed.com website. Usually when I get one of those unexpected urges, I follow it because it's the guidance of the Lord. So I did check it. What I found out was that somehow, all of my links to different documents and other items I had posted on the "Resources" and "Threats/Vandalims" pages and others there had been changed so that none of the things I had posted were showing up when clicked on. The "Page Not Found" or "Error" messages were popping up like crazy. I had been hacked; specifically by someone who had targeted MaureenRupeExposed.com for deleting information. I wonder who is smart enough within that circle to do such a thing. I know quite a few of that circle, or at least their reputations, and I think one of their children's friends, or an acquaintance of an adult may have had a hand in it, but for nothing else to have been touched is very revealing, agree? Anyways, I got to my office and fixed everything immediately and made everything work properly again. So if you want to go over there and peruse the TRUTH, be my guest. Nothing is going to go to the "Error" or "Page Not Found" window. I have it all working again. Next time, I'll have the hack traced and I'll press charges. October 28, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   I thought there was supposed to be "Seperation of Church and State". That's what all of the lefties/progressives/liberals are always screaming at the top of their lungs. So why in the world is the FEDERAL government getting involved in helping Muslims get their jobs back over a religious difference? themuslimvileone SUES CHRISTIANS for not kowtowing to the federal government, finds "go arounds" to force Hobby Lobby and Catholic Nuns to be forced to pay for abortions and contraceptives they disagree with using, but when it comes to Islam and Muslims who have allegedly been discriminated against, themuslimvileone and his entire admistration is at their beck and call. He shows his true religion via his ACTIONS which negate his words. If a Christian had refused to do the same thing and been fired would themuslimvileone be helping him get a hefty settlement? I think not. "The EEOC’s efforts are part of a broader [themuslimvileone] administration plan to protect and advance Muslim rights in the U.S. This includes dispatching the nation’s Attorney General (at the time Eric Holder) to personally reassure Muslims that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is dedicated to protecting them and allowing a terrorist organization to dictate how law enforcement officers are trained. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), actually got the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to purge anti-terrorism training material considered offensive to Muslims. Judicial Watch obtained hundreds of pages of FBI documents with details of the outrageous arrangement and published a special report."See? themuslimvileone has acted ON BEHALF OF ISLAM. Is that what a Christian would do when Islam's adherants (Muslims) are beheading, drowning, stabbing and exploding Christians and Jews every chance they get? Actions speak louder than words. No matter what themuslimvileone says, his actions beLIE his words. October 28, 2015   I'm not a Donald Trump supporter, but I don't hate him. Some do. For instance, this guy takes his hatred WAY too far. That's a threat and should be something to investigate via the FBI. Will it be investigated? Probably not. October 28, 2015   Rush is RIGHT! Establishment republiRATS -- including paul ryan, the Speaker-presumptive -- WANT hillclintOOn to be elected. They may as well go check the box, put their "hanging chad", in her square right now. That or just roll over and vote for themuslimvileone and his third term. That's what they're doing, ya' know. Making it to where there won't be a fight over a budget for his third term. themuslimvileone will make sure hillclintOOn gets prosecuted and jailed in order to make sure she is out of his way and he'll waltz back into office with the votes of all of illegal aliens that are invading our country at his behest and he'll be KING for another four or more years, without having to fight over a budget that the republiRATS just gave him on a silver platter. That's what themuslimvileone and bonehead boehner are setting up. Problem is, bonehead trusted the wrong person. themuslimvileone promised him something during his third term and bonehead believed him. He'll never see that promise fulfilled. October 28, 2015   bonehead broke another promise. Shock. Surprise. We really don't need a follow-on puppet Speaker. We need someone who will stand strong and do the right thing, not the kiss-butt thing. October 28, 2015   Good for the House Freedom Caucus! I hope they stand strong and elect Daniel Webster (R-FL) as Speaker of the House. I saw an interview with him last night on a Christian show and I thought he'd be a good man for Speaker. I don't think he'd be a "go along to get along" guy, and I hope I'm right in this because I do believe that he'd be a person of principle and courage. Let's see what happens. October 28, 2015   Stupido Rubio is winning no friends. He's been pro-amnesty, pro-illegal-immigration-invasion, pro-citizenship for those invaders, pro-common core, pro-all-things-bad. Now, he's being told by the Sun-Sentinel to resign because he's not even showing up to be our Senator. I think he should quit his egotistical preziduncial bid and just be a Senator. He should go back to being at least a "for-show" Conservative and he should be happy that we don't kick him back to being an un-elected anything because he's failed us so often. IF he gets back to the Senate and back to the Conservative CORE that elected him based on his promises then he should be fine. Otherwise, he needs to be relegated to the "Has Been" Closet and never seen again on the public payroll. October 28, 2015   Disney gives us another reason to NOT go to their parks, or buy their products, or watch their shows. Disney is turning into a ROTTEN company and they treat their American citizen employees like so much garbage to be taken to the curb that it's really offensive to me. I don't think that the people who made them into the success they are should be kicked to the curb because Disney can find people to do a job cheaper and to kiss themuslimvileone's backside by using his program to save money and get a tax break at the same time. Disney's future is bleak, IMHO, and getting worse with each really bad decision like this one. They should be ashamed of themselves. Yes, they have the right. That doesn't make it good for America, good for the employees' morale, good for the future of the company. Smart decisions are not Disney's forte right now. October 28, 2015   AGAIN themusllimvileone BETRAYS AMERICA. Has anyone ever heard of "TREASON"? He's done it multiple times. When will he be arrested?!!! Where is the law enforcement officer, the Officer of the Court, the citizen who will do a citizen's arrest? When will he be held to the same laws as the rest of us? October 28, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Again and again and again,
her supporters can't name accomplishments
of the candidate they support. Why would anyone support someone for prezidunce when they can't name one thing that the person has
done in their lives that would qualify them -- or even be counted as an accomplishment -- for them to be the leader of the GREATEST
NATION ON EARTH? Why? Because it's not about being qualified it's about being leftist/progressive/liberal! She's also doing
the keep certain reporters out thing
again. She's done that quite often. She doesn't want the truth out there so she denies access to reporters who will tell the truth.
She's trying to blanket her campaign in good reporting and nothing negative to be said about her. That's a sign of wanting to hide the truth.
We've had seven years of that. We don't need more! She also can't decide where she is on the political spectrum: October 28, 2015   Our veterans should not support hillclintOOn after she said that the problems with the VA "were not widespread". She's in denial and denial solves none of the problems. That's not what our veterans deserve. They deserve MUCH BETTER! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or communist liar.) October 28, 2015   October 28, 2015   Gentle formation of the universe? Scientists find "molecular oxygen" in comet that has lasted a very long time (they claim 4.5 billion years: wrong!) that tells them: "'This work tells us that the building process of our solar system had to be very gentle for those ice grains to never have really been heated up or reprocessed,' Bieler said."Is a "Big Bang" gentle? October 28, 2015   I am not a feminist. I am not someone who thinks that I need group support to feel good about myself. I am not a man-hater, nor do I think that accusing all men of being abusive, rapists, or other assorted terrible things is accurate, true, nor is it good. It's diminishing ALL men because of the few and not painting an accurate picture of the gender as a whole. It's accusatory to make men on college campuses go to "classes" to learn how to not rape. It's a generalization that all men will rape or can be rapists. There's not a molecule of rapist in most men yet they all get painted with the same broad brush under the PC feminazi brush of the victim society. It's all hogwash, brainwash and blot-wash (as in put an undeserved blot on all men's character for no reason except PC), and I support the Men's Rights Movement and I do not apologize for doing so. Feminazis can kiss my butt. If you support men and their rights instead of being anti-male, you may wish to consider checking out this movie and funding it. It's about a documentary film maker and her look into the cause of men's rights and how finding the TRUTH started changing her views and ideas about feminism and men's rights. No harm in watching the trailer is there? October 28, 2015   Have a "Smart TV"? You may want to think about what you do with it. We saw that some "Smart TVs" are putting video cameras into them so that you can use apps like FaceTime without leaving your couch. Seems to me that the government could use it just as easily to spy on you as you could use it for your own pleasures. It's something to think about. October 28, 2015   Common Crap Core:   It's bringing kids' test scores down. Just what themuslimvileone -- and those who support it (jebbybebby, rubio, etc.) hillclintOOn, etc. -- want. They want an idiot electorate who won't be able to do anything except listen to celebrities endorse the candidate of hollywood's [sic] choice so and vote for that candidate. They don't want an electorate smart enough to look up the facts, to confront the candidates with the TRUTH and to spread the word about what the TRUTH is. They want uneducated masses who can't think for themselves so that the electorate is helpless against their handouts and their lies. In other words, they want England. October 28, 2015   Must dash. Hubby's home. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 27, 2015: 2:56 p.m. I've been sitting here for a little while trying to figure out if I've got the stamina to sit and do updates today. That fall I took on Saturday is taking a harder toll on me today than I ever expected, waking me from my sleep, making me want to take Tylenol (I don't take any meds if I can help it) and just all around making me say, "Ow!" I feel like the pain is in the deeper reaches of my muscles, next to the bones today and that's quite an "Owie!" So I must apologize, but typing this is hurting so I shall forego updates today and until I can do so without taking Tylenol. Have a great day! October 26, 2015: 3:55 p.m.   Can't do many updates today. I took a hard fall from a step ladder on Saturday and my shoulder and hip are still aching from the impact. My head should be aching, too, but it only hit a cement block wall. My head is fine, but the block wall is still in need of repair (*wink*). Anyways, I'll do a few and then sign off for the day. I'll play the rest of the week by shoulder, so to speak. October 26, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   $70 MILLION to "empower" girls in Pakistan? Yep. That's what they're wasting your dollars on. Do you enjoy your daughters wearing the same outfits weekly? Well, just think. You could have been raising them in Pakistan and they could be getting money from America to make them feel like they have an influence in their country. Wouldn't that be better than them having something to wear besides thread-bare clothing? Yeah. themuslimvileone's administration doesn't care about YOUR children. He cares about Muslim children in foreign countries (and here). Then there's the $1.8 MILLION to keep DH[IN]S employees on PAID ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE. Yep. They're being paid to NOT be there. It's supposedly a PUNISHMENT for them to NOT have to go to WORK and STILL GET PAID. They've done something WRONG but they get to be on vacation ON YOUR DIME for doing that wrong! In fact, "Four DHS employees were on paid administrative leave for three years or more and 17 for two years or more."YOU are paying for that. Don't ya' love the competency of this administration? October 26, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Some people say that she is "Winning!" (remember that?) but the truth is she's making the case against herself for those who may have the courage to pursue charges. She's one "Duh!" moment away from the courthouse. Add to that the fact that she doesn't believe it's a problem that veterans die while waiting for healthcare at V.A. clinics. That's not going to make friends of veterans or of their families! Talk about a heartless ogre! Come on! "The former first lady blamed Republicans for using the issue as part of an 'ideological agenda' and said they want the VA to 'fail.'"No. Conservatives don't want the VA to fail, we want the VA to actually DO WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO: TREAT OUR VETERANS as if they MATTER, as if they've DONE SOMETHING VITAL for our country and for our SECURITY! That's what we want! She's got health problems, she has believability problems and she has honesty problems. I can't imagine her as our next prezidunce. I recommend you vote for someone healthy whom you can trust and believe. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or clintOOn.) October 26, 2015   I just finished reading this book and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it! "Letters to a Young Progressive: How to Avoid Wasting Your Life Protesting Things You Don't Understand" by Mike S. Adams! I recommend that it be REQUIRED READING for every junior high school student in America -- citizens and illegal aliens alike. I recommend that it be read by Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie and Uncle, Mom, Dad and the postman! I think everyone should read this book and that they should all LEARN from it! It's the TRUTH and it should be of interest to EVERYONE to FIND THE TRUTH! IF you want America to be a great country again, READ THE BOOK and LEARN how to fight lefties/progressives/liberals and WIN! Don't be afraid of "ridicule" as part of your arsenal. There is a time, place and purpose for it. That's part of his argument and I agree! October 26, 2015   bonehead has to screw it up on his way out and WE'LL wind up paying for it! Irritates me. Why doesn't he just go away and leave America alone? Kiss up idiot. October 26, 2015   World Health Organization release PC info. Meat is bad for you is basically what they're saying. But, remember, they're wrong more often than not:
October 26, 2015   First Amendment Under Attack:   "Hard worker" i now a racist phrase according to a msnbc host. But that's only if a Republican is saying it. If a dumboRAT says it, then it's okay because he/she is referring to a dumboRAT and they're all "hard workers", right? In fact, there's a whole list of words banned by PC and if you aren't aware of what you're saying and to whom you are speaking, you may be in big PC trouble for using these words. Watch your P's and Q's because you could be offending someone by saying "nice" or "Hi, my name is...". Amazing to think that a THIRD GRADE CLASS in Washington, the state! has banned words like that. SMH. America: Got Freedom? October 26, 2015   October 26, 2015   themuslimvileone finds another way to help destroy America. He's taking away all chances of using our own oil. He wants us dependent on the Middle East. Speaks volumes. October 26, 2015   I told you to watch and see what themuslimvileone did while hillclintOOn was testifying during the BENGHAZI hearings. He vetoed the DEFENSE BILL and made sure to weaken America even more. That's what he does while we're busy with the "Squirrel!" looking. Keep your eyes on themuslimvileone at all times. He's an opportunist-extraordinnaire. He'll take your undies if you're not holding onto them. October 26, 2015   I'm going to close for now. My shoulder is feeling the effects of this typing and position. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember to keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available and to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 23, 2015: 12:47 a.m.   It's Friday so that means it's time for Flag Friday! Today's offering and "Thanks!" is "Tribute To Our Heroes 239: I'll Take Care of Her, Dad". It's something that military families have to deal with. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! I hope that, soon, no one else will have to deal with what the woman in the poem did. October 22, 2015: 1:18 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have some work on the "Big Project" to do. It's almost finished. My hubby and I have two things to do this evening for it. After that, a little wait and the final bits will be completed. Just a little longer and I will reveal what the "Big Project" is. Then another wait and I'll tell you what the "Small Project" is. The first was a lot of work. The second not so much, but both are making life better and that's the goal is it not? Let's get started. October 22, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She's testifying before the House Committee today and I hope and pray she shows her true self. That would look like this: (Her, screaming): "I don't have to take this anymore! Do you know who I am?! How dare you ask me these questions! How dare you put me through this! I'm above and beyond this! I'm over it! You're the little people. You don't count! I do!!! How dare you demand of me! I'm going to be the next dictator... president of this country and I will destroy you all! You want a problem? I'll give you a problem! I'll get one of our men to take you all out! I've done it before and I'll do it again! You're all dead! Dead, do you hear me?! Dead!" and she storms out, calling huma to follow her. That's what I'd love to see happen because it's what I expect of her all the time. I don't trust her. I don't trust her at all. I expect this kind of behavior from her any moment. In the meantime, the State Dept. delivered 1,300 pages of her e-mails two days ago! Were they trying to prevent anyone from having the time to read them? If that was the case, I don't think it worked, or mattered. Did you know that she's saying she didn't have a computer in her State Dept. office? I don't know that I believe that. I know she's a computer illiterate, but to not have one in her office? Really? Don't believe that. Remember, she's still under FBI investigation. Whether they're kissing themuslimvileone's butt and doing all they can to hide the truth about clintOOn, or whether they're actaully digging in to find the TRUTH and they're going to actually do the right thing considering the evidence and press charges, I don't know. All I know is that they're still looking. The next thing we'll learn is whether it was a farce investigation and she'll be exonerated (or pardoned by themuslimvileone, whichever) front, left and center? I don't know if the FBI is doing the will of the people or the will of the politicians. My guess: politicians. October 22, 2015   Aaaaahhhhh... public schools -- controlled by themuslimvileone:   "The[muslimvileone]'s administration is ordering the nation’s public schools to support illegal immigrant students, promote the president’s amnesty and 'embrace and value' the diversity and cultural backgrounds of the foreigners receiving a free, American taxpayer-funded education.Don't ya' love DICTATORSHIPS? That's what he's doing: taking over down to the local schools? That's just TYRANNY! October 22, 2015   themuslimvileone's "transparency" is showing again (*sarcasm*). Yeah. He's putting his foot down on the necks of watchdogs/whistleblowers. Isn't that the way to stay "transparent"? No? Really? October 22, 2015   This is what we need to do. We need to build a wall around our country, too. We need to buidl it, protect and enforce it and electrocute it with high voltage if necessary. Our borders are our BORDERS and they shouldn't be an open door with themuslimvileone beckoning them in and welcoming them with open arms! October 22, 2015   If you read your news online, you may be facing "pay firewalls" in which if you want to read the articles you'll have to subscribe or pay a daily fee before you get to do so. I don't think that would work well with Drudge and I know it won't help me, but if that's the way they want to do things, that's fine with me. I don't use most of the sources that would do that, anyways. They're cutting their noses off to spite their faces, IMHO, because they could get revenue in other ways and use their freebie readership numbers as a selling point to pull in advertisers. Their call, but it's something they may wish to think twice about. October 22, 2015   What? wassy-schultz supports "BlackLivesMatter" preziduncial town hall. Mark my words, the DNC will regret this. It won't be pretty, folks. If you want to watch a train wreck, this will be the thing to watch. October 22, 2015   Paul Ryan -- make that pual ryan -- lying to get support? It looks that way. Sorry to say it but he's not a good man. If he has to LIE to get support, I can't support him. I supported him as the VP with Romney, but now both ryan and Romney are looking less like the men I thought they were than true politicians -- say anything to get what/where they want. I'm no longer impressed by either. You know ryan is not a good guy when dumboRATS support him for Speaker. I wouldn't be able to trust him with that much dumboRAT support. Nope. Don't want ryan to be Speaker. It would be like having pelosipig, bonehead and harry reid all rolled into one as Speaker. Can you imagine? October 22, 2015   As America's doors are forced open by themuslimvileone for more and more Muslim immigrants (alleged "refugees"), will we have to worry about our little girls being abducted, too? Will we have to worry about another Catholic priest scandal? October 22, 2015   With all of this attention being focused on hillclintOOn and her testimony, this is the perfect time to be vigilant about other people and other subjects. Always check what themuslimvileone is doing when the focus is off of him. Don't give him a chance to surprise you. For instance, today he's set to cut spending on DEFENSE. He'll leave our country without a well-funded, well-equipped military so that we won't be able to protect America when our enemies attack. That's something he's willing to do. Keep your eyes on him. He's enjoying the "Squirrel!" opportunity. I've searched for anything he might be doing but found nothing reported as yet. Keep looking. October 22, 2015   themuslimvileone: "I'm really good at killing people."Especially American military members and innocent Christians. October 22, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   TX, KS and LA file new lawsuit over it. Good! Let's find a way to FINALLY shut this thing down! October 22, 2015   I'm closing with that. I have to get busy on my "Big Project" stuff. Enjoy the rest of your day! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 21, 2015: 10:18 a.m.   Missed yesterday. The errands I had to do for both our "Big Project" and our "Small Project" took a little longer than I thought they would. That and the side trip and I was surprised that my hubby was home by the time I got there. I did get some good news from my time out and about, but I didn't have time to do updates. Sorry. Let's get started for today. October 21, 2015   Ryan has an "F" rating by Conservative Review. He's been the bonehead's "Yes" man for a long time and he isn't the right choice to lead the House. He'll be themuslimvileone's kiss butt, bonehead's puppet and nothing but more of the same -- without the tears. He's still demanding allegiance, bow and scrape, and if anyone thinks that is a good thing, think again. Demanding blind obedience and allegiance demands that Congress leave their brains, beliefs and principles at the door and vote the way he commands them to vote. It's ridiculous. Taking away Thomas Jefferson's rule is a bit of a power hungry move, to my way of thinking, and he should not be speaker if only for that reason alone! I don't trust anyone who demands blind obedience. Nor do I want them to be in control of anything. You don't command obedience, you earn it. You can't command people's hearts to love you, you earn that, too. Ryan's ego is running rampant and he's turning into another themuslimvileone without the "muslim" part and that's something America can do without! October 21, 2015   October 21, 2015   BENGHAZI:   Documents prove it. themuslimvileone tried to link a video few people had ever seen with the BENGHAZI attack. It was NOT the video. It was terrorists very intent on killing Americans and it was an orchestrated attack that themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn both ignored and allowed FOUR AMERICANS to DIE. themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn both have the blood of those four Americans on their hands. They initially blamed a DIFFERENT video than the one of the guy who remains in jail as the second fall guy. So it looks to me as though themuslimvileone's administration had scoured the internet for videos to blame so that an AMERICAN could be blamed for anything that may happen and so that Muslims would not be blamed for another violent attack against America. Sounds to me like themuslimvileone is protecting his own. He planned ahead to deceive Americans in order to protect Islam. That's something a Christian would do? October 21, 2015   Remember how themuslimvileone promised in his campaigns to make the rich pay their fair share, and to make things more equitable in America? Yeah. Reality bites for those who believed his lies. The rich have been getting richer under themuslimvileone's administration and the poor have been paying for it. I wonder if they realize it yet. October 21, 2015   Terrorist nation illegals are seeking "asylum" here. The problem is, there isn't going to be enough screening to prevent the terrorists themselves from being part of those "asylum" seekers. The terrorists could be here, could be your next door neighbor, could be a sleeper cell who are just awaiting orders to do what they were trained to do. Other Muslims are here to change America quietly, to populate our country with enough Muslims to have enough voting power, to have enough representatives in State and Federal legislative bodies to change our country from within via laws favoring Islam, installing Shariah a little at a time and before we know it, America will be conquered without necessarily firing a single shot. Islam is trying to take over America. It's their goal to destroy Israel, and to change America into an Islamic state. That's their stated goal and if you watch the interviews with former Islamic terrorist, Kamal Saleem, with Walid Shoebat, with Hazem Farraj or with American journalists brave enough to speak the truth. Read the The Terrorist Next Door - How the Government Is Deceiving You about the Islamist Threat, and The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy by Erick Stakelbeck. Read Inside Islam: A Former Radical Shiite Muslim Speaks Out by Reza Safa. Your eyes will be opened and you'll pay closer attention to what's going on locally and nationally. October 21, 2015   Aaaaahhhhh... public schools:   If the above blurb is not enough proof of Islam infiltrating America, look at what the pubic schools are doing. Look at the Islamic centric educational standards are doing to our children. Look at what they're teaching our kids! They're not focusing on Christianity, that's for certain! In Tennessee, it's so bad that the parents are mounting a rebellion! It's not just in TN, though. Nationwide, Islam is being pushed as the religion of public schools! Is that what you want for your children? Homeschool your children. It's so much better for them! October 21, 2015   Justice Scalia: death penalty may be struck down. If there is no more death penalty in America thanks to the scotus (PTUI!) I think America's "justice" system would be severely hampered, diluted and hampered. I think the death penalty being on the table helps us get to the truth, helps control the murder rate and makes murder a more serious idea than if they know they'll just get life in prison -- or less. The scotus has let America down for the last six or more years. I don't know why, but the four Conservatives have no voice. They've been silenced as the lefties/progressives/liberals team up to control America and destroy her. It's a shame that they don't even realize the greatness they are destroying. October 21, 2015   This is a disappointment. When jebbybebby was governor of Florida, I thought he was a pretty good guy. I thought that he was a Conservative and that he was trustworthy. Finding out now that he was doing stuff to further his financial gains while he was governor is such a disappointment. I thought he was better than that. October 21, 2015   bumbler biden says "No". Good. October 21, 2015   Don't let the front door hit you on the backside. Attention seeking "clock kid" moves to Qatar. Good riddance. Will we see him again as a terrorist somewhere? October 21, 2015   Netenyahu draws verbal fire for linking Palestinians to Hitler's "final solution". I don't know the history of the Palestinian/Muslim influence (or lack thereof) with Hitler, but to me it isn't that important. The fact is, the Palestinians want and have always wanted the same thing Hitler did: Jews extermindated, wiped out, non-existent and a complete, thorough genocide on them accomplished. No Jewish blood should survive on this planet if the Nazis and Muslims had/have their way. It would be a world without Jews and that's what Netenyahu was basically saying. October 21, 2015   Voters angry at "establishment" republiRATS. Well, DUH! When they don't listen to their constituents and they think that they know best and they act as though they would pat us on the head and say "There, there now." if ever we expressed our opinions to them, then of COURSE people are going to be angry. That's why I left the republiRAT party in 2008: they LIED about Sarah Palin and I saw the writing on the wall. republiRATS were going to be no different than dumboRATS and that's exactly what happened. When they started LYING about Palin I gave up on them ever getting back to their roots, to their PARTY PLATFORM. It doesn't contain butt-kissing the lefties/progressives/liberals/dumboRATS, nor does it include swearing allegiance to the Speaker, nor does it include ignoring our Founding Fathers and basically telling the people of America to shut up because they weren't going to listen anyways! October 21, 2015   JW is suing for draft indictment of hillclintOOn for her role in the Whitewater scandal. I hope they get it without redactions and that they publish the whole thing. I would love to read every word of it. I'd relish that. October 21, 2015   October 21, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her hypocrisy is showing AGAIN. She derides the "rich" for having "tax havens" but the TRUTH comes out and SHE has a tax haven, too. Sounds to me like she is trying to hide the truth from you and if someone has to hide the truth from you, they're trying to MANIPULATE AND CONTROL YOU. That's not a good thing to have a prezidunce: a controlling manipulator, now is it? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or controlling manipulator.) October 21, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Senate dumboRATS BLOCK bill targeting "sanctuary cities". Senate dumboRATS don't want to stop illegal aliens from having safe places to hide after they rape a four-year-old? Senate dumboRATS don't want to stop illegal aliens from having a safe place to go where they can again shoot an American citizen after having been previously deported as a violent illegal alien? Senate dumboRATS don't want illegal alien drug dealers/importers/users to have to face deportation after they get children hooked on meth? Why? October 21, 2015   I'll close for now. Until next time, enjoy your day! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 19, 2015: 12:18 a.m.   Hank's last Minion Monday is here. I say "last" because, as explained in the picture description, Hank has decided to stay at Gru's permanently. The girls are all fine, the test results were negative, but Hank didn't want to miss a moment of their growing up days. So I give you "Minion Monday: Hank's Final Hurrah" and I hope you enjoy it. See you later for my regular updates. October 19, 2015: 12:28 p.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Golf and fundraising for his third term cost us $4.5 MILLION and that isn't the whole cost since the Secret Service detail's details have not yet been released. How much keeping themuslimvileone safe cost us we have no idea because the SS is not cooperating with the FOIA request. Don't ya' love your mac and cheese while he jets around the country at YOUR expense and plays golf at YOUR expense? Isn't that what his job should be? (*sarcasm*) Another way this country wastes taxpayer dollars? The MOX program, a program to get rid of excess plutonium, has cost us a LOT more than projected: "Construction of the MOX facility is years behind schedule, billions of dollars over-budget, suffering from contractor disputes and only about one-third finished. The federal government, through the National Nuclear Security Administration, has already spent $4.8 billion, and the final cost is currently estimated to be $12 to $14 billion. The original estimate was $1 billion."Can you believe it? That's a waste of A LOT OF YOUR money. Do you realize that at the end of each fiscal year the government -- and governmment contractors -- go on spending sprees to use all of the money they can? They spend it on frivolous things: "A few days before the government shutdown in 2013, the State Department spent $5 million for an elaborate Vermont glassblower 'to provide 20 different styles of custom handcrafted stem and barware to the State Department for use in American embassies around the world.'"BTW, Remember who was in charge of the State Dept. during the 2013 spending spree that bought that stemware? hillclintOOn. Don't ya' love her desire to SAVE TAXPAYER DOLLARS? Don't ya want her to be prezidunce with those kinds of priorities? Then there are the IMPROPER PAYMENTS, you know the payments that go out to fraudulent filers, to duplicate receivers, or erroneously sent and spent by receivers? Yeah. Yes, improper payments are out of control: "The report revealed that in fiscal year (FY) 2014 the amount of improper payments rose to $124.7 billion, which was an $18.9 billion increase from the FY 2013 total of $105.8 billion. [my bolding]"Yep. That's YOUR money. Don't ya' think it's time to STOP THAT and to elect someone who will put a stop to it? Don't ya' think it's time to spend our money WISELY instead of throwing our taxpayer dollars -- the money you work hard for and that comes out of your pocket to be WASTED by the government instead of going into a college fund for your kids, a vacation fund for you and your spouse, to a medical savings account for your future needs, to pay off your bills, to buy braces for your kids? Don't you think it is TIME to put our priorities in order and to doing the RIGHT thing instead of just tolerating the WRONG? It's time to put America back on track and to make those who are too lazy to do the work needed to FIX the problems out on their rears and to elect those who WILL DO the work. It's time to put YOUR money back into YOUR pocket instead of raising taxes, lower them and cut the welfare rolls, stop Medicaid/Medicare and to stop FRAUD and ABUSE of the government programs. In fact, KILL EVERY WELFARE PROGRAM OUT THERE and start afresh. Make every recipient of a SINGLE TAXPAYER DOLLAR do WORK to EARN it as long as they are physically able. If they can't walk, let them make something with their hands. If they can't use their hands, let them answer phones for the government's offices. If they can't talk, let them clean highways if they can walk and use their hands. If they're in a coma, then they can't do work. If they're otherwise capable, as so many of our veterans are and who have continued contributing, then they can work and get off the taxpayer teat. Don't allow the government to make excuses for people anymore. Make the people PROVE they need help then we'll think about it, but -- in most cases -- only if they can earn it. That's what I think should happen. NO MORE WELFARE. NO MORE ILLEGALS GETTING WELFARE. NO MORE FREE RIDE FOR ANYONE. If they don't want to work, let them go hungry until they're willing. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or wasteful welfare program.) October 19, 2015   We can partially give credit for the above to the U.S. SENATE because they REFUSE to stand up themuslimvileone on any subject and on anything that is important! mitch mcCONnell HAS NO SPINE. If he did he'd pull it out and play with it until it fell apart into miniscule pieces and he brushed them up and trashed them. October 19, 2015   huma abedin's employment at State Dept. "flouted the law". It was a hillclintOOn deal. She signed the paperwork and made it happen because she wanted huma there. Laws don't matter to her, just like they don't matter to themuslimvileone so it didn't matter that it was wrong for huma to work at three places at once. It didn't matter what the rules were because the clintOOns are above the law. They're higher than it, just like themuslimvileone. He sticks his nose in the air and she sticks her snout in the air and they both look down at the rest of us little people -- bitter clingers -- in flyover country. Isn't that what we need as the next prezidunce? (*sarcasm, of course!*) (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or snout-looker-downer.) October 19, 2015   Israel to build a wall to protect its people. Borders with fences/walls work to protect the people of that country and to help prevent illegal immigrants. As Muslim immigrants crowd into other countries around the world to escape ISIS/ISIL countries are finding out that it's not a good thing and countries with leaders who have a brain left close their borders and put up fences/walls. In America, we don't do that, although themuslimvileone promised our border fence was 95% complete in 2011, I don't see any difference now. Do you? October 19, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She does it again. She fakes accents to try to "fit in" with you, what she perceives as your culture, whatever. It's ridiculous and it makes her look stupid. (Not that she needs any help.) Question: Is themuslimvileone supporting bumbler to block hillclintOOn from Red House? Is that something you think themuslimvileone would do? I wouldn't put it past him to have her arrested and thrown into the deepest, darkest dungeon and the key melted down and no copies available to keep anyone but himself in the red house. Goodness knows, no one has stopped him yet, and why would we believe that he would NOT play dirty? She kisses his backside but that doesn't stop themuslimvileone from throwing her under the bus last month. BTW, have you ever noticed that she can't take responsibility for ANYTHING SHE DOES? She always has a fall guy, a "Squirrel!" to point at to take the focus off of herself, and a willing left-wing to support her "Squirrel!-ing". The fawn over her finger pointing, her lies, her shrill shrieking and support her because "It's time we had a woman in the Red House!" If that were the case, then why did they not vote for someone earlier? For example, Elizabeth Dole ran for President in 2000, why not vote for her? Why did they not vote for Michelle Bachman in 2012? Why is it that lefties/progressives/liberals only say "It's time for a woman in the Red House!" when it's a LEFTIST WOMAN, instead of JUST A WOMAN? It's because it's not JUST about the gender of the candidate. It's about the LEFTISM of the candidate. Genitals aside, they want someone who will kiss their little leftist/progressive/liberal butts and do their bidding. That's the important thing. If they have to vote for a man to get that, they do so. Remember, the lefties/progressives/liberals threw hillclintOOn aside in 2008 to vote for a MAN who was promising nothing more than the vague "Hope" and "Change" while hillclintOOn was making concrete promises of real things she said she was going to deliver to her leftist butt-kissers. They didn't want that. They wanted something more "esoteric", more "meaningful" than specifics. They wanted an IDEAL. She's still NOT the IDEAL. She's still the shrill, shrieking, shrew shemale who can't take responsibility for ANYTHING she does. That's not what lefties/progressives/liberals want. They want Camelot in a handbag and they want it at all costs. Maybe that's the key: lefties/progressives/liberals are still stuck in 1964. Camelot is their goal, but Camelot is unatainable because it never existed in the first place. Don't believe me? Look at the facts of the Kennedy marriage. I bet you a buck-and-a-half that Jackie didn't think her husband cheating on her was Camelot. They want a dream but they vote for the nighmare! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or nightmare voter.) October 19, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Palestinians teaching kids how to stab Jews is sick. That's how deeply hatred goes in some Muslims. They want to put that horrible, horrible burden on their kids' souls. It takes part of you away to kill someone. It damages you. It breaks your soul, puts a different spin on life and damages your psyche. Murderers -- except for sociopaths without a conscience -- live with regret, with a part of their souls damaged forever unless and until they get forgiveness and learn how to forgive themselves. Palestinian children being taught how to murder Jews are being taught how to murder part of themselves as well. How can any adult want to damage a child in such a brutal way? Pedophilia is horrible; this is just as bad. October 19, 2015   Standing for GOD-Ordained Marriage: &nbssp Constitutional RESISTANCE to the scotus ruling that "legalized" "homosexual marriage". I stand with these brave professors and hope this starts the overturning and reversal of the bad ruling. October 19, 2015   themuslimvileone has depleted our military so much that the Army is BORROWING British helicopters. That is JUST SO WRONG. The U.S. military budget should be capable of flying our men in our own equipment. We should not have to borrow anything! We should be the world leader in everything; especially the military stuff! themuslimvileone has found another way to destroy America and he's so very, very close. We need to STAND UP AGAINST themuslimvileone in everything he does! October 19, 2015   bonehead to stick around until 2017? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! October 19, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   In Texas -- TEXAS -- six republiRAT candidates chose to NOT mention illegal immigration. Texans have been KILLED by illegals and these six candidates chose to ignore the issue while there: Carly Fiorina, Sen. Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, [Dr.] Ben Carson and Jeb BushNONE of these candidates thought it important enough to mention the illegal alien invasion in one of the states with the biggest problem with it. Texans have a record of thinking it's important to their state but the cowards chose to not mention it? UNLESS -- and I will caveat it with that -- they were TOLD by the organizers of the appearances to NOT mention it then they should have taken the opportunity to say something about it. They would have gotten a lot of applause if they had! What are these candidates thinking? Why did not ONE of them mention it unless they were told NOT to? SMH. I will keep an eye on that aspect of this race. I certainly am disappointed by at least Sen. Ted Cruz because I thought that, as Texas's past Attornty General, he would be willing to say something about the cases he may have fought, prosecuted, etc., but he apparently said nothing. Too bad. Opportunity missed. October 19, 2015   Trump is WRONG. G.W. Bush could NOT have prevented 9/11. He had only been in office just under eight months when the 9/11 attacks happened. He hadn't even had all of his Cabinet set yet, much less been prepared for 9/11. If themuslimvileone had been in office at the time do you think he'd be getting blamed for 9/11 now? Would there be people saying that he was part of making the Twin Towers fall, as in the "Truther" movement? Or would he been given a free pass and praised for his handling of the aftermath although he'd have done nothing? October 19, 2015   Wait. What? Lefties/progressives/liberals actually care about someone LYING?? Really? Really? No way! Come on! Really? Don't believe it. They don't care that she's actually LYING. They're used to it, so what's the big deal? October 19, 2015   China hacks U.S. computers less than a DAY after signing an agreement to NOT do so, China did so. Sweet! (*sarcasm*) October 19, 2015   Well, I'll stop there for now. I have seven Christmas presents made and three more to go for the presents I'm making of this sort. I have been Christmas shopping for a few week now and I hope that I have it all done before December gets here so I can relax and not run, run, run for Christmas. I hope you enjoy the rest of your autumn day and that we get cold weather this winter. Bye for now! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 16, 2015: 4:26 a.m.   Late posting for my Flag Friday pic today. Sorry about that. The story with the pic will tell you that my inspiration for the poem was the reason this posting is late. I was caught up singing along with some of my favorite tunes. Every dog in the neighborhood -- and some across the highway -- was howling! Anyways, here is today's Flag Friday pic and my sincerest thanks for your service: "Tribute To Our Heroes 238: Because He Was There". I hope you enjoy it. Missed yesterday's posting. Had a BIG "Big Project" day and I tried to get to the updates, but it just never happened. I will get one done later today. See you then! October 16, 2015: 2:29 p.m.   Turns out I don't have much time to do updates today. Have an unexpected errand to run so I'll do a few blurbs then wish you a fun, safe, healthy, happy weekend. Let's get started. October 16, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Feds spend $16.8 MILLION for "culturally appropriate" (are you ready for this?) fruits and vegetables! Really! I'm not joking! Read the story! "Culturally appropriate" fruit and veg. It's "for the poor", those folks in "food deserts" and it's all because... "It’s part of the First Lady’s costly effort to eradicate 'food deserts,' area’s [sic] with limited access to affordable and nutritious foods. The administration has spent a fortune on this cause and there seems to be no end to the cash flow. The money is mostly doled out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is charged with carrying out Michelle Obama’s $4.5 billion law to provide affordable healthy fare such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat milk in neighborhoods determined by the administration to be 'food deserts.' The ultimate goal is to revolutionize the inner-city diet by providing fresh government-subsidized produce and grilled lean meats as alternatives to greasy, fried foods that tend to be more popular in those areas, presumably because they’re cheaper."Don't ya' love that the FIRST LADY -- who, according to the U.S. Constitution -- has NO POLITICAL POWER WHATSOEVER but who has spent $4.5 BILLION of our money! Where does she get that authority? Where? Also, did you know they're spending $300 MILLION of YOUR DOLLARS for stoves for people in OTHER COUNTRIES? I don't mind helping people who need help, but NOT WITH MY TAX DOLLARS that are supposed to be spent HERE! I don't pay taxes so that they can go to other countries! I give to charities that help people in foreign countries and that's how it should be. But for my government to decide that I'm going to be a charitable giver via my tax dollars? NO! That's just wrong! It's my choice as to when and to whom for what I give charitably. It's not themuslimvileone's choice to MAKE me give! That's just WRONG! October 16, 2015   hillclintOOn:   E-mail probe focuses on "gross negligence". I kinda' agree with Rush. He said today that it's all a set-up to make us think that the clintOOns are going to have big trouble, but -- lo, and behold! -- they survive and come out smelling like roses! They're beyond dirt and beyong prosecution and beyond the reach of the long arm of the law! That's what this may or may not be about. My question is this: Why is all of the focus on the mechanics of the e-mail scandal instead of on the fact that SHE TOOK BRIBES AND IS CORRUPT and SHE DID EVERYTHING AS S.O.S. FOR MONEY!? Why is that NOT the focus? It's always, "Look! She used an unsecured server!" but it's never been "SHE TOOK BRIBES AND MADE PROMISES IN EXCHANGE FOR THOSE BRIBES!"? Why is that? That's the actual scandal, not just the server; the server's just a small portion. The fact is SHE IS CORRUPT! Why are they not going after her financials and why hasn't there been a report of the IRS, FBI, etc., looking into the BRIBES she took? IF they were really going after her, would THAT not be the focus, instead of the mechanics of how she stored her bribery requests and acknowledgements? BTW, there are now allegations that during the dumboRAT debate, a.cooper knew Bernie Sanders would shut down the e-mail question. If he knew that why not ask the question in a different way so that it couldn't be shut down? Why go immediately to Sanders? Why bring up the question at all, besides to say he questioned her? It was all set up to make her look vindicated by her fellow dumboRATS. It worked with some, I'm sure. Why does hillclintOOn think she's above the law? Hiring an ILLEGAL is currently against the law. If you hired one to do your lawn, to clean your house, etc., the feds would be all over you in a heartbeat. Ask this Dallas tree service! Ask Tyson foods. Ask Pilgrim's Pride. Will hillclintOOn's campaign be raided? If not, why not? Is she above the law? Is she special? If she doesn't face consequences for that, too, then Law Enforcement folks who should have raided her campaign for having hired an illegal are cowards and PC kiss-ups. October 16, 2015   October 16, 2015   How about that? cbs did something smart. Wonders never cease. October 16, 2015   themuslimvileone ignores Generals' advice for 6th time. He knows better and more than they about how to kill as many Americans as possible. After all, 72% of the American casualties in Afghanistan are under his watch. He's happy with and proud of that fact. He has also broken his promise to pull our troops from Afghanistan. So that's going to mean more men and women dead, seriously injured and maimed because of themuslimvileone. October 16, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Enrollment is slow and going to get slower. People don't like being FINED because they didn't obey a government DICTATE on what to buy, when to buy it, where to buy it and why to buy it. Getting FINED over NOT obeying the DICTATE is not fun but it's better, IMHO, than obeying an unconstitutional law and kowtowing to themuslimvileone. I won't do it. I'd rather pay the "Shared Responsibility" fine than buy something he tells me to. Actually, I would rather NOT PAY THE FINE, either, but I don't want to go to jail. It's ridiculous that we are being DICTATED to do something that the government says we must. I don't see where FREEDOM is in that! October 16, 2015   Russia tried to "cut off" internet? For their own people, they did. Sounds like something themuslimvileone may want to try. Keep your eyes on this, folks. October 16, 2015   FL Ethics Board has devolved into "lap dog", but for whom, the story doesn't say. Whichever side it has chosen, it's WRONG and it should be stopped immediately. That, or they can just disband it. October 16, 2015   msnbc caught LYING again. Shouldn't there be a "Yawn!" after that? After all, it's not as though it's unusual. Right? This clown needs to be fired. He has a record of LYING in support of the Palestinians. Reporters are not supposed to take -- or have -- a side, much less be caught LYING to his ANCHOR back home about the incident with the anchor calling him on the LIE. That's just so biased it isn't funny. PC, but not funny. October 16, 2015   Ooops! Spent longer doing this than I planned. Must dash! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 14, 2015: 12:36 p.m.   hillclintOOn: Did you watch the dumboRAT debate last night? I did not. I can't stand the idea of listening to all those LIES so I passed. I'm not sure what happened, because different people report it different ways, but I'll suffice it to say that I think that at least most of my predictions came true. It's been said that hillclintOOn's performance was as good as it was DISHONEST. I think the article is alleging that she was good based upon what they expected. Admitting that she was DISHONEST is a given. The words most often associated with her are all in the thesaurus listing for LIAR. The problem is, they say she won but she won via lying? How is that a win? It's like cheating at a baseball game and winning via cheating. It's not a win if you cheat. It's not a win if you LIE. Even the Red House is "walking back" its comments on the e-mail scandal and she just waved the e-mail scandal off last night. It was no big deal. It was nothing. The FBI doesn't seem to think it's nothing! How much you wanna' bet she'll get a preziduncial pardon just before themuslimvileone leaves office even if she doesn't get the nomination for dumboRAT candidate? She's going to need one. Thinking about it, though, themuslimvileone may just let her take the fall. He's just that kinda' guy. October 14, 2015   Do msm journalists hate America? They won't tell the truth about the dumboRATs and their wrongdoings and they won't stand up for the National Anthem. What's wrong with this picture? Do you trust someone who LIES to you all the time and won't stand up for the National Anthem? I don't. Not the msm. It would be like trusting themuslimvileone. October 14, 2015   Republican debate was more watched than dumboRAT's. Shock. Surprise. October 14, 2015   In Germany, schools are having children cook and clean for immigrants and parents are outraged. Watch out, America. If the public school system here gets whiff of this, your kids will be doing some cooking and cleaning, too! October 14, 2015   Europe is having a rebellion from its citizens over the immigration problem. Some countries welcomed them with open arms but some were forced to accept immigrants and now their citizens are complaining. Germany's immigrants are SUING Germany for not paying them benefits fast enough! Chutzpah, anyone? In Switzerland it's a sore subject impacting elections. Sweden is in political turmoil over the issue. Angela Merkel is paying the price for her "open arms" policy. America isn't fairing any better. We have our own illegal immigrant invasion and they bring all kinds of alternate realities: we pay for their health care, schooling, food, clothing, housing and anything else they don't have but want. That's an impact on us and our children and their futures. How on earth are we supposed to support that? Should not our children come first? Must we sacrifice everything we could do for our children to the altar of the PC compassion on other people's children? I don't want other people's children to suffer, but nor do I want to have to change my plans for the good of my children for the benefit of theirs. It's not my job to sacrifice my children; it's my job to do all I can for them and to help ensure a good future for them. Why should I be forced to do anything different? Trust me, when our taxes go sky high for the money to help all of these illegals you'll see the difference, too. As it is, they flee heavily armed Mexican drug cartels and they kidnap people to get their way (NSFW/C) In Houston, Seven Mexican nationals enslaved young girls as sex slaves. That's not the way children should be treated, but with this mass illegal immigration, it's going to be happening more and more. Be prepared to hear more about this sort of thing, unfortunately. October 14, 2015   Will copyright law change end DRUDGE? If so, it could end my site, too. I don't believe that linking to a story is a copyright infringement because all you're doing is giving them more views and using the URL for the story, unless you're quoting a portion, which used to be called "reasonable use". I don't usually take the exact headline, but I do sometimes use quotes. So if they redo the copyright laws to prevent you from giving a general idea of what the story is about but not using an exact quote is that still going to be against copyright laws? If so then no one will be able to link to anything! October 14, 2015   Changing your beliefs on GOD via magnetic waves shot into your brain? Uh... Why would anyone volunteer for that? October 14, 2015   "Breast ironing" another barbaric practice girls face on the African continent. It's horrible. I can't imagine a mother making her daughter go through that. It's allegedly to prevent rape and unwanted attention, but what's wrong with teaching the males that the famales are precious and should be respected and protected, not deformed in every way possible. October 14, 2015   "Sanctuary cities" release violent criminal aliens instead of turning them over to I.C.E. That's just WRONG! They're endangering their citizens in favor of illegal immigrants and the cities that are doing that need to be stopped. Releasing dangerous criminals is immoral and it should not be done. If one American child is raped or killed, if one adult American is injured that's aiding and abetting before the fact and the city council who voted to become a sanctuary city should be held accountable for criminal actions! That's what I think should happen! October 14, 2015   PC ON STEROIDS:   Indictments for supporting the CONFEDERATE FLAG! INDICTMENTS! On TERRORISM CHARGES! That's beyond the pale and it's an affront to our First Amendment rights! Free speech includes supporting the Confederate Flag and it includes saying that it's wrong to indict for doing so! Free Speech is FLYING the Confederate Flag and it's all covered by the U.S. Constitution and it's a FARCE of American "justice" that any charges were brought at all! "The indictment says the group threatened 'to commit a crime of violence to persons attending a party' with the 'purpose of terrorizing those individuals and in reckless disregard for the risk of causing such terror.' The indictment does not specify what 'Respect the Flag' participants did or said to that end."They drove past a birthday party for a black child with a Confederate Flag flying. I looked up Georgia's Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act and I honestly don't see where they are basing the charges against this group of people. They drove past a party while they were flying the Confederate Flag. How is that terrorism? Yes, there were allegations of guns being flashed, but the cops didn't charge anyone with that, according to the story. I think it's a huge stretch of both the definitions within the law and the specific charges. I also think that this should be taken into consideration as to whether the "threats and violence against party goers" line holds water: "Members of 'Respect the Flag' told the Washington Post the group drives around with its flags flying in order to raise money to donate American flags to people who can’t afford them. [my bolding]"Sounds like a dangerous, terroristic gang to me. October 14, 2015   Feds again try to steal land from Texas rancher.
Remember the Clive Bundy showdown? Let's do that again! October 14, 2015   Smirk. Giggle. Snort. I gotta' agree! I think he is, too! October 14, 2015   Palestinians are stabbing Israelis and creating an atmosphere of terror and it's losing lives on both sides. Personally, I STAND WITH ISRAEL. I stand with ISRAEL. I STAND WITH ISRAEL. October 14, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   They say they'll be DONATING BabyBits now and not accepting money for it. They're still HARVESTING BABYBITS! That's just wrong! Saying they won't SELL BabyBits anymore is a con game to make everyone's outrage settle down. Problem is, they're still HARVESTING BabyBits to "give" to whomever wants them? No. There is nothing altruistic about Planned AbortionHood and its MURDERING of little innocent babies. How much you wanna' bet that we'll soon find out that they're not selling BabyBits, but they are accepting "donations" from the same companies just before or after BabyBits are delivered. Anyone want to lay bets? October 14, 2015   Well, I am going to go for now. I got a surprise last night and I'm going to go play. Enjoy the rest of your day! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 13, 2015: 12:37 p.m.   Hope you had a chance to read "Watch Out, America! He's mocking and denying again!" If not, take the opportunity now. It's worth the read. October 13, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   70 MILLION stimulus dollars to build unneeded, empty jails? "The two new tribal jails were built by the Navajo Nation in Arizona with economic stimulus grants and there were all sorts of problems with the projects from the start, according to a federal audit. Besides the fact that there was never really a demand for the compounds, the projects incurred $656,921 in “unsupported costs” (code for fraud) and $2,554,924 in “unallowable costs” (code for bigtime fraud), the audit found. The two facilities should have cost less than $40 million to build, which means someone pocketed a chunk of change."The DO[IN]J was supposed to oversee the project, but I suppose they were busy trying to stop FOIA requests from being granted to oversee the wasting and possible embezzling of taxpayer dollars. Ya' know, the best you can say about this administration is that it is the MOST CORRUPT administration since the clintOOn administration. Yep. It's a continuation of the billybobclintOOn administration without the bimbos. It's got the same shrill, shrieking shemale (and an additional one to boot!) and it's not going to do anything right if it can help it. Same old, same old. October 13, 2015   Dr. Ben Carson has only been a Republican since Oct. of last year. Before that he was an Independent. Not a problem for me. He wasn't dumboRAT, Green Party, Socialist, or anything besides Independent. I don't know what the big deal is. Considering what the Republican Party has become I don't blame him for not being Republican until recently. I understand that he's registered Republican now so that he can be a serious contender. Even though I don't agree with every point in the Independent Party Platform I can at least give him kudos for NOT having been a dumboRAT. October 13, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She loses to any Republican in a new poll. That's bad for her, good for US! I don't want to see her as prezidunce. If she has a single brain cell she uses it to make excuses as to why what she did was not illegal, not wrong, not bad, and to make excuses about why it's not her fault. Given the fact that she has a single brain cell, it gives her one up on themuslimvileone, but that's not saying much. Tonight's the first dumboRAT debate and I don't plan on watching it but I can make a prediction. I predict that hillclintOOn will play the ANGRY VICTIM of males, of society, of her hubby's reputation, of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy", of themuslimvileone's ineptitude, of people working behind the scenes to make her look bad, of whomever and whatever she can to point the victim finger and say "It's THEIR FAULT!" IF she takes responsibility for the e-mail thing, it will be a light, little offense, a lapse in judgment and something to just shake off and learn better from. She'll be loud, rude (almost to the point of obnoxious) and angry because that's what she thinks will work for her. The last thing I expect from her would be to act like an adult, take responsibility, womman up, be polite, be lady-like and to take the bull by the horns and to comport herself as though she does NOT DESERVE it, but that she is asking for the dumboRAT vote. That's what I predict. We'll see. Meanwhile, the e-mail server she used was very vulnerable and that it: "appeared to allow users to connect openly over the Internet to control it remotely"Oh. My. Goodness! That's not even CLOSE to safe! Even I know not to do that! Never allow remote access to your computers or any other electronic device unless it's a tech service person from the computer company YOU called and who is helping you solve a problem! NEVER EVER, EVER allow it to sit open to that. NEVER. That's computer security 101. If she truly left her server open to remote acccess for whomever whenever, that's just asking for trouble! Did you know that The Washington Times has mapped the clintOOn scandals? It's taking my computer a while to load it but it's worth looking at if you can. Some think that the other scandals are more important than the map says. For instance, the "real" scandal is Honduras, not BENGHAZI according to this article. I see what the author, Emily Schwartz Greco, is saying but I think there are plenty of scandals to go around and enough to give almost every American a pick for first place of their own. Remember, this has been going on since at least April of this year, where people try to tell us what the most important scandal is, or which one should have us most outraged. My question is, with so many choices should it not be the candidacy that has us outraged -- the pure, unmitigated gall -- of hillclintOOn to even consider running for prezidunce, that should be considered an even bigger scandal than all of the others? When someone is responsible for the deaths of FOUR AMERICANS IN BENGHAZI, who knows how many deaths in Honduras, who knows how many future deaths of our undercover personnel in other countries and who knows how much wasted taxpayer dollars, decides that none of that matters and she is self-aggrandizing enough to consider all of that inconsequential, should that not be the Number 1 scandal of her ego-driven life? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or creepy ego-driven narcissist.) October 13, 2015   It's over an hour since I posted the blurb above and I just found the "Gut Check" predictions. Check out #7 and #8. Great minds think alike. October 13, 2015   Oooops. A. Cooper was part of clintOOn's foundations. He's also tonight's debate moderator. Will he try to be especially "fair and balanced" as a moderator tonight, or will he favor hillclintOOn and help her club the other participants? October 13, 2015   I'm SO JEALOUS! I wanna' go! I wanna' see snow! October 13, 2015   "Gun control zealots are almost always people who are lenient toward criminals, while they are determined to crack down on law-abiding citizens who want to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones."Amen and Amen! Also, what is wrong with these people? I will NEVER eat at a Waffle House restaurant again. If that's going to be their policy, then I don't feel safe there. They'd prefer to put my life in danger than to allow me to have my gun with me? No thanks. Even more ridiculous is this Olive Garden restaurant! They kicked out a uniformed cop waiting to have his birthday lunch with his family! He was in UNIFORM and his gun was on him and they told him to leave! Won't be eating there, either. The chain restaurant's headquarters called the cop and apologized but still. That's ridiculous! He was in UNIFORM! BTW, I did a search for restaurants that want their customers to leave their guns at home and found that the list includes;
October 13, 2015   Dentist who killed lion did so LEGALLY. Ha. Ha. Ha. Lions are cool.The dentist did nothing illegal and nothing wrong. Cecil is not a martyr to man's wrongdoing. October 13, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Jail a 74 year-old man for over a year and then give a him 350 lashes over him having alcohol? That will KILL HIM! What is wrong with these heartless people? Serving their god is serving hatred, violence and intolerance. If Islam requires this in order to appease it and its god, Islam is nothing but a blood-thirsty male-centric power structure! Wake up! An asthamtic 74 year-old man who has had cancer three times will be killed by 350 lashes and the people will watch as he's whipped to death. That's barbaric and it's wicked darkness is within the hearts of those who serve it. BTW, the man is a British subject and I think that if Saudi Arabia carries out this part of the punishment that EVERY Saudi prince, subject or Sheik who goes to England or anywhere in the British Empire should be REFUSED ALCOHOL everywhere they go. After all, if it's fair for them to whip a 74 year-old man because he broke their rules, then when the Saudis try to break their own religious rules in England then they should be "hoisted by their own petard"! October 13, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   Sure. Right. Why don't I believe this? They're going to stop "accepting cash" for BabyBits? No. They'll accept other perks: trips, packages, etc. Yeah. I'm skeptical to say the least. They'll find -- or have already found -- a loophole and they'll keep on keeping on. Babies are nothing to them but a cash cow. They're not going to take a cut in their income in order to get the public off their backs. They don't care about the public's opinion of them so why try to do something to appease us now? There's something else happening here. Mark my words. October 13, 2015   October 13, 2015   Hollyweirdo LIES about military service to avoid arrest. That's just so wrong. Why did the cop not look him up? Why did the cop not find out before allowing him to walk? Why did the hollyweirdo think it okay to LIE about military service? He's an actor. Nothing more. He's NOT A HERO. He should apologize to those whose service he negated via his lie. October 13, 2015   This is SICK. Methodist and Episcopal "ministers" blessing an abortion clinic? That's NOT what GOD wants! That's NOT following GOD's word, His will, His ways! GOD does NOT BLESS ABORTION! He HATES ABORTION! How DARE THEY? It's absurd and anyone who does not leave the branches of those churches those "ministers" represent should be ashamed of themselves! October 13, 2015   Glad Paul Ryan is NOT going to be House Speaker. He was demanding no opposition, no questioning, just absolute obedience. In other words, BOW AND OBEY! Nope. Not good. We don't need another themuslimvileone as Speaker. Find someone who is a GOOD choice and put him/her in that spot. Don't do another bonehead and don't do a Ryan-tyrant. Choose someone GOOD for a change! October 13, 2015   "Clock boy" accepts role as Islamic propagandist. Tells you something about what his intentions were in taking the device to school, does it not? Actions speak volumes. October 13, 2015   I think I'll stop there for now. Enjoy the rest of your day! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 11, 2015: 11:47 p.m.   It's time to post what could be the second-to-last Minion Monday pic. I hope that you will understand and that you have enjoyed the Hank pics. For now, let's just hope things go well at Gru's. Here's "Minion Monday: Hank LIkes Putt Putt Golf" and I hope Hank and I get to play again soon. October 12, 2015: 5:17 p.m.   I said I wasn't sure if I'd be posting today or taking the day off. I am not doing the usual posting, but I do want to link to a new blog I wrote: "Watch Out, America! He's mocking and denying again!" I spotted a pattern that themuslimvileone does and, honestly, it scares the pudding out of me! Read my blog and tell me you didn't just dirty your pants. See ya' tomorrow and enjoy the rest of you Columbus Day! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 9, 2015: 2:44 a.m.   It's Flag Friday today and I offer you my thanks for your service. In your honor, I offer you "Tribute To Our Heroes 237: A Faded America". Thank you for your service. Read it and see that you are the one deciding how worthwhile is America. GOD Bless You All! October 9, 2015: 1:10 p.m.   Border INsecurity:   themuslimvileone imports 10,000 UNscreened Syrians. They can't tell you that they have vetted these people to ensure that they are NOT terrorists. They could be importing 10,000 Syrian TERRORISTS for all themuslimvileone knows. They could be importing 10,000 people planning on killing as many Americans as themuslimvileone will allow. Why do I say "allow"? Because you KNOW it's going to be wrong to assert that they are terrorists after they kill people because that would be "profiling" people and that's not PC. So themuslimvileone will ALLOW as many AMERICAN deaths as possible before he starts acting as though he gives a crap and he starts prosecuting any of the Syrians he imports. Then he'll quietly export them back to Syria instead of prosecuting them and he'll later allow them back into the country via Mexico. That's just the way he rolls. Destroy America in as many ways as he can. October 9, 2015   hillclintOOn:   googliewooglie working to put her in the Red House. Why? Because they have the right to free speech and they have the right to put their money where their politics are. It's the "Big Money" that the lefties/progressives/liberals always whine and scream about when a corporate entity puts their money behind a Conservative candidate. When the lefties/progressives/liberals get a "Big Money" corporate entity (googliewooglie has a current net worth of $350 BILLION, so they are a "Big Money" entity) to back them, they're okay with "Big Money" being behind a candidate. That's the truth of the matter. Look at her "Donors" list on Open Secrets and remember, those are just the entities that have given as themselves, not the "soft" money that they can give as a "bundler". This is the money they gave "personally" not as a group where their names are hidden. Yeah. Corporate big shots are giving to her as she whines about "unaccountable money" in politics! She's such a hypocrite, especially when she flip-flops on "Big Money" in politics! Now she's all for it? We don't need another America-hater in the Red House. We need a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE in the White House, otherwise we'll surely end up as something besides America. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or communist hypocrite.) October 9, 2015   She has at least one supporter who has to be bat-spit-crazy for saying what she does. What is wrong with this woman's mental incapability? SMH. October 9, 2015   More proof of "science" being for sale? It turns out WHOLE MILK isn't bad for you after all. Yep. "By warning people against full-fat dairy foods, the U.S. is 'losing a huge opportunity for the prevention of disease,' said Marcia Otto, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Texas, and the lead author of large studies published in 2012 and 2013, which were funded by government and academic institutions, not the industry. 'What we have learned over the last decade is that certain foods that are high in fat seem to be beneficial.'"In fact, it may be good for you and if you switched out to skimmed, or 2% you may have done more harm than good. Those who stayed on whole milk have a lower incidence of heart disease. Eat what you like, folks. Just don't be a glutton. October 9, 2015   Darrell Issa as House Speaker? Let's see what happens. Unlike others, I like that it's a fight to get the right Speaker. I like that the Conservatives in the House are working so hard to do something that will at least make them look like they're trying to be more conservative. I don't know if they'll actually accomplish it, but I do know that it's better than just allowing the "establishment" (RINOS) decide who is going to be Speaker and giving us another butt-kissing bonehead. I LIKE the push/pull of the effort. It's better than the alternative. October 9, 2015   NSFW OR CHILDREN:   GQ dislikes you being able to defend yourself. They don't like it. They don't like Dr. Ben Carson saying that you should be able to defend yourself. They use the "F-bomb" to tell him to, basically, shut up. He's not hitting their talking points, he's using Conservative talking points and that means he's left the leftie/progressive/liberal side of the blacks-must-be-dumboRATS plantation and he's thinking for himself, speaking truth to dumboRAT power, and defying their kowtow-to-them sociology. He's a maverick and they don't like mavericks unless they're lude, crude, rude and lgbtq, they're allowed to be "maverick" but only in the way they talk, look and undress to protest. If you're a weirdo like that, then you're allowed to be "maverick". Although, considering how weird most of the lefties/progressives/liberals are nowadays I don't see any of them as being "maverick": pervs, perhaps, but "mavericks" no. BTW, why is it bad for Rush Limbaugh to call a woman who has a lot of "casual sex" with multiple partners who wants us to pay for her birth control a "slut" but then idiot chicks out there undress and march to proudly proclaim themselves "Sluts!" Why is that? Why the double standard? If they're calling themselves such why should not Rush call them "Sluts" too? A slut is a slut is a slut. Why be ashamed of it one day and proud the next? Why take offense one day and march almost naked and proud the next? If you wanna' have sex with every willing person/place/thing/animal that's your problem but don't ask us to find out whether you're proud of it the day we want to comment on it so that we should use a specific word you'd be happy with that day. October 9, 2015   "'It turns out the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has over-estimated future global warming by as much as 10 times,' he says. [my bolding]""By as much as 10 times". So the "Global Warming" crowd has lied to you for years because someone either intentionally or unintentionally and used it to CONTROL YOU. That's ALL "Global Warming" is about: CONTROL. Remember that. Don't let them do that to you. Stand against the LIE of "Global Warming"! October 9, 2015   Shock! Surprise! Not!: themuslimvileone's Iran deal VIOLATES FEDERAL LAW. Since when does he obey the law? Since when? He breaks EVERY LAW out there as often and as much as possible and gets away with it because there is NO OFFICER OF THE LAW, OF THE COURTS, OR ANYONE ELSE WITH THE GONADS TO ARREST THE JERK! He's BREAKING EXISTING LAWS and, although they're sworn to do so, no law enforcement officer nor officer of the courts has ever tried to stop him. That's a fact. If he were treated like every other American he'd have been in jail long ago. If you and I broke as many laws as he we'd have been arrested, tried and convicted by now. We'd be serving our prison terms, but themuslimvileone? Nope. He's special. He's above the law. That makes him a TYRANT DICTATOR, not the prezidunce! We are living in a TYRANNY! BTW, will the illegality of the Iran deal prevent it from being enacted? I seriously doubt it. Oh, and hillclintOOn did another flip-flop by denouncing it. They say it was an "accidental" denunciation, but she did it, accident or not. October 9, 2015   October 9, 2015   Vegetarians and Vegans listen up. Don't get drunk. One-third of you admit to (think of how high the number would be if the whole truth were known) EATING MEAT when you're drunk. New slogans: "Stay sober. Stay Vegan." or "Don't drink and eat!", or perhaps, "Stay sober save a cow!"? LOL! Silly old things. October 9, 2015   Donald Trump doesn't understand the full implications of eminent domain. Eminent domain is a blight on freedom. If there's anything that I disagree with the Founding Fathers on, it's this. They didn't call it "eminent domain", they said, in the Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. [my bolding]"That's where "eminent domain" gets its authority. It seems to be almost an afterthought, tacked on at the end of the really important stuff. But "emindnet domain" is a lack of freedom. If someone owns property, they OWN it. They get to choose to sell or not and they get to choose to be as stubborn as they want in order to keep their property. The government can find a different way and they can always go around and do something else. Someone's property should not be forcibly taken from them (as in some "eminent domain" cases) in order for the government to have their way. I don't support Donald Trump because I don't think we need another bombastic ego in office and we definitely don't need someone who thinks that "eminent domain" is a good thing. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign committee, or "eminent domain" freak.) October 9, 2015   I received a Press Release from Brevard County today that makes no sense. It tells us that there are going to be "over 30" county employees to take a "Lean Sigma Six Yellow Belt" training course to learn how to SAVE MONEY and streamline procedures. That "Lean Sigma Six" training to CUT COSTS is going to COST US AT LEAST $6,169-$7,254 for 31 people. I used 31 because it is Stockton Whitten and "over 30" employees with him, but it doesn't say how many "over 30" are going to be taking the course. Add to that the fact that an undisclosed number of employees will be given "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt" training at a cost of $695 to %3,845 EACH, PLUS there could be another $375 cost for each employee. Sounds to me like they are ignoring the whole idea of saving money! Brevard County, what a crock! October 9, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy your weekend! Remember, Momday is Columbus Day (unless themuslimvileone says it is no longer to be celebrated because it's "discriminatory" and "a micro-aggression" to mention it) and I may or may not post anything except Minion Monday. We'll see. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 8, 2015: 12:54 p.m.   Hurray! Kevin McCarthy has dropped out of Speaker race. He was/is bonehead-lite, so it's a good thing that he's gone. I don't want a bonehead-lite person to be Speaker. I want a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be Speaker and I want him/her to be super-strong, level-headed and capable of going toe to toe and eye to eye with the idiot progressives/lefties/liberals and not even think of blinking. I want someone as brave as Chris Kyle, as strong as Sampson, and more determined than any progressive/leftie/liberal out there. I want someone to be Speaker (second in line of succession after the VP) who will be Allen West and Rush Limbaugh COMBINED. McCarthy is not that. It matters because of what the House has been doing lately in kissing the backside of themuslimvileone and bending over backwards to kowtow to the dumboRATS. bonehead did that. It needs to stop NOW. ... Ugh. bonehead wants to stick around. Power is addictive and he's totally addicted to kissing themuslimvileone's butt. October 8, 2015   Border INsecurity:   themuslimvileone has allowed TERRORISTS into America via his push to get more dumboRAT voters who will vote for his third term. But, the dumboRATS will deny it, LIE about it and cover it up. "For the most part, government officials have refused to go on the record about these serious terrorist threats and in fact many have outright denied they exist or have tried silencing sources. For instance, a congressman (Beto O’Rourke) who represents El Paso in the U.S. House of Representatives telephoned area offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) in an effort to identify—and evidently intimidate—sources that may have been used by JW to break the ISIS in Juarez story."Yep. themuslimvileone doesn't care about our safety. He cares about himself and destroying America. That's all he cares about. October 8, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Just as I thought, her e-mails were stored on the cloud and now the FBI has access to ALL of them. (Can't help but smile.) Her e-mail was so UNsecured that Germany, China and South Korea (probably others, too) all targeted it. Sounds to me like she has some "'splainin'" to do. She needs to be in prison for breaking the national security laws that are in place. She broke about every law pertaining to e-mail security out there. She put our nation at risk. She needs to be in prison. Do you realize that hillclintOOn SUPPORTED themuslimvileone's awful trade bill 45 TIMES and now she "opposes" it? She's laying out a plan to allegedly rein in Wall Street, but anyone with a working brain cell knows that it's just a show for her brainless followers who have to be fed that pablum in order to vote for any dumboRAT candidate. She'd never punish Wall Street considering how much money they give her. There's also news about the clintOOns being implicated in a bribery scandal. She wants to take away your guns and uses inflated numbers to add to her scare tactics. She won't be giving up her guns as Drudge challenged her to do but she wants you to give up yours. You see, her family is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than YOUR family. Her safety is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than YOUR safety. That's how she thinks. Her security guards should keep their guns to protect her, but you can't have a gun to protect yourself. She's special and oh, so important. She needs those guns surrounding her. You don't need a gun at all because you're not special or important. That's how she sees you. October 8, 2015   "The correlation between the homicide rate and Brady score in all 51 jurisdictions is +.032 (on a scale of -1 to +1), which means that states with more gun restrictions on average have very slightly higher homicide rates, though the tendency is so small as to be essentially zero."The "Brady score" is the anti-gun, anti-Second Amenment Brady Campaign, founded by former President Ronald Reagan's (Ronaldus Magnus) Press Secretary after John Hinkley shot Brady and President Reagan as well as others. The fact that gun restrictions may equal "slightly higher homicide rates" should speak at least a little. To U.S. Senate dumboRATS, though, it means more gun control legislation. How stupid do you have to be? The combined IQ of fourteen dead maple leaves is higher than most dumboRATS. If you look at birch leaves, the gap is even higher. The lefties/progressives/liberals are trying to tell people that the number of gun owners is declining. They are, of course, LYING. The number of gun owners is rising. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the number of people who wish to defend themselves from terrorists crossing our borders via themuslimvileone's invitation is on the rise. When people feel like their country is NOT going to defend them they choose to do what it takes to do so themselves. Gun owners nationwide, do NOT support this organization. Why should we support REGISTERING GUNS when we've seen worldwide examples of what happens soon after registration is made mandatory: CONFISCATION. The guy who started it may think he is doing something good (benefit of the doubt here, not certain) but he is NOT. He's advocating exactly what the lefties/progressives/liberals want: registration leading to confiscation. ACRGO is NOT a gun friendly organization. "Amendment II"Shall not be infringed" is the important part. Gun REGISTRATION immediately allows the CONFISCATION of -- at the whim of the STATE (includes federal government) -- all guns REGISTERED. Whether it be an en masse confiscation as we've seen in England and Wales, Hitler's Germany, Canada, etc., or an individual confiscation as we've seen themuslimvileone try to do via his taking away gun rights of veterans who need someone else to do their financial work. We see what's being done already and we don't need more regulations nor REGISTRATIONS to make it easier for our Second Amendment, GOD given right to defend ourselves away. Remember this: gun confiscation leads to genocide. It's not a valid argument to say it's "just registration" and not confiscation because history proves that registration leads to confiscation. It's been seen worldwide, throughout history. Can you successfully argue against the kind of actions we've already witnessed when a people are left defenseless? Instead, I SUPPORT SHERIFF IVEY'S CALL FOR OPEN CARRY. It's a good thing. October 8, 2015   Why is it a bad thing that the Senate is push a bill to cut jail time for felons when themuslimvileone just releases anyone he wants to without having a bill to support him? The Senate is trying to do as themuslimvileone wants. "President Obama and his supporters are hailing a controversial bill to reduce prison sentences as a major bipartisan breakthrough, but federal prosecutors warn that it will weaken their ability to bring dangerous drug traffickers to justice and will result in the release of thousands of convicted drug traffickers and violent felons."It's what themuslimvileone does. It's his trademark: anything to destroy America and endanger Americans. ANYTHING. Whatever it takes to put you at risk is what he wants to do. The republiRAT controlled, mcCONnell led Senate is just kissing themuslimvileone's butt. What's the big news? (*sarcasm: MAJOR sarcasm*) October 8, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   Their math is skewed and screwy. "Despite a nearly 20 percent decline in the number of abortions in the country between 2000 and 2011,[8] the number of abortions Planned Parenthood performed during that time increased from 197,070 to 333,964, thereby more than doubling its share of the abortion market from 15 percent in 2000 to 32 percent in 2011,[9] the latest year for which national data are available."Yet, they claim that of all the "services" they provide, abortions account for only 3%. What a LIE! They're soulless, heartless and "math-less"! They're horrible, horrible people and there's going to be a special place in hell for them if they don't change their ways and hearts and turn to Jesus for forgiveness. Anyone who can MURDER a little, defenseless, innocent baby just because the baby exists is in need of forgiveness and only Jesus can give that. It's just sad that so many women have been misled as to what abortion is. Pray for those women and for them to find forgiveness and peace in Christ. October 8, 2015   I agree: completely and totally agree. I especially agree with the title. October 8, 2015   themuslimvileone helped put America into financial danger and the rest of the world is already teetering. He had some help via the House and Senate kissing his butt, but he's mainly responsible with his "Executive Orders", his pen and cell phone. We have themuslimvileone to thank if the world goes into financial freefall. October 8, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Why is it that Americans change even their Christian chapels to accommodate Muslims but Islam rapes, tortures and kills Christians? Why is it that in America, we deny it when the bad guy is Muslim and we have a prezidunce who won't admit that Islam is the PROBLEM? Why is that? October 8, 2015   There are more sanctuary cities in America and I don't understand why. I don't get it. I don't see how they can give sanctuary to people who are breaking the laws WE have to abide by, or to people who are going to rape, rob, murder their neighbors, their children, their sister. Why? Why vote to go "sanctuary city" when all it does is endanger the people you are supposed to be protecting? October 8, 2015   Aaaaaahhhh.... Public Schools:   Why is it that the phone company charges us MORE for NOT listing our phone number? Think about that when you realize that Brevard teachers will get PAID MORE TO TEACH LESS. Sounds to me like soon we'll be going to the grocery store and paying for the things we DON'T buy instead of what we DO. Why is it that teachers get away with that? Paid more to teach less makes NO SENSE to me, or most others who were taught how to think. It's a stupid plan and the TAXPAYERS ARE FOOTING THE BILL for this stupidity. Don't ya' love it? October 8, 2015   I'll close on that lovely note. Enjoy the rest of your day. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 7, 2015: 5:26 p.m.   October 7, 2015   Sorry to do this but that's all for today. I have had interruption after interruption, delay after delay today before starting and now my hubby's home so I'm going to go spend time with him. Where the day went, I'm not sure, but I did want to share the TRUTH with you. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 6, 2015: 2:59 p.m.   Well, that was a nice break. I haven't been on my computer for a few days and I've relaxed, gone birding and gone to St. Augustine with my hubby and just relaxed. I did do a "Minion Monday: Hank Waits in the Lobby" pic for Monday, but I didn't have anything besides my cell phone to do an upload with so that's what I used. Saturday we went birding all day so Friday was the last time I spent much time at all on my computer. It was a nice break. BTW, "Minion Mondays" have only a few more Mondays to go. In the Minion Monday pic I reveal that one of the girls is possibly facing some real issues and so Hank is going back to Gru. I have only the pics that I took in St. Augustine left to post so I'll have two more Minion Mondays then Hank pics will end. For now, let's get started with just a FEW blurbs to start this week. I have somewhere to go and got a late start so it won't be much. October 6, 2015   U.N. Encroachment into America:   themuslimvileone wants to replace America's laws with U.N. laws. The U.N. would make America a gun-free, subservient, Arabic speaking, Shariah compliant worker class servant to the rest of the world, just as themuslimvileone wants. They're creating a "Strong Cities Network" which: "But what is that greatest threat, exactly? Remember, the DoJ presser says that the SCN will 'address violent extremism in all its forms.' It also says that it will aid initiatives that are working toward 'building social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.' 'Building social cohesion' is a euphemism for keeping peace between non-Muslim and Muslim communities – mostly by making sure that non-Muslims don’t complain too loudly about, much less work against, rapidly expanding Muslim populations and the Islamization of their communities."Is that what you want? It's not what I want, but that's what themuslimvileone is doing. STAND UP FOR AMERICA! DO NOT COOPERATE WITH THIS! October 6, 2015   bumbling biden used his son's death to further his political career. Is there NOTHING sacred? Nope. Not for dumborats. They have no scruples, no boundaries, nothing that can't be used to get what they want. Even a "Cheekbone Cherokee" with the same lack of principles will do what she needs to further her political career: even jumping on board with bumbler. That's a mind-boggling combo: Liar/Bumbler and Liar/Fake. It's a match made in hades and if they do team up and (heaven forbid!) they get the dumborat nod, I can't imagine what the ticket's slogan would be: "Vote for Losers!"? (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or idiot dumborats.) October 6, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She's ready to attack bumbler and whoever is going to end up being his running mate. It's not just bumbler, though. Anyone who is going to be an opponent will be looked into with a fine tooth comb and every miniscule molecule of wrong-doing or misstep will be uncovered and trumpeted to the public as a reason to not vote for anyone except hillclintOOn. That's just the way she rolls. Meanwhile, the State Dept. tells her to find more e-mails. The scandal just keeps on coming and growing and growing and growing. Considering what we've seen of her past, is there anyone surprised by that? She wants to take EXECUTIVE ACTION on gun control and she thinks BENGHAZI is just an "attack" issue. (That's rich.) She's an idiot, too. Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or idiot dumborats.) October 6, 2015   Pacific Rim Trade Pact done deal. themuslimvileone likes to do what he can to destroy America and this is just another instance where our House and Senate cooperated in his efforts by not BLOCKING this thing. They say it can still be killed but who amongst them has the courage and pull to make it happen? I haven't seen that person since themuslimvileone took office. "Republicans" have the majority in both the House and Senate but they don't act as though they do. They act as though they're third graders being bullied by thirty-somethings. It's ridiculous how spineless and lilly-livered they've been. October 6, 2015   This twisted sister needs to go away. She needs to just retire into private life and stop her lies. She's a ridiculous sham. October 6, 2015   OR shooter thought everyone else was crazy. That's a sure sign he was a liberal/leftie/progressive: a superiority complex. The msm has also LIED about who he is: he could have been themuslimvileone's son, he's so much like him. After all, if themuslimvileone can say that Trayvon Martin is what his son would have looked like if he'd had a son, don't you think the same could be said about this guy? October 6, 2015   billybobclintOOn LIED about IRAN'S TERRORISM. Now themuslimvileone is giving them the nuclear bomb. Considering how long they've been involved in terrorist activities why would anyone at all have a problem with them getting the bomb? Really? October 6, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Welfare fraud scheme costing us MILLIONS. Isn't that special? I think we should do away with welfare and make everyone support themselves. IF someone really needs help -- and I mean REALLY, not the pansy-ahemed "reasons" people get welfare and Social Security Disability nowadays -- they can have temporary help until they can make other arrangements. BUT they have to make the arrangements, they have to figure it out themselves and they have to do it all. Make people stand on their own two feet and they'll get it done because they must. Baby them and make excuses for them and they'll milk it to the utmost. Let's get rid of the free ride. Make it hard to get help and more people will stand on their own. October 6, 2015   Must dash. Things to do, things to do! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! October 2, 2015: 12:11 a.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. My hubby and I unexpectedly decided to start a "Small Project" and I spent the day working on designing it. The "Big Project" is closer to being complete than ever before and when it's finished I'll post at least one pic so you can see what it was/is. But it's not quite finished yet because we have experienced more delays than we thought ever possible. More on that after it's finished. Anyways, it's officially Friday and that means it's time for "Tribute To Our Heroes 236: Priorities Remain". I hope you like it and I'll do at least a few updates later today, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Ya' never know what life's going to throw at you. See ya' later! October 2, 2015: 3:10 p.m.   First, I want to start with thoughts, prayers and sympathies to those who lost loved ones or who were wounded in the Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon. He targeted Christians and what amazes me is that the Christians stood up and professed Christ even though they realized what was going to happen to them afterward. None would die for something they didn't believe in that strongly. They are the martyrs the Bible tells us about. They are courageous. They are in the presence of One True GOD and will be for eternity. Will you be? October 2, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   $13 MILLION to Central American "youths" who never came here. It's YOUR money, but it's being given away by themuslimvileone to anyone who wants it. It doesn't matter that it's not helping America nor Americans. themuslimvileone is wasting our money so that he can do one more thing to destroy America. "Whatever it takes" is his motto. Some of that money -- YOUR money -- is being used to train them to take over American jobs. Isn't that special? He's also Suing a town for NOT REZONING to allow a mosque. The building's zoning was "Industrial" and it is surrounded by such. To put a mosque in the middle of a manufacturing area to me makes no sense, but themuslimvileone decided it was a violation of his way of doing things, of his utter and total support of Islam. So he sued the town. The biggest irony, the loudest GUFFAW, the stupidest contradiction EVER yet muttered by themuslimvileone's administration: "'The ability to establish a place for collective worship is a fundamental protection of the First Amendment and our civil rights laws,' said Vanita Gupta, head of the DOJ’s bloated civil rights division, in a statement announcing the lawsuit. 'The Justice Department will remain vigilant in its mission to ensure that all religious groups enjoy the right to practice their faiths freely.' The federal prosecutor handling the case in Illinois said 'the freedom to practice the religion of one’s choosing is a precious right in our country' and the DOJ will continue to 'enforce the laws that protect this important right.' [my italics]"That's rich. They've done this to CHRISTIANS:
October 2, 2015   Another record set for UNemployed Americans. The newest public number (not including the higher number that the people who know "the rest of the story" can tally) is that 94,610,000 Americans are out of work; including 56,253,000 women (War on Women! War on Women!). Some of those jobs are already going to immigrants, the only people group who see an increase in their employment numbers. themuslimvileone's america looks more and more like somewhere else. October 2, 2015   Michelle Malkin reminds us of the things the BabyBits sellers said. She also puts it into perspective in her own unique way. Love the way she does things! October 2, 2015   bumbler opens mouth inserts foot, again. If he had a single brain cell he'd be a danger to himself and others. I guess it's better he's brainless. October 2, 2015   Anyone have a parachute they can loan hillclintOOn's poll numbers? She really needs it before they hit the earth. October 2, 2015   Something's fishy about this whole thing. I think they had orders "from on high" -- and I don't mean out of this earth. The Secret Service is being used to... What? Were they planning on blackmailing Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) with the info they had, or what? Why did the Secret Service leak the info to the press? Did Chaffetz refuse to kowtow and kiss themuslimvileone's backside? It's all fishy to me. October 2, 2015   Tech goes max competitiveness. wow. Whoda' thunk it? I'm a bit surprised. I always thought that the tech world worked together to do business. Now it's getting quite cut throat. October 2, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin is full of IDIOTS! They're dumber than a sock of fur balls. It's amazing how brainless he and his whole administration is. If they got any dumber they'd ALL be bumbler! October 2, 2015   I'm going to close with that. We'll be out of town for a few days so there may be nothing posted here until late Monday night, not even my Minion Monday. My son will be here to fed the cat. Have a good weekend! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 2015 September 30, 2015: 2:05 p.m.   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Some New Yorkers are finding out their policies are being cancelled at the end of the year. Worse than that: Congress loaned YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to the company that's closing, as well as to others. How much? Try on $2.5 BILLION of your money went to start-up companies who knew they could take a free ride on YOUR DIME. Yep. They got to live large for a while until they have to shut down because the money ran out and Congress won't give them any more (four so far this year). Don't you think Congress should take a pay cut and give us back the money they wasted because of their own stupidity? After all, they ignored the advice of their own budget experts in order to hand out all of this "free" start-up money. I think they should have to PAY US BACK. Agree? This piece of garbage is so bad that even hillclintOOn is saying to repeal at least some of it. Big labor doesn't like it, so she doesn't either. She has to kiss their ring because they've looked at endorsing Donald Trump instead of her and that's not something she wants. She needs the SEIU, the AFLCIO, etc. Without them and their money she will have a more difficult time even getting the nomination, much less getting the election (if there is one) rigged. If people who are on this crud think it's expensive now, wait until they have to pay for the illegals, too! Yep. Those who subscribe to it will have to pay higher premiums in order to pay for those who are getting the freebies; illegal aliens who have invade our country and don't want to pay for anything. Those who joined will pay for them. The rest of us will also pay, though, when Congress raises the penalty rates and those who didn't join and refuse to obey an illegal law will be fined for NOT doing something illegal. Yep. That's the America themuslimvileone has brought about. Wunnerful, wunnerful. September 30, 2015   James O'Keefe hits hillclintoon's campaign again. They've broken election laws more times than they've sneezed, but not more times than SHE has LIED. I don't know if any of them will ever be tried for it, but they all SHOULD face trial and fines/prison. They're BREAKING THE LAW. They should face the same penalties as you and I would. But, they're working for hillclintOOn. They don't live by the same rules as those of us in "fly over country". They're royalty. They're special. They're above the law just as she thinks she is. September 30, 2015   Dr. Thomas Sowell has a great point! "Contrary to the thinking -- or lack of thinking -- among today's Republican leaders, Reagan did not go to these Democratic voters and pander to them by offering them a watered-down version of what the Democrats were offering. He took his case to them and talked -- yes, TALKED -- to let them know what his own agenda offered to them and to the country."This is also why Donald Trump is getting such a toehold with diverse audiences. He TALKS TO people and tells them not just what they want to hear, but what he wants to say. There's a big difference. For instance, if I were someone who wanted people to like me (I don't care if you do or don't, I am who I am and you're not going to change me) I would not be doing my website the way I do. I'd be kissing backside and playing nicey-nice, sticking my finger into the air to see which way the wind was blowing: I'd be a politician. Since that's not what I do, I have an audience. I don't usually check my stats but I did once and was shocked -- shocked! -- at how many views my website gets daily. I write for myself and always considered it a reality that maybe three people daily would be visiting my site. Wrong. A lot more visit it daily than I ever dreamed. I haven't checked it since because I don't want to know. I want to write for ME. This is who I am. I will not change. I will not appease. I will be ME. Love it or leave it. That's up to you. That's the attitude of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump and why they're (to quote what's his face) "Winning!" September 30, 2015   September 30, 2015   I was wondering about something the other day and I decided to look it up. Tell me something, how good do you think themuslimvileone has been for the AIDS fight? Activists say he hasn't measured up. They also say he's not as well as George W. Bush. Do a search for it. themuslimvileone talks about AIDS every AIDS Day (Dec. 1st), but rarely, if EVER, otherwise. Annually, he throws more money at it: usually elsewhere in the world. But does he talk about it? Does he visit AIDS/HIV positive patients? Does he do anything besides stand far away and throw YOUR money at it? Don't you think that speaks volumes? Where are the left/progressive/liberal activists who should be surrounding the Red House in protest of his utter silence on the subject on all but ONE day annually? Where is the standard they held Reagan, Bush and Bush to; or even clintOOn? Where are the activists protesting themuslimvileone's silence on the subject? Why do they not expect ANYTHING of him? Or do they know better than to expect anything from him? Is that the answer? They know they don't matter to him? September 30, 2015   Well, that's a surprise! My hubby has a bad head cold (it's going around) and he's home a little early, so I shall go for now. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 29, 2015: 3:06 p.m.   Sorry about missing yesterday. Our "Big Project" event took longer than either of us thought. We had to go to Orlando to get it done and, for me, it was a very exciting day. So now I'll get started. September 29, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   President of it LIED again. Is anyone surprised? If they have so little soul and thought of right and wrong as to KILL BABIES and SELL THEIR PARTS FOR A PROFIT, then why would they have the slightest hesitation about LYING? That's part of the reason why some Republicans are calling for defunding them. I think it's a great idea to stop sending my taxpayer dollars to a place I so vehemently DISAGREE with. They're not just LIARS, they're tacky, too. There are PRO-LIFE activists turning out in greater numbers than those supporting Planned AbortionHood, thank goodness! And when you think about the TAXPAYERS FUNDING them, remember, their 2013 federal tax filing shows GROSS RECEIPTS OF $171,051,383 and whose total assets that year were $307,429,404! Do we need to fund BABY KILLING when they have that much? If they need OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS so much, why do they spend $24,520,514 on FUNDRAISING ALONE AND $28,116,876 on TELEMARKETING AND CONSULTING (pg. 45 of their filing)? If their financial need is so great, put some of that combined $52,637,390 toward something besides fundraising! On Page 16 of their filing, you can see that 70.78% of their funding came from US! They got that much money in TAXPAYER DOLLARS! That's JUST WRONG! They had $87,847,469 in endowment funds that year and $53,818,507 in LAND AND PROPERTY assets! And a LOT of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS are not even being spent here, in America. It's going to OTHER COUNTRIES: scroll to Schedule F (Form 990) 2012 pages 34-41! IF they're all about "reproductive health" why are they donating OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS (71% of their funding comes from US) to organizations like (pp. 60-62):
September 29, 2015   themuslimvileone endangers America: "[T]he administration let 1,519 'inadmissible' foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed 'while under duress.'"Awww... Isn't that humane of him? He let "inadmissible" terrorists into America because they were stressed out while they killed people. He's such a humanitarian. Now they can kill our children and attack us while they scream "Allahu Akbar!" and relax. Thanks, themuslimvileone! (*sarcasm, of course*) September 29, 2015   Outsmarting themuslimvileone: Putin, a dozen butterflies, twelve thousand worms and a 2,000 year-old mummy. It isn't that difficult. September 29, 2015   hillclintOOn:   (To the tune of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?"): Where has all her money gone? Forbes asks a good question. Another good question: Why did she have her own secret SPY NETWORK? Also, why was CBS employing one of her spies and allowing her and her spies to manipulate the NEWS? Tells you how much you can trust the networks, doesn't it? Another little snippet: she says two different things about limiting abortions. So which is it? With her it's whichever is convenient to say to the audience of the moment. She's running for prezidunce. She'll say what she must. September 29, 2015   bonehead boehner ready to do stupid again. He is willing to raise the debt limit again before his Oct. 31st departure. Remember, it's been stuck for 198 days at the same $18.113 trillion by some miracle or another (read: they're LYING TO US AGAIN). Sounds to me like he's going to do all the bad stuff he can before leaving us with the mess he helped create. Wish he'd never been elected. September 29, 2015   themuslimvileone's administration: Stupid is as stupid does. DH[IN]S allows Secret Service to investigate (you guessed it) the Secret Service! Wow! That' really going to turn up some bad stuff, isn't it? I wonder who is going to be thrown under the bus as a placebo to quiet the masses. SMH. This administration is so corrupt. September 29, 2015   Fake victories are all they can get? Wow. That's something to write home about. September 29, 2015   Green Beret being discharged for saving CHILD from pedophile! A child was being repeatedly raped by an Afghan policeman who had chained the boy to a bed and themuslimvileone sees fit to discipline the Green Beret who SAVED THE CHILD? Really? That's despicable. September 29, 2015   Shades of "Avatar". If you have vertigo, don't go see "The Walk" in 3D. It may make your vertigo go nutso. That wouldn't be fun. September 29, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Man strangles his daughter in "honor killing" because she shoplifted condoms. ISIS in Bangladesh claims the "honor" of having killed an Itallian aid worker. Someone who is there to help your neighbors is your target? What kind of all consuming hatred is that? He was there to help and he was murdered by Muslims. For the first time, I see Muslims standing against ISIS. That's a good thing, but I wonder if it will last. I certainly hope it will. I hope that ISIS doesn't decide to make them pay for standing against them, but they probably will. Pray for those Muslims standing against ISIS. They'll certainly need it. September 29, 2015   hashtag: BlackLives Matter:   Brave NFL player puts it into perspective, doesn't he? I agree with him. If "BlackLivesMatter" they should matter all the time. September 29, 2015   Common Crap Core:   New book makes it easy to see why it's BAD for your kids. It's a book I think I'll read. How about you? Also, a fed up Dad makes his point in a very creative way. I like that! September 29, 2015   themuslimvileone "craps on" Christians again. Shock. Surprise. His actions speak louder than his words. He "proclaims" he's a Christian, but he wouldn't do this crud if he were. September 29, 2015   Well, hubby's home. Gotta' go. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 28, 2015: 1:36 a.m.   It's Monday and that means it's time for "Minion Monday: Hank Falls Asleep" in which I went looking for Hank to say goodnight but he wasn't in his bed. Can you guess where he fell asleep and why? Check out the picture and you'll find out. See you for at least a little while this morning. Have a long errand to run in the afternoon so may not be able to do many blurbs. We'll see. September 25, 2015: 12:17 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and today I'm tired of the PC crap that everyone is sitting idly by and accepting while twiddling their thumbs (or sucking them!). Today it's "Tribute To Our Heroes 235: PC's Chains" in which I take America to task for wasting the lives of those who died for our FREEDOM. Freedom has been lost because we cave to PC's chains and the soldiers' lives have been wasted because we may be free from Islam's rule (so far) but that doesn't mean that we are free from the chains of the PC pushers and the kiss-butts of the left. We either stand up to that, or we're already SLAVES. Which shall YOU be? Let us not forget what the Bible says about FREEDOM: Galatians 5:1: "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."GOD did NOT intend us for slavery, for the yoke of PC, nor for the false god of man's opinions and feelings. Follow the ONE TRUE GOD, the GOD of the Christian Bible and you will be free indeed! September 25, 2015: 12:36 p.m.   Hispanic police chief helps illegals against our government. I think that he should choose who he's going to serve. If he's going to help Hispanics stay here illegally he should be fired immeiately because he swore to uphold and defend OUR Constitution and if he's not going to do so, FIRE HIM! September 25, 2015   bonehead boehner resigns! It's about time! Of course, he has to until the end of October to do his stupidity and he'll do his absolute best at it in order to establish his ridiculous legacy. He'll show his true RINO colors and he'll kiss themuslimvileone's butt as hard as he can for the next five weeks. Look "forward" to something a little more absurd than the norm from him and find out what he supports of themuslimvileone's Marxism and you'll see bonehead's true colors shining through. This is when you'll see who he really is. Trust me, you won't like it. BTW, anyone who does bonehead as their Halloween costume has to make him cry as they Trick-or-Treat, right? September 25, 2015   Aaaaahhhh.... Public schools:   Girls as young as 10 getting birth control implants WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT! Seattle schools are taking girls to get birth control -- at YOUR expense -- without alerting their parents, without the parents' knowledge, without parental consent. It's not JUST birth control that schools are doing without parental consent and at YOUR expense: "Last month a separate JW investigation found that Oregon offers minors taxpayer-funded sex change without parental consent. In a matter of months dozens of kids—some younger than 9—received sex-change therapy in Oregon, which earlier this year made it legal for minors to undergo radical treatment for “gender dysphoria” without permission from a parent or guardian."Homeschool your kids! Otherwise your little boy can come home as a little girl with birth control implanted inside him/her! September 25, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She DID authorize her buddy, Huma Abedin's, dual employment. Although hillclintOOn LIED about it previously. Abedin also got special treatment because: "The records also show that Abedin declined to provide complete information about her husband Anthony Weiner’s financial dealings. The records were uncovered as a result of a court order in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that seeks records about the controversial employment status of Abedin (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)). The records show Abedin used a clintonemail.com account to communicate about her special status."Sounds to me like friends of hillclintOOn are learning what it means to be a friend of hillclintOOn: trouble for them! September 25, 2015   CA lake disappears overnight. Wow. Wonder what happened there. Nothing was mentioned about a fault under the lake. Hm. CA's in a drought situation and it needs all the water it can keep. Lakes disappearing overnight can't help. Strange. September 25, 2015   This should be interesting. And funny. hillclintOOn and bumbling biden to speak at a "gay rights" event. I wonder which shall pander more? I wonder if anyone's going to come out of the closet? After all, according to Gennifer Flowers' book, "Passion and Betrayal", hillclintOOn has been with more women than her hubby has. Will she come out at this event? Just asking. September 25, 2015   Saudi "prince" arrested for sexual assault. This guy doesn't have dimplomatic immunity, so I bet he'll leave the country instead of face the charges. His victim was seen bleeding and screaming for help while trying to climb over an 8 ft. wall around the luxury estate. If they're going to come here they need to obey our laws. That should be a given. September 25, 2015   Shades of "Minority Report". "Predicting" who will commit crimes? Really? Isn't there something about innocent until proven guilty instead of "predicted" guilty? Come on! It's a dangerous road they're heading down, not just in this one place, but anywhere they're not allowing the U.S. Constitution to rule. If this kind of program continues, will you soon be arrested because you're "likely" to commit a crime? Where is FREEDOM in that? September 25, 2015   Girl with note for pope was a setup I told my hubby as soon as I saw the clip that it was. I know how lefties/progressives/liberals work. I can see them coming from a mile away. September 25, 2015   stupido rubio:   He wants to change the legal immigration system: "which is a euphemism for the increased use of skilled foreign workers in jobs sought by American parents and youths."He wants to "allow a limitless flow of foreign skilled workers into the U.S. labor market."That doesn't sound good for America to me. I think it sounds like a resounding defeat of our way of life, destruction to America's economy and a lot of people on welfare, on the taxpayer dime in every way they can be until they do get a job and it sounds to me like our children won't have the chance to get a job unless they walk across the border to get it. We don't need stupido rubio. I do NOT support rubio and his Gang of 8 ideas. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or Constitution breaking Congressman.) September 25, 2015   pelosipig LIES again: this time about the pope's "guidance". She says that his "guidance" leads her to fund Planned AbortionHood. Considering that he spoke at the U.N. about the SACREDNESS of the unborn how does a SACRED child become an ABORTION push in pelosipig's twisted, demented, little mind? If she's going to follow the pope, as she says she's Catholic, should she not also consider the unborn child SACRED also? Should she NOT fund Planned AbortionHood because of the SACREDNESS of the child? She's such a lying hypocrite. The pope is not saint, either. September 25, 2015   Broward Sheriff ignored unanimous recommendation to NOT hire terrorist supporter. Three Majors in the department who interviewed the terrorist supporter signed the "do not recommend" hiring section of the interview results. Three Majors and the Sheriff hires the terrorist supporter anyways. Then there's the fact that he was "found to be lying" on his polygraph test. He lied about drug use and purchasing. Those who live in Broward County, FL, have something to fear and it's not just the terrorist supporter! September 25, 2015   I'll close with that. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 23, 2015: 2:31 p.m.   The "Big Project" took my time Monday and Tuesday and will take a little of it tomorrow, as well. But today I have the opportunity to update my website so let's get started. September 23, 2015   JW sues for hillclintOOn records on the "death" of Osama bin Laden. Did you know that "[W]ithin hours of Judicial Watch filing a May 13, 2011, FOIA lawsuit seeking photos of the deceased Osama bin Laden, U.S. Special Operations Commander, Admiral William McRaven ordered his subordinates to 'destroy' any photos they may have had 'immediately.' (Judicial Watch had filed a FOIA request for the photos 11 days earlier.) McRaven directed that the materials be transferred to the CIA, where they could be shielded from FOIA requests."Which leads me to harken back to the piece I wrote back in February of 2012, "Something Suspicious This Way Comes" in which I speculate that Osama bin Laden was never killed by Seal Team Six but instead, was captured and is now in U.S. custody, being coddled somewhere in a remote location being fed, clothed and cared for via U.S. taxpayer dollars. When someone orders "destroy" all pictures "immediately", and part of the team that was involved dies suspiciously in one helicopter crash (when they never travel together as a group like that), and there are two different stories about who did what during the raid from two different alleged participants, it just doesn't add up that Osama bin Laden is actually dead. If he were and themuslimvileone wanted it known, those pictures would have been splashed all over the place as soon as it happened. That's how themuslimvileone's ego would have done it: full credit with full proof. But, no. We were told to just take his word for it right before an election. Sounds too suspicious to me. Besides, themuslimvileone wouldn't kill someone who has the same goals as his very own. September 23, 2015   themuslimvileone's Civil Rights Chair has questionable connections. He was assigned finding out if rights were being violated in our detention centers housing illegal aliens and he wrote an initial report saying that they were, although "'No effort was undertaken to establish whether the allegations— all of which were already public—were fact or fancy.'"The Chair made the statement before the investigation. Maybe that's because he's also a Board Member of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Conflict of interest, perhaps? Nah. themuslimvileone wouldn't do that. He'd never appoint anyone with a known bias. (*sarcasm, of course*) September 23, 2015   hillclintOOn:   FBI retrieves e-mails she said were never there. Hmmm. Sounds to me like her memory is going. Maybe that will be her defense. She's got Alheimer's or maybe not, she can't remember. But she's got a convenient memory problem every time she has to answer important questions. Remember how often she said "I don't remember" or its equivalent when questioned about Whitewatergate, or any of the other clintOOn scandals. Yeah. She doesn't remember. What she doesn't remember is how to say anything close to, that looks like, that sounds like, that could be construed as, the TRUTH. For instance, she came out recently against the Keystone Pipeline, giving "facts" as to why she was against it. Problem is, TransCanada disputes her assertions (read LIES). Nor does she remember starting the "rumor" of themuslimvileone's Muslim faith. She's got such a bad memory, I'm surprised she remembers her name. Maybe it's related to her "blinding headaches" and that's part of her memory problem. I don't know. I believe that she doesn't remember via convenience. She likes to LIE and she LIES very easily, frequently and carelessly. She and themuslimvileone are alike in that way. Do we want another themuslimvileone in the Red House when it comes to the TRUTH? Wouldn't we prefer someone who will tell us the TRUTH? Wouldn't you rather have a president whom you can trust? Also, Why is the FBI covering for her? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy LIAR.) September 23, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion: &nbp Is themuslimvileone stacking the decks for his THIRD TERM? "[T]he U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are hastily recruiting tens of thousands of foreigners for the Obama administration’s new 'U.S. citizenship and immigrant civic integration' campaign.As I suspected, he's making all of those illegal aliens invading our country into citizens with the right to vote (FOR HIM) as quickly as possible. If he can create 36,000 more citizens within a WEEK, how many can he create within a YEAR? That's how many more VOTERS he's creating for his THIRD TERM. How many of those new citizens won't vote for the man who gave them carte blanche within America? Then ask yourself what it's going to cost YOU and YOUR CHILDREN? Then get out there and VOTE AGAINST THIS! Stand UP! Don't let the Invasion of America create a new, different, worse America. Stand up for your childrens' sake or they will pay the high price of the loss of their freedoms, higher taxes than we ever imagined, or worse, their very lives considering how many illegal aliens are convicted felons, gangbangers and known drug cartel members. When will themuslimvileone's destruction of America end? Only when he is off the throne. Let us make that happen! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or themuslimvileone's effort to destroy America!) September 23, 2015   56 MILLION fed. gov. employee fingerprints stolen by a hacker. Sounds to me like themuslimvileone is welcoming help. September 23, 2015   Republican Candidates:   Unfortunately, Scott Walker has dropped out of the Presidential race. That's too bad. He was the one I was leaning toward if I had found the right info on his abortion and one other subject. I hadn't done the research yet because I knew that there would be some who dropped of their own accord, instead of being voted out in primaries. I'm sorry to say he was one of those who left early. As you know by now, Rick Perry dropped out earlier and that didn't bother me at all. I didn't like his Gardasil move and it told me that there were no limits for him if he could take over as parent to everyone's little girl. I also had to wonder if he would have made the same decision to mandate vaccinations if it had been a vaccination for boys? Considering the fact that, in Japan they're issuing warnings about it, same goes with Denmark, Sweden has had difficulties and England has had deaths allegedly related to it. Everywhere Gardasil has been given to girls, Gardasil has been a problem. Texans have the right to be angry about this. America has a right to be happy that Rick Perry has dropped his presidential bid. We don't need someone who mandates a dangerous drug for anyone, much less our little girls. September 23, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   EPA official FLIES HOME weekly. He wasted more than $70,000 in total waste he accrued in travel expenses. He flew his own airplane from San Fran to Aliso Viejo, CA and made YOU pay for it. And, themuslimvileone AGAIN helps Al Qaeda. Those 70 or so people he trained to FIGHT Al Qaeda/ISIS at the cost of $500 MILLION of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS went to Al Qaeda and handed over every weapon we equipped them with. We have themuslimvileone to thank for that. Isn't that special? (*sarcasm*) September 23, 2015   themuslimvileone condones pedophilia. He's perverse and he allows perversion as long as it's Muslim perversion. If it were, say, a Conservative Christian Republican being accused of the same perversion as Muslims are allowed to get away with, themuslimvileone would demand that Republican's immediate arrest and castration. September 23, 2015   Tell me something. If themuslimvileone respected the pope -- or even Catholicism -- would he be face to face with the pope and LIE TO HIM? Yep. themuslimvileone LIES every time his lips are moving. He wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch all at the same time. Nope. themuslimvileone and lies are inseperable. September 23, 2015   Loudmouth Clown:   He pushes the "Black Lives Matter" lies but he doesn't realize that he'll have blood on his hands if he's supporting violence and racism. He's such a moron: "Grayson is now saying that he will take it upon himself to investigate whether or not the Sheriff’s department the incident correctly, and may push for a federal investigation in the incident."And if a Sheriff's Deputy is gunned down because of the Loudmouth Clown's stirring up of hatred and racism, what will the Clown do then? Will he console the dead Deputy's family while condemning the violence he also stirred up? Idiot extraordinaire. September 23, 2015   I will never believe that abortion is a good thing. I will never believe that "It's a woman's body" and she should have the right to do with it as she sees fit until I see that woman's legs, arms, liver, kidneys, heart, etc., in the dish they use to put the baby's parts. That's when it will be "a woman's body" to do with as she sees fit. I will never believe that abortion is anything other than MURDER of an unborn HUMAN CHILD. It's NOT a "fetus", it's a BABY. Don't "pretify" it by changing the words associated with it (a la RAPING a child is now called "molestation"). I don't believe that women who hashtag ShourYourAbortion are happy they did so. I believe that they feel pressure to do so and that they are too frail and wimpy to stand up to that pressure. The TRUTH will set them free, but the TRUTH is too painful to face. They KILLED THEIR CHILD and they have no way to say TRUTHFULLY say it was good. GOD says it's bad. He is the decider of good and evil, righ and wrong, and He gives each of us the TRUTH of those things within our souls and if we have the courage to listen to that voice then we can speak the TRUTH. Otherwise people cave to the loudest voices and follow the crowd so they can fit in. Abortion is MURDER and fitting in makes you a MURDERER. GOD can forgive you and loves you as much as He loves your baby, who is now with Him in heaven. Don't live with the silent guilt. Ask GOD to forgive you and accept His mercy and grace. He will give it as soon as YOU ASK. Don't live with the guilt. Ask GOD to show you He is real and ask Him for forgiveness. He will give it. He loves you. September 23, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Islam fastest growing immigrant population in U.S.A. That's scary because we don't know who these people are. We do know that it's Muslim and that should speak VOLUMES. We also know that they know it and they have plans for America. Will you agree with those plans? Shariah Law, anyone? September 23, 2015   Condolences to his family. Another cop gunned down. It's just wrong that it's such a regular occurence nowadays. If so many cops get shot because of Black Lives Matter -- who was NOT involved in this incident -- or because of people like this Smith, cops will stop responding. They have families they want to go home to, also. Who will you call if YOU need the help a cop can give when they've stopped responding for fear of their lives? I support law enforcement; you should, too. September 23, 2015   I'll end there for today. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 21, 2015: 1:56 p.m.   Forgot to post my "Minion Monday: Hank Gets an Idea" link so there it is. Won't be doing updates today, or if I do get around to them it will be late this evening. Things are hopping here because our "Big Project" starts back up tomorrow! WooHoo! Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Camper! Glad of it and so excited! I can't tell you how thrilled I am! Happy Dance Quadrupled! Until next time, Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 18, 2015: 12:13 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and that means it's time to say, "Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough!" with my "Tribute To Our Heroes 234: A Million Miles from Normal". I hope you enjoy it. September 18, 2015: 11:18 a.m.   Missed yesterday because I was busy. By the time I had the opportunity to do updates it was too late, so I just did my Flag Friday pic (above) and checked my e-mail. So, let's get busy today. September 18, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Did she and her representatives commit PERJURY? "The documents also show that one key State Department official did not want a written record of issues about the Clinton emails. The documents also raise new questions about the accuracy of representations made to Judicial Watch, the courts, Congress, and the public by the Obama administration and Clinton."If that be the case then she should be facing some jail time for that, as well as prison time for using a private server and for DELETING e-mails with State Dept. business in them: not to mention a whole host of other illegalities surrounding her private server. She should be facing, what?, twenty years in a federal penitentiary? Maybe if she wore her future jailbird outfit instead of her uniform pantsuit she'd draw bigger crowds. After all, who doesn't like to see the TRUTH on display? One of her own advisers says something so absolutely goofy (for him to be supporting her) that it's mind boggling. Does he have no clue? If this is the quality of her advisers it's no wonder she's so screwed up! She has no great accomplishments mediocre ones, at best, but nothing she has done has been a resounding success. hillclintOOn has nothing to brag about. (Although, here's an accomplishment she'd like to forget.) Her effort to make herself more "relatable" is making her more laughable. She's looking more and more desperate. We can all envision her in the darkness, crying in a corner somewhere and muttering "It's my turn! Why isn't everyone just giving it to me?! It's my turn!" That's how dumboRATS see power: as something they put in enough of their time "volunteering" (read rubbing elbows and kissing backside) and whatever office they want is automatically theirs. dumboRATS are amazing creatures. Power is their blood. September 18, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   hillclintOOn refuses to NOT support them. She also won't say whether she's watched the videos of Planned AbortionHood execs talking about selling BabyBits. Planned AbortionHood is trying to upgrade their public image by making everyone look the other way (Squirrel!), but they're still just a killing machine. They make money killing babies and they make more money selling the pieces of those babies. They're full of soulless people who have given their humanity away for political power. They've paid a high price for politics. But the babies they've killed and the mothers they've scarred for life (emotionally, mentally and physically) have paid an even higher price. Although I seriously doubt that they will succeed, some in the House are still trying to defund this soulless group. I pray they someday (soon) succeed. September 18, 2015   themuslimvileone giving Al Qaeda "temporary" amnesty? It seems the possibility is real and that themuslimvileone knows it. Another way to destroy America: let Islamic terrorists kill as many Americans on U.S. soil as possible. That will dishearten and scare the rest of us and we won't have the heart to fight back. That's how he sees us. I think he vastly underestimates the American spirit. Just because he doesn't have it that doesn't mean the rest of us don't. September 18, 2015   "Racketeering is the federal crime of conspiring to organize to commit crimes, especially on an ongoing basis as part of an organized crime operation."So the "crimes" would be not believing in "Global Warming" and the "conspiring" would be in being a person who doesn't believe, or would I have to belong to a specific group/organization? Sounds to me like they're desperate to silence the oppositional TRUTH TELLERS who tell the TRUTH about the LIES of "Global Warming" pushers. Those who push "Global Warming" are having their "feewings hurt" (think Elmer Fudd) and they're losing funding so they're desperately trying to make the rest of us shut up. Poor babies. They're crying and want Momma Government to soothe their hurting $1.5 TRILLION wallets: "What is striking about the global warming industry is that its growth is driven more or less entirely by “policymaking,” i.e., government mandates and other policies. This is why 'green' businesses contribute so lavishly to the political campaigns of politicians who drink the global warming Kool-aid."No wonder they're crying so loudly. If the TRUTH gets widely accepted, their ANNUAL $1.5 TRILLION reach into the taxpayer wallet may be cut off and then they'd be left trying to make it on their own ideas, skills and they may have to return to real "science". Don't worry. They'd glom onto another LIE and milk that for all of the taxpayer dollars it is worth. September 18, 2015   England is, again, headed wrong way. They're genetically manipulating in vitro babies ostensibly to figure out why some women have multiple miscarriages. Problem is where the genitic manipulation can go from there. Shades of Mengele. September 18, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   themuslimvileone spent $500 MILLION to train 5 people to fight ISIS. Five people: $500 MILLION (and it's hillclintOOn's fault, not themuslimvileone's). They say that there were actually fifty-four trained, but there are only FIVE left of the fifty-four. Feel like you got your money's worth? September 18, 2015   "Clock boy's" Dad a publicity seeker. He's a radical Islamic and he loves to be in front of the camera. Hollyweird, here he comes! September 18, 2015   themuslimvileone:   He's glomming onto the pope now. He thinks the pope's visit "lends moral authority" to themuslimvileone's agenda. What a crock. The pope has his own agenda and themuslimvileone may be someone he visits, but the pope's own ego has themuslimvileone listed under "Wannabe". Proving his racism, themuslimvileone is hosting "Black Lives Matter" activists in the Red House. Your taxpayer dollars are paying for them to be there. Isn't that special? September 18, 2015   The REAL REASON for Palin/beck fallout. He LIED in his recent "apology" about what started the rift between them. He actually was horrible to the Palin family by allowing his employee to trash the Palin family. beck is a LOSER now because of his desire to be "more famous than...", "more popular than..." and able to "draw bigger crowds than..." whoever you may want to name. He'd have his ego satisfied only if he could have more followers than Jesus Christ and have those followers as devoted. Five years ago (2010) he drew hundreds of thousands to the Mall in D.C. -- WITH Sarah Palin helping draw that crowd. Then in 2011, beck read a private e-mail from Sarah on the air without her permission, and then the video shortly thereafter. No wonder the Palins withdrew from beck. I would have done so, too. They have to protect their family and you should always know who your REAL friends are. A REAL friend doesn't do what beck has done to the Palins. Then for beck's "faux-pology" (Michelle Malkin's word, to the best of my knowledge) he tries to play the victim? What an ego. Dump beck, guys. He's as big an ego as themuslimvileone and he's going to lead his hardcore followers to the same end: hades in a handbasket. September 16, 2015   themuslimvileone: In America, migrants don't have to get into the "melting pot". He doesn't want them to assimilate, to learn America's ways, attitudes, language. He doesn't want them to become one with us, he welcomes them to stay Islamic, Mexican, whatever as long as they don't accept America as a great nation that they came here to adopt and to adopt them. He's found yet another way to destroy America. "A house divided against itself cannot stand" (Abraham Lincoln, June 16, 1858, Springfield Illinois) and themuslimvileone knows that. That's why he pushes racism, classism, sexism and now "nation-ism". He doesn't want America to be "One Nation Under GOD", he wants us to be torn apart, bit by bit, as though America were in the womb and he was the doctor at the Planned Parenthood clinic. That's themuslimvileone's goal: ABORTING AMERICA. The problem is that America disagres with him. He doesn't care, but we disagree. September 16, 2015   I'll close on that little ditty. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 16, 2015: 1:36 p.m.   Well, things are working much better today so let's see if we can get some updates done. September 16, 2015   Those of you who live in the PSJ area may have recently received the "2015 Notice of Proposed Property Taxes" and some of you may have noticed that the Port St John/CANV GRV REC-MSTU has reappeared as a cost. When I wrote against it I warned that the tax that was promised to last only 10 years is still here. It's not just here, but it's here in TWO places. It's listed under "Municipal Services/County MSTU" and under "Voter Approved Debt Payments". For my property tax info, it states that the "Municipal Services/County MSTU" tax rate is 0.3568% and the "Voter Approved Debt Payments" rate is 0.0915%, for a combined total of 0.483% of your taxable property value. That's less than half a percent, acknowledged. However, will those who pushed for it against my warnings that "once a tax is created it never goes away" admit that they were wrong about the 10 year expiration on the tax? That will never happen. I was on the Fay Lake Wilderness Park Advisory Committee for about a year, maybe a little longer. We were told that they had enough money to do all of the things the Committee voted to do. Now we're paying for upkep, for the security guard and for the debt payment. The only thing on that list that will definitely go away is the debt payment (sooner or later). The security guard will probably be there for a long time to come because of society's downturn in moral behavior. The upkeep will remain for as long as the park remains. They have to pay someone to cut the grass, remove debris, empty the trash, keep the boardwalks in good repair, etc. It's as I warned and it is no surprise to me. It is an "I told you so", but that means higher taxes so it gives me no pleasure to say so. September 16, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   "Diversity Training" costing us MILLIONS. This is crap themuslimvileone is doing to pay back one of his Chicago buddies by using his firm. Remember, these are the guys who teach "diversity" via thinks that we're all racist? He's a racist himself as is themuslimvileone, but that "diversity" thing is a focus group word that resonates with the lefties/progressives/liberals. Diversity only means making sure you have a QUOTA in place for skin color, ethnicity, nationality, religion and gender. If you don't have your QUOTAS balanced and correct, you're a bad person and your business must suffer for it! That's the progressives/lefties/liberals all over. It's all about CONTROL. September 16, 2015   This is what will happen in America if we don't put our foot down now. If we don't have a border because of all of the illegal alien invading our nation, then we don't have a country. If we don't have a country, what is there to stand for, to pay taxes to, to believe in? I think we should all refuse to pay our taxes until themuslimvileone starts behaving and stops the importation of terrorists, gang bangers and those who want to help him destroy America. No taxes until America is America again! That's what I think we should do! September 16, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She's still being protected by wassy-schultz. Poor, poor hillclintOOn (*sarcasm*). She has to have someone cover for her because she can't handle things herself. She's so sensitive and so scared and so unprepared to be prezidunce that w-s has to stand in the gap and protect her. Baby hillclintOOn is just so fragile. She'll cry. Apparently, so will her daughter's handlers. Put them all in diapers. September 16, 2015   hillclintOOn staffer filmed conspiring to violate election law now in hiding. She doesn't want to answer questions that are going to come from authorities who have the power to put her in prison and maybe arrest her false idol, hillclintOOn, as well. September 16, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   It now allows employers to PUNISH overweight people. Sounds to me like a bit of "diversity" training is in order for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX policies, don't you think? themuslimvileone is pressuring CEOs to pressure Congress to get a budget agreement. Some Republicans are trying to NOT fund Planned AbortionHood and that's why some are saying that the government shutdown will happen in order to prevent funding Planned AbortionHood. I like the idea. It may save us a LOT of money that's been going to an AWFUL, DESPICABLE, BABY-HATING organization and then save us via not funding such stupidity as "diversity" training while it's shut down. Did you know the website STILL isn't working properly? There's a lot more TAXPAYER $$$$ waste, too. This thing is SOOOO BAD that even cost SAVING ideas COST MORE MONEY when implemented. Now, THAT'S INCOMPETENCE at its FINEST! September 16, 2015   Median family income LOWER now than in 2007 when BUSH was in office. themuslimvileone can't blame Bush for that! September 16, 2015   Are men from Qatar allowed to race at 100 mph through American residential streets? That's what it looks like in Beverly Hills. They may have "diplomatic immunity" (which I think should be outlawed) and if so they can't be arrested. One of the men allegedly said "F*** America!" when asked by a resident to stop racing through his streets. I think that guy -- no matter what foreign country he came from nor what his "status" is as a possible diplomat -- needs to be sent back to his home country and STAY THERE. He's not special. At least, not here and not moreso than our children who were riding bikes in the same streets he was driving at 100 mph through. September 16, 2015   U.S. Constitution: There are federal agencies who are saying that they need access to Americans' e-mails WITHOUT a WARRANT. They want to be able to read everything: not just the meta data (sending IPO address, time stamps, to and from, receiving IPO address), but the whole e-mail itself. That's something that is SUPPOSED to be covered under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."But this is themuslimvileone's administration. He is above the law, even the U.S. Constitution has no hold on him, although he took an oath when becoming a Senator and when becoming prezidunce to "uphold and dfend" it. He doesn't care what the Constitution says he wants what he wants and he'll do as pleases him and no one else. His ego and dictatorship are all that matter to him. September 16, 2015   Again, cops refused service at fast food restaurant. This time, it's in Texas (WHAT?) and it's a WhatABurger. Cops should NOT be treated that way. It should be a matter of course that whoever comes to the window -- as long as they don't mean harm -- should be served with respect and given their order without condemnation, without their food being tampered with and without negative comment. It's not the employee's job to misrepresent the corporation's stand and principles. That employee needs fired and if the management of that franchise condones his actions they need fired, too. September 16, 2015   IF themuslimvileone were a Christian, he wouldn't do this. He's basically making a mockery of the pope's visit and that's just not right. I don't believe the pope is a good pope; I think he's turning the Catholic Church in the wrong direction. I'm also not a Catholic nor do I believe that the pope is the representative of GOD on earth. However, I think that it's a sign of true disrespect on themuslimvileone's part to invite those he chose to greet the pope. themuslimvileone is showing how crass he is. September 16, 2015   "Great" Britain gets even screwier. Their idea of "tolerance" is ridiculous and their idea of registering and "diversity" training for all religious leaders who will have any interaction with the public is absurd. C.S. Lewis would be appalled at the religious state of England. He wouldn't recognize it at all. I know gun owners don't recognize it. England used to be a place of hunting and freedom. Now, they're closer to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-four. They're becoming a farce. September 16, 2015   themuslimvileone sets up PROPAGANDA TEAM. "Obama has formally established the federal 'Social and Behavioral Sciences Team,' ordering them to to use psychology and experimental behavior data to make government more user-friendly."Hitler used the same tactics: "'The function of propaganda is to attract supporters, the function of organization to win members... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea....' - Adolf Hitler, 1924"So who is themuslimvileone emulating? Hitler. "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!" September 16, 2015   Family still fighting Area 51 intimidation. I'm glad they're standing and I hope that they get to keep their land. September 16, 2015   Christian pastor convinces armed Islamic man to not kill TX Christians. Pastor talked to him and calmed him down. Although he went there to kill Christians, GOD intervened through that pastor and saved every Christian life. The Islamic terrorist was later arrested. GOOD! September 16, 2015   beck is losing it. He has let his ego get out of control and he's made his friends his enemies. He needs to get some real mental help because he's going to wind up with nothing if he doesn't check that ego at the door sometime soon. September 16, 2015   Parents, watch who your children hang out with. Be careful and stop them if necessary. It's a matter of life and death at times. Be a better parent than this guy. He's a sicko. September 16, 2015   I'll close for today. Enjoy your evening! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 15, 2015: 12:38 p.m.   I have an appointment today so I won't have much time for blurbs. So let's get started. September 15, 2015   What's going on with billybobclintOOn? Rush is talking about his sexual trysts and all of the women who have accused him of rape. Is it just about Cosby and the women accusing him? Or is it more about something else that's up with billybobclintOOn? Or is it just that hillclintOOn says that accusers have the "right to be believed"? Whatever it is, it's not doing billybobclintOOn any good. Although I should be certain he doesn't like everyone being reminded about all of his rape accusers, I cannot say that. Knowing billybobclintOOn's way of thinking -- and the fact that it's considered a resume enhancer for him -- he's probably proud that it's being brought up again. That and a little Viagra will do him fine. (BTW, NEVER forget that hillclintOOn maligned a 12 year-old's rape testimony in a court case in which she was defending the perpetrator of the rape on a 12 year-old. How anyone can accept that case, I have no idea. She has no soul, does she? She's a walking, talking, disgusting automaton with as much compassion as deep sea sludge. September 15, 2015   Broward Deputy member of two terrorist organizations. He's still serving. How does Broward County, FL, defend that? He has tweeted that Israel and those who support her (including moi) are "enemies of" GOD. How on earth does this happen? How can they allow a terrorist supporter to be a Deputy Sheriff? I don't get that. September 15, 2015   Fewer blurbs than I thought or planned today. I made the mistake of downloading the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader and it's messing with my computer. I'll have to work on getting that removed and then I'll be able to use my web browsers. Right now they open and immediately lock up or go so slow as to be immensely frustrating. So, I suppose I'll shut this down for now. Sorry about that. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 13-14, 2015: 10:49 p.m.   It's almost Minion Monday and I got it posted early today, so I'll link it now. "Minion Monday: Hank Gets an Award" is today's fun. You get to see Hank in a tuxedo jacket and something that Hank loves. Check out the picture to see what that is. September 14, 2015: 10:37 a.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Every worker paid approx. $19,346 in federal taxes between Oct. 1, 2014 and the end of August 2015. That's a lot of money you could be spending on things you need: a new car, a home repair, a vacation, part of college tuition for your elder teen. But, no. The federal government gets your money and spends it on the things it deems necessary. You know, they spend it on things like using your taxpayer dollars to put weapons in the hands of Al Qaeda? Yeah. That's wasting taxpayer dollars. We paid for that and themuslimvileone chooses to take from YOU and YOUR CHILDREN to put weapons into the hands of our enemies. That's treason by themuslimvileone (aid and comfort to our enemy), but where's the law enforcement officer, officer of the court, or anyone who will arrest themuslimvileone? Where is the one person with the spine it takes? I would if I could get close enough, but there are others who are close enough daily who haven't the courage. Why? Is he not just a human like the rest of us? Or does he have some sort of super powers that prevent him from having to answer for his evil deeds (and they are evil)? Why is he not held accountable? Why are dumboRATS as a whole never held accountable? They love doing things "for the children", but it doesn't actually help "the children". It just wastes money and they know it but refuse to stop the wasteful programs. We all pay for it so I don't know why dumboRATS aren't as upset about it as those of us with a smidgeon of sense, but they aren't. They love just spending and spending and spending. Idiots love throwing good money after bad. Stupid is... September 14, 2015   The 9/11 report should be released in toto without any redactions. Protecting those who financed the attacks (Saudi Arabia) is not in the best interests of Americans. I think that Americans should know the truth and that Americans should boycott those countries (no tourism) that helped kill so many innocent people. September 14, 2015   JW suing to get Pagliano records regarding his employment to keep hillclintOOn's private, illegal e-mail server up and running. I am so grateful for Judicial Watch and the TRUTH they are finding for us. It's up to JW and organizations like them to shine ANY light of TRUTH and the miniscule amount of transparency FORCED into this administration. If it weren't for JW and others themuslimvileone's administration would not tell us anything, would be totally opaque and would be even worse than the clintOOn administration for hiding the TRUTH. It's as bad as the clintOOns, maybe a little more opaque, but considering themuslimvileone's vow to be "the most transparent" administration, I think that hiding so much and making lawsuits be filed against them to get the information that should be available via FOIA request is just one signature of the TYRANNY of themuslimvileone. Tyrants don't share information. They don't have to. September 14, 2015   Fed: interest rate could rise. They've been saying that (threatening that) for how long now? Have you ever seen the Fed be so manipulative? Everything is pins and needles, pins and needles, keeping us all on the edge of our seats, ensuring the world is in a constant state of high anxiety over its financial future. Why? Power like themuslimvileone wields is something he likes to tinker with. He can sneeze and half the world markets will crash, imagine what a power trip he's having over the threat of raising interest rates and crashing the world's economy. Yes, it is themuslimvileone doing this. He is the one who appointed Yellen, he is the one pulling her strings, and she answers to him, so who else is doing all of this puppetry? Of course, he is puppet to george-evil-incarnate-soros, so he has his own master to answer to. Have you noticed that there is a lot more stress, depression, etc., since themuslimvileone took office? Yep. He's not just bad for our economy, he's bad for US! Is anyone surprised? September 14, 2015   Yep. His lips were moving. I'm sure that during that year-plus of secret negotiating, themuslimvileone heard about the stores of uranium Iran had but Americans did not know about. It was okay for them to tell him, he's one of them, but the rest of America? No, I'm sure that wasn't part of the deal. They'd wait until the idiot dumboRATS supported it and could make it veto proof before telling the rest of us the TRUTH about the uranium Iran was quietly sitting on. That's the strategy: what they don't know won't hurt them until just befor it hurts them. themuslimvileone as prezidunce is like having a giant viper as a pet and trusting it to not bite and envenomate you. That viper was safe until it bit so why not keep on trusting it after it bites? September 14, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Did you know that she was "taken aback" by the e-mail scandal reaction? Yeah. She didn't think it would matter to anyone. Rrrriiiiiggghhhhtt. She's just "taken aback" because she has never been held accountable before and she doesn't really know how to handle it. She's not used to having to answer for her nefarious deeds. You know that even women are ditching her? Yep. Her support has plummeted and her numbers look like they could only go a little bit lower -- once you reach the bottom of the barrel there's nowhere else to go, unless she wants to go around in circles. (Which, actually would not surprise me.) I would say "Poor Baby", but I don't care that her numbers are so low you have to pick up worm poop to find them. I'm glad. Did you know that there's a FIVE MONTH GAP in the e-mails on her "private server"? (An aside: does anyone else see that phrase and think of other things? Butlers went out long ago, did they not?) Why don't they just ask the NSA or DH[IN]S to search for her private server address on their mega-giant computers that spy on all of us and record all of our e-mails and phone calls and they can have every e-mail she ever sent or received. After all, if it was a "private server" and if themuslimvileone's admin was telling the truth when it said it didn't know about it being "private", would they not be collecting everything she ever wrote? Ask the NSA to find them. They'll have everything. Maybe that's what JW should do. September 14, 2015   Scott Walker pledges to end federal employee unions. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that! Wow! That would be a GREAT thing for America! I LOVE IT! Maybe I really should consider him for president. Hm. We'll see. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or anyone/anything else.) September 14, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   More enrollees need to sign up! It's not going to make it on what it has now. Awww... too, too bad. It also does a really stupid thing: it PUNISHES hospitals that see POOR PEOPLE! It was ALLEGEDLY setup to help the poor so that they could have healthcare insurance instead of using emergency rooms as their healthcare insurance. But, no. It PUNISHES hospitals that see poor people. How DUH is that?! Not only that but in dumboRAT states, they've been caught money laundering! Read the linked article and you'll see how themuslimvileone is using taxpayer dollars to pay off his dumboRAT buddies. It's supposed to be money used for healthcare, but it's not really going there. I bet some of it is going to places you wouldn't agree with, too. (Like Planned AbortionHood, an alleged "healthcare" organization that is more into DEATH than healthcare.) There are even more storm clouds ahead for the doctors and patients of this crud. If you're a patient on themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX the billing codes are going to more than quadruple and that means more specific codes, less funding for certain codes and more money out of pocket, I'm sure. The doctors are worried about the extra work, delay in payment from themuslimvileone's heathcareTAX program and government intrusion in the doctor/patient treatment decisions. It's all going downhill fast and it's not something people who were duped into signing up for this thing are going to appreciate. With mergers happening all the time in every sector of business (AT & T just bought Dish Direct), healthcare insurance mergers will raise costs even to those who bought into this garbage. themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX may also force insurers to fund sex change operations. I think that if it's got anything to do with my taxpayer dollars, it should not be used for that or for funding abortion. Under this crud, even immigrants are losing healthcare coverage. At least he's cut back on one thing that was adding to the costs. You think that list of bad things is long enough? There's more to come. When themuslimvileone does something, he makes sure he screws it up as thoroughly as possible. Anything he can do to destroy America, he will. September 14, 2015   29% of Americans think themuslimvileone is Muslim. His actions speak louder than his words. He favors Islamic countries and people over any others, so that's what we believe of him. His "Christianity" is spoken rarely, when politically expedient, but his actions show that he favors Islam. It's not someone's words that tell the truth about them. It's their deeds. Along those lines, it's interesting to find that now, after so many years of observation, 20% of Americans think he was born outside of U.S.A. The truth will out. Ask Joshua Duggar. September 14, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Sanctuary city has skyrocketing rates of murder and rape. Sanctuary cities should be ILLEGAL. They're putting Americans in danger and they're doing so at the monetary expense of those they're putting in danger! So not only are sanctuary cities putting their residents in danger, but they're also making the residents they're putting in danger pay taxes to support those who will do them harm! That's a no-brainer in that it should be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. Liberals/progressives/lefties love sanctuary cities because it's a "feel good" thing to do. It's "compassionate" to care about and help illegals aliens invade our nation. It makes them feel like they're accomplishing something. At the same time, they're ignoring the TRUTH staring them in the face in their crime rates. Either that, or they don't care about the victims of the crimes sanctuary cities' illegals are committing and they'd rather have that person raped than say "No!" to an illegal. It seems to me that it's the latter: they just don't care about a person being raped or murdered. They'd rather "feel good" about "helping" an illegal alien. That's despicable. September 14, 2015   Gutsy. Thrice over. September 14, 2015   U.S.A. drops to #16 in economic freedom. Considering what our Founding Fathers set up, we should ALWAYS be #1 in EVERYTHING GOOD. With liberals/progressives/lefties in charge, though, we've fallen to sixteen? That's just wrong. It is what themuslimvileone wants, but it's so very, very wrong. Freedom used to be prevalent in America. Freedom is what people came to America to find. Yet, in every way, shape and form, America's freedom index in every subject has fallen. That's themuslimvileone's doing and it's WRONG. We should be fighting back and standing up for freedom. But we don't. We are cowards, awaiting someone to do it for us. We wait for the one person we'll follow through the gates of whatever citadel we must storm to stem the tide of freedom's loss. We wait for the moment to be "right" instead of standing here and now, it's next time, next year. Freedom is not a "future"; it shall be a "past" if we do not stand NOW. September 14, 2015   Mormons fear the end is near? Blood moons and all of that leads them to stock up on food. The tribulation is going to start this month and (Bible prophecy teaches) there will be three and-a-half years of plenty and good (so why stock up now?) and then the same years of bad times with death, pestilence, wars, lawlessness, an evil anti-Christ who rises to control the world and kills Christians. Yes, that's what the Bible teaches, but there's also the Rapture and who knows when that will happen? Some say pre-tribulation, some mid-tribulation, some post-tribulation; whichever it's still out there and they have to deal with that, too. What will happen to them? It depends on how good a Mormon they've been. They'll wind up in the Celestial, Telestial or Terrestrial heaven and if they've been good enough Mormons, they'll become gods themselves, make spirit babies in their own heavens with their wives/wife and populate their own earth to be god of in their turn. If that's their future, why bother stocking up since the sooner they die, the sooner they get to be gods? (Oh, only the men become gods, the women become spirit baby-making factories.) Yep. If they're going to go be gods, why not get there sooner rather than later? Which would you do if you were a Mormon: stock up, or get ready to be god? September 14, 2015   I'll close with that. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 11, 2015: 12:19 a.m.: HALLOWED DAY   Fourteen years ago today America was attacked and thousands of innocents were slaughtered by a twisted, hateful religion of death without mercy. In Remembrance of that day and the day three years ago, BENGHAZI, so fresh and painful in our memories, I give you today's Flag Friday: "Tribute To Our Heroes 233: With Strength!". We've seen since that day further illustrations of the religion of painful, cruel death without mercy and its true face is so filthy, dark and vile. I pray that all who must face that evil -- whetherin a personal confrontation or as a military member who gives all or close to all trying to keep us safe -- will take courage and strength from knowing that WE APPRECIATE THEM AND THEIR SERVICE. We are so very grateful that they chose to do what they are doing and that they are the ones keeping us safe. I extend this to the First Responders who, fourteen years ago and today, also serve to keep us safe, to come to our aid, to stand in the gap. Thank you all for your service! I can never say it enough! September 11, 2015: 11;48 a.m.: HALLOWED DAY   On this day of remembrance we find out that themuslimvileone has been controlling how intelligence reports tell America about the war on ISIS/ISIL? They slant it so that it doesn't look as bad as it actually is. They're doing their darndest to make themuslimvileone look as though he's accomplishing something and not half as incompetent as he actually is. Too bad we know better by now. We also know by now that he's LYING every time his lips are moving so he's wasted his entire effort. Question: So with the reports altered to make ISIS not look as strong as it is and other details left out, who do you think themuslimvileone is IMPORTING VIA YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS into America? Those imports, BTW, are going to cost us $6.5 BILLION for just 10,000 additional! Think of how much more it's going to be when themuslimvileone gets his own way! Don't you think there's a better use for that money? September 11, 2015   Malkin asks, "What could go wrong?" "Our nation remains utterly incapable of screening out legitimate dreamers from destroyers, liberty-seekers from liberty-stiflers. Indiscriminate asylum and refugee policies rob the truly deserving of an opportunity for freedom — and threaten our national security."On this date, in parcitular, it's important to consider the possible ramifications of themuslimvileone's importation of possible terrorists AT YOUR EXPENSE. This time, let's pray that it's just money that is being wasted and not more lives. September 11, 2015   hillclintOOn:   O'Keefe videos her campaign laughing about breaking election laws. James O'Keefe really has them but unless individual states are willing to take individual action against the perpetrators and the campaign his video proof won't make a hill of beans' worth of difference. It's all hot air when it comes to hillclintOOn being held to the same legal standards as everyone else. Although everything surrounding her stinks to high heaven no one dares to hold her accountable. Why is that? She can't even draw a crowd because she's considered such a LIAR (and by now, America is tired of LIARS) and she keeps on being a hypocrite. She rakes in millions from Wall Street while condemning the practice. But that's okay. It's all okay for her. Because, you know, she's special. (*Sarcasm, of course.*) Ya' know, maybe the American flag is trying to tell us something about the hillclintOOn campaign and if she were to be elected. Maybe that is a warning to America? Although it may be something we don't have to worry about because she's trailing in Iowa and NH. I don't want bernie sanders (a self-avowed Socialist) to be prezidunce any more than I want hillclintOOn to be prezidunce, but her being behind is a good thing. I think it will be easier to defeat a self-avowed Socialist than a LYING HYPOCRITE. I'll at least give sanders credit for honesty in his political beliefs. Finally! Someone else has been thinking of who is trying to take hillclintOOn out of the preziduncial race: Monica Crowley also thinks it's themuslimvileone. As I've said for a while now, he doesn't want her as his opponent again. BTW, do you know who is donating a LOT of money to her campaign? Teachers are donating and that speaks volumes about who is teaching the children of America, does it not? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or clintOOn.) September 11, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Nuclear lab's $50 Million security needs beefed up? Throw another $300 MILLION at it. It's okay. It's just YOUR money. September 11, 2015   AZ highway shooter still out there. If you're going to AZ soon you need to be careful around the Phoenix area. Be careful and keep your eyes open. September 11, 2015   September 11, 2015   September 11, 2015   This is sad. American adults are not that great in general science knowledge. I took the quiz and got 11 of 12 correct. That puts my results as "better than 82% of the public, below 6% and the same as 12%".That's not bad. September 11, 2015   huma abedin (mrs. anthony weiner) being criminally investigated. The DOJ refused to open its own investigation (of course) so the State Department Inspector General did. She's being investigated for embezzling TAXPAYER money. Yep. She allegedly has "accepted" overtime payments that she wrongfully billed (That's not an accident, that's a deliberate action.) and bonuses that weren't supposed to happen. Yep. She's been under the clintOOn tutelage for a long time so she's learned a thing or two about how to get rich while in government office. What's funny is that she blamed her sexting hubby and said she had no idea. I doubt that. If thousands of dollars suddenly and inexplicably show up in your checking account, even if one of the two consistently handles the finances of the household, it is discussed. They look at the bank account and find out where the money came from and, lo and behold, it's from her paycheck, so she should have -- IF SHE HAD BEEN HONEST ABOUT IT -- told her employer (US, the U.S. Taxpayers and the State Dept.) about the overpayment and given it back. But, NO. She chose to not do that. She needs to be held responsible for her actions/INactions. September 11, 2015   glenn beck owes Sarah Palin an apology. He admits it. He's also an idiot. I've not trusted him for quite some time now and I listened to him until yesterday for the "know thine enemy" thing. Yesterday he crossed the line in attacking Sarah Palin for talking to Donald Trump. She talked to him and beck lost it and went all wackydoodle over it. What I think was going on is that Sarah Palin showed up and took all of the attention away from beck and that made him so jealous he saw and spoke red. He can't stand someone being more popular than he, the mighty glenn beck. OOooohhh. Such a loser. I'm so tired of his "Follow me! Do as I do! I'm the example!" words and deeds that it sickens me to listen to it. He preaches at us "Unity! Unity!" then says "We have to stand against...!" How is standing against anything going to unite people? When you stand against something, that de facto means that someone is for the same thing! DUH! He's not the Pied Piper and his pipe has no hold on me. I have vowed to never read his books again (they're going in the trash and being deleted from my electronic readers today), never listen to him again and to never visit his websites again. So from now on, if you want to keep up with an egotistical loser, you'll have to visit beck's sites yourself. I want nothing more to do with him. September 11, 2015   msthemuslimvileone's school breakfasts are as bad as lunches. A tortilla shell, three tater tots and some bacon pieces? That will get your kid through a tough schoolday, that's for sure. No tummies growling there. Yep. msthemuslimvileone knows how to feed your kids so much better than you! They're not going to get fat on her watch, no siree! September 11, 2015   I finally got to go to a PSJ Advisory Board meeting on September 9th (Wednesday) and I spoke in support of the applicant's request. What appalled me is that if you read the PSJAB meeting minutes of that meeting you will see that Carmella Chinaris took it upon herself to delve into the applicant's FINANCIAL dealings. I'm disgusted by the line of questioning and the only reason I didn't say anything at the meeting is that it was such a shock to me to see that an advisory board member would ask an applicant about their financial dealings! It's NOT a Board about a person's FINANCES! It's a meeting about zoning! She shouldn't have gone there! It's NONE OF HER BUSINESS. It shouldn't be on public record and it's not the PSJAB's job to put it there! How communist! September 11, 2015   A plot to bomb the 9/11 Memorial today was foiled by law enforcement. Thank you to those who helped prevent more loss. I appreciate your diligence. September 11, 2015   On that note, I'll close for today. GOD Bless ALL who lost loved ones on this date fourteen years ago and three years ago. My brother-in-law was working in the Pentagon fourteen years ago and he left for a meeting just a few minutes prior to American Airllines Flight 77 crashing into the building. My Aunt S. was scheduled to be in a WTC building that day, too, but her business meeting the day before was very productive and they finished their business so she had the day to shop instead. Two of my relatives escaped and for that I am eternally grateful. I've since met a friend who worked in one of the WTC towers and she escaped after hearing the plane's impact. I don't know how those who lost loved ones, or who were there but survived are feeling today, but I can pray that their losses will be the last ever for our country and that their pain eases with each passing year. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 9, 2015: 11:39 a.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I want to do other things today, too. So let's start with the new "Transparancy Czar" at the State Dept. who is in charge of answering FOIA requests for the hillclintOOn e-mails, who donated $2,700 to hillclintOOn's campaign. Yeah. She's a neutral, disinterested party. She'll answer all FOIA requests quickly, efficiently and honestly. They'll all say the same thing, "Stick it where the sun don't shine!" That's IMHO. We're not playing against a stacked deck, are we? Also, they're considering giving immunity to the server guy so that he'll testify against hillcintOOn's assertions of it being secure, etc. So honesty is for sale here while the guy is testifying UNDER OATH? Why not just threaten him with -- and carry through if he refuses to tell the truth -- obstruction of justice and jail time? After all, he's refusing to testify in order to escape possible jail time so what I think they should do is to send him to jail until he agrees to tell that truth. Yes, the Fifth Amendment is still applicable, but he was following direct orders and he was obeying his boss, so the way I look at it, the House is looking at the person who wanted the server set up in the first place and who used it for "Top Secret" (and above) security information. He's not the one they are after. He set it up and maintained it, but he is the littlest cheese they could get if they r really wanted to blame the little person. They're after the person who breached our national security, broke all those rules and regulations (and Executive Orders), and they're after the TRUTH. Why not tell the truth about it? He didn't write the e-mails! Do you know the State Dept. is moving 50 people to temporary jobs to sift through hillclintOOn's e-mails so that they can find out what's actually in them (It's not a House bill, so they can't pass it before they read it.)? Yep. Those work hours could have been focused elsewhere in the State Dept., but thanks to hillclintOOn's effort to bypass transparency, accountability and the LAW, all of those manhours are being used on her. Don't ya' love wasting taxpayer money? BTW, when will themuslimvileone ask hillclintOOn to reimburse America for all the extra work/man hours? September 9, 2015   Iran wants Israel "destroyed". That's what themuslimvileone wants, too. You can tell what a person is really like by watching what they do, not listening to what they say. Iran wants Israel destroyed and they'll use the nuclear weapons themuslimvileone gave them to do it. I stand with Israel. I support Israel's right to exist, survive, thrive and to take back all of the land that GOD gave them in the Old Testament. GOD gave them that land, and they have the RIGHT -- GOD-given right -- to keep it. That's what I support. September 9, 2015   Men's barbershop sued for refusing to cut a woman's hair. I guess she didn't have her shoes or shirt on? As far as I'm concerned, if she wanted a guy's haircut they should have given it to her. Make her look like a Marine. It may have been a good look on her. September 9, 2015   September 9, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Convert or die a sex slave to Islam was told. It's what they tell the whole world. In this instance, it was said to a woman who was held captive and raped repeatedly. Where are the feminazis screaming about the Islamic "War on Women"? After all, controlling a woman's body (kidnap and rape) and telling her she has to choose their religion (How dare they impose religion on anyone? War on Women!) or die (the ultimate War on Women?) is not exactly Women's Lib, is it? But when was the last time Gloria Steinam or any of the feminists out there supporting women who were taken hostage by Islam? They treat women horribly (Islam, not just feminists) and there's not a peep from the Women's Lib movement. Speaks volumes. Islam also treats Israel and the Temple Mount horribly. Islam stands there and screams at the visitors. Anyone who is not Islamic is subject to harassment even though the Temple Mount belongs to Israel according to the BIBLE. GOD gave that to Israel and even the Koran/Quran says it belongs to Israel and that allah gave it to them. So Islam has no real claim to the Temple Mount, but they try to do so in order to prevent Israeli Jews and Christians from praying on their most holy site on earth. That's not "Peace and Tolerance". That's manipulation and LYING. In England, they're getting violent again because Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is/will soon be (time differences, I don't know if he's actually there now) visiting and meeting with the PM of "Great" Britain (my quotes). Islam is not interested in peace. It's not interested in "tolerance". It's interested in world dominance and making everyone submit to Islam, convert to Islam and serve their god. I know who GOD is. I won't submit, but I will convert them. September 9, 2015   Law Enforcement Under Threat:   Va couple with their baby in back seat opened fire on cops. That's so wrong in so many ways. You don't endanger your baby and you don't shoot at cops for walking toward your car. Then in CO shots were fired at police after a threat was made to do so. We need to stand with our law enforcement officers who are trying to do their jobs. We need to pray for their safety as well as watching their backs. If you want to video tape incidents with cops, go ahead, but be sure to include all of the people surrounding the incident, too, so that you can possibly video a perp who is there to harm the cops and anyone else who gets in the way of his/her bullets. Harming cops is not a good thing. If you make people afraid to serve there will be no one there to protect you when you need them. Yes, protect yourself, first and foremost, that's a given. But what do you do after you shoot the guy trying to rob you? Don't you have a responsibility to report the attempted robbery and get the cops to come take the guy to the hospital in handcuffs? You're not going to do that, so let them do that and then arrest him there and hold him in jail awaiting trial. You have to have law enforcement around to help you out even if you do carry and have to protect yourself. Don't forget: you're paying your taxes for the jail so you may as well use it! September 9, 2015   September 9, 2015   Well I'll close with that for today. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 8, 2015: 12:18 p.m.   Had a great time yesterday -- even if it was a very early start (4:03 a.m.). Went birding with my hubby and his brother and we went to Ft. DeSoto in St. Pete, then tried to go to Boyd Hill but it was closed, and we ended the birding with Sawgrass Park. We didn't see a lot of birds, got rained on most of the day, and I was so tired for about two hours in the middle of the day that it felt like my feet were made of lead. Despite all of that, we still talked and laughed and saw a few birds (two I didn't have yet this year, or at all). We left the house at 5:20 a.m., returned about 7 p.m., left it again about 7:40 p.m. and returned about 9:15 p.m. That makes for a long, long day. I hope you enjoyed your day off as much as I enjoyed my hubby's. Let's get started, shall we? September 8, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She's caught in another LIE about her e-mail server: "There remains a question of whether Mrs. Clinton used a “hrod17@clintonemail.com” email address to conduct official State Department business. Although Mrs. Clinton claims that email address was not created until 2013, the paper copy of the email sent to Jacob Sullivan on July 7, 2012, that was returned by Mrs. Clinton to the State Department shows the “from” email address as “hrod17@clintonemail.com”. Interesting how an email address supposedly not created until 2013 is used in 2012! The requested native format copy or metadata of the email will definitely tell us whether Mrs. Clinton is also lying about this other email account."Yep: more proof that she's been LYING to everyone. She doesn't know how to tell the truth, just like themuslimvileone. You know she's hoping fall will not bring her fall as she re-re-re-re-re-launches her campaign because she wants to be considered a serious preziduncial candidate. I'm not a chauvenist, just doing a reality check, because I think she's going to fall because of her own doing. She made the decision to use a private server and to HIDE things from America and from the government. She set up her own demise and she's going to pay a price for it. Let's hope she pays SOON. It's gotten so bad for her that even the bumbler is ahead of her in the polls. That's bad. Will she be the dumboRAT nominee? I don't think so. September 8, 2015   Well, GOOD! It should be! If bonehead boehner were to be ousted as Speaker then republiRATS could replace him with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE and the whole country could take a turn toward the BETTER and a brighter future for America and the world. September 8, 2015   U.S. Navy ships confronted by Iranian ships almost daily. I think that should have taught themuslimvileone what to expect from the Iranian nuclear deal: confrontation and disregarding it. Iran will do as Iran wants to do; destroy America and Israel, the two "great Satans". They really don't want to live in a world that allows others to believe as they wish to believe and to live as they wish to live (of course, nor do progressives, so they have something in common). They have to be in CONTROL and that's what their lives are about: CONTROLLING everyone and everything. Progressives and Iran/ISIS have a lot in common, do they not? September 8, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   MS-13 street gang getting illegal immigrant minors to join. themuslimvileone's advertising in Central America for people to come to America and get "freebies" (not free to US, just to them as we pay), is putting America and Americans in danger. That doesn't matter to themuslimvileone, though. He's all about destorying America and this is just another step in the effort. He's relaxed and laughing about it as he plays golf. September 8, 2015   I support this family in their fight against the U.S. Air Force. Eminent domain stinks. Eminent domain for "top secret" areas stinks even more. It's wrong to take property away under the pretext of "national security" and it's wrong to try to force people off their property for the "good" of the rest of us. Remember, if they can do it to this family, they can do it to you. September 8, 2015   Conservatives inside Catholic Church rise up. They're not happy with the things the pope is doing and they're fed up with his progressive/liberal/leftist statements. They're ready to change the direction of the Catholic Church toward Conservatism again, not toward "no rules, just love" that he's seems to be going down. The direction the pope is taking the Catholic Church is toward Hippyism, not Catholicism. There are things that Christians should not do. "GOD is love" is in the Bible; but so is "Thou shalt not". The pope is trying to get rid of the latter while kissing the backsides of the progressive/liberal/leftist adherants and world leaders. That's not what the Catholic Church should be doing. "GOD is love" and does love, but He also judges based upon righteousness. Unless and until someone accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior and is covered in His sacrificial blood, there is no righteousness attributed to them. Even being a member of the Catholic Church does not save people; it's Christ's blood alone. If your faith is in the Church, but not in the sacrifice of Son of GOD, then your church cannot save you. GOD's Son can. Catholics worldwide need to choose whom they serve; the pope or the Son of GOD. If it's the pope, they can follow the pope but if they're following someone who isn't right with GOD to where will they be following him? September 8, 2015   ketchup kerry's been inhaling it.
I have a hard time believing that people in such exalted offices as SoS are so darned STUPID. That has been the thing with themuslimvileone, though.
He appoints anyone who is stupid enough to be incapable of thinking for themselves and who will kiss his backside hard enough. Brown nosing
is the prerequisite qualification for themuslimvileone's administration: to both themuslimvileone and I'm sure to his puppetmaster, thevilegeorgesoros.
BTW, do you know who ketchup kerry reminds me of? September 8, 2015   Another reason to NOT go to Disney parks. There's more negatives to it than positives, IMHO, and I haven't been to Disney parks for any reason since my youngest was about two years-old. I made that decision a long time ago and have stuck to it for a long time. Disney holds no draw for me. Universal Studio, on the other hand, has that Minion area and I'd love to see it but I don't want to pay the price of admission so that I can see one particular part. I'm not cheap, but I am at least a little dollar-wise. If I don't want to see the rest of the park why pay for the whole thing? September 8, 2015   KY Clerk, Kim Davis, to be released until she stands up for GOD again and refuses to issue marriage licenses with her name on them again. She doesn't mind issuing marriage licenses without her name on them to anyone, but she can't allow her name to be associated with condoning what GOD condemns. She is doing the right thing. Don't condone what GOD condemns. That's the stand Christians worldwide should take. Kudos to Kim! September 8, 2015   NON-Americans getting employed while AMERICANS are losing their jobs. Think Disney. It's happening all over America because of unions and the wages employers are forced to pay under unions. It's happening to save money and to make it easier for the companies to survive. It's happening to lower the cost of benefits packages. What the illegal aliens don't understand is that they could be doing so much better if they had come over here legally, gone through the proper channels and gotten the correct green cards, visas, whatever. Then they could legally join a union, have a great benefit package and be forced to walk out of the job as soon as the union tells them to do so, leaving their families without a real paycheck and no end to the strike in sight. Yep. That's a great way to be employed. September 8, 2015   Aaaaahhhh...public schools:   A student framed his rival by planting a gun and other things in his rival's car (parked on school grounds). He was caught, of course, but this is what kind of thinking students do in public school? Really? Then there's the obligatory teacher having sex with a 13 year-old student. He's so cavalier about it, it's sickening. Teacher/minor sex is way too prevalent in public schools. In fact, some teachers are repeat offenders. It's so prevalent as to be considered run of the mill. That's just WRONG! Teacher/minor sexual contact is and should be a NO-NO but it's happening all of the time nowadays! Back in the 1950s if a teacher had been accused of this, there would be few defenders of the teacher and there would be an almost lynch mob ready to take the teacher out! Now? It's on the news and it doesn't snap our heads off our shoulders as the story airs. Why? Why has this become just an average story on another average day? How does this happen? Do we put too much trust in the SCHOOL SYSTEM to vet the teachers applying there and too much trust in the teachers themselves? I don't understand why parents don't go to school on the first day, walk through the school with their child and talk to each and every teacher, administrator and person employed at the school and tell the school employees, teachers and administrators that their child is precious to them and that the school is "as of this moment" on notice that if any school employee -- no matter who it is -- ever touches their child that the person's life will be a living hades afterward. It's way too common, and it should not be happening. Do this eye-opener: for one week do a daily search for "teacher charged" and read the headlines of the results. Write down the city, state and teacher's name of every headline you see and if you get to repeats, don't write that one down. For one week, write down every unique person being charged in a unique situation. Then count how many unique news reports you find and tell me this is not a problem. BTW, you may wish to do the count while lying on your bed. The number may knock you down. Remember, predators go where their prey is. Bears don't go looking for fish in a forest, they go to the stream. Same is true of other predators. September 8, 2015   DumboRATS/TRAITORS give "aid and comfort" to the enemy. Iran is our enemy because they have vowed to destroy America yet the dumboRATS decide that it's a good idea to allow the horrible "give Iran nuclear weapons" deal the votes to make sure it can't be vetoed. America doesn't want this. It's not good for us, yet the dumboRATS don't care what "We, The People" want. They want to help themuslimvileone destroy America and they're kissing his backside to keep him happy and to help him accomplish his goal. "We, The People"? To hades with us, we mean nothing as long as it's going to make "them" happy and keep "them" in power. That's what I see in the dumboRAT leadership/power brokers today. Considering that it's almost ever dumboRAT leader who is a "power broker" (locally to the prezidunce) that's a lot of dumboRAT leaders. America can be nuked into ashes as long as they survive and have some sort of power. That's another reason I can't stand dumboRAT leaders. September 8, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Converting to Christianity to be given asylum? It is being said that some have done just that. They "convert" in order to improve their chances of getting asylum. That's rather cynical and I know it sounds awful, but GOD is the one who knows their hearts and I hope most of it (98%) is real. After all, once you hear the message of hope, love and blessing that the GOD of Christianity can give them, it's possible they are making a heartfelt, true conversion. Let us hope. September 8, 2015   I'll go for now. I have things to do. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 6-7, 2015: 11:37 p.m.   It's Labor Day Monday (just about) and it's time for a Minion Monday. As you recall, Hank got the Minion Measles last week so this week "Minion Monday: Hank Hates Quarantine" is how he's desling with not being able to see any of his Minion buddies. He's not having a good time. This will be the only update I do today because my hubby and I have plans for the day. I hope you enjoy your day. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 4, 2015: 12:58 a.m.   Flag Friday brings another opportunity to thank our troops, those who are serving or have served. So, I post "Tribute To Our Heroes 232: A Simple Thanks" and say it again, "Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough!" GOD Bless You and GOD Bless America! September 4, 2015: 8:41 a.m.   Unemployment numbers are out again. They say it's at 5.1% but they LIE, as usual. The real number is above the 10.3% U6 unemployment rate. I say it's "above" because they leave out some people even in the U6 unemployment rate. They LIE to make themuslimvileone look better. He's making the economy really bad but they LIE to make him look good so that the low information voter will be convinced of the LIE. Isn't that amazing? It must be sad to be so ill-informed that you'll believe everything the government puts out. September 4, 2015   Former Fed says Fed can't solve all problems. I suppose he'd know. Or at least that's the way the left wants it. Cover it all up. Cover it all up. September 4, 2015   People fleeing dumboRAT states and coming to republiRAT run states. They know which party is for smaller government, lower taxes, more freedom and prosperity, and keeping the government out of everyone's business. Yep. People know that because they've seen how themuslimvileone and other dumboRATS do things. They can thank themuslimvileone for that. He's been a great teacher on losing freedoms, losing privacy, losing jobs, losing money, higher prices, less homeownership, a more dangerous world, a drastic rise in murders and racism, a huge rise in Islamic terrorism activities and all other bad things. People are catching on and there are going to be even more waking up. I look forward to that. My question is: will they stay with that thought past the 2016 election, or will they have short memories? September 4, 2015   Another day, another uncalled for attack on a cop. People seem to have forgotten that cops have the right and the DUTY to defend themselves. Anyone the cop has a reasonable expectation of being a danger to him/herself the cop has the right to detain, arrest, or in extreme circumstances, shoot to kill. If the cops have enough of these situations that they need fear every crowd, they have the right to shoot to kill at the first sign of trouble, and they'll travel two and two, or call for backup with every response. Cops know how bad it is out there. They have loved ones they want to return home to after work. They don't have to be victims. Perpetrators need to remember that and behave themselves. September 4, 2015   hillclintOOn:  
The "smoking gun" is IN clintOOn's e-mails.
As Jonah Goldberg points out the very existence of the private server proves she was trying to hide things. It wasn't that she didn't know.
It was that she CHOSE NOT TO OBEY THE RULES. In her own mind she is above the law, just at themuslimvileone thinks he is. Do we really
want more of the same in a "'doesn’t drive,' 'needs food prepared,' 'needs help with the remote control,' 'needs people to bring her beverages,' 'has trouble remembering things,' and 'doesn’t pay her own bills'"Her memory has been a concern for a while. Sounds to me like she should be declared incompetent and put in a care home, not elected prezidunce. With her e-mail problems, her health issues (that I've been saying for quite a while will keep her out of the primaries) and her general disdain for ordinary American's in "fly over country", she's also a total and complete anti-semite. Yes, I can use those e-mails to decide that issue. She wrote those assuming no one would ever see them except the other total anti-semite she was e-mailing with, Sidney Blumenthal. She was expressing her true feelings toward Israel and agreeing with his (and his son's). Is that what the world needs right now, given the instability in the Middle East and the rise of ISIS? No. Let's wake up and smell the stinking coffee the assistant's assistant brought to hillclintOOn after being asked via e-mail to ask the next person to do so. It's not a good thing for America to have more of the same of the horribleness of themuslimvileone and that's exactly what a hillclintOOn preziduncy would be. Well, that and a dead prezidunce due to natural causes hidden from us by hillclintOOn herself. Which would lead us to who as prezidunce: miley cyrus? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or lazy candidate with health issues.) September 4, 2015   That's rich! Hypocrisy on parade. What a crock. September 4, 2015   hillclintOOn has a "tinfoil hat brigade" who are just as weird as she. I wonder. On the left, is LYING CONTAGIOUS? Just asking. September 4, 2015   People, don't do drugs. It messes ya' up and messes with your brain, personality and wallet. It can also make you a zombie. No, not the brain-eating kind, just a normal one. You know, like someone listening to a hillclintOOn speach or themuslimvileone speak? September 4, 2015   I think this is a good idea. When you take into account the recent mess-ups in mailing live cultures to different facilities I think that's enough to at least give one pause. September 4, 2015   Nuclear IRAN:   Iran has promised to set fire to U.S. interests. Yep. That's something we'd have themuslimvileone to thank for. We can also "look forward to" (just a phrase, not a sentiment), Iran overthrowing our ALLY, Israel. That's what they plan to do. Question is, will they use one or more of those nukes on Israel? That would be very bad. September 4, 2015   Colleges "de-masculinizing". They're basically castrating every male's words, deeds, emotions, actions, thoughts. You can't be truly male in that atmosphere. Next thing you know, they'll start going totally female students, administration and staff so that the men wouldn't have a say. No male influence whatsoever means a totally estrogen driven society. Is that what they want? If so, they're dummber than dumb. Yin and yang balance. No yin, no yang. September 4, 2015   Can aspirin help treat cancer? It's a possibility that it could be a help. Let's see when "science" turns this one around. September 4, 2015   themuslimvileone excuses China's warships in U.S. waters. If/When they attack us will he continue to make excuses? Yep. But then it will be excuses for his lack of spine and his inaction. September 4, 2015   "Plunder and Deceit" a book by Mark Levin that I plan on getting the Kindle edition and reading it. The best thing you can do is read it, then ACT as the first link says. September 4, 2015   I'm going to close with this thought. The Bible says, in 2 Chronicles 16: "9 'For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.'"So my thought was that the Lord tells us that He is LOOKING FOR people who LOOK TO HIM for HELP so that HE CAN PROVE HIMSELF STRONG ON OUR BEHALF. My thought is that Christians throughout America should be asking GOD to help us in our fight against PROGRESSIVES/LEFTIES/LIBERALS/themuslimvileone and all his minions. We should be honoring GOD's desire to SHOW HIMSELF STRONG on our behalf. Let us pray for GOD'S INTERCESSION and for GOD'S help in this battle and let us do so earnestly and with a perfect, trusting heart. GOD doesn't say it has to be a billion people asking. GOD says that He's looking for someone to help. Let us ask, believe and trust HIM to do so. Let us look to HIM to be the "author and perfecter of our faith" and to be the "strong in the behalf of" us. Don't you agree? Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 3, 2015: 10:18 a.m.   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Have you noticed that Rush Limbaugh has started using that phrase: "Illegal Alien Invasion"? Yeah. He's using my phrase. That's nice. Now, themuslimvileone's admin thinks U.S. business is discriminating for requiring proof of work eligibility before they'll hire someone. That is the law in America; you're supposed to NOT hire illegals to work for you because then you're held responsible for doing so. The government used to prosecute employers for hiring illegals. With this admin, it's DO IT OR ELSE! They're FORCING people to BREAK EXISTING LAWS. That's TYRANNY. That's a DICTATORSHIP. That's NOT AMERICA. It's themuslimvileone-ica in which HE IS THE LAW and ONLY HE can decide what is right and wrong. Laws? They don't matter. HE decides. HE rules. HE reigns supreme! Back in 2013 illegals were punished less for crimes than those who came here legally or American Natural Born Citizens. It's even worse now. In themuslimvileone-ica illegals get citizenship and bonuses for killing Americans rather than jail time. How long will Kate Steinle's murderer serve? Will he serve any time at all after the trial, or will themuslimvileone grant him a pardon as soon as he's convicted? September 3, 2015: 2:08 p.m.   I had to insert this one because Christianity is now officially UNDER ATTACK BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. Kentucky Clerk JAILED for following her Christian beliefs. Even though all of the scotus (PTUI!) has said in their ruling on "homosexual marriage" that RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IS STILL LEGAL IN AMERICA. Nope. THEY ALL LIED because they didn't take into account who is prezidunce. We'll see what happens but this, so far, is COMMUNISM and TYRANNY! THIS SHOULD NOT STAND IN AMERICA! September 3, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Can you imagine ALL of her e-mails going public? All of the Secret/Top Secret/Whatever Secret stuff as well as the stuff about her daughter's wedding and her scheduling? The FBI is insterested and they're trying to see if they can charge her with espionage. Wouldn't that be good, considering? Her staffer who worked on the server is pleading the fifth so that he doesn't have to tell the truth about the server and e-mail situation. He doesn't want to implicate himself and that's understandable. The problem is that he'll also be protecting hillclintOOn, too, and she belongs in prison! The server she was using was open to hacker attacks. It wasn't as secure as it should have been to handle the kinds of e-mail it wound up carrying. One of billyboy's buds ran the server and he doesn't want to give any info. They used the server for the clintOOn foundation, too. So they mixed e-mails and I'm sure there was nothing there that showed the foundation profited from her being SOS, right? Some begin to wonder if she's just dumb. I think that's a rhetorical question. September 3, 2015   Really, World? Really? GET A GRIP! It's NOT IMPORTANT! Why is ANYONE upset about this? Really!? Amazingly stupid pre-occupation with PC nonsensical minutiae. Get your head out of the crap and pay attention to what is REALLY IMPORTANT! Criminutly get a grip. September 3, 2015   The TRUTH about the "at school" baptisms. The FFRF needs to go take a hike: preferrably a long one on a short pier. September 3, 2015   U.S. Veterans' Treatment:   307,000 Veterans DIED waiting for care approval. I think that's appalling but that's the way themuslimvileone thinks about our Veterans. He couldn't care less about them. He wants them to die because then he doesn't have to spend money on them. A funeral costs less than five operations to make them better and they have no more benefits so he can spend that money on his vacations and on illegal aliens invading our country. Hey, if it takes a Veteran's death to care for an illegal alien, then so be it. The Veterans all offer their lives for others so this is just one more way they get to fulfill their sacrificial giving. Let them die so that the illegals can have everything they want. That's how themuslimvileone thinks of our Veterans. September 3, 2015   Is the dumboRAT party becoming more divided over lack of debates and will they finally fire debbie wa.-shu. over it? There are some who really want more debates so they can highlight hillclintOOn's lack of IQ and perhaps get her riled enough to make her show her temper. We know she has a temper. We know she's volatile. We know she's totally unqualified because she uses everything she does to make herself richer at the expense of America's safety and that's not what the country needs right now. So, we will see if the dumboRATS get rid of dws and do what they think is best for ALL of their candidates or just protect the pantsuited one. September 3, 2015   Glenn Beck drew 20,000 to Unity Rally. The way he talked beforehand I thought it would be many more. After all, the Pied Piper pipes and he used to get a lot more people to answer and follow. Is his pipe no longer that alluring? Or is his audience just tired of being told what to do, how and when to do it, and to emulate Glenn Beck? I'm so tired of that aspect of Glenn Beck. "Follow me! Emulate me! Be ME!" He's got more ego on him than Donald Trump, but less than themuslimvileone and billybobclintOOn. I still liste to him because he's really great on history, however, I will not follow him to whatever event he holds, to wherever he asks us to go, do what he asks us to do, etc. I've been to one event (in Orlando) a few years ago and his ego was so much in evidence that I started withdrawing my support at that time. I can hardly stand him anymore. He pushes "unity" one day, then "Stand up!" the next. He's all over the place and he's all about his own ego. To see only 20,000 show up, compared to the 500,000 at his 2010 D.C. event makes me wonder if others have started thinking the same way as I. September 3, 2015   September 3, 2015   71% of Americans unhappy with direction we're going thanks to themuslimvileone's administration, LIES and policies. Does themuslimvileone care? Nope. He's supposedly the elected REPRESENTATIVE of "We, The People". But in his own mind, he's the TYRANT, the DICTATOR, the ONE WHO MUST BE OBEYED AND PAID FOR. Don't foget that last part "AND PAID FOR". Remember that we are PAYING HIS SALARY, for his FOOD, for his TRANSPORTATION and everything else. We're HIS BOSSES but does that matter to him? Not one billionth of a micron. September 3, 2015   Miley Cyrus is wrong and stupid. She says she's a pansexual. No. She's AMORAL. There's a difference. There's no such thing as "post-gender", it's post-morality. When people push so hard against the boundaries of right and wrong they do so because they want someone to care enough about them to pull them back from the edge. Cyrus is just such an example of someone wanting boundaries and having no one who loves her enough to set one. She keeps trying to get someone to say "ENOUGH!" but all the people surrounding her want is her paycheck, and the publicity is good for that, so they allow and perhaps encourage her to be as lewd and slutty as possible. A boundary wouldn't hurt her; what they're allowing her to do is. Her popularity amongst her past core audience has dropped dramatically and parents are turning her off instead of allowing their teeniebopper daughters to watch anything she is in, fearing a slutfest instead of a show worth watching. Naked and on a demolition sphere doesn't lead a parent to buy tickets to a concert, nor does showing her nipples on television. She's hurting her image more than helping it. On the other hand, Taylor Swift's (so far) mild public image has stood her in good esteem with parents who do wish to have a better role model for their daughters. Who will last longer in the long run? With adults who wish to see a naked Cyrus, the pervs who think that's cool and worthy of attention, the porn seekers, will want Cyrus. For those who wish to listen to music about relationships and fun (which I'm told is what Swift's music is about), have a modest role model who doesn't think that baring all is needed to stay on the cutting edge, be cool, or whatever, and who seems to be a really generous person, Swift is a better bank. Cyrus's decline is of her own doing. Swift's staying power will be decided by which course Swift decides to take: stay nice, modest, generous and acceptable to reasonable parents, or the route of Cyrus and self-degrading, delusional "coolness". I'm banking on Swift and hoping she'll stay sweet. Either way, Cyrus's claim to be "pansexual" is false, and the "American Thinker" article's author is wrong. "Post-gender" will never be a reality for as long as humans are needed to provide ovum and sperm. That's GOD's doing. Being post-morality is what the author should have said. In today's America (and a large portion of the world), it's not that there is no such thing as "gender" anymore. It's that in some people's lives morality no longer matters and having sexual relations with any and all is not "pansexual". It's having no morality and being a slut. Why not just say so instead of trying to sound cool? September 3, 2015   Chicago property owners: OUCH! Progressives like taxes and they like to raise them as often and as high as possible. Chicago residents are learning that the hard way. Well, they may have to learn it the hard way. Right now, it's "proposed". With the situation they have up there, though, who can doubt that it will pass the City Council? After all, it's dumboRATS in control of Chicago since forever so would they say "No!" to higher taxes? Not on your life. September 3, 2015   Vote fraud perp found guilty on 24 counts. Of course, she and the other two who were charged with vote fraud were cheating for a dumboRAT. Surprised? Nor am I. September 3, 2015   Nikki Haley and grahamNASTY? That's sad. I thought she was better than that. September 3, 2015   themuslimvileone may "nix" the Keystone Pipeline. That would be BAD but it's themuslimvileone's desire to do BAD. Anything to destroy and damage America. That's his goal. September 3, 2015   Arby's employee may not be so for long. After Arby's head office is notified of him telling a COP that they "don't serve [her] kind here" because she was a COP, I'm sure Arby's will rectify that situation quickly. If not, DON'T EAT AT ARBY'S until they do. Support law enforcement when they are doing the right thing. It's their lives on the line daily and they don't deserve to be targeted as they currently are by the "Black Lives Matter" gang. They're as bad as the Crips and Bloods when it comes to hatred. September 3, 2015   Malkin's so good: again. Love her intelligence, wit and her take on almost everything. She's great fun! September 3, 2015   I'll close for today. Have a great day! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 2, 2015: 10:41 a.m.   Let's hope that today goes better than yesterday. Night before last I hadn't slept well due to sinus stuffiness and when I awoke at 5 a.m. it was so that I could breathe. I stayed up and got things done, but it made me one tired person. I was totally zonked the rest of the day. I did get some "Big Project" things done, but I can't say for certain that I remember what they were. Never did get a nap except for the three or four minutes here and there of dozing sitting up. It's pretty bad when you are crocheting and you fall asleep in the middle of a stitch. That's tired. I got some much needed good sleep last night so today should be better. Let's get started and see. September 2, 2015   JW wants the DNC investigated by the FEC. I seriously doubt anything will come of it, but there's no harm in asking. September 2, 2015   September 2, 2015   Riiigggghhhhttt. Like this is EVER going to happen? Really, folks. Get used to the idea that abortion is the "Holy Grail" of the lefties and they mean to keep it in every state at whatever cost necessary. September 2, 2015   How gallant. In a hackneyed, anti-feminist sort of way. If huma abedin needed her pervert husband's help I'm sure she would have asked for it. As is, I'm sure she can take care of herself. She's been around hillclintOOn long enough to know how to scratch someone's eyes out. September 2, 2015   The bumbler hits the road. He's not campaigning, just feeling out what the future might hold for him. Yeah, right. September 2, 2015   Upon dumboRAT heads be it. But they can't say we didn't warn them to NOT approve the Iran nuclear deal. It's BAD all the way around and it puts the whole world in DANGER. Too bad the dumboRATS don't get that. A Jewish Senator put the closing vote to it, too. That's just stupid. What a moron. Vote against your own people's well-being? Duh. September 2, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her e-mails were altered to hide their security clearances. And she wrote and sent classified e-mails via her unsecured private server. You know what that means, don't you? It means SHE BROKE THE LAW! Surrounded by sychophant kiss-ups she has no one to tell her that we don't really want her to be prezidunce. She won't abide the word "No" when it's applied to or spoken to her. She gets what she wants even though it takes bodies falling all around her. (Even a MI6 spy with info on clintOOn.) Maybe that's why no one tells her "No". Can you imagine her being prezidunce with all the bodies still falling? Can you imagine the House and Senate empty of anyone who would dare do anything besides kiss her backside? It's a clintOOn mafia that would be prezidunce and it wouldn't be horse's heads found in beds. Imagine all of the "accidental" decapitaions in D.C. or the "suicides" found in Fort Marcy Park. There are way too many suspicious deaths surrounding the whole family for any American to feel comfortable in voting for hillclintOOn. That's just asking for trouble. A vote for hillclintOOn is a vote for more deaths. That's not what any of us should want. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or killer.) September 2, 2015   "The Fed is Hurting the Economy -- Audit It Now!" I agree! Audit it, then get rid of it! Turn our money situation back over to the people it started out with: the treasury, not an independent group of bankers who influenced Congress enough to give them control of our money in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. The Founders didn't intend that and it should never have happened but with RINOs in the House, it did happen. It's time to reverse the RINOs! Get rid of the Federal Reserve and return the control of the currency back to the Treasury as intended! Read the book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and know that the Fed is NOT a good thing. September 2, 2015   Three cops murdered in less than a week? That's just wrong. This is an intentional targeting and it has to STOP. Cops, by and large, are trying to do the right thing. They try to protect people and MOST cops are good people who try to obey the rules. Sometimes you get a bad cop, or even several within a precinct, and those cops should be kicked off the force and face charges for the wrongs they've done. Bad cops are NOT the norm, though, and cops trying to protect people, investigate crimes and find the perpetrators of those crimes so they can face justice do NOT deserve to die. I hope whoever is spurring this kind of wrong on is held accountable along with the trigger men. If it's "Black Lives Matter" that is encouraging these murders I hope "Black Lives Matter" leaders get charged with accessory before the fact. September 2, 2015   Some counties rethinking "sanctuary" status after the Steinles allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant repeat offender. That's a good idea since they can be held responsible for releasing the people they're supposed to be deporting. They and the feds SHOULD be held responsible for NOT ENFORCING EXISTING LAWS and if that had been done in the Steinles case she'd still be alive today. The FEDS, the County, and the City of San Francisco FAILED that beautiful young lady and her family and anyone else who is in that area because it could have been anyone the perpetrator shot and killed that day. With them still NOT enforcing the deportation laws the possibility is still there. If you live in a "sanctuary" area, contact your city, county, state officials and tell them to enforce the immigration laws! September 2, 2015   mitch mcCONnell is a coward. He doesn't have the stones an inchworm has. He wouldn't vote against a dumboRAT prezidunce no matter who it was as long as they promised him an invite to the next Red House event. He's got less strength in his spine than green slime. I have absolutely no use for the being. I have as much disdain for him as I do themuslimvileone because he's done so much wrong. September 2, 2015   "Blood moons" portend the end? (Sorry. I couldn't stop myself.) I am familiar with the "prophetic" meanings and the dates that are aligned with the "blood moon" appearance. Do I believe it's the end? No. Not really. I may be wrong, but if these things mean anything, I think it's more likely that it will be the start of a new era; an era in which Christ's presence is felt, GOD's Word is palpable and the Holy Spirit fills many hearts and minds. Other than that, I don't believe the "blood moon" appearances mean much of anything. It says in the Bible that no one will know when the Lord will return. I think that's because only GOD knows when His patience with us will run out. Read the Bible and you'll see that He's got a limit and that limit can be reached (ask Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah, or the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu: they all know what GOD's loss of patience means. Is it the end of the world, though? Best guess: no. September 2, 2015   Aaaaaahhhhh.... public schools:   FINALLY doing something right. Bwahahahahahaha! I knew it would make some people squirm! I LOVE IT! Another side of the public schools is gender neutral bathrooms and allowing boys who "identify" as girls that day or every day to change clothes for gym class in the girls' locker room. If I had a daughter or son in a public school right now, I'd yank them outta' there faster than anyone could blink. I'm not going to allow my daughter to be exposed to a guy just because the public school has gone all PC and cowardly on the subject. Girls are girls and boys are boys. They shouldn't be forced to change in front of each other. If that be the case, then why have gender designations at all? Why not just one huge locker room and everyone changing in there, no matter their gender? Why is it there is special treatment for SOME boys? It's ridiculous. Homeschool your kids, folks. It's best for them and they can change in their own bedrooms. September 2, 2015   I support this Clerk. I think she has the right to say "No" because SHE HAS THE FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to NOT be coerced into going against her religious beliefs. I hear some saying it, "Oh, but she shouldn't have run for the office if she was going to refuse to obey the law!" The scotus (PTUI!) didn't rule until after she was in office, and she has the right of conscience. She doesn't have to violate her conscience just as a soldier doesn't have to violate their conscience even if it's a direct order from the CIC himself, to do something that is morally or legally wrong. It's LEGAL for her to stand on the moral ground. If U.S. soldiers can do so she can, too. September 2, 2015   stupido rubio does U-turn on Common Crap Core. He now allegedly wants to do away with the Dept. of Education, too. Since when? Since his numbers don't look good. That's why I say to NEVER take ANY POLITICIAN at their word during campaign season. They LIE during campaign season. Judge the candidate by their PAST ACTIONS AND WORDS. DO NOT judge them based upon their campaign rhetoric. It's all meant to get a VOTE, not to tell the TRUTH. Do the research for yourself. Look at what the candidate has DONE and SAID and then you'll be able to make an informed -- as opposed to MISLED -- decision. rubio is doing the misleading right now, as far as I can tell. He went all Common Core until just recently and now he's backed away from it? Not a good indicator of the TRUTH. FIND THE TRUTH! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or Common Crap Core supporter-turned-non-supporter.) September 2, 2015   I'll close with that. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! September 1, 2015 (the real one): 11:29 a.m.   Messed up yesterday and thought it was September 1st, but it wasn't. I couldn't sleep much last night so I got up at 5 a.m. (instead of going to bed then) and got busy. Did some "Big Project" stuff, then sat down at my computer and changed all of yesterday's dates. I did check the date in the lower right hand corner of the screen, but I thought it said Sept. 1st. So much for my eyesight. Anyways, let's get started. September 1, 2015   What?! Wait! No, really? More corruption in themuslimvileone's administration? I don't believe it. That couldn't be. No way. (*Yes, that's sarcasm.*) September 1, 2015   No thanks. Been there, done that. Don't need to go back. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or threepeat.) September 1, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She's a tech wizzard and she's sad? Poor baby. Is she anxious about the e-mail stuff? Awww... Too bad. If she didn't want to face the consequences she shouldn't have done the deed in the first place. She and her buddies were e-mailing about impeaching Justice Clarence Thomas. If anyone should be impeached it should have been her husband (he was impeached, but not found guilty by the dumboRAT Senate), herself, themuslimvileone, bonehead boehner, Chief Justice john roberts, mitch mcCONnell, etc., NOT Justice Thomas. Also in the e-mails are some that push anti-semitism and support Islam. She was our Secretary of State and she associated herself with anti-semites who support Islam? In this administration is anyone surprised? Do you know that she's not that popular with women? Yep. September 1, 2015   Let me guess, this was themuslimvileone's idea. Would you be surprised? September 1, 2015   Murder rates are up. With "Black lives matter!" and the other groups out there (as well as the prezidunce) stirring up racial hatred who can be surprised? September 1, 2015   September 1, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   Live baby killed and sold for BabyBits? Soulless creatures that do this sort of ILLEGAL business should ALL be locked into the deepest, darkest prison basement anyone can find, fed on bread and water -- with a glass of orange juice for Christmas -- and shown a glimpse into their upcoming eternity. The things doing this garbage are no longer human. They are just animals without compassion, without remorse, without a sense of right and wrong. They're monetary beasts with dollar signs for a heart, quarters for eyes and their next big purchase for brains. Heartlessness has a new low in these creatures. Gov. Bobby Jindal defunded them, but that's been deemed illegal by themuslimvileone's DO[IN]J. FOX News is going to run a special on the scandals. Hopefully it will wake some people up. September 1, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   They've found a new way to kill people and if they disagree with anyone, they're sure to let them know. How can themuslimvileone stand with people like this (and like Planned AbortionHood)? He spews that he's a Christian but he sides with ISIS, HAMAS and Iran over Israel. Anyone else see a pattern here? September 1, 2015   I'm so tired. I got up very early because I couldn't sleep. Now it's hitting me. So, I'm going to close up and go to bed. [Also] have to go do some "Big Project" things so I'm going to close for now. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 2015 August 31, 2015: 12:44 a.m.   It's time for poor Hank tonight. I say "poor Hank" because it's "Minion Monday: Hank Has Minion Measles!" Poor Hank. He's so itchy and he can't have much in the way of fun for the next ten days to two weeks. Poor Hank! August 31, 2015: 12:53 p.m.   hillclintOOn:   How did it happen? Intentionally, that's how. The State Dept. is releasing a new batch of e-mails now and how many of them will be classified and above? I thought that in this age of empowered women that women didn't need "protecting". Now, there's 150 MORE CLASSIFIED information e-mails in the latest release. Amazing. So why is hillclintOOn being protected from a debate with the guys? Is she a coward? Yep. The good news? She's losing support all over! Hurray! Hurray! Between that and the possibility of a prison sentence, we'll probably not see her in the primaries. See me smile? (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or corrupt traitor.) August 31, 2015   State Dept. staff sent "sensitive data" over personal e-mail and subjected it to possible hacking. And they say "trickle down" doesn't work. I think this proves it does! What the boss does the employees do. If it's good enough for hillclintOOn, it's good enough for the employees, right? That's what happened. August 31, 2015   Five years is WAY too long for Haitians to have this status. "More than five years later the Obama administration continues to allow the same group of foreigners, who would otherwise be deported, remain in the U.S. under the never-ending 'temporary' measure. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made it official this week, extending TPS for Haitians an additional 18 months, through July 22, 2017. This will grant Haitians authorization to work in the U.S. and receive other taxpayer-funded benefits. 'Haiti was initially designated for TPS on Jan. 21, 2010, after a major earthquake devastated the country,' the government announcement reads. 'Following consultations with other federal agencies, the Department of Homeland Security has determined that current conditions in Haiti support extending the designation period for current TPS beneficiaries.'"It's time to stop that. August 31, 2015   harry reid likes the Iran deal and will support Iran in what they're wanting. Isn't that considered giving "aid and comfort" to our enemy? He and themuslimvileone both need to be outta' there! August 31, 2015   Ego much? I can't believe that he's got the ego to do this. He's making the decision to unilaterally without consulting Alaska? Wouldn't that be a prerequisite? I would think that Alaska's Governor would be someone who would need to be at least asked. Oh, well. He doesn't think anyone needs to be consulted except his image in the mirror. August 31, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   There are so many things wrong with this garbage. There's so much wrong with it that the list is ENORMOUS. There's big cost increases coming in 2016 -- again, although he promised would save us money but it's costing everyone more and more and more and more. Add to the big cost increases a "hefty" increase in Medicare costs and you get Americans who are going to be having a more difficult time providing for their families and themselves. August 31, 2015   Calling cops "pigs" while cops are protecting you? "Black lives matter" is NOT a class act. August 31, 2015   msthemuslimvileone's lunches resume and they're going to be just as bad as last year's. Pack your kids' lunches or, better yet, homeschool them. Then you get to decide what kinds of lunches they eat and no one can stop you. August 31, 2015   Twenty-five minute walk adds seven years to your life? That's until "science" says otherwise. I'm sure that if you keep your eyes open you'll soon see that it was found in another study that it's not good for you. That's the way it goes with "science" nowadays. August 31, 2015   China's flexing its military muscles with a show of force. A real show, as in putting them on parade. Part of that show is a squad of trained monkeys to clear the skies. Sounds to me like China is trying to make people afraid. Question is who are they targeting for that fear? August 31, 2015   Healthy eating obsession can be bad for you. When you focus so much on food and on "healthy" eating it can develop into something really bad. I've thought and said that for a long time. August 31, 2015   Marijuana vomiting syndrome? I don't understand what the draw is for marijuana. I have never tried it but my neighbor used to smoke it all the time and I smelled it then and it STANK. Thus I do not understand the draw. With it stinking very, very badly how can anyone want to put that into their bodies? Nasty stuff. August 31, 2015   GOOD! Illinois lottery goes broke! Maybe that will teach states not to have a lottery. It's not good for people to waste their money on the false hope that they'll win big. Most people don't win big and if they do it's sometimes a detriment to their lives instead of a blessing. Full disclosure: I do sometimes buy a scratch off for a lark, usually as stocking stuffers, but I don't think I'm going to win and I consider it a little adventure instead of something to hang my hopes on. Lottery hopes are for those who think that they'll hit it big some day. It rarely happens. Don't put your hopes on the lottery. It disappoints way more people than it blesses. August 31, 2015   Lefties want you to be afraid, very afraid. They do this kind of crud all the time. Too bad they're always wrong. August 31, 2015   Red House ordered to hand over requests for private taxpayer info and that may help prove that the Red House, thus themuslimvileone, was DIRECTLY INVOLVED in the IRS targeting of Conservative organizations and individuals. I think there will be a delay, an excuse, an obfuscation and then a direct refusal to comply. It will be only after themuslimvileone leaves office that the info will be released. That's my prediction. August 31, 2015   I gotta' run! Another thing to get for our "Big Project". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 28, 2015: 2:18 a.m.   It's Friday and that means that it's time to say "Thank you!" with "Tribute To Our Heroes 231: A Long Night". Thank you for your service! I can never, ever, say it enough! August 28, 2015: 12:18 p.m.   Although our "Big Project" hit an unexpected glitch (or three) there are still things to do for it. So, I will do about half my usual blurbs today and I will have to close after that. Let's get started. August 28, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Islam is so peaceful and tolerant that people are fleeing for their lives by the hundreds and thousands. It's so wrong what ISIS/ISIL is doing and what Islamic extremists do in general, that it's hard to see the religion touted as a good thing. I pray for those who are running for the lives of their children and for their own lives. I pray that GOD will help them get to safety and that those who are "helping" them get there actually do the job they are being paid for, instead of leaving the refugees to die, or killing them all. It's horrible what the Middle East has become. It's bloodthirsty and evil men who are in control over there now. I don't know how anyone can see ISIS and their vile acts and not see it as wrong. August 28, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She says she's got 1/5 of the delegates she needs to secure the dumboRAT nomination. That's probably less than what she thought she'd have at this point. She may be seeming to brag about it, but I bet inside her campaign they're shocked it isn't already more. The information being leaked by themuslimvileone is having the desired effect: her reputation is that of "liar", "dishonest", "untrustworthy" and other negatives. Is themuslimvileone removing what he may perceive as his biggest obstacle to his desired third term before it becomes a real problem? After all, he doesn't perceive bumbler biden as an obstacle. bumbler is just a goofball, not difficult to handle, make him a promise or two, throw him something with a little (very little) meat on the bone and send him off to represent the U.S.A. that seems important and the bumbler will bow down and kiss butt. Not a problem. Bernie Sanders is drawing big crowds, but he's not going to be a problem if they can find something on him, or if themuslimvileone can convince enough hillclintOOn voters to rebound to him. That's going to be an easy job: the lefties don't want a first term white man if they can get a third term for a black man. That would make history and making history is how themuslimvileone got elected in the first place (that and ACORN). What better strategy to use? It's a win-win-win situation for themuslimvileone. Game over. Oh, and for those of you screaming "What about the republiRAT nominee? He's still got to win against him/her?!" themuslimvileone doesn't see him/her as a problem. After all, no republiRAT has stood in his way since he was sworn in, so why should they try to prevent his third term? Cowardice is a strong tool. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidacy, campaign, committee, or creepy "dishonest, untrustworthy, liar".) August 28, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion: Feds extend "amnesty" for illegal Haitian aliens. As long as themuslimvileone thinks their presence is beneficial he'll allow it. Question is: will it be "beneficial" for his third term election? August 28, 2015   "Congress in June put an end to the program, passing a law that barred the government from collecting phone and other records in bulk."What's surprising is that the Circuit Court judge who reinstated the NSA collecting ability was a Ronald Reagan appointee! Can you imagine? August 28, 2015   TSA agent allegedly molests woman. I think the TSA should be disbanded and that we should focus on the kind of security Israel does: question everyone carefully and watch their reactions to the questions. Otherwise you'll let liars through who have no business being on an airplane. August 28, 2015   Antibiotics may increase risk of diabetes. If you run to the doctor for antibiotics at the first sneeze you may wish to reconsider that. Tough it out for a while. Let your body deal with it for a change and be healthier and without the use of antibiotics. You don't have to worry about allergic reactions, nor will you have to remember to take your pill (shot, liquid, whatevever). August 28, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin does it again. They changed the definition of "employer" to include "companies can be held responsible for labor violations committed by their contractors." That means that "the main corporation using the services of these subcontractors or leasing out franchise rights can be forced into union negotiations (and sued) relating to the employees of other companies and for things which take place totally outside of their control."According to the article this move will help unions get their fingers into every business. Unions and themuslimvileone are of the same mind on this one, I'm sure. August 28, 2015   I think that themuslimvileone and his racism is at least partially responsiblef or the calls for lynching of white people and cops. Whenever themuslimvileone has had a chance he's encouraged racism, denigrated law enforcement and pushed a radical agenda. That is leadership toward chaos, lawlessness and violence. That's what themuslimvileone wants. August 28, 2015   bonehead boehner says Cruz is a... Well, read the story and you'll see the word he used. Tells you a lot about bonehead, does it not? August 28, 2015   jebby-bebby: What? How can you "pay back" something that wasn't paid in the first place? That's paying people to NOT graduate! Duh! August 28, 2015   New possible path: August 28, 2015   I'm going to stop there for now. Have a great weekend and enjoy your family time. Never take it for granted. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 27, 2015: 9:43 a.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   $335 MILLION of OUR dollars wasted on an already ruined power plant -- in AFGHANISTAN. Topping it off, "Tarakhil, a diesel-fueled plant constructed outside of Kabul was expected to provide affordable and reliable electricity considered critical to the economic growth and stability of Afghanistan. Instead it contributes a relatively small amount of electricity to the power grid serving Kabul, a federal investigation found. From February 2014 through April 2015, the Tarakhil Power Plant produced a mere 0.34 percent of the total power on the Kabul grid, according to the probe which was conducted by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)."Isn't that wunnerful? Our taxpayer dollars are spent on a total waste of time, energy (both kinds: but a lot more of one than the other), and effort. Why? Whose back was being scratched? Whose pockets were being lined? Who was being thanked via the contract to build the waste of effort? I want to know because I think the person who ordered the build should be held accountable and I think the person who got the contract should have to repay the American taxpayers every penny. It's not right that the American taxpayers should have to foot the bill for this. It's not something that should have ever been done in the first place, but for such a piddly little amount of electricity? Not acceptable. August 27, 2015   Well that's good news. The stock market is looking better. Things were a bit wonky for a few days but it's settling down. Fun ride? August 27, 2015   Shooter of journalists was themuslimvileone supporter. Why is it that the left always says the NRA, gun rights advocates and gun owners are the dangerous people when those who actually commit the murders are those who are lefties? I'm considered "dangerous" by the left because I write this website and I own and know how to shoot a gun. Reality proves that the lefties are a LOT more dangerous than a Conservative law-abiding citizen who has the RIGHT to carry a gun. Lefties shout it from the rooftops that the Conservatives are dangerous because we believe in the U.S. Constitution and act in accordance with our beliefs. What they don't shout from the rooftops is their side's actions. That's very telling, is it not? August 27, 2015   hillclintOOn:   First word people think of: LIAR. Sounds like if she won we'd have more of the same as we have now. Why not learn from the last six years and NOT redo it with a woman at the wheel? Let's go for someone whose first association is "Honest", or "Integrity", or "Good". Don't you think that's better than "LIAR"? I do. Meanwhile, they're still looking at a possible "serious violation" of protocol and law regarding possible "serious violation" for when she handed the e-mails with Top Secret compartmentalized info in it to her attorney. Her e-mails (on her unsecure server) contained U.S. embassy security issues and sensitive diplomatic discussions. Sounds to me like she's got some 'splainin' to do. August 27, 2015   August 27, 2015   James O'Keefe video on hillclintOOn campaign catches them strategizing on how to NOT register non-hillclintOOn supporters. That's not what her campaign said they'd done. They claimed they were successful at figuring out who the Project Veritas Action reporters were, but there's more videos out there so let's see how successful the videos reveal them to be. My guess: it's hillclintOOn, so she's probably LYING. No surprise there. August 27, 2015   Are you ready if Erika comes this way? August 27, 2015   There are a LOT of people addicted to mobile devices. They live their lives on social media sites and think that it's making their lives better. I don't get that. I just don't understand being addicted to anything besides your family and chocolate. Mmmmmm... chocolate. August 27, 2015   August 27, 2015   Planned AbortionHood worse than Aztec sacrifices. They're worse than a lot of things and they're heartless, soulless b-tards who care nothing more about human life than ISIS and Hitler. There's got to be a special place in hades for creatures like that. August 27, 2015   Another themuslimvileone admin person "above the law": "The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy [John Holdren] obstinately refused to answer my questions for Holdren on his views about forced abortions and mass sterilizations or on his continued embrace of forced-abortion advocate and eugenics guru Harrison Brown, whom he credits with inspiring him to become a scientist."He's refusing FOIA requests and refusing to answer questions. Show of hands: Anyone surprised? No hands up? Didn't think so. August 27, 2015   I'll close today with some good news. The American Eagle won in court. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 26, 2015: 9:25 a.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   DH[IN]S spends $20.3 MILLION on conferences while America's borders are being overrun and our actual security is failing miserably, "Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was busy blowing $20.3 million to host 1,883 conferences last year."Why on earth do they need 1,883 conferences in ONE year? That's 5.1589041096 conferences PER DAY (1,883 divided by 365). Why would we WASTE that kind of money on FIVE PLUS conferences PER DAY for DH[IN]S? Does themuslimvileone's admin have no idea of right and wrong? Oh. Sorry. That's a purely rhetorical question. August 26, 2015   Will Erika make landfall in FL? Are you ready? Do you have water, a generator, flashlights and batteries, food you can eat without needing electricity? Are you ready if the stores, banks and other businesses close for a few days? Is your house ready? I don't know where Erika will go, nor how strong she will be if she does make landfall in FL. I do know that we've gone through every hurricane that has hit FL since we moved here and never evacuated. I am hoping that continues. I don't like the idea of evacuating. I don't think Erika will make us do so because I think conditions are right for her to weaken and not be a major hurricane if she hits us. We'll see what happens in the next few days, but it doesn't look like it's going to be a problem. August 26, 2015   hillclintOOn:   How does she like Executive Orders now? One themuslimvileone signed in 2009 may be another reason she can't slink out of, bully her way out of, "war on women" her way out of being charged with criminal activities because of her unsecured e-mail server and her receiving and sending CLASSIFIED information on that unsecured server. She may also have trouble for sharing those e-mails with her attorney. Life is sometimes sweet with irony. This is one of those instances. August 26, 2015   lgbtq community "up in arms" over a Bruce Jenner transformation Halloween costume. I think they need to get a grip. It's a Halloween costume. It's not something to get their knickers in a twist about. August 26, 2015   Fish oil (Omega 3) not all it's cracked up to be? Another study, another result. Don't listen to the "scientists". Listen to GOD and to your body. That's all you need to worry about. August 26, 2015   So now themuslimvileone doesn't think his opponents are "crazies"? Just because his spokesman "walks it back" that doesn't mean that he didn't mean it. themuslimvileone thinks ANY opposition to him and his lans is crazy, so, of course, he meant it. He doesn't understand anyone not agreeing with him 100%, 100% of the time. It's incomprehensible to him. August 26, 2015   "1. Higher Energy Prices, Lost Jobs, Weaker EconomyThose are just the headers for each item but don't they speak volumes? Think about what those headers are saying. They're saying that his lips were moving which means he was LYING TO US AGAIN. Shock. Surprise. August 26, 2015   Libs outraged only when Conservatives want to change U.S. Constitution. When they want to do so it's all good, of course. That's because they want to change the nation into their ideal of what it should be according to them. They don't want anything old-fashioned like right and wrong, like Constitutional or unconstitutional to stick around. Whatever they want is -- in their own minds -- what's best for everyone whether or not the rest of us like it, agree with it, want it. Libs are like that: they rule by their own desires instead of the rules that are already in place and have been since the Founding Fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution and other documents that proved what the Founders' thoughts, beliefs and ideas were on a particular subject. August 26, 2015   How Conservative states got smart on crime. "95 percent of offenders who enter prison will reenter society. The question, then, becomes how can the corrections system rehabilitate offenders, rather than simply warehouse them in prison?"Learn from those who have figured out how to answer this question successfully and we'll all be safer. Fail to learn from the experience of others and you are doomed to pay for the mistake. The question for the rest of us is, who is it who will pay and what price? Will it be a four-year-old girl who pays for the mistakes of liberal states and their bleeding heart treatment of criminals with her purity and her life? Will it be an elderly man robbed and shot for the forty-eight dollars in his wallet? Will it be your neighbor, raped by a repeat offender who was let out due to "over-crowding"? Learn from the experiences of others and you don't have to pay the tough price of stubbornness. August 26, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Some states' networks have very few choices for doctors and the patients are feeling the pinch. When doctors close their practices to avoid the kind of rules, regulations and control themuslimvileone wants to assert over their practice (which doctors are used to controlling themselves with very little outside influence) you know that there will be fewer doctors available. Some folks still enrolled. Some thought it was a good thing. I still think it stinks. This "few choices" thing affects Florida people, too: "At 83 percent, Georgia had the highest number of plans with narrow physician networks. Florida and Oklahoma followed behind, at 79 percent and 78 percent, respectively. In California and Arizona, more than 70 percent of plans had narrow physician networks. In total, 16 states exceeded 50 percent, while 13 did not have any plans with narrow networks."Sounds to me like those in Florida who chose this crud have put themselves in a medical bind. Sorry, folks. I wish that this piece of garbage had never passed, but we have the dumboRATS to thank for it. Aren't ya' glad pelosipig and her ilk passed the thing to find out what was in it? Now, not only are doctors limited for those who chose the garbage, but themuslimvileone is pressuring states to not raise health insurance premiums. There are two problems with that, though. "[S]tate insurance commissioners should reject the proposed increases because of ObamaCare's 'risk corridor' program, or the bailout for health insurers that participate in ObamaCare. This part of ObamaCare provides payments from a pool of money collected from profitable plans to insurers whose plans lose money. There are two catches that immediately come to mind. First, the program is not collecting enough money to cover the losses sustained. Second, taxpayers could be on the hook for losses that exceed the sum the money collected."See that second problem: "taxpayers could be on the hook for losses..."? Yeah. That's you and I -- whether we chose themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX or not, to be bailing the whole thing out: constantly. It wouldn't be those insurance companies taking the hit, it would be the normal, every day, Mom and Pop, with Junior and Sally, too. YOU and I will pay the price. Of course, in themuslimvileone's world, that's a perfect day. August 26, 2015   Thought I'd close today with a GOOD news item: "Red light cameras" may be coming down soon! All of those red light runners will have to be caught by an actual human cop to get a ticket. How about that? August 26, 2015   That's all for today. Enjoy the rest of your day! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 25, 2015: 9:06 a.m.   Can you believe it? I'm sitting down while someone else is doing the work. That's right. We've got installers putting down tile. See me smile? August 25, 2015   IRS:   Like hillclintOOn, lois lerner had a secret account. themuslimvileone's administration is full of CHEATERS, LIARS and those who don't care about doing what's right as long as themuslimvileone wants it done. If he wants it, he gets it. Targeting Conservatives? Okay! Let's do that! Hiding the TRUTH from the public? Okay! Let's do that! Being dishonest about everything? Okay! Let's do that! As long as themuslimvileone wants it, he gets it. The laws, TRUTH, integrity, honor, LIFE, they can all be darned. What he wants goes. August 25, 2015   August 25, 2015   bumbling biden & "Cheekbone Cherokee" ticket? Warning: Sarcasm ahead: That's what this nation needs: a lying bumbler and heritage thieving liar. Perfect fit for this nation. That would put us right back where we need to be. Our children's futures will soooo much better with those two. (End sarcasm.) They'd continue themuslimvileone's policies and there'd be NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHATSOEVER. After all, when was the last time either of them were held accountable for their lies and foolishness? Cheekbone Cherokee's book last year she tried to walk the claim back a little, but she still wasn't taking responsibility for the LIES she told about it. Last year I found out about our family's oral history being bogus via finding a relative I didn't know we had. I was told that my Grandpa was an only child and that all of his family members died when he was a baby: family members being his Mom and Dad. I was told that he was adopted by someone. When I found a relative on Ancestry.com who had my Grandma's and Grandpa's pictures and the person was calling them "Aunt" and "Uncle", who also had Grandpa's military enrollment card with his emergency contact person being listed as their family member, that proved to me that it was definitely a relative and I contacted the person. I found out then about the fact that there were two male ancestors who tried to scam the government in the late 1800s into believing they were Cherokee, but the other family members would not go along with it. Somewhere down the line the oral history of the scam became that we actually were Cherokee, not that two great-great-great Uncles tried to get in on the free land, money and other benefits. So my heritage changed last year when I found out. No more Cherokee, I am now British, Irish and Bohemian; and that's verifiable, which is what I want because it's the provable TRUTH. FIND THE TRUTH! It's a whole lot better than a scammer's lie: in ancestry and in politics! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or cheekbone.) August 25, 2015   Did you go on that big rollercoaster Wall Street ride? Wow. That was impressive, wasn't it? A little scary if you're in the market (we are, but I don't pay any attention to it: that's my hubby's job) and your life's savings depended upon it. Hope things are okay with all of my readers. August 25, 2015   So? It's a drone. An unarmed, unmanned drone. Who cares if it flies near themuslimvileone? What's it going to do: take his picture? Really? August 25, 2015   Oil prices drop. Wouldn't you LOVE to see gas prices around $1.70 and staying there? Talk about a great thing! I would LOVE that! Let's see if it could go even lower. I'm telling you a little about my age, but I remember when gas was 59˘ a gallon. I remember gasoline wars where there were three gas stations at the same intersection and they had price battles and it would go to 39˘ a gallon; and that was full service! Sigh. Those were the days. August 25, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She blames the State Dept.'s "ridiculous classification rules" for her having classified Top Secret documents in her unsecured e-mail. She blames someone who taught her what classifications were and how she had to treat certain things for her disregarding the teachings? She had to take a class on how to treat classified information and she had to repeat that class annually. Then she had to sign a paper swearing that she understood the classifications, she understood the lessons and she understood the consequences of disregarding the teachings of those classes. Now she blames the State Dept.? That's nerve. She's got it so screwed up that even her hubby's "top spy" blasted her. I'm sure people everywhere are getting tired of her lame excuses and transparent lies about everything she does and touches and that somewhere along the line she's going to have to face consequences. For her, it's too bad themuslimvileone wants a third (and fourth and fifth: lifetime, really) term. He's the one who is making sure all of this is dribbling-drabbling out and I'm sure he's the one directing that his main dumboRAT opponent gets nothing: except maybe prison time. That's just the way he rolls. She's so bad, though, that some think she should "suspend" her campaign. That's not just republiRATS: it's demboRATS, too! (Although I wonder why anyone should be surprised nowadays.) August 25, 2015   Would you be able to survive if the internet went down? Some say there are those who would not be able to make it. If that be the case, then those are the folks who are spending way too much time online! I'd be able to survive and thrive and find out where the library is again. (*wink*) August 25, 2015   Why do people think that sex is something to take lightly? Sexuality is not something to be "flexible" with. Sexuality and sex are big responsibilities. They're supposed to be so. Sex is two people joining together as one. It is a GOD-created activity that should be held holy and special and should not be entered into lightly. It isn't something to do on a first date, on an adventure a la Ashley Madison (despicable company idea, yes?), nor with the same gender once and the opposite gender the next time. Your body is a gift from GOD for you to be a servant to Him, not to be a slut, a gigilo, or a loosy goosy with. Sex is special; your sexuality is not to be a tool to exploit to get what you want. Any time -- ANY TIME -- you have sexual intercourse, or sexual contact with anyone of ANY sort, you are binding your two souls together and you leave a part of yourself behind. How many of you have little parts of you all over the world? Do you realize you've diminished yourself via doing so? You have. Don't take sexual intercourse -- or any sexual activity -- lightly. It is a sacred act and it is the way we create that little spark that ignites life as in a baby, but also it creates a little spark that stays with us for the rest of our lives. Any time you give your body to someone else, you are giving away something special and unique and you are cheapening yourself. Don't do that. You are special. You are valuable. You are created by GOD Himself. Never forget that. That, in and of itself, makes you priceless. August 25, 2015   Storm Erika is born. Is this going to be a big one for us? Don't know. Just be ready, just in case. Keep an eye on it. August 25, 2015   themuslimvileone's EGO:   Everyone who opposes the Iran deal is now "the crazies". So if you're themuslimvileone and you disagree with themuslimmvileone, then you're the "crazy". He's not crazy for giving Iran nuclear weapon capability. Nope. You're crazy for thinking him wrong. He's that much better than you. August 25, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   Another video: another soulless seller. Those who work in the abortion industry quickly lose their humanity. They quickly push the facts from their daily reality and they move forward toward an endless darkness. Their souls diminish and the flame of humanity dwindles, curdles and dies. Soon, they are nothing more than bone, muscle, flesh, barely distinquishable as a human being if you look at the condition of their souls. That's why these videos are availabe: because of what those dark creatures have allowed themselves to become, not because of the video makers. (BTW, how much you wanna' bet there's an IRS investigation into that organization's taxes soon?) August 25, 2015   August 25, 2015   AMEN and AMEN! I LOVE THIS WOMAN! She has the right attitude (for sure!) and she isn't afraid of her critics. I'm proud of her! August 25, 2015   I LOVE MARK LEVIN and I'm not a fan of jebby-bebby so I'd LOVE to see this "discussion" (meat grinding?). A discussion about "birthright citizenship" a la 14th Amendment with Mark Levin would be SOOOOOO excellent! I'd watch it over and over and over again! I hope they do this. I did a lot of research recently on this issue. I read up on what the 14th Amendment says and the arguement goes on because of the different related writings and issues. I was hoping to understand the issue better, but now I think I'm seeing how two different interpretations compete more often than not. "Words mean things" as Rush Limbaugh always says, but that doesn't mean that those words don't get stretched, grown, or even misinterpreted over time. In this particular instance the problematic word is "jurisdiction" and it meant back then "allegiance to" or "loyalty to". Anyone under the "jurisdiction" (influence of, allegiance to, or loyalty to) of another country -- is not eligible to be a citizen here. For instance, we all know a certain Brit who came over here and became a naturalized citizen. IF she had taken the oath of naturalization but didn't mean the words and her allegiance was still to England (and, no, I'm not saying that's the case), then her citizenship as an American would be null and void due to her allegiance being elsewhere. If you have your heart elsewhere instead of 100% here, in America, then your citizenship is null. That's how the Founding Fathers saw it! That's why "anchor babies" are NOT CITIZENS nor are their parents! Anchor babies have no loyalty except "inherited" loyalty via their FATHER's birth place and allegiance. The Mom's allegiance is figured according to her status as "wife" in which case it follows her hubby's, and if she's single, her allegiance is to the place she was born (and left to have an "American" anchor baby). That's why Mark Levin says that there is no such thing as "birth right" citizenship in the 14th Amendment. It's a lot of reading to find all of that out, but that's what it boils down to: an archaic use of the word jurisdiction. Class is over for today. (*smile*) August 25, 2015   Well, that's it for today. I'm going to go check on my new tile! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 23-24, 2015: 11:21 p.m.   It's almost Monday. Sorry about the miss on Friday. The "Big Project" took up all of my time Friday and will do so again this Monday (August 24th) so I won't be able to do updates again. I play a big part in this portion of the "Big Project" and it's crucial I get it done before Tuesday. Things will take a turn for the better Tuesday when others come into play for this "Big Project" and they do a lot of the work for it. That's going to be nice because so far it's been mostly my hubby and I. We've worked our backs to sore, fingers not quite to the bone and our necks stiff on this "Big Project" and I am THRILLED that it's nearing completion and that soon my hubby and I will be able to relax and survey our new... Well. I'll not say quite yet. Suffice it to say that the painting is almost complete, the boxes are here and that other things are being done. It's all looking quite nice and I'm as excited about this as I am perturbed with Hank and his favorite song at the moment. (For which I left out the link. Can you believe it? Anyways, it's "Minion Monday: Hank Re-enacts Singing In the Rain".) That's saying something! Have a great day and I think you can expect to see me here Tuesday: I think. August 21, 2015: 1:40 a.m.   It's Friday morning and that always (or almost always) means it's time to give thanks to those who have or are serving our country in the U.S. military. I can never say it enough, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" and to that end, "Tribute To Our Heroes 230: She'd Live For His Child" is my way of saying it this week. GOD Bless America and GOD Bless You! August 20, 2015: 2:45 p.m.   Just a few blurb today because I have more painting to do. A second layer is almost always needed and that's going up today. Too bad it's on the primer not the final wall color. Yep. Gotta' cover up some lavendar. That's not easy. So, a few blurbs then some painting. Okay? August 20, 2015   hillclintOOn:   E-mails were not classified at the time, she says. Rrrriiiiiggggghhhhht. They've already found 300 possibly classified e-mails that had been intentionally STRIPPED of their security classifications. That's just on the printed e-mails she handed over. Just think how many more of America's secrets they'll find on that unsecured server and on the thumb drive the FBI confiscated. Can you imagine any of this NOT damaging her presidential aspirations? The question is, will she be held accountable, or will one of her lackies take the fall, as usual? August 20, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   themuslimvileone's admin is letting RICH people live in subsidized (welfare) housing. I'm shocked that the welfare recipients are not up in arms over this. After all, rich people in public housing complexes doesn't make for a good reputation for the place. How does that happen? Like this: "Tens of thousands of people who earn too much to qualify for the U.S. government’s taxpayer-subsidized public housing live in the facilities nationwide and the federal agency that runs the program has no intention of evicting the violators."Isn't that special? August 20, 2015   Bruce Jenner could face prison if found guilty in the car accident of earlier this year. Maybe that's why he became "she", so that he could get into an easier prison for the accident? Just asking. August 20, 2015   August 20, 2015   mcCONnell hides in corner and whimpers. Well, he may as well be doing so. He threw in the towel on the Iran deal and he's giving it up. He won't fight it, allegedly because themuslimvileone has the votes to get it pushed through anyways. mcCONnell is just too much of a butt-kissing, spineless worm to fight him. August 20, 2015   I'm sorry but I'm going to stop there today. Painting calls and I must answer the call. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 19, 2015: 1:47 p.m.   Sorry I missed Monday and Tuesday. I was working on the "Big Project!". This weekend we took a good, hard look at our living room and family room seating and decided to replace most of it. We ended up trashing what we decided to replace instead of donating it. Yesterday we painted and (BOY!) my arms are sore. Today, we received boxes of stuff. It's coming along, folks. It's coming along. So, we've been busy with our "Big Project!" and that's why I didn't do updates. I'm sure you understand. Augustt 19, 2015   "Ghost particles" discovered (and this is so cool)! I wonder who came up with the idea of how to do this? The way they did it is so amazing. Cool beans! August 19, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She acts as though she doesn't know what anyone is talking about when it comes to the server she had her CLASSIFIED, TOP SECRET material on. Does she think we have forgoten that she borrowed a book about email AND how to permanently erase it! The server was professionally wiped clean but that doesn't mean that it doesn't have ANY information on it. There's a problem facing hillclintOOn. That problem is Jim Comey, who is investigatin the e-mail server scanda. He's a principled man and could be her biggest nightmare. Let us pray. Trump is predicting jail time. Also, the server was in the bathroom of an apartment turned business. True. Now there's bathroom humor associated with hillclintOOn. Isn't that where it belongs? Even if it is in the posh vacation home she's using. (Looking forward to more vacation costs with hillclintOOn: as much as themuslimvileone at least?) Now, they're saying that huma abedin's and cheryl mills' Blackberries were "destroyed". She has some help in hiding the truth, doesn't she? August 19, 2015   themuslimvileone's policies allow MANY ISIS TERRORISTS INTO AMERICA! Is anyone surprised? He is trying to destroy America, after all, so why would anyone be shocked? After all, it's not as if the totality of his actions do not prove my assertions. If it were a "one-of", that's one thing: but it isn't. It is one in a string of many, many, many things themuslimvileone has done to PROVE he is trying to destroy America. If he were someone who loves America, he wouldn't be doing what he does. August 19, 2015   themuslimvileone hides even more stuff. "Remember that President Obama promised to run the most transparent administration in history yet the Department of Justice (DOJ), an extension of the executive office, is limiting what its watchdog can see during what’s supposed to be an independent investigation. This goes contrary to a 1978 law requiring that inspectors general act autonomously when they conduct probes of the federal agencies they’re assigned to keep in check."LOL! Even his own administration is not happy with that one. Perhaps they should start living by the law instead of by the AWE. They seem to have been in AWE of themuslimvileone and all of the cheating he did to get elected, all of the fawning done over him during the 2008 election (not so much in 2012) and over what he's gotten away with since he has broken so many laws himself but has no price to pay, faces no consequences. Then when themuslimvileone turns his lawlessness toward them they are upset? They supported it when it was aimed at others. Now that it hits them in their private parts, they're upset? Shouldn't they have expected it? When someone is as lawless as themuslimvileone, you have to expect to be part of those he puts under him, as in you will be one of the "little people" who have to live under the law, but he's above the law so he doesn't have to. Now, when they're considered to be less than themuslimvileone they don't like it, do they? Will anyone pat them on the head and say "Awww.. Poor baby!" for someone who cares that he's treating them like the rest of us? No? Didn't think so. August 19, 2015   EPA's screw up costing states BILLIONS. How much you wanna' bet it becomes a pattern? Is this going to happen elsewhere on a regular basis so that themuslimvileone can destroy the states via the EPA and clean-up costs? After all, how many states can afford BILLION dollar clean-ups? Can yours? August 19, 2015   People want religious liberty protected. Well, DUH! August 19, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   This is SUCH A HORRIBLE, HEARTLESS, SOULLESS organization! They cut through a LIVE baby boy's face to TAKE to his brain. They tapped his chest first and his heart started beating and they took his brain! They're not human. They're walking demons. Let's hope that the House and Senate FINALLY DEfunds them! August 19, 2015   World leaders gone STUPID. "Stupid is as stupid does" and letting Iran inspect its OWN nuclear facilities and report back to the U.N. is STUPID. Does the U.N. really think that the "inspectors" would tell the TRUTH? Come on! August 19, 2015   IF the Navy Seals DO NOT LOWER the standards and a woman can pass the SAME STANDARDS as MEN have to pass, then, Hurray! Let women join the Navy Seals, Rangers, or whatever. IF, on the other hand, the standards are LOWERED to allow women to pass ANY test then women do NOT belong in that profession. That includes police, firefighters, elite military forces -- or ANY military forces, or anywhere else. It should not be done. Can you imagine going to a DOCTOR and seeing her doctor license on the wall and then a certificate stating that she had passed LOWERED standardized testing so that she could become a doctor? Would you be comfortable with her treating you, operating on you, prescribing medicines to you? Same thing with firefighters, Navy Seals, Rangers, cops, EMTs, etc. Same standards = okay. Lowered standards = NO WAY! August 19, 2015   TN schools NOT replacing "Mother" & "Father". That's a good thing. Let's see for how long it stays that way. August 19, 2015   In June, themuslimvileone targeted coal to destroy production and close down all mines and coal burning power plants. Now we find out why. It's because his best buddy, who likes to destroy the price of something so he can buy cheap, george soros wanted to start profiting from it. With soros and themuslimvileone it's all about them making MONEY! Money, money, money! It's all about money! That's what makes their greedy, hot, sweaty palms twitch and their miniscule, hard, self-centered hearts tick. August 19, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   So peaceful and tolerant, They arrested a DOLPHIN (yes, a Flipper). That's. Flippin'. Crazy. August 19, 2015   Another white passing? They've checked the background of the guy heading the "Black Lives Matter" movement and they are finding that records show he's not black. He claims to be, but records show he isn't. Why do people do that? August 19, 2015   I AM OUTRAGED! IF those gravestones were taken from our military members' graves, I hope the person who took these gravestones is sentenced to hard labor finding the appropriate graves, picking each gravestone up and returning that gravestone to the CORRECT grave -- in the SUMMERTIME -- and then after every one of those gravestones is back where it belongs, they have to serve at least five years in prison! IF, on the other hand, they had mistakes on them and were going to be destroyed and someone broke the rules and kept those stones instead of destroying them, then the person who took them should be sentenced to destroying the gravestones with a sledge hammer until they are small bits. We don't want our military to be dishonored. We want them to be honored and remembered! August 19, 2015   I'll close today with Republican marriages happier than dumboRAT marriages. Well, yeah. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 17, 2015: 3:13 a.m.   It's early Monday morning and, of course, that means it's time for "Minion Monday: Hank's Late Night Picnic". Can you believe he watched a movie that inspired a late night picnic under the stars? I have to stop him from watching movies! He gets too many wacky ideas from them! August 14, 2015: 12:28 a.m.   It's Friday and that means it's time for Flag Friday! (Cue the music!) Wait, sorry. There is no music, but there is "Tribute To Our Heroes 229: I Love You, America!" Thank you for your service to her and to all of us. I can never say it enough! August 14, 2015: 1:53 p.m.   How many of you have received your notification that Windows 10 is available and your computer is compatible? I received mine late last night and accepted the offer for a free upgrade. If you decide to accept the offer you need to know that it took about 4.5 hours to get the whole thing done. I answered a few questions first, told it to start the process, then watched as the circle said "15% complete... 18% complete...27% complete..." It took a while. While it did that, I worked on Christmas present #3, watched a Jimmy Stewart movie I'd never seen before ("No Highway in the Sky": a principled man saves lives by doing something a bit wacko.), and waited... and waited... and waited. When it finally restarted for the last time and said it was ready to use, of course I checked it out. It is a little different, but it's not that noticeable most of the time. In fact, their e-mail program still has a glitch in it and I still go to the backdoor of my e-mail via my browser in order to read my e-mail. Don't expect it to be perfect, but I have heard/read that it is an improvement to Windows 8.* (star being whichever version you have). I don't have any impression of it besides that since I've had it for so short a time, but we'll see. It may be more frustration than it's worth. I have heard that you can actually use older programs with this version and if that's true I will probably be very happy with it. We'll see. Oh! Another thing! I'll be doing short updates for the next few days. Got a call about 1.5 hours ago (as of this writing) that our "Big Project" took a MAJOR step forward and we're looking at a lot of work over the next few days as we move things out into the storage unit and we do some final cleaning. So keeping things short -- but not sweet -- here will help me have time to work on that. Please forgive the lack of attention I shall be giving this page over the next week or so. It is necessary. Thanks! August 14, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She handed over a PROFESSIONALLY WIPED CLEAN server. Does that not tell you everything you need to know about her? She thinks she is above the law and that she can hide all of her wrongdoing and that NO ONE will hold her accountable. You know what I think? I think that she's betting on themuslimvileone NOT prosecuting her for what she's done. I think she's counting on something that she shouldn't be. I think themuslimvileone is dripping out the truth about what she's done and that his administration will either prosecuter her themselves, or they will allow a special prosecutor to be called via the Congressional committee and that they will prosecute her. After all, it takes one more opposition player out of the picture when it comes to themuslimvileone getting a third term (no matter how long it is: four or 40 years). With hillclintOOn out of the way there is no one who is DUE the Red House and no one to make a stink about it that the dumboRATS would give a flip about. After all, the dumboRATS don't care about the republiRATS being upset about an illegal, unconstitutional third term, do they? August 14, 2015   Amen and AMEN! Always put the COUNTRY FIRST -- right after GOD. August 14, 2015   themuslimveileone BETRAYED America. It's not me saying it. I just agree wholeheartedly. August 14, 2015   themuslimvileone THREATENS states who want to defund Planned AbortionHood. That's just WRONG. It also tells you how much he wants to KILL BABIES. He thinks it is so important that he'll sue states if they stop helping it happen. That's so evil, but that is who he is: evil incarnate. August 14, 2015   Walter Williams writes a great piece about Fascism in colleges. It's part of the communist/marxist/socialist agenda: take over the classrooms and make all of the children become what they are. The problem is, it's working. Wake up, America, and take back the schools! August 14, 2015   I like this idea. I think it's those who haven't a CLUE what they're voting on, who they're voting for, or what the results of their vote would be should not be allowed to vote. Those low information voters (LIV's as Rush calls them) who think that George Washington was a singer in the 1960s or that he loved England, or who think that the U.S.A. was created in 1911, or that the Republican party is the party that stands for "war on women", rich getting richer, and big corporations paying no taxes being allowed to pollute and having all of the benefits of being a friend of the powerful. That's the dumboRAT party as proven almost daily by themuslimvileone and his administration and supporters. Those are the idiots who should not be allowed to vote; even the "educated" ones that have college degrees but are still brain dead. (Need I say more?) We need to teach history -- THE TRUTH OF -- not the lies now told. After all, when you leave out George Washington, Ronald Reagan and other greats (or give them only one paragraph each) then you focus on the "accomplishments" (note the quotation marks) of themuslimvileone, that's LYING to the students and SKEWING history. If it's not going to be the TRUTH don't bother teaching it! August 14, 2015   August 14, 2015   New internet rules could CENSOR websites. Fox, Drudge and sites like mine could be limited in their free speech. That's what happens when COWARDS make the rules. They can't stand FREE SPEECH because they don't have the spine to be able to withstand any kind of criticism whatsoever. If you tell them their fly is down they would cry for weeks. Babies. (Sorry to insult babies.) August 14, 2015   Judges really should read the Constitution. Then they should have to re-swear their allegiance to it and they should take a test that proves they understand the implications of it. I'd love to see Hillsdale College put together a test for judges to see if they understand what the U.S. Constitution says and means, as well as what it limits them to. That would be an eye-opener when the results were given, would it not? August 14, 2015   Hubby's on his way home so I shall go. We have things to do! I'm so excited!!! Bwahahahahaha! Happy Dance! See you Monday! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 13, 2015: 3:51 p.m.   Hurray! Woke up today without body aches, a headache, a fever, and without nausea. Sigh. I suppose that means that the flu has left me. I hope no one else got it from me. I didn't go out and about but my hubby and son were here and I hope they don't get sick. One good thing about being sick is that I got to finish Christmas present #2 and start on #3. I love that! Stayed home from the PSJAB meeting I wanted to attend last night so that I didn't "share" it with everyone there. Glad I'm feeling better and I'm curious about what happened last night. For now, though, let's do a few updates before my hubby gets home. When he gets here I'll have to shut down and get started on the "Big Project". August 13, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her e-mails had info about a secret spy satellite. I'm sure that's not all she had in all those e-mails. She covered things that she doesn't want themuslimvileone to know about: names she called him, things she said about his wife, etc. hillclintOOn isn't the type of person who takes kindly to being overshadowed and missing out on her "rightful" place. She had things to say that weren't too kind about themuslimvileone and his family, I'm sure. In those e-mails were also other "Top Secret" and higher classifications of information that should never have been off of a secure server, or open to any kind of hacking. Now, the FBI and Congress are looking closer at the issue and the "vise is tightening" as Huma Abedin is also in the "crosshairs". I can't help it. I'm smiling. It just makes me smile. Let's hope it amounts to more than a wink of the eye and a turn of the head. August 13, 2015   O'Keefe targeted by themuslimvileone's administration. That's what petulant little boys do: target those who tell the truth about you. They target you. They try to make your life as difficult as possible. They harass you. They threaten you. Hm. Sounds like someone else I know. August 13, 2015   Animal rights group sides with video makers. Those who exposed the Planned Parenthood selling of BabyBits are being supported by those who expose the animal abuses they find. It's an unlikely alliance but truth is truth and it makes strange bedfellows at times. August 13, 2015   themuslimvileone wants to bring Gitmo prisoners to America. He's trying to break his oath to NOT do so, but since when did his oath mean anything? His lips were moving, right? August 13, 2015   ketchup kerry's words alarm. He's such a nincompoop. He's a dunce. If the Iranian nuclear deal doesn't go through that will stop America's dollar from being used by the world as the reserve currency? Really? How stupid is that? August 13, 2015   Food banks need help meeting demand. themuslimvileone is reaching his goals of maing America as miserable as possible, of destroying as much of us as he can. His desire is to make us a third world country and he's doing everything in his power to achieve his goals. The rest of us would be incapable of sleeping at night knowing that we had done so much damage to our country, to those who live here, to the world's stability. themuslimvileone? No. I bet he and his ilk (george soros, hillcintOOn, ketchup kerry, bill ayers, etc.) sleep like babes in their mother's arms. August 13, 2015   lois lerner lies. She says she's "never a political person" but when you look at how she has been handling the IRS, you can tell that she HAS been using it has a political arm of the dumboRAT party. It's a tool for the dumboRATS but it's not supposed to be used that way. So if she was "never a political person" how did she know to do things the way she has? Was she DIRECTED by someone to do so? If so, the only one with the authority or influence to do so was who? May I suggest themuslimvileone? August 13, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Census finds 42.1 MILLION immigrants. Most of them from Mexico, and that's 1.7 million since 2014, so in the eighteen months alone! themuslimvileone has been advertising for immigrants in the Central American countries. That's part of the plan. Bring in so many illegals that will be allowed to vote in the next forty elections and dumboRATS rule the world. What the rest of them forget is that IF themuslimvileone has his way, there won't be elections UNTIL the next one in forty years when he's dead. Otherwise, HE'S still in the RED House. That's his plan. August 13, 2015   Castro: U.S. owes them MILLIONS. themuslimvileone will pay up because it's another way to help destroy America. Problem will be that it is YOU and I who pay the price, not themuslimvileone. Never he. August 13, 2015   Are you scared by China's money devaluation? Some say it will be bad for the world's economy. I say GOD is in control and that whatever they do, it's not going to hurt me. We'll see what happens. August 13, 2015   jerry brown (Gov. CA., D) bans use of word "alien". Liberals/progressives/lefties always tout how they are for free speech but then they're the first to ban words, ban books, ban the "Confederate Battle flag". They create laws that up the anty when you are arrested if you used "hate speech" or if you had "hate in your heart" and you are punished more for what you feel or think. That's the whole progressive thing: they can do whatever they want. YOU cannot. August 13, 2015   Well, sorry, but I must dash. Things to do. Things to do. (Who said it?) Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 10, 2015: 12:58 a.m.   It's Monday! That means it's time for fun with Hank, my Minion. This time, "Minion Monday: Hank Studies Minion DNA". I wonder what he's going to do if he figures it all out. Will he make Minions for himself, or will he change the DNA into something else and make that for himself? Kinda' makes me want to hide that DNA because I don't know that I really want to find out. This may be the only posting I do for today. That headache I had on Friday turned out to be the flu. I've been trying to help with the "Big Project" but it's been difficult to do so with the flu. We have gotten a lot done this weekend, but it's been my hubby doing most of the work. Unfortunately my hubby's been doing most of the work. He really is a trooper and he's very, very skilled. He makes things look so easy. Anyways, we'll see how I feel when I wake up and I'll go from there. August 7, 2015: 1:47 a.m.   It's Flag Friday so that means that I post "Tribute To Our Heroes 229: On Hallowed Ground". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless you ALL! August 7, 2015: 2:32 p.m.   I'm not going to be doing other updates today because I'm fighting a building headache and I've still got "Big Project" things to do. I do, however, have some good news. I posted today a bunch of editorial cartoons from the PSJ Incorporation era that focus on the PSJ4T PAC and they are HYSTERICAL! You've got to see these things! Since they are from the PSJ Incorporation era, I put the links to them on the PSJ Incorporation page. Scroll down a little and make sure you swallow any liquids in your mouth before you view them because you don't want to give your computer/tablet/cell phone a coffee bath! Also, I won't be commenting on the debate last night. It's being covered by everyone except the Tellitubbies and that's enough. Also, because (as I said yesterday) I don't think that you can believe what a lot of candidates say and do while on the stump. Look to their PAST deeds and words and you'll find out who these people are. Check them out thoroughly on the internet. Find their financial statements, as well as commentary on their financials. Find the controversies they were involved in and how they handled them. If they whined like babies and went all "poor me" discard them as a candidate. If they handled it well, keep them on the possibility list. Don't go for anyone until and unless you have thoroughly checked them out. I'll do my research and let you know what I find, but not today. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 6, 2015: 12:05 p.m.   Sorry about the typos and forgetting the link in one blurb yesterday. As I said, I was very tired. I got some sleep last night, so today should be a little better. At least, I hope so. Let's get started. August 6, 2015   The first Republican debate is tonight. Whooopdeedoo. I'm not thrilled with any candidate yet: dumboRAT, repubiRAT, independent, or anything else. I have no special affinity for any of them. Will I watch tonight? Nope. Why waste my time? I consider 90% of what ANYONE says in a televised debate to be a LIE from MOST candidates anyways, so why bother? I see the way the behind closed doors deals are made and the way people get into the race to stymie other candidates but not to truly win, and it's disgusting. For someone to get into the presidential race just to take votes away from side A or B is wrong, IMHO. Some have been speculating that Trump is trying to be the Ross Perot to whoever is going to be the Republican candidate; as in, trying to get hillclintOOn a win. Whatever, whoever, why-ever: don't trust what you hear from ANY of them tonight. TRUST THEIR PAST ACTIONS and the WORDS THEY SPOKE PRIOR TO RUNNING when they weren't trying to get your vote. THAT'S when the TRUTH will out. So let's look at their previous actions and words. That will tell us more than what any of them say on the stump. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, candidacy, or debate.) August 6, 2015   Want to know how corrupt is Washington D.C.? It may scare you. August 6, 2015   Federal judges fed up with themuslimvileone's delays in FOIA answers. "At a Congressional FOIA hearing last month, noted the Washington Post, House Oversight Committee witnesses 'delivered a powerful verdict that federal agencies do a terrible job of responding to document requests — across the board, just about all the time.'"In other words, what themuslimvileone doesn't want you to know about he just hides. His administration, in one instance, wanted to release the information slowly -- frozen molasses slowly -- over a fourteen year period. Hide it until no one cares. That's the way themuslimvileone operates. August 6, 2015   Chicago cops "disappear" people, holding them with little access to the outside world, and few allowed contact with an attorney. BTW, just want to remind you. The Mayor of Chicago is Rahm Emanuel, buddy of themuslimvileone who, if he wasn't buds with, would be treated the same way as the other 83% black prisoners there. Remember, the Mayor of any city is OVER THE POLICE (like the President of the United States of America is the Commander in Chief of our military), thus themuslimvileone's buddy is acting in a racist manner by treating black people this way. Do these actions by Emmanuel prevent themuslimvileone from being friends with him? No. themuslimvileone does not care how others are treated. He's all for himself, not the "little guy", the 83% black population of the gulag. August 6, 2015   themuslimvileone admits Iran deal will "probably" finance terrorism. Isn't that special? He admits he's going to help ISIS/ISIL/ISLAM kill others and he has no problem with that. themuslimvileone shows his true self: MURDERER. August 6, 2015   He also says that's who Republicans are. He's always saying that others are doing exactly what he's doing, or saying what he's saying, or supporting what he's doing. The problem is that there's no else saying and doing what he's saying and doing! He's singular in his actions and he's singular in being PRESIDENT! There is NO ONE else who can do what he is doing because it doesn't carry the same weight and power! How stupid is he? August 6, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   NH defunded them. Good. Now we need 49 other states and the feds to do the same thing. I hope Florida does. I think we need to have a say in where our money goes and we don't need it to go to killing BABIES! August 6, 2015   Emminent domain case drags on. Emminent domain is when the government takes your property for their use, sometimes without adequate compensation, usually without your wanting them to. Emminent domain can be claimed if it's "for the greater good": i.e., if it takes from you what is yours so that all of the people can benefit from the taking. It doesn't matter what the property is, if the government can take it and make it theirs, it's not YOU OWNING the property. Emminent domain needs to go away. August 6, 2015   themuslimvileone killed the space shuttle program so that he could be "more flexible" after the election and give Russia a $490 MILLION contract to do what the space shuttle was doing? He killed thousands of jobs in America so that Russia could employ their people? Doesn't that speak volumes? August 6, 2015   themuslimvileone and his family leave for Martha's Vineyard on YOUR DIME this Friday. Enjoying mac and cheese and peanut butter sandwiches still? Aren't you glad themuslimvileone (who killed all those NASA jobs -- just as I warned you about) is going to go relax and play golf? Aren't you glad you get to pay for that? Aren't you happy that themuslimvileone's family gets to live in multi-million dollar houses on their vacations that you pay for while your family does a "stay-cation" and watch old DVDs for fun? Yeah. You're happy about that. I can see it from here. (*sarcasm, of course*) August 6, 2015   And so it begins: Internet companies to face new EU rules. They start with the easy stuff: security issues and financial transactions. Then they go for the "you can't sell that" and then on to the "you can't SAY that". After that, they hit the little companies and then YOU AND I. Free speech on the internet will be GONE, completely taken away and anyone who dares break that rule will be arrested, fined, detained until they agree to change their words and to toe the PC line. This is the beginning of world wide TYRANNY and you saw it happen. August 6, 2015   Really? REALLY? This one stuns me. I admit to being at a loss for words. August 6, 2015   "All Aboard Florida" not so popular. I disllike it, too. One way or anther, sooner or later, this thing will take from the taxpayer and use OUR dime to keep running, and when (not if) it does the service will get worse. Something to look forward to here, folks! August 6, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   themuslimvileone "provides" an EXTRA 1 MilLION work permits ANNUALLY. That's above and beyond the "normal" permits and it's above and beyond anything that should be done. If anyone wants to come here LEGALLY, let them as long as they aren't terrorists. IF, on the other hand, they want to come here to destroy America, hurt people, change America into what they just left, or into something that it is not (and was never intended to be), they can stay home! August 6, 2015   Newly redrawn Congressional districts FAVOR dumboRATS. That's exactly why they sued to get things changed. They cry "Gerrymandering! Gerrymandering!" then they are happy when it favors them. Get rid of districts altogether and make all representatives of the people represent ALL of the people, not just a few. That would get rid of gerrymandering and crybabying and a judiciary that favors either side. August 6, 2015   CA cop points gun at someone vidoeing him. Just because a citizen was videoing the officer that officer pulled his gun (a semiauto) and pointed his gun at the guy videoing him. That's an incredibly bad decision by that cop. The citizen was doing NOTHING WRONG. People are ALLOWED to video cops! It's not against the law! For a cop to point his gun at a citizen for videoing that cop is not just dangerous it's an indication of the cop's attitude toward the FREEDOMS of the citizens whose RIGHTS he is sworn to "protect and defend"! When someone breaks the law, they are usually breaking someone else's Constitutionally guaranteed rights -- life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, free speech, freedom to assemble, etc. -- and that's what the laws the person is breaking are based upon. When a cop points a gun at someone who is exercising his own rights that tells us that the cop doesn't have the slightest regard for the U.S. Constitution nor for the LIFE of the person he is pointing his gun at! Power corrupts: absolute power corrupts absolutely. Cops who point guns at citizens who are videoing them are already power currupted and need to be FIRED ASAP. August 6, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   themuslimvileone wants states to not increase rates. themuslimvileone is the one who wanted this thing and now he's trying to force the states to pay the price for it. I hope that NONE of them delay the increase and that it makes 2016's elections even more difficult for those who support this crap to be elected. Yes, that includes hillclintOOn, bernie sanders and any other dumboRAT, republiRAT or any other RAT who supports it. If my own hubby supported this crap and was running for president, I would not vote for him! The thing is a disaster, complete and utter, and it needs to be GONE! August 6, 2015   themuslimvileone HID the facts about the Iran deal from the House, Senate and the American people. We're finding out how dangerous his deceit is and it's going to put the whole world in danger. themuslimvileone has given aid and comfort to sworn enemies of the United States and should be arrested for TREASON. Too bad there isn't a law enforcement officer out there with the gonads to do so! August 6, 2015   On that note, I'll close for today. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 5, 2015: 9:26 a.m.   I probably won't be doing many blurbs today because I've been up for about 24 hours right now. I got busy on another Christmas present, then did some cleaning, then sat down to check my e-mail and when I was finished with that, I checked PSJHistory.com as I try to do regularly to make sure everything is up and running properly, and found that it wasn't. It was neither up nor running properly because it can't run properly when it's down. Sigh. Contacted my service provider and they said they had sent me a notice to switch that website to another server, too. I don't remember ever receiving one. I was told that I didn't have to move it because it was on a server that wasn't going to burst into flames anytime soon. What the guy who told me that was not lying, but he didn't know that because I consolidated my websites into one blanket site that I had to move them all to the same server, too. Thus, through the early morning hours this morning I was transferring files to put PSJHistory.com and all of its attendant websites back together on a new server. Life is fun if you don't take it too seriously. I'm very tired and I'm probably typing gibberish, but at least you know why. Now, on with the blurbs. August 5, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Peace and tolerance has a habit of tracking down innocent family members of U.S. military members and threatening them on their front lawns. Remember all of those security breaches where personal info from personnel files was compromised? Remember how many there were? Remember fom what countries the threats were said to have come from? Yep. The men who were going to military members' houses and threatening the families of military members were from the Middle East. Sounds like they want "peace and tolerance", doesn't it? To threaten the wives and children of our troops is a cowardly, despicable act. To hunt them down to their own front yards is a definite intimidation factor. If I were in the area, CO and WY, I'd be sure to wear a gun openly every time I went outside. If they want intimidation, let's play fair. August 5, 2015   Illegal Immigration Invasion:   At GA school, almost half of students don't speak English. That's an astonishing number. It's also sad. The immigrants who came to America used to be proud to quickly learn English. Nowadays, we have to "Press 1 for English". It's not just wrong, it's an admission of defeat before the battle even started. Can you believe that themuslimvileone's answer to stopping terrorists from attacking America? Give them citizenship. S.M.H. August 5, 2015   dumboRATS playing loose and dirty with the law and filing questionable charges against Republican Attorney General (WI), Ken Paxton. Attorneys can't believe that the charges were filed and it was so surprising that a publication wrote: "'Attorneys with experience prosecuting and defending criminal securities matters are questioning what they say is strange wording and surprising allegations in three felony indictments against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.'"dumboRATS are desperate to shut down TRUE CONSERVATIVES. TRUE CONSERVATIVES really scare dumboRATS. dumboRATS shake in their pee-stained shoes when a TRUE CONSERVATIVE is in the room, is in an elected office, or a position of power. That's why they hate -- still -- Sarah Palin. She was/is strong and true and they fear her as much as they fear Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Thomas Sowell. However, dumboRATS will never admit to it. August 5, 2015   FBI "looks into" clintOOn e-mail/server situation. There won't necessarily be any criminal charges (she is a clintOOn, after all) but they are looking into it. I wonder if they're looking at it through a microscope or a kaleidoscope with rose colored glass? August 5, 2015   Florida has gone WAAAAYYYYY TOOOOOOOO FAAAARRRRRRR! That ruling is a complete "DUH!" August 5, 2015   Hate to do it but my eyes are closing without my permission so I shall go for now. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 4, 2015: 10:08 a.m.   hillclintOOn:   She's losing support. Happy dance. Even cable news is slamming her. Happy dance. She defends Planned AbortionHood. That's losing her support. Happy dance. Her sidekick may face criminal charges. That's losing her support. Happy dance. She supports death tax she avoids. Will that lose her support? I hope so. Will it make a difference? I hope so. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or power hungry, greedy witch.) August 4, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   FIFTH video captures more selling of BabyBits. They're acting as though the BabyBits are nuts and bolts for cars. It's totally disgusting. Those dark creatures of no souls and less mercy have become inhuman. The way they treat the BabyBits and the way they haggle for more money for them -- while eating and drinking and laughing! -- is so totally demonic that I bet if you try to see them in the mirror they won't have a reflection. If you watch the video, don't do it without a barf bag nearby. August 4, 2015   Wasted Taxpayer $$$$$:   Feds pay "comedian" for anti-white screed. Yep. White folks are paying for anti-white "comedy". Does that make sense to anyone? Can you imagine if G.W. Bush hired a "comedian" to deliver anti-black "comedy"? Can you imagine the outrage? Can you imagine the marches? Can you imagine the violence? themuslimvileone -- a black man -- hires an anti-white "comedian" to do his schtick and it's all hunk-dory? Double standard anyone? August 4, 2015   Does the market revolve around Apple? As goes Apple, so goes the world? Is that how it is, or is the market stronger than to rely on a single entity? I believe the latter, but I don't know much about the stock market. If you want to hedge your bets, buy Samsung. Their products seem good. Don't, however, take this as investment suggestions. It's a smart aleck remark, not investment advice. August 4, 2015   dumboRATS lying again about Planned AbortionHood's "health care" claims. dumboRATS support Planned AbortionHood and dumboRATS will tell Planned AbortionHood's LIES as much as needed in order to support them and to have a reason to fund them. It's not that they're supporting the alleged "health care" (although considering the consequences of abortion, I don't see any "health" in it), it is that they're supporting abortion. August 4, 2015   August 4, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   2/3 of Americans dissatisfied with theirs. That's very telling, is it not? People don't like themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX because the costs are too high, the deductibles too high, they didn't get to keep their health insurance, nor their doctor. That's because it was never meant to do so. Coffee, roses, wake up and smell something! People are losing their healthcare insurance because companies are losing money in this scheme, but some folks don't want to admit that it's time to shut it down. Most of those folks are in the federal government! The costs are going up (again) if insurers have their way but people can't afford it. Between high deductibles and high premiums, it's just not good for America. I want it gone and so should you. August 4, 2015   How can they do this? Also, how can a citizenry allow them to do this? Appointing illegal immigrants to city committees is not just wrong, it's against everything America used to stand for. If you're going to be in a position of power you should be a legal citizen. I don't care if you are a purple-polka-dotted-redheaded-green-footed-bulemic as long as you are here LEGALLY. That means that you were born here of parents who were born here of LEGAL immigrants or that you came here LEGALLY from another country, whichever, if you are a LEGAL resident here, then run for (or be appointed to) city committees. That's fine. However, I totally disapprove of anyone who is here ILlegally who gets to vote on rules that will govern LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS. That's wrong. August 4, 2015   DH[IN]S puts your PRIVACY at risk. "The latest in a series of failed attempts to reform cybersecurity, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (Cisa) grants broad latitude to tech companies, data brokers and anyone with a web-based data collection to mine user information and then share it with “appropriate Federal entities”, which themselves then have permission to share it throughout the government."Is that what you want? No? Then STAND UP! August 4, 2015   Sitting is bad for you. Standing is bad for you. Now, exercising a lot is bad for you. Next they'll tell us that breathing is bad for us? Science: if it's for sale, it's not science. If you can pay for results that you want, it's not science. If it's set up to satisfy requirements instead of the only REAL requirement of science -- TRUTH -- then it's NOT SCIENCE. If it's anything other than the TRUTH being found and told exactly as it should have been found and told, then it's propaganda, NOT SCIENCE. When science went up for sale (i.e.: "global warming", the saccharine study that "proved" it was bad for you but we found out later it wasn't, etc.) it lost all credibility. Science is now a propaganda machine more than a search for truth. August 4, 2015   mcCONnell must never be re-elected. I agree. He's LIED to us often enough. He's kissed enough dumboRAT backside to know each and every pimple and hair on each of them, and he's broken his oath of office to "uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution" enough to go to prison (IMHO). He should not have been re-elected last time but he made "Conservative" noises (which weren't all that Conservative) and the people of his district weren't paying attention or doing the research to "FIND THE TRUTH!" and they did the dumbo and re-elected him. Let us hope that this time they're paying attention or that he just doesn't run again. August 4, 2015   Trump has a competitor in Ted Cruz. Glad to see someone is catching up with him, but I'm a little surprised it's Cruz. Cruz has been talking boldly for a while but his actions haven't kept up with his mouth. A lot of Conservatives pay attention to politics and know about Cruz's mouth/action disconnect. Thus my surprise that it's Cruz catching up. Of course, there's not much in the way of options outside of Fiorina, Cruz and Walker so it's not totally shocking. I just thought it would be more Walker than Cruz. That's all. August 4, 2015   Two dumboRATS, two outlooks. luis gutierrez support illegals and difi doesn't support them. I am more with difi than gutierrez and I agree that gutierrez needs to be censured, then recalled. But you know who themuslimvileone supports staying in America? Child molesters. August 4, 2015   Sen. Lankford submits bill to protect religious beliefs. IF it gets passed, themuslimvileone won't sign it. Unless it gets a veto proof majority, it's all for nought. With all these idiot dumboRATS in the House and Senate, I doubt it will get a veto proof majority. It may pass, but it won't get veto proofed. Even if it did, themslimvileone's TYRANNY won't allow it to be enforcement of the law. He's done the same to already existing laws, what makes anyone believe he'd allow a brand new law to be enforced? Remember, themuslimvileone has broken the law HUNDREDS of times. So any new laws that say he has to allow religious freedom? Nah. He doesn't have to even crinkle his nose before breaking that one. August 4, 2015   Take heart. This is happening throughout Islam. There's a revival going on in Islam, but it's not a revival of the ISIS/ISIL sort. It's a change of heart and mind and a change of soul and future. It's turning away from Islam and TOWARD Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. That's a good thing! August 4, 2015   Well, I'm going to close for now. The "Big Project" beckons and I finished one Christmas present and started another, so I have other work to do. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! August 3, 2015: 12:54 a.m.   It's Monday! That means it's time for another "Minion Monday: Hank Makes Supper"! Hank grilled some pork roasts and chicken breasts for us. It was nice of him but did I see some hot sauce? August 3, 2015: 3:17 p.m.   hillclintOOn:   Will she wind up in jail instead of the Red House? With all of the wrongs she has done it's about time at least ONE of them caught up with her. I hope the judge throws her in jail and loses the keys. She should FINALLY be held accountable for at least ONE of the things she has done. The list is enormous compared to most of us and when this whole e-mail thing is totally uncovered and the whole truth is known, she will have done so many illegal things that there should be no denying (except for her sycophants) that she deserves to be in prison for the rest of her life. All of her accolades need to be dissolved in the light of truth and justice! I don't care how she tries to tug at the heart strings and what claims she makes to patriotism or "making things better", she deserves to be in prison. Egypt filed a criminal complaint against hillclintOOn but nothing ever came of it -- at least, not yet. August 3, 2015   NYT mad republiRATS don't kiss themuslimvileone's backside. Oh. Boo. Hoo. August 3, 2015   Trump a threat to republiRATS? I don't think so. If he does stay in the race I don't know that the American people are ready for another HUGE ego in the Red House again. IF there is an election next year I wonder if Trump will even be running at the time. I also don't think of him as a real threat. He's bluster and boast, but a threat to the likes of Ted Cruz? I don't know. People like Trump because he's emboldening the others to say things that they actually think but were afraid to speak before. He's showing how to do it and not back down. That's being a good example to others, but it's not necessarily presidential material to bluster and blow and yet have no experience governing. We've had that since 2008 and look at what it's gotten us. America doesn't want that again. Yeah, we may like hearing "You're FIRED!" but it has to be said to the right person! Would he do that? I don't know. Do you? And do you trust him to do so? How will you know? Has he said? Don't just "Hope" again. Do the RIGHT thing for America. Vote TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE, not "Hope" or "Change": that is, if you get the chance. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or blustering boaster.) August 3, 2015   Twitter nose dive? Awww... poor birdie. Glad I didn't invest. August 3, 2015   Go medieval: figuratively of course. Love the thought. I can just imagine Conservatives with a whole pig roasting over the open fire, the knights preparing for the jousting match with full armor and a trusty steed, and the dumboRATS coming to the match emaciated because they're vegan and riding on rickshaws (pulled by their lessers, of course), and wearing only cotton clothing because they like renewable resources and robbing the earth of her natural resources (iron, brass, copper, etc.) is wrong. I am always surprised when Conservatives are afraid of the left/progressives/libs because we are so much stronger compared to the left being so much LOUDER. There's the rub: Conservatives think that LOUDER must mean more popular so some are afraid to stand against it. Louder only means louder, not more popular. Just because someone with a boom box playing violent rap music in their car pulls up beside you at a traffic signal that doesn't mean that everyone within hearing range suddenly loves that music, does it? Then why do Conservatives always seem to believe that louder is more popular? Think, Conservatives! Jerry Fallwell called it the "Silent Majority" and he was close to correct. Conservatives are not loud, but we do want leadership to keep their word. That's what Conservatives are lacking right now: leadership that will keep its word, stand their ground and not speak out on an issue, then be afraid to vote on it, a la Ted Cruz on the Lynch vote. August 3, 2015   debbie wassie-schultz can't say there's a difference between dumborats and socialists. Probably because there is no longer a difference. dumboRATS have sauntered into Socialism like it's a Sunday afternoon ice cream social. They wallow in it and cover it (and themselves) with caramel sauce as they wallow so that they can sweeten it to the underlings. Anyone who keeps tabs on this stuff and is paying attention has noted the move left and socialist. If you didn't see it happen, dig a little and you'll find it's true. August 3, 2015   Fast & Furious: themuslimvileone has MORE blood on his hands. Fast & Furious gun used in attack on Pamela Geller's event. When will themuslimvileone be charged as an accessory before the fact? August 3, 2015   Oil prices down again. I paid $2.36 recently and I was thrilled! Let's hope it keeps happening! August 3, 2015   Kiss internet freedom goodbye soon. It's not a good thing. Free speech will be gone because PC will rule the internet after those who get chosen to run the committee that will govern it get chosen. Who will choose them? Read all about it here. You'll want to keep an eye on this. August 3, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   To defund it, we must shut the government down. That's what John Drogin says. If the republiRATS and dumboRATS won't do so, then we should refuse to pay our taxes until the government listens to us and does as WE say. After all, WE are THEIR BOSSES, not vice versa. If we refuse to PAY them maybe they'll start listening! August 3, 2015   We've been banned from knowing about the Iran nuclear deal. Again, we should NOT PAY our taxes until our government starts listening to us -- AND being open and honest with us. They are supposed to operate in the open and we are supposed to know what the government is doing (allegedly) on our behalf. When the government goes dark we are operating under TYRANNY not the representative republic we were founded as. August 3, 2015   Well, hubby just got home and we want to do some more work on the "Big Project" so I shall close for today. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 2015 July 30-31, 2015: 11:32 p.m.   For Flag Friday, I posted "Tribute To Our Heroes 228: A Price Way Too Precious!". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! July 31, 2015: 1:37 p.m.   If you've listened to Rush Limbaugh lately you may have heard an advertisement about "piggybacking" on the Canadian Social Security program and getting "free" money. I heard it and knew it was a scam, so I looked into it because I don't want any of my readers to be taken in and ripped off. I was correct. The ad was a scam. It's a carefully worded scam, and if you read the article you'll see how they did it. Don't fall for "easy" money, folks. If it's so easy, they wouldn't be sharing it because there's more for them if fewer are dividing it. Rush had nothing to do with the ad since it's usually running in the slots he is not responsible for selling, PLUS anytime he has a new advertiser he does a freebie endorsement of their product when he introduces us to the new sponsor. He never did that with this ad. He never mentioned them and he never endorsed the ad. So, don't blame him for a rip off being advertised during his show. He doesn't sell every spot between noon and 3 p.m. and others are to blame for the ad. Just wanted you to know not to bother with trying to "piggyback" and that those who do shouldn't blame Rush, but they should blame their own laziness for wanting easy money, their own greed and because they didn't look into it first. A little due diligence goes a long way toward preventing difficulties in the future. July 31, 2015   themuslimvileone doesn't stop Mexican cartels from smuggling TERRORISTS into America. He's happy about it because it's just another way to destroy America. I wonder if themuslimvileone's daddy and step-daddy are Shia Muslims because they believe that they have to bring the world into a state of subservience via violent conversion or just by wiping out everyone who is not "Islamic enough" (i.e.: believe what they believe). If that be the case, then it would explain a lot if themslimvileone were raised to believe that destroying the "infidels" would lead to the return of the 12th Imam, would it not? July 31, 2015   Fed to raise interest rate so if you want to refinance anything better do it now. July 31, 2015   They're trying to shut down free speech on the internet and that means mostly Conservative sites will be targeted. That would mean no more Drudge, no more Red State, no more Free Republic, no more Space Coast Conservative. Free Speech, First Amendment protected, is -- as of this writing -- still unrelegulated with very few exceptions (yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater, "hate speech", those sorts of things). So when they decided to shut down free speech what will then happen? Will websites that offend the sensibilities of the left be shut down? Of course they will. Let's stand up to them for as long as we can, though, agree? July 31, 2015   This is WRONG. I don't care what religion you are or if you're non-religious, an atheist, or agnostic; respect the graves of the dead. Don't defile anyone's grave. It's just not right. July 31, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her e-mails that she has handed over are "heavily redacted". What did they expect? The truth? Really? Like she'd ever be able to recognize the TRUTH. Riggghhhhtttt. What's worse? themuslimvileone has helped her by doing the redactions! Friends in high places, even though those e-mails contained "hundreds" of classified secrets, they were still on her unsecured "private server". She doesn't care about America, our security, our secrets, or anything else American. She cares about herself and her POWER. Did you know that Planned AbortionHood has her private e-mail addy? Yep. Maybe that's part of the reason she still supports them: they have her e-mail for a reason and for hillclintOOn that reason is always MONEY. Has Planned AbortionHood been donating to hillclintOOn's candidacy? She has a letter from her doctor that says she's "fit to serve" if elected. I don't believe it for even one of her heartbeats. She's no more fit to serve than is the Headless Horseman of Ichabod Crane fame. July 31, 2015   CO Planned AbortionHood truly messed up. They performed an abortion on a 13 year-old girl that her step-disaster had raped and gotten pregnant -- without contacting her parent, or notifying authorities. In fact, the CO Planned AbortionHood returned the girl to her rapist and allowed that abuse to continue for years after. It's ridiculous. July 31, 2015   Study: cell phones can cause cancer. So everyonoe's going to put their cell phones down and go back to the regular land line phones? I think not. Also, ask who paid for the study. Follow the money, folks. July 31, 2015   dumboRATS replace one bad apple with another. "Stupid is as stupid does" and dumboRATS prove it daily. July 31, 2015   I'm not sure if this is gross or cool. It's science and all of that, but eww! July 31, 2015   Vatican doesn't believe in aliens? Wow. That's amazing considering how far out the pope has been. I'm shocked he's not having a telescope built for the vatican's rooftop. July 31, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   themuslimvileone's spending bringing MORE illegals into America. Destroy America as quickly and by whatever means possible. Just get 'er done. That's themuslimvileone's goal. I wish this bill to stop it would succeed, but themuslimvileone has to sign all things passed by the House and Senate and we all know that isn't going to happen. July 31, 2015   themuslimvileone's ANTI-SEMITIC rant. Uh. He gives lip service to being a Christian and he's spouting anti-semitism? Not a Christian. Christians SUPPORT ISRAEL. Islamics do not support Israel but they do spout anti-semitism. How on earth can anyone believe that themuslimvileone is pro-Israel when his actions -- and NOW his words -- prove otherwise? July 31, 2015   How absurd England is getting. It's "homophobic" to be afraid of spiders? How stupid is that? What is it with England? Is it all those years of bowing and scraping to a king or queen that makes people afraid to stand up for what is right and their rights? England is cutting its own throat by being so darn PC and if they don't turn soon to be strong and build strong people they will face the consequences when their country is taken over by force and no one has the courage or desire to stand up for England because they're far too inculcated to find anything worth standing up against. (BTW, America is not that far behind England in that arena. Start standing NOW for what you believe in and we won't face the same fate as "Jolly Old" England.) July 31, 2015   Mitt Romney is out of line. He's the one who stepped over the line, not Ted Cruz. Cruz spoke the truth. Romney slapped him for it. Romney's wrong. July 31, 2015   Cops are getting sneaky to be able to catch you doing something wrong in your car. It's sneaky. Would they want their family members caught the same way? I wonder. July 31, 2015   Town votes to discriminate against Christians. It is happening all over America. Christianity is targeted for destruction by the lgbtq community and if Christians don't stand up and defend themselves and stand up for Jesus Christ, we will have to answer for that when we stand before Him. "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven."Stand up and profess! July 31, 2015   This is me. I am a mentally strong person and these traits describe me. July 31, 2015   I'll close for this week. Enjoy your weekend and take time with family. I'll be working on my "Big Project" and on Christmas presents! Yep. Started making Christmas presents already. I like giving a combo of handmade gifts and store-bought gifts and it's something unique to what I can give them and they're very appreciated. It's a time gift, too. So, start yours now and you'll have the time to do so. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 30, 2015: 3:39 p.m.   I Support Israel Owning Israel. The Islamic "claim" to it is a false claim. Here's why it's a false claim. Know the facts. FIND THE TRUTH! July 30, 2015   I hope this judge actually does what he threatens. I would LOVE to see lois lerner and the IRS Commissioner in jail. Wouldn't that be delicious? July 30, 2015   Social "Security" cuts coming! Are you prepared to live off of something besides Social "Security"? Makes you kinda' wonder why they don't rename it, does it not? July 30, 2015   Is Planned AbortionHood losing corporate donors? American Express and American Cancer Society say they no longer give to them. Previously others were denying ever having given to them. It's good that the truth is coming out and that people who didn't know the TRUTH of Planned AbortionHood's nefarious acts are finding it out. The TRUTH shall set you free is biblically sound and good for corporations getting away from bad behavior. Now they're selling "intact" babies; intact as in whole, those who are not torn limb from limb. They're BABIES. Whole BABIES. And they sell them. For profit. July 30, 2015   Homosexual "marriage" support waning. People are ridiculously fickle. It was said that there was massive support for homosexual "marriage" before the scotus (PTUI!) ruled that it was a "right". Now that the scotus (PTUI!) made their "finding" (in this case, as in Roe v. Wade, it really is a FINDing; because neither are in there) and homosexuals got what they wanted, no one's happy with that? That's just control, which is what they want. Homosexuals' goal was not "marriage", it is: "'crushing dissent' and forcing Christians out of public office."Reality check: progressives/libs/lefties want to get rid of Christianity as a whole. They don't want ANY CHRISTIANS in public office, or to own businesses, to be on planet earth. They HATE GOD because if He is real then they are wrong and condemned. They can't stand being told they're wrong. Nor can those who support them. Too bad. There is going to be a judgment day for all of us. If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you spend eternity in heaven with GOD, Jesus Christ and other Christians. If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you spend eternity in hell, being totally separated from love, compassion, rest, peace, joy, solace, comfort, laughter, relief, happiness, or any other good feeling. Those in hell will also experience pain, excrutiating and eternal; recriminations, for what you've done and what you haven't done; and many other terrors that you can't even imagine now. Those in hell will spend eternity without a moment's relief from the memories of what you've done wrong -- including knowing that you are reading this and denying GOD and His love for you and choosing to ignore the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross: His life for your sin, His goodness for your wrong, His righteousness for your self-righteousness. You will remember this moment in hell and you will regret not believing me. GOD LOVES YOU. He always has and always will, but He gives you free choice. You can choose to accept His love and Christ's sacrifice for you, or you can choose to deny His free gift of eternal life with Christ in heaven. It's up to you. July 30, 2015   hillclintOOn:   billybob being "a hard dog to keep on the porch" STILL. If you were married to the shrill shemale shrew wouldn't you go elsewhere for your jollies? Did you know she had info on her private server about U.S. intelligence agencies? Remember, that server was unsecured. So who could have gotten that info? So why is she not in jail? She's another LIAR who wants power. That's what it's all about. July 30, 2015   Rolling Stone editor to step down? You know, the one who published the story about a gang rape that never happened? Yeah. That one. July 30, 2015   Well, the storm is here and I'll go for safety's sake. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 29, 2015: 10:56 a.m.   Took yesterday off: I mean totally off. For the first time in a very long time, I chilled. It was great. Sorry I missed doing updates, but I really did enjoy it. So, let's get started for today's updates with this: Someone who has gonads. This is a guy I'd say was headed in the right direction. When he filed a "motion to vacate the chair" of the House Speaker, that was a good move, IMHO. bonehead boehner is a failure, a farce and a LIAR and he's more RINO than Republican as his little letter says. boehner needs to go. He needs to be kicked to the curb. He needs to be removed from his leadership position and relegated to the dustbins of Congressional history. He's a FAILURE. He's a kiss-butt to power. He's not a LEADER; he's a CHUMP. July 29, 2015   People think the Pope is the anti-Christ? I don't know that I'd go that far, but I do think he's wacko. I think he's a Communist/Socialist/Marxist/Environmentalist (especially the "menal" part), but I don't think he's the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ has certain distinguishing characteristics and certain origins during a certain time frame. The Pope, considering Bible prophesy, is not he. He could be a precursor to the anti-Christ, but he isn't the anti-Christ. He's just a fore-shadowing. When someone who allegedly represents Christ on earth goes that far astray from the message of Christ, then you know he's not the messenger of GOD. After all messengers of GOD don't spread satan's ideas. July 29, 2015   JW produces IRS Lois Lerner e-mails. When the government uses its different departments to target and punish those it disagrees with you know it's a corrupt government. This administration is so corrupt that it doesn't know how to do ANYTHING that is NOT corrupt. This administration is a total, complete, absolute FAILURE. Of course, with the leadership it has what else could we expect? July 29, 2015   Rhetorical question: Will themuslimvileone cave to Kuwait? Like there was any doubt? July 29, 2015   themuslimvileone is gathering MORE info on YOU. Well, not just YOU, but on EVERYONE. Then he's using that info to rule with an iron fist, a la Communist Russia and China. He's going to be "fixing" our communities so that they have an acceptable (to his way of thinking) mixture of blacks and whites in each community. It's his form of desegregation, and he's the one who gets to decide who lives where. We have no more freedom to decide that. We have to live where he wants us to live. He is the one who is in control and if he says "Go live there!" or "Welfare housing will be here beside these $3 MILLION houses!" We, The People, will have no say. The TYRANT HAS SPOKEN! WE SHALL OBEY! BOW AND SCRAPE! That's what themuslimvileone wants. He is all for HIS POWER. This info gathering is just the beginning of his TYRANNY. Wait until he does away with elections next year. Then you'll see the full scope of his ego. Yes, I expect just that: no elections next year. He'll create a crisis and enable himself to use that crisis to "postpone" elections next year... and the next year... and the next year... In the meantime, he'll be ensuring our 2nd Amendment rights are taken away, doing all he can to make it happen. Even those who now legally own guns will have them taken away if themuslimvileone has his way. Remember, he promised gun control "with or without Congress" back in 2014 and he's headed there as quickly as he can. This isn't a false scare, folks. It's the TRUTH and the TRUTH says that themuslimvileone wants you disarmed. The Founding Fathers said many things against disarming the citizens, but my favorite is this: "'To disarm the people...[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.'Yep. "[T]he most effectual way to enslave them." Take away our ability to fight back and the only ones with a weapon will be those obeying the corrupt, illegal, immoral, direct orders to shoot on their fellow Americans although those Americans be unarmed. That's the goal. July 29, 2015   July 29, 2015   July 29, 2015   Planned AbortionHood:   Another person within that baby-killing organization admits to selling BabyBits. It's all about the profit, don't ya' know? Also, "Black Lives Matter" should be standing in front of Planned AbortionHood, says Paglia. I agree! The number of black babies aborted daily is SHOCKING. Those babies matter! themuslimvileone's admin won't be investigating Planned AbortionHood, though. They don't care about black lives. They care about POWER. Planned AbortionHood has hired a "nasty" PR firm to deal with the new videos. Of course they have! They want YOUR MONEY to continue rolling in! July 29, 2015   LOL! I gotta' admit, I love being right. "Organic" is bad for you and it's a HOAX. After all, "'Organic pesticides pose the same health risks as non-organic ones.'"So how can "organic" be good for you? How is it any different? Don't be stupid. Pay less, eat just as well and ignore "organic" because it's cheaper to eat, and just as healthy for you to eat "non-organic". It's your dime. Use it wisely. July 29, 2015   This is what we pay people to do? themuslimvileone's administration trying to come up with a plan for when/if the sun dies? Really? SMH. July 29, 2015   hillclintOOn:   There are two months worth of missing e-mails surrounding the Libya embassy attack. So she has an illegal server, uses it for Secretary of State e-mails (also illegal), and delays delivering them to the House Ovesight Committee investigating the BENGHAZI attack, then picks and chooses which e-mails she wants to send and doesn't send two months' worth of e-mails. Sounds to me like a typical Leftie/progressive/liberal; above the law is where they stand. Also, there is a silly question out there: how will she offset her carbon emissions from jetting all over for her campaign? I say if she'd just shut her mouth for the next eighteen months the whole world will be better off, agree? BTW, Linda Tripp says hillclintOOn is "ruthless". I think we've seen that already. July 29, 2015   Putin's people use Twitter to infiltrate themuslimvileone's administration. shock. surprise. July 29, 2015   Study: long periods of tanding is bad for you. Sitting is bad. Standing is bad. Living is going to kill everyone. Just do as you think best and ignore all of the "experts". They know nothing compared to what GOD knows and if He is pleased with you, don't worry about the rest. July 29, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   3,100 Illegals crossing border every week. How many of those are violent criminals, or ISIS members? Then violent street gangs recruit these illegals and their numbers grow and that puts our families at risk. Does themuslimvileone (who INVITED them here in the first place) care? Nope. They'll help him stay in office. Why should he care? July 29, 2015   dumboRAT indicted for racketeering. Another one bites the dust. Question is, will he also bite the hand that fed him? July 29, 2015   CA cities could die because of water shortage. Die as in be wiped off the map; abandoned, turned into dustbowl towns. I lived in CA for six years after I married my hubby. He was stationed at Vandenberg A.F.B. out there, and we lived in one of the little towns nearby (Lompoc) for a year then moved into base housing. I liked Lompoc, Vandenberg Village, Solvang, San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, etc. I hope none of them are wiped off the map. That would be very sad. July 29, 2015   Will the internet listen to your converstaions? If so, themuslimvileone's administration will certainly take advantage of that! Don't you worry. It won't be just the "internet" listening. themuslimvileone will have every word recorded and used against you at the earliest possible moment. High tech has its difficulties as well as its blessings. Defeat as many of the high tech difficulties as possible. Go low tech as much as you can. For instance: put two layers of regular paper (colored paper works well, too) over all of your computer and cell phone cameras and tape them in place. No one can activate your cameras and watch you that way. We do that to all cameras that have internet access at our house. When it comes to listening through our computers and cameras, make sure you have Conservative talk radio playing and they'll hate that and go away. Payback is hades, and making them listen to Rush is excellent payback because they hate him so! July 29, 2015   Twitter growth "lags". People are fickle. They use something for a while, get used to it, then move on to the newest fad. They don't stick with things that are years old unless it's something that is very useful to them. The thing with Twitter is that its "new" has faded and its being seen as too limited now. Those who used to tweet everything that happened in their lives are about the only ones who think it's still fabulous. Those who have a life don't use it at all after trying it for a few months and realizing its useless. July 29, 2015   Social media use leads to depression/suicide? They read what other people are doing and saying about their own lives and then they compare the lives of their contacts with their own lives and get depressed. The other people are doing fun things, getting kudos, winning sports events. They're just not that good. They get depressed and start thinking that their lives are as good as other people's lives. Staying off the social media stuff would be good for them, but they can't because they want to see their names mentioned. They want to get a "Like", or they want to get a tweet back that contains praise from a stranger. What they don't realize is that a lot of the stuff on Twitter is -- at best -- exaggerated, or even outright lies. When Ciandkny@blgieldo.com writes that she just got recruited to do modeling for a magazine, the teens reading that don't realize it's a bit of an exaggeration and the "magazine" is her cousin's blog about hair styles. Don't compare yourselves to others, folks. Just be happy that you are you. That's the best policy and the best way to happiness. Comparing yourself to others can lead to depression and it's just not good for you. July 29, 2015   D.C. is sinking. I don't mean just in public opinion polls, it's actually sinking. Maybe they should shovel out all of the bull that's spewed there daily and that would let it rise again? July 29, 2015   Well, I'll stop there for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 26-27, 2015: 11:18 p.m.   It's almost Monday and that means? Yep. "Minion Monday: Hank and the Boys Make Me a Surprise" is when Hank and the boys really tried to do something nice, but an unlocked door meant that I found out ahead of time. They did try. It was sweet. But when they get too noisy, I have to check. July 27, 2015: 4:31 p.m.   hillclintOOn:   LOL! LOL! LOL! That's too funny! LOVE IT! Anti-hillclintOOn website asks women if they've been sexually harassed by billybob. Hey, if he's trying to get back into the Red House, it's a valid question. After all, we all know that since themuslimvileone got in there the First Spouse suddenly has the ability to change the way students across America eat and has a lot more power. We all know that billybob likes power. Should a serial harasser be in the Red House? BTW, hillclintOOn claims that you don't know her. Rrrrriiiiggghhhhtttt. We know her as well as we know themuslimvileone -- better, even, since she was the LIAR First Spouse who has LIED more than she's ever told the truth. In fact, themuslimvileone's administration can be seen as a continuation of the clintOOn administration as much as vice versa. She also wants to turn every home into a Solyndra home. She wants to FORCE you to put up solar panels. Oh, of course, it would be subsidized by taxpayer dollars, but you'd have to do it to help prevent GLOBAL WARMING. Cough. Gag. July 27, 2015   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$$:   HUD staffer illegally charged $12 THOUSAND to YOU. themuslimvileone's administration at its finest. July 27, 2015   Lefties hate on the cops. Those folks need to be ignored next time they call 911 for a burglary. If they hate the cops so much let them deal with it themselves. July 27, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin trying to stop Sheriff Joe Arapaio any way they can. How much you want to bet that the evidence will QUOTE "prove" UNQUOTE that his department is racist and when it goes up on appeal that the evidence will ACTUALLY prove otherwise? That's what I think will happen. Anyone have other ideas? Does anyone expect themuslimvileone's admin to find otherwise? July 27, 2015   Illegal Immigrant Invasion:   More illegals in America than there UNemployed Americans. We have only ONE person to thank for that. You know who that is. Mitt Romney for not winning? Nah. themuslimvileone for extending the invitation. July 27, 2015   Well, hubby is home and the "Big Project" is calling. I must admit, the closer it gets the more excited I am about getting this done! I'm thrilled to be doing this because I've wanted to do it for over twenty years! Now, it's happening and I'm so excited! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Don't worry. I'll share pics when we're there. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 25, 2015: 3:11 p.m.   I found something in my files that I thought I had lost. It's a poem I wrote during Maureen Rupes's bid for D1 County Commissioner, "A Political Fairy Tale". Enjoy! July 24, 2015: 12:26 a.m.   It's Flag Friday! My latest offering: "Tribute To Our Heroes 227: Four Marines and a Sailor, too". GOD Bless those who mourn them. When we make our troops vulnerable at home, to me, that is the same as betraying them. When you make it impossible for them to defend themselves, you're as good as killing them. When you forbid them from carrying the weapons they've been trained to handle properly in shoot or no shoot situations, you condemn them to die. In this era of Islamic TYRANNY, our troops should be able to have their weapons with them and they should be able to protect themselves and others. Would there be danger of an accidental shooting? Perhaps, but the danger to our troops from them carrying on American bases would be far less than the danger of a black youth in Chicago over any recent weekend. Let our troops carry. It can save their lives. July 24, 2015: 2:05 p.m.   hillclintOOn:   She's being targeted by her own side now. It's not just the republiRAT candidates who are trying to prevent her running for prezidunce. It's the dumborats, too. Do you really think if it were not so that there would be a criminal inquiry sought against her because of the e-mails she deleted and because she sent and received CLASSIFIED info from her private server. Sounds to me like a lot of trouble is headed her way but if she were under the wing of themuslimvileone, this would not be happening. He's not covering for her. He's not protecting her. He's hanging her out to dry. Why is that? The NYT is still protecting her, but not themuslimvileone. Is he trying to keep her from running so that he can stay in the Red House? It's something to think about. July 24, 2015   Don't blame a video of the wrongdoing FOR the wrongdoing! That's just saying "Squirrel!" It's a distraction. It's stupid. It's like saying that if your wife catches you on video going to a hotel room with another woman you blame her for your actions by saying that if she didn't video it you wouldn't have done it. It's specious, idiotic and just another "Squirrel!" the dumboRATS use to distract you from their wrongdoing. The video maker didn't FORCE anyone to say anything. They CHOSE to say what they said. The video maker just caught them on video saying it. You can't blame the video maker for what came out of PP's (Planned AbortionHood's) mouths. Don't look at "Squirrels!" They take your eyes off of the TRUTH. I agree: We should DEFUND PP! We should DEMAND REFUNDS of ALL TAXPAYER DOLLARS! July 24, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   More than 1 MILLION illegals have committed ADDITIONAL CRIMES. They should be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY and NOT ALLOWED BACK IN! Why is Mexico not helping stem the tide? Their taxpayers are leaving by the droves. Why are they not acting? They're part of the deal. themuslimvile one is in league with others to destroy America (will Mexico get the states they claim used to be theirs when the job is completed? Is that the deal? themuslimvileone's admin has changed the Citizen Pledge for those who are becoming U.S. Citizens. It isn't the same, traditional one we've used for years and it's changing the whole idea of what it means to be an American citizen. Not that it matters to themuslimvileone and his administration that people won't be swearing the same things new citizens used to be sworn to. After all, if they are more loyal to him than to the country then that's good for him, right? July 24, 2015   The 19,374,438,818th example of incompetence, comlete and total, from this administration. The ONLY thing this administration does well is LIE!! Two-hundred three-year-olds could do better! July 24, 2015   Ted Cruz speaks TRUTH to power. Too bad he didn't have the courage to do the same against Loretta Lynch's nomination! Is he growing a spine in trying to compete with Trump? July 24, 2015   Condolences to those who lost loved ones and those who were injured. You do realize, don't you that the theater was a GUN FREE ZONE? You must also realize that the perpetrator owned that gun ILLEGALLY. With his past mental history the law says that he should NOT have owned a gun. BTW, the shooter WAS NOT a Tea Party member. July 24, 2015   Town in Spain grants cats & dogs human rights. I thought I was in the Twilight Zone when I read that. What are they thinking? I'm an animal lover, but you must realize that if cats and dogs have "human" rights they have to be able to 1) realize the concept of human rights, 2) realize that it purtains to them, 3) be able to stand up and fight for those rights. Otherwise it's all a moot point, is it not? July 24, 2015   ketchup kerry and themuslimvileone did "side deals" with Iran and they put America in danger. The next step? (It's laughable.) bonehead boehner says he'll do all he can to STOP the deal. RRrrriiiiigggghhhhhhtt. I will believe that when I see pigs fly, elephants shrink to the size of peanuts and themuslimvileone obey GOD, STOP LYING and actually say that ISLAM is responsible for the terrorist attacks around the world. Scott Walker says the deal should be undone. I agree with him wholeheartedly! July 24, 2015   Documents PROVE IRS targeted Conseravatives and it's still happening. Okay, hands up. Who here is surprised? July 24, 2015   Brevard County schools "improperly paid" $4.33 MILLION On Software Contract. Yep. That's YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS. In Brevard County, you pay property taxes and those taxes pay for the schools. The actual cost/contract was for $5.5 MILLION, but they hadn't paid that whole amount "improperly". Can we get a REFUND, please? Also, is the former Superintendent going to face charges because of his little bookkeeping trick? I think he should! July 24, 2015   Nuns take the battle to themuslimvileone over the birth control mandate. Remember, he "found" a way to get around the scotus (PTUI!) ruling and they were then subject to the mandate. But they're not giving up. They're going back to court and they're going to stand up to the monster TYRANT. Good for them! July 24, 2015   Seattle workers find $15 hourly not all they thought it would be. They're asking for fewer hours so that they can still qualify for government benefits. They get what they ask for then they complain. They didn't quite think that through, did they? Stupid is as stupid does. July 24, 2015   Well, that's it for today, folks. A lot of "Big Project" work to be done this weekend. Little things that will take a few minutes each, but they have to get done before the big, big, big stuff can be done. So, I'll leave you to get started on that. Have a great weekend! Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 23, 2015: 4:38 p.m.   Surprise! I'm here. Our day trip to help my Mother-In-Law through her medical appointment was cancelled because the doctor called her and asked if she could come to an earlier appointment. He changed her time from 1:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. and there was no way we could get up to be in Savannah at 8:30 in the morning after finding out about the change at 10 p.m. That wasn't going to happen because it would take at least four hours to get up there and we would have had to get up before I'm usually going to bed in order to make it there. We stayed home and his Mom will let us know how things went. Then another surprise; this one in a visit from my son and his roommate. They left a little while ago after helping us lift some heavy stuff and move them. That was a nice, helpfully timed visit. It wasn't arranged that way, it just was. Love it when things work out that way. So, I'll do just a few blurbs to use the time productively until my hubby gets home from work and then I'll be off to help him with more of our "Big Project". July 23, 2015   SMH. Really? She said that? Really? Amazing. She speaks and she slams her own numbers into the ground. Why she even bothers, I have no idea. July 23, 2015   June's U6 unemployment numbers were at 10.5%, now they're saying that last week's unemployment filings were lowest in 41.5 YEARS? That is such a crock. That just means that people have given up looking, those who want to work cannot even make themselves get out of bed long enough to shower, put on clean, ironed clothing and go out trying. They've lost heart, "Hope" and the "Change" in their pockets can't buy enough gasoline to get them to another job interview, so how can the unemployment filings be the lowest in 41.5 years unless SOMEONE'S COOKING THE BOOKS? July 23, 2015   And so it starts: DumboRATS cave to black leftists who want to deny Founding Fathers. History? A great America? What are those two things? They don't need nor want those. They want to take away the greatness of this land and relegate it and our Founding Fathers to the dustbins of history so that no one can know the TRUTH of their greatness nor the TRUTH of America's greatness. It's all about denying the facts and rewriting history to them. It's not about reality; it's about perceptions. It's not about TRUTH; it's about telling the LIE often enough it becomes accepted as TRUTH. For lefties, TRUTH is what YOU MAKE IT. Reality? No such thing. July 23, 2015   Your Taxpayer $$$$$:   DH[IN]S wastes $360 MILLION, asks for another $443 MILLION. The $360 MILLION wasn't enough. They have to waste more before they can ask for more to waste to find out why the first two were wasted. That's the way this administration does things. Let's hope -- pipe dreaming, I know -- the Congress (bonehead boehner led spinelessness) talks in its sleep and votes "NO!". Talking in their sleep is the ONLY way Congress can do anything right at this time, so let's hope someone is so boring that they put Congress to sleep. Oh! I know! themuslimvileone can talk to them! That would work! July 23, 2015   HHS protects PP (Planned AbortionHood) via rejecting FOIA request. "It's not newsworthy" they say. After all, Planned AbortionHood is just selling BabyBits, that's not something the public should know about, now is it? After all, what's a little human baby liver, lung, or heart between business associates? They'll be careful and use a technique that's "less crunchy". Who needs care about the law? They're Planned AbortionHood, after all, and the law? That's a non-starter. Of course, self-righteous, blame the whistleblower dumboRATS in Congress want the filmmaker investigated. How dare anyone make the PP abortion providers -- dark, heartless souls who have lost all capability of compassion -- look bad!? How dare they?! Then, Baby-killing corporate sponsors suddenly don't like their names being known so Planned AbortionHood pulled their sponsor names off the website. Not before, of course, someone took notice of who sends them the big bucks (besides the American Taxpayer) and I'm sure there's a copy of the list of corporate sponsors and I'm sure there are people interested in speaking their minds on the matter. Just remember: keep it civil. Don't threaten. State facts, nicely, succinctly and clearly without threatening. Tell them things like "I won't buy your product again because you support the killing and parting out of babies." That should do it, don't you think? July 23, 2015   Russia preparing for space war? That's not good. themuslimvileone has been destroying our military and our space capabilities little by little, but with ever-increasing frequency and intensity, since he got ACORNed into office. So Russia will be able to light your cigarette from space, but the best we'll be able to do is tell them how warm that laser was? Really? Does that sound reaasonable to you? July 23, 2015   Woops! Hubby's home! I'll go for now. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 22, 2015: 2:45 p.m.   My "Big Project" task for today before my hubby returns from work didn't take very long, but I did want to be sure to get it done. It's so exciting and we're all looking forward to getting this "Big Project" done. I learned that storage areas are a lot more expensive than I thought they'd be. But we'll probably be using one soon. I don't really think we can do this without one, but we'll see. Anywho... I found out that the project on U.S. 1 just north of the Reliant Power Plant is the Port Canaveral Logistics Center. Port Canaveral here? Yep. Commissioner Fisher's Facebook page proves it. So they are going ahead with the thing. I'm surprised. I thought that the environmentalists had this one in the bag. I thought that because she objected to it that it wouldn't get done. I suppose other voices were louder. Question is, what language did those louder voices speak? July 22, 2015: 10:35 a.m.   Short update session today because I have "Big Project" things to do today. I also need to tell you that there will be no updates tomorrow. My Mom-In-Law is going to have surgery soon and my hubby and I will accompany her to her long pre-surgery consultation tomorrow. We have to drive north for a ways to get there, be at the consultation and wait with her for her last set of tests then drive back, so it's going to be a long day to start with. My son will be here to watch over the house and to feed the cat, of course. Let's get started on today's few blurbs. July 22, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:  
They're squeezing the elderly OUT OF CARE.
It's called "bundling" and it has nothing to do with campaigning. Well, it should have had something to do with campaigning because it
was such a LIE when themuslimvileone said the LIE OF THE YEAR: July 22, 2015   The UK takes another step toward self-destruction. Literally and spiritually. A TV show about killing oneself? That's disturbing. How will a five-year-old react to seeing that? What if some of them decide to emmulate the idea (as kids do with wrestling and other shows) and does something stupid? Who will be blamed for the death of that child, the guy who is showing people how to kill themselves, the channel (BBC3, BBC4, etc.) that broadcast it, the producers who decided it was a "good" idea, or the kid's parents who were thoughtless enough to watch that show in front of him? How many innocents will die because of this stupid idea? July 22, 2015   I can't wait to see this. I don't really believe it, but IF it does happen, I look forward to seeing it. A federal judge has said the State Dept. will "answer for" destroying e-mails. Question: Why will it be the State Dept. that "answer[s] for" the e-mails, when it was hillclintOOn and her "private server" who lost the e-mails? If the State Dept. never had those e-mails how can they be held responsible for the loss of them? hillclintOOn admitted to having deleted the e-mails, why not hold her responsible for the destruction of those e-mails? Hmmm? Also, there may be a problem in that he was appointed by themuslimvileone. We'll see what happens with the "answer for". July 22, 2015   No more free ads on taxpayer funded city vehicles for labor union. Love it! July 22, 2015   Pope Francis: no longer a darling. His poll numbers have plunged almost as low as hillclintOOn's. No wonder. He's been spouting drivel for the last year or more and he's really losing it when it comes to endorsing socialist ideas. It's gotten kinda' ridiculous. July 22, 2015   PP (Planned AbortionHood) docs not what most docs are like. There are a LOT of GREAT doctors out there who would never dream of doing what Planned AbortionHood docs do. There isn't enough money in the world to get them to do those things. The Planned AbortionHood docs have no souls. That's the difference. They're so far under the influence of the money ("I want a Lambourghini"?) that they've sold their souls totally to satan and they have nothing left of light. There is a difference in doctors. There are good doctors (majority of them) and there are bad doctors (minority). I hope you are very careful in finding your doctors. With themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX nowadays it may be difficult to find a doctor but when you do, be sure that it's a good doctor. Check their reviews online, ask questions locally, check their BBB info, do internet searches for forums that discuss local doctors. Then make your first appointment a "getting to know you appointment" and don't go back if you are not totally impressed. That's how I choose my doctors. If you don't like how they treat you, that they keep checking their watch, that they didn't wash their hands before touching you (besides shaking your hand), go elsewhere. They're not for you if that's your standard. Don't lower your standard of care yourself. themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX will do that enough for all of us. July 22, 2015   hillclintOOn:  
Her Wall Street money problem. That problem? People are finding out she
has been accepting a LOT of it and her potential voters are surprised: July 22, 2015   We now know what the bite out of the Apple meant. Maybe Apple foretold their own future? Or will they rebound and come back after the next big thing? Apple watch didn't do so well but that doesn't mean that the next thing won't pull them back to the skies. We'll wait and see if they've lost their touch. I have an iPad but I still dislike it. I have an Android based tablet, too, and like it much better than my iPad. I don't like how iPads "think" and I don't like how everything is pay for this pay for that. Nickel and dime isn't my deal. If I pay for something I pay for it. Don't ding me later with a lot of things I have to pay for in order to use it the way I want to use it. I hate that. I don't buy a new refrigerator and have to pay extra to be able to put eggs, mustard, or ham in it. Why should I have to pay extra for using an iPad for commonly done things? July 22, 2015   themuslimvileone hiding Iran details from Congress? Well, shock, surprise. When will Congress man up and IMPEACH HIM? July 22, 2015   I don't believe this study. I don't believe that GOD's creation can be that easily changed. If so, when you have changed genes after one night of bad sleep, if you concieve a child during the next day -- while your genes are changed -- does that mean that your child's genes are now defective? Does a good night's sleep switch your genes back to normal? The results of this "study" are so wacky that I cannot make myself believe it. Who paid for the study, a pharmaceutical company that makes sleeping pills? Look into that. It's also a bit misleading that they're saying "genes" when they're not talking "genes" in general. They're talking specific "body clock" genes and they don't say how much they're "altered"; one percent, or fifty percent? Personally, GOD made something that is made in HIS image -- US -- and that doesn't lead me to believe in overnight DNA changes. GOD is more powerful than sleep. July 22, 2015   I'm going to close with that for today. I have things to do. Remember, I won't be doing blurbs tomorrow. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 21, 2015: 11:40 a.m.   I wrote the page, Rupe's Porn Allegations, and then wrote an e-mail in support of Pete Costello to everyone she sent the original attack e-mail and of the dozen or so people I wrote to, only ONE responded. Ms Wendy Porter decided to write back. She wrote: "From: Wendy PorterI give her points for responding. But you know, I had to respond, too: "Today at 11:02 AMYou know I had to do it. Remember when they first organized this whole charade and were calling it the "PSJ GOVERNING BOARD"? Yeah. That's what they wanted. Now, thanks to MY efforts, the PSJAB is no longer considered the "Governing Board" and they faced potential criminal prosecution if they met without the County's instructing them to. The fact is they were covering topics and trying to do things that they were never statutorilly allowed to do. They were not only calling themselves the "Governing Board" but were trying ACT that way as well. July 21, 2015: 5:24 p.m.   If you live in Port St. John, you need to be aware that there are thieves in the area. Our neighbor's gold/orange quad cab Chevy 2500 pickup truck was stolen last night. There have been several people on the street behind our house whose property has been stolen out of their vehicles. If you live in PSJ west of I-95, be careful to lock everything up -- day and night -- and watch for people who are doing something they shouldn't be doing. If you think something is amiss, call the Brevard County Sheriff's Office 911 line and they'll send a Deputy right away. If you must defend yourself, you have a GOD-given right to do so. Don't let your family mourn you. July 21, 2015   How soulless are the Planned AbortionHood BabyBits for Sale people? They're so deeply into the "KILL THE BABIES" mode that they have lost all sense of humanity. They're so deeply into their sin that they haven't the slightest pinpoint of light in their souls for the light of TRUTH of their MURDERS to shine through and make them aware. They've become so jaded that they talk about dismemebering BABIES over lunch! How sickening. Disgusting people. It's all about the profit of selling BABYBITS and they couldn't care less about the BABY they're killing. They've become disgusting, soulless, heartless, satan-serving things. No longer human, they've turned into darkness. July 21, 2015   ketchup kerry and themuslimvileone allegedly "disturbed" by Iran's attitude over the nuclear "deal" (read: GIVEAWAY). Iran is saying they won't abide by the terms of the "deal" (read: GIVEAWAY) and that the rest of the world can't make them. This while Iranians dance in the streets over the "deal" (read: GIVEAWAY) and the leadership of Iran leads "Death To America!" chant. I think that themuslimvileone and ketchup kerry just committed TREASON with this deal, then by pushing it through the U.N., which already approved it, and thanks to the Corker bill, Congress can't do SQUAT about it. Isn't that special? Congress is packed with IDIOTS and they prove it via voting for things like the Corker bill! July 21, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   themuslimvileone to PROTECT ILLEGALS: "[I]llegal aliens with the longest record of violating our laws will be rewarded by our government, according to the proposed plan obtained by Judicial Watch this month from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It’s all part of the president’s mission to grant amnesty to as many illegal immigrants as possible before he leaves office. This includes special executive programs created to help illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as children and “family reunification” measures that shield relatives and spouses of a broad range of immigrants."Yep. themuslimvileone is trying to enable as many illegals to STAY in America as possible. The only reason anyone can think of is to enable dumboRATS to use them as voters. Legal or illegal voters they don't care, but mark my words, there will be a blanket granting of voting rights to all of these illegals before the next election. Question becomes: will themuslimvileone's name be ON THE BALLOT? July 21, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Stupid is as stupid does. The clintOOns are so BAD that they turned Arkansas Republican! Now they want her to be prezidunce? Can you imagine ALL of America being turned Republican by her? It would be nice, but it's not something the dumboRATS are going to allow to happen. Her base is low, her numbers are dwindling and her openness is lacking (to say the least). I seriously doubt the dumboRAT machine will allow her to be their nominee. They're starting to see her as a detriment instead of a draw. I don't see how even her side can support her. After all, she wants to tax what they benefit from, she's in bed with the fossil fuel industry, she supported the lowering of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac standards, which contributed "greatly" to the economic collapse of 2008. Add to all of that, she supports abortion and Planned Abortionhood. BabyBits for sale and hillclintOOn supports that? July 21, 2015   I hate to do it, but I must work on my "Big Project" and a few other things. I July 20, 2015: 1:03 a.m.   "Minion Monday: Hank Learns About George Washington" shows you Hank as he learns about George Washington. Hank, as usual, wanted to dress as Washington as he read about him. It's so cute to see Hank as George Washington. I think he's rather dashing! July 20, 2015: 2:11 p.m.   muslimvileone collecting LOADS of personal data on all of us. He's using the data to make sure that minorities get lasw deleted from the books if more minorities get caught breaking those laws than do caucasians. How do you like that? themuslimvileone is going to hurt black people by forcing federal housing projects to be built in high end, mostly white neighborhoods, where black people won't be able to afford the food, the gas, the entertainment, or anything else in that area. Have you ever shopped, walked, been in Bevery Hills, CA? I've been through there, and there is no way a normal person can afford to live in that area. Can you imagine being on welfare, WIC, and any other government programs you can find and living at the taxpayer's expense even down to the cell phone you use and the house you live in, but living in Beverly Hills, CA, and being able to buy much in the way of food? Food stamps (nowadays it's a credit card-type situation with a monthly limit) only go so far. If you have to pay $8.98 for a gallon of milk, $5.69 for a dozen eggs, etc., how far do those food stamps go? Will they create a new program to give them gas for their cars? Or will they provide another taxpayer subsidy for those who need to walk places so that they can have brand name shoes to walk wherever they wish to go? Will they have subsidized (with YOUR money) for the shopping places (Michael Kors, Dolce-Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Prada) they'll be near so that they can buy those clothes, too? Is this America? Why is the president going to do forcible relocations? Why is does he think it's his job to muck with where people CHOOSE to live? Is he the most TYRANNICAL DESPOT in history? Getting there. July 20, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Under themuslimvileone, OVER 2.5 MILLION ILLEGALS have entered the U.S.A. That's so bad. It's a danger to all of us. We need to stop it. It has led to an illegal alien crime crisis. And it means nothing but bad. That's what themuslimvileone wanted: another way to destroy America, and he's doing very well with it. I hope he fails, but I begin to wonder. Meanwhile, the world is agog that Gov. Scott Walker had the nerve to tell an illegal to "obey the law". What? How dare he?? July 20, 2015   themuslimvileone starts PERSECUTING Christian organizations. Sounds to me like he's pushing it. I think he needs to be IMPEACHED. He's targeting innocent people for persecution and prosecution. IMPEACH the JERK! July 20, 2015   Iran Nuke Deal:   themuslimvile does an end run around Congress. I've seen some underhanded things in my lifetime, but this clown is breaking our laws left, right and center. He used to be a "Constitutional scholar" and college "professor" teaching the U.S. Constitution. So how is it he breaks the U.S. Constitution with every breath he takes? According to the U.S. Constitution, the CONGRESS gets oversight and gets to approve or disapprove EVERY treaty and agreement. The way themuslimvileone has done it bypasses Congress and just does whatever themuslimvileone wants. July 20, 2015   July 20, 2015   Court rules in favor of themuslimvileone's birth control and abortion mandates. This ruling overturned last year's ruling that allowed the "Little Sisters of the Poor" to not participate. For being religious persons, they will be FORCED to participate and to do as themuslimvileone wants. However, those who are themuslimvileone's back pocket don't have to participate. Isn't that the way themuslimvileone does things: help his buddies, excoriate the rest? July 20, 2015   lgbtq playing in satan's playground. They mock, abuse, deride, threaten Christians, but we've read The Book and we know WE WIN in the end. So the lgbtq heterophobes can scream, shout and mock all they want. Rest in peace, Christians, that they will pay the price they wish for us to pay. But they'll pay it for eternity. BTW, why are those lgbtq folks not being prosecuted for "HATE SPEECH"? Hmmmm? July 20, 2015   England's Queen and family did Nazi salute and Prince Phillip's family members married senior Nazi officials. Hm. Wonder why that doesn't surprise me. Maybe a little experience with a local Brit can explain that. July 20, 2015   Camelot, NOT? July 20, 2015   Gold slumps to five year low. That's part of the reason I don't invest in gold. If I have gold, it's in jewelry because I like jewelry. Gold as ingots, coins, bars, etc., have no value if they can't be used in the case of an economic collapse. For instance: If the world's economy -- including America's -- goes into the dumps and you need to buy groceries that total $32.76, but you only have a gold coin worth $500. What do you do, give them the whole $500 coin for the $32.76 worth of groceries? Or do you put the groceries back and wait until you need $500 worth of groceries? I don't invest in gold. I invest in what I think worthwhile. If the world's economy goes crazy, what do you do? Follow the words on the money that's no longer any good: "In God We Trust". July 20, 2015   Reporter files police report against trans who assaulted him. Good. It doesn't matter what gender you identify as. If you touch someone and threaten them with physical violence, that's called assault and it's illegal. The guy who identifies as and got the operation to identify as female did something wrong and should be prosecuted. I'd say the same if it was a Conservative Christian touching and threatening someone. It's illegal to do that so don't do it, no matter what gender you identify as. July 20, 2015   Cuban embassy reopened. Sigh. Another effort by themuslimvileone to do the WRONG thing. He does all he can to destroy America and if he can find 1,038 ways before his term is up, he won't be satisfied to leave it at that. He'll want to stay for 3,928. Watch for a third term. July 20, 2015   Well, the "Big Project" calls. I must dash! Enjoy the rest of your day. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 17, 2015: 1:07 a.m.   "Tribute To Our Heroes 227: The Price of Freedom" is my Flag Friday picture for today. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! July 17, 2015: 11:26 a.m.   Got a HUGE step done in the "Big Project" last night. We'll be renting a storage unit soon and filling it with furniture and emptying it again as soon as possible. Yep. It's that time. So excited! Probably just a few blurbs today because I want to get started again. We'll see how it goes. July 17, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Islamic terrorist kills FOUR MARINES in Chattanooga. He had made multiple trips to the Middle East but, surprise surprise, he wasn't on any "Watch Lists". I thought the DH[IN]S was supposed to be aware of all of the people who made trips to the Middle East: especially multiple trips. But, no. This guy was allowed to travel hither, thither and yon without anyone being aware he was a potential terrorist. I don't know about anyone else but I think that this administration has blood on its hands again. I think we need to allow our military to carry loaded guns on military bases. That would help prevent more of these attacks. GOD Bless those who mourn the Marines who were killed. May they never be forgotten. July 17, 2015   Trans gets aggressive. Deep waters to wade into, but when a guy "transitions" into an outward girl (I agree with Ben Shapiro, it's still DNA male) then chooses to display his masculine aggressive tendencies at the drop of a DNA, then it's not a real transition. You can't change who GOD made you. All you do is promote lies. The first lie is that GOD made a mistake in creating you the gender you are. The second lie is that you can change who you are inside by changing the outside. That's like saying that an elephant can believe he's a mouse and because he gets his tusks taken off he is now a mouse. It actually changes nothing. The third lie is that your identity is in your body. Your identity is in Christ and knowing Him. If you want to have a true identity, want to know who you truly are, ignore your body and get your heart right with GOD. It's a lot less expensive, less dangerous and a lot better for you than to go have bits whacked off or glued on. I know some of you are angry at me right now. That's okay. It doesn't matter what I think. I know that. But it does matter what GOD thinks. HE LOVES YOU. Talk to Him and realize that you can have peace within and you can have a better future ahead of you. GOD LOVES YOU and anyone who loves you here on earth will tell you that your body doesn't tell you who you are. GOD does. July 17, 2015   Don't kiss chickens. Really now, don't do it. It can make you sick. But it's also very difficult to find their lips. (Sorry. Had to do it.) July 17, 2015   Japan votes to allow itself to help other countries in military combat situations. For instance, they could become our allie against ISIS/ISIL. This is the first time since WWII that it has allowed itself since the surrender agreement limitations expired to participate in the world as a "normal country" (Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's term). I think that's excellent. People need to be able to get over what their ancestors did. They bear no guilt in the sins of another so why should a whole country carry that burden. Are you guilty because your great-great-grandpa owned slaves? No. You are not. Same with Japan. Their ancestors attacked America, not those who are born in the last forty years. Their ancestors did horrible things during WWII (as did so many aggressor countries like Germany, China, etc.), but they didn't do that and they shouldn't bear that guilt. I'm glad Japan is moving toward self-forgiveness. If they weren't responsible for the sins of their fathers they should not bear the heavy burden of guilt for it. July 17, 2015   47% of Israelis back unilateral strike against Iran's nuclear development. I agree with them. They will be the first targets and as a self-preservation method, I think they should go now and destroy every facility that could be even remotely associated with nuclear weapons. Iran has threatened them since they became a nation and Iran has promised to wipe them off the face of the earth. Israel has a right to exist and evil does NOT have a right to nuclear weapons. The "deal" themuslimvileone and ketchup kerry did with Iran is an Obomination. They put Israel in danger and they put America -- who Iran has also threatened -- in danger. Why they are giving aid and comfort to the enemy and committing TREASON and NOT BEING PROSECUTED FOR IT, I have no idea. But that's what they -- Oh, Those Who Are Above The Law -- are doing. July 17, 2015   CA officials flex STUPIDITY muscle. They're ordering the FARMERS to stop irrigating the FOOD they're growing so that Californians can EAT. DUH! Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. CA officials must flex their muscles. July 17, 2015   Well, things turned out for a short day. My IE is acting up so I went to Opera and it refused to cooperate after I went to The Blaze (which is getting less and less useful for news; more of a Mormon source nowadays) and when I left there (finding nothing worth posting) I tried to go to Breitbart but Opera wouldn't cooperate. The little circle spun and spun and spun. So I'll close for today. Want to get working on my "Big Project" and it's as good a time as any. BTW, Still waiting. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 16, 2015: 10:10 a.m.   Well, I've asked for proof from the rupe-a-dupe of my website, MaureenRupeExposed.com being ON a porn site; an actual link TO my website being ON a porn site but have received nothing. This morning I decided that I'd send a little reminder using her own words: "To: Maureen RupeYeah. She sent me that a long time ago when she was trying to defend atheists. I'm tired of her false accusations, demands and illiteracy but they are funny. I really do get a giggle out of them; sometimes even a long, hard guffaw. I read her stuff to my family so they can laugh, too. It's so ridiculous. However, I often wonder if anyone in her realm of family and friends has ever talked to her about stopping the ridiculousness in an effort to prevent her from again making a fool of herself. I will never know if anyone loves her enough to try to stop her. If they've tried and she has refused to listen that's one thing, but if they've never tried, that's very sad. July 16, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her numbers are slipping and falling and lowering and on a downward spiral. Sigh. See me smile? That's a very good thing. The lower the better. I really don't believe she'll be the dumboRAT nominee in 2016. Either by choice, for health reasons, or because she's under a federal intestigation for the e-mails, BENGHAZI, or forty other issues, she won't be the dumboRAT nominee in 2016. I really don't think she'll make it that far. I don't think her side will let her. They may believe it's time for a woman president, but most no longer believe it has to be that woman. She would not be good for America. She'd be more of the same, although she denies it. July 16, 2015   jebby-bebby's fundraising info in an article. I don't want him to be the republiRAT nominee. He's FOR Common Core and I am totally against it. He's FOR allowing illegal immigrants to stay in America and be offered "a path" to citizenship. The correct "path" to citizenship is to come here LEGALLY first and then to go through the proper steps as did my great-grandparents and those before them. To say that anyone should benefit -- via getting an easier path to citizenship -- from breaking existing laws via crossing our border illegally is WRONG. There should be no benefit from breaking the law. Burglars are sometimes forced to pay back the victim the cost of the items they stole and repairs to the things they broke in order to get into the house. Burglars are incarcerated as well, so why should illegals benefit from breaking the law if burglars are not allowed to do so? Even if a burglar writes a book about his escapades in burglaring while in prison he if forbidden by law to benefit (profit) from the sale of that book because the law forbids him from profiting from his crime. Why are illegal aliens allowed to profit (citizenship and voting rights are profiting) from breaking our existing laws? We aren't changing a law to target them, we're supposed to be enforcing the laws: at least, we're supposed to be. But jebby-bebby wants them to have a shortcut to citizenship that favors them because they crossed our border illegally and are of a certain nationality or race. If a Japanese person came over and wanted to use that same shortcut would that be acceptable? Or is it strictly for those who come from Central America and will vote with the dumboRATS? July 16, 2015   Malkin on Planned AbortionHood: Ouch. She nails them with her usual wit, style and hard-hitting wordsmithing. LOVE IT! July 16, 2015   Political campaigns can track you IN REAL TIME online. They're going to be able to follow you around the internet, see what websites you look at, what products you look at (new refrigerators, stoves, clothing, purses, whatever), and whether you forward a link to someone. Is that what you want? If they can do that, I don't think I'll be donating to any campaign to give them my e-mail and IP address. I'll give cash in person, or via envelope, but not online. That's too scary. July 16, 2015   Google distorts your world view. That's what a new study has revealed not myself. I could have saved them the money and just told them so, but... July 16, 2015   Iran deal: NO American inspections! What a deal! Wow! We should have themuslimvileone negotiate for our vehicle purchases! Can you imagine? We want a fully loaded 2016 Ford Expedition and -- thanks to themuslimvileone -- we wind up with a stripped bare, rusted 1980 chasis with three wheels and no engine. Wouldn't that be great? July 16, 2015   The WaPo is WRONG. This is the prezidunce themuslimvileone has always been! Wake up and smell the coffee! He's always been this way! July 16, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Louis Gutierrez (D) wants them to get voting rights. Voting rights in time for the 2016 election, that is. Otherwise, they can't elect the prezidunce they want; including themuslimvileone again. Watch for this. Don't let it happen. We should not be taken over by Central America and we should not be forced into learning to speak Spanish! There's supposed to be 1.24 MILLION MORE! So how do we handle that? We fight back for what America WAS, IS and forever SHALL BE. It's not a matter of bigotry; it IS a matter of LAW, of right and wrong and of heritage/history. We remember what is SUPPOSED to be America. We remember that America is GREAT -- once was at lest -- and should be again! Let's not let her be destroyed! July 16, 2015   Our HEROES deserve BETTER! Their claims should not be shredded. Their appointments should not be postponed until it's too late. Their treatment in hospitals should not be third world, rat infested hospitals and understaffed, lazy attendants who care more about manicures, the latest gossip and the soap opera they're watching than caring for our wounded and sick HEROES. It's WRONG to treat those who gave so much for our freedom so poorly. The Veterans' Administration should be completely undone and built from scratch again. It's such a horrible portion of this terrible administration that it makes the IRS look almost good! July 16, 2015   Lefty pushes it. She's laughable. How can anyone take her as a serious academic mind? Ridiculous, yes. Stupid, yes. Serious? I don't think so. July 16, 2015   BEWARE: new way to carjack you. If it's happening in Milwaukee it can happen here. Be aware that if someone bumps your car you need to call a cop BEFORE getting out and checking the damage. Always go somewhere safe before getting out so you don't get hit by someone going around you. Always take your pepper spray or whatever other form of self-protection you have available with you. Always take your keys and lock your car. NEVER give anyone your name and address until a cop arrives. That way they can't say "No harm, no damage, no foul." and go rob your house while you're still out and about. Use common sense and be careful. July 16, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Study: doctor choices DECLINE because of this piece of garbage. Regular doctors have declined by 1/3; cancer specialists by more than that! If you thought this would be a wunnerful wunnerful thing, you were soooo wrong. This thing is a disaster and we all know it by now. July 16, 2015   I hope Major Garrett stands his ground. I hope he never apologizes and that he continues to hit hard at themuslimvileone and continues to make themuslimvileone angry at press conferences. It will eventually get him banned from press conferences when themuslimvileone will be present, but it will at least remind themuslimvileone that he is supposed to answer to "We, The People"! July 16, 2015   LOL! Bernie Sanders campaign as competent as that? Really? Do you want another themuslimvileone in office? Sanders has identified himself as a SOCIALIST and proudly so. He would not just continue themuslimvileone's incompetence, policies and stupidity, he'd do so while raising our taxes exhorbitantly so that he could do even more spending. Is that what you want? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or crummy socialist.) July 16, 2015   Looks like I have to stop here. My internet is acting up so I'll say "Have a great day!" Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 15, 2015: 10:53 a.m.   hillclintOOn:  
The more she tries, the less she's liked.
Every time she opens her mouth the public backs away. (Halitosis?) When she says she's for "X" people
either disagree with her idea, opinions, plans; or they disbelieve her and July 15, 2015   NOAA: 117 months without major hurrican. That's nice! I wonder if that means anyone's hurricane insurance premiums have gone down. Mine? Probably not. One would think it would, but no. That's like asking the earth to spin the other way on its axis, the sun to go dark and the planets to exchange places, is it not? July 15, 2015   PC: This is what it has come to. What's next? Mount Rushmore has to be changed because they say that our Founding Fathers owned slaves and George Washington owned slaves and he's on Mt. Rushmore. Let's get rid of him. He's also on our money. Get rid of him from our money. Every monument, building, street, school named after him must be renamed. Let's "fix" those things because they're not PC! Every reminder of slavery has to go! There shall be no more babies born in America because slaves had babies, too. Get rid of cooks because slaves cooked for their masters! Get rid of reading because slaves weren't allowed to read so we should not be able to read, either. How far do we have to go before the left will be satisfied? Or will they ever be satisfied? July 15, 2015   Scott Walker: unbending? I listened to Walker on part of the Glenn Beck show today. I heard him explain what is happening with him and Common Core and immigration. Sounds to me like he has decided to do the right thing. I am liking what I hear so far. I know one thing for certain: he can stand up to unions. I LOVE that. I will still dig into him more and find more about him, but what I see so far is good. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign or committee.) July 15, 2015   Iranian deal a disaster: "[T]he deal also gives Tehran plenty of money to ramp up these—and other—destabilizing activities. The agreement gives Iran an immediate “signing bonus” of up to $50 billion in sanctions relief. It calls for the gradual release of about $150 billion now frozen in overseas accounts—an amount more than six times that of Israel’s annual defense budget. Over time, the sanctions relief will pour tens of billions more into the regime’s treasury, courtesy of surging oil revenues."Aren't you happy that themuslimvileone and ketchup kerry did this for us? July 15, 2015   If I lived in Texas, I'd support secession. I'd support it with every breath in me. I support it for Florida. July 15, 2015   "Climate Change" EPA regs to damage America and freedom. "As the EPA finalizes regulations for new and existing power plants, the restriction of opportunities for Americans to use such an abundant, affordable energy source will only bring economic pain to households and businesses, with no environmental benefit to show for it."Is anyone surprised? No? Didn't think so. July 15, 2015   Veterans Admin. drops probe into whistleblower. They were trying to intimidate the social worker who went public with the way our HEROES are being treated at a V.A. hospital. Their secret appointment list that was used to push appointments back so far that some of our HEROES died while waiting for medical services there was exposed by Shea Wilkes and the V.A. chose to do a CRIMINAL investigation into his life because he told the TRUTH about what was happening there. That's what this administration thinks of our HEROES: they'd rather them DIE than get treatment. How disgusting this WHOLE administration is. They are repugnant. July 15, 2015   themuslimvileone writes personal letters to FELONS but ignores the family of the woman (Kathryn Steinles) shot and killed by a five time illegal alien deportee-returnee that his administration kept allowing back in and releasing to do more harm. Again, themuslimvileone has blood on his hands. July 15, 2015   It's not just teens who need to put down their electronic devices. Moms and Dads need to spend REAL time with their kids, focusing on them, not on their text messages, social media and calling friends while sitting in the vicinity of their children but ignoring them. Some of my fondest memories are of being on the floor of our sons' bedroom (they shared one for a few years when they were young) and playing Legos® all day long. No cell phones (they weren't around yet), no portable electronic devices, just us talking and playing and building all day. It was a blast! We just recently let those Legos® go and our friends' grandchildren are now enjoying them. But while we were building it was more than just Legos® being built. I strongly encourage and recommend you do the same. July 15, 2015   The Fed threatens Congress "tread lightly". "Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen urged lawmakers to tread lightly when it comes to overhauling the central bank, warning that proposed changes could undermine its ability to support the economy."I think she's protecting her territory, not worried about the economy. She couldn't give two whits about the economy. She wants her POWER. July 15, 2015   charlie crist wants run for U.S. Congress? What a crock. We don't need another crist ANYTHING. What we need is for him to slink off into obscurity. That would be good. July 15, 2015   Trump leads again. You know what I think? I think that the ONLY reason Trump is leading right now is because people like someone who is unafraid (or at least paints him/herself as such) to stand up, speak their minds, express their opinions and not give a crap about what other people think of them and what others want them to do, say, whatever. It's more about the fact that he has a SPINE than agreement with his ideals and his stances on the issues. People want a leader who is unafraid. That's what Trump is showing them that and it's drawing support. Question is, what happens when it gets closer to the actual primary and people start taking their vote seriously? That will make people start questioning those they had never questioned before. You'll see people back away from "The Donald" and start looking at more serious candidates like Ted Cruz, rubio (who doesn't have a chance) and Rand Paul. Trump will fade into the annals of history, (good, bad or indifferent) and the real candidates will get down to serious business. July 15, 2015   Planned AbortionHood's filmmaker stands by film. My question for Planned AbortionHood: Are they lowering the cost of the abortion if the mother agrees to the sale of her baby's body parts? That would be making the baby who is going to be crushed and pulled limb from limb HELP PAY FOR ITS OWN DEATH. How disgusting is that? Have you ever noticed that those who deal in the death of children are so COLD HEARTED that their hearts and souls could be considered dead? They discuss killing a child over lunch and talk about "crushing it" here or there in order to prevent harming the organs the buyer wants. Crushing babies! How much more heartless can you get? Documents PROVE they've sold baby bits. Mengele is the only equivalent I can think of! Planned AbortionHood, you are VILE. July 15, 2015   They used to say that sitting for too long is bad for you, standing was better. It's healthier to be on your feet all day because you move around more, etc. Now, of course, they have found that standing too long is bad for you. Well, it is "science" is it not? We all know that "science" is getting the results you paid to find, right? July 15, 2015   Pluto: oooohh... so cool. I love space stuff. My astronomy class in college was just a spark for me. I could never go into space (don't like heights), but I like LOOKING at it with my telescope and through what NASA finds. It's so cool. July 15, 2015   My "Big Project" awaits so I have to run. Enjoy the rest of your day. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 14, 2015: 3:49 a.m.   I promised I'd get it done, so here it is, the latest rupehaha: Rupe's Porn Allegations. It's about the lies she's telling ON PUBLIC RECORD about my other website, MaureenRupeExposed.com, allegedly being on porn sites. She says she has proof but I requested it and she has not seen fit to deliver it, so I post this page to inform you of her latest effort to kick Pete Costello off of the PSJAB and to throw mud on my good name. Read the page and see what I'm talking about. You'll get some eye-openers, too. July 14, 2015: 1:46 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have so much other stuff to do. I must get something done for my "Big Project" today and I want to make sure that I do so before my hubby gets home. He's got something he wants to do for the "Big Project" tonight and I have to get my part done so he can do his part. So let's get those few blurbs done. July 14, 2015   Iran Nuclear Giveaway:   It's so good for Iran that they're CELEBRATING their victory over themuslimvileone. I bet he's throwing a brewski back in honor of the deal as well. He got just what he wanted: Iran gets nukes, we get to glow in the dark and themuslimvileone has accomplished another of his goals to destroy America. He's a happy camper! July 14, 2015   YOUR $$$$$$$$$:  
Fed taxes set record through June.
They're collecting $16,451 PER EMPLOYED PERSON since January 2015. That's $2,446,920,000,000 in tax revenues so far this year and we're
still not putting a dent in the spending that themuslimvileone is doing! He's giving away our money left, right, center, up, down,
sideways, backwards, inside-out, in reverse, over the table, under the table, behind his back, behind your back, in front of you,
in the Red House, outside the Red House, in America,
outside America,
in his sleep even! He's giving the money you earn with the
sweat of YOUR brow to anyone EXCEPT THOSE WHO EARN IT. Isn't that what those who voted for him wanted? Remember? July 14, 2015   This is going to harm children not help them. Saying that there's no differences in genders, that boys can dress like girls and vice versa is harmful. There are differences. Remember the left was SHOCKED by the news? Yet, they try to take away the differences, try to deny the facts and in their effort to try to make everyone "equal" they are harming your children (and their own). It's wrong, dangerous and will harm society in the long run; progressivism and its lies always does. July 14, 2015   LOL! LOL! LOL! FINALLY! A good teacher story! They DON'T want hillclintOOn to be elected. Shock. Surprise. And HURRAY! It's about time their eyes were opened! July 14, 2015   Meds making you angry? Something to think about if you're taking meds. July 14, 2015   This story is from Australia but it applies here, too. No skills, no desire to work. Young people have no understanding of how work works. They don't want to stop texting and surfing the web long enough to do an actual job. Remember the story of the the NFL and their rule change to allow the players more time to check social media? Yeah. People are addicted to seeing their internet, their names mentioned somewhere, their whatever. They don't want to work, they want to see if someone mentioned them. Can you imagine how many of them will be employed in seven years? Can you say "higher taxes to pay for welfare"? ****July 14, 2015*****   Planned AbortionHood:   They SELL ABORTED BABY BODY PARTS and while performing the abortion they make sure that they don't crush the particular parts the buyer wants; heart, lung, liver, or other organ. That's a HUMAN BABY and they're parting it out as though it's an old beat up Ford! "Tires? Yeah. We got that." Listen to the audio tape and hear how cavalierly this representative of Planned AbortionHood talks about parting out a CHILD. Hear how HEARTLESS she is. That's no longer human it's killing machine! DEFUND PLANNED ABORTIONHOOD! NO MORE TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO PLANNED ABORTIONHOOD! July 14, 2015   Boy Scouts now allow homosexual leaders. They said they'd never do that, didn't they? I think the boy scouts should change their oath from "On my honor I will do my bestto something more like "At this moment, I will do whatever I wantThat should be the new boy scout oath. I'll be encouraging my hubby to send back his Eagle Scout pin. I used to wish my boys had been involved in boy scouts. Now I'm glad my hubby didn't have a work schedule that allowed him to participate with them as I would have wished. July 14, 2015   I'll close with that for today. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 13, 2015: 12:01 a.m.   We've been very busy lately working on our "Big Project" and because of that, Hank and the guys have not been able to get us to take them to the Minion Movie that came out on Friday. Hank -- the most persistent of them -- has been asking and asking and asking if we could go see the movie. We finally acquiesced and I got a pic of it as "Minion Monday: Hank Tries to Order Minion Movie Tickets". The problem arose when Hank asked if he should order "Adult", "Senior", or "Children" tickets for himself and the other twelve Minions. Honestly, I didn't know how to answer him. Have you seen the movie? I want to but the story line seems to me to be an end to the franchise because the movie seems to make the Minions out to be very bad and evil -- and murderers considering what I've seen in the movie trailers. I don't know if I want to see the movie, but someday I will. I have to because I love Minions and I would like to see if my impression of the movie is correct. July 13, 2015: 1:42 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   themuslimvileone finds "go around" for Hobby Lobby ruling? That's what the leftist huffpuffpost has to say. If that be the case then themuslimvileone is totally disregarding the scotus (PTUI!) ruling and two of the three branches of the U.S. government have been rendered null and void, thus making themuslimvileone a TYRANT. It's official. If we have only ONE PERSON who is making the rules, gets to choose which of the existing rules the nation complies with and which to ignore, then we have a TRUE TYRANNY. Is that what the poeple of America voted for when we got ACORNed into "Hope" and "Change"? Is TYRANNY "Hope"? It is change, but is it "Hope"? Ask the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Cubans. Look at what their countries are like and tell me you want to live like that. Now, they're trying to put "Hope" into our hearts that the TYRANT will do the right thing regarding illegal immigrants and I seriously doubt he'll do the right thing. TYRANNY doesn't have to do the right thing. TYRANNY does whatever it darn well pleases. Is that not what themuslimvileone is already doing? July 13, 2015   Gov. Scott Walker decides to run for President 2016. I don't know that much about him -- besides this: He defeated the lefties in three different battles and they hate him with a purple passion -- and I need to correct my lack of information about him, but from what I've seen so far, he's strong, capable and doesn't flinch. Maybe I'll give him a good weekend's worth of looking into soon. I don't have an opinion on whether anyone should or should not support his candidacy yet, but I'll look into him and figure out my position on him. If you'd like to tell me what you think, write to me here and I'll read your input. The more -- RELIABLE, TRUTHFUL, SOURCED -- information the better, right? (Just in case, Paid political advertisement of some sort, but it is about a presidential candidate so I'll put this here anyways. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anti-Free Speech law.) July 13, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She LIED during her cnn interview. She's another themuslimvileone; lying every time her lips move has been her modus operandi since she was young. Read about her background and all the scandals and wrongdoing she and her "hard dog to keep on the porch" were involved in from the time they first entered any kind of "public service" (read: the public is there to serve them). She's a LIAR EXTRAORDINAIRE, just like her dog and themuslimvileone and most of this administration. Remember, folks: if they have to LIE to you, they're hiding the truth from you, trying to control and manipulate you, or trying to cover up something bad they've done. Remember when you were a kid and lied to Mom or Dad for the same reasons? These lefties have never outgrown that. She's also got an "economic plan": more money for herself and her family, less for YOU. Isn't that what you want? BTW, she has a "white male" voter problem? No. She has a hillclintOOn problem. She can't win because of who she is, what she has and has not done and because people don't trust her. There isn't a gender specific, race specific problem for her. A LOT of people don't trust her and won't vote for her. July 13, 2015   As someone hacked government computers and got data for 21 MILLION Americans, most of whom worked for the government or are in the government in some capacity, themuslimvileone's administration official decided that she won't quit after that breach. It happened on her watch, but that doesn't mean she's responsible. After all, she's competent enough for this administration and themuslimvileone still backs her. It's all a picture of perfect competence in this administration, is it not? July 13, 2015   No wonder China is hacking us. They need the money. Watch your accounts, folks. Who knows if you'll be hit next? July 13, 2015   Sanctuary Cities: They release 8,145 ILLEGAL immigrant criminals (if not more), and they are a danger to you, your children and everyone. They are a danger because the people they let go are a danger to others. Crimincals, no matter their immigration status or their citizenship status, should NOT be let go to do as they so desire. They belong behind bars because if they are murderers, rapists, etc., they should not be allowed to roam the streets and do it again! Sanctuary cities are WRONG in what they are doing and they should not be legally allowed to do so. It's WRONG and unless and until they personally experience the consequences of their actions via one of their own being injured by the people they believe in setting free (which I am NOT wishing on them, I'm stating a fact: lefties don't believe anyone is hurt by their actions until they experience it for themselves, then they get angry) they will not change. We will, as usual, be left paying the price for their stupidity and for their lack of respect for the existing law of the land. July 13, 2015   July 13, 2015   Don't mess with Texas. When the government puts troops in their state, they organize civilians to watch the troops. Good. It's a good idea to keep an eye on how they're training, what scenarios they've set up and to see if they're training to "deal with" civilians or if they're only training how to combat ISIS or if they're being trained on something else. Jade Helm has not been explained very well, IMHO, and if they want the cooperation of the civilian population they need to be open about what's going on. After all, it's not as if we trust this administration. July 10, 2015   Another leftie manipulating the media. That's all this was. The "Confederate Flag" is not a bad thing. It's FREE SPEECH but if the left can stop all display and sales of the flag then they've found another way to shut people up who don't agree with them. Full-fledged mass attacks will silence any word, idea, history, etc. if they just do it properly. Now, who will say that NOT wanting themuslimvileone to be prezidunce for another term (just one more) is something they'll stand up to the left over? Are you ready to take that sort of risk? Are you willing to make it clear that it's not constitutional for him to do so? Are you ready to stand up to the people who will be yelling racist epithets at you, in your face and accusing you of hating black people? That's what is coming. July 13, 2015   In CA, federal gov buildings caught wasting water. But, that's okay. It's the feds. They can do anything they want. Right? July 13, 2015   "Homosexual marriage" ruling a danger to Christians. "For one, we have to accept that we really are living in a culturally post-Christian nation. The fundamental norms Christians have long been able to depend on no longer exist. To be frank, the court majority may impose on the rest of the nation a view widely shared by elites, but it is also a view shared by a majority of Americans. There will be no widespread popular resistance to Obergefell. This is the new normal."It's only the "new normal" if ALL of us accept it. If, on the other hand, Christians stand firm, keep their religious beliefs in their hearts and are not afraid to speak out in defense of them, and PRAY FOR OUR LAND then GOD will hear and HE is SO MUCH MORE capable of changing the lefties than they are of changing Him. Believe in GOD and stand up to the left. Don't think that the lefties are in control. They are NOT. GOD IS. July 13, 2015   Whoa. Wait. What? France has a SPINE? Since when? They're doing what we should be doing! They're taking a stand for their country's safety, for their country's heritage, for their people's unity. Wow. Who would have believed it? Historic times, folks. Historic times. July 13, 2015   NYT "Bestselling" book list LYING about Ted Cruz book sales.
They've been keeping his book off the list becasue they say he's had organizations buying in bulk (like themuslimvileone's books, and the
clintOOns' books were; funny, they still made it onto that list). Amazon investigated the allegation and found NO EVIDENCE of bulk purchases.
Proof that July 13, 2015   I'm going to stop for today. I have been waiting for PROOF of her allegations and have not received it. So, I will finish the website page I have been working on about the latest kerfuffle and I will post it in the next few days. There is a funny aspect about it and you'll see that on the new page. I admit that I was surprised by her public record admission. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 10, 2015: 12:01 a.m.   I got my Flag Friday pic posted at the right time this week! Hurray! I prefer to be on time. Being on time relieves stress. Today's "Thank you for your service!" is "Tribute To Our Heroes 225: Grandma". I hope you enjoy it and that you remember I can never thank you enough! July 10, 2015: 11:35 a.m.   "[P]eople who live with veterans are now being ordered not to possess a gun, and some veterans are being told they can 'buy back' their gun rights by forgoing their VA benefits."That's because if ever a veteran needs counseling (even financial counseling) they get their gun rights taken away under a stupid regulation the clintOOns put in place. Why should veterans -- those who pay the highest price for freedom -- lose part of their GOD given rights because they need financial counseling? That's absurd! Bounce a check lose your Second Amendment rights? How INSANE is that? Background checks may be the next target of expansion. If there's a "flaw" in them that let a person under psychotropic drugs buy a gun, then we know that it's going to be background checks expanding even further and being even more stringent before you can buy a gun. Get your concealed carry permit now folks because if themuslimvileone has any say in it, even with a background check you won't be able to get a gun later. Do it NOW. July 10, 2015   Pope quickly becoming caricature. Now he's saying that "the unfettered pursuit of money “the dung of the devil”, and said poor countries should not be reduced to being providers of raw material and cheap labour for developed countries."First, the "unfettered pursuit" is wrong, but was he saying "capitalism"? The rest of his statement (and previous statements) lead me to believe that he thinks capitalism a terrible thing. If he doesn't like capitalism, think of how poor those countries would be if they didn't have capitalists employing them to produce those "raw materials". Who would employ so many people on the African continent if DeBeers didn't pay them to work for diamonds? Is it terrible to pay someone for work? If it were so evil, why do so many of the people in those countries line up to work there and why does it make their lives -- and the lives of their loved ones -- so much better than when they weren't working there? Working is always better than unemployment. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, self-worth, pride and being paid gives you options you otherwise would not have had. Working gives you purpose, discipline and a grasp on the power of your abilities. Good work habits get you promoted (most of the time) and makes life even better. Being paid and being able to pay your own bills, buy things you never thought you'd have, and allows you to make your own choices in what you get, instead of relying on someone else to choose for you and you having to live with it. Capitalism allows people a better life. Free market capitalism is always better than welfare, communism and any other option. Those who don't see that just want to keep people under their thumb via welfare so that they can get their votes via handouts. Handouts are not as good as a paycheck. July 10, 2015   I don't know who Kid Rock is (no clue, didn't know the name) but
I like his response
to the "Confederate Flag" kerfuffle. That's AMERICA! PC is INCORRECT! HT: PB, who sent me a link to this TRUTH: July 10, 2015   dumboRATS losing it. They really can't tolerate anyone disagreeing with them. They just can't stand it. Nor can they defend their own policies. They have to lie, side-step and dance around the edges of something trying to get away with the lies they tell to support their own beliefs. It's ridiculous. But they are dumboRATS. What else should we expect? July 10, 2015   dumboRATS want no more "husband" or "wife" in federal laws and regs. Why have the word "marriage" at all? Let's just do away with the whole concept and make it part of the dustbin of history? We should, instead, have -- what? -- a law that states that whoever you are "in love" with at the moment can be considered your life partner and you can give them benefits from your employer as long as you are "in love". There would be no laws restricting how often you can change your beneficiary, no restrictions about how many concurrent beneficiaries (seven "life partners", sixteen "significant others", whatever), no mentions of what gender/species they are. Let's just have "free love" (that old sixties hippy desire) and no limits to with whom/what. Wouldn't that make society so much better? (*sarcasm; all of it*) July 10, 2015   Aaaaaahhhh... public schools:   They've redefined "marriage" in the scotus (PTUI!) and schools have taken up that banner. Shock. Surprise. Public schools are getting more and more indoctrinating and more dangerous for your children. After all, they have teachers who have sex with multiple students, and as we all know, it's not a rare event. If they're not having sex with their students, some decide to rig tests, selling drugs to students, or beating a student. Public schools are dangerous places. Remember: Not ALL teachers are bad people. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if your child has the misfoturne to be under the tutelage of one of the bad ones, what could happen to your child? Homeschooling is the best option because you know who is teaching your child, what your child is being taught, how they are comprehending and accepting the information and if the lesson needs to be approached a different way. You may have a very bookish child and a very tactile child. The tactile child is the one who touches and smells and "absorbs" the learning. For that child learning math is not an abstract concept (as with the bookish child) that can be accepted as facts. The tactile child has to have toothpicks, blocks, cookies, grapes, whatever, to learn that four minus three leaves one. That's something that a school cannot do for each student: observe how they learn and tailor the lessons to that learning style. You can do that and you know your child better than anyone else (or at least you should) and you can see when that light of "I UNDERSTAND!" goes on. It's a wonderful moment when you see that you've actually taught your child a new concept and they get it. I've experienced that moment many times because I homeschooled my sons from pre-K to the finish of their Senior year of high school. They were reading at the college level when they were in fifth or sixth grade. One of them is a math guy, the other is a history buff. They both love to draw (I wonder where they got that from: *wink*), but one draws things to scale and like a draftsman would (for enjoyment and relaxation) the other draws people from a bygone era. One is very literal and the other only sometimes. You can do that for your child, too. That's what homeschooling can do for your child and the bonus: you get to watch it all happen. You get to see their growth and their maturation as a scholar. It's a lot of hard work, but it's so very, very worth it. July 10, 2015   I'm not buying Nike products anymore. They forced the U.S. Women's Soccer team to do away with the red, white and blue and, to me, that's unpatriotic, unAmerican and WRONG. I choose NO NIKE because they aren't worth my AMERICAN money if they don't support the red, white and blue! July 10, 2015   NYT cheating on book list. Ted Cruz should be in the #3 spot, but it's not going to be there and the NYT has admitted that it's doing so. Amazing. Dishonest, slanted, cheating, lying, but amazing. July 10, 2015   I don't often agree with Pat Buchanan, but I do agree that there is going to be a lot of "civil disobedience" coming and that it was the lefties/progressives/liberals who brought its approach about. BTW, why is it that when the left (Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous, the Ferguson gangs), participates in "civil disobedience" it gets all kinds of support? But I'll bet you $10 that when the RIGHT does it the msm, lefties and law enforcement agencies will be all over the people standing up for traditional values, their rights under the U.S. Constitution (Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Freedom to Peaceably Assemble, etc.) and trying to get their representatives to listen to them instead of just the lefties. I think the time for the RIGHT side of the political spectrum to "screw your courage to the sticking place" July 10, 2015   themuslimvileone still talking "deal" while Iran breaks existing rules. How can themuslimvileone trust them? He can trust them because he is Muslim and when he is in talks with another Muslim they know they are on the same page, want the same things, both hate America, so of course he can trust them. He wants to help them. He wants them to win. That's what Islam does: destroys other things/countries/people/religions so that the 12th Imam can return. They have to control the whole world before he can return and if they can do that -- and themuslimvileone can help them -- then it will prove to their benefit. That's how they look at nuclear weapons: if they can use them to take the world to that place, then it's a faster, easier, better way to do so, and themuslimvileone is helping them get there. Aren't we glad he was ACORNed into office? July 10, 2015   Has anyone else noticed the marked uptick in federal government advertising lately? We hear ads from the federal government on everything from books to read (the one about the kid and the canoe? Really?) to welfare programs and many others. I'm so tired of their propaganda that I decided to find out how much of OUR money was being spent on ADVERTISING TO US by the feds. That number really did surprise me. Are you ready for this? Last year's report on 2013 numbers says that the feds spent "federal agencies spent $892.5 million on advertising services in FY2013. [my bolding]" That's YOUR MONEY being spent on propaganda to get you used to the idea that the federal government cares about you, wants you to read, is watching out for you and has your back. Is that what you want to spend your taxpayer dollars on? Want to pay taxes next year? (I don't.) July 10, 2015   Fed to raise interest rates later this year. Unless something happens to stop them, that is. How are you going to feed your family with all of the increases? There's another huge rate increase for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, Oil/gas prices are on the rise. Bird flu made chicken and egg prices skyrocket. Beef prices are expeced to skyrocket. How many other things are going to increase in price? Shoes, clothes, bedding, towels, cleaning supplies, pet food? How will you get through this with your family intact? Let's remember all of this and let us not elect (or ACORN) another lefty/progressive/liberal into office anytime soon. We need a TRUE CONSERVATIVE in D.C. and we need TRUE CONSERVATIVES (as opposed to bonehead and mcCONnell, mcCAIN'T, etc.) in the House and Senate to vote for the RIGHT things and to put a STOP to the scotus' (PTUI!) creating and changing laws. Vote CONSERVATIVE, not just Republican (or republiRAT). (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or anyone else. Not approved by any candidate, etc., it's free speech folks, so live with it.) July 10, 2015   I'll close with that. I am working on the new page, but right now I'm awaiting a response from someone before I can finish the new page. I may have to just post it without a response, and I may have to post it tomorrow. We'll see. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 9, 2015: 4:20 p.m.   Late start today due to having to move one of the other websites I'm webmaster of over to a new server. Did some updating and some minor maintenance while I was at it and wound up, thanks to my hosting company, saving a bunch of money during the switch-over. It was excellent! I love it! Anyways, that's why I'm late, so let's get started. July 9, 2015   21.5 MILLION possible identity theft victims due to government computers being hacked. Don't ya' love this administration's thought and care over your security, safety and identity protection? (*Sarcasm, of course*) July 9, 2015   Another gov agency buy LOTS of ammo. Last month, the bureau made bids for 41,600 rounds of hollow-point ammunition in addition to 10,400 rounds of shotgun ammunition. What on earth does the agency tasked with managing and developing the country’s water resources need ammo for? They're allegedly using the ammunition for law enforcement use at Hoover Dam and Lake Mead in Nevada. But why do that need that much ammo for TWO locations? Are they hearing chatter that they're not telling us about? Or are they wanting to do something else about the two water resources? From whom do they need to protect the water: terrorists or us? July 9, 2015   WaPo catches hillclintOOn's LIES. Do we really want ANOTHER LIAR as prezidunce? Haven't we had enough of that? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and aproved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39227, Independent of any lying candidate, lying campaign or committee.) July 9, 2015   This is INSANE. You don't try to work a nuclear arms deal with IRAN while trying to delay their use of nukes by selling them other weapons, too! themuslimvileone is already giving them nuclear arms why give them other things as well? They're OUR ENEMIES. Isn't that considered "giving aid and comfort", which, according to the U.S. Constitution, is considered TREASON and an IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE! What in the name of lollipops is themuslimvileone thinking? Oh. Sorry. Forgot for a moment. He is a Muslim so him giving weapons to our SWORN ENEMY! So he is committing TREASON. When is the impeachment coming? When will someone arrest this turkey? July 9, 2015   Oregon going, going, gone! Fascist, that is. They're threatening to take the home of the Christian bakers who refuse to kiss politically correct butt and pay the fine for not baking a cake for a "homosexual marriage". I'm sorry. I thought this was America? Keyword "was"? July 9, 2015   DHS Chief ordered to court by judge. He ordered them to stop the illegal immigrant work visa handouts that themuslimvileone and his cohorts were doing AGAINST THE JUDGE'S ORDERS. Law? What law? themuslimvileone IS the law! I support civil disobedience to stop his lawlessness and it needs to start with employers and law enforcement officers everywhere! If employers won't hire, their illegal work visas won't do them any good and themuslimvileone will be stopped. July 9, 2015   Abolish gun free zones on military bases. I agree. I don't think the Ft. Hood massacre could have happened if the military people there (and perhaps some of the civilians) had been armed on that fateful day. At least, after he started someone could have stopped him faster. July 9, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Another "rule" pushed back a year. It can't be a LAW if it's something that can be changed by ONE person! That's not the way it is supposed to work in America! This is not what is supposed to be happening and we have the House and Senate to thank for this. They refuse to stand against him. They refuse to do the right thing. They refuse to do anything but kiss his butt! If they had a spine we'd have a COUNTRY! BTW, the death panels are back in. Your Mom or Dad won't be given healthcare, they'll be given "end of life counseling". Isn't what we want? You want your Mom to be counselled to take the pill instead of fighting for every moment she has in GOD's timing? I want my Mom to fight and I'll fight for her. themuslimvileone be damned! July 9, 2015   Homocide rates up in some big cities. I wonder if that's something to do with the racial tensions themuslimvileone has milked for all its worth. July 9, 2015   Another ABSURD PC IDIOCY. White shaming? Really? We're ALL GOD'S CHILDREN. It doesn't matter what color our skintone. He loves us all. Why should ANYONE be shamed due to skintone? July 9, 2015   Another "good for you" not so much. Now they've found that fish oil is not giving you the health benefits it allegedly does. It's not what you eat, it's what you believe about what you eat. If you believe it's going to be bad for you, it will be. If you believe it's not going to have an impact, it won't. Check out Romans 14:2 "For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs."Eat what you want in moderation and enjoy it. GOD says it's a matter of belief so who are we to dispute that? July 9, 2015   bonehead dropped that ball already. "Immigration biggest political football" of his career? He's already lost that game; INTENTIONALLY lost it. He's a kiss butt and nothing more. July 9, 2015   How hillclintOOn LOSES. From Stuart Stevens's fingertips to reality, I hope. July 9, 2015   July 9, 2015   I'm going to close for now. I haven't gotten the page finished that I started yesterday and wanted to give you, but I will work on it more. Sorry. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 8, 2015: 4:15 p.m.   Late start today. I'll post a link later as to why. For now, let's get started with a flashback of
the way the clintOOns treated the press as far back as '92 (and the press tolerated, I might add): July 8, 2015   Pope encourages communism. He's not reading his Bible again. GOD says: "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."That's the Word of GOD, not me. I agree with GOD because I believe in Him and follow His Word. I believe that welfare should be ONLY for those who have a proven medical reason for being incapable of working. I think that those in comas, those with a real disability (If our troops without a leg can come home and work, so should those who have a bad knee, but still have them) and if you have other excuses look around at those who have worse and are still working and see if you really should be living off of sweat of the brows of others. I've seen so many people get welfare (SS Disability, etc.) for no reason whatsoever compared to some who are still working that it makes me sick when I see how many doing so. There are those who are perfectly capable of working but refuse to do so. Meanwhile, my 78 year old mother is STILL working (and loving it) while she has a metal hip! If she can work, so can others! Communism is bad for people and has failed in every country that has tried it for longer than a few years. America's first year was an attempt at communism but the pilgrims found out that it led to some not working and still getting equal shares of food and everything else. Laziness is not a virtue! In this, as in so many other things, the pope is WRONG! July 8, 2015   Twelve and arrested for murder? That's not just sad, that's just wrong. I am so sorry his family and community taught him that it's okay to do this. I'm so sorry that his family didn't invest enough time, thought, sense of right and wrong, or anything else. The child is in the wrong; but apparently he was taught no better. Yes, he is charged as an adult (you do an adult crime, you face the adult time) and that's on his family and community, too. If, as the lefties/progressives/liberals say, "It takes a village", then they're ALL to blame for this child winding up helping kill one and injure another. Shame on the family and the village! July 8, 2015   hillclintOOn:   She's been subpoenaed for BENGHAZI, but, funny thing, she denies being subpoenaed. If her lips are moving she's LYING, just like themuslimvileone. She's AGAIN playing the VICTIM and we know that's a LIE, too. She's no victim. She's the strong woman who lives with a philandering man, and is strong enough to be Sec. of State. She is strong enough to deal with world leaders. She's no victim. She's the "smartest" woman in the world, according to her fawners. She didn't answer many of the questions, either. She put off answering so many things with "I'll answer that when I..." Too many answers were put off for the future that I'm surprised the reporter didn't ask her why they bothered to book the interview in the first place! She's such a loser and we don't need another fake victim loser as prezidunce! July 8, 2015   Looks like hackers got into just about everything today. China is one of the hacking nations that has been hitting us lately and I bet at least one of the hacks -- if not all -- came from China. They're testing to see if themuslimvileone is as big a pantiwaste as they think him to be. His reaction proves them correct. July 8, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   They tolerate breaking Ramadan fast so well they behead folks. Yep. Tolerance. That's very tolerant. They're radicalizing airline pilots so ya'll be careful if you fly. Talk to a person who is booking your flight and ask to be booked with AMERICAN CHRISTIAN pilots for the flight. You may think that's a horrible thing to say but if you wound up with one of the radicalized Islamic pilots (think Malaysia flight that disappeared and 9/11) you'd be wishing you had listened if something happened on your flight, would you not? July 8, 2015   msthemuslimvileone:   Not only does she travel the world on YOUR DIME with her daughters and mom, she is also wasting your money redecorating the Red House. Why? Because she can! She can waste as much of YOUR money as she so desires because there's not a republiRAT or dumboRAT out there, not a prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or anyone else who has the chutzpah to stand up against this pair of Marxist tyrants! July 8, 2015   Sanctuary cities are not good for America. (Maybe that's why hillclintOOn has supported them for so long?) They're breaking existing laws and refusing to protect America for Americans. Can you imagine a sanctuary city in Russia? What would that look like? Would it be a dump with all kinds of refuse in it? Yep. Not to mention how many regular people get injured by the idea. July 8, 2015   Trump gaining ground. Why? According to Pat and Stu, Glenn Beck's sidekicks, up until 2009, Trump was a dumboRAT and he's all for EMINENT DOMAIN. Remember, he built his empire using it. He's also about as much a TRUE Republican (versus a republiRAT) as themuslimvileone or hillclintOOn. He's given LOTS of money to dumboRATS. We don't need someone in the White House (currently RED) who is prone to theivery. I say a great big, NO! to trump-a-dump and a big NO! to himu being prezidunce. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or property thief.) July 8, 2015   soros "charity" may be banned in Russia. I think it's a self-preservation move by Putin. After all, when soros is around in any way, shape, or form, things have a way of falling apart due to his influence. He loves destroying things; even countries. July 8, 2015   Greek hospitals running out of money and maybe part of the reason is because themuslimvileone is insterting himself into the Greek financial problems, as if he has any clue as to what to do besides making it worse. July 8, 2015   I'm going to stop there for a while because I have a page to put together. It's actually why I started so late in the day, because I was working on an e-mail to D1's office. They've refused to cooperate with the request for the headers on the two e-mails I told you about the other day from her and one in which D1 apparently wrote something back to her but they don't want me to see what they wrote back. It's frustrating because I know that the person up in D1 knows what I'm looking for and refuses to do the five seconds of work that it would take to get that info. In other words, they're covering up for her and the person in D1 again. Don't ya' love it when the people YOU PAY refuse to do their jobs FOR YOU and will do it only FOR OTHERS of the opposing political spectrum? They get to do HALF A JOB and get paid FULL PAY. Sweet! So I'm turning the e-mail I sent to them today into a website page and I'll be posting that soon. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 7, 2015: 12:17 a.m.   I missed yesterday (Monday) because I was running errands (expensive errands) and my hubby and I went to help a friend with car troubles. Well, in that instance, my hubby helped and I watched and talked. That's about all I can do when it comes to replacing the serpentine belt on a vehicle. I could probably do it if I had to, but I don't have to, thank the good Lord. So, anyways... Saturday was Independence Day and I listened as (and sometimes watched) my neighbors setting off their fireworks. In previous years it went later into the night than it did this year. This year's lasted only until about 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. To tell you the truth, it does my heart good to hear those fireworks (even if they start on July 2nd) and it makes me happy and proud to hear them. It reminds me that people are still celebrating that they are in America, even if they don't know what the celebration is about (see the video below). I realized today that I missed something a while back regarding fireworks. Remember when I wrote in June of 2012: "June 1, 2012 To end the day on a local level, the rupester wrote the same op-ed in the pooper-paper as she sent to the Toady [sic]. On page 4 you can read her anti-Infantini rant in its full. She really hates Conservatives and Infantini is one, so Infantini is her only target on the BOCC. After all, Infantini is the ONLY TRUE CONSERVATIVE on the BOCC. Read my response to rupester's rant and learn the truth. BTW, while we're on the subject of the pooper-paper, its owner recently sent an e-mail to certain people out at Cape Canaveral A.F.S. asking if they'd be willing to help sponsor "Thunder Over The Indian River". I seriously doubt that its owner knew that my husband would be one of those on the receiving end, and it was a big surprise for my husband to be getting an e-mail from the pooper-paper owner, that's for certain! Would it surprise you to hear that my hubby ignored the request? Too bad for the pooper-paper owner. When you send out begging letters I guess "beggars can't be choosers"!She wrote the following to me (My "name anchor" is not working properly so if you're not taken directly to the appropriate paragraph, scroll down to the October 17, 2012 date -- I put it in red for you -- and read from there): "I am sending you your June 1st 'opinion’. I have never been as appalled at your viciousness as I was reading this. So your husband is now assisting you in your hatred of the community. Fireworks to celebrate to show our country's independence. [sic - sentence fragment] When you are always saying how patriotic you are. Your husband really is in a position to say no to his own community for a feud and obsession his wife has. When folks are standing in the blazing sun , trying to collect money, to give the kids a good show. [sic - sentence fragment] I can’t tell you how angry I am, [sic] You should be ashamed of yourselves. Don’t know what the Base [sic] commander would say or the Community. You wrote it, just as Ware email [sic], wonder how you will twist this one. Look forward to seeing this on you [sic] website, like you say you post everything [sic - no period] LOL [sic - no punctuation] Richard Ware [sic - should be possessive = 's] reply to me , you wouldn’t have posted it until I called you on it.(You can see my full response by scrolling down the page on the link "June 1st 'opinion'" link.) Remember that? Good. Now see part of the reason why I'm so happy that people in Port St. John still set off fireworks to celebrate Independence Day: "PUBLIC HEARING, RE: ORDINANCE REGULATING SALE AND USE OF FIREWORKS COUNTYWIDE"I grin every 4th of July remembering that she supported the ordinance to regulate the sale and use of fireworks countywide. She is in the WFTV story about it: "Some were sick of the trash and noise from revelers.So, tell me. Who is it that should be ashamed of themselves? After all, Keith and I didn't respond to the pooper-paper's owner's request, but she spoke publicly in support of preventing you and I from buying fireworks at all. Read the article: "Brevard County dealt a serious blow to fireworks stores Tuesday, essentially trying to close a so-called loophole allowing common citizens to buy fireworks."She supported that. Every Independence Day since, I have enjoyed hearing the blasts, the bangs, the whistles and pops of the fireworks my neighbors are setting off. It slams the door on intolerant, unpatriotic, freedom-banning ideologues, and celebrates freedom and basically tells the BOCC -- and those who supported the ordinance -- to take a hike. Now, that's something to celebrate! July 7, 2015: 2:42 p.m.   Today in my e-mail I received three scam e-mails alleging to be from UPS Quantum View. I did not open them because I know what I've ordered and when I get an UPS notification when I haven't ordered anything, then it's a red flag, as it should be for you. I checked the UPS website's fraud warnings and they have several examples of the e-mails you can expect to receive from scammers. Take a look at the UPS website before opening any e-mails that purport to be from UPS. They don't have your e-mail and if you are expecting something from an order you placed, it's going to be tracked through UPS, sure, but the tracking number is generated by the company (Amazon, HSN, PartsGeek, etc.) you ordered the item from and they will send you a link to the tracking information. Generally speaking, UPS does not have your e-mail address unless YOU gave it to them. Do you remember giving the UPS your e-mail address? No? Then don't trust any e-mails alleging to be from UPS, or the United States Postal Service (regular mail). They don't have your e-mail address either. Okay? July 7, 2015   JW has found out that themuslimvileone's opponents are to be targeted by FBI, DOJ, IRS, etc. Why would he be targeting opponents IF he is planning on LEAVING OFFICE? He's a "lame duck" now (well, he would be if RINOs like bonehead boehner, mitch mcCONnell, etc., would stand up and do the RIGHT thing) so why target opponents now? Is it for his legacy? Is it because he wants to look good as he leaves office? Can't be. His legacy has already been established by the economy, by the illegals, the scotus (PTUI!), the healthcareTAX, the high unemployment numbers, BENGHAZI, racial tensions, IRS targeting of Conservatives, lawlessness throughout his administration (and his own actions), etc., etc., etc. His legacy is established by his own actions and lack of patriotism. So why target people now? Will hillclintOOn and Bernie Sanders be included in that targeting? Will his targeting be used to help him stay in office? It's something to think about, is it not? July 7, 2015   CDC official speaks the TRUTH about themuslimvileone. For how long that CDC official will have a job, I don't know. For all I know that person may be already unemployed. After all, you don't mess with themuslimvileone and get away with it: especially if you're in his administration! I bet that he's looking for another job already, now that it's publicly known he ridiculed the KING. July 7, 2015   Cosby allegedly admits it. I haven't seen the papers, and there's still no explanation as to why women who thought they were raped by him would go meet with him again and subject themselves to the possibility of a second subjugation. That makes no sense to me. Something still doesn't add up to me. July 7, 2015   bonehead and mcCONnell numbers at historic lows. That doesn't surprise me, but it also doesn't stop them. They don't care what we think they care about rubbing shoulders with themuslimvileone and kissing his butt. The American people can go fly the proverbial kite as far as they're concerned. Within the House, rebellion stirs. At least, that's what some believe. I have hope that some of the newest members have a bit of fight in them and that there may still be a spark, a glimmer, a red ember of freedom and fight within that House, but I do expect bonehead and others to try to stamp that out as quickly as possible. Only GOD can save this nation and I hope that, as I wrote in America, Hit Your Knees! in April of 2011, if we don't do this: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."we will have only ourselves to blame for the fall of America. If you are a Christian, pray for this nation. Pray for forgiveness of America's sins and for His Holy Spirit to come, sweep across this land and to heal it, to turn our hearts back toward GOD, and to embolden us to stand and speak and to be strong and courageous for Him. Otherwise, it's on us. Pray for America. July 7, 2015   Illegal Immigration Invasion:   Another murder via illegal who was deported but illegally returned. It's not the first. It won't be the last. With a lot of illegal alien criminals in our prisons and all of the illegal alien CRIMINSALS themuslimvileone RELEASES back into American society, it will only get worse for America. The criminals he releases are hard core: murderers, rapists, child molestors, etc., and themuslimvileone doesn't care. He's only in it for destroying America. That's what his grandparents, momma, mentors, elite schools, college professors, community organizers... EVERYONE in his life taught him to do. He's doing what he wants to do. He's using every tool in his bag. He's going as fast as he can while blaming republicans for it. Pray for America and that the Lord stops themuslimvileone. July 7, 2015   Really? Really? themuslimvileone encourages us to use HIS propaganda to push his healthcareTAX. Tyranny does that. It tells us that we'd better like it, or else! It tells us to convince others that what the government is doing is good. Hitler used this tactic, too. Tells you something, yes? July 7, 2015   hillclintOOn on her "last rodeo". Well, yeehaw! Let's celebrate! If she doesn't win the dumborat nomination she won't try again? Yippee ki yay! July 7, 2015   July 7, 2015   July 7, 2015   On that note, I'll close for today. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 5, 2015: 11:40 p.m.   It's almost Monday and that means it's time for Hank, My Minion! Today's offering: "Minion Monday: Hank Takes Up Photography". Hank is always in my viewfinder, so he decided turnabout is fair play. Enjoy! July 3, 2015: 12:29 p.m.   I am so sorry. I forgot to post the Flag Friday pic until an hour ago and even then I forgot to put the link on my site. I was working late on my "Big Project" (in a hurry to get things done) and completely forgot it was Thursday yesterday. So I posted the pic an hour ago and here it is: "Tribute To Our Heroes 224: Sacred Honor". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough. GOD Bless America and our troops for their service. That's all for today. Hubby has the day off so I'll see you Monday. Happy Independence Day, everyone! July 2, 2015: 1:12 p.m.   My "Big Project" is coming along nicely. We have moved some things to a new location and we've been setting some things aside for donations; it's a lot of work (not hard work, just time consuming) but it's going to be sooooo worth it! I am very excited about my "Big Project" and I'm really looking forward to its completion. It's something I've wanted to do for years and it's finally coming to fruition. This is so exciting! July 2, 2015   Another Reason to Hate Unions:   In MT, the teacher's union halted much needed education reform. It's no surprise that schools there are messed up: "The power that teachers' unions hold over state continues to stifle efforts that strengthen the rights of parents over who can teach their children, and where and how they are taught."Then there's the pension plans they mess up. The Teamster's union has messed theirs up: "The union had increased the monthly dues paid by members, from two times their hourly wage, to two and a half times their hourly wage. But it appears this money was not used to care for the union pension. A part of the money certainly went to pay the salary of executive director of Central States, Thomas Nyhan, who made $662,000 in 2013. The union also continued to use large sums of money to lobby their favorite politicians, disproportionately Democrats. In unions, the bosses are protected, the politicians are protected, but the workers suffer. [my bolding]"How many times have I told you that unions are not about the "little guy" but they are about keeping the union bosses in big houses, expensive cars and their political pals in their back pockets? Does this not prove it? Can you imagine being stupid enough to be a member of a union that made you pay 2.5 times your hourly wage in order to stay a member? That's like working strictly for the union, taking nothing home for yourself, PLUS paying some each month out of your savings account in order to stay in the union! You're going in the hole to keep your union membership up! I'm sorry, but I think that's STUPID! You don't take money out of your family's budget in order to keep a union job. You just don't do that. It's stupid to do that. But, that's what the Teamster's union demanded. Now that their pensions are going to be cut, will the union members who did that stupidity realize how dumb they were? Who knows? But who would maintain membership in a union that demands you LOSE MONEY in being a member PLUS they mishandle the money for your later years in life, plus they tell you they can't pay as much of it back to you as they promised? Who would stay a member there? July 2, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Would it surprise anyone to find she was digging dirt? Raise your hand if it would surprise you. No one? No one? She's getting heavy support from hollyweird but few other places is she popular. My question is, is hollyweird giving to her because they like her, or are they giving because they like her hubby? Some people are surprised by her, though. They're surprised by the fact that she and her hubby-bubby own at least FOUR multi-million dollar homes. Some even may rethink their support of her. Good! Did you know that in the first half of 2015 she has raised $70 Million so far? She may be able to run for prezidunce, the question is can she buy the preziduncy? I don't care how much she raises, I just don't want her to be able to buy her way into office as themuslimvileone did. Ya' know when you surround yourself with sycophants you're insecure and know that you're not all that. Her e-mails tell us that hillclintOOn is aware that she's a loser. Now, we know that her vanity was more important that her job. Ugh. Just what we don't need. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or mirror.) July 2, 2015   Ruh roh. Love the headline on this one. July 2, 2015   There are 93,626,000 Americans who are not working. A lot of those have given up trying to find a job. They sit home without hope and try to stay busy at home so they don't get depressed. Pray for them. Of course, with the news of last month's employment LIES, May's numbers were revised DOWN and it's a neverending game to make themuslimvileone look good. What won't the left do to make him look good? Is there anything? July 2, 2015   This is what happens with a public school "edumacashun" [sic]. Remember, some of these people probably
went to at least some college classes. Scary to think they vote. Happy Independence (from the South) Day! July 2, 2015   I can't think of a pope since WWII's popes that have done more damage to the Catholic Church as a whole than this pope, Pope Francis. It's not bad enough that he said that even atheists can get to heaven based upon their good intentions and good deeds. That's not biblical. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."The pope really should read his Bible more. Then there was the encyclical on the environment, and a few other things he was a bit questionable (to say the least) on. Now, he's meeting with an anti-capitalist eco-crusader. "Anti-capitalist eco-crusader"? I have to admit that listening to the other side is okay -- as long as you keep your wits about you and you don't allow yourself to be swayed by their "feelings" (that's all they have to hang their hats on). If you listen to the other side and don't open your own mind so much that your brains fall out (which is a hazard when listening to some lefties/progressives/libs because they're so good at manipulation) you can "Know thine enemy", which is a good thing. One of the best ways to win is to know your enemy. That's what sports teams do; study their opponents and learn how they do things. That's part of most winning strategies. But the pope seems to be a bit out there with his past statements, his current projection and his choice of associates. After all, his environmental advisor is an atheist and considers the earth as more important than GOD. That's not a good image for a pope. July 2, 2015   Good grief. Some people have to find an excuse to be irritated. If he doesn't understand the English language, why is he opening his mouth? I find it very ironic that he's the spokesperson for the "NOH8" campaign but he's so full of it himself. He's supposedly against intolerance but look at how intolerant he is. SMH. July 2, 2015   July 2, 2015   I'll close for now. Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! July 1, 2015: 1:36 p.m.   Is the real unemployment rate 42.9%? That's what one economist figures it to be. It seems to me like that's a MUCH closer number than the ones being touted by themuslimvileone. After all, we all know that the U3 number is a bunch of hooey and the U6 numbers are quite low for what we see happening in our own communities. So it seems to me that the 42.9% unemployment rate makes much more sense. So, themuslimvileone was LYING to us again. Shock. Surprise. July 1, 2015   IRS targets Conservatives while awarding contracts to tax delinquent companies. Sounds like they have favorites, doesn't it? BTW, "In doing this, the IRS actually violated a 2012 federal law called the Consolidated Appropriations Act prohibiting government agencies from using appropriated funds to enter into a contract with a company that has certain federal tax debt or felony convictions."Isn't that special? themuslimvileone is breaking the law again. Shock. Surprise. July 1, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Her e-mails prove she is STUPID. Dumbest woman on earth? Perhaps. If not, she's very close to it. Those e-mails also prove that she LIED about Sidney Blumenthal's involvement in her State Dept. A clintOOn LYING? REALLY? Shock. Surprise. July 1, 2015   Replacing Alexander Hamilton on our $10 bill with a woman is outrageous and ignorant, says the article's author. I agree. Shock. Surprise. July 1, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   House ineffectually votes to repeal death panels in this piece of garbage. I say "ineffectually" because it has to get through the Senate, and if it does get through there, it has to be signed into law by themuslimvileone. We all know he'll NEVER do that, so the House is just playing up to those who haven't been paying attention. Isn't that special? Also, did you know that the rules change today? Yep. Your employer will be PUNISHED for helping you with healthcare costs soon. Can you imagine how many times that will happen before the employer announces it won't be helping anyone? Or, if that employer is dedicated to its employees, before it has to close due to all of the fines themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX has imposed upon it? Can you imagine how happy all of those $15 an hour demanding employees will be when they have to go to the doctor for something and find out that McDonald's can't help them? Won't they be so happy!? (*sarcasm, of course*) Just think: "'Such an arrangement fails to satisfy the market reforms and may be subject to a $100/day excise tax per applicable employee (which is $36,500 per year, per employee) under section 4980D of the Internal Revenue Code,' according to the taxmen."Thanks, themuslimvileone AND scotus (PTUI!) July 1, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   FBI warns of possible terrorist attacks this weekend. It would be just like Islam to attack us on the Fourt of July, Independence Day. We celebrate our country's victory over England and Islam is said to be planning on turning that day into a day of sorrow instead of celebration. Stay sharp, folks. If you see something questionable contact authorities, clear the area if you can and if you can carry legally, DO SO and be ready to stand up for those around you. It's not up to the other guy to protect you. It's up to you. If you need to protect others, do so. If you need to protect yourself, do so. Don't think that it won't happen to you. No one thought 9/11 would happen. July 1, 2015   35% of Americans would consider leaving? They're fed up with the way things are going here. They don't like the lack of freedom, the scotus (ptui!) changing the definition of marriage and totally disregarding the U.S. Constitution. They don't like the racial tensions that have increased exponentially since themuslimvileone was sworn in. They don't like the 43% unemployment and the higher taxes and higher prices for food, clothing, gas, etc. They don't like that themuslimvileone has done all he can to destroy America. I can understand wanting to leave. The problem with leaving is that once all of the Conservatives are gone, that leaves America in the hands of the lefties/progressives/liberals and after ten weeks of only having lefties/progressives/liberals in America this country would be not just unrecognizable, it would be worse than China, Russia at its darkest hours, and more perverse than San Fran during its most disgusting parades. That's what America would be if all Conservative Christians left. Let's not do that to a land we love. Stand and fight for her. July 1, 2015   For profit colleges being forced to close. "Diploma mills" I will never defend. Those that do not much more than register, take the enrollment monies and ask for high school level work are doing no one any real good. I can understand putting them out of business. Those that are actually teaching someone something, helping them get a better understanding of their chosen subject and a real education that can lead to gainful employment will be next, though. That's how themuslimvileone operates. He targets someone that no one will be able to defend then he goes from those publicly announced targets to targeting others quietly, behind the scenes. He will move from "diploma mills" to colleges that are private colleges -- especially those that don't accept government funding and are turning out Conservative students -- and shut them down next. This helps alleviate any resistance. After all, those in public schools and most government funded colleges don't get an education that would teach them the TRUTH about our country. People "educated" (read "indoctrinated") just fall into lock-step (or should I say "goose-step"?) with what they have been "taught" (read "brainwashed") and they kiss the lefites'/progressives'/liberals' backsides as soon as they have the chance. Resist? Nah. They'd never think about it. July 1, 2015   NOOOOOOO!!!! We don't need that! alan The Clown grayson still wants to be U.S. Senator from FL. We need that like we need another Cat. 5 hurricane to go up the state. No. Let's not do what's BAD for FL. It would be a huge mistake. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or creepy clown.) July 1, 2015   Puerto Rico doesn't want to pay. It is deeply in debt, $73 BILLION worth, and doesn't want to have to repay its debt. Sounds to me like they're taking lessons from Greece. I'll also make a prediction. I predict that themuslimvileone -- in an effort to further destroy America -- will forgive any of that amount owed to the American people. If it be the whole $73 BILLION, the it's all going to be forgiven because themuslimvileone is just that nice. NO. It's because he wants to harm America as much as he possibly can and this will add to America's financial demise. Keep an eye on this to see if I'm right. July 1, 2015   Seventh black church burns. Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin reminds us not to jump to conclusions or to fall for the hype the left immediately spews. Be cautious about juping to conclusions on this one. It could be we don't have all the facts. IF this is all based upon racism, I hope the perpetrators get caught. IF (and it is a possibility) it's something else, then we need to be able to find that out and we need to accept the TRUTH as the TRUTH. It's not always what the msm tries to sell you. July 1, 2015   Ugh. We have this to "look forward" to. Where's that article about leaving America? Soooooo tempting until themuslimvileone is gone. July 1, 2015   Government $$$ WASTE:   Welfare program for laid-off workers does work? Renew it anyways. Shock. Surprise. In CA, they like wasting taxpayer dollars, we all know that. Did you know that the federal government WASTES 46˘ of every tax dollar they receive? Yep. They don't announce that, nor do they want you to know it, but 46˘ of every dollar the U.S. government receives of YOUR hard earned money is wasted. Doesn't that make you wanna' work that much harder to be able to pay even more to the feds? Oh, yeah. July 1, 2015   More children acting like animals.
What gives them the idea that it's okay to act like that? Is it the way they're raised, the school system, or society (including themuslimvileone)
backing them up in their riotous deeds that makes this happen? I think it's all three. They are raised without parenting, schooled in
entitlement and themuslimvileone encourages them with statements like this: July 1, 2015   Smart Clerk! She refuses to personally issue "homosexual marriage" licenses using the scotus's (PTUI!) majority ruling's words to defend her position. I like that! Maybe those in Brevard County should do the same? "Legalizing" ("scotusing" [PTUI!] is more appropriate a word) "homosexual marriage" led to "polygamous marriage" attempt. It wasn't just a slippery slope, it was a huge leap into a deep abyss. Thanks for nothing, scotus (PTUI!) July 1, 2015   Disrespectful of the dead and of their sacrifices. How dare the cemetery! It's below contempt! If this was just for the sake of mowing the grass, don't throw the flags on the ground as though they were trash! Put them somewhere safe and then replace them as soon as you're finished with that area. It doesn't take much effort to respect not only the graves of the dead but also our American flag. It takes some thought. That's all. It doesn't hurt. Unless you're a leftie/progressive/liberal. July 1, 2015   themuslimvileone still in violation of judge's orders. Shock. Surprise. He IS the law! He doesn't have to abide by a court's ruling. He IS the law. He makes his own laws, changes any law he chooses and ignores laws he doesn't agree with or like. He is the DESPOT. He has NO ONE to answer to and NO ONE who can MAKE him do ANYTHING! So is it a suprise to anyone that he is in contempt of court? I wish that judge would order an arrest warrant and teach themuslimvileone a thing or two about the law. July 1, 2015   July 1, 2015   Lefties just keep reminding us, don't they? Reminding us of what? Their hypocrisy. I bet there are more instances of the left's hypocrisy than there are stars in the sky, grains of sand on the beach or breaths taken by the entire world population since the earth was formed by GOD combined. Yep. They love reminding us. July 1, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Start prepping for Saturday, July 4th, Independence Day! Remember its federal holiday is Friday, July 3rd, so banks, government offices and postal services will be closed that day. See ya' tomorrow. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 2015 June 30, 2015: 3:17 p.m.   BENGHAZI:   Told ya' so. themuslimvileone DID know about the lies told in the wake of the BENGHAZI attack. Documents prove it. Remember, if his lips are moving, he's LYING. He doesn't know how to tell the truth. If the truth kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch all at the same time, he still wouldn't recognize it. He's incapable of telling the truth. June 30, 2015   June 30, 2015   June 30, 2015   I TOLD YOU SO! I told you that pedophiles would take that tactic. They were "born that way" and they have the right to be happy, too. After all, that's what got scotus (ptui!) to rule in favor of "homosexual marriage": love. That's what pedophiles try to sell their sex with children as: love. If sex is love then all rape is love. If sex is love then all incest is love. If sex is love then beastiality is love. If sex is love then billybobclintOOn loved monica "Lollipop" lewinski and we know that's not true. June 30, 2015   Sorry. Have to go work on my "Big Project" so I'm going to close for now. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 29, 2015: 2:17 p.m.   "Minion Monday: Hank Takes Advantage of Empty Cabinets" is where I'll start today because it is Monday. Then let's get started with the other stuff. June 29, 2015   themuslimvileone is going to give Iran nukes because he's too much of a coward (or too much of a Muslim, whichever is truer [both are true, which bears more weight in this issue is the question]). He won't push for inspections and he'll give them everything they want. That's just how he rolls. (Get it?) June 29, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Shock! Surprise! She "edited" (read left out) some of the State Dept. e-mails she turned over. She isn't going to turn over the most damning of the e-mails. She doesn't want folks to know she forwarded them to themuslimvileone and that neither of them did anything to help those people. She doesn't want it known that they said "Stand down!" and that they have the blood of FOUR AMERICANS on their hands. Those e-mails would prove her evil deeds and that themuslimvileone knew and did nothing as well. She doesn't want that known while she's running for prezidunce. After she gets "elected" (cheated into office, not elected; themuslimvileone has pledged his team and tactics as part of his payoff) to office, then she'll release those damning e-mails and she'll have the power of the press backing her to cover it all up. They'll know what those e-mails say and they'll still back her and pledge their unholy allegiance to her. They'll also continue to cover for themuslimvileone and all the evil he has done. But, that's what we expect of the msm and of those two wretched, twisted souls. No more. No less. June 29, 2015   bumbler biden:   He's at it again. Can you imagine if he got elected? He'd be an instant failure. June 29, 2015   Rhetorical question? The answer, though unnecessary, is a solid, resounding, ear drum busting, YES! June 29 2015   Another reason I don't do google. Rarely, if ever, do I use them for anything. I don't like them because of their politics and I put my actions where my mouth is. I really don't understand how others don't do so. June 29, 2015   msthemuslimvileone:   Her lunch program is spreading to day cares. Sounds to me like I'd be closing my day care center if I owned one. I'd rather not have the unconstitutionally governmental program that she is forcing down our throats (literally) than to cooperate with them being involved in every aspect of our lives. The left/progressive/liberal mantra has been "Keep the government out of our wombs!" but they wholeheartedly support them being in our stomachs? Really? Isn't that a double standard? If the government has no place in our wombs, why do they have a place in our stomachs or our exercise routines (or lack thereof)? The U.S. Constitution (not that it matters anymore after last week's scotus [ptui!] rulings) never even mentions the first lady. She is not mentioned at all. For msthemuslimvileone to try to tell American citizens what to eat is not just pushy and presumptuous, but it's also extra-constitutional. How can anyone tolerate that and obey it? Lefties do and they demand that you do so as well. Bow to themuslimvileone and his missus and you will be liked! Refuse and be castigated and outcast for eternity! I'm not that into being liked. June 29, 2015   Illegal Immigrant Invasion:   Se habla espańol? If not, you may wish to change that. After all, if we're the second largest Spanish speaking country now, what happens when themuslimvileone brings even more illegal immigrants in (this time via bus)? He's working on giving dumboRATS the majority for the eternity via illegals voting. IF he lets hillclintOOn be the dumboRAT nominee she'll benefit from his illegal actions. IF, on the other hand (and as I halfway expect), he chooses to ignore the two term rule and runs again because "It's what the American people want!" (yeah, right), all of those illegals will be somehow compelled to vote for themuslimvileone. Yep. It will benefit him, not hillclintOOn and it will be to the detriment of us all. June 29, 2015   Do you meditate? You may wish to reconsider that if you've been battling depression also. June 29, 2015   "'We’ve had to come together as a nation too many times to mourn after horrific acts of gun violence. And right now, it’s not good enough simply to show sympathy,' Obama begins in the email to OFA supporters. 'We need to acknowledge that there’s more work to do – that these tragedies have become far too commonplace. This is a conversation that folks need to have, and organizers like you are the ones who will move it forward.'"He wants to do the Second Amendment as he did the First Amendment: take it to the scotus (ptui!) and he wants to us whatever he has on the "justices" -- especially john (PTUI!) roberts -- to force them to rule in his favor. Watch it happen. His DO[IN]J will take something to court, it will make a fast track to the scotus (ptui!) and he'll use his blackmail techniques on roberts (PTUI!) and it's a done deal. UNLESS you and I and others like us stand up and fight state by state, city by city, block by block if necessary. It's up to US -- you and I -- to keep our Second Amendment rights intact. It's not up to them to give them to us; we HAVE THEM ALREADY. It's up to US to PREVENT THEM FROM TAKING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT AWAY. There's no "giving" us that right. It is ALREADY OURS. Hold onto it, or the scotus (ptui!) will take that, too! June 29, 2015   Yet another reason to hate unions. If you're not a leftie/progressive/liberal and you don't want to join a union, they're not happy with that. If you have to pay a form of dues, but you don't want your dues to go to their leftie/progressive/liberal causes they'll sue you. Isn't that special? They don't want you to have a say in where your money goes. They want to control that because they can force you to pay them and they get to decide where the money they forced you to pay goes. Don't like it? Tough. I hate unions. June 29, 2015   scotus (ptui!) ruled against themuslimvileone on power plant regulations and for LIFE in a PRO-LIFE license plate case. Those two rulings don't undo the harm they've done via last week's rulings. In fact, the license plate ruling is being sent back down for further consideration of a lower court. So they've done something right, but they'll fix that later. June 29, 2015   I agree with this article. GOD made marriage. It's not up to man/woman/scotus (ptui!) to figure out what it is. GOD designed it, ordained it, and created it for "one man one woman one life" as Miss Kay (Duck Dynasty) says. It's not about what the scotus (ptui!) says. It's something that man cannot change no matter what the scotus (ptui!) says, no matter how many protests there are, no matter who is insulted, demoralized, feels left out, feels "second class", feels whatever! It's not about feelings. It's GOD's design and it's HIS PROPERTY. It's not to be bandied about and experimented with to assuage the politically correct. GOD doesn't create something beautiful, meaningful and productive to allow man to dismantle and deconstruct it. But it is up to US to stand up for marriage as GOD created it. It's up to us to speak up every chance we get; whether in private conversations or in public forums. We need to stand or we shall rue the day that we were too confortable in our mousiness to not do so. Remember, the left is well prepared for this sort of denigration of American life. Don't you be caught off-guard! June 29, 2015   I recently started shopping Wal-Mart again after their dedication to their word to invest in America. I like investing in America and employing more Americans via my purchases. They also had several statements on their website that made me think it would be okay to shop there again. So, I started doing so. I've probably shopped Wal-Mart a dozen times since the Christmas timeframe. Now, they create a cake with a Muslim flag on it and that's okay with them to do, but they wouldn't do a "Confederate" flag? Really? Yep. Wal-Mart: if they start down the correct road for the country, they'll be sure to veer off of it as soon as possible. Sigh. What goofballs. June 29, 2015   Mothers don't raise your children to act like animals. This thirteen-year-old acted like an animal and she deserves to be caged like one. I'm glad the authorities caught her. She hurt a baby and attacked her opponent like a hyena. Unconscionable. June 29, 2015   How stupid and sad is this? If they don't like the flag they're always welcome to leave. June 29, 2015   Threat from "Artificial Intelligence" real, says professor. If you think he's wrong, ask yourself what would happen if this AI machine that got testy with its programmers would have done had it been able to smack them? AI may not be a good idea, but it's going full steam ahead because they can. Sounds like PC (or the desire to give some folks brains: not that it would help some folks) to me. June 29, 2015   Well, my hubby's home and we have to work on our Big Project so I'll go for now. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 28, 2015: 11:13 p.m.   "Minion Monday: Hank Takes Advantage of Empty Cabinets" is my Minion Monday picture for this Monday. I think Hank's taking advantage of our Big Project and the resulting change. He has been trying to help at times, but he's usually a little distracted by other things by the time we hand him something to put in a box. I handed him some small glass bowls to put on the table so that we could pack them and by the time he got to the table he was already looking at Frank and Rank and the glass bowls wound up on the living room coffee table and he was down the hall and enjoying the fun the other Minions were into in a jiffy. It's okay, though. I appreciate that he wants to help and his heart is for a short time (very short) in the right place, but it's easier to just do it myself sometimes. Thanks for trying, Hank! June 26, 2015: 1:09 a.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. I was too angry after hearing about the scotus (ptui!) ruling about themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX to chance posting. I couldn't chance it. So, I took another opportunity and "Tribute To Our Heroes 223: They Tell Us Daily" is where I took that opportunity. I can't imagine what the scotus (ptui!) was thinking or what they have on john TRAITOR roberts, but they've got something and they're using it against US and against the U.S.A.! America! REBEL! Civil DISOBEDIENCE is an option! Do it! June 26, 2015: 2:21 p.m.   scotus:   scotus is no long "supreme". There are enough servants of the left on it to make their rulings all progressive, but progressing toward the downfall of America. Yesterday they let themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX stand, even though they had to IGNORE THE WORDING OF THE LAW in order to do so. Some even admitted that they were doing so in their own opinions, yet they did it anyways. In the first favorable ruling for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, they "found" a way to make it something the prezidunce and the House and Senate could do under the "taxing powers", but it wasn't there and it was totally twisted how they came up with the alleged connection and constitutionality of it. Now, they just ignored the words. Today they ruled in favor of "homosexual marriage" and ignored the truths related to it. I can no longer trust anything or anyone in power in my country. America is no longer America since yesterday's ruling gave themuslimvileone or any future prezidunce power to change laws at his/her own whim, and now -- if we follow the scotus (ptui!) ruling -- we must subserviate our own religious beliefs and bow down to PC and we cannot dissent. You know what I say to both rulings? Hades no. I will not assent to that and I will not kowtow nor bow down to PC. This is America and we were founded BY REBELLION and we are STRONG THROUGH REBELLION and we are FOUNDED UPON GODLY, BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES, and anyone who disagrees can kiss my shiny behindy! (BTW, if the scotus (ptui!) members who ruled in favor of both of these things do NOT make the annual "10 Most Corrupt" list from Judicial Watch this year, I will be in shock!) June 26, 2015   $250,000 taxpayer dollars spent to "bring 'Baseball Cares' to the Dominican Republic"? Why? doesn't MLB have enough of their own money to do that? If they need to prove to the people of the Dominican Republic, can't the MLB afford to do that themselves? I think so, but what do I know? I'm just a taxpayer whose dollars are being wasted! June 26, 2015   DH[IN]S releases whole families because a wacky professor told them to. Do you realize the following?: "DHS is also ensuring access to lawyers, paid for by American taxpayers, for the detained illegal aliens as well as social workers, educational services and comprehensive medical care."Why don't we register as illegals and we can have a bunch of the benefits OUR MONEY is paying for? After all, shouldn't DH[IN]S have to treat us the same way since WE'RE PAYING FOR ALL OF THAT FOR THE ILLEGALS? June 26, 2015   Trump-a-dump. June 26, 2015   If what people think of as the "Confederate Flag" has to go, then how about renaming all those places named after a former Senator and former KKK member, Robert Byrd (D-WV)? Should we not rename everything that was named after him, and change that to something more acceptable? After all, you don't want to commemorate the KKK, do you? And, while we're at it, should we not also undo everything that reminds us at all of slavery? We should do away with brooms because slaves weren't allowed to have a real wedding and were instead relagated to "jumping the broom". Brooms, therefore, are reminders of slavery and of the bad things that happened during the Civil War, so we should get rid of all brooms. Let's also get rid of waiters and waitresses because they remind of us slavery; slaves did, after all, wait on their masters hand and foot so we should stop anyone from waiting on others. We should have to burn down every antebellum building in the whole United States because it's connected with the "Old South" which, of course, reminds us of slavery. We have to get rid of cotton and stop growing cotton altogether because, after all, it was slaves who picked the cotton and we can't have any reminders of slavery. We have to get rid of ships. Ships were the means of transportation for slaves to be brought over here so we have to get rid of ships. Then we have to kick every Muslim out of the country because it was Muslims who were major slavers, the people who caught, bought or stole the people who then became slaves and they made (and are still making) profits from slavery so we should kick all Muslims out, right? Let's not stop there! Let's get rid of all the food that slavery brought about! Let's get rid of chitlins, bacon, beans, peas, fish and cornbread, turnips, greens, potatoes, etc. After all, we have to stop reminding people that slavery happened and that from that we have grown, learned, united, bonded. We have to FORGET that it was there, that it was NOT the ONLY reason for the Civil War and that we were ever united afterward. Today, we have to be separated, at variance with each other and we have to be subservient to the PC and ONLY to the PC. We must all bow and scrape to whatever themuslimvileone endorses as being "right and good" for this moment and perhaps in that is the only way we are allowed to be united. That, to me, is a very sad state of America. June 26, 2015   June 26, 2015   mcCONnell at it again. Kissing themuslimvileone's backside is all he's good for. June 26, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Islamics attack tourists, kill 37. They behead someone and bomb a factory in France. They enjoy killing and they enjoy killing in horrible ways and making videos of the terror they are causing. To me, it's part of their twistedness, hatred and service to their own egoes. As the competition heats up for the most wicked, terrifying, degrading and horrific way to kill as many as possible, their twisted minds will only come up with worse. Prepare yourselves. June 26, 2015   Unfortunately, the internet is acting up today. In fact, DrudgeReport.com just gave me a "This page unsafe to view" red light page. That's weird, but the internet is being handed over the the rest of the world, so maybe it's something I should get used to. We'll see. For now, I'm going to go work on my project. In the past few days I've packed most of the dishes in the kitchen and today I pack the food stuff up. Does that tell you anything? I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 24, 2015: 3:18 p.m.   Sorry about missing Monday and Tuesday. Remember I mentioned a new project I was starting? Well, yesterday was what I suppose could be called the official "Kick Off" date for it. We had a meeting and did some talking and we're going ahead with this project. it's going to take a while but I'll let you in on some of it after a while. We'll see how it goes and how long it takes because right now, I admit, I don't have the slightest clue how long this project will take. I don't think it will be longer than three months to do this, but it may be. I've never done this before, so I can't tell you for certain. I'll just tell you that it was a long time coming and it took a lot of work and I'm so very much looking foward to what is coming up when the project is finished! It's something I've wanted to do for a very long time and it's going to be great! I'll keep you posted. June 24, 2015   Medical marijuana not so much. There isn't a "statistically signifant" correlation between using (taking?) the "medical marijuana" to any sort of alleged improvement. "[T]here is not much evidence supporting the use of medical marijuana for other reasons, such as sleep disorders, Tourette syndrome and anxiety disorders. And marijuana doesn't appear to help people with depression or psychosis, or those with eye pressure from glaucoma, the study found."They allege that it does help with pain and muscle spasms, but they say even that's a "may". Sounds to me like "medical marijuana" is being debunked fast enough to halt all new dispensaries. Problem is, there are so many people who want it that it's hard to stop what people are clamoring for. June 24, 2015   Seeking records of TAXPAYER costs for clintOOn's sex trips: billybob's trips to the private island of sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein. Yep. It could have cost TAXPAYERS for those trips to the sex island and if so that's just wrong. Would you not agree? June 24, 2015   MD gerrymandering plan challenged by JW. Good. It will help Maryland get better representatives and give them a better chance to do right by their constituents. June 24, 2015   JW's efforts result in judge ordering IRS to account for emails. Good! I love and support Judicial Watch because they are so very, very good for America and they like to do what is right for America. They're good at doing so, too! June 24, 2015   FBI documents prove valerie jarrett's communist ties. The FBI also has files proving themuslimvileone's ties to communists but who cares about that, right? June 24, 2015   Getting federal records just a little more difficult than getting Brevard County records. Yep. The feds still lead the way, but in Brevard County it's still not easy. June 24, 2015 I am still hoping to get the full info on the e-mails I asked for from D1's office last week. I was told that she sent her resignation to D1's office on May 7, 2015 and that the e-mail to "Marcia" was allegedly to an EX-employee of the County who had allegedly resigned in "September of 2013". I don't know of any company/government entity that keeps active an e-mail address from an employee who resigned eighteen months before, do you? Once an employee quits, their address is usually turned off and all e-mails to them would bounce back to the sender, or would be given a re-route (forwarding) address to go to within the same office. Unless "Marcia DAY" as I was told she sent the e-mail to, worked in the D1 office there would be no reason for the e-mail address for Marcia DAY to be re-routed to D1. Even if Ms DAY had worked there, why would the County keep an address active -- or even forwarded -- for eighteen months after Ms DAY's resignation? Really? I'll keep you posted. June 24, 2015   Malkin takes the pope to task. I must agree with her. Not being Catholic, I don't have to respect nor revere the pope and I think you've noticed that I do not. I don't hold anyone "holy" except those I cannot physically touch right now. I hold GOD, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as holy and no one and nothing else. When it comes to the current pope's way of doing things -- taking the advice from an atheist who is an earth worshiper to support "global warming", I think he's missed the mark -- by a LONG shot. If you're the pope and you're going to take someone's advice you really should try to take someone's advice who believes along the same lines you allegedly do. Otherwise, you're going to lose face, big time. The pope also thinks family separation can be "morally necessary". I can only see the family breaking up as a "morally necessary" thing if there is real abuse in the home, if a spouse has cheated sexually, or something like that. IF it's not something along those lines -- extremes -- it's not "morally necessary" and the pope should be ashamed of himself. June 24, 2015   June 24, 2015   NSA spied on 3 French Presidents. If they spy on foreign leaders and keep records about what they're talking about, what makes you think they're not doing the same to YOU? Meta data only? I don't think so. June 24, 2015   themuslimvileone's government so secure that passwords and login data is strewn around the internet in many locations. Don't you trust them with your medical records, Social Security records, etc.? After all, if they can keep their own info so secret, then they can keep YOUR records secret, too, right? June 24, 2015   U.S. power grid being hacked and it's happening more often that you want to know. Have a power backup? June 24, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   DH[IN]S to FREE illegal immigrant families. Isn't that what you want? I mean, they bring them in, give them food, housing, clothing, education, etc., etc., on YOUR DIME and then they release as many as possible to put an even bigger burden on the American CITIZEN taxpayer! Don't ya' love how they do everything they can to destroy America? (*sarcasm, of course*) June 24, 2015   June 24, 2015   Hubby just got home, so I shall go. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 22, 2015: 12:06 a.m.   "Minion Monday: Hank Hides to Eat His Banana" is my Minion Monday pic for this week. All Minions LOVE bananas, so Hank decided he didn't want to run while eating this one and found a hiding place to be able to relax and enjoy his banana. I didn't give his hiding place away and he told me later that he got to eat the entire banana by himself and without running for it. He really enjoyed that banana! June 19, 2015: 3:41 p.m.   Yesterday I sent a Sunshine Law request to Commie Fisher's office for "all e-mails from Maureen Rupe on any subject received in your office in the past eight weeks, 4/18/2015 to 6/18/2015." Today I received the following response: "To 'LINDA MCKINNEY'Abiding by a Sunshine Law request is NOT forwarding my request to the know-nothing-knox. EVERY time I submit a Sunshine Law request for Rupe stuff she is PROTECTED BY D1'S OFFICE AND BY THE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. I WILL NOT STAND BY AND ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN. Last time it took me MONTHS to get the info I requested because knox provided the cover! Not this time, gumby. I'm FED UP! June 19, 2015: 5:07 p.m.   Color me SHOCKED. I got a reply to my Sunshine Law request soon after I sent out a scathing reply to the reroute of my original request. My apologies to D1's staff. The response included her "proof" of my website, MaureenRupeExposed.com, allegedly linking her to porn is that she did a search for the word "Exposed" (witness the bolded type on the word) and found that my website came up along with others. So because the search came up with (how many pages, it doesn't say) my website alongside acne treatments, Spokeo info on her and 2 porn ads -- note that ALL of these links are SPONSORED ADVERTISING that BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORK ACCEPTED A CONTRACT TO RUN -- we're allegedly guilty. Her assertion that I or Mr. Costello had anything at all to do with the search results and the alleged porn connection are totally BOGUS. Recall her assertion was that MaureenRupeExposed.com "has gone to many sites as a porn site" and "had gone to porn sites" in the second assertion? Yeah. That's what she said. The SPONSORED LINKS in the search at BRIGHT HOUSE network don't even have to be totally related to the search results: "Definition of: sponsored linkSo anything could have come up in that search. Also, an ad result on a search engine does not prove that my site, MaureenRupeExposed.com, "has gone to many sites as a porn site". To go to a porn site it has to be linked in some fashion; either FROM my site TO the porn site, or FROM the porn site TO my site. Also, she used my response to her first letter alleging porn connections without using my full response to her letter, nor the related second letter. Topping it all off, she has the audacity to write to someone within the County government named "Marcia" (D1 staff?): "Hi Marcia,To the above I respond with the following:
Does she not realize how BIG A FOOL she is making of herself? Does she not see that? Should she not be totally humiliated at her own stupidity? I'm sure the folks in D1 and elsewhere got a good laugh out of it if they stopped to think about it and looked at the "proof". I feel sorry for her making such a HUGE FOOL of herself but, like Mary in Pride and Prejudice, she "is determined to do so". Sometimes, I almost wish she would fail. Almost. UPDATE 6/22/15:   Note the NoMR link to the left? That's from her campaign bid. Those pages have been up since she ran in 2008 for D1 Commie and they have been available since then from the PSJ Info page, along with other pages regarding her and tiddlywinks. NONE of them have been removed. I have taken down some of her opponents' pages: J. Roger Shealy's info, the Candidate Questionnaire page of Al York, things like that. Some of Scott Ellis's things have been moved or removed, but none of her stuff has been removed. June 19, 2015: 1:02 a.m.   "Tribute To Our Heroes 222: Paid in Full" is today's Flag Friday pic. Thank you for your service! I can never, ever say it enough! June 19, 2015: 1:40 p.m.   Illegal Alien Invasion:   themuslimvileone releasing more illegals who are criminals and who are committing more crimes after being released here in America. As I've said time and time again: themuslimvileone does NOT CARE about the safety of your children or you. He cares about destroying America. These illegals help do that. They put an extra burden on city, state, county and federal resources and that helps bring the system down. That's exactly what he wants. Add to that, illegals are taking jobs from Americans and ICE enforcement of checking work visas has dropped 86%. That's very telling, don't you think? Add to that the fact that in ICE, no one has been fired for releasing 65,000 ILLEGALS who are CRIMINALS into America. Sounds to me like themuslimvileone's administration is just taking orders from their Tyrant-In-Chief. It's so bad here, that Mexico is deporting more people than we are! Sounds to me like the next president (or prezidunce) is going to have a lot of cleaning up to do. themuslimvileone is a mess making a mess. Pigpen has some heavy competition in themuslimvileone! June 19, 2015   Malkin's so good! One of my favorite lines: "We’ve moved from 'separate, but equal' to 'separate is superior.'"It's SOOOO TRUE! It's time to stop the nonsense colleges force applicants to adhere to and to start teaching critical thinking, instead of just how to be critical of Conservative values and Conservatives. There IS a difference. June 19, 2015   June 19, 2015   TPA/TPP/TAA is victory for themuslimvileone but there's a surprise here: there's a former union activist and democrat who is fighting AGAINST its passage. If he's on the Conservative side for this issue, that doesn't mean he's on the Conservative side on every issue, but on this (IF he's sincere), we agree. TPP/TPA/TAA are BAD FOR AMERICA. June 19, 2015   Hahahahahaha! I AM PROVEN CORRECT AGAIN!!! I wrote back on November 27, 2010 my blog titled My Theory: All Atheists Believe in GOD". Now a study says I WAS RIGHT! It's so fun being ahead of the game, but it's not me. GOD tells me that in His Word. June 19, 2015   scotus gets one right. That's amazing. I wonder if it's going to be the same for the upcoming healthcareTAX ruling? Tick. Tick. Tick. June 19, 2015   Islamic group posting DECEPTIVE billboards. They're saying Muhammed believed in "Peace", "Social Justice" and "Women's Rights". Well, whether Muhammed believed in that or not, it doesn't matter because that's NOT WHAT ISLAM PRACTICES. Islam is allegedly a religion whose beliefs and actions are dictated by allah, their god. Muhammed was just a messenger of their god and the messenger, or prophet of a god, is not greater than the god they worship. Practically speaking, if Muhammed believed in a green sky, purple puppies and that elephants could fly while carrying little piggies in their bellies like passengers in an airplane, it doesn't matter because that's NOT WHAT ISLAM PRACTICES! We see what Islam practices: VIOLENCE, not peace; HATRED, not social justice; oppression of women (they are to remain uneducated, wear a hijab, not go out in public unaccompanied by a male relative, can't speak to males without permission from their male relative, are subject to genital mutilation, beatings and divorce via "I divorce you. I divorce you. I divorce you.", are imprisoned for BEING RAPED, etc.), instead of women's rights. Muhammed could have believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, but it didn't carry over into what ISLAM PRACTICES. That's what they're NOT TELLING YOU. If they have to LIE TO YOU, they're HIDING SOMETHING FROM YOU and DECEIVING YOU. June 19, 2015   Anywhere Free Speech is subjugated to ISLAMIC TERRORISM there should be a "Draw Muhammad" competition. If they're trying to shut you down via threats of violence, you should stand up, spit in their eyes and speak, draw, write, sing! Stand up for YOUR FREEDOM! It's NOT FREE; it takes YOUR VOICE, YOUR STRENGTH, YOUR WILLINGNESS TO STAND! Muhammad is not our god and he does NOT decide what RIGHTS WE HAVE. If Islam can kill Christians because of a drawing of Muhammed then when do Christians have the "right" to kill Muslims for what they're doing? If there is NO EQUALITY in this then why is ISLAM SPECIAL? Are they "special", or are they just brutal, controling savages who rule by fear and blood? I say the latter. What say you? June 19, 2015   House republirats plan to stip Planned Baby-Killinghood of funding. Question: does the House Leader, bonehead boehner, support that effort, or is he going to kiss themuslimvileone's butt on this, too? I'm betting against bonehead supporting it. June 19, 2015   Need a better healthcare plan? Read the Heritage Foundation report on the subject, then you may want to find out if it's right for you. According to what I've seen, you may pay a nominal amount each month, then when you need to go in for an appointment, you may pay less for all other services as well. Some doctors do it a little different; but it's worth looking into. Within 50 miles of 32927, the list of Direct Pay/Concierge Care doctors is pretty long. Look into it. It has got to be better than themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX! June 19, 2015   Oh, good grief. Why can't this woman just fade away into the stupidity that got her noticed in the first place? Talk about a publicity whore! June 19, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Even leftists are calling her "an absolute mess". I think they're making an understatement, but it's free speech. June 19, 2015   I'll close with that for now. I hear the thunder rolling in and with it comes the storm. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 18, 2015: 3:19 p.m.   Well, that was an adventure. I finally got my website transferred over to the new server. I did part of it about three weeks ago, then more of it about two weeks ago and then last week I tried to do some that would finalize it, but it didn't work. So, I bit the bullet and last night called them three times, went through the last part of the process and about seven this morning, I finally did the second-to-the-last step. That's the step that, if you checked my website previously today, put a "This website is parked..." page up instead of my site. I finally went to bed after 8:00 a.m. and got a few hours of sleep and when I woke up the parked sign was there, but the few hours the ICANN folks needed to recognize the changed IP address was done and I could tell the "parked" sign to go away and I got to do the last step that put my website back where it should be: Open to the public and ready for reading! Hurray! The move is now complete and (I HOPE) I won't have to do that (or anything else like it) for a long time. Thanks for your patience. Meanwhile, sorry I missed yesterday. I got caught up in my new project and focused on it. I'll tell you more about that soon but for now, let's get started. June 18, 2015   DH[IN]S releases illegals who are rapists, pedophiles, etc. Yes, again. They have no concern for your safety. They just help themuslimvileone do as he wants to help him destroy America. This is part of it. Don't ya' love that themuslimvileone doesn't care about the safety of your children or yourself? It's amazing how much he hates America and you. June 18, 2015   themuslimvileone's friends compiling hit list of women to kill because they won't obey sharia law: "Now the [Southern Poverty Law Center], which has conducted diversity training for the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ), is targeting female bloggers, activists and television personalities who refuse to comply with Sharia law which is rooted in the Quran."Friends of themuslimvileone doing this doesn't stop him from being their buddy. He's just happy to have them giving him money and supporting his every whim. He doesn't care if some women get killed. That's okay with him. He'll just make a speech about how guns are the problem, instead of how sharia has no place in America. America is a land of many religions or no religion, not just one forced religion. America is a land of free speech, where women have the right to drive, to be educated, to dress as they choose, to voice an opinion, to be equals in a court of law, and women have the right to NOT be raped and be sent to prision for being raped. Most often in America, the rapist goes to prison, not the victim. Sharia would stop all of that. Women would have to wear a hijab, go out only when accompanied by a male relative, be uneducated, unable to drive, accept being beaten and having no recourse, be subject to her mother-in-law, accept multiple affairs -- or wives -- as normal, and have no rights over their children. Is that what America wants for women? It's what themuslimvileone wants for those of us who do not donate loads of money to him. He wants us under the power of others instead of having our own voices. All women's rights would be gone and that's okay with themuslimvileone. June 18, 2015   SC shooter was on psych drugs. Our condolences, thoughts and prayers to the people of the Emanuel AME Church. The shooter should never have had a weapon and the person who gave him the gun as a birthday present should have known better. You don't give someone with his history of drug abuse a gun! June 18, 2015   Putin builds his military's morale while themuslimvileone destroys ours. Do you see a problem with that? June 18, 2015   Southern Baptists standing with BIBLE and GOD. I hope they continue to do so. My chosen religion is Southern Baptist and the Association standing with the Bible is a good thing. GOD's Word matters and if you're going to have the scotus or any other organization (governmental or otherwise) condone what the Bible condemns, then it's best to stand with GOD; especially if you're a CHURCH! It's better than being spewed out of GOD's mouth because you won't stand up for what's right. June 18, 2015   As predicted, bonehead boehner fails America. He got themuslimvileone fast track approval passed in the House. Now we get to sit back and watch mitch mcCONnell do the same. If they listened to a thing we said, to what we wanted (or don't want), then it wouldn't be us sitting back and watching. But they don't listen to US anymore. They listen to POWER and the PROMISES OF POWER. If I thought it would make a hill of beans' worth of difference, I'd encourage you to call and tell them to not pass it. Too bad I've lost all faith in the House and Senate and anyone in either. June 18, 2015   Chemical weapons being used in Syrian war. Nah. That's not happening. Heck, if Saddam Hussein wouldn't use them, didn't have them, then neither would Assad. Right? Right? (*sarcasm, of course*) June 18, 2015   "Jeb-lary" proves what you've done in the past DOES matter. jebby-bebby gave hillclintOOn a "Liberty Medal" award not even two years back (on the eve of the one year anniversary of the BENGHAZI attack) and now she gets to use it as defense against him. Sounds to me like jebby-bebby should remember to whom he gave kudos and not bite himself in the backside. June 18, 2015   Another redesign of our money? Why? We hardly recognize it now. It's part of the progressive agenda to make us not recognize our money. That way when they take it over (as if they haven't already done so) they can do whatever they want to it and we won't even realize it. I bet the new 2020 $10 bill won't have "In GOD We Trust" on it because themuslimvileone and his cronies don't want it there. They want us to trust THEM and NO ONE else. They want to rule us and not let us begrudge it. All the while, they'll get richer and the rest of us will get poorer. That's their agenda. Total control, wealth for them and the rest of us kissing their butts. June 18, 2015   I didn't realize it at the time but back in 2013 commie fisher again appointed her to the Port St. John Advisory Board. Apparently she wasn't happy with something that happened recently and resigned. Once I get clearance to share what happened with you, I'll do so, but until then you can rest assured that it's better this way. I'll be getting a copy of the resignation via FOIA and Sunshine Law ASAP. I'll publish it for you to enjoy. June 18, 2015   Sexual harassment complaints in State Department soar under ketchup kerry's leadership. Hmmm. I wonder if that tells you something? June 18, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Some dumborats joining republirats to repeal it. How about that? Talk about "Hope" and "Change"! That's a real CHANGE and it gives us HOPE that it will be DONE! Agree? June 18, 2015   Pope's climate change linked to ABORTION. The left wasn't expecting that! June 18, 2015   Well, I'll close with that for now. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 16, 2015: 12:34 p.m.   June 16, 2015   Yep. Again. Trump 2.0.rambling. Let's hope he drops out as soon as someone offers him another television show. We don't need his form of egotism in charge. We've seen what an abundance of ego does to the country via clintOOn and themuslimvileone. Let's learn our lesson from that and not repeat those two huge mistakes. Vote NO on Trump. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or ego.) June 16, 2015   Heads up alert!   Icarus to pass by earth. The asteroid, 1566 Icarus, is going to pass by the earth at 21 lunar distances (a lunar distance is equal to how far it is from the earth to the moon, so multiply 21 x 238,857 miles = 5,015,997 miles away. That's not the closest one has gotten, (there's a government program monitoring those) but it's interesting to me, so I share it. June 16, 2015   Putin flexes again. Every time he takes his shirt off he is trying to prove he's tough. He must be shirtless an awful lot lately. June 16, 2015   Feds expecting financial crisis for America? I'm not a "sky is falling" type person, but do you have your ducks in a row? Are you paying off your debt as quickly as possible? Have you cut up your credit cards? Have you any savings, investments, gold? (Gold is not something that I push because I don't think that gold will be the saving grace of many [if any] and because if our money is worthless, how is gold supposed to be worth anything?) I think that if you have your debts paid off, your house in order (as in you're not in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy or something) and you have something to barter with IF it happens that the world's money collapse and a dollar is worth a single penny, then you need to have something others will want. If they don't want gold and that's what you've invested in, then what good is your gold? If you have something people actually want -- food, gift products for the wife or hubby, that sort of thing -- then I think you'll be more likely to survive a worldwide financial crisis. Think about what the reality would be. If there was no money worth anything, what would you use to pay for gas, buy groceries, buy shoes for your children? Would it be gold? If so, how do you get change? How do you break that ingot/bar/coin into small enough increments to pay for a $20 pair of shoes? Do you have gold coins in those kinds of increments? Or do you have silver coins/ingots worth that? How will you survive IF the money crashes? "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Don't rely on the money. Rely on GOD. That's why I'm not a "sky is falling" person. June 16, 2015   Speaking of money, our debt pic has gotten REALLY BAD. "The long-term outlook for the federal budget has worsened dramatically over the past several years, in the wake of the 2007-2009 recession and slow recovery" the Congressional Budget Office reported in its long term budget outlook for 2015 released Tuesday."Look through the slideshow the CBO put together for this and you can read the report (it's in plain English, don't worry) and see that themuslimvileone is doing us no favors. In fact, he's helping make sure that the sky does fall. Isn't that what a prezidunce should do? June 16, 2015   Let's hope someone pulls the plug completely! themuslimvileone's TPP may be on life support, but since he chose to NOT operate in the sunshine it needs to die completely and irreversibly. If he can't tell us what it is he wants to do, he shouldn't get it passed. When you hide what you want to do TO US, and you lock it away and prevent anyone from releasing it, sharing the contents, or even talking about it in detail, then you're operating above and beyond the purview of the office and your efforts SHOULD BE thwarted! America is a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, based upon LAWS AND FREEDOM. America is NOT a democracy (majority rule; a room of fifty men vote to rape the female bartender and the majority's vote trumps the female's human and Constitutional rights), a DICTATORSHIP, a plutocracy, nor a TYRANNY no matter how themuslimvileone tries to make it into such. America was founded upon the RULE OF LAW and the LAW WAS THE U.S. CONSTITUTION and a few other laws. Now, themuslimvileone is trying to undo all of that and enshrine himself as the DICTATOR of the free world! I hope everything he tries to do from this day forward (and backward, actually) FAILS. I, with Rush Limbaugh, have hoped for themuslimvileone's failure since the day he cheated his way into the Red House. Now, even moreso. June 16, 2015   Artist takes jabs at dumboRATS. I love it! June 16, 2015   The white-non-black woman SUED Howard University for discriminating against her for being... uh... well... white. She was admitting it back then. What's the difference now? She was interviewed today and said that she started identifying as black as young as five years old, so why was she suing because she was a WHITE person being discriminated against at a black college? IF she identified as black since she was five, then would she not be supporting anything that happened to her because of her "whiteness"? I mean, if you're black (or identifying as black) you don't sue for being white and you don't file a suit because you're white. How much mental help does the woman need? June 16, 2015   msthemuslimvileone:   She's traveling on YOUR dime again. This time to England, then on to Milan, Vicenza and Venice, Italy. Another good time for her, the girls and her momma. Are you enjoying those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches yet? You really should try them with just the peanut butter. It's what's coming while msthemuslimvileone shops Milan on your dime. No, the things she buys SHOULD BE ON HER OWN DIME, but who knows with this bunch? I wonder how much this trip is costing us and if we'll ever get the numbers from them. June 16, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Voted 45 times AGAINST bill she's pushing for now. That's 45 (forty-five!) times she voted AGAINST a bill, but now that she's running for prezidunce, she supports it for herself? That's what would happen, you know. She'd get the "right" to do as she wishes if the House and Senate approved TPP, TPA, TAA. Let's call our House and Senate reps and tell them to stand firm! bonehead boehner is kissing themuslimvileone's butt on this (and everything else) so don't bother with him. He won't give a patutti anyways. June 16, 2015   June 16, 2015   Well, must dash! In the middle of something for our big project and must get back to it. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 15, 2015: 2:43 p.m.   Well, lookie here. I am going to do some updates. Wow. Let's get started with "Minion Monday: Hank Mows the Lawn" and then go to the LIES the Treasury has been telling about the federal debt being the exact same number for the last 90 days. How many of you believe that? With the spending themuslimvileone likes to do and with some of the past laws just now kicking in (spendin-wise), what are the chances that it hasn't changed for 90 days? Ninety days? Really? Chances are zip. Zero. Nada. It isn't happening. themuslimvileone just told them to LIE to us and they kissed his butt, as usual. June 15, 2015   JW beats the IRS in court. Again. Good for Judicial Watch! It's organizations like JW that are shining the light of TRUTH on the MOST underhanded, despicable, dishonest, immature, sneaky, manipulative, cowardly, unAmerican, socialist, communist, Marxist, dictatorial administration ever in American history. While you're at that link, scroll down and read the story below JW's IRS victory about what's going on in Hawai'i. You may have to pick your jaw up off the floor on this one, too. June 15, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   You know that information they have on you about your health, payment processes, living arrangements, medications, etc.,? Well, they're going to have that info forever. Isn't that what you wanted? That LIE people tell you about most Americans who subscribed to this piece of garbage getting subsidies, is proven wrong. IF the scotus overturns the FEDERAL subsidies only 2.7% of Americans will be impacted by the ruling. For 2.7% of the population shall control and tax the rest of us? I don't think so. Regarding the subsidies, a large percentage of Americans want them ended and then, themuslimvileone may have ILLEGALLY USED tax refund money to fund this garbage! "Illegally"? Nah. If themuslimvileone wants it, it must be okay because HE IS THE LAW in his own mind. He has no "right" and "wrong". He has only his own ego to consult and as long as his ego gives him the go-ahead, he'll do it. Law-schmaw. He's above all that. This garbage is still driving companies out of business and it's got even hillclintOOn criticizing it. Meanwhile, what you don't know about this garbage is that you may not be covered for long term care. Even if you have elected to participate in it, you may still not have coverage. You have to meet the insurer's health standards, but "'[themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX] has no provisions pertaining to long term care insurance and insurers offering this protection do require that you meet health qualifications.'"So it "has no provisions" for long term care insurance; are you ready for that? All the while, themuslimvileone and others continue to LIE about its alleged success. It's not a success, it's a nightmare. It's a nightmare that the republiRATS want to keep going although America hates the idea. People who live in darkness (and right now that seems to be most of the House and Senate as well as themuslimvileone's administration) like to continue the nightmare and keep the darkness surrounding them. That's NOT what America wants. June 15, 2015   EPA finds internal corruption? Meh. They don't punish the corrupt people, and if they do anything the EPA lets them keep their full pay. It's also been discovered that "Other EPA transgressions have been reported by Judicial Watch over the years, including agency funds going to groups that help illegal immigrants."That's YOUR taxpayer dollars going to support the illegal immigrants that you may not agree with them being given assistance with YOUR money. themuslimvileone's administration: What is wrong is right. June 15, 2015   hillclintOOn (or perhaps that should be "hellclintOOn"?:  
Reporters covering her only reporting what she allows. Allows? Yep. They're reporting only what
she "wants them to", so that's "allowing", is it not? Can you imagine that as prezidunce? Can you imagine themuslimvileone in menopause,
in a bad mood, screaming the following at the top of her lungs as when republirats are in power?: June 15, 2015   Oh, no. Not again. Trump 2.0. Sigh. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or reboot.) June 15, 2015   Well, I'm going to close there for now. My hubby got home a few minutes ago and I'm going to go spend time with him. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 14, 2015: 11:43 p.m.   I missed Friday's updates due to being out of the house to work on my newest project. Sorry about that. So, here's today's "Minion Monday: Hank Mows the Lawn". I'll get the updates done tomorrow. At least, that's the plan. As they say, "Lord willing and the creek don't rise." See you then! June 12, 2015: 3:02 a.m.   Forgot to post it to my homepage until now, so here's the "Tribute To Our Heroes 220: Renovation" for this Flag Friday. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! June 11, 2015: 12:27 p.m.   I love the books by J.R.R. Tolkien and the movies of "The Lord of The Rings". I have the DVDs of the LOTR trilogy and have watched them probably over fifty times. I can't do many of the lines by memory (a few, but not many) but I do know the story lines and how they differ from the books a bit (in the movies they rearrange events in the books). I am a fan. That is why I must start the day with my best wishes for the family and friends of Christopher Lee (Gandalf in the movies) and I'll have to watch the movies this weekend in order to pay my respects. He won't be returning from this one, but I hope he knew Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. After all, his character was a type of Christ in the movies, so it would be good if he knew Jesus himself. Then we'll be able to see him in heaven and he'll be meeting face to face the One he portravyed in the movies. He played a lot of other characters as well, but Gandalf was my favorite. June 11, 2015   Paul Ryan, YOU ARE WRONG.
He thinks we should pass TPP before we know what's in it? That's how we got themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX and the debacle that it is!
No! We should be operating in the sunshine, not in the locked basement dungeon, and we should NOT CONDONE ANYTHING THAT themuslimvileone
WANTS! When themuslimvileone wants it you know that it's going to be BAD for AMERICA! We don't need the alleged, supposed GOOD GUYS
siding with the worst prezidunce in history! Not only is Paul Ryan WRONG, but so are
Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush,
ex-Texas Gov. Rick Perry, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and anyone else who supports it! June 11, 2015   Christians, where do you stand on homosexual "marriage"? It's time to decide and to choose this day whom you shall serve. As for myself: I believe that GOD LOVES EVERYONE, but that He does NOT condone everything we do. Just as a Mom or Dad loves their child, when the child steals something, lies, or cheats on a test the parent is disappointed in the child and tries to teach the child not to do that thing again and that it's wrong to have done so. Hopefully, the parent makes the child confess to the lie, to the cheating, or return the thing that was stolen and confess to having stolen it with an appropriate punishment following. GOD doesn't punish us, but He does convict us of wrongdoing and He does compell us -- those of us who listen -- to do the right thing. GOD does NOT condone, agree with, permit, or otherwise approve of homosexual sex or homosexual "marriage". Therefore, I will always stand with GOD and with the fact that GOD LOVES HOMOSEXUALS, but He did NOT make them homosexual. We've covered this before. In Romans 1 we see this: "24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.We all know it's not just in Romans that homosexuality is said to be wrong. It's also in Genesis 19 in which Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed because of homosexuality (and Lot and his daughters were saved; then the daughters got their Dad drunk and had sex with him, committing incest, another thing GOD says not to do). In Leviticus 18 we see a lot of sexual don'ts, including homosexuality. In Leviticus 20 are more sexual don'ts; including another "don't" for homosexuality. In 1 Corinthians 6 Paul says homosexuals won't enter the kingdom of GOD; but take that in context. Nor will other sinners and nor will anyone who most may consider "good" people, but who are not sanctified by believing in Jesus Christ. It is in 1 Corinthians 6 that we see the best explanation as to why homosexuality is wrong: "15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16 Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh.' 17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.Because Jesus Christ is part of those of us who have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior and we are in Him as He is in us, we cannot commit homosexual acts and be part of Him because He will not commit homosexual acts. We are "united with the Lord" and we should do as He would do, not what He would not do. But, some may point out, those who do not believe in Jesus can be homosexual because they are not in Him. ANYONE can commit homosexual acts, but just as people who are liars, thieves, adulterers, murderers, etc., they cannot be part of Him as they do so. Sin separates people from GOD and Jesus Christ. "For GOD so loved the world [including you and all homosexuals], that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."GOD LOVES EVERYONE. GOD wants EVERYONE to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to spend all of eternity in heaven with them both. That's what GOD wants. GOD wants EVERYONE in heaven because everyone will live through eternity and that eternity is our choice. We can choose to be in heaven with GOD or we can choose to be separated from GOD for eternity and be with our sin, filth, guilt, shame, memories, embarrassment, pain, humiliation, denigration, etc., for eternity. Where we spend eternity is up to us. GOD LOVES YOU no matter who you are, no matter what you've done, no matter where you live, no matter what you currently believe. Right now, right this very second, you can change your mind and you can choose to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you can turn from your old self and become a new self -- a child of the Most High GOD, not a false god, not a substitute god, not a hateful anger-filled god, not a demanding god, not many gods. GOD, the One True GOD, LOVES YOU and wants to spend eternity with you. If you're not a Christian right now, you can become so and spend eternity in the presence of LOVE, joy, peace, light and in Him you can find all of that for yourself. Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Shinto, Scientologist, Confucianist, Hindu, Jainist, Jehovah's Witness, Baha'i, Epicureanist, Rastafarain, Mormon, atheist, or any other "ist" or "ism", if you are not a believer in Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of GOD, you can become so right now and choose life in heaven with GOD for eternity. It's your choice. It's not up to GOD, it's up to you. It's not up to anyone else and GOD will never force you. He calls to you right now and He LOVES YOU daily, hourly, moment by moment and His heart longs for you and "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."Want to party hearty? Accept the Lord and watch even the angels rejoice! I'll join them in rejoicing over your salvation. It's easy. Say the following prayer: "Lord, I have done things that were wrong in Your eyes and in my own. I am sorry. Forgive me and make me a new creation in You. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and, with Your help, will follow Him all the days of my life. I am a new creation. My wrong doings have been forgiven and forgotten, cast as far away as the east is from the west and GOD remembers them no more. Thank you, GOD, that I don't have to feel guilty, I don't have to ask forgiveness again, that I am in You and You in me and that Jesus Christ's death and resurrection gives me eternal life, His stripes heal me, His resurrection sanctifies me and that I am now YOUR CHILD. I thank you, and I pray all this in Jesus's name, AMEN!"Pray that prayer and change your eternity. Refuse Christ and choose your eternity. It's up to you. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and I will stand with the Bible and what it says about homosexuality: GOD LOVES YOU (so I must also), but He does not condone your actions (nor should I). Remember, GOD doesn't always condone my actions, either, but that doesn't mean that I am living a lifestyle that He has said is wrong. June 11, 2015   Baby-killing on the decline in nearly all fifty states! Hurray! June 11, 2015   Poll: 8 in 10 back voter ID. Good. We don't want to preclude people from voting, but we do want people who are AMERICAN CITIZENS to be the electorate and we want to be able to prevent people from voting more than ONCE in each election. Remember the Ohio poll worker who admitted to voting 8 TIMES? He voted for themuslimvileone each time and there were others who admitted to multiple votes as well. That's what we want to prevent. We don't want to prevent AMERICAN CITIZENS from voting ONCE in each election, but we don't want to allow them to vote MORE THAN ONCE. That's why voter ID is important. We can prove they are who they say they are and we can tell them "NO!" to voting more than once in each election. June 11, 2015   I disagree. "Caitlyn" BRUCE Jenner may say that he is the "new normal" but he's not. He's the latest face of people making a bad choice and being temporarilly proud of that bad choice. (Do you think Paris Hilton yet regrets the choice to do a sex tape and put it on the internet?) There are regrets for those who do this. It's not the OUTSIDE of the body that is the problem. It's what is in the head that's the problem. It's like believing that changing clothes will make you different. It won't. Unless you deal with what's going on in your head and heart you won't make a hill of beans' worth of difference in changing what the Good Lord gave you. He didn't make the mistake. You did. Deal with what's going on in your head and heart with GOD's help and then the outside will be okay. (BTW, IF ellen degeneres is so popular and widely accepted why did J.C. Penney and Cover Girl have to drop her as their spokesperson after HUGE drops in sales?) June 11, 2015   Well. Not controversial at all today, was I? It's my site, my views, my First Amendment right. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 10, 2015: 12:29 p.m.   Started another project last night. This is a BIG project and it's going to take a while. It's an exciting project, but it's also a slow process. This project will take at least eight to ten weeks. That's if everything goes right with no snags. Let us hope it does go well and that I can share pics as soon as it's all finished. I'm very excited about it! Now I'll get started with updates. June 10, 2015   themuslimvileone:   Yes. We have to lay this one at his feet because he is the one responsible for it. ISIS/ISIL can now make a dirty bomb. With their members slipping across our southern border how long will it be before one of those dirty bombs is here in America? What will their target be then: Washington D.C., Disney World, the Mall of America, another NYC strike? What will it be and how much more blood will themuslimvileone have on his hands? June 10, 2015   "Teach for America has transformed itself into a recruiting center for militants" and your TAXPAYER DOLLARS are going to that organization by the MILLIONS! About $65 MILLION of their operating budget comes from YOU the taxpayer of America. Isn't that what you want from a "teaching" organization? June 10, 2015   hillclintOOn:   More lefties giving to her campaign. No matter which leftist organization you give to, you may as well bet on some of that money going to her campaign. They're lefties and all lefties stick together in group think. If you give up group think and should you break the rules and think for yourself, you're outta' there! Using your own brain? Not allowed. You also have to agree that "millions" of "American citizens" can't vote. At least, that's what they'd have you believe. Remember, disagreement is NOT ALLOWED. You must agree or you are to be destroyed. You shall not think! You shall not think! You shall not think! June 10, 2015   "Tomorrowland" a big loser. I knew it as soon as I saw the first trailer and heard that george clooney was part of it. He hasn't been a success in America in his own right since... Who knows when? When he's in an ensemble cast, he's okay. Ocean's Eleven+ is a good example of that. The other stars carried him. When it comes to the rest of it? "The Monuments Men" made $8 million above its production budget in America. In "Gravity" he did pretty well, but he had Sandra Bullock as his costar and she's a good box office draw. In fact, "Gravity" was clooney's most popular movie. So "Tomorrowland" didn't stand a chance. Bad storyline, bad writing and a so-so actor can't trump special effects; unless you're "Avatar", that is. Of course, making people feel suicidal, as did "Avatar", isn't exactly "Tomorrowland". June 10, 2015   McDonald's is desperate. They must be to hire Robert Gibbs as their new PR Chief. Gag. Hire a KNOWN LIAR to work as your PR Chief to help you? I don't think that's a good move unless you want the people you're trying to tell the people out loud that you're LYING to them. Really, McDonald's, not a good move. June 10, 2015   Blacks SO disappointed in themuslimvileone they wonder if it's worth voting at all if that's what they get when they do vote. After all, he's hurt them the most: not only fiscally, making the economy worse and thereby putting more of them out of work, but also in every single way possible. Their eyes are opening and they're realizing they've made a big mistake. They voted for someone based upon their skintone instead of what the candidate believed, what he espoused ("Hope" and "Change": really?), and what his principles were. They didn't vote for the future. They voted for the NOW. It's not supposed to be that way. You're supposed to vote for what will be best for America now AND in the future. It's not just FOR YOU that you vote on a candidate. It's for YOUR CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, etc., that you vote for the person who will be best for their futures. You're not voting just for what this candidate will do FOR YOU. Now some black people are realizing that they've hurt their futures and their children's futures and they're livng with regrets. At least they've (hopefully) learned from it. June 10, 2015   themuslimvileone has been secretly negotiation for 6 years on the TPP trade deal that is BAD FOR AMERICA. SIX YEARS worth of SECRET negotiations! That's not just WRONG, it's probably ILLEGAL! He's trying to force, persuade, cajole, whatever, the House and Senate to agree to it, and bonehead boehner and mitch mcCONnell are falling for it, kissing his backside and mau-mauing all over him. We don't have Republican leadership. We have republiRAT butt kissers. They're not representing what we want anymore. They're representing their own elbow rubbing, butt kissing, power hungry egoes. This thing could make prescription medication costs soar worldwide. In fact, the text has been controversial because in "TPP negotiations [the] United States trade negotiators have aggressively pushed for provisions favouring multinational pharmaceutical manufacturers at the expense of national governments and public healthcare systems.""At the expense of national governments and public healthcare systems". Didn't we just get themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX in place and some of the wrinkles are getting ironed out of it (at least the websites)? Meanwhile, themuslimvileone has been secretly negotiating SINCE HE'S BEEN IN OFFICE to UNDERMINE our healthcare system! He wants to UNDO what he DID via his international trade agreement? How can he push for and GET his healthcareTAX while at the same time undermining it? Is he bi-polar, schizophrenic, have Dissociative Identity Disorder (AKA Multiple Personalities)? That's crazy to push for something while at the same time working to destroy it! But, it is themuslimvileone and it's just another way to DESTROY AMERICA and that, my friends, is his ultimate, true to his soul, desire, goal and one true principle. June 10, 2015   Wow. GOD is amazing, isn't He? I know the doctors played a big part in this, but GOD did, too. Even those who have had no health problems at all have a hard time getting pregnant at times. But it is GOD who makes the child: "Psalms 139:13-16:GOD makes the child, even though sometimes He uses man to do something amazing, the fertility here came from man, but GOD made the child. Congratulations and best wishes for mother and child. June 10, 2015   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Court upholds part of Texas strict anti-abortion law. It upheld the part that makes baby-killing facilities meet hospital-level operating standards. That means that the rooms have to be as clean as hospital operating rooms, the instruments have to be as sterile, the linens have to be treated the same and as clean -- and changed as often -- as hospitals do theirs. That's not a bad thing. If you're going to choose to do a baby-killing, you should at least have clean conditions to do so. That way you don't die or need hospitalization because of infections you picked up from the conditions of the baby-killing facility. It's that simple. The court ordered them to be clean, it's that simple. Who has a problem with that? June 10, 2015   I'm closing with that for now. A storm is coming and I don't like being online with lightning overhead. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 9, 2015: 1:00 p.m.   Missed posting updates yesterday. Sorry about that. Didn't expect to do so, but I left the house before 2:00 p.m. and didn't return until 11:30 p.m. It was an unexpected absence, but it was a nice outing; the little rescue we did at the end of it included. So, today I do updates with apologies for missing yesterday. Let's get started. June 9, 2015   Lois Lerner e-mails found and Judicial Watch is trying to get ahold of all of them since they have more to find on another 424 backup tapes. I betcha' they'll find that themuslimvileone knew and approved of the targeting of Conservative groups. Would anyone be surprised? June 9, 2015   G7 agrees to prevent earth's temps from rising 2°C. The G7 is made up of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.S. and U.K. and Canada (since 1976). All of these countries are considered "develped" countries, all relatively stable, most "westernized". The problem is, that they cannot control what China, Russia, Ghana, Nigeria, Colombia, Peru, the Middle East, or any other country does with their emissions in their own countries. How on earth can eight contries agree to control the earth's alleged rise in temperature when the other countries on earth have the FREEDOM to do what they want to do with their own country? What is the G7 (now 8) going to do to the other countries if China, for instance, decides not to cooperate? Bomb them out of existence? NO! They'll make YOU AND I pay the price and cut back OUR "emissions" so that we can balance the uncooperative countries' emissions. They'll make US do without so that WE pay the balance with our lack for China's (for instance) thumbing their nose in the G7 countries' faces. That's all that happened there. It's progressives agreeing to make the "rich" pay for the "poor". Well how about instead of that, they encourage (NOT PAY FOR) the poorer countries to free their people to be entrepreneurs so that they can build their countries into 21st Century countries instead of the governments standing on the people's necks so that the people have no opportunity to learn, grow, thrive, invent, sell, and generally be free? How about a little freedom spreading instead of blaming those of us how have the cleanest air on earth? How about that? Criminutly. June 9, 2015   I thought themuslimvileone wanted to decrease America's power in the world. So why is he increasing our prosecutorial powers WORLDWIDE? He's making America the judge of the wrongs of the rest of the world? How about they put him in the same category for breaking the laws in America? Why not bring him in? If he's going to make America the whole world's court, why not subject himself to the judgments of law here? After all, he has broken every law that he can, and he wants America to be adjucator to the world, why not put himself under what he apparently believes? June 9, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Problems with it could be difficult to fix. So no matter what the scotus ruling is, there could be no saving it. This past week, Hawai'i closed its state exchange and the federal option is the only one available now. If the scotus chooses to believe and apply the WORDING OF THE LAW then the federal exchange will have to go away, too. Hawai'i will then be without a state or federal exchange. How many people will that leave totally uninsured? According to the numbers that would leave about 8,592 people without health insurance who took advantage of either possibility. Those people would have to revert back to their previous insurance (if their previous insurer is still in business, since themuslimvileone's law made several insurers go out of business), they could start a health savings plan, or they could go on their spouse's plan. They're going to be changing in Hawai'i if the scotus rules against federal subsidies. The scotus already ruled against Maine stopping Medicaid payments to 18-20 year-olds. What does that say about their upcoming ruling on whether federal subsidies are legal within the law? Who knows? I do know that I don't trust them. They've let us down before and will again, I'm certain. Just remember, themuslimvileone thinks that he can break the law no matter what the scotus says, so it may not make a hill of beans' worth of difference what the scotus says. June 9, 2015   Speaking of the scotus, you must take into account their propensity to give themuslimvileone more power instead of less. They're afraid of him, too. Wether that be because of skin tone, or something else, I don't know. I just know that they're not standing against him; at least not so far. We'll see what happens with thmuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. June 9, 2015   theumslimvileone just ignoring court rulings. When a court rules against him, he shrugs his shoulders and goes and finds a judge who will rule in his favor. Rules schmules. They don't apply to him. Reminds me of another progressive I know. June 9, 2015   They're picking stupido rubio apart piece by piece, and with intent. To me, they're focusing on the wrong person. They shouldn't be looking at rubio and should be looking at the dumborats who are running. They're the once who are a threat to hillclintOOn, not stupido. Stupido has a snowball's chance. June 9, 2015   Brian "LIAR" Williams allegedly won't return to anchor chair. His lies were as many as themuslimvileone, but I won't believe that he won't appear in front of the camera again until he's gone for over ten years. Then I'll believe it. Never trust the media, folks. They don't care about what you think. They care about what those in power think. If the powerful like it, they'll do it. June 9, 2015   WiFi can count you? It can do so allegedly even if you don't have any kind of technology on you. That's disquieting. June 9, 2015   By the time the 2016 presidential elections come around will hillclintOOn be in prison (as she should be), or she be stuffing the ballot boxes in order to win? If she is not stopped in "stuffing" the ballot boxes (or in prison) who will be the next dumborat nominee? Don't know. Don't care. We need a GOOD person in office, not a continuation of themuslimvileone, only worse. June 9, 2015   "[D]emanding that anyone who puts technical details about arms and ammo on the web first get the OK from the federal government — or face a fine of up to $1 million and 20 years in jail. According to the NRA, that would include blogs and web forums discussing technical details of common guns and ammunition, the type of info gun owners and ammo reloaders trade all the time.'"So if I said that my first Beretta is a .380, or my second is a 9mm, or that my Ruger is a .380 then I would have to get government permission before I could do that. That's taking away my First Amendment rights and I won't follow that "law" if themuslimvileone decides to use his pen and phone and the Dictator-In-Chief writes it and calls folks to support it. I refuse to obey illegal dictates. So should YOU! June 9, 2015   I'm going to close for today. My browser is again acting up and I don't feel like trying Opera because I'm irritated enough. I hope you have a great day and that you remember that FREEDOM STARTS with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 8, 2015: 12:27 a.m.   It's Monday and that means it's "Minion Monday: Hank and the Guys Get a Haircut". Yes, it was time for Hank's annual haircut. The guys lined up to take advantage of the opportunity, too. It was quite a day! June 5, 2015: 12:02 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and it's the Friday before D-Day so I want to dedicate this Flag Friday to all those lost on D-Day. Today's Tribute is "Tribute To Our Heroes 220: Days of Learning". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! June 5, 2015: 12:48 p.m.   It's National Donut Day! Go eat a donut. Have one for me if they're Dunkin Donuts. I love their coffee rolls. Don't drink coffee with them (in fact, I don't drink coffee at all anymore), but they're so good. June 5, 2015   Wanna' read something funny? We all see ISIS/ISIL as a terrible organization, I think we can agree on that. We may give some of them much more credit than we should, though. After all, there are at least a few dim bulbs in that box. One of them got the ISIS/ISIL headquarters bombed within 22 hours of having posted a pic of himself in front of it. As the story's title says: "Moron". June 5, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Speaking of morons, she's hiding her e-mails, hiding from the press and telling
people to be "more engaged" in politics? What good does it do them to be more engaged
when she won't let them see or know anything? It's the same game other dumborats play. Remember pelosipig saying June 5, 2015   Mr. & Mrs. Rubio have 17 traffic tickets between them. Well, lah-ti-dah. I wonder who dug that dirt up and why they don't do the digging thing on themuslimvileone. How deep do they want to go for rubio? Will they look at his college grades, writings, drinking (if any)? Will they look at his passport? Will they dig up his birth certificate? Will they look at his citizenship status? Will they look at his friends in high school and college? Will they look at the people who helped him get into politics? All those "reporters" who are digging deep into the republirats runninng for president refused to do the digging for themuslimvileone. Look at what it got us: America, destroyed. They should have all been fired and citizen journalists hired in their place. June 5, 2015   themuslimvileone's legacy: "According to CBO’s current baseline projections, under current law, the federal deficit will be $486 billion in 2015 and the cumulative deficit over the 2016–2025 period will total $7.2 trillion.3 The deficit is projected to be 2.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015, to decline to 2.4 percent of GDP in 2016 and remain at about that level for the next two years, and then to increase relative to the size of the economy, reaching 3.8 percent of GDP in 2025. Federal debt held by the public, which amounted to 74 percent of GDP at the end of 2014, is projected to reach 77 percent of GDP in 2025; it was less than 50 percent of GDP in every year between 1957 and 2008. [my bolding]"That's his legacy. His legacy is one of destruction, debt, American decline; he's getting rich and his rich buddies getting richer and the poor hurting more. That's themuslimvileone's doing. He owns that. June 5, 2015   Another reason to hate unions. Sigh. There are so many reasons it's just amazing that anyone chooses to join one. It's not a good thing, folks. Especially when they hold their own elections by doing this: "The results of an election that saw longtime New Hampshire AFL-CIO President Mark MacKenzie retain his post by a margin of fewer than two dozen votes are being challenged amid allegations that hundreds of votes cast for the runner-up were invalidated because members used check marks to indicate their preference rather than an “X” mark, according to an internal letter obtained by the New Hampshire Union Leader."If that's how they run elections we don't need them involved in presidential politics! June 5, 2015   May's U6 Unemployment rate: 10.8%. No change since last month, yet there are allegedly 280,000 newly employed people and the "regular" unemployment rate is at 5.5%? I don't think so. Even if their numbers were real, there are still 92,986,000 NOT in the workforce. That's almost 93 MILLION people who have given up on looking for work and sitting at home without being able to provide for their families or themselves. Within that 93 MILLION, almost twice as many blacks have given up as whites who have given up. That's par for the course of themuslimvileone. For him, race does matter because he's hurt blacks the most in his preziduncy. One would think that since he so strongly identifies with blacks (he is half white), that he'd do what he can to help those he most identifies with. Not him. He's all about the RICH and what he can get out of everything. Well, that and whining when things don't go his own way. June 5, 2015   June 5, 2015   Well, I'll close for now. Hubby just got home and we've got errands to run. Remember, tomorrow is D-Day so remember those who died for our freedom, the survivors who made it through and the losts' survivors. They all paid such a high price. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 4, 2015: 2:47 p.m.   Got my frustrations out by doing some housework. It is very aggravating to try to do updates and have two web browsers open and neither of them are working properly. Now that I've calmed down a bit, let's try this again. June 4, 2015   themuslimvileone INCREASES SPYING ON US as soon as the House and Senate caved and passed the "Freedom Act" instead of renewing specific portions of the Patriot Act, themuslimvileone signed it and immediately IGNORED THE LAW he'd just signed and went ahead and did what he wanted anyways. He is a LAWLESS DICTATOR who thumbs his nose at ALL laws and makes himself the law, the judge of what is okay for him to do or not do, and the entire House and Senate. Meanwhile, john bonehead boehner sits idly by his side, admiring his chutzpah and basking in his presence. No one of the House or Senate has the gonads to file articles of impeachment against the LAWLESS DICTATOR so they just whimper in the corner somewhere and try to make themselves the defender of the free world with their words, while hiding the cowardice of their deeds. That's why I am NOT enthusiastic about ANY of the House or Senate folks running for office. Ted Cruz is doing NOTHING that has made a difference in stopping themuslimvileone. Nor has Rand Paul, john mcCAIN'T, lindsey grahAMNESTY, marco "stupido" rubio: none of them have filed the articles of impeachment. They're all COWARDS because they have not done so. They admit themuslimvileone is doing the wrong thing, breaking the law (well, some of them have admitted so, but not all), ignoring the Constitution and yet, they sit on their hands and squack about it without taking any action. That means that they're willing to allow themuslimvileone to destroy America and your future, and your children's futures, while doing nothing but talk. Yack. Yack. Yack: it accomplishes nothing. They have the ability to file articles of impeachment but they refuse because they don't want to be called "Racist!" Well, if they really wanted to do the right thing for America and for you and I, they'd act and allow their actions to speak louder than their detractors' words! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or coward!) June 4, 2015   Check out how many people have at least expressed an interest in being elected president in 2016. Yeow! I didn't realize it was that many! Yes, there are some nobodies who file on a whim, or who will get no more than a few votes in their local primaries, but (oh my goodness!) how many of them there are! June 4, 2015   EPA: fracking does NO harm to drinking water. That's a surprise finding to me because I expected the EPA to make all kinds of statements that could easily be proven false. In this shocker, they told the truth. Wow. In themuslimvileone's EPA? They'll pay. Trust me. Those who said so will pay. June 4, 2015   June 4, 2015   The Clown, alan grayson, "die quickly" again. He's fond of saying that the republirats want everyone to do so. The problem is, The Clown is lying, as usual. Republirats don't want folks to die quickly instead of getting health care. Don't believe it? Look at what themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is doing to America and the fact that the republirats are not fighting it. In fact, they're ready to extend the FEDERAL exchanges via a House created law if the scotus throws out the federal subsidies. Republirats don't want anyone to "die quickly" they just want to be loved. They want you to like them. Poor misguided cowardly souls. They're catering to the low information voters who will never like them, who believe the lying clown, alan grayson, and who want nothing to do with republirats. alan grayson's no class act. June 4, 2015   VA not doing our veterans any good. They're turning a lot of them into drug addicts and our soldiers are committing suicide at the rate of 22 per day. That's a tragedy! It should not be this way, but themuslimvileone doesn't care about those who serve and have protected him and his preziduncy, sacrificed their lives and bodies to keep the country he's ruining free while he does so. He's a heartless S.O.B. and he should be impeached immediately. June 4, 2015   Another government-linked agency is SPYING on YOU. They're collecting YOUR credit card data and watching what you buy. Isn't that something you want? More people spying on you and doing who knows what with your info? This should be stopped immediately but themuslimvileone wants it to continue, so it will. June 4, 2015   themuslimvileone's plans backfire. If he can breathe without screwing it up, I'd be shocked. The only thing he's really good at is LYING. June 4, 2015   CA lawmakers make me SMH. June 4, 2015   IE is messing up again, so I'll close with that for this episode of "Fighting with the Web Browsers!" Check below this paragraph for the rest of today's updates. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 4, 2015: 11:02 a.m.   June 4, 2015   House blocks themuslimvileone from using your dollars to keep defending his amnesty in court. That's a good move, but nineteen republirats voted for funding his defense of illegal immigrant amnesty. Notable: pelosipig didn't vote so there's no record of her supporting it, or not supporting it. Coward. June 4, 2015   bonehead boehner WANTS to give themuslimvileone MORE POWER! bonehead boehner needs to be recalled. He's such a hopeless kissbutt that he's useless when it comes to standing up for the U.S. Constitution he swore to uphold and defend. He wants to give themuslimvileone his TPP trade bill, and he wants to okay a trade agreement that leads to less privacy for YOU. bonehead is a kissbutt. He likes to rub elbows with power and feel accepted by the high and mighty. That's his raison d'ętre: to feel powerful. Constitution? bonehead has spit all over that in order to rub elbows with themuslimvileone. June 4, 2015   Both of my web browsers are severely acting up today. Since I have little tolerance today for the machinations of the incompetency of the programming gurus, I'm closing for now. I really would like to have a web browser that would function as it should 100% of the time. That is a dream, I know, because I have yet to hear about one that is doing so and I know I haven't used one -- in all of the twenty-plus years I've been using browsers -- that I have not had problems with. IE is infamous with me for being a PITA (Pain In The Ahem). Back when we were in Win 3.1, it was much better, but those were the days of 14.4 baud modems and IE wouldn't act up so much, but you could go to a website and go get a drink of water with ice and be back before the page was fully loaded. I'm sorry, but my frustration level is too high to continue with updates right now. I'll see if I can come back later. No promises except to try again tomorrow if not later today. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 3, 2015: 11:46 a.m.   hillclintOOn:   Tone deaf and cancelling kids' event. She put her fund raising event ahead of the community and the children. Shocked? Nope. Surprised? Nope. She's just that selfish. If she's really wanting some easy money she should just give WikiLeaks a copy of the Asian trade pact themuslimvileone wants to sign and is keeping so secret. They're offering $100,000 for a copy of it and it would give the clintOOn foundation a little more pocket money to spend. After all, it's all about the money for hillclintOOn. She's seen how themuslimvileone is milking the office (and the taxpayers) for all he can get with his expensive vacations and his globetrotting family and she wants back into the office so she and billybob can do the same thing. They missed out on a lot of that while he was prezidunce. They want to be treated like royalty, too! While billybob was prezidunce all they did while he was in office is take foreign money from illegal donors in the People's House, and take 56 trips in 8 years. Compare that to George W. Bush's 48 in 8 years and Ronald Reagan's 25 in 8 years. They can really go to town after themuslimvileone showed them how. He's already taken 41 trips and he has about 19 more months to go (IF he gives up the office when he's supposed to instead of finding an emergency to declare martial law over). Yep. She now has nine Iowa offices and she's said to be "crapping all over" hedge funds while her son-in-law loses money from them but she and billybob MAKE MONEY from them! Isn't that special? She's such a loser. She's incapable of telling the truth (like themuslimvileone) and she's so into MONEY MONEY MONEY that she will do anything (proven by the foreign donations she accepted as Secretary of State -- totally illegally) and who knows what she promised in exchange? Can she be trusted by those who gave her money to keep her word if she (GOD forbid) becomes prezidunce? Or can any American trust her to NOT betray America because of that money? Also remember the number of suspicious deaths surrounding her. Can you imagine that as prezidunce? I can't! Will the shrill shrieking shemale be walking around with her hand in her pocket all the time just in case she needs to pull her piece and shoot someone to keep them quiet? After all, as prezidunce, wouldn't she be protected as her hubby was, as themuslimvileone is, as all of their wrongdoings were/are? After all, what price has she paid for her use of a home server for her e-mails? Hmmm? June 3, 2015   Giggle, smirk. June 3, 2015   Aaaaahhhhhhhh.... public schools:   Don't send your kids to AP classes to learn history. The "scholars" who are putting those courses together are going more global and very PC. Of course, there are teachers you don't want yoru kids to be around, more than you want to know about, a lot more, (sickos who shouldn't be teaching) or those who allow WAAAYYY too much freedom in their classroom. If they're not sexually abusing, texting and whatever students, they're cheating about testing and setting a bad example for their students. They also steal medications from other teachers, drink beer at school, or giving students pot laced brownies! Public schools? I don't think so! Homeschool your kids, folks. It's best for them. June 3, 2015   We've reached "peak feminism"? HURRAY! It's about time. It's got to end somewhere. Sooner or later the women of the world (especially America) need to wake up and realize that GOD made women special because He made us after He made Adam and the experiment didn't turn out that well. That experiment taught GOD what He should change and that's when He made women and got it right. GOD put Adam to sleep and took a rib from Adam's side and made us equal, but of better stuff. Adam was made from dirt. Eve was made from BONE. We already had strength, marrow, growth, life and purpose built-in. We had a better foundation. GOD used better stuff to build us. We don't need to join an organization, have laws, burn bras, or go topless to prove it. It just IS. Our name is even better. We are "WOman" while men are just "man". He is "male" while we are "FEmale". We even take more effort to write about because we use two more letters in each word. If we had been less, we would have just been "an" or "mal" but we are better and we are WOMAN: no organization necessary. June 3, 2015   SCOTUS doesn't know how many American CITIZENS there are. The government doesn't know because they're bringing in so many illegals and giving out who knows what kinds of papers to these people that even they can't tell you how many CITIZENS there are. It's just wrong. This shouldn't be. June 3, 2015   BRING PASTOR SAEED ABIDIINI HOME NOW! It's time. Congress needs to act, not just talk, talk, talk, talk, talk! June 3, 2015   Internet domain control hand-over on track to make internet slave to political correctness and whiney world wide ninnies. I'm sorry to say that free speech on the internet can be kissed goodbye as soon as this happens. Expect the big sites, Breitbart.com, DrudgeReport.com, TheBlaze.com, MichelleMalkin.com, etc., to be shut down within months of this event. Small, dinky little sites like mine will take a while longer to get around to, but it will happen if/when this goes through. themuslimvileone doesn't like you having free speech. That's only for him and his buddies and those who agree with him. That way no one can say anything "really unfair" about themuslimvileone because those in charge will protect him: especially the Islamic countries and "more flexibility" Putin. Kiss it goodbye, folks. The internet will be no more as we know it. It will be mostly commercial, mostly leftist/progressive/liberal and mostly PC. The rest of it will be sexual perversions and gambling, which is all part of PC. June 3, 2015   I've said this since it first came out. I told my hubby that I think bruce jenner has learned from the kardashians how to stay in the public spotlight and that this is all about keeping up with them. I said it's another "look at me" that the whole clan does and it doesn't matter what they have to do they'll do it to stay "famous". What they forget is that fame is fleeting and that when they run out of stunts to do, babies to have, or people to marry, they're going to be as passé as Paris Hilton. Poor souls. They'd rather be "infamous" than what they consider nothing at all. What price infamy? For bruce jenner, we've seen it. After that, though, he'll have to do something even more appalling. What will that be? Surgery to become a dog? June 3, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Ann Coulter exposes TRUTH about rape cultuer being created by immigrants. Rape is being perpetrated at an increasing rate, a lot of those by illegal (and legal) immigrants. Women used to be revered here in America, but no more considered "precious" by anyone, no longer considered "special" because we can bear the children, we are now considered open targets by those who come here without a modicum of American sentiment in them. I think the "women's movement" has done American women a grave disservice. June 3, 2015   Fruitcake takes school kids 11 and up to "adult" store as field trip. She broke city code and didn't notify parents beforehand that she was taking the kids to a sex shop. Fire the fruitcake, close the school and do more investigating before you put your kids into the hands of people you don't know. SMH. June 3, 2015   Christian bakers facing collusion? The organization backing the homosexual "couple" who sued them for choosing to not make their "wedding" cake has been in constant contact with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. That's at the very least a conflict of interest: at the most collusion. Sounds to me like the bakers have been blessed by GOD with the TRUTH coming out. IF the law and right and wrong matter, the organization and the OBLI should be facing fines now. June 3, 2015   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOVE THIS! GREAT JOB, DANA! June 3, 2015   I haven't been a big Apple fan until now. With his statement, Tim Cook, Apple CEO, changed my mind. I like the fact that they don't want my information and that he thinks that data mining "undermine[s] our county’s founding principles". I wish every computer/internet/app company thought that way. I try not to give too much info about our family, but sometimes they want even more. I don't like that. What I don't mind giving out, it's okay for me to give. What I don't think they need is what gender I am, whether I have purchased X, Y or Z in the last six months or so, what my household income is, my birth date, my age, how many people are in my family, what genders they are, etc., etc. For every company out there to want my personal info tells me that they're going to use it to do more than just provide me a service online. They're going to sell that data to a third party and I'll get junk mail and e-mails from that third party that I'm not interested in and will report as spam, unsubscribe to, and/or just trash. It's good to know that at least one company out there thinks my info is just that: MINE. June 3, 2015   I'm going to stop with that. I've got a sinus headache building and I don't want to let it get too bad before I do something about it. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! June 2, 2015: 12:35 p.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. My son came over and we spent the day talking and laughing and visiting. He works full time so getting a day with him is a treasure. On another subject, the switch-over to a new server is kinda' complete. "Kinda'" because all of the files are there on the server, but it's not showing up anywhere when I try to see the website on that server. I also may have to change every page to reflect that the main page is not www.spacecoastconservative.com but instead I'll have to add a "/docs/" to it. That's a lot of work, but it may be what it takes to get the site to show up. I'll contact my server today and see what's up with it. Also, they told me when I contacted them (after they sent me an e-mail about it) that my website can be switched over and I won't have to change anything except to move the files to the new server. Now, the additional "/docs/" I may have to put on every page, the fact that they told me to title my website on the new server as "new.spacecoastconservative.com" and the fact that I can't see my website on the new server -- even when I look at the page on their list via a "preview" option -- and it adds up to a lot of frustration. The uploading work is complete. The fiddly bits are the problem; but that's the norm, is it not? I'll keep you posted. For now, though, on with the blurbs on my OLD server. My old, reliable, no problems server. Sigh. I will miss this thing. June 2, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Poll says people do not trust her. That's good. The fewer people who trust her will be fewer people who vote for her. I don't vote for people whom I cannot trust, do you? Let's hope no one would do so. She's so unpopular right now (and remember this is subject to "Change"), that she couldn't sell 125 tickets to a "women only" event and had to open it up to men, too. Can you imagine how outraged and betrayed the first females who bought their tickets were after finding out there would be men there, too? Outrage and injustice! How dare she?! Now she's on the outs with that group of women who bought their tickets early. How can she expect to win if she can't attract enough women to fill 125 seats at $2,700 per seat? People go get signature loans for that amount to go to her events, don't they? (*sarcasm*) She's so unpopular that she's launching her campaign -- AGAIN. I guess she didn't get enough attention the first time. Good. June 2, 2015   TSA failed 95% of the security tests in which explosives and weapons were smuggled through their "screenings" then they respond to the TRUTH coming out by saying the report was "classified" and shouldn't have been published. They're more concerned about their reputations than about YOUR SAFETY! They're so worried about keeping their jobs, about keeping their POWER, about keeping CONTROL over US, that they don't want YOU to know about their INCOMPETENCE. They just want to go on LYING to you about YOU BEING SAFE and about the things they do (feeling you up, exposing you to radiation, etc.) being necessary. What a crock. They should do things the way the screeners at El Al do it. Let's actually do something that would be EFFECTIVE in preventing an attack, not just a pretense to it. June 2, 2015   GDP report PROVES themuslimvileone trying to destroy America. That's not MY words. Those words are (finally) someone else stating what I've been saying for YEARS. June 2, 2015   BENGHAZI:   Judicial Watch gets more TRUTH out of themuslimvileone's admin. It's like pulling an elephant's tusks without anesthesia to get the info, but JW is relentless in its pursuit of the TRUTH. That's why I love Judicial Watch: they FIND THE TRUTH! June 2, 2015   themuslimvileone:   BoooHhooooooooo! He's such a crybaby. People saying "unfair" things about him? Really? He's earned every bad thing ever said about him. He needs to borrow a pair. After crybabying, he lept, lying lips first, into another HUGE LIE. He has no shame. June 2, 2015   June 2, 2015   Academe covers up for the LIES of its "researchers". Colleges have a code of silence when one of the papers that comes from its professors has LIES in it. Telling the truth about the LIES is verboten and if you do tell, you're in heaps of trouble. There's even more trouble if it's about the sacred "lgbtq" subject matter. Take anything currently believed about it apart with the TRUTH and you're in academic hades immediately. You're not supposed to fool with "lgbtq". It's a sacred cow and you can't touch it. That's colleges and research nowadays. LIES are more valuable than the TRUTH and sacred is as sacred does. Don't send your kids to "college" folks. It's better to have them do studies at home about any subject they are interested in than to subject them to the LIES taught at a lot of colleges out there. Yes, there are some excellent colleges out there: Hillsdale College, Regent University, Liberty, a few others. However, if your child is more interested in going to the others that are NOT excellent, rethink what you are willing to pay for and look this website over for more TRUTH about what's going on in "college" nowadays and what you'll be paying for your child to be taught. I would not do it. I recommend the same for you. Either send them to a school of excellence, or keep them home to study what they want. Why throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars for them to be brainwashed and LIED to? June 2, 2015   Secret Service agents taken from Red House security to go help a friend of the director. The friend was having trouble with her neighbor, you see, so the Secret Service opened an investigation into the neighbor. The neighbor's alleged act that made her need Secret Service protection: he rode ATVs that were "noisy" around the neighborhood. Oooohhh... That deserves all kinds of protection, does it not? That's even more important than protecting the leader of the free world, isn't it? I mean, hey, who knows what the guy could have done next? Maybe he'd have shot a tree limb with a BB gun, or maybe he'd have turned his stereo up too loud? I mean, after all, that's dangerous stuff there! June 2, 2015   The NSA's metadata gathering was supposed to have ended recently, but the FBI is still spying on everyone and anyone. Add to that the fact that the House and Senate are already working on replacing it with the same abilities given to the government, but allegedly with more restrictions. Problem is, with themuslimvileone in power, the statement, "I have a pen and a phone" takes on a whole new meaning in the light of reinstating en masse surveillance. Big Brother is watching with the House and Senate's approval. That's NOT what America was supposed to be about. June 2, 2015   June 2, 2015   "Cheekbone Cherokee-ites" close shop. They wanted the one claiming to be Native American to run for prezidunce, but so far, she's not biting. I can imagine her campaign ads being awash in Native American images, false histories of her family, fake narratives of the symoblism of her ancestry. She'd try it. Then the rest of us would have a good time tearing it apart piece by piece and then tearing the pieces apart. It would be too much fun for the rest of us for her to chance it. She's just too selfish to run and give us that joy. I thought dumborats were supposed to be the generous, kind, understanding, loving, wunnerfullies? No? Awww. Too bad. June 2, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:  
Coming to a plan near you: Another 30% jump in premium prices!
WooHoo! Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music! Aren't you just so excited? Remember what I said in my video? June 2, 2015   On that note, I'll close for today. I'll try to get the new server stuff to work properly so that I can keep my site going without interruption. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 2015 May 31, 2015: 10:32 p.m.   My Minion Monday pic for this week: "Minion Monday: Hank Plays the Tooth Fairy" It's all in good fun. See ya'! May 29, 2015: 12:11 a.m.   It's Friday and that means it's Flag Friday. Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 219: The One Too Young to Do Either". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! May 29, 2015: 12:15 p.m.   Judicial Watch sues ketchup kerry. Hehehe. They're suing him for failing to try to recover the e-mails of his predecessor. Federal regulations state that he has to have the records of his predecessor and his failure to try to recover those e-mails means he's breaking the rules. JW is absolutely correct. Good for them and good for US. It's going to take a lot more lawsuits to get the TRUTH out of this rotten to the core administration! May 29, 2015   As usual, they LIED about the economy being UP in first quarter. When themuslimvileone's lips are moving? You got that right. BTW, don't believe that it's "springing" back. That's just the msm trying to support themuslimvileone and his lies. It's not up. It's stagnant at best, probably still contracting (but I have no proof of that yet). May 29, 2015   Since when do you prosecute the VICTIM of BLACKMAIL? That's what this administration is doing. They're prosecuting the VICTIM of blackmail/extortion although he broke no federal laws. It's still legal to withdraw your OWN MONEY from YOUR OWN ACCOUNT. It's legal to withdraw up to $10,000 allegedly without it being reported. Yet, because he OBEYED THE LAW regarding that particular monetary transaction, he is being accused of BREAKING the law. First, it wasn't his job to report anything. Second, it was HIS MONEY! Isn't he allowed to do with HIS MONEY as he sees fit? Or do we all now have to get permission from Dear Dictator before we can spend OUR MONEY on anything? Hastert was being blackmailed. Was he supposed to go get permission to pay the blackmailer? Why is the blackmailer not being PROSECUTED since HE'S the one BREAKING THE LAW? When a person has no other signs of supporting or doing anything illegal (drugs, supporting terrorists, etc.) why should that person's bank transactions be reported to the feds? Is there no privacy or FREEDOM in America anymore? As a bank employee, would you feel comfortable reporting everything that you're supposed to report? Do you like spying on your neighbors? That's what it is. Bank employees are forced into being SPIES on their friends, neighbors, businesses in the area and family members as well as on strangers. Other businesses are forced to do the same: if you buy a vehicle for cash that is over $10,000 the dealership has to report it. If you buy a piece of jewelry that is over $10,000 the jeweler is supposed to report it. That's forcing the businesses we do transactions with to be SPIES on the rest of us. Is this Soviet Russia? China? North Korea? That's what it's feeling like. Hastert was being blackmailed. He is/was the victim. Yet, he's the one being charged and prosecuted. Why? Does it have anything to do with the fact that he has (R) after his name? Could that be it? May 29, 2015   Do you believe that security at the airport is good, considering that you have to go through metal detectors, have your property x-rayed and searched, or because you are felt-up by TSA girlie-girls? Is that what you believe? Think again. Lost badges are rampant and they're not being properly dealt with. This leaves the "secure" areas of the airport open to whoever finds that badge and wants to use it to go wherever that badge will take them. Doesn't that make you feel safe? May 29, 2015   Getting creepy in hillville. May 29, 2015   Free Speech! Free Speech! Free Speech! That's what this is about. This is AMERICA! This is my country, land of the free! We will not kowtow to those who wish to silence us! We will speak and we will draw and we will exercies our constitutional rights! May 29, 2015   Yes, even stomping on the American flag is free speech at least, according to the scotus. So, the guy who started the stomp on the American flag challenge had the right to do so (again, according to the scotus). But he's an idiot. The last quote of The Blaze story: "'I’m a terrorist towards lies, I’m a terrorists towards liars, I’m a terrorist towards those who are weak. So, yes, I am a terrorist towards white people,' he said."So he's a "terrorist towards liars" but he doesn't go after themuslimvileone? Does he even know what a lie IS? Moron. May 29, 2015   Are you a democrat? Do you agree with these polled dumborats who think ILLEGALS should be albe to VOTE? If not, you need to make your voice heard. Speak out against the taking of CITIZENS' RIGHTS by those who are NOT CITIZENS. They are STEALING YOUR FRANCHISE by voting ILLEGALLY and using others' identities to do so. If they take YOUR identity, they take YOUR VOTE. If it's made "legal" for them to vote, then they're taking a constitutional right that the Constitution does NOT GIVE THEM. In the Constitution, it states in Amendment 14: "AMENDMENT XIVIllegals are NOT CITIZENS! If the U.S. Constitution said anyone, no matter who, can vote in our elections then maybe those who want ILLEGALS to vote would be correct. BUT IT DOESN'T. It says CITIZENS. dumboRATS are only pushing for illegals to get the vote so that those illegals can vote for dumboRATS and dumboRATS can stay in power. That's NOT all they're doing when they push for ILLEGALS to get the vote. They're also STOMPING ALL OVER OUR CONSTITUTION because it states that CITIZENS get the vote, not illegals! Wake up! stand up! Do what is right and necessary! Stand up for our CONSTITUTION! It is TIME. May 29, 2015   hillcliintOOn:   I SERIOUSLY doubt every word out of her mouth in this story especially. She knows the Bible well? She doesn't LIVE it. IF she knows it, she IGNORES it. She's as bad a liar as themuslimvileone and her alleged "coincidental" meeting with the pastor is something else I seriously doubt. It was a set-up just as everything else is in her campaign. She's playing to the Christian left and nothing more. This was orchestrated. Mark my words. Meanwhile, her "charity" won't participate without pay. Where's the "charity" in that? Oh. Sorry. Pocket-lining must be a "charitable activity" in clintOOnville. May 29, 2015   Army sent LIVE ANTHRAX via FedEx. Sounds competent. (*sarcasm*) May 29, 2015   Well, it's Friday and I still have to do the transfer of my website to another server, so I'm going to stop for now. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 28, 2015: 12:23 p.m.   Well got news today that I'll be switching hosting services. Contacted my service and they said that the server my site is on is so old it's about to catch fire (I'm sure it was only figuratively speaking) and that if I switch over to the new server that they'll give me a year's worth of hosting for free. Okay. So this weekend I'll be making the change to the other server and saving everything to my computer and putting it up on the new server as well. It's a little work, but it's going to be worth it. A year of free hosting? Yep. I'm up for that. A little computer time? What's new? But, I also want to cut it back a tiny bit so I'm only going to do a few blurbs today and tomorrow and then it will be at least a little faster to save this page both to my computer and to the new server. If it gives me a little more time with my hubby-bubby, I'm all for that. Although, he'll be working on the yard and our vehicles (yes, again) this weekend, so I don't know what a few seconds' difference will make in reality. Or, maybe I'm just wanting to get other things done today and it's a handy excuse. Not sure which. BTW, I wanna' say a great big "THANK YOU!" to Breck at my hosting company. He was very good to work with in getting my questions answered and reassuring me that the website will be transferred without difficulty (as long as I do my part properly, at least). He was dealing with a switching virgin so he had a little more work than with other webmasters, but he handled it well. Thanks, Breck! May 28, 2015   themuslimvileone wanted COPS to be afraid. If you look at the history of what he's done to encourage this sort of behavior, it's exactly what he wanted. Remember when he said the cop who arrested the Harvard professor "acted stupidly"? Then when the Trayvon Martin thing happened he said if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon? Then there's the "stay on course" instruction he gave the Ferguson protestors after the "gentle giant" beat a cop, tried to take his gun, then charged him when told to stop. themuslimvileone doesn't want cops to be comfortable in their own uniforms. He wants them scared and he wants violence in the streets because it's another way to destroy America. Get rid of the rule of law and you get rid of the American dream. After all, you can't build the dream when the neighborhood is being burned to the ground by those following themuslimvileone's orders, can you? May 28, 2015   Dept. of Defense spends MILLIONS of YOUR DOLLARS at STRIP CLUBS & CASINOS! That's an OUTRAGE! Everyone should be angry about that, but I betcha' it was okay with the administration because it's just taxpayer dollars and another way to help destroy America is to bankrupt her via overspending. You know how good themuslimvileone is at overspending, don't you? Oh, yeah. He loves making us go bankrupt. May 28, 2015   Remember, people, they vote! That's SCARY. May 28, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Did you know there's been a SPIKE in TERORIST PLOTS? Yep. In fact, the attack on the Free Speech "Draw Muhammed" thing held by Pamela Geller (First Amendment protected), it was "the sixth Islamist terrorist plot or attack in 2015". Did you know of the other five? That's just IN AMERICA! IN AMERICA! How many times have we been told it's not Islam? It IS Islam! It's not Baptists! It's not Catholics! It's not Presbyterians! It's Islam! In fact, the U.S. starts a new Islamic State investigation ALMOST DAILY! Is that "peace and tolerance" or is it war and hatred? Pay attention to what's going on around you, folks. It could save your life. May 28, 2015   Another Reason To Hate Unions:   They supported the $15 hourly wage, until THEY had to pay it, too! They want an exemption. They can't do that. Oh, my. It would be just too much for them! My, goodness, they think they'll faint! Yeah. Sarcasm. As usual. May 28, 2015   Cheekbone Cherokee made big bucks flipping houses. But in a book she wrote she tells us that money is NOT in real estate she says that "Anyone who needs to sell quickly can lose a lot of money". Isn't that what "flipping" is? Get in, get out? Malkin's website has a little to say about it. Love the graphics. (BTW, did you know that Brevard is a top market for flipping?) May 28, 2015   hillclintOOn:  
They paid Sidney Blumenthal $10,000 A MONTH
for advising her on BENGHAZI? Yep. I think he gave her some bad advice, don't you? You know she's going to
"restore faith and confidence and optimism"
in America's future, right? The shrill shrieking shemale will "restore faith and confidence and optimism"? If she gets elected do you
think she'd be still shrieking this?: May 28, 2015   Ann Coulter has some facts on illegal immigration. Some will make your jaw hit the floor, so go get a pillow and put it under your chin before you click on the link. May 28, 2015   Lefties/progressives/libs using more LIES to get their own way. It's not just a LIE, it's an OLD LIE and you need to be aware of it because they're writing laws to deal with an OLD LIE. Isn't that what bonehead boehner should be doing? (*sarcasm, of course*) May 28, 2015   Artist who did posters for themuslimvileone calls him a "failure". "Hope" and "Change" were just words after all? May 28, 2015   Oops! Found more than I thought I'd find today and that's even without being able to visit Breitbart or The Blaze. So much for "just a few". It's time, so I'll go. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 27, 2015: 11:53 a.m.   I'm back from SC and NC. All went well and had a great time. Came back a day later than expected thanks to an unexpected offer from my hubby to go to the Blue Ridge Mountains and stay there overnight before coming home. So we went north for a little to go south the next day, but had a great time. Sorry I was a day late, but an offer like that, who can refuse? Let's get started. May 27, 2015   Marine court-martialed for having BIBLE verse on desk. Christianity is the ONLY thing toward which discrimination is allowed. If namby-pamby candy-coated Christianity was not taught in most churches and on most Christian broadcasts then maybe this sort of thing would not be attempted. But, no. Christians are taught that we should be "sweet" instead of SALT as the Bible instructs. That Marine did the right thing: she fought back. She lost, so far, but there will be restitution. She will win because she is on GOD's side and He never loses. If you're a Christian and you do not expect this sort of thing, then you're sadly mistaken, sorely unprepared and liable to be the next victim of anti-Christian hatred here in America. May 27, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Let's see how far another challenge to this thing gets. I hope one or the other will shut this garbage down. Well, shut it down until republiRATS replace it with just as much Communism that their replacement will be: probably about the same. Wunnerful?! May 27, 2015   DH[in]S fails to remove national security illegal aliens. Well, DUH! It's not about whether they came from Mexico, Costa Rica, or anywhere else. It's about ruining America and doing as much as possible in order to do so. May 27, 2015   154 pounds of heroin washes ashore in NYC. It came in via (drum roll, please) El Paso, TX -- which is on the border with Mexico. Shock. Surprise. May 27, 2015   YOUR MONEY:   themuslimvileone gave $7 BILLION of YOUR money to INELIGIVLE RECIPIENTS. themuslimvileone is wasting more and more and more and more and more of our money. When on earth do we get to make him pay for his illegal actions? May 27, 2015   Another court ruled AGAINST themuslimvileone's amnesty attempt. Good for the courts! It's about time they do this! It's only 5+ years they've lived with this crud. Why it hasn't happened sooner, I have no idea. Some judges are starting to stand up and do the right thing, thank goodness! May 27, 2015   hillclintOOn: She MUST deliver on those e-mails. Hurray! The question is will this bring the clintOOns into the world of those of us in "fly-over" country so that they'll have to live under the same LAWS as the rest of us? Do you realize she sold $165 BILLION in ARMS to her foundation's donors while she was hoping to win a Nobel Peace Prize? Does that make sense? Is that even LEGAL? SMH. Don't vote for her. She's as corrupt as they come. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) May 27, 2015   Another Republican gets into the race. I supported Rick Santorum last time he ran. Now? Not so much. I didn't see him making a difference while he was "dormant". if he's going to run for president, should he not have been preparing for such a run? Should he not have been working to get his accomplishment resume built up and getting his name recognition up? I saw none of that. He stopped and licked his finger to find out which way the wind blew and went with it. Now he wants us to go with him in the current endeavors? Nope. I won't do it. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) May 27, 2015   HERE'S the REAL reason college tuition costs so much. It's government intrusion that made the price skyrocket, as usual. May 27, 2015   Trust the msm? Here's something to think about. May 27, 2015   Remember when I gave you the rundown on the last five dumborat presidents and how they went from bad to worse, on a 0 - 100 scale they went from a 98 (JFK: dumborat light), to a -89 (themuslimvileone)? dumborat presidential hopeful bernie sanders would be even worse than themuslimvileone because he is an outspoken socialist and he's proud of it. We'd know what we were getting (unlike most who listened to themuslimvileone), but it would still be worse than themuslimvileone. hillclintOOn would carry on and be worse than themusilimvileone because she would continue down the same path and building bad upon bad is really bad. Sanders would be outright worse because of his socialist pride. Don't even think of voting for him. It would be the final kiss of death for freedom and America. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) May 27, 2015   I haven't been a fan of Ann Coulter lately, but she seems to be doing okay here. She may be back to her old self and that would be a GREAT thing! I don't trust her yet, but if she keeps this up, I may have to do so. May 27, 2015   That will never happen. alan "The Clown" grayson will NEVER be my hero. He'll NEVER be someone I respect and he'll NEVER be one of those I think of as someone I should look up to, want to emulate, or whatever. He's not a hero. He's a clown. Almost every word that comes from his mouth is something you can shake your head over. He's vapid. He's boorish. He's so over-bloated with ego that he's an open target who doesn't want to be taken seriously, considering what he does and says. That's who you'd be voting for in voting for alan "The Clown" grayson. Just say "NO!" to clowns. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) May 27, 2015   Why, in some cultures, is this acceptable? Tearing down a city because you're angry about something is STUPIDITY at its highest. Why tear things down because of "X" (and you can replace that "X" with just about anything; big or little!) when that city will be better for all concerned if you do NOT tear it up, burn it down, trash it, loot the businesses and hurt and kill people? What do those actions get you besides a little notoriety? It gets you kudos from your homies/friends? Is that worth burning things for? Really? How shallow are you? Can you not put aside your "I wanna' be considered cool by my buddies" desire long enough to think straight and FOR YOURSELF? Are you that weak-willed and lily-livered? Are you such a coward that you can't stand up to your buddies and NOT burn, pillage, kill, destroy? Are you a coward? It's time to figure out what's more important to you: your future outside of PRISON, or your homies who are ready to go to prison for a two hour looting/burning/killing spree? Don't you remember that those you hurt/kill are people who had homies/friends/families, just as do you? What about their families/friends/homies? What about their future? What about the future the store owner wanted for his family, but you took away because you burned his store and took what you could before the fire was too big? What about his children? How big is your ego to think that you are more important than the years, sweat, time, energy and hopes to support his family that you took away with your actions? How big a coward are you to not be able to stand up to your homies/friends and say "No. I'm not going to do that. They have the right to their own property. It's not ours. Don't touch it." Are you a coward? May 27, 2015   Fake soldier still at it. Glad to spread the news and to warn everyone to NOT support the liars (in any category of life). Our REAL heroes, not the fake ones, need our help. Tell the fake ones to take a hike. May 27, 2015   republiRATS pushing legislation that will HURT AMERICAN WORKERS. mitch mcCONnell and those who take his marching orders are going to kiss themuslimvileone's butt in this one, too, folks. They'll do anything they can to make themuslimvileone like them, but they're barking up the wrong tree because he will never do so. He doesn't like anyone unless and until they give him enough cash. If they're giving him cash, that's an impeachable offense. So, either they're just as progressive/liberal/leftist as he, or they're kissing his butt so hard their hair is all brown. Whichever, they're going to do something to hurt America, just like themuslimvileone so they're no different than he. Doesn't that make you just wanna' smile all over? (*sarcasm*: in case you didn't get it) May 27, 2015   Roy Moore wants Bader-Ginsburg and Kagan IMPEACHED. Saying I agree with him is not saying it strongly enough! He's absolutely, positively, irrevocably CORRECT! He knows his stuff! Hurray for Judge Roy Moore! If you recall, he's also the judge who stood up for the TEN COMMANDMENTS and did so at the cost of his judicial seat, but later won it back? Yeah. That Roy Moore thinks B-G and K should be impeached. If only... Sigh. Dreams do come true sometimes, right? Don't give up hope. May 27, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 24, 2015: 10:49 p.m.: Memorial Day   Well, it's almost Memorial Day so I decided to post my Memorial Day Minion Monday a bit early: Hank Celebrates Memorial Day is my posting for this week. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough: Hank says the same! Until maybe Wednesday instead of Tuesday (I'll explain later). See ya! May 21, 2015: 10:03 a.m.   Missed yesterday due to being called into unexpected nurse-maid service overnight. I got about two hours of interrupted sleep Tuesday night/Wednesday morning then went to bed when it was okay to do so about three in the afternoon. I was tired but it was worth it. Today, I am taking the day off because it's a special day in our family and I always take those days off. You know the days: birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Yep. Someone's getting older (well, we all are) and that's okay because it's better than the only alternative: if you're not aging, you're dead. So, a birthday in the family means I take the day off. That means that the next updates I will be doing is Tuesday of next week, except for Flag Friday and Minion Monday. Sorry about that. I'll be out of town tomorrow until Monday. I'm going to SC to give my brother his birthday present: the trip to the Charlotte Motor Speedway to see the Coca-Cola 600 and use the pit pass so he can try to get his favorite driver, Dale Earnhardt Junior's, signature. He's so psyched about it! I haven't seen him this excited before. He's very laid back and quiet so seeing him psyched about something is a lot of fun! I'm so thankful to GOD that we can do this for him. It's a wonderful feeling. My son will be here to feed the cat. I hope you have a great weekend. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 19, 2015: 11:48 a.m.   hillclintOOn:   She's running from reporters, which for her is going to be a daily event for a while. All these private e-mail addresses -- yes, more than one -- to conduct the business of the American people (allegedly on our behalf), means a lot of the stuff she did, what she said, and, yes, even how she represented America as SoS is hidden from history, from public view because she has LIED, CHEATED and OBFUSCATED every chance she's had. She has said she'll release e-mails... AFTER 2015 is over. She will release them in January 2016, which is closer to election day and will be harder to forget the things she will be found to have done that are wrong before the election later that year. She's not the brightest bulb. You usually want to prevent folks from remembering bad stuff you've done by releasing the stuff as far away from an election as possible. hillclintOOn? She just assumes she has everyone wrapped around her little finger, so she doesn't really worry about it. She's invincible in her own mind. Of course, she has the msm on her side and covering for her so why would she not feel invincible? They say that all of these shenanigans are scaring her base and making even her fellow dumborats criticizing her, but don't you believe it. They're wondering how they can get away with the same thing! May 19, 2015   Bwaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! dumborats are going from bad to worse, even worse, worse than that, and worst of the worst. If they do either hillclintOOn or bumbler it would be so bad that no one on earth would believe we are still America. If the dumborats did that our enemies would be so very, very happy and they would try to do everything in their power to help it happen so that America would be even more crippled than we already are. May 19, 2015   When even elizabeth "Cheekbone Cherokee" warren admits it's bad it must be very, very bad. The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is rotten to its core otherwise themuslimvileone would be touting it from the rafters instead of hiding it behind locked doors. This is as rotten as it gets... so far. May 19, 2015   HSBC to CHARGE for holding deposits and it's not a good thing. Remember: HSBC was caught helping people avoid paying taxes. Now they want to do charge for making deposits? When is enough enough? May 19, 2015   Being human. May 19, 2015   BENGHAZI:   themuslimvileone LIED about it being a video that caused the attacks. He KNEW that it was a planned attack NOT RELATED TO the video. But, of course, he LIED. His lips were moving and he had to make it all about SOMEONE ELSE'S ACTIONS, not his own. It wasn't his fault! He had nothing to do with it! That's what we were supposed to believe. He LIED and KNEW he was lying when he blamed the video. Shock. Surprise. May 19, 2015   College "brow beat" students into accepting vaginal sonograms. If you were taking the course, you were forced to undergo one. In order to be able to properly read one, you have to be on the receiving end? So in order to understand what having an appendectomy is like I have to perform one? How absurd their thinking is. Instead of sending your kids to a college that does this sort of crap, ask a lot of questions and find a college that won't violate or endanger your child. Better yet, teach them everything you can about life while they're still at home. College isn't that big a deal for employers nowadays. Homeschool your children and teach them how to think for themselves and use logic, how to do research, how to think critically and how to recognize wrong premises and not to accept them. BTW, the red is because it happened at a FLORIDA COLLEGE! Then there's the mural at Marquette University honoring a COP KILLER! Yep. Apparently their "Gender and Sexuality Resource Center" thinks it's sexually relevant to kill cops. SMH. May 19, 2015   Taxing food the government doesn't want you to have is fascism. It is, unsurprisingly, California, so it's not surprising. Remember that NYC did it first. Both places very progressive and very far left. This is what you can expect the progressives/libs/lefties to spread as far as possible. Do you prefer to choose what you want to eat and what you don't want to eat? If so, FIGHT PROGRESSIVISM/LEFTIES/LIBERALISM as they march us, goosestepping, into their world of fascism. May 19, 2015   GOP "looks at" USA handover of control of internet to rest of world. Why? With bonehead boehner and mitch mcCONnell in charge why do they even PRETEND that they're going to do anything besides kiss the backside (probably before he wipes) of themuslimvileone? Why do they even pretend? May 19, 2015   Another reason to hate unions. They have a way of making unions the most powerful in any city, of demanding so much from the city that the city ends up hurting so bad that the city goes bankrupt and they do it so that the union heads can have the power and the Mercedes while the "worker bees" continue to blindly vote for them and it ruins the city. Well that is what unions want: destruction. That's what unions are set up to do. They're from a socialist history and socialism and a free market/capitalist society do not get along. May 19, 2015   Smoking weed makes you shorter. It's also ADDICTIVE, makes your body MORE STRESSED and brings on puberty early. That's not MY words; it's the study's words. Marijuana is ADDICTIVE. Why legalize something that should be controlled and illegal? May 19, 2015   May 19, 2015   Surprise visitor just showed up. Gotta' be a hostess. Gotta' go! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 18, 2015: 12:01 a.m.   It's Monday and you know what that means! It's time for "Minion Monday: Hank Finds a Lazy Minion's Shower". Hank tried a little experiment tonight. I was quite surprised by it. I think you will be, too! May 18, 2015: 3:10 p.m.   Missed Friday because my sister-in-law gave me a Cricut and I brought it home and spent some time learning it. I don't do scrapbooking, but I have always loved sending cards with handwritten notes in them and the nicer the better. So learning how to do homemade cards is a new thing for me. I've ordered a few Anna Griffin kits and products and I love the results! Now, with the Cricut my sister-in-law gave me (Thanks again!) and the Minc I ordered (and received and LOVE!), plus trips to Michaels, Hobby Lobby and a few other places (surprise finds at thrift stores) I have a good start on making even nicer cards than I used to purchase all the time. Seriously, I have a full big desk drawer full of beautiful cards that I have been sending out to my family and friends and now I'll have even nicer homemade cards! See me smile? That's why I missed Friday altogether (except the Flag Friday pic). I was busy creating: my favorite thing! For now, on with today's updates. May 18, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin wants a "global" government. Remember his comments when he was given the Nobel Prize without earning it? Yeah. When Kerry pushes for a world government he pushes for themuslimvileone to be the god of that world. I think that would not sit well with Israel, the U.K., most of Europe, Canada and most other non-muslim nations. Muslim nations would not like it either, because their next ruler is supposed to be the Mahdi (the 12th Imam) so they won't like themuslimvileone's presumptuous self-aggrandizement and his over-stepping his boundaries. What will they do to themuslimvileone if he tries to "assume the position" reserved for their returning spiritual leader (and presumed ruler of the entire world because the infidels will by then be trampled underfoot and be converted or controlled by Islam)? Don't know. Maybe he's trying to find out. May 18, 2015   Your TAXPAYER dollars --$250,000 -- spent to "green" Morocco. Isn't that special? They want Morocco to have green grass lawns and flowers. So sweet. Peanut butter and jelly -- or just jelly -- sandwiches are worth "greening" something, right? May 18, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX: Was it set up to fail? It certainly is doing so in a spectacular way. The state exchanges are failing, the cost is again skyrocketing, the thing has few admirers. But when you have a plan to destroy every part of America that you can, you come up with as many ways as you can. This is just one. Now, there are so many Medicaid sign-ups that GOP governors are saying "Told you so". It's no less than those who have the ability to think things through expected. It's a total wreck and it will only get worse. Now that there are states that have HUGE problems with their state exchanges the people in those states will pay an even higher price because their hospitals have already closed, their doctors have already left their practices, there are fewer pharmacists, fewer places to go to get medical attention and the costs have already skyrocketed. What then? What will those folks do? Remember: medical care is being denied already; (remember they denied any "death panels" but it's happening anyways, even without a panel) what will happen when the whole thing collapses? It's a FAILURE all the way around except in its efforts to harm America and Americans. themuslimvileone is responsible. May 18, 2015   hillclintOOn is NOT what America needs. She'll continue the policies and practices -- no matter how bad they are -- of themuslimvileone and she's counting on his supporters to support herself. Can we change that? I don't know. What we do need to change, though, is DIRECTION. Elect a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE! Save America. Save our Children. Save our FUTURE. Elect a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE. Then GOD will forgive our sins and bless our land. Pray for America. Pray for America. May 18, 2015   george "stephie" stephanopolis bought into clintOOn access. Do you really trust ABC now? We've had Brian Williams and his LIES. We've had the Dan Rather LIES about G.W. Bush, and a LONG list of news anchors and reporters who have LIED to you about the news. Is that what you want? Do you trust the news: ANY REGULAR news station? It's so discouraging to see what we used to be able to trust turn their reputations into complete and utter trash. Now it's Breitbart.com, DrudeReport.com, Townhall.com and Michelle Malkin.com that I turn to (to name a few) and I wonder if there is anything else (new source wise) I can turn to. The msm? Dead. They may as well be. The networks may as well just put their own tombstones up and lie down with a lily on their chests. It's over for them. They've wasted their opportunity to do the right thing by choosing to do the wrong thing. May 18, 2015   Why is themuslimvileone getting involved in city/county/state issues? He's the one who sold/gave them the equpment in the first place, now he's trying to prevent police departments from using the equipment HE sold/gave them? what kind of hypocrisy is that? The usual, for him. May 18, 2015   Another themuslimvileone FAILURE. Shock. Surprise. He hasn't a clue. May 18, 2015   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools:   Traumatizing elementary students? All in a day's work. No biggie. Of course, that's not quite as bad as having sex with your student or smuggling drugs, I suppose. But why do it in such a way that the kids were traumatized? It's just not thinking. May 18, 2015   I'm going to close with that today. I need to let you know that I won't be updating after Thursday evening until Tuesday, May 26th. I'll be out of town, at my Mom's house and giving my brother the birthday of a lifetime! We got him great tickets to the Coca-Cola 600; the tickets include inside Club seating, a pit pass, a scanner pass, special parking, and (just to prove His love for my brother) GOD threw in a concert by one of my brother's favorite bands: ZZ Top (my husband will be wearing earplugs for that). All of the events of the day will be available for my brother to experience and he's such a huge fan of Nascar that we thought we'd go all out for it. GOD upped the ante by making there be a website mistake on the Charlotte Motor Speedway's website so we got some of the best tickets for $161 per ticket less than they should have cost. Multiply that by two tickets and GOD saved us a lot of money to do this for my brother! It's going to be a great birthday for him! Mom and I will be at her house as I try to teach her how to tat and how to make greeting cards with the kit I bought her (don't worry, she knows about it). So we'll have fun, too, just not as much excitement. Anyways, that's all for today. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 15, 2015: 5:57 a.m.   I forgot to do my Flag Friday pic until this morning at 4:30 a.m. when it woke me up from a sound sleep. I got up and came into my office and did the upload and poem. It was late because I did clean out my closet yesterday afternoon, doing the final touches (things I'd need hubby's input on since we share a closet) near midnight, which distracted me from posting. So, today's Flag Friday pic is "Tribute To Our Heroes 217: Closet Clean Out". Sorry it's a bit late. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! Also, I need to tell you that my regular blurbs may be late and short today. I'm meeting my sister-in-law for lunch. She has somewhere to go after lunch so that won't be late, but I was thinking of going birding afterward, driving up to a park we've been to a few times. We'll see how it goes, but if it's late and just a few blurbs don't be surprised, okay? See ya' later! May 14, 2015: 11:14 a.m.   You're paying for military training on private property because the military is paying people to accomodate the military training on their land. Great. We get to pay for training that could kick us off our land and put us in "re-education camps" when we are found to disagree with the government, thus being "subversives". Isn't that wunnerful? Meanwhile, is the military training for the implementation of MARTIAL LAW? There's something to be said about the possibility. After this "Jade Helm" exercise I wonder how many of them would take the order to fire on their fellow Americans. If you're in the military, it's time to decide NOW what you will do THEN. If they give the order to fire on innocent civilians will you obey that order or will you refuse to obey? America's future is truly in your hands. Make the right choice. May 14, 2015   Judge reopens lawsuit to find clintOOn records. JW has sued for info... "Judicial Watch filed suit in December 2012, after the State Department failed to respond to a September 24, 2012, FOIA request for all records concerning the advertisement produced by the U.S. embassy in Islamabad intended to air in Pakistan. The advertisement was seen as an apology for the Internet video that President Obama, then-Secretary of State Clinton, and other administration officials falsely blamed for inspiring 'spontaneous demonstrations' resulting in the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya."What clintOOn and themuslimvileone were actually doing is seeding the clouds after it had rained. BENGHAZI had happened, the video had been blamed and those two miscreants were trying to convince the people who did BENGHAZI that it was the video that made it happen. Well, day late and dollar short, the people already knew what caused BENGHAZI to happen: Islam and its adherants decided to wipe out more Christians. There was no video involved. May 14, 2015   ISIS a danger on U.S. soil? Well, DUH!!! That's why themuslimvileone opened the border and told the Border Patrol to NOT enforce existing laws; so that ISIS can get here without difficulty. They're here at themuslimvileone's invitation, so why would themuslimvileone care that they're here and reay to hurt anyone? May 14, 2015   The Clown, alan grayson, cry babies and explodes. He's not getting endorsements from his own party and he's not happy about that. Well, booHoo. I can't believe I'm typing this, but in this particular case, the dumborats are doing something right. (*REAL SHOCK! REAL SURPRISE!*) Who would have thought that possible? May 14, 2015   pelosipig May 14, 2015   Jumping to conclusions, dumborats prove themselves wrong again. S. S. (Shock. Surprise.) Whowouldhavethunkit? May 14, 2015   "Hogwash": study saying number of Christians dwindling. That's referencing this study that says that the number of people in America saying that they are Christians has gone down by 8+ percent. No it doesn't. Look deeper: "Just a small increase in the turnout of the evangelical vote could change the political landscape dramatically. It is just these type of studies and reports on the demise of the religion that will drive even more public debate about the need for Christian values. The logical result will be a clearing of the pews on Election Day."That's what those pushing the study are trying to prevent. Don't be discouraged. Stand strong. Stay focused. VOTE on election day. VOTE your beliefs and your principles. Don't be swayed by (R) or (D) or (I). VOTE for the person who is the best candidate, not the least of the evils. VOTE. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or convoluted poll.) May 14, 2015   themuslimvileone is despicable. He thinks that stopping abortions of those babies that are developed enough to feel pain is "disgraceful". Does he even understand the concept of "disgraceful"?! What he's saying is that he wants the babies to feel the pain of being burned, pulled limb from limb until dead and that's okay with him! Where is his humanity? He treats his dog, Bo (has anyone seen him lately; or is a Bo photo op just not needed lately?), better than he wants babies to be treated! themuslimvileone is evil. Pure, unadulterated evil. May 14, 2015   Two parent homes are important in America. That's what a Rasmussen Report says. Too bad those who said it was important to have "both parents" (as in mother and father) aren't standing against those who support welfare-embedded single-parent households or the homosexual partner parenting problem. They'll tell Rasmussen one thing, but cave to the PC pressures of the leftists demands. Cowards. May 14, 2015   Speaking of parenting: Feds takes children when in disagreement of parenting style. If you're not sending your children to be indoctrinated in public schools, you stand a good chance of being considered a detriment to your children. Remember the German family who came here because Germany was threatening to take all of their children because the father and mother chose to homeschool their kids? Remember themuslimvileone tried to deport them so that their children would be taken away, (he failed: YAY!), but if you don't agree with the PC stuff and choose to raise your children according to your own standards, you are a target. I homeschooled my boys and I did so K-12 and I do not regret it for an iota of a millisecond. I'd do so again in a heartbeat even though I took some heat for it (even within my own family). Today, it's even worse than it was back then but it's still important that you put your CHILDREN FIRST and don't put newer, bigger, "better" things ahead of your children. It's never going to be better for them to have a newer car than more time with Mom and Dad. May 14, 2015   Ladies, if you want a marriage that lasts, DON'T LIVE WITH HIM FIRST. Stay in your own place and him in his own place and get married and move in together. That's a part of making your marriage last. Another part, if you're a virgin, stay that way until you're married to the guy. Don't give away what should be precious and worth waiting for. Sexual intercourse is not a casual thing. It's not like swapping business cards. You give part of you away to every person you have that sort of intimate contact with. You have nothing left to offer that is special once you've given it to everyone who buys you a drink. Save yourself for the person you truly love and who is committed to you in a marriage relationship and your marriage has a better chance of lasting. I've known at least a few couples who tried living together then marriage. All ended in divorce. That's sad. It's such a high price to pay that I beg you to not pay it. Don't live together before marriage and don't participate in sexual activity prior to marriage and your marriage has a better chance of surviving. May 14, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   DH[IN]S fails to track number of illegals allowed to STAY in U.S.A. They don't want anyone to know how many people they've brought in. Yes, I said "brought in" and here's why: they've been BUSING THEM IN. themuslimvileone is RESPONSIBLE for the illegals coming here. I've said so since May 2, 2013 if not sooner! Proven correct again. May 14, 2015   Trust the neutrality of the news anchors you watch? You shouldn't. Stephie admits to not disclosing his donation of $50,000 to the clintOOn foundation. He's no more neutral than am I. May 14, 2015   Well, I have things to do today. I want to tat something that is a real something, instead of just practicing the steps. I started on it last night but I was using (for me) tiny little thread and I got three circles with joined picots done and then my thread got tangled and I couldn't get it undone. So today I may do a little bigger thread. We'll see. Until next time, thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 13, 2015: 12:01 p.m.   May 13, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   $2 MILLION taxpayer dollars to defend minors. Yep. You're paying for their attorneys. You can't afford new shoes for your six-year-old but you have to help pay for attorneys for ILLEGAL immigrant minors. Don't ya' love that? (*sarcasm*) May 13, 2015   Thoughts and prayers to the train derailment victims. Pray for them and their families. Pray that the truth be found. May 13, 2015   42.1% of bee hives have died in the last year. As someone who doesn't handle bees well (I scared an iguana at Fort Zachary by my customary "EEeeee!" squeal when a bee hit the back of my ear as they buzzed my multicolored hat. Poor thing jumped into the moat.) and who doesn't really like honey this news does not really bother me. I know how important they are to flowers (which I like), fruit and veggies, etc., but I don't really care that they're dying. I can't even make myself say "Poor little things." They're not poor little things: they're bees and people are allergic to them and they're painful if they sting you and it's just good news to me. But my bad. May 13, 2015   msthemuslimvileone:   She's lying again. She's getting as bad about it as her hubbybubby. He's such a liar that if his lips were sewed shut he'd still lie with everything he did. He wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch all at the same time. Now, I begin to think she's the same. May 13, 2015   themuslimvileone proves he's bad for America. He admits it openly and he's so stupid he doesn't even realize it. What a dunce. May 13, 2015   Denmark idea: "ban cash" and make everything "electronic" within a government run "bank". Now that's another lefty dumb idea if ever there was one. What do they do when the government becomes corrupt and decides to take everyone's money, like themuslimvileone is doing? What then? He'd be broke, too. There is no "check and balance" system in place for something like that. By the time something could be done it would be too late. Not a good idea. May 13, 2015   hillclintOOn gave RUSSIA HALF OF OUR URANIUM SUPPLY IN EXCHANGE FOR $145 MILLION FOR THE clintOOn FOUNDATION!!! She betrayed us for her own gain. TREASON. Pure. Plain. Simple. TREASON. She shouldn't be the next dumborat candidate she should be the next dumborat INMATE! TREASON. That's the only way to say it. Giving aid and comfort to our enemy (and Russia has been our enemy since after WWII) is TREASON and she just committed it for her own financial gain. Put her in prison! Even if she won't talk, put her in prison! May 13, 2015   themuslimvileone LIED about Osama bin Laden's death. He LIED? Really? He LIED? Shock. Surprise. (*sarcasm*) May 13, 2015   One forecast of what will happen if scotus legalizes homosexual "marriage". Franklin Graham says there will be a "storm of prosecution" against Christians. I don't trust the scotus. I don't trust them at all. After the john roberts debacle with his last minute change of decision in themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX case I don't trust them further than I can throw the building. I can't say what to expect with this ruling. I would LOVE to be pleasantly surprised by a ruling that upholds traditional marriage. Do I expect it? No. Do I expect them to rule in favor of "one man, one woman, one life"? No. I am totally clueless about what to expect out of people who are supposed to interpret the law and who are supposed to know our history and stand by the U.S. Constitution. That's pretty sad that people can't trust the scotus to do the right thing; pretty sad indeed. May 13, 2015   themuslimvileone's radical wing is "too radical" to be exposed. Did you know that themuslimvileone has been accused of SEXISM? Sin! Now he's going to be hated by the left. How dare he!? May 13, 2015   I don't really want to stop here but the storm is right overhead and I don't like to be online in a storm. So, I'll close for now and see you tomorrow! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 12, 2015: 2:22 p.m.   TSA records show history of SEXUAL ASSAULTS of travelers. TSA: Touch & Sexually Assault. That's what it stands for, right? Aptly named. Don't forget we're PAYING THEM to do this to us. Isn't that special? May 12, 2015   US Postal Service wastes $22 MILLION with their "inept" vehicle maintenance system. The USPS has been giving themselves a black eye for years and this is just another way they do themselves harm in the eyes of the taxpayer who pays that $22 MILLION. If the USPS went out of business and the service was taken over by Fed Ex, UPS, or someone else, it may be better -- and cheaper -- for the people of America. I can't swear to it and I know there are some good folks in the USPS but there is a term called "going postal" for a reason and there have been incidents of postal workers throwing packages, not delivering mail, trashing mail or throwing it into the woods. Take the wasting of taxpayer dollars in almost every way imaginable (although this administration keeps imagining new and more expensive ways) into account on top of all of the rest of it and the taxpayers of America may well like the idea of the USPS going out of business. May 12, 2015   Why are republiRATS trying to PASS themuslimvileone's horrible trade bill? And why are the dumboRATS actually trying to BLOCK it? Isn't that backward? Shouldn't that be the other way around? What in the world is mitch mcCONnell thinking? Oh. Sorry. He's mcCONnell: he can't think. May 12, 2015   The cost of fed regs in 2014: $1,880,000,000,000+. Thats ONE TRILLION EIGHT-HUNDRED and EIGHTY-EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS plus some. That's themuslimvileone's administration in ONE YEAR. Remember: That is just regulations and does NOT INCLUDE the cost of themsulimvileone and his family's travel expenses! (*wink*) May 12, 2015   Egg, chicken and turkey prices to SKYROCKET. Sorry, that was my word, not the story's. Don't worry, though. You won't be paying higher prices for themuslimvileone's chicken, eggs and turkey. He likes Kobe Beef and Lobster, not chicken. May 12, 2015   Six years of more and more and more regulations under themuslimvileone. Taking away freedom one reg at a time. His goal is to destroy America and that includes FREEDOM. May 12, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Repealing it could start us toward a balanced budget. Do republiRATS have the courage to do so? No. Not even close. There is a way to reduce the costs for young adults, though. It seems that there are serious enough problems with some "exchanges" that of the top five most problematic exchanges some are planning to shut down. Almost half of the exchanges are struggling financially. Considering that the scotus is looking at the possible demise of the federal exchanges since the law itself says that the STATES shall set them up and that the architect of the law said states without exchanges would not get federal subsidies. Also, themuslimvileone said his job was to "execute" the law and that he's not an "emperor", although he is acting like an emperor in many ways. Did you know there's another legal challenge to this piece of garbage that might actually kill themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX? The guy was represening himself but now he's got real attorneys and they are suing on constitutional grounds -- the "Equal Protection" clause and the "Establishment Clause" of the First Amendment -- and it has a good chance of killing it once and for all. Let's pray for his success! By the way, I APPLAUD Gov. Rick Scott for standing up to themuslimvileone and telling him that Florida cannot be coerced into accepting themuslimvileone's demands. Bravo, Gov. Scott! May 12, 2015   hillclintOOn:  
Federal judge reopens e-mail-gate lawsuit.
Woopsie! I bet she wasn't counting on that! Good for the federal judge and for the TRUTH and for US. We deserve to know
what she has done while allegedly "representing" us as SoS. She has turned to
Univision for voters. Isn't that what I
said would happen when themuslimvileone started bringing illegals in? Her hard row to hoe is young people who don't know much about her
but find out about her hypocrisy May 12, 2015   They let the animals out in Baltimore. They beat a man so badly that he was almost unrecognizable for who he was. If you act like animals you should be treated like animals. I don't care what you look like it is your ACTIONS that define you. This is unacceptable. You don't damage a man's property then attack him for telling you to stop. Also, you don't run people over who are walking in a parking lot! (Side note: I had to laugh this afternoon when I heard one radio reporter's version of this story when she said that the woman drove over the man's leg and was then cited for driving off. I wondered if the reporter would have rather the perpetrator park on the guy's leg instead of driving off of it!) May 12, 2015   themuslimvileone wants to take over reporting at FOX News. He really is that anxious to control what people say about him. He doesn't take criticism well. He wants to STOP everyone who says anything bad about him or what he is doing. That's his way of silencing the TRUTH of his evil plans against America and against Christianity. His hope to destroy America is on the fast track and he doesn't want people waking up before it's too late. Silencing those who are ringing the alarm is imperative to him. That's why he pushed for the so-called Net "Neutrality" so that he could silence those online who are critical of him and his ways. It's coming, folks. It's coming. May 12, 2015   Churches: the next themuslimvileone target. He's telling churches what to focus on now? Shouldn't that violate the "Seperation of Church & State" thing? I mean, the prezidunce telling churches what to do? That's just not what should be happening. He should keep his filthy paws off of the churches, no matter what he thinks they "should" be doing. The First Amendment says it's none of his business. I bet they have opinions about what they think he "should" be doing, too! May 12, 2015   Military "exercises" make people worry about martial law. Rightly so. May 12, 2015   That's rich. His hypocrisy is ridiculous. May 12, 2015   I'll close with that hypocrisy for now. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 11, 2015: 1:47 p.m.   "Minion Monday: Hank, Frank & Rank Say Goodbye to Key West". They had a good time, but they had to come back with us. They could have caught a flight, but we didn't think that Frank & Rank would do well on a flight. They have a history of being a little ornery and that leads to flights being unfriendly sometimes. So we brought them home with us. They are suffering from head colds right now so there's no Mother's Day pic. You wouldn't want to see it anyways. Minions don't look pretty while they have head colds. May 11, 2015   hillclintOOn:   billybob is a problem. His ego is in the way and his dog won't stay on the porch (so to speak), so what do you do about him? You can't shoot him... Well, let's consider that for a minute while remembering Vince Foster's death: whether suicide or murder. If hillclintOOn became the nominee, would billybob be the next Vince Foster? Is she that ambitious? I think she is. But, I am probably just considering the history I am aware of with hillclintOOn. The foundation's donations ILLEGALLY gotten from foreigners, the dog won't be campaigning for his wife. He wants to keep the illegal money rolling in, promising influence and who knows what else to foreigners so that he can keep up his high money lifestyle. Personally, I don't think that billybob cares about whether the shrill shrieking shemale is elected as long as he gets to have sex with as many women as he wants and he keeps his luxurious lifestyle. Would he LOVE IT if he could do so at TAXPAYER EXPENSE? Oh, yeah. Just like themuslimvileone and his baby-momma, the clintOOns love to live high on the hog at someone else's expense. They adore spending someone else's money. That's why they do the foundation: so that they don't have to spend money they EARN via hard work as opposed to getting someone to hand it over via schmoozing. hillclintOON is going to have a hard time with the youth vote because they don't trust the government and she's already been part of the government: Senator, SoS, first spouse. Add to that the Charity Navigator has them on a "WATCHLIST": there's too much negative about the organization to be able to trust it. Foreign donations are ILLEGAL for this foundation to accept. They are still -- to this day -- accepting them. They don't care about right and wrong. They care about the MONEY. They eat, drink, sleep, talk and walk $$$$$$$$$$$$. It is their raison d'etre. They love it and live it. May 11, 2015   The Clown's, alan grayson's, girlfriend wants his position. No. We don't need anyone who thinks that alan grayson is dating material to replace him. If she's dating him she must admire something about him: what he believes in, what he does, what his politics are. What she admires, only heaven and she knows, but we don't need a girlfriend; not even one with a brain. The best part of the article: "Grayson has received backing or encouragement from some progressive groups, but much of the Democratic Party's establishment, including the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, is coming out on Murphy's side."If he leaves the post he now has to run for rubio's seat and he loses then we are rid of him altogether. That would be a good thing. May 11, 2015   ISIS threatens to attack America @ 2 p.m. today. Considering it's after 3 p.m. Eastern time, they missed this time zone's deadline. Be aware: This is NOT a flippant remark by myself because it may be a REAL threat from ISIS. They have tried to harm us before. They are now feeling their oats after the Free Speech attempted murders in Texas. Emboldened by the two who died in their attempt, ISIS is now proving they are in America. Take it seriously, folks. Be aware and prepared. May 11, 2015   I'm going to stop for now. Planned on doing only a few blurbs today because of other things I need to do, but my computer is acting up as well, so I'm going to run a diagnostic on it and see what's happening. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 8, 2015: 1:10 p.m.   It's Flag Friday! For this week's tribute, check out "Tribute To Our Heroes 216: If Only They Had Let Her Be". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! May 8, 2015   I missed it. I missed posting anything about the National Day of Prayer yesterday. I thought it was today. I do apologize. May 8, 2015   The U6 unemployment rate is out. They are saying that it's down to 10.8%, but I begin to wonder if they've changed their way of calculating it. I don't believe it's that low. I believe it is around 15.?%, but I have no proof of that. I think that the U6 number has been reset and that's why it's that low. Problem is, I have no proof. Other stories say that 93,194,000 Americans are no longer in the labor force. That means that they aren't counted in the regular unemployment numbers because they have given up trying to find work. They've stopped looking, are no longer eligible for unemployment compensation (their 99 months have been used up) and they've got no hope of getting a job anytime soon, probably until after themuslimvileone is out of office and there is real hope again. There is right now only 56.6% of women participating in the labor force. That's only 56.6% of us are employed, no just those who want a job have a job, it's all of America, even stay-at-home Moms like myself. Isn't that shocking, though? That over 93 MILLION Americans are out of the labor force because of themuslimvileone's policies? We have the healthcareTAX to thank, the policies he has put in place, the race riots that have closed businesses after they were looted (remember, he said "Stay on course" and to keep "protesting": read, rioting and looting). Funny, I thought themuslimvileone and all of his terrorist and racist cronies were going to fix all of that. Sorry. His lips were moving. May 8, 2015   themuslimvileone trying to change the history of immigration at Ellis Island. They're changing the displays so that it laments the deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants (those who came through Ellis Island were doing it LEGALLY) and it criticizes the "militarization" of our southern borders. Well, DUH! If his administration won't ENFORCE OUR EXISTING LAWS the States must step in and do what they need to do to protect the Americans and LEGAL immigrants living in that State. If the feds won't do it and the State doesn't do it, then what is going to happen is that individually, we will have to be armed and ready to protect ourselves, our neighbors and our RIGHTS because with themuslimvileone getting his way we'll be on our own. He doesn't care if murderers, gang members, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, or ISLAMIC TERRORISTS are coming into America as long as it will over-burden our welfare system and start the destruction process of that system and that will throw those who use that system into chaos and we'll have MORE RIOTS in the streets. When that happens he'll have reason to declare Martial Law and under Martial Law, all elections can be cancelled. Game, set, match. May 8, 2015   Congratulations to David Cameron for his victory in the U.K. He is Conservative and that's a good thing. May 8, 2015   Did themuslimvileone go to Canada and act as judge for this? It's absurd that the terrorist, omar khadr, is free. He should be in prison for the rest of his life, not free. Canada is doing itself a grave disservice and slapping an American hero's family in the face. Shame on Canada! "The Khadr family is rightfully known as Canada’s First Family of Terror. This so-called 'child soldier' and 'good kid' was a full-blown Muslim soldier of jihad; he trained one-on-one in weaponry, explosives and Jew hatred. A then-teenage Khadr bragged to a U.S. official 'that the proudest moment of his life was constructing and planting IEDs' to 'kill U.S. forces.'"Shame on Canada! May 8, 2015   Pamela Geller should NOT regret standing up for Free Speech even though the AP and others deride her for doing so. Free Speech is a guarantee given us by the U.S. Constitution. NOT standing up for Free Speech is the same as allowing evil to prosper. Geller did something courageous and the two terrorists who basically committed suicide by cop (they knew there would be security there; why not hold them accountable for their actions, too?) after driving over a thousand miles to get there? Were they that desperate for virgins? Must have been some butt-ugly dudes. May 8, 2015   themuslimvileone readying to BETRAY AMERICA even further.
He is doing all he can to destroy America. What he can't do without help, he finds help for; here or elsehwere. When will he be satisfied with
what he has done? Only when America is no more. May 8, 2015   FBI Director: "Thousands" under influence of ISIS WITHIN THE USA! "Thousands". Thanks for nothing themuslimvileone! I don't appreciate that. You've put my family at risk. You've put my friends at risk. You've put little babies and the elderly at risk. You're despicable in every sense of the word. May 8, 2015   Aaaaahhhh... public schools:   Feds forced "transgender" bathroom policies onto school district. If your son felt like a girl that day, he could use the girl's bathroom thanks to themuslimvileone's administration. Not satisfied with destroying America, he must also destroy the family. Also in schools, they're doing msthemuslimvileone's vile school lunches, but they're NOT doing P.E. even though they "worry" about obesity in children. Looking at the 1960s P.E. classes it seems that the solution would be to turn the clock back. May 8, 2015   $472 BILLION collected in ONE MONTH of TAXES. Yet, America keeps falling further and further into debt. Why? Because themuslimvileone keeps spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending spending and spending and spending. That's why. May 8, 2015   hillclintOOn refuses to answer questions from the press, especially. She doesn't have to. It's her due to be the next prezidunce. That's her attitude and that's what she thinks will take her into victory in the elections. Her crowning is a foredrawn conclusion -- to herself, and a few others, at least. She also thinks that she's all that. How wrong she is! May 8, 2015   themuslimvileone broke JUDGE'S ORDERS and went ahead with amnesty for illegals anyways. He is above the law. He IS THE LAW. In his own mind that is what matters; he IS THE LAW. Constitution? What's that? May 8, 2015   All 19 women wash out of Army Ranger School in first portion of Ranger School. They had to lower the standards to allow women into the program in the first place, then those women couldn't even meet the standards of the beginner portion? Why not admit that MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT!? Why not admit that? Why not admit that men can do some things that women cannot and vice versa? It's true: men and women cannot always do the same things. Admit it. Get over it. That's the way GOD made it. If women and men could do the exact same things we would not need to have two genders in the first place. I take jars to my hubby (or ask my son) to be opened and they do it. I can't open every jar I encounter. That's the way it is. But I can do things they can't. Why won't people admit that? Why is that truth so scary for people? May 8, 2015   I'm going to stop there for now. I have things to do and I have to get them done. I've been pushing it to do this many blurbs. So, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Moms out there. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 7, 2015: 12:09 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to having company. I learned a little more about tatting in that I was taught how to join picots and that allows me to do the modern version of tatting. The old-fashioned version has the rings made then later you sew them together. With joining picots you can do a whole doily without cutting the thread -- as long as you have a very long piece of thread. Anyways, after my company left I did a project and then it was evening and my hubby was home and I chose to spend time with him rather than to do updates. So let's get started (now that FPL has fixed the power lines and I can get online)! May 7, 2015   Court rules against NSA spying on us. Will that stop them? No. They'll say that they've modified the program and then they'll just keep doing what they've been doing. "The Obama administration argued that the ACLU could not even challenge the program, in part because the organization could not show harm. The three-judge appellate panel countered that the challengers 'surely have standing to allege injury from the collection, and maintenance in a government database, of records relating to them.'"I think this whole ruling will be completely ignored by themuslimvileone's administration. Watch and see. May 7, 2015   JW files SEVEN new FOIA lawsuits to force clintOOn's e-mail records release. "In addition to the eight new lawsuits, there are approximately 18 lawsuits, 10 of which are active in federal court, as well as about 160 Judicial Watch FOIA requests that could be affected by Mrs. Clinton and her staff’s use of secret email accounts to conduct official government business. In Judicial Watch’s various FOIA lawsuits, lawyers for Judicial Watch have informed attorneys for the Obama administration that Hillary Clinton’s and any other secret accounts used by State employees should be secured, recovered, and searched. Judicial Watch’s litigation against the State Department has already exposed key documents about both the Benghazi and Clinton cash scandals."That's why I LOVE Judicial Watch: they're tenacious! They don't let go. They don't stop. They don't take "NO!" for an answer. That's why I support JW with my contributions. I like that someone is holding this administration's -- and those involved in it during their lifetimes -- feet to the fire. It's necessary. It's the only way to get to the TRUTH. May 7, 2015   Did hillclintOON delay Boko Haram terror designation? Remember all those women and girls who were kidnapped, raped and murdered by Boko Haram? How can hillclintOOn ever claim to be PRO-WOMEN considering that she may have had a hand in delaying Boko Haram's designation as a terrorist group, allowing them more time to do as they please? Women in America should be appalled at hillclintOOn's actions and the results of her delaying the designation. She has blood on her hands and the world should hold her responsible, and the American electorate should NEVER vote for her! She should be held totally accountable and she should have to tell the surviving girls and women WHY she delayed something that could have helped prevent what they went through. She should have to look them in the eye and tell them WHY and ask her where the money came from that paid for that delay? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anti-woman-anti-freedom clintOOn!) May 7, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:  
It's getting even worse. It seems that themuslimvileone
is trying to remake America into Central America, instead of keeping it the United States of America. If hillclintOOn is elected,
hillclintOOn says she'd grant them CITIZENSHIP!
Too bad we remember that in 2003 she said this: May 7, 2015   Wanna' make a bet this hurts her feelings? BooHoo. May 7, 2015   The FEDS are coming for your CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Yep, folks. You read that right. "The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a regulation for Christmas lights on Monday, deeming some holiday decorations a 'substantial product hazard.'"And so it starts. Got FREEDOM? May 7, 2015   Feds ignoring fatwa threat on Pam Geller's life but themuslimvileone's administration (FBI and DH[IN]S) have ignored her calls. Of course, themuslimvileone denies it's a group of people who want to kill Geller. It's just a "lone wolf" incident. That's what themuslimvileone's spokesperson says and he doesn't say what themuslimvileone does not want him to say. If Geller winds up murdered by an Islamic terrorist, it will be just another infidel's blood on themuslimvileone's hands which is something to celebrate in Islam. May 7, 2015   Irony: U.N. bans press from conference on press FREEDOM. Sorry but I find that rather mind-boggling. The U.N. sounds more like themuslimvileone daily. May 7, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Have a health issue? See your pharmacist, report suggests. Medicaid folks use the ER more often because they don't pay much (if anything) for the visit. That means they go at the drop of a hangnail. So, in order to make healthcare more accessible, a study suggests making it okay for pharmacists to see patients and to diagnose and prescribe medications. I know they study a lot but Bachelor level pharmacy prep studies are not medical doctor studies. I like pharmacists, don't get me wrong, but even advanced pharmacological studies are not the same as medical residencies and their previous medical school courses. One studies a lot of chemistry, the other studies a lot of biology. I prefer the biology knowledge to the chemistry knowledge. Yes, pharmacists have to study biology, too. But it's like saying a dentist can perform an appendectomy: it just doesn't cut it. (Get it?) Then there's the fact that those folks visiting the ER are apparently more likely to be prescribed opiates. Medicaid Grandma on opiates? Yeow! May 7, 2015   Wish the NSA would be arrested for recording conversations like Flagler County's ex-Sup. of Elections. Wouldn't that be nice? It would also be in keeping with equal treatment under the law. May 7, 2015   Keep an eye on this thing. Just curious as to what it's going to do. I have a birthday present to deliver in a few weeks up north and I want to be able to do so. Otherwise, it's going to be a sad day for the birthday person. You see, they know what's I'm delivering and they're VERY excited about it. It seems that GOD is excited about it, too, because He keeps making it even better and better! That's so cool. May 7, 2015   Sandy Adams considering running again. The district would be Ron DeSantis’ old district which stretches from Ponte Vedra Beach to New Smyrna Beach and goes as far west as Deland. He would be leaving his seat to run for stupido rubio's vacated seat as rubio runs for prezidunce. Let's see how things turn out. May 7, 2015   msthemuslimvileone: JUST SHUT UP! Museums not for black people? Really? How absurd. I've been in museums and in almost every visit I've seen black people there: as visitors, just like me. How racist of her. Certainly in small, local museums I don't see black people there every visit, but in the big places? Absolutely. I also see them in concert halls and in the orchestras and choirs the audience comes to see! She needs to just shut up! Why is she trying to stir up more racial riots? How absurd! May 7, 2015   I'm going to stop there for today. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 5, 2015: 12:57 p.m.: Cinco De Mayo:   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   "[G]overnment records indicate that the beyond-first-class travel of the [themuslimvileone and his family] and Vice President Joe Biden have cost the American people well over $56 million."Rice and beans, peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese: compare what you're doing to what they're doing and remember YOU'RE PAYING FOR WHAT THEY'RE DOING. Don't ya' love it? (*sarcasm*) May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 5, 2015   May 3/4, 2015: 11:40 p.m.   Minion Monday: Southernmost Minion" is today's Minion Monday Hank pic. Remember, Hank went to Key West, FL with us? He tried exploring while we were birding and found this. Enjoy! May 4, 2015: 2:00 p.m.   Peace and Tolerance:   Let's start today with the attack on the Free Speech conference in Texas. It was hosted by Pamela Geller of the website PamelaGeller.com (used to be AtlasShrugs.com) and it featured a Free Speech in America art exhibit and cartoon contest. (BTW, it was themuslimvileone who appointed the judge who let one of them go free. Isn't that special?) If you dare to show the prophet in any way that they consider not respectful you are subject to being shot, beheaded, stoned, whatever, as long as they get to make you pay for your Free Speech (U.S. Constitution, First Amendment protected) by taking your life. Fact: It's time to put a stop to that nonsense. In America, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK and we HAVE THE RIGHT TO DRAW and WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO WRITE whatever we believe, like, want, think. To have a sect target people who choose to exercise that Free Speech right should equal a hate crime for those who wish to kill, hurt, maim, or otherwise intimidate those of us who exercise our First Amendent right. It's NOT okay to kill people who draw, write, speak against something you believe in. If that be the case, every Christian in the WORLD would be free to kill as many people as denigrate, criticize, mock, spew hatred toward, our GOD, our belief in Jesus Christ, or any other part of our beliefs. If the Muslims think it's okay for them, think how many of them would be dead if Christians took the same stance, considering how they speak against Christianity. It's not an equal playing field when their god says for them to kill those of us who don't convert and our GOD says to love them because He does. But our GOD doesn't want Christians to line up, sit down, fold our hands quietly in our laps to be beheaded by those who don't believe in Him (Muslim or anyone else). Christians need to remember who they are: the children of the Most High GOD and WE have the authority via His Son, Jesus Christ to take authority over the situation, to rebuke the person trying to do harm and to stand in that authority in Christ Jesus. NEVER FORGET THAT! We have the authority! In Christ Jesus we have the authority! Stand, rebuke, control in the name of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood. Remember who you ARE! May 4, 2015   dumborat lies to protect... What/Who? "A few days after JW’s first report, federal law enforcement sources in El Paso said that O’Rourke called their office to prohibit contact with JW in the aftermath of the story about Islamic terrorists operating in Juárez."Why? What is he hiding? He knows he's lying. In fact, a report from the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security says that it's still dangerous in Juarez, Mexico, but the dumborat doesn't want that known. Why? Something's fishy in that. Is he in bed with the tourism folks there, or is he in bed with the drug cartels, is he afraid of the Islamic terrorists there; have they threatened his family? What is it that makes this guy lie about this? Remember, Juarez is only 8 miles south of El Paso, TX. The dumborat Congressman represents El Paso's district. If I lived in El Paso, TX, I'd be doing a recall for this guy because he's certainly not interested in my well-being if he's lying to me about Juarez's safety! If I listened to his lies, after all, I could take my family to Juarez and suffer the consequences of his lies. Recall him! May 4, 2015   msthemuslimvileone:   School lunch: burnt burritos and plastic. Yummy! (*sarcasm, of course*) May 4, 2015   Smoking proves profitable: to the government. At the very least (even if it's killing people, causing diseases and other bad things) it brings in a lot of tax revenue for the government. The government always likes revenue. May 4, 2015   2016 Elections:   Bernie Sanders announces he'll run against hillclintOOn, no less. Brave, no doubt. On the Republican side, Carly Fiorina has announced, Dr. Ben Carson has announced and Huckabee, too, wil run. Of all of the folks in the "I-wanna-be-president" line so far, I don't have a favorite. I don't see anyone I think is legally eligible ("natural born citizen" means something: or it used to) and that I would vote for. No doubt, I like Ted Cruz for his conviction and the fact that so far he seems to stand for principles without swaying, bending, twisting, closing a blind eye to something he stands against. He is not someone who -- right now -- I think would be a compromiser. That does not mean that I think he meets the "natural born citizen" clause (nor does rubio). I don't know enough about Carson, Fiorina or some of the others who are in or are thinking of jumping in, but right now I don't see anyone I am automatically "YES!" on. That's sad because I believe there are a lot of others like myself and that means a lot of folks want someone else: not mccAIN'T, nor grahAMNESTY, nor LAMEar alexandar, nor any of their type, like rubio. Those guys say one thing, do another, believe a third and vote for a fourth. There's no telling what to expect out of them with one exception: they lie to us to get into office then do the exact OPPOSITE of what they promised. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by our Founding Fathers, those who fought England for FREEDOM and gave their "lives, their fortunes and sacred honor" and by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or wannabe.) May 4, 2015   FCC Commissioner warns new rules could crack down on free political speech. Shock. Surprise. themuslimvileone and his cohorts want to stop those who are not complimentary from saying anything negative about what they're doing? Wow. Who would have expected that? (*sarcasm*) May 4, 2015   Speaking of the FCC, they gave BILLIONS to DISH NETWORK to start a wireless network. That's BILLIONS of YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS. Full Disclosure: I used to have Dish Network as our satellite provider. We liked them because every time we called customer service we were very happy with how they treated us and how they treated the situation. They were good at that, IMHO. Now I learn that while we were subscribing to them they were ripping American taxpayers off? Not good. I'm disappointed and I'm irritated because I was already paying them for service, but what I didn't know is that they were also taking our TAXPAYER DOLLARS -- BILLIONS of them -- as well as our monthly payment. That's just not right. Dish Network is now on my "DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY" list. How about you? May 4, 2015   Putin shows (yet again) how weak he thinks themuslimvileone. Flexing his bare-chested ego muscles, Putin is pushing us to see if we'll respond. He's also showing Americans how LITTLE we can trust themuslimvileone to protect America if Putin does something serious. Between Putin and themuslimvileone's LIES about the Iranian nuclear program, I think that if we continue down this path we have noone to blame but ourselves (and those who voted for the wrong person) when America is no more in 2020. If we vote for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE then America will be strong again and we'll be here well after 2020; otherwise, who knows? May 4, 2015   Florida residents don't need this. "Florida communities and utilities will lose a minimum of $755 million a year — which will be charged to residents in higher rates and possibly taxes — if a proposed solar expansion amendment is passed in 2016".The goal? "'[T]o destroy utilities. They want to over-generate and sell electricity. That is their goal. And to rely on the grid and not pay for it.'"Remember: "If the amendment passes, Moline estimates the number of residents using solar would jump to at least 10 percent. If it goes as high as 40 percent, the revenue loss to utilities would jump to $2.9 billion per year, he said."Is that what you want? We're already paying higher electricity prices thanks to the workings of those who hated the previous power plant and blamed it for all their woes. Should we have to pay for SOLAR for EVERYONE ELSE as well? That's not right. If we don't want to use it, why should we be forced to PAY FOR IT? May 4, 2015   New regulations may impact your BREATH! Say WHAT?! May 4, 2015   Airport worker threatens to "shoot this place up" and says that he's killed before. Feel safe? May 4, 2015   EEeeeeewwwwwwww! Yuck! Have a beard? Might wanna' read that. May 4, 2015   Are YOUR kids or grandkids safe? They like going to see puppies? Watch the video. Be prepared to be shocked. May 4, 2015   LOL! I'd LOVE to hear that phone call! Trust me, if hillclintOOn called my Mom, it would be the last Mother's Day phone call she made. Her ears would be burning and she'd be left a mumbling, apologizing mess! It would be hysterical! May 4, 2015   I'll close with that fun thought for the day. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! May 1, 2015: 12:09 a.m.   Flag Friday: "Tribute To Our Heroes 215: Since the Time of Cannon Shot" is available for your enjoyment. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! Sorry I missed yesterday. I got a call from my hubby saying that we had an appointment to take our vehicle to the auto repair shop and that we had to be there at 1:30 p.m. Well, there went my update time, since I spent the morning uploading my pics from our Key West vacation and trying to identify birds that I didn't recognize. So I stopped doing that and started getting ready and after we dropped our vehicle off, we decided to go birding a bit. Over seven hour later, we returned, hot and tired and still having to eat supper, etc. So I'll do updates tomorrow (barring unforeseen circumstances) and, again, I apologize for missing yesterday. May 1, 2015: 11:48 p.m.   Christians, are you paying attention? Are you up on what is happening? Are you listening? Do you want hillclintOON's goals to be met?: "'Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religous beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.' [my bolding]"Christians throughout the world are being persecuted and murdered for their beliefs. Christians in America are being targeted by the DH[IN]S. Remember a government report lists Christians, returning soldiers and others as "terrorists"? They let real terrorists cross into America from Mexico but they label Christians as terrorists because we believe in GOD, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and pray for America? Why is it that people who behead Christians are not terrorists but the Christians they behead are terrorists? Why is it that this administration thinks that those of us who pray to the GOD of the Bible are worse than those who rape, murder, torture and burn people alive? Only someone who is NOT a Christian can say those things from his own mouth or from his administration. With hillclintOOn as the next prezidunce there would be a continuation of this policy. Is that what you want? Do you want to be labeled a terrorist because you follow Jesus Christ? Remember his "Christian" doctrine? (BTW, did you know he's now a Buddhist?) Imagine what America would look like if hillclintOOn were elected and the policies of themuslimvileone were continued, or worse, strengthened? Can you imagine what Christianity would look like under her? Christians would be the most persecuted, surveilled, controlled, restricted and prosecuted people on earth. It's not as if we're not close to that already, but it would be worse. Prisoners in a locked-down, high security, solitary confinement section of prison would have more freedom than Christians under a hillclintOOn, or any other dumborat, prezidunce. It would be even worse than that if themuslimvileone found a way to stay in office. Also, did you know she's taking TAXPAYER DOLLARS for her "charity"? Isn't that special? May 1, 2015   JW files lawsuit against State Dept. over hillclintOOn's iPad and iPhone records. Good! That info affects our future, too. The things she did, the promises she made, the agreements she entered into as Sec. of State affect all of us so they should all be public record, but, no. She chose to delete them from her private server. She is trying to prevent us from finding the TRUTH and it's a farce that she is still walking free instead of in jail until she hands everything over! May 1, 2015   Hypocrisy -- in spades -- anyone? May 1, 2015   Some think that hillclintOOn won't pass the primaries. I have to agree. I have said so for a long time now. May 1, 2015   Russia flexes its "We don't fear themuslimvileone" muscles again. May 1, 2015   *shivers* Be afraid. Be very afraid! Think of what you'd be forced to eat! May 1, 2015   Get ready to pay more for chicken and eggs. Bird flu has spread across the chicken-basket and that means fewer chickens on grocery shelves. Supply not equaling demand leads to higher prices. Sigh. More peanut butter and jelly. If this keeps up it will be just "peanut and jel". No butter, no ly. Something to look forward to. May 1, 2015   AFP says Crisafulli did well to shut down the FL House and leave: "The House stood strong and negotiated in good faith. Meanwhile the Senate continues to stall a tax cut package that would help Floridians. The Senate should follow the House’s leadership, pass the tax cut package, and go home!"Okay. I see what they're saying and I agree with the House leaving. If the Senate tries to force them to come back the Senate is overstepping their authority. Good for Crisafulli! Now if we could only get him to open his eyes on the subject of Common Crap Core. BTW, Is Andy Gardner, FL Senate President, trying to do something to benefit his employer? Not making an accusation. Just asking the question. It's good to question. May 1, 2015   Dr. Ben Carson expected to announce on Monday. Another person to vet as the potential Republican nominee. More work but it's important work. I admit that I know next to nothing about him. I will learn, though. I will learn. May 1, 2015   Really? Really? Ridiculous! May 1, 2015   $20 MILLION taxpayer dollars to film police. Isn't that what you want to spend your money on? Don't you think a federal program is too much? Shouldn't that be left to local police organizations? May 1, 2015   Free speech exercised by Assistant D.A. gets her in a heap of trouble. I don't agree with her for every situation, but if a cop or citizen feels his/her life is in danger, then, yes, shoot the person who is threatening you or other innocent people. Not a problem. For those who are just walking the streets yelling, flipping cops off, that sort of thing, shoot them? No. They're not threatening anyone's life. It would only make matters worse. But you also don't give a "stand down" order to your police force and tell them to let people loot businesses because it's not people getting hurt. It's their life's work, sometimes. It's their livelihoods, their source of income that the looters are taking and destroying. That should have been stopped. What are those people going to do without a source of income? Should they be forced to go to their insurance companies and have to pay higher rates because the Mayor refused to protect their businesses? That's absurd! May 1, 2015   Atheists at it again. You're not allowed to express Christian viewpoints. They're not beheading Christians, but they are trying to SILENCE them. How about some tolerance from them instead of just TOWARD them? Shouldn't they be more tolerant toward Christianity? After all, we aren't hurting them by putting up a poster encouraging teens to not have sex on prom night. It's not illegal to put a poster in public schools just because it's a Catholic organization doing so. How about a little tolerance from the left? May 1, 2015   I get so tired of Breitbart.com and TheBlaze.com acting up. I wish I could use them more often in my updates, but they're such a hassle. They freeze my computer, crash IE, just plain don't respond, or whatever. After I used Opera for a few months it started acting up with those sites, too. I don't know if it's the sites, or the programs, but I'm tired of it. Can anyone recommend a browser that won't act up with any website on a regular basis? I'm ready for a reliable web browser. May 1, 2015   I'll close for now. Remember that Mother's Day is Sunday, May 10th. Buy something now, order it now and have it delivered to your Mom, or whatever. Do it now and you're not going to be late or have regrets about forgetting. Better early than late, right? For now, then, thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 2015 April 29, 2015: 3:00 p.m.   Well, we're back! I didn't have accesss to the internet after Friday morning (although the place we booked -- Navy Annex VQ at Trumbo Point -- in Key West says it has "Free Internet" but they don't tell you that you have to go to the office to use it, during their hours and that you don't have access in your own townhome. That messed up my Minion Monday posting so I give it to you here: "Minion Monday: Hank Takes Cheetah for a Walk". Hank and I had a little disagreemet over Cheetah. April 29, 2015   Received an e-mail while I was away from someone wanting to provide a link to help military families. I'm all for that, so here's a link to find help if you need it. Please get help if you need it. Don't think that there is no hope, no forgiveness, no future for you or your marriage, financial situation, loved one. There is always hope and if there's anything I can do to help you find it, e-mail me and I'll see if I can find something/someone to help you. Don't give up hope. Life is precious. April 29, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Is a woman out for her own benefit at OUR EXPENSE what we want for a prezidunce? Is it really? Think about what she could do to us as prezidunce. Think of the future for your children. Think of the things you don't yet know about that she has done for herself. Ask yourself if you trust her after she has done all of this. Think of what she'll have to do to PAY BACK her personal benefactors She failed to disclose 1,100 donors so think of the things she has done for those donors. Do you want to pay those donors back for the things they've done for her? Who are they? What did she promise them for when she became prezidunce? What will it cost you financially, emotionally, and what will it cost our nation? What price a female president? If it's all about what's in one's pants, then why not elect Sarah Palin? Was it not time back then for someone with something different inside her pants? Is that not what the "Woman President" movement is about? It's not the best qualified, best plan, best background, most honest, most respected, most dedicated? Will America pay the price for hillclintOOn's promises? What price hillclintOOn? What price? April 29, 2015   themuslimvileone's Baltimore comments were RIDICULOUS. But it is themuslimvileone so who is surprised by his ridiculousness? April 29, 2015   Pastors say they will disobey scotus if the scotus approves homosexual "marriage" and makes it a so-called "right". I say if that's a "right" they have opened the doors. If homosexual "marriage" is a "right" then how about those who are attracted to four-year-olds? Their sexual attractions can't be helped. They were born that way, correct? That's the defense the lgbtq community uses so why not pedophiles? They can use the same claptrap and go for having the "right" to "marry" four-year-olds, right? Or how about those who are attracted to animals? Is that before or after pedophiles with natural, "born-this-way" attractions to four-year-olds, get the "right" to "marry" their (reality word) VICTIMS? I will not be surprised if the scotus does approve -- and betray our Founding Fathers and our nation -- homosexual "marriage". I will be sorely disappointed in them all and I will also not support their ruling. April 29, 2015   U.S. economy soooo slow...
Thanks to themuslimvileone. Remember,
Ronaldus Magnus's great economy?
Don't ya' miss those days? Days when right was right and wrong was wrong and we had jobs, real hope and America's future was bright?
Remember? Now? It's what he wanted: destroying America step by step. Let's turn back that clock and elect a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE
as president in 2016. Let's get back to a GREAT America again! (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by
Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or crappy prezidunce.) April 29, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion: Another AMNESTY-receiver charged with murder and drug dealing. He should have been deported, but no. themuslimvileone's amnesty (read "dumborat voter") program is an obamination and it really is a danger to our country. Too bad he doesn't give a rat's patutti about our safety; all he cares about is keeping dumborats in power in order to keep the destruction of America on the path he made. April 29, 2015   30,000 more lerner e-mails found. They were never lost; they were intentionally hidden in order to hide what themuslimvileone was doing to Conservatives and those who didn't agree with him 100%. He really doesn't care about right and wrong. He cares about destroying America. That's his #1 goal. If it weren't would he be lying to us instead of telling us that his deal with Iran would give them nuclear weapon capabilities in 2-3 months instead of decades? April 29, 2015   National guard training for "civil unrest". What are they training for? Are they training to prevent people from walking down the street, from breaking into businesses and looting, or are they training to shoot their neighbors? That's what I want to know: How far are they training to go? April 29, 2015   Al Jazeera sued for $15 Million. An ex-employee is "alleging that a manager with close ties to top executives discriminated against female employees and made disparaging remarks about Jews and Israel."Well, DUH! It's Al Jazeera! They don't like Jews, Israel, or women! What on earth would make anyone think otherwise? If you don't want to hear it, don't apply there! April 29, 2015   Eating sugary foods reduces stress. See? Even sugar is good for you! April 29, 2015   I'm going to close with that for now. Have a great day and remember that GOD is still in control and He has the final say. Until next time! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 22, 2015: 10:39 a.m.   Since this will be my last posting for the next six days, I'll start with something I find really interesting: "space, fhe final frontier" gets more perplexing the more we learn about it. There's a giant void that has lower temps and fewer galaxies in it than elsewhere and it makes the "Big Bang" theory a little less plausible (or another "layer deep", as they say). Space stuff is so cool. April 22, 2015   Hahahaha! I think a LOT of us have wanted to do this! There have been times when I've wanted to throw my computers against a thick cement block wall. So this guy shooting his computer? Can I take mine when it starts acting up to an outside range and do the same? Please? Note that the computer he was fighting with is a Dell. I know the feeling. I wanted to do the same to my old Dells. April 22, 2015   Sleazy dumborat likes buxom blondes. He's not alone, of course, but he did ask that their visas get expedited. The problem is, the immigration system is so corrupted that they DID IT! They complied with his request and she got her visa within hours. (Isn't that special?) There are thousands of people worldwide who have started the process of applying for visas, have been at the process for literally years and they are doing it the right way. However, their wait is prolonged by a sleazy dumborat who requests that his "girlfriends" get special treatment. That's just wrong. April 22, 2015   National Go Out And BARBEQUE DAY!   Well, it's actually "earth day" but I don't do "earth day" because I don't worship the earth that GOD made. I worship the Creator not the created. Earth day? Nah. I'll do my own thing just like themuslimvileone and bill nye. I mean, if that's the best they can do why should we bother doing any better? Fun fact: electric cars are being traded in for SUVs. I think that's primo. Oh, yeah: earth day flashback. LOL! Rrrriiiggghhhtttt. April 22, 2015   hillclintOOn:   People flocking away from her. Who can blame them? The shrill shrew shemale is not an easy ticket to sell with her baggage (scandal after scandal after scandal while she was "first spouse" and even more as Senator and SoS: e-mail server, BENGHAZI, fundraising in foreign countries, etc., anyone?), her attitude of "It's my turn!" and her personality. She's got a long self-made row to hoe and it's not going to be easy. Then there's the fact that she's had health problems she has not shared with her sycophants. She's a no-go zone for some donors and a "has been" to others. I think it's time to admit that no matter how badly she wants it, she won't make it through all of the stress of the next eighteen months of campaigning and fundraising and the discovery of other bad things she has done. Too much stress and a heart problem and tendency to have blood clots makes for a grim prognosis. April 22, 2015   Cops kill more whites than blacks and that's something that I have always believed, but the press has never pointed it out. Looking at the numbers: "[R]oughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black. He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic and 2 percent were Asian and other races."In fact, "data actually show that police are less likely to kill black suspects than white ones." So I think that all this false, organized by outsiders protests should stop now and that those using race to stir things up shold now be held to account for all of the violence, arson, looting and general rabble-rousing they've been doing. In other words, george soros and themuslimvileone should be charged with "Inciting to Riot" and held totally accountable for their words and actions. When you fund rioting and organizing riots that's "Inciting to Riot" and soros's money was and is behind most of the Ferguson and other "protests". He and themuslimvileone should be charged immediately. April 22, 2015   In the "Oh, Grow Up!" category:   IRS cut its own customer service budget to pay America back for finding out about the targeting scandal. You found out they were doing something wrong now YOU have to pay for that knowledge -- sometimes in more ways than one. Despicable. April 22, 2015   themuslimvileone's 549,843,518,654,188,335,418,886,811,685,424,968,683,541,196,855,415th LIE. He says the world is "less violent today" than forty years ago. All thanks to him being prezidunce, I'm sure. He takes credit for everything he makes up that could possibly, in any way make him look good. Too bad people have eyes to see and ears to hear and they KNOW BETTER! ISIS was not around forty years ago. Christians weren't being martyred in such huge numbers in so many places forty years ago. Race relations in America were better forty years ago than today. Was the Middle East falling apart forty years ago? No! Was Russia invading countries again forty years ago? No! Yet, themuslimvileone thinks that we don't see all of that for ourselves, don't realize it's happening, or that we're too stupid to realize it so we will believe his LIES. What an ego. April 22, 2015   Feds urge you to eat EXPIRED food. Get sick. It's okay. You'll have to pay $6,300 deductible before your themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX kicks in to take care of the rest of your care, but it's okay! Eat expired food because, ya' know, you can't order Kobe Beef and Lobster suppers and have others pay for it, so you need to pay for themuslimvileone's food while you eat the expired stuff. You getting sick is "no never mind" to them. They don't care. April 22, 2015   Well, that's all the fun I'll have today. I have things to do to get ready to go to Key West. We'll be staying overnight in Miami tomorrow, then on the Key West until Tuesday. While there, we'll be visiting Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas via the Yankee Freedom and birding there. We'll be stopping both on the way down and the way back up to see specific birds in specific locations. I'm hoping that the Bobolinks (look at that crazy "hair"!) will still be at Ft. Jefferson and that we can see all of the birds on our wish list. My son will be here to hold down the home front and feed the cat and we'll be back late Tuesday. I'll try to do updates on Wednesday of next week. So until then, thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 21, 2015: 2:21 p.m.   Late start today due to getting things ready for my upcoming trip. I've been hemming pants, doing laundry (new clothes have to be washed before wearing), feeding the backyard birds, gathering things up, putting outfits together, gathering toiletries, and since the townhome we're staying in has "minimal" kitchen items, we've been figuring out what to take for that, too. We're going to have fun in Key West and our son is going to be here holding down the homefront, feeding the cat, etc. So, let's get started and remember, I won't be doing updates for almost a week starting this Thursday. You'll have some time off from me, so party hardy and enjoy! (*wink*) April 21, 2015   hillclintOOn:   Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution actually bans foreign payola for U.S. officials so she broke the law, and trampled the U.S. Constitution via accepting foreign donations while she was Secretary of State even though it was for her family's "charity". Article 1, Section 9 states: "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. [my bolding]"So hillclintOOn should be arrested, not elected. In fact, that should be the meme we fight her with: "Arrested, Not Elected!" should be the chant at every hillclintOOn event. People could hold up that section of the U.S. Constitution. I like that. How about you? Read the whole story at The Federalist and find out how bad it is. You'll be chanting it, too. Consider, also, that the story reveals that the clintOOn foundation only gives 15% of their intake toward the services their "charity" allegedly provides. Fifteen percent is miniscule compared to what other organizations do, and for them to be taking credit for doing a lot of great things via their charity is just misleading. I think she needs a lesson in how to speak to people, too. After all, saying "Uh-huh" 88 times while others were speaking. Really? "Uh-huh"? Oh, my. Did you know that, although her "foundation" probably has her on the payroll and they get the "foundation" to pay for their travel expenses, etc., she still refuses to disclose whether she's accepting Social Security payments and if so, how much it is? She demanded a New Hampshire woman disclose so clintOOn could use her as an example, but hillclintOOn herself? Nope. You don't have the right to know. Her business is her business and no one has the right to find out the truth about her. Shades of themuslimvileone: hide everything and tell nothing and no one can prove your unworthiness and her hypocrisy. She has taken lessons from themuslimvileone and her own liar, billybob, for years now. She's an excellent liar and an excellent leftist finger-pointer. The problem is, that the only things she excells at are those two (lying and finger-pointing) and making money for her own coffers no matter what the law is, who it hurts, or what it shall cost America in the long run. Truth: hillclintOOn is out for hillclintOOn ONLY. She doesn't care about extremely sensitive material that could have gotten into the wrong hands, what happened in BENGHAZI, or the U.S. Constitution (as evidenced by her lawlessness in accepting foreign money), the "little people" she allegedly talks to in her campaign stops. What she cares about is herself. She says she's "tired of the mean-spiritedness in politics" but wait until someone says or does something that irritates her and you'll see "mean-spiritedness" in action! April 21, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin still WASTING taxpayer dollars. That's what we saw with the clintOOn admin, it got worse with themuslimvileone's admin, and I can easily forecast that it will be even worse if a dumborat gets elected in 2016 -- or if themuslimvileone stays in office ilegally. April 21, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   themuslimvileone to "strengthen" immigrant integration infrastructure. In other words, themuslimvileone is going to be spending more of our TAXPAYER DOLLARS by giving it to programs to help illegal immigrants! Don't you just LOVE paying taxes for that? You just went through TAX DAY. Did you pay or receive some of the taxes that you paid throughout the year so that illegal immigrants could get more benefit from it than do you? Enjoy! (*sarcasm*) There are illegals committing crimes all the time in America and we have to pay for them to "integrate"? No. Send them BACK! April 21, 2015   LOL! LOL! LOL! Love the third-to-the-last paragraph! Too good! April 21, 2015   Another L.E.O. behaving badly. I don't relish the links to stories about Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) behaving badly. I wish I could trust every cop on every level. I have a relative who is a cop. I love cops and think that 98% (or more) of them are GOOD PEOPLE and there are those 1% or 2% that makes the whole LEO group look bad. What bothers me even more is when one cop covers up for wrongdoing by one or more of his/her fellow officers. If a cop does wrong, report it! If a "civilian" is videoing what you are doing, don't harrass that "civilian"! It's LEGAL to video cops and LEOs of all stripes. When cops go bad, they make every officer look bad. Ruining the public's trust in LEOs is a bad thing, so why does anyone help it hapen via covering up for it? I'm not saying there's a cover-up here, I'm saying that it is imperative that if a cop misbehaves that cop is reprimanded, sent to "classes", lose his/her job, be prosecuted if necessary, just don't help bad be bad! April 21, 2015   You may wish to delete your google search history. Ever search for someone's address you wanted to visit? Ever search for one thing and wind up with another due to your wording? Ever search for a subject matter that may draw attention to you from the wrong people -- this administration, perhaps? You may wish to delete your search history if you use google. I use Bing and I don't search for bad stuff, but I like privacy anyways, and wish I could do this with Bing. Also, remember to always delete your browsing history and cookies in your own computer. This means you will have to type in everything you're trying to get to, or have it in your favorites list, and none of your passwords should be kept on your computer (or anywhere others can get it online), and these steps will help keep you safe. I am not saying that they will stop all bad stuff, nothing can, but I am saying that it should help prevent bad stuff. April 21, 2015   ISIS controls every jot and tittle of people's lives when they are in control of an area. They even control whether you watch "football" (soccer, over there). That's ridiculous but I guess those who acquiesce to it don't enjoy freedom. April 21, 2015   Another baby monitor hacked and another family finds out that wireless technology is sometimes not wonderful. Has anyone ever considered a scrambled signal and a descrambler that only reaches a certain number of feet (say 500) so that it would only reach within the average home's range? Would that help prevent this sort of intrusion? April 21, 2015   The Tenth Amendment was subverted by the SCOTUS when they basically rewrote the Commerce Clause in order to allow themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. Shock. Surprise. Who didn't know? April 21, 2015   Vitamins cause cancer? Another "It's good for you"/"It's bad for you". Don't listen to the scientists. Follow the money and find out who funded the study and then eat what you want, take vitamins if you feel you need them. GOD is in the food business because He created your body, food and how your body uses food. Don't listen to others. Listen to GOD and to your own body. April 21, 2015   Senate should vote AGAINST confirming lynch. I agree 100%. She shouldn't have been nominated in the first place, but themuslimvileone wanted someone who wouldn't mind him breaking the law, nor anyone else in his administration breaking the law. That's what he wanted and that's what he got. The Senate should not even consider confirming her. She'll be as lawless as themuslimvileone and her predessor, eric holder, are. April 21, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Things to do. Things to do. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 19, 2015: 11:30 p.m.   It's almost Monday and that means I must post a Minion Monday pic. So, here it is: "Minion Monday: Hank, What Are You Doing?" He was inspired. April 20, 2015: 10:59 a.m.   Peace and Tolerance:   ISIS is on our border and in America and biding their time until they can do as much damage as they possibly can. They go disappear in Muslim neighborhoods, getting aid and a place to stay in that community so that they can plot their murderous attacks. I hope they never succeed, but that doesn't mean they won't try (another good reason to support the Second Amendment). I hope that if they do manage to do harm over here that those who helped them will be tried as "accessory before the fact" as well. Considering that they are beheading Christians on a pretty regular basis, I think that ISIS in America (a Christian nation) could be disasterous: for them as well as some of us. According to a new Rasmussen poll, I'm not alone. April 20, 2015   JW asks for Congressional probe of themuslimvileone's executive amnesty. themuslimvileone is doing everything he can to BREAK our existing laws. How he is not yet impeached due to that lawlessness, I can only blame on his race. People are afraid of doing anything for which someone can point a finger and cry "Racist!" when it comes to themuslimvileone. They're afraid and he takes full advantage of their cowardice. April 20, 2015   Muslims now think themuslimvileone is Muslim because he supports Iran. Well, DUH! April 20, 2015   hillclintOOn   New book draws attention to foreign donations she accepted for the "clintOOn foundation". I'm not surprised. She and billybob did accept foreign donations from the likes of Charlie Trie and others while "they" were president the first time. Remember: back then hillclintOOn was considered the "blue light special" she was so discounted. That's how much the public thought of her abilities, personality, political prowess, etc. Now she's qualified strictly because of her gender? If anyone said a man was qualified due to his gender and nothing else, I think that would be considered sexist by those who treat hillclintOOn the same way. Her private parts qualify her? For being a prostitute, maybe, but president? No way. April 20, 2015   April 20, 2015   I think this is cool. All those old shipwrecks and seeing them from the sky, IMHO, absolutely cool. Just posted it because I think it's that interesting. April 20, 2015   Yet another reason to hate HOAs. I'm so glad our HOA is gone! So very, very glad! April 20, 2015   Scott Walker was interviewed on Glenn Beck's radio show and said he'd "absolutely" repeal Common Crap Core. He said he had in his budget unfunded the testing for the children in his state. That's a good start. I hope he doesn't change his mind on it. April 20, 2015   Aaaaaaaahhh... public schools:   Transgenderism taught in the Kindergarten classroom?! That's going a little too far. I doubt there are any transgendered Kindergarteners, don't you? So why the book? April 20, 2015   I hate to do it, but I'm going to stop there for now. I have things to do. I will be gone starting Thursday of next week until Wednesday of the following week and I have things to do to get ready for that. Sorry. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 17, 2015: 11:25 a.m.   It's Friday and that means it's time to salute all who served: "Tribute To Our Heroes 213: Can You See?" is my way of saying a deeply heart felt "Thank you for your service!" I can never say it enough! GOD Bless you always. April 17, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Muslims throw Christians overboard in two separate incidents. Maybe I should change that "Peace and Tolerance" to "Peace and Tolerance and MURDER"? April 17, 2015   Military morale very low and they don't trust administration. Of course they can't trust the administration. They wasted $287 million campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, but that didn't address the real problem: their Commander In Chief. It was themuslimvileone that promised during his campaign to bring everyone home, was it not? He hasn't brought people home, he's sent them to new places, eliminates hot breakfasts for our troops, dissed our troops -- ON D-DAY, treats them with disrespect and lies to them. They know that when they get home, they have themuslimvileone's disfunctional V.A. to look forward to dealing with. All this while they deal with the fact that he tries to disarm and disable them while they are still in the war zone! Can you blame them for having low morale? If that's not the penultimate "Duh!" then what is? April 17, 2015   Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Take a moment to remember those who were tortured, starved, murdered in horrible places like Auschwitz, Dachau and the 20,000 concentration camps in which they put the Jewish people. Always REMEMBER and DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. This is the direction Islam is pushing the world -- toward this sort of action against Christians and Jews. DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. April 17, 2015   jebby-bebby:   He thinks "legal status" for illegal aliens crossing our borders is "rational and thoughtful". He says: "Speaking at the Politics and Eggs breakfast, Bush, who said last year that illegal immigration is an 'act of love,' proposed giving illegal immigrants provisional work permits after they pay taxes and fines and granting them legal status that they can 'earn over an extended period of time.' Bush said that illegal immigrants should not earn citizenship, which will again bring up his waffling on the citizenship question."Problem: They're poor people who came here for an opportunity. IF jebby-bebby's plan was implemented, and they had to pay taxes and fines BEFORE they get the work permit (it says "work permits AFTER they pay [my caps]) from where do they get the money to pay those taxes and fines? Hmmm? How do they do that without money? Which means that the "where" of my question always leads back to YOU, the American taxpayer, who shall pay their taxes and fines, does it not? Is that what you want? Or do you want a president who is going to stand firm against allowing all of these illegals to stay here and leach your hard earned pay? We don't need jebby-bebby. He's bad for America. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or anything or anyone else.) April 17, 2015   China is looking for trouble. If they're looking to push Japan's buttons, what makes anyone think they won't be looking for trouble elsewhere soon, too? April 17, 2015   msthemuslimvileone:   msthemuslimvileone's lunch program fails again. The stuff being called "school lunches" nowadays is just nasty! How anyone can consider that paltry pile of crappy nastiniess good for growing children is beyond me. It's not nutritionally sound and it's not something that will entice a child to eat it. Why are schools going along with this? Homeschool your kids, folks. It's better for them. April 17, 2015   Former IMF head arrested for TAX FRAUD. Well, imagine that! April 17, 2015   FBI trying to find Judicial Watch's source. I hope and pray that they do not succeed in finding out who the source is. I want JW to be able to keep telling us the truth. April 17, 2015   themuslimvileone abandons Americans again. Then when they decide to do something they outsource it to India. Sweet. (*sarcasm*) April 17, 2015   "The Case Against Marco Rubio" by Paul Mirengoff. I am not the only one who thinks that rubio would be a bad choice. I don't think we need rubio. We need someone who is going to be the next Ronald Reagan, not the next billybobclintOOn. That's what I think rubio as president would be: another clintOOn. I'm not saying he'd be a womanizer (I haven't a clue how he does in that arena), but I am saying that I don't think that it would be good for America because he supports Common Crap Core and allowing illegal aliens who broke our laws as they illegally entered our country to STAY here and collect our tax money as benefits, that's just wrong. Our great-grandparents did it the right way, coming here legally and obeying the law and working within the system. Why should someone who breaks the law be given our money so they can benefit from breaking the law? I do not approve of that! rubio does. We don't need rubio. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or lawlessness supporter.) April 17, 2015   The Top 5 Reasons to Support the Surveillance State Repeal Act" by Julie Borowski at Freedom Works. Read them and support this idea! This is the best thing since 9/11 we could do for Americans! April 17, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Did you know this part of the history of the piece of crap? "ObamaCare started in the House as H.R. 3590, a three page bill that dealt with housing for veterans that was unanimously passed on October 8, 2009. Senator Harry Reid, the Majority Leader at the time, had an urge to pass ObamaCare, and pass it quickly. On November 19 he deleted the text from H.R. 3590, renamed the bill the 'Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act' and added the hundreds of pages of ObamaCare text. ObamaCare was born!"So we have harry reid to thank for the advent of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX? Is anyone surprised? Did he get his recent face battering treated through it, or did he go another route? April 17, 2015   Common Crap Core:   Schools panicking over parents "opting out" their children from the mandatory testing. Should that not tell them something? Common Crap Core apparently doesn't teach school districts, administrators, school boards, or teachers any common sense, does it? April 17, 2015   lindsey grahamnesty is an idiot. He's also considering running for prezidunce. Sigh. Will he ever get the message that Senator is as far as he's going to go? Or will his ego keep telling him he's all that? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or Senator.) April 17, 2015   I think I'll stop there for now. I did get to The Blaze.com without IE crashing immediately, which Opera started doing last week. Hmm... What's up with that? Anyways, enjoy your weekend! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 16, 2015: 10:16 a.m.   hillclintOOn:   She's not real. She is one of the most bogus, fake, faux, fraudulent, wannabes in history. She fakes everything from the media coverage (oooooooohhhh!) to her fake immigrant grandparent story. Her belief in the Hispanic population of America? That's fake, too. (That's really amazing.) Her talking to the "ordinary" people was faked, too. If she knew how to be real she would forget it in a heartbeat and fake that, too. All of these things point to one thing: she's not ready to unveil her policies and she's not going to unveil HERSELF to the public, just as themuslimvileone hid himself. He no more told us his true self than is hillclintOOn. All we got from him was "Hope" and "Change", remember? What are we getting from hillclintOOn besides fake, fake, fake? If the truth kissed her on the lips, slipped her the tongue and grabbed her private parts she still wouldn't recognize it (although she may enjoy it). That's how far away from the truth she is. She hasn't a clue how to tell the truth. For instance, in her Keynote address at the Vital Voices Conference in Vienna, Austria (11 July 1997) she said, "'We are here to advance the cause of women and to advance the cause of democracy and to make it absolutely clear that the two are inseparable. There cannot be true democracy unless women's voices are heard. There cannot be true democracy unless women are given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own lives."Yet, she has so far refused to sign a pledge to not accept money from oppressive regimes. Women's rights only apply to American and Westernized women. If other governments that are hostile to women's rights want to give hillclintOOn money, then that's just fine and dandy with hillclintOOn. She'll take their money because, after all, it is money and that's what hillclintOOn is all about, is it not? Truth: as foreign to hillclintOOn as it is to themuslimvileone. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or clintOOn.) April 16, 2015   Why is themuslimvileone giving Iraq $20 of OUR DOLLARS? You just paid your taxes so that Iraq could get it? Couldn't you have used that money to buy your kids new shoes, a new mattress for your aching back, or for food to feed your family? Instead it's going to the U.S. government and to Iraq? Really? April 16, 2015   I agree wholeheartedly: Christians need to "man up"! Why would GOD tell us to "put on the full armor" if it were not to go into battle? Battle means just that: BATTLE! It's not blowing bubbles and playing hopscotch! It's BATTLE! You don't put on the full armor to hug and kiss someone! You don't wear armor to pat people on the backs and heads. Why don't Christians get that? Come on! Be ready to defend your faith, in BATTLE, if necessary, and be ready to stand firm and be the one who takes the barbs, accepts the derision and to still be the one who says "I will stand with Christ!" Be that person or there are consequences. "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." April 16, 2015   Dumborat, chuck schumer, master fundraiser. I'm quite surprised by that. I never think of him as a great fundraiser; as a scumbag, yes, but fundraiser? Nope. April 16, 2015   N. Korea delivered "missile goods" to Iran while themuslimvileone tries to give Iran the nuclear bomb. Sweet, right? (*sarcasm*) April 16, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   themuslimvileone issued Social Security Numbers to 541,000 ILLEGALS. Social Securuity Numbers! What's up with that? Why? For what will they use them? Oh. I forget. They will be able to vote soon and a Social Security Number will help there. Ready for a third term for themuslimvileone? April 16, 2015   SMH:   Disney & Sony under attack by glaad for lack of homosexuals in films. Family oriented films should have to push the homosexual agenda? Really? Why? Are we not allowed two hours away from the homosexual agenda? Are we not allowed to watch fifteen minutes of a movie, television show, or even a commercial that doesn't have a homosexual in it? Is there no escaping -- for even a moment -- having the homosexual agenda shoved into our lives, minds, consciences, souls? Do we have to do as they do or be punished? What happened to FREEDOM in America? Are we not allowed FREEDOM from the homosexual agenda anymore? I will not cave. I will stand -- yes, even with Disney -- and say "NO!" We do NOT have to accept the homosexual agenda and we do not have to cower just becasue they say "Boo!" I have the FREEDOM to disagree with them and I do disagree with them and will NOT accept their false premise. Homosexuality is an ACTION, a CHOICE, a SEXUAL PARTICIPATION CHOICE. If homosexuality were a CIVIL RIGHT it would be something that could NEVER change without human interference (gender change operations, etc.) and it would not be an ACTION. People CHOOSE what they DO. They do NOT choose which gender or skintone they are born with, nor the nation they are born in. Homosexuality is a person choosing to participate in a specific sexual activity with another person of the same gender: CHOICE. Same sex attractions can be denied, controlled, ignored or at the very least not acted upon. I don't care that Disney and Sony are not including homosexuals in their movies. In my humble opinion, that's a good thing. April 16, 2015   Did you enjoy your TAX DAY yesterday? I didn't mind it so much. We tried to put it on ignore after I did my updates. I focused on other things because our taxes were already sent in. My hubby, though, came home and told stories of one of his coworkers being told by the IRS's website that his tax return was already filed and paid, so someone stole his identity and claimed his income tax return. Not a good thing. Another coworker had questions so they called the IRS who told them they couldn't help them and hung up on them. Sweet. (*sarcasm*) Now we find out that the government took in $1,477,901,000,000 "of inflation-adjusted tax revenue brought into the federal Treasury from the beginning of the fiscal year through the April 15 tax-filing deadline." Woah! That number does NOT include the taxes paid on April 15th! That's a LOT of money and where is it going? Look above and think Iraq, Iran and other Muslim countries. ISIS on our borders will get more benefits than will you and I. Isn't that wunnerful? April 16, 2015   Boston Marathon bomber's family: it's "a U.S. government conspiracy" "intended to test the American public’s reaction to a terrorist threat and the imposition of martial law in a U.S. city. 'This was all fabricated by the American special services,' Said-Hussein Tsarnaev, the convicted bomber’s uncle, tells TIME."Really. It's sad that they cannot accept the fact that they have a murderer in their midst: can't accept it, or can't admit it, I don't know. Whichever, there is enough proof to satisfy the jury. If the parents and their supporters to do something to make anyone pay, what would that be and how many innocent people have to pay for the bomber's actions? Stay safe, folks. April 16, 2015   April 16, 2015   As long as we're talking Amendments, let's cover the First Amendment, too. You know, that's the one hillclintOOn wants to LIMIT. Yep. She thinks the government should set up boundaries on what "unions, companies and organizations donating to political campaigns" can say. They don't get to voice their opinion on such a thing as politics. They can't voice support or opposition. I wonder why? Is it because themuslimvileone allegedly had massive union support both times he ran (which is why they got special treatment)? April 16, 2015   Aaaaaaahhhh... public schools:   Teachers caught selling drugs to undercover cops, being accused of watching PORN IN SCHOOL, giving pot to and having SEX with a teen student. Then there's the substitute teacher charged with child endangerment, or they fake grades, sometimes a lot of people involved in grade-faking, and sometimes it's administrators as well as teachers. Cheating is such a good example to teach children to learn to do. How educational! April 16, 2015   Get RID of the TSA. They're sexually molesting people left, right and center and nothing is being done to stop them. The whole organization needs to be exiled and shut down immediately, with those who have been doing the groping being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! April 16, 2015   Well, that's all I feel like doing today. I have other things to get done, so I'll go now. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! TAX DAY! April 15, 2015: 12:44 p.m.   Have you done your taxes yet? Today's the deadline to have them postmarked. If you haven't gotten them done, you have until MIDNIGHT tonight to get them to a post office and get them postmarked. The problem is, the latest a Brevard County Post Office is going to be open is the Melbourne main branch on 640 E New Haven Ave. (ph. 321-723-6164), open until 7 p.m. If you want a little longer to get things done, you'll have to drive to the main office in Orlando near the airport, which has changed its hours to 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. (it used to be open 24/7) weekdays, but may be staying open until midnight for today's tax returns. So if you want to drive to Orlando to get those last few hours of work time, you'll have to leave about 11 p.m. to get to the main branch 10401 Post Office Blvd, Orlando in time. Their phone number is 407-826-3419 if you want to be certain. Good luck! And thank themuslimvileone for having to pay a penalty if you don't have healthcare insurance. Remember: "complying with the federal income tax cost the economy about $234 billion in productivity last year."LOL! Yep. It's coming home to roost. And it's laid its egg at themuslimvileone's feet. It's ALL HIS, folks. It's all his. He must take ownership of this rotten egg. Also realize that raising taxes on business means that businesses find ways to cut their taxes and some HUGE corporations don't pay any taxes at all. That's another thing that dumborats did: made income taxes easy to get around for their buddies. Isn't that sweet? Are you still enjoying your peanut butter and jelly? You might want to cut back on that jelly. It's going to get worse over the next two years of themuslimvileone. TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   How many pages in the U.S. Tax Code? 74,608 pages are in the U.S. Tax Code, but what's a better question to me is how many CONFLICTING RULES are in the U.S. Tax Code? It's not the length of the book, but how many different and conflicting rules there are that matter. It's those conflicting rules and the confusion that the Tax Code invokes that allows the industry of the "tax season" to exist. How many tax preparers work for the different tax prep companies, or are self-employed, or work in an independent tax prep company? They depend upon you being incapable of doing your own taxes in order to stay in business. Then there are the attorneys that you hire when you get audited, the CPAs you need to go through your books, the court systems that are put in use (and all of their employees paid with your taxes) when the IRS goes after you for tax evasion or something. Add to that the IRS employees (aid with your taxes), the politicians who run on tax issues and the endless hours of child care services, restaurants feeding the business meetings of all of those people and yourself as you consult with them over lunch, etc., etc., etc. and you get one of the biggest industries in America. No, it's not acknowledged as an "industry" by most, but when you look at all of the people whose employment depends upon YOUR TAXES, you have a HUGE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX that DOES NOT WANT TAX REFORM because if we could all do our taxes what would all of those CPAs, tax attorneys, tax preparers, etc., do for a living? Think about that every time you pay any sort of tax. Other people don't want tax reform. They want to keep you dependent upon their services. Is that fair to you? TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   ISIS camp near Texas border. themuslimvileone is allowing "all comers" to walk across the border and to get your TAX DOLLARS for their support; even those who want to do another 9/11. Don't ya' love that? Isn't that special? He wants ISIS here in America. Oh, goody. (*sarcasm*) TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   Remember the military is doing "exercises" throughout America. There's stuff here and there and the other place where the military can be seen with guns, tanks, helicopters, etc. Do not panic. Don't shoot. Just remember your rights and that the Fifth Amendment says: "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."A soldier cannot force you to allow them into your home, onto your property or into your vehicle. You have the right to decline. Just because they are performing "exercises" that doesn't mean that it is mandatory that you help, nor that you paricipate. It's your property. Do not think you have to do as the soldier says, no matter the soldier's rank. Get your U.S. Constitution and show them your RIGHTS. Tell them "No!" if you don't want to participate. It's okay. TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   I disagree with Arthur Milikh's title. He titled his thoughtful article "The [president's] Constitution:What I disagree with is the portion of the title that addresses the Senate's say. I think that themuslimvileone doesn't think anyone but He, The One and Only, The Despot Extraordinnaire, The High and Mighty, The Chosen One has any say in anything whatsoever. Remember, he has a pen and a phone and he knows how to use them. It's not JUST THE SENATE that has no say about ANYTHING themuslimvileone wants to do. In themuslimvileone's mind, HE IS THE U.S. CONSTITUTION and what HE SAYS IS THE LAW! That's why I disagree with the thoughtful article. TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   DH[IN]S purchasing another 62 MILLION rounds of ammo. For what? They're letting everyone and their brother into America with orders to NOT stop or detain them. Why on earth would they need to purchase ammo? Or is it to use on American citizens who oppose themuslimvileone's invitation for ISIS, gangbangers, drug dealers, rapists, murderers, theives and anyone else who wants to come here and take our hard earned money out of our pockets before they try to kill us? For what does DH[IN]S need more ammo? Unless it's to use on us. TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   LOVE Michelle Malkin's take down of G.P. So very, very good. Please note that G.P.'s $29 a week grocery budget for those on welfare is a complete fabrication. They actually get an average of $649 for a family of four. That's YOUR $649 they are getting for FREE weekly. That's not to mention the 79 OTHER welfare programs you fund. Having fun paying taxes? TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   Ever wonder why the msm is so supportive of themuslimvileone? Does this tell you anything? TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   Bill McCollum investigating possible Senate run? He and a slate of others are considering jumping in to take stupido rubio's seat as he vacates it to run for president. Sounds to me like rubio's stupido got bigger instead of smaller. Ego does that. TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   hillclintOOn flip-flop-flips on homosexual "marriage". She's a politician and she knows how to do it. Flip-flopping has been elevated to an art form via the dumborats; clintOOns masters at it. TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   There have been 65 Islamic terrorist plots or attacks since 9/11. Wow. Just 65? That's amazing. I thought for sure there had been almost zero, considering how much msm news coverage there has been. Did you hear about all 65? No? Amazing. BTW, that's only in America. That doesn't count the attacks elsewhere in the world: Christians killed by ISIS and other Islamic extremists in Europe, the Philippines, Malaysia, etc. Peace does that ya' know. (*sarcasm*) TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   Oops. Glad no one got hurt. TAX DAY: April 15, 2015   I apologize for missing yesterday. I had a visitor and I learned how to tat. My Grandma used to tat and I watched her when I was a kid as she talked and tatted and she didn't even look at what she was doing until she made a mistake, looked down and corrected it, then looked at the person she was talking to again, her fingers seemingly going a million miles an hour. I remember being so impressed that she was making that beautiful doily withought even looking at it (until a correction was needed) that I decided I would one day learn to tat. My grandma lived a long way away, so she couldn't teach me. I had a friend whom I found out knew how to tat and she was going to teach me but, unfortunately, she and her hubby moved away before that came about. Now, I know the basics, the terminology and I have my own tatting shuttle and thread and I can do what my Grandma used to do -- well, I'm learning. After my visitor left and my tatting lesson, I went shopping for an upcoming trip with my hubby. That's why I did no updates yesterday. Sorry about that. For now, I'll go and I'll post tomorrow (as far as I know, at least). Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 13, 2015: 2:37 a.m.   It's Monday and I posted my "Minion Monday: Hank Can't Hula" pick a while ago. Enjoy! April 13, 2015: 1:24 p.m.   I'll only be doing a few blurbs today because I have things to do and somewhere to go. So let's start with more IRS "smoking gun" e-mails. They prove that the administration targeted Conservatives and that they knew it wouldn't play well with the public. These e-mails pinpoint why the loretta lynch confirmation should NOT go through since she is known for being SOFT on POLITICAL CORRUPTION. If she gets confirmed, the path of eric RACIST holder will be trod by lynch as well and there will be no one who will stand in front of themuslimvileone who would even dare say "Enough! You've gone to far already. You go no farther." themuslimvileone must have someone who will kiss his butt instead of protect the U.S. Constitution they were both sworn to uphold and protect. It's all about destroying America. That is their goal. April 13, 2015   Will environmentlists ever admit that CA's water problem was their own doing? Progressives/libs/lefties brought this about. They didn't want to do the environment "harm" here, there and the other place so now they're hurting man. Isn't that wunnerful? April 13, 2015   As much as I completely disdain themuslimvileone, this is still disgusting. ISIS depicting themuslimvileone being beheaded in cartoons? Why is that okay when they get all up in arms over cartoons about Mohammed? Is it that Mohammed is the religious leader instead of the political leader? Ask some of the sycophants of themuslimvileone and you'll find a religion of themuslimvileone, I'm sure. So why is it okay for them, but not for the rest of the world? April 13, 2015   People leaving high tax states. That's because they work hard to get the money they've earned and don't want to give more of it to the government -- any government -- than the bare minimums. People like to be in control fo the fruits of their labor; money, and how they spend it. Handing more of it over to someone else to choose what to do with their hard earned cash is something most normal humans abhor. It's like getting your paycheck and your mother-in-law demanding (and you delivering) 60% of it. Why do that when you can move and choose where to live and that decision allows you to choose to send your mother-in-law only 10% of your income, allowing you to keep a whole lot more than previously. That's a better way to live: being in control of your own money, than having someone else decide how much you keep, how you will spend it, and where you can spend it. If you're one of those who spew the "I like paying taxes!" drivel, I don't believe you. You'd also rather spend that money on your grandson than on paying taxes. It's human nature. April 13, 2015   NSFW or Children:   University of Hawai'i is disgusting. They're recruiting little girls as young as 14 years-old to undergo second trimester abortios in order to determine how much they bleed during the procedure. That's sick. April 13, 2015   Congress should separate food stamps from agricultural programs. Agree. In fact, I am actually against food stamps. I don't think the government should be involved in charity and food stamps, government housing, W.I.C., the "free phones" program, unemployment benefits, welfare programs of all kinds are charity. That should be illegal. Government should encourage people to WORK and to make their own way rather than encouraging them to get on all kinds of "government assistance programs". The only reason dumborats support welfare programs (government "charity") is so that they can have a lot of voters who are beholden to them. Republirats support government welfare programs so that they don't look hard-hearted. "You don't care about the people!" whine the dumborats. No. Not like that, I don't. Let them WORK or do without when it comes to government "helping". After hard work and cutting back and doing without, family and churches should be the first source of support for people. If that's not enough, the government should not step in. Because if the U.S. Constitution said that welfare was the government's role, then wouldn't we all be on it, since the law is supposed to be applied equally instead of to those who don't work and don't try to get a job? It's imperative that the government get out of the welfare business and into the EQUAL administration of the law. If I don't get welfare, no one else should. That's equal. April 13, 2015   Call it what it is: TREASON by this administration. Don't use pretty words to make it more palatable. It's TREASON. We need to stop those participating in TREASON and punish them to the fullest extent of the law and RETURN FREEDOM TO AMERICA! That's what this country needs! We need the leadership of America "uphold and defend" or "protect and defend" and OBEY the U.S. Constitution and all that it stands for and we need to ENSURE that those running are QUALIFIED to run, not just running because they are here and want it so badly they can taste it. Rubio? NOT QUALIFED. He is NOT a "natural born citizen": he doesn't pass that test. The U.S. Constitution he would have to swear to "protect and defend" he would be breaking as he was sworn into office! That's a TOTAL DISREGARD for the U.S. Constitution, not upholding it! We've experienced what that leads to already with themuslimvileone! Want more? I don't! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or Constitution breaker.) April 13, 2015   FL RINO makes fool of herself. It's her choice and I hope that her constituency is aware of what she just did. I hope that the next election cycle sees her already recalled, or suddenly unemployed, after she loses her re-election bid. That's what I hope. April 13, 2015   April 13, 2015   This is a good thing. Let's see if it actually happens. I hope so! April 13, 2015   I'll close for now. Yes, I know that hillclintOOn announced yesterday. That doesn't mean I have to cover it. She's a shrill, shreaking shrew shemale and I don't have to give her any more publicity than I choose. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 10, 2015: 8:00 a.m.   I forgot to post it last night when I uploaded it, so here it is: "Tribute To Our Heroes 212: Into Longing's Perfect Flight". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! April 10, 2015   If you'd like to help the people who were impacted by the tornadoes of yesterday across the midwest, you can give give here to help. April 10, 2015   If you'd like to help Rush with his Leukemia Cure-A-Thon, you can give here to help cure blood cancers. Thank you for giving, no matter where you choose to give. April 10, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   The "Cadillac Tax" will soon be put on some people's healthcare insurance programs. It's a 40% tax and it's due to raise $87 billion from 2018 through 2025. Are you ready to pay more? Remember my healthcareTAX video? Yep. It's kicking in. You know what we should have done instead? We should have let the free market work. When not interfered with -- even before this piece of garbage third party payers (insurance companies) were influencing the price increases -- the free market works perfectly well to control prices. Read the article and you'll see how that works. Let's all keep an eye on the scotus ruling due in June. If they strike down the federal exchanges, it could be the death of this garbage because the federal exchange has been better at enrolling people than the state exchanges. That means that if the scotus strikes down the federal exchange (as it should since the architecture said explicitly that the states were supposed to do the exchanges, not the feds) that themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX would fall apart of its own weight without the federal portion. Pray that the scotus has the courage to read the law as written, to take into consideration what the architecture said and then rules accordingly, instead of "finding" things to make ignoring the law and the U.S. Constitution okay. April 10, 2015   Ridiculous. themuslimvileone's admin ordered the Army to pay restitution to transgendered man because they wouldn't let him/her (him first, then he became a her) use the women's toilet and continued to use his birth name (the name he was hired under). I side with the Army. People who under gender change sometimes go back and forth and it's quite disconcerting to be in a ladies' restroom and hear the guy in the next stall tinkling. Been there. Done that. Gave me the spooks. I didn't expect him to do anything to me it was just a creepy feeling. I don't like having a guy in the bathroom with me. Privacy matters are intensified by another gender being part of the intrusion. They talk about "finding their gender identity". What's wrong with accepting YOU the way GOD made YOU? Isn't that what it's supposed to be all about: accepting yourself? Really folks, it's not going to make your life better by going through the process of changing into something GOD did not make you. It's going to make life more complicated, more difficult and more confusing because GOD made you to be the you He created. A short time of feeling relief that you are no more a male is not going to make life better because it's going to be whispered into your ear by satan that as a transgendered person you are not satisfied with that, either. You're listening to the wrong voice. Instead of finding your identity in your junk, find your identity in Christ Jesus and your life won't need surgery! You are more than what's between your legs! April 10, 2015   Ugh. hillclintOOn to announce Sunday. I've heard so many people say "It's her turn." or, "It's time for a female president." It's ridiculous to think that there are set "turns" for president. We're not standing in line and she's been there the longest and is at the front. We're a nation of the U.S. Constitution and we're allowed to elect the best, most qualified candidate who fits with our values, principles and desires for the nation instead of the next person in line. People who support hillclintOOn think she "deserves" it. How so? What has she done to "deserve" it? She stuck with her "hard dog to keep on the porch" and that makes her eligible for president? No. It makes her stupid for sticking to a guy who cheats on her. Infidelity is the one reason delineated in the Bible for a divorce that is accepted by the Lord. If your spouse is cheating on you, it's okay to divorce. The choice she made to stick with him qualifies her as selfish because she's riding his coattails and glomming onto whatever she can in order to get what she wants. She's conceited. That's her best qualification? Her Senatorial record made her look like an activist instead of a Senator and her tenure as Secretary of State was a disaster. She's done NOTHING to build confidence in her abilities; in fact, she's built distrust in her total lack of ability. It's her turn? Even if she's also CORRUPT? April 10, 2015   lois lerner knew that there was "criteria" for targeting. Is anyone surprised? She knew as did themuslimvileone. It's not as though they thought America would be clapping their hands and jumping with joy. Come on. It's to be expected that when people do the WRONG thing and they KNOW IT'S WRONG they try to cover it up. IF they had done no wrong, there would be nothing to hide. April 10, 2015   When I heard about this event, I knew that this tells us all about themuslimvileone we really need to know. How he reacted to children afraid of a swarm of bees shows that he thinks himself above us, above nature and above caring about the children's fears. All he did is treat their fears with disdain: "'It’s okay guys. Bees are good. They won’t land on you. They won’t sting you. They’ll be okay.'"He actually laughs at them: Source: Sandy Miller's YouTube Channel It's not right to laugh when children are scared. That's just heartless. How did he know that one of them wasn't allergic? Yet, he ignored their realistic cries of fear and decided that he was right and he was going to go on with what he wanted to do and that the camera there was more important than the children's cries. Despicable. April 10, 2015   Soccer has a history of violence between fans, but chanting anti-Semite slogans during a game is just strange. Why would anyone do that at a soccer game? Was the other team made up of mostly Jewish players? No. It's that their fans have some Jews in its ranks. A lot of libs/progressives/lefties want America to be more like Europe. Since this is going on -- and increasingly so -- in Europe, will lefties approve as it increases in frequency here? It's not in-frequent here, it's just mostly directed at Christians here in America. Elsewhere in the world, I've been incorrect -- wrong, I admit -- in thinking that it was only Islam that kills Christians for just being Christians. I found out that Hindus also kill Christians and (it's not an isolated, singular incident) as do Buddhists are also violent against Christians. Until two days ago, I did not know that. My apologies. April 10, 2015   Is this why hillclintOOn needed a private e-mail server? Was she traveling the world as SoS on OUR DIME trying to pad her own purse? It's a strong possibility if you ask me. After all, how much do the clintOOns like money? They brag about it. That's how much. April 10, 2015   Parents: April 17 in public schools is a PRO-HOMOSEXUAL day. Did you know that? Are you aware that they're trying to bully your children into accepting the lgbtq idealogy? Did you know that they were even involved in public schools as an organized effort? Do you want your children participating in that? If not, keep your child home from school that day and consider homeschooling them. It would prevent this sort of thing. April 10, 2015   themuslimvileone tells why LEGAL immigrants should have to wait in line while he brings ILLEGALS in on airplanes YOU AND I PAY FOR. Isn't that special? April 10, 2015   I'm SOOO glad I left CA. jerry brown is unleashing massive new government CONTROLS over the people and all they do. Don't ya' love tyranny? April 10, 2015   Wisconsin faces facts: "climate change" banned. It can't be used as a weapon to deny people their land or anything else. WooHoo! It's a good thing. April 10, 2015   April 10, 2015   What's missing here? How about whether any of them were going up against the clintOOn machine? How many unexplained deaths surround them? How many of their "friends", body guards, or co-workers/employees have turned up, well, not breathing anymore? There's something more to the story here. Someone needs to stop accepting the idea of "suicide" for both until they absolutely rule out the possibility of "assisted" in front of that "suicide". April 10, 2015   Well that it for today. Until Monday then, I say: Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 9, 2015: 12:21 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have somewhere to go and things to do. Of course, later tonight I'll post my Flag Friday pic and have that up for our service men and women and veterans. I appreciate your service very much. Let's get started. April 9, 2015   Poll: hillclintOOn "slipping". She isn't even campaigning yet but when she does she's going to come out swinging. Her people right now are digging dirt on any opponent (including Martin O'Malley possible dumborat opponent) and her campaign is quietly shifting things behind the scenes to make her supporters within the media stop looking at the e-mail scandal, or any other negative about hillclintOOn, and she's building her media base. In other words, she's coiling up like a venomous snake ready to strike and envenomate her opponents and detractors like the viper she is. Who wants to find the body of the person who set up her home e-mail server and who wants to bet that it won't be pretty? April 9, 2015   After reid's story called into question, he changes it. Of course. He's lying, so changing it is easy. Of course, changing it is a lie, too, so it really doesn't matter. He's a liar. Liars lie. April 9, 2015   themuslimvileone is in Jamaica? On our dime again? Wunnerful. I have an idea! How about he stays there! That would be great! April 9, 2015   Don't say I didn't warn you. I did. Anyone who reads this website knew that Net "Neutrality" was bad. When themuslimvileone and his dumbocrat kiss-butt sycophant cronies on the FCC approved it, I said it would be bad. I warned you. Now, are you ready to pay more for your internet service? Yep. More in taxes and fees. I don't understand what good anyone sees in this administration. I really don't. April 9, 2015   Audit: sexual predators in PRISON claiming false SS benefits & getting them! So they go to prison for being sexual predators and they learn while in prison how to rip us off? Maybe we should actually stop prisoners from getting online, from applying for any benefits whatsoever and from ripping off the taxpayers who are paying for their room and board in the first place! That's a novel idea, no? April 9, 2015   Another "world leader" admits themuslimvileone is a LIAR. What a reputation to have worldwide. Now that's something of which to be so very, very proud. April 9, 2015   JW files amicus brief in favor of GOD's view of marriage. It's also called "traditional marriage", or "one man one woman" marriage, but I see it as the way GOD set up marriage. He put together the perfect scenario: able to procreate, both genders and their strengths and weaknesses complementing each other, both kinds of personalities, the yin/yang of humans working together to accomplish a common goal. It's all good the way GOD set it up, if we keep Him at the center of it. We don't need to change the definition of marriage to include everything under the sun. It's not "marriage" when it is defined down into something that means nothing, which was the stated goal of the women's liberation movement. I thank the Good Lord above for Judicial Watch and support them. April 9, 2015   April 9, 2015   April 9, 2015   Christian college accuses homosexuals of discrimination. They're fighting back and I LOVE IT! They are doing exactly what they should do: stay strong, be the salt and light and don't give up on principles because some people take offense. Stand strong, Gordon College! Stand strong! They need to stand strong with other colleges with "professors" like this making such outlandishly stupid claims against Christianity. It's disgusting. If that's "inetllectual", then what's "fanatical"? April 9, 2015   Gov. Scott Walker hands themuslimvileone a SMACK DOWN! Booyah! April 9, 2015   Someone let the animals out again. Don't act like that. It's not okay to beat someone up because they tell you to be quiet on a bus. That's just wrong. The mothers of the girls who beat that woman up should turn those girls in and make them pay the price for acting like animals. They're not alone in being beasts. Don't paint stuff on property that's not your own. Swastikas are not cool. April 9, 2015   Another reason to hate HOAs. I'm so glad the PSJ HOA disbanded. It was the darkness of egoes gone wild in PSJ and it was turned evil and power hungry. April 9, 2015   Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) storage going in at TICO? That's what the local pooper-paper is saying and the author's article is supportive of it. What may not be immediately clear to anyone who hasn't done the research is that there are some problems with it. For instance, it has a history of its own disasters: a long history, in fact, but the worst of which you'll find on a different page. Why would the tree-hugger push LNG and a storage area so close to her own home (as well as many others), not to mention being close to daycare centers, at least three schools and an industrial area that includes storage of rocket propellant and an airport with airplane fuel? All of this adds up to one big "Uh Oh!" to me but the author -- an alleged environmental activist -- is pushing it as a good thing. Why? April 9, 2015   On that head-scratcher, I'll close for the day. I'll post the Flag Friday this evening. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 8, 2015: 3:07 p.m.   GUILTY x 30! Boston Marathon bomber found guilty on all thirty counts and faces the death penalty. If anyone deserves the death penalty, it is this guy. May GOD have mercy on his soul. April 8, 2015   Thanks in part to themuslimvileone's support, the Middle East is in turmoil. If themuslimvileone hadn't supported the Islamic Spring a few years ago, the area would be more stable. April 8, 2015   Veteran's Administration "reform": themuslimvileone's worst legacy. With mismanagement, rules that are not applied equally, bonuses that are undeserved, etc., etc., etc., this legacy should haunt themuslimvileone for the rest of his life. He has done a grave disservice to those who served best, paid the highest price and should be honored, protected and their medical needs considered the highest priority. But no, that's not what themuslimvileone considered important. "As Tori Richards of Watchdog.org reported last month, a mental health services worker who exposed use of a secret appointment waiting list there was ignored for a year. Instead of accountability for the wrongdoers, the VA employee who blew the whistle, Army vet Shea Wilkes, became the subject of a criminal investigation."Standing up for our veterans is not important to themuslimvileone, but making someone pay for calling attention to that IS important to him! April 8, 2015   Russia hacked the Red House's computers? They probably got hillclintOOn's, too. Maybe they can tell us what themuslimvileone's GPA was in college. April 8, 2015   DH[IN]S pats self on back over "pirated goods" while ignoring the illegal aliens and drugs crossing our borders. So they don't want you to buy a hair brush that shouldn't have made it across the border but they don't worry about the illegal alien who will rape your seven-year-old daughter and kill you? Sweet! (*sarcasm*) April 8, 2015   April 8, 2015   Dick Cheney is RIGHT!! He says themuslimvileone wants "to take America down". It takes a long time for others to catch up. April 8, 2015   Don't call hillary hillary. It's "disrespectful". Really? I don't think her mother thought so. Nor does her "hard dog to keep on the porch". Oh, wait. That's right. Sorry. I forgot he just calls her "Commandante" or "Boss" or "May I?" I refuse to obey. I shall never give up my words: not even hillary. April 8, 2015   Iran deal flops already? Is that a new record? April 8, 2015   Go to college to watch Paddington Bear? Really? April 8, 2015   280,000 AT&T customers' data at risk. Security breaches are a constant nowadays. If you think you've had a data breach, go to the three big credit companies to see if your credit is stil good. April 8, 2015   Why are they bothering with tunneling into America? If they wait a few more weeks, themuslimvileone will be flying them in on OUR DIME. They should save their energy for standing in line at the offices for welfare, food stamps, W.I.C., free housing, free education, free medical care, etc. April 8, 2015   James O'Keefe's organization nails Barry University official. Then Barry University suspended the student who participated in getting the TRUTH out. Whistle Blowers are supposed to be protected by LAW, but not, apparently, if they make lefties/progressives/libs look bad. After all, it's ONLY Conservatives who can do wrong in America today. April 8, 2015   People don't want mccAIN'T. I stand with those people who do NOT want mccAIN'T. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or fake CONservative. April 8, 2015   Peace and Tolerance: & Aaaahhhh... public schools, IN ONE:   Teacher hands out info on radical Islam and gets in trouble for it because it wasn't "approved". Admittedly, she didn't source her material. However, it's easy enough to do. There are multiple sites that talk about different studies on the subject. Surveys abound: solutions do not. For some of the sources she used? I don't know where she got her info, but I could probably find them if I knew the wording of the searches she did. April 8, 2015 April 8, 2015   (*gigglesnort*) April 8, 2015   I'll close with that side-splitter. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 7, 2015: 12:39 p.m.   Let's start the day with another one: Scientists start doubting salt is as bad for you as previously thought. Another day, another food turn around. It happens all the time, folks. Science doesn't know what's what because they didn't CREATE YOU. GOD did. When you create something you know more about it than anyone else. GOD's word doesn't say "Don't eat X, Y, and Z because it's bad for you!" GOD's word says, "Kill and eat!" (That part is how we know it was more than JUST an allegory for gentiles being acceptable in the eyes of GOD instead of unacceptable as some Jewish converts previously believed.) Science can't tell you squat about what to eat or not eat. GOD can. GOD tells us in Isaiah 7:14-15: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good."If we're supposed to avoid fats and sugars, why is it that GOD's word tells us that Jesus, Himself, will be eating things that are allegedly bad for us. If butter and honey were bad for us, should He not be setting the example? Remember: it's not what you eat that defiles you, it's what you say and do and what comes out of your heart. If you want to worry about staying healthy and exercise all the time, eat "right" and all of that, you can still die of a heart attack or other illnesses as do famous runners. Want to stay healthy? Don't hold onto bad feelings. Be happy. Don't worry. Don't hold grudges. Bless those who curse you. Don't let it bother you. "A joyful heart is good medicine...". Don't be a glutton, and don't eat too many sweets at one time because too much honey will make you vomit. Finally, don't listen to what "science" says about your body. GOD and you know your body better than science or doctors. You live in your body 24/7/365(366 on Leap Year) days a year so no one knows it better than you. Eat what you like, just don't overdo it. And say joyful! April 7, 2015   Because if you don't believe in GOD as Creator, you need to read it, I move this up: "Random Creation? Look at the Numbers!" April 7, 2015   Rand is ready. He has announced that he's running for president. Whowoulda'thunkit? April 7, 2015   Ug. mccAIN'T running for re-electin. Don't do it, Arizona. Don't do it. He's done enough bad since he was first elected and you've seen him lie over and over and over again. Don't do it. He won't keep any promise that may escape his mouth because he is a liberal/progressive/leftie who only gives lip service to conservatism. We don't need him as a country, nor does AZ need him as a Senator. Elect someone else. It's time. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or cain't.) April 7, 2015   Deported illegals flown back to USA on OUR DIME. Say what?! "This year, the U.S. government will pay for unaccompanied alien children to be flown into the country, even if they were convicted of a felony, and furnish them with federal benefits to boot."Are you sure you can afford peanut butter and jelly this year? Because if you can you may wish to stock up with the pennies you can scrape together. You're going to need it for the rest of themuslimvileone's administration as you pay for the illegals to get benefits, transportation back into the USA, etc., etc., etc. Whatever themuslimvileone is giving them YOU are paying for. It's certainly not coming out of his pocket! April 7, 2015   Fundraiser for themuslimvileone ruins relations with Czech Republic. That's because themuslimvileone appointed him ambassador to the Czech Republic and the fundraiser blew it big time. Well shock, surprise! It's all about rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies in themuslimvileone's world. Remember the IRS targeting of Conservatives? Yep. If you give him money, he'll give you the keys to the kingdom. If you say anything against him and you're targeted and vilified. That's a "uniter" for sure! April 7, 2015   April 7, 2015   Ya' know, for Apple being such a big liberal company, they sure do invest in places that they should avoid. For instance: they have a factory in China where human rights violations are at a premium. They also have places in Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabie. Where there is not only a lack of human rights, there are outright breaking the law when they kill homosexuals, where they give no rights to women (not even an education!) and they use slave labor. So where is the "fair" there? One would think that a liberal company would want to stand up for the employees who have no hope after they leave work. Stand up for the education of women in those countries. Stand up for equal rights for women and homosexuals. Aww... What was I thinking? I forgot they're LIBERALS and don't do what is right, just what's convenient. April 7, 2015   Colleges have an animous toward Jews right now. They lie about Jews. It's just that simple. Why? Is the question. April 7, 2015   "Very low levels" of radiation from Fukushima reach western shores of N. America. "'Even if the levels were twice as high, you could still swim in the ocean for six hours every day for a year and receive a dose more than a thousand times less than a single dental X-ray,'"Despite the warnings that it will affect Americans' health, they're finding that even in Japan there is little effect. The amount detected is less than the U.S. says is safe for drinking water. The leftist news sources tout death tolls from the radiation release while Japanese paper says more deaths were due to "stress-related illnesses". The U.N. has found that the number of cancers is low and any increases are probably due to the blanket screening now being done instead of waiting for the patient to go to the doctor with symptoms. I'm not saying the Fukushima meltdown was safe. I'm saying that it was not as bad as some would have us believe. April 7, 2015   themuslimvileone is helping his fellow Muslims get the bomb. It's going to be a disaster if the Senate doesn't step in and stop him. (I won't hold my breath.) "If formalized into an agreement, this deal with Iran will instead help the mullahs make a quantum leap towards fulfilling those aims. And we will be doomed to repeat a history from which we long ago should have learned."What else we should have learned is to stop believing evil men who spout platitudes, hide their past, refuse to state facts, and behind the scenes say about Americans, "they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion". We should learn from the lesson of themuslimvileone. If someone won't tell us the truth about themselves (release their college papers, release his voting record, release all info on his background) then we DO NOT WANT THEM TO BE IN A POSITION OF POWER! That's the lesson of themuslimvileone! NO TRUTH, NO TRANSPARENCY, NO POWER! April 7, 2015   Will brian williams return to anchor chair? If so, NBC will lose all credibility: even the thread (or threaT) of it. Credibility should be crucial to a news organization because even the LIVs sometimes find out the truth by accident and when they find out they've been lied to, what then? Either they don't give a flying fig about it, or they get angry and stop watching at all. NBC has a lot to answer for; question is will they bother? April 7, 2015   Trust this? themuslimvileone's admin says country's debt the same for the last twenty-one days. Yeah. Right. This, too, shall be revised up. April 7, 2015   scotus fines protestors for interrupting court. They're protesting the Citizen's United ruling. They don't like free speech for others (for themselves it's fine and dandy!) and they'll do anything to stop it. Don't ya' love lefties? (*sarcasm*) April 7, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Some House dumborats refuse to support exec amnesty. Wow. What have they been smoking? It gave them courage, so let's get them more! This time, Mexico is stopping some of those coming from Central America. They're deporting them back to their own countries. It slows things down, but it hasn't stopped a whole lot of them. I wonder when we'll see themuslimvileone start flying all comers up to the USA in order to be illegals. Do you doubt it? April 7, 2015   Economic "recovery" is LAME. It's sputtering more than anything. It won't get better until themuslimvileone is out of office and more TRUE CONSERVATIVES are elected. April 7, 2015   bowe bergdahl planned to defect to the "other side". It wasn't a mistake. It wasn't a temporary thing. It was treason. April 7, 2015   Did China and Russia hack hillclintOOn's e-mail? Former intelligence head says it's "very likely". It's something she doesn't care about. She's above and beyond all of that. It doesn't matter to her as long as she gets her own way. Her next way is she wants to be prezidunce. Personally, I hope and pray she doesn't get that. She would be another themuslimvileone. We don't need that. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or queen.) April 7, 2015   I'll stop for today. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 6, 2015: 5:46 p.m.   Late start today due to working on a blog post, "Randon Creation? Look at the Numbers!" I have had the idea for this post for quite a while and finally got around to writing it up. I admit that it was a lot of hard work: trying to wrap my head around numbers I can't even name became a challenge. "Quadrillion Sextillion"? Really? Didn't know it existed. You'll see when you read it. Let's not forget that it's the Monday after Easter Sunday. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We did. I made home made yeast rolls for the first time in years and they were very good. Add smoked ribs with my secret rib sauce and turkey breast so delicious it makes your toes curl, green beans, potatoes and a 9x13 inch cherry cheesecake I made. Yummy! We also remembered the "Reason for the Season" (which reminds me to think of his life -- birth to death and resurrection -- when I use that phrase at Easter), of course. But it's now Monday and that means it's time for "Minion Monday: Hank Enjoys Easter Egg Hunts!" I stopped at fourteen hunts, inside and out, and all throughout the house. I couldn't think of anywhere else to hide them! April 6, 2015   Did you know the HD[IN]S had a "Hanks Off" list? Good for Judicial Watch! Someone's trying to hold themuslimvileone to the LAW he tries to supercede! Here's what's at stake: "Judicial Watch filed the suit after DHS failed to comply with a July 14, 2014, FOIA request seeking:If themuslimvileone is doing this he's putting all of us at risk. What am I saying, "IF"? He's doing it. He hates America! April 6, 2015   The Frat house falsely accused of rape is suing. Good! April 6, 2015   I don't think that's a good idea. Are privacy concerns not an objection that Apple needs to worry about? April 6, 2015   Bigotry test, anyone? Fair for the goose, fair for the gander. If we must tolerate homosexuals making Christians support their events, then the opposite must be true, correct? April 6, 2015   Homeosexual "marriage" to become widely accepted? Nope. I won't cave, nor will others. Either we are salt and light or we are not (Christians know what I'm referencing here). If we lose our flavor then we may as well not call ourselves Christians and we may as well admit that we are cowards instead. GOD says there will be persecutions for those who follow Him and this is part of that persecution. If anyone caves because of a little trouble, it seems to me they neded to check their hearts in the first place. April 6, 2015   CA residents to be find for "long showers". Who is to decide what is a "long shower"? Do they take into account the fact that mechanics with grease and oil all over themselves, road workers who get tar all over themselves, nurses with blood on them, for instance, need to take a little longer in the shower? Or that women with long hair may need more time to wash their hair? Or that women usually do take longer than men? Are there going to be punishments for washing your hands longer, or flushing too often? If ten, five, two years ago they would have paid closer attention the results of their actions they would not have this problem right now. They really need to look at their "green" actions and see where their mistakes were made and undo them if possible. Otherwise, the problems won't go away because the cause has not been dealt with. April 6, 2015   Well, didn't intend to do this now, but I've gotta' leave. Sorry. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 3, 2015: 11:24 a.m.   "Tribute To Our Heroes 211: Little Man" is my Flag Friday tribute. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! April 3, 2015   The March numbers for unemployment are out -- as are the REVISED UP unemployment numbers for January and February. The U6 numbers: 11.3, 11.0 and 10.9 percent respectively. It's not the 5.5% some are trying to lead you to believe. The number of Americans no longer in the work force is now 93,175,000. In fact, "March was the first month on record where the number of people not in the labor force — whether due to discouraged worker, baby boomers hitting retirement or otherwise — surpassed 93 million."That's a lot of people not even believing they can find work anymore. That's a lot of defeat and retreat. That's themuslimvileone's policies at work. Well, at lest something's working that's he's tried to do. Destroying America is at an all time high! April 3, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   This thing hits the poor with higher taxes... Well, if you can get past the stupidity of the thing: "One particular exemption is of special interest stemming from its especially perverse impact. According to the www.healthcare.gov web site, you can get an income-based exemption if 'you don’t have to file a tax return because your income is below the level that requires you to file.'"Rrrrrriiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhtttt. Amazing. Stupid is as stupid does. Can you get your head around the fact that the people who set that stupid-loop up are actually in charge of your healthcare! Really? Help. April 3, 2015   That deal with Iran themuslimvileone touted? His lips were moving. Twice. April 3, 2015   Netanyahu: Iran deal paving way to nuclear Iran, not stopping it. Netanyahu is correct. April 3, 2015   I actually look forward to the stupidity and ridiculousness that you will see as hillclintOOn ramps up her campaign. It'll be worth at least a few good laughs. She hasn't got a prayer at winning unless themuslimvileone has decided to lend her the cheat machine he put together while he was a "community organizer". With cheating, yeah, she could win -- IF she's not yet in prison. April 3, 2015   How on earth?... Veteran's hospital cost $1.4 BILLION instead of the $328 Million it was supposed to cost. Who is padding things here? How can the Veterans Administration help our veterans when they waste this kind of money? They went $1,072,000,000 over budget. That had to be approved somewhere along the line; someone signed that check. I wanna' know who and to WHOM: brother-in-law, cousin, lover? Who got that extra BILLION DOLLARS PLUS? April 3, 2015   DOD focus: trying to reduce smoking amongst troops. Wow. How much is this going to cost us? Don't get me wrong: I don't like cigarette smoking anymore than the next guy. My dad died of lung cancer and the accompanying emphysema because he smoked heavily from the time he was a teenager until his death bed (literally: while on oxygen in the hospital). I don't like cigarette smoke, but it's not an illegal substance as long as you're of age (18 in most states) and you're buying them instead of stealing them, it's allegedly a free country. People are free to smoke and if they want to spend their money on that, then so be it. Yes, yes: they raise health insurance costs of the rest of us. If I'm going to pay a price for freedom (as do our troops) I'd rather pay the cost of higher health insurance (as long as it's not themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX) than to deprive our troops of their freedom to relax doing something legal in our country, wouldn't you? April 3, 2015   "[E]xpanded background checks would not have stopped even one of the most high profile public firearm-related crimes of the last six years–not one. And that includes the shooting in which Giffords was injured."Background checks (yes, I've been through them) are not going to stop a FUTURE action. Those who want to hurt people with a gun are not going to be prevented from doing so with a background check. Evil finds a way. The people who have done mass shootings (from Columbine to Sandy Hook) are determined, some crazy, and none of them could have been stopped by a background check. The Sandy Hook murderer had a spreadsheet 7'x 4' of previous mass murderers and full of about 500 names of killers. He was determined to be evil. It's not a background check that was going to stop him. Only an armed citizen with the wherewithal to do so could have kept the numbers down. April 3, 2015   Gag. April 3, 2015   I agree: Christians should go out and fight. Not fight in the streets with fists and sticks, but fight politically for their heritage, for what is right in this country, for Christianity, for our U.S. Constitution. Christians are called to be "the salt of the earth" but if we lose our flavor what good is salt? We are to be the light to shine in the darkness but if we allow our light to be covered, to be diminished through fear, to be put out via PC who shall be that light? It is up to US, individually, to be salt and light and if we be not that, then to whom shall the world turn? Fight! April 3, 2015   April 3, 2015   I'm going to start my Easter vacation now. I pray that you have a wonderful Easter. That you have family, friends and loved ones around you. That all your news this weekend is good news, and that you and all you love have Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! April 2, 2015: 12:51 p.m.   Peace and Tolerance:   Pizza parlor shuts down after libs/lgbt/progressives/lefties hate on it. Libs/progressives/lefties and the lgbt community say loud and clear that they are the "tolerant" bunch. This pizza parlor having to close due to the LEFT's "tolerance" and "peacefulness" puts the LIE to the left's words. If this is the tolerance of the left who needs it? I used the "Peace and Tolerance" bolding that I usually reserve for the Islamic Terrorists because it amounts to the same thing that the lefties are doing. Islamic Terrorists and Lefties have a lot in common. If you don't agree with them and what they want, you DIE or your business must suffer. Agree with them, or else! It's so bad for this pizza place that they're helping their emplyees move out of state. Is this America? We have the right to associate with whomever we want to associate with; and to NOT associate with whomever we wish to NOT associate with. WHY is there such a fuss over this? If I went into a business owned by a homosexual and several Christian friends met me there and we started praying quietly for one of us, and for the business to succeed and blessings and health upon the owner, if that gay owner kicked us out would we be able to cause such a fuss for that owner? Would that be acceptable? Would a gay business owner be forced to cater a Christian wedding? The left's hatred for Christianity and for Christian values is based upon the fact that they know that the Bible speaks against their sin, just as it speaks against the sin of lying, stealing, fornication (what they are doing since GOD does not consider homosexual "marriage" a real marriage), adultery, coveting, etc. They know in their souls that they are wrong but, just as satan did in his rebellion, they have to get vehement to cover their own stunted consciences. Considering what the pizza parlor has gone through I'd say that the left/progressives/libs/lgbt-ers are being more and more convicted by the Spirit of GOD and that their rebelliousness and anger is a sign of that conviction. GOD is working on them and all the left/progressives/libs/lgbt are doing is giving Memories Pizza kudos from GOD: vs 22: "Blessed are you when people hate you,That's what the libs/progressives/lefties/lgbt doesn't understand. The folks at Memories Pizza are getting KUDOS FROM GOD because of what the lefties are doing to them! That's a Christian's JOY! What a blessing the Memories Pizza people are getting! If you'd like to support Memories Pizza and help them move their people out of state, figure out how to make a living after they've closed their business down due to the "Peace and Tolerance" of the left/progressives/libs/lgbt you can donate to the GoFundMe account. To add insult to injury, Indiana's RepubliRATS CAVED to the lgbt community and changed the law after Memories Pizza was already hit. That's just cowardice and so very wrong. The left: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." April 2, 2015   State of Pain WESH Channel 2's look at the DEA's interference in patients getting their pain meds. People with cancer and other mega-pain issues are being denied their LEGALLY PRESCRIBED PAIN MEDS and pharmacists and wholesalers are saying it's the DEA's rules that are making them afraid filling the prescriptions those patients need. themuslimvileone's administration is to blame for this! It's not just the DEA, the buck stops at the top, at themuslimvileone's mouth, pen, phone. Watch the report and you will have the same reaction as my husband and I: that's despicable! April 2, 2015   That "T" in LGBT stand for "transgendered" and it's not the cure-all for one's pain. It's a mistake some confused people make and it's a lifelong pain that won't go away that makes people make that choice. Instead of getting real help, they take a knife to what they think is the problem. It's not their "private parts" that are the problem. It's what has already happened to them that is the problem. Becoming "transgendered" usually means more pain, not less. Think twice before you even approach anyone for thaat option, get psychological help, then pray hard and long about it before you make the surgical consult appointment. If you're still dead set on it, start over at the "think twice". April 2, 2015   Muslims to outnumber Christians worldwide in FIFTY years. Pew Research did the study, but what they may not realize is that Islamic neighbors, parents, family, friends, make it difficult to admit to being Christian and that there is a "rising tide" of Muslims converting to Christianity. Don't give up hope for Christianity. GOD is on our side and He is watching over us and touching hearts worldwide. I attend informational meetings with a Christian organization that tells of the conversions of Muslims via supernatural GOD encounters, dreams of Jesus Christ, visions of the Messiah, etc., happening all the time. I read the books that tell of Muslims who come to Christ, some of them Imams who have found Jesus Christ and chosen Him as their Lord and Savior. It's NOT over. It's just beginning and GOD is working in wonderful, miraculous ways. April 2, 2015   April 2, 2015   Greta Van Susteren is right: Where is everyone on this story? We have a Marine left behind in Iran, in one of the worst prisons, and this is the first I've heard about it. Why? Where is the rest of the media? I don't get Fox News on my antenna, nor do I get anything besides what is over the airways. Why have I not seen this elsewhere and previously? Have you seen it? Let's go get this Marine and bring him home! April 2, 2015   Thorn in themuslimvileone's side, Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) indicted while Lois Lerner of IRS targeting fame goes UNindicted. It's so irritating because those who kiss themuslimvileone's backside go free and don't have to obey the law -- ANY law. While those who stand against themuslimvileone and the lawlessness of his administration are always indicted, targeted, vilified? It's very telling, don't you think? April 2, 2015   Illegals: 3/4 on some sort of public assistance. Taking your dime while you're struggling to make them stretch further. Don't ya' love what themuslimvileone has wrought? (*sarcasm*) April 2, 2015   If Lynch says "No", she should NOT be confirmed. Asking her if she'd prosecute hillclintOOn for NOT turning over the e-mails, using a private e-mail and server and for destroying e-mails from her server instead of turning them over to the official record keepers so that they could have them for "posterity" and to keep track of what was supposed to be the stance of the former S. of S. If Lynch refuses to prosecute, Lynch should be fired and prosecuted for failure to do her duty. April 2, 2015   Sorry, but I have to stop there. I have errands to run and things to do. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! .m.p 81:1 :5102 ,1 lirpA   .taert ytsat a s'tI .moc.skcerWekaC :uoy rof knil elggig elttil a od ll'I ,taht htiw pleh oT .yllis tib a gnieb yb yaD s'looF lirpA trats d'I thguohT April 1, 2015   Hope you can read that. Hint: Start at the end and read from there backwards. April 1, 2015   April 1, 2015   Courage. Pizza place has it. Arkansas had a similar bill as Indiana's but their governor decided to send it back for a rewording after all the fuss about the Indiana law. Speaking of Indiana's law, the Republicans there are meeting with the LGBT community to "fix" the law. Um. That's a self-defeating meeting, Republicans. All they'll get is in-you-face-hatred. It's not a discriminatory law to say that Christians have rights, too, and that it's not fair to give only ONE side of the issue the full protection of the law; that side being the LGBT side. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. [my bolding]"That part that says, "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is what is at risk here. Because of the fact that Christians (I AM) practice their religion based upon the teachings of the Bible, when we say that we won't CONDONE a practice that is against our beliefs that is OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT. If a Satanist came to me and asked me to create a website for him/her I would tell them a firm NO. Same thing with a homosexual couple who wants a website, cake, photography done for their special event: we don't have to provide OUR time, services, talents, resources to help them with that event. It's against our religious beliefs. I would say NO to themuslimvileone, hillclintOOn and her "hard dog to keep on the porch", or some local political activists and politicians if they came to me asking for a website. Why? Because GOD says in Psalm 1:1: "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."It is backed up by the First Amendment's "right of the people peaceably to assemble" and I don't have to associate with anyone I don't want to associate with. If that includes baking a cake for, photographing, or anything else for a wedding I cannot CONDONE then why should the LGBT community have the RIGHT to FORCE me to do so? Only Political Correctness tells me that I cannot choose with whom to assemble/associate. I LOVE them and want them to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. That does not mean, though, that I have to acquiesce to their wishes. This is America, a Christian nation that is being perverted for POWER. Those of us who are Christians and know the Lord MUST STAND for what we believe in, or we shall be forced into what we allegedly do not want. April 1, 2015   DH[IN]S is at it again: "To facilitate the often treacherous process of entering the United States illegally through the southern border, the Obama administration is offering free transportation from three Central American countries and a special refugee/parole program with 'resettlement assistance' and permanent residency."Don't ya' love it? They'll bring them to us and make sure they are resettled. Wunnerful. Wunnerful. Move over mac and cheese, hello more peanut butter and jelly. Taxes are going to go up. April 1, 2015   harry reid is a DISGRACE to his office. He should be recaled immediately. He's such a LIAR. April 1, 2015   CA under water resstrictions. They brought it upon themselves. April 1, 2015   April 1, 2015   I'm going to close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your April Fool's Day. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 2015 March 31, 2015: 12:26 p.m.   Do you realize that the GAO (a government entity consisting of U.S. Senators) found that themuslimvileone violated "clear and unambiguous law" in doing the bowe bergdahl prisoner swap? That's part of the reason why Judicial Watch is suing the DOD to get more info. Of course, unless JW takes themuslimvilenoe to court over this and the court finds that themuslimvileone did wrong, it won't matter a hill of beans. Even with the court's finding, the House and Senate would still have to impeach him for "high crimes" or misdemeanors. Will they do that? No. Would any law enforcement person, group, or flea step in and arrest themuslimvileone? Doubt it. So he'll get away with his lawlessness again. That makes him a Tyrant when the law applies to everyone except him. March 31, 2015   hillclintOOn called before House committee. Those pesky e-mails are more trouble than she thought they'd be. For her, it was all "no big deal" because she is who she is: the presumptive Queen of America, the One Who Can't Be Touched, the Next Big Thing. Her two cell phones, iPad, etc. are now her problem projects. Considering all of those e-mail snoops our there, the government gathering all of our e-mails and storing them, why don't they just search that huge Utah storage center for hillclintOOn's e-mails? After all, it was a PRIVATE server and PRIVATE e-mail address. They'd have access to that, especially considering that themuslimvileone said he didn't know about her doing so. That would leave her server and e-mail open to copying and storage in that facility, or any of the other facilities out there. I'm sure they have them -- unless they knew and were told not to copy that address. This would allow them to collude without fear of discovery. You know that if I can figure that out, the two devious ones could figure it out. They really can get the e-mails lost when clintOOn wiped her server clean. With today's technology, if they got ahold of that server, it could yield some, if not all, of the info they're looking for. Of course, that depends upon how she went about wiping her server clean. If she physically took it outside and hammered it into a thousand pieces, that would do it. If she deleted everything, reformatted it several times, then removed the housing and ran a powerful magnet over it, that might do it. If she just his the delete button and thought that would do it, nope. March 31, 2015   themuslimvileone fails at everything.
Now Iran nuclear talks pushed to June.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Move along. BTW, go out and pick some daisies. March 31, 2015   Good question. Why is that? Sorry. It's truly a rhetorical question because we all know why libs/progressives/lefties lie so much. It's to hide what they're actually doing and to CONTROL you. Never trust anyone who is lying to you. If they'll lie to you about one thing they will do so about multiple others. In fact, they have to lie to you about multiple others because lies are not stand alones. If you tell someone a lie, you have to remember that lie because they will remember. You change your story later because you forgot it and they question you on it and you'll have to figure out a lie to conceal your second lie. You'll have to explain the first or second lie away, or add to one or the other (or both) in order to cover for the goof-up. Lies tend to build on each other and stack up. Don't start lying and you don't have to keep it up. Too bad libs/progressives/lefties never learned that lesson. March 31, 2015   If you've EVER been on Facebook, they're still tracking you. Don't ya' love that? (*sarcasm*) I was on Facebook for about a year, maybe. I didn't like it. I had to remind myself to go there. It wasn't for me, so I quit, deleted my account, and thought I was through with them. How wrong I was. Well, I was through with them, but not them with me. Spying, anyone? Where's that alleged "right to privacy" the scotus found in the U.S. Constitution so long ago? March 31, 2015   This is how our veterans are being treated by themuslimvileone's V.A. You won't like it if you love America and appreciate our military members' service. March 31, 2015   Border Patrol stopping CITIZENS WITHIN USA while allowing (via instructions from themuslimvileone) illegals to come across our borders by the thousands? Yep. Got FREEDOM? March 31, 2015   Is your health written on your face? It may explain a few of the faces I've seen in my lifetime. But, at the same time, I don't believe that it's that accurate. There are some things that are hereditary, or results of an accident, or whatever, and if the machine doesn't take that into account then it must be mistaken about that person. This reminds me of the debunked idea of Phrenology. Reading bumps on people's heads to read their health was discounted as a real medical practice years ago. Will face reading go the same way? March 31, 2015   DeBlasio did the right thing. I'm no fan of DeBlasio but here he is doing the right thing. I'm quite astonished. March 31, 2015   I'm going to close with this Rube Goldberg machine today because I think it's pretty cool, fun and seasonally appropriate. Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 30, 2015: 12:29 p.m.   It's "Minion Monday: Hank Tries Bungee Jumping", my latest Hank pic. I never realied before that Hank is afraid of heights. That surprises me. March 30. 2015   themuslimvileone:   He opposes law similar to one he backed as a Senator. That law? Indiana's Religious Freedom law. He can't explain the differences because he knows there's very little difference but now he's the Dictator-In-Chief so he has to have his own way. He's soon going to KENYA on OUR DIME. He's ostensibly going there to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, but I think it's just another boondoggle to spend more of OUR money on HIS HIGHNESS, The HOLY ONE, Dictator-In-Chief and Leader of the Muslim World. His "Free" Community College idea is going to benefit his rich cronies more than anyone else, but that's what most of his policies do, so where's the surprise there? He just spent the weekend here in FL golfing: at our expense, of course. He's still pushing for a dangerous Iranian deal. He wants Iran to get nuclear weapons so that they can kill Israelis. What he's too stupid to realize is that they'll also try to kill America -- the country he's prezidunce of. If that includes killing him, his wife and daughters, so be it. Sacrifices have to be made, is the Iranian attitude. He's not good for America, that's for certain. Let us hope and pray that the next president will UNDO EVERYTHING that themuslimvileone has done. I wonder how much his current "payday loan" obsession will cost us. Please note the "ammenable uncle" attitude he's taking while trying to push this new obsession. He's using the Bible for his own gain again, usually misquoting it. (BTW, can he get anymore hypocritical and tone deaf?) March 30, 2015   Angie's List does NOT support Indiana's Religious Freedom law. They were going to build a headquarters building in Indiana. Now they've put a halt to that plan and made statement telling people why. Apple is angry about Indiana's law, too. Sounds to me like they never want my business. I put my money where my mouth is. I started shopping Wal-Mart again after they started investing in America again and started supporting our veterants again. I still don't do Disney because of their anti-parent, pro-homosexual, kids are smarter than parents stance. Their movies and programming push those and the green agendas and I refuse to give them a dime of my money. I look up which restaurants are most Conservative -- not by someone else's ideas, but by my own -- by looking up their lobbying habits and seeing what and who they support with their lobbying. Follow their money for instance, with Outback Steakhouse. They give to REPUBLICANS for a reason: less government, lower taxes, etc., and that supports my beliefs. Compare that to Trader Joe's spending on mostly dumboRATS. Put your money where your mouth is, folks. That speaks volumes. March 30, 2015   34,000 black churches cut ties with the Presbyterian Church (USA), leaving due to the vote to endorse homosexual "marriage". It's good to see someone else standing up for their biblical beliefs. It's not up to man to go against GOD. That's what sin is. For a church to vote to condone sin is wrong. What's that part in Revelation 2 that addresses that? (2:14-17) "But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."And, (Revelation 2:20-26) "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:"See where it says "them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans"? That doctrine is explained here. It talks about a weak form of Christianity in which one keeps a foot in both secularism (paganism) and Christianity, which is exactly what the Presbyterian Church (USA) is doing. They've condoned man's idea of right and wrong, while condemning GOD's idea of right and wrong. Note also that both paragraphs say that "to commit fornication"? That's exactly what all homosexual "marriage" is because in GOD's eyes homosexuals cannot marry -- no matter what a church votes to do. ALL sexual activity outside of marriage is fornication. Of necessity GOD has to condemn it for it is sin. This leads us back to the Indiana law on Religious Freedom (full text). People who don't want to do cakes, photos, whatever, for a homosexual "marriage" can't be forced to do so. That's all the Indiana law is. Homosexuals cannot FORCE anyone to support, participate in, create for, or work for them in anything they don't wish to do. Would you like it if your religion forbad you from allowing any male who wishes to have sex with your fourteen daughter? That's the equivalent. Think I'm taking it to the extreme and that it's not the same since that activity is already illegal? Well, so WAS homosexual "marriage" illegal since before the founding of America (in other countries). How far does the law matter, for how long should laws be laws? It's all relative according to the left. March 30, 2015   U.S. Navy Chaplain banned from performing his duties. That headline makes you wonder what the Chaplain did to make that happen, right? Well, no. The Chaplain is being disciplined: "Now, the Navy is threatening Chaplain Modder with career-ending punishment because, when asked, he expressed faith-based views on marriage and human sexuality in private counseling sessions."I'm sorry, but what part of CHAPLAIN do they not understand? March 30, 2015   Speaking of homosexuality, jebby-bebby backs their agenda. Nope. Don't want jebby-bebby. He worked for a corrupt company, and it's rumored he's colluding to fix and election. He's not a good candidate, people. He's not right for the nation. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy candidate.) March 30, 2015   hillclintOOn had "secret spy ring". No, not the kind that came from Ovaltine when you were a child. The real kind with people who spied on others. Isn't that wunnerful? March 30, 2015   Groan. March 30, 2015   Two men dressed as women tried to force entry into Fort Meade. Why dress as women? Why would anyone believe that it would be easier -- or safer -- to get in dressed as a woman unless they don't understand how America works. That's just wild. March 30, 2015   Another government official calling Christians "Nazis". Does themuslimvileone hire no one else? March 30, 2015   March 30, 2015   Rabbi says themuslimvileone like Bible villain, Haman. True. True. I agree with him 100%. March 30, 2015   themuslimvileone's passport info leaked then covered up again. Too bad the world conspires to keep his secrets quiet for him. Must be nice to have friends in high places. March 30, 2015   A play about Ferguson that will tell the TRUTH. IF it sticks to the truth, that's great! They say they're planning on using the sworn testimony of the Grand Jury investigation as their play's source -- if not verbatim for the dialogue. Let's hope and pray that it stays that way instead of being twisted and that people learn the TRUTH from this thing and stop their nonsense. "Hands up. Don't shoot!" is a LIE. Don't let a lie stand. March 30, 2015   That's all for today, I suppose. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 27, 2015: 2:03 p.m.   It's Flag Friday and that means it's time for "Tribute To Our Heroes 210: Pops and Shadow-Boo". I thank you for your service and for all you've done for the cause of freedom. I thank your families for their sacrifice, too. I can never say "Thank you!" enough. GOD Bless you all! March 27, 2015   Did you know that some of the Fathers of modern sciences -- Francis Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, Matthew Fontaine Maury -- were devoted Christians? They loved the Lord and used the Bible as a research tool. Don't believe it? Read the article. March 27, 2015   bowe bergdahl's defense: I was going to come back. Right. Considering what he wrote to his parents in e-mails, I seriously doubt that. He wrote: "'The horror that is America is disgusting.'"Why on earth would he RETURN to serve an America that was "disgusting" to him? No. He deserted: pure, plain and simple. March 27, 2015   BTW, harry reid is retiring. Don't get too thrilled. You'll still be paying for his retirement for years to come, not to mention living under the un-American laws he helped put into place (themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, for instance). Yeah! He's retiring. Boo he was there in the first place. March 27, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   The website for this garbage still isn't safe. People don't think it's been good for them, either. The republiRATS in the Senate just passed a "budget" for the 2016 fiscal year that allegedly dismantles this piece of crud. Let's see if it actually happens. Note that they have the courage to do so ONLY in the hast few months of themuslimvileone's last few months in office? So courageous. Some folks are forecasting themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX's doom because of the possible scotus ruling, but moreso because of the premium increases and the lack of younger folks enrolling. There's also the fact that middle-to-high income people are NOT enrolling and they needed that to keep it going. Let's see if the scotus will take the WORDS of the law into account in their ruling. Given the first ruling on this garbage, I wonder what the odds are. March 27, 2015   hillclintOOn issues "list of words you can't use" in describing her. Free speech, anyone? Those words: "'polarizing,' 'calculating,' 'disingenuous,' 'insincere,' 'ambitious,' 'inevitable,' 'entitled,' 'over-confident,' 'secretive,' 'will do anything to win,' 'represents the past,' and 'out of touch.'"Rush Limbaugh added a few and yesterday had a caller yesterday who decided to add a few, too. I wonder what it is that clintOOn is trying to accomplish by showing people that she ABHORS FREE SPEECH and ANYONE who says anything negative about her is a "sexist" because she is beyond reproach, beyond comment and beyond ridicule. Superiority complex, anyone? March 27, 2015   Well, my hubby came home early today so I'm going to go spend some time with him. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 26, 2015: 2:12 p.m.   Missed yesterday because my youngest son surprised us with a visit (he usually calls first) and we spent the day visiting with him. We laughed and talked and I was not going to put updates ahead of his surprise visit, so I apologize for missing yesterday, but I am not sorry I made the choice. For now, let's get started. March 26, 2015   Senate honors teddy "Chappaquiddick" kennedy. "[In] 1969 Kennedy drove his car into a pond in Chappaquiddick, east of Martha’s Vineyard after a night of partying. The senator escaped the accident unscathed while his mistress, 28-year-old Democratic campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned in the car. Kennedy had an expired license and had been drinking at the party yet he only got a slap on the hand, a two-month suspended jail sentence. The tragedy at Chappaquiddick became known as the most brilliant cover-up ever achieved in a nation where investigative procedures are well developed. Two decades after the horrific event more light was shed on the cover-up when the foreman of the grand jury that investigated the accident confessed that the panel was pressured by a judge and a prosecutor not to pursue the case. The foreman said the jury was manipulated and blocked from doing its job."Progressives honor progressives; murderers or not. March 26, 2015   The Mississippi lynching that wasn't. It looks like suicide, not murder. The cry of "bigotry" and "racism" is always the first reaction of progressives because it's so useful and effective. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they havne't the capability. March 26, 2015   As expected: themuslimvileone stood up for deserter. Bowe Bergdahl went AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave) and left his post and deserted his assignment, making his brothers in arms go out and try to find/rescue him, just in case he'd been taken by force. themuslimvileone praised Bergdahl (of course) even though Bergdahl's actions cost SIX SOLDIERS THEIR LIVES. That's why themuslimvileone praised Bergdahl: he was going to join the other side and he helped kill Americans via his desertion. Both of which make themuslimvileone happy with Bergdahl. Marth 26, 2015   themuslimvileone betrays Israel as he allows Iran to develop nuclear weapons. That isn't a threat to America at all, now is it? Betraying one of our strongest, best allies and giving nuclear weapons to Iran, who has recently said "Death to America!" Sounds like a solid plan to me. (*sarcasm*) March 26, 2015   Special ops training alarms civilians. Understandably so. Consider: They're going to be operating among civilian populations. They're covering ten states: including Florida. I don't usually go to InfoWars as a source, so I waited until it was going to be in another source. It's in the Stars and Stripes so that's pretty official. "Although similar drills have been carried out domestically in the past, such exercises are increasingly being conducted among civilian populations, suggesting an attempt to acclimate and condition the public to a persistent military presence."What do you think of this operation? Doesn't it give you a warm and fuzzy feeling all over? March 26, 2015   Our thoughts and prayers to the loved ones of the GermanWings murders. The Co-Pilot intentionally downed that plane and killed all those innocent people. They did nothing to him but he chose to kill them. He is a murderer. March 26, 2015   Congressional bill equals fewer submarines to help protect America and our allies. Congress is doing us no favors. Making America weaker is themuslimvileone's goals but it shouldn't be Congress's goal. March 26, 2015   KS passed a pro-life bill barring dismemberment of babies in the womb! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Good for Kansas! On the other hand, disgustingly, NY passes bill allowing poisoning babies in the womb. That's so wrong. It's heartless and it's evil. Even more evil? The NYT is trying to get Margaret Sanger on the $20 bill. That's revolting. March 26, 2015   Aaaaahhh... public schools:   Permission slips for OREOS in public schools? Eating cookies after using them to demonstrate geographical truths needs parental permission. Strange but true. Did teachers also need written permission to assault students? Or for sexually assaulting children? Sexual assault of students is happening way too often now. It's happening everywhere in American schools. It's happening more often than we'd like to admit. Just as bad is when teachers get involved in child pornography. How can anyone trust their children to public schools considering all of this? Homeschool your children, folks. It's best for them. Find a homeschool curriculum that you approve of, use it with an umbrella school situation and your child will have the proper education without the risks. March 26, 2015   Drug Enforcement Agency agents had "sex parties" in Colombia. You paid for this. Isn't that special? March 26, 2015   Hispanics realizing open borders not so good. It's about time! March 26, 2015   EVEN msnbc doesn't believe this admin? Really? No. Can't be. They love this administration, how can they not believe it? Amazing. March 26, 2015   DH[IN]S won't remove official who did "favors". Shock. Surprise. March 26, 2015   Another "Shock. Surprise."? bonehead boehner just caved again. Wow. Is there some sort of "caving" record he's trying to break? March 26, 2015   March 26, 2015   Scott Walker disappoints. It's just a shame that he can't get his brain around the idea of making a commitment to ONE stance and not a situational choice. It's not something I support. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or flip-flopper.) March 26, 2015   Stop taxing wealth: M.I.T. student's economic truths rebut long-standing theory. It's not the 1%'s wealth that should be taxed, but the rest of us should be less taxed to allow us to buy real estate because that's where wealth is in America right now. March 26, 2015   Well, I'll stop there for now. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 24, 2015: 4:20 p.m.   Late start today and the first thing I clicked on made me stop for a little while. Unfortunately, my click went to a place that had a false page in it and that false page told me that I had a possible virus in my computer and that I needed to call the number shown in order to get tech support. IF this ever happens to you, DO NOT CALL THE NUMBER and especially if you do call, do not agree to send them any money. It's a scam. "But," you argue, "my computer is locked up and it won't leave the page and the warning is there and...." Who do you think locked your computer up and made it not leave that page? It's the people at the number listed who put a LOOP into the programming so that your browser won't leave that page. If you want to get out of it without losing any money, much time, and with a minimum of frustration, here's what you do:
March 24, 2015   Breitbart Link:   Standing O for hillclintOOn... If anyone thinks we have an unbiased press this story really should remove your delusions. March 24, 2015   Our troops will stay in Afghanistan longer. Of course they will. He's trying to get as many of our troops killed as possible. themuslimvileone wants our troops killed by Islam. It's just as I thought it would be. Unfortunately. March 24, 2015   DH[IN]S released 165,900 ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS as of April 26, 2014. That's almost a year ago, just think what the number is now! Tell me something. If they really cared about your safety would they be doing this? If they don't care about your safety then how on earth can we trust them to stop something bad from happening? It hasn't been another 9/11 type attack, but there have been enough individual attacks and bad things happening to Americans that it's time to hold themuslimvileone responsible for what he HASN'T prevented; as well as for what he has been an ACCESSORY TO before and after the fact! March 24, 2015   LOL! Love Doug Powers' spin on this and on this. He's on. He's on! March 24, 2015 &nbs Ground beef hits new high price. I know. We bought ground beef Sunday to make hamburgers on the grill. They were delicious. Imagine you're eating ground beef every now and then while also paying for themuslimvileone's Kobe Beef and Lobster meals. Don'tcha' love it? March 24, 2015   New wave of illegal alien children already started. Why is it that it's okay for all of these illegals to ILLEGALLY cross our border and to come here and take from us all these benefits that we have to pay for and we're the bad guys for saying "Stop! We can't afford it anymore!"? Why is that? March 24, 2015   I want to know how much money george soros made off of Greece's demise. I want to know how many millions he made in his dealings to help bring this about. The evil man is all about his money, power and influence. How much did he make via ruining other people's lives? March 24, 2015   In NYC Big Brother is watching day care centers. They're not happy with the amount of exercise two-year-olds are getting and they're forcing changes, by gosh and by golly! March 24, 2015   themuslimvileone can't make friends with Israel. That's because Islam hates Israel. His true colors are showing through. March 24, 2015   Sen. Ted Cruz answered that question very well. He answered so well, I bet others will be following his lead on that answer. March 24, 2015   Shock! Surprise! themuslimvileone's admin did favors for dumboRATS. I know. It's such a shocking thing. Whoever would hae suspected that? (*sarcasm: major sarcasm*) In fact, the admin has decreased deportations by 40+% in past five months. Sounds safe to me. (*sarcasm*) March 24, 2015   Typical leftie reporting turns out so wrong. Despite the article's main focus of saying that there are hate groups, "the count of 'hate groups' declined by 17 percent between 2013 and 2014, bringing it to the lowest level since 2005."So the leftie report tries to push the idea of hate groups while reporting (late in the story, of course) March 24, 2015 &nbs I'm going to close with that for now. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 23, 2015: 1:04 p.m.   It's Monday and you know what that means. It's time for "Minion Monday: Hank Gets Hit Back" in which Hank decided to try a punching bag at the Sports Authority in Merritt Square Mall. It wasn't a good idea. March 23, 2015   Ted Cruz announces presidential bid. Okay. We have a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE in the race and you know that was my hope. I don't know what will happen, but how much you wanna' bet that, suddenly, the Vattel definition of "natural born citizen" will matter to the lefties/progressives/libs? March 23, 2015   Speaking of presidential contenders, Doug Powers made me laugh with his post. Too good. March 23, 2015   March 23, 2015   Sen. Dick Durbin is a racist. He proved it in writing. But, he's a leftie so it's acceptable to the progressives if a leftie/progressive/liberal is racist. That's allowed. March 23, 2015   Netanyahu has "absolute majority of 61 votes". See me smile? Oh, yeah. What was bad about the election was the fact that OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS WERE USED TO TRY TO OUST NETANYAHU: "'There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations.'"I SUPPORT Netanyahu so why were my taxpayer dollars used to try to defeat someone I support? It's wrong for themuslimvileone to interfere with free elections in other countries. When one "world leader" takes it upon himself to try to defeat another world leader in a free and open election it's just wrong. I don't care who is doing the interfering. It's wrong. March 23, 2015   Cell phones making children "mentally ill". It's not the cell phones it's public schools, society's stupidity in teaching them that abortion is okay because a baby is "just a mass of tissue" and that there are no emotional, physical or mental ramifications of killing your baby. It's the left's eternal preaching that sexual activity at any age is okay because "they're just going to do it anyways" and if they want to have intercourse at age nine, sixteen or two, that's okay, just use birth control or get an abortion if a child is conceived. When society teaches you that "global warming" is your fault and that if you would do what they tell you to do then maybe you can play a part in saving the whales, polar bears, dolphins, birds, tortoises, etc., how much guilt, pressure, responsibility should that eight-year-old be able to handle after shouldering the responsibility of saving the entire planet? Considering that our planet does not exist by itself should that child also be held responsible for using a non-green product just in case the atmosphere can't hold that product and it escape into the vacuum of space? Polluting the solar system, the galaxy, the universe; what a lot of malarkey to place on our children's shoulders! We tell them to kill babies, but don't be a "bully" (heaven forbid anyone get teased because of bedhead!). We tell them that drugs are okay - until they get addicted then we put them in treatment to get them off of the drugs we wanted legalized! We tell them that drinking and smoking are bad, bad, bad! Don't they dare do that! But that it's okay to be on ADD/ADHD drugs. We tell them that the Left cares and wants them to be all that they can be, then tell them that they can't think that way, can't believe that truth, can't want to do X for a living because, well, it's just not right with the Left. We tell them that the GOD of Christianity is dead but that allah and other things are okay to worship, follow, obey, believe in; or that they don't have to believe in anything at all. We teach them that sharing everything they're doing, everywhere they're going and everything they want is okay because it may lead to fame and fortune. Then society blames the child when a pedphile finds that info and stalks them until they get that child. It's not the cell phone. March 23, 2015   The Heritage Foundation's 2015 Index of U.S. Military Strength is available for you to read. Be sure to read the Executive Summary and consider what you're reading. It's not too scary, but it is a realistic look and it won't necessarily make you smile. March 23, 2015   My computer is acting up and I'm getting frustrated with it. So, I'm going to close for now. Sorry about the short update list today. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 20, 2015: 9:36 a.m.   "Tribute To Our Heroes 209: The Diamond" is my Flag Friday picture for today. I was late posting it because I was distracted. I realized after going to the bank, Merritt Square Mall and Orlando International Airport that somewhere along the way yesterday the diamond from my engagement ring had broken off, prongs and all. Apparently I had hit it against something earlier and the gold soldering had been cracked. It finally gave way yesterday while I was out and about. I was very distracted by it. You can read about it at the link. If anyone out there finds a marquise cut, near colorless SI1 3/4 carat diamond in gold prongs lying somewhere on the floor or ground out there, please return it to me. Thank you. March 20, 2015   hillclintOOn needs to go to prison. She's breaking all the rules, several laws and doing things that are not just questionable, but illegal. Why is she granted to much leeway? From where did she get her special privileges status? I want to go buy Cracker Jacks with the same privileges! That way I could break any law, rule, or regulation I want and not have any consequences to face here on earth. Notice that "on earth" part. She will pay a price. But it may be up to GOD to make it happen because there's not a legislator, law enforcement office, or judge here on earth that seems to give a crap that she's breaking every law she can. The same thing with themuslimvileone is happening. Why do dumboRATS get such special privileges? March 20, 2015   Employers don't have to hire AMERICANS first. That's the LIE of H-1B: "[T]his American worker-first provision, vociferously opposed by Big Business and Big Government, expired in 2011. The refusal of the vast majority of politicians and the White House to embrace these protections for all U.S. workers tells you everything you need to know about H-1B’s big, fat lies."Of course the RED House (with a commie/marxist/socialist/LIAR in there, it's no longer the White House) refuses to protect U.S. workers! The occupant hates America and Americans, why would he protect us? March 20, 2015   Petraeus says Iran bigger threat than ISIS/ISIL. That's with whom themuslimvileone is trying to make a nuclear deal: Iran. Isn't it special that our prezidunce is working so hard to provide nuclear weapons to our enemies? He's signing treaties, going around the Senate and Congress, and usurping their powers, ignoring their constitutional "advise and consent" oversight and just making sure that Iran -- the "bigger threat" -- gets the weapon needed to destroy as much of the world as they desire. Smart man. (*SUPER SARCASM*) Ya' know, this is as good a place as any to remind people that the Bible says that GOD will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her. I think that themuslimvileone is taking it upon his shoulders to curse Israel. That's a problem. I also believe that GOD sees how themuslimvileone is doing this against the wishes of America and that GOD will punish themuslimvileone (curse him, if you will) and not hold America -- the people of America -- accountable for the dictatorial choices of themuslimvileone. Let us pray so, at least. March 20, 2015   Google uses same tactics dumboRATS use (all the time) and they get an anti-trust case against them? Yep. Only dumboRAT politicians are allowed to use underhanded techniques and do things that prevent competition. It's not allowed to compete against dumboRATS. Don't get me wrong: I don't like Google much either. But full disclosure means I admit to having two Android devices which are Google items. I like Android; don't like Google. I don't use their search engine, but I do use my Android devices. I just think that the law should be applied equally to ALL people, not just to certain people. March 20, 2015   Hahahahahahahaha! Too good! March 20, 2015   themuslimvileone lectures Netanyahu? Amazing. themuslimvileone's ego knows no bounds, does it? March 20, 2015   30,558 MORE VIOLENT ILLEGALS RELEASED by themuslimvileone. Wasn't it just yesterday they were bragging about re-capturing 5% of the illegals they released? Today we find out that they released over 30,500 (with a total of OVER 167,500) released? Really? How can anyone trust this administration when that's the standard? March 20, 2015   I ask you this question. Which is a greater threat to America: ISIS/ISIL, or themuslimvileone and his agenda? I say the latter because he will help the former as proven by his obsession with getting Iran the nuclear weapon, by his support of the Muslim BroHood, by his support of Islam in general, by his failure to listen to anything contrary to what he wants , and by his proven hatred of America and our laws. March 20, 2015   Someone agrees: themuslimvileone responsible for Ferguson lawlessness. I said that themuslimvileone has blood on his hands because of the two officers shot there and themuslimvileone and his administration egging people on, supporting rioters and generally keeping things stirred up over A LIE. "Hands up, don't shoot!" NEVER HAPPENED. Even eric holder's group said so! Remember, eric holder's DOJ is staffed with Marxists and black radicals so if they can look at the evidence and say it never happened, then why does themuslimvileone keep promoting the violence? What's the agenda? Keeping racial tensions high. Using race to seperate us. Using whatever he can to help him in his goal of destroying America. March 20, 2015   U.S. Air Force Academy removed "so help me GOD" from oath? Yep. I wouldn't allow a son or daughter of mine to go there unless and until they put it back. I can't imagine trusting someone who put their oath under the "so help me ME" category. I couldn't trust that person. After all, that the oath themuslimvileone and the clintOOns believe in. I don't trust them further than I could throw them. March 20, 2015   jebby-bebby refuses to rule out TAX HIKES. We don't want jebby-bebby, do we? He is for all the WRONG stuff now. I don't know what happened to him when he left the FL Governor's office, but he went all wonky and is so wrong for what America needs right now. I can't imagine him being prezidunce after themuslimvileone. It would NOT get better, that's for certain. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927) March 20, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   ISIS/ISIL kills 137; injure 345 in Yemen. They will force conversion (even between the sects of Islam) onto their captives (ask the girls Boko Haram kidnapped) and they will kill those who refuse to convert. Very tolerant and peaceful. March 20, 2015   mcCONnell "tries" to "thwart" themuslimvileone's war on coal. He'll try until themuslimvileone calls him into the Red House and offers him... What? Or threatens to... What? mcCONnell is a con man. He tries to look as though he's doing things to stand up for America, then he caves and gives in and benefits from it somehow. Watch for him to be getting a little something-something from themuslimvileone if he caves here, or right before he caves. Whichever: he will cave. March 20, 2015   Irony, anyone? March 20, 2015   I'll close with that little bit of irony. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 19, 2015: 12:17 p.m.   themuslimvileone thinks he rules the WORLD. When he doesn't get his own way, the person/people who stopped him must pay the price! For Israel, themuslimvileone is threatening sanctions against them while pushing up the Iran nuclear deal. All this petulance and childish payback because Netanyahu won an election in his own country (with themuslimvileone's people there trying to defeat him -- thus handing themuslimvileone his own defeat on a silver platter -- what an embarrassment!). Meanwhile, Iran wants to do a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on AMERICA and themuslimvileone wants to give them the nukes to do so! Ego is a problem with themuslimvileone and the problem is only getting bigger with each year he's golfing, vacationing and eating Kobe Beef and lobster at our expense! What will he do to destroy America in the next six months? Watch your backs, folks. Look out for sharp objects hurled by themuslimvileone in your direction. March 19, 2015   DH[IN]S brags of arresting 13 illegals themuslimvileone ordered freed. Yep. They were in custody, were ordered freed by themuslimvileone committed another crime (or two or more) and were captured again, so they brag about it. Bragging about another person being made a victim by this administration and the agency responsible for allowing that via following themuslimvileone's orders catching that person after the fact? That's just lame. If they had done their job in the first place and kept the illegal in custody and returned him to his home country, another person would not have been victimized by the illegal. It's that simple. March 19, 2015   Common Crap Core:   Teaching our children that there is no "right" and "wrong". "In summary, our public schools teach students that all claims are either facts or opinions and that all value and moral claims fall into the latter camp. The punchline: there are no moral facts. And if there are no moral facts, then there are no moral truths."Common Core: Teaching our children that right and wrong don't matter. Just what every parent wants, right? Read the whole article linked above. Then find out how schools are now checking social media to find out who is cheating. Can they really be surprised? That link is probably part of the reason why Bobby Jindal (R-Gov. LA), is considering ditching Common Crap Core. He's not alone. AZ is still looking at ditching it, too, as are several other states. In some places, there is a movement to allow parents to "opt out" of Common Crap Core for their children. Their kids would get a better education, that's for certain! In Aiken County, SC, they've thrown Common Crap Core out entirely and revamped the education goals, ideas and proceses in order to make school better for their children. The whole State of SC got rid of Common Crap Core, but Aiken went another step further. They'll be glad they did. Jobs will come to their children instead of their children struggling to find a job. In Louisiana, thousands turned out to protest CCC testing. Re-read the pull quote for the first link in this blurb then answer me this question: If there is no "right" and "wrong" how can there BE a test in CCC? Is there a way to "grade" something when there is no "right" and no "wrong"? If Johnny should get an A because he filled in all of the blanks then isn't that worthy of an A? Who cares if he got every question, technically, wrong? If there's no such thing, how can there be a TEST? DUH! CCC: too stupid to die its own death. March 19, 2015   Huma Abedin's (anthony "sexting addict" weiner's poor wife) e-mails being requested and they're looking into her Special Government Employee (SGE) designation as well. She worked for a "political intelligence and corporate advisory firm" while also working for the State Dept. I don't understand how the clintOOns have always been treated as though they were "special". I don't understand why they were given special privileges and are still getting thos privileges extended to them, left, right, center, front, back, up, down and sideways. Why are they -- and half of the people associated with them -- NOT in jail? March 19, 2015   I have to go run errands that can't be delayed. So, I will go for now. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 18, 2015: 1:24 p.m.   HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! Netanyahu STAYS! themuslimvileone LOSES! Remember, he sent advisors to Israel to help DEFEAT Netanyahu. So Netanyahu's victory is themuslimvileone's DEFEAT. HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! March 18, 2015   Cheekbone Cherokee, lizzy warren, would NOT be good for America and if she runs for the dumboRAT nomination, I think she'll fail. After all, it's hillclintOOn's turn and it's not fair to take her turn away. So if you wanna' see a grown woman cry crocodile tears, the dumboRATS have just nominated bank-hater, ancestry-lying warren. It could be an interesting show to watch. March 18, 2015   State Dept. treats high-muckety-mucks different than they treat the "worker bees". The "normal people" have to sign the OF-109 or they don't get their retirement pay, any of their 401K money and they may be investigated as to why they are not signing that form. The high-muckety-mucks? Nah. It's a foramlity that can be overlooked. That's not right. March 18, 2015   JW sues to get contracting and consulting records for Jonathan Gruber. They have to sue this administration because this "most transparent" administration refuses to give anyone any information without costing the American taxpayer mega-bucks first. After all, every lawsuit that the administration makes happen through refusal to comply with FOIA requests costs "We, The People" becuase it's taxpayer dollars that pay for the employee time to defend the administration's refusal to comply, who go to court (another thing we pay the employees of) and stand before the judge (we pay) and argue that the administration doesn't have to comply which is a waste of time because the administration usually DOES have to comply, but themuslimvileone chooses to cost American taxpayers more money by wasting it via noncompliance. It's not as if this administration is trying to hide something good they've done, it's because they've done something BAD that they try to hide it. Every time they have to fork over documents those documents prove wrongdoing of some sort or another to one degree or another; IF they're not so heavily redacted that everything's redacted except the letterhead. March 18, 2015   We don't need jebby-bebby. He's not good for America. He supports Common Crap Core and amnesty, and I don't think he'd be right for us after themuslimvileone. I really don't. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or Common Crap Core supporter.) March 18, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   They're "eligible" for $1.3 TRILLION of "retirement benefits"? Say WHAT?! How? "The lifetime costs of Social Security and Medicare benefits of illegal immigrant beneficiaries of [themuslimvileone]’s executive amnesty would be well over a trillion dollars, according to Heritage Foundation expert Robert Rector’s prepared testimony for a House panel obtained in advance by Breitbart News."Remember: that comes OUT OF YOUR POCKET. Also remember that some of those illegals are not Hispanic but they're Islamic terrorists who crossed our borders with the Central Americans who were invited by themuslimvileone. Those terrorists will be "entitled" to their "retirement benefits" as well. Is that what you want? Even worse, the only Sheriff with the gonads to stand up for the safety of our families, Sheriff Joe Arapaio, faces jail time for disobeying a court order that he stop arresting those suspected of being illegal aliens because he was allegedly "racially profiling" them. it's not "racial profiling" if you are judging them by other things besides the color of their skin. It's not racial profiling if you have other things you've taken into evidence to make that stop. So now Sheriff Joe may have to face March 18, 2015   It looks like there's a big fire in my area. I see smoke billowing in to the air and it's dark, heavy smoke. It may be from a fire in Fay Lake Wilderness Park, or somewhere close. Hmmm... I don't see anything about a prescribed burn today. It may not have been posted. I don't know. All I know is that it is dark, dark smoke and it doesn't look that far away. I bet Brevard Fire is already there. March 18, 2015   Christianity Today defends abortionist? That's disgusting. I can't imagine why on earth they would do such a thing. I really can't. GOD does not approve of killing babies. They've done nothing wrong. I can't imagine defending them. I really can't. Abortionists -- baby murderers -- seem so heartless and soulless to me. I really can't imagine reaching into a mother's womb, grabbing an arm of her baby, pulling it off the baby and continuing on in that manner until the baby is literally torn apart, piece by piece, and having to put all of the pieces together on the little table beside you so that you can be certain you got all of the parts out. If you don't get all of the parts out the mother can have complications besides the usual complications (a D & E: Dilation and Evacuation). There are many other types of abortion out there but they all result in the same thing: a dead baby and guilt, and for the mother, many possible bad side effects. Why any "Christian" magazine would endorse Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned [Abortion]hood), is anathema to me. March 18, 2015   Stop calling him the "Commander-In-Chief" when it comes to foreign policy, he is NOT. That's the point of this must read article by Alan M. Dershowitz. Check it out! March 18, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   IRS blames it for their shoddy customer service. Okay. We'll believe that; at least in part. The rest of it is because of the leadership -- or lack thereof. This garbage is making people look for alternatives to it that fits better with their beliefs. I don't blame them. When themuslimvileone gave all kinds of people "outs" on this thing, and dumboRATS are still trying to get more special considerations within it, it seems to me that it's not a law at all; it's Silly Putty® that gets pulled and pushed and shaped into whatever themuslimvileone and his allies want it to be, whenever they want. Laws are static: they do not change on whims. There is a process to go through to change them. With this piece of garbage, it's been ignored, changed on a whim by one man, given special rights, given special privileges, and all because "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it." Silly putty "laws" and special treatment do not good policy make. March 18, 2015   themuslimvileone had a hand in the Net "Neutrality" vote. Who is shocked? No one. March 18, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Islamic terrorists target Western tourists in Tunisia. They're so brave, those terrorists, that when they want to really "get out of Dodge", they dress in drag to evade capture. Brave souls. Meanwhile, themuslimvileone whitewashes Iranian terrorism. He does that while trying to make sure that Iran gets nuclear weapons. He's trying to ensure that a country that hates -- HATES -- America and Israel goes nuclear. Isn't that special? March 18, 2015   IRS WANTS to target political groups and go on elaborate conferences on YOUR dime. They like breaking the law and spending YOUR taxpayer dollars. Isn't that what you want from the TAX COLLECTORS? Don't you think they should be able to do that? After all, they are the government and they do have the power, don't ya' know? Corruption is the IRS. March 18, 2015   Presbyterian (USA) votes to redefine marriage to include homosexuals. Considering what the Bible says about homosexuality, I don't consider churches -- places that are supposed to teach about the BIBLE -- Christian churches when they go down that road. A church can't go so far down the road of wrong and still consider itself right with GOD. It's wrong to condone what GOD condemned. GOD LOVES the person who is professing homosexuality, but He does NOT condone the behavior that person is choosing to participate in. Just like a heterosexual who is in a heterosexual premarital sexual relationship, that person is doing wrong as well. GOD LOVES BOTH, but he condemns BOTH sins. Okay? Homosexual sin is as bad as premarital heterosexual sexual relationships and vice versa. Sin is sin. But we are not to condone sin. Voting to condone sin is just wrong. Sin is sin. Do not condone it, especially if you're a church professing Jesus Christ! March 18, 2015   I'll stop there for now. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 17, 2015: 2:48 p.m.   Missed yesterday -- and posting Minion Monday -- due to the things I had to do. Airport, dental appointment for a family member, etc., etc., etc., kept me jumping. So I'll start today with "Minion Monday: Hank Makes His Easter Outfit". I told him the story of how was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life and was beaten, whipped, mocked, crucified on a cross and died, but came back to life after three days and did that all for us so that we may have eternal life through Him and that is what we celebrate, remember and honor at Easter. We celebrate the day He rose and returned to GOD in heaven and later returned and was seen by over five hundred people. That's what Easter is all about; not the ham, potatoes, Easter egg hunt, bunnies and duckies, or anything else. It's all about Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of GOD, living a sinless life and paying the price for OUR sins on the cross so that we don't have to pay for our own sins, but can be forgiven through Jesus if we accept the free gift of His sacrifice. If you want to accept that free gift, say a simple prayer, "Lord GOD Almighty, I acknowledge that I have sinned against you and I ask you to forgive my sins, to wash me clean and cast my sins as far away from your memory as the east is from the west and remember them no more. Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart, mind, body and soul and to be in me as I am in you. Make me a new creation in You. Thank you, Lord, that I am now the righteousness of GOD in You, Jesus, that you took my sin and gave me your righteousness. Thank you, Jesus, that there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus and that I don't have to feel guilty anymore, I don't have to llisten to condemnation from anyone, and that in Christ, I have your favor. Thank you, Jesus, that you are my Savior and I pray that you help me to learn of you and to grow in you. Thank you, Jesus, that I will now have eternal life in You, Lord, and that I won't spend eternity in in Hades but with You, Lord, and with Your Father, the Lord GOD Almighty. I am so thankful, Lord. For it's in Your Name I pray, Lord. Amen!"Say that prayer -- mean it in your heart, mind, body and soul and you will be born again, become a child of GOD and a brother or sister to Christ Jesus. You see, everyone lives for eternity. The choice is where you spend eternity. You can spend it in heaven with Jesus, with those who have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior and with GOD, through praying that prayer, or you can spend it in hades, where you won't like your eternity. In heaven, is love, peace, joy, worship, praise, food, drink, many rooms, no more death, no more tears, etc. It's all YOUR choice. GOD doesn't choose for you. He LOVES YOU and sent His Son to die in your place. If that's not enough proof of His love for you, what is? What would it take for you to feel as though GOD has done enough to prove His love for you? Would there be anything good enough to prove GOD's love for you? Or are you just deteremined to spend eternity seperated from GOD -- the worst part of hell? It's your choice. It's your future. "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."Hank is in the midst of making his choice. What shall be yours? March 17, 2015   I admit to hoping and praying that Bibi Netanyahu WINS. I think he is best for Israel, for the stability of the region (we've seen what happens when weakness is in a position of power via themuslimvileone), for America and our relationship with Israel and for the world as a whole. Talk about a heavy weight upon one's shoulders, it's the person who leads Israel who has it. I can't imagine the horrors for the citizens -- especially the Jews -- of having a weak leader in Israel. I don't think that it would be good for anyone. March 17, 2015   "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."?Don't believe the "Earth resilience strategist" (what?). Believe in the Lord GOD Almighty who MADE this earth and who promised to supply our needs. That "Earth resilience strategist" who apparently decided that he knows better than GOD. GOD didn't say it's over. Don't believe it until you hear it from Him. March 17, 2015   March 17, 2015   Al Qaeda terrorist a government source? Yeow! "His name is Adnan G. El Shukrijumah (also known as “Javier Robles”) and for years he appeared on the FBI’s most wanted list. In December JW reported that, despite being sought by the FBI, Shukrijumah crossed back and forth into the United States from Mexico to meet fellow militant Islamists in Texas. In fact, he piloted an aircraft into the Cielo Dorado airfield in Anthony, New Mexico, according to JW’s law enforcement sources. In early December Shukrijumah was killed by the Pakistan Army in an intelligence-borne operation in South Waziristan."That's just wrong. The part that drops my jaw is that our government knew he was a bad, bad man, but that he was allowed to travel freely within America, allowed to come and go as he wished. That makes me feel so safe! (*sarcasm*) March 17, 2015   algore should run for prezidunce? So he can again be defeated? Okay. We can remind folks of all the LIES he has told . We can remind folks of all of the "errors" in his book and of his exaggerations. Okay. So he runs for prezidunce. He's not going to win. March 17, 2015   ketchup kerry blows a gasket. He was reacting to the letter from the 47 Senators to Iran over the treaty themuslimvileone is trying to get done. kerry called the letter "interference" and "unconstitutional". He basically goes on to say that the Iranian leader is trustworthy. He's not just wrong, he's stupid. What else can you call it? March 17, 2015   Cheney admits themuslimvileone is "playing the race card". Stating the obvious. March 17, 2015   The federal budget in pictures. You won't like it. March 17, 2015   Uhhhh.... No. hillclintOOn asking supporters to give her campaign workers room and board. They don't know anything about those campaign workers, so why should they open their homes, expose their children to strangers (some stranger than others, I'm sure) and allow those people to have access to their lives? Imagine what would happen if six months later the campaign worker was exposed as a blackmailer because that campaign worker found out the person who opened their home to them had gone into the master bedroom while the family was gone and found something kinky there? Would that be worth getting hillclintOOn elected? Or what if the campaign worker was found to be a pedophile and used the hillclintOOn campaign to get access to another victim? What then? I wouldn't do it. March 17, 2015   Federal clerks giving erroneous info. They're lying to the public. Notice that it's FEDERAL clerks, which means themuslimvileone's admin. Why does this not surprise me? March 17, 2015   "Race Baiting and Ferguson" reminds us that if it weren't for george "evil man" soros, themuslimvileone and eric holder the two cops in Ferguson would not have been shot. themuslimvileone is an awful human being because of what he's done to America and to race relations here. I hate what he's done. He really has done America a grave disservice. March 17, 2015   bonehead boehner tries to show a spine. Too bad he's got nothing. hillclintOOn's e-mail server will be brought out of her house only under federal court order via Judical Watch and not before. March 17, 2015   Feds WASTE $25 BILLION in wrongful payouts in 2014 ALONE. Add all of that to the rest of themuslimvileone's administration's rule (I mean the years of his preziduncy) and how much money has his admin WASTED? Want to pay your income taxes this year? March 17, 2015   themuslimvileone's omissions are a threat to U.S. safety. It's not as if he wants America safe anyways, so why is anyone surprised? March 17, 2015   Puerto Rico may pass vote law that could allow all people residing in Puerto Rico to vote. Currently, only citizens get to vote, but they may allow even undocumented aliens to vote in their elections for their leadership. What you may not realize (I know I didn't know it) is that Puerto Ricans have the right to vote in U.S. PRIMARIES but not in the general elections. They're not a state yet, and the last three votes they had on it were either unclear (most recent) or definitely NO. Now, there's a push on for Puerto Rico residents to be able to vote in the American General Elections -- WITHOUT them becoming part of the United STATES of America, which is clearly UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The residents there MUST BE PART OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in order to vote. A "territory" does not a State make. Will that stop themuslimvileone if he so decides to make it happen? I doubt it. He'll do anything to keep his power and they'll just add 3 million votes for the dumborats is the thought. Isn't that wunnerful? March 17, 2015   Well, I'll close for now. Sorry about missing yesterday. It was a crazy day. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 13, 2015: 12:01 a.m.: Friday the 13th, Oh, no!:   Sorry. Had to do it. Just wanted to post my Flag Friday pic for today. It's "Tribute To Our Heroes 208: By The Numbers". Thank you very much for your service! I can never say "Thank you!" enough! March 13, 2015: 12:16 p.m.   hillclintOOn LIED about only unclassified e-mails being sent. Okay. We know this administration LIES all the time, so what's new about it? We know that hillclintOOn has a LONG history of LYING. Look at Filegate, Travelgate, the list goes on and on and on. Now we have e-mailgate. So this admin and its cronies LIE. dumborats have been doing so for a very long time. Why would anyone be surprised by this? The RULE is: If their lips are moving they're lying. Or they're committing PERJURY. Usually, both. March 13, 2015   Speaking of LIARS in this administration, valerie jarrett claims 59 months of job growth under this administration. What's she smoking? The U6 unemployment rate has not shown growth for 59 momths and in order to have all that "job growth" do those jobs not require EMPLOYEES? No U6 drastic decrease equals NO job growth -- especially not 59 months' worth. IF there is "job growth" it's because of the federal government creating 73% of the new jobs and: "[T]he labor participation rate plummets to a thirty year low — which means we have fewer taxpayers — we’re not only increasing the number of taxpayer-funded jobs, but the government is using the creation of these jobs to juice the employment numbers in a way that makes it look as though the job situation is actually improving."That was in 2012, do the math. There are twelve months in every year, in 2012 the labor rate was at a thirty year low, so that fifty-nine (59) months of job growth would take the timeline back to almost FIVE YEARS AGO -- 2010. But in 2012 (well within the alleged 59 month job growth), the labor participation rate was at a THIRTY YEAR LOW. jarrett needs remedial math, or she's just -- here's that word again -- LYING. March 13, 2015   ketchup kerry LIES about ISIS casualty numbers. He is in this administration, so what else would you expect? March 13, 2015   themuslimvileone's "budget": "According to CBO’s current baseline projections, under current law, the federal deficit will be $486 billion in 2015 and the cumulative deficit over the 2016–2025 period will total $7.2 trillion. The deficit is projected to be 2.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015, to decline to 2.4 percent of GDP in 2016 and remain at about that level for the next two years, and then to increase relative to the size of the economy, reaching 3.8 percent of GDP in 2025. Federal debt held by the public, which amounted to 74 percent of GDP at the end of 2014, is projected to reach 77 percent of GDP in 2025; it was less than 50 percent of GDP in every year between 1957 and 2008."Honestly, it's so bad it looks like something done by the PSJ4T folks during the incorporation battle! It's set-up to try to make him look good but -- if the upcoming presidents stick to his budget -- to make them look bad. What a way to safeguard an already failed legacy! It includes: So he's cutting the funding for the military in Afghanistan, INCREASING OUR TAXES via eliminating donations (probably to charitable organizations -- YOUR TITHE TO YOUR CHURCH and other similar items) and CUTTING MEDICARE. With themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX pushing more and more people onto Medicare, what will happen to those folks pushed into Medicare when his budget kicks in? "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance" LIED themuslimvileone. Now the next big lie is "If you like your Medicare you can keep your Medicare"? March 13, 2015   republiRAT acts like dumboRAT. It happens. March 13, 2015   Gold not looking so good right now. I never got onto the "Buy GOLD!" bandwagon because I don't believe that I'm going to need it. I don't think that, in a crisis, gold will have the kind of wunnerful results some seem to think it will have. I don't think that it would retain its value anymore than anything else because it would be a bartering product like everything else, but who wants a chunk of gold when they've got a MRE, a tent, a whatever? I said then and I say now, if you're going to buy gold for the "emergency" situation, for the crash, the economic disasters forecast, buy wearable gold! Buy something that you can barter with so that the guy can give the wife an anniversary present that she can be happy with. A bar of gold you can't do much with; same with a coin. But a gold bracelet, ring, earrings, etc., she can wear that and be happy with it. If you're going to buy gold, make it something your wife can wear. That's good for today, tomorrow and the disaster if it ever happens. March 13, 2015   Pope says his papacy will be short. Good. Who needs a pope who says you don't need to believe in GOD to get to heaven? March 13, 2015   billybob clintOOn gets MILLIONS of YOUR dollars. Don't ya' love subsidizing the Sex-Addict-in-Cheat? March 13, 2015   FL House panel passes waiting period before killing baby. A waiting period in which the abortion seeker would have to consult a physician who would tell her the TRUTH about the baby's development and any pain the baby could feel at that stage of development is a GOOD thing. I SUPPORT THIS BILL. You should, too. Contact your FL House member and tell them to support HB 633 then do the same for your State Senator. It won't be on a ballot we can vote on, but just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or baby-killer. March 13, 2015   The IDIOT alan grayson wants to replace Rubio. I'm not a huge Rubio fan, you know that, but alan grayson being my Senator? I could not take that. Let's NOT let this happen. It would be a humiliation for Florida to have him as Senator and it would be a disgrace to all Conservatives who live here and allowed it to happen. This would be an embarrassing disaster for Florida that we would regret for DECADES to come. Let's not do this. Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or total, absolute moron. March 13, 2015   NRA investigating Grover Norquist's ties to Muslim Brohood. Good. They need to find the truth. I left the NRA years ago when they chose to not stand up for a Conservative Second Amendment supporting legislator because it "wasn't their focus" to stand for people but for the thing. That thing being the laws that govern us and the rules we live by. My reaction was wondering who they thought MADE those rules. But, I digress. It's about time the NRA starts looking at with whom they associate and the TRUTH of who they support and the facts surrounding their supporters. The NRA needs to realize that EVERY Conservative organization is open to infiltration by the progressives and that if they do not guard their organization there will be a takeover of that organization and it will be changed into exactly the opposite of what it was supposed to be, what its history proved it to be and what the membership wanted it to be prior to its being taken over by the left. The NRA has been ignoring that TRUTH for years. Now, maybe, they MAY BE realizing the need for caution and protecting what they've built. Let us hope so. March 13, 2015   Some reversals are GOOD. Like this one. March 13, 2015   Veteran's Admin. just as bad as ever despite budget increases and promises from themuslimvileone. If he cared about our vets he would do some overhauling of the leadership and put competent people in there instead of just his cronies. March 13, 2015   I agree: Kagan and Ginsburg should recuse themselves. They've publicly stated a bias in the "homosexual marriage" case and that precludes any presumption of impartiality. Thus, they should recuse. March 13, 2015   These governors should be kicked out of office immediately. Why? Because they're absolute idiots. March 13, 2015   Wow. He's messed up. I say "He" because that's what GOD made him. His DNA will show gender: MALE. Why should I lie about it? March 13, 2015   Well, that's enough for now. I may be a bit late in posting Monday. I have all kinds of things happening Monday so we'll see when/IF I get updates done. I will post my Minion Monday pic around midnight Sunday, so look for that, but otherwise, I may or may not get updates done. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 12, 2015: 2:54 p.m.   themuslimvileone, george soros and eric holder have the blood of these two cops on their hands. eric holder for "finding" that the Ferguson PD is racist (by whose standards, he didn't say). themuslimvileone for supporting the protests and for not standing for the rule of law. And george "evil man" soros for funding thirty (30!) protest groups in Ferguson. Therefore, I hold george "evil man" soros, eric holder and themuslimvileone responsible for the shooting of those two Ferguson cops. The three of them should be arrested immediately, charged with inciting to riot and accessory before the fact to attempted murder. Get the right jury and they'll be found guilty. It's not going to happen, but it SHOULD. March 12, 2015   Enjoying that mac and cheese? Let's hope so because you're going to be eating it for a while longer. After all, when themuslimvileone and his family want to go on vacation, we all know that we pay a LOT of money for their vacations and they like to go on a LOT of vacations so we just keep paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying and paying... You get the picture -- and the bill! March 12, 2015   Don't be scammed by fake IRS calls! Pay attention and realize that if the IRS is going to get money from you, they're going to do so in person, with proper I.D. and with an office to call you into because they don't like getting off their duffs to come and get you. They'll send an official notice and you can call the IRS to confirm the notice and all of that. NEVER use a phone number they provide if you suspsect a scam. Look the numbers up yourself, or contact your local IRS office and take the paperwork or your notes form a phone caall to the local office. NEVER give the caller your debit or credit card number, any information about your checking account or any personal information. IF they are truly from the IRS they'll already have all of the personal info they need and if they're from the IRS they'll be doing an audit of you BEFORE demanding any payments. Do not fall for the scam and if you do get a phone call from these sheisters (and creeps), take notes of what they are saying and notify the local law enforcement office and your local IRS office as soon as possible. March 12, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   It's still a nightmare. If there were any such thing as competency within the current administration, they'd take it out and throw it away thinking it was a foreign object, a space rock, or the smallest piece of garbage they have ever encountered and trashed. themuslimvileone's whole preziduncy has been a nightmare of wrongdoing, financial suicide (for America, while he's been raking in millions from ...?), and wrong-headed policies that lead to Ferguson police being shot with the support, aid and comfort of themuslimvileone, eric holder and george "evil man" soros. Now, the scotus ordered lower court to take another look at Notre Dame case against this piece of garbage. Since the Hobby Lobby case came down and kinda' reversed the first look the lower court had taken at it, it's time to look again. The people will struggle to figure out the tax implications of this crud. I can understand people struggling with it. It hasn't been easy to deal with. Some folks will have to repay the subsidy they received and others may now get a subsidy (to pay back next tax season?). It's a red hot mess and it should have never been done. Let us pray the scotus does the right thing and does away with it altogether. March 12, 2015   March 12, 2015   USPS collecting vehicle license plates and facial recognition data. Why? I don't know. I'd like to know why, wouldn't you? Did you know that the USPS was collecting data on who you send mail to? "Our discovery of this camera program comes just months after the U.S. Postal Service was forced to reveal (during a Congressional hearing) that it was videotaping and storing the address and return information from billions of pieces of mail at its distribution centers. [my bolding]"Why are they doing that? To establish a trail of guilt via association. If you sent someone or an organization who was later "guilty" of something or another then they can associate you with that person or organization and come after you, too. That's the only reason I can think of for the government to be recording to whom you are sending (and from whom you are receiving) mail. Don't you love how much themuslimvileone is SPYING ON YOU? March 12, 2015   As suspected, themuslimvileone is george "evil man" soros's puppet when it comes to Net "Neutrality" and all that is denied in it to freedom loving Americans. Anyone surprised? george soros is against freedom for anyone except himself, his friends and a few usefule idiots who will bow and scrape in order to be part of those who stay in power after they destroy America. Net "Neutrality's" rule book is 313 pages of george soros's evil plans to take away your voice. The rules are NOT "neutral". Title II allows [the FCC] to take measures such as setting retail rates and even mandating that providers lease (or “unbundle”) portions of their networks to competitors. So the federal government is going to be telling companies how much to charge you for internet service? Don't ya' love it? Read the whole thing: Net "Neutrality" rules. March 12, 2015   Congressman supporting unborn babies faces persecution from anti-baby groups and his fellow GOPers. How ridiculous is that? March 12, 2015   Secret Service has a black eye of its own making. Oh, my. Competence rules in themuslimvileone's administration at every level. March 12, 2015   I've been doing a project and have another in mind so I'm going to stop for today. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 11, 2015: 7:41 p.m.   You can't trust the A.P. They stage pictures, change the TRUTH into a LIE and call things what they are not. A Hamas jihadi commander became a "Hamas policeman". That's a flat out lie. If you can't trust the Associated Press they should go out of business. They're the ones providing stories to places like the Washington Post, Florida Toady [sic], etc. Now, every time you see an AP story, why not just skip it since you know it's going to be full of lies and deceptions anyways? March 11, 2015: 1:39 p.m.   I saw a bird in my backyard yesterday that I haven't a clue as to what it is. I've looked through my Stokes book and can't figure it out. Are you any good at figuring out birds? This beginning birder would appreciate it if you could tell me "What is this bird?" I'm stumped. March 11, 2015   hillclintOOn e-mails:   She didn't do herself any favors that's for certain. All she's done is play the "I was baking cookies for my daughter" card and she's failing at it. People don't believe her and she's being mocked even by the msm. She is her own worst enemy. It only gets worse for her. After all, she did leak Israel's plans to stop Iran's nuclear weapons build-up from her personal e-mail account. If that's not doing the wrong thing, what is? Was it "classified info"? Maybe not to her, but to Israel it probably was. Also in that link, Col. (Ret.) Allen B. West gives you the chapter and verse of the law hillclintOOn broke. It is: "18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally Current through Pub. L. 113-296, except 113-287, 113-291, 113-295. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)"Yep. She did break the laws. She is in a heap of trouble. Or at least, she should be. Now, the AP is suing her over the e-mails, and Judicial Watch filed suit a few days ago, link somewhere below. If the AP is looking closer I wonder if the worm is turning. She also used "unauthorized" ipad and iphone even though she was warned not to. Sounds to me like even themuslimvileone can't control her. Oh, well. Isn't that just what we need? Now, they're trying to find out if themuslimvileone has a private e-mail account that he's been using to conduct government business. I think it's possible -- probable -- that he does. After all, themuslimvileone has no laws he must obey, nothing is beyond him and he answers to no one. Why not break yet another law? March 11, 2015   A cool little change of pace for a moment. Wow. That's like creating Star Trek DS9's Odo. Very cool. March 11, 2015   Utah's death sentence "firing squad" possiblity. Sounds to me like they mean business. Be good out there! March 11, 2015   Pray for the familes, friends and co-workers of the Marines and soldiers lost in this crash. My heart goes out to all of them. March 11, 2015   What? Really? Is he serious? "Christian" college's president says "[H]e finds it 'sad that people use religion and idolatry of the Bible to demoralize same-gender-loving people.' [my italics]"He's the president of American Baptist College in Nashville, Tennessee and he thinks that people who believe in and follow the Bible -- those who practice what it teaches -- are using "idolatry of the Bible"? Really? Is he that PC or just stupid? The Bible tells us how GOD feels about homosexuality. If we are "made in the image and likeness of GOD" then following His Word is a good idea. That president should be fired immediately. March 11, 2015   Military chaplain "best of best" now battles for his job. Wht happened? That seems to be the universal question: "A Navy chaplain is under threat of potentially losing his career following a round of complaints from sailors over the faith-based counseling that he reportedly provided, with officers claiming that he spoke out against homosexuality and sex outside of marriage, among other issues."He touched one of the lefts' holy grails and counselled against it. Tsk. Tsk. That's just not allowed anymore. You're not allowed to say "No." to homosexuality. March 11, 2015   ketchup kerry says Congres can't change deal with Iran. I don't think he's read the U.S. Constitution lately. I showed you yesterday that Article II Section 2 gives the Senate the right to "veto": "He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: [my bolding]"So where does ketchup kerry get off telling them they can't do that? He's so wrong. Now, there's a movement to have those Senators arrested just because they stood up for their CONSTITUTIONALLY ASSIGNED DUTIES and the Senators have done the right thing but themuslimvileone's sycophants are kissing his backside to keep him smiling and his golf game good. March 11, 2015   Lefties like deleting e-mails and they don't seem to have a problem hiding the truth via doing so. The laws that say not to do that? Who cares? They're lefties. They don't have to obey the law. March 11, 2015   March 11, 2015   Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Mother Jones is losing it. "'Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner,' the venerable leftist publication bleated. 'Dogmatic adherence to mealtimes is anti-science, racist, and might actually be making you sick.'"I don't know if I should be hearing Twilight Zone music or Rush's update theme, "They're coming to take me away, haha!" Either way, Mother Jones is a long way from reality. March 11, 2015   Al Sharpton burns his records instead of deleting his e-mails like hillclintOOn. It's so convenient that the fires just happened to destroy the records, isn't it? It lacks even the slightest hint of truth. March 11, 2015   Gambling your taxpayer dollars seems to be so common nowadays that it's almost a yawn line. That's just wrong! You work hard for your money. Why is it that the federal government -- themuslimvileone -- seems to think that your hard work is NOT for you to spend the resulting payment of, but for themuslimvileone to spend -- and gamble -- as he so desires. Why do any of us bother anymore? March 11, 2015   If themuslimvileone is not gambling your money, he's giving it to illegals. Don't ya' love that? They'll receive social security credit for coming in and breaking our laws by entering illegally, they'll get tax refund money, and they'll get social security credit for working illegally here in America. Isn't that wunnerful, wunnerful? March 11, 2015   No more police ticket quotas in Waldo, FL. I wonder if they have those around here? What thinks you? BTW, the speed traps will continue, so watch your speedometer when you go through Waldo. March 11, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   "Every Muslim who is honest would say, I would like to see America become a Muslim country". Not going to happen. Not going to happen. The Jihad against Israel being taken to another level. There was a recent ISIS killing that featured French militants killing a man. One of those murderers was a teenager. How can anyone teach their child to kill? How heartless is that? ISIS is also destroying history. How tolerant. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I think that it's possible that Islam does not want to learn from history because history teaches that they LOSE. It teaches that people don't want to be put under their thumb and that people who love FREEDOM FIGHT BACK! March 11, 2015   Aaaaaahhh... public schools:   Teacher arrested, charged with assaulting student. That's not okay. It's never okay. What's worse, though, is the teacher who has sexually assaulted three of his students! Who are school systems hiring nowadays and WHY? There are way too many stories of teachers having sex with their students. Sexually explicit poetry being read to students in class (NSFW OR CHILDREN) to buying drugs on school property public schools are getting worse and more dangerous for your children. Homeschool your kids, folks. It's safer and better for them. March 11, 2015   I'll close for today. Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 10, 2015: 8:58 a.m.   hillclintOOn e-mail:   Faccebook comments go negative on hillclintOOn. Like Facebook comments matter? If it was a week before the election maybe I'd be impressed. Right now, twenty-one months out? Who cares? Maybe Her Ego-ness does, but really? Yes, she's allegedly going to announce next month, but if this scandal doesn't prevent her announcement why would it affect her running? She's using the same playbook as themuslimvileone, saying she wants to bring everyone together. Oooohhhh. We've heard all that before and it was a LIE then, too. She no more wants to bring everyone together than did the current LIAR In Cheat. Let us see what the future holds because there are more scandals in the wings waiting to be brought to the fore, and then there's themuslimvileone claiming he didn't know until he saw it on the news. Riiiigggghhhhht. She could be facing criminal charges but what are the chances the republiRATS will have the spines to do anything of the sort? If cowards like bonehead boehner, mitch mcCONnell, etc., have any say in the matter, this, too, shall go unpunished. dumboRATS are dictators because republiRATs don't have the spines to prevent them from being so. March 10, 2015   JW sues the Dept. of Homeland [IN]Security for their records of the illegal aliens who are confirmed criminals (aren't all of them criminals due to the fact that they BROKE THE LAW coming across our borders ILLEGALLY?) but themuslimvileone released them into America anyways. Good for JW. At least Conservatives have outside organizations like Judicial Watch who have the SPINES to stand up for America. I'm so thankful to have them. Without them there would be nothing happening to the lefties/progressives/libs who break the law left, right and center. March 10, 2015   March 10, 2015   6.5 MILLION Social Security numbers for people over 112 years old. In the whole world, there are only thirty-five (35) people that old and older. In America, we have six and-a-half million (MILLION!) SSNs still active and available for FRAUD for people over 112 years-old. It's ridiculous. "Between the years 2006 and 2011, some 70,000 of these outdated SSNs were used to procure $3.1 billion in earnings. One specific SSN turned up 613 times on different wage reports, according to the IOG."So how much of your taxpayer dollars whent to pay for SS fraud? My bet is A LOT! March 10, 2015   Scientists using organs from aborted babies. They're not just using the organs, they're transplanting the organs into RATS. That's sick. March 10, 2015   bumbler biden wants to give $1 BILLION to Central America. We're in debt to the tune of $18+ TRILLION and he wants to give a BILLION DOLLARS away? No. Let Central America figure it out on their own. Let's keep American money in America for a while. We need to focus here at home before we start doing big givewaways. March 10, 2015   Rahm hurting. Even Jesse Jackson has dumped him. Ouch! March 10, 2015   Since when did themuslimvileone have "moral authority"? In order to have ANY "moral authority" you have to start with HAVING MORALS and themuslimvileone HAS NONE! So what "authority" could he ever have had? March 10, 2015   Icebergs wash up on Cape Cod. So cool. (No pun intended.) I wanna' go! March 10, 2015   hillclintOOn and jebbybebby seen as "Old News"? Good. They are not what America needs right now. We can do -- and SHOULD DO -- much better. March 10, 2015   Media bias, anyone? New York Daily News' front page labels repulicans "Traitors". The republicans wrote a letter to Iran telling the leadership there that without their approval the deal with themuslimvileone is off because the Senate has final say over treaties, per the U.S. Constitution Aritcle II Section 2: "He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. [my bolding]"The Senate has the final say. That's the U.S. Constitution. For the New York Daily News to call them TRAITORS because they choose to NOT SUPPORT themuslimvileone allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons is ridiculous. They're acting constitutionally and correctly. How on earth is that treason? March 10, 2015   U.S. military looking for treatments for our troops. It's good that they're planning to help as many severely wounded as possible even with amazing new treatments. Who would have thought twenty years ago that a full face transplant would have been possible? March 10, 2015   republiRATS asking scotus to condone gay marriage. So what if they're going against their Party Platform? That doesn't matter. It's all about PC. March 10, 2015   Hypocrisy, anyone? Gabby Giffords' hubby FAILED background check that he wants gun purchasers to have to go through. Her hubby also fudged the truth in the video he made of the incident. Shock. Surprise. March 10, 2015   Twilight Zone: "woman's voice" helped save daughter. Problem is, the Mom was already dead in the car but the cops say they heard a woman's voice calling them for help. The Lord works in mysterious ways. March 10, 2015   Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) may vote to condone "homosexual marriage". Why bother calling your organization a "Christian" organization if you're not going to follow the Christian Bible that Christians believe is the Word of GOD? Why bother? I strongly suggest that Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) -- if they do vote to go homosexual -- start calling themselves Presbyterian Church, "Homosexual Marriage" Condoning, U.S.A. That way people can choose whether to go to that church before being surprised by the lack of biblical accuracy in the teachings. BTW, why is it that the majority of Protestant religions become "homosexual marriage" endorsing entities? The Protestant religions (all churches who still "believe in the Holy Catholic Church") (Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, Episcopal, Methodists (and some include Wesleyan but their profession does not include the "Holy Catholic Church") have branches that endorsed -- or are considering endorsing -- "Homosexual Marriage". Is there something about Protestantism that makes it happen? March 10, 2015   Good News! Young women are waking up to the LIES of abortion supporters. A baby is not a "fetus" it's a BABY. A baby is not a "lump of tissue", it's a BABY. A baby is not a "leach" it's a BABY. "The abortion lobby knows it is in trouble. A few years ago, when NARAL president Nancy Keenan stepped down from her position, she was shocked at the youth of the March for Life participants, saying, 'There are so many of them, and they are so young.' She should have seen the March this year. The number of young men and women was overwhelming."Good! Praise the Lord! People are waking up to the LIES and are finding the TRUTH themselves. They look online and find the video, Silent Scream (NSFW or CHILDREN). Babies' lives matter. They have done nothing wrong. They had nothing to do with their own conception, so if they were conceived via rape or incest, it's NOT THEIR FAULT so why punish (sentence them to death) them for being conceived? They are not the one who did the bad thing, why should they pay the price? If your Dad raped someone should YOU be put in prison for it? No? Then why punish a baby for its father's rape of the mother? The mother has gone through enough, why should she be encouraged to go through the pain, horror, regret, depression, etc. that are the side effects of abortion? March 10, 2015   I'll close for now. Pray for America and a great revival to sweep across this land and that GOD will forgive our sins and that He will heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and healing. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected our next president. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing, and for his family. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please. Thank you for reading and GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 9, 2015: 3:28 p.m.   It's Monday! You know that I gotta' give you a smile to start your week. So, I give you Minion Monday: Hank Learns French. Hank, Frank, Rank and George are going to France in April. I can't really say what they're going to do there, but I hope they have a great time. He has promised to bring me a souvenir. We'll see what happens. March 9, 2015   clintOOns: pay to play? Would it surprise anyone? Haven't billyboy and hillclintOOn always loved money? Every ounce of their beings loves money, wants money, worships wealth. Remember when they were accepting illegal donations while in the White House? Yeah. Or, how about when, a year before they left the White House, they started stealing the antiques from the White House? They didn't have the RIGHT to take those things, they belonged to the PEOPLE OF AMERICA, but they took them so that they could LOOK RICH without having to PAY FOR IT THEMSELVES. Tell me you don't suspect that some of those missing e-mails don't prove hillclintOOn did something wrong/illegal. If she were not planning on having something to hide in the first place -- her fundraising activities, her personal relationships, her activities as Secretary of State, whatever -- why buy a server, have it installed into your own home, register it and the domain name under a fraudulent name, use aliases for your e-mail addresses, not speak of it publicly, provide e-mail addresses to only a few close advisers who also had an e-mail there, and why not deliver all of the e-mails requested when the FOIA requests came in? If she was planning on TRANSPARENCY, why go through all of that effort? She not only hid things from the public and the government, but she PLANNED TO DO SO ALL ALONG! The server purchase and installation into her house proves that! If you're NOT PLANNING to HIDE things, then why buy a server? Why not just use what is available as others before and after her have done? Her activities PROVE HER GUILT. There is NO DOUBT about that. She should be arrested immediately, charged with many things -- obstruction, breaking the records laws, whatever else they can -- and tried for her crimes. I am sure if the facts were used and she wasn't given special treatment, she would go to prison for at least a few years, maybe more depending upon what they find on her server. BTW, they can also subpoena the e-mails from all of the people she corresponded with, from the administration, from the servers used by them, and they can subpoena any cached items that the other servers out there have. The info is out there. The question is, are the clintOOns no longer "hands-off" enough to allow that to happen, or are they still "special" to the lefties/progressives/libs? Will they stand by her come hades or high water, or will this be the final straw on the camel's back? Remember, she didn't realize BENGHAZI was going to happen when she set this up, but it really did help her cover her own tracks so very well when it did happen! March 9, 2015   JW sends new FOIA requests to clintOOn for e-mails. I wonder when the server is going to be taken into "protective custody" to protect hillclintOOn from being held accountable for anything? Once themuslimvileone's admin gets ahold of that thing, it's gone. It disappears and no one can ever get their mitts on anything that's on it, legal or illegal activities and all records of them, gone. Would themuslimvileone help hillclintOOn like that? Watch and see. It's a fifty-fifty proposition without hillclintOOn using blackmail on themuslimvileone, thratenting to disclose the dirt she has on him (yes, that's the way she works; finding dirt on people and using it to get her way). What does she have on themislimvileone is the question? March 9, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   CBO: premiums spike, but not as high as expected. Right. Until next time they look at the numbers when it will be doubled. Things change from the CBO. To paraphrase the Wizard of Oz, "Numbers come and go so quickly around here!" March 9, 2015   mcCONnell wants to raise debt limit. I want mcCONnell outta' here! He really should have been defeated in the last election. What were Kentuckians thinking? What did he promise people -- lie to them about -- to get their votes? Aren't they tired of his RINOism yet? If I were a Kentuckian I'd have voted for the other guy just to say "In your face, mcCONnell!" March 9, 2015   More Middle Eastern countries fear themuslimvileone's acquiescense to Iran's nuke desires. Rightly so. Their populations will be most at risk for annhiliation from Iran's bombs. After all, when people with a desire to kill everyone who is not exactly like them (Sunni Muslim, instead of Shiite Muslim), the folks first to go will be probably not be Israel (although I could be wrong) it will be the other sects within Islam. They've already used chemical weapons against other Muslims, not just recently, there has been a "systematic" use of chemical weapons in Syria. Sounds to me like they hate each other more than they hate the "infidels". What an amazing organization. March 9, 2015   A good reason to have your concealed carry permit. If they're going to start something here on our soil, WE'RE going to finish it! We will not let Islam threaten our safety again. If they start their terrorism here, we'll stand up to them and we'll stop as many attacks as humanly possible. If the administration won't WE, THE PEOPLE, WILL. America is America and we shall not be overthrown! We will not roll over and we will NOT be made to kowtow to the likes of idiots with bombs, swords, guns, whatever, and the call, "Allahu Akbar!" on their lips! Try something and an armed civilian will take you out! March 9, 2015   Good cops. I love seeing cops do stuff like this. This is good community relations. I bet those cops felt really good for the rest of the day after helping that guy get something to eat. March 9, 2015   Well, I'm gonna' stop there for today. My computer must have started up with a hiccup today because it's been a fight to get it to cooperate with doing updates. So, pray for America and a great revival to sweep across this land and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal this land. Pray for our troops and their safety and that GOD will put His hand over each of them. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's healing and release. Pray that GOD will stop themuslimvileone in his tracks. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected in 2016. Pray for Israel and her protection. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 6, 2015: 12:22 a.m.   It's Flag Friday (just barely). You know that means that it's time for a "Tribute To Our Heroes 207: A Single 'Hello!'" Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! March 6 2015: 10:22 a.m.   I found a very interesting series of articles about so called "dark money" at Watchdog.org. The first article was of particular interest (although all were interesting and educational) because of the incorporation battle here in PSJ a dozen years ago. That article, ‘Invalid’ dark money rules threaten grassroots politics, is well worth a read. The other articles, available here, are also worth a read. If you've ever considered getting involved in any ballot issue, supporting any candidate, or getting involved in any other kind of political issue you need to read these articles. They tell us how the left is using rules set up to control the government have been turned around to control us. Some politicians are sneaky that way. March 6, 2015   Facebook punishes free political speech -- of a 12 year-old! Facebook kisses themuslimvileone's butt is the lesson learned. You see, all children -- especially black children -- should be loving and wanting to be themuslimvileone by now. The fact that the "offender" is a black Conservative male is so offensive to the left that they probably made waves until Facebook caved to the pressure. Free speech is not allowed in the black community if you're going to say anything negative about themuslimvileone, and to do so at such a young age proving that you are capable of thinking for yourself and of having differing opinions than some of those surrounding you is anathema to the left. It makes no sense to them. How dare that young black man have something to say besides praise for themuslimvileone who is doing his utmost to make all people "equal" and to make "them" pay for what "the man" has done to the black people? How dare that young black man not bow and kiss the backside of themuslimvileone? Put that young man back into his place and punish him until he daren't speak out again! Teach him a lesson! That's the attitude of the left. That's the attitude of Facebook. If it weren't why would he be locked out? Free speech in America only applies to the left/progressive/liberal side. If a Conservative wants free speech the first words out of his mouth had better be, "I was wrong." Well, lefties/progressives/liberals, I've got two words for you, "FREE SPEECH". Well, I'll add another two, "Too bad." March 6, 2015   U6 unemployment rate: 11%. Why is it that I seriously doubt that lower unemployment rate number? (Do you realize that there are now 92,898,000 Americans NOT in the work force?) I suspect that the number will be revised -- UP, of course -- in a few months. That's after themuslimvileone's poll numbers are good enough to keep the republiRATS afraid of his numbers. You see, the higher themuslimvileone's poll numbers the more afraid bonehead boehner and mitch mcCONnell are of him. So the unemployment numbers have to stay low long enough for themuslimvileone's approval poll numbers to go up so that the spineless republiRATS will cave to his every whim. Want proof? Low poll numbers equals shadow of a spine in bonehead. His poll numbers are currently higher than the lowest numbers seen for him and even though people see themuslimvileone as unpatriotic and dishonest the republiRATS still fear those numbers and fear making the people who allegedly gave him those numbers angry at Congress. Thus, they kowtow and kiss butt and do whatever they can to be nice to the man who is destroying America. Spines: everyone in a leadership position in the House or Senate needs one. If not that, then maybe we could put them in a full body cast and they'd be held upright instead of being the quivering bowls of half-melted Jell-O® they are currently. March 6, 2015   hillclintOOn e-mails:   She's still counting on her cohorts in the msm to bail her out. They're looking for one of two things: a way to prove she's innocent of any and all wrongdoing, or a way to say she's guilty as sin but not look like they believe it personally. That way, they can kiss her backside and still be invited to the parties and stay on her "friends" list. For the msm it's a win/win situation if they play this correctly. hillclintOOn is such a hypocrite that she uses a private server and private e-mail while she banned her employees from using private e-mails. For those of you who may not understand how this works (my readers are incredibly intelligent, so there aren't many), let me explain. A "server" is a big bank of hard drives in a rack all connected up and stored in a room and that's where all websites, e-mails and anything else set up for that particular server is kept. You know those pesky IP numbers: 123.456.78.9 is what they look like, and that's like the street address for the server that stores the stuff for say, "QuickKoalaComputerKuackery.com" is stored. So her server, registered as being at her house, is breaking State Dept. rules and keeping secrets from the United States as a whole; including themuslimvileone's administration! What if she was planning to throw him under the bus (no, not literally -- yet) in one of the scandals she knows is upcoming? Wouldn't he have liked to have known about that? So far, she's played loyal little soldier, but will that last, and shouldn't he want to know if it won't? That info could be in those e-mails. This administration should allow her no cover because they have no idea what it is she's covering. Not that I'm any fan of this administration (as you know by now), but it's something they really should think about. Or, they can pay the prices for them covering for her; and it could be multiple prices. Let us hope. March 6, 2015   Illegal Immigrant Invasion:   themuslimvileone pushes for amnesty by THIS MONDAY. I pray that the judge rules against this. Pray for that judge to do the CONSTITIONAL thing and deny themuslimvileone's request. Also, he wants to give them CITIZENS' RIGHTS which includes the RIGHT TO VOTE. Pray. March 6, 2015   War on women: 56,023,000 women NOT in work force. themuslimvileone's administration has been "warring on women" for a long time. Their wages are still lower in his administration than a man's pay. In fact, women earn 23% LESS than men who work for themuslimvileone. Yep. themuslimvileone hates women. Otherwise, he'd have allowed hillclintOOn to win the nomination, would NOT support Islam and their burka-enforcing, raping ways, would not encourage his wifeypoo to make a fool of herself with her lack of "nutrition program". He's not involved in his daughter's college search. He hasn't a leg to stand on when it comes to the alleged "war on women" by Conservatives. It's a farce and he knows it. Problem is, his LIES are his truth. There is no other way to understand him. March 6, 2015   Lie down with dogs, get up with protection? March 6, 2015   I left the Republican Party in 2008 because I saw that they were going down the drain and I wasn't going to go with them. Now, they've proven the drain was a flush. Turn the vent fan on. March 6, 2015   clintOOns profited off of Haitians' suffering. billybob clintOOn allegedly headed some of the relief effort but was a failure. So much so that: "'Mr. Clinton is persona non grata in much of the country due to the dismal results of his involvement.'"BTW, hillclintOOn's brother profited off of a "rare" deal and is now raking it in. Sounds to me like they're up to their normal ways. As long as they get to walk away with money in their pockets, freebies of some sort or real monetary benefit, they're in! March 6, 2015   Coming up: more forced abortions on Chinese women. I think that's an abomination. It's just wrong to kill a baby. It's wrong. March 6, 2015   Don't let your kids go to college in CA. They teach vehement hatred of America, apparently. The students' actions prove it. March 6, 2015   Twenty men in Afghanistan try to understand how women feel. They donned burqas and walked through the streets. Hm. Twenty. It's better than none (and very brave since they could probably face the death penalty for wearing women's clothing: and a burqa is just that), but wouldn't it have been nice to have seen thousands wanting to help their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, girlfriends, aunts, etc.? Wouldn't it have meant something if the number had been much, much bigger? Twenty? Brave but ineffectual. March 6, 2015   How did 100,000 illegals get amnesty docs EARLY? That's what a TX Attorney General wants to know. I agree with him. I want to know that, too. Oh, sorry. It's just themuslimvileone exercising his "Executive Orders" (read DICTATORIAL POWERS) again. Excuse moi! March 6, 2015   March 6, 2015   I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This is what we have in charge nowadays? Really? March 6, 2015   I'm going to close with that for now. Pray for a revival to sweep across this great land. Pray for our troops. Pray for Israel's peace aand protection. Pray for GOD to forgive America's sins. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept the Lord as their Savior. Pray for GOD to stop themuslimvileone in his tracks. Pray for a STRONG CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected in 2016. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing; and pray for others like him. Pray for each other and for me! Until next time, GOD Bless America and You! See ya'! March 5, 2015: 11:58 a.m.   What does this say about the woman's priorities: pastor's wife works at abortion clinic. Sounds to me like the Almighty to her is the dollar bill: babies' lives in exchange for. How disgusting is that? Maybe that church should reconsider who they've hired to lead them. After all, he was the person dropping her off there! (BTW, their son works there, too.) Cashing in on babies' deaths. How godly. (*SARCASM*) March 5, 2015   ONE new amnesty compound to cost us at least $484 MILLION. If they want to come to America, they should be forced to do it legally, obeying all of the requirements of the EXISTING LAW, and not costing us a boatload of money. My ancestors came over legally and when they did, they had to struggle with the rest of the immigrants. That's the right way to do it. themuslimvileone is doing things to destroy America and using emigrants to do so. When their eyes are opened to this fact, I wonder if their dreams of an American lifestyle will be dashed because they've been brought over and lied to and because they are here their dream is gone. What will they do then? Will they head back home, blame the current administration (those that are allegedly after themuslimvileone), or will they protest and destroy things and hurt people, furthering the destruction of America? Your guess is as good as mine there. March 5, 2015   hillclintOOn e-mails:   The House issues subpoenas for them, as does Judicial Watch and there's a tweet that she tweeted she wants them released. In her own words. What's surprising is that no one is believing that lie. Not even those on her side. Well, there are those who still kiss her backside. Of course, themuslimvileone didn't know anything about this. There have been others who have suffered the consequences of this sort of action. Will hillclintOOn face the same consequences and be fired, also? Or will she get the special treatment the left has always lavished upon the clintOOns? Considering the reactions so far, I'm thinking she'll at least get a slap on the hand. A tiny slap, but at least a slap. March 5, 2015   clintOOn Foundation paid women 63˘ for each dollar they paid men and the top eight positions were filled by men. Yep. She's sooooooo pro-woman that she paid women 72˘ on the dollar to her female Senate Staffers, and her foundation's paying women even less. That's a very pro-woman woman, is it not? March 5, 2015   NO!!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!
We don't need algore to run as the dumboRAT... Well, maybe we should encourage that. After all, he did invent the internet: March 5, 2015   I wish I lived up north right now. I'm so jealous. I do pray for the folks up there who are having difficulties because of the snow, though. There are power outages, highway closings, planes having difficulties and it's generally miserable for some. I hope for their sakes that things get better for them and that all those in difficulties now will get through it safe and sound. Me? I'd be out there playing in it all day long. I wish. March 5, 2015   Lynch in limbo. Well, lah-ti-dah. We know she had a hand in the HSBC sweetheart deal and that she is "soft" on political corruption (who better for themuslimvileone to answer to then?). So I'm glad the vote has been delayed. Maybe it'll be delayed so long she'll say "Never mind!" (Pipe dream, I know.) March 5, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin kicking prayer and pastors out of Capitol. That's Christian prayers and Christian pastors. Islamic prayers and Imams will be allowed, no doubt. March 5, 2015   Lake Worth, FL, city government harassing Christian church. Fort Worth, FL's city government is acting like a communist government and it has already forced some of the local churches to PAY for a "business license" and is sending city employees to SPY on one particular church! Where are the surrounding areas' churches protesting and participating in helping Fort Worth's churches? Where is the outcry!? Get ANGRY about this! This is WRONG! If you're a Christian, Write to the City Council and tell them what you think of their Marxist Nazi actions! March 5, 2015   Sending your child to college, or considering going yourself? Here's a list of the 10 MOST Anti-Semitic colleges in America. Do NOT go to those colleges. Anti-semitism is WRONG and it's not acceptable in any college to any degree. March 5, 2015   NR asks the NYT, "If gays are offended to Christians have rights?" The National Review's article is very good and should be read. March 5, 2015   See? I told you so. March 5, 2015   Well, I'm going to stop for now. I've been working on crocheting my Mom a present and I need to work on that and do a few other things. I don't see all that much else to comment on today. Not that there isn't more out there, just that I don't feel like doing more right now. So, I'll go. Pray for America and a revival. Pray for GOD's forgiveness of our sins. Pray for our troops and their quick return and safety. Pray that the lefties will be held accountable for their wrongdoing -- including themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn. Pray for Israel's safety and success. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray for peace. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for each other and for me, please. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! March 4, 2015: 10:56 a.m.   themuslimvileone:   He's warning Prime Minister Netanyahu not to talk about the Iran details. "Don't let people know how bad I am, how incompetent! Don't you dare! I'll pout!" is basically what he's saying. Netanyahu, as a world leader, is allowed to talk about whatever he darn well pleases as long as it doesn't involve national security or something he has already agreed to NOT reveal. How dare themuslimvileone tell the Prime Minister of another nation to NOT talk about anything? How presumptuous. How superior. How typical. Can you tell how much themuslimvileone loves Israel by the way he reacted to Netanyahu's speech? If that doesn't speak volumes, how about the fact that he threatened to shoot down Israeli jets? I think it's amazing that themuslimvileone is endangering the whole world by enabling Iran to get nuclear weapons. His plan not only endangers Israel, but in endangers everyone else in the world who will eventually be threatened by Iran as they try to establish the caliphate. themuslimvileone's actions speak louder than his words. March 4, 2015   Read the TRUTH about a PC complaint. It's not "racism" at all. The TRUTH is totally different than the PC scare-mongers want you to believe. March 4, 2015   hillclintOOn used a private e-mail and private server while she was Secretary of State. That's not only illegal, it's a security risk, an end run around the ability for others to "FIND THE TRUTH!" and it's making even some on her side say that maybe she shouldn't run for president: "Because she doesn't seem ready for 2016. Like a blast of wintry air in July, the worst of 1990s-style politics is intruding on what needs to be a new millennium campaign: Transparent, inspirational, innovative, and beyond ethical reproach."Um. "[T]he worst of 1990s-style politics"? Her hubby was, as the story points out, in office 1993 to 2001. So the "worst of" is her hubby. Sorry, but I have been wondering why it has taken so long for the lefties/progressives/libs to come to that conclusion: billyboyclintOOn was the "worst". Note that I said "was". We now have in office someone even worse than billyboyclintOOn. That's pretty bad. Look at the succession of dumboRAT presidents, from the 1960s until now, we've had:
March 4, 2015   March 4, 2015   NYC schools to close for Muslim holidays. How is that right? We are a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles, by Christian men: acknowledged as such until the last forty years. Now NYC schools are going to be closing for Muslim holidays? Why? March 4, 2015   bonehead boehner isn't good for republiRATS. He ignores what the majority of them want and support and gets things done by going to the dumboRATS to get their votes. He's a RINO and a fraud. He needs to be dethroned. He needs to go. March 4, 2015   This breaks my heart. I love koala bears and to see that the Australian government had 700 of them killed is just insane, IMHO. Why didn't they offer those koalas to zoos around the world? In America there aren't many zoos with koalas so why not send the koalas to zoos? It would have been a MUCH better solution than to kill 700 of them. That's so sad. March 4, 2015   Air Marshalls leaving in droves. They don't like the pressure, they don't like being exposed to public scrutiny (and their sexual exploits being revealed) and they are leaving passengers vulnerable. That's not a good thing. March 4, 2015   I have to stop here. There's a fraudulent pop-up saying there's a problem and it's not going away. I have to fix that. Pray for America, Israel, our troops, revival, peace, and freedom. Pray for each other and me, please. GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! March 3, 2015: 9:38 a.m.   Missed yesterday due to my son coming over and spending the day with me. Had a great time, learned a new craft (well, the basic steps to it; not mastered yet) and talked and laughed and laughed some more. That's why I missed the updates: busy with family. Family will always come first here. That's just the way GOD made me. So, let's start the day today with what I didn't get to post yesterday: "Minion Monday: Hank Celebrates Dr. Seuss's Birthday". Hank has been a fan of Dr. Seuess since he moved in (almost) and he was very excited about celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday yesterday. He even bought a new hat for it. March 3, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin is just tryting to make things worse. They're throwing gasoline on a fire and claiming innocence. If they weren't trying to irritate the Israel/America situation then why on earth would they be doing this? Also, why is themuslimvileone not standing with Israel? He hates Israel because he is a Muslim. That's the answer. He's not a friend of Israel. He's an enemy of Israel. March 3, 2015   LOL! LOL! LOL! Good for him! Bad for the clintOOns, but good for the artist. Get the truth in there and let the chips fall where they may. On another clintOOn track, hillclintOOn may have violated federal rules while she was Secretary of State and not kept her e-mail in the Sunshine (shock. surprise.). In fact, some outright say she broke the law (shock. surprise.). It's been a clintOOn trademarke since they came to power: they don't have to obey the laws. Those are for someone else. The laws are for the little people. The clintOOns are above that. March 3, 2015   Was the childhood home of Christ found? If so, that lends more credibility to the Bible and that's a good thing. But for me, I see it as just that: acheological evidence of His existence. If they try to make it a "holy" site, that's wrong. Jesus Christ is not there. He's alive in heaven and sitting at the right hand of His Father, the Lord GOD Almighty. To be honest with you, I've never understood the thrill of going to Israel and of seeing the alleged places where Jesus trod. I've just never gotten excited about it. They're finding now that the Temple Mount is probably NOT where the First and Second Temples were built. So archeology is changing the face of traditional beliefs of where things were in Israel. I wonder what archeological changes they're making over in The Holy Land Experience due to modern archeological evidence that changes traditional belief? Should be interesting to watch all of this develop. Just remember, folks, don't think of places as being holy because the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His resurrection made us Holy if we believe in and acept His death and resurrection for us. His sinless life, death on the cross, and resurrection made your heart as holy as anything here on earth has ever been: including the Ark of the Covenant. Accept His sacrifice for you and become the the righteousness of GOD in Christ. YOU can be righteousness, holy in His sight, because He is Holy and Christ in you makes you holy, too. "Ask and ye shall receive" and that's all it takes. Ask Jesus into your heart and give Him your life and you will be as He is in heaven. March 3, 2015   Higher taxes? It's what themuslimvileone wants to do to you. He want to do it "unilaterally": that means without Congress, i.e.: Illegally. That means that it would be another DICTATORIAL rule, not a LEGALLY BINDING LAW that WE would have to obey. If he's breaking the law when he "creates a law" it CANNOT be a LAW. That's like making up the rules for a soccer game as you go along, no matter what the existing rules are. You make them up as you go along and make sure that, because of the new rules you're making up, you win, then it's not a fair game, it's not a real soccer game (because a soccer game is played by a certain set of rules) and it's not a real WIN because the REAL rules were not followed. So if themuslimvileone can break the rules in creating rules, then we don't have to abide by the fake rules he's trying to force upon us. It's not as if he can enforce something that's an ILLEGAL "law". It's the same with the Net "Neutrality" rules: they're illegal as well, as is themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, and it's all stuff we don't have to obey because it's ILLEGAL. What's fair for the goose. March 3, 2015   bonehead boehner caves and passes amnesty bill. Show of hands: Who is surprised? No hands? None? Everyone who reads this site knew he would cave? I thought so. I've taught you well. (*wink*) March 3, 2015   Spring Break: msthevileone to Japan and Cambodia ON YOUR DIME. While themuslimvileone thinks about raising your taxes again (the internet will be severely taxed via Net "Neutrality", his wifey-wife goes on a junket, spending as much of your money as she can. BTW, it was first reported that the girls would go with her, but if not with her, what seperate trip will they be taking on YOUR dime? BTW, Sasha and Malia will be in the Bahamas ON YOUR DIME while their mother is in Japan and Cambodia and their father probably golfing somewhere with his buds. The family that plays together stays together? Don't ya' love paying for their vacations while you are still trying to pay for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? What will your Spring break look like? A blow up pool in the back yard and hotdogs (who can afford hamburger anymore?) on the grill? Just make believe it's the Bahamas and you're surrounded by taxpayer paid for Secret Service agents. Just imagine that you're in a five star hotel. Also, just imagine that you can order room service and you have a spa treatment any time you want. Oh, and since their parents will be in other places, their GRANDMA will be with the girls. So you'll be paying for her, too. Isn't that special? March 3, 2015   What a hypocrite. March 3, 2015   CAIR to sue FBI. SMH. March 3, 2015   How presumptuous to think that man should know what should or should not exist. GOD creates the universe, not man. How can man even begin to think that they can judge what should not exist? Ego, anyone? March 3, 2015   Feds can't fire employees who watch 6 hours of porn during work hours. YOU are paying for that. You pay for the employee's salary, benefits, the chair he/she sits on, the computer they watch the porn on, the electricity to run that computer, the internet connection; everything. But that employee "can't" be fired. Why do we tolerate that? Why are we not refusing to pay our taxes while we know that this kind of waste and crap are going on? Where is our spine? March 3, 2015   Republican introduces bill revoking ATF power to regulate ammo. themuslimvileone takes "unilateral" actions, so what difference does a bill make? After all, the rule of law doesn't matter to themuslimvileone and he is the prezidunce, the DICTATOR-In-CHEAT. He's the one with the power. He's the one with the ego. He can do whatever he wants. He's the ONE. All Hail and OBEY! March 3, 2015   hillclintOOn's friends? Senior republiRATS. Isn't that wunnerful? Don't ya' just love that? When/If she runs in 2016 she'll have republiRATS to thank if she wins. Even the surprising supporter, "[C]onservative journalist Christopher Ruddy, a former leader of the anti-Hillary brigades. He recently pledged to donate $1 million to the Clinton Global Initiative."Say what?! I don't really call that "Conservative". He's a fraud! March 3, 2015 The recent treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu by themuslimvileone and his press sycophants is an abomination. Rush puts it into perspective very well. I love Rush. March 3, 2015   Remember those "shovel ready jobs" themuslimvileone promised? The CBO says not so much: "The decline in real public spending (adjusted using infrastructure-specific price indexes) on transportation and water infrastructure between 2003 and 2014 occurred almost exclusively within the category of capital purchases, which fell by 23 percent during those years. The construction and rehabilitation of highways, in particular, declined over the period. By contrast, real public spending for the operation and maintenance of infrastructure continued its historical tendency to grow, rising by about 6 percent over that period, primarily because of increases at the state and local level. [my bolding]"Yeah. He lied. The U6 unemployment rate comes out soon. Who wants to lay even money it won't be under eleven percent? March 3, 2015   I'm listening to Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech and I'm distracted so I'll go. Pray for Israel and for her protection, for peace for her and for her people. Pray for America's protection and guidance and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops' safety and their quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's healing and quick release. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray that Islam, atheists and N. Korea accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for each other and me. Until next time, GOD Bless America and Israel, and YOU! See ya'! February 2015 February 27, 2015: 1:16 p.m.   It's Flag Friday. You know that means we start with my "Tribute To Our Heroes 206: Are There Flags Enough?" Thank you for your service. You have done what I could not do. I can never say "Thank you!" enough! February 27, 2015   Why is it always the Conservatives' "fault" according to the lefties? Why is it that lefties can never, ever, ever take responsibility for their own actions? hillclintOOn? Not responsible for BENGHAZI, and "at this point in time what does it matter?" themuslimvileone? He only learned about anything that his administration does via watching the evening news. He had nothing to do with anything; he's as innocent as a newborn lamb. Baaa. Lois Lerner's e-mails? Nope. Lost. Not their fault. It's something they had no control over because their hard drives crashed -- all at the same time, destroying all of the same info. Awww... too bad. Not their fault. Lefties are never to blame. They know nothing... Well, maybe that part is true in a sense. February 27, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Aawww... poor jihadis needed jobs. Oh. Sorry. They didn't. They joined ISIS even though they had lives of privilege. It's ISLAM that teaches this hatred of humanity and teaches them to kill, destroy, rape, maim, behead. Islam teaches them this, not the need for a job. It's so sad to know that anyone can think that beheading anyone who is not of their particular religion -- and that their ONLY "crime" -- is the right thing to do. When was the last time you saw a Christian behead a Muslim because they were Muslim? If Islam ever heard of the "Golden Rule", they certainly ignore it. We know that bin Laden operated that way and that he had ties with Iran. The same Iran themuslimvileone is allowing to develop NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Yep. Peace and tolerance and the nuclear bomb. Bright future ahead. Thanks so much, themuslimvileone! The more you learn about Islam, the more you'll understand their desire to kill you. And, no doubt about it. If you do not convert they do want to kill you. It's their law. February 27, 2015   BENGHAZI:   hillclintOOn knew the truth? Her top advisors did, that for certain. Tell me that NONE of them told her. Can you imagine the badgering they'd have received the next day if they had NOT told her? You want that screaming in your face for an hour? No. She knew. And then she LIED about it: "[I]t is inescapable that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she planted the false story about ‘inflammatory material being posted on the Internet.’"Well, shock. surprise. February 27, 2015   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Oops. Scratch that. It's "Americans-in-waiting", according to themuslimvileone. They're not "illegals", they're "Americans-in-waiting", kinda' like "Ladies In Waiting" for the Queen of England. They're law-breakers being given aid (at our expense) and encouragement by a lawless tyrant, so of course he's going to call them something else. After all, when you hate America and are trying to destroy her it is always your goal to seem as patriotic as possible and calling your cohorts "Americans-in-waiting" sounds a lot more patriotic than "illegal aliens" to whom you are giving the moon at citizens' expense. February 27, 2015   jebby-bebby should be saying "Ouch!" Laura Ingraham rips into "coronation" of alleged front runner. I agree with her. jebby-bebby need not be the Republican nominee. Go for someone with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE stance, not with now falsified credentials. His Conservative credentials died when he left the FL Governor's office. After that, he became a "moderate" (read: PROGRESSIVE) and is now supporting everything he can to make himself accept by folks like hillclintOOn, themuslimvileone, rosie o'donnell. If that is who he wants support from, why is anyone on the right actually paying him a moment's worth of attention or giving him an atom's worth of credibility? Don't support jebby-bebby. He's not what America needs right now. He's more of what we've got. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or coronation.) February 27, 2015   Another failure by mcCONnell. February 27, 2015   msthevileone pats herself on the back. She claims credit where none is due, but that's the way things are. As long as themuslimvileone is prezidunce, she'll take credit for whatever she so desires and the progressive papers will swoon and agree. Fact is, she eats lobster and kobe beef while her school lunch program is crap. What the heck is she patting herself on the back for: starving everyone's children except her own. I hope she doesn't break her own arm with that self-congratulatory pat-a-pat-pat. Considering how much she's tooting her own horn one would think she'd at least sprain her shoulder! February 27, 2015   Snow in all 50 states?
That's sad for the rest of them: February 27, 2015   This is insane. Commemorating Trayvon Martin? Why? He beat someone up and paid the price for it. That's to be "commemorated" because...? Because he made the first move? Because he got the first hit in? Because he was "brave enough" to face the unknown and found out too late it was a foolish thing to do? He died because of his aggression, foolishness and his choices. He died because he was too cool to just go to his grandma's house and be satisfied that he got there safely. He died because he didn't go there and notify authorities to deal with George Zimmerman instead of confronting him. Why commemorate that? Why not use it as an object lesson of what NOT to do instead of teaching children that he's someone to look up to and emulate? February 27, 2015   Net "Neutrality" is NOT what progressives/lefties/libs promised you it was. It was a power grab to stop people like myself from having any influence on the thoughts and beliefs of others; even moreso against sites like RushLimbaugh.com, Breitbart.com, DrudgeReport.com, etc. It's about shutting up those of us who do not kowtow to and agree with the lefties. If the RepubliRATS do NOT defund the FCC they're doing America a grave disservice. February 27, 2015   I'll stop there. Please continue to Pray for America and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE president to be elected in 2016. Pray for our troops. Pray for our police and firefighters. Pray for our Border Patrol Agents and that GOD protect them from both illegals and themuslimvileone. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for the protection of Christians around the world. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini, his quick release and total healing. Pray for Israel, her protection and her success. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! February 26, 2015: 1:13 p.m.   themuslimvileone and dumboRATS TOOK OVER the internet. Kiss internet freedom goodbye. February 26, 2015: 12:50 p.m.   February 26, 2015   Illegal alien invasion:   Heartbreaking testimony of father of victim of convicted illegal alien released at themuslimvileone's orders. King themuslimvileone is breaking our laws to give illegals everything. From telling Christian groups to refer pregnant illegals to abortion services to allowing our Border Patrol Agents to suffer the consequences of themuslimvileone's actions, America is paying the price for themuslimvileone's lawlessness. Where is the ONE person who will stand up and ARREST him? Where? He's breaking the laws all day, every day. Where is the ONE person who will stand up and ARREST HIM? February 26, 2015: 8:16 a.m.   This administration is full of sick, twisted, evil, sexually deviant people. Proof of that is the Senior State Dept. official arrested for trying to arrange a meeting with the person he thought was a teenage girl. What's worse is that this kind of activity within the State Dept. has been known to be going on for years without any law enforcement community doing anything about it. Well, that's not quite true. What they did do about it is to harrass the whistleblower who was trying to stop the deviants within the State Dept. to the point of putting a lien on his father's house. His father had nothing to do with the son's actions (except that I'm sure he supported his son doing the right thing) and yet the State Dept. put a lien on his house when the son has no part in that house's ownership. Now that's harrassment! That's what we have in positions of power in themuslimvileone's administration: sexual perverts, pedophiles, liars, whoever will kiss themuslimvileone's backside and do his evil bidding. That's who he surrounds himself with. Just as his puppet-master, george soros, has done. Watch the video of what's going on in the State Dept. Then tell me this isn't an evil administration. I dare you. February 26, 2015   Want to talk evil? How about themuslimvileone promising "consequences" if disobeyed. All hail themuslimvileone, He Who MUST Be Obeyed! Worship and Bow, Scrape and Fear! Obey or be disciplined, have even your father's house liened by themuslimvileone's administration! Obey! Obey! Obey! February 26, 2015   The architect of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX can't keep a job. He keeps getting fired, "let go", or whatever, from his employment. After he overbilled the different states that used him as a "consultant", who can blame them for firing him? He's so bad that even themuslimvileone and pelosipig denied knowing him after he helped put themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX together. If I had a bleeding heart I'd feel kinda', a little sorry for the guy. I don't. February 26, 2015   More Administration Evil: If nothing else PROVES themuslimvileone is NOT a Christian, it's his administration's attitude and treatment of Israel and her representatives. They do everything they can to denigrate all of Israel's leaders and to deny as much credit, help and credibility to Israel's representatives as possible. Those are NOT the actions of a Christian: of a Muslim, yes. That's exactly what a Muslim would do: treat Israel's leadership with disdain. February 26, 2015   More Administration Evil:   IRS's Lois Lerner got $129,000 in BONUSES while targeting Conservative organizations and individuals for IRS special attention, denial of non-profit status, etc. That's illegal and it's WRONG, but since when did themuslimvileone's administration care about doing what's right? February 26, 2015   More Administration Evil:   YOUR taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions for illegal immigrants. Not only that, but the taxes you will be paying will be going to illegals as TAX BENEFITS. In the FIRST year they're here, they could get more than $35 THOUSAND of YOUR money. Will they be helping you out in the same way? Where will you be getting $35K from this administration in ONE YEAR? YOU'RE A CITIZEN! If they're not willing to give you the same amount, then why would we pay taxes at ALL? Boycott paying taxes this year. It's good for America. February 26, 2015   More Administration Evil:   Foreign governments gave MILLIONS to clintOOn foundation while she was at State Dept. Sounds to me like there's a conflict of interest there, but since when does right and wrong matter to either the clintOOns or themuslimvileone? Since when? February 26, 2015   This is the sort of ridiculousness themuslimvileone's admin has brought about. Really? scotus and "Red Fish Blue Fish"? Really? SMH. February 26, 2015   People are STANDING FOR FREEDOM! This is a good -- GREAT -- sign. Let us hope that it starts with them and spreads throughout America and FREEDOM will return because Americas is standing! Let us support them, and then stand when it is our turn! February 26, 2015   Fordham Institute NOT Conservative. So says Breitbart author, Dr. Susan Berry. Her evidence is strong. Don't be surprised. A lot of "Conservative" organizations are actually just lies set in place by the lefties who know that lying is useful to get their own way. Look at our prezidunce to know how true that statement is. February 26, 2015   Some may disagree with me, but Trump is NOT what we need. Yes, he may (allegedly) know how to run a business and make some money. That, to me, does not qualify him to run a country and to return FREEDOM to America. I don't think I want him as president. I just don't like the guy, nor do I think I trust him. Ego has a price for the rest of us, as I believe this prezidunce has taught those of us willing to learn the lesson. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or ego.) February 26, 2015   "Sales could be blocked to anyone known to be involved in terrorist activities, or anyone who is 'appropriately suspected.' That term is used throughout the bill but is never defined, and would likely be a cause for alarm by defenders of the Second Amendment who might worry about giving the attorney general too much discretion in deciding who is 'appropriately suspected' of terrorism."So when does that definition get inserted and by whom? Does eric holder or his presumed replacement Loretta Lynch get to define that term? If so, will they place you or I on that list? Or will it be people like the ISIS members streaming across our southern border? Do NOT support this bill. This bill has been introduced at least three times before. Once in 2009, 2011 and again in 2013. Does that tell you something? It tells me that even the dumboRAT controlled Senate at least THREE TIMES BEFORE didn't like this bill well enough to pass it! That's why The Blaze story tells us that terrorists were successful 93% of the time! Get Senate info on it here. Then do yourself a favor and tell the Senate "NO!" February 26, 2015   Heads up! Leprosy is on the rise IN FLORIDA! Don't touch armadillos. You may think they're cute, but they carry leprosy. If one needs help, call professionals to deal with it. Don't try to do it yourself. February 26, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Pray for America, for GOD to forgive our sins and to fill our land with His love, guidance and a strong desire to serve Him. Pray that GOD will protect us from terrorists, those who wish to do us harm, from ourselves and from those who come here to do wrong and to take without being willing to give. Pray that GOD will protect us from those who want to do us harm. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini, his release and healing, and for his family. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel and their protection. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! February 25, 2015: 11:19 a.m.   Common Crap Core:   Until the appeal, Missouri Education Watchdog has won against Common Crap Core! Hurray! Good for them! I wish that it would not be appealed, but the chances of that are slim to nil. If you're a teacher, though, be careful what you post AGAINST it. Free speech? Not in Common Crap Core. Proponents of this piece of garbage will do anything to paint those of us who do NOT support it as irrational. For CCC supporters, if you disagree with them, you can't think straight. Right. I get it. In fact the "researchers" admit that "[R]esearchers hypothesize that advocates are smart and informed and opponents are not."BTW, that "hypothesiz[ing]" was done PRIOR to the research being done. In other words, CCC SUPPORTERS -- and the reserchers they hire to do the "research" -- set out to prove that they are smart and those who do not support CCC are stupid and got the results they set out to get. Shock. Surprise. February 25, 2015   Your taxpayer dollars have been used to pay federal employees to do their jobs, but they've instead been watching pornography so much that there is consideration being given to a new law that would make it illegal for federal employees to get paid for watching porn. I'm sorry. I don't understand why that's not a given instead of making it into a law. Where has America gone? February 25, 2015   Blame the Conservatives. That's what the progressives always do: Blame Bush, Rush, Neo-Cons, etc., whoever is not them. If you aren't "them", then you do not fit in. You may as well face it, you are to blame. February 25, 2015   FCC Chair REFUSES to appear before Congress before the internet vote. Don't ya' love his independent spirit? (NOT!) Now, even some who supported Net "Neutrality" at first are finding problems with it. The FCC has finally published a Fact Sheet on Net "Neutrality". But it doesn't tell us everything they want to do, nor what rules there will be. I do believe that my website could be negatively impacted by the alleged "neutrality" of this freedom destroying power grab. How many others will be detrimentally impacted? We don't know, but I'm betting on Drudge Report, Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, Heritage Foundation, Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns, The NRA's website, and other CONSERVATIVE sites being censored, removed, blocked, throttled, etc., whatever themuslimvileone can get away with. We'll see and we'll sue, if need be. Remember, the lefties are the only ones pushing for this, including hillclintOOn, so there MUST BE something in it for them. What, we don't know yet, unless it's silencing their opponents. February 25, 2015   February 25, 2015   themuslimvileone's Illegal Immigrant Plan:   Need a job? Want your child to have a job? Don't count on getting one, thanks to themuslimvileone bringing in millions of illegal immigrants. I do believe he is the one who orchestrated this whole thing. I don't have proof, but mark my words, it will be proven. themuslimvileone did this. Your children -- or you -- in five years will have only a 25% chance of getting a job in Ameria in 2020. February 25, 2015   mcCONnell caved again. DHS bill will be approved -- with themuslimvileone's amnesty. How anyone can believe a WORD -- a SYLLABLE -- that escapes his lips, I have no idea. He's a coward and a spineless jellyfish and I can't imagine why on earth Kentucky residents voted for him. I really don't understand it. They've seen him kiss the backside of themuslimvileone for six years and last election they put him back to do some more kissing. He's not just a caver, he's a progressive. Why would Kentucky do that? February 25, 2015   Then themuslimvileone is extending work permits to the spouses of the illegals, which will bring more into America. themuslimvileone is doing everything he can to destroy America. I wish he'd never been born. February 25, 2015   Well, shock. What happened to eric "Racist" holder? Does he not want to pursue something he couldn't finish before he leaves office? No charges? Amazing. February 25, 2015   Iran playing war games using U.S. ship models. themuslimvileone hasn't commented on this? Oh. That's right. If he did he'd say "Good for them! Let them bomb us. It's their right and we deserve it." Or, he'd say, "Allahu Akbar!" February 25, 2015   CATO president: "Rand Paul will be next president". I don't think so, but on this issue I don't think that all of the players are here yet. I think it's possible that there will be a "sleeper" who has not yet announced and who would be very popular with one side or the other and that person will be able to take the win. IF Rand Paul became the next president, I'm not sure that I could fully support him. Yes, Rand Paul is pro-life, he has fought this administration left, right and center, and he's a Second Amendment supporter, but I need to find more out about him than I currently know before I could support him. Right now, I don't have a favorite Conservative candidate. It's probably going to take a lot more prayer and a lot more research before I can focus on a favorite. February 25, 2015   Canadian authorities find tunnel say it's not illegal to dig a tunnel. Well, this is true, but considering that the tunnel diggers don't OWN that property they were digging on, they were digging the tunnel near a venue for an upcoming event, and that Canadian authorities know how drug cartels build tunnels from Mexico to America and what they use those tunnels for, I think Canada may want to rethink their thinking here. February 25, 2015   Well, gotta' go. Got a surprise call and I'm going to go out and about. Pray for a revival to sweep across this land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for legislators to get a spine and to fight FOR America, instead of AGAINST America. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's quick release and total healing. Pray for GOD to protect this land and us from themuslimvileone's evil. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray that the FCC's internet control and rules will not stand. Pray for Israel and for GOD's protection over them. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and me. GOD Bless America and take her out of themuslimvileone's and progressives' hands. Until next time, See ya'! February 24, 2015: 9:54 a.m.   Common Crap Core:   New bill by Lamar Alexander (R[INO] TN) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) makes it a permanent part of education in America. Its basic description: "To strengthen the Federal education research system to make research and evaluations more timely and relevant to State and local needs in order to increase student achievement."You know all that data gathering Common Crap Core is set up to do? This would strengthen and further disseminate the info to more entities, allow more people to gather data and to basically make your children not just students, but also battery packs full of information on what kinds of products the family uses, how often they go to which restaurants, what kinds of recreational activities they participate in, the last time they went to the dentist, what they purchase online from which companies, etc., etc., etc. Don't think it's going to do all of that? You thought you'd be able to keep your doctor too, didn't you? Wake up and smell the burnt coffee. That is exactly what this is set up to do. The federal government will probably charge different companies a fee to do the "research" so that they can make money off of your children -- ostensibly, of course, for the betterment of education. After all, if your family goes to play putt-putt golf twice a month and your child is a little tired the next day at school how can that not affect education? Okay, don't believe that? How about those who may want to push a new "educational system" in which your child gets to school, takes a pill, puts on headphones and goes to sleep and "learns" that way? After all that would be in the interest of education and with education goals, would it not? Would that be acceptable as an "educational research" project that you'd think possible under this bill? Or would it just be that they're trying to let people find out if your child learns best via tactile, verbal, or visual learning? What kinds of tests will be conducted on your child to get that information? Also, ask yourself if you'll have ANY say in the information they "gather" from YOUR minor child (with or without your consent?) and over HOW it is gathered? Read the bill. Ask yourself why they need a "SEC. 176. COMMISSIONER FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH" or that they spend "5 ‘‘(1) for fiscal year 2016, $54,000,000;Fifty-four million to sixty-six million for "research" on Special Education? What are they going to be doing to those special needs children that will cost that much? Ask yourself that question! If you don't like the answer to that, then ask yourself why they're gathering information on our children at all. Are your children going to school to get an education, or to be lab rats? Thanks for the heads up, GrumpyElder, and Missouri Education Watchdog. Those folks at Missouri Education Watchdog do AMAZING work. They're on this! February 24, 2015   hillclintOOn "re-re-re-branding" herself with the help of a Cocoa-Cola exec. Let's hope this is the ex-Coke exec who okayed the "New Coke" that was such a flop thirty years ago. (Darn! I'm old!) She's now back at it and I want you to pay attention to how she looks. She's been in Canada for a few months and she's not been heard of or seen in weeks. Let's see what she did while she was there (besides raising more foreign money), and if she still puts on those prismatic glasses used to treat traumatic brain injury. Remember when Karl Rove (no friend of Conservatives) got slammed for telling the truth about them? February 24, 2015   Her big mouth is going to get her in trouble. Admitting the TRUTH about dumboRATS never goes unpunished. The blocking of the DHS bill is a power play that tells the republiRATS that it doesn't matter that they won in a landslide in the 2014 elections, the dumboRATS are still in control. That's all they're doing. They don't care about the border and protecting America. They care about staying in power for as long as possible and will do whatever it takes to do so. If that means blocking bills, lying to the public, cheating, so be it. My question is, will that tendency to have to stay in power at any and all costs lead to an actual THIRD TERM for themuslimvileone? If a Congressman can introduce a bill for it, you know there's a certain amount of support for it. I'd have to leave the country until his Dictatorship/Tyranny/Despotism was over. Then I'd come back and help pick up the pieces. February 24, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Kidnapping 90 Christians is today's Islamic "peace". Tomorrow's must be 100 or they're going backwards? Well, maybe they'll start having the kids they're recruiting to get more children to go with them. Or maybe they'll just behead someone else? Let's face it people: not absolutely every Muslim is going to try to behead our neighbors or ourselves. I admit that. However, there are so many who have done things that would make the normal human being cringe at the very thought of and who would do it again and again and again, that it makes those who the RIGHT thing so very welcome and their actions so extraordinary that it's difficult to see the rest of Islam behaving as they are. My question is, what price will those who participated in doing the right thing pay, and when? Keep an eye on that, folks. February 24, 2015   Now, Mexican drug cartels are mimicking the Islamic terrorists. After all, if the greatest, most powerful, most helpful country on earth won't make a real effort to wipe out Islamic terrorism, why should the Mexican drug cartels NO mimic ISIS? They've got the blueprint on how to get away with it, why not follow that blueprint? All they've got to do if caught and charged (doubtful they'll even be charged) is claim that it's their religion and themuslimvileone will let them go. They're not claiming Christianity, so letting them go is okay. February 24, 2015   I'm frustrated with the whole Net "Neutrality" lie. I know that there are idiots out there who support it, but they're believing the LIES this administration is FAMOUS for telling about everything it does. If themuslimvileone -- who is behind this crap -- says anything you can count on it being UNTRUE. You can count on everything coming out of his mouth, from his pen, heard over his phone being a LIE. He won LIE OF THE YEAR which makes him the LIAR OF THE YEAR. Why would ANYONE believe an acknowledged, AWARDED LIAR? If this piece of garbage is so wunnerful, wunnerful, why are they HIDING the full text until AFTER THE VOTE? (Affordable Care Act, anyone?) Net "Neutrality" is BAD. That's all it is. It's bad for FREE SPEECH. It's bad for America. Don't believe me? Believe FEC and FCC commissioners! It's BAD! Sign the petition to STOP THE TAKE OVER of the INTERNET. Don't let this piece of garbage be inacted. February 24, 2015   I'll go for now before I get grumpy. Pray, folks. Pray, fast, pray some more. themuslimvileone is doing everything he can to destroy America, freedom, your rights and everything else he can get his hands on. Pray. February 23, 2015: 8:57 a.m.   In case you missed it: "Minion Monday: Hank Goes on an Airboat Ride" with grateful thanks to Kissimmee Swamp Tours. February 23, 2015   themuslimvileone -- of course -- won't cooperate with investigation. I think that themuslimvileone is hiding all of the illegal stuff he set in place. His whole administration should be jailed for breaking the law -- especially themuslimvileone! The IRS scandal is not the only investigation he's refusing to cooperate with. In themuslimvileone's mind HE IS the law and what HE says goes and if HE does it, then it must be okay. That's why he doesn't cooperate with any effort to find the TRUTH. HE IS the truth in his own mind. Although there are those who don't let him get away with it. Judicial watch forces themuslimvileone to give up the TRUTH, although it's the truth redacted, it's still more than he wanted to admit. Also, John Bolton says themuslimvileone "worse than Neville Chamberlain". He's right, of course. But that's nothing compared to what Rudy Giuliani said about themuslimvileone! Go, Giuliani! Yes, he's a "moderate" (finger-licking, wind-judging politician), but he's got this one absolutely correct! February 23, 2015   Be careful when you shop. Or, if you work at a mall, keep your eyes open and stay alert. February 23, 2015   February 23, 2015   Ladies, are you ready? Ready for hillclintOOn paying you 73˘ on the dollar compared to what she pays men? War on women? She's waging it. She's so desperate for money she's gotten very _itchy about it. (Check the link before you jump on me.) Of course, if you're a dog, raising money via dogs must come naturally. Seems to me the hillclintOOn campaign has gone to the animals. She's selling dog things, enlisting a quack for medical info and if she's looking for a new image for her 2016 campaign branding, I suggest that she ignore her rebranding advisors and just brand herself as a Dodo Bird. That's as close to reality as she's going to get. February 23, 2015   DHS ignoring court order, rushing amnesty through as fast as possible. Lawless prezidunce equals TYRANT. NO ONE in America is above the law. No one. So why is themuslimvileone's administration acting as though it is? Every law enforcement agency in America -- especially the federal agencies -- should be breaking down administration doors and arresting 90% of this administration (janitors exempt). So why is that not happening? February 23, 2015   Amen and Amen! Read this! I agree with it. It's about time someone else said what I've said for years and what this brave kid is saying. I bet at least one of his parents is in the military. February 23, 2015   Again? French again surrender. This time admitting they can't prevent Islamic terrorists from attacking France and French citizens (subjects? victims?). Is there a white flag France doesn't know how to wave? Why not just change France's name to "poulet"? February 23, 2015   Ellison an apologist for jihad? He and themuslimvileone. Really. Do you see a difference between them? February 23, 2015   Israel has another threat: Iran. themuslimvileone is enabling Iran to go nuclear. Israel is within easy reach of Iran. Pray for Israel's safety, protection and that GOD's hand would be with them. Pray that Iran's nuclear weapons malfunction with each launch and never get off the ground. February 23, 2015   WATCH OUT, AMERICA! themuslimvileone is about to say "If you like your retirement, you can keep your retirement. Sound familiar? Watch out. Stay vigilant. He's coming for your 401K and other retirement savings! February 23, 2015   Todd Palin honors American Sniper hero, Chirs Kyle. Rightly so. February 23, 2015   DumboRAT Senator sat on V.A. report for months and that report-sitting led to the deaths of three military veterans. She should be headed to prison for about five years, but she'll get off with a hand slap. Three heroes; that's all. How much do they count, after all? To dumboRATS, less than nothing. February 23, 2015   Common Crap Core:   SD to vote tomorrow on eliminating it! I hope they all vote to eliminate it from SD. That would be really good for the children there. After all, it leads to special needs children being left behind. They're looking at ditching it in KS, Mississippi and Montana, too. In AK, they're reinstating cursive writing (discontinued in Common Crap Core) and they're asking a legitimate question: "'Why should it take nine hours and 45 minutes for a third grader, to determine how they're progressing, and only 3 hours and a half to get into law school.' Hendren said."That's amazing, is it not? Those tests are being questioned by many and Common Crap Core LOWERS THE BAR for education, instead of raising it. When will people wake up to the TRUTH about this thing? When? February 23, 2015   I'll close for now. Remember to pray for America and for a revival to sweep across this land. Pray for America's safety and that people will open their eyes. Pray for our troops, their safety and a quick return. Pray for Islam, N. Korea and atheists to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for peace throughout the world and for Israel's protection. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini, his quick release and his total healing. Pray for the women and chidlren of Islam and for their protection. Pray for Christians worldwide and their safety. Pray that themuslimvileone will be stopped in his tracks. Pray for each other and for me. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! February 22, 2015: 11:09 a.m.   It's a bit early, but I want to go to bed early tonight (Yes, miracles happen!) so I thought I'd post my "Minion Monday: Hank Goes on an Airboat Ride" pic now. It's thanks so the kind folks at Kissimmee Swamp Tours that I got this pic and I sincerely appreciate their kindness. If ever you're in Kenansville near Overstreet Road, go to the end of that road and take an airboat ride with them. They're nice folks. February 20, 2015: 8:48 a.m.   Friday is here. A weekend's worth of plans to do and fun to have. It also means it's Flag Friday! "Tribute To Our Heroes 205: Tributes" is my way of saying "Thank you for your service!" this week. I can never say it enough. February 20, 2015: 3:42 p.m.   BTW (an insert), I forgot to tell you that I heard back from the Vermont Teddy Bear Company regarding my opinion on their "Fifty Shades of Greay" commercial. Their response to my e-mail: "Dear Linda,That was on February 13, 2015. I haven't heard anything from them since. It wasn't their intention "to offend"? Really? They take a Teddy Bear and associate it with kinky sex and that's not offensive? When they take a child's favorite toy and associate it with sleaze and they don't expect people -- especially parents -- to be offended? Who is in their marketing department that is so tone deaf? Amazing. February 20, 2015   wassey-schultz for sale? She is accused of offering to change her anti-pot vote in exchange for a dumborat to take back his criticism of her. For a little flattery she'll change her vote? That's pretty telling. It speaks not only of her ego, but also of her oath. Where does her "representation" of her constituency start and her desire for flattery end? Which has priority? Apparently, her ego. February 20, 2015   Problems that wouldn't be around if themuslimvileone were NOT prezidunce:   England had to scramble jets to intercept Russian bombers. Russia would be quieter if we had a strong, Conservative president, but with themuslimvileone this is what we get. We wouldn't have themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. We'd still be able to keep our insurance if we liked our insurance and if we liked our doctor we could keep our doctor. The anti-semitic sentiment wouldn't be rearing its ugly head so strongly. There will, unfortunately, always be anti-semitic sentiment in some people: always. Anti-semitism existed under Ronald Reagan, but it wasn't showing its disgustingly ugly head as often, nor as strongly as its showing under themuslimvileone because Reagan was big time PRO-ISRAEL. When you have hatred at the top, setting the examle, the evil people will follow. That's what's happening with themuslimvileone and anti-semitism's ugliness. We wouldn't have La Raza vowing Latino votes for politicians who stand with ILLEGAL aliens. Or maybe on that we would still have the same actions, but it wouldn't be kowtowed to, nor would ILLEGALS be brought here en masse by our prezidunce to "fundamentally transform" America. Then there's freedom's death as the government spies on American citizens without search cause, warrants, nor the right to do so. Oh, well. It's themuslimvileone. Who needs a warrant. Tyrants don't use those. They just do whatever they want. We wouldn't have a prezidunce who doesn't love America. I happen to agree with Juliani; themuslimvileone does NOT love America. He wouldn't want to "fundamentally change" America if he loved her. High-muckety-muck dumborats don't love America. They love what they plan to change her into. That's what they love. They love the idea of the power to change America into something of their own image. America is a Christian country, founded by Christian men on Christian principles and asking GOD for his guidance, protection and provision. That's recorded in the official records, in their personal writings, in our founding documents; it's irrefutable (by those who are willing to research the truth and admit it once found). America and the world would be totally different if we had elected a strong, Christian Conservative to be our president. Don't you miss Ronald Reagan and his eight years of the Berlin wall coming down, Russia knowing that we were strong, Islam not being as bad as it now is, a robust economy and America was respected as a world leader. Now, we are not a leader, just an apology waiting to happen. It's disgusting how far themuslimvileone has made America fall. "Fundamentally transforming" America was his goal. He has accomplished that goal, and, unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh's "I hope [he] fails" statement did not come true. February 20, 2015   Giggle. Smirk. Snort. Awwww... too good. February 20, 2015   clintOOn's CLUELESSNESS will be her demise. She's accepting donations from foreign countries for her family's "foundation" (which kinda' mixes in with her campaign funds) and that's raising questions about the legality and ethics of the foreign donations. It's a shame that people don't see her as a continuation of themuslimvileone's efforts instead of as "someone whose time has come". Will we ever have a female president? I don't know. However, if ever we do, let it NOT be clintOOn, (nor the "Cheekbone Cherokee": perhaps Carly Fiorina?), but a woman who LOVES AMERICA as she was created by the Founding Fathers, who actually will uphold the U.S. Constitution, be a strong leader who will stand toe to toe, eye to eye with the Russian leader (whoever that may be at the time), the liars who represent foreign countries (whether they be Middle Eastern countries, Brazil, Cuba, or wherever/whomever) and NOT BLINK. Let us not continue the destruction of America. Let us not continue down the dunce path of themuslimvileone. If we are to elect a female president, let her be Sarah Palin's equal in love of country. Ronald Reagan's equal in diplomacy. George Washington's equal in humility. Thomas Jefferson's equal in intelligence. That's who should be the first female president: not clintOOn. Definitely not clintOOn. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or clintOOn.) Feruary 20, 2015   Cool. (Get it?) February 20, 2015   Is anyone in themuslimvileone's admin competent? I don't think you can name one competent person in his administration. No one he has brought in is qualified for the post they're filling. No one he has brought in cares about the U.S. Constitution or existing laws. No one he has brought in wants America to be a great nation, world leader, nor united. They all want to "fundamentally transform" America into a communist-Shariah-Law-compliant-Imam-run-mega-Muslim nation. Is that what you want? That's what ACORNing someone into office gets you: destruction. February 20, 2015   Nutrition guidelines change AGAIN. Now eggs and coffee are good for you, but bacon is bad. Meanwhile, there are several ideas (and a long history) as to what is "healthy eating", but even Harvard's healthy eating (the link provided) is based upon "healthy" whole grains, allegedly "healthy" oils and fruits and veggies that will help you "stay healthy". Eat what you like because "science" finds one thing one day and two days later "science" will tell us the exact opposite about the same food. Don't worry about what the "scientists" say. You were made in the image and likness of GOD and GOD eats the fatty portions in sacrifices, Jesus was prophesied in Isaiah 7:15 to eat "butter and honey" (KJV) (not recommended in today's diet), we are told to "kill and eat" even the things considered "unclean" previously because they were cleansed by the blood of Christ. We are created by GOD and I honestly don't believe that He would create something in HIS image that couldn't withstand a bit of transfat. Get real. February 20, 2015   BENGHAZI:   JW forces themuslimvileone to release documents. themuslimvileone didn't want these papers released. They fought hard to prevent it. But JW is tenacious and made it happen. True, they're heavily redacted, but at least they made it happen. It's another bite out of the armor of the opaqueness of this admin. February 20, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Children show the difference between Islam and Christianity so clearly that if it's not something you can see for yourself, (NSFW OR CHILDREN) here's the difference. Need anyone say more? February 20, 2015   Naive girls are still "joining ISIS". What they don't realize is that the freedom they were used to in England isn't going to be afforded to them in ISIS. ISIS arrests women whose eyes are showing too much. Do they really think they're going to go from England's relative freedom (I say "relative" because a monarchy is not freedom and because as Islamic women in England they are even less free than the average British subject), to ISIS's complete control over women? From England's shopping to a life of sand and forced marriage, sexual relations and beheading if they decide it wasn't what they thought it would be? Naive little girls should educate themselves before they go out on an adventure that could very well lead to their deaths. Pray for them. February 20, 2015   I'll stop there for now. Hope you have a great weekend and that your loved ones up north are safe and warm. Pray for a revival to sweep across this great land and that people will turn their hearts over to the One True GOD, the GOD of Christianity. Pray for our troops and that they will stay safe, return home unharmed mentally and physically, and that their families will be fine. Pray for a HONEST, strong, Christian, Conservative candidate that we can all get behind and support and vote for against whatever/whoever the dumborats are going to throw at us in 2016. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing, for his family and for others like him. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for each other and for me. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! February 19, 2015: 12:35 p.m.   I saw a additional few things that I had to post, so let's start with HSBC is a "criminal organization" according to the whistleblower who found the evidence and is slowing proposed new A.G., Loretta Lynch's, nomination due to her involvement in helping cover it up. Her "sweetheart" deal may have prevented people from going to prison for money laundering, allowed the illegal activities to continue, disallowed the IRS from collecting taxes on the money that should have been taxed, and other things. How deeply she's involved is being covered up by eric holder. Let's hope that the Senate Judiciary Committee will get to the bottom of this thing and that HSBC employees will be made to pay for what they have done, that Lynch will not be confirmed, and that eric holder will finally be made to obey the law. This is the most lawless administration ever! February 19, 2015   Even Chicago Trib. doesn't want themuslimvileone to take over the internet. That's pretty telling, but I doubt it will make any difference. themuslimvileone and his sycophants have their marching orders and they say to kill the inernet and free speech in America. Thanks, george soros! February 19, 2015   This is a shocker! Newsmax and the clintOOns? I think I'm going to stop visiting there now. February 19, 2015   IN to stop flushing aborted babies. I know, it's gross. But that's what happened. Gross, huh? February 19, 2015   Now back to our regularly scheduled updtes.. February 19, 2015: 8:06 a.m.   Weekly Standard states the obvious: "And though he had positioned himself as a champion of national unity, Obama has been a divisive force on racial, economic, and political concerns."Well, DUH! If his lips were moving... (*palm/forehead*) February 19, 2015   Fox defends itself against racist eric holder. He should have never been confirmed. Instead, he should have been investigated for any wrongdoing he'd already done and faced any consequences of the investigation. If he is this bad in such a highly visible office, what did he do in obscurity? February 19, 2015   This is absurd: "In an effort to “diversify American agriculture” the Obama administration has embarked on a multi-million-dollar spending spree and this month proudly announced the creation of a new Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center."He's bringing racism to the government and to farming. It's ridiculous. This should not stand. In his world, he will "take from" in order to "give to". This means that American citizens whose families have owned acreage for years and years will suddenly be told to give it up and that land will go to a "socially disadvantaged farmer". That "socially disadvantaged farmer" may or may not have farming experience, but if they're "socially disadvantaged" (read illegal immigrants, "the poor in America", racially qualified, etc.), they get that land no matter whose name has been on the title deed for generations. Look for it. This is how he operates and the republiRATS have been too lilly-livered to stop him. Stand up, America. Stand against this TYRANT. February 19, 2015   This for prezidunce? Stupido rubio caves again. No spine, no dime. No support for America, no support from me. Do NOT vote for stupido rubio. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or caver.) February 19, 2015   If he doesn't say it, it can't be true, right? He's just that powerful in his own imagination. He creates "reality". He creates destinies. He is The Creator (*here he does a maniacal laugh*)! February 19, 2015   GOP is full of "double-crossing traitors". For the first time in a long time, I agree with Ann Coulter. She went off the rails there for a while and I disagreed with a lot of her ideas, who she supported in the elections, and all of that. She's one of those "If we don't go GOP the third party candidate won't have a chance of winning, so we'll be losers in the end" people. I hate that. It's so wrong-headed. If you DO support the third party candidate instead of being namby-pamby and sticking with the "old tried and true", the third party candidate will win. All it takes is getting the voters to vote for that person. For someone to say "tried and true", "tried and true", "only tried and true will do!" is such a crock. If we all voted for what and WHO was BEST FOR AMERICA we would win with third party candidates. So people need to get off their (R) or (D) addiction, we'd could have real "hope" and "change" for America. Maybe the GOP should realize that the TEA Party is not effective in doing that, but that "We, The People" still ARE. February 19, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   More LIES from themuslimvileone's admin. They touted an 11.4 Million membership but... "Needless to say, 5.4 million is not as impressive as 11.4 million. And it means that the White House is being deceptive when it claims that there are 11.4 million sign-ups 'thanks to the Affordable Care Act.'"Lips moving? Yep. Did you know that in AZ, some of their legislators have a spine? They've voted to block state funding for this crud. Good for them! BTW, are you expecting a tax refund? With themuslimvileone around don't bet on it. He has his ways. If you belong to a healthcare co-op, it may be put out of business by this piece of garbage. Rural areas are suffering under this load (of what, I shant say). Remember when this thing was at the scotus? Chief "justice" john roberts betrayed America and the U.S. Constitution. They're working on him and hoping he'll do so again. Do you trust him? Fasting and prayer work miracles; that's how much I trust him. We all know that this thing is an empirical failure, but will that matter to john roberts? February 19, 2015   You need to read Dr. Thomas Sowell today. Read it because you need to think of it this way. themuslimvileone is DANGEROUS. February 19, 2015   February 19, 2015   Net "neutrality" will "f*** everything up" says Mark Cuban. I don't agree with the language, but I do agree with the TRUTH he speaks. Remember, if this net "neutrality" was so wunnerful, why are they HIDING it from us? Hmmm? If you have something wonderful to share with people -- something that may help you get out of the doghouse with everyone -- you don't hide it! You tout it, talk about it, prove it to be the wonderful thing you're spewing it to be. Ask yourself these two things: 1) Are his lips moving? and 2) Did I love the results of "We have to pass the bill to know what's in it?" They hid the healthcareTAX truths from those who didn't go pursue it, those who didn't educate themselves. Does anyone really think that something NO ONE can get ahold of until AFTER it has been passed is going to be better for us than something we got to see ahead of time (healthcareTAX)and is rotten to the core? Hmmm? February 19, 2015   themuslimvileone won't back Egypt's fight against ISIS. He doesn't like to see Muslims kill Muslims. Muslims killing Christians, that's okay. Heck. He won't even mention the fact that it's Muslims killing Christians. He'll just ignore that. He condemns the act but not the people doing the act, nor their obvious religious intolerance and hate crimes. No. Just go ahead and target Christians. That's okay. He won't condemn that. Fruit. February 19, 2015   This is WRONG. You don't withhold info from your allies on something that is so important to their future. It's just wrong. February 19, 2015   Really? Really? February 19, 2015   Aaaaahhhhhh.... public schools:   Where to start today? How about the AL teacher charged with sending nude pics to a 12 year-old girl? That's disgusting, but (unfortunately) not that uncommon nowadays. And the teachers charged with sex with students? One, two, three, four, five. Then there are the other bad apples who drink at school, snort cocaine at school, have child pornography or send "racy texts" to students. You want to know the sad part? That's the results from just the first two pages of a Bing news serch for "teacher arrested". There are more bad things going on in public schools than these atrocities. Homeschool your kids, folks. It's best for them. February 19, 2015   Proposed search warrant changes could lead to BAD things. But it's just going to allow the government to hack any facility -- including YOUR HOME, YOUR OFFICE, whatever -- for any reason. Sounds like a grand idea to me (*SARCASM*). Got Freedom? February 19, 2015   I'll close with that for today. Pray for a revival in this land and that GOD would pour out his Holy Spirit on us and return us to sanity. Pray for our troops, their protection and for their families. Pray for Islam, atheists and North Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray that GOD will protect the women and children of Islam. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and his quick release and total healing. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016 (if we have elections). Pray for our law enforcement officers to be fully and totally grounded in TRUTH and THE LAW and that they don't step over the line in any way, shape, or form, and that they are kept safe and given wisdom. Pray for those in the House and Senate (federal and your state) to be guided by GOD and incapable of resisting His lead. Pray for each other and for me, please. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! February 18, 2015: 9:33 a.m.   Missed yesterday because my son asked me if we could go up to New Smyrna and pick up an antique he wanted to purchase but didn't have a vehicle big enough to get home. We left early, visited three antique shops there, purchased the two items he went for (one was his friend's item), then we talked about what next and decided to go to Daytona Beach and visit an antique shop we like up there. I couldn't believe that I found nothing to purchase, but it was still fun browsing. We ate a late lunch then headed home and talked and laughed a lot the whole day. I really enjoy spending time with my sons, individually or together, and it's a joy to do so. When we got home I had things to do here, so I didn't get around to a updates. So, let's get started today. February 18, 2015   $2.5 MILLION of your money spent on themuslimvileone and his family's Valentine's Day vacations. Peanut butter and jelly is soooooo good, aren't they? February 18, 2015   The TRUTH about Islam/ISIS via "The Atlantic" Wow. When did they start caring about the truth? Maybe all the "peace and tolerance" got them thinking? Maybe reality bit them? Maybe there's a writer and an editor there who is interested in the TRUTH on this issue? February 18, 2015   themuslimvileone letting ISIS into America via the Mexican border. Illegals don't have to have photo ID, they get a free pass. They don't have to have anything that proves who they say they are, they just come in and get immediate medical coverage, food stamps, education, housing, etc., etc., etc., at OUR expense. If that includes jihadis, so be it. themuslimvileone doesn't care if people who want to destroy America and our way of life. He supports that ideology and he wants that to happen. That's why he's quadrupling the number of Syrian refugees allowed into America, without I.D. Will they be Syrians who want to come here and make America their beloved home and assimilate into our culture, language, standards, traditions, beliefs? Or will they come here and start killing and trying to force Americans into Islam? I welcome immigrants who come here LEGALLY and do it the RIGHT way. Illegals who want to come here and break the law by coming in illegally, by committing acts of violence, "civil disobedience" (protesting America), get food stamps and other benefits and want to do no work except going to the welfare office to get more, or who want to establish a drug operation I don't want here, don't think should be allowed in or allowed to stay when found, and I don't think that the hard working American CITIZENS should have to tolerate or support. If anyone wants to come to America, they should do so LEGALLY, the right way. Otherwise, they're stealing from America and from those who made the effort to do it right and that's not a good way to start here. February 18, 2015   themuslimvileone orders Border Patrol to release drunk drivers. He cares about your safety, doesn't he? February 18, 2015   "mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money." That's what themuslimvileone wants to do to stop ISIS/Islam from killing more people: throw more of OUR money at them. If we send them lots and lots of OUR money they'll be nice to us. They'll stop trying to kill us. They'll settle down and stop raping little girls and stop beheading Christians. Right? That's themuslimvileone's plan to take another step toward destroying America. Bankrupt us so that we cannot afford to do more to defend ourselves. Bankrupt America via giving Islam/ISIS OUR money. There's a law in Islam called Jizya in which those who refuse to convert are allowed to live if they pay Islam for the right to do so. It's a form of blackmail, but it's legal in Islam. This is what themuslimvileone is doing in giving them more of OUR money. The problem is, we've refused to pay since the time of Thomas Jefferson. themuslimvileone is trying to take us back to the time of the Barbary Wars. February 18, 2015   Judge in TX says NO to themuslimvileone's illegal amnesty. The problem is that themuslimvileone doesn't CARE about the judge's decision. themuslimvileone's ego says that HE has the POWER, not a silly little Texas judge and themuslimvileone can do whatever he wants. He is DICTATOR, after all. Why should a DICTATOR have to pay any attention whatsoever to anything a silly little Texas judge says? Hmmmpph. It's like dusting the dandruff off his shoulders, that's how much attention themuslimvileone will pay to that ruling. Also, what does it matter that illegals he released are committing crimes? He doesn't care about that, either. It doesn't affect him. He hasn't been robbed, raped, or injured. He doesn't care. February 18, 2015   Aaaaaahhhhh.... public schools:   Student reprimanded for saying "GOD Bless America". Isn't that what should happen to a student who has FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS? No? Well, shock, surprise! It happened in Florida. That school is as ignorant as a CNN anchor. They can look it up and find out what the truth is, but the TRUTH rarely matters to those who hate GOD. February 18, 2015   Wallbuilders' David Barton puts the TRUTH to themuslimvileone's lies. The only one on his "high horse" in America is themsulimvileone and his narcissistic superiority complex. If he were to face a mirror and have to admit the truth, there'd be nothing left of him but dust. He's an expensive walking ego and nothing more. Problem is, we are paying the price for his ego! February 18, 2015   N. Korea tests sub-launch missile. Hmmm. Why does this not bode well in my opinion? Perhaps it's because themuslimvileone hasn't done squat to stop them: "Regarding North Korea’s nuclear program, Mr. Obama hasn’t acted at all. Pyongyang has had six years to advance its nuclear program and ballistic-missile efforts. In recent months U.S. and South Korean commanders have voiced fears that North Korea is near to miniaturizing its weapons and mounting them on ICBMs capable of reaching the U.S. West Coast."So is CA going to fall off the map via earthquakes as some have thought for many a year, or is N. Korea going to get her first? February 18, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   NE woman loses health insurance 3 times under it. Wow. Isn't that some sort of record? That, and the amount spent on the actual websites ($5 BILLION). That's insane! They had more problems with that website over the weekend and, thus, extended the deadline again. This thing is going to be even more reviled when people do their taxes this year. When they find out they have to pay the penalty, or that they've got to pay back at least part of their subsidy, people are not going to be happy. I wish we had elections on April 16th, the day after the April 15th tax deadline. That would be the right time to have elections. Let's hope that the scotus makes the right decision and guts this thing. We need to get rid of this mess A.S.A.P. It needs to go. February 18, 2015   My advice to Richard Dawkins (atheist): Be very careful what you say against GOD. Galatians 6:7 says: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."Richard Dawkins just seriously mocked GOD and his actions invite others to do so as well. If I believed that GOD used lightning bolts to deal with this sort of thing, I'd be advising Dawkins to duck. Since I don't believe that GOD does that, I will say that Dawkins' demons have him bamboozled and it may be too late before he realizes so, but he will face the reality some day. He may be frying in hades before reality finally kicks him in the backside, but he'll get there. Sad to think that by then it will be too late. There are no atheists in hell. Once there, they all believe. February 18, 2015   clintOOn again accepting foreign monies. Let's forget the fact that it's ILLEGAL and that her hubby did it for both his preziduncial campaigns. Let's forget the fact that her health issues are too serious for her to be under that kind of stress for four (much less eight!) years. Let's just think about this: Do you want another four or eight years of themuslimvileone's policies? Do you like peanut butter and jelly? Do you remember how expensive the previous clintOOn administration was? Can you look at the numbers for just ONE trip and think that another clintOOn administration would be a good thing? Look at the number of trips she took (accomplishing nothing) and there's nothing I can find on how much all that travel cost American taxpayers. I have been looking, but I can't find any totals (althoug I did find that she's still billing the taxpayers for her expenses). Why? Where is the promised transparency? (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or corrupticon.) February 18, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Sign the petition to STOP NET "NEUTRALITY". Then pray for America to experience a revival and to turn back to the GOD of Christianity. Pray for our troops. Pray for Islam, atheists and North Korea to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for each other and me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! February 16, 2015: 10:40 a.m.: President's Day!:   My hubby took the day as a flex holiday and we're headed out to go to a new place to look for birds. So, I'll post my Minion Monday: Hank Sleeps Out pic for you to enjoy and share with the children who like Minions and I'll run out and see some birdies. We'll see what was can see. Have a good President's Day and remember why we honor those presidents: Washington and Lincoln were GREAT presidents, unlike themuslimvileone we have currently occupying the Red House. See you tomorrow! February 13, 2015: 3:38 a.m.   It's going to be a beautiful Friday the 13th, so let's start it off right with my Flag Friday offering: "Tribute To Our Heroes 204: Valentine's Heart". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough. I sincerely appreciate it. February 13, 2015: 1:55 p.m.   Because of this disgusting sales tactic, I just sent the following to Vermont Teddy Bear Company: "Vermont Teddy Bear,If you agree, tell them that you're disgusted, too. February 13, 2015: 11:11 a.m.   Krauthammer is right. themuslimvileone doesn't get it on anything. Well, anything except his ego.) Not on free speech and business choices, on immigration's damage to America (or maybe tht's his goal?), or on anything that matters to AMERICAN CITIZENS. His focus is to damage American citizens and our future as much as humanly possible without bombing us, lining us up in front of firing squads, or whatever else would be deemed mass murder. As long as he can hurt our future as much as possible, he's fine with that. After all, bonehead boehner and mcCONnell have both said they wouldn't do anything to stop him, so what is it that's going to even slightly hinder his progressive march toward a "Post-American World" as was his reading material while he was running for president in 2008? Think back to before themuslimvileone. The world was more peaceful, there was no ISIS, America was respected by most (if not all) of the world, and Putin wasn't even thinking of flexing his ego-filled muscles. Now, the Nobel Peace Prize winner has turned the world upside down with his actions and attitudes. It's a disgrace and as themuslimvileone has proven himself the worst potus ever. February 13, 2015   February 13, 2015   Shirley MacLaine is in the Twilight Zone. She's stupid. Her book is stupid. Her ideas cry out "Pay attention to me!" She's tried everything she can to stay relevant, but every time she comes out with a new book she goes deeper into self-imposed stupidity and obscurity. Why do some egoes need so much? February 13, 2015   JW: prezidunce violating law again? I don't know why that's considered news anymore. He does it all the time. February 13, 2015   It's true: gov. dependency kills jobs. San Fran hasn't learned that yet. Well, it is San Fran. February 13, 2015   More brian williams lies revealed. He claims he was "embedded with Seal Team Six" and did some truth stretching about meeting Pope John Paul II. He's like themuslimvileone: If his lips are moving, he's lying. February 13, 2015   I heard about this young lady's death and something told me to not comment on it; until now. The TRUTH about Kayla Mueller tells you why themuslimvileone praised her so highly. Fruit. February 13, 2015   themuslimvileone tries to hide the truth of history when he spoke about the Crusades. The truth is, the Crusades were justified. After all, "For centuries Islamic armies had been conquering Christian lands generally and the Holy Land specifically. And the invasion into Europe was well underway by the time Urban II issued a call for the first holy war in 1095."Ignoring historic fact no more justifies themuslimvileone's support of and defense of Islam than anything being done by Islam today. Fruit. February 13, 2015   SMH. DHS in charge of the internet? Really? DHS is also in charge of border security (we all know how well that's working), airport security (we all know how bad that is), etc. The interenet is going to be just like that except that it will target Conservative websites just like the IRS did. We all know the history of this administration. To see that play out on the internet is going to be very painful. Free speech? Use it while you have it. BTW, DO NOT FALL FOR THE PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL/LEFTIST organization's website, Save the Internet.com. IT's FOR themuslimvileone's law. Instead, This "Net Neutrality" thing is NOT NEUTRAL. It's a way to CONTROL what is posted and to silence opposition, just as Hitler did with the radio programming that opposed him, the newspapers that opposed him and anyone who opposed him. This is Hitler in spades. There are also technical difficulties to doing this garbage that would make the internet garbage as well: "'Networks just plain don’t work worth s--t if you literally treat every packet exactly the same as every other packet,' said one engineer, who asked not to be named. Cisco’s Baker put it more delicately, saying that equal treatment for all packets 'would be setting the industry back 20 years.'"But that's what themuslimvileone wants. A twenty year set-back would enable the government to take everything it wants from the internet and get your information much easier than if we keep going forward. Don't believe the idea that 85% of Republicans support Net Neutrality. The people who answered that poll probably didn't understand what was being done to the internet, but liked the deceitful, misleading title of the Hitleresque law. The fact is it's a technical nightmare, a boon to those who wish to take Conservative sites off the internet and, "there is something perverse about a regulatory approach that precludes experimentation in the name of 'innovation.'" That's what "Net Neutrality" does. It's NOT GOOD. Don't believe the LIE that it will make the internet better. It will NOT. And those who support it are trying to destroy America, too: "Even while its founders and conferences call for revolution, the overthrow of the capitalist system, and the socialization of America, Free Press has been regularly granted audiences not only with members of Congress, but with those overseeing media policy at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). For example, when Julius Genachowski, who worked as a prominent leader in Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, became chairman of the FCC (on June 29, 2009), he promptly appointed Free Press spokeswoman Jen Howard to be his press secretary. By late September, three months into his new job, Genachowski announced his plan to push for net neutrality."Net "Neutrality" is a LIE. Do NOT fall for it. February 13, 2015   On that sweetness and light I'll close for today. FIND THE TRUTH, folks. Don't listen to the lies and think you're informed. Dig in. Do the research yourselves. If you find something that proves me wrong, let me know so that I can correct myself, change my mind, be informed. I doubt you will, but the TRUTH matters to me and if there is something that I can learn from, I'm open to that. For Net "Neutrality" (a LIE), good luck on proving me wrong. Remember to Pray for America: Christian revival is what we need, forgiveness of our sins and GOD's almighty hand to protect and guide us. Pray for our troops' safety and quick return. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be released and healed. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to come to Christ and for the women and children of Islam to be protected from the dangers of the wickedness of its men. Pray for Christians in Islamic countries. Pray for peace in Israel and for its protection. Pray for courage, guidance, wisdom and protection for each other, yourselves, your loved ones and me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time (Monday), See ya'! February 12, 2015: 10:17 a.m.   Starting with super cool: new info on the universe and galaxies. Look at the second to the last picture on that link. That picture reminded me of how our brain works and synapses fire? Look at the image at the 36 second mark. Does that not remind you of the "Laniakea" with the surrounding superclusters of the bigger picture of the universe? "Science" is usually something I am getting very leery about trusting: thanks, "global warming" and food and exercise "science". When it comes to astronomy, though, I am usually awed by the pictures and some of the things they find out reconfirm to me that we are here by design. Take that picture of the bigger universe and ask yourself if that looks almost as if we reside in the mind of GOD Himself. Awesome, yes? February 12, 2015   Spending up: deficit up. Even though record taxes collected. We cannot continue at this pace and expect anything good to come of it. If this were proportionally adjusted to be a single family's personal spending, everything they had at this morning would be reposessed by the banks this afternoon. It's not sustainable. It's dangerous. Too bad the House, Senate and scotus all lack the spine to do anything about it. I never realized we elected so many COWARDS until this administration. It's sickening. February 12, 2015   Anti-terrorism program spends 25 years "at risk"
due to a failure to budget to fund it properly. There's a whole list of things like that. Among them:
February 12, 2015   FBI screws up on terror bomber suspect. "The narco-terror ringleader who planned the 2009 bombing of Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago studios and the iconic Sears Tower has been released from jail, his newfound freedom facilitated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)."As I asked above, feel safe yet? February 12, 2015   Neville Chamberlain in the Red House? themuslimvileone is today's equivalent, but worse (IMHO). February 12, 2015   Press digging into college days of Scott Walker. Do you think it would have been a different outcome in 2008 if they'd done the same thorough investigation into the early life of themuslimvileone? After all, we STILL don't know much about his college days except that there are very few people who remember seeing him in college and that he was allegedly the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. We all know that's way too much info on a single candidate to dig up and publish and the press probably went too far in finding that. Maybe we should spank them all now? (Recognize the sarcasm?) February 12, 2015   Is themuslimvileone's admin trying to silence opposition to a third term? Regulating the internet and websites that oppose their progressive/leftist/liberal ideas is their goal. Why would they want to regulate something if it weren't a threat to their goals? They want to be elected without opposition. They want to rule us without opposition. They want to take all of our money and property away without opposition. They want to CONTROL us without our opposition. They want to CONTROL what we eat (msthevileone's lunch program?), what we read (children are punished for bringing Bibles to school), what we listen to (talk radio Conservatives are targeted for removal from the radio all the time), what we think and feel (hate speech and crimes; political correctness; universities putting together lists of words students cannot use; etc.), where we get our healthcare (and insurance for it), etc., etc., etc. I think that it's quite possible that themuslimvileone is going to go for a third term because he's taking control of EVERY source or opposition he can get his CONTROLLING hands on. Keep an eye out for other signs of law-changing that would make it a certainty. February 12, 2015   February 12, 2015   This is what happens when you keep spineless jellyfish leadership. It's not that they can't it's that they won't. dumboRATS always -- always -- found a way to get what they wanted, legal or not. The difference is that bonehead boehner and mcCONnell are too spineless and PROGRESSIVE to even try to do what they should do for this country. Kiss-ups to themuslimvileone, both bonehead and mcCONnel should be run out of office on a rail. February 12, 2015   This is absurd. Illegal aliens to get BACK TAXES: refunds for years they weren't even here, much less years that they paid any taxes to get refunds for! That's YOUR MONEY they're giving to the illegals for NO REASON WHATSOEVER except to BRIBE them to vote for dumboRATS. It's a BRIBE. It's a ridiculous idea that will hurt our economy because those illegals will spend some of it here, but they'll send some of it back home to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, etc. YOUR MONEY is going to them. This administration targets Conservatives via the IRS, but they give those same Conservatives' money to illegal aliens! What? This is all about taking from AMERICANS to give to the illegals so that this administration can BUY VOTES. Which leads me to think that there must be a reason he's trying so hard to BUY VOTES: a third term in the future, perhaps? Of course, it would be a ballot initiative, before the 2016 General Election, if we're lucky. But if not, it would be just an Executive Order of the highest degree. His Royal Majesty, Dictator Extraordinaire, He Who Must Be Worshipped and Obeyed, would just DECREE it. Isn't that loverly [sic]? The IRS can't be trusted. Nor can this administration. February 12, 2015   Amen and Amen! February 12, 2015   February 12, 2015   I'll close today on a positive note. Pray for a revival to sweep across our country and that GOD will forgive our sins (abortion, extra-marital sex, lying, etc.). Pray for our troops and their safe return. Pray for a TRUE Christian CONSERVATIVE to be elected in 2016 (if there is an election in 2016). Pray for Israel and its protection. Pray for peace. Pray for Islam, N. Korea and atheists to come to Christ and accept the fact that GOD LOVES THEM and sent His Son to die for them. Pray for each other and me. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! February 11, 2015: 9:32 a.m.   February 11, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   The Dictator In Cheat says companies bad for trying to save jobs. Well, he actually said that they're bad for trying to use his TAX as a reason to not provide healthcare insurance to their employees anymore. They're telling their workers to not work more than twenty-five hours weekly. That way they'll be considered part timers and the company won't be legally obliged to provide themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX insurance for their employees. As for Staples, the company he named, they fired back: "'Unfortunately, the president appears not to have all the facts,' Staples spokesman Kirk Saville said in a statement. 'It's unfortunate that the president is attacking a company that provides more than 85,000 jobs and is a major tax payer.'"themuslimvileone's lips were moving, so of course he "doesn't have all the facts". Now, even mitch mcCONnell is saying that people are going to "get whacked" by new taxes due to this garbage. Like the money in your wallet (what's left of it, that is)? Kiss it goodbye. Then you need to realize that this garbage is RUINING health insurance altogether: "Here’s the rarely told secret about health insurance in the Obamacare exchanges: insurers don’t care if heavy users of medical care go to some other plan. Getting rid of high-cost enrollees is actually good for the bottom line."Getting rid of patients who need a lot of medical attention is good for the profit margin within themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. Not only that but... "'[N]arrow networks can necessitate footing bills privately. For others, the constant changes in policy guidelines — annual shifts in what’s covered and what’s not, monthly shifts in which doctors are in and out of network — can produce surprise bills for services they assumed would be covered. For still others, the new fees are so confusing and unsupportable that they just avoid seeing doctors.'"Isn't that what we were promised by the Liar of the Year? All of that bad news needs company, don't you think? That company is that themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is raising costs, not lowering them. Promises based upon lies are also lies. That's what you get when you have a soulless, heartless, unprincipled, power-hungry Muslim as prezidunce. What's next? Beheadings in the name of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX? February 11, 2015 February 11, 2015   How anyone can LIE like this is beyond me. "Random" act? Really? A Kosher deli and it wasn't an attack on Jews? Really? Unbelieveable. February 11, 2015   Atheist charged with executing three Muslims. What makes him any better than them? If he disagrees with Islam, talk about it. Explain it. Don't go out and shoot people because that makes you equally as evil as Islam has been. Words work. Words make things change, while shooting, beheading, raping, chopping the hands off of people only makes people think worse of YOU. It makes no sense to do the same things they do. You don't defeat an ideology via becoming that ideology. This atheist needs to be held fully accountable and he needs to be sent to prison for the rest of his life, or because it was murder and not self-defense, sent to the chair. Capital punishment is not the "same as them"-type thing. He has already broken the law and it is a punishment for his own actions, not murder. There's a difference. Murder is murder; capital punishment is a result of his own actions and choices. February 11, 2015   This is rich. Didn't he just cut and run from Yemen? It wasn't that long ago he was touting it as one of his success stories. What happened to "success"? February 11, 2015   bumbling biden thinks Congress is "an equal branch of government". Well, DUH! Is that an opening salvo across hillclintOOn's reputation as a third term preziduncial power dictator? Will he actually run against her, or will he try to kiss up to her and get appointed as something special if she gets cheated into office? Whichever, at least he got his thought correct, too bad he didn't make it an U.S. Constitution statement of FACT. SMH. February 11, 2015   "Smartest man in the world" (ahem) blows it again. If he had a brain in his body his body would chew it up and spit it out and stomp on it. That's how smart he is. February 11, 2015   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools:   Islam being taught in FL schools. It's not just being taught, the things that are happening actually CONVERTS YOUR CHILD INTO A MUSLIM. All that is necessary to become a Muslim is for anyone to make the statement of belief in Muhammed and allah and that statement is in the school book: "There is no god but God, Muhammed is God's messenger."NOTE: The book changes "allah" to God", but it's the same Shahada, profession of faith in allah -- conversion to Islam -- using the sneaky method of replacing "allah" with "God". I think that's abominable. This is happening in FLORIDA, folks! You want your children to be converted by a SCHOOL BOOK? Is that what you want in your child's education? Whatever happened to the constant cry for "Seperation of Church and State"? Why is the Bible being kicked out of schools in Florida while we BUY (with TAXPAYER DOLLARS) textbooks that INDOCTRINATE OUR CHILDREN INTO ISLAM?! Why? Because the Bible is NOT PC and Islam is scary and our legislature is made of a bunch of COWARDS. February 11, 2015   Say what? Butter is GOOD for you? Wow. Whodathunkit? After all, didn't "science" teach us years ago that butter is BAD for us? How many times have we heard just that? Use cooking oil sprays and it saves calories and cholesterol, and it won't harden in your arteries and kill you. That's what they have been saying for YEARS. Now, "science" says butter is GOOD for us. How can anyone trust "science" when "science" can't get it right for years, is manipulated ("global warming") and "adjusted" ("global warming"), reaches "consensus" ("global warming") instead of using facts, observable results and repeatable truths. Gravity is proven. "Global warming" and butter being bad for you are NOT. Don't listen to the "science" of food. It's all a money-making crock. Remember when they stopped movie theater popcorn from being popped in coconut oil? Now we found out that helps reverse alzheimers and possibly helps with other diseases. So why trust "science"? If it's this wishy-washy, it seems to me that it can't be trusted at all. February 11, 2015   This is stupid. If a teen wants to get out there and work and make a little cash, what's wrong with that? Helping your neighbor, showing initiative, doing honest labor (as opposed to stealing something, or being in this administration, the House or Senate), is getting punished in NJ? That's just stupid. February 11, 2015   Not soon enough. February 11, 2015   dumboRAT controlled cities debate non-citizen voting rights. What will happen is that the dumboRATS will win constantly in those cities, making those cities horrible living areas with many welfare programs, low employment, high crime, mostly government housing and food stamps the predominant currency in grocery stores. Those who don't want to live in that kind of city will relocate and their leaving will make the situation even worse. Unless, of course, the city council writes an ordinance that disallows people in nice houses to leave the city or sell their houses so that, at least, they'll have to keep paying their property tax for the people on welfare. That's what will happen to any city that votes for non-citizen voting rights. The Founding Fathers said CITIZENS have the right to vote. In fact, Federalist #10 talks about electing representatives, it uses exclusively the word CITIZEN. Giving non-citizens the right to vote is totally against what the Founding Fathers set up. Too bad they don't matter anymore. February 11, 2015   themuslimvileone's admin: Free Speech? What's that? They want to "regulate" blogs now. They want to SHUT YOU (and I) UP. They don't want ridicule, criticism, disagreement. They want lock-step, goose-stepping mindless obedience and praise. That's all they'll allow on the internet once they start regulating it via the 332 page law mentioned above. Is this what you want? February 11, 2015   Sessions slams themuslimvileone's plan. Bringiing illegal alien's (although "amnestied") to America to be with their parents is a bad idea. Destroying America is themuslimvileone's goal and he's doing everything he can to accomplish that. I wish he had never been ACORNed into office. I wish the truth would come out about how much he cheated, his "community organizing" was just working out a way to cheat as much as possible and it was funded by george soros. That's what I believe. I believe that themuslimvileone is soros's puppet and if it weren't for soros, themuslimvileone would still be a "community organizer". But bill ayers and others introduced the two and it's been "DESTROY AMERICA! FULL STEAM AHEAD!" ever since. It's a fatal union and America is the intended victim. Along with America's death goes your freedom, rights, personal property (the State will take it all; down to your underwear) and any voice you had in the election of the government and running of the country. Those privileges will be reserved for those who are their buddies, the rich and powerful amongst them, that is. The little peons who have been useful idiots, the cogs in the wheels, will be discarded as the dross they are (in the minds of themuslimvileone and his "superior" friends) and America will become a distant memory, a foggy dream, a lingering taste of the honey of liberty that is no more. February 11, 2015   On that note I shall close for the day. Pray for a revival to sweep across this land and that GOD will have mercy on us and start setting hearts straight and minds aright. Pray for our troops and their quick return and safety. Pray that themuslimvileone will be stopped in his tracks. Pray for America. Pray for peace. Pray for Israel's protection and victory. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's quick release, healing, his family, and for other Christians held prisoner. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! February 10, 2015: 2:38 p.m.   Sign the petition to STOP THE TAKE OVER of the INTERNET. This thing is LAWLESS and WRONG! themuslimvileone's plan to control the internet is worse than thought. As we thought, it's going to be bad. It "opens the door to billions of dollars of new taxes on broadband". It will also "steadily increase regulation over time."And it will be worse because it is themuslimvileone. That's not how he sold it. Of course, his lips were moving. I found another Commissioner's opinion that is just as damning of the takeover. In fact, he says, "[T]he Commission has a broadband vision completely divorced from reality."I'm trying to find the full text of the actual regulation so I can post it for you to read all 332 pages. They haven't made it easy. As soon as I find it, I'll post it. They have released a Fact Sheet on Net "Neutrality". The organization "Free Press" is behind "Net Neutrality": "Even while its founders and conferences call for revolution, the overthrow of the capitalist system, and the socialization of America, Free Press has been regularly granted audiences not only with members of Congress, but with those overseeing media policy at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). For example, when Julius Genachowski, who worked as a prominent leader in Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, became chairman of the FCC (on June 29, 2009), he promptly appointed Free Press spokeswoman Jen Howard to be his press secretary. By late September, three months into his new job, Genachowski announced his plan to push for net neutrality. [my bolding]"Socialization of America? Sounds like someone themuslimvileone wants to follow. To sign a petition to try to STOP THE TAKE OVER OF THE INTERNET by this administration and its cronies, SIGN THIS PETITION and be a part of saving FREEDOM and FREE SPEECH! Watch the excellent explanation WHY YOU SHOULD NOT SUPPORT NET "NEUTRALITY". If you want speeds (or should I say "slows"; it's that bad) as slow as Europe's internet then you should be happy with themuslimvileone's attempt to TAKE OVER the internet. Go sign the petition to STOP THE TAKE OVER of the INTERNET. I admit that I suspected this, but I didn't know until last night that I was right. It is george soros behind this. He is an evil man. In an attempt to ensure you understand what Net "Neutrality" really is, I've written a new blog: "The Birthday Party" is an analogy that may help you understand what is really at risk here. Read it and pass it on! February 10, 2015: 12:37 p.m.   February 10, 2015   themuslimvileone runs. He orders the Yemen embassy abandoned as Islam threatens it. I thought themuslimvileone thinks Islam wasn't a problem. Why run from something that isn't a problem? Admission via action; actions speak louder than words. Of course, he could just be avoiding another BENGHAZI-type scandal. Lose an embassy once, shame on them; twice shame on him? February 10, 2015   NBC news anchor gets special treatment from D.C. Attorney General. David Gregory committed a "serious gun law violation" but the D.C. A.G. won't issue an arrest warrant: "D.C. Attorney General Irvin B. Nathan subsequently sent a letter, obtained by JW, to NBC saying that his office would not prosecute Gregory, 'despite the clarity of the violation of this important law.' The Attorney General added, 'There is no doubt of the gravity of the illegal conduct in this matter. . . .'""[N]o doubt of the gravity" yet he won't issue the warrant? Must be nice to receive special treatment. February 10, 2015   Nobel Peace Prize winner wants another war. Winning Peace Prize prior to earning it must mean you don't have to live up to its ideals, right? February 10, 2015   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! What has that guy been smoking, drinking, injecting, whatever? He's totally delusional! February 10, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Claiming that businesses do not support undoing this crap is specious, at best. They use HCA as a good example of a company supporting keeping this garbage. HCA is making huge profits from it, but that doesn't seem to make a difference to Mother Jones who admits that HCA is making money off of it: "(Of the roughly 134,000 patients with federal exchange-based insurance who visited an HCA facility last year, 62 percent had never been there before. This suggests that the new insurance program was definitely driving business to HCA's hospitals and clinics.)"It seems to me that the people/companies making money from themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX have more of a vested interest in the scotus ruling in favor of keeping it going. After all, they don't want to lose the money they were making off of it. However, the people who are leaving the program due to the increased cost to them have a vested interest, as well. Also, "Obamacare hasn’t just failed to expand coverage as projected — it’s caused more people to lose their insurance than its architects intended."They were told that they'd be able to get low cost coverage and that pre-existing conditions would be covered. Remember the thirty-six times he said this?: Source: Washington Free Beacon YouTube Channel It's also not covering as many people as promised since 31 MILLION people are now forecast to be uncovered. It's a piece of garbage that the dumboRAT controlled House and Senate pushed through: Source: PoliJam YouTube Channel I think it's time the scotus did the right thing and rule AGAINST keeping themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX in effect. It should be relegated to the trash heap of history as the catastrophic failure that it is. February 10, 2015   Another appointee of themuslimvileone found to be hypocritical. It's raising some eyebrows and should be investigated. February 10, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Shariah Law in America? It needs to be stopped now! There is ONE LAW im America: the U.S. Constitution. If this was a Catholic group saying that their religion does not condone abortion and they shouldn't have to pay for abortions via their tax dollars, their First Amendment rights would be trampled all over. Oh. Sorry. That's already being done to all Christians who think it's wrong to pay for abortions out of our taxpayer dollars. But when it comes to Islam, they're special and get special treatment under the same law? Is that America? Why is Islam getting a free pass? Why is Islam getting this administration's support, permission to receive special treatment and states across this land are refusing to stand up to them as well? If Islam were actually a religion of "peace and tolerance" why would it want special treatment? Wouldn't a religion of tolerance tolerate being made to adhere to the same laws as everyone else? We need to return to the LAW OF AMERICA, not the LAW of being a friend/cohort of themuslimvileone! February 10, 2015   Immigration to "drown" Conservatism? themuslimvileone wants it to happen. As long as the mother can give birth here, they're in and they can help themuslimvileone with his plans. That's what he wants. He wants to create an America where no Conservative will ever have a chance at being elected because of all the illegals who are voting for dumboRATS and the "freebies" government (American citizens/taxpayers) give them. Don't ya' love dictatorships ensuring they can stay in power? February 10, 2015   His lips were moving. February 10, 2015   DO try this at home! February 10, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Pray that GOD will forgive America's sins and send a revival across this land. Pray for our troops. Pray for Israel's protection and blessing, for N. Korea, Islam and atheists to come to Christ. Pray for peace. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing, and for his family, and for other Christian prisoners worldwide. Pray for the republiRATS to be infused with a spine. Pray for each other and me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! February 9, 2015: 9:15 a.m.   This week is (as far as I know) going to be quieter than last week so I'll be able to do more updates. BTW, if you ever get the chance to get on a bicycle for the first time in years, ride on mostly-hard packed sand and grass for mile after bumpy mile about three and-a-half hours with two other aging first-time-in-a-long-time bike riders, don't do it. Everything below my shoulders hurts. We made good time and covered more of the Orlando Wetlands than we thought possible, and we saw the Vermilion Flycatcher there, but we are paying the price! Now that I've given you that bit of laughter, I'll move on. February 9, 2015   It's Minion Monday! Hank is still curious about who absconded with the picture we had taken by the professional photographer on the cruise ship. He's very flattered by the fact that someone liked him (or just his picture) enough to take it, but he's curious who it was. February 9, 2015   "When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified. [my italics]"The TRUTH is coming out! The numbers that "prove" "global warming" (Hamsterism) have been "adjusted" -- tampered with, changed, bumped up, made into a LIE, so that the governments of the world can force you to change your way of doing things, control what you buy, CONTROL companies with tighter, more stringent regulations and teach your children that YOU DON'T CARE because you drive a _____ (fill in the blank with the current target) vehicle, use _____ product, or don't recycle enough. It's all based upon "scientists" (read people with an agenda wishing to CONTROL you) decided to bump the numbers UP so that they can "prove" something that would give them CONTROL. That's NOT science. That's something that should put people in JAIL. But, no. It's "science" so the "sceintists" get away with LYING to you and because they allegedly don't make a profit off of the LIES, they get away with it. Anyone check their investment portfolios? Anyone check their brother-in-law's business profits? Anyone find out if they were or were not profiting from it? They're manipulating the numbers so they're defrauding people. Why are they not in jail? February 9, 2015   Bonus pay for gov. employees who don't pay their taxes. (BTW, a lot of those folks work for the law-abiding IRS. Sweet, yes?) Question: Will they use their bonuses to pay their taxes or will they continue in their wayward ways? Are they following the example of the friend of themuslimvileone, Al Sharpton, or just following the examples of themuslimvileone's aides? Those closest to him get special treats, don't ya' know? YOU? You have to PAY, PAY, PAY! Equality: exploding under this administration. Another question comes to mind: The IRS has refused to obey the law, their employees are not paying their taxes, and the mainstream media is not reporting on any of that, so are they doing it too, or is themuslimvileone setting the example and encouraging this sort of action for his administration? After all, the apple doesn't fall fare from the tree, does it? February 9, 2015   Why do CA colleges create such liberals? Don't just look at the housing, the student gathering places, the buildings you are considering sending your child to. Look at the records of the people they turn out and the professors they've hired who will be teaching your children. Otherwise, they'll be mishandling America for years to come and America will be utterly destroyed by what your child becomes. February 9, 2015   England's health care system auctioning off old folks to care homes. (Disgusting.) I wonder, though. Is this what is headed our way under themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX? Saving money is why the auctions take place. Will this be incorporated into our system in order to save themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX in order to save money? Don't we all want Grandma auctioned off? I'm sure she'd enjoy going to the lowest bidder. They can ignore her and give her generic meds and let bed sores develop all they want as long as it's going to save money, right? February 9, 2015   How do lefties get back into good graces? "Fallon-ization". Make America laugh (at you or with you?) and you can be accepted back into good graces after any lie, fabrication, or misconduct under the sun. It's just another way the left has found to make sure that their influence on the uninformed, "People" magazine reading public. Keep hollyweirdos in the "good guys" column and people won't look elsewhere for the TRUTH. Hollyweirdos will maintain their influence and that's enough for some uninformed, non-thinking people who vote for whomever their favorite hollyweirdo supports. Sad to think that anyone can vote under those circumstances instead of wanting to inform themselves prior to voting, but it happens. February 9, 2015   themuslimvileone is trying to influence Israel's election outcome. Ego, anyone? February 9, 2015   I'm beginning to think that Internet Explorer makers have decided that certain Conservative websites are not acceptable. I try to go to Glenn Beck's "TheBlaze.com" and IE freezes up. I try to go to "Breitbart.com" and it freezes up. Today, it started doing it with "TownHall.com". When will "MichelleMalkin.com" or "DrudgeReport.com" start freezing? For how long will MICROSOFT allow any Conservative websites at all to be visited by the web browser, Internet Explorer? I'm switching to something else. I'm fed up. I just switched to Opera and I'm at both "TheBlaze.com" and "Breitbart.com" and neither is crashing. Cooking with gas! Goodbye, IE. No
more censhorship via IE locking up! Hurray! February 9, 2015   themuslimvileone doesn't know much about history? Oh, he knows history well enough. Problem is, he knows Islam better and he doesn't want to tell the truth about Islam and he doesn't want to denigrate Islam in any way, shape, or form. He's all for Islam, so he's just covering up the truth of what Islam is. That's all that happened at the National Prayer Breakfast. His true self showed; his "fruit" is hanging out. February 9, 2015   More snow in Boston? Grumble. I wanna' go. February 9, 2015   themuslimvileone endorses WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION. Have a penny, ounce, french fry more than your neighbor, the guy in Gary, Indiana, the illegal alien in CA? themuslimvileone wants you to give that ounce, french fry, penny up so that someone else can have an equal amount. He wants you to not have so that others can have. It doesn't matter how hard you work -- and that they don't -- it matters how much you have gotten via that work. You should not have that much. You are bad for having that much. You must be punished by being forced to give up some of what you have in order to give your stuff to someone else so that they can have the same. It's not right. It's not Constitutional. It's immoral. Fight this. February 9, 2015   Ben Carson listed as "extremist" by leftist/progressive SPLC. The Southern Poverty Law Center probably lists anyone who visits this site, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Dr. Thomas Sowell and SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas, too, so he's in good company. February 9, 2015   themuslimvileone set up a "Report 'em" line for illegals to file complaints. Illegals run into someone who doesn't support their being here, especially a government official or agency? Call the toll free number and tell daddy themuslimvileone on them. He'll spank them and make sure they toe the line. Is this America? February 9, 2015   msthevileone can't face reality: kids just don't like her lunch program food. How long has this thing been in schools and for how long have we heard complaints about it? Kids don't like the food! She needs to stop changing our children and focus on teaching her hubby how to tell the truth. Oh. Sorry. Forgot for a moment about whom I was writing. She would have to know how to tell the truth before she could teach him to do so. So much for that idea. February 9, 2015   That's rich. February 9, 2015   ketchup kerry meets with Iranian counterpart. Why is it that themuslimvileone is trying to STOP a strong supporter of Israel and Israel's freedom and rights (Netanyahu) from being re-elected, but orders ketchup kerry to meet with Iran's (a Muslim country) SoS-equivalent to talk appeasement? They're going to give Iran "permission" to have nuclear weapons while trying to get a softie elected in Israel? Fruit. February 9, 2015   themuslimvileone LIED about Netanyahu accepting bonehead's invitation? Probably. His lips were moving. February 9, 2015   What would America be like without DHS? Not surprisingly, about the same. February 9, 2015   Well, I've been using Opera web browser for about an hour now and I have to say, I'm liking it! I've been to my favorite websites and NOTHING has crashed my web browser, frozen my whole computer or otherwise disrupted my search for the TRUTH. If the truth ever comes out that Microsoft IE has programmed its browser to not work with Conservatie websites I'm sure there will be an uproar. Until then, though, I've removed IE from my Taskbar and my desktop because I REFUSE to use something that CENSORS ME and prevents me from seeing Conservative sites. I wonder if it would act up if I were going to porn sites, or to the HuffPo, or other progressive/liberal/leftist sites. IE does not act up at shopping sites (HSN, Michael's, scrapbooking sites, etc.) which are graphics heavy, so it can't be graphics that make it crash. It doesn't act up at non-Conservatie websites (NYT, FL Toady [sic], etc.) so it can't be news sites that make it crash. It doesn't act up at my photo site (Flickr.com) so it can't be that. It doesn't act up at banking sites, so it can't be security settings. It ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY crashed at CONSERVATIVE sites. Opera has not been doing so. That speaks volumes. February 9, 2015   Well, with that, I'll close for today. Pray for our nation to experience a great awakening in a revival that sweeps across this land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks and that the TRUTH will be told about him and all he does. Pray for Islam, North Korea and atheists to come to Christ. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be released and healed and for other Christians imprisoned for their beliefs. Pray for peace and for Israel (and that themuslimvileone FAILS in his attempts to defeat Netanyahu's re-election). Pray for each other and me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! February 6, 2015: 12:50 a.m.   "Tribute To Our Heroes 203: Suddenly!" is my Flag Friday offering for today. Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough! GOD Bless you all! February 6, 2015: 11:59 a.m.   This is the "food" msthevileone wants kids to eat in school? Food? I wouldn't take the time to bury some of that stuff! How msthevileone can credit that crud with kids "getting healthier" is beyond me. How can children in schools be said to be eating healthy food when the cafeterias fail inspection but keep feeding the kids? That's what's happening here in Florida. Raccoons in the kitchen? Really? Not a good thing. February 6, 2015   Brian Williams is a liar and his bosses don't want to go down with him. He falsified his claim about being shot down in a helicopter. And then he lied in the apology. He is a disgrace to the news industry: so much so that even Tom Brokaw is calling for his ouster. Williams is such a liar that he even lied during his Katrina coverage. When it comes to the progressives/lefties/liberals all they have to offer is stolen valor because they have nothing of themselves to offer. Truth? In the news, what is the truth to news anchors nowadays? February 6, 2015   Unemployment figures are out. It's not pretty. The U6 rate jumped allegedly just a notch. I say "allegedly" because I think it's being affected by other things. February 6, 2015   Army hero stripped of Silver Star by themuslimvileone. It's not just wrong: it's evil. It's cowardly to take away a HERO'S medal so that you won't lose face. That's a coward's actions and that's what this administration has done. This administration consistantly mistreats our heroes and it's a shame and an embarrassment: "Congressman Hunter pointed out in his article that a recent survey conducted by the Military Times revealed only 27 percent of the military felt that their leaders were looking out for the best interests of the troops. Golsteyn’s situation illustrates why this is the case, and is of a piece with the case of Will Swenson, whose Medal of Honor package was “lost” after he bitterly criticized his chain of command over the ROEs, or of Jim Gant, one of the most successful special operators of the last decade, who was nonetheless drummed out of the Army after running afoul of his superiors. [links within paragraph removed]"Why anyone would stay in the military under these circumstances is beyond me! February 6, 2015   Again, themuslimvileone's fruits show and are noticed. His fruit is Islamic. His testimony is Islamic. His actions are Islamic. His treatment of Israel is Islamic. If it walks like duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck... It's a hippopatomus? No. It's a duck. Don't be taken down the garden path by the LIE of themuslimvileone being Christian. His fruit proves otherwise. February 6, 2015   I have to go. I have an appointment to get to. Pray for revival to sweep across this land. Pray for our troops and their quick and safe return. Pray for peace and for Israel. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for TRUTH to return to America. Pray for atheists, North Korea and Islam to come to Christ. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be healed and released, and pray for his family. Pray for each other and for me. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! February 5, 2015: 4:02 p.m.   Have you ever had the feeling that something good is coming your way and that your spirit and soul are just excited about it and you feel like just going... Waaaahahahahahaha!Have you ever felt like that? I feel that way today. Something wonderful comes my way and I'm just thrilled down to my toenails! I'll let you know if I can share what it is. For now, though, I will do a few blurbs while I can sit still.February 5, 2015   themuslimvileone:   Where is his positive witness for his alleged "Christianity"? He doesn't have one. Where is themuslimvileone's witness? He meets with and supports Hamas and other groups that finance the evil of Islamic terrorism. He admits to having his "Muslim faith". He never says that the death, torture, rape, atrocities are all Islamic terrorism (but he will say that Christianity did wrong: witness?). If you can tell a man by his fruits (Matthew 7:16-20), then what does the fruit of themuslimvileone's life tell you? Have you ever seen him spontaneously pray to the GOD of Christianity with someone? Have you ever seen him quote the Christian Bible in a positive way? He misquotes it to serve his purposes, on more than one occasion he's done so, and I believe it's on purpose. After all, if you can It's the "Holy Quran" but the "scriptures", or the "good book". If he reads the Bible at all, he certainly doesn't understand it. His fruit is either non-existent or rotten. Never eat rotten fruit. Never believe the claims to "Christianity" of someone who lies about the Bible. Never believe the claim of "Christianity" of someone who supports the opposite of what his "Christian" beliefs teach him. Never believe the claimm of someone who "slips" and says "my Muslim faith". After all, if you're not Catholic, do you say "my Catholic faith", etc.? For themuslimvileone to even be at the prayer breakfast is a slap in the face to all Christians there and in America. To have him tell us about the "terrible deeds" allegedly done in the name of Christ, is not just historically inaccurate (they were caused by the Muslim conquests taking so much territory by force), but it's so very, very "rich" for him to accuse others of "distort our religion for their nihilistic ends [my italics]". How idiotic is that? February 5, 2015   Meant to do more, but every time I get back on my website program I get interrupted by a phone call. I'm giving up on doing updates because of that. I will do the Flag Friday pic later tonight then may miss tomorrow altogether because I have to run errands and probably go with my hubby to see if we can figure out the mechanical problems of my son's roommate. How long that will take, I don't know. What the plan will be after the vehicle check, I don't know. I do know what's going to happen at least before noon, and I may get a few blurbs done then. We'll see. I'll go before I get another call. Pray for America, for our troops, for revival, for Pastor Saeed Abedini, for atheists, N. Korea and Islam to come to Christ, for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks and to have a tongue that refuses to tell a lie. Pray for each other and for me. Sorry I didn't get much done. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time (hopefully soon), See ya'! February 4, 2015: 12:13 p.m.   Common Crap Core:   Want a reasonable evaluation of this garbage? In the article's evaluation, "Tom Loveless, a former Harvard professor who is an education policy expert at the Brookings Institution, said the Common Core was 'built on a shaky theory.'"As for Gov. Scott Walker (WI), he's now proposing defunding it in his state. As he gets closer to election day, he'll be sure to stand harder against it. From what I've read and heard he's been all over the map on this issue. That makes me nervous about him. Want to know the truth about Common Crap Core? Watch the video: Source: Fox News The Five via WND The problem is that if they're working with a BASE 10 idea, they FORGET TO MENTION that the student has to know what 9+_ = 10 in order to KNOW that they have to "decompose" 6 into 1+5! What if the kid can only think of 6 as 3+3? Then what's the answer to 9+6=_? Is it correct to say that the child did the math properly if he "decomposes" 6 into 4+2 or 3+3? The way they're teaching it, YES! They did the math correctly! But the child did not come up with a BASE 10. So the child failed there. It gets worse. In Common Core, you have several options such as 6 steps to subtract 2 numbers. Six steps. That's all. They probably could have come up with seventeen, but they had mercy. Six steps. Common Crap Core can force young children into reading before they're ready, which can be very harmful to a child's desire to learn. Not to mention the fact that they're pushing kindergarten children to do geometry! Math is so screwed up in Common Crap Core that they're putting the cart before the horse and teaching the "concept" before the "facts". That's like telling someone to explain the concept of the E=MC2 without teaching them what "E" is, what the "squared" means. It makes no sense. Teach the basics first. Teach the facts first. Yes, that means memorization. But if you don't have the times table memorized when you're an adult and you have to balance your checkbook, how on earth are you going to do so without taking vacation time to do all those steps for each transaction? Can you imagine? They also teach kids in Common Crap Core that husbands cheat on their wives. Is that appropriate? Folks, Common Crap Core is NOT even about teaching kids how to do math in a different way. It's about making them so frustrated with math that they give up and believe themselves to be stupid because they can't figure it out (nor can their parents so they must be stupid, too), and if they give up on math, they're likely to give up on other subjects, too. Add to the Common Crap Core the lower IQs that will be coming out of the public school systems the fact that there is no right and no wrong, no good and no bad, no gender and no sexual act or perversion except adult male/female mutually agreed upon sex within a traditional marriage that is WRONG (outside of wedlock it's okay) and you get a ruling class and a servant class, just as they had in the middle ages and still have in England. It's all about creating a class system that is going to keep most Americans in the uneducated, can't pull themselves up by the bootstraps segment of society so that the people within the ruling class (rich folks, politicians, hollyweird celebs) will have someone to wait on them hand and foot. You see images of the Queen of England's doormen, footmen, waiters, maids, cooks, chauffers, Ladies in Waiting, etc., and that's what those pushing Common Crap Core envision for YOUR children because, as we all know, you're NOT one of them. It's about creating a servant class and those servants will be your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Is that what you want? February 4, 2015   The end of free speech on the internet? "Net neutrality" rules to be made public soon. Who knows what the rules will be considering the mixed message of the FCC Chair?: "my proposal includes a general conduct rule that can be used to stop new and novel threats to the internet."and "The proposal I present to the commission will ensure the internet remains open, now and in the future, for all Americans."So which is it: "a general conduct rule" or "open, now and in the future"? You tell me. February 4, 2015   Um... What's up with this? It's starting to look like something's up. The question is: What? February 4, 2015   hillclintOON still living high on the hog. So she's going to run on a campaign of "being one of us"? Right. February 4, 2015   Let's just do the Keystone Pipeline because it's good for America. That's all it takes: facing the facts is a lesson in reality. Why can't the progressives/lefties understand that Keystone is a good thing!? February 4, 2015   themuslimvileone loses another staffer. People are leaving his administration in droves. I wonder why? (*sarcasm*) February 4, 2015   KY gives local choice about union or not? It's a good idea, until you find out that the union's thugs may have an objection to the locals choosing to NOT go union. Then there may be a problem. February 4, 2015   Cockroaches have personalities? Really? Well, I don't care if they've got the best personality on earth. If I see one, I'm still going to squash it, no matter how many children it has, whether it tries to make me laugh, or if it says "I just wanna' be your friend!" I'm still squashing it. I'll send it on to it's next life (not that I believe in that, but...) and be proud of the day my actions made that cockroach move on to its next itteration. February 4, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   House votes to repeal it. Cough. Yeah. Lotta' good that's going to do. There are many reasons to do so, but bonehead boehner knows this thing won't get past the Senate and that it's just a "ShowVote". That's why he's doing it: to make a show of it. He's already had this thing up 54 times in four years, to take up different aspects of it being replaced, or "fixed", but they've only voted SIX TIMES TO REPEAL THE WHOLE THING. The problem is (and I shouldn't have to point this out to anyone) we still have this illegal "law"! The whole thing needs to be IGNORED by "We, The People" because the prezidunce, the House and the Senate are not OUR BOSSES, WE ARE THEIR BOSSES and if WE SAY we won't abide by it, then the law has no effect. Personal nullification is a valid choice here. Since when does the prezidunce have the right to tell me what to BUY? Since when? I am so tired of hearing about the republiRATS and how they're going to save us all and how they never do anything to make it happen, that I refuse to even being to trust any of them in that subject. I don't believe Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, marco rubio, or any other elected official when it comes to this piece of tyrannical garbage-law. I definitely don't trust bonehead. How could anyone trust bonehead? Yeah, he put it on the floor of the House to be voted on. He's done his show. But he knows it's a show vote and that is why it means nothing when it comes to me trusting him. If this thing had a snowball's chance to be passed by the Senate and signed by the prezidunce, if it meant bonehead boehner would catch one ounce of ridicule or miss one Red House event due to him bringing the bill to the floor, he wouldn't touch that thing with a thousand foot pole! It's all show. He's checked that box again. February 4, 2015   Really? They spent 365,000 TAXPAYER DOLLARS on this? They've come to the (expensive) conclusion that Putin has Asperger's syndrome. Was it worth it to you? February 4, 2015   Aaaaaahhhhhh.... public schools:   Stealing and pawning school property: principal and teacher. Sweet. Resident taxes were used to pay for the stuff stolen and sold, but the principal and teacher don't seem to care about that. Nor do some teachers care about right and wrong. Student/teacher sex is run of the mill nowadays. Some go so far as to try to kill their spouse to be with the student. One school system had "approximately four in the last six months -- charged with having sexual relationships with his students". That sounds to me like the pedophiles are majoring in education -- educating children in how to have sex with adults! It's so prevalent that it doesn't even surprise us anymore. It still sickens me that teachers look at child pornography. If they look at it at home it's scary to think that they could be teaching children of the same age, is it not? February 4, 2015   Ebola on the rise in Africa again. Be careful when you travel and if you have people coming to you, be careful there, too. We have a measles outbreak because of the illegal immigrants (if you recall, the lefties denied that they carried diseases). Now, we have to be worried about what's coming next? February 4, 2015   themuslimvileone proves WRONG again. shock. surprise. February 4, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Shariah tribunal operating --- in TEXAS?! Yep. Are we "one nation", or two, or more? We don't have one set of laws for some of us, and another set for others. Shariah law is ILLEGAL here because of our Constitution. Why is this being allowed? Are they going to be allowed to stone women soon? That's part of their law. Are they going to face any consequences if they douse a woman in gasoline and set her on fire? Is this what's next for America because of Islam and PC? It's a deadly combination and it could lead to the death of America and freedom. It's not something I'm going to let happen without a fight. Stand up for America. Don't let go! February 4, 2015   I'll close with that for today. Pray for a revival to sweep across this land and for America to turn back to Christ. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks and that NONE of his plans will come to fruition. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's quick release and total healing, and for his family as well. Pray for Islam and atheists to come to Christ because GOD LOVES THEM, TOO! Christ died for them, too. Pray for North Korea to come to Christ, too. Pray for each other and me. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! February 3, 2015: 6:48 p.m.   Late start due to running errands again. I shipped something to my Mom; she loves cashmere sweaters and I found her a periwinkle cashmere and wool sweater and in the box I sent were two other little things I found for her, too. I love sending my Mom little gifts when she's least expecting them. For Mother's Day, her birthday and Christmas I like to really do something excellent for her. I enjoy spoilling her. While I was out I stopped by the fabric store and got some fabric for recovering our dining room chairs. I found some at Hancock Fabrics for five dollars a yard and I'm thinking of trying to do the recovering myself. My hubby's the one who usually does it, and he's got a routine down for it (we recover our chairs annually, or close to it) but I think I can do it this time. We'll see. So I'm going to do just a few important blurbs today. Tomorrow I'll try to get started earlier in the day, then do the errands I may have to do. We'll see how I can do with that goal. Now, let's get started. February 3, 2015   Deficit to INCREASE despite record tax intake!
It's ridiculous because they're taxing everyone and everything and themuslimvileone is still spending so much -- via Executive Orders or whatever --
that our deficit is still going to go up no matter how much WE pay in taxes. It's giong to be a long time before themuslimvileone's
spending is paid off.
February 3, 2015   I think JW is asking a rhetorical question. Agree? February 3, 2015   Low unemployment: the BIG LIE. Well, DUH! The U6 number for January hasn't been released yet, but I'm sure that it'll be higher than the 11.2% of December 2014. With the Christmas employees being released, the number is bound to be higher. February 3, 2015   bonehead boehner needs to go. He's always doing the wrong thing and he's always kissing the backsides of the dumborats. If he were a real leader, he would have accomplished the twelve things he said he was going to. But bonehead boehner is a LIAR just like themuslimvileone. February 3, 2015   "[B]ecause the immigration program is so popular within the Obama Administration" "Officials overseeing a federal program that offers an immigration short-cut to wealthy foreign investors have ignored pointed warnings from federal agents and approved visas for some immigrants suspected of having committed fraud, money laundering, and even one applicant with alleged ties to a child porn website"The FBI and other law enforcement agencies are trying to raise the red flags, but they're being ignored. Don't ya' love it? Our national security is a JOKE to this administration and to some Congressmen: "Homeland Security expedited the processing of investor visas after Nevada Sen. Harry Reid (D) and his staff began prodding the department to move faster."Isn't that special? He cares about our children and America's security so much! (*sarcasm, of course*) February 3, 2015   You may want to fill the gas tank up while the price is still in the low two-dollar area. It's going to go back up. How high, who knows? February 3, 2015   themuslimvileone operating "shadow visa network". He's breaking the law in yet another way. So. Shock. Surprise. Yawn. What's new? America? Nah. Haven't seen her since themuslimvileone took office. February 3, 2015   michael moore a coward. What's new there, too? Hasn't he always been? February 3, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Christianity under attack: physical attack by Islam. Killing children is so tolerant. That and filming the burning death of the Jordanian pilot and killing those who repent of the slaughters, that's "peaceful and tolerant", too. SO very tolerant. Isn't it time the world acknowledge the TRUTH about all of this? Islam as a religion is VIOLENT and undeniably so. When you do the kinds of things that this organization does in the name of its god, it has to be acknowledged that the organization (it's hard to call it a "religion" when it leads to this kind of behavior) creates monsters. You don't see Lutherans doing this in large numbers. February 3, 2015   Gotta' go. Hubby's on the phone. Pray for America, our troops, Pastor Saeed Abedini, atheists and Islam to come to Christ, for GOD to forgive our sins, for N. Korea to come to Christ, too. Pray for each other and moi! Until next time, See ya'! February 1, 2015: 11:50 p.m.   It's time for "Minion Monday: Hank Helps Out" because Hank really does like to try to help. His heart's in the right place. February 2, 2015: 4:27 p.m.   Phew! I can finally sit down. I have been running errands and going places since I got up this morning (well, after I did my morning ablutions, of course)! It has been a busy, busy morning. So let's get started with something more relaxing. February 2, 2015   themuslimvileone:   He's an idiot. He hasn't a clue. Well, that is unless it comes to helping Islam do bad things. That, he's good at. A good question to ask right now is, is he trying to kill Pres. Bush (43)? He's releasing Gitmo prisoners who have vowed to kill Pres. Bush, so who will themuslimvileone blame if those he released succeed? He can't blame Bush for Bush's death, or would he find a way? (I think he'd come up with something.) He has messed up so very much, with our allies that he can't even claim many allies anymore. Way to go, themuslimvileone. (*sarcasm*) Did you know that he thinks the Taliban are not terrorists? Let's see... Human Rights groups says they're murdering terrorists. The Taliban itself proves it's a murdering terrorist group. So why is themuslimvileone averse to calling the Taliban terrorists? Because he's a Muslim and Muslims don't negate other Muslim's works for their god. February 2, 2015   Apple bringing its progressive politics to ruin AZ's conservatism. Sigh. Is nowhere safe? February 2, 2015   Scott Walker GOP frontrunner? I like how he has defeated the left every time they've tried to oust him from office. I like that he has stood that test over and over again. That's impressive. How he handled the unions in his state: superb! But, he's pro-Common Crap Core and he's so-so on immigration and amnesty. So... Frontrunner? Right now, maybe. Later, I'm hoping for Allen West and...??? (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39227, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or Common Crap Core supporter.) February 2, 2015   Did you know your taxpayer dollars pay for Gitmo terrorists to Skype? Yep. Don't ya' love that? It's disgusting. February 2, 2015   Major concealed carry advances in FL and elsewhere. Hurray! Very good news. February 2, 2015   themuslimvileone says the IRS should "face justice". Justice? He's got the nerve to talk about justice? How about him facing justice for all the times he's betrayed America, broken his Oath of Office, lied to America, trampled on the U.S. Constitution he swore to uphold and defend. How about bringing him to justice? February 2, 2015   This administration is out to ruin America any way it can. 5.5 MILLION work permits issued since themuslimvileone took office? Really? That's absurd! How on earth can themuslimvileone claim that we aren't doing enough for immigrants, especially considering how much WE ARE PAYING FOR for those immigrants?! Come on! This is absurd! February 2, 2015   Why is themuslimvileone messing with Israel's elections? What business is it of his? How egotistical, narcissistic, conceited, superior to have even thought of doing something like that. What gall. February 2, 2015   TSA using lawsuits to hide the truth. The truth is, they abuse their power and they don't do a good job, and they waste taxpayer dollars a LOT -- especially on suing people to shut them up. It's a pattern we see over and over again in this administration, isn't it? February 2, 2015   al sharpton isn't a good guy. He's just a scam artist who doesn't pay his taxes. So why isn't he in jail instead of visiting themuslimvileone in the Red House 16 times? BTW, during those visits did themuslimvileone ask al sharpton why he wasn't paying his taxes? Or did he just welcome him with open arms and feed him lobster and Kobe Beef at YOUR expense? February 2, 2015   "We're all gonna' die of something sometime" says Jocelyn Elders, Surgeon General (with uniform to befit a "general") under billybobclintOOn. Thanks to the next dumborat prezidunce, themuslimvileone, now we have to pay two times the taxes for dying. Isn't that wunnerful, wunnerful? We have themuslimvileone to thank for so much (that's wrong, that is). February 2, 2015   Say what? Ridiculous. February 2, 2015   Did you watch the SuperBowl? A lot of people did. I did not. I did, however tell my hubby that the Patriots would win and that the score was going to be 17 to 28, Patriots. I got everything except the Seahawks' score correct. Not bad for someone who knows nothing about the Seahawks or about the Patriots, right? February 2, 2015   I don't know why I can't remember what my hubby told me about that I wanted to look up and post a link to, but I can't remember. So, I'll close for today. Pray for a revival in this land. Pray for America's protection, peace and forgiveness of our sins. Pray that GOD would stop themuslimvileone in his tracks. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and his family, his release and his healing. Pray for Israel's protection and guidance. Pray for N. Korea, Islam and atheists to accept Jesus as their lord and savior. Pray for each other and me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 2015 January 30, 2015: 5:38 p.m.   Forgot to post the link to my Flag Friday picture until just now. Sorry. Forgetful today. "Tribute To Our Heroes 202: It's Not Thursday!" is my Tribute for today. I hope like it. Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough! January 30, 2015: 12:47 p.m.   Missed yesterday. Sorry about that. I got a nice surprise and wasn't home for the usual update times. So, let's start the day with a great big "HURRAY!" Mitt Romney says he won't run in 2016. I think that's excellent news. We don't need to repeat a mistake. I'm glad that at least he learned from history and chose not to repeat it. Glad someone did! They say that the financial supporters are moving to jebbybebby. Those are the folks who have not learned from history. They need to wake up and realize that he's a Common Crap Core supporter and an amnesty supporter and we really don't need either. Let's see if we can get a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE on the ballot in 2016. It's time. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39227, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or Common Crap Core supporter.) January 30, 2015   "'delegates to Barack Obama the legislative authority to do anything he wants – absolutely anything – so long as he includes it in a ‘trade agreement.’'"Is that good for America? Nope. But you may be surprised by who is supporting it: "Supporters of fast track, including Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, say it allows Congress to set goals for an agreement the Obama administration will negotiate."Paul Ryan? That's very disappointing. Hatch? Not surprised. This is not safe. This is not good. You may wish to contact your Senator and your Representative and tell them to NOT BACK THIS THING. It's a good way to get bad things done and Paul Ryan is a big disappointment for supporting it. January 30, 2015   SEC allows sale of stock in marijuana biz. Great! Buy shares in getting high. Isn't that wunnerful, wunnerful? (*sarcasm, of course*) January 30, 2015   80%. That's all. themuslimvileone gave Iran 80% of what they wanted in nuclear talks. Feel safer? January 30, 2015   bumbling biden shall go to the wood shed for this one! He said "'To state the obvious, the past six years have been really, really hard for this country.'"Question is, does he realize he just spoke the TRUTH and that themuslimvileone, his prezidunce, is the REASON for the "really, really hard" time for this country? Like I said, "To the wood shed!" January 30, 2015   U.S. economy "lost speed" in Oct.-Dec. 2014. That includes the election cycle in which I said on Oct. 3, 2014: "October 3, 2014 The ACTUAL unemployment rate is 11.8% for Sep. 2014 not the 5.9% being reported. The numbers have been revised UP, as they were just before the 2012 election, and in Oct. 2010, too. It's an electin ploy this administration uses: make things look as rosy as possible when it comes to jobs and the economy right before the election so that they'll stay in office then tell the truth a few days after the election results are finalized. That's how they keep from being thrown out. Revise the numbers. Lie to the people long enough to get them to keep you in office. Don't worry about the TRUTH. Just revise. Just LIE. Just stay in POWER."So was I wrong? Nope. January 30, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:  
Will this help the "death panels" make their decisions?
After all, themuslimvileone wants to have DNA specific medicines. So will this happen more often after the DNA specific meds? January 30, 2015   Spending spree coming up! themuslimvileone thinks he's got to spend YOUR money as soon as possible -- even though America's debt is as of this writing at $18,102,705,***,*** (*=changing too quickly to keep up with) that's $154,047 PER CITIZEN, and climbing! Don't you want to make it even more? I mean, if you're going to do something, do it well, right? (*sarcasm*) January 30, 2015   hillclintOOn messed up big time. She is in hiding so that she can come up with "policies". IMHO, they're trying to figure out every flaw she has and trying to figure out how to cover those flaws up with a "Squirrel!" (pointing away from her) and how to make it all someone else's fault. It wasn't her decision, she never heard about it, someone under her made the mistake of trying to make the decision, etc., etc. It's always someone else with the clintOOns. Always. They are never responsible for anything that doesn't look good for them. January 30, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Another jihad encouraged. Islam is full of them, isn't it? The problem is that if you don't stand up to Islam, they keep doing the same thing over and over again and it only gets worse with time. Instead of placating them, paying their blackmail, trading five Gitmo terrorists for a traitor, or funding the rebuilding of their mosques (while Christian churches burn nearby), as themuslimvileone does, stand up to them. My solution is to either bring them to Christ through prayer or a carpet bombing with MOABS. I prefer the first, but if they keep up the crap they've been up to since 9/11, then the latter solution is a possibility. The world CANNOT allow Islam to keep creating the havoc, death and destruction it has been doing worldwide for the last thirteen years. It isn't sustainable. January 30, 2015   Aaaaaaaahhhh.... public schools!   Hijab day in public school? What happened to "seperation of church and state"? Then there's the school that the State of Arkansas had to take over because it had to tell the teachers to wear underwear! (SMH) Now, charter schools are unionizing and that's going to mean that charter schools are going to go down the tubes as did public schools. It also opens the door for union protests and demands to be made on the charter schools. I don't think they realize that they're opening the door for far worse. January 30, 2015   I'll close with that. Oops! I just realized it's Friday and not Thursday! I have been thinking it was Thursday! I didn't do my Tribute yet! Oh, I'm sorry! I'll close then do that and post the link. Pray for America, for our troops, Pastor Saeed Abedini, for Israel, for peace, for Islam and atheists to come to Christ and for each other and me! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 28, 2015: 1:38 p.m.   How absurd is this? Have they never had a bowl of leftover green beans pushed to the back of the fridge and tall stuff placed in front of it for convenience's sake and the green beans forgotten about? Three weeks later you pull the Press and Seal off of the bowl and regret having done so? Seattle has gone way too far in their PC crap. If they tried to "shame" me by placing a red flag on my trash, I would take it off the trash and wear it out and about as a badge of honor as I shopped for more food. It's MY MONEY and I can spend it and buy the food I want and if I choose to not finish that food, or just forget to finish it, then it's none of their business whether I eat that food or not. It's my money buying the food, it's my body ingesting the food, and it's my money replacing the food if I don't ingest all of it! They can take their "red flags" and put them where the sun don't shine because it's NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS whether or not I eat all the food I purchase! Did they think of the unintended consequences of that law? Did they consider the possibility that people will not throw the food out in the garbage, but will instead bury it in their yards, or hide it in their lawn trash, or -- heaven forbid! -- burn it with the yard trash? What an overreach this stupid law is. The people of Seattle should -- I said "should", not will, they are progressive progressives after all -- rebel and teach the overreaching City Council Commrades. January 28, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Artwork "withdrawn" in Paris for fear of Islamic violence. I love this sentence in the article: "The French-Algerian artist, Zoulikha Bouabdellah, withdrew the work from an exhibition in a northern Paris suburb with a large Muslim population after an Islamic group told local authorities it could provoke 'uncontrollable, irresponsible incidents'.""Uncontrollable and irresponsible incidents"? Really? They can't control themselves and they can't be responsible for their own actions? Is that what Islam is? Come on! That's just an excuse and a lame one at that. In Syria, ISIS beheaded an opposition soldier. While they made the video, they threatened to behead themuslimvileone in the White House and "make America into a Muslim province". I think they'd encounter a bit more resistance here than they may expect. We are not going to allow that to happen. Meanwhile, the State Dept. hosted the Muslim Brotherhood at TAXPAYER expense. Don't ya' love feeding the folks who support those who want to "make America into a Muslim province"? Is that what you want for your children? If not, I strongly suggest you do NOT support this administration, nor any other progressive. In comparison, msthemuslimvileone refused to wear a headscarf while meeting the new Saudi king and some are saying it's a show of rebellion. I'd call how much of OUR money she spends on vacation travel more a show of rebellion than her choice to not cover her head while meeting the king. After all, it's not something that foreigners must do; it's an option for them. So she chose "B" over "A". Whoopdeedoo. January 28, 2015   "Most transparent" admin AGAIN REFUSES to hand over documents. He promised "most transparent administration" while campaigning. He repeated that claim in 2010. He touted his "transparency" again in 2013. No matter what he says, he's lying so why would anyone even begin to believe that? His actions speak so much louder than his words. January 28, 2015   Allegedly, Bowe Bergdahl will be charged with desertion, but the U.S. Army says it hasn't decided yet. My how quickly things can change in 24 hours! I wonder how much influece themuslimvileone will have in the final say on this? If it comes down to prosecuting Bergdahl, what kind of sentence will he get if themuslimvileone chooses to interfere? Will he get just "time served"? January 28, 2015   themuslimvileone does it again. He's choosing to honor a murderous Muslim thug and that's probably not a surprise to anyone. January 28, 2015   The measles outbreak that started at Disneyland in CA is spreading, and it seems like it'll only get worse. Have you had your MMR vaccine, and have your children had theirs? I know that there's a reasonable fear of autism resulting from a MMR vaccine, but that's never been proven and it's no fun to have the measles. Been there, done that, over Christmas vaction years ago when I was a kid. My sister and I had them at the same time and we spent all day on the couch (her at one end, me at the other) just itching and complaining about it). We wanted only two lights on in the room: Christmas tree lights and the television. It was rough, but we survived. Not everyone does, though. So it's something to think about. January 28, 2015   Common Crap Core:   You have the right to have your children NOT be tested in the Common Crap Core curriculum. Even when the school system makes your child stop handing out "Stop Common Core" stickers and buttons you still have the right to say "NO!" This stuff is so bad, even some dumborats are not supporting it! I think that's news worthy! It must be really bad if even dumborats won't support it! January 28, 2015   Can probiotics cure peanut allergies? That would be really good news. January 28, 2015   Twin worms, mcCONnel and bonehead boehner, try to wriggle their ways out of stopping executive amnesty. Did I tell you? Is anyone surprised? Can someone use their 3D printer and print those two ingrate-invertebrates spines? January 28, 2015   This is what themuslimvileone has done: 1/5 of children in USA on FOOD STAMPS. That's due to two things: 1) The economy is still bad, no matter what this administration is telling you. An 11.2% U6 unemployment number does not equal a "brisk" economy, nor any other good measure. 2) This administration has pushed food stamps and other government assistance programs to anyone and everyone who will accept it without regard to the foreseeable consequences (higher taxes) because this administration believes that the more people on the government teat the better and the more dumborat voters. If they can keep giving away cell phones, healthcare, junior colleges, food, housing, etc., etc., etc., they can count on those dependent teatsuckers to vote for them as long as they can keep doling it out. That's a lot of voters in perpetuity for the dumborats (and the envy of the republiRATS). So this is bad news in every way: the kids on food stamps allegedly live in "food deserts" and "don't have access to" nutritious food. So what, basically, themuslimvileone did was to push more people into "food deserts" and poor nutrition. This is nothing more than a vote-buying scheme that is so successful that they'd sign up Bill Gates ($86 Billion USD [2015] net worth) if he'd let them! January 28, 2015   BENGHAZI:   Trey Gowdy (R-SC), comes out swinging about the lack of transparency the dumborats in the House -- and on the Committee -- are promoting. Rightly so. It's time for the TRUTH to come out and for those responsible to be held accountable. Whether it be hillclintOOn, themuslimvileone or some other poliRAT, it's time for the blood of those four people to be accounted for! January 28, 2015   I stand with Chris Kyle. I don't care who is attacking his story (the movie "American Sniper"), I stand with Kyle and his family. I've heard that the movie has the "f" word in almost every line and I don't know if I could sit through that for the whole movie. It's just not a word I think is acceptable to use and I've walked out after twenty minutes of a movie that was filled with that word and others. It just irks me when people think that curse words are a reasonable substitute for increasing and improving their vocabulary. What's the old saying about swearing being an indication of a poor intellect? Yeah. I know it's sometimes an emotional release and I admit to saying the odd (stronger than-) "Darn!" rarely. There are even some phrases I won't use because I fear transposing parts of them. For instance, I won't say "If the shoe fits." because I've accidently transposed the first sounds. Yeah. I don't like swear words. I use "crap" sometimes and that's about as strong as I usually get. There are better options, like chocolate. January 28, 2015   The mail just came and there was something in it that is a craft project for me. I want to take a good look at the new card kit I got so I'll close for now. Pray for a revival to sweep across this land and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their quick and safe return. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for peace and for Israel. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him to be healed and released. Pray for Islam and atheists to come to Christ. Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 27, 2015: 11:25 a.m.   It's the 70th Anniversary of the freeing of the Auschwitz- Birkenau prisoners. The truth of the Holocaust is still denied by some idiots, but how do you argue with the truth in pictures? Warning: Some of the pictures are graphic and some contain nudity - the nudity of the prisoners as they looked when released. That's what the Nazis did to them; walking skeletons from starvation and torture. "War is hell", but it doesn't have to be inhuman. What some people do to their prisoners is inhuman, and I'm not talking making them wear their underwear on their heads. I think that if the Gitmo prisoners want to complain about their treatment we should give them a lesson in history and show them what their own people do to prisoners, what the Nazis did to the prisoners they had, and what the Japanese, Chinese and Russians have done to the prisoners they've had. The Gitmo terrorists have nothing to complain about. January 27, 2015   BENGHAZI:   Judicial Watch is getting to the TRUTH. They've sued themuslimvileone's administration so much that it's almost a daily occurrence. This part of the info really irritates me because it proves themuslimvileone LIED again: "According to testimony given by Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State Charlene Lamb before the House Oversight Committee on October 10, 2012, the Command Center knew the Benghazi compound was under hostile fire from the moment the attack began. Lamb’s testimony was in direct conflict with initial false claims by the Obama administration that the attack arose from a spontaneous demonstration in response to an Internet video."So are they going to release the guy who is STILL in prison for allegedly being the cause of the "unrest" that led to the attack? He should SUE themuslimvileone for defamation when he is released. It's his good name that was besmirched when themuslimvileone blamed him for the deaths of four people. If that's not slander I don't know what is. January 27, 2015   How do you trust the National Weather Service with "global warming" when they can't even get a snow storm right? They forecast 30+ inches for NYC, and it maybe laid down 4-5". So "global warming" is something we should trust them on? A few days away and the snow storm forecast was danger, doom and gloom. They got it so very wrong. They shut down NYC. They made people stay home from work. They made sure that people didn't get paid, offices were not open, etc. They messed up. They can't get that right, so how do we trust them with something that is allegedly going to happen in 20+ years? January 27, 2015   Eeewwww... jebbybebby is gushed over by murdoch and jarrett? No, thanks, guys. If that's who is supporting him, who wants him? Not I! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or cruddy Common Crap Core supporter [jeb bush].) January 27, 2015   Bergdahl's desertion: what really happened? He walked away on his own. He deserted. He caused the deaths of eight of his fellow soldiers: "In addition to 2LT Andrews and PFCs Casillas, Fairbairn, and Martinek, PFC Morris Walker and Staff Sergeants Clayton Bowen, Kurt Curtiss, and Michael Murphrey died as a result of Bergdahl’s abandonment. That’s eight dead American soldiers (not six as the rest of the media has reported) betrayed by selfish Bergdahl and reckless President Obama."My question: If it weren't desertion that Bowe Bergdahl did, why on earth would theMUSLIMvileone be kissing his backside? themuslimvileone doesn't do that for Chris Kyle, a real American Sniper and HERO. But for deserter Bergdahl, themuslimvileone's admin showers Bergdahl with praise. Does that not speak volumes? January 27, 2015   China is pushing the limits. They're trying to start a fight with Japan? Not a good thing. In other news concerning Japan, ISIS killed one Japanese prisoner and still threatens the other. I think Japan has done the right thing in not caving to the terrorists' demands for millions of dollars. It doesn't make the loss of the Japanese prisoner's life any easier to take for the people of Japan or that person's loved ones. My condolences. January 27, 2015   hillclintOON's calendar virtually cleared? Is she going to run? I don't know. Is she sick? I think so. I think that the reason she's been in Canada is that there's a treatment up there she wants to try and she's being treated for the lingering effects of her aneurysm. I think that if she were healthy, she'd have her schedule as full as it used to be. She's been in the game long enough to know not to fill her calendar then empty it because that doesn't make friends and influence people positively. Cancelling leaves a bad impression. It's just speculation, but I think she's still suffering from lingering effects and she will never be able to complete the campaign and she won't be elected in 2016. January 27, 2015   Fraud and abuse in themuslimvileone's free phone program? Really? Say it isn't so! Who'dathunkit? Oh, my goodness! Amazing! "If you own a cellphone, you pay for the free phones and their wireless plans via a monthly tax on your cellphone called the Universal Service Tax."Yep. You pay for more fraud and abuse under themuslimvileone than probably any other time in history. Don't ya' love it? January 27, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   New Saudi king beheads three more. Sounds to me like he's setting his tenure up as king to be a hardline Islamic terrorist organization. So much for Saudi Arabia being a "moderate" follower of Islam. It's not just one place where the religion of "peace and tolerance" is killing people. In they killed two more in Ghana, they attacked a hotel and killed more in Tripoli. Peace and tolerance is just not peaceful. It's hard to be peaceful when you believe that the god you follow wants you to DIE for him. The god of Islam does that. When you think death is the ultimate achievement, you tend to worship death. When you believe that your god wants you dead, you have a tendency to want to take others with you. On the other hand, when you believe and know that GOD LOVES YOU -- not your death, YOU -- and that He wants to do good things for you and he wants you to "prosper and be in good health". GOD LOVES the people of Islam, too. GOD wants them to know Him, to accept Jesus Christ, His Son, as their Lord and Savior and to live a life that is blessed by GOD and that is peaceful and filled with the love of others as well as His love. That's the biggest difference between Islam and Christianity: the god of Islam wants them dead while the GOD of Christianity wants them to live and He LOVES them. If only they'd turn their hearts, minds, bodies and souls over to the GOD of Christianity and He would heal their hearts and change their lives. Then true "peace and tolerance" would be theirs. That's what we need to pray for. Pray that Islam accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. January 27, 2015   Nursing homes seizing control over patients. They do so to get control over their money. It ensures they get paid, but it also takes away guardianship from family members and loved ones. That's not right. January 27, 2015   Progressives doing another shifty move to take away internet freedom. Are their machinations going to make the internet "freer" or are they going to make the internet a totalitarian-controlled progressive stronghold? If you can't figure that out, you may wish to study up and get ready to fight for a free internet -- one that is actually free, not what the progressives plan to do. January 27, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   It's going to cost each American $50,000. That's... "$643 billion in new taxes, penalties and fees related to the Obamacare law."Didn't we warn you? That's not a Conservative organization's numbers, it's Congressional Budget Office's report that also says that there will be $2,026 BILLION in "Changes in Mandatory Spending" for FY 2016-2025. How much is that? It's $2,026,000,000,000 = Two-TRILLION Twenty-six BILLION DOLLARSI think the CBO is kissing themuslimvileone's backside with such a favorable review of the costs of this crap. After all, they ignore 15 TAX HIKES in this crappy law and refuse to score it. So how can they claim to be doing ANY ANALYSIS AT ALL on this piece of garbage? It's a farce, folks. They're just trying to tread water and stay out of trouble with everyone. They've got as much spine as bonehead boehner. Meanwhile, unions are trying to use this thing to grow in size and power. We just heard that union membership is at a 100 year low, so the unions are grasping at straws trying to find anything they can to increase their numbers. Desperate measures, or pushing themuslimvileone to keep his promises (if his lips are moving, he is lying) to them about their immunity from it. Remember, he can just arbitrarilly decide who has to go by the rules and who doesn't. Question is, if it's really such a great program, why are the only ones benefiting from it those who kiss his butt? January 27, 2015   Speaking of the CBO, if you look at slide 9 here and you will see "Employment climbed briskly in 2014, but a significant amount of slack in the labor market remains, CBO estimates.""Briskly"? "Briskly"? Really? We ended December of 2014 with 11.2% U6 unemployment and now we have those numbers climbing as the Christmas employees are let go after the January returns are finished. The unemployment rate will be back up at 11.8% or higher (could be MUCH higher again) and the CBO is claiming "briskly"? Really? What a crock! Are they kissing themuslimvileone's backside, or are they just cowards? The CBO has also predicted "unsustainable" debt thanks to the lavish spending spree themuslimvileone and the House and Senate have been on. January 27, 2015   bonehead boehner leads republiRATS to abandon immigration promises. Did I tell you? Don't trust the bonehead. He's as cowardly as Chicken Little, the Lion in "Wizard of Oz" and his own shadow combined. January 27, 2015   Spanish judge charges 10 Catholic Priests with child sexual abuse. The Pope spoke to the victim and has promised a "zero tolerance" on this. Let's see what happens. January 27, 2015   Can medical journals be trusted? A Cocoa Puffs article appeared in seventeen of them and the article was fake. It was a test done by a researcher to see if medical journals would accept just about anything. They did. January 27, 2015   themuslimvileone grabs riches oil land in Alaska. We need that land to keep America oil producing and to help Alaska's economy. He doesn't care about that as long as it helps destroy America to do the land grab. His goal is the total and utter destruction of America. He wants it to look like a third world country so that we can be overrun by Islam. He is evil. January 27, 2015   I'll close with that. Pray for a revival to sweep across this great land, that GOD will keep America safe and forgive our sins. Pray that our troops will be brought home soon, safe and sound. Pray for a spine to infiltrate the republirats in the House and Senate and that the new TEA Party-types will be given enough of a spine to stand up to the old guard and make the changes we put them there to do. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's healing and release, and for others like him (the Japanese hostage, etc.). Pray for Israel and GOD's protection over them and for peace worldwide. Pray for each other and me! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 26, 2015: 11:24 a.m.   "Minion Monday: Hank Gets Mooned" is today's offering for fun and giggles. Hank put a scarf around him, a hat on his head and went out and looked at the moon, reminiscing about the time he helped Gru steal it. He really enjoys looking at the moon and thinking about those days, but he did come back to us, so I suppose that says something. January 26, 2015   Cheekbone Cherokee, lizzy warren, is ridiculous. Doug Powers puts the idea of her candidacy into perspective thusly: "[Warren] has said she’s not going to run for the Democrat nomination next year, but I kind of hope she does if only for the ensuing collectivist battle royal between Warren, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden as they have furious arguments over which candidate least built his or her own campaign. [I inserted the link]"Bwahahahahaha!! I agree! Can you imagine the hay we could make of that!? Whoever runs on the dumborat side will be a real progressive masquerading as a Conservative -- or as close as a dumborat can come to pulling off that lie -- or they'll present themselves as even farther left than themuslimvileone. Whichever: I hope (and believe) the dumborat loses big time: lock, stock and barrel. January 26, 2015   Arrest NBC's David Gregory? Sure! Let's do this! January 26, 2015   Like pelosipig, difi helps her hubby benefit from federal contracts. "Judicial Watch has helped pick up the slack and in fact has exposed many of Feinstein’s transgressions over the years, mostly involving abuse of power to enrich her family assets. The atrocities were so rampant that in 2007 the San Francisco lawmaker was forced to resign as chair of the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee, where she annually supervised the appropriation of billions of dollars. As chair Feinstein supervised her own staff of military construction experts and she lobbied Pentagon officials to support her favorite projects. During her tenure her husband’s companies got billions of dollars in government contracts."Isn't that wonderful? She now stands to benefit financially from the sale of old post office buildings: "The U.S. Postal Service is selling 56 buildings and Blum’s commercial real estate company, CBRE, stands to make about $1 billion in commissions, the news report says."Ever wonder how lawmakers go to D.C. as "normal people" and wind up filthy rich? difi and pelosipig show us how. After all, if you can't go to D.C. to "serve the people" and get rich, where can you go to do so? January 26, 2015   Blizzard heading toward NYC. My brother-in-law and his wife went to NYC. She has always wanted to go and so, chance of a lifetime, they scheduled their trip and arrived yesterday. I hope and pray they stay safe and get home safely. I also hope they throw a snowball for me while they're there. There's going to be enough snow for them to do so! Timing is everything. January 26, 2015   "Analyzing the collected data, the researchers found that only 80 of the 1007 sites surveyed in the 1221 station network met the criteria of CRN 1 or CRN 2 sites – those deemed appropriate for measuring climate trends by NOAA. Of the remaining, 67 sites attained a CRN 5 rating – the worst rating. While the 30-year and 115-year trends, and all groups of stations, showed warming trends over those periods, the scientists found that the minimum temperature trends appeared to be overestimated and the maximum warming trends underestimated at the poorer sites. This discrepancy matters quite a bit. Wintertime minimum temperatures help determine plant hardiness, for example, and summertime minimum temperatures are very important for heat wave mortality. The use of temperature trends from poorly sited climate stations, therefore, introduces an uncertainly in our ability to quantify these key climate metrics."So the Hamsters have a problem: not only are their alarmist reports making them look bad, but their "science" sucks, too! January 26, 2015   CA considering "mileage tax". It's when they measure how far you drive and you're taxed for each mile. I think that limits freedom and is akin to an illegal search. After all, why is it the government's business to know how far you drive? Why should we let them know that? If they can track how far you drive annually, they can also start limiting how far you drive annually. Remember, as goes CA, so goes the nation; at times. Is that what you want? January 26, 2015   How do children learn that this is okay? What did the parents teach these two? That's a sad, sad commentary on the children's upbringing. January 26, 2015   Even in Cuba, freedom finds a way. themuslimvileone is trying to "normalize" relations with Cuba, but it can't be "normalized" if Cuba refuses to change. After all, arresting people for saying something negative against the Castro regime is not a good thing and we should NOT support the regime that does that. themuslimvileone does not understand that: or perhaps he does and he just wants to do whatever it takes to take another step toward his destruction of America. Who knows with themuslimvileone? After all, if you look at his record, America's in much worse shape since he took office, although he denies that all the time (his lips are moving = he's lying). After all, since themuslimvileone was sworn into office, the U6 unemployment rate has been 17.1% to 11.2%; with 2.25 years OVER 16%! The previous eight years saw only three months of U6 numbers over 11.2% -- but nowhere near 16%! When will we start finding a way to get to freedom from themuslimvileone? January 26, 2015   Speaking of the U6 number, TX played a part in keeping it down with their above average employment numbers. So think of how high those numbers would have been without Texas! January 26, 2015   N Korea calls themuslimvileone "loser". Well, at least they spoke the truth in that. January 26, 2015   dumborats realizing the emperor has no clothes. A.K.A. dumborats turning on themuslimvileone. It's about time. It's not as if he's done anything good for them. After all, if he'll throw them under the bus, what makes them think he is on their side at all? Stupid is as stupid does and dumborats are good at stupid! January 26, 2015   College profs urging discrimination against white males. shock. surprise. It's all the fault of the heterosexual, masculine, white, American male. If anything goes anywhere close to wrong, cockeyed, wonky, it's their fault! Send all of "their kind" -- heteroseuxal, masculine, white, American males -- to Mars and never let them return! We must get rid of masculinity in males! How dare they raise their horrid heads again?! "American Sniper" the book and movie and others like it should be burnt and relegated to the ash heaps of forgotten masculine demise! Females have no blame in anything that ever goes wrong according to the progressive feminazis. Females are blissfully good, intelligent, kind and correct. Females have no blame in anything unless they actually turn their backs on the feminazi movement and betray the world via getting married and having babies! (Yes, that was sarcasm and pointedly so, but it's also a true representation of the leftie/progressive/feminazi world view.) January 26, 2015   Intel, the chip maker, is going in the wrong direction. Let's hope they see the light and come back from the edge of the abyss. January 26, 2015   Union membership at 100 year low. Hehehehehehehehehehe... Snort! Hehehehehehehehehe... Sigh. I love good news and that is good news. January 26, 2015   I agree: there is a lack of REAL courage in D.C. January 26, 2015   I just tried to go to The Blaze.com to get some update links, but Internet Explorer crashed soon after I got there, without being able to get even one link. Breitbart.com did work and there I found that michael moore is using Jesus to bash Chris Kyle, the "American Sniper". moore is making MILLIONS bashing America and our heroes all the while being kept free by those he's bashing. I think moore is a hypocritical idiot and if he had two brain cells to rub together he'd have difficulty finding them in his underpants. January 26, 2015   bumbler biden at it again. He hasn't a clue. January 26, 2015   I was surprised by a lunchtime visit from my hubby today. That was a nice surprise but it threw me off in my updates. I just checked how many I've done and it's time to stop. Seems like I just got started. Remember to pray for a revival to sweep across this land and bring America back to Christ. Remember to pray for GOD's hand to be with us and that GOD will protect our troops. Pray for the healing and release of Pastor Saeed Abedini. Pray for Chris Kyle's family and for the Chief Of Staff, Kit Carson's, family (Rush's right hand man who died today). Pray for peace and for Israel. Pray for Jews and Christians around the world to be protected from Islam. Pray for Islam and atheists to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and to find out that GOD LOVES THEM ALL and wants them to know His love. Pray for each other and for me. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! January 23, 2015: 12:13 p.m.   It's Flag Friday! "Tribute To Our Heroes 201: She Waits" is today's Tribute. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! January 23, 2015   Red House says Netanyahu "spat in" their faces. No. He accepted an invitation where he the person he was talking to wouldn't leave abruptly to go have dinner and where he didn't have to go out the side door and would be treated like the world leader he is. At least bonehead boehner is going to treat Netanyahu right. That's a good thing. January 23, 2015   What will themuslimvileone do to help protect Israel from a huge missile that the Iran has made? Will he support Iran -- a Muslim nation -- or Israel, our traditional ally and someone we should be supporting? I know what my money's on. He'll do the wrong thing, as usual. January 23, 2015   Is there nothing themuslimvileone can do right? I mean besides LYING; being a jerk; cheating to get elected; spending our money on frivolous, useless things; using his Executive Orders to make himself dictator? Yes, that is a rhetorical question. January 23, 2015   themuslimvileone doesn't know the U.S. Constitution. He thinks it's a "core" constitutional right to have an abortion? Where is abortion mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? Where is the "right to privacy" mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? Hmmm? Read the U.S. Constitution and tell me where the "right to privacy" is mentioned. Show me. It isn't in there. It was made up. It was something the scotus decided to see in there, instead of actually reading the U.S. Constitution they just made it up. He's a liar in everything he is, says and does. January 23, 2015   ratfink rubio's getting ready to announce. Considering the fact that rubio and themuslimvileone are on the same amnesty page and that he agrees with themuslimvileone on Libya, is uncertain where his support lies, he supported a smear campaign against those of us who don't want amnesty. He's NOT right for president. He just isn't. Add to that -- and the rest of the stuff I didn't remind you of -- he is NOT a "natural born citizen" as the Founders understood and agreed with Vattel on the definition. As well, the U.S. Supreme Court (scotus) has defined the term FOUR TIMES and Marco Rubio was born to parents who came over here from Cuba, immigrants who were NOT born here. He is a first generation American. Let's not widen, broaden, enlarge the definition of Vattel's and our Founding Fathers'. Let us stick to what they agreed with and what they believed so that we have no doubt about the loyalties of our president (as we do with this prezidunce). Vattel's belief that "Nemo potest exuere patriam" an easy definition of which is under "Allegiance" in Wikipedia (see "United Kingdom"). Rubio isn't a "Natural Born Citizen". (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or non-natural born citizen.) January 23, 2015   Want to be able to speak your mind online? The GOP wants the FCC to release the new rules they intend to impose upon our Free Speech rights before those rules start being enforced. It's better than being surprised by a knock on the door, a la Hitler. (Yes, I am comparing themuslimvileone to Hitler. It fits.) But, don't worry. He's spying on your phone, too. He doesn't believe you have any Constitutional rights. After all, he studied it to be sure to defeat it. January 23, 2015   I agree: border bill is a joke. It's another way to destroy America, just as themuslimvileone wants. January 23, 2015   Vanderbilt's Prof. Swain was correct. Of course that means that she's going to be fired. After all, saying something negative about Islam is not allowed on American campuses. It's the sacred cow that is only second to abortion. Anyone standing up for pro-life and pro-America is to be outcast, fired, punished, silenced and sterilized to prevent them from passing the defective gene on to others. How dare she think that Islam is violent!? There has been absolutely no evidence of that assertion! (*sarcasm*) January 22, 2015   Why would anyone cut pelicans' throats? Why kill a pelican? They're not doing anything to us, why kill them? When brown pelicans are in their mating colors, they're very pretty. I don't understand people who want to hurt animals. It's just evil and cruel. January 23, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Islamic persecution of Christianity is extreme and worldwide. Why? Because we are not them. No matter where "we" are -- "we" being anyone NOT Islamic -- "we" are targeted because of the teachings of Islam. "We" infidels must be made to convert or suffer the consequences. No matter where "we" are, if we are not "them" then "we" must change and become "them". It is their duty to convert us by teaching, suffering, or murderous example to others. Whatever it takes, "we" must become "them". That's part of why I say there is no such thing as a Muslim who does not participate in jihad against "us". January 23, 2015   I'm going to close for now. I know I didn't get a lot done today, but I want to do a project and I can't get it done while I type. Pray for a revival to sweep across this great land. Pray for our troops. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be healed and released. Pray for each other and for me! GOD Bless America and each and every one of YOU! Until Monday, See ya'! January 22, 2015: 11:23 a.m.: 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: 56,662,169 DEAD BABIES SO FAR:   Of course, republiRAT females backed off of the promised anti-abortion bill. It's really a shame that those females' spines are so YELLOW that they can't even do what they had said they would do when they really have the perfect opportunity. They can talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk. Cowards. Cowards. Cowards. How many babies have to be killed based on the LIE that was Roe v. Wade before LIFE starts to matter enough to stand up for it? How many millions, billions, TRILLIONS? The potential of all those dead babies to have grown up and done something really important has been killed along with them. The way to get to Mars within our lifetimes, the cure for Spina Bifida, the best math teaching method ever designed, the perpetual motion electric generator: whatever, it's all gone when you abort the person who could have come up with that idea. Think of how many geniuses have been murdered in their mothers' wombs because cowards don't have the spines to stand up and say a simple "No!" America should be ashamed of those women and of everyone who supports abortion. January 22, 2015   Personally, I don't think we need EITHER of these guys to be the nominee. Both of them together don't have the chance to win. If they combined their money they'd have enough to buy the presidency, but would they have the kind of principles America needs right now? No. Jebbybebby is pro-Common Crap Core, pro-illegal immigration, and pro-other things we don't need, while Romney has enough spine to hold his head, but nothing left after that effort. He's not a guy who will stand toe to toe and eye to eye with hillclintOOn, who has a lot of support right now (but whom I'm still not certain will run due to health concerns), or anyone else not nearly as rancid as clintOOn. We don't need another romney/bush thing: not seperately nor combined. Let's not go there. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and provided by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or crappy Common Core supporter.) January 22, 2015   GOP has no spine; it's not just the females. The whole leadership of the GOP has no spine. May as well just accept the fact that they don't want to stand up for anything except for caving to the dumborats. Like dumborats, they like to spend YOUR taxpayer dollars and get nothing done for YOU. Isn't that nice? January 22, 2015   I want to know how much this farce cost the taxpayers! I want to know how much FBI time was spent investigating the Ferguson shooting and trying to pin a civil rights violation on Officer Wilson. To think that all of this time, money and effort was spent on investigating an innocent man and trying to find something -- anything -- to pin on him is a farce, a grievous miscarriage of justice and leaves a really disgusting impression of our dop[IN]j for the record. I am not surprised that eric holder did the investigation, but I am surprised that they didn't trump anything up yet. January 22, 2015   Poor, poor themuslimvileone.
His $5 a gallon gas didn't materialize, but he wanted it to. January 22, 2015   themuslimvileone will not meet with Netanyahu while Netanyahu is here to meet with the House and Senate. It's called a "snub" but it's actually just a true reflection of who theMUSLIMvileone is. They don't "meet with" Jews, they just kill them. So, overall, it's probably better for Netanyahu to NOT meet with theMUSLIMvileone. He'd only be ignored, belittled, blamed, and disregarded if he did, so why bother? After all, if theMUSLIMvileone is so petty as to take revenge via leaking a report, then why would anyone want to meet with the petulant spoiled brat anyways? January 22, 2015   Doomsday coming? Atomic scientists think humans are closer to causing it. We've been down this road before. It's all a crock and it's "science" and we all know how reliable "science" is nowadays. After all, fraud is fraud and "science" is apparently no more immune to it than are politicians. It's all about the agenda. January 22, 2015   Will JW get the full court review of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX's employer mandates? I hope that it goes to the scotus and that the scotus will do what's CONSTITUTIONAL for once. Pray for the scotus to have spines and to do the CONSTITUTIONAL thing. January 22, 2015   Conservatives ask for an end to themuslimvileone's abuse of power. Did it fall on deaf ears within the establishment Representatives and Senators (bonehead boehner, mitch mcCONnel, etc.)? I think probably so. They're not about Conservatism, but they are about POWER; their OWN power, that is. As long as they can hold onto that, they'll pay whatever price -- that is, make YOU pay -- and they'll kiss whichever butts, go to whatever dinner party and shake hands as far across the aisle as they can in order to stay in power. That is their life's work, getting there, so why would they do anything to jeopardize that? Never count on a politician, folks. Never trust them. January 22, 2015   So totally jealous! Darn. I want SNOW! January 22, 2015   Malkin's got it right: barbershop bang. It wasn't that big a deal. It did barely any damage, and it wasn't the first time, and it wasn't even on the side of the building that the NAACP is on. So why are they calling it the NAACP bombing? It's called propaganda and it's useful. That's why. January 22, 2015   The left/progressive/liberal hypocrisy shows again. (*shock. surprise.*) It's just par for the course. When the libs/lefties/progressives wake up in the morning the first thing they do is put on their hypocrisy. Then they get out of bed and shower in stupidity, brush their teeth with the paste of lies and dress themselves in self-righteous indignation. Then they're ready to start their angry day. Poor lefties. They really are sad. January 22, 2015   Why is America footing the bill for 65 Secret Service agents to travel with hillclintOOn? She's not the First Lady (never was a "Lady"), nor the SoS, so why is she being so supported on the taxpayer dime? Is she all that and a piece of cake? No. So what's up with that? Do you like paying for that? I don't. January 22, 2015   themuslimvileone pumps more money to his buddy. The same company that messed up themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX website got the contract to do the IRS's website. Isn't that going to turn out well? After all, the IRS is the government wing responsible for administering the healthcareTAX and we all know how well they do things already. Can you imagine how competent this will be? Run for your wallets' lives! January 22, 2015   I TOTALLY DISAGREE with the dean of the journalism school. There are no limits to Free Speech. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch. IF there are "limits" to "Free Speech" then it's NOT FREE! Duh! Journalism students nowadays are getting short changed and indoctrinated instead of being taught to ask questions, look for answers and FIND THE TRUTH! The way journalism is done nowadays it's propaganda and butt-kissing, not the real journalism of way back when. Sharyl Atkisson, James O'Keefe, Breitbart and a few others are doing the job, but a very few others. Can you imagine if journalists were all doing the right thing instead of most doing the butt-kissing? America's politics would be very different if journalism was still journalism. January 22, 2015   Rick Scott's handling of FDLE Comm. to be investigated? FL Atty. General, Pam Bondi, says she wants to make sure it was done properly and that the thing is in the Sunshine. That's a good thing, and I don't think we should jump to the conclusion that an investigation "proves" guilt. As with the Darren Wilson shooting in Ferguson and the TWO investigations that proved him innocent of any wrongdoing, it often proves innocence. Let's see where this goes. Scott may have applied some pressure, but if the guy resigned of his own accord, for whatever reason, then is there wrongdoing? I don't know. Let's wait and find out. January 22, 2015   S.M.H. It is the clown, alan grayson, though, so who should be surprised? January 22, 2015   I'm disappointed in Crisafulli. He started out as a good guy, but he's turning into a progressive republiRAT. Not going to support him again unless he changes his tune drastically. January 22, 2015   I missed yesterday because of a screwed up sleep schedule and lack of energy resulting therefrom. I request your prayers for my hubby because he's coming down with something that has given him a horrible cough. Remember to pray for a revival to sweep across this great land. Pray for our troops and their safe return. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and his release and healing. Pray for our troops. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for GOD's forgiveness of America's sins. Pray for peace and for Israel. Pray for each other and me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 20, 2015: 3:18 p.m.   Skipped out yesterday to go to the Stick Marsh with my hubby. We saw an unusual number of hawks, a Northern Harrier, several Kestrals, some small birds (gnatcathers, warblers, etc.) and had fun. It was a beautiful day and it was a wonderful way to spend it. I hope your MLK day was just as enjoyable. That was yesterday, now let's get going for today. January 20, 2015   Tonight is the SOTU address. How bad is it? Bad. You know what you're going through financially and you know how your work situation is going. You also know that themuslimvileone doesn't care and that he likes to spend your money and he likes to do whatever he can at your expense. He likes being king. So what is the SOTU going to be like tonight? It'll be more "free stuff" for his voters and higher taxes for those of us who still try to do the right thing. Aren't you glad we've had six years of this and have two more to go? You get to pay for him and his cronies to play. He says he'll "tax the rich" but the problem is that themuslimvileone will give those taxes to his supporters as soon as they come in. Another problem is that he has already redefined rich down to $97,000 annual income. That was back in 2008, so what is the definition of "rich" now? Will he take Robert Samuelson's definition? Whatever the progressive cut-off for "rich" is this week, you can bet on one thing: themuslimvileone will be sure to claim credit for anything that he thinks is good, blame Bush for the things he thinks are bad, and glorify himself in any way possible as well as make broad, unspecified promises of good things to come because he is still in control and he'll pat himself on the back as often as he breathes. Too bad his claims of doing good are all LIES, but it's nothing less than what those of us with our eyes open expected. themuslimevileone is a LIAR who loves to spend money. If you play the drinking game and can stomach watching themuslimvileone long enough to watch the SOTU address, make sure to take a drink of tea, coffee, soda, water, juice, or chocolate milk every time themuslimvileone praises himself. Be sure to have a pitcherful of your beverage nearby. BTW, a special reminder: note how often he praises Islam. January 20, 2015   These folks vote. That's scary. January 20, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   If Islam is so "tolerant", why can't they tolerate Israel's existence? Why are they planning to attack Israel and destroy her? Islam is threatening to kill two Japanese people if Japan doesn't pay a huge ransom. With Islam there is no guarantee that the prisoners will be released even if Japan did pay the ransom, so I don't think that Japan should pay. After all, as with the Beau Bergdahl "exchange", once you give in to terrorists they keep doing the same thing over and over and over again so that they can get the benefit of being evil. Islam wants to use "undetectable" bombs against the U.S. So peaceful. So tolerant. They're tolerant all over the world and people are getting tired of it. Islam is setting itself up for worldwide rebellion against it. They need to get control of those who are attacking innocent people. If Baptists were doing this, they'd be looked at the same way as Islamics are nowadays. Islam's own actions are getting it the bad reputation it has, not those of us who point their own actions out. January 20, 2015   MA gave illegals $35 MILLION in healthcare. That's just ONE state. How much has the illegals themuslimvileone brought into America cost the taxpaying, hard working, scrimping and saving to put tires on the ten-year-old vehicle they'll have to drive into the ground before they can replace while living on peanut butter and jelly and soup? Now, progressives/lefties/libs push for dental coverage for illegals, too. Do you have dental coverage, or do you pay out of pocket as you go? Do you want to pay for them, as well? One estimate says that it could cost TAXPAYERS $6.3 TRILLION! Can your kids raise their children on peanut butter and jelly? I sure hope so! Considering all of this, why is ratfink rubio sponsoring a "guest worker" bill? Don't our children have a difficult enough time trying to find a job with all of the illegals themuslimvileone has brought into America, how are they going to compete against even more? Thanks for nothing, rubio. Can you imagine if he were elected prezidunce how much he would expand and continue themuslimvileone's policies? Let's not do that. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or crappy senator.) January 20, 2015   S.M.H. What a kiss-butt. When you do themuslimvileone's bidding, you get all kinds of butt-kissing. Power is as power does. Sharpton's been "doing what's right" by NOT paying his $4.7 MILLION in back taxes? Really? Hm. I suppose I should do what's right and NOT pay taxes this year, too. Would I get the "congratulatory" message, or jail time? How about Sharpton's first foray into "doing what's right"? From the Tawana Brawley hoax to his other acts of racial pot-stirring he hasn't a clue how to do the "right" thing; unless, of course, it's the "right" thing to help him get his ugly mugg on television agian. January 20, 2015   January 20, 2015   †   MO lawmakers trying to make Bible official book. This is going to go over like a lead balloon with atheists. I can't imagine how much they'll dislike that. Awww... too bad. In other religious news, the Pope says that Catholics don't need to procreate "like rabbits". Um... Whatever happened to GOD's commandment to, "be fruitful and multiply"? Does the Pope ignore and defy the Word of GOD? As I've asked before, how PC is this Pope going to be, and if he's PC, who is his god? In CA a teacher is being "investigated" for speaking about his faith. Free speech is still applicable in public schools, even though the scotus wimps out in certain cases in standing up for our First Amendment rights, it has already ruled that teachers have religious rights within public schools. That teacher being "investigated" (read, "discriminated against"), is proof of the school system's and colleges' bigotry and atheism. January 20, 2015   "Science" says sitting is bad. What happened to the studies that said exercise does not prevent obesity, exercise can be bad for your teeth, it can be bad for your heart, and for some, it's worse than for others. So sitting is bad for you? So is exercise in some cases. So what are we supposed to do, float? I think "science" is pushing for certain industries to make money off of. In "global warming" it's the "green" companies, in exercise, it's the fitness industry. How many new-fangled exercise equipment pieces are there that are backed up by "science" that are countered by the "science" of another piece? Science is for sale nowadays. I don't trust "science" anymore than I trust themuslimvileone. January 20, 2015   Did I tell you? Yep. I did. January 20, 2015   I'm going to close with that. Hubby will be home soon and I've gotta' go. Pray for a revival in America. Pray for our troops. Pray for Islam and atheists to accept Christ as their savior. Pray for peace and for Israel. Pray for Christians worldwide and for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be healed and released. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 19, 2015: 12:08 p.m.: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day   Decided to take the day off because my hubby came home early from work today. So sorry, but I'm outta' here for the day. Enjoy your day and remember that things are not as bad as some folks would like you to believe. If they were, how could oprah, Denzel Washington, Justice Clarence Thomas, Charles Rangel, etc., be where they are? It's not rocket science, folks. Those who want to convince you that the American way of life is racism at its worst, are trying to CONTROL you and make you angry. That's a very manipulative thing to do and there's an alternative motive besides "equality". It's POWER. MLK, Jr., would be appalled at how many people are falling for the progressives' manipulations. January 18, 2015: 11:57 p.m.   Wanted to post the Minion Monday pic while I was thinking of it. So, here is "Minion Monday: Hank Gets Ready to Go North". He wants to go see snow if my hubby has to go to D.C. soon. We'll see how it works out. January 16, 2015: 12:16 a.m.   Flag Friday's presentation for the day: "Tribute To Our Heroes 200: Jones, Pantaglia L." is available for your perusal. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! January 16, 2015: 1:56 p.m.   "As for the continental U.S., 2014 was only the 34th warmest, as record cold temperatures plagued the beginning of the year."So when you see the Hamsters running around with their heads in their hands (shades of Ichabod Crane), just know that the TRUTH is, that 2014 hasn't been the "hottest on record". It's been just normal. January 16, 2015   themuslimvileone:   He'll do anything he can to give Islam an advantage in war against the East, West, North, South and anything that isn't Islam. If that takes nuclear weapons, he'll make sure it happens. Doesn't his preziduncy make America -- and the world -- so much safer? After all, I'm not the only one saying he's a Muslim. I've said so since September of 2010 and it's easy to tell the difference between his alleged "Christianity" and that of, say, Jesus Christ, isn't it? After all, Jesus didn't lie every time His lips moved, nor did He placate His enemies as does themuslimvileone. Jesus was strong (see Matthew 23), spoke the truth to power (although He was actually more powerful than they, but they didn't know that) and always did the right thing. themuslimvileone does nothing of the sort; he always does the WRONG thing. You know, the thing that benefits Islam, not America. themuslimvileone will blame anything besides Islam for terrorism. He won't allow anyone to think that it is Islam that is the problem. If you can recognize Christians by their fruits, then what is the fruit of themuslimvileone telling you? January 16, 2015   We need to close our borders and we need to do it NOW. We need to close our borders and we need to stop letting people in using the Visa waiver program. Don't waive anything unless it's themsulimvileone waving a white flag in the upcoming election! Yes, I know he can't run again. That's not to say he won't declare a national emergency in which elections are stopped and he retains power. Yes. I suspect he would do that. January 16, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   1,000 lashes for a blog? Yep. That and ten years in prison and a ten year travel ban: if he lives long enough to even worry about the ten years. His wife and children went to Canada in order to be safe. He can't go see them for ten years after he makes it out of prison. Tolerate what? Beating someone nearly to death? In Belgium, they found "sleeper cells" of terrorists just biding their time. Glad they're finding them before the cells started killing innocent people. January 16, 2015   Let me guess: themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX's new doctor program? January 16, 2015   Will Republican H & S mean restrictions on abortion? Let us pray so! January 16, 2015   ketchup kerry in Paris and ... Ewwwww. January 16, 2015   We have themuslimvileone to thank for students in poverty. We have just him to thank for this. January 16, 2015   Hurray! Duke won't have Muslim call to prayer! That METHODIST university is NOT going to have Islam's call on a regular basis. Would they have a Christian prayer resonating through the speakers every Friday? If not, then they can't have a Muslim call. January 16, 2015   2014 jobs? Where? Where?! Even December had an 11.2% U6 rate. Then there's the 19,000 jobs lost since Jan. 1st. January 16, 2015   CBO report on themuslimvileone's illegal immigration amnesty: "As of September 30, 2014, about 610,000 people who entered the United States as children had been approved for deferred action through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In November 2014, the President expanded that program to include additional people who arrived as children and also established a deferred action program for parents of U.S. citizens and LPRs. CBO estimates that, by 2017, between 2 million and 2˝ million people will have received approval for deferred action."Along with that are a lot of "may" and "might" and basically, they don't know what kind of financial impact it will have. "Most noncitizens who live and work in the United States are subject to taxation—including income taxes, payroll taxes, excise taxes, and estate and gift taxes. The specific taxes for which they are liable, and in some cases the amount of those taxes, depend on the type of visa they hold and how long they have been in the country."Being children, they don't pay taxes, but those who are not children should be coming forward to pay those taxes. That's what themuslimvileone's administration wants you to count on, although... Source: samuel ezerzer YouTube Channel So which is it going to be: the illegals coming forth from the shadows and paying taxes voluntarilly, or just staying in the shadows and getting the benefits you, my mom, my husband and many, many others are working daily to earn the money to PAY FOR while the illegals just take those benefits and stay in the shadows without paying taxes, but with taking everything themuslimvileone will give them without them lifting a finger? I know which I think will happen. January 16, 2015   On that lovely reminder, I'll close for today. Pray for a revival in America. Pray for our troops. Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be our next president in 2016 -- one with a SPINE. Pray that the House and Senate will do what's GOOD for America, not just what they think is good for their pockets or political careers. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for atheists and Islam to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior and for the protection of the women and children of Islam because they are not safe. Pray for the healing and release of Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for peace here and worldwide. Pray for Israel. Pray for each other and me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 15, 2015: 1:47 p.m.   Just as I thought: george soros is behind the Ferguson protests. He has sunk MILLIONS of dollars into the narrative of "hands up, don't shoot" and into keeping "protestors" (read: paid rabble-rousers) on the streets and in your face. He is PAYING to make the police afraid of doing what is necessary to keep themselves safe and to keep the black community riled up. This is a despicable man who doesn't love America and needs to be sent to Russia, Saudi Arabia (wherever, just outta' here), and he needs to lose everything because he uses his millions to make others miserable and to do the wrong thing at all times. He is evil. January 15, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Freed Gitmo detainee opens ISIS base in Afghanistan. Just what our troops over there needed! Thanks, themuslimvileone! (*sarcasm*) Considering that the Muslim Brotherhood has been named a terrorist group, why is this Muslim Brotherhood Congressman going to be on the Intelligence Committee? I know, "Congressional Intelligence Committee" is an oxy-moron, but that's beside the point. Why is a Muslim terrorist-linked guy even IN Congress, much less going to be put into a position to know all the secrets? Does that make sense to anyone besides idiot progressives? SMH. In Bosnia, they attacked an Imam who preached against the violence of the terrorists. In America, they're teaching Islam to OUR CHILDREN! Also, in all of this, themuslimvileone SUPPORTS THE TERRORISTS. I told you so. January 15, 2015   January 15, 2015   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:  
IRS says "Don't call us!" to get
answers about how to file the proper papers and correct info on the forms for this piece of garbage. Well, you can call,
but you can't leave a message or talk
to someone, in most instances. Isn't that sweet?
If you have this crud, taxes will be a headache.
If you don't have it, taxes could be just as big a headache. In the meantime,
companies are still trying to figure out how to make this thing work.
It's not easy and it's
killing insurance options, as well.
Just remember,
this thing sucks and it's going to make taxes more difficult.
You've got themuslimvileone and the dumborats in the
House and
to thank for that. Never forget the House and Senate: January 15, 2015   Europe's top Rabbi encourages Jews to carry guns. I couldn't agree more! If someone's trying to injure or kill you any chance they get, you have the right to LIFE to protect your life and to protect your loved ones and those around you. That's what GOD wants you to do: LIVE! If you don't carry, you're a sitting duck. If you do carry you have the chance to fight back and to not only fight back, but to prevail! Do so! January 15, 2015   How we're going to handle Cuba is being detailed. I think that we've done those who fought for freedom, who lost their lives in trying to get over here, and, yes, even Elian Gonzalez a grave disservice in changing how we treat Cuba. I don't think it's going to do any good to "normalize" relations with Communist Dictators. All it does is give themuslimvileone more friends like himself. January 15, 2015   Franklin Graham is right, and the Pope is wrong. Free speech says we can. Free speech must be free about everything; not just the things that everyone can agree is safe because if that be the case, the only thing we'd be able to talk about is the weather, if that! There is NOTHING that everyone can agree on. There is nothing that is sacred to everyone. A cow in some countries is sacred, while in other countries it's lunch. Pork is offensive to Islam, Jews and Seventh Day Adventists but it's breakfast, lunch or dinner to millions! I refuse to be PC to prevent someone from being offended! I cannot control how anyone feels. I've said "Hello" to someone and they've been offended, while not saying "Hello" to others will offend them. How do you combat that? How do you control that? How do you control their feelings? You cannot. So why bother trying? BTW, it's not the only thing the Pope is wrong about. Why is this Pope so PC? If GOD is PC, then, okay. I can understand it. But GOD is NOT PC. So who is the Pope following? January 15, 2015   This kid is being human but these people aren't. Humans have an idea of right and wrong. They try to do the right thing when in the clutches like the guy in the first link. It's time to be human even if george soros is paying you to be otherwise. January 15, 2015   Oxford University is stupid. Let me tell you a story. When I was a kid, probably about eleven or younger, we went to the squadron Christmas party. While there, I saw that the Christmas tree had flammable ornaments on it and I remembered that I had just seen a news story about flammable ornaments on public Christmas trees being banned. I told my Dad that the Christmas tree was a fire hazard and that the ornaments had been banned. He said he couldn't do anything about it to talk to his boss. So, I went to his boss and told him the same thing. He said he remembered hearing about that just days prior to the party but it wasn't his decision, so talk to his boss. So, I did. At eleven-years-old, I went to the Base Commander and told him that the Christmas tree decorations had been banned and they were illegal because they were a fire hazard. He apologized to me for having the wrong ornaments on the tree and said that it won't happen again and that he appreciated me for telling him. Since then, it's been something that I don't have a problem doing. Well, sometimes I still get nervous, but it's important to speak. So do it. Speak out. FIND THE TRUTH and TELL IT! Don't just let things go! Speak out! January 15, 2015   That's all for today, until the Flag Friday pic, at least. Pray for America to have a revival and that the Holy Spirit will sweep across this land and ignite hearts from all walks of life for Christ. Pray for our troops. Pray that themuslimvileone will be stopped in his tracks. Pray for peace. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be healed and released. Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 14, 2015: 2:55 p.m.   themuslimvileone NOT popular with U.S. military. Can you blame them? After he dissed the military on D-Day, denied them the right to vote, denied death benefits to military families, slashed their pay raise in half, denied a flyover for a "GOD and Country" rally -- a tradition that has happened for a long time prior, left U.S. troops in Afghanistan without air support, denied religious services to our troops (ostensibly because of the "government shutdown"). themuslimvileone has denied a deserving Marine a Medal of Honor, he eats lobster while denying our troops a hot breakfast, he denied benefits to the victims of Fort Hood, he pushed a military couple out of their wedding venue so he could play golf, he denied help for the heroes at Benghazi. How on earth could anyone with a brain in the U.S. military respect themuslimvileone with this sort of record? Anyone in the military who respects the man -- not the office, the man -- is probably an uber-progressive and an idiot. BTW, look at the experssions on the faces of the military members standing behind themuslimvileone in the first link of this paragraph. They don't look too happy, do they? January 14, 2015   America's rail security is how strong? Michelle Malkin wants to know. January 14, 2015   MLK Jr. to fight against themuslimvileone's illegal amnesty despotism. It reflects the teachings of his wife (not his mother: duh me) who warned would happen back in 1991 in a letter to Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT). I think that if themuslimvileone wants to have illegal amnesty he needs to go to Mexico and grant it to Americans who want to go to Mexico since he has so screwed America up with his illegal Executive Orders. Why not? Turn about is fair play. Let's see how Mexico likes being taken over by illegals and themuslimvileone's illegal actions. If it's illegal here and okay with them, why not do it illegally there and have it be okay with Mexico there? January 14, 2015   Condolences to the families. January 14, 2015   Woah! Who loaned Boehner a SPINE? I'm floored. Question is, is this a one-of or will he stick with this kind of actions? Will he stand strong and stay that way, or will he cave to the liberal media's pressure and return to his old, normal, sucky self? Let us pray for him. He needs it! January 14, 2015   Fire Chief fired for writing book standing for his Christian beliefs gets support from his community and Christians. He has a First Amendment right to say what he believes and to write it and self-publish it in a book. Being fired because he has those beliefs is unconstitutional. I stand with Kelvin Cochran and support his Free Speech rights. January 14, 2015   Duke University to have Muslim call to prayer on campus. Would they do the same thing for Christianity? They won't answer that question. But considering their history and beginnings, I'm disappointed in their progressive, PC cowardice and decay. January 14, 2015   Congressional religious affiliation list. How many of your denomination are there? January 14, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Teen threatened to blow up deli and other things. Then there's the "Mideastern" folks trying to test base security for what reason? Considering what the past has taught us, the base moved to DefCon 3 and it's probably a good precaution. Question is, will it be enough? In OH, a man plotted an attack on the U.S. Capitol. Glad he got caught before he could carry it out. Then in France, an Imam is saying the new Charlie Ebdo cartoon is "an act of war". Sounds to me like they don't have a sense of humor over there. Free speech is part of France's history, too, so if they want to live in France, why is it that they think they can go there as an immigrant and change the place they wanted to live because of what the country was like before they got there? It's stupid to go live somewhere because of what it is, then want to change it into what you left. That's a DUH! But that's also how Islam works and how they recruit. In Islam, girls can't even hug band members of their favorite band. The girls are being threatened with arrest! (Amazing.) Did you know that it was allegedly the prophet's birthday Jan. 5th? According to the extensive research done by Robert Spencer, Muhammad may not have existed at all. I've read his well-researched book, "Did Muhammad Exist? An Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins" and I don't think Muhammad did exist. I think he was a conglomoration of many other people in order to create a power figure. But that's just me. January 14, 2015   Colleges are expensive: so why do they turn out anti-Israel idiots? I wouldn't give a penny to any college that would turn my child into an idiotic America-, Israel- and GOD-hating progressive. I'd rather have my child love GOD, respect Israel and love America. To pay to have someone turn my child into what these students are is anathema to me. January 14, 2015   $739B: Tax Revenues for 1st Quarter, but we're still running a $176 BILLION deficit. Think themuslimvileone is spending enough? January 14, 2015   FL may expand "medical" marijuana. I totally disagree with the whole idea of "medical" marijuana. I've done the research and it's not recommended by any of the support groups "medical" marijuana is being touted as treatment for. It's not good for you and it's just anecdotal "evidence" that says it helps. It's a bad thing all the way around. January 14, 2015   January 14, 2015   NO! Let him "go quietly into that dark night" of obscurity, PLEASE! He's not good for Brevard and he's not going to be able to do the complete job for TWO YEARS if he gets it because of Ethics limits. It's stupid to hire someone who is going to be only able to do half the job and pay him to do the whole job. That's a waste of money and taxpayers can't afford anymore of that! January 14, 2015   Did Orange County, FL, schools ban Bibles? Did they cave to atheists and PC pressure? If I had my child in Orange County schools, I'd pull my child out so quickly the administration's heads would spin off. January 14, 2015   Ya' know, this is going to rile some of you, but I honestly take great umbrage at this: "The Reconciled Church: Healing the Racial Divide". Why do I take umbrage at that? Because it assumes that it is everyone within the body of Christ who are the racists and that it is all of us who are the problem. I am not a racist, have never been a racist and have never hated anyone. I don't hate themuslimvileone, just what he's doing to America. I don't hate Muslims, just what the terrorists have done to innocent people. I pray for both to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior so that they don't spend eternity in hell. Does that sound like hate? And yet, this body of church leaders has gotten together to lay a blanket accusation of racism against those of us in the body of Christ. The way I see it is that there are not exclusively Christians in the church and that it is those who are not Christians who are the problems. There are some in churches around the world who go exclusively to see and be seen. They go to catch the latest gossip, to see what someone is wearing, to put in the appearance, or because they were raised to go to church every Sunday, but there's no real relationship with Christ. If going to church is a habit instead of a relationship with Christ as the reason you are going, then that's a problem. For these church leaders -- those who have television shows, or radio shows, or huge congregations and some "social pull" -- to lay the blame at the feet of everyone within the body of Christ is a LIE and a disservice to those of us who are not to blame. Are you being "blanket blamed", too? Do you also take umbrage? January 14, 2015   I'll close for now. Pray for a revival to sweep across this great land and that hearts and souls will be won to Christ. Pray for our troops. Pray for peace here and around the world. Pray for Israel. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini to be healed and released (or released and healed). Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 13, 2015: 5:28 p.m.   Late start so let's get it going. January 13, 2015   SCOTUS (or scotus, depending on how they're doing) surprised by thevileone's admin. thevileone wants no judicial review whatsoever of its actions. They want free reign to do as they please. They want to destroy businesses in America without recourse in the courts. They want absolute despotism. Anyone surprised? January 13, 2015   thevileone:   He wants to take over the internet and control what you see, read, hear and know: despotism at its finest. His failure to attend the French march was a part of the "JV team" lie. He doesn't think that Islamic terrorists are "JV team" folks. He just supports their efforts and doesn't want to be seen as someone who stands against them. Remember, he has had Ramadan celebrations in the Red House annually, he has said that the Muslim call to prayer is one of the "prettiest sounds on earth". He has also offered emotional support to a mosque after one of their members murdered a woman and he has funded many Muslim terrorist groups and that INCLUDES ISIS. thevileone has also sent tanks to Islam and F-16 fighter jets so that they can...? What? Be peaceful? thevileone didn't go to France because he SUPPORTS ISLAMIC TERRORISM. He's not just thevileone he's theMUSLIMvileone. I may just use that for him from now on. January 13, 2015   "John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, explained to the New York Times that when advocates of same-sex marriage fought their battle at the federal level, they ended up with the opposite of what they wanted–the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman was passed. So, what to do? Feinblatt: 'Then they went to the states and showed that if you can get the majority of the public on your side state by state, that will influence the courts and Congress in the end.'"So "homosexual marriage" was part of the march toward a defenseless America? Who knew that "homosexual marriage" was going to lead to no guns for you and I? It's not about the U.S. Constitution, folks. It's about CONTROL; controlling you and I and taking away our RIGHTS and our FREEDOMS. Harrisburg, PA, seems to be falling for it, as well as other PA cities, but the NRA is on the case. It seems that San Fran hasn't learned its lesson yet (Shock. Surprise.) and, of course, thevileone and eric holder are still trying to kill the 2nd Amendment. (Another shock; surprise.) Can you believe that one of the most ANTI-GUN folks on earth, Michael Bloomber, is going to be "teaching" journalists about guns. In other words, teaching them how to spin the story to make guns and pro-gun people look as bad as possible. Expect that after April 18th, you'll hear a lot more stories that try to make guns, gun owners and Second Amendment supporters look like monsters rolled in dog poo covered in maggots. Yeah. It's going to be that bad, if not worse. The funniest part of anti-gun idiots is their hypocrisy. They're just too much. January 13, 2015   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Brits leaving America for the Brittish healcare system. You know it's bad when the Brits are leaving to go back to their system! That's incredible! I'm sure part of it is that they like "free" healthcare, as their country allegedly has (they don't realize they pay for it in taxes? DUH!) because the premiums are going up, up, up! Awww.... too bad. We warned ya'. They're saying now that some dumborats are regretting passing it. They're probably not regretting voting for it, just in getting caught voting for it and having that to answer for to the American people. That's why there was a turnover in the House and Senate to the republirats: it was passed without a single republirat vote. The American people remembered that. Now, people are shunning it (and fleeing it), and they're finding out it's not fun to be enrolled in this crap. There are at least five reasons to repeal it but the republirats are thinking of repealing and replacing. I don't want it replaced. I want it gone, then forgotten. The government has no business interfering in your choices, in the transactions you do with businesses, or with the business's transactions with you. But that doesn't mean anything to thevileone. He wants CONTROL. January 13, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   Really? "shape-shifting Jews" did the attack in Paris? How absurd. They'd rather have you believe in the impossible than in the TRUTH. Want the truth of Islam? (NSFW or children): THIS IS THE TRUTH. They use children to kill others as well as killing children. Islamic terrorism has killed more innocent people every year in the last twenty years than any other "religion", organization, government, or cult. January 13, 2015   bonehead boehner's drinking problem: his bartender wanted to poison him. That's not good. Murder is never a good idea. January 13, 2015   NO! We don't need another Romney run. Just don't do it. We need a TRUE CONSERVATIVE candidate, republican or independent, I don't really care. Although, I would LOVE to see Col. Allen West run with Sarah Palin as his VP. That would be a dream ticket for me. I'd vote for that in a heartbeat! It's a lot better than chris "kiss-butt" christie, or hillclintOOn. We don't need another middle-of-the-roader. We need Col. Allen West! Let's draft him. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or cruddy middle-of-the-roader.) January 13, 2015   thevileone wants more illegals here and, of course, ratface rubio helps him along. We need to kick rubio out of office, not let him run for prezidunce. January 13, 2015   Food Stamps exceed 46 MILLION for 36 months straight. Now that's a roaring economy! January 13, 2015   This is sad. January 13, 2015   Slower tax returns this year? The IRS is forecasting it. Isn't that what you expected, considering thevileone's healthcareTAX paperwork? January 13, 2015   Hiring by status: quotas matter! Isn't that special? (HT: SCF.) January 13, 2015   I'll stop here for today. Hubby's home and I need to get a few things done. Pray for a revival to sweep across this land. Pray for our troops (including Zarinah). Pray for a TRUE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE to be elected president in 2016. Pray for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks and the republirats in the House and Senate to borrow a spine somewhere. Pray for the release and healing of Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 12, 2015: 4:28 p.m.   Don't have much time for updates this Monday because I had a dental appointment first, then tonight I have another appointment elsewhere. Between getting ready to go from one place to the other I have very little time to do things today, so let's get the most important stuff done. I'll start with "Minion Monday: Hank Greets the Oldest Minion Alive". He really likes his "eldest brother". They have had a good time so far. January 12, 2015   Marijuana is addictive, makes you stupid and it's not good to use it and drive. Don't legalize marijuana, folks. It's bad news. January 12, 2015   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Another tax shock for you? If you weren't aware of this yet, you are now. Ouch. The scotus rejected a new suit against this crud, but there could still be a lawsuit that kills this crud. The government can't create "free markets", it only destroys them and that is part of the reason this garbage will fail. I don't know if cutting the work week to meet the requirements, will work. It's rather ifffy. January 12, 2015   Persecution:   In 2014 Christians were persecuted a LOT! Christianity is the only "open season 24/7/365" in which the persecution is approved of by the lefties/progressives/liberals. January 12, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:  
Claiming to be ISIS, someone hacked Twitter, etc.
The bad part is that they hacked the U.S. Central Command's account. The Twitter part, who cares? But when they mess with American soldiers, that makes me angry.
Cartoons that were allegedly the "cause" of the France attacks.
It's not worth killing anyone over; it's just a convenient excuse.
Why did thevileone skip the France march? I think it's because he so totally supports Islam and what the terrorists
did that he can't go march against it. After all, I'm a Christian and I have never accidentally claimed another faith. I've never said, "my Buddhist faith",
nor "my Scientologist faith", nor "my Muslim faith" and needed someone to correct me afterward. Have you ever mistakenly said you were of a different
faith? thevileone has: January 12, 2015   Well, that's going to do it for tonight. I've got another appointment and I'm going to be leaving soon for that. Pray for revival in America. Pray for our troops. Pray for peace here, and worldwide and pray for terrorism to be stopped. Pray that thevileone will be stopped in his tracks. Pray that the scotus will rule in such a way that thevileone's healthcareTAX would be undone. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's healing and release. Pray that Islam and atheists worldwide will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pray for each other and for me. GOD Bless Amrica and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 9, 2015: 1:45 a.m.   thevileone's December U6 rate: 11.2%. That gives him a 2014 average U6 rate of 12.5%. That's bad. Then there's the fact that there are 92,898,000 NOT in the workforce; they've stopped even trying to get a job. They've accepted defeat. That includes more women than the last 25 years! From November to December there was an increase of 612,000 women no longer in the workforce. That's all thanks to thevileone and his policies. Isn't that just so wunnerful? January 9, 2015: 12:11 a.m.   Missed updates on Thursday because (as with Tuesday) I got out of the house early and didn't get home until late. It's been a busy start of the year. So, for the Flag Friday pic, I decided to make sure it was posted before things got crazy on Friday. So, here's "Tribute To Our Heroes 199: In Between". Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You! January 9, 2015   thevileone proposes unfunded mandate for states. All "community colleges" are STATE RUN. For him to propose FREE community college (a two year, Associates Degree) would be a burden to the states, and to US, because we pay property taxes and that's what goes to the education fund (allegedly along with lottery monies). For instance, in one person's property taxes we see: "Taxing authority                       Millage     Assessed     Exemption        Taxable         TaxSee any FEDERAL school taxes? So in that example, the person is spending $208.13 for schools in three LOCAL taxes alone. That's going to INCREASE if thevileone gets his way and suddenly "community college" is going to be "free" to everyone? Free is NOT free if you're taking money out of someone's else's wallet to pay for what YOU want! Where is the "FREE"? It's just getting those on the government teat to stop grumbling about the increased costs of his healthcareTAX. His "free community college" thing is nothing but the latest "look over there!" squirrel. Mark my words. There's something about this that makes me want to see what's under/behind/inside of the "free community college" thing. What is he hiding and where's the other shoe? January 9, 2015   January 9, 2015   msthevileone names "food justice activist" to control you. Now they're going to be controlling food. They'll decide where what kinds of food gets distributed and who gets to grow what and how much. Says the new food comptroller (my term): "'I was an editor of ‘Food Justice’ (the new book by Robert Gottlieb and Anupama Joshi) so I spent several years thinking about the definition,' she said. 'Food justice seeks to ensure that the benefits and risks of where, what, and how food is grown, produced, transported, distributed, accessed, and eaten are shared fairly.' [my bolding]"Do you like the idea of thevileones and their czars deciding who gets to eat what? Ever read the book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley? It's headed your way, folks! Is this what you voted for? January 9, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:   France under Islamic attack and they've found the murdering Islamists who killed the innocent people at Charlie Hebdo. There was another situation in France with hostages in a Kosher grocery, too. Islam's followers are making it the enemy of the world. I think that if it spreads to other countries they're going to be biting off more than they can chew. Attack America and with thevileone in charge, he praises Islam. Attack France and they're too wimpy to do anything but avert non-Muslims from getting angry at Islam. Attack five, seven, twelve countries in a short period of time and there's going to be a backlash worldwide against Islam and there won't be any way to stop it. They'd better watch what they are doing; and those Muslims who are not participating in the attacks should be wondering where they stand in this situation. Do they support those who are killing innocent people, even if it's with the money they're giving to their mosques? Or do they NOT support this kind of reputation blackening action that is giving Islam such a horrible reputation that it is distrusted everywhere in the world except the Middle East. Even in the Middle East, trust is based upon which sect you belong to. If this is what passes as a religion worth following, I recommend just passing. You can download the truth about Islam here. January 9, 2015   Mexico to CA meth smuggling at all time high. I don't know why they're bothering to "smuggle" it. After all, thevileone is welcoming them with open arms and one would think that their possessions would be welcome, too, so why "smuggle" it? Why not just tote it in a wheelbarrow with you and defy the Border Patrol Agents to do anything about it? thevileone has said to NOT stop people coming over -- unless it's to give them help in making it across. So why the problem with bringing in a few things with them? (*sarcasm, of course*) January 9, 2015   JW's "District of Corruption" available for download. It costs $19.99 but it's worth it to "FIND THE TRUTH!" and to support Judicial Watch. They do some really great things, including exposing more truth about Fast & Furious than any other orgnization I know of. Watch the trailer here then order the download. January 9, 2015   thevileone's Hawai'i vacation cost you how much? It's going to be a bundle, folks. Peanut butter and jelly for you for another ten years. Aren't you glad he was ACORNed into office? January 9, 2015   Go to Disneyland lately? Got the measles? Yeah. It's highly contagious and it's spreading from people going to the doctor to find out what's wrong with them. I think I've had the measles. If so, it wasn't fun. January 9, 2015   Ugh. Don't give him a dime. Jebbybebby we don't need. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or Common Crap Core supporter.) January 9, 2015   Census 2020 to use smartphones and internet? Sounds to me like they're going to be finding the info via tapping our phones and spying on us via the internet rather than asking certain questions. It means they get more info without us wanting them to have it. thevileone won't be prezidunce then, so maybe the then-president will change that back to paper as it has traditionally been. January 9, 2015   Ya' know, for all of the media's hype about how wunnerful and brave they are for taking on the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, one would think they'd be just as brave in taking on Islam. Too bad the media are cowards when it comes to Islam. Malkin's got it sooo right! January 9, 2015   January 9, 2015   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   Your tax return has the spaces for you to tell them about your enrollment or lack thereof. You'll have to start paying a penalty if you don't have insurance and it's going to hurt a lot of people. Also, you may want to listen to H & R Block about how this will impact you. It's not a good thing, considering how many folks are going to be owing the government a huge chunk of their subsidy back. It's gotta' hurt to make it work, right? January 9, 2015   I'll stop for now. You've got the Flag Friday link at the top of today's updates, so that's taken care of. So, pray for a revival in America (and throughout the world). Pray for our troops. Pray for peace here and around the world. Pray for Islam and atheists to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior because GOD of Christianiy loves the people of Islam, too. Their god doesn't love them, he just loves their deaths; which is probably why Islam is so death and destruction oriented. Pray for the release and healing of Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him. Pray for Israel's protection and guidance. Pray for each other. GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 7, 2015: 1:20 p.m.   Just heard a power transformer somewhere close go fizz. It was weird. Made me think that I should get this done instead of doing other things. Let's get this done while I can! January 7, 2015   Peace and Tolerance:  
Condolences to France. I'm
not a fan of the country, but I am a fan of freedom and the
magazine had the right to FREE SPEECH. For a "religion"
that tries to convince the world that it is a "peaceful and tolerant religion" to murder twelve people because they dared say something negative
against Islam is neither peaceful nor tolerant. Daily, I can look up
insults to Christianity
but do you see us killing people? BTW, you need to remember this: January 7, 2015   We DO NOT need Jebbyboy! He has too many negatives to possibly be a positive! You can't have so many wrongs make a right and his wrongs are multiple. (Paid political advertising. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate or committee.) January 7, 2015   thevileone's healthcareTAX:   D.C. concedes Congress can't do that: " Judicial Watch today announced that the District of Columbia government conceded in a court filing that, under D.C. law, the U. S. Congress could not obtain insurance through the District’s “Small Business Exchange.” The revelation comes in a taxpayer lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the District of Columbia Health Exchange Authority regarding its decision to allow Congress to participate in the Authority’s Obamacare Small Business Exchange."Wow. It takes a lawsuit to get D.C. to concede that Congress is not a "small business"? Really? Does that not speak volumes about those in Congress who tried to go that route? Did you hear that Harvard profs are not happy with thevileone's healthcareTAX? They are finding out that -- after they SUPPORTED it -- they can't afford it, either. I suppose that means they won't be eating at restaurants that add a surcharge to bills to help cover the costs of thevileone's healthcareTAX. Remember, the death panels are really in there and if you want Mom and Dad to live longer lives via medical help -- as opposed to going before a "death panel" that will decide whether they deserve to keep on living -- then you may want to start saving now for that eventuality. Say, for instance, one of them needs a pacemaker put in: a pretty common occurrence and something that really may happen. Would you want a panel of "experts" to decide of they get the pacemaker (even if you can and would afford it for them yourself) rather than Mom, Dad, you and their doctor deciding if they could live longer if they get it? That panel of "experts" is not supposed to worry about your love for them, about their joie de vivre, or anything else except what the death panel (appointed by the president and wielding godlike power) wants. If you're a Conservative and the panel appointed is all progressives, what happens then? What if they've looked you up on the internet and found your Facebook page and that you follow and like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity? Or, turn it around; Conservative panel and progressive patient. The difference would be that Conservatives are not going to rule based upon politics while a progressive (even a "compassionate" one) would. BTW, remember that H & R Block figured taxes for a lot of folks who got subsidies for this thing nd they found that thevileone's healthcareTAX would be owed huge reimbursements from the people/patients because they were over-subsidized at first. Sounds to me like thevileone's admin doesn't have the slightest clue as to how to do anything correctly the first time (or the second... or the third... or the...) January 7, 2015   "Black Brunch Brats"? Malkin nails it. To go somewhere and disrupt things just because you can, and although the business was not involved in any kind of racial activity, is wrong. That doesn't prevent them from going and disrupting business there, but it is how the left is going to try to control things now and in the future. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to stand up to that? January 7, 2015   bonehead re-"elected" as speaker. Now it's time for him to kick those who did not vote for him off of the committees, and out of chairs so that he can teach them not to mess with john -- I'm a Dictator and a Bully -- boehner. He's a childish thing and he needs to be retired. January 7, 2015   hillclintOOn going for it? Just what we don't need: another progressive and any more years of the continuation of thevileone's policies and Executive Orders. You know hillie would use them because her predecessor did and got away with it for years. If he can, she can; and anyone who would try to stop her would be a "SEXIST!" They used the "RACIST!" card to help thevileone get away with murder (Fast & Furious) and anything else he wanted to do, so why would they not use it for a female prezidunce? If either hillclintOOn or the Cheekbone Cherokee (elizabeth warren) gets the dumborat nod, you know it's going to be more of thevileone's crap on a stick, right? January 7, 2015   HarperCollins removes ISRAEL from its atlases. They said that the Middle Eastern countries wouldn't "accept" the maps with Israel delineated. How does denying reality help anyone? It's absurd and ridiculous and cowardly to remove Israel from the atlases. I won't be buying anything from HarperCollins until they fix their atlases. Do you see them removing any other country -- recognized by the U.N. as such since 1947-1948 -- from their atlases? Nope. Just Israel. Anti-semitism, anyone? January 7, 2015   Ridiculous new laws taking effect this year. You'll be shaking your head, too. January 7, 2015   LOL! thevileone screws up another photo-op. He's so totally clueless in everything except getting it wrong. I bet he even wipes his butt wrong. "Michelle! I can't do it!" January 7, 2015   Paying MORE TAXES if the internet goes the way some folks want it to. If you want to pay new annual taxes -- up to $67 for a landline and $79 for EACH cell phone -- then SUPPORT the FCC's efforts to make the internet a public utility-type entity. thevileone wants more taxes to spend on whatever he so desires: helping Islamic terrorists, bailing out his buddies, to go on more vacations and play more golf, whatever. Internet use is an easy target to raise those taxes. What thevileone wants, thevileone gets. Period. Are you ready? January 7, 2015   Shining the light of TRUTH makes a big difference. I'm glad that there are people who still shine that light into darkness. It's important. It's part of what will help keep America free. January 7, 2015   England's healthcare system faltering. Socialized medicine in England -- like what thevileone set up -- is doomed. It cannot handle the load when it's allegedly "free" but everyone goes to the doctor for absolutely every little thing. If you pay for it yourself, you're more cautious as to when and why you go. When you never take money out of your own wallet -- at least not that you see happening, but you pay it in taxes -- it makes you think twice about what you want to spend that money on. A headache needs something, perhaps a nap, some stress relief, a massage, but not always going to the doctor. England's system must change before it crashes. It's not going to survive and without that change, when it crashes it's going to be a catastrophe for the whole country. January 7, 2015   thevileone was warned about ISIS, but -- as usual -- ignored it. He had other plans. If he does nothing to stop them, then they can be the controller of all of the Middle East and it's going to be he, thevileone, who will control them because he's the prezidunce and he's a Muslim to whom they will listen. After all, he can do whatever he wants and if he orders our military to help ISIS, so be it. I'm surprised he hasn't just come out and declared jihad on America himself. After all, that's what the results of his actions are turning out to be, is it not? January 7, 2015   I'll close with that for now. Pray for revival in America. Pray for our troops. Pray for peace and for Israel to have peace also. Pray for France's people; especially those who knew the victims of Islam's latest terrorist attacks. Pray for Islam and atheists to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini and others like him to be released and healed. Pray that thevileone be stopped in his tracks. Pray for each other. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! January 5, 2015: 1:58 p.m.   It's a New Year and it's the first Monday of 2015. You know what that means? "Minion Monday: Hank Finishes His Routine" in which Hank finds out he's a natural at ice skating while onboard the Freedom of the Seas. He really wowed everyone! Enjoy! January 5, 2015: 4:02 p.m.   Wounded Warrior Project a fraud? To support our military members, you may wish to consider giving at Helping The Home Front, whose parent organization I've trusted for over twenty years. January 5, 2015   While thevileone's Executive Order allowed perverts INTO America, Canada's border patrol stopped 150 American perverts from entering their country. Speaks volumes, does it not? Speaking of perverts, billyboyclintOOn hung out with one, at least "hung out" and maybe is one himself. After all, the Lewinski Lollipop is the kind of guy who has at least five rape allegations against him, at least a few attempts alleged against him, and we know -- via Monica -- that he likes them young. At 68, Bubba's looking really hagard and like he's had one too many (of what, I won't say). The only way he could get a cute 17 year-old (as alleged) is via sexual slavery because no one with the free will to choose would accept his advances. I've never seen anything attractive, charismatic, nor charming about the clown. My aunt met him and said he was "very charming". Yuck. If I had to meet the creep, and it's not something I'd do willingly, I would not find him charming, charismatic, or anything else positive. I'd probably place him under citizen's arrest for all of the lawlessness his admin participated in way back when. I don't think there's a statute of limitations on Presidential wrong-doing, is there? BTW, another well-known alleged perv, Brit Royal, Prince Andrew, is denying all allegations. Problem is the main perv, a Jeffrey Epstein, a big dumborat donor had hidden cameras and videoed the activity at his residences and in his plane. The proof is available. Time will tell what the truth is. January 5, 2015   Another nominee of thevileone is a bad apple. eric holder replacement, loretta lynch, allegedly cheated fraud victims out of the ability to seek restitution; up to $40 MILLION worth of restitution. So what was the purpose of lynch's actions, if she actually did do so? Won't there be a grateful crook getting out of jail sometime in the future? Just asking the question, folks, just asking the question. January 5, 2015   JW asks: Did [thevileone] commit a crime? Well, DUH! All kinds of DUH! DUH squared! Every time he signs an EO that changes existing laws, that obligates you and I to do or not do something, buy something, etc., he breaks the law -- which, in all definitions -- is a CRIME. With almost every breath thevileone takes he breaks the law as he does something else to destroy America. Maybe it was just a rhetorical question, but come on! Obviously blatant lawlessness need not be a question. Just make the statement because you can do so on solid ground! January 5, 2015   Gurgle. Glug. $65 MILLION of YOUR money down the drain. They spent it trying to help women in Afghanistan escape repression. Did it work? They don't know. Problem: they'll probably spend another $65 MILLION of OUR MONEY to find out if it did help, or just in case it is. thevileone's administration is doing everything it can to destroy America and if wasting as much money as humanly possible will help accomplish the destruction of America, then that's what they'll do. January 5, 2015   Sharyl Attkisson is suing thevileone's admin. Apparently she has some pretty good evidence that the DO[IN]J Dept. was involved. eric holder did whatever it took to keep tabs on the people he feared and hacking people's home and work computers was just par for the course. The ends justify the means in the progressive/leftie/dumborat world. Whatever it takes: lying, cheating, stealing, threatening, posting thugs, slandering, bribing, hacking folks' computers... Whatever it takes. They'll do what they have to do to get their own ways and to stay in power. January 5, 2015   Planned Abortionhood: 37 baby-killings per HOUR. That's something they'll face the Almighty and answer for. There's a special place in hades for those monsters: especially those who performed the abortions. Those who pushed little girls into sexual activity (everyone does it, it's just a part of growing up, etc.) and then advised them to abort the resulting baby are going to have an eternity of seeing the faces of the babies they killed in front of them throughout eternity because it will be part of their punishment. The babies won't be in hades, but the abortion providers, pushers, supporters will be given the image of every face they sent prematurely to GOD and the babies will be asking the abortionist butchers why they murdered them. That's going to be part of the abortionists' eternity. I'm certain of it. January 5, 2015   I hope and pray that bonehead boehner get kicked out of the Speaker's chair. I want both he and mcCONnel out of leadership positions (actually, I want them both recalled and never again elected to anything) and I want TRUE CONSERVATIVES as Speaker of the House and as President Pro Tempore of the Senate. It's not a good thing to have jello in leadership positions (or butt-kissers, whichever). I want bonehead outta' there! January 5, 2015   Leadership's influence felt throughout thevileone's admin. Every -- EVERY -- branch of thevileone's admin has been corrupted and they're all participating in illegal activities. They spy on you, on the House and Senate; they do whatever it takes to intimidate people into bowing and scraping, kissing the backsides of the governmental agencies in order to stay out of trouble. It's thevileone's influence and example that they're following, but remember: the buck never gets there. In fact, he's never even heard of the buck, never seen it, never touched it, never knew about it until it appeared in the news, he found out the same time and way you and I found out. And that's his story and he's sticking to it. Too bad we all know by now that it's not true. January 5, 2015   Greece to leave the EU? I believe that the EU will fall apart this year. I believe that there will be a few countries that try to stay the course: a smaller EU, so to speak. However, that, too shall fall by the end of 2016, if not prior to the end of this year. That's my take on the EU's future. I don't know if it'll happen that way, but I do know that it's a doomed entity and has been from the get-go. January 5, 2015   Why do homosexuals think that they can control everyone? Why do homosexuals think that if someone says "No" to them that the person has to be forced into acquiescing to their demands and that the person's "No" can't be based upon their First Amendment right to practice their religion as they see fit because their homosexuality is more important than the First Amendment? It has happened again, this time in Washington state, and the state is suing the florist who refused -- based upon her religious beliefs -- to do the flowers for a "wedding" of two homosexuals as well as the two homosexuals suing her. She's being sued both professionally and personally, which could make her lose everything. America: the land of the bully homosexuals and the lack of religious freedom? It didn't used to be this way. January 5, 2015   Where is America's Laszlo Tokes? We need someone to speak out against the dictatorship of thevileone. January 5, 2015   Remember when thevileone promised to secure the border? Yeah. He lied. Now, over four years later, 700 miles of the US/Mexico border are still unsecured. Even though back in 2011 thevileone said it was secured. Every time his lips move, he's LYING! He's evil. Simply evil. January 5, 2015   Feminists gone wild... or crazy, whichever. They're exhibitionists looking for an audience. January 5, 2015   Here are 14 examples of government interference in MN. How much you wanna' bet there are similar instances in every state of the union? In Florida, here are a few bills to be aware of, including one that outlaws therapists from trying to help change a homosexual who is questioning their sexual choice. That's a bill by a dumborat, of course. January 5, 2015   Brrrrrr...! I'm so jealous! January 5, 2015   The left seems to think that handing over control of the internet to the rest of the world would be a good idea. They think that doing so would decrease the level of Conservative sites, the number of hits the Conservative sites receive, and other things that would ring their bells. The problem with this whole way of thinking is the unintended consequences the left fails to understand: sometime in the future if the pendulum swings, the right would be the ones with the power. What would the left do then? That's what the left is not considering here. They don't like the idea of America being the controlling factor of the ICANN and domain name registrations, etc. being done here, in the good ol' U.S.A. They haven't a clue as to what the future holds if we hand that authority over to others and my question to them would be "Why put freedom's greatest tool in danger?" because that's what would happen. The ICANN registration being done here makes it better for the internet because we register almost everyone and everything. (Not that porn sites make me happy, but it's better than no freedom.) When will the left wake up and realize that America is the best thing that ever happened to the earth since Jesus Christ? When? January 5, 2015   Snicker. Snort. January 5, 2015   As you now know, I am now owner/operator of PSJ History.com and made a comment there about the pooper paper's page 4-6 article. A little history whitewashing was underway and I wanted to make sure people understood that the PSJ HOA was not all sweetness and light. It became something so dark before its demise that it lead to physical assault on a pregnant woman and a minor. That's how dangerous the organization had become. They also called the cops on me for taking notes at a meeting. I kid you not: they called the BCSO on me for taking notes at a Board meeting. It was so absurd! The history of the PSJ and their darkness is available at PSJ History.com and you may want to know that history, learn from it and know that repeating it would be a horrible thing. January 5, 2015   I'll close here. Pray for a revival in America, for Brevard's leadership, for thevileone to be stopped in his tracks by a STRONG CONSERVATIVE HOUSE AND SENATE instead of butt-kissing republirats. Pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini's release and healing, and for others like him. Pray for our troops and for their safety and quick return. My neighbor's daughter is still over there and she has lost four or five of her group due to Islamic attacks. Pray for Zarinah's safety. Pray for each other. Until next time, GOD Bless America and YOU! See ya'! January 2, 2015: 11:59 p.m.   Missed out on doing updates today. Yesterday I made the bad decision of going birding with my hubby and brother-in-law while I wasn't feeling up to snuff. After walking over three miles I felt even worse and then wound up going to bed at eight in the evening. That's why I missed the "Tribute To Our Heroes 197: A New Year of Service" posting. I was totally wiped out and then when I got up this morning, I forgot it was Friday. Yep. The holidays were wonderful, sweet and fun, but it throws my schedule off to have my hubby home for the holidays. I'm not complaining about it, just stating facts. Hubby being home equals Saturday or Sunday, on a normal schedule, that is. On the holidays, it just throws me off. So I want to thank you all for your service, apologize for not posting today, and say "See ya' Monday!" on a regular schedule, and with a Minion Monday posting that will finish up the cruise series. Yep, the last Hank onboard the ship will be posted this Monday. Look forward to it. It's a cutie! Until then, Pray for America and for each other. See ya'! January 1, 2015: 1:15 a.m. Happy New Year! January 1, 2015   Just a heads up to let you know that I'm scheduled to go birding with my hubby today and that we'll probably be gone all day so there won't be more than this as an update. Unless, that is, this feeling of not being 100% (more like 40%) well is going to persist until I'm supposed to get up in a few hours. Right now, it's not certain whether I'll go. But if I do there won't be an update today; while if I stay home sick there won't be an update either. We'll see which wins out (I'm rooting for going because I hate being queasy). Until January 2, 2015, See ya'! NOTE:   This is or may be a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39227, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate. NOTE:   This is a paid political campaign communication. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate. NOTE:   This is -- or used to be -- FREE SPEECH: First Amendment, U.S. Constitution PROTECTED! So if you don't like it, get lost! Read another site! Cry to your Mommy! Eat a brownie! Go bumm a cigarette from someone! Suck your thumb! Just don't whine to me! |
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