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Storage 2020NOTE:   Doing something a little different here. I am posting these days in chronological order: Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st will be posted in order of appearance in the year. It takes a LOT longer for me to do so, but it will be worth it and less confusing. Remember, if you're using a Windows based computer, you have the option of doing a "Find" search on the page via CTRL+F and you will be given the search window for a word, phrase, date, whatever. Enjoy, and you're welcome. January 2020 January 6, 2020: 3:06 p.m.   Happy New Year! Can you believe it's a New Year? It's so strange to write "2020". Anyways, we did get a lot of work done on the farm while we were there over the actual New Year. We got the baseboards, chair rail and door trims installed; as well as the kitchen window completely framed in and the family room windows started, but not completed. The boards we bought to case the spaces between the four windows in the family room warped overnight while we were working on other things so we had the supplies to complete the window, but then they warped, bowed, whatever. We couldn't use those boards so we had to run to the store again and then it was raining. Can't paint outside in the rain and we were using spray paint (Krylon Gloss Vintage Grey, to be exact) for the trim pieces. It looks great with the fireplace remodel and you can see the view from the utility room door, the view from the television, and the almost finished fireplace remodel. This is my design and the kitchen will be in a good enough state of completion (it still needs us to do the backsplash and we're replacing the flourescent lights with new lights), and I'll post pics of that, too. Do you like it? I love it! The area rug in the family room is one we found in the closet of the second bedroom when we bought the place from my mother-in-law, but it's not the right size. We put it down to see if it would work, but no. It's not right. We have to do the crown moulding all the way around the family room and kitchen and the mantle on the fireplace is not permanent: we will be making a new mantle with a Japanese technique that is called Shou Sugi Bahn (burned wood) and then we'll be doing some special stuff to it that I won't reveal until it is finished. The mantle we are using now is just spray painted and it allows us to display our Christmas decorations and it's allowing us to cover the space we made for the real one. Anyways, that's the story of our Christmas vacation! That and having a bit of time to relax made for a great time at the farm. For now, though, let's get started with a few blurbs. January 6, 2020   January 6 2020   schifforbrains:   Of course he's going to try to FAUXpeach Pres. Donald J. Trump with the drone killing of soleimani. Did you expect anything else? They love to deflect attention to the stuff they can use to distract from their own wrongdoings. This whole FAUXpeachment scam is nothing but a "SQUIRREL!" to keep people from realizing that schifforbrains and pelosi are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer! Remember that and know that he is a big time leaker of classified documents and needs to be held accountable (sign the petition). So when you see him, pelosipig or the other rotten lefties in the House and Senate (schumer, etc.), screaming about the "wrongs" Pres. Trump is said to be doing, remember that it's nothing but another "Squirrel!" and they are trying to hide in plain sight their own wrongs. Keeping you distracted is their favorite way to keep you stupid and to keep you under their thumb. January 6, 2020   pedostein:   He didn't kill himself. I said from the day he was arrested that he was going to die in custody. I knew he wouldn't last because he had too much info on the crooktoons and others who need their secrets kept secret. After all, they don't want happening to them what happened to Prince Andrew: Momma scolding him and cancelling his birthday party. So pedostein had to die to protect the public secrets that everyone knew about but refused to admit. Now we have more proof that he did NOT commit suicide, but that he was murdered in custody. That's what I said would happen. Now we know for certain I was correct, as usual. January 6, 2020   Hollyweird:   It's about time! We have a "celebrity" who spoke the truth to the rest of the weirdos and said things that needed to be said and heard. I wonder if anyone actually learned anything from it. I really doubt hollyweird is capable of learning; egos tend to not learn, they just assume. January 6, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   So there is a former prosecutor who is a Senator, Josh Hawley, who says that without the Senate getting the articles of FAUXpeachment, the Senate can do nothing, which is pelosipig trying to obstruct the Senate. He also said that he may file a bill to just cancel the FAUXpeachment of the House since they won't follow the rules to complete the FAUXpeachment process. IF it were actually important to the House lefties, why won't they complete the process? Why hold it up if they actually believe in their assertions that Pres. Trump did so much wrong? If you are a parent and you believe that your child did something wrong, do you talk to your spouse about it and then withhold punishment, or do you talk to your spouse, decide on a course of action and then actually punish the child? Of course, you punish the child, too! You don't decide to do it but then just sit on your hands and do nothing! But the lefties are doing just that: allegedly deciding -- in a process that violated Pres. Trump's civil rights in a very crooked, unfair process -- to FAUXpeach Pres. Trump, but not follow through with the punishment! It's rather ridiculous. But that's the left anyways, ridiculous! January 6, 2020   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   She's such a complete, absolute, all-encompassing MORON that I'm shocked that she can breathe! She is so stupid that she fell for ANOTHER PRANK CALL from the SAME guys who pranked her saying they were the Ukraine Prime Minister! It is ridiculous that she is in the House! What are the people who vote for her thinking? What are they thinking -- or are they even capable of doing so?! SMH! January 6, 2020   I'm going to stop with that for today. I have things to do because I have been gone for nine days and it's been a chore just going through the junk mail and finding the bills, the good stuff, the things I might be interested in. I still have things to straighten up, Christmas things I need to take care of (we went to an antique store and found some Christmas stuff I bought), and things like that need to be handled and it's on my list. I will try to do more tomorrow. Y'all take care. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 7, 2020: 1:06 p.m.   Red Census:   Don't let the title alarm you because it's good news for those of us who love America. The census projects that with the numbers they're seeing in their research, Republicans will GAIN electoral college numbers! That's going to make the left crazier and angrier. Expect those dumboRATS in power in the "traditionally dumboRAT states" to push even harder for their state to go from the electoral college governing who gets the votes in their states to the "popular vote" winner getting the votes. The problem is, that Pres. Donald J. Trump will sweep the 2020 election and they will have to give Pres. Donald J. Trump the state's votes anyways, so what will they do then? Will they do everything they can to have an election "Do Over"? Or will they try to prevent their states' votes from going to anyone except a leftist? Or will they try to get their state to leave the United States and form their own country and then elect the leftist of their dreams? (I hope for the latter, personally.) Whichever, they're going to have a hard time with this truth. I'm sorry. Am I smiling? January 7, 2020   MAGA!:   Well, look at that! Because Donald J. Trump is our President, his policies have made the "trade deficit the lowest in three years" and our factory orders are way up, too! This is good for our economy and good for the employees of America. Let's give credit where credit is due: Thanks, Mr. President! (So glad he won and not the lying, traitor, corrupt, banshee, hillosercrooktOOn! This economy is not what she would have done. We would have had more decline, more unemployment and more hardships as well as more terrorist attacks against us if she had won. I am so grateful to the Lord GOD Almighty that she did not win! Thank you, Jesus! January 7, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   They're still trying to figure out what in the world pelosickpig is diong with the paperwork that the lefties in Congress recorded their FAUXpeachment vote on and when pelosickpig is going to send them to the Senate. She's making excuses of all sorts, and still holding onto them. The Senate has given her until the January 12, 2020 to send the documents over or they will dismiss the whole case. Will the president then not be considered having been impeached? Or will he still have been voted impeached after the most lopsided, crooked, rushed, farcical, crooked, ridiculous, clownish, lie-filled, crooked, moronic, demonic, demoRAT-controlled, crooked and laughable FAUXpeachment hearings in the history of the universe. Oh, and did I say it was crooked? It's time this FAUXpeachment be declared "null and void" as Mark Levin says, and that the whole circus be marked as nothing more than an effort to undo the 2016 election, as it truly is. It's about revenge and power to take it, not about TRUTH. It's lefties and their temper tantrum in full baby mode. January 7, 2020   BENGHAZI:   The msm is trying to paint the drone killing of Gen. Qasem Soleimani as Pres. Donald J. Trump's BENGHAZI. They're wrong, of course (what else would they be), because Pres. Trump protected our embassy and prevented the deaths of any Americans. Too bad the doesn't remember it was FOUR Americans who died because hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone didn't want to help them. It's ridiculous that some of the left doesn't remember that they were sacrificed to the left's hero worship of those two LIARS. Pres. Trump is the answer to those who LYING LOSERS and he is doing the right thing like those two never dreamed of, planned, wanted to do, nor could do. They are both desicable and I'm so glad they are powerless now! January 7, 2020   pelosickpig:   So now she wants to undo the powers that she was glad to give to previous administrations but she doesn't want to allow Pres. Donald J. Trump the same rights. She wants to vote to take away the "war powers act", which is a constitutional power of the president's office to conduct certain portions of wars without Congressional oversight and permission. The U.S. Constitution gives the president that right. Ask themuslimvileone if he needed Congressional permission to do the things he did. He violated the U.S. Constitution at least 10 TIMES and the dumboRATS did nothing against him. Why not? He is a dumboRAT. He's "one of them" so they don't care if he is lawless. That's their favorite state of being anyways, as long as it's one of them. They are above the law in their own eyes; heck, they ARE the law in their own eyes! How on earth they can have such a HUGE double standard without having a split personality or at least being schizophrenic, I have no idea, but they do! January 7, 2020   January 7, 2020   January 7, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   You are paying, like it or not, for government employees to watch PORN at work. Isn't that special? I think we need to stop that by making ALL government computers block porn sites. Then we wouldn't be paying for our employees (they work for us, allegedly, but some work against us: FBLIE, NSA, CIA, DHS, etc.) to look at pornography when they're supposed to be working. It's time to BLOCK all computer access that the taxpayers pay for from being able to view those sites, or see anything that is not G-rated at all on their computers. For instance, there are photo sharing sites that have some people who share photos that are NSFW or Children. It's time to block anything that is nudity (and yes, that includes the famous artworks because no one needs to look at nude art at work unless they work at the national museum!). It's time to take saving taxpayer dollars seriously. Block all porn sites from government computer access! They can do this! So why aren't we? January 7, 2020   Deep State:   When the government puts a "No Entry" sign on the immigration system to prevent people from certain countries from entering our country, but the DEEP STATE IGNORES IT and brings in 14,000 "refugees", then it's time that the Deep State is disbanded and we should start over with a clean slate! I say FIRE ALMOST EVERY FBLIE AGENT (as well as most of the other alphabet employees -- especially the leadership) and rehire those who are found to be worthy of the taxpayer dollars they will be paid. Do NOT hire anyone who has been working AGAINST America or President Donald J. Trump! Fire them all! Then rehire the good ones. That's what they need to do. While prezidunce, themuslimvileone granted U.S. citizenship to 2,500 Iranians in order to get the very lucrative (for Iran) "nuclear deal" that also gave them the ability to make more nuclear weapons. How does he "give citizenship" away? Isn't there a process for that? Isn't that a different department? So how does that square with the laws governing immigration? It doesn't. He's not supposed to have that authority. So why aren't those 2,500 people's alleged "citizenship" being revoked and them being sent back to Iran? I think that should be done immediately. Agree? January 7, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I have things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 8, 2020: 3:24 p.m.   Getting a late start today due to running errands and doing some organizing afterward. The biggest errand was to thank an honest employee at Marshall's in Titusville. Somehow yesterday while we were at Marshall's the necklace that holds the gold cross my brother gave me years ago let go and it slid down to the floor (I suppose it was on the floor, I didn't realize it was gone so I'm not sure where it was). The employee found it and I had already called the store asking if anyone had turned it in, and a few minutes later I was called back (I left my name and number) and this employee had found it and turned it in. This morning I went back to Marshall's and got the cross my brother gave me and the necklace that held it. I am very grateful to honest people! While I was in Georgia we went to an antique shop and while there, the $100 Amazon gift card my hubby gave me for Christmas fell onto the counter and I didn't realize it and left it behind. When I went back for it I was told it wasn't there. I have my doubts about that, but GOD will figure that part out. It's in His hands. Anyways, let's do a few blurbs here and we'll call that enough for today. January 8, 2020   pedostein:   Wanna' know why he had to die? It's because he has the proof of who his customers were. He had to die because the crooktOOns want the world to believe they're wonderful people instead of sick, twisted freaks and that they don't care about right or wrong, all they care about is pleasure and power: a lot of both. I'm so glad she did not win! January 8, 2020   MAGA!:   The left went crazy when Pres. Donald J. Trump killed the Iraqi general and they decried the whole thing. They said the world is a more dangerous place and that Pres. Donald J. Trump was a horrible person for killing the two bad men. Well, that's what the left thinks, but it's so wrong (as the left always is) and our stock market shows it. I love that Pres. Trump told the truth about the fact that themuslimvileone paid for the missiles sent toward our troops over there. I am glad he did that. It's time someone in power speak that truth. They say that the missiles were intentionally fired near our bases, but not really at them. That's the first smart thing Iran has done in forty years. Now Pres. Trump has put new sanctions in place against Iran and hopefully, they will be put into a position where they have to figure out something besides terrorism, violence and hatred to get others to work with them! Some say that their missile attack was just them saving face, but that they're really "standing down". What thinks you? I think that they don't work via missiles. They work via sneaky 9/11-type attacks where they kill innocent, unsuspecting civilians to make people afraid. That's the way Islam likes things: making people afraid. It works better for them. But America doesn't get afraid. They get even! January 8, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   She acts as though Pres. Donald J. Trump is a horrible person for killing the two horrible men who were responsible for hundreds (if not thousands) of deaths -- American as well as Muslim. The thing is, that she said in 2008 that if she was prezidunce she would "attack Iran to defend Israel". Well push came to shove and she did not do so while she was SoS, so we see yet again, that she is a LIAR. No surprise there. If you want to read something funny, check out the hashtag (yet another), read what happened to the hashtage #HillarySoQualified and get a good belly laugh! It's hysterical! January 8, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   pelosickpig still hasn't handed the FAUXpeachment articles to the Senate and difi says to put a wiggle on it! She wants to FAUXpeach Pres. Donald J. Trump but that means pelosickpig has to hand those articles over. But pelosickpig is making excuses because she wants to control how the Senate conducts their part of the FAUXpeachment. It's another leftie trying to control others. Shock. Surprise. January 8, 2020   Chick-Fil-A:   Are you eating there now? Have you been to a restaurant since they went leftist? I have not; and that's been tough since I love their Cobb Salad and I supported what I thought were their "Christian and family values", but I was apparently fooled about that. They are feeling the pinch of Christians not going there anymore, and I really do feel for the individual owners who are hurting now because of corporate's betrayal. I see that there lines are shorter, their dining rooms not as crowded and I am sorry if any of them go out of business, but it wasn't my doing. I cannot support a corporation that openly condemns and betrays Christian organizations that have done nothing to deserve either the betrayal or the smear that CFA commited in one of their press releases. Short story long, CFA has decided to try to walk back some of their stupidity. I don't think it's enough. I can't support a company that supports the SPLC which labels Christians as "hate groups" and who supports every leftist cause they see. Can't do it. Won't do it. January 8, 2020   pelosickpig:   She complains that Pres. Trump is breaking the "war powers act", but the truth is, she wouldn't take the call from Vice President, Mike Pence, telling her they were going to take action. Yet, she complains. She threatens. She whines. She has no right to whine, complain and threaten when she wouldn't take the call! Duh! January 8, 2020   Russian Dossier Hoax:   Now we know for certain that there is another LIE and LIAR involved in this whole thing. Okay. Raise your hands (yes, both of them) if you're surprised that another lie and a proven liar are involved in this whole framing of Pres. Donald J. Trump by the left. Hands? None? Hm. Not surprised. January 8, 2020   I said it was going to be just a few blurbs today so I am finished for the day. Sorry if you wanted more, but I have things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 9, 2020: 12:19 p.m.   Build The Wall!:   Hurray! An appeals court has ruled in favor of Pres. Trump and released the $3.6 BILLION for the border wall! That's excellent! I am very glad. The problem is, the left will appeal and that will cause a delay again. They'll take it all the way up to the Supreme Court and then they'll start a different suit against it so that it stays in the court, trying to prevent Pres. Trump from accomplishing one of his campaign promises. They're trying to prevent him from keeping his promises because they think that his base will abandon him if he can't accomplish his goals. The idiots don't realize that we know it is they and their law suits who are the problem and that if they would get out of the way Pres. Donald J. Trump would be keeping every promise one after the other after the other, as he is trying to do if they'd get out of the way! Stupid is as lefties do. January 9, 2020   Islamic Violence:   Pres. Trump killed the Islamic general who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans and who knows how many Muslims and he had the absolute authority to do so. Congress gave him that power because there's authorization out there for the president -- and he is the president -- to do so via the AUMF Law Congress passed in 2001! Now the lefties want to UNDO that law and they want to try to take away Pres. Trump's ability to fight terrorism. Why? Why would the left want to stop the war on terrorism? Why would they want to save the lives of terrorists, but not the lives of the Americans who would be killed if those terrorists were allowed to continue? Why? Does the left hate America and Americans that much? (Rhetorical question, sorry.) If Pres. Trump killing that general was so bad, why is Pres. Trump getting accolades from Iranian born American citizen, and Iranians on The Dead Blue Bird THANKED Pres. Trump! It was NOT wrong to kill the guy! It was to prevent further deaths of Americans as well as Iranians and the LEFT wanted to keep him alive because it was politically expedient for them to do so? The LEFT HATES AMERICA and they don't care about how many Americans or others die as long as they have another weapon to use against Pres. Donald J. Trump. They really are the lowest of the low. Worm poop is higher than they! January 9, 2020   TDS:   If anyone has TDS, it's KellyAnn Conway's ugly-souled husband. He has put together a group of fellow TDS Trump haters and they have made an ugly commercial attacking Pres. Donald J. Trump. Why does she stay with this sick-souled person? Why does she not kick his butt out of the house until he figures out what's more important to him: their relationship or his hatred of Pres. Trump, her boss? If my hubby acted like this sicko did, he would have been out after two months of this kind of attacks on me. I would not tolerate him putting politics ahead of his alleged love for me. You can politically disagree with your spouse without having to be hateful toward them. I don't have that problem, fortunately, but she does. It's something I cannot imagine living with. January 9, 2020   I Stand With Israel:   So when will the Jewish population of NY wake up and realize that their government is allowing them to be targeted? When will they stop voting for leftists who hate them but love their money? When will they open their eyes and realize that it's the lefts' policies that are allowing them to be targeted, especially this "catch and release" thing that NY has instituted? What is blinding them, or freezing them into inaction? Are they that dependent upon the government teat for their industries? Or is it that they believe the rhetoric instead of their own eyes? What is up with their sticking with the left? Why do that to themselves? They vote for the people who do this to them! Why? January 9, 2020   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   Speaking of NY, but this time the city, they have gone crazy. The public schools allegedly want to encourage students to be intelligent, they want to do things that will help those gifted kids, those who work hard to accomplish the grades the schools allegedly want the kids to have, but...No. They are ending the "Gifted and Talented" programs in NYC because too many "white" and Asian kids are qualifying for it. It's not diverse enough, so they are ending it. True story. PC: we count every difference to make sure that we can all get along and be part of the giant "melting pot" that is supposed to be America. Punish the achievers because of their skin tone? Disgusting. Tells you what they're actually teaching the NYC students, does it not? Then we see that in Shootcago, there have been -- in 2019 ALONE --
458 cases of sexual allegations
against teachers and staff of the public school systems there. Considering how rampant this is, I
encourage you to homeschool your kids. After all, you don't care what skin tone your kids have
and you won't be sending them to the possibility of someone who works in the public school
system abusing them. Add to that the fact that you get to instill your own values into
your kids without others trying to negate them, tell them that your values are wrong or stupid,
and them trying to brainwash them into believing the malarky of the left. Homeschool your kids
if you love them. It's what is best for your kids. Their future is more valuable than a bigger
house, or a newer car. Agree? January 9, 2020   FauxWhistleBlower:   His name can't be mentioned on the internet (Eric Ciarmella), but the mueller report has Eric Ciarmella's name revealed in it? So why is Eric Ciarmella's name so sacred? Is it because they don't want to admit the truth that it is a leftist operative who was the FauxWhistleBlower and that they don't want the genesis of this FAUXpeachment to be associated with the left? That's what the truth is: they don't want the public to know that the FAUXpeachment was all a leftist attack against Pres. Donald J. Trump with NO TRUTH IN IT. The name of Eric Ciarmella is not allowed online. Too bad they can't admit that the plan started with them, had its middle in them and will end at their feet, with or without Eric Ciarmella's name being divulged. January 9, 2020   schifforbrains:   He may have a challenger in the upcoming elections in "Dr. Drew", the television psychiatrist, is considering running for schifforbrains' seat. I don't know anything about Dr. Drew Pinsky besides what the article says and the fact that I recognized his name. I have never watched a show with him on it, nor have I ever read any books he may have written (has he written any?). I just read the article and thought, "Hmmm. I wonder how schifforbrains will deal with it if he does run? I bet he'll promise the sun, moon and stars to keep his seat. He loves power." To me, if Dr. Drew is more honest than schifforbrains, even if he is almost as far left, he'd be an improvement. I am not endorsing Dr. Drew. He has not said he definitely will run against schifforbrains, but if he does run, I may have to look into who he is and what he wants to do. As I said, a little honesty would be a huge improvement. Let's keep an eye on this. January 9, 2020   bumblefingers biden:   If I were Jill Biden I'd be really concerned. I can't imagine my hubby telling people to "marry into a family with three or four sisters that way one will always love you... not always the same one". Does Jill suspect that her husband had an affair with one of her sisters now that her husband has said that? If not, she's a fool. January 9, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   Since pelosickpig is so adamant about NOT sending the article of FAUXpeachment to the Senate so that they can start the "trial" phase, a Congressman is moving to CENSURE pelosickpig for deciding by herself -- usurping Congress's powers and bypassing the rules of FAUXpeachment's tradition to send the articles over immediately -- to do whatever she wants when she wants with those articles. Sounds to me like she took on way too much authority and that she is power-mad and if I were in the House I'd be moving not to censure her, but to kick her out of the Speaker's seat! It's so bad that even dumboRATS are starting to jump ship, but being forced back into line. It's either time to dismiss the charges, or to send them over. It's either/or, not wait for it. She is trying to control the U.S. Senate but she does not have the authority to do so! She's Speaker of the Leftist House, but she has no authority in the Senate. She's trying to manipulate things so that she can get the thing done in the Senate the same way that the House did it: so unfairly the dumboRATS didn't allow the Republicans to call witnesses, schifforbrains told witnesses NOT TO ANSWER the questions of Republicans, and the alleged "crimes" he was charged with are NOT CRIMES! It's time the circus end. This thing should have been shut down three years ago, but now it's time. Let's stop the TDS and start working for the American people, to help President Donald J. Trump do what is right and good for America. Trust me, this FAUXpeachment isn't it. Call (202) 225-4965 and tell pelosickpig to stop this circus and to get back to working WITH the President, not against him and against America! January 9, 2020   Last Link:   The unemployment rate for November 2019 was a new low: U6 was 6.9 and the U3 was 3.5! That's excellent! It's good news for America and we're seeing the stock market do amazing things as well! When I checked it at 1:53, it was UP over 194 points! New heights are seen regularly and we're seeing America prosper because of Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and practices. It's wonderful and I hope and pray that Pres. Trump keeps doing the good things for America that he has been. It's great to see! January 9, 2020   I will close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 10, 2020: 4:39 p.m.   Just a blurb or two that I find interesting because of the late start. Spent time with a friend and my hubby is up north visiting his mother (who is in the hospital after a fall which broke her pubic bone) so I'm getting other things done. I spent the night last night swatching washi tape until late into the night. I am putting marker and ink names that match the washi on the same page as the swatches so that when I'm in a hurry I can choose the washi and all of the matching is done for me. Makes it quicker and easier, agree? Anyways, let's get to a few blurbs and be done with it for today. January 10, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   She again got the "special person" treatment from a Cowardly jeff sessions while he was U.S.A.G. because he appointed a totally feckless "investigator", john huber, to investigate her. He came back with a very FLAWED ruling that said "Meh. Nothing to see here folks. Move along" or its equivalent. "Huber never interviewed any key figures in the two-plus years of his investigation.The worst part? "In May 2019 Attorney General Bill Barr, who replaced Jeff Sessions, told CBS News that John Huber had NEVER EVEN STARTED his investigation."Special treatment for the crooktOOns again? How many people have they threatened? Or do they even have to anymore? Perhaps all they have to say is something like "Vince Foster" or "Charles Epstien"? January 10, 2020   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Good for him! Texas Gov., Greg Abbott, has announced that TX won't be accepting anymore refugees! Good for Texas! Hurray! I'm sure the American citizens who reside in texas are very happy about that! Wish Gov. Ron DeSantis would do that, too. January 10, 2020   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   It's time to send her to prison or back to Somalia from whence she came. She is saying Pres. Trump is the bad guy and that the people of Iran and Iraq are the victims of Trump. Does she have any grasp whatsoever on reality? Maybe she's just insane? Or maybe she's just that evil. I think the latter. January 10, 2020   themuslimvileone:   Of course, he didn't want voter ID laws to be put in place, but the people of North Carolina did it anyways. That was a good thing, but of course, a judge appointed by themuslimvileone "tossed it aside". The idiot ruled that the law was "'discriminatory' and comparing it to the dark American legacy of slavery and Jim Crow."So a leftist anti-American judge appointed by themuslimvileone decided that voter ID laws are not good and that North Carolina can't have one. Sound ridiculous? This is why it's important to get the judicial branch turned around to one that obeys the U.S. Constitution and wants to listen to the Founding Fathers' original intent. That's what Pres. Donald J. Trump has been trying to do. Let us hope he gets to finish that job as he is re-elected and gets another term in office. Fromremade and Pres. Trump with love to the American people, the judiciary will be remodeled and the judges that are bad like this one will be made less relevant. January 10, 2020   The IDIOT:   She is helping bring about the demise of the dumboRAT party. I am not complaining, just stating grateful fact. She is not paying her dues to the DCCC and encouraging others not to give as well. That's fine. If they can stop donations then maybe the left's lifeline (money) will dry up and the organization as a whole will die. Sigh................................. Sorry. I was fantasizing. January 10, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   Well, pelosickpig has finally (allegedly) made up her mind to send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate. Sounds to me like she knows how to cave in advance of things. She is not just wrong on how she's doing things: she's dead wrong. Not the first time. Won't be the last. She hasn't the brains to be correct about anything. That's why she's soon to be ousted. January 10, 2020   On that note, I'll quit for the night. I have things to do and this is not part of my plan. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 13, 2020: 12:21 p.m.: National Sticker Day!   Sorry about the "Huh?" item on the date, but I am a planner person and I love me some stickers to use in my planners (yes, plural). It's fun to decorate my planners (and my hubby's planner) and it helps me continue to use them and helps me get things done by reminding me of the "To Do" (or TahDah!) list that I check off as I accomplish them. Like the eye appointment that is in a little while that prevents me from doing a full update today and limits me to just a few blurbs again. Sorry about that. Tomorrow I will have time for just a few blurbs, too, because I have to pick my hubby up from the airport. His mother is in the hospital and he went up to see her and he comes home tomorrow. So, enjoy your "National Sticker Day" and consider using a planner. It really does help. January 13, 2020   Who?:   So this guy named cory booker is dropping out of the dumboRAT side of the 2020 presidential race. Really? Did anyone knoweven in it? He wasn't very popular. He was just another name in the long list and he had no real hope. He was just another place-holder for hillosercrooktOOn's eventual (inevitable) run, so who cares? They're trying to make sure that bumblefingers gets the nomination, according to some speculation, so that he can select hillosercrooktOOn as his VP and then he'll resign as prezidunce as soon as he's sworn in (like that will ever happen) and then -- voila! -- she's the prezidunce. That's the plan, at least. Why else would they support bumblefingers with the #MeToo thing being so prevalent and the fact that he is a creep so evident? He's a backdoor entrance for hilloser. When he selects her as his VP, you'll know for certain that I am correct. There are still twelve dumboRATS trying to get the nod, though, so there are still plenty of nut cases out there to vote for. January 13, 2020   pelosickpig:   She's despicable, that's undeniable and proven. She won't support Iranian freedom protestors, suggesting that they aren't protesting Iran's mullah's and leaders, but protesting America instead, and then there's the FAUXpeachment melodrama. She is part of the coup that is attempting to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump's presidency and she is saying that she may allow more articles of FAUXpeachment to be brought against Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's stupid, but that's the dumboRATS so it's not really surprising. The whole FAUXpeachment thing is a miserable, failed gambit, but she pushes forward with it because they have to get revenge for his 2016 win. I hope that she is FORCED to testify in the Senate impeachment trial and that she is FORCED to tell the TRUTH about when this effort started, what part she had in starting it, how long she's been aware that the whole thing was a LIE based on a LIE and pushing a LIE and who else was involved in this LIE and its start, and that this is all televised for the American public to see. That would be better than chocolate, agree? January 13, 2020   Faux-ca-HAUNT-us:   She's weird. She's vapid, milquetoast but faking courage (while caving to every little special interest group on the left), and a PROVEN LIAR. (So how do I really feel about her?) She is now saying (because she caved to another little group's demands) that she will ban construction of new homes and ban energy drilling and mining because "Global Warming"! Rrrriiiggghhhhttt. She won't do any of that because people like owning homes (of course she'd allow that if they would be "green homes") and because she will never be elected president. Remember her beer video in which she almost swallows the bottle? Shows how often she drinks straight from the bottle; never. But she was trying to show she is "like us" and that's how she thinks beer drinking Americans do things. Moron. Oh, well. She'll never be prezidunce, so that's not a real problem for us, but it is for her. January 13, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   She gets special treatment because people like to continue being on this side of the sod. Some day, though, she will meet someone more corrupt than she and then she'll pay the price of doing business with that person. Until then, we continue finding out how much of a TRAITOR she is and how she broke the law while SoS and her using TEXT messages for government business is only another example of her trying to circumvent the government's safeguards that are in place to prevent other people and other countries from learning America's secrets. She sold us out for her wallet. That's why she used her private server for e-mails and she used her private cell phones (probably at least a few burner phones, too) for text messaging others who were buying our secrets from her. Read the link. Look at with whom she was supposed to be meeting and tell me she wasn't selling America and Israel out. We know she hates America and Isreal, so why would she not be selling us out to the people she was scheduling meetings? Read the link. You won't like it. January 13, 2020   TDS or Attempted Assasination?:   You have a guy -- an Iranian national -- near Pres. Trump's Mar-A-Lago, where Pres. Trump and family are spending the holidays, and this Iranian national happens to have with him a machete, pickaxe and $22K in cash, and the left doesn't want to think that the guy had violent intentions. Hmm. Delusional much? I'm not saying the guy had a contract to kill the president, or even had orders from a mullah, I am saying that it is possible that he had a personal mission to do so because their religion teaches them that if they die trying to kill "infidels" that he will go to heaven and get his seventy-two virgins. Maybe that was his goal. We may never know, but I am glad they got the guy before we had to find out the hard way what his intentions were. January 13, 2020   I'll close for today and get ready for my eye appointment. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 14, 2020: 11:32 a.m.   socialist sanders:   Another Project Veritas bombshell on the left shows a sanders field organizer saying that if sanders wins they should put Trump supporters in re-education camps because they have un-Trump us. Well that's a real selling point for sanders, isn't it? If you support someone else, then you must be "re-educated" and you have to go have your mind cleaned of your current beliefs, thoughts and wishes. How dare you not think the way they do! Your brain must be washed of that individuality! You are wrong and horrible for thinking and believing as you do! You Nazi! That's a sanders supporter's opinion of you. Isn't that special? January 14, 2020   greta SPOILED BRAT thunberg:   So her Fakebook page posts are actually written by her father and some other guy. It's not as if I expected her to do the work. No. She's just the puppet of the stage parent who is using his children for publicity and a free ride. It's a shame that he abuses his autistic daughter like that, but I guess the authorities in their country don't care. Remember, he said a few days ago that he wasn't a "stage parent" but he sure acts like one! He started scaring his daughters about "climate change" when greta was eight and her mother had already written a book claiming that both of her daughters had problems and that to me sounds more like a parenting problem than anything else. Bad parents use their kids for fame. Do you think that's what is happening here? After all, you don't write books about your kids' mental problems, do you? January 14, 2020   schifforbrains:   He enjoys hiring people who helped set up people helping Pres. Trump get elected. He has hired a woman who helped set up Gen. Flynn and a few others are already working for him. He's despicable. I hope he gets kicked out of office by either his constituents or by arrest. I prefer the latter and sooner. January 14, 2020   SBC: Southern Baptist Convention BETRAYAL:   When thevilegeorgesoros gets into a position to influence an allegedly CHRISTIAN organization and they're following him instead of Christ, the organization has lost its soul to satan. I am a member of the Southern Baptist denomination but I am going to contact them today and tell them to remove my name from their membership list. I will not tolerate nor condone the path they are heading down and I will not associate myself with their left turn. This is a sad, sad day for the SBC and I hope that their membership dwindles to next to nothing because of this choice. This is what I sent them at their website: I have been watching the Southern Baptist religion go farther and farther left and I have been reading of the mistakes (IMHO) you've been making in your decisions. The latest is the influence you have allowed billionaire, George Soros to have in the SBC (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/pro-amnesty-southern-baptist-convention-is-in-damage-control-after-pushing-open-borders-and-ties-to-soros-exposed/ ). Because of your choice to accept the influence of such an evil man, I can no longer associate myself with the Southern Baptist religion (which I have been since 1974). I ask that you remove all records of my membership in this denomination and that you no longer count me as a Southern Baptist. I cannot accept Soros's influence and I will not accept a religion that I used to believe in as a godly organization thinking that it's okay to accept his influence. I don't care what excuse you give us. It's wrong to accept Soros's influence, money or anything else. He is evil, pure, plain and simple and you choose to associate with him? That's not just wrong, it's dangerous and stupid. I believe others shall follow me in doing this because this is the last straw. May GOD have mercy on your souls."If you are a member of the Southern Baptist denomination, you can contact them here, or you can call 615-244-2355 and tell them what you think of their turn toward evil. January 14, 2020   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Mexico is supposedly our "friend" but friends don't do the kinds of things to their friends that Mexico is doing to us. For instance, they don't stop the drug cartels from sending tons of drugs into America. They don't stop the human trafficking that results in rape, death and abuse for those trying to come illegally into America. They don't do anything for America that we do for them: financial aid, disaster relief, etc. So why are they still given the status of "Most Favored Nation"? Being a border-neighbor doesn't really mean anything when it's just a detriment to one of the "friends", and it is! America is harmed by Mexico in so many ways but because we share a border, it's always them getting the benefit while we get the suffering, cost and harm. It's ridiculous. Now we know that Mexico doesn't care that Muslim terrorists are coming into America by getting through their country without being stopped. That's not a friend! It's an enemy and we should start treating Mexico as such. January 14, 2020   bumblefingers biden:   What? Really? I'd be embarrassed. Jill biden made the mistake of putting together an "ad" for her hubby that was so LAME it was ridiculous. What kind of opponent does this tell you bumblefingers is? Can this be the election of a junior high student body president? It sure seems like it with this kind of ad! January 14, 2020   January 14, 2020   Last Link:   Thought I'd end today with a good news blurb. There is now a news network that will tell you the truth about how good Pres. Donald J. Trump is for America and for you. It's called Pro Trump News and you put that together with Breitbart, The Bongino Report, and The Gateway Pundit and you can "Find The Truth!" That's always a good thing! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 17, 2020: 3:10 p.m.   Sorry about not posting the last two days but I was down with a mild case of flu. I had a hard time with nausea so scrolling up and down pages was not going to happen. We are headed to our Georgia farm in a few hours so I have time for only about five blurbs then I have to finish getting ready to go. Let's get started! January 17, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   If you want to know for certain that this is partisanship and NOTHING MORE, look at the previous administration and the wrongs they are certain he did in breaking federal law: at least SEVEN TIMES he broke the law according to the GAO ALONE! So what did the dumboRATS do with the GAO's reports about themuslimileone breaking the law? Ignored it. They didn't care. It was someone on their side so they couldn't give a rat's pattuti. So when the dumboRATS charged Pres. Donald J. Trump with two things that aren't even crimes, tell me they are not partisan. I dare you. Thank the Lord he has a great defense team in Pam Bondi, Alan Dershowitz and others and they'll do a great job defending Pres. Donald J. Trump! They made the mistake of including Kenneth Starr in that lineup, but that's not good. He is the one who failed to do the whole job of presenting the evidence to the American people and allowing us to know the TRUTH about how bad bullybobcrooktOOn was in his wrongdoings. Some people still defend his wrongs, but it's clear to me that Kenneth Starr didn't do his job as well as he should. But the others will take up his slack and get this FAUXpeachment sham handled to my satisfaction. January 17, 2020   FAUXpeachment 2:   We know now that they used a crack addict as a "primary source" and then there has been a dead blue bird thread that has the frame job against Gen. Michael Flynn and how bad the left is in their hatred of all things right, good and true. January 17, 2020   January 17, 2020   Baby-Killers:   Yet another way the left hates babies. We've seen how Planned AbortionHood loves kill babies and sell their body parts to make money. Now we see yet another organization/group who doesn't mind killing babies "for research" for a NJ company in which they paid Mexican women to get pregnant: "The stated purpose of the study was to discover whether it is clinically feasible to recover living human embryos by uterine lavage from fertile women for 'preimplantation genetic testing' and compare them to similar embryos conceived by in vitro fertilization."It's been said that it's "unethical and exploitative" and that's putting it mildly! You don't get women pregnant just to do experiments on the babies and the women! It's not just "unethical and exploitative" it's immoral! January 17, 2020   Last Link:   Thought I'd leave you today with a funny "take down" of the left by this "Conservative Momma"! Enjoy! January 17, 2020   I'll try to see you again on Monday. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 22, 2020: 11:24 a.m.   Missed Monday because I didn't know it at the time we scheduled it but we did stay at the farm for MLK Jr. Day. My hubby had the day as a vacation day option and decided to take it because we were getting things done up there and we like to build on success. We got the backsplash up and it looks amazing and we're very happy with it. We also got the electrical stuff finished except for changing the light fixtures in the kitchen and now all we have left is to finish framing the family room windows (painted the trim, have to cut it to size and install), do the crown on the ceiling and the crown on the cabinets and one short toe kick section that my hubby doesn't want to do until he gets the "professional" installers' screw up on the spacer between the cabinet and the pantry fixed. After that, we'll only have a door knob to change and an area rug to find for the family room and we'll be done! I can hardly wait! It's looking so good! Want a peak? Here is the BEFORE and here is the AFTER. You like? I designed it and my hubby and I did most of the work. It was a learning experience and it was mostly fun, but a lot of work. For now, though, let's get started. Oh. Yesterday I missed because I was doing errands. Sometimes you have to do those during working hours and that makes me miss update time. January 22, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   I have been curious as to how justice john roberts was going to handle presiding over this circus and it seems to me that he's trying to portray himself as being "fair and balanced" (with no apologies to fox), but if he were to be fair, he would actually have started this whole thing calling out the dumboRATS for going ahead with false charges that are not even crimes with the way they conducted the FAUXpeachment hearings by:
January 22, 2020   bumblefingers CORRUPTION:   Have you seen the interesting things that are coming out in the book, "Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite"? Wow. It will make your jaw drop. I pre-ordered it but I haven't gotten the chance to read it yet because I'm busy and I'm reading my Bible, a book to do a study with my hubby, the Prager University book club book, "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, The Fountainhed by Ayn Rand and a small book by Joseph Prince, whose title I don't recall at the moment. Yeah. I read a lot (and that doesn't include the articles I read for updates here!). Anyways, the book is going to be a great read, and it has foot notes out the wahzoo, so you know it's correct. The book proves the whole biden family benefited financially from bumblefingers' VP status. They all traded on his name and connections to get rich. (He's a horrible choice and he's promising to keep drunk driving FELON ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in America if he gets elected! Sweet! [Sarcasm.]) He's not alone in his corruption, though. He has company in corruption in the crooktOOns, faux-ca-HAUNT-us and klobuchar, as well as others! Wow! That's pretty UNsurprising. I don't know why it took so long for this to go public since we're supposed to have people who look into this stuff within the governm... Oh. That's right. The government agencies have been corrupted to SUPPORT the left instead of REport them! January 22, 2020   Treason:   Oh, look. It's not just leftist politicians who do it, leftist professors want to get rich by hating America and selling her out, too. If it's a leftie, then you can watch for a way to buy them and they'll sell their own teeth to get the money. Is that the way it works? January 22, 2020   thevilegeorgesoros:   When he buys a district attorney, things go south pretty quickly and now the district attorney and her cohorts who ousted a Republican Governor, Eric Greitens, over some false accusations and bribed "witnesses". Now there's a lawsuit wanting to get to the truth, and it's all coming to light. This district attorney, thevilegeorgesoros's puppet, was caught LYING about how she was treated by police during a traffic stop and video proves it was a lie. Now, this bought-and-paid-for district attorney will have to answer questions about why she manufactured (read: LIED) about the case against the governor she destroyed and hopefully, she will be kicked out of office and into PRISON where she belongs! She ruined a man's reputation with false allegations (LIES) and made sure he was out of office so that he couldn't help stop the corruption of others. Now she is facing the same fate she wanted for the governor: disgrace, loss of position and possible prison time. I hope she gets all three in spades! Not only would that be justice for her, it would be a loss for thevilegeorgesoros and that is ALWAYS a great thing! January 22, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   I hope that Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) sticks with her defamation suit against hilloser and that she isn't bought off with a settlement. I'd love to see hilloser under oath in something. I don't remember if she has EVER been "sworn in" to tell the "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" because I think that if she HAD to tell the truth, she wouldn't be able to force herself to do so. She would shake uncontrollably, slobber and drool, pull her hair out and finally collapse into a big puddle of mush on the floor/ground on which she formerly stood (propped up, of course, by her metal exoskeletal support). She couldn't do it. I wouldn't trust that person if she told me her name -- after all, she lied about her name -- and that she was genetically female (and I wouldn't stick around to find out if that were true)! I hope Gabbard makes her testify, if Gabbard survives long enough to get to trial. Careful, Tusli. It's not safe to cross the crooktOOns. January 22, 2020   Leftist Backfire:   I'm not a big Target fan; I don't shop there at all. I have been in a Target store, but never spent a dime there. They're too far left for me and I don't like their attitude regarding Toys for Tots (not allowed) and the Salvation Army bell ringers (also not allowed). However, when a manager at a Target store was target-ed (pun intended) by an extreme leftist who tried to get her fired and is threatening to sue her for his own stupidity, I was glad it backfired and the manager is coming out on top. She gets the last laugh for now. If he does sue her, I don't know what will happen then. I think maybe she should consider keeping some of the money that came into a "Go Fund Me" page set up by someone for her to use just in case he does sue. She's going to need a good attorney (unless she is one). Anyways, haha, leftie. January 22, 2020   FBLIE:   Why are the liars, strzok and page still being protected by the FBLIE? That's not right. We know they targeted the President of the United States of America for destruction. Why is the FBLIE defending them and covering for them? Rhetorical question, actually. I know that the FBLIE is still as corrupt as themuslimvileone made them. January 22, 2020   MAGA!:   Did you hear that December's U6 unemployment rate was only 6.7%? No? It was buried under all of the bad news: FAUXpeachment, FAUXpeachment, FAUXpeachment. The U3 rate is 3.5%, which is basically full employment. That's good news! Did you hear about it before reading it here? Also, the number of illegal alien invaders crossing the border in Arizona has dropped 90% since Pres. Trump changed immigration policy. That's a GREAT thing! January 22, 2020   SCOTUS:   I hope that after the wait, they rule AGAINST themuslimvileone's "healthcare" scam. I hope it is totally destroyed and that the American people who paid the penalty fee for NOT having it will be reimbursed. That's my dream, but I am not holding my breath. January 22, 2020   Lying Lefties:   The msm and the left won't report the good news that Pres. Donald J. Trump is raising a whole lot more money than lefties but the msm can't admit it. They try to depress the vote for him by trying to make it look like this FAUXpeachment is real, like he's falling in popularity (NOT true; he's gaining support), and like the people who support him are sick in one way or another. It's absurd, but considering who the lefties are, it's not surprising. January 22, 2020   I think I'll close with that for today. My fingers are cold and we turned on the heater just last night for the first time in years. So I'm going to go have some hot tea and get them warm. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 23, 2020: 12:43 p.m.   Just one or two blurbs today because we have errands to do and that's going to take the rest of the day. So let's do those few. January 23, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   So schifforbrains is "boring" the Senate and putting them in "agony" with his rants. That's what some are saying. According to Jesse Watters (Love that guy!), it's like being in a room with someone vacuuming -- "you can't wait for it to stop"! However, lindsey grahamNASTY says he's doing a great job. Of course, grahamNASTY is a Never Trumper-extraordinnaire so what would you expect from someone who is probably trying to protect his own corruption and keep it hidden? According to reports, bumblefingers only surviving son is prepping for his possible testimony in front of the FAUXpeachment hearing. What's he doing? His best practice runs saying "On the advice of counsel I plead the Fifth"? There has NOT been any actual evidence presented to the Senate for this FAUXpeachment yet. I think the Senate is getting tired of sitting through complaints without evidence. I don't know why justice john roberts hasn't stepped in and told them to get to the evidence and get on with it because he is a judge and he can make rulings. I doubt he'll actually do it, though. He may be on the left's side in all of this. By actual belief, or by the left having something on him (remember he made the last minute change of mind to find themuslimvileone's healtcarescam to be legal), and they're exerting pressure, I don't know. I just know I don't trust him. January 23, 2020   Voter Fraud:   The left loves to claim that there is no voter fraud. That's what they say. They say it all the time. Too bad they're liars. We've seen Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other fictitious characters vote. We know dead people vote in almost every election in many precincts. We've seen proof and convictions that people vote in more than one precinct, or multiple times in the same precinct. Felons whose civil rights have not been restored have been voting for years, too: some while still in prison! (Huge buzzer sound here) Now we know that NON-citizens have been voting and that there are many of them on the voter rolls in Illinois. Not a good thing. We must be able to TRUST our elections. Otherwise we have no real say in who is elected to govern. WE, THE PEOPLE are supposed to choose those who govern us, not cheaters! January 23, 2020   2020 Election:   Hey, Florida! You're rejecting FAUXpeachment and siding with Pres. Trump in the upcoming elections! Hurray! You're smart! January 23, 2020   I'm closing for today. Errands call and I must go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 24, 2020: 3:00 p.m.   FAUXpeachment:   This whole thing was predicated upon the idea that Pres. Trump is the bad guy, the guy doing the wrong things, but we know for certain that even the mueller report admitted that Pres. Donald J. Trump did nothing wrong. So why is he being FAUXpeached? He is being FAUXpeached because the left, Deep State and themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn didn't want him to win. They hoped to keep him out of office before he won, and even moreso after he won. They did things that were TOTALLY ILLEGAL and LIED to the FISA courts (with the FISA court's knowledge and approval apparently) in order to try to FRAME then-candidate, now President Donald J. Trump. Right and wrong? Who cares, as long as the left gets to stay in power is how they think about it. So now the lefties, schifforbrains, etc., are saying that themuslimvileone had a DUTY to investigate then-candidate (and hilloser rival) Trump because of his alleged wrong-doing, but if that be the case, wouldn't Pres. Trump then also have a DUTY to investigate his rival, (and totally corrupt politician) bumblefingers biden? So why is Pres. Donald J. Trump being FAUXpeached for doing exactly what the DUTY of themuslimvileone is alleged to have been? Double standards, anyone? (Hypocrisy, thy name is the dumboRAT party!) The left alleges that the FAUXpeachment is about the Ukrainian phone call and Pres. Trump allegedly withholding defense funds from the Ukraine, but if that be the case why is it that those complaining about it also voted AGAINST the funding? Hmmm? Again, double standards, anyone? This whole thing is totally UNconstitutional, but that doesn't matter to the lefties either. The Constitution is something they can and do ignore unless and until it's convenient for something they want. Don't believe me? Robert Barnes agrees with what I've been saying since this whole thing started. Of course, we have at least one traitor RINO who can't wait to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump: the spineless weasel, grahamNASTY will oppose subpoenaing hunter biden. He has a dog in this race in that he probably has some connection to Burisma, too, so he has to try to hide that. Is his son involved in the board of Burisma? Remember, last year, grahamNASTY was calling for an investigation into hunter! Now, suddenly, it's a no-go area? What happened? Someone remind him they have the goods on him? Whatever, NEVER TRUST grahamNASTY. He is totally untrustworty and a slimebucketextraordinnaire! (So how do I really feel?) January 24, 2020   How Convenient:   Allegedly, there is a tape that has suddenly turned up from an April 30, 2018 dinner party in which Pres. Trump was ALLEGEDLY heard saying, "Get rid of her" referring to the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, after Pres. Trump was told that she was badmouthing him. The problem (besides "How convenient!") is that Presidents are allowed to fire any ambassador at any time for any reason and it's NOT A CRIME! It's not FAUXpeachable. If it were, themuslimvileone would have had to have been impeached because he fired EVERY U.S. Ambassador to eveery country to replace them with his own ANTI-AMERICAN LEFTIES, those who would do his bidding and not call attention to the laws he was breaking and the wrongs he was doing. So what's the big dippy deal here? January 24, 2020   Pro-Life President:   Pres. Donald J. Trump is the first president to EVER speak at the annual "March for Life", a pro-life, pro-baby, pro-child, event that is anti-abortion, anti-baby-killing. His predecessor wouldn't have been caught dead there. Others have been "piped in" via television, but this president, Donald J. Trump went there in person because he believes that human babies in the womb are precious. That's something that I really like about him: he made the effort instead of hiding behind a television screen. Great thing, Mr. President! January 24, 2020   MAGA!:   Remember when themuslimvileone was in office and he did everything he could to cast the caucasians as racists, bullies, haters? Remember the "BLM" marches and the LIES about how white cops were killing innocent, non-violent black young men? Only that it was all a LIE and the "innocent, non-violent black young men" were actually violent and the cops were only trying to protect themselves and others from those men? Remember? The leftwing media still tries to paint that same picture, but it's just NOT TRUE. Now, we see that a new poll is showing that America is optimistic about race relations again since Pres. Trump took office and the race wars are no longer being stirred by themuslimvileone and his msm cohorts. There is still racism in America: but it's the LEFT who are the racists, not the right. Those of us on the right know better than to judge someone on the color of their skin and to judge them instead on their character. (Paraphrasing Martin Luther King, Jr.) We are the legacy of that lesson, not the left since they are the first ones to jump to the hate words and the racist language. Don't believe me? Watch antifa videos, or hollyweirdos and their rants against Pres. Trump. That's where you'll see hatred and racism, not from those of us on the right. January 24, 2020   Ego, Anyone?:   themuslimvileone can't get used to not being the center of the universe. He is getting too antsy to stand in front of the cameras and controlling other people and other things to NOT do something. He doesn't like the idea of bernie COMMUNIST sanders getting the dumboRAT nomination, so he's "considering" making a public statement about it. I guess he doesn't want anyone to be prezidunce who would be more radical than he. I don't think he has a grain of salt's worth of a chance to win, but if themuslimvileone can get mentioned on television news stations again, he'll make the effort. Ego is as ego does and he certainly has that! January 24, 2020   China:   China was said by the left to be the next great economy and that they were going to leave America behind. Yeah. Right. Now we see that China's economy is faltering and that a horrible disease is ravaging the country. I don't know for certain what is causing it, but some think it may be that eating bats may be to blame. Ewww. Pray for the people of China. There isn't enough medical care for everyone infected and people are dying on the streets. January 24, 2020   pelosickpig:   Attorney Alan Dershowitz tries to teach her a lesson on civics, but considering how dense pelosickpig is, I doubt she's capable of learning at all. He says that -- despite her assertions to the contrary -- Pres. Trump will NOT be "forever" FAUXpeached if the Senate votes to find him NOT GUILTY, which they shall. She's a moron, but that's not news, is it? January 24, 2020   That's going to be all for today. Hubby's on the phone and on his way home. We're going to go for our date tonight because we postponed it from last night's usual time. So, I hope you have a healthy, relaxed, fun weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 28, 2020: 12:18 p.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. I had to spend a few hours running security scans because my computer was acting weird. Don't know what was going on, but it is better safe than sorry so I had to take the time and do over four hours of scans. Now that I know it's safe, let's do today's updates. January 28, 2020   cnn:   They apparently think that the people who work there are so much better than the rest of us -- No; than those of us who support Pres. Donald J. Trump -- that they allow their anchors to get away with saying that we are idiots, in not so many words: "'Donald Trump’s the smart one, and y’all – y’all elitists are dumb!'"So that's what cnn thinks of us. It actually got worse, but that's cnn and don lemon and all of the people who support hillosercrooktOOn and her ilk. They think that the rest of us are idiots, rubes, dumber than a box of rocks. Funny, we think of them the same way, but at least we have FACTS and the TRUTH (instead of just "feelings"!) on our side! January 28, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   Speaking of the WWW (Wicked Witch of the West), she has again said that she "feels the urge" to run in 2020, but that she won't. I think she's not running because she's working behind the scenes to make it a brokered dumboRAT convention in which she gets "drafted" to run again and she "reluctantly" agrees to do so because it's such a great honor to try to pull the party together and win this election against Pres. Donald J. Trump! She believes she's just the one who can do it -- with, of course, all of the states who have voted to give their delegates to the person who has won the majority vote in their state -- and she would take that vote and run with it as if she was the savior of the whole earth! Yep. Don't put it past her. She would be "so honored" that she'd run over people in a freight train to make that happen. Don't put it past her. January 28, 2020   pelosickpig:   She is a LIAR; proven over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... and over10000 -- again! This time she LIED about what the president and his attorneys said! You don't lie about that and think you're going to get away with it! He's got some of the best legal minds I know and I can lay even money she will regret LYING that his lawyers said Pres. Trump can abuse power and get away with it. She's as big a LIAR as themuslimvileone, schifforbrains and hillosercrooktOOn! Sad to think that they have all been or are currently in power within our government, yes? January 28, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   mittens romney wants John Bolton to have to testify in the Senate's portion of the farce. He's all for Bolton testifying, but he doesn't think it's a good idea for hunter biden to testify. Why is that? It's because he's kissing the butts of the lefties and trying to curry favor with them. He wants them to like him, so he's helping cover for the bumblefinger's family. The left doesn't like anyone but themselves, but romney hasn't learned that lesson yet (he's an idiot), so he's doing his best to kiss butt, even though it will get him NOTHING in return. They'll use him then throw him away with the latest misstress of bullybobcrooktOOn just as they've done so many others. What romney isn't taking into account is the fact that even the FISA courts have acknowledged that the FISA process was abused and that the "investigation" into Pres. Trump was bogus from the get-go, so what is romney thinking? He's thinking that if he can get them to like him they'll help him be elected to something more powerful than Senator. He will be sorely disappointed, I'm sure. Never trust a leftie. Speaking of lefties and liars, at least one reporter knows that schifforbrains is a LIAR and can't be trusted. I don't know why anyone could believe him at all. We have his list of biggest collusion LIES and we have exposed the TRUTH about his LIES, but some on the left still support and believe him because they "think" with their FEELINGS, not with their brai.... Sorry. I forget. They don't have brains. BTW, they're trying to FAUXpeach Pres. Donald J. Trump on "motives" not actions. Feelings and thoughts matter! Actions do not. Even if you never act on your feelings or thoughts, YOU ARE GUILTY! Unless, of course, you're one of them. Then you can do whatever you darn well please in thoughts, feelings and actions and it doesn't matter. You're one of them; you don't have a standard to live by -- legal or otherwise. January 28, 2020   Hate Hoax #348,493?:   It has been proven that the latest hate "crime" by the trauma surgeon has been a hoax. That's for certain. We also know for certain now, that he is connected to the crooktOOns, bumblefingers, pelosickpig and other top dumboRATS. How much you wanna' bet he is also a buddy with thevilegeorgesoros? When will a pic of the two of them crop up? thevilegeorgesoros wants to take away your guns so that when his puppets (aoc, hilloser, tlaib, etc.) get into power you won't have the ability to fight back. He wants you unprotected against the tyrannical government that he wants to control. Mark my words: there will be a day when the truth about his hatred of America and freedom will be known and it will be exactly what I said; his leftist buddies trying to help him accomplish his goal because they think they'll be the one at the top or close to it. Ego is as ego does and they've all got healthier than normal portions of that! January 28, 2020   bumblefingers:   Why is he even considered as a serious contender? He's been proven corrupt as a the day is long on the Summer solstice, as incompetent and idiotic as the sun is hot and as big a LIAR as hilloser and schifforbrains! Why is he considered an actual contender, a serious possibility for the dumboRATS? Oh. That's right. Their people vote with their "feelings" not with the brains they don't have so he is a serious contender because he was a corrupt VP under themuslimvileone. That makes him "qualified", even though he has a real mental problem and his "supporters" don't care! That's a big problem for me because putting that sort of pressure on someone with Alzheimer's Disease (which he probably does have, considering his actions), will only get worse if put under that sort of pressure, exacerbating the problem. So whom do you think they want to be his VP? Will it be hillosercrooktOOn, or will it be someone else? Keep an eye on the convention, folks. If they put bumblefingers on the ticket, watch who the VP will be. It won't be pretty. January 28, 2020   foxnews:   They have become so very leftist that it's a surprise they didn't try to get shepforbrainsmith back on as their main anchor! Now we see that they are covering the FAUXpeachment hearings as though they were cnn or msnbc because they cut away from Pres. Trump's lawyers and they refused to show Pres. Trump's attorneys shredding the FAUXpeachment charges and LIES. I'm disappointed in the change, but it's not unexpected. After all, fox news hasn't been anywhere close to Conservative since the Iraqi Shock and Awe campaign in 2003! Sad to think that they've been considered the "Conservative" news network even though they've gone so completely leftist. Even Tucker Carlson has been questionable lately and the only ones still standing as far as Conservative is considered are Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine Ferris Pirro. I wonder what they have on Carlson or what threats they've made against him (hopefully, it's not promises they've made him!). We'll see for how long fox news keeps those three on their roster. I predict that after the election this year, they'll all be gone. January 28, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Why are we doing this? Why is Pres. Trump allowing this? Why are we TRIPPLING funding for Islamist groups? We're paying for the future violence against America with taxpayer dollars?! Why? Why is this allowed to happen? Why is Pres. Donald J. Trump NOT STOPPING THIS!? It's something he needs to know about and that he needs to STOP! I hope and pray that he has no idea that the government agencies funding this are doing so! If he does know, he needs to snap out of it and STOP IT IMMEDIATELY! There is NO WAY we should be funding terrorism against America or Americans! Stop this! January 28, 2020   DumboRAT LIAR #39,357,442,874:   Yes. They have that many politicians on the dumboRAT side who are LIARS. The Republicans have half that many, or thereabouts, but the lefties keep getting away with it. For instnace, bill deblasio has been LYING about crime stats claiming that NYC has gotten safer under his administration. He touts "Murders, shootings, robberies, assaults, domestic violence, subway crimes and hate crimes are up, but serious crime is down."RRrrrrriiiiiggghhhhhtttt. Liar. January 28, 2020   Last Link:  
January 28, 2020   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 29, 2020: 12:52 p.m.   NY State Ridiculousness:   If I had found this somewhere else, I would consider it a fake news story, but I looked it up and there actually is a stargazing permit required in some state parks in New York. Don't believe me? Look it up and see that at Hither Hills State Park requires a permit for you to be there at night to look at the stars. It's "Star Gazing Permit:There are other parks that have the same sort of requirement. This particular park is open for night fishing (with a $35 to $60 permit) or for camping ($35/night $70/night for non-NYS residents), but to go look at the stars, you have to have a permit and pay their $35 to $60. Question: Is that per night, or annually? It doesn't say. So why do people live in NY? Is it a disease, insanity, what? January 29, 2020   January 29, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   The dumboRATS want john bolton to testify because they think that his book is going to have a slam dunk on Pres. Donald J. Trump. Bolton being a war hawk and Pres. Trump not listening to his advice and firing him makes the left think that Bolton will be a sure thing to get something solid against Pres. Trump to add to their FAUXpeachment allegations. Sigh. Wishful thinking never dies. The problem is, Bolton asked that Yovanovitch be "looked into" soon after he was fired by Pres. Trump. Yovanotitch, you recall, was the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine who participated in the coup and is still trying to get Pres. Trump out of office. Have you ever noticed that it's mostly the FIRED folks who are trying to oust him? Something to think about. Bolton has written a "tell all" book, in which -- according to the Senior Director for Records, Access and Information Security Management for the National Security Council -- has "significant amounts of classified information" including top secret info. That's not a good way to serve your country: be paid by them and then release top secret info after you're fired? Traitor sounds like an appropriate moniker. January 29, 2020   FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us:   She has promised to immediately start prosecuting Pres. Trump's administration if she wins. I say that she's not going to win. She's got a snowball's chance in the center of the molten lava of the earth's core and in even hotter places. I also say that when she promised to prosecute the Trump administration personnel she said, "One year from today, the next president will begin her first full day of work. She’ll..."Hmmm... Where have I seen something similar? Hmmm.... ""Happy birthday to this future president,""Yeah. That's it! The tweet curse is in effect still, right? When you predict your own win and you're anyone besides Donald J. Trump, you actually lose? The Trump curse is in effect and she will never be the president: not "one year from today" or at any other time, except for in her dreams. I bet she sleeps a lot! She may have been dreaming when she said that disease outbreaks are Pres. Trump's fault. She is blaming coronavirus on Pres. Trump? It started in China's interior province, spread like wildfire and is now in several other countries and it's Pres. Trump's fault? Is she sleep walking/talking? Or maybe she drank another beer or two? January 29, 2020   MAGA!:   So FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us is thinking she's going to be prezidunce? Has she noticed Pres. Donald J. Trump's rally numbers? They're HUGE numbers; people who want to get in wait outside the venue for days to be able to get in and get near the front. Those in attendance are not always Republican and those attending are not always Republicans. For instance, at the last rally 26% were NOT Republican! That's a low number compared to Wisconsin's rally where 57.9% were NOT Republican! Has FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us seen those numbers? She has to be delusional to think that she's going to be the prezidunce after the 2020 election! Totally delusional (or is it pure ego for her?) January 29, 2020   bumblefingers:   It's sad to see people who are so enamored of the power they wield mentally deteriorate before our eyes because they're too egotistic to admit that their minds are going and give up that power. The bumblefinger's head is not screwed on straight anymore. It's so bad that he has threatened to "punch" Pres. Donald J. Trump. (Can you imagine how bad that would be? A fly landing has more "Umph!" Imagine what the Secret Service would do to bumblefingers if he tried to land a punch on Pres. Trump! It may be fun to watch, actually... But I digress.) Who can blame them wanting to hold onto power when they're making their families rich at taxpayer expense? Anyways, there's another story about bumblefingers bumbling words again. He can't get his words straight and he can't get his sentences straight, which leads me to think that there's a mental problem. He said that he thinks Pres. Trump is being FAUXpeached (my word, not his) because Trump is afraid to run against him. Uh. No. Pres. Trump is not running a FAUXpeachment on himself. That's just stupid, but it is bumblefingers. He can't get his thoughts straight, his words straight, or anything else straight: especially his LIES (and there are many!). He also can't keep his hands off of people and he has floated the muchellthemuslimvileone as his VP idea as though it's a good idea! That proves he's got a problem! Not good for him. January 29, 2020   Aaaahhhh... Public Schools:   Yet another teacher has been put on "leave" with pay -- that's important -- because (for the THIRD TIME) he has been inappropriate with a student. This time the creep slugged a student in the face and threw the kid into the hallway. Sounds appropriate for a teacher, right? The same "teacher", James Johnson, "[W]as disciplined for shoving a student into a locker at Clover Park School District in 2004, cited for anger and profanity in the classroom in the Kent School District in 2008, and repeatedly accused by students and staff of inappropriate sexual harassment toward teen girls, according to the news site."A public school teacher is allowed to get away with this because the UNION behind the teacher keeps him in the classroom and keeps him having access to students to abuse. Remember: he's on leave. That means "During one 13-month period Johnson worked only two days, but collected an estimated $134,000 from Seattle Public Schools."It's not just in Seattle that this is happening. There's a "teacher" in Miami who pled guilty to raping three students and other charges were against him as well. A PA teacher pled guilty to having child pornography, as did a former KY teachers A female teacher in Alabama has pled guilty to five counts of sex with a student. Then there are teachers who provide drugs to children under their tutelage. Not good! January 29, 2020   Seth Rich Murder:   Now we know for a FACT that
regarding Seth Rich:
January 29, 2020   eric ciarmella:   Arrest this fool. Charge him with treason and put him in prison for the rest of his days. He has been participating in an attempted overthrow of our duly elected president, Donald J. Trump, since before he was sworn into office. His list of treasonous activities is long and dirty and he deserves to live out his days in a dungeon underground with no contact with the outside world and robots delivering his meals. He's also been trying to hide the bumblefingers' family corruption: "Ciaramella has also held a key meeting in the White House, in early 2016, covering the Biden family’s actions in the Ukraine.Throw away the key! January 29, 2020   dumboRAT disappointment:   (*smirk*)   They thought they were going to win a special election in Texas, helping turn Texas from purple to blue. Well, that isn't quite how it turned out yesterday. The Republican won handily and the dumboRATS are left wondering what happened -- again. Awww... Too bad. January 29, 2020   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump signed the USMCA trade agreement that he worked out that will help the American worker and American businesses -- all without giving any credit to the dumboRATS or giving them comemmorative pens. Poor babies. January 29, 2020   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! January 30, 2020: 10:42 a.m.   FAUXpeachment:   Of course "justice" john roberts (no respect, thus no caps) is trying to block important Republican questions. Why he blocked the President and his attorneys from confronting the accuser ("Whistleblower" -- yeah, right -- eric ciaramella), and won't allow him to be called, I suspect is because he hates Pres. Trump. "Justice" roberts does this despite the fact that "'Even left-wing mainstream media outlets—CNN, the New York Times, National Public Radio (NPR), and Reuters — determined that, certainly, no law prohibits President Donald Trump or members of Congress from disclosing the name of the leaker who sparked the impeachment inquiry.'"So why is "justice" roberts disallowing this question? He's a "never-Trumper" so he is not UNbiased, as a judge should be. He should have recused himself months ago due to a conflict of interest. After his rebuke of both sides after the dumboRATS acted up when he didn't need to hit the President's team, he chose to do so anyways. Doesn't make me think highly of him, that's for certain. Some think that he's going to be non-partisan and do the right thing, but I have little faith in that. I believe that he's got a record that is Conservative (as seen by some), but that his "Never-Trumpism" is a huge part of how this farce/circus/faux pas is going to play out. It should never have happened in the first place, and for him to actually play along as if this thing was done anywhere close to constitutionally is a huge clue as to where his loyalties lie. (I don't trust him; can you tell?) I just don't understand why he hasn't pointed out that the U.S. Constitution lays out the path to impeachment and that pelosickpig DID NOT FOLLOW that path, she ignored it, and that makes this whole thing UNconstitutional. Why has this not been pointed out in the hearings? Where is the justice in that? They break the Constitution and are allowed to go ahead with this in front of the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice? Really? HOW? It's not just pelosickpig who has been lying and breaking the rules. As we all know, schifforbrains has been LYING with every breath, too. Shock. Surprise. He's now hoping to get john bolton to testify, hoping to find out that Pres. Trump did something that schifforbrains and bolton didn't like, but not unconstitutional. In today's politics, though, if the lefties don't like it, they will try to destroy you for it! schifforbrains is also making things up as he goes. He comes up with new things that Pres. Trump allegedly did wrong on the Senate floor and his accusations are just as stupid as is he. (Is anyone surprised?) Also, why is this question about Crowdstrike NOT being asked? The one good thing -- besides Pres. Trump being acquitted here -- to come out of this farce is that the whole FAUXpeachment farce is killing TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). That's not what the left wanted; they wanted it to spread. Too bad the left is ALWAYS WRONG. They never saw that coming! January 30, 2020   Stupid England:   I don't understand this. I really don't. I think it's possible this is the dumbest thing I've seen from that moronic country in a while (excepting, of course, Prince Harry marrying the markle; what was he thinking?). They've fired an anchor for quoting SHAKESPEARE! IN ENGLAND! The home of Shakespeare! They fired him for quoting "Measure for Measure": "But man, proud man,I'm sorry (not really) but I have to ask what the heck is wrong with the Britts that they think that Shakespeare is OFFENSIVE, especially in this particular passage!? Is it the "angry ape" part? Do they assume that Shakespeare was referencing a black person? Is that not them assigning blackness to the man Shakespeare was referencing? They're the racists, not Shakespeare! January 30, 2020   SanFranPoopsco:   The guy who is supposed to be cleaning up the mess (literally) is a Muslim immigrant and he is being charged with fraud and bribery. Sounds to me like there's a reason the poop is not being cleaned up: the guy who was supposed to be doing so is making a mess of his own! January 30, 2020   Islamic Violence:   This is so wrong, but it is apparently how Muslims are taught to think. It's ridiculous, but it's apparently what they're taught to believe. They are apparently taught to think that Muslim lives are worth more than non-Muslims. That's not just wrong, it's bigotted, it's asinine, and it's stupid. A life is a life is a life. How can their lives be more valuable than mine, yours, or anyone else's? It's this kind of teaching that makes Islam dangerous to the whole world! January 30, 2020   Medicare for All?:   It's so UNpopular that even dumboRATS don't like it among those polled in battleground states. That's something that both FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us and bernie socialist sanders will have to deal with because they are both pushing it. "UNpopular" being the key word here, they continue to try to sell it. That's because they think that they can buy votes with this additional "give away" and the taxpayers are smarter than that. They know that they aren't being "given" anything when it comes to Medicare. They pay for that and they know it. They don't want the higher taxes it's going to bring "Medicare for All bill estimated that the legislation would cost $32.6 trillion over its first decade."Who picks up that cost? The people who pay for that and know it. Are sanders or FAUX admitting that? Nope. They want everyone to think it's going to be "free". If you learn nothing else from this website, learn this: NOTHING THE GOVERNMENT DOES, GIVES, "INVENTS", TRIES, or SUPPORTS is EVER FREE! NOTHING! YOU pay for it all! January 30, 2020   Hypocrisy:   BTW, those who believe in FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us for Medicare for all, or any other medical care program may need to seriously consider finding another candidate to support. After all, the record for FAUX is not that wonderful. She did, after all, "make millions helping corporations evade" those obligations to their employees. She made MILLIONS denying corporate healthcare plans to employees, and her supporters think she's going to be FOR them now? Really? Idiots much? January 30, 2020   Sen. Rick Scott, I LOVE YOU!:   This is TOO GOOD! He is NOT going to vote for this FAUXpeachment stuff. How do I know? Read his hostage statement and you'll understand that this is something that he does not support. It's too good! January 30, 2020   Deep State:   Victim of the Deep State, Carter Page, is suing the dnc and the Perkins Coie law firm. Recall that PC (how appropriate) is the firm that helped Fusion GPS do the Russian collusion dossier. He's suing because they ruined his life with their set-up and false accusations against him; not to mention the charges he had to defend himself against and all that they put him through. I hope that his lawsuit helps expose more of the TRUTH against the dumboRATS and the deep state idiots who helped ruin the lives of INNOCENT, good people! I also hope HE WINS! January 30, 2020   Corrupt dumboRAT?:   Shock! Surprise! Say it isn't so! Yawn. This dumboRAT is Mayor of Los Angeles and it's not as though it's not expected. Come on, really? January 30, 2020   Canadian James O'Keefe?:   There's a Conservative in Canada (Yeah! Really!) and he wrote a book and is now being "investigated" for that book. He secretly filmed his first interview with "private investigators" (probably should read that as "people trying to intimidate him") because that book was critical of P.M. Justin Trudeau. Wow. Sounds like what themuslimvileone was up to in many ways. Sounds like Canada better wake up now or they'll be smelling something that is NOT a rose! January 30, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I'm in the midst of putting away Christmas decorations (yes, finally, and it makes me so sad!) and need to get a bit more of it done before we go to Georgia this weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 2020 February 3, 2020: 2:43 p.m.   Sorry I missed Friday's updates. I was asked to do more errands than expected and getting ready to go to the farm on top of that made for a very busy day! I missed updates, but I'm here today, so let's see what is out there. Did you watch the Super Bowl? I did not. With the football teams condoning the disrespect for our flag, National Anthem, and country, we haven't watched football at all for a long time. Add to that the fact that our farm is out in the boonies of Georgia and our television reception is almost non-existent (satellite is an option, but it's too expensive for only being there a few days each month!) and that's why we didn't watch: no interest and no reception even if we were. I heard after we got back to Florida that the Chiefs won. Good for them. Congratulations to the team my hubby said would win (I thought it would be the 49ers, but I was wrong. Shshshshsh! Don't tell anyone!). I hope they keep the win classy. February 3, 2020   Election Fraud:   The dumboRATS don't like to admit that they benefit from it, but they do, and they don't like to do anything to prevent it. It's not good to be incapable of trusting our elections and it's time to change that. Thus, when Judicial Watch found 18,658 EXTRA NAMES on the rolls in eight Iowa counties it's time to fix that problem. It's time to clean up the ways to cheat and to let the lefties do whatever they can to stay in power. It's time to make our elections trustworthy again. Support Judicial Watch's efforts and help America's elections be trustworthy. Let's stop the left from ever again stealing elections via cheating! February 3, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   His lips are moving (Why is it that so many on the left we can say this about?) so he must be LYING. Yep, you guessed it. schifforbrains is still pushing his lies trying to get Pres. Donald J. Trump removed from office. What I think is funny, is that in doing so he may (or may not; he is a CaliMarxiFornia rep.) be doing his own re-election efforts in. Poor fool. He hasn't a clue. The lefties plan to continue to FAUXpeach Pres. Trump until they're kicked from office because their goal of defeating Pres. Trump is going to fail and it's going to make their constituents (sooner or later) angry that they are not doing the work that they're supposed to be doing -- giving more "freebies" away to the people who put them in office in the first place -- and they will be voted out themselves before they have any success in kicking Pres. Trump out. BTW, check out Tom Fitton's take on FAUXpeachment at Judicial Watch. He's one of the best legal minds (along with Jay Sekulow of the ACLJ and Pres. Trump's personal attorney) I have ever seen. February 3, 2020   dumboRATS:   They're turning on each other and there's going to be a bunch of sinking ships and a lot of rats jumping them. I love watching them implode! We see the MillionaireMouth, michael moore, as he complains about billionaire bloomie being allowed in the debate without meeting the qualifications stated, but others being left out who could have been there. Then there's the ketchup kerry worrying about bernie socialist sanders, and the "leaders" of the dnc changing the rules to stop him! Plus we have The Mouth booing hillosercrooktOOn! When we see that even chris matthews is not happy (nor is tom brokaw), with the dumboRAT choices, we know that there is a problem! Sinking ships and rats! My, oh, my! It's a great day to watch the left implode! February 3, 2020   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The lefties always use the phrase, "It's for the children" trying to make others have a heart and cave to their weird, deranged, leftist positions because fo "the cildren". So is that why they want to continue to allow illegal aliens to invade our country, because they know that some of those illegal aliens invading our country have BOUGHT CHILDREN to gain access into America? Is that why the left wants to continue allowing illegal aliens to invade: because they don't really care about the children they care about the votes they can get from the illegals old enough to be bought and paid for illegal voters as well as alien invaders? I think that's what really is going on here. If people are willing to break our laws to cross our borders and illegally invade our country, then they're willing to make a few bucks off of voting illegally as well. After all, prisons in America are a lot more comfortable than the places they have come from so why not? February 3, 2020   Coronavirus:   There is some speculation that is very alarming on this stuff. There have been reports that coronavirus has "HIV inserts" which can only mean that it is a MAN MADE VIRUS and that it is an escapee from a Chinese bio-weapons lab. The Dead Blue Bird has permanently banned Zero Hedge (where the link above takes you) because they put a link in their feed to the story. If the truth is that a flu-like virus was inserted with HIV, then there's a HUGE problem with that because it wouldn't happen naturally. Also, it means that there could be implications for later in life for those who get it: will they get AIDS later? There is some possible confirmation for the story because the doctors in Taiwan decided to use a flu/HIV cocktail that worked on the virus. Why would an anti-HIV drug be effective unles it did contail HIV? I know that there are some broad spectrum effects out there (penicillin, etc.), but the HIV drugs are specifically designed for that particular illness. Why would they even THINK about doing that if it weren't a known factor? China, meanwhile, says that America is "spreading fear" over this coronavirus thing and that their response had some "shortcomings". Sounds to me like they've unleashed a beast they weren't ready to deal with yet. It's like unchaining the Grackle and not having the weapon to fight it. There is fear with this disease (it has HIV in it!), but so far the U.S. government is telling people not to worry too much about it because it's like the flu, but the flu is worse (although the flu doesn't have HIV in it). The fact is that already in America the flu has killed 6,600 people this winter alone; but, again, the flu does not have HIV inserted into it. What will happen to those who get coronavirus in the future? If you get the flu, you don't get HIV. If you get coronavirus, does the virus get cured but the HIV stay with you? How does it work? What happens later? That's the scary part that China will have to answer to the WHOLE WORLD for. It's a WAR CRIME when they do this sort of thing and it gets out. What else do they have waiting to be released onto the world and how do we stop it? February 3, 2020   Prayers Needed! Storm The Gates of Heaven!:   Rush Limbaugh announced today right before the close of his show that he has advanced lung cancer and that he will be undergoing treatment for it and hoping to do his radio show when he can while undergoing the treatment. He probably won't be there for many of the days we wish him to be, but I'm hoping that the doctors can find the perfect treatment for this kind of cancer and treat it and he'll be with us and healthy for a very long time. The announcement will be met with glee and celebrations by the left so be aware that they will be as classless as they usually are. I expect nothing better of them. Do you? February 3, 2020 I will close with that horrible news for today. I hope that you will join me in praying for Rush. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 4, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   This round is almost over and the left is already planning on another round of FAUXpeachment and if that fails, they'll do it again and again and again! It's ridiculous! But it's the only thing they have. It's so bad for the dumboRATS that they are even blaming last night's Iowa caucus dumboRAT debacle on Pres. Trump! They are blaming him for it! Amazing! Why do they think they can get away with that? Their rank and file, they must believe, are idiots who agree with every word they utter. I wonder if that caucus (BTW, the Republican caucus went fine last night.) is going to be part of the next FAUXpeachment, since they're blaming him for that. Yesterday, also, was the schifforbrains slander show, in which he stood on the floor of the Senate and just slandered Pres. Donald J. Trump as his closing "argument". It's like he is a six-year-old throwing a temper tantrum: "I don't like you! You make me mad! You tell me 'no'! You are bad! You're a stupid-head! You're a poopy-pants! You're an ugly mug!" That's the basis of schifforbrains' argument: six-year-old "logic". Of course, I do apologize to every actual six-year-old; all of them are smarter than schifforbrains, so there's always that. It's hard to believe that he's actually an attorney. I can't imagine anyone hiring him for such a job. I wouldn't hire him if he were giving his services away for free. Considering how willing he was to deny Pres. Donald J. Trump his Constitutional rights, and there were at least three ways he did so, I think that an attorney should file a complaint with the state in which schifforbrains got his law license and get him disbarred! He deserves it! It's time to stop letting the dumboRATS throw their hissy-fit and to shut this thing down and for Pres. Trump to SUE THE HOUSE for the damage they have done to his reputation, to America, and to the COST of running this temper tantrum! We need to put a stop to the dumboRATS' efforts to stay in power at any cost while doing no work for the American people and wasting taxpayer dollars to do so! We want a REFUND and the dumboRATS need to give it to us! February 4, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I love this. When bloomberg announced he was going to run for president this election he said that he would be covering only the negatives of Pres. Donald J. Trump, but he wouldn't criticize any of the dumboRATS running. After that statement, Pres. Trump decided that he would not credential any of the reporters from bloomberg news service (no respect; no caps). Last night a bloomie reporter showed up at a Trump event -- without credentials to be there -- and was summarily kicked out. No credentials, no entrance for the press. I bet that stung, but I also bet that she is being touted as a "Hero!" today because she dared try to crash the party and she was kicked out so that makes her a hero! Hurray for her for being brave enough to be kicked out! Moron. BTW, Republican Primary ballots are visible and I had completely forgotten that there are three other candidates on the ballot with Pres. Donald J. Trump! (Can you imagine?) Yep. Three others who want to defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump. I can't imagine any of them winning against Pres. Trump, but I do want to urge you to Vote For Pres. Donald J. Trump in the Republican primary on March 17, 2020. Do it for your family, for the defense of America, for the good of America. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate or committee, because I have the First Amendment! February 4, 2020   MAGA!:   Pres. Trump's policies have been having some great economic effects and America is benefiting greatly from it. The U6 unemployment numbers for December 2019 are out and the number, 6.7% hasn't been seen since before 2000! It's amazing! The U3 unemployment rate is 3.5%; also lower than since 2000! When is the left going to acknowledge this? Probably never, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen! Pres. Trump has been doing great things for America. Even in October of 2018, he had already accomplished 289 good things for America! It's only gotten better since then so his list is now even better, including the stock market closing above 29,000 for the first time ever! We have better jobs, higher wages, more construction of houses and other buildings, roads and bridges are getting fixed and things are good for America again. Even Brexit was helped by Pres. Trump's example and economic support. All of this the dumboRATS had NOTHING to do with. They focused, instead, on FAUXpeaching Pres. Donald J. Trump as he worked hard for America and did things to make lives better. Isn't that exactly what we expected: dumboRATS doing nothing while Pres. Trump worked hard for us? I did. February 4, 2020   Polls-schmolls:   I don't think they matter, but it does tweek the lefties when we see things like this, so I post it. At the same time in his administration, themuslimvileone's numbers were lower than Pres. Trump's are. LOL! I bet that hurts themuslimvileone's ego. He's an ego on two legs and it must just irk the pudding out of him to see Pres. Donald J. Trump UNdoing all of the crap he did, getting praise from around the globe, helping America recover from themuslimvileone's damaging policies and generally being loved when themuslimvileone was disdained. Even lefties started disliking themuslimvileone by the end of his administration. He red pilled more people than he would ever admit to with his plans and policies. themuslimvileone did more harm to his own agenda than anyone. I think that's hillarious. I love it! I also love that America loves Pres. Donald John Trump! February 4, 2020   Iowa "Caucuses":   Last night's Iowa "caucuses" (read debacle on the dumboRAT side) were allegedly caused by an app (yes, an app) that messed up. Well, I wonder what you will think when you read who is associated with the people who designed the app: hillosercrooktOOn. "Shadow, Inc’s [the app's creator] CEO Gerard Niemira worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, as did three other high-ranking company officers."So now we see that the app she's kinda associated with just happened to mess up and screw up the Iowa caucuses? Happenstance? Did they do a trial run with it featuring her as one of the hypothetical candidates and suddenly that hypothetical is inserting her as one of the winners last night? Wouldn't that be hysterical?! Can you imagine!? I would love to find that to be true! Even the left would be outraged at that! ... Or would they? Not only did the dumboRATS screw up their side of the caucuses royally, but there were wacko leftie politicians who like to harrass people for no reason. And then there's the totally predictable claim that the mess up was "Trump's fault!" Really! They said that. (S.M.H.) Then there's the predictable claim that because Iowa has so many "white" people that it's racist, of course! Ya' know, "white children were not in cages", so that depressed "brown people" turnout. Yep. That one was predictable, too. Race is everything; unless it's mysoginy, or sexism, or transphobia, etc. Any time the left does not win or get what they want it has to be some sort of cheating or discrimination. Problem: the first thing that escapes a leftie's mouth in any argument is "Homo!" or some other such smear. The left goes there then blames Conservatives for being a bigot. Double standards -- the left is full of them because they have none but expect the Right to meet the high standard they hold for the right -- is a standard in the left. If you don't have double standards, you can't belong to their little groups. Can we smack them all now?
February 4, 2020   Rand Paul:   He's been on fire lately and I love it! I never thought I would say that about him, but he really has shown up during this FAUXpeachment farce. His latest chutzpah move is that he made a huge sign with the "whistleblower's" name on it as he read out loud the question he wanted justice john roberts to read as he presided over the FAUXpeachment scam but roberts refused to read -- twice. So Sen. Paul decided to do something about that and here we have now Eric Ciaramella's name on the public Senate record and it's too late to put the cat back in the bag. Good for Sen. Paul! Ya' did good. Now, don't go the way of lying lindsey grahamNASTY and be all talk and no action. Don't be like him. Stand up when it comes to voting and supporting Pres. Donald J. Trump, too! February 4, 2020   Last Link:   I'm going to close with this for today. This is what we need to do, because Rush Limbaugh has done so much for us. While I wish that the lefties would/could make the idea that we are all dittoheads today, I see too much proof that this is NOT the case in the lefties' hateful comments and gleefulness in Rush's illness. It's disgusting, but that has never stopped the left. February 4, 20202   I hope that you will join me in praying for Rush's full, complete and quick recovery. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 5, 2020: 11:50 a.m.   SOTU:   Did you watch it last night? Did you think the dumboRATS' actions as childish, despicable and petty as did I? It was astonishingly bad! I saw the speech from beginning to end, and for President Trump's part, it was GREAT, EXCELLENT, SUPERB! For the dumboRATS? They were petty and childish, hateful and ridiculous, low class and vindictive, mean-spirited and vindictive. And that's their best moments! When pelosickpig tore up the the President's speech in front of everyone, that was a new low for the dumboRATS and it made the cbs anchor who was starting to comment on the speech audibly GASP. I saw it and heard it; she gasped. That's pretty telling when you can make someone on your side gasp in shock! The dumboRATS should do as Gingrich suggests and censure her at the very least! But, no. They are as classless as she because dumboRATS gave her a standing ovation this morning because she tore up the President's State of the Union speech. DumboRATS don't care how that act affected those mentioned in it! They loved the theater of it! She's a hero! What a shame to have that as a heroic act in your dictionary! BTW, someone was pointing out on Rush's show with Mark Steyn that the speech is an official record of both the House of Representatives and of the United States of America and she destroyed it. She should be censured and lose her Speaker's gavel because she destroyed government documents she was LEGALL REQUIRED TO KEEP AND NOT DESTROY, "18 US code 2071 states:She destroyed it in front of the whole world! Does the law apply to her, or no? I would love to see her lose the gavel as the law states she will! Wouldn't you? I like how Pres. Trump is handling people's comments about pelosickpig's tearing up his speech. He is retweeting comments about her pettiness and I think that's the right way to do it: show how the American people are reacting and make our reactions get more attention via his retweeting them. I like it! February 5, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   The saddest part is that they are at the end of this effort, but (stupid dumboRATS) they plan to continue investigating so that they can FAUXpeach Pres. Donald J. Trump again. And so the cycle begins again. Disgusting. They are evil and they like being evil. I disdain them all. February 5, 2020   MAGA!:   Even Van Jones, themuslimvileone's buddy, admits that he thinks that Pres. Trump is winning over the black votes! He is gaining support among the black communities because they have better jobs, better PAYING jobs and the black unemployment rate is the lowest it has EVER been. So Pres. Trump probably will gain even more voters in the black community and he'll do even more stuff that good for every American! That's "Making America Great Again!" February 5, 2020   The IDIOT:   She has no clue what she is talking about. She called Rush a "virulent racist" and was allegedly "nauseated" by Pres. Trump presenting him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. First, she's a LIAR and totally clueless because she never lilstens to Rush and hasn't a clue. If he were a "virulent racist" why would he have employed "Beau Snerdly" as his gatekeeper for all these years? Why would he have Justice Thomas at his wedding to Kathryn? She hasn't a clue. Then to be "nauseated" by him being given the Medal of Freedom? Why? He has done more for the American people and freedom than she could ever dream of thinking of in her wildest imaginations. (In other words: NEVER!) She's as intelligent as a crumpled piece of blank paper. She has some company who are on the same level of IQ in jim accosta who said similar things. I think that I must be insulting the paper by comparing those two to blank pages. Sorry, paper. February 5, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Say what? Where? What's that? Eswatini. Eswatini: "a landlocked south African country smaller than New Jersey." That's where AMERICANS will be paying $700,000 for CONDOMS for that country's male population. This even though: "Estwatini is Africa’s only absolute monarchy and most of its population of about 1.4 million lives in poverty with the world’s highest rate of AIDS and HIV. King Mswati however, leads an openly posh lifestyle and has 15 wives, according to an African news report that lists all their names. The king has an annual budget of $61 million, owns two private jets and several fancy cars, including a $625,000 Rolls Royce and a $500,000 Maybach 62."So why is the king not paying for the country's "need" for $700,000 worth of condoms? Why is America being taxed for that? That's absurd. February 5, 2020   NYC:   There is a cover-up that has been going on since 1972 about a COP'S MURDER inside louis farrakhan's Nation of Islam mosque that continues until this day. Judicial Watch has been trying to get to the bottom of it and find out who killed NYPD Patrolman Phillip Cardillo, but they keep getting stonewalled. They get blocked by people who apparently have something to hide: the NYPD! It's ridiculous and the cop's family and loved ones need to have answers -- even at this late date! February 5, 2020   Iowa:   The Iowa caucuses are still not finished being counted. Can you imagine? They had less than fifty people in some precincts and yet they're not finished with the count or at least that's what they're telling the public. They are dumboRATS who have screwed it up and it has crooktOOn fingerprints on it so ya' gotta' know it's all about what they can get out of it. Whom can they control is the biggest concern for this election. They cannot control Pres. Trump so they will help whomever will kiss crooktOOn butts the best. Include themuslimvileone in that, too. February 5, 2020   MAGA!:   There's more good news on the employment front. Payrolls rose 291,000 in January and that's even more people employed! It's a great thing! MAGA! February 5, 2020   bumblefingers:   He didn't do well in Iowa. He finished fourth, if the 71% of the count reflects the future. Why it's taking so long, we have no idea, but they're not yet finished, but so far he's fourth. New polls elsewhere are showing him falling in other states as well. Sounds to me like people are starting to pay attention and are seeing how he treats people: either poking them and yelling at them, or sniffing little girls' and women's hair and touching them creepily. They're starting to realize that the hunter biden story has legs and that it is a REAL problem, not a lie and not a spin. They can't imagine their family being given the free pass if they acted the same way, so it's starting to have an impact. Then there's concern with all of his gaffes a real concern with his health: "The failure [of his doctor's report] to discuss the former vice president’s cognitive health comes as his campaign struggles to explain his frequent 'gaffes,' which more often than not take the form of an inability to recollect dates, places, and individuals."So how do you think bumblefingers will do? Do you think he'll win any states, one or two, or take the whole banana with a little help from his friends? February 5, 2020   I'll close with that for today. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 6, 2020: 4:29 p.m.   Late start so just a few blurbs today. Let's get this going! February 6, 2020   Deep State:   The FBLIE had at least a conflict of interest when they prosecuted Conservative Representative Duncan Hunter and they violated the Hatch Act by attending a hillosercrooktOOn event for which the FBLIE (of course) LIED about why they allowed people to go to the crooktOOn party. That's against the regulations, so they've been doing everything wrong in this prosecution, which leads me to believe that Duncan Hunter was a threat of some sort to crooktOOn and they had to act to protect her. I suppose it's better that they prosecuted instead of just taking him to a field somewhere (if you know what I mean), but why do they think that it's okay to ruin someone's life and livelihood to protect hilloser? It's all about the left's desire for power. They see the crooktOOns as some sort of guarantee of future success? It's time that the left be held accountable. It's time that the swamp be drained and that the Deep State be dismantled and PROSECUTED. Agree? February 6, 2020   pelosickpig:   She is now considered a really bad example and leader, at least to the people who know what decorum, class and real leadership are; to the left, she's a hero because she dared to be crass. She is on a temper tantrum throwing and has "become a joke" (a BAD joke), who seems to think that everyone except herself isa bad person! She really did screw up and needs to be censured, at the very least, and Rep. Gaetz is filing ETHICS charges against her. Her illegal FAUXpeachment probably cost the American Taxpayers a bundle so Rep. Bradley Byrne is asking to audit the cost of the FAUXpeachment. I wish they would BILL the dnc for the bill and demand that they actually pay the people of America back for their political ploy. Let us pray because a miracle is the only way that would happen. February 6, 2020   bumblefingers:   Eeeewwwww.... He makes a beeline "for young girls" at a campaign event? Eeeewww. Why do parents take their children to these things when they know that he is going to be there? I would never put my children in a place of danger and he is a danger! Why do that to your children? Why put them in a place where you know that they could be very uncomfortable? It's ridiculous! Bad parents take their kids to a bumblefingers event. When will they stop? February 6, 2020   College "Education":   Why on earth do people want to pay for a "higher" education when all it is today is the epitome of brainwashing, indoctrination and group think? Yet, people pay a huge amount of money to go through that crap. "Crap" because they teach that all "white" people are racists, and have ridiculous and sinful events like the "sexfest" featuring BDSM and other twisted sexual perversions. It's time that people rethink the whole idea of "college" and that if they want to go to "college" for a REAL "higher education", they need to consider some of the few remaining colleges that have not gone leftist: Hillsdale College, Regent University, Liberty University, or Ouachita Baptist University (probably among a few others, but these are the ones I am slightly or very familiary with). It's time that parents start considering an EDUCATION for their children, not an indoctrination, brainwashing, group thinking place for their child to be turned away from GOD, right and wrong, and taught twisted sexual deviancies that will do irreparable harm to their child and their relationship with their children. It's time to start taking responsibility for the college they say "Yes" to for their child instead of just hoping it has the right name, the right status, the right friends their child wants to be near. Parents, be PARENTS! It's time! February 6, 2020   Biden Family Corruption:   Apparently the Treasury Dept. has released Hunter's records in an "expanding GOP Senate investigation", which is good. Let us hope that the GOP Senate investigation actually does something with the info besides bury it deep. I want the left to be held to the same legal standards as the right is held. I want EQUAL JUSTICE and I want to have the left held accountable for their LIES, CHEATING AND TEMPER TANTRUMS. It's time. February 6, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   She has admitted she's open to being someone's VP, which would be an unmitigated disaster for whichever candidate agrees to take her one. I can't imagine ANY ticket with her on it winning anything except maybe "World's Biggest LOSER"! February 6, 2020   I'm going to close with that for now. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 10, 2020: 12:56 p.m.   Sorry I missed Friday. My hubby came home from D.C. about noon and we spent the rest of the day working to get the Christmas stuff put away. Yes, Christmas stuff was still decorating parts of our house. I love Christmas and it makes me so sad to have to take down the tree, all of the garlands, the Santas and nativity set, as well as the decorative things that just make our house sparkle and make it so festive. I really don't enjoy taking it all down and putting it away until it's time to put it back up. Why not leave it up year-round and just add to it as the months and years progress? That would be ideal! Anyways, the Christmas stuff is put away and the house is starting to look "normal" (not Christmas-y) again. We have some cleaning to do still (why do we always find more dust than you think possible in the weeks since the decorations were put up?), but it's well on its way. That's why I have to stop pontificating and get going on blurbs: I want to do more work in the family room. So, let's get started! February 10, 2020   pelosickpig:   She is such a horrible person and even worse Speaker, and when she gets brought up to face the truth in front of the American public via social media, she can't stand it! She demanded the Turning Point USA video that reminds people of her petulant act as the President finished his SOTU address (and what it means to the people mentioned in Pres. Donald J. Trump's speech) be taken down but it's not going to be removed. People have viewed it so much and seen her petulant little hissy fit that the number of views is well over TEN MILLION! I'm so glad that TPUSA put that together and that the social media platforms are keeping it up! That's a good thing! I love it! February 10, 2020   FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us:   Funny thing happened to her on the way to defeat... Sorry. I meant on the way to losing... Oh... Uh... On the way to being ignored by people in a diner where NO ONE wanted to talk to her! Too funny! The "ladies" of the left are losers-extraordinnaire! I love it! February 10, 2020   Deep State:   We have watched as the TRUTH comes out and the LIES that the left have been using against Pres. Donald J. Trump and his administration have been falling apart. Now we know that the deep state considering going through an FBLIE's agent's friendship with a Mike Pence aide to try to get dirt on Pres. Donald J. Trump to try to FAUXpeach him. The more TRUTH we get out of the darkness that is the previous administration and the deep state the more we see how terribly they hate America, Conservatives and doing things to "Make America Great Again!" They are despicable. There is a story out there that there will be arrests of deep state members soon, but we've heard that before. Don't hold your breath, but if it does happen, HURRAY! It's about time, but of course the lefties are upset about it and shameful schumer is already demanding an investigation. He apparently thinks that the House and Senate are in control of the Executive Branch of the government and who works there, in which positions and for how long. Reality: those people worked under the Executive Branch and Pres. Donald J. Trump is the HEAD of the Executive Branch and he has EVERY RIGHT to fire anyone he chooses. Period. February 10, 2020   FAKE News:   They're LYING again. Shock. Surprise. The top Fake News perpetrator, cnn, has LIED about what is happening with the TRAITORS who "testified" against Pres. Trump. (Traitors is MY word, not cnn's.) cnn is saying that the people who testified have all been fired by Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's not true but since when does the TRUTH matter to cnn? Only sondland was actually "fired" and that's due to incompetence, nothing else. February 10, 2020   bumblefingers:   Wow. Just wow. He keeps getting worse and worse and worse. Now he has called someone at one of his rallies a "lying dog faced pony soldier"! It was a WOMAN he called this! She asked him about whether his numbers in Iowa could be turned around he asked her if she's ever been to a caucus. She said yes and he attacked her as a liar! How does he think that's appropriate? How? Now we see this ridiculousness from his campaign. Eeeewwwwwwwwww. Something's wrong with this creep. And if I hear him say one more time that his son has done notheing wrong, I will scream! It's not that hunter did anything wrong: it is that hunter was a conduit to his DAD: bumblefingers himself! They hired hunter to get bumblefingers to do things for them! That's the problem! It was bumblefingers who was influenced to do things that would otherwise not have happened if hunter had not been involved. It was bumblefingers' corruption that was exposed in hunter's hirings! That's the problem, not that hunter wasn't qualified for the positions he suddenly acquired after going on trips with his daddy to foreign countries! It was bumblefingers who was/is corrupt not hunter! He's protecting his son because if he doesn't the truth about himself will come out! People, wake up! February 10, 2020   jerry "Nancy" nadler:   I put the "Nancy" in there because he acts just like her; especially when someone heckles him. I agree with the story's author: can we buy that heckler a drink? Too good! February 10, 2020   "Anonymous" Identified:   I don't know if it's true, but there is a report that the person who wrote the NYT op-ed against Pres. Trump from "within the administration" has been identified and will be fired soon. IF this is true, I hope that they publicly identify who that person is and what position they had within the White House. I would love to know that the person who is willing to betray America and attack our president for NO REASON besides that they are a leftie, is escorted out of the building, off the property and all security clearances are denied forever to this person! That's appropriate, IMHO. February 10, 2020   Coronavirus:   Good news is on the horizon. There are doctors in Washington State who say that they have successfully treated a coronavirus patient. That's great! Can we do that to everyone involved? February 10, 2020   Seriously?:   A group of "Black Israelites" were out protesting or something and they were having white people bow down and kiss their boots. Anyone who does this, no matter their skintone, is an idiot. Why would anyone do that? It's unsanitary, nasty and demeaning, but the lefties who did so were all programmed to think that this was a good thing and would cleanse them of their "original sin" of being white! Absurd and bad for the "Black Israelites" who were pushing for this. Once they can make some people do this, they'll expect others to do so as well. This does not bode well. Watch out for physical violence from this group. Remember, they were antagonizing the crowds during the Covington Catholic incident as well. This is not a good situation. February 10, 2020   Last Link:   Had to have a funny to end today with. Branco's editorial cartoon is hillarious! Enjoy! February 10, 2020   I want you to know that this week's updates will not include Friday. We're going to our farm Thursday afternoon/evening so I won't be here and I have no internet up there, so I'll close the week on Thursday morning with a few blurbs. Getting ready takes time so it will be a short day Thursday. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 11, 2020: 3:36 p.m.   Late start today so just a few blurbs. We'll see how much I do. Let's get started. February 11, 2020   themuslimvileone:   When the spying on Pres. Trump was only suspected and the allegations of Pres. Trump and "Russian collusion" started I said way back then that themuslimvileone was part of it, that he knew and he helped orchestrate the whole thing. It turns out (no surprise here) that I was correct. Thanks to Judicial Watch, we know that themuslimvileone played a huge part in this whole waste of taxpayer dollars in order to try to prevent his legacy from being destroyed and his ILLEGAL DEEDS -- including the spying on then-candidate Donald J. Trump -- from being exposed. He broke the law seven ways to Sunday and we are now finding the proof of that. I hope he winds up in PRISON where he belongs. February 11, 2020   bumblefingers:   He did so poorly in Iowa that he knew that he would not do well in New Hampshire, either. Polls showed him this, but also, he knows he's not drawing crowds and he's not popular as he needs to be in order to win an election. So he pulled out of NH on primary day and says he's going to go win North Carolina. He said he thinks the dumboRATS could run Mickey Mouse and have a shot against Pres. Donald J. Trump. I think he's delusional in a major way, but so be it. He is bumblefingers. February 11, 2020   Roger Stone Case:   The federal prosecutors went FAR outside of the sentencing guidlines for him and recommended 7-9 years in prison, which for a process crime is a crock. Pres. Trump ripped the recommendation in a tweet, and then the DO[IN]J backed down from the recommendation. Really. That's good, but weird. They changed their sentencing recommendation from 7-9 years to a more reasonalbe, but still unfair -- schifforbrains did the same things they accused Roger Stone of doing and the DO[IN]J didn't blink an eye -- and they said it was because the recommendation is not what "had been briefed". Then weirdness of weirdness in all of this, the mueller prosecutor suddenly resigned the case! (Maybe he is one of the people Pres. Trump is looking to fire and that's why the resignation?) The question is, what happens to Roger Stone now? Will he be given a new, fair trial, will all charges be dropped, will the case be assigned a new prosecutor and proceed from there? What is going to happen to this poor man who did nothing more than what schifforbrains and other dumboRATS (including vindman, sondland, etc.) did? Will they face the same nightmare as did Roger Stone, Gen. Michael Flynn and other Trump associates? If not, there is a TWO TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE IN AMERICA: dumboRATS get away with it, and the rest of us get ruined and put in prison. Is that what you want? February 11, 2020   Seth Rich:   The left probably murdered this poor guy who was just trying to do the right thing and expose corruption. He got on the wrong side of hillosercrooktOOn and her crew of mafia members, so he had to die. Now we find that the Deep State is FIGHTING the release of info that would tell us how the Deep State did things to cover up the murder, to hide the left's involvement in his death and to hide the fact that it was all a plot from the dnc, hilloser, themuslimvileone and others to try to prevent the truth about themselves from coming out. Seth Rich was murdered to try to protect the left. Agree? IF not, then why is a crooktOOn associated judge helping BLOCK the release of info? "In a bizarre twist, Aaron Rich and the defendants JOINTLY asked Judge Leon to help arrange the deposition of Julian Assange in England.Sounds like hilloser's buddy, podesta, is doing her dirty work again. February 11, 2020   Gen. Michael Flynn:   As you may recall, the same people who did a lot of the deep state wrongs are now in charge of revamping the system they used illegally to do bad things to good people like Gen. Flynn! Does that make sense to anyone besides the left? It's absurd! They are the same people who LIED to the FISA courts and they're allowed to "fix" things within their own corrupt domain? Fox/chicken coup? That's ridiculous and it fixes NOTHING! Add to this ridiculousness, the dead blue bird punished Mrs. Flynn after she stood up for her husband by taking away all of the people she followed -- all 11.5K of them! After the info went viral and a lot of people complained and called the dead blue bird on the carpet for it, they returned her 11.5K people that she followed. I'm glad of that, but it's horrible that this whole thing happened to start with. Gen. Michael Flynn DID NOTHING WRONG. He is an innocent man who stood up to themuslimvileone and was targeted because of it. themuslimvileone has truly earned this nickname: especially the "vile" part! February 11, 2020   blooming idiot:   He should have kept his mouth shut a few years ago because now he has to figure out how to save his campaign after the video of his speech at the Aspen Institute in which he said things like "'Ninety-five percent of murders — murderers and murder victims — fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops. They are male, minorities, 16-25.'"Ouch. Just ouch. The blooming idiot opened mouth and inserted LOSER! February 11, 2020   I'm going to stop with that for now. My hubby will be home soon and I have things to do (I still have to make him a Valentine's Day card!). Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 12, 2020: 12:55 p.m.   Deep State Bye!:   Another Deep Stater hits the trails as Pres. Trump withdraws a nominee I never understood him choosing. She was part of the Deep State and whoever it is who recommended her was trying to plant another Leftist idiot inside Pres. Trump's administration to try to mess things up and make him look bad. He did the right thing to dismiss her nomination and to kick her to the curb. Great day! February 12, 2020   chuckles-chuck:   He's an idiot. He really is a moron, but no one who hears about him, knows him, or sees him on television is in doubt of that. He has -- again -- stated that it was vindman who was one of the "whistleblowers" in the Ukraine phone call LIE. He (schumer, in case you hadn't figured it out yet) uses the dead blue bird regularly and that's where he is infamous for making his gaffes (shades of bumblefingers!). He really needs to stay off of the dead blue bird. He embarrasses himself... IF he were capable of embarrassment. February 12, 2020   pelosickpig:   RRRrrriiiggghhhhtttt. Pres. Trump is "interfering" for making his opinion public about the Roger Stone sentencing fiasco? Is there ANYTHING Pres. Trump can do that she won't complain about? "He's breathing! Impeach him!" That's pelosickpig in a nutshell (especially the "nut"!). February 12, 2020   dumboRAT primaries:   So bernie socialist has won NH and he's all happy, hunky dory. Whoopie. He and his supporters think that he's going to beat Pres. Donald J. Trump? Really? Delusional much? Funny: bumblefingers and FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us got ZERO delegates because they didn't get enough votes. Aww. Too bad. The good news for dumboRATS is that there have been more of them resigning the race. Andrew Yang quit, as did Deval Patrick and Sen. Michael Bennet. Awww... Good GOOD! Pres. Trump is going to be facing someone who is a leftist loon in bernie socialist? Easy win for Pres. Trump! All he has to do is define socialism and tell the financial toll, including videos of the conditions in socialist countries like Venezuela. Win! February 12, 2020   Scared Stiff!:   The people on the left who are paying attention and those who are still capable of thinking (yes, it does happen, but it is severely rare!) are scared of what is happening on the left and the primary results of Iowa and New Hampshire. At least one person, van jones, thinks none of the dumboRATS can beat Pres. Trump. I LOVE IT! I think it's a GREAT thing and I think that he's (unusually so) CORRECT! See me smile? February 12, 2020   Roger Stone:   When the DO[IN]J lowered the recommendation of the sentence for him, there were FOUR prosecutors working the case AGAINST him. Four DO[IN]J prosecutors against one man. Now that the recommended sentencing was criticized by Pres. Donald J. Trump as being "an insult to our country" and all four soon resigned. I wonder what happened behind the scenes. BTW, the sentencing recommendation is up for review and decrease. I hope Pres. Donald J. Trump pardons all of the people who were caught up on the FARCE that this whole FAUXpeachment effort was; everyone from Gen. Michael Flynn to Roger Stone, George Papadopolous and Paul Manafort and others I forgot about. I hope that they then turn around and SUE everyone who was involved in this coup attempt: mueller, weissman, themuslimvileone, crooktOOn, comey, mccabe, etc., etc., etc. and that they WIN and get every last penny these idiots have! February 12, 2020   Gen. Michael Flynn:   His sentencing hearing was post-poned "until further notice" so that (get this!) his FORMER attorneys could "save face"! Say what? The judge is giving the attorneys who screwed everything up in every way possible instead of DEFENDING their client (as was supposed to be their JOBS)? What is the judge thinking? Those attorneys "BETRAYED MR. FLYNN [my caps and bolding]" and the U.S. government attorneys AND the judge in the case are working together to PROTECT THE REPUTATIONS of the FAILED -- and probably co-conspirators of the coup -- former defense attorneys? Not only no but HADES NO! February 12, 2020   jussie "Lynch" smullet:   He has been indicted on 6 counts (down from the original 16) and maybe he'll be found guilty and face some sort of punishment for his hate hoax. I don't know if he will face any kind of real punishment for it, but Donald Trump, Jr. dished out some of his own punishment in a tweet: "'It looks like they finally indicted the guy who attacked Jussie. #justiceforjussie'"Bwahahahahahaha! That's too good! February 12, 2020   Trump Derangement Syndrome:   Why wasn't this guy charged with attempted murder? When you drive INTO a tent set up by Republicans who are doing no harm, just trying to register people to vote, and you stop afterward and flip them off, that's ATTEMPTED MURDER. If a Republican had done that to a bunch of dumboRATS the Republican would be charged with six counts of attempted murder and a boat load of other charges! Why isn't this attempted murderer being charge with trying to kill six innocent people? February 12, 2020   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I agree with A.G. William Barr 100%. "Sanctuary policies are unconstitutional and discriminatory". He would know because he's been an attorney for years, and was -- until being chosen by Pres. Donald J. Trump to be the U.S. Attorney General -- respected by the lefties for years as being a man of honor and integrity. Now he's a horrible person who happens to be on the "wrong team" in dumboRATS' eyes. That makes him bad. He is correct in his statement that "sanctuary policies are unconstitutional and discriminatory" and that makes the left angry. How dare he stand up for the rule of law? How dare he?! February 12, 2020   blooming idiot:   His 2015 video of his racist speech has been waking people up and one of those people awakened is the political director of a leftie group that blooming idiot gave $5 MILLION to. Sounds to me like the political director has had his eyes opened in a big way because he said "'Some of us know the true terrorist that he is'".This in response to a tweet about blooming idiot. Sounds to me like the political director didn't like the stop and frisk policy, nor did he like blooming idiot saying that you can "Xerox" the description of the perpatrator! Open mouth insert defeat. February 12, 2020   February 12, 2020   Lefties Losing It:   They're angry that the Mayor of Fort Myers, FL, spoke the TRUTH and said that ilhan INCEST oTALIBANar is an "anti-semitic socialist", but I seriously suspect that it's only a LITTLE because of that. I think they're actually angry that he said that as mayor "'I've had to show respect to all kinds of people as mayor. I even had to welcome Bill Clinton to town.'"bullybobcrooktOOn is still the sacred cow in the dumboRAT party and saying something even remotely negative about him is the war cry among the elites on the left. How dare he?! You know what I think? I think we should send him a contribution and support him for even having the GUTS to say this out loud. Good For Him! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or "anti-semitic socialist" (let them all whine)! February 12, 2020   I'll remind you that this week's updates will end tomorrow and probably be very short tomorrow. We go to our farm tomorrow so we have to get ready. We may stay until Monday evening, because it's President's Day on Monday so my hubby can take that day off. We'll see. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 19, 2020: 9:29 a.m.   Sorry about the long absence. I was getting ready to go to the farm on Thursday and had more errands to run than I had planned because my hubby asked me to do additional things. Then we went to the farm earlier than planned and I just had no time to do the website. So we went to the farm, spent Friday (Valentine's Day) shopping for miscellaneous and wound up finding a furniture store where we bought my hubby a new LazyBoy recliner and me a new couch and a chair-and-a-half for curling up and reading! I love it! Those will go in the living room of the farm, replacing the couch and love seat that are currently in there, which are probably thirty years old, but very well made. They're not my style and they've got a little bit of history I won't publish here, but it's gotta' go. Anyways, we mowed on Saturday, did ceiling crown on Sunday and Monday and came home late Monday evening. Unfortunately, my h hubby hurt his back again while doing crown and he stayed home yesterday (which I didn't mind) but it did prevent me from doing this. So, let's get started with a few blurbs today. I have an appointment so I only have time for a few blurbs. All kinds of fun. February 19, 2020   Deep State Rebuke?:   Pres. Trump has commuted the sentence of former Illinois Governor, Rod Blagoyovich, and since he was imprisoned by the mueller gang (the corrupt, dirty as sin deep state) some are seeing it as a rebuke of the deep state and maybe a sign of things to come. We'll see what happens and if he actually hits the deep state hard, I would LOVE it much! February 19, 2020   Deep State Investigated?:   Don't hold your breath on this one, folks. It's another john durham investigation and we know that we can't put faith in him. So what I'm thinking is that he'll do his little investigation of the mueller team and then he'll announce anohter "nothing burger here", putting to bed yet another historic breaking of the law by the deep state and the mueller team, and giving the dumboRATS yet another pass. If the dumboRATS can break the law with impunity what is to stop the rest of us from doing so? If they want anarchy, why don't we give it to them? We can start making citizen arrests of the deep state players and we can do so over and over and over again until someone in the "justice" department actually takes the U.S. Constitution and the LAW seriously and we get an actual conviction! That would be SWEET! But, uh, don't hold your breath. February 19, 2020   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   She thinks that there should be more of us upset about Pres. Trump and out there opposing him. Just because she and the rest of the lefties hate him they automatically think that the rest of us MUST fall into lockstep with them and follow their lead, obey their commands, think as they do, and hate whom they hate. Not going to happen, but that's what the left wants. Too bad. February 19, 2020   Lawless Lefties:   Again, yet another leftie decides that he knows better than Pres. Donald J. Trump and he decided to BREAK THE LAW, and meet with the Iranians and try to undermine the President's foreign policy. It's against the Logan Act, but apparently lefties don't care about the LAW, because if they did they wouldn't break it so often! He thinks he's got better ideas than Pres. Trump and that he knows best for America? Ego much? February 19, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   If you don't believe she's evil and as crooked as they come, then why is it that so many of the people who oppose her get sham investigations and prosecuted for nothing? Why is it that the people who support her are so willing to MS Governor, Eric Greitens, was totally exonerated by an investigation that was not a leftie-run investigation, and they found that prosecutor was tied to thevilegeorgesoros, who is a crooktOOn supporter! Why is it that anyone and everyone the crooktOOns touch either become as evil and crooked as they, or fall victims to specious charges if they don't kiss the crooktOOns' backsides? Why is that? The crooktOOns need to be in prison for the rest of their lives, right alongside their backer and buddy, thevilegeorgesoros. I really believe they are all as corrupt as corrupt can be. February 19, 2020   james "CORRUPT" comey:   Yeah. That's rich. He says "Justice is supposed to be blind", and it makes me wonder if that's why the lefties all ganged up against anyone helping then-candidate Donald J. Trump to frame them, LIED to the FISA courts to get warrants, and did the rest of their nefarious deeds to try to destroy the upcoming winner of the 2016 elections? Blind justice, comey? Is that why you never met a leftie you didn't like and let go scott free of their wrongs? People like hillosercrooktOOn whom you ADMITTED had done wrong, but gave her an excuse of "no intention"? Really? Blind, ya' hypocrite and LIAR? You make me wanna' slap you! February 19, 2020   themuslimvileone:   He wishes! He tried to take credit for Pres. Trump's economy, stroking his ego yet again (he'll go blind if he keeps doing that)! The problem is, his lips were moving and that means (as we all know by now) he was lying! The truth is that themuslimvileone lost America more than 4 MILLION jobs! His economy was the weakest since the great depression! Not only has themuslimvileone been a LIAR his whole life, but he's also a WRONG liar! He's wrong just like his supporters are wrong. Pres. Trump's economy is GREAT and those who try to give themuslimvileone credit for it are just LIARS. February 19, 2020   February 19, 2020   Woops! Running late for my appointment! Gotta' go! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 20, 2020: 1:48 p.m.   Corrupt Judge:   The corrupt judge in the Roger Stone case is amy berman jackson and she has sentenced Roger Stone to 40 months in prison, even though she knows that the Head Juror LIED to get onto the jury, was an anti-Trumper and had posted things on her social media accounts saying that Roger Stone and other Trump supporters are bad (paraphrased). The "judge" should have been kicked off the case months ago because of all of the rotten things she has done to Roger Stone (including a gag order), but the left will not allow her to be "punished" until they can't prevent it because of circumstances beyond their control. I bet that if we knew the whole truth we would find out that the Head Juror was actually not brought into the jury pool in the usual ways, she was a plant, and that the judge was assigned the case because she was so vehemently anti-Trump that the DO[IN]J was certain she would convict. It's ridiculous that the left sees our previously trusted institutions as pawns to be used for their own political gain. It's not just wrong, it's illegal, but that doesn't prevent anyone on the left from doing it. The left gets away with everything (including murder: see Seth Rich), so don't hold your breath hoping for actual punishment for them. They wiggle out of it one way or the other. It's quite ridiculous. February 20, 2020   Seth Rich:   Speaking of Seth, the good people at Judicial Watch are still trying to get the TRUTH about who murdered him and why and they're suing the FBLie to get more paperwork to try to find this out. I wish them luck, success and that those responsible for his murder are held accountable. NO ONE should get away with murder (are you listening, hilloser?)! February 20, 2020   themuslimvileone's legacy:   Corrupt judge, amy berman jackson, has her corrupt buddies, who were appointed by themuslimvileone to be judges for life. This is his legacy: the judges he appointed let the LEFT go free while punishing innocent people on the Conservative side. If you are someone they disagree with, whose politics they don't like you will pay a higher price -- MUCH higher -- than those on "their side" who think that themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn, pelosickpig, schifforbrains, etc., are the cat's meow. That's the legacy of themuslimvileone: CROOKED, CORRUPT, LAWLESS judges who don't give a crap about the U.S. Constitution they swore to uphold and defend, but instead made their oath to a political belief system: COMMUNISM and all who push it. February 20, 2020   dumboRATS:   Did you watch the debate last night? I saw only the "highlights" (low lights, more like) and it was a mess. I saw people talking over each other, attacking each other, doing all they could to make themselves heard. It was actually horrible. None of them looked presidential, but instead looked like fourth graders, raising their hands to speak instead of being adults and acting that way. The whole thing was a train wreck and if some people think that FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us won because she attacked blooming idiot, they're wrong. The big winner last night was president Donald J. Trump; none other. They make themselves look bad, laughable, really, and that can only look good on Donald J. Trump. Of course, I'm happy about that. February 20, 2020   thevilegeorgesoros:   He is trying to stop criminals from being prosecuted so that he can use them to create havoc in cities with a predominantly dumboRAT voter base. He has financed the campaigns of a large portion of leftist prosecutors and when/if they win, they stop enforcing the laws (sounds familiar: themuslimvileone obeyed thevilegeorgesoros and did the same) that thevilegeorgesoros wants them to NOT enforce. He controls them, like marionettes on strings, and he wants to destroy America so we know that what he wants cannot be good for us! Did you know that thevilegeorgesoros is calling for zuckerberg to be kicked from Fakebook? Yeah. He thinks he's all that powerful but I hope and pray that the good people of America prove him wrong! Let's show this power-mad egomaniac that we disagree with him, want him to go away and leave America alone! February 20, 2020   bumblefingers:   IF this is true, it could be bad for bumblefingers and his entire family. Why? The FBLie has apparently raided a business linked to his brother and his brother is linked to bumblefingers' handing out of government contracts to his family members, even though the family had NO EXPERIENCE in the field for which his family got the contracts. (Shades of pelosickpig, crooktOOns, sanders, waters, etc., etc., etc!) IF this is true that the FBLie has raided the business, that could mean one of two things: A) The few good guys left in the FBLie have taken the lead in a real investigation into the bumblefingers family, or B) The FBLie has decided that the temperature is too hot on the hunter biden thing and the truth is coming out and they're gathering ALL OF THE EVIDENCE and they're going to burn it in an open field somewhere, or bury it so deep that it would take an act of GOD to make the truth come out. Which do you think it's going to be? I'm thinking the latter. February 20, 2020   BS of America:   I do mean, "BS", too! They used to be a good organization when my husband, brother, and other guys I knew were in the organization. My husband and one of his brothers made Eagle Scout and that used to be something he was proud of. Now, he's not so proud of it because of the boy scouts changing their policies and the risks they decided to take regarding the safety and well-being of other people's children. They changed their rules and allowed homosexuals to be scout leaders, and now they're being sued into bankruptcy because so many people are suing them for the leaders' homosexual acts against the boys they were supposed to be teaching right from wrong! They made their bed with fleas, now they're lying in it. I am so sorry that the young men who were raped by these opportunitistic "leaders" did to them. I hope and pray that they win their suits and that it helps them find help in dealing with what the boy scounts of America subjected them to. February 20, 2020   FAUXpeachment:   The dumboRATS are still saying that the testimony in the Senate should have been heard even though the House is where the evidence and testimonies are SUPPOSED to be gathered. It was the House's job to get the witnesses they wanted but they failed to do so. Bad on them. We've heard nothing since the FAUXpeachment failed except that it would have been different if the Senate had allowed former U.N. Ambassador, John Bolton, to testify. Well, that's not what John Bolton says. He says that his testimony would not have changed a thing. So let the left squeal about him not testifying. They'll do it anyways, and if it isn't that, it will be something else to whine about. They can't do anything except bemoan Pres. Donald J. Trump for as long as he's in office, so we may as well sit back and enjoy their whining until they get voted out of office this November. (Please, Dear Lord!) February 20, 2020   NY Emptying:   Wow. When Rush Limbaugh left NY State, there were a few that followed. Now, it's a floodgate and NY and NJ are LOSING PEOPLE, left, right and center! It's a good thing for the people leaving because they're leaving for reasons of high taxes and lack of freedom. Elsewhere they'll have lower taxes and more freedom, so why not leave? In the "lack of freedom" area, there is a perfect "for instance": Suffolk County, NY wants to STOP YOU FROM SMOKING IN YOUR OWN HOME! First, how would they know if you've lit a cigarette? Second, how would they monitor where you are if you're a smoker? Are they going to put ankle bracelets on all smokers? Are they going to put a monitor of some sort in every smoker's house so that the State can watch and see if they are smoking inside their house? How are they going to enforce this? Are they going to send people out weekly to do the "sniff test" to see if you're smoking in your house? How about if you are sitting on your screened back porch inside your fenced yard, would that be an allowable place to smoke? Or would you have to go to a designated smoking area so that none of your neighbors will be forced to smell your cigarette? This is insanity and it's NOT FREEDOM. NY is becoming a totalitarian state and if they want to be able to collect taxes to run the state, they're going to have to increase the taxes on the rich who will be the only residents left there. Maybe, considering what they've been doing for the last ten years, that's what they want. February 20, 2020   Last Link:   Today's last link is a MUST READ! You have to read the letter a courageous "legal assistant in Orange County, California, by the name of Selma Kerren," who has ripped the legal elites who signed the letter condemning A.G. Bill Barr because of the "27 crimes and frauds perpetrated against the American people by the FBI and DOJ". You MUST READ THIS! This is in response to the about 2,000 deep state legal beagles who signed a letter condemning A.G. Barr and demanding his resignation. They were going to hold an "emergency meeting" about it but when Pres. Donald J. Trump called them out about it, they postponed the meeting indefinitely. Such an "emergency"! My, oh, my! They really had a fire in their bellies to protect the "good name" of the DO[IN]J and the FBLie, didn't they? "Emergency meeting" "postponed indefinitely". Sounds like their LIES were unmasked and they decided to slink behind a bush somewhere and hide out until safe again. Cowards and LIARS all. February 20, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I'll see you again tomorrow: at least I plan to. We know how that goes, sometimes, though. "The best laid plans of mice and men..." Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 21, 2020: 1:40 p.m.   I will only do a few blurbs today. I need to go visit a friend and run some errands so I'll start and finish and wish you a wonderful weekend as I go. Let's get started on those blurbs. February 21, 2020   Deep State:   They have been using their stalling techniques to deny records that would "shine the light of truth" (Rush L.) on the "Russian collusion" genesis and history. Judicial Watch sued them to get more records (see yesterday's second blurb) and the deep state is hiding THEIR part in the hoax by refusing to turn over records from the "love birds" strzok and page to and from Eric Ciaramella, the "whistleblower"-cum-HOAXER who helped get the whole thing started. I don't know if this LIE was themuslimvileone's idea, hillosercrooktOOn's idea, or someone else's idea, but this clown needs to face the music and be held accountable for his LIES and I want a full refund for the money spent on the FAUXpeachment, for the "investigation" into the HOAX the deep state pulled, and for the costs of covering the "protests" (scheduled and organized by thevilegeorgesoros and/or his cronies) against Pres. Donald J. Trump, for whom I VOTED. I hold the dumboRATS totally responsible and I want a refund from them. Hey, dnc, pony up! BTW, it's not over. The dumboRATS are again pushing the "Russian interference in our elections" hoax, but with the "2020 election tag" replacing the "2016 election" tag. They can't win against Pres. Trump based upon them telling the TRUTH, so they must LIE as much as possible to try to get the "W". Poor fools. February 21, 2020   Coronavirus:   Why did the American government decide to transport confirmed cases with uninfected people? What numbskull in the government decided to do this? Fire that numbskull. There was no reason to put those uninfected people at risk. It should have been a plane strictly for infected patients, not a mix. Morons. I don't care if the infected patients have "mild cases": they should NOT have been flown with uninfected people. The leftist msm and their buddies are trying to make everyone think that the market is going to fail because of this disease, but no matter what they say don't believe that it's all going to hades "in a handbasket". It's not. I think this is a temporary thing and that the msm is trying to depress investors and make a crash happen, because it's not happening naturally and that doesn't help the left. In China, it's gotten so bad with the government having no clue (and making little to no effort) as to how to control this thing. They created this virus and now that it has gotten out they are unprepared. Apparently they don't know that as you create a virus you develop the vaccine for that virus at the same time. It's time to hold China accountable and to find out why they delayed for so long in allowing calls for help to not be sent. On the "lighter side" of this tragedy, the Chinese government is pressuring Amazon to try to make them remove a "Coronavirus Made In China" t-shirt down from the website. I can't help but think this is a clever shirt. I am sorry for all of those who have died but the t-shirt is clever. February 21, 2020   blooming idiot:   He's trying his hardest to buy the dumboRAT nomination. I see him going after bernie sanders all the time now, so we'll see how good it gets. I think it's funny to watch. Let's see what happens in the convention for bernie and see if blooming idiot is a success. Interesting stuff. Do you know that he's paying people real money to write good things about him on social media? Yep. He's gotta' pas the cash to get the political stash. We'll see how that works out for him. I hope it means he will never be on the ticket. February 21, 20202   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Well, more accurately, the Los Angeles mayor has lost his mind. He is teaching illegals how to avoid ice officers and that's not just wrong, it's illegal. Does that matter to the left? Nope. Not at all. February 21, 2020   Florida Legislature:   They have done something that has been a REQUIRED step for the longest time! They acually possed a bill requiring parental consent for a minor to have an abortion! WooHoo! Our State legislature has common sense! It's about time! February 21, 2020   I'll close with that for today. I have to go run errands and visit my friend. Have a great weekend and a wonderful today! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 24, 2020: 1:34 p.m.   I'm so excited! My husband agreed to get the cedar chest I fell in love with at the antique store and I went and paid for it and we'll pick it up this afternoon! He also said that I could get the antique desk that I like for our farm! Two new beauties in one day? Yes, please! Happy camper! Happy camper! This also means I don't have a lot of time to do updates because I have to get going in time to meet him there to pick up the two pieces. It's going to be fun getting the desk in place up there and then every bedroom will have a desk. I like my guests to have a place to sit and write notes, do their Bible study, or do a drawing in their own rooms while visiting. I don't think it's necessary for them to spend every moment in my company and I like giving them the chance to do something in the privacy of their own room so a desk in the middle bedroom will do that. Happy Camper must get started. February 24, 2020   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   She is running for re-election in her district (MN's District 5) and I hope she loses to a TRUE Conservative because she hates America and she loves helping others who hates America. She loves to troll Conservatives and she loves to help our enemies. She is a corrupt LIAR who LIED to get into our country and who married her own brother to keep him here. Let's either DEPORT her or arrest her and put her in PRISON for all of the wrongs she has done! That's what she deserves and has EARNED. February 24, 2020   CORRUPT judge amy berman jackson:   She has denied Roger Stone's request to recuse herself from his case based upon her BIAS and her actions on the bench. She has ruled on it and her ruling is so disgusting; not just in that she won't recuse herself, but also in that she refuses to see herself as the biased bi*** she is! She could have the video of herself acting the way she has played for her 24/7/365 and still not acknowledge that she has done anything wrong in this case. She's so corrupt and such a horrible person that I hope SHE winds up in prison, instead of Roger Stone! She certainly deserves it! February 24, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   We now know that the FBLIE helped cover for her e-mail's private server and how illegal it was. She played "sweet, innocent, little ol' me" was just trying to do things to make life easier for herself: she didn't mean to do anything wrong! Yeah. Right. If I tried to say that after doing 1/10 of what she did I'd be hauled away in chains within a moment! February 24, 2020   justice for jussie!:   He's in court in Chicago again this week -- as the hate hoax perpetrator this time! He did it to himself and he paid two of his buddies to do the "hate crime" against him, but now those two are testifying against him. Isn't it sweet? I hope to one day see the same thing happening for the rest of the "hoaxers", and that they are held accountable for their own actions. Wouldn't that be wonderful? February 24, 2020   harvey weinstein:   He was found "Not Guilty" in three of the charges, but guity on two charges so he's sentenced to "up to 25 years" in prison. Wow. If he's going to prison, even though allegedly, everyone knew that he is a sexual predator. Just like everyone knew about epstein Sounds like dumboRATS know about sexual predators and help cover it up as long as leftist politicians still get to keep receiving money. Isnt' that sweet? How many people were sexually preyed upon by the lefties' favorites in exchange for poltical donations? What price their soul and who is paying it? Certainly not they! February 24, 2020   I have to close with that for today. Have things to do! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 25, 2020: 3:15 p.m.   I have not told you that I spent yesterday and today on jury duty, but the case was settled today before the jury pool was allowed into the courtroom so it's all good. Yesterday we sat around, after were called to a civil case and had the initial folks started on the questioning before we stopped for the day and were told to be back at 9:00 a.m. today. So I made the trip back to Viera this morning, another sit waiting and then we saw the attorneys leaving smiling. That always means something. So we went in, the judge was smiling and in his shirt sleeves, so we were told to sit down and the judge told us the good news. We were outta' there by about 11 a.m. Then I ran errands and here I am. It's a little late, so I'll do just a few blurbs so that I can help my hubby with a project when he gets home, and then tomorrow, I hope to get to this for a full update. We are going to Georgia this weekend, so we want to get the project done as soon as possible. We have to take the 1870s desk we bought yesterday to the farm so we can put it in the second bedroom, or maybe the master bedroom. We'll see where it ends up. Anyways, let's do a few blurbs here and then I'll close it for today. February 25, 2020   msm:   Really, wapo? Really? You think that the msm should "abandon" its "neutrality" (as if!) and do so because Trump. That's right. Pres. Donald J. Trump is the reason that the msm should dump on him no matter what. Right. I think that the upcoming James O'Keefe piece about the institutional anti-Trump sentiment within the msm's abc "news". Remember, it is all caught on video and it is abc news' own words caught on tape. It isn't something that anyone forced them to say/do; it is abc's own words. If the msm is supposed to "abandon its neutrality" (according to the wapo), then how can they abandon "neutrality" with 100% of their coverage on Pres. Trump's defense plans already NEGATIVE, and 90-95% of their coverage of EVERYTHING Pres. Trump negative? Can you "abandon" neutrality when you're not neutral at all to start with? Explain to me, wapo, how that works, please. O'Keefe may have to release a video about cnn's jim "Pay Attention to Me" acosta, too! February 25, 2020   bernie Socialist sanders:   How is he going to pay for all of the alleged "freebies" he is promising the idiots who follow him and believe in Communism/Socialism? He says that he's going to pay for it by cutting the military, creating new taxes, and putting fees (penalizing) the oil industry. Sounds like "Everyone LOSES!" to me. Is that what you want? If you do, vote for bernie or any of the other idiot dumboRATS. If it's not what you want, vote Republican. Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's the best thing you can do. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate.) February 25, 2020   bumblefingers:   What is wrong with him? He's sounding more and more like hillosercrooktOOn and others with dimensia. He said that he worked with a guy who had been dead for a few years when bumblefingers said he had worked with him. Timeline doesn't make sense, but neither does bumblefingers. February 25, 2020   New Republicans:   Eight -- count 'em -- EIGHT Mississippi legislators became REPUBLICAN today. I can't imagine why they did so, considering that the dumboRATS some of them used to be are going to be nominating a real COMMUNIST in bernie sanders. I can't imagine why they wanted to leave the party over something that small. (*smirk*) February 25, 2020   MAGA!:   The biggest legacy Pres. Donald J. Trump is going to have is the number of judges he is going to get approved by the end of his second term. That's going to be a great legacy, too For instance, he has flipped the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals from crazy, leftist category to being more conservative! It has changed so much that the new court ruled that Pres. Trump's anti-abortion rules can stand! How wonderful is that? I love it! February 25, 2020   I'm going to stop with that for today. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 26, 2020: 9:47 a.m.   Deep State:   There is a possibility that Andrew McCabe will still be prosecuted. I think that IF a possibility exists, I am not going to hold my breath to see if it ever happens. I see the disparity between how those on the left are treated within the "justice" system and how those on the Right are treated. I hate that there is no longer "equal justice" under the law and I wish that it would change -- especially now that we have Pres. Donald J. Trump in office! He really should make sure that the differences be stopped and that we have true equal justice, no matter who you are! It's time for the left to have to live by the same rules as the right! If they keep having the ability to break the law with impunity then what will prevent them from keeping it up and getting even worse? What will it take to make the "justice" system stand up against the left and apply the law to them too? February 26, 2020   Polls Schmolls:   Don't believe in them, don't trust them, don't listen to them, but they can be fun to troll a little. So, let's troll with the new poll that says that Pres. Donald J. Trump will beat bernie SOCIALIST sanders. I'm (not) sorry, but is that supposed to surprise anyone? In another pollschmoll, Pres. Donald J. Trump's approval rating is at 52%, five points higher than themuslimvileone's at the same point in his administration. I bet he hates that. LOL! February 26, 2020   dumboRATS: &nbps Their "debate" (read: screaming match) last night was yet another circus and it's something I could not imagine wanting to watch (I nor anyone else), but did you? Apparently, it was a loud, unmanageable mess and they were really like five-year-olds who didn't understand how a debate is supposed to work. They yelled over each other (again), at each other, and about each other. It was yet another side show for the world's worst circus. Imagine them running our country! SMH. February 26, 2020   themuslimvileone's admin:   His A.G., eric holder, is mouthing off against Pres. Donald J. Trump as if he and his former boss could do better. We all see that America is in better shape, more respected, is doing better for her people, and is in better trade deals under Pres. Trump than under themuslimvileone, but holder thinks he's gotta' chime in. Why is it that themuslimvileone's people can't just shut up and go away like previous administrations have done for so long? Ego is as ego does, but ego combined with stupid is a dangerous combo and that's all they've got! February 26, 2020   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's trade policies are good for America and China is hurting right now, from coronavirus and from the lack of exports it has brought about. When you have to shut factories down so that the virus doesn't spread, that stops production and exports don't happen without production. China is hurting economically. Coronavirus there is having a bigger impact because so many of their people are poor, elderly and susceptible to illnesses that won't do much harm in western countries. Coronavirus kills fewer people than the flu annually, which seems strange, but apparently is true. What scares me is the HIV that they implanted within the virus and what the longterm consequences are going to be. I wonder what will become of that? February 26, 2020   lindsey grahamNASTYLIAR:   He is still a LIAR. He is still doing nothing to get to the bottom of the deep state and their attempted coup against our President! grahamNASTY needs to stop talking and start DOING, although he will never do anything that could shine the light of TRUTH on the deep state because he doesn't want them striking back and exposing his hidden secrets. He kisses their backsides and protects them to keep himself safe. That's why he's doing nothing to help Pres. Donald J. Trump. He's a sissy (boy). February 26, 2020   bumblefingers:   Shades of hillosercrooktOOn! He is claiming to have been arrested in South Africa because he was trying to see Nelson Mandela! Really! That's as bad as hilloser saying that she flew into Bosnia "under sniper fire" and having to "corkscrew in" so that the plane could land without being hit. Yeah. Niether of their statements are true. Of course, we have known for years that they are both LIARS. Oh, yeah. There's also the claim he made about half of America being killed by gun violence. Wow. Poor bumblefingers! He is so mentally impaired that he should get out of the race. He has Alzheimer's but he's still putting himself out there. Is it his ego compelling him to do this, or is it someone else's manipulations? What thinks you? February 26, 2020   The IDIOT:   I have tried to put her on
"ignore" lately, but there are things she says that I cannot ignore. These things are so
far beyond her usual idiocy -- Richter scale 12+ (yes, I know)! -- that I have to mention it.
She said (anyone February 26, 2020   Exposing abc news:   James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has done it again. They had a person secretly taping the folks of abc news and the things they say should NOT surprise you because you see the evidence daily if you watch anything they do. Their bias is AGAINST Pres. Donald J. Trump and they are aware of their bias and that they don't tell their viewers the TRUTH at all. It's the way they do it nowadays: they have to LIE to get their viewers to NOT support Pres. Donald J. Trump, so why not lie? It's easy for them. No one fact checks them and those who watch don't bother finding out for themselves. Your reality if you watch them is altered by their lies, but they don't care if you know the truth. They just want you to fall in line, lockstep, and think/believe/do as they wish. That's all they want: CONTROL. February 26, 2020   No kidding:   Someone is actually admitting that we're tired of Never-Trumpers and we wish they'd go away. It's not as if it's a surprise to them that we wish they'd go away, but they just won't do it. They don't like to admit that they're unpopular with both sides (the left doesn't trust them or believe them and knows that once Pres. Trump is out of the office, they'll probably revert back to being a "Conservative [in quotes] Talking Head"), and the true Right wants them to just go away because we know now that we can't trust them or their judgment. Whichever, they're not welcome here, I know that! February 26, 2020   pelosickpig:   LOL! I'm sorry (NOT!) to laugh at it, but she really is a bit more than ridiculous. She thinks that touring SanFran's "Chinatown" is going to make people okay with going out and about instead of staying home to avoid the coronavirus? Really? Oh, my. If that's all it takes, why would we not see themuslimvileone flying over to Wuhan province and touring there? That would make the whole world breathe a huge sigh of relief, would it not? After all, if he's willing to fly to Wuhan province to show how safe it is, doesn't that make it all okay? He'd be "risking his life" for the rest of the world! That would put all of us at ease, wouldn't it? Come on! Let's do this! February 26, 2020   Dirty Politics:   If you think that what they've said about Pres. Donald J. Trump while he was running for president, then wait until you see what blooming idiot is going to say about bernie SOCIALIST sanders! Yeowzer! That's gonna' sting! (Understatement of the day.) February 26, 2020   Florida Reacts:   Some dumboRATS in Florida have decided that bernie SOCIALIST sanders shouldn't appear as a dumboRAT choice in Florida because he's an independent and not a dumboRAT. He's not registered in their party, so I can understand why they want to keep him out of the dumboRAT primaries. I have read/heard that the dumboRAT party here in Florida has agreed to put him on the ballot as one of the choices, but that's up to the dumboRATS. The leadership is allowed to decide to whom they have on their ballot, and the other people are allowed to sue to stop it. I am allowed to sit back and watch the fireworks. Enjoy! February 26, 2020   What?!:   Did ann coulter just endorse FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us? Or did she just say something that was taken wrong? I think both, but what do I know about her thoughts lately, considering how she went off the path as soon as Pres. Donald J. Trump was sworn in. It wouldn't surprise me lately. February 26, 2020   I'm going to stop with that for today. I have things to do. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! February 27, 2020: 12:25 p.m.   Free Speech:   Are you on Reddit? I am not. I don't know much about it, but I do find it appalling that they have "purged" moderators in the Pro-Trump page that is very popular and one of the biggest pagaes on the site. They did so because the moderators wouldn't kiss Reddit's backside and prevent memes and pro-Trump conversations. Isn't that sweet? A SPEECH site, a place you'd think would be all for FREE SPEECH, decides that the people who support Pres. Donald J. Trump can't do certain things, say certain things, post certain things. If I were on Reddit, I'd leave it today just to shrink their member levels and make them pay for taking away the free speech rights of Americans. If you want to go to a Free Speech site try GAB.com (used to be GAB.ai) and see what Free Speech looks like. It's not always pretty, folks, so be aware that Free Speech includes the speech of bigots, anti-semites, haters of all sorts and idiots. GAB has its fair share of those, but there are a lot of good people there, too. Go to a group in GAB's offerings where you feel comfortable and don't respond to a lot of the things you may see there elsewhere. Free Speech means they have it, too, but that doesn't mean we have to read it or respond. February 27, 2020   Coronavirus (Covid-19):   There is a video that I wonder about but I will link it so that you can make up your own mind. The video allegedly shows Lysol products "effictive in killing" this thing. If you don't trust Lysol, then take steps to prevent infection; similar steps to preventing transmission of the flu. Listen to Pres. Trump's suggestions as to how to prevent the spread of this virus. The way it is spreading, and who is spreading it means you have to be tested to see if you have it. The CDC wouldn't test one person in CA so that person got to spread it. Sweet. Is the CDC working for the dumboRATS so that they can say that Pres. Donald J. Trump messed up, as pelosickpig is already saying? Are they trying to help the dumboRATS make points? I don't know. The CDC has allegedly tested 3,625 patients so far, but why not test the one in CA? They say there are 40 labs that can test for this thing already ready and operating, but there will be more on Monday. So what is happening with this thing? The left is trying their darndest to use it against Pres. Donald J. Trump because they don't care about YOUR HEALTH, they care about DEFEATING PRES. TRUMP and having their POWER back, and nothing else. It's a virus that has been manipulated into a weapon by the Chinese government and military. It's a dangerous thing, but you can prevent the spread by being careful and by not going out into crowds. Let's see this thing halted early in America. February 27, 2020   Another One Bites the Dust?:   There are reports that pete buttigieg is closing shop, heading home and will no longer be running for prezidunce. That would be good. He hasn't a snowball's chance anyways, but where will his supporters go? Will they flock to FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us, bumblefingers, blooming idiot, or Socialist sanders? Or, maybe, some of them will turn to Pres. Donald J. Trump and vote for him? Who knows? What thinks you? February 27, 2020   Another Large Step for Women?:   My concern here is did the military lower the standards again to allow a woman to qualify for a position so that they could be politically correct, or is a woman going to be a Green Beret? IF the military lowered the standards, all they are doing is putting her life and the lives of her fellow Berets in danger. IF she is meeting all of the requirements, good for her! The question is, will she stick with it after she passes the year-long course, or will she finish it, get her Green Beret insignia and quit soon thereafter? I want to keep an eye on this because I don't trust it. We've seen this kind of thing come close before, but none of the women have ever actually qualified for the elite teams, even after some of the requirements were lowered in certain things. I, personally, don't think that women belong in combat positions, and that includes "elite" units because I think that women should be protected and considered more special than to be put intentionally in danger. Female cops are as close as I would like to see women put in "combat" danger. They're special there (IMHO) and I think that we need women cops, but a military war situation is not where I think women belong. Call me whatever names you wish, I don't care what you think. I am allowed to think what I want and I refuse to be PC. Don't like it? Kiss my backside. That's what I think. February 27, 2020   thevilegeorgesoros:   Corruption is his forté and U.S., Soros-Funded Ukrainian HIV "Charity" is under investigation for embezzlement in Ukraine. The thing that "perked my ears up" was this: "During the 2016 U.S. presidential election Ukrainian prosecutors tried investigating the group’s activities but were ordered to stand back by [themuslimvileone's] administration."So themuslimvileone intervened for thevilegeorgesoros to prevent him from being investigated for corruption? Is that because thevilegeorgesoros backed themuslimvileone both for his Senate bid and for his preziduncial run? Is that a quid pro quo thing, maybe? I think we need to investigate themuslimvileone for what he did as a quid pro quo for thevilegeorgesoros and others who helped him LIE his way into the offices he occupied (yes, I chose that word deliberately). I think that this is just the tip of the iceberg of the things themuslimvileone did for his ol' buddy, thevilegeorgesoros. I am certain of it. Oh, and for how long do you think the investigator will live now that this investigation is going on? February 27, 2020   Hollyweird Hypocrisy:   Well, this is no surprise. Child labor slipped through the Nespresso (and george clooney's) fingers and was exposed in a documentary that proves coffee farmers in Guatemala are using children to work its fields. And georgie thought he was such a good guy. Awww... Too bad. February 27, 2020   pelosickpig:   She said at her weekly press conference today that she will support bernie SOCIALIST sanders if he gets the dumboRAT nomination. How can he get the dumboRAT nomination? If you look at the letter behind his name, he is an INDEPENDENT, and he's not even in the dumboRAT party. How can he get the nomination of a party he's not even a part of? Is everyone AFRAID of opposing communism, marxism, socialism and giving him the free ride because of that fear? Or is it just admitting that it's what they always wanted anyways? Either way, I can't imagine it doing sanders any good to have pelosickpig's endorsement. People are tired of her, too. February 27, 2020   PollsSchmolls:   Now they're saying that bumblefiners is in the lead here. They say that it's bumblefingers first, blooming idiot second and socialist sanders third. Wow! What a field to choose from, huh? If this is the best they've got, that's a VERY sad indication of the state of the dumboRAT party. Agree? February 27, 2020   The IDIOT:   She is dumber than a burnt piece of charcoal lying in the mud and rain. And that's being generous! She is alleging that Vice President Mike Pence "does not believe in science" and can't manage the coronavirus response because: "As governor, Pence’s science denial contributed to one of the worst HIV outbreaks in Indiana’s history.WRONG! His actions as Governor did NOT contribute to the worst HIV outbreak in Indiana's history. The actions of those who HAD HIV were responsible for the spread of HIV in Indiana, not VP Mike Pence's actions. He stuck to the TRUTH and did not kowtow to the LIE and in doing so he did the right thing. Those who have/had HIV are responsible for their OWN actions, and if they participated in sexual activity, or sharing needles, or had a baby and gave it to their child, that's THEIR responsibility, not then-governor Pence's! She is an insult to the whole notioin of intelligence! How can she even breathe with her infinitesimally small and few grey cells? It's a miracle! February 27, 2020   Aaaahhhh... Public Schools:   Does your children's schools lie to you, deceive you, cover up stuff that you need to know and be aware of? Do you know for certain that they're not doing so? Because a school system in Madison, Wisconsin, has been allowing children to CHANGE THEIR GENDER IDENTITY at school but COVERING IT UP and not telling parents that in school, little Johnny is known as Jenny and they're encouraging it because PC. Isn't that special? A school system that encourages and supports children to LIE to their parents and whose adults (teachers and administrators) are LYING to the parents as well? Sweet, yes? Do your children go to schools that will do the same? Do you know? Homeschool your kids, folks. It's what is BEST for them. A newer car, bigger house, or designer clothing will not be worth it if your kids get screwed up by a public school system that does crap like this. Don't you think? February 27, 2020   Julian Assange:   He won't get a fair trial in England. His trial judge has a conflict of interest and a husband whose job was on the opposite side of what Assange was doing creates a conflict of interest but it doesn't seem to matter in England. "Justice? What's that?" Seems to be the current state of "justice" in England. When the British court orders that children DIE because of the cost of their healthcare. When they allow a Muslim free after a jihad attack (only to plot another attack immediately thereafter). When they allow a rapist to be a part of the child's life he created via rape... England's courts are unsafe for anyone except the well-connected and the violent perpetrator! England is a messed up country and I would never want to live there (especially with the Muslim no-go zones they have), but to think that Julian Assange is going to be treated the same way as Roger Stone under "judge" amy berman jackson, is heart-wrenching! It's wrong! We should step in and stop this farce! Pres. Donald J. Trump needs to intervene! February 27, 2020   Last Link:   I thought I'd leave you today with a giggle. A.F. Branco's cartoon is really good. Don't you think? February 27, 2020   I'll try to do updates tomorrow, but I can't promise I will have the time as we get ready to go to the farm. We'll see. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 2020   March 2, 2020: 1:36 p.m.   Hope you had a great weekend. We went to the farm and worked on trying to get the final touches of the renovations completed, but things (as oft they do) went a little wonky. We tried a new piece of equipment and it wasn't exactly working out, and my husband tripped and hurt his back and that slowed him down a lot. Poor guy. He's the one doing most of the work for this part and I lend a hand, but he's the key player and with a bad back it's not easy. We did get the new kitchen lights up and that's a good step, but we still have to paint the fill we did for the old fluorescent lights and we have to trim the fill and that will be done. The mantle is the only thing we have to fix. It's a learning curve for that. I'll post pictures when it's completed. For now, let's get started. March 2, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Do you trust the government to keep the records they are supposed to keep and to do things that will SAVE you money? The truth is that they waste YOUR money and put you at risk by NOT keeping records correctly. It's something that could so easily be done, but they are not doing the right thing here; keeping records in such a way that they can easily be retrieved and used accordingly. It's time for the U.S. government to stop doing the wrong thing and start doing the RIGHT thing. It's time to do what the rest of us have to do: keep records that we can retrieve if the government needs them. If we can, they can! March 2, 2020   Another One Bites the Dust!:   Well, this time it's "another two" because both amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg have dropped out of the preziduncial campaign for the dumboRAT nomination. Awwww.... Too bad. March 2, 2020   Woops! Unexpected company! Gotta' go be a hostess! See ya' tomorrow (I hope)! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 3, 2020: 2:27 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch has been doing yeoman's work in getting to the TRUTH about the emails and the treason she has been doing with impunity in the last administration! They have a ruling from a judge that says that she must be DEPOSED in the email and BENGHAZI subjects and that will help get to the TRUTH. IF hillosercrooktOOn ever speaks the TRUTH in her lifetime, she will wind up in PRISON. I doubt she'll EVER speak the TRUTH -- even while under oath in a court of law in front of a judge! She will say things like "I don't recall" at least 100 times during every deposition, blaming her age and her busy schedule, the amount of time that has passed, etc., whatever it takes to worm her way out of it. Her "I don't recalls" saved her during previous hearings and testimonies, so you can lay money on it that she'll trot that old horse out yet again. March 3, 2020   PSJ:   The Small Area Study Committee filled with morondupe and her ilk are having their next (and allegedly last) meeting at 5 p.m. on March 26th, or so it states on the pooper paper's page 4 of this month's publication. The problem is, she didn't say WHERE they meet. So, I looked in the pooper paper's listings of events for the PSJ Community Center and for the PSJ Library. Neither place has the Small Area Study Committee listed as meeting there for the month of March. I checked online and there is NO information for that committee out there on the BOCC list of committees. I searched for it, but there is nothing. NEWS!: They're TRYING TO INCORPORATE PSJ AGAIN!The last paragraph on the first page says:"The Port St John Community Foundation is a non-profit organization formed to raise the necessary funds that if we were incorporated would receive from the county. Every position in the foundation is volunteer and those participating and donating their time and services are volunteer. We encourage resident and business community support to guarantee keeping our unincorporated family community strong with the growth Brevard County is experiencing…Today, Tomorrow, Together."I thought that was why they pushed D1 for a Small Area Study! On their "About Us" page we see their volunteers listed as: "Mike Barker, Chris Brigdon, Angela Butler, Kathy Camick, Jeff Davis, Dennis Freed, Gale Freed, Carolyn Hess-Benson, Jeremy Higginbotham, Tracey Higginbotham, Selyna Hopkins, Dave Jordan, Jackie Jordan, Cathy Miller, Cathy Musselman, Donna Nero, Becky Ohlinger, Joan Ozier, Veronica Pratt, Ed Rice, Myra Rose, Maureen Rupe, Natalie Sellers, Shandelyn Stokes, Holly Turner, Wayne Weathers, Keri Weeks, Eamon Wright"Recognize any of those names? Some of them supported incorporation the first try. On their "Sponsors" page we see this: "The Port St John community is not eligible to receive a municipal share of revenue-sharing funds necessary to hold events specific to our community as other incorporated cities in Brevard County receive."These are the same tactics they used during the first PSJ Incorporation push. Read all about their scare tactics and jealousy rousing tactics at my PSJ Incorporation pages. Tell me you don't see the same terminologies and even the same sentences used in moron's stories and the website above. I see the "we are not incorporated" thing mentioned approximately SIX times. Same tactic as used in 2001-2002's effort. They must think we're idiots that they can scare us into doing something so bad for our area! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! March 3, 2020   schifforbrains:   "Is it time for [him] to be investigated?", Judicial Watch asks. No. It's PAST time for him to be investigated and, like hillosercrooktOOn above, they should do it but not expect to hear even an ATOM of TRUTH from him, either. March 3, 2020   dumboRAT crazy:   Most of them are -- crazy -- nowadays, aren't they? The former dnc chair, donna brazile went bat nuts and told the RNC Chair, Ronna McDaniel, to "Go to [hades}!" Really. On air. It's ridiculous and it's a sad showing of how the party is panicked with what they are facing. They know they're going to lose, so their presumptive nominee, bumblefingers, is a throw away candidate so they are going to "get behind him" hoping beyond hope that they will be able to pull a bad loss from the jaws of 50 state wipe out and bumblefingers is not going to be able to run again, so he's the one to face Pres. Donald J. Trump because it won't matter that he will lose. If they put sanders up against Pres. Trump, it's the same result, and they know that communism is going to lose anyways, so why not bumblefingers? Let him have his time in the sun, even though he won't be able to remember it tomorrow. Throw this one out and get ready for the next. That's what the dumboRATS are doing. March 3, 2020   bumblefingers   Speaking of the mindless moron, he has decided (for today at least, wait a week and he'll appoint someone else), that o'rourke is going to be his "gun czar" and help him deal with the "gun problem" if he wins the election. Problem is, the "gun problem" is and always has been a PEOPLE problem: the bad guys who have the inanimate objects and do what they can to harm others with those objects, and the GOOD guys (myself and others like me) with a gun who use to to protect ourselves, our property and others who are being harmed and target practice on inanimate objects, or hunting. That's the problem for whomever he appoints; we know the Second Amendment and will stand up to him for it. Of course, knowing bumblefingers, he'll forget what it was he believed regarding the Second Amendment every other day anyways, so if the right person whispered in his ear at the right time, a new law supporting the 2A would be signed and delivered. March 3, 2020   The IDIOT:   Sigh. I thought I was going to put her on "Too stupid to mention again-IGNORE", but... Her stupid is so bad that it makes me have to share how dumb she is. I think the smartest thing she ever did was shut up. Too bad she can't make herself do so anymore. She is... dumber than a dung beetle on worm poop? As intelligent as... a Darwin Awards winner? Smarter than... Nothing. Nope. The dust on a three-year abandoned house's countertops is smarter than she. Scary to think she actually has a college degree! And won second place in the "Microbiology" category of the high school science fair. High school. Science fair. Hm. Something to brag about. March 3, 2020   CaliMarxiFornia:   Could Pres. Donald J. Trump actually win it? I think it's possible; but I can't say probable. I hope it happens. I would LOVE to see it happen and if it did the left would be totally, absolutely flabbergasted and the rest of us would LOVE it and laugh and dance (something you don't want to see me do). It would be a wonderful moment of truth for the left to have to face the fact that they can still go too far in America and that the majority of the people in America are in love with this country and even in CaliMarxiFornia the people who love America are probably in the majority -- silent though they be. March 3, 2020   Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu!:   How about that?! Despite the press's accusations that he did something wrong, and America's leftists' support of his opposition, Bibi Netanyahu won in Israel! Congratulations and I think it's wonderful! I support Mr. Netanyahu and I think it's great that he won! I think he's been good for Israel and he's doing things that are good for his country. I am proud of him for doing the right thing for Israel. I Stand With Israel, and I think Mr. Netanyahu is the best thing right now for Israel and for America's relationship with Israel. Good news! March 3, 2020   Support the Tornado Victims:   There were tornadoes that went through Tennessee last night and 19 people were killed. If you want to do something to help out you can donate to Operation Blessing, one of the organizations that is usually one of the first Christian relief groups to the scene. I have heard of them being there before even the government relief agencies and the Red Cross. They're very good at helping and they're prepared to do the job and they stick around until it's finished! They're still helping in Puerto Rico, Haiti and the last I heard, New Orleans (not certain about that one, currently, though). Pray for the tornado victims. March 3, 2020   Aaaahhh... Public Schools!:   A school in Ohio (dumborat controlled) told the kids in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) that they had to take the pro-Trump flags off of their tractors and the kids decided to exercise their First Amendment rights by having a tractor parade with President Donald J. Trump flags attached! I LOVE IT! Just because they're minors that does not mean that they don't have First Amendment rights. They chose to exercise those rights and that's fine with me! Speaking of public schools, there are schools without any smarts in them because they decided to do the stupidest thing (well, that aoc didn't do), and they had "gender neutral" bathrooms put in. (Say what?!) So now at least one school has decided to close that "gender neutral" bathroom after a sexual assault happened in it. Sounds to me like the school should be held accountable for setting up a dangerous situation for the children they are supposed to be keeping safe. Maybe the parents of the victim should sue? March 3, 2020   Careful There!:   Former prisoner, Rod Blagojevich, knows too much about the Deep State and it's something that they can be a little apprehensive about. Apprehensive, that is, until they don't have to worry about him speaking about what he knows. I think he needs to put together an "insurance policy" that will be sent to his friends and family and the NON-msm news sources if anything happens to him. We know that when it comes to keeping their secrets, the left is NOT above making the people who know those secrets stay eternally silent. So Rod Blagojevich, be careful. Put some thought into what you're doing and when you're doing it and make sure you have an INSURANCE POLICY in place that will go out with the proofs you have of your allegations. Know your enemy: they are deadly! Ask Vince Foster and 87 others (is that the current crooktOOn body count?) March 3, 2020   RINO!:   Sen. mike lee is a RINO. He loves to outsource jobs for America and he is just bent on bringing in foreign workers to take American jobs! I really despise that! He neesd to stop trying give American jobs to foreigners! He needs to realize that Americans need to work and that him outsourcing our jobs does NO Americans any good! The people of Utah need to vote him out of office along with muttenhead rotney! March 3, 2020   Deep State 2:   A new book's author is promising to expose the FBLIE in his upcoming book. I say "Don't hold your breath" because we've been promised this before. It hasn't happened. We've seen small shadows touted as a "bombshell" that we would be "amazed" at, but it turned out to equal that they all eat gummy bears. Sigh. Don't count your chickens. March 3, 2020   He gone!:   msnbc's chris matthews has left the building. He quit. Did a two-minute statement at the beginning of the show then walked off the set. Someone had to step in and fill his seat, literally, and we'll never see matthews there again. I never watched his show, the network, or anything to do with msnbc, so it's no loss to me. I was actually shocked to see him recently admitting that the dumboRATS could not win with bernie sanders, but I'm not sad to see the "tingle up his leg" go out with his legs! Bye! "Don't let the front door hit you..." March 3, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. If you live in PSJ, be ready for a fight. Be ready to battle because those who want to incorporate it are at it again. It won't happen on my watch! I will FIGHT! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 4, 2020: 1:27 p.m.   PSJ: If you live in Port St. John, FL, or any of its surrounding unincorporated areas, you need to be aware that the pro-incorporation zombies are at it again. As I found yeseterday, there is a website that they are using to attract their "volunteers" and it's called Port St. John Community Foundation.com and that's their "outreach" for getting people to align with them as a harmless group just trying to do good things for their community. Problem with that delusion: the people in the group are not "harmless", they are some of the same people who pushed for incorporation almost twenty years ago, supported morondupe as a candidate for D1 County Commissioner, and tiddlywinks as a candidate whenever she ran for anything, and who helped spread falsehoods about the threat of Titusville and Cocoa and their alleged plans to annex us. If you read the pooper paper for the last few months, morondupe's articles are slipping in the annexation threat again in almost every column. The paper's editor, randyrodriguez, is the one who published the LIES of the pro-incorporation people and who said he would remain neutral as an editor, but actually ran an amazing 99.035% MORE pro-incorporation column inches than column inches for the anti-incorporation side. Is that "neutral" or even close to it? Nope. People of Port St. John,Hardeeville, Delespine, Williams Point, Frontenac and part of Sharpes, be aware of this push. If you are not included this time, be very grateful. If you are included this time, don't be surprised. They didn't ask for your input last time so don't be surprised if they shock you with inclusion this time. Be ready to FIGHT! March 4, 2020   blooming idiot:   Well, there goes that one, too. He has decided to drop out of the race after he's spent almost $1 BILLION of his own money (glad it wasn't taxpayer dollars). What kind of good could he have done with that money? What could he have built with it; how many could he have employed with that money? It's his money and he can spend it as he wishes, but I don't see anything good that came out of this. It's nice to be able to do this, but it's also such a waste. Ego feeds itself and his just ate through a billion dollars. I think I'd put it on a diet. March 4, 2020   bumblefingers:   Super Tuesday he won SC, VA, NC, AL, OK, TN, MN, AR, MA and TX. That's people voting for (or at least it being represented as the dumboRAT "little people" voted for) someone who introduced his sister as his wife. Hmmm.... He also sniffed a BABY'S hair on Super Tuesday and he wants to give illegal aliens citizenship (note: that's GIVE, not make them earn it) and he wants to keep pelosickpig as the Speaker of the House. None of that is good for America and him sniffing a baby's hair? Eeew. He mumbles and fumbles and he's the dumboRAT frontrunner. You know what I think is happening here? The dumboRATS don't want to admit that they were wrong to allow bernie sanders to run as a candidate for THEIR party's nomination. He's an INDEPENDENT, but the dumboRATS have allowed him to run for the dumboRAT party. Why? I don't know! Maybe because they are considered the "all inclusive" party (Maybe Pres. Donald J. Trump should have asked to run as a dumboRAT, too?) and they didn't want to exclude anyone? Or is it because so many in the dumboRAT party are commies/socialists/marxists/fascists that it's just another thing they feel they have to do to please the farthest left within their party? Or maybe it's because they knew that no one could beat Pres. Donald J. Trump, so these two "throw away" candidates will be given their turn and they will be given the support of the dumboRAT party (even though one is a registered INDEPENDENT) and they'll join forces and run as a P/VP pair and still lose? Or maybe it's going to be the brokered convention thing and we'll see the "surprising" move of bringing in hillosercrooktOOn in to make the VP candidate a more appealing candidate? Is that what is happening here: trying to raise the chances (slim though they be) of defeating Pres. Donald J. Trump via a second chance showdown with the known loser? What is happening and when will the TRUTH be known for this dumboRAT race? I'd say that the chances of us finding the whole TRUTH about this thing -- or anything dumboRAT for the last twelve years -- may never be known, but we do know that things are smelly and dirty in the party. March 4, 2020   MAGA!:   Our borders are going to be more secure with the new border wall that has either 700 miles already built, or going up; America being made energy independent; and our relationship with India is better than ever. Sounds like it's all good to me. Why would anyone vote for anyone else? (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) March 4, 2020   Leftist Hatred:   A dumboRAT in Colorado -- a City Councilwoman, no less -- has decided that if she gets coronavirus, she'll go to Trump rallies and give it to as many people as possible. Isn't that sweet? Is that the heart of the dumboRAT party now? Is that what you want to do: kill innocent people who did nothing to you? Don't ya' love how "inclusive" that is? March 4, 2020   bernie sanders:   He is such a communist that he even defended Fidel Castro to an American hostage held in Havana! Talk about chutzpah! What nerve the guy has! Not just nerve, but stupidity! How can he even think of doing that at this time and to that person? Amazingly stupid and tone deaf! But that's bernie: all ego, no sense. March 4, 2020   NY State's Republican Primary:   Well, that's a bit misleading, actually, because there won't be a GOP primary in NY because no one besides Pres. Donald J. Trump qualified for it. Why bother with a primary when no one qualified to run against Pres. Trump? The left and never-Trumpers are trying to make it sound like something untoward is going on here (some conspiracy or another) but "the rules is the rules" so what is the big deal and where is the conspiracy or wrongdoing? There isn't one! March 4, 2020   Influence Flop:   A candidate that The IDIOT endorsed lost even with a lot of endorsements from the socialists in power and it's good to see. I love it! March 4, 2020   dumboRAT Conspiracy?:   There are "rumblings" about bumblefingers' results on Super Tuesday (or "Super Thursday" as bumblefingers said). The "fly over country" people are wondering how he did so well. Maybe they should have robert mueller and james comey do an investigation into it. March 4, 2020   Last Link:   I had to get this one in before I forgot it. It's so funny! The tweet from chelseacrooktOOn got slapped back in such a great way that I had to share it. I love it! March 4, 2020   That's it for today. It's time to go do some other things. Remember, if you're in the Port St. John area, stay aware of what the pro-incorporation people are doing! Be ready to fight! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 5, 2020: 12:20 p.m.   Another One Bites the Dust!:   Ba-dum-dum-dum-dum! FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us is OUT! She didn't win a single "Super Tuesday" state -- not even her home state of Massachusetts! She finished (remember this) THIRD in her home state! Amazing! Not even the people she "represents" like her enough to vote for her in her home state! That's pretty bad! So, she's gone! She's out! She's bye-bye! Is my smile showing? March 5, 2020   BidenGate:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has promised to make the biden family corruption a major part of the election, and the Ukraine is investigating it, so I think this could be very interesting. Remember: bumblefingers is the dumboRATS' throw away candidate because they know he's senile and that he will lose badly to Pres. Donald J. Trump, so they don't care about him being trampled, being investigated, being held accountable for the wrongs he has done. They just don't want another, more viable for 2024 candidate to be damaged this election. They are prepping for 2024's election via throwing bumblefingers under the bus. They're playing "the long game" in their eyes. The problem they have that they may not be realizing is that they are throwing someone who knows where the skeletons are buried under the bus and those under the bus have a tendency to pull others under with them. I think the dumboRATS may have played this the wrong way. bumblefingers protects family first and they are not family. Ruh. Roh. March 5, 2020   Deep State:   You tell me that the FISA judge who issued the warrants on Pres. Donald J. Trump's people was NOT a part of the Deep State's coup attempt when they issued the spying warrant based on a file with BLANK PAPERS IN IT! The FISA judges are supposed to LOOK AT THE "EVIDENCE"! What evidence is on blank pieces of paper?! How can they say that they looked at anything besides who was asking for the warrant and who was the subject of the spying? This is absurd! The FISA courts are tools for the left and nothing more. They need to be disbanded and the judges prosecuted for the wrongs they have done! March 5, 2020   PSJ Incorporation:   I sent an e-mail suggestion to the Port St. John Community Foundation: "PSJ Community Foundation,In response to that suggestion I received this: "Ms. McKinney,That's something I have a difficult time believing. I looked at their website and noticed immediately that they mention "incorporated" or "unincorporated" seven times in just two pages, their homepage and their "About Us" page! I also see the names of many of the people who supported incorporation on their "volunteers" list. I also see the same thing being done with this group as PSJ4T did. They started out seemingly innocuously enough, until they went full bore and came out as the PRO-incorporation group that had been pushing it for the last three or more years! Hiding behind a "community involvement" group seems to be something pro-incorporation people like to do. "Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on US!" Considering this and the writings of one of their "volunteers" in the pooper paper, morondupe, and the way she's pushing the annexation scares again, it sounds to me like the same record, different player. Agree? March 5, 2020   Illegal Alien Invasion:   How can anyone defend this? The City of Chicago released an illegal alien invader who was a KNOWN FELON and in custody but -- because they're a "sanctuary city" -- they released the KNOWN FELON and when released he raped a TODDLER! Those city officials and law enforcement officials who had anything to do with this are RESPONSIBLE for what happened to that toddler and they should be put into the same prison the KNOWN FELON THEY RELEASED is put in, and for the same amount of time! They contributed to the crime before the fact, so they need to serve time, too! That child certainly will! March 5, 2020   Deep State:   The FISA Court may be trying to clean up its reputation, if not its act. They have ordered FBLIE agents, DO[IN]J attorneys and others to NOT "should not participate in drafting, verifying, reviewing, or submitting such applications to the Court while the review is pending". I agree with the article that the judge's order "does not go far enough". I think the whole FISA court should be disbanded, the judges who issued the warrants to spy on Pres. Donald J. Trump's campaign (and other wrongdoings) should be prosecuted and disbarred, and that the FBLIE agents and DO[IN]J personell who participated in this leftie coup attempt should be in prison for at least eight years! Put the Roger Stone case in there, the Gen. Michael Flynn case and the other false cases that started with the FBLIE and take all of those judges to prison as well! They started in the false FISA courts and have been used to ruin lives and it needs to not just stop, but the wrongs be punished to the fullest extent of the law! March 5, 2020   themuslimvileone's LEGACY:   Under his administration, we now know that the FBLIE DROPPED investigations into terrorists that, if pursued, could have prevented:
March 5, 2020   Last Link:   Some people think this is funny, so I will give you the Conservative Momma's take on the last two weeks in the dumboRAT party. Maybe you'll get a giggle. March 5, 2020   That's it for today. Hope to see you tomorrow. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 6, 2020: 11:08 a.m.   Lefties Lead to Crime:   In NYC with a dumboRAT progressive mayor and a bunch of others who feel the same way, they have put into place a lot of policies that have lead to a crime wave since their most recent no-brain child has brought about. Since January 1st, when their most recent stupidity came into effect, the crime stats in NYC have skyrocketed: robberies up 35%; car theft up 64%; shootings up 18%; burglaries up 21%; subway robberis up 100%+! All because "Last year, Democrats rammed through the state legislature a reform package that eliminated cash bail for a wide range of offenses—from assault, arson and child abuse to manslaughter, robbery and riot—and removed judicial discretion in holding suspects."So now criminals are on the street faster than you can spell supercallifragilisticexpialidocious and New Yorkers are paying the price of their legislators' bleeding hearts. Maybe they'll vote wiser next time? (Sorry. It is NYC.) March 6, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   Bwahahahahahaha! Ya' know, for being considered "the smartest woman in the world" she sure is: A) Stupid, B) Oblivious of her own failings, C) Too egotsistical to admit to being flawed, D) Arrogantly superior, E) Ignorant of how she comes off by saying she is, "'the most investigated innocent person in America'"! She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she's NOT innocent and that she's NOT the "most investigated" (Pres. Donald J. Trump IS!) so for her to be saying this nonsense is pure SPIN! She still cannot admit, after all these years in scandal and intrigue (80+ dead bodies surround her), she can't admit that she's ever done anything wrong? She was "baking cookies with her daughter"? (Long time Rush fans will get that.) Rrrriiiiggghhhhttt. And I'm the Pope! March 6, 2020   Coronavirus (Covid-19):   The official numbers are telling the HHS that the it's not as deadly as the flu. In fact, the mortality rate for Covid-19 is 0.1% to 1.0%, which isn't bad; unless you're one of the people (or someone you love is) who fall into those low numbers. Then it doesn't matter what the numbers are, does it? Of course, nor does that number tell you that if you catch it and recover there may still be complications since HIV is still involved. What happens to those who survive Covid-19 after they are considered "cured"? Will there be future implications/complications? BTW, Did you see that China is saying that it STARTED in America? Their propaganda machine is working overtime to prevent their "Great Leader" from being held responsible for this mess. It's a bit of crazy, considering we have the proof of its origins, but they are desperate to save face for him. March 6, 2020   madcow sadcow:   Awww... Too bad. When FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us left the race the poor widdle msnbc hostess choked. She wanted to see a female president but now it won't happen in her lifetime. Poor widdle baby! She's so disappointed! Someone pat her on the head. During the interview, FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us threw bernie SOCIALIST sanders under the bus. Considering how fragile he is, I bet those tire tracks hurt! March 6, 2020   MAGA!:   Wow! Look at those numbers! In the same time period that themuslimvileone lost 1.3 MILLION jobs, Pres. Trump ADDED 7.1 MILLION JOBS to the economy. We're not talking "shovel ready jobs", we're talking jobs that are a good start to a new life, jobs that are middle of the ladder and jobs that are upper tier jobs. If you have the will to work and you get your butt out there and make the effort, you can find a job! It's up to you, though, not the President, not the employers, and not your Momma to find you a job. It's up to YOU. Get up off your duff and do it! You can. You need to. You must, because they're not going to come find you. Not only that, but pay rates have increased too! "Last month the average hourly earnings increased by 9 cents to $28.52. Overall average hourly earnings have increased by 3% over the past 12 months."So Pres. Donald J. Trump's economy is still ROARING LIKE A LION! Thanks, Pres. Trump! March 6, 2020   schumerschmoomer in TROUBLE:   A few days ago he threatened SCOTUS Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch and now Senators have decided to censure schumerschmoomer. If that were a "regular American" who said the same thing, we'd be seeing stormtroopers at the front door as the back door is kicked in by people who repelled down the rope from a black helicopter! But him: senator schumerschmoomer? A little censure. A slap on the shoelaces. A little public scolding. That will teach him not to threaten SCOTUS Justices. Right? March 6, 2020   Feminism Flop:   Why? Why does it matter what gender a person is if their policies stink, their ideas suck and they hate America, it doesn't matter if they're male or female, we don't want them! If they have good ideas for America, like Pres. Donald J. Trump, I would vote for a male or female, what's between their legs does not matter! I don't vote for that! joy reid thinks we should. I disagree. March 6, 2020   Rigged?:   Have the dumboRATS done it again and rigged another election AGAINST bernie? If so, that's called cheating and it's supposed to be illegal, but since when has "illegal" been something that dumboRATS care about and are prosecuted for? Did themuslimvileone play a part in getting bumblefingers the endorsements after encouraging others to drop out? What did he tell them, if so? Promises, or threats? March 6, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn 2:   She lies. She lies. She lies. Of course, that's nothing new. This time her lie was about Pres. Donald J. Trump and it needs to be batted down every time it is mentioned. She said that Pres. Donald J. Trump called the Covid-19 virus a "hoax", but the TRUTH is that he called the way the dumboRATS' criticism of "his handling of the coronavirus a 'hoax' — not illness itself." So hillosercrooktOOn, your LIES are exposed yet again and you need to start speaking the TRUTH or not speaking at all. It only makes you less and less credible when you speak LIES with every breath. March 6, 2020   Dead Blue Bird:   Really, dead blue bird? Really? They just changed their rules again. They changed their rules to protect bumblefingers. How anyone can doubt that they are dumboRAT fans, I have no idea. If anyone is blind, deaf and stupid enough to actually believe that the dead blue bird is unbiased, or anywhere close to even looking in the direction of Conservative, I have some property on Pluto to sell you. March 6, 2020   Fakebook:   Talking about social media, the lefties at Fakebook have been censoring ads by/for Pres. Donald J. Trump. Is anyone surprised? They're LEFTIES and they want leftie policies because ti gives them more power over you, your children and the political process because they can influence what you see and what you read on your timelines. The lefties at social media companies support their own power structures and influence lines. Of course, they do! Wouldn't you? Even in small groups people love to hang on to their power, one way or another. That's why you get so much backbiting and clique-ishness in home owners' associations, in civic groups, in support groups. It's all about the power for some of the people there and they must hang onto it or they will make everyone else miserable. March 6, 2020   rashida THE MOUTH tlaib:   She is not good at "making friends and influencing people" -- even when it comes to those in her own party! She's very good at making enemies and those within her own party are not happy with her. Good! March 6, 2020   bernie SOCIALIST sanders:   This is a good question that I haven't thought of previously. An article at The American Mirror asks if sanders is "an agent of a foreign government". I think they may have a great point. Don't you hear him always complimenting communist governments and fascist regimes? Isn't that alarming, considering he's running for prezidunce? Isn't it amazing that no one in the Senate has called him on it and questioned any security clearances he may have? Why is he allowed to have a security clearance if he's so enamored of communism? That's just wrong! March 6, 2020   The IDIOT:   Last Link:   I'll close with this piece of amazing stupidity by The IDIOT as she tries to give advice on how to avoid getting Covid-19. SMH. Don't drink anything before watching the video. 'Nuff said. March 6, 2020   I hope to see you here Monday. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 9, 2020: 3:17 p.m.   I hope you had a great weekend! I had a very productive weekend. I started my Spring cleaning and got more done than I expected, which is always good. I went through my pantry and cleaned it and made more storage in it via discarding old things. Now I have a good place to put my little food processor that used to sit on the countertop and I like putting it away. Anyways, I'll get started. March 9, 2020   I did get the minutes of the Port St. John Small Area Study Committee and they are available for you to read at the D1 Office's website. The link is here: Small Area Study Minutes and I want you to read all of them. It's better to be informed of the things that the people on the Committee are up to than to be surprised by it. Pay close attention to things like this from their August 15, 2019 meeting: "The committee asked if the study can look at how to stop adjoining cities like Titusville and Cocoa from encroaching into the unincorporated area of Port St. John. A discussion about annexation continued among committee members. [my bolding]"The members of the committee already know how to prevent that because of the 2002 Port St. John incorporation push and the research I did that proved that any city wishing to annex an area as big and as populated as Port St. John would have to have the people in the area they wish to annex VOTE ON THE ANNEXATION and if they voted NO, the city wishing to annex us would NOT be allowed to do so! Remember, this is their FIRST meeting and they're acting all innocent and uninformed of this when morondupe and carmine ferraro and others were in the Port St. John For Tomorrow (PSJ4T) group that was FOUNDED TO PUSH for incorporation of PSJ! and LIED to the people of Port St. John about the laws concerning annexation and incorporation and taxes! Yet, they're acting all innocent? Is it because they think that Commissioner Disappointment (pritchett), being rather new to the job still, has no idea of the history of most of the people in that group? Do they think her stupid? If so, they may be correct, but that doesn't mean that they are going to get away with this! I am still here and will still FIGHT! Remember, they're acting "sweet and innocent" but when this group actually plays dumb, it's because they're up to something. At their Sep. 29, 2019 meeting we see this: "The committee briefly discussed annexation"And later: "b) Annexation PoliciesLet's check the next month's meeting minutes: nope. Those words are not mentioned, but the minutes are not verbatim minutes in most of the meeting minutes; more generalities without being verbatim. If "incorporation" or "annexation" were mentioned the minutes do not specify so. The words are not in the minutes of the November minutes, either. Remember: These minutes are more in generalities, not verbatim. Same in the December minutes: not verbatim, but not mentioned. I don't see any meeting minutes for January or February, so I can't say whether they had spoken about "annexation" or "incorporation" during those meetings, but if you look at the pooper paper's "article" by morondupe on page 4-7, she talks about it there. It's all pointing to another push for incorporation of Port St. John: same tactics, same secrecy until they're ready to spring it on people, etc. Will they actually go for it? I don't know. We'll keep an eye on it, though. March 9, 2020   bumblefingers:   His influence peddling is now getting family members in trouble. His brother is now facing fraud allegations and "'In the weeks since the raid, two small medical firms that did business with James Biden have claimed in civil court proceedings to have obtained evidence that he may have fraudulently transferred funds from Americore ‘outside of the ordinary course of business,’ and a former Americore executive has told POLITICO that James Biden had more than half a million dollars transferred to him from the firm as a personal loan that has not yet been repaid,' Politico wrote'"Ruh. Roh. Looks like Shaggy's in trouble! Will ScoobyDoo come to the rescue, or let Shaggy stew in his own soup? Watch for the next exciting adventure when ScoobyDoo forgets his own name and where his ScoobySnacks are! March 9, 2020   Deep State:   Wait. What? No! Say it isn't so! Someone in the deep state establishment LIED UNDER OATH? Really? No! Didn't happen... Except it DID. The deep state players LIE ALL THE TIME and get away with it because other deep state players protect them and nothing happens, at least for a while. Maybe now we'll see some deep state players trying to protect themselves instead of everyone getting away with it now that themuslimvileone's peons are getting charged for their crimes. Who knows? We may even see a deep stater turn on his buddies in order to save his own skin; or her own skin. We don't care what gender they are as long as they start telling us the TRUTH for a change! March 9, 2020   Coronavirus (Covid-19):   Touchy! Touchy! China is not happy that the TRUTH about the origins of the virus is being talked about by anyone! Mentioning that it came from China makes them irritable. Too bad, bucko. Facts are facts. Just remember: EVERY ELECTION YEAR the msm makes a fuss about one disease or another in order to "Squirrel!" you into not paying attention to how bad the dumboRAT candidates are. If they can distract you into worrying about your health you won't give a crap that bumblefingers is senile and can't remember his own name at times, that hillosercrooktOOn is a liar, crook and was very sick at the time she ran, nor that themuslimvileone was so much less than what you were told he was (including his non-citizen status)! They do this to distract you from looking too closely at the dumboRAT candidates. These diseases have been around, but they focus on them during elections so that they can get away with their LIES. Look for another disease that's going to kill us all (if you listen to the msm) next election (2022) and see if I'm right. They try to distract you so that you don't think about the TRUTH of how utterly horrible their candidates are and how bad it will be for the country. You'll just go vote the dumboRAT ticket because you always do. Great way to run a country. Don't fall for it, folks. Don't believe the hype about coronavirus (Covid-19) going to kill us all. It's not going to. It will kill those who have other complications already, and that's sad, but it won't kill us all. What bothers me is the HIV in one and that and Tuberculosis DNA they found in the other (yes, there are now two) strains of Covid-19. I wonder if China is making these things, releasing them into the population as a horrible form of population control. They don't have enough babies being born and they're trying to prevent the upcoming generations from having to support too many elderly people with the sweat of the younger generations' brow. I wonder about that. Would you put it past them? Would it bother them that it has spread worldwide and is now killing the elderly and infirm elsewhere? What do you think? March 9, 2020   Last Link: ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   LOL! She stepped in it this time! What a moron! She got called out on the dead blue bird for her international women's day tweet and it's hillarious! March 9, 2020   I have things to do today so I'm going to close with that. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 10, 2020: 10:41 a.m.   I won't be doing many blurbs today because I have things I have to get done, so I'll choose a few and then run my errands and get things done. That's important because we go back to Georgia on Thursday evening (if all things work as planned) and we have a big project I am going to start on today, but we take to the farm and finish there, so that's part of the reason for a short update today. Let's get started. March 10, 2020   Covid-19:   The death rates for this disease are lower than other diseases and it's not as deadly but it is being so over-hyped by the msm that it's rather ridiculous. It's less than a flu bug and it's not as deadly as some other diseases, but the msm loves to make people afraid. It's another way to control people. Isn't that lovely? I am NOT saying that it's nothing. I am still saying that it has diseases attached to it that would not occur in nature (HIV and TB) inside something like this. It's a manufactured disease, guaranteed. So we'll see what happens with it, but so far the numbers are lower for this Covid-19 than for the flu, ebola, etc., so the msm must be hyping this thing to make people fight over toilet paper. (Really.) March 10, 2020   muttromney:   He made a calculated political move when he voted "Guilty" on one of the FAUXpeachment charges in the Senate and he calculated badly in so many ways. Now we see that he's so unpopular with Republicans that he is more popular with dumboRATS than with Republicans. To me, that means that he should either switch parties and become a dumboRAT (bad idea), or he needs to man up and admit that he was wrong about Pres. Donald J. Trump and apologize for his betrayal of America. He's not man enough to do that, so watch for him to switch parties. March 10, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He is suggesting doing a temporary moratorium on payroll taxes, which would mean that there would be NO FEDERAL DEDUCTIONS from your paycheck for a while and that would open your eyes as to how much money the federal government takes from your check. He has wanted to do this since August 2019 or earlier so let's do this. I think that once Americans see how much money the federal government is taking from them every payday we will see Americans supporting Pres. Donald J. Trump's agenda. That would put pressure on the dumboRATS to do the right thing. By the way, he's doing so well with his Covid-19 reaction that even far leftist, CaliMarxiFornia Gov., Gavin Newsome, is praising him for his plan of actions and how he's handling Covid-19. That's very telling, don't you think? March 10, 2020   ketchup kerry   He's campaigning for bumblefingers and he's telling people that Pres. Donald J. Trump "should worry about going to the big house". If anyone "should worry about going to the big house", it's the people who were in themuslimvileone's administration and it's everyone in themuslimvileone's administration who should be worried. They have been doing what is WRONG for years -- which is why themuslimvileone hired them in the first place -- and they deserve to be "in the big house"! Let's see who winds up where in the future. We already have a few of the previous admin's people who are facing charges, so we'll see. March 10, 2020   March 10, 2020   MAGA!:   There was a "survey" done (read "pollschmoll") whose results were that 70% of small business owners would vote for re-electing Pres. Donald J. Trump. Pres. Donald J. Trump has been that good for America's small businesses (actually, he's been good for ALL of America, not just small businesses). I like that they support him, don't get me wrong, but I think that everyone should be supporting him because he's done VERY GOOD THINGS for America! America has prospered since he took office and it's been great for all of us! Sigh. When will people wake up and see this? Is it that they are just listening exclusively to the pelosickpigs of the world? Is that why some people don't realize that it's a good time to be American? Silly people. March 10, 2020   Pollschmoll:   I like the numbers in this one, but I don't like or believe in polls, so, take it as something that's an interesting piece of info, but not something to believe in. I just want to share the numbers because I like them. In AL, jeff sessions is 12 points behind his Conservative competitor, Tommy Tuberville. The pollschmoll had Tuberville at 52 and sessions at 40. I like that. I don't know that it means anything because it's a pollschmoll, but it's interesting. March 10, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 11, 2020: 10:56 p.m.   dumboRAT Primaries:   Is it all set up to favor one person? Considering how this year's and 2016's primaries went, it sure seems like it. It seems like the "little people" in the dumboRAT party are being used and manipulated and that their votes only count if they go the way the leadership wants it to go. For instance, two of their leaders are saying "Stop the primaries". They've got the delegate leader they want so they don't want to have anymore primaries so that bernie SOCIALIST sanders cannot get anymore wins and no more delegates. Sounds to me like they are setting things up. If that's their version of "democracy" who needs it? March 11, 2020   bumblefingers:   After yesterday's snap at the auto worker, although the msm edited that out of their coverage, Donald Trump Jr. asked the question a lot of us know the answer to: is bumblefingers well enough to run a country? Even though he yelled at the auto worker in Michigan, he still took the state, and he added Mississippi and Missouri to his "win" column as well. Socialism is not quite accepted by the "little people" who still love America -- before they change her to something unrecognizable. March 11, 2020   bumblefingers 2:   He has decided that some of his cabinet members if he wins (thank the Good Lord he isn't going to win!) he will name people like ketchup kerry, blooming idiot, FAUX-ca-HAUNT-us, etc. to serve America. Can you imagine? March 11, 2020   Good News!:   Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz tested negative for Covid-19. Lefties everywhere are so disappointed! March 11, 2020   hunter "BabyDaddy" biden:   He is the baby's daddy, DNA has proven that, but the fact that the has refused to turn over his financial information to the court so that they can figure out how much child support he should pay, and now he's using Covid-19 as an excuse to not show up to his court-ordered appearances. He has a pregnant wife (babydaddy) and he's saying that he is scared that he'll catch Covid-19 if he goes to court and then his wife and baby would be in jeopardy of getting it. So why not just send in his financial records with a courier, or with a relative? He could give the judge the info that way, but he's trying to avoid the truth about his financial well-being coming out because it all came via the corruption of himself and his father (and uncles, etc.). March 11, 2020   What?:   This is weird. Former dumboRAT preziduncial candidate, andrew yang, started out giving his endorsement to bernie when he dropped out, then he removed his endorsement from sanders and gave it to bumblefingers, but then (and this is weird) he says biden's promises are not enough. Say what? How can you say that you endorse a candidate and that that candidate's promises are not enough? Either you endorse him or you don't, but you don't endorse him and then say that his agenda isn't a good one. Or is that the way the dumboRATS are doing things nowadays? March 11, 2020   FISA Court:   A judge has admitted that the FBLIE and the DO[IN]J "vastly misled the nation’s intelligence court" and the judge said that concerning the "Russia collusion" farce that the FBLIE and DO[in}J entrapped the judges into. It may be that the FISA court judge that was chosen to sign those things was part of this farce, but it may be that they went in and lied through their teeth and, thus, the court is/was innocent of collusion. Whichever it may be, this particular judge has said that the FBLIE LIED TO THE COURT and that means this whole thing was based on deception from themuslimvileone's administration. March 11, 2020   I've got a full plate of things to get done today, including an appointment, so I'm going to close with that for today. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 12, 2020: 9:53 a.m.   Tax Day:   Are you ready for April 15th, Tax Day? Are you gathering your paperwork: receipts, W2 forms, etc.? Or are you putting it on ignore as long as you can because you just hate it that much? Yeah. I can understand that. I'm so glad my husband deals with that. I really don't want to, it's too much government interference in our lives and I really hate having to think about how much money they take annually. So how about a delay in the deadline? Pres. Trump is considering pushing Tax Day to a later date this year because of Covid-19. I like it! March 12, 2020   FBLIE:   Newly declassified information PROVES that they knew early into the "investigation" (read: "COUP") that they had NO PROOF -- knew without a shadow of a doubt -- Gen. flynn was not a Russian agent and that Pres. Trump did not collude with Russia. But they wasted all of that TAXPAYER MONEY anyways, trying their darndest to make America turn against Pres. Donald J. Trump and all he stands for. This coup attempt failed because we would not abandon Pres. Trump and because the LIES the left always tell are exposed by the Lord GOD Almighty. GOD is on our side and He proves it daily. The TRUTH is that the FBLIE has done so much wrong against Pres. Trump and his advisors and supporters that it is said that "These newly declassified memos along with the rebuke from presiding FISA judge James Boasberg where he ruled two of the FISA warrants against Carter Page invalid should be enough to prosecute everyone involved. [my bolding]"Sounds to me as if the people who are involved in this -- from themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn -- should be in prison, as I've been saying for years. March 12, 2020   bumblefingers:   He has gotten so bad that even Brit Hume says he's "getting senile". When an msm anchor says that you are getting senile, on air no less, then you know it must be totally obvious because they don't "out" the lefties unless they have to. They prefer to get the "scoop" on something so they will "out" someone if needed to get the scoop, but they don't do so unless they must. Someone admitting that bumblefingers is "getting senile" is a pretty big admission. For bumblefingers, his verbal attack against the auto worker, was over the top and verbally violent, which is one of the first symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease. I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on television) but I have seen others with Alzheimer's and it sounds very similar. Is an Alzheimer's person someone we want as prezidunce? Ask yourself this question: If the LEFT wants bumblefingers and his Alzheimers, who will be pulling the strings behind him until they have to declare him mentally unfit and use the 25th amendment to kick him out of office? Who will be his VP and who will be pulling their strings? Is it going to be hillosercrooktOOn, msthemuslimvileone, or who? Ask yourself if pelosickpig is in her right mind and who is pulling her strings? Do you want that shadowy puppetmaster in control of America? If not, VOTE REPUBLICAN! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or shadow master.) March 12, 2020   bumblefingers 2:   Do you know the history of his ties with China? If you're not familiar with them, watch the ad that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) released showing bumblefinger's China connections. You may want to be sitting down for this. March 12, 2020   SCOTUS:   They have, AGAIN, ruled in favor of Pres. Donald J. Trump and allowed to stand his "Remain in Mexico" policy for those who are "seeking asylum". Even though the dumboRATS are still doing their best to make America's borders completely open IF the dumboRATS loved America, as they always proclaim and flag wave during election time, they would not want open borders. They would want to have America and her people safe and secure, with borders that are secure and laws that are enforced. It's too bad we know that they are not like that. The left wants open borders so that they can replace the voters they aborted with the illegal alien invaders who come across our borders, breaking our laws, but helping the left get what they want: another vote for them to stay in power. It's always the same for them: Power is everything, America be damned. That's a shame. But it's still the TRUTH. March 12, 2020   Hypocrisy, thy name is dumboRAT:   They love telling everyone to NOT do as they do, but they continue to do what they tell you to NOT do. Their double standards are astounding and ridiculous, but that's the left all over the place: ridiculous. Take their "standards" for the Covid-19 outbreak. They like to tell you to NOT use certain words, or phrases, but they use those same words and phrases! Hypocrisy is something they love to practice, while preaching against it. It's the same with them daily. It's always "Do as I say, not as I do", is the familiar refrain. It's always the same. Always the same. Some day the left's followers and believers, the hangers-on and the angry screamers, will wake up to that fact. And maybe, just maybe, they'll change and start to love America for real and be "red pilled" and take the hypocrisy out of their lives and the hatred out of their hearts. It's possible. I didn't say probable. March 12, 2020   Covid-19:   Even doctors admit that Pres. Trump's travel ban has saved lives. It would be a lot worse in America if Pres. Trump had not done what he did. It was because of Pres. Trump that the the Covid-19 virus is not worse. Yet, people on the left like donlemon and jimacosta, jerrynadler, The IDIOT, dumboRATS in the House and Senate, and other idiots hate what Pres. Trump has done to protect America. Tells you how much they hate America, and Pres. Donald J. Trump LOVES America does it not? March 12, 2020   China:   I agree with Sen. Marco Rubio and Newt Gingrich (shock!) that we need to stop getting our medicine from China where they manufacture most of our medicines. It's time to make our medicine in America for America. It's time. March 12, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I have things to do and I will go do that. I'll be heading to our Georgia farm today so there won't be an update tomorrow. I'll try to see you on Monday. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 16, 2020: 12:23 p.m.   Hope you had a great weekend. We went to our farm and did more projects and worked on the las piece of the renovations for the kitchen and family room, the mantle. It is a learning curve to do this and we are learning as we go. We want to contour the mantle to match the tiles it will be against, so we think we have that finished, but it was a lot of work to get that right. We have done the burning of the wood on two of the pieces, but not the third. We have to inset the stones on those two pieces, burn the third piece, put them all together, then install the mantle and the only thing left will be a little bit of baseboard type trim I noticed we hadn't done. Then it will be time for our party! Looking forward to that. We also mowed and found three dead armadillo carcasses and a half-eaten squirrel. The latter in our gutter's downspout that had been torn off the house and had some tooth marks in it, with the upper portion of the squirrel still in the collapsed bottom part of the downspout. It was gruesome. I don't know whether it is a dog, coyote, or something else that has been killing all of these animals, but I hope that it stops soon. I don't want to have to call animal control on someone's dog because it is on our property and killing everything it finds. It could be necessary because a dog who will kill an armadillo is a dog that is very hungry and maybe being abused at home. We'll see what happens. Anyways, let's get started. March 16, 2020   Covid-19   The CDC has made test kits available nation-wide and it's a development that is really good for you. If you feel sick and think you may have been exposed to Covid-19, get tested. You may have the regular flu, or just a cold, or whatever, but you won't have to wait for the results to come back from the CDC because they have sent tests to the local area. That's great! BTW, did you know that the msm is LYING TO YOU AGAIN, this time trying to SCARE YOU by using HIGHER death rates than are actually happening? They're trying to keep you in fear so that they can get you to hate Pres. Donald J. Trump, who has handled everything perfectly and has been a step ahead of the illness from DAY 1, yet the msm tries to make you afraid and hopes you use that fear to vote against Pres. Donald J. Trump on election day. That's why they are LYING TO YOU about this Covid-19 thing. They're trying to use it to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump, that's all this is about. "Remember the H1N1 Pandemic"? Yeah. We could have done the same with this, except that the msm and the dumboRATS politicized this very early and tried their darndest to make this bad for Pres. Trump. I bet you that thevilegeorgesoros is doing his darndest to help destroy the economy so taht they can blame it on Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's ridiculous how people on the left are using this virus to do damage to as many people in America as possible, so that they, in turn, will blame Pres. Donald J. Trump. They are despicable. March 16, 2020   MAGA!:   Meanwhile, as the left tries to destroy America and sneaking in killing babies as part of their Covid-19 efforts, Pres. Trump is trying to establish America's medical supply chain that starts and ends in America! That's a great idea and it's an important thing to do, but the left and the msm are still so focused on using Covid-19 to try to destroy everything good and decent in America, that they won't even talk about the fact that Pres. Donald J. Trump is trying to SAVE LIVES! The left doesn't care about that. What they care about is the possibility of "winning" via any means possible, even if it does cost hundreds of American lives! They're so horrible and their souls are so black that I can't imagine being part of their side. It would be awful being a dumboRAT! March 16, 2020   Oh, MY!   Floridians dodged a bullet on this one because the guy caught in a hotel room with meth and a gay escort could have been our governor if more people had voted for him. Florida, you did great! You voted for the right person! I, for one, appreciate it very much! March 16, 2020   The Fed:   Why is this guy messing America over every chance he gets? Does he hate America, or just Pres. Donald J. Trump and that's why he makes moves to harm America anytime we need good news? Is there something wrong here? Why is he still the Fed Chair? Why isn't he kicked to the nearest curb with a steel-toed boot and we put someone in that position who will do good things for America? This clown needs to go. March 16, 2020   dumboRAT "Debate":   Did you know there was another one last night? No? Most people didn't. During this low energy, low interest, low truth debacle, bernie SOCIALIST praised China for "lowering poverty rates" in China. Uh. Problem: They lowered the poverty rates because the poor people DIED OF HUNGER or because their dear leader KILLED THEM because they disagreed with his policies! You kill FOUR TO EIGHT MILLION people and, yes, the poverty rate will be lower! He's a MORON! You don't praise killing people to lower the poverty rate, no matter how much you like COMMUNISM! Considering how often he praises Cuba's dictators, China's dictators, etc., what will he be like as prezidunce, or should we say "Dictator"? Meanwhile, bumblefingers promised to make funding abortions a REQUIREMENT for his healthcare plan! Do you believe that killing innocent babies while they are still in their mommy's womb is a good thing? If not, can you imagine having bumblefingers sniffing women's hair as he ensures babies are ripped apart in their mother's uterus, but forgets whose hair he sniffed and goes back to sniff it again? Either of these guys would be a disaster. One bad because he's a Communist and loves dictatorships and would mirror them here. The other because he'd immediately be Amendment 25-ed and his VP, probably hillosercrooktOOn, would step in and become our nation's Commander in Cheat. Is that what you want? Don't vote for either of them. Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's what is best for America, for your grandchildren, for your neighborhood, for YOU! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or commie.) March 16, 2020   FBLIE:   They are still trying to carry out the orders of their precious themuslimvileone and they're doing everything they can to stop Pres. Trump as well as punish a good man who did nothing more than disagree with themuslimvileone. They are now saying they have lost Gen. Michael Flynn's files in an effort to slow the process of shutting down the case due to their own malfeasance and lawlessness. It's time to get the FBLIE straightened out via firing all of the leadership, and everyone whose loyalties are to the lefties and the previous administration and clear them all out and start afresh with those who are loyal TO AMERICA and to doing the RIGHT THING and who will do things correctly, instead of breaking the law in order to destroy a candidate, a president, a man they disagree with. It's time to cut the FBLIE's serpent head and start over. March 16, 2020   SCOTUS:   The Covid-19 virus is going to prevent them from hearing oral arguments on several issues, including the case where the dumboRATS were requesting Pres. Trump's financial records so that they can search for anything they can label a "crime" and try again to impeach him on false charges. It's a good thing that they are not meeting because several of the justices are in the group that is "highest risk" (rbg is 87) and it may save someone's life. Let us hope that the day comes when they can meet again soon, but that the law and some common sense prevails and that they deny the motion to prevent another FAUXpeachment. March 16, 2020   jim bakker sells Snake Oil:   Remember him: jim bakker of the Praise The Lord (PTL) Club and Tammy Faye Bakker, his ever-crying, ever-mascara stained face? Remember that he was convicted of stealing from his ministry and was sentenced to 45 years in prison for it (served only 5)? Yeah. He's back on the telivision and he's still "preaching" and proclaiming Christ (only as a hook to make you trust him, though), and now he's selling snake oil as a Covid-19 cure. Really. Sigh. Old crooks never die, they just find a new scam, right? March 16, 2020   FAKE NEWS:   Just in case you hear about this, there is No national curfew as yet and the LIES that spread otherwise are just to make you scared. It's ridiculous. March 16, 2020   That's it for today. I have things to do and I will go do them. Y'all take care and I will try to see you tomorrow. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 17, 2020: 10:08 a.m.   Just a few blurbs today because my son is coming over and I enjoy spending time with him, so let's get started. March 17, 2020   Leftist LIES:   So the whole Covid-19 panic is
based on LIES
from the World "Health" Organization
and from the same country that gave us the "Russian collusion dossier",
England's March 17, 2020   Leftie Lies 2:   When the dnc said that their server was hacked and a company run by lefties, CrowdStrike, said that it was hacked "by Russians", we know that they are lying because there are so many things that are contradictory to their stories (multiple versions of their explanations), there are so many impossibilities and there are so many proven falsehoods that we know that their lies are lies and their lies keep changing depending upon the question, the date and the moment. It's time that they be held accountable and that they answer to the LAW for the LIES they have been telling and for what they have put America through with their lies. It's time that the left start going to prison for their coup attempt and their treason. March 17, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Do you know that the U.S. government "misspent" $175 BILLION in 2019 alone? They just shrug their shoulders and say, "Whatever." as though it's nothing. That's the attitude of the career civil "servants" who are supposed to be our employees, not our paid thieves. " The largest chunk—$121 billion or 69%—was blown on “improper payments” in three federal programs, according a federal audit issued this month by the nonpartisan investigative arm of the U.S. Congress, the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The programs with the highest concentration of waste last year were Medicaid, Medicare and Earned Income Tax Credit."The employees in those departments should be fired and those positions filled with people who are made aware of this thing first: What can happen to them if they are not careful with the people's money and help it to be used properly, in the proper proportions and for the right reasons. Then you allow them to work for the federal government with refresher courses annually in what the punishments are if they help waste our money. Fire everyone who helped waste $175 BILLION. Fire them. Then re-work the organizations and fill those positions with those who are first taught to fear the punishment that they deserve if they are not careful. March 17, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   Remember when I said that if she is forced to testify that she will be testifying by saying "I don't recall" more than anything else? Well, that's what the court said, too: "'The Court has considered the numerous times in which Secretary Clinton said she could not recall or remember certain details in her prior interrogatory answers.'"Do I know the left or what? They think they can get away with "I don't remember", but when Judicial Watch and an honest judge get tired of that, they demand answers and that's a good thing! It's time we get answers and I wish we could find a way to make that happen. Having hilloser in court in person to answer questions -- mark my word -- will result in more "I don't remembers" and more "I can't recalls" and quite a few "I pleade the fifths" because that's what she will do. She will not answer questions that will result in her being accused of anything, or her being charged with anything. She will act high and mighty, very condescending, as though it's a "Top Secret" security clearance issue and, therefore, she can't answer questions about that because it's about her time as SoS (not "shi* on a shingle", although...), and she'll say whatever LIE it takes to deceive, protect herself and make this whole thing go away without herself going to prison. Heck, she'll even throw others under the bus, so I wonder who is going to be the sacrificial lamb this time: huma "mrs. anthony weiner" abedin, or cheryl mills, or someone else? March 17, 2020   Government Over-reach:   Did you know that the government has been confiscating cash if you're traveling with "large amounts" of it? They just decide that they are going to take that and you don't have anything to say about it, even though there is nothing that indicates you have committed a crime, or are involved in anything illegal. If you have it, they can take it without explanation and if they choose to gie it back, they will can do that without explanation also. Isn't that sweet? The government's employees think they're gods and that needs to change. They work for US, not vice versa. March 17, 2020   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The people who hate America as it was founded and as it should be, the ACLU, are suing America to force the release of illegal aliens invading our country because Covid-19. Of course, they don't care about the fact that they could be bringing it INTO America, because the ACLU doesn't care about America and Americans. They care about helping the left get and stay in power; nothing else counts as important in their world. Isn't that special? March 17, 2020   Leftist Lies 3:   The "paper of record", the nyt, has decided that it's more important to them to tell the LIES that hurt Pres. Donald J. Trump than to tell the TRUTH for the record. So, they had EIGHT (count 'em, EIGHT!) of their writers/reporters/authors telling the same LIE about Pres. Trump. That LIE was that he told the states they are on their own in trying to get enough ventilators to serve the people who may fall victim to Covid-19 and need to be put on ventilators. What he said was "'Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.'"That's what he said but the nyt has decided to leave off the last sentence. Isn't that wonderful of them? Liars. March 17, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Remember to keep an eye on the people in Port St. John who want to incorporate our small area and what they may be up to. It's important to learn from and remember the past. If we don't we will have to repeat it. Is that what you want? Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 18, 2020: 12:39 p.m.   Covid-19:   First, let's start by restating that the World Health Organization (WHO) has LIED about the disease since its inception and it's time that the WHO be held accountable. We need to DEFUND the WHO and not give them another penny until there is accountability and until we can put rules with teeth into place to stop them from LYING to the world! It's time that America take control of what the rest of the world can do to us using our money and we make sure that no one can LIE to us and waste our time and money while taking our taxpayer dollars! It's time to hold their feet to the financial fire and make them stop LYING! The WHO has relied on China for their numbers and we know that China LIES to the world about a LOT of things (Just like North Korea's Tiny Tyrant!) and if you're going to rely on LIARS for anything, you know you're going to be messed with! Period! In Italy, twelve people died who didn't have nderlying SERIOUS health conditions prior to be infected with Covid-19; and we don't know about those twelve and things that could have impacted their reaction to the infection! We know that most people who get it are ASYMPTOMATIC and don't even realize that they have it, so people are spreading it without knowing it. Is there any "10 person limit" that can prevent the spread of something you don't know you have? If you don't feel sick, you're going to think it's okay to be one of those ten people, right? So, what good is the "crowd limit" going to do? Are we going to be jailing people everywhere who are outside in order to stop this thing? Are we all going to be ordered to stay inside? What about the groceries we need, or the hospital visit we need to go to? My mother-in-law is on dialysis and she had to be given a pass from her treatment facility in order to not get arrested in Ohio! How amazing is that? I'm appalled! Is this America? What price do we have to pay to be "healthy" and how much FREEDOM do we let go of in order to "stay safe", and how can we "stay safe" when crominals are being freed because of Covid-19? Is that really necessary? Is it "safe"? Why are they doing that if they're worried about our safety? Or why are the Phidelphia police NOT ARRESTING criminals because of the Covid-19 virus; is that keeping us "safe"? What are the standards and who gets to decide? Why are government officials getting to choose what keeps you "safe" in this thing? Why is it okay for them to release/not arrest criminals but confine innocent people to their own homes? Does this make any sense whatsoever? March 18, 2020   U.S. Census:   Have you filled out your census forms? I did two: one for our Florida house and one for our Georgia house. The one for the Florida house I did online and I got to fill in the number of people who live[d] here on April 1st of this year. I told them that, then everyone's ages, then I got to tell them what everyone's ancestry was. I chose "White", but they wanted to have the ancestry as in "German, Irish, British", kind of choices. I decided to undo "White" and did "Other" and in the "Other" thing I had to put what kind of ancestry we had so I chose to put "American Mutt" and it took and the U.S. Census accepted it! So, it's official that the U.S. Census accepted "American Mutt" as a nationality! How funny is that!? March 18, 2020   Company is here so I shall go. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 23, 2020: 11:39 a.m.   Hello! I am back. I took a few days away so that I didn't have to smack people. I was getting so tired of and frustrated with the LIES of the left that I was ready to line 'em up and slap them all! I don't mean real, physical harm, just a slap and a look of disgust to accompany a good lecture about honesty in reporting (the five W's and the H) and how their LIES are harming people and harming America. I got so disgusted with the left's LIES and the msm's LIES and hatred of all things America that I just had to step away for a few days and I spent very little of the last four days reading anything of the news of the days. Even going to Breitbart (which tells the truth) was stressful even though they were debunking the LIES of the left because they had to tell us what those LIES were and that frustrated me because they should know better than to LIE but the left does it consistently anyways. It's frustrating that these "adults" who are the "talking heads" (notice no one says "talking brains", just "talking heads"), have the positions they hold, but wouldn't know the TRUTH if it kissed them on the lips, slipped them the tongue and grabbed their crotch at the same time! The left doesn't recognize TRUTH because they are not familiar enough with it since it hasn't passed their lips in so very long they can no longer recognize it! That's why I get so frustrated with the C-19 LIES of the left, and with their LIES in general: I hate being LIED to! If the msm tried to tell the TRUTH, they'd choke on it! They'd drop where they stood/sat and nary a word escape their lips again. Frustrating. Anyways, I think I can handle it for a little while so I'll do a few blurbs today and then run my errands. I have an appointment I have to be at tomorrow, so tomorrow's updates will be just a few as well. Let's get started for today. March 23, 2020   Covid-19:   The lefties in Congress, pelosickpig and the rest of the LIARS, are blocking talks on the C-19 relief package because they don't care if businesses go under, if people DIE, or any other negative thing happens to America and Americans as long as they can blame Pres. Donald J. Trump for it (and they shall). They hate Pres. Donald J. Trump so much that even The Senate dumboRATS did the same thing and put their partisan "win" ahead of America and American lives and blocked a bill in the Senate. This should be so widely reported as being wicked, evil and wrong -- not to mention potentially deadly to new C-19 victims -- that all of America and the world should condemn the dumboRATS for putting their partisan hatred of Pres. Trump ahead of the lives of elderly Americans. It's time that the C-19 tactics of the leftist dumboRATS be called out for what it is: attempted MURDER. They refuse to do what it takes to move the bills forward that would help the sick and infirmed, the businesses that could stay afloat with the help that is supposed to be in the bills the /dumboRATS are blocking and it's not good for anyone, except (they believe) their leftist, dumboRAT agenda of putting themselves and their quest to stay in power, get more power, and acquire new powers ahead of everyone and everthing else. If it means Americans DIE because of their power quest, so be it. The left doesn't care about anyone or anything except POWER. That's what this C-19 crapola is about: POWER for the LEFT. If it means others die for it, so be it. The left will allow that price to be paid by others as long as they get to keep the gavel in the House and gain seats in the Senate, and get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Isn't that what a House and Senate should be? March 23, 2020   Covid-19 2:   There is info that says that C-19's numbers are like the regular FLU. So if the flu is killing about the same number of people then, why are we in lockdown over C-19? Why is it that the American economy HAD TO TANK? Why? Without the msm reporting the LIES as they did, there would have been no panic, there would have been no lockdowns, the economy would have kept ROARING and the stock markets would have kept climbing, but, no. The lefties in the msm, the lefties in the House and Senate, the lefties in hollyweird had to go on the dead blue bird and say they were afraid (although some of them have tested positive and are telling everyone they're "fine" and that it's not all that bad), they had to destroy America first because of TDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome. They thought they could use this to create this exact scenario -- with one HUGE exception: they thought that Pres. Donald J. Trump's approval numbers would go way down and they would be able to bash him for it and drive him from office because of the way the left ensured things would happen. They used the numbers of a known China puppet, change their headlines to make it worse and worse, attack Pres. Trump any chance they get, push STUPID ideas as they attack Pres. Trump, want to IMPORT workers to take American jobs during a crisis, and to top it all off, they attack the medical treatment that THREE studies show is effective and try to scare people out of taking it! This is the American LEFT today. POWER at ANY AND ALL COSTS, including American LIVES. Is that not what we want? Isn't America all about POWER FOR THE LEFT? If you think it is, then you may be having a great time. If you think it's not about that at all, then VOTE FOR THE MOST CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE AVAILABLE and you will help turn America around and help Pres. Donald J. Trump in his efforts to "Make America Great Again!" He can do it, but only with YOUR help. Vote for Donald J. Trump in November, and vote for America's greatness to return. He did it after he took office. In less than a year our economy was on the road to recovery and the unemployment numbers were down. He can do it again, but only if you help him stay in office. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or LYING, CRAPPY LEFTIE!) March 23, 2020   FBLIE:   This is rich. They have told a JUDGE that "transparency is not mission critical" at the FBLIE and that they will not be honoring any Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the next few weeks. That must be nice that they can put the LAW on "Ignore"! It's the LAW, but the FBLIE says, "Nope. Not mission critical, so we don't have to do it." Isn't that special? March 23, 2020   That's it for today. Gotta' go run an errand and it's time to do that. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 24, 2020: 11:47 a.m.   Covid-19:   The leftist msm is trying to blame Pres. Donald J. Trump for the deaths of two people who "poisoned themselves with fish parasite chemicals". Now that's just stupid. You don't take something that was meant to be used on fish. It's just not a good idea, but these two did it and the msm is trying to blame Pres. Donald J. Trump for the stupidity of those two people. Like the leftist who was at Publix yesterday who tried to blame Pres. Trump for the deaths on the African continent from Covid-19 (like the Sydney Morning Herald did), the guy at Publix did so even people there are SELF-MEDICATING (apparently there is no prescription for chloroquine required there) and overdosing on the drug! Covid-19 will spread faster there because of the lack of hygiene facilities in homes (running water is not common in small villages) and because of the fact that there are many there who are not in good health to start with due to the lack of proper food, unclean water soures, etc. Yet, people want to blame Pres. Trump for the deaths in OTHER countries! What about the governments in those countries being responsible for THEIR RESIDENTS in that country? Do they not bear any responsibility whatsoever? Or is it just because "Orange man BAD!"? Idiots! Meanwhile, the msm IGNORES the fact that in NYC, a doctor treated 350 Covid-19 patients and had a 100% SUCCESS RATE for the treatment Pres. Trump recommended! Ignore that! Don't look! Squirrel! We're also finding out that the World Health (Read: LYING) Organization not only kisses China's backside, but they also LIED about the number of mortalities to expect to be associated with Covid-19! The guy flat out LIED. Isn't that sweet? We can blame him for the worldwide panic pandemic! He's a LIAR and should lose his job! Also, the dumboRATS are trying their darndest to make sure they do everything in their power to put together a stimulus bill that Pres. Donald J. Trump WILL HAVE TO VETO because then they can say that he doesn't care about America's future and that he's still Russia's puppet! They put things in the "stimulus bill" they came up with like
March 24, 2020   pelosickpig's offspring:   Her daughter is as vile as she. Her daughter, christine, has said that she thinks Sen. Rand Paul's "neighbor was right". Remember, his neighbor attacked Sen. Paul in a hate crime that resulted in Sen. Paul having several cracked ribs and losing part of a lung because one of his ribs apparently pierced his lung in the attack. For doing this, pelosickpig's daughter thinks Sen. Paul's naighbor is "right". How awful a worm do you have to be to say something like that? The stink runs deep in the family veins. March 24, 2020   Olympics:   The decision has been made -- due to the Covid-19 outbreak -- that the Olympics will be delayed for a year. So the next summer Olympics will not take place this summer, but more likely, next summer. Better to have it late than to have people die. Agree? March 24, 2020   themuslimvileone's administration:   Do you realize that he depleted America's stockpile of N95 face masks but NEVER RESTOCKED THEM? The face masks that doctors and health care workers use to protect themselves from germs we carry was depleted by themuslimvileone when they used some of that stockpile during the H1N1 outbreak, but no. He refused to order it restocked. So for themuslimvileone's former National Security Advisor, susan rice, to demand Pres. Trump's "immediate removal from office" over the way he is handling the Covid-19 pandemic, when themuslimvileone refused to plan for the future outbreaks and replenish the masks that could save lives?! Hypocrisy much? Absolutely ridiculous! It's time that they shut up and go away! It's time! March 24, 2020   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has not liked this piece of garbage since it was put into place, so he has been fighting and trying to get rid of it in any way he can. He even has a current lawsuit going on to try to kill the thing altogether, but pelosickpig is telling him to drop the suit and not kill themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. This thing is still a total DISASTER that will costs are still SKYROCKETING! It's ridiculous and it's time that this piece of garbage be destroyed completely and utterly. It should never have happened in the first place. March 24, 2020   bumblefingersandtongue:   For years, he was just a bumblefingers as he touched his way through the crowd of little girls and women, sniffing their hair, touching them until they are uncomfortable. Now, his tongue is bumbling its way through his later years. The dumboRATS' presumptive 2020 nominee actually said, "'We have to take care of the cure that will make the problem worse no matter what,'"Watch it here! Is that someone who is going to be able to run a country? Is his brain working properly? If not, who will be in the wings awaiting his demise or dismissal? Enter hillosercrooktOOn? March 24, 2020   Insider Trading?:   I think that, Peter Schweiser's article suggesting that we make ALL Senators, Congressmen and presidents put their investments into blind trusts where they have no control over it at all, BEFORE they are sworn in (or if they're already in office, DO IT NOW), so that we can prevent any MORE "Insider Trading" incidents. There have been three Republicans and one dumboRAT who have been accused of doing so recently when they came out of a meeting about the Covid-19 virus and went and sold stock. It's looking bad for them and I hope that they all get at least FINED. March 24, 2020   Last Link:   Today's last link is an excellent article by Larry C. Johnson who says that "It’s Way Past Time for Proper Perspective on the Corona Virus". I agree. Part of the article says "[T]he reality of Mother Nature is that life is far more potent than death."That's the truth! People need to stop panicking and start planning for how they are going to get through this and get started figuring out how to make the economy and your own future ROAR! It's time to start planning for success and putting things in place to make that work for you! March 24, 2020   I will try to see you tomorrow. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 25, 2020: 1:00 p.m.   Covid-19:   How about we tell our non-medical expert, elected officials (I leave Sen. Rand Paul and other properly degreed MEDICAL DOCTORS out of this) to get out of practicing medicine without a license -- as NV's gov. is doing by BANNING effective treatment for the disease in his state -- and to pay attentiong to what they can CONSTITUTIONALLY do. He is ignoring the real world results of the medicine and the people who were treated by it in NYC, for example, and he's going to have a lot of people within his state who need the treatment he just "executive ordered" out of their treatment possibilities. If people die in NV, it's HIS fault. The leftist msm is trying to create animosity between Pres. Donald J. Trump and his Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci. They're doing everything they can to make Pres. Trump look like he doesn't know what he's talking about, but Pres. Trump is been kept informed of the facts and current information about the situation, the disease and the treatment. The problem is, they're misquoting Dr. Fauci and you need to know the TRUTH about what Dr. Fauci thinks of the treatment Pres. Trump was touting. When asked if Dr. Fauci would prescribe what Pres. Trump suggested Dr. Fauci said: "Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option."So, yes! Dr. Fauci would prescribe Chloroquine for Covid-19 patients! It's time that the msm be held accountable for the LIES. If you're going to hold someone accountable for their LIES, by the way, let's hold China accountable for their LIES about Covid-19 and how they handled it. I think we need to do that. I think it's NECESSARY and IMPERATIVE that we do that. Their mishandling of this situation is responsible for the deaths of thousands. Will they get away with it again? Another person we need to hold accountable for their LIES during this Covid-19 thing is dumboRATS; especially pelosickpig for her appalling list of leftist things she tried to pack into the Covid-19 stimulus bill that would have been welfare for so many of the left's favorite Holy Grails and a HUGE power grab in the way our elections would be held from now on if it had been passed and signed into law. It was a ridiculous way to do things: pack the stimulus bill with things that Pres. Donald J. Trump was trying to get rid of so that he either vetoed the bill -- which they would tout as him "not caring about the American people" in the next election -- or he sign the bill into law and be held responsible BY THEM for the funding of Planned AbortionHood (which he promised to unfund) and other things that he campaigned on getting rid of. They tried to put Pres. Donald J. Trump into a "Catch 22" so that he was in a no-win situation. The problem is, that they couldn't fight his popularity and his influence with the American people and she allegedly has backed down and will allegedly support the Republican Senate's bill for the stimulus. The problem is, she has DELAYED the vote until THURSDAY and she has no excuse for doing so. She's just power hungry and DOES NOT CARE about the American people! If you think I'm full of it for saying that, consider the fact that she refuses to support Pres. Trump's desire to put America back to work and says "'I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!'"She doesn't care that people are out of work right now and Pres. Donald J. Trump wants to put them back to work? She doesn't care? That sounds to me like someone who wants YOU to be unemployed as long as she STAYS IN POWER and in her $223,500 per year position of POWER. Is that not sweet of her? March 25, 2020   The Dead Blue Bird:   They've done it again. They have (again and again and again) targeted a Conservative and silenced him, but allowed a leftist to keep his account active. They hate Conservative actor, James Woods, and have again suspended Woods after he tweeted about former dumboRAT gubernatorial candidate, andrew gillum. The leftist attacked Melania Trump and continues to attack Conservative women, but a relatively tame tweet from actor, James Woods, commenting negatively on a dumboRAT? Lock his account! Ridiculous. Biased. Wrong. Leave the dead blue bird and go to GAB.com to exercise your First Amendment rights and to see what Free Speech is. It's not always pretty, sweet, kind, politically correct, non-controversial; it's raw and harsh and sometimes offensive. But that' what our Founding Fathers wanted for us! They wanted us to have our say about anything in any way we wished! They didn't want us to have Free Speech as long as we didn't hurt anyone's feelings or used the "correct pronouns"! They wanted us to be able to say things that offended people because you CANNOT control or account for other people's feeling! You can't even control YOUR OWN FEELINGS sometimes, so how on earth are we supposed to be responsible for others' feelings? March 25, 2020   War?:   It is war between Greece and Turkey/illegal immigrant invaders who are trying to cross the border between the two countries and migrants who want to come to Greece. Turkey should be made to handle the migrants they allowed to come into their own country via dealing with them there, or sending them back to from whence they came, but not via sending those migrants on to other countries. With Covid-19 in the mix, migrants -- and migration in general -- need to be stopped, held where they make first landfall for their flight from their country (for whatever "reason"), and then sent back to their native land! If you allow them to enter, move freely about, or move from your country to another, you're facilitating the spread of whatever diseases they carry, the spread of a foreign culture to create "no go zones" or "other culture" (cultural norms that are not native to your country's life and history) and the taxing of the resident/citizen population to support those migrants. It's not fair to tax people who have lived there for their whole lives to fund those who are coming in as illegals. It's just not right. March 25, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch has been on the case of her email server for years and they're not giving up! They're having more success in getting to the TRUTH about how much she LIED about her emails and what she destroyed and tried to hide from the public. We know now that there were MORE emails than she admitted to having CLASSIFIED information in them, and that she DID have BENGHAZI information that she REFUSED to turn them over to the FOIA requests and to the next administration (she didn't turn them over: she tried to DESTROY her electronic devices but they were recoved from either those devices or from the accounts of the people she was corresponding with). It's time that we get her under oath and make her say it out loud as often as it takes: "I don't recall." and "I don't remember." and "I had nothing to do with that. That was [fill in the blank]'s job." She'll throw others under the bus and make whatever excuses she needs to keep from being held accountable for her own actions. She has never faced accountability in her adult life because people are afraid of her and her philandering, "cigar" bullybob. Those who know the truth about anything those two do oft end up suddenly dead. March 25, 2020   bumblefingersandtongue:   Oh, my! This is so telling! Watch all of the short videos on the most senile candidate to want to run a whole country! He is on his way out of his senses! He is senile! He is suffering from Alzheimers (IMHO: No, I'm not a medical doctor.)! Why is this someone ANYONE would want to lead America? The answer is, THEY DON'T want him, they want who will be his VP. Remember, the truth is that anything they accuse the RIGHT of, the LEFT is actually doing! So what's happening is that they are propping up an old man who can't remember how to wipe his own backside, much less how to push the nuclear button, so that they can have the 25th Amendment to put the VP in power: "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."Who shall be the VP? I'm betting hillosercrooktOOn. We may not know until the dnc's convention July 13–16, 2020, at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but I'm betting on hilloser. Why? Because she's making the rounds on the television shows, she has a recent puff piece biographical movie done of her (including bullybob admitting to having had the affair with monica lewinsky because of "anxiety") and she's making speeches. She's on the campaign trial without admitting to it. That's why I believe it will be she. March 25, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I want to go work on the mantle for our Georgia farm's fireplace. I don't know if we'll be able to go up there this weekend, but if we do get to go (my hubby's work may have restrictions in place), I want this to be finished or very close to it. I want this final step to be done so that we can have the reno complete! That would be a great thing! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 26, 2020: 1:54 p.m.   I think it's going to be only a few blurbs today because my hubby is hoping to come home early and if he does we can work on a project we have going down here and my time would be well spent to help him with that project. I am quite happy about the new project and I'm hoping it will be finished quickly and we will be able to change things in our new lot quite a bit because of this new project. So, I'll do a few blurbs and then shut it down in the HOPES that my hubby will be able to do what he wishes today (he has the hours) and come home to work on our goal. Let's get started! March 26, 2020   Covid-19:   So the author who said that this thing was going to be HUGE is now saying that, well, it's not going to be as bad as though, maybe? " It might not kill 500,000 or two million people, he now says. It might kill more like … 20,000"That's U.K. numbers alone. Still big, but not as much as previously thought, by a long shot. So now it's down to as little as 0.01% of his previous prediction? Does that sound like this thing was blown so VERY OUT OF PROPORTION that it lead to a ridiculously overblown reaction and panic that didn't have to happen and which resulted in our worldwide economic mess? Sounds to me like actual the numbers are proving to be a problem for the doom and gloomers. They don't like that they're not accurate, nor that they're being proven wrong by the disease itself. They wanted this to be as bad as it would take to let their chosen leftist agenda be put into place. Meanwhile, pelosickpig has been trying her darndest to blame Republicans for the delays in the Covid-19 stimulus bill, while she and her rank (adj.) cohorts were the ones who tried to stuff the bill full of horrible leftist wastes of taxpayer dollars! Back in 2019, there was a study done that showed that America was the "best prepared country to handle a pandemic." We had more hospitals, medical personell, supplies, medications, etc. We will survive this mostly intact, with more fatalities than anyone wants, bruised but not broken and we will rebuild our economy and we will ROAR! Watch and see. WE WILL ROAR! By the way, you need to know that the Covid-19 virus is not as bad as the left wants you to believe. They want to use fear to try to CONTROL YOU and if they can make and keep you afraid, then they'll use that to keep you under their thumbs. However, we have proof now that the Covid-19 virus has killed FEWER people worldwide than the FLU has in AMERICA ALONE this year. So, how much should you be afraid? Should you be panicking? No. Don't be afraid. Use common sense and wash your hands a lot, do the "social distancing" thing and be sure to eat right, get plenty of sleep, and get some fresh air in your own back yard. Use your brain about this, and don't feed on the fear that the left uses to keep you in control. You are not their slave, are you? March 26, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   *clearing throat* Ahem. I was RIGHT AGAIN! I told my hubby that Pres. Trump's approval rating would reach 60% and: "A recent Gallup poll showed a 60 percent approval rating." The American people are not believing the LIES of the left and they're not happy that the leftist msm are LYING to America and they're trying to hide Pres. Donald J. Trump's press conferences because those press conferences are helping Americans remain calm, start to trust him, and learn the TRUTH about the Covid-19 issue that the leftist msm is not telling them. I am so glad that he has done this and that the numbers have climbed through this problem. It's proving that a lot of Americans were not really angry and hating Pres. Donald J. Trump, they were just going along with the crowd to fit in and not be called names by the left. A lot of people would rather have the peace that comes with going along than to face the wrath of the left if they don't. March 26, 2020   bumblefingersandtongue:   He really is losing his faculties. He has Alzheimers and it's sad. It's also possible that this could be considered "elder abuse" because I can't imagine him being able to make the decision himself with any accountability for that decision. He probably doesn't even choose his own socks much less whether to run for prezidunce! I can't imagine that it's something he DOESN'T want, but I think that at certain moments in every day of his life he doesn't know where he is, what he is doing, what day it is, who is who, etc. He said yesterday that "[themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX] is "the most important human right" anyone should have! Oh? How would he know? Does he remember his wife is his wife, not his sister? Does he remember that he was VP under themuslimvileone? Does he remember that his son was never U.S. Attorney General? No? Then is it elder abuse? March 26, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Wow. That's an expensive go! On a U.S. Navy ship, the toilets are so bad, that it costs American taxpayers $400,000 per flush! That's EVERY time! It's absurd! Why are they so expensive? Raise your hand if you think that's absurd! March 26, 2020   That's it for today, folks. I hope my hubby will be on his way home soon so I will be signing off for now. Until tomorrow (I hope); Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 27, 2020: 3:09 p.m.   My hubby is already home but he's working outside this afternoon on a project we are trying to get completed, and I don't want to do the serious stuff today because I'm rather frustrated again with the Covid-19 stuff. I decided to, instead of doing my usual blurbs, use this update to do something more relaxed and a little fun. Read and you'll see. March 27, 2020   So your children are at home and won't be back to school again until at least ten days from now, if not longer. This being the case, I decided to make a list of things that your children could do to keep them entertained as the days turn into boredom and acting out. Let's see what your kids think of these suggestions:
I hope this list helps. I hope you try some of them this weekend. If so, let me know and let's get through this Covid-19 thing without spreading it, but WITH enjoying our children while we can. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 30, 2020: 1:21 p.m.   Covid-19:   Well, I suppose we won't be going to our Georgia farm anytime soon. If we did, I don't know how long it would be before we could come back in since they're doing checkpoints at Florida's border. Gov. DeSantis is trying to keep sick people out of Florida, or healthy people away who come from "hot spots" like Louisiana, NY, NJ and CT. I don't know if that means we would be allowed to come and go as we please, but why take the chance? Not to mention my hubby's work place rules that impact our decisions. Sigh. We are no longer a FREE COUNTRY when the government can tell us we can or cannot do this or that. The FLU IS WORSE than C-19 and there is NONE of this for the flu! Why is C-19 so scary? Listen to the msm and you'll see why! LIES like the left are telling are why this is so blown up: The Mouth, chuckles toddlypoop, pelosickpig, cbs using footage from an Italian hospital while claiming it's NYC, USA today [sic] is LYING about the numbers, all while protecting themuslimvileone's recklessness and waste and while all of that is going on the DEEP STATE leftovers withheld mask sanitizing technology that could save lives! The LEFT is a vile group of uncaring, unfeeling, unworthy political hacks that have nothing to do with humanity besides the fact that they look human and have the same DNA, but their whole lives are about POLITICAL POWER and that's all that matters to them! The left is all about POLITICAL POWER and if they can't have it they'll kill people with their lies (or in the case of hillosercrook, actually have people killed). It's despicable what the left has done to the world here. "The left", by the way, includes CHINA, because the left loves COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, etc. so the left includes China and all of their lies! This is what the left is: death, destruction and loss for others if it means the left gets power from it. Let us never forget that. March 30, 2020   Doing The Right Thing:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's administration has entered a "Statement of Interest" in a law suit that female athletes filed against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) over its transgender policy allowing male athletes to compete against females. That's DNA males competing against DNA females; that's wrong and unfair, and Pres. Donald J. Trump's DOJ has filed a letter in support of the DNA females in the suit. Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing the right thing here. The DNA males still have the testosterone flowing in their bodies, no matter the medicines they are on that are meant to block that. They still have the structural advantages of having their legs be stronger than females' legs, etc. It's not about whether they have the genitals of a male (some do), it's about the DNA and the TRUTH that GOD made them male, no matter what the medical profession can do to them, they are still DNA MALE. Six hundred years after their deaths, if their bodies were dug up and tested, the tests would show a MALE was buried there, not a female. That's a fact that no amount of surgery will be able to change. XX and XY determine this, not cut, cut, snip, snip. It's wrong to allow DNA males to compete against DNA females. Let's stop this nonsense! March 30, 2020   pelosickpig:   Not only has she taught her daughter what every mother wants her daughter to know (wish death on political opponents), she is also still teaching hypocrisy by example. She accused Pres. Donald J. Trump of doing nothing while this C-19 issue grew, but if you look at the facts, she is the one who did nothing -- well, she did something. She visited "Chinatown" to prove that there is nothing to fear (which itself seems a bit racist to me), and she focused on FAUXpeaching Pres. Donald J. Trump while C-19 made its way across the ocean. Sweet, yes? When Pres. Donald J. Trump limited flights coming in from China back in early February, she was tearing up Pres. Trump's SOTU address, pushing for a guilty verdict in the Senate for Pres. Trump. She is the one who was wrong in her handling of the C-19 thing, not Pres. Donald J. Trump! EVERY step he took she dissed. The dumboRATS are pushing for open borders, which would bring more sick people into America. Pres. Donald J. Trump worked with Canada to close our borders to keep America safe! She stuffed the C-19 stimulus bill to help America with things like funding for Planned AbortionHood, voter laws that would allow dumboRATS to cheat as much as they want (Mickey Mouse, dead people and illegals all vote dumboRAT), and environmental issues that would lead to higher taxes for YOU. She wanted to do that! That's not what Pres. Donald J. Trump wanted to do. He wanted to help YOU and your employer and get America working again as soon as possible. The differences are so stark and shocking it's amazing that anyone would vote for any dumboRATS ever again! March 30, 2020   FBLIE:   Did they do their best to find out the truth regarding the hillosercrooktOOn e-mails and her TREASONOUS sharing of American info with our enemies, or did they do their utmost to try to hide that and give her time to destroy the proof of her wrongdoing? I think you know the answer to that very rhetorical question. If not, it's time to wake up and smell the burnt coffee. She's so certain of her own cover within the Deep State and their continued help in covering up her wrongs, that she's claiming she's "too important" to have to testify regarding her use of a private server and public e-mail while she was Secretary of State Traitor. She thinks she's still important? Really? Maybe she's confusing "irrelevant" with "important"? After all, she's NOBODY now! She lost! She can't get over that fact, but it is a FACT. She LOST in 2016 and she is not the President (Thank you, Jesus!) but she still considers herself "too important"? Too important to whom: her grandchildren? (I can't really even imagine that considering how cold we've seen her heart to be.) It's ridiculous that she thinks of herself that way, but she is still being aided in that delusion via the FBLIE and others in the Deep State. Or, maybe, she IS "too important" because she can name names and divulge all of the secrets she has on those who did the same things she does. After all, she did fly often with bullybobcrooktOOn on the Lolita Express, did she not? She knows who was who, and what they did with whom. Is she holding things over those who are still in power and thus, she's "too important" to put under oath? Is that what's going on here? March 30, 2020   Covid-19 Again:   So the FDA and the HHS have both approved Chloroquine, Zpac and Zinc which Pres. Donald J. Trump recommended almost two weeks ago and so far, we've seen GREAT SUCCESS with the treatment he recommended! Now the left may shu... Well, that's a PIPE DREAM, isn't it? March 30, 2020   NYC Idiocy:   Can you imagine this being done? NYC's MAYOR, bill de blasio, hasn't "shut down the public parks in New York City, despite multiple complaints from the health officials. But he’s threatening to shut down some other facilities. Those would be the churches and synagogues who continue to hold services during the ban on gatherings of more than ten people. And if they continue to tend to their flocks in this fashion, he’s warning religious leaders that he may shutter the houses of worship 'permanently'. [my bolding]”Permanently? As in, it's never to open its doors again? That's what he is threatening. He would deny people their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS "Amendment ISo from where does de blasio think he would get the authroity to do this permanent shut down of churches and synagogues? By the way, why did he not mention "mosques" in that threat? Hm? March 30, 2020   NY State Idiocy:   Does stupid run in the water in NY? What is it about that state and city that makes people vote dumboRAT even though the dumboRATS they vote for prove themselves egotistical idiots and evil overall? The de blasio thing above, the history of their unwavering support of the crooktOOns, etc., makes me doubt the intelligence of the people of that state and city. They elected de blasio and cuomo who says that he will fund Covid-19 response by taking education funds. Um. DUH! Do you know why he's planning to do that? Because it's easier to get people to vote FOR a TAX INCREASE "for the children" than it is to get them to vote for something that he should look to other expenditures to get the money. He couldn't stop giving to the dnc, or to the arts, or to the Alphabet groups, could he? No! Heaven forbid! He takes from the education fund because then he can raise taxes "for the children" and no one can argue with that, can they? See? Leftists use children as often as they can as a way to get manipulate the voters. Children are hated by the left or they wouldn't support abortion so vehemently, but they will use those hated children as a tool to manipulate those who pay the bills. March 30, 2020   bumblefingersandtongue:   IF you have to believe the victims of sexual assault allegations, then you have to believe the woman who says that bumblefingers sexually assaulted her when she was a staffer. His history of inappropriate touching and creepiness, I think I believe this woman and the others who have said that they had to protect women from him and he used to walk around and swim naked when his wife wasn't home. Eeew. No thanks to that image (or seeing it in person)! Ick. March 30, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I am glad he did this. I don't think that the American taxpayer should be paying for them because of their alleged giving up of the "privilege" being a "royal" gave Harry. Pres. Donald J. Trump told them that America would NOT pay for their security detail and now they have to either go without or pay for it themselves. Knowing how meghan works, though, she'll find a rich benefactor to pay for it until they get their money scheme going and they can afford it themselves. I wonder how long it will be before she talks Harry into crawling back to the Queen with begging hat in hand and asking forgiveness for their rebellion. I can see it coming because she likes being someone but she also loves being PC. The two are not incompatible, unless you have no money to make it work for you to live the lifestyle you want while being a pauper. Poor meghan. Loves the life, but wants the approval of those she yearns to be her peers: hollyweird. That's why she married up. She wanted the life, but she couldn't do without the accolades. British "royalty" is allegedly all about "serving the people" and that's not what she aspires to. She aspires to being served by the people, not serving them. How much you wanna' bet if she doesn't move back to England with Harry (i.e. divorce) that she'll run for public office and try to be served via her constituency? Put it on the prognostications list. March 30, 2020   Last Link:   There are two videos I want you to see. One is just plain funny: "Don't Cough On Me!" by Granger Smith and Mark Dice's video about Cringe Panda. She's an up-and-coming YouTube sensation with a head on her shoulders who doesn't think that political correctness is cool. She's a teen with a brain. That's something the world needs more of! Cringe Panda's channel is here and you may want to check it out. March 30, 2020   Okay. That's it for today. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! March 31, 2020: 1:05 p.m.   Covid-19:   I am hating this. I am really trying to NOT deal with it because it's so much HYPE that it's not even realistic now. It's so much less than the FLU that I scratch my head in wonder about this. How on earth is this happening? I am left to wonder why this basic "nothing burger" is being used to scare people like this. Is this a dry run for the Deep State to be able to take control of the American people and use a health scare like this to CONTROL US and make us obedient? Is this being pushed and Pres. Trump believing the Deep State LIES and trying to do his best to keep America healthy? Is this a DRY RUN for when hillosercrooktOOn is in power and she wants to totally take control of America and transform her into AmeriKa, as themuslimvileone was wont? I don't think AmeriCa should be handled this way. I don't think we should ACCEPT THE REMOVAL OF OUR FREEDOMS so easily! I don't think that AmeriCa should be so lacksicdaisical about the First Amendment rights we are kissing goodbye without protest. Listed below in bold the FREEDOMS we were GUARANTEED in the U.S. Constitution that we are just casually kissing goodbye: "Amendment IWe can no longer "peaceably assemble" because of the "social distancing" rules surrounding Covid-19. We are told to not go to church -- they've been SHUT DOWN -- because of this thing that isn't as bad as the FLU, and in NY, there is a threat to permanently SHUT DOWN CHURCHES AND SYNAGOGUES! (No mosques?) So where is the First Amendment in NY? Where is the First Amendment in the whole United States of America? Why are we so easily giving up our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS when this -- again and again and again -- IS NOT AS BAD AS THE FLU? WHY? I'm very frustrated with learning how close to SHEEP we have become! Even though the left is saying you "Can't 'gaslight' a virus", the left HAS BEEN DOING SO SINCE IT CAME TO AMERICA! They've been LYING TO US and LOCKING US DOWN and we've ACCEPTED IT! GASLIGHTING! March 31, 2020   Pitting State Against State:   So we now have to consider another state, a "hot spot" state, as a threat to us? We have Florida's governor setting up check points to find people who are from NY, LA, NJ, and CT and tell them that they are supposed to forego their vacation and stay isolated in the place where they expected/wanted/planned to vacation. Do you really think people are going to do that? No! But we are targeting them because they're FROM a "hot spot" state and they're now the enemy? Sheople? Is that what we are? This is all a DEVICE OF THE DEEP STATE AND THE msm! It's not as bad as the FLU! Get a grip! QUESTION THIS! March 31, 2020   dumboRATS:   They packed the Covid-19 stimulus bill with gifts to their friends and probably family members, and one of those benefiting from the stimulus bill is the Kennedy Center. They received $25 MILLION of YOUR MONEY and were allegedly going to pay their musicians with the money. The problem being that they received the money and FIRED the musicians! They were gifted the money for one use, but put it to another. That's probably exactly what pelosickpig knew would happen because she doesn't care about the cost to the American taxpayer, but she does care about the influence she maintains and the benefits it gets her to give YOUR money away to those she hangs with. Don't ya' love how easily the left throws away your hard-earned money to their buds? March 31, 2020   bumblefingersandtoes:   He is so muddled and befuddled that he can't face a live video session. They decided to put him in the realm of pre-recorded and his talks are heavily edited so that they can hide his brain freezes, his mumblings, and his brain going off track. He's senile and probably has Alzheimers (IMHO: not a doctor), but the left thinks we'll actually believe that he's their presumptive nominee. WRONG! It's impossible for me to believe that he's their guy. He's no more their guy than am I. He will be replaced by hillosercrooktOOn and if not, I'll be totally and completely surprised! Won't you? March 31, 2020   Islamic Violence Upcoming:   In our U.S. prison system, the inmates are "captive audiences" for radical Islamic teachings and there has been a huge increase -- 250% INCREASE in radicalized convicts in our prison system. That means that there could be radicalized prisoners released -- including during this Covid-19 scare and opportunity for the left -- and that there could be blood spilled by these radicalized prisoners who may not have entered prison as radical Islamists, but will certainly leave prison and re-enter society as radicalized, dangerous people. And America's prison system is not tracking who has turned radical. I wonder why? Is your guess the same as mine? It's rather a convenient tool to have at your disposal if you're on the left, don't you think? March 31, 2020 &nbso Last Link:   I can't deal with this anymore. I'm getting too frustrated to keep doing blurbs for today. I will leave you with a smile (I hope), though, and I give you a "Quarantine Song" by Dr. Lee Carriker. I hope you smile! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 2020   April 1, 2020: 1:52 p.m.   Covid-19:   Now, Florida residents -- or should I say "Fellow Prisoners"? -- we are under statewide lockdown and I am fed up. Our First Amendment freedoms and our other Constitution-given rights are being totally ignored because the msm is hyping this to the "NTH" degree and it's making me want to rebel! I really do hate this so this blurb will be my only blurb for today. I gotta' step back before I'm urging total rebellion! April 8, 2020: 2:38 p.m.   I'm back. I have been gone for a week because of the frustration with the government -- federal, state, city and county -- taking away our FREEDOM and our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and that frustrating me because people are accepting it and just caving in and following orders! That is a BAD THING for America! Our Founding Fathers would NEVER have gone along with this! Yet, here we are, obeying a lockdown order because it "keeps us safe". Aaaarrrggghhh! I'm so tired of that! What can't they tell you to do to "stay safe" that you won't obey? Do you have a limit? Do you have spine? The ONLY reason I'm obeying this thing is because of my hubby's job. He's a government contractor employee, and he has things he has to do and if I go rogue now I'd be messing that up for his job, his mission and his company. I don't want to mess with the mission, so I will be good, FOR NOW. If this goes on for much longer, I'm probably going to go to the farm and sit there where I can't get internet, have no television service and get very few radio stations so that I can sequester myself and not hear about the government's abuse of our rights. That will keep me calmer than making almost forty cards (as I've been doing), mowing the lawn, crochet, or any of the other activities I've been using to distract myself from our FREEDOM being blown to smithereens! I may have to do that. For now, let's do a few blurbs. Just a few though, so that I don't have to scream. April 8, 2020   Socialist sanders:   He's OUT! He quit the preziduncial race. Good. We don't want a hard line socialist in the Red House anyways. We've already had a Muslim America-hater, and a soft-line socialist (crooktOOn), so we don't need a hard line socialist. We can do without that ever being in control here. It would be a very good thing for America to never have another leader who is bad for America, who hates America, or who wants to give everyone everything -- or anything -- free. It's never free. You and I pay for everything that the government does, has, gives away, or anything else. He spent $160 MILLION on his lackluster campaign, but got nowhere, thank goodness. I think that all presidential candidates should be made to put their own money on the line (a la blooming idiot) before they can accept campaign donations. That way they'd have something real on the line besides time. I wonder who paid for The IDIOT'S campaign, for instance. (How much you want to bet it was thevilegeorgesoros?) She had nothing on the line except her time when she signed up to run. How much do you think she would have lost if not successful in her bid? Maybe $50? If she had to put it all on the line -- instead of thevilegeorgesoros or someone similar -- paying for her, how much do you think she would have wanted to run? Anyways, sanders is gone as a preziduncial candidate. The problem is, he's back as a Senator. That should be stopped, too. April 8, 2020   dumboRAT Candidate:   Remember: this is who dumboRATS are pushing as their next prezidunce. He is so good that he can't get through more than one sentence without getting confused. He's so befuddled that he's "locked in a basement"! That's bad, but that's who the dumboRATS want: ALLEGEDLY. Watch who he names as his running mate. That's who they want, not bumblefingersandtongue. April 8, 2020   Covid-19:   This is why I get so hot under the collar when I think about the government having shut America down for this thing: they have been LYING TO US about the number of people who are going to be or have already been affected by this thing and about how bad it is. The "experts" that Pres. Donald J. Trump has been trusting have been LYING TO HIM about this thing, changing their numbers, are connected to the crooktOOns and thevilegeorgesoros and now our economy is shut down and we've lost almost every job that the last three years of Pres. Donald J. Trump built up and America is hurting and it's going to cost us a LOT of money to get this turned around and put back to the place it was before we shut down over Covid-19. It's time that this shutdown stop. It's time to get America back to work and to "Make America['s Economy] Great Again!" Agree? April 8, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump: He's considering making the "World Health Organization" pay for their LIES about the Covid-19 virus (pushing China's LIES) and defunding them which would mean that they would get NO American taxpayer dollars! I like that! Let's do this! While he's at it, let's DEFUND the United Nations, too! He's also considering FIRING several Inspector Generals at the same time most of which were appointed by themuslimvileone. They've been attacking Pres. Donald J. Trump, while hiding and covering up crimes that their cohorts have committed against America and against Pres. Trump! That's not the Inspector General's job, to cover for his buddies! He's supposed to uncover the wrongs and expose them, no matter who has been doing them! That's a very good reason to FIRE them if they have been covering for wrongs! Let's do this! April 8, 2020   FAKE News:   They're still at it! I won't say "At it again" because they have yet to stop when it comes to Pres. Donald J. Trump. They've been caught LYING AGAIN about what he said. cnn is so bad about their TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and it may never end. After all, after his second term is over, they'll still have to LIE about him and his accomplishments in order to make their gods -- themuslimvileone, bullybobcrooktOOn, hillosercrooktOOn, etc. -- look as good in comparison as possible. The msm seems to forget that Pres. Trump has been Red Pilling people who used to be leftists, and that when this LIE (Covid-19) is over, there will be more people in the next five years who will be brought over from the dark side and that they will have memories as well as those of us who are already operating in the light. The msm is full of idiots. April 8, 2020   Muslim Violence:   Yet another incident where the perpetrator of violence is Muslim. Isn't it time to put limitations on immigration of Muslims? Isn't it time we stop shutting down our nation for an illness, and start putting the innocent lives of Muslim victims first? If we shut down a nation over something akin to the flu, why don't we shut down immigration over something akin to mass murder? April 8, 2020   Lefties Cheat:   They want to FORCE us into accepting "Vote by Mail" and CHEAT THEIR WAY TO VICTORY! Those pushing it:
April 8, 2020   Well, I'll close with that for now. I'll try to do updates tomorrow, but Friday we may -- MAY -- be at the farm putting our mantle up and mowing the fields. We'll see. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 10, 2020: 12:45 p.m.   Covid-19:   Just a few blurbs today so that I don't spit nails at the whole Covid-19 LIES that the Deep State and msm conspired to tell and push so that the American economy would be killed and shut down for the "safety" of the American people from this not-so-deadly-Covid-19 thing. Don't believe me? Even Pres. Donald J. Trump says that people LIED TO HIM -- ostensibly to "save lives" but really to ensure that the American economy was shredded -- so that they can defeat Pres. Trump come November because as we all know, "It's the economy, Stupid", as james carville infamously said during the crooktOOn's administration. Now, he has pulled out and dusted that phrase off for the dumboRATS because they could not defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump with the great economy he created. Carville said a few months ago that with the current slate of dumboRAT candidates, that they're busy "chasing goofy things" and that means they won't win. Now, he's saying that bumblefingers will win and/or the Republican Party will "kill people to win". Sounds to me like he's made a pretty quick change of mind because he knew that "it's the economy, stupid" was going to work to turn some people -- very few, IMHO -- away from supporting Pres. Donald J. Trump. Sounds to me like he knew this shut down was coming. Was the dnc, hillosercrooktOOn, thevilegeorgesoros, the Deep State (of which Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx are definitely a part) and the msm push this shut down so that they could destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump's presidency and chance of his reelection? Consider that the people of NYC would rather PEOPLE DIE than have another four years of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Does that sound SANE to you? Is that nice, fair, or any of the other things the LEFTIES try to convince us that they are? They'd rather millions of Americans and people WORLDWIDE DIE than have four more years of Pres. Donald J. Trump. To me, that's not just deranged, it's hate speech! They need to be under guard for their threats against humanity! April 10, 2020   Covid-19 part 2:   This is what happens when the wrong people get power. It goes to their little bitty heads and makes them power mad and they do stupid, unthinkable things -- unthinkable unless you're used to the lefties of America grabbing as much power as they can and abusing it to the "Nth" degree. When you are the "powers that be" and you tell a business they can stay open but -- this is ridiculous -- they can only sell certain things, and not everything in the store, then you're abusing your power and you're showing that you don't have what it takes to be in power. When you want to MICROMANAGE what people can or cannot buy from a store you "allowed" to stay open (I hate saying that "allowed" was part of it, but it was), then you're unfit to hold ANY position of power. No one needs permission from a governor to visit your parents' house or to buy something that they want with their own money from a business that was not shut down. It's open to do business and the governor cannot decide for you what is "necessary" in your life and what isn't. That's the way FREEDOM works: YOU decide what was necessary, not the government! Bring FREEDOM BACK! Get rid of the people who are pushing keeping America closed for months instead of re-opening her and allowing America to get back to work! FIRE everyone who has been pushing keeping America closed! They're all dumboRATS anyways, and they're all for taking away YOUR FREEDOM! April 10, 2020   Covid-19 part 3:   We've been LIED to by the LEFTISTS OF THE WORLD who want to control everyone on earth to make it possible for them to get or stay in power for the foreseeable future. They hate FREEDOM so much that they would rather people DIE if it means that they get or stay in control! They are despicable. The data has been wrong since day one, but they continue to LIE to you! That's telling us the TRUTH about them: they want POWER over you and if that means LYING to you to get it or keep it in order to keep you under their thumbs, they'll LIE at the top of their lungs, for as long as you'll believe it, obey them, listen to their lies! That's the TRUTH about the LEFT: POWER IS THE LEFT'S REASON TO EXIST! Look at how they do things. Think of what thevilegeorgesoros, hillosercrooktOOn, pelosickpig, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), The IDIOT, The MOUTH, ilhan INCEST oTALIBANar, chuckiecheeseyschumer, etc., do things. Does this not speak the TRUTH to you? POWER AT ANY AND ALL COSTS? pelosickpig asked people to go to SanFran's CHINATOWN while the Covid-19 virus ravished SanFran and people were spreading it since November, but she went to Chinatown in January and asked people to come to Chinatown! She didn't care about people getting sick and DYING! She cared about looking like she was in control! That's despicable! But she did it anyways. She doesn't care about America; she cares about POWER! April 10, 2020   Job, Anyone?:   That's great! Tractor Supply Company -- a Tennessee based company -- is hiring 5,000 people during this time. If you are looking for a job in these difficult days, you may wish to apply. April 10, 2020   Draining the Swamp:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has been draining the swamp which is making the rest of the swamp very nervous. I love it! Keep this going! Let's fire more of the swamp! Let's get rid of everyone who is part of the problem of the deep state's leftist push toward total control of America! I want every one of them GONE! April 10, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Hip-Hop music? Really? Did you know that YOU may be paying $70,000 for music that actually may make things in INDIA WORSE instead of better? Hip-Hop music has a history of glamorizing and pushing misogyny, violence and drug abuse and the State Dept. wants to use it as part of their "diplomatic" push in India? Really? It's not as if India has enough of that without adding Hip-Hop to the mix? Drug abuse amongst street children has been estimated as high as 90%! Misogyny is rampant there and it's a very violent country against women and religions that the perpetrator does not practice! Why are we going to spend A PENNY on this effort, much less $70,000? It is absurd! April 10, 2020   Last Link:   I wanted to leave you with something that I thought would bring you a smile, a giggle, or maybe even a guffaw (it did me). I watched Veronica give Gil a haircut. It was her first time cutting hair. It's hysterical. It had me laughing hard and my hubby laughing to tears. I hope it helps you do so, too. We all need a laugh these days. Ya gotta' watch the whole thing. April 10, 2020   I'm going to stop with that for today. I hope you stay healthy, safe and employed. As you can see, we didn't go to our farm. We have "permission" from my hubby's bosses, but we don't know what the State of Florida would do as we came home and a fourteen day self-isolation would prevent my hubby from going to work, so we can't do that. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 13, 2020: 2:57 p.m.   Covid-19:   IF you like FREEDOM and you don't think that America needs to be a Communist country, then you hate all of this crap that is being done because of the LIES that were told us. LIES that dr. fauci told Pres. Donald J. Trump and is now telling the msm. LIES that are just an effort to destroy Pres. Trump's chances of being re-elected. LIES that dr. fauci continues to tell and that the msm continues to tell and all in an effort to keep dumboRATS in power no matter the cost to our country, to FREEDOM, to right and wrong! Remember the TRUTH that dr. fauci said to go on cruises back in March and gyms were "okay" back in February! But now he is blaming Pres. Donald J. Trump for Covid-19 being so bad? Really? dr. fauci is to blame, not Pres. Trump! If Pres. Trump was not listening to dr. fauci, Pres. Trump would have been called an irresponsible man. Now dr. fauci is blaming Pres. Trump for C-19 being bad? Has he looked in the mirror lately? Come on! Get a grip! Pay attentiong to the TRUTH! Don't fall for the LIES that the left and deep state are telling you! Remember I showed you that dr. fauci is PART OF THE DEEP STATE and has ties to both thevilegeorgesoros and to the crooktOOn foundation! If that's not enough to tell you what his motivations are, I don't know what you would need: a hit upside the head? Don't listen to the left! Know that Pres. Trump is trying his best to do what is RIGHT AND GOOD for America as a whole; not for him to stay in power, as the dumboRATS are doing! I hate the LIES they have been telling! I hate what they have done to America, both our FREEDOM and our economy! April 13, 2020   Did you see the frustration in my words above? Yeah. That's why I am so glad that I'm going to the farm to see if things are good up there. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning and staying until at least Sunday. That will give me time to mow the whole property that we have as fields (14 of 28.4 acres are wooded), and it will give me the time to chill out and get away from the loss of freedom that is happening in America. We are very remote, between two small towns and it's an hour drive to the nearest big town (14,000 people as of 2016) so I'm hoping that I will return more relaxed. Let's pray for our country in the meantime. Pray for our economy and for the people who have not been at work and who have been suffering because of this LIE-based lockdown. We need GOD's help now, even more than usual. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 22, 2020: 4:12 p.m.   Hello! I'm back and I apologize for the extended absence. I did plan on going to the farm last Tuesday but I awoke with a bad ear infection and when I made the bed I saw the room twisting and distorting in my vision. It made me so dizzy that I knew I was unsafe to drive so I had my son help me by pouring hydrogen peroxide into my ear, and I let it soak for a while, then dumped it out and it did help. The dizziness was not quite gone, though, so I had my husband do that in the evening, and again the following morning. By then it was Wednesday and instead of taking two vehicles to the farm (me on Thursday, him on Friday) we decided to just ride together and we left Thursday. I didn't do updates Tuesday through Thursday because it was hard to look at things and do a lot of eye movement as I have to do while doing updates, without getting extremely dizzy again, so I passed. We got up to the farm and expected to return on Sunday night, but we got a call on Friday that said that the furniture store we purchased our new living room furniture from was ready to deliver it, would we be available to accept delivery on Tuesday? We said "Yes!" and my hubby talked to his co-worker and we stayed up there until Tuesday afternoon and we got our living room furniture! The company, Lott's Furniture in Waycross, Georgia, was nice enough to take the old furniture away for us (they donate it to people who are in need) and we are really excited that the old stuff is gone and our new furniture is there! My hubby has a new recliner (electric and with a built-in USB charging port on the side) and I have a new couch and a chair-and-a-half to sit in, curled up, and read and read and read! I'm so excited! Anyways, that's why I haven't been here lately. Sorry about that. I'll do just a few blurbs today and try to do a full day tomorrow. We'll see what the future holds. April 22, 2020   pelosickpig:   She has lately been so utterly disgusting that I am shocked she hasn't been recalled yet! Of course, her constituents probably agree with what she's doing, for whatever reason, and she just can't help herself being disgusting. She blamed mitch mcCONnell for holding up the small business relief package, but it was SHE and her dumboRAT counterparts in the Senate who actually held it up! She knows this because she actually CONGRATULATED schumer for holding it up in the Senate! The dumboRATS are still not happy that mitch mcCONnell passed the thing and signalled again and again that they were GLAD to be holding it up, to be PREVENTING people from re-opening their businesses and from getting ANY HELP from their government! They are GHOULS! They are despicable and disgusting and they LIKE SEEING AMERICA HURTING! Don't believe me? Remember that THE IDIOT celebrated America's hurting! She was glad because it could lead to her implementing her idiotic "green new deal". It's all about POWER to the left and they want it -- but NOT FOR YOU! They don't want YOU to have power over your own life, your own property, your own business, your own money, your own thoughts, words, deeds, anything! They want the power for themselves, but for no one else! They must control everyone and everything and they WILL BE IN POWER and that means NO SHARING with ANYONE who is not like them! They refuse to allow anyone who does not toe their line to have any say in what happens to their own lives! That's the goal of the left: ABSOLUTE POWER! Don't believe me? Start keeping a diary of the things they say -- and what they delete from their social media accounts. Then read them aloud to yourself after a month. Tell me that they don't want CONTROL and POWER over you! April 22, 2020   Seth Rich:   There is more info that points to the dumboRATS having something to do with his murder. If they didn't have anything to do with it, why would the adulterous lovers, strzok and page, have been writing to each other about it? If they didn't know what happened, why it happened, and (most importantly) WHO DID IT, why would they be working so hard to cover it up? It's all about protecting themselves; and the leftist dumboRAT who killed him: are the perpetrator's initials h.r.c.? April 22, 2020   Covid-19:   The truth about this hoax is starting to come out and when the whole thing comes to light you will probably find the following:
April 22, 2020   Well, that's my rant for today. My hubby is home and I must go help him on our current project. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 23, 2020: 1:26 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   He knew. He knew about the spying on then-candidate, Donald J. Trump, and he knew about the whole "Russian dossier" being a lie, and he knew that john mcCAINT leaked the dossier to the press (probably as a favor to themuslimvileone, whose backside mcCAINT's nose was very close to), and he should be held accountable for all of this. He, hillosercrooktOOn, thevilegeorgesoros, and all of the rest of them (the FBLIE, the DO[IN]J], etc.) should all be in prison and it's time to make EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW be brought back instead of those on the left being given the "disappearance cloak" that the Frodo and Samwise Gamgee had when they were trying to get to Mordor. Justice is supposed to be blind, that's why the statue of "Lady Justice" is blindfolded. That hasn't been true since the crooktOOn administration! It's been Lady Justice is a dumboRAT and they get to go scottfree, while any Republicans or Conservatives are prosecuted for sneezing! This has to change! This has to change if America is to remain America! Otherwise we are deteriorating into a Communist state with the leftist "elites" take over every position of power and corrupt America into whatever distorted monster they deem good FOR THEMSELVES. You and I, the peons, will suffer as our freedoms are taken away (If you think the Covid-19 lockdown is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet!) and more and more of the leftists get away with worse and worse crimes you will wonder why no one stood up and did anything to stop this! But look in the mirror first. That's where the answer lies. April 23, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Don't ya' love it when government agencies enjoy wasting your money? They act as though it's going to be just a reach into the proverbial pocket and it will always have whatever money they desire and they can waste more of it. With today's economy (thanks, lefties), we cannot afford a PENNY to be wasted, yet they continue to do things like wasting $66 MILLION on a 2,500 bed immigrant camp that had an average of 30 people in it. They wasted money and staffed it for no reason. They should just deport them, send them back immediately and not allow this to continue. Find someone crossing the border illegally? Pick them up, book them properly (fingerprint, picture, etc.) and within ten hours, they're back on the other side of the border with orders to not return or they will immediately lose all chances of EVER becoming a legal resident, a U.S. citizen, or even getting a work visa! That's the best way to handle this: send them immediately back, after recording their identities so that we can check to see how many times they've broken our immigration laws and come here illegally. The more often we catch them, the worse the punishment. That's how it should be. Why don't we do that? Save American jobs and save the cost of waste and it may even lower the ICE budget if we could lower the number of agents we need to employ to keep up with the illegal alien invaders crossing our borders! April 23, 2020   Election Integrity:   With November's election coming up, the left is doing all it can to ensure they can cheat as much as possible. That's why dumboRATS are pushing for "vote by mail", so that they can CHEAT as much as they want and no one can stop them. It's ridiculous but that's what they want. In dumboRAT controlled election offices nationwide, there are dumboRATS who don't want to clean the voter rolls: even when there are more voters registered to vote than there are residents in the county. That's why Judicial Watch sued, and now has WON against Montgomery County, Maryland, because "In order to avoid turning over the dates of birth for Maryland voters, the Maryland Administrator of Elections, Linda Lamone, directed her staff to remove date of birth as a field on the voter registration application."If you have more people on the voter rolls than there are people over the age of 18 in the County, then there must be a problem, yes? She -- a dumboRAT protected by a dumboRAT -- is now elections administrator "For Life" thanks to her friendship with the Maryland Senate President who created the bill to do so. This is what they will do to stay in power and what they will do to CHEAT at elections. They FIGHT every effort to clear the voter rolls of dead people, falsified identity records, people who are voting at age 202, etc. They will do anything to stay in power. Ask hillosercrooktOOn (actually ask her victims) if you don't believe me. POWER is all they want: ABSOLUTE POWER over EVERYTHING and over YOU! April 23, 2020   The Dead Blue Bird:   They have been censoring Pres. Donald J. Trump's account for a long time and they did it twice recently, the latest being a funny mock of bumblefingers and themuslimvileone. They probably think that they did a good thing, but they've only made people more determined to see it and more determined to share and spread it because they irritate people when they take it upon themselves to censor our First Amendment rights. They are so far left that they have been censoring a lot of Conservatives and shutting down those who are not leftists. I think that they messed up, though. They missed one of the best memes that Pres. Donald J. Trump has ever shared, posted, or retweeted: they missed "Nancy Antoinette", a GREAT AND HISTORIC take down of pelosickpig! If this was played every hour on every station across her district she would lose in a landslide! Let us pray that she does! April 23, 2020   Covid-19:   Speaking of the pelosickpig, she's LYING AGAIN and it's absurd that she apparently thinks that YOU WILL BELIEVE EVERYTHING SHE SAYS and that NONE OF US has a memory! It's as if she thinks that whatever she says is true at this very moment -- never mind what she said five minutes ago, or what she will say five minutes from now -- that makes it true and the whole of history has to change to match her current truth. If she says it, it's the truth. If she says something 180 degrees away from her previous statement, that's true, too. It depends on the moment as to what is truth and it depends on the fact that she decides what is true when, where, and how. You? You don't have a memory and you don't have the slightest idea as to what is true, right, wrong, up, down, backwards, or sideways! You are not the Speaker of the House so whatever you say -- or any Conservative in Congress says -- it doesn't matter. She is the ONLY one with truth and who can speak and who is the leader. She doesn't care what anyone else thinks or says. It's all about her. She is the one who decides. You don't matter! Always remember that. The fact is, that there are far FEWER DEATHS than we were told, and the Deep State LIARS in the Veterans Administration were WRONG in what they said about hydorxychloroquine! The left has realized that the economic downturn that was the result of their Deep State agents, dr. fauci and dr. birx, LYING to Pres. Donald J. Trump about the disease and that's what brought our country into lockdown and our economic destruction (temporary though it shall be). The left now wants to continue the lockdown until after the elections so that they can keep the economy down so that Pres. Trump has this economy to face during people voting in November. They think that james carville's words of the crooktOOn administration, "It's the economy, stupid", is working, so they want to keep our economy shut down now until they have developed a vaccine and vaccinated a lot of people. They know that will take well beyond November, and they think that's their answer to Pres. Donald J. Trump winning in a landslide. The thing they don't realize is that we are onto them and we know that this was all the doing of THE LEFT and we saw that Pres. Trump's policies helped our economy once, we believe he can do it again. That's the first problem. The second problem is that I -- and many like me -- will NOT be forced into getting a vaccine that we don't want. It's an invasion of my privacy, of my body and the government has no right to force me into getting it. I refuse. So that being the case, how can they keep America shut down until the population is vaccinated? That's the TRUTH of the matter: they will destroy America before they go four more years without power. They do anything they can to control you as long as possible, and if that means cheating, lying, or hillosercrooktOOning, that's what they'll do. It's all about the POWER. Mark my words. This Covid-19 thing is about POWER, not people's lives. April 23, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I'm getting stressed about this crap so I'm going to stop. I can feel the tension return that left me while I was in Georgia and I don't want that. It's date night and I don't want to be stressed for our date. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 27, 2020: 1:57 p.m.   Sorry I missed Friday's update. I took the day off to help my hubby with the "urgent" repair I accidentally brought about Thursday afternoon. When you have to fix something in the house that takes priority and that's that. So, we fixed the problem I accidentally created and we did some work on a project that we're trying to complete. It's getting closer, but goodness, is it taking a long time! I wish I could just snap my fingers and have it done, but lacking that ability, it's slow but steady and one thing at a time. Let's get started on today's updates. I don't know how much time I have to get this done, so I'll cover as much as possible. April 27, 2020   Covid-19:   I haven't trusted dr. fauci for a long time now and it seems that the more information that comes out about him the less we should all trust him and the more correct my gut feeling about him turns out to be. For instance, did you know that he gave $3.7 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO CHINA back in 2015? So does he have ties to this thing? Of COURSE he does! That's why he keeps changing his stories and goes on talk shows and dumps on Pres. Trump, then comes to the press briefings and says he misspoke, or whatever! It's time to fire dr. fauci and dr. birx and to let Pres. Trump put America back to work! Sweden has not closed its economy and it's not doing badly at all. They've had some deaths, but the overall numbers are similar to the flu, as in America. So they got to keep their economy open, and their country is thriving while America and most other countries shut their economies down and we're suffering. There's a lesson to be learned there. In America, the death rates in Los Angeles is 0.18% and NY is 0.89%. In fact, two epidemiologists in CaliMarxiFornia are saying that the stats are NO DIFFERENT in NON-lockdown areas! That means that we did this lockdown and ruination of our economy for NO REASON except that Pres. Donald J. Trump was LIED TO by dr. fauci and dr. birx! dr. fauci even admitted it was he who LIED! So America's decline in the last three months is because of the left's (dr. fauci is a lefty, associated with thevilegeorgesoros and the crooktOOn foundation!) desire to ensure the destruction of our economy because "It's the economy, stupid!" as james carville (serpenthead) said years ago. With the economic boon Pres. Donald J. Trump had created, the left HAD TO DESTROY THAT in order the have the slightest chance of winning any seats anywhere, much less the presidency! They destroyed the lives of business owners, Mom and Pop shops, around the country -- and the world -- so that they could blame Pres. Donald J. Trump for the failing economy! That's what this is about! They tried sexual allegations (stormy daniels), they tried FAUXpeachment (schifforbrains, naddlingnadler and pelosickpig), they tried "Russian collusion" and Ukranian whatever, but none of it stuck and nothing worked to alienate Americans from Pres. Trump because he was helping every skin tone, every gender, every economic strata -- poorest of the poor to the wealthiest -- to PROSPER and to do better for their families. The LEFT HAD TO DESTROY THAT in order to get a toe in the door to maybe eek out a victory somewhere. This is how much POWER means to the left. This is why they're padding the numbers about who has Covid-19 and this destruction of businesses nationwide, of bankruptcies nationwide, of depression and suicide nationwide is laid squarely at the feet of the left, thevilegeorgesoros those who support the leftist politicians and the msm because they are the ones responsible for this destruction. From nursing homes being FORCED to accept INFECTED patients, to dr. birx and her desire to extend the shutdown and "social distancing", the left has done this all wrong and they should be held responsible. I hope that there are lawsuits against fauci and birx from every small business that failed during this lockdown because they ADMIT being the ones who LIED to Pres. Trump and created this mess! April 27, 2020   China Manipulation:   The Chinese government is responsible for this Covid-19 virus and for its escape into the rest of the world. They knew it was bad in Wuhan, then they allowed -- via approving travel visas -- the people of that area to travel the world when the government knew that the people could be carrying this disease. Now, we have the Chinese reporters who are working here in America who are trying to help China spread disinformation and to cover up for China's culpability in this attack against the economies of the rest of the world. We need to stop this nonsense and shut down the Chinese government's mouthpieces within our country. We don't need the Chinese government's ability to LIE to America anymore than we need the dr. fauci/dr. birx LIES to be allowed to continue. GET RID OF THE LYING and all of the LIARS (pelosickpig, THE MOUTH, aoc, schumer, schifforbrains, ilhan INCEST oTALIBANar, maxine waters, etc.) and America will be a much better place! April 27, 2020   Left's Destructive Ideas:   The left is so desperate to destroy things and to alienate people from Pres. Donald J. Trump -- and ALL Conservative and Republican elected officials unless they're mcCAINT 2.0's -- that they are pushing to release even VIOLENT SERIAL KILLERS allegedly because of Covid-19! That's absurd! Releasing serial killers only creates more victims! How can anyone push for that? The left can because it's another thing they can blame on Pres. Donald J. Trump when the victims' bodies start showing up nationwide. They'll point the finger of blame at Pres. Trump after the left works so hard to make the releases happen. Then they'll say "He is responsible! He didn't stop it! He didn't tell the prisons in time to NOT do it!" That's how they've done everything else in this Covid-19 hullaballoo, it's how they'll do the deaths that result from the actions of the LEFT. Mark my words. April 27, 2020   "'The Open Carry law interferes with law enforcement’s ability to take illegal guns off of the streets. Prior to the Open Carry law, when Jackson police officers saw a gun in plain view, it gave them the probable cause to seize the weapon and determine whether it was an illegal weapon or not. The Open Carry law not only provides protection for individuals who are armed with illegal weapons; it creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation in the community.'"He also said that the "'child deaths by firearms in the South have increased 72 percent.'" But if you look at the CDC numbers on gun deaths, the number has fluctuated (entire population: not just children) for the south. The governor doesn't take into account the increase in gang violence and drug cartel activity for the south, whithout which there would be far fewer problems. It's not the gun that does the bad; it's the person who has the gun in their hands. Guns don't kill people because they can't pull their own trigger. People kill people and it's the evil in people that makes them hurt and kill others, not the gun in their hand. If it were the gun then every time I picked up one of my guns I would be murdering someone, n'est-ce pas? The fact that we have the Second Amendment right to own and carry firearms is something the left would love to shut down. They hate the Second Amendment and we see how much they hate it and want it gone when they use circumstances like today's to try to shut it down. If it were shut down the people who use their weapons to protect themselves, as in this story out of Vegas, would have a totally different ending! We have the GOD-given right to protect ourselves and judges are ruling in favor of that Second Amendment right! Even in CaliMarxiFornia a judge has ruled AGAINST the CA rule that there be a background check for ammunition purchases and I'm so glad the ruling went that way. It's time for CaliMarxiFornia law abiding citizens to get their rights back! It's time for America to wake up about how much the LEFT HATES THE U.S. CONSTITUTION and everything it stands for; especially THE RIGHTS IT GIVES YOU because they want only themselves and those who think like them to have any rights, any power, or anything! April 27, 2020   Well, my hubby's home and we have an errand to run so I'm going to close it with that. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 28, 2020: 12:10 p.m.   Veterans Administration:   The Los Angeles V.A. has the worst record on earth (I think) regarding the way they treat our U.S. military veterans. They refuse to help them in almost any way, shape, or form; they had a U.S. military veteran arrested because he put American flags on the fence and took pictures surrounding the grounds of the V.A. that is supposed to help him, but has refused time and time again to do so! The L.A. V.A. has a record of corruption and although this place has been housing for the homeless veterans of L.A. the Sylmar earthquake of February of that year destroyed buildings on the Sylmar campus of the V.A. so they checked the buildings of the L.A. V.A. and, in 1972, declared them unsafe and kicked out those who lived there. The veterans had to SUE the L.A. V.A. to pressure them to start rebuilding what collapsed during the earthquake, but that lawsuit was won by the veterans in 2011 but to this day, the L.A. V.A. has DONE NOTHING FOR THE VETERANS' homeless situation, even though they've been promising the veterans and the government that they will do so. They have made money off of the land that was supposed to be used to house the veterans in real housing, renting out the space: 60% of those contracts ILLEGAL, while the 490 housing units scheduled to be there by March of 2019 has not been done! They rarely allow veterans even inside the fence, but they're making money off of the land!? How corrupt do they have to be to face a real legal consequence? This has got to be fixed and the corruption in the L.A. V.A. fixed for REAL and our veterans who already paid such a high price given the rights and the things they were promised by the federal government that is being stymied by the L.A. V.A. who faces NO CONSEQUENCES! This has got to change and change NOW! April 28, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   Her e-mail treason has still not been punished and it's time that we find out which and how many federal secrets she has sold, for her own personal benefit, and to whom. In order to do that, Judicial Watch has subpoenaed googley-woogley for all records of hillosercrooktOOn's and then we'll see how much she sold America out. That's IF googley-woogey cooperates or if they stonewall (as I suspect they shall), then we won't know for certain until Judicial Watch sues them through the court system and they're ordered -- finally -- to turn everything over and then they'll say they had a technical glitch and the glitch just happened to take out all of her e-mails and they can't hand anything over. Oh, that and a hammer after BleachByte helped. New: The news that she'll endorse bumblefingersandtongue, and wind up on the ticket, I'm sure. After all, he did just respond to her tweet about the 3:00 p.m. livestream "I'm with her!" How much you want to bet? Even if it doesn't happen TODAY, I still believe IT WILL HAPPEN. April 28, 2020   youtube Censorship:   They have been as bad as googley-woogley and the dead blue bird when it comes to censorship. They have censored Conservatives and Republicans for years and now they are censoring DOCTORS who have a different opinion than the msm and the dumboRATS! The two doctors who were saying that we don't need to isolate ourselves unless we have underlying health conditions or we are elderly, have now been censored after appearing on the Ingraham Angle and their previous youtube video taken down because it "broke their covid policy"! IF you disagree with the lefties, you can't have a say and you can't have videos up because youtube will take them down! Don't believe me? When Pres. Trump recently asked a doctor about the possibility of using light inside a patient and the video showing the testing ALREADY HAPPENING on that possibility was removed by the youtube censors because Pres. Donald J. Trump actually asked about it and youtube didn't want anyone knowing that he actually knew about something that the lefties didn't. They wanted it to look like the LIES pelosickpig is telling are true. Watch the videos of the actual press conference HERE! Pres. Donald J. Trump NEVER SAID WHAT pelosickpig and the left are LYING ABOUT HIM SAYING! The left's every breath is used to LIE TO YOU so that they can CONTROL YOU! Don't listen to them! Investigate for yourself and look elsewhere for the FACTS because you're not going to get the TRUTH from pelosickpig, the msm, the dumboRATS, or the LEFTIES in hollyweird! You're not going to get the TRUTH from the left at all! They don't know how to speak the TRUTH, it would BURN THEM! Listen to the TRUTH, FIND THE TRUTH! April 28, 2020   dumboRATS DON'T CARE:   Oh, you remember that little thing called the Cares 2 Act, that thing that will help Americans survive the lockdown? That's the one! Yeah. The dumboRATS decided that they won't be coming back to D.C. because they're too valuable to risk getting sick and D.C. is too dangerous for their precious bodies to risk it. They aren't ready to vote on the Cares 2 Act and give you any relief, but they will continue to sit in their mansions and eat ice cream while the rest of America can lose their jobs, their futures, their homes, their self-respect, their HOPE because dumboRATS CARE ONLY ABOUT POWER and they couldn't give a rat's patutti about YOU. That is a FACT, folks! They don't care about you. They just want your VOTE. IF they cared about you, why are they not working with Pres. Donald J. Trump to get this thing beat and America back to work? Why are they LYING to you every chance they get? Why would they try to scare you about everything here in the first place? It's no worse than the flu! Why did we have to be locked down? Becuase dr. fauci and dr. birx LIED TO PRES. TRUMP about how many Americans would DIE because of Covid-19! This lockdown was based upon a LIE that was used to put Pres. Trump in a no win situation (a Catch-22) so that he would be darned if he did and darned if he didn't: he had no choice but a losing choice. If he shut down the economy and put us on lockdown, the economy would be shot and they can blame him for that. If he kept the economy open and didn't lockdown the economy, they could say that every death was on his head and he didn't care about Americans and all of the dead people's relatives would be paraded in front of the cameras in order to tell everyone how wonderful their dead relative was and how terrible Pres. Donald J. Trump is because he didn't do anything to protect them! That's a NO WIN situation and the left set it up that way! They ruined the economy because they knew that Pres. Donald J. Trump would err on the side of caution and shut down the economy ("It's the economy, stupid!" -- james carville, 1992) rather than being blamed for every death that occurred! He did what he could to help prevent American deaths, but he's still going to be blamed for them all (it's already being said that he "didn't act fast enough"!) and he's going to be blamed for the economic collapse that the left brought about! That's the TRUTH, folks. That's the awful, mind-boggling truth. April 28, 2020   bumblefingersandtongue:   Oh, boy! Here we go again! He opens his mouth and gibberish comes out. It's gotten so bad that his wife has started speaking for him! There is more trouble, though. The woman, Tara Reade, who has accused him of sexually assaulting her, told her neighbors about the assault soon after it happened and they're speaking out in support of her. Even hollyweirdos are turning on bumblefingersandtongue because of the sexual assault allegation! But wait! There's MORE! Old video has been found of bumblefingersandtongue's supporting a 700 mile border fence! He was railing against the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION! Can we say "Stick a fork in it, it's done"? April 28, 2020   stacey "I'm Governor!" abrams:   She is really something. She has been calling dumboRAT leaders and pushing them to support her for VP with bumblefingersandtongue. (Considering the Tara Reade allegations, why would ANY woman want to be on the ticket with him, or anywhere near him? Why is his wife still with him? Why is she seen in public with him? But I digress.) That's pretty egotistical, don't you think? Imagine the call: "HI! I'm stacey abrams and I want you to encourage biden to choose me to be his pick for the Vice President spot on the dumboRAT ticket!"Can you imagine? Consider the nerve when she's actually got a history of RACISM AGAINST 'WHITE' PEOPLE! She was pushing using redistricting as a way to make every district "minority"-dominant so that the white Conservative candidate could not be elected or re-elected. That's what she wants: she wants race to be used as a determiner. Who cares what Martin Luther King, Jr., said about judging the man not on the color of his skin, but "on the content of his character". It's all about skin tone for the left. And she wants to be Vice President. Can you imagine the federal policies she would be pushing if she succeeded in getting that position? April 28, 2020   That's all I can take reading about the lefties' LIES and crap for today. I will wish you a good night and go do laundry. Oh, and just a heads up: we go to the farm on Friday so I don't yet know if this will be a short week for updates. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 29, 2020: 3:26 p.m.   Late start today because I wanted to do a favor for my hubby and get part of a project we're doing together done before he got home. It was hot outside and it was "bug-ie" (lots of bees, wasps, mosquitoes), but I got my part done and I'm hoping it will move the project forward quicker. I want this finished so that I can get him to help me on one of my two projects. I need his help to do part of one and all of the other, so if we can get this done, we'll be able to do more of what I want to do. I scratch his back... Then we get things done! *wink* So not a lot of blurbs today because of the late start. Let's do this! April 29, 2020   bumblefingersandtongue:   Well, he's lying again. Typical dumboRAT, but this time even the LEFT is calling him on it. He claimed exoneration by a NYT investigation. They jumped on that and said that they did NOT exonerate him, but they reached "no conclusion" and didn't decided -- or publish -- and opinion one way or another. That's pretty GUTLESS of the NYT, IMHO, to reach "no conclusion" when Reade's mother called Larry King and talked on the radio about the incident, that her neighbors cooborate her story, and that she filed a police report (which, if false, carries a monetary penalty and possible jail time). Now, bumblefingersandtongue is using talking points against her and LYING about the whole thing in any way they can. The next thing you know they'll be saying something like what james carville said about Paula Jones, "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." I bet that's coming for Reade. They do love to say that anyone who tells the truth about their misconduct. Tara Reade, I hope you have a spine of titanium reinforced with a soul of steel because the left is going to drag you through the mud like you've never imagined. You have our prayers for strength, courage and peace. April 29, 2020   bumblefingersandtongue:   It's amazing that the left is still considering him as their preziduncial candidate (throw away that he is) considering how lame he is. Yesterday he had a televised announcement in which hillosercrooktOOn endorsed him; but that didn't go too well. For instance, they stared at the cameras for 25 seconds without saying a word between them to start the thing. Then he announced during this farce that he would NOT put America first if elected! Then, topping it off with a cherry, crooktOOn said this Covid-19 thing is a "terrible crisis to waste"! "Waste"?! "Waste!"? There are people DYING and the only thing she can think of is using it to her political advantage?! That's not just despicable, it's sickening! She's a heartless witch (switch that "w" for something else, if you know what I mean)! I can't imagine being that cold! Even with all of this going on, it looked as if bumble fell asleep during hillosercrooktOOn's prattle. Remember what I said a few days ago: When she announced her "endorsement" of him, his response was "I'm with her" which was HER campaign slogan in 2016 and it was used by those who supported HER campaign, not his. Do you see this coming now? When do they announce her as VP? He is the throw away candidate and she still wants it sooo bad; is this the first step? The question is, will the msm make him release any documents that could hold the TRUTH within them? Or will they cover for him as they did with bullybobcrooktOOn? April 29, 2020   Gen. Michael Flynn:   It's time that his long, horrif nightmare end and that all charges against him be dropped. It's time because he was set up by themuslimvileone and his cronies as they tried their darndest to get hillosercrooktOOn elected so that she could help HIDE themuslimvileone's wrongdoing. That's what it's about: trying to cover for the wrongs that themuslimvileone and his deep state helpers have been doing for years: many put in place during the crooktOOn administration and still embedded within the federal government. We know themuslimvileone had something to do with this. After all, I'm sure eric holder (then U.S. Attorney General) didn't act without any kind of direction from above. It was all part of the plan to get hilloser elected and keep the wrongs of themuslimvileone and his deep state hidden and protected. They did so much wrong that unraveling and untangling the mess will take a few more years at least. They set a good, honorable man up so that they could spy on Pres. Donald J. Trump and so that they could interfere in any TRUTHS coming out about themuslimvileone. I'm so hopeful that they have the goods that even the judge in the Flynn case can see through the left's efforts and rule that Gen. Flynn is an innocent man and drop ALL charges and order that the prosecution undo all of the wrongs that they have done to this man. I hope he gets EVERY PENNY BACK that he had to spend defending himself and that those who targeted him have to pay it! April 29, 2020   pelosickpig:   She is still LYING about what Pres. Donald J. Trump said about Lysol and disinfectant and she KNOWS she's LYING about it, but she persists and telling her LIES. She also makes fun of the fact that she's in her mansion and she's eating her expensive ice cream and she's mocking Americans without caring that they're HUNGRY and doing without because they are in food lines trying to feed their families. I think that speaks of a black, evil, cold, uncaring heart and a greedy need for continual power that prevents her from caring about other people. In other words: she's a power zombie and she will eat the hearts of those around her to be able to stay in power. April 29, 2020   ROTTEN romney:   He is such a stinker. He's bashing Pres. Trump's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. The problem is, he's doing the bidding and the work of the dumboRAT party. I wish he would be recalled and that the people of Utah would wake up and stop electing dumboRAT kissbutts. April 29, 2020   dumboRAT LIAR:   Yet again, a dumboRAT LIES, but this time, even his wife denies his claim! NY idiot, and cnn commentator, said he was not sick when he brok quarantine and went to their beach house, but his wife and a reporter. OOps. Caught LYING again! Shock. Surprise. April 29, 2020   A Shocking Thing:   A Yahoo reporter had his facts wrong and asked Pres. Donald J. Trump an accusatory question and when the reporter was given the facts, he shocked everyone and actually apologized to Pres. Trump for being accusatory. How about that? That's a reporter who will face the wrath of the left, for sure! He'll either be taught a lesson about being honorable and nice to Pres. Trump and will stop doing so immediately, or he will be fired and never work in the msm again. Who will wind up with him? Probably OAN, or someone similar: not FOX. April 29, 2020   Last Link:   I wanted to end on a good note today, something to make you laugh. I hope it makes you laugh because I wanted to do so, but it may make you very afraid. If the latter, it's probably going to make you think carefully about how you vote in November and how your loved ones vote. Take a look at the A.F. Branco cartoon that makes me laugh, but also makes me a little scared of bumblefingers winning. What thinks you? April 29, 2020   Y'all have a great day and I'll see you for a few minutes tomorrow. My plan right now is to make the trip to our farm on either Thursday night or Friday afternoon, depending on when my hubby gets finished with the work week. So, I'll not be posting on Friday, either way. Thursday will be short, so be prepared. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! April 30, 2020: 2:29 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have to get ready to go to Georgia this evening. So let's get going with some good news! April 30, 2020   Attempted COUP:   The FAUXpeachment, the mueller "investigation", the "Russian conspiracy", the Ukrainian LIE, the etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, that the left has been doing is starting to fall apart and that's a WONDERFUL thing because we are now getting to the TRUTH! They have found a co-conspirator, James Baker, who has flipped and he's helping the DO[NEW]J get to the TRUTH about what themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn and all of those immoral, power-hungry leftists have done. I am SO HAPPY that someone has decided to save their own butts, and is willing to throw all the others under the bus to do so! Can you imagine how angry themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn are going to be? Has James Baker been assigned a few hundred body guards, or is he being kept in a secret location? Let's hope he survives long enough to testify. April 30, 2020   Roger Stone:   We know that Gen. Michael Flynn was set up and we will soon find out that Roger Stone was also set up, and this was all part of the effort to get Pres. Donald J. Trump out of office. They thought that they could go after anyone Pres. Trump knew and that would put pressure on Pres. Trump to leave office of his own accord. I think that they went after the wrong President and that they're so disappointed that nothing has come of their efforts except that the left is now looking so bad and they're looking at possible -- probable? -- prison terms after being prosecuted for TREASON! That's what they've done: TREASON. Let us pray that everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) who had a part in this coup attempt (except those who helped get to the TRUTH) is made to pay via big time in prison! That's what I want to see. I hope that the coup attempt included pelosickpig, too, and that she goes to prison as well as schifforbrains, etc.! April 30, 2020   Vote Fraud:   If you think that you can trust our election results, think again! The fact is that in almost EVERY STATE there are dead people, fictitious characters, felons and illegal aliens voting. In almost EVERY STATE there are extra names on the voting rolls of people who no longer live there, who died years ago, who are too young to vote, or otherwise inelligible to vote. For instance, in Virginia, there are 11,600 DEAD PEOPLE registered to vote in that state. In Los Angeles alone there were "hundreds" of dead people (or dogs) registered to vote in 2016! In the 2018 election, the dumboRATS in Texas sent ballots to DEAD people (how many of those dead people actually cast ballots, we do not know). We do know that there were 95,000 INELLIGIBLE NON-CITIZENS REGISTERED TO VOTE in Texas in 2019! That's absurd! Pennsylvania had over 900,000 INACTIVE voters still on its rolls! These are people who moved out of the district and are voting somewhere else, but still registered in their original district (they should have been removed from the first district), or have died, moved out of state, etc., but Judicial Watch had to SUE the state to get them to clean up its voter rolls! National Review (no longer a bastion of Conservative thought and ideas), has said that there are "3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens"! In Illinois there are THOUSANDS of INELLIGIBLE people registered to vote. Our U.S. military members often have to vote by mail because they are deployed oversees, and theirs are the vast majority of vote by mail ballots. However, in the past four elections, 28 MILLION ballots just "disappeared" after filled out and mailed in. Do you believe that the military people vote for the left in vast numbers? This is why those ballots disappear: the military votes more Conservative than leftist. Do you think there is NO VOTER FRAUD? REALLY? If all of this is going on then how can we trust our elections without fixing ALL of this? BTW, check the places where most of the fraud is happening and 9/10 of the time, those places where the worst fraud happens are controlled -- and have been controlled for a very long time -- by dumboRATS. Clean up our elections and make sure that they are trustworthy again. Let us not rule by deceipt by the left. IF the only way they can win is by cheating, they do not deserve to win, period. Agree?
May 2020 May 5, 2020: 10:58 a.m.   Missed yesterday. Sorry about that. Went to the farm over the weekend and did a lot of yard work in the gorgeous weather. We took out some crepe myrtle trees, and a tree that had a lot of lichen on it (as did the crepe myrtle) and a few trees that were growing in the bushes we wanted to keep, and just a lot of cleaning up outside. We didn't get it all done, but we got a good start on it. Later we plan on relocating the miscellaneous lilies that my mother-in-law had planted here, there and elsewhere and putting them all in one location. I want a yard that makes sense to me, so I'm "re-organizing" it and it's going to be easier to mow and easier to understand why I put things here, and there. For today, I need to get this ball rolling because I have something to do in a little while, so not much in the way of blurbs for today. May 5, 2020   Covid-19:   For those of you who don't read Florida Toady [sic], the number of C-19 patients in Brevard was never mentioned on the radio stations I listen to (and I don't watch local msm news because they're nothing but dumboRAT mouthpieces), so I was curious as to how Brevard County faired in all of this. It turns out we did pretty well. Not perfect (no deaths), but pretty well. We had a total of 310 cases, unfortunately eight deaths and many recoveries. That's about as good as it can get with this stuff! Our medical staff in the hospitals did a really great job, apparently, and we did the "social distancing" stuff pretty well and it's not bad news at all, IMHO. In Virginia, they're padding the numbers... again. "if the same person tests positive for coronavirus three times that will count as three separate cases of the virus."With this kind of clackwhackery how on earth is the TRUTH supposed to be figured out when the standards keep changing for the numbers of infections and deaths? We've already seen that the CDC has been LYING about the number of deaths, they're counting patients who died of other things as Covid-19 deaths, the American Medical Association is encouraging doctors to LIE about patient deaths, so how are we supposed to know the TRUTH about this stuff if our deep state officials are all LYING to us? Don't trust the deep state, folks. Trust GOD and the alternate media (Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, those kinds of places.) because that's where you'll "FIND THE TRUTH!" May 5, 2020   Power Play:   Sen. chuck grassley (R-IA) held up a Pres. Donald J. Trump nominee's confirmation for two years because he has the power: "[W]hen it comes to congressional oversight, I will use all the tools at my disposal to get to the truth of the matter and get access to the records that I believe are necessary to advance my investigations"Can you imagine if grassley's ego weren't hurt and he'd just gone ahead with confirming the nominee instead of playing power games with it? We would have had a National Counterintelligence and Security Center director back in 2018! What kind of ridiculous ego must one have to play that sort of game? If grassley wanted to kiss dumboRAT backside, he couldn't have found a better way, could he? May 5, 2020   pelosickpig:   Speaking of power plays, this woman thinks she has all the power in the world and she knows how to try to use it. She is such an egotist that her nickname here came because she insisted on having an "Air Force 3"; a military airplane at her disposal for her personal use when she was Speaker of the House the first time under themuslimvileone. Bad part is, he gave it to her and she abused the privilege, acting as piggish as any dumboRAT is expected to be, costing American taxpayers a lot of money with her frivolous flights. Now, she's blocking an investigation into the origins of Covid-19, kissing the backsides of the Chinese overlords who pay her hubby's company a pretty penny, I'm sure. She doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds her ice cream freezer, don't ya' know? Nor does she want to expose dr. fauci: "[T]he leader of the US task force overseeing the country’s response to the China coronavirus, Dr. Tony Fauci, was the one who funded the Wuhan bat virus work and kept it going."He funded the research that actually wound up killing people WORLDWIDE! His funding was probably BREAKING THE LAW The problem is that when he gave them $3.4 MILLION taxpayer dollars, the research had already been shut down and totally halted here in America so it was ILLEGAL in AMERICA at the time! Should he have funded the Chinese research when it was done over in China after it was shut down here? I think NOT especially with TAXPAYER DOLLARS because that's who it wound up killing: the American taxpayer, as well as many others around the world! Yet, he funded it! How could he be so stupid and so heartless, yet wind up being the one who admittedly LIED to Pres. Trump about how many deaths could be seen here in America and that's what led Pres. Trump to shut down the economy. dr. fauci has a lot to answer to and, IMHO, he should go to prison for his LIES and for his effort to participate in the COUP against a duly elected president! This LIAR is so bad that Judicial Watch is suing for his records and his connections to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.: read -- another "Get American Money" scheme that the globalists use to milk us dry.) And pelosickpig is protecting him! May 5, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I LOVE that he fights back and he hits hard! I LOVE that! He's like moi. We don't take guff and we don't take prisoners (if you know what I mean). Hit hard and hit often until they stop, give up, admit defeat, or go away. That's how to win. That's why Pres. Donald J. Trump is jumping on the dumboRATS who are demanding dr. fauci (who would LIE against Pres. Trump in testimony anyways), testify in front of Congress: "The House is a bunch of Trump haters. They put every Trump-hater on the committee. It’s the same old stuff. They frankly want our situation to be unsuccessful which means death. Which means death."He's absolutely correct and he's saying so in front of the world! Good for him! When george conway (why KellyAnne is still married to the lying idiot, I have no idea.) released a Trump-bashing ad, he stood up and called georgie a "stone cold loser"! LOVE IT! That's too good! I'm so glad he fights back! It's excellent! May 5, 2020   That's it for today. I have things to do. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 6, 2020: 12:25 p.m.   Violent Left?:   Is the left killing people in an effort to stay in power (Seth Rich) and to keep us under foot and in fear of Covid-19? The researcher who was making great strides in figuring out the mechanisms of this disease was found shot to death in his home and then a guy who knew him (whom investigators postulate shot the researcher) was found with a self-inflicted fatal injury less than a mile away. Investigators think that the guy in the car shot the researcher then himself. Watch the guy in the car's family and/or bank account to see if there is a big change in their circumstances, a sudden influx of money, or more money than there used to be available to the family to spend. If this be the case, then the left is trying to prevent Covid-19 from being cured and that means they will be finding another way to use it, trying to create another opportunity to put us under their thumbs and control us in every single way they can via fear. I'm ASKING the question: DID the left pay for this researcher to be murdered so that they can use Covid-19 to try to control us in the future? Do they think that they can use it after they CHEAT enough to win in November and then they're going to release this thing--or something very like it--again? Will they shut America down again, arresting everyone outside their homes without permission? Will this be the Orwellian plan executed upon America if the left gets into power? Or is this all just a tragic coincidence? Do you believe in coincidences, or are they just well executed plans? May 6, 2020   themuslimvileone:   The only reason the left flocks to cover for bumblefingersbiden is because they know that if you get the dirt on him, you get the dirt on them. They know he'd roll in a New York minute and that he knows where the bodies are buried. IF ever he started turning "state's evidence" (became a snitch), his body would never be found before he was questioned the second time. He would have to have 25/8 protection by trained body guards and Seal Team 6 members in order to survive long enough to speak two sentences after the info came out that he was snitching. That's part of the reason themuslimvileone is standing up for bumblefingersbiden. He doesn't want the TRUTH about all of the wrongs he has done to be known and he knows that the TRUTH will come out if bumblefingersbiden has to try to protect himself and his son. That's one thing you can say about ol' bumblefingers: he's super-loyal to his son and protects him at all costs. Hunter is his surviving son, after all. He doesn't want his son to be put in prison because he's a chip off of the ol' blockhead. Now themuslimvileone is standing up for the guy he didn't like much while in the Red House? No. themuslimvileone is a political calculator on two legs. He didn't endorse bumblefingers because he meant it; he endorsed bumblefingers because themuslimvileone is the current "Fairy Godmother" of the dnc and if he gives you the magic wand sprinkle then you are okay with the rest of the dnc. It's an "annointing" thing which means that others can support you without being embarrassed about it. That's what this is: politicly trying their best to put lipstick on an old, forgetful, misogynistic, mostly dead, lying pig. May 6, 2020   rbgplank:   She is in the hospital again. This time she's in the hospital for gallbladder problems and she's allegedly participating in the SCOTUS activities via televised attendance from her hospital bed. Why she doesn't just admit that she shouldn't be on the court, she falls asleep during arguments, she uses her seat as a political whipping post and she's proud of that. She needs to retire. It's time. She's wrong in the way she has used her seat on the SCOTUS and it's time to make it an Article 25 issue, as the left is trying to do to Pres. Donald J. Trump. She is a failed justice for the SCOTUS, making her votes more political than impartial and it's time to make justice in the SCOTUS blind again, as the scales of justice are supposed to be! May 6, 2020   the dead blue bird:   IF you're still on it, SHAME ON YOU! Get off of that! It's like crack cocaine for the ego and it's something that some feel like they can't live without, but like crack it's BAD FOR YOU and it's BAD FOR AMERICA! IF you are still on there, you're being told what you can or cannot THINK. Is that what you want? You want to be told what to think? Really? Then why not listen to those on the political RIGHT, instead of just those on the political LEFT? Hmmm? Is it because those on the RIGHT don't try to tell you what to think, but they do WANT YOU TO THINK? The left doesn't want you to think, they just want you to OBEY. There's the difference. The left doesn't want you CAPABLE of thinking: they just want you to accept them thinking for you. You just nod your head and agree and obey. That's the left's way of doing things. If you have a different opinion, you're not acceptable to the left. If you try to say or do something that the left does not agree with, they will hate you back into butt-kissing obeisance and you will return on your knees, begging their forgiveness and asking all who were offended by your thinking for yourself, doing something that they see as offensive. YOU will NOT be an individual! You will be a clone, a pleab, a servile butt-kisser to their holinesses, the powers that be on the LEFT! That's your rightful place! You deserve no other! If you're on the left, that's the way they see you. Is that what you want? May 6, 2020   themuslimvileone's friends:   Every time you see a leftist judge putting their leftist beliefs ahead of the U.S. Constitution, then you know that they are a friend of themuslimvileone. "Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man" is the quote, right? The woman who opened her hair salon in Texas so that she could feed her children was sentenced to seven days in jail by a buddy of themuslimvileone. Yep. That's right. The U.S. Constitution gives her the right to have her salon open. themuslimvileone's friend shut it down and jailed her for exercising her rights as an American citizen. This is not the America that our Founding Fathers set up. This is a leftist paradise in some states (CA, MI, etc.) as the governors, mayors, sheriffs and judges decide that now is the time to show their true COMMUNIST tendancies and to show the public what TRUE POWER IS! (Insert evil cackle here.) It's ridiculous and it's scary to know that there are people in power who think that their leftist ideas and beliefs are more important than the rights of the American people. Why anyone votes for or appoints these evil egotists I have no idea. May 6, 2020   thevilegeorgesoros:   Speaking of friends of themuslimvileone, this evil wormpoop is using his billions of dollars to try to change and RUIN America and he's wanting the leftie politicians to do his bidding in order to give him the delight (yes, he delights in and enjoys doing so) of gloating that he ruined the U.S. economy and that it was easy for him with his useful puppets in D.C. and in power in the different states. That's why he pushes and supports so many different leftist politicians:
May 6, 2020   Last Link:   hillosercrooktOOn:   For how long have I been saying that she will be bumblefinger's VP pick? How long? Now, it seems that others are waking up to that fact, too. When do you think it will be announced? May 6, 2020   That's it for today. I'm going to clean up this homepage and put things on "Page Deux" and create the Storage 2020 page so that I can move things there soon. It's all kinds of fun being a webmaster. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 7, 2020: 1:23 p.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   This time, it's the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) who is wasting YOUR money. They've wasted $77 MILLION on bomb sniffing dogs who can't detect explosives. I want to know whose relative sold them the dogs, but I digress. Yep. You read the correctly. $77 MILLION on dogs that can't detect a single explosive device to use at airports across America. These are the "bomb sniffing dogs" that are supposedly going to keep us safe from a terrorist attack. Yeah. The dogs you feel relieved to see being paraded through the lines as you wait with your shoes in hand and your toiletries in a baggie, can't do anything more than that baggie to protect you. However, they can TAKE YOUR MONEY because they've cost you your part of $77 MILLION! Isn't that special? May 7, 2020   Covid-19:   It's finally time for FREEDOM to return and here in Florida we're enjoying the first glimmers of its fresh breath. It's sweet and it's long past time! We see so many instances of the left's hatred of all things to do with FREEDOM that we see even leftwing scientists saying that reopening America is "clost to genocide". Kinda' scratching my head on that one because I bet he never said the same thing about the powers that be were sending Covid-19 patients to NURSING HOMES where a lot of ELDERLY people are, now did he? I bet he didn't mind that in the least, although the greatest numbers of deaths in NYC happened in (guess where?!) nursing homes! "[T]he new data excludes deaths of residents who were transferred to hospitals — and, in some cases, doesn’t report fatalities thought to be COVID-related where formal virus tests weren’t conducted. The state’s data sheet says only 'some' nursing homes reported the number of 'presumed' COVID-19 deaths."Yeah. We see how well the lefties treated Covid-19 patients and those they exposed Covid-19 positive to. They were really concerned with "social distancing" when they sent positive patients to nursing homes with many elderly folks in it, weren't they? You want to know where all of this lockdown nonsense started? It started with the LIARS, dr. fauci and dr. birx, going to Pres. Donald J. Trump and telling him that if he didn't act 22 MILLION Americans would die of Covid-19 because they used the scariest numbers they could find: those of the now deBUNKed Imperial College model that was used to scare England so many times that they should probably realize that it's LIES that the creator has used to create his models for the last twenty years! It's been a HOAX all along! It's time to OPEN AMERICA and to stop being afraid of something that we can control via being careful and that hasn't been a real threat to most of us! Shall we act like the Black Plague: 25 million people dead when Covid-19 is actually less than ONE PERCENT death rate? In fact, that number is probably pumped up because even dr. birx admits that they're PADDING THE NUMBERS! Is that why we're still without the former FREEDOM we used to have: so that they can keep us under thumb? Is it CONTROL that the LEFT wants and that's why you see those states run by lefties still under the tightest lockdowns and still without even a whiff of freedom? Don't believe that? In CaliMarxiFornia, gavin newsom is taking Covid-19 positive people FROM THEIR HOMES and putting them into concentration camp type settings to contain the virus! They're putting them in "quarantine centers"! So why would anyone get tested if they are going to be removed from their homes by jackbooted thugs who are going to put them in "quarantine centers" without a judge's order? I can't wait for the lawsuits to pile on for this effort! Let the people who are removed by force from their homes just because they are ill with a flu-like disease (did they do this to AIDS people and if not, why not?) sue gavin newsom and all government officials who help with this farce and TYRANNY. Let's see how long they last under this kind of lawsuit pile-on. I want to see that! In Illinois, the people there elected a dumboRAT governor (What idiots would do that?!) and now he's using this opportunity to be a TYRANT and he's saying Christian churches may not reopen for A YEAR! This is TYRANNY at its finest: targeting religion and a specific religion at that! Did he say the same about mosques? Did he say the same about a witch's coven? Did he say the same about a Buddhist center? No? He did mention "other religious centers", but didn't specify what that was. Speaks volumes, don't you think? In Minnesota, there was a barber who tried to reopen his business and the government there decided it wasn't allowed yet and now he's facing a $25,000 fine because he wanted to feed his family. Freedom. Freedom. That's what the lefties don't want you to have returned to you. They don't want you to be able to do what you want when you want. It's all about POWER OVER YOU for the left. Freedom? That's not important. It's important that they have POWER. May 7, 2020   Rush:   LOL! That's funny! I just saved the page for the Covid-19 blurb (I save after every blurb so I don't lose much if something happens) and RUSH LIMBAUGH just said the same thing I wrote on my website about CaliMarxiFornia not putting AIDS patients in "quarantine centers"! Great minds think alike, I guess so Rush is in good company! (LOL! LOL! LOL!) May 7, 2020   hillosercrooktOOn:   So why are the dumboRATS using her for a "virtual dinner" fund raiser if she were not going to play a part in the future of the dumboRATS' preziduncial ticket this year? Why would she be considered a draw instead of a has-been? Why would she be featured at all since they should want to distance themselves from one of their worst drummings and defeats in years. If she were not going to be on the ticket as VP -- or P? -- why would they offer her as a fundraiser? Isn't she despised in the left's top circles? Her popularity is not what once it was and she's more mockable than ever! But the left doesn't think with their brains (they'd have to have one before they could do so, and we know that's not possible), they think with their hatred of America, their feelings (hatred against America) and with their popular-culture-fit-in-ism (which leads them to hatred of America). That's why they would vote for someone who hates America (themuslimvileone) and why they would vote for hillosercrooktOOn this election. This is why YOU MUST VOTE FOR PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP in November. It's that or have hillosercrooktOOn as prezidunce of the U.S.A. Is that what you want? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or curmudgeonly, hate-filled, power-mad, wanna-be crown-queen of the elite.) May 7, 2020   Deep State:   The SCOTUS has ruled that the cases that were brought against two Chris Christie aides and this is the start of the deck of cards beginning to crumble and that's an excellent thing. In other parts of the crumbling stack, the schifforbrains show is about to be exposed as the documents HE HID FROM THE HOUSE are threatened with full release by the acting DNI, Richard Grenell. I LOVE IT! I want to see schifforbrains melt and be put into prison in the orange he so richly deserves! The documents threatened with release prove the dumboRATS LIED while entrapping Gen. Michael Flynn and others and that's what the left does NOT want to happen! They don't want AMERICA to know how dark, evil, vicious, underhanded, lawless and hateful they are! They don't want the TRUTH about their sneakiness to be known. They don't want America to know that they have been LYING ALL ALONG! Is anyone surprised? The deep state supporters of themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn have been up to their ears in trying to overthrow a duly elected president of the United States because they want to keep hidden the WRONGS that themuslimvileone and his SoS did while in office. They know that Pres. Donald J. Trump's efforts to "Drain the Swamp" would result in America finding out how bad they have been and how much they've been breaking the law because the law does not apply to them. They're special and they don't have to obey the law, but they can make us keep every jot and tittle. Is that the America you want? If not, vote for Donald J. Trump in November. Allow the swamp to be drained fully and we'll see a better America. We'll see an America with "equal justice under the law", which is the only America we should ever have! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or any America hating leftist.) May 7, 2020   Gen. Michael Flynn:   This just released: The DOJ has DROPPED THE FLYNN CASE! They've dropped the charges and that means that Gen. Michael Flynn is NOT going to be sentenced because, according to the DOJ, "[I]t had concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was 'untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn' and that the interview on January 24, 2017 was 'conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.'It also means that his guilty plea will be wiped from the records and I hope that Gen. Michael Flynn is reinstated to his rank and pay and that he is given back pay from the time he left his position becuase this has been PROVEN to have been based on a LIE from the get-go! Congratulations to Gen. Flynn and I hope he sues the punk out of the Deep State actors who did this to him! I hope he gets EVERY DIME that they cost him out of their pockets! May 7, 2020   Last Link:   SCOTUS:   They have two cases upcoming that could set the electoral college up for a long time to be very set in its conduct. It could mean that electors would have to vote the way their state voted and could NOT change votes to "match their conscience": they couldn't vote for hillosercrooktOOn if the majority of voters in their state voted for Pres. Donald J. Trump. This is a good thing to set in stone and the dumboRATS won't like it, but neither will the Republicans if things go south for them. I like that it will make it the way our Founding Fathers intended it to be. There are some "justices" on the SCOTUS who really should not be there. rbg, instead of being in a nursing home, is still participating from a hospital bed and sotomayor is too stupid to figure out how to MUTE her phone and the rest of the justices heard her toilet flush! Ridiculous! It's time that we make a rule that only "Original Intent" adherants, people with REAL integrity, and those who believe in the blindness of Justice (not the political affiliations!) be appointed to the SCOTUS. Otherwise it can be stacked with leftists who will help turn America into a Communist acquisition and America will be gone forever. May 7, 2020   Our plan was to go to Fort DeSoto to bird tomorrow, leaving tonight and staying overnight at a hotel and then birding from early tomorrow until we had to head home. That plan has changed and we'll be staying home, so I will see you tomorrow for at least a few blurbs. Raise a glass tonight to Gen. Michael Flynn's victory and exoneration! That's really good news! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 8, 2020: 1:32 p.m.   Just a few blurbs again today because I have things to do (as usual). I may even have some painting to do outside. We're going to be changing the colors of our house and I'm so excited to do so! I love painting and I love changing things up so this is right up my alley. I do wish it were a little cooler for it, but we'll deal with that. Let's get started! May 8, 2020   Deep State:   As The Gateway Pundit has said all along (and as I believed, and Rush believed, so they were in good company: LOL!) NO ONE on the left -- NOT the dnc, NOT CrowdStrike, NOT the FBLIE, NOT hillosercrooktOOn, or anyone else -- had ANY evidence that it was Russia who hacked the dnc computers and sent the emails to WikiLeaks. What I have believed all along is that the Awan brothers that debbie wasserman-schulz hired as IT guys for the dnc were PAID to make it look like someone hacked their computers as they tried their darndest to cover up the footprints of the hillosercrooktOOn TREASON that was done via the dnc and the lefties that helped her while knowing that she was committing TREASON by selling our information and secrets to benefit her own wallet. When they found out that they were being sought for questioning, one of the brothers left too quickly to catch him. The other brother was apprehended at the airport with his ticket to Pakistan and after having send thousands of dollars back home. This duo of misfit IT guys were paid to cover up TREASON and to plant little signposts of "Russian intrusion" to distract from the fact that there was never any Russian hacking, but there was TREASON by the dumboRATS and hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone and others on the left. That's what hapened. For the records being released that makes schifforbrains' eyes explode, we now know that FBLIE agents may also have been working for the CIA in a crossover effort to destroy Pres. Trump's administration and commit a COUP against a sitting president. We also now KNOW that themuslimvileone was IN CHARGE of the spying and he was part of the COUP ATTEMPT. He deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life! He has always been an America-hater and he showed how much he hated America as prezidunce and now we know how much he wanted to COVER UP his wrongdoing while he was in office because he set up a TREASONOUS COUP ATTEMPT to try to prevent the TRUTH of his TREASON from coming to light. If hilloser had won, we would have known NONE of the truths about the wrongs he has done to America. 90% of the wrongs are still being hidden by his and the crooktOOns' buddies (A.K.A. "The Deep State"). When we find out the full extent to which he betrayed America, I think he will be the most hated person in America history: not because of his skin tone, but because people will not like how he put America -- and their children, mom and dad, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors, co-workers, lovers, etc. -- at risk by his actions and the actions of those he put in power (hilloser the worst). When the TRUTH is known about those horrible eight years, people will be appalled! The FBLIE depended upon a deranged anti-Semite as a source for the Deep State COUP attempt as they spied on George Papadopoulos. (WARNING: Language NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR CHILDREN) They relied on someone (a "confidential human source") who said vile things about Jews and Israel. How can they think that this would be a good idea when hatred always skews the results when you're trying to get info? Does NO ONE train these agents about bias and reliability? Or even if they were trained in that, how about training them in how that kind of witness -- in written transcripts especially! -- does not play well with judges, juries or even many attorneys! It's an automatic, "Houston, we have a problem!" Lastly on this subject, we have the other shoe to drop (out of how many pairs?) that could be released next week and could contain more schifforbrains eye-exploding information that the LEFT never thought you would be able to read, see, know about, or find out. Remember: When they LIE to you, they're trying to do two things: CONTROL YOU and protect their own POWER. That's the TRUTH. That's the LEFT all over, every day, all day. Remember that. May 8, 2020   bumblefingers:   I think it's hysterical that the things that happen while he's trying his darndest to put together a coherent two word sentence (For instance, "I can." would be difficult for him to complete right now.), are making it difficult to NOT see the "Hand of Providence" in all of the malfunctions and miscues. It's hysterical and I hope they continue! May 8, 2020   Jobs:   Job losses due to Covid-19 are huge and I'm so sorry that people are hurting. I know people have been out of work for weeks and whose lives have been devastated by this thing and the resulting lockdown. The unemployment numbers are staggering right now, but I think -- I PRAY -- that the re-opening of America fixes that and because we're watching these numbers -- the Covid-19 numbers go down and the businesses that are opening back up go up -- I pray that life will return to as near pre-Covid numbers as possible for those people whose lives have been hit and hit hard by this. I hope that they remember who did this to them: dr. fauci (an associate and buddy of thevilegeorgesoros and the crooktOOns) and dr. birx (who is also a bud of the crooktOOns) and that they will put the blame where it belongs: on the msm and the LEFT because those two doctors LIED to Pres. Trump (I've included the link in many places on this website so I hope you'll look for it and read it again), and they admit that they are the ones who SHUT THE ECONOMY DOWN. So we see that the LEFTIES LIED to get the President to shut down the economy so that they could (via james carville's statement, "It's the economy, Stupid!") harm the economy -- including YOUR WALLET -- and make you vote for someone besides Pres. Donald J. Trump. IF he had not shut down the economy to save the 2.2 MILLION LIVES the LYING doctors said were going to be lost if we didn't shut down the economy, Pres. Trump would definitely have been blamed for every Covid-19 death that happened, every life lost would be laid at his feet. That's the Catch-22 the LEFT put Pres. Donald J. Trump in, so he erred on the side of saving lives. What else could he do? He did what he thought best for you even though it meant he might lose the 2020 election! Never forget that! He did what he thought best for you. Can you imagine hillosercrooktOOn having done so? Can you imagine this LIE having been told to her? IF NOT, then you must understand that this was all a set-up from the beginning. It was all meant to do exactly what happened: destroy the American economy so that "It's the economy, Stupid!" could ruin Pres. Trump's chances of being re-elected. Isn't that lovely of the LEFT? May 8, 2020   Last Link:   True Love:   I'm closing with something very sweet (in two ways). A 93 year-old man hitchhiked to get his sweetheart some chocolate bars because they've been eating a little bit of chocolate together every day for the last twenty years and he wasn't going to miss a day. That's so sweet! I wonder how many of our husbands would do that at 93! May we all get the chance to find out! May 8, 2020   That's it for today. My hubby is home and I need to go do some stuff for our project and for regular house upkeep. Y'all have a great weekend and remember that Sunday is MOTHER'S DAY so be sure to give her a phone call at least! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 11, 2020: 1:27 p.m.   I hope every Mom out there had a great Mother's Day! Mine was quiet and sleepy because of the weather and I admit that it was a little disappointing. My youngest son didn't come over because he is "social distancing" because my hubby's work place has been setting rules and we're trying to abide by those -- although it is getting increasingly difficult to abide by them. I hate the lack of freedom and I have been so stymied in this thing that I have to cool my heels before I contact someone and tell them to take a flying leap (so to speak) because my constitutional rights trump their rules. I hate it. I really hate it, but it's almost over and I will NEVER EVER obey this kind of crap again because the next time (and there will be a next time) it happens a dumboRAT will be doing it and FREEDOM will never return. Don't get used to giving up freedom, folks. Let it bother you as much as it should and let this ONE TIME thing, be the LAST TIME. It is NOT worth it to prevent the spread of a flu-like illness. Yes, it may save a life or two. But it's NOT those lives that are at greater risk: IT IS OUR COUNTRY AND OUR CONSTITUTION AND IF SOMEONE IS NOT WILLING TO DIE FOR THAT, THEN WHY HAVE WE SACRIFICED SO MANY ON THE GROUNDS OF BATTLE FOR FREEDOM? May 11, 2020   Covid-19 -- Freedom Theif:   Now dr. birx is saying that she can't trust the CDC (Centers for Disease Control: A federal agency), because they may have padded the mortality rate by as much as 25%!! So there's yet another federal government agency LYING TO YOU in order to try to make Pres. Donald J. Trump look bad. You want to talk looking bad, a GENIUS move by the President of Tanzania (where Tanzanite, the beautiful purple gemstone comes from) didn't trust the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) so he had his people take samples of blood from different animals and took samples of different substances and sent them to the W.H.O. lab to see if they would be able to trust the test results for Covid-19. The results were the W.H.O.'s labs screwed up and didn't even recognize that the ANIMAL blood was not human and sent back positives for some of them! The car oil came back negative, but the durian (a fruit) came back "inconclusive"! Really? It's ridiculous, but that's the W.H.O.: incompetence cloaked in political correctness and Chinese butt-kissing that used to cost American taxpayers a bundle annually, until Pres. Donald J. Trump stopped that recently. Covid-19 is still giving the tyranny inside a lot of dumboRATS to shine brightly as some continue their lockdowns far beyong what was allegedly necessary. In China, it looks like the government knew of the Wuhan lab's release way back in October of 2019, and closed the roads around the area in an effort to contain the virus. They LIED to the whole world about this disease, it's spread, it's existence even, and that's how this whole thing came about. If China had told the truth, the rest of the world would have been at least ready to try to fight it and to prevent it from entering their countries. But, no. China actually gave TRAVEL VISAS to their people so that they could leave China and spread it to the rest of the world without telling anyone what the chances were. It's time to hold China accountable. It's time that they pay for the economic chaos they created around the world when they could have helped prevent it. This is China, though, and you don't ever expect a tyrannical Communist dictator to do the right thing! The virus has been back in Wuhan for a few weeks now and China is just now admitting that it's back! They don't care about their people, they care only about the power they maintain and the luxury they can live in, being protected and getting the best healthcare while their people suffer and die. Communism at its finest! Now we see that, not only is the death toll under question, but that those who have died, according to a German study had underlying problems: heavy smoker, morbid obesity, cancer, lung disease, etc. That's EVERY Covid-19 victim who died in Germany: EVERY. So what is our government not telling us about the deaths here? I think they're hiding that the TRUTH is the same here as in Germany. May 11, 2020   bumblefingers and TYRANTESS:   In a move that should surprise NO ONE, someone who declined the bumblefingers campaign's event was FIRED at Cherry Health (lately infamous for staging a Covid-19 testing site in conjunction with a cbs news report), after she told the bumblefingers campaign that they could NOT hold a rally there because they were "'a federally funded health center.'" So, what happened? They went around her and held the event there anyways, and FIRED the person who told them no. BTW, "'So it had to have something to do with the fact that Gretchen Whitmer and Tasha are friends with each other,' the employee told Breitbart News. 'I’m guessing Whitmer referred them over to Cherry Health.'"That's the same Gretchen Whitmer who is the governor of Michigan and who has been called "tyrant" and worse because she keeps making up more restrictions to exercise her egotistical authoritarian power over the people of her state without any real, medical need to do so. She's so bad that the GOP legislators in her state are SUING HER for her nonsensical lockdown and its rules. She's outrageously egotistical and she needs to be recalled by the people for trying to kill their businesses with her continued tyranny. May 11, 2020   Fast and Furious:   themuslimvileone's gun running operation of 2009-2011 has reared its ugly, deadly head again in that Mexico's president is asking for an apology for it and the lack of an apology may be holding up efforts to work together to secure the common border. I think that themuslimvileone, since it is he who was responsible for it and he is still alive and kicking, should be the one who apologizes. He's the one who did this: "[T]housands of AK-47s, .50 caliber rifles and other weapons were purposely allowed by ATF and Department of Justice officials to be purchased illegally by straw buyers at gun stores in the United States and trafficked over the border into Mexico. ATF officials sat by as thousands of guns "walked." They argued this was done to trace weapons to the upper echelons of Mexican cartels, but out of thousands of firearms, only two were rigged with GPS devices that died within hours of crossing the border."It was some of these weapons that were used to kill Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, and widowed his wife, and left his child without his daddy. This thing was so bad that themuslimvileone tried his darndest to hide it, but "In June 2012, Eric Holder became the first sitting attorney general to be voted in civil and criminal contempt by the House of Representatives for refusing to turn over documents related to the case."It's time that themuslimvileone -- and all dumboRAT law-breakers (even the law-makers!) -- be held accountable for their actions and face some very real LEGAL consequences for their wrongs in office! It's time that EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW be a REALITY! May 11, 2020   Not As Innocent as a Lamb:   We've been led to believe that two white men shot and killed a guy for jogging through their neighborhood and that it was an entirely race based murder. Well, the guy may have been in need of arrest, because he was caught on video doing things he shouldn't have been doing, but he didn't need to be murdered. Was he innocent of the things that the father and son who stopped him and are now charged in his death thought he had done? Maybe, maybe not. However, unless he had a weapon with him, got the upper hand in a physical struggle and they feared for their lives, or whatever other legal justification there may be in the case, lacking that, the two who pursued the guy should have just held him there for the police to deal with, not shot him. It's so astonishing how discombobulated this sort of thing so quickly gets. Let us hope that the whole truth comes out and that IF the father and son were wrong, they face appropriate consequences. But IF they had the legal right to do as they did -- and right now, admittedly, it does not look as if they may be the case -- then I hope that justice prevails for them. I wish that this kind of thing would never happen again because it is used by the left to stir the "racism" story, and it's not always the case. George Zimmerman was not a racist, but it was painted as such by the msm and the left. The cop who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri was found innocent after the whole LIE of "Hands up! Don't shoot!" made it into the NFL's players' entry parades. It's time that racism stop being used by the left as a whipping tool and that those who practice it get a grip and realize that if they had a need for blood, it's quite possible that a person of colors' blood could be given them to save their lives and that if they needed it, they'd probably welcome it. Racism needs to stop, but not everything said to be racism actually is. May 11, 2020   Coup Against Pres. Trump:   We know now that it was themuslimvileone who was in charge of it and that they went to such lengths as to be "as close to treason as you can get", according to Rudy Giuliani (he's wrong: IT IS TREASON). Pres. Donald J. Trump is rightly incensed and he's going to be fun to watch for the next few weeks as he dumps on themuslimvileone and his cohorts in TREASON. We know that Gen. Michael Flynn has been exonderated and now we expect that Roger Stone should soon be as well since the transcripts that PROVE the FBLIE was trying to set up Gen. Flynn also PROVE that the WikiLeaks source was NOT Roger Stone! It's all falling apart for themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn. Even bumblefingers was in on it and we know that he was involved with it and he didn't stop it. We know he allowed TREASON and was involved in it. Does that make him fit to be the next guy to run the country? Nope! We also now know that schifforbrains knew it was all a LIE but he went ahead and pushed for FAUXpeachment anyways, wasting $3.06 MILLION as of Dec. 2019, but recall it went into 2020 since the Senate didn't take up the actual hearings until late January/early February of this year. While Pres. Trump was starting to fight the quickly-approaching Covid-19, pelosickpig, schifforbrains and the other lefties in the House and Senate (oh, and ROTTEN romney and probably the other RINOs in both houses) were all focused on their coup attempt. Remember that what themuslimvileone did was totally ILLEGAL and WRONG, but he'll probably never face any consequences for it. Isn't that WRONG? Isn't that sad? Isn't that UNequal justice under the law? May 11, 2020   Trey Gowdy:   He's not as good as I used to think he was. I didn't know before that he and ROTTEN ryan were responsible for BLOCKING the GOP from subpoening people during the FAUXpeachment effor of the left. He BLOCKED them. How could he do that? It's absurd! But he did it. Now he's trying to look better to those who used to believe in him by outing the journalist to whom the schifforbrains office leaked? Doesn't work for me. How about you? May 11, 2020   Sleeper Candidate?:   She says the right things, writes the right things and attends the right functions, but is Florida congressional candidate Amanda Makki a RINO trying to turn Florida BLUE? Will she get elected and then vote with the lefties? Is that what is going on here? We have to beware of "wolves in sheeps clothing" and I wonder, is she one? READ THE LINKED ARTICLE. It's eye-opening and alarming! Can this supposedly Conservative woman actually be a leftie in disguise? Consider the last two paragraphs: "In all, according to that Influence Watch document, The Sixteen Thirty Fund has spent $2,425,000 on lobbying [for LEFTIST CAUSES] since 2014. And that’s just for federal bills, no telling how much they’ve spent on state levels.If you live in Congressional District for Florida's 13th Congressional District in Pinellas County (or know someone who votes there), you may want to alert them to this. There are other choices and if you want to find out about them, check from whom they are receiving money and who is giving them "donations in kind". That speaks volumes about what they stand for. Also, check their past associations -- volunteer work, church attendance, etc. -- and see how far left they are. If it's all Conservative, then you may wish to vote for that person. If not, find out from the candidate, WHY it's not. Let them explain why they worked for a leftist organization when they are allegeldy Conservative. Then remember that lefties are very good liars (remember bullybobcrooktoon being called "an extraordinarily good liar" (the links for that are all taken down online: I wonder why)? NOTE: Am I certain, absolutely, positively she is a "dark agent" leftist running as a RINO? I am NOT. Do I advise caution when considering her? I DO. Do I endorse her or any of her opponents? I do NOT. May 11, 2020   Last Link:   I would love to end with a fun item daily, but those are sometimes hard to come by. Today, I have the honor of presenting to you a political cartoon by Pat Cross that I think is hysterical and so very, very true! Hope you get a giggle. May 11, 2020   That's it for today, folks. Hope you have a great evening and I hope to see you tomorrow for at least a few blurbs. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 13, 2020: 1:39 p.m.   Missed doing updates yesterday due to having food poisoning and feeling like spoiled soup warmed over (how does anyone know what that "feels like"?). It was rough Monday night and my throat and body were still feeling it a lot yesterday. Today, I am better when it comes to feeling healthy, but still get rather worn out easily. Maybe tomorrow I'll be feeling like I can continue my full level cleaning and the extra stuff I started Monday. We'll see. Remember we'll be going to the farm on Friday evening so I don't know what kind of updates I'll be able to do on Friday, but I plan on being here tomorrow for the full update. Let's get started! May 13, 2020   Deep State:   Judicial Watch is so good to keep on top of the deep state and it's time that the deep state people be held accountable. The efforts of Judicial Watch help us do that. For instnace, they are still trying to get the TRUTH about themuslimvileone's leading the "Russian conspiracy" charge against Pres. Donald J. Trump and the whole LIE that it was spun into: Ukrainian influence, the Stormy Daniels thing, the "racist" charges, etc. It's ridiculous, but themuslimvileone can't have the TRUTH about all of the ILLEGAL things he has done be exposed. It's time that the TRUTH be told about his wrongs, and the TRUTH of his whole administration's wrongs. That includes hillosercrooktOOn's wrongs, although she's fighting that tooth, nail and everything but shotgun! No one in Judicial Watch has been found dead of 27 self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back as yet, so that's a good thing. I hope they are all wearing bulletproof vests when they go out and about. The closer they get to forcing the TRUTH out of her, the closer they get to that scenario. Let's pray for their safety! themuslimvileone and all of his administration, not just hillosercrooktOOn, are doing everything they can to LIE to you about who did what to whom when, why and how. If they are to be believed they are clean as the wind-driven snow and there are no dogs to make it yellow. Yeah. Right. And I'm the Tooth Fairy. The TRUTH is that they are crooked and guilty as sin in everything charged and if there is anything good and truthful in them it's a miracle. It's so bad that even when they have LIED UNDER OATH TO CONGRESS (so far) they've gotten away with it! Even when the transcripts of their testimony has been released, they're still facing NOTHING when it comes to any kind of punishment! It's ridiculous and it's WRONG! We even have a Constitution or we don't; we have either EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW, or we have a protected, elite class that will be able to get away with everything and anything as long as they have dirt on others that they can threaten to use if push comes to shove. That's speculation, but I bet that's how it works. Blackmail is very effective and I bet when it comes to why Trey Gowdy hasn't done a thing regarding fighting back against the deep state and he blocked subpoenas, it's because they have something on him (I won't tell you what I think it is, that's not my job). I know the crooktOOns operate that way. I bet it's been taught to everyone in themuslimvileone's administration, too. Why else would bullybobcrooktOOn have waited for U.S.A.G. loretta lynch on the tarmac in 2016? Why else would she have supported the "hillosercrooktOOn is innocent" meme when she had to know that hilloser was a detriment to themuslimvileone, who was lynch's first priority? Hmm? It was bad enough that themuslimvileone's administration protected the guilty (and continue to do so), but they also targeted the innocent and their ugly-souled cohorts are continuing to try to punish the innocent in order to divert atttention from the guilty. This is so unprecedented and could only have happened after the following sequence of events:
May 13, 2020   Covid-19:   Is dr. fauci really a good guy? I mean, really? Or is he actually a Deep State operative sent to try to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump via making sure he looks bad during this "crisis" by LYING every time his lips are moving, just like themuslimvileone? After all, we now know that dr. fauci and thevilegeorgesoros both BENEFITED from the drug to TREAT COVID-19! So is he a good guy if he's doing all he can to keep this thing going, even LYING about it and LYING to the public and to Pres. Donald J. Trump! He's a known associate of thevilegeorgesoros and the crooktOOns so why would anyone trust the clown? I don't get it! Now the left, is using this "crisis" to do nefarious things, packing "relief packages" with HORRIBLE ideas like allowing businesses to hire ILLEGAL ALIENS INSTEAD OF AMERICANS and releasing federal prisoners and vote by mail and ballot harvesting, which would lead to MASSIVE VOTE FRAUD like the "stimulus checks" being sent to DEAD PEOPLE for the Covid-19 relief package is allowing! That's TAXPAYER DOLLARS that are being sent out to DEAD PEOPLE and spent by others when those checks should have been returned as "No Longer At This Address" or whatever! It's ridiculous that the left wants to use this Covid-19 thing as a way to CHEAT their way into eternal power, but that's the left all over: CHEAT, LIE, STEAL, whatever it takes to GET and STAY IN POWER! It is all about POWER for the left because without it they shrivel up and die! May 13, 2020   ACORN:   I thought these clowns were gone and disbanded, but nope, they've reared their ugly heads again. Do you remember that these are the clowns who James O'Keefe first unmasked as supporting underage girls illegally to participate in a prostitution ring that O'Keefe and Hannah Giles were testing to see if they would support it or not? Yeah. The ACORN folks supported doing that. EVERY office they went to tried to help them set up and get FEDERAL FUNDING FOR bringing underage girls ILLEGALLY into America from Central America in order to prostitute them and that was fine with ACORN. Now, that same organization is SUING CA to "allow more illegals" to VOTE in OUR ELECIONS. Is that fraud? Is that LEGAL? Is that RIGHT? Is that what YOU want: ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS deciding OUR elections? That's what they're pushing. By the way, they're getting help from another leftist organization that tried to make its name sound so very pro-America: Voter Participation Center is making its mailings look as though they have come from a State entity, but they DO NOT. If you receive one of these (I have received TWO), do NOT mail it back with your info, do NOT respond to their website or by phone. This organization will try to CHEAT in the election. How do I know this? "Florida, Texas, Louisiana and others report that the mailers are causing confusion among residents and that they’ve shown up in mailboxes addressed to dead people, children and even dogs and cats."Cats and dogs? Really? Yep. That's how you know they'll be CHEATING in the election to defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump at all costs. If they can't bother to include only VALID REGISTERED VOTERS, then they intend to use your info to CHEAT for the dumboRATS' victory. Why do I say that? "The Voter Participation Center is staffed with several former Democratic officials and political consultants, some of whom are veterans of President Bill Clinton's and President Obama's presidential campaigns.According to Open Secrets their members support ONLY lefties. Their budget is HUGE and I bet they'd use EVERY PENNY to CHEAT a dumboRAT into power! This is MY OPINION and I think that you should consider it considering the evidence I've given you. May 13, 2020   bumblefingers:   Mr. Sniffer has a muddled mind and he gave a strange answer to a question about memes about him on the internet and how popular they are. It's a little weird to see his brain deteriorate in front of our eyes and ears and to see that those who supposedly love him are still pushing him out there to run for prezidunce when he is in such a state. Why is no one calling them on elder abuse? That's what this is! He's in no condition to be running for anything except the bathroom! Why are they doing this? They're doing it because he's going to be pushed out of office as soon as he's in it (assuming, of course, that he wins) and then the female VP will be pushed into office. It won't be kamala harris because she's not pushy enough to actually drive him out and she doesn't have the kind of contacts who would do it for her. She hasn't the "gravitas" to do make it happen. However, there is someone who wants it badly enough to kill for it and, although she may be playing it low and easy right now, you know that betting people believe she'll be the pick. I'm not the only one who believes that she will be the VP -- if not the nominee -- and then America will get to see the rematch she has wanted since the Electoral College did its job and protected America from the votes of the cities and allowed those of us in "flyover country" to have a voice. Will she be elected if this happens? That depends on if the left succeeds in getting vote-by-mail pushed through and allowed for the election this November. IF they succeed, kiss any kind of INTEGRITY IN AND FAIR ELECTIONS GOODBYE. By the way, remember that he was involved in the Gen. Flynn set-up and that he knew all along that themuslimvileone was in charge of the "Russia-gate" thing and the whole deep state attack against Pres. Donald J. Trump. bumblefingers knew and participated. May 13, 2020   That's all for today, folks. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 15, 2020: 12:34 p.m.   Well, I missed yesterday. What I didn't know Wednesday was that when my husband called to schedule oil changes/tire rotations for our vehicles (both were due) that they would be fitting us in the next day -- yesterday at 1:00 p.m. Well, that didn't work out for updates. We both arrived early, dropped off one vehicle and took the other to get some lunch, then went to the dealer and exchanged vehicles as they finished mine and took my hubby's to go shopping. After that we picked his vehicle up and went home and dropped shopping off and, since it was date night, went back out again. Sorry about that. I didn't realize that they'd be able to fit us in so quickly. It worked out for us, though, because we leave in a few hours for our Georgia farm again! Let's get started on the very few blurbs I'll be doing today. May 15, 2020   Spy-Gate: &bnsp When themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn and their dumboRAT cronies were spying on candidate-then-Pres. Donald J. Trump and his people, they did a lot of ILLEGAL stuff. Every person involved has culpability and I hope that -- if themuslimvileone cannot be charged with anything since he was a prezidunce -- that Gen. Michael Flynn can sue themuslimvileone out of every penny he has because that's what themuslimvileone's actions did to Gen. Flynn's bank account: emptied it. Now we know that bumblefingers was in on the whole LIE of Gen. Flynn being a bad guy, so I hope that Gen. Flynn SUES bumblefingers as well. I hope that he SUES EVERYONE who had anything at all to do with his persecution/prosecution and that they are all taken down the the pennies of their net worth! I also hope that he sues the leftist judge who keeps persecuting him and that he will make that judge step down and be disbarred! This "judge" -- emmet sullivan -- is a FARCE and a political pawn of the left and he's doing everything HE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DOING in order to try to make Gen. Flynn go to prison for political purposes! The DOJ DROPPED THE CHARGES! How on earth is Gen. Flynn supposed to be even appearing in court anymore? If I were he I would refuse to show up and make the polijudge enforce the court appearances that should have stopped a week ago! The polijudge is trying to pin "perjury" on Gen. Flynn, which FLYNN WAS NEVER CHARGED WITH by the DOJ, or anyone else, so now the polijudge is actually the prosecutor as well as the sitting polijudge? That's not the American way! That's unconstitutional and it goes against the SCOTUS's recent ruling and the Amercan Bar's rulings and history of conduct! Polijudge Ssullivan brought another polijudge, gleeson, into the case and he's also IGNORING the SCOTUS RULING! "'Under the Fokker Case that just came out 2 years ago, the DC Circuit which governs Judge Sullivan made it very clear if the government wants to dismiss a case you cannot, the District Court cannot refuse to do so because he doesn’t like the government’s theory. Because he thinks the government should continue the case. And it doesn’t matter if the defendant has pled or not.' [bolding in the original]"So what is polijudge (and his supporting cast of political allies) doing? Ignoring the LAW that they swore to "uphold and defend"! They all should be DISBARRED! Aarrgghhh! I really despise dumboRATS! May 15, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   We're giving how much to a majority MUSLIM country? $22 MILLION allegedly to train them on how to fight Covid-19? Which deep state idiot at the State Dept. arranged this? Why is the State Dept. giving OUR taxpayer dollars to Bangladesh at this point in time when WE need the money for OUR economy? Why are we sending our money overseas when we should be using it here to help our OWN people? It's ridiculous! How stupid is that? In another WASTE OF TAXPAYER $$$$, we see that it's taking Judicial Watch SUING CaliMarxiFornia -- and having to go to a higher court in their effort -- to prevent CaliMarxiFornia from giving $75 MILLION taxpayer dollars to ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS! What?! Yep. That's right, folks. The idiots in charge there want to give CaliMarxiFornia's TAXPAYER dollars to ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS who have no right to a dime of it, and it's their idiot, politically correct, probably-cheated-into-office governor who is trying to do this without the actual authority to do what he's trying to do: "'The lower court essentially acknowledged Governor Newsom has no legal authority to spend state taxpayer money for cash payments to illegal aliens.'"So why is he doing this? Because he knows that they're expecting to be able to get ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS to be able to VOTE this November and he is already trying to BUY their votes before the election. That's all there is to it. He's buying the votes of the ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS with the taxpayer dollars. Isn't that special? May 15, 2020   America's People Are GREAT!:   Covid-19 be darned, the American people lifted the "consumer sentiment" number in May, and, nationwide, they're looking forward to FREEDOM returning! They're also still supporting Pres. Donald J. Trump because they can see -- and the LEFT HATES THIS -- that all of this Covid-19 stuff IS NOT PRES. TRUMP'S FAULT. They see how the LEFT is handling things and the LIES of the msm and the dumboRAT Senators, Representatives and governors. They can see the TRUTH for themselves. The American people are GREAT! They have a good head on their shoulders as long as they are not totally sold out to the left and getting their info from idiot-makers like NPR, abc, cbs, cnn, msnbc, etc. They see that Covid-19 numbers ARE GOING DOWN as states reopen and people are allowed to go out, open their businesses, and go back to work. It's what anyone with a brain can see and those who don't have brains all vote for dumboRATS, so that's what's preventing them from voting for Republicans. May 15, 2020   bumblefingers:   So he's the presumptive dumboRAT nominee? Not according to the dnc! "'[O]ur convention has to happen, because we are not officially nominating Joe Biden in order to take Donald Trump'".Uh. Has anyone told bumblefingers yet? Of course, even if they have told him, he wouldn't recall it ten minutes later, so there is that. So who are they going to nominate? You have three guesses and the first four don't count! (Think about it.) He helped unmask Gen. Michael Flynn (although he can't remember having done so), and he also railroaded FOUR OTHERS straight into PRISON! This man should NEVER be in the White House as a visitor, much less as prezidunce! He needs to be in prison himself, not the FOUR MEN -- U.S. MILITARY VETERANS -- he RAILROADED INTO RUINATION AND PRISON! It's WRONG what he has done! Ignore the mental incapacity and the monkey of rape on his back, and you still have someone who should NEVER BE ELECTED TO EVEN GRASS CATCHER, much less DOG CATCHER OR prezidunce! May 15, 2020   John Durham:   He was assigned to look into the whole "Russian Collusion" LIE and into who did what when, where, why and how; in other words the LIES OF THE LEFT. According to Joe DiGenova, Durham's investigation is going "full throttle". I am not sure I believe ANY of the reports that those talking about "investigations" looking into the LIES OF THE LEFT because we've been promised how many times that "this is going to be the one", the investigation that results in people being charged with crimes and being tried, found (obviously) guilty and sent to prison as they should be? How many times have we heard that promise-cum-lie? I'm tired of even HOPING that it's the TRUTH. I'll not believe in ANY investigation until I see people going to PRISON after being TRIED, FOUND GUILTY and sentenced to YEARS AND YEARS! Let us PRAY that this is the result of the Durham investigation for MANY, MANY LEFTIES! May 15, 2020   That's it for today, folks. I have to gather things up to take to Georgia, including folding sawhorses, tools and that sort of thing. Oh, does that sound like another project is at hand? (Who moi?) Have a great weekend! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 18, 2020: 2:01 p.m.   Islamic Violence:   Of course, the murderer at the Pensacola Naval Air Station was a Muslim who was taught to kill and hate non-Muslims. They call it being "radicallized" but if you read their own holy books that is not being "radicallized", it IS carrying out the orders of Muhammed and the Quran/Koran as well as the instructions in the Hadith (the oral tradition passed from "hearer of the words" of Muhammed to others but not codified as part of the Quran), etc. Murdering others is part of the whole "religion" of Islam. It's the norm not the exception. It's the requirement, not the discouragement. It's part of what gets people to heaven -- if only temporarilly -- in that religion, not what sends them to hades for murder. Islam preaches, teaches and practices murder as part of their religious duty and right. It is their duty. Never forget that. Are there some who do not practice that part of Islam, via not murdering people? Yes. But just like lapsed Catholics who do not attend mass every time the doors are open, or who have not been to confession for years, that doesn't mean that they don't believe in the premises taught, nor that they do not support the church financially as they eat pork on Friday instead of fish. Same thing happens in Islam: just because they don't murder anyone themselves, that doesn't mean that their "tithe" ("Zakat" in Islam), doesn't go from their local mosque to support terrorist organizations that fund murder! This is the dichotomy of those Muslims who say they are "peaceful": do they object to their Zakat being used to fund murder? If not, how peaceful are they to begin with? May 18, 2020   Deep State:   We now know that themuslimvileone has been at the head of the anti-Donald J. Trump efforts of the FBLIE and the rest of the alphabet soup agencies since the get-go (as I said he was) and we are finding out that he included other nations in his efforts to prevent then-candidate Donald J. Trump and into Pres. Trump's administration from being sworn in, then from staying in office: "Members of Italian intelligence were approached by Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and the Deep State in order to frame Trump by PLANTING EVIDENCE on American servers to force Trump to step down from office."This is playing out EXACTLY as I said it would when it first started coming up; themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn are both involved and I've said that they were from the beginning. They are trying to cover their tracks and prevent the TRUTH from being known about how bad they were and how many times they broke existing laws and how they set people up, and anything else they did that was illegal (and that was A LOT!). It's not JUST about stopping a Republican president: it's about covering their butts! Even though the lefties are trying to make it look like the Gen. Michael Flynn unmasking is a run-of-the-mill, routine, unimportant thing, it's all a giant LIE (as usual), because unmasking IS a BIG DEAL and UNCOMMON! The left used it to try to ruin Gen. Michael Flynn, then tried to make it look like it's nothing, means nothing, is no biggie. They LIE about that in an effort to (as usual), cover their butts. They're trying to make it look like there's nothing wrong with doing so. They, of course, as usual, as always, inevitably, are LYING. It IS UNCOMMON AND UNUSUAL to unmask someone like Gen. Flynn. That's why it makes my blood boil and wish that Pres. Donald J. Trump would FIRE A.G. BARR because he says that there will be no criminal investigation into themublimsilveone or bumblefingers over the unmasking -- or anything else since this doesn't seem to matter! -- and that's not just WRONG, it's allowing criminality within the preziduncy without punishment and thus, setting the preziduncy above the REST OF THE PEOPLE, and setting up a de facto monarchy/tyranny in which those in power do NOT ANSWER TO THE RULE OF LAW but the "little people" do! That's not just WRONG, it's antithetical to our U.S. Constitution and to the rule of law! It's IMMORAL that anyone in America is held to be ABOVE THE LAW, even if it IS the prezidunce! If Pres. Donald J. Trump did the kinds of things that his administration is apparently going to allow themuslivmileone and hillosercrooktOOn to get away with, the left would trample their own peons to be the first to get the handcuffs, slam Pres. Trump into the pavement, put those handcuffs on extra-tight, and perp march him into prison in front of the cameras of the world's media that they ensured would be there and Pres. Trump would rot in prison for the rest of his days, and they'd throw every family member -- including Baron Trump -- in there with him for good measure, just to prove they can! This is not the America we should have but that's what A.G. Barr is setting up here! It should NOT be this way! Think of what the left would do if it had been the Republican president -- no matter who it was -- who did the same things themuslimvileone did! This is WRONG. It's WRONG. It's WRONG to not press charges and to protect the GUILTY! Of course, if you look at the people who were present -- US Attorney General Bill Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray -- you have your answer right there: Wray. He is NOT going to allow his buddies to face any consequences and BARR is just the right coward to go along with him. Irritates me. May 18, 2020   ROTTEN romney:   Hey, Utah! Listen up. You really are messing up here, you know that don't you? You need to recall this clown who is NOT your friend -- he may be the same religion, but he's not your friend -- because he's doing everything he can to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump and all Pres. Trump can do to help "Make America Great Again!" He is a jealous clown and he's acting like a baby in all of his temper tantrums and hissy fits. He needs to be kicked out of office and sent on his crybaby way. May 18, 2020   History's Ugly Head:   Well, sometimes it comes back to bite you and it's doing so with morning joe scarborough. There is video that has surfaced that shows Imus interviewing him via telephone and in which he JOKES about having KILLED the woman he was having an affair with! I'm sorry. But that's not an appropriate thing to joke about, for one. For two, if you're sorry for the woman's death you don't joke about her "accidental" death to start with! He was a Representative at the time she worked for him -- and died IN HIS OFFICE -- and he jokes about her death! Then, to top it off, after being called on the tackiness of his "joke", he says "'What are you gonna do?'"Really, dude? Really? Tacky. Classless. Cluelessly inappropriate. Welcome to your mainstream media talking head's reality. May 18, 2020   Covid-19:   How many, many times have you heard the saying, "As goes Cali[MarxiFornia], so goes the nation."? Well, let's say that the "rule" is broken now because the governor is thinking "third wave" and longer lockdown. Is that what CaliMarxiFornians want? No. But it's the power-hungry governor who wants to extend his absolute power. It's all about the power and keeping it for the lefties. Don't believe me? Ask those who are not liking people standing up to government and the power-hungry lefties who want to keep America under their thumbs. You know, people like hillosercrooktOOn who compares armed protestors -- please note that these armed protestors have DONE NO HARM and not shot a single round -- to domestic terrorists. I'm sorry (NOT), but I have to ask. Does she make the same harsh judgement about the Islamic terrorist who shot up Pensacola Naval Air Station? Just askin'. China's where this thing originated but they deny it all the time. Now, China has "vowed to somehow punish, with 'severe consequences,' a number of United States Congressmen and Senators for daring to tell the truth about Wuhan coronavirus."So, our several of our people are vowing NEW SANCTIONS against China -- where Covid-19 originated -- and I hope that Pres. Donald J. Trump agrees to those new sanctions and makes China pay for the economic devastation they caused by ALLOWING THEIR PEOPLE TO TRAVEL around the globe, issuing travel visas to those whom they knew may have been carriers of Covid-19 and thus, "sharing" it with the rest of the world. China should be made to pay, not be REWARDED like the dumboRATS' bill 6666 would do! They GIVE CHINA A BENEFIT IN THAT: "They’ve also prioritized China’s economy in this one. The bill includes a provision that waives Chapter 83 of title 41, United States Code. What’s that?The "Buy American Act" is the law that puts American manufacturers as the FIRST CHOICE for purchasing things when our government needs them. It would give American manufacturers government business, but the dumboRATS want to destroy that and give the business to the manufacturing processes IN CHINA rather than employ America. The worst part is that this isn't a temporary thing. " The Democrats’ bill would waive it permanently". They're wanting to UNemploy Americans permanently. That's PERMANENTLY, as in the rest of their lives. Why? The dumboRATS believe that if you get more people on WELFARE, Food Stamps, etc., you'll have MORE DUMBORAT VOTERS. That's the goal. Is that good for America? No. Not in any way, shape, or form, so we have dumboRATS trying to destroy American manufacturing so that they can get a few more voters -- enough to keep them in POWER for the rest of eternity. Isn't that sweet? Isn't that what you want? Or do you prefer FREEDOM and American JOBS? May 18, 2020   I'll close with that for today. I'll try to see you again tomorrow. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 19, 2020: 12:15 p.m.   Covid-19:   Wanna' see a modern day American revolution? If the government of any state tries to FORCE you to get a Covid-19 "vaccine", against your will, break into your home and "vaccinate" you forcibly, there will be hades to pay. At least, at MY house there will be. I will NOT accept a FORCED vaccination, especially after reading this article about Covid-19 "vaccinations" I am not saying that the article is correct. I am saying that I will exert my power over my body -- ABORTION is legal and that's based upon sovereignty over one's body, how can they FORCE us to ACCEPT FORCED "vaccination" -- and I WILL NOT BE FORCED to accept a "vaccination" for Covid-19 or anything else if I do not think it's good for me! I WILL NOT COOPERATE. Will you? If you live in rural areas, of any country, then you had it better during the peak of Covid-19 because there were fewer people around to give it to you, or for you to spread it to. Worldwide that holds true, so if we lived at the farm full time, we probably would not have even had a chance to get it (don't worry, we have not been sick). In fact, we may not have even heard of it because we don't have television service out in the boonies. We do have radio, so I suppose that we could have heard about it, but we probably would not have been exposed to it. I love the farm, but I don't think I want to live there fulltime quite yet. There are doctors out there who are treating patients who think that Pres. Trump is "brilliant". I happen to agree with them. Part of his brilliance is that he has figured out that he cannot trust the CDC because they have been WRONG about everything and pumping up the numbers as well (I posted a link about that earlier in the month). The msm is going crazy (as usual) and he's dinging them because they went nuts when he announced that he's taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure, with his doctor's prescription. The left went crazy because that's not what they want: they want hydroxychloroquine to be bad and dangerous because the left is pushing Remdesivir as the be all end all for this because their side and CHINA both benefit from it. After all, doesn't thevilegeorgesoros have a part in this thing, and doesn't he also have a part in developing and pushing Remdesivir? Isn't he the one who gives MILLIONS to dumboRATS and their causes, as well as pulls the strings of almost every dumboRAT election in America? Who funded the likes of The IDIOT aoc, ilhan INCEST oTALILBANar, rashida The MOUTH talib? You got it, thevilegeorgesoros. The governors who were backed by thevilegeorgesoros (all dumboRATS, I'm sure) are totalitarian power-hungry idiots and they do stupid things like gavin newsom of CA, who threatens to lay off first responders if they don't get federal government funds from Pres. Donald J. Trump. How sweet is that? He won't lay off people who cut the lawn along the highway, but he will lay off cops, EMTs, fire fighters? How short-sighted is that? How hateful is that? How ridiculous is that? It's dumboRAT ridiculous; only to be expected. May 19, 2020   Vote Integrity:   The left says that there is no fraud and that we can trust our elections, even though we've seen for years that they help illegals, felons, unregistered, multiple votes by the same person, dead people and fictitious characters vote for their candidates. Now the left is pushing hard for "vote-by-mail" and ballot harvesting so that they can commit FRAUD as much as it takes to WIN the election and stop Pres. Donald J. Trump from doing everything he can to get to the TRUTH of their wrongs during themuslimvileone's administration. I bet there are already bins of ballots filled out for the dumboRAT candidates that are just waiting for the day they are needed and that daily there are more of them being created and that's how they plan to win. IF vote-by-mal gets done, there WILL BE MORE PEOPLE VOTING than there are registered voters in almost every precinct run by the dumboRATS and with a dumboRAT candidate running. There will be shenanigans and cheating and the left will say, "Nothing to see here, folks. Move along." Don't believe me? It's already happening. In Oregon they CHANGED HUNDREDS OF REGISTRATIONS -- all REPUBLICAN -- to independent so that those REPUBLICANS could not vote in the primary because they have a closed primary. If you're not a member of that party, you cannot vote in that party's primary. They actually prevented hundreds of people from voting by doing this without the voter's knowledge or permission. Yeah. It's happening. Cheating is easy for the left. That's how they win, then they deny it ever happened. They should go to prison, but they never do. It must be nice to be able to get away with anything you want in order to stay in power. Agree? Equal justice under the law need not apply to everyone, just to those who disagree with them. May 19, 2020   Deep State:   We know that there is no such thing as "Equal Justice" anymore, right? After all, we know that the LEFT gets away with many things that they should NEVER get away with if equal justice under the law was actually true. Whether you're bumblefingers threatening Pres. Poroshenko into firing Viktor Shokin who was investigating his son, and which that link has an audio of the phone call -- PROOF of it -- yet, there will be NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into bumblefingers or themuslimvileone according to U.S. Attorney General William Barr. So where is the "equal justice"? We have AUDIO PROOF of bumblefinger's quid pro quo and there is NO DENYING IT HAPPENED, yet the LEFT FAUXpeached Pres. Donald J. Trump after they HEARD HIS COMPLETELY INNOCENT PHONE CALL to the Ukrainian president who replaced Poroshenko! Equal justice? Where? How about equal justice for Gen. Michael Flynn? Where is it for him? They've ruined him financially, he had to sell his house to pay his legal fees and it was all made up, a pretext, a LIE from the beginning because they were afraid that he would tell the TRUTH that he already knew. Remember, themuslimvileone hated Gen. Flynn so when Pres. Donald J. Trump wanted Gen. Flynn to serve him, themuslimvileone had already been SPYING ON HIM since 2015! He checked into Gen. Flynn's financial records, as well as keeping an eye on him in other ways, I'm sure. He also spied on Paul Manafort, members of Pres. Trump's family and members of Congress. Question for you: now that we know that "members of Congress" were spied upon by themuslimvileone would that be considered a reason for some members of Congress actually going easy on the lefties -- Trey Gowdy, Devin Nunes (apparently he has not heard the audio of bumblefinger's call to Poroshenko) and others -- after talking tough for the cameras? Is that what we see happening here? We know via their own actions that they have done something that is blackmail-worthy and that is why they are kowtowing to the left after talking tough for the right? Just asking, people. Just asking. May 19, 2020   pelosickpig:   She isn't happy unless she's exerting power over us, spending our money and attacking Republicans and Conservatives, is she? Now she has opened her toothless mouth and said that Pres. Trump is "morbidly obese" and some of her buddies have to chime in and agree with her. My question to ms pelosickpig is, "Would you say the same thing about your buddy, jerry naddling nadler?" I bet I know her answer. The Donut isn't her enemy, so why would she call him "morbidly obese"? May 19, 2020   Dark is drawn to dark:   Not skin tone, so don't go there. I'm talking dark egoes being drawn to darkness as in evil. Evil is drawn to evil. Is that not a correct statement? That's why I use it for jeff bezos partnering with the splc. They are now funding the southern poverty law center (no respect, thus no caps), and that's the group who labels all Conservatives, Christians and pro-life organizations as "Hate Groups". Isn't that what you want to fund when you shop at amazon? "Amazon lets the SPLC act as a gatekeeper for the [giving] program, which means SPLC denies Amazon customers the ability to give to politically conservative organizations. As a result, organizations that promote conservative ideas are cut off from funds, while Amazon allows donations to a variety of liberal organizations that include Planned Parenthood, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, and the SPLC itself, which is the 33rd largest recipient of AmazonSmile contributions."You can sign a petition to amazon's Board of Directors asking that this be changed, but that doesn't mean it will happen. If darkness likes darkness, then darkness usually hires darkness, so a Board of Directors with like-minded -- dark-minded? -- people will probably just vote to ignore the petition requesting light. Do you shop amazon? I admit that I do. I have to stop that now. I will find other resources, and I bet you can, too. May 19, 2020   That's going to be it for today. I have things I have to do and two appointments to keep. I will try to see you tomorrow, but I won't be here Thursday or Friday. I'll be back TUESDAY because we'll be at our farm on Memorial Day, May 25th. So I will TRY to do blurbs tomorrow, then not be back (unless our plans change drastically) until Tuesday, May 26th. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 25, 2020: 2:23 p.m.   Memorial Day: We Remember: We remember that you gaveI remember. I remember you. GOD Bless You for all you have done for us! Thank you, thank you, thank you! A million times, "Thank you!" May 26, 2020: 1:02 p.m.   I am back for just a little while today. I have things to do that need my attention and I won't have much time today. I didn't end up going to our Georgia farm last week. We didn't think the Lord wanted us to go and we stayed home, got sick (which is probably why we were supposed to stay here; it's more "comfortable" being sick here than at the farm, for some reason) and we got better and worked on our current project. Other than that, we didn't do much, what with feeling awful Thursday and Friday, and then recovering. It was a quiet, wet Memorial Day. One good thing did happen: our youngest son got to visit because we were all home, and the "big, bad boogie-bug" was no longer something my hubby's work is really concerned about. It was a good visit. For now, let's get started. May 26, 2020   Covid-19:   The left is responsible for shutting down the country over this boogie-bug and they tried to blame Pres. Trump for everything under the sun about it, and they're still doing all they can to use it for their own benefit. In CaliMarxiFornia, gov. newsom is pushing vote-by-mail (read: HOW TO COMMIT VOTER FRAUD, as they've done previously) and Pres. Donald J. Trump is correct, the left is exploiting Covid-19 to commit election fraud. They're doing everything they can to WIN because they want to continue their work to DESTROY AMERICA and HIDE themuslimvileone's CRIMES. They can't let that get out because if they did, it would mean that ALL of them have something to lose. This boogie-bug is so much hype, but so little TRUTH, that the LEFTIST governors of blue states have done things to make sure that more people got it. If it weren't for idiot governors (including gov. cuomo in NY), egotistical leftist mayors and LYING doctors, (dr. fauci chief), we could have gone through this Covid-19 outbreak WITHOUT destroying our economy, WITHOUT shutting anything down, WITHOUT the toilet paper hoarding (I still don't understand that), and we could have done things to protect those who were most vulnerable, unlike the LEFT (cuomo, whitmer, etc.) did. If things had been handled differently, if fauci and birx had NOT LIED to Pres. Donald J. Trump, telling him that 2.2 MILLION Americans would DIE, we could have gotten through this with people still working, with a roaring economy still roaring, the stock market hitting 30,000+ and all of the benefits that Pres. Donald J. Trump made happen with his policies and focus, and we could all go into this coming Christmas with a wonderful life. As it is, this Christmas will probably be a bit less like Christmas than it was last year before dr. fauci and dr. birx LIED to Pres. Trump and our children's lives will be affected in that. It's not just wrong what the left did to the country, it's wrong that they are going to get away with it -- all while blaming Pres. Donald J. Trump for the whole LIE THE LEFT PRODUCED. The LEFT is responsible for this whole thing as they cover up for the Chinese government's responsibility in starting this whole thing while trying to blame America and act as innocent as a lamb. It's time to open America and stop the mask fascists from making America miserable. It is TIME FOR FREEDOM TO RETURN TO AMERICA and it's time RIGHT NOW. May 26, 2020   Deep State:   We KNOW that themuslimvileone and bumblefingers were both involved -- heavily involved, not just on the periphery -- in spying on Pres. Donald J. Trump (before the election and after he was in office), and we KNOW that they were the head and not the tail because we know that even susan rice CLAIMED to be surprised that the knew about the things he did know about (allegedly PRIOR to her finding out) and, although we can no more trust susan rice than we can themuslimvileone, the truth is that the LIES they tell actually reveal more than they realize because they don't remember their PREVIOUS LIES and when two lies collide, the truth is sometimes revealed. The TRUTH is that themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn orchestrated the whole "Russian collusion" thing, as well as the "Russian dossier" thing, as well as the "Ukrainian quid pro quo" thing, as well as... The list goes on and on and on. Everything they try to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump fails because they are bad LIARS, no matter how much the left loves them. We're hoping to find "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" about this whole thing and to expose those who are involved with it and (hopefully) punish those involved in this waste of taxpayer dollars. The fact is, that there is an effort underway to reveal the names of those people, but whether they will face any consequences at all, I have severe reservations. I don't know if ANY of them will EVER see anything in the way of the punishment for their wrongs. I still see Roger Stone facing leftist "judge", abj, and "judge" emmet sullivan still trying to railroad Gen. Michael Flynn. We have to stop the left in their efforts to destroy America and if we don't, we will NOT HAVE AMERICA as we know and love her. We won't even have AmeriKa; we will have Communist China in America, ruling over us, putting even the left in concentration camps they call "re-education" camps and making us all conform or die. That's what the left wants because they ALL believe that they will be the ones the Chinese put or leave in power if they support this thing. Add to that the fact -- FACT -- that Russia is supporting China and cooperating with China's "New Silk Road". If the two biggest Communist countries can find a way to cooperate, how long will it be -- with the help of the leftists in America once they get into power -- before America is no more recognizable as the "government of the people, by the people and FOR the people"? How long? Remember that when you vote in November. The left -- from bernie sanders and aoc to hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone and Faux-ca-haunt-us -- want us to be Communist. Whether they get their way is UP TO YOU. You MUST vote this November and you MUST vote for EVERY TRUE CONSERVATIVE -- including Pres. Donald J. Trump -- if you want America to be America. It's not up to Pres. Trump, it's UP TO YOU. Your vote decides whether America becomes a Communist country in 2021. What will your vote be? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or communist of record or anyone else.) May 26, 2020   SCOTUS:   Sigh. The Supreme Court has decided that the State has to pay for someone's sex change surgery because... "One of her attorneys, Lori Rifkin, has said Edmo experienced such suffering from the lack of treatment that she twice tried to cut off her testicles in her prison cell."What I want to know is, can you believe that there are actually people willing to write such a NONSENSICAL sentence here in America? "She" tried to cut off "her testicles"? Really? Can you imagine that being actually put on paper and everyone reading it not laughing out loud? SHE CANNOT HAVE TESTICLES! There is a limit to the ridiculousness that we can accept and not shake our heads at and this is it! SHE and HER testicles do not belong in the same sentence. It's ridiculous but that's the left anyways! And they got the SCOTUS to go along with this absurdity! What is wrong with these people?! May 26, 2020   Awww... Poor pampered leftie:   The truth is that the left thinks that they can do whatever they want, but you can only do what they ALLOW. It's "All for me, none for thee" when it comes to FREEDOM and the way the left wants to control and dole out. That's why this story about gov. whitmer's hubby being denied a cut in line for his boat being put in the water at their vacation home tickled me. He was told "get to the back of the line"; in other words, no special treatment. I love it! It's a great thing to have lefties find out that the people don't appreciate the left's way of doing things. May 26, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 27, 2020: 12:47 p.m.   May 27, 2020   Homeschool Your Kids:   Since the Covid-19 thing shut down schools of all kinds -- except for homeschools -- many parents have been suddenly thrust into the homeschooling process. Whether it be ensuring their kids are parked in front of the computer at the right time so that they can "Zoom" the classroom teacher, or whether they've been given the books and instructions weekly and told "You do this.", parents nationwide are being introduced to the true joys of watching their child learn. They get the pleasure of watching their child's eyes light up as the process becomes understanding and real learning is done. They get to see how eagerly their child eats up knowledge and how well they process it when presented in a manner in which their learning style is kicked into gear and their child takes another stop toward graduation and maybe the college degree of their choice. That's why this pandemic is a silver lining to children and parents alike. Parents and children have the extra, added benefit of being able to spend more time together, of having the parents' influence over what the child believes, of what their morals become, of what their social influencers are, as well as so many other benefits that I am hoping that the number of homeschoolers in America becomes 40% or more since Covid-19 created the experience. That is a true silver lining for not just parents and students, but for America as well. For America because students who are homeschooled are more independent thinkers and, IMHO, less likely to fall for the letist propoganda on any subject. This could be very good for the future of America and the whole world! Thanks, Covid-19! You may have brought about an unnecessary lockdown, but you may have given Amrica a new lease on the future Conservatism of America! May 27, 2020   Covid-19:   Meanwhile in CovidVille, the lefties continue to grab for and try to hang onto all of the power they can get in whichever way they can while blaming Covid-19 for their efforts at tyranny. For instance, there's NM's leftie governor who can't get her story straight on her demanding special treatment for being able to go buy jewelry during her ordered lockdown of her state. There's NYC's mayor who continues the lockdown even though the numbers have been dropping for a few weeks now, and he plans to keep NYC locked down until JUNE! Power hungry, anyone? In Washington State, they're using shooting deaths as COVID-19 DEATHS so that they can continue the lockdown in their state! How ridiculous is that? It's sad to see that so many lefties are so power hungry. It's not surprising, just sad. May 27, 2020   Woopsie! There's thunder overhead, so I'm going to shut this down so that I don't pay a price for not doing so. Sorry for cutting this short. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! May 28, 2020: 1:44 p.m.   MAGA!:   It's not being reported because it wouldn't be what the LEFT wants to be happening, but guess what? America's economy is already ROARING BACK TO LIFE! Yep. That's a DOW increase of 7,000 POINTS since March! How about that? That's due to Pres. Donald J. Trump doing the right thing and trying to release America into productivity again. He started talking about re-opening America way back in... Guess when? MARCH! Pres. Trump started talking about re-opening America in MARCH and guess when the U.S. economy started ROARING back to LIFE? We've had SEVEN DAYS of +1,000 point gains since March; and one day OVER 2,000 points up! That's the sign of America coming back and coming back "BIGLY!" Have you heard it elsewhere? No? Wonder why....? "This increase over the past two months is the greatest in US history! Never before has the DOW gained so much in such a short period of time."What ELSE is the msm hiding from you that will give you hope? What are they NOT telling you that is GOOD news for YOU? It's time to put the msm on ignore and it's time to start working toward helping this economy ROAR! Let's do this, America! Let's do what is right for America and for our families, friends, neighbors and economy. That's go to work, buy products from businesses IN AMERICA, BUY MADE IN AMERICA and then, MOST IMPORTANTLY, VOTE FOR PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP IN NOVEMBER! If you do all the rest but not vote for Pres. Trump, you will FAIL America and you will fail your family, friends and neighbors. That's the BEST THING you can do FOR AMERICA and for yourself! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or LYING msm that HIDES THE TRUTH of our ROARING ECONOMY!) May 28, 2020   pelosickpig:   Well, well. How about that? She actually did something that can see the outlined silhouette of "smart". (That's as close as she can get to it.) She wrote up the latest "FISA bill" -- an act that would have reauthorized three expired surveillance programs that probably helped themuslimvileone to SPY on Pres. Trump's campaign, friends, family and led to the "Russian collusion" LIES, the Ukrainian LIES, the Russian interference in our elections LIES, etc. Pres. Donald J. Trump said he would VETO it if they passed it, but lefties want to keep it because, well, they do come in handy. After all, it's one of those bills that is used to SPY ON YOU via gathering EVERY phone call's, EVERY e-mails', EVERY electronic communication's metadata so that the government can "sift through" all of it and SPY ON whomever they choose, making up an excuse to do so AFTER SPYING ON YOU WITHOUT A WARRANT, and finding something to give them the excuse! It's a bad law that takes away our Fourth Amendment: "Amendment IV:With the massive metadata sifting going on, YOUR data is there, too. Do they have a warrant for it? NO. Do they have a RIGHT to it? NO. Do they have any reason whatsoever to SPY ON EVERYONE in America? NO. They took 9/11 and made up laws that allowed them TYRANNY OVER US, and allowed them to take away ALL OF OUR RIGHTS if they so deem it "necessary" in order to "protect" people. So they SPY ON YOU and everyone else without cause, without a warrant, and without your knowing it. Now you know how Gen. Michael Flynn, Pres. Donald J. Trump, George Papadopolous, etc., feel! The lefties -- starting with George W. Bush (43), and going to themuslimvileones and his FBLIE and alphabet soup cronies -- have been SPYING on YOU since then (9/11/01). It's time for that to STOP NOW. Agree? May 28, 2020   Deep State:   I love that this whole cabal/coup is being uncovered and investigated now. I'm so glad that it is being looked into. I do NOT believe that anyone at the top will go to prison for it -- although I wholeheartedly believe they should -- but it is at least going to be told to those of us who will listen who did what, when, where, to whom, etc. That's why there is another Special Counsel being appointed to look into "the unmasking by the Obama administration of Trump campaign and transition figures around the 2016 presidential election." (I'm sorry, but I'm smiling way too big right now. It's hard to see the computer screen!) This new guy, John Bash, will "support" John Durham's criminal investigation into the Trump/Russia collusion LIE. I wonder when we'll hear the names of the people responsible and how many underlings will actually pay the price for their "dear leaders". As I said, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see the top people -- themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn, loretta lynch, eric holder, etc. -- go to PRISON for the rest of their lives for TREASON, but the chances of that are infinitesimal. Sigh. The strzok/pages of the world always pay the price -- and rightly so for their part, but not as a fall guy to protect the high-muckety-mucks. Deep State people and operations are what put Gen. Michael Flynn in the situation he's currently in, but the current DO[IN]J is now trying to shut the case down, despite the efforts of the LEFTIST POLITICAL HACK, "judge" emmet sullivan, who may face possible impeachment at the hands of the U.S. Congress because of this Gen. Flynn case overreach. I hope he's not just impeached, but also disbarred, thrown into prison for ten years and ordered to PAY Gen. Flynn $100,000,000. That's reasonable to me. Don't you agree? It looks like Deep Stater, rod rosenstein, is going to be facing off with the Sen. Judiciary Committee as he's being called to testify in front of them. How many times do you think we'll hear "I plead the Fifth", "I don't recall", "I can't remember", "I could have stayed home and baked cookies"... Sorry. That's the wrong person's lame excuse, but hillosercrooktOOn said that during FBLIE questioning when questioned about her private server, at least 40 times, and at least another 21 times when testifying before Congress about the e-mail server she used to commit TREASON while she was SoS. She's used that excuse MANY TIMES before -- 250 TIMES while testifying before Congresss! -- but it's time for that excuse to be knocked out from under the LEFTIES who SPIED on Pres. Trump and others -- including hillosercrooktOOn -- and it's time to hold them to the same standards they hold Conservatives. It's time to stop playing "You get to do whatever you want and I'll play nice". It's time that the Deep State lefties pay a real price and go to PRISON! It's time! May 28, 2020   Muslim Violence:   When you're fourteen-years-old and your father is a violent tyrant, it's difficult to be comfortable in your own house. So when a girl "fell in love" with a 28 year-old man, I can understand her father's discomfort with the idea, but I cannot and will not ever understand his beheading her in her sleep as an "honor killing". His excuse? He didn't want her to marry someone who was Sunni Muslim, but didn't seem to care about the age difference (considered "statutory rape" if consumated here, in Islam brides can be as young as 9 (NINE)! That's abominable, but worse, he'll probably get off scott-free. Honor killing is acceptable in Islam. It's all about the excuse given to violent men and how worthless women are to them. May 28, 2020   The Old MOUTH:   Shut up, madmax. She is blaming Pres. Donald J. Trump for the death of George Floyd. It's absurd and she knows it. But, she has to use any excuse she can to help foment the hatred and violence of her side. If she can stir the pot, she always has and always will. When will she be called to account for her incitement of violence? Remember when she encouraged violence against supporters of Pres. Trump? (of course, so did themuslimvileone)? It's time for the lefties to pay the political price of their violent rhetoric and their encouragement of violence. It's time to kick their butts out of office and put in a bunch of TRUE CONSERVATIVES -- no RINOs -- and help Pres. Donald J. Trump "Make America Great Again!" again! Let's do this! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or LYING, VIOLENT IDIOTS! May 28, 2020   It's time for me to go for this week. We'll be going to our farm this weekend, and we'll be doing something fun this time, as well as finishing the hallway reno. We'll be back either Sunday evening, or Monday evening, I'm not sure which. I hope you have a great weekend and that the Space X launch -- if it happens -- will be successful and safe. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 2020 June 1, 2020: 1:15 p.m.   Leftist Violence:   This is how the lefties do things, folks. They criticize Pres. Donald J. Trump for allegedly "fanning the flames" of leftist lawlessness, while totally IGNORING the fact that it isn't Pres. Donald J. Trump who is fanning anything! It's the LEFT who is leaving PALLETS of BRICKS in the streets for their LEFTIST PAID PROTESTORS to use to destroy businesses, government buildings (taxpayer repairs needed; higher taxes coming in those cities) and to hurt people who did nothing to deserve being hurt. That's the way the left works. They ignore their own wrongs as they point a finger at an alleged wrong that isn't wrong. Even when the LEFT'S adult offspring are arrested for being part of this nonsense, the left will ignore and allow it because they want it to happen. The left thinks that this will cause Pres. Donald J. Trump to LOSE in November because they will say that it was Pres. Donald J. Trump's fault that Mr. George Floyd died and that this violence by the left was his fault because he "fanned the flames". Problems: Pres. Trump is NOT responsible for the cop who was filmed kneeling on Mr. Floyd's throat, nor was he responsible for the violent leftists who were BUSSED IN and PAID to be there by the left (usually thevilegeorgesoros) who PAYS people to show up and protest, to hurt people and destroy things. This is NOT about Mr. Floyd's death; it's about the LEFT trying to destroy an upcoming election for the sitting President, Donald. J. Trump. This is what has worked in the past, and they think it will work again. There are two problems with that plan. Problem One: As some have already pointed out this kind of lawlessness usually leads to more Conservative victories as people want more protection from the government, not less as the left wants and when we see how coordinated these things are, via the Dead Blue Bird, and phone conversations to get instructions on where to go when you're finished destroying this building, then we see that there has to be a "headquarters" that is in control. Is it thevilegeorgesoros, or is it the dnc (controlled by hillosercrooktOOn), or is it someone like madmax The OLD MOUTH waters? Problem Two: America is NOT STUPID. We know that these law-breakers are NOT there for the death of Mr. George Floyd. They are there because they're getting PAID to be there, and they're there because they can do whatever they want and they know that they can usually get away with it because leftist governors, mayors and police chiefs will NOT arrest and charge them. They're there because they can do whatever is in their personalities, souls, lack of morals and not worry about showing their true colors. I don't mean "true colors" as in the color of their skin: I mean the color of their souls. There are black, white, Asian and for all I know purple people out there doing the WRONG thing because they can and they can get away with it with the system overwhelmed and the cops either standing down and not stopping them, or because they can't be everywhere at the same time; the odds of being caught are therefore slim. It's ugly souls that are out there breaking into Target stores, Louis Vitton shops and anywhere else they can and stealing everything they can get their hands on. Americans own these places and they don't like being robbed and the resulting work -- paperwork for both the crimes and the insurance filing or going bankrupt -- and they don't like that there will probably be a "day in court" for the INJUSTICE inflicted upon them because they did NOTHING to deserve what the evil souls out there breaking the law has done to them. Americans do NOT like that injustice. We don't appreciate it. I have some questions for those evil souls out there who are actually angry and are out there breaking the law and destroying things and hurting people. Where does it say that because you are angry you get to do that? Where does it say that because you are irrate that suddenly it's okay for you to destroy a Target store and steal them blind? Where does it say that attacking an innocent bystander is suddenly legal, MORAL, and approved by mankind because you're ticked off by something that a few bad cops did to a man of color? Where is that written? Do two wrongs make a right? Does your anger justify your bad behavior? If so, does that not mean that your neighbor being angry AT YOU means that he is justified to set your car on fire, beat your wife/girlfriend/child, and steal your watch because he's angry at you? At least in that scenario, he's attacking the person against whom he is angry. In Mr. George Floyd's death, the people who are out there because they're actually angry, are not targeting the cops who had anything to do with his death, just INNOCENT PEOPLE who were not involved in it! That's absurd. Don't take your anger out on someone who had nothing to do with what made you angry. It's wrong. You don't get angry at your mother-in-law and go burn your brother's house because of it, do you? If not, stop making the wrong people pay for your distress. If your actions make the victims of your anger angry will they be able to hunt you down and make you pay the same price? If so, where will they find you, what can they do to you and will you understand that it's justified that they are doing this to you because you destroyed their stuff and that made them ANGRY! June 1, 2020   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   I think it's scary to put your children in public schools -- and some private schools -- nowadays. I think that it's time to consider homeschooling your kids. After all, you probably experienced at least a small taste of what the homeschooling idea is, so why not try it for the whole school year upcoming? It's safer, that's for certain, after we see another school teacher found guilty of sexually assaulting a student. It's not just a single incident, unfortunately, it happens more often than most care to admit. If you're considering homeschooling, as some 40% of parents are now doing, give it a shot. What you see will surprise you. Your child will be able to finish their work faster than they could at school because a lot of time in school is spent waiting for other students to finish their work, getting in line, passing their finished papers up, and those kinds of things. Parents are finding out that their children are not being taught as well as they thought, that the curriculum that is being used in public schools are not teaching their children what they should be taught. Parents are finding out that their kids learn stuff in school that they shouldn't be taught: sexual things as well as leftist things. It's time to homeschool because you want something better for your child than the leftist agenda of the public schools want to teach them. Homeschool for your child's safety, and for the fact that you will be their best influence and if you want them to learn what you believe -- in any area of life -- you need to be the one teaching them about that and everything else. That way they get the message without it being diluted, twisted, or denied by teachers. Isn't that what we all want: Our children to be raised up in a way that we want them to be, instead of how others think is best? Don't we want our influence over our children's lives to be the main influence instead of someone else's? If your child is at school from 7:30 to 3:30 every weekday, then there's homework to do (influence away from the school), then it's bedtime and you have as a parent who sends your child to public schools -- or private schools -- less than four waking hours every weekday out of twenty-four, to make an impact on your child's life. Remember, that at least one of those hours is spent in preparing to go to school and preparing to go to bed; then there's soccer, piano lessons, away time (parents' date night, or grandparents babysitting, etc.). How much influence do you want in your child's life and how much do you want others to have the final say in who they become? It's something to think about, yes? Will you homeschool your children for their own good? June 1, 2020   Covid-19:   This whole thing was based upon LIES, we've acknowledged that and even dr. fauci acknowledged it. It's something that was used as a weapon to try to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump's re-election possibility. If that were not the truth then why would the leftist CDC have to "quietly revise" their Covid-19 warnings even after SCOTUS "justice" john roberts sided with the LEFT in denying CaliMarxiFornia churches the right to reopen in full, the CDC changed their warnings. What better way to turn up the volume on their leftism than to do so AFTER the ruling? This thing was such a LIE. When will the left acknowledge it? Only if Pres. Donald J. Trump loses in November. Then they'll gloat and spout about how they worked the system to defeat him and to destroy America. That's how the left works and we all realize this by now. Do you want to hear their gloating? If not, Vote FOR President Donald J. Trump in November. It's the only way to shut them up. (Paid political advertisement [and my opinion], paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or Communist leftist who hates free speech and freedom in general, and America in particular.) June 1, 2020   I've got to stop here for today. I have errands to do. I will try to be back tomorrow. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 2, 2020: 3:56 p.m.   I won't be doing updates today besides this particular one: "Christians Falling Away", my response to a Christian man who was in a popular Christian band and who decided to turn away from his Christian faith. I hope that those of you who actually may have similar leanings will take the time to read my blog and that you will realize that GOD is real, He does love you and He doesn't want you to turn away from His love. Please consider the truths in my blog. They can save you a lot of heartache. June 5, 2020: 2:17 p.m.   I gotta' admit, life has been busy and it got busier yesterday when I went through the physical therapy evaluation for my shoulder. Apparently all those falls have messed up three areas of my shoulder and I will have six weeks of therapy twice a week, plus work to do at home and that takes away time from doing website blurbs. So in the next few weeks you can count on fewer days (depending on what life throws at me) for doing blurbs and when I can get here to do blurbs, probably shorter updates than what I call my "full day" of updates. I have two marks I work by. If I need to do a short day, I try to do as many blurbs as it takes to get to the "Politics" box, and if I do the "whole" day, I try to get to the "No Maureen" box. Those are my two markers and you'll most often see me stop there, or very near to one of those. I'll see what life throws at me, and I'll do what I can to get blurbs done, but there is no guarantee that it will be five days a week, every week for the next six weeks. Let's get started. June 5, 2020   August Primaries:   Have you checked your voter status lately, ensuring you are properly registered and that all of your info is accurate? I just did and my status is good, but I'm thinking about making a change to my party affiliation. I want to give Pres. Donald J. Trump my vote in the primary, and in the general election, so I will change from NPA (No Party Affiliation) to Republican for the rest of the year, then probably change back to NPA. I don't like getting letters asking if I can give money to Republican candidate "X". I already get enough crud from the Republicans because I used to be registered in their party. I don't need to ensure I get more for a long, long time to come. Anyways, those running for office this year are available for your perusal and be sure to check out the list of judges running for Brevard County Circuit Court, and the State Representative list. There's a candidate there that I will not support even though I will change my party affiliation to Republican. Matt Nye is running for District 52 against Thad Altman and the reason I will not support or endorse Mr. Nye is because he is not for everyone having an equal voice. I was on a website carrying on a conversation with someone and Mr. Nye decided to chime in and basically said that I do not have a say in what we were talking about and I should be quiet on the subject. I have a copy of the conversation still and I will post if requested or challenged. If Mr. Nye is not for the First Amendment for everyone, then he's not the right candidate for anyone. I will start looking into the candidates so that I can post my recommendations and endorsements in the next few weeks. August 18, 2020 is the Primary and I will get those up before that so that those voting early can have some more information. However, I encourage you to look things up for yourself. Their "Candidate Reports" (like this one for Mr. Nye) is a good place to start because that will ensure you have the correct information for search engine activity later. Look into their past, their postings on public websites where they put their personal opinions, political affiliations, as much of their recent activity as you can find, things like that. Check the Clerk of Courts website and see if they have tickets or law suits against them. That tells you a lot about what they think of the laws that govern them. If they have a campaign website check it out, then compare what is there to what you find on their old Fakebook pages, or the Fakebook pages of others. Be diligent and thorough. Use more than one search engine: Bing is okay, Duck Duck Go is very iffy when it comes to getting details, but googley-woogley is going to give you a lot, and even though I hate using it because they track you until you delete all of your cookies, history, etc., I do use it for candidate info. Educate yourself. It's time to get busy on that and vote responsibly and be informed about your choices. June 5, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Why is it that lefties think that it's okay to break the law to buy votes? I'm sorry. That's a rhetorical question, no answer really needed. That's exactly what is happening in Maryland. Not only are they breaking the law to give illegal alien invaders YOUR taxpayer dollars, but they're doing so probably with an eye toward allowing those illegal alien invaders to vote for the dumboRAT of the lawbreakers' choice. Isn't that special? YOUR taxpayer dollars hard at work for dumboRATS. How special is that? June 5, 2020   MAGA! It's HAPPENING!:   I predicted that the economy would come ROARING back and I was right. We have the numbers coming in that prove that the economy is working again! We have 2.5 MILLION JOBS created and lowering the unemployment numbers enormously, even though the "wise ones" thought it would be a higher number of unemployed instead of such a drastic decrease (13.3% down from 14.7% in U3 numbers: U6 numbers 22.8 down to 21.2%). That shocked them all. I love it! Covid-19 hit but it couldn't keep us down! Now President Donald J. Trump is going to help create MORE JOBS and help push this economy -- roaring back to life -- into the stratosphere! I LOVE IT! The left hates it but that's not a surprise here, is it? June 5, 2020   Antifa Exposed:   James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas, has a brave soul who decided to infiltrate Antifa and show how they train people in secret locations to seriously hurt people and it's shocking to see that they have people who are willing not only to teach others how to do real harm to people, but also that anyone would attend such training! Why would they do that? What animals do they have in that organization? Just as bad as those animals are the idiots who support them! June 5, 2020   Mr. George Floyd:   I use his name because I think that there are people out there who have "forgotten" what they are allegedly out there "protesting" about. He died at the hands of a white police officer, or perhaps because of drugs according to ann coulter. The fact is the guy died and it was soon after being knelt upon by cops; and since then America has been under attack by those who hate her. The Antifa story above emphasizes the fact that they don't care about who Mr. George Floyd was, but that they want to destroy America using any excuse they can to do so. Antifa and the rest of them still out there destroying things and hurting people are NOT protesting because of Mr. George Floyd, but because they can still get away with it. In places where the law is being enforced, those protests have either become much more peaceful, or they've stopped altogether. Unfortunately, the 20-30 year-olds who have been brainwashed by public school and college radicalization have all been taught to hate America first and to hate America first and think that this kind of violent rampaging is acceptable. It's sad to see that so many people are willing to go out into their own cities (or other cities) and destroy things that their taxpayer dollars are going to soon be used to pay for what they themselves destroyed. These people are not just willing to do violence, stupidly against themselves, but they're willing to be PAID to do the violence by organizations like those thevilegeorgesoros funds, but they apparently are too stupid to realize that the money they got paid to destroy their own city is going to be given to the government via taxes in the long run! Not only despicable for agreeing to be paid to hurt people and break things, but too stupid to realize that their pay is going toward fixing what they broke! Idiots! Total, absolute idiots. June 5, 2020   bumblefingers biden:   He's going down the same road as hillosercrooktOOn did with her "basket of deplorables", as he says that 10-15% of people are not very good people. Question is, to whom was he referring: those who are out there burning buildings and vehicles, hurting people, making demands of others, or was he talking about those of us who support Pres. Donald J. Trump? Of course, we should be grateful that he was able to finish the thought, I suppose. Considering how his brain is so jumbled it seems to be a miracle when that happens! June 5, 2020   Symbolism over Substance:   LOL! This may be wicked of me, but I think this is hysterical! Women who visit 4Chan and are so gullible that they think that symbolism is important (idiots) and they were the ones targeted by the "trolls" over there. What happened is comedy gold! Women were "duped into becoming skinheads" in order to prove that they stood in solidarity with "black women". That's hysterical! What morons. They probably deserve to be bald if they're that gullible! June 5, 2020   Well my hubby just called and he's on the way home. I'll go for today. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of National Donut Day! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 8, 2020: 1:18 p.m.   Vote Integrity:   I am so grateful that organizations like True The Vote, and others who are working hard to ensure that our electoral process does not get skewed by votes by people who are NOT CITIZENS, who are NOT ELIGIBLE to vote, who vote in more than one precinct, state, or even multiple times in the same precinct, by dead people and fictional characters voting, ballot harvesting, votes being "found" in the local elections' offices, ballot harvesting, vote-by-mail FRAUD, the U.S. military's votes not being counted at all, and by other sleazy leftist schemes to get into power via CHEATING. Judicial Watch is fighting hard for CLEAN elections and doing all they can to help ensure that YOUR vote counts and is not negated by a vote by a cheating leftist somewhere. We've seen many, many times that LEFTISTS CHEAT, and that they find new ways to cheat annually. If we haven't seen it before we don't know to watch for it and we aren't keeping an eye out for it. We are aware of how desperate the left is to NOT allow the vote to be TRUE, but to CHEAT their way into power in as many government seats as possible -- especially the presidency -- so that they can undo all of the good Pres. Donald J. Trump has accomplished and all of the WRONGS the left has done and he's going to expose in his second term. That's why it's important to know that the left will do ANYTHING to stop election INTEGRITY, so that they can keep on cheating their way into power and they can prevent their wrongs from being exposed. That's why it's important that we support the organizations that are doing everything they legally can to stop voter fraud and to ensure that future elections don't have Mickey Mouse voting for the leftist candidates, that we don't have the Paul Revere of the American Revolution voting for bumblefingers and pelosickpig, or that we don't have Rumplestiltskin voting forty times in one precinct for the leftist candidate and making it a "W" for the dumboRAT! We must ensure election integrity for the good of our country, for the future of our children and for the safety of the world! If we neglect and fail at this, the leftists will be in control for the rest of the earth's days and we should all be held accountable for allowing this wrong to be done. If we don't fight back, if we don't give to organizations who are in court daily on our behalf, then we are as much to blame as the leftists who want to allow ET to phone it in and vote 84 times for the leftist of his choice! Is that what you really want? If not, give to organizations that are truly fighting voter fraud (like
June 8, 2020   Fake News:   If they'll cheat at something so inconsequential as a news story about the riots (not "protests", riots) editing the William Barr interview in such a way that makes it look like the federal government cleared a bunch of "peaceful" protestors out of a public park. That's not what happened and cbs knew that when they edited the details of the VIOLENCE being perpetrated upon police and others out of the Barr interview. Remember, folks, if they have to LIE TO YOU, they don't want to do good for you, they just want to control you by any means possible and that includes LYING in order to get their own way. It's all about control to the left and they will get it by hook, crook, violence, cheating, stealing, looting, pillaging, or murder of David Dorn, a black man murdered by the violent leftists who are allegedly protesting the death of George Floyd. If they'll ignore that, how can you trust them as a news organization? June 8, 2020   Symbolism over Substance:   Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. In their efforts to pander to the leftists out there burning, breaking, murdering and otherwise creating mayhem on American streets, the Congressional dumboRATS knelt as a "tribute" to George Floyd. Isn't that special? They forget about his past conviction for threatening a pregnant woman with a gun while his buddies pistol whipped her and robbed her. They forget about his drug convictions and all of the rotten things he did in the past. But now they're bowing down to his memory, ignoring part of it and making him into a paragon of virtue. Yes, he had turned his life around -- if you disbelieve the coroner's finding of "fentanyl intoxication" and recent meth use -- then you may wish to think more highly of him than if you did NOT IGNORE this finding. But, the pelosipigs of the world, kissing the backsides of all who demand it in order to get their votes, will bend the knee and make false gods of anyone who will vote to put or keep them in office. When I saw the picture of pelosickpig and her ilk bowing down to the memory of George Floyd it made me want to puke. How twisted and power-hungry are they that they would bow to someone like that? You only bow to GOD, not a king, queen, or even someone who had allegedly turned their life around with methamphetamines in their body! Disgusting. June 8, 2020   Leftist Violence:   What is with this trend we are seeing? Have you noticed that in the lawless riots we've been seeing lately that there are an awful lot of ATTORNEYS breaking the law? We've seen legal counsel that has:
June 8, 2020   bumblefingers:   What? Is he actually making sense on something? Really? He disagrees with "defunding police" departments! Wow! I suppose there is at least one small -- very small -- portion of his brain still functioning. At least in this his brain is working better than deblasio's brain, and better than the combined brains of nine city council members in Minneapolis! They are wanting to defund the entire police department! What will they do when crime skyrockets within hours after their vote and there is no one to turn to because the police will not work for free? What then? What will deblasio do when NYCPD won't show up at his own home if someone is trying to break in while he's there with his reprobate daughter? Will he tell them that he's on "their side" and please don't hurt him? Or will he shove his reprobate daughter out the door and say "Take her!"? June 8, 2020   ROTTEN panderer romney:   Another individual I have total disdain for is this clown. I thought he would be better than themuslimvileone so I endorsed him when he opposed themuslimvileone but now romney is a panderer extraordinnaire and I wouldn't shake his hand if offered. He's sunk so low that he's now "protesting" at the White House against George Floyd's death. What he thinks that will accomplish -- besides kissing the backsides of the leftists who are "angry" (read: OPPORTUNISTS) -- I don't know, but he's wrong to do so. Pres. Donald J. Trump had NOTHING to do with Floyd's untimely demise. It was four cops who are responsible and the Chief of Police and Mayor of Minneapolis because they're the ones are responsible for training, choosing their disciplinary actions against those who do wrong (and the main actor in this thing had 18 complaints against him) and it was they who kept the bad cop on their force. So why protest Pres. Donald J. Trump, romney? Is it because you want the attention? June 8, 2020   Closing thought:   The left has gone so far to do all that they can to try to destroy America and to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's what themuslimvileone did in his SpyGate scandal (and other things), and now that the TRUTH of what these riots are about: destroy America and get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Watch and see what happens when Pres. Trump gets to appoint a replacement on the U.S. Supreme Court if you don't believe me. They're trying to get rid of him so that they can safeguard all of their "sacred cows": abortion being number one, but also protecting themuslimvileone and his illegal doings from being brought into the light of day. The truth about hillosercrooktOOn's wrongs will be exposed along with themuslimvileone's and that is why thevilegeorgesoros is funding all of these protests (as he did with the Ferguson riots): destroy America and protect those who have been his puppets for years and years and years. How do you think he got so rich? It wasn't just stocks and bonds, I bet you. He's been evil and corrupt his whole life and I bet he has several lefties (and maybe a few righties: grahamNASTY, romney?) on his payroll and has had them for quite a few years. If Pres. Trump gets to appoint a replacement SCOTUS justice for, say, rbg, the left will lose its ever-hating mind! There will be more riots in the streets and there will be even greater vitriol on the msm networks because if Pres. Trump can tip the scales of justice to respect human life again the left's most sacred of cows could vanish in one ruling: "LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" all depend upon LIFE. Once the left can no longer take that away with impunity, their world crumbles around them and you will see chaos. Let us hope that Pres. Trump gets to do so while all of this existing chaos is still going on so that we only have to repair things once. Agree? Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 11, 2020: 10:19 a.m.   Missed a few days because of physical therapy and life happening. I spent most of the day yesterday on the phone with family and catching up and laughing a lot. So sitting at my computer for three hours or so was not going to happen. I really enjoyed it and I hope that you get the chance to do so with your families sometime soon, too. Let's get started. June 11, 2020   Too Good!:   How much do you love Judicial Watch? I love, love, love them! They do things like asking if they can paint the words "Because No One Is Above The Law" on a Washington D.C. street because the mayor authorized the painting of "Black Lives Matter" and then allowed "Defund the Police" to be painted on a road as well, Judicial Watch thought that it would be a good idea to bring home the mayor's political point of view by painting their organization's slogan on a street as well. After all, it is true that no one should be above the law, don't you agree? Don't you agree that hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone, bullybobcrooktOOn, loretta lynch, bumblefinger's son, hunter, rod rosenstein, james comey, andrew mccabe, lisa page, peter strzok, etc., should NOT be above the law and should face the same consequences as a Conservative would face if they had been caught red-handed doing the same wrongs. Agree? If you LOVE what Judicial Watch is doing with this (and all the other good things they do), you may want to donate to them and help them rub the left's noses in their hypocrisy and pay a real price for their wrongs. Remember: Judicial Watch is still trying to make hillosercrooktOOn testify about her e-mail treason. Don't you think that's worth supporting? I do and I have. June 11, 2020   bumblefingers:   The creepy-handsy guy sure does have a short temper, doesn't he? He flies into a rage at the drop of a hat, which is very symptomatic of a person with Alzheimer's Disease. They have a tendency to be incapable of regulating their temper when they are in the first few years of the disease so it's one more reason why people should NOT be voting for this handsy creep. He thinks that he will win (delusional idiot) and he says that if (why would anyone think like this?) Pres. Donald J. Trump lost and refused to leave the White House that the military would escort him out of the White House "with great dispatch". Really, dud [sic]? You think you're going to win? Alzheimers dementia is a bummer, is it not? I bet you he's forgotten about his segregationist past and that's part of the reason he gets so upset with the black community for not supporting him (remember the "you ain't black" statement?). It's part of his assumption that because he has a "D" behind his name that the black community is all supposed to back and vote for him. He takes them for granted and he just assumes that they MUST vote for him because of his political party. That's the way the dumboRATS do things: put people on the government teat for long enough they start assuming they OWN you and your vote. It's the modern form of slavery. June 11, 2020   Missouri: Vote For This Guy!   Eric Greitens has filed to run for office in 2024. The office he's going to be running for is unspecified, but he is going to run. Remember, he was completely exonerated of ANY wrongdoing and that those who persecuted/prosecuted him were found to have been in the wrong, doing so for political reasons and not for anything that Eric Greitens actually did. It was all political and it was rotten to the core, just like themuslimvileone's spying on Pres. Trump. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy, crooked prosecutors.) June 11, 2020   themuslimvileone:   He knew. He knew about the alphabet soup security agencies that looked into hillosercrooktOOn's e-mail treason and he knew that they thought it would be a problem and that the whole thing was being hidden and covered up by the FBLIE and others to protect the dumboRATS and his administration. It's so wrong, but that's themuslimvileone all over: so wrong. Another question we have about what themuslimvileone knew and when he knew it, is the info that was used in the Rod Blagojevich case had: would it indict themuslimvileone as well as "Blago"? I bet it would. June 11, 2020   Leftist Lawlessness:   I have been trying to avoid this subject becasue it just irritates me to no end. I think it's always easy to do the wrong thing and that's what the lefties are doing. The whole RIOT thing -- it's not a protest, it's a riot and it's lawless -- is a bunch of paid, useful idiots who are breaking the law and enjoying breaking things and hurting people for money. It's a mafia situation and the mafia leader is usually thevilegeorgesoros, so it is probably him again. The left is so far gone and anti-American that their candidates encourage burning and looting! In Seattle, they're taking over city hall and blockading streets, and Pres. Trump is tired of it. They're destroying monuments and seriously injuring their own people because they are reckless and irresponsible with their destruction. In Florida, they're offering an $8K reward for info on the guy who is alleged to have slashed a Jacksonville Sheriff's officer's neck. We know that thevilegeorgesoros is FUNDING these protests but what you probably don't know, is that he's using some TAXPAYER DOLLARS to do so! His "charitable" organizations get TAXPAYER FUNDS! It's absurd, but true. Don't you love that you paid for the monuments and government buildings used and enjoyed by taxpayers dialy, but you're also paying for the protestors to destroy those monuments and buildings, and then (let's add insult to injury) you will pay for the rebuilding and repair of those same things that your money was spent to build and destroy! Isn't that what you want your taxpayer money on? Remember, we'll know more tomorrow when Project Veritas releases another video in which they are told who is giving the lawless lefties the money to go break and destroy things and hurt people and make us pay for it. June 11, 2020   Gen. Michael Flynn:   The immoral judge, emmet sullivan, who is in charge (and thinking he's god!) of the Gen. Flynn case has now allowed the attorney for one of themuslimvileone's henchpersons (it's a female hench, so it's "henchpersons", not henchmen) to join the effort to put Gen. Flynn behind bars and silence him for the rest of his life. The "judge" (Is he bought and paid for to do this and ensure Gen. Flynn never has peace?) It's ridiculous times a thousand, but that's the way the left does things. June 11, 2020   Election Integrity:   In Georgia, another election was messed up because dumboRATS are in control in some areas and that was pointed out to chris "naked outside" cuomo (A.K.A. "Fredo") was taken to the woodshed by the Georgia election official he was interviewing. Too good! I'm proud of Georgia! June 11, 2020   Kiss Butting Never Works:   Nascar is going to regret this. I'm not saying that they'll admit to it, but they will regret it. They have decided to ban the Confederate flag from its events. Have you ever watched a Nascar event? Have you seen the infield? Have you seen the parking lot? They ban the Confederate flag and that is a First Amendment issue and it's going to make a lot of Nascar fans swear off of ever attending any Nascar anything ever again! Nascar will see a sudden and immediate drop in ticket sales and they will lose viewers who support Free Speech as well as states' rights. Nascar may have just doomed itself. June 11, 2020   Military Cowards:   The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, is a leftist COWARD who should have stood up for his Commander In Chief, but didn't have the gonads to do so! He is not just WRONG, he's a straight up leftist butt-kissing coward! He should have been FIRED as soon as he made that statement and he should have been perp-marched out of the building! He's a disgrace! Any military member who agrees with or supports that is just as bad! June 11, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I have PT today and I hope that it's going to do as much good as the first session seems to have done. It's hard work (PT always is), but it's so worth it! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 12, 2020: 12:35 p.m.   I'll be doing just a few blurbs today because we leave for our farm as soon as my hubby gets home and we load the vehicle to go. We will finish the renovation of the hallway this weekend, painting four doors to various things (bedrooms, bathroom, air conditioner unit) and putting up the trim and decor. I'm so looking forward to it! We'll have only one place left with paneling when this is done and that paneling is only for the lower half of the walls in the living room/dining room. We plan on tackling that this fall; even removing the popcorn ceiling (I hate popcorn ceilings!). We'll get another thing on the list completed this weekend and it makes me happy. Oh, and of course, if we the weather cooperates, we'll mow. As always. June 12, 2020   CHAZ?:   Yep. That's the newest country on earth. It used to be part of Seattle, WA, but you know how wimpy Seattle's leadership is: they'd rather kiss the rioter's backsides than restore law and order. So we now have a new country within the city limits of Seattle and it is CHAZ, which stands for "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" and they have decided that they have these "demands" and if the city doesn't kiss their backsides and give them everything on their list? Who knows? They've actually posted signs outside of their borders that state "You are now leaving theUSA". Really! They won't allow "biased media" reporters within CHAZ. They're such sweet people who mean no harm (sarcasm: extreme sarcasm) and really do want to do good things that the police chief of what used to be that part of Seattle says that rapes, robberis and all sorts of violence is happening inside CHAZ. Hmm. Sounds like what the LEFTIES wanted all along, does it not? After all, these people are ANTIFA and they are the LEFT, so what is wrong with that? They are getting to do what they've wanted to do and the American people support that, right? After all, it doesn't matter that their money IS coming from thevilegeorgesoros, as well as from hillosercrooktOOn and another leftist, tom steyer, among others (INCLUDING YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS). So now we have the new country of CHAZ in the Seattle city limits surrounding it, and we have all kinds of violence inside CHAZ. It's allegedly a "homeland for racial justice" so who are they raping, only white women? Are they committing hate crimes against whites because they want "racial justice"? If so, is that "justice"? What did the women do to deserve that? Skin tone decides which person gets raped? Justice is supposed to be BLIND, not just to wealth or poverty, but also to skin tone, gender, occupation, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, etc., etc., etc.! They say that they are for racial justice but then they rape people for what offense, and since when did RAPE become a fit punishment for anything? Rape is rape. It is not to be used as a punishment by civilized people, but that isn't what CHAZ is; civilized. They're anarchists and there is no civility in anarchy. It's all about who is the meanest bada** in the room and that's the person who is in charge. The person who can make others afraid of him/her is the one who is going to be in charge everywhere anarchy is tried and encouraged. Don't believe it, ask hillosercrooktOOn and consider how everyone on the left protects her and how many dead people are around her. It's so bad that even the Merriam-Webster DICTIONARY is going to "redefine" racism because someone complained about the definition. There are corporations across America begging the left to not attack them, to not destroy their buildings or target them in any way, shape, or form, via giving massive amounts of money to "the cause" of blm. Problem is, no one can tell you WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING! Check that. I bet hillosercrooktOOn can tell you. I bet it's going into her "preziduncial campaign" coffers. I bet if the truth ever comes out, that's where it will be. Anyone disagree? June 12, 2020   Gen. Michael Flynn:   The "judge" in the case is still trying his darndest to railroad Gen. Flynn and he's brought in help from the outside to do so. This is a farce, a real black eye to the "justice" system of America. There has been no "justice" for Gen. Flynn since this whole thing has been a setup by themuslimvileone and his FBLIE, etc. The hearing today featured totally UNRELATED talk of "police brutality": WHY, no one knows. Gen. Flynn is not a cop, nor was he ever charged with "brutality". What was the "judge" talking about there: "social justice" to put Gen. Flynn in prison because there are black men who are in prison (allegedly disproportionately so)? Would that be any form of "justice" (see my paragraph above on "justice")? This is ridiculous, absurd and has gone on quite long enough. This circus that "judge" emmet sullivan has created got even worse and even dumber at this morning's hearing and if this doesn't wind up at the SCOTUS, I will be SHOCKED. This whole case is an outrage against justice and it needs to stop! June 12, 2020   I'll close with that today. Gotta' get ready to go to the farm. Have a great weekend! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 18, 2020: 2:18 p.m.   Sorry I've missed a few days. I came down with the regular flu on Sunday and have been battling it since. I tried to do updates yesterday, but looking at the screen made me too nauseaus, so I gave up and went and ate some more crackers and mints. That's what has been working to settle my stomach. I "called in sick" to my PT sessions this week because I didn't want to share this thing (I'm so selfish!) and I hope that everyone at the PT clinic is well and that I didn't share this before I realized I had it. I don't have Covid-19 symptoms: just regular flu symptoms, so that's a good thing. I don't know if regular flu is as contagious as C-19 before you have symptoms, so if I spread it without realizing it, I am so sorry. I didn't know I was sick until I was in Georgia and a few hours from heading this way. Ever traveled with the flu? No fun, is it? Anyways, I'll do a few blurbs only today and hope to do a full day tomorrow. Still feeling "puny" as my hubby would say, so today's update will be short. Let's get started. June 18, 2020   scotus:   I knew we could not count on chief justice, traitor roberts, and I have never trusted justice neil gorsuch for whatever reason, but their recent votes have really told me who they really are and it's disgusting. Last week, they ruled that CHURCHES CAN BE SHUT DOWN and prevented from holding services even though other things are allowed to open and have plenty of people there. It totally ignored the First Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."The ruling totally ignored three of the five clauses in the First Amendment, but that's what "chief justice" traitor roberts decided was the right thing to do because "safety". Isn't it OUR choice as to whether we want to gather and be exposed? Remember back when parents used to take their kids over to visit the family with the measles, mumps, chickenpox? Remember that? Our parents said, "Let's get them exposed and get it over with", so they'd take the kids to be exposed and we'd get the chickenpox, itch for a while, and get over it and be immune. That's the way it worked. There were diseases we didn't do that with (Polio, for instance.), but the "normal childhood diseases", we had families doing that! Nowadays, the scotus takes away our First Amendment RIGHTS -- GOD GIVEN -- to keep us "safe". "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" Now, this week, the disgusting scotus cowards decided to protect DACA (read: votes for dumboRATS), after last week redefining sex to include the left's agenda for it! That's not just WRONG, it's "firebombs the Constitution" (read the scotus notes here)! They have made some rulings this month that makes me wonder who these mini-kings-in-black-robes are! I cannot imagine that TRUE Conservatives would make these rulings and roberts and gorsuch have kissed the backsides of the left too often to be able to trust them now. We need to pray for some replacement opportunities while Pres. Donald J. Trump is in office -- which means we'll have to re-elect him! It's the only way to save America from the current craziness and contempt of law -- even in the scotus! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy black-robed idiots!) June 18, 2020   China Spies:   They have been spying on us in every way they can figure out to do so. They have people in Silicon (or is that "silly-con"?) valley. They have spies within our government (with Deep State lefties, it's easy to buy someone), and they have spies within our medical research facilities and in our American "colleges" (the quotes are because they don't teach anything as colleges should, they just indoctrinate into the leftists/Communist/Fascist/blm idealogy and turn them loose on the world expecting to make a million dollars right from the start with their Master's Degree in "Quilting to Make a Difference", or some other nonsense degree they made up on a whim to see how many young idiots would fall for it and get their idiot parents to pay for the piece of paper of their precious one's dreams). It's ridiculous how easily bad people get into our most important jobs (including the scotus!) and we need to start prioritizing America First in hiring people who will be LOYAL to America, who ARE AMERICANS and who won't betray the American Constitution! Don't you agree? June 18, 2020   john "BamBam!" bolton:   The warmonger in chief is continuing his hissy fit over being fired by Pres. Donald J. Trump with his book release that does everything it can to smear Pres. Trump. The problem is, most of the allegations are totally FALSE and laughable, and as a shocking source pointed out bolton stayed silent until he could make money. That's all this book really is. It's sad that so many people -- including Pres. Trump's own niece -- are trying to cash in on bashing Pres. Trump. This trend is the result of a mission the left set out on to destroy Pres. Trump as soon as he stepped foot on the elevator to make the announcement of his upcoming run for office and they've dug up everyone ever near Pres. Trump in an elevator, garden, or family reunion to make false allegations against him in an effort to get rid of him as President. Do you know why this is happening? It's because before he ran for office, he would have parties at which these deep state clowns and dumboRAT politicians attended and he would probably tell them to their faces that they're so slimey, so sleazy, so dirty that if he were to ever run for office, he'd do his best to make sure that they were kicked out of office and their wrongs exposed. The thing is, even back then they believed him, so they fear him now because he ran on the "Drain the Swamp" promise and they all knew that he was talking about them! That's what is going on here. I'm wondering if the niece has already had her payday whether the book sells or not? Has thevilegeorgesoros shopped the family to find the one who would do this? Just asking, folks. Just asking. June 18, 2020   Covid-19:   When you hear the left's scare tactics about this disease spreading like "wildfire" again, DO NOT BELIEVE IT and don't support another shutdown as they are wanting to do. They're just trying to prevent Pres. Trump from having rallies because his numbers go WAY up when he can have rallies and people can attend and listen to him and see him in person. The left hates that he can influence people and "Red Pill" so many lefties and they don't want to allow that to happen, so remember that they LIE ABOUT COVID-19 in order to keep you AFRAID. Be very afraid! Don't go anywhere! Don't do anything! I write this as someone whose mother has CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) and wouldn't stay home in SC where she was always out and about (and still is) even though she's in her eighties and at high risk according to the experts. She is fine and doing great and still going out and about. I want her to have her freedom because that's important to me, but she wants her freedom even more than she worries about any disease. Her attitude is that she gets to decide what risks she's willing to take, not the government. I must agree with her, not just because I'm her daughter, but because I have that same attitude. It's up to me to decide. If the government cannot stop a woman from having an abortion and killing another human being, then how can the government tell me I can't go to a rally, to the beach, or wherever else I wish to go (I am over 21) to "protect me"? The shutdown was a leftist plot to see if they could control America WITH A LIE (admitted to by drs. fauci and birx) and to see if they could RUIN Pres. Trump's re-election chances with this LIE. That's what this thing was. The actual death rates are comparable to the CDC's flawed reporting of flu deaths, except that there has been a history of EXAGERATING the numbers in Covid-19. We are seeing that it's all "estimates", not actual cases, but considering their history of including cases of gun shot deaths reported as Covid-19 deaths, it's all a big crock meant to scare the pants off of you and keep you inside, unwilling to go to the polls and VOTE FOR PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP, and to keep you under control as they allow the leftists to run rampant in the streets burning, raping, knocking people out and destroying things as they demand "Defund the police!" That's the way the left is willing to work in America. Can you imagine if they got the House, Senate, and the President was a leftist? How quickly would you flee America if that happened? Or would you just buy a lot more ammo? Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump if you want to save this country! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy black-robed idiots!) June 18, 2020   Wrote more than I thought I would be able to today, but I stop here to get more crackers and mints. I will try to see you tomorrow. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 19, 2020: 1:43 p.m.   Well, it seems our plans may have changed again. It looks like we may be going to our farm this weekend. My hubby may have to work next weekend, which is when we were planning to go, but if he has to work that would preclude our going. Thus, this weekend is the only time we could go up for the rest of the month and get the fields mowed -- all 12 or so acres of it. I enjoy mowing the lawn and we don't want it to get as tall as it was when we got our first riding mower (someone gave my hubby one that still worked well!), and then our second riding mower (first John Deere E180), and finally, our second John Deere E180 as we gave away our first riding mower to someone else who needed one. Someone gave it to us so we gave it to someone else, it only seemed right to pass on the good fortune. Anyways, that's the way it's looking at this moment. In five minutes our plans may change, so we'll see. Considering this moment's plans, though, it limits my time here. So let's get started before I have to stop and gather things up to go. June 19, 2020   Covid-19:   Sigh. The bought and paid for riots have not worked to destroy Pres. Trump's popularity and the polls you're hearing about bumblefingers biden being ahead of Pres. Trump are nonsense (remember hillosercrooktOOn was leading the whole time in the 2016 election). So now they've switched back to this "pandemic" and they're lying about the "2nd Wave" thing being a big bad danger to everyone who lives and breathes (say italicized words in a young Shirley Temple's voice to hear it the way I wrote it). They've released dangerous criminals from jail and these aren't jaywalkers, they're people with convictions for... "aggravated assault with a weapon, drug trafficking, domestic violence, fraud and extortion"!Sounds like they're more concerned with a coronavirus than they are with the safety of their citizens! They're using Covid-19 as an excuse to put you in danger and that's not what you elected them for, is it? I always thought that people voted people into office because they thought they wanted the person who was going to do what was BEST for everyone, or at least their own personal, special interests. In whose interest is it to have dangerous people out of jail? Also, I'm sure that no one thought that electing someone to be governor would result in their losing all semblance of freedom as she shut down her state, decided what products businesses could or could not sell, keeps the lockdown going as long as she can as her hubby decided to try to take cuts in line for the Memorial Day holiday, and she tells people let the unemployed "eat hot dogs" "[S]he’s telling unemployed healthcare workers waiting for their unemployment benefits to eat hot dogs."Really! Disgusting! We're hearing all kinds of stories about the second wave, but even the liar, dr. fauci admits that we don't need another lockdown, so why is everyone panicking? Remember, the origianal infection numbers were:
June 19, 2020   chick-kiss-A**:   I can't believe it's gotten this bad with chick-fil-a, a company I used to respect and thought was a good company. Now, the founder of chick-fil-a has gone down the rabbit hole and shined lacrae's shoes as a symbol of his regret for the shame of racism. If you're not a racist don't be ashamed. I am not a racist and I am not ashamed of anything I've done as an adult in regards to race relations. I don't have to prove that to anyone and my GOD knows I am telling the truth. If mr. cathy feels ashamed of his past actions in regards to race, that's his problem, but he does not represent me or my thoughts, past, attitudes, or desires in this area. If people think they've been shorted because "slavery", that's something that I had nothing to do with and they were not subject to. Even GOD does not punish the children for the sins of the parents so why should any human today think that it's okay to hold anyone alive today responsible for the actions of people no longer alive to victims no longer alive? If you want to get a good idea of the TRUTH here, think of it this way: If you have a grandpa who broke into a liquor store and stole a bunch of booze, and you had NO knowledge or even an inkling of the fact, and the police came knocking at your door and arrested you and threw you in jail for six months because he was your grandpa, would that be fair? You serving six months in jail because your grandpa did something wrong? Of course, he would get off scott-free because if you look at history as the model, slave-owners were generally not punished for having owned slaves, but you must be punished: is that fair? You need to be held responsible for the thing that your relative did. Or what if it were your grandpa's neighbor who owned slaves, but not your grandpa, but you still had to spend six months in jail because your grandpa lived next to a slave-owner, would that be fair? No? This whole thing is absurd? Yeah? Well, then?Does that help? Do you see how absurd it is to ask for things like reparations as absolute idiots and morons want? It's time for people to realize that there has been a black president, there are and have been black congressmen and senators, and scotus judges, black sports players and hollyweirdos and music industry people making MILLIONS of dollars annually! Why is it that we owe even those people "reparations" if they could pay US more than we could ever give them? We're NOT a racist nation if there are people of color who have made it in this nation! "Institutional racism" as they alledge would have prevented any blacks or brown people from having any kind of successes and we certainly would NOT have "Affirmative Action" programs of ANY sort if we were "institutionally racists"! Why would we want any people of color to succeed if we were such a horrible people and nation as a whole? How deaf, dumb, blind and stupid does ANYONE of ANY skin tone have to be in order to believe that America is a racist nation? Get a grip! Open your eyes! Ask yourself who is the racist if you cannot see that all of the successes of the people of color prove you WRONG!? June 19, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I don't know for certain what our plans are for this weekend after speaking to my hubby again, but I'm going to go for now just in case I need to get ready to go do something somewhere. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 22, 2020: 3:35 p.m.   Got a late start so I'll do just a few blurbs today. Let's get started! June 22, 2020   Lefties BooHoo!:   It hasn't happened yet (that I know of) but it will: the lefties are going to lose their ever-hating minds because Pres. Trump is suspending 5 (FIVE!) kinds of work visas through the end of 2020! The left will cry, sue, call names, LIE about his "xenophobia", and threaten with all kinds of things so it will be ridiculous but it's going to be worth it to help Americans get jobs during this recovery period and America will be strong and great again! Excellent and a lot of fun for those of us who enjoy the left losing their ever-hateful minds! June 22, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Did you watch Pres. Trump's Tulsa, OK, rally on Saturday evening? We did. We watched him via YouTube (just to tweek YouTube) and it was wonderful! I really enjoyed watching someone who wasn't hating on America and whom I know LOVES America and works hard to "Make America Great Again!" I loved it and it was wonderful! Too bad the left had to try to prevent people from attending, book seats that they had no intention of using, which prevented others from getting those seats (which is why you will see pictures of the many empty seats in the stadium). The left is full of dirty tricks, LIES and violence, but that's acceptable to them because the ends justifies the means. If it means they WIN POWER, they're okay with it, no matter what "it" is. Well, their little games did prevent some people from being there in person, but people were still there -- both inside and outside -- and OVER 6.7 MILLION people watched it online, and I don't know how many people watched it on network television! The left may have done things to bring themselves a shallow victory, but it only means that more people will get Red Pilled as they watch the underhandedness of their compatriots and it will make us more determined to WIN IN NOVEMBER and put Pres. Donald J. Trump back in office! Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump this November and you will help "Make America Great Again!" and it will be good for you, too! Vote for as many people who agree with Pres. Donald J. Trump because we need more like him! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or mouthy, violent leftist!) June 22, 2020   Defund the POLICE?:   The vast majority of Americans -- including myself -- do NOT support doing that. People like the idea of having someone they can call when someone's breaking into their home at night, someone to investigate the neighbor's car being stolen and find the thief, someone who can hunt down the child molester who left the mall with a five-year-old and is an hour away from harming that child and ruining lives. That's what the police do, not just what the left wants to say about killing unarmed black men. In fact, in 2019 there were only only 14 UNarmed black people shot by police officers, while there were 25 UNarmed white people shot. There have been 682 law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty over the last 5 years! That's over 136 annually! There are other stats that are higher: "Conversely, on average, there were 96 black males who are killed by white police officers each year – and another 300 white males who are killed by police officers according to FBI statistics."But either way, there are MORE CAUCASIANS killed by cops annually than there are blacks. Why don't you see "White Lives Matter" marches? Remember, in 2014, there were "approximately 6,000 black on black murders".Agreed, ANY death in police custody should be investigated thoroughly and if needed, charges pressed against the police. However, it should NOT be an automatic riot whenever any black death occurs becuase -- as in the case of the Ferguson LIE. It's time to return to common sense, law and order and waiting to make a judgment call until ALL of the FACTS -- not feelings -- are in. June 22, 2020   My hubby called and he's on his way home so I'm going to close with that. Sorry I got such a late start but life happens. Tomorrow is my PT day so I'll try to get blurbs done, but there's no guarantee. PT is helping, as usual, so if you ever get injured or have to recuperate from an operation, make sure you go. It really does help. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 24, 2020: 2:58 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to having company, physical therapy and then going shopping with my company at Dusty Rose Antique Mall. That was fun! Anyways, let's get started with some GOOD news for a change! June 24, 2020:   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!   Gen. Michael Flynn's case has been ordered to be DISMISSED by the D.C. Appeals court and it's time to see the whole case be GONE and the TRUTH about themuslimvileone's control over the whole thing. It's time that we know just how thoroughly ROTTEN and EVIL themuslimvileone is and that history record that what I wrote so many years ago, in March of 2009, in fact, "B. Hussein O. is already the WORST POTUS EVER."That was less than three months AFTER he was sworn into office! I know evil when I see it and he was/IS! The fact is, that bumblefingersbiden was also in on it, as were so many of themuslimvileone's "legal" (read: CORRUPT) choices that we now know that sally yates, themuslimvileone's then-Deputy Attorney General, was also part of the coup against Pres. Donald J. Trump. She LIED under oath to the congressional committee, but that's nothing new with themuslimvileone's people, so we're not surprised by that, are we? Now let's see what happens when another of themuslimvileone's people who hates Roger Stone, apparently, the House Judicial Committee gets to at least PART of the truth with him. We all know not to hold our collective breath with that because that committee is controlled by dumboRATS and we know how much they love to cover for themuslimvileone and every rotten, lawless thing he has done, will do, or helps get done. Is there any hope for the whole truth to ever be known? Yes. We shall one day know the whole truth, but it may not be until the year 2999, but some day it will be known. Too bad none of us will be around to hear it, and that themuslimvileone won't be around to pay the price for his wrongs. It may be a long time before those who protect him allow the truth, but is will one day be known. June 24, 2020   Election Integrity:   Judicial Watch's, Tom Fitton, says that the LEFT is trying to steal elections via vote-by-mail. He's correct. We know that in NJ Republicans received dumboRAT ballots that they couldn't use in a primary because they were not dumboRATS. In PA the same thing happened "accidentally", and in Oregon and in Kentucky, and in other states. So we're seeing vote-by-mail being used to PREVENT REPUBLICANS FROM VOTING via the dumboRAT supervisor of elections sending Republicans the dumboRAT ballot, effectively saying that in that primary, the Republicans cannot legally vote in a CLOSED PRIMARY. In a closed primary, as Florida has, if you're a Republican, you can ONLY vote in the primary election for the candidate of your choice within your own party. To mail someone the wrong party's ballot is saying "You don't get to vote at all", because without the proper party's ballot, any vote they cast would be deemed illegal (and thus, subject to fines and penalties -- possibly jail time for voter fraud), and so they cannot vote at all. That's ONE way that the dumboRATS ARE ALREADY CHEATING in this election. Either we have voting in person, with ID, and proof of citizenship, and ONE VOTE PER CITIZEN and no more, there is NO WAY we can trust that our elections have not been stolen from us. Remember how "hanging chads" were corrupted to try to give the win to algore? Yeah. That's nothing compared to what they are doing now. June 24, 2020   Protect the Kids:   If a nation has a child in their custody, it's incumbent upon that nation to protect that child from harm. We can all agree to that, correct? Well, that's what should be happening but our Dept. of Health and Human Services has failed that duty and allowed sexual predators access to the children. That's an abomination and those in charge of the facilities should be fired and those who did the crimes should be caught, castrated and imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Let them be named as child predators within the prison and let them find out what it feels like to go through what they put those kids through. But, that's me being honest about how I feel about child sexual abusers. I think that snake poop is too good a nickname for them. June 24, 2020   themuslimvileone's FDA:   Do you approve of themuslimvileone's FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and their desire to use ABORTED HUMAN BABY PARTS to try to create a human/mouse hybrid? For what use would one want to do that? How could a human/mouse hybrid be something that ANYONE would want to create? What would a human/mouse hybrid look like, do, or how would it even be able to function? Yet, themuslimvileone's FDA started in 2012: "conducting a research program to evaluate the usefulness of humanized mice (HM) for regulatory purposes. The HM are created by surgical implantation of human tissue into mice that have multiple genetic mutations that block the development of the mouse immune system at a very early stage."So they want to use that to use mice to put human bits from aborted human babies in order to grow human parts inside mice because mice don't have immune systems, and cannot reject the baby tissue to be grown inside them. It's not only cruel, inhuman and icky, it's also blatantly ILLEGAL but that never stopped themuslimvileone and his immoral, lawless bunch of wrongdoers. As I've said over and over and over again, he's evil and he thinks of himself as being above the law. Right and wrong never mattered to him. That's why he so easily LIED about everything from his birth certificate to his involvement in spying on Pres. Trump, setting up Gen. Michael Flynn and so many other things. He's as bad an excuse for a human being as his mentor, thevilegeorgesoros. June 24, 2020   Really, NY?:   The idiots in her district gave the primary win to THE MOUTH. Sigh. At least that means that her General Election contest will be against a four opponents and that's going to wind up giving her the win, if history is a teacher. Sigh. Another Congress with that idiot-infection is a Congress that is going to be so annoying. I hope that her constituents wind up remembering that it was she who made Amazon choose to NOT put their new HQ in her district and that SHE lost them those jobs. I hope that they remember her embarrassing stupidity and that they choose one of her opponents instead of the person who lost them employment opportunities. June 24, 2020   pelosickpig:   She's another of the evil people that we have to put up with and it's obvious she is power-mad. She's not a nice person, and her accusing Republicans of murder is beyong the threshold of evil; it's sinister. She's sick in the head (dementia seems to run in the dumboRAT party's leadership) and she's rotten to the power-mad core. June 24, 2020   Shock! Surprise!:   I'm shocked and surprised, at least. Quietly, mitch mcCONnell has been doing things for Pres. Donald J. Trump that I hadn't heard about recently. He has pushed through 200 judicial nominees and gotten them confirmed since Pres. Trump was sworn in. Two Hundred! How about that? That's not bad at all! June 24, 2020   Well, my hubby just called and will be heading this way soon, so I'll go and I will try to see you again tomorrow. I have PT again tomorrow, and we leave for our farm on Friday, so I will probably keep both days to half days. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 25, 2020: 11:16 a.m.   I have physical therapy today so just a few blurbs today. My son may or may not come over, also, so that's influencing what happens here and elsewhere and the timing of the day, so let's get started on a few blurbs. June 25, 2020   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Hurray! Another win for Pres. Donald J. Trump in the courts supports his presidential ability to deport illegal aliens even those seeking asylum. The scotus ruled 7-2 FOR presidential authority to do so and considering the court nowadays, I'm shocked -- SHOCKED, I tell you -- that this ruling was not closer, or even the other way! Even rbg and breyer ruled with the Conservative majority and that left kagan and sotomayor to dissent. Amazing times we live in. Two alleged "Conservatives" ruled the other day against the DACA case, but today two lefties ruled FOR deportation of illegal aliens. Is that not amazing, and cofusing? Why could not the two lefties (and gorsuch and roberts) see the presidential administrative rights in their ruling the other day? If it's okay to deport illegals one way, why is it not okay the other? Idiots. June 25, 2020   Polls Schmolls:   Do NOT believe the polls! Do not believe the polls. Do not believe the polls. It's a replay of the hillosercrooktOOn thing: the dumboRAT is leading until they LOSE BIGLY. The lefties in the msm always try to defeat us first by discouraging and disheartening us and trying to make us lose heart so much that we stay home on election day and don't go vote. Remember that! Do NOT believe the polls. They skew them, they twist them, they weight them and then they report them as an unbiased poll, but they are totally biased. Like this poll (among many other recent polls), says bumblefingersbiden is ahead? Right. And I'm a tumbleweed. June 25, 2020   Lawless Left:   I hope this dumboRAT who was beaten by the rioters was not thinking while they beat him "I understand their grievance and their anger". I hope he was thinking "I want the police to be here and they're not! Where are they when I need them?" If he was thinking that, maybe he'll understand what it would mean to defund the police nationwide. If he was thinking the former thing, I hope he has realized by now that he's on the wrong side of the question. He was hospitalized and I wish him a speedy and complete recovery -- as well as an eye-opening experience and a change of sides to be a newly minted Conservative. After all, why would he want to stay a lefty after what other lefties did to him? June 25, 2020   Terrorist Left:   So the dumboRAT senator from the story above got the crud beat out of him so that terrorist groups run by terrorists can raise money. Are those terrorists or terrorist groups raising money to help the Senator they beat the crud out of? No. They're raising money for their own groups and to BUY VOTES AND FUND CHEATING DURING OUR NOVEMBER ELECTION. That's what's going on here and if the federal government bails out the cities who did not stop this nonsense, it will be OUR taxpayer dollars that fixes what these terrorists did in order to cheat during our elections. Is that what you want? Why not contact the White House and tell Pres. Trump you don't want a dime of your taxes to go to the repairs needed in the cities that did NOT stop the rioters. It is important to let Pres. Trump know what you want when it comes to this period of time. Do it. Tell him that your money should go toward what the Constitution says, not the damage that lefties have done in the name of defeating him -- and thus, those of us who support him! June 25, 2020   Fakebook Leftists:   So Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's organization, is proving yet again that Fakebook is a LEFTIST organization that is working to try to DEFEAT Pres. Donadl J. Trump and all who support him. Are you on Fakebook? Do you want to continue to support that effort to defeat you and your president? Might want to rethink that. Consider, also, that there are companies that are far left that are applying pressure to Fakebook to try to get them to do even MORE damage to those of us who support Pres. Donald J. Trump and America. Those companies -- Pepsi, HP, Doritos, Paypal, Adobe, BMW and others -- are trying to defeat your beliefs and your desire to help him "Make America Great Again!". Do you want to support that? I'm closing my Paypal account today. June 25, 2020   MAGA!:   Speaking of MAGA, the jobless claims are still dropping, slowly, but surely, things are getting better. Our stock market was going gangbusters until the left went back to screaming about the "pandemic" and Covid-19 resurfacing as a more useful tool to use to destroy America. The riots are not working, the reopening of many states has been successful in getting things going economically, and the left has their fallback position that worked before: pandemic! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Sigh. It's time to do what is right for America: Get off of Fakebook and don't support those who don't support YOU! June 25, 2020   Border Wall:   If CHAZ/CHOP can have a border wall what's wrong with America having a border wall? After all, the lefties are saying that we should NOT have a border wall, but as soon as they get in control of anything they fence it off to keep others that they don't want there OUT. They want to control who enters and who exits and they think that's okay when THEY do it. That's why I love that America's border wall is growing and that we now have 216 miles of border wall on our southern border with Mexico. I love it! The left hates it, but they do the same thing. Got hypocrisy? June 25, 2020   China's Threat:   If you are doing business with -- purchasing their products, subscribing to a service, etc. -- with the twenty Chinese companies the Pentagon has named here, you are supporting the Chinese government's military. There are many more companies than those named here, but it's a start and it's something that may start opening the eyes of America and making us realize how careful we have to be when choosing with whom to do business. June 25, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I have, as you know, things to do. See ya' for a little while tomorrow if I can. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 29, 2020: 1:37 p.m.   I didn't want to do updates today. It was a busy, but rough weekend. The heat index made it hard to mow the farm and we only got it half completed. We got a call from our son saying that the A.C. went out in Florida and that cut our trip short because we thought he was living in the heat without A.C., but when we got home it had straightened itself out and was working again (self-repairing A.C. is a good thing). We know we have to fix the part that probably caused the problem in the first place, and we have that part on hand, we just have to find it somewhere in the tools and parts we have stored. It was just a rough weekend and then to wake up to the scotus ruling? No. I didn't want to come on today and see all of the bad stuff that is out there that should not be happening but is, and that could be different if the cowardly, spineless alleged john roberts had any integrity at all! So I will do a few blurbs and then I'll get off of the bad news internet and go do errands. Let's get this over with. June 29, 2020   john roberts:   He is despicable. I don't know what the left has on him, but I do know that he is so deep into their back pockets that he can no longer see the light of day, the difference between right and wrong, or the value of a baby's life in the womb. His decision to side with the lefties on the court to give the lefties the power to continue KILLING BABIES in the womb. Our MOST INNOCENT, MOST DEFENSELESS and MOST PRECIOUS -- at least they used to be, and still are to those parents who WANT a baby, but not to those who judge the laws, or don't want a baby at that moment -- are now being used as political pawns by the left and the despicable john roberts. He's currying favor with the left to protect his legacy, but he's killing millions as the price. What he doesn't realize is that the tide is turning on abortion as more and more people wake up to the fact that it IS MURDERING A BABY and that the future of abortion is to cease to exist except in very rare situations. His legacy will be to allow and protect that MURDER. His legacy will be that of judicially condoning MURDER. He is a murderous idiot. June 29, 2020   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   The Tulsa venue that hosted the first President Donald J. Trump rally since the Covid-19 thing actively sabatoged the number of people who could get into the rally. They had people screening the audience with thermometers and sent those people home early so that they would not be able to enter the security screening area. No temperature scan, no entry, so there were fewer people in the audience. They also tried to prevent half of the seats from being used, amongst other acts of sabatoge. It's ridiculous and they should be sued. June 29, 2020   Covid-19:   We know that this thing has been blown out of all proportion and that the LEFTIES in the government (drs. fauci and birx -- scarflady) LIED to Pres. Donald J. Trump about the numbers of deaths that would/could result if he did not shut down the country. He acted to protect America and he did what he was told by LYING DOCTORS was best. Now, those LYING DOCTORS are helping thevilegeorgesoros and CHINA make MILLIONS on an alternate drug, Remdesivir, whose price they bumped up so that they could make MILLIONS more. They hated hydroxychloroquine because it was cheap, effective, they couldn't make money off of it, but mostly because Pres. Donald J. Trump was FOR it. Now, they're pushing Remdesivir because they can make money, it wasn't endorsed for use by Pres. Donald J. Trump, and because they can say "He was wrong." Petty and political people like these LIARS need to be kicked to the curb and hydroxychloroquine used as long as it is effective! June 29, 2020   bullybobcrooktOOn:   Yet more evidence that he is a HUGE LIAR and that he has known all along about the drug smuggling operation at the Mena Airport in Arkansas. He said he wasn't informed about it and knew nothing because it was a "federal jurisdiction" and the Arkansas people had "nothing to do with it". He's a LIAR. The federal report that Judicial Watch got through lawsuits makes clear that people were informed and if these people knew, bullybobcrooktOOn knew. It's just another in the long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long list of things bullybobcrooktOOn and hillosercrooktOOn LIED about. They knew, made money off of it, and are still involved in that sort of thing to make more money for themselves, if history is any indicator of who they are and what they will do for their own wallets! June 29, 2020   Election Integrity:   DumboRATS cheat. That's a known factor in ALL elections in America. DumboRATS cheat in elections. Period. I'm not saying that Republicans or other parties never cheat, just that the MAJORITY of vote fraud and any other kind of cheating to win an election is done by the dumboRATS. Don't believe me, here's just another example of dumboRATS cheating in an effort to defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump. They're already doing "ballot harvesting" and it's not even time for the ballots to be out! If you want to see how many times lefties are caught cheating, I think you may have a hard time getting the truth, especially considering how googley-woogley is protecting the left by kicking some search results to the end of the line so that people do NOT see them, or otherwise blocking the returns so that they don't have the TRUTH available. I've noticed myself (even though I don't use googley-woogley, I use Duck-Duck-Go), that the search results for the searches I do are always skewed to FAVOR the left, but damn the right. It's difficult to trust ANY search engines considering that fact, but you can try. Do the search and see what you get and if it returns negatives about Republicans instead, go to the LAST page of the search results and then see if you get anything about dumboRATS. If not, then there's your answer to the question of BIAS in search engines, is it not? June 29, 2020   Kissing Backside:   Oh. My. Goldfish. This is the dumbest thing I've seen today, or maybe even in the last... NO. I can't say that it's the dumbest because there's so much equal stupidity out there right now. I can, however, say that the suck-up sound is deafening as this federal judge grovels as he gives up his "chief judge" position because he complimented someone on their "street smarts". SMH. What a cowardly wimp. He's a kiss-up and he's showing it in grand style. June 29, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   Wait. What? He LIED? No! Say it ain't so! (Grammar break: "ain't" means "am not, are not, is not, have not, has not" -- did you know that? That's a lot of different meanings for such a short word! Now back to our regularly scheduled blurb.) He said he didn't know about the targeting of Gen. Michael Flynn but he was in the room when the targeting started and he may have been the one who suggested using the Logan Act to do so (there is some confusion here because it may have been someone else in the room; which is more likely to me because I doubt that bumblefingers would have ever even heard about the Logan Act, much less have understood its ramifications here). Anyways, bumblefingers LIED is the salient point. Raise your hand if you're surprised. June 29, 2020   Last Link:   Sorry I missed Friday but my hubby came home earlier than he originally planned to and that meant we left earlier than originally planned. So, here I am today. I WILL NOT be here tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have a funeral for a friend to attend in the morning, then I have physical therapy in the afternoon and something to try to fit in between those two, or after PT. Time is probably too tight to fit an update in, unless I hear about something very important and I want to comment on it. You may be interested in watching something that a friend sent me. If you are a Christian watch a video a friend sent me and I found interesting. I did find it interesting. It is a Christian pastor's "prophetic dreams" and I want you to know that I DO NOT endorse it, trust it, or believe in it 100%. I DO want you to watch it and see what you think for yourself. After considering it for a few hours, I think that he is wrong in at least these ways:
June 29, 2020   I'll close with that. I will NOT be here tomorrow due to the funeral and physical therapy. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 30, 2020: 6:06 p.m.   I wanted to just do a few blurbs today because I have things to say about these subjects. Let's get those things done. June 30, 2020   scotus:   Well, how about that. The usual traitor, john roberts, did something right today. He actually voted with the Conservatives and it was a good thing. He voted to protect religious freedom and school choice. It's an amazing thing. I didn't think he had the ability to vote on the right side of things anymore. I thought he was so deep into the back pockets of the lefties that he wouldn't dare vote for the correct thing now. But to our surprise and pleasure, he did vote the right way today. Shock. Surprise. June 30, 2020   Plastic in the Ocean:   How much have you heard about this lately? The kid who started the anti-plastic straw craze was only nine-years-old when he did so, using questionable "science" to say the least, and he got a lot of publicity for it because the left glommed onto it and it made the world sit up and take notice. There are "plastic islands" that float around the ocean and there are all kinds of scare tactics being used against plastic. There are YouTube videos about it and there are all kinds of people wanting to "do something about it". There is some controversy about it, though, so much that there are some people who deny the "garbage island" exists as currently believed. Okay. That's the background about this subject: no straws because "Plastic bad!" Of course, the people pushing this anti-plastic straw (and anything else plastic) don't tell you the truth about how the plastic actually got into the ocean, do they? For instance, have you ever seen the videos of the tsunami that hit Japan and the debris it carried into the ocean? You watch the videos of tsunamis and you will see that they come in, hit hard, destroy buildings and carry most of the contents of those buildings out to sea in their receding waters. So when you see videos of tsunamis hitting populated areas, you will always see loads of plastics, furniture, vehicles, etc. (including people), being carried out to sea. This is verified by the rubber ducks that were lost 25 years ago and the Nike shoe spill of the spring of 1990. Those shoes and rubber duckies were floating around mostly together, with a few showing up here, and a few showing up there, but the majority of them staying together: a "shoe island" if you will. So the "garbage island" is just as easily explained as being made by nature and NOT by man! Have you heard anything at all about that from the left? Have you heard any of them admit that this "plastic island" was made by the tsunamis that have hit populated areas? No? I wonder why. It doesn't fit their narrative, does it? June 30, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   He's out of his league, and he's thought to have dementia by a lot of people with a lot of evidence that he does have a serious problem and he may claim to have passed "cognitive tests" are being countered by his difficulties with the mundane, everyday tasks. He also seems to have difficulties drawing a crowd. He's already doling out high paying jobs to his buddies' kids and we know about what he's done to make his OWN FAMILY RICH, so how many of his buddies' kids get to get rich via using the taxpayers' dime? Is that what you want: MORE SWAMP? June 30, 2020   pelosickpig:   She's an embarrassing idiot and she proves it daily -- two to twenty times daily! She published a list of statutes she deemed racist, but didn't realize that most of the people the statutes honored were DUMBORATS! Racism was created in, supported by, kept alive by, and is STILL USED BY the dumboRAT party! That's what she admitted via her list of statutes that are "racist" but she's too stupid to know it! Morons elected her and keep her in office -- although her dementia has been clearly demonstrated for at least the last two years or more -- and she should be retired along with bumblefingers, although her constituents are so stupid that I doubt that she'll leave office with a pulse. June 30, 2020   I'll close for now. That's what I wanted to cover today. It was a busy day; started with six chapters in my Bible, then to a funeral, then home for a quick change of clothes and a small lunch, to the gas station so I could get to the attorney's office to drop some paperwork about our trust off for them to review, and then to physical therapy, and afterward, home to give a driving lesson. Sigh. That's why I am just getting the chance to do anything here. I think you understand. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 2020 July 2, 2020: 12:13 p.m.   Missed yesterday because my driving student was taking the driver's license test -- and passed -- so we took the time to celebrate that. It was a good, but busy day. Today I have to go to PT so there is little time for this after my sister called as we tried to figure out what to give our Mom for her upcoming birthday. What do you give someone who has what she wants and doesn't give us any clues or hints? We thought of something but it was too late; everything was sold out and it's too late to get it delivered. Sigh. Such is life. I came up with something that I think she'll like but my sister and I won't be sharing the cost this time. Hopefully, Mom will appreciate it. After all, how often do you get a month with no bills except food and gas? July 2, 2020   epstein's pimpette:   She is under arrest. She will be in a federal prison for how long before she "commits suicide"? How long do you give her? I believe the following things:
July 2, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   Those of you who want to elect this dementia-suffering, child-molesting, hair-sniffing, nepotism-practicing, can't recall his name or what state he's in, clown need to be reminded of the fact that he, too, HATES AMERICA and wants to change it into a socialist mecca. He doesn't want you to be able to have the American dream, unless it's at the cost of everyone else's American dream. Remember this, though: your American dream can be just as easily taken away from you as you want to take away from others in a socialist Amerika. If you get what you get via taking from others be ready to have it taken away from you, too. And blm, antifa or any other idiot leftists need not tell me the same applies to me. We took from no one what we have. We worked hard for it and we did the right thing, and if you don't like it tough. July 2, 2020   Leftist Hypocrisy:   The nyt wants to destroy Mount Rushmore because it is a racist symbol. No. It's honoring our past Presidents: Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt. I love that people pointed out the nyt's hypocrisy in their Dead Blue Bird responses, especially this one: "'Interesting the @nytimes failed to mention Mount Rushmore’s 'complicated legacy' of racism when Obama visited, or when Maureen Dowd pondered whether Obama would one day be 'a Mount Rushmore President''"Yeah. It's always okay when the LEFT does something, but never okay when the rest of us do. It's hypocrisy shining brightly yet again. Do they never tire of it? July 2, 2020   MAGA!: Last Link:   I have PT to get to so I'll make this my last link of the day. Do you realize that with the reopening of most states (most non-dumboRAT controlled states, that is), the U.S. economy has put 4.8 MILLION PEOPLE BACK TO WORK and that has dropped our unemployment rate down to 11.1%? Yep. America's economy is roaring again and that's why the lefties in the msm and the dumboRATS in Congress had to start the Covid-19 scare all over again. That and the DOW has jumped up and that means that the people of America are ready to get this thing going again and they're grateful Pres. Trump is there to help! MAGA! July 2, 2020   I'll be going now. I have to go to PT and after that we'll be going to Georgia until Monday evening. Ya'll have a wonderful, safe, happy and fun Independence Day celebration! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 7, 2020: 12:59 p.m.   Only have a little while to do blurbs today because, of course, I have PT to get to. Had a good weekend at our farm. We mowed (of course) Friday, finishing by headlight, and then the back field I did Saturday morning. My hubby got our DR Mower out and did some clearing of the brush approaching the timber on our land on Saturday, then in the evening we worked on revamping the pantry. It's only 24"x24", and I think we can add usefulness to it via redesigning the shelving in it, making them adjustible shelves and putting shelves for seldom-used items way up top and behind the trash can area. It's a work in progress because my hubby's back was acting up, but we got the tear-down done and the products needed to rebuild are in the house. It's going to be better, like everything else we've been working on. For now, let's get started with those few blurbs I mentioned. July 7, 2020   Violent Leftists:   Violence begets violence and the left is proving that (as well as feeling the effects of it) daily now that they have embraced the blm hatred and violence of the marxists running it and pushing it (and financing it [thevilegeorgesoros, hillosercrooktOOn, etc.]) and they're trying to LIE their ways out of trouble, blaming BLACKS for their wrongdoings, as they are allegedly protesting in support of blacks! How deaf, dumb, blind and stupid do you have to be to believe that people who try to implicate a black man is NOT the black man's friend?! Yet, this person was allegedly out there protesting in support of blm! Wake up, people! They want to continue themuslimvileone's effort to "fundamentally change" America into something that she was never meant to be. They want to make America Amerika, a marxist, leftist, brutally oppressive, speech-for-them-but-not-for-others mecca of muslim and atheist goose-stepping goons. That's what the left wants. They want POWER and it doesn't matter what they have to do to get it. They will kill, maim, destroy, accuse, burn, overthrow, legislate, cheat, steal, lie and have sex with anyone to get what they want. They want the POWER TO DESTROY AMERICA. That's all. Is that what you want? July 7, 2020   Releasing Dangerous Prisoners:   The left does NOT care about you, your children, or anything else that matters to you unless it can help them get POWER. That's all there is to it. If they did care, why would they be releasing violent prisoners from prison? Violent as in a ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADER CHILD RAPIST? Why would they release someone like that if they cared about you and your children? Ask yourself that question and then answer it honestly, if you dare. July 7, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   He's one of those people who want to destroy America as we know her. In fact, he promises to change America, trying to accomplish the fullness of the promise of what themuslimvileone wanted to do. He wants to make America bad again. He supports the separation of races -- he IS a racist -- and if he wins in November, there will be a return to Jim Crow days and an increase in trouble between races. It's going to be violence everywhere if bumblefingers wins because he doesn't have the strength, spine or intestinal fortitude (however you wish to say it) to prevent it, or to stop it once it starts. You think it's bad now? Let bumblefingers win in November. You MUST vote and you MUST vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump even if you don't like him. If you LOVE America, like your job, your home, your neighborhood as it is, then you MUST vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump. Marxism will result if you do not. Do NOT vote for another candidate within the Republican party, don't do a "write-in" candidate (no Mickey Mouse votes, please!), and don't vote for the Libertarian or alleged "Conservative" candidate because that's what you believe in more than Pres. Donald J. Trump. If you do vote for any of those things (or the leftist candidates out there which will result in a "mandate" for them to be bad and to destroy America), you will LOSE America as we love her. YOU MUST VOTE FOR PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP in August and November. You MUST if you love America. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or communist take-over attempt!) July 7, 2020   Leftist Dirty Tricks:   They're doing it again. They're reserving seats at Pres. Donald J. Trump's rally so that those who really support Pres. Trump and want to be there cannot book seats. I say, if you want to go to the rally, go! Show up! If there are empty seats, go through the place to get your temperature checked, get searched by the security screeners and go in and enjoy being there and support Pres. Donald J. Trump! Why not? Try it. You could have the best time of your life! July 7, 2020   Polls-schmolls:   Don't believe the polls. Don't believe the polls. Don't believe the polls. The polsters out there are trying, again, to convince you that Pres. Donald J. Trump is going to lose. They said that in 2016, and they're LYING to you again. They weight the polls, skew the results, use sneaky wording and do other things to get the results they want, or just outright LIE about the results. Look at the reality that dumboRATS are seeing and FEARING and you will see that the polls are LIES. It's all about trying to convince you that Pres. Donald J. Trump hasn't a snowball's chance, people, so that you will stay home and not vote. But you must vote. You must because we know that they will be cheating, lying, "finding" ballots left, right and center in their efforts to cheat their way to victory. Count on more people voting in leftist, dumboRAT run counties than are actually residents or registered voters in the county because that's the only way the left can win; especially if those of us who support Pres. Donald J. Trump do not vote! We must turn out in mega-droves and we must vote for him! It's that or lose our country! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or communist take-over attempt!) July 7, 2020   Last Link of the Day:   I'm going to close with this Tucker Carlson story. He asked a very pointed question and I am glad that someone has finally done so! He asked how they can "lead a country they hate"? That's a very good question! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 8, 2020: 11:43 a.m.   Special day for a family member! Happy Birthday! Love you much! I hear thunder so let's get started before the storm gets here! July 8, 2020 &  Covid-19:   Remember I told you that the msm and the left have turned back to Covid-19 to try to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump's chances in November? Well, they're going full-tilt at this so that they can shut the country down again because the economy came ROARING BACK and the mood of the country was so upbeat and optimistic with Pres. Donald J. Trump in office that they had to go back to something to try to slow the economy again (the DOW was up -- way up! -- and all indicators were good) in order to try to defeat him. Part of that effort is LYING to you about Covid-19 and how it is affecting the younger population. They're trying to make it look like the younger folks getting this are dying, too, just like the older folks who had "underlying conditions" who died from earlier this year. Remember what I tell you: If they have to LIE to you, they're trying to CONTROL you. People, don't fall for the LIES of the msm. "Find the TRUTH" for yourself and when you find out they have LIED about everything, then you KNOW that they cannot be trusted. If your spouse LIED to you as much as the msm, would you trust your spouse? IF you don't have double standards, then you cannot trust the msm if they LIE to you. They don't even love you, nor are you in their family, so it's obvious that you cannot trust the msm; none of them and in no way, shape, or form. Just don't do it! July 8, 2020   Gov. Ron DeSantis:   He's opening Florida's schools back up for the kids to go back to school this fall and I'm glad to see it! When you shut things down due to a health concern that doesn't usually affect children, you are opening up a bag of worms while closing the only thing that brings order, stability and purpose to young people's lives, and that can lead to loneliness and suicides. Open the schools as Gov. DeSantis wants. It's time. It's the only right thing to do. July 8, 2020   LYING LEFTIST:   Yet again we find another leftist who LIED about a fake hate hoax, and then (topping bad with worse), we find out that he not only LIED about a fake hate letter he SENT HIMSELF, but it turns out that he also is guilty of STOLEN VALOR, which could mean that he committed campaign fraud because he used his non-existent but claimed service in the U.S. Coast Guard as one of the points in his political campaign. He LIED about having served in the U.S. Coast Guard, or anywhere else. He stole valor to make himself look like a better person than this fraudster/liar/thief actually is. I'm glad he got caught! I hope they prosecute him for stolen valor and everything else he LIED about! July 8, 2020   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   The scotus has done something right for a change! They have decided that religious freedom does exist and that it's more important than the complaints of women that they would have to seek their contraceptives elsewhere instead of through their employer if they work at a religion-based job/employment that would NOT provide contraceptives. The scotus's ruling is one step closer to completely dismantling themuslimvileone's "ACA" healthcareTAX and this ruling is another step closer toward getting rid of yet another PITA that themuslimvileone put into place. I love it! July 8, 2020   VP to come?:   The wikipage for kamala harris is allegedly being cleaned up to cover up her past of arresting and throwing the book at those who were charged for non-violent crimes and marijuana use, as well as "Changes not mentioned include removals of the alleged role nepotism played in her early political career and significant favorable additions about Harris."So she's known for having slept her way to the top (without any real sleeping being involved, if you know what I mean), and she's known for her progressive views and politics. If she's being "cleaned up" by wikileaks does that mean that she'll definitely be bumblefingersbiden's VP pick? No. It means that she's one step closer, or that she is PROBABLY a "SQUIRREL!" because I still firmly believe that his VP pick will be hillosercrooktOOn because she still holds the purse strings at the dnc and she has all the power there. She's going to be in office one way or the other; hook or by crookedhilloser and a few blinks later and bumblefingers is gone and hilloser is on her throne and themuslimvileone's legacy and deep state operators are now protected. Who cares that they had to stuff the ballot boxes to do so? Who cares that they had to do some rather questionable things to get rid of the opposition (no dumboRAT national convention?), etc. The very best kamala harris has to be thankful for is that she hasn't been Vince Fostered yet! It's still going to be hillosercrooktOOn. Or, maybe I'm just too cynical, but either way, I'm 99.9999999% sure it's not going to be harris. July 8, 2020   Good Riddance!:   The traitorous Lt. Col., alexandar vindman, has decided to retire and he's blaming Pres. Donald J. Trump for his decision. He can't take responsibility for his own choices and actions because it wasn't Pres. Trump who made him betray his country. It was vindman's choice to do so and it was his choice to speak out against his commander in chief. For him to blame someone else tells us that he was never leadership material to start with. Same with all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; if they are speaking out against their CIC, they need to retire or be fired. They didn't see the need to do so when themuslimvileone was weakening our military, giving billions to our enemies, destroying moral in our armed services, basically tying their hands behind their backs in combat zones and using our brave heroes more for social workers and welfare beans than the U.S. military they trained to be, were proud to be and wanted to be. These complaining clowns tried to destroy our military as they followed themuslimvileone's orders without a whimper or a sound of complaint. They obeyed and kissed his butt so that they could keep their power jobs and keep being invited to attend the power events. Now that there is a TRUE AMERICAN as the CIC, they complain and whine and try to destroy both him and America, ignoring their sworn duty to protect us and obey him! Traitors all! Get rid of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and replace them with people who LOVE America and will serve her (and thus, us) with their whole hearts and with pride and joy in doing so! July 8, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. We have an appointment with an attorney to review our trust fund so that we can make it better, bigger and do more for our sons' futures. Y'all have a great day! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 10, 2020: 2:32 p.m.   Missed yesterday because life happens. I had errands and cleaning to get done and then PT, so I didn't have time to sit down and do website blurbs. Sorry about that. "The best laid plans of mice and men..." Right? Sigh. Anyways, I'm here now so let's get started. July 10, 2020   Covid-19:   They're at it again. Why do these two lefties get to keep spewing their LIES? The "We're all gonna' die!" duo, birx and fauci are LYING to us about the severity of the virus's impact on children. Why would ANYONE who cares about this nation -- especially DOCTORS -- want to LIE about the health and safety of CHILDREN unless it's a useful tool to try to control you because that's all the left has left: trying to control you via FEAR. They know that Pres. Donald J. Trump is going to win in November unless they can do anything they can get their hands on to prevent that. The problems they have are: 1) they can't stop people from thinking, and 2) people "Find The TRUTH!" themselves and they have no control over that. The American people -- most thinking people, at least -- do NOT like being LIED to by their "leaders". They want honesty and they want it especially when it concerns their children! Actually, their THIRD problem is that if this thing was so bad right now, they shouldn't be treating blm differently than they do the kids who want to go to school! Don't you think? Now we're hearing from the LYING and UNRELIABLE world "health" organization that they're worried about "indoor airborne transmission" of Covid-19. Why now? Weren't they worried about that back in November 2019-March 2020? Really? The left is doing nothing to prevent the spread of Covid-19 since they're supporting blm protests but telling us to not go anywhere or do anything. The lefty dumboRATS are total LIARS about this Covid-19 stuff. It's useful to them as a power tool, and that's always a danger to freedom. Cherish freedom, folks, because the LEFT wants to take it away from you and you will never realize how much you have to lose until it's actually gone. Cherish it today, while you still have it and you will FIGHT FOR KEEPING IT instead of playing along while they take it away. That's what this Covid-19 is being used for. July 10, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   EEEwwwwwww! He's such a creep! He focuses on a child when he won't answer questions from reporters as he visits his childhood neighborhood. Eeeewww. I don't consider that normal for a grown man, do you? Now, the former "paper of record", the nyt is trying to coach him to protect him from debating Pres. Donald J. Trump. When a newspaper advises you to demand "X, Y, and Z" before you agree to debates with your opponent, the public knows whose side that paper is on. If this is not a clear indication of bias on the part of the new york times, I don't know what is. They're trying to protect bumblefingers because they know he has dementia and they don't want Pres. Trump to actually have the chance to be able to point it out to bumblefingers' face. I envision the following: the debate is scheduled, postponed by bumblefingers, rescheduled and postponed by bumblefingers again, and as close as they can push it to the election, there will be one -- ONE -- debate that they agree to, but it will be a shortened debate, an hour or less, and bumblefingers will be on drugs to help him focus and stay coherent. The pressure of the debate will disable those drugs and he will lose his train of thought on live television and Pres. Donald J. Trump will have compassion on him, walk over to bumblefingers, put his arm around his shoulder and say, "It's okay, Joe. It's okay." and the leftist msm will make a fuss about Pres. Donald J. Trump's act of kindness saying that he invaded bumblefingers' space! That's what we will see in a debate. That's why the left does NOT want a debate to happen! It would prove two things: 1) Elder abuse by the left who are pushing him out there, and 2) bumblefingers is totally INCAPABLE of being president on day one so whomever he "chose" as his running mate would automatically be prezidunce (hillosercrooktOOn. He will NOT have announced his choice before the debate because the left does NOT want it known that it will be her. That's what is coming, folks. That's what is coming. July 10, 2020   Gen. Michael Flynn:   When you expect CORRUPTION from the left, they do NOT fail to disappoint. For example: themuslimvileone is SO CORRUPT that their OWN NOTES CLEARED GEN. FLYNN but they persecuted and PROsecuted him anyways! They KNEW they were conducting an ILLEGAL targeting of an INNOCENT MAN, but Gen. Flynn had crossed themuslimvileone and that meant that Gen. Flynn had to be dealt with: he had to pay as high a price as themuslimvileone could exact from him. Gen. Flynn lost so much via this illegal and IMMORAL prosecution/persecution that he had to file bankruptcy and he lost his home! They threatened to go after his son, too. Even though they knew Gen. Flynn was innocent! That's CORRUPT and HORRIBLE! Even the British government's investigation proved that the Trump/Russia collusion thing was a LIE and that meant that there was NO REASON to spy on or threaten ANYONE within the Trump campaign, or administration, but that didn't stop hillosercrooktOON from LYING in the third debate about this whole lying scheme that she and themuslimvileone came up with. Add to this, the leftist tool, emmett sullivan, has asked for an "en banc" hearing so that all of the judges on the appeals court will have to sit through hearing him disobey a recent SCOTUS ruling saying that judges CANNOT continue a case once the charges have been dropped! He's hoping that the lefties that themuslimvileone packed that appeals court with will ignore the SCOTUS ruling and gang up on Gen. Michael Flynn and send him to prison even though ALL CHARGES HAVE BEEN DROPPED and there is NOTHING with which to continue a case! That's pure evil! Now the appeals court has given Gen. Flynn's side 10 days to respond to the corrupt "judge's" assertions and request for an "en banc" hearing. I bet they don't really want to know what Flynn's attorney, Sidney Powell has to say because she'll let them all have it and drop the equivalent of a MOAB on them! They won't know what hit them! Her legal mind is probably as good as they get and I'd like to be the fly on the wall that gets to hear the lefties on that court whimper as they read it! That's as evil as hillosercrooktOOn! (Does this guy know where Fort Marcy Park is?) Doing what is right does not matter to the left. They just want what gives them POWER. Yet, in all of this General Michael Flynn has remained a class act. He didn't ask for a pardon from Pres. Donald J. Trump for himself but he did ask Pres. Trump for a pardon for Roger Stone. That's a class act. July 10, 2020   2020 Election:   This coming election is being polled and if you believe the polls, there's a repeat of last election's results: the dumboRAT is always ahead. (Yeah. Right.) So, "What If It's All A Lie?" will have you giggling contentedly to yourself. I was pretty confident that then-candidate Trump would win in 2016 because I saw all of the "MAGA" and "Trump 2016" signs all over the place! The Trump signs were 20-9 or so everywhere we went. I saw the same thing with Kemp in Georgia and even though stacey abrams still claims she won, we have Gov. Kemp in Georgia and I am very grateful! I'm seeing the same thing this year: I actually counted the signs the other day while I was out and about and I saw ONE bumblefingersbiden sign, compared to 14 Trump signs! That's an indication of support, don't ya' think? I think that there are so many people who are fed up with the violence, the lack of freedom from dumboRAT governors and the LIES of the left that they're going to vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump because he's the only one who has been standing up for freedom, whom they can trust and who has tried to stop the violence instead of supporting it and going all PC, kissing their butts! If you love FREEDOM and America, vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump because you won't get those two things from anyone else, no matter who replaces bumblefingers the minute after he's sworn in! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or LYING LEFTY!) July 10, 2020   Well, my hubby just called and he's on his way home, so I shall go for today. I hope you have a great, safe, healthy weekend and I will try to see you again on Monday! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 13, 2020: 1:52 p.m.   Leftists MURDER and Attack Others:   Did you read about this? Did you hear about it somewhere in the msm? Did they tell you about the story of a young woman murdered by a group of blm leftists because she said that "All Lives Matter"? Did you hear about that elsewhere besides Conservative websites and news sources? No? Why not? Ask yourself that question: Why did you not hear this reported on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc, etc.? Why not? Does it not fit the picture they want to paint with their LIES about the violent blm rioters being "peaceful"? Does it not destroy the image of blm people being the alleged "victims", on the receiving end of the violence? Does it not prove -- yet again -- that the LEFT is far, far, far more violent than the Conservative right? She said "All lives matter", including her own, but they didn't want to hear that. They shot her multiple times after ambushing the family. In other stories about "peaceful" blm rioters, we read about the blm member who beat two city employees, hitting them in the face with the butt of a gun. Peaceful stuff there, yessiree. Plus the "peaceful" blm hired hitmen in nyc who attacked a Trump supporter and beat cops with the cops having been ordered by bill deblasio to NOT RESPOND when attacked. These people are being paid for and supported by thevilegeorgesoros to hurt people, murder and maim and destroy things! He should be brought up on racketeering, accesory before the fact, incitement of violence, and a thousand other things! Throw the biggest book at him that is out there! He deserves it! The nyc cops were ordered to NOT defend themselves against these paid thugs! That's immoral and probably ILLEGAL! You do NOT have to cooperate in your own beating, murder, or any other harm and NO ONE can legally order you to do so! That's absurd! These two idiot leftists, deblasio and thevilegeorgesoros, are responsible for many deaths! deblasio needs to be booted from office and/or arrested for the murders of all those elderly that he ordered back to nursing homes to infect others there who died of Covid-19. Without his orders, some of those people would have lived. He's a murderer. From hoping someone kills the families of cops to beating three Catholics for meeting for prayer by a statue! The blm crowd, an admitted MARXIST organization, is out for BLOOD, not "equality", not "fairness"; they want BLOOD. They will NOT be satisfied until the minority crowd of those who believe the same way they do -- they will NOT allow others like Candace Owens and the Hodge twins are NOT included in the "black lives matter" umbrella -- are in power and control EVERYTHING that happens everywhere in America! They don't want to be the same as, they want to be BETTER THAN, and they won't stop until they have what they want! If you think this is wrong, talk to them and they will tell you that they want to take the money they didn't work to earn from those that have a dollar more than they. They want to have the kinds of homes jeff bezos has without having to work for it. They want to have the POWER that Pres. Donald J. Trump has so that they can enforce their marxist beliefs on the rest of us without having to run for office to get there. They don't want equality. They want POWER and CONTROL over you; you, the ordinary, every day Joe or Josephine. They are ready to rule with an iron fist of tyranny and if you don't comply, if you think other than what you are told to think -- "All lives matter" -- you are dead. They've proven it many times in the last few weeks that I am correct. They prove that they are willing to KILL for their POWER. They have proven that they don't care about others as long as they get the joy, the delight, the rush of MURDERING an innocent person who did nothing but disagree with them. Is that what you want for America? That is what you WILL GET if bumblefingersbiden is allowed to CHEAT his way into office, to be replaced by hillosercrooktOOn. That is exactly what you will get. Remember, the death toll surrounding the crooktOOns is somewhere around 80 people now; epstein being the latest victim (unless ghislaine maxwell has now "committed suicide" in custody and we don't know about that yet). If she gets into the White House how many more deaths will there be? How much more FREEDOM will there be? Who will be left to speak out for freedom? Will you? Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump in November so that you can say, "Yes! I will be here to stand up for FREEDOM!" (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or paid murdering commie crowd.) July 13, 2020   HATEFUL ACTIVIST, order-taker, amy berman-jackson:   She is still taking orders from themuslimvileone to try her darndest to destroy (and kill if possible), Roger Stone. What he ever did to themuslimvileone to make him so hated I don't know, but you can bet your sweet bottom dollar that there is a reason why she's doing all she can to put him in jail, destroy his life and do all the harm she can to him. Now, even after Pres. Donald J. Trump commuted Stone's sentence, she is trying to find out if she can make him serve his "supervised release" (probation) and if he will still have to pay the $20,000 fine she imposed upon him even though there is PLENTY of evidence he did NOTHING wrong! As with Gen. Michael Flynn, Roger Stone has been proven INNOCENT via the release of the papers from the FBLIE and other "investigative" federal agencies that then-acting DNI, Richard Grennel, released and now the new DNI is releasing. It's all a farce! It's all a LIE based on a group of people set to destroy Pres. Trump and all associated with him -- especially those who insulted or embarrassed themuslimvileone somehow. That's the true sign of a very litte, petty, insecure, vengeful, hateful, idiot of a man and that's who themuslimvileone really is. It's good to see that there is someone on the left still with a head on their shoulders. July 13, 2020   themuslimvileone's administration:   Speaking of petty, insecure, vengeful themuslimvileone, we see that he fostered and encouraged an atmosphere of wrong-doing and lawlessness. His people not only unmasked people left, right and center, but he also commuted and pardoned 1,715 people in PRISON! He didn't stick to just the NON-VIOLENT people, he gave pardoned 78 people, commuting the sentences of 153 in his last days in office, but his total, as mentioned, is 1,715 pardons and commutations. He even pardoned at least one TERRORIST! He has never cared about our country except to destroy it. It's a ridiculous legacy and a lot of those people have been arrested and charged with new crimes! If they were worthy of relief, why are they committing new crimes? He didn't care whether they were "rehabilitated" in prison, whether they had changed at all! He cared about releasing havoc! July 13, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   Judicial Watch (and The Daily Caller News Foundation) is suing the University of Delaware to get ahold of bumblefingers' Senate papers. The fact that we are supposed to operate our government in the Sunshine, except in matters of national security, means this effort to prevent anyone from seeing the papers that would have info about Tara Reade's allegations of sexual misconduct against bumblefingers is wrong, IMHO. It's supposed to be pretty easy to get records, but when you have certain powers you can hide your wrongs as long as possible to protect your butts. Being Senator, then worthless VP has its perks, although, considering his mental conditions he probably can't recall them! July 13, 2020   PC Gone Mad!:   Well if this is not the "wokest of the woke", I don't know what is! The formerly-known-as-"Washington Redskins" has decided that it shall change its name, logo, etc. and rebrand itself to be unoffensive. You know, probably something like "Washington Neutrals", or maybe the "Washington Kissbutts", or maybe the favorite by far "Washington Cavers". Don't you think those names would work better to describe the owners/management? I do. The problem is, the "wokeness" is SPREADING! Insanity is contagious? No. But cowardice is. July 13, 2020   Privacy Lacking:   Are you on TikTok? You are being spied on. Are you using Reddit? Get off of that, too. How about LinkedIn? Yeah. Drop it. Those and at least eleven other popular apps are SPYING ON YOU and Apple's new iOS 14 is finding those apps out and allowing people to find out that they are being improperly spied on. It's time for you to take your personal security and privacy seriously. You need to drop the apps that spy on you. Be wary of free and easy apps; they do more than they're supposed to. ALWAYS check their privacy and access information before you download and use them. When you download something that is supposed to be a diet app, for instance, does that app really need access to your contact list, clibboard, camera, microphone, etc.? If not, don't download that app! I try not to download apps that have access to more than I want. If I don't think it's needed for the app to operate and do the things I want it to do, I don't download it. It's my privacy versus the thing I wanted the app to do. My privacy always wins! July 13, 2020   Contrast:   The Republican Party has been registering voters and it's going to be a great year for Pres. Donald J. Trump. He has a lot of enthusiastic support out there and it's good to see that they organize their own parades! Meanwhile, the dumboRATS, on the other hand, want to import more people from OTHER COUNTRIES to take American jobs so that the lefties can get them to vote dumboRAT and keep them in power. That's why the left wants so badly to defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump. They want the votes that they can GIVE to via AMNESTY these foreigners and then they can be in power forever. No Republican will ever get elected again if the dumboRATS get control of the House and Senate, and defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump. For them, now is the time. Now is the hour. Now is victory or destroy America after the elections on false charges of election cheating -- which has been proven that they do all the time and have done for years, but never you mind that. They will charge Republicans and Pres. Trump of doing so and their cohorts on the left will be given a free pass. That's how they work. Then they LIE through their teeth to make themselves the victims, all the while being the perpetrators. History should teach us to VOTE REPUBLICAN and for the MOST CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE POSSIBLE! Otherwise, the left will ruin our nation and we'll be a marxist, communist country a few months after they take control. Is that what you want? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or corruptodumboRAT!) July 13, 2020   pelosickpig:   My, how the worm has turned! The left wants pelosickpig OUT because she's not "progressive" enough! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! That's hysterical and I love it! I actually hope she does get defeated, but that she gets defeated and her successor is a Conservative Christian who will help Pres. Donald J. Trump finish his agenda! Let's pray for that to happen. GOD is able (even if the Republican Party isn't!) (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or corruptodumboRAT!) July 13, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I need to do my nails. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 14, 2020: 11:43 a.m.   Covid-19:   We see the numbers released by the CDC and we must wonder if those numbers are real. It turns out that the CDC may be LYING to us AGAIN! The cycle seems to be China LIES about Covid-19, the CDC and dr. "falsie" fauci gets the memo and LIES to America and Pres. Donald J. Trump, and the msm runs with the LIES of China. Isn't that a good way to run a nation: believing and spreading the LIES of a Communist country? That's what is happening with the msm and the left. They spread the LIES of China and expect and WANT us to swallow it hook, line and sinker. Sweet. We cannot trust them at all. Pres. Trump is pushing for schools to open so that parents can go back to work and make the economy even stronger but the schools would rather use the children politically than to get them back into their buildings and teaching them. Proves how far left teachers' unions are; they're doing all they can to support the left's agenda even if it means using kids as pawns. Do they care about your children's education and futures? Nope. They'd rather ensure that a leftie gets elected because that would ensure their continued domination of the school system. They're so nutso that in NJ, one teachers' union is demanding weekly Covid-19 testing for the CHILDREN and teachers and all kinds of other safety requirements. It would be one of the saftest things to do to get kids back into schools, but no. That's not what the left wants. I think that if you're an elderly teacher (55+) and have a pre-existing medical condition that would make you susceptible, stay home and consider retiring. Children don't usually die of this thing, but at 55+ you are approaching the "danger age" and you may get it and then what would happen to you? Consider retiring and social distancing that way. Let a younger, healthy teacher have your class and not have to worry about getting sick. Then you won't be keeping the kids away from an education, you will be safe and healthy, and a young teacher is given the chance to carry on your legacy. Isn't that a nice thought? Yes, here in Florida we have more testing and thus, more positives for Covid-19, but that only means that the stats are getting more accurate and the death toll stat is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. We have to think about how many more hypochondriacs are out there getting tested and seeing negative after negative, until, finally, lo and behold, they are right, they do have it! Hallelujah! Now they can say they knew they were sick or would be. (I actually know people like that. It's weird.) Yeah. Covid-19 is a political ploy by now. We NEVER SHOULD HAVE SHUT DOWN, we are being LIED to by the powers that be who HATE Pres. Donald J. Trump and some states are still under lock and key, while their governors go and do anything they want while keeping the residents of their states under their thumbs. Power is an aphrodesiac for them and they're loving the total control they have acquired for themselves under the guise of Covid-19. It's absurd; especially when -- in FLORIDA ALONE -- we see that they are LYING ABOUT TEST RESULTS and saying that 100% of patients are positive! It's being reported that way because the teachers' unions and other leftiest don't want the people to be able to vote in November. If they can keep certain states shut down, they won't have to worry about that state's voters being willing to risk it to cast their ballots in person. Are those states who won't do exclusive mail-in ballots and want to allow people to vote in person so that their count will be more accurate and have less cheating, being told by the lefties to LIE about the number of positives? I think so! July 14, 2020   Touché!:   The head of GOYA Foods praised Pres. Donald J. Trump a few days ago and wouldn't back down, refusing to kowtow to the left's pressure to "unsay" what he said and apologize for having an opinion other than their own. They started to boycott GOYA Foods and his courage made those of us on the right start buying GOYA Foods! That's a fun thing to see. The left boycotts, we BUYcott. When you support what we like, we support you. Remember when we thought chick-fil-a was a strong, Christian company and the lines we saw supporting them when the left was boycotting them for allegedly not supporting the lgbtqlskdocnwodncojdlkcajfuhecna;wejoucoiawencjnc people? Yeah. We stepped up. Now we're doing the same thing for GOYA Foods and I hope and pray that later we don't have to regret that decision. July 14, 2020   Roger Stone:   Those of us who support him have no friends on the left for doing so. Take the company who created the "Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong" t-shirts, for instance. They are now BANNED from fakebook for having done so! fakebook is doing all they can to silence Conservatives, and this is just another in the long list of bannings, but for making a t-shirt? I could understand banning someone who said "Kill Babies In the Womb" (Oh, wait), or maybe "Shoot Anyone Who Disagrees With You" (Oh, wait), or maybe "Make America Marxist/Communist They're Great!" (Oh, wait!) But "Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong" gets you banned? Ridiculous. He's harmless and he was targeted by the mueller gang because themuslimvileone hated him. The muslimvileone doesn't like criticism and Roger Stone must have said something about him that themuslimvileone really didn't like, thus the targeting. This is what happened to Gen. Flynn and both of these battles against themuslimvileone's hitmen are still ongoing in one way or another. It's absurd, but that's what happens when you cheat a "man" with the intellectual and emotional maturity of a four-year-old in the world's most powerful office. July 14, 2020   Election Integrity:   There is NO WAY that the left's plan to use entirely MAIL-IN BALLOTS will be safe, secure and free from FRAUD. No way. Look at the evidence:
July 14, 2020   andrew "Godfather" cuomo?:   There is more than enough evidence to show that he should be held accountable for the deaths of the hundreds of people who died in NY as the Covid-19 outbreak stormed through his state, but people are apparently afraid of him and think that he will never be charged or even held accountable in any way. Is that what a governor is supposed to be: feared? I think that he needs to be held accountable and that he needs to be kicked out of office by the good people of NY and that he needs to spend ten years (at least) in prison for his actions that caused the deaths of so many. It's ridiculous to be afraid of him unless he has mafia connections and he's like the crooktOOns who have so many deaths surrounding them. Is that what it is? July 14, 2020   Leftists Hate Us:   Do you support Pres. Donald J. Trump? Do you think he's done an excellent job and that when drs. falsie fauci and "scarf queen" birx (Rush's nickname for her) LIED to Pres. Trump that he did the best he could with the FALSE information he had? Do you think he shut down America to try to SAVE LIVES even though he was operating under FALSE information given to him by those two esteemed self-admitted LIARS? Well, if you support Pres. Donald J. Trump, you -- according to Senator hirono -- are a white supremacist. Because you support Pres. Trump you are a horrible person and you must hate people of other skin tones (she assumes that all Pres. Trump supporters are white, but she is wrong, as usual). Don't ya love how the left seems to think that "If X then Y" must ALWAYS be true? If you support Pres. Trump you must:
July 14, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Remember, this weekend we will be going to our Georgia farm so the week's postings may end on Thursday. We'll see if I can make it Friday, but I can't guarantee anything. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 15, 2020: 3:23 p.m.: Tax Day!   Gen. Michael Flynn:   He was targeted by themuslimvileone and it was so very WRONG that they have taken this so far and that it took so long for the TRUTH to come out even though it was all an ILLEGAL OP against an innocent man and the whole thing was an abomination against everything America stands for and believes in! It's continuation via the corrupt judge, emmet sullivan, and his refusal to drop the case is proving, yet again, that themuslimvileone has so transformed America via his deep state cohorts and co-conspirators that justice has a black eye bigger than ever seen before. There are those "Never Trumpers" who are still supporting the coup attempt and sounding off on the Gen. Flynn case, even though they are on the wrong side and they should really step back, remove their hatred of Pres. Trump first, then think about what if themuslimvileone had done this to them, or someone in their family? What would their opinion of the situation be then? I think their tone would be totally different in that case, don't you think? July 15, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   When people see him at the (probably single) debate he'll agree to do with Pres. Donald J. Trump, what will they think when they see that he can't remember his own "beliefs" or platform (can hardly remember his name!)? What will that mean to the people who really want to vote for someone other than Pres. Donald J. Trump? Will they "settle for biden" as one woman encourages others to do, or will they just stay home? Will his endorsement of aoc's and bernie's agendas be enough to make people vote for him, or will his memory problems make them realize that he won't recall his plans to do so if he does -- by crook and by cheat -- get "elected"? When he is refusing to take questions will those who want to support him actually be able to say that they are voting for him, or just voting against Pres. Donald J. Trump (who routinely tells the truth about bumblefingers)? When his "supporters" see him saying Arizona is a "city", will that even raise their eyebrows, or will they go back to saying, "That's just joe being joe"? He's pushing the "we only have 9 years left" LIE, but will he remember tomorrow that it's only nine years, or will tomorrow it be seven, twenty, or four? That's the problem: no one knows how long he will have as prezidunce if he gets cheated into office before the undisclosed VP (hillosercrooktOOn) gets sworn in due to his 25th Amendment problems. This is why we MUST VOTE in November for Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's only 110 DAYS away from the election and we still don't know who the VP will be for the dumboRATS. Why don't you hear about the dumboRAT National Convention happening anymore? Where will that happen? Has it happened already? Was it online? Who was nominated as the VP, if it has happened? Who will "guide" America if the dumboRATS get into office and bumblefingers cannot? That's an important thing, don't you think? Don't we deserve to know? Shouldn't we have that right? Shouldn't we get to know what is happening over there where the candidate of record (not necessarily the one they'll go with) cannot fulfill his responsibilities? Remember how America will be impacted if the dumboRATS win. Then vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump for President. It's the ONLY sane thing to do! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or mumbling senile leftie.) July 15, 2020   Tyranny:   Wow. This is a beyond the pale, power pushing idiot who loves to be in your business. Michigan Gov. whitmer used the EAS (Emergency Alert System) to mandate mask wearing! Really? Yep. What a madwoman. Mad with power, that is. July 15, 2020   I have something to do after a late start for today, so I'm sorry, but I have to go now. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 17, 2020: 2:27 p.m.   I only have a few minutes to do this today because, like yesterday, life is busy! We leave for our Georgia farm in a few hours and I've run errands and done housework all day so far, now I'll try to do a few subjects that I think are important, then I will shut it down and load Ace up and await my hubby's return from work and we'll drive up there. It's fun going to our farm, but it's a lot of work and a lot of effort. Between getting ready down here to go north (ensuring that we take the things that we want to take with us -- food, decorative items, tools, etc. -- to getting the things our son will need as he takes care of the cats we have to make sure certain things are done), the work we do up there (pantry this time, but we've already done the renovations of the family room, hallway, two of three bathrooms, the entire kitchen including cabinets and flooring, the outside work, etc.) and then getting ready to return (gathering, locking out buildings after putting things away in them, loading the vehicle up, turning things off and closing things up, etc.), it's a lot of work but very worth it! So that is what's on my plate. How about yours? July 17, 2020   Covid-19:   They're still LYING TO US about the numbers and they won't stop until AFTER the election because they think that the Covid-19 thing was highly effective the first time it was tried and now they're going to push it HARD until Nov. 4th and then it will be as if it never happened: especially if hillosercrooktOOn and bumblefingersbiden win. That's when roses and rainbows will return to America because all will be well with the world when Pres. Donald J. Trump is defeated, leaving office one way or another and an idiot, corrupt, evil, dumboRAT is going to replace him. That's the push. That's why the msm is trying to destroy the economy again via focusing on C-19 and telling us to be afraid again and that we need a second lockdown because if not, we're all allegedly going to die! Cue former Surgeon General, jocelyn elders, "We're all going to die of something sometime!", right? Yes, but that doesn't mean that the msm and the left has to LIE about what is actually happening with C-19. We know they're LYING about the numbers in Florida, so where else are they LYING about it? How many other states are being told that they have a HUGE number of positives and people dying left and right? Well, it looks like they're people who die in motorcycle accidents! That's skewing the numbers and that tells me that they're TRYING TO CONTROL YOU again and they're trying to make the economy tank again and trying to defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump by making you lose faith in him and his ideas and goals. Let's defeat them by hanging on and believing in America! We can do this! July 17, 2020   rbg:   She has been diagnosed with cancer again and that was back in May, so she's been under treatment for a while now. I wonder if the left will allow Pres. Trump to even nominate a replacement for her if the need arises and we're looking at a second term (please, Lord!) of Pres. Donald J. Trump. If he gets to appoint two more SCOTUS judges (or more?) we could have a court that would be most often Conservative and originalist. That would be GREAT for America and I hope, pray and want that to happen! July 17, 2020   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   The Pentagon, the pansies of the military, has been training our soldiers in "anti-bias" (read: "Hating Whiteness"). The material is ridiculous and its cost is way too much for the crap they got. You don't raise the esteem of ANYONE by lowering the esteem of others! It's ridiculous to say "You should hate yourself because you're white and you have 'white privilege'!" when NO ONE has a choice as to who their parents are! I can no more change who conceived me than can you. Why should I be guilty of being "white" (I prefer the term, "A person who is peach-toned with rosey highlights that used to be known as a 'white' person.", thank you very much!) If you can't call me that, then don't say I'm "white"! Printer paper is white, a white crayon is white, primer paint is white, not I! I have melatonin, just not as much as some people. So don't call me white. I refuse your moniker and I refuse your demand that I hate myself and admit that I have so-called "white privilege". No. I do not have "white privilege". I am a human as are you and we share the same blood -- especially if you're covered with the blood of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior -- and if you needed my blood to save your life tomorrow, I would donate the pint that I can spare. I will NOT bow to anyone except Jesus Christ and I will NOT say anything about me being "privileged"! No one can make me do so! July 17, 2020   Vote Integrity:   Wow. I didn't expect this! The SCOTUS refused to give felons the vote until AFTER they pay their court-ordered fines/restitution. Hm. That's an amazing thing. I like it, though. After all, if you're going to get your vote back, that would mean that you have paid your debt to society -- including the monetary portion -- IN FULL. If you haven't paid the ordered restitution, or fines, whatever, then you are not "free and clear" of all of the steps ordered and you shouldn't receive the right to vote again until you are. That's a great ruling by the SCOTUS. I'm shocked! July 17, 2020   Corrupt dumboRATS:   Well, it's started already. The dumboRATS in TX have been paying people but for what, we can't figure out. Is it to VOTE FOR THE DUMBORAT, or is it to RIOT AND BREAK THINGS, or what? The scary part is that there is a KNOWN TERRORIST in charge of the money being spent. "What’s the big deal? Susan Rosenberg was a member of the Weather Underground terrorist group, which included Obama friend Bill Ayers."She spent time in prison for her deeds and she went to prison because "Rosenberg was sentenced to 58 years in federal prison after being arrested for possession of explosives and weapons during the planning of a number of bombing operations. [1] She was also a suspect in a 1981 armored car robbery which left one guard and two officers dead."She's distributing money to many people in Texas, and who knows where else? What is she up to besides trying to get hillosercrooktOOn into office? Remember, it was bullybobcrooktOOn who pardoned her on his last day in office. So to whom does she owe here loyalties? Ma-damn prezidunce, anyone? July 17, 2020   I'm going to close with that today. I have to get ready to go to our farm. Pantry renovation and mowing the lawn await! Oh, boy! Have a great weekend! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 20, 2020: 2:56 p.m.   Only a few blurbs today because we stayed at the farm last night until 3:20 a.m. due to being too tired to drive. We mowed and mowed yesterday in 98 degree heat and that wore us out. We got some sleep (not much for me) and headed home so my hubby could be at work today. We arrived about 8:00 this morning, but I'm tired and having trouble staying awake. So, not many blurbs today because I don't want to nod off while online. I don't like doing that. Let's get started. July 20, 2020   Covid-19:   Why is it still being called a "pandemic" when we know for a FACT that the numbers have been exaggerated -- in Florida, there have been absolutely LIED ABOUT -- so why are we even dignifying it withat the "pandemic" title when we KNOW that the numbers are LIES? Despite this TRUTH, there are idiot, tyrannical dumboRAT governors who are doing the unthinkable: putting people under HOUSE ARREST because they refuse to sign a government paper about their positive test results. Is that America? Heck NO! We've been LIED TO by the msm and by the lefties in politics! We should STOP USING THE TERM "PANDEMIC" and start calling it a current norovirus! It's no longer a "pandemic" it's a virus that's going around! It's like the flu, a common cold, etc. All viruses -- all infectious diseases -- can kill people who already have underlying health problems. It's not as if this is any different! If you have asthma and get pneumonia, it's going to have a greater impact on you, but those who have asthma or other conditions (COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, etc.) are of course going to be having difficulties. But it cannot be a pandemic with a LIE being the basis of the verbage! Stop calling it a "pandemic"! It is A LIE! July 20, 2020   crooktOOn death list grows:   Yes, there has been another death that could be associated with protecting the crooktOOns. A judge looking into the pedophile, jeffery epstein's finances was in the basement of her house when a guy dressed as a Fed Ex driver rang the bell and shot two family members, her son died and her husband was critically wounded. That's one way to be sure that the judge rules in favor of whatever the crooktOOns want. It makes sure she gets the right message: rule in our favor, or this will happen to you, too. Leaving her alive but scared spitless (to be nice about it) is a good way to ensure that the ruling is going to prevent double jeopardy and protect themselves from further digging and further investigations? Even more convenient, the shooter then "shot himself" (note the quotation marks around that). So who will uncover how epstien got his millions? Who knows? But they'd better hire massive security before they start down that path. Right? July 20, 2020   $$$$ in Elections:   When you give to the political party of your choice, it's a form of speech, that's what the SCOTUS ruled years ago and it's something that people -- and companies, according to the ruling -- can give and it is protected by the U.S. Constitution. That's why it's good to see that the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has broken yet another fundraising record. I changed my political party affiliation a few weeks ago and I am now a registered Republican. This way I get to vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump in the primaries next month and I can add to his overall total. Love that. It makes the lefties panic when they see his numbers and I like that. I like to see the left get uncomfortable. It's a good thing, especially when you see how much support Pres. Trump really has. It's easy to see it when you count the number of "Trump" signs compared to the number of "Biden" signs already out. There isn't just an "enthusiasm gap", but there's a real, tangible support and trust gap out there. People don't think the bumblefingersbiden is all there, has the ability to fulfill the office's requirements and rigors of being prezidunce. (If bumblefingers had half the ability he would need, why are they hiding him in the basement?) Actually, bumblefingers is doing well in fundraising categorty, thanks to billionaires and millionaires giving him money who want to get favors from him, hoping to give in exchange for whatever they request. "Contributors writing six-figure checks for Biden included media executive Rupert Murdoch's son James, liberal investor George Soros, Twitter Inc founder Evan Williams and "Jaws" director Steven Spielberg, the filings showed. [my bolding]"He's getting huge donations from these people; people we know are not for the "American way", but who back Communism, Marxism, etc. Is this whom you wish to have influence over the most powerful person in America and the world? July 20, 2020   Last Link:   My hubby just got home so I will close with this wonderful Gary Varvel political cartoon. Is that what you want? Enjoy the rest of your day! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 22, 2020: 2:40 p.m.   Sorry about missing yesterday. Got busy and life happened and it was too late to sit down and do updates before I had to head out to PT. After PT, it's hubby's time to be home and I try to not do updates while he's here because we enjoy spending time together, working or relaxing it's always better. Anyways, PT is still going well. My shoulder is not hurting much lately unless I overdo things and then I do feel it, but not as much as before after over-exertion. It's nice to be almost mended and I fully credit my PT folks for that. They are making things work properly and my scapula is no longer "winging" (sticking out at an angle when I use my arm). It's all good and I thank the PT angels for it. That's that, so let's start with the blurbs for today. July 22, 2020   Election Necessities:   We know that if the left gets ahold of the House, Senate and White House (heaven forbid!) that we will head back down the destructive road of themuslimvileone's era. That's why it's so important to VOTE REPUBLICAN this November 3rd, so that we can grow our economy, return to very low unemployment numbers and return to higher wages than we've ever seen across the board. Right now, the U.S. Senate is a firewall, protecting us against the pelosickpig's cohorts in the House dumboRATS, as they try their best to continue the destruction of America and all of our freedoms -- why are we all wearing masks? -- and we'll see aoc, mad maxine "The MOUTH" waters' world become the reality of America's demise. Is that what you want? Do you want to see more cops ordered to ABANDON PROTECTING PEOPLE because their leftist dumboRAT bosses told them to do so? Do you want to see more wanton destruction that affect people's lives, livelihood and taxes? Do you want to see more tech companies censoring Americans who disagree with the leftist agenda of the CEOs and board members? Do you want to see the left use the "justice system" as a way to punish those who protect themselves and disagree with them because the left has the power to do so and no one will stop them if they control all of those powers above them? Do you want to see more of that? If so, stay home, don't vote, or vote for the "NPA", "Independent", "Libertarian", or other party who will take votes away from Pres. Donald J. Trump and the Republicans who may not be perfect, but who -- together if they control the House, Senate and White House -- can work to rebuild America as they did for those two blessed years as Pres. Trump was elected and the House and Senate went to Republican control. That's when we had the best growth and best everything else! We are at what is probably the MOST IMPORTANT election in America's last 100 years. If the dumboRATS get into power in ANY of the two elected branches of the government (President or House/Senate), there will be NO MORE AMERICA. We will be gone. I am not talking about my family leaving; America will be D.O.A. (Dead On Arrival) of the dumboRATS who are elected into power this November. There is NO DOUBT about that if they have the majority in both the House and Senate, but especially if they get all three: House, Senate and White House! We MUST VOTE and we MUST VOTE FOR THE MOST CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN RUNNING! Do NOT vote for a third party candidate in the federal elections. It's more important than not liking the candidate's Tweets. It's about the life of the nation! Do this or you are responsible for the death of America. Please, for all that is important to you and for all this is precious in your life. Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump and for the Republican House/Senate candidate who is going to support Pres. Donald J. Trump! Don't vote for RINOS or Never Trumpers even if they have an "R" behind their names! America is at stake! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or crappy America-hating leftist!) July 22, 2020   Court Martial Her:   I don't think that military members lose their First Amendment right to Free Speech just because they are in the uniform, but I do believe that while they are in uniform they need to behave properly and they need to show respect for their superior officers -- especially their Commander In Chief! You don't stand in public in uniform and yell to "F" him! That's just not kosher! It's time for her to learn to conduct herself while in uniform with some proper decorum. She needs to be courts martial, dishonorably discharged and shown the back door (no front door exits for her). Let her make her way with that; no benefits due to lack of honorable discharge, too. No educational benefits, no medical benefits, no financial benefits (the G.I. Bill, etc.). She needs to be gone and an example set for others who may feel the same way. If you want to denigrate your C.I.C., do so out of uniform and without identifying yourself as a member of the U.S. military. That's also what should happen to Lt.Col. vindman, and the others who are in leadership positions and who spoke in uniform. It's time that decorum return to the U.S. military. July 22, 2020   blm:   I love that there are people who are following the example of Judicial Watch after they asked for permission to do a "No One Is Above The Law" mural on a D.C. street after the mayor painted the "blm" logo on a street. Now we see that there are people who asked to do a "MAGA" painting in Redwood City because if the streets were going to be used for political signs then the city had to allow both sides of the political spectrum to have a voice on the streets. That made the city back down and paint over the "blm" logo and it's a good thing! If you have people who are afraid of having both sides represented, then there is reason to have NO sides represented on the streets of any city. It's not a "one-sided freedom" when it comes to painting on the streets, or at least, it should NOT be. Let's see more people standing up to the "blm" hooligans and mayors and make the city leaders do their jobs and stop favoring the left and make "Equal Justice" under the law be observed, not just given lip service! I think that to sum it up, this painting in front of a PP clinic is perfect because it says "Baby Lives Matter!" and if the blm message is going to be allowed, then so should that! Great job to the person/people who did this! July 22, 2020   Doxxing Conservatives:   It's gotten so ridiculous and dangerous that there are some people who will not even admit that they are going to vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump. The msm is willing to doxx people -- from Tucker Carlson to the "average Joe" -- if that person is being too effective against them. If it's not the msm doing the doxxing, it's some leftist idiot on the left tweeting the personal info of someone who is making a difference and changing hearts and minds. They are twitter-doxxed because that person is a danger to the leftists' agenda, to keeping people afraid of crossing the left, to keeping power because that is the whole agenda of the left: POWER. Now the msm thinks it's okay to do so because it serves their agenda and the new york times wants to doxx Tucker Carlson. High class idea for the "paper of record" -- or should it now be not "the paper of record" but the "paper of power and control"? Sounds more like it to me! July 22, 2020   bumblefingersbiden:   I think I'll change his nickname here from "bumblefingers" to "bumblebrainbiden", after all, he's not quite all there anymore. He could take his brain cells out and play with them if he had any left to play with. He is so far gone that his handlers have to interupt in order to keep him from embarrassing himself again (although he never realizes he's having a problem, and if he does realize it, he forgets it again in half a minute!). It's sad that he is having this problem, but what is even sadder still is that his wife -- the woman who is supposed to LOVE him the most -- is allowing this elder abuse to continue even though she realizes (she MUST) that her husband is not all there. She is abusing her husband so that what? She can get the title of "First Lady" for a few hours? So that she can have a few days in the White House? Everyone knows that she will be outta' there as soon as anyone on the left can figure out how to spell/write 25th Amendment (trust me, they won't ask bumblebrain)! It's sad that there is NO ONE on earth who will protect this old man! Where is HHS standing up and saying, "No. You don't get to abuse this confused, bungled, addled brain anymore!" Where is the person who loves him enough to protect him from the schedule, the embarrassment, the frustration? Is there no one on earth who will do that for an old man like bumblebrain? Does his son, hunter, not love him, or is it more convenient to not admit that it's abuse because hunter gets more foreign money if Daddy is in power somehow, somewhere. Isn't that sad? Sad that his family is so desirous of more "filthy lucre" that they won't protect him? July 22, 2020   Indict themuslimvileone:   It is true! It's TIME to indict the administration of themuslimvileone; including themuslimvileone himself, although that is not what the current U.S.A.G., "Barring Justice" Barr, seems to want: "Ask yourself why AG Barr fights Judicial Watch in virtually every FOIA lawsuit seeking records over [themuslimvileone's] coup plot. Why does he permit the FBI to claim in court that their agents’ text messages on their government phones are not government records? That’s insultingly preposterous – but it is the Justice Department’s position. Your tax dollars in action."Why is William Barr NOT cooperating in getting to the TRUTH for the American people? He works for US, "We, The People" employ him! Why is he protecting the former administration's evil? Why are we not getting "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW"!? Fire him or get indictments and convictions. It's time! July 22, 2020   Covid-19:   I refuse to call this a "pandemic" anymore. It is NOT a "pandemic" (cannot be) when they LIE to us about the numbers all the time. We've been "hornswaggled" for this whole thing. It's NOT a "pandemic"; it's a "controldemic"! They have found yet another way to control us, like in the airport "safety steps" and taking off your shoes, not packing your shampoo or hand lotion in your carryon luggage unless it's under so many ounces and in a small bottle and in a plastic bag (so much protection against explosives!). That's what this LIE is about: CONTROL. Otherwise, they wouldn't be LYING to us so much that we no longer believe them! Take, for instance, the latest lie about this "controldemic": Covid-19 was not spread by the blm/antifa riots. Yeah. Right. And I'm the Tooth Fairy. It's absurd. This is not about the illness, it's about CONTROLLING YOU. That's what this is: a "controldemic"! July 22, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 24, 2020: 11:22 a.m.   Missed yesterday because I had things to do before PT and I got those things done, but it didn't leave time for updates. Sorry about that. Let's get started today. July 24, 2020   Shrinking Oregon?:   The rural areas of Oregon are tired of the city folks ruining things for them, tired of their control over the legislature and tired of their votes controlling who represents them in the U.S. House and Senate. Thus, there is a move afoot to secede from Oregon and join Idaho. Wow! Did you think you'd see that? I like it, but would it not be better to stay in the state and just FIGHT BACK and not allow the left to ruin the state in the first place? Get active and get their neighbors active, fight back and stop the nonsense via lawsuits, forming their own groups and organizations to start meeting with the legislators and telling them what consequences they face if the votes do not represent the rural areas as well as the looney-left city dwellers? Of course, I'm not there and I can't say that they have not tried such a thing, but if they have and it didn't matter, then why not leave the state in which lunacy reigns and join a state where the majority still have working grey cells? July 24, 2020   Our Universe:   There's a new bit of information out there thanks to the new eBOSS telescope but it raises as many questions as it gives answers. It says the universe is flat, and "about 69% of our universe’s energy is dark energy." Oooh. That sounds mysterious and intriguing, does it not? "Dark energy" sounds like such a puzzle, but I bet that if people read the BIBLE they'd find the answer there to "dark energy". Science is all over the Bible, did you know that? For instance, the "Father of Oceanography" is a man named Matthew Maury, and he saw the phrase "paths of the sea" in Psalm 8:8 and realized that there must be a current that would be a "path" and, sure enough, there is! He aslo found the jet stream in Ecclesiastes 1 in the Bible: "6 The wind blows southward,and with those two things modern day Oceanography and weather forecasting became possible. Although people scoffed at him, he stood firm in the belief that the Bible has science within it because GOD created the "heavens and the earth" so where better to put science than in His Word? In fact, Maury wrote "[Science and the Bible] are both true; and when your men of science, with vain and hasty conceit, announce the discovery of disagreement between them, rely upon it: the fault is not with the Witness or His records [that is, God], but with the “worm” [sinful human] who essays [attempts] to interpret evidence which he does not understand."I bet you a buck-and-a-half that "dark energy" is in the Bible (and I don't mean satan!). Is it in Genesis 1: "2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep."?Or is that just the "insert" that man made? Hm? July 24, 2020   Racism in the nyt:   With a ridiculousness beyond belief, the nyt, the "paper or record", says that "nice white parents" are to blame for ... Drum roll, please!... "preventing black and brown children from succeeding in public schools".Yep. It's my Mom's fault that "children of color" are falling behind in public schools. Shame on her! I'll have to call her and tell her that she's a bad, bad woman and that she is a racist because she didn't send her kids -- my siblings and I -- to integrated public schools. Well, the problem with that is that it's not just wrong, but it's stupid. My Mom didn't have a choice in where we went to school. I attended school with kids of all religions, races, creeds and IQs. I was an Air Force brat and quite often throughout our childhood we attended schools on military bases that educated all of us the same, mixed together, getting along because we were not taught to hate each other, envy each other, blame each other, or to consider each other "oppressors". We played on the playground together, sharing or swapping things at lunch time, playing ball games together, climbing the "monkey bars" (not PC to call them that now) together, playing clapping games together (remember "Miss Mary Mack all dressed in black with silver buttons all down her back..."?). If that's being a racist, I have a feeling my Mom will take that as a compliment because some of my school friends, friends in the neighborhood, church friends were "of color" and it didn't matter to any of us. The same goes with our parents; their friends and coworkers were not all white, we accepted people because they were nice and because they accepted us. There weren't a lot of lefties out there stirring things up and finding -- making up "microaggressions" -- and we liked each other. The nyt is slandering a whole generation (several generations, probably) of people and giving yet another excuse to those who want an automatic "out" of their own responsibility to their own failures. If you have a built-in, pull it out of the pocket "out" of personal responsibility, a lot of people take it: I'm dyslexic, I'm ADHD, I've got social anxiety, I've got anything else I can think of to not take responsibility, I'm too lazy and snowflakey to own up to the fact that I want everything without having to try or work for it! I want to CONTROL YOU because I have feeeeeeeeellllinngggsss! Right? July 24, 2020   Bye-Bye Baseball:   Sigh. Well, I won't be watching any baseball ever again. It's not a good thing that the left has decided to make sports cave to their demands but that's what the MLB organization has decided to do. Even the coaches of the yankees and nationals took a knee during the playing of our national anthem and that means that it's time for them to pay the price for their dishonoring the American flag and the men and women who DIED for her and for America! It's time that we Americans who love our nation put our money where our mouths are. We should not watch MLB, buy any of their products, or go to their games since they have decided that the deaths of all of those serving in the U.S. Military since our Founding can be spat upon with their kneeling during our national anthem. I think the same goes for ANY sport that condones kneeling: curling, bowling, Nascar, badminton, hockey, chess, whatever! IF they have the majority kneeling and they don't stand against it, don't ever support that! July 24, 2020   falsie fauci:   Speaking of mlb, why is it that we see DR. LIAR watching a baseball game without wearing the mask he wants US to wear, and during the time when mlb has decided to kneel during our national anthem? I think that speaks volumes as to who he is. Agree? July 24, 2020   Condolences:   A Gateway Pundit writer has been found dead after a welfare check. Prof. Mike Adams was forced out of his position at UNC Wilmington after snowflake students signed a petition for his dismissal for his "racist tweets". I don't know if he committed suicide (his death is still under investigation) or if he had something on the crooktOOns that we were not aware of (was he investigating the Seth Rich murder?), but whatever is found I hope that the TRUTH is told and that if there was foul play that the person/people responsible will be found, indicted, prosecuted, found guilty and sentenced to the death penalty. IF someone killed him, they deserve the same thing they did to him. My condolences to his loved ones. July 24, 2020   thevilegeorgesoros:   This is why we MUST do our due diligence during elections and find out who the people running are after they leave the podium of their stump speeches. They can LIE to your face without blinking an eye and tell you everything they believe you want to hear and then when they get elected, they will do anything they can to undermine America and the TRUTH. We also have to find out who is FUNDING their campaigns. For instance, EVERY campaign funded by thevilegeorgesoros is a LEFTY who HATES AMERICA or he would not be funding them. Are you supporting someone who HATES AMERICA? Find out by looking into who is giving to their campaign. You may be able to listen to their speeches and hear the hatred there, but some of them are very good liars (as are bullybobcrooktOOn and themuslimvileone), so you have to look at from whom they are accepting donations. Remember, though, that it's not just the donors who will tell you who they are. It's also their associations, their memberships, their own donations to other candidates and causes. Look for all of these and you will see who the candidates really are. Otherwise, you get RINOS, Never-Trumpers, and lefties of all stripes who hate America and want Socialism/Marxism/Communism in offices that will affect your life and your children's lives. Is that what you want? If not BE DILIGENT in your research into the candidates. Dig deep. Know for whom you are voting or you will face the consequences of your laziness. That's why I told my husband that today and tomorrow I will be focusing on digging into the candidates for this election and I will try to post my results and endorsements next week. I have to dig deeply because I don't want RINOS and lefties in office. I want solid, good, strong, Christian Conservatives in office because that's what is best for America and our children! July 24, 2020   Polls Schmolls:   There is a poll out that says that Pres. Trump LEADS in 7/10 of the battleground states, when other polls are saying that bumbletongue is leading. I think that the pollsters are being LIED TO and that people are doing so to mess polls up and give the left a false sense of security, or just because they want to mess with the polls. The number of people who do pick up the phones for an unidentified number is shrinking, but when pollsters poll only 25% of their calls as likely Trump voters, you know that they are not speaking to as many Trump supporters as they are those who will support dumboRATS. That's the way they get the numbers that show bumbletongue winning: it's called "weighting" the poll and it's a way of getting the results you WANT. It doesn't matter until November 3rd when we go to the election POLLS and we VOTE for Pres. Donald J. Trump and prove the leftist pollsters WRONG AGAIN! We must vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump if we want to keep America as America, instead of signing her death warrant via voting for ANYONE else. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or America hating commie!) July 24, 2020   Polls Shmolls 2:   This poll you may give some weight to. First, it was conducted by the Cato Institute. Second, it is about politics, but in favor of or against a political candidate. Third, it's something that I totally believe is correct, if a little off in one particular number. They found 62% of Conservatives are afraid to speak their minds because they worry about being harmed, fired, or otherwise have negative consequences. I think that the number of 62% is a little low because I think that no one wants to admit that they have censored themselves because they were afraid of speaking out. I think that the number is much higher; more like 88%. Even I (bold, boisterous moi) have censored myself in certain situations (family gatherings where I would be lighting a match and throwing it into a pile of old newspapers) to prevent flare ups. I have even censored myself in front of strangers because I didn't know the stranger's politics and I didn't want to start something that may wind up with a shouting match or worse. If I -- who has the most brashly Conservative website available -- censor myself (rarely) at times, I'm sure others do moreso. Or am I less brave than I consider myself? July 24, 2020   I will close with that for today. I will spend the next few days and evenings looking into the candidates for this election and I will post my endorsements sometime next week. Enjoy your weekend. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 29, 2020: 2:52 p.m.   Boy, life happens fast! I didn't realize that I had missed so many days because life was going by at the speed of busy! I'll do a few blurbs today, because it's late, but tomorrow I don't know if I will be able to do blurbs because I have PT (last day!) and I may or may not go from PT to Georgia. We'll see how that works out but that's what we're thinking right now. So today may be the last day for posting this week. Part of my being busy has been research for the political endorsements I will be doing for this election. I will post those no later than next week, Wednesday, IF life doesn't interfere. That's the plan, at least. I would love to have the endorsements up tonight, since I have done a lot of the research, but that depends on what happens when my hubby gets home; he may have plans I don't know about as yet. Life happens in five minute increments here so "the best laid plans of [moi] often go astray". We'll see. For now, let's get started. July 29, 2020   Commie Influence:   You want to know why so many "college educated" (and I use the word "educated" loosely) Americans hate America? It's because China has had a deep hand in our colleges for years! They've influenced our teaching, had professors in the pockets, paid the institutions to be favorable to the Commie way, etc., so that the students who come out of those institutions will be more inclined toward the Commie lifestyle and Commie way so that when China makes a move on America, it will already have thousands and thousands of lefties who hate America and love Communism already in place to help them take over America. Isn't that what you want? Isn't that the way that lefties do things: take power and money from Commies and those who hate America first and then be ready to betray America when the time comes and they think they'll be part of the power structure instead of one of the people who go straight to the gulags because they know the TRUTH of how this coup happened and they must be silenced? Yep. That's the left for ya'. They want power at any and all costs, probably because no one liked them at school and they want to feel popular now. It's all about fixing their pre-pubescent nightmares at any and all costs. July 29, 2020   bumbletongue:   LOL! He's such a mess. It's sad that no one -- no one, not even his wife (who is supposed to love him), his children (ditto), nor his "best friends" (who are supposed to care about him at least a little) -- are standing up for his guy and saying, "NO! Stop this! Stop using and abusing someone who has no clue about what he's talking about, can hardly put two coherent sentences together and who can't recall what he's saying for more than two minutes straight! Stop this elder abuse!" My hubby's grandfather had Alzheimer's and if someone tried to put him through this kind of public spectacle we would ALL -- en masse -- have put an immediate and permanent stop to the abuse. He was in no condition to do the kinds of things they are asking bumbletongue to do but Grandpa had people who cared about him deeply; without caring about any power they could resultingly recieve if allowing the abuse! It's ridiculous that the bumbletongue's family keeps allowing this farce, but since they are, we may as well be sure that the people thinking of voting for him (party only, I'm sure) know what they're getting. For instance, he welcomed people to the wrong community center, after checking his notes. While there, he had to check his list of names of reporters to call on (all with pre-approved questions, I'm sure). Then, he had to have a note to himself to not hold a grudge against kamala harris, his presumptive VP pick (don't believe it). Or IF it is harris, she will take over soon after he's sworn in because of his mental incapacity and then her VP pick (hillosercrooktOOn) will be the VP, and harris will have a sudden bout of depression and off herself, making hillosercrooktOOn or second -- but longest serving -- female prezidunce (DNA only). While bumblefingers steals Pres. Donald J. Trump's MAGA idea with different verbage, "Build Back Better" (awkward, but okay; note it's not "GREAT", just "Better". Sigh.), he probably can't say his own campaign slogan correctly considering that he wants us to work on the "crimate clisis"! Really? Amazing. They want people to vote for this? They want people to believe that he is going to be capable of running a country, make a decision to execute a war with a foreign nation, of figuring out how to help our economy? Those are all things a president has to deal with, but bumbletongue can't deal with tying his own shoe or even remembering what state/city/community center he's in, so how on earth is he supposed to run a country? They really want people to believe him capable? Really? No. They're lying to you. Anytime they have to LIE to you, they're manipulating you and trying to get control and power over you. Remember that and don't let them do so. Vote against those who LIE to you and lying is the dumboRATS' modus operandi, proven over and over and over and over and over and over again. Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump for President on November 3, 2020 if you want to save this nation from becoming a socialist/communist nation. Remember the Chinese are already dumping big money and effort into our colleges and buying property left and right here in America. If they get ahold of the presidency (bumbletongue has already been bought by China) what will become of America? Vote Trump 2020! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or Commie-owned bumbletongue.) July 29, 2020   Covid-19 NONdemic:   This whole illness could be done away with if we were given hydroxychloroquine, according to a YALE epidemiologist, as well as a "White Coat Summit" of doctors who held a press conference on the steps of the SCOTUS, all saying that if Americans were given hydroxychloroquine we would all be okay. The problem is, the TECH GIANTS -- and a small company I used to respect, SquareSpace, took down the video of the press conference, 20 MILLION people had seen the video of the press conference, even if the msm didn't run the press conference. Now the tech giants (little minds, big money) have decided that the TRUTH doesn't matter and that they have the power to silence the TRUTH and they will do so if it lets the dumboRATS continue to use this NONdemic as a power tool over us. That's what happened. Doctors -- people with real medical degrees and who have been practicing and treating this disease successfully with hydroxychloroquine for months -- have said that it works but the lefties don't want you to know about that. They don't want to SAVE LIVES with the TRUTH, so that they can have POWER. Isn't it wonderful that the left prefers POWER to SAVING LIVES? Isn't that special? When this thing is looked back upon twenty years from now, the truth will show that the LIES the msm and the left are telling are just that: a pack of misleading, controlling LIES. Lies like it's just as deadly for children as for the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions (asthma, etc.), and that MILLIONS of Americans have died from it, but the truth is the CDC lumps pneumonia, influenza and Covid-19 into ONE category: It is so bad that "the Times has felt the need to go back and change a crucial passage in it, softening but not eliminating its unsupported assertion about slavery and the Revolution."That's gotta' hurt. The whole thing was a LIE to start with -- lefties don't know how to do anything but lie -- and it was so blatantly a LIE, that the NYTimes OWN historian and fact checker read the thing and "[I}dentified numerous other mistakes that she pointed out to the Times ahead of the publication of The 1619 Project, but no action was taken."Those "other mistakes" were besides the main LIE that the Revolutionary War was fought to "presserve slavery" in America. Yeah. It was ALL A LIE. It's from a bunch of lefties, what else would we expect? By the way, if you want to know the TRUTH about America's Founding Fathers and even before our Founding Fathers, go to Wallbuilders.com or visit their YouTube channel and watch their educational -- TRUTH and TRULY EDUCATIONAL, not LIES -- and you will be taught what your shools and colleges left out about America. We ARE a CHRISTIAN NATION! October 8, 2020   Last Link:   Tuesday I wrote that USB said something else racist and that two black women had come out in support of him anyways, but I put a little spin on it. I must wonder if the political cartoonist who did this cartoon, Tom Stiglich, was reading my mind. October 8, 2020   Enjoy the rest of your day. Remember, our plans changed (as far as I know they may change again! Five minutes!), so I may not be here tomorrow. We may or may not stay until Monday evening since Monday is Columbus Day so that would be a "freebie" for my hubby. We'll see when we get there. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 13, 2020: 3:28 p.m.   Had a great time at the farm! Did some more landscape changes via cutting down the overgrown fence line and did the last little bit of the kitchen work via finishing the inside of our pantry. We had to figure out the shelves, trim it out inside (baseboards, corner mouldings, etc.) and we are still trying to get the rest of our plans done. Fencing, renovating the master suite, renovating the living room (probably tearing out the built-in shelving) and replacing the carpeting throughout, those kinds of things. It's going to be gorgeous and updated when it's done, but it's going to be a lot of work. Anyone want to volunteer? October 13, 2020   Deep State:   The coup attempt against Pres. Donald J. Trump is being slowly unravelled and as that happens it is even further proof that the whole thing was made up, as we've known. It's all a bunch of hooey, and we know that, but the left -- especially hillosercrooktOOn and Mad Mouth maxine waters. They are the liars who seem to think that just because they're saying it, people -- their followers -- will automatically believe it. That means that either they think their followers are so stupid they'll believe anything they say, or that they believe their followers trust them that much, which is a really bad idea. Either way, the whole "Russian collusion" LIE is a PROVEN LIE and people need to realize that. October 13, 2020   Amy Coney Barrett:   She's putting the left -- and the right sometimes, too! -- to shame because as she answers hours worth of really stupid "questions" and thinly veiled accusations, from Senators with piles of notes from staff investigations and hours of work, she doesn't use notes, but answers the questions correctly, properly and accurately. That's pretty impressive. She may not have been the left's favorite, but she's knocking it out of the park for the right! October 13, 2020   Election Integrity:   In Virginia, a fiber optic cable that services the Supervisor of Elections office was severed during construction (assumption on my part that it was "construction" that created the severed fiber optic cable; there wasn't a definitive cause of the damage given, but that's what I have seen as the reason over the years). So the people in Virginia who were trying to get their voter registration done on the last day of eligibility could not do it. They couldn't change their party affiliation, check to ensure their address was correct, or anything else. I wonder what they're going to do: extend the deadline as the Lt. Governor has called for, or just say, "Oh, well!" It's something I will keep an eye on. October 13, 2020   MAGA!:   Small business owners are getting optimistic about the future like they were before the NON-demic. I am thinking that they're getting optimistic because they believe -- as do I -- that Pres. Donald J. Trump is going to win re-election. I see that people are buying houses again, more jobs are available, and there's more good news out there but I don't have time to post it because my hubby called and is on the way home. That's what happens when I get a late start. Sorry. October 13, 2020   Last Link:   NON-demic:   The CDC has changed its mind (what they have of one) and now face masks are bad "'CDC: 85% of COVID-19 patients report ‘always’ or ‘often’ wearing a mask.'"So if you wear a face mask you are more prone to get Covid-19? Yet, many places are demanding that we wear them to go into their place of business? I wonder what would happen if I took a screen shot of the CDC's conclussion and showed it to them as my reason to NOT wear a mask to shop in their store. Would they still insist, and if so would I have the right to sue them if I did get sick? Just asking, folks. Just asking. October 13, 2020   Hubby's on the way home, so I'll go for today. I will try to see you tomorrow. Remember, I won't be here at all next week because we'll be going to Ohio to see my mother-in-law (oh, joy!). Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 14, 2020: 2:07 p.m.   Violent Leftists:   James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas, strikes again! This time he revealed how violent the left is willing to be, even before this antifa/blm crap started. They planned this violence, folks. The LEFT planned to be this violent, to kill people, to burn things, and they had their accomplices who placed pallets of bricks and baseball bats strategically around the cities they were rioting in. Now, we have proof that leftists don't care about right and wrong. It's getting their own way that matters and decides their new, situational right and wrong. Like this Colorado leftist who says that he's willing to kill random people because he wants to bring about change. His whole organization has infiltrated the Colorado dumboRAT party and the dumboRATS know how violent he is, but if that's what it takes to win, that's what the dumboRATS will allow. It's power at all costs for dumboRATS and it's all okay as long as they WIN. Don't you think that speaks volumes about their desire for power over you? They want power at any and all costs and if the dumboRAT party's acceptance of this violent hater is not proof enough, I don't know what is. Thank you, James O'Keefe for telling us the TRUTH! October 14, 2020   Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue:   Or should I say "Corrupt Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue"? We have even MORE PROOF that he and his son are as corrupt as can be, but even the NY Post has the story about Hunter Biden's corruption and that includes a Burisma official thanking Hunter for an introduction to his father, even though USB has denied having any knowledge of the company. You won't read about this on Fakebook because they've announced they'll be censoring this and won't allow anything of the sort on their service. Fakebook is protecting all of the dumboRATS and won't allow anyone to say anything bad about them. It's time to quit Fakbebook, if you haven't yet done so. Hunter has had a real problem with drug addiction and the device they got all of this info from even had videos and pics of him asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth! Class act. Even though we have the PROOF, the msm is still running interference for Hunter, trying to protect him and trying to protect USB's preziduncial run. I mean, really, how many Americans want a prezidunce who LIES to them about corruption within his own family, that he was a part of? The worst part of it is that the FEDS KNEW about this before the dumboRATS did their FAUXpeachment of Pres. Donald J. Trump but they went ahead with the farce anyways! How corrupt can you get!!? It's time for Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB) to bow out of the race, not just hide in the basement, because his protective instinct for his son makes him succeptible to BLACKMAIL. USB would do anything to protect Hunter. We've seen that over and over again. He would be a danger to us all if he were prezidunce because he has the nuclear codes. Would he give that up to save his son? Just asking. Just asking. October 14, 2020   Deep State:   The coup against Pres. Donald J. Trump that themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn and the DO[IN]J, FBLIE, etc., were involved in is now PROVEN to be a lot of LIES and circular hooey! We have the spread sheet to prove it, but I bet the msm doesn't cover this at all because they were part of it! They participated in the ciruclar hanging squad! IF I understand it correctly, the Deep State went to the msm and asked them to write a story about "X". The msm wrote the story, then the Deep State (FBLIE, etc.) went to a FISA court judge (probably one who is a leftist to begin with and totally sympathetic to their cause) with the msm story as PROOF that there was something going on in order to get a search warrant with the msm's LIE of a story! The FISA court willingly went along with them, then the FBLIE spied on Pres. Donald J. Trump and others in order to get information on them that they could use to make them drop out and win the election. They found nothing so they made things up -- the Steele dossier -- and used the msm to get the new LIES out to the public! That's how corrupt the left is! October 14, 2020   Judge Amy Coney Barrett:   Sigh. It's the same old tactics that the left uses daily against anyone who dares to think anything other than what they approve of and if you--"How dare you!"-- do, they must destroy you! Like the idiot from Hawaii (so sorry for you, Hawaii, for having such a numbskull as your Senator), mazie hirono asking ACB if she has ever been accused of innappropriate sexual advances, etc. (Yes. She actually asked ACB that question! SMH!) Then mazie decided to act offended because ACB responded by saying "sexual preference" instead of "sexual orientation". It's rather ridiculous, but that is the left! Judge Amy Coney Barrett is handling the left like a calm, collected, unharried professional and I love it! She's as cool as a cucumber and it's a wonder to behold! She's taking the dumboRAT VP's pick to school on how to be a great attorney! It's drool-worthy! Even when they attack her children's adoption she was amazing. I would have chopped heads off and kicked them out windows. She's got more patience than I, that's for certain! October 14, 2020   TDS:   Wow. The left is really insane and they don't know how to deal with someone -- anyone -- who won't kowtow to them. They are so demanding, wimpy and easily offended that they have problems with anyone and anything at any time, IF it will serve their purpose. For instance, nbc (the peacock network) is hosting a Pres. Trump townhall, and the left is so snowflakey (in more ways than one!) they they want to boycott nbc because how dare they do anything that could remotely be considered helping that man?! Orange man bad! The left doesn't want them to host a townhall for Pres. Trump. Will they cave? We'll find out. October 14, 2020   Envirottenmentalism:   Pres. Donald J. Trump is correct: "green energy is the worst". Is that really a surprise? Really? Wind turbines kill birds and aren't reliable, solar also kills birds and takes acres and acres. If they want to protect the environment, why put harmful solar panels on the land and ensure manufacturing of solar panels in which poisonous chemicals are used to create? It's worse than stupid, but that's the left on a daily basis anyways. October 14, 2020   NON-demic:   "Wear a mask! Wear a mask! WEAR A MASK!" We've been hearing it for months now and I have had to do so a few times, but for the most part, I have disobeyed that unconstitutional mandate (Where in the U.S. Constitution does it say that ANY government entity can make us wear a certain thing upon our bodies? Hm?) unless my hubby has told me to put one on. Now we know that masks don't work. Let me say that again, "MASKS DON'T WORK!" Nope. So for how long have you been wearing a mask because it protects you? Think of it this way. If you get near someone who has Covid-19 and you have a mask on, that C-19 virus is going to sit on your mask and you will inhale it slowly but surely as you breathe through that thing time and again and you are more likely to get it because it's sitting there, on your mask, breathing in, breathing in, breathing in... Yeah. That's what happens. Now, the CDC is saying that even getting together with a few family members is spreading C-19. Right. Like they told us to wear a mask, right? The left is in every government agency, every public position that they can get into. That's what themuslimvileone ensured while he was in office: stack deep state lefties as high, deep and wide into governemnt agencies as he could so that they'll still be around even if he -- or his chosen successors -- were not. It's about power and the left's eternal quest for total control over us. That's why we see it illustrated by lefties like Michigan tyrant, gretchen whitmer, and why it's so good to see her power hungriness and tyranny struck down by the court! She'll try to go around it, but she probably won't be re-elected when it's time, after all, there is an active RECALL movement against her! Go for it, Michiganders! October 14, 2020   Lefties' Illegalities:   In 2011, dumboRATS were in control of the House. In 2011, the 257 dumboRATS, with the signature of themuslimvileone, created an ILLEGAL judiciary for the U.S. Patent Office which is going to be a SCOTUS case because those judges were appointed illegally instead of going through the usual Senatorial oversight committee. Of course, in 2011, the Senate was also controlled by dumboRATS, so they went along with the ILLEGAL judicial appointments. Power. That's what is important to them. It's all about the power. October 14, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Tomorrow will be my last day for the next ten or eleven days. We go to our farm tomorrow, leave there Sunday (used to be Monday) for Ohio and then leave there Wednesday for a casual drive (may stay overnight somewhere) back to the farm. We stay there until Sunday next week, and then head back to Florida. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 15, 2020: 3:06 p.m.   Ran errands before sitting down here but still have things to get done for our trip tomorrow. As usual, part of our plans changed for tomorrow, but not our own fault. I had an appointment tomorrow, but it was cancelled by the other party. So, that's a good thing, IMHO, because it was an appointment I didn't really want to go to. Anyways, I still have to gather for Georgia and Ohio, then try on winter clothes because I don't know what fits and what doesn't and it's chillier up there than down here. I have to do a family dinner tonight, and all of that sort of thing. It's fun and I love traveling, but it takes time so... Let's get started! October 15, 2020   Biden Crime Family:   Wow. When the mafia wants to learn a thing or two, they ask Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue! He's been getting family members great paying jobs via his influence, then making them pay him HALF of what money they get! So every time his drug addict son, hunter, got $83,3333 for his monthly payment from Burisma, USB got half of that. $41,666.50 of that money! Didn't you wonder why his wife stayed with him? Can you imagine being able to live off of the other family members' income because your worthless, wandering hands and sniffy nose hubby blackmailed his family members and got loads of cash you can spend and he can't say a WORD because you know what he's been doing money-wise? Yeah. His family has been selling out to CHINA for YEARS! He's been making big money off of it, too. But, you won't see anything about this on the Dead Blue Bird, or FakeBook because, well, you know, executives from both are on his "transition team", so, you know, you don't help get the TRUTH out to people when you're part of his team. Nah. That just isn't kosher in leftie land. Right and wrong? Never mind. Loyalty is more important. Sniff. Sniff. All of this was found on a laptop that used to belong to hunter biden and it's been confirmed via artificial intelligence that, yes, indeed, it was hunter smoking crack, etc. on that computer's video files. Isn't that sweet that someone forgot to pick up his computer? We know for certain that USB is a crook and that his son is still doing crack. The best part is that what we've seen so far is only about 5% of the PROOF OF WRONGDOING on hunter's computer. Isn't it nice to know that we will have that to work from in a criminal case against them? (I like it!) Could a prosecution get any easier? Oh. Sorry. They're dumboRATS so there won't be a prosecution. They get away with murder (ask hilloser). October 15, 2020   themuslimvileone:   We've known for years that he was evil and "the worst president ever", but the more we find out about him, the worse he gets! (Did you think that possible?) Yep. We found out that not only did he give Iran a pallet full of cash, but he also gave them $400 MILLION in a suitcase! Why was he giving Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism taxpayer dollars? Why would a U.S. prezidunce do that? Oh. It was themuslimvileone. That must be a rhetorical question. October 15, 2020   Anti-Religious Lefties:   Sen. difi is at it again. She doesn't have much patience for Catholics, or any religion besides her own (Secular paganism? Environmentalism? Me-ism? Whatever!) and she keeps inadvertantly reminding us of this. Hot mics caught her at the ACB hearing pooh-poohing religion and being pro-life. Shock. Surprise. Too bad they can't stop ACB from being confirmed next week. She'll just have to buck up and accept a religious person on the SCOTUS. After all, the rest of the SCOTUS justices have different religions, too. Watch the left whine much? October 15, 2020   Hey! Look at that! My hubby's home a little early! Gotta' go! Remember: I won't be posting again until the 25th at the earliest. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 28, 2020: 1:09 p.m.   I'm back! We had a pretty good trip. The first leg, Florida to our Georgia farm, was good. Crazy -- crazy! -- drivers that Friday but we made it safely. We relaxed there, got things organized for the rest of the trip, picked up jackets we might need in Ohio, then left early Sunday morning for Ohio. Lots of traffic and bad drivers later, we made it safely to Ohio, with the Lord's protection. Spent that evening in the hotel, went to a nearby Goodwill (Yes, really.) the next morning, then to visit my hubby's family. Stayed there until about 10 p.m., went back to the hotel, the next morning we birded while my mother-in-law had dialysis, then I stayed at the hotel with a sinus headache while hubby visited his family. The next morning we packed up, went over to see his family, said our goodbyes, then hit Goodwill again (really), and hit the road. We stopped in Tennessee about four-ish and relaxed there and got back on the road to the farm. We got to the farm Thursday afternoon/early evening and did some work there. We mowed, picked up pecans from our best producing tree, and I did some cutting of tree limbs to make it easier to mow the areas we are clearing. It was hard work and my right shoulder got sore and it was hot, and my hubby did hard work, too, and we were both exhausted and when we finished, neither of us had the energy to drive home four and-a-half-hours. We decided to stay the night and get up early Monday morning and drive home. I thought I'd be doing updates yesterday, but my hubby called and suggested we vote early yesterday, so we did that, went to Publix on the way home, and did some organizing of the trip items that we got at Goodwill, and the things we brought back with us from the farm. It was a pretty good trip. It was nice to see the leaves in their glorious fall colors and it was good to see family, but I am not in a hurry to do that trip again. I'd rather fly, get a rental car and have to ship anything I find at Goodwill. Yes, it was good to spend time with my hubby, but it's the twelve hour (after traffic and gas stops, etc.) drive that makes me want to fly for our next trip. Wouldn't you? October 28, 2020   TRAITOR biden:   Oh, my goodness! Have you been keeping up with this fiasco? It's all hitting the fan now and it's not pretty! We have a hunter biden business PARTNER telling us the way the biden crime family has been BETRAYING AMERICA and getting rich in doing so! There is info that shows that hunter biden has not only been sexually inappropritate with minor girls, but that he also that he's been partnering with a CHINESE SPY CHIEF, that helps him betray America in exchange for cold, hard, cash. He not only sold us out to China, but hunter and his daddy sold us out to Russia for extravagant parties at posh places. Putin confirms that hunter made a lot of money in the Ukraine deal and that's astonishing! If even Putin is saying that hunter biden was corrupt, doesn't that tell you something? (Oh, he's doing so to help Pres. Trump? RRrriiiggghhhhttt. That's why there's all this evidence from hunter biden's own laptop and cell phones. Yep.) Oh, and don't forget the whores. Hunter had to have his whores. (By the way, big tech is censoring reporting on this stuff!) We know that both joe and jill biden KNEW ABOUT hunter's innappropriate behavior with children and covered it up. We know that because there are text messages that prove it. The GOOD news about all of this is that people are hearing about this hunter biden stuff and they're looking it up to see if it's true, and after finding out it IS TRUE, they're searching to see if they can change their vote! They don't want to vote for someone who will protect a child predator, who has taken money to betray his country (through his son and brother and others; he gets a percentage of whatever they can get for selling influence with joe so that he can say that he never accepted foreign money). In fact, it's so bad, that some say that Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue couldn't get a security clearance right now. I wonder about that, considering how corrupt the FBLIE is currently. People don't want to vote for someone who is going to betray them! That's what this boils down to! The biden family is BETRAYING AMERICA -- COMMITTING TREASON -- AND IN DOING SO THEY ARE BETRAYING YOU, YOUR MOTHER, YOUR GRANDMA, YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS, YOUR BEST FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS AND WORST ENEMIES! That's the facts, folks. The biden crime family is betraying you. Remember, we don't as yet know the full extent of their treason. What else have they done to put your family in potential danger? What do you want to do about that? October 28, 2020   Election Integrity:   If you want to be able to trust our elections, trust that there isn't any cheating, or at least not enough to make a difference in the results, then you may want to watch the videos James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has been releasing. He got a CHEATER in Texas teaching someone how to cheat and bragging that she's buying votes, basically voting for people, ballot harvesting, and a few other illegal activities! She's been doing this for at least five years! She's got assistants who help her do it! This woman is allegedly a "Republican" but she's an actual dumboRAT and she helps others like her who want biden elected to help him BETRAY YOU again and again and again! Is that unexpected? We know that dumboRATS cheat and this is just one of the ways they do so! This woman is no more a real Republican than I am an aardvark! O'Keefe also caught up with another candidate's worker who acknowledged that the candidate had to LIE to the people to get elected because if he revealed how progressive (leftist) he was, the people in his district would NOT vote for him. O'Keefe is doing the Lord's good work and that's why I support the organization! Then there are themuslimvileone appointed judges who are ruling that ballot signatures don't have to match registrations in South Carolina! Is that a good thing? What if someone took your ballot out of your mailbox, filled in your ballot and took it to the collection box with their signature, but YOUR NAME SIGNED and that became YOUR vote? Would you like that? Even if you're a dumboRAT that should disgust you and you should NOT want that because what if the person who took it out of your mailbox was angry at you and filled your ballot out for Pres. Donald J. Trump to be re-elected? How happy would you be when you found out but couldn't contest the vote because they don't care if the signatures match? Wouldn't that be your worst nightmare? (Personally, I would laugh if that happened to lefties, but I'm the terrible person for realizing that what's fair for the goose is fair for the gander!) October 28, 2020   SCOTUS:   Congratulations to Amy Coney Barrett, who I now support. I don't support her because she is on the SCOTUS, but because I watched some of her confirmation hearing and she is BETTER than her supporters said she was! She was amazing! She was confirmed by Mitch McCONnell's Senate, without a single dumboRAT vote (they'd stand in front of the podium area and do a thumbs down, or point down as they voted; how second grade can you get?), and she was soon thereafter sworn in by Justice Clarence Thomas. This vote was very important and it was TOTALLY LEGAL and that's a great thing! It was so important that there was a suspicious package left outside of the U.S. Capitol during the deliberations. All of this WINNING for Pres. Donald J. Trump happened on hillosercrooktOOn's birthday and she had to whine (of course, what else would she do?) that the election of 2016 was stolen from her! Yeah. She still hasn't accepted the election results of 2016, and that's not surprising. Her ego won't allow her to accept reality. There are those, however, who still want her in some kind of power position. The "Box of Rocks", joe scarborough, wants her on an expanded Supreme Court! Yep. You read that correctly. Can you imagine hillosercrooktOOn on the SCOTUS? How ridiculous can you get? Oh, but there's also the fact that she thinks she could have handled the NON-demic better than Pres. Donald J. Trump, because she thinks she was "born to handle the pandemic". If that thought doesn't make you worse than hilloser feels thinking of a Pres. Trump second term, then the only thing that can make you feel worse is the thought of her being prezidunce! AmIRight? October 28, 2020   Coup-gate:   Judicial Watch is still suing people, government agencies and anyone/anything necessary to get to the TRUTH about the coup against our duly elected Pres. Donald J. Trump. You know, the whole "Russian collusion" LIE that hillosercrooktOOn put together for when she lost? Yeah. That one. Judicial Watch has found more PROOF that FBLIE Director, christopher wray is still covering up for the previous administration. They're still trying to keep from going to jail is what's happening! They know how deeply the FBLIE and all of their cooperating agents (not those who had nothing to do with it, because -- allegedly -- there are agents who want to spill the beans, but no one is talking to them. Yeah. Right.) are involved and that all of them will go to prison when the TRUTH comes out. It's still rotten to the core and it's still WRONG that they are getting away with it and I'm so disgusted that NOTHING has been done to get these liars and punish them to the fullest extent of the law that I'm ready to slap someone! I wish I could trust bill barr, but I don't. I see no signs of him doing anything but eating donuts! It's wrong and it's got to change! These people who have been breaking the law MUST BE PUNISHED for being a "kleptocracy" even though we were founded as a Represenatative Republic! We didn't vote to change America into a kleptocracy! We should NOT BE ONE! It's time to punish those who have done this! Agree? October 28, 2020   Big Tech:   They're silencing Pres. Donald J. Trump in almost every social media platform and people are so tired of being silenced. It's not just Pres. Donald J. Trump who is being silenced now. They've blocked or suspended people who have reposted or linked to a Gateway Pundit story featuring a pic of hunter biden asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth and since then, anything else to do with hunter biden's wrongs. People who get their news from NPR are not reading or hearing about the hunter biden story. They're not reporting it because it's "We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don't want to waste the readers' and listeners' time on stories that are just pure distractions."So the lefties who GET TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO REPORT TO US THE NEWS, decided that TREASON BY A UNITED STATES VICE PRESIDENT IS NOT NEWS? Rrrriiiggghhhttt. They just decided to do the dead blue bird thing and not allow it to be known about by the people using their services? That's why Sen. Ted Cruz jumped all over the dead blue bird's ceo. Not that this dressing down is going to do any good, because the left doesn't care what the LAW is, nor do they care about what the Senate thinks about them. They want TRAITORS in the RED HOUSE and if they don't get that, they will help incite violence against those of us who voted for Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's the way the left rolls: they get their own way or watch out!
Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 29, 2020: 4:12 p.m.   Late start due to life happening and my
Mom calling to thank me for the new washing machine I bought her two days ago. It's
the October 29, 2020   Election Results:   We usually consider the "election results" the numbers and who wins, correct? I want you to think of "election results" as what happens AFTER the election: who is in control of the House, Senate and who is president. It's important to think of which bills will be brought to the floor of the House, what the Senate will do with those bills (pass the bills for the president to sign or veto, or pass ON them as in let them die in committee), and whether the president will sign them, or veto them. Remember: if the president does not sign them within "X" number of days, they automatically become law. Thus, when hilloser says the pelosickpig has a lot of leftists bills lined up, it should make you think about what those bills will be and how bad they will be for you, your children and America. Do you want bills that will reconfigure the SCOTUS and allow the dumboRATS to pack the court by adding four, ten, or even twenty-five more SCOTUS justices -- all who would be dumboRAT progressive leftists, of course. Do you want to have bills that will do away with the electoral college and give us presidents like hillosercrooktOOn, another themuslimvileone, Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue? If that's NOT what you want, you need to vote Republican straight down the line! Vote "R.E.D." "Remove Every Democrat!" and even if you have to hold your nose to vote for some of the Republicans (I did for Pritchett), vote for them anyways. It's better for America and that's better for all of us! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candiate, or crappy loser wanting to pack the court!) October 29, 2020   Democrat LIES:   This is disgusting. NY Gov. andrew cuomo (D, of course) is still trying to blame anyone and everyone besides his own rule to send Covid-19 POSITIVE patients INTO NURSING HOMES and ruling that the nursing homes CANNOT refuse them for the deaths of so many elderly people under his watch. He is still trying to finger point at Pres. Donald J. Trump, like when he appeared on the Spew this morning. He's the one who made that rule, and people DIED because of it! Yet, he blames Pres. Donald J. Trump when Pres. Trump had nothing to do with cuomo's decision and rules! It's ridiculous and I hope cuomo cannot sleep at night with the... Wait. I am sorry. That would imply he has a conscience. We know better. October 29, 2020   Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue:   Tucker Carlson, of FoxNews (he's too good for them; why does he not go somewhere more Conservative?), had something sent from NYC to where he and his producer were in L.A., but it the envelope made it but the contents never got there the day it was supposed to. They contacted the company and UPS did a search and found the contents today! I wonder which employee they're going to fire and whether there will be any charges filed over tampering with the U.S. Mail? But, that's in the hands of the powers that be. The next questions are: is anything missing and what it is; as well as who saw it, whether anything was exchanged for the real stuff, and whether it will make USB drop out because it's too damning to not? We may know tonight when Tucker's show is on, but I must wonder if whatever was in there and may now be missing was exchanged to make the evidence into a "Gotcha!" that the left can prove is incorrect and make the previous evidence that was the real deal look like false flags and allow them to say all of the hunter biden stuff was all a lie from the start. That's what I expect to happen. Tucker needs to be VERY CAREFUL with this now. If he publishes some of this and it's fake info that was exchanged for the real stuff, he could be doing more harm to justice and truth than anything. Tread carefully, Tucker. October 29, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Do yourself a favor and don't believe the polls. IF you have not early voted yet, you have until the 31st to do so before November 3rd's Election Day. Whenever you vote, here in Brevard County, it's very secure because of the steps they are taking to make sure that there is no cheating. That's why I like Lori Scott as the Supervisor of Elections: I trust our election results here in Brevard. Where a dumboRAT is in control, I wouldn't trust the results for fly swatter. Whether you vote tomorrow or Saturday, or on November 3rd, VOTE as though your COUNTRY DEPENDS UPON IT, because IT DOES! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 30, 2020: 3:21 p.m.   Late start due to circumstances beyond my control, but I will do a few blurbs -- at least, that's the plan. Let's see what life throws at me. October 30, 2020   Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue:   He's so excited about his chances to win that he has started keeping his rallies a secret and when he does have a rally, he can't speak properly and even though the msm covers for him, even though he won't answer their questions, and big tech covers for him, his campaign and numbers are still far behind and even though some on the left are realizing this the majority of left is PANICKED! Bwahahahahaha! Thank you, Lord! I love it! October 30, 2020   Red States!:   Look at the projected possible Electoral College results that is giving them the panic mentioned above. Can you blame them? October 30, 2020   Election Integrity:   The left is at it again. We've seen the James O'Keefe's Project Veritas's videos about the CHEATING the left has been doing during this election. We've seen cheating in Pennsylvania, and in Houston, Texas (and an investigation being opened into TX cheating), ballots being accepted way past election night, and ballots set on fire as the left tries its darndest to CHEAT its way into victory. They know that Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue isn't popular and no one wants their agenda to be implemented, so they know that the only way to get their way is to CHEAT. Is anyone surprised? October 30, 2020   Well, with the late start and a phone appointment that interfered with my efforts but was well worth it, I have to go for today. My hubby is already home and I enjoy spending time with him so it's time for me to go. Y'all have a great weekend and don't eat too many sweets. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 2020 November 2, 2020: 2:40 p.m.   Did you have a good weekend? We did. On Friday, I got the results of my lab work and found out that all of my numbers are good except I am Vitamin D deficient (as are many people: did you know that those who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia may actually be Vitamin D deficient?) so I will be taking Vitamin D for a few months and get my numbers back up to where they are supposed to be. Everything else was good and that's a great result at my age! On Saturday, my hubby worked outside and I worked inside and we got a lot done. Then Sunday we treated as our date night because he had a headache on our usual evening. So, we went out yesterday and had a good time. I hope you had as good a weekend. Novembeer 2, 2020   Election Integrity:   Tomorrow is Election Day in America. If you want to keep our elections honest, you must:
November 2, 2020   Election Day Registration?:   I didn't know that there were any states that did this, but apparently something like 13 MILLION voters could register tomorrow and VOTE tomorrow! That should scare the pants off of the... Well, considering the hunter biden/bumbletongue info coming out lately, maybe I should go elsewhere with that. Anyways, Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing so well, having so many people who are NOT Republicans, who have never voted before at his rallies, that those states who do allow same day registration and voting should be scared of what may be their biggest fear! We'll see what happens, but I hope it isn't cheating! November 2, 2020   Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue:   Or should I call him "Corruption Inc."? That's what we know now that he is. We are finding out that he may have corrupted the Commerce Dept., we know that he sold America out to China with hunter's help, and we know that he is a "real national security threat". It's not something that is good for your children: unless, that is, you want your children to grow up in a Communist country, as slut-arris wants it to be. It's time to choose. You can choose between him and his slut ticket mate, or Pres. Donald J. Trump, who delivered 7.4% growth in the July to September quarter: "That growth equates to an annual rate of 33.1 percent, by far the largest since modern record-keeping began in 1947 and nearly twice the previous record surge of 16.7 percent in the first quarter of 1950, the US Commerce Department data show."Which do you think would be best for America? Would it be what bumbletongue helped create, a slow, slogging economy in which they gave their buddies taxpayer dollars that should have come to YOU? Which is better for your children, for America as a whole and for you, personally: Corruption and communism under bumbletongue and slut-arris, or economic growth, jobs for everyone and our Constitutional rights protected? You must vote tomorrow and I urge you to vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or communist slut.) November 2, 2020   Corrupt dumboRATS:   How many dumboRATS are corrupt? How many of them have sold America and their own souls -- as well as their children, if hunter biden is any indication -- for filthy lucre? For instance, has Sen. chris coons sold his daughter for money? There is information that says that his own daughter may be on one of hunter biden's laptops. Rumor is that he may have been naked while she was in his presence. Rumor is... it gets worse from there. Has Sen. coons sold his daughter to bumbletongue, Jr. for the benefit of a bit of the green in his wallet? That's what we want to know. IF that be the case, pray for his daughter. It would be a horrible thing to go through and I think there should be an investigation into whether she was in the situations some are saying she was in, and if so, hunter biden should be in prison facing charges right now! November 2, 2020   Woops! Gotta' go. It looks like I may have company. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! ENDORSEMENTS:   My 2020 Election Endorsements: I hope you've taken a moment to go to the Supervisor of Elections website, find your precinct and print out your sample ballot. READ THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS ON IT and make sure that you understand them. Know what's coming up and research what is being proposed. I have done research on the proposed amendments and have posted my comments. My sample ballot surprised me with the amount of stuff on it and the whole thing is three pages long! Your ballot may be longer if you live in a city because you have city offices to fill. Plan to stand in line and then stand voting for a while! Anyways, do look things up. Early voting starts Octobet 19th and ends October 31st (Halloween for those of you who practice it). IF you want to vote early, it may be one way to avoid long lines (may be; I have seen long lines for that a few times). I do recommend you do research on everything and everyone on the ballot. If you don't, you could be doing more harm than good. Elect CONSERVATIVE people to help protect America from the crazies on the left and the RINOS who help them! VOTE FOR AS CONSERVATIVE A CANDIDATE AS YOU CAN FIND! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney, 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or anyone or anything else! It's moi and only moi.) November 3, 2020: 5:20 p.m.   Election Results:   Had to run errands after I did my exercies, ate breakfast and got ready to go, so I got those done and came home and ate a late lunch. That left me with no time for updates and so, I will post a few links for you to be able to watch the election as the results come in. There are several, but I want to post to the most Conservative -- no LIES associated with the results -- and to a place or two that are supposed to be "neutral" (but there are no guarantees, okay?). Here are the links:
November 4, 2020: 2:42 p.m.   Election Shenanigans:   I'm sad that the dumboRATS don't want to play by the rules. It's sad that they have willing partners in the msm to CHEAT America out of honest and fair elections. Last night was a fiasco of over-played hands (200,000 "found" ballots ALL marked for the dumboRATS in Michigan?), of breaking the poll watcher rules by blocking Republicans from watching the process today, of refusing to call states that have Pres. Trump in the lead, even though the lead is big enough to do so. They're doing things like having ballots dropped off by "suspicious vehicles", hiding the results until they can "fix" them for bumbletongue, and hiding Pres. Donald J. Trump's LEAD in the election, and then there are "counting errors" that may or may not mean Pres. Trump is going to win Arizona! I'm hoping it stays "WIN"! Then, let's hope that they do count the military ballots that had to be "absentee" ballots because the people were deployed or on assignment. Sometimes, our military ballots have been just trashed, ignored, or "lost in the mail". (Yeah. Right.) The left targets the military ballots because people in the military have a tendency to be more conservative and many vote Republican. They're doing everything they can to STEAL this election and the msm is helping them do so! I have a question for those of you who watched the results last night: Did you notice that the states that are now "in dispute" or still "counting" are the states that the msm REFUSED TO CALL LAST NIGHT WHILE PRES. TRUMP WAS IN THE LEAD IN THOSE STATES? It's almost as if they KNEW that there would be something else happening that would or may result in a switch from a Pres. Trump lead to his opponent, if only they held out calling it long enough! Someone jumped the gun on Arizona and called it for Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (slut-arris's helper), and they had to walk it back, but I bet that was part of the COLLUSION that was going on! The msm and the dumboRATS COLLUDED to steal this election from Pres. Donald J. Trump and that's why they haven't been releasing any new info. Who runs the states that are still uncalled? DumboRATS run them. Every state still in question is run by a dumboRAT. So where is the outrage over their delays and excuses, the new ballots, etc.? IF the Republicans were running their elections this way, do you think the dumboRATS would be calm about it or would they be up in arms and demanding a finish to this farce? You tell me! I'm so tired of their shenanigans! I want to slap them all! CHEATERS! LIARS! THIEVES! That's all I'm going to say about the election except to say this: PRAY for Pres. Donald J. Trump to be victorious in every way after all of the shenanigans. It's our only hope to NOT go communist! Keep your "Trump 2020" signs up just to annoy the left. November 4, 2020   ALL Lives Matter:   If you back the blue and want cops to be safe and not shot as they sit in their patrol cars doing paperwork, or having lunch, you may want to watch the trailer to the movie that Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) and his partners have made to try to bring people together and to encourage supporting the blue. It's called ""Bleeding Blue" and they need your help and support. Tech giants have blocked their main plan of advertising and they have to find another way to advertise it. Would you be willing to help them get this unifying movie out to the public? They made the movie using their own wallets and the tech giants' interference has put a huge additional cost onto something that may help kill the "Defund the Police" movement and bring about some common sense. If you'd like to donate, you can do so buying the movie for you to watch with your family. Would you do that to help bring peace to our nation? November 4, 2020   I'm stressed and don't want to be so I'm going to give you a fun link and go relax (probably do some cleaning) and see what I can do to stop thinking about the left trying to steal this election. So, in order to help you do that, I give you Cake Wrecks, a website I used to go to a long time ago but haven't visited for a while. Enjoy! Have a great evening relaxing and know that we go to our farm this weekend, so I may or may not post on Friday. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 6, 2020: 1:45 p.m.   Didn't do updates yesterday due to my frustration level with the dumboRATS stealing the election being too high. So, today we do go to our farm and work on some projects up there and -- believe it or not -- get the Christmas stuff out of the shed and put the rest of it up. I started last visit and now I get the rest of it done: the Christmas tree goes up and gets decorated, the tabletop decorations go up, the outside decorations go up. It's all kinds of fun for me and a perfect way to relax because it's something I enjoy immensely. We'll be back Sunday night (as far as I know, that's the plan for now) and I will try to do updates all next week. So, I have a few minutes to do this and I'll get started now. November 6, 2020   Election CHEATING:   Hopefully by next week the DO[IN]J will have gotten off of its butt and arrest the people in Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, and the other cities where they are cheating and stealing YOUR VOTE for President Donald J. Trump and creating ballots with Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB) votes on them and counting those ballots (the ILLEGAL VOTES that were created by dumboRAT operatives). If you don't believe in the CHEAT, think about this:
November 6, 2020   Local Election Results:   With all this stuff happening at the national level, I forgot all about the local results. Here are the local elections and the tallies for the amendments are here. I am appalled that Florida voters voted in the $15 an hour minimum wage that will kill jobs in Florida, shut down businesses and kill our economy. They also voted to allow all voters to vote in the primaries! That means that dumboRATS will be voting on the Republican primary candidates as will libertarians, NPAs, etc. As someone who was No Party Affiliation (NPA) for years, I didn't have a problem with not voting in the primaries. If I had wanted to vote, all I had to do was go change my registration before the deadline and I could vote. Now, anyone will be able to vote for whatever party's primary candidate they so desire. That's destroying our current system and allowing the left yet another tool to destroy America. Great move, Florida! You should have done more research to see how it affected other states that did that. Hint: It was ALL BAD! November 6, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. As you can tell, this election and writing or talking about it and all of the cheating and idiocy that goes with it has me in a foul mood. I want to slap some people; 99% of the democRAT population of America should be lined up for me to do so. Agree? Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 10, 2020: 1:37 p.m.   Missed yesterday because when I sat down to do my updates my Mom called. You know Mom and I. We talked for about ninety minutes and then I spoke to my brother (who is at Mom's) for about forty-five minutes, too. Thought I'd do updates afterward, but then a friend called and I wound up checking on a mutual friend for her and got the information that the mutual friend is fine and called her back and then something else happened and my hubby was on the way by the time all of that was taken care of. Whew. It was all kinds of fun, but it was also a different use of my time than I had planned, so updates got pushed aside for family and friends and that's okay. I love my family and friends and I enjoy updating my website but... You get the idea. Sorry/not sorry. Let's get started for today. November 10, 2020   Election Integrity:   If you think that voter rolls that are not purged of those who have died, changed addresses, moved to a different state, changed their names, etc., has no effect on the vote, even though it leads to fraud, you have another think coming. In Pennsylvania alone: "In Pennsylvania, our litigation to clean up dirty voting rolls there uncovered 800,000 “extra” names on the rolls. In fact, Pennsylvania state and county authorities gave conflicting numbers about their registration list numbers to a federal court."Early in the morning after the election, President Donald J. Trump was UP by 700,000 votes Suddenly, there are all of these new votes to count and those 800,000 names are suddenly up for grabs by the left? Do you think that maybe, those dirty voter rolls had anything to do with the new votes found? Hm? Also, matter what the msm says, Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB) is NOT prezidunce-elect! No one in the msm has the authority to declare who won, or who did not win! The msm has nothing to do with it! In Arizona, there are still quite a few ballots to count and USB is losing his lead as the provisional ballots are counted. Those ballots may or may not be LEGAL votes, I don't know. We know that there has been cheating nationwide, because people are coming forward with sworn affidavits that say things like election workers told to change the names on ballots if the person has already voted, and just count it anyways. (Totally illegal!) We see that SIX states all "paused" counting at the same time, for the same amount of time, and then started counting again. What was that about? It was about this: "In Pennsylvania Joe Biden received OVER ONE MILLION VOTES after election day — over ONE-THIRD of his totals!"Those one million votes came after election officials told GOP observers they were shutting down but started up again after the GOP observers left and mysterious votes suddenly found. It's so bad in Pennsylvania that there are at least TEN REASONS their results may be "irredeemably compromised"! Remember that in Detroit, there were 61 boxes full of ballots delivered in the dead of night after Pres. Trump was already ahead by over 200,000 votes! Suddenly boxes in the dead of night? Guess what happened after those boxes were delivered: USB is suddenly way ahead in the vote count. There were all kinds of voting machine "glitches" -- ALL of which benefited USB! Show me a statistical model that would prove that's the NORM. Show me. Look at the list of "glitches" that we know about so far! How about all of those we don't yet know about? Every time is NOT STATISTICALLY POSSIBLE! There HAD TO HAVE BEEN CHEATING! The way this whole election allegedly happened without cheating, is statistically IMPOSSIBLE. There HAD to HAVE BEEN CHEATING. Add to that the fact that there is a huge discrepancy between USB votes and down ballot votes; meaning that there are ballots that had one vote only: USB, and not a Senator, Representative, County Commissioner, or even dog catcher! If you got your ballot early, you had time to vote down ballot. If you did a mail-in ballot, you had time to vote down ballot. If you waited in line and voted before election day, there's a good chance you had time to vote down ballot. If you voted on election day itself, you had time to vote down ballot! So those single vote ballots -- 450,000: ALL for USB, are questionable at best! What is it with ballots without down ballot votes? Why would anyone do that? Let's consider something else, too. So who owns those machines? I don't know that part, but the computer program that those machines use has ties to pelosickpig and dianne feinstein, so those computer "glitches"? How about we take a moment to recall the fact that pelosickpig actually said "no matter the end count" USB was going to be the victor. So what thinks you of the "glitches"? Then there's the regular ballots that were handed over to a hilloser associated group, just as you do, you know? You just hand over bundles of ballots to an organization that has nothing to do with the elections, and you just let them do with them as they will. You trust them, right? The voters should trust your judgment. You're kinda' like FauxNews nowadays, "Fair and Balanced", right? Let's not forget that there are many ways to "find" ballots. For instance, in Virginia, they "found" 14,616 votes on a FLASH DRIVE that they conveniently plugged in somewhere and -- lo and behold! -- there are so many dumboRAT votes that the dumboRAT who was behind was suddenly winning! Wow! Amazing how often that is happening this year, yes? (Statistically IMPOSSIBLE?) Those voting machines that share the same software nationwide, remember them? Well, in ONE Michigan county, it switched 6,000 votes from Pres. Trump to USB, and in Georgia, it shut the machines down for two hours and they only shut down in REPUBLICAN COUNTIES. Isn't that convenient? Why do computer "glitches" ALWAYS BENEFIT THE DUMBORATS? (Statistically IMPOSSIBLE?) Oh, let's not forget that Dominion software is used by many of the "swing states" that hadn't closed their elections out by Wednesday afternoon and they're still looking at whether they changed any more of totals in any of the other counties it's used. This is getting redundant, so I'll close this section with the fact that a Detroit election worker says that people were COACHED to vote for USB and that election workers were instructed to change the dates on ballots so they would be considered legal ballots. I think that's more evidence that this election was as USB said, his voter fraud organization is the "biggest and best organized" and they have done a terrific job of cheating every which way they can but where they have FAILED is in covering it up! Now we have to see whether our government is willing to allow the cheating to stand in order to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump, or if they'll actually not only acknowledge it (as some have done) and do something about it. IF THE DEEP STATE IS SO ENTRENCHED AND SO POWERFUL, PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP WILL HAVE THE ELECTION STOLEN FROM HIM BECAUSE THE DEEP STATE WILL ALLOW THE CHEATING TO STAND; at least enough of it to give USB the 270 electoral college points needed. IF, on the other hand, we have a real REPUBLIC, a law-abiding United States where "No one is above the law" (as Judicial Watch says), then we will have Pres. Donald J. Trump for four more years. What thinks you? Oh, and I want to point out that the powers that be -- deep state, msm and others -- are calling SWORN AFFIDAVITS of EYEWITNESSES "anecdotal" stories, not evidence. If you see a guy robbing a bank and you tell the police that the guy looked like this, had that kind of gun, drove away in this kind of car, would that be "anecdotal" or would it be EYEWITNESS and admissable in a court of law? The latter, is the correct answer. For the msm and the deep state to call eyewitness affidavits of these witnesses "anecdotal" is preposterous! You need to know it's real evidence and it's legal evidence after they swear affidavits. To ignore it, rename it, call it "andectodal" is ridiculous! November 10, 2020   Election Update:   It looks like North Carolina is going to Pres. Donald J. Trump and Sen. Thom Tillis is going to win, too! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Now the rest of the states still in "contention" are going to go RED, too! Keep praying, folks! It's working! November 10, 2020   Republican Women ROCK!:   Hurray! Another Republican woman won her race against a dumboRAT! This one is impressive because it happened in Orange County, CaliMarxiFornia! Add an upset victory in Dallas, TX! Hot dog! There's a list of Republican women who WON this election cycle and it's putting a hurt on pelosickpig because her control of the House is dwindling. I LOVE IT! November 10, 2020   Deep State:   I wish this creepy liar would go away -- to prison. He's disgusting. He is a hilloser sycophant and he's evil. He's so evil that he wants VP Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and kick Pres. Donald J. Trump out of office! They will do almost anything it takes to remove him from office, so I hope that he's surrounded with the best of the LOYAL TO PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP Secret Service agents because I would not put it past some of these evil people who hate Pres. Trump to try to harm him. I really do think that's possible. Pray for Pres. Trump's safety and protection! November 10, 2020   S.M.H.:   This person reads the "news" on a cable channel. She is literate. That's about all she is, considering how many "gaffes" she has committed. She is just an idiot. So it's no surprise she said this: "'Here’s the thing: the reason there’s a thing called @FiveThirtyEight is because 538 was the margin in FL when the Republican SCOTUS reversed the 2000 election during a recount, making Dubya the president. That’s the kind of margin where races can flip. That’s not what’s up now.'"Sigh. No. The fact is that 538 is the number of electoral college votes that are available every presidential election. That's why you have to get 270 to win: it's one over the halfway number of 269, a simple majority. That's why 538 is "a thing". A little research would have taught her that simple fact. Did she fail her how to do research class for her "journalism" degree? Idiot. November 10, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I hope you have a great day and I hope that the sunshine I see now becomes the norm again for a while. TS Eta has been affecting our weather and now it may be going away, either dissipating or heading far enough away from us to allow the sun to shine and I'm glad of it. I have a project I have to strip the paint off of an Eastlake table I bought in Georgia and I can't do that in the rain. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 10, 2020: 1:37 p.m.   Missed yesterday because when I sat down to do my updates my Mom called. You know Mom and I. We talked for about ninety minutes and then I spoke to my brother (who is at Mom's) for about forty-five minutes, too. Thought I'd do updates afterward, but then a friend called and I wound up checking on a mutual friend for her and got the information that the mutual friend is fine and called her back and then something else happened and my hubby was on the way by the time all of that was taken care of. Whew. It was all kinds of fun, but it was also a different use of my time than I had planned, so updates got pushed aside for family and friends and that's okay. I love my family and friends and I enjoy updating my website but... You get the idea. Sorry/not sorry. Let's get started for today. November 10, 2020   Election Integrity:   If you think that voter rolls that are not purged of those who have died, changed addresses, moved to a different state, changed their names, etc., has no effect on the vote, even though it leads to fraud, you have another think coming. In Pennsylvania alone: "In Pennsylvania, our litigation to clean up dirty voting rolls there uncovered 800,000 “extra” names on the rolls. In fact, Pennsylvania state and county authorities gave conflicting numbers about their registration list numbers to a federal court."Early in the morning after the election, President Donald J. Trump was UP by 700,000 votes Suddenly, there are all of these new votes to count and those 800,000 names are suddenly up for grabs by the left? Do you think that maybe, those dirty voter rolls had anything to do with the new votes found? Hm? Also, matter what the msm says, Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB) is NOT prezidunce-elect! No one in the msm has the authority to declare who won, or who did not win! The msm has nothing to do with it! In Arizona, there are still quite a few ballots to count and USB is losing his lead as the provisional ballots are counted. Those ballots may or may not be LEGAL votes, I don't know. We know that there has been cheating nationwide, because people are coming forward with sworn affidavits that say things like election workers told to change the names on ballots if the person has already voted, and just count it anyways. (Totally illegal!) We see that SIX states all "paused" counting at the same time, for the same amount of time, and then started counting again. What was that about? It was about this: "In Pennsylvania Joe Biden received OVER ONE MILLION VOTES after election day — over ONE-THIRD of his totals!"Those one million votes came after election officials told GOP observers they were shutting down but started up again after the GOP observers left and mysterious votes suddenly found. It's so bad in Pennsylvania that there are at least TEN REASONS their results may be "irredeemably compromised"! Remember that in Detroit, there were 61 boxes full of ballots delivered in the dead of night after Pres. Trump was already ahead by over 200,000 votes! Suddenly boxes in the dead of night? Guess what happened after those boxes were delivered: USB is suddenly way ahead in the vote count. There were all kinds of voting machine "glitches" -- ALL of which benefited USB! Show me a statistical model that would prove that's the NORM. Show me. Look at the list of "glitches" that we know about so far! How about all of those we don't yet know about? Every time is NOT STATISTICALLY POSSIBLE! There HAD TO HAVE BEEN CHEATING! The way this whole election allegedly happened without cheating, is statistically IMPOSSIBLE. There HAD to HAVE BEEN CHEATING. Add to that the fact that there is a huge discrepancy between USB votes and down ballot votes; meaning that there are ballots that had one vote only: USB, and not a Senator, Representative, County Commissioner, or even dog catcher! If you got your ballot early, you had time to vote down ballot. If you did a mail-in ballot, you had time to vote down ballot. If you waited in line and voted before election day, there's a good chance you had time to vote down ballot. If you voted on election day itself, you had time to vote down ballot! So those single vote ballots -- 450,000: ALL for USB, are questionable at best! What is it with ballots without down ballot votes? Why would anyone do that? Let's consider something else, too. So who owns those machines? I don't know that part, but the computer program that those machines use has ties to pelosickpig and dianne feinstein, so those computer "glitches"? How about we take a moment to recall the fact that pelosickpig actually said "no matter the end count" USB was going to be the victor. So what thinks you of the "glitches"? Then there's the regular ballots that were handed over to a hilloser associated group, just as you do, you know? You just hand over bundles of ballots to an organization that has nothing to do with the elections, and you just let them do with them as they will. You trust them, right? The voters should trust your judgment. You're kinda' like FauxNews nowadays, "Fair and Balanced", right? Let's not forget that there are many ways to "find" ballots. For instance, in Virginia, they "found" 14,616 votes on a FLASH DRIVE that they conveniently plugged in somewhere and -- lo and behold! -- there are so many dumboRAT votes that the dumboRAT who was behind was suddenly winning! Wow! Amazing how often that is happening this year, yes? (Statistically IMPOSSIBLE?) Those voting machines that share the same software nationwide, remember them? Well, in ONE Michigan county, it switched 6,000 votes from Pres. Trump to USB, and in Georgia, it shut the machines down for two hours and they only shut down in REPUBLICAN COUNTIES. Isn't that convenient? Why do computer "glitches" ALWAYS BENEFIT THE DUMBORATS? (Statistically IMPOSSIBLE?) Oh, let's not forget that Dominion software is used by many of the "swing states" that hadn't closed their elections out by Wednesday afternoon and they're still looking at whether they changed any more of totals in any of the other counties it's used. This is getting redundant, so I'll close this section with the fact that a Detroit election worker says that people were COACHED to vote for USB and that election workers were instructed to change the dates on ballots so they would be considered legal ballots. I think that's more evidence that this election was as USB said, his voter fraud organization is the "biggest and best organized" and they have done a terrific job of cheating every which way they can but where they have FAILED is in covering it up! Now we have to see whether our government is willing to allow the cheating to stand in order to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump, or if they'll actually not only acknowledge it (as some have done) and do something about it. IF THE DEEP STATE IS SO ENTRENCHED AND SO POWERFUL, PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP WILL HAVE THE ELECTION STOLEN FROM HIM BECAUSE THE DEEP STATE WILL ALLOW THE CHEATING TO STAND; at least enough of it to give USB the 270 electoral college points needed. IF, on the other hand, we have a real REPUBLIC, a law-abiding United States where "No one is above the law" (as Judicial Watch says), then we will have Pres. Donald J. Trump for four more years. What thinks you? Oh, and I want to point out that the powers that be -- deep state, msm and others -- are calling SWORN AFFIDAVITS of EYEWITNESSES "anecdotal" stories, not evidence. If you see a guy robbing a bank and you tell the police that the guy looked like this, had that kind of gun, drove away in this kind of car, would that be "anecdotal" or would it be EYEWITNESS and admissable in a court of law? The latter, is the correct answer. For the msm and the deep state to call eyewitness affidavits of these witnesses "anecdotal" is preposterous! You need to know it's real evidence and it's legal evidence after they swear affidavits. To ignore it, rename it, call it "andectodal" is ridiculous! November 10, 2020   Election Update:   It looks like North Carolina is going to Pres. Donald J. Trump and Sen. Thom Tillis is going to win, too! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Now the rest of the states still in "contention" are going to go RED, too! Keep praying, folks! It's working! November 10, 2020   Republican Women ROCK!:   Hurray! Another Republican woman won her race against a dumboRAT! This one is impressive because it happened in Orange County, CaliMarxiFornia! Add an upset victory in Dallas, TX! Hot dog! There's a list of Republican women who WON this election cycle and it's putting a hurt on pelosickpig because her control of the House is dwindling. I LOVE IT! November 10, 2020   Deep State:   I wish this creepy liar would go away -- to prison. He's disgusting. He is a hilloser sycophant and he's evil. He's so evil that he wants VP Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and kick Pres. Donald J. Trump out of office! They will do almost anything it takes to remove him from office, so I hope that he's surrounded with the best of the LOYAL TO PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP Secret Service agents because I would not put it past some of these evil people who hate Pres. Trump to try to harm him. I really do think that's possible. Pray for Pres. Trump's safety and protection! November 10, 2020   S.M.H.:   This person reads the "news" on a cable channel. She is literate. That's about all she is, considering how many "gaffes" she has committed. She is just an idiot. So it's no surprise she said this: "'Here’s the thing: the reason there’s a thing called @FiveThirtyEight is because 538 was the margin in FL when the Republican SCOTUS reversed the 2000 election during a recount, making Dubya the president. That’s the kind of margin where races can flip. That’s not what’s up now.'"Sigh. No. The fact is that 538 is the number of electoral college votes that are available every presidential election. That's why you have to get 270 to win: it's one over the halfway number of 269, a simple majority. That's why 538 is "a thing". A little research would have taught her that simple fact. Did she fail her how to do research class for her "journalism" degree? Idiot. November 10, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I hope you have a great day and I hope that the sunshine I see now becomes the norm again for a while. TS Eta has been affecting our weather and now it may be going away, either dissipating or heading far enough away from us to allow the sun to shine and I'm glad of it. I have a project I have to strip the paint off of an Eastlake table I bought in Georgia and I can't do that in the rain. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 11, 2020: 4:17 p.m.: Veteran's Day:   Hubby came home early today so I didn't have a lot of time to do updates, so this abbreviated update will have to suffice. I wrote a poem for Veteran's Day and acknowledge that I didn't know that yesterday was the Marine Corp's birthday. Semper Fi! For our Veterans of all services, I say thank you! Veteran's Day 2020For my husband, my dad, my brother, my father-in-law, my brother-in-law, E., my brother-in-law, C., my cousins, other in-laws, my aunts and uncles, others in my family who served and great-aunt Etta, who served as an Army WAC, I say "Thank you very much for your service. I appreciate it, and everyone who loves America appreciates it! GOD Bless you all!" Novembr 11, 2020   Election Integrity:   First, Alaska? Pres. Trump WON as did Dan Sullivan, the Republican Senate candidate! That's excellent news! Then, I just wanted you to know that the excuse that the dumboRATS used in Atlanta to do the serious cheating that water main break? It didn't actually happen! Yeah. So we know that their excuse was a LIE. When people LIE to you, they're not looking out for your best interests, they're MANIPULATING YOU. Take that along with all of the sworn affidavits of voter fraud, thousands of "anomalis" that allow fraudulent votes, ballots being accepted AFTER the SCOTUS ordered ballots to be "set aside" if they arrived after election day, voting machines ILLEGALLY connected to the internet, wards (precincts) having MORE VOTES THAN VOTERS, and (get this one!) PA ballots that were returned before being sent out and you have an election MESS due to the lefties CHEATING! That's not even taking into consideration the fact that the NV people set the confidence level to 40% match for Artificial Intelligence scanning signatures and matching them with the signatures on record! PA counting ballots without postmark dates, a social worker in TX voting for others without them having realized they were registered (she did it for them), and sixteen of them being ineligible to vote! The cheating is so bad and so EVIDENT and prevalent that even the Federal Election Chair admits there was FRAUD! So why is it still being allowed to continue, instead of those committing the fraud arrested and the fraudulent votes thrown out and a LEGAL VOTE COUNT done? When that happens, the results will PROVE that Pres. Donald J. Trump won in a LANDSLIDE! IF he had NOT done so, WHY WOULD THE LEFT HAVE TO BE CHEATING SO HARD AND SO MUCH? Hmmm? November 11, 2020   I'm going to close for today. See you tomorrow, or at least that's the plan. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 13, 2020: 2:15 p.m., Friday the 13th:   Missed yesterday because I had the worst headache I've had in many a year. I actually thought about taking a nap, but I hate naps so I stayed awake and dealt with it. I don't take medication (even OTC) unless I'm hurting on my scale of 1-10 at least a 5; and with a high pain tolerance, I don't usually end up taking meds. Yesterday, I did take Tylenol after supper, but it didn't kick in until a few hours later. It's better today, so I'll get started. November 13, 2020   Election Integrity:   I'm so glad and grateful that Pres. Donald J. Trump is still fighting FOR US, so that he can continue to do all of the great things he has done FOR US for four more years! I am grateful that he has decided to do what is best for US and has his attorneys fighting the corrupted election in the remaining states. He has won a victory in PA where the Secretary of the Commonwealth changed the law without having the legal authority to do so! She extended the deadline date for her state without being legally allowed to do that. The court has decided that it's not going to let that stand and that the ballots that arrived past the due date set by state law are NOT going to count. I like that! The law matters! For the left to think that they ARE the law is not just wrong, it's delusional and it discounts YOU, who are actually their employer and who -- according to the U.S. Constitution -- ARE THEIR BOSSES. It's NOT vice versa. IF the left won't let go of this, and admit to the TRUTH of heavy CHEATING on their part, there are always other ways to do this, 9BESIDES CHEATING election machines, right?) but it's not the preferred way because it's better to expose the CHEATING and make those doing the CHEATING pay for their law breaking! It's being proven that the left has been CHEATING because there are sworn affidavits of eyewitnesses, and becaues there are people who are independently looking into the results and finding things that don't add up, and with Pres. Donald J. Trump ahead by 120,000 votes in Wisconsin, we had a little flash drive that changed everything and, suddenly (yeah, right), Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) is behind? Yeah. The lefties show their stupidity because they leave bread crumb trails all over the place and we find their trail and follow it straight to the proof of their CHEATING. We have to follow the crumbs because they're CHEATING SO BADLY that they have to hinder Republican poll watchers from doing their jobs because their CHEATING would be so very obvious that any Kindergarten student would be able to catch them if allowed to observe as the LAW sets forth. The fact is, folks, that when it's all said and done, President Donald J. Trump WON FOUR MORE YEARS, and after all of the litigation, all of the CHEATED VOTES are kicked out, and the LEGAL votes are the only ones counted -- without giving any to USB that are supposed to be Pres. Donald J. Trump's -- we will have reason to CELEBRATE "BIGLY"! Remember, folks, the LEFT warned of voting machines switching votes LAST YEAR! Now they've decided to take advantage of that "feature" on the voting machines they were warning us against last year! November 13, 2020   Republican Women ROCK!:   Yet another Republican woman won her race and, as a Cuban American, she has a message to the leftist socialist "squad": "An anti-socialist squad is forming..." I LOVE IT! I hope that the "anti-socialist squad" wipes the floor with the socialist squad and teaches them a thing or two about "squad life"! Go for it, girl! November 13, 2020   Georgia Senatorial Election:   As someone who owns property in Georgia and wants to keep that property as wonderful as it currently is (and make it even better), I hope that the people of Georgia (Hi, antiques folks! You know who you are!) know about Jon Ossoff's connections to communist China. I hope my Georgia friends and family realize that it's a bad idea to elect someone who has already teamed up with a communist country and may get access to U.S. military secrets. We already have Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB) selling America out to anyone who will give him more than a dime (via his cocaine addicted son, Hunter, of course, so USB is "clean"), and we don't need anyone else who will help him betray YOU, YOUR KIDS, YOUR GRANDKIDS, etc. If Georgia elects Ossoff, we have a problem with our national security because of USB, and electing even more traitors would be disastrous to America as a nation. If you want your grandkids to grow up in an America anywhere close to what you knew as a kid and those carefree days of riding your bike down dirt roads and having hot dogs and fireworks for no reason (does there have to be a reason for either?), then you should vote for Republican, David Perdue, and Kelly Loeffler for the other Senate seat in Georgia. You need to help keep America Republican-controlled in the Senate because the lefties still control the House (unfortunately) and you can give Pres. Donald J. Trump a chance to implement his plans for the next FOUR YEARS. Otherwise, we will have pelosickpig and chuck schumer deciding our futures and that's never a good thing! Agree? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or communist/socialist wanting to destroy America!) November 13, 2020   MAGA!:   Have you noticed that the economy is not being mentioned -- EVER -- in the msm lately? Have you noticed their total silence on the subject? Hm? Yeah. I have. Their silence probably reflects the fact that they want to keep it quiet that the unemployment numbers are DOWN because Pres. Trump did great things for America after we opened up again. We had a record-breaking GDP of 33.1% in this year's third quarter, we saw a huge increase in homes being built in America, we've had low inflation and there are other economic indicators that show Pres. Trump has still been doing good for us, but it's difficult to find in today's news world. Despite the election the left is trying to STEAL from Pres. Donald J. Trump, America is doing pretty well. Don't give up hope. He will be our president for four more years! November 13, 2020   Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB):   He's corrupt. He's as corrupt as they come and evidence proves this. We have the text messages and "the computer from he**" to prove it. He is a danger to America but the Deep State won't do anything about him because some of them are as guilty as he! If he's actually -- HEAVEN FORBID! -- sworn in to office, remember that it won't be he that runs the country, it will be the commu-slut-arris who is in control and "they" want to LOCK AMERICA DOWN AGAIN! They want to ruin our economy so that they can put in place some "fixes" that actually means CONTROLS OVER YOU. That's always a commie's goal: MORE CONTROL! "They" may include "Dr. Death" on their Covid-19 NON-demic task force. You remember this guy? If you're not familiar with him, this quote may help you: "Dr. Emanuel's disdain for the elderly is shocking. In his essay, to validate his points, he on several occasions quotes a famous Canadian eugenicist, Sir William Osler, who, among other things, remarked that men older than 60 years not only should be retired, but be chloroformed (!)."That's the kind of government USB wants? Wait. Isn't USB over 60? Thinking clearly lately, USB? Hm? Yet, this is the kind of administration USB and commie-slut-arris would put together because they owe the radicals so much and they will have to pay their bill. No. Not them, personally, it will be YOU AND I paying the bill because it is always a costly thing to elect radicals or those who kiss the radical backside. USB won't even remember being SELECTED, much less whom he owes for it, but YOU AND I WILL BE STUCK WITH THE BILL if he is sworn in -- and I don't believe he will be -- in January. Is that what you want? November 13, 2020   Well, the sun is still out and that means that I have a chance to get outside and use the paint remover for that Eastlake table I bought. I want you to keep up the hope that GOD is in control, Pres. Donald J. Trump does not give up -- nor do those great attorneys he has: Sidney Powell, Jay Sekulow, etc. -- so don't you give up. We need all of the prayers we can muster in this time and if you give up, that's one less call to heaven and we need them all! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 16, 2020: 2:01 p.m.   Election Integrity:   We still have no certified (the STATES certify the winners in elections; NOT the media!) winner to the election and that's because we've seen so much CHEATING by the lefties that it's a fight to get the TRUTH out an to get the total of LEGAL votes figured out. I've posted the stories of the CHEATING (now we know that even Virginia had CHEATING against Pres. Donald J. Trump!), the boxes of ballots that had only one vote (for Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue [USB], of course), the voting machines switching votes for President Donald J. Trump to USB, the ballot counters (now also known as CHEATERS) refusing to allow Republican observers to watch the count, as required by law, the computer "glitches" that ALWAYS favored USB, etc., etc., etc. We know that the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (“NVRA”) says that states must: "conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters by reason of – (A) the death of the registrant; or (B) a change in the residence of the registrant[.]"But that dead people have NOT been removed in many states according to a study done by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which means those 40 states that did NOT remove those people as of September of 2020 were in VIOLATION OF THE LAW (I wonder why they didn't do that? Hmmmm?) We know that the same study shows that "more than 50,000 people who cast more than one ballot in the 2018 election."So if they were doing this in 2018, how much MORE do you think they were doing it in the 2020 election? We've seen Mickey Mouse registered to vote here in Florida and probably did, as well asother fictitious characters! It's time to admit there is a problem with the lefties saying that there is no voter fraud and that this election was totally legit. We know it was NOT "totally legit" and that there was massive voter fraud. We KNOW this. Daily, now, we find more evidence of the LEFT CHEATING and it's getting more and more evident that this thing was organized, planned, put together by many lefties, it took if not years then many months, and that there are a LOT of people from a LOT of places involved: the msm, the governors and Secretaries of State in many states, the election workers in many states, the Speaker of the House knew ahead of time that USB would be the declared "winner" "NO MATTER THE END COUNT". We know that we were warned about these Dominion voting maches, yet many states chose to use them anyways. Why? That's a question that needs an answer and it needs it NOW. Were there kickbacks offered, or was there pressure applied, what happened that they ignored the TRUTH of the ability to manipulate the results within these machines? We may have a partial answer to some of the remaining questions about this election. We may have true sedition within the federal government against this president. Was the CIA working AGAINST Pres. Donald J. Trump via vote manipulation by operatives in Germany? Is that why we saw something happen that was never supposed to happen: voting machines connected to the INTERNET in the "swing states" that are still "counting"? Is that what we are experiencing? We KNOW Pres. Donald J. Trump WON THE ELECTION. There is NO DOUBT about that. IF he actually lost, why would they still be trying to manufacture ballots and still be trying to keep the TRUTH hidden? Georgia is stil "counting". Pennsylvania is still up to no good. Arizona may still be finding the last ballots in car trunks, closets, stuffed in a coat pocket somewhere. Why would they be delaying still if USB actually WON OUTRIGHT? HM? That's the truth of the matter: You only continue to HIDE THE TRUTH if the truth goes against what you want to happen! President Donald J. Trump is NOT HIDING THE TRUTH, but the LEFTIES are! Those states who are claiming they're doing recounts, finding more ballots and other "suspect" (to say the least) things that delays the TRUTH of Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory. IF he didn't actually win, wouldn't that have been figured out and gleefully announced already? November 16, 2020   U.S. Senate:   Hey, Georgians, I know that I only own land and a house there, but my husband's family goes way back in Georgia and I hope and pray that you know that if you want FREEDOM to continue, that you will vote for BOTH Sen. David Perdue and Senator Kelly Loeffler, so that Pres. Trump will have the U.S. Senate, as he NEEDS to keep doing good things for America and Georgia, and so that we will not as a nation face financial devastation because that is what will happen if the dumboRATS control both the House and Senate. We need a majority -- a two seat lead would be excellent -- in the Senate. We don't have it in the House, unless they find more seats that have been falsely given to the dumboRAT and we actually did take the House, so we need to keep the Senate and make sure that they can support Pres. Donald J. Trump. Can you imagine if the Senate had been controlled by the dumboRATS when they voted whether to impeach Pres. Donald J. Trump? He would have been found "guilty" (with rotten romney's vote) and removed from office! Yes, VP Mike Pence would been sworn in, but they had already started talking about impeaching him, too! Is that what you want? If you want to protect America and your children's futures, you MUST vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump's supporters: David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. It's the only way to protect America. It's the only way to fend off the left and their nefarious intentions against our great nation! Make America Great Again is something the lefties stand AGAINST. Let's do this to spite the left. Let's make them swallow their own words and eat humble pie! Vote for Perdue and Loeffler for the U.S. Senate! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or crappy leftie!) November 16, 2020   NON-demic:   Of course you've heard about the "resurgence" of this FAUXdemic, so would it surprise you as a reader of Space Coast Conservative to find out that the CDC has been LYING to us again? Yeah. They have. They've been counting heart attacks, accidents and poisonings as Covid-19 deaths. Really. Imagine now that the CDC was working in unison with and under the direction of the same people who planned and carried out the election FRAUD and see if it makes sense that there is now a "resurgence" of the FAUXdemic. See anything adding up? Yeah. I thought you would. When they coordinate their efforts with the lefties trying to take America's election integrity down the toilet and at the same time trying to prevent Americans from going out to protest the steal, that's called TREASON and SEDITION and all kinds of law enforcement should be coming down on them. But not a word, nor an arrest, nor a slap on the wrist even has been done to these LEFTIES trying to destroy America via ruining our trust in our elections and in slamming the rights outlined in the U.S. Constitution. It's all a sham, folks, to control you and to prevent dissent. That's what I see, at least. Think about it and see if you see the same thing. November 16, 2020   Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue:   He and his VP pick, slut-arris, are preparing to take over America and you need to know that they have stacked their team with thevilegeorgesoros operatives. This is the man who hates every organized country and wants to take down every government worldwide and replace them all with people who answers to HIM and HIM alone. He wants to rule the world and slut-arris and USB would just hand it over to him as soon as they take their seats -- which isn't going to happen because President Donald J. Trump WON -- and then America would be no more. America would be gone: not physically, but legally, constitutionally, the tradition of America and her Founding Fathers' intents would be wiped from the face of the earth. It's what USB and slut-arris want because it's what gives them the most cash in their pockets. Also, if you think for a heartbeat that either of them want to "unify" America, you're insane, smoking something hard, or drunk out of your skill; or you could be just toally gullible -- in which case, GET OVER IT! Stop that and think for a while! It's good for you to not let your brain cells atrophy! November 16, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He isn't giving up! He's determined to fight FOR US so that he can do more good things for US and for America! I am so grateful for that! I appreciate it! He's out there telling others "I won the election!" I hope he keeps speaking that TRUTH loud, clear and strong until whatever is going to happen to prove that he did! It could be the SCOTUS (not totally sure I like that idea because some of the "justices" apparently are malleable) and I hope that he continues to speak truth to power and standing up to the lefties trying to STEAL the election from him. He is being let down by so many people he thought he could trust! It's sad to see so many people with so little integrity! For instance, john durham has announced he's dropping his investigation because he doesn't want to get on the wrong side of the "incoming administration" (not his words, I'm saying that it's a false assumption). I didn't trust durham from the start, for some reason, so I'm not surprised. The left has a lot of people who can look like they're interested in doing the right thing (the FBLIE is full of them apparently), but whose only real goals is to push the leftist agenda. It's sad to see such a great man, Pres. Donald J. Trump, be so betrayed time after time after time. What soulless creatures surround him! Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump. He needs our support since he has none within the power structure of DC's Swamp. November 16, 2020   Election Integrity 2:   Well, look at this! Jordan Sekulow, one of Pres. Donald J. Trump's attorneys (and an honorable man, like his father, Jay Sekulow), says that a mob boss may be willing to tell the truth about election fraud and that would help Pres. Trump PROVE that he DID WIN this election. I lOVE IT! I only hope that this mob boss isn't playing games or lying to us because he wants to get away with something, or to help bring America down via helping the lefties make Pres. Trump look bad. We'll see. I don't totally trust this, but if it happens and what he says proves to be TRUE, that would be excellent, don't you agree? November 16, 2020   Election Integrity 3:   If you have seen a "Lincoln Project" ad, you saw LIES that the disgusting Never Trumpers with TDS -- george conway, KellyAnne Conway's slimy hubby -- made. Now they are harrassing Pres. Trump's attorneys even doxxing them and putting their families and the attorneys in danger from the violent LEFT. It's despicable, and I want you to consider this: They're still fighting an election that -- according to the msm -- has already been called. Why? IF they actually won this thing, why would they be doxxing Pres. Trump's attorneys and trying to make sure that he stops the battle to FIND THE TRUTH? Why wouldn't they just shrug their shoulders and say, "Hey. When he gets to the end of it, he still lost and he's just wasting his own money."? IF he lost, why not let him waste his money? IF he lost, why not let him continue to fight the losing battle because the TRUTH will out? Why are they continuing to try to SILENCE President Donald J. Trump and why are they acting so desperate for him to sit down, shut up, and accept his alleged (LIE) loss with folded hands? Why? Why not let it play out without any interference by the LEFT if they're so confident they won? You tell me the answer to that. I'll wait. November 16, 2020   Second Amendment:   November 16, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I worked on the Eastlake table and got the paint off of it, so the next step is to get the remnants of the shellac off of it with some mineral spirits and then sand it, and start the process of re-finishing it without paint. I love it! I'm so glad the marble top is in pretty good condition. It has some scratches, but it's not bad. I'll post it to my Flickr account (before and after) when I'm finished. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 17, 2020: 3:51 p.m.   Late start due to having errands to run. I'll do a few blurbs then try to do a full day tomorrow: "try" being the key word. Let's get started. November 17, 2020   Election Integrity:   I spoke to someone last night who doesn't believe that the steal is on and that the election results that included the boxes of ballots that were delivered by a box truck about 4:00 a.m. and the ballots that Justice Alito of the SCOTUS said had to be set aside and not counted, etc., etc., etc. Yeah. Let's not worry about all of those being included in the count in order to give the dumboRAT the victory, right? This isn't turning America into a "Banana Republic", it's a Banana Cake Republic so that the left can have their Banana Republic and eat it, too! No one cares that these results are statistically IMPOSSIBLE, nor that the numbers don't support a USB win, those things don't matter. The left doesn't care that in 2017 the director of one of the CHEATING operating systems for the voting machines admitted that his machines were programmed to give the Venezuelan winner a MILLION VOTES above and beyond what he legally received. Lefties don't want you to know that, though. They want you to trust the machines. Trust the machines. Trust the machines. Your eyelides are getting heavier and heavier. Trust the machines... So for those of you who don't care about the cheating I say, do you care about your own First Amendment rights? USB just brought onto his team some ANTI-FREE SPEECH PEOPLE. He's bringing them into an alleged administration, because he wants YOUR MOM to shut the heck up instead of having the First Amendment right to call him out! Is that what you want? Do you care about your Mom, sister, children whose futures will be affected by the dumboRAT candidate and what he does to sell out America? Sell out, as in HE IS AS CORRUPT AS THE UNIVERSE IS WIDE! Do you care about that at all? Do you care that your Mom's, sisters', grandma's futures are going to be affected negatively because voting for the dumboRAT, or supporting his alleged victory includes supporting someone who has already betrayed our country and who is as CORRUPT as they come and it's ridiculous that ANYONE voted for him, or supports him being in the Oval Office! But some people actually did vote for him because they're selfish individuals who can't face the fact that America is a great nation even though they can't admit it and don't want to say anything positive about Pres. Donald J. Trump. They don't care that the lefties will do whatever it takes to get POWER, even if it IS ILLEGAL! Laws? That's for YOU but not for THEM! I despise those people! If you want to know the TRUTH of this election CHEATING for him, check out EveryLegalVote.com and you'll be able to see more info. Or you can check the ChicksOnTheRight.com website, or The Federalist, Judicial Watch. If this cheating is okay with you, then maybe you should pack up and leave America because you don't want America to be America. You just want a communist country and you want to have America be that country. No! You can't have her! Go to Russia! Go to Venezuela, or whatever socialist/commie country you want, but you CANNOT have America! Go away! Love America as our Founding Fathers designed her, or LEAVE HER! That's the best way to do it! Agree? November 17, 2020   Election Integrity 2:   The good news is that there are people doing something about this leftist CHEATING. I'm so grateful that there are people out there who have been doing the fighting back and filing lawsuits and doing all of the heavy lifting. I'm grateful and I hope that the legal system stands behind the law. I mean, how unique and unheard of would that be? Novel, for certain; especially when it comes to Pres. Trump because the left has a habit of judge-shopping and ensuring they file in an area where the judge was appointed by themuslimvileone. Anyways, Attorney Sidney Powell is releasing the Kraken and that may wind up regretting the attempted steal. I hope so at least. Sidney Powell has a website that will allow you to support her and it's DefendingTheRepublic.org so if you want to donate to help her defend YOUR VOTE and the votes of millions like you, then maybe a $10 donation would be something you can do? I just did because I believe that this election is in the process of being stolen by the dumboRATS and I believe she will be working for America's election integrity. That's so very important! November 17, 2020   Honor Our Heroes:   Why has Arlington National Cemetery become so leftist lately? They tried to cancel wreaths on the graves of our heroes for Christmas this year! Can you believe that? It's pretty disgusting, agree? Why would they want to do that? November 17, 2020   My hubby just got home so I will go. Enjoy the rest of your day! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 18, 2020: 2:56 p.m.   Election Integrity:   The left has gotten so desperate to PUSH the CHEATED election into being that they went way nasty with the head of the General Services Administration (GSA) in an ad pressuring her to release the "Transition Funds". The ad is saying things like she is committing treason and sedition and supporting sex parties on the roof of the building! How absurd and ridiculous can they get? THIS ridiculous! It's almost funny that they are that desperate, but it's also despicable that they are actually so mean and evil as to accuse someone of doing these things for doing their job. It's disgusting. But that's lefties all over. Especially now that we have even more mathematical evidence that USB could NOT have won as alleged. There is no way he could have had the results that are being posted in the contested states. It had to -- HAD TO -- be cheating. In Georgia, where the governor is in hiding for some unknown reason, the alleged recount goes on and they are finding more votes that were never counted. Sigh. Competence much? The cheat was in so big in Georgia that they spent so much time loading up the FRAUDULENT ballots that they forgot to run the LEGAL ballots through the machine! It's ridiculous that this is being considered a legal election instead of being completely redone, but the redo would be fraught with CHEATING just like this one because that's the only way the lefties can win. We know that the machines and programming of those machines are used to CHEAT because they were used so for in other places and other elections. It's been admitted to! Why they are used in American elections, I can only surmise that it's so that the CHEAT can be done. There are still recounts to yet be started and the lefties are screaming that we should go ahead and crown Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue as our next prezidunce. Nope. Ain't gonna' happen. We don't do that when we KNOW THERE HAS BEEN CHEATING! There has been so much CHEATING that it is STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, so much so that it's a 1 in 2,666 and does anyone -- ANYONE -- believe that Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue excites that sort of excitement? Do you reall think so? Do you want Pres. Trump to concede now? Nope! Never concede when cheating has been statistically proven, when there have been sworn affidavits stating that many people saw wrongs being committed and the facts don't add up. Let's not forget the numbers of people who attended Pres. Donald J. Trump's rallies and the numbers who did NOT attend rallies for USB and slut-arris! They couldn't draw flies! So let's not give up. Keep your Pres. Trump signs, flags and other things up, keep wearing the hats and T-shirts and until Pres. Donald J. Trump is inaugurated in January, don't stop praying, don't stop supporting and don't stop believing. If you want to support Pres. Donald J. Trump and his fight for election integrity, you can give to Sidney Powell's DefendingTheRepublic.org because she's helping defend America and Pres. Donald J. Trump as well as election integrity. You can also sign the ACLJ's petition to defend the American election from fraud, and you can donate to their defense of the election after you sign the petition. If you give to those two you can help Pres. Donald J. Trump without giving to his website -- which also gives to the RNC, which I refuse to do. These two places are better options. We know that attorney, Lin Wood, is also helping President Donald J. Trump, but I don't see a place to give to his efforts. Remember: It's not over until it's over and we are seeing more and more Republicans take the "Win!" when the actual counting is complete. Take away the ILLEGAL ballots in the presidential race and Pres. Donald J. Trump won by a LANDSLIDE! Keep praying. Keep supporting, give to Sidney Powell and the American Center for Law and JUSTICE (the ACLJ I linked to above) and be sure that when Pres. Donald J. Trump is inaugurated that you are watching and thanking the Good Lord above that GOD's hand was in this victory! November 18, 2020   DUH!:   Are dumboRATS suicidal? They had her as Speaker as she helped bring about a pretty good shellacking this election and now -- DUH! -- they voted her back in as Speaker! How moronic do you have to be? Oh my stars and gardens! Well, that's according to the dumboRAT Party tweet, but it's not being shown on the House clerk's website. So, let's see what happens there. But the Clerk's page didn't have the fact that the House Republicans had their leadership elections today, too, and they kept the leadership of the last few years. So much for the Clerk's website. November 18, 2020   Georgia Runnoffs:   Remember, Georgians (and, yes, I do have people in Georgai who read my website: HI!), you have to turn out for the runnoff election and you need to get out there and VOTE! You have to VOTE for the Republicans, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, because if you don't you will set America on the the path to socialist/communist control. You have to remember who the dumboRATS are, what they stand for, and what they want to do to (not FOR; TO) America. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler will make the U.S. Senate solidly Republican controlled and the close calls won't be happening. It's time for Georgians to step up and save America with your votes for REPUBLICANS and FREEDOM! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or anti-military idiot.) November 18, 2020   Georgia Fraud:   Attorney, Lin Wood, has filed an emergency motion for injuctive relief against the Georgia Secretary of State to "prohibit certification" of the election results in Georgia. What will happen with that, I have no idea. Pray for the success of this motion. We cannot have the Georgia electoral college votes STOLEN from Pres. Donald J. Trump! We can't let that happen! It's gotta be the TRUTH that is victorious! It must be the TRUTH that prevails! We must have ONLY the LEGAL votes count! We must! Do NOT let the Secretary of State instruct a LIE to be perpetrated! GEORGIA, AMERICA NEEDS YOU! DO NOT FAIL US NOW! If you love America and don't want CHEATING like they have in Cuba and North Korea then GEORGIA, YOU HAVE TO SHOW UP! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or commie!) November 18, 2020   Free Speech:   Ya' know, for all of their lip service in "support" of the First Amendment, the left really doesn't want anyone to have a First Amendment except for them. You? You don't get it. In fact, Sen. richard blumenthal wants Big Tech to SILENCE YOU and he thinks you and your favorite websites should be shut down and censored by Big Tech. Remember, this is who your neighbors vote for when they vote for dumboRATS. They are voting to SILENCE YOU. I vote FOR their Free Speech, First Amendment rights, but they vote AGAINST yours and mine! when they Is that what you want? Is that worth talking to them about? Wouldn't it be a good idea to Red Pill them, make them into Conservatives? Talk to them if you don't think they'll turn violent or destructive. If they will have a conversation with you, ask them why they vote the way they do. There's no harm in getting info and finding out what they are thinking: or IF they're thinking! November 18, 2020   NON-demic:   A shout out to NY's Sheriffs because they have decided to ignore cuomo's Thanksgiving Covid order and they're not going to enforce an unconstitutional order mandating that people not get together for Thanksgiving! Hurray! The First Amendment reminds us of the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to "peaceably assemble": "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. [my bolding]"So, Sheriffs of New York state, I SALUTE YOU! You are obeying your oath of office and upholding the U.S. Constitution! Congratulations! November 18, 2020   dumboRAT Violence:   When a dumboRAT decides that she can threaten to SHOOT our governor and our two Senators because she didn't like Gov. DeSantis's goal of passing a law allowing people to use the "Stand Your Ground" law to protect private property from LOOTERS, we have a leftist problem. We are NOT talking a small problem, considering the fact that a Patriot Prayer guy was shot from behind just because he was a Pro-President Trump American. Then there's the leftist in Denver who shot another Trump supporter as he played "body guard" for a news crew. We have seen the left get deadly recently and we have seen them get bolder with their violence and now they've purchased a LOT of guns. It's time for those of us who are Conservative and/or not leftists/crazies to be very careful even going to the store and to consider getting our concealed carry permit. It's time to be ready to protect yourself. Protect yourself first by being watchful of your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings. Be vigilant. Don't be caught off guard. And if confronted, attacked, or injured by a lefty, be SURE TO PRESS CHARGES. Press charges, sue them personally and get everything they have except the breath in their lungs. Take the silver fillings from their teeth and the gold caps in their smiles. Leave them bereft of everything you can take. Maybe then they'll reconsider attacking someone for thinking differently than they! November 18, 2020   Crooked "judge":   The "judge" who has been persecuting good man, Gen. Michael Flynn, has ordered Pres. Donald J. Trump to stop EXPORTING illegal children border crossers if they come here by themselves. This is the "judge" who has been so despicable in the Michael Flynn case and he's now interfering in Pres. Trump's administration of his policies. This policy is KEEPING CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS and if the left is so upset about children separated from their parents, then why would they support this "judge's" ruling that will CONTINUE that practice? Why? Hypocrisy, anyone? November 18, 2020   I'm going to close with that for now. I still have to move more of my blogs to my website and that's going to be after I have some leftover homemade beef stew for supper. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 19, 2020: 2;44 p.m.   Election Integrity:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's legal team had a press conference that confirmed all of the cheating stories The Gateway Pundit has been posting about CHEATING for Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB), and they were great! The best part is that they confirmed what I have been saying all along: Pres. Trump WON by a LANDSLIDE and that's why they had to CHEAT SO HARD that's it's a physical impossibility! Wow! That's pretty bad! They CHEATED so much that it was a dead give away that they were CHEATING and I bet the lefties are upset with themselves for hiring such buffoons as to push the envelope so hard that they reversed a 700,000 to 800,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania in just over ninety minutes! It's impossible to input that many votes into the machines they were using in that little amount of time! Idiots. But I'm so glad they hired idiots! As Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said this morning on Steve Bannon's War Room, "'If we do not stop this, if we don not expose this fraud, they are not going to get worse at this, they will get better at it and we will never win another national election again.'"Yep. Those are the stakes and the idiots the lefties put in place to CHEAT for them has proven that they are CHEATING and it's been PROVEN and the left has exposed their willingness to support it, cover for it and allow it -- as long as it benefits the left. Remember: NONE of these shenanigans benefitted Pres. Donald J. Trump! If it was Pres. Trump working with "the Russians", then wouldn't the CHEATS benefit Pres. Trump? Wouldn't the "glitches" that the computers were having -- nationwide -- be spitting out a few Pres. Trump gains, instead of all losses? Yeah. Remember, the lefties will soon be saying it was the Russians and Pres. Trump and that they worked together to make the lefties look like they were CHEATING! Trust me. This is coming, even though we KNOW -- 100% certainty -- that the left was CHEATING nationwide and lefties are going to defend it as though they are innocent as wind-driven snow. Remember: "tell a LIE often enough and it becomes the truth" (unknown attribution). The left CHEATED SO MUCH that they even threatened MI canvassing board members and made them fear for their own and their families' safety. Being the good man that he is, Pres. Donald J. Trump called the two victims and asked if they were okay, if they're safe. I love that man! November 19, 2020   Election Integrity 2:   In a late-breaking (first time I think I've ever used that term here) story, the Republican Arizona governor has decided that he won't accept election results until the court cases are finishe. That's a good call, but for how long will he stand by it? He hasn't been "wonnerful" as a governor, but this is a good call. November 19, 2020   NON-demic:   The "second wave" of the NON-demic is SUPPOSEDLY going around. This is allowing some dumboRAT governors to say "LOCK IT DOWN!" The residents of their states don't want it, but they fear going to jail or being heavily fined if they don't obey the dictator/governor. This NON-demic is nothing more than a way to control you , or the dumboRAT governors would NOT SUPPORT the antifa/blm burning/looting/murdering. After all, do they not care about the black lives? Would they not be including them in the LOCK DOWN if they cared? Yeah. It's a HOAX that it's this deadly. Remember, I showed you that the the CDC was including heart attacks, accidents and poisonings in their totals lately? Remember, that previously, they were including pneumonia and regular flu? There are multiple problems with the numbers the CDC and msm are pushing and now we're going into another lock down? No. Ignore the LIES and choose freedom instead of dictatorial splendor. Choose FREEDOM! Choose FREEDOM as SD Governor, Kristi Noem, did and it resulted in very FEW cases and their unemployment rate being VERY low. It's better to NOT lock down and to CHOOSE FREEDOM than to choose unemployment and closed businesses. Choose FREEDOM as did Gov. Ron DeSantis! Thank you, Gov. DeSantis! November 19, 2020   Free Speech:   Will the case against fakebook be pivotal against Big Tech censorship, or will the SCOTUS decide that it's okay that Big Tech censor us? I hope that it will be Big Tech getting the dressing down and restrictions THEY deserve and that they will no longer be able to discriminate against the Conservatives who use their services. I don't use their services, so I am not really impacted by it yet. IF the SCOTUS rules in favor of Big Tech censorship, then we will all face new restrictions on the internet that could take away our Free Speech rights anywhere Big Tech wants to limit it. Let's hope Pres. Donald J. Trump chose his justices well. November 19, 2020   DumboRAT corruption?:   I use the question mark because a dumboRAT has been charged with accepting bribes but being charged is not being found guilty, so a question mark. The thing is, considering how often dumboRATS are found to have done this kind of thing, it's almost a "Yawn! Wake me up when something new happens!" isn't it? All you have to do is look at the November 3rd Presidential election to see that the dumboRATS CHEAT. November 19, 2020   Baby-Killing:   In China the government has had a "One Child Policy" for many years, that has recently been relaxed to two children because they have a dearth of girls for the boys to marry. So now we find out that they're not doing abortions based upon gender (as they used to do: most families wanted a boy to carry on the family name), now they're doing abortions to make the Chinese a superior people by aborting babies that may not be perfect, may have a genetic anomaloy, or may be "slightly imperfect". That's sickening. Pray for the Chinese government and those who support them (except for the people within our government and Planned AbortionHood; they don't deserve prayers, they deserve prison for supporting our enemy!). Pray for China's government and military will have a change of heart and accept Jesus as their Savior, becuase if they don't China is soon doomed. November 19, 2020   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, made a great announcement today and I am VERY HAPPY with the announcement! He said that "'Today, I want to make one announcement with respect to a decision by the State Department that we will regard the global anti-Israel BDS campaign as anti-Semitic' [my bolding]".BDS is "Boycott, Disinvest, Sanction" Israel as a way to harm Israel financially and it's something the left tries to do in order to as a way to intimidate others into joining them in trying to harm Israel. I am so PROUD of Pres. Donald J. Trump for doing this! It's a WONDERFUL way to treat your friend and it's a great political statement. It makes the rest of the world know that we won't stand for our allies being bullied! Hurray for Pres. Trump! November 19, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today, except for one last link to come before my sign-off paragraph. I want to remind you that I will be going to our farm tomorrow and that my hubby may or may not leave work early tomorrow (he has some time available) so I don't know if I'll have the time to do updates. So, maybe I'll see you tomorrow, maybe not. I'll try to be here Monday, though. Until then, I want you to have a great weekend if I don't see you until Monday and to have a giggle at the Branco cartoon that made me laugh. Hope you do, too. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 23, 2020: 3:44 p.m.   Things didn't go quite as planned up north, but it was pretty good. We did get some decorating for Christmas done, but we didn't get the tree decorated (artificial because we don't want to leave a live tree unattended for that long) because we had to leave early. We got a phone call from our youngest son asking if we remembered to dig out the twin sized air mattress for him to borrow for his guest this week. Answer: Nope. We forgot. Saturday we got a call from the same son saying that he tried to go buy a matress but that his bank account had been hacked and that he didn't have any money left! That's bad. He had a lot of money in there and he planned to use some of it to entertain his guest, but now he was out of money due to a thief getting ahold of his card number and using it online to buy clothes. We decided to head home early on Sunday and promised him we would stop in and get him an air mattress and decided to surprise him with some cash for his upcoming birthday and got both and gave them to him when we got back into town. Poor kid. He had a lot of high hopes for a good time with his guest but when the person got into his account it took the wind out of his sails. When we gave him the surprise present he made a grin that is priceless. That's a good thing. He gets to have fun now and that makes his Mom very happy. So that's how our weekend went! Hope your was good and that you got to enjoy yourself without a hacker getting ahold of your bank card! I'll do a few blurbs now and then I'll try to do better tomorrow. November 23, 2020   Election Integrity:   If you think that the Sidney Powell "rebuke" by the President Trump team is actually anything bad, you're wrong. Have faith. The way I understand it, Sidney was NEVER a member of the Pres. Trump team just was involved in the press conference because she was working on the same thing: the integrity of this election. Just because she appeared at the same press conference, that doesn't mean it's a single team. She has always been an independent investigator of the same election and she's going to be continuing her investigation because -- as an independent investigation -- she is NOT subject to the dictates of the President Trump team. She can do her investigation her way and she can get the info to the right places via other channels. It's a two pronged effort: President Donald J. Trump's actual team, and Sidney's team; both investigating the election FRAUD happening via the dumboRAT party, and the truth coming out from both sides will prove that Pres. Donald J. Trump actually WON this election! We know that the time is coming fast when all states must certify their results; even though some will certify FRAUDULENT election results like Michigan, even though we have at least one witness to MASSIVE FRAUD in their election process. It's absurd to think that ANYONE would stand by this but that's the way they do things on the left: they support CHEATING. President Donald J. Trump (I still love writing that!) is a very popular guy considering the campaign rallies he had with thousands of people attending, the boat rallies that were organized even though he was not even in the state, car rallies with 30,000+ cars, and so many other instances of his popularity compared to Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue's two hundred attendees at his rallies and thirty vehicles in his car parades. Pres. Trump is so popular that he set a voting record of LEGAL votes compared to USB's ILLEGAL votes! It's wonderful to see! I can hardly wait to see the lefties melt down when Pres. Donald J. Trump is victorious in courts of law and the FRAUD and CHEATING by the left are crying in the streets because the REAL WINNER, Pres. Donald J. Trump, is sworn in on January 20th! It's going to be GLORIOUS! November 23, 2020   Liar, Liar:   The chairman of one of the companies that helped try to STEAL this election victory from Pres. Donald J. Trump, told a LIE that "Smartmatic", the company he chairs, has never been associated with or worked with Dominion, one of the companies that also helped try to STEAL this election. It's too bad there are people who have good memories and/or who are very good at doing searches and who found PROOF that they worked together and that's how we know for certain that Lord (my foot!) Mark Malloch-Brown is a LIAR. Check to see if his pants have burn marks! November 23, 2020   FauxNews:   What is up with Tucker Carlson? Lately he's been rather unhinged and attacking Sidney Powell left, right and center. It's a sad thing to see. He's gone totally leftie. I don't understand it. I hope that he comes back to his senses, but if he doesn't, he's already lost most of his audience, so there's not going to be anyone watching him and his numbers will drop and the left he's trying to appease will drop him like a bad potato. Poor man. Forgot on which side his bread is buttered. November 23, 2020   USB FAUXsident-elect:   If he -- heaven forbid! -- gets sworn in next year, America is in BIG trouble because he will be appointing a really BAD slate of people to be his cabinet. I say "his cabinet" but it will actually be slut-arris's cabinet because USB will only be "prezidunce" for a few days, hours, seconds (whichever) because pelosickpig will use the 25th Amendment to kick his butt out of office very quickly because everyone knows he has Alzheimer's and can't manage the functions of the office beyond opening the door! They're all commies, marxists, haters of America and it's not good. Your taxes will go up, your freedom will go down because they'll put back all of the regulations -- not LAWS, regulations; things that agencies put upon you, not the Senate and House passed -- that Pres. Donald J. Trump kicked to the curb, and they'll reenter all of the agreements themuslimvileone made that were BAD for America! America will be worse off rather than better off and slut-arris will be doing all she can to make AmeriKa a communist country because she hates America! Let's not allow the steal. Let's not allow the LIE that people voted en masse to put a senile, doddering, angry, child molesting, hair sniffing, sexually inappropriate old man into the most powerful office in the world. #StopTheSteal and let's "Make America Great Again!" again and not let the LIES of the LEFT STEAL this election! Remember, before this election, EVEN THE LEFT was complaining about Dominion machines! So let's not give their defense of this election ANY CREDENCE WHATSOEVER! November 23, 2020   TDS Senators:   I hope that this is not true, but carl bernstein says that BOTH FL Senators (rubio and scott) have TDS! He said they both have Trump Derangement Syndrome and that they're just hiding it. IF true, that's reason enough for me to want to NOT VOTE FOR THEM next chance I get. I wouldn't mind getting rid of rubio, since he's been a thorn in most Conservative ideas' sides for a long time. He played conservative for a little while to get elected the first time, but after winning election, he is not actually all that Conservative, unfortunately. rick scott, while I thought he was a TRUE Conservative while he was our Governor, turns out -- IF this is true -- may not be so much of a TRUE Conservative as (like rubio) a CONVENIENCE Conservative: someone who uses it to be elected, but doesn't believe in it in real life. It's a useful campaign tool, and that's it. I hate that. November 23, 2020   My hubby is on his way home and will be here in a few minutes so I'm going to close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory in every way, shape and form from today forward so that the election will be proven to have been STOLEN from him. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 24, 2020: 3:10 p.m.   Happy Thanksgiving!   For the real story of Thanksgiving, read Rush Limbaugh's history lesson and learn about the TRUTH of Thanksgiving. It wasn't the Indians they were thanking, it was GOD (Christians know that) they were thanking and it's important to "Find The Truth!" I have another late start because I'm trying to get ready for Thanksgiving and that takes some cleaning, shopping and furniture rearranging so that we can put up our Christmas tree. It's a lot of work and it's a lot of frustration sometimes, but it takes up time, more than anything. Thus, my short update for today. I can't do much today, but there are things that you should know. BTW, this will be the last update for the rest of the week. I have baking to do tomorrow, Thanksgiving is Thursday, then Friday my hubby will be home with us and we'll be doing Christmas decorating, projects and other things, so it's going to be a busy weekend. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember to give GOD thanks for all He has done and IS DOING for us! Have a great Thanksgiving weekend and be careful if you go out shopping on Black Friday! I'm almost finished so I don't have to worry about that. Anyways, enjoy! November 24, 2020   Election Integrity:   There are more than 100 Conservative leaders who say that they are supporting Pres. Trump's efforts to keep trying to figure out how much CHEATING went on during this election and to show the American people how the lefties CHEATED (in Illinois, as well!) and how it is impacting the results. We must find out what happened, who did it, how they organized it, what they did, how they did it and when they did it -- both the organization of it and the actual deeds. We need computers and servers and voting machines, but they have not been secured in the states where the cheating happened, so they're being destroyed right now, the same way hillosercrooktOOn did her stuff: hammer and BleachByte! Anyone and everyone involved in trying to STEAL this election should go to prison or be hanged for sedition! If that includes the Georgia Secretary of State and the governor, then so be it! We DESERVE a "Free and Fair Election" and we DESERVE to get to the TRUTH, even if it means not certifying the election results until next OCTOBER! It's IMPERATIVE that we know the TRUTH and that our elections be WITHOUT CHEATING by anyone for any reason! I don't care how much the left (or the right) wants power! I want an election where I know that my vote -- and YOUR vote -- isn't being negated by the thousands of ballots that the LEFT pumps into elections that are ILLEGAL VOTES! It's not a legal vote if someone casts it who has no right to vote: felons, illegal aliens, resident aliens, etc., dead people, fictitious characters, people who have already voted once, etc. The LEFT is CHEATING in this election and there's more than ample proof of their CHEATING! We know that in GA they called a SHREDDING company to a ballot counting location and that the shredding company shredded documents. If those were ballots, those ballots -- by LAW -- should have been kept in custody of the people who run the GA elections for no less than 22 months from Nov. 3rd. We know that's the LAW. What is a shredding company doing at the ballot counting facility with their machines running? We know that the crooked Secretaries of State in states where the FRAUD was most pronounced are certifying the election results which will have to be overturned by the courts because they were too many ILLEGAL activities that occurred for it to be certified. We know that the governor of PA congratulated the crooked elections operators even though they refused to allow Republican poll workers to watch the process as the LAW REQUIRES, they were doing all kinds of other things that messed with the results (their voting machines were adding and switching and moving votes around all day Nov. 4th and later), and we know that in other states there are still shenanigans happening. For instance, in Milwaukee, WI, they found another 386 ballots today! Top it off with the fact that they're taking the recount there "so seriously" that they've issued "poop emoji bracelets" as the security bracelet for today. Can you imagine? Don't you worry, though, Pres. Donald J. Trump (STILL LOVE WRITING THAT!) IS NOT CONCEDING (Thank you, JESUS!), and he's going to continue fighting FOR US so that he can continue to do great things for America! PRAY HARD FOR HIS SUCCESS AND VICTORY! November 24, 2020   Fake News: How it's done:   It's true. The msm has abandoned the TRUTH, abandoned true journalism and abandoned all sense of BALANCE and has pushed a leftist agenda and tried to help the globalists destroy America as founded and made her a part of the New World Order/One World Order/Global Governance, whatever you want to call it. It's part of their M.O.; they want nothing more than to have their globalist buddies in power because, being the maniacally egotistical like they are, they believe they will be part of the "popular" people who will be some of the elites in the New World Order after the Great Reset and they'll be invited to all of the fun parties that actually have food available and running water. It's the msm who thinks that LYING to YOU will keep you deaf, dumb, blind and stupid and they will do their utmost to ensure that continues until the NWO is in place here in America. Is that what you want? If not, you need to continue to pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump to be victorious, the TRUTH of the CHEATING done in this election, and that those responsible for the CHEATING GO TO PRISON FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES, or hang by their necks and we get to watch them dangle! November 24, 2020   aoc: The MOUTH:   She has been very vocal since she believes (yeah, right: she's keeping up appearances, that's all) that Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue "won" the election that she has said she was thinking about going to Georgia to campaign for the dumboRAT down there. Republican, Sen. David Perdue, says "Come on down!" I'm sure he's serious about that, too. She has a bad record of the people she endorses -- on average -- NOT winning, and she's not something that Georgians would approve of. I go to Georgia regularly (as you know) and I still see Pres. Donald J. Trump signs, flags and hats all over the place, giving him our support everywhere. If she comes down to campaign for the dumboRAT, he'll be saying, "Go home! Shut up! Please! Leave me alone! You're hurting my chances!" She isn't very smart, and she's even dumber if she thinks that she's welcome down in Georgia. Ask the song, "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" because that's almost appropo! November 24, 2020   Communism:   In the alleged-upcoming slut-arris/bumbletongue administration they will try to saddle YOU with paying for other people's college student loans. Is that what you want? See? This is why America voted for President Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!). Americans don't like paying for other people's bills, don't like being forced into SLAVERY for others' debts, because that's what it would be. You would be a SLAVE to their college education. Did you go to college and pay off your debt already? What would they do for you? Would they give you a refund? Or would you just have to take it that you don't deserve a refund, and that you STILL have to pay for a LOT of people's education. Slavery. That's the very thing that would happen. That's what aoc, USB, slut-arris and the LEFT of all kinds want to impose upon you when they say they want "the government" (We, The People ARE "the government") to pay for others' debts. IS that what you want? That's why YOU MUST support Pres. Donald J. Trump in his efforts to prove the CHEATING and that HE WON this election with the LEGAL VOTES. November 24, 20202   Okay. That's it for this week. I am going to go get some Thanksgiving prep done and we'll try to see you on Monday. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 2020 December 1, 2020: 3:23 p.m.   Missed yesterday dut to getting a DexaScan: a bone thickness measurement that took about five minutes for the non-invasive test that was painless, and I stayed completely dressed for. It was fast and painless, but then I came home ready to get things done and a headache stopped me in my tracks. It was a bummer because I only got a little bit of Christmas decorating done, too. I was disappointed but when your head hurts an eight out of ten, it's kinda' hard to get anything done. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you got to enjoy family, friends and relaxation. I hope that you are up and running on your Christmas and that you have the bulk of your shopping done and that from now until Christmas you can mostly relax and enjoy! Let's get started for the few updates I'll be able to do (time crunch!). December 1, 2020   Election Integrity:   What is wrog with U.S.A.G. bill barr? Whose payroll is he on; soros, hillosercrooktOOn's or whose? He is playing deaf, dumb, blind and stupid! He said he hasn't seen evidence that would change the outcome of the 2020 election! Is he INSANE? He has looked at what: the msm, dumboRATS' opinions, the back of the donut he's been eating? For whom is he covering? He needs to be FIRED RIGHT NOW! Replace him with Sidney Powell, Tom Fitton, Richard Grennell; anyone who is a TRUE Conservative and has a pulse! It's ridiculous that barr "cannot see" (quotes because I think he's LYING THROUGH HIS DONUT-CRUSTED TEETH!) witness after witness after witness after witness of WRONG DOING in the election and there is a LOT of EVIDENCE that is being gathered and defiant government officials are doing more wrongs as the judicial system rules in favor of Pres. Donald J. Trump's legal team who are trying to stop this STEAL. It doesn't matter to the left (or bill barr, apparently) that what the left is doing is TOTALLY ILLEGAL, but they must win and that's all that matters to them! Right? Wrong? Legal? Illegal? Nah. Doesn't matter. WIN at any cost in ANY WAY they can. That's what must happen because then the swamp never gets drained and their own wrongs never get exposed -- and bill barr is helping with that! Fire him! How many witnesses of election FRAUD must come forth before the left admits the election STEAL was planned, organized and brought to fruition? How low can the left go before the people who are the everyday people, those who vote for the cheaters will say "Enough! That's too far! You're corrupting our whole election and that's too far!"? Either they do that, or the left's leadership will keep sinking lower and lower and lower into wrongs and evil and corruption and they will wind up with violence and tyranny. The violence we already have (antifa/blm) but tyranny will not be admitted until it's too late for even the leftie voters to stop it. Those who voted for this in REAL LIFE -- as opposed to the FRAUDULENT VOTES that they are counting as real -- are as responsible for this as the people doing it because they keep voting for it, over and over and over again. They apparently don't care how evil and corrupt their government is. December 1, 2020   Dominion Voting Machines:   At the center of the election STEAL is this company that has a history of being "malleable" to a bit of skullduggery in elections worldwide. In this election, the voting machines were sometimes hooked up to the internet or USB data sticks were used on election night to do whatever he wanted to the election numbers, and we have that on video. The left doesn't care that this kind of cheating was happening, and (in fact) may have chosen these machines precisely because they can be used to change votes and manipulate data. It's all about the STEAL and that's what the left wanted, planned and executed. Now it's up to US to stop it! They're so bad that they're not "allowed" to be used in Missouri, but they ARE being used anyways, according to a local legislator! That's CRAZY! That sounds to me like the Missouri results are in question, to put it mildly! December 1, 2020   Georgia Runoff:   There is still the Georgia runoff election to worry about. Two U.S. Senators are still to be elected there and we must have the Republicans elected in order to save America from the left. The U.S. House is (allegedly; who knows after all of the CHEATING we've seen) still controlled by dumboRATS, so we MUST keep the U.S. Senate and Pres. Donald J. Trump as PRESIDENT -- duly and properly elected by LEGAL VOTES -- in order to prevent CHINA and the corrupt Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue and his entire crime family from selling America to China! That's why it's important that the faux governor, stacey abrams, be investigated because she is churning up "votes" for the two dumboRAT candidates and the Secretary of State there, the corrupt raffensperger, is allegedly "looking into" voter registration groups like abrams'. How much you wanna' bet he finds that she is doing nothing wrong, like the deaf, dumb, blind and mute bill barr is doing with all of the presidential election CHEATING? It's so important that we keep the U.S. Senate that the good people of Georgia must turn out in droves, watch what happens in the runoff election in January (the 5th) and then demand election integrity in this runoff because if they do NOT stand guard over their votes and the LEGAL votes of Georgia, then the ILLEGAL votes will be all that matter. We know there will be as much CHEATING as the left can do, so we must count on the GOOD PEOPLE OF GEORGIA to stand up, demand election integrity and demand a TRUE AND LEGAL ELECTION, not a CHEATED LEFTIST STEAL! VOTE FOR LOEFFLER AND PERDUE OR LOSE AMERICA! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or commie CHEATER!) December 1, 2020   blm:   Where's the money? That's what people are asking because BILLIONS of dollars have "disappeared" and those who donated want to know. My guess: ask hilloser. December 1, 2020   john durham, Special Counsel?:   Is this a joke? What in the world? It's gotta' be... What? What is happening here? U.S.A.G. bill barr, has announced that he re-appointed john durham as special counsel to continue his investigation into spying on Pres. Donald J. Trump and he did so in October so that durham would be able to continue his investigation even if USB "won" the election. I don't get it. Either barr is fully aware that durham is a leftist who won't find a darn thing (like mueller looking into hilloser), barr knows that it looks bad that durham has found nothing (or is ignoring everything), or he's been playing possum with everything, getting things done on the down low and he's going to have a huge surprise for us as soon as Pres. Donald J. Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2021. I am hoping for the latter, but don't expect it. What do you think is going on here? Can you figure it out? I fear the first option, but hope beyond hope for the last. Agree? December 1, 2020   I'm going to close with that for now. My hubby will be home soon and it's after five, so I'll plan to see you tomorrow. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 2, 2020: 3:14 p.m.   Another short day because of another late start. Christmas does this to me (not just me, but definitely me) because I have so much to do to get my decorating done and to have get it done right and in order because if you want to decorate "X", you have to do "W" first. Right? Sigh. It's a process. But it's a lovely process because the house looks so wonderful, Christmas-y and festive when it's completed. Then some day, the worst day of the year, I have to take it down. That's such a hard task. I hate it every year, whether I do it up big that year, or just put up a tree and a few little doo-dads around the horizontal surfaces, I hate it annually. Anyways, I'll get started with the few blurbs I'll be doing today. December 2, 2020   Huge Loss:   I have been a fan of Walter Williams for a long time. He used to substitute for Rush Limbaugh and I loved it every time he subbed. He was so funny and I'm sure he used to get people riled up with his jokes about buying his wife a new apron or a new mop for their anniversary. I loved it! Today, I heard that Walter E. Williams died this morning. I have read some of his books and enjoyed them and learned from them and I am sad for his loss. My condolences to his family and friends. December 2, 2020   Election Integrity:   More news about all of the CHEATING the lefties did to STEAL the election from the TRUE WINNER, President Donald J. Trump is coming out. There were TRUCKLOADS of ballots transported across state lines from NY to PA to be counted in PA. Is that legal? Nope. Did the left do it? YEP. Rules? They're for YOU, but not for them! One of the most despicable things the left did to try to STEAL this election is that they STOLE the votes of U.S. MILITARY MEMBERS and - no matter who the military person voted for - transferred their votes to a fresh ballot and made them all -- 900 of them -- for Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue! That's so wrong!!! That's not what the miitary members are offering their lives to "protect and defend"! Are there no boundaries to the left's drive for power? Sorry. Rhetorical question. They've proven -- PROVEN -- that a Dominion employee messed with the numbers in Georgia, there's video of it, and that makes a leftie in Georgia REALLY MAD! Boo Hoo. We got the proof. Now cry about it as Georgia's CHEATING is undone! The left is/was so cocky about their CHEATING that the high-muckety-mucks put together a video touting how "secure" the 2020 election WILL BE (yes, they made it prior to the election), and are upset that it's been found to be the MOST CORRUPTED ELECTION IN AMERICAN HISTORY. I am sure that they were talking about "secure" in the sense that they thought they had CHEATED ENOUGH this time (after screwing it up with hillosercrooktOOn) to "secure" the win. Their video wasn't about election "security" it was about their confidence in their CHEATING FOR THE WIN! They have broken the laws and they knew they were breaking the laws and didn't care as long as it led to their "victory". It's all about the POWER and their efforts know no bounds to get it and maintain it! It's not just WRONG, it's immoral and ILLEGAL. Wrong is breaking curfew. STEALING an election is about the people doing the STEAL, not about just breaking the law. It's about them getting the power to CONTROL YOU. That's all that matters to them. Remember, POWER comes with the ability to make MONEY. Their second god (after abortion) is MONEY and that's why they want the POWER> Don't believe me? Do the research and find out how many Senators, Representatives and presidents went into office as middle class people and came out as millionaires! Money. It makes the dumboRATS to 'round! And the American people ARE TICKED OFF! It's all about election INTEGRITY, not power for the people who voted and whose votes were denied their voice because of the cheating that was done to override their voices. Your voice -- your vote -- should not be cancelled by truckloads of illegal ballots being trucked in from another state, or being brought in the dead of night to be counted in miraculous minutes instead of a realistic amount of time. People don't like being LIED TO by their elected representatives/"public servants". It's important that "We, The People" are in control of this nation and that our voices are heard and count. It's not the elected representatives who are in control of this country, IF you run it like the U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers meant it to be run. WE have CONTROL. Not them. They are supposed to SERVE US; not vice versa, as they have engineered it to be. In the left's world, we are their servants but it's not supposed to be that way! Take back America! Make America a Representative Republic again, as she was founded to be! They SERVE and ANSWER TO US! Period! December 2, 2020   Election Integrity 2:   Well, there may be some good news for the election STEAL that the left has been trying to do. Did you hear that bill barr was actually MISQUOTED when he spoke about the left's attempts to STEAL the election? Yep. In fact, he posted a clarification of his statements to make sure that he was understood. Basically it's all about the different kinds of law: civil law is what Pres. Donald J. Trump's team is working under while filing all of the law suits to make the states do the right thing and STOP THE STEAL. Criminal law is different and that's what the DO[IN?]J would be involved in. Is there something that the criminal investigations are going to or are currently happening? I don't know. I do know that "In September, Barr warned against mass mail in voting and the potential for fraud."So that's the news that could be good for election integrity. U.S.A.G. bill barr may have NOT stepped in a big pile of poo with his statement. Do I trust him because of his not stepping in a big pile? No. I don't trust him. He has to earn that but at least he didn't make my distrust worse with this one. December 2, 2020   NON-demic:   An "Ivy Legaue" study that the msm/lefties don't want you to know about found that the msm created fear of this thing, not that we needed to be fearful. The msm's LIES and coverage was what made people afraid. They're still doing the LYING but it isn't having the same impact anymore as people have realized the TRUTH about this Chinese manufactured disease. We know it's been in America longer than they thought. I believe that. I think that a lot more people have had it than we have been told because it was back in January and December of last year that several people I watch on YouTube said they had the symptoms, and I know others who said they probably had it before February. It's quite possible and now everyone is wearing masks to "stop the spread"? How many deaths have been caused STRICTLY by Covid-19? The last number I heard was 86,000, but that was a few months ago. Now, who knows? They're still counting as cases those who are currently positive and those who have already gotten over it. The Active case test results and the test results that show you have had it (antigen tests show you had it and now your body has produced antibodies for it) are being counted as ONE number and that's bumping the case load UP. That's just another in the long string of LIES about this NON-demic we are bing sold. The msm has a lot to answer for in this and so much more. Don't watch the msm. They're LIARS who are more interested in helping the lefties get into and stay in power than telling you anything close to the truth. Of course, it's the left's excuse to control you while they have the FREEDOM to do as they wish. That's all part of the NON-demic; they CONTROL YOU. It's not about your health. It's about CONTROL. How long will YOU BE A SHEEP? December 2, 2020   Russia! Russia! Russia!:   Criminutly! The left's use of the "Russia!" squirrel is just beyond belief. They really are shameless after their use of the "Russia collusion" LIE against Pres. Donald J. Trump in the first four years of his eight year administration. You know what they did and it's a shame that they did it, but they just can't let it go, no matter how absurd the charge is! "Russia! Russia! Russia!" It's like Jan being jealous of Marcia. S.M.H. December 2, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. Hubby will be home soon. Ya'll have a great evening. Get your Christmas stuff done and have that shopping done before 22 days from now. You don't want to be shopping at the gas station for Christmas presents unless it's lottery tickets for the stocking! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 3, 2020: 3:29 p.m.   Another late start due to Christmas preps. Sorry. Let's get started with a few blurbs, election first because it's the most important thing in our lives besides Jesus Christ. December 3, 2020   Election Integrity:   FIRST, you have to watch President Trump's speech about the CHEATING that went on during the 2020 election. You have to watch it because it's the TRUTH! Have you ever heard of a "Heat Map"? It's a way to show the location via light of where things are happening. In this election, in Pennsylvania, we have a "Heat Map" that shows where people voted in Pennsylvania, but lived elsewhere, and the "Heat Map" is very telling. The problem is that I can't find a link to the "Heat Map". It was used on Steve Bannon's Pandemic War Room, which you should be watching if you have not been doing so. I think they'll use it again, showing you what they have put together, but I can't find the actual map to link. Maybe the thing is being blocked by googley-woogley, I don't know. I have been through pages and pages of search results without the right thing showing up. Anyways, there is a map that you should see. We also have ballots that are different than the normal ballots in each given state, but they are very similar to the faux ballots in other states. We also have suitcases full of ballots pulled out from under tables that just happened to have been staged there and pulled out when the Republican observers had been KICKED OUT of the building! IF there were nothing wrong with them doing this sneaky little maneuver, why would they have waited until all of the Republicans were gone? There is a report on the Dominion voting machines that Pres. Donald J. Trump's team has put together that Gateway Pundit has reported on, and the link to the actual report it is very damning. It's not just Pres. Donald J. Trump who is finding things that are illegal in the 2020 election, it is others who are calling for prosecutions, too! What is really disgusting about this charade is that they BROADCAST the what they were going to do. Between Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue (USB) stating that he had "the best, most diverse vote fraud organization in American history", pelosickpig's statement BEFORE the election that USB was going to win "whatever the end count is" and now we have all of this crap happening? It was something that Republicans should have taken seriously, especially given the amount of CHEATING the left has done for the last six elections! Since the crooktOOns were in office, they have had organized CHEATING and the crooktOOns are heading it! We have CHEATING and even a 100 ballot sample PROVES IT! Remember, they drove ballots ACROSS STATE LINES to be counted in Pennsylvania when they were filled out in New York! It's time that the dumboRATS stop CHEATING and RUINING PEOPLE'S LIVES and start listening to the American people's LEGAL VOTES and start prosecuting those who have been CHEATING! They're trying to STEAL this election and it's a sin, a shame, and a farce! Donald J. Trump WON this election by a landslide and they're trying their darndest to STEAL IT! #STOPTHESTEAL! December 3, 2020   NON-demic:   An expert has been saying that the Covid-19 "vaccine" will "send you to your doom". My best advice: DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE. Some of you will listen. Some won't. I refuse to take it. I don't want to kiss government butt. Covid-19 has been a con all along, as I've been telling you, so DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE. If they have to LIE to you, it's about CONTROLLING YOU, not about helping you! DON'T TAKE THE VACCINE! December 3, 2020   Islamic Manipulation:   If a Muslim is "quoting" (read: misquoting or taking out of context) Bible verses at you, then you need to know that it's to manipulate you, to guilt you, or whatever. Don't pay any attention to them because they're always taking scripture out of context, misquoting or partially quoting it, and it's very opportunisticly used. They like to try to beat Christians and Americans in general up with Bible verses, but it's not something they can use against you if you know the Bible well enough to know that their use is out of context, partial quote, or whatever. Even when they quote the whole verse, it's used in a way that is besides what GOD intended. For instance, you can say something like, "People are being denied the right to abortions and the poop says it's wrong. In fact, the Bible says in John 11:35 that 'Jesus wept'." That would be taken totally out of context because that verse has nothing to do with abortion, but it IS in the Bible. So anyone can throw Bible verses out at you, but don't fall for their ruse because they are NOT using it properly, in context and the way it is supposed to be used. Islam likes to take the Bible and hit Christians and Christianity over the head with out of context uses. Islam will pay a price for that because ("GOD is not mocked"! December 3, 2020   Oopsie! I spent so much time looking for the "Heat Map" that my hubby just called and said he's on his way home! I guess I'll close for tonight and do a few blurbs tomorrow and then I won't be back again until Tuesday because we have government business to deal with in Georgia so we're going to stay until Monday evening. We have to pay our property taxes up there for our 28.4 acres, which are lower than our property taxes here for half an acre. Go figure. Anyways, I will see you tomorrow, or at least that's the plan. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 4, 2020: 1:59 p.m.   Crooked, Corrupt, Evil "judge" sullivan:   Can you believe the nerve of this clown?! He has hinted to his buddies on the court that he may CHALLENGE Pres. Trump's pardon of Gen. Flynn! According to the research I have done, it cannot be undone, but that apparently won't prevent this crooked, corrupt, evil "judge" from trying. It's absurd on its face. If a Presidential pardon is given and a "judge" can overturn it, what good does the U.S. Constitution do in delineating that a president can give any FEDERALLY CHARGED person a pardon except in cases of impeachment (he can't pardon bullybobcrooktOOn). Other than that, as long as it's a federal offense, Pres. Donald J. Trump -- or any president -- can pardon anyone he pleases. A pardon does not erase the record of the conviction, it just erases the conviction itself. There can be no "parole" after a pardon, there can be no loss of civil rights (the right to vote, etc.), but it does not wipe the record clean. Even though this is what the U.S. Constitution says in Article 2 para. 1: "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. [my bolding]"This corrupt, criminal "judge" may try to challenge President Donald J. Trump's pardon of Gen. Michael Flynn. It's absurd and it's wrong. This "judge" thinks he's got more power than the U.S. Constitution he swore an oath to "uphold and defend"? He needs to be disbarred and NOW! December 4, 2020   Election Integrity:   The Georgia election was filled with FRAUD and now we have even more PROOF that CHEATING happened. We have VIDEO showing the suitcases pulled out pulled out from under the table and those ballots counted without any Republican count watchers in the building because she waited until after the "water leak" (that never happened) to pull the ILLEGAL BALLOTS out of their hiding place and then count them. She must have been involved in the set up of the room's tables and chairs because she knew where they were, she knew that the table would not be used by others and she knew that it would be safe to put them there. This is a CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT ELECTION FRAUD and she's part of it! In Arizona, the governor (Dicey Ducey) has been charged by a state Representative who says ducey signed a false document when he signed off on the certification of the FRAUD-FILLED election results. It's so pervasively FRAUDULENT in Arizona that the dumboRAT attorney trying to defend this CHEATING is saying that "dead people's votes" can be considered LEGAL! Seriously! He says that if they cast their ballot before they died that it should count. How many people died after voting but before the count? Or how many people were very long in the grave and voted anyways? I give State Representative, Mark Finchem (District 11), credit for wanting to do the right thing. The question is, how far will they push it? Will they keep pushing until the Arizona election certification is recalled and a real investigation is done and the REAL WINNER, Pres. Donald J. Trump, given the election there, because he actually DID WIN it in Arizona (otherwise, why would they have had to CHEAT)? People who have come forward to tell the TRUTH about the MASSIVE CHEATING in this election have been threatened, physically attacked and needed hospitalization, their tires have been slashed and been so harrassed for TELLING THE TRUTH about the LEFT'S CHEATING in this election that she had to move out of her house and find a new place to live! It's absurd that the LEFT thinks that this is okay, acceptable in any way, shape, or form. But remember: they DO think it's okay. They think that it's okay to them because they want the POWER. That's what it's all about. Remember, the Georgia election system is the one that themuslimvileone "tested" to see if it was secure back in 2016, which means that they found out that it was less secure than your extra rolls of toilet paper. That's probably how they chose which states to use to do this: try to break into the different systems and see which are most vulnerable, bribe the powers that be in that state, then pay ACORN personell to do the counting on election night because they don't care about right and wrong, they just want the dumboRATS in power. In Alaska, we know that someone got into their voter database and STOLE THE INFO of 100,000 voters! That means that they could cast "absentee ballots" for the people whose info they had even though they were not that person. The person would show up to vote on election day and be told that they've already voted absentee! Is that a FAIR election? No. A stolen vote is still "STOLEN". That's the thing: A fair and accurate election, an election with INTEGRITY, has NONE OF THIS CRIMINALITY happening! The good news is that the evidence is mounting about the FRAUD the left has committed during the election. For instance, President Trump's team has a Dominion machine and are doing a forensic examination of it, which will prove quite a few things were SWITCHED, STOLEN, CHEATED and that is how the left says they won. This is a good thing, but we'll have to wait to see if any "judge" will do anything about it. I think this will go to the U.S. Supreme Court and the nine justices there (or should that be five justices and four "justices" -- including roberts?) will decide whether there was FRAUD going on. The fact is, President Donald J. Trump WON if you count ONLY THE LEGAL VOTES. If the FRAUDULENT, ILLEGAL votes are counted, then it's true that Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue "won", but that's not how we do things in America. We don't count ILLEGAL votes; not in a normal election year, at least. It's time that this CHEATING be stopped, prosecuted and prevented from ever happening again. Agree? December 4, 2020   pelosickpig:   She has said it out loud. Can you believe that? She said it out loud. She has admitted that it's her fault that a second Covid-19 deal has been met. She is the one blocking relief for you and your loved ones. She is the one preventing you from being able to pay your bills, feed your family and make it through another illegitimate lockdown. She admitted it. Now what are her constituents going to do about it? Knowing sanfran, not a darn thing. They'd rather have a dumboRAT in office and starve to death than have a Republican who will help them learn self-reliance. Absurd. December 4, 2020   Craziness:   The U.S. House -- under dumboRAT control -- has passed a federal law that would legalize marijuana nationwide. I hope the Senate refuses to pass it or that Pres. Donald J. Trump -- this term or his upcoming second term -- vetoes it. The reason they want to let you do drugs is that if you are high you won't fight them, you won't pay attention to what they are doing to America and you won't give a flip about anything but your "right" to drugs! Is that what you want: to help the LEFT destroy America? If not, you should let your representatives know that they should vote AGAINST this nonsense! December 4, 2020   Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue:   The left keeps broadcasting what they are going to do, and we better start taking it seriously! Now, USB says he may resign after taking the office! "'When we disagree, so far, it’s just like when [themuslimvileone] and I did. It’s in private. She will say, 'I think we should do A, B, C, or D.' And I’ll say, 'I like A, I don’t like B and C.' And it’s okay, and like I told [themuslimvileone], if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign,' he said. [my bolding]"IF? IF? He HAS a disease! He has Alzheimer's and the left KNEW it when they ran him! They knew that he was so corrupt that he could be manipulated and he won't have a choice because if he doesn't obey, they will release the TRUTH of his son's activities with China, of his own activities -- accepting bribes and being totally sold out to the Chinese -- to the press, to the prosecutors and the msm will release it this time instead of covering up for it because they take their marching orders from hilloser/soros. If those two want it done, the msm says, "Yep! We can do that!" It's a farce that he was "elected" (read: CHEATED) into the alleged position of "president-elect" and if anyone believes it happened without CHEATING, then I have a swamp in the Sahara I can sell you! Slut-arris is going to be the actual CHEATED-INTO-OFFICE prezislut, and there's no doubt about that. Voters didn't have a say in that. The fix was in. He did not win, nor did she, but that doesn't matter. It's all about the CHEAT and the resulting POWER. December 4, 2020   I'm going to close with that for now. I have to get ready to go to our Georgia farm. Have to finish decorating up there (get the tree done this time!) and we have to stay until Monday so we can pay our property taxes in person. They have a drop box but neither of us are comfortable with that idea. How is your Christmas decorating coming along? Getting all of the doodads out and the trees, garlands and wreaths up? Baking started? Shopping and wrapping completed? Christmas is a lot of work, isn't it? Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 9, 2020: 12:38 p.m.   Missed Monday because we were still in Georgia, paying our property taxes. We pay less in Georgia for our 28.4 acres than we pay in Florida for our half-acre! We have many of the same costs, but a much lower rate. It's irritating. Missed yesterday because I had to run errands that I didn't remember were pending. While in one errand, I spent extra time there and maybe found a Christmas present for myself. We'll see if that happens. Anyways, let's get started for today's updates. December 9, 2020   Election Integrity:   Of course the left is still trying to STEAL the election and they're whining about Pres. Donald J. Trump not accepting their treason. It's a good thing that the PA suit is still going to be heard by the SCOTUS. They are taking it, as Pres. Trump's attorney told us, so there is still that one, plus there's the Texas lawsuit that Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota and now Missouri have joined! How about that!? It's excellent! The Supreme Court of the United States of America is going to rule in favor of Election Integrity, the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law and that means President Donald J. Trump will be sworn in again on Jan. 20, 2021! December 9, 2020   Well, that was a surprise! My hubby called as I was writing the blurb above and asked that I be ready to go somewhere with him in a little while and he's on his way home! So, I have to go! I am sorry. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 10, 2020: 2:13 p.m.   Well, I went and met my hubby after he called yesterday, interrupting my updates, and we got me a surprise present. I admit, it was a huge surprise and I am really happy with it. I don't get it until later, but I can hardly wait! It's a great present! Afterward, we ate lunch together then I went to an estate sale that a friend was conducting because I was out and about anyways and had looked at her listing of it and thought I would go buy a piece of stained glass, but it wasn't what I thought it was and came home empty-handed. Then I finished our Christmas decorating and we get to put the last bins away tonight: hurray! I will try to get the whole update done today because tomorrow I don't think I will be able to do updates. We go back up to the farm tomorrow because for a present, I gave my husband a metal building that has two garage doors, a person door, two windows and a concrete slab. We have to go up and decide where we want to put it, do the measurements, and mark it out. My hubby is talking to the permitting people up there today and we'll probably have a completed project by the end of March. Then we can put our two riding mowers and our UTV in that instead of in the container. I am looking forward to that. We'll have more storage and I like that. We'll move the wood we keep stocked up there to the container, and chemicals (weed killer, bug sprays, etc.) will go in there, too. And, because it's going to be a new build, we're going to keep part of it for furniture so we can put it out there while we renovate the master suite and living/dining room area. Oh, my. I did get carried away here, didn't I? Let's get started! December 10, 2020   dumboRAT Decline:   How many videos are there of pelosickpig and Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue do we have? We see the dumboRATS' "leadership" are elderly and a lot of them (apparently) are having cognitive difficulties. Now we see that difi is also in mental decline. So the left's "leadership" is a bunch of people with Alzheimer's/dementia and we have to admit, their "leadership" is showing. This is how "the squad" got so preeminent: when you see such decline, you take over. Wait until they have no one left standing in their way. Right now "the squad" is biding its time, but when they get the chance, they'll try to take America all the way down the communist destruction hole. We -- Conservatives and those who love America -- have to be on our guard to ensure that does not happen. Agree? December 10, 2020   Leftist Violence:   This is what happens when the left gets into power. This is the kind of abject stupidity that you can expect with lefties as mayor, governor, etc. In Washington D.C., "[T]he District of Columbia’s chief legal officer to help curb violence has been arrested and charged with murder."It's a stupid program that uses "reformed" to "interrupt" violence in the streets, but in D.C. "homicides are up 20% from last year. [my bolding]" Yeah. Take a "former" drug dealer and murderer (and other charges) and use him to help "enforce" the law? That's a really sound plan. (End sarcasm.) December 10, 2020   USB's Corrupt Family:   Hunter Bumbletonge is now under investigation by the msm and the FBLIE of all people! The federal government -- who took their own sweet time doing anything about this and waited until AFTER November 3rd -- and the msm are now actually doing their jobs and investigating hunter. When they look into it deeper (IF, I should probably say), they will find that even a FAUXpeachment witness said the Burisma company that hunter biden was involved with is corrupt, so what will they do with that? Cover it up some more or use it to help the left get rid of USB? The FBLIE has had hunter's laptop for over a year, so why are they just now acting on it? They're acting on it because they are aiding and abetting the left's efforts to install slut-arris into the Red House! This is the plan! "Elect" (read CHEAT) USB into office, then get rid of him via his own willing resignation, or the 25th Amendment (whichever comes first), and then the "first female prezislut" will be sworn in and we'll have a vagina in control in the Oval Office! That's really important! NO! Do NOT believe that! It's not about the vagina she has: it's about the COMMUNISM she has! That's why the left is covering the hunter bidn stuff now. That's why the FBLIE is investigating USB's brother, James. They want a COMMUNIST in the Red House! They want "the great WHORE of Babylon" in there! Is that going to help America, or hurt us? I think we all know that was a rhetorical question. December 10, 2020   Leftist Violence:   Another leftist has told her "soldiers" to harm Pres. Trump's supporters. Isn't that lovely? She wants us physically harmed, she ordered her "soldiers" to "make them pay!" I am so glad that the MI House leadership kicked her out of her committee assignments as part of the punishment for her encouragement to commit physical violence. At least there's that; whether anything else will happen to her is yet to be seen. There are possible "soldiers" following her orders so if anyone does get hurt, or property destroyed, she should be charged as an accessory before the fact. How much prison time do you get for that? December 10, 2020   Election Integrity:   When FRAUD WITNESSES come forward with their sworn affidavits (given under threat of jail time if they are lying) instead of looking at the evidence (the over-abundance of evidence!) they harrass the witness! For the deep state and their operatives, it's not about the TRUTH, it's about supporting the LIE and putting LEFTIES into POWER! That's all it's about: POWER. Of course the AZ election fraud suit was tossed by a "judge" appointed by themuslimvileone (protectionism, anyone?). I don't think it counts when someone appointed by themuslimvileone throws out an election fraud suit because it's so very, very obvious that they are putting their leftist agenda ahead of the RULE OF LAW! The rule of law -- the U.S. Constitution as well as the States' constitutions, etc., -- matters but the lefties want to override that and install themselves into the Oval Office via CHEATING and threats of violence! If you want to encourage elected officials in swing states (those still saying they had no CHEATING and that USB "won"), please feel free to use this contact list to do so. It may not do any good, but at least you have given them your American voice on the election. I don't know that it would do any good, but there's no harm in trying, right? In Missouri, they have 66 lawmakers who want to expose CHEATING in the swing states and want it to stop! I wonder if they've looked into how many votes were affected in their OWN state? According to the Geller Report, this is what happened: "Missouri : Switched 0 : Lost Votes : 20,730"So when do they look into that? I think EVERY state's representatives should be conducting investigations into their own state's election problems and do something to prevent it, write tougher laws with tougher punishments for those who cheat, and with safeguards to prevent any CHEATING (like what happened in GEORGIA -- WATCH THE VIDEOS ON THIS LINK! WATCH THEM!) from ever happening again. States like Georgia that "cured" THOUSANDS of ballots need to get their election process cleaned up, or every election will be a two month process filled with FRAUD and it won't mater who "We, The People" vote for because it will be the VOTE COUNTERS WHO DECIDES WHO WON, not the actual votes! December 10, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I have things to do. Remember, tomorrow there will be no updates because we need to run to Patrick A.F.B. before we got to Georgia. I hope you have a great weekend and I hope you get the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT we could get as a nation this weekend: Pres. Trump hears the SCOTUS say that the FRAUD perpetrated in this election means that the numbers reported at 11:59:59 p.m. on November 3rd are the numbers that are going to be used and, because that's actually the LAW (in our U.S. Constitution that the election is ON THAT DAY ONLY), Pres. Donald J. Trump is the actual LEGAL VICTOR in the 2020 election and he will be sworn in again on January 20, 2021! Will they rule this weekend? I don't know, but it would be great to get that done. Will they rule that way? IF they follow the U.S. Constitution, they will. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 14, 2020: 2:45 p.m.   Election Integrity:   We know that the left has CHEATED in this election (and probably many others before 2020), and we know that Judicial Watch has proven voting rolls are packed with dead people, illegal voters (non-citizens, felons, people too young, etc.) and we know that the CHEATING happened NATIONWIDE. We know that there were some voting machines that were set up to be "adjudicated", which equals being open to being CHANGED if the adjudicator wanted to; that's 68.05% of the ballots we're talking about! Who adjudicated those ballots? You have three guesses and the first five don't count! Then there's another count "In Central Lake Township there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96% rejection rate. All reversed ballots are sent to adjudication for a decision by election personnel."So why is all of this CHEATING happening? You really want to know? It's because of themuslimvileone's desire to stay in control of the U.S.A. and thevilegeorgesoros financing it so that he can pull themuslimvileone's strings. Remember, if we don't STOP THE STEAL this time, it will happen again. The left is already trying to steal the Loeffler/Perdue election and they may well succeed if Georgians don't keep an eye on things and VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS because they have to in order to save America! If the left -- dumboRATS -- get in control of the Senate, there won't be any stopping them. It will be one against the left and that one will be Pres. Donald J. Trump if the TRUTH about the LYING, CHEATING and FRAUD in the 2020 presidential elections be known. We MUST vote FOR LOEFFLER and PERDUE to save America! Pres. Donald J. Trump is still fighting to save America and winning a few battles here and there, but there are so many leftist "judges" out there that themuslimvileone appointed, that it's difficult to get them to do what is LEGAL, and RIGHT instead of ignoring the law and ruling against Pres. Trump and those trying to help him get his case heard as the "judges" throw the cases out based upon their own BIASES instead of law, that it's a hard, slow row to hoe. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's ultimate VICTORY, because he did WIN this election! He did win but the left is trying their utmost to STEAL it and to replace him with someone they know is corrupt, who is senile and who will be kicked out of office within a month after being sworn in and replaced by his VP pick, who is already an avowed communist. The left is trying to get the Oval Office by CHEATING so that they can install a puppet to the left's thevilegeorgesoros and under China's control, which would put our nation at GREAT RISK. Is that what you want? Do you want to be a communist country? If not, help Pres. Donald J. Trump fight for America! Donate to the ACLJ to help Pres. Trump's legal team fight for America, or you can donate to Sidney Powell's legal fund as she helps fight the STEAL. #STOPTHESTEAL and #SaveAmerica! (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or communist puppet!) December 14, 2020   NON-demic:   Why is it that the "elite" have been seen out and about (three separate links) but "We, The People" who allegedly run this country (we certainly PAY for it via our taxes!), are told that we have to wear face masks and stay inside, close our businesses and be obedient to our cruel taskmasters while they party? Why is it that businesses trying to stay in business via staying open, are being FINED almost $10,000 DAILY (in WA state) but when you look at the death rates for the last 40+ YEARS they've all been in the 8.___ range! That's DOWN from the pre-1977 death rate of 9.___! So during a "pandemic" (NON-demic!), we're seeing fewer deaths than we saw prior to the medical breakthroughs of the last forty-three years? Yep. That's what they are asking us to believe. We are allegedly in a "pandemic", but fewer people are dying now than before we had a whole bunch of medical advances like treatments for HIV/AIDS, before certain cancer treatments, before diagnostic advances. So where is the "pandemic" if fewer people are dying now than before? Hmmm? It's about controlling you and how long they can make you obey their every dictate. Be a FREE AMERICAN. Defy their dictates. LIVE FREE and don't wear a mask. BE FREE and demand your Constitutional rights. The government CANNOT dictate that you wear a mask. They do not have that authority. The government cannot dictate that you demand your customers do so, nor that you shut down your businesss. They cannot do so because the U.S. Constitution does not give them the authority to do so. LIVE FREE! December 14, 2020   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He has not given up the fight for America! He has done what other Republicans would never have the courage to do. Remember that the loser (real, true loser) stacy abrams still hasn't conceded her 2016 election loss? The left celebrates her and considers her a wonderful example of "speaking truth to power" or something. But let Pres. Donald J. Trump speak up with 2,800 reports and 131 sworn affidavits of wrongs in Michigan ALONE, more in other states and he's bad, doing something to harm the country, should give up? No. Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing the RIGHT thing. He's fighting for us. He is fighting for YOUR VOTE, and YOUR COUNTRY. He wants to continue doing what is good and right for America and for you. And the LEFT hates that and wants to stop him because he wants to keep his promise to "Drain The Swamp!" and he can do that in his second term. That's what they're afraid of: they don't want to stop taking bribes to betray America to China and to stuffing their own pockets with money from bribes that big businesses can give them to send government contracts their way. Elected representatives padding their own or their families' pockets is a known thing. We see it in no show jobs their children get (also hunter biden's got that practice down to a science), in government contracts funneled to a family member, or sweetheart deals of other sorts. Then there are the more recent bonusses they have found ways to milk, like the Covid-19 bailouts that went to family members' companies. Corrupt politicians milk the taxpayers for all they can get, then demand that they be re-elected and CHEAT to stay in power. Isn't that what America is supposed to be all about? December 14, 2020   Chinese Spying:   They have been part of the landscape for many years in some places. Take for instance, Sen. difi's (D) driver of 30 years, it turns out, was a Chinese spy. Then there's eric swalwell's honeypot spy who may have been transferring to China all kinds of information that could harm America. It's time that this problem be addressed head-on and that we put a total and absolute stop to it. We need to secure America's secrets, not spread them to any cute face and hard body around the world willing to smile at anyone who knows the codes! December 14, 2020   I'm going to close with that for today. I have to bake a nutcake for our Christmas season and do a little bit more decorating and then put the last three bins away and I'll be almost set to focus on baking and celebrating and relaxing. If, that is, you ignore the fact that we're starting a new project in Georgia that requires two contractors and installation and digging and concrete... All kinds of fun! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 15, 2020: 2:19 p.m.   First Amendment, Religious Freedom:   When governors in America started telling people they cannot go to church (or synagogue, but somehow mosques were okay for most) because doing so would be a super-spreader event and everyone would get the NON-demic and everyone would die after they spread it to others. Puhlease. We have now seen a few of the lawsuits that have been filed by churches and organizations that are fighting the good fight for our First Amendment rights: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. [my bolding]"The fact is that we have the RIGHT -- indeed, the duty and obligation -- to go to church and freely exercise our religious beliefs. It's good that at least one SCOTUS Justice, Samuel Alito, is teaching others that it's not within the government's, the governor's, or anyone else's abilities to stop us from meeting to worship the GOD who created the "heavens and the earth" and to give Him all the praise for making America a Christian nation (don't argue with me, history proves it). I have been searching for a Bible-believing, Grace-preaching, non-PC church to attend for years. I have actually given up on it, but I think that next year I shall try again. I have a real desire to find a church that preaches Grace as Pastor Joseph Prince teaches it. As someone who reads the Bible through twice annually (I finished early this year and have already started on next year's first read through), I believe that Pastor Prince teaches the Bible and the message as it was intended to be taught. I disagree with him on one thing; he teaches people to speak in tongues in public, but that is not Bible teaching, it teaches to NOT do so. Speaking in tongues in public is only for prophecying and then it has to have others who translate the tongue and the prophecy. I don't know that there is such a church locally, but I can again start trying to find one. I cannot practice that part of the First Amendment that the leftist governors have tried to take away since the NON-demic was used against us unless I actually go to church, so I will try again, that is assuming any church will have me. December 15, 2020   Election Integrity:   If attorney, Lin Wood, is correct, Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, and his Secretary of State, Raffensperger, will be going to jail soon. GOOD! They are allowing their state to endorse CHEATING in the 2020 election and that's unacceptable! They have stayed quiet, they have refused to act, they have been complicit and that's wrong! They swore an oath to "uphold and defend" the U.S. Constitution and the Georgia State Constitution SECTION II. DUTIES AND POWERS OF GOVERNOR: "Paragraph II. Law enforcement. The Governor shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed and shall be the conservator of the peace throughout the state."Brian Kemp DID NOT "take care that the laws are faithfully executed" because he saw the fact that the CHEATING was being done and he did NOTHING to rectify the wrongs. In fact, he signed onto the certification and he did so knowing that there was CHEATING done, therefore accepting the CHEAT. Gov. Kemp and SoS Raff are both outside of their duties because they allowed and enabled the CHEAT. It's wrong. They both deserve to be in prison! That's what is happening in Georgia. In Arizona, they're doing it right: they've ordered a forensic audit of Maricopa County's election and -- if things go as I believe they will -- they're going to be finding a lot of things were done that were not legal and were not right and that's going to throw AZ's results out of the mix, which -- LORD, PLEASE! -- should make other states do similar investigations into their results. If that does not happen, then maybe the SCOTUS or a judge with a sense of right and wrong, and a real conscience will step in and order a complete forensic audit of other states/counties. We'll see, but it is incredibly disheartening that the STEALING of this election by the lefties and their CHEATING helpers has been so successful and so supported by the msm and the dumboRATS in power. It's sad that America has been sold out for power and that your vote only counts in America if you vote for the LEFT. Is that fair, right, legal? No. But since when do any of those things (fair, right and legal) count to the LEFT? Never. Even with all of this still happening, the dumboRATS pushed through and made Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue the electoral college pick. (I refuse to call him "prezidunce elect" or any other such moniker because it was all CHEATING that got him there and we have the videos, affidavits and eyewitnesses to prove it. It's WRONG what is happening in our election and the left knows it but doesn't care because it's POWER AT ANY AND ALL COSTS for them. We know that there are still legal cases against this "election" and that there were so many CORRUPT "JUDGES" (most appointed by themuslimvileone and doing his bidding) who participated in helping keep the TRUTH from coming out and stopping recounts, etc., that it is a farce. The voting machines were rigged to make USB win, the SoS of MI is a thevilegeorgesoros protege, as are other people involved, and even though things are happening, and Pres. Donald J. Trump is telling the TRUTH over and over and over again about the CHEATING that the dumboRATS did, I wish that those responsible for the CHEATING would be put into jail YESTERDAY! I want the CHEAT to end and the lefties responsible for the CHEATING would be rounded up, prosecuted, tried and found guilty and hung for sedition now! That's what they deserve! Ruby and her daughter in Georgia, and the rest of them! ALL of them are trying to overthrow a duly elected President, Donald J. Trump, and doing so, they negated all of the LEGAL TRUMP votes in their states. It's wrong and they need to pay for their CRIMES and they need to do so NOW! December 15, 2020   NON-demic:   IF this thing was so horrible and so dangerous, don't you think that those in elected positions and the rich and hoity-toity would be obeying their own edicts to the rest of us? Wouldn't people like the Oregon's newly elected SoS be obeying the governor's orders? Wouldn't it be unthinkable for the hollyweird elite to party hearty without a mask on, or leaders WORLDWIDE to break lockdown rules? That, and other reasons, is why I don't believe for a heartbeat that this NON-demic is as bad as they say. Look, for example, at the video of people in China allegedly collapsing from Covid-19. Considering how secretive China is, why is it suddenly allowing videos of collapsing people out of the country? Why is it that it's labeled the "next possible pandemic" when no one knew back then (allegedly) that it was spreading around the globe? Hm? Don't these questions make you rather doubt the whole Covid-19 back story? Look at the way these people fall, too. If you're fainting, you don't get the time to put your hands down to protect your face. You fall. You're down. I have been there and I didn't get to put my hands out to protect me. My hubby (then boyfriend) caught me and that's the only reason I didn't face plant. None of the people who fall in the video actually pass out. Those we are shown falling, have the time to put their hands out to protect themselves. Is this making sense? December 15, 2020   mcCONnell:   Last link because I'm getting irritated with the news of the day. He congratulated Uncle Sniffy Bumbletongue for his "win" and I find that despicable. He's not doing himself any good and I hope that next time he is up for re-election that he is put out to pasture by his constituents (even if he's been using the Dominion/Smartmatic/Solar Winds way of "being elected") if he isn't recalled prior to the next election. He's always been a RINO, and now he's proven it yet again. He did good (acknowledged) in getting President Donald J. Trump's judges approved and seated. Other than that, he's a waste of a Senate seat. December 15, 2020   I just wanted to mention that we have good news. We found a contractor to do the foundation of the two car garage we are building in Georgia and he's going to come meet with us while we're in Georgia after Christmas and we'll probably be finished with the foundation sometime late in January or early in February. That's a good way to start the new year and I am happy because it's my gift to my hubby for our anniversary. Soon thereafter, we'll be getting the building and we'll have a place to store our living room, dining room and bedroom furniture while we renovate the south end of the house: living room, dining room, master bedroom (and closet) and the master bathroom. We're going to redo the walls, ceiling, and flooring in the living room and dining room as well as tear out a built-in cabinet area that's taking too much space. We're going to leave the master bedroom basically the same, but switch to regular wallboard and paint the walls, replace the carpet, renovate the closet with wood storage solutions, and frame in the two double doors (into the bedroom and into the bathroom) so that we have more wall space). In the master bathroom, we're changing the location of the shower, bathtub, sink, toilet, lights, and switching to regular wallboard, changing the flooring, and installing the new lighting we got a year ago. It's going to be glorious! Slate, subdued colors, a soaking tub, a shower big enough for both of us at the same time (covers the whole south end of the room), and more storage! With the new garage we'll have a place to put things while we renovate and sleep in the second bedroom (with an en suite). So exciting! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 16, 2020: 3:24 p.m.   I have time for about three blurbs today, so I'll get going on that. Hopefully, I'll have more time tomorrow. December 16, 2020   Election Integrity:   Vince Coyner at American Thinker
has a great article that you may want to read. It's titled
"The Fraudulent 2020 Election Is History Unfolding before Our Eyes"
and he's right. It is FRAUDULENT and it is HISTORY. The question is, what can Conservatives
do about it? Why are the "judges" who are refusing to hear the election fraud cases brought
by many people, not just Pres. Donald J. Trump's team, not facing any kind of punishment
for their politicization of the judicial branch, especially locally? When themuslimvileone
was prezidunce, he appointed a bunch of leftist "judges" (read "puppets", "obedient
servants", or "political despots") and this is who has been refusing to hear these cases.
The problem is, we have a bunch of
thevilegeorgesoros-financed folks
in positions to assign
the cases before the leftist "judges" so the left is comfortable in the knowledge that their
chosen political despot won't bother hearing the case on its merits (real evidence, sworn
affidavits by eyewitnesses, video of the events), they just dismiss it without hearing a
word by Pres. Trump and/or his supporters. They are helping to prevent YOUR vote from
mattering. They are ensuring the STEAL. They are participating in the bastardization of
all of the electoral, judicial and legal systems in order to get and maintain their leftist
control of POWER. There is nothing too low, no law too strict, no punishment too threatening
to stop them from doing whatever it takes to get their POWER and to ensure they can keep it
via adding more "judges" -- leftist "judges" who will always do the left's bidding -- to the
Supreme Court of the United States (take that number to thirteen so they can have the
majority), get rid of the electoral college so they can rule the elections via the big cities'
votes having more votes than the rural areas so the lefties in the cities will always carry
the elections, and adding "states" -- Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, others, if necessary --
that will give them more dumboRATS in the House and Senate (at least that's what they
believe will happen). So certain are the dumboRATS of their plan that they believe that these
steps will keep the "useful idiots" who vote for them from realizing the truth about their
lawless deeds and those "useful idiots" will actually keep voting for them in perpetuity,
therefore ensuring their continuous rule forever. America will be no more. America will
be a lost nation, ruled by socialists, marxists, communists and ever freedom we used to have
a distant memory and a fond tug at the heart. America will be lost and China will rule us
because both December 16, 2020   Assange:   Did you know that the WikiLeaks publication of the hillosercrooktOOn e-mails was not the first time those e-mails were published. There is a phone call released by Project Veritas that proves that Julian Assange warned the State Department, and that they were released elsewhere first. Sounds to me like there's more proof that we have been LIED to again by the left about yet another thing. Shock. Surprise. December 16, 2020   Well, my hubby's on the phone saying he's on his way home so I shall go. We have to go pick up a piece of lawn equipment and that's going to do some work here then it's going to go up to Georgia where we will be using it quite a bit. We have plans for the farm and we have to have this equipment to get some of it done. It's going to be good! I'll try to see you tomorrow! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 17, 2020: 3:57 p.m.   Election Integrity:   So is our SCOTUS corrupted via Chief "justice" john roberts and maybe others? That's what attorney, Lin Woods, thinks. He even tweeted that he should resign and so should any of the others who have been to Jeffery Epstein's island, or flown with him, or been to his Mexico estate, etc. If he or any of the SCOTUS "justices" actually are compromised, he should put the country ahead of his shame and give his resignation as soon as possible. That may be why the SCOTUS decided to not take the Texas lawsuit against the "swing states" that are having difficulties proving their elections are not fraudulent. Remember, no fewer than nineteen states joined Texas's lawsuit and they wanted answers, too. Considering how the person who the "swing states" allegedly voted for, the CommieTraitorJoe, I'm surprised that the lefties who CHEATED to "win" the election, apparently endorse and support treason, I think they should ALL be arrested, tried and sent to prison or -- more deserving -- hang for treason. We have yet to see a single arrest, or election fraud perpetrator arrested by local LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers). Why is that? Did the "swing states" they chose have the most corrupt local officials to help ensure that no one would go to prison? Is that what they did: shop for corruption, find it and exploit if for all they could and that's how CommieTraitorJoe was declared victorious? We KNOW FOR CERTAIN that the CHEATING happened! Look at the statistics that PROVE that the CHEATING happened! We have all kinds of math that PROVES that it happened! We KNOW CHEATING happened. Where are the law enforcement officers making arrests of the people who did it? Some have been identified and are known to have been part of the STEAL via videos taken of the people involved in Atlanta. Those people have been identified, so why are the Atlanta police or Sheriffs NOT arresting those people? There is VIDEO PROOF of the CHEAT! Contact the local Sheriffs of the "swing states" that we have gotten sworn affidavits, videos, pictures, etc., from and ask them why they are not arresting traitors! It's absurd that this is not being prosecuted! Agree? December 17, 2020   Deep State:   The corrupt peter strzok and others that were never charged with wrong-doing were investigating then-candidate, Donald J. Trump, before they named it "Crossfire Hurricane". Is anyone surprised? It's disgusting that the left gets away with treason, sedition, stealing an election via FRAUD and they get away with it completely. No one on their side seems to have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong, any idea of morality. They just do what it takes to get POWER and POWER brings them MONEY. That's their goal: POWER and MONEY. They'll do what it takes -- including FRAUD and TREASON -- in order to get those two things. They are despicable TRAITORS and they need to be in prison or hanged, but it won't happen because they are protected by corrupted and blackmailed "judges", "justices" and corrupt Attorneys General who thevilegeorgesoros helped get into office and wouldn't even dream of pressing charges against those on their side, doing thevilegeorgesoros's bidding. It's all about the POWER and they don't give a rat's butt about right and wrong and what the LEFT is doing to the country in order to get that POWER. Remember, hillosercrooktOOn thought she would win the same way they are saying that CommieTraitorJoe allegedly "won". That's why she was so angry on election night, 2016: she thought they had cheated enough to put her in POWER so she could get more MONEY. They hadn't counted on America's dissatisfaction with the usual politicians and they were shocked at their cheating defeat! December 17, 2020   My hubby just walked in the door. He usually calls first, but today he didn't. I'm going to go and spend time with him. Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 23, 2020: 11:36 p.m.   Sorry I missed the last few updates. I get very busy around this time of the year, running errands, taking things to people, finishing touches, etc. It is always busy, but it is also always fun. I hope you're enjoying your Christmas preps and that you have everything you need to get done completed, and that if you're not quite ready, you get everything done soon. I hope you can relax tomorrow and enjoy your family, the decorations, the anticipation. Or, maybe you will be focusing on baking the goodies (I am doing that today). That's always fun -- especially when you have to taste everything to make sure it turned out as it should! (My bad.) Anyways, I'll get started and we'll see how much I get done. December 23, 2020   MAGA!:   I wanted to remind you a little of the great things that Pres. Donald J. Trump has done for America. Things like a very low unemployment rate as well as twenty-nine other GOOD things Pres. Donald J. Trump has done for us. Deregulation, tax cuts, a stronger military, defunding Planned AbortionHood, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in Israel, a HISTORIC FIRST peace agreement in the Middle East with Israel, building the border wall, etc! It's not just a few things he has done: It's IMPORTANT, AMAZING, HISTORIC, FREEDOM-SUPPORTING things that Pres. Donald J. Trump has done. This is our PRESIDENT AND OUR PRESIDENT-ELECT, not the prezidunce-select as the left is touting commiejoe to be. Pres. Donald J. Trump won the election if you count THE LEGAL VOTES ONLY. The mass-produced, illegal ballots pushed the number over for commiejoe, but the LEGAL VOTES were for Pres. Donald J. Trump! Those thirty things -- and more -- are why we re-elected Pres. Donald J. Trump. He did great things for FREEDOM, for AMERICA and for US. I, for one, shall continue to support him and pray for him and do everything I can to get the TRUTH of his VICTORY out and see him sworn in again on January 20, 2021! How about you? December 23, 2020   Lefties Do This:   After MONTHS of Covid-19 NON-demic shutdown, the dumboRAT U.S. Congress has decided to "give" American families $600 to "help" them. Meanwhile, in the same bill, that they pushed through the Senate as well -- with RINO help of mcCONnell and other RINOS (Sen. Marco Rubio voted FOR it!) -- they also gave loads of money that's not Covid relief, but that favors their buddies. BUT after giving Americans $600, they gave foreign countries MILLIONS! "$135 million to BurmaThere's more NON-COVID waste, but this is the short list and (just as bad), commiejoe wants to spend MORE on helping others BESIDES YOUR FAMILY. Can you imagine how much help the dumboRATS could have given YOU if they had used all of that money they are giving to FOREIGN COUNTRIES to AMERICANS? They could have given American families $2,000 or MORE EACH, but no. Scratching the backs of the leaders of foreign countries is more important to them than YOUR FAMILY being able to eat, stay in your home, be able to pay the electric and water bills. It's disgusting and it's even more disgusting that only SIX Republican Senators voted AGAINST it. That's awful. That's disgusting. That's back to the butt-kissing that the RINOs do as they try to keep in the party circuit of the left. They disgust me and they are a DISGRACE to this nation and especially to their oath of office! It's so BAD that Pres. Donald J. Trump did a special address to the American people about why he must VETO it. It will go back to the legislature to see if they can get enough votes ot undo the VETO. CALL RINO rubio and tell him to VOTE AGAINST this faux-stimulus bill! His contact info is e-mail, 202-224-3041, and his Miami number is 305-596-4224 and his fax number there is 305-596-4345. I have an additional number of 1-407-254-2573, but I don't know what that number is. Blow his line up. Call him and tell him to support Pres. Donald J. Trump, Senator Little Hands. December 23, 2020   Election Integrity:   This is the TRUEST statement regarding the 2020 election anyone has ever spoken: "Cheating and then claiming, 'I won!' does not make a person a winner."That's what K. Lynn Lewis writes at Townhall and I couldn't agree more. It's time for this fact to be acknowledged. It's time for those who are pushing a commiejoe win admit this! There was MASSIVE CHEATING IN GEORGIA. There was so much CHEATING in Georgia that even their Senate Judiciary Committee voted to DECERTIFY it! There was so much CHEATING in Georgia that there are six Georgia State Senators who decided to look into the CHEATING and f released their own report on how bad it was! The left's CHEATING there is on video, and their theiving ways recorded for all to see, but their cowardly, bought-off Governor kemp and Secretary of State, Raffensparger, won't do a darn thing about it. They have a special place in hades for corrupt politicians, don't they? You know, it's very hot and the Chinese people who are corrupt are there to remind them of their failures minute by minute. At least, that would be a good thing if the governor and SOS had a conscience to work on. I hope the Senators do get the "election" (read "selection" in Georgia) overturned. It would be good to have the TRUTH out there! If they decertify it, they will be admitting that commiejoe did NOT win the state! That would pull the electoral college numbers for Georgia away from commiejoe and it would throw the election back into its previous status. IF Arizona lawmakers do as Rudy Giulani thinks they will, they will vote to CERTIFY PRES. TRUMP AS THE WINNER in Arizona! That's because they've been investigating the election and the CHEATING and found that the TRUTH is that the CHEATING was what put commiejoe ahead and that the CHEATING was not going to stand in Arizona. It's a great thing! Pray that they do so and that it makes a difference! Also there's a study done by Peter Navarro on "The Immaculate Deception", which documents "Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities". It's an impressive study and it really does show the TRUTH about the election CHEATING that the lefties did in order to try to STEAL this election. READ IT and find out for yourself the TRUTH about what happened here. Print it out and talk your leftist friends and family members to read it. Make a deal with them: if they read it you'll buy them a nice dinner, or you'll pay their way to Disney, or something like that. After all, they are lefties which means some are open to bribery, as we've seen in Nevada's dumboRATS PAYING people to vote dumboRAT. It's illegal as heck and we have PROOF they did it (pictures and testimonies), but no one has yet been arrested, that I am aware of as of this writing. The voting machines were so bad that they were used in Venezuela to ensure Maduro's election by CHEATING. That's how reliable the Dominion/Smartmatic voting machines are: they can ensure anyone willing to pay them enough a win. This election was STOLEN and it was a CHEAT-TO-"WIN" attempt that the lefties thought they had in the bag. Too bad Pres. Donald J. Trump was so popular that they panicked and in their panic, screwed up and CHEATED so "bigly" that they showed their hand. It should -- MUST -- prove their downfall and the election victory RIGHTLY given to Pres. Donald J. Trump soon. He will be sworn in again on January 20, 2020 because it's the RIGHT thing to do. PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP DID WIN. December 23, 2020   Classless lefties:   You can always count on the left to do the WRONG thing. They love killing babies. They love damaging children via pushing the transgender agenda. They love CHEATING TO WIN. They love harming America and supporting our enemies. They love spies. They love being the "elite" and lording it over the people in "fly over country". They love feeling like they are so much better than Pres. Donald J. Trump that they want to pull him out of the White House by his hair, or march Pres. Trump out with a military push. They are ignoring the CHEATING in the election because they know that if they admit to it, Pres. Donald J. Trump will stay in office for four more years and they will have to deal with him following through on his promise to "Drain The Swamp". They will be afraid that they will be arrested because of their allegiences to China, their sweetheart deals that made their families rich (pelosickpig, biden, etc.), and their sending taxpayer dollars to our enemies if he stays in office. That's why they are pushing so hard for him to be "pulled out" of office "by his hair", or marched out under military or secret service escort. They are afraid of four more years. They are afraid of what Pres. Donald J. Trump will do when he has the time and the people who will back him in office. Lefties can't stand the idea of a real DOJ and a real SCOTUS and a real President who is keeping his word to do the right thing for America. It makes them sick to their stomach to think of four more years, but that's what the American people wanted and VOTED FOR. December 23, 2020   I am going to close with that for today. I may try to sit down tonight or tomorrow and write a Christmas gift for my readers. I hope to get it done, but can't guarantee anything considering my list of things I still need to get done. Remember, I will be going to Georgia to spend the week at our farm with my hubby so today's updates will be the last updates until after January 4, 2021. We will be there until then, and we don't have internet service up there (by choice). We do have internet in our vehicles, so there is the possibility of surfing the web, but it won't allow me to do updates. So, unless I do get a Christmas gift done, I will see you next year! GOD BLESS YOU ALL and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! Pray for Rush Limbaugh's quick, complete and total healing. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory to be proven. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! December 24, 2020: 3:40 a.m.   My Christmas Gift to You!   Here's my Christmas present to you, my readers. I hope you enjoy it and I do wish you the very best Christmas and New Year! Here's my 2020 Christmas Gift to You. Merry Christmas! Remember the older stuff is on Page Deux or on the Storage pages. |
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