Decemeber 29, 2011: 9:15 p.m.   Hubby went to the Tax Collector's Titusville office yesterday to renew our
truck registration (pay taxes on his truck: never forget it's a tax). He got there and took a number, #178. The "Now Serving"
number when he arrived was 143. He stood there and watched as three employees tried to serve a standing-room-only (SRO)
waiting room full of people wishing to do business there. He realized that there was one employee doing drivers' licenses,
which leaves two for all those new Christmas cars and all those end-of-year truck registrations. He realized it was going
to be a very long wait. He chose not to do that. He came home and paid online. So, in our book, for that experience with the TCO,
Cullen -- our illustrious Tax Collector -- gets:
December 29, 2011   First steps toward
Egypt kicking all Americans out?
Let's wait and see. It's better to be kicked out than to be imprisoned there.
December 29, 2011   Controversial display (NOT Nativity scene) vandalized.
It depicts gays/lesbians and a straight couple holding hands. No Jesus. No Mary, Joseph, shepherds or even a manger. Where is a "Nativity"
in that? For those who vandalized it: Stop it. It's wrong to do that. If it's not yours, don't touch it. Do I agree with the display?
No. What does that have to do with CHRISTmas? Nothing. So why bother? Except for tweaking folks and being controversial for
controversy's sake, it does nothing. Methodists should consider carefully what they are doing for the sake of "inclusion".
There is right and there is wrong. The Bible says homosexuality is wrong. If the Methodists or any other "church" are going to
condone it, then they are turning their backs on what GOD says in order to condone what GOD condemns. GOD does love homosexuals, but
He does not condone their sin, just as He does not condone Bill Clinton's affairs, or premarital sex. Saying that it's all okay is
like saying that Jesus is not "the way the truth and the life" (John 14:6), but just feel good about who you are and what
you do and you'll get there, too. Wrong. There are standards set by GOD. If you don't want to abide by those standards
don't try to claim "church" when you're nothing but a group of people getting together on a regularly scheduled basis.
December 29, 2011   As usual,
obamination wouldn't know how to tell the truth if it kissed him on the lips.
His campaign is funded by big money bundlers and rich folks like george soros, etc. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to do the things
he is doing. He wouldn't have the new bus. He wouldn't have any commercials. You want to see a campaign funded with individual
donors' money? See your local politician running for dog catcher, County Commissioner, etc. Don't think that obamination has to
rely on your paltry $3 donation to get what he wants. That's a crock o' crap and -- if you're smart enough to breathe -- you know it.
Some of you just can't admit to the truth. obamination has millions and millions at his disposal in just soros money. Don't
even try to pass off that crock, Messina. We know the truth.
December 29, 2011   Guess that's all for today. Have a good one. Oh, yes. Make your New Year's Eve plans for home
so that you don't have to go out with all the folks who have been partying and are now on the road. Not safe. Stay home. Have a
good time there, but don't drive.
December 28, 2011: 4:49 p.m.   Well the
January 2012 issue of the pooperpaper is out. Of course, rupester,
The Wizard of Mau's had to take offense with the person who wrote in anonymously in support of my assertions that the current
state of public schools in America is -- to put it mildly -- abysmal. rupester writes that she is confused (shock, surprise) "on
an article"... "On"? Does she not intend to say "regarding", "about", or "by"? "On"? Grammatically speaking, that's just
wrong. To continue... The Wizard of Mau's reminds folks of my
May 14, 2011 comments on public schools and says,
"I did take umbrage at these comments as I don't think that reflects the schools in
the U.S. I know it doesn't in Brevard County, whereas the "blogger" [yours truly] made a general statement that applied to schools
in general."
I was absulutely talking about schools in Brevard County and about schools in general: worldwide, even. In fact, I am not alone in
that assessment. In particular, no less than the great C.S. Lewis in a letter to his father, Albert James Lewis (1863-1929), dated
3 November 1928, C.S. Lewis wrote:
"Except for pure classics (and that only at Winchester, and only a few boys even there) I really don't know
what gifts the public schools bestow on their nurslings, beyond the mere surface of good manners: unless contempt of the things
of the intellect, extravagance, insolence, and sexual perversion are to be called gifts."
The "public schools" in England -- seemingly always opposites of us -- were actually private schools. These are the schools
that the folks who can afford it send their children. If this is what the "public" (private) schools were like in England,
what were the government schools like?! Why The Wizard of Mau's takes "umbrage" with my words when someone way before my time
said basically the same thing (minus Marxism), I have no idea. She didn't attend American public schools, so why be so
protective of our system? Of course, her son did attend and grandchildren do, so maybe that's it. Whichever, the writer's opinion --
as the rupester herself points out -- "was very good, researched, and I agree". (Grammar: it should be "well researched".)
So why take someone on when rupester -- Wizard of Mau's -- agrees with them? Because they agreed with me? Does that make sense
to anyone? Of course, it is the rupester, so why am I bothering asking about making sense? Notice: she agrees with "Anonymous"
who agrees with me, so that means that she agrees with me, right?
December 28, 2011   Rick Santorum is one of the two TRUE Conservatives in the Republican candidacy for president
(the other being
Michele Bachmann).
Is he experiencing a surge in popularity
or is the media just getting around to him as the "said to be" front runner since they've hit everyone else over the head
with a bag of bricks? I don't care who the media says is the front runner. I do my own research, do my own thinking and
do my own voting. When I decide to give a candidate my vote it is because that candidate stands for and practices what
he/she preaches and it coincides with my beliefs. If they don't stand the same place I stand on certain issues, I don't
support that candidate, period. I refuse to support Newt GinGri[n]ch, Ron "Run From" Paul,
Mitt RomNAY,
Rick "Perilous" Perry,
or any of the others running who don't agree with me. Santorum,
so far, I have found very little with which to disagree. Do I support him and encourage you to do likewise? I encourage
you to take a serious look at his principles, his past actions, his campaign actions and his life. If you don't like
what you see, don't vote for him.
If you like what you see, support him. It's that simple. YOU do
your OWN research. Find out what you want to find out. Don't be lazy. Do the work because it's our country, your
children's futures and your retirement years or grandchildren's taxes that will be effected by all of this. It's
important enough. Do it.
New information has made me wonder about Santorum. I never
found the info on his illegal immigration stance prior to this article by Ann Coulter. I still like his other stances, and I
totally disagree with Ann over RomNAY,
but Santorum isn't so sunny now.
So who does that leave me with? Bachmann is the only possibility? We'll see.
December 28, 2011   CORRECTION:obamination does have a nativity scene
on display at the Red House. That's one Nativity to over forty Bo depictions? Priorities?
December 28, 2011   Going to go. We made turkey creole with the leftover turkey and it's ready! Yum!
December 27, 2011: 10:28 p.m.   No parade? No "Weclome Home!" from the country, state, county, city?
That's just wrong.
We should throw a huge cross-country parade and have signs all along the roads for each parade that say "Thank you for
risking your lives for our safety!"
December 27, 2011   Remember that last vote obamination needed in order to get obacare passed? Remember how
they searched for the person who would betray his/her constituents and finally found that person? Dem. Senator, Ben Nelson,
was that sellout
and he's "retiring" instead of running again.
Good! Let's get more idiot Dems/Wrongies to retire and go away. The unfortunate part is that we will still be paying them
better than most corporate execs when they
retire! Tough life, but someone's got to do it, I suppose. (Sarcasm.)
December 27, 2011   Wrongies have been gunning for Righties for a long time. Now they think
they've found a way to shut us all up.
Well, to shut up those with websites and blogs that stand up for the Constitution, for what's right and for our Rights.
So say all of us.
December 27, 2011   obamination administration: We'll waste taxpayer dollars in any way we can!
Throw it in the fire,
down the garbage disposal, out the window of an airplane at 30,000 ft. It's only paper, after all.
It's your children's children being burdened with debt before they're even born -- or a twinkle in their parents' eyes.
If he can destroy America in an easier way, it would be to just drop the bomb on us. But that may be too obvious. He's more
subtle than that.
December 27, 2011   Print it. Know it. Do it.
(NOTE: This is a .pdf download link. You may read the document before you "Save" the document.)
December 28, 2011   FBI doing house to house canvassing for guns?
That's a big 10-4 for Ohio residents!
If they come to our area, are you going to answer the door without a court ordered search warrant in their hands? I won't. I
don't have to answer the door. I don't have to answer their questions. I have done nothing wrong. If they have a search warrant,
that's a whole 'nother ball game. Otherwise, they can stick it...
December 28, 2011   Short update list tonight, but I'm tired and have other things still to do. Back tomorrow (today, actually).
December 26, 2011: 10:49 p.m.   I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I did. One of my favorite
presents is an inversion table -- something to help me get my back to feeling better. I have been diagnosed with
DDD: Degenerative Disc Disease, but i don't let it get to me. I got on the thing this afternoon and within minutes it
felt as if my back was feeling better. It was a shock that just going upside down would to that much to make things better.
Let's hope things get even better the longer I have it and the more I get used to using it. I look forward to having a great
back again!
December 26, 2011   Sen. Charles Schumer’s brother-in-law given judgeship.
Friends in high places -- whether or not you're quallified -- means you get the job in this admin. Witness Eric Holder, Elena Kagan, obamination,
December 26, 2011   Did you pay for this? The
article didn't say. If we are, we should send her a bill.
"[T]here are powerful reasons to believe that beginning in 2012, we are heading toward a steeper
decline than what was experienced during the Great Recession of 2008 – 2009. With fewer resources, greater
debt and increasing popular resistance to shouldering the burden of saving the capitalist system, the
governments cannot bail out the system."
I think it's possible that the EU will fall. I think it's possible that there are other areas of the world that will have
economic collapse (Venezuela, Cuba, etc.), but I also think that if we hit our knees and we have faith in GOD we can
save America from failing, too. We must get ourselves out of debt. We must tithe to Christian organizations. We must
do what we can to be ready to protect ourselves and our neighbors because the Wrongies are planning to create havoc
all over the place. Prayer and faith are the most important, and the very first, part. Have faith in GOD. He is
able and America has a special place in His heart because of our founding, our Forefathers, and our people believing
in Him. Have faith in GOD.
"two Troy city officials, the city clerk and a councilman, along with two Democratic political
operatives, have pled guilty to forging absentee-ballot signatures and casting fraudulent ballots in the
2009 Working Families Party primary. The WFP is the political party associated with ACORN."
Shock. Surprise. Something no one would have ever suspected, much less believe! (Yes. Sarcasm.)
December 26, 2011   VA's ballot rules changed
last month and that's why so many candidates didn't make it onto the ballot there. Some primary it's going to be in VA.
December 26, 2011   Enough for tonight. It's just past midnight and I still have things to do. "See" you tomorrow.
December 25, 2011: 2:00 p.m.   "Merry Christmas!"
From my family and I to you and yours, we wish you all the best this Christmas and that GOD blesses you with health,
joy, peace, love, prosperity and a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (if you don't already
know Him). I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
December 23, 2011   obamination family: Merry Xmas to all --
especially to us! Are you and your
family having the same kind of Christmas? If not, you're helping pay for their Christmas. How many presents, or how much food,
could you have purchased with the money taken out of your pocket to pay for their "most excellent" vacation? Don't you love
that they are using your money indiscriminately? They take from your kids to pay for their girls' Xmas vacation in Hawaii. Sweet!
"The estimated cost for a 17-day round trip for a Hawaii holiday for the President, his family, staff
and security is $4,113,038."
Your money.
December 23, 2011   Who could NOT have predicted this one?
Ms obamination gives kids headaches and belly aches.
Yep. Problem is, she has no right to do any of the crud she's been doing in trying to make laws and all that. She is the wife of
the (ACORNED) prez, with no authority whatsoever. Is it any surprise that people don't like her involvement in what our children
eat at school and we eat at our own dinner table? She is such a loser.
December 23, 2011   You know how much your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to work to pay off
when they grow up and get jobs? The number is staggering:
obamination. Talk about "taxation without representation! Your great-grandkids have to work to pay off this number and their representatives
aren't even BORN yet! (Wait! Ted Kennedy is dead, right?)
December 23, 2011   Your money wasted for photo op with the dog.
Merry Christmas again. You could have used some of the money that came out of your pocket for that to buy stocking stuffers
for your kids, pay for something for the grandbaby, or given it to the charity of your choice. But, no. obamination needed a photo op.
December 23, 2011   I don't care to have him as pres., but if anyone wants to leave the spineless, witless, compromising
Republican Party, that's fine with me.
I wish Sarah Palin would change her registration from R to NPA and run as an independent. That would irk those R's, wouldn't it?
December 23, 2011   Christmas gun sales spur denial of reality.
Wrongies can't imagine anyone wanting to be able to protect themselves instead of waiting for a cop to do so.
"Based in two socialist Latin American countries, a group dedicated to helping indigenous populations
in that region just got a generous $13 million grant from the U.S. government to combat 'exploitative child labor' in Peru. [my italics]"
Are the children in this country -- even the poor -- doing without because of how much obamination is giving to other countries?
December 23, 2011   I thought they were in it to win it.
Are they acting as if they want to win if they don't register in time? Santorum, wake up!
December 23, 2022   Can't sign off for today without acknowledging the receipt of a Christmas card that came with an incomplete
snail mail return addy. It was signed without last names, and -- you know me -- I had to know who sent it. I had to do some
research as to who "Jackie & Jonathan" were, but I believe I came up with the correct info. I did a few searches (Thanks, "Zip+4"!)
and found a business listing, the full address and the names of the people sending the card. Not knowing for certain
what the intent of sending the card that way was, although unless they tell me differently I have my suspicions, I will
suffice it to say "Merry Christmas back at you!"
December 20, 2011: 5:56 p.m.   WOW! How about that!?
As someone who loves astronomy, that's cool and interesting and amazing and surprising and WOW!
December 20, 2011   I disagree with Boehner.
It's not time for obamination to "get involved". It's time for him to RESIGN! It's also time for Boehner to have a
spine! Maybe some day soon I'll get my wish on both accounts!
December 20, 2011   Bill "targets" political campaigns -- and those of us who support or oppose a candidate.
Even if there is no copyright infringement, a campaign, candidate or even a private party not involved in a campaign could
shut down a website entirely not just that particluar part of the content. I think it's one of those things that
Wrongies want but they don't see the full implications of the thing. It would not just be Wrongies attacking Conservative
websites, but Conservatives could fight back. If, for instance, the rupester didn't like my using a quote from her
website she could make a fuss and try to shut me down. If, on the other hand, she used something from my website I
could also fuss a bunch and shut her down -- supposedly. If the bill were applied equally, it would work that way.
My question -- and concern -- would be whether it would be applied fairly. If not equal treatment under the law,
then it would be bad all the way around. If one sided, then that is to be expected, especially when you consider who
is pushing for the bill!
December 20, 2011   obamination is going to crack down on local and state governments that try to crack down on
illegal immigration. Problem is, local and state governments are legally allowed to do so in order to
protect the legal citizens of America. THey have the right and responsibility to do so.
obamination wants to stop them.
He's protecting his future paid -- although illegal -- voters. Sweet of him to put his second term ahead of the law,
ahead of the legal United States of America citizens (as opposed to the citizens of Mexico and Central America),
ahead of what's right. obamination does not care about what's right. He cares about getting more time in office
so that he can further destroy America!
December 20, 2011   Wrongies take it too far
and put police families at risk. Wrongies don't care about right and wrong -- obamination is their leader -- they just want
to do wrong at any cost. Who cares if innocents get hurt even if those innocents are children? Remember the
Wrongie "occupier" who
put her little girl on the train tracks?
Yeah. They're really good people.
December 20, 2011   Gotta' go for a while. My sugars are crashing.
December 20, 2011: 2:45 a.m.   Another fun, but busy, day. Went to the post office to do some mailing, then
to the cemetery to do some photography, and then home, spend time cleaning, with my husband, then to write a few poems.
I wrote one I call "Dragonfly Paradise" that you may see sooner or later. Then I wrote one I had been thinking about for a few
days that is a Tribute To Our Troops, that's called,
"Christmas Tree Boots".
I hope you like it. I'll try to do updates later today.
December 18, 2011: 3:11 a.m.   Had a lot to do the past few days. Went shopping (of course) and had some fun
with it because I used coupons and saved money everywhere I went. I saved over $80 at Publix with coupons. So, I didn't have
much time for updates and new blurbs, except for the blog (link below) I wrote. While checking my usual websites this morning,
I came across this information on Mormonism that you may
find interesting. I know I have thought the same way about Mormonism for a long time. Having the information straight from
the Mormons themselves in the books I have that are written by Mormons.
Considering the proselytization of the Mormon Church, I think it is vital for you to have this information. Thus the post
on a Sunday.
By the way, if you are looking for something to do today (Sunday), you can check out the
"Christmas Ring" (Hand Bell Concert) being given at the First United Methodist
Church of Cocoa, 2:00 p.m. I've gone to this concert off and on for over ten years and it's something I always enjoy. Have
a great Sunday!
December 16, 2011: 3:36 p.m.   After the 2008 election, I was shocked by a friend's explanation of why
some people he knew could not vote for the Sarah Palin/John McCain ticket. I have intended to write about what he said
for quite a while now, but I just today got around to it.
"Biblically Speaking, Women CAN Be President!"
is my answer to what my male friend told me. Read it and learn, all those who need to know the truth. Learn and don't try
that nonsense again.
December 16, 2011: 1:33 a.m.   Missed the 15th by ninety minutes. Sorry about that. So, here we go:
"Sec. 6. Executive Fleet Efficiencies.
The President's Memorandum of May 24, 2011 (Federal Fleet Performance) directed agencies to improve the
performance of the Federal fleet of motor vehicles by increasing the use of vehicle technologies,
optimizing fleet size, and improving agency fleet management. Building upon this effort,
agencies should limit executive transportation. [my bolding]"
But it
doesn't apply to his family or himself.
Elitists are like that, you know. They say for everyone else to change and cut back, but they don't have to because... you know...
they're special. Are you able to fly off to Hawaii whenever you wish? No? Then why are we paying for them to do so?
December 16, 2011   Fast & Furious victim, Brian Terry, now has an "Act" named after him.
I bet his Mom would rather have him alive and well and see him across the table at Christmas dinner, hear his voice on the phone
on Mother's Day, and see his smile as he opened his next birthday present from her. I bet she would have loved to attend his
wedding. How much you want to bet his Dad would rather visit him and play chess, football, or golf with him than visit his grave or
the "Brian Terry Border Patrol Station". This is nothing more than payoff, a feel good salve to placate the public. Nothing is happening
for the family and nothing will for as long as obamination is in office. He's a farce, a liar, a cheater, a wild-ahem spender of our
money and he's got nothing better to do with his time than hide behind anything he can while he tears America apart piece by piece,
bit by bit, including the Border Patrol agents who are supposed to protect it. obamination should be put in prison in solitary confinement
so that he'd have to deal with his own lies, his own demons, his own falseness, for the rest of his natural life. He needs to be
out of the Red House (until he got ACORNED into office, it was the White House now it's Red because a Marxist/Commie lives there)
not just A.S.A.P., but now! He is such a bad thing for America -- and for the whole world -- that history has already recorded him
as the worst president everinmanyplaces. He needs to be impeached. NOW.
December 16, 2011   When Fast & Furious first came out from under the rocks Holder and obamination had hidden it
they tried to blame Bush
(of course), now it's clear that
it's obamination's admin. that started it. Shock. Surprise.
Blame Bush. Those Wrongies will try to pin any wrongdoing they do on anyone else just so the Wrongies don't have to face the punishment.
They have never grown up -- nor grown a spine.
December 16, 2011   Under obamination's admin. if you're declared a terrorist, even though you're an U.S. Citizen,
you can be imprisoned ("detained" to use a prettier word) indefinitely.
Sweet. No trial. No evidence. No proof of anything. Just prison. Just because they said so. Is that America? Is that what our Grandfathers,
Uncles, brothers and sisters fought for? If not, then we must not sit still for it.
We must act.
December 16, 2011   Election year politics "enhances"
Medal of Honor honoree's resume.
The better the honoree did, the better obamination's command is? Is that what is going on here? It was totally unnecessary to do the
"enhancements" since the kid deserved the honor anyways. But, really, obamination get a grip! Don't pump it up so much that anyone
reading it would think that the kid had to be Superman to have achieved half of what he allegedly was said to have done. You make him
look foolish and yourself look -- well, like what you are -- a liar!
December 16, 2011   Unions: another reason to hate them.
How many reasons is this? 2,546,132,835,216,565,421,165,434,321,616,542,615,543,216,543,432,162,161,645th? (Don't ask me what that number
is, I have no clue. Number folks?)
December 16, 2011   Well, I must go do Christmas cards and I will be finished when I send this group out. Whew! Just
a few more days until Christmas and I'll be finished just in time!
December 14, 2011: 8:12 p.m.   pelosipig plays for pay?
She has the wind up her skirts. If you know what I mean.
December 14, 2011   National Review Online: "No Newt". I agree.
Even Rush Limbaugh thinks NG is questionable and today
Rush reminded us of Gingri[n]ch's book in which he praised
SEIU's Andy Stern!That's NOT a Conservative candidate! Anyone who thinks well of Andy Stern is NOT CONSERVATIVE! Period. Do I want NG to be the next
"Conservative" candidate? No! Definitely not. He's NOT CONSERVATIVE. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by
Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, political party,
or union!)
December 14, 2011   Following the MF money.
Corzine's lame "I don't know" doesn't stop them from finding out. How much of it will lead back to Dems/Wrongies
in power? People like obamination and his buds, pelosipig, reid, etc.? How much of it went into the coffers of folks
fixing the election already: ACORN (finding people to vote who are still dead, illegal aliens, felons in jail or out, etc.),
SEIU, etc.? How much of it went into obamination's reelection campaign funds that won't be used for campaigning, but instead
will wind up in his personal off-shore accounts? Just asking.
December 14, 2011   No license to drive? No problem in L.A. IF you're an illegal alien.
Isn't that being unfair to the actual CITIZENS of AMERICA? If they get stopped and are found to not have a driver's license, their
car gets impounded. Illegals? They now get to call someone who DOES have a license to come drive the car home for them and they
don't get their car impounded because that's "fair" to them. EXCUSE ME?! What happened to doing what's right and not what
some idiot police chief (Charlie Beck) thinks is "fair" to illegal aliens? How about the rights of the CITIZENS?
Don't they count? They can vote legally. Maybe they should vote that CLOWN, CHARLIE BECK, out of office!
December 14, 2011   New Fed. board to help Christian Conservatives. Read
the link then continue reading here. I bet when you saw that link you got all hot and bothered if you're a Wrongie. You were all,
"How dare they push religion and Conservatism! That's just plain wrong!" When you found out that I tricked you, you were all, "That's
okay." Why the double standard? Why is it okay for the feds to help one group over another? What happened to "equal rights" and
"equal treatment under the law"? If the feds can help those they deem "underserved", there are none more "underserved" than
Christian Conservatives -- in this administration especially! So why can't the board be for us? Huh?
December 14, 2011   Gun sales up. Way up.
I think that's an indication of the direction people think the country is going: in a direction they'll need those firearms. If
obamination cheats his way into a second term -- and it would have to be cheated into since he can't get legally re-elected -- the
citizens of America will feel compelled to have those arms close at hand at all times. Along with those gun sales
concealed carry permits are on the rise
as well. Those with wrong-doing in their hearts better beware that those who just want to
do the right thing and follow the law and not bother other people are starting to take their own rights seriously. Don't mess with
those you may regret trying to take from. You may get more than you can handle.
December 14, 2011   Hezbollah terrorist may walk, thanks to obamination.
The obamination coward wants to "appease" Muslims, not stand up to them. If he had a centipede's worth of spine, he wouldn't
be doing this. Too bad his spine left him immediately after puberty.
December 14, 2011   Where is the Child Protective Services
and why aren't they taking that woman's daughter away? If she's stupid enough to think that "faith in humanity" is enough
to stop a fully loaded freight train in time to keep her daughter alive, she is not just immoral, she's totally void of reasoning
ability and should be forced to live the rest of her life in a padded cell for her own protection! She's stupid,
unfathomably so, and her daughter needs protection from her! It seems, though, that those folks in the "occupy" movement
have no problem using their children as tools.
They should all lose custody of their children until they can prove they won't use them as pawns in a political game. Or, at the
very least, won't use them and put them in danger.
December 14, 2011   A little ways up, I said that the MF money went to obamination's buds. That was at least
sixty minutes prior to my finding this little tidbit that it will be
soros who benefits from the MF money situation.
Is anyone surprised? If so, you haven't been paying attention, have you?
"The idea that requiring American voters to show photo identification when they vote
is racist is simply absurd. It’s a requirement enforced regularly by Holder’s labor union allies.
It’s also a requirement demanded by federal agencies that provide welfare and other benefits. If
there’s no destitute South African too poor to obtain photo ID, there is surely no American who
deserves pity for failing to obtain the same in order to vote."
December 14, 2011   "Facebook makes us miserable" author says.
I was on it for only a few months. It didn't make me miserable. It made me start wondering why people spend so much time on it.
I spent maybe five minutes daily on it; sometimes not even that. I removed myself and closed my account because the information
out there about me is enough. I don't have to share what I am feeling, watching, wearing, eating, etc., on Twitter
(for Twits), Facebook ("Faux Friends"), or any other website that is used to make us feel as if someone is noticing us.
I do my thing. If someone else reads it (and I know at least one person does: Hi, Brit! Suing me today?), that's up to them.
If no one reads it, that's okay, too. I don't care. I do this for me. I like it.
"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely, for my sake." (Matthew 5:11)
What those who are mocking, ridiculing, lying about Tebow don't know is that the next verse says,
"Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." (Matthew 5:12)
So, in actuality, they are giving Tebow a blessing because Tebow's reward in heaven will be even greater than
if they had not done so. Tebow can handle the criticism because he knows this. It's something else to look forward to.
They're only hurting themselves by their own actions. They're giving Tebow an even greater victory while giving themselves
even greater condemnation.
Also, note the broad brush the author (a Rabbi!) writes with:
"If Tebow wins the Super Bowl, against all odds, it will buoy his faithful, and emboldened faithful
can do insane things, like burning mosques, bashing gays and indiscriminately banishing immigrants. While America
has become more inclusive since Jerry Falwell’s first political forays, a Tebow triumph could set those efforts
back considerably."
So if Tebow wins you and I will become dangerous lunatics who break, burn and kill. Sweet. I love being considered a lunatic
by someone so blatantly bigoted. What the Rabbi forgets is that it's his side -- the progressives and liberals --
that is more violent. Or,
maybe, he's just using the same old standby of right-wing violence to scare the scaredy-cat lefties into thinking they should be
afraid of Tim Tebow's prayers. He forgets that the vast majority of victory riots are not started by the Christian Conservatives,
but by Wrongies who think that because they won
they get to break things and hurt people. Whichever, he's not being very honest in his assessment of Tebow's potential
victory and ourreactions to it.
December 14, 2011   I think that's enough for now. I have a project I want to work on and it's time to do so.
Have a great night. Sleep well. There are only a few days until Christmas so you may want to finish your shopping before too long.
I am almost done. One more person needs a few more things and it will be finished. Wrapping? That's another story. Good night.
December 13, 2011: 11:06 p.m   Girls are being aborted, murdered, discarded:
India's solution to expenseive dowries. Sweet. It's better to have the money than to have a daughter who can give you
grandkids. Isn't that a strange value system?
December 13, 2011   It's Christmas time and it's been difficult to get Christmas things done and still
have time to do what I need for my family. I saw hubby and son two off to GA on Friday then finished decorating. Saturday I
did some more shopping and then went to see
"A Tuna Christmas" "A Tuna Christmas" at the Titusville
Playouse. If you are a Conservative and try to not set your cap at not being a bit insulted and mocked,
"A Tuna Christmas" can be funny.
I really enjoyed it, even though it made fun of gun owners (moi), Christians (that's me!), from a small town (kinda' -- well married into it),
Baptists (yep), then you can get through this without being tramatised. The acting I thought was very good. I saw one actor do things just like
my "Aunt Eliza" and it was so like her, I thought for certain that the actor had known my friend. Good acting, folks. Definitely good. Then
Sunday I spent time getting the house cleaned up and bins moved out after finishing Christmas decorations. Hubby and son came back from GA
and we spent some time together. Monday I went shopping almost all day, then came home and my friend who had been shopping with me,
had dinner with us and we talked for a while later. Today more shopping. So that's the reason for the delay; life. As usual.
December 13, 2011   Wait! Boehner actually allowed this?
What is happening inside the Republican Congress? Is Boehner losing control? Did he ever have control? Does he really want control?
Does he have a spine? No? Oh! That's part of the problem!
December 13, 2011   Alleged cyber attack from Venezuela, Mexico being investigated.
I would not be surprised that it would be them. It's time to admit that Mexico is NOT our friend. It's time to remove them from our
MFN (Most Favored Nation) list and it's time to impose sanctions, restrict tourism, close the border and enforce our border
and make sure that Mexico feels the results of its betrayals.
December 13, 2011   Realtors have "overstated" home sales for past five years.
Five years' worth of false numbers. The real estate industry has lost all credibility with me. What's the joke going to be a year
from now? "What do you call six realtors at the bottom of the ocean...?" They could be replacing the attorneys that joke used to be
December 13, 2011   Dept. of Labor in scandal.
obamination's admin is the most scandal-ridden admin since... Clintoon? No. obamination is worse than Clintoon. Can anyone
believe I've said that someone is worse than Clintoon? That's amazingly bad!
December 13, 2011   Iran plans to practice making "the world" iinsecure.
Closing the Strait of Hormuz and stopping all oil shipping through it and oil would be even more expensive. Just as obamination
wants, gas prices could reach $8 per gallon. Anything to bring down America.
December 14, 2011: 12:29 a.m.   Date changed since I last noticed.
So how many years will it take to sift through all of this?
obamination's communications with "occupy" folks and their enablers will be very revealing. Too bad it will take two to three
years to receive them all (consider the stonewalling on Solyndra, et al), and considering how many there are likely to be.
December 14, 2011   Euro tanks. Hasta la bye-bye, Euro. (With apologies
to "The Terminator".)
December 14, 2011   Enough for tonight. I'll try to find time tomorrow (today) to do more later.
December 8, 2011: 12:50 p.m.   obamination's admin using Fast & Furious for anti-gun push.
I told you long ago that he was anti-gun. Did you listen? Be careful. He hates America. He hates your rights. He thinks
he and those like him should have rights -- you are not included in that list. He wants to be able to control you. You have
no rights in his eyes. You are the
plebeians, the
non-entities and you are nothing to them. Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, is part of the list and he agrees with
obamination. Remember that. Know it. Be prepared for it.
December 8, 2011   Walter Reed Medical Center bans Bibles and other religious materials.
Our brave men and women who are being treated there are not allowed to have a Bible, be given a Bible, to be given something that
has religious information, Bible verses, or references to GOD. Their choice is taken away from them and they are banned from having
Bibles. They lost their legs, arms, eyes, etc., and the military tells them "NO BIBLES"? That doesn't fly with me, folks. That's
just wrong. Sign the petition to lift the ban. Our troops need GOD at that time in their lives and they need His Word for comfort and
encouragement. Besides, it's called the First Amendment.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
"Prohibitng the free exercise thereof". Our troops' rights are not negated by where they are being
treated. They have the right to read, possess, be given, hear and distribute the Bible or any other
religious material wherever they are.
December 8, 2011   Discussion on whether Justice kagan [sic] should recuse herself
when the obacare case[s] come before the U.S.S.C. My opinion: Definitely YES. Will she? Probably not. She's one of the elite,
folks. She doesn't have to obey the rules.
December 8, 2011   I said way back on October 28, 2011, "With poll numbers like this how quickly will she change her mind?"
Is she signalling?
December 8, 2011   Someone else mentions the "I" word re. F&F.
Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Good thing to mention. Eric Holder may be looking at it. Why not obamination, too? After all,
he approved it! Keep up with F & F at the
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
The European Union is facing total failure. Something I predicted when it was first being put together. There are too
many things that just don't go together for it to have worked. Am I predicting the EU's total demise? Yes. If not tomorrow
or the next year, then within the next five years. It's going to happen, folks. The EU was designed for failure.
December 8, 2011   IN has an actual oba-voter-fraud case that's going somewhere!
Am I surprised? No. I'm FLABBERGASTED, SHOCKED, ASTONISHED! I didn't know there were any cases that anyone had the chutzpah
to pursue against obamination becuase they all feared the "racist" charge. Stunned, to say the least.
December 8, 2011   I don't believe Corzine doesn't know.
I think he may as well plead the fifth and get it over with. IF he truly does not know, it's because he chose to not know
when he handed the money over, fixed it to go to whomever, or however the money went to whomever made it disappear. He knows
that if he tells all he knows, he's toast as well as several other folks. He cannot speak because if he does, his political
career is over and his contacts are going to join him in the big house, IMHO.
December 8, 2011   Why? Why did he cancel the vote?
Insider trading should be banned in the House and Senate. Why prevent the vote?
December 8, 2011   "occupy" Denver & Boston lose in court.
Hehehehe... Read the article to find out why. I think "occupy" hasn't a leg to stand on... or a tent to sleep in, whichever.
December 8, 2011   Dems leaving party in droves.
Republicans are leaving, too, just not so many. obamination is losing people, not just support. They can't even vote for him in the
primaries, much less want to stay in the same party he's in. Speaks volumes, n’est-ce pas?
December 8, 2011   "Don't ask, don't tell" will next cover this.
After all, terrorists infiltrating our military to learn our secrets and weaknesses, no biggie to this administration. They don't care.
They encourage it and then call a terrorist attack, "workplace violence".
December 8, 2011   Macy's worker fired for following religious belief
and telling transgendered man he couldn't use women's dressing room, although he was dressed as a woman. I'm proud of the
woman who got fired. She should be hired by some company who supports religious freedoms and who will pay her more!
December 8, 2011   Enough for now. Tonight is dinner and a movie night. I'm going to try to get my Christmas decorating
finished tonight as well. I have to do a few more things and -- although we're not doing the usual "all out" decorating --
I'll be finished by Saturday night. Then it's on to baking. Yum. Spicey Raisin Cake, Spritz Cookies, Sugar Cookies with frosting,
No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies, etc., etc., etc. I love Christmas... Although my blue jeans do not!
December 7, 2011: 1:18 p.m.: Pearl Harbor Day   On this day in 1941, when America's territory was attacked.
The attack was the impetus for America entering WWII against the Japanese Empire. We remember and honor those who died, were injured
and who served at Pearl Harbor.
Except for the kids at the Sidwell School
where both Chealsea Clintoon attended and the obamination girls go. They chose to have Japanese food today. That's rotten.
December 7, 2011   Mumia's death penalty dropped.
The cop killer will be on the taxpayer dime for the rest of his life. He'll be able to continue his lawsuits against the people, get free medical
care, free dental care, a sex change operation if he so desires (including the hormones he'd need for the rest of his life), food,
clothes, recreation and a place to sleep all on us for the rest of his useless, wasted, deadly life. Yeah. That's justice in
the Wrongies' world. I hate this.
December 7, 2011   Blago, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Otherwise, Blago, stop your whimpering and whining. You did the wrong, you brought this all upon yourself. You are the one who made the
choice to think that you were so good at doing wrong that you wouldn't get caught. You thought yourself smarter than everyone else.
You thought that you were so special you wouldn't be prosecuted. You thought your connections were high and powerful enough. Blago,
you made your choices. Now live with them. It's the same thing I told my nephew.
Fourteen years in jail. No
less than he deserves. He'll only serve four, or less. You watch.
December 7, 2011   Some people just don't think.
The "journalists" who fell for this prank,
for instance, should have known better. The SEIU would never recall its endorsement of obamination. That is, not unless he suddenly
went all TRUE CONSERVATIVE on them. Then they'd recall their endorsement faster than the speed of light, sound and Wrongies doing
wrong -- combined! And they'd be screaming and bleeding from their ears as they did so.
December 7, 2011   obamination said to have cancelled his HI vacation
because of RomNAY's swipe about golf. Not scheduled to happen until Dec. 17th, don't bet your bottom dollar he won't be going.
Even if he arrives a few days later, that's okay with him. He gets to fly at taxpayer expense and his family and he get to cost
the U.S. taxpayers even more. Not a problem.
December 7, 2011   obamination advocates bussing for rich/poor mixture.
If there's nothing else to say, make sure you bash the rich. Oh, but he hides it under "racial equality". Huh? There are no rich blacks?
Ask Bill Cosby, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Danny Glover, Ludicris, Beyonce, Oprah, the obaminations... Need I go on?
December 7, 2011   "President Obama is determined to push through a foreign ambassadorship
for a controversial figure whose close ties to a spy from a terrorist-sponsoring nation derailed a similar post for the same aspiring
diplomat in the Clinton Administration." Terrorists and obamination together? No biggie. He has a long list of
them in his friendship closet. Shock. Surprise. Not.
December 7, 2011   Putin thinks Hillary "playing politics". Well,
duh! Ya' think? She is, after all, a politician! Remember her being "Senator Clintoon", and that little bit about her running for President
of the United States of America?! Duh! She's playing politics because she's the Secretary of State, you boneheaded Bonzo. She's supposed to
be criticizing Russia and you! You are our ENEMY. You are not our friend. Don't think that your bringing the military against your
own people is going to be making you friends and giving you a positive public image. Duh.
December 7, 2011   The Idiot, Michael Moor, turns on obamination.
He'll do anything to get attention. Even talk down his leader. Desperate times. Desperate times. The little man has to be in the public
eye somehow. Oh, yes, I was referring to Moore, not obamination, although he is the same way.
"The Obama White House is betraying the American people, as well as the municipalities and
companies in the U.S. who are taking serious action to reduce their emissions, Naidoo said."
They blame obamination. Hehehe... In other climate news (or is that "snooze"?), they claim
women are negatively impacted by climate change but
if you insert a boy's name in the stories, they're just as likely to have happened to a male. Ridiculous how far
the feminazis will go to get their own way on anything. Women more impacted by a falsely claimed climate change lie
than men. Absurd. Next thing you know they'll say that female kangaroos are more likely to be thirsty when they're
not drinking water than male kangaroos experiencing the same thing -- even though they're both standing beside a
trough full of cool, clear water! Idiots. BTW, if a non-existent "climate change" is bad for young people, isn't political
corruption even worse? If the relief food and funds that America and other countries send to third world countries cannot get
to their intended distribution points and to the people who are hungry, isn't that the reason the young people are starving
and NOT supposed "climate change"? Reality check: the climate isn't killing you. Your leaders are.
December 7, 2011   So this is how it's done in Nigeria?
Organizations threaten mob rule if they don't get their own way?
Sweet. Let's all just go to anarchy and be done with it. That way if someone wants your home, your wedding ring, your vehicle,
your shirt, your child, they just take it if they can win the fight. There are no rules, no laws, no right and wrong. It's all
about how many people we can get to stand with us. Kind of like the story about the teens being kept at bay via water cannons,
above. That's where America is heading if obamination and soros get their way.
December 7, 2011   Indonesians want a Blackberry. They fight to get one.
That means the Blackberry executive who was in country at the time is banned from leaving.
He'll face charges because some folks wanted a Blackberry badly enough to be violent. He was not violent. Others were. But he faces
the charges for it. Hm. Sounds like the way Wrongies want to do things here, yes?
December 7, 2011   And that's enough for now. As usual, if I see the Wrongies being dumber than usual --
how far can that go? -- I'll have to post about it. Until then or tomorrow, whichever comes first, "see" ya' then!
December 6, 2011   obamination wants to use gay rights as a litmus test
for foreign aid. That's not right because if people are starving in mass quantities, to say that it's a Muslim country and homosexuals
are not treated fairly -- must stay in the closet -- then the starving get no food, that's murder.
December 6, 2011   Hollyweird's approval of obamination: Down.
He's not liberal/progressive enough for them. Of course, most of Hollyweird is a bunch of misfit egos who know nothing but their
latest popularity numbers and box office returns, so it's not as if their attention spans would be able to hang on for four
years anyways. No, I'm not giving obamination "a bye" on this. I'm saying that Hollyweird's approval or disapproval is no big
deal for him. He gets his money from richer folks like soros.
December 6, 2011   Russia is having Putin trouble.
This is not good, folks. Putin is a power horse (not house, horse). He wants it, needs it, revels in it, laps it up like a thirsty
RINO rhino. He is a dangerous man. Russia is in trouble and the iron curtain is not far away.
December 6, 2011   In order to protect the members of his voter base,
obamination's admin lied about -- inflated -- deportation numbers.
They wanted to look tough on illegal immigration, but they didn't want to actually deport their voters so they lied. They
wouldn't know the truth if it kissed them on the lips, slipped them the tongue and grabbed their crotches at the same time.
"Republican and Democratic opponents of Romney say the scrubbing of emails - and a claim by
Romney that paper records of his governorship are not subject to public disclosure - hinder efforts to
assess his performance as a politician and elected official."
I have to agree with them. It also increases my distrust of RomNAY. If he's hiding something that's reason enough to distrust him. After all,
we already have a president who won't tell us anything about himself, so do we want another? (Just in case: Paid Political Advertisement.
Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, political
party, candy cane or e-mail records. [Candy cane thrown in there for the Season.])
December 6, 2011   Pres. Reagan's shooter says he's "safe" now.
Um... I have a problem with trusting a person who was "found not guilty by reason of insanity" with determining his own
mental stability. Whatever he thinks, he still shot the president and three others. He should get out of the insane asylum and
"Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass 'Go'. Do not collect $200."
December 6, 2011   North Korea creating missiles that can hit America.
So where does a backwater, third world, starving country get the technology to do such a thing? From obamination himself, or from China or Russia?
Whichever, it's wrong and it put our people in danger. We should do something to prevent its use. Anyone for a little espionage?
December 6, 2011   Ohio unions won in their election issue: workers got fired.
Unions are not good for America. I don't care if they hate me. They're not good for America. They don't care about the little guy any longer,
they care about one thing: POWER. The little guy be darned.
December 6, 2011   It's been a while since I've done a hamster story.
So let's fix that problem. U.N.'s climate change convention
and the hamsters are still on the wheel. Some will never get off the wheel. Some will stay on the wheel until kingdom come. That's
the definition of insanity isn't it? (Oh. Maybe we should ask John Hinckley.)
December 6, 2011   Wrongies have no problem with suggesting rape.
They say they're against such things, but when it comes to political opponents, rape is always trotted out as one of the preferred punishments
for being conservative. Aren't they sweet? Just so loving and gentle and kind. Level headed, too. They're just wonderful
people. (If you don't recognize sarcasm go read something else.)
December 6, 2011   In a purely political power play,
Dick Durbin (D-IL) may stymie religious freedoms worldwide.
Of course, religious freedom is not important to some, but it should be. If we can consider gay rights in aid moneys,
why isn't religious freedom considered as important as sexual preference? Of course, Durbin is a Wrongie,
so religion can go away and homosexuality is a very important issue to him. No big deal.
December 6, 2011   pelosipig backs off threat to dish the dirt on Gingri[n]ch.
pelosipig has no room to talk considering her dirt.
I think a pot calling a kettle is hysterical to watch, but hypocrisy goes only so far in comedy. I enjoy reading it
in the local pooper paper on a regular basis. But, at times, I tire of the completeness of its practicers (and writers).
December 6, 2011   Enough for now. If something else catches my eye I'll be sure to post it. Until then,
keep safe, read the U.S. Constitution today (just in case), and remember to thank a member of the U.S.
military for your freedom. It's not the Senate and House that does that.
December 6, 2011: 3:52 a.m.   I realized something today. That something being
"Why obamination Is NOT Impeached".
I wrote a short blog about it that may open some eyes and explain the truth of the matter. It may just make you go "Hmm...."
December 3, 2011: 4:50 p.m.   No updates today. Today we have a birthday in the family and I won't be taking the
three to four hours it takes to do the kind and amount of blurbs I prefer. So, enjoy the day. Tip a glass to our birthday person
and remember, tomorrow's Sunday. No blurbs -- unless Wrongies do something really bad, stupid, or irritating (or, as usual, all
three) -- and we'll get together Monday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, folks. GOD bless you!
December 2, 2011: 4:47 p.m.   Considering the way the Red House used the Purple Heart (yes, the military decoration)
as an ornament to decorate their Xmas trees (they don't celebrate Christ there so it can't be CHRISTmas), I had to write a blog
about how they chose to decorate. Read,
"It's Xmas in the Red House" and see if you
December 2, 2011: 2:40 a.m.   As I said, more blurbs later. It's later.
December 2, 2011   Republicans, REMEMBER this when you go to vote
in the Primary in January, and again in November. I'm not a Republican, so I don't have to worry about it. I won't be
voting for anyone in the Republican party during a Primary. It's during the General Election that I get to vote for or against
anyone. GinGri[n]ch
needs some special attention.
December 2, 2011   Calling it as they see it.
Gun company has Hitler, Idi Amin, Jong Il, Stalin and obamination: bundled.
December 2, 2011   Does everyone within the obamination administration speak the same language:
incomprehensible nonsense?
December 2, 2011   Record keeping for the federal government
doesn't help with obamination's infamous "transparency" pledge. He's working to change all that. Yeah. Right. And I'm
a lifelong liberal (sarcasm, folks, for those of you who can't understand what they're reading).
December 2, 1011   YOU may be targeted by terrorists. You, your Mom and Dad, sisters and brothers, aunts, uncles,
nieces and nephews, grandparents, children
So, according to the obamination administration, it's okay to allow Al Q. to target civilians -- as opposed to an
accidental involvement of civilians -- as long as Al Q.'s still at war with us. Hm. I suppose that means that because
they declared war against, "America, the Great Satan"
years and years ago and has
yet to be "un-declared". It's the Muslims who keep it going; we have just tried to protect ourselves, to find and punish
those responsible and to prevent further attacks on civilians and military alike. For anyone to say differently is an
outright lie.
Learn the truth about the history of Islam and America
by doing some reading. Open your eyes. You may be surprised by what the truth looks like.
Trust me, it's not the "peace and tolerance" some may say.
December 2, 2011   Say what?
Health care "really is an issue of national security"?
Oh. So if health care "really is an issue of national security" what are airplanes, tanks, machine guns, bombs, etc.? Health
care issues? So we can put those into the health care bill and pay for our military with the health care bill?
December 2, 2011   LOL! John McCain's daughter shows her stupidity.
"More smarter" and “Michele Bachmann is no better than a poor man’s Sarah Palin.” Rrriiiggghhhhttt.... ??? Why does anyone ask this
woman anything? Why does she rank getting interviewed? Because her father is "someone"? So that automatically gives her credibility
in the Wrongies' minds? Really? So they'll obviously take a liking to Rush Limbaugh because he's "someone". Right? Why don't
they listen to him and accept his judgments?
December 2, 2011   WRONG. This is just so wrong.
The mother of the dead baby -- not fetus, baby! -- is just wrong to have aborted that child. "Adoption, not abortion" is a
better way. Abortion kills a human being. Abortion hurts the baby physically and the baby feels the pain. Abortion is cruel
and unusual punishment for nothing more than being conceived through no act nor decision of its own; the baby pays the price
for the mother's actions. Except in the case of rape, which RARELY results in conception, and in which case two wrongs never
make a right. Aborting the baby can only lead to regret, future fertility problems, possible breast cancer, guilt (perhaps with
accompanying drug or alcohol abuse), self-loathing, fear and self-recriminations. Abortion does not just kill the baby
it kills your own spirit, too. Abortion kills. Never get or help with abortions.
December 2, 2011   Went to dinner and a movie last night with my friend. We saw
"Happy Feet 2" in 3D
and I was not impressed. First, it was in 3D: Yuck. Second, it had a lot of hiphop/rap in it. Yuck. Third
it had a lot of "Global Warming" crap in it. Yuck (a BFL [Big Fat Lie, too]). When I was trying to not hear the music, I
focused on the video. It was okay but the 3D glasses made watching the whole movie with them on impossible. Literally. Yuck.
December 1, 2011: 3:46 p.m.   Sorry about no update yesterday. By the time I had time to do so I also had a
bad sinus headache. I took a nap and felt a bit better but headaches, computer work and I don't go well together. A quick blurb
now is going to be joined later. I have my dinner and a movie with my friend night tonight since we had to forego it for
Thanksgiving day, which would have been our usual time. So one now below and more later. Okay?
December1, 2011   The Christmas decorations the obaminations chose to use on some of their trees this year
are just wrong. They decided to supposedly "honor" our troops by
decorating at least one of the trees in the Red House
with Purple Hearts, Medals of Honor, etc.! When you want to "honor" someone, do you do so by taking the one thing that holds
a reverent place in the honorees' hearts and lowering that thing to a Christmas decoration, hanging it on a tree? That makes it
as common as a paper chain, a tinsel icicle, a dime-a-dozen glass ornament! That is NOThonoring anyone! That
actually denegrates the medal and downgrades it to a common object. But doesn't that whole idea -- and the actual usage --
tell you something about what the obaminations think of our men and women in the military: that they're dime-a-dozen ornaments and
nothing more! The obaminations owe our military men and women a huge apology!
November 2011
November 29, 2011: 10:06 p.m.   I had to stop doing updates earlier today because my computer froze up. It wouldn't
cooperate at all, so I shut it down and started supper (homemade vegetable beef soup: Yummy!). Now I'm back and will comment on
a few more interesting-to-me news items.
November 29, 2011   Euro businesses think the EU is done.
I think it's going to be a bumpy ride for those in the EU for the next several months. I do not see it changing anytime too soon.
If I'm wrong, that's okay with me because I know that people's livelihoods are being affected and that's going to be affecting
the families. That's affecting Christmas for a lot of kids around the world. Very sad. If it fails,
some companies we know will be hurting.
November 29, 2011   American Airlines
down the drain.
Unless your taxpayer dollars are going to go rescue them via obamination's orders. Is the head of AA a good friend of
obamination? If so, count on your money going to save them because they're "Too big to fail". Sweet. (NOT!)
November 29, 2011   Government corruption may unite Tea Party and "occupy" folks.
"Politics makes strange bedfellows" (Charles Dudley Warner, 1829 – 1900), but the losers will be the Wrongies in the House, Senate and
obamination administration. When both sides realize they're fed up with the same thing, that thing will change and make
changes because politicians realize that if they don't change, they're outta' there!
November 29, 2011   Some folks don't believe in GOD, nor His Son, Jesus Christ, and I suppose those people
don't celebrate Christmas. Or at least they shouldn't. I don't believe in celebrating Halloween because I'm not an atheist,
so they shouldn't celebrate Christmas if they're not Christians. In order to bring some "Xmas" cheer to those atheists
around the world, Gruff Rhys, a Welsh musician, wrote an atheist's "Xmas" album. It's called,
"Atheist Xmas"
and includes songs like "I Slashed My Wrists This Christmas". Hm. Cheerful. If that's the way atheists wish to "celebrate"
Christmas, I've got a better idea for them. Accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and then they'll be happy for Christmas
instead of suicidal. Problem solved.
November 29, 2011: 12:57 p.m.   Red House visitor logs
released, after fighting it tooth and nail. He pats himself on the back for doing what he legally has to do but has fought doing
the right thing for months. How does that deserve a pat on the back? Anyone?
November 29, 2011   The MSM's hatchet job on Herman Cain has been brutal. A Republican Conservative black man cannot
be allowed off the plantation and they cannot see him succeed. Just as they did with Justice Clarence Thomas, they have done everything
they can to stop Herman Cain from proceeding into even greater success. Any black man who doesn't want to stay in the left's stereotypical
cookie cutter of who the left thinks a black man should be, how he should act, what his past is, cannot be allowed to be different.
"Don't think for yourself, act like a responsible man of integrity, nor even dream of being a success. You must father multiple
babies with as many women as possible out of wedlock and not support them. You must do drugs, fail in school, be involved in crime and
go to jail multiple times in order to keep your family on the welfare rolls and yourself in our cookie cutter. That will keep you and
your family voting for lefties and that's what we want." That's what the
left thinks a black man's life should be. Herman Cain, Justice Thomas, Dr. Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams don't fit that mold.
They are called "Uncle Tom", "Bootlicker", "Not a real black man!" and they
are reviled by the left (Wrongies). How dare they succeed and be responsible instead of fitting the left's mold?
That's why
they must destroy Herman Cain. I think it's deplorable. I knew it was coming because that's who the left (Wrongies) is. That's what
they do. That's their M.O. (Modus Operandi: method of operating). If you don't go along with their way, their thoughts, their desires
and plans, fit into their stereotypes: "CRUSH! KILL! DESTROY!" I like Herman Cain. I did not allow myself to get excited about his
candidacy (as I had in the past about Allen Keyes's campaigns) because I knew it was coming. I didn't know if Cain could hang in there
and face the dragons released by the Wrongies, so I waited to see what he would do when all the garbage started being thrown. Now,
it's up to him. Even if he decides to stay in for a while longer, it will only get harder for him. They'll make further accusations. They'll
be bringing out his Kindergarten teacher saying that he copied his alphabets from the boy who sat beside him for their practice
writing sessions, or some such thing. Sex and Clintoon before his election and while he was in the Red House? Aw, that's nothing.
Herman Cain and sex? SCANDAL! BAD! Leftist double standard, anyone?
"Democratic pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen, admittedly more centrist than most
of their Democratic counterparts, penned an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal urging Obama 'to
abandon his candidacy for re-election.' The authors conclude that the only way Obama could possibly
win in 2012 would be 'to wage the most negative campaign in history,' because he has no successful
record to run on. If he would happen to win in that way, he wouldn't be able to govern, they say,
so he should step aside and allow Hillary Clinton to run."
Hillary? That would be interesting, but she has so many targets to shoot at (so to speak: not literally) that her candidacy would be
nothing more than a fish in a barrel.
November 29, 2011   Norway mass murderer
living in his own little world and will NOT face jail time
in the near future. Maybe after he's cured of "paranoid schizophrenia", but right now, he's going to a
psychiatric facility for a long time. Why can't they have both: a psychiatric area in prison? Wouldn't that be more
fitting than a nuthouse with a stroll around the grounds and birds singing in the trees you sit under?
November 29, 2011   Thanks, obamination. FOR NOTHING.Property is a cornerstone of our existence.
obamination's administrative actions -- or lack thereof in some instances -- have led to fewer and fewer people owning
their homes. The obamination's administration is responsible for this downturn and they cannot deny that.
November 28, 2011: 12:13 p.m.   What a great way to start the week!
Bawhney Fwank calls it quits!
Hip, Hip, Hurray!
November 28, 2011   Another Middle Eastern country's government falls.
Kuwait's the latest. Who is next? And what happens when they're all under the control of radical Islamists? Watch out, world. Bumpy
ride ahead.
November 28, 2011   Hybrid users: beware of battery fires.
But if it does catch fire you can get a loaner. That's -- what? -- about three of you?
November 28, 2011   When the the nations in Europe were talking about creating the European Union, I
always reacted the same way, "Don't do it! It's a bad idea and it won't work. Don't do it." I'd hear more about it and more
countries coming into the thing -- some so very reluctantly -- and I would tell them no to fall for it.
Again. I was right.It's getting way too close to deny it.
Why didn't they listen to me?
November 28, 2011   Mark my words:
Putin having more power is a danger to America. To be honest with
you, the biggest danger is that obamination will do something stupid on purpose in order to annoy Putin and
that will bring about the most dangerous situation for America since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. It won't be just Putin who
does this. He'll have support from all those now-radical Muslim Middle Eastern countries that went through the "Islamic Spring"
change from a moderate and sometimes friendly government to a radical, Shariah and 12th Imam controlled government. It's not
a good thing, folks. Not a good thing at all.
November 28, 2011   Have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving? If you did, excellent! If not,
I'm sorry. Either way, your
Congressmen and Senators have some perks they enjoy
and we should definitely be thankful for that.
November 28, 2011   I think this is a bad policy.
If Iran wants that policy, they should remember Israel's military could strike before they get any of those missiles off and knowing
Israel's track record, Iran would not have a chance to strike Israel with 150K weapons. Israel is playing to win, not just survive.
November 28, 2011   The U.S. Supreme Courty (USSC) deciding to take the obacare issue and consider it,
has resulted in a lot of lobbying trying to sway the USSC's decision.
To me, that is wrong. The USSC should make its decision strictly based upon the U.S. Constitution and the original intent of the
Founding Fathers. The USSC should NOT make up its mind based upon lobbying, but upon things like the Federalist Papers, the writings
of the Founders, etc. Lobbying by whomever should not be taken into account at all. Fair warning:
at least some think the USSC will approve obacare as constitutional.
What the USSC would have to smoke before making that ruling, I have no idea, but some folks see it as possible.
November 28, 2011   Newt gets a big endorsement.
Do I agree with it? He'd be better than obamination. Not by much, but at least a little. I don't want him to be president. I prefer --
of the remaining candidates --
Rick Santorum or
Michele Bachman or a combination of the two: Santorum/Bachman, but Newt? Why
vote for a salamander? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John,
FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee or candidate, or reptile, lizard, salamander.)
November 28, 2011   Canada kisses Kyoto "Goodbye!"
"Global Warming" is a lie and people are starting to admit that they'd been duped.
November 26, 2011   An unqualified presidentnominates unqualified judges --
even the über-liberal American Bar Association thinks so. Wow. When you screw things up so badly that even the ABA
thinks you've screwed it up, that's soooooo bad! Okay. obamination has impressed me with that one.
November 26, 2011   oba-partner gets 10.5 years in prison.
It's all about the corruption, folks. It's all about the corruption. obamination = corruption.
November 26, 2011   A professing Christian who omits GOD from his Thanksgiving greeting?
Yeah. obamination. Who else?
If he's a Christian, I'm a supernova.
November 26, 2011   I thought the Clintoon administration was corrupt and bad.
obamination is so much worse than Clintoon.
I'm so surprised that Wrongies don't care about corruption, wrong-doing, lying, lack of qualification, etc., in any
of their candidates: presidential, USSC -- anything. Consider also, that they are the "occupy" crowd. What does that say about them?
It says that they have no sense of right and wrong, no idea as to what honor and honesty are, no clue as to
patriotism, history, or what America was founded for, nor what it's about. Wrongies are WRONG. Period.
November 26, 2011   Department of Defense: Global Warming Unit?
obamination administration: "stupid is as stupid does". And they are proving themselves stupid again and again and again!
November 26, 2011   That mad man from Iran:
attack us and Muslims in Turkey will die. Of course, they're threatening ALL of Turkey, but
there is a a 99.8% Muslim majority in Turkey.
Apparently Ahmadinejad doesn't care about them. They'll all die martyrs and all wind up in heaven -- if allah sees
fit to allow them to stay. But maybe not.
November 26, 2011   Defense: That's the government's job.
This according to the Founding Fathers. I think they would know. After all, when you write the original rules you are the
one who knows, right?
November 26, 2011   Another end of the world prediction found?
Yeah. I think the May 21st prediction was proof enough to not take those things seriously. Everyone: wake up!
November 26, 2011   Palin being asked to reconsider.
I think she'd be a great president. What I don't think is that the idiots who oppose her are willing to stop at anything to
keep her from being elected. There is nothing they would not do to keep a strong, popular, true Conservative out of
power. They're a deplorable bunch.
November 26, 2011   HAHAHAHAHA!
What can I say? He's a nobody. obamination is a nobody.
November 25, 2011 (Black Friday): 10:03 p.m.   Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a very relaxed
day and didn't worry aobut the big meal and all the brouhaha. We smoked some turkey, a ham and a roast and had sandwiches
and some sides. Very relaxed.
My youngest son and I had a great trip to SC to visit my Mom. We were there the 14th through the 21st and we laughed
and laughed and laughed. We always do when we're with Mom. We have a good time. I got to give her the Christmas present
I had purchased for her. It's funny. She didn't know that I had purchased her a tablet, but in order to try to get her familiar with
the new operating system (Android based) I was trying to get her to use my tablet. It didn't happen. She wouldn't touch it.
Then I revealed to her the fact that she was getting a newer, bigger tablet with more capabilities (camera built-in, etc.),
and that's when her face lit up and she agreed to play on it so that she could learn the new system. It's so funny that
she wouldn't touch mine, absolutely refused. Then she found out the bigger one was hers and she was all over that. You
should have seen her face. She didn't want to touch the thing until she knew she would have one. I think that she didn't want to
fall in love. That's the way she is with technology: loves it. She couldn't allow herself to touch it so that she wouldn't
want one. Now, I'm happy to say, she doesn't have to want it. It's already wrapped and waiting to go under her Christmas
tree because I left it up there for her to do so.
When we got home the next day I did a special delivery, did the laundry and caught up with my husband and eldest son and
with the mail. Wednesday we shopped and shopped; Thursday Thanksgiving; today a little more relaxing and a very little
shopping. *shiver* (Nah. It wasn't that bad.) We just went to Staples and found some clearance good deals and some new ideas.
All good. So to get to the point: Blurbs start again tomorrow.
November 13, 2011: 12:21 a.m.   Decided that since I'm still online since yesterday but it is now Sunday,
that I'd tell you that I will be going to see my Momma November 14th through 21st so the updates may be sporadic at best.
Please understand that when I'm visiting my Momma, she has priority. If you can understand that, you must be Conservative.
If not, then... You're just Wrong. See you up there at least a few times. Maybe.
November 12, 2011: 10:22 p.m.   The Show is over. The Annual Space Coast Post Card Show, that is.
It was great fun. It was productive and I actually found some cards that I do collect. I had been collecting
most holidays and greeting cards, but a few years ago I focused my collection down to some very difficult to
find cards. This year, I found sixteen of them at one dealer! A friend of his who collected the same kind of cards I
do had to sell his collection due to a divorce. While I am sorry about the divorce, I got the benefit of it.
"I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all.
The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton and the like will be over when I’m in the White
House." – Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama,
October 2, 2008
November 12, 2011   I don't think they should ban the book.
They should allow it for discussion's sake even if there are mistakes. Discuss the mistakes for pete's sake.
Don't ban it.
November 12, 2011   obacare costs people their jobs.
We warned about things like this prior to obacare being passed. But no. Wrongies wouldn't listen. They supported it anyways.
Of course. Wrongies don't worry about the truth. They worry about what they want like petulant little babies. They must
have their way.
November 12, 2011   Perry running "on his principles and leadership accomplishments".
Despite these assertions: Perry can't win if you look at his non-support of U.S. Border Patrol agents. If
Perry's lack of support for U.S. Border Patrol agents
is taken into consideration, then Perry should not win. He is better than obamination -- of course a dead spider
would be -- but that doesn't mean he would be my choice. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by
Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John FL 32927 Independent of any campaign, candidate, party, committee,
or anything/anyone else. It's my opinion.)
November 12, 2011   obamination annually spending $100 MILLION of YOUR dollars to Paris to
"advocate even bigger government in the United States."
An international agency that we are paying 1/4 of the tax-free salaries for their bureaucracy, is trying to make a one
world government at our expense and we're being taxed for it? That's not just wrong, that's STUPID!
November 12, 2011   obamination administration doesn't stand up for Christians, although he says he's
a Christian. "The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) will shut down unless the U.S. Senate approves a reauthorization bill".
"The Obama State Department recently
overruled USCIRF recommendations to designate Pakistan, Vietnam, Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria and Turkmenistan as “countries of particular concern” (CPCs), in addition to those currently on the list (Burma,
China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Uzbekistan.)"
November 13, 2011   Date changed while I was working. It's Sunday. So I'll shut it down. Good night.
November 11, 2011: 12:19 p.m.   It's Veterans' Day and I want to say, "THANK YOU!" to every
person who has served in the U.S. Military, past and present. I wrote a poem for Veterans' Day,
"She Serves".
Remember to say, "THANK YOU!" when you see a service person. GOD bless them all!
November 11, 2011   I have a busy schedule today because the
Space Coast Post Card Club has their
Annual Space Coast Post Card Show this Saturday,
November 12, 2011. I have been busy helping out and will be so today even more because today we have the
setup of our Show. Most of the dealers will be in today and tomorrow the Show will take place. I hope to see you
there! Considering this, I may not have time to do more updates today. I may try after setup, but chances
are slim. Same for tomorrow when we have the actual show in Eau Gallie. So the next time I get to update may be Monday.
November 11, 2011: 12:53 a.m.   Sorry for the delay in posting. I had errands to run today and then dinner
and a movie with my friend and got home just before eleven. Dinner today at the Moonlight Driver-In again, and the movie
was at the newly-changed-hands, Searstown 10 Cinema (now owned by Spotlight Theatres
and we saw, "Courageous". It was a very good movie. I wish that it was going to be
there longer, but it was the final day. So, see the movie when and where you can: fathers and sons together highly recommended.
Take tissues.
November 11, 2011   When the European Union as we know it was formed in 1993, I said then that they would not last. I
said it was a mistake and that they would regret it.
Step One toward its destruction is underway.
What happens next? The reinstatement of the U.S.S.R.?
November 11, 2011   Ann Coulter has a very good point.
Well, many of them, actually. obamination and his team play dirty. That's what she proves. Cain is his latest victim.
November 11, 2011   Constitution? What Constitution? We can ignore that!
Dems and Wrongies try an end run around the Constitution and the requirements for the presidential elections. Ain't that sweeeeeet!?
November 11, 2011   That's all I can do tonight. Tired. Have a long day ahead and I've still got other things to do.
So I'll do those things then try to get some sleep. (Wish me luck.)
November 9, 2011: 4:48 p.m.   Christmas tree tax on hold.
It was to be used to promote Christmas trees to combat the growth of the artificial tree industry and encourage us to buy cut trees.
Encouragement like that, who needs?
November 9, 2011   While obamination's friends, the Senate Dems., run away from one problem,
obamination himself runs away from another...two or three.
Transparency must mean
"hide behind anything you can,
use as many delaying tactics as possible to prevent the truth from emerging, and run away to foreign shores when things get intense"
to obamination. I'm sure that he doesn't mean to hide things from us. He's just... just... Hiding things. In fact, if obamination
wanted to tell the truth, he wouldn't be able to. His whole body would rebel and it would never pass his lips. He is that out of practice
at honesty. Every time his lips are moving, he's writing anything, etc., he's lying. I wouldn't trust him if he told me his DNA proved
he was a male.
That's the National Labor Relations Board's General Counsel who put that in writing. Isn't that wonderful? They admit their efforts to destroy America,
and they do it in writing. When will people start believing me? Maybe now?
November 9, 2011   This is the way to handle the "occupy" movement.
Most "occupy" groups have expired permits, are breaking laws (including committing felonies like rape) and are being a general nuisance.
They should be disbanded, jailed if they resist, and it should be disallowed to regroup and do it again.
November 9, 2011   Our military is worth more than this.
In order to prevent this, why not use only materials "Made in the U.S.A." for our military's needs? Let's make that a law.
I think it's worth it.
November 9, 2011   Mexico is not our friend when
they allow this sort of intrusion into our country on a regular basis.
The trade agreement with Mexico should be nullified. The border should be sealed. All aide to Mexico should be cancelled.
All illegal aliens that come from Mexico (nationality, or that direction) should be rounded up and returned. Funny. As I write
this there is a pro-Mexico ad on the television. Which irks me because
Mexico is not all that safe.
But, who cares about the truth? It doesn't sell tickets nor benefit our enemies (which is how Mexico should be classified).
November 8, 2011: 9:45 p.m.   A CHRISTMAS TREE TAX?!! REALLY!!?
Yes. That's what obamination's administraton thinks is a good thing. They are doing it to "help promote Christmas
trees". Really? You want to talk ridiculous? That's Ridiculous -- capital "r". And they create a "commission"? Come on.
November 8, 2011   The Second Great Depression?
It's possible. Think how bad it would be if obamination won a second term. Ouch.
November 8, 2011   A Christmas tree commission
and a bi-partisan housing commission.
Sigh. More and more things to make rules we are supposed to obey. Don't you love all of these things that these people
do to control us more?
November 8, 2011   Earlier this year I got back into using coupons. I have saved my family hundreds and hundreds of
dollars with them. But there are just some things that no one should publish a coupon for.
Abortion is one of those things.
It's wrong. It's tacky. It's something that they're going to answer for. When adults decide that killing the most innocent
being on earth -- a child still in the womb -- they will answer to GOD for that and I pity those who haven't had a change of
heart and turned away from murdering children and accepted Christ as their Savior. Can you imagine standing before an Almighty GOD
and being asked by Him, "Why did you kill so many of the babies I created?" How do you answer? What do you say? It says throughout
the Old Testament that GOD gave the mother the child. He
"remembered" the mother and blessed her with a child for her husband.
It says this again and again and again. So when a woman conceives, it is GOD that makes the child be conceived, not the act of
sexual intercourse (or even rape): GOD. "All things work to the good..."
(Romans 8:28)
So how will abortionists and those who support abortion answer GOD when He asks them, "Why? Why did you kill the babies I gave?
How could you kill someone so innocent?" That's what I want to know and that's why I think this coupon is tacky and wrong.
Abortion is wrong.
November 8, 2011   "Mayor Bloomberg should be run out of town on the jackass he rode in on --"
That's the EXCELLENT first line of this story.
Read it and I think you'll agree that the "occupy" folks are a bad lot and they need to go home.
November 8, 2011   Giving aid to Palestinians?
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), the chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is all for it. Can you believe that?
When is she up for re-election?
November 7, 2011: 3:31 p.m.   Were you one of the "lucky ones" who were chosen to participate in the oh-so-intrusive
"American Community Survey"? No? I was. Want to know what the questions are and why people don't like it? I wrote a blog about the
American Community Survey and what I think of it. It's called,
"American Community Survey: I WIILL NOT RESPOND".
Read it to find out why I will not respond and what the questions are. It's amazing that our government wants that info. I refuse to
give ti to them.
November 7, 2011   Navy Seal says that obamination's story about how Osama Bin Laden was killed
is a crock of crud.
Remember that it's obamination telling the previous tale and when was the last time he told the truth?
November 7, 2011   More proof "occupy" is NOT like Tea Party.
As if anyone with a brain actually thought they were alike. No one who has a half-ounce of grey matter actually believes that
they are the same.
November 7, 2011   The Supervising Chairman of China Investment Corporation, China's sovereign wealth fund, Jin Liqun,
tells Al Jazeera that European
"labour laws induce sloth, indolence, rather than hardworking [sic]."
You know, I agree with Mr. Jin Liqun. I think European labor laws do induce laziness. I also think that there are a lot
of people in America would love the labor laws here to be the same.
November 7, 2011   Despite a hatchet job on him, Cain ties RomNAY.
Interesting to see the reactions to the accusations. Do I believe them? No. Do I think this will damage Cain? It already has a little.
Do I think he's done these things? I doubt it. Do I think the Dems are pulling a Clarence Thomas on Herman Cain? Oh, yes. I'm
surprised there's no Anita Hill.
November 7, 2011   Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IO), threatens to block obamination's FCC nominees
if he doesn't turn over the LightSquared documents.
I think it's good that Grassley is willing to do this. Maybe obamination will snap to now. No. I don't really think so, but there's
no harm in hoping.
November 7, 2011   The Girl Scouts of America used to be an organization I could support, trust and I used to be a member
of. Now, I would not give a wooden nickel to the organization. Not when
they support Planned Parenthood and abortion.
If you want to keep an eye on the Girl Scouts of America, Speak Now Girl Scouts will help you
do so.
November 5, 2011: 11:43 p.m.   Busy, busy day today. Went to a function at my husband's office. From there shopping,
home, to a friend's to pick something up, to a thrift store to drop off a donation, then to another just to see what was available,
then to the pier (via Arby's for a milkshake), then home again. Whew! Hubby did two cookouts today; one at the office and one
at home and both were very good. Thanks, Sweetheart! So, now I get started on this.
November 5, 2011   "Unreasonable burden"?
If obamination had nothing to do with the Solyndra scandal -- no personal involvement in Solyndra getting the loan guarantees -- then
how can the FOIA request be an "unreasonable burden" if there wasn't involvement? No involvement means no papers to turn over, right?
But there's already 8,500 pages worth of "burden" that have been turned over to Congress. How much more is there to turn over -- to
unburden -- if obamination had nothing to do with this whole thing?
November 5, 2011   We're $15 TRILLION in debt and being asked to help France?
Can anyone say, "Fix it yourself, France!"? If obaminatoin does agree to help any European country out with our money
we should impeach him immediately!
November 5, 2011   Muslims try to silence Christian prayer summit in AMERICA!
What a crock. Christians praying a threat? Controlling Christians is what they're trying to do. Preventing the practice of Christianity
is what it's about. Of course, praying Christians may well be a threat if the Christians have faith and "Where two or more agree
as touching anything it shall be done for them of the Father which is in heaven."
(Matthew 18:19) so it may be that if the Christians are praying for the conversion of
the Muslims, or for their good behavior, then Muslims may well consider prayer a threat.
November 5, 2011   "Occupy D.C." uses children in scuffle.
That's not just wrong, it's immoral, stupid and it tramatized the children. If the children's parents did that, the parents should
lose custody of those children. It's that wrong.
November 5, 2011   I, too, was shocked by some of the USSC decisions lately.
What are they thinking? Does someone have information that some of the Justices don't want to get out and that's working on them to
influence their decisions? Is that what is happening to the USSC? I can't think of another reason they would NOT hear some
of the cases they've chosen to allow previous anti-Christian rulings to stand. It's amazing -- and appalling me.
November 6, 2011: 12:59 a.m.   Time marches on and the date changed while I was working. I'll finish a few more blurbs then
take my Sunday as a day of rest.
November 6, 2011   obamination needs volunteers.
Want to help him get... into prison? Oh, I'm sorry. It's supposed to be re-election, isn't it? Let's try to prevent that, shall we?
November 6, 2011   Well, that's enough for now. It's 1:21 a.m. and it's time to shut it down. Have a great Sunday,
November 4, 2011: 9:13 p.m.   obamination rejects subpoena?!
Rejects? How on earth does anyone reject a subpoena? It's a little more than an attorney who passed the bar should even try
to do. Maybe impeachment is the next step?
November 4, 2011   MS anti-abortion movement hoping to make abortion illegal.
It could also limit in-vitro fertilization and some forms of birth control. I don't mind the stopping abortion stuff: that's all good.
Preventing in-vitro fertilization is not good, though. As to birth control: as long as it's not a fertilized egg that is being killed
in one way or another, then birth control is okay. An ovum or sperm separately, no biggie. Killing a fertilized egg? Murder.
November 4, 2011: 1:13 a.m.   After several weeks of telephone line troubles and doing the tests that
AT & T said to do, we finally reported the problem as a real problem and asked that they send out a repairman -- even
though it may still have cost us $85.00. Fortunately, the repairman found out that there was a short in their line
and we were not going to be billed for the visit and repairs. The repairman, Russ, is very nice and knowledgable and
had the answer to every question I asked him. He must come back today and do some repairs on another portion of the main
line, but it's good that he knew how to improvise and we are getting phone service via his fix. Fortunately, also,
is the fact that our internet service is now reliable, as well. It's been rather hit and miss lately and it's been
easily interrupted. Our phone had not had a full incoming ring since Sep. 28th and now we can actually receive a
phone call and see who is calling via caller ID. It's all good and we appreciate Russ and his fellow workers' help.
All this fuss may have been caused by a stop sign's replacement a few years ago. The timing is correct since we've
had problems since and the correlation between bad weather and the phone problems is in line with what the repairmen
said it would cause. Today may fix a five year problem. Hurray!
November 4, 2011   Another reason to hate unions.
They want a worldwide tax. Everyone, everywhere? Probably not. I bet the countries that are poor would be getting more of our money
and they would be benefitting those in power even more than they do now. Those in real need in those countries would be no more
aided by this worldwide tax than the Republicans are helped to stop obamination are by the Wrongies now. It's a bad idea,
will be misused and mis-handled and will lead to further poverty due to the tax burdens on those of us who used to pay our taxes
and used to be contributing members of society.
November 4, 2011   obamination plans to bomb Iran?
Question: What if obamination's support of the "Arab Spring" (that turned into summer, fall and winter) and his
attacks on the leadership of Arabian countries are all part of an obamination plan to
help bring about the return of the
Twelfth Imam or the Mahdi?
Are obamination's actions those of someone who wants to delay the expected "return"? If not, then are they not in support of? After all,
Jakarta is a Muslim city in a Muslim nation.
November 4, 2011   Illegal alien convicted of murder.
I wonder now when the obamination administration will pardon him so that he can vote for obamination?
November 4, 2011   Use Google®?I'd quit if I were you.
I set my default browser to "Bing" a long time ago.
November 4, 2011   Don't trust the obamination administration, folks. When they want to allow the government to lie to you,
then ostensibly change their minds...
I think it's a sign of who they really are that they wanted to be able to lie to you in the first place.
October 2011
October 29, 2011: 3:35 p.m.   Of course, it's going to happen that the rupester kisses the backside of
the most liberal, bad for America prez we have ever had. In
her November article(the pooper paper is offline
as I write this, so no link right now), she quotes the oh-so-unbiased New York Times article
Economic Stimulus — Obama Jobs Bill
(written OCTOBER [not September as rupester states] 2011). Problem is, the NYT article proves its points by
quoting -- itself! That's known as unreliable in journalistic terms. You don't prove something by saying,
basically, "Because I said so, that's why!" Anyone with an ounce of journalistic integrity knows that you always
go to outside sources to get quotes unless you're trying to mislead people, or unless you're actually
quoting yourself! To the NYT, that's not a problem. They're the folks who employed
Jayson Blair and
Zachery Kouwe
and Alexei Barrionuevo.
All of whom were accused of plagiarism while working at the NYT: Alexei Barrionuevo, twice before being let go. Yeah.
Reliable source. Anyways, the truth about the economic stimulus plan that obamination put together:
Yeah. That's the truth about the "stimulus" plan that rupester supports and praises in this month's pooper paper.
The Cato Institute doesn't agree with ideas in the article rupester quotes, saying,
"The only things one can say for sure about stimulus money is that it will add to the deficit,
ultimately driving up interest rates and taxes; and much of it will be wasted and/or stolen, neither of which benefits the
unemployed. By any objective measure, the stimulus program has been and will continue to be a failure — but don't expect the
Washington politicos ever to admit it."
And another Cato article:
"As John Cochrane of the University of Chicago explains,
'Every dollar of increased government spending must correspond to one less dollar of private spending. Jobs created by stimulus
spending are offset by jobs lost from the decline in private spending. We can build roads instead of factories, but fiscal
stimulus can't help us to build more of both. This form of "crowding out" is just accounting.'"
rupester then quotes the government's website, and uses it
as her source. Okay. She wants to quote the government, so can I. The Weekly Standard has an article from July 3, 2011, that quotes
the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors and states in part,
"The council reports that,
using “mainstream estimates of economic multipliers for the effects of fiscal stimulus” (which it describes as a “natural
way to estimate the effects of” the legislation), the “stimulus” has added or saved just under 2.4 million jobs — whether
private or public — at a cost (to date) of $666 billion. That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job. [my bolding]"
This is the "White House’s Council of Economic Advisors, a group of three economists who were all handpicked by Obama," who put
the report together which states in part,
"As described in the CEA's second quarterly report, the figures from the recipient reporting data do not provide
a comprehensive or exact accounting of jobs created or saved by the Recovery Act (CEA 2010a, pp 29-31). [my bolding]"
So how on earth can rupester or anyone else say anything about how many jobs were "created or saved" when there is --
by the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors' own admission -- no "comprehensive or exact accounting" of such things?
Quoting an estimated guess -- a supposition, a pie-in-the-sky-wish-it-were-true number that someone pulls out of their backsides --
and using that to make the "Stimulus/Recovery Act" look good is so unreliable that it makes Jayson Blair's reporting look good!
The Labor Department (yes, obamination's Labor Department) says that unemployment has gone UP since the stimulus act:
"Stimulus/Recovery Act?" rupester's kiss-butting is at an all-time high. What does she wish to accomplish by such blatant brown nosing?
Goal: Getting obamination re-elected. Instead of being labeled as true journalism with integrity, I think that "article" should
have been labeled what it truly was: "Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and Approved by Maureen Rupe and
Randy Rodriguez, etc."
Now for the final haha of the rupester's stupidity. She attacks Comm. Infantini again. She implies again that Comm. Infantini
can't understand the numbers, although Comm. Infantini is a CPA and used to be an internal auditor for the County,
compared to
rupester's tenth grade equivalent education.
Is it because rupester doesn't do numbers herself that she assumes Comm. Infantini cannot do numbers,
either? Whatever: she is mistaken. She goes after Comm. Infantini also on the supposed "contentious" exchange
between Sheriff Jack Parker and Comm. Infantini:
"Brevard County's Budget Hearings - The September 27th Brevard County Final Budget Meeting was very
contentious, especially between the Sheriff and Commissioner Infantini. The Sheriff had previously been called a liar
by Infantini and he was trying to explain to her the consequences of cutting money to the Sheriff's Budget to no avail.
(You don't have to use the word to make the accusation.) The confrontation lasted 15 to 20 minutes with Infantini supporters
chanting "Bully" at the Sheriff. Although Jack Parker is a nice guy and said it was a "misunderstanding," the fact remains
and the truth cannot be changed. To call someone a liar when they can back it up with public records is a bit stupid."
Check out the September 27, 2011 BOCC meeting minutes
and you'll see that it was Sheriff Parker who was contentious, although rupester implies it was Comm. Infantini. If you read the exchange
between Comm. Infantini and Sheriff Parker of Sep. 13, 2011,
they were actually arguing semantics. You know,
it's the difference between cutting the budget and just not spending as much as requested.
It's semantics. Look at it this way: You have a child who gets an allowance of $20 per pay period and he comes to you and asks for more
money in this pay period, let's say $45 extra. You tell him that you can't give him that much money, but you do have
$40 on you and he can have that. He gets angry and says that you're cutting his budget because he asked for $45 and you're only
giving him $40. Truth is, you aren't cutting a dime because he's still getting his original budgeted $20 and you're offering him
the extra $40 out of the goodness of your heart. For him to complain that you are cutting his budget is really absurd, but that is the
way he sees it because he wants what he wants. That's the same thing with the Infantini/Parker thing. It's all semantics. It wasn't
that Comm. Infantini called Parker a liar. She did not. Read the record, as rupester says it backs up rupester's assertion that
Comm. Infantini called Parker a liar. Read it. Comm. Infantini never uses any words that state or even imply that Comm. Infantini
called him a liar. In fact,
As to the "Bully" being chanted: Is it something that rupester is alleging Comm. Infantini was responsible for, encouraged, organized?
If not, then it's not Comm. Infantini's fault that someone in the audience decided to start something any more than it's rupester's fault
that obamination is trying to ruin America. After all, even though she supports him, does that make her responsible for what he chooses to do?
rupester's final sentence in that section is a bit of a howler considering what I have shown to be the truth. After all,
is the pooper paper not "public record" as well?
October 28, 2011: 1:15 p.m.   Can you imagine two days of updates in a row? Here we go!
October 28, 2011   I have yet to receive the $15 I requested as reimbursement from the County. So, I sent them
an official invoice for it. Maybe that will get them to remit. I sent it on Tuesday morning (early) and put the due date as
"Immediately". Think they'll send it?
October 28, 2011   I don't care what the "insiders" say,
RomNAY is bad for America.
Do NOT vote for him. He'd be nothing more than a Republican obamination. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and
approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate,
company, cornshucker, or communist.)
October 28, 2011   When people work at abortion clinics their valuing of human life diminishes.
Remember the PA clinic that "Dr." Gosnell ran and got arrested for a number of horrible failures? Well,
two of the employees have plead guilty to murder.
It was a mother as well as the babies. Supporters of abortion seem to forget that they are killing people, not just
things. And the women who support abortion seem to forget that they are killing women -- future women -- not
just fetal tissue. How much like cannibals the abortion industry is: it eats its own. If those who support
abortion keep getting abortions, all those who support abortions will die via attrition and aborting their own babies.
Sad truth, but truth nonetheless.
October 28, 2011   Muchelle has to lie, just as her hubby does, every time she opens her mouth.
She's so predictable in her lies.
Wouldn't it be nice if she came up with something new and exciting? I don't know. Something like, "The GOP will milk rabid dogs
and give that to your babies if they get re-elected." Problem is, there are people out there who would believe even that. My hubby
and I have a saying, "We need moron insurance." It may help protect us from the dumbest of the dumb out there. But, it may not.
Sometimes even those folks get past the screeners.
October 28, 2011   If you live in Florida, this story should petrify you.
Tampa court approves Islamic (Sharia) law in court use.
I don't think that's appropriate for any judge to do. When a judge is sworn in he/she is sworn to protect and defend the U.S.
Constitution, and no other law.All rulings from their bench are supposed to be based upon the laws of
the United States of America and no other. If the so-called "Separation of Church and State" exists for Christianity, then
it must also exist for Islam. The judge in this case was wrong and the appeals court was wrong for upholding it. Florida
is in for a bumpy ride if this is not appealed and overturned.
October 28, 2011   Janet Napolitano was warned about this,
went went ahead and swore in a terrorist who betrayed America.
Sweet. This administration is all for destroying America any way it can, even alloweing them into our Homeland Security files and allowing
them access to info on you and all your loved ones because that is the kind of access HLS has. Don't you just
love how competent this administration is? (NOT!) She's a toad and
this is what her advisor did.
Don't you just love it?
October 28, 2011   Kathleen Sebelius: baby killer supporter.
Sebelius has been proven in a court of law to have shredded documents that were subpoenaed for the courts and she launched a witch-hunt against
the guy who asked to see the records of Planned Parenthood in Kansas while she (Sebelius) was governor. The Wrongies don't care about
right and wrong as long as they get to kill babies.
October 28, 2011   Michelle Malkin is excellent! Love when she says, "*snort!*" or "*snortalicious!*"
Makes me laugh every time. I'm surprised I didn't see a "*snort*"
on her Rangel story. It deserves one -- or two!
October 28, 2011   obacare support hits new low.
GOOD! Let's hope that it keeps going down and down and down and the whole thing gets trashed!
October 28, 2011   The "Occupy Wall Street" crowd is so much about money that they will stoop to
almost anything to get it. On the video just sent to the video page, we saw James O'Keefe
talking to "occupiers" who wanted Wall Street money for themselves or their group. But some go lower than low.
This woman decided to pimp out a 16 year-old
and was arrested after the teen's mother found her daughter's picture on a website offering the teen up as a party favor,
basically. Doesn't that tell you anything?
October 28, 2011   Another reason to hate unions.
If they're for the little guy, then why do they have all this money in their coffers to use to defeat union reforms, instead
of having used all that money to help the little guys already? Hmmm? Why is that? And why are they
targeting potential employers for your family?
If they "lurb" you, why would they spend their money -- YOUR money -- on something besides you, and why would they target the
companies that could help your families? Is that "lurb"?
October 27, 2011: 10:22 p.m.   How about that!? A free moment! I think I'll do some blurbs! Amazing.
October 27, 2011   This is happening in FLORIDA.
Are you ready to pay for anchor babies to go to college because their parents broke our laws to get them here in time to be born?
Whatever happened to the idea that people who break the law should not be allowed to profit from doing something illegal? When
their parent crossed the border to get make their birth "anchor" them in America, the child was crossing the border illegally also.
It wasn't just the parents crossing. The child broke the law (without having a say in it, yes, but still broke the law) and should not
be allowed to profit from breaking our laws. That's all there is to it. I should not have to pay, my children should not have to pay
for someone to profit for breaking our laws. Will my boys be able to profit the same way if they go illegally into Mexico? If not,
the same applies here.
October 27, 2011   Boehner's statement so much hot air...
He'll "keep an eye on" obamination. That's all he'll do but he'll feel as though he's accomplishing
something. He'll feel like he did his part to ensure that the U.S. Constitution is followed by obamination because
Boehner kept an eye on him. Ooohhh... I'm so impressed!
October 27, 2011   Baby "Bumbler" Biden boohoos begin again.
Can tell the truth just once, please? And when he lies (as he did), can he face the music when someone calls him on it? Answer to both:
"No! No! NO!" and then, "Boohoo!" What a cry baby. Want a cry baby for prez?
October 27, 2011   Pass it to find out what's in it: marriage penalties. Thanks, Dems!
If you want to see an administration that is very anti-marriage and anti-baby, this is the administration to look at.
Considering how anti-marriage he is, I wonder how good his marriage is. Kinda' makes you go, "Hmmm..."
October 27, 2011   Have you been trusting the TSA to keep you safe? Have you trusted them to screen passengers
and luggage to make sure another 9/11 cannot happen?
You may wish to rethink that system.
It isn't their concern.
October 27, 2011   FBI says a certain kind of identification, "unreliable and highly susceptible to fraud"
but CA's Sonoma County is accepting them
as reliable identification. Part of the obamination plan to get more people involved in the voting process. Wonderful.
How many terrorists have that kind of identification? Nobody knows.
October 25, 2011: 2:16 a.m.   Well, we're back from our cruise. Got back Friday, the 21st, but we were home for
just under two hours and headed to Orlando for something my hubby wanted to do over there. While out that way, we went to
Sanford to ask the antique shops there to post the
Space Cost Post Card Club's Show flyer on their windows for us.
Sanford shops are very good about and nice to do so for us for the past five years or so. If you're ever in the neighborhood
of Sanford, be sure to stop by and check out their shops. They're very nice folks and we appreciate their helping us out all
these years. Got home late and didn't get any computer time at all. Saturday I did check my computer in the afternoon after a
busy morning. Didn't get anything done on it except a quick look at my e-mail, though. My eldest son told me there was a problem
with his computer and I've spent the last two days working on his computer. It had at least two picture files corrupted and
he wanted to know what was causing it. Wound up doing five different kinds of scans on it with three different programs and
found nothing. It must have been either an opening error, or it was a worm that was working through a website he went to and
worked on his computer only while he was there. Whichever, we work on it more when we get home tomorrow after asking the
antique shops of New Smyrna to post the Club's flyers. My youngest son, Brandon,
drew the flyers this year (large file), and if I must say so myself, they're great!
So, the gist of all of this is: I'll TRY to do updates tomorrow evening when we get home from New Smyrna/Daytona Beach, but
can I guarantee it lately? Sorry, no. Life happens. BTW, I have yet to hear from the BOCC on either of the requests:
the fifteen dollars, or the apology. Shock.
October 17, 2011: 1:31 a.m.   Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I have been getting ready for a cruise,
on which I leave today. There's a birthday in the family and a cruise is an appropriate way to celebrate it. I'll be gone
until Friday, Oct. 21st. I'm hoping to have a relaxing time, to get some good pictures and to not have a schedule or
responsibilities for a few days. I'll get back to the updates then, but until then I hope you will stay on top of the
news and that you will be aware of the things that are going on in Brevard County. Our County Commissioners are --
three or four out of five -- ready, willing and provenly capable of doing what is NOT in your best interests. Stay
informed, stay ready to act, and keep your EMPLOYEES on a short leash. Remember, they like to bite and they play
Thought you'd like to see the latest two e-mails I sent the BOCC. The first one
asks for reimbursement from the County or Kathie personally for the gas I had to use
to drive to D1's office from PSJ, then from D1 to Viera and the IT Dept., then back home again. That's about
fifteen dollars worth of gas, and I wouldn't have had to use it if it were not for the actions of a County employee:
YOUR employee. The second, reminds them of the reimbursement request and asks for an apology
both from Kathie England and from Mr. Rick Meshberger. What do you think the chances are
that I will ever get either from those two or the County? Yeah. Me, too.
October 11, 2011: 5:16 p.m.   FINALLY! I finally received the information of how rupester
received the e-mail that Kathie England of D1's office forwarded to rupester the same day England received it. Today she
explained it to me and -- Shock! Surprise! -- she remembers in detail how it all came about.
sent me that explanation and I responded to her. My response is at the top, so you
can scroll down a little to see what she sent me and read that first, then read my response at the top. Yes, ladies
and gentlemen, YOU PAID HER TO DO THIS TO SOMEONE WITHIN D1. Sweet, huh? Now, should that kind of differences
in treatment be allowed to stand? I don't think so. Do you? Write to Ms England
and tell her what you think about the disparate treatment. Remember, you paid her to do this.
October 11, 2011   Let's hope the Senate actually defeats this thing.
I know obamination is trying hard to paint the dire picture of Republicans being the bad guys on this, but his jobs bill is
a crock and bad -- SHOCK! -- for America. More taxpayer dollars go down the tubes and our grandchildren won't be working
for their own benefits until they are in their early fifties if it gets passed (as opposed to their late forties).
He plays on the heart strings, patriotism, teachers, cops, firefighters, bridges, etc.
in an e-mail trying to get us to support it. Why can't they admit the truth and tell us that all they want is to
destroy America and tax us into oblivion? Wouldn't that be better than always being lied to?
October 11, 2011: 1:10 a.m.   Well, the saga continues. As some of you know, I have been trying
to receive information from D1's office for quite a while now. I finally received the info I wanted, then
they started hem-hawing about delivering other information from a FL SS 119 request. Suddenly, I start getting
the cooperation from D1 that I should have been getting all along, but not on my most recent request, on the
old request. Exasperating. So, I sent in another request that you may
read here. You may get a giggle out of it. Trust me, though. I don't believe
D1 shall. You'll have to hit your "Back" button to return to this page.
October 11, 2011   Now, on with the blurbs!
October 11, 2011   Christians fed up with being treated as second-class citizens.
They've been in Egypt longer than the Muslims but the Muslims are pushing them out of their own country.
They fight back for their history, for their country, for their futures. It's something they have the right
to do.
October 11, 2011   Have a cell phone? Want the police to be able to look through it without a warrant?
See whatever you have on your phone when they have you under arrest, whether or not you're relased without charges?
That's what CA Governor, Jerry Brown, just allowed.
Isn't that wonderfully constitutional?
October 11, 2011   Ya' think? DUH!
Not only is he unqualified, he's hopefully going to wind up in jail!
October 11, 2011   This guy is not just wrong, he's very wrong!
He doesn't remember that the words, "bank" and "corporation" never appear in the Bible. As to the Bible's
writers all holding the wealthy accountable; for what? I'd like to know where it says that anywhere in the Bibile? Where?
Someone? Anyone? If you write to me and tell me where, I'd appreciate it!
If you're going to throw out the rich man and the eye of the camel thing, get off of that right now. Jesus is talking
about salvation there, personal, individual, salvation of the rich man himself. Jesus is not saying that the rich
man is responsible for poor people's salvation, homes, belongings, or anything else. Jesus only talks about
the rich man's personal salvation. Period.
October 11, 2011   I have had a problem with this for quite a while now.
I think it's silly that "Christians" change the name of, the costumes of, the tactics of, Halloween, and celebrate
it anyways. Christians do not change the practices of -- say -- Ramadan, Purim, Vesak, or anything else and celebrate
those. Why choose only Halloween, satan's day?
October 8, 2011: 1:06 a.m.   I received a surprising article from a reader and had to look
the information up and see if the reader is telling the truth. The reader was. So, at the request of the
reader, I posted the article. "UMC Revealed" is the article sent to me.
I hope you will read it, research it thoroughly yourself (read each link I gave and then more that you
find) and that you will understand the writer's point in writing the article: revealing the problems
being brought into the United Methodist Church.
October 6, 2011: 4:18 a.m.   More fun! Oct. 4, 2011 at 11:13 p.m., I sent the following e-mail to
all five Commissioners' offices and to Howard Tipton's office:
"Please note that an employee of yours -- who is actually an employee of mine since my
taxes pay him -- called me a liar today in front of at least three of his coworkers. This is truly
not appreciated. You may read all about it here:
I ask that you take immediate disciplinary action against Mr. Rick Meshberger.
"Linda McKinney"
The Commissioners, Mr. Tipton and I received an e-mail response from Mr. Rick Meshberger's boss, Jon Sellers, yesterday.
It was an interesting e-mail because it said that
someone within the County actually considered taking disciplinary action against Mr. Rick Meshberger for calling me a liar.
Wow. Someone considering disciplining a County employee. That's a first in my experience!
I did not format my response (which includes the e-mail from Mr. Sellers) to look like my website, but it is saved as
an HTML document so if you wish to read it -- including my response to the e-mail -- it is available as
a fun tidbit to start the day with. Don't you love how this County does things? You'll have to
hit the "Back" button to come back here.
October 4, 2011: 11:02 p.m.   Well, that was fun. NOT! The flu never is. But I am better today. At least, well
enough to go to the D1 office and try to get that e-mail I have been suspecting they forwarded to rupester without a public
records request from rupester. They just decided to do so as a "Good Samaritan" act, I suppose. Well, with or without their cooperation,
I did today receive the e-mail I have been working on for almost a month. In fact, I wrote a page about the adventure. It's
about my dealings with the I.T. Department of Brevard County and how the head of the I.T. Department called yours truly a liar in
front of his employees because I didn't post his e-mails! To make Mr. Rick Meshberger a happy camper, I corrected my error
(hopefully to his utter satisfaction) via "Mr. Rick Meshberger, This One's For You!" Then, to make
absolutely certain that Mr. Rick Meshberger was absolutely, deliriously happy, I did MeshMail.
Now he cannot call me a liar. Now I won't have to worry that he's upset with me. Now I don't have to consider an employee of MINE
calling me a liar in front of others of my employ as a reason to try to get his butt fired! No. He'll be happy, calm
and wonderfully content now. He's going to be purring like a kitten!
October 4, 2011   Red House furious over "Fast and Furious" coverage.The truth is finally being reported
by the MSM and the Red House is not a happy camper about it. Well,
maybe, like Mr. Rick Meshberger, they'll be happy if the reporter just published the e-mails instead of just reporting
on them. Publish the e-mails verbatim and that will make the Red House happy enough to purr like a kitten!
October 4, 2011   Should we name this "Eco-Gate"?
After all, these "green" companies receiving stimulus money then going belly up, or laying off a multitude of workers
is a scandal, n'est cest pas? Eco-Gate sounds good to me and obamination is in the middle of it.
October 4, 2011   I told my family a month ago that it would be an early winter
and it looks like I was right again. Maybe I should
purr like a kitten?
October 4, 2011   obamination's horrible secrets must be kept secret!
So say Wrongies who wish to lock up records. If he's going to be protected this much, why not just put him in one of those
bubbles people without immune systems get to live in? He isn't immune from ridicule, litigation, FOIA, nor is he immune from
the truth being exposed about him. That's the fun part of being one of the most powerful -- and in obamination's case, corrupt --
people on GOD's good earth: The truth will out one way or the other. Ask Kathie England and D1's office if you don't believe me.
Apparently, as demonstrated in this story, what goes around comes around and obamination, no matter how hard he tries to prevent it, will be
October 5, 2011   Time marches on and it's now Wednesday.
October 5, 2011   ACORN lives! Igor, ACORN LIVES!
Bwahahaha... You knew the fans of obamination would not let it go that easily. Come on, admit it. You knew it wasn't gone.
October 5, 2011   obamination: it's Republicans' fault! Truth: It's Dems.
Of course. obamination wouldn't know the truth if it was labeled as such, was sworn to by alinsky, holder and pelosipig,
and his daughters cried to make him believe it. He has no concept of truth, no capability to recognize it, nor to speak it.
"In fiscal year 2009-2010, the Florida Lottery transferred more than $1.24 billion to the Educational
Enhancement Trust Fund."
If rupester is having a difficul time trying to figure out why teachers aren't getting enough money (her idea, not mine), then maybe
she should talk to their unions and the Florida Department of Education because those entities
are the ones who decide how to use the money, not Gov. Rick Scott. But, as usual, rupester's aim must be at a Republican/Conservative.
If she knew how to speak the truth, the question would not be aimed at Scott, but instead at the Florida Education Association
and ask them what happened to the money. Ask them if the money went to administrator instead of teachers, or if it went to unions instead,
or if it was ever in the control of Gov. Rick Scott. Ask them. Then tell rupester to shut up and tell the unions
to change the way they do things.Maybe rupester should be supporting something like this
and stop pointing the finger at the wrong people.
October 5, 2011   Legal concealed carry cures Chicago crimewave.
Good. An armed citizen is a citizen who can stand up for him/herself before the police get there ten minutes after the
attempted burglary/mugging/rape/robbery/murder. Don't be a victim, be a citizen.
"Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress
of grievances."
September 26, 2011: 8:03 p.m.   Have a headache and tummy troubles today so only a small update. Sorry. More when I'm
feeling better.
September 26, 2011   Something that bothers me about the rupester's self-defense e-mail to the Commissioners is that
she immediately picks her grandchildren up and throws them out there in front of herself in order to make people feel sorry for her.
To wit:
"Her twisted logic and downright lies has [sic] also made victims of my family. I have had my
Grandchildren [sic] crying because they believe she wants me Dead [sic]."
She did the same thing August 7, 2008 just before she was defeated in her D1 bid when she said in an e-mail to
me, subject header, "Your comments on your website and Florida Today Candidate Forum",
"Last week my granddaughter called me crying as she had been onto your website and read
your vicious attacks on my character. Now you are affecting my family with your twisted logic and lies."
What is it about the rupester that she thinks it's okay to pick her grandchildren up and put them in front of herself in order
to try to keep people from looking at the real issues? Why does she deem it acceptable to use her grandkids as a shield? What
kind of grandma does that? What within her says, "Someone is looking at me and finding out the truth. Quick! Grab my cutest
grandkid and hide behind him!"? Why does she do that? I sent the BOCC information on rupester's educational background while defending
Comm. Infantini from rupester's attacks and "advice" on money. Infantini is a CPA and has a Master's Degree in Accounting
rupester, on the other hand, completed the equivalent to our tenth grade and had no further formal education.
What does rupester do? She accuses me of lying when
I linked directly to her campaign pages that are still (illegally) up and available online:
witness her education info,
and rupester's "When I was 17 and stubbornly refused to go to college".
History proves that rupester then throws her grandkids in front of her. What kind of grandma does that? Just asking.
September 24, 2011: 5:39 p.m.   Bush's Pentagon cleared of wrongdoing.
That does not surprise me. I had a family member who worked in the U.S.A.F. side of the Pentagon on 9/11 and afterward. I know
he has integrity, honor and courage and he would never have stood for wrongdoing while he was there. I don't believe
Bush or Cheney would have, either. Disagree? Too bad.
September 24, 2011   It's about time!
This has been going on long enough. It's time someone with a brain in their head bigger than a gnat's butt had a serious
look at the law, right and wrong, and decided to do what was right. This is vindication for those long years
with idiots judging the case. Long past due.
September 24, 2011   Another obafriend in the "fraud seat".
Another perk of being an obafriend: scandal, possible jail time and fines? Hmmm... Sounds like a reasonable price to pay to hang
with an America-hating, taxpayer-cheating, socialist-du-jour, ACORNed-president, obamination. Hang with the bad boys, pay like
the bad boys. Doesn't bode well for obamination, does it? Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man.
September 24, 2011   $100,000 to each team: twenty teams.
That's taxpayer dollars. You do the math and then try not to scream at the top of your lungs.
You're picking up a huge chunk of the tab for this nonsense when they've already proven that
building "green" may be hazardous to your health.They do "public housing" that way, too.
Are they doing the low income residents a favor by "improving" their housing to where it may make them ill? Think about the implications
of that. Yet, they keep feeding the hamster on the wheel. Aren't hamsters going to one day wake up? Some will; others just keep
going round and round. It's a religion with them, not just a theory.
September 24, 2011   obamination's admin. orders couple to basically treat their private property as "public park".
Is this what kind of government you want? Is it obamination's right to do so? Does private property mean "private property" or
are property rights still in existence for those of us in "fly-over country"? Is this right? Is this the way AMERICA is supposed
to be? Is this what you want to happen to yourself or your neighbor, children, aunt and uncle, Mom and Dad? No? Then take a stand.
Impeach obamination. Do it now.
September 24, 2011   Another oba-plan falls short.
What is it they say, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again"? I think this one should be left to die on the vine.
September 24, 2011   For Progressives, Liberals, Wrongies, what happens in Europe should soon be done here.
Let us hope this trend does not come to America.
If it did, I believe there would be war.
September 24, 2011: 3:35 p.m.   Sorry for not updating for a few days. We experienced phone line problems and just recently
solved them. Until then, we spent a few days without service, or with only telephone, but no interenet, or vice versa. We had no
idea why, until I started investigating. I experimented with changing the filters, unplugging different devices and plugging some in
other outlets in other rooms. A few trips back and forth, plugging this into that, etc., and we found the solution. All's better and it was
a simple fix, but a surprising problem. Who knew?
September 24, 2011   Since September 12, 2011, I've had the question, "From where do I know that quote?" nibbling
at the back of my subconscious. I knew I had seen the gist of it somewhere. I just had to find out where. Today, with the internet
back up (hopefully: my son just said he's having difficulties), I had the time to find out.
Plato (c.427 - 347 BC):
"When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them."
I knew I had seen that somewhere! Which raises two questions:
   1) Is the rupester saying that Plato was her daddy? (In which case, she's older than her driver's license says!)
   2) Or is rupester saying her father paraphrased Plato? (In which case, proper attribution would have been welcomed, but not
Just asking.
September 24, 2011   This should irritate every American.
Solyndra's execs pleading the fifth, and the Wrongies will jump to their defense, I'm sure. They ripped us off. They
did so with the help of obamination. That's not just wrong, it's ridiculous. The president does not have the right
to help his friends rip off the people of America. The president is supposed to be defending us not helping his
buds get our money and running! obamination should be in jail for this fiasco, as well as the Solyndra execs! Honestly,
people, you should be angry about the Solyndra thing, and the LightSquared thing, and a lot of other things obamination
has done. Instead, I see so many people sleeping, taking no notice, or saying they don't have the time nor temperament for
politics. Well, excuse me, but your grandbabies will pay for your non-temperament and you will have to look them in the eye
some day and explain why you decided it wasn't important enough for you to get involved, write to your representatitives,
attend a Tea Party rally, and to get to the voting booth and kick some irresponsible butts out of office! Stand up. Get
on your feet and DO SOMETHING about what they are doing to your progeny! Get involved. Wake up!
They have done it so often, it's time they be stopped!
September 24, 2011   Asthma inhalers: no OTC; buy the prescription only.
As someone who has used asthma inhalers a few times in her life, I don't know what obamination is thinking. I thought he
wanted to help people in their health care costs, thus his obacare bill. But, no. I guess those who believed that
were mistaken. He doesn't want to help people with their health care costs; he just wants to control their health care.
Big difference.
September 24, 2011   Republicans want to see Buffet's tax returns?
Why not ask the IRS. They can get them via the IRS. After all,
his company hasn't paid their taxes since 2002;behind more than a BILLION DOLLARS! IF he
really wanted to pay more taxes, wouldn't he start with those he already owes? Think about that for a while as you support
the obamination's Buffet Tax plan. Think about the hypocrisy that this bill is. First, it's named after a rich friend
of obamination's who refuses to pay the taxes he already owes. Second, his secretary doesn't pay more taxes than he
(as revealed in the second link) that claim is an outright lie of Buffet's. Third, he makes more money on dividends
(which are taxed at the 15% he is claiming is his income tax: it's not) than his secretary will see her entire working
life if she stays employed by him. If he wanted her to have more money, he could give her a raise, or stock shares, or
whatever. Yet, she stays at the level he is complaining about at his sole discretion! DUH! Idiocy. Pure idiocy.
September 24, 2011   The world just got a lot more dangerous, folks.
Putin is not to be trusted. He sees obamination as a weak-willed, lilly-livered, panty-waste and I'm sure Putin is more
than willing to do something about it. Watch this situation.
September 24, 2011   New Anti-Palin book: Lie after lie after lie.
Shock. Surprise. There's no end to the lies the Wrongies will tell to try to mislead people. No end at all. When
they want to lie about someone they will go to any lengths -- even renting the house next door for a year
(but that book hasn't been released yet, has it?) -- to get something on the Conservative. If they can't get anything real,
they make it all up. Shock. Surprise.
Truth has no meaning in the Wrongies' lexicons.
"McGinniss revealed in an e-mail in January 2011 that Random House lawyers had
informed him–after all of that 'extensive-on-the-ground reporting in Alaska, as well as
in-depth interviews'–that his manuscript contained nothing beyond 'tawdry gossip,' and
that his most 'salacious stories' lacked 'factual evidence.'"
Truth? In that book? Where? Oh. Her name is Sarah Palin. That part's true.
September 24, 2011   It's down.
Where? Who knows for certain?
September 24, 2011   Right to Carry = Safer Streets.
Yep. Never -- never -- give up that right. It is the only thing that stands between us and tyranny.
September 20, 2011: 3:28 p.m.   Rep. Issa (R-CA) to start obamination/Solyndra/LightSquared probe.
Good. It's about time someone admitted obamination was doing something wrong. He's as crooked and evil as they come, folks.
He's been bad for America from the get-go and he hasn't changed, nor will he. He wants to destroy America. That's his
goal. He will do it as quickly as he can. He will do whatever he can. He will do it while making money for his friends
and confidants hand over fist and -- I believe but cannot prove -- for himself as well. He's all about that money.
Don't believe it? Look at how much of your taxpayer dollars he's spending on vacations for his family and himself.
Look at how much he hangs with the rich and uber-rich. Warren Buffet? Duh. He's all about the money, folks. He's
putting some somewhere somehow. Mark my words. It may take ten years to find out, but mark my words.
September 20, 2011   Al Jazeera writer says obamination
"However, repeating the same thing, loudly and insistently, does not make it so.
President Obama knows this very well."
(NOTE: I disagree with that last sentence.)
"We all know that the president will do no such thing. He will suppress this urge,
for to do otherwise would spell political suicide. No, the president will swallow his anger,
and do what he must do. But it is worth giving some consideration, as the US again undermines
its security and its global position, pointlessly and gratuitously, in blind allegiance to an
ungrateful and self-destructive ally, that we will also be watching something else, something
far more personal: The public mortification of Barack Hussein Obama."
The Al Jazeera writer, supposedly a former U.S. State Department employee, Robert Grenier, writes as though he feels sorry that
Palestine will -- hopefully -- not be granted statehood/U.N. recognition and admittance. He also writes what could be
preceived as a threat to America: "But it is worth giving some consideration, as the US again undermines
its security..." Is that a threat from a former U.S. State Department worker who now writes for Al Jazeera?
Or is it just a reminder that if the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) -- a terrorist-linked organization -- doesn't get its
own way this Friday that America will face more attacks? Either way, he is wrong to support the P.A. The U.N. granting
their wishes would be bad for the whole world, not just Israel and America. Does he think that when they get what they
want in this, that they'll be appeased and stop there? No. It will be something else they demand next, then another thing, and
soon it will be the Islamatization of the whole world, which is what they want in the first place. Bad idea, bad writer, bad
news. If obamination does gather his courage and do what he supposedly knows is "right", that would be obamination starting
the disasters that are to come. They could all be laid at his feet with a certainty.
September 20, 2011   Suborning of perjury, a fun obamination pastime.
He enjoys trying to get people to lie under oath, or maybe he just thinks he's all that. Whichever, he is being
revealed for the liar he is. It's about time, too.
September 20, 2011   TX TP to P: What about OUR borders?
I couldn't agree more. Rick Perry (R-TX) needs to focus on securing America's borders from illegals instead of even thinking
about running for President. His policies and positions (immigration, "sanctuary cities", Gardasil, etc.) make him a NO-brainer.
Anyone who wants America to be strong and secure should not support Perry. (Paid Political Advertisement: Paid for and Approved
by Linda McKinney, 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, illegal
immigrant, or sanctuary city.)
September 20, 2011   Cold shoulder? More like deep freeze!
Israel is our ally and has been for a very long time. If we don't support her -- and help protect her via vetoing
the acceptance of Palestine as a separate nation with full U.N. membership and benefits -- we shall have a price to
pay. GOD tells us to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6) and we should always do so, and always stand with and for
September 20, 2011   The European Union is crumbling. Their money is
dying a slow, painful death
and the countries that participated in the fiasco of trying to smash twenty-five countries with centuuries of
differences and independents into a "one country" mentality,
are watching out for themselves,
not each other. Trying to change the set-up of history is a dangerous proposition and I knew when it started that it would fail.
There is too much patriotism within the people's hearts after all those years of being the separate entity of England,
or France, or Hungary, or Germany, or whatever. History must be learned from and respected; at least considered when
trying something so radical. I really don't think that people thought this thing through very well. The idea may have been
a bon rêve, but it was not a practical -- nor, apparently, practicable -- one.
September 20, 2011   For the hamsters on their wheels.
Now get off the wheel and learn your lesson. If, that is, you have the brains to be capable of doing so.
September 20, 2011   Even his own Health & Human Services Dept.:
"a congressional
panel that concludes the administration lied to push a costly long-term care program known as Community Living Assistance
Services and Supports (CLASS). Internal documents obtained by lawmakers from a committee of House and Senate Republicans
reveal officials in Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were acutely aware that the program was
unsustainable and suppressed the information from Congress and the public."
"[T]he administration lied". Shock. Surprise. It's not as if we didn't know it all along. Well, those of us who
know how to tell the difference between truth and lie, and care about the truth. Wrongies supported the lie.
Conservatives fought it, but we were the ones demonized. The truth will out. Always remember that.
Then remember
they have culturally and linguistically sensitive programs
that will cost you bucks, too.
September 20, 2011   PA to cheat enough to hijack election?
I think we already know that there will be fraud committed in order to try to get obamination re-elected. That's a given.
It's been touted, it's been spoken, it's been all but celebrated: fraud will be committed to get obamination re-elected.
That's why Conservatives have to be pollwatchers, poll workers and be at the polls voting on election day. Do NOT let this election
be stolen by fraudulent votes, by New Black Panther Party intimidation, or any other wrongdoing. Let the truth, what is right,
what is good and someone who LOVES America, instead of someone who wants to destroy America, win. Fraud should not be allowed
to win. Remember, it's time to stand up. It's time to get strong. It's time to do what is right.
September 20, 2011   Oh. And that "jobs bill" obamination is supposed to deliver after his vacation?
It "will repeal charitable tax deductions for certain taxpayers".
Is that what you want? You give to the orphanage, to cancer people, your church, the save the whaleporpoiseworm org., to
support them and take the deduction, and obamination takes that deduction away. Sweet.
September 20, 2011   Don't ask, don't tell, don't exist.
Gays/lesbians openly serve now. The world it is a changing and I doubt it's for the good.
September 19, 2011: 4:28 p.m.   The truth about obamination's jobs plan:
$1,500,000,000,000 in NEW TAXES!
Does that make sense to you? It seems to do so to him. Of course, if all you're trying to do is destroy America, it would
make total sense. Of course, his hypocrisy is showing again:
Shock. Surprise. obamination is a hypocrite. Am I amazed, or what? Typical Wrongie. Now,
Everyone is catching on
that he wants to tax us ALL, not just the rich. obamination is a liar and a hypocrite. Maybe they'll tell
the truth about him now. Of course, if
they do, maybe they'd tell the truth about his birth certificate, too. Read my latest blog, Sep. 17th's post,
and you'll see a website that has a lot of info about him: The Obama File.
It's full of information and truth.
September 19, 2011   Remember that "Jobs Bill" he wanted to get passed "right now"?
He's going on vacationbefore turning it over to Congress. It's that important. Yup.
It has a lot of new Czars
in it, too. More people who are unconstitutionally in control of laying down the "law" for
you to follow while they break them. Yep. That's obamination. He rules via fiat and unconstitutinal czars. Wonderful,
ain't it?
September 19, 2011   With obamination, it's always
the military who must take the hit.
For those of us who have stayed stateside and/or didn't face RPGs, IEDs, landmines, bullets, etc., and
had a safe service time, I actually don't have a problem with them cutting the benefits of
dependents (without special needs). For those who have been serving the past ten years, who have
faced Al Qaeda, who have been at danger's door -- especially those who have been injured -- I think
they need to keep their benefits (including the benefits for their dependents). I am willing to
give mine up in order that those who served for the past ten years and their dependents keep theirs.
I am only willing to give my benefits up, not my husband's. He served. He deserves those benefits.
He took the orders just as did everyone else in the service. For the dependents who, like me, are healthy, have no
special needs, and are willing to give up so that their sons and daughters, nieces and nephews who served
two years ago, or are serving still today, I see no problem with giving up benefits. I don't go to the doctor
that often anyways, so giving up that benefit would not be a problem. The other benefits, shopping at the
Base Exchange and Commissary (which I hardly ever do), etc., no biggie. The dental benefits would be the biggest loss,
but that's still something that I'd be willing to give up if it means those who have been serving for the
past ten years get theirs. How about you?
September 19, 2011: 7:25 p.m.   Got interrupted in my postings by a rather ill-thought out phone call,
so I'll continue now.
September 19, 2011   When obamination says he wants to bring more people into the process
this story tells you how they are planning on doing it. He doesn't want to get more American citizens into the voting process,
whoever is legally able (no felons, supposedly, etc.) and wants to, votes. So if he can
"bring more people into" the voting process,
then it must be the illegals he is working hard to keep in America as new votes for himself.
"When Ronald Reagan ran for re-election in 1984, his slogan was "Morning in America."
For Barack Obama, it's more like midnight in a coal mine."
Too good!
September 19, 2011   How much did obamination know and when did he know it?
I want to know the truth about this. If he caused our Border Patrol to be injured or killed or U.S. citizens to be injured or killed,
then he needs to be brought up on charges as "aiding and abetting".
September 19, 2011   Good for Michele Bachman!
She should hammer Perry on what he did. It was his choice that brought this about. It is the truth and the truth should be told!
If Perry thinks that his actions as Governor of Texas should not be taken into consideration when thinking about nominating
him for Republican candidate for President, he needs to be out of the race immediately because he wants a free pass, as
obamination received, and we don't need another of that type of president! Free passes should not be handed out to
presidential candidates: not for "historical" reasons, nor for any other lame excuse. The people deserve more from a
presidential candidate than the desire for a free pass. Keep hammering him, Michele!
September 19, 2011   Attention Floridians:This should interest you!
Florida has ties to 9/11 attacks and it's being hidden by the local FBI office? I think the FBI has a lot of 'splainin' to do.
If they don't want to tell us the truth, then we should not pay their salaries anymore. Simple as that.
They work FOR US, not against us. They should have to tell us the "Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
Or work for free. Their choice.
September 17, 2011: 3:38 p.m.   Wrote a new blog today. It is an opinion piece titled,
"IMHO: Mother Hatred Leads Obama to Hate America".
You may agree with it, or you may disagree with it. Either way, it is a valid discussion.
September 17, 2011   Thirty days until my hubby and I go on our cruise. SOOOO looking forward to that. First time on
Royal Caribbean and I hope I like it. We usually cruise Celebrity, but we decided to do a short cruise and leave out of Port Canaveral
this time so we'll see how we like it. Everything is ready except our luggage tags and packing. Hubbadahhubbadahhubadah! So
looking forward to that!
September 16, 2011: 2:15 p.m.   Hmmm...Got the dates wrong for yesterday...?
September 16, 2011   I had to do it. The County is giving me the run around and trying to NOT give me a public
records request and it's gotten so bad that I did something that I thought was pretty funny:
"Mr. Meshberger,
"I do not ask that you search ALL mailboxes. I ask that you search three: FISHER first.
This way if you find it in the first search, you don't have to do the other two. Then I ask
that you search BOLIN and NELSON in that order. I have reduced the request to the hours between
7 PM Sep. 7th and NOON Sep. 8th. I ask that you first search the hours between 8 AM and NOON Sep.
8th because that's when I suspect FISHER sent my e-mail to Rupe. Given these parameters, I see no
way for you to estimate a "time certain" as to how long it will take to do a search for my GUARANTEED
UNDER FL SS 119 information. IF after the search done under my direction you can prove that an employee
actually took even half an hour to complete the task -- actually working on it, and not just having it
run in the background while they are doing something else -- then you may figure a bill for me at that
time. Please send the bill to Maureen Rupe at 7185 Bright Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. She received
$595.50 worth of PRINTED RECORDS FREE OF CHARGE Sep. 29, 2009 and I'm sure she'd be happy to pay her
fair share for someone who wants one little bitty e-mail forwarded. If she is unwilling to pay, then
I am sure that the County would like to treat us all fairly and I request that this bill be applied
to the same $595.50 worth of FREE RECORDS I should receive that Rupe received in 2009. Just to be
clear, I do NOT request a PRINTED version, I can print it myself. Just FORWARD THE E-MAIL sent from
the Commissioner TO Rupe during that time frame. I'm sure that would be a cheap thing for her to pay."
September 15, 2011: 1:00 a.m.   obamination administration targets Republican states:
two-thirds of the states they focus on have Republican Governors
even though some of the states they decide not to focus on New Mexico with a 27.01% wrong rate, for instance,
with a Wrongie governor and with a higher mistake average than Virginia with a 17.69% mistake rate and a Republican governor,
whom they target. What's wrong with that picture?
September 15, 2011   obamination is bad for America. I said way back when
I wrote "Already A LOSER"that he would be bad for America. Now,
I'm again proven correct,again and again,
although I wish I were wrong. I wish that Americans were not hurting as much as obamination is making them hurt. I wish
that the Space Coast were not hurting as much as we are right now, thanks in part to the BOCC Commissioners who vote to
raise our taxes (Bolin, Nelson [who ran as a Republican] and Fisher). I wish I had been wrong about B. Hussein O.
(obamination), but I was not. Sadly I am right again.
"I judge B. Hussein O. as a negative influence because he laughs as others are
suffering (calling it "gallows humor"), he plans more hard times for everyone in America — not
just the rich as he promised during his campaign — making even those who wish to emulate him to
have a more difficult time in the process. B. Hussein O. has totally messed up in his first sixty
days with the worst budget in the history of the whole of America's existence. And for this I
condemn him to being already the worst POTUS ever. Let me repeat that: B. Hussein O. is already
September 15, 2011   RomNAY would be bad for America, too.
Not a good idea to elect someone who would do the same kinds of things obamination would do. Let's do something different to
get a different result, not the same thing again and expect a different result. We're not yet insane. (Paid Political Advertisement.
Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee,
candidate, consumer, cat, or car.)
September 15, 2011   Rich and want to pay more taxes? Listen to Chuck Woolery!
Any rich person who says they want to pay more taxes and doesn't do it -- there is a program already in existence to allow
you to donate as much as you wish to the federal government -- then you are a lying hypocrite who will say anything to get
attention. Put up or shut up!
September 15, 2011   Cherokee people have the right to change their constitution.
We have the right to change ours, why should they not have the right to change theirs? I think that they should be able
to change their constitution because they have the right to do so. Do I think they should be obligated to have citizens
who are not Cherokee blood as Cherokee people? That's up to them. They are an independent nation according to the federal
government and the agreements the feds signed with the Cherokee people. Do I think that skin tone should be a deciding
factor? No. Should blood be a deciding factor? I have no problem with that. Full disclosure: I am part Cherokee blood.
My grandfather was either one-half or one-fourth Cherokee, but we're not sure which because he was adopted and didn't
talk much about his blood family.
"the White House asked the general to alter the testimony to add two points: that the
general supported the White House policy to add more broadband for commercial use; and that the
Pentagon would try to resolve the questions around LightSquared with testing in just 90 days.
Shelton chafed at the intervention, which seemed to soften the Pentagon’s position and might
be viewed as helping the company as it tries to get the project launched, the officials said."
obamination's actions are typical of a Wrongie. They want to do whatever they can to maintain power, position,
prestige (and giving military contracts to a Wrongie donor would help him maintain all three of those as a second term
president), and they don't care who it hurts, what the consequences (unless they get caught and serve prison time), or
what it does to America. Did anyone notice that obamination was suborning perjury: any lie told under
oath is perjury and anyone trying to influence another to lie under oath is suborning perjury,
a misdemeanor crime:
"be punished by fine, not exceeding two thousand dollars,
and by imprisonment and confinement to hard labor, not exceeding five
years, according to the aggravation of the offence."
obamination, the POTUS, is committing a federal offense; one that should be enough for impeachment. Let us not forget
that what obamination was asking Gen. Sheldo to do would
"interfere with the military’s sensitive Global Positioning Satellite
capabilities, which control automated driving directions and missile targeting, among other things."
obamination is willing to put our troops at risk in order to benefit a donor. That's just an obamination. That tells
you what is important to him. He would rather benefit his frinds than keep our troops safe.
September 15, 2011   England's three-year-olds can't say "gay"
without being put into a government database as people who have "hate" issues. They also do the database for "racist" statements.
England is wonky. Maybe that's why the Brit here is so wonky.
Septembr 15, 2011   obamination wants to "go around Congress"
to get his desires done without going through our represenatives to see if it should be done. That's taxation
without representation and it's unconstitutional. The separation of powers portion of the Constitution is not
flexible. There are assigned duties and none of the three branches of government can "go around" the others. They
can do the right thing first and then try to influence the people to pressure their representatives. But "going around"
is unconstitutional. obamination loves unconstitutional.
September 15, 2011   obacare's disastrous results known; ignored.
They didn't care what it would do to America, they wanted to use it as a campaign promise and as payback to friends of.
Destroy America in any way they can, that's all he set out to do.
September 15, 2011   obacare puts crook in charge of obacare oversight.
Sweet! Another way for obamination to pay back a friend and to help destroy America. They going to rip us off there, too?
Shades of Solyndra.
September 15, 2011   obamination administration: "Hire Who We Tell You To, Or Else!"
Own a business? Hire employees? They must be the "right kind" of employees, or you'll pay big time!
Big Brother is watching, demanding, punishing, fining. So be careful.
September 15, 2011: 12:31 a.m.   Considering that the SEIU was going to be at the BOCC meeting on the 13th,
my hubby asked me not to go. He knows the history of SEIU and their thugocracy and didn't want anyone to mention in their
earshot the fact that unions are a waste of members' dues, etc., and he knew at least one or two people who would be there
and may not have had a problem with doing so. He worried about my safety. So our sons and I went to St. Augustine instead.
We went antique shopping, took some pictures, ate some YUMMY! cupcakes,
played putt putt golf, and stopped
at the beach on the way home to take pictures of the moon rising. It was a wonderful day and we really enjoyed it.
It's not as if it was a surprise that the "TAX & SPEND THREE" -- Bolin, Nelson and Fisher --
voted to RAISE your taxes
against Infantini's and Anderson's "NO" votes. No matter what rupester (and in his support of her, rodriguez) says,
your taxes are higher. Even our Brevard County Property Appraiser,
Jim Ford, tells you how they lie to you
and say they're not raising taxes. rupester says they're not raising taxes, too, so Ford proves she's lying, too. She wants you
to believe that your taxes are not going up. What a crock. Oh, well. How much does a person know when they leave
school at age fifteen and "stubbornly refuse to go to college" (the equivalent of our 10th and 11th grades)?
That's rupester. She swallows; hook, line and sinker.
September 14, 2011: 3:27 p.m.   I just sent the five district Commissioners' offices a copy of the whole
thing regarding rupester/rodriguez/infantini from my site, including my "In Defense of Infantini"
page because I wanted it to be on the public record what is happening in Brevard County. I also sent the "In Defense
of Infantini" page to rodriguez, rupester and Infantini just so the two "r" folks could see what the truth is, what
Jim Ford had to say about it and that I wrote about the truth on my site. I don't know that it will matter to the two "r"
folks, but it will at least give them a Tylenol® moment. That's worth it. The BOCC is raising your taxes in a very sneaky
way, according to Jim Ford's own words, and you need to know about it. You need to see the truth and you need to hold
them accountable for it. In this economy -- and with the shuttle program gone, and who knows what other space cuts coming --
we need higher taxes like we need all jobs to leave Bevard county. The rupester supporting higher taxes and taking on
Infantini who opposes them tells you something about the rupester. Glad she was not elected to D1 Commie seat!
September 14, 2011: 1:06 p.m.   As I have reflected on the e-mails of the last few days (read them below), I
have been so struck by a few things that I must share them. I must comment on the attitude of randy rodriguez
(no respect for the man = no caps for his name).
First: He would trample on my and Infantini's constitutional rights. To wit: Notice how he presents
the idea that Infantini should not associate with me? He rails against me contacting her, or her contacting
me, or her trusting me. She has a First Amendment right:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
See where it states, "right of the people peaceably to assemble"? That's called the "right to associate"; as in
we have the right to be friends with (and thus, enemies with) whomever we wish. If Infantini and I choose to write
to each other, we have that right. Just because she's a Commissioner that does not take away her basic American, constitutional rights, nor
does it limit mine. We have the right to associate with each other, to "assemble" if we so desire. rodriguez would deem it
unfit for us to "associate" with each other and denigrates the associating of Infantini/McKinney. rodriguez would limit
my friendships, my acquaintances, my political activities with other people if he could; apparently the same applies for
Infantini in his book.
Second: Notice that he and rupester are allowed to associate with Fisher and formerly Scarborough, but
Infantini and I are not allowed to associate.
He and rupester are of the same mindset, the same ilk, the same political background: pro-incorporation, pro-rupester
when she ran for D1 Commissioner in 2008, pro-Scarborough, pro-Fisher, etc. It's okay with
rodriguez that rupester is permanently kissing Fisher's backside and "associating" with him all the time; as she did with
Scarborough. How many groveling, flattering, pro-Scarborough or pro-Fisher column inches has rupester dedicated to her
associating with those two commissioners? They're "allowed" in his America to freely associate. His Commissioner and his friend are allowed.
rodriguez has a double standard: common thing amongst the leftist Wrongies, S.O.P. for their side.
Third: Notice rodriguez's attitude is one of superiority. Since the incorporation battle rodriguez has
again been perceived as -- in rodriguez's own mind and his pooper paper's words -- "The Voice of Port St. John,
Cypress Woods and Canaveral Groves". Oh? Did we elect him to be so? Has he ever done market research that tells him
that his words, his writers' words are truly representative of what the residents of those disparate areas really
want, think, believe? If his words do not reflect those things, then he is presumptuous in his paper's subhead. His
writers may be from two of the three (I have yet to read anything from a Cypress Woods-specific writer; how can the pp
claim to be representative of that area?), but that does not mean that those writers represent anyone except themselves
with their words. In his mind, he is "the voice". He is the leader. His
is the paper to which all may get their true, just, trustworthy, accurate, unbiased record of
those three communities' views, beliefs, political ideals, and desires. Correct? No. Incorrect. They are NOT "The Voice of
Port St. John, Cypress Woods and Canaveral Groves". Cypress Woods has an
active and pro-active HOA
and Canaveral Groves has a Canaveral Groves HOA and a
West Canaveral Groves HOA. Shouldn't those organizations
claim the titles of "voices" of their own areas, instead of someone just assuming the mantle via tagline?
I'm sure that rupester and rodriguez have gotten together via e-mail, phone or meeting somewhere to communicate
with each other as to what they should do about this Infantini/McKinney talking thing. Should they hit with two
articles -- one each -- in the pooper paper next month and hit hard? Or should they just let rupester handle it? Or should
rodriguez publish an editorial about it, giving it more "weight"? They're figuring out who to complain to about
this; whom to contact within which government entity to say, "Hey, Infantini is protecting her good name against
lies! That's unfair! It's government bullying! It's wrong, wrong, wrong! And she's getting 'advice' from Linda
McKinney!" Well, boohoo. Morons and idiots, both, but they'll make as much stink about
a Commissioner -- an American citizen with constitutional rights -- communicating with one of the people who supports
her because she tells the truth, is conservative and believes in lower taxes -- as they can.
Isn't that "The Voice of Port St. John, Cypress Woods and Canaveral Groves"? Is that what you want your voice to say?
I'm so tired of these two UNelected people standing up at Commission meetings and in print saying that they represent us,
and if not saying it outright, then at least giving the impression that they represent us.
If you're tired of it as well, write to rupester and tell her to stop and
contact the NON-"Voice of Port St. John," etc. and tell them
to knock it off!
September 12, 2011: 7:29 p.m.   Some of you have been keeping up with the rupester's articles in the local
pooper paper and know that I have taken her and the paper to task, writing to the editor and asking for her columns to be
labeled "opinion". Today I was shocked to find an e-mail from the pooper paper's owner/publisher/editor. To wit:
"Ms. Infantini,
"Did you do this response yourself, or are you using Ms. McKinney's words with your name on it? It
looks remarkably similar, or possibly you prefer to speak of yourself in the royal third person? I'm
only interested in your own words. Ms. McKinney is a well known entity.
"Rather than spend months back and forth at this, or years more likely, if you've accepted your new
"advisor," let's share the comments and get to the bottom. I have time before my press deadline.
"And you should be more careful where you place your trust.
"Randy Rodriguez
"To all, I am willing to spend the money for the DVD, but have no use for the recorded minutes after
editing, so any quotes should be from the actual meeting."
You know I had to respond:
"I don't have to put words into Comm. Infantini's mouth. She sent me the letter and I said, "You did
good!" You know me and how I work well enough by now to know that I don't have to lie to win the argument.
I prove what I say with links to reputable websites: like the link to Jim Ford's page that I did tell
Trudie about. Got a problem with that?
"Your writer's words were inaccurate. Comm. Infantini has the right -- the responsibility -- to defend
herself against inaccuracies in your publication. You know your writer's background by now: her
educational accomplishments are a far cry from Comm. Infantini's Master's Degree in Accounting and
CPA status. Your writer trying to explain money matters to Comm. Infantini is as comical as Donald
Duck trying to explain Black Hole Theory to Dr. Stephen Hawking.
"You want to know the truth? Check out my website and find out the truth. Then complain about the
truth, not the lies that your writer tells you. When you do that you're wasting your breath, adrenalin
and anxiety on nothing. If you're known by the company you keep, I'd much rather have Comm. Infantini
than you and yours.
"Remember there will be a price to pay when your readers can no longer trust your publication. You lost
enough readers supporting the PRO-incorporation side of that issue, standing behind this kind of "writer"
will lose you even more. A proven plagiarizer who may also have committed copyright infringement, has
written proven lies -- that you, as owner/editor/publisher can be held responsible for printing
according to my attorney friend -- and uses half-truths, "unfacts", wrong dates and misquotes to get
people all worked up about something she wants to control them with? Yeah. That's going to win you
advertisers. If you can't think of the truth, at least think of the dollar side. People don't like
dishonesty, nor being affiliated with it. You don't care about that, but you really should.
"Linda McKinney"
Added this correction today (Tuesday):
I realized this morning that I did "advise" Comm. Infantini to put the para. in about not being
able to control anyone else's actions. Having not reviewed her letter, IF she used it, that was my
idea; unless she thought of it as well, just forgot to put it in there. I also "advised" that she
stand up for her good name because it is worth standing up for. Being slandered/libeled is not fun.
Been there -- according to my attorney friend -- experienced being slandered/libeled -- by the same
"writer" (I won't call her a "journalist"). If that's a problem for the other side, too darn bad.
I have to add a few things that I didn't comment on in my response to the editor. To wit:
First: Notice the hostile attitude. As far as I know, this may be the first time Comm. Infantini has had any
direct dealings with the editor, yet he chooses to take a hostile, attack attitude from the get-go with her. If this
were a liberal woman, she'd be crying "Foul! Foul! I feel threatened!" Infantini, on the other hand (no liberal woman)
responded thusly:
"Dear Mr. Rodriguez,
"I don’t understand your comment, but the words are mine (the true and correct ones, that is).
The false statements are not mine but rather copied from the article written by Ms. Rupe. Where
did she get this stuff and why did she lie, I cannot say. Perhaps, she was willing to take
someone’s word for it and then reduce it to print in an attempt to discredit me. She may want to
rethink her resources and verify information she signs her name to in the future. Let us hope so.
Proving Comm. Infantini has a lot more class than do the owner/editor/publisher and his "writer".
Second: Notice the condescension: "or possibly you prefer to speak of yourself in the royal third person?"
Why the attitude? Why the hostile condescension? Because Comm. Infantini is not of his ilk and he doesn't really
want to deal with this. You can see it in his letter, and in his attitude.
Third: Flattering me won't get him anywhere. I know I'm "a well known entity"... ;-)
Fourth: The editor advising Comm. Infantini to "be more careful where [she] place[s] her trust" is a bit
patronizing. He has a problem with anyone liking me and is trying to alienate Comm. Infantini and I already. Hm. Too
bad he doesn't know that I've only met Infantini once in person (while she wasn't behind the BOCC dais) and that
was at a Reagan Club meeting where we spoke for about a minute after the meeting. I said some encouraging words to
her and I don't even know if she remembers it. I support Comm. Infantini in this because her good character was attacked,
her good reputation smeared with lies, her good name drowned in mud by rupester and I don't like to see good people lied
about. Whether Comm. Infantini trusts me in the future or no is not the editor's business and it's not within his
right to advise a stranger on whom she trusts. If Comm. Infantini and I ever write, speak, or are in the same room
again is not my concern right now. What is my concern is the fact that lies should NEVER stand. If I have to step
in to prevent a lie from standing in the pooper paper, then I shall: every time.
Fifth: He signs his e-mail, "Respectfully" but his attitudes and words are anything but. Thinly veiled
hostility, condescension and patronizing are not "respectful". His paragraphs speak louder than his signature line.
Sixth: I don't know about Comm. Infantini, but I could care less about that editor's and his writer's
opinion of me than I care about horse poop in the Sahara Desert. He should worry more about his advertisers' opinions
of his publication than his actions so far have shown. When he printed the pro-incorporation side of the
issue by 99.035% more column inches than the anti-incorporation side of the issue, he lost some readers. People don't
like dishonesty and unless the editor cleans up his pooper paper's act, his advertisers are going to stop associating
with the dishonesty in his paper. I have proven that rupester plagiarizes, commits possible copyright infringement,
prints false dates, misleading misquotes, and half-truths. Comm. Infantini's issue with the paper is not the first
time a good person's reputation was trashed by rupester and the pooper paper. If the pooper paper keeps going down
the path it is currently headed, it will shrink to non-existence and until then it will just wind up beneath the
parrots faster.
Seventh: If he's accusing me of editing the written notes from the County, he's not just mistaken, he knows
better. That's not how I roll. I don't cheat to win. I don't lie to win. I don't misquote to win. I don't falsely edit
to win. He is wrong and he knows it because I worked with him for five years as a proofreader/assistant editor/stand-in
editor of the pooper paper years ago (before the incorporation battle where he showed his true colors). Any suggestion or
implication that he makes that even implies I would change the minutes to suit my purposes is a lie and he knows it.
September 12, 2011: 11:05 a.m.   As you have seen, I have taken rupester to task again for her attack of
Comm. Infantini. rupester seems to think her tenth grade equivalent education is a match for Infantini's Master's Degree
in Accounting and Infantini's being a CPA. rupester condescends to advise CPA Infantini in tax and money matters. Hahaha.
That's rich. I wrote the e-mail of September 7th, below, to the Commissioners and was not surprised to -- after a FL SS 119
request -- receive the following e-mail that rupester sent to the Commissioners:
"From: Maureen Rupe []
"Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 11:52 AM
"To: Commissioner, D1; Commissioner, D4; Nelson, Chuck S; Commissioner, D5; Commissioner, D3
"Subject: Ref Linda Mcinney [sic]
".Dear [sic] Commissioners,
"When I was in my late teens I asked my Father [sic] "What could you do if someone told lies about you?"
He replied '' Only be honest yourself and live so no one will believe the lies.''
"I have been a victim of Ms McKinney for over 20 years. Her twisted logic and downright lies
has [sic] also made victims of my family. I have had my Grandchildren [sic] crying because they believe she
wants me Dead [sic]. My Husband [sic] has multiple times been angry when I have refused to take her to the
Courts [sic]. Her harassment of me has been unbelievable. Her hatred of me grows by the day as her
website daily confirms. Criticism doesn't upset me, and I often revaluate [sic] myself, but this is
different and I am at a loss.... Only I still try to follow what my Father [sic] told me many years ago.
"Maureen Rupe"
Notice the number of years rupester accuses me of "harassing" her in this e-mail. On my
Go Away, Gnat! page, I pointed out:
"Notice that rupester's April 11th statement that, "I have been harassed through the Internet
by you since at least 2002" is immediately contradicted by her statement the following day, April 12th that,
"I have been stalked by you for 15 or more yrs." Then there's the Oct. 2008 statement "has harassed me for 14
years and I have kept the proof." (Can she make up her mind, please?)"
Now the number is over twenty years I've been "harassing" her? Some day she'll settle on a number of years I have been
"harassing" her and some day she'll use the same number twice in a row.(Well, maybe; if it's possible, which I doubt.)
Remember: pointing out the lies that rupester publishes and the half-truths she tells, as I am now doing, is not
"harassment", it is disagreement and correcting a lie. That's not "harassment". It's a good thing.
As to the fact that rupester says, "I have had my Grandchildren crying": Why is she making her grandchildren cry?
She states that she has had her grandchildren crying. Why did she make her grandchildren cry? That's not being a very
good grandma. Her husband being angry at her for not taking me to court? Well, maybe if he wanted to take me to court he
would have said something to me the other day when I was at Publix with him. Too bad he refused to even make eye contact,
although he did see and recognize me. Yeah. He wants to see me in court. Maybe he's mad at her for something else and just
uses me as an excuse? Again, I will state the truth: I do not hate the woman. I hate her lies. I hate her trying to slam
Infantini and other conservatives (including myself). I hate her environmentalism. Her? If she needed my blood tomorrow and
we were compatible I'd give her my blood. We're probably totally opposite and my blood would probably not be good for her
(and vice versa), but if we were compatible, I'd give my blood to her (not all; just some). If "Criticism doesn't upset [her]",
then why does she fire off an e-mail to me so often that I can keep a running tab on it (see, again, my "Go Away, Gnat" page)?
Why defend yourself to the Commissioners immediately on finding out that I had e-mailed the Commissioners information on her
actual education? She is at a loss? Maybe her marbles?
By the way, can anyone find a lie I told in the September 7, 2011 statement I sent to the BOCC?
September 11, 2011: 12:47 p.m.   This 10th Anniversary of the attack on America our thoughts and prayers
are with those who lost loved ones on this day, ten years ago. I pray America remembers,
I pray America stays strong, I pray America will keep that day, those events, the truth regarding them, in their hearts
and minds every day. If we do not remember those things, we open ourselves up to future attacks. Let us not make ourselves
vulnerable again to what others do as a way of trying to make us kowtow to their way of doing things, their belief system,
their tyranny. Stay strong, America. Stay aware. Stay willing to fight the fight. Your children's children need to grow up
in freedom!
September 10, 2011: 1:36 a.m.   This whole thing with rupester's trying to silence Comm. Infantini and
trying to turn the public against Infantini bugs me. That's why I wrote a new web page about it that you really
should read. In Defense of Infantini is a hard hitting page that tells the absolute
truth and doesn't pull punches. As usual.
September 7, 2011: 6:32 a.m.   For those of you who are subjected to the local
pooper paper, you may have read rupester's article starting on
page four of this month's rag. To which I must respond publicly, as rupester wrote publicly. I wrote a letter in response
to the owner of the pooper paper, but I seriously doubt it will appear. So, I publish it here for the benefit of all:
"You're publishing Rupe's rantings against Infantini where it concerns money and figures? Really? Consider:
"[E]arned her Bachelor's in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting from Florida International
University. Trudie became a Certified Public Accountant and earned a Master's degree in Accounting from Florida
Atlantic University.
"Within a year of moving to Brevard County, Trudie became a licensed financial planner. She worked for various
Wall Street brokerage firms for five years and has even earned her Principal's license, which enabled her to run
her own firm. She has maintained her membership in both the Florida Institute of CPAs and the American Institute
of CPAs since 1983.
"In 2001, Trudie began work at Space Coast Credit Union as an Internal Audit Manager (Chief Audit Executive).
In this role she was responsible for preparing and carrying out the annual audit plan, risk assessment, and
coordinating efforts for the annual audit. She was also tasked with comparing budgeted to actual financial
statements, analyzing tax laws and regulations to verify that SCCU was in compliance with such laws.
"Trudie worked as an Internal Auditor for the Brevard County Clerk of Courts, where she has seen first hand the waste
and inefficiency in many County departments, and has allowed her the opportunity to analyze and question agenda items
presented to the Board of County Commissioners. Currently, Trudie is a Professor of Accounting at Florida Institute
of Technology.
"My education was over 40 years ago, and the education system at that time cannot be compared to the present day United
Kingdom Education System. I attended an innovative school that concentrated on the technical aspects of various subjects.
All students were required to pass a rigorous scholarship test to be allowed to attend this school. The Kettering Central
Technical School was highly regarded and respected. Latin and French were taught routinely, along with many advanced
courses, not included in schools today.
"At that time, Britain started education earlier in childhood (I started at 3) and 15 was the age to leave school
nationwide, unless you attended grammar school or a technical school, as did I. The Kettering school has since closed
and the education system reorganized to what it is today. All this is documented and can be verified.
"Considering the facts, I think I'd take a CPA's word on financial things more than a person who left school at 15 and wrote
on her "What qualifies me to run for County Commissioner?" page prior to reworking it, (initial page retrieved April 14,
2008), "When I was 17 and stubbornly refused to go to college" (her previous words for her educational background). Remember,
"college" in England (where she was born, raised and schooled) is the equivalent to our 11th and 12th grades. According to
her own resume
she received no further formal education.
"Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, licensed financial planner, CPA and internal auditor or someone who left technical
school at 15? Hmmm....
"Linda McKinney"
I have searched the BOCC website and cannot find anything that says there was a meeting on August 11, 2011.
I have found one for
August 2nd and 16th, but not
August 11th. Therefore I can neither confirm nor deny the alleged words of Mary Bolin.
So, considering the studies and backgrounds of the other four Commissioners, I think it's reasonable to follow Commissioner
Infantini's lead - especially when it comes to money matters -- and go with her recommendations. CPA v rupester and the four
Commies? Yeah. Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, licensed financial planner, CPA and internal auditor Infantini every time!
September 7, 2022: 4:00 p.m.   NOTE: I wrote to the County asking for a copy of the minutes of the August 11, 2011 meeting
rupester quotes in her article. The response is below:
"Good morning Ms. McKinney,
"I was forwarded your request for the minutes of the August 11, 2011 Board of County Commissioners
meeting. There was no Board meeting held August 11, 2011, however there were three regular meetings
in the month of August. If there is particular subject or item you are interested in, we would be
happy to research that for you.
"All completed minutes of the Board of County Commissioners meetings are posted on the Brevard County
Government webpage, as well as the Clerk of Courts webpage.
"If you need anything further, feel free to contact me.
"Best regards,
"Tammy Etheridge
"Clerk to the Board"
So, I sent a request to the pooper paper's owner/publisher/editor that he print a correction in next month's pooper paper.
We'll see if he actually does anything about it.
Update: I received the meeting notes from the County for a meeting that happened AUGUST 9, 2011.
Contrary to what rupester asserts in her article, Infantini is
not accused of the mentioned "sins". Read
the meeting notes here. Notice that when Comm. Bolin is speaking,
she does NOT mention Comm. Infantini at all. She never mentions any names. She just states that there is
misinformation out there. rupester assigning words to Bolin in order to make Infantini look as bad as possible. This, to me,
is NOT reporting. rupester is creating a misimpression and is trying to influence people to her way of thinking
(as if she actually thinks?).
I have written to the pooper paper's owner and reminded him of rupester's history of proven plagiarism, possible
copyright infringement, her assigning words to Bolin and errors in dates and facts. I have asked that from this date forward
he label rupester's writings as "OPINION" instead of allowing them to stand as reporting. I have taken journalism and
I know the difference between a fact, rhetoric and a hit piece. rupester's every mention of Comm. Infantini is a hit piece filled
with rhetoric. I think it's time the pooper paper be held accountable. If you agree with me, write to Happenings
and tell them it's time their writer be held accountable to the rules of journalism or have her writing labeled "OPINION". It's time.
September 7, 2011   Words mean they can change the impression of debt.
If they think that changing the name of something will change the truth of that something, they are wrong. We
know better and we are not going to be fooled. The truth will always out.
September 7, 2011   THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!
If Muslim groups plan to disrupt 9/11 anyone who does should all be arrested immediately! It would be inciting a riot,
totally dishonorable and absolutely disrespectful. If they wish to portray themselves as the "religion of peace and
tolerance", they should not do this. Any Muslim who is dismayed at this plan should do what they can to disuade all who
plan to participate. Let the families of those that religion killed remember their dead in peace or you'll be starting
another war here. Anyone who does not try to stop it is condoning it. Anyone condoning it is part of the problem, not
part of the solution. Also, Memorial to 9/11 PA flight to contain crescent?
As in Muslim crescent? That's SO WRONG! If you agree with me, sign the petition to prevent the Muslim crescent
from being THE major part in the memorial to the 9/11 flight that went down in the PA field. Sign the petition. Don't let this
happen. I signed.
September 7, 2011   Islam declared war on America many, many years ago.
It didn't start at 9/11, at the first bombing of the WTC parking garage, nor at the bombing of the USS Cole.
The Islamic war against America started even BEFORE America declared its independence. You need to realize that.
September 7, 2011   obamination's Do[IN]J caught in scandal but
I doubt they'll feel it. They don't understand the words "right" and "wrong"
especially when they're in bed together. They don't know anything about
patriotism or America. All they want is to destroy America by whatever means possible and to be in power when it
falls. That way they can have the power when it is the dumps and -- as in the former U.S.S.R. -- they can
have what they want and we will stand in bread lines and eat the three cans of beans that are on the grocers'
shelves twice a year. That's what they want.
September 7, 2011   In October of 2009, I wrote about obamination's arrogancenow this article speaks of obamination's imperial presidency.
The reason for his "imperial presidency" is because of his arrogance. He really has the ego the size of an universe,
the brains of half an ant, and the morals of -- well, actually, he has no morals. His total lack of any idea
of right and wrong sets him apart as a total and complete sociopath and marks him as a very dangerous, very
immature, very immoral creature. (No. I won't call him a "man".)
September 2, 2011: 12:37 a.m.   Went to dinner and a movie with my friend. We saw "Cowboys and Aliens" and I am
a bit surprised to say that I liked it. The pace was good, the storyline enjoyable and interesting, and the acting very good
except for the fact that you can always tell those who are comfortable on horses from those who aren't. I liked the characters, too.
So if you want to see a pretty good movie (violence, a smattering of bad language, suggested nudity,) that keeps the story moving
and has a happy ending, then "Cowboys and Aliens" is for you.
September 2, 2011   Heroes of 9/11 19% more likely to have cancer.
Sad that they risked their lives, survived that day only to pay the price so many years later. Pray for their healing.
September 2, 2011   obamination has cost us so much already. Next week, he's supposed to present a "jobs" speech,
although with his record it means "loss of jobs" instead of the traditional "gainful employment in a job". After all,
jobless claims are over 400,000 due to his "help".
What we need now is for him to stop trying to "help" us and to just sit down and shut up. He needs to read and read and
read and read and read because if he's doing all that reading, he's doing nothing "for" America. In fact,
even the timing of the speech was a political ploy.
"'The filming of government officials engaged in their duties in a public place,
including police officers performing their responsibilities, fits comfortably within these
principles [of protected First Amendment activity].,' said the Court."
So if you see the cops enter a meeting, or if you have the cops in front of your house, or whatever, you have the constitutional
right to film those cops. Don't forget that.
September 2, 2011   The government is NOT my "federal family".
My "family" would not want to tax me into the poor house. My "family" would not want to regulate any business I may own into
non-existence. My "family" would not want to limit my free speech, my internet rights, my right to bear arms, or my
right to vote for whom I will and to believe my vote was not fraudulently defeated. My "family" would not want to know
everything about me so they could arrest me at any moment for some unwitting infraction. My "family" would not force health
care on me against my wishes. My "family" would not favor others over me, and tax me to do things for those others. My
"family" would not live in Washington D.C., fly at my expense, eat at my expense, travel at my expense via automobile,
have security at my expense, wash their clothes, dishes and hair at my expense and not allow me to partake of some of the
same perks. The federal government is NO ONE'S "FAMILY".
September 2, 2011   obamination's reputation is so bad
that even Wrongies are staying away from him.
Not that it proves anything. As soon as they are elected for "not being like obamination", they will again be the duplicate
of obamination so that they can get the power spots in the House and Senate ASAP. Don't count on their staying away, folks.
It's just part of the game.
September 2, 2011   It's not about race, folks. It's
about right and wrong. Those men were doing wrong.
September 2, 2011   Why are they doing this? It's just wrong!
The New Black Panther Party is going for some sort of riot/rebellion/uprising in America. That's evidenced by everything they do.
Be ready, folks. This is happening. The new racism -- the acceptable racism -- is black toward white. Why? Notice:
Basic guns safety is ignored. His finger is on the trigger of that gun almost the whole time! Ridiculous! Also, how many times does
the muzzle of that gun face the audience? The very base of gun safety is never pointing a gun at anyone -- anyone you don't
intend to shoot. Trigger safety is second on the list. Never touching the trigger unless and until you are ready to shoot is
imperative. Yet, this idiot says he'll cover "gun safety" later -- AFTER he points the weapon at the audience several times
and AFTER he puts his finger on the trigger several times! Absurd!
The president knows this and supports it.
September 2, 2011   Palestinians in this instance had no class whatsoever.
Tacky. Tacky. Tacky. Israel has the right to exist as a sovereign nation and musicians have the right to play their instruments.
If Palestinians don't like the music, that's one thing and they can get up and leave. If they don't like the fact that it's Israelis
playing the music, they knew that prior to buying the tickets for the concert and they purchased the tickets strictly to
show how assinine, disruptive and tacky they can be. They really should grow up.
"The AIDS money—around $330,000—that helped transform a rundown warehouse into a nude bar
went to a nonprofit operated by a self-described drug kingpin (Cornell Jones) with felony convictions.
The group (Miracle Hands) was supposed to make the facility a job training center for residents with
HIV and AIDS."
So if you have HIV/AIDS, and you want to see where the money went that you were supposed to benefit from, you may still
benefit if you wish to see naked women (or maybe it's naked men: there's no telling nowadays).
September 2, 2011   Is there NOTHING obamination would NOT do to retain power?
What will happen in 2016 if he gets re-elected (or re-ACORNed, because that is what it would take: cheating, downright and dirty cheating)
in 2012? Will he find an "emergency" reason to suspend elections in order to prevent himself from leaving the Red House? Declare that
most Americans hate what he has done to America and want him out of office. That's enough of an "emergency" for him to declare
marshall law and stay "President For Life"! Mark my words, folks. He's done everything but.
September 2, 2011   This story
must throw some people into fits of frenzy. They must think, "What is wrong with that man?!" The only thing "wrong" with the man
is that he doesn't fit the mold, nor kowtow to those who would have him do so.
September 2, 2011   Illegal immigrants are the "Holy Grail" to Dems.
If they can keep more in America ILLEGALLY, they can show them how to vote ILLEGALLY, show them for whom to vote ILLEGALLY, and help them fill out
the ballot ILLEGALLY. That's the best chance they have of being re-elected: ILLEGALLY. Wrongies' sense of right and wrong:
don't you just love it?
September 2, 2011   Imagine this, folks:
a thoroughly unqualified, unvetted candidate
gets elected and is privy to a nation's utmost secret of secrets, and then he gets angry at the nation. He hates the nation already,
and he has done everything he can to make the nation suffer. Now he wants to make them suffer even more. He takes that
knowledge he has of the secret of secrets and he uses it against the nation. That's the exact scenario we have with
obamination. Does that make you shudder? It should.
September 2, 2011   The fact that ANY American condoned this still boggles my mind.
I don't care if it was George W. Bush, obamination or Eric Holder's Do[In]J who authorized this. It was wrong, it IS wrong and
these questions should be answered immediately and the responsible party (or parties) should be held responsible for any American
citizen deaths that are the direct result of this program. No matter who.
September 2, 2011   More proof obamination is trying to destroy America?
He really does hate us, doesn't he? Why, then, did he not go back to Malaysia as an adult and try to become Prime Minister there? But,
no, he had to come here and try to destroy the country that gave him the opportunity to become all he could be. That's
gratitude for you.
September 2, 2011   When the going gets tough,
"elites" abandon their prior beliefs for self-preservation.
They're the ones who say, "Pay more taxes! Help the U.S.A. by having the government spend more!" then abandon that when they
realize their own words are starting to affect themselves. It's always hypocrisy on their parts: "Do unto others but not unto me";
"Pay more taxes... on the money we admit to having."; "Give and it shall be taken from you."; etc. When it touches them and
starts hurting in one way or another, that's when they run with their skirts hitched up and their money jangling in the big sacks
on their backs. Wrongies: you gotta' love laughing at them.
September 2, 2011   Remember folks,
to some, the truth hurts.
Too bad. They need to suck it up and deal.
September 2, 2011   Again and again: TX Gov., Rick Perry, would be bad for America.
Do not vote for him if you are a Conservative (or anything else, actually). (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved
by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, corkscrew,
or cocker spaniel. It's my free speech, folks, and I'm going to use it!
September 1, 2011   I've got to read Cheney's new book.
I think he's telling it as it was. I think he's (and this will draw some ire) an honest man. (Shame on me! How dare I?
Am I insane? Don't I know about...? Oh, shut up.) I believe Dick Cheney. Get over it. You believed obamination.
September 1, 2011   Bad idea. Bad idea. Probably notoriously bad idea.
I hope they don't do this. If they do, we'll have those scientists to thank for whatever bad thing happens afterward. They
won't realize it until it's too late, but it will happen. It's kind of like going into the whole cloning/mixing human/animal DNA thing.
Bad, bad idea.
September 1, 2011   As I said, if obamination has touted it, DO NOT INVEST.
This is just my personal opinion and anyone taking my website as an investment advice site is an idiot. But the fact
remains: touted by obamination = failure. So, when is GE going to wind up on the trash pile of obamination's destructive
history? I guess Americans don't like solar power after all since three solar power companies have filed
bankruptcy in the last month. But that's to be expected. With statements like tiddlywinks' statement on the Ed Dean show
July 6, 2010:
"We need to get into solar. I was just reading a book about this. In
Germany, where they don't have barely any sunshine... [great grammar] they're like Alaska, it's all cloudy there all the time. Umm in one
month they installed over a thousand more solar panels than were installed in one year in the entire State of Florida."
(Statement starts at 1 hour, 4 minutes and 14 seconds.) She goes on to say that the reason they're installing solar panels is
because they're building personal wealth. Well, it must be because if "they don't have barely any sunshine", then
solar panels won't work anyways! DUH! By the way, she also wants to make your car -- unless it's all electric --
to go away. BTW, she's now
a "Law Student".Think she'll pass the bar?
September 1, 2011   Allen West (R) is a man of integrity.
It is rare to be able to say that about a politician, but about Rep. Allen West, R-FL, I can.
September 1, 2011   China watch: missile attack in the future?
Watch them carefully. They've been building militarilly for quite a while for something. It's time to pay attention.
September 1, 2011   Wrongies want your gas to cost more,
(or as amy tidd wants, it to go away altogether: Ed Dean Show, July 6, 2010 at about 1 hour 13 minutes: move the previous clip back a little).
I think there's something telling in the fact that two Wrongies from such
disparate social stratas, upbringings (read his "auto"biographies and read tiddlywink's campaign info) and yet,
they think alike, they hope alike, they wish alike, they plan alike, they walk alike, they breathe alike, they almost look alike!
If there is anything predictable, it is a Wrongie.
September 1, 2011   Based on some of the things google the search engine was doing, I left google
about a year ago. Google cut churches from its charitable donations list
and it's just another in the long list of reasons google is no longer in my "good to use" list.
September 1, 2011   Another anti-Israel Durban event to take place next month.
Exposing the lies that are traditionally spoken at the event, this article is a good read. Israel is our ally, it should be
treated as our friend. obamination doesn't want to do so because he's no more a Christian president than I am a Chinese
Communist. In fact, I have more respect for Chinese Communists because they'll come out and tell you who they are,
what they want and how they want to get it! obamination just lies to your face and tries to make nicey as he looks you
in the eye and smiles as he stabs you -- and America -- in the back!
September 1, 2011   Check out the union's strength in your state.
I disdain, detest and deplore unions. They used to have the workers' best interests at heart until they became
a power base for some and unions went downhill so very quickly from there. In the days of
"Norma Rae",
child labor and
unsafe working conditions,
unions had a reason to exist. Now, with all of the laws we have, all the recourses we have, we no longer need unions to
keep us safe. We should do that ourselves.
September 1, 2011   Well, it's 6:14 a.m. and I'm getting tired. I'll be back tomorrow if the
creek doesn't rise.
August 2011
August 30, 2011: 11:43 p.m.   Woops! I did haircuts then other family things got in the way and I never sat back
down at my computer yesterday. Sorry. Today will be blurbs (plural).
Is it always age that seems to make time fly, or is it
the result of busier lives? It's the end of August and it's just yesterday that it was Valentine's Day! Where has this year --
and the previous five years -- gone? Time flies when you're having fun -- or a nervous breakdown -- or when you're enjoying
your nervous breakdown! Whichever you're having, is time going as quickly for you as it is for I?
August 30, 2011   Union holiday parade wants to exclude Republicans.
Wait. I thought unions were for the benefit of everyone. I thought they were supposedly "all inclusive". No?
Well. I'll be British!
August 30, 2011   How does obamination spell job creation?
"[C]ost the economy more than $1 billion each a year".
That's how. Sweet! If we want more jobs we have to go broke to get them. Question: If 2+2=4, how can
obamination's plan work? Answer: It CAN'T.
August 30, 2011   IMAGINE THAT! WOW! Too bad the
hamsters will never admit it. Morons, idiots and dolts all stay on the hamster wheel, going around and around and around.
They never realize that the wheel doesn't even exist anymore and they're only imagining the wheel under their feet. It's over
and they're too brainwashed to realize it.
August 30, 2011   Rick Perry would be bad for America.
He has done too many socialistic things to be good for us.
I just cannot trust him.
I refuse to vote for him. (Paid political advertisement
[and my personal opinion]}. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. Independent of any
campaign, party, candidate, medical condition or health insurance. It's just me and that's just dandy.)
August 30, 2011   Most colleges nowadays = political indoctrination and nothing else.
That's IMHO, but there is so very, very much evidence to weight in favor of my opinion. It's a shame. Education used to mean something.
Nowadays even college grads with diplomas are struggling.
College diplomas used to equal a brighter future. Now it equals next to nothing. Part of it is the economy, part of it
the fact that there are fewer jobs available for more people looking for work, and part of it the fact that
college grads are still unprepared to join the work force. Some of it is their lack
of professionalism and the fact that they want to text message their friends instead of working. Really, folks. Why would a
degree matter when your employer is not going to be able to make you do the work?
August 30, 2011   Watch this video and learn
what the dangers are of the 2012 elections. It's important to "know thine enemy" and it's important to be prepared for his lies, tricks,
tactics and cheating.
August 31, 2011   Woops. Date changed fifty-one minutes ago and I forgot to say so. Sorry.
"[S]tate officials who investigated the case thoroughly took no action against
the man. He now faces up to a year in prison and a $50,000 fine."
Now the dear old, Do[In]J is going after the guy for protecting his family. Isn't it special how this administration
is so "into" the idea of right and wrong, GOD and country, family and the American way? Yep. They've got all of that
covered. Doesn't their record bear that out?
August 31, 2011   Being an Air Force Brat, I know what military schools were like.
I don't think that when I was in school, they were as bad as they are currently. It's a shame that the kids whose parents are putting
their lives on the line for our country are considered less important than the child of a welfare queen who gets school vouchers
and can put her kids in private schools at no cost to her because she doesn't pay taxes. The money comes -- in part -- from
the military member who is paying their taxes and whose kids are going to substandard, crumbling schools. And it's the welfare
queen who complains. The world is upside-down, folks. Time to upright it.
August 31, 2011   I question this one, folks.
Clintoon probably went with his first instinct when he was with Ms. Lewinsky and that cigar. Not good. obamination probably
went with his first instinct when he went on his latest ill-timed vacation and spent all that taxpayer money while we lose jobs
and go to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to stay afloat.
"“Of course you are having an abortion — this is your choice as a woman.”
It's time abortion was called what it is: murder.
August 31, 2011   I agree with Mark Levin: Christie overreacted.
It's not a governor's job to yell at his people when they can see how bad --
or how NOT bad
-- a storm is as well as he. But, no, Christie has to have his five minutes on television. Governorship is going to his head.
August 31, 2011   Bad ideas threaten good ideas.
But this is the obamination administration, yes? Read the story, folks. You'll shake your head at the whole thing and the stupidity
of the administration. But what else can we expect from obamination? Trying to destroy America effort #29,389,849,382.
"Building a Movement of Unionized Childcare Providers: New York ACORN
and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) won state legislation – with the
governor’s approval expected in 2007 – giving over 25,000 childcare providers
the right to bargain collectively for better wages. In New Jersey, ACORN worked
alongside CWA and AFSCME to organize over 7,000 childcare providers, and
helped secure an Executive Order from the governor granting the providers collective
bargaining rights. Our sister organization SEIU Local 880 signed a historic contract bringing more than
$250 million in rate increases and benefits to 40,000 state childcare providers."
It makes me wonder if the two are related. ACORN has done more damage to the USA than most other organizations that
are not considered unions or government. When ACORN tried to help an undercover James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles
get housing at taxpayer expense to run a brothel of smuggled-in, under age, illegal oriental girls -- without even
batting an eye -- that told me something. I watched ACORN's supposed implosion after that. Now, whenever I read
a story along the lines of this sort, I always think of ACORN and wonder if they are involved. I think here they
may have been. According to this Colorado state study ACORN schools in CO received funding via the CCAP program,
in an ACORN newsletter, they work toward "Increasing the number of low-income families receiving child care assistance;"
and this list makes me wonder, too.This child care assistance application ties CCAP and the Illinois Action for Children program together.
Do any amount of research on ACORN -- a Bing search or whatever -- and you'll find vote fraud, scandal, abuse, and wrongdoing.
There are questions arising out of this lack of care for the children's welfare that make me want to just shake someone.
What were they thinking?
August 29, 2011   I have to go give haircuts to my sons and hubby, so if you'll excuse me for a while, I'll be back
after I get that stuff done.
August 28, 2011: 1:14 a.m.   TSA employee arrested for "six counts of lewdness with a child" under 14.
And tell me he wasn't patting down children at the Airport. Amazing. This man was supposedly screened prior to being hired
to do the job. Screened? By who: the Three Stooges?! If this is the best the TSA can do, we need to have a revolution now and demand
the TSA be defunded, the employees be unemployed (yes, even in this economy: they can thank obamination later) and our children's
safety from perverts like this put as a priority! I am outraged and you should be as well! Notice: he's smiling in his police
photo! He should be ashamed, but he's smiling! Outrageous!
So it's obamination's job to enforce Madagascarian law? Oh? Since when? Show me in the U.S. Constitution. And if Madagascarian officials
are willing to sell the wood as they have for years to Gibson guitars, then why is it obamination's job to enforce their
laws that they have agreed to ignore for so many years? Is Madagascarian law really the cause of obaminatio's targeting
of Gibson, or is he just trying to intimidate another company into whatever he wants them to do? Yes. He is that evil.
August 27, 2011   FHP is being sued for ticketing headlight warning: "Cops ahead".
I've seen people warn others that way and I consider it "Free Speech". I see nothing wrong with it. Maybe I'm
missing something, but I don't see that the cops have cause to ticket. In fact, the FHP is ignoring a 2005 court order
that stated it was not illegal to flash the "cops ahead" warning, and they're still issuing tickets for doing so!
If the FHP cannot obey the law -- in fact are flagrantly violating the law -- then they have no right to wear the uniform
and no right to try to make others obey the law, or arrest anyone else who is breaking the law just as they are!
August 27, 2011   Aaawwwww... Poo' wittle baby...
Question: Is muchelle going to take a separate plane back to D.C.? The article didn't say.
August 27, 2011   A man and his bud, both on meth, jump a fence, have knives on them, go into an auto dealership to steal things,
and get shot by the auto dealership owners,
and an El Paso, TX jury awards the man's relatives $300,000
even though TX has a Castle Doctrine that went into effect in 2007? There's
something wrong with that, folks. It's just plain wrong. People have the right to protect their property and themselves. If those
auto dealers had not done what they did, there was no telling what the two methed-up (pun intended) druggies were going to do
if they had encountered the auto dealer owners without the auto dealers being proactive. TX jury, you screwed up big time
on this one.
August 27, 2011   My Mom, no LBJ fan, would probably agree with this.
She used to tell me when I was a kid what a horrible president he was. Amazing to think Mom was right about that. I just took
her word for it all those years. Now that I am old enough to do my own research, she was not just right, she was DARN right!
Good job, Mom!
August 27, 2011   In other words, get ready for obamination to try to be cheated into office again.
It worked the first time, they think they'll get away with it again. Be ready, people. Be ready. Watch the polls. Watch the
poll workers. Follow them to the offices and watch what happens there. Don't let any boxes be taken in that weren't brought from
the polling places -- you know, those that were in the car since yesterday already stuffed with ballots made out 2-1 in obamination's
favor? Yeah. Those. Be ready. They're trying it again.
I'm not the only one who is concerned about fraudulent 2012 election results.
JW also thinks ACORN tactics will be used and they're trying to prevent it. Told you.
August 27, 2011   Wrongney (Romney) and Gingri[n]ch are bad for America.
Forcing people to pay tribute to union bosses and those two agree with the idea? Excuse me? What happened to freedom in America?
For those two to agree that people should be FORCED to pay unions anything is an abomination (or maybe it's
just an obamination, considering he agrees) and those two should be drummed out of the ranks of "conservative"
because they ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE. They haven't been for a very, very long time!
August 27, 2011   obamination owes a new horse to the owner of the dead one.
If obamination hadn't run our economy into the ground, thieves wouldn't have stolen the gate keeping the previous horse in. obamination
owes the owner a new horse.
"... Do we really want textbooks to include the details of a historical
figure's sexual orientation even when it might have nothing to do with his or her
role in history? And does it make sense to require that portrayals of gay people
focus on contributions and not anything that could be construed as negative?” The
paper’s conclusion: “Real history is richer and more complicated than feel-good depictions.”
Surprisingly, I agree with the L.A. Times. Surprises never end.
August 27, 2011   Considering that the obaminations are OUR EMPLOYEES, why does it take
lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit to get information from them on how they are spending OUR money?
Why is that? According to one source the cost for the wifey and the daughters, wifey's Mom and wifey's niece and nephew
to go to South Africa and Botswana June 21-27, 2011, for the C-32 alone was $430,000. Let's see what JW finds out to be the
total cost to you and I. Bet you they enjoyed their trip at our expense. Don't you love that they can do such a thing
while you're contemplating giving so much up?
August 27, 2011   soros = insane. Absolutely insane.
He really is a dangerous man. He should be locked up somewhere he can't talk, can't communicate, can't continue the evil he
has been doing.
August 27, 2011   Anti-breast cancer, PRO-abortion.
I've told you about this before, but it's a good reminder that the Susan G. Komen Foundation is giving money -- lots of it ($569,159) --
that you gave to them to fight breast cancer to Planned Parenthood for abortions. Instead of being anti-breast cancer, they're
actually contributing to one of the things that increases the risks of getting breast cancer: abortion. Every
abortion a woman has increases her chances of getting breast cancer, yet the Komen Foundation continues to support
abortion. Isn't that defeating your own purpose? Or is it a way to ensure you stay in business? Like a dentist
giving away candy?
August 27, 2011   It's 6:21 a.m., folks. I'm going to go get some sleep. Good morning, sun; good night, moon.
The night is over and I'll be up way too soon! (With apologies to the book.)
August 26, 2011: 1:00 a.m.   Hello, hello, hello! Went to a movie with my friend tonight. This was the
movie we missed last week because she couldn't stay to see it; could only do dinner last week. So, we went to see
The Help. It was pretty good: a few words, a little bit of violence (what is
today called "Police Brutality" was apparently back then unfortunately common), and the whole idea of bigotry and racism,
segregation, "Separate but equal" and all of that is disturbing to me as it may be to some viewers. Overall, it
was a good movie and it had a hopeful ending, but I won't say more because I don't want to spoil it for anyone. Afterward,
we went to a restaurant and had a piece of pie and some water and talked. Dinner and the movie were only separated by
a week. That's not too bad.
August 26, 2011   Right again: Irene isn't going to hit us.
Good. I don't think we need that during these tough times. Of course, no one does, but here where KSC and CC are in
the process of losing so many jobs, we don't need another disaster.
August 26, 2011   Keep the Japanese in your prayers.
Their troubles are not over yet. Remember, you can still give to their relief efforts via the "Help" section above.
August 26, 2011   That's a laugh.
NYT says they'll ask tougher questions about religion. Where are those tough questions for obamination? Are they going to
send him the questionnaire? If so, are they expecting an answer? If they answer that "Yes", I think they shall be sadly
August 26, 2011   I don't know about you, but I didn't need
obamination declaring today "Women's equality day" to prove I'm equal.
I'm just as good as men at some things and they are just as good at some things as I. Equal without proclamation.
Imagine that; no obamination needed.
August 26, 2011   Awww.... Come on, people! Is this for real?!
I have to remind people that even Jesus burped, went potty (both kinds) and passed gas. So telling our troops to not pass
gas is just a bit too much to ask, isn't it? After all, if it's good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for our troops!
Or is that what offends others?
August 26, 2011   I wish environ-mentalist wackos (emphasis on "wackos") would go away.
I really do wish we could gather all those sheeple up and put them in a space ship and ship them off to Pluto (which used to be a
planet and now isn't) or something similar. Wouldn't that make life so much more pleasant?
August 26, 2011
CA authorities are going too far!
This is wrong, ridiculous, immoral and illegal! CA residents should take back their land! Fight back!
Fight back! This is America! Question: What is going on with the LA County Sheriff's Dept. that they are cooperating with this? They come in
with flack jackets on, fully armed and intimidate these people for no reason? Is that what the Sheriff's Dept. is supposed to be used for?
Why are they cooperating in this? Who, if anyone, in the Sheriff's Dept. is being bought off to get them to cooperate with this kind of
Hitler thuggery? Storm troopers you are not! Those people have rights and you just helped the County walk all over them. Your duty --
your oath as an officer -- is to "uphold and defend" the law. You just walked all over it. Who bought you?
August 26, 2011   Unions, unions, unions: it's all about the money.
Time after time after time: it's about the money. They don't care about teaching the children in the failing schools,
give them more money to not teach the children who can't read, write, do basic math, and know nothing true or
correct about American or world history. Ridiculous to think these folks are trying to get more money for
not doing their jobs. Of course, if Chicago was smart, they'd privatize all public schools, fire all public
school teachers and break the union, let those who the private schools would hire back have jobs there, then give those private
schools two years to make marked improvements in the children's educations and then they'd talk money. But, like I said,
IF they were smart. We're talking Chicago, home of obamination and "Mayor" rahm emmanuel. No "smart" involved.
August 26, 2011   Of course, obamination is supporting the unions
so that they will encourage -- more like force -- continued support of (and voting for) obamination. He will spend
whatever it takes to get re-elected and be able to spend more of your money for golf and vacations, lobster and
Martha's Vineyard. Isn't that special? All the while he'll be planning how he can completely destroy America the
land and laws that got you as much as you USED to have under George W. Bush. IF you have more now than you had
then, I'll be extremely shocked. Even obacare hasn't gone into full effect yet because of all the lawsuits against
it (that's a good thing). So tell me you have more now than you used to under Bush. Even our neighbor whose daughter
used to sit outside and sing at the top of her lungs that obamination was president now and "we can do whatever we
want" has lost their house and that house is now up for sale and is being inspected by those interested in buying
the house that "whatever we want" doesn't have anymore. Tell me you have more. Go ahead. Unless your name is warren
buffet, or you're the head of a company like google, GM, or GE, you're not making more money, not having as much, not
expecting more. Remember this when it's time to vote in 2012. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by
Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. Independent of any committee, candidate, campaign, council,
counsel, or "whatever we want".)
August 26, 2011   Come on, ms waters, learn a new tune!
Your one note is selling to only a few nowadays because even your group can see the truth in front of their eyes.
(At least, they should be able to if they're not willfully ignoring it!) obamination is bad for America. That's
the truth. You kissing his backside won't get you an appointment to his inner circle of advisors and friends, it will
just get you unelected. He doesn't know you, doesn't care about you, won't promote you. You are not of his kind: the
kind he hangs with are richer than you and he owes them a great deal. So give it up, waters. You're Sorry Outta' Luck
and you are not going to be his text message bud!
August 26, 2011   We probably could balance the budget
if big spenders like obamination, pelosipig and reid were no longer in office. But, that's up to the voters, isn't it?
August 26, 2011   Another court refuses to acknowledge the First Amendment.
Christians have the right to pray; even if they are at a school board meeting. That's the law. They should get the
ACLJ involved. The ACLJ would straighten things out in a hurry!
August 26, 2011   Study says Christian faith "waning".
It's not that we believe less in GOD. It is that we believe less in the man who preaches about GOD. A lot of us
have grown tired of the secular humanism invading the pulpits, the anti-biblical teachings spewing from the mouths
of the pastors, and the people within the church who are there for reasons other than because they believe in GOD
and come to truly worship Him. Going to church used to be an activity of honesty, of biblically-sound teaching,
of pro-GOD preaching and of true believers gathering together to worship, adore and praise the Lord GOD Almighty.
Nowadays, preachers regularly preach denominational doctrine instead of biblical truth. People go to church to
see and be seen, to put up the appearance of Christianity although living a lie, and to be with friends or
to keep family happy. It's no longer about GOD; it's about clothes, friends, political correctness from the pulpit,
pew and people. Church has become a place of disinteredness about godly things and a place of interestedness when it
comes to the latest gadget to use in reaching the teens, the newest fashion trend that is going around the girls of
the church, the recipes that were brought to the dinner last Wednesday night, or who has the best voice in the choir.
I have actually sat on a church pew and heard the pastor say that something the Bible says is a gift from GOD, well
that gift is not happening anymore. It died with Jesus. Excuse me?! Show me in the Bible where it says that ANY
gift from GOD died with His Son, Jesus Christ, and I'll show you a tampered with Bible! That's doctrine being preached,
not Bible and I refuse to listen to that nonsense. I almost got up and left as soon as the words were out of the preacher's
mouth, but hubby held me down so that I wasn't considered rude. I would have rather been considered rude than to have heard
another word from that blasphemer's mouth, but I was prevented leaving. I did leave as soon as possible afterward, without
waiting to shake the "pastor's" hand. But go back? Never. So, of course, people are leaving the established churches and
doing their own Bible studies, reading with their families and teaching their children what they believe instead of
taking them to a "church" to be taught that part of GOD's gift to us died with Christ. It's a monstrous thing to say
and it's ridiculous that anyone bearing the title "pastor" could have stayed in the pulpit of a supposed Christian
church after blaspheminig GOD in that way. I would NOT want to be that pastor when he stands before GOD and answers as
to how he led his sheep. The only thing he can say about his leading is: "astray"!
August 26, 2011   First: How certain of this are astronomers?
Second, May I have it? As an amateur rock hound (I'm an Accredited Jewelry Professional with the Gemological Institute of America
and I love gemstones), I would love to see that -- even through a telescope! Can you imagine a diamond that big? Even forgetting the
"diamond" portion: imagine being on a planet that circles its star every one hundred and thirty minutes! That's amazingly fast!
(Amateur astronomer, too. Got an "A" in my college course.) So
I think this, too, is a cool discovery!
August 26, 2011   Participants in GB's "Restoring Courage" event threatened: even their lives.
That's what it has come down to? People can't even attend an event that supports Israel without being told they'll
be killed if they participate? What happened to free speech, to freedom of religion, to the free exercise thereof?
Oh. Sorry. It's not PC to do all of that, so it must be silenced. Amazing. Is it just Islam that was threatening folks?
Or was it someone else as well? How can anyone threaten people who wished to participate that they won't work again,
that their lives will be forfeit, that their choirs would be dumped, etc., for deciding to do something they had
every right to do? Is that what this world has come down to? Yes. It is.
"'I have being doing researches at the University of Ibadan and also work in University of Chicago in the USA.'"
University of Chicago? obamination's hometown and they're going to use your money to fund a breast cancer research facility in
Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria?! Excuse me?!
August 26, 2011   Well, folks, it's 3:58 a.m. and I'm going to shut it down. G'night, sleep tight, and remember that
you have GOD given rights as well as constitutional rights. Don't give them up, hand them over, nor take them for granted. Use
them or lose them. And if you lose them, you've no one to blame but yourself!
August 25, 2011: 2:32 p.m.   Had to call customer service tonight to get info on what was going on with my
website service. I received an from them that said that someone had tried to hack into my account and they had to reset
my passwords to protect my account. That is not a good thing. Question is, was it a random attack -- whoever they could
get to was their next target -- or was it me they were after? I may be the eternal optimist (or the eternal ostrich
with my head in the sand) but I choose to think it was random. Whoever they could get to was their next target. So,
updates yesterday would have been impossible anyways. That's alright. I wanted to do them but had things to set as
priority for my time and when I did try to get updates done I sat down and tried to do the updates but by the time I
woke myself up for the sixth time, I decided to give it up. Yesterday I just couldn't make myself stay awake for it.
So, I suppose all's well that ends well. More running around today and tomorrow. Why are errands never-ending?
August 25, 2011   One word: WHY?
Remember him ordering all girls 11-18 to get the Gardasil vaccine? Since when did Rick Perry (Gov. TX - R) become the
parents of all girls in that age range? If he's not their parent, he has no right to order them to get any kind of
medical treatment whatsoever. Remember that when you're considering for whom to vote in the primary elections, folks.
He ordered girls to get vaccinated. That's not the government's business. Parents today are choosing to forego
childhood vaccinations all the time now, some convinced autism is associated with or caused by those vaccines.
(Peronally, I don't know if there is a link, but it's their choice to forego them if they wish. They are the parents.)
Remember this for the primaries. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave.
Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, needle or vaccine.)
August 25, 2011   Kiss-up brown nosing.
Adore and worship the obamination. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." I guess that commandment doesn't apply to some. Well,
they may think it doesn't.
August 25, 2011   "Stupid is as stupid does" (Forest Gump) and
the obamination administration is as stupid as they come. Sometimes don't you wonder if any of them have a full "Happy Meal"? I mean,
they don't seem to have even a full thing of fries, much less the meat on the bun!
August 25, 2011   People are clueless. Totally clueless. Public schooled.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel. Pray for GOD's protection over them. Pray that He will be with them and perform miracles
on their behalf.
August 25, 2011   What a loser. She can't stay in power over here
so she goes to Islamic countries and bashes America there. Is Iran's regime paying for ex-Congressperson McKinney
(sometimes you just want to change your last name, ya' know?) to go
bash America? The University of Tehran paid for some of it, but is it legal? Let's ask the Do[In]J to investigate
her doings and see if Eric Holder will actually look into it. What do you think he'll say: "Oh, yes. We should look
into that!", or "No. We won't look into that. She's doing nothing wrong."? I think the latter.
"On August 4, 2011, Judicial Watch released documents obtained from the
Colorado Department of State showing that ACORN and Project Vote successfully pressured
Colorado officials into implementing new policies for increasing the registration of
public assistance recipients during the 2008 and 2010 election seasons. Following the
policy changes, the percentage of invalid voter registration forms from Colorado public
assistance agencies was four times the national average. Project Vote also sought a
“legislative fix” to allow people without a driver’s license or state identification
to register to vote online."
As I keep saying, obamination wasn't elected to office, he was ACORNED into office. As in,
they cheated him into office. It wasn't hanging chads they used to try to steal an election,
they just outright cheated. And thanks to their corruption, got away with it. Also note:
"Barack Obama has deep connections to Project Vote. He served as the Illinois
Executive Director of Project Vote in 1992. His campaign paid more than $800,000 to an
ACORN organization to help “get out the vote” in his successful primary campaign against
then-Sen. Hillary Clinton."
I'm right again.
August 25, 2011
Who is this ugly idiot and why does anyone listen to her? I know she's in H-wood,
but who is she and
why does she run her mouth so?
She must enjoy hearing her own voice
very much because I'm sure no one else does. I bet she even talks in her sleep, she enjoys
her own voice so much.
Herman Cain (Republican Candidate for President), on the other hand, is a good man who
has some good ideas on America. Will I vote for him? I don't know yet because I don't know
if he'll make it all the way to the end, or get out early. I don't know a lot about him and
some of the things I have heard him say since he entered the race make me say, "Hmmmm..."; but
I say that about a lot of things prior to more time passing. Would I encourage you to vote for or
against Cain? Not yet. So either way you wish right now, you decide. Just -- my personal advice --
don't listen to the loon on the other side. She'll make you nuts!
August 25, 2011   I want to know what happpened. I want to know why.
I want to know when. I want to know how: probably especially how
a company went so evil.
They just go from bad to worse, to worse and worse and worse. Soon there will be no "worse" to go to and they'll call in special
helpers to help push the wall of bad back. Clintoon, obamination, maxine waters, cynthia mckinney, al sharpton, and that
ugly chick from the video above will all be there... Sorry, they already are.
August 25, 2011   Well, it's now 4:47 a.m. and I guess I should head to bed. I have some errands to do and
they need to be done but I will try to get the updates done tomorrow, too. See you then. GOD bless you and may He give
Israel peace, protection and blessing.
August 22, 2011: 2:36 p.m.   Are you ready?
Personally, I don't think it will be hitting us. The outer bands may reach out and kiss us a little, but I don't think it's
going to be really doing much here at all. I admit, I'm out of the loop when it comes to hurricane season this year.
I usually hear about all the named storms, but this year they were at "H" before I realized that there were actually
storms happening. It's been a quietly going through the alphabet and it's all the way to "I" without a major storm.
That's a good thing.
August 22, 2011   Kinda' makes you go Hmmmmm...
What are they up to that they have to move things underground? Hmmmm.... No good is my guess.
August 22, 2011   The Libya mess is
putting Gaddafi (Qaddafi, whatever) out of a job.
Has anyone besides me wondered about that man for years? Why is he always so strange looking? Why does he seem to want to
look drugged out? Why the "wild man" look when his "wild man" looks more like someone who is not dangerou, just insane? Or
is that the fact of the matter: he's been insane for years? Just asking.
August 22, 2011   Do[In]J investigating to make sure minorities get their federal housing.
That's ridiculous. But that's Eric Holder all over. He'll do whatever it takes to waste taxpayer dollars, to intimidate people,
to push the obamination administration's agenda, to use his AG clout to push folks around. He's a shame and disgrace to the
profession but I'm not surprised that he has not been disbarred (as he should be). It's all par for the course in this
August 22, 2011   Another day,
another fatwa issued.
This time it's against the Syrian regime. But my question is based upon this quote of the Koran/Quran:
"Allah the Supreme said: 'But whoever kills a believer intentionally –
his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry
with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment.' [Koran 4:93]"
What happens if that quote conflicts with something Qaddafi/Gaddafi has already done? Remember the Lockerbie bombing?
What about killing all those infidels? Consider:
"9:111 Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods;
for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and
are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an:
and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah. then rejoice in the bargain which ye
have concluded: that is the achievement supreme."
Qaddafi/Gaddafi has killed in the name of his god, so if the Koran/Quran is true, Gaddafi/Qaddafi is both
condemned and going to paradise? Something to think about.
August 22, 2011   Hateful Egyptians (Muslims?) use swastika on sign for Israelies.
Israel is our ALLY. Why are we not making sure they are protected, they are safe, we are publicly supporting them?
This administration is wrong -- wrong -- in the way they are handling Israel and all she is going through right
now. To see the footage of that mob burning an Israeli flag, and hold a swastika up, should have
obamination up in arms, but it does not. Another evidence that he is not a Christian; Christians support Israel.
August 22, 2011   Jim Moran needs to cancel this speech.
Make up whatever excuse he needs to, or just tell them the truth: he shouldn't be associating with a group that supports terrorism.
He needs to cancel. I called and told them so, too. When they ask for your zip code, say what I did: "It doesn't matter what my
zip code is. He represents me with every vote he takes because every vote he takes effects me, my wallet, my freedoms. He
should not be associating with an organization that supports terrorism." She took the message and finished with "Have a nice
day." She was very civil about it, but you need to tell Congress that every person in America is their constituent when they are
affected by the votes they take.
August 20, 2011: 3:32 p.m.   Sorry about the skip there, folks. Intended to do updates Thursday after dinner
and a movie with my friend, but she came to dinner with the news that we couldn't do the movie that night. Bummer. We did eat
dinner and talked for a while afterward while I awaited my sons' to go orders then I came home and spent the evening having
a family evening with our sons. Hubby was in CA on business, so we played a card game my "Aunt" Eliza taught us called
"Spite and Malice". It's fun, but sometimes it can drag on. Thank
goodness Thursday wasn't one of those nights because after Spite and Malice we played Scrabble. My eldest son won the card
game, but I won Scrabble.
Friday was one of those days when I hardly sat down. I got up and immediately started rearranging four of the kitchen cabinets.
Shopping at BJs now we need more space for the bulk purchases. Rearranging was imperative to my counter space! After that, I showered
and dressed, ate a yogurt and went to my friend's to give her a book, to the post office substation to mail a CD to my Mom, to Lowe's
to drop off a CD for a friend there, to Marshall's to pick up some organizational items, to Publix for supper, etc., then home again.
At home I put things away, fixed supper, then while my eldest son put together a dinner plate for his Dad, our youngest got ready to
go to the airport with me to pick hubby up at midnight and we were out the door. I didn't really have time to do anything else yesterday.
I didn't even read my Bible (BAD!), but I made up for it today by reading both days' worth of scripture. Whew! So today you get
updates because -- as far as I know -- I'm staying home today.
August 20, 2011   Rumor has it someone is gathering up info from all the past sites that had information on the PSJ Incorporation
battle, the folks who have run for public office from PSJ -- and a few other things -- and is putting them all into one website.
If true, that will be a good website to visit from time to time so we never forget who tried to incorporate PSJ, what they said
in order to do the incorporation push and how they went about it, as well as what they've been up to since. It could be very interesting
because I know that there were a few websites that really bothered a few of those folks who were interested in incorporating PSJ
and forcibly incorporating Frontenac, Williams Point, Delespine, Hardeeville and part of Sharpes. Let's see if this pans out and if
it does, I'll put a link to it in my list at the top of the page.
August 20, 2011   Hahahahaha.... Hehehehehe....
obamination sure does know how to make a fool of himself. Oh. Sorry. He was born that way, there was no "making" done on his part.
August 20, 2011   Chris Christie needs a reality check.
"Climate Change" is as real as the Great Pumpkin, the Trolls under the bridge
(Three Billie Goats Gruff), and
The Grinch (Dr. Seuss's). If Chris Christie is becoming a hamster, he better not run for reelection because hamsters fail.
August 20, 2011   Thanks to the EPA and rupester, etc.,
our electricity prices will go way up next year. The article explains the EPA's part, the kudos rupester gathers unto herself
gives herself fair due for the demolition of the old FPL plant at the front of PSJ the resulting higher cost of electricity
from the new plant. Ain't it grand, folks, how Wrongies always want to raise the cost of everything so that only the rich can afford
anything, then they say tax the rich so that even they can't afford anything? Does it make sense to anyone who is not a Wrongie that
they do that sort of idiocy? "We'll legislate and regulate everything so much that 'Average Joe' can no longer afford anything.
Then we'll tax the rich so they can't afford anything, either. Soon no one will be able to buy and no one will be able to work
because no one can buy, and the government will have all the money and we'll all be able to have 'our fair share' of the wealth.
Yes. It will be evenly distributed and we'll all have plenty!" That's what they seem to think. Problem: Government cannot tax someone
who makes nothing. The "Average Joes" will make nothing because there will be no jobs due to over-regulation and over-legislation.
They will pay no taxes. The rich will pay no taxes because the government has taken it all, and/or because the basis of their wealth
was the family business (Paris Hilton gets her money from somewhere), so they will have no money to be sending to the government.
How long can the government redistribute the wealth if there is no money coming in to redistribute? The government can print money, but
it doesn't produce anything besides that. If it can't produce anything, it can't sustain our country. If it can't sustain our country,
where are all the government employees going to go to get their money, with no money coming in and no government able to sustain them?
America ends, folks. Think it over, Wrongies. You're shooting yourselves in the foot and you are just too stupid to realize it!
August 20, 2011   This is very disturbing.
I don't think van Susteren's support of Hatch is a big deal; I don't watch her, don't read her, don't worry about her views. But
Palin's support of Hatch? That's just wrong.
August 20, 2011   Of course he does: blaming everyone except himself is his favorite pastime.
He's like a three-year-old, "I didn't do it. It was Tommy!" He can no more take responsibility for anything he did than he can
make the sun shine in shades of blue. He is incapable of being an adult and owning up to anything that has serious consequences,
that has repurcussions, that means he would look even the slightest bit wrong. He's three.
August 20, 2011   Can we stop with this nonsensical wasting of taxpayer dollars now?
Stop paying anyone to NOT do something, stop paying to protect species that are NOT in danger, stop paying unions, defund and get rid of
the NEA (both of the: National Endowment for the Arts, and the National Education Association), get rid of the Agriculture Dept., get
rid of anything that is not in the U.S. Constitution. Downsize government back to the size it was when our Founding Fathers established
it. There are more of us now, yes, but the States have more power than the Feds -- according to the U.S. Constitution -- when it comes
to controlling our citizenry, so let's back the Feds off to the small, unobtrusive, less expensive government it used to be. Let's allow
it to make laws that comply to and conform with the U.S. Constitution, run the standing military, build roads and bridges, and run the
State Dept. That's about all we need. Schools can be run locally; housing, welfare, etc., the same. Federal programs should be cut,
every department not associated with and essential to the protection of America, building roads and bridges and promoting the welfare of
our country to other countries worldwide should be axed. (Close your mouths, you're getting flies in there.)
August 20, 2011   What to do? What to do?
Note: I like that the LSM has started using pics of obamination that are not always that flattering. The pic in this piece
is one of those that -- if I were publicity person for someone I really liked and wanted the best for -- I would have
asked them to not use. However, either the press room is feeling its oats, or the Gibbs office is failing in its job
of protecting obamination from bad publicity and not demanding pics that are more -- shall we say -- flattering of
the manchild. Either way, it's a noticeable difference since his ordination.
That would be because of the economy, something he had a strong hand in trashing. Cut his own throat now, hasn't he? Morons
and idiots do things like that.
August 20, 2011   It's all on your dime, folks.
You are paying for their golf, Martha's Vineyard and lobster. Enjoying that mac and cheese yet?
August 20, 2011   Your taxpayer dollars being used to covertly influence public opinion.
Sweet. He vacations in Martha's Vineyard and feasts on lobster dinners while we pay higher taxes to get influenced to think the way he wants
us to? Is he a friend or an enemy to be doing things like this? My answer I think you know.
August 20, 2011   Days or Rage? Why?
Don't their -- and your -- friends and family work for companies that trade on Wall Street? Aren't Wall Street companies feeding
their children? Aren't Wall Street companies putting roofs over the heads of millions of Americans and clothing the families who
work for those companies? The folks who are trying to get people to participate in this have an alterior motives and you will not
know those motives until you see them dancing in the streets as they get more money and power and everyone else loses everything.
Don't fall for their glad-handing, smiles and group-think. Think for yourselves and realize that there is something else going on
besides teaching Wall Street a lesson, or "standing up for the little guy". Follow the money; follow common sense; follow your nose;
something stinks in this movement and it's not just their shoes.
August 20, 2011   Well, that's all for right now, folks. I'll keep an ear out for that possible new website.
Sounds quite interesting. I've given permission for them to use my stuff. We'll see what happens.
August 17, 2011: 10:48 p.m.   Another day of updates! My, oh, my! If I keep this up, it may
just be a website again! I only got zinged with my CTS once today and that while doing dishes. It wasn't as
bad as it had been and I haven't had any tingling since, so on with the show!
August 17, 2011   Flash mobs are a dangerous new trend.
It's also not being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, it's being covered up by the Lame Stream Media and it's
being ignored by a lot of folks who are too scared to talk about it. What flash mobs who attack innocent people do not seem to
understand is that one day soon those innocent people will get fed up with being targeted and being victimized for their skin tone.
They will fight back and it will be the beginning of the worst part of the flash mobs' lives. They need to take a step back
and smell the coffee. Joining in with violence like that is not just wrong, not just bringing shame on your family, but it could
get you seriously hurt. It's time to wake up and realize people don't stay victims forever.
August 17, 2011   I want to know whose boondoggle ethanol is. As in which Congressperson/Senator got how much of what
to put the ethanol payoffs into law in the fist place.
I know it's doing America no good,
that it's raising food costs, and not good for the rest of the world's food costs, either. So, who got what when?
August 17, 2011   Standard & Poor recently downgraded America's credit rating from AAA to AA. As
payback for the downgrade, obamination's Do[In]J is investigating them.
Shock. Surprise. They did something that reflects negatively on the Messiar-In-Chief [sic] and the next thing you know,
WHAM!, the Do[In]J just has to look into them. Well, don' that just speak volumes.
August 17, 2011   obamination is an idiot.
No. He's worse than an idiot. He is a willful idiot. He wants to do no better than be an idiot. He's totally satisfied
with being a idiot. He's proud of being an idiot. And he's an idiot who wants to destroy America and your future and
your descendents' futures. Typical Wrongie.
August 17, 2011   The recent kerfuffle about Bumbling Biden calling Tea Partiers "Terrorists"
should not surprise anyone. Personally, I think the Tea Party should be proud that they are making Bumblebum and obamination
so scared. If the Tea Party doesn't terrorize those two, the Tea Party has no right to continue existing. As it is, with
Bumblebum and obamination being so afraid of the Tea Party and all associated with it, I think the Tea Party should make up
t-shirts, "obama/biden: Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!" Wear them proudly!
August 17, 2011   Like I said, he's an idiot.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have cost the taxpayers of America enough money. Don't keep them alive, don't reinvigorate them,
don't revamp them. Just get rid of them! The U.S. government has no place in the housing market, no place in
helping anyone own a home. Show me in the U.S. Constitution where it says the U.S. government should/can/or shall do
anything with helping people get mortgages or homeownership. Show me. If you can't then those government entities that
are involved in that should go away. After all,
"The truth is that the employees of Fannie and Freddie have been lining their pockets
at the expense of the taxpayer for years."
Sounds to me as if there needs to be a full investigation of that truth and some people at those institutions
should wind up in jail. Ripping off taxpayer dollars is illegal.
"On July 7, 2011, the United States House of Representativespassed, by
unanimous consent, an amendment to HR 2219 sponsored byU.S. Congressman Paul Gosar,
DDS (AZ-01), that prohibited the use of any military funds, or military assistance,
to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah."
It's about time!
August 17, 2011   obamination hides the fact that Islamic terrorists were personally invited to
attend his Iftar dinner celebrating the end of Ramadan.
Don't you love that the POTUS is choosing to invite those who wish to kill us to come eat the dinner we
paid for, at the house we pay for, under the security we pay for? Does that not tell you anything?
Wake up, people! Smell the stench of the rotten obamination and his hatred for America. Can't you see what is under
your very noses?!
August 18, 2011: 12:20 a.m. It's a brand new day and I'm still working on blurbs for yesterday. I've
got a fun day planned. What are you going to do with yours?
August 18, 2011   Gorby wants Putin out.
Question: Will Gorby live to see the end of the month?
August 18, 2011   I'm no fan of Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), but
if you're going to have to lie to say something bad about him
that tells me that they haven't looked at the truth, that they aren't willing to look at the facts nor the truth, and that
they're lazier than a dustbunny on a hot summer day in the corner next to the stove. Wrongies are just plain lazy when
it comes to the truth.
"the first two years of the Obama administration by 73 percent, spending $1.9 billion
on new cars in 2009 alone."
On your dime. He eats, travels, vacations, flies in AF1, buys
Canadian-made buses
(BTW, if he wants so badly to create jobs in America, why is he buying a bus made in Canada? Just asking.),
gets his hair cut, has parties, has his security -- all on your dime. Don't you feel better now
that he's doing so well and living in such luxury while you face the possibility of losing your home and
struggle to pay your bills? Just makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over that he has so much luxury to live in,
doesn't it? Don't you appreciate him for being so concerned with your struggles that he throws million
dollar parties at your expense? Then he flies at your expense to other cities and has rich folks like him
who also live in luxury pay thousands of dollars just for the priveeeledge of eatin' supper with 'im. Ain't
that special? Aren't you glad? I'm sure you're thankful that he is eating filet mignon and lobster while you're
fixing your third meal of mac n' cheese this week. Special, ain't he?
August 18, 2011   Well that's enough for tonight. Don't forget to
contact me if you
want one of those
bumper stickers. They're fun, aren't they?
August 16, 2011: 1:51 p.m.   Look updates two days in a row! Wow!
August 16, 2011   As far as I'm concerned, Perry would be a bad choice for president. I
don't know that much about him, but my gut instinct is that he's the wrong guy. From the link I had
yesterday about
his support for Islamic terrorists
his support of algore, Global Warming Worshiper extraordinaire,Perry has a lot to answer to and for.
IMHO, Perry is a bad choice. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved
by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any politcal party, candidate, campaign,
temperature, religion, club, or state.)
August 16, 2011   How do you tell when a pop icon's popularity is in the dumps?
People stop buying their souvenirs.
obamination is in the dumps. Just where he belongs.
August 16, 2011   Unions keep trying to convince everyone that they are good for people and good for America.
That's exactly why they do things to shut businesses down.
Yep. Closed businesses employ twice as many people as open businesses, don't you know? (Yes. That's sarcasm, just in case
you're too stupid to realize it.)
August 16, 2011   For doing something that got at least one American killed,
obamination's ATF promotes those who ran the "Operation Fast and Furious" gunrunning op.
I've been updating this story via Judicial Watch so you should be at least
familiar with it. For obamination's ATF people to promote those who screwed up just shows you what the administration's
priorities are: messing over the American people and putting us in peril for their own desire of destroying America.
Socialism/Marxism/Communism/obamanism: don't you love it? (Sarcasm.)
August 16, 2011   I support a free Tibet, but
this is not necessary to get it.
I think that people who commit suicide in order to bring attention to a cause give their oppressors or the wrongdoers
more power because the wrongdoers just made one more person in the opposition give it up. That's just not a good
plan for those in the battle for freedom. Never give up. Never do the thing the enemy wants most: to get rid of
the vocal opposition. The "silent majority" is not a threat to them: the vocal minority is. Those who are speaking
out need to continue speaking out and need to not do exactly what the enemy wants! Staying in the fight is
better than dying for attention.
August 16, 2011   obamination: it's "bad luck", not me!
Of course it's not he. He never does anything wrong, bad, stupid, or evil. Never. Nope. Doesn't even know how to spell
those words. He has never used them; they aren't in his lexicon. BTW, a little evil aside here (they are in mine),
notice the pic with the story? He stands in front of a barn. I think he's full of the stuff that they shovel out of there.
His standing there is appropriate.
August 16, 2011   I haven't commented on anything GB for a long time. Personally, I think he's gone over the edge
of egodom. His head has become the ninth planet, second only to Jupiter. However, I still think he's correct on the historic
information he has, and in 99% of what is going on in politics today. His predictions as to what is going to happen, IMHO,
are somewhat questionable. I don't see as much negative coming as GB does; perhaps because I am the eternal optimist
when it comes to the Conservative goodness of the majority of the American people. Anyways, today I must comment
on this article about Tim Tebow.
The last words of the article drew my ire:
"At the end of the day, faith is personal and Tebow may (or may not)
have information that puts his views into a more digestible context."
Excuse me? Tim Tebow saying that he'll rely on his faith
(original story: find the statement)
needs to be put into "a more digestible context"?
Tebow wasn't saying that GOD would make the world stand up en pointe for Tebow. He was saying that
no matter what the outcome, his personal faith would get him through it. Starter, backup, whatever: Tebow was
saying that his faith was going to make it all okay. GB's site needs to get over itself and needs to understand
that when it comes to faith, their record is one of misunderstanding. Question: is it an intentional misunderstanding,
or just ignorance?
August 16, 2011   39%: how low can he go?
I think he'll be in the teens by the time the 2012 elections roll around.
August 16, 2011   Lost or were ordered to give it up?
Not an accusation, just a question: Is obamination funding terrorism against our troops with our taxpayer dollars? The
wording in the story makes me ask: "tallied the diversion of funds". Diversion?
August 16, 2011   Of course he was right
when he shouted, "You lie!"obamination's record of lying is even acknowledged by the liberal, FrontPage Magazine.
Everyone knows that obamination, like clintoon ("I did not have sex with that woman.") before him,
LIES. If either of their lips are moving, they're lying. That's
an acceptable truth for the Wrongies of the world. Not so for the rest of us. If we can't trust an elected official to
tell us the truth and to be open with us, then we can't trust him, period. He needs to be impeached and tossed from
office and lose every benefit he has had, and be forced to pay back every penny he "earned" while lying to us. Both
obamination and clintoon should be forced to do so. I'm tough on liars. It's one of the "Big Ten" GOD commanded:
"Thou shalt not lie." I think He meant it. I think obamination has a
lot of 'splainin' to do when he stands before someone obamination considers obamination's equal.
August 16, 2011   Ron Paul is not right for America, either.
He has some good ideas, but others are just flat out wrong. He is a Libertarian and Libertarians believe that you have the
liberty to do as you would with your own body: thus they support the use of drugs
(Can you believe that part of their "reasoning" for this stance is, "drug prohibition also inflates the cost of drugs"? Ridiculous.),
and abortion rights:
"we believe that government should be kept out of the matter,
leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."
I believe that we have certain rights with our bodies, but not every right to do as we would. Just because
I "own" my body, that does not give me the right to do absolutely anything I so desire with it. Should I
be able to repeatedly -- but not fatally or even seriously -- stab myself because I enjoy the feeling,
but do it near a hospital where they'll
have to treat me and I'll have taxpayer dollars pay for my treatment? It's my body. Why should anyone
have a problem with it. Same is true of the stance on abortion: it's costing millions of taxpayer dollars
annually, it is claimed that "it's the woman's body to do with as she wishes" (If she were the one being torn
limb from limb, I may agree with that idea, but she isn't: the baby inside her is the one being torn limb
from limb with nowhere to run and no escape and no protector.). That mentality always leads to disaster for
at least one segment of the population. Legalize drugs and all will be well with the world. Wrong. There will be
more druggies, not fewer; more crime, not less. Wake up. Look at the Scandinavian populations and their record
with legalizing drugs. They've already made that disastrous choice; let us learn from their wrong, and not repeat it.
Libertarians also believe in the "environmental wacko" approach:
"We realize that our planet's climate is constantly changing, but
environmental advocates and social pressure are the most effective means of
changing public behavior. [my italics]"
No. Ron Paul, like Rick Perry and obamination, is not good for America. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved
by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any politcal party, candidate, campaign,
drug, or tree.)
August 15, 2011: 3:31 p.m.   Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a pain. I meant to get back to regular updates,
but CTS prevented that desire. I picked up a drawer to move it out of the way while working on a project and my
hand zinged so much it felt like 220 volts. Tingled for the rest of the day. So I had to give it a little more
time off. Three days later I'm thinking of getting back to updates and I opened a door and ZING! Another enforced
delay. I didn't intend to be so long away, but about the only thing I have done online lately is book a cruise
for my hubby and I for his October birthday. It's not our usual cruise because we wanted to leave out of Port
Canaveral (for the first time) and Celebrity doesn't sail out of Port Canaveral, but it will suffice. I'm looking
foward to being on our balcony and watching the sunset and just relaxing.
Anyone have that stupid IE 9.0.1? I have and I hate the thing. It is so very, very irritating. Today it came
up without scroll bars and I got very frustrated trying to make it cooperate. I had to shut it down and bring it
back up and it finally remembered that it has scroll bars. I want to shoot IE 9.0.1. Do not download it until
they update it to 9.0.3 at least. Wish I had not.
August 15, 2011   If this is the sort of thing Somalia lets happen to our aid,
let's stop giving it, or take over their aid program and ensure that the people who need the food get the food. It should not be allowed
to be stolen from the hungry it was intended for. Oh, yes. That's your money paying for that food,
just as in this case.
August 15, 2011   Why is obamination friend,
Google allowed such a monopoly
when monopolies are supposedly against the law? Just asking.
August 15, 2011   A federal judge
"threw out Obama administration rules that sought to slow down expedited environmental review of oil and gas drilling on federal land."
Good. It's about time. obamination's desire to prevent drilling here and drilling now is another evidence that he wants to destroy
America as we know and love her. He's in need of impeachment, folks. We need
to dump this loser as though he were a sack of spoiled, rotten, smelly, fly-covered, molding potatoes. He is no better than that
and he needs to be kicked out of office. If I had my way, he'd be in jail for trying to destroy America, too. To top it all off,
he'd have to work while in jail to pay America back for every dollar we spent on him and his glad-handing, unproud family. Ever cent.
August 15, 2011   Approval rating?
How low can he go?
Remember, folks: this is a Gallup poll. It is usually weighted (slanted) and the actual numbers are probably lower than they are saying
because of that weighting. In other words, it's probably more like 28% approval than 40%. I think most of America sees the truth
in front of their eyes and don't like what they are seeing and assign blame to the correct person in this particular case.
obamination's big promises of "Hope" and "Change" have become stones around his neck and are drowning him in a sea of
"Where'd they go?" questions and short lived belief. Whenever anyone promises big, they have to deliver big. Promise small
and it's easily overlooked. You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide if you promise the sun and deliver a flashlight with
almost dead batteries, which is what obamination has done. People expected him to keep his promises. Well, the regular voter
who was too stupid to see through his lies and his past expected it. Those of us who were capable of seeing through him
expected nothing short of what he has done. What we didn't expect was that the Republican leadership -- oh those of no spine --
to go along with them so willingly, without even putting up the pretence of a fight in most cases. obamination is only going
to win reelection if he cheats again; ACORN and the New Black Panthers, anyone?
August 15, 2011   Pray for Republican wins in Wisconsin.
Get rid of the cowardly Wrongies who fled the state to keep from voting on a budget. If they can't face the vote they'd have to make,
and the results thereof, then they should go. Cowards should be welcome in NO legislature of any shape, size, or form.
August 15, 2011  
Warren Buffet wants to pay more taxes.
Yeah. Right. That's why he lobbies to
prevent reform of derivatives,
which, by the way, Buffet makes money off of, manipulates and calls, "financial weapons of mass destruction"
(Who does it destroy? Companies that employ people like you, that's who.). That's why he
brags about paying a lower tax percentage than his secretaryand is an oba-friend and
has the same goal as obamination: destroy America from the inside out. Derivatives can be played by financial manipulators,
can be used to gain vast amounts of money and can
be "talked up" by those who wish to profit from them
(as does Buffet), and yet, if he truly wanted to pay more taxes, there is nothing stopping him, there is nothing
that says that he should not want to reform the regulations that govern the derivative market and there is
nothing that prevents him from not hiding his money, or from not donating his money to "charities" so that he can get
that tax break. Yet, he wants us to believe that he wants to pay more taxes? His actions speak louder than
his words.
August 15, 2011   What right has oba-stupid got to tell auto industry what to make?
Shouldn't the free market America has historically used determine for the auto industry what they should or should not make?
If the industry's latest, "greatest" greenie car should fail, then it is the free market -- the people buying
the cars -- deciding that it should fail, not the oba-idiot. It should be the people spending their money on what
they wish to drive that decides what we get to choose from, not some high-and-mightier, stick my nose in the air so I can
look down on you oba. Shouldn't you be able to decide to drive an SUV is you can afford it?
August 15, 2011   When you vote in 2012,
remember obamination wants to raise your taxes.
As always, he wants everything that is bad for you. (Oh, yes. Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for
and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave., Port St. John, FL 32927, independent of any political party,
campaign, candidate, organization or group, company, cat, or coward. It's me, folks. Just me and my constitutional rights.)
August 15, 2011   If you support Rick Perry for President,you need to read this and rethink the idea.
(Paid political advertisement. Paid for
and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave., Port St. John, FL 32927, independent of any political party,
campaign, candidate, organization or group, company, or jihad.)
August 15, 2011   Michelle Bachman got a stupid question and this commenator got it right:
wives should submit to their husbands, but the hubby must also submit.
I think the C.S. Lewis (my favorite author of all time, can't wait to meet him!) is absolutely correct. Great
pull quote!
August 5, 2011: 9:58 p.m.   Those of you who have been checking my site on a regular basis looking for updates lately
have been sadly disappointed. With the house projects going on, the business of life and errands to do, it's been
difficult to get the time to do the reading and website visits I usually do for a day's updated. This week I have the "pleasure"
of finding out what Carpal Tunnel Syndrome feels like. I suppose that was brought about thanks to all of the
projects I've been doing lately on the bathrooms. One project turned into two and the next thing you know the boys'
bathroom has a new shower curtain rod (curved like hotel shower curtain rods), new shelves behind the toilet, a
little touch up painting done, a new medicine cabinet, etc., and the two bathrooms are wearing me out. Now the CTS
and I've had no chance to do blurbs. Sorry. As you can see, I can now do a little typing and "mousing" so tomorrow
I'll get to do a few blurbs, but don't expect a huge layout for tomorrow's posting. I don't want to go through a relapse
of this stuff. I used a pair of scissors to open a new towel ring for our bathroom and ZING! a jolt of electricity
went down my arm and into my hand and fingers and I almost dropped the scissors. It was extraordinary. I had never
felt anything like it. Now, it's something I've felt quite a few times and don't want to keep experiencing, so I'll
go easy and slow on making the comeback for my website updates. No relapses. I love doing my website but not enough
to struggle with that sort of thing. Yeow. It is a very strange feeling. See you tomorrow for some blurbs. Until then,
stay Conservative and remember that Wrongies are always Wrong.
July 2011
July 29, 2011: 3:29 p.m.   Why does life get so hectic when I want it to slow down? Taking hubby to the airport
(pics here), trying to get the projects around the house completed while
trying to keep the house clean with everything displaced, errands for the projects, trying to be careful to preserve my
creative time (writing, jewelry making, painting, etc.), it just gets so busy! I found a new use for some wall tiles I fell
in love with, too! The tiles have tumbled marble long half-rounds on the outside and yellow-orange onyx squares on the inside
and I made jewelry out of the onyx squares. I paid under $11 for the wall tile, tore it
apart and got twenty-four onyx squares so that's twenty-four jewelry making opportunities! Cheap for such a nice element and
so many pieces. Anyways, sorry for missing so many days: again.
July 29, 2011   obamination has been a petulant little child as usual, but lately he's been even moreso.
He's acting as though he is the spoiled Veruka of Willie Wonka:
That's how obamination is acting: a rotten child who has always gotten whatever he wanted and who is so used to being so spoiled that
he can't get it into his little-bitty brain that he doesn't get to order people around and get his desires fulfilled at the snap
of his jaw, point of his finger, demand of his whiny, nails-on-the-chalkboard voice.
"I'm not sleeping!"
he cries. Who cares? Americans are not eating, buying gas, paying mortgages because of him! Who cares if he's not sleeping
because he can't raise our debt limit
TRILLIONS of dollars
and make US pay for their stupidity! Another stimulus plan anyone? (Anyone know how to stick obamination's head on that girl?)
July 29, 2011   There is one good thing about this rotten oba-conomy.
Maybe we should go south of the border and show Mexico what it's like to have all kinds of illegals to take care of? Nah.
They'd put us in jail, deport us (as we should have done to their people), or hold us hostage and demand a ransom
of the U.S. government or our families. The government would not pay it unless it was a Dem. donor being held. The
rest of us would be Sorry, Outta' Luck.
July 29, 2011   How many of you have recently updated your Internet Explorer? I have to raise my hand on that
one. Am I pleased with it? Nope. I hate it. Yes, there are one or two things that are "improved", but for the most part,
the thing just irritates me. I'm seriously considering trying to go back to the previous version. Problem is, every time
I've tried to do that it seriously messes with my computer. Sometimes Windows is good, sometimes it's bad, sometimes
it's -- like certain people -- a pain in the backside. Today it's a PITA.
July 29, 2011   Jihadi plot deterred by retired TX cop.
I wonder why it is the government has not figured out that watching someone's actions and noticing they're not
exactly relaxed and acting "normal" is the best way to figure out someone's up to no-good, instead of frisking
old ladies and six-year-olds. Red flag actions are give aways, not underwire bras. Listen to the whole thing.
The TSA should be taught the same kind of training and stop touching us.
July 29, 2011   Again, another obafriend gets the benefits!
If a Republican president did this, the press would be eating him alive! But with a Wrongie doing it, he gets a free
pass, a pat on the back and bumper stickers wishing for four more years! How pathetic and ridiculous the press is and those who follow and
adore this loser are.
July 29, 2011   Peggy Noonan became an oba-sycophant for whatever reason during the last election. She didn't necessarily
swoon over him, but she did support him. She lost her "Conservative" card with most of us and we have not followed her, listened to her,
watched her on whatever shows since. Her credentials notwithstanding, she has lost all credibility when it comes to wisdom,
insight, or love of America. Her latest column does
nothing to help that lost reputation because in it she calls obamination a loser (see last two sentences), but she
doesn't say that he's a loser because of what he does, believes in, wants to do to America, or his personal practices.
She says that he is losing a battle even though he had the upper hand and that makes him a loser, nothing else. The reason
his numbers are down, in Noonan's opinion is that,
"He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser."
The fact is that Noonan is also a loser and she can't even realize it, she's so far gone. If America does not love losers,
then she may as well pack it up and stop writing her column because she lost every shred of "street cred" three years ago
and she lost a huge chunk of her following. For her to assert that the only reason obamination is not liked is that he
can't get the bill passed and that makes him a "loser" (something I asserted sixty days into his presidency) is absurd,
delusional and slightly worrisome (reality may hit her later, but right now she's in Lala Land). Noonan's road to redemption
among her ex-readers seems to be far, far away and getting farther with every column she writes.
"'The satellite observations suggest there is much more energy lost to space during
and after warming than the climate models show,' Spencer said in a July 26 University of Alabama
press release. 'There is a huge discrepancy between the data and the forecasts that is especially
big over the oceans.'"
Shock. Surprise. Now will all the hamsters step off their wheels, please? Hamsters! All hamsters, step down from
your wheels. Step away... step away from your wheels. Do not panic. There will be some other BS for you to try to
control others with soon enough. For now, step away from the wheels. Come on, you can do it! Step off the wheel.
At least, slow the thing down, will ya'? Come on! Reality check! Science is proving that you are wrong. Your beliefs
are all faith based, not reality based. Step away from the hamster wheel that is your faith based belief in the big
G.W. (ever notice that correlation before?) Global Warming is a farce, a lie, a deception and that has been proven via
the release of records, satellite data and other resources. Step away from the wheel. Okay. Fine. Hold onto the wheel.
Keep going around and around and around and around and around in your circles of false beliefs. If it keeps you occupied
and quiet, that's fine with me.
July 29, 2011   obacare costs jobsjust as predicted.
Idiots never listen to reality even though it knocks on the door, hits them over the head, or stomps on their feet.
They just go on in their own little self-important, "government will pay it all and take care of me" modes. Too bad
they forget -- or never learned in the first place -- that every citizen in America is the government: "Of the People,
For the People and By the People". The part that Wrongies in power forget is that part that says, "FOR the People" as
opposed to "against". They always make it FOR themselves and FOR their friends/donors and not FOR the PEOPLE. Some day I pray
they will wake up and smell the coffee and that it makes them nauseous.
July 29, 2011   Let's hope "HALT" gets implemented!
Although, with the economy of Mexico being better than America's and a lot of illegals hoofing it back to Mexico, the only
people crossing our borders illegally nowadays are probably terrorists, so let's capture all of them and put them
in jail.
July 29, 2011   Talk about a boring read!
I can imagine the themes in this "academic journal". There will probably be articles like,
"It's All About ME!"
"What I Said to the Baptist"
"Why GOD is Wrong and I'm Right"
"But, I LIKE It Hot!"
"I CanNOT Disprove GOD, but I CAN Disprove Me!"
"Miracles Happen: So What?"
"Darwinism Has Been Proven Wrong: But Who Cares?"
"I'm Ape-Enabled"
"No Monkey Business: People Evolved from Their Own Thoughts!"
"Darwin, Me and Thee: The Trinity Explored"
"GOD: Myth, Magic or Madness: How I Came to Realize I'm All There Is"
"Ego Unleashed: Atheism and the Secularist View"
"Who Needs GOD When We Have Barack Hussein Obama?"
Oh. Sorry. That last one would be in a real journal that allowed for the truth of GOD and the fact that nothing comes from nothing,
not something from nothing. But, people with their heads up their backsides don't understand that truth. After all, if
evolution is proven wrong so often
how can anyone rely on its veracity? We came from being Created, not evolved. GOD is real, but they'll have to find out the hot --
I mean hard -- way.
July 29, 2011   And, YES!, there is
another obafriend/appointee facing corruption charges.
When you surround yourself with druggies, you're usually a druggie. When you surround yourself with prostitutes you're ususally a
john, pimp or prostitute. When you surround yourself with corrupt people, you're usually corrupt yourself -- or an attorney, or both.
Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man.
July 22, 2011: 10:34 p.m.   Late tonight, I know. Been busy. One more item down on the to do list for our redecoration
of the bathroom. I found a window treatment! Not what I wanted, but it will do until I find the cool thing I really want. Anyways,
on with the rest of this stuff: blurbs.
July 22, 2011   Boehner walked out?
Is that a spine I see growing in him? I was so aggravated when I heard Thursday that Boehner was going to push the Republicans to
compromise with obamination that I called his office and left him a message telling him to get a spine, to rent one if
necessary, or that I could loan him mine for a while. Exasperation with jellyfish Republicans is at a peak and I just don't
want to put up with them any longer. It's so irritating to be stronger than our elected officials! Why can't they do the right
thing and stand up to those who want a communist America? Why?
July 22, 2011   If the Dems can control all the money in America, they will be forever in charge, and
have full power over everyone and everything.
Their laws prove that's what they want.
Tyranny, thy name is "Democrat Party".
July 22, 2011   This is just wrong. This should not be done.
It's immoral, probably illegal (thus, the secrecy) and it should not be done by any country's scientists. England's scientists shall answer
to a higher authority for that one.
"Uncle Sam will fly hundreds of federal employees—charged with fostering high ethical
standards in government—from Washington D.C. to the world-renowned Orlando resort, which is famous
for its lush, perfectly landscaped grounds, a 7,000-yard championship golf course and a lagoon-like
setting with six tropical pools, waterfalls. a water slide and whirlpools."
July 22, 2011   obamination is an idiot.
Flat out idiot. IQ of 2 -- and that's being generous!
July 22, 2011   Remember when the "peace and tolerance" Islamic world danced and celebrated in the streets
on 9/11? Yeah. Sweet. They're at it again.
If "nice" got them to heaven,
they would never get there.
July 22, 2011   obamination is pro-union.
That's been so very obvious from the get-go that no one doubts it except morons (there are quite a few of those). But
he really is a despicable person who buddies up to despicable people. He surrounds himself with them. He's a worm.
July 22, 2011   That's all for tonight. I have things to do. More tomorrow, Lord willing.
July 21, 2011: 12:59 p.m.   This is what happens when we don't pay attention to the basics.
Security and background checks are imperative when it comes to our chemical, nuclear and other types of plants. When you have
even an alphabet network realizing that there are problems, that's scary!
"House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D.-Md.) said on the House floor last night that if the
balanced budget amendment Republicans are supporting is ratified and included in the Constitution
it would make it “virtually impossible” to raise taxes."
So does his statement surprise anyone? No? Thought not.
July 21, 2011   Inside the mind of a union thug.Warning: Language. If my mind was that dark I think I'd immediately seek psychiatric help. This guy is out on the streets.
July 21, 2011   The Senate is doing the right thing
funding veterans' programs IF
there are no add-ons to it that also fund Planned Parenthood, the NEA, or other leftist/Wrongie pet programs.
IF there are add-ons, then they did the wrong thing.
July 21, 2011   Of course Wrongies are afraid of all things Right.
Making a big deal of a little thing is one of their tactics,
but the author here proves that Wrongies are afraid because they have a problem standing against anyone on the Right
who stands up to the Wrongies. The Wrongies hate Righties with spines. That's why there's all this kerfuffle about the
West/WS exchange: West has a spine and Wrongies are so unused to that! It makes their feathers ruffle. It makes
their toes curl. It makes them go all "Harumph!" They haven't seen it in so long they don't know what to do with it.
Maybe they'll get used to it with Bachman, West, Rubio and a few others now in town.
"Though jurors left without commenting, defense attorneys suggested their quick
verdict indicated that they felt the government framed Carriles and exaggerated the evidence."
Amazing. obamination hates America, folks. He hates America. The true reason he is in office is because of the
soros money behind him, because he wanted the perks and because it was their combined belief that America is a horrible
place -- or for soros a place where he can make a mega-hit on the fall of the American dollar and the destruction of
America and all the real estate he'll benefit from doing something with -- that it must be destroyed: destroyed to their
July 21, 2011   So I have the State of Florida to thank for invasion of my privacy?
I have a problem with that. A few weeks back I got a birthday notice from Parrish Medical Center ("Just Perish" is what I've heard it called),
that reminded me that at my age I need to have the following tests done. First, I do no business with PMC. None. I avoid them
like the plague. I do not want to have anything whatsoever to do with them. I did make an exception when my dinner and a movie friend
was hospitalized there for several days and I did visit her there. It was the first time I had ever stepped foot into that
building or the previous building. I didn't like it and I heard things that made me wonder.
I have studiously avoided doctors who associate themselves with that business. I have not participated in any of their
"health events", nor registered with them in any way, shape, or form, yet they had my birthdate, my address, my name. I did not
appreciate that. I sent them an e-mail saying that it was wrong and I want an apology. That was two months ago and I have not
heard from them. I sent that same e-mail to two FL representatives and to Pam Biondi, FL Attorney General. I didn't like PMC
having my info and I found it a complete violation of my privacy that they had my info even though I have done no business with
them and have nothing to do with them. It was ridiculous. Now I find out I might have the State of Florida to thank for that?
That's insane.
July 21, 2011   Those of you on my "Updates Contact List" will remember that I contacted another business recently
with a question. On the 14th of this month, I received an e-mail from QVC with an ad for Jane Fonda's appearance to push her new
book. Immediately, I looked up the corporate info on QVC and found out the president's name is Mike George. Using the usual
business protocol of e-mail addresses, I sent QVC the following e-mail:
"Mr. George,
"You're actually having "Hanoi" Jane Fonda on your channel, selling whatever on QVC? Really?
A traitor to America, someone who betrayed the soldiers over there fighting under our government's
orders and risking their lives in obedience to the American President? Really? "Hanoi Jane"? Strange choice."
To which I was shocked to receive the following response:
"From: Amy Trice
"To: mckinney___@_________
"Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 3:03 PM
"Subject: FW: Really?
"Hello Ms. McKinney,
"Mike George asked me to contact you and let you know he received your email. I tried
calling the phone number that is on your account (321-____-_____), but wasn’t able to
leave a complete message with my call back number. Is [t]here a better number to
reach you Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm Eastern Time?
"Best Regards,
"Amy Trice
Was I suprised? Yep. Was I looking forward to hearing from Mr. George? Yep. Have I heard from him yet? Nope. Shock. Surprise.
July 20, 2011: 4:58 p.m.   I had an idea for a poem pop into my head last night and I had to write it today. It's
a trilogy and it's called, "A Soldier's Grace". It is copyrighted, so if you like it,
send a link to a friend, don't copy and paste. That's the law.
July 20, 2011   When the idea is really, really, really bad,
it must come from a Wrongie. Baltimore mayoral candidate, Otis
"Rolley, a Democrat" (near the end of the story),
wants to impose a $1 per bullet tax. Will that include the police force? How about the National Guard? Will it be capped at $1,
or will it go higher in the future, maybe to $5 per bullet? Idiot.
"Retta physically obstructed a patient and volunteer escorts attempting to enter the Planned Parenthood
of Metropolitan Washington, according to a DOJ complaint filed a few days ago. He also “frequently
walks very closely beside patients as they walk to the clinic” and he follows them into the street
and oncoming traffic. Sometimes he yells at them, the feds claim."
obamination's hatred of babies is disturbing. If he can't see babies as valuable enough to protect and allow the opportunity to
see what life has for them, how can he value your life at all?
"By the end of this year, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects, federal
debt will reach roughly 70 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)—the highest percentage
since shortly after World War II."
Thanks obamination, pelosipig and reid. We really appreciate that. (NOT!) Then there's this little ditty:
July 20, 2011   I'm all for free speech,
but, like yelling "Fire!" in a theater, this, too, is dangerous.
I don't think free speech should be stifled, but if he is advocating the death of someone, that's dangerous. Acting on it, though,
is the crime. Speech is protected under the First Amendment; actions are outlawed and immoral. So I will say that what the man
is advocating is dangerous, but not illegal. If he -- or someone else -- had acted upon his own words, that would be wrong
and illegal and I would say he deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life.
July 20, 2011   Way back in March of 2009
I said that obamination was "Already a Loser". In that blog I stated, "you add it all up to a failure as President already." That was just
sixty days into his presidency. Sixty days in, I called it. Now,
The American Spectator is saying it.
"The party-controlled media cannot prevent us from recognizing the harsh reality of Obama's failed Presidency." About time they
caught up!
July 20, 2011   I love this story.
The TSA agent got a taste of what it was like to be a passenger and the woman who gave that taste to her will not face felony charges. Good!
July 20, 2011   Extreme nanny state.
What's next? Patrolling for people who pass gas while sleeping? Few -- if any -- can control what their bodies do while they sleep.
Totally ridiculous what they are doing. Will the enforcement be the same for celebrities as for non-celebrities? If George Clooney
were there having a wild party until the wee hours of the morning, will the noise patrol get him, too? Or if he snores loudly
will he be asked to keep quiet? Can he control what his body does while he is sleeping? I think it's just ridiculous.
July 19, 2011: 12:35 p.m.   obamination's buddies give money, get everything else: and you pay.
Isn't that special? It's
not just one instance, either.
As I've shown before, obafriends are getting your taxpayer dollars left, right, center, up, down, backward, forward, etc., even though
they are the rich that obamination says horrible things about all the time. He says they have to pay, but if they do, they're doing so
with the money he took from you and gave to them!
July 19, 2011   We have not one, but several, countries that wish to destroy America -- or at the very least make us
subservient to them. There are also those within America who would destroy us (those besides the Wrongie progressive/leftists).
Considering this, one would think that the lefties/progressives/Wrongies/Democrats
would NOT want to cut our defense budget, but THEY DO WANT TO.
As usual: putting America -- thus, Americans -- at risk is a-okay with them.
July 19, 2011   Thank GOD if you have a job.
There are those who will try to make it worse before it gets better. Remember, 2012 elections come around soon. Think about what happened
when Dems took over the House, Senate and Red House. America was brought to near death and Brevard County lost jobs, houses, opportunity,
residents and hope. Think carefully, remember correctly before you vote.
July 19, 2011   Are you registered as a Republican? If so,
your taxpayer dollars are calling you a Nazi.
Sweet, yes? Don't you love how Wrongies spend your own money to defame you? They will stop at nothing.
July 19, 2011   If his lips are moving,
he's lying, of course.
In one press conference, thirty-six lies. Just think if he talked all day!
July 19, 2011   If CA goes ahead with this, why not just make infants into legal adults?
Then they could make all decisions for themselves, assent to sexual conduct legally, and there would be no wrong in the State
making this sort of law because those affected by it would be adults and under the law anyways. Isn't that what CA wants anyways?
July 19, 2011   Anti-late term abortion prayer rally in MD is
sure to draw those rabid, violent pro-baby-killers who worship killing babies as not just a law, but as a religious conviction and
ultimate right. The culture of death always clashes with the culture of life, but why anyone wishes to kill babies I have
no idea. That is something I never will understand: killing babies, the most defenseless of humans. They can't raise a voice,
a hand, a weapon to defend themselves, yet adults will wantonly kill them without regret, mercy, or blink of eye. Personally,
I think adults who do that are animals, not human.
July 18, 2011: 2:21 p.m.   Well, we're getting down to the short rows on our bathroom. Slow going when hubby
has a full time job to keep up with and fishing tournaments to attend and all that stuff. He hurt his back this weekend
and that made things a little more "fun", but he still got stuff done. He just worked more carefully. It looks great! I
plan on posting some pics and having them available for a select few (my Mom must see the thing complete since she
saw it partially done and can't wait to see the rest of it). I have to make a list of the things we need to do to
have it complete: the nicknacks, the new towels, a shelf or two, a new bathroom door (I want a solid door this time),
and window treatment. Still haven't decided on that.
July 18, 2011   America's future is being destroyed by not teaching the past.
As George Santayana says, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." The progressives (Wrongies) know
this and they ensure we do not learn from the past via taking over the school system, kicking GOD out of it,
then teaching political correctness, socialist/communist ideas and focusing on "feel-goodism" (including sexual) instead
of "reading, writing and arithmatic". Proof that public schools are doing our children, our future and our country a
grave disservice.
July 18, 2011   More evidence obamination wishes to destroy America.
He doesn't want to do anything that will allow you to keep more of your hard-earned money, not give your
money to his rich buddies, shrink or disempower the government, or take anything at all away from his union buddies.
That's a communist/Marxist at work. Anyone surprised?
July 18, 2011   obamination will veto a bill that would shrink his Red House staff,
so where is he cutting? He wants YOU to sacrifice, to stop going places, to stop buying "luxury" items, to
not go on vacation, but he and his family sacrifice? NO WAY! He will never do that.
You must pay for
him and everything he wants and he's going to do everything he can to be sure you do, too! Double standards are nice if
you're the one benefitting from them, yes?
July 18, 2011   I want an attorney. I want an attorney who will sue the ACLU, the Americans United for Separation of
Church and State (AU), etc., for trying to separate me from my religion. After all,
they sue everyone they can to prevent religious expression of any kind.
Why can't I sue them for interfering with my free exercise thereof? Or, if not myself, then anyone/any entity that they attack for
even mentioning GOD or Jesus in the public square (or anywhere else). We need to start suing first, make the preemptive suit. Make
them shut up before they even start their whining and simpering. BooHooHoo! Someone mentioned GOD.
July 18, 2011   I also want the AU to
sue obamination for bringing religion into his presidency whenever expedient for him.
After all, if they can sue Christians -- and he claims to be one (but his actions prove otherwise) -- why don't they sue him?
He is the president, after all, why not sue him for separation of church and state? It would be a coup d'etat, would it not, for
them to silence the president's use and misuse of biblical and Quranic passages? Why don't they sue him? The fact that they
don't sue him is further proof that he's nowhere near a Christian and everyone knows it.
July 18, 2011   Unions: We teach thuggery and you'll pay!
Another reason to hate unions. You know, if they want to change public opinion of them, they should change their ways. But, no.
They can't do that. The people in charge of the unions are way too fond of power and of the perks of their leadership position
to stop
doing whatever it takes to stay in power.
Political influence, nice homes, private jets, expensive cars and even more
expensive vacations are something they got used to a long time ago. What could make them give all that up? The fact that it would
be good for the country? Nah. Why should they do anything like that? Sheesh. What do you want from them? Doing what's right for your
children and grandchildren? Why should they?
July 18, 2011   EXCELLENT!!Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) won't support McConnell's plan
and others are following his lead. Excellent! That's what we need! We need the newbies to take the lead and push those namby-pamby
old-timers out of the way because the old-timers are so used to compromising they have lost sight of the goal, forgotten the plan
and totally missed the idea of freedom, low taxes, small government and personal responsibility instead of government handouts.
McConnell should retire. Boehner should step down and allow Bachman to take the lead. McCain should go to AZ and spend the rest of
his days figuring out how to reach across the theater aisle because that's the only aisle that may be worth reaching across
(but only if you can't sit with the person you went with and they've got the popcorn). Let the newbies run the House and Senate
for a while and America would shape up in no time!
Peace and tolerance. Yep. Peace and tolerance. I'm sure justice and trial are in there somewhere, too, right?
July 18, 2011   Keeping up with technology is a good thing, but
this is stupid. Just plain stupid.
I don't think it will be a success. Things will be taken out of context. People will be misquoted. Quotes will be split up due to
Twitter's format of limited characters. It's a bad idea. Mark my words.
July 18, 2011   Sen. Coburn (R-OK) has deficit reduction plan.
He has a good idea to get rid of the ethanol subsidies. He wants to slow the growth of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and
that is good, too. But I'd have to see the rest of the plan before I endorsed it.
July 18, 2011   Wrongies trying to take away our future
via "cradle to grave" care that would be disastrous for us and for America as a whole. Why can't they understand that they live in
the best country in the whole world and not the worst? Why can't they understand that freedom for all is not freedom for them and no one else?
Why can't they understand that as they destroy America, they are also destroying the only thing that has stabilized this world for
decades, the country that has helped more people in foreign countries after disasters and in times of need than any other country
on earth? Why can't they understand that their stated goals are what will destroy what they also state they wish to preserve? Why?
It's all about power, folks. Power for them and not us. Power for their ilk, their like-minded komrades, their goose-stepping
friends and cohorts. Power. It's in their nightly sheet-changing dreams, flavors their milk, glazes their eyes in the middle
of the day and informs every decision, every deception, every desire. That's the truth of the opposition, folks. That's what/who
we -- Conservatives -- are up against. Power for them to control all: every bit of the people's existence, every hope,
every goal, every chance to do something, be someone, have what we don't have because they haven't give it to us, or approved
our receiving it. Look at the things they say, they do, what they financially support, who they vote for. Then tell me I'm wrong.
July 14, 2011: 3:22 p.m.   Aaaarrrggghhh!! There. Got that out of my system. On the day I have the time
to get back to my website I have to start with something that is so frustrating:
"Don't call my bluff." obamination
admits to lying to Congress and no one calls obamination on it! What is a "bluff"?
It's a lie. When you
lie to Congress, you get charged with perjury
and you face "maximum sentence of up to 30 years in prison and a $1.5 million fine."
(Apparently that's if you're not the president, that is.)
We all know obamination lies every time his lips move. We all know he wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him
on the lips and grabbed his privates at the same time. But to admit to it and not get called on it by anyone but me?
I think the press is getting lazy and the American people are getting used to obamination lying to them. It's no
longer a big deal, but it should be. Remember the outcry and uproar when previous presidents -- minus
Clingoon -- lied to us? Remember how bad and horrible it was? Is it okay now for obamination to lie? If so, why?
Why is it now acceptable? Ask yourselves why it should be an acceptable, expected thing for him to lie to us?
What is it that makes it okay for him (previously for Clingoon)? Is it the letter after his name on the ballot or something
less esoteric? Why should it be okay for anyone we elect to a position of public trust to lie to us? Why? Wake up,
America. A public official should not lie to his employers and that's who we are to obamination: his employers. Why are
we acecpting lies from an employee?
July 14, 2011   ACORN still receiving -- illegally -- your tax dollars.
Yet another schlock, surprise. When the corruption ends it will be a miracle. The stones will shout, the trees will lift their
skirts and dance and the man in the moon will whistle a happy tune. Or, obamination will just be defeated in the 2012 elections.
July 14, 2011   CA hospitals spend $1,250,000,000
on care for illegal immigrants. That's your money, Californians, as well as some from the rest of us. That's just one state.
How much is FL spending? How much are the rest of the states spending? How many taxpayer dollars are being spent on them and not
on something for those of us whose grandparents were legally born here and whose families have lived here ever since? That's our money
being spent on them. Why? Close and protect the borders and stop another way for terrorists to come in here to kill us, as well
as stopping illegal immigration.
July 14, 2011   Are your children actually your children?
Or can a Harvard professor's words become law and you lose your children to the State because your child is overweight? You know what I
think? I think GOD made us all the way He wanted us to be. There is more evidence for a genetic predisposition to obesity than
homosexuality, so if the State can accept homosexuality as one of those genetic things that no one can help, then obesity
should be the same. If it's genetic, then the parents are not to "blame" for it. If the State accepts the genetic
defense for homosexuality, then the State should also accept it for the size of child. The State has no business in
someone's pant size anyways and the State can put their "concern" where the sun don't shine.
July 14, 2011   Lips moving = he's lying.
It's so obvious that he lies about everything how can anyone believe a word he says. If he sneezed, I'd have to get some sort
of proof. I distrust him that much.
July 14, 2011   I trust the old school GOPers as much as I trust obamination. For Mitch
McConnell to say the GOP won't do something
I say, "Yeah. Right. Cowards. You'll wind up doing it because you have no spine!" Old school, part of the problem and not the solution,
GOPers, go take a hike. Boehner, Gingri[n]ch, McConnell, and anyone else who wants to reach across the aisle, go along, make peace,
compromise, etc., etc., etc. (any of those other namby-pamby words) can kiss my shiny behiney! True Conservatives should replace all of
July 4, 2011: 3:34 a.m.   My company arrived safely and we are already laughing ourselves silly, as usual.
Mom's asleep and I had something on my heart, so I wrote an Independence Day blog,
"July 4, 2011: Independence Day Redux"
is my latest offering. I hope you have a wonderful Independence Day and that you will remember why we celebrate today.
Also remember that trading one form of tyranny for another is not freedom. Let us tear assunder the chains that still
bind us with political correctness, "global warming" advocates controlling our every purchase, and government -- from
both sides of the aisle -- making a mockery of our Constitution. Break free via reading the Founding documents:
The Declaration of Independence,
The U.S. Constitution,
The Federalist Papers. Read them, open your eyes,
and regress back to what we were supposed to have been! Happy 4th of July, everyone!
July 2, 2011: 8:42 p.m.   Why is this time of year always the busiest for me? I am preparing for the arrival
of some family members for a week long visit and we're still working on a few things around the house for decorating.
You know how it is: someone's coming to visit that you haven't seen in a while (about a year since I've seen them) and
you want the house to be perfect? Yeah. Well, it won't be perfect because we're still in the middle of some stuff. I
just printed out the pattern I chose to stencil on my bathroom ceiling. It'll be a shade darker creamy yellow in gloss, to
go on top of the pale yellow eggshell. I don't know if it will get stencilled tonight or not. We'll see if the other
projects are going to be in the way. Touching up the hall bathroom tonight, too. Changed shower curtain rods and the old one
just pulled the paint off with it. Two very nice paintless circles adorned their bathroom for about three weeks: that
changes tonight. I know obamination has been doing some more stupid stuff, that there have been things I could have been commenting on, etc.
But I also know that when I can get these things done and my family is coming down, I need to get that done, too.
Priorities are a strange thing and my priority for this particular project is getting the painting done and all of
the little things completed -- well, as close as possible -- prior to their arrival. Don't count on it all being
done: less than twenty-four hours and they'll be here! Looking forward to their visit, but not to the push this
evening! In the meantime, talk amongst yourselves and visit my Space Coast Conservative Forums.
It's good to talk to other Conservatives. Makes you feel as though you're not alone.
June 25, 2011: 8:05 p.m.   Well, well, well. I forgot something when I was covering the rupester's
litle tirade against a private business. I forgot to also mention the fact that
she pats herself on the back for her self-proclaimed "popularity" (page 7)
in that she says people stop her in the grocery stores, dry cleaners (no caps, rupe), etc. thanking her for her
writing in the pooper-paper. Ooh. I hope she didn't break her own arm with that self-congratulatory little paragraph.
I'm wondering if there are those who thank her for writing (must be those of her own ilk, therefore dittos of herself --
yuck!) are also grateful that while she is doing her writing she's also breaking the law via plagiarism and possible
copyright infringement? Do they thank her for that as well? If so, that is like someone thanking you for the new television
even though it's stolen property! Something to think about, yes? Write and ask her.
June 25, 2011   Some of you may have noticed in my little lists above a new link,
Government Gone It's done by someone who lives in Florida and
it's worth taking the time to peruse. It may get your dander up, but it's filled with frustrating facts and figures
that our government -- the obamination administration -- is making an unwelcome reality in America, so it's meant to
get your dander up. May get you fired up to stand up and help prevent obamination from being re-ACORNed into office as well,
so that would be a good thing. Remember: it's not just the feds who are feeding a line of bullpuppies and
asking us to pay more. Right here in Brevard County we have a single Conservative who votes against
raising taxes most of the time (I can't honestly say "every" time: I haven't kept track and I have seen an instance
or two). That doesn't mean she can carry the ball by herself. We still have those other four to replace ASAP. Anyone
who votes to raise taxes in times like these should be sent to the former USSR and put in a gulag. It's just not
right to do that to Americans right now and if they can't see that, they are deaf, dumb, blind and very, very stupid.
They also deserve to spend some time in jail for trying to destroy America and our children's children's children's futures.
If that's not punishable by law, I don't know what should be.
June 25, 2011   Ted Turner proves once again he is a hamster.
On the wheel, round and round, there are times he just holds on for the ride and goes upside down.
He likes the resulting dizzy feeling.
June 25, 2011   If you asked the tribe, I bet you they'd say they weren't lost at all.
What good does it do to find these "lost" tribes? Does it do their tribe any good? Or does it do mankind any good?
What is the goal in finding these tribes? We have to find them in order to.... What?
June 25, 2011   Public school teachers and unions: need I say more?
Of course the unions are ridiculous in their assertions. Amazing to think that they are able to negotiate anything
when they can think stupidity like this.
June 25, 2011   Are the Republicans selling us out?
Wouldn't surprise me. The leadership is into that sort of thing: saying one thing to the public and then doing another.
They "reach across the aisle" to sell us out time after time. So nice to be able to trust them at their word.
June 25, 2011   "Christian" churches promoting Islam?
If they're Christian churches they wouldn't be promoting Islam, would they? Jesus Christ did not preach Islam. In fact,
Islam wasn't even around until after the death of Christ: 570 after the death of Christ. So Christians leaving Christ
and promoting Islam is not just wrong, it's anti-Christ. Sounds to me as though the churches who are doing this
are not just ignorant,
they're stupid.
They don't know the differences and they haven't looked into Islam
at all. I don't think GOD is going to be happy with them, either. That line in Revelations 2:5
"Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love."
I think they may hear those words sooner than they may think.
June 25, 2011   How can anyone equate tyranny with stability when people yearn to be free?
That's something I will never understand. A dictatorship does not represent "stability" it represents oppression that --
for the oppressed -- sooner or later must be overthrown. Some dictatorships last hundreds of years, but like France,
the former Soviet Union and Germany, they all fall sooner or later. Stability is nothing more in the instance of
tyranny than how long will the pot simmer before it rolls to an overwhelming boil. This, to me, does not
mirror "stability", but it does mirror turmoil in the making. None of those countries under dictatorial
power -- China, Venezuela, America -- should be considered "stable". Instead, they should be considered
(at best) as marginal and awaiting action by the people.
June 24, 2011: 10:49 p.m.   Have you ever looked for something for a room redecoration that
you just can't find? I have this idea in my head for our window treatment and I know that what I'm looking
for is out there somewhere,
but it's taking up time and effort (and causing frustration) and I just need to let it go and wait for it to
come to me. That's usually what happens: let it go and -- voila! -- you see an ad for it on Drudge Report or
somewhere. So, I'll stop those hours looking and let it come to me. In the meantime, I have to paint a ceiling this
weekend, which is always fun. Paint it, let it dry, then do a stencil in a shade darker and a glossier finish on
the paint I just did. It's going to be very nice. I love how our bathroom is turning out. Now all we have to do is
finish it.
June 24, 2011   obamination puppet master,
george soros, wants to control elections via controlling who is Secretary of State in each state.
He's investing a lot of money into this goal and America should be in an uproar that anyone -- especially an America hater like
soros -- would want to interfere with the elections as is soros's [sic and correct] goal. This is not just an
outrage, but it's a goal of his to do this so that obamination can "win" another election -- even without the
people voting for him!
June 24, 2011   Dem. (Wrongie) from FL,
Alcee Hastings under sex-scandal investigation.
Can't they keep things under control for their own bodies and actions? Really, people, it's not that difficult to
control sexual urges. It's a matter of just realizing that you're stupid if you do something like A. Weiner, Clintoon,
Gingri[n]ch, Edwards, etc., etc., etc. have done. You're going to be caught, exposed to the public, and you're going
to put your life into a tailspin (of course you may like tailspins) if you don't control yourself. Morons are
the only people who do that sort of thing. Yes, that includes morons who are from a position of religious leadership,
politicians, bankers, wives and husbands. It's not worth the risk, folks. Keep it under control and keep your sanity,
your integrity and have the respect of someone besides fellow morons and pervs.
June 24, 2011   Some states just enjoy going down the tubes. They like doing the things they should not do just
to be in people's faces, or to do something "avant garde". That's California and now,
New York because NY just approved "gay marriage". I think
they have one problem: now they shall see some big changes and it won't be for the better. GOD ordained marriage between one
man and one woman and when evil mankind tries to change it to something else, there's a price to be paid for sin. Yep, NY
is going to be paying for it as did CA. So sorry, NYers. Blame your activists and your legislatures.
June 24, 2011   With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Mexico should lose MFN (Most Favored Nation) status, the Border Agents should have opened fire on those military
vehicles and we should not just build a fence, but build a fortress across our border with Mexico. They no longer
deserve to be treated as though they are allies or even friendly. They do everything they can to undermine our sovereignty,
they support the drug cartels running drugs and pimping across our borders, and they are sending illegal immigrants
to America to use our taxpayer dollars for their education, healthcare, birthing their anchor babies, etc. Mexico needs to
be held accountable, they need to be estranged and restricted from America's benefits and tax dollars.
"This one is led by House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), with House
Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) and Reps. Karen Bass (D-Calif.),
Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.), Steve Scalise (R-La.), Aaron Schock
([R-]Ill.), Mac Thornberry (R-Tex.), Greg Walden (R-Ore.) and Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga..) also on board."
June 24, 2011   Then there are those
RINOs pushing the price of cars up 100%.
Don't you love it? Spend our money via stimulus packages, raise the price of everything from gas to food to cars to furniture and
then go on boondoggles that spend our money irresponsibly. Sigh. It's great to have this kind of "Democracy" isn't it?
"Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz has
never been known as the sharpest pencil in the box, but since she took over as the head of
the DNC she has added nasty to her profile."
June 24, 2011   MORON ALERT:pelosipig: Tax cuts produce deficits, not jobs.
I think it's obvious she has taken total leave of her senses. She should never hold a gavel again. Heck. Don't even
let her have a hammer or a meat tenderizer!
June 24, 2011   SEATAC, Wash. man had armor piercing bullets and Quran/Koran
and doesn't that help prove the
peacefulness of Islam?
What they don't know is that GOD loves them. Allah does not; GOD does. Allah asks for them to die for him, GOD already had
HIS SON die FOR THEM. The man in white they see in their dreams is Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD, who died on the cross
for them and to take away their sins. That's what true love is and it's what GOD did for Muslims, Jews, Hindus,
Baptists, Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, and all people, everywhere. GOD planned it before He made the earth that His Son
would die for them and that Jesus would be the way to heaven: guaranteed, not maybe. That's the truth of the matter. GOD
loves them so much He sent His Son to die for them and Jesus died for them because He loves them, too. Jesus calls to
them and wants them to be in heaven with GOD, without having to kill anyone to get there, without having to martyr
themselves to get to heaven. GOD loves them enough to say, "Come unto me and I will give you rest." It's all
available to everyone who asks. It's not an American thing; it's for everyone. Muslims can ask Jesus to come into their
hearts, say a simple prayer to the Christian GOD and ask Him if He is real to show them, tell them, touch their hearts.
GOD will answer. This is true for atheists and agnostics, too. GOD loves you, too, believe it or not.
June 24, 2011   Again, rupe wants to control businesses and make people bow to her bidding.
Her "Lack of Local Hiring by FPL Power Plant Prime Contractor" article
(page 5) is proof of her wanting everyone to do as she decides is best. The FPL contractor isn't meeting rupe's standards, so
she decides to set him straight and have a meeting, make him send her updates monthly, and she meets with
the unions to make sure that pressure is applied. Sweet. If you own a business locally and you hire the people
you want to hire -- as opposed to meeting rupe's standards -- be prepared to have her call you onto rupe's red carpet
and demand you bow down and answer to her. Independent businesses like Zachry Industry, Inc. must
kowtow to rupe and her union buddies so that they can build the new FPL plant to rupe's worker specifications.
"Yavol, Komandant! They shall kowtow and bow down!" or rupe shall write about it and try to embarrass them into
meeting her requirements. I wish they would have told her where to put it and that -- being an independently owned company
(as opposed to a publicly traded company) -- they do not have to answer to her or to anyone else except their owner!
What a Commie rupe is to do the meeting with the union thing and the "I'll make them answer to me" thing. She's way over
her ego size in doing that. It's ridiculous that she thinks she's capable of doing so. Imagine if the local dog groomer,
the local barber shop, or self-storage businesses decided to not meet rupester's standards. With rupe being the
self-appointed "Overlord of PSJ", those businesses had better beware. rupester has standards and they must be met
or she will be sure to call you on the carpet for it! Ridiculous beyong ridiculous. Ego at its absolute height. A few
quick questions, though:
Is rupe shilling for the union,
or is the union
shilling for rupe? (Please note that she pulled the owner of the pooper-paper
into the
fray as well. Why should he be involved? Why should he decide what another
private business owner does or does not do? Why is it his business to control someone else's business? Does he answer to her
standards for his business? Are his employees unionized? If she demanded it, would he go union to please her demands?
Just asking. Why don't you write and ask him?)
That's enough for now. It's 2:19 a.m. June 25th and I should try to get some sleep.
June 21, 2011: 7:36 p.m.   Moving beyond bad news -- and having to sit down after twisting my
ankle stepping off the stepladder -- I have time and focus to do some blurbs today. I hope you enjoy them.
June 21, 2011   ATF (BATF) needs leader who won't be anti-American.
But that's not what obamination wants to do. He'll appoint another and another and another anti-American, just as the
rest of his advisors/Czars/cabinet are. But what else do you expect from a rabid anti-American Marxist? Nothing.
June 21, 2011   RAISE YOUR TAXES!
obamination makes things cost more, then he and his buds try to raise your taxes to fix the problems they created. Sweet! What morons
are out there who will vote for this kind of thinking/action? Oh, ACORN will -- even dead ones and those named "Mickey Mouse",
"Goofy", "Pluto", etc. I bet there are those in Brevard County who will also still vote for the
golfing idiot.
But who can account for brains? Apparently not everyone has them.
June 21, 2011   Not everyone can defend obamination.
Of course, there are few who can. Most people are born with some modicum of a conscience (although not all: Biden did accept the VP spot),
and when obamination's actions are so bad that they can't be explained away the only thing to do is admit
that they can't be defended in any way, shape, or form. It only took two years for people to realize that? Hm.
Some Americans may be getting smarter.
June 21, 2011   THIS IS AN obamination-owned OUTRAGE!
But should it surprise anyone that he's doing something else to hurt America? No? You're absolutely correct. If he
could hate America more, he would. But the tank is full, the speedometer is pegged out and he's going full
steam ahead into trying to kill the U.S.A. He'd nuke us if he could and still have any power whatsoever. But
he can't nuke America and still be president -- getting all the perks and freebies, all the travel all expenses
paid -- over a dead country. He would do so if he could figure out how to hang onto those freebies, though. He
really would.
June 21, 2011   Anti-American group's leader
funneled mega-dollars to group after joining obamination's Red House.
Don't you just love how obamination surrounds himself with people who absolutely HATE AMERICA? Remember
that old saying axiom, "Show me and man's friends and I'll show you the man"? Yeah. Like I said, if obamination
could he would.
June 21, 2011   Sheila Jackson Lee embarrasses herself again.
I disagree with what she says: people who bomb abortion clinics are not a threat to America as a whole,
as the Islamic terrorists she compares anti-abortionist bombers to. And if Jackson Lee can show me where
abortion is mentioned -- the word "abortion" -- in the U.S. Constitution, I'd love to see it. Fact is,
it's not there. The court "found" a privacy right and applied it to a woman's "right" to control her body.
Problem is, it's not her body that is being torn limb from limb in an abortion; it is the child's body
that is being tortured and killed. If the woman wants a right to control her own body, she should have done it
when she had the choice to spread her legs or not. (Rape pregnancies are very rare and two wrongs do not make a
right; killing the baby does not make the daddy pay, it just kills the baby.)
June 21, 2011   obamination breaking the law again?
Holding fundraisers inside Red (used to be White until a Marxist moved in) House
as Clinton did. Shock. Surprise. obamination doing something wrong. Oooh. The record playing that song was scratched
before he even ran for Illinois Senator and it's still playing the same line over and over and over and over again.
If he could do anything right or legal, I'd be totally surprised.
June 21, 2011   Ohio Judge, James DeWeese,
being sued by ACLU (an anti-American organization) for hanging
something in his courtroom that mentions "The Ten Commandments". Ooooh! Bad judge! After all, it's only his U.S.
Constitutional right to do so. How dare he know his rights? The ACLU will make him pay! He's such a bad man to
mention the Commandments. How dare he? The ACLJ (a pro-America, pro-constitution organization) that I support has stepped in
to help Judge DeWeese maintain his rights. Hurray for the ACLJ!
June 21, 2011   "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
(George Santayana) That's why teaching
history in America's public schools
is a practice in inaccuracy, in lies, in political brain washing instead of in teaching history accurately, correctly and with an eye toward
educating children in the greatness of our nation. Look up the earliest records of
the U.S. Continental Congress and learn something you
don't know about American History. Trust me. You'll get an eyeful. For instance, did you know that the
first Black Congressmen
were Republicans? Did you know that they were anti-Democrat? Yep. Read it and weep, folks. You won't like
what you see because it's not what you've been taught for years. You've been lied to and duped by the Dems. (Wrongies)
Supper's ready. More later.
June 16, 2011: 3:23 a.m.   Sorry to again be so long in posting. We unexpectedly had a loss of
a family pet on Tuesday evening and it's been a little difficult to get our heads around it. I don't know
about others, but for me it's a little more difficult because it was so unexpected. When it's a family pet
and it's an expected thing, that's when you have time to adjust to the eventuality. When it's unexpected,
it's just hard. This right after the loss of our friend made it even more difficult. I will try to post
in the next twenty-four hours, but my friend and I do have our dinner and
movie thing today. She cancelled last week in order to get a license test and she passed, as I thought she
would. So I'll get to it when I can, for how long I can. Sorry.
June 12, 2011: 1:18 a.m.   This is what I intended to write yesterday (Saturday, June 11th) but
didn't have time to do: Didn't do updates today because I was busy. First I went to the memorial service for
Ada Parrish
whom I have known for about ten years. I was a founding member of the Space Coast Post Card Club as was Ada and I enjoyed
talking to her and learning from her, but most of all I enjoyed her smile. She always had such a sweet, genuine smile. After the
memorial service, I went to the stores with my hubby to pick out some more things for our little redecorating project.
It's coming along but taking longer than I thought it would. Oh, well. That's the way things go with household projects:
more expensive than you think they'll be and taking longer than expected. No more updates today unless I find something
very interesting, fun, or infuriating: mostly infuriating.
June 10, 2011: 10:51 p.m.   Pamela Geller of "Atlas Shrugs"
warns us that Sharia Law has come to Florida in the form of an "honor" killing.
I don't understand how an American woman can condone these murders, but is Laura Hair condoning it just by
putting the word, "Suicide" on a death certificate of a Muslim woman? I'll leave you to look at the pictures
of the dead woman and decide for yourself if the woman banged her head on a coffee table hard enough to commit
suicide that way. What thinks you? Suicide or "honor" killing? Another question: If there is "honor" in this
killing, and that is why it stands as acceptable by those condoning it, where is the problem with 9/11: was
that not about religion as well? Just asking.
June 10, 2011: 12:54 p.m.   Since the rupe-a-dupe decided to take me on for my statement about
public schools being places of Marxist indoctriniation,
let's give her another example to whine about.Here's one from 2010 to tweak her.
It's been going on for a long time, so it's not as if it hasn't been out there for quite a while.
Tweak, tweak: here's an "education" (read "indoctrination") plan.Include the teachers' unions in the "Marxist education" theme.
The truth must hurt her so very, very much. Hey, if she loved school so much, why didn't she choose to go to
the British equivalent of our Junior and Senior years of High School when she was a teen? Or was she just sooooo
smart already that she didn't have to go? After all, she had apparently already learned how to use quotation marks
and references properly (see blurb of May 28, 2011: 10:58 p.m.), so why should she continue her education past tenth grade?
June 10, 2011   ms obamination wants to feed your baby what she thinks best.
She thinks your baby may get too fat on what you think is best. Don't you love government interference in everything you
do? BTW, where is the constitutional authority for her to be doing any of the stuff she is doing to set up
government programs? She has no authority to do so. Check the U.S. Constitution
and you'll find that the FLOTUS is NEVER mentioned. She therefore has no constitutional authority to do any of the
programs -- especially government run and enforced -- she is doing. She needs to stop, take a chill pill,
eat a pizza, and make it her business to worry about her own family, not YOURS.
June 10, 2011   Did you know that the U.S. Supreme Court has
upheld the AZ law that punishes businesses that hire illegals?
Do you think that's a foreshadowing of rulings to come? I do. I think that the illegal immigration laws that will come
before the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S.S.C. will rule in favor of America having the right to enforce our own laws
and the right of states to make new laws to protect U.S. Citizens -- something illegals are not, thus illegals
have no civil rights in America (human rights, yes, but not civil rights) -- who live in those states. And
rightly so.
June 10, 2011   The Dalai Lama -- a Buddhist --
is also "a Marxist" but "not a Leninist".
Oh. Thanks so much for the clarification. He's supposed to be all peace and contentedness, but as a Marxist, he
must stand for other things as well:
State control, higher taxes, confiscation of property, etc. So
how does the Dalai Lama -- a supposedly reincarnated being who is supposed to be very wise -- reconcile his personal Marxist
beliefs and his religion? His religion teaches non-consumerism, contentedness, etc. Marxism teaches total State control,
consumerism of the State, etc. Should the State -- in the Dalai Lama's beliefs -- be allowed consumerism, but the individual
be constrained from it? Should the State be allowed money (your taxes), but the individual disallowed to keep his hard
earned money? Should the State be given the right to communicate with others, but the people not? (Where does it teach
that in Buddhism?) Buddhism does not agree at all with Marxism. To see the Dalai Lama make such a ridiculous statement
tells me one thing about Buddhism: "core values" are apparently not passed on from one incarnation to the next. If they
were, the "reincarnated" Dalai Lama would be smart enough to understand that Marxism is one of the most barbaric, worst
beliefs on earth and that he should not believe in it at all.
June 10, 2011   obamination's Do[In]J pressured Dayton, OH, police dept. to use racial quotas.
So they endangered people's lives by lowering standards. Does the obamination administration ever put the American
people -- ALL OF US, not just certain ones -- first? Or does the obamination administration hate just some of us and
favor others? Considering the actions of this administration (including the Dept. of [In]Justice) I think we know
for certain that the obamination administration hates some Americans and would do just about anything in their power
to punish and destroy us -- and America along with us! Remember, actions speak louder than words and obamination's
actions are telling us all we need to know! (How often does he vacation and golf: tells us about how seriously
he takes the job of "president", does it not?)
June 10, 2011   IF the CA SEIU is launching a Republican PAC,
they'll support RINOs only.
This is for show only, folks. They won't support anything close to conservatism!
June 10, 2011: 12:11 a.m.   It's been a while since I've mentioned our favorite Tax Collector, Lisa
Cullen, and my, how we've missed her! In this economy, one would think the Tax Collector's office would be
everyone's least favorite place. What with a union to keep satisfied (although as far as I can tell,
the union has never held Cullen accountable for diddly-squat), the State making some of the employees
pay into their own retirement plan from their own paychecks,
and an election coming up -- especially the election coming up -- Cullen must act in the best interests
of the taxpayers of Brevard County. Concerned as she is about high taxes and keeping costs to the
Brevard County taxpayers down, Cullen -- I'm sure in an effort to reward employee
"dedication and committed service to both the Tax Collector's office and Brevard County"
(quoting the letter she sent to her employees) -- gave the Tax Collector's employees who did not make over $60,000 a 3% pay raise. This way,
even though they now have to pay into their own retirement scheme, they won't have to pay it out of their
regular pay checks. Well, kind intentions sometimes go awry when folks don't consider the possibility of
unintended consequences. Thinking it through is not in the lexicon of some folks. Bright bulb that Cullen is, she apparently
did not stop to think that the "Less Than $60,000 Club" is getting more money now, but that also means
they have to pay more into the account, too! So, even though (according to her own words) she gave
them the raise to "benefit [them] and their families", she actually took more pennies for immediate use away from them. For instance,
(for this example we set aside all other taxes, fees, etc.) if you're making $30,000 annually and you are given a 3%
pay raise, that would be a $900 raise. Nice. Now, consider that the folks who are now paying into the retirement plan would have
given that 3% ($900) for their retirement without the raise. However, with Cullen's generosity and taxpayer sensitivity, those
same folks are now making $30,900 and now have to pay $927 into their retirement accounts. So, we find
that the $30,000 employee without the raise would have a take home pay of$29,100 after just
the retirement pay being removed.
With the amount of the 3% raise being considered, we find that the employee who was previously going home with
$29,100 is now going home with -- Cullen's generosity kicking in -- $29,073. So, in effect,
Cullen took money out of the take home pay of her employees via her "generosity". Sweet! Must
be really nice to work for Cullen!
NOTE: Someone e-mailed me and said that my math was wonky. I tried to keep it as simple as
possible. Problem is, for those who do the non-illustrative math (i.e., work in the real world of accounting or
similar venues), the illustration was correct as far as results, but not real world. The reason? The results
are the same either way: the employee who makes $30,000 per year still pays an extra $27 with "real world math"
or with "illustrative math". Yes, it is divided up into twenty-six bi-weekly payments and it's not that big a deal,
but the principle is the same: the employee has $27 less take-home pay than the original amount they started with.
Yes, the $27 goes into the employee's
retirement account. But consider that the reason for the raise was to enable the employee to not be
impacted in their take-home pay. The impact is slight, but the resulting loss in take-home pay is still a loss.
The gesture was just that: a gesture, and it's worth noting that the loss was the result of the gesture. Remembering
that -- either way -- the taxpayers are paying that money and that Cullen's words are back to haunt her:
"It is not the goal of this office to return the most money possible to the
county as unused fees; the goal and duty is to resource this operation the most cost
effective way possible to the benefit of all."
Remember those words? How about these:
"I would like to end this letter on a positive note and announce that your
next pay check August 28, 2009, I will begin providing an insurance supplement of $30.00
per month. This will replace the monthly $9.00 supplement you receive now."
Why is it that we, the taxpayers, have to pay for every cent of every cost share benefit the TCO employees receive?
Don't you pay for part of your insurance, or for part of your retirement pay? Was the intent of the legislation
to have YOU pay for the TCO's retirement, or to have them contribute that money themselves? The result of Cullen's
largesse is that YOU get stuck with the bill -- AGAIN!
June 10, 2011   obamination's Do[In]J lies to hide corruption.
Shock! Surprise! Eric Holder is lying to hide corruption? You don't say! I never would have suspected that! (*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*)
June 10, 2011   Hispanic gang terrorizing blacks in CA.
Hey, what's wrong? It's their right to do so, isn't it? After all, they are illegal immigrants and they have the right to
do anything they want and we have to pay for it all, right? That's the history of this stuff: they prey we pay!
It is the right of the illegals to make us afraid in our own homes, on our own land (ask the AZ farmer who was gunned down by
drug cartel members smuggling drugs through his land),
shoot at our border patrol agents,
to kill and maim and then to make us pay for their health care, education,
the birth of their "anchor babies", their attorneys that work to keep them out of jail and free to kill some more, etc., etc., etc.
So, what's wrong with them doing whatever they want? Isn't that what Wrongies -- including obamination -- want them to do? (Yes,
I'm against their doing anything they want except going back to Mexico, but I like sarcasm.)
June 10, 2011   Looks like
Gingri[n]ch's team decided not to watch the slow motion disaster.
They left the campaign en masse. My question becomes: did they see something that let them know that he has another
Weiner-like scandal of his own coming
(you remember those affairs, don't you?), or is it
just because they see so very few votes coming in for him that they're leaving in order to keep from further embarrassment?
Whichever: Gingri[n]ch may be out of the race without a staff to run it for him. Excellent!
June 10, 2011   obamination's not doing anything good for our ally, Israel.
May GOD have mercy on Israel and with His power protect Israel and prevent Hamas, the PLO and all who hate Israel (including obamination) from
harming Israel. Israel is GOD's. Doing something to harm Israel brings about the wrath of GOD and earns His retribution. I do not
envy any country, group or individual who harms or lends to the harm of Israel. obamination's friends may wish to watch out for
lightning bolts and do a G-team and
leave the flea bitten dog.
June 10, 2011   I really, severely dislike the TSA.
They do crap like this.
It makes no sense, but that's the TSA all over!
June 10, 2011   After 70 years in business,
one mention from obamination closes business.
Don't you love how good he is for the economy, for business, for employees? That's the blessing of the almighty obamination:
one word and your livelihood is dead, you're still trying to pay the higher costs for obacare and you're paying
higher taxes, fees, etc., thanks to him. That's so obamination.
June 10, 2011   Iran has tested nuclear bomb.
Wait! Didn't they say they were using the nuclear stuff exclusively for energy? Yes? obamination believed them. I didn't.
Tells you that I'm smarter than obamination.
June 10, 2011   Talk about an alert, caring, motivated bunch!
U.K. nurses ignore dying man for ten hours!
Socialized medicine is what the U.K. has and obamination wants to bring it here. I think it's a sign of the times
that Wrongies agree with obamination's plans. They want you to do the same.
"'Even with the best intentions, indoor environmental quality issues
may emerge with interventions that have not been sufficiently well screened for
their effects on occupant safety and health,' the report said."
June 6, 2011   "This little piggy went to" the $10 MILLION market.
And it's all paid for with taxpayer dollars. Don't you love how obamination thinks of you and what's important to you?
Don't you love how he taxes you to get the things done that you really support? Don't you just love
paying for a $10 MILLION market? (Sarcasm, yes.)
June 4, 2011: 2:13 a.m.   Wow! I didn't realize it would take me this long to get around to updating
my website, but life happens. Sorry about that. I'll do some now.
June 4, 2011   Wait a few weeks when no one is looking,
and he'll do it by "Executive Order".
obamination no more cares about the law than Clintoon cared about telling lies regarding Monica Lewinsky. Difference
is, Clintoon was impeached whereas obamination, being the first truly black president, won't be impeached. He may
be voted out, but impeachment -- although more than well deserved and legally sufficient causes -- will never happen.
Unless, of course, there is a Republican -- or a True Conservative -- out there with more spine than those of whome
I am currently aware. Too bad. It would set a good precedent: no special treatment even if your "election" is historic.
June 4, 2011   FCC and the lefties (Wrongies):
collusion and taking over the internet any way they can.
obamination's government stinks with corruption, Marxism and illegality. Too bad no one wants to stop it badly enough
to go ahead with impeachment against him.
June 4, 2011   GOP House to "scold" obamination.
Then they'll tell him to apologize or he won't get his next stimulus package and he'll have to skip his next vacation for some
really important business they'll put off until after he's finished throwing his temper tantrum and scolding them in public
in return. Anyone remember obamination's scolding of Paul Ryan?
Yeah. Like that. Then the dyed in the wool, old-timers will cry in their soup for weeks and apologize profusely. Perhaps
John Boehner will even cry during his apology.
Or maybe Michele Bachman will get up there and verbally smack the tar out of obamination and smile. Yeah. That would be good.
June 4, 2011   Space shuttle shut down numbers
will only add to the unemployment numbers and it's all
in the obamination's plan for America. If he can destroy us a little faster, it's all good with him.
June 4, 2011   If Jesus Christ was Islamic, why weren't all His followers Islamic?
Why did Paul, Peter, Timothy, etc., preach something other than the Koran/Quran after the death of Christ? Why was
Christianity -- the religion Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD started -- spread by His followers instead of Islam if Jesus was a prophet
of Islam? After all, Mohammed's followers spread Islam; if Jesus was a prophet of Islam, why did His followers not
spread Islam? What they are asserting makes no sense at all and is a lie and a half.
June 4, 2011   Mark Levin is a gentleman for standing up for Sarah Palin.
He's tired of Charles Krauthammer always attacking Sarah Palin: and rightly so. Krauthammer is not doing himself any
favors and he's making himself look foolish.
June 4, 2011   Hahahahahahahahaha!
Now imagine all those new houses built to "green" standards with biodegradable products and all those other "green" considerations.
Imagine what they are doing to the environment the builders care so much about! Untested, they'll be condemned for being bad for the
environment and for the people living in them after ten to twenty years. Sigh... I love it when Wrongies get ideas into their heads
and go full steam ahead into stupid!
June 4, 2011   LOL! Cupcakes for Al Qaeda?
No bomb recipes, make cupcakes, not war! LOL!
June 4, 2011   Don't want obacare? There's a way to avoid it!
"Be poor..." That doesn't actually solve
the problem of you wanting out of obacare because it means you'd be eligible for assisted health care which, in reality,
equals obacare. Stuck if you do, stuck if you don't. They try to get you whether you like it or not and whether
you want it or not.
June 4, 2011   TSA gropes woman, uses gestapo tactics to prevent filming.
Is this America? Is this what you want for America? Where is there authority? Where is the law that says that they can use gestapo
tactics to prevent U.S. Citizens from showing the truth? I want to know. I want to know why the cops always support the TSA? I want
to know why cops are not informed of OUR RIGHTS, not just the TSA's! Watch the second video all the way through. Watch it.
Remember that it is YOU next. Here is the law that established the TSA (starting on page 51)
and remember that they have a list of your rights (print these out and take them with you when you travel!)
on their website including:
"What triggers a pat-down?
"Pat-downs are used to resolve alarms at the checkpoint, including those triggered
by metal detectors and AIT units. Pat-downs are also used when a person opts out
of AIT screening in order to detect potentially dangerous and prohibited items.
Because pat-downs are specifically used to resolve alarms and prevent dangerous
items from going on a plane, the vast majority of passengers will not receive a
pat-down at the checkpoint.
"What can I do to prevent an alarm at the security checkpoint?
"The majority of pat-downs occur when a passenger alarms either the metal detector or
the AIT unit. To reduce this circumstance, the most important thing you can do is take
everything out of your pockets before you go through screening. Also, when traveling,
avoid wearing clothes with a high metal content, and put heavy jewelry on after you
go through security.
"What do I do during a pat-down? "All passengers have important rights during a pat-down. You have the right to request
the pat-down be conducted in a private room and you have the right to have the pat-down
witnessed by a person of your choice. All pat-downs are only conducted by same-gender
officers. The officer will explain the pat-down process before and during the pat-down.
If you have a medical device, please inform the officer. [my bolding and underlining]
"Will children receive pat-downs?
"Transportation Security Officers will work with parents to resolve any alarms at the
checkpoint. If required, a child may receive a modified pat-down. Parents are encouraged
to ensure their children have taken all items out of their pockets as they go through the
security checkpoint."
So next time you travel, I hope you will have copied the above sections (visit their website if you
don't believe me) and that you have them available with you at the screening point. Remember, if you have
a problem with the TSA, you have the ability to file a complaint
(more info here)
and you may wish to contact an attorney. Let the TSA know that
you have read the law that created them, that you have printed out your rights (cops, you should know
that passengers have rights, too, not just the TSA!) and that the TSA will be held legally accountable. Also,
know that the law does NOT prevent you from filming the pat-down; it states that you can have a witness and
if that witness happens to film it, that's not prevented via the law. Know your rights! Don't let
the TSA push you around! Send the link and the paragraphs above to everyone you know! Put TSA back in its place!
Stand up to them and hold them legally accountable for violating your rights!
June 4, 2011   Iranian immigrant calls for stoning of women
who have affairs with married men, breaking up their homes. If it hadn't happened to her, would she feel the same?
Does she feel the same about women who have sex outside of wedlock -- even with a single, unattached man? Or
does she only hate those who are mistresses to married men? I think she has the wrong idea: stoning a woman for
the affair is just vengeance. She should also want to stone the husband who cheated on her, but that's not
mentioned. She needs to remember that it takes two to tango and if it hadn't been for his willingness, the mistress
would have gotten nowhere. I wonder if she's ever heard of the word, "Forgiveness". Nah. Probably not.
June 4, 2011   This smells like trouble.
Even China wants out of our money? obamination, you done us dirty, you dog.
June 4, 2011   There is no judge in America
who can take away this student's Free Speech right.
There is no cause to censor the student prior to the student's speech -- punishment only after an attempted or completed illegal activity is
the way in America. The student's First Amendment rights are still in effect, no matter what the judge says.
There is all kinds of precedent, even U.S. Supreme Court precedent.
This student needs to do a little research and find out the truth and act upon it! (NOTE: If your graduating young adult is valedictorian, etc.,
print that letter out and have it available for them to hand to a teacher/parent/administration official who wishes to silence them.
Be prepared by knowing your rights.)
May 30, 2011: 7:02 a.m.   Memorial Day: Remember Our Heroes! As my memorial to our
heroes, both fallen and alive, I wrote a poem I called, "Soldier Dad & Soldier Son".
I hope our heroes will be remembered by all.
May 28, 2011: 10:58 p.m.   Let's rip rupe a new one, shall we? I'll take
her latest pooperpaper article
apart, portion by portion and expose the truth. The truth does matter. That is why I do this.
Currently, cost-drivers force rate
increases onto Floridians and prevent insurers from building policyholder reserves during hurricane-free years.
The Florida Chamber believes SB 408 will result in strengthening existing insurers while also attracting new
insurance capital to the state."
"Most homeowners who obtain payouts from their insurers do not use the funds
to repair or remediate the claimed damage."
If the money is not going to be used for the reported damage rupester whines about, why should the
insurance companies pay out in the first place?
"Septic Tanks" (page 5) in which she complains about the septic tank inspection program is actually amusing.
rupester speaks out of the other side of her mouth regarding this issue on
pages 1 and 2 of this PDF file.
They show rupester at a Conservation Element/Surface Water meeting on May 7, 2010,
"Ms. Rupe stated that she was hoping that when it came back, they could discuss
something like what they have in the Keys –separate, individual, sewer contained systems,
package plants, or something. She added that if this is not mandated, she had wanted it
to go through with more restrictions. She said that the lagoon is contaminated and extremely
fragile, and it certainly does not need any more septic tanks failing near it. [my italics]"
So she writes against it in the pooperpaper, but speaks in favor of it -- and it being stricter -- at meetings of like minds? Can
anyone say, "Forked tongue"?
The "North Brevard Economic Development Enterprise Zone" has a startling admission on rupester's part:
"Some of this is due to the fact that more than 50 percent of the land in North Brevard is
exempt from property taxes (government owned), and key commercial areas in North Brevard are exempt. [my bolding and italics]"
Amazing to see that rupe-a-dupe actually admits the numbers. The even more shocking idea is that she is supporting the creation
of a new government administration that would use Tax Increment Funding (or Financing: TIF),
which isn't always a good thing and
is not guaranteed to work. Do
I want another Dependent Special District with ruperster-ites manning it? No. Do I want to have another
committee making decisions that would effect our future? No. I think we have elected officials --
A.K.A. County Commissioners -- who are responsible for the County and should do their jobs instead of pawning it off
onto someone we, the taxpayers, cannot hold responsible! Do I think Comm. Fisher (whose backside must be tired
of rupester's lips by now) has a good idea? No.
For the "Exploration Park at Kennedy Space Center" section, rupester touts the scrub jay environment being torn down
and made into a parking lot. As the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website shows
that whole area is scrub jay habitat
(zoom in on the "Map of Species occurence [sic]" and the yellow area is where scrub jays have been seen) and the rupester just
supported it being built on. Again talking out of both sides of her mouth because
she is supposedly all for the Florida Scrub Jay.
Just another example of rupesterisms: speak one way here and another there.
The section on the high speed rail, "Rejected by Governor, Florida’s High Speed Rail Money Has Gone to 15 States"
is such hooey, that I won't spend much time on it. Sure, the high speed rail
was denied by Gov. Scott but that's good. The rupester tells us how the money was dispersed. Yeah. So? That money
is taxpayer dollars and our money should not have been taken out of our pocket in the first place, and it should
have gone back into our pockets when it was turned down by Gov. Scott. Him turning it down was a good thing
because in order to have received the $2 BILLION we would have had to come up with matching funds strictly from the
taxpayers of the State of Florida. The first $2 billion came from all across America. The second would have been
strictly Florida residents. rupe-a-dupe apparently either forgets or ignores that fact. Those funds
come from -- guess who -- US. We would have been
taxed twice for that money (the original $2 billion and the matching funds). Scott did the right thing,
but to rupester, higher taxes are apparently always a good thing.
"Cuts to Florida’s Benefits for Unemployed": plagiarism, anyone? Check out
"Short Sighted and Short Changed" and compare that
-- word for word -- with rupester's portion "Cuts to Florida’s Benefits for Unemployed".
rupe commits plagiarism in this part of her article, quoting word for word
full sentences of "Short Sighted and Short Changed" without using the quotation marks that should be used
when quoting the article verbatim. Not to do plagiarism by halves,
rupester uses this page to write the next part of her article.
Again, there are no quotation marks around her direct, verbatim quotes from the review of the bill and there is
nothing in her article saying that rupester even read the website page to get those quotes. It's almost as if she's trying to make you
think she realized all of that by her own little lonesome self. Well, glory be and Hallelujah! rupester is just
so peachy keen intelligent, isn't she? After all, she doesn't know what a reference is and she doesn't know
what a quotation mark is. How amazing to be able to pull that info out of thin air! Question: Did she get the
permission of the authors of "Short Sighted and Short Changed" to extensively quote their article? If not, that's
copyright infringement on top of plagiarism.
To make it worse,
this is the law that is being referenced
(link retrieved from article, "Short Sighted and Short Changed, accessed May 28, 2011) and it is a tough law.
However, it must be tough considering that,
"Unemployment benefits in Florida
are paid from business taxes. The state fund, however, was wiped out in August 2009 by
the historic unemployment crisis."
Considering the absence of funds Florida faces, the problem rupester has with the whole bill is
a null point. No money at all means no benefits at all, with or without a new law. Whether she
understands or likes it, there's no getting around the truth that
there is no money left. When it comes to giving away money, rupester's rupesterism seems to be
"The more the merrier!" Problem is, that money has to come from somewhere and it's always the same place:
YOU. That's rupester's favorite thing, is it not?
And last -- and certainly least -- is the part of her article she quotes me in, "Ahhhh, public schools". rupester
seems to think that she will embarass me by using that blurb. I have no problem with her giving me more publicity,
but if she's using a quote from my site, proper referencing should have been practiced (as in "from").
If she wants to publicize my site, fine and dandy. I already put the quote she used on my internet site -- you know,
rupe-a-dupe, that thing that the whole world can see? -- so why would it be of any consequence to have that blurb in
a local nothing pooperpaper for a few hundred to see? It's not as if that's a bigger exposure than I get hits on my
site. Get real. I write what I think and I stand by it. rupe-a-dupe has a problem with that, too darn bad. BTW, she's wrong
in that I had not "included [it] on her website". I linked to it. rupe-a-dupe should learn the difference. I wonder
if she even read the story and if she has been keeping an eye on the other stories of how teachers are "teaching" the
children of America. The "teachers" in WI who pulled their students out of their classrooms to go protest the WI
union law in the capital was "teaching" them what? How to make trouble? That protesting is more important than
reading, writing and arithematic? That this is how our democracy works: pressure law makers who stick around to debate
the subject while your side runs away to neighboring states and hide out at the taxpayers' expense? Yeah. That's
teaching them the right way to do things. Search the internet and see what public school teachers have been up to lately
and you'll be appalled. If rupe-a-dupe thinks she embarassed me, she's got another think coming.
If she made some teachers angry because they hadn't seen my site yet, who cares? I'm not here to please them. If
they would do what they are supposed to do and teach the kids in their charge as they should, I wouldn't have had
to teach a boy entering fourth grade how to read basic words like, "cat", "dog", "bird"; or analyze the reading of
a sophomore who could pronounce the words but had no idea what they meant because vocabulary and reading comprehension
were not emphasized in her public school education. The student has been trying to get into the military, but --
last time I heard -- hasn't been able to pass the entrance exam (even though she's been taking classes for it)
because she can't understand what the questions asked. That's Brevard County Public Schools for you. rupe-a-dupe
missed the mark trying to make me sorry
for what I said. Next month if pooperpaper is covered with LTTE's (Letters to the Editor) filled with hate
for my remarks, that's too bad, too. They can speak all they want, but if they act, that's a whole new ball game.
Plagiarism, possible copyright infringement, a forked tongue and missing the mark: the pooperpaper has no excuse
except laziness for not practicing what I call
"due diligence". The editor/owner failed to check his writer's article for accuracy, reference use and for truthfulness.
Given rupester's history, I would think that the editor of the pooperpaper would want to practice due diligence, but no.
It's not going to happen for rupester because it's the same owner who said they would be impartial during the PSJ
incorporation effort, but published over 99% more PRO-incorporation column inches than info on the anti-incorporation side.
Par for the course, for that paper. Question for you: Do you think that plagiarism and copyright infringement should be
allowed to stand as good journalism, even in a pooperpaper? If not, contact the owner/editor
and tell him his paper needs to clean up its act!
May 28, 2011   Houston VA tries to keep the words, "Jesus Christ" out of prayer.
The VA has no right to censor his speech. They tried, but it took a judge's restraining order to make sure the preacher
was going to be able to pray "in the name of Jesus Christ". I wonder who told the woman she could interfere in his prayer?
"Later, I saw that the adult fedayeen taught us a theory they themselves
were not willing to practice. They wanted to liberate Palestine, but they did not want to die
doing it, even for paradise, even for the seventy-two. They had jobs and
children, lives, and much to lose. We were someone else's children. Abu Yousef and his men
poured their hate into our hearts in hopes we would do the work they could not fulfill."
May 28, 2011   Monday is Memorial Day and I hope you all have plans to say a few prayers for those who are
fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever else obamination has sent our brave troops to do his bidding. I hope you have
made plans to honor our troops, to remember them and to do more than just cook out and party. I think you know to be
grateful for them and to remember their families' sacrifice. GOD bless all who served, all who returned and all who
gave their all.
May 26, 2011: 11:59 p.m.   Movie and dinner with a friend again today. This time we saw "Thor"; based upon
Norse mythology, the story line was predictable. The best part of it was the set designer did an excellent job for
the Asgard (Thor, Loki and Odin's home world) sets. Their nemesis's world is well done as well, as are the costumes. If
you want to go and see it in 3D, you'll be wasting about $20. Two dimensions are good enough for this movie. I watched
the entire thing without using the goofy glasses and it was still watchable and I didn't notice much difference except in
the crowd scenes and the swooping camera angles of the two worlds. It's an okay movie, but if you go, save money and go
with the two dimension version, and -- listen carefully -- take ear plugs. The sound track booms and screeches and roars.
Decibel levels are through the roof. I watched half the movie with my fingers in my ears but could still hear everything
easily. No sex and very little language (no really bad words), but lots of violence, of course.
May 27, 2011: 12:14 a.m.   Continuing from last night since I started so late.
May 27, 2011   Of course it's good to be an obafriend!
Your money into their pockets. That's exactly why they wanted him in office: they knew they could get money
from you via his command. Don't you love it?
May 27, 2011   Hip, Hip, Hurray! AZ illegal immigration sanctions upheld by U.S. Supreme Court.
This isn't SB1070, it's a law Dem. Wrongie, janet napolitano wrote!! I think AZ Gov. Jan Brewer (R) will have an
easy time winning the case when her law comes before the U.S.S.C. I bet napolitano is squirming and now hating
that she won! HAHAHAHAHA!
May 27, 2011   obamination's "truth" minister does not worry about the truth. After all,
he's married to person who did "General Betrayus".
Shock. Surprise. obamination's truth is always a lie. If obamination told me he was male, I'd have to check his XY chromosome count
to know if it were true. I wouldn't trust him with a dead rabbit, so you know how much I trust him with my money, my
future and our country.
"@barackobama sorry to interrupt the European pub crawl, but what was your Medicare plan?"
Sic 'em, RomNAY and Pawlenty!
May 27, 2011   JW files amicus brief against obacare.
Good. JW is excellent and I hope that soon it will be in front of the U.S.S.C. and the Supreme Court will be killing obacare.
obacare would be the best thing to put before the death panel, would it not?
May 27, 2011   Wrongies accuse Conseravtives of controlling things, but the truth is always the opposite
of what the Wrongies say. Always. They say Conservatives rule the media?
Truth is, george soros, evil Wrongie billionaire, does.
Any time a Wrongie opens their mouths they must be eating or lying (or both).
May 27, 2011   Personally, I think this is a good idea.
I think they should ban advertising prescription meds directly to the consumer and advertise it only to doctors. What I'm wondering is do
attorneys like to have the drugs advertised directly to the consumer? I wonder also if attorneys had something to do
with it happening in the first place, because they can then sue the drug companies after a few years of that drug
being on the market after bad things start happening after the consumer requested the drug they saw advertised?
Yep, then the attorney benefits both ways, right? Just asking, folks. Just asking.
May 27, 2011   When I mention "religion" and "peace" in the same sentence,
of course you think of attacking a teacher and slashing his face,and the Nazi party,and gang raping a Christian woman.
The "religion of peace" is of course the religion doing all of this. That's why we see so many Muslims standing
against all of this. There are Muslim women in the streets with signs protesting against this sort of thing. Muslim men
are standing in the halls of Congress protesting these things happening, wanting Congress to act and make it all stop. Absolutely.
(Sarcasm, of course.)
May 27, 2011   Your gun rights are under attack.
I think you need to keep an eye on this issue right now. Don't blink. You'll be losing the right to carry. Read the story below from yesterday.
You'll see what I mean.
May 26, 2011: 12:25 a.m.   obamination's gun grab "under the radar".
I think it's out from under the radar now. He wants your guns, your freedom, your money. He's not a good guy;
he's a tyrant.
May 26, 2011   Another reason to despise unions.
They're just like
their favorite abomination: obamination.
They can't get anything right, either! (BTW, how much you want to bet he just copied the year from the previous signature because
he actually had no clue!? This is the 29,384,387,349,392,298,384,757,373,839,994,847,377,383rd mistake he made publicly; think of all the private
mistakes we haven't been made aware of!)
"eliminated a post-9/11 counterterrorism program that required men from Muslim countries
with active terrorist organizations to register with federal authorities upon entering the United States."
Thanks for nothing, DHUs. Idiot staffing assigned by an idiot.
May 26, 2011   Add this TSA patdown of children and old ladies, but NOT Arab men
and our country is no more safe today -- thanks to obamination -- than if we just did away with security altogether. Yep. Your
obamination administration at work, folks. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. Oh. Not you, Ma'am. You're
over 75, caucasian, a Texan and you're in a wheelchair. We'll have to detain you for questioning because you look
too patriotic with that red, white and blue shirt on.
May 26, 2011   Will the "Breck Girl's" hair
stay so nice in prison?
Or will this be an Eric Holder step-in and Edwards get off scott free? Anyone's guess on that one. Has Edwards
given enough to obamination to get out of it? I don't know...
May 26, 2011   Proof that obafriends got perks:
probably illegally. Yeah. Let's get Eric Holder onto this immediately! Let's get this looked into... Oh.
Sorry. It's obafriends. No one's going to prosecute this until after obamination is out of office. Hopefully
the statute of limitations won't be past by then.
May 26, 2011   Michael Savage "Guilty" until proven innocent:
but you're not getting in to prove your innocence! No, way! Says Britain. Nowadays there's nothing "Great" about her!
May 26, 2011   Shocker! Hillary tied to oil lobbyists!
No shock there. She gets money any way, any time, from any one she can. She wants to run against obamination.
May 26, 2011   ACLU controls ICE? YEP!
obamination doesn't like deporting potential votes!
May 26, 2011   I'll end this morning with the question: Was anyone surprised when the rapture didn't happen Saturday?
May 21, 2011: 3:41 a.m.   Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I had an unexpected trip to the ER
at Cape Canaveral Hospital and spent eight hours or so there getting meds, x-rays and a CT scan (yes, another). It
turned out to be something unusual, requiring a consult, but it wasn't serious and it's easily handled. I was
surprised that it was probably brought on by fasting and what I decided to include in my liquid diet three days
prior to the trip to the hospital. Shockingly, if you want to fast, be sure to stick to clear liquids and don't switch
to the nectars and prune juice. It's very painful, but not serious. So, I've been dealing with that and I'm feeling better now.
And, although I started the fast on April 30th, I am now -- under doctor's scolding -- breaking that fast and
building up to a cheeseburger and fries!
On another note I see that,
according to some,
Jesus is supposed to return today to rapture those of us who believe in Him.
One problem: the Bible says that no one will know and that it won't be a foreseeable thing. We are warned not to
look for signs and we are told outright that no one knows the day and time, not even Christ knows according to His
own words. He says that only His Father knows the time. So if Christ doesn't know, how can a preacher here on earth
who was wrong once before? This preacher no more knows when the Lord will return than Adam (the man in the
Garden of Eden) knew Albert Einstein. Today is a special day in my family -- a birthday -- and I won't be posting
more than this for the day. It's going to be a good and fun day, even without the Lord's return!
May 16, 2011: 11:14 p.m.   I've been busy today; not too busy, just busy. An appointment took me to
the Cocoa Village area, went to a bank, went grocery shopping, etc. We're still redecorating our bahtroom. Slow going,
but we are making progress. It's hard to decide on new colors and I want to do something different for a window
treatment. I have an idea for it, but I haven't gotten the "go-ahead" from hubby. He's not really fond of losing
the space my idea will take. It's just a bit of wall space, but it's space he's used to having a hook to hang his
robe on. So I'll see what happens with that. I'll let you know what the project is if I get to do it. I
usually get my own way when it comes to decorating, though, so it's a "probably" more than a maybe. Anyways, it's
going to be a short update tonight.
May 16, 2011   Like seeing what you're doing?
Enough watts to see to cost $50 per bulb. Yeah.
The Feds are making it mandatory, too. Thanks, obamination! Just what we need.
May 16, 2011   Gingri[n]ch not making any friends amongst True Conservatives.
He's so desparate to get into the Red House,
he'll do anything almost anything he can to get there:
even alienate what used to be his friends. Well, desparate is as desparate does and I think Gingri[n]ch will make even worse flubs
in the future. I give him another three months before he burns himself out totally. All hope gone, he will then
make up an excuse to retire from the race and probably from public life for a few months again. That's my prediction.
What's yours?
May 16, 2011   "President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security endangered the lives
of federal officers by waiting months to alert them of a notoriously violent Salvadoran gang’s
plots to murder Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and their families." -- And that's just the first
line in this story! Isn't it so nice of the obamination administration is willing to put the ICE agents and their
families in danger: including their children? That tells you who (or is it "what"?) he is as clearly as
anything; better than his words because he lies every time his lips are moving. Probably even in his own head when
his lips aren't moving, he's lying then, too!
May 16, 2011   TSA body scanners unsafe according to independent study.
According to the obamination administration, "The TSA says the results have all confirmed that the scanners don't
pose a significant risk to public health." The story states,
"But the letter to the White House science adviser, signed by five professors
at University of California, San Francisco, and one at Arizona State University, points
out several flaws in the tests. Studies published in scientific journals in the last few
months have also cast doubt on the radiation dose and the machines' ability to find explosives."
May 16, 2011   Trump is out.Huckabee's out.
Sounds to me as if the field is already thinning itself out. Now that the riffraff is falling, when do the good
folks enter? Michele Bachman, Allen West, Sarah Palin? Where are you?
May 16, 2011   Your taxpayer dollars wasted by obamination again.
Chicago, Valerie Jarrett: obafriends get your money while you struggle to pay the bills. Think it's right? If not,
fight back. Be sure to work for the opposition candidate of your choice!
May 16, 2011   I don't think that a feeling should be regulated or illegal. The two perps
in this story
should be charged for the wrong they did, not for what they felt during their illegal actions, not their
feelings. The two animals beat their victim into convulsions and should be in prison for the rest of their lives
for their actions. For their feelings there should be no additional charges, no added time, no punishment. Otherwise,
if two such animals are pounding the snot out of someone and they're feeling "happy" about it, and no negative feelings,
then is their punishment going to be lighter because they were happy while doing the beatdown? If it's
good to punish for one feeling, then why is it not okay to "punish" perps for other feelings?
May 14, 2011: 10:34 p.m.   Indiana Supreme Court goes anti-Constitution.
They decided -- unconstitutionally -- that a resident can't resist unlawful entry by police.
Resisting an illegal/unlawful act is obeying the law. Resisting unlawful entry is something
the Magna Carta of 1215 supported and is the natural
right of man. Just because someone wears a badge that does not give them carte blanche to do as they wish to whomever, whenever,
wherever. If a badge gives people carte blanche, then there is no such thing as police brutality, or anything else we can
hold law enforcement responsible for. We have no recourse to wrongdoing from those who are supposed to enforce the law.
Shall we stand for that? I think not. This should be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court and it should be overturned in
a heartbeat.
May 14, 2011   Red House briefer turns
lights out: party's over for television
cameras. He's tired? Or is he just trying to create a news blackout of the things obamination does not want to get out? Just
May 14, 2011   Texas House: no more TSA feel-ups!
Good for Texas! I like that! Do the job without perversions. Do the job by asking questions, paying attention to people
who are nervous, evasive, sweating. Do it the way Israel does and we'll be safer than the constant feel-ups the TSA currently
May 14, 2011   Ethanol subsidies may be ending.
There's a bipartisan bill in the Senate that may do just that. Excellent! Let's support that. It will lower
food prices and encourage farmers to grow people food, not grow for motor cars!
May 14, 2011   Kansas lawmakers sadden Dems. (Wrongies) by
limiting abortion via private insurance providers.
It's not a perfect law because it allows people to buy a separate "abortion insurance policy" (say what?), but it's a step in
the right direction. Now all they have to do is consider the child when that "abortion insurance policy" is considered. It's
wrong. The child can't buy insurance against abortion, so why should the mother be able to buy insurance
to pay for abortion? Not fair to the child, as always.
May 14, 2011   Again being an obafriend has its advantages.
$1 MILLION worth of advantages!
But, that is obamination: friends get rich and get bailouts, laws written in their favor, etc., while we --
the folks who truly support the American government via paying our taxes without lying to get out of it, without
taking what others earn, without expecting the government to do for us -- get the screws put to us to give the government
more and more and more. Then they tell us we're unfair, we're not doing enough, we're racists, we're uncaring. Truth is,
we do more for America than any obamination effort, than anything his commie buddies have done and than
anything he believes in doing for America. He hates America or we wouldn't be in the economic metldown we are
currently experiencing. It's his doing: he and his cohorts reid and pelosipig and all the Wrongies who voted for
their evil plans. Meanwhile in the "Politics as Usual" state, Illinois Dems. (Wrongies)
use tricky tactics to pass budget "bill".
Chicago politics: crooked is as crooked does.
May 14, 2011   Recently, I chose to not comment on an article when I had a strong opinion on its accuracy.
It had to do with "science" and what a study showed. I couldn't prove what my beliefs were, however, so I chose to not
comment. Now, I have someone in academia who is agreeing with me:
An economist agrees with me regarding the "science" that is out there and the fact that not all
"science" is "science". Remember: just because it's so called "science" that doesn't mean it's accurate or true.
Remember the infamous hockey stick graph?
Yeah. That was "science". It was "science" with an agenda, yes, but it was "science". At least a "scientist" created
it (notice I said "created", not "observed") and that is not necessarily "science". Just because someone has a Ph.D., Masters Degree,
etc., does that make them less capable of lying, of having an agenda, or wanting fame and wealth? No. It makes them human and it
makes them educated by experts in how to tell their "truths". I take just about every academic report with a grain
of salt. If it's not something that my soul can confirm, that rings true to me, that I have peace about, I ignore it, doubt it,
watch for it to be debunked by others in a few years.
May 14, 2011   Presbyterian and Episcopalean leaders approve homosexual priests.
That's not just wrong, it's unbiblical and it's something that Christians should not abide. Vote with your feet and leave those
two religions. When a faith group becomes a PC group, it no longer is about faith in GOD, it is about pleasing and serving
man. "No man can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13) and these two denominations are trying to do just that. But in
trying to serve man, they stop serving GOD Almighty. That's their choice. You now have a choice, too. Support it by staying,
or stand against it by leaving. Oh, and
Methodists may wish to stop supporting terrorism, and leave their denomination, too.
May 14 2011   Another day, another Muslim attack on Christians.
Where is the outrage of the Muslim community? Why do they condone via inaction this sort of thing? Where is the leadership
of those "Moderate Muslims", the "Non-violent Muslims" who just want to live their lives in peace and freedom? Where
are those Muslims who will stand against this? I see no one in the Muslim community speaking out against it. No one
from the Muslim community holds a press conference, or even speaks to a journalist and says it's wrong for these attacks to be
happening. Why? Could it be because it's taught in Islam that if you don't wage actual war against the infidels that you
wage a war of changing their culture from the inside out?
You promote "cultural jihad" by converting as many people as possible to Islam. You win without the war. Is that why
all American Muslims -- American born, or immigrants -- are silent concerning the attacks on Christians worldwide?
Read the excerpt from the book, "The Blood of Lambs"
and know that it's already started: what I call the "Inside War on America."
May 14, 2011   Ahhh... public schools.
Places where teachers care about themselves, work hard to educate your child on communist issues and to brainwash children in how to
be a Marxist, sexually permissive, anything goes as long as unions are in charge kinda' person. Public schools. Don't you
love it?
May 14, 2011   To end today's posts (for now at least) with a positive note:
Huckabee opts out of run for Prez.
Excellent! I never thought him to be the right man for the job anyways.
May 13, 2011: 1:28 a.m.   Dinner and a movie with my friend again. Tonight: "African Cats" to which I say, "African
Cats: RoarSnore." My friend and I both thought it was going to be something totally different and
we were both disappointed that the
story we both got out of the commercial was not the story shown on the screen. It was beautifully shot, but it was
like watching a National Geographic show on the big screen. It was also something I resented being shown on the big
screen when it wasn't what I thought was being advertised, storyline-wise. If it were the story my friend and I both
expected, it would have been a good show. As it was, they had a few nice shots, but the absolutely best part of the
show was the credits at the end! That's pretty bad to say, but it's the absolute truth. Good point: At least the movie had no bad
language in it. And, my friend's company is always good.
May 13, 2011   MSM practically owned by George Soros.
No surprise there. They've done his bidding for so long they wouldn't know how to not do his bidding.
May 13, 2011   When I study this pic
you know what I see? I see that not only is obamination the smallest male in the room, but that he's the only
person whose body language says he is really "into" what he is seeing. Clintoon has her hand over her mouth: she's
appalled or shocked, at the very least dismayed. The military guy is on the computer; Biden has a very relaxed posture
and it looks like he's not too bothered by it (the military does this sort of thing). Others have their arms crossed
over their chests, closing off some of the things they are seeing, protecting themselves from it. Some are frowning,
not liking what they are seeing, others are grimmacing. obamination? He's leaning into it, forward on the little
bitty chair, arms out in front of him (not crossed protectively across his chest), eyes focused on the action,
taking it all in. No one else who can see without peeking around someone else is leaning into it, not even the
military man. He's watching it: death and destruction. And he's comfortable in it. Kinda' creepy.
May 13, 2011   Want another definition of
a really bad idea? Of course, it's something obamination
will consider. What I say is they can visit when (if) the "detainees" are released back into their own sandy huts.
If they wanted to spend time with family and friends -- if family were so very, very important to them -- they
shouldn't have been enemy combatants! They had a time when they had that choice to make. They chose where
they would be spending ten years or more! It wasn't our choice to be attacked on 9/11 but we darn well will
protect ours when we need to! If those creeps had chosen their paths differently, they would not be spending this time
away from their families! It was their choices that put them in Guatanimo, no one elses.
May 13, 2011   If I had seen this in another place besides the Drudge Report,
I would have thought this was a lie. He should
not be released. His 28,000 victims were not released. They were tortured, experimented on, used for this man's
heinous wickedness. Now he's getting released because "he's old" when he prevented his victims from getting
old! Absurd to release such a beast!
May 13, 2011   House GOP moves to cut funding to TSA body scanners!
If this actually happens, maybe it will force the TSA to
train their people to actually pay attention to signs of nervousness, vague answers to questions, etc. (as they
do in Israel) and it will actually keep us safer instead of giving these TSA employees the easy out on everything.
That includes "frisking" babies' diapers!
"The GOP move wouldn‘t affect the 500 or so machines already in place at 78
of the nation’s airports or the 500 just funded in a recent spending bill."
So the House GOP is doing basically nothing to undo the damage done, just slowing down some of the damage yet to come?
Get a spine, GOP! GET A SPINE! (On a side note: Beck's site needs to have better readers and headline writers. I totally
disagree with the headline on this story and several prior to this.)
May 13, 2011   I say "NO!" to Ron Paul, too.
I don't think he'd be the right person for our country. I just don't like his policies. (Paid political advertisement.
Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. Independent of any campaign, committee,
candidate or anyone or anything else. It's called free speech, folks, and it's protected by the First Amendment.)
May 13, 2011   SEIU: dirty tricks S.O.P.
Another in the continuing drama of "As long as I get mine, who cares about doing the right thing?" from the Wrongies
of obaminations friends. Must be nice to have no morals whatsoever, to consider your rise to power as the greatest good.
After all, as long as you consider your being in a position of power as the "greatest" good, you are justified to use
whatever means available, possible, and expedient. Nothing wrong as long as you say it's right. Wrongies -- Dems., progressives,
liberals, liars all -- work that way all the time.
May 12, 2011: 4:13 a.m.   RomNAY would undo obacare, but be bad for the nation.
I just don't trust him. I don't think he's conservative enough. I'm voting NO on RomNAY. (Paid political advertisement.
Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927. Independent of any campaign, committee,
candidate or anyone or anything else. It's called free speech, folks, and it's protected by the First Amendment.)
May 12, 2011   Americans reclaim their flag!
Flag burner stopped by people chanting "U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" He has the First Amendment right to do it, but
that doesn't mean people have to stand silently by and allow it, nor must they support it. They didn't get
violent, didn't touch anyone, throw things, just chanted and yelled. They did it right. Good for them!
May 12, 2011   States have the right to make their own laws. The U.S. Constitution says they do.
To have a president who is trying to deny it, and a House and Senate who won't enforce it, is a travesty. Especially
when the federal government tries to sue the states to prevent the stopping of "sanctuary cities".
Whatever the cause, the federal government's attitude is unpardonable, irresponsible and wrong. The Majority Whip is wrong,
No Republicans should vote for debt increase: PERIOD!
They shouldn't worry about the "without spending cuts part". They should do the spending cuts and push it through,
then refuse to vote to raise the debt ceiling. That's the right way to do it.
May 12, 2011   Trying to make obamination look good,
the AP as much as lies in their poll results.
They are not an honorable organization when they do lie to the public. No one should ever believe their
polls ever again.
May 12, 2011   After obamination uses people,
he tosses them and their futures aside.
He promised good things to those who would vote for him. He is tossing aside everyone but his rich friends. Don't you
love how much of a man of honor he is? (Yes. That's definitely sarcasm. obamination has no more honor that space has oxygen.)
"Under the President's budget, debt held by the public would grow from $10.4 trillion
(69 percent of GDP) at the end of 2011 to $20.8 trillion (87 percent of GDP) at the end of 2021,
about $2.8 trillion more than the amount under CBO's baseline projections. Outlays for net interest
would nearly quadruple between 2012 and 2021 in nominal dollars (without an adjustment for inflation);
they would swell from 1.7 percent of GDP in 2012 to 3.9 percent in 2021."
Yep. He's trying to bankrupt America. Problem is, he knows that he's doing it and insists on doing it anyways.
Don't you love a traitor?
May 12, 2011   Are you financially satisfied with where you are? Have you ever dreamed of winning the
lottery, or inventing a product that would sell millions, billions? Or of becoming famous via singing, writing, acting,
or whatever honest endeavor? If you've ever dreamed of getting ahead and you still support the Dems. (Wrongies), then
you must look forward to higher taxes if you make it big and they get their way.
They've got theirs. Why do they want to take yours away? Why do they want to keep you down?
May 12, 2011   obamination administration side-steps Constitution to grab more power.
So, let's see a raise of hands: who is surprised? Yes? Yes? I see no hands. So, I guess that means no one is surprised. They
ignore the law as often as it suits them, then sue those who are trying to obey the U.S. Constitution by enacting their own laws
when the administration refuses to enforce the laws already on the books. The obamination adminstration is as beggarly as
they come when it comes to obeying the law and doing what is right.
May 12, 2011   Again obamination
uses people to get re-elected: Muslims this time.
That is, after killing bin Laden. Well, someday they'll wake up to who this user really is. If miracles still
happen, that is. In the meantime,
Saudi Muslim women are risking their lives to try to gain some freedom.
Saudi women have more courage in a lock of their hair than obamination does in his whole body. Unions still
endorse obamination after stimulus package,
but they'll soon enough regret it if his record stands. If they're not rich, powerful and able to help him, obamination
turns his back on them as soon as his position is secure again. He's as unreliable and as traitorous as he is stupid.
May 12, 2011   Your taxpayer dollars at work: funding a dog killer!
Yes, and you, too can get taxpayer dollars if you say you're an "artist", too! It's wrong to fund artwork with taxpayer
dollars, but it's even worse to fund idiots like this!
May 12, 2011   I thought I liked Texas
then they started down the road to invading the privacy of children, and interfering with their freedom, and interfering with
the right of the parent to discipline their child, to decide what their child eats and to decide what they think
is best to do for that child. The State of Texas has no right to monitor what a child in public school eats.
May 11, 2011: 3:54 a.m.   Sorry folks. Had to do one more. I received this e-mail
from the obamination campaign today. I want you to read the lies he tells his people. If he were out to "fix America's broken
immigration system." and he cared about us and our safety, why do we have stories like
thisand thisand this about
how obaminatoin is "fixing" the system? If he has ever told the truth about anything I'd be shocked
to find that out. Barack Hussein Obama would not know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue
and grabbed his crotch all at the same time!
May 11, 2011: 12:29 a.m.   Sinus headache today that kept me in bed, trying to sleep my headache away.
I hate taking medications of any sort, even over the counter, so I tried to get rid of it the easy way. Too bad
it didn't work and hubby went to the store and got some sinus decongestant and I felt better about forty minutes
later. Still, sinus headaches are no fun.
May 11, 2011   I want to opt out but they say I can't. Whatever
happened to my right to privacy? Shouldn't I be able to opt out of the powers that be having my cell phone number
without having to get a search warrant and get it from the phone company? Should I not maintain my civil rights
even in an emergency? Do I have no other options for getting info: battery operated radios, surfing the web via
cell phone, etc.? Does the administration have to have my cell phone number for me to know what is going on? And,
how badly can this be abused: will I be "accidentally" getting re-election messages, "call your representative and support
this bill", messages, etc.? No? You want to lay money on that?
Then there's the whole thing that if you don't have a
cell phone you can't get those messages so the government will be required to pay for those who "can't afford" a cell
phone. That's taxpayer dollars paying
for more cell phones
(government program link if you don't think it's happening).
Sweet. More money out of the pockets of the hard working people of America and into the government programs to be
redistributed. Pay close attention to the government page's description of where the money comes from: your cell phone
provider pays into the program, then adds it back to your bill. Don't you love that?
May 11, 2011   Hmmmm... Let's see.
Two obamination appointees and a Clintoon appointee to hear obacare case?
Sounds like it's going to be a fair hearing to me. Yep. I bet you a buck-and-a-half it's going to be a fair hearing.
We need more of those types of hearing. (Yes, that's sarcasm.)
May 11, 2011   Why not make it a really liberal state and start it in Mexico?
Then they wouldn't have to worry about illegal aliens! They'd have all kinds of benefits: drug cartels blackmailing
them for protection, they could do socialized medicine all they want, and we could export all the rest of the
liberals/Wrongies down to their wonderful, blissful, perfect state of rainbow existence. Sigh. Wouldn't it be
wonderful to be rid of them? Do us all a favor, AZ libs, go for it!
May 11, 2011   Texas House takes its time, but it's passed and onto the TX Senate.
Sanctuary cities in Texas on limited time.
Good. It will save Texas a lot of money and heartache. It will also save U.S. taxpayers a lot of money.
May 11, 2011   U.S./Mexican border crime underreported.
Shock. Surprise. It gives them reason to say that illegals are harmless little angels that should not be sent back to where
they came from. Of course they shouldn't. They should be welcomed with open arms even though they break our laws by
being here. Don't you think? (Again: sarcasm.)
They are a determined lot, though, aren't they?
"Turkey, Ham, Cornbread Stuffing, Oyster Stuffing, Greens, Sweet Potatoes,
Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Macaroni and Cheese, Dinner Rolls, Apple Pie,
Pumpkin Pie, Sweet Potato Pie, Banana Cream Pie, Cherry Pie, Huckleberry Pie"
And your taxpayer dollars are paying for the program and for the obamination's Thanksgiving meal (above). Don't
you just love paying for all their extravagance? If ms obamination cared so much for the "healthy eating" she is
supposedly pushing, why is she eating as though there's no tomorrow? Good grief. That's a huge meal. If they
didn't eat every ounce of that, it's also wasting; taxpayer dollars wasting, too. Then she wastes taxpayer dollars
inviting gangsta rappers to the Red House for dinner on your dime!
So he wants to kill cops and "burn" President Bush (which one he doesnt say) and your taxpayer dollars are going
to feed him. Happy?
May 11, 2011   Gingrich's daughter sets record straight on divorce story.
It doesn't matter to me. If his wife -- sorry, wives -- can't trust him, why should I? I don't trust Gingrich
with this country. I don't trust him to do the right thing. If he can lie to his wives with whom he shares a bed,
and he can deceive them and have affairs on them, what can he do to me, a total stranger whose money he is taking? I
refuse to vote for Gingrich for anything: including dog catcher. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and
approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John FL 32927. Independent of any campaign, committee,
or candidate.)
May 11, 2011   U.S. Supreme Court: okay to say something against religion.
This may surprise you, but I agree with them: It's okay to say something against religion. Where I draw the line is in
someone taking the matter beyond words and illegally taking action against anyone, any building, any organization
that is religious in nature. You can speak out against anyone/anything all you want. You start trying to hurt people,
destroy things, or encourage others to do so, and that's where the line is drawn. Speak all you want. Act and go to jail.
If Osama bin Laden had just spoken out against "infidels", then I'd have no problem with what he was doing. To actually
kill people because they disagree with you, aren't your religion or worship in a different way, that's wrong and that's
why Osama bin Laden had to pay for his crimes against humanity.
May 11, 2011   obamination is mocking now
but when he loses the 2012 election to a True Conservative (Allen West/Sarah Palin?) ticket, he'll be so sad and angry because
his plan to cheat his way back into office didn't work.
May 11, 2011: 3:26 a.m.   Enough for now. Maybe more later today. Good night/morning!
May 8, 2011: 11:25 p.m.   I hope every Mom out there has been having a wonderful day. I hope my Mom enjoyed
her Wii® Balance Board and game. I bought her the Wii for Christmas and she bowls on it almost daily. It's so
cute to see how gadget-addicted she is now. She is in her seventies and she has a cell phone, a Nintendo DS, a 20GB
MP3 player, at least three digital cameras, one digital video camera (or is it two?), a laptop, a desktop and a few
other electronic gadgets that she is totally addicted to! I remember about twelve years ago when I took her my old
computer and set it up for her on her kitchen table. I brought up Microsoft Paint and sat her down in front of the
computer and showed her how to do the mouse and said, "Just play with it. Make yourself familiar with the mouse."
She had never used a computer before. Nowadays, she surfs the web, e-mails and uses her computer for her work
(yes, she still works) and if there's a digital gadget out there, she wants it (except an e-Reader because she
can't sit down long enough to read). She's totally into tech: at seventy-three! Amazing. She's so cute! She
sometimes can't remember how to do something on her latest gadget and calls me and I remind her (she's not into
reading instructions: for that matter, nor am I), but she can figure things out pretty well now. She's getting
used to how things work in gadget land. I used to wonder from where I got my gadget bug and why I am so adept
at electronics (back when VCRs were the thing, I could program them and set the timers on most without using an
instruction manual --- oooooohhh!). Now, I know that I got it from my Mom. I just had to introduce her to them before
I could see that she's got the bug and I probably got it from her! So, Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I hope you didn't wear
yourself out on your new Wii® Balance Board. It is fun, isn't it? I Love you and I'm so glad GOD gave me you!
May 6, 2011: 3:30 p.m.   His egotism won't let him not grab the spotlight for this.
All his "I", "me", "my"
and his swelled head take center stage as usual. We don't have a leader, a president: we have an "Ego". Although,
his numbers aren't really up. Most of the polls gave him just
a one point bump.
May 6, 2011   What's going to happen, FL?
Will we be open for business, or continue to close down? We're hurting now, so we should do something to get the jobs
coming back in. I think it's time to figure out what we want, life or death and go from there. I hope our legislature
makes the right call.
May 6, 2011   bin Laden planning on
10th anniversary U.S. train derailment. I bet
they find more than that. Just remember, folks, he's dead, but all his minions are not. They will carry out
whatever they choose to do in order to get their martyrdom and their 72 hills with 72 mansions on each
hill, 72 bedrooms in each mansion with 72 beds in each bedroom and 72 virgins on each bed. That's what they're
hoping for. With no Viagra (No one says there will be medicine in heaven). I think they forget a few things:
there will be no marriage in heaven, and they didn't marry those virgins
here on earth, so I think they have a problem. After all, the Quran/Koran teaches that
sex outside of marriage is sin. How are they going
to benefit from martyrdom if they're not married to all those virgins and their religion forbids them from doing anything
with them without marriage? Can they commit sin in heaven? Would their god allow that? If so, can it really be heaven?
It's something to think about.
May 6, 2011   I agree with Tim Pawlenty on this one.
I think the obamination administration is overstepping their boundaries in a lot of ways! The one mentioned here is just one example.
May 6, 2011   Thanks to obamination,
buying gas eats 9% of our household budget in America.
Ouch. That's a big chunk. I know I've cut back on my going hither, thither and yon. I also know I hate putting
gas in my vehicle because I hate paying that much. If they took the taxes off the gas, the price would come down
29 cents per gallon in Brevard County.
So that would take it back down to just under $3.80 per gallon, or so. What are the governments thinking when they
tack on that much tax per gallon? None of us buy only one gallon for anything besides yard equipment, and lawn care companies
buy a lot more than one gallon for that. If the government wants to do us all a favor, they can cut the gas taxes for six
months and let us buy gas tax-free and see what that does to the economy. That would be a great thing.
May 6, 2011   House passes offshore drilling bill
and that's a good thing. Now all we need to do is to allow the U.S. companies to "Drill Here, Drill Now!" and to
process it here and now and to distribute it here and now and we'll be living off of our own natural resources instead
of buying it out of country and paying for the shipping and adding that cost to our gas prices. Let's get this done, folks!
May 6, 2011   The threats of vengeance have been going since bin Laden's death.
I think that's a given, totally expected. But I wonder if they realize that anyone who does attack us as payback will
only bring on more grief to their own religion. It's not something they really want to consider in a realistic fashion.
Most Islamic countries don't have modern weaponry and the ability to do the things we can. Pakistan is a nuclear weapons
country; they have the ability to use them. Do they have the ability to strike us? I don't know. But if they aren't willing
to use that, the Saudis and Egypt are about the only Islamic countries with a real air force, and I don't think they'd be
willing to engage ours en masse. If they're wanting to do terrorist attacks again, then they are terrorists and deserve
what they get in return. Simple as that. We won't live in fear. We won't kowtow to those who wish to make us do so. We
will live here, in our own country, free and free from fear. And we'll kick the snot out of anyone who tries to make us
do otherwise. (A little aside here: Are the women wearing those complete coverings smiling underneath? Never can tell. One
less male to beat them and whip them if they do something "wrong".)
May 6, 2011   Sen. Graham and DeMint vow to block appointees.
Good for them. I hope they stick with it and have all the other Republican Senators -- and even a Dem. or two -- join them.
It's time for them to start standing up and saying, "No!" to this Marxist administration.
May 6, 2011   If your children are in a public school or college,
this is the kind of crud they're being indoctrinated into.
Don't you love knowing that the country you grew up in is now turning your children against the country you
grew up in? Remember this about Marxism/Communism/Fascism/Socialism: It also turns the children against the parents
because you are the one earning the money and supporting yourself and the country and that's called capitalism and
that's a very bad thing. They are being taught to hate you if you own your own business or work for a corporation.
So, now what do you think of their education? Aren't you glad you're paying tax dollars to get that benefit from
the government?
May 6, 2011   Despite Pakistani warnings -- a sovereign nation and supposed ally of America's --
obamination orders more strikes in Pakistan.
Osama bin Laden is dead, but he's still going after people in Pakistan. Al Qaeda must be in the area, or obamination
is finding it an easy target to try to make himself look like a "strong war president". He's doing everything he can to
earn the "Defense" badge on the presidential sash that he knows he's lacking. Too bad so very few people are buying it.
Most of us know it's a farce and he's doing this strictly to be re-elected.
May 5, 2011: 7:18 p.m.   I realized yesterday that I had not as yet answered
"Difficult Question #6"
so I have now done so. Let me think for a little while on what question seven should be.
Any suggestions?
May 5, 2011: 3:00 p.m.   Removed popcorn from the bathroom ceiling yesterday and my arm was tired and
sore, so I didn't get updates done. Boy, that's a messy job! I did it by spraying it with water first, then scraping
it with a metal scraper. It was easy to get it off, but I had to vacuum a lot of damp popcorn afterward. Yuck.
But it's down and now I have a plan to do something different and unique to the bathroom ceiling. I do like to be
creative. I have French doors between my living room and family room and I painted them, stamped them with
embossing ink, and put embossing powder on them, removed the excess and used the heat gun on the stamps. So,
I have embossed French doors with hearts on one side and leaves and flowers on the other. If you wish to do
this, I suggest putting your doors on saw horses that are raised up higher than they'd normally be. Otherwise,
as you work on your stamping, powdering, embossing, your back is going to protest loudly. Mine did, but it was
worth it. Of course, I did the doors about ten years ago, so who knows what is to come after my bathroom ceiling?
Oh, that's right: my master bedroom is next. Fun still on the way!
May 5, 2011   Want to be taxed for mille borne?
(That's French [doors got me going] for "Miles Travelled".) Apparently after the CBO suggested a plan to do so,
the obamination administration salivated and put something together -- supposedly not run by his advisors, etc. as yet --
to do so. I think obamination has not yet met a tax on the regular American people that he doesn't like. Tax him
or his buds? No way! The rest of us in "Tax-Over Country"? Oh, yeah. Remember, it's all your money,
"The new office would be funded a total of $300 million through fiscal 2017 for the project."
Disowned after discovery,
this plan will probably see "Executive Order" status if he gets re-elected.
May 5, 2011   Eric Holder needs to be arrested,
tried, and jailed for many, many years for doing the things he's doing. His department is responsible for innocent American
lives lost via his administration of this program.
May 5, 2011   Green jobs: 12.99% employment success at graduation = $10.5 Million per job.
That's your taxpayer dollars, folks. For every person who successfully got a job after graduation from obamination's
"green jobs" training program, that training cost -- per employeed "green jobs" person -- over ten million dollars.
Don't you just love obamination's spending of your money? Don't you love his sense of proportion? He sees those of us
who work, who pay our taxes and who try to do what is right as a source for his profligacy. Isn't that just what we
want as a two term president? Yes, I can see it now. The ballots are counted and no matter who cheated for him,
no matter how much they cheated, he still loses because all those fraudulent votes can't counter how much he has
disenfranchised himself from the American public who has at least half a brain. That will be a glorious day.
May 5, 2011   It's starting now, it will finish....?
It will finish when
obamination creates another 9/11 attack with his actions.
I think it's going to put our counter-terrorism agencies to the test, folks. It will take every ounce of strength, every
moment of attention, every effort, every daily inspection, every routine becoming a moment to save the innocent people
of this country from another attack. That's what our officers now have coming to them. It's going to be a bumpy ride,
May 5, 2011   Wrongie radio host asks when GWB will be killed by Navy Seals.
Don't you love the moral equivalency of this guy? GWB is equal to OBL because...? OBL killed innocent people all the time, including
people [and children] in his own country/area. OBL killed children on 9/11 who had nothing to do with his gripes against our freedom.
OBL killed for the sake of killing. OBL enjoyed it. GWB reacted to an attack on his country. He reacted legally, morally and
forecfully. GWB did nothing wrong. OBL did everything wrong. But the Wrongies out there see a moral equivalence. Idiots all.
May 5, 2011   Hey, Sharpton, if obamination is so, so smart,
why does he need a teleprompter coach?
Can't he read? He was supposedly a stellar student (allegedly graduating "Cum Laude"; a 3.8 or higher average),
and was supposedly a great speechwriter back then. What happened to him, his "talent", his "giftedness"? If he were actually
all that, why is he now paying speechwriters to do the writing for him?:
"According to a 2010 payroll report, the White House employs seven speechwriters earning a combined $624,200."
Remember, Mr. Sharpton (and all taxpayers), that's your money he's paying those seven speechwriters with. Don't you
think it would save you some money if obamination used that 3.8 or above, "Cum Laude" ability to write his own speeches?
May 5, 2011   harry reid plays race card against FL Sen. Marco Rubio, "Remember who you are".
Is reid threatening Rubio, or just saying, "Play it Hispanic, boy. Remember your place."? Or, third option, saying,
"Remember, Rubio, Hispanics all vote alike. They can't think independently, can't have dissenting beliefs and ideals,
can't stand on their own without Dems.' help?" None of those options are acceptable. All of them are a slap in the face of
a respectable man, and reid should apologize immediately to Rubio and to the Hispanic community as a whole. How dare he think
that just because someone is Hispanic that they have to believe "X" and all support the same agenda? That's not true of any
race or nationality. People are individuals and besides religious beliefs, which tend to unify, they are just as likely to think
differently about issues as they are to think similarly. Also, is that why the Red House keeps trying to help illegal immigrants,
because we can't live without them and reid knows that?
After all, they spared 34,448 illegals from deportation,
so they must think all Hispanics are the same: think the same, want the same thing, vote the same. N'est ce pas?
May 5, 2011   Mind your own business, PC. You're a
philandering moron anyways, so why don't you swim --
to save energy
-- back to England and mind your own business? You're a busybody who has no right to talk as an authority
on anything besides how to live off of someone else's hard labor and taxes. You're such a hypocrite, just
like all the other Wrongies out there. So go ahead, swim back to England, and talk to your
"I wish I were a tampon"
lover about what you believe. We don't want to hear it.
May 5, 2011   obamination administration tries to shut down pro-life activists.
obamination hates babies so much he'll sue those who try to save babies' lives. If he hates babies -- innocent life --
so very, very much, what makes you think he values yours any more than theirs?
May 5, 2011   I have tried to not spend an inordinate amount of space on the bin Laden death thing because I don't
think it's nice to gloat, to celebrate it, to "partay" when someone dies. He was an evil man. He was wrong in what he did. The
people of the earth are safer without him around -- maybe, let's see what his second in command does and if he's worse -- but
that doesn't mean I did anything besides a sigh of relief when I heard it (and got online to confirm). I have my own opinions
on when, where, how he died, but that's another story. The thing that strikes me about all of this is (check out the pic)
how ghoulish it is to watch the action
and notice that it's all Wrongies doing so after criticizing Bush for starting the war, they actually watched an
execution! Sweet. Call a potato a prickly pear and then become a cactus yourself.
May 5, 2011   What I will say about the bin Laden event, however, is that if the story they're putting out there about what happened
were actually true, there wouldn't be so many versions of it. The truth may have minor details noticed by different people
witnessing the same event (someone who likes jewelry noticed the gold chain and ring a suspect wore, while others did not),
but the basic event is always the same. It doesn't have
12,000 different versions of what happened.
When the administration keeps putting out different versions of what happened, depending upon comments from pundits and talking heads,
they open themselves up to charges of "Liar, big, big liar" because the truth is the truth is the truth. There is no such thing as
12,000 different versions of the truth, but this administration keeps trying to prove that there are 12,000 versions and
thinks that we should believe all of them because they're all coming out of the administration in one way or another.
When will this administration wake up and realize that those who vote for them may be stupid but the rest of us are not?
May 5, 2011   I like Palin's "Use of Force" plans.
She is very good and if she runs for President, I will vote for her. Well, unless Rush Limbaugh runs, too. Then it's
a toss-up. Can you imagine a fantasy ticket of Limbaugh/Palin? Drool.
May 5, 2011   obamination's Ground Zero visit hits sour note.
He can't give them his opinion because he agrees with what the DoJ office is doing. He ordered it. He's not wanting to
find all those Muslims guilty of anything; he would rather find Americans guilty. He is, afer all, a Muslim.
May 3, 2011: 6:38 p.m.   Osama bin Laden is dead and obamination is taking credit for it. Is that
before or after golfing, that he decided to take action? Is that before or after the generals told him they had to
take the shot, it was their direct order form President Bush and they are still under those orders? Was it before
or after he was told it would help his re-election campaign? That's what I want to know. Did obamination actually decide to
do this, or was it a real man, a General in the U.S. Military of whichever branch who said, "Do it!"? Listen to the
Rush Limbaugh audio above and you'll get some good ideas as to why I think this way. I do not believe for a nanosecond
that obamination has the gonads to tell someone to "Kill him!" no matter who the "him" is. obamination is a coward,
a wimp, a nothing. The only reason he is in office is because George Soros had a bet with someone that he could
take a nobody, with no real qualifications, put this nobody into the system Soros designed and make the nobody president.
That is how obamination got into office: a bet and ACORN cheating, vote fraud, and voter intimidation. It's the system
Soros set up to put his puppet into office and if obamination -- this nobody -- actually gave the kill order, I'm
sixteen and a size two.
May 3, 2011   Buried at sea: respecting Quranic tradition? NOT!
But that's what obamination said he did: buried bin Laden at sea while observing "Quranic tradition". I don't think
so. The story quotes someone who would know and who agrees with my reading of the Quran. (NOTE: A video with sound
starts automatically on this link so be ready to pause it or watch it.)
May 3, 2011   Our Heroes -- the true heroes, our troops, the Seals who went in and took out Osama bin Laden --
told to "stay humble" after kill.
(Scroll to bottom of story.) They did what they were ordered to do by George W. Bush; a long-standing order is still an order.
That doesn't make it obamination's kill just because it took this long to find him, and with obamination's huge ego,
I'm wondering if he'll get the same orders, "Stay humble." Even if he did receive those orders, his ego would prevent him
from ever obeying them!
May 3, 2011   I bet we've all had enough bin Laden death stuff by now. I know I have. Nothing but bin
Laden for the last thirty-six hours and that's all I can take. I admit, I think that his death will cause just
as many problems as bring about supposed solutions. I know the nation is now on "High Alert" for terorist activity and
that the airports are cranking it up (more TSA patdowns, anyone?), and that the busses and trains around our nation
are considering how to ensure the safety of their passengers, as well as gathering places cranking up security. My
question is, How about doing the rational, most logical thing: Questioning Muslims? If they are at the airport,
Disney, a bus station, the Empire State Building, a baseball field, wherever and they look nervous, are sneaking
around, have a big backpack with them, etc., why not say, "Okay. That's wrong." and question them? It could save lives
to profile for the next few months at least. If we don't do so, we have no one to blame except those who refused to do
so if anyone is hurt. We knwo terrorist activity is coming, where it is coming from, what they look like, what they wear,
etc. Profile that and ask questions. If it makes us look bigotted, so be it. Looking bigotted is better than looking -- and
being -- dead! Don't believe me? Ask bin Laden!
May 3, 2011   Rick Santorum joins the Republican fray.
Trying for a Santorum presidency: I don't know how that will work out, but it will be an interesting trip.
"Reason-Rupe survey finds 74 percent of Americans support implementing
a spending cap that would prohibit the government from spending more money than it
takes in during a fiscal year. Only 19 percent oppose a government spending cap."
I bet I know which part of the "Reason-Rupe" poll opposed the spending cap! Okay, all joking aside, it's an interesting
read with plenty of interesting numbers. I think it should open some politicians' eyes, but it won't. Most
politicians are blind beyond their own egos.
May 3, 2011   obacare chooses bad drugs for your "health care".
Don't you just love obacare? It's all kinds of bad, horrible, wrong, illegal, unconstitutional,
higher taxes, more government, more regulations, death-recommending, longer wait times, slower payments,
less health care, and more! We can't wait to see it fully implemented so that our elderly will be told to
"take a pill" (pain pill) and die:
May 3, 2011   Hey, Canada! Way to go!
Conservatives win, vow pro-business, tax-cutting agenda.
Good for them! Now I know where to find all the people who will run away from this country should obamination ACORN in another
term in office. (Although, honestly, how anyone -- ANYONE -- would want him in office for a second term,
I have no idea.) Watch Canada out-shine, out-grow, out-produce us for the next few years. I bet they even drill for their
own oil, lucky dogs.
May 3, 2011   Public school teachers discuss how to push students toward Marxism.
And you wonder why I'm so vehemently anti-public school? Get a grip, folks. These people are teaching your kids! They have
an agenda to change America into something else via teaching your children to hate the way our country was founded, to hate
the ideas our country was founded upon, and to take away individiual rights and turn them into group rights: Marxism. That's not
what you want, is it? If not, then up to you to stop it. Take your kids out of public schools, put them in Conservative (preferably
Christian) private schools or homeschool them yourselves using a Conservative Christian curriculum such as
those listed here.
May 3, 2011   Earthquakes in Maine?
Totally surprised by that. Didn't know Maine had a faultline.
May 3, 2011   When a
story makes Ms obamination look "snooty", it must be removed.
How dare anyone make Ms obamination look even close to bad? How dare they? Should they be horse whipped?
Or should they be celebrated? I say, leave the story alone and let the truth be told.
May 3, 2011   Gangbanger stupidly mistakes ASL for gang signs.
I've taken basic sign language classes. I don't think ASL (American Sign Language) looks like gang signs at all.
But, no one ever said gangbangers were intelligent. This story proves quite the opposite. I wish a speedy recovery to the
victims of the idiot perp.
May 3, 2011   Pro-union proffessor teaches how to put non-union businesses out of business.
Wait. Don't Wrongies always say that they all just want to get along? Can't union members leave the non-union businesses
alone so that we can all just get along? Nope. It's their way or the highway; power for them and them only. It's the
union way.
April 2011
April 30, 2011: 6:41 p.m.   Well, sorry about that. I didn't intend to take two days off. Went to dinner
and a movie
("Water For Elephants" -- Comments: not much bad language; violence;
animal cruelty; marital infidelity; sexual scene, but not nudity; pretty good acting; storyline better than expected;
spoiler: the bad man dies) on Thursday and had a good time as usual. My friend wore the crocheted cape I made for her and
said it kept her warm. That's a good thing. The theater was chilly, even for me. Then Friday I read and had no energy for
anything else. Not that updating my site takes that much physical energy, but mental energy it does. Sometimes it just
doesn't kick in. You know what I'm talking about! You've had those days, too. I recommend some Co Q 10 for it. That stuff
makes me go for thirty-six hours straight because my brain won't shut up. Too bad I didn't think about taking it yesterday!
April 30, 2011   I told you so.
obamination's birth certificate is being considered a fraud. Read that page then also consider that words mean things. In the
Wikipedia info on the word "negro", it states that the word
"negro" was used for "Race" designations until the late sixties: obamination supposedly was born Aug. 4, 1961.
Considering that Hawaii was under American influence since it became a U.S. Territory in 1898, had a military base
there (Pearl Harbor) and had many "mainlanders" there, and our termonology would have been used there, that means
that our words of common usage would have pervaded the Hawaii's usage. If anyone took note of the "Birth Place of
Father", it says, "Kenya, East Africa". Then note the "Race" designation of his father: "African". That's not a
"Race" it's a nationality.
Considering this, I thought it would be good to get a look at someone else's birth certificate
born at about that time and who had a parent from a foreign country to see if it was the same situation: "Nationality"
listed as "Race". On the "I told you so" link, you see the birth certificate of Edith Pauline Coats,
born in Hawaii, on the same island (thus having the same Dept. of Health and all that), the day after
obamination. Edith's mother's birthplace is listed as "Austria". Perfect for comparison with obamination's
birth certificate. So I checked Edith's mother's "Race" to see if it said "Austrian" as the precedent for
obamination's would have set. However, the "Race" listed for Edith's mother did not follow the standard set by
obamination's birth certificate of the previous day. Edith's mother's race was listed as "Caucasian", not "Austrian".
The standard set by obamination's certificate is that Edith's mother's race should have been listed as "Austrian".
The word "Negro" for "Race" was in wide and accepted use until the late sixties. To have a birth certificate that uses
a shortening of a modern usage term that was supposedly issued in the 1960s, is a big no-no when it comes to credibility.
I think the problem is something that was overlooked by the forgers; "negro" being so long ago and so seldom seen
nowadays that "African" (as in "African-American") was used instead of the generally accepted and widely used
term "Negro" for obamination's dad's race. There could be no hyphenation of his "Race" designation (African-American) because
he was not an "American"; just "African" -- still his nationality, not race. If the birth certificate had been issued
in the 1960s, the term in the "Race" box would have been "Negro" because words mean things and they have a distinct period
of usage and that period of usage is used by experts to help decide when a book was written, when a letter was
written, etc. If experts can use terminology to determine the historic authenticity of a document, then this document's
authenticity is in serious doubt.
April 30, 2011   In an interesting side note on that subject,
oba-Daddy was forced out of Harvard before he finished his Ph.D.
His "personal life" (i.e. getting a possibly underage white girl pregnant) was becoming a problem they didn't
want to deal with. Add to that the possibility of polygamy -- he was still married when he supposedly married Stanley Ann(e) Dunham --
and he's a mess Harvard didn't want. Instead of "Dreams From My Father" maybe his book should have been better titled,
"Sins From My Father"!
April 30, 2011   WI Gov., Scott Walker,
still under attack after doing the right thing.
Unions don't want to admit defeat, won't stop trying to demonize him, and won't take it like grown men and women.
That's another good reason to hate unions: crybabies all. Oh, maybe I should say
Communist crybabies and thugs.
Or would that be considered non-PC, too harsh? Too bad. Commie crybabies.
April 30, 2011   Pledging your money to illegal aliens again.
obamination just can't help himself, can he? If he could personally take the money right out of your wallet and give it to as many other
people as he deemed fit, he'd do so. Don't you just love socialists/commies?
April 30, 2011   Republican nit, Romney, digs himself into deep trouble.
Glad he did so. We don't need obamacare to be allowed to stand by a Republican nominee. Romney implemented his own "Romney-care" in MA
prior to obamination being elected and doing obamacare. Socialism comes in many faces: all of them hiding a lack of brains.
April 30, 2011   Hehehehe... Even his "supporters" are unhappy with obamination.
Protestors paid to get into the event, then used their time to protest their hero. Sweet to see that even they are
getting fed up with obamination, the wonderful, almighty, powerful, snooty, uppity, dismissive, conceited, obtuse. Then he does
another stupidity: obamination bans reporter for video of the truth.
Is anyone surprised he doesn't want people protesting his re-election -- especially people from "his side"? Yeah.
He really isn't that popular, folks.
April 30, 2011   He's a crook. He's a crook. He's a crook, crook, crook!
Yep. obamination is a crook. No doubt about it. Stealing the election via ACORN, vote fraud, voter intimidation; that was
just the start of it. Now we have to pay for it all.
"illegal for a security officer to intentionally touch someone's private areas --
even atop clothing -- unless they have probable cause"
I don't think that just the "private areas" constitute an invasion of my rights and privacy. A ticket to fly on
a certain flight does not constitute probably cause, so they have no right to touch me. IF they saw a gun shaped bulge under
my coat, etc., then they'd have probable cause. Otherwise, go away. I hope they do outlaw pat-downs. I hope Texas
succeeds. I'm sure more states would follow -- hopefully, FL first!
April 30, 2011   This is something we do NOT need.
How can the administration condone implementing Sharia in America? With Sharia, you have the intermingling of Church
and State in that regular law enforcement would be tasked with enforcing Sharia Laws -- laws based upon and exclusively
related to a religious practice, religious belief and a particular religion -- thus mingling Church/State. Supposedly,
Wrongies are anti-Church/State intermingling. No cop should have to arrest a woman for not wearing a head covering. Never
should it happen here. No cop should have to arrest a man for not beating his wife (yep.) No cop should ever
have to do the things that Sharia Law would have him do. obamination wishing to implement Sharia is another proof of his
not being a Christian.
April 27, 2011: 5:37 p.m.   I'm so tired of hearing about rich Wrongies spouting off that they want
to pay more taxes, they would like to do so, and would relish the chance. Yeah. Right. I don't believe that for a heartbeat.
So, I sent the following suggestion to Sen. Marco Rubio:
"Sen. Rubio,
"I just received your response to my previous e-mail. Thank you.
"I have a suggestion for how we can lower the national debt. I want you to introduce a bill --
with several sponsors, if possible and a matching bill in the House via Michele Bachman and
Allen West -- that would create a way for the rich leftie folks who are always saying they
want to have their taxes raised and they're not paying enough to be able via a PayPal account,
direct deposit, etc., to voluntarily donate as much money as they wish into a "Federal Deficit
Reduction Account" (or something similar) which would put their money directly into paying off
the national debt, the deficit, whichever (or if they're the same thing, then that one thing).
"According to this website
you'd be able to have multi-millions of dollars just waiting to go into the federal
coffers and you'd be able to rake it in, all via PayPal or whatever. Call the lefties
on their own words. Make them eat them for lunch without anything to wash it down. And
IF -- on the very off chance -- anyone actually does donate, be sure to publish a thank
you and the amount they gave. Make that part of the bill because then they'd get their
fair share of applause for doing their part and donating some of their riches.
"Can't you just imagine how many of them would actually partake of that opportunity?
"Do it. Then watch them squirm.
"God Bless you and keep you Conservative!"
I actually forgot something in the e-mail. I should have added that part of the bill could include that anyone who
wishes to can contract with the federal government that the feds can take a certain voluntary percentage out
of the volunteer's bank account at set intervals during the month/year as contracted between themselves and the
federal government. The states could follow suit and do a similar program for anyone within the state who wishes
to help the state decrease their numbers.
Now, if Rubio follows through and this thing gets passed, anyone who says that they want to pay more taxes could do so.
Anyone who says that the debt is too high and they wish they could help bring it down could do so. And if you like
the idea of calling the lefties (Wrongies) on their talk, talk, talk,
contact Sen. Marco Rubio and support my plan!
Now let's watch them squirm.
Note: I sent this suggestion to Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Allen West, Sen. Marco Rubio, and a link to Rep. Michele
Bachman (her e-mail page would not allow anyone outside of her district to contact her, so I used Twitter to contact her
and sent her a link). Maybe one of them will carry through? And sent a copy of this suggestion to my "Udates Contact List"
which has a few FL State Senators and Represntatives on it, in case they wish to do similar state legislation. Contact
them all and support the plan. Even you Wrongies may wish to support this one just to see how far your side will go in
walking their talk. Who knows? They may surprise me yet!
April 27, 2011: 2:17 p.m.   obamination's birth certificate is a fraud. Yes, I'm one of those.
Look at the differences in certificates. Then take
a look at the released long form birth certificate. I think that anyone who spent
over two million dollars to prevent people from getting a birth certificate released and then, voila, a birth certificate
is produced after all that money and all that time was spend, that it is way too suspicious. When did obamination like to
waste his own money? He fought it way too long with way too much money for anyone who is as narcissistic as he to
suddenly give in and say, "Okay. Here it is." Spending taxpayer dollars to defend against someone seeing his birth certificate
would result in two million being spent, but his own? No way. Not if it was a real certificate. I think he had to stall long
enough to find a good enough forger. Two million dollars is way too precious to him to allow him to spend it
without a good reason. I don't think it's real based upon his refusal and the amount spent. Compared to his money-grubbing
ways, his ego and his superior attitude, it just doesn't add up.
Add to that his lies in everything he has ever said and you get an "I don't believe it moment". His lies make me
doubt everything about his birth story.If he can't tell you the truth about the reason for the release,
then why trust the release at all? As Rush Limbaugh pointed out, obamination said he decided to release his
long form because it was dominating the news two weeks ago. Wrong. The top story in the news two weeks ago was the economy,
not his birth certificate. Yes, due to "The Combover", obamination's birth certificate was in the news two weeks ago, but
not dominating the news. What dominated the news was the damage obamination has done to our economy. If he can't tell us the
truth about the reason, why trust the result?
April 27, 2011   It's time to bring our troops home.
Bring them home from Libya, from Afghanistan and Iraq: from all around the world, bring them home. Let the world take
care of its own problems. Bring our troops home from Turkey, Germany, Bosnia, any and all foriegn bases, just get
them back to America. It will save money, save the lives of some of our troops, and reunite families. I'm so tired
of America being the guy everyone needs for help, but trashes all the time when they don't need our help. Bring 'em
April 27, 2011   Maxine Waters (D-CA) faces no consequences for wrong-doing?
Not a surprise, but she shouldn't get away with it. She has three ethics violations charges against her, but the House
has taken no action to even start a proceeding against her. Why?
April 27, 2011   Miss USA 2003 groped by TSA screener.
Let's just disband the TSA, put regular cops there who know the lengths to which they are allowed to go without a search warrant
and be done with it. There is no constitutional authority for the TSA's intrusion into our lives and everything they
do for screenings is an intrusion, an illegal search and without "due cause". Being human and wanting to fly on a flight
leaving from an American airport is not due cause. If it were, we would have been being searched since the inception of
public flights. Since it is not, then we have to change our screening processes. Do what Israel does: question each
passenger, listen to the answers, watch for signs of nervousness and pull aside for further questioning those who arouse suspicion.
If they still don't give good answers, search them, search their luggage, detain them. Just because you have a ticket to fly
is not good enough reason to search you. Cops know that. TSA employees apparently do not.
April 27, 2011   Does your child attend a charter school? Do you like the results of that attendance? Is
your child actually learning, becoming capable of things that you don't think he/she would have been capable of at the same
grade level in a public school? Do you like your child being at the charter school?
Unions are trying to get into charter schools
so all of that satisfaction may change. Talk to your charter school administration now. Find out if they are considering
unionization. Encourage them to not go that route. Then be prepared to pull your child if they do. Things will change at that
school, maybe gradually, but they will change. Find a charter school where you don't have to worry about that, or homeschool
your child.
April 27, 2011   This is wrong. Do not do things like this.
If you are anti-gay, be anti-gay without violence. I don't think GOD makes people gay because HE doesn't create sin and
HE is the one who said homosexuality is a sin (the Bible says in Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:24-27 it's wrong), but that doesn't
give anyone the right to harm homosexuals, to destroy their property, or to publicly humiliate them. If you can't condone it,
don't do things that would seem as though you are. However, that doesn't mean that you have the right to do harm. Pray for
homosexuals to be saved, love them but not their sin, and know that GOD is the judge and jury, and you don't have the right to do
them or their property harm. If they need to be sentenced, HE will do so, not us.
April 27, 2011   I tried to post a link
to this story yesterday,
but it sent my computer into an error loop and I had to hard crash my computer to get out of the site page, even after
turning off my internet connection. It's Allen West, and I love him. He's not going to be intimidated by those leftist
goonies and that's a good thing. So, watch the video, but be careful.
April 27, 2011   SC tryinig to control how high gas can go.
Will it work? I hope so. I have relatives who live in SC and I'm sure their wallets would love the relief. Will it be good for
the state, or will it have a negative impact (for instance, no gas companies willing to sell to gas stations there)? I don't know.
I just know that something's got to give and soon!
April 27, 2011   Great read and educational article on progressive (Wrongie) "public interest groups".
Shows how they intrude into our lives via promoting new laws that would control and limit our freedom and act on behalf of only
the people on "their side". "Our side" is vilified and we can try to do things on our own because they won't support us.
Remember, they do all this while fleecing America for taxpayer dollars. Don't you just love progressives (Wrongies)?
April 27, 2011   Unions losing power in MA, also. Good!
Meanwhile, in WI, Dems. (Wrongies) are using personal info from a recall petition signed by voters to recall Dem. State Sen.,
Dave Hansen. The Dems. are calling recall petition signers and -- using fake caller ID numbers -- questioning the signers
about why they signed the recall petition, trying to intimidate them into saying they did not sign the petition and recording
that statement to get the name removed from the petition. Dirty tactics from dirty folks. That's the Wrongies all the time.
"Democrat officials are claiming that the incorrect caller ID number was merely a
mistake made by a staffer that typed the wrong number into the caller system. But the Party
insists that it will continue the harassment regardless."
Shall I say it sarcastically, or shall you? Sweet.
April 27, 2011   Hey, Greenies!
I bet you love this!
Your lovely president-who-knows-all-and-is-perpetually-correct is taxing you
to pollute the earth. All the while he's saying
that he's doing a good thing. Yes. He's such an honest man. He loves nature. He wouldn't hurt a fly (well,
meybe a fly
[admittedly the most impressive thing he's ever done]), and he's doing all he can to make the earth a better, cleaner
place to live. Sigh... Isn't he just barfable?
April 26, 2011: 10:40 p.m.   obamination is an idiot.
He wants to raise taxes on oil companies within the U.S.A., but gave drilling rights to Chavez?
He's so pro-America! Quick question for you: how much longer will the school systems across America be able to use
busses to pick your children up for school and bring them home again?
At over $4.00 per gallon in some cities,
the school systems will have to stop providing transportation to your child. Unless, that is, you are going to pay
much higher school taxes for that privilege and service. Otherwise, will you be able to drive your child to school daily,
pick them up in time daily and not have to rework your routines? I think not. Schools busses, public transit busses,
ambulances, fire trucks, police vehicles are all going to be running around less because of the higher price of gas.
It's either that or raise your taxes an enormous amount to keep providing the services. Another way obamination has been
a detriment to the American people
and the American way of life. Don't you just love it?
April 26, 2011   Want an U.S. passport? Just answer these extremely personal questions,
and things about your childhood, your mother's employment from before you were born (if she's dead, how do you get that info?),
tell them whether you've been circumcised, etc., and you'll maybe get one. Maybe all this stems from the obamination's
passport, social security number and birth certificate problems. I think maybe the State Department is doing a "CYA" because
Clintoon is not willing to admit that they could not find things on her boss. It's quite telling to me.
April 26, 2011   Good article on "Time for the U.S. to Get Out of NATO".
I agree with that, but add the U.N. to the "get out of" list. The U.N. needs to be sent packing out of America
and into the hades from whence it came. Or to any other country that will put up with the "diplomatic immunity" crap,
the corruption, the hatred and the taxpayer dollars being spent to pamper these "diplomats" who are sometimes nothing
more than thugs wanting to escape their own countries!
April 26, 2011   Rationing health care? Where? Where? U.S.A.
Thanks, obamination. It's in his own admission and it's something we warned you was coming. Anyone who voted for that
clown, we have you to thank. Hmmm... That also means that we have you to thank for the high gas prices, the unions and
what's up with them, the JP Morgan bank thing coming up in May (Wrongies telling people not to pay their mortgages with Morgan
because they're trying to kill that bank), for the lack of respect America has worldwide, for America becoming involved
in the unrest in Libya, etc. Thanks, voters for such a farce as the world has never seen! We've got you to thank for it! Without
your vote, he couldn't have done all of this ridiculousness.
April 26, 2011   Want to be able to argue the legal problems that come with obacare?
the non-lawyer's guide is available to you
from the CATO Institute. Good stuff, Maynard.
April 26, 2011   Easter Sunday and
The New Black Panther Party preaches black hatred.
I think those kids should be taught by their parents, not by a hate group. WARNING: Language and HATE SPEECH. Why are they
not prosecuted for hate speech?
April 26, 2011   Al Jazeera is Al Qaeda related?
That's what Wikileaks paperwork seems to show. Hmmm... Sounds to me as if the obamination administration's love affair with
Al Jazeera brings up yet another question about obamination's loyalty to America.
April 26, 2011   I haven't had the privilege of watching the movie, "Atlas Shrugged", yet, but I shall.
After all, when life imitates art so closely,
it's a good thing to see the art. Who would have thought obamination could bring about this kind of reality so quickly?
I knew he was bad news, but he's not just bad news: he is a disaster. We should declare his person a disaster and rope him off
like a giant sinkhole and prevent any movement by him, and prevent anyone from getting too close. After all, everything he does
is bad for America. Why not isolate him?
April 27, 2011: 12:28 a.m.   Wednesday morning and I'm still here reading and being amazed at the state our country
is in thanks to Wrongies. They are such cowards and idiots that it's hard to imagine we -- the true Americans -- have allowed
them to go so far. The Tea Party was the starting point of taking our country back, but there's so much further to go.
We need to stand up to things like
Clear Channel allowing anti-Israel ads, but not pro-Israel ads.
We need to stand up to that, stand up FOR ISRAEL, pull all advertising from Clear Channel until they decide to play
fair and truly unbiased as they are supposed to be. Until then, don't give them a dime.
April 26, 2011   I couldn't put a link to the story of
the animals who beat the transgendered person at McDonald's: it was too horrific.
Those perpetrators are not female humans they are animals, just animals who have no rights because of what they did.
The two females should be in jail the rest of their lives because it is clear they have no soul, no feeling for
others, no sense of right and wrong and would be a danger to society for the rest of their lives. The McDonalds employees --
every employee who was there and did not intervene -- should be fired and criminally charged with aiding and abetting a
crime. Find the video (I can't post a link to it) and watch it if you wish. I do warn you: it is so very disturbing
watching these animals attack this person, leave the restaurant and come back to kick the victim in the head again
and again and again. It's so wrong. If those females are allowed into society ever again, they should have to be
on leashes!
April 26, 2011   This is wrong.
It's just wrong. He's a proud cop-killer. Why does the left keep supporting him?
April 26, 2011   obamination's "Health Care Enslavement Act of 2010" will not get Supreme Court fasttrack, but two more states are fighting it.
Bad news/good news thing. The Supreme Court has a problem, though. Kagan is beholden to obamination, and had previous rulings on the whole
obacare thing: always in favor of. She should recuse herself. Some are saying Thomas should recuse himself because his
wife was involved in the fight against. I say his wife is not sitting on the U.S.S.C. and there's nothing that
Thomas would do that would even begin to be wrong. He's a man of honor and would not do anything to jeopardize the sanctity
of the court. That's guaranteed.
April 26, 2011   Sordid past: obamination's history being uncovered slowly but surely.
I think everyone needs to refresh their memories on what this crooked creep is about: money and power and nothing will stop
him. Remember his ACORNed election? Remember the voter intimidation via the New Black Panther Party? Remember how many
uncounted votes were found across the nation? Yeah. He's a legally elected president: NOT. Why do we forget those things?
When will it MATTER to you? It if matters now, then do something about it. Go to the link above and sign the petition to
impeach obamination, then if he is still in the running in 2012, vote against him and for someone who is a person of honor
and integrity: Allen West, Michelle Bachman, or Sarah Palin will you run, please?
April 26, 2011   Why is the U.S. Justice Dept. secretly supporting illegal immigration?
They're spending your taxpayer dollars to do so. Why? Votes for obamination? Or is it to get them into the "bottom
up, top down, inside out" battle that the radical progressives of Alinsky's book, "Rules for Radicals" are going to
be stirring up in the next few months? I pray to GOD that I am wrong, but my hypothesis is this: They are getting
illegals into the country to help with the anarchy movement they wish to implement in the next few months. They
don't have a guarantee on the election since obamination isn't as popular as they thought he would be (neither is
progressive policy and practice, as they thought it would be), so they'll be trying to create enough havoc to prevent
an election in 2012 and obamination's term in office will, by default, be continued without election. This will allow them
to implement the dictatorial rules they have wanted all along, and to help try to create a one-world order with
them as the power players and the people who rule the world. That's their vision. They'll try anything, push through
anything, start as much trouble as need be in order to accomplish their dream. With obamination's popularity so weak,
they can't count on him being in power after the election, so they'll have to move their actions forward. They're in
panic mode and panicked animals always go into attack mode. Be prepared for orchestrated riots in the major cities.
Be prepared, but know that it is all planned, all created dissatisfaction. It is under their control, not a spontaneous
creation of the people. Most of them will be getting paid to participate, not someone who believes whatever they say
the cause of the riots are. They're not looking for a response from you; they're looking for a response from the local
governments, and for an opportunity for the federal government to step in and take control. You stay out of it unless the
bought-and-paid-for protestors come to your property and then you're allowed to protect it and yourself. Do not
react until then. Know that it's all put on and it's not the real Americans who are doing it. They are the minority,
not the majority. They are the few and far between, but organized. What was it that Bill Bender said during the PSJ
incorporation battle debate between the "PSJ4T" (PSJ For Taxes, I thought) and the PSJ Civic League? "Remember:
A flock of sheep led by a lion will defeat a flock of lions led by a sheep". I say it doesn't matter who those
lions are, nor who they think the sheep are. We are the American people and we don't want progressive Communist/Socialist/Marxist
policies and practices here in America, land of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and belief in
GOD and Jesus Christ built into our Founding Documents. Always remember: GOD IS IN CONTROL! What the progressives (Wrongies)
have planned won't stand when we are on our knees in prayer!
April 26, 2011   Not doing enough to support unions?
That's what one union says about the obamination administration. What? Has that union been asleep, drunk, on
drugs or just not paying attention because they're too busy counting the money the obamination administration
is giving unions to notice that they're getting bennies? What idiots!
April 26, 2011   $125 BILLION in improper payments of your taxpayer dollars
went to people who did not qualify for the programs giving them the money. Sweet. You have to be deaf, dumb, blind and stupid --
in other words, a Wrongie -- to support that kind of fraud. But, it doesn't bother obamination. He's winking
at it and giving it lip service, but doing nothing to prevent it in real life. It's how he gets votes, folks.
Our money goes to buy him votes.
April 26, 2011   Here's something local treehugging nutcases can support.
Not all "environmentalists" are nutcases; just those who, like Van Jones, think that animals, bugs, plants and the earth should have
"human rights" and be more important than actual humans. What's wrong with that idea? In order to have "human rights" you
should at least be a human. What are those "human rights" he wants to give to the non-human earth? Among them:
"Nature has the right to be completely restored".
(Do humans need to be "completely restored"? Just asking.) Problem: Nature being "completely
restored" would take all humans off the planet. It would kill off all real human rights, because
we'd have to all be gone for nature to be "completely restored" and that would mean that there would be no one to ensure
that nature's human rights were never violated in the future because -- it happened once before in their beliefs -- what if apes
suddenly decided to start evolving again and man was again created but there was no one around to tell the new man that there
were rights that he was violating just by being there? Wow. That's a problem.
This is progressive stupidity at its finest, folks. It's also a sad form of paganism,
"The law, which is part of a complete restructuring
of the Bolivian legal system following a change of constitution in 2009, has been heavily influenced by a
resurgent indigenous Andean spiritual world view which places the environment and the earth deity known
as the Pachamama at the centre of all life. Humans are considered equal to all other entities.
"In the indigenous philosophy, the Pachamama is a living being."
Paganism: worshipping a god other than the Lord GOD Almighty, the GOD of the Bible. This is what got a lot of
people of the Old Testament into trouble with GOD, including Solomon, a very wise man -- for a while, that is.
It's a bad idea, folks. Don't go that route. It will lead to some very bad things, including diminished rights
for yourself and diminished self-determination for our country. Freedom would be gone and Pachamama -- a pagan
deity -- would be the excuse to take it away from us, but the progressives, Van Jones, obamination, etc.,
would be the ones doing the taking. Don't you just love those Wrongies?
April 26, 2011   I've said it before, and I'll say it again: DO NOT VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP (Paid Political
Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL. Independent of any committee,
campaign, group, organization, PAC, etc. It used to be known as "Free Speech". Ever heard of it?).
He's a distraction. My guess: He's helping take votes away from the real Republican nominee to play the spoiler
at the obamination's invitation. After all, he gave
$50,000 to Rahm Emmanuel's campaign,
he has had a varied and checkered past when it comes to where he stands on positions, and
he uses eminent-domain to take
people's private property left, right and center. This does not a Conservative Trump make.
Thomas Sowell agrees with me.
When it comes to Trump, don't let him Trump obamination back into office if there is a 2012 election.
April 24, 2011: 2:18 a.m.   Happy Easter! And, yes, it is a Sunday, but as I have said earlier, if
Christ can do things that are concerning the Father's business on a Sabbath, then so can I. He is my exemplar, after all.
So, even though it is Easter, I must comment on the rupe's article in the local Pooper Paper,
Happenings (page 7 of 28). In her section on "Should
Legislature Make Florida Constitution in Conflict with U.S. Constitution?", she paints the picture all wrong, of course.
Atheists do that when it comes to religion. She quotes a
website against religious freedom
in order to support her views and claim that the bill,
SJR 1218 would be (in her word) "unconstitutional". (BTW, that same group wrote
an intimidating letter to Christians prior to the 2006 elections
and I think that says enough about them.) I know rupe says she
has read the U.S. Constitution, but she has taught us that reading does not equal comprehension. The U.S. Constitution
does not state that there is a wall of separation between church and state. Those words were in a letter
Thomas Jefferson, the author of the phrase, wrote to a private individual and he used that phrase just once
in all of his correspondences, saying,
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God,
that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship; that the legislative powers of the
government reach actions only and not opinions, - I contemplate with sovereign reference that act of
the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting
an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation
between church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights
of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore man to
all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties."
Jefferson was saying that the legislature has no power to prevent people from exercising their right to practice
their religion and that it is the "natural right" of man to do so and that he will "see with sincere satisfaction" that
no legislature prevents other men from practicing their religious freedoms. If indeed, there is a wall in
that sentence, the wall is a wall preventing the government from preventing religious practices, period.
In point of fact, if you look into the wording of SJR 1218, and the section of law it would amend, the bill would
allow state funds (college grants, state funds via school voucher programs, etc.)
to be used at any school approved by the State of Florida
as a teaching facility that meets their criteria and just happens to be of a religious nature: Jewish, Christian, Catholic,
etc. Currently, the way the laws are written there is unequal treatment and discrimination against people wanting to
send their children to religious schools with State money. This bill, SJR 1218, enables the section quoted
from Jefferson, above, to be adhered to because it removes the fetters on the practices of religious freedom
via sending your child to the religious school of your choice with government funds as do other people who choose not
to send their children to religious schools. In fact,
"'a plurality opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court, authored by Justice Thomas,
asserts that Blaine Amendments were motivated by an anti-Catholic bias. He went on to
note that the exclusion of religious schools from generally available public aid programs
'would raise serious questions under the Free Exercise Clause.'"
It is illegal under any constitution to discriminate against someone based upon their religion, but it has been allowed because
it was discrimination against religious schools. This bill, SJR 1218, would simply do away with the
religious discrimination that is currently being practiced by the State of Florida and is totally
in harmony with the U.S. Constitution.
Therefore, rupe is (as always) wrong again and doesn't have the slightest clue as to what she is talking about. So, when
the bill does come to the people to vote on it, Vote in Support of SJR 1218 and stand up for religious liberty
and against the religious discrimination rupe apparently supports! (This is a paid political advertisement brought to you
by my free speech rights, by my religious liberty and by no one else but me, Linda McKinney: 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St.
John, FL 32927 independent of any committee, campaign, or anything/anyone else.) Note: This
message brought to you for your edification on Easter Morning 2011 to stand up for the right of GOD to be in the public
square HE created, to have HIS Son acknowledged publicly and privately, and to teach those who would wish to silence us
that we will not "go silently into that dark night". We will speak up, we will be heard and we will stand for our rights as well
as for what is RIGHT! GOD Bless you, Atheists, everywhere! And GOD Bless those of us who believe in HIM even more! Amen
and Amen!
April 23, 2011: 9:08 p.m.   Just helped hubby do some bathroom "undoing" so that we can change the
colors and stuff like that. It's fun so far, but the tricky part is going to be to get it looking exactly
like I envision it in my head. Most often, I can accomplish that. Sometimes, when it's brand new to us,
it takes longer than we thought, but right now, it's going smooth and easy. Just the way I like it.
April 23, 2011: Promised Updates   "The Donald" (A.K.A. "The Combover")
uses "eminent domain" often to confiscate private property.
Yeah. And we could trust him to be President and to hold to the U.S. Constitution and to be sure to stand
up for our rights? I don't think so. Just say, "No way!" to Trump today. He's bad for America.
April 23, 2011   Your federal government has ordered Border Patrol agents to not go to the
most often used drug and human smuggler routes.
The Border Patrol agents are being forced to allow drugs and illegals into our country. You do realize what happens then,
right? Yep. That's right. You pay for both of those things with higher taxes due to higher health care costs for the
illegals, higher jail costs for the illegals and those buying and using the drugs, and higher school costs to educate
the anchor babies of the illegals. Sweet that the obamination administration wants to increase your taxes to help
pay for all of those illegal activities when they can really hurt your family and neighborhood, isn't it?
April 23, 2011   The Pope and I rarely agree,
me not being Catholic and all, and again, I have a few disagreements with the Catholic Church's teachings as they're reported
in this story. No surprise there.
"But there’s nothing routine about the nearly $3 million Obama has spent on legal
expenses to address federal campaign finance irregularities and inquiries. Roll Call reports
that Obama’s campaign legal fees have exceeded all other House and presidential campaign
committees, including members of Congress under ethics investigations.
"There’s nothing routine about the whopping $6 million that Team Obama has
refunded to individual donors since Obama took office."
obamination crooked? No. Really. Try harder to surprise me. You'll have to do much better than that.
April 23, 2011   Most Wrongies (including obamination) hate school vouchers, although the kids who use them do better and more private school kids graduate.
The reason to keep kids in failing public schools? If you keep people stupid, they can't think well enough, analyze the facts well
enough, use enough logic to think their ways out of wet paper bags, much less realize that what you are doing to them,
to society, to the country and to their finances and their children's finances is bad. Stupid people don't fight back.
That's why keep people stupid, keep them in rotten public schools whose goal is to inculcate and brain wash, not educate.
It's the slavery of the system and
Frederick Douglass would agree with me.
April 23, 2011   GOD created marriage in Genesis as one man one woman, so
why is the obamination administration trying to change that?
I thought they believed in the supposed constitutionallity of "Separation of Church and State", so why are they intervening
in the God area? I don't think the obamination administration should be trying to undo what GOD did. The Republicans
standing up for what is already tradition, church/state or no, and what is right in the eyes of most Americans
(one man one woman), is okay with me. obamination is, as always, wrong again.
April 23, 2011   Everyone seems to be surprised by
obamination's Muslim Brotherhood fascination.
If they'd change their thinking to the truth, it would surprise no one. Think of it this way: obamination is a Muslim, so there's
no reason for him to not be "fascinated" with the Muslim Brotherhood. obamination's actions have proven
his Islamic beliefs since he came out of the rock he lived under and became an ACORN/Soros puppet. I think
that if they take that into consideration, then they'd have no difficulty whatsoever understanding obamination's
April 23, 2011   Floridians to pay for capes for jobless folks?
Um... Florida? That's stupid. Don't spend my taxpayer dollars on that. It's a waste of money. Wake up. We can't afford
stupid. Okay?
April 23, 2011   Unions admit they want to "forget about the law".
They want to overthrow our laws and make new laws to benefit themselves. Sweet. Just what we need: anarchy and a union-led
take down of America. Don't you just love unions?
April 23, 2011   That's enough for today. Tomorrow we celebrate the Risen Son and I wish you all the chance to
choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I wish you all the courage to do so. I wish you all the intelligence to do
so. I wish you all the freedom to do so, for that, my readers, is what America is all about: Freedom. GOD loves you.
He sent his Son to die for you. His Son did die on the cross for you, He rose again after three days and is alive today
at the right hand of GOD. Don't believe it? Ask GOD if it's true to show your heart so. Then get your head out of the
way because when you ask, GOD answers! Happy Easter, everyone. GOD bless America.
April 23, 2011: 1:19 a.m.   From a great time on vacation to a busy time at home. I haven't updated in a while
because I have been crocheting a gift for a friend's birthday and that took a lot of hours. I haven't crocheted
anything big in over twenty years, so taking on a waist-length cream colored cape with two different directions
of stitching and a trim of turquoise, blue and green little thread balls (some call them "dingle balls",
but is that a bad term nowadays? I don't know.) took a long time to get finished in time for April 21st's
birthday dinner and movie. I took my friend to The Melting Pot
and I had the Cedar Plank Salmon (after Cheddar Cheese Fondue and a Mushroom, Spinach Salad) and it was excellent!
My friend had the "Turf and Surf" and she liked that, also. We had to finish with a chocolate fondue and we chose
the Pure Chocolate (Milk, White and Dark Chocolate all combined, no additions) for dipping strawberries,
marshmallows, brownies, bananas, pound cake, Rice Krispie Squares, etc., into -- it WAS a birthday -- and it
was so good we decided we wanted to move in. It's a bit expensive (just over $80 -- four courses each), but
the service was good (Brent and Trace were our servers) and the food was excellent! Check it out when you get
the chance.
Friday I took some time to relax and rest my tired fingers. We have started another decorating project in our
house and we will be redecorating our master suite, so that's going to be a lot of work and some more time away.
It will be worth it, though. I get to change out my master bedroom color soon and that's something I've been
wanting to do for about six years! Hurrah! Anyways, updates later today. I'm going to bed now and I will do as
much on here as I possibly can later. Spring, as usual, is a busy time for me.
April 14, 2011: 1:13 p.m.   Well, we went on vacation and had a great time! We left Thursday of last week,
spent the night in a hotel in Dunn, NC, (king size bed and big room), and then finished the trip to Virginia
Beach, VA, on Friday. The afternoon/evening was spent at the event we travelled to, as was Saturday all day,
and Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon we left there and drove to Myrtle Beach, SC, and found a hotel on the beach
to stay at and liked the room so much that we extended our stay until Tuesday. Big room, kitchenette, balcony overlooking
the beach and the sound of the waves as we went to sleep: heaven. It was a good thing. Then we drove home Tuesday
and got back about 8:30 p.m. to our boys having cleaned the house up (they stayed home and wanted to have a clean
house instead of dirty house for us to return to) and they had supper almost ready for us! Nice! It was a
great time, but I'm still recuperating from the go-go-go of the week. I don't do vacations that way when I have
the choice. I prefer to take a vacation and relax -- really relax, not just do something else somewhere else at a
faster pace becacuse I'm there. I like to put my feet up, watch the sunset, smell the roses (if any) and all of that
when I'm on vacation. Otherwise, why not just stay home and go-go-go there? Oh, yes; dinner and a movie today with my friend!
April 14, 2011   More Americans are unemployed
than the last twenty-eight years! I think that tells us what
obamination is up in arms about -- and lying about (as usual).
obamination wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his
crotch all at the same time! He's just playing to his basest base, singing the same old tune and grasping
whatever he can find to hold onto his place in the Red House so he can vacation more at our expense!
Get him out of the White House (will be a White House again after this Commie leaves!) and he'll still
be vacationing on our dime because he will receive pay from the taxpayers for the rest of his life: both
for being an U.S. Senator and being president (no, I won't cap that for him).
obamination is making Americans hopeless
and suicide is on the increase. However,
I'm not the only one who thinks obamination is a disgrace.
I'm in good company.
April 14, 2011   OH residents have union heartburn.
My sister and her family, and two of my in-laws' families live there and although I miss the weather,
I don't miss the taxes, the troubles and all the unions messing it up. Hopefully, Kasich will turn all that
April 14, 2011   NO MITT ROMNEY FOR 2012!
He brought in socialized medicine in MA and he'd be an obamination-lite. I say, "NO WAY, ROMNAY!" Just say
"No!" to Mitt Romney in 2012. I'd say "Yes!" to Allen West/Herman Caine, or Michele Bachman/Sarah Palin, or Rick
Santorum/Chris Christie or almost any combination of those six. RomNAY? Nay!
April 14, 2011   obamination cutting too much in defense budget
according to the Pentagon itself. I think that's very telling. He's stirring things up in Muslim countries, then
cutting our defense budget? That's just dumb ("Stupid is as stupid does"), but that's obamination all around. He's
making sure we are vulnerable and he's trying to make sure Shariah Law is going to be implemented in America. What he
doesn't seem to remember is that if Shariah Law was implemented in America, we would have to let go of that old
leftist saw, "Separation of Church and State" because Shariah makes the police forces enforce religious doctrine.
That's the implementation of the State getting involved in enforcing religious practices: totally negating their
previous stances. I think obamination is just dumb enough to support that concept and that's going to alienate even
more of the American left/progressives/commies. They -- supposedly -- don't want church/state mixing in any way,
shape, or form. Or, on the other hand, if they support this idea via silence or supportive comment, then they support
Shariah Law, but they don't support any kind of Christianity being allowed influence or support from the State.
Let's see what the truth is because it's coming, folks, it's coming.
April 14, 2011   If you're a follower of Ron Bell, supposed pastor, ask yourself this:
There were two thieves crucified on crosses on either side of Christ, if Bell is correct, why was it only
the one who stood up FOR Christ and asked forgiveness of his own sin who was told by Christ that,
"To day shalt thou be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43) and not both thieves? Why only the one? If Bell is correct,
and the Bible wrong, then both thieves should have been told the same thing. Think about that when you start
wanting to believe in Ron Bell's erroneous and misleading teachings.
April 14, 2011 &Nbsp So glad pelosipig is out of the Speakership. So glad she doesn't have that influence any more since
pelosipig believes that elections shouldn't matter that much.
However, I bet she thinks the one that got her into the Speakership was well worth its salt. Again, hypocrisy reigns
when it comes to Wrongies.
April 14, 2011   I wish the Tea Party Congresspeople would stand up
and fillibuster the RINO/Old Guard Republican compromising on the budget.
I wish they'd do what they were elected to do: reign in spending, stand up for the Constitution, do what is right and
CONSERVATIVE, and negate obamination's Wrongie efforts and executive orders. Stand Up, Tea Party Congresspeople! Stand up!
Fillibuster this budget compromise! Do it!
April 14, 2011   SAY WHAT?! obamination prosecuted anti-communist CIA agent?
Read the story. It's amazingly absurd. obamination spent millions of our dollars to prosecute what our country asked
this CIA agent to do years ago! Do you support obamination spending millions of dollars to support communism in
South America via prosecuting an innocent (found so by a jury) man for doing what the U.S. government paid him to do
years ago? How ridiculous is this?!
April 14, 2011   HRC to host pro-Islamic forum for obamination admin.
Sweet. Our money being spent to support Islam: the folks who are trying to kill us or convert us against our wills.
Isn't that just what a president should do: kowtow to and kiss the backsides of our enemies?
April 14, 2011  
In the obamination Dept. of [Non-]Justice, ACORN can do no wrong.
The Do[N]J won't prosecute again: my guess is because ACORN used to be one of obamination's base "community organizer" groups
and during the "discovery" or evidence portion of the trial, the truth that he helped others commit fraud would be
uncovered and obamination would face charges as well as ACORN. That's why they won't prosecute ACORN: to protect
obamination's past. Mark my words.
Arpil 14, 2011   Ryan takes on obamination and wins.
Using obamination's own words against him -- the best way to win anything -- Ryan put obamination in his place.
Which MSM outlet did you see this in/on? Yep. Just as I thought: None.
April 14, 2011   Your taxpayer dollars paying to advertise in support of obacare.
Don't you love that? It's been found unconstitutional by more than one court and they're spending our money to get
support for an unconstitutional (thus outlawed) law. Sweet, yes? Wrongies will stop at nothing to get what they want. Your
money, folks:
"We are requesting a contract with a $200,000,000 maximum."
"'...including the new Spanish language version of the website.'
The total amount of the contract award: $3,998,928."
"'The Obama Administration spent $3,184,000 in taxpayer
funds to produce and air the advertisements on national
television in September and October 2010 to educate'"
"according to, a project of the University of
Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, the advertisements
intentionally misinformed the American people."
Your money. Health care reform (obacare/obamacare/"The Health Care Enslavement Act of 2010", whatever) is
unconstitutional and they're still spending millions of your dollars to support it. What's wrong with
this picture?
April 6, 2011: 6:26 p.m.   I may or may not get to do a full update today -- or for the next few days.
I'm headed out of town; back Monday the 11th in the evening, so posting may be hit or miss. I know I'll be busy
Friday - Sunday, so we'll see how that goes. If I don't get to post, know that I'll be back at it next week after
some time in Virginia. Going to be fun! Keep an eye on the FL Legislature, in the meantime, they're doing some
good things!
April 5, 2011: 2:26 a.m.   Some of you may have checked into my website yesterday and received a little shock.
I know my husband and I did when he logged on and his homepage (my site, of course) came up with a coat rack and, "This site has stepped
out for a little while." Excuse me? I had him hit refresh, then I asked my son to bring my site up on his computer.
Well, they both had the same thing come up, so I came to my computer and checked my e-mail. I was surprised to find out that
my site was suspended because I hadn't paid the hosting/registration bill; especially when you consider I paid the bill
back in February and had a receipt to prove it! One call to a nice buy named Billy at my hosting company and he had it
all straightened out and a few hours later, here I am again. It's nice when a company is so willing to admit the snafu
and to fix a problem and to get it done immediately (while I was on the phone with him!). That's a good company, even
though I have to admit, that when I was paying my bill, I apparently made the snafu and paid for a new account under the
same URL, etc. (although how that can be I don't know considering internet rules), and they fixed it for me. My fault, but
they fixed my booboo quickly and I thought I'd give kudos where kudos are due. Thanks, Billy! (BTW, no update besides this
blurb due to snafu.)
April 3, 2011: 5:22 p.m.   I just finished a lot of work
answering Difficult Question #5: How can a loving GOD send anyone to eternal punishment?
You'll see why it's "a lot of work" when you check the answer out. I am a detail fiend and I try to cover all the bases, but
if you have any questions, comments or arguments feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to answer any I may choose.
I am okay with the give and take of a healthy discussion, but don't try to come in and call me names and be a typical
Wrongie whose only argument is "You're stupid!" That will get you ridiculed and made fun of and then I'll start being
mean. Because it's my website and I can.
April 2, 2011: 6:24 p.m.   I hope everyone enjoyed National Democrat Day yesterday. It was fun for me. I always enjoy
that day. Maybe because it's the only holiday some Dems. (Wrongies) deserve.
April 2, 2011   Wrote a new blog this early this morning. It's called,
America, HYK! and you'll have to read
it to figure out what I mean by, "HYK!" Don't you know I love making you curious?
April 2, 2011   harry reid, "Tea Party is irrelevant." Yep. Sure it is. Since then it's been,
"Tea Party", "Tea Party", "Tea Party", "Tea Party" for reid. Proves
his point, does it not? After all, they're so irrelevant that he can't stop talking about them and bringing them to everyone's mind.
Let me guess: he's doing the irrelevant Tea Party a favor and giving them some free publicity, right? He's that nice a guy.
April 2, 2011   As I said yesterday, if you're looking for an excuse
to kill people and break things, you may as well take this one.
I wonder if Christians acted this way if we would get a pass, too? Or would we be condemned outright by everyone?
Think about it; why the accept this kind of behavior? It's ridiculous.
April 2, 2011   With one exception (NCIS) I don't usually watch network (ABC, CBS, NBC) television.
When networks push the envelope -- and the boundaries of good taste and family programming -- I turn them off.
I can't remember the last time I watched regular network television that wasn't NCIS on Tuesday nights. It's
boring, it's predictable, it has way too much sex and it's just odd to think that anyone would want
to watch that crud. NCIS has a sense of right and wrong -- right winning -- a great cast of characters
(I'm even starting to kinda' like Vance even though I still don't trust him), and a healthy dose of
respect to our military men and women. When it does have anything sexual in it, it's usually
innuendo, or alluding to; not flat out showing. That makes it a winner in my book. Otherwise, network
television is a boring lump of predictable, trashy nonsense that any four year old could write with
enough crayons and has as much plot and character. Get a grip, television industry. Go for quality,
not quantity; content and character, not cheap and tawdry. Otherwise you may as well give up creating shows
and just broadcast internet porn!
April 2, 2011   School Choice supported by Republicans
and that's a good thing! I wrote a blog about being educated and how it prevents tyranny
way back in August of 2010 and I still mean it. Get a good education and never stop learning! Never stop reading books.
Never stop trying to reach for more knowledge: but make sure you know the truth, not just anything that's out there.
People who thought the world was flat had "knowledge", but they didn't have the truth. Remember that.
April 2, 2011  
This is a good cartoon, but the subject matter is not funny. Consider:
"Section 3 - Treason Note
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,
or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be
convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act,
or on Confession in open Court.
"The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder
of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of
the Person attainted."
obamination, by prviding weapons and training the rebels in Libya -- some of whom are admittedly Al Qaeda and our enemies for the
past ten years almost, at least one of whom was
released from Gitmo
-- is "adhering to [our] Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." This is an act of Treason and obamination should be impeached immediately.
This war is also unconstitutional, as many have pointed out. But he
knows best and he's determined to show that he can go to war and he's a strong leader and he should be re-elected because of his war
capabilities. He's so full of himself!
April 2, 2011   Irony of ironies: ex-Brit health care supporter dies waiting 9 mos. for operation.
It's sad that she didn't come over here where -- unless obacare is allowed to be fully implemented -- she could have
been operated on and possibly have lived a few more years. Maybe she was too sick to travel, I don't know. I wish she had
come over here for her operation.
April 2, 2011   Requiring a balanced budget for the U.S.? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!
WoW! That's a MIRACLE! Unheard of! Senators Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, I salute you! Now let's see the progresive Wrongies
(that includes RINOs) block it! Boy, can you imagine if it passed, though? WoW!
April 2, 2011   Don't you just love what obamination is doing to our country?
Have anything left in your pocket at the end of the pay period? No?
Now maybe you see why. Watch that baseline manipulation by the CBO. It's how they make sure obamination's numbers don't look too bad.
April 2, 2011   It is a good thing when even
Wrongies are seeing the truth of obamination's pre-election "posturing".
What surprises me about that is that they're actually saying something against him on record! That's highly
unusual. Sounds to me like they're tired of his banana splits (get it?) and they're ready to do things
their way again.
April 2, 2011   Hey, Boehner and all you other "leaders" of the Old Guard Repubs,
The Cato Institute's ad is correct! You're NOT LEADING!!
Straighten up. Fly right. Rent a spine. Then figure out where it goes (hint from backside to between your shoulder blades)
and then read an instruction manual on how to use it. Anything by Ronald Reagan is a good place to start!
April 1, 2011: 4:56 p.m.   Happy Democrat's National Holiday!
April 1, 2011   Are our borders safe?
There seems to be a conflict over that idea.
JNap may be fudging the numbers and instructing her people not to apprehend illegals. Is that a good idea? Nope.
But, hey, she's a Wrongie. In the meantime,
obamination is trying to appoint an anti-gun guy to the BATF!
We may end up regretting that. If Andrew Traver's going to run the BATF, he needs to remember that "We The People" have
the right to bear arms (check the Second Amendment and U.S. Supreme Court rulings), and he can't use the BATF to
limit our freedom in that regard:
"Traver allied with the progressive Joyce Foundation to lobby
for tighter federal restrictions of Second Amendment freedoms. He supports
curtailing access to ATF databases and opposes privacy protections for gun-owners."
This guy's bad news, people. And obamination is going to get his man into the BATF one way or another. Czar this, czar that;
Traver may not be a czar, but he's going to be trouble to those of us who value the Second Amendment, or any of
our GOD given rights.
April 1, 2011   If this isn't an April Fool's Day joke,
the obamination administration has crosed the line.
After the census, the "American Community Survey" is done to find out more particulars. According to the story,
"Although residents can be fined for not participating in the survey,
he said that is not the government's goal.
"'Those fines exist, but we instruct the field staff that their job is to try to obtain the
information through pleasant means, by stressing the importance of the survey,' Walsh said.
'They're not law enforcement officers.'"
You can be fined $2,000 for not letting the government intrude into your personal life by making you answer questions like,
"What time do you leave your house for work?" and "What is your annual income?" Excuse me? Since when did
the U.S. Constitution mention a thing called the "American Community Survey"? (my italics] I have never
seen the word "survey" in the U.S. Constitution and I read it annually, if not more often. Just to be safe, I did
a word search on the U.S. Constitution and the word "survey" does not appear. Any fines resulting from non-cooperation
on a "survey" should therefore be null and void. These people should call the cops every time any census worker
treads on their property and they should press trespassing and harrassment charges against the census workers.
And if that doesn't work, buy a big dog, leash him on the front porch and say, "Sic 'em!" every time one
of those census workers try to step foot on the property. That would make them stay away.
April 1, 2011   Wrongie likens himself to our troops: for going to a hotel to avoid voting on WI anti-union law!
Yes. He is as brave and strong and heroic as our troops. Of course he is. After all, he faced all kinds of hardships
and he had to do without... What? Food? Water? A.C.? A bed? A swimming pool? No? None of those things? He
faced bullets and bombs? No? Not that, either? He was heroic in that he...? I know! He's a Democrat and he RAN AWAY!
That's a hero for Democrats!
"The biggest borrowers from the 97-year-old discount window as the program
reached its crisis-era peak were foreign banks, accounting for at least 70 percent of
the $110.7 billion borrowed during the week in October 2008..."
That's one week, folks. One week in October 2008 we loaned $110.7 billion to foreign entities, including
those we are now at war with.
Sweet. Taxpayer dollars going out the window to other countries when we need to
stabilize our own economy and stop lending and spending. Talk about something foolish.
April 1, 2011   You've got to be joking. Our female soldiers should NOT have to do this.
If they have to wear head scarves, isn't that a sexist thing? You see that picture in the story? Where are the women's helmets
that are supposed to keep them alive? It's a safety issue, U.S. Military, get back on track, stop kissing Afghani backsides
and put your soldiers' safety first! Get those scarves off the female soldiers and put their helmets back on! This makes
the female soldiers easier to pick off and that demoralizes the male soldiers and distracts them. Put the helmets back
on and do not go that route again! Safety first!
April 1, 2011   Dems dig for dirt on Brown.
The idiots don't realize that kind of thing always backfires on them.
April 1, 2011   FL church causes murders in Afghanistan?
Any excuse will do when you want to kill. How do you properly dispose of an American flag? You burn it.
How do you properly dispose of a Bible? Throw it away, I suppose: and I have actually done this because it was
literally falling apart. If a Bible can sit in a trash can, why would a burning of that Bible not have been better?
Korans and Bibles both fall apart after heavy use. What do you do with them? What is the proper way to dispose of them?
Was this particular Koran falling apart? The story didn't say, but it was used as a stand-in for the Islamic religion.
Would I go on a killing spree after learning that someone burned a Bible (or two or a thousand)? No. That's because
I'm not looking for an excuse to go out and murder people. They are. Was the church correct in burning the Koran?
I don't think Free Speech precludes it. Was the church correct in publicizing the fact? Again, Free Speech. Was
the Afghani public looking for a reason to go out and do some beheading? Apparently so. Do I agree with the
church's assertions that Islam must be held accountable for their actions? Yes. No one should get away with murder.
While in Alaska,
they're figuring out whether to allow Sharia Law.
Beheadings in Alaska, anyone?
April 1, 2011   "Project Gunrunner" under investigation; subpoenas and all.
This program must be shut down and those who helped get guns to those who would shoot American citizens and
border patrol agents, held accountable. The Border Patrol has enough problems on their hands trying to protect our borders.
Telling the BATF to do this program -- that puts themselves, the border patrol and citizens in danger -- is just dumb.
April 1, 2011   obamination is taking on Libya to prove he's stronger than previous admins.
He's taking us where we have no business being. He's doing something that he didn't need to do. He interjected
himself -- and America -- where we should have sat back and watched and let Libya figure it out without intervention.
Where obamination got the idea that it should have been done, I have no idea. Oh yes, obamination said that "the people"
wanted obamination out -- OH! Sorry! Gadhafi out -- and that's why obamination -- Gadhafi -- should leave.
After all, the American people are not happy with obamination and if obamination is going to hold that "the people"
wanting someone gone is good enough reason to get rid of a leader, then obamination should step down, too. Check
the polling data. He must go!
April 1, 2011   Ghadafi may be Louis Farrakhan's friend and "brother",
and obamination may be full of demons (as alleged by Farrakhan), but that doesn't mean that Farrakhan has
all his marbles. Sounds like he's gone off the deepest end to me.
April 1, 2011   Is being a "birther" code for racism?
That's what an idiot CNN guy (anchor? I -- along with millions of others -- don't watch CNN) says.
Being a birther has nothing to do with racism: it's got to do with wanting to see the proof of his birth place. Reagan, Clinton,
Bush 1 and 2 showed their records. Why not obamination? Okay, CNN anchor-come-whatever, bash Americans first and then
we'll see how your ratings skyrocket. Another Wrongie moron. If it was racist to ask to see obamination's records,
why did we bother looking at the "white men's" records, too?
April 1, 2011   It's sports, people, not life.
Although after this beating of a different team's fan, it may be death.
What is wrong with people who think so little of the sanctity of life that they beat someone for wearing the
opposing team's colors, jersey, whatever? Don't people realize that life is more than sports? It's not okay to
beat the tar out of someone because they root for the Steelers instead of the Packers, for the Mets
and not the Orioles, the Dolphins instead of the Cowboys. That's not okay, people! It's wrong. Or did
your mommies never teach you that? Life matters. Life matters and it matters a whole lot more than
whose team anyone roots for. Support your team, cheer them on, stand on your head and spit in your ear
if you wish to do so to support your team. But NEVER touch another person to try to intimidate them,
to show them how much you hate their team, to hurt them for wearing another team's colors. That's wrong.
That's stupid. That shows how much of an animal you have become.
April 1, 2011   AARP gets the light of truth shone upon it!
It's about time! IMHO, AARP would sell your grandmother to the highest bidder and then tell you they stood up for her.
Go to Generation America, or something similar, but not AARP.
They wouldn't give me their lobbying info when I asked for it. Ask them what they lobby for. If they won't tell
you what they stand for prior to you joining, don't join!
"an Examiner investigation found that the group's well-paid national leaders were
overwhelmingly Democratic campaign contributors. In fact, as The Examiner wrote, AARP 'is an
integral part of the tireless liberal lobbying machine that runs 24/7 in the nation's capital
pushing to protect and expand current government entitlements and to create costly new ones.'"
In fact, in joining AARP, you're basically supporting Democrats and their platform of anti-Americanism, pro-abortion,
higher taxes and bigger government.
April 1, 2011   Government workers outnumber
workers in "construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined."
That's why unions like government workers: power in numbers and that power includes the threat of strikes.
That's another reason I hate unions. They are more about power for the union than they are for the people
they supposedly help. Speaking of unions,
this one is receiving special treatment from -- guess who! -- the obamination administration.
Does it surprise you? No? Didn't think so.
April 1, 2011   House Speaker John Boehner is a no good wimp!
He's backing down and giving in and "compromising" (kissing Dem. backside) and he needs to be taken out
of office, out of a leadership position and out of the House immediately. What a loser!
April 1, 2011   In a related story,
GOP "Leadership" to rookies: "We'll stop paying you..."
if the newbies don't start cooperating with the "leadership" and agreeing to compromise instead of standing for principle.
That's an indicator of how far left the "leadership" of the GOP has gone and another reason I'm glad I left the GOP
in 2009. Contact the "Give Over Party" and tell them to shove compromise and to stand up with the newbies, the Freshmen
have a better way than the Wimpy Boehner and all those other old hands. 2012 can't come fast enough to kick Boehner out.
Impeach/recall Boehner now!
April 1, 2011   In a surprising move, the obamination administration today announced it would no longer
set rules that involved "global warming" considerations.
April Fools! I'm just kidding.
Realize, now folks, he's exempt. He's special. He and Muchelle [sic] get to fly around the globe and use our
taxpayer dollars for their vacations and they don't have to worry about "global warming" or "climate change".
They're so wonderful. Wrongies on parade. Hamsters, and with as much brain power.
April 1, 2011   Duke Lacrosse players can sue former District Attorney Mike Nifong,
who persecuted -- not prosecuted -- them.
Excellent! As well it should be. Just because the guy had a county title on his door did not give him the right to try
to railroad those guys into jail. If they had actually done anything wrong, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the
law. But when they're proven innocent prior to the trial, and the guy kept going forward with the thing, kept
trying to smear them, that's beyond the DA's office's mandate:
"Nifong and the investigators knowingly and intentionally concealed
critical DNA evidence and produced a misleading DNA report."
That's why Nifong should face the music. The fact that he had a position of public trust and he decided to defile
that trust with his actions against these boys and because he saw nothing wrong in doing so makes this an appropriate
ending to what he did.
April 1, 2011   Anyone who supports Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac is a fool.
That's especially true when they give $34.5 million to their top six execs.
They should not be doing that: they should be repaying the taxpayers. But, you know, we're nobodies, just the
"Little people" the Dems. (Wrongies) so often like to step on, trample beneath their commie boots. Why would
they worry about us?
April 1, 2011   Think tank receives death threats after requesting university e-mails regarding
union stats. One bright bulb even left her name on the answering machine with the death threat she called in!
Does it get any brighter than that? Oh, yes. I keep forgetting obamination!
Whatever happened to the "can't we all get along" "tone down the rhetoric" thing after a Wrongie nutcase shot AZ Dem.
Cong. Gabrielle Giffords? Why aren't they sticking to that "toned down rhetoric"? My, how quickly they forget!
"who has all but promised the state’s thuggish public unions that
she will be their firewall in stopping Governor Walker’s reforms via judicial fiat."
Now all that's needed is for her to get elected for WI to be considered the Barnum & Baily of the midwest. Watch the videos
on the links, folks. The ad for the wannabe is despicable.
April 1, 2011   Have cancer? Been taking Provenge? Know someone who does?
You'll want to read this.
The government's trying to decide if it should fund your treatment if you're on Medicare/Medicaid. Stay informed and God bless you.
April 1, 2011   This April's Fools' Day is being brought to you by Democrats and Progressives (Wrongies) worldwide.
Also by the letter "D" for "Duh!" because Wrongies say it all the time. We hope you enjoyed today's foray into the
"World of Wrongie Wackiness". Join us again next time when we examine the Wrongies' hideouts, habits and habitat.
I'll give you a hint: it's all green!
March 2011
March 30, 2011: 8:25 p.m.   Sorry about the break in postings. I got busy at home and on a schedule
that wasn't conducive to being busy and running errands and trying to do the website updates. Something had to give
to get me some sleep (at least a little) and coming in and falling asleep did nothing to get the updates done, so
I didn't do them while I was trying to turn my schedule around. As you can see, I got that accomplished so on with
the blurbs (blurbing?).
March 30, 2011   Speaker Boehner better step up to the plate soon
or he'll be kicked out in favor of those Tea Party supported Republicans who have a spine and want to put
blame for our lack of budget squarely where it belongs: harry reid and all the Wrongies.
March 30, 2011   obamination poll numbers low.Excellent! Maybe he should just forget about running for re-election and go back to the Wrongie
rock he crawled out from under. After all, considering that people are finding the things
he said in the past and comparing them to what he says -- and does -- today
people are seeing his hypocrisy in a glaring true color, larger than life picture and aren't happy with him.
Rightly so, I may add.
March 30, 2011   I was right again. I know obamination better than he knows himself.
I can predict his next move because he is so very transparent in his hatred of America and all she stands for.
When it comes to seeing a story one day and knowing what the outcome will be, I know him. On March 26, 2011 I said,
"March 26, 2011 Was obamination's plan to get Al Qaeda more weapons?
That's what he has accomplished in Libya. What his mission was/is has not been
clearly defined to most intelligent people's satisfaction. Why he sent our guys
and gals over there, I have no clue. It's not as if he was bothered by Gadhafi
(Qaddafi, whatever) last year, or as though he cares about it now. It is that
it's coming up to election time and he's trying to look like he's strong on defense,
a place he lacked credibility during his first run and he's trying to make up for
that lack of gravitas now."
March 30, 2011   I wonder how true these census figures are considering how many of us answered only
the first one or two questions on the census. After all, if people only said how many people lived there and
their zip code,
this can't be an accurate portrayal of America.
I know it wasn't just I who did only the first question or two so I don't trust the numbers. But that's okay.
It's not as if they matter anyways.
March 30, 2011   If this guy's theory is true,
obamination's policies are defeating his re-election bid.
obamination's so smart, he's shooting himself in the foot every day with everything he does. Yeah. That
Harvard education did him a lot of good, n'est-ce pas? Maybe he should resign and go back and pay attention
this time!
March 30, 2011   Letter claims 160 nukes planted in America.
Um... If this is true, thanks, JNap, for keeping us safe. obamination made a really good choice when he chose her,
yes? Only 160 nuclear bombs allegedly planted. Yep. It was JNap's job to prevent that. Shoe tying for her
was a challenge, too.
March 30, 2011   Was "Kill Team" story a lie to discredit our troops?
I would love to know that it was a lie. I blurbed it and wish I could say that it was a hoax that someone planted
as a legit story. That would be excellent because I expect better of our troops. To find out that someone somewhere
lied on them would be a great thing because I think they're better than that.
March 30, 2011   Ground Zero mosque idea could be moved, abandoned or used otherwise.
What took them so long and why build up a big hullaballoo over it when you're just going to abandon it in the long
run? Why sue over damage after Burlington Coat Factory took off their sign? Why cause all those hurt feelings and
stir all that anger? Just doesn't make sense. Watch this one folks. (Sidenote: An ad on the story page made me
raise my eyebrows in disbelief: Single Muslim ad on a GZ story? Tacky.)
March 30, 2011   Green cars called "clunkers"?!
Oh, say it isn't so! Green cars are supposed to save us, save the planet, save Pluto and make it into a planet again!
Green cars were to make all things right, make us all get along, make the ocean kiss the shore and food to grow
plentifully all over the earth and no one was to be hungry ever again! (*sob*) Now they're being called "clunkers!"?
*sob!* *sob!* *SOB!* My life is over... (Yes, that's sarcasm.)
March 30, 2011   I LOVE THIS! I think it's brilliant!
I know a lot of folks who would disagree, but that's their problem. The Second Amendment says I have the right to
"keep and bear arms" and I have no problem with accepting that freedom. Anyone have a problem with that? Too
darn bad, go cry to your Momma because I'm not listening. I won't even hand you a tissue, crybaby.
March 30, 2011   I'd like to read the particulars of this lawsuit.
The way the story reads, the GA Legislature is suing to dissolve cities that are majority white and -- according to the
State Legislature -- those cities
"have no meaningful state purpose."
My questions are:
If those cities "have no meaningful state purpose", what "meaningful state purpose" (especially "purpose") do
any of the other cities have?
If the creation of those cities impedes the voting rights of the citizens (as alleged in the suit),
how does their creation impede voters' rights? Are the black people "districted out" of the city
limits therefore impeding their right to vote for city council seats? If not, in what way is the cities' creation
impeding anyone's voting rights?
If the cities' creations were violating the Civil Rights Act of 1965, whose votes were taken away? Who
was disenfranchised? We've had the elections of 2006, 2008 and 2010 since the creation of those cities. Who
did not get to vote and in which "category"?
That's what I'd like to know. I would love to read the whole filing. It would be very informative. Anyone have a copy?
If they cannot answer these questions satisfactorily, they are suing to dissolve five cities unnecessarily and unfairly.
It's a "racism" trump card move and nothing more. If, on the other hand, anyone's voting rights did get violated,
then it's fair to do this.
March 30, 2011   obamination caught again providing guns to our enemies.
When you hate America as much as obamination does, it's a natural thing to try to do all you can to destroy her.
But, remember, in trying to destroy America, he has to have a lot of us dead first. Thus, the guns to Mexican drug
lords and Al Qaeda backed fighters in Libya. What better way to get guns to Al Qaeda? And, yes, I know that a bullet
fired in the Middle East by Al Q, won't reach America, but it will reach our troops who are also Americans. obamination is
putting our troops -- our loved ones (I have loved ones over there, too) -- in harm's way in order to achieve his goal.
Isn't it so nice that he's our so very wonderful leader who wishes to kill us?
The background for story is here
and the basic program being used to fund this gunrunning to Mexico was started as something totally different under
Pres. Bush (43) and morphed into an anti-American program. You have to watch this one, folks. It's going
to blow your mind.
March 30, 2011   AARP getting billions from obamination.
I think they're crooked because I know they "happened" to contact me this year with an offer to join. One question:
Where did they get the info on my birthdate? If they know I'm elegible this year, then they must have my birth info.
I don't just publish that willie-nillie. It's something they had to find out. So, where did they get the info? Did
they invade my privacy to get my info? I think so. I refuse to have anything to do with AARP because when my hubby
became eligible I called and wrote and asked for a list of their lobbying efforts on behalf of their members. They
refused to send one. That means that I won't like it and they are afraid to admit it. Are you an AARP member? Have
you considered getting info out of them regarding what they lobby in favor of? Did they send you the info on
everything they lobby for? If so, I'd love to see it.
March 27, 2011: 8:05 p.m.   I said that I would take Sundays off, and I have. However, as preachers
preach on Sundays, Christ Himself defended doing the work of His Father on the Sabbath, so must I do the work of
the Lord on the day I have chosen to take off. There is a
letter from some U.S. House members to obamination that corrects
obamination's misstatements regarding our country's religious heritage and I think that's worth a few moment's effort
on Sunday. Read it and tell me you disagree; well, non-atheists that is.
March 26, 2011: 8:32 p.m.   Earth Hour and you can see that I'm all shut down. Every light in
our house is on, everything we can turn on is on. I am in my office with my lights on, my radio on, my fan on, my
cell phone on. My husband and one son are in the family room with the TV going, lights on, ceiling fan on, my
other son went through the house and turned everything else on. Yes. We rebel against the whole thing. "Earth Hour":
save the planet, but kill the babies. Stupid is as stupid does. I refuse to cooperate with anything this assinine and
if anyone wants to whine about my non-cooperation, go tell someone who cares.
March 26, 2011   obamination can't help but mess things up, can he?
Just asking, because it's another bad decision that has gotten his image beaten and stomped upon. I suppose he was
just testing his popularity in Libya and that's what made him order air strikes, foul things up there and just plain
do another "obamination". I must admit, I'm amazed at his otiosity; at least he does that well.
I bet he was a horrible community organizer.
March 26, 2011   The Florida House did GOOD! How do you treat unions that have overstepped their
boundaries for years?
You "whack 'em, and what 'em and whack 'em."
WI fist, then a few other states, now Florida. Excellent! Excellent, indeed! Scott Walker WI Governor's actions, have already
been impacting union deals even though the court has put a temporary restraining order on its execution.
Hurray for Scott Walker! Hurray! He and the WI Republicans have shown the U.S. Republicans how to play hardball and how to
have 'em, too! Now all we need is to get Boehner, et al, some of those!
March 26, 2011   Another obafriend reaps the benefits: profits of $14.2 billion, $0 taxes.
Is there something fishy in that, or what? I think it's fishy, forget the "or what?". GE is not our friend when they are getting all
kinds of benefits from OUR taxpayer dollars but pay $0 in taxes. Something is not right in electric land.
March 26, 2011   Is a twelve-year-old disproving the Big Bang Theory? Looks like it.
I think the Wrongies will have a hard time with this kid just from reading the article. Imagine when he's twenty-three! What
are they going to do with a mind this powerful? They could do worse than to learn from it, to try to follow what he's
saying and to understand it. He's a smart kid. If you want to watch a rising star, watch him.
March 26, 2011   I hope someone outside of obamination's admin. looks into this.
I think he'll be proven part of this. I may be wrong, but I don't think so. And if I am and it hurt his witty-bitty feewings,
aaahhhh, tooo badd. You know, he never took responsibility saying the government had a lot of moving parts, but --
shockingly -- he didn't blame Bush for this one. Oops. Maybe I shouldn't give him any ideas.
March 26, 2011   Was obamination's plan to get Al Qaeda more weapons?
That's what he has accomplished in Libya. What his mission was/is has not been clearly defined to most intelligent people's
satisfaction. Why he sent our guys and gals over there, I have no clue. It's not as if he was bothered by Gadhafi (Qaddafi, whatever)
last year, or as though he cares about it now. It is that it's coming up to election time and he's trying to look like
he's strong on defense, a place he lacked credibility during his first run and he's trying to make up for that
lack of gravitas now.
"Powers was closeted at about 11:30 a.m., held for about an hour and 15 minutes, came
out for 35 minutes of remarks by Biden and Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, and then returned to
his jail for the remainder of the event."
March 26, 2011   Former NPR Exec.: I'm not done yet.
I think she intends to say she's not "finished" yet, or not "out of the profession" yet, or her work is not "completed" yet.
If she's not "done" yet, who stuck her in the oven? NPR needs to hire educated people, not just Wrongies. BTW,
notice a similarity between her and Chelsea Clinton before cosmetic surgery? Twins separated at birth?
March 26, 2011   I'm no fan of Target stores, but whatever happened to their free speech rights?
Just because gays don't think Target should have given money to support a Conservative Republican, that doesn't mean that Target loses
its free speech rights. Yes, they do things that I don't like. Yes, I'm shocked they supported a Republican. Yes, I refuse
to shop there. But they still have the right as a company to support whomever they wish as a political candidate. If they
support someone I don't agree with, I'm free to say so. For gays to harass Target's customers is wrong and stupid. They're
definitely not making friends.
March 25, 2011: 12:25 a.m.   Went to dinner and a movie with my friend Thursday evening. Saw the movie
"Limitless". It has an interesting idea, but I think that it blows the idea by going to the violent side of the premise
and using chase scenes and murder as a way to make the storyline interesting (well, as interesting as it is). I think
they could have gone a totally different route with the premise (man is given one pill that will open his brain to allow
him to access all of his brain's powers, instead of the small percentage we currently use) and gotten a better story. What
if, for instance, they had taken that pill and given it to someone with Alzheimer's, or to someone who was already a genius,
or even to a politician with a heart of gold? Or maybe they told the same story, but with different people: five people are
given the pill and -- instead of using the pill to benefit themselves -- one uses it to increase his potential in the medical
research field so he can help more people; another for the space industry and men actually become capable of going to Mars
in a year; another uses it in the agricultural field helping raise the food production in drought plagued countries so that
their people do not starve; things like that? What could the storyline have been then? What if they told the story of how a
man with a child dying of a rare disease used the pill to do the research and development of a drug that would save his
son and others who had the same disease? Instead of a force for evil and killing to survive it would have been a driving force for good.
I understand that it may be realistic, I just don't think that going the violence route was necessarily the best thing
for the premise. Wouldn't it be fun going to the movies with me as I analyze everything about it all the way through?
I don't actually analyze them during the movie, but afterward we sometimes talk about it. My friend is very patient.
March 25, 2011   obamination had to have a reason for replacing someone good with his obafriends besides the friend's benefit.
I don't trust him beyond what I could spit on him. And when I think of that, it does not appeal to me because
I would never want to be that close. obamination is an appalling thing to me because I really despise people
who hate America. Love her or leave her: obamination should have been on the Concord out of America as soon as
he turned eighteen. Until then, he was under his grandparents' supervision and authority; afterward, he should be gone
because he hates America and is trying everything in his power to destroy her.
March 25, 2011  
CBO (Congressional Budget Office) to obamination's administration: "TAX DRIVING".
Yeah. That's how desparate they are to raise revenue. They want to tax you per mile driven. This leads to the
Saul Alinsky book, "Rules for Radicals" and what he says is one of the ways to control the people: limit their travel
and movement. The question is, will obamination take the suggestion and run with it? My best bet: not until after the
2012 election if he gets re-elected. Another good reason to impeach him now!
An impeached president cannot hold elected office,
therefore even if obamination ran, and was elected, he could not be sworn in and he could not hold office after impeachment.
(U.S. Constitution, Article 1):
"Clause 7: Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and
disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party
convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."
Although, knowing how often he is already breaking the law without anyone calling him on it strongly enough to make him stop,
I wonder if he would break that one, too. The law says that if two-thirds of the Senate voted to impeach obamination,
he would immediately be removed from office, and even if he
ran for re-election, he could not serve again. Thus, we could be free from his czars, his idiocy, his mess-ups (giving
the Queen of England an iPod with all of his speeches preloaded?), his clueless foreign policy, his warmongering, his lame
excuses for everything he does wrong, his disastrous wife and her interference in our food choices and eating habits
(while they serve a days' worth of calories in one meal!),
and all their vacations and parties on your dimes! Sounds like a great plan to me!
March 25, 2011   Air traffic controller falls asleep at the panel?
What does the union do? BLAME BUSH, of course!
Yeah. Taking their ideas from the obamination administration, they can't take responsibility but they hope to make a Republican
look bad. Why can't Wrongies just suck it up, take responsibility and grow a pair?
March 25, 2011   I'm glad JP Morgan was warned of the plans to take them down in early May. I bet
there are people who will still try to carry through with the plan, but I hope it doesn't succeed. This is
JP Morgan's response to the plans to destroy them.
They're right: it's just another group trying to get power via destruction. Those making the plans to take down
JP Morgan and destroy America's economy are not willing to stand in public and tell the world that they have these designs
and to admit they hate America, but they'll get their "useful idiots" to do it for them. Don't those "useful idiots"
ever tire of being the people in the trenches, dirty and grimy, doing without and having nothing better to look forward
to while their bosses tell them what to do, how to ruin their own reputations (and their children's futures), as the bosses live
high on the hog while knowing all along that their "useful idiots" are working hard for the cause of making their "useful idiots'"
lives more miserable than ever before? Wake up, "Useful Idiots" of the world! It's plain to see that all those
folks who are trying to destroy America want is more power for themselves, more money for themselves and less of
everything for you -- including futures worth looking forward to for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
Why can't you smell the coffee?!
"Among the items on his brainstorming list: a proposal for a 10-cent
federal tax on every roll of toilet paper you buy."
That's per roll, guys! So if that tax goes through everyone will be stealing toilet paper or will we be returning to the Sears catalogs?
How bad does America have to get to have a tax on TP? I can see it now, we're taxed on miles driven, toilet paper,
breating the air,soda tax,toilet flushing taxes and
several other thousand new taxes and America has become a ghost town and the House and Senate convene once a year
for six days and then everyone flies (taxed and taxed for each piece of luggage, of course) home to other countries
to stay away from America so they can afford to live. Exactly what the Wrongies want. All along,
some Wrongies say, "Don't cut government spending".
I think that says it all.
March 25, 2011  
"Why are Americans such 'wu**es?" Socialist Wrongie asks.
Why are we not protesting in the streets? Why are we not being "unruly mobs"? That's what they want! They want us
out in the streets protesting (top down, bottom up, inside out), and they want America to be seen as a chaotic mess
that the Wrongies will swoop in, straighten things out and make everything okay via Communism and their sweep to power.
Don't believe me? Watch the video:
That's Frances Fox Piven at the end. Piven says she'll have a chart of the "corporate assault on American life over the last
forty years" as part of her answer to Glenn Beck. Well, I have a question to ask the stupid woman: haven't her employers
been "corporate"? After all, she has worked for
colleges and organizations that are registered as incorporated entities.
Piven's employment history includes:
Of those places listed as Piven's work history, there is incorporation info available for five of the six. Does Piven,
maven of education that she is, even realize that
there is no real difference between her past employers' incorporation status and the "corporate" entities she attacks?
So, considering her own words, Piven admits to being part of the "corporate assault on American life" for the past how many
years? She worked for the "corporate" world she so despises, so she must be part of the problem. Right? Shall we protest her and
her life's work as well as all those places she has ever been employed? If that's not acceptable to Piven, then she is casting
aspersions without realizing her hypocrisy, or while hiding it: which? How stupid the woman
is and how much dumber are those of her ilk and all who follow her!
March 25, 2011   obafriend,
Van Jones not a good guy. Unless
of course, you like cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic, despicable, anti-war, anti-American, hypocrites. Otherwise, if
you love America and want bright futures for your children here in "the land of the free and the home of the brave", then
Van Jones is a bad, bad person.
March 25, 2011   I hate unions with a passion. I don't hate the people -- I hate what the unions stand for,
what they try to do to manipulate employers, what they do to the public, how they'll do anything -- sometimes even illegal things --
to stay in power and to keep those at the top sitting in the "Fat Cat" seat and powerful and rubbing elbows with those
in power. IF unions really were for the "little guy", the union bosses would make the same as the "little guys" and
there would be no differencne between the house the union bosses live in and the houses of the "little guys". Do you see that
in real life? No. The union bosses have the big houses, rub elbows with the powerful and drive the big cars the "little guys"
can't afford. Whatever happened to them being in it for the "little guys"? Power corrupts. Now,
the UAW is going after more power and trying to create more chaos.
Take the world to the brink, make it all go to hades in a handbasket. They don't care. They'll let the "little guys"
lose their jobs and make sure they are the ones getting arrested, all the while the union bosses sit in their air conditioned
private jets smoking Havanas while sipping champagne -- all paid for with the dues the "little guys" paid so
the "little guys" could get better wages, better working conditions, better something. In the meantime, the union
bosses don't have to worry about better wages, conditions or better anything because they've got it
all and the "little guys" out there working the line paid for everything the union bosses have. Ain't unions great!?
(So classy, too!)I hate unions.
March 25, 2011   Shariah in America: BAD! BAD! BAD! We should NOT allow this!
This is one thing America should definitely take a stand on! Shariah Law does NOT belong in America! And women, if you
value your life, your freedom, your futures, your children (or any children you may have in the future: especially daughters),
do NOT get involved in Islam. It is a wicked, horrible religion of death and destruction,
of degradation
and nothing for women and every benefit for males. It is wicked and a threat to any country that
allows it to flourish.
"One parent whose daughter was going to participate expressed concerns that the scenario
had an anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant bent. According to the New Media Journal, he was told by
the local EMS coordinator that his daughter was no longer welcome to participate."
Sweet! You point out the truth and they take away the ball and tell you to go home, you're not welcome to play any more!
Have they ever grown up?
March 25, 2011   If they're
threatening to downgrade Britain's Triple A credit rating,
and, according to one ranking, their situation is not as bad as ours,
so what is going to happen to our Triple A credit rating soon?
Get ready, people. Get out of debt. Train yourselves to do without the toys. Don't even think of buying a new house,
new car, new big ticket items for a while -- if you have to buy them on credit, especially -- and buckle in for the long
haul. It's going to be tough, but with some planning and perseverance, we can get through this. obamination won't be
in the Red House forever (true statement). His cronies won't be in power forever, either. We can -- with GOD's help and
if we humble ourselves and pray (including for our nation and for
guidance, help and favor), we can make it through this. Remember, folks, GOD is still in control, no matter what happens and
He is capable of doing all things. Remember our nation's motto: "In GOD We Trust".
March 23, 2011: 4:11 p.m.   Persecution of Christians comes in all shapes, kinds, sizes and disguises.
Public schools seem especially to hate Christianity
and if you're a Christian in a public schools nowadays, it's not easy for you to
"let your light so shine". I am sure, though, that with the help
of Christian organizations like the one in the story this, too, shall change.
March 23, 2011   If you check my last posting from yesterday (12:55 p.m.) you will see that yesterday I
was saying that obamintion was probably in on the plan to destroy America's banking industry and economy. He's out to
destroy America, period: in every way. Now,
it looks like I was right again.
Instinct is a wonderful thing: it also tells me that there will be a cursory glance into it via the U.S. Attorney General's
(Eric Holder) office to make it seem as though he looked into it and there was nothing there to investigate. I bet those
will be almost his exact words, "there was nothing there". Watch out, folks, the destruction of the American economy
is supposed to take place the first week in May of this year. If their plan does get implemented -- although with this
much light being shined onto it I wonder if they have the chutzpah to carry through with it so blatantly. Maybe
they'll have to put it off for a few weeks until the news settles down again, or maybe obamination will come out and make
a statement to the effect that our economy will be okay whether or not these folks did carry through with their plans. Then
he'll do what he can to get the MSM to go along with the whole idea of "we're fine, just fine". Watch this one, folks, and
write to or call your U.S. representatives and demand an investigation into whether obamination had anything to do with
supporting, organizing, recommending or participating in this traitorous act against America. If he did, then he should immediately
be thrown in jail for the rest of his life!
March 23, 2011   SD passes tough abortion regs.
So, which Wrongie organization is already in court filing paperwork to stop its implementation via temporary restrainign order,
to sue to overturn the laws, or to somehow undo the legislature's acts? Or, should the question be not "which" but
rather, "how many"? --- OOOPS! I read the title and wrote this blurb, then realized as I read the article that Planned [Non-]Parenthood
is already suing. As I said, "instinct".
March 23, 2011   Demanding respect: it's earned, not demanded.
La Raza, bullies of the "Mexico First" crowd, demands Congress sign a pledge to respect hispanics. I think that if someone
wants respect they should act in such a way that it is given to them, not blackmailed, threatened, or pledged into supposed
being. After all, can anyone respect an abuser, a blackmailer, a threat of violence against themselves? No. La Raza is
acting in such a way that their demand should not be kowtowed to, met, nor signed. It should be sent back in a Cracker Jack® box
with a decoder ring and the code should spell out "Take a hike."
March 23, 2011   Because of their anti-American actions, beliefs, desires, their hypocrisy and power grabs,
Wrongies (Dems.) are not trusted in any category a new poll shows.
Shock. Surprise. What did they expect, us to fall down and worship the ground they walk on? Oh, sorry. That's what they themselves do,
so there's no room for the rest of us. Egos too big to fail? Yep. That's the Wrongies.
March 23, 2011   A upcoming replacement for Robert "Sheets" Byrd?
This Dem. (Wrongie) former KKK leader wants to be mayor of Lake Wales, FL! I hope Lake Wales is more intelligent than to
vote for a KKK-type. If Lake Wales does that, I think they'd be asking for trouble: and trouble always answers that call.
March 23, 2011   I like Starbucks® Frappuccinos, the kind in the bottled four-packs are so yummy. It's not a strong
coffee flavor and that's probably why I like them. My favorites are the Dark Chocolate Raspberry, but they only had that for one
Christmas that I know of. I haven't seen it since. I also like that Starbucks® supports our Second Amendment right to bear arms --
even in its stores. Now,
I have another reason to like Starbucks®!
Yep. They have seen the light on obamacare!
March 22, 2011: 12:55 p.m.   Following the money, the history of obamination, and the ties he has to
those who wish to do evil to America and the rest of the world, I could bet you $1.50 that he went to Rio this past weekend
-- which just happened to be the same time this meeting was held --
is because then he could call in to the meeting without anyone knowing it, reporting it, or knowing he participated in the real
planning of destroying America. If the Secret Service members who guard him were questioned under oath, would they tell us
whether he was on the phone during the timeframe of that meeting? Did they hear anything that would make them think he was
listening to or participating in any way in that particular plan? That's what I'd love to know. Then I'd push for impeachment
from now until doomsday.
March 22, 2011: 2:02 a.m.   Sarah Palin is right: Israel is too apologetic
and they should stop apologizing, stand strong and handle things their way! They are allowed to stand up for
their own country. We do. France does. Russia does. Why not Israel? Because they're different just because they're persecuted
by a certain group of people in a certain religion? I don't think so. Israel has the right to defend herself just
as Canada, England, Australia, Japan and America have. Israel should defend herself goodness knows with obamination
as current occupier of the Red House no one else is going to do it for them!
March 22, 2011   If these pictures are real, our troops were wrong.
They were wrong to pose for pictures with the bodies of those they had killed. It's one thing to be at war; it's another
to gloat over dead people. War is a horrible thing. Yes, it means killing people and breaking things. But that doesn't
mean that you glorify your victory via pictures with dead enemy combatants. That's not cool, it's crass. Our troops
are better than that. Well, they were under different leadership and now with obamination as president I suppose they
sink to the level of their leader. That's my best guess, at least. It's just not cool, troops. Not cool at all.
March 22, 2011   obamination is such a hypocrite.
He said Bush didn't have the authority to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq without Congressional authority,
then he goes to war against Libya without Congressional authority. Does it surprise anyone? Of course, if anyone were
to call him on it, obamination would say, "Let me be perfectly clear..." then go on to justify his illegal actions.
The Wrongies would still be mad at him for the war.Even Biden said it was wrong (or did he?).
But, hey, they'd get over it. After all, it is a move to make him look like a strong presidential candidate who
knows how to go to war and would be good at protecting America. Kill whomever he will, as many and however: it's all fair
in re-election campaigns for the Wrongies. They understand and they will support his re-election bid.
March 22, 2011   Another Wrongie hasn't paid taxes and was caught.
She's going to sell her private plane to raise the $287,273. Missouri Dem., Senator Claire McCaskill’s, bill is ridiculous considering she helps write
the tax laws, how can she not know she would be owing them? Oh, that's right. Wrongies are exempt from paying taxes in their own
eyes. They're special. They don't have to. 'Tis we, the little people, who must pay while they play on our dime!
March 22, 2011   While I don't like the NSA being able monitor our phone calls and internet usage,
and I am hoping that the law that allows that gets overturned, I don't like the groups who are doing the overturning. Nor do I agree
with their reasons for disagreeing with the law. I think their reasoning (that they often support "overseas dissidents") is
akin to saying that they don't want to be monitored just in case they are funding those who would do us harm. After all,
wasn't it "oversease dissidents" who started all the fuss in the Middle East (including Libya where our troops are now in
harm's way)? Did "the ACLU, Amnesty International, Global Fund for Women, Global Rights, Human Rights Watch, International
Criminal Defence Attorneys Association, The Nation magazine, PEN American Center, Service Employees International Union
and other plaintiffs" have anything to do with those dissidents and if so, are they partially responsible for the war and
the money being spent?
If so, I want them to give the American people a refund. In fact, I demand a refund from those organizations -- every plaintiff who
supports "overseas dissidents" -- if those organizations had anything to do with fomenting those dissidents in Libya. Andy
Stern and the SEIU should be held fully accountable to the American taxpayers, widows or widowers of any American troops
killed in action, and the cost of any lost aircraft, if he was partially responsible for any of that uprising. Do I think those
who are protesting in the Middle East are speaking their own words? No. I think they're being played by those who want anarchy
worldwide. If those who are protesting in the Middle East were speaking their own words, the people they put into power after the
coup would be people of freedom, not stronger tyrants. No, this is a puppet/puppetmaster thing and those people don't realize
they've been played.
March 22, 2011   obamination thinks his priority should be that of the whole world: gay rights.
Um... Not. He's not all that, although he does think he is. World Leader, All Hail obamination! Demand all he will,
if the U.N. decides to do something now, it won't be because he "demands" it. They've wanted this for
years and America was not supportive because most Americans still see gay marriage (the top priority of gay
rights activists) as wrong. GOD designed marriage to be Adam and Eve; one man, one woman (born that way, not
made via surgery: there was no gender reassignment surgery in the Garden of Eden) and that's the way it should
remain, worldwide. GOD is not mocked and I don't envy those who try it. Just remember, folks, obamination no more
supports this (read the article) than he does war: it's just that he's trying to get re-elected and it's "all
campaign all the time" for him right now. He's not for this: he's for power for himself. That's all it is. Don't
believe me? Look up his record on gay rights. Isn't it always right before he runs for something -- right before an
election -- that he comes out in support of gay rights the strongest? See what I mean? Election mode. Pure,
plain and simple.
March 22, 2011   With radiation contaminating some food in Japan,
they need your help now more than ever. Go to
Operation Blessing's donation page and
give what you can. OB has been on the ground there since a few days after the disaster, if not within a day. They
have offices in the Philippines and had people on planes headed toward Japan very quickly after the tsunami. They
are giving water, food, medical supplies, medical personnel, kerosene, heaters, blankets, etc., etc., etc., to
help the Japanese people. Please give if it's only five dollars, it will buy water, penicillin, iodine tablets,
whatever: every little bit helps.
March 22, 2011   China is again rounding up those who disagree with its leaders.
China's history of abusing those who disagree with them is long, arduous and sad. Their tyranny is brutal,
their rule is unquestionable and their hand is steel: yet some still have the courage -- and the longing for freedom --
to speak out against their leaders. I pray for the people of China and those with the courage to stand up for freedom.
March 22, 2011   April 1st hearing set for AZ's illegal immigration law.
I hope Judicial Watch wins this one. AZ should be allowed -- under the U.S. Constitution -- to make their own laws and
to protect their citizens from bankruptcy via illegal immigrant costs. If the federal government is allowed to force
AZ to drop their illegal immigration law, what state law is safe? Where does a state's rights begin and the fed's end?
At the state line, bucko. Go, JW!
March 22, 2011   obamination thinks that your budget is something to play with, take away from and destroy. If you don't believe it:
$60 million of your dollars are going to study how "Climate Change" effects forests, crops.
Yeah. He cares that you are treading water trying to keep your family afloat in a depression and looking at higher waters
because he closed the space shuttle program. He knows that, but he's spending $60 million of your dollars anyways to study
trees. Isn't that special? Remember, an election is coming in 2012. What will he spend your money on next?
March 22, 2011   SEIU is using intimidation to get their own way.
Shock. Surprise. The mafia of the "workers of America" are being thugs again. SEIU = making monkeys out of people. How
wonderful. Do those people even realize how ridiculous they are, how stupid they look? Have they no sense of propriety?
Unions are something I abhor. Part of that is because, biblically speaking, unions are not something Christians should
join. I didn't know that at the time I was -- for two months or less -- a union member and a Shop Steward for the cashiers
of the base commissary I worked at. As some of you may recall, I left the union after two months or so because they were as
bad -- if not worse -- about breaking the rules as the managers of the commissary. Now I know that if you read the Bible,
it states clearly that a boss gets to decide how much he pays his employees and if the employee doesn't like it, then the
employee is free to go elsewhere to get work, not free to intimidate, harass and mob the boss. That's just using thug
tactics and it's wrong, folks, just plain wrong.
March 22, 2011   Lame Wrongies should leave Michelle Malkin's family alone.
How would NPR's "comedians" like it if Malkin did something similar to their families? I bet they'd have Malkin in
court faster than they could spell.... Sorry. That won't work. They can't spell. So I'll say faster than they
could spit their hatred out.
March 22, 2011   Here's how Wrongies do it:
change the rules until they win.
We're used to that tactic, but it doesn't make it any more palatable. It's something that should not happen, but -- hey -- when
you can't win any other way besides cheating, what else can Wrongies do? What else? They use underhanded tactics to
try to shut down a Conservative's campaign for Ambulance Board.
Sending out a health inspector to a barbecue to try to shut it down. It backfired: he didn't shut it down and she is still
on the ballot.
March 22, 2011   While your children get little in the way of a real education in public schools,
if they go to prison, they'll get it all!
So, solve the problem: let them break the law and go to prison and your taxpayer dollars will finally educate your
child. Of course, it will take forty years for him to get that education because that's how long he'll be in for,
and by then he'll have his master's degree, but you'll have only seen him 480 times in those years. What thinks
you? Good trade-off? (In case you were wondering, yes, this is sarcasm.)
March 22, 2011  
obamination's very good at hypocrisy.
If he has experience at anything, that would be it. Notice one thing, though. The only thing he never has
wavered on is the killing of babies still in the womb. Have you ever noticed that? Abortion: obamination's Holy Grail.
March 22, 2011   Even though a "judge" in WI put a temp. restraining order on the WI union law,WI is appealing that ruling. Of course, that
ruling came from a judge whose son was a union flackie and she should have recused herself, or at least declared her
conflict of interest. But when you're a Wrongie, that doesn't seem to matter any longer. It's a sign of the times:
Wrongies get to do anything they want to get their own way. Honor? Doing what's right? Nah. That means nothing
to them anymore. They'll do what they want, when they want, how they want to get what they want. What do they want?
Power. Pure, plain and simple. Power.
March 21, 2011: 1:51 a.m.   Slept almost the entire day away on Saturday. Seems this cold is
knocking it out of me. As I've said, I don't usually do this, but apparently this cold is taking all my energy for
trying to fight off this infection. Not fun. Coughing so hard and so often my ribs are sore and that's not fun, either.
But, I'm awake (finally!) and I'm here and it's past midnight so I may do some updates. Let's see what is out there...
March 21, 2011   Why are Americans so easilly misled as to what our U.S. Constitution says, what their basic rights
are, what the powers of the branches of government are (Legislative, Judicial and Executive -- without looking it up anywhere: I
remember my Civics class in 12th grade: it's the only class I had that semester and I tested it out and finished my Senior year
early)? It's because they haven't been taught them, or they just don't care to know.
38% couldn't pass a U.S. Citizenship test.
That's not just sad, that's a danger to America. If they don't know anything about our rights, the limited power of the government,
the way our great country was founded on Christian beliefs and principles they are a danger because they can be misled, they vote
(heaven help us!) and they are able to get people into office who should never have been on the ballot, much less in office (i.e., obamination).
They're a danger to us all and we should guard against that by educating ourselves and those around us with the truth, the actual
history (not the rewritten, P.C. history being taught in schools and colleges nowadays), and by being active in our political process.
Those who emigrated here and are trying to change our America into the socialist countries they fled are doing a disservice to their
children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors as well as breaking the oath they took when they became a citizen of the United States
of America. That oath of citizenship made them swear,
"that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;"
If they are trying to undo America as the Christian Republic it was founded as, and make America a socialist, communist, or
any other "-ist" country, they are breaking their U.S. Citizenship oath and should be deported immediately and sent back
to the country from whence they came!
March 21, 2011   She wasn't on the top of the ticket.
If she were, I think she would have won it. McCain? Get real. He's a loser all the way around. His arms are so long from reaching across
the aisle that they're now dragging the ground. Of course, all those bananas don't help him look any more intelligent, either.
March 21, 2011   SEIU has been bad. Very bad.
Well, that's what the RICO lawsuit is planning on proving.
I don't think they'll have much trouble proving it if the shredders haven't been going on overtime. Let's see where this
goes because it could be the end of another union powerhouse. Wouldn't that be nice? The rise of the Tea Party and the decline
of the unions. Anyone else see poetic justice here?
March 21, 2011   One must wonder
why Louis "19" Farrakhan has his knickers in such a twist over Libya and obamination's attack on them.
After all, one would think "19" were receiving money from Libya or something to react that strongly to obamination
flexing his political muscles. Didn't "19" support obamination and all he stood for in past days? Now
obamination does something to try to make himself look like a strong leader and "19" gets all bent out of shape over it? Why
is it such a big deal that obamination is doing a military exercise to help him get re-elected? Is that not what
"19" wants? "19" must have something else going on to be this irritated with obamination. Keep any eye on this one, folks.
Follow the money.
March 21, 2011   Wonderful. (Sarcasm.) The House votes to defund NPR, but
now we're funding with taxpayer dollars: the BBC.
Out of one frying pan into another. That's just stupid. Do you like having your money spent on foreign television while
you're trying to keep a roof over your head as the government makes food prices go up, gas prices increase, and
your taxes are increasing as well? Don't you just LOVE PROGRESSIVES (WRONGIES)? Not to mention that while you're
struggling and facing a job that won't be here next year,
obamination goes on another vacation on your dime.
Sigh. He's so in touch with your needs and concerns. (Sarcasm.)
When he got there
he was met with protestors who didn't want him there.
Hey, they don't want him, we don't want him. Who does? Oh. That's right,
Gadhafi calls him "Our Son",
so maybe he'd take him. Win. Win. Win.
March 21, 2011   Nerve. Chutzpah. Gall: All of the above?
GZ mosque sues Burlington Coat Factory over damage to building they say they're going to tear down anyways. They're asking for a "total of $4.1 million in damages."
Like I said, chutzpah.
March 21, 2011   Rep. Peter King was wrong about this one.
I think he needed to do some deeper digging into the person he touted before recommending him. Now, King looks rather stupid.
March 21, 2011   I know that England is one of our staunchest, most reliable allies. I understand that. But when it comes
to the treatment of their own people and political correctness, England has it all wrong. Their government is made up of a
bunch of pencil pushing wimps who wouldn't know a spine if it kicked their ahems and licked unprotected lollipops with the Queen.
It's ridiculous how scared those people are of offending someone -- ANYONE -- for the least little thing, for even a hair's breadth of time.
Can anyone say, "England is a nation of government pantiwastes!"? The government there lost their spines back in the 1980s and haven't
even bothered to look for one -- to rent or own -- since! When will they realize that if they're going to worry that much about
hurting someone's feelings that they'd better fire the Queen and all her brood and make them start living off their own hard labor
and stop standing on the backs of the working man? I'm sure some of their people are offended by that. Why won't they admit that it's offensive
to see her tootling around in her multiple mansions and palaces and living off of their dimes? Acknowledge that she should have to live off her own
sweat of brow. She and all her children and children's children's children! Not to mention sisters, cousins, etc., who should all
have to work for a living and not get paid via accident of birth. No matter what they do for the public spirit (i.e.: public relations,
making people "feel good about" having a "Royal" visit, etc., that it's not enough for them to be allowed to stand on the backs of
the children who aren't even born yet. That's something that should be totally done away with: royalty in any country. Don't kill
them, just fire their royal PITAs!
March 21, 2011   NC lawmaker says state "needs own currency".
Sounds like the state of NC is starting to distrust the Feds and I can understand why. Do I believe it's time to start making
individual state currencies? No. That could do more harm than good. Do I think it's possible that the federal government
with obamination at the wheel may seem to push the U.S.A. toward such a thing? It's possible. After all, people don't trust
obamination and they know that as long as he is in the Red House America is in danger of collapse, being destroyed from
within (within the Red House, that is), and of being attacked from without (Islam first in line). I think that people are
at that breaking point and they're starting to look for leadership. That's something that the Republican Party is lacking
in a big, huge, gigantic, enormous, stupendous way. I wish the leadership of the Republican Party would start renting a spine.
I know Michele Bachman has one, as does Sarah Palin. Allen West, Herman Cain and Marco Rubio also have spines. The Republicans should
look to those people to see what a spine looks like. Do you hear me, John Boehner, et al?
March 21, 2011   obamination "in exile" and
an and an "accidental president"? I don't think
so. I think he's doing what he needs to do to destroy America, taking every step -- legal or illegal -- he can possibly get away with. He's
not an "accidental president": ACORN and his Soros buds saw to his election and all the cheating they had to do to get him elected
was not contested by the spineless Republicans. No, they had to be nice and try to appear untainted by the accusation and threat of
"Bigot!", "Racist!" or any other such nonsense. Republicans were held by the shorts and if any of them dared step out of line and
speak up against the wrongdoing that was the 2008 election, the leadership was sure to snap the whip and get them back in line.
obamination has his handlers who are telling him what to do, when to do it, how to do it, what faces to make, where to point,
how to look at his wife, whether to show his kids. He is too stupid to do all that thinking for himself and has no experience to
do it, so it has to be handlers: Soros (evil incarnate), et al. Puppet and puppetmaster, working to destroy America as fast as
possible, to allow Islam to come in and take us over. At least that's what they think is going to happen: what they want to happen.
They forget: America is America and always will be. The Tea Party may or may not stick around, but what the Tea Party isn't is
a group that was meant to be a ruling organization. They sprang up as people realized that America is a great place and we shall
protect her with every means available: word, vote, rallies, actions, and more if needed. That's what Soros, obamination and all
those who hate America fail to take into account. WE LOVE AMERICA AS OUR FOUNDING FATHERS GAVE HER TO US. WE WILL STAND. WE WILL
from us and Tea Party or no, that was just a slight view of what will happen if they go one more step too far! America is worth
standing for and WE WILL STAND!
St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2011: 8:10 p.m.   Well, my cold and I are stil fighting. It's
to the point of my body making me rest (about 28 hours in two days), and making me take it easier than
I have done in the last five years. I never sleep that much unless my body is really struggling. So, I guess
I needed it. Thus no updates for the last two days: can't type and sleep at the same time. I've tried it;
you wouldn't like it. It looks something like: "kkkkkkkkkkkkk", usually followed by a startled waking up. Oh,
well. On with the updates. Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day! Being part Irish, I am definitely wearing green.
No one pinches me on St. Patrick's Day!
"'When Lazio walked across that stage, that was every husband walking
across that kitchen with a threatening tone in his voice'
is how one prominent
New York Democrat recalled the incident. 'They did for her what she couldn’t do
for herself. They made her sympathetic.'"
Remember how offended NOWNags were? Remember how it was seen as an affront to common decency?
Then why is Anthony Weiner (D-NY) allowed to stomp all over Michelle Bachman and get away with it?
Because Bachman is a Conservative woman and that's all it takes to remove a woman's credentials as one of the
people who deserve "protected" status. But that's okay. We're strong female Conservatives -- most Conservatives
of both genders are strong -- and we don't need anyone defending us. Bachman can dish it out as well as she
can take it and I'm sure Weiner was left licking his wounds while Bachman had none.
March 17, 2011   IL Dem. Wrongie, Schakowsky prooposes 49% top tax bracket and increases everywhere else, too.
Sweet! Just as our economy is going to hades in a handbasket, our gas prices are going through the roof,
people can barely afford to feed their families, folks are losing their houses left, right and center, Wrongies
want to raise taxes. On what? Almost 20% of the nation is unemployed! How are they going to raise taxes on
people who are making no money? Oh. That's right. Tax the rich so that they'll close their businesses and more
folks will be unemployed and the country will slider further and faster into purdition. Wonderful plan, Wrongies.
You know, for people who supposedly love this nation, they sure do know how to best screw it up!
March 17, 2011   You like NPR? Like how they're making kids' programming that converts children
into "Global Warming" fanatics (read "hamsters"), and how Mom and Dad are never correct, and
how all lifestyles are hunky-dory with children's characters as long as it's "love" (magic word, that)?
Like how its Board has given 89% of their political contributions to Wrongies (Dems.)?
Oh. Sorry. That doesn't matter. It means nothing! It doesn't prove that they have a political agenda that they push,
support, teach over the taxpayer-funded airwaves to your little skulls full of mush. It means nothing. They have
the right to give to whomeever they wish. Their contributions tell us nothing about what they believe, think,
support. It's just another thing to look the other way over. We've been there, done that. Why not do so with this?
Our children's futures matter not, right? (For those of you who don't get it, yes, this is sarcasm. I'm sorry to
have to point that out, but there are some who won't understand that.)
I'm glad the U.S. H.of R. has voted to defund NPR. Next stop: PBS.
March 17, 2011   Wanna' be candidate for Prez,
Trump tells us how smart he is and that he's a "birther".
well, at least a little bit of a birther. Just a wee, little bit. I think that
"wee, little bit" is more a description of his chances of being elected than of how much of a birther he is. I've
heard him say he's a birther in stronger terms in days gone by, so why back up now? In his CPAC speech he said,
"Our current president came out of nowhere. Came out of nowhere.
In fact, I'll go a step further: the people that went to school with him,
they never saw him, they don't know who he is. Crazy!"
Just a wee, little bit stronger, n'est-ce pas?
March 17, 2011   Fake Tea Party activists --
actually Wrongies (Dems.) -- found out.
Shock. Surprise. Wrongies use underhanded tactics to try to win the game. Oooh... I'm so amazed they had the nerve.
I'm shocked they had the gall. I never would have thought they could get away with that. Yeah. Right. They think
they can get away with anything since the MSM is on their side and their side won't rat them out: not enough honor
among thieves.
"charges related to Independent Tea Party filings, false affidavits and
forged documents that occurred between July 23 and July 26 last year."
"The charges include felonies that carry up to 14 years in prison."
March 17, 2011   And it's obafriends for the win!
More of your money going to those who rub elbows with the "High and Mighty, the One and Only, the Illegal Prez." Yep.
Don't you just love it?
March 17, 2011   Illegals: they get the free pass, we get taxed for them.
Don't you love getting so very wronged by this administration so very often? It's just wonderful that he can do this to us!
After all, we just pay the man and we just keep getting messed over and messed over and messed over. It's just so much
March 17, 2011   Note to BOCC: Remember, we can do this, too!
Stop spending our money! We don't have any more! We want to eat, to keep a roof of some sort over our heads, to get back and forth
to work if we have a job, and if we don't have a job, to find one! Stop spending our money, or we can do the same thing to you!
Can anyone in Brevard County believe we have four Republicans in the BOCC? I can't. We actaully
have two RINOs -- BIG TIME RINOs -- a Semi-RINO in Andy Anderson, and a True Conservative in Trudie Infantini.
If we were to hold a recall, at the very least, the two RINOs would have to go: Nelson and Bolin, you'd be outta' there!
March 17, 2011   Maryland Christians turn tide
in same-sex marriage debate (scroll down a little). Good!
Marriage was established by GOD in the beginning, after He created Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve as the old joke goes).
The Bible says in Genesis 2:24, "a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall
be one flesh." There's no mention of polygamy, no mention of two men, two women, or any other combination. The establishment
of marriage -- the very definition of marriage in the Bible -- is one man, one woman. Any other configuration is
totally unacceptable.
"'Approximately 40% of al-Qaida members in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq are
composed of juveniles under the age of 18'; Islamic Extremist Groups 'encourage their
members to launch attacks on children'"
If they can't convert them, blow them up! Wonderful. Love, peace and understanding. That's Islam for you. Mothers,
don't let you children be drawn into Islam. It's a danger to their lives and to the lives of others. The little girls,
teen to young adult, are recruited to be sex slaves. Don't let your chidlren near Islam.
March 17, 2011   Notice any change in the thickness of your wallet after payday? Notice any
increase in the cost of food, gas, clothes, everything?
The Feds have. Is it any wonder we're hurting with
obamination in office doing everything he can to destroy America? When will he be impeached? Tomorrow
is not soon enough!
March 17, 2011   Union: They're not "lavish benefits", they're like civil rights:
AFL-CIO Chief, Richard Trumka, says so.
And it's all on your dime. The government, the unions, the non-profit groups like Planned Parenthood (A.K.A. "Let's Kill All The Babies Except Those WE Like"),
La Raza, NPR/PBS, etc., take all they want and you just keep dishing out your hard earned money -- through the nose, of
course, because it hurts worse that way. They don't take unless it hurts.
March 15, 2011: 2:20 a.m.   I've been trying to get over my cold and today it's just knocking me on
the head. I've sneezed and sneezed and sneezed and coughed and hacked and all of that. It's something that I thought
I was on the road to recovery, but I don't know. Friday to Saturday I stayed awake for forty hours straight; perhaps
the result of cough medicine and cough drops. I am not used to taking medication and I guess I was wired from that
stuff, or maybe just hyped up on the orange juice I've been chugging to try to get better. All the while, I've
stayed glued to the television, my son's playing of the news on his computer, or my own computer watching and
listening to news of the Japan situation. I can't imagine being on that island right now. Those poor, poor
people. Such devastation, such heart ache, such loss. As one man said, when he's alone he pinches his cheek to
make sure he's not dreaming. I don't pinch my face, but it's just so unbelievable. It seems so impossible to
see this kind of devastation and then have it added to with the nuclear problems, the weather (it's supposed
to snow there today), and the continuing aftershocks.
I've been watching NHK live and my hubby and I
gave to Operation Blessing Disaster Relief Fund
and I hope that you will consider doing the same. OB really knows how to help people, gets people and supplies
there fast and will do as much as they can with every dollar given to help the people of Japan. I am hoping
to see some changes in Japan: good things happening, instead of them getting hammered with another thing
going wrong. I hope they have no more tsunamies, no more earthquakes and the weather warms up for them as the
nuclear situation gets stabilized, under control and contained.
March 12, 2011: 7:01 a.m.   I worked most of the night on my Bibliography
and got a lot more of the books I own listed. I hope to have it completed in the next few weeks. Working in
four to seven hour shifts, I've gotten this far. Hopefully, by the end of this month, at least all of the
physical books will be listed. I shall then have only the Kindle® E-Reader editions to post. Phew! It's
hard work doing all of this! Check it out and see what you think. Have I enough info to know what I'm
talking about? Write to me if you think not; or if you spot typos!
March 11, 2011: 8:27 p.m.   Well, yesterday was a complete "I feel so drained and icky from my
cold" day that I didn't even touch my computer. I slept most of the day, ate a little and read a little,
and then just sat "zombying" in front of the television. I hate "zombying". I don't think when I'm in that
state and I hate not thinking. Even when I'm watching a movie, I think about what they're saying, the impacts
of following the "logic" some of the characters apply to their lives -- to reality -- and analyze what it would
look like in real life. But, that's the way I do things. Whether I'm reading,
watching a movie, talking with friends, or anything else, I'm always analyzing. It's a habit that I can't break
and wouldn't want to if I could. It irritates my sons sometimes, but they're learning how to do it as a survival
mode when speaking to me. It enables them to think while they're talking to others and keeps them from being
sucked into other people's troubles, irrational plans, or fears and beliefs. It's amazing what a difference
thinking can make in ones life. BTW, as you may have guessed via the fact that I am posting today, I'm feeling a bit
better. Not 100% yet, but let's say 50% improvement. At least I have the energy to do some typing.
March 11, 2011   Our thoughts and prayers to the people of Japan
regarding the devestation that is happening
to that country. I pray that GOD will prevent those reactors that are having difficulties cooling themselves from
catastrophic failures and that He will protect the people from any and all nuclear radiation that may escape. Japan
has had enough nuclear radiation, they don't need more. GOD bless them all and keep them safe and well, protect them
from further disaster. Comfort those who lost loved ones already, who lost homes and businesses and bring peace to the
souls of the people via Jesus Christ, the Lord.
March 11, 2011   obamination defends NPR/PBS funding but
it's no surprise there. After all, they lurb (love in sarcastic tones) him, why would he want such a fan defunded?
March 11, 2011   MSM needs to get a grip.
There will be no "anti-Muslim backlash" after Rep. King hearings.
The people of America have some common sense. It's the Muslims who are doing the "backlash". They're threatening his life.
They're threatening everything because they can.
March 11, 2011   30,000 Bibles being held by Islamic Malaysian govt.
according to a Christian group. This helps prove the "Can't we all just get along?" attitude of Islam, does it not?
BTW, the government there has also banned Christians from using the word, "Allah" for GOD. Why? Because it's strictly
for use by Islam, says the Malayan government. That's a crock. The word "Allah" is a term that has been used by certain
languages forever and it is their only term for GOD. It is not strictly an Islamic term: it means GOD in
languages that have no other word for Him. But, no. Malaysia says, "Only Islam", which restricts Christians from
referring to GOD at all in their own language. That's ridiculous!
March 11, 2011  
"Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier
to be the president of China.
As one official put it, “No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square."
I find that very revealing. After all, did I not state in my blog, "Nobel Prize Very Revealing":
We see that arrogance again in one single statement that his being given the prize is "an affirmation of
American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations."
"World leader, B. Hussein O.; His High and Mightiness, B. Hussein O.; Ruler of the World, B.
Hussein O.; Supreme World Being, B. Hussein O. The Ego, B. Hussein O."
He proves me correct time after time after time.
March 11, 2011   Yet another reason to hate unions.
If they don't get their way, they'll, basically, turn to blackmail. It's not about right or wrong, it's
about the power. Always. Implicitly. Completely. Unmistakably. Power: nothing more, nothing less. The
problem is, who gets the power? Is it the little guy, the "normal, working union Joe" who gets any power?
Or, when you think about it, is it the union's high-muckety-mucks who wind up with the power, the better
pay, the nicer homes, the bigger cars, rubbing elbows with other high-muckety-mucks? Think about it,
union members. It's not for YOUR benefit they do it. If they're on the ladder to high-muckety-muckness
-- or already there -- they are doing it for themselves. Not for you. Think. Look around. Then leave the
union to take away their power over you. Stand up for yourself, don't rely on someone else to do it for you.
If you're not happy working somewhere, then it's a good idea to go elsewhere. That's the right way to do it.
Don't try to force your employer to do "X" because employers can only do so much of that before they go under.
Then where will you work? If you wish to be unemployed, that's your problem. But don't make sure that all of your
coworkers go down with you. That's the union way.
March 11, 2011   obamination admin. says Muslims have friend in Red House.
So, what's new in that? It's not surprising. It's rather old news. It's just that it's being admitted to at
a very strange time: Peter King's hearings and all that. I think coddling Muslims at this time is a bit of a stretch
in the wrong direction, but that's obamination all the time: WRONG.
March 11, 2011   Another union bites the dust! Hurray!
NFL players can negotiate on their own now and it will be between the owner and the player to figure out how much
the player will earn and what benifits he'll get. If it stays this way, I bet the price of tickets comes down, too!
March 11, 2011   Border Patrol numbers:
59,017 “Other Than Mexican” Illegal Aliens Apprehended in 2010,
including 663 “Aliens from Special Interest Countries”. That's startling. We need to close our borders, especially
our border with Mexico. If they're not going to help us protect our country, we should take away MFN status for them,
stop all imports/exports with them and stop all but emergency humanitarian aid. That would make them sit up and pay
attention! Maybe then we would be getting some cooperation from them and they'd stop using us as their whipping boy!
March 11, 2011   TSA body scanners: 10x higher radiation than expected and
that's what I questioned way back when they were just getting started. Remember this (the underlined
portion is the part I refer to here -- underlining not in the original)?:
"Jan. 11, 2010 Do you travel?
Do you want to go to the airport and go
through a body scanner that will show everyone what you look like naked? I refuse. If
I had a great body (and I don't), I wouldn't do that. I'm sure even supermodels are
unhappy about the possibilities. Although, according to some, those possibilities to
help keep you safe won't work as they are saying it will. After all, tell me when was
the last time you had a full body x-ray without receiving some radiation? And tell me
who from the TSA is going to stand there and know when the thing is malfunctioning and
exposing you to more than the machines are supposed to use? Are all TSA employees going
to be fully trained in calibrating and measuring the safety and effectiveness of these
things? Is there going to be a "scan-canic" (scanner mechanic) at every airport on call
24/7/365? Is there going to be an inspection annually for these things to make sure they
are operating as they should? Who is going to be doing all of this? The government? They
run the post office and the Medicare/Medicaid and Fannie/Freddie "services". Do you really
want them figuring out that you had too much radiation? Remember, they tested nuclear
fallout on our servicemen. Is that what you want?"
March 9, 2011: 5:47 p.m.   Son had a good birthday yesterday. He had all his favorite foods and got
a new bike and other gifts. He seemed to enjoy it. That was good. His dad and I both have bad colds and I am
feeling like leftover crud, steamed and stuffed into something not quite savory. Icky, in other words. Yep.
So today's blurbs will be short and few. Sorry. When my head stops feeling like a ton of bricks are sitting
on it, when I can breathe properly without hacking my lungs out, when I can see clearly even with my contacts
in, then I'll post my usual spate of blurbs. Until then, I'll do what I can without making my head explode. No,
rupe, you don't get to see that.
March 9, 2011   When we moved to Florida in 1984, news was that out of three independent studies done, Florida schools
ranked 49th and 50th in the rankings for all three studies. That was not good enough for my children. I decided then to homeschool
them and I have done so. Now, public schools are failing even worse: 82% will not pass muster
under the guidelines just kicking in. That's not good enough for anyone's children. If you love your kids and want them to have a future,
want them to know how to add, to read and write, to understand the implications of a presidential election -- and not just who
their teachers (and the union) think they should vote for if they're over 18 -- then you should sacrifice for your children and put them
in private schools if you can afford it, or homeschool them, as I think is best. Homeschooled children are considered prize pupils at
Ivy League colleges because homeschooled children are better disciplined, have better study habits, get better grades and make their college
look better because of it. Homeschooled children get the advantage of spending more time with Mom and Dad and therefore have a better
grounding and get a better idea of why Mom and Dad believe what they do, support the people/things they do, and are more secure in
their parents' love. If you think you can't do it, just try and see. It's not easy, and it's not something that will get you the new car,
bigger house, or a great vacation, but if your children matter to you, it's well worth the sacrifices.
March 9, 2011   Idaho now taking away union power! Go Idaho!
Excellent! Now it's Florida's turn. Come on, FL Senate and House, you can do it!
March 9, 2011   obamination's daughters are nothing more than a campaign tool.
Talking about "haves and have not's" when referring to his daughters? I think they may be smart enough to understand they are
in the former category and have nothing to do with the latter. After all, when Daddy needs them to be in a campaign talk,
a commercial, or whatever,
he later says he "regrets" using them.
(BTW, he says he was born in Hawai'i and can't change that. He and his fellow Wrongies are
starting the "birther" thing going again. I wonder why he needs that to be there?)
March 9, 2011   Newt "Bill Clinton" Gingrich seeks presidency as "forgiveness" found. What a crock.
This is ridiculous. I have long said that he disgraced himself with his affairs, and he now wants to be president? I don't think
we need another Bill Clinton in the White House. I don't think we want another Lewinsky situation. We don't need
Newtie getting fruity with an intern while a foreign dignitary waits for him outside. He should go back under the
rock he crawled out from under about a year ago, after his latest disgrace, and he should stay there and have his next
affiar in private. I feel sorry for his wives -- all three of them -- and to think that another woman would fall for his
lines just irritates me. How can women be so stupid as to think that he did it to those others, but he won't do it
to me? That's just egotistical idiocy, head-in-the-sand stupidity, or both. Anyone who thinks that a male (I don't
consider him a "man": real men have honor, dignity, and self-control) won't do to them what they have already done to
two other women he swore to be faithful and true to, just doesn't have a clue. Sorry, Callista, but that's the truth.
March 9, 2011   Okay. That's enough for now. My headache is making my vision all blurry. Have a great,
obamination/Wrongie free rest of the evening!
March 8, 2011: 2:17 p.m.   Just a few quick blurbs here while the birthday boy is preoccupied.
So read fast! (*smile*)
March 8, 2011   Was "Teddy" "hiccup" Kennedy a Commie?
He liked to hang with commies and prostitutes while visiting Latin American countries, renting a whole brothel for
the night while Assistant District Attorney of Suffolk County in 1961. Between that and trying to get commies let
into the country, it seems to me as though that's where his allegiance was.
March 8, 2011   After the November elections in which Tea Party-supported candidates won handily
nationwide, I listed several things in a blog that should be defunded. The one thing I forgot was NPR/PBS. I hate
that my money is going to them and that they use it to denounce everything that America stands for. They hate Conservatism and they hate America.
There is video to prove it.
But they seem to support radical Islam, even wanting to accept money from them. Don't you just love all those
PC shows now? Elmo, go to... puppet graveyard.
March 8, 2011 &nbps Woops. Birthday boys is no longer distracted. Gotta' go!
March 7, 2011: 6:13 p.m.   Well, that was a fun weekend. We went to Port St. Lucie on Saturday to
visit a friend who was at the Port St. Lucie Coin and Ephemera Show at the Community Center there. She had some
great postcards and I bought one from her that I just love. It's a nice, nice card. After that, we stopped by
several antique shops and did some photographing and then drove home. It was late when we got home and by the time
I tried to update my website I had been up for almost sixteen hours after only a few hours of sleep and I started
reading my usual sites, and promptly fell asleep at the computer. It was a losing battle and I realized that after
waking myself up the fifth time. Sorry, but I was tired. You have me now, so on with the show!
"But focusing too closely on Islam and the religious motives of these
attempted terror attacks also threatens to alienate an entire community that has
nothing to do with these violent beliefs."
Excuse me? IF they "have nothing to do with these violent beliefs" then why do we not see thirty, forty,
fifty of them in the streets protesting terrorist attacks? If it's something that is so reprehensible to them,
where are the hundreds out there protesting what Al Qaeda and the other Islamic terrorists are doing to
their religion's good name? Why are there not thousands -- tens of thousands -- standing between the U.S.
(the "Great Satan" in Islamic eyes) and the terrorists who wish to destroy us? Where? If it's not
something that the WHOLE religion believes, espouses, teaches, supports, adores, then where are those
Muslims standing against terrorism? Where? I think that the "focusing too closely on Islam" is because
that's who is doing the terrorism! It's not that we wish this to be so, it is so. There
are "no ifs, ands, or buts about it". Those participating in the terrorist attacks around the world are Islamic.
It's a fact. If they were Buddhist, Catholic, Mormon, Lutheran, Druid, Hindu, Baptist, or Jewish, we would all know
about that and we would all focus on that religion. To say not to focus on "X" is like saying "Don't think about
xylophones." Now everyone is thinking about xylophones! Ignoring the truth does not make something an untruth. It
makes the person ignoring the truth look stupid, like he/she has buried his/her head in the sand and can't deal
with reality. Reality is that the terrorists throughout the world right now are MUSLIMS. Fact.
March 7, 2011   Zimbabwe making the world a more dangerous place.
They're thinking of selling nuclear grade uranium to Iran.
How far will they get with the plan before someone smacks them? Probably all the way, considering
obamination will probably support it.
March 7, 2011   Unemployment?
"Triple J" has the answer: Free laptops and iPods! WooHoo! Oh. Paid for with YOUR money.
Yeah. Give away free laptops and iPods paid for with your taxpayer dollars. Sweet, yes? If you don't pay taxes, you
may like that plan, but then you've probably already bought a lapton and iPod with OUR taxpayer dollars, anyways, so
why would you need another? Oh. And you should have the right to a nice house to live in, too. Triple J: I don't think so.
You can take all of those things you think should be "basic rights" and shove them.
March 7, 2011   Florida considering
casinos outside of Indian reservations. BAD IDEA.
It's wrong, folks. It's just wrong. Why a Tea Party FL Legislature would even consider such a thing, I have no idea.
"Facing a recall vote, the scandal-plagued mayor of Miami-Dade County
(Carlos Alvarez) created a special “education” committee that allows public transit
employees to be excused from their regular duties while still collecting their
taxpayer salaries, ranging from $35,000 to $70,000 a year. The workers parade around
encouraging residents to vote against recalling Alvarez in a special election later
this month, according to various local media reports."
Miami-Dade taxpayers need to be really angry about this. They're paying for people to go and drum up support
for a someone they may not support at all? Doesn't wash, folks. It's totally illegal and it's stealing
from the taxpayers. Isn't that special? And it's the mayor encouraging it! Isn't that special?
March 7, 2011   Surprising statement: Women should walk "burkha-free" in England.
means the man's life is threatened and he believes he is a marked man. Sounds to me as though he's discovering the truth
about women's rights in Islam: there are none. This guy also believes in evolution, which is not allowed in Islam. Maybe
that will make Wrongies start understand the problems with Islam.
March 7, 2011   I don't know much about Herman Cain,
but if he's sincere, how about an Allen West/Herman Cain ticket?
Goodness! That would be good. They can go up against a Sarah Palin/Michele Bachman ticket. Then the Wrongies would have to run someone...
From Mars to win. And, no! Barney Frank does NOT qualify!
March 7, 2011   I don't care if you have a (D) or an (R) behind your name,
this is wrong. Just plain wrong.
Knock it off! Now!
March 7, 2011   Mexican illegals are firing guns that shoot lethal bullets and kill one of our border guards. He's
a hero in my book. Too bad
our hero had to shoot back with a beanbag!
Ooohhhhh.... See those illegals shaking in their shoes? In the meantime,
human trafficking, drug smuggling, etc.,
are regulars on the Mexi-border-menu.
March 7, 2011   obamination gives your money to
Arab-based "green" company: $5 MILLION worth.
Isn't that special? You're here struggling to pay the bills, trying to keep your head above water
so that you don't lose your house, or maybe even get kicked out of your apartment, one of the parents
has lost their job and Mom and Dad are saying they can't make it and are thinking of moving in with you
while your kids need braces you can't afford. All the while, obamination is taking your money and giving
it to foreigners on foreign shores. Sweet!
March 7, 2011   obafriends: come and get your perks.
does it surprise anyone? No? There is no surprise left when he does the wrong thing. It's now expected that obamination do the
wrong thing. He knows no other way.
March 7, 2011   My son turns -- can I believe it? -- a year older tomorrow and I may not post because
I want to spend that time with him. So you'll have to understand when it comes to me skipping tomorrow (if I do).
March 4, 2011: 3:49 p.m.   Missed yesterday's update. Busy around the house and then went to dinner
and a movie with my friend. Had a great time, as usual, and saw a movie that made almost every eye in the house weepy.
The movie was "The Grace Card" and it was very good. I recommend you see
it with a boat load of tissues and don't wear mascara. You'll look better when you leave the theater if you put your
mascara on after you finish crying and sniffling. This movie is a feel good, heart render that makes you cry even when
you think you're finished.
March 4, 2011   As you know, I sent a comment to Sen. Thad Altman, ex-Brevard County Commissioner, on
March 2nd, telling him my displeasure with his lawsuit against Gov. Rick Scott. Surprisingly, I heard back from him.
So I thought I'd share it with you. I didn't change the page, so read it top to bottom. You'll find it
March 4, 2011   Islamic nations are all in an uproar and if anyone on earth is unaware of that, they just
aren't paying attention (or incapable of doing so). I don't think it's all good, but it still seems to me as though it's
not time to worry as yet. Maybe I've got rose colored glasses, or live in a world of cotton candy and lollipops, or
just have my head stuck in the sand; whatever, I am not as yet worried about this. Why? I don't know. I have peace
in my soul about it. That's all I can say.
Libya's doing the wrong thing.Yemen is still at it.Iraq has protestors up in arms.Tunisia, Bahrain, etc., all staging anti-government
protests. I don't know why I'm not thinking along the same lines as Glenn Beck, but I'm not. I know it could
be bad: really, really bad. But right now, my spirit doesn't tell me to worry about it. I leave it in the hands of GOD
and I'll let Him worry about it. Why? Because I see no reason for me to get all worked up over something I have no
control over (but GOD does) and I just don't think it's something He would have me do. Yes, I will be aware
of it. But, no, I will not be concerned until my spirit says I should.
March 4, 2011   Unions are doing themselves no favors with their current actions. They are painting themselves
into a pretty da**ing picture and they've got no one to blame but themselves.
When they behave like hyenas and rabid dogs
it's pretty clear to see who they really are. Actions speak louder than words and unions are proving themselves pretty
much animals. Is there a zoo somewhere that has some space? Be sure to follow the links on that page to see the whole picture.
Animals sometimes act better!
March 4, 2011   Texas, of all places, considers wimpy immigration law
while other states consider copying AZ's law. Texas? What happened to your rabid independence, your solid spine and your
hardcore Conservatism? You get yella' fever?
March 4, 2011   Wrongie group, "Common Cause" activitsts call for lynching USSC Justices.
I think anyone who would do such a thing should lose their nonprofit status simply because if they're going
to threaten or encourage violence they should not receive a break from the U.S. government. If they retain their
nonprofit status, it's like saying that the government supports them wanting to lynch and damage the government.
The government supporting its own overthrow? Nope. Don't wash.
March 4, 2011   Five Wrongie Senators hang it up and
decide not to run for reelection in 2012. Cowards, realists, or just realizing that the obamination's coat tails aren't
going to carry anyone next election since obamination will be defeated -- if he isn't impeached and kicked out of office
prior to the campaign -- in a landslide anyways?
March 4, 2011   "Global Warming" (Hamster, Hamster)
satellite launched leaving huge carbon footprint, fell back to earth failing to achieve orbit.
All that carbon for nothing. Yeah. "Global Warming" was which: lessened or added to in that idiot effort? Which?
Choose carefully now. If you're a Hamster, you'll say it was lessened because it had to be tried, we had to get
a better picture of the "harm" we are doing to our planet. Hamsters say things like that. They just whittle them out
with their teeth and spit them out from their ever-full cheeks. Hamsters don't see that their own projects add to the
"Global Warming problem", they just see their actions as something that is okay, because they're doing it and their
intentions are good and holy, so whatever they do is all right. Yes. It's nice to be a Hamster. There are no wrongs
in Hamsterhood; it's all good intentions.
March 4, 2011   Alabama State Sen. Gerald Allen (R) introduces anti-Sharia law.
I hope it passes. It's the right thing to do. I hope FL soon does the same thing, and that all the other 48 (AL and FL would have
already implemented theirs, hopefully) do the same as well. America CANNOT be the same country our Founding Fathers
created for us, wrote in our U.S. Constitution, and fought to preserve if Sharia law comes into America. Sharia will make
things evil here and it will enslave our nation, make objects -- things, dirt, possessions -- of our women and girls, and
make men the almighty, powerful, hateful things they are in Islamic countries. Not going to happen here. Not
going to happen here.
March 4, 2011   This looks like a set-up to me.
Soon enough, it will be discovered that those "chanting Christians" are part of the AFL-CIO, CAIR, or some other
Wrongie organiation and the "Muslim" (who has some conspicuous words painted on the back of his jacket), who goes into the
midst of those "chanting Christians" (Westboro Baptist would do something like this, but none others that I know of),
is just a little too fishy to me. Something stinks. Think about it. How many "Christians" would confront someone like that?
How many "Christians" carry around throw away crosses to be dropped on the dirty ground? Would you treat your cross like that?
This was a "Made for Television" moment and it was not real. I give it six weeks, max, to be discovered
that this was a put on. Mark my words.
March 4, 2011   I couldn't agree more.
I can just imagine our Founding Fathers saying, "NO. I don't like that one!" and riding out of town as fast as they
can on their horses. They go hide instead of talking it out and figuring out how to get more of the things they wanted
into the Constitution. Yep. I can see it now. Well, not really. Just like to see how much fun I can get out of
Wrongies' cowardice (ooohhh... with their pictures!). Usually a lot!
March 4, 2011   I thought unions represented working people.
If that be the case, where do these people work that they can stay at the WI capitol all this time?
If you have a job, you have a job. If you are in an union, aren't you still supposed to be working? That's what
unions represent: working folks. Where are they working that they can occupy the WI capitol all this time? Would your
boss let you off of work this long? If I were employed, mine would not. Not because I would refuse to join an union, but
because if I am supposed to work for him/her, then that word has to be fulfilled by me: WORK. Protesting is NOT working.
How can these folks stay employed and still be doing this? Unions are no good, folks. They make it to where you are the puppet
to their puppetmaster and that makes them no better than any boss you'll ever have.
March 4, 2011   TX House approves sonogram before abortion murder bill.
Good. Maybe women will have to admit that they're carrying a HUMAN BABY not just an "unviable tissue mass" that they've been
told (lied to) it is all these years. At least with an ultrasound, the condemned will get the right to face their condemner.
March 2, 2011: 10:09 p.m.   Wow. Has it been that long since I last updated my website? I didn't realize
it had been that long. Sunday is my day off, so that's a given. Monday... what happened Monday? I don't remember
what happened Monday to make me miss the update. Oh! Yes, I do! I couldn't sleep Sunday evening and I stayed up
and stayed up and stayed up. I finally fell asleep in a chair and only got two hours of rest so I didn't dare try to
type because I wasn't sure my brain would allow me to even spell my name correctly under those circumstances, so I figured
it would be better safe than sorry. Yesterday I know I was busy. I went to visit a friend who has had
a very rough time of it lately. She has had three surgeries in the last year, one of which was brain surgery. She
is doing very well now and is in a rehab facility and I am hoping she will be able to go home -- as she wishes -- on
Thursday (tomorrow). That would be good for her. The facility is nice, but it's never as nice as home. Then I went to
my doctor's office and talked to them about a billing thing, then went and got some blood drawn for another thyroid
test. I hate needles, so that was icky. Then I went to a club banquet for my hubby's hobby and really enjoyed watching
him win six door prizes in the raffle. He was shocked because he wins sometimes, but never before like that! Anyways,
got in late and was tired, tired, tired. I'm here now, so I'll get some blurbs done.
March 2, 2011   On election night, 2009, when obamination was ACORNED illegally into office (and used the
people of Eric Holder and their voter intimidation
to get there), I told someone who was worried about an obamination win, "Don't worry. Even if he does win he'll
be up for impeachment within a year after he's sworn into office." Those were my words as I stood holding a
Palin/McCain sign (what?) outside Victory Baptist Church in PSJ. (BTW, whatever happened to "separation of church and state", yet
no one seems to mind the polling places using our churches for voting on elections?) Well,
it took them longer than expected, but
someone is finally making my prediction come true. When I see an evil, incompetent, liar who hates America
running for public office, I try to let people know not to believe that person, not to vote for that person. But,
when they've got people willing to commit voter fraud (never investigated), willing to commit voter intimidation
(proven but never prosecuted thanks to obamination and Eric Holder, U.S.A.G.) willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants,
then it is incumbent upon me to do what it takes to get the truth out there. Sometimes evil gets a little while in
power, creates a lot of havoc, then is pushed out by the people. In Egypt and all over the Middle East, obamination
is supporting that deed. If he is supporting it there, why do we not do the same thing here?
Impeach obamination! Get
him the heck out of our lives! Get him out of our pocketbooks, our wallets, our vehicles, our banks and mortgages, and
out of our (used to be White) RED HOUSE! We want our country back and we want it back NOW!
March 2, 2011   Thad Altman, I'm ashamed of you!
I've known since you were a Brevard County Commissioner that you were a piece of work, but I didn't think you'd
be this much of one. I support Gov. Rick Scott's rejection of the "high speed" rail and of that $2.4 Billion that
would have come out of our pockets anyways! If they want to do something good with that money, give it
back to the people they took it from in the first place: US. But, no. Thad Altman wants to sue so that we will
be sure to never see that money again. Sweet. Now only a few will benefit from that money and it won't be those who
earned it. Don't you just love RINOs? (Hint: My answer is NO!) This is the e-mail I sent him:
"Sen. Altman,
"I do not appreciate, understand, nor support your law suit against Gov.
Rick Scott re.: high speed rail in FL. Do you not understand that in order to
GIVE $2.4 Billion to FL the federal government must first TAKE $2.4 Billion?
That's money out of OUR pockets. Yes, some of it would come back to it, but
if we teach the federal government not to do this kind of thing in the first
place, by not accepting the money, then maybe they'd stop TAKING so much!
"It's like the monkeys who were offered cocaine or a chance to be with other
monkeys. Before they tried the cocaine, the monkeys always wanted to interact
with other monkeys. Once the cocaine was tried, they kept opting for the cocaine
and didn't want to spend time with their friends. The cocaine in this story is
the money the federal government takes from us and is "giving" us for high speed
rail. It's not good for us because it costs us more in the long run than it's
worth, it will mean more taxpayer dollars than predicted, promised or "hornswaggled"
(it always does) and it will not deliver on its promises of jobs, and an improved
economy until much later. After all, the plans must be done, the land must be
purchased (the clearances and right of ways as well), the clearing, filling, leveling,
environmental impact minimalizing must be done, and all of that before the real work
starts. By then our economy will be so tanked that this whole thing will be adandoned
due to higher costs (our resources are being relegated to foreign countries, our oil
drilling rights removed by obama, and our work ethic and work force are either next
to nil or will be by the time this thing gets actually started) and that $2.4 Billion
taxpayer dollars that didn't have to come out of our pockets will be gone. It will
have disappeared faster than a donut at a RNC morning meeting.
"Altman, I am ashamed of you for your lawsuit. You represent me in districting only:
definitely not in this. You are in the wrong, and Gov. Scott is in the right. Drop
this lawsuit because it makes you look foolish, greedy, and so much MORE like a RINO
than anything you've done since you were a Brevard County Commissioner. Yes, I lived
here then and I still think this could be one of the worst things you have ever done.
Surprising, no?
March 2, 2011   No. It's about this.And this.And this.And this. Does
it not occur to Muslims that the WORDS spoken about peace and brotherhood must MATCH the ACTIONS of the religion in order for
anyone to believe them? Do you not see that the WORDS do not MATCH the ACTIONS? Where in all of this death do they see
anything even close to peace? Where does anyone see anything besides hatred, control, domination, murder, death, torture, terror,
power, power, power, power, power, power, power? If the truth be spoken, that is what Islam is about: POWER, not PEACE! Get over
the lying and just speak the truth: You want to DOMINATE us, to CONTROL us, to CONVERT us and if we do not cooperate and kowtow,
you shall KILL us if you can. At least with the truth spoken we can all get on the same page and we can go from there. We do not
believe "Peace". We believe that Islam is out to kill us. If you wish to prove otherwise, do so. Until then, we will treat you with
caution, keep you at arm's distance and remember what you have done.
March 2, 2011   Ahhh... Socialism. Remember when it was just a little "ism" and no one in America
thought it would grow and prosper here? Then we took our hands off of the school system and we took God out of the
public square -- in order to not offend anyone, mind you, so our hearts were pure with good intentions -- and now
it's all grown up and Socialism is being taught in our public schools.
Don't you just love
watching them grow up and become established
and go out on their own, not being nursed along any more by those who love it?
March 3, 2011: 12:49 a.m.   It's Thursday... morning.
March 3, 2011   obamination: Tea Party = racists.
Don't you love "One Note Nellies"? It's always someone else who is at fault. Reminds me of a local Wrongie.
March 3, 2011   When I was a kid in eighth grade, I remember a presentation (practice, really) of the
high school coming to our stage and presenting their dress rehearsal of "Conrad Birdy". I liked it and thought the
high schoolers were very talented. I remember that the story line was about a movie star named, you guessed it, Conrad
Birdy coming to town and how all the teen girls just flipped for him. That's about the same reaction
Ted Kennedy has had his whole life from the Wrongies.
Special treatment, princely and pampered, the truth about him is hidden at all costs. But, the truth will out. Always
does, even if not in this life. I wonder how Teddy likes it now? I bet I know: HOT!
March 3, 2011   Donald Trump, Michael Gates, oprah winfrey, obamination, mr. and ms., etc., listen up!michael moore wants your money: "It's ours".
I bet you don't remember him working hard to get it, now do you?
March 3, 2011   Some Republicans are leaving the idea of a presidential bid behind because
they're believing the lie of a stronger economy.
Sorry. Cereal prices are still over $5 per medium sized box, gas is going over $4 soon, the unemployment rate is
still in the double digits, and they're falling for that crappola? Nah. They're just running scared of Sarah Palin.
March 3, 2011   Unions.
Blech. Hate them.
I think the membership needs to get an education about what the truth is and how the unions have denegrated their jobs,
the country and raised the union bosses to being ultra-rich and isn't that what the unions are supposed to oppose:
people getting rich off of their hard work? Duh.
"There is substantial risk that detainees at Guantanamo, upon release, would
set out to kill Americans or other innocent civilians around the world.
"Releases are not without risk if the individuals decide to resume fighting against
us. Even though we have been careful and thorough in our screening, we now believe
that several of the released detainees have returned to fight against the US and
coalition forces."
But it's what obamination wants, right?
March 3, 2011   Government waste? When? Where? I don't see any government waste!
Report tells of BILLIONS wasted.
But, hey. It's just your money why should the government care? Why should they be careful with it? It's no big deal.
February 2011
February 26, 2011: 6:00 p.m.   Those of you who have had the "pleasure" of reading the pooperpaper for
March are probably rolling your eyes and laughing as usual at the predictable hypocrisy from local Wrongie, rupe. In her
"Good Day" article, on page 5, she writes,
"If the people's vote is overturned this is the beginning of the end of our democratic voting system." So rich,
and laughable considering she was one of four who sued to stop the BOCC from raising our property taxes more than
3% at a whack (CAPIT). Since then, thanks in part to her lawsuit, our taxes have increased no less than 41%. Hypocrisy at
its finest, illustrated yet again (2,958,304,038,749,590,328th time) by rupe. (BTW, she goes against other Wrongies
who sued to stop Amendments 5 and 6.)
Then in "Is Florida High Speed Rail Dead?" she starts dissing Gov. Scott for stopping high speed rail.
She seems to forget that the $2.4 BILLION
would have come out of OUR POCKETS ANYWAYS. It's OUR MONEY. Just because the federal government would have "given"
it to us (in order to "give" they first must TAKE!), that does not mean that it came, "POOF!" into
existence. There is no federal government "Money Fairy"
that just comes along and grants money to states and citizens. It comes from US: THE TAXPAYING CITIZENS OF AMERICA!
Why can't Wrongies get that through their dull and ever-thickening skulls? Why can't they figure out that there is
no government entity -- not dog catcher to president -- who creates anything that would be considered a product that
is a money making proposition? Why can't Wrongies figure out that when those 23,000 jobs would have supposedly come
to our state, that it's most likely that -- with the government (both state and federal) being involved -- those jobs
would more than likely have been PAID FOR BY THE TAXPAYERS OF FLORIDA!? No private company is going to take a state/federal
contract that would make it lose money. None. Private companies are out to make money, not lose it. That's the big
difference between private companies and government entities: government always losees, waists, misspends, or overspends
money. Touting the provisions she sites as "hard to really understand" tells us two things: 1) no big shocker there; 2)
not all of the provisions were published as yet and Gov. Scott has more information than rupe, therefore making a more
informed decision.
February 26, 2011   Forgive me for a moment while I give myself a shock. Don't worry. You'll be shocked, too.
I agree with Newt Gingrich.
Absolutely and complete on this one subject (and very little else). I don't want him to run for president.
I would not vote for him if he did. I don't think of him as an honorable man. But on this one thing, I agree. You can pick
your chin up off the floor now. Mine is still hurting.
February 26, 2011   AFL-CIO's Trumka says about raising taxes: it's a good thing.
The "best way" to create jobs? What kind of jobs would be paid by higher taxes? Government jobs. What kind of benefit
would having more government jobs give to the unions? More members to pay membership dues. More membership
dues gives Trumka more clout and a bigger paycheck. Of course he wants higher taxes! He gets the ultimate benefit!
Think the Wrongies will see a problem with this plan? Of course not.
February 26, 2011   Socialists and union members: protesting against America in America.
If you don't love her, leave her. Socialists should all go back from where they or their ancestors came from. America
was not founded as a socialist country. You or your ancestors liked something about this country when you or they came over,
so why change it into what was left behind for a better life here? That's just stupid. But no one said socialists were smart,
so it's no surprise there.
February 26, 2011   If you're from Texas, or love the state, or love America, you may wish to
note these demograpic numbers.
Texans are in for a rude awakening and it's going to spread from there. AZ, NM, CA, all heading the same way. I wonder
if FL is, too?
February 26, 2011   This is rich. Hypocrisy, thy name is "Wrongies"!First, they defend pedophiles
and want to okay all that anyone wants to do. Then they say, "Put up or shut up!" to a victim
of those they support. They want Brown to turn over the pedophile, but they support pedophiles? Double standard.
Totally standard.
February 26, 2011   Another day, another obamination lie.
Old hat by now, but still proves the point. He's a liar. He's a liar. He's a liar. Get the point?
February 26, 2011   I can't disagree with it, but because it's a statement that is
so astronomically obvious, that I almost want to call it the "'Duh!' of the Day!"as Rep. Paul Ryan realizes that
Dems. lack respect for rule of law.
Well, Ya' think?!
February 26, 2011   Home Land Security going too far.
Not going to do it. Not getting in that line. If they want my DNA, they'll have to kill me to get it.
February 26, 2011   It's not a surprise that it happened,
but the speed at which it happened
is a surprise. It usually takes at least a week.
February 26, 2011   Union members? NO!
Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, etc., are NOT union members. They don't have to be and they have
chosen not to be. Don't believe the lie that they are.
February 26, 2011   HRC: Has she endorsed the Muslim Brotherhood?
If so, that's a very bad thing! You don't endorse someone who has members writing about wanting to kill you.
Someone who has members talking about wanting to kill you. Someone who has members hoping to kill you. It's
just not a smart thing to do. But she is a Wrongie, working under a Muslim Red House occupant, so it's not as
if I expect intelligence from her. Chalk another "Duh." up for this administration. This is the Charlie Brown
Administration and they "Can't do anything right."
February 26, 2011   If you want your daughter back, become a Muslim.
So terrorists tell a Christian mother in obamination's birthplace, Kenya. Islam = peace... Oh... and kidnapping,
extortion, rape, murder, beheading, female genital mutilation,
hatred,submission, Islamic world domination...
Yeah. That's something I want to live under. NOT.
February 26, 2011   Pray for his impeachment and jail,
don't even think of wanting this. Don't get
violent. Get on your knees and pray. Don't get revenge, that's up to GOD. "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord." Romans 12:19, Deuteronomy 32:35,
Hebrews 10:30 and doesn't He do it a whole lot better than we ever could? Don't try to physically harm anyone unless and until they try to
do physical harm to you first. Notice I said, "physical" harm. If they're raising your taxes, inspecting your car, trampling
your civil rights, that's not physical harm. If they're bashing you about the head and shoulders in order to make you comply
with one of those strip searches TSA likes to do, then it's okay to fight back. Or, if some stranger is trying to get you
to sign up to something you don't agree with and he knocks you down and kicks you, then fight back! Don't take that kind of abuse.
But to want to shoot someone because he's an evil moron? No. That's not acceptable because if we did that, how many bodies would
there be in America alone: fifty-thousand or more? Don't get violent, folks. Just pray on your knees for our country, for our future,
for wisdom in what to do for our country, for safety and protection from those who would do us harm (and then we fight back), from
obamination and his vile minions, from those who break the law and think nothing of it, from hypocrites extraordinaire and their
stupidity. Pray for your country, for your family, for your church and your friends. Pray for strength, courage, determination,
understanding, insight, knowledge, wisdom and guidance. Don't harm them first. If they physically harm you, fight back.
February 25, 2011: 10:56 a.m.   I received some very easy to read charts on the situation in Brevard
County and I thought you should see them. J. Roger Shealy, a brilliant mind and mathematician,
looked at the numbers and paints the picture. Imagine what these will look like when the shuttle program shuts
down. And our BOCC keeps on spending, ignoring Comm. Trudie Infantini's urging to stop, and making these
charts look cheery when compared to what the future charts shall look like.
February 25, 2011   What the crud? (I'm trying to be nice here.
Why? I want that money back. It's not the State Dept.'s job to spend our money on mosques in the Middle East!
February 25, 2011   Wrongies are going to be yelling, "Government shutdown! Government shutdown!" You'll
hear it all over the radio, television and read it in the news. It'll be on Yahoo and Google searches will
show you that first and foremost. "Government shutdown!"
There IS NO SHUTDOWN and they know it. Yes,
they're lying to you. Shock. Surprise. They're Wrongies. What else would you expect from them?
February 25, 2011   Wow! This is unexpected.
A city with the chutzpah to lay off teachers -- ALL of them! Well, that's the headline, but the truth is,
"The move means some of the teachers could lose their jobs at the end of the year."
Another scare tactic in the newspaper of the day. Notice that word: "some". That means it could be two,
four, eight, or a hundred. All it means is more than one, a multiple. It's not going to be a big deal
because obamination's administration will step in and force them to do the right thing (i.e. leave the
teachers alone because their union won't stand for it:
remember, he sided with the teachers' union in WI), or
obamination will provide your taxpayer dollars for them to pay the teachers, or the cityy will
miraculously come up with the money.
February 25, 2011   I wonder how many taxpayer dollars have been spent on parties since obamination,
king of all he surveys, entered the White House and turned it Red. After all, with the important event of
Motown's 25th anniversary what more
important event is there and the king must celebrate it!
"The Obama administration has refused to enforce the voter list
integrity provisions while making the welfare agency registration law their top priority.
"DOJ Voting Section bureaucrats have been lurking outside welfare agencies in Louisiana
trying to collect evidence to sue the Jindal administration. When people leave the welfare
offices, investigators rush to interrogate them, asking if they were urged to register to
vote. Sworn declarations of welfare recipients are snapped up.
"Motor Voter also requires military recruitment centers to offer voter registration.
DOJ tends to disregard recruitment centers in their undercover stings. Partisanship
couldn't possibly be the reason for the omission, could it?"
I think the whole world knows the answer to that. I think they're trying to use intimidation against Republican
governors in order to get them to kowtow to the administration. They're doing everything they can in order to get
elected in 2012 and I bet you a buck-and-a-half that the next governor they go after (or soon thereafter) will
be Walker in Wisconsin. They'll use this anti-union vote to trump some charges up against him and try to
intimidate him into changing the union laws back to where they were -- with back pay, "sick leave" pay,
and retroactive rights to all those union members involved. Bet you this corrupt obamination administration will
do that. Republican governors, gird your loins, the obamination administration is targeting you! Rick Scott, you
ARE on the list!
February 25, 2011   Another obamination administration idiocy
that would cost you money. Trust me, when the banks rearrange their mortgage loans to people who aren't paying,
those of us who do pay will end up paying more. You will be paying your neighbor's -- your laze-about neighbor's --
mortgage because he's not going to do it. The government isn't going to pay (and even if they did, that's your money
anyways, so you'd be stuck with the bill there, too), the banks always pass on their costs to their customers,
the customers who don't pay aren't putting any money in, so that leaves you. You pay because you are a person
of honor and you pay your bills and you are a responsible person of integrity. Those who refuse to pay their
bills won't be hurting, but you will.
February 25, 2011   pelosipig has gall, chutzpah, nerve. When it comes to tooting her own horn,
pelosipig adds words to resolution honoring herself to make it more wonderful
so she has no problem with blowing it loud, long, strong and proud. She's so modest! Humble doesn't even begin
to describe her! Isn't she just so ... *sigh*... wonderful? Oh. I forgot. One more thing she has: EGO.
A personal, "Hip, hip, HURRAY!" to them from moi. The other side of the coin, those who were "most reluctant"
to cut spending:
"Reichert, LaTourette, Biggert, Gerlach, Simpson, Diaz-Balart,
Smith (NJ), Bass, Frelinghuysen, Wolf, Wittman, Dent, Dold, Grimm, Kinzinger,
Meehan, Stivers, and Young (FL)."
Glad I don't see "Sandy Adams" on the "reluctant" list, but I would have loved to have seen her on the first list. Agree?
February 25, 2011   Feds spy on private citizen, well, a reporter
to intimidate him into revealing source for a story he wrote. I don't think it's right to do so, but it doesn't surprise me.
After all, what did this guy think was going to happen writing something that obamination didn't approve of? Was
he expecting a box of chocolates? If he had faced reality prior to writing the story, perhaps he wouldn't have
written it, and isn't that what the privacy violation is all about?
February 25, 2011   Pigford: more corruption information from a "transparent" and "ethical" Red House.
I don't fully understand Pigford (does anyone?), but I do know that the bottom line is that fraud was
done and fraud is illegal and it should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Those who participated in
it in any way, shape, or form -- either perpetrating it, or allowing it -- should be in jail. Government
workers or farmer, both should face the same sentences for defrauding you and I out of our taxpayer
dollars because every time government fraud is done, you and I end up paying for it. We should be up
in their faces about this. We should be demaning that they sue these people and get OUR money back!
Pigford should have never happened and for the government to not be prosecuting this is an obamination!
(Get it?)
February 25, 2011   Teacher's union head
has math failure on television.
I think the "former social studies teacher" should have brushed on her math before she agreed to talk about
something she apparently knows how to soundly screw up. But, with teachers' union teachers, that's all that's required sometimes.
February 25, 2011   This should be interesting:
Ted Kennedy's FBI file (redacted, of course)
now in the hands of Judicial Watch. I wonder if it will include anything on the bridge and the girl he lef to drown.
February 24, 2011: 5:33 p.m.   Where do we live? We're still in America, yes? Good. When I saw
this story, I thought we had been zapped into a Muslim country somewhere.
But, no. We're still in America and NO ONE can ORDER anyone to attend "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" at
a Mosque that teaches/preaches against their own beliefs and religion! It's unconstitutional and it's unfair.
Police Captain Paul Fields is suing the Tulsa, OK, police chief for doing so, thereby infringing on his First
Amendment Rights and asks for $1.00 in damages. (I think that's a class act!) If I had anything to say about
it, the police chief would be FIRED! Right here. Right now!
February 24, 2011   Speaking of religion...
His listing is strange, but his activity should land him in jail for a LONG time. (I hope.)
February 24, 2011   SEIU backs tiger-suit wearing Wu.
They must think he's "Grrreeaattt!" (Sorry. Couldn't help myself.) Anyone hear "Twilight Zone" music playing?
February 24, 2011   Netanyahu to Hamas, "Don't test us".
Good for him. We should be right there agreeing with Netanyahu, but we're not. That's what's wrong with the picture.
Not good. Not good.
February 24, 2011   Julian Assange "wiks" back to Sweden to face sexual assault charges.
Lost his extradition fight. I guess he now knows what it feels like to have info out there about you that you don't really
want known. Too many people "leaked" all over his life. Sigh. Don't you love poetic justice?
February 24, 2011   "...other wives..." "...bow to him..." "...beaten for hours..." "... the enraged man placed a
sword to his wife’s neck..."
The woman's place in Islam.
Mothers, don't let your daughters go into this.
February 24, 2011   Hurray! Afghan Christian freed into exile after torture, sexual abuse.
I hope his reunion with his family brings some peace to him. I hope the Lord heals him of the nightmares he may be having.
I hope he never again faces anything similar and that he continues to put his faith in Jesus.
February 24, 2011   Kenya "human trafficking" leader.
They lure Ethiopians with hope of a better life in South Africa and sometimes these hopeful people wind up being
killed and then being dismemberred and sold for body parts. Kenya is the birth place and/or the heritage of our present
Red House occupant. I guess that's where he gets his values and respect for human life. After all, we know
he wants abortions at all costs and at all stages of pregnancy: even delivery. Isn't abortion the same thing?
February 24, 2011: 12:17 p.m.  
Florida Legislature postpones guns on campus vote.
While I understand the feelings of the father who testified against its passing, as it stated in the story the
bill would have made no difference in his daughter's death and I bet he would be testifying in favor
of the bill if a shooter had been taking shots at people (as opposed to the accidental discharge that
actually took her life) and a concealed carry permit holder had saved his daughter's
life by having his gun available. Sometimes we must take some testimony and -- while understanding
it and sympathising with it -- take it for what it was: a singular tragedy. It should not have
happened, but it should not prevent people from defending themselves and others.
February 24, 2011   Stand-in Sen.
George LeMieux considering running to replace Nelson.
He'd be better than Nelson, but... I don't know. I just don't completely trust him. I don't remember what it was he voted in
favor of that I disagreed with so much, but he did do that and I
have tried to see what his vote was,
but I just can't put my finger on it. If/when I remember I'll post it.
February 24, 2011   Gov. Scott rejected the "bullet train" between Tampa and Orlando (that would get up to
half speed before having to stop again, so there'd be no "bullet" about it) and
the legislature doesn't see a way to get the money back.
February 24, 2011   Can you trust someone who lies to you, obfuscates the facts, hides what he is doing,
picks and chooses between which laws he will obey and which he doesn't have to (but he'll make sure you obey the same laws he
decides he doesn't have to), and promises "transparency" but delivers opaqueness so deep and dark that even
vampires would have difficulty seeing in that deep darkness?
If you can answer "Yes!" to that question, you must LOVE obamination!
If not, then you understand that our country is in danger in the hands of a narcissistic Muslim madman with worms
who thinks nothing of ignoring the rights and desires of the people he is not leading, but manhandling
into submission, and who thinks he has the right to do so because he is the god-like President of the World!
February 24, 2011   Gay marriage now okay with obamination.
If it got him more money, he'd agree to okay bestiality marriage. After all, right and wrong don't matter; it's
how he gets what he wants. That's the important thing: obagratification. It is the law of the land.
February 24, 2011   Saudi arrested in Texas in plot to use WMD bomb.
I think it's possible that these attempts will now happen a lot more often and with the unions acting up and
making fools of themselves the cops and other law enforcement agencies are going to have their hands too full to
prevent every one of them from being a success. That's the problem: unions don't care that they're helping to
put people in danger, that they're making violence a good thing, that they're distracting the law enforcement
community from doing the things they need to do in order to protect people from real dangers (as opposed to living
with the wages they agreed to work for, etc.). People will get hurt and the blood will be on the hands of the unions
and of obamination for standing behind the unions. But that doesn't matter to the unions. They're too busy hitting women!
(Hey, are they all Muslim?)
February 24, 2011   Islamic radical attends pro-Islamic seminar paid for in part by "grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) -- paid for by federal tax revenue".
I think this should be stopped immediately. If OUR taxpayer dollars are paying for it, there should be NO ANTI-AMERICAN sentiment
expressed whatsoever! Ingrid Mattson, a convert to Islam (who appeared as a Muslim representative at the inauguration of Barack Obama),
her specific citizenship may be unknown, is a radical who wants to bring Shariah Law to America. Watch out, parents of children
heading to colleges across the nation. This sort of thinking is all over college campuses.
February 24, 2011: 12:21 a.m.   "Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets
and get a little bloody when necessary."?
Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) said that.
It's not blood that is necessary now. It's common sense and a lot less union greed. What right have others to
demand that we pay them more? If they don't like their pay, they can quit, walk off the job and go find
a new one. obamination says there are many "shovel ready jobs" out there and they can apply for one of those.
That's the way it is: bosses get to say how much is going to be paid to which person, not the person tells
the boss, "You'll pay me 'X'! and if not, maybe I'll have to 'get a little bloody'." Bosses, stand up to the
unions. Tell them to take a hike. Unions are NO longer for the little guy, they are for the money and for the power.
February 24, 2011   Alaska's Gov. refusing to implement obacare.
He "said the state will pursue options of its own instead." I know he asked his Attorney General if he implemented
it if he would be breaking his sworn oath of office to "uphold and defend" the Constitution. Maybe that's
part of it. But to "pursue options of its own" sounds like MA-style health care. Bad. Don't go there.
February 24, 2011   One protest in Wisconsin alone is costing taxpayers in that state
$6 MILLION.Cost of Van Jones plan to have protests nationwide and help destroy America?
Enormous. Fight back, America.
Stand up for what is RIGHT
and for what is best for your children, not what is best
for lazy public school teachers who want nothing more than to ensure they have less work to do, fewer days to do
that little work and get paid for the rest of their lives after they're finished doing it. Stand up and tell the
school board to FIRE THEIR BACKSIDES! It's better to get non-union teachers in there who will do a better job,
who will work harder and who will not be paid forever on YOUR taxpayer dollars (pensions) and have much
better educated young people than EVER with teacher's unions.
February 24, 2011   If unions were all that wonderful,
why would they hit a lady?
People trying to "stand up for what is right" don't do what is WRONG to prove that they are in the right. Do they?
Is this what van jones, obamination, soros, etc., want for America?
If so, how they MUST HATE AMERICA. They must hate everything that America stands for and all of the people in her
because they want to destroy America and they want to destroy the lifestyle we have become accustommed to. They want to
destroy YOU if that is what it takes because they are urging you to violence and if you get violent, someone will
be hurt -- the other guy and/or yourself -- and if you start it, you will pay the price in jail time. Do they care?
No. Not even an iota. Do they want you to sacrifice yourself for the cause? Yes. Absolutely. Do you see them
out there doing what they want you to do, or are they standing upstairs somewhere pulling the strings to their
minion puppets and allowing the "little guys" to pay the price for their dreams of destruction, chaos, revolution?
Look around. See any of the high-muckety-mucks out there on the line with you? If they come, make the speeches and
leave in their limos, then you know who is to pay the price: YOU. You are the ones left standing there, obeying
the bosses. YOU will be the one dragged from the fight you started on their orders and dumped into jail, paying
for the attorney, losing work days, missing time with your children and spouse. YOU are the puppet. You can stop
being a puppet. Choose to stand up and not be manipulated. Choose to think for yourself. Choose to tell them to do what
they are telling you to do if they want someone to do it. After all, if they refuse, why should you do it? It's their
desire for battle that is getting people into a mess. Let the puppet masters fight their own battles without all those
willing marrionettes. Cut the strings and stand tall on your own!
February 24, 2011   Good questions:
When did law enforcement start deciding which ones they would enfoce?
and Why is AFL-CIO's richard trumka having so much access -- daily even -- to obamination? And, why are unions actively involved
in the uprisings all around the world? Unions are EVIL, folks. EVIL.
"despite the fact that Wisconsin spends more per pupil in its public schools than
any other state in the Midwest."
And their teachers are on strike for more money, etc.? I say, "FIRE THEIR BACKSIDES! FIRE THEM ALL! Anyone on strike is OUTTA' THERE!"
If they can't do better than that with all that money, who needs them? No one!
Good for Wisconsin standing up to the unions! Good for them!
February 24, 2011   Uncle Sam = needle source? Yep.
Sweet! Need to shoot up? Just go to your local Uncle Sam spot and he'll provide.
"the Obama Administration has creatively designated them as
treatment programs that qualify for substance abuse prevention grants."
This is evil. You don't help someone be a drug addict. You just don't. But obamination does. What does that tell you about
him? It tells you that he'll do what it takes to keep people distracted to what he is actually planning. Want to drug out
and fall asleep while he destroys America? Good! Here's a needle! Evil mouse. Then if someone tries to find out what he is doing
(and how your taxpayer dollars are being fleeced from the government -- YOUR money!),
he hides behind some rules that are not even applicable.But the Republican controlled U.S. House just voted to de-fund his czars
so maybe some of that evil power will go away. Let's pray, folks, pray that the evil will diminish.
"last fall Judicial Watch uncovered U.S. Treasury Department documents
that revealed “Pay Czar” Kenneth Feinberg got a six-figure salary to establish executive
compensation at bailed out companies even though the administration said Feinberg was
performing his duties for free."
February 24, 2011   Ex Palin employee
writing hate book about her. I think that
if you read the article you'll understand the truth so that if it does get published, you'll know it was not the work of an
unbiased journalist/writer. Just keep that in mind.
February 24, 2011   "Honor killing": brother kills sister.
Islam makes women into less than toilet paper. Less than sand. Less than the table the men eat from. Why is this allowed?
Because the world allows it. No one has stood up to the Islamic nations and said, "No. Your people should not be divided
male/female when it comes to human rights. Your women should be as precious to you -- to everyone -- as your men." But, no.
That is not going to happen and it has never happened. Not even the N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) has stood
up against so-called "honor killings". Why? Where is a woman's worth in the world if in one religion they are to be killed
upon a whim, upon a perceived slight? How can any woman in the whole world believe she is safe from that sort of thing if
no one in the whole world is standing up and saying, "NO! NEVER AGAIN!"? Women of the world, unite against "honor killings" and
female genital mutilation (a.k.a. female circumcission). Unite, or stand in line because they're coming after you!
And the ACLU will stand with them.
February 24, 2011   Israel is our ally and we need to stand up for her, stand with her, stand beside her, and
in FRONT of her.
We need to defend Israel, but obamination won't.
Another reason to think he's Islamic; he hates Israel.
February 23, 2011: 11:31 p.m.   I no longer get queasly while looking at the monitor, so it's time to
put this thing in gear and get the show back on the road. (Yes, I mixed the metaphors, but it's a creative thing,
so, hey, live with it.) (NOTE: That didn't last long! An e-mail came in just after I typed the previous section and I had
to deal with something that happened there so I didn't get to "get the show on the road". It's after midnight, so I'll have
to post above for the latest info. Sorry!)
February 21, 2011: 1:13 p.m.   I'm still recovering from the flu, but I did some reading
while working on getting well. Among other things, I read Glenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow's new book, "The 7 Wonders That
Will Change Your Life". You may be surprised, but I don't recommend it.
He really blows it in his new book.
While I still believe that Beck is correct on 99% of what he talks about when it comes to history, political ties,
unions, political ideals, etc., I think on the personal level, as illustrated in this book at least, he is totally
messed up.
As I said, I'm still recovering and I just finished that Beck review, so I'll take a break and try to post more later.
In the meantime, I hope you will stay tuned and
contact me if you have questions.
February 18, 2011: 7:57 p.m.   Well, "The best laid plans of mice and men..." and all of that kicked
in. I planned on doing updates late last night after the movie, but didn't because I was so tired. I went to bed just
after midnight (early for me) and I woke up at four in the morning. Couldn't get back to sleep even though I tried
for an hour in bed, for another hour in the recliner and gave it up about six. I turned on the television. I watched
television and pondered what the day would hold because I was feeling kinda' icky. I finally fell asleep in the
recliner and woke up later than I wanted to sleep because I was going to go to a meet-up today. That fell through
when I tried to get ready for the meet-up and realized that the flu had come to visit and I was not going to
spread it to those I wanted to mee-up with (fellow Conservatives). Not a good thing to share, the flu. So,
I did what was proper and didn't spread my germs/virus/bug. Posting today may not happen unless it's something I
feel I must comment on because I'm getting queasier the longer I sit here looking at the blinking cursor.
Green apples, Sierra Mist and ginger snaps are helping, but not totally taking the problem away. Sigh...
How small things take down the big.
February 17, 2011: 2:18 a.m.   Stayed up all night last night doing some craft prep for a project I'm
making for my hubby. When it's finished, I may just take a picture of it and post it. It's going to be a lot of
work. I like what I've found and done so far. I've considered
making some more of this sort of projects to sell them. Can't swear to it. It depends on how this one turns
out and how much I enjoy doing this sort of craft that I, admittedly, haven't done in a few years. Like I said, may
have something to sell later (if I don't like all of them enough to keep them all: or maybe use them as Christmas
presents for family members). Anyways, between that and trying to get some sleep (five hours of shut eye), and a painting
I want to do tonight (it's 4:15 a.m. as I type this), I think I'll cut this short tonight. Sorry. I'll update late tomorrow
evening as well. It's dinner and a movie night with my friend. We don't know what we're going to see, but we'll figure it out
when we get there. Remeber, folks, GOD is still in control, no matter what it looks like. Rely on HIM and you'll be okay.
February 17, 2011   I stopped using Google as a search engine a few weeks ago,
before Glenn Beck said this.
I don't like Google's being in bed with obamination. I try to stay away from companies and people who will have
anything to do with evil, and obaminatoin is evil. I have no idea how to stay away from everything that has something to
do with him. After all, even Beck shows obamination on his show, but I don't have to TRY to give my money, time,
info to companies that support obamination and his goal of destroying America. BTW, I tried to do some resarch on Google myself,
as Beck suggested, but even didn't have them listed as a donor to anything. Which means, they are probably
in bed with them. After all, they both support George Soros's, Open, so why would they not work together
on other things; especially considering how incestuous the Wrongies are?
February 17, 2011   Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price
should be recalled immediately. He represents everyone in Dallas, not just the folks he chooses. Telling some of them to "go to [hades]" is
not just wrong, it's unacceptable. Is it any surprise he's registered as a "Democrat"? No. All Wrongies in power -- and some who
aren't -- have that attitude.
February 15, 2011: 6:09 p.m.   SAY WHAT, GOP? SAY WHAT?!!!
Get a grip! This should NOT be happening. Boehner, you blatherer, knock it off! Stop weakening our
defenses, stop agreeing with the Wrongies, stop trying to get along with the Wrongies! You are supposed
to be growing a spine, not immitating unset Jell-o®! Get a grip! Knock it off. Be a man. Stand up
to Wrongies and make them bow to you, not you bow and kiss their backsides! Ya' Sissy.
February 15, 2011   The Middle East is in an uproar. Almost every country in that
area is having some sort of demonstrations, riots, protests, people in the streets angry at the government,
or the government angry at the government.
Whether it's
Yemen,Tunisia, or elsewhere,
it's not all good. But, it's also not all bad. IF what they want is freedom, then it's a possible good thing.
IF what they want is the freedom to destroy things, kill people, enforce Sharia Law on the whole world,
they've got another think coming. It's not going to happen here.
February 15, 2011   Mubarak in coma?
Mm.... taking it with a grain of salt.
February 15, 2011   U.S. Government shutdown? HURRAY!
Think of it this way: If they're not working, they're not spending our money. If they do get shutdown, it's not a bad thing. It's just
the Wrongies trying to make people think that the government is their savior, their fallback plan, their all-in-all and that
people can't live without the government office being available to do for them what they're unwilling to do for themselves.
If folks can't work -- truly, not faking it, or too darn lazy -- there are churches and charitable organizations to help
them. If the government is the teat they go to, then it's coming out of your wallet and mine to help them, and there is
no expiration date on a government teat. Wean everyone off of the government teat and make them take care of themselves.
Besides, obamination is a known liar, so why would anyone believe that a government shut down is going to be a bad thing anyways?
February 15, 2011   IRS needs at least 1,054 new workers to enforce obamacare tax laws?
Sweet! Makes me wonder when he'll put on his Hitler outfit and we'll see goose-stepping down the streets of D.C., then all of America.
I think there's enough evidence that obamacare (A.K.A. "The Healthcare Enslavement Act of 2010") is unconstitutional
(two judges ruled it so) that the whole thing must be obliterated, not staffed. If they're trying to staff up for an
unconstitutional law that -- because it is unconstitutional -- is not enforceable, then what are the 1,054 IRS agents for?
Are they trying to intimidate via IRS, no matter what happens to obamacare? Will these agents go away after obamacare is
ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court? Or will these 1,054 agents stay employed and just nail everyone anyways?
My bet: the latter.
February 15, 2011   First she tells you what to eat,
then she tells you what to feed your baby for a tax break!?
Excuse me, but what business is it of the
"First Baby Momma" (Hey, if it's okay for her...) what you eat, how or what you feed your baby,
or even whether or not we exercise? She's a non-entity. She has no constitutional power. She is a wanna' be extraordinaire.
She's a hanger-on, just like Hillary Clintoon was while her idiot, Liar Extraordinaire (can't call him "Liar In Chief" any more,
he got replaced), was in the Monica Office. I think we should put obamination Ms. on "Ignore" and go on with our lives. She
has no say, no power and no reason to interfere in our lives. Period. (BTW, what the heck is the IRS doing thinking about
your nipples anyways?!)
February 15, 2011   Sheriff Joe for U.S. Senator from AZ?
It could happen.
The problem would be making sure his replacement kept his policies and was as tough as Sheriff Joe. Can you
imagine all those namby-pamby Wrongies and RINOs in the U.S. Senate wetting their pants because Joe is coming?
Imagine Sheriff Joe's first encounter with pelosipig... Her fake smile won't last through that one!
February 15, 2011   obafriend, George Soros's Move-On is funding a scare tactic against Republicans.
Back alley abortions, hangers, all that.
You know, it's not the Republicans who make women do that stuff. It was always a woman's choice to get
an abortion. It's not Republicans who make a woman go to a quack to get an abortion. It's the woman who decides to
do something illegal to murder her child that chooses that route. No Republican pushes her to that decision. She decides
to do that on her own. Babies don't get inside a woman via abstinance (with one notable exception). When they are
deciding to have sex they are choosing to take the chance of getting pregnant. When it's
a case of rape, pregnancy is rare. The excuse of
"To save the life of the mother" excuse: NOT.
So what, then, is the excuse for women aborting their children? There should be none. Their babies didn't ask to be
conceived, it was the mother's actions that brought that about. She should take at least the first nine months' worth of
responsibility for her actions, instead of killing the baby to make her life easier.
February 15, 2011   Bloomberg steps in it again.
As far as I'm concerned (and I am 1/4 Irish), lighten up. I don't think he was talking about the entire
"Irish" -- American, actually -- population. He was talking about the people who go to that particular building.
If every "Irish-American" (American if they're born here to legally emmigrated parents), takes offense at
every drunk Irish joke, then everyone of us would have to stay offended. In my family, my dad (1/2 Irish) didn't
drink but rarely, and I never saw him drunk. I drink a glass of wine every now and then and have never been drunk.
That means that I don't take offense at drunk Irish jokes because they're not aimed at me, and I have nothing to feel
guilty about. Lighten up and get a life.
February 15, 2011   Glenn Beck has been saying for years that we need to stock up on food. The World Bank is
that food prices are getting to "dangerous levels".
I say, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19) and I'm
not saying not to put a few things in stock, but if you're going to do that you need to remember that GOD says to
rely on HIM, not to worry about food, clothing, etc. Remember the birds and lillies that "sow not neither do they reap"?
Remember what GOD says about food and clothes just prior to that? Lay up
some stores, maybe. But a year's worth? Maybe not. If Jesus can feed five thousand with five loaves and two fish,
He can feed you with what you have, too.
February 14, 2011   Is Mt. St. Helens getting ready for a rumble?
Earthquakes can be an indicator of future eruptions. Hopefully, there will be enough warning for everyone to
get to safety.
February 14, 2011   Somewhere -- maybe over a rainbow -- GM would be fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars. But,
in real life that doesn't happen over a rainbow,
GM is giving its executives huge taxpayer-funded bonuses.
Beyond the rainbow, GM gets away with it. Here in reality, after obamination is impeached or out of office in 2012,
they'll have to pay it all back. Every penny -- and NOT with more taxpayer dollars. We're waiting, GM. We're waiting
and watching. 2012 can't come soon enough. (In more ways than one.)
February 14, 2011   Never forget that this is who obamination hangs with. This is one of his homies.
I think that tells us a lot. Don't forget, Ayers admits to doing these things and has never been legally
prosecuted in any way, shape, or form for his actions. Show me a man's friends and I'll
tell you the man's character?
February 14, 2011   Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That's bad. Really bad.
It's bad on two fronts. 1) Never even say Reagan with the clown who was before G.W. Bush in the same sentence. Not even
separated by elipses. 2) To say that bringing back Clintoon would be a good thing? Wow! That's bad. obamination
messing things up badly enough to make Clintoon look good? Wow. That's really, really, really, really, extremely bad.
Even the
eTrade baby could do better than Clintoon, but obamination can't?!
That's bad.
February 14, 2011   Even Switzerland wants to keep their guns out of government control.
Swiss television predicts a loss for tighter gun control law. Good. Gun control is hitting the target where you wanted to
hit it. I'll have to post a picture of one of my targets some day. They're pretty.
February 14, 2011   Former CIA Director, Jim Woolsey, talks about the threat of Sharia Law in America.
Let's not allow Sharia into America. Let's keep our daughters, wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends free
from that slavery. Let's keep America free from tyranny: well, at least as free as it currently is under obamination.
In fact, turn back the clock to before obamination and we'll have more freedom. Turn back the clock to Reagan's time
and we'll all prosper and America will be strong and well respected again.
February 14, 2011: 2:35 a.m.   Remember I said I wasn't going to do any more Sunday updates unless
it was really, really stupid stuff? Things extraordinairilly stupid? Dumber than the usual stupidity the Wrongies do?
Well, it's technically no longer Sunday and I've rested and read most of the day (love reading) and
I have something that qualifies.
This interview with obamination Ms. and the commercial that follows
are stupid on several counts:
Since when is it the first momma's job to tell us what to do? She has no
constitutional authority. We don't have to listen to her. Why are we spending taxpayer dollars on anything
she says?
What she is saying is "Lie to your kids." Yes. "Lie to your kids." Sweet. She says to tell
them to go search for mom's purse when mom knows exactly where it is. This will make the child looking for
the purse go up and down stairs several times and they'll get the exercise they need. When, truthfully, the child
didn't need to look because Mom knew where it was all along. That's lying to the kid.
Notice the child in the advertisement is not overweight. If they wanted it to be an effective
commercial why not use an overweight child to do the running up and down stairs?
The target audience, obamination Ms. admits, is the black community so
why use a white skinny girl in the ad? Duh! Shouldn't they use an actor that their target audience could
identify with? Not obamination Ms. She has an ad with a skinny white mother and a skinny white daughter for the
black community. Duh.
This technique will only work once. When your child finds out that you're lying to him/her to get him/her to run all over the
house, child will stop looking and say, "Whatever! I'll get it from someone else!"
Lying to your child builds distrust and breaks the bonds between parent and child. This will help
put the child on the path to trusting others more than the parent. That will ruin more families,
create more acting out and run aways, more teen pregnancies, more drug and alcohol abuse at an early
This sounds like a very good program for obamination Ms. to push. Yep. Mmmhhmmm. Do it her way.
After all, you don't need your child's trust. You don't care that your taxpayer dollars paid to
encourage you to lie to your child. Your own money helped destroy your family. Yep. Good job, obamination
Ms. Can anyone say, "Well, DUH! obamination, Ms." Does anyone in their group of advisors have even
the slightest bit of brainstem activity to be smart enough to tell them "STOP!"? Apparently not.
February 14, 2011   If you're a union member but don't like how the union spends your money getting
politicians elected that you don't supported, supporting issues you don't agree with, and generally going against your wishes,
Union is where to go to solve that problem. This site was set up
by an ex-Teamster member
so he knows what he's talking about when it comes to unions spending money on things he didn't support.
Go get some of your money back. At least someone can!
February 14, 2011   Breitbart getting sued? "Bring it on!" he says.
I like Andrew Breitbart because he's not afraid to stand up for what is right. ACORN, Pigford, and other issues, he
stands firm and doesn't flinch nor back down. Would that all Conservatives would be like him.
February 14, 2011   Planned Parenthood: "We've been here for the last 95 years [killing babies]..."
They're trying to build support for themselves.
Why do people not realize that Planned Parenthood (still a most deceptive title) is all about creating an Aryan race?
Its founder, Margaret Sanger, was
a racist extraordinaire who didn't want blacks reproducing, didn't
want Jewish people reproducing, didn't want poor people of any color reproducing. She wanted only the wealthy
white folks to have babies and she wished that she could sterilize the others. I have and have read the following books and I
suggest you read them, too:
Read those books then tell me that abortion is not racist. Tell me that the people who pushed for abortion and
for the deaths of all of those babies were looking out for the best interests of women. Tell me that it was anything
besides Hitler's Aryan Army that they were trying to create. Tell me that you believe that with all your heart
and that killing all those babies has been a good thing. Tell me that as you watch
Silent Scream. And tell me what you think of when you read
Margaret Sanger's own words,
Abortion was pushed by a racist pig and it is continued as black people in America decide to kill
their babies instead of giving birth to them and letting them be adopted to the tune of (1990)
63.9% of black females age 15 - 44
have had an abortion compared to only 21.5% of white women of the same age. In 2006 it was
just as bad: 50.2% of black women had had an abortion compared to only 14% of white women. Don't you think that's a little
self-defeating? To have that many wonderful, cute, amazing, intelligent lives snuffed out before they
even get the chance to prove what they can do, who they are, why GOD put them inside their mommies, is
just wrong. Started by a racist, it continues to be a racist entity. Don't kill your babies. Give
birth to them, give them a chance, give them up for adoption if you can't take care of them
yourselves. But don't kill them. Love them enough to let them live and give them the love
of a different family, if need be. Innocent life is always deserving of living. Don't kill your babies,
no matter who you are. Let them live.
February 12, 2011: 8:51 p.m.   Did some photographing today and then went to Lowe's
and Publix so I am having another late start. Sorry. Boy, was what I wanted to comment on today difficult
to find. It just didn't seem to be out there. So, more websites to visit, more options to explore.
February 12, 2011   Hey, remember a few weeks ago, there was a guy who had either
fireworks (according to the police report) or "explosives" (according to the media; including Glenn
Beck's "The Blaze") caught near a mosque in MI? Remember that blurb a little while back? Yeah.
The guy with the fireworks/explosives was a CONVERT TO ISLAM!
Yeah. Peace, love, flowers and strawberries. Oh, yeah. Let's not forget the beheadings, the "honor killings",
the bombings, 9/11, the first WTC attack, the U.S.S. Cole, the embassies and barracks: peace and love.
Ah-lah-lah-lah-lah. Right.
February 12, 2011   The "Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project" is going over weather
data from 1871 to present time and seeing if our weather is actually trending toward what is commonly lied about
(my words, not theirs): "Global Warming". So far their analysis
shows "no evidence of an intensifying weather trend".
In other words, there is no such thing as "Global Warming" so all you little hamsters out there
who are on that "Global Warming" hamster wheel can stop running to nowhere. Get off the wheel,
take a breath, look around and realize that you're still in your box/cage and still safe. No big, bad
"Global Warming" monster is going to come and get you and eat you or the planet alive. Okay? You
all better now? Good. Now go get a cookie and some milk then you can suck your thumb all you want.
February 12, 2011   I know why
Allen West rocked CPAC.
It's because he means what he says and believes in America. That's why. Those other dolts out there
were saying Conservative sentences because their speech writers put them in their speeches although
the candidates (Romney, Ron Paul, Pawlenty, etc.) themselves probably didn't believe, support, nor
endorse half of them (IMHO, at least). Romney's obamination-Lite; he wins and we'll see no changes unless
it's for the worse. Paul is too weird to win, he'll get the Wrongie elected because no one wants to think
what a Ron Paul presidency would look like (think Perot without the ears). Pawlenty is more conservative
than those two, but he has some 'splainin to do on some of his "reach across the aisle" votes. Not playing
well in Peoria. Allen West has a consistent message, a strongly Conservative message that he has lived,
believed in and endorsed via word and deed. West has done so since before his campaign started. That's
why Allen West rocked CPAC: he believes in America and in our Founding Father's principles that established
the Greatest Country On Earth!
February 12, 2011   I support term limits as in "Vote 'em Out Every Eight Years!" If they are in
there longer than that, there is a tendency to let "power corrupt and absolute power corrupt absolutely".
There's also a tendency to want to be
top dog -- or as close as possible to top dog -- after you've been there a while.
What they don't realize is that "Second-In-Command" dog is still sniffing Top Dog's backside so why would they
want to do that in the first place? Go be satisfied with your little corner of the world, make a difference
by standing up for what is right and making great speeches that will convince others to do so as well,
and you won't have to sniff anyone's backside. They'll be too busy sniffing yours and worrying about
when you'll be voted in without effort on your part because you did the right thing. Besides, with all the
power struggles of the U.S. House and Senate, if you ignore them and don't try to climb to the second-in-command
spot (no backsides to sniff), you'll enjoy the absurdity going on around you. When you think about it,
who doesn' think this absurd?:
"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, former Arizona
governor and state attorney general, has made calls over the past few weeks
to gauge support for a Senate bid."
LOL! I can see her campaign ads now: "Napolitano for Senate: She feels you!" Or, how about,
"Napolitano for Senate: Scan This!", or maybe, "Napolitano for Senate: Get naked!"
Yeah. She's got a snowball's chance.
February 12, 2011  
Republicans have new bill to ban "Fairness Doctrine".
I hope they pass this one because if not, there are going to be some changes to your internet time.
The government is watching you and you can't escape! At least, that's what will happen if obamination
gets his way.
February 12, 2011   Two U.S. Representatives,
Cliff Stearns (R-FL)
and Trent Franks (R-AZ),
are calling for the Defunding of Planned Parenthood. I agree with them 100%. Any organization that
gets U.S. taxpayer dollars that is caught promoting the sexual abuse of children -- and the covering up
of that crime -- should not only lose all taxpayer funding (as ACORN should/did/didn't again, I think),
but these folks deserve to be in jail for the promotion of a crime. They were aiding and abetting
before the fact. They need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and our taxpayer dollars
need to come out of their pockets!
February 12, 2011   The Director of National Intelligence isn't. Isn't what? Isn't
He has proven his stupidity, ignorance and lackadaisical attitude
over and over and over again. He is not fit to be an advisor, a Cabinet member (although he has
enough intelligence to be part of a kitchen cabinet; perhaps the junk drawer?), or even
allowed to drive! If this is obamination's version of "intelligence" that should tell us
a whole lot about obamination, should it not? Clapper should not resign because he can't spell it!
He would have to "KWIT".
February 11, 2011: 10:00 p.m.   Late start today on my computer. Woke up with a headache
and did nothing but read most of the day. I love to read, so that's not bad, but it does help
distract one from a headache. Other health news: My new doctor has been going down the "Let's fix this"
road and I have the results of my MRI. They found that I have degenerative disc disease, a nodule on my
thyroid gland, a little bitty spot on my right lung (another CT scan in about four months), and they can't
see a problem with my neck. My doctors can feel the growths, but they aren't showing up on x-ray, CT scan,
nor MRI. Weird. But that's me. Outside the box and still no answers. But I am on thyroid medicine to see if
that will help with what the nodule could be doing to me. So, we'll see. Fun, huh?
February 11, 2011  
The IMF is calling for a replacement for the dollar in their figuring.
That's not a good sign. But we have our president and Wrongies (Dems. in the House and Senate) to thank for it.
Don't you just love the destruction they have done to our economy? Yes. Yes. Massive unemployment, IMF
turning their backs on our dollar and people losing their houses all over the country. Yes. Wrongies are so
good for America! (YES. That was sarcasm.)
February 11, 2011   He's not worthy to unlatch the shoes of "The Gipper"!
No Dem. will ever measure up to Reagan. NEVER. Not in a quadrillion years times a quadrillion years! What an ego on the
moron obamination.
February 11, 2011   Do you have a daughter, a niece, a granddaughter, a cousin who is female? Do you
have anyone you care about who is between the ages of nine and sixteen?
Then you should agree with this article.
Defund Planned Parenthood (misleading name if ever there was one) if you don't want them to ignore the rules when
it comes to the little girl you care about. We don't need any more children being raped by old men because
they can get away with fathering a child with the little girl and knowing that PP will help them
get the girl an abortion. What they did was WRONG. They should get no more taxpayer dollars. They
should have to shut down every "clinic". And those who gave instructions or agreed not to turn
them in should be in jail immediately! Care about your children, parents. Care enough to protect them
from these lawbreaking butchers!
February 11, 2011   This is why we don't need illegal aliens here.
They should be bodily delivered one hundred miles across the border into Mexico and let loose on the streets there. If
they don't like that, then they shouldn't come back to have it done to them again. Better still, the Mexican government
(oh, they of "Most Favored Nation" status: should be our friend but they aren't) should help enforce the laws and prevent
illegal border crossing. But, no. They are corrupt and want to profit from the crossings with either drug money, or the fact
that the trouble makers are coming over here and they don't have to deal with the trouble makers any longer.
"Muslim Brotherhood supporters and sympathizers promoted Islamic tolerance
in a two-hour event called “The Importance of Faith and Religious Liberty.” The Muslim
Brotherhood is an influential group that advocates terrorism against Israel and the west
and is known as the parent organization of Hamas and Al Qaeda. Just last fall a
bipartisan group of military, terrorism and national security experts determined the
Muslim Brotherhood presents a threat to the nation’s security."
And the reason they weren't arrested there on the spot was...?
February 11, 2011   First Cameron of the U.K., then Merkel of Germany (or was it vice versa?),
now Sarkozy has realised that PC "multiculturism" is a failure.
They've realized that it's tearing their countries apart financially, religiously and politically. They've realized
that it's not a good thing to have "Out of many, many". America had that lesson years ago and listened to it.
Then we went all PC (commies brought it in, read
David Horowitz's books), and we started leaning toward
multiculturalism. It's threatening our country almost as much as obamination (Bozomination: I like that).
We need to turn from PC multiculturalism and return to "E Pluribus Unum" -- Out of Many, ONE!
That's the way America was made, grew strong, and stayed strong until PC weakened it. America is
the BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH! Anyone who disagrees with that statement can leave now.
February 11, 2011   If you are female,
don't convert to Islam.
You will lose everything if you do. You will be in grave danger and you may as well make out your will, your
power of attorney and your "Advanced Directive" and/or Living Will because you're targeted in Islam. You
are always in the wrong. You are always the one who caused the offense (even if YOU are raped, YOU made it
happen). You are always the one who will take the blame, wind up in prison, stoned or disfigured as
the men see fit. Give it up, Girlfriend, you don't have any rights if you are in Islam.
February 11, 2011   Israel is our friend. Biblically, we should stand by Israel and support her.
We should "pray for the peace of Jerusalem". It is our GOD given duty to do so.
But I bet you 15¢ obamination will not stick by Israel.
He'll go along with the Muslims. Lay money on it.
February 11, 2011   Public schools teach this?
Where were the parents of those rapists? It's not just the schools in this rape that are to blame. The parents should
have taught those boys that girls are not objects, not sexual playthings, not to be used and abused. This is a story
that tells about how far our society has declined and the degradation of women it supports.
February 11, 2011   In Dearborn, MI, a Christian woman disobeyed an illegal order by a Dearborn cop
to put down her camera and stop filming fellow Christians talking to Muslims. Now
this is really Sharia Law because you must know that Dearborn, MI, has one of the biggest per capita Muslim populations in America.
They rule the city -- and apparently the cops. When a cop gives an illegal order and a woman is convicted
because she disobeyed that order -- illegal as it was -- that's Sharia Law or as good as. This is the town that
installed foot baths for Muslims at taxpayer expense,
allows "Aggressive, Militant Islam" to march down the streets, etc. Yeah. That's Dearborn. Already taken over and American citizens
are losing their civil rights because of Sharia Law. Sweet. Looking forward to that! (Sarcasm.) Watch out
it's coming soon to a city near you, or maybe even YOUR city.
February 11, 2011   I just sent this e-mail to the Brevard County Commissioners. I'm so irritated with this that I can hardly
see straight:
"I found this astonishing brochure
(in .pdf format) on the internet and I was wondering: DO WE ACTUALLY SPEND TAXPAYER DOLLARS ON THIS CLAPTRAP?!!!!
If so, DEFUND it. Save us some money. Let women make their own way if they want to really make it. After all, we are
as strong, smart, creative, driven, resourceful and well educated as men. Why should we need TAXPAYER dollars to
give us a hand? IF there are ANY TAXPAYER DOLLARS being spent on this stupidity, DEFUND this atrocity immediately.
Women do not need a hand out, hand up, hand over, or any other "hand...." besides a handbag. If they do, let them
be creative enough to find a way to get the money they need, the RECOGNITION they desire, the CONGRATULATIONS
they crave all by themselves. To spend taxpayer dollars on this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to say the least!"
I think you should also
write to the BOCC and send the same message.
We are women; not invalids. Whatever happened to the old Helen Reddy song, "I am woman, hear me roar"? Nowadays, if
a woman roars, it's because she needs a handout or special recognition from a special board/panel/commission?
I don't think so! If this is feminism, who wants it? Lilly-livered idiots and wimps it makes of women. Whatever
happened to that frontier spirit? The spirit of WWII where women hung up their dresses and took off their heels
and became welders, machinery operators, "Rosie the Riveter" is now gone. (My Great Aunt was in the Women's Air Corp,
flying newly finished airplanes from the factory to the airfields.) Now women have to be coddled and have
"special" treatment that men don't get because of what's between their legs? Come on! We are WOMEN! We are stronger
than men (Ever see a man with a cold? I rest my case!), we have more stamina than men (they go to bed earlier than
we and sleep in later than we on the weekends), and we are more determined than men. To have to have a stupid "Commission
on the Status of Women" is patently absurd and ridiculous. Women across America should be outraged.
I am so irritated by this ridiculousness, I just sent the blurb to Gov. Rick Scott with this paragraph at the bottom of it:
"Gov. Scott, ANY taxpayer dollars being spent on this is Unconstitutional because
if it can't benefit ALL taxpayers, you are playing favorites and discriminating against someone
due to their gender. I call on you to stop this discrimination and to stop any funding that
goes to a specific gender, race, creed, or nationality. If you do not, you are breaking the
Constitution you swore to uphold. Defund all discriminatory Commissions, Panels, Boards, etc.
or break the law. It's your choice and I'm holding you accountable."
Maybe we'll see some changes. You think?
February 10, 2011: 3:46 p.m.   Shock! Surprise! Gasp, even!
obamination's "Justice" Dept. only sometimes just.
They only selectively obey the law. "Freedom of Information Act? What Freedom of Information Act? Where? No one
told us about it!" It's Eric Holder, folks. Are you really surprised?
February 10, 2011: 1:33 p.m.   Forgot to post last night that I updated the "Government Links"
page with all of the new office holders from the Nov. 2010 elections. You don't know how good it felt
to take Suzanne Kosmas's name off of the page! Yes! Anyways, check it out if you need to contact
one of your government officials via e-mail.
February 10, 2011   Ms. obamination holds "listen only", "invitation only" press conference via internet phone.
In other words, "I am on control!"
The press has done such a wonderful job of kissing obamination backside without complaining about
it. Don't we all just love reading the crap they subsequently publish?
February 10, 2011   What an idiot. His wife should divorce him.
He should never see his kids again (if he has any) and he should live the rest of his life under a rock because
that's where he belongs. Neanderthal philanderer. Now he's messed things up politically for NY and for the House.
What a moron. He needs to be put on salt pet___.
February 10, 2011   Wrongies want USSC Justice Thomas to recuse himself from obamacare case. That would
make it even only if Justice Kagan recused herself. She used to be part of the obamination administration and
advised him -- possibly even on obamacare -- so she would have a conflict of interest. Thomas's perceived conflict
of interest would be that his wife, Virginia, started a nonprofit that took a position against obamacare.
IF Thomas is to recuse himself, he should wait until Kagan recuses herself. (Let's see who blinks first?) Wrongies
wanting Thomas to recuse himself means they have not taken into account the fact that Scalia can carry this thing
on the unconstitutionality of the case all by himself. So they'd have to have all Conservative justices recuse themselves
and the one that sways with the wind recuse himself and have only the Wrongie justices making the decision
on obamacare in order to win it. Even then, they'd have a split decision.
February 10, 2011   Allen West CPAC Keynote Speaker.
EXCELLENT! He is SO GOOD! I'd vote for him for President in a heartbeat. Hope he runs.
February 10, 2011   A vote for freedom, or against security?
Anyone who gives up liberty in favor of "security" deserves neither is a paraphrase of what Benjamin Franklin said. I think we still need
some of the security steps taken, but I think they need to be modified with common sense inserted where there currently is none.
I think that Home Land Security (HLS) should hire someone with some brains to rework their entire organization before
the House can vote on this again. HLS should start with securing our borders, search every container that enters
the country, question people traveling, but don't search their person or their luggage/bags unless the traveller exhibits
nervous behavior and raises suspicion (like El Al does and they've never had a terrorist attack on one of their airplanes).
Start with common sense and then worry about the rest of the stuff.
February 10, 2011   I don't care who disagrees with me.
I think this is an excellent idea.
I hope it passes and that KY schools are soon studying the Bible as part of their curriculum. It will be
good for the students, for the teachers, for the community, etc. Win, win, win situation. Then Florida and
the rest of the states should follow.
February 10, 2011   Computers to become smarter than humans is a theory that has been around for a long time.
Watch the old scifi movies and you'll see it all over the place. I remember a few storylines that met that criteria from
back when I was a teen (oh, so long ago). The reality is supposedly only thirty-five years away.
I think I'll wait and see. I don't care if they're smarter than I (some may already be) as long as
they are obedient, who cares if they are smarter? It's when they rebel -- as in the movies -- that
there is something to be worried about. Until then, eh. Who cares?
February 10, 2011   The Combover for President?
Donald Trump has been making noises about it and he appears at CPAC this year, a supposed indicator of
potential presidential aspirations. Trump, "You're Fired" before you even start. Not a good idea.
I just can't see Trump as a good president. I don't trust him with our country. I really don't.
I do trust Judicial Watch and they're at CPAC.
They're holding "Transparency Seminars" and that's a good thing, too!
"people who drank diet soda daily had a 61 percent increased risk
of cardiovascular events compared to those who drank no soda, even when
accounting for smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and calories
consumed per day."
The article then goes on to negate its own headline (Good job, editors! Duh.). What I know about the subject that
is not in the story is that when I was drinking diet soda (right after I had my second son), I had mood swings,
slept a lot, I had memory loss (still can't remember part of that time frame), heart palpitations, a very short
temper (although not violent temper: the boys did spend a lot of time in their rooms), etc. One day I realized
that all of that was not me. I did not behave like that. So I asked the Lord what was wrong with me and
He said, "Get off the aspartame." I did and within three weeks, my sleep schedule changed back to what I used to
be (go for twenty hours sleep for four to six, go for twenty) and I had fewer mood swings. After six weeks, I was
all but back to my "old self", with the exception of still being unable to remember parts of the time when I was
on aspartame. That's sad because it includes about eighteen months of my sons' young lives. My memories of my
youngest son all but start after I stopped drinking diet soda (the only way I injested aspartame). It's
anecdotal, but it is the truth. Aspartame did that to me. I don't recommend it to anyone.
"Every time Live Action releases a video (and we’ve released over
16 now), it is “an isolated incident”. Let the facts speak for themselves. Look
at the evidence. For over three years our team has been investigating the
institutional sex abuse cover up at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. Even
before the human trafficking footage, we released 10 clinics that revealed the
sexual abuse cover up of minors as young as 13. In these 10 clinics, we had
actors posing as the underage girls, self-reporting abuse and asking for help.
In every case, Planned Parenthood worked to cover up the abuse of the underage
girl and did not comply with the mandatory reporting laws for sexual abuse.
Instead of help and safety, the underage girls are coached by Planned Parenthood
staffers on how to cover up abuse and get secret abortions."
Planned Parenthood is evil incarnate. Helping wrongdoers go free and unpunished is being an accessory after the fact.
Planned Parenthood workers who helped cover these things up belong in jail. Why are they not being prosecuted? Answer:
because they have so many politicians in their back pockets that they can get away with helping grown men
sexually use little girls and PP will help cover it up. Politicians -- U.S. to local AGs -- are as guilty as PP when politicians
do nothing to protect the innocence of our children by prosecuting both the Planned Parenthood organization and
their employees for the systemic evil and collusion that is the covering up of child abuse. Any politician, Attorney
General, law enforcement officer, or local official who does nothing to stop PP in their evil is GUILTY of helping children be
sexually abuses and should be in jail alongside the abuser!
February 9, 2011   The truth about obamination's budget.
What a LIAR he is. The "Liar In Chief" label is now obamination's. I thought it would forever be Clintoon's, but,
no. It has officially transferred. obamination: Liar in Chief.
He's married to a liar, too.
So that makes them, "Liar and Liar, Inc."!
February 9, 2011   I bet the last thing this administration wanted was someone who understands economics in the U.S. House.
Paul Ryan (R-WI) calling Bernanke on QE2.
Bernanke is not happy.
"the Brotherhood’s objectives of advancing the global conquest of Islam
and reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the public and private duties of jihad
and the struggle Muslims must wage against Israel."
February 9, 2011  
Malkin is right: $53 BILLION boondoggles should be stopped NOW!
Privatize Amtrak and do not fund them with a penny, half-penny, or even a sneeze any more. Let them succeed or fail
by the way they run their own business. That's the way every business in America should be: independent of
government "aid". With "aid" comes interference and control. The taxpayers' money is spent on Amtrak, but
we get no say in how it is run.
It should stop NOW.
February 9, 2011   McCain is a disgrace. He needs to have a reality check. They're not going to like him
no matter what he wants to give them.
He needs to get over the "I want to be a leader! I want to be in the 'inner circle'! I want to be important!" thing
and just be satisfied with being the relatively little nobody he has been since he was elected the first time. Wake up,
McCain. Smell the "little nobody" coffee!
February 9, 2011   Judicial Watch is still trying to get answers
about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and your money.
I hope they win their appeal because I want to know where our money went, too!
February 9, 2011   Islam....peace... yeah, we've heard it all before.
Terror alert "higher"; where's the mention of the reason why it's higher? Napolitano's "See and Say" (Remember that
toy?) is a bunch of hooey.
February 8, 2011: 7:00 p.m.   Well, that was fun! I tried to move all of my
2009-2010 blurbs
and barbs to a new storage area strictly for that time frame, but -- WOW! -- did it go wrong. I spent the last
two hours recovering most of what I had for that time, but some of it (very unfortunately) was lost.
If anyone has Oct/Nov of 2010 saved, if you'd like to send them to me at the e-mail address above, I'd
appreciate it very much. (How about it maureen, you love to print my pages out. How about helping me out
here? I'd be able to put back the stuff that was lost about you!) So as it stands, the regular
"Storage" box will take you to the 2009-2010 page. The "Storage 2011" page is (for most) self-explanatory.
"Page Deux" is still for the most recent few months to be moved to, and then from there to "Storage 2011". Got it?
February 8, 2011: 2:23 p.m.   Abortion is murder. Even though abortion is legal, that
does not make it moral, nor does it make it not murder.
Murder via abortion is big money
and that's part of the reason it's still legal:
check to see some of the dollar amounts
(click on "Show More" and follow those links to the dollars). That's part of the reason abortion is still legal.
The fact that the woman ("Roe") who filed the suit that changed the law has said she was lying, she was pressured
into the suit, etc., abortion is the law of the land no matter what science tells us
is that life begins at conception (sperm unites with an oocyte).
Yet a little baby, incapable of defending itself, incapable of being heard in its
a gift from GOD, the law says it's okay to kill them, tear them
limb from limb, burn them with saline until they die, or sometimes to allow it to be born
(except for the head) and then to open up the back of a baby's skull and suction its brains
out while the head is still in the birth canal. That child did nothing to deserve that sort
of thing, and yet, because it's politically correct to do so, little babies are not considered human
unless and until the mother decides she wants to keep the child and the child is born. That's just wrong.
A beating heart is stopped if the abortion takes place 18 to 21 days after conception (if not sooner).
That's murder. Pure, plain and simple, it's murder, but it's not PC to prevent it. Millions of babies
died for political correctness. Stop the madness. Stop abortion.
February 8, 2011   If you don't believe my assertions above about abortion being PC,
remember Planned Parenthood's attitudes and actions.
Then tell me that a baby is important to them. Just try to tell me they give a crap about babies.
February 8, 2011   obamination's speech "by invitation only":
control the audience, control the reception. If I allowed only conservatives to read my site, everyone who
visited my site would love it. Since I cannot do that, there are people who see my site and hate it. That's
okay with me. They are allowed their opinions and their reactions. No skin off my nose if they hate
my site. It's just more people to get put a bug up their noses. Fun times, but obamination is too much
of a coward to allow the same thing I allow. Chickenman, yellow and all.
February 8, 2011   If teachers have a problem with my website, it's probably because I think that
unions have ruined the teaching profession when it comes to public (and some private) schools. I urge people
to not buy that new car, the bigger house, the expensive vacations, etc., but instead to sacrifice that in favor
of homeschooling their child so that their child can have a good education.
Now some teachers are agreeing with me about the unions.
(Watch the video, below.) Glad to see that people within the profession are waking up and smelling the coffee. It's time to get
rid of "Teachers' Unions" and start focusing on doing what is best for the children. After all,
who will be able to take care of all those retired teachers if the kids being taught today
are being taught that welfare is the way to go and their future taxpayer status is nil? No one will
be able to pay for Medicare benefits for you because they're all on the public teat anyways. No taxpayers,
no help from the government. Wake up.
Stop looking after yourselves
and start looking out for the country
and the bright future it used to have and still could if parents and teachers would start thinking!
February 8, 2011   In the meantime, U.S. House members are fumbling with their pledge to cut spending
and they're being called on it. I
agree with the writer: CUT SPENDING NOW! I say "Keep your promises and listen or leave!"
February 8, 2011   The House will vote to defund obamacare next week.
Prediction? No. Just that they know that's what the people want and that they remember they are going to be up for re-election
sometime in the future. It's a CYA move and they'd be stupid not to vote to defund it all.
February 8, 2011   "Revolution! Revolution!" the call of the Wrongies.
They want there to be Egypt-like revolution in America. Okay. We'll rebel against obamination and tell him
to step down. How's that for revolution? Morons.
February 8, 2011   Have you
heard about this again? Internet tax returns!
Quietly, stealthily, they're trying again to make it impossible for you to get info online. Ask yourself, "WHY?"
February 7, 2011: 7:50 p.m.   Tires on vehicles are one of those things I just don't think of.
It's a good thing my hubby does. He checked them last week and it was time to replace them. Ugh. I don't like
spending money on that sort of thing. I wish vehicle tires could last ten years; but of course they don't.
I wish that things that cost a lot were much more durable. High end washing machines should not vibrate so much
that they walk their own little screw-in feet off. High end dishwashwers should not be noisy after six months
when their near-silent operation was one of the biggest selling points. (What? We don't want it to be
quiet six months after purchase?) Tires should not be warranteed for only 60,000 miles: a million is a
much better number. Oh, well. That's what my gripe of the day is: almost $700 for new tires. I suppose
it's better than having a flat on the side of the highway, but it's still something I hate.
Anyways, you may have realized that I didn't post yesterday. I have decided that "Six days only shalt thou
work and on the Seventh Day thou shalt rest" applies to websites also. I don't know why I didn't think of that
before (probably because it's enjoyable putting the Wrongies on the ropes), but it's a fact that some would
consider this work. So, it's Sundays off from now on. Sigh. Now all the good stuff will happen on Sundays. Maybe
I'll allow funnies on Sundays. You know, the stupid -- really stupid since otherwise it's just the normal stuff --
things Wrongies do that make one guffaw? Maybe I'll allow myself to post that sort of thing, but Sundays off from
now on.
February 7, 2011   obamination orders corporations to "share corporate profits",
but when was the last time he shared any of his profits? He ordered the "Nobel Politically Correct Prize" with
its $1 MILLION reward to be given directly to charity, instead of going into his coffers. But notice on page
three of his 2009 tax returns that it wasn't $1 MILLION he gave away:
only $329,100.
Yep. He lied again. And he didn't share very well, did he?
February 7, 2011   obamination doesn't know what to do about Egypt. He's incapable of doing it properly or well,
and Sec. Clintoon is just as clueless. Meanwhile in Egypt things are cooling off.
I still don't know what to expect from these uprisings, but if it means that a lot of people have decided that they want
freedom, a real voice in their government, a chance to choose their leadership in untainted elections, the chance to
experience the free market model of economy and see what it can do for them, then I'm all for it. If it's a bunch of
goons -- religious or otherwise -- stirring things up and getting people killed so that they can have power instead
of the people having the power, then the people in the Middle East need to wake up and smell the coffee. Trading in
one dictator for another is not a good thing. Trade in a dictator for freedom or don't bother.
February 7, 2011   I can't believe I'm about to type this. I actually like an idea that a rapper (well, ex-rapper)
suggests as a tax increase. It's
-- shock, surprise, stutter, sputter -- brilliant! May even keep some women out of that avenue of employment and I like that idea, too!
February 7, 2011   Although I should have covered this yesterday as one of those "really stupid things that Wrongies say"...
obamination is like Reagan only in that he breathes and lives on earth.
Other than that, not in the least. Trying to get glory and Conservative stripes vicariously is not just laughable, it's ignorant. People
don't fall for that if they have half a brain cell in their heads. Oh. Yes. There will be a few who do. Like that woman who
waited in line for "Obama money".
February 7, 2011   obamination lied, another promise died. So,
Republicans have a plan to fix that. Hurray.
I hope they fix that and a whole lot of other "o" problems. He has a huge stack of them. The first one: his birth certificate.
"documents related to President Obama's Special Assistant on Energy
and Climate Carol Browner and her role in crafting official U.S. climate policy.
Ms. Browner, who was never subjected to Senate confirmation, reportedly served as
the Obama administration's point person in secret negotiations to establish
automobile emission standards and also participated in negotiations involving cap
and trade legislation."
Good. They need to hold all these Czars' feet to fire in order to help us stay Free. If no one
is able to do so, then they can be -- and ultimately will be -- dictators over us and our
freedoms will be gone in a puff of obamination smoke of whatever he's got lit that day.
February 7, 2011   Recently I posted a blurb about a woman who lied to get her children into
better schools and went to jail for having done so.
Well, here's another take on what she did.
It's worth the read.
February 7, 2011   Sarah Palin and I agree on this one. You may be surprised by this, but I have not
been able to make any sense of the CPAC thing that the gay Conservatives were such a big dippy deal. To use an "obaminationism",
"Let me be clear": I do NOT think that homosexuality is a genetic condition. GOD makes children and HE does NOT make sin.
Therefore, GOD did not make anyone sinful in their genetic sexuality, but GOD does say that homosexuality is sin. That
being the case, and because the sex acts performed by anyone -- except in cases of rape -- are acts we choose to participate in,
then homosexualityis a choice, not a genetic condition. Genetics are the color of your hair (until you dye it),
how tall you will be, whether you have a tendency to be chubby or thin. Those are things that you cannot choose to participate
in. It just is. You choose whom to "lie down with", it's not genetically chosen for you. GOD made your genetics and HE did not create
sin NOR does HE create your sin. So, back to Sarah Palin: I don't have a problem
with GoProud attending CPAC.
What goes on in their hotel rooms while they are there is between them and GOD; as long as it's consensual. What GoProud needs
to remember is that being Conservative means understanding there is a GOD and that HE has laid down the rules. If
they choose to disobey those rules in their bedrooms, that's something they should be prepared to take up with HIM. And they
don't need to even think of me accepting their behavior as "normal".
February 7, 2011   "ChrIslam"? Oh, please. There is nothing the two religions share except that some people believe in each one.
Other than that, it's all different. Everything. I've been working on my
Bibliography (check the section for "Judaism") for my "Religion" pages so that
people will be able to see that the words don't come from me, they come from the authors/experts within those
religions. When I write about Catholicism, I use sources from within the Catholic Church: books by priests,
The Cathechism of the Roman Catholic Church", etc. When writing about Judaism, my sources shall be The TORAH,
The TANACH, The Siddur, The Talmud, etc., and similarly for Islam (The Koran/Quran, The Hadith, etc.),
Mormonism (Book of Mormon, D & C, PoGP, The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, writings of the Presidents, etc.). I
do not write about Judaism sourcing Baptists' writings. I do not write about Catholicism sourcing Rabbis' writings.
I write "straight from the horse's mouth", so to speak. There are many, many differences between Christianity and
Islam and few -- if any -- similarities. I will try to make it as easy as possible to see the differences and
my sources will be clearly identified and easily confirmed or even purchased (for the more modern sources: I have some
books from as early as the 1820s that won't be easy to find).
February 5, 2011: 4:49 p.m.  
Finally! England has the right idea! Hope America follows!
Also hope the rest of the non-Muslim world follows. When the rule is "murder the infidels" the
"infidels" must not allow that to happen. We have the right, duty and obligation to stand up for our
lives, for the lives and safety of our children and for our country - the BEST country on earth --
and our way of life. Anyone who doesn't like that idea, doesn't agree with that right, well they can
go take a hike. I don't care if you agree with me, but I'll fight for my life and I'll fight for the
future of my country and my children's safety, if that is what it takes. I've said in the past, "Wake up, world!"
maybe (finally) someone is listening!
February 5, 2011   CA Cap and Tax halted.
Good. Very good. Surprises me, though, that a judge in CA actually stopped it. Wow. Miracle of miracles. Next
on the list: obamination impeached.
February 5, 2011   Where did all the stimulus money go?
Out of your pocket because that's where the money comes from: you and I. The government -- city, county, state, federal --
has no money without taking it away from you. It's all your hard earned dollars that went to the
"stimulus package": out of your pocket into theirs.
February 4, 2011: 10:45 p.m.   Was busy before going to dinner and a movie with my friend yesterday
so I didn't get to post.
We had a good dinner (if you don't count the chicken sandwich served to me with the chicken colder
than the tomato that was on the sandwich: A and W on 520 in MI) and the movie was pretty good if you don't count some foul words.
We saw "The Green Hornet" and I was surprised
by how they can take a "Super Hero" and turn him into a cursing, conceited, horn-dog who fails
to see anything in anyone except their inferiority and their gender. Yes, he has a change of
heart at the very end, but really? Why take a comic book characer and turn it into
something that kids can't look up to? It's the destruction of things to believe in that is
happening. Next thing you know, they're going to do a movie about a president who can't
release info about himself, can't stop apologizing for America, can't stop trying to
destroy America.... Oh!
February 4, 2011   America's telling Britain's secrets to Russia?
They're not ours to tell. obamination is an idiot. He's a completely worthless, untrustworthy,
lying sack of crap. His goal is to destroy America, and apparently, to take our allies down
as well. Everything that all the former presidents have done, any good will they have
established, any trust they have built with our allies, obamination is destroying as fast
and as well as he can. If 3% of Egypt's population is protesting and obamination tells
Mubarack to step down, if 3% of America's citizens protested obamination's "rule", would
he tell himself to step down? NO! That's the answer. He didn't listen to us when 60-80% of
Americans didn't want forced obaminationcare, he didn't listen to us, nor did he care. He is
the Almighty, Powerful, Ruler of All Nations, Divine Imam, obamination! All shall tremble
and obey!That's what obamination is.
February 4, 2011  
obamination donor/ambasador appointee "was a disaster."
It's ridiculous that he doesn't consider qualifications. He doesn't even begin to think of who is
qualified to even scratch their own butts, much less who has the qualifications to be an
"The report says her tenure of about one year was fraught
with personality conflicts, verbal abuse and questionable expenditures
on travel, wine and liquor."
In other words, living like obamination and pelosipig. So what's new?
February 4, 2011   This is how Islam treats women! OUTRAGEOUS!
Any female who is thinking of converting to Islam may as well go ahead and admit her life is worthless.
She has no will to live, has no rights of her own, and if she is raped by anyone -- even a relative --
she is to be punished for being raped (whipped), even to her death! That's a human rights
outrage that should never happen, but it's happening all the time in Islam. Ridiculous!
February 4, 2011   Another obamination disaster.
Considering his total lack of executive or business experience, what made anyone believe obamination was capable
of running the whole country? He probably can't even tie his own shoes! That's why he appoints people
who are idiots, dolts and incapable to be his head honchos.
February 2, 2011: 7:20 p.m.  
Targeting Christian companies: obamination's buddies are showing their hatred of Christianity.
Shock. Surprise. When GOD tells you to stand for something, the other side (I'll let you figure out
what side that is) tells you to sit down, shut up and don't believe in anything. Do as they tell you
and nothing more. Believe as they tell you and nothing more. Be what they tell you and nothing more.
Obey! Obey! Obey!
February 2, 2011  
Death threat from Wrongies against Republican.
Taken seriously, the guy was arrested. He was angry about a bill similar to the AZ immigration bill
that Snyder proposed. Another in the long list of Wrongie actions that need to be remembered every
time they say that the Right is the side of "hatred and violence". Wrongies should look in the
mirror before they speak of hatred. Their side is full of it. After all, who could hate a little,
defenseless baby still inside its Mommy so much that they would tear it limb from limb in order to
get the little guy/girl out of there? That's hatred if anything is.
February 2, 2011  
Wrongie who assaulted students has another job at taxpayer expense.
Bob Etheridge (Wrongie - NC) should be in jail for assault, not being paid at taxpayer expense! Those two
students are now paying his salary? That's absurd! But that's how it works for Wrongies.
February 2, 2011  
Walk like a Republican Week/Month/Year!
Do whatever it takes to get re-elected and that's always moving toward the "center", imitating
Republicans. I think it's fair to say that when it comes to being elected, Wrongies have to be
who they are NOT.
February 2, 2011   Red House shuts out media?
obamination didn't want to be seen doing something?
The only thing he wants to do in private is potty. He loves the cameras! His gigantic ego feeds on them.
He won't be the "flavor of the month" after shutting down internet sites that show sports.
Allegedly doing illegal feeds, the government shut them down right before the Super Bowl. "Timing is
everything" and obamination's stinks. That's going to go over like a lead balloon.
February 2, 2011   Burning a museum? Why?
I understand the desire for a change in government (I have had that desire for the last two years regarding
our ACORNed in president). But when you're rioting for a change in government, leave the museums alone.
It's YOUR heritage, your history, after all. Destroying that is just stupid.
February 2, 2011  
We need to stand with Israel if the Muslim Brotherhood gets its way.
Anyone who attacks Israel is attacking us. Israel is our ally. We are commanded to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6)
and if we don't, GOD will hold us accountable. That's the way it works, folks. We need to stay on the side
of Israel.
"The delusional assessment from the nation’s Homeland Security
chief comes just a few months after her equally infuriating estimate that
the southern border "'is as secure as it has ever been.'"
"Delusional" -- LOVE IT! Truth is spoken by JW. I really love them. "Delusional". Absolutely.
February 1, 2011: 9:41 p.m.   Where is the time going? January is already gone, but it just
started. This year is flying by already and I haven't even gotten used to writing "2011". Sigh. Is it
that I'm getting old (so are you), or is it that time is actually speeding up, as my sons sometimes
think. They feel the days fly by, too, so it's not just us old folks. Anyone wanna' join me in a rocking
chair brigade on the front porch? That's part of why I missed yesterday's updates: time flies and I was
getting a lot accomplished at home. That and three hours (1 here and 2 there) of sleep and still energy
through the roof and wide awake as if I had slept eight hours; maybe I'm getting old, but I can still keep
up with the young 'uns. My son tells me, "Sit down. You're making me tired." Not daily, mind you, but he tells
me often enough.
February 1, 2011   Things in the Middle East are heating up. There are protests in quite a few
cities and there are people unhappy in the cities where there are no protests. Question is, who is behind all
this unrest? Some say
it's the Muslim Brotherhood,
aided by the Wrongies. Others say, "No! It's not they! It's someone else. Look, instead, over here!"
Others blame Israel.
It's none of those, people. It's God who is in control.
February 1, 2011   Duck and cover?
Allegedly Al Qaeda almost ready to drop the Big Bomb. Keep your ears and eyes open folks. It's either a lot of drivel,
or it's scary.
February 1, 1011   Possible SD message to residents:
buy a gun. Will this
be concealed carry or open carry (as in strapped onto your hip for all to see)? And, will Granny be able to
find one suitable? I think so.
February 1, 2011   As most Florida residents know by now, U.S. District Judge, Roger Vinson,
declared obamacare UNconstitutional.
I didn't get too excited because I knew obamination would have to appeal it immediately. After all,
he has one accomplishment to tout: obamination care. Why would he let go of something over half the population
of the U.S.A. does not want? He wants to rule us, not lead us. Why let go of one of his rules?
He isn't going to let it go without a major fight and, possibly, without making things worse before they
get better. He's a spoiled child who is throwing an "I want it! I want it! I want it!" hissy fit.
(With those ears he reminds me of someone).
He's such a baby.
February 1, 2011   algore proves once again that he's a hamster on the wheel.
Poor little thing. I bet he eats his own bedding, too. I bet that sometimes, for a thrill, he actually
runs on the outside of the wheel and holds on while it goes upside down. OOoooohhh... Now if only his brains
could keep up with that wheel.
"When you ask a General to top off or refill your drink, you are showing disrespect to the
U.S. military. You remember them, don't you? They are trying to keep Ameica safe from terrorists,
they fought in WWI and WWII and made sure that this country didn't become communist (although
your boss is trying to change all that). You remember they shed their blood for you? And you
ask a General to refill your glass? Come on. We know libs hate the U.S. military, but that's
ridiculous. You may as well have asked him to kiss your backside.
"Grow up. He serves to keep you safe. Show some gratitude, since it's obvious you have no respect!"
February 1, 2011   bloomberg oversteps his authority
by conducting gun "sting" in AZ? He's gone a little nutso when it comes to this. I bet his bodyguards carry.
"Mixing with followers of any way other than that of the Guidance also results in
a change in one’s behavior, morals and conduct.
"If we agree, follow and are pleased with such friends, then we inherit their habits,
behaviors and even religion. Such a Muslim would find himself in a situation wherein he
is willing to hide his Islam in front of those who despise it (those that he considers
as friends) and to separate from the believers. When this situation occurs, a point is
reached when there is a very slight difference between the Muslim and his wrong-doing
companion. Such a companionship is the root of sickness of one’s heart and loss of
one’s Deen."
"In two other authentic narration’s of the Prophet (saws) we were commanded
to keep company with a believer only (3), and told that a person will be with those he
loves (4). So if we love and associate ourselves with those who are misguided, we should
fear for our fate."
The Cordoba House Mosque is not about "friendship" and "getting along" or anything else
except trying to rub it in and being near a battle ground "victory" for their side. If
you don't believe it, read the words of the Quran/Koran and the Hadith! Their own
"holy" words say so! Oh, and you evolutionists? You're not exempt:
"'Beautified is the life of this world for those who disbelieve,
and they mock at those who believe.'((2): 212] SubhanAllah, is this not what
we witness today from the Darwinists."
"How many intelligent people have been fooled by Shaytan today, and from their
false thoughts are communism, secularism and feminism!! This is because Shaytan
has beautified the falsehood for them."
Sob. Sob. No one likes commie evolutionists. boo. hoo. If you like art, singing, music, don't even
begin to think of being friends with Muslims (from the same page as "the Darwinists"):
"Similarly, today singing, dancing, acting, making statues are all called,
'art!' But with such devious behavior man can only fool himself and none can deceive
Allah, the All-Wise."
Cordoba House's "Can't we all just get along?" is a crock.
February 2, 2011: 12:14 a.m.   Oops. It's past midnight. I'm into Tuesday.
February 2, 2011   Joe the Plumber's "self-appointed government investigator"
was fired for using taxpayer dollars to go on a witch hunt against Joe. Now she's being paid with taxpayer
dollars again; this time much more. Sweet. Violate a U.S. citizen's civil rights, waste taxpayer
dollars and get fired for those two things, then get hired on with a substantial pay increase.
Amazing. Remember, she has the chutzpah to accept the position!
January 30, 2011: 11:40 p.m.   Woops! I started to put a blurb up here, but changed
my mind and apparently took out the previous top blurb with the blurb I took out.
So... I didn't update for a few days because I hurt my left hand. I can't type very
quickly single-handedly, so I didn't do updates. My hand is feeling better now, so here are updates.
January 30, 2011   The Egypt situation is a bit of a conundrum. There are
many storiesout there about it,
but those stories make me wonder.
Where is all this "uprising" going? What happens if all those Middle Eastern/Muslim countries unite under one
powerful Imam? They will be a major threat, not to mention the people who will follow them who are
already in other countries. They're all over the world. England has a huge population for such a
small country. England will have a major problem. Turkey, the Scandinavian countries, the Phillipines and
Indonesia will all have major problems.
America will have problems,
our most pressing: obamination.
He is not equipped to do anything to help America
and he
doesn't want to if he could.
He would be more than happy to see America taken over.
He may even hand it over to Islamic radicals. It's something to keep your eyes on.
Our best defense, the American people: Tea Party activists, those who believe in
America's greatness and haven't been active, and those of us who will
stand up to obamination's plans. He can't hand over what we won't let go.
January 30, 2011   obamacare: All for YOU, not for THEM.
Being an obafriend has its perks. One of them: you don't have to obey the law. Remember
Rahm Emanuel is still running for Chicago mayor. Yeah. Like that.
January 30, 2011   I must disagree with Charles Krauthammer.
obamination got the memo, he just doesn't give a crud. What you want doesn't matter to him.
What you think is right doesn't matter to him. What you need for your health care choices,
doesn't matter to him. He's "Master of all he surveys". That's how he sees it and how he
handles things. Memo or no memo, obamination is going to go for what he wants and you
and the rest of America can take a flying leap.
January 30, 2011   Those of you who have the "pleasure" of reading
our local pooper paper may have read
the article by rupe. In it she takes on Rick Scott's decision to delay contracts for ninety days
to review them. She states in part,
"among the frozen projects was an $84 million project to add express
lanes to Interstate 95 (sounds like ours)."
Also note that rupe possibly slanders FL State Senate President, Mike
"The state grand jury's report proposes a strong system for the
state inspectors general, gives more power to the state Elections Commission
for election violations and would toughen the rules for financial disclosure
and the penalty for violations (State Senate President Haridopolos' crime)."
rupe relates that possible slander to a story on the ethics of FL public servants and
she links to this Grand Jury report.
There are several problems with the inferences from the report rupe draws, not the least of which are below.
1) The report states:
Page 13: "Unfortunately, one only needs to read the newspaper
headlines across the State of Florida to realize that public corruption is
pervasive at all levels of government. Recent public opinion polls show
that a record number of Americans believe public officials are untrustworthy."
That's the federal government to local city governments, not just Florida State. The Grand Jury
was a FL Grand Jury, so the focus was on FL. However, the information the Grand Jury received is not
necessarily perfect and the Grand Jury report admits that:
Page 118: "The following statistics most likely fail to capture
the true numbers of corruption cases by public officials and servants, but
we will provide what has been presented as a starting point for a discussion."
Yes, there may be more public corruption than the numbers reflect, but there could also be
fewer incidences than the numbers reported reflect. Also remember that the numbers for FL are
probably higher because we pay closer attention and catch more, therefore we prosecute more.
Other states letting public corruption slide
reflects poorly on them, not negatively on FL. In fact,
according to this 2004 report, FL is #9
in public corruption behind Mississippi, North Dakota, Louisiana, Alaska, Illinois, Montana, South Dakota and Kentucky.
However, the most corrupt area of America is not a state: it's Washington, D.C.
But that doesn't suit rupe's agenda. Republicans have been in control of FL since the start of the report
she chose to quote. Scott is a Republican. All Republicans are bad, and that means that Dems. (Wrongies) are
the answer to the "bad Republicans" problem. If she is going to do more "articles" like the one in this issue,
she may as well have them labeled properly: "Paid political advertisement. Already trying to make Dems. look good for
next election. I'm a Dem."
January 26, 2011: 6:51 p.m.   When you have known someone for "decades" do you
mistakenly tell people that your friend for "decades" said something and then say, "Oops. My mistake"?
No obamination birth certificate exists in Hawaii,
he tells a radio host, then later he says that he meant to say that the hospitals in Hawaii said that no
birth certificate exists in their records? Is that something that a "decades" long friend
misspeaks when mentioning your name several times in an interview? Listen to the audio (it's a radio show).
"Birther" I am, "Birther" I stand.
January 26, 2011   You need to read this.
And you need to know the truth. Do not think that Homeland Security Committee Chair, King, is doing anything but
a show on his part. It's all for the media and means nothing more than a sleight of hand on King's part.
Another RINO in charge. Boehner is an idiot to have made that appointment.
January 26, 2011   obamination's new plan:
would cost us another $20 BILLION.
According to one editorial, the SOTU was
"spaced out". Thus my little
play on words below, "Sput-ter. Nik." Get it? BTW, where did obamination learn to do basic math?
Did he learn it in Indonesia? If so, they need to do some remedial teachings in their math department. You
can't save money by spending money and his new proposals to save money is to spend more. As the saying goes,
"Dumb as a rock." Personally, I think rocks are smarter than obamination and I don't want to insult the rocks.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: obamination wants to destroy America. He has sweet, sweaty dreams about it.
After all, a CBO prediction is $1.5 TRILLION budget DEFICIT for 2011 alone.
He gives lip service to less spending, but he doesn't do it.
January 26, 2011   "The Health Care Enslavement Act of 2010" so-called savingsis doubted by even a Medicare official.That's why at least ten states are mulling nulling,
even though some say it's unconstitutional (but so is obamacare, so it's two wrongs?). The constitutionality is
yet to be determined, but if it is allowed, it's going to make sure that a lot of states have nothing to do with
"The Health Care Enslavement Act of 2010". Besides, why have a "reform" bill if you're
exempting over 700 companies/entities from it in the first place?
If it's the LAW, it's the LAW. It should be applied to everyone, across the board, no exceptions, no exemptions,
no waivers! It's the LAW!
January 26, 2011   Wal-Mart, IMHO, has gone to HADES IN A HANDBASKET.
Neither my immediate family members nor I have stepped foot in their store, ordered from their website,
or done business with Sam's Club (even though we are members) since I said Dec. 31, 2010 that I would
not be going back to Wal-Mart and supporting
them with my money. Now, they're selling make-up and anti-aging products for 8-12 year-olds? Ridiculous.
Why is Wal-Mart going to HADES IN A HANDBASKET? I don't know. I think their Board has gone totally nutso,
but their choice is to lose my business and that's okay with me. I'd rather stand on principle than spend
my money with that company. IF they ever turn around and start buying American made products to sell me
and they start supporting conservative causes and groups, then I may start shopping there again. Until then,
Wal-Mart can kiss my money good-bye.
January 26, 2011   Like the idea of your words being used to promote a product without you
knowing about it, without your permission, without you getting anything from it?
That's what Facebook is going to do.
So, don't say anything good about products you like and you don't have to worry about it; or just
let them use your words. Or, say all kinds of bad things and don't worry about it. Or,
post your praise of a product and then put a copyright notice and payment demand along with the praise.
Actually, according to copyright law, when you write something -- even on Facebook -- you
have the copyright to what you wrote. For Facebook to tell companies that they'll allow them to
use your written comments, is probably a class action law suit waiting to happen. Their TOC probably
says that they can, but the law is already in place to prevent that. Hmmmm.... Let's see how this flies.
January 26, 2011   Pro-Abortion advocates want these doctors to be okay.
Gosnell was not enough, there are more out there. And pro-abortionists don't want regulation of the abortion industry
because it will intimidate women and thirteen-year-olds getting abortions without their parents' consent or
knowledge to be taken to places like Gosnell's and this CA house of horrors, and a MD murder manse, for an abortion that may end
up killing them or leaving them sterile. Pro-abortion makes no sense whatsoever. It's murder. It's wrong.
It kills a living baby. And with animals like this running abortuaries, it could do more than abort the baby. They care
so much about you, don't you think?
January 26, 2011   "Cash for education" isn't that
what Wrongies always say when they want to get more money out of us? Always, "It's for the children!" when
in reality, the unions get the money for the teachers: but not the current teachers, it goes to pay the
pensions of those who no longer teach. It's ridiculous. (Note: Notice that Malkin and I used the same idea for "Sputter Nik"?
Great minds think alike.)
January 26, 2011   I am against the high speed rail some wish to put into FL's midsection. To have a
high speed rail, you should have huge expanses to cover between cities so that the train can get up to speed
before it has to slow down again. For instance, going from San Antonio, TX, to Reno, NV, would be a good high
speed rail route. That's a long way to go, you could route it with a stop at El Paso, Tucson, AZ, Phoenix, AZ,
Las Vegas, NV, then Reno. That's the proper way to do high speed rail. Putting high speed rail between the Space
Coast and Tampa Bay is nonsense. When will it ever get up to speed? Well, I don't think high speed rail is a good
idea unless done properly and Michele Malkin agrees with me.
I'm in good company.
January 26, 2011   Getting a headache and it's getting late. I think I'll turn this thing off
and go to bed now. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let obamination bite.
January 25, 2011: 9:06 p.m.   Five states have plans or actual bills to make presidential candidates prove eligibility in their state before their name can appear on ballot.
Florida's Bill Posey proposed, H.R. 1503, a "produce your birth certificate" bill in the House last Congress, but
it died: possibly to be brought back up again in this new Congress. I hope that this will make it to where
obamination either proves his eligibility or tries to get out of it and is disqualified. He is not above the law.
He should not get special treatment. He needs to show his actual, legal Certificate of Live Birth from a state
of the U.S.A., or resign, get out of the race and go into an attorney's office and start his defense team
going because if he is serving without being eligible (as I believe he is), then he needs to be prosecuted
to the fullest extent of the law, he needs to pay back every penny he was paid, every penny spent sending
him (and his unproud family) galavanting around the world at our expense, and pay back every penny we spend
protecting his sorry backside. That's exactly what should happen to him if he's serving without being legally,
constitutionally eligible.
January 25, 2011: 1:26 p.m.   I said yesterday not to worry, that Rahm Emanuel would remain on the ballot.
As of now, I was right.
The Illinois Supreme Court has ordered it so,
maybe after getting a call from obamination.
See? The law matters not. It's what they want that matters. If they want it, they will get it, the law be darned.
January 25, 2011   Former MN Governor, Jesse Ventura,
suing TSA over sexual feel-up.
I think the TSA will be forced within the next three months to change their security tactics, focusing on questioning instead
of feeling. When you have no probable cause to search someone, it is against the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and
it is an illegal search. Ventura is right for suing.
January 25, 2011   LOL! LOL! LOL! They would, wouldn't they?
Senator Olberman? LOL! LOL! LOL! They'd regret it so fast. Oh, my. Stop laughing? It's just too stupid. Who can help
but laugh at idiocy? Funny, funny stuff.
January 25, 2011   Lang Lang's "No No!" a "Yes! Yes!" for Red House.
obamination defends anti-American song being played at Red House. He would, wouldn't he? After all,
commie is as commie does. He likes anti-American anything because he hates America. Everything he does
tries to destroy us, so why not like the music that urges the same thing?
"In addition to voting for TARP, GOP Rep. Ryan — billed as a Republican
rising star– voted for the auto bailout and the AIG 90 percent confiscatory bonus tax."
Yeah, he's obamination-lite.
January 25, 2011   50 MILLION murdered babies since Roe v. Wade.
FIFTY MILLION in AMERICA ALONE. That's a lot of blood on a lot of people's hands. That's a lot of babies who cry out for justice. That's
a lot of people who could have been the person who discovered how to cure AIDS, stop Alzheimer's, teach children
how to be good people instead of thugs. That's a lot of death condoned by a certain percentage of our population
and five of nine Supreme Court Justices in 1973. Those babies didn't have to die. Those babies should have been born.
Those babies could have looked up at someone willing to be their mommy and smiled into her eyes and grown up to be
a good person, contributing to society and loving the person who raised them, as well as the person who cared enough
to give them up for adoption. Instead FIFTY MILLION babies are no more. Their futures are gone. Their possibilities
prevented. Their smiles extinguished from ever occurring. GOD forgives those who have had abortions and I hope that if
you have had one that you will turn to Him and ask for forgiveness. He will give forgiveness if you ask it sincerely, turning
from wrongdoing and determining to start over with GOD as your guide. Ask Him for forgiveness. "Ask and ye shall receive" (John 16:24).
Do it today and be forgiven.
January 25, 2011   Every now and then I go check out a few things on the pages of the County websites.
Today, I found Helen Voltz as an announced candidate for D3 County Commissioner
running against Trudie Infantini, one of the best things to ever happen to Brevard (Scott Ellis another).
Wouldn't it be special to have Voltz back? Yes, that is sarcasm. I don't trust her, I don't like her, I don't think she was
good for Brevard the first time around. Let's learn from that mistake and not have her back again. (NOTE: Free Speech and Paid political
advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Cocoa, FL 32927 Independent of any committee, political party,
or candidate. It's my opinion, folks. Live with it.)
January 25, 2011   You're paying for the Labor Dept. to leave lights on: $1 MILLION.
Sweet, yes? Don't you love having to pay higher taxes because someone won't flip the switch to turn the lights off? The other
departments whose bills we pay are just as bad. I just love it! (Sarcasm.)
January 25, 2011   Ex-advisor to obamination admits truth:
environmentalism all about "social justice". Giving to the have nots while taking from those who worked hard for what
they have is what environmentalism is about. It's not birds, trees, flowers and bees. It's about
"social justice". Think about the local environmentalists: rupe, tidd, etc. What do they want?
EELs land to be saved for our children and for the turtles, scrub jays, etc.? Or do they want
"social justice": to take away from you what you worked to get in order to give it to those
who didn't work to get it? Does Van Jones speak for them? Think about it. Then ask yourself
why you should support anyone who wants to take away what you worked hard to get in order to give
it to someone who did nothing to get it?
January 25, 2011   Pigford explanation?
It's needed. Pigford is about the U.S. Agriculture Dept. setting up a program to reimburse supposedly discriminated
black farmers after a departmental bureaucrat said something discriminatory. At the time of the setting up of the fund,
there were "X" numbers of black farmers registered with the Ag. Dept. After publicity about the program to get "free money",
there were suddenly many, many more black farmers who were supposedly discriminated against by the Ag. Dept.; all lining
up for their "free money". There was massive fraud (stealing of taxpayer dollars), but it was not prevented,
nor prosecuted. That's Pigford. That's why it matters: it's your taxpayer dollars being stolen.
January 25, 2011   School choice: obamination had that, his daughters, too, but he denies it to D.C. parents.
Shock. Surprise. That's his record and he hasn't changed. Remember that tonight while you're watching the SOTU Address.
He hasn't changed. Write it in huge letters on a big piece of paper and put it beside the televison as you
watch. Make yourself remember that no matter how good a speech he gives, it's just words to him and it matters
less to him than basketball and golf. obamination is interested in two things: 1) Power, 2) Destroying America.
That's what matters to obamination.
January 24, 2011: 9:32 p.m.   obamination's still trying to get internet kill switch.
He can shut it all down if he sees fit. Question: For him to want this so much, to push this hard again and again and again,
what is it he wants to do without you knowing about it? Think about that for a little while.
January 24, 2011   Robert Gibbs (Red House Press Secretary) thinks "Birthers" are irrational.
I think that Birthers are very rational. We demand that he prove his eligibity to be president, just as
all his predecessors have done. We've seen their birth certificates, why not his? What's so special about
obamination that makes it acceptable that he not be held to the same standards? Birthers say, "Nothing's so
special about him. Hold him to the same standards." That's a logical, rational thing to say. It's the others
who are irrational, allowing him special privileges because of his race. The first black president is not that
special. Law is law; standards are to be upheld, not diminished based upon race. G.W. Bush, Clintoon, G.W.H. Bush,
Ronald Reagan (Ronaldus Magnus), etc., etc., etc., all had to show their records (well, Clintoon started not cooperating
with not releasing his medical records: not allowing us to see how often he gets penicillin shots for his STDs).
obamination not showing any of his records is a new thing and it's an exclusive thing and that's just wrong.
He's no king (yet), no tyrant (yet), no despot (yet), why does he get special treatment? It's a very rational question.
January 24, 2011   obamination tries to make people think he's Ronald Reagan.
If he can't get you to believe his Wrongie claptrap, to trust obamination as he says his Wrongie claptrap, then
he'll lie to your face and try to make you think he's moving to the center. Don't believe it for the slightest,
smallest amount of time measurable and immeasurable. obamination is no more a centrist, a moderate, or a Conservative
-- nor anywhere near it -- than I am the Queen of England. It's ridiculous to think that obamination has even a
moderate amoeba in his entire body! Anyone who believes that he's moderating has to be in need of some small
thing -- anything -- to hold onto in order to believe he's a "great" (cough, choke!) man. Get a brain.
January 24, 2011   Communism on the march!
Yep. Communism launches red school bus tour.
Sigh. Just what we need in America. Communist/Marxist obamination and now a "national tour" of
communism. I think FREEDOM is under fire here, folks. Definitely under fire.
January 24, 2011   America/China collision course?
Some say it's inevitable. I think it can be avoided but only if we are strong militarily. Otherwise, we are going
to not only pay financially (they own a huge chunk of our debt), but we'll pay with a war as well. China is a problem.
But with wiser leadership than we have now (2012 or impeachment, hurry up!) we can avoid it.
January 24, 2011   Did you know you're paying for Fannie/Freddie's legal bills?
No? You are! Isn't that special? Notice the spin News puts on the story? Fannie and Freddie aren't
bad. They're better than Wall Street. Yeah. Right. And the taxpayers had a choice in whom to bailout. We
got to vote on it. Remember?
January 24, 2011   I am pro-life. I support the "March for Life 2011".When you consider how many black babies are being aborted,
I would think that most black people would be pro-life, too. From 1990 to 2006, the comparative rate of white to black abortions,
the black abortion number is always higher. For instance, in 1990 for every 1,000 15-44 year-old white woman, 21.5% of them
had an abortion. For every 1,000 black women 15-44 years-old, 63.9% of them had an abortion. That's way too many
babies being aborted: of both skin tones.
Don't you realize people, that people decide when to have sexual intercourse, but GOD decides when to make a baby?
That's the way it works. How many times have people trying to get pregnant (or even trying not to) had sexual intercourse
without conceiving a child? For my hubby and I, we tried for a year without success for our first child. Our second child
was an unplanned pregnancy. But we did not abort. Our second child is as much a gift from GOD as is our first. We are thankful
-- on a daily basis so very thankful -- for them both. Children are gifts if you allow them to be born. Otherwise, they
become a heart ache, a bad memory, a guilt, a shame, something that drives you to drink, drugs, bad relationships, self-hatred.
Don't do that to yourselves. If you don't want your child, give it up for adoption, but don't abort a child given to you by GOD.
GOD loves you and He loves the baby that He gave you. Don't destroy the gift: regift it to a family who will love,
raise and nurture your child. Don't
take away the baby's civil right to life.
Have a heart and allow your baby to keep his/hers beating.
"“When you add this to $550 million for public safety and nearly $500
million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers
exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year – not including the hundreds of millions of
dollars for education,” said L.A. County Supervisor Michael Antonovich. [my bold]"
You know who is paying that $1.6 BILLION? The citizens of the United States who live
there legally and are paying property tax, income tax (if they have any in CA: I think they do), etc. The people
of Los Angeles County are paying the bill for illegal aliens, as do we all in our own counties, in general
via Medicare/Medicaid, welfare programs, housing programs, etc. This should stop. Our government should prevent it
from happening. But, no. They're more interested in giving those who break the law by coming into our country illegally
the right to vote for Wrongies than they are in enforcing the law and in that way the American citizen taxpayer will be
keeping more of our hard earned dollars. Don't you love Wrongies? (No.)
January 24, 2011   Did you know that
"National School Choice Week" is now?
Nor did I. School choice is a good thing. Take children out of bad, poorly performing schools (public, private, military) and
put children into good schools that actually teach the children instead of worrying about teacher pay, union crap and
tenure. They should implement something similar with colleges. "Tuition portability" where if you get accepted into
say, Harvard, and you find out that they teach nothing but Wrongie claptrap indoctrination, then you can leave there
and go to Hillsdale and get a real education and the tuition (the full amount) you paid at
Harvard would be transferred over to Hillsdale and applied there. That would teach Harvard something, wouldn't it? I like it!
If you like it, write to your Congressman and Senator and support the idea.
January 23, 2011: 8:43 p.m.   Sleep apparently did me some good because I remembered what the
second "Difficult Question" was:
"How does God see time?" and,
yes, there is a Bible verse that goes with the question to illustrate what I'm saying. Are you going to
try to answer it?
January 23, 2011: 6:55 p.m.   Yesterday I wrote that the TSA has no authority to defy the
U.S. Constitution and that they have no right to make the demands they do.
Today, I was proven correct.
The TSA was handed one of their first -- but definitely not last -- defeats in a court of law.
Watch the videos. You'll see some things that will make your freedom feel threatened. Cops
who say that a citizen can do "X" but that they were not going to allow that citizen to
do "X" because the TSA didn't want him to do "X" any longer. There was no basis in law.
There was no basis in "probable cause" to make the citizen stop doing "X", it was all,
"We have the power! You will comply! That's TSA's justification for everything
they do, as well as for everything they don't let us do. The TSA needs to be disbanded,
defunded, and done with. This TSA nonsense has gone on long enough. "Home Land Security"
includes the security of our rights and the protection of those rights should be
everyone's job! Any government agency that is not interested in preserving the rights
of the citizens is a government agency that wants nothing more than the power of despotism.
January 23, 2011   FL Republican wants to cut back
funding for the United Nations.HURRAY! This is something I've wanted for a long, long time. I don't want the funding
just scaled back, I want the U.N. out of the U.S.A. and our dollars out of it. Period.
January 23, 2011   After the alleged murderer, Gosnell, was caught doing what he allegedly did,
obamination's remarks are totally off mark.
Referring to abortion, obamination said,
"fundamental principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters."
"And on this anniversary, I hope that we will recommit ourselves more broadly to
ensuring that our daughters have the same rights,"
If there were more government intrusion in the clinic Gosnell allegedly butchered people, there wouldn't have been
that kind of activity happening there. Fifteen year-olds would not have been administering anasthesia. Women would not
have been left sitting in bloody recliners. Babies' feet would not have been in the freezer for years. obamination
wants his daughters to have the same right to be butchered as the women who went to Gosnell's clinic? Sweet, loving
daddy. obamination's remarks are no surprise. Gosnell was (allegedly) doing what obamination supported, so what does
obamination care?
January 23, 2011   In France,
the hamsters are suing over the hamster wheel of "global warming",
seminars being attended on how to sue the government for "global warming". What a stupid country France is.
If Sarkozy can't stop this stupidity, he needs to let someone in the office who can. But, remember, you're paying
for it as well:
"Lawsuits in the United States related directly or indirectly almost tripled
in 2010 over 2009, reaching 132 filings after 48 a year earlier, according to a Deutsche
Bank report."
Yes, there are hamsters on hamster wheels over here, too. We need someone else in office. Someone who
can stand up to this stupidity, not condone it.
January 23, 2011   obamination is so weak a "leader" that even
a pianist decides it's okay to diss America right in front of him.
I bet obamination was toe-tapping to the anti-America tune, too. What a moron the cretin is. Maybe
we should coin a new nickname for him: "obamoron". It fits.
January 23, 2011: 2:34 a.m.   I see that sixteen people viewed the
"Difficult Question" (the first one)
about where Adam and Eve's sons got their wives, but no one decided to answer it. So I
thought I'd give the answer myself. I hope that someone will take on question two when I get it posted.
But it's late and I am tired, so I will post "Difficult Question #2" soon enough. Now all I have to
do is remember what it was! (Maybe some sleep will help.) Good night.
January 22, 2011: 11:29 p.m.   On the anniversary of the lie that was
Roe (she admitted to lying
to the powers that be and later had a change of heart and regrets her lie, becomeing pro-life)in Roe v. Wade,
PA Governor, Tom Ridge,
should be or is an "unindicted co-conspirator"
due to his administration's policies. Kermit Gosnell's baby slaughter house could not
have happened with regular inspections and close state oversight. Tom Ridge if not
in prison, should be unelectable and he should hide his shameful face in his house for the rest of his life!
January 22, 2011: 2:12 p.m.  
"Can't keep it in my pants" Gingrich says he'll run for Prez in 2012.
That's what we DON'T need. Not because he is considered by some (not I) "too conservative": but because
he's too conceited! His ego would be bad for America and get us into trouble. Yes, he had some
good ideas in the past, but those plans he put together way back when were put together with other people,
not just Gingrich. He is not what America needs right now. He's too much ego (think Clintoon and the current ego in
the Red House) and not enough of anything else.
January 22, 2011   Donald "Comb over" Trump says he wants to run for Prez, too: as a Republican!
So why is he helping a Socialist Dem. (Wrongie!) get elected in Chicago?
Talk about a mixed message! Not to mention that we can't trust his "Republican-ness" since he's helping a Dem.
Can anyone say "RINO!"?
January 22, 2011   "Stupid is as stupid does"
and Republicans are stupid for going along with the Wrongies on this one! When you let them pull you into
one of their idiotic schemes that will make them look like they're still in control when you are the
powers that be, you look weak, you look intimidated, you look as though you are compromising. Republicans
may just as well have lost seats as gained them when they "go along to get along". Winning -- according to
the actions, words and attitudes of the Wrongies in the last two years -- means never having to say, "I'm sorry."
Why are Republicans seemingly apologizing for winning by sitting with the Wrongies? That's stupid, weak and lilly-livered.
Spine up, Republicans! Spine up! (BTW: I sent this para. to both Congresswoman Sandy Adams and Speaker Boehner.)
January 22, 2011   Must be nice to be able to change the way 2+2=4 and make it all okay!
That's basically what the Federal Reserve did to keep solvent.
Can I use the same practices in my checking account? Or can I do that to pay my mortgage? No? They get to. Why
not I? BTW, during his State of the Union address,
obamination will call for more spending.
What there is left to spend, I don't know, but he's going to try to spend it. This will be, what, the fifteenth
generation after we're dead and gone that will have to pay for obamination's spending sprees?
January 22, 2011  
Congresswoman plans to carry handgun
to public events for her own protection. Good for her! She has her concealed carry permit so she won't
be breaking any laws in doing so. Apparently she's pro-Second Amendment, because she's willing to
protect herself and others when it comes to crazies. I think that's a good idea.
January 22, 2011   As usual, the Wrongies make the demands of the Righties, but they
won't abide by their own demands. If
the Wrongies ever learn how to not be hypocrites, someone let me know. It may take millions upon millions
of years, but someone say a little prayer and let me know!
January 22, 2011   Hawaii Gov. Aberwrongie should have checked his states laws
before pledging to prove to the world that obamination was born in Hawaii and is therefore a "natural born
U.S. citizen" (as required by the U.S. Constitution). Hawaii's legislature wrote a law that prevents anyone else from
releasing another person's birth certificate.
A little protectionism there for obamination, I'm sure, but, hey, it's Wrongies. Of course, you can't release
something you can't find, and is not there in the first place, so ducking and covering behind this
state statute is so very convenient for him, yes?
January 22, 2011   obamination spends
$7 Million MORE for minorities to go green.
Isn't this supposed to be the "post racial presidency"? Why is he dedicating $7 Million more of your dollars to
a specific skin tone? He's supposed to be color blind. Why do this specificly and exclusively for minorities?
January 22, 2011   obamination's plan to control the internet
is not good for freedom, for our country's future, nor for you or I individually. No internet ID numbers, no watching where
we are going, for how long we are online, what we order online, who we send e-mails to. "Big Brother is watching"
should not be happening today. obamination is a horrible "Big Brother" and he doesn't need that kind of info on everyone.
It's a matter of free association, free speech and freedom of thought. He doesn't need to be in control of those things
for all of America. He needs to butt out of my business and keep his greedy little controlling fingers out of my internet!
January 22, 2011   Remember Jan. 6th when the U.S. House of Representatives read the U.S. Constitution
out loud (and some Wrongies
called it a "fetish")
on their opening day? Remember the woman who shouted, "Not Obama!" or ("Not for Obama!" not sure which) when
they read the constitutional requirements for U.S. Presidents? Yeah. The woman who exeercised her Free Speech rights
in the chamber where it should be held most sacred. She was arrested, of course, and now
The Rutherford Institute is defending her.
Thanks, Rutherford Institute, for doing the right thing.
January 22, 2011   TSA DEFINES stupidity.
When will the country wake up and get rid of illegal body scans and illegal pat downs? The Fourth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution states:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no
Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Show me in the U.S. Constitution where the TSA is mentioined as someone who can ignore the Fourth Amendment. Show me
in the U.S. Constitution where HLS can ignore the U.S. Constitution. Show me anywhere that we can be patted down
(felt up) by anyone with a uniform on and an "I have the power" attitude because they have a tin badge. Show me
where my rights disappear because I want to participate in a legal activity. Does the same apply for playing
soccer in the park? Does the same apply to grocery shopping, ice skating, going to a movie? If it does not apply
at any of those other venues, then it does not apply at the airport. We have the right to be free from "unreasonable searches
and seizures". The TSA feel ups are not based upon "probable cause" because it's legal to do the activity we
are trying to do and unless we have given them some indication that we are violent, we have a weapon with us,
or anything else that would give a reasonable concern, then they have no right to search us. None. Any police-type
force (FBI, CIA, Sheriff's department, etc.) who would do the same thing as the TSA does would face all kinds of
penalties, firings, suspensions, etc., because they have to operate within the confines of the U.S. Constitution.
When the TSA -- a supposed law enforcement arm of the federal government -- authorizes illegal searches of innocent people without
probable cause participating in a legal activity, then the TSA has become the outlaw and it needs to be
disbanded, dismantled and face possible criminal prosecution for breaking the U.S. Constitution and every
"good and accepted practice" that law enforcement operates under. No one else within the
law enforcement community gets to break those laws on a continual, every second of the day basis with impunity.
The TSA should not be exempt from the U.S. Constitution, the law is the law, and the TSA should have to start
abiding by it or face criminal prosecution!
January 22, 2011   If Planned Parenthood is screaming against it
you know they'll be losing money if the bill goes through. Good enough reason, IMHO, to pass both bills. Abortion
is wrong. Abortion is murder.
January 22, 2011   According to
Deadline Hollywood, ousted Olberman got greedy and fired.
Good for the powers that be for standing up for the contract. Besides, with his low numbers, he had no bargaining chips
to play. Give him a raise for next-to-nothing? Not a smart business move.
January 21, 2011   Come on, people! Get real!
What if he's aspiring to be a cop when he grows up?
That hand motion will be a "defend and protect" motion, not violence! Better yet, just let a kid be a kid!
Stop being such fear mongers.
January 21, 2011   That mouthy Sheriff in Tucson, AZ?
People have had enough of him and
are mounting a recall campaign. Good for them! I hope they get sufficient verified signatures and a good replacement!
January 21, 2011   obamination says,
"invent stuff". Yeah.
So he can claim credit for things? Or, so he can tax you for doing so. You invent it, pay to get it manufactured,
start your company and pay lots of taxes, business start-up costs and employee health care costs. Sure sounds like
a good idea while he's in office. Invent it, but delay filing the patent until he's out of office.
"'Trying Guantanamo detainees in a system that is designed to ensure convictions,
not fair trials, strikes a major blow to any efforts to restore the rule of law,' the American
Civil Liberties Union said in a statement."
Excuse me?! Our U.S. military cannot be fair and unbiased? The ACLU assumes a lot and assumes wrongly. There is
no such thing as a military tribunal that "ensure[s] convictions, not fair trials". None. It is ridiculous and a
slander against everyone in the U.S. military to assume that they cannot let the evidence speak for itself.
I think the ACLU believes that because the ACLU would operate that way, so would the U.S. military. How wrong
the ACLU is. But no surprise there.
January 21, 2011: 2:26 a.m.   Went to dinner and a movie with my friend again tonight. The movie
was "Gulliver's Travels"
(in 3D)
and it wasn't worth the money. Poor acting, predictable lines, flatter than flat characters and a stupid
song and dance sequence at the end made "Gulliver's Travels" a no-go recommendation from me. Don't
waste your money, folks. Now that the warning is over, on with the updates.
"in the same interview Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated
birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained
by the Hawaii Department of Health."
So now he's saying that he not only cannot find it, but it may not even exist? The birth of another
January 21, 2011   The abortion "doctor" who was recently charged with murdering seven
babies (How ironic is that?) and I don't know how many mothers, who stored baby bits in his freezer (WHY?!)
is not being condemned by the Wrongies.
In fact,
"Whistleblowers informed public officials at all levels of the wanton
killings of innocent life. But a parade of government health bureaucrats and advocates
protecting the abortion racket looked the other way".
Wrongies (progressives, lefties, Dems., pro-abortionists, "deathies" if you will), put the whole
idea of right and wrong aside as long as abortions -- babies unable to defend themselves even
with a cry for help -- are allowed to continue. How vile those animals are who put murdering a
child ahead of stopping a monster. There shall be a special place in hell for those who do so.
"Doctor" (I use the term loosely since he didn't keep his Hippocratic Oath and therefore should
have lost his license immediately) Kermit B. Gosnell should spend the rest of his days in prison,
never tasting freedom again. You know, he's being charged with murder, but, hey. He is only doing what
obamination supports being done, so what's the big deal? (Sarcasm.)
January 21, 2011   In the meantime,
House Leader, Boehner, introduces "H.R. 3: The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act".
I am glad that someone thinks that babies should NOT be killed via my taxpayer dollars. I am
totally pro-life and when it comes to killing babies, that's something I would never agree to my money
being spent on. Never.
January 21, 2011   Parents, wake up! Be the parent! Tell your child "No!" when they
should not do something, go somewhere, wear something that you don't want them to wear, disobey you. Be
the parent! It is difficult, but it makes life for your child so much better! Isn't that what's important?
Tell them they can't watch crap like this.
They'll be angry at you, but you're the adult, you can handle it. Be strong enough to do what's best
for them. After all, isn't that what love is?
January 21, 2011   Pop singer disses Israel in online poll.
She should thank her fans for preventing her from making a big mistake. Israel is our ally and we should treat them as such.
January 21, 2011   Another wonderful article
by Dr. Walter E. Williams!
"What Our Constitution Permits" is about the new rule the U.S. House of Representatives has put into place.
First, I'm shocked but impressed that Boehner had the spine to do this. Second, it's a great rule!
Third, as usual, a Dr. Williams gets it right! I'd still love to see a presidential ticket with Williams and
Dr. Thomas Sowell. Now that would be a ticket I'd vote for! Or,
do the Palin/Bachman ticket, or mix it up: Sowell/Palin, Williams/Bachman, etc. Any of them would be good.
January 21, 2011   Something else not to watch, Joan Rivers' new show.
Don't bother. If they're going to go lock step with the Wrongies and not think for themselves,
then who needs them? Stupid is as Wrongies do.
"our investigation" indicates there is a recording of his birth. "It actually
exists in the archives, written down," he said."
So they haven't found the actual birth certificate, they found "a recording of his birth" which could indicate
that they found a Certificate of Live Birth, or a birth announcement in the newspaper, or whatever. What the
article says does not indicate that they found an actual birth certificate. So this story is
actually a story about nothing.
January 20, 2011   House Republicans -- newly elected Tea Party Republicans --
keep their promise and vote to repeal obamacare.
Let's put pressure on the Senate to do the same thing. If obamination wants it, make him veto their bills
and let obamination veto the will of the people. Make obamination take the total blame for it. Him and
pelosipig and reid should take the blame. After all, it was they who jammed the thing through when
we didn't want it, going against the will of the people, the U.S. Constitution and anything close
to good sense. All Republicans voted in favor of repeal,
and three Dems. voted for it.
January 20, 2011   House Republicans want to
get rid of abortion next!
Sounds good to me. I believe that life starts at conception and every abortion is a murder. How any
doctor can perform an abortion and believe he's/she's keeping his/her Hippocratic Oath. Abortion is
murder. But if anyone murders an abortion provider, they are doing the same thing as the provider, so
that makes them no better than the abortionist. Outlawing abortion cannnot be worse than what is happening
now. If anyone thinks "clothes hangers and backroom procedures", think again and
consider what is already happening.
All abortion is murder, whether it's a clothes hanger abortion, or whether it's done by an OB/GYN in
a sterile environment. Making it harder to access, illegal to do, will save lives and I support that.
"Manion said documents and e-mail communications turned over by UK in
the case showed strong evidence of religious bias, including a professor who surmised
that Gaskell was “potentially evangelical."
It's been a long time now since bigotry against Christians has been the only acceptable bigotry.
When anyone wants to discriminate against a Christian, it's not only accepted, it's almost
celebrated. I like that a Christian man finally stood up to the powers that were over his
hiring and made them pay for their discrimination. "If it's fair for the goose..."
Apparently he learned how to confuse the issue from his parents. Want to add to the confusion?
obamination has another name he apparently went by as a child: Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah). Now tell me he's
a legit president.
January 19, 2011   Wrongies are still harping on that whole idea of someone on the Right being
responsible for Loughren shooting Giffords and the others. One Wrongie talk show host even has a real problem with
all of that. He's a little.... Let's suffice it to say,
*twilight zone music*.
Yeah. He's looking for a nice white jacket with a built in perpetual hug.
January 19, 2011   AZ law may relieve Giffords of her office.
If she can't fulfill her duties for three months, AZ law says her seat will be declared vacant and
a special election must be held. Do I think this is good? No, but nor do I believe in special treatment.
I do believe that that law is the law. I don't think that she should be given special treatment, so if the
AZ legislature wants to change that law between now and the three month mark, that's their business.
If, on the other hand, they do not, then that's the law. If the people of AZ want to push their
representatives to change the law, they should do so; it is their right. If not, then I wish Giffords
a speedy recovery.
January 19, 2011   I missed wishing everyone a MLK Day. What, exactly, is the proper term to
put with that? Is it "Happy MLK Day"? Is it "Joyous MLK Day"? Is it "Equal MLK Day"? What, exactly, is the
proper terminology for that day? Just asking because I don't know.
January 19, 2011   Two gay men are
facing stoning in Iran.
I do not think that homosexuality is right in the eyes of God, but
I also do not think that stoning someone
-- for ANY reason -- is a good thing. The only time a death penalty should be imposed for
a sex act is when a violent rapist gets caught and convicted: especially if he raped children. That's the
only time sex should come with a death penalty (exposing someone to AIDS while raping them is violence).
I wish that stoning were abolished altogether
(especially in cases of complete innocense),
but I can't make that happen. I can only say that stoning someone is wrong. As Christ said,
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
I doubt anyone in Iran, Pakistan, or even America, (except for infants and some special cases)
could cast that first stone. I know I could not. It's another thing I have against Islam. I do not
consider it a religion of peace because of its
precepts and practices.
January 19, 2011   Idiot-extraordinaire Wrongie, michael moore, says
people own guns because they're fearful racists.
He hates capitolism, but he makes millions of dollars downing capitolism. He hates George W. Bush,
makes a movie about his hatred, and makes millions of dollars on that, too. He thinks people
who own guns are fearful racists, so I bet he makes money off of that, too. Even more than that,
(like Rosie O'Donnell) he has had bodyguards
assigned to protect moore who carry a gun.
What a hypocrite. But that's no surprise to me. A lot of Wrongies out there are hypocrites.
January 19, 2011   EU doing the outrageous!
What the pudding are they thinking? Has anyone ever noticed that the countries that have some sort of
"traditional" Judeo-Christian religion as its historic or predominant religion have prospered more
than Muslim countries? Has anyone noticed that Judeo-Christian countries are more blessed by God?
Has anyone noticed that there are more people in Judeo-Christian countries who are middle class and
above than in Muslim countries? Has anyone noticed that those countries that start accepting Sharia Law
and being governed by Islam have gone drastically downhill within years (not even decades in most cases)?
Has anyone noticed that? Why, then, is the European Union doing something that will make a bad
situation even worse? Do they not have anyone over there with a head on their shoulders? Wake up! Look
at the Muslim countries. Look at them. They have very little in the way of a social strata between the
poorest of the poor and the extremely rich. They have almost no freedom, they have no say in
what their government does. It's all wrong. The Judeo-Christian history of Europe has blessed them
for centuries and they are quickly turning their backs on that belief system and that blessing and accepting
the hand of tyranny and the taking away of their blessing. That's just stupid.
January 16, 2011: 12:55 p.m.   While taking down my Christmas decorations today I started
thinking about the people I have encountered in my life who have wanted me to compromise my Christianity for
one reason or the other. I don't know why I started thinking about that, but it ran through my mind long enough
for me to get the hint and I wrote a blog about it. The blog's title is
"Don't Put Your Christianity Away"
and I hope you will read it and if you wish to comment, please feel free.
Busy times right now. Went to the eye doctor and got new contact lenses and am adjusting to those.
They're the progressive vision lenses (no lines -- hurray!) and I am kinda' used to them, but
not quite. I can take them out in one try; that's easy. But getting them in is -- as with the last
time I had contacts a few years ago -- still sometimes a challenge. I still have to learn the
"sweet spot" on my fingertip that will enable the lense to go in at just the right angle to sit
on the eyeball on the first try. When/If I find it, I should mark it with permanent ink. Otherwise
I'll just have to find it again and again and again. I'm staying a little busy, doing a lot of reading
and need to do better doing the website updates. That's one of my resolutions I will keep.
January 12, 2011: 5:50 a.m.   Just a quick note before I go to bed. I have heard since Saturday how the
Right was responsible for the AZ shooter and how Sarah Palin, in particular, should be punished because
of her district map that showed Giffords' district targeted for replacing a Dem. with a Rep. I don't think
people are thinking clearly about this yet. I have a simple question for you to ponder that may just
clear things up for those who are saying that kind of crapolla because they're too stupid to think straight.
Question: When was the last time a nutcased, drugged out, obsessed lefty went to any Right wing site for
inspiration? All you lefties -- from now on this site will call every "lefty" organization (Dems., progressives, etc.) will
be called "wrongies" or the "wrong side" instead of "lefties" or whatever, for that is what they are -- out
there who think that any wrongie is going to go to a Palin website and study it to
get "inspiration" or "instruction" or anything else as far as who to hate or who to not hate is just pure,
plain, simple, stupid. I don't go to the "HuffPo" for my inspiration. The NYT, Howard Stern's site, Sandra
Bernhard's stupidity are not an influence on me. I don't go get instruction from "Green Peace",
obamination, Organizing For America, City Year, or any other idiot wrongie organization, person,
or stupidity. Just as all the right-wing sites are where I surf the net, wrongies go to their own wrongie sites.
Anyone who says that Sarah Palin is responsible for the AZ wrongies' hatred of Giffords is definitely forty-eight cards short of a full deck.
After all, common sense and their own actions prove that anyone who believes so is probably swallowing
the same punch as the shooter did. Think, people! If you are capable.
January 9, 2011: 10:39 p.m.   Dem. operatives immediately planned to blame the Tea Party for AZ shooting
as another Dem. group uses the shooting to raise funds,
a lot of Dems.
go into "smear machine" mode,
and the left gives more benefit of a doubt to Islam than the Tea Party.
All the while take into consideration that if we have to think about every word we say, every
phrase we use -- even common phrases -- everything we type, to keep it from being worded to
have even the remotest possible chance of making someone feel some negative emotion of some
sort, then we will all have to shut up forever. Never a word more will be spoken, signed, written, texted,
or even thought because it may make someone angry. Considering the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment,
I am not willing to do that. Nor am I willing to accept the premise that anyone's words should be held responsible
for someone else's actions when there is no telling what is going to set someone off. When it comes
to nutcases, you can say, "Hello!" and wind up shot. When it comes to nutcases, you can say,
"Your mother wears combat boots and has sex with everyone else who wears combat boots", and
be just fine. Words are not the problem. The actions of one nutcase (in the AZ shooting case)
are the problem. Anyone saying it's such-and-such's words that spurred this into action is just
wrong. And to blame the gun is stupid. That's like saying that if there's a knife on the countertop
and it's lying there, that it will jump up and stab someone without anyone's hand on it. Duh.
Yet, as totally predictable, a Dem. is readying a gun control bill
and another readies one that bans "threatening language or symbols"
as well as adding gun control. Shock. Surprise.
January 9, 2011: 2:00 a.m.   I've started a new subject at my forums.
"Difficult questions"
covers those things that some people have difficulties answering. Questions like the one I gave as an
example, "Where did Adam and Eve's sons, Cain, Enoch and Seth, get their wives? Did they
marry their sisters?" After all, they did marry. So where did the girls come from? If you have
ideas, or questions you'd like to discuss, go to my forums and let's talk about it.
January 9, 2011: 12:28 a.m.   Condolences to all those injured and the families of those killed by
the leftwing nutcase who shot Congresswoman Gabriell Giffords (D-AZ). My thoughts and prayers are for the
complete recovery of those injured and the Lord's comfort to all who witnessed, the family members
of those who were murdered, and the first responders who were called to help. God bless you all.
January 9, 2011   Of course the Left jumped to the conclusion that the AZ shooter was
a right-winger. However,
truth is he was a leftie.
Not that the truth matters to the left, but it matters to me.
January 9, 2011   For those of you who say that "scientists" support global warming,
there are those who disagree with it, too.
Those who do support it are making money from pushing it and are members of organizations that make money
from global warming. Or, they have products or businesses that are making money from global warming malarkey.
That's what I think is happening.
January 9, 2011   Rhode Island Governor, Dem. Lincoln Chaffee,
stops effort to crack down on illegal immigration.
He says he's after immigrant money: for the State and for the illegals! A Dem. helping illegals get rich. Shock. Surprise.
January 9, 2011   Someone has to do it!
Judicial Watch holding obamination accountable.
Lawsuits and FOIA requests that may reveal the truth: if obamination doesn't fight them long enough to get
out of office prior to having to answer them.
January 8, 2011: 12:47 p.m.   obamination plans to invade your privacy.
He wants to assign you a national ID for your computer
so that they can track your internet usage. Any time the government says "I want to track you", you know
it's not going to be a good thing.
January 7, 2011: 6:00 p.m.   Eliminating the "Health Care Enslavement Act of 2010" will
eleminate $770 BILLION in TAXES
and "reduce net spending by $540 billion in the ten year period from 2012 through 2021". Sounds good to me.
Why don't the Dems. like this? Because it's not about your health to them; it is all about control.
You lose it. They take it. Remember: ALL of that money -- any money any government has --
comes from YOU and I anyways. They say it will increase the deficit by $230 billion. Not a small amount
but when compared to how much it will save us in those other numbers, I think it's worth it. Especially
when you throw in the freedom aspect.
January 7, 2011   Remember this: "Hello Mother. Hello Father. Here I am at Camp..."?
Take away that "Mother", "Father" bit
and you've got the new American passports. Why? Because it's not PC enough. What about homosexuals who don't have a
male/female situation within the family? Sigh. What is happening to our world? Sin and stupidity.
January 7, 2011   Hehehe...
Fewer people call themselves "Democrat".
Could it have anything to do with the pelosi/reid/obamination (pro-)effect? They've scared people out
of the party with their Marxism.
January 7, 2011   The two idiot Congressmen who skipped the swearing in ceremony at the House had
their opening day votes nullified
because they had not been sworn in properly. Rightly so. Now I wonder if any Dems. have ever skipped the swearing in
ceremony and been allowed to vote anyways? If so, were their votes nullified? If not, talk about hypocrisy!
January 7, 2011   UFC fighter who said he wanted to take on obamination because obamination's "an idiot"
was paid a visit by the Secret Service.
I think that's a bit of an intimidation factor. Don't mess with obamination. Someone will send the Feds to get you!
An obamination campaign committee worker is who contacted the Feds. Ninnies.
January 7, 2011   What do the progressives (progressing toward Marxism/Communism) get out of tearing down our
system? They get power. The power they want.
And they'll use the SEIU and ACORN and other progressive organizations to accomplish trying to ruin America. Don't you love that?
January 7, 2011   Republicans now in control of House,
but they're already missing the point
and making other things their priorities. What a pair of nincompoops.
January 7, 2011   Duh! California is broke,
but they're going to pay out-of-country companies to build their high speed rail (HSR) that they can't afford? I'm sorry. Who dropped how many
people on their heads to get this passed? And will Florida follow suit -- in HSR building, that is, not bankruptcy?
January 7, 2011   "Washington insiders" (what do they know anyways?)
think Romney will be the GOP 2012 nominee.
Boy, is that a bad idea. I don't trust him to not be obamination-lite when it comes to health care legislation. After all,
he did bring socialized medicine to Massachusetts. What's to stop him from making it go nationwide? Romney: BAD IDEA.
January 7, 2011   Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac take over being looked into.
This organization is good, folks. They'll find the truth and let us know what it is. I bet you two dollars we don't like what
the government did in the F& F take over. I bet ya'.
January 7, 2011   Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
Something besides Democrats' 2012 presidential dreams. Animals of all kinds.
January 7, 2011   Alleged "homegrown terrorist" arrested.
College student dumb enough to blog on terrorist's website praising jihad. Um... He even made it into Penn State being
that stupid? Perhaps Penn State needs to raise their admission standards?
January 7, 2011   NYC should say the following two words to the employees listed on this link:
January 7, 2011   I bet this one goes all the way up again. Denying
the voter's two-thirds vote is just another example of obamination's interference in State's rights. It's dictatorial.
January 7, 2011   Everybody together, now! Another obamination scandal!
WoooHooo! Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the now-all-too-familiar music! (*conga line*) "Transparent and ethical"
(*right foot in!*) Everyone! Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the now-all-too-familiar music!
January 7, 2011   Why NJ teachers are rarely fired.
Who built this chart: a chaos mathematics expert? Unions. Don't ya' love 'em? (Sarcasm.)
January 6, 2011: 12:27 a.m.   NYC's Sanitation Dept.
chose to dishonor the Jewish dead
by dumping tons of snow into the Jewish cemetery and toppling head stones. Why is this not considered
a "Hate Crime"? After all, you can't get much more of a "hate speech" than dumping on a grave, can you?
January 6, 2011   I thought that the "New Congress" would be opening with the U.S. Constitution
Wednesday the 5th, but I was wrong. It's today, Thursday the 6th that the "New Congress" will be
with the "fetish"-ist action of reading the U.S. Constitution aloud.
Sigh. That's the kind of "fetish" I can live with! Good fetish! Be proud, be loud, stick with it!
January 6, 2011   Gotta' love that Sharia law. In America, they put thieves in jail.
Sharia cuts off their arm and leg.
I guess that prevents him from stealing much of anything, but, come on! Jail is better. Don't you
agree? Want your son to be under Sharia law and get accused of something? Arm, leg, whatever they choose --
gone! Kiss it goodbye. Just live without it the rest of your life. Get used to ghost pains. Get used to
doing things differently. Wheel chair? Nah. We won't provide you with that. Go steal it!
January 6, 2011   obamination administration
"reverses end of life counseling" stance. Do
I believe it will stay out of the (hopefully soon to be dead) health care reform law? No. If health
care reform stays, so will the death panels. That is who obamination is. Consider this sentence of the story:
"The White House official said the administration is now pulling back
the language because there wasn’t enough chance for all sides to comment on the change. [my italics]"
Expect it to return. It will be "administrated" (made policy instead of law) into being anyways, or it will
be put back in after a "discussion period" of a few days. It's who he is.
January 6, 2011  
Mark Twain's being censored.
Maybe we should also censor all gangsta rap music with references
to "N**ger N**ger N**ger" (that's the name of it!), and
the Urban Dictionary: they use the word.
Why censor our classics? PC is a cruel task master, is it not? It is also an UNFAIR task master if Twain
must be censored, but that idiotic "music" in the second link is not censored. If they're going
to make a "rule" apply the rule across the board, not just on certain people, places and things. Applied
as they are, the "rule" proves to be nothing more than a control factor and a "let's see how far we can push them".
January 6, 2011   Shock. Surprise. ACLU=Communists who wanted to "undermine America's capitalist system".
Wait. That sounds familiar. Isn't that what the current administration's cabinet, staff, friends, advisors, confidents,
etc., have been saying for years? Do a search for Bill Ayers, Frances Fox Piven, Van Jones, etc., etc., etc.,
and you'll see the same idea, the same goal. Shock. Surprise.
January 6, 2011   Speaking of pelosi, how do you like
paying for her last big splash as Speaker of the House?
She flew to Hawai'i on your dime. She stayed in a $10,000 per night suite on your dime. She had security and
food, pampering and did it all on your hard earned money. Isn't that sweet? She really cares about you!
Funny, I didn't see your name on the guest list. Did you?
January 6, 2011   Your money pays to make sure illegal aliens cross border safely.
Nice. They not only get here safely by spending our money, then they get all those freebies from us, too. Maybe we should move
to Mexico and take over Mexico and change it into America's fifty-first state so that we
can protect ourselves. They'd be paying taxes, not crossing the border. They would have to
obey the same laws, not get special treatment (except from the Dems.) and there would be no need
for border security across that huge expance. It's something to think about.
January 5, 2011: 11:41 p.m.   Republicans now control Congress,
but not the Senate, the Red House, or the Supreme Court or the rest of the judiciary. Besides, Olympia Snowe,
John McCain and others are Republicans. As far as I'm concerned, the House being controlled by Republicans makes
no difference because they have a history of not having enough spine to do anything. Now I'm wondering what the
new Tea Party movement people are going to do to make a difference. I am hoping and praying that they came with
a spine and that they will neither lose it, nor sell it. Keep them in your prayers and keep them on your e-mail list.
Do not let them forget your name and what you want for America!
January 4, 2011   It's just your money given fraudulently by FEMA; why recover it?
It's good PR to give away $643 MILLION. Why even try to get it back? It's not as though the feds are paying
for it themselves. They don't have to worry about your money.
January 4, 2011   A police Sergeant, Sgt. Neu, is not allowed to quote the Bible? Since when?
Why is he being punished for quoting the Bible?
If this Sergeant had said something about John Boehner and used the Bible verse referring to Boehner,
would this Sergeant have been punished, would his coworker have been "upset" or thought it
"inappropriate"? No. That's the truth. It's because it's obamination -- the supposedly "devout Christian"
-- that suddenly the Bible is not appropriate to quote from. I hope the Sheriff of Manatee County, Brad
Steube, reconsiders this Sergeant's First Amendment rights and reinstates him prior to his three day
suspension and gives him any pay he may have lost due to this censorship and religious discrimination!
Besides, what the Sergeant did was not as bad as
what this UFC fighter did.
I admit. I thought this guy was good.
January 4, 2011   Suggestion: Get up early and turn on C-SPAN and watch the opening of the U.S. House of Representatives.
They'll open by reading the U.S. Constitution.
That gives progressives and Marxists/Communists all kinds of problems because the U.S. Constitution is what
this country was founded on and it has nothing -- nothing -- in it that supports Marxism/Communism. In
fact, the U.S. Constitution founds a country that is set-up totally opposite to what Marxism/Communism is.
That's what bothers those idiots the most. The incoming Congress wants to remind the people of that fact. How dare they!?
January 4, 2011   L.A. City Council: PC MORONS.
Resolution that "repudiates" violence against Muslims and the whole idea of "Islamophobia". When in fact, their own report states:
"According to the latest hate crime report from the Los Angeles County
Commission on Human Relations, 88 percent of all religiously based hate crimes in 2009
were against Jews. Hate crimes that targeted Muslims (3 percent) ranked slightly above
those directed at Scientologists (1 percent). In fact, the commission found that attacks
against Christians (8 percent) outnumbered attacks against Muslims."
Where's their resolution repudiating violence against Jews or Christians? Hmmmmm? It will never happen.
January 4, 2011   Another Muslim murder: this time of a moderate Muslim
who did not condone the "Kill the blasphemer" law in Pakistan. He favored pardoning "Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five
who was sentenced to death under the section 295c of the law by a Pakistani court in November." Islam is a religion of.... Peace? No.
Death. America needs to be aware of what is happening
and not be too PC to admit it, to fight it, and to stop it!
January 4, 2011: 1:38 a.m.   Actually, I'm still posting from yesterday, but I think this
deserves to be at the top of the page, just in case you didn't know. It's that important.
Christ will return May 21, 2011.
Sorry to have to tell you, but my reading of the Bible does not confirm this. In fact, it states that
in Matthew 24 that no one shall know and to not be misled.
The end may be tomorrow; May 21st, or three hundred years from now. No one knows except God himself.
For someone to say that they know for certain, that's just so wrong. Do not listen to them about the date.
Yes, you need to get your life straight with God, but when it comes to knowing when Christ will return,
no. That's not something any human can say for certain.
January 3, 2011: 10:59 p.m.   Celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. Kept it simple and
did some photography at the Black Point Wildlife Drive. Not many birds out there this year due to the cold,
I think. At first we saw only about ten birds. Then we saw some ducks and then a few more birds. But, overall,
the cold has pushed the birds further south this year than usual. I can't imagine how bored the folks who
come down to the
Birding Festival
will be when they go out to see the birds. Hopefully they were informed
ahead of time that the bird population this year is close to zilch. (Although, we did see some pink spoon-billed
somethings that were pretty.) Otherwise the birding folks may be a trifle disappointed.
January 3, 2011   The National Debt is over $14 TRILLION!Thanks Dumborats (including obamination, pelosipig and reid).
You owe us. You owe us big time. Maybe if the Republicans (Conservatives are coming in, not RINOs!) in the House
vote to repeal the "reformation of health care" Jan. 12th we
can save some of that money. Then all they have to do is convince the Senate to do the same thing (not likely;
the Senate is still filled with Dumborats). Maybe obamination's inadequacies will be
exposed in new book: 0.
Woops. That's a zero. But I think it's more appropriate than his initial.
January 3, 2011   Oil production down: thanks to obamination.
That's according to his own Department of Energy. Hey. I'm shocked anyone in his administration
is admitting that he did something bad/wrong. Kudos to the DOE.
January 3, 2011  
"Birthright citizenship" under fire
as another way of saving money. I have to agree with the fourteen states that are considering doing this. I do not
think that anyone "breaking into" America and having a child here should be able to prosper from their
illegal act. Having an "anchor baby" here and being given all kinds of financial aid, free medical care,
free housing, etc., etc., etc., because of their illegal act to get here to have that child is wrong, it's
a strain on our financial system, and it sends the wrong message. It says that if you can break the law, we'll
pay you to do so! I hope Florida joins the list of states to do this.
January 3, 2011   Death Dragon, obamination, at it again.
More stem cell research approved. This time for curing blindness in older people. No offense to old folks
(my mom is one and I am getting there!), but if I had to choose blindess or a baby's death, I'd choose
blindness. I would not feel comfortable knowing that my sight cost a child his/her life. How can anyone
choose to see with dead baby cells? Note the ending of the article stating that stem cells offer great hope
for "treating Parkinson's disease, diabetes and a variety of other diseases". What they never tell you
-- not the MSM nor the government, at least -- is that stem cells do not have to come from killing a baby. They can
come from grown humans, from cord blood and
from fat cells and other places. (NOTICE that link is
a ".gov" document which proves that obamination's own administration is admitting this information!)
They don't tell you that,
"Equally exciting, is the emerging concept that stem cells may be
found in multiple organs (e.g., muscle, heart, and liver) (Lucas et al., 1992 ;
Young et al., 1995 ) and tissues, such as skin (Toma et al., 2001 ), placenta,
and fat (Zuk et al., 2001 ). With this, there are now multiple stem cell reservoirs
available for research and clinical applications."
In other words, you don't have to kill a baby to get stem cells and there are a lot of possibilities of where
to get them without killing anyone. For obamination to say, "YES! KILL THE BABY!" to get stem cells is
just another proof of obamination's death-centric hatred of all things wonderful. Yes. Babies are
January 3, 2011   Dems. worry about
"wasteful witch hunts".
I think what they're actually saying is that they're worried about money being spent
looking into Dems'. wrongdoing. They don't want to be found out. Get real. Why spend
money on finding out the wrongdoings of Dems.? After all, you could go all the way back to
the Founding of the U.S.A. with that search. I think finding the money they wasted and gave to their cronies and
exposing that to the light of day would be a great thing. It's our money.
January 3, 2011   Republicans (even some RINOs maybe? Miracles happen.) setting up
the repealing of obamination's health care idiocy.
Yeah. The Dems. are crying and trying to put a stop to it, or at the very least, slow it down, hide from it,
prevent their favorite parts or favorite waivers from being exposed/cancelled/undone. I hope the whole
thing is flushed down the toilet where it belongs. IMHO, even a full septic tank is too good a home for that thing.
January 3, 2011   "Arnie" was a sad, bad disappointment. He was supposedly a "strong Conservative"
when he ran for Gov., then when he was elected, he stayed strong for... oh... about... ten minutes as such?
Then he went awry. His last act as "Governator"
was a last ditch effort by a desparate man to secure some sort of future employment, IMHO.
No matter why he did it, it was wrong.
January 3, 2011   Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) says,
obamination "one of the most corrupt" presidents.
Even so,
Issa refuses to investigate obamination for bribery scheme.
I am not certain what Issa is thinking (unless he's protecting himself), but if he thinks that we're impressed with that,
he's got another think coming. Issa seems to think this is an exclusive group, but I'm sure Clintoon
was part of it, but I'd take out that qualifier ("in modern times") and include a few choice past
presidents: Wilson, FDR and a few other progressives fill out that group. Now, who will Issa put as "one
of the most corrupt" of the Congress? Would he include himself?
January 3, 2011   Marxists/Communists coming out of the woodwork.
They should go back into it because that's not what America was founded on. America is BETTER than
Marxism/Communism and anyone who wishes to destroy America as she was founded needs to move to
a place where Marxism/Communism is appreciated. Marxism/Communism is bad, evil, wrong
and anyone who thinks that it makes things better is not just wrong, they're stupid. Don't believe it?
Those who have lived under it, hate Marxism and Communism.
January 3, 2011   Calling for racial quotas and "spoils"
Al Sharpton and
Jesse Jacksondemand
their "piece of the pie" and a "radical reordering" of the American economy, respectively. It's them
saying that they don't have what
Paris Hilton
(just a name out of a hat for a rich person)
has and that Hilton needs to give up some of her money so that they can
have as much. Well, I've got news for you. Sharpton and Jackson have no right to demand anything.
Sharpton's pretty rich himself. And
Jackson's rich enough without any more taxpayer dollars.
Don't you think they should give up some of their "pie" to help those who follow them?
January 3, 2011   Michael Steele needs to go.
He's not good for our party. Allen West (in video above) would be a better leader for the Republican Party.
January 3, 2011   "Organizing For [Against] America"
has layoff problems.
Maybe they over organized? Maybe they got too many "volunteers". Maybe they have to layoff until
they can be used to help obamination try for r-"EEEE!"-lection. Whatever. I think it's time
to consider how to stop obamination from being a two term Disastrous Dragon Dictator. I think
that would be good for America.
January 1, 2011: 3:27 a.m.   Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and happy
New Year's Eve celebration. I hope you stayed home or went to someone's party that was in very close proximity to
where you wanted to be after the party. That way you wouldn't have to drive or be around those who are driving
under the influence of their New Year's celebrations. I wish you all a very good, a very healthy, a very
CONSERVATIVE New Year and many, many more! My best wish for you is that this year, pelosi, reid, rangle and
obamination all resign! Wouldn't that be a dream come true?! Pleasant dreams and God bless you!
January 1, 2011   Will this happen everywhere in FL?
Possibly. How do they get judges to be "on the spot", giving up their time and being out in the public like that?
Aren't judges worried about security, considering all the people they have put in jail, or whose lives they
have affected? Is driving considered a good enough cause to suspect you of wrongdoing? That's what they're saying.
Some people have said that by getting your driver's license you are agreeing to take a blood test, or any other
test they want to give you. I say that driving is not "reasonable suspicion" for a blood test, with or without a
judge. Where is their reason to suspect someone? Doesn't someone have to do something suspicious to cause the
police to be able to get a warrant? Driving is not suspicious. Even with a judge there, if all you are
doing is driving -- a legal activity -- how can any judge issue a warrant for a blood test without a cause?
January 1, 2011  
Piven (of Cloward & Piven fame) calls for VIOLENT revolution.
Sweet. First they wanted everyone to be on welfare to overload the system so that they could break the system and
cause discontent. Now she (he died) wants violence. Nice way to start the New Year, right? Can't she just go back
to her "Sex, drugs and rock and roll, man!"? Piven is saying that it's not your fault you aren't working, or don't
have everything Paris Hilton has. Well, maybe you were fired (or laid off, whichever) over two years ago, but that doesn't
stop those who really want to work from getting a job. Flipping burgers for eight hours then going to be a greeter or shelf
stocker at a store for four hours or more helps pays the bills. Blaming others because you "are better than flipping burgers" or
being a trash man, or starting your own business even, is a crock of crap. Blaming others just means that you are not willing
to take responsibility for your own inaction or laziness. Yes, there are those who have tried to find work and have been so far
unsuccessful. But if they were willing to take work they consider "beneath them" (all those jobs "Americans refuse to do" like
picking cabbage, scrubbing toilets, etc.) are still out there and they are hiring. To make excuses because you
think that you're above job "X" is just that: an excuse. It means nothing and if you want to get violent because someone
"is keeping you down" or "there just aren't jobs out there and it's got to be someone's fault" or whatever other panti-poor
excuse is not just lame, but it's assinine. Look in the mirror and point the finger at the person staring back at you before
you blame those who are working, who have something you don't, or who once pulled themselves up from the same position
you are in currently. Piven is wrong. She is not just wrong, but she's willing to play goddess with your life and the lives of
others so that she can feel like a puppetmaster and see those who are willing to participate in her little maliciousness and
hit the streets to hurt others' persons and properties. If she wants to be the puppetmaster, why does she not
subject herself to her own standards? She has more than my brother, more than my neighbor and probably more than I. Would she like
a poor guy in Chicago to come find her and beat the crap out of her in order to obey her own suggestion? If not,
she should shut up.
January 1, 2011   "Islam... peace..." you know the drill.
Sigh. I get so tired of this crap. Islam... bomb... burqa... woman... 41 dead.
And they don't check burqa-wearing women in airports? That's bad. Ready for your full body patdown or scan while you watch
someone in a burqa skate by without being checked in order to protect her/his (you'd never know) "religious freedom"?
January 1, 2011   Congress will look into the "reparations" fraud.
Ooops. Sorry. Not the "reparations" fraud, it's... um... umm..... it's....Pigford. Yeah. That's it. It's not fraud.
It's Pigford. Yeah. That sounds a lot better than fraud.
January 1, 2011   Good article. Also good to know I'm not the only one who thinks this.
Conservatives need to be Conservative not CINOS (Conservative In Name Only). If you are TRULY Conservative,
as am I, don't let Conservative be stolen by progressives. Don't give them another inch, another word, another
chance to destroy anything.
January 1, 2011   This article agrees with me: unions are bad.
I have thought so since I was a union shop steward in California for a few days. I have seen the inner
workings of the union and that's why I only lasted a few days. I know of what I speek.
Remember: Anyone who does not give you a wake-up call when they see you being stupid, self-destructive, or both, just plain
doesn't care about you. It's those of us who do wake you up who care.
NOTE:   This is or may be a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port
St. John, FL 39227, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate.
NOTE:   This is a paid political campaign communication. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port
St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate.
NOTE:   This is -- or used to be -- FREE SPEECH: First Amendment, U.S. Constitution PROTECTED! So if you don't like it,
get lost! Read another site! Cry to your Mommy! Eat a brownie! Go bumm a cigarette from someone! Suck your thumb! Just don't whine to me!
This website created by, maintained by and copyright 2008-2012 by Linda McKinney; because Freedom isn't Free,
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