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Psalm 144:1 "Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:"

Chart: Compare GOD to Allah. Helping Disaster Victims: Hurricanes, Earthquakes, etc. Thank you and GOD Bless You!
Why I Believe in God My Blog: "Can Sin Be In Heaven?"
Crucifixion of Christ: Our Images Are All Wrong! My Blog: March 2009: "Already a Loser" My foresight into how bad a prezidunce themuslimvileone was.
The Great Reset: A video YOU MUST WATCH! Our Georgia Farm Pictures: Why we're gone so often.

Endorsements and Recommendations 2024

Candidate Endorsements

September 25, 2024:   I tried to get to these last week, but Friday night I was just too sleepy to get it done. Saturday my son worked on something while at the library that was very important to him but something went wrong and even though he thought it was ready to go to the publisher, it was not and he realized that and came to my house to figure out how to fix it and we worked on it for hours. It was a good thing he came over because if he hadn't it would have been a disaster for him. Sunday I was getting ready to come up to the farm (where I am now) and didn't have time to do this because I wanted to be out of the house by 11 a.m. Monday (but didn't make it until 11:30). Sigh. I have been too busy lately, even up here in Georgia. Anyways, I have some time now while I await the delivery of our big order here, so I'll get the candidates at least started.

President of the United States of America -- A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a "democracy":   I WHOLEHEARTEDLY ENDORSE PRESIDENT (the REAL, LEGALLY-ELECTED PRESIDENT) DONALD J. TRUMP and his running mate, J.D. Vance.

U.S. Senator for Florida:   I endorse Sen. Rick Scott not because he's perfect and does the right thing all the time, but because he's pretty darn close and he is a known entity. Mucarsel-Powell is his demonRAT opponent and when she was a congressperson she voted for leftist things: green issues (treehugger things) and was pro-abortion. I cannot endorse, support, or condone anyone who is pro-baby-killing. Babies matter and so do their rights as a human (their DNA PROVES they're human: they're certainly not caterpillars, giraffes, horses, or tsi-tsi flies!) There are other candidates but the fact is their chance of getting elected is nill, so I will not try to do that.

U.S. Representative:   I endorse Mike Haridopolous because he's much more Conservative than his opponent, and I have to go with the person I believe to be the most Conservative who has a snowball's chance.

State Representative (goes to Tallahassee):   I endorse Randy Fine because he's more Conservative than his demonRAT opponent. Of course, I endorse Randy Fine. Come on. What do you take me for, a dunderheaded idiot who would vote for someone other than a Conservative? Nope. Not I.

Brevard County State Representatives:   All of the people I endorse here are more Conservative than their opponents:
      District 30:   Chase Tramont
      District 31:   Tyler Sirois
      District 32:   Debbie Mayfield
      District 33:   Monique Irene Miller
      District 34:   Robert Brackett

Brevard County Sheriff:   I endorse Sheriff Wayne Ivey because I do believe he's a good Sheriff and he's funny and (from what I know of him) doing a good job.

Brevard County Commissioners:   Because they are the most Conservative choice available, I endorse:
      District 1:   Katie Delaney
      District 3:   Kim Adkinson
      District 5:   Thad Altman

County Court Judge, Group 6:   I endorsed her in the primary and do again: Clarissa Harrell.

School Board, District 4:   I endorse Matt Susin for this position. He's much more Conservative than his opponent who accepted money from "Ruth's List", an organization that works to get DEMONRAT WOMEN elected. Sounds to me like the School Board is currently NON-partisan, unless it's the candidates and those who support them who are allowed to know who they are. I suggest we PASS Amendment 1 on the ballot so that we will be able to make better-informed choices in elections. Would you have known that Avanese Patience Taylor was a democrat who accepted money from a PRO-ABORTION organization? Ruth's List says on their "About" page:

"Ruth’s List Florida, Inc. helps women run inspiring campaigns that WIN. We recruit, train and support Democratic pro-choice women to state and local office in Florida."
Do you want that on the school board? MATT SUSIN is a MUCH BETER CHOICE!

As you know, I don't do city and local officials. I think that if you live in that city, you have a much better chance to know the candidate themselves, or have attended meetings where the candidate spoke or holds office, or knows someone who knows someone. Talk to your neighbors, friends, coworkers and find out who the MOST CONSERVATIVE candidate is and -- whether they're the incumbent or a newbie -- VOTE FOR THE MOST CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE POSSIBLE!

JUDGES are below. The rest of the offices were offices that were decided because there was only one candidate, or were decided in August's Primary election. So that's it for candidate endorsements. Please read my recommendations for the Florida Constitutional Amendments and Brevard County Charter Amendments. Think about what I've said and make the CHOICE TO VOTE CONSERVATIVE. Otherwise, you'll get four more years of high prices for gas, food, clothing, housing, etc., have more aborted babies when the majority of the people (even teens) are becoming more PRO-LIFE, and you'll have transgender pimps pushing our children to destroy their bodies to satisfy the desire to fit in and be part of the FAD of sterilizing themselves to be popular (that's what it amounts to). PLEASE, I BEG YOU, do what is BEST for America, the world, your grandchildren and the State of Florida. Electing LEFTIES is good for NO ONE but the "Elites" who crave POWER and MONEY and (like bloodycommietraitorPEDOjoe) will commit TREASON to get both. Is that what you really want for your grandchildren and America? If so, you're as big a traitor as is he!

JUDGES: For the questions about the judges similar to this one:

"Shall Justice Renatha Francis of the Supreme Court be retained in office?"
I suggest:
      Justice Renatha Francis FL Supreme Court: YES because she's an originalist.
      Justice Meredith Sasso FL Supreme Court: YES because she's a textualist.
      Joe Boatright, Fifth District Court of Appeals: YES because he's a Conservative Christian and clerked for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a Christian organization I have supported for years!
      Eric Eisnaugle, Fifth District Court of Appeals: YES, because the LEFT hates him.
      Harvey Jay, Fifth District Court of Appeals: YES, he's an originalist.
      Paige Kilbane, Fifth District Court of Appeals: YES, because she's a textualist, like Justice Antonin Scalia.
      John Maciver, Fifth District Court of Appeals: NO. My gut just can't get comfortable endorsing him. When I looked him up, he had been kicked out of the Navy, had two or more drunk driving arrests, seemed to have a personality that changed a lot, and it was unsettling to see his different personas. I say VOTE NO on John Maciver.
      Jordan Pratt, Fifth District Court of Appeals: YES because he's an originalist!
      Adrian G. Soud, Fifth District Court of Appeals: YES because he's a Conservative Christian.

Florida Constitutional Amendments:

"No. 1 Constitutional Amendment
"Article IX, Section 4 and Article XII
"Partisan Election of Members of District School Boards
"Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to require members of a district school board to be elected in a partisan election rather than a nonpartisan election and to specify that the amendment only applies to elections held on or after the November 2026 general election. However, partisan primary elections may occur before the 2026 general election for purposes of nominating political party candidates to that office for placement on the 2026 general election ballot."

My Recommendation: VOTE YES:
I think this is a good idea. I have often wondered about political affiliations of school board candidates and usually I go try to find them. Sometimes it's very difficult to suss that out so putting it alongside the candidate's name is going to be beneficial. Remember, it won't be just on the ballot, it will be on ALL of the candidate's advertisements, mentioned in candidate forums and interviews, in stories about them. It's going to be very telling if they say that they're Republican, but support abortion, indoctrination of children into transgender (confusion) teachings, etc. It's not about injecting politics (as some like to say) into the schoolboard, it's about information and making it easily accessible. The most telling thing about this is that the demonRATS DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, so that tells you something, does it not? It's not just the demonRATS who don't want it, the League of Women Voters oppose it, too, which means that it's probably a really good thing to support. Think of it this way: having an R or a D behind your name doesn't really mean much anymore because of the Ds propensity to LIE and run as Republicans, but it does tell us what they are representing themselves as. If they are RINOS it's going to be revealed very quickly and we know to not vote for them again. Agree?

"No. 2 Constitutional Amendment
"Article I, Section 28
"Right to Fish and Hunt
"Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to preserve forever fishing and hunting, including by the use of traditional methods, as a public right and preferred means of responsibly managing and controlling fish and wildlife. Specifies that the amendment does not limit the authority granted to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission under Section 9 of Article IV of the State Constitution."

My Recommendation: VOTE YES:
Florida's residents do have a RIGHT to hunt and fish in the state they pay taxes and reside in. They pay the wages of the Florida Fish and Wildlife people, every ranger, and every office worker who is employed by the state of Florida. We pay for all of the land to be "taken care of" (as much as that happens in some areas) and we have a God-given right to provide for ourselves. From the beginning of man, we have hunted and fished and we have fed our families, and provided for our futures from the land. It's time to have that codified in the LAWS of Florida and to ensure that we have that on paper so that future lawmakers don't try to take it away just because it's not written down somewhere. It would be a shame to see the Florida legislature somehow go full LEFTIE on us and start taking our God-given rights away; which is exactly what happens every time LEFTIES get into power anywhere.

"No. 3 Constitutional Amendment
"Article X, Section 29
"Adult Personal Use of Marijuana
"Allows adults 21 years or older to possess, purchase, or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption by smoking, ingestion, or otherwise; allows Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, and other state licensed entities, to acquire, cultivate, process, manufacture, sell, and distribute such products and accessories. Applies to Florida law; does not change, or immunize violations of, federal law. Establishes possession limits for personal use. Allows consistent legislation. Defines terms. Provides effective date.

"The amendment’s financial impact primarily comes from expected sales tax collections. If legal today, sales of non-medical marijuana would be subject to sales tax and would remain so if voters approve this amendment. Based on other states’ experiences, expected retail sales of non-medical marijuana would generate at least $195.6 million annually in state and local sales tax revenues once the retail market is fully operational, although the timing of this occurring is unclear. Under current law, the existing statutory framework for medical marijuana is repealed six months after the effective date of this amendment which affects how this amendment will be implemented. A new regulatory structure for both medical and nonmedical use of marijuana will be needed. Its design cannot be fully known until the legislature acts; however, regulatory costs will probably be offset by regulatory fees. Other potential costs and savings cannot be predicted. THIS PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT IS ESTIMATED TO HAVE A NET POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE STATE BUDGET. THIS IMPACT MAY RESULT IN GENERATING ADDITIONAL REVENUE OR AN INCREASE IN GOVERNMENT SERVICES. [bolding in original]"

My Recommendation: VOTE NO:
I do NOT recommend this even though, according to it would increase taxes for the State:

"The amendment’s financial impact primarily comes from expected sales tax collections. If legal today, sales of non-medical marijuana would be subject to sales tax and would remain so if voters approve this amendment. Based on other states’ experiences, expected retail sales of non-medical marijuana would generate at least $195.6 million annually in state and local sales tax revenues once the retail market is fully operational, although the timing of this occurring is unclear. Under current law, the existing statutory framework for medical marijuana is repealed six months after the effective date of this amendment which affects how this amendment will be implemented. A new regulatory structure for both medical and nonmedical use of marijuana will be needed. Its design cannot be fully known until the legislature acts; however, regulatory costs will probably be offset by regulatory fees. Other potential costs and savings cannot be predicted.[10]"
Consider the states that have already legalized recreational marijuana for adults and there is an INCREASE in motor vehicle deaths because of the adults using "recreational marijuana" and driving under the influence. Think about how many people drive drunk and under the influence of other drugs already. Do you really want to INCREASE that number? A cnn article says that marijuana cause an increase in vehicle accidents
"Documented marijuana-related traffic accidents that required treatment in an emergency room rose 475% between 2010 and 2021."
Did you see that number? 475% increase in vehicle accidents because of legalized marijuana use! How many people do you think need to DIE because people want some weed? Do you think that's okay? I don't! There's more:
"Just after Canadian legalization in 2018, when marijuana stores and products were limited, researchers found a 94% increase in emergency room visits, Myran said. As commercialization increased and marijuana was more widely available, visits to the emergency room grew 233% compared to the period before recreational weed was legalized."
How many need to die so some people can get high?

Also, remember what they say about second-hand smoke and the people who will get sick from it? People who want to smoke it will NOT be ordered to NOT smoke it around their children in their own homes. Do you think it's okay to subject their children -- infants to teens -- to the effects of second-hand marijuana smoke? Even while in the womb, marijuana is not safe for the child. It can result in a LOT OF BAD THINGS for the baby. The PROBLEM with legalizing recreational marijuana for adults is that effects MORE THAN JUST THE ADULT using it. It's NOT in the amendment that an adult has to use it without children present, or cannot be pregnant while they are using marijuana. This is NOT a good amendment to put into our Florida Constitution because it harms children most. Do you want harming children to be a Florida Constitutional right? If so, you're a horrible person!

"No. 4 Constitutional Amendment
"Article I, New Section
"Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion
"No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. [my bolding]
"The proposed amendment would result in significantly more abortions and fewer live births per year in Florida. The increase in abortions could be even greater if the amendment invalidates laws requiring parental consent before minors undergo abortions and those ensuring only licensed physicians perform abortions. There is also uncertainty about whether the amendment will require the state to subsidize abortions with public funds. Litigation to resolve those and other uncertainties will result in additional costs to the state government and state courts that will negatively impact the state budget. An increase in abortions may negatively affect the growth of state and local revenues over time. Because the fiscal impact of increased abortions on state and local revenues and costs cannot be estimated with precision, the total impact of the proposed amendment is indeterminate. THE FINANCIAL IMPACT OF THIS AMENDMENT CANNOT BE DETERMINED DUE TO AMBIGUITIES AND UNCERTAINTIES SURROUNDING THE AMENDMENT’S IMPACT. [bolding in the original}"

My Recommendations: VOTE NO!!!
You know that I am PRO-LIFE and that I've written a page about "What the Bible Says About Abortion" that also has other information and TRUTHS about baby-killing. I have something else to add to what my page says. That is, remember Covid-19 and how "trustworthy" our doctors were for it? How many doctors recommended the "vaccine" and how many of them pushed it on their patients? Should that woman trust her "healthcare" provider after Covid if he/she pushed the poison? Shouldn't that doctor have been a better healthcare provider than to push an untested, unsafe, murderous drug on his patients? Should she -- or anyone -- trust doctors anymore? Babies' lives matter. It's time to stop putting selfish women ahead of babies! If a woman wants a "choice", let her choose to keep her legs together, to use a reliable form of contraception, or to choose adoption, do not let her choose to KILL A BABY. That's wrong! Give the baby the RIGHT TO LIFE because the baby deserves that: the RIGHT TO LIVE. A child in the womb has its own circulatory pump as early as 12 days after conception and that fact has been known that since 1896, so every time a woman has an abortion after that day, a BABY WITH A BEATING, CIRCULATORY SYSTEM IS STOPPED: i.e. MURDERED! I'll ask you again, do you really want to codify KILLING BABIES in our Florida Constitution? Do you want to give doctors who pushed the Covid shot the right to decide to kill more babies after they already killed so many babies in the womb that in Britain alone, the fetal death rates increased 366% in SIX WEEKS from the start of the Covid shots started in England. That's a 366% INCREASE IN SIX WEEKS and that's a LOT OF DEAD BABIES. Again, do you really want doctors to be able to KILL MORE BABIES? It's time to start putting BABIES' LIVES on the list of people who matter and who should be given the RIGHTS that our DNA (same as theirs) give us. Don't you agree?

Also consider this fact:

"Supporters of the initiative include the ACLU of Florida, Planned Parenthood, Florida Women's Freedom Coalition, Florida Rising, SEIU 1199 Florida, and Women's Voices of Southwest Florida. [my bolding]"
They forgot the League of Women Voters. If these organizations are organizations you'd give money to and agree with, then, you will probably vote for this amendment. Otherwise, I would suggest that you VOTE NO because babies matter and have a RIGHT TO LIFE. Also, according to the James Madison Institute,
"If the measure passes, it would overturn Florida’s six-week abortion ban and replace it with legalized abortions up until fetal viability or to protect a patient’s health."
Babies' lives matter. If a baby's body has its own circulation going at twelve days old, don't you think that it's important to let that child LIVE? Twelve days and it has a circulatory system that is beating and moving its own blood throughout whatever parts of its body is formed. Do you want to end that?

Also, remember that a BABY has no choice as to when it is conceived, by whom it is conceived, how it is conceived (rape, a loving sexual relationship, IVF, etc.) so why is it that the LEFT wants the BABY to be the only one who actually pays a price for its existence? Why is that? Did the baby have a say in that? Of course you know the answer to that. So how can it be fair to KILL THE BABY who had no choice in how/when/by whom it is conceived?

"No. 5 Constitutional Amendment
"Article VII, Section 6 and Article XII
"Annual Adjustments to the Value of Certain Homestead Exemptions
"Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to require an annual adjustment for inflation to the value of current or future homestead exemptions that apply solely to levies other than school district levies and for which every person who has legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains thereon the permanent residence of the owner, or another person legally or naturally dependent upon the owner is eligible. This amendment takes effect January 1, 2025."

My Recommendation: VOTE YES
The Florida League of Cities does not like this and, IMHO, they're a very LEFTIST organization. If your enemy likes something, it usually behooves you to not like it and vice versa. There are two sides to this, though and this article tells both sides and it mentions that if Amendment 5 passes, the tax break will be good for homeowners, but allegedly bad for renters, second homeowners and businesses. It also ensures to mention that first responders will be hardest hit (my interpretation of their words). It will lower the taxes taken in by counties (and cities, one presumes), thus (of course!) they'll allegedly take it out of the budget for the firemen, police/sheriff, ambulances and EMTs, etc. It will be bad because the budget won't get enough money to support them anymore. Why? Why can the budget not stop decorating the roads and highways with palm trees, bricks and other pretties and put that money toward firemen, cops and EMTs? Isn't that a better thing to do in the first place? Stop sending Commissioners to meetings in other cities (Covid made Skype a valid option, why not do that?) and stop spending our tax dollars on indoctrination in our schools. I LIKE the idea of lower taxes, but I don't like the idea of putting a higher tax burden on businesses because if businesses pay higher taxes it's possible they'll close, which means those employees may lose their homes, which leads to lower taxes, etc. However, when you vote to lower taxes, it forces the powers that be to figure out how to do the RIGHT thing and choose better. No more pretties; do better with less. It's time to really prioritize and stop using the threat of fewer first responders as an excuse to keep raising taxes. It's a form of blackmail to keep using the threat of fewer first responders to keep taxes high. I refuse to be blackmailed and I hope you will, too. VOTE NO on Five.

"No. 6 Constitutional Amendment
"Article VI, Section 7
"Repeal of Public Campaign Financing Requirement
"Proposing the repeal of the provision in the State Constitution which requires public financing for campaigns of candidates for elective statewide office who agree to campaign spending limits."

My Recommendations: VOTE YES!
Why do I recommend "VOTE YES" on this? I think that taxpayer dollars should NOT be used for running political campaigns. I have never supported this idea/practice. I never shall. Our taxpayer dollars should be used for something that is of benefit to ALL people, not to just a few (that includes abortion, public schools, etc.). has a page about it and it says that the "governor, attorney general, chief financial officer, and commissioner of agriculture" are the positions being funded by taxpayer dollars -- as long as the candidates agree to abide by "spending limits" but it doesn't prevent others from spending the money for them and they'd still get the taxpayer dollars. We don't need to fund political campaigns. Let's vote YES and end this nonsense. On that same page is this statement by a demonRAT,

"State Sen. Tina Polsky (D-30), who voted against the amendment in the Senate, said, "It is very clear that the Republican Party has a lot more money, funding, outside groups, special interest groups, who help pay for campaigns than the Democratic Party has in Florida. And, as a result, it seems this would be a negative for Democratic candidates."
So if demonRATS are so PRO-democracy, why are they trying to defeat an amendment that would allow us to stop funding them if it gets the most votes? I bet if it passes demonRATS will immediately file a lawsuit to prevent its implementation. VOTE YES to stop using taxpayer dollars on political campaigns. We need our tax dollars for other things, don't you think?

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Brevard County Amendments and Referenda

"Effective January 1, 2025, shall Article 2, Section 2.6 of the Brevard County Charter be amended to provide that the salary of the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners be determined solely as 90 percent of that set forth in Chapter 145, Florida Statutes for county commissioners, as amended from time to time, which state statute provides a uniform method of compensation for county commissioners with similar duties across the state?"

My Recommendations: NO IDEA
My thoughts are that if it LOWERS their salary, "YES! Do it!" However, if it increases their pay, I say, "Nope." According to FL SS 145.031 and that means that if it is between $74,802 and $97,990, and its average salary is about $85,586 so I don't know what to tell you there. I can't say for certain if they're going to get a pay raise out of it or not. The wording is MUCH TOO VAGUE and it SHOULD NOT have been on the ballot worded this way! There's a legal challenge here that should be mounted. I'll let y'all decide.

"Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions for new businesses and expansions of existing businesses
"Shall the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida continue to be authorized to grant, pursuant to S. 3, Art. VII of the state constitution, property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses that are expected to create new, full-time jobs in the county?"

My Recommendations: VOTE YES
Some on the LEFT will say that the it's special treatment to give businesses coming into Brevard a tax break because they're not paying their fair share. While it's true that they won't be paying any share, they will be doing the County a bunch of new taxes via their employees paying taxes on homes, buying things here in Brevard, having relatives come and visit and see the sights and pay taxes on hotel rooms, etc. Do I think it should be extended beyond the first ten years? Maybe not, but the initial ten years, oh, yeah. Maybe this is bad wording, but I think the tax break should be for a limited time -- ten years. But we have to approve this until we can fix that.

"PLEASE NOTE: This referendum will only appear on the ballot for Precinct 102 voters who are residing within the boundaries of the area where the special assessment is proposed to be levied.
"Referendum to determine whether to pave certain unpaved roads through the levy of non-ad valorem special assessments.

"Shall the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, be authorized to levy a non-ad valorem special assessment to pave certain county-maintained unpaved roads within Canaveral Groves at an estimated annual assessment amount of $1,500 per parcel over twenty (20) years beginning in 2025, such assessment to be levied only upon parcels abutting or otherwise receiving a special benefit from the road paving project?"

My Recommendation: It's Up to Canaveral Groves Residents
I don't want to recommend to you what you do with $1,500 annually for the next twenty years. Do you realize that it's going to be $30,000 PER PARCEL, which means that if you have two lots that you'll pay $60,000 over the next twenty years to do pave the road? It's a lot of money and it's from each resident who has property there and for each parcel, so, IMHO, that's an awful lot of money. I don't know how much it costs to pave roads per foot, but according to the Roadbotics website it costs $1 MILLION to repave ONE MILE of road. If a Canaveral Groves road was a mile long, and everyone on that road had one parcel and there were forty parcels, $25,000 that would be per parcel, so the $30,000 isn't too far off because it looks like that website was done in 2009, or using numbers from 2009. Prices have gone up since then, I'm sure. So, CG, it's up to you.

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Municipal Amendments and Referenda

Here I leave it in the hands of those who live there, as with the Canaveral Groves referenda. It's up to you to decide what's best for you in the cities you live. I don't live in an incorporated area of Brevard (I helped prevent that!) so I won't try to tell people in Palm Bay, T-ville, or any of the other cities what I recommend. Those I commented on actually effect me, so I feel fine commenting. Sorry. If you want my opinion on something specific you can contact me at the link on my homepage, but without a specific ask, I'm not going to do so.

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This is a paid political electioneering communication. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927

This is a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927

This is a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. No political candidate approved this advertisement.

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