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"Random Creation? Look at the Numbers!"

Psalm 144:1 "Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:"

Chart: Compare GOD to Allah. Helping Disaster Victims: Hurricanes, Earthquakes, etc. Thank you and GOD Bless You!
Why I Believe in God My Blog: "Can Sin Be In Heaven?"
Crucifixion of Christ: Our Images Are All Wrong! My Blog: March 2009: "Already a Loser" My foresight into how bad a prezidunce themuslimvileone was.
My Bibliography Our Georgia Farm Pictures: Why we're gone so often.

September 10, 2024: 8:03 p.m.   Tomorrow is 9/11, the 23rd Anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attacks on America. We were confused, frightened, horrified, misinformed, worried, shocked. I think shocked is too little a word to describe it. People lost loved ones and America completely lost our sense of security and safety. Our government had not prevented it, and it was not something that should ever have happened. A few simple steps could have prevented it: most of the men on the hijack teams had overstayed their visitors' visas and were here illegally, but our government did nothing about that. They learned from a flight school how to fly a plane, but not how to land it. They should have been gone and not allowed to board the airplanes they flew into buildings or (thanks to the passengers) on Flight 93, which took a nose dive into a Pennsylvania field. We have the Memorial in NYC and we encourage and support that memorial, but what have we done since then to PREVENT it from happening again? My solution: Every 9/11, I "Fast For Islam" and pray that every Muslim worldwide, no matter which sect (Shiite, Sunni, etc.) they belong to, they will ALL -- every single Muslim, old, young, powerful and poor, male and female -- come to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is the ONLY way to stop the violence against we "infidels" and to prevent anymore attacks on Israel, Christians, America, Catholics, innocent "infidels" walking to the store in London, children playing in Turkey: wherever Islam finds its willing murderer if they come to Jesus instead of following the teachings of Allah, they will no longer be a threat to the rest of civilization. Islam will be no more and Allah's deadly reign will end.

Please join me at midnight tonight in my "Fast For Islam" and if you can't do without food completely, do without chocoalte, coffee, your favorite cereal, or fruit, red meat, or maybe just do without something that isn't food, but reminds you in not doing it that you are focusing on doing something more important today. Give up watching television, checking your phone, being on the internet, or maybe just social media. Don't read anything except your Bible if you love to read and read daily, or maybe don't do your favorite craft, or don't exercise today if that's what you're addicted to. Give up something that matters to you (no, not the kids, they stay!) so that your soul will be focused and your heart will remember that Islam needs Jesus and today's, 9/11's, the perfect day to pray for them. Please join me. I have been doing this for quite a few years now but I can't do it alone.

It is starting. There was a news story about a movement of GOD in Iran where MOSQUES ARE CLOSING as ONE MILLION MUSLIMS ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior. It's happening, but think what would happen if millions of Christians worldwide fasted and prayed for Islam to accept Jesus every 9/11, if we fell to our knees and did without something that we enjoy every 9/11 and prayed fervently and sincerely for Islam to come to Christ. It wouldn't take long before there would be no more Islam. The religion of violence and terror would die via being abandoned by its adherants and being replaced with a relationship with Christ. Wouldn't that be worth 24 hours of doing without and prayer? Wouldn't your grandchildren never having to worry about Islamic extremism/terror ever in their entire lives be worth it? Join me. Please. Midnight is coming. Let's make it a good one and the start of remaking the world.

September 9, 2024: 1:38 p.m.   I know someone whose birthday is today, but for the life of me, unfortunately, I can't remember whose. Sorry, that person, and I wish you a "Happy Birthday!" My sincere apologies.

September 9, 2024   Remember that this WEDNESDAY is "Fast For Islam" day and that you can join me in fasting and praying the 24 hours of 9/11 for all of Islam, every believer/follower to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. You don't have to fast food; don't watch television all day, don't drink coffee, give up your favorite thing that you eat, don't exercise that day (if it's something you enjoy doing: I don't, so that wouldn't be a sacrifice), don't read anything but your Bible if you enjoy reading and do it daily. Do something that will remind you that you are doing something important on 9/11 and every time you think about chocolate, coffee, or running ten miles, you will remember that you're praying for GOD to change hearts and minds and that bringing Islam to Jesus will stop the violence against every person impacted by Islamic violence; Jews and Christians, infidels and homosexuals, everyone who isn't like them. It will change the world if we all do this. Join me, please, in my "Fast For Islam" on 9/11. Change the world.

September 9, 2024   Hypocrisy, Thy Name is DemonRATS:   As usual, the LEFT says "Rules for THEE, but NOT for me!" They've been after SCOTUS Justice, Clarence Thomas since this FAUXministration has been in office, if not before. They don't care that BUYthem is doing the same thing and they won't go after him for it. It's just those on the RIGHT (NOT RINOS) whom the LEFT wants kicked out of office for doing what their puppet does without consequence. Who is surprised? Isn't that sad that we aren't surprised by the LEFT'S absolute and total hypocrisy?

September 9, 2024   Illegal Alien Invaders:   Thanks to BUYthem and kamalaugha, we have 10+ MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS who have been brought into America by the LEFT (including FLYING THEM ACROSS THE BORDER AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE) in order to have them "vote" (I use quotation marks because their "votes" are totally ILLEGAL) in this year's presidential elections. They want to have the bodies with heartbeats this year to overwhelm the LEGAL votes of people who support the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, so they'll use illegals and illegal votes to do so. We have a LEFTIST candidate who brags about bringing them in and I'm sure the LEFT is happy about it. They believe that with all of those ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS VOTING they'll "win" the election. Didn't their mothers teach them the old saying "Cheaters never win" when they were kids? I know that they "won" the last two elections, but the message in the saying is that even though it looks like they won, they lost because they cheated to get there. That's part of teaching children what true winning is, and it's a lesson on having something the LEFT apparently doesn't have: a conscience. Thanks to kamalaugha and bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe, we have a whole lot of BAD things happening in America that would NOT have happened if it weren't for bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's and kamalaugha's open borders policies. Rep. Chip Roy (R) has created a report about the effects of the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS on America and it's not good, folks. But what do you expect when you let in people from third world countries who don't have our same values, who don't have jobs, or places to live, or anything except what YOU PAY FOR because stupid "sanctuary cities" and the demonRATS FORCE you to pay? It's so bad, that ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS are catching ducks at our lakes -- ducks that people have fed and enjoyed for years -- and killing and eating them. There's at least one incident of a missing cat being seen being eaten by Haitian invaders! A CAT! It wasn't their cat, it was a neighbor's! That's just wrong. But ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS don't care. They have their own rules from their own country and they live those rules here. Our ideas of right and wrong do not apply. Is this the kind of country you want to live in? Remember, in Islam, men can marry a little girl as young as NINE-YEARS-OLD! In Islam, they don't tolerate homosexuality, they throw them off of buildings with their hands tied behind their backs. This is America. We should NOT be going through this, but the LEFT WILL DO ANYTHING FOR POWER! Is this what you want? If not, VOTE FOR DONALD J. TRUMP on November 5, 2024. Do it for your little girls, your pets, your taxes, your gun rights, your free speech rights, your freedom and your property. Do it for America or lose her forever. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER.)

September 9, 2024   Government SPYING on Citizens:   We all should remember that themuslimvileone's regime was found to be SPYING on U.S. Citizens, gathering their e-mails, text messages, etc., and just "storing" them (yeah, right) without reading them (yeah, right). We have known about this federal government ILLEGAL spying for over ten years, thanks to Sharil Attkisson, who is still fighting against the government SPYING because they took her information and she found proof of it and SUED themuslimvileone's regime and some fo the people in the DO[IN]J as well. It's been ELEVEN YEARS and the DO[IN]J are still trying to cover up the TRUTH! To me, that speeks VOLUMES! Remember, for every hour the LEFT fights to keep the TRUTH HIDDEN, that's YOUR MONEY BEING SPENT to pay for their fighting the TRUTH! Don't ya' love how the LEFT decides to WASTE YOUR MONEY? We're supposed to have a transparent government that ANSWERS TO US but not with the LEFT in power. It's totally reversed when the LEFT is in power: we answer to them, but they don't have to tell us a thing. Is that what you want?

September 9, 2024   Spy WHALE?:   Apparently, it isn't as far fetched as it sounds. Russia apparently uses whales with camera equipment strapped to them to spy on foreign nations and Norway found one and it's been hanging around out there by Norway for about five years. Poor thing was found dead Saturday and there's going to be a necropsy (autopsy for animals) on it to find out what happened to Hvaldimir (the spy Beluga Whale). Some say there were wounds on it, making it a possible intentional killing of poor Hvaldimir. Some think otherwise, but the necropsy will tell us what happened. I find it amazing that Russia -- or any country -- would use a Beluga whale as a spy. What's next: flying monkeys as spies? SMH.

September 9, 2024   Relatives are Unpredictable:   First, we had tampontim's relatives endorsing President Donald J. Trump. Now we have a fundraiser for President Donald J. Trump, being given by none other than CA "governor" gavin newsom's relatives! These LEFTIES can't even get their own families' endorsement says a LOT! That's pretty bad! But it's also hysterically funny!

September 9, 2024   Papal MESS!:   The current "pope" has done his best to "reach across the aisle" (so to speak) and make peace with Islam, even supporting Sharia MURDER Laws! What makes this story just a little more ludicous -- or delicious? -- is that now, ISIS still has a hit out on the pope! Isn't that ludicrous? The Catholic who was trying to "make peace" with Islam and he was bending over backwards to do so and they want to murder him. What scale of irony is that? I'm thinking it may have broken the dial hand!

September 9, 2024   Conservative School:   How about that? A school that was started in 2021 because of Fauci-China-19 "learning losses" in Colorado has the TOP TEST SCORES of ALL CO schools! The parents who started it created a classical education and this includes critical thinking and independent studies, as well a a good base in reading, writing, history, math, science and the kinds of studies that children should be doing instead of transgender studies and other LEFTIST CRAP. Good for the children of Merit School! Even moreso: Good for the parents who started the school and took over the school board to make things more Conservative -- which, is of course, being attacked by the teacher's union and the LEFT everywhere. Pray for the leaders who went Conservative for the betterment of their children's education. They need it considering how vicious the LEFT gets!

September 9, 2024   I haven't gotten around to studying the Amendments on this year's election ballot. Sorry about that. I will do it soon. Also, I hope you will join me for the 9/11 "Fast For Islam" and if you can't fast food, fast something else, and if you can't give something up at least PRAY for Islam to come to Jesus. The world will change and be a better place.

I'm going to close with that for today. I'm going to go paint some Christmas ornaments I've got to get finished. I need my dining table back! Y'all have a nice rest of your wet, rainy evening. Stay safe and drive carefully on these wet roads. I'll try to be here tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

September 6, 2024: 3:45 p.m.   Election Integrity:   The demonRATS have been CHEATING in elections for DECADES. First, it was unregistered "voters" voting without beingl legal to vote. Then it was dead people voting and people voting once in four or five different precincts, and every illegal alien invader was voting that they could convince (or pay) to do so. This year, they've found another way to cheat (or at least they're bragging about using this technique this year: they may have been using it for years). This year they are trying to use ALLEGED Americans living oversees (UOCAVA) to stack the vote for kamalaugha. "Power at all costs" should be the demonRATS' party slogan. Yep. They're trying to stack the deck in another CHEAT to steal this election. POWER AT ALL COSTS! In North Carolina,

"Guidance on mail-in ballot envelopes issued by North Carolina’s Democrat-controlled election board violates state law, a legal challenge filed Tuesday alleges."
According to NC LAW,
"...absentee elector is mandated to place his completed ballot... [in]the container-return envelope must be signed by the voter and two witnesses or one notary public before it can be submitted to his local election board for tabulation."
The lawsuit says that the NC election board didn't put those instructions on the envelope. In fact, the election board said,
"[A]ccording to pages 3 and 4 of the Numbered Memo, county boards of elections should count an absentee ballot even if the ballot is not received in a sealed container-return envelope, so long as the ballot is received in some other sealed envelope,"
Does that sound like they're instructing people to adhere to THE LAW that is intended to protect the integrity of NC's elections? If you answered "Yes", get off my website!

September 6, 2024   BABY KILLING:   Nebraska BABY KILLERS have put a ballot initiative on this year's ballot that would allow anyone in Nebraska to perform a BABY MURDER up until birth and would PREVENT reporting of live births after abortion and what was done to the surviving child to save its life, or take its life after it survived an abortion. The LEFT approves of this. Nebraskans, 72%, "oppose legalizing abortion through birth", and 65% "wold prefer a law that goes further than the state's current 12-week ban by prohibiting the abortion of babies beyond the detection of a heartbeat", which the article says is usually around six weeks gestation. That's incorrect. I have found PROOF that the United States government KNOWS that a fetus's (BABY'S) heartbeat is detectable between 12 days (earliest) and 21 days AFTER CONCEPTION, NOT SIX WEEKS! This is the TRUTH and the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT KNOWS IT, but denies it so that they can kill more BABIES. Isn't that sweet?

Some people who are pro-life are against IVF because many of the babies conceived that way are frozen as embryos and then disposed of after a pregnancy occurs prior to use (one of the other babies "took" and a successful pregnancy occurred). IVF is a great way to have a child, BUT it also puts many babies at risk of disposal, resulting in the DEATHS of many children. This is not disputable. It happens. A child is formed AT CONCEPTION, a heartbeat is detectable between 12-21 days after conception according to the Nathional Institute of Health, a U.S. federal government agency. There are alternatives to IVF that won't result in the other babies being killed off, and that makes them better choices to IVF. Instead of IVF, go for more natural things that are more successful and do NOT include a child dying. The success rate of IVF is 2-7 percent: that a HORRIBLE "success" rate! If a baseball player had that low of a batting average, he'd be let go immediately! But people keep returning to IVF when there are BETTER options! Go for Naptotechnology which won't kill babies and has an 80% SUCCESS RATE! That's amazing! Think about that difference when you're making choices to start your child-rearing life (and trust me, it is a life[time] of rearing!). Don't risk even one of your babies. 2-7%, folks, is a horrible thing. Don't kill your babies. Let them live, or don't let a doctor help you create some to kill. That's not your choice.

September 6, 2024   Election Prediction:   A rather reliable prediction method has predicted kamalaugha will win in November. His methodology is disclosed in the article, but one of the things he does NOT show in his methodology is how much the LEFT will CHEAT to STEAL 2024's election, too. It's not mentioned at all, but I do believe he takes it into account. The article says that his predicion is probably wrong because his analysis of the economy is incorrect and because he is wrong on the "scandals" that allegedly surround both candidates. Trust me, kamalaugha has enough scandals -- the Afghanistan withdrawal she take ownership of, her past as a prosecutor who kept black man in prison LONGER than their sentences to get cheap labor (slavery, anyone?), her infamous Willie Brown sex story, her Montel Williams menage, her flip-flopping on many, many issues -- to take that into consideration. Yet, he weights that as a "No" for that category for her. Say what? Sounds to me like he's showing his support instead of seriously letting the chips fall where they may. When you have to weight something (polls, anyone, another scandal?) toward a particular candidate, then you're NOT letting the methodology work, you're skewing it and trying to get the results you want.

September 6, 2024   kamalaugha:   She's a fraud, a fake, a LIAR and a loser. She's the very definition of brainless. However, that's what the LEFT wants in a "resident" at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. because that way the "power behind the throne" can be in control: thevilegeorgesoros and themuslimvileone. They both HATE America as our Founding Fathers created her and want to destroy her and make her Communist. She's also a coward: or maybe she's just protective of her own stupidity. Whichever, she's anti-free speech and she's anti-American worker because, according to the U.S. Department of Labor statistics,

"native-born workers have experienced a net job loss of 1.3 million since August 2023."
So what she's doing is REPLACING Americans with ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER workers and she's happy to do so because that means that -- even though, legally, they CANNOT VOTE IN AMERICA -- she can BUY their vote because she's making sure they get work. Isn't that sweet? She's also CORRUPT as all get out. (Shocked? No?!) She filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission (and this PROVES HOW STUPID SHE IS) filing, she put it on her filing that she PAID JUDGE JUAN MERCHAN'S DAUGHTER'S political firm for services? Yeah, the "judge" merchan who is presiding over the "hush money" trial of her POLITICAL OPPONENT, DONALD J. TRUMP! She put it in her filing! Oh, yeah, proves she's "honest", right? No. Proves she's a moron and the rules don't apply to her because the "judge" has not recused himself from the trial, even though the direct opponent of someone was giving money to his daughter, and she's STUPID ENOUGH TO HAVE DONE THAT! So she's buying influence and he's been influenced! And she's admitting it on federal paperwork! Morons, both.

September 6, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby's on his way home. Enjoy your weekend and I'll try to be here Monday.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

September 5, 2024: 3:15 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to the weather putting me to sleep. Sorry about that.

September 5, 2024   DO[IN]J:   They are committing election interference and sometimes, they admit it. Louder with Crowder's MugClub Undercover Unit (long title, but whatever) caught the Chief of Public Affairs ADMITTING that the prosecutions (persecutions) of the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP,

"are part of a politically motivated campaign orchestrated by the Deep State."
They're persecuting and prosecuting Pres. Trump to keep him from being re-elected. That's the TRUTH of the matter. The DO[IN]J has admitted it. This guy, Nicholas Biase (BIASe? Very telling?) also admitted
"'The point of prosecuting Trump was to make him a convict…it affects his candidacy if he’s a convicted felon,'"
That's election interference, pure, plain and simple. However, after the video was release, BIASe desperately backpedalled and said he was trying to impress a honey trap and that's why he slammed (my word, not his) his friend of fifteen years, alvin braggadocious. He said of bragg:
"'Alvin is very ambitious... But, like, do I respect what he’s doing? No'".
This is the TRUTH of what the LEFT does: they target Conservatives, set them up and prosecute them, making up laws if they have to in order to convict INNOCENT PEOPLE of something -- anything -- and put them in prison for as long as they possibly can. (Ask J6 prisoners.) This is the TRUTH of what the LEFT is doing to Pres. Trump. Never believe a word a LEFTIST says. If their lips are moving -- or if they're writing/typing something, they're LYING.

September 5, 2024   O.M.G.!:   Stupid is as stupid does, and this NFL Washington Commanders VP actually is stupid. He said on undercover video that

"'Most of the NFL fans I would say, are high school educated alcoholics'"
I am NOT an NFL fan. I haven't watched a football game of my own volition in probably forty years. However, that doesn't prevent me from saying "This guy's a moron!" Your own fan base and you're criticizing them? Oh my goodness, you're an idiot. Oh, don't worry, I'm not being too harsh because he went on to say things like NFL fans are "mouth breathers" (aren't we all every now and then; colds have that effect), and NFL players "dumb as hell" and his own team's black players as "homophobic". Was he finished? Nope. H said that the NFL's efforts to be PC are all "performative" and that "it's to make as much money as possible" that they're not really committed to blm, gay pride, DEI, or any of the other PC "initiatives" but it helps them sell tickets. Amazingly stupid guy, but when he tells the TRUTH, he may as well be caught doing it. Right?

September 5, 2024   Debate "Rules":   Rules, schmules. 'Oo needs 'em? ABC is hosting the first presidential debate between the FAUXVP and the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, and the "rules" have been agreed upon. Both sides approved them; in fact, the kamalaugha side insisted that the rules agreed upon by bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe be kept for the debate between she and Pres. Trump. Now? Not so much. She wants to switch to LIVE mics all the time so that she can use her favorite phrase, "I'm speaking." Drama queen. Want to know how LEFTIST abc is?

"The network, according to the source familiar, has offered assurances to the Harris campaign that if there is significant cross talk between Harris and Trump, it may choose to turn on the mics so that the public can understand what is happening, the moderator would discourage either candidate from interrupting constantly and the moderator would also work to explain to viewers what is being said."
Special treatment for LEFTISTS much? Yeah. They're not BIASed at all, are they? Do you still watch their broadcast? If so, you should probably rethink that.

September 5, 2024   LAUGHING OUT LOUD!:   AWOLwalz has been such a LOSER that his whole family threw their support behind PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP! They even had shirts made up to help them prove that they're serious and that they want people to know. I think that's hysterical and VERY TELLING! His brother, in fact, "hasn't spoken to him in 8 [eight] years!" That's pretty bad! But it's also very good for Pres. Trump because having your opponent's family endorse you is always a good thing!

September 5, 2024   I want to remind you that next Wednesday is 9/11 and I invite you to join me in fasting and praying for ALL Islam to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and for the religion of Islam to die as a result. It's the ONLY way to stop the violence. Join me in fasting and praying the 24 hours of 9/11 next Wednesday. You don't have to not eat at all; you can fast meat, ice cream, coffee, something you really like and have daily. You can also fast television, facebook, the internet in total, reading any book except the Bible, gardening, something you really like and do daily or almost daily. Give something up for 24 hours and pray for everyone practicing Islam, believing in Allah, to come to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This will end Islamic violence.

I'm going to close with that for today. We made tonight our date night so we will be leaving after my hubby gets home. Enjoy the rest of your evening and I will try to be here tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

September 3, 2024: 2:48 p.m.   I hope you had a great weekend and an enjoyable communist celebration day (AKA Labor Day). We had a good weekend and we got to visit with relatives. I made one of them a birthday present -- crocheted eternity scarf of 20% alpaca and 80% poly (very soft and hypoallergenic), a junk journal and some hand lotion -- gave her mom similar scarf, lotion and a hook latch pillow kit -- and her daughter a junk journal. They all loved their gifts and it turns out her mom's birthday is three days away and I'll send her a card because she got her present already, without me knowing that it was coming up. Happy relatives and good timing on God's part (it was He Who said to do a gift for the others). Good times. Anyways, I'll get started.

September 3, 2024   Check Your Credit Report!:   It looks like our government is intentionally making Americans' identities available to other people -- probably so that they can let illegal aliens vote on your identity -- and every Americans' social security number has been hacked. Go to the credit reporting agencies and put a FREEZE and a FRAUD ALERT on your credit info. A freeze prevents anyone from checking your credit info and a fraud alert makes anyone checking your credit to make extra efforts to confirm that you are you trying to open a new Victoria's Secret credit card (that's where someone shopped when my hubby's identity was stolen). You give them a phone number to call you and verify and if they have to do that, then they reach YOU, not the fraud, and you can tell them that you are NOT trying to open anything. OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT EACH CREDIT REPORTING AGENCY FIRST. Do this at TransUnion and they'll put the FRAUD ALERT on your account at the other two credit reporting agencies for you, Equifax and Experian. It's better to be safe than sorry. My husband's identity was stolen back in about 2012 and it's NOT FUN to try to get it all straightened out. Our credit union did work with us and we did get it straightened out, but it took a while and we had to close some accunts and we had to jump through hoops, but we got it done and we're taking extra precautions nowadays. Do this, just to be safe.

September 3, 2024   Election Integrity:   Does Iran "have plans" for our November elections? According to the FBLie, Iran wants to interfere in our elections -- to KEEP PRESIDENT TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE! Between foreign countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.) HELPING THE LEFT get and stay in office, and the BILLIONAIRE LEFTIES who try to control our elections via their megadollars it's difficult to trust our elections in any way. I hope and pray that this November we'll be able to trust the results of our elections instead of just see more of the same CHEATING that STOLE 2020! And don't buy the LEFT'S blame game of saying it's those on the right that are messing with our elections. It's the LEFT as ALWAYS! It's Amazon's "Alexa" and her responses to questions because those responses had to be programmed into her. Leftist interference is always going to benefit the LEFT, and it's always going to be done for as long and as much as they possibly can. Cheat? Nah? That's just standard operating procedure (SOP) for them!

September 3, 2024   kamalaugha:   She's such a loser and a mess. She doesn't have any core values other than POWER AT ANY COST (suck it up, buttercup!)! She got to where she is via... Well, you know. And now the demonRATS are trying to silence her to hide her policies until after the election. Uh... How are they going to do that when the first debate between she and President Donald J. Trump is scheduled for a week from today? I think the LEFT knows how bad it is because she's actually obeying them and she's faking taking a phone call instead of taking questions from reporters. She's scared of them. She knows how stupid she is and what she did to get to VP (besides the CHEATING others did for her). The msm has been covering for her BIG TIME but "We, the People" are onto her. People aren't blind -- even lefties are catching on and becoming Republicans! Florida has a huge number of Republicans -- hopefully, as people flee the LEFTIST CONTROLLED STATES, they are registering as Republicans here and will uphold CONSERVATIVE Republican values instead of going RINO or LEFTIST who are just playing make believe with their registration so that they can change the primary results. We'll see.

September 3, 2024   Sanctuary Cities:   In Culver City, CaliMarxiFornicatia, a DOUBLE HOMICIDE perpetrator won't be arrested or reported because (I watched and read the patch on the cop's shoulder) Culver City is a SANCTUARY CITY and in "sanctuary cities", ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS have the RIGHT to do whatever they want because they won't be arrested, reported, DEported, or even given a slap on the wrist. What they will be given is FREE: medical care, living accomodations, clothes, cell phones, education, food and all at TAXPAYER COST! YOU PAY FOR THEM TO COME LIVE HERE AND COMMIT MURDERS, RAPES AND PEDOPHILIA. That's what this FAUXministration has done for AMERICA and TO YOU and YOU PAY THEM FOR IT! Is that what you want? Vote for Donald J. Trump this November and he'll try to stop all of these horrors! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or illegal alien invader.)

September 3, 2024   Covenant Shooter:   The "manifesto" of the Covenant shooter -- a female who said she was a guy -- has been released. Well, at least 90 pages of the manifesto and there are "dark and disturbed ramblings" and self-hatred all over the manifesto. THIS is what happens when children are taught to HATE THEMSELVES, THEIR SKIN TONE, THEIR GENDER, THEIR IDENTITY by PUBLIC SCHOOLS with LEFTIST TEACHERS who think that it's okay to teach one particular skin tone to hate everything about themselves. This rests exclusively and strictly on the teachers who taught Audrey Hale to hate herself as she was born and everything about being caucasian. The people who had influence over her should be horse-whopped because they taught her this.

September 3, 2024   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your probably-rainy evening and I hope to be back here tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 28, 2024: 4:21 p.m.   Late start so I don't have much time for updates, but since errands both Monday and Tuesday kept me away I wanted to get something done today. I'll get started.

August 28, 2024   kamalaugha:   She's such a LIAR (she's a demonRAT, so it's to be expected; funny how many demonRATS, even local yocals, are LIARS). She tried to intimate that Tucker Carlson wrote her a letter thanking her and bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe for their "gun control" efforts. Really. She posted a letter to her X account that was signed "Tucker". Most people upon reading that name, think of Tucker Carlson. It may be a different Tucker, but she made no efforts to dissuade people of that impression. So, Tucker Carlson, being the kind of good guy he is, took the time to respond to the fake letter. I think it's HILARIOUS! See? She's a LIAR. She is now saying that she supports fracking... but her campaign spokesman says she's for a fracking BAN. She just LIES to get votes from people who would be employed if fracking were allowed again. She LIES so much that most demonRAT voters have NO IDEA what her policies are because she constantly changes her statements about them! How can you believe a candidate who changes her positions so often that it would power D.C. if it was a power source? She "denounced" the border wall while the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, was building it, but she now favors it and will finish the wall. Say what? Yep. She's going to finish the wall she once called a "medieval vanity project". Isn't that a flip-flop to remember? But she flip-flops so well and so often that she can argue with herself in a new ad put out by Pres. Trump! That came in handy, now didn't it? The LYING isn't her only problem, though. She hasn't a CLUE about anything except what she wants to eat and drink. For instance, her "foreign policy is a national security threat" and if you don't take that seriously when you're casting your vote, you're voting for your own demise. It's her and bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's fault that the the austronauts are stuck in space until February of 2025! She really is a walking disaster area! She's not fit to be VP, so how on earth can she be a good prezidunce?! Come on, people! Think about the future, not just your "feel goodism" for voting for a female. It doesn't matter what chromosomes she has, she's totally incompetent! Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump and do what is good and right for America, the world and (especially) your children! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy candidate like harris!)

August 28, 2024   July 13 Assassination Attempt:   The Butler, PA, rally where a sniper snipers tried to take out Pres. Donald J. Trump (but GOD protected him) smells to high heaven. It's fishy. It's suspicious as all get out. It's obviously wrong. Everything the Secret UNservice did that day is suspicious. Everything the FBLie did after the shots were fired is suspicious. Everything the Secret UNservice director and assistant director did afterward (and probably prior to) is suspicious. It just plain smells, folks. I'm not the only one saying so, but I have said it since July 13th. I knew immediately that it was an inside job and that the demonRATS were behind it. It's a given: they can't defeat him at the polls (at least not without cheating) so they have to take him out another way. They failed, so they may try again. Pray for President Trump's protection, please.

August 28, 2024   Election Integrity:   If you follow the last link in the paragraph above you will see that the demonRATS are trying to BUY VOTES in swing states but that's not their only effort to CHEAT to STEAL 2024's election. They are also blocking REPUBLICAN POLL WATCHERS from participation so that the demonRATS will be the only ones watching the ballot count and they can CHEAT as much as they want and get away with it. Isn't that special? Don't you love how well organized and well prepared to CHEAT the LEFT is? If they can't BUY the votes, or CHEAT enough in counting the ballots (notice I didn't say "counting the votes"? The ballots they counted several times in 2016 were NOT VALID VOTES, but they were printed ballots, with fake votes on them; there's a difference between a valid vote and a ballot for cheating), they'll try to win via putting a federal indictment on Pres. Trump and try to put Pres. Trump in PRISON via FAKE LAWFARE! This is the same lawsuit that was basically overturned by the SCOTUS that joke smith is changing the wording on a little and got another (shock, surprise) NYC jury to vote to indict Pres. Trump on. It's despicable, but it's typical demonRAT stuff. Imagine if they do this to Pres. Trump, if you get on their bad side, what will they do to you? After all, he's a rich, powerful, influential celebrity type and he has the funds to fight this nonsense. What would they do to you if they came after you? Remember, that's why Pres. Trump says he is here for: to stand between them and you and protect you from the LEFT. That gets my vote! How about you?

Remember, fokls, the LEFT isn't above cheating and THREATENING PEOPLE if they try to stop the STEAL! Witness Michigan's Secretary of State, Benson, has already issued a warning video telling people that if they don't certify a crooked election that she will "come for you"! Isn't that just what you want for your elections: someone THREATENING TO "COME FOR YOU" and trying to make it so that you don't have the option of doing the RIGHT THING and NOT CERTIFYING A STOLEN ELECTION? Yeah. The LEFT loves doing the WRONG thing, and who cares about what the right thing is? As long as they get and keep POWER it doesn't matter.

August 28, 2024   SCOTUS:   They are sometimes doing the right thing, but not reliably so, but in this instance, they did the right thing. For the THIRD TIME they've blocked the "student loan forgiveness" scheme of this FAUXministration! Don't worry. They'll be ignored yet again.

August 28, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I hope that you have a great evening and I will try to be here again tomorrow. We are going to the farm for the long weekend and my hubby has been going to work early to build time so we can leave tomorrow evening and he can do time cards for everyone at the farm. We really do need to get things done and our list is long since we started on the barn and a new single car garage. We're also going to repaint the second bathroom, seal the new slabs, etc. Anyways, I may or may not be here until Tuesday of next week. We'll see.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 22, 2024: 2:15 p.m.   Didn't think I'd have the time to do this today, but here I am, so I'll get started.

August 22, 2024   Polls-schmolls:   How many polls have you seen lately saying that kamalaugha is leading nationwide, or in all of the "swing states"? The fact is, that the pollsters are polling many more demonRATS than Repubicans and that "weights" the answers toward the demonRATS. While the TRUTH is, the LEFT is worried because the polls are NOT good for them.

"Chauncey McLean, president of Future Forward, a super political action committee, or super PAC, that has raised hundreds of millions of dollars to back Harris in the Nov. 5 election, spoke on Monday during an event hosted by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

"'Our numbers are much less rosy than what you’re seeing in the public,' said McLean, who rarely talks publicly."
Yeah. Sounds to me like we're being LIED TO BY THE LEFT AGAIN. Shocking, I'm sure. Isn't that special?

August 22, 2024   kamalaugha:   She is so disliked that she's losing in the polls her side won't share. That may be because she wants to turn America into a Communist/Marxist nation. For example, she wants to have a "Soviet-Style Medical System" in America. Is that what you want? Her "economic (read: FAILonomic) plan" would make the FAUXministration's FAILconomy even worse than it is right now. Is that what you want? Do you realize that most demonRATS do NOT KNOW her policies, she's a long time RACE HOAXER and her anti-energy policy includes

"destructive outcomes, including the potential elimination of private property rights in favor of communal ownership, severe restrictions on personal movement, and government-imposed limits on energy consumption in homes, such as controlling heating, cooling, and water usage, which could drastically reduce individual freedoms and lower living standards. [my bolding]"?
Is that what you want? According to leaks, her cabinet would look a lot like themuslimvileone's cabinet. A fourth term for themuslimvileone? No thanks! He was trying to destroy America from the moment he first ran for Senator to this very day. No thanks to that! Will themuslimvileone himself be part of her cabinet, or just an informal "advisor" (read: PUPPETMASTER)? Is that what you want? She lied to us about how many people in America were working (did I not say they were doing this?) and they lied so much that the number is almost one MILLION JOBS BELOW what they said it was! They LIE, they LIE, they LIE! She's not a friend of Israel, nor Jewish people, but she is good with the New World Order. Her convention "bump" in the RIGGED polls has already disappeared because of her policies. She wants to implement PRICE CONTROLS -- which is used by COMMUNIST COUNTRIES and always DESTROYS THE ECONOMY (it's not like she has a good economy to start with so how easy would it be to destroy it now?) I think we need to elect the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, so that we can avoid all of that. Is that what you want? I do! And, just in case (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy LIAR who wants to ruin our nation!).

August 22, 2024   oprah losefree:   LOL! She screwed up BIG, BIG, BIG TIME at the dnc! She laid into Republicans and said she's been a victim of "income inequality" and trying to diss Pres. Trump but responded by publishing a letter she wrote to him in 2000, praising him and saying in part,

"'Too bad we’re not running for office. What a TEAM!'"
That's what oprah said to Donald J. Trump! Yeah. She used to like him until he ran for office, won and became President Donald J. Trump, and started undoing the LEFTIST things she LOVES. Now she hates him because HE'S NOT LIKE HER, a fake, fraud, phony and liar. She's part of the "elite" and so is he but he doesn't participate in the group think and Big Brother's plan. This makes him an outsider and it puts him at variance with them. That makes him more one of "us" than anything else: we are not like them, either.

August 22, 2024   AWOLwalz:   He's such a LIAR about EVERY LITTLE THING! It's amazing (and also disgusting)! He couldn't tell the truth if his life depended upon it! He lied about putting spices in his tacos. He lied about his National Guard service. He lied about his handling of the George Floyd riots! He lies. He Lies. He LIES! Now he's lying about how his daughters were conceived! Is there ANYTHING he WON'T LIE ABOUT?

August 22, 2024   Nuclear "Queering"?:   Say what? Yep. You read that correctly. A "special assistant" at the National Nuclear Security Administration, Sneha Nair, wants to "queer" nuclear weapons and their use in America:

"'Finally, queer theory informs the struggle for nuclear justice and disarmament,' Sneha Nair wrote last year. 'Queer theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing.'"
I'm sorry (NOT), but how stupid, ridiculous and wrong is this? Is this woman insane? (If I were to answer that question, I'd have to say "YES! She is!") SMH. How obnoxious and absurd is Political Correctness when it gets to the nuclear weapon level? Can anyone explain this idiocy to me?

August 22, 2024   J6 Prisoner:   This is SO WRONG! The U.S. Constitution guarantees us -- unless a demonRAT is in office, apparently -- the right to a fair and speedy trial. Not so nowadays because if you're a J6th prisoner, you are subhuman and you don't have any rights. None at all. Jake Lang, a guy who NEVER entered the Capital building, has been in prison for over three years without a TRIAL! Now, a CROOKED PROSECUTOR following the orders of merrick "The LAWLESS" garland, bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe and kamalaugha have indicted Lang on further charges even though it's legally unethical to do this, the LEFTIES IN CHARGE don't care about right and wrong, ethics or morality. They care about setting examples of the J6th prisoners and trying to rule by FEAR. Is this what you want?

August 22, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I didn't think I'd have time, but I got things done quickly and that's a good thing. So, I will close and I will be in Georgia tonight through Sunday and I hope you have a great weekend.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 21, 2024   Missed yesterday because the storm that blew through started just as I picked up my chai latte to sit down at my computer and do updates. We had lightning, thunder and strong winds and I didn't want to bring my computer up in that weather. I sat down and worked on painting new Christmas decorations instead. Gotta' get them done before Christmas, because I've had them for a while now and it's time. Anyways, I'll get started.

August 21, 2024   AWOLwalz:   He's not only just a plain old odd ball, he's a congenital LIAR who said he reinlisted in the national guard after 9/11 because of his patriotism. That was a LIE. He lies as much as themuslimvileone, kamalaugha, bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe, billybob and hilloserbeast! Which tells us that the demonRAT party enjoys leaders who LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING! Remember when hilloserbest said she carries hot sauce in her purse? Yeah. It's bad. The LEFT (including RINOS) LOVES TO LIE. It's almost as if they can't STOP themselves from LYING. If their lips are moving, they're LYING. They lie about whether they're married (aoc), "having sex with that woman" (crooktOOn), abortion (all demonRATS), their accents (aoc), J6th and their part in it, how many JOBS were allegedly created by the BUYthem FAUXministration and thousands of other things. DemonRATS LIE. That's all there is to it.

August 21, 2024   crackheadhunter:   He's trying his darndest to get out of going to prison, and I'm shocked that his daddy hasn't given him a blanket pardon for the things he's done and been convicted for. Thankfully, a federal judge blocked his latest efforts. See me smile? Don't worry. His daddy's not done yet, and even though he can't remember to do it, his horrid slutwife will remind him and have the papers drawn up before he physically leaves office (he's already left it mentally).

August 21, 2024   kamalaugha:   Two weeks ago she said that Pres. Donald J. Trump is "scared" to debate her but she's the one who backed out of their first scheduled debate! Who's scared? I wonder if she'll ever show up for ANY of the debates. She's the one who's scared... or maybe, perhaps, drunk? Just asking. There are videos that makes one wonder. What thinks you?

August 21, 2024   James O'Keefe (OMG):   He's releasing a new video soon. He dressed up as a LEFTIE and went to the dnc to see what he could see. I bet the video is horrifying to normal people, but just an every day thing to the LEFTIES who live that way. I look forward (I think) to seeing it.

August 21, 2024   2024 Election:   Some people on the LEFT are admitting (surprisingly) that it doesn't look good for a possible demonRAT win. The problem is, the LEFTIES saying this part are NOT taking into account the CHEATING the LEFT plans to do in November. So is it going to be a demonRAT victory or loss in November? I think that depends on how much they CHEAT. Remember, we KNOW that they use programming that helps them CHEAT in the voting machines. The coding has been discovered and maybe finding that will help the people who think that we should have election integrity STOP THE STEAL of November's election. Let's pray so!

August 21, 2024   RFK Jr.:   It looks like he's going to shut down his presidential campaign. His running mate, what's her face, says that demonRATS PLANTED people inside their campaign and sabotaged it, and now RFK is thinking about dropping out and endorsing Pres. Trump! That would make things even harder for the LEFT because he was going to be taking votes away from Pres. Trump and if he drops out, those votes will come back to Pres. Trump. Happy about that. Not happy about the idea that he's thinking he'll get a position in Pres. Trump's administration if he wins in November.

August 21, 2024   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He's got a great sense of humor. He likes to make people laugh and it's all kinds of funny when he takes it to the LEFT. This time he got tired of waiting for kamalaugha to tell us what her policies will be if she actually CHEATS her way into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. so he told her what they are so she would know. After all, he took her history and the things she has said and done and put it in writing. He doesn't even have to lie to make it horrible. She is a horrible candidate, a LIAR for hire (just like all demonRATS) and the policies he published for her are absolutely right on.

August 21, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby's home and we have things to do. We're going to the farm tomorrow and we'll be home Sunday. So I won't be posting Friday for certain (I'll be mowing fields with my tractor and batwing mower) and if I have time for it, I'll post tomorrow, but no guarantees. Okay? IF I'm not here, enjoy your weekend and I'll try to see you Monday of next week.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 19, 2024: 3:50 p.m.   Have a little time today because my hubby couldn't sleep last night as he mulled over our many, many projects and that always gets him wound up with excitement. He got up without sleeping at five this morning and went to work and left early (he got there early) and now he's in bed. So let's get started.

August 19, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   So what is going on with him? There was a U-Haul truck outside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. today. So, he's either stealing the furniture, bringing in blank ballots to fill out, or he's resigning during his DNC speech tonight and giving kamalaugha the "preziduncy" so that she can be the first female prezidunce ("first" oooooooooh!) and then she'll have the power of the incumbency. Which is it? All of them are bad choices, but I think that the latter would be the worst because once she's installed, they can declare a national emergency and cancel the election and then she'll just be "prezidunce" without an election and she'll implement her communism without a vote being "shot". Is that what you want? Would you put it past the left?

August 19, 2024   Election Integrity:   Finally! Elections in Georgia are getting more secure! It's about time! Well, I hope that these rule changes will help. I can't swear that it will prevent the LEFT from cheating and stealing another election, but enough people in Georgia are fed up with the stealing and cheating that they made enough fuss for the powers that be to actually make some changes. The changes could be good, not just for Georgia, but for ALL of America because their former rules helped the LEFT STEAL 2020! It's time to make some changes to almost every states' laws to protect election integrity and to prevent the steal. It's time for Americans to be able to trust their election results in EVERY election ALL the time! It's time.

August 19, 2024   demonRAT "nominee":   The LEFT is so corrupt that they pushed bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe out of office and replaced him with his idiot VP, but for their own convention, they forgot to take BUYthem's name out of the program and platform. He's supposed to be there tonight (to resign?), but he's not their nominee, too bad they left him in their platform with his name in parts of it. So in a few places they have him, and in a few places they have her. Morons, all. That's what you get when you hire to fulfill DEI requirements like kamalaugha and BUYthem. They're even admitting that kamalaugha's going to be bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's second term. We don't want a second term, do we? We want more of this horrible FAILconomy, more prosecution of Christians and Conservatives, more lawlessness at the border, more TREASON? Nope. Not I. How about we skip that part and elect the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, instead? Remember, folks, if they can't CHEAT enough to put the "W" in her court, the demonRATS are prepared to take Trump to court and to STEAL HIS VICTORY. So don't let that happen, okay? Let's prevent that. If you support PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP, VOTE! Just go VOTE and encourage EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO VOTE for PRES. TRUMP because if we "Swamp the Vote" and make the bar high enough, they won't be able to cross that bar. That's what we need.

August 19, 2024   Fraudci-China-19:   I love that someone had the courage to do this! A guy videoed himself confronting the former head of the NIH, francis collins, about his part in killing thousands of Americans and it was GREAT to see! I love that he did this! Someone had to! I hope he, fraudci, birx, and those who helped them LIE to people about the POISON "vaccine" all go to prison for the rest of forever. Oh. They will. Hades has no exit doors. Remember that.

August 19, 2024   Shootcago's dnc:   It's going to be so bad and so violent that there are reports that many cops are calling in sick because they don't want to be hurt. You know what I wonder about? I wonder if this violence is all STAGED and that it's coordinated by the dnc, at the behest of hillosercrooktOOn, and it's intended to make the dnc decide to cast kamalaugha aside and go for someone with more experience and "the most qualified person in the world": hilloser. That's my thoughts on the violence of the Muslim Hamas supporting idiots bussed there to help create havoc -- but for what reason? Hmmm?

August 19, 2024   IMPEACH BUYthem!:   The Republicans (lazy butts, all talk no action, traitors) researched BUYthem's historically TREASONOUS actions via getting PAID BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES to do them favors and found that, YES, HE HAD COMMITTED TREASON but they weren't going to charge and impeach him. Nah. Why bother? He's an old man and doesn't understand what he was doing and he's going to be out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. soon enough, so, why bother? His WHOLE FAMILY benefitted from his TREASON, but he will never pay a price --- BUT AMERICA WILL/IS! It's WRONG but the Republicans don't care and won't do a thing to punish ANYONE on the LEFT! I really don't like Republicans doing this, but they're sissies and cowards who don't know how to stand up for what's RIGHT. They just stand up for their own BENEFIT: power, money, getting the invite to that next big function/party. Heaven forbid they miss that! Even Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Green (now that she's divorced is she still using the "Green" part?), Lauren Boebert, etc.? Nothing. Nada. Party invite is in the mail and they can't miss that one! Gggrrrrrrr!

August 19, 2024   demonRAT FAILconomy:   Wow. kamalaugha's "economic policy" is SOOOOOOOO BAD that even Kevin O'Leary can't believe how bad it is! That's bad. He says it's "Bidenomics 2.0". I think that he's being nice. He needs to remember that kamalaugha is a REAL COMMUNIST and communists don't like profit -- unless it's in their own pocket -- and they want to ruin the economy for everyone else, except themselves and their buddies. Problem for those buddies is that when they fall out of favor, they're going to be hurting too, and probably in more ways than economically. Commies LOVE to hurt people in every way possible. It's not going to be pretty if they CHEAT hard enough to put a demonRAT into power, no matter who that demonRAT is!

August 19, 2024   Rallies:   If you compare the rally size of the rallies of both sides' candidates, President Donald J. Trump is having full stadiums, thousands and thousands of people and kamalaugha has about 250-ish. Isn't that indicative of interest in that candidate? Yet, the LEFTIST msm is trying to act like she's SOOOOOO POPULAR! It's absurd, but the LEFT doesn't care about the TRUTH, so they do it. That's the way the LEFT is: truth doesn't matter, but WINNING DOES. Power and Money: their reasons to exist. One of the reasons the LEFT is having such small rallies is because their previous voter base is moving to Pres. Trump because the bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAUXministration has made them realize just how bad demonRAT policies really are for them. After four years of Pres. Trump, they realized that there is a difference between then and now; and now is NOT GOOD.

August 19, 2024   I'm going to close with that for now. I'm working on painting the ceramic Santas I've had sitting on my desk for about eighteen months and I've finished three, have two more to do, have about thirty Santa ornaments to paint and I finished the koala bear and deer that I had to paint, too. So I h have to go buy more craft paint so I can get everything done. Y'all have a good rest of your day and I'll try to see you tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 15, 2024: 3:28 p.m.   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   The alleged "Secret NONservice" has a real hatred of Pres. Trump and they assign the worst agents who have no sense of duty to him. For instance, there is an agent who left her post "protecting" him to go nurse her baby! Yeah. One has to wonder why she brought her baby to an event in the first place, does one not? Really, think about it. If you're on a "protective detail" and you know there is a real possibility of danger (consider the Butler, PA rally, with three injuries and one death), why on God's green earth would you bring your young baby to the event? Yeah. That's love! Idiot. She should be fired immediately not only because she left her protective post, but because she's such a moron for bringing her child to work! It wasn't even "Bring Your Kid to Work Day"! What an awful mother!

The alleged "Secret NONservice" is so BAD that at the BUTLER, PA rally the Patsy kid shooter (his gun was fired, but I doubt he actually got close to shooting Pres. Trump; that was the second shooter) who killed the fire fighter and injured others, allowed the Patsy to walk around with a gun in plain sight. There's picture proof and this is before he took the shots! Did the people assigned to Pres. Trump's "security detail" do anything about it? Nope. A pair of snipers on the roof and they did nothing. A few "security" people on the ground (not nearly enough) and they did nothing. Intentional incompetence when it comes to "security" for Pres. Trump is the norm. That's just wrong.

Unfortunately, "judge" merchan hasn't recused himself from the trial of Pres. Trump and the "hush money" case (paying slutty daniels to sign an NDA) before he ran for office and now some people think merchan will put Pres. Trump in prison just to try to interfere with the election. He really is a despicable person and a crooked "judge". He should have dropped all charges, but he didn't. He allowed the law to be ignored and twisted, slapped around and distorted and now he's licking his drooling chops as he looks forward to trying to put Pres. Trump in jail. Will he succeed? I pray not. You pray, too, because we're going to need it against this kind of evil.

August 15, 2024   BUYthem/kamalaugha:   Are you better off now than you were under Pres. Donald J. Trump? Can you afford the food you want to get in the quantities you want to get? Can you put as much gas in your vehicle every time you wish to fill the tank and go anywhere you want? Are you buying clothes from the same places you used to shop, and as many as you used to buy? Are you traveling like you used to? OR, are you doing none of the above and ready to make a change and start turning this recessional bidenomics around by re-electing THE REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP? The economy sucks, people. I think you may have noticed by now, but if you haven't, where have you been living for the last three-plus years? This FAILconomy is so BAD that kamalaugha is trying to distance herself from it, but even bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe says she won't be able to. (IF that was actually him, instead of a stand-in.) Both of them -- kamalaugha (I thought of ka-lama today; what thinks you?) and BUYthem are responsible for this FAILconomy (and attendance at their rallies is showing people realize this) and a good example of this is something Pres. Donald J. Trump showed, Tic Tacs have experience shrinkflation like you won't believe. (I think it's funny so I'm sharing it.) In fact, the FAILconomy is SO BAD that kamalaugha is going to suggest Soviet-style price controls for FOOD. What's next: food rationing? You only get two pieces of meat a month? She allegedly has a plan for the FAILconomy but it's soooo bad that she "hesitates" to release it. In other words, it won't help your family's financial well-being and you'll be stuck with even WORSE INFLATION and you'll lose even more than you already have or are. Isn't that what you want?

Bidenomics/kamalaughanomics is SO BAD that people have been coming out of retirement to keep food on the table! Elderly people are going back to work because their Social Security check isn't enough anymore (if it ever was). So grandpa and grandma are going back to work. She's cashiering at Publix and he's working in the garden section at Lowe's. Helps put food on the table and allows them to treat their grandkids -- when they have time to see them -- to ice cream every now and then. Isn't that the kind of FAILconomy you want to see continue? You know it's bad when even kjp is throwing kamalaugha under the bus and not allowing her to distance herself from the blood bath that is their FAILconomy!

Now, look around at your neighbors, family members, church members, friends and see how many of those people are supporting her. Then talk to them in a NICE and FRIENDLY, NON-CONFRONTATIONAL manner about why they're supporting this Bidenomics and FAILconomy. Ask them if they don't love their families because that is what it equates to when they want to vote for someone who is this bad for America.

August 15, 2024   Stolen Valor tampontim walz:   He's LIED so much and so frequently about his National Guard service -- from his rank to his deployments -- that a Congressman, Jim Banks, is demanding a pentagon probe into his claims. After they do so, will they press charges against walz for Stolen Valor, which is against the law? His Stolen Valor is so bad that a Green Beret ragged on him for SEVEN MINUTES about it! If a Green Beret has that much to say about it, I think it must be even worse than I think it to someone who actually served. I'm an Air Force brat and bride; Dad served for 24 years and hubby for 22. In my family in my generation and my parents' generation (including my in-laws), we have over 100 years of combined Air Force service, so it's pretty egregious to me that this guy LIES about his service record. He has agreed to do a debate with VP nominee, J. D. Vance, on October 1st, and that's going to be fun to watch. I bet JD wipes the floor with walz. I think JD is great and walz is a LIAR, so it's going to be hysterical. Walz not only LIED about his service record, but he also LIED about his 1995 DUI! He said he wasn't actually drunk (and claimed he was deaf: but how does deafness make one SPEED -- 96 in a 55 zone -- so how is that a defense?), but records show that his blood alcohol level was .128! This is a cnn story and they dug deep, which is VERY SURPRISING and I am shocked that they published it, but it's working for me. He's actually given at least THREE different versions of the arrest story, so the TRUTH isn't important to him, is it?

Add to that stuff the fact that he's now attacking another former coach, Tommy Tuberville, claiming Tuberville isn't intelligent. Wow. That's just wrong. He said,

"'I feel like one of my roles in this now is to be the anti-Tommy Tuberville, to show that football coaches are not the dumbest people,'"
I seriously doubt that walz can improve that reputation in any way, shape, or form.
"In 2001, Walz earned his master's degree in educational leadership"
Sounds like a challenging area of study. (/sarcasm)

August 15, 2024   My hubby's home and it's after five so I'm going to close for today. I will get the Amendments/Other things on the ballots for this Primary and for the General Election (Nov. 5th) up in the next few days. I'll try to be here tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 14, 2024: 3:06 p.m.   I did my endorsements, and I hope that you will share them with your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, enemies, whoever. If you share them with your enemies, it may raise some hackles, but it could be fun. I'll get started.

ENDORSEMENTS: (Disclaimer:   Paid Political Advertisement: Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or people who hate free speech!)

United States Senator: Rick Scott -- because he has the experience and he has been doing a great job for us. He will support Pres. Donald J. Trump's agenda.
Representative in Congress, District 8: Mike Haridopolos -- again, doing a great job and he's a Conservative.
Brevard County Tax Collector: Rita Pritchett lost to Cullen. I'm not happy with either of them, but I suppose the rest of Brevard enjoys the long waits.
Brevard County Supervisor of Elections: John Tobia lost to Tim Bobanic, unfortunately. I have a question. Is Bobanic a RINO and will he play games with this November's elections? Just asking, folks. If he is happy to disenfranchise all NPA people in Brevard County, and when asked about it, respond with it's not his job to send out reminders, then it sounds to me like he's a RINO. Agree?
Brevard County Board of County Commissioners, District 1: Katie Delaney She has been working for the things I agree with, the others support things I do not.
Florida State Committeeman: Randy Fine -- he was anti mask mandate and pro-vaccine choice, not mandate.
Florida State Committeewoman: Marie Rogerson -- because she is like me: Conservative, Christian, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitution, and will support us and Pres. Trump. Good stuff.
Circuit Group 18 / 17: Kristen Smith-Rodriguez
County Court Judge, Group 6: Clarissa Harrell
County Court Judge, Group 10: Timi DeAnn Tucker lost to her opponent.

I won't bother endorsing demonRATS because I don't agree with anything the demonRATS want to do to America or Americans, therefore, no endorsement.

August 14, 2024   kamalaugha:   She has been caught "red-handed" (why is it "red"?) "deceptively editing news headlines" for her ads. Well, shock me, surprise you. A demonRAT lying. What? No way! (/sarcasm) Of course, the totally non-partisan, totally unbiased googleywoogley helped her do it but blamed a computer glitch for it. Don't ya' hate when that happens? I mean, really. They didn't intend for the headlines to be deceptive, now did they? (/sarcasm) IF she is so very, super "popular", then why is it that a Latino organization is offering to PAY PEOPLE $1,000 TO ENDORSE HER? Oh! I'm sorry. It isn't kamalaugha who is paying people to endorse her. She's totally innocent and had no idea that was happening. Right? No, they didn't know. You know, when their other buddies also paid people:

"Social media users are being PAID to post pro Harris-Walz content on Instagram."
Yep. She's popular! (/sarcasm)

She not only PAYS people to say they support her (technically, it wasn't kamalaugha in either instance, but she's aware, I'm sure, and not putting a stop to it) she can't seem to make up her mind on anything! She has flip-flopped on Medicare for all (and on many other issues! She wanted it, but now she doesn't want it. A minute after she's declared the winner, (even though the only way she'll win is by more cheating!) she'll want it again! Can you imagine how high the premiums for Medicare will be if she gets her (initial?) wish: Medicare for all? It would go up as high as food prices under kamalaugha! Nice, huh? She likes to make things more difficult for Americans. Like her housing crisis (more info here)

"'Over 22 million households now spend more than a third of their income on rent, and home mortgage rates have soared since 2022,' Vox reported on August 6."
Yeah, housing prices are not good. Thanks bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe and kamalaugha! We appreciate that! (/sarcasm).

August 14, 2024   tampontim walz:   He is NOT a good guy. Not only is he a LIAR, saying that he served in Afghanistan (he did not), that he carried a gun in battle (he did not), that he had a higher rank than he actually carried (lied), and his former commander admits this, but he's also a HUGE FAN OF COMMUNIST CHINA and actually -- like BIDEN, DeBlasio and Sanders -- honeymooned in a Communist country: China. He's also got an imam tampontim refers to as "master teacher" but the imam is an Adolf Hitler fan!

"As he campaigned to be Minnesota’s next governor, Tim Walz called a Muslim cleric who promoted a pro-Adolf Hitler film a 'master teacher' who offered Walz lessons over the time they 'spent together,' according to footage at a 2018 event unearthed by the Washington Examiner."
So tampontim practices stolen valor for YEARS, is a huge fan of a Muslim imam who is a HUGE FAN OF HITLER, his record during Fauci-China-19 includes sending police to shoot people with paintguns because they were outside on their front porches! During the Saint George Floyd riots, he didn't do anything to stop it. He also used to be a gun rights advocate, but then the Parkland shooting happened and he decided that guns are bad because they shoot people. Uh. Duh. So he is a flip-flopper, too. No core principles, except the lust for power and doing whatever it takes to get and keep it.

August 14, 2024   Well, my hubby's on the way home and it's date night so I'm going to shut this down and get ready. Remember to share my endorsements and enjoy the rest of your day!

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 13, 2024: 4:06 p.m.   The funeral for my hubby's cousin was held on Thursday and we were there. It was way too hot, but we went and we saw some family members we had never met before and some we hadn't seen in years (as with most family funerals). It was a sad day, but the graveside service was good, and we know that he's in heaven with God, in the presence of pure love, mercy and peace. It's good to know we'll see him when we get up there. Do you know the Lord as your Savior? How is your heart's relationship with God? His Son, Jesus Christ, is the ONLY way to heaven and to God. Accept no substitutes, no false claims, no "other routes", because there are none. Jesus is "The Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." If someone tries to get you to pray to "saints", or to believe that belonging to a certain denomination or church, or that "all roads lead to the same god", those are all lies straight from the pits of hades. Do not believe nor accept them. Jesus; one and ONLY way to heaven and to God. Read the Bible and keep its words close to your heart and mind and you will be able to see the deception in other teachings. No one can steal your own knowledge of God's Word and His Son's sacrifice if you know it well enough for yourself. Accept no substitutes and do not be misled. Jesus loves YOU and He gave His LIFE for YOU. No other god has done so and no other god loves you enough to do so. Don't you want to worship and follow a real GOD Who LOVES YOU and wants to give you eternal life with Him in heaven, walking streets of gold?

August 13, 2024   Musk/Trump Conversation:   Did you listen to it last night? I finally got in about thirty minutes after it started and I listened to the rest of the conversation. It was great. I enjoyed it very much. I learned more about Elon Musk than I knew previously and he's more of a tree hugger than I realized. But he seems to love America and want what's best for Americans and that's a good thing. The whole thing lasted about two hours after they got the kinks out and it's making leftists' heads explode. They've already started lying about it and saying putting their leftist spin on it as well as taking bits and pieces of the conversation, splicing them together to make it sound like things were said that were never said, and accusing Elon Musk of "softball questions" and THE REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, of slurring his words (I guess they don't know about compression and what it does to the voice sometimes). It's no surprise that the msm is treating the conversation like this. It PANICS them that so many people -- over 1 BILLION -- wanted to watch or listen to this conversation! I can't imagine ANY leftist getting that many people to tune in; I include all of the "stars" of hollyweird and the "music" industry in that category. It makes the LEFT CRAZY that Pres. Donald J. Trump is so popular worldwide! They hate that!

August 13, 2024   kamalaugha:   She's a thief of Pres. Donald J. Trump's no tax on tips idea and even though her taking that idea and calling it her own, the msm is apparently not interested in reporting that it was Pres. Donald J. Trump's idea to start with. In fact, cbs (Can't Believe Stuff) made sure to say that "kamalaugha's plan" (it wasn't her plan) to not tax tips would cost America LESS than Pres. Trump's plan to not tax tips. Insane? Yep. Does that stop them from spinning in favor of kamalaugha? Nope. Pres. Donald J. Trump also wants to stop taxing Social Security (I'm in favor of that) because it's old folks' only income sometimes and they've already paid taxes on it when they earned it so taxing social security is double taxation. (I'm surprised she hasn't said she's going to do that, too! But wait, she will!) She's just a brainless twit and hasn't an original thought in her head. She's as stupid as a dead bat and about as good for America.

She's also anti-election integrity. She doesn't want people to have to present identification to vote in our elections. However, when it comes to her own security? she demands identification be presented. Hypocrite much? (Yes. Always; she's a leftist. What else would you expect?) She also didn't like the cameras being taken off of her and put on someone else because last night during the Musk/Trump conversation that reached so many people she sent a meltdown e-mail asking for money and saying this:

"'Musk has already ruined Twitter by allowing hate speech and disinformation to flood the platform,' the email added. 'Now, Musk is using his vast fortune and broad reach to try and control our democracy.'"
Love that last bit: "to try and control our democracy". We don't have a DEMOCRACY: WE HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC AND WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC SINCE AMERICA WAS FOUNDED! The left tries to turn it into a democracy because they want people to think that they get anything they want if they have one. Well, guess what? Our country, being a Constitutional Republic, is founded upon LAWS and the LAWS are what governs us, not the whims of weirdos. A democracy is 50 men in a bar and one female waitress; a vote takes place and 35 men vote to rape the waitress. In a democracy, the vote would rule and the waitress and the fifteen men who voted against the raping of the waitress would have to go along with the rape; after all, majority rules, right? No. In our country rape is ILLEGAL and the waitress has a say and if every male voted to rape her, our country's LAWS say that it's still wrong and the waitress has the right to NOT be raped, no matter how many people voted in favor of it. That's the difference between a "democracy" and a Constitutional Republic: LAWS MATTER. Our LAWS MATTER. We do NOT have a "democracy" even though the LEFT keeps saying we do! They use it against the idiots who don't know the difference! And it doesn't matter what the feelings are of the men who are not allowed to rape the waitress. It matters that she has the LAW PROTECTING HER. Do you get it now?

Elon Musk has even invited kamalaugha to have a similar vent on X, but I doubt she'll accept the offer. She's not intelligent enough to carry on an almost three hour conversation. She may kackle, rinse and repeat, but she's incapable of an actual three hour intelligent conversation. Even if she does accept the challenge (and, trust me, it would be a real challenge: both for her to do and for those listening to stay tuned in), knowing her she'd cancel the day of the conversation and make some lame excuse for doing so. She's such a LIAR, that there are at least 20 BIG ones and that's just the BIG ones. How does anyone track every single one? It would be like tracking all the lies of themuslimvileone, the crooktOOns, msm liar, hollyweird and every demonRAT Senate or House member combined. Oh, and that doesn't include the LIES of the LEFT'S financiers! Let's just put it out there, folks, if they're LEFTIES THEY LIE, period: all the time, constantly, if their lips are moving, they're LYING. You can take that to the bank. (And just in case: paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, or committee. It's called Free Speech, folks. Use it or lose it.)

August 13, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   OUCH! I bet that hurt! He came out of his bat cave/beach umbrella long enough to throw kamalaugha under the bus and say that she's responsible for the bad economy because she's part of the FAUXministration (my word, not his), too! Yeow! I bet he's going to get an earful --- well, maybe not. His family members are mad as hornets over him getting kicked to the curb and they won't scold him for throwing his replacement under the bus, and the LEFTIES in charge and pulling the strings won't scold him for doing so because they know that the number of grey cells still firing in his head are so few and far between that it will do no good to even try. The best this dunderhead can do is choose which kind of ice cream he gets after his pureed potatoes and soy bean supper. Sometimes, if he's been a good boy, I suppose they may allow him to watch another episode of "Leave it to Beaver" before night-night time if he's been especially cooperative that day, but usually, he's in bed by nine and his depends have been taped in place so he doesn't take them off and play with whatever is in there. (Take that as you wish.)

Do you realize that he's been breaking the law his whole "Reziduncy"? Yep. He's been taking vacations at swank locales in homes owned by rich people who may benefit from his policies and that's considered ILLEGAL because of "influence pedaling", but that hasn't stopped him from doing so, has it? Of course not! He's a LEFTIE! The LEFT'S motto is "Rules for thee but none for me!" He wants to go stay at a house owned by a LEFTIST billiionaire, he goes and stays and later pays them back via making an executive order that will benefit the friendly billionaire. That's the way the LEFT rolls. Rules schmules. They're for the "little people"!

August 13, 2024   I'm going to close for today and go do my first endorsements of the year. The judges are up and I'm going to do the three that I know of today because the Primary is August 20th. And my hubby just pulled into the driveway.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

August 6, 2024: 4:34 p.m.   Back in Florida and trying to keep up with everything. Too many tasks to get done and too many things keep track of, but I am trying. We leave tomorrow night to go back to Georgia (got home, finally) on Saturday but as I drove south my hubby's cousin died and we're going back up for Thursday's funeral. We'll miss the viewing tomorrow night, but we'll be there for the funeral and that is important. So I probably won't do updates until next week. If I do, be surprised (and maybe glad). I will try to get to my endorsements for the upcoming August 20th elections next week, too. I missed the March primary because our useless Supervisor of Elections, tim bobanic, didn't send out the reminders for people to check their registrations before the March primary so that we could switch in time to vote in the primary, so I missed it entirely in every way except seeing the results afterward. That was irritating. Anyways, I will try to stay more on top of things down here and I will be sure to get my endorsements page up for the November General Election in the next few weeks. For today, just a few blurbs because my hubby is on his way home after stopping to get some supplies for the farm. I'll get started.

August 6, 2024   kamalaugha's new VP:   It's MN "Governor", tim walz (demonRAT), and he's a radical leftist who QUIT the National Guard instead of going to his ordered deployment in Iraq, even though he claims to be "the highest-ranking enlisted service member ever to serve in Congress", he was demoted because he never finished the training required to attain the temporary, conditional rank (conditioned upon completion of training) that he bases that claim upon. Some are calling this "stolen valor". He protested outside of a Pres. Bush rally, and says "One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness." Excuse me?! He's as radical as kamalaugha and allowed his cities to BURN during the Saint George Floyd riots-based-on-lies! He signed into law a bill that allows baby-killers to do abortions and if the baby survives to NOT REPORT that survival, NOT PROVIDE CARE for the baby, NOT HAVE TO REPORT what they did to that child (killed it, let it die because they failed to provide medical care/support, or let an employee take it home and put it in the garbage? No one will know.) and he called people who support the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP in his bid for a THIRD electoral VICTORY, "fascists" days after the LEFT CONSPIRED TO KILL HIM! (Stoking the fires, anyone?) He also supports the TRANS SURGERIES FOR CHILDREN!

"You have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. Under your leadership teenagers can get their breast[s] chopped off and get sterilized, and your government calls it 'healthcare.'"
His "government" in MN is so incompetent that there was a program allegedly set up to feed people during the Fauci-China-19 fiasco and it was funded with $250 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS, but his "government" allowed most of that money to be stolen by thieves either inside his "government" or outside of it; we don't know which. He formerly campaigned for Sen. amy klobuchar instead of harris in the presidential campaign they both ran for. He's buddies with ilhan "I Married My Brother" omar, and he will be a millstone around harris's already breaking neck. She did herself no favors with this one, folks. They're easy pickings for ads such as the one Pres. Donald J. Trump just released. It's very good. Our own Governor, Ron DeSantis, made a very good statement on the decision. kamalaugha, you did stupid. Not surprised.

August 6, 2024   Anti-Christian Company?:   Do you drink "Monster" drinks? Do you know the name and advertising for their newest flavor, "Bad Apple"? It's can states,

"'Tempted to try? We hope so! Juiced Monster Bad Apple isn’t like anything you’ve ever had before. Forget your regular apple juice. Bad Apple is so good, it’s almost worth getting kicked out of Eden over.'"
Sound like mockery of Christianity's Bible story of the Garden of Eden to you? It certainly does to me. I don't know why they would choose to go down that road, but I suppose mocking Christianity is very trendy right now -- (Paris "Olympics", anyone? -- so another company deciding that mocking Christianity and our Bible is okay. Question: Why do they never, ever dare to mock Islam the same way? Doesn't that speak volumes?

August 6, 2024   Free Speech:   How about that? Elon Musk is taking free speech seriously -- if not on "X", then at least elsewhere -- and he's suing advertising giants who are coordinating illegal boycotts against free speech worldwide. How about that? I hope he wins, but I am not going to hold my breath on that.

August 6, 2024   Fauci-China-19 $$$:   Do you know that the so-called "Covid relief funds" that was supposedly intended to help businesses stay in business through the shut downs and help their employees, actually LOST $104 BILLION IN TAXPAYER MONEY. Don't you just love, love, LOVE competence?

August 6, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I may TRY to get some blurbs done tomorrow, but considering that I have things to do before we go, I probably won't be back until next week. Enjoy your weekend.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 31, 2024: 4:58 p.m.   Still in Georgia. Our container wasn't moved today because it was delayed due to rain, which actually worked out well for us. We are building right beside the container (where it is now located) so if we store things in it, then we won't have to go back and forth to the garage on the other side of the house and tote things back and forth. We'll just pull them out of the container and use them without making several trips to and fro. God works in mysterious ways and this time he used a delay to give my hubby time to realize that it wasn't a good idea to make the move right now. Thank you, Lord!

July 31, 2024   Christian LIARS:   There are people within the evangelical community who are pushing the LIE that supporting immigration is Christian. It's not Christian to have all of those people walk that distance, face the raping of women and children, and being put into human sex trafficking! It's not Christian to encourage people with illnesses to come into America and make others ill. It's not Christian to support murderers, rapists, demented minds who torture and kill people into a country that isn't equipped to handle the influx of so many mentally sick people. It's not Christian to LIE to the Christian community about ANYTHING, so why are these people considered Christians? if you really want to do something to help people, go to the country where these people start from and help them there, help them make their country more like America, not bring them here to help them make America more like the bad places they're coming from. That's the best way to help them.

July 31, 2024   DO[IN]J Idiocy:   I can't believe this; well, I can, but I don't want to. The DO[IN]J are paying adulterers, strzok and page, $2 million because their e-mails were released to the public. I suppose they're a little embarrassed about their affair being made public, but why should we, the taxpayers, pay the price for their embarrassment? It's not OUR fault they had an affair and talked about their "insurance policy" against Pres. Donald J. Trump winning the election in 2016. They were so certain that they could keep Pres. Trump out of the White House that they bragged about it. The DO[IN]J had a plan to make sure that Pres. Trump wouldn't win or get sworn in. Kinda' lets you know about the total lack of honesty within the DO[IN]J and the fact that they got TWO MILLION taxpayer dollars from them tells you that the DO[IN]J is GRATEFUL for strzok and page's work and that's actually their REWARD.

July 31, 2024   OMG Release:   The "Compliance Manager" of the dnc, admits that the LEFT LIES TO THEIR DONORS and that he (even though he calls himself a "he" and uses the name "Joyce") doesn't think kamalaugha "has any accomplishments". He also says that he doesn't "think she'll win this year", and that "she's weirdly unpopular". sounds to me like he's got that part right, even though -- being a typical LEFTIE -- is a LEFTIE at least he tells the truth every once in a while: even though he admits LYING to donors.

July 31, 2024   kamalaugha:   She's such a LOSER that a few weeks ago the LEFT was trying to find a way to kick her off the ticket. Well, that was before the disastrous bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's horrible debate performance and now that themuslimvileone has forced him out of the race, and he smashed the dnc and themuslimvileone in the face by endorsing kamalaugha without their approval nor desire. They were going to drop her totally along with bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe, but now? Now they're scrambling to make things look like it was the plan all along. It's a scam, a total scam to get the rank and file to stand with the ELITES and do as they're told to do: vote for whomever the ELITES tell them to. Obedience is what the LEFT DEMANDS. The ELITES demand fealty and if you don't give it totally, they will destroy you. Isn't that what the serfs deserve?

Serfs is exactly what "We, the People" are to her. She, like all LEFTIES, treats people like dirt. For instance, a BLACK MAN WAS FRAMED FOR MURDER, and he says that kamalaugha sat in the back of the courtroom and laughed as it happened. Of course, it was HER OFFICE who was FRAMING him. She liked it. POWER excites her and when she gets excited, she cackles.

July 31, 2024   fakebook:   They know that the picture of Pres. Donald J. Trump raising his fist in defiance after being shot by the assassin while standing in front of an American flag can make people feel proud of their country and more likely to vote for Pres. Trump. That's why fakebook INTENTIONALLY CENSORED the picture Fakebook had labeled the picture as "altered" and they were preventing people from sharing the photo. It's ridiculous. But it's NOT unexpected. After all, googleywoogley also censors Trump's assassination attempt information. They're trying to prevent anyone from finding out that, yes, someone did try to shoot and kill Pres. Donald J. Trump. Yes, they almost missed him, but they did not kill him, just grazed his ear. Whether the shooter was the kid (I doubt it) or a professional that the Secret Service, FBLie, DO[IN]J, etc., at the behest of hillosercrooktOOn, or some other LEFTIST POWER PERSON. IF the government agencies were NOT involved, the government agencies charged with investigating this stuff wouldn't be LYING to us, covering up for their "failures" (read: participation in an assassination attempt on Pres. Trump), covering up their pre-knowledge of other possible attackers, LYING about the patsy kid "shooter", countering their own boss's words, deleting e-mails, hiding the fact that they didn't communicate with local police, and the list goes on and on and on and on. IF this was NOT a government plot to assassinate their biggest rival in forty years, why all the cover up? Why all the LIES? Why all of the obfuscations? It's ridiculous and VERY TELLING.

July 31, 2024   kamalaugha's VP?:   They're saying that KY Governor, andy beshear is getting extra SS protection. I bet they have more experience than those assigned to Pres. Donald J. Trump on July 13th, the day the government (or government actors) tried/helped try to assassinate Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's going to be a losing team, WITHOUT CHEATING and stealing this election, too.

July 31, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I have to go outside and do a few things that my hubby wants me to do. I hope that you have a great rest of your day. I will try to see you back here tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 25, 2024: 1:55 p.m.   Shooter WAS demonRAT Supporter:   "X" social network's more conservative counterpart has possibly found posts there from 2021-ish that proves that the kid who allegedly shot Pres. Donald J. Trump and at least three others was a BUYthem fan and posted on his support. He may have been registered as a Republican, but he probably did so he could vote for someone besides Pres. Trump because he wanted to mess with the primaries. I'm sure he would have changed back to demonRAT before November.

July 25, 2024   DemonRATS Vote Against kamalaugha:   The House Republicans had a vote today. It was a rather unusual vote. It was unusual not only because the Republicans voted to condemn kamalaugha for her abject failure as the BUYthem designated "Border Czar". It was also unusual in that there were SIX demonRATS who voted FOR the condemnation resolution and ten who refused to register a vote, which usually means that they agreed with it, but didn't want to put their names to it. Is that unusual enough for you? Not surprising, though, is that six RINOS refused to vote for it so that their names would not be associated with voting against kamalaugha. Isn't that special?

July 25, 2024   kamalaugha:   The website, "Congressional Scorecard" scrubbed kamalaugha's page so that their record of her failure as "Border Czar" and other failures is out of view. Their scorecard said that she is the "most liberal" of all. They actually mean "most LEFTIST", but they're using the old word for it. Isn't that sweet of them to protect her? According to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), kamalaugha would be an "unmitigated disaster" for America. Is that a surprise to anyone? I think that he's not the only one who thinks so. Another poll shows that 7 out of 10 Americans think she can't win the preziduncial race this November. I think that if 7/10 think she's a loser, then there's the fact that there were a few states that had to make special provisions to allow bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe on the ballot before he quit the race and now, what are they going to do? Are they going to allow kamalaugha to be on the ballot? After all, if it was too late for bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe to be on the ballots, then how can it be okay for kamalaugha to be on them? Has anyone asked the states?

July 25, 2024   DEI IS NECESSARY, says State Dept.:   The State Department has come out with a statement saying that NOT having it is a "National Security Threat"! I'm sorry, but that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard/read/seen. If you didn't believe that the LEFT is complicit in the destruction of our country, this should be the final proof you need that the LEFT is complicit in harming our nation and destroying our freedoms. They will do ANYTHING for POWER and if that includes stealing an election, trying to assassinate a Presidential candidate on the opposing side, lying to Congress while under oath, or any other devious, despicable act, they will do it.

July 25, 2024   Elon Musk:   There was a LIE going around that he was going to donate $45 Million a month to Pres. Trump's campaign. It wasn't true, but someone said it was true, and others who didn't realize it was a lie, spread the LIE. Elon says it was a LIE and he never said he would do so. Sounds to me like a malicious thing to do in order to create animosity between Pres. Trump and Elon. It's not a nice thing to do to spread wild rumors in an effort to create animosity, but it's no surprise that the LEFT has done so. They are vile.

July 25, 2024   I have to close with that for today. My boss asked me to do something and I have to get it done. I won't be here tomorrow because my hubby will be here tonight until Sunday.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 24, 2024: 1:51 p.m.   Illegal Alien Invaders:   The LEFT is trying their best (which isn't very good, actually) to protect kamalaugha from her own record as "Border Czar", which, like all LEFTIES, they're LYING about and saying that she was never actually assigned the border problem. They're doing what they can to protect her, but it's almost as if they think the rest of us are forgetful idiots. Don't you love it when they treat you as if you will believe anything they say, ignoring your own eyes, ears and memory? They take you for granted.

July 24, 2024   Trump Assassination Attempt:   How many LIES can they tell in a row, or in an hour, or in a day? We're in the process of finding out. For instance, FBLie director, chris wray, is testifying about the assissanition attempt, lying the whole way through, I'm sure. He did say (true, or not, I have no idea) that the patsy kid looked up the JFK assissanition on the day he allegedly took a shot or two at Pres. Donald J. Trump. Wray also says that the kid's house was wiped clean (I'm thinking by professionals) and that there was "no silverware or trash" in the house. Sounds to me like they're cleaning up their mess. I'm wondering if the kids' parents are safe, or if they'll wind up in a car accident, committing "suicide" or dying some other mysterious way soon. Keep an eye on this.

July 24, 2024   kamalaugha's "candidacy":   The "elites" have coronated her as the next demonRAT preziduncial candidate: or at least that's what was being said yesterday. Today, they're saying that there are those of the "donor class" who don't want her as the candidate and are trying to prevent her from being coronated. Wow. What a mess. That's the LEFT, all messed up. They're also up in arms about people saying that it's wrong for people to point out that kamalaugha is a DEI hire when the LEFT is so very proud of being pro-DEI and pushing it. They should be PROUD of having a DEI VP/preziduncial candidate! That is, they should be proud unless they know that the people who are DEI appointees/candidates/employees are TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED for the positions they occupy! Yes, this DEI hire, kamalaugha, was so higly qualified to be CaliMarxiFornicatia's Attorney General kept black men in prison BEYOND THEIR SENTENCE'S RELEASE DATE and used them as cheep labor. That's not what a qualified AG would do, but a DEI attorney general did it, and that DEI AG was kamalaugha. DEI: why not hire someone to totally mess things up? She messed things up by casting deciding votes as VP for bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's "economic" policies. Like I said, DEI hires: totally incompetent. She's so "popular"

with her own side (demonRATS) that at least one of them says she doesn't know who she is. Isn't that a sign of popularity, when your own people won't even acknowledge that they know you? Yeah. She's got this election sewn up! /sarcasm

July 24, 2024   Pres. Donald J. Trump: &bsp The FAUXministration has told Pres. Donald J. Trump to hold only INDOOR rallies from now on. They want to limit his ability to bring in as big a crowd as possible. They want to prevent his huge crowds. It's a side effect of the assassination attempt that they can take advantage of. Remember, their saying, "Never let a good crisis go to waste!"? They're using the attempted assassination of Pres. Trump as a crisis that they can take advantage of via limiting Pres. Trump. Isn't that sweet of them: using the power of the preziduncy to stop their opponents from succeeding? It reminds me of the demonRATS and their FALSE IMPEACHMENTS (TWO; wanted THREE!) of Pres. Trump by nancypiglosicki!

July 24, 2024   Ecology LIARS:   For how long has the LEFT been trying to push the windmill/solar panel crap? For how long have Conservatives said, "NO! We don't think these things are good?" Well, it turns out that, as usual, the LEFT IS WRONG and "the ugly side of windmills" is showing up.

"Vineyard Wind, the company responsible for the turbines offshore, has cleaned up six truckloads of debris. GE Vernova, which manufactures the turbines, is also assisting in the efforts."
Windmills are bad: they kill birds, they fall apart, they create soundwaves that are bad for you and they're ugly. It's time to stop listening to the LEFT and start considering what progress we have made in the last sixty years. Our air is much cleaner. Our water is much cleaner. We're making progress and if we keep making the same progress we won't all die via "global warming" (climate change; whatever), we won't all be breathing bad air, drinking poluted water, or whatever else the left says is a threat to our futures. I think it's time for the normal people to finally stand up and say it's NOT necessary to do what the LEFT wants. Their ideas are BAD and we're paying the price for it.

July 24, 2024   I'm going to close for today. I want to go take another picture of the slab work they're doing for our barn. They dumped a load of dirt for our single car garage a little while ago and I want to see what else they have done.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 23, 2024: 1:49 p.m.   Well, that didn't work. We had scheduled with a company to come move our storage container today and he said he needed 75 feet in front of the container in order to be able to get lined up and winch the container up onto the tilt trailer. Well, he showed up, brought an 80 foot trailer to pick up our 40 foot container, and the guy said he couldn't make the turn into either access points onto our property because the street wasn't wide enough for an 80' trailer and there were trees overhead that could tear up the light bar on top of his truck. So, he just said he couldn't do the job. So much for moving the container today. I contacted the guy we purchased it from and he can come do it but he won't be able to until early next week, so I'll be in Georgia for a little while longer than planned, and this will extend it a little more. Sigh.

July 23, 2024   Secret Service Director RESIGNED:   WooHoo! She's gone, BUT... She has already said that she would be glad to return if asked, which means that if kamalaugha is CHEATED INTO OFFICE and asks CHEATle to return as SS Director, then CHEATle will agree to return and she'll ruin the organization even further. Isn't that sweet?

July 23, 2024   BLM and kamalaugha:   Say WHAT?! This isn't supposed to happen! What is going on? They've turned on the demonRAT party and kamalaugha! How in the world did that happen? What happened to make that happen? What happened is

"'Following the primary where millions of black voters weighed in, after one poor debate performance, the DNC Party elites and billionaire donors bullied Joe Biden out of the race,'"
That's amazing! BLM actually thought about the vote! They realized how WRONG the situation is, how the "elites" just assuming that it's okay for them to decide to put kamalaugha into the place that the PEOPLE VOTED to put bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe. It's that simple. The "elite" LEFTISTS (this is NOT something any Republican or Conservative had any say in, so they can't blame us!) have just taken it upon themselves to say, "Okay. He's out. Now, we want HER!" and that's what they did. It's not "democratic", Constitutional, nor what the people wanted. It's just the "elites" in control and not the people who are the everyday members of the demonRAT party. The people are waking up. They're realizing that people are not in control, they're finding out they're just patsies.

We'll see if the truth actually gets to the public and if they stand up against this power stuff by the "elites". This is the thing that is already irritating some demonRATS enough that they're starting to rebel. Did you ever think that you would be around to see the rank and file fo the LEFT rebelling? It's a miracle to behold. It's not something I ever expected to see in my lifetime.

July 23, 2024   Despicable BUYthem's FAUXministration:   They are a horrible, horrible bunch of people and I despise them. They treat J6th prisoners like they're hardened, violent criminals when all that these folks did is walk into the capitol building as Capitol Police held the doors open and waved them inside (after shooting flash bang grenades and tear gas straight into the crowd, beating people to death, pushing them off of high places so that they fell onto others there, etc., etc., etc.). It's ridiculous what they're doing to Americans who were there. Take, for instance, the Marine who got a Fifteen Year Prison Sentence and a bill for $93,138.67 due immediately even though they have arrested the bread winner in the family, and any public funding the family has received in donations is gone. How is Amanda Rehl, wife of Jan. 6 political hostage former Marine, Zachary Rehl, supposed to pay for that? Will they arrest her, too? Or will they just keep increasing the amount due via penalties and make it impossible for them to pay anything the FAUXministration insists they pay? This is absurd and I hope and pray that Donald J. Trump and his supporters defeat the swamp in November and when the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, is sworn into office that he immediately, right after taking his hand off the Bible, he signs a prepared document that pardons every J6th prisoner, every Christian abortion clinic "protest" prisoner and every person still in prison because they were his buddies. That would be the RIGHT thing to do. This FAUXministration is sooooo despicable. I would love to see them all in prison!

July 23, 2024   BUYthem is alive?:   There has been a sighting! He is allegedly alive and was seen taking the LONG steps up to Air Force 1! That's amazing because we haven't seen that in a LONG time (the long stairs) and he went up them quickly and efficiently, which, recovering from China-Fauci-19 a lung ailment, one would think would slow him down because he's only had it for six days and now he's able to do the LONG stairs when he couldn't do them before F-C-19? He should have a constant F-C-19 if it's that good for him! Or, is it just an actor who looks similar to him and they're passing off as BUYthem so that they can say he's alive? To me, it's a possibility that they've got look alikes acting like him. They've stooped to more than that in so many ways to LIE about the RIGHT, CONSERVATIVES and the LEFT has nothing they WILL NOT DO to win and stay in POWER. Yes. That includes hiring an actor to play BUYthem.

July 23, 2024   DO[IN]J:   They LIED about the interview the DO[IN]J Special Counsel, Robert Hur, did with bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe and what the results of that interview was. They hid the transcripts for as long as they could, but now more pages have been "found" after multiple FOIA lawsuits. It's not ALL of the files/pages, nor is it the actual recordings of the interviews Hur did with BUYthem. What they found needs to be released to the public, but will it ever see the light of day, or will the LEFT hide it away like they try to do with anything that can reveal the truth of how awful they really are?

July 23, 2024   Fauci-China-19:   This is surprising and GREAT news! A furniture store in Pensacola, FL, told their workers that they HAD to get the C-19 POISON jab or they would be fired. A manager said "NO!" and she was fired, but the federal judge ruled that her rights had been violated and she was awarded $110,000 and her employer was ordered to never again violate their employees' religious rights. I hope and pray that anyone who was fired for not taking the F-C-19 POISON SUES THEIR EMPLOYER and takes their rights back!

July 23, 2024   kamalaugha BAD!:   It's time to take a hard look at kamalaugha to see if she would be good or bad for America. Here are the "Top 30 Reasons Kamala Harris Would Be A Terrible President" by Jordan Boyd of "The Federalist" and considering the situation with bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe and kamalaugha there is "effectively" no president of America right now. Don't you love how the left does things?

July 23, 2024   Well, I'm going to close with that for today. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. I'll try to be back here tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 22, 2024: 4:39 p.m.   How about that? I'm here! Let's get started!

July 22, 2024   kamalaugha harris:   She's now running for prezidunce of the U.S.A. She was going to run as VP, but now it's going to be VP minus the V. She's done this before, although short lived, thanks, in part, to this truth about her. The video shows Tulsi Gabbard telling the American people that harris kept people -- mostly black and brown men -- in prison longer than their sentences to use them as cheap forced labor (slaves -- like her ancestors owned?) and of imprisoning people for "minor drug offences" (marijuana possession and use) and just laughed without answering the question when asked about her own marijuana use. She's NOT a good person. Frankly, she's a horrible airhead without an ounce of common sense in her who got where she is via doing sexual favors for those who could help her. People like Willie Brown helped her only to find out that she would not help him later, if he got into trouble. Some say she "slept" her way to power. I don't think there was much sleeping involved. She seems like a female billybobcrooktOOn to me. Agree? There's only one problem for her: her fellow demonRATS don't like her and some say it's a set-up to allow her to make a bigger fool of her cackling self and after a few days/weeks she'll be pushed out of the position of presumptive or lead demonRAT candidate and she'll be replaced with whoever the high and mighty of the demonRAT party are in the back rooms of their favorite bars. The left loves humiliating those who humiliated them.

July 22, 2024   TDS Assassination Attempt:   The House Oversight Committee questioned SS Director, CHEATle today and she wasn't very cooperative and she said that the kid who was murdered by the sharp shooters had a range finder and that's okay at a Trump rally. So what that it can be used as a tool to help try to shoot someone? That's okay! It was a Trump rally! We still have questions about what the TRUTH is but it wasn't going to come from the SS Director because she is hiding the TRUTH so that she can stay in power.

July 22, 2024   TDS and Presidential Race:   Even though the LEFT HATES the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, they want to have a candidate to run against him, but there's a problem. That problem? No LEFTIES wants to run against Pres. Trump; except (IMHO) hillosercrooktOOn. She'll take the shot (literally and figuratively) as soon as she gets the chance. All they have to do is clear the way for her.

July 22, 2024   kamalaugha LIED TO YOU:   She LIED to you about bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's mental state helped cover up his dementia (Parkinson's?) and told everyone that he was great, in good health, vibrant and strong, capable of solving problems, etc. After the Trump/BUYthem debate, her LIES (and the LIES of all of the LEFTIES about his mental incapacities) were exposed. Something had to be done because now the American people knew for certain that their FAUXprezidunce was a dementia patient. Do you want a president who LIES to you? WE KNOW SHE DOES. So why would anyone vote for her?

July 22, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   Is he missing? His brother says his time is winding down and that BUYthem may be terminal because no one has seen him since his alleged Covid diagnosis. The scheduled meeting with Israel's Netanyahu is not going to happen, but Pres. Trump and Netanyahu are going to meet. So where's bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe? Probably still alive, but still there are questions about the coup that pelosickpig helped execute against BUYthem. She threatened him and pressured him to leave office, so that means she participated in a coup against a guy whose mental condition is probably no worse than her own so why is she not being pushed out of office, too? Does she get special treatment because she is female? What's up with that?

Do you know that he'll get a taxpayer FUNDED paycheck after the inauguration in January 2025? He'll get his retirement benefit from the U.S. Senate of $166,000 annually (yes, the House and Senate voted to give that to themselves; isn't that nice?), and he'll get a preziduncial pension of $246,400 annually, PLUS cost of living raises annually. So he's getting $400,000 preziduncial pay annually now, but when he's outta' there, he'll get $413,000 annually to start with. BTW, his doctor is saying that yes, he's still alive; BUYthem, that is, not just the doctor. Shocking!

July 22, 2024   Bible Verses Impact Kids:   A Christian basketball player gave some fatherless boys shoes and they had Bible verses associated with them and the kids received the shoes with gladness, then looked up the Bible verses and it's going to make a good impact on their lives. Bringing the boys into a relationship with Christ will be a good thing. I'm hoping that the kids keep reading the Bible. I hope that they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and turn their lives around. That would be excellent!

July 22, 2024   Thought I'd end with a giggle, so here goes. This week's Twitchy Monday Morning Memes is fun. I hope you enjoy.

July 22, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby texted and reminded me that he wanted me to take pictures of the area where we're going to put the new barn up here in Georgia before we start work on the area. We're moving the container we have been using for storage, and Wednesday the slab gets started for the 45' x 50' barn. We're going to put our tractor and all of the implements for it in there, as well as the riding mowers (for mowing the yard, not the fields) and we're building it ourselves, so that will save a lot of money (about $20,000)! We're also having a new slab poured for the single car garage we're going to put beside the carport. So tomorrow we move the container and Wednesday the concrete gets started, and by the end of August, we'll have the concrete cured and we can start the walls. All kinds of fun in the summer heat! Yay! Anyways, enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll try to be back tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 19, 2024: 4:08 p.m.   I have been busy and I have run errands, and I have gotten stuff done around here and now I'm able to do a few blurbs. My hubby is on his way up and we're going to move our storage container this weekend and we'll start getting things set up for our new barn and single car garage. It's going to be some work, but we will get it done. I'll get started now.

July 19, 2024   TDS Assassination Attempt:   So it turns out that the bestie of docwhore jillybelly, the director of the Secret Service is responsible for pulling Pres. Trump's security detail off of him and assigning NON-secret service personell to him for the rally at which a gunman just happened to be there during the inexperienced team's time "guarding" Pres. Donald J. Trump. Tell me that's just a coincidence. Try to convince me. It's not just I who needs convincing, but it's a tough job because history shows it's not an accident when this sort of thing happens to a leader of people against the current liars in office. Also, if you expect the federal government's "law enforcement" (read: LEFT enforcement) organizations to tell us the TRUTH about the assassination attempt and everyone involved, don't hold your breath. In fact, the TRUTH is that the FBLie is infamous for COVERING UP the TRUTH. So you'll have to wait for the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, to be inaugurated and fire a whole lot of people before the truth can come out. Trust me, though, they're already shredding papers and destroying hard drives just in case they fail at keeping Trump out of office. They don't want their fingerprints all over an assassination attempt.

They say that there was a detonator found near the shooter's body and that there was at least one bomb in his car. I wonder if the FBLie or other government agencies put it there after the kid was killed. Can you tell I don't trust this government? BTW, did you know that the building the kid shot from was owned by BlackRock? Does that make your spidey senses tingle?

July 19, 2024   Election Integrity:   I don't know about any of you but I don't get tired of winning. Nor, I believe, does Donald J. Trump. One more of the LEFT'S lawfare efforts has been defeated and another victory for Election Integrity has been had. That's a wonderful thing and it's another WIN for our country!

July 19, 2024   muchhell o.:   For a long time there have been rumors that msthemuslimvileone will be replacing bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe as the demonRAT candidate for prezidunce. Now, she is saying it again through someone who knows her, she will not run. The problem with that statement is that, considering how things are going, she won't HAVE to "RUN", she'll be installed, if those who believe it will be she who replaces BUYthem. I think it's quite possible that BUYthem will be replaced, but will he be replaced by msthemuslimvileone, or hillosercrooktOOn? Considering there's already been an attempt on Pres. Trump's life, I'm thinking it's more likely the person who has a long list of deaths surrounding her. Agree?

July 19, 2024   Illegal Alien Invaders:   BloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe has imported so many people into our country ILLEGALLY that there are thousands of children who are being RAPED by those who are supposed to take care of them and those who are within the housing where the FAUXministrtion is storing them. It's something that this FAUXministration doesn't care about (unless BUYthem can sniff them all first) because the resident of 1600 is a pervert, too, who uses children as a weapon ("It's for the children" the LEFT always says). Neither he nor the demonRATS who supported this lawlessness care about those children. They are tools of the LEFT, not people who need to be protected and cared for. It's not fair to these children to use them like this -- neither for the lawlesss illegal invasion nor the sexual perversions. Why is this ACCEPTABLE to the LEFT? Why is it okay to the LEFT that children are being treated this way?

July 19, 2024   Is he or Isn't He?:   We were told yesterday that BUYthem may be dropping out as early as this weekend. Today, however, we're told he won't be dropping out. Which is it going to be? No idea. His ego says to stay (as does his criminally convicted son; can't pardon if he's no longer resident), his family's discussing possibilities and the world watches, dangling by a tattered thread, to see what the future holds. Me? I don't know if he's going to be alive tomorrow, considering his current medical condition? So, we'll let them make their plans and take their votes, and talk to the political advisors, and their msm buddies. Then we'll see what GOD has in store. Who knows? He may leave this weekend, but it may not be by the way he -- or his family -- planned. After all, no one on the LEFT planned on Pres. Trump being here after Saturday, July 13th, did they?

July 19, 2024   Student Loan "Forgiveness" (Part Trois):   Yet another court has ruled against the BUYthem plan to BUY votes with another student loan "forgiveness" plan. Remember, please, that these loans are NOT being "forgiven", they're being paid by YOU and I. There's NOTHING "forgiven", it's just moved to other people. Do you think that's LEGAL? Is it FAIR? Is it what YOU VOTED FOR? Is it you who benefitted? Is it your sister, brother, Mom and Dad who are paying for your college education in Lesbian Dance Theory with a minor in the Poetry of Arabian Pedophiles? Is that what the Constitution says is allowed? The answer is NO. It's not allowed. It's not legal. It's not fair. It's not what should be done to BUY votes because buying votes is illegal, too, not that it matters to the LEFT. They'll do whatever it takes to get and keep the POWER that keeps them in MONEY.

July 19, 2024   Connections:   Did you lose internet service today? If so, it was all because of a company called "CloudStrike". Their service created havoc for hospitals today, as well as causing trouble for airports and airlines across America. Question is, is this a practice run for ELECTION INTERFERENCE? After all, they helped the dnc and hilloser during the 2016 election (and she thought their help would help her win), so what would be surprising about them helping her again? Remember, the LEFT does not do things in a vacuum. They act as a group to do as they wish, working together as needed whenever necessary to get the POWER they so crave. Do you realize that BlackRock still owns a LOT of stock in CrowdStrike, which, considering all of the other connections, makes one scratch one's head, does it not? BlackRock owns the building the kid shot from, they hold millions of dollars of shares in CrowdStrike and BOTH companies have helped hillosercrooktOOn in the past. Is she replacing BUYthem, or not? All signs point that way, don't you think?

July 19, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I hope you enjoy your weekend and I will try to be back here on Monday.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 16, 2024: 4:14 p.m.   DemonRAT Corruption:   He's been found guilty on all charges: Dem. Sen. Bob Menendez, that is. Can you believe it? A demonRAT that is found guilty of something nowadays? It's amazing. Not undeserved, just amazing that they didn't put all demonRATS on the jury who would simply acquit because, well, he's a demonRAT. That's usually how it works nowadays.

July 16, 2024   TDS Assassination:   I'm not the only one who believes that the LEFT allowed the assassination attempt on the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP. Sean Davis at The Federalist thinks so, too! It was way too easy for the shooter (whose name I refuse to mention here; why give him the notoriety he wants?) to get into place and it was reported that the shooter was seen 30 minutes prior to him taking the shots by the "security team" (and apparently I should use that term lightly) so why did the gunman get the opportunity to take the shot? Maybe because the "security team" wanted him to take the shot? There's no other reason to NOT take the gunman out when you see him on the roof, clear line of sight and a rifle with a scope on it pointed at the Republican presidential candidate! IMHO, there is NO COVER for the "security team" and the LEFT will probably take them out ASAP. They're dead men walking, I'm sorry to say. That's what happens when you know too much about what the LEFT does in private meetings; they make sure you can't tell their secrets, especially if they're planning on replacing bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe with hillosercrooktOOn! If one of those men dies, in the next few weeks, you can bet your bottom dollar that the demonRATS will replace him witih hilloser. That's how she operates.

Did you know that the head of the Secret Service has admitted that she wouldn't allow snipers on the roof because "it was kind of sloped"? She allowed the political candidate that's opposing her side to face assassination because she wants her side to win. She doesn't care about the people in the audience who faced the bullets, too. She doesn't care about the man who got killed by the guy who she allowed to take a shot at Pres. Donald J. Trump. She doesn't care about the two spectators who were injured but (so far) have survived. She refuses to resign and won't be forced out because she's docwhore jillybelly's bestie. So incompetence will be allowed to rule until Pres. Donald J. Trump gets back in office.

July 16, 2024   schifforbrains' opinion:   He is letting the cat out of the bag. Even he believes that if they stick with BUYthem, demonRATS LOSE. It's a surprise to me that he admits it. I'm surprised that he realizes it. After all, I didn't think he had the brains to put one and one together and get two, much less formulate an opinion about the truth of the demonRAT'S position for the election. Indeed, he shocks me with his prowess on this subject. (smirk)

July 16, 2024   Joke Smith:   A SCOTUS Justice, Clarence Thomas, says he's not a legal special prosecutor, as does the judge in the case he's pressing, Judge Cannon, but he's still going to appeal Cannon's dismissing the case. I wonder how he... well, I was going to say has the nerve, but I can't finish the sentence. I know how he has the nerve. He's a LEFTIST and all LEFTISTS think they are always right and always smarter and always better thank everyone else. That's the way they do things: ego.

July 16, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   He's at it again. Or, to use BUYthem-speak, "whsoysooeeyccmoomodddoror" He's garbling his words and proving, yet again, that he's UNFIT to be in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., even as a tourist. His head has more air space in it than the earth's entire atmosphere! I'm surprised that he still has the ability to walk and read! I think that anything he has signed as Resident of 1600 PA Ave. should be null and void because he was cheated into office making his signature illegitimate, and because he hasn't the grey cells to understand anything he's signing, nor the ability to enforce any of it. He's toast, dry toast, with mold on it!

July 16, 2024   Be on the Defensive:   The LEFT has decided that they can't win so they have to be a thorn in our side and that's what the time between now and January 2025's inauguration looks like. Personally, I expect at least a few more attempts on President Trump's life between now and then because the closer it gets to the election and the inauguration, the more desperate the LEFT becomes. Pray for President Trump's safety, and for America's safety. Don't stop praying after the election nor after the inauguration. It's best to keep Pres. Trump covered in prayer until he's finished serving in 2028.

July 16, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I'm on the phone with my hubby and he's in CA, so I'm going to talk with him. I'll try to be here tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 15, 2024: 1:36 p.m.   I've been in Georgia for a while now, getting things done and having a very good time. I've done about 70 Christmas cards, mowed the fields (but not the yard, since it hadn't needed it yet, but now it does -- but it's also thundering), done a few chores, worked for my boss, cleaned, checked the garden and harvested a few things (including a huge, heavy watermelon that later rolled itself off the countertop and splatted all over the kitchen floor, unfortunately), etc. It's been good to be here, and it looks like I'll be here a while longer. We contacted our concrete contractor to do another slab for us (two, actually) so that we can build a huge barn so we can park our tractor inside and store all of the implements in there, too. We're making it a drive-through barn so that we can park the tractor inside, or drive in, unhook the batwing mower, then hook something else to it and drive out. We'll be parking other things in there (the ride-on mowers and sometimes the UTV, and some bigger lawn tools), and we'll be making the garage into my hubby's workshop. We'll put in a new single garage beside our existing carport so we can put the UTV there, or park one of our vehicles in it if we bring two up. Our contractor said he could get to us in the next six weeks, he'd look at his calendar; then got back to us and said he'd start in two weeks! Hurray! That also means, however, that I will be up here a little while longer than I thought because I'll be here for the slabs to be done. This is the same contractor who has done two slabs for us already, so we know his work and we'll be very satisfied with it. So that's what I've been up to. Hope you've had a wonderful few days since I last updated. Let's get started for today.

July 15, 2024   VICTORY AGAIN!:   The falsely filed classified document case against the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, has been dismissed by Judge Aileen Cannon! Trump wins again! Hurray! Right wins! It's about time! Pres. Trump is good at winning. I'm very happy about this! Aren't you?

July 15, 2024   LEFTIST Assassination Attempt:   The LEFT is so full of vitriol and hatred for Pres. Donald J. Trump that one of them -- with or without orders and coordination from the current FAUXministration or someone within it as yet unknown -- tried to assassinate Pres. Donald J. Trump! They really are so full of hatred that they want him DEAD since they cannot seem to defeat him! I'm sure the SCOTUS's ruling was the CORRECT RULING, but the LEFT has decided that it means that they have the right -- RIGHT -- to KILL their adversaries, no matter who they are! Thankfully, the good Lord was watching over him and he turned his head at just the right time and the bullet only grazed his ear instead of going through his head! That's GOD'S HAND on Pres. Trump, protecting him and ensuring his safety! The Secret Service detail really fouled up and left a clear, line of sight high point with easy access just outside of the rally area and they allowed this to happen! They knew it was available to a shooter and they did NOT protect it from being accessed by the shooter. They left it available to him. Of course, the Secret Service (so secret that you can't even tell they're actually trying to protect Pres. Trump) is blaming the local police but it is up to the Secret Service to instruct the local police, sheriffs, troopers, etc., about what is needed, what to do, and what to man; this time they apparently didn't think it necessary. I don't know for certain, but the Secret Service people usually assigned to Pres. Trump were reassigned to a doctorjellybelly BUYthem's detail for her campaign speech. This after three months ago the demonRATS introduced a bill that would take Pres. Trump's SS protection away entirely! Then just a week prior to the shooting, bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe said that it's "time to put Trump in a bullseye"! They were trying to get him killed and if they didn't actually ask for or PAY someone to do it, they encouraged it with their words and deeds! Then, after the assassin tried to shoot President Trump, the LEFT WHINED that the shooter missed! That's just WRONG! In every way, it's wrong! You must also realize that the shooter shot three audience members at the rally, one of whom died. There is another in serious condition and the third, the nephew of former presidential physician, Ronny Jackson, got grazed in the neck and will be fine. Now the LEFT has accomplished their goal and they got at least one Conservative person killed. Does that make them happy, satisfy their blood lust? No. They are still hoping that there is someone else out there who will kill Pres. Donald J. Trump. When you consider bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's history of hatred for Pres. Trump, and the LEFT's priority is worrying that this will make Trump more popular, and the fact that they've been calling for Pres. Trump's assassination since at least2018, I think we know who the haters are and how worried they are that Pres. Trump WILL WIN in November. The LEFT hates that idea and eventuality, and that's why they want him dead, so that he won't be able to win. Although, considering that the LEFT in Pennsylvania elected a dead man for state representative in 2022 so who's to say that if the LEFT succeeded in killing Pres. Trump that we wouldn't still elect him: following their lead, of course.

July 15, 2024   Christian Prophecy:   I put this story here because it relates to the Pres. Trump assassination attempt. In fact, there is a Christian who prophecied three months ago that there would be an attempted assassination of Pres. Trump, and that the bullet would go close to his ear but that Pres. Trump would survive the attempt, and that after the bullet went near his ear, Trump would fall to his knees and that later, Pres. Trump would win the election this November. I like that! The first part has come true, the assassination attempt has happened and Pres. Trump's right ear (which the guy pointed to while explaining his prophecy) was affected, so I am hopeful that the second part -- Pres. Trump's reelection -- also comes true!

July 15, 2024   themuslimvileone's "healthcare plan", PART DEUX:   Twenty years ago so called "obamacare" came into being with the FALSE promises of themuslimvileone and other demonRAT LIARS. Now, bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe is making more promises about a new thing he wants to do with it. The results:

"CBO found that the increase in Exchange subsidies would lead to a '3.5 million decrease in enrollment in employment-based coverage.'"


"CBO concluded that, on net, extending the subsidies would increase the number of insured Americans by 3.4 million — a number smaller than the 3.5 million who will lose employer-based coverage under the proposal. In other words, more new people who already had insurance (albeit through an employer) will receive subsidies than will become newly insured."
Don't ya' just love that? BloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe is trying to make people lose their healthcare coverage and LYING to everyone about it. Shock. Surprise.

July 15, 2024   Trump's VP Pick:   It has been announced that Pres. Donald J. Trump will announce his VP pick at 4:30 p.m. today (as of this writing it is 3:16 p.m.) His VP pick, according to The Gateway Pundit is going to be J.D. Vance, U.S. Senator from Ohio. Do I agree with his choice? Mmmmm... I am not totally sold on it. I am hopeful that it was the right choice, but considering some of the other personell choices Pres. Trump has made, I can't say that I'm totally convinced. I hope Vance is a good choice. I pray so. Pray for Vance to be a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, a man of HONOR and INTEGRITY throughout his lifetime, but especially while serving as VP and perhaps president afterward.

July 15, 2024   LEFTISTS Off the Air:   I don't know for how long, but for today, the hateful, despicable "Morning Joe" show is OFF THE AIR because their network thought they were to incindiary after the assassination attempt on Pres. Donald J. Trump. There's a big smile on my face over that. It's a good thing and I hope it lasts and lasts!

July 15, 2024   Election Integrity:   BloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe is trying to cheat to win in 2024 as he cheated in 2020, but using other ways, too. His desparation is showing and the LEFT is looking for as many ways to cheat as they can possibly come up with. Just an average, ordinary day for the LEFT: cheating is their go-to.

July 15, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. Well, no. I'm going to close with something to possibly make you giggle. It's's "Monday Morning Memes". I hope you laugh. I'll try to be here tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

July 3, 2024: 7:38 p.m.   I have been busy, busy, busy and it's been a bit fun but still keeping me from having time to do my website. I helped my son pack up his booth at the antique mall that he has been in for a few years, and now he's shutting his booth down. Anyways, I'm at our Georgia farm and tomorrow is Independence Day (Fourth of July) and I wrote a little poem for it. It's called, Freedom's Way and I hope you like it. I wish you all a Happy Fourth of July and a wonderful Independence Day weekend. GOD BLESS AMERICA and "Make America Great Again!"

June 25, 2024: 3:21 p.m.   Judicial Self-Immolation:   BUYthem's judicial nominees keep committing hari-kari during their confirmation hearings. This time, Karla Campbell has LIED UNDER OATH and Sen. John Kennedy had the goods to PROVE that she LIED UNDER OATH. Sen. Kennedy got her to admit that she just LIED UNDER OATH and proved she was part of the RADICAL anti-cop, anti-military organizatin, "Worker's Dignity" and that she served on the board that set up the radical leftist anti-cop, anti-military organization. She is a LIAR and she LIED UNDER OATH SEVERAL TIMES and if she is approved (which she should NOT BE), she will be a horrible, leftist, anti-cop judge who will let criminals off with no jail time and no real punishment. This woman has no background for the bench. She should never be on a bench unless it's a park bench feeding the pigeons. In fact, I love what Sen. Josh Hawley said to her, "You are utterly unqualified to sit on the federal bench!" I agree 100%!

June 25, 2024   Miracles Happen:   The REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, has done something so surprising that I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. I'm shocked, stunned and gobsmacked that this is what Pres. Trump has gotten to happen. What am I talking about? The President of the Teamsters Union is speaking at the RNC! That's amazing! There have been several other surprising endorsements of Pres. Trump, but this one is really a shocker!

June 25, 2024   joke smith:   He has admitted -- admitted -- that the FBLIE FAKED EVIDENCE against Pres. Donald J. Trump with the FAKED PHOTO of the "Classified" documents in Pres. Trump's home. The FBLIE set up the whole thing and that's why they didn't want witnesses there. That's why they got the permission for use of deadly force: if anyone tried to prevent them from FRAMING PRES. TRUMP, they would have been SHOT. Is that the kind of country you want to live in, when "law enforcement" can FRAME someone and ADMIT TO IT and then get away with it? Is that going to happen? Will they pay NO PRICE for their LYING and FRAMING -- BREAKING THE LAW? Let's see what Judge Aileen Cannon will do with this information. IF she does NOTHING, then she is condoning the LYING and she's not worthy of the bench. IF, on the other hand, she throws the case out the window -- as should be done -- she cares about the law and she cares about doing what is both legal and RIGHT. That's the kind of judge we need on the courts, all the way up and down.

June 25, 2024   Second Amendment   Second Amendment:   The BUYthem FAUXministration is trying to take away our Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms" that "shall not be infringed". This time, it's nost just bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe doing his utmost, it's his Surgeon General, "Dr." Vivek Murthy. He wants to say that guns are a health issue and then he takes studies that were slanted and weighted and twisted to get the results that the LEFT wanted and he used the faulty studies to say he's in control of the Second Amendment and how it's applied to our rights because it's a HEALTH issue. No. It's a CONSTITUTIONAL issue and it has nothing to do with his jurisdiction. Even some on the right want to cooperate with limiting our rights, trying to help explain away that the LEFT isn't that bad. Our definitions of terms don't matter. What matters is that the U.S. Constitution says

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Nowhere in there does it state ANYTHING about ANY GOVERNMENT ENTITY THAT CAN LIMIT OUR RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. Nowhere in there does it state that there is ANYTHING the government -- ANY GOVERNMENT: city, county, state, federal or WORLD -- can do to "INFRINGE UPON" our Second Amendment rights. That's what matters. I don't care who it is who is trying to prevent the "right of the people to keep and bear arms", WE HAVE THE FINAL SAY there and we have the right to have the number of guns we want, the kinds of guns we want, the amount of ammo we want, and the right to transport them to wherever and whenever we want. That's the U.S. Constitution's statement of our rights. U.S. governments, deal with it!

June 25, 2024   Trendie Transie:   The only thing the leadership and a good portion of our U.S. military are ready for is a drag queen story hour and a bit of hanky-panky behind the tank/cannon, whatever. When the Navy's "war college" hosts a transie to discuss sexual deviant "experiences", then you know that if the U.S. Navy had to participate in defending this nation, they'd probably wimp out, have a slap fight, or run screaming from the war because they tore their hose. It's absurd what this FAUXministration and the LEFT has done to our military. It's a shame and a transie travesty!

June 25, 2024   Election Integrity:   If you want to be able to trust the election results this November, then you have to STOP CaliMarxiFornicatia's no driver's license needed voting. They even allow people to vote with a gym membership card, or a credit card; I bet even a library card, or grocery store club card would suffice as "valid identification" in CA. That's not right. It's just another way they allow ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS to vote, and to allow people to vote multiple times. In other words, it allows CHEATING. How do you think their LEFTIST governor avoided the recalls? There is a way to try to START fixing the problem, but there's nothing that is 100% reliable because for every solution we come up with, the LEFT finds six more ways to CHEAT.

June 25, 2024   Cool Space:   GOD did a wonderful thing when He created the universe for us. He was so generous that he created not just the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, gorgeous waterfalls and canyons, flowers that are amazing and smell wonderfully, but He created the universe for us to explore and learn about and see how beautiful His creation is. Look at the pics of Jupiter and its moon, Io. Gorgeous! I'm very glad GOD gave someone the smarts to figure out how to do that! I love seeing pictures of space!

June 25, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. Have an enjoyable rest of your day. I will be working with my boss part of the day tomorrow, but I will try to do updates anyways. We'll see. Woops. Hubby's home.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

June 24, 2024: 3:28 p.m.   Sorry I missed a week. I was crocheting a birthday gift for a friend and I made something else for someone else, too. I have been crocheting for days and my hand got so sore, but it was well worth it. The gifts were very well appreciated and enjoyed. So, that's why I haven't been here. I put my priority on my friend.

June 24, 2024   Believer in GOD?:   If you do, the BUYthem FAUXministration thinks you're a "domestic terrorist". Don't ya' love that? If you're a homosexual pedophile child rapist, that's okay with the BUYthem FAUXministration! In fact, they'll hire you for a top position. But believe in GOD? That's sooooooo dangerous!! It's the way the LEFT does things. They LOVE the kinky stuff. They LOVE being ANTI-CHRIST. They LOVE being hateful and despicable and destroying everything that is good, right, holy, peaceful, beautiful and prosperous for ANYONE EXCEPT THEMSELVES. If they have to destroy everyone and everything in America in order to get more POWER and MONEY, they will do so; even if that means destroying your children, freedom, families, peace, kindness and trust. It's a horrible mindset but that's who they are. Their hatred for anything that is different from what they want, think, believe, are is anathema to them and they don't want to allow it because it's goodness and light and they have to destroy goodness and light because it reminds them of Jesus and GOD. They can't have that.

June 24, 2024   Snopes Admits It!:   The LIE has been around for years -- seven years to be exact. The LIE is that the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, once said that "there are very fine people on both sides" of the "protests that included neo-Nazis who staged a march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017". The surprising fact is that even SNOPES is admitting Trump NEVER SAID THAT! We've known the truth for seven years and now the rest of the world will know, too. It's about time!

June 24, 2024   BUYthem FAIL:   They're so stupid! They tried to ding Pres. Trump's Philadelphia rally, but, as usual, they FAILED MISERABLY because the TRUTH WILL OUT. Their stupid effort makes them look so bad! They tried to show that Pres. Trump didn't have as many people at the rally as (allegedly) BUYthem had at his rally at the same venue. There were a few problems with that. First, BUYthem used a curtain to cordon off half of the venue because they knew there wouldn't be very many people there. Second, the rally was for

"then-gubernatorial nominee Josh Shapiro and then-Senate candidate John Fetterman. On top of that, Barack Obama and Biden were at the event."
and and NOT JUST BUYthem. You can't compare a rally for ALL demonRAT candidates to a rally for JUST ONE (Pres. Trump) candidate. A comment said that the venue, if the floor is SRO (Standing Room Only) then the top tier doesn't allow the third tier to be used. I don't know if that's true, but I do know that the fact that no one is in the third tier is not indicative of people at Pres. Trump's NOT wanting to be there. There are usually people still waiting outside who were not allowed in by the fire marshall. The LEFT loves to LIE about Pres. Trump and everything he says, does, is, plans, his marriage, children, job, innocence, etc. They're just horrible, horrible POWER-HUNGRY ZOMBIES.

June 24, 2024   Trendie Transie:   In L.A., a man who pretends to be a woman (that's all transies are: pretenders), was in the ladies' room and was asked to leave by a real DNA female, but he didn't like that, so he complained and the manager at the Los Angeles Dodgers' stadium's restaurant, Angel City Brewery, kicked the woman and her lesbian lover OUT because they complained about the man in the ladies' room. Pretenders have more "rights" than do real women when women get kicked out after the pretender complains. I think that's ridiculous and WRONG. Let's agree that the women should be treated as women and the man as a man and if he wants to go to the bathroom, it needs to be him using the MEN'S room. Now, the women are getting cyberstalked and harrassed for standing up for women! That's so WRONG!

June 24, 2024   Protect Your Children:   Yes, I mean it. Protect them, even from the likes of taylor swift. I never liked her, never heard her songs unless they were played in a store I was in and then I didn't know it was her song, so I don't count that as listening to "her", it was just a song playing in a store. Anyways, she's never been a good singer and she's never been good for your daughters (or sons). Now, there's more proof that swift isn't good for children. Don't let them listen to her. Please put your children first. GOD gave them to you and He is relying on you to protect them and do what is right by them. Please.

June 24, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby is on his way home and I have to go. I do want you to know that I have several appointments this week; one with my boss, one with my son and we're going to the farm on Friday. We were supposed to be there this last weekend, but my hubby was in D.C. for three days, coming back Friday and his return flight was delayed and delayed and delayed. He got home late and we didn't think that driving up that late would be a good idea. So we go up this coming Friday and I may stay up there for a while. We'll see.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

June 18, 2024: 4:14 p.m.   Missed a week because life happens (again). Got a new oven today and it's great! I don't have to reach over hot, boiling pots and pans to change the settings! Happy camper! I'm thrilled with it just because of that. It has some great features like convection cooking, air fryer and sous vide. It has two ovens and five burners and the controls are in the front! I love that because I'm short and reaching over hot pans is no fun when I'm just barely able to reach over those pans. It's so great to have the controls in the front. Simple pleasures, right?

June 18, 2024   Illegal Alien Invaders:   I said they'd do it and I was right. The LEFT is "building a FAST TRACK TO CITIZENSHIP [my caps]" so that ALL of those ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS CAN VOTE FOR DEMONRATS in November. I said they'd do it and now they are. The Congress needs to step in and stop this because CONGRESS WRITES THE LAW, including immigration laws (according to the U.S. Constitution) so this is TOTALLY ILLEGAL, but since when does that matter to the LEFT? Laws? Who needs laws? The LEFT just ignores them anyways! Remember, the scotus has ruled that bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe doesn't have the authority to do student loan forgiveness but he's done it three times now.

June 18, 2024   Replacing bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe?:   There is a news story out that says the the demonRATS are planning to replace him for the election. This has been in the whispers for a while now and many people have been speculating that it's going to be much-helle themuslimvileone who is going to be "parachuted in" to replace potajoe, but I still think it's going to be hillosercrooktOOn because she's the only person in the LEFTIST field who would be able to draw more votes than a dead horse. People who are extreme LEFT (and there are many) would support her, as would femiNAZIS, because she was "robbed of her victory" in 2016. She is "due" according to the LEFT. So it's probably going to be her. I don't think newsom from CaliMarxiFornicatia would work for others, but she would.

June 18, 2024   Illegal Alien Invader RAPISTS:   How many American women and children will have to be raped, killed, maimed by ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS before the left will stop IMPORTING them? One is too many, but there have been many in America and hundreds of thousands (if not more) worldwide. It's absurd that the LEFT supports this, but that's who they are; women and children are not important to them if they can use illegal alien invaders' VOTES to stay in POWER. That makes the LEFT despicable to me. How about you?

June 18, 2024   LEFTIST LIES:   An idiot LEFTIE said something so very, very stupid that it's hard to believe she wasted her breath with it. She said that Conservatives take an oath to not teach black kids how to read in order to be qualified to be "right wing". How stupid is that? First, it doesn't happen. Second, it would be totally illegal to do such a thing. Third, it's amazing to think that anyone with half a brain cell... Oh. That's what's going on. She said it because she knows the LEFT has many people without half a brain cell so they'll believe her LIE. Amazing. SMH.

June 18, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby is on his way home and we have some more things to get done. Our list seems to get longer as we check things off of it. Does that happen to you, too?

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

June 12, 2024: 10:31 p.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday because I was still in Georgia. I thought I would be back yesterday, but I woke up yesterday and puked my stomach empty and didn't feel like traveling until yesterday. So here I am. I have a few minutes to do updates and then I go to lunch and thrifting with a friend. So I'll do a few blurbs and then say goodbye for today.

June 12, 2024   Women's/Girls' Sports:   It looks like this FAUXministration is trying to put the final nail in the coffin of women's sports, but a federal judge has put the brakes on that move. Hurray! For now. How long that will last, I have no idea. Remember, this FAUXministration has a history of ignoring the SCOTUS rulings on several rulings. For instance, on Covid rental rellief laws, student debt forgiveness and in WV v. EPA, as examples. This FAUXministration is so UNLAWFUL, so TYRANNICAL, so ILLEGAL in its actions as well as its STEAL of the 2020 ELECTION, that I'm not willing as a legal, natural born citizen (in the way the Founding Fathers considered it). I am not subject to the ILLEGAL FAUXministration because he's an ILLEGAL Resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., totally unqualified to be where he is being propped up by the LEFTIES who don't care about the LAW, don't care about the U.S. Constitution and don't care about the whole idea of right and wrong as long as whatever they do gets them in POWER and keeps them in MONEY.

June 12, 2024   AZ LEFTIES Eating Their Own:   In Arizona, the LEFT is going after the Attorney General and they will destroy her, which is fine with me, but the governor was also busted for taking a BRIBE of $400,000! The LEFT: in order to keep POWER and MONEY and will do whatever it takes -- including eating their own -- for both.

June 12, 2024   Election Integrity:   Remember, I have been telling you that the LEFT is already printing pre-marked ballots to use in the 2024 Presidential Elections, and now FOUR CT residents have been charged:

"All four campaign workers have been charged with unlawful possession of absentee ballots and 'other election-related charges,'"
So, like I said, they've already started the process. Isn't that wonderful? Trust our elections?

June 12, 2024   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   His lead just keeps growing and growing and growing and growing! The LEFT is going crazy because he's leading among blacks, Latinos, working class Americans and with his latest don't tax the tips policy, he's made his lead even bigger! Hurray! They'll have to cheat even harder now, and that will make it even harder on them. I don't doubt that they'll try, but the harder they have to work to STEAL it, the better that is because they'll slip up. They'll show their hand. Of course, the problem is, they bragged about their cheating in Georgia, PA, MI, AZ and MN. So what's to stop them this election? Nothing. I'm still certain they're already at it. It's just good to make it more difficult with more people voting for THE REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, because the more people doing that, the more people will be upset when they realize that the LEFT is the party of CHEATING.

June 12, 2024   I'm going to close with that for now. I'll try to see you tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

June 7, 2024: 2:01 p.m.   First, Happy National Donut Day! Be sure to have a donut today. Next, I have time for just a few blurbs today because we're going to the farm this evening. I just finished mowing and as I cool down (it's HOT outside!), and decided to do this while I wait for my body temperature to normalize before my shower.

June 7, 2024   Trust Your Bank?:   Did you know that there have been "400 brick and mortar" bank branches that have closed this year alone? Yep. If you've been banking in person the chances of you being able to continue to do so are going way down. If there's something important you need to get done, do it soon. Get it done before you will be talking to an AI robot instead of a real person.

June 7, 2024   Whistleblowers Protected?:   Did you know that there are many federal whistleblower protection laws? Did you know that there is a whistleblower protection law in the State of Texas? Did you know that the federal government has explanations about what the law does? Did you know that theHATEFULbloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAUXministration has sent "heavily armed federal agents" to the home of a doctor who is a whistleblower because he proved that the Texas Children's Hospital was doing child sex-change surgeries even though they were not supposed to be doing so? He did NOT reveal any patient information, but the feds don't worry about that because he was going against what the LEFT wants: to destroy children and mess them up totally. That's the way the LEFT does things because the rules, the laws don't matter to them. They do whatever they think will get them the most votes and will keep their weirdos happy enough with them to keep voting for them.

June 7, 2024   Women's "Beauty" Pageant Gone WRONG:   This is ABSURD. The Maryland WOMEN'S beauty pageant has declared a winner. So has Alabama's women's beauty pageant. Problems:

  1. The new "Miss" Maryland is MARRIED -- to a MILITARY guy!

  2. The new "Miss" Maryland is A GUY

  3. This is going to impact the future of the pageant industry because no DNA MALES should be participating, much less winning

  4. The new Miss Alabama is a morbidly obese DNA female, but a beauty pageant winner?

  5. The new Miss Alabama is the winner in a different beauty pageant show; National American Miss Alabama pageant, which is all about "body positivity", so don't think she's going to be in the next Miss America pageant
It's sad that the political correctness of today is teaching little girls that, 1) They don't matter because men can be women, too. 2) It's beautiful to be unhealthily overweight to the point of obesity. It's sad that they will be erased and that they will not be able to think of themselves as pretty if they're thin and normal. That's the message this wrong-think is teaching little girls. A normally healthy sized DNA femal doesn't count anymore because it's more important to be politically correct. Isn't that what we want to teach our children? Yes, "children", because little boys are being taught that it's not okay to be a little boy -- they need to become little girls who will grow up to be fat and then they'll be accepted. What a hateful lesson the LEFT teaches our children!

June 7, 2024   crackhead hunter's trial:   Things are not going well for him in his trial. Nor are things going well for his daddy because testimony proves that he's a horrible person, too. Isn't that sweet? /sarcasm. Truth will out. Or course, it's not something that those of us who have been paying attention didn't already know.

June 7, 2024   TDS BACKFIRE!!:   We're not talking about a little "puff" backfire. We're talking about a backfire that rocks the world! The backfire that turns totally blue states into swing states that are magenta rather than purple. I bet ya' they didn't expect that when they brought all of these false accusations and idiotic lawsuits against the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP! I bet they're shocked! They're sitting in their homes, offices, restaurants, bars as they talk to their fellow idiots and say, "Why? What happened? What went wrong? How can this happen?" I'd love to see the whole group crying into their pillows and sobbing, "HOW!? HOW did this happen?" Oh to be a fly...

June 7, 2024   China-Fraudci-19:   A new study has proven that we owe millions of unnecessary deaths to the POISON "vaccines". MILLIONS of people who could have lived many more years are now dead because of the POISON "vaccine" anthony fraudci pushed on us, tried to force all of us to get, the LEFT tried to mandate upon us. The one that made pregnant women miscarry their babies, and gave many people blood clots the size of skeins of thick yarn; many of whom had heart attacks and died. We have fraudci and birx (scarf lady) to thank for that. We have the LEFT and BUYthem to thank for that. We have no one else to blame. We should prosecute BUYthem for trying to FORCE the POISON and we should execute fraudci and birx for LYING TO AMERICA. They are responsible for MILLIONS of deaths.

June 7, 2024   Leftists HATE MAGA PEOPLE:   There's a LEFTIST running against Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and this LEFTIST thinks that

"'Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp'"
LEFTISTS think we need to be "re-educated" so that we can think like they think -- which is odd because they actually don't think at all, they feeeeeeels. How can you "re-educate" someone to feeeeeels differently, to feeeeeels the same way they do? What would that entail? Would it be possible that they would torture us, starve us, hurt our loved ones to make us feeeeeels the same way they do? Would they stop at that? Or would they go further? What, exactly, does a LEFTIST "re-education camp" look like and how far would they go? Do you want to find out?

June 7, 2024   I did more today than I thought I would, but I have to go now. I hope you have a great weekend. Remember, I won't be here Monday because I'll be at the farm until that evening.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be exonerated and released. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

June 5, 2024: 3:18 p.m.   Back at the computer today after life interfered. I have a life and it's going to keep happening because the older I get it seems the busier life gets. I'm still a bit surprised by that. Anyways, I'll get busy here.

INSERT: June 5, 2024: 4:51 p.m.   VICTORY!:   The Georgia Court of Appeals has stopped ALL PROCEEDINGS in Fani Willis case against Pres. Donald J. Trump! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! What happens next, I don't know, but it's GREAT NEWS!

June 5, 2024   SENILEbloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   He's so senile that people are being forced to admit it on the record. His Ukraine/Russia cease fire plan is stupid and that's according to evn the msm! Now they're surprised that people are saying, "We've told you so!" Some of the symptoms of dementia are "problems communicating or finding words", "Trouble with visual and spatial abilities, such as getting lost while driving" or walking around a small stage, "Poor coordination and control of movements", "Confusion and disorientation" as well as "agitation" and "inappropriate behavior", which he demonstrates all of these all the time. Sniffing kids? "Inappropriate behavior". Being unable to figure out what's happening next? "Confusion and disorientation". Etc., etc., etc. The occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is definitely experiencing dementia and the LEFT is propping him up and preventing the fourteenth amendment from being implemented. That's why themuslimvileone and thevilegeorgesoros are actually running this country into an early grave. He can't keep a full schedule, can't spend a day in public view because he'll fall into drooling and mumbling if he did. He's doing everything he can to bring Illegal Alien Invaders into America so that they can be given -- via executive order -- full citizenship so that they can vote for him this November. The LEFT wants him to let in more, and they're angry that he is saying he's pulling back from that plan. If the Illegal Alien Invaders cannot vote this November -- in MASSIVE NUMBERS -- then the LEFTIES can't win, so they want MORE Illegal Alien Invaders, not fewer. Power: it's their favorite word because it brings them MONEY. It's time for the left to admit that the jig is up and he's got two brain cells, but they're both dead and dried up and covered in dust and cobwebs.

June 5, 2024   Pres. Trump Support!:   The LEFT HATES THIS! One of the former FOUNDERS of the Black Panthers has voiced his SUPPORT for Pres. Donald J. Trump! I'm sure the LEFT are spitting thoroughly chewed nails about that! That's NOT supposed to happen! Black people are supposed to vote demonRAT! The LEFT have them in their back pockets! They're not supposed to change their support to anyone else! The LEFT just hates that! But it's happening nationwide and it's making the LEFT INSANE!!

June 5, 2024   Stupid is...:  

"Democrat voters in New Jersey elected deceased Representative Donald Payne Jr. in Tuesday’s primary."
Smart. Vote for the DEAD GUY and let's see what kind of "representation" you get from him! That tells you how much they care to educate themselves about who their candidates are. All they do is look for the (D) behind the name and vote for that person, no matter who -- or how dead -- they are. Can anyone doubt that it's "Stupid is..."?

June 5, 2024   Pres. Trump's "Conviction":   It can be overturned because it's a bunch of hooey, but also because it's a bunch of bunkum, and a bunch of hogwash. Oh, and then there's this thing often referred to as the 13th Juror. The NY appellate court has a unique power and it may well be that they will overturn his conviction and that the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be exonerated from the LEFT'S lunacy.

June 5, 2024   Failey Haley:   Rumor has it she wants to be 2024 VICE PRESIDENT! I say "NO! NO WAY! NOPE!" Agree?

June 5, 2024   LEFTIES should be ARRESTED:   That's not just IMHO, it's based upon legal FACTS!

"Clinton, whose campaign was based in Brooklyn, and the DNC were eventually fined $113,000 for mislabeling the Steele dossier as a legal expense — the exact same predicate for the charge against Trump. And unlike Trump, the dossier was absolutely created with the intent of influencing the election. [my bolding]"
So why does the LEFT NOT prosecute crooktOOn? Because, of course, she's a LEFTIE. She's "protected" because she toes the LEFTIST LINE and is just as bad as the rest of them (themuslimvileone, thevilegeorgesoros, etc.). If any of the LEFTIES do something ILLEGAL or morally wrong, the LEFT rallies around the guilty LEFTIE and protect the perp. But let a Conservative do the same thing and the LEFT will be prosecuting all over the place and going to the press every time they can think of something and they will be whining about the Conservative, but say nothing about the LEFTIST doing the same thing they are whining about the Conservative doing. That's the LEFT: they're always innocent and right. It's a way of protecting their LEFTIE SIDE, but it's not good for America!

June 5, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby's on his way home and I've got things to do. I will try to be here tomorrow. Friday we go to the farm and we'll be there until Monday evening, so I'll try to be back on Tuesday. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

May 31, 2024: 3:37 p.m.:   Judicial System DEAD:   With two lawfare suits against the REAL, 2020 LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, still happening, and one that came back with the most CORRUPT verdicts yesterday (34 guilty counts) on a trial that alleged that Pres. Trump committed a crime in 2017 that affected the outcome of the 2016 election! The TDS jury members (including two attorneys who I bet were leftists because every jury member was a leftist) convicted him based upon a trial where the "judge" was so biased that he would only allow ONE defense witness and that one he got so irritated with him telling the TRUTH that he literally yelled at him and threw him out of the courtroom (yeah, that sounds fair to me) halfway through the questioning (AMAZINGLY BAD FOR A "judge"!) and he allowed LIES of convicted perjurer, michael cohen, to stand! IN COURT! That's how bad this was! If that's not bad enough, the "judge" allowed his daughter to make money off of the shamtrial!!! Add to all of that INjustice, the jury found President Donald J. Trump guilty of 34 counts of... NO ONE SAID WHAT! WHAT CRIME DID HE COMMIT? This was a kangaroo court and it was a shamtrial, a ridiculous show to put the label "felon" on Pres. Donald J. Trump so that, according to the U.S. Constitution:

"Section 4
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
So that was their goal. Remember, there's still the letitia james, fani willis and jack smith trials out there to try to get him labeled a felon as much as possible. The goal is that if he's a convicted felon he won't be able to be sworn in, even if he is elected by "We, The People". The LEFT will claim to LOVE the Constitution and to protect it, they can't swear in the man the people elected. That's what they're trying to do. It's a coup. Pure. Plain. Simple. The LEFT is taking over our country because they hate us and want to destroy America and "We, The People"!

May 31, 2024   Take the Test:   To ligten things up after a horrible yesterday and dark today, I want to give you the chance to take a test. This test is titled, "Are You a Filthy Commie or a True American?" See how you score. Maybe you'll even get a smile for these dark days.

May 31, 2024   dicTATORbloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   His name just keeps growing doesn't it? Did you see that he disgustingly tried to fundraise off of the shamtrial's verdict yesterday? Immediately after the shamverdicts were released, he got on television and asked for money for his campaign. Why? If President Donald J. Trump doesn't stand a chance now that he's a "convicted felon", why would dicTATORbloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe have to have any money at all? After all, it's easy to defeat someone like a "convicted felon" isn't it? Well, try as he might, he FAILED MISERABLY because (LOL!) President Trump's supporters have donated in less than 24 hours over $34 MILLION to Pres. Trump!

May 31, 2024   Trump Supporters:   Now that the LEFT has shown their hand -- how very, very, very, very LOW they are willing to go to win AT ALL COSTS INCLUDING ILLEGALLY and using CORRUPT "JUDGES" and bad instructions and stacked juries and corrupt D.A.s, -- people who see how very UNfair the shamtrial was and who don't like what the LEFT is doing to America are stepping up and saying, "No. We don't want that in America!" and athletes and celebrities are supporting Trump! Even a former demonRAT donor is supporting Trump now. People who have eyes to see, and know what right and wrong are -- and that there is a difference -- don't like what happened to Pres. Donald J. Trump and they're stepping up to support him because Trump is the one taking the bullets for the rest of us right now. Remember, Pres. Trump used to be LOVED by the LEFT before he ran for President. They attended his parties, invited him to theirs, just so they could rub elbows with him. Remember, the crooktOOns attended Ivanka's wedding! Now, they see how much he is loved by Americans, how much he wanted to drain the swamp, end the DC corruption and turn America into a strong, respected, functioning Constitutional Republic again, and they HATE him now. That's the way the LEFT operates: trying to stop those of us -- from Pres. Trump to J6ers and those grandmas who are now in prison for praying at abortion baby-killing businesses -- who LOVE AMERICA and want to stop their takeover and their socialism/communism at all costs and by any means necessary. Witness the Fraudci-Covid-19 POISON "vaccine", the endless push to control us via "climate change" laws (we are now taxed because it rains!), and other nonsense rules that try to stifle freedom, end free speech, take away our gun rights, limit freedom of movement and freedom of association, end religious freedoms, etc. The LEFT HATES YOU and HATES AMERICA. This is all their end goal: POWER AT ALL COSTS. Dictators all!

May 31, 2024   Election Integrity:   Want to try to protect elections in your state? Contact your representatives and demand that they pass laws that will PREVENT "Ranked Choice Voting" from being implemented in your state. It's how the LEFT cheats and gets the crooked win every time. They did it in Alaska and Alaska suddenly went blue, when it's been red forever. Thankfully, some states are being proactive and putting laws in place to stop that from ever happening in their state. Louisiana is doing that and I hope that all 48 states do so soon; Florida has already done so. Will that prevent it from being tried again? Probably not since the LEFT is so determined to destroy America, but we can and MUST keep standing against it and keep it off of our ballots!

May 31, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby is home and I need to look at the pictures from the photo shoot I did for some friends of mine yesterday. We had a great time doing pictures but I hope that they're as good as I wanted them to be. I haven't checked yet. Enjoy your weekend. I'll try to be here again Monday.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

May 29, 2024: 3:59 p.m.   Whew! What a weekend! We worked on our Georgia garden in the heat and got dirty and sweaty and nasty. Hated it. But we got that done and I mowed Saturday in Aaron, our big tractor with the 12 foot batwing mower, and on Monday and Tuesday, I mowed the smaller areas on one of our regular ride-on mowers. That was hot mowing, too. I got a sunburn for the first time in years and years! It wasn't a bad one, thankfully, but my arms were pink and I put on a lot of Philosophy lotion on my arms and it is just fine now. We got it all done, though, and after three layers of fencing, we're finally able to say that we think we have our garden secured from everything except the smallest varmints. I hope to be able to keep those out, but if not, we'll figure something else out. Our peanuts (ten rows) are doing great, as are our poquito beans, purple hull peas and some of our other crops, but our corn (the stuff we planted for us to eat), well... It is disappointing. We have probably 20 plants out of three rows that came up. Sigh. We'll see what happens. Anyways, we did stay up there an extra day to get it all done, so that's why I missed yesterday; didn't get home until last night. I'll get started.

May 29, 2024   Predictions?:   Apparently, Decision Desk HQ has decided to predict a 58% chance of a Trump VICTORY in November. I don't put much stock in polls or predictions, but I thought I'd start the day with that intersting info. What thinks you?

May 29, 2024   The Alternate "Saint"GeorgeFloyd?:   Have you ever heard of Tony Timpa? No? Nor had I. He was given similar treatment to "Saint"GeorgeFloyd, as far as a cop kneeling on his back but you never heard of riots for him, did you? Why? Maybe because he was caucasian?

May 29, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   He held a rally (campaign event) today at Girard College in Philadelphia, where they expected a huge turnout because, well, most college campuses are a little short of a Mao training camp and the LEFT controls most of them so they thought there'd be wild masses there awaiting their CIC. Well, it didn't turn out to be a big rally, but, rather, a small, disappointing rally. Few people showed up in the historically black neighborhood and college. Awwww... Too bad. 81 Million votes in 2020? Smirk. Snicker.

May 29, 2024   SCOTUS Judge Alito:   He's one of my favorites because he's consistantly Constitutionally sound, consistantly Conservative, and consistantly good and he's standing up to demonRAT senators and basically telling them to kiss his shiney behiney (my words, NOT his), and that his wife has the right to fly a flag upside down at their residence if she so desires and he will NOT recuse himself on J6 cases nor on anything to do with the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, if cases come before the SCOTUS. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! A SCOTUS justice with a SPINE! LOVE IT!

May 29, 2024   pope derangement syndrome:   First, let me explain the header. I called it "pope derangement syndrome" because I think the current pope does NOT follow the Bible, the teachings within it, know it at all, nor want anyone on earth to follow it. He's a sick, twisted socialist and proud of it, and now he's doing what he can to help GROOM CHILDREN! His "World Children’s Day" (the first ever) featured a GUY in a dress (several, actually) dancing in front of the children who attended the event at the Olympic stadium in Rome. Wow. That's sick for a pope to allow that. Do you want your child to take communion from him? I wouldn't! (Of course, we're not Catholic, so there's no chance of that.) Parents, protect your children; especially from people in the church! You think you can trust them, but sometimes you just can't. Pedos go where they can find children and get into a position of trust and that gives them access. If I could rewind time I would never have put my boys into the church's child care service while my hubby and I attended worship service at a Baptist church. There was a pedo there who later got arrested in Miami for doing to kids down there what he did to my eldest in Titusville. Don't do that. Keep your kids with you. Protect them, or regret it.

May 29, 2024   TDS:   I hate this. I truly, truly hate it. I hate that our legal system has been weaponized against Conservatives, MAGA people, J6ers, Pres. Donald J. Trump and anyone who donates to him. In NY today, the jury went into deliberation in the alvin braggadocious/stormy daniels case and the corrupt/rotten/ridiculous/deranged "judge" in the case gave the jurors RIDICULOUS instructions before they went into their deliberation room. I can't say that I have much hope, but the saving grace is that GOD is still in control and if there is one juror -- just one -- who has a spine, or who has some common sense in that room, that one juror can vote NOT GUILTY and the trial will be over and Pres. Trump will walk away a free man. Please, Lord, let that be the case, or maybe give two, three, or twelve people courage and common sense. Pray for Pres. Trump.

May 29, 2024   "Climate Change" HOAX:   We all know that the world's temperatures change, but that "climate change" is NOT a real thing. The earth has cycles of warming and cooling and that they're NOT "man made" cycles. There are natural things that influence the earth's temperatures, with man's impact not being that big of a deal, and we've cleaned up the atmosphere dramatically over the last forty years, so we've made our impact even less. Does that stop the LEFT from trying to "save the planet" even if we must kill the people to do so? Nope. The LEFT wants to "save the planet" at ALL costs, even at the cost of humanity. Isn't that sweet?

May 29, 2024   Election Integrity:   I told you weeks ago that the LEFT is already printing ballots by the thousands to use in the 2024 ELECTION STEAL. Well, guess what. The LEFT is NOT disappointing that prediction because they're already SUING to allow ballots with ERRORS on them to be COUNTED, thus ensuring that ANYTHING they messed up in their FAUX ballots will still be used in Pennsylvania and those BALLOTS, NOT LEGAL VOTES, just printed up ballots, will still be counted. How much you want to bet that EVERY (or very close to 100% of them) ballot they want to use will be a BALLOT (NOT A LEGAL VOTE) for bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe? Even money?

May 29, 2024   Well, I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby should be headed home soon and I've got things to do. Hope you enjoy the rest of your scorching hot day.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

Freedom Isn't Free: Remember our fallen Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Border Patrol members this Monday, May 27th, Memorial Day!

May 23, 2024: 2:38 p.m.   LIAR Fraudci:   He's such a cad. If he has an honest molecule in his body, I would be shocked. Testimony by David Morens has proven that Fraudci LIED to Congress about funding gain of function research in Wuhan and he LIED about Covid-19's origins, about who he spoke to about the virus and what was happening in America and the funding for further research, and about treatments, and about absolutely everything except his name! He's an absolute LIAR, which is why the LEFT supports him. He was doing the LEFT'S bidding with Covid so that they could use that PLandemic as a way to get mail-in ballots all over America, get all kinds of opportunities to CHEAT 2020's election and helped them STEAL 2020 from the LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP! We now know for certain that he was intentionally deleting records so that no one could find out all of the HORRIBLE things he had been doing and all the LIES he has told! Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests were totally ineffective because he'd just LIE and say he never talked about that, or that he didn't have emails about that, or whatever. In fact, there is apparently an "FOIA Lady" who helps the LEFT cover their tracks by advising them on how to avoid giving information to Congress, to the public, to the press, to ANYONE. In other words, helping them avoid any accountability whatsoever! They'll never be able to be prosecuted for their murderous wrongs because they were advised on how to avoid it -- probably by a LEFTIST still in power somewhere in a GOVERNMENT OFFICE telling the LEFT how to HIDE THE TRUTH! Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting! How many people DIED because of their LIES? Murderers should not be protected by the federal government, but that is how low the LEFT has stooped. They are vile creatures!

May 23, 2024   Trust Doctors?:   In UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, they have been doing "diversity admissions" to their school with disastrous results. (Maybe that's why "doctors" gave everyone they could the POISON "vaccine": they didn't know any better?) The failure rate of medical students at UCLA's medical school is HUGE! A HUGE percentage of them FAIL BASIC MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE TESTS!!!

"[M]ore than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics." ...

"Though only 5 percent of students fail each test nationally, the rates are much higher at UCLA, having increased tenfold in some subjects since 2020".
Do you see where this is going? Diversity is pushing UNQUALIFIED DOCTORS into the medical field and there are going to be consequences for PATIENTS. Some of these UNQUALIFIED IDIOTS can't even name a major artery!
"Nearly a fourth of UCLA medical students failed three or more shelf exams in 2021, data from the school show, forcing some students to repeat classes and persuading others to postpone a different test, the Step 2 licensing exam, that is typically taken in the third year of medical school and is a prerequisite for most residency programs."
If any hospitals hire these FAILED "doctors" because of "diversity" do you know what is going to happen in that hospital? People are going to DIE. That's what happens when skin tone is more important than KNOWLEDGE and ABILITY. All of this because UCLA put a LEFTIST, dean of admissions, Jennifer Lucero, in control. How stupid is that?

Meanwhile, in other medical news, companies that fired those who wouldn't get or give the POISON "vaccine" are being begged to come back to work for places like Kaiser-Permanente who FIRED them for standing up for the patients and for their own health and refusing to take the POISON! I guess K-P has realized that the diversity hires being pushed upon them are not going to be good doctors and they want those who are actually QUALLIFIED to be doctors and treat patients to come back to work for them. Awww... Too bad.

May 23, 2024   LEFTIST CONTROL IS DYING!:   People in Oregon are so tired of being controlled by the LEFTIES in the cities so ANOTHER county voted Tuesday to secede from Oregon and join "Greater Idaho"! The area that is going to be left of Oregon is going to be so small they won't be able to provide services to their residences because there won't be a big enough tax base to do so! They may be able to afford trash pickup at an extremely exagerated rate, but that's going to be about it. Lefties want what lefties want, and they want CONTROL, so those who are not willing to give them that control, or who get tired of the destruction it ALWAYS causes, leave, find something better, stand up for themselves. I'm sure the LEFTIES don't like that, but who cares? Since when do LEFTIES care about us, so why should we care about them? They like destruction, so when it finally includes them, I bet they won't like it at all. Make some popcorn and watch them cry!

May 23, 2024   Ballot Problems?:   Ohio has already warned bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe that he may not be on the ballot because they were supposed to have the official nominee names of the party's presidential picks BEFORE a certain date, but the demonRATS won't make it official until AFTER that date. So if they don't bring the demonRAT'S national convention up to be able to name him as their official candidate for 2024. Ohio notified the demonRATS of the problem, as did Alabama, but Alabama's legislature changed the law for the demonRATS so that the cut-off date was after the demonRATS' convention. Will Ohio? Their governor thinks so. I hope NOT.

May 23, 2024   Space Pics!:   If you're a space pic junkie as am I (took astronomy in college and aced it!), you'll enjoy the new pictures the Euclid Space Telescope has sent to us! (Scroll down to the newest pics!) Amazing and gorgeous! Love it! GOD did such an awesome job at creating this universe for us!

May 23, 2024   Youth Vote?:   The LEFT is hoping to keep the votes of those aged 18-25 but... "Free Palestine" is not having bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's "relationship" with Israel. BUYthem has supported/not supported/supported Israel and right now, he's supporting, but that's not the popular finger-in-the-wind position to be taking right now for the youth vote. So what's he going to do? He's already tried (and tried and tried and tried) student loan forgiveness (against the LAW due to the SCOTUS ruling of last year), so what's he going to do to turn things around? How is he going to get that vote? I don't know. Maybe legalize all drugs everywhere no matter what they are so that they can get as high as they want without an consequences? Even with that there will be consequences that will make that backfire. Seems to me that he can't win for losing. See me smile?

May 23, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I have to finish getting ready to go to Georgia again. I'm surprised I got to do this at all today, but I got up and got going and got everything checked off my list so I had enough time to do updates. I probably won't be here tomorrow or Monday because I'll be in Georgia putting fence up, mowing, or weeding the garden. We'll see how it goes. Enjoy your Memorial Day, and remember our fallen heroes: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard and Border Patrol. Those we remember and honor on Monday really have given their all for you. Freedom isn't free and we are supposed to remember that on Monday, no matter who the Resident is at 1600!

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

May 22, 2024: 4:45 p.m.   demonRAT HATRED of U.S. Military:   The BUYthem FAUXministration has decided that honoring our fallen soldiers is not a good thing and that they can't afford the people to remember to be patriotic. So, they have decided to ban Catholics from honoring our military in a military national cemetery for the second year in a row. The feds say...

"The National Park Service (NPS) has refused permission for the event due to a new policy prohibiting 'religious services' and calling the ceremony to honor this nation’s fallen heroes a 'demonstration.'"
That's not just wrong, it's stupid. The problem -- besides the usual BUYthem FAUXministration stupdity -- is that
"The Knights and their attorneys say the decision by park officials violates the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act."
So they're hating on our fallen military members and LYING to the public and being stupid. Is this the U.S. government anyone wants? Even down to DIShonoring our fallen soldiers? How low can these clowns and puppets go? It's hatred for America and for YOU and YOUR FAMILY AND LOVED ONES that thevilegeorgesoros and his cohorts -- crooktOOns, themuslimvileone, all demonRATS in power positions, the people nation- and worldwide who support him -- that DRIVES these people and it's their hatred of us that makes them betray all that is right and good and decent. They're vile and if I had a time machine with which I could turn back time and prevent the harm these mud-creatures have done, I would do so in a heartbeat.

May 22, 2024   Student Loan Forgiveness, Again:   Even though the SCOTUS ruled he can't do so, BUYthem has decided that he's going to ignore the SCOTUS (and, please notice that they've done nothing about it) and do the student loan forgiveness anyways.

"In total, the U.S. Department of Education has canceled almost $160 billion in federal student loan debt for nearly 4.6 million borrowers since that decision. Biden has vastly expanded some programs not meant to forgive billions of dollars, and reinterpreted other programs to get rid of the rest."
Now, he's trying it again and he's counting on the SCOTUS to do nothing abuot it: as usual. The thing is, he's BUYING VOTES because he's doing this to get those who are struggling to pay off their student loans to vote for him. As usual, the LEFT will (and apparently can) do anything they want -- illegal though it may be -- to win. It's all about the POWER. Remember, the people who didn't go to college don't get any debt forgiveness, and they're not getting any benefit from this power-thirsty scheme.

May 22, 2024   TDS Trial:   Leftist tool, "judge" juan marchan, is absolutely enraged over the testimony of Robert Costello, who is blowing up prosecutor, alvin braggadocious's, case against the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP. The "judge" lost it and he's hoping to still be able to put Pres. Trump in prison and put a felony conviction against him because if he's a felon, he can't be president again. That's in the Constitution and even though the LEFT usually spits on, burns and tears up the U.S. Constitution, if they can find something to use to keep them in power, they'll use it -- even if it is in our Founding documents and meant to protect America from people like them! They're disgusting.

If you want to know exactly what I mean, you can judge the "judge's" integrity by realizing that "his family [is] directly enriching itself off this sham trial against President Trump". Yeah. A man of "integrity" is running one of the TDS show trials. Isn't that reassuring?

May 22, 2024   Commie pope:   He's speaking out AGAINST our nation and AGAINST our borders being protected from those who want to come from anywhere else and make us all pay for it! He seems to think that America deserves to be invaded. If he thinks open borders are so wonderful, how about he open the VATICAN UP TO ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS and allow them to move into his apartments? Hm? How about it, popey-wopey? Open the VATICAN and let Muslims in, let them stay there and enjoy all of the priceless art pieces you have to admire, the gold chalices you drink out of, the comfy feather beds you sleep on, share with them. If he supports it for US, he should support it for HIMSELF!

May 22, 2024   Protect Your CHILDREN!:   In a truly bizzare twist a little girl (nine-years-old) was using an American Airline's airplane's bathroom when an employee videod her doing so. The family found out and is suing the airline, and American Airlines is BLAMING THE LITTLE GIRL! Excuse me!? They have since apologized for doing so, but can you imagine the nerve it takes to blame a little girl for their PERV EMPLOYEE'S recording her -- and other children -- in a bathroom? The perv has plead "not guilty", but the facts are that it's the perv's video equipment. He's done this to at least four children and he needs to go to prison.

May 22, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby will be home soon. By the way, we go to Georgia again tomorrow because we didn't get the fence around our garden finished last week and we need to get our deer fence up and secured because we don't want our peanuts, onions, watermelon, purple hull peas, pole beans, tomatoes, etc., eaten by deer (and they love some of that stuff -- not the onions) and bunnies. I don't know if opossums would try to eat our garden, but I know raccoons might enjoy a munch or two. Anyways, we're going to our farm again tomorrow and Monday is Memorial Day, so I wish everyone a happy Memorial Day. Please remember to honor our fallen soldiers because we know that our GOVERNMENT WON'T!

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

May 20, 2024: 3:32 p.m.   Missed a while because we had a vacation planned last week, but we prayed about it and cancelled it a few days before we were scheduled to leave. That turned out to be a good thing because our youngest son wound up in the hospital ER on Thursday evening (we were going to leave Friday). He (and the ER personnel) thought it was an appendicitis. After testing, though, it was revealed that he had sigmoid diverticulitis, and he was given prescriptions for five different drugs. Sweet. So Friday I picked him up and took him to get his prescriptions and we stayed in touch Saturday and Sunday he was feeling well enough to come over and spend Mother's Day with me. We did go on a "vacation" to the farm on Wednesday, where we did a lot of work putting up the deer fence around our garden. Garden's doing pretty well, thankfully, and we're having to protect it from rabbits (they got through the metal fence's openings) and deer (eight foot deer fence all the way around). We also weeded the garden and bought and planted an olive tree, two blackberry bushes, another grapevine and some evergreen groundcover to put by the blackberries to keep weeds down. We're exhausted. Anyways, that's what prevented me from doing updates. Life happens.

May 20, 2024 5:40 p.m.   2A Second Amendment:   Had to do a link to this story about the 2A. Good news and a little more freedom protected by a judge stepping in and preventing the BUYthem FAUXministration from enacting a law based on a LIE. It's a good thing there are a few good judges out there!

May 20, 2024   Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS):   It turns out that the only one in his trial about the Stormy Daniels pay-off who is guilty is Michael Cohen, who admitted that he stole $30,000 from Trump. If he's admitting to that much, how much has he stolen that he has NOT admitted to? After he admitted to being a thief, the TDS-crazed leftist media DEFENDED the theft! Isn't that sweet? Defending wrong-doing because the person being stolen from was someone you didn't like. Nice. Alvin Bragg is still trying to pin something on Pres. Trump, but it's not working out the way they thought it would. If you want to read about today's proceedings, The Gateway Pundit reporter, Paul Ingrassia, was there and took notes. The left's efforts to entrap the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, to put him in jail, and convict him of a felony, is so ridiculous that I wouldn't be surprised if ANY (or ALL) of the leftist prosecutors (bragg, james, smith, etc.) trying to nail him just stated in their closing arguments, "Listen, jurors, if you don't indict Pres. Trump, he'll be president again and we'll be in a lot of trouble because he will drain the swamp as soon as he gets into office and we can't have that! We, the LEFT, must stay in power because we have too much to lose if we aren't in power!" That's the TRUTH of the left's persecution/prosecution of Donald J. Trump. Every case against him is an effort to prevent him from being back in office and draining the swamp.

May 20, 2024   Targeting the SCOTUS:   The LEFT is trying their darndest to do everything they can, block every path forward and stop the efforts of not only Pres. Trump returning to the Oval Office, but of him being able to implement his plans after he is sworn in. They've targeted Justice Clarence Thomas (allegedly because of his wife's involvement in Conservative issues) and failed miserably at that, so now they're doing what they can against Justice Samuel Alito. The LEFT targets anyone and anything that could possibly stand in their way, even if they have to break laws (and arms, necks, etc.) to do so. POWER is the LEFT'S aphrodisiac and they're not going to give it up easily. What they're doing is totally ridiculous but since when has that ever stoppd the left?

May 20, 2024   Russia! Russia! Russia!   They found the record to play again! The msm is starting to play the "Russian Conspiracy" record again. At least, morning slow-joe has started it up again. Like I said, they'll do ANYTHING to try to keep the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, from sitting behind the Resolute Desk again! It's absurd, but it doesn't stop the left.

May 20, 2024   Iranian Leader, Dead:   There was a helicopter crash and the EVIL president of Iran was in that helicopter, "Iranian President and mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi" as well as

"Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, along with other officials and bodyguards"
were all on that helicopter. They all died. Iran's women are celebrating because Raisi's nickname was "The Butcher of Tehran". Women may receive more freedom now that this tyrannical monster is dead. There's no telling who will replace Raisi, so let's pray for the people of Iran because if they get another evil person, Iran will be back to where it was. If they get a good person, Iran will be a freer place, women will have educations, the economy will get a kickstart and things will be good for Iran and its surrounding nations (and probably less terrorism funding for bad guys). Let's pray for a good leader.

May 20, 2024   Presidential Replacement?:   Wayne Allyn Root is determined that bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe (A.K.A. BUYthem), is going to be replaced by much-helle themuslimvileone and he keeps writing that it's going to happen. I don't know if he knows someone within the demonRAT party who is telling him this, and is a really good source, or if he's just thinking that's the way it's going to go. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if BUYthem is replaced, but much-helle? I'm thinking it's going to be hillosercrooktOOn. After all, much-helle keeps saying she doesn't want to be prezidunce, but we all know that hillosercrooktOOn wants it so very, very much. That, and she still feels like she was owed the office. She still yearns for that Oval Office and the distinction of being "THE FIRST" female prezidunce! The LEFT loves their "firsts"! She's drooling over the possibility and she is still making her way onto talk shows to keep her face at the forefront of people's minds. She wants it. I know that W.A.R. has a different "candidate" he believes is going to be the replacement, but I'm allowed my opinion. Who knows? We may both be wrong. They may replace BUYthem with... crackhead hunter or DR. jellybelly. It may be that they replace him with Rosie O'Donnell for all we know. Whoever it is, we probably (thankfully) won't have another term of BUYthem, and that would be good. The problem is that they need to have someone in there who will be as pliable and easily manipulated and puppetted as BUYthem, and while much-helle may be that way, I doubt hillosercrooktOOn would be, although we know she's probably got the same goals and desires as those pulling BUYthem's strings. Only time will tell us what America has in store if they succeed in keeping Pres. Trump out of office. However it plays out, we all know the LEFT is untrustworthy, lawless and capable of anything (how many Arkancides have there been?). So what will they do to keep POWER this year? Buckle up, folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

May 20, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I won't be here tomorrow, and maybe not Wednesday. Tomorrow is a special day in our family, and Wednesday we are helping our son with his vehicle. I don't know if I'm going to be here. Then we go to the farm again to finish the garden and fencing around it either Thursday or Friday. So it will be another short week. Sorry.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

May 8, 2024: 2:44 p.m.   I missed a bit here, didn't I? Sorry. Life happened and I got busy and we went to the farm and I mowed and mowed and mowed. I did all the mowing -- fields and yard -- so that my husband could work on putting the fence around our garden. Our peanuts, beans, squash, watermelon, onions, okra, zucchini, yams, melons, squash, cucumbers, pumpkins and tomatoes are coming up and we need to protect them against the deer we have roaming our property; well, deer, raccoons, squirrels, and other garden robbers. So he got that done with a lot of hard work and sweat. Anyways, it's time for me to get a few updates done.

May 8, 2024   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He is persecuted like no other and it's fun to watch him handle it all. Like when the "judge" in his "hush money" case put a gag order on him, he figured out a way around it. He smiled as he read cnn's report about the trial. He wasn't saying anything about it. He was quoting cnn. What a smart way to get around an idiot, biased, leftist "judge"! Brilliant! That's one of the reasons he has a chance to flip Minnesota to a Republican VICTORY this year. That would be the first Republican win in MN since 1972. I would love that; as would the rest of America and the world! More good news for the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, is that in the joke smith case, the case is on hold indefinitely because the prosecutor, joke smith, has admitted that he tampered with the evidence and that's not just slowing the trial down (ending it, more likely: you can't prosecute a set-up), it's admittiing to a CRIME! What a moron! I, for one, am very glad joke smith is a MORON! All the better for the world!

May 8, 2024   VP?:   It's May (I think you knew that) and I it's about time for the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, to tell us who he has chosen to be his VP. I have no idea who he's going to settle on, but I do know who I don't want: anyone who has the same kind of "morals" that the former VP had. I hope that Pres. Trump has learned a lesson and has decided on someone who won't abandon America, right and wrong and kiss the backsides of the LEFT with every possible choice he/she makes. We may soon find out after he interviewed some of them on Saturday. We're hoping for the RIGHT candidate, not the "best" candidate. He thought pansy pence was the "best" last time. Let's hope he's learned his lesson.

May 8, 2024   BABY-KILLING:   Even in New York, where lying is part of daily life for most of the powerful, they have a judge who knows right from wrong!

"Democrats and activists who sought to enshrine abortion in the New York Constitution with the ratification of a deceptively worded amendment face a new obstacle after State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Doyle ruled that the state legislature failed to adequately satisfy the constitutionally outlined procedure for passing a ballot measure."
In Florida, we're facing a ballot initiative to change the Florida Constitution so that abortion is legal anytime, for anyone, with or without parental consent, no matter the age of the person seeking to kill her baby, NOR the baby's post-conception age. It's a VERY MISLEADING wording so that the LEFT can get the result they want: MORE DEAD BABIES. If you believe that a baby's beating heart -- circulatory system starts as early as 21 days after conception -- is an indication of LIFE, then EVERY abortion is KILLING A BABY with a heartbeat after day 21. Remember, I found at the National Institute of Health (a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT office) the paper that said that the medical profession has known about this date -- 21 days after conception -- since 1880. That tells you how desperate the LEFT is to KILL BABIES: that they will ignore a KNOWN FACT that has been known for 144 years! It's like they are still pushing the idea that the world is FLAT! Talk about BACKWARDS and ANTIQUATED! The LEFT is exactly that when talking about BABIES IN THE WOMB!

May 8, 2024   Election Integrity:   The LEFT has a history of being very organized in their CHEATING EFFORTS to try to stay in power. That, power, is their raison d’être (reason to exist) because power brings them more opportunities to get money (notice I didn't say "make" money: there's a difference). Anyways, there is an actual schematic of their CHEATING ORGANIZATIONS and who is connected to whom and what each person/organization/business does to achieve the CHEATED VICTORY. I'm sure they're so proud of their CHEATING ways. After all, they are the ones who made the chart, and sent it around. I'm sure they point to it with pride, a sense of achievement. Don't you think? After all, look at the number of people involved in their cheating; and that's probably not all of them!

May 8, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   His people say that BUYthem WILL debate the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP! Bwahahahaha! I think that's hysterical! I don't see how the BUYthem campaign thinks they can give him enough drugs or whatever other treatments they've been giving him to make him capable of speaking somewhat coherently, but they're (allegedly) going to allow him to debate a real debater, someone with a good mind who is sharp as a pin. I think that's going to be fun to watch because he's being called out for being a "shakedown" artist, he has trouble even walking -- especially going up stairs -- he has a history of being incapable of keeping a consistent opinion on much of anything, but especially baby-killing. He's a mess who thinks illegal alien invaders are "model citizens", but that's only when we can understand him. A debate? We're going to see a debate here? It's not going to be a debate. It's going to be a blood bath. Barring, of course, BUYthem CHEATS by wearing a hearing device in his ear so that his handlers can whisper in his ear. Will you be watching? I plan to!

May 8, 2024   Fraudci-Covid-19:   Did you take the POISON "vaccine"? Did you believe the federal government? If so, I'm very sorry, but we have PROOF that they LIED to us. The feds knew -- and LIED to Pres. Trump about it -- that Fraudci-Covid-19 started in the Wuhan lab in China from the start. They LIED and told a pre-fabricated story about the fresh meat market and bats that they knew from the get-go was a lie. This was a coordinated effort that made their CONTROL AND ELECTION CHEATING all the more despicable because they KNEW from the start that they were LYING. I think this proves how desperate the LEFT is to stay in POWER. They killed MILLIONS to do so. What sort of soul does it take to be capable of that?

May 8, 2024   Got Freedom?:   The FBLie and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have decided that they're going to start SILENCING YOUR VOICE on social media and in the comments sections before the 2024 election. In other words, they're going to TRY TO HELP bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe win; also known as CHEATING. Don't you LOVE when the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has agencies within it that decide to REMOVE YOUR RIGHTS in order to help their preferred candidate "win"? That's what they're doing. The federal government: Now nothing more than a LEFTIST CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE.

May 8, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I hope to be here tomorrow. Can't guarantee that. We have chosen to postpone date night until tomorrow because we have to go pick up something important and we'll do that and date night. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

April 24, 2024: 1:27 p.m.   I missed Monday because we were in Georgia and we were planting our garden. We now have two rows of onions, two rows of purple hull peas, ten rows of peanuts, two rows of poquito beans (from California), a row that is divided into thirds of okra, zucchini and yams; alternating corn/melons/corn/squash, cucumbers, pumpkins/corn; one row of pole beans, and we have a row for tomatoes and bell peppers, and one set aside for onions. The last two rows are not yet planted. We are going to buy the plants for the tomatoes and bell peppers. We do have the onions for the last row: well, second-to-last row because the onions are going in then a row of lavender again. Onions and lavender, we are told, help keep the deer away. Then yesterday I missed because I went to the dentist to get my crown put back in. That wa early in the morning and I hadn't gotten much sleep so I came home and took a nap (a rarity for me) and I got a headache from my nap. Don't like headaches, but no one does. I'll get started.

April 24, 2024   TDS:   One of the "attorneys" (read: partisan Trump-Haters with a degree and a bar [hic!] certificate), who are persecuting the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, has made a big mistake in one of his statements. They can't use what they want to use as the "second offense", but that doesn't prevent these partisan losers from trying.

"Prosecutors also cannot use a federal law as the second crime and additionally, the FEC, Federal Election Commission, declined on two occasions to prosecute the claim against Trump that the alleged hush money payment was in fact a federal violation.

"In this case, Bragg and Colangelo, in an exercise of their legal analysis of the law maintain that Trump, Cohen, and Pecker conspired to get Trump elected to President of the United States. This is the basis for the elevation of charges."
There's also the fact that alvin bragg (partisan "bar" certificate holder), has a severe problem with the whole case. The fact is
"The case refers to accounting entries 'made' by President Trump (which is lunacy) or entries President Trump forced others to make. But these entries were made in 2017. So how could President Trump possibly impact the 2016 election with accounting entries that were made (clearly not by the President but by some entry-level accountant in his multi-billion dollar organization) in 2017?"
You see the fallacy? The information was entered A YEAR AFTER the election, so HOW DID THEY EFFECT THE ELECTION THE PRIOR YEAR? Stupid is as stupid does and alvin bragg and his cohorts are definitely stupid. More proof that they'res stupid?
"President Trump handed over his companies to his sons before his inauguration in January 2017. The accounting entries in question were made after the handover occurred."
So, the idiots with TDS are going after Trump because they are trying to keep him off of the ballot and they're using anything they can MAKE UP against him. They're hoping to BLIND the jury (much like the jury in the e.jean carroll case) about the TRUTH of the dates, and if they all have TDS as well (it is a NYC jury, so it's quite possible that they all have a severe case of it, but then there are appeals) it's probable that they will convict him after IGNORING the TRUTH of the dates and the LAW. Since when does the TRUTH and doing what's RIGHT have any impact on a LEFTIST? Be prepared for this to go against both TRUTH and RIGHT.

April 24, 2024   TDS 2:   I put this in a separate section because it's about people who are not in court against the REAL, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, but they are TDS sufferers. There has been a cabal of TDS sufferers who have been meeting weekly for TWO YEARS in an effort to brainstorm how to prevent Pres. Trump from getting back into office. So if you ever see Bill Krystal (an allegedly former conservative back when Ronaldus Magnus was in office), John Dean, Andrew Weissmann, George Conway (ugly inside and out), Jeffrey Toobin and Lawrence Tribe talking about Pres. Trump, you can BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR (down to the penny!) that they are going to say things that are against Pres. Trump, and probably 99.9% of their statements will be LIES. TDS does that to the LEFT: fills them with hatred, fear and LIES. Desperation makes them willing to do anything to keep Pres. Trump out of office. And I do mean ANYTHING. Pray for Pres. Trump's safety and that his security detail will do what they need to do to keep him safe.

April 24, 2024   LEFTISTS ANTI-TRUMP TDS 3:   They wanted to impeach the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, even BEFORE he took office in January 2017! They planned it BEFORE the 2016 election! There are emails that show Ciaramella's connection to the BUYthem family (and their illegal acts? Just asking.)

"newly uncovered emails show that Ciaramella had significant connections to the Biden family's involvement in Ukraine that Trump wanted to investigate.

"'The ‘whistleblower’ who sparked Donald Trump’s first impeachment was deeply involved in the political maneuverings behind Biden-family business schemes in Ukraine that Trump wanted probed, newly obtained emails from former Vice President Joe Biden’s office reveal,' reports Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations."
This TDS of the LEFT is so vast, so huge, so deep, so absolute that they'll do ANYTHING to stop him from being in the Oval Office again. That's all there is to it. They're despicable. Remember, the people who are helping the LEFT are the people doing the illegal things, so what about them and their paying a price? Pres. Donald J. Trump did NOTHING WRONG, but that doesn't stop the LIES and hatred. Anyone surprised?

April 24, 2024   Election Integrity:   TDS has gotten so bad that it's to the point where EIGHT (8) STATES HAVE PASSED LAWS that are meant to prevent FEDERAL AGENTS FROM INTIMIDATING VOTERS at the POLLS! When states are SO SURE that they can't trust the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT from CHEATING IN OUR 2024 ELECTION, that they MADE LAWS SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSING THAT PROBABILITY, that speaks VOLUMES! That's such a BAD REPUTATION FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! They really should be ASHAMED, but the feds no longer have a sense of shame as long as whatever illegalities they participate in -- of their own making or on someone else's orders -- helps them prevent the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. they'll lie, cheat, steal, kill to do so.

In another story about election integrity, the TRUTH is that "election machines error rates violate federal law". Does that mean that the LEFT wants to FIX the machines? OF COURSE NOT! Are you insane? They want to KEEP THE ELECTION MACHINE ERROR RATES, or MAKE THEM WORSE so that they can use the machines to STEAL 2024! We also know that the repugnant bill barr, former "AG" (read: "backstabber", "turncoat", "sellout", "TRAITOR", "double crosser", etc.) for Pres. Trump, STOPPED, KILLED, PREVENTED an investigation into MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD. TRAITOR barr KNEW that there was MASSIVE CHEATING, but he PREVENTED it being investigated. Isn't that sweet? Why don't we start the arrests with bill barr? I wouldn't be sturprised to find out that he's been at the meetings with bill krystal, Andrew Weissmann, etc. He hated Pres. Trump as much as they do!

April 24, 2024   Federal Malfeasance:   The bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAUXministration is THREATENING DOCTORS who cooperate with law enforcement in investigations about ABORTION'S AFTERMATH, when they're "cleaning up the messes" after an abortion gone wrong. If a DOCTOR helps figure out who BOTCHED an abortion, then the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT wants to make trouble for the doctor who helped figure that part out. How can that be something the federal government thinks is bad? WHY is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT threatening someone who is helping figure out a CRIME? IF it's a CRIME in, say, Florida to KILL A BABY in utero, and the mother comes out of the abortion bleeding profusely and going into shock, about to die and someone takes the mother to an ER, and the ER doctor helps figure out who botched the abortion because her uterus was perforated, the FEDS DISLIKE THAT? How INHUMAN OF THIS FAUXMINISTRATION! A woman's life doesn't matter to this bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe FAUXministration! All that matters to them -- and the entire demonRAT party nowadays -- is that a woman can keep kill a baby! Anyone who has a dislike of that, or who wants to help find the person who harmed the woman, well, according to this FAUXministration, is a danger to America and they'll LOCK THEM UP! Talk about a hateful political party! How distorted and disgusting is that?

April 24, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I'll try to be back here tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and that GOD will protect America and Pres. Trump. I pray for him and for you.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

April 19, 2024: 12:40 p.m.   Plans changed and we're still in Florida for a few hours so I thought I'd sit down and see what I can do here. I was at the car dealership waiting for my oil change to be completed when a crown came off. It must be on a tooth that already had a root canal because it's not hurting and I'll be at the dentist's office next week to get it fixed. All kinds of fun. But that's what kept us here today, thinking that I might get in today to get it fixed. Nope. Not until Tuesday. So I'll do a few blurbs and then we'll go to Georgia until Monday.

April 19, 2024   UNequal Justice:   TDS is strong in NY. Before he was elected President in 2016, Pres. Trump the businessman was a beloved figure in NY. Now, the LEFT hates him because he was so good for America and the rest of the world. They're using lawfare (but there's nothing FAIR about it) against him and trying every trick in the book (including making laws up, rewriting the statutes of limitations, etc.) and doing everything they can to stack the jury against him. They know that any conviction is going to be appealed, but they MUST have in in prison BEFORE THE ELECTION because they know that if he's in prison, they can count on a percentage of the American people to believe that he is guilty because he was convicted -- STACKED jury, or not -- they will believe in our "Justice System".

April 19, 2024   I Stand With Israel:   It looks like Israel has retaliated against Iran and they may have hit near a nuclear ower plant. Sounds to me like Israel has a good idea: take out their nuclear capabilities. I am glad they didn't tell bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe about their plans before they carried them out. He would have warned Iran! He's a despicable, senile, idiot who isn't running the United States of America. He's letting hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone run the show. He's not in charge: they are!

April 19, 2024   Defund NPR:   It's time. It's time to stop spending taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate children into homosexuality (Bert and Earnie came out a few years ago), or trendie transie. It's time to stop paying for NPR to teach Americans to hate America! Fortunately, there are some lawmakers who want to defund NPR, too! That makes me a happy camper!

April 19, 2024   Trendie Transie:   Speaking of trendie transies, there was an arrest made of a trendie transie (a female saying she was male), who was planning to shoot up a school, like another recent school shooting. She had a long "manifesto" and in it she said she thought about shooting up an elementary school because there'd be less resistance there, no chance of kids her age fighting back. It's disgusting that people think like this, but that's what they think is okay because their feelings were hurt and they think that allows them to do horrible things. The modern equivalent of "I'm special and no one is going to tell me otherwise!" is shooting people. Isn't that a sign of the times?

April 19, 2024   Traitor Johnson:   "Speaker" mike johnson, the man some believed would be right for the job at this time, has been WRONG for the job and has been kissing LEFTIST backside since his second day. His first day was okay, but after that, he got onto the slippery slope and happily slid down to the LEFTIST SIDE very quickly. Now, they're saying he's showing his true colors. I'm not shocked by it. I kinda' suspected it, but it's still disappointing that there doesn't seem to be a better choice out there than RINOS in Congress. I hate that. It's why there are at least three Republicans who want to oust him. I'm all for ousting him; but I dread who they could put in next, considering their lead is down to one Republican and the RINOS will be relied upon only by demonRATS.

April 19, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby's on his way home so we can go to Georgia. I'll try to be back here Tuesday. Until then, enjoy your weekend.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

April 17, 2024: 3:21 p.m.   Sorry I missed a few days. Life interrupted my efforts. Tomorrow I have to get an oil change in my vehicle, and Friday I have a photo shoot to do (I'm the photographer, not the one being photographed) and then we go to Georgia for the weekend. We have some peanuts to plant. That's going to be an experience. I've never planted peanuts before. I've eaten them, but I haven't planted them. It's like onions: you grow an onion from a small onion; potatoes from the "eyes" of potatoes. Growing edibles is different from growing flowers. That's for sure.

April 17, 2024   POISON "vaccine":   The TRUTH of the POISON jab is that it was NEVER SAFE. It was ALWAYS bad! There was NEVER PROOF that it was safe! Now, it turns out that even science is saying that it is INCREASING CANCER activity in people, super-charging cancers and making them more aggressive. There's also the fact that Pfizer admitted it was NOT tested to PREVENT C-19! They didn't test to see if it would PREVENT TRANSMISSION/INFECTION, they just released it and made FALSE PROMISES that it would work! THEY LIED TO US! It's sad that the people who got the POISON "vaccine" believed the LIARS who did this to the world; especially those poor souls who got the initial POISON and then additional booster POISONS. I'm so sorry for all of them. They don't know what lies ahead in their bodies. We do know that people have died from blood clots that are causing heart attacks. These POISON "vaccines" have been LIES from the beginning, bad from the get-go, POISON by design! The GOVERNMENT LIED TO US about them. They were in it together and they should both be held responsible!

April 17, 2024   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   After being in court all day, the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, went to Harlem (yes, Harlem, former home of demonRAT political advantage) and was greeted with chants of "We Love TRUMP!" That's what's happening in politics now. The LEFT is losing the black, Hispanic and poor votes because of the impact bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's policies have had. People are hurting. They were doing MUCH BETTER under Pres. Trump and now they're seeing what the demonRATS have done to their bright future that TRUMP'S POLICIES gave them and they want that back. The LEFT will have to CHEAT A LOT MORE/HARDER to grab power this time because they'll have MANY more people who used to vote for them voting for TRUMP this time. I bet they've already started printing ballots with BUYthem's oval chosen.

April 17, 2024   Gas Prices:   BloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe has done it again. He's making sure you PAY MORE FOR GAS by raising the price of drilling here and you'll definitely paying more. Sorry about that, but tell the LEFT that their cheating has consequences. At least there is the comfort of knowing that those who helped in Pennsylvania by kicking out the Republican observers and covering the counting area windows with pizza boxes, and the three people who stayed all night at the Georgia counting center running ballots (NOT legal votes, pre-printed ballots) that they pulled from under a table after everyone else was kicked out and ran through the ballot counting machines are paying the same high prices as you are paying. That's the best I can do for now. I'm praying that there will be relief come November; that they will not be able to CHEAT enough to overpower the votes that are going to be coming from real, legal CITIZENS. Remember, they want to let ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS VOTE in November, so don't count on the LEFT giving up easily.

April 17, 2024   Vegan Meat:   "Vegan meat", isn't that an oxymoron? Anyways, the fact is, it turns out that what the LEFT touted as being good for you is actually NOT good for you. It's They really aren't good for you, but the LEFT doesn't want you to know that. It's not just the salt and regular stuff that makes it bad. It's full of bacteria and there's NO OVERSIGHT for its manufacture. Why would anyone want to eat fake meat if it's full of bacteria? They don't tell you this stuff in the advertising for it, or the push by the LEFT for you to eat it. Just think how bad the the bugs they want you to eat will be!

April 17, 2024   WARNING: LUNCHABLES!:   If you feed your kids "Lunchables" or if you eat them yourself, you should STOP IMMEDIATELY because they've found "Lunchables" have HIGH LEVELS OF LEAD in them. Do NOT EAT OR FEED THEM TO YOUR KIDS.

April 17, 2024   Trendie Transie:   A four year long study has found that transing children is BAD FOR THEM:

"The study debunks almost every common myth advanced by the transgender fanatics, including the idea that if kids don't get care, they'll kill themselves."
It found that MOST children who have gender dysphoria (what it was called before it became a trend) outgrew it by their early to mid twenties and were fine with the gender they were born. How EVIL is it that the LEFT has done so much damage to children so that the LEFT can have POWER over those children, even though their POWER comes at the COST OF THE CHILDREN NEVER BEING NORMAL AGAIN! That's called EVIL. I was reading Isaiah today and in Isaiah 32 , I found the following:
"5 The vile person shall be no more called noble {liberal}, nor the churl said to be bountiful. 6 For the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. 7 The instruments also of the churl are evil; he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right."
That sounds like today's LEFT to a "T"! So I may just start calling the LEFT "VILE" instead of just LEFTISTS/LEFTIES/LEFT. It would become VILE/VILEST/VILERS? I don't know. I just know that the Bible is never wrong.

April 17, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby's on his way home. Also, my plans have changed again. I still have an oil change tomorrow, but Friday my photo shoot was cancelled because the family has the flu and that's something that I don't want to share with them. Hopefully they'll feel better and we'll be able to get this photo shoot done soon. So, we may just go to the farm Thursday night instead of Friday night. We'll see what happens. I live my life in five minute increments.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

April 11, 2024: 4:12 p.m.   demonRAT Woops!:   They scheduled their Grand Poobah meeting a little too late in the year! They have Ohio's and Alabama's laws to contend with that both say that they have to have the demonRAT candidate confirmed in BEFORE the demonRAT's National Convention in which they allegedly nominate their presidential candidate, "like, for real". You know, they go through the show of having speeches made, of people "voting" on the floor, of having "deals made" to give delegates and super delegates to certain candidates (they only have one running, bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe, so why go through the show, I have no idea), and that show is meant to make people feel like, yeah, this is a democratic process (even though America is a Representative Constitutional REPUBLIC). Well, the dnc's Convention is not scheduled until August 19th, while the Alabama deadline is FOUR DAYS EARLIER at August 15th, and Ohio's deadline is August 7th. IF the dnc doesn't confirm bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe as their candidate, officially, by those deadlines, the law says that he will be left off the ballot. That's 26 electoral college votes he would be totally ineligible to receive any votes to receive. If someone voted for him in Ohio, without him being on the ballot, they'd have to do so as a write-in candidate, which he may have to run for in Ohio if he's too late to be printed on the ballot. The problem with that is that it may be too late to register as a write-in candidate in either state. What are the lefties going to do? Are they going to just submit his name without going through their own official nominating process at their Convention, just to save the possibility of him getting on ballot on those two states? Or are they going to just CHEAT enough to win WITHOUT being on the ballot in either Ohio, or Alabama? Hard choice for the left. They love to win, even if it takes cheating to do so (see elections from 2016, 2020 and 2022 for proof: how many times do dead people get to vote, cartoon characters get to vote, or people vote from different houses in different precincts?), but can they let their cheating be so darn obvious that a deaf, mute, blind and lame person see it? Tough choice, but they may have to make it.

April 11, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe HATES CHRISTIANS:   You've seen story after story after story about how this FAUXministration, and the "devout Catholic" leading it, are targeting and discriminating against Christians. There was another story about it yesterday and today, of course, there is another example. The U.S. military's chaplains are taking the SecDef (Secretary of Defense), Lloyd Austin, all the way to the SCOTUS

"[T]he chaplains filed a petition with the Supreme Court challenging the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ dismissal of their claims for an injunction against continued retaliation for requesting religious accommodation [against the Covid-19 mandate] and the District Court’s dismissal of their constitutional and statutory claims."


"[O]n Friday, April 26, the Supreme Court will have the opportunity to stay, or pause, the policies that have continued to impact these chaplains’ careers."
The U.S. military has taken retaliatory steps against the chaplains (and other military members) who refused to take the jab on religious objections grounds and SecDef Austin is making them STILL pay for it. This, even though even the CDC downgraded Covid to about the same as THE FLU, yet the U.S. military still pushes the POISON "vaccine" and punishes those who don't get it! That's absurd! It's this FAUXministration's way of trying to keep a foot on the neck of everyone who would disobey. If they can do this to the U.S. military, what can they do to civilians who disobey? Trust me. They don't want to find out what happens if they try it!

April 11, 2024   BABY-KILLING:   The REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, recently released a statement about abortion. Some said he followed Lincoln's example of settling things. Others disagreed and said he did a Stephen Douglas on it. Whichever, you think he did, I think that he's trying his best to support the ruling of the SCOTUS on Roe v. Wade and their returning that choice to states. I think he's kinda' "threading the needle" on it, and in this contentious time when the LEFT is going to try to make abortion (BABY-KILLING) a focus of this election, his statement is very astute. When he gets back into office (which he will barring MASSIVE, MASSIVE CHEATING BY THE LEFT), he can turn on the WHOLE ENCHILADA PRO-LIFE guns again and "Make Babies Safe Again!" I look forward to that. In the meantime, give him some grace and understand that he is PRO-LIFE, but not Pro-DESTROY AMERICA. If he has to "free the slaves" (that is, save the babies) slowly, he'll do it in order to save America. After all, to Pres. Donald J. Trump, babies in the womb ARE AMERICANS, TOO. That, he has made abundantly clear.

April 10, 2024   PEDOPHILE DEATHS:   They're not dead yet, but under Rep. Anna Paulina Luna's bill, the "Holding Child Predators Accountable Act" would not only "impose harsher penalties and mandatory minimums", but would

"mandate the death penalty or life imprisonment for those convicted of producing, distributing, or possessing child pornography involving the sexual exploitation of minors."
I like this! I SUPPORT THIS! I LOVE THIS! She goes on to say,
"'Death penalty. It will come to the floor. Let’s see who tries to protect pedophiles,' on Facebook."
I want names! I want to find out for certain who is going to stand up and say, "Uh. No. We can't do that!" because anyone who does is NOT YOUR FRIEND and NOT TO BE TRUSTED AROUND YOUR -- OR ANYONE ELSE'S -- CHILDREN! I think that's something we can all agree on. This should get the support of EVERY parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, child out there who IS NOT A PEDOPHILE, GROOMER, or PERVERT! Call your local U.S. Representative and Senator and tell them that you want them to support this bill when it's introduced. IF they refuse, tell them that you now know you cannot trust them around your children and they won't be getting your vote in the future if they won't protect your children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, etc. IF they won't vote to protect children, THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

April 10, 2024   Trendie Transie:   A study has been conducted in England about the NHS's procedures for allowing children to get transgender treatment and surgeries and it's quite damning. The results show that "the pillars of gender medicine are ‘built on shaky foundations,'" and one of the most damning conclusions (IMHO) was this:

"While a considerable amount of research has been published in this field, systematic evidence reviews demonstrated the poor quality of the published studies, meaning there is not a reliable evidence base upon which to make clinical decisions, or for children and their families to make informed choices."
That's pretty damning. "The poor quality of the published studies" means that people are making decisions on a really damagaing decision based upon BAD OR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION, and that the MEDICAL PROFESSION IS PUSHING IT ANYWAYS! You thought that the Covid-19 POISON "vaccine" was the only reason to distrust the medical profession? Wrong! Any doctor/surgeon/psychiatric practitioner who pushes or encourages, suggests, approves of, or even agrees with this LIE is TOTALLY UNTRUSTWORTHY! How many ways do doctors and the "medical profession" have of messing things up?! I want to know why any "First, do no harm" "medical professional" would want to push this transgender LIE onto children besides for the MONEY it can make them! Can you trust anyone who tries to harm children like this? I cannot!

April 11, 2024   Well, my hubby just got home so I'm going to close for now. We didn't go on our date night last night. I wasn't feeling up to it. Yesterday was the anniversary of my Mom's death last year and it wasn't a happy day, so we agreed to stay home. Chocolate helped, though, and I'm feeling better today. Which reminds me of my favorite sign: "Day three without chocolate. Lost hearing in my left eye." (Yep. That's correct: "left eye". Too funny!)

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

April 10, 2024: 3:37 p.m.   I don't have much time for updates (it's date night), but it's been so long that I thought I'd try to get at least a few in.

April 10, 2024   PRO-TRUMP AD:   One of the best Pro-Trump ads that you have ever seen. Will it stop the left from their TDS? No. Will it make some of the "I don't like mean tweets" people rethink their dislike of President Trump? Maybe. Maybe it will wake some people up to the reality of what America is facing. I think you should see it so here's the page about it and a direct link to the commercial video. There's a "Part 1" to the video that is available here. I think they will make some people wake up. I hope and pray so!

April 10, 2024   BUYthem's Border:   He says that he's now going to "take action" on the border. Yeah. Right. Sorry if I'm a bit skeptical, but he's had three years to do this. Why would he stop making excuses and start taking action now? Oh, yeah. It's an election year, but that doesn't stop him from lying.

April 10, 2024   TDS:   A 76 year-old man, a friend of The REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, is going back to jail because he is said to have lied under oath about the size of Pres. Donald J. Trump's penthouses. Let me repeat that: about the size -- the size -- of one of Trump's penthouses. Excuse me while I find my jaw and pick it up off the floor. How many times has a LEFTIST LIED UNDER OATH? Shall we start with crackheadhunterBUYthem? He LIED under oath with almost every word he spoke. How about the many, many times Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas lied under oath? How about the J6th committee and their LIES and their destruction of exculpatory evidence? Sounds to me like there is yet another instance of LEFTIES getting special treatment. As usual. And such a LITTLE lie, compared to what Mayorkas did! I mean, really! The SIZE of a penthouse? Really? SMH.

April 10, 2024   Reparations via NO TAXES?:   A black congresswoman (no respect, no caps) said that she doesn't think that blacks should have to pay taxes because of slavery. Um. No. IF their ancestors were slaves, they should have been exempt from paying taxes, but not today's blacks. The fact is that the people wanting reparations and to NOT pay taxes were never slaves and their parents were never slaves and they never suffered under that system. Also, we have no slave owners today, so we have a people who are saying that YOU should pay the price for something your ancestors may not have even done. Is that fair? Is it right that you should pay for something that YOU DID NOT DO? I don't think so. I think that anyone calling for reparations is actually saying "I'm special. I need something from everyone else because I have a certain skin tone!" What about the people who moved here from Africa in the last ten years? Do they get "reparations", too? Do they get to cry about slavery, too? Do we pay everyone? Or is it just for those who have been here for ten years and a day, or longer? I'm so tired of this nonsense. Let's just stop it, right now.

April 10, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe HATES CHRISTIANS:   He's now trying to make sure that the federal government can control who Christian organizations can hire. That's against the First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
If this policy gets putinto effect, then we hava the problem of the government interfering in religion. If you have a Christian organization who wants to hire a specific person -- or to NOT hire a specific person, an atheist, for instance -- the government has no right to demand that you hire that person, or NOT hire that person. It's not up to them to decide for you. Tell bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe that he's not allowed to do so. He proves daily that he hates Christians and Christianity, that good "Catholic" boy. It's rather absurd to think that he's "Catholic". He's more like the anti-Christ than any sort of Christian or Catholic!

April 10, 2024   2024 Election:   Sounds to me like the LEFT is losing voters--a LOT of voters--because of BUYthem. People are tired of paying so much more for everything, they can't afford the things they used to under Pres. Donald J. Trump, and they are working two or three jobs to try to make ends meet, and paying twice as much for the gas to get to each of those jobs! That's why blacks and Hispanics are switching to support Pres. Donald J. Trump! We have to rethink the way things happen in our elections. IMHO, we have to rethink how to PREVENT THE LEFT'S CHEATING! Let's STOP it this year and we'll be able to (perhaps) trust our results. We'll see.

April 10, 2024   Well, my hubby just got home, so I'm going to go. I'll try to see you back here tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

March 29, 2024: 4:16 p.m.: Easter Weekend Begins:   I hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful, reflective, Christ-centered Easter weekend and that your reflecting on Christ's sinless life, humbling sacrifice in horrific pain and agony, death on the cross and finally, His resurrection will lead you closer to HIM! I'm very grateful for His sacrifice for me. John 3:16:

"New International Version
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
That's what GOD and His Son, Jesus Christ did for you. This was planned from BEFORE God made the heavens and the earth! It's GOD'S plan that you know Him, that He has a relationship with you and He and Jesus AGREED to this plan before they created the sun, moon, stars or earth. They LOVED YOU BEFORE THEY CREATED ALL OF THIS FOR YOU. That's why they came up with a plan to get you to heaven before they created anything else. They LOVE YOU. Remember that this weekend and every day thereafter.

March 29, 2024   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   It may be that at least one of the cases against the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, is falling apart and jack smith is not happy about it. (As my brother says, "Oh, wah!") The documents are now under the control of Judge Aileen Cannon (a Conservative judge with true Constitutional knowledge and integrity), and she can rule that some of the testimoney that was given in Washington D.C. can be excluded and she gets to decide which documents are going to be used in the trial. Sounds like jack smithieboy could be sobbing into his beer and wetting his bed for quite a while, if she does the Constitutionally correct things.

He's not the only TDS sufferer who is throwing hissy fits, though. His company is wade mistress, fani willis, and she's not happy that Rep. Jim Jordan is sticking with the contempt of Congress charge because they've been

"requesting she send documents that recorded how the DA’s office spent federal funds, and requesting the documents be sent by Feb. 28."
A whistleblower employee said that she planned to use
"part of a $488,000 federal grant—earmarked for the creation of a Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention—to pay for "swag," computers, and travel."
So there are now two TDS sufferers/"attorneys"/prosecutors who are upset because they're not getting their own way in all of their wrongdoings. Awww... Too bad.

And of course, there's a third leftist TDS sufferer who is involved in a Trump TDS "trial" (read: Effort to prevent Trump from being able to be sworn into office next January). This one is a "judge" and he's throwing the book at J6 defendants (stand-ins for Trump) and he's breaking judicial ethics by going on cnn and speaking about "pending legal matters". He is threatening J6 defendants with STIFFER SENTENCES if the SCOTUS rules in favor of the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, in any of the cases that come before the SCOTUS. This "judge", if they rule in Trump's favor, will review his sentencing of every J6 case that came before him and push back their release dates; even though there were NO REAL CRIMES COMMITTED BY THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE. Despicable doesn't even begin to describe how terrible these pieces of human excrement who passed the Bar exam are! They should all be brought up on charges of their own and lose their licenses, their positions, their pensions and anything else associated with their MALpractice of the law!

March 29, 2024   RACIST!:   Warning! Coming soon to all government programs near and far from you! The "reclassification" of who we are by a more detailed "race and ethnicity" metric. Soon, we'll be able to be more exacting on our government forms and the government will be able to demand more "representation" of certain groups because of the new race/ethnicity classification system. Don't ya' love that the LEFT is implementing something so that Somalia can have more representation in American government? After all, they need more than just ilhan-I-married-my-brother-omar in Congress, don't they? Remember: she said that her

"'No. 1 job' is to look out for Somalia and that one day, the country will go after other territories to 'unify all Somali-speaking people.'"
Yep. That's what America needs. We need to divide us more and to make sure that more foreigners are here to break America into little enclaves of specific language-speaking people who hate America and Americans. Remember that Muslims have vowed to destroy America and that Somalis are Muslim. The LEFT SUPPORTS THIS. Do you?

March 29, 2024   LEFTIES Harm Families and Children:   We've seen how often LEFTIES have been taking custody of children away from their parents because the parent won't use the "right pronouns" that the kid is now claiming, falling prey to the "trendie transie" movement and demanding to be made something the kid was never meant to be. We've seen how the LEFT encouraged (from the nineteen-fifties and on) single motherhood -- especially among blacks -- and then subsidized single motherhood; the more children the more money they got. We've seen how the LEFT made divorce easier and faster, usually kicking the father out of the child's life except for brief visitations every other weekend or even fewer times throughout the year. There is a PRICE to pay for the LEFT'S inteference with the "nuclear family". That price is written about in a book that I must read. The problem is, the LEFT is still pushing the destruction of the nuclear family and they're doing so vehemently through public schools! This is not a good thing! Children need a few basic things to grow into well-adjusted, stable adults:

  • A two parent household with parents willing to talk instead of walk out.

  • A relationship with GOD; and the parents to have one also.

  • A home, no matter where it is, grand or shabby, a home to feel like the child belongs somewhere.

  • Discipline: NOT abuse, but rules and guidelines that are to be followed and enforced.

  • A decent education that does NOT include the lies of the LEFT.

  • Parental guidance and counsel: listening to a child's heart and concerns does a world of good.

  • Freedom to learn from their own mistakes, with the corrective discipline that goes with those mistakes.

  • Food: it doesn't have to be filet mignon, but they do need to eat to function.

  • A sense of self-worth that comes from praise for accomplishments, not just participation trophies.

  • A worth ethic: Chores are always a good idea because it teaches them responsibility, and gets them praised when well done.

  • Protection from evil: Sexual predators are everywhere and so are drugs and other bad influences. GOD is important here.

That's what children need, NOT the LEFT'S interference in every aspect of their lives and certainly NOT the LEFT'S pushing hormones and "gender-affirming therapies" on them! It's time to get back to the basics. It's time to be the Cleavers and get Ward and June raising the kids with love, discipline and integrity. It's time to TAKE PARENTING BACK AGAIN!

March 29, 2024   Leftie Females Need Change:   A FORMER leftie female wrote about how the single leftie females (or maybe I should write non-males to make them happier?) are in need of change and GOD. I totally agree and hope that they all find the peace she did in Christ.

March 29, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. Everyone have a great Easter weekend. Remember the Reason for the Season: Jesus Christ loved you enough to DIE for you, and was the ONLY person who was sinless and rose from the grave and lived again for YOU to be able to go to heaven to live eternally with Him and GOD, HIS FATHER. You can walk streets of gold or you can have eternal torment. The choice is yours. Choose wisely because you'll be in either place forever. Which shall it be for you?

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

March 28, 2024: 4:17 p.m.   May have a little time to do blurbs today, despite my late start, because of the traffic from the expected Delta IV Heavy launch attempt. So I'll get started with...

March 28, 2024   DemonRAT Cheating:   This time, it's not in an election it's a reminder that RFK Jr. cheated on his wife MANY times and when she found his secret diary (with names and codes to tell how far he got with each of 37 named women) she couldn't cope and hung herself after years of self-medicating with alcohol and drugs. That's so sad that we have a family history of Kennedys who can't even spell the word "fidelity" yet they're frequently elected to public office. If they can't keep their wedding vow to the person they allegedly love the most, who should be most important to them, how does anyone expect them to keep their campaign promises? Don't get me wrong, I think that RFK Jr. being on the ballot will help the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, legally win a THIRD election because RFK will be taking votes away from BUYthem. However, the people who voted for him should know ahead of time that he's NOT a promise keeper. Pres. Donald J. Trump, I acknowledge, is not known for his marital fidelity, either, but when it comes to his presidential promises, I think his first term in office was a pretty good indicator of what he can do for America and how good his policies make things. I want to go back to that. Don't you want to pay less for gas, food, clothing, etc., not have to work two jobs to make ends meet and have time to spend with your family? That's what I'm voting for; that and PRO-LIFE, because President Trump is PRO-LIFE while RFK is PRO-BABY-KILLING

"'Mr. Kennedy’s position on abortion is that it is always the woman’s right to choose. He does not support legislation banning abortion,'"
Babies' Lives Matter! In fact, Mr. Kennedy was one himself at one time. I bet he's glad his mother didn't kill him!

March 28, 2024   Trendie Transie:   In Kansas both the Kansas House and Senate passed a bill banning sex change hormones and puberty blockers for minors, but the demonRAT death-loving governor vows to veto it. The KS Senate has passed it with a veto-proof majority, but two Representatives were absent for the House vote, but they had already voted for the legislation previously, so if it comes to an overturn the veto vote, I hope they are there and that the House and Senate get to vote to overturn the demonRAT'S veto and that Kansas children can live through their confusion without doing irreversible damage to their bodies thanks to the Kansas House and Senate Republicans. That would be excellent!

March 28, 2024   Hate Crime:   The Missouri Attorney General says he's open to charging the black teen who beat Kaylee Gain's head into the pavement until she was "unconscious and twitching" with a HATE CRIME! I'm not certain, but this may be the first -- or one of the first -- times a black person may face a hate crime charge. It's about time! Hate crimes are not a one-way street and if the person committing the crime is white, black, brown, yellow, purple with green polkadots, it doesn't matter. There is SUPPOSED TO BE "equal protection under the law". There isn't supposed to be a law for blacks and a law for whites. We did away with segregation in the 1960s so all of that nonsense is over. Of course, the LEFT wants it to continue because they can use that animosity against Conservatives who are the ones who SUPPORTED the END of slavery, the END of segregation (demonRATS created the KKK and wanted segregation to continue), elected Robert Byrd, a KKK Grand Kleegle, and put bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe into office with all of his racist remarks (remember that links to an article written in 2021, so he's made many other racist remarks more recently!). I'm glad that a HATE CRIME may be laid at the perpetrator's feet. I don't care that she's a multi-lingual person, a good student, or anything else good they say about her, nor that she was allegedly BULLIED (oh, wah!). She did the CRIME and that's what matters. She assaulted someone so badly that her victim is still in the hospital and that's what she should have to pay for! There's no "get out of trouble free" card in real life... Well, is she registered to vote as a demonRAT yet? If not, she needs to do so quickly because that will get her right out of trouble and put her on the presidential fast track. We've seen the LEFT elect so many adulterers, people arrested for doing drugs (DC Mayor, Marion Berry, anyone?), re-elect embezzlers, etc., that I wouldn't be surprised if the attacker here was sent to the U.S. Senate, instead of prison. They'll just LIE about her age.

March 28, 2024   Leftist Hypocrisy:   As usual, if there's something the LEFT can be hyppocritical about, there will be at least a zillion of them doing so. I'm sorry. Did I write, "a zillion"? What's the next highest number above that? Anyways, LEFTIST television guy, jon stewart (never watched a moment of his show), has derided the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, because of the ALLEGED over-valuing of Trump's Mar-a-Lago in a real estate loan. The problem is, we know jon stewart did the SAME THING, BUT WORSE and he's not be prosecuted by LEFTIST letitia james, now is he? Hypocrisy, thy name is LEFTIES.

March 28, 2024   Well, that didn't take long. My hubby is home and he wants us to run errands, so I'll go for now. I'll try to see you tomorrow.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

March 26, 2024: 2:47 p.m.:   Well, that was fun! I made a call last week to an aunt of my husband's that we hadn't seen in quite a few years and she remembered me and we arranged to get together last Sunday. We had a great time with Aunt H. and her daughter, N., and we talked for over four hours. Then I stayed up to make sure my hubby got up early to go back to Florida and get to work on time, which meant an all-nighter for me, but then I couldn't get sleepy and stayed up from 8:30 Sunday morning until almost midnight Monday night. That was also okay, because I got to watch some of my favorite DVDs: Dr. Who. I was tired and thought that if I sat down to do my updates I might fall asleep. After all, it does get a bit boring writing all the time about the LEFT'S wrongs; but there are so many that impact you, my readers, that I feel like I have to keep covering them. Anyways, I'm here today (won't be here tomorrow since I'm driving back to Florida tomorrow), and I'll get started.

March 26, 2024   Fauci-China-19:   There are so many things that were LIES surrounding this man-made disease that I totally believe it was meant to do what it did: shut down the world in order to facilitate the 2020 STEAL. One of those LIES was that all of the POISON "vaccines" were "safe and effective":

"The Danish Medicines Agency has warned that chronic hives is a possible side effect of the Moderna mRNA injection."
That's according to the "PeterSweden" article that reveals the DMA's findings. It also says
"the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is in agreement with the Danish findings."
So now that the studies are actually being done on the HORRIBLE side effects, they're finding more and more and more of the LIES that we were told about the safety and efficacy of the POISONS. In another study, this time by Japanese researchers at the Asahikawa Medical University, Hokkaido, Japan, has found that
"[T]he spike protein’s presence in blood transfusions could lead to various health issues, including thrombosis (blood clots), cardiovascular problems, and a wide array of systemic diseases affecting multiple organs.

"The study meticulously reviews the existing literature and reports on post-vaccination phenomena, such as the persistence of vaccine components like mRNA and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the bloodstream of vaccinated individuals.

"It highlights concerns that these components might not only remain in the donor’s blood but could also be passed on to recipients through transfusions, potentially leading to unintended health consequences."
So if you did NOT get the POISON "vaccine" (good for you!), then I strongly URGE YOU do NOT accept blood that has been "vaccinated" with any mRNA-type "vaccines" of any sort. They're using mRNA shots for more that FC-19 now so make sure that you have NON-mRNA blood transfused if you are going to need it. Better yet, have them collect your own blood PRIOR to your operation and use that during your surgery. Zero Hedge reported
"Some studies have reported that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines is neurotoxic and capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, the review stated. 'Thus, there is no longer any doubt that the spike protein used as an antigen in genetic vaccines is itself toxic.' [my bolding and italics]"
Donate your own blood PRIOR to any surgical procedure, if you can. Otherwise, you may wind up with tainted blood. The article reminds us,
"[U]ndercover recording reveals that the Red Cross does not track or separate blood based on vaccination status. This means that patients requiring transfusions could unknowingly receive blood from vaccinated donors."
That's what you DO NOT want! In America, even the FDA has admitted that giving the Fauci-China-19 POISON "vaccine" to babies under 5 years-old "significantly increased" febrile seizures in those children! Even though this is a KNOWN side effect, our horrible, death-focused government agency,
"the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added the COVID-19 vaccine to the routine immunization schedule"!
They are trying to kill the children! Why are they doing this? Because they want to reduce the population of the world so that they can be the kings and queens of their now-servile population who are not "one of them". There is no other explanation that fits the FACTS of the Fauci-China-19 truths.

March 26, 2024   Aww... Too bad Funny!:   I'm sorry to be practicing Schadenfreude, but I can't help it. It's funny to me that another Rotten Romney, ronna romney-mcdaniel, is now unemployed again. She was removed from the RNC and replaced with pro-MAGA people and thought she had landed a gig at nbc, but the other hosts there (LEFTIES all) complained so much that the msnbc/nbc execs decided that hiring her in the first place was probably a bad idea. She gone! I guess when you betray America the LEFT knows you can't be trusted with their side, either. Should have listened to what the people of the Republican Party wanted, but I suppose she thought that the "little people" were not important enough to take into consideration. She was too busy buying expensive flower arrangements, staying in high-end hotels and being pampered like a princess. Perks were everything to her, who cares about the country? So I say, "Buh-bye! And good riddance!" For both jobs! (And to you LEFTIES who are gloating that I'm admitting to Schadenfreude, aren't you doing the same right now? Hypocrites.)

March 26, 2024   BABY-KILLING:   Republicans need to tell the single women of America the TRUTH about abortion. They need to find a way to tell them about what a child in the uterus actually is, teaching them about the baby's heartbeat and when that starts beating. That, according to some research, is at five or six weeks after fertilization. Did you know that? After six weeks, every abortion is stopping a beating heart. According to other, more modern research, a baby's heartbeat is detected AT 21 DAYS AFTER FERTILIZATION! That's according to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S OWN WEBSITE, but they still push ABORTION ON WOMEN, saying it's a RIGHT TO KILL BABIES! So ANY WOMAN having an abortion after day 21 is definitely killing a LIVING BABY. The federal government's website states:

"The developmental period defined as CS-10 was first described in 1957 (at that time called 'age group X' or 'horizon X'), and it was already in this paper that the onset of cardiac pumping activity was assigned to this stage of development and that the age of CS-10 embryos was estimated to be 22 ± 1 days after fertilization."
It also quotes a German study from 1898 that states,
"'A circulation, driven by contractions of the heart tube, is already present in human embryos of approximately 2 mm length.”) [48] (pp. 445–446). His descriptions and illustrations of such embryos matched with the morphology of CS-10 and CS-11 embryos but the age of these embryos was reported to be 12–14 days after fertilization"!
Twelve to fourteen days! That's 1898's knowledge and since then the LEFT has slowly but completely HIDDEN THAT KNOWLEDGE FROM THE PUBLIC SO THAT THEY CAN KILL BABIES! Thank you, Margaret Sanger! It gets WORSE! In a paper done by Wilhelm His, Sr., in 1880 he wrote,
"... the heart is formed as a tube and, according to observations made on animal embryos, is actually working.”) [49] (p. 155). The age of these embryo was reported to be 16–18 days after fertilization".
The author of the paper this information comes from reminds us that:
"The term 'heartbeat' is used to describe 'the regular movement that the heart makes as it sends blood around your body' [11]. The above-mentioned observations suggest that, with regard to the embryonic heart, we should not speak of a beating heart before coordinated regular movements of its walls generate a unidirectional fluid flow within the vascular network of the embryonic cardiovascular system. In human embryos this functional state seems to be reached during CS-10 [21 days]."
Remember: this information is at least 25 years old so more recent findings could lead us to an even earlier day!
"Thus, on the basis of these data, which are more than 25 years old, the first heartbeats of an individual human embryo may be expected to appear during a time span that starts at 20 days after fertilization [my bolding]".
Add to this the fact that the FDA has approved UNSAFE mail order abortion pill, Mifepristone,, that can not only kill the baby but
"is responsible for a 500 percent increase in abortion-related emergency room visits for complications such as hemorrhage, 'fast, weak pulse,' 'shortness of breath,' diarrhea, dizziness, headache, vomiting, and 'pain' across the back, arms, neck, and abdomen, and a myriad of other risks. Even the FDA admits in the mifepristone label that 1 in 25 women who down the drug will end up in the hospital.[links omitted]"
Sounds to me like the Federal government, that published the study with the dates on its own National Institute of website, is pushing to not only KILL BABIES, but likes the idea of KILLING WOMEN, TOO!

March 26, 2024   Attack, or Accident?:   The cargo ship that took out a bridge in Baltimore, Maryland allegedly had a power outage and hit a support for the bridge. This bridge was an important route for transporting hazardous materials and some claim it was NO ACCIDENT! I watched the video and it looked to me like the ship headed straight for the support. It looked like it was done on purpose to me, but I don't know all of the facts as yet, and with this FAUXministration we may never know the truth of what happened. We'll see what disasters (please note the plural) result from this "accident" and how the FAUXministration handles them. How much do you want to bet that we'll have a sudden increase in hazardous waste road accidents now? Be prepared. The LEFT is in control and they're trying to get rid of the rest of us, any way they can. Of course, bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe LIES about taking a train across the bridge even though it never had train tracks on it at all, and that's what we could understand of what he was saying because most of it was mumblefarf qodehcid chorchyrsy. Yeah. I couldn't understand him, either.

March 26, 2024   LEFTIES Losing It:   When you vote FOR a LEFTIE, you have to expect to get the policies you VOTED FOR enacted. That's the way it works. Now, there are many LEFTIES who are regretting their vote and "obamacare" is RED PILLING people left, right and center. The LEFT is regretting voting for themuslimvileone/BUYthem because their "healthcare insurance" (read: RIP OFF) has gone up so much that they can no longer really afford it. It's time to put THE REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, back into office and to put TRUE CONSERVATIVE HOUSE AND SENATE candidates into office and to KILL OBAMACARE and get America back on track again! MAGA ALL THE WAY! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or crappy, lying LEFTIES who hate America and Americans!)

March 26, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. Remember I won't be here tomorrow because I'll be going back to Florida. Y'all enjoy the nice weather (if you're having nice weather) and I'll try to be back here on Thursday.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

March 21, 2024: 3:53 p.m.:   Well, I made it to the keyboard. That's a big step! I have been in Georgia since the 13th when I drove to the farm and the next day bought the peanuts to use as seeds for my hubby to grow and eat, and the corn to plant and okra for the deer. While we were trying to make our secondary water well to work so we could water the okra and corn patch (God wound up doing that for us a few hours later) my hubby figured out that the pump for the well wasn't working anymore. He bought a part for it and installed it, but that did not fix it, so we called an expert out (turns out he's one of my hubby's second cousins!) and he worked on and fixed our well by installing a new pump and changing the control box out. Now our secondary well works and we can water our crops with it when it's time. Hurray. I will be here at least through this weekend because I want to try to visit some local relatives we haven't seen for quite a while and I hope to be able to arrange that while I'm up here. I did get every card that I brought the supplies for completed and that means I have over sixty cards that I made in the last few days and I will have more room in my "supplies" drawers. Now I can use those drawers for junk journal supplies becasue I want to focus on them as soon as I get my santas painted for Christmas. You do know I do a lot of crafting, right? If not, now you do. Anyway, I will do a few blurbs for today and try to get some done tomorrow, too, although that depends on when/if my relatives are going to want to get together. We'll see.

March 21, 2024   Election Integrity:   The LEFT has been at it again; planning to STEAL the 2024 Election is what they're doing, just like they did in 2020. There is a whistleblower who is telling us what to expect and he says that in the 2020 election,

"'20 million fraudulent mail-in ballots were used to rig the 2020 election against Trump. The Deep State shadow government realized that to defeat Trump, they would need to dramatically increase the number of mail-in ballots – especially in swing states. This would require creating fear on a monstrous scale. To create this fear, they released a biological warfare weapon called COVID-19. Also, to create even more fear, they introduced a fake PCR test which artificially magnified the number of cases by a factor of 30.'"
That's according to a
"former leader of the Washington State Democratic Party. He was the East King County Representative to the King County Central Committee and Training Advisor for King County Democrats [my bolding]".
Because of that, I think we should listen to him. He, David Spring, is the one who wrote, "Exposing the DNC Plan to Rig the 2024 Election". He also wrote, "A Crime Against All of Us...Evidence that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged". Read both of them and see how the LEFT operates in the dark, and that under the cover of "democracy", they STEAL our elections and pervert the very thing they profess they are trying to protect. Typical LEFTISTS: LIE, LIES, LYING and LIARS trying to hid the LIES that keep them in power. Power is their aphrodisiac and having it gets them money, their god. They don't care about anyone else, or anything else as long as it keeps them in POWER.

March 21, 2024   Loathesome scotus:   I can't imagine how COWARDLY one has to be to NOT stand up for PARENTAL RIGHTS. If the State had a pregnancy and gave birth to a child, would they want US telling them how to raise that child, taking that child away if we disagreed with the way they were doing things, or allowing that child to be removed from the home (basically kidnapped), because we disagreed? That's what the scotus (no caps because I do NOT respect them) has basically done. They've allowed a STATE KIDNAPPING to stand because the parents would not use their son's prefered pronouns of she/her. How ABSURD AND RIDICULOUS is that? It took two years to get to the loathesome scotus so the then-sixteen-year-old is now eighteen and considered an adult so they may have used the "moot point" excuse, but they should have ruled on it because PARENTAL RIGHTS mean something and it does NOT mean that the STATE can FORCE SPEECH FROM YOU! You CANNOT be FORCED TO SAY ANYTHING, not by the State and not by the "child protective services" (whatever they're called in your state and they PROTECT no one except their own ideology!). The loathesome scotus did NOT do its job in refusing to hear the case. They punted and in doing so put other children at jeopardy of being taken away from their parents by state actors pushing a transgender agenda. Trendie transie-ism is NOT good for children, but the LEFT pushes it anyways as a way to put a wedge into any family with a confused child trying to fit in with any group that will take them. If he or she has to "become" transie in order to fit in, a lot of kids have done so. Thankfully, there are a lot of kids who are realizing their mistake and coming out of it, and there are a few websites about reversing a transgender medical treatment/social mistake. I found Detrans, which has a hopeful "About Us" because they are two DNA females who transitioned to men (double mastectomies included) when they were young, then realized that they were not happy as men and detransitioned and started living as women again. This is what the TREND of transie is doing: confusing, scarring and marking young people for life as someone who went along with the crowd. I also found "Resouces for Detransitioners" at a website for a group called "Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics". I read a little of their "Position Statement" and agree with it. Gender Dysphoria is a passing thing if children get help with it and it can resolve itself -- as long as weak parents do not go into the doctor's office with their child and accept the hormone treatments, surgery schedule, etc.! Stand up TO your child telling them "NO!" and then stand up FOR your child, telling the State, school, doctors and others to "Take a flying leap off a tall building!" because your child is YOUR child and no matter what the loathesome scotus says or does, that's the way GOD made it!

March 21, 2024   "Mouth-iot":   Yes, I've coined a new term for aoc (alexandria ocasio-cortez): "Mouth-iot". It's a combination of Big Mouth and Idiot, "Mouth-iot". She has the IQ of a cotton ball and didn't know what a garbage disposal was (Remember that?). She is now so certain that she knows everything about BUYthem (bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe) being so good, clean and pure that she lost it when Tony Bobulinski said he saw BUYthem commit RICO crimes as well as breaking corruption and conspiracy laws. Being the world renowned attorney that she is[n't], the brilliant (sarcasm), legal mind said,

"'Excuse me, sir, RICO is not a crime. It is a category'".
Uh... It's both and Bobulinski was saying he saw BUYthem commit at least one of the crimes covered in the category. If BUYthem was doing ANY of those things listed in the previous link, then BUYthem committed a CRIME by doing that thing that is covered under the RICO Act. It's very simple; if there's a law that says "Don't do THIS THING" (whatever that thing may be) and you do that thing, then you're breaking the law and committing a crime. That crime is still a crime even if it falls into a category crime. The Mouth-iot's statement is like saying that because you didn't rape a woman that you did no harm to her body because all you did is beat her! It's still a crime! But the truth doesn't matter to her excellent legal mind because her double major in international relations and economics makes her the smarter person, right?

March 21, 2024   First Amendment, Free Speech:   It may be gone. This LOATHESOME SCOTUS is ready, willing and able to tell us to kiss our Free Speech rights goodbye and to roll over and make nary a whimper when they rule that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has a right to censor our speech. If they can do it on social media, they can do it anywhere and this loathesome scotus (kavanaugh especially) seems to be willing to agree with the government's past history of censoring us as well as any future efforts they may wish to make. I think KNOW that's UNconstituional, but since when does the U.S. Constitution matter anymore? When was the last known date of it being adhered to? Can anyone name it? I can't. The loathesome scotus ruling against our First Amendment right to Free Speech will be bad for America, but to these scotus members -- except Alito and Thomas -- that doesn't seem to matter.

March 21, 2024   IRS Oversees YOUR Bank Account:   Did you know that if the IRS wants to look into your banking practices -- how much money you have, where you spend it, how much you save, what your mortgage is, to whom you give birthday checks, etc. and everything -- they do so and they don't bother getting a warrant from a judge to do so? Did you know that? They do it to anyone they so desire and banks just cooperate. It's not as if the IRS has anyone holding them to accountability: our worthless House and Senate are too busy doing insider trading (that the IRS knows about and ALLOWS) to worry about protecting us. Heavens! We're just the "little people" in "flyover country"! Why should anyone in Washington D.C. care about us?

March 21, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   He's trying to make you buy an electric vehicle, whether you want one, or not. Our little Hyundai gets (on a regular basis) 48-51.4 miles per gallon. That's why we bought it, great gas millage. We will NEVER buy an electric vehicle, though, unless it's a golf cart, or a fun little scooter thing to use on the farm. We don't want to have to pay extra for electricity and we don't need him telling us we have to! His desires are not our desires and he doesn't control our purchases. We'll buy USED cars if his rule is put in place, but we will NEVER buy an electric vehicle that is WORSE for the environment than our Hyundai! The electricity needed to charge the cars will be in great demand, so our electric bills will skyrocket anyways, so we'll not only be paying more to charge our stupid electric car (YOU will, at least; not I), but everyone will be paying more for cooking supper (remember, they already outlawed gas stoves), heating your homes, heating your hot water, running your microwave for popcorn, etc. This is just another POWER AND CONTROL effort by the LEFT to make you miserable. That's what happens when LEFTIES get into power: MISERY. Remember when the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, was in office and how great things were? Low gas prices, low food prices, higher prescription prices, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. It's BUYthem's policies -- with the help of the LEFTIES and RINOS in the House and Senate -- that are squeezing your wallet until it cries. Remember the LIES BUYthem tells about his "economic record"? Yeah. He's a LEFTIST: HE LIES.

March 21, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. I need to do some chores around the farm. I washed my tractor, Aaron, on Monday, but I may go out now and make him dirty again. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

March 12, 2024: 3:49 p.m.:   I won't be here tomorrow. I'll be going to Georgia and I'll be (hopefully) doing updates from there Thursday and Friday. Don't know how long I'll be there, but at least until Sunday.

March 12, 2024   FAILconomy:   They say that the inflation rate climbed higher than expected in February. Um. My problem with that is that they seem to forget from info release to info release who is living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. With him "in office" (falsely and stolen), they have to take that into account when considering what the numbers are going to be. Also recall, how many times they have adjusted the numbers UP? The published numbers, available here, but if you compare that with the number actually released during the actual days were LESS. Check out, for example, June of 2022. The number on the first link says it was 9.1%, the forecast was for ~8%, and the story the press wrote about it was written in such a way that the actual 9.1% was NEVER MENTIONED. That's how the LEFT gets away with their LIES: they're covered for by the msm, and they quietly (usually in the dead of night) raise the numbers but refuse to acknowledge the truth when it is discovered. Sometimes, they even take down the website, or stop updating it in order to keep the numbers hidden. That's how the LEFT does things. They LIE, they cover up and they cheat. Weren't we all told to NOT do those things when we were kids? Why didn't that stick with the LEFT?

March 12, 2024   BUYthem's FAUXministration:   There seems to be an UNTOUCHABLE in the White House who is abusive and sexually aggressive. "Doctor" jill's gay aide

"has engaged in bullying of employees and verbally and sexually harassed colleagues for more than a decade."
Sounds like they don't care about the LAWS that are supposed to protect others from this sort of aggressive behavior. They don't care about the LAW, they just BREAK them because they're special, above it all, the laws are for the little people. They are the chosen ones. They are better than you.
"'They talk a big game about integrity, decency, and kindness but when you work for the Bidens, you experience anything but that,' a source told the Post."
Isn't it the truth?

March 12, 2024   Free Speech?:   A man has been convicted by a federal judge for his FREE SPEECH in front of an abortion clinic under bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's FACE Act ( Freedom of Access of Clinic Entrances Act). He was singing the Christian hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy" and reading verses from the Bible in front of the abortion (BABY-KILLING) clinic (SLAUGHTER HOUSE). You don't have any rights under bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe's FAUXministration. You are NOTHING under this FAUXministration. You are supposed to accept that quickly because once you do, you'll be more easily CONTROLLED. Isn't that what you want?

March 12, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   Things are supposedly getting worse for him because Congress interviewed Special Counsel Robert Hur who is the one who said that they didn't charge BUYthem with a crime because he was too senile to be able to get a conviction of this nice old man with a memory problem. That's not just WRONG, it's PROTECTIVE of the LEFT and of bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe and it's an "IN YOUR FACE!" to the rest of America. It's just telling the rest of us how much they care about the law and how little OUR RIGHTS count to them. He's a KNOWN LIAR and he LIED about more than just classified documents!

March 12, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today because my hubby is on the way home. I won't be here tomorrow because I've got an eye appointment and then I'm going to the farm. I have to do some stuff up there. I will try to do updates from there on Thursday and Friday, but I can't guarantee because I get busy doing other things.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

March 6, 2024: 3:43 p.m.:   Life got busy and I had no time to do the website. Sorry about that. I have just a few minutes for today, so I'll get started.

March 6, 2024   Super TRUMP Tuesday!:   Of the sixteen states (and American Samoa) that were voting yesterday the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, WON 15 of 16 states! The only state that went for Faily Haley was Vermont, where demonRATS are allowed to vote in the Republican Primary, even though they couldn't save her in VA's primary. She won that and WashingNeededTon D.C. and nothing else so far. That's why Faily Haley dropped out this morning. I'm happy about that. I'm thinking that the left will be visiting their shrinks and their "crying rooms" all week. The Trump wins were so total that even mcCONnell endorsed Trump! Can you imagine how frustrating that must be for the Turtle? Too funny!

March 6, 2024   Election Integrity:   Yesterday in Texas, a demonRAT District Attorney tried to vote, but was told she had already voted. She's a demonRAT. She should have just accepted it and walked away. After all, that's what her political party encourages; cheating in elections. But it turned out that (allegedly) her female lover/partner, voted accidentally in her name (not her own name, but her lover's name) and then signed the paper saying she was the D.A. Sounds to me like the lover should go to prison for VOTER FRAUD instead of it just being laughed off and/or overlooked. It's going to be totally overlooked by the msm, but the truth is that they're demonRATS; they will get away with it.

March 6, 2024   Go Woke, Go BROKE!:   Do you buy North Face clothing products? I strongly suggest you stop. They are now giving people discounts -- only CERTAIN people, mind you, WHITE PEOPLE, precisely -- if they confess their "privilege". Tell the clerk that you're a white privileged person and you're sorry for being white and privileged and get 20% off your purchase. This is so wrong in so many ways, but the left does it anyways. Are you responsible for who your parents are? Did you have a choice? Did you get to look at the possibilities and say, "Okay. I'll take him and her."? Did you? If not, then why are the left acting as though you got to make a choice, had any say whatsoever in who your parents were, which resulted in your skin tone and your birth place? It's absurd on its face, but the left doesn't care about the TRUTH of that. They just want to make people feel guilty enough to have CONTROL over them. The left: hypocrites to the bitter end.

March 6, 2024   bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe:   He thinks that the people who voted for Faily Haley will now come to vote for and support him. He's delusional, as usual, but he thinks that the people who voted for Faily will now support him. Problem: He is and idiot. Oh. Sorry. Problem: they already support him, but they voted for Faily because they wanted to defeat The REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP. He lost the American Samoa primary to an unknown and he only won the demonRAT primary because there were no other viable candidates. Although, how a dementia patient is considered viable by the LEFT, I have no idea. I guess that tells us how much the LEFT values intelligence in a leader. The fact is, they don't care about their "leader's" intelligence, or his morals. They just don't want people with morals to be in power. They want to be part of the power and when they think it's a possibility, they'll support anyone and anything that could make that happen. They don't even care if the person they are supporting is as corrupt as hades. They just want to be part of something -- anything -- at any cost: including their families, friends and nation.

March 6, 2024   Ketchup kerry:   The "climate czar" is retiring (only to become "more engaged", according to his speech) and he's warning us on his way out that the move to "green energy" is going to be "larger than even the idustrial revolution". The fact is that the "green movement" will be bad for poor people, which doesn't surprise anyone. The LEFT doesn't care about anything except POWER and MONEY. Poor people don't matter to them unless they can help keep the LEFT in power. It's the old "Let them eat cake" thing, and you're the ones eating the cake.

March 6, 2024   obamacare:   Themuslimvileone's "health care law" has been a bad idea since its inception. It's gotten worse, and more expensive at the same time. Imagine now with all of the illegal alien invaders, how many more people are going to be taking advantage of themuslimvileone's program. Americans will lose out, but the illegals will be taken care of, so that's what matters to the LEFT, isn't it? Now, even the do[IN]j has admitted it's wrecking healthcare. They promised us that things would be wonderful with themuslimvileone's wickedness. The fact is,

"[F]our election cycles ago, then-candidate Obama promised in 2008 that his health care plan would lower premiums by an average of $2,500 per family. That premiums continue to rise unabated shows the failure of Obamacare by Obama’s own standards — and the anti-competitive behavior the law has engendered explains why."
This has always been the LEFT'S plan: destroy something else that they don't control and do as much damage to America as possible. The LEFT will harm whomever they must -- remember how they killed people with the Covid-19 "medical care" that killed so many, and how many the C-19 POISON "vaccine" has killed with heart problems, or damaged in other ways -- in order to get their own way. The LEFT are a bunch of power hungry, spoiled, egotistical, evil bas****s and they will do ANYTHING to get tehir own way and stay in POWER. Those who support and vote for the LEFT are doing nothing but trying to fit in with a group they feel certain will accept them, no matter their sin or perversions. It's as Rush Limbaugh said, the lowest common denominator is what is making them support their crummy, corrupt leaders. They want to fit in! When the leaders are not worth fitting in with, they don't care, as long as they're accepted by the people they're trying to fit in with they are happy to put up with the evil. It's worth it when they have a group that accepts them.

March 6, 2024   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby just got home.

Remember to pray for America and that the TRUTH will matter again and the left be defeated in their efforts to destroy America. Pray for our citizens to wake up and demand the TRUTH about the 2020 election. Pray for RIGHT AND WRONG to be important again. Pray for GOD to help America see what is going on, to open eyes, to touch hearts and minds and to awaken righteousness in our country. Pray that the J6 LIES will be revealed and that the political prisoners will be released and exonerated. Pray that EVERY demonRAT be DEFEATED in November!Pray for the REAL, CURRENT, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP, will be returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. where he LEGALLY BELONGS. Pray for guidance and wisdom for me.

Remember the older stuff is on Page Deux or on the Storage pages.

This is a paid political electioneering communication. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927

This is a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927

This is a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. No political candidate approved this advertisement.

This is a paid political disclaimer CYA. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927

For the idiots out there who will make a fuss because they're too stupid to think it through: This is a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney, 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. No Party Affiliation, Phantom Candidate for a Phantom (Does Not Exist: created by obamination's administration: not reality) District in Florida Near You! Now bite me. Morons.

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Remember: Anyone who does not give you a wake-up call when they see you being stupid, self-destructive, or both, just plain doesn't care about you. It's those of us who do wake you up who care.

This website created by, maintained by and copyright 2008 by Linda McKinney; because Freedom isn't Free, but speech supposedly is!
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