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HOME TRIBUTE Video Page Page Deux Storage Main Government Links PSJ Info Religion Services Politics My Links My Blog Writers | The Storage Room: 2013December 2013 December 31, 2013: 9:52 p.m.   It's New Year's Eve and all around us the fireworks have been going off since just after dark. It reminds me of something that happened years ago. It makes me smile to see and hear the fireworks. I like them. Happy New Year. Enjoy your fireworks! See you in six days. December 31, 2013: 10:35 a.m.: Goodbye 2013!   Well, that was a short year. I must tell you that I will be out of town Jan. 1st-5th 2014. Yep. You get to start the New Year without an update for a few days. I may or may not have my computer with me, but since I'll be going to a family reunion, celebrating a family member's 80th birthday, meeting with an illustrator for one of my stories (that's the big news from a couple days ago) and celebrating another big day in my life, well, it's going to be a busy, busy time. I don't have the courage (stupidity?) to open my website while I'm on a public WiFi connection so doing updates would not happen anyways. A computer just makes it easier to check my e-mails and to surf the net, so computer with me or not, the next update will be Jan. 6th, barring catastrophe. Look for it then. For today, let's get going on today's updates. December 31, 2013   Government not trusted by 77% of Americans. Well, duh. December 31, 2013   Another defeat for thevileone. Excellent! See me smile! December 31, 2013   I think msnbc finds the most idiotic, progressive, hateful, ridiculous, shameless, hateful folks they can and hires them to be their anchors. After all of the crap msnbc hosts have said over the years I'm not at all surprised that their ratings are FAR BELOW that of FOXNEWS? Yeah. msnbc is losers promoting losers. They're also disgusting. December 31, 2013   Smoking: the latest CONTROL and POWER target. If they can control smokers -- even in your own car -- although they've proven that "second hand smoke" is NOT dangerous, not just once in 2008, but a 2013 study found NO relation to second hand smoke and cancer, too. This is about CONTROL, folks. Nothing more. If they can make you smoke only where they say you can smoke, then THEY CAN CONTROL AT LEAST THAT PART OF THE POPULATION. If they can CONTROL part of the population with this sort of tactic, what will they find to CONTROL the rest of us? They've CONTROLLED the popcorn oil used in movie theaters, what kind of toilets we have, what kind of light bulbs we use (and we LOSE more choices tomorrow!) so what's next? Will they CONTROL what you can say to your child? Will they CONTROL what clothes you wear? Will they CONTROL what you THINK? Oops! They already do that! It's about CONTROL. Learn the way they do things. See what's coming and FIGHT BACK! December 31, 2013   No drugs? No proven intent to have drugs? No problem! You're arrested anyways. Amazing. What happened to freedom in OH? December 31, 2013   hillclintoon had an "unlucky" year? She made choices. She made BAD choices. She made herself a fool, a laughing stock and a scold. "At this point, what does it matter...?" Excuse me? She is NOT presidential material. She's a privileged, connected, spoiled, conceited, wannabe brat who thinks it's her DUE to be president next. My question is, Can the left CHEAT ENOUGH to make it happen for her? If we put up a strong TRUE CONSERVATIVE (absolutely QUALIFIED AND ELIGIBLE) candidate, can the progressives CHEAT ENOUGH to make their idiot the winner? WE MUST NOT ALLOW THAT. WE MUST show up in droves at each and every election and MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR OUR SIDE, FOR OUR COUNTRY, FOR OUR FUTURE, FOR OUR CHILDREN. If we do NOT VOTE we have no one to blame but ourselves! Show up. Vote. Make it impossible for them to win!! December 31, 2013   It's strange to see the ACLU doing something I agree with. The world is full of wonders. December 31, 2013   Using Challenger disaster audio clip: tacky, wrong and hurtful. But it got her attention, which is what she wanted (miley cyrus getting too much play with her stupidity?), so it worked. Now beyonce is all over the news so that's the way the game is played in Hollyweird. Isn't that telling? Whatever it takes to get attention. That's what's important to them. Don't ya' just wanna' slape 'em? December 31, 2013   thevileone running scared of polls? With his numbers is it any wonder? And, naturally, the msm will do exactly as thevileone asks. December 31, 2013   RACISM: Where is thevileone's [IN]Justice Dept. with an arrest in this knockout game assault? eric holder will never even acknowledge this assault because it's not white-on-black violence. It's only then that he cares. RACIST. December 31, 2013   There is more and more evidence that the Bible is TRUE. Some folks will never believe, but those who have brains that work will be swayed by the archeological evidence found on a regular basis. GOD is real, folks. He LOVES you. Maybe your heart is telling you that but you're not listening. If you're not listening to that, maybe you should start doing so. It could be any day that the Lord returns and calls us home. Don't be left behind. December 31, 2013   While I support the story's church's right to free speech, I question the wording of the story. The Blaze, to me, is notoriously unclear and riddled with mistakes. Pot calling the kettle, I know, but they've got editors and paid writers to do their website. I have moi. A little different between the two. December 31, 2013   scotUS year in review. Print it out, read it daily, learn what is now the law of the land. Some of it will disgust you. December 31, 2013   NYT defends their covering for hillclintoon. Despicable. December 31, 2013   Gold to have biggest lost since 1981? I know everyone has been telling you to "Buy gold now!" It's been a mantra to some for a year or more. If you do buy gold, may I suggest "wearable gold"? It's more fun. Personally, I've not put that much stock in the "buy gold" mania. I think that if the monetary system collapses that it will take gold with it. After all, gold isn't easy to use at the grocery store, is it? How do you make change for a 24K gold ingot? So, I haven't been doing the gold thing. I put my trust in something higher than and more powerful than gold: the GOD who created gold. December 31, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: How much you wanna' bet she gets a huge severance package or gets paid beyond her "I'm gone" date? Now, some auto workers are getting angry about it. It's about time they woke up and smelled the coffee. How long will it take others? Planned Abortionhood needs thevileone's healthcaretax in order to survive. Well, let's all make sure it works, then! (SARCASM.) Unsarcasticly, though, I prefer this news to the previous. That's good news! December 31, 2013   2013: Fewest cops killed by guns since 1887. Even though we're buying guns in droves and there's no sign of it stopping. So it sounds to me like 2013 was a good gun year. Excellent! December 31, 2013   Spirituality is good for your brain. Atheists, are you listening? December 31, 2013   DNA predictions unreliable. "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."What you believe does more for your future than your DNA. If you believe that you will get cancer, heart disease, or whatever, it will happen. If you believe that "by His wounds we ARE healed [my caps]"then you will stay basically healthy. Example: On our first cruise, our eldest son got sick enough to immediately agree to go see the ship's doctor on the day we were in the Bahamas. I knew in my very soul that my son was going to be given bad news but also that the bad news was not what GOD had in store for him and that my son would be well, and not sick, and that GOD was in control. Our whole family agreed with this and our son and I agreed that no matter what the doctors said, he was not sick and that GOD was in control. The ship's doctor examined my son and sent us to the ER on the island. There, they took blood, x-rays and examined my son. The x-rays came back clean. When the blood work came back they wanted to admit him immediately. I said we couldn't do that because we were on a cruise. They argued. They wanted to send him to a specialist that day. I said we couldn't do that because we were on a cruise and the ship was leaving soon. They only let us go because we promised to see our family physician as soon as we got home. We went back to the ship with antibiotics and a cough medicine, his x-ray and his blood test results. I showed all of that to the ship's doctor and asked him point blank, "They're thinking he has leukemia, aren't they?" He said, "No", but his face said yes. We got back to town two days later and immediately made an appointment for five hours after our morning return. Our family doctor looked at the x-rays, the blood tests and answered my point blank question, "They're thinking leukemia, aren't they?" with a firm, "Yes." I told her that he doesn't have leukemia, and that I was certain of that. She examined him and said that she'd up his antibiotics and re-examine him in a week. IF he didn't improve in that week he'd have to be admitted for further tests. I said that admission would not be needed since he wasn't sick with anything but a cold. A week later my faith was proven correct. Our son's blood was rechecked and found to be fine. His x-rays were fine. His cough was much improved. The doctor said he was fine. Faith: it moves mountains and prevents illness. December 31, 2013   On that faithful note, I'll close for today. Remember this will be the last update until Jan. 6, 2014, so be ready to be reading a LOT of blurbs on that day. Until then, I'm so thrilled to be meeting my illustrator and I'm looking forward to seeing so many family members and I'm looking forward to all of that, and to returning home to you. Until next time, See ya'! December 30, 2013: 10:39 a.m.   Animals: Two thugs attack 70 yr.-old for no reason other than asking them to slow down in a residential neighborhood. Their Mommas didn't teach them any respect for human life whatsoever. Nor did the public school system. Sounds to me like it is time for parental involvement to be stepped up a notch or ten. December 30, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax:
Even howard "Aaaaahhhh! Aaaaaahhhh!" dean disagrees with it.
(I never imagined dean would agree with me!) Is your doctor extremely busy right now?
People are trying to get their operations done prior to this farce going into effect.
Can you blame them? Remember back when
thevileone shut the government down
to make sure his healthcaretax went through as he wished? Yeah. Now who's being blamed for this debacle? Look at
thevileone's poll numbers
and you'll see that he is paying a price. Problem is, the price is not high enough. He's still in office after de facto declaring himself a dictator:
Human Events says he's a dictator.
In 2012, Western Journalism said he was a dictator.
Rush has called him a dictator.
Even Salon has said he's a dictator. There are others (besides myself and
including: December 30, 2013   This is wrong: the officer SHOULD have gotten a longer sentence. I don't see the sentence as fair because I think it was racist and I think the guy was a perv. He should be on the sexual offender list and he should have been sentenced to at least ten years, IMHO. The guy was a COP and he should have been held to a higher standard rather than being given a lighter sentence because he once wore blue. The ruling is ridiculous. December 30, 2013   Bwahahahahahahaa! Hamsters stuck in ice they say shouldn't be there! Aww.... too bad. Poor, poor hamsters. So sad to be SO WRONG! Someday they'll have to admit the truth: "global warming" was a MANMADE MYTH. It was a LIE all along. But, when it serves a purpose (CONTROL) it can't be let go of because then they'll lose their funding and their POWER. That's the whole thing with "global warming": it's a way to CONTROL you and give them POWER over you. Is that what you want? December 30, 2013   Catholics fight to keep Catholocism in Catholic schools. I think that makes sense. Common Core is rotten to the Core and should be abandoned immediately, fought against tooth and nail and gotten rid of by any and all who acquiesced to it. In a Catholic school implementing Common Core would undo all that the parents who put their children in that school wanted done, as well as teach against what the Church teaches. While I am not Catholic (nor do I think the teachings of the Catholic Church are correct in every aspect), I do believe that when a parent puts their children into a Catholic school they have the right tho have their children taught the precepts of Catholocism within that school. Undoing the teachings of the Church within a Church school is rather silly, IMHO. What are they thinking bringing in Common Core? And speaking of Catholocism, the Pope is "shocked" over the idea of gay adoption. Sounds to me like the Pope speaks with forked tongue. December 30, 2013   NSA intercepts computer deliveries? Go buy your computer in person. Don't order it online. That reduces the possibilities, but doesn't guarantee anything. Question: If this is what the folks who work for the NSA are willing to do to us, what are they NOT willing to do? Where is their line of "That's too far. I can't do that."? When will they finally be pushed to their "No go" line? Do they have a "No go" line? That's something to think about now. Because if they have no line, they have no boundaries and no right and wrong. That means that when the time comes, you have to have already decided what your line is. Where will the line of demarkation be for you when it comes to your rights, to when they come for your neighbor, or for your son? What/where is your FREEDOM LINE? December 30, 2013   NYT changes history to help hillclintoon. Revisionism helps only those who can LIE while looking you in the eyes and with a straight face: the NYT and hillclintoon apparently qualify. December 30, 2013   Another good reason to impeach thevieleone. His policies have made the world a more dangerous place. He has given "aid and comfort to the enemy" and he has given Islamic extremists weapons. Sounds like a Muslim helps Muslims. December 30, 2013   thevileone's failed Community College agenda: BCC/EFSC suffers from it. I looked at their new catalog and found out that a lot of the real college level courses had been deleted and now it's more of a trade college than preparatory for a Bachelor's/Master's/Ph.D. level education. That's IMHO, of course, but it was so disheartening to read the catalog. December 30, 2013   AMEN! Liberals win ONLY if we fail to fight back. There's no doubt that the statement is true. Consider the Phil Robertson and Word of GOD victory and you'll see that it is true. When Conservatives stand strong, hold their ground and refuse to cave WE WIN. Why can't Conservatives learn that lesson? December 30, 2013   Well, Internet Explorer has started acting up so I'm going to go for today after giving you the link to the Minion Monday: Hank's New Year's Eve Party Costume. Yeah. He got several invitations (He's rather popular.) and he had to choose between them. He chose three to attend and the costume he chose for the costume party on New Year's Eve is the picture. Can you guess who he is dressed as without going to the clue? Until next time, See ya'! December 28, 2013: 10:46 a.m.   Well, I figured out how to fix the problem: I downloaded the latest version of HTML-Kit and it fixed the problem. Now I can do a few updates on a rare Saturday update. Now if only I could fix our problem with our prezidunce so easily! December 28, 2013   a & e finally figured out who butters their bread. Money talks. Numbers talk. This is the first time in a LONG time that the few didn't run rough shod over the many via making noise. It's a good thing. Lefties say that they want a democracy, but they don't want a democracy (the majority rules), they want the squeakiest wheel to have the power no matter how small the numbers. Change the laws (homosexual "marriage"), change society (we must accept it), change our schools (we must teach it), change our churches (we must perform the "marriages" and ordain them), and they're happy. While the majority are left scratching their heads and wondering how it came to this. Democracy? Majority rule? Lefties don't want that! They want CONTROL. December 28, 2013   Animals beat a man because he was trying to get his iphone back. Mommas, don't raise your children to think that this kind of thing is okay. It's not acceptable behavior. It's wrong. If they go to jail because you allowed them to act like this and you taught them that it's okay, then YOU put them in jail as much as they did. Chances are, if that sort of thing is okay with you, it will only get worse. Remember, sometimes it comes back on you. Remember, children learn what they live and bad examples should NOT be given. They watch and learn. Teach them well. December 28, 2013   More taxpayer dollars -- $19 MILLION more -- down the drain via a lie. I think this sort of thing is why GOD put "Thou shalt not bear false witness..." as one of the Top Ten. Lying leads to other things. Lying is bad for your soul and lying is, as a former pastor of mine used to say, the handle that fits all sins. Some may think that lying will help them, but it only makes matters worse for them. It tarnishes their name. It damages relationships. It prevents good things from happening in the future because their reputation precedes them. It follows them around like their shadow. Liars always get found out, one way or another, and if you're a liar your lies are there to taunt you, torment you, to shame you all the days of your life: if you have a conscience, that is. So don't lie, folks. It only hurts a little to tell it, but it hurts a lot in the long run. December 28, 2013   Facebook: "dead and buried"? That's how some young folks see it. Sounds to me like it's going to affect the stock prices so consider that if you own stock. December 28, 2013   LOL! Hypocrisy is a byword for dumborats. December 28, 2013   There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Awww... too bad! December 28, 2013   IRS guidelines say to NOT give to Conservative groups. That would include any Christian Conservative groups, such as the CBN organizations, etc. Sounds to me like the IRS targeting of Conservatives is ongiong and the administration (although they said they wouldn't "tolerate" it) has actually endorsed targeting Conservatives via the IRS. As I said, folks, LIARS LIE. thevileone wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch all at the same time. Truth never touches his lips, nor crosses his mind. December 28, 2013   pelosipig wants extending unemployent to be "top priority" of New Year. Sounds like vote buying is her #1 goal. With her record I'd be loathe to see her re-elected, but with her constituency it would not surprise me. December 28, 2013   thevileone's 2013 "under the bus" list. He never gets the buck so he never has to own up to it and take responsibility for it. At least, that's what he'd have you believe. Liars lie. December 28, 2013   Another 1.3 MILLION lose their healthcare insurance today. Remember: December 9th I posted the video of his promise "If you like your healthcare, you can keep it."? Yeah. Who lied? December 28, 2013   FBI had "ties" to BPA Brian Terry's death? That's just WRONG. Fast & Furious was done poorly, but to help kill one of your own? Criminal! December 28, 2013   Common Core turns to Craig's List. They are looking there for their lesson writers/planners. I wonder if they're planning on paying them and if so, how much? December 28, 2013   It took this admin to bring the ACLU to the Conservative side. Tells you more about this administration and how rotten to the core it is than anything else, agree? December 27, 2013: 1:25 p.m.   Bribery? Guilty. Show me a man's friends... Shock. Surprise. rahm emanuel surrounds himself with corruption. Takes his lead from his former boss? December 27, 2013   My website program is acting up and I'm going to have to stop for now and get this thing working properly. I'll do updates as I can after I get this problem figured out. I'm having to open the page, type one blurb, close the page and save the page as I close it, open the page type a blurb, close the page saving it as it closes, etc. This isn't going to work. I'll be back ASAP. December 26, 2013: 11:33 p.m.   It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone and the year is almost over. Time flies when you're having fun; this year it flew a lot faster. Is it because I'm getting older? I've asked young people what they think the year has been like and they've agreed that as the years go by it seems like time is moving faster. Our world spins at the same speed, but (it seems) the clock speeds up. I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas! I did. We got up, read the story of Christ's birth then did something different this year. Our sons are older now and don't need Legos® anymore so we gave them cash. But we made them work for it. We made up clues and we put those clues in balloons (a tradition we started when they were young was to coat the floor with red and green balloons for them to wade through Christmas morning) and we had the eldest pop the green balloons, the youngest the red. They popped the balloons one at a time, found the clue inside each red or green balloon and then had to go find the envelope with cash in it where the clue led them. At the end of the cash scavenger hunt, we had a last clue in which the last twenty was found under the family room Christmas tree inside a regular wrapped gift. They did get a few stockig stuffers this year, so we had both the cash hunt and the wrapping to clean up. Great time! We also tried something new this year. I bought my first leg of lamb and fixed it. I looked up recipes online and most of them had the same basic ingredients: rosemary, thyme, garlic, etc. Yuck. I don't like those ingredients. So, I made up my own recipe. I put a generous amount of dried, chopped mint leaves, crushed coriander and a little salt on each side of the leg of lamb, then marinated the leg of lamb for 48 hours in a 2011 Pino Grigio by "Entwine". Then we smoked the leg of lamb for about half of the cooking time, then finished it in the oven. Let it rest for at least fifteen minutes, slice and serve with Polaner Real Mint Jelly. YUMMY! Try it for New Years. You'll like! So that's the news from me, let's get to the updates. December 26, 2013: 10:28 p.m.   Found the most amazing book today at Books-A-Million: "The Art of the Snowflake: A Photographic Album" by Kenneth Libbrecht. He took pictures of snowflakes, close-up and personal. He got some amazing pictures and you may be surprised at what shapes GOD made snowflakes! They're gorgeous! Anyone who can look at this book and say that there is no GOD is not logical. December 26, 2013: 12:43 p.m.   WooooHoooo! I just got finished talking to someone who gave me some REALLY GOOD NEWS! Merry Christmas to ME! This is so exciting! I'll let you know more about it when I get more information, but if this thing works out the way I think it will, it's all GOOD: VERY GOOD! December 26, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax:   Think it's expensive now? Wait until the NEW fees set in! Yeah. They're making it even worse! I didn't think it would be possible, but they've found a way. How badly will hospitals be hurting then? Ever hear of "unfunded mandates"? Over half the counties in the U.S. cannot afford this thing. That's because thevileone's healthcaretax mandates certain things of each county, but it gives them no money to do so. Maybe those new fees will take care of that? Don't like thevileone's healthcaretax (A.K.A. communism)? There are ways to opt out. Seriously, folks. Give that one a good read. Opting out of a disaster is always a good idea. It's not just a disaster, it's a confusing disaster. December 26, 2013   Idiots at msnbc: GAG. December 26, 2013   Wall Street advisor: buy guns and ammo. I got more ammo just before Christmas. It's a good thing. December 26, 2013   1/21/2014 Chick-PHIL-A day? Duck Dynasty support. I love it! I'll be there! For Christmas, my Mom sent me a DD throw with Phil, Jase, Willie and Uncle Si on it, two DD books and a DD calendar. It's all good! December 26, 2013   Augusta, GA, V.A. hospital bans Christian Christmas songs. Duh. What is CHRIST-mas without CHRIST? It's NOTHING, that's what. It's a farce, a falsehood, a LIE. Oh. That's what progressives/liberals/lefties want. They prefer the LIE to the truth. Learn it: LIARS LIE. That's what lefties do. There is NO reason whatsoever to have any observation of CHRISTmas without Christ. What they are saying is that it's "Winter Solstice" which is a PAGAN holy day and it's more about witchcraft and druidism than anything else. So don't fall into that crap trap about a secular CHRISTmas. It's a pagan LIE. December 26, 2013   How long until these U.S. arms are found to have been used against Israel? I'll give it six months or so. Watch and see. December 26, 2013   Animals are out again. People, act like humans who actually have the capacity to think before you act, to empathise with other humans and who have at least a modicum of understanding of what is right and what is wrong. These four thugs had none of these things. And then there's the girls who beat a woman over her parking skills!? Really? Animals. December 26, 2013   Feds charge white guy for "Knockout game" assault after doing NOTHING here, here, here, here, and ignoring the truth here. Hello? RACISM. Pure, plain and simple racism. thevileone's administration demonstrates its racism over and over and over again. December 26, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" gives man seven years and 600 lashes. Sounds very INtolerant to me. Now he faces even worse? Yeah. Peace and tolerance. December 26, 2013   Tacky. December 26, 2013   "Sanctuary citites" not appreciated in this poll. I agree. I don't think that cities should be able to say "Okay. I'm going to decide that whenever anyone breaks law "X" that they can come here, cry 'Sanctuary! Sanctuary!' and get away with breaking that law because we're going to protect them." Not a good idea. Is it really going to be good for our future? Nope. But does that matter to lefties/progressives/thevileone? No. December 26, 2013   Muslim Brohood named "terrorist organization" by Egypt's gov. Will that make a difference with how thevileone treats the Muslim Brohood here? Nope. He'll still meet with and kiss up to the Muslim Brohood here. They're his buds. He gives them OUR MONEY: $1.5 BILLION, at least. So will Egypt naming the Muslim Brohood a "terrorist organization" make thevileone change how he does things? Nope. December 26, 2013   thevileone is such a commie. Using the Pope to try to sell "spreading the wealth"? Cad. December 26, 2013   I'll close for now. I'll keep you posted when I can about the really good news I got in a phone call today. I can't tell you everything now, but I hope to be able to soon. Until next time, See ya'! December 25, 2013: 12:51 p.m.   Just a note to say "Merry Christmas, Everyone!" GOD bless you and I hope you are surrounded by love today. I know that GOD LOVES YOU and I hope that you feel His presence today. His Only Begotten Son is whose birth we celebrate today. Have a Very Merry! See ya'! December 23, 2013: 10:12 a.m.   Remember, my plan is to take December 24-25th off and do no updates for those two days. I may find something fun to share and share it, but right now the plan is to take family time for those two days. So this is the last update until December 26th. Let's get going! December 23, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: Judicial Watch asks that thevileone's healthcaretax be INVALIDATED. That would be a WONDERFUL Christmas present, would it not? Pray that it happens. Meanwhile, thevileone is allegedly going to enroll in it today. So he enrolls ONLINE and then he tells his "fix-it" people to delete his enrollment. Remember: he exempted himself from it. He didn't do that by accident. He is doing this for SHOW ONLY and will NOT stay enrolled. If he can LIE to you via a fake enrollment then he'll do so. It's just another lie no big deal to him. He's a liar and a fraud. Never believe him. People don't believe that thevileone's healthcaretax will save them money. I'm sorry, but DUH! No kidding, Sherlock. Do they think that's part of the reason enrollments are WAAAAYYYY down? I think maybe! Mandate delay due to "panic": More like due to DICTATORIAL DECISION. He doesn't have the Constitutional authority to change the law without Congress whenever he wants, just he, thevileone, himself. He's just a Dictator. They've asked us to take the focus off of Christmas and focus on thevileone's healthcaretax, and to do the same for New Years (and Thanksgiving), so them taking it to "homosexual clubs" (funny, I didn't know clubs could be homosexual; but whatever). Too even there it wasn't more popular than condoms. Which, to me, says a lot. Homosexuals don't want the alleged healthcare that thevileone's healthcaretax is allegedly offering. They don't want to get the treatment for the illnesses they can get via their own choices and actions; they want the condoms to help them continue those actions. Very telling. They may also realize that they can afford the condoms but NOT the healthcaretax. If people want insurance -- thevileone's healthcaretax or any other -- they need to understand the terminology before you sign up for anything. Otherwise you're buying blind: never a good idea. No matter how you look at it, with or without understanding the terminology, thevileone's healthcaretax is laughable and unconstitutional. December 23, 2013   Pregnant woman FIRED for refusing flu shot. She has the right to protect her child. Fired, although the flu shot's own informative insert states: "'safety and effectiveness […] have not been established in pregnant women.'" [Emphasis added]So she's listening to the shot's manufacturer says and when she does so she gets fired. I don't think that's quite fair. If the employer needed to ensure that all of their employees were safe for their patients, why not re-assign her to a different area so that she didn't go around patients until she could get the flu shot, or put her on maternity leave early? Firing her is wrong and it shouldn't have happened; especiall not after she -- as a medical professional -- read and followed manufacturer's instructions. Those instructions are not included for the fun of it. They mean something. This mom listened and safeguarded her child. She did the right thing. Her employers did not. December 23, 2013   BENGHAZI: rice hasn't any regrets about LYING to us. shock. surprise. Others lied to you, too, but she doesn't care. Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man. It works the other way around, too: show me the man and I'll show you his friends. Liars like liars. They stick together like glue. It's rare that liars like to hang with honest people and vice versa. It's irksome (to put it mildly) to hear or read liars when you are addicted to the truth. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Thus, liars sticking together is no surprise. December 23, 2013   Let the baby be born and find out if he/she suffered damage, don't assume. It's better to find out than to just kill the baby without knowing, isn't it? Come on, have a heart. December 23, 2013   Target facing lawsuits and investigations after credit cards fraud found. No wonder! I'm still glad I've never spent a penny there. I've walked into the store and looked around maybe four times, but I've never spent a dime there. Now I'm very glad. December 23, 2013   Cuba cracking down on entrepreneurs. When will thevileone follow suit? I think his lawsuits against the businesses that are not pro-homosexual, his healthcaretax assertions and other things are heading us in the same direction. Tyranny, here we come. December 23, 2013   Will he run? If he does, I think it could be interesting. He could be a contender. December 23, 2013   Believe it or not that's all I can find right now. So, I'll leave you with "Minion Monday: Hank's Christmas Party". Until after Christmas, GOD Bless, enjoy the day and remember the Reason: we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the fact that His life was lived without sin and he's alive today loving you, hoping you'll accept His love and sacrifice and that you have a wonderful, Merry Christmas! Until next time, Merry Christmas and See ya'! December 20, 2013: 2:55 p.m.   Duck Dynasty: A & E t-shirts go on sale. A lot of people are in a kerfuffle about Phil Roberston's Christian beliefs. I am not. He's only quoting the Bible. If you're on GOD's side, you can't be wrong. So, it's no biggie to me. He's doing the right thing. Seems to me that the network is cutting off its moneymaker to spite Christianity. Which, reality bite here, is really, really stupid. I'm not "dismayed" by their stupidity. Nor am I surprised by it. For progressives/lefties/libs abortion and homosexuality are their hands-off (mouth, too!) "holy grail" and for anyone to say anything against either is a royal brouhaha to them. They cannot understand it, tolerate it, appreciate it, allow it. All they want to do is shut it up! That cannot stand! Oh, wah. December 20, 2013   NJ trying to strip Christians of their religious freedom to make it easier to force Christians to have to do business with them. If they can force you to do business with homosexuals, can they also force you to do business with drug dealers, the mafia, etc.? Where does the state end and your rights begin? In NJ, your rights end at homosexuality. This as NM "supreme" court legalizes homosexual "marriage" statewide. I've said it before: GOD invented and ordains marriage and He never said "Adam and Steve" nor "Madam and Eve". It just doesn't work. December 20, 2013   How do you threaten war? FAX IT! SMH. December 20, 2013   N[in]SA spying on investigator who was investigating google. Remind me again: who is it who helps the government get our info? Oh, yes, google. Imagine the N[in]SA spying on someone investigating the person investigating google. Scratch. Scratch. December 20, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: WH: Repealing healthcaretax will "cost too much". Keeping it will cost MORE. Repeal is the RIGHT thing because very FEW of us want it. To tell you the truth you have now the FEW forcing the MANY. It's that ol' "squeaky wheel" thing: they make enough noise and someone caves. (See Phil Robertson for lesson on not caving.) Did you know that you "owe it to" your Mommas to sign up for thevileone's healthcaretax? That's what msthevileone says. You OWE YOUR MOMMA signing up for thevileone's healthcaretax! Really! Amazing. My momma says she won't sign up because it's wrong, bad, she likes her doctor (or is she lying the way thevileone did about that issue?) and she doesn't think that socialized medicine is good for America. If I signed up for thevileone's healthcaretax, my momma would disown me! thevileone's healthcaretax is SO BAD there's even a heroin named after it and they're pushing it to kids waiting to buy shoes! Now, the reidster is delusional over thevileone's healthcaretax. He's throwing a two-year-old's hissy fit because he wants some credit for fixing it! It's fixed? News to the rest of us! Although they delayed implementation of thevileone's healthcaretax, they're not saying whether you'd have to pay the 2014 penalty for NOT joining. Sounds to me like they're wanting a cash cow and we'll all have to pay: except of course, those 135,000 people (as of Dec. 12th) who actually have been told they're enrolled. Yeah. They've even told SENATE STAFFERS not to trust that they're actully enrolled. That's bad. Of course, if you lost your insurance because of this crappy law, you have been given an exemption, but that doesn't mean that other things won't go wrong. From the start this thing has been a big screw-up, so don't count on it magically going right now. After all, when thevileone can change "the law" willy-nilly without Congress you know things are going to go wrong and things are going to change and you'll not be able to know if you're coming or going. Tyrants do that. It helps them keep you off balance and when you're off balance, you're easier to arrest and control. After all, if you're complying with the law today and he changes it lickety-split tomorrow, who knows who is breaking the law today? And, now, if you've lost your healthcare insurance, thevileone says he's fixed all that now. Don't worry. He is in control. He's all that. But I've got a question for him. If thevileone's healthcaretax is supposed to be good for people, why did he declare it a "hardship"? December 20, 2013   thevileone will not negotiate over his dictatorial debt ceiling increase. He wants it so he MUST have it! Waaaaahhhh!!! Whiny baby. December 20, 2013   HAMSTER ALERT! HAMSTER ALERT! 2013 one of COLDEST IN HISTORY! Here are the top seven setbacks for hamsters in 2013. Those seven things made hamsters weep in despair. Boohoohoo. December 20, 2013   Krauthammer: Next big bailout - healthcare insurance? December 20, 2013   Catholic University stands up to soros funded demands. Good! A spine among men. Whoodahthunkit? December 20, 2013   Rush is right: "second hand smoke" is NOT a danger to anyone. It's been one of the lies pushed to help the State ban smoking altogether. Liars should never prosper. Liars lie. Learn that and you'll be better able to predict what they'll do, whether what they're saying is true (Nope.) and how you should react to it. Liars lie. thevileone to reidster to locals, liars lie. Period. Learn it. Live it. But only love it if it's going to make you be better able to predict their actions. December 20, 2013   Thanks to thevileone and his policies that got you laid off, your hours cut, or your business shut down altogether, are you having a mini-Christmas this year? thevileone isn't. He's going to Hawaii while you're paying for it and struggling to buy three gifts for your child. Isn't that wunnerful, wunnerful? Being Dictator has its perks. December 20, 2013   Serpent head is becoming "more conservative"? I still wouldn't want that man influencing how my children think, their beliefs, goals, or lives. Just the idea of it turns my stomach. December 20, 2013   Don't fall into use of verbal ticks. It's a bad habit to get into and you sound less intelligent if you're saying, "You know?" or "Like..." or "Whatever." or "She/I/He/They went" (substituting "went" for "said"). When you use those ticks, pauses, or substitute "ummms" all the time you sound dumb. December 20, 2013   WARNING: Aspirin regimes may be more harmful than good. Read the article. You need to know this information! December 20, 2013   Showing up the hypocrites. They want to pay Wal-Mart employees $15 hourly -- as long as they, themselves, don't have to pay more to help the employees of Wal-Mart make more money. It sounds so good to say "Pay them $15 hourly", but the reality is that it would raise prices to astronomical and no one would shop there anymore and then Wal-Mart would go out of business and what would happen to all of those employees who wanted $15 hourly? Common sense, folks, it's really rather easy. December 20, 2013   OH legislator wants State inspections prior to ALLOWING homeschooling. Where does anyone have the right to interfere with a parent's choice to homeschool? If the parent is not accuse of neglect, abuse, or sexually molesting their child... Oh! I see where the State is going there. December 20, 2013   I'll close today with my Flag Friday pic (with a poem), "Tribute to Our Heroes 143: From Santa Claus". Oh! You need to know that I will be taking Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and MAYBE the 26th off. So that means that I take this weekend off, post Monday, off Tuesday & Wednesday (Christmas day), and Thursday I may or may not post, depending on what's up. Just so you know. Until next time, have a great weekend and See ya'! December 19, 2013: 2:14 p.m.   Only a few updates today. I've had only about two hours of sleep when I fell asleep on the love seat early this morning and then woke up and got busy. I was thinking I'd go to bed when I woke up on the love seat, but I walked past the dining room table, where I stage my Christmas decorating base, and saw that it was messy and I needed to finish the final touches, so I started on that project and haven't stopped since. My Christmas decorating is finished except for changing out the china in the china hutch, putting in the Christmas dishes and removing spring dishes (pinks and greens). So I'll do a few blurbs then go lie down for a while. My eyes are trying to shut without my wanting them to! December 19, 2013   There's no "may be" about it! Free speech is across the board; both homosexuals and straight folks get it. For the homosexual world and their cohorts to try to shut Phil up via whining is just plain WRONG. We let them speak -- heck, we even stand up for their right to speak -- and they should do the same for we straight folks. Period. All this hullabaloo over Phil Robetson's personal beliefs -- biblically based beliefs -- are allowed to be expressed just as homosexuals and atheists can express their wrong-headed views. I'll stand up and help them fight for it. I don't have to agree with their words, beliefs, practices, nor teachings, but I'll fight hard to make sure they have their First Amendment rights upheld. If the First Amendment can be taken away from Phil Robertson it can be taken away from homosexuals, atheists, or ME! Not going to happen. IF you SUPPORT PHIL ROBERTSON sign the petition. I did. BTW, a & e is doing a marathon of Duck Dynasty to show just how strongly they feel about what Phil said. When is the homosexual community going to gripe about that? Or about this? Hmm? Where's the outrage here? December 19, 2013   Did paul ryan even READ the bodget [sic] bill he pushed? I don't know what happened to him, but he used to be considered a Conservative. Now? He's a nothing. December 19, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: thevileone knew of the security risks before website launch. shock. surprise. It's now being reported that 70% of the people distrust the msm to tell them about thevileone's healthcaretax. So do the people trust thevileone any more than they trust the msm? If so, they're stupid. Considering this, what makes the reidster think thevileone's healthcaretax will help dumborats win in 2014? I'd ask if he's deaf, dumb, blind and stupid, but that'd be a rhetorical question. There are still sycophants who continue to kiss his backside but (finally!) some of the folks on the left have stopped supporting it. Heck, even thevileone himself has admitted it wasn't a smart move. Now, thevileone and msthevileone want you to RUIN CHRISTMAS by talking about thevileone's healthcaretax. Isn't that wonderful? (NOT!) December 19, 2013   JUDGE SAYS: thevileone's DH[in]S complicit in "helping Mexican drug cartels and felons inside America smuggle illegal aliens into the country". thevileone involved in human trafficking. What more would you expect from him? December 19, 2013   Jobless numbers rise; housing sales plummet. dumborats are pushing unemployment benefit extensions instead of pushing for JOBS and full time employment and ending thevileone's healthcaretax that is making employers fire, not hire and under-employ folks. dumborats want people on the federal teat because they believe that if they're on the teat, they and everyone with them will vote dumborat. Buying votes while keeping you hurting is their goal. Is that what you want? Tired of PB & J yet? December 19, 2013   When it comes to being rotten, Putin wants to be as bad as thevileone. That is SOOOO backward! December 19, 2013   Glad I've never shopped at target. Yep. They've got a problem. December 19, 2013   reidster doesn't want to let go of power for a long time. Let's pray and work hard to make sure he doesn't get his wish. December 19, 2013   BENGHAZI: Multiple "STAND DOWN!" orders to multiple places. thevileone did NOT want help given to those people. That's called murder, folks. He just plain killed those folks. May as well have signed the death warrant himself. December 19, 2013   thevileone will be copying this guy as soon as possible. I wish that this story had never been printed because now thevileone will have new ideas as to how to shut us up. Sigh... Looking forward to the fight. December 19, 2013   mccain't threatened to "kick the crap out of" reidster? He couldn't "kick the crap out of" a gnat. reidster porbably couldn't kick the crap out of a fly, but a fly's still bigger, so it'd be a tougher opponent. Although, a gnat may be trickier because it's smaller. December 19, 2013   New mortgage rules make dumborat buddies happy. They can be more predatory now. Oh, boy! Watch out! They'll be after you night and day. We get all kinds of offers to refinance and it's not something that's ever going to happen. December 19, 2013   $37,680,000,000 TAXPAYER DOLLARS sent to foreign countries. That's YOUR money. Is that what you want? I don't want that! December 19, 2013   IRS trying to chill political speech? They're acting as an enforcement arm of thevileone, so something else to try to intimidate you into sitting down, shutting up and being "good" is something they like. December 19, 2013   Well, I did more than I thought I would. So I'll close today with the Christmas present that I told you about yesterday. NOTE: Link no longer available. Here are the pictures of how I decorate for Christmas. Enjoy! Until next time, See ya'! December 18, 2013: 5:37 p.m.   Oh. Exactly 24 hours between updates. How precise of me. :-) Anyways... I've made a decision about my Christmas gift to you this year. I usually post a Christmas story I wrote a few years back that is in my "Hearth Notes" series. This year, I won't be making that available, but instead, will post a page with pics of the Christmas decorations that are inside my house. My husband did the work of dragging out all 48 containers of big, medium and small sizes and I did all of the decorating for the "full" Christmas decs this year. I didn't do "full" Christmas decorating last year nor the year before so I decided that this year I'd do so and share it with you. Some say, upon entering my fully decorated house, "Wow!" and some say it's like a Winter Wonderland (which I dispute because there is no snow outside, unfortunately). So I will be taking the pics in the next few days, putting together a page for the pics and I'll be letting you take a glimpse into how I decorate -- with the exception of decorating the Christmas trees (we have two this year) I do it all myself, every arrangement, every placement, everything. I hope you are looking forward to it and that you enjoy it! Now, on with the blurbs. December 18, 2013   Duck Dynasty star under attack. Why is it that straight folks must accept the homosexual world view but they can choose to ignore ours? Christians do not hate homosexuals; we pray for them, hope that they will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and turn from their sin (GOD called it sin, so it IS sin; just as my sin, although not the same sin, is also sin) and be able to spend eternity in heaven with GOD in the presence of TRUE pure love. If they choose not to do so, that's their decision and I feel sorry for them, but I do not hate them for their choice. It's so sad when anyone chooses to spend eternity in hell, eternally tortured, eternally being reminded of their choice, eternally shown their shame and sin and wrongdoing. But it is a CHOICE. You choose where you spend eternity. GOD gives you the option, without force, and you choose. GOD loves you that much. Don't spit in the face of the One True GOD because He loves you enough to allow you to choose. Look in the mirror and blame the person staring back at you. December 18, 2013   Underwear bomber: We had "insider control"? Um... Wording? December 18, 2013   dumborats urgin jerry brown to run for president. Ugh. dumborats want to go from kakistocracy to kakistocracy to clownocracy? May as well just shoot America. December 18, 2013   Fake SSN for illegal? He'll SUE if you don't let him use it for state job. Ridiculous. Can you imagine how secure your future would be if the illegal wins? December 18, 2013   GOP equivalent to "Jonestown cult" says thevileone's podesta.
In this particular instance, it's definitely a case of someone blaming others for their own doings. If anyone is a "Jonestown cult" thing, it's
those following thevileone and obeying his every whim and loving him no matter what he does and how bad he is. Remember all the followers? December 17, 2013   Speaking of a kakistocracy... This is going to hurt. December 18, 2013   THIS TICKS ME OFF! My husband served over 20 years. My Dad, two of my brothers-in-law, my father-in-law and several other relatives served OVER TWENTY YEARS EACH. Now the House and Senate vote to CUT THEIR PENSIONS instead of cutting aid to those who have done NOTHING FOR THEIR COUNTRY BUT TAKE, TAKE, TAKE! Welfare recipients, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Education Association, the "green" company donations, funding for NPR/PBS should have ALL taken the hit BEFORE THEY DINGED THE RETIRED MILITARY PERSONELL! It's ridiculous that they've turned their backs on our U.S. Military retirees! This is WRONG! It's not just wrong, it's a national SHAME! December 18, 2013   Part of that gov waste I told you about yesterday includes Facebook paying NO taxes. Friends in high places come in handy and we all know Facebook cooperates with government in giving your info out. Now we find out that they pay NO TAXES? I wonder why... December 18, 2013   People waking up to the dangers of the kakistocracy? I don't believe most polls, but this one, maybe. December 18, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: GAG. Double gag. And "Oh, Goody!" What a combination! People still want to know when thevileone knew. Honestly, I don't care. It doesn't matter what he knew or when he knew it. What matters is that HE DID IT! HE is the one who pushed through the healthcaretax and he is the one who wanted it (well, he and hillclintoon and every dumborat idiot who likes socialism: all of them) and he is the one who put his name on it. HE did it. It doesn't matter what he knew about the website. It matters that he was the author of it. THAT'S what matters. HE is the one who implemented the SOCIALIST MEDICAL PLAN. HE DID IT. Nothing ELSE matters. And while all of this crud is surrounding it, dumborats are stilly LYING about thevileone's healthcaretax. When does the truth ever escape dumborats' leaders' mouths? NEVER. I bet they lie when they're dead, too: satan: "And did you ever lie to anyone?"Yeah. If satan could die (he is eternal, just as we are and GOD is), this is how it would happen. December 18, 2013   Messiah? Especially NEXT Messiah?! It's only common sense that there is ONLY ONE Messiah. If you have more than one, then it's not a Messiah. By definition there can only be ONE Messiah. More than one negates the "Messiah" moniker. A Messiah is a savior, someone who is "unique" and unique by definition is one of a kind, not two or ten of a kind. Messiah is a singular. THE Messiah. It's not one here, one over there, and another ten, fifty years later. Messiah is ONE: Jesus Christ. December 18, 2013   Feds slow pump? It may be good, it may be bad. We'll see what happens. December 18, 2013   Liar-In-Chief likes a liar. Making up children? Ridiculous. December 18, 2013   Well, that'll do for now. Until next time, See ya'! December 17, 2013: 5:37 p.m.   Sorry about not doing updates yesterday. I had to go visit a friend who was in the hospital and prior to doing that I had errands to run. Problems started when my cat realized I was awake and immediately got clingy and wanted loads of attention. She wouldn't get down from my shoulders. Then after my shower she did it again and it's hard to get ready to go somewhere -- do your hair, get dressed appropriately, put jewelry on -- when you've got a cat on your shoulders refusing to get down. So I finally managed to get ready to go, ran my errands and then went to visit my friend, P.B., at the hospital. He was in Parish and that's the last hospital I want to go to, but when a friend is in there, it's where I go. My friends are worth the strain. Anyways, visited there for over four hours -- expected to stay a little less than that -- and got home to my hubby saying "Let's go out to eat dinner." Out we went, ate, then looked at Christmas lights for just a few minutes. When we got home I was hit with the "I'm tired!" bug and went to bed early (for me). So today I'll do as many updates as I can. Hopefully it will be as many as I want to get done. On with the blurbs! December 17, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: Microsoft exec to run healthcare.gov. Ever notice how close Microsoft/Gates and thevileone are getting lately? All buddy-buddy, kissy-kissy (butt)? Yeah. Something's up there. How much you wanna' bet Microsoft will soon enough have full access to ALL of our information and full access to anything they want to know about you? Hmmm? All those people losing their healthcare insurance have to get insurance somewhere, right? They'll turn to the only thing left: thevileone's healthcaretax. And Microsoft will have ALL of their info, PLUS be teaching their kids via Common Core, and they'll be watching our computer stuff on the ubiquitous "cloud" and recording every keystroke via their Office programs. So who, exactly, will be running the nation? Elected officials or a computer program company's founder? They've hit 365,000 sign-ups (IF they're actually signed up, instead of another glitch) but will they reach their deadline goal? Even with some Catholic providers kissing butt and getting grants because of it, and even though thevileone and msthevileone are pushing hard people are realizing that it's going to cost an arm and a leg (their's not the gov's) and 45 states still haven't reached their 10% enrollment goal. That's a BIG FAILURE. It's not even CLOSE to a win. People are starting to stay away from healthcare. Sounds to me like people are teaching themselves to NOT run to the doctor at every little hang nail, but those who have serious conditions need to see a doctor and some to be hospitalized. December 17, 2013   Court: NSA spying "constitutionally flawed". Shazam! December 17, 2013   The guy who got the ruling above? The NSA LIED about him. "'People began receiving from me emails that I had never sent,' Klayman told WND, suggesting harassment in response to his work. 'The government just wanted me to know they were watching me.'"If thevileone will do that to one, thevileone will do it to the many. What lies will be told about you if he stays in power? Rand Paul is considering a lawsuit against the NSA, and thus, against thevileone's administration. America is rising! People, don't give up the fight. Stand strong. Remember: WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, not just ONE man: US. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. That one man is a usurper, an interloper, a fraud because he is an acting DICTATOR, not a president. He was allegedly "elected" to represent US. The way thevileone is acting he is NOT keeping his oath of office, nor is he responding to OUR WILL. Thus, lawsuits are necessary to put him back in his place. WHEN WILL THE REST OF US STAND UP AND WHEN WILL SOMEONE ARREST THE CLOWN? December 17, 2013   Twelve RINOs support ryan's anti-military "bodget". Yeah. RINOs are progressives and progressives are communists and they hate America. What's so surprising about the RINOs standing AGAINST AMERICA? Commies do that. BTW, check out the mccain't pic on this story. Excellent. December 17, 2013   LOL! Phil and Jase did the right thing. Puts babawawa in her place and has his priorities straight in this. December 17, 2013   Sickening. Just sickening. We need to get to the WHOLE truth about the 9/11 attacks: every jot and tittle. If it implicates thevileone, billybobclintoon and/or his wife, or Bush 41 or 43, the TRUTH needs to come out about 9/11. December 17, 2013   When they voted for thevileone did they want high food prices? Or is that just a "bonus" for them? After all, commies don't worry about working. They let US do the work and THEY take the benefits. So why not want higher food prices? BTW, thevileone is going to HI again for Christmas: $4 MILLION taxpayer dollars. Is part of that the price of ground beef? I doubt it. He focuses on Kobe Beef at $150 per pound and WE pay for that. Ground beef? thevileone says, "Ooo needs it?" December 17, 2013   ryan's "bodget" cut military pensions; INCLUDING pensions for disabled military retirees. That's despicable. Why would anyone cut the pay of those who gave so much? Heartless comes to mind. December 17, 2013   Government WASTE: $1 MILLION to study romance novels. That's just to start. After all, thevileone's administration WASTAED $30 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS in the last twelve months ALONE. Yeah. And you pay for it. Suggestion: Let's FIRE THEM ALL! December 17, 2013   Man/Man/Woman "marriage"? Yep. ND does it. It's not a "marriage" it's a convenience. It's a rebellion against social norms. It's a spit in the face of mainstream society. And some wimpy attorney general says it's all okay because we don't have any morals to live by. That's just stupid. What's next, a dog/man "marriage" (mirage, more like). December 17, 2013   Targeting Ted Cruz. Sounds to me like someone's on the "loser" side and I seriously doubt it will be Cruz. December 17, 2013   Eighty-three dead --some put in ovens. Peace and tolerance sounds rather unpeaceful and intolerant. December 17, 2013   Homosexual mag names Pope as "Man of the Year". I think it's possible that the way Rush Limbaugh looks at it is correct: "The pope has moved their way, so they think this pope is movable. And so all these other groups are now basically -- I think it's like the rest of the left and their media. They hope they can induce the pope to move even further away from the church's doctrine. That's what's going on."The Pope, basically, fried his own goose in order to be popular. Sweet! (sarcasm) December 17, 2013   Travel relaxes you, helps prevent heart attacks. Time for another cruise! December 17, 2013   "Voluntary" getting a new definition? In police parlance it definitely is. December 17, 2013   Russia/Egypt alliance re-formed. Trouble on the horizon? December 17, 2013   China's weapons not safe: America not safe because of it. December 17, 2013   Utah dumborat to retire: seat shifts to "R". As long as "R" doesn't stand for RINO, it would be a good thing! December 17, 2013   Are lefties waking up? They're realizing that even Nixon was better? Nah. They just aren't happy that he's not giving enough to them. December 17, 2013   Guns in high demand. Considering the crap this government is doing, the police state we're currently living in and all of the government agencies that can make new rules for you and all the rest of us to obey, I don't blame folks for getting guns. Then there's the "knockout game" that some young idiot thugs are participating in, probably taking their cue from this government, and it's a sad state of affairs America finds itself in. December 17, 2013   I shall close tonight with the Minion Monday pic, "Hank Plays the Roman Soldier". Since I didn't do updates yesterday, I didn't get to post the link to it. Hope you enjoy it! December 13, 2013: 11:25 a.m.   NBEDZ has some critics: myself included. I hate that COUNTY is paying for the mistakes of the CITY of Titusville. I think that if the City of Titusville wants to have economic development they need to do something different themselves. They need to fix their own problems, not the rest of us bail them out. If T-ville wants a developer to redo their failed mall they should foot the bill, not the rest of us. If the residents were encouraged to shop locally instead of going over to the Waterford Lakes area, or elsewhere, then the mall would not be dead. The mall being redone will not make folks shop there unless they can get things there that they cannot get elsewhere and do other shopping as well. The NBEDZ, IMHO, is nothing more than fisher preparing to run for State office, or national office. That's all this is. December 13, 2013   Brevard County judges won't be hearing the Needleman/DuPree/Harr cases. I think that no matter who hears it, with a jury that has a brain between them, they'll probably be found guilty. That's IMHO, but we'll have to see who the jurors are. December 13, 2013   Snow in the Middle East. It's not political, important, etc., but I think it's so rare that it deserves a mention. I'm so jealous. December 13, 2013   dumborat picks are not good for America. They choose people without experience (witness thevileone), without morals (bill ayers), without a clue (sebelius), without credibility (hillclintoon), but WITH hatred for America (witness all of them). December 13, 2013   China is trying to start something. While in international waters it's an act of war to interfere with another country's naval ships. That's exactly what China did. What are they trying to start and why are they trying to start it? December 13, 2013   CBS scrambles to cover thevileone's butt. But of course. December 13, 2013   thevileone says to keep up the NSA spying. Sounds to me like the information gathered has come in very handy. After all, scotUS chief justice, john roberts, changed his vote on thevileone's healthcaretax at the last moment (proven and admitted to) then that NSA info has served its purpose at least once, n'est-ce pas? December 13, 2013   Transparency? No? "It's not our fault!" The buck never gets to thevileone, his staff, his czars, his cabinet are all totally blameless in everything except the website that malfunctioned. Then it was the cabinet members' faults because they never tell him anything. Of course, if they could reach thevileone (remember in his first term he hadn't even met with six of his cabinet member in the two years after hiring them) they may be able to tell him something. But, no. Golf is so much more important that he has played golf 151 times since his first inauguration. Sounds to me like we have incompetence galore but very little responsibility. December 13, 2013   pelosipig says bonehead boehner said "Wait until next year for immigration" (amnesty). bonehead's ready to betray us again. He's ready to give America up, hand it over to illegal immigrants who are handed citizenship on a silver platter and to hades with us. Sigh. Don't you love the benefits of American citizenship? Our "representatives" are so protective of us and our country. It's so very heartwarming to see how much they care about our children's futures. Our "representatives" are "representing" US so very well (sarcasm). December 13, 2013   Another ill-educated judge removes a cross citing "separation of church and state". If colleges would teach their law students the TRUTH about "separation of church and state" America would be better off. You know judges are lazy if they can't find that article on the internet and teach themselves the TRUTH about the issue. They don't WANT to know about the phrase -- used once by Jefferson, in a private letter (as opposed to a policy statement) and under the premise that the government cannot STOP nor PREVENT religion (as opposed to imposing religion) -- if they don't do their own research. Those who have learned the TRUTH are willing to allow the crosses to stay. Those who have an agenda are not willing to listen to the TRUTH, nor do they care about teh TRUTH. Their agenda matters more than our Founding Fathers and the law. Oh, you need to note: "Originally, the U.S. Justice Department defended the cross memorial. However, when President Barack Obama was elected, the government’s defense of the memorial under Attorney General Eric Holder seemed to become lackluster, and the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial Association stepped in to bolster the defense."Yeah. He says he's a Christian. Actions speak louder. December 13, 2013   It's stories like this that have made me cynical about sob stories, about other things. When people are so greedy, lazy, unscrupulous as to use their autistic daughter's disability to try to manipulate people with a false story about a break-in to get others to give them money that makes me cynical. Cynical about the motivations of some, the veracity of most similar stories and the manipulations of certain elements of the lazy-butt society. If they want a good Christmas for their child, teach the child (or children) about honesty, hard work and earning what they have, not how to lie, cheat, steal, manipulate. Christmas is not about lies. It's about the TRUTH being born and coming to save you and I. This mother needs to be taught that lesson. December 13, 2013   This is what happens when LIFE doesn't matter. Children to be euthanized if they're dying. It's just to speed up the process. It isn't really murder, right? Wrong. December 13, 2013   Senate GOPers to filibuster Ryan budget? The GOP can't get anything right, can they? Ryan goes all bonehead/thevileone, including funding for thevileone's healthcaretax in his budget. Some republicans speak against it. bonehead jumps on those who are against it, so he's for it. The Senate GOP says they'll filibuster it. Get your act together, GOP! Look at your platform, stand by the words in the platform with your actions and stop screwing things up and preventing the country from having any good news! In other words, stop handing victory to the dumborats on a platinum platter!! December 13, 2013   Global warming! Global warming! LOL! December 13, 2013   LOL! thevileone does it again. If he did something right the world would turn in the other direction and the sun would rise in the west. December 13, 2013   Aaaahhh... taxpayer funded college... "the cultural diversity coordinator with UCD’s Ethnic Studies department."Running phone sex service while on college time. Isn't that what you send your children to college for? I mean, come on. It's "cultural diversity", isn't it? December 13, 2013   I shall leave you today with my Flag Friday Tribute To Our Heroes: "No Matter The Season". I wish they could ALL be home for Christmas! Until next time, See ya'! December 12, 2013: 12:04 p.m.   Girl Scouts homopunk spokesman still works for the Girl Scounts, but he's not "the front man". So he's not being touted as the "main man". Big change. Soooo much better for the girls in the organization (sarcasm). Amazing. December 12, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: sebelius guilty of "obstruction of justice"? She IS part of thevileone's administration, so it's not really obstruction of justice, it's just the usual routine for thevileone's administration. No surprises here folks. Nothing to see. Move along. These are not the droids you're looking for. Add to that, sebelius gives the "navigators" another $58 MILLION of YOUR money. Remember, sebelius admits these "navigators" could be FELONS! And they're getting another $58 MILLION! Why? So few people are signing up that Oregon spent $300 MILLION to sign up 44 people! FORTY-FOUR! thevileone won't tell us the truth about how things are working here but from what others can uncover, EACH ACTUAL ENROLLEE is costing taxpayers $14,196! That's just SO FAR! How much more will each enrollee cost us when WE start paying for THEIR healthcaretax? This is single-payer: US. WE pay for everyone's everything else. Those of us who used to get a tax refund are paying for those who didn't earn enough to pay taxes or for those who found a way around paying. Now it turns out that thevileone and sebelius NEVER MET after the healthcaretax was passed. Remember, after the dumborats marched down the street with the huge gavel in pelosipig's hands, thevileone and sebelius never met. So all this time thevileone let someone else do the work on HIS signature legislation? Lazy butt. ON the other side, there is an "Opt Out" option that is being pushed at colleges and other places. I LOVE THAT! December 12, 2013   rachel madcow: BLAME BUSH! Okay. So she's shot her wad. She's sung the same ol' song for the last hundred years that's all she has to say. So why did the WaPo hire her? They knew that all she can say is "Blame Bush! Blame Bush! Blame Bush!" Now they can fire her because that's all she's capable of saying. Oh. Well, maybe after her next article: [thevileone] IS WUNNERFUL! That's what it will be. December 12, 2013   JW defends NC's voter ID law. In doing so, they are also protecting the integrity of YOUR votes, too. If the NC folks want their elections to not be defrauded, to be trustworthy and not rotten to the core (hanging chads and Sen. al franken, anyone?) then going state by state by state and defending voter ID and the purging of voter rolls of dead people, people who have lost the right to vote, felons still in prison, those who have moved out of state, etc., MUST be done. JW is doing the right thing and it will help prevent our votes from being negated by those who are defrauding the system. December 12, 2013   "Top Secret" drone so secret you now know about it. Isn't that wonderful? Our country's "Top Secrets" are just another "Squirrel!" to thevileone. Our nation's security is at risk because he must hide so much of his own crap that he must make people "Look! Over there!". When will the TRUTH about this creature be known? Only after he's buring in hades? December 12, 2013   thevileone bowed to and shook castro's hand. Bowing means that someone is subservient to the person being bowed to. Think of all the folks in England who bow to the queen. All of those people are her servants, lower than she. So the message thevileone has been giving all of the world's leaders is that he -- and via his representation -- AMERICA is subservient to them and their country. He's giving them and the whole world the message that America is not as good as the other country, not up to their standards, not qualified to be their equal. Isn't that the message you want sent? December 12, 2013   Now we know that thevileone likes blondes? I think msthevileone was noticing that, too. The looks on her face are those of a jealous woman, not those of someone in on the joke, "funning it up" with the others. She was ticked. She didn't like being made to look the foolish little woman, the coat-tail rider (think hillclintoon) to thevileone's brilliant commadarie. Note the seat switch. She put an end to that! Question for you: What good does it do to live on the taxpayer's teat if your husband's going to make you look the fool in public, in front of the leaders of the world, in front of the whole world via television and tweets, and -- to boot -- the husband doesn't seem to notice that you're even there while he's doing so? I bet that big (used to be White) Red House she's living in offers little comfort when she knows her daughters got to see how much their daddy dissed their mom. All the taxpayer dollars in the world won't take that away. December 12, 2013   DoD asked to stop using anti-Christian training materials. How did it get approved for use in the first place? Easy. thevileone's administration IS anti-Christian. Look at the last five years and you'll see the proof of that statement. It doesn't matter what thevileone's lips say (every time they move he's lying), it matters what he DOES. He probably asked the Southern Poverty Law Center to put the stuff together. "It may seem unfathomable that the U.S. government would use training materials provided by an organization like the SPLC, though records obtained by Judicial Watch earlier this year show the group is quite influential in [thevileone's] administration. In fact, the files obtained by JW from [thevileone's] Justice Department reveal that SPLC co-founder Morris Dees, conducted a “Diversity Training Event” for the agency."Yep. He probably asked them himself. And he says he is a Christian? Really? December 12, 2013   Is hanoi jane fonda committing TAX FRAUD? Her "charitable organization" has given NO FUNDS to charities for the last FIVE YEARS. Read the story and find out. December 12, 2013   State Dept. (hillclintoon) ORDERED BENGHAZI security company to dodge media questions. Sounds to me like hillclintoon has something to hide. When will "We, The People" get the TRUTH about BENGHAZI? Even more pressing, when will the families of those four brave souls get the answers to the BENGHAZI questions? What are thevileone and hillclintoon hiding? We deserve the TRUTH! Their families deserve the TRUTH! thevileone must be made to answer to US. He is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A DICTATOR. But he has definitely made himself so! December 12, 2013   Aaahhhhh.... public schools. Now imagining something will get you in trouble. Homeschool your kids, folks. December 12, 2013   Eeeeewwwww..... alan grayson does the creepy! He really is a disgrace to the human race. I can't imagine how anyone (even a dead person) could vote for that thing. December 12, 2013   Knockout game now inside prison. Every unprovoked assault on a corrections officer should result in an additional mandatory ten years onto the offender's sentence. December 12, 2013   WHY is ANYONE still a republican? They don't support, represent, believe in, want AMERICA as our Founding Fathers set her up to be. They've proven that time and time again. Now they've done everything they can to silence the TEA Party folks and to prevent the RINO republican party from losing power to those who believe in America as she was meant to be. Why is that okay? If you are still a republican, may I suggest a SERIOUS reconsideration? After all, it was the republican budget that FUNDED thevileone's healthcaretax yesterday. And you're still a republican? Why? What is the difference between the RINO republicans and dumborats? Can you show me any? If not, step away from the addiction to the "R" after your name. It's just an alphabet. It means nothing anymore. Go to your local Supervisor of Elections office and take the first step in a four step process: Register as "No Party Affiliation". Then go into your room in your own little chair and cry, scream, whatever until you feel better, or settle down from jumping for joy. Step three is that you now live like you owe NO PARTY ANYTHING -- especially not a party that has done nothing FOR YOU nor for the COUNTRY -- in years. Step four: Vote as though FREEDOM matters to YOU. It's that simple, folks. Step away from the addiction. It's only an alphabet letter. It means nothing. December 12, 2013   On that lovely little note, I shall close for now. Until next time, See ya'! December 11, 2013: 10:31 a.m.   Does the U.S. Constitution matter at all? Not to the folks running Washington D.C., the District. Now they want "residents" to be able to vote, regardless of their citizenship status! In the U.S. Constitution the right to vote in our elections is given to CITIZENS ONLY. I bet the folks running D.C. couldn't even spell "Citizen". December 11, 2013   Snowden runner-up in Time "Person of the Year" choice. I think it's a good choice to include him (I'll say it again) as long as he's not divulging OUR military secrets to our enemies. If he's a patriot to America and just hated that our government is doing to us what our government is NOT supposed to do and took the proof and offered it up, then he's a hero. IF, on the other hand, he's also divulging our military secrets to our enemies, that's wrong and he's not a hero but a traitor. It's a fine line. But some can trod it. I have seen no proof that he has crossed that line. All he's done so far -- to the best of my knowledge -- is to tell us how far past the line of wrong our own government has gone. December 11, 2013   Speaking of the Time magazine "Person of the Year" award, they chose the Pope. Yeah, you know, the guy who said you don't have to believe in GOD to get to heaven. Yeah. That Pope. Of course they're going to choose someone in the "High and Mighty" realm who will side with atheists! Come on! It's got to be someone who will say stuff like that. Would they choose, I don't know, Jesus? Nah. Why do that? Heck, they never even went so far as to choose C.S. Lewis. You don't need to believe in GOD to get where He lives. Person of the Year. Make sense to me? Nope. December 11, 2013   They're going for your children again: "[thevileone's] White House wants to dump $75 billion more into “free” preschool for all. [my bolding]"I think he's trying to find another way to waste money. After all, you will recall that neither Pre-K, nor Head Start (really, it doesn't work) nor any other program that the government supports for children of that age actually does anything BENEFICIAL FOR THE CHILD. Leaving the child at home with a dedicated Mom and Dad who will start the learning process at home is what's best for the child. For example, while I was pregnant with our first son I took the time to stitch on plastic canvas the whole alphabet and decorated the nursery with them. I used primary colors and when our sons were very young, I took those letters off the wall and used them as a kind of "flash card" and started teaching our sons their alphabet, the sounds those letters make and their colors. They were still in diapers when I did this. That was the start of how I homeschooled our boys. By the time they were in sixth grade they were reading at the college level. That's what those programs should be doing. They don't have to spend a lot of money -- certainly NOT $75 billion -- to teach; but they do have to put forth the effort! There's the rub. That money is more about buying the National Education Association's votes than anything else. Remember, I told you thevileone was looking at -- and being encouraged in -- the possibility of running for a third term? He's going to need to buy votes. December 11, 2013   Jealousy rears its double ugly head? December 11, 2013   Atheists, I told you that Islam would come for you, too. Yep. Christians don't force you to accept their beliefs (but we do pray for your souls), but Islam will force you. Should you support Islam? Only if you want to be one. December 11, 2013   Girl Scouts remove homopunk spokesperson from website. I wonder if it's because there's been some sort of backlash when the truth came out. "Shining the light of truth" on things often puts them back into hiding. Question: Is it that the Girl Scouts have had a change of direction and are now trying to go the right way, or are they just hiding the truth from the parents of Girl Scout girls? The story doesn't say the guy is gone from the organization and what replaced him isn't much better: "Karen Parisi, who used to work for the Ms. Foundation, one of the most influential abortion advocacy groups in America."... "Stewart Goodbody, who comes from a career in public relations and issue advocacy."Parents are you really willing to put your DAUGHTERS into an organization that first includes homopunk guy as an influence in their lives and then features an abortionist and an issues advocate? Really? There is an alternative to the gone-awry Boy Scouts organization and an alternative to the Girl Scouts called "Frontier Girls". "Frontier Girls is a scout like club for girls ages 3-18 that we offer as an alternative to the Girl Scout program. We focus on patriotism, traditional values, community service and a love of learning."So if you want your daughter involved in a scouting organization, consider the alternatives to the gone-wonky ones we belonged to when we were kids. If they're going to teach your children things that are antithetical to what you believe, why send your kids to them? December 11, 2013   bonehead boehner doesn't like opposition. He really does need to be defeated in the 2014 elections. He's NOT good for America. He's a crybabying coward who caves anytime and every time anyone says "Boo!". If he had a spine, he took it out when he was four (days old) and lost it. December 11, 2013   Cutting three (3) minutes to save time? It just happens to be the three minutes that features the story of Jesus Christ. Well, that's just a time thing, right? They couldn't cut anything else. They couldn't speed things up a little, start a little earlier, change the times, or anything else. They just couldn't find a better way to do it besides cutting Jesus Christ out of Christmas. Another reason to NOT do disney. Jesus is the Reason for the Season: not mickey mouse. December 11, 2013   NSFW: Rush has a way with words, does he not? December 11, 2013   sebelius "grilled"? To bad she wasn't FIRED, too. "Advice and Consent of the Senate". Boy, did the Senate screw that one up. Uhhh... Which part of the government is bonehead boehner in? December 11, 2013   EPA knew they were paying someone illegally. "The Environmental Protection Agency was warned as early as July 2010 that a senior executive who claimed to be a CIA agent was collecting pay and bonuses not allowed by law but took no action for years, according to a new report from the agency’s inspector general."Ahh... thevileone's administration. Don't ya' just love the waste? More of your taxpayer dollars down the drain. Are you used to peanut butter and jelly yet? December 11, 2013   Folks speculating that Sen. Ted Cruz is going to run for President. I think Sen. Cruz is a man of honor and either has asked the right people, or done the research himself to see if he'd be eligible under the "natural born citizen" law. The problem is, he's a first generation American on his Dad's side. While I adore Rafael Cruz (the Dad) and think he's wonderful, the fact that he was born in Cuba also means that his son, Sen. Cruz, is (unfortunately) ineligible to be our president. Our Founding Fathers thought of "natural born" as a person whose parents had been also born in this country. I explained it like this: If you say "Is 'X' a natural born citizen?" and you're asking about someone who is in Sen. Cruz's situation those with an education in the subject will say "No" or at MOST "I don't think so". While if you ask about, say, Rush Limbaugh whose ancestors here in America go back to the 1770s. That would probably make most folks say, "Yes!" Rush Limbaugh is a "naturaly born citizen" because his ancestry in America goes way back. That's a "Naturally!" type reaction. (Yes, Rush is eligible to run for president! That frosts so many lefties!) If you say, "Naturally!" to the question, then the person qualifies to run for president. If, on the other hand, you'd say, "Well..." then the person is not qualified. That's my simple explanation of it. It's no more complicated than where your parents were born and where their parents were born, or at the very least, if they were legal citizens of the U.S.A. when the second generation was born. December 11, 2013   What happened to Ryan? He's keeping American on $25 TRILLION debt road. What has the NSA on him that would make him go so far from his alleged "core values/principles"? What other reason would someone stray so far? Money? He'd have gotten more of that if he'd stayed the course. December 11, 2013   rangel's censure lawsuit dismissed. So the slap on the hand for his wrongdoing is allowed to stand. Better than nothing. December 11, 2013   GOP Senator's CoS under investigation for child porn? Yep. And the cop charged with child porn is found dead in a river. Why anyone wants to look at that crap I have no idea. satan has a hold on them. December 11, 2013   This tells you how far LEFT England has gone. Don't bother visiting there unless you hate Israel. Why not just change GB's name to "Middle West"? December 11, 2013   On that pleasant note (sarcasm), I shall go for now. Until next time, See ya'! December 10, 2013: 12:35 p.m.   For thevileone, it's all about thevileone. Whether it's Pearl Harbor Day, remembering Rosa Parks or anything else, for thevileone, it's all about HIM. HE is the center of his own universe. Ego, anyone? January 10, 2014: 2:49 p.m.   I forgot to post the "Hand of GOD" link. This is SO COOL! I love space pics. GOD really shows off out there. December 10, 2013   Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai ticked off at us. Join the crowd. December 10, 2013   Colin Powell finally shows his true stripes. He was very secretive about what his politics were for so long that coming to the defense of thevileone's healthcaretax shows exactly who he is. Who was surprised by that? Not I. December 10, 2013   Exercise helps prevent dementia? Are they crazy? (Little levity, little levity.) Coconut oil helps prevent it altogether so eat what you like, sit on your butt all day doing website updates and make sure you take some coconut oil. You'll be fine. (Not to be considered medical advice. I am not a MD, nor do I play one on television. Do not consider this as reliable medical advice. If you do, take responsibility for your own choice.) December 10, 2013   It doesn't matter who thevileone hires, he's still a FAILURE. December 10, 2013   Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa! (Breathe! Gasp!) Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! December 10, 2013   Let's pray for Conservatives to win BIG in 2014. It may be the only thing to save America. December 10, 2013   Have a daughter in Girl Scouts? Consider who they hire. And then look at how they react when the TRUTH comes out. If I had a daughter I wouldn't put her in Girl Scouts right now. Nor would I put my son in Boy Scouts. My hubby used to be a Boy Scout, made Eagle Scout even, but he's no longer proud of that. Thanks, Scouts, for screwing up something good. December 10, 2013   Farm subsidy program totally defrauded by lefties. This is the kind of waste that the lefties condone because they use it to BUY votes. Isn't that what you want? Sometimes I think we should all STOP PAYING TAXES because so much of our money is wasted that if they can throw away that portion of the taxpayer dollars they collect, then they apparently DON'T NEED MORE! December 10, 2013   Another amnesty nightmare. U.S. military members mean nothing to thevileone unless and until he can use them to his advantage. This is one of those instances. Read the story. Never trust thevileone. December 10, 2013   Taking a lot of pics may prevent brain from storing the memories of what you're taking pics of. Me? I remember taking the pics and the event/place itself. Maybe I'm just weird. December 10, 2013   When a government takes the place of decision maker for kids, replacing parents that's when FREEDOM has taken leave of its senses and PARENTS ARE ALLOWING IT! Are you really going to cave and kowtow to the government that says "Your child is now a ward of the State because we think YOUR child MUST GET a vaccination!"? If so, maybe your children would be better off under the government thumb. December 10, 2013   Would these passengers have wanted the Christmas spirit to have been quelched in this instance? How many of them protested hearing "Merry Christmas!" that day? Hmmmm? December 10, 2013   Reporter wins in court. And the Fourth Estate gets a bit of cover for now. I used to think that journalists were the safeguard against the government. Now they've become the cover FOR the government to hide under, behind, whatever. This reporter isn't giving the government cover and that's probably part of why she was threatened with jail time. December 10, 2013   If this had been a girl/girl kiss would there have been a punishment? December 10, 2013   GM makes changes; after bailout loss of $10 BILLION taxpayer dollars. Thanks so much, thevileone! We really wanted to waste that money from our pockets. What would we do without you? December 10, 2013   I started today in a good mood but that quickly changed as I went through the news stories today. News doesn't usually get to me, but today it was grit my teeth and just do it when at times I wanted to throw my computer through the window instead of reading one more story about thevileone and how he's screwing things up in America. I shall stop now before I do throw my computer through the window. Better safe than sorry. So, until next time, See ya'! December 9, 2013: 1:08 p.m.   Good afternoon! I hope you all had a great weekend. I did. We got a lot done on Saturday and Sunday I went to lunch with a friend and then came home to the Christmas lights up outside. I always enjoy that. Now it's my turn to decorate: a lot of work ahead! For now, though, let's focus on getting the TRUTH out. On with the blurbs! January 9, 2014   I saw something on television (Revolution.tv) last night that was very interesting and thought I share a link with you. The testimony of Hannah Parks is very interesting and may open some eyes. I hope it blesses you. I found the original video I had watched on television and posted it above. December 9, 2013   Geminid meteor shower in progress! Peak time tonight 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Love meteor showers! December 9, 2013   LAST DAY to comment on stupid rule thevileone wishes to implement. Do it NOW, folks: "Further complicating the transfer process, the proposed rule would require each "responsible person" of a legal entity to get a certificate or "sign-off" from a chief law enforcement officer (CLEO) before a transfer could be approved. Not only will this further tie up limited government resources by potentially requiring multiple sign-offs and background checks to be done for each transfer, it will allow CLEOs who refuse to process NFA transfers for even the most law-abiding of citizens effectively to veto the transfer. In these CLEOs' jurisdictions, the proposed rule would act as a de facto ban on the otherwise perfectly lawful transfer of NFA firearms."thevileone's trying a back-end run around the Second Amendment. Pitch in via comment to PREVENT this. Or sue his butt afterward and try to stop it via the court system. With "chief justice john roberts" in the scotUS, good luck on that one. December 9, 2013   $3 BILLION of YOUR dollars WASTED via a CIA "colossal flop. shock. surprise. The only thing government can do RIGHT is WRONG and waste taxpayer money. They do BOTH VERY well. December 9, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax:
"If you like your doctor you can keep him. Period." -- thevileone. Well, you may be able to keep your doctor
but you'll PAY MORE to do so,
although, if you recall, they promised
a $2,500 SAVINGS PER FAMILY: December 9, 2013   NSA spying on online gaming? Is it so that they can determine who's going to be the best shots if the Brown Shirts come after them? If so, they're hunting the wrong dog on that one. December 9, 2013   Military retirees, are they going to take away your retirement? Watch this. They've got you in their crosshairs. December 9, 2013   Will thevileone run for a third term? The Daily [Kommie] Kos says he could do it. As recently as Nov. 30, 2013 they were still talking it up. That's NOT a good thing. December 9, 2013   TEA Party, don't blindly trust the Republicans. Trust ONLY TRUE CONSERVATIVES. If they're not Conservative, they're progressives and progressives are your -- and America's -- enemies. Do not look at just the parenthesis after their names to find out what party they belong to and make your choice from that. Do your homework. Find out who is standing for what, who their friends are ("Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man."), what organizations they've belonged to in the last ten years. Don't just dig into ONE year; dig deep. They can change their stripes long enough to be elected via joining the right groups and saying the right things. Look at the big picture of their lives then decide. Don't take their word for it. For it is only in VIGILANCE that we will maintain our freedom and our COUNTRY! December 9, 2013   TSA makes a fool of itself again. They've become patently ridiculous. December 9, 2013   It's now official: thevileone is such a BAD prezidunce that people are talking about CHANGING the U.S. Constitution in order to ever prevent this sort of preziduncy again. They trying to prevent the power grabs, the lawlessness, the dictatorship thevileone has implemented. They want to stop the "Executive Order" frenzy via which thevileone is ruling and stop the glut of new government agencies that can tell us what to do, make up new regulations and enforce them, and prevent government agencies from having so much power over "We, The People". I am NOT in favor of changing the U.S. Constitution. I AM in favor of doing something with the Constitution we currently have to stop thevileone. Problem is, there are not enough people with SPINE enough to stop him. We'd need a judge to issue an arrest warrant, someone with spine enough to serve the warrant, and his protective services to have the spine enough to ALLOW THAT ARREST TO TAKE PLACE, instead of trying to protect thevileone from paying the price of his own deeds. It's sad that it has come to this, but this meeting alone proves that it is desparate times and times like these call for desparate actions. Pray for America. December 9, 2013   Putin catches up with thevileone in Putin's control over Russian msm. In America, the msm has willingly been at the beck and call servitude of thevileone (and Putin). In Russia, Putin just now ordered it. Here, it's willingly done: there, it's being ordered. Putin must have been jealous of thevileone's treatment in the msm here. After all, if the msm there would fawn over him the same way the msm here does thevileone, Putin wouldn't have a care in the world. December 9, 2013   SPECULATION: What if soros owns AEON Financial and the money is benefitting thevileone? After all, soros is rich enough to hide this well and despicable enough to do the things in this article and he isn't averse to doing whatever it takes to get what he wants. So would that news surprise anyone? Would it make support for thevileone dwindle? I'm thinking it's possible, but I HAVE NO PROOF but note the CHICAGO tie. December 9, 2013   IL, you've got a bad reputation. Amazing this guy could get a job anywhere but in the prison system? Really? Shame on IL! December 9, 2013   Mandela's legacy different in South Africa than elsewhere. A lot of people forget that he was a murderer and make of him, instead a saint. They forget that he never renounced violence. They forget that, although his later life was spent doing some good, his country is still in difficult times and his latter years' accomplishments were not the whole picture of Mandela's life. Yes, he changed some things: but he wasn't someone to be worshipped. That privilege and right belongs to ONE person: Jesus Christ. Let us not make Mandela an equivalent. December 9, 2013   Air Force Band flash mob? YES! Separation of church and state that! December 9, 2013   Don't forget that Common Core is still out there. It's bad, folks, to the Core. Never forget that they're trying to use the educational system to dumb down your kids so that your kids will be incapable of thinking for themselves and in doing so they are creating generations of people who will believe nothing more or less than the government -- through the schools and the press -- tells them. Mind-numbed robots is their goal. What they accuse others of doing, they put into action! December 9, 2013   November employment numbers nothing more than another LIE from thevileone. I said so on December 6th that the numbers were a lie and now someone else says I'm right. No surprise there. thevileone's lips were moving. December 9, 2013   LOL. Hamsters at it again. December 9, 2013   So I shall close with my latest Minion Monday: Hank Decorates His Tree. Until next time, See ya'! December 7, 2013: 11:27 a.m. Pearl Harbor Day:   It's Pearl Harbor Day and yesterday I did a Tribute To Our Heroes that included a new "poem" (of sorts) that I wrote, I called it "America! (Where is your song?). GOD Bless all who served and all who are serving! (Also, "Happy Birthday" to my sis-in-law!). December 7, 2013   Illegal immigrants SUE to get tuition assistance in GA. Then add this one: Considering stories like this and the previous one how on earth do illegal immigrants expect us to welcome them into our country? Best behavior would beget a more welcoming attitude. Instead they violate our trust, SUE to get OUR money FOR THEM and break our laws to get here! Does an unwelcoming attitude from Americans surprise anyone? It should NOT! December 7, 2013   FINALLY! Congressional hearings into thevileone's lawlessness are allegedly going to be held. Don't hold your breath for any results whatsoever. I'd be shocked if anything at all came of this. I'd be very pleasantly surprised, but shocked. December 7, 2013   Friends in high places, NOT "good moral character". "Onyango “Omar” Obama had lived illegally in the U.S. for decades when he got busted driving drunk in Framingham Massachusetts. At the time of his arrest Uncle Onyango had already been deported yet continued to live and work in the Boston area and he had a valid Massachusetts drivers’ license."Dictators get to decide who stays and who goes. This just proves yet again thevileone is a Dictator, not president. December 7, 2013   IRS using googlemaps to SPY ON US. I see stories like these and I wonder what the cooperating companies are getting in return? Why would they be so willing to sully their own reputations with their customers by cooperating with this kind of crap if they weren't getting some benefit from it? Follow the money? Or is it something more sinister? You tell me. December 7, 2013   thevileone CAUGHT in ANOTHER BIG LIE. shock. surprise. December 7, 2013   WA state = 17% gay weddings. Which makes me think it's true: there's a gay divorce trend on its way. Welcome to the new America! Marry what/who/how many you want then get divorced when you're tired of it. Yes, I can say that. I've been married to the same man for over 35 years. December 7, 2013   Breitbart: Media "Tires of" waiting for healthcaretax info. I seriously disagree with the choice of words there. "Tires of"? I think it's more like they're having difficulties coming up with their own excuses for thevileone's failures and -- if anything -- the media "tires of" making excuses for him. They've run out of new ways to cover for him. That's probably more what they're tired of than anything thevileone is doing. After all, they LIKE what he does. They just don't know how to spin it anymore and still save some, small, modicum of credibility. The msm has lost so much of their "street cred" most consider their reports as reliable as reading tea leaves. December 7, 2013   Area 51 unmasked as "Look Over There!" by thevileone. Don't look at his failures! Look! Look! There's a SECRET he can reveal and get you to look elsewhere! Look over there! Squirrel! December 7, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: Scammers hit D.C.'s "exchange" while the despicable, harry reid's, rates allegedly climbed $4,500. Do I believe a word reid says? Nope. But considering it is thevileone's healthcaretax, I think it's possible the truth may have escaped his mouth. Maryland's healthcaretax director resigns because they can't get it right (Is there such a thing as getting it right, cosidering how many pages upon pages of regulations there are, I doubt it!). "Forget About The Price Tag" is the title of winning video for thevileone's healthcaretax. Excuse me? How can you budget for your family if the price of their healthcaretax doesn't matter? Duh? Amazing. I think this girl just wanted to be "discovered". That's all she wanted, IMHO. Disgusting to listen to except she does have a beautiful voice. The words are disgusting. Not porn, just the idea of not caring about the "price tag" when part of the price is FREEDOM! Disgusting. There are still many "glitches" in the system and still even those who signed up may not be insured although they believe they are. "Price tag" includes breaking up families. Anyone see that one coming? The regulations make it more beneficial to be unmarried so folks are getting divorced in order to sign up at a cheaper rate. (Isn't that sweet? A law that encourages the break-up of families. Awwww... How special.) At least one dumborat thinks you losing your insurance is "A Good Thing". He should apologize to Martha Stewart for using her catch phrase for such a stupid statement. Even the Government Accountability Institute is saying that there's "No Excuse for Colossal [healthcaretax] Failure". Well, DUH! December 7, 2013   thevileone is a moron and proves it time and time again. Just another proof. How many times does he have to prove it before peole start realizing it? For some, they'll never get the memo and if they did, they couldn't or wouldn't read it anyways. December 7, 2013   thevileone's sycophantic butt-kisser, matthews, goes gagaagaga. And Conservative commentator, Mark Levin reacts appropriately. If I had watched thevileone and his butt-kisser, I would have puked all over the television. I hope the inanity got the low ratings it deserved. December 7, 2013   The Bald Eagls is our national emblem; a symbol of America's strength, of our ability to soar above the rest. thevileone? He don't care so much about Bald Eagles. (To use vernacular.) So the "enviornment" is more important than our national emblem? There are folks who don't like wind turbines for other reasons. I mean, besides killing Bald Eagles. Fact is, if we go wind/solar for our electricity, we'll be paying a WHOLE LOT MORE. Ask the Europeans. They've told you so in a report. December 7, 2013   I didn't really intend to do so many updates. I meant to get on, do one update and go, but... So, I'm off until Monday now. Until next time, See ya'! December 6, 2013: 2:49 p.m.   Sorry about missing yesterday, folks. I was shopping for my Mom's upcoming trip to Europe December 20th to January 3rd. She has a limited income and her sister is taking her to Europe, so Mom needed warm things to wear as her cruise up the Rhine takes her to sight-seeing stops in the middle of the winter. She is so excited about going, but she needed wool sweaters, pants, etc., to stay warm. So I've been shopping for those things and a few things that would just look good on her. I've just sent her the third box of clothing for her trip, or to wear during the winter months where she lives. I actually found a lavendar 100% cashmere sweater that I'm sure she'll love since she told me she loves cashmere. Glad to have been able to help her. I think all of you can understand that sometimes family must come first: and she is my Momma. Gotta' do for your Momma. Now, on with the blurbs! December 6, 2013   Even when it comes to Mandela, dumborats chose to be RACIST. "President Ronald Reagan sought to bury their 1986 anti-apartheid bill aiming to impose economic sanctions on South Africa by imposing his veto, saying he believed it would only lead to more violence and repression for black South Africans.The House at the time had 253 dumborats and 177 Republicans. So, as you can see, the dumborats were the RACISTS again. They did things that were detrimental to South Africa as a country, as usual, hurting the black man. So what's new? While Mandela was no saint what his long term legacy will be is yet to be seen. Are there things that we don't know about? Will history be rewritten to whitewash what he was, or will the "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" be recorded as Mandela's legacy? Let us hope for the whole truth for that is the only thing that will last. The truth will always out. December 6, 2013   scotUS to decide whether to force release of Osama Bin Laden pics. I wonder if "chief justice" john roberts will have another last moment change of heart. He'll do a gut reaction "Yes", then change it to "No" after someone from this administration contacts him. That's my guess. I could be wrong, but we'll find out won't we? December 6, 2013   Only thevileone's think-alikes allowed to see Gitmo processes. It's always that way with thevileone: he wants only HIS voice to be heard, only HIS opinions to matter, only HIS rules to be followed. If you differ in any way, shape, or form, you are WRONG AND BAD! You must pay! December 6, 2013   Dirty bomb material found safe? The story says that the radioactive material was found after six men were admitted to a hospital in Mexico, but it doesn't say that ALL of the material was recovered. Was it? I don't know. Hopefully we don't find out the hard way. December 6, 2013   Yeah, right. Don't believe it for a moment. U6 numbers stand at 13.2. Sounds to me like they've all been "doctored" just like the November 2012 numbers were LIES, I bet these and ALL of the numbers released between now and the 2014 elections are going to be cooked, false, LIES. He LIES so easily, constantly and smoothly that we should all know by now that if his lips are moving, he's lying. Remember that: He's LYING. December 6, 2013   WARNING: AMERICA, YOU ARE IN DANGER!!! Freedom, where are you without DEFENDERS? Without people who will stand up and tell the government "NO!" we lose freedom: every ounce, jot and tittle of it. Let us all STAND and tell our government "NO!" we will not allow them to do this to us! Our Constitution demands that we STAND! Let our "patient sufferance" be now over and let us STAND and be FREE AGAIN! December 6, 2013   Hamsters everywhere are crying in despair. Poor, poor babies. "[I]n 2005 I and others reviewed the entire hurricane record, which goes back over a century, and found no increase of any kind. Yes, we sometimes get bad storms — but no more frequently now than in the past. The advocates simply ignored that evidence — then repeated their false claims after Hurricane Sandy last year."So those who are preaching "global warming" (A.K.A. "climate change") are LYING TO YOU, as usual. Remember, if they're lying to you, they're trying to CONTROL you. They're hiding the TRUTH so that they can use their LIES to CONTROL you. Is that what you want? December 6, 2013   thevileone LIES about meeting with sebelious. So the legacy of this administration is going to be worse than the clintoon administration in that they will be known as incompetent at everything except LYING and spying on Americans without warrants. No surprise there. December 6, 2013   Genetic testing company ordered to stop testing... They were in cahoots with Bill Gates, who supports thevileone implicitly, and with an administration that has a revolving door with corporations that push genetically engineered foods. With this administration's record of lying what is it that makes anyone believe that our food sources will be safe in the future after this administration gets finished with it? Hmmmm? Something to think about. December 6, 2013   Making their Mommas proud... December 6, 2013   Man of religion of "peace and tolerance" compares killing British soldier to killing animal. Sometimes people challenge my patience. I sometimes want to revert to that old saw "Do unto others" as they've done to someone while killing them. I think that if we started putting people to death the same way they killed someone. I think that would prevent some deaths. After all, what is it that you'd like to have to go through: something you put someone else through, slowly and torturously, or a quick, relatively painless death? Compare a hacked to death murder to a death sentence via injection and which is kinder? Sometimes I think if you hack the hacker to death as he did to someone else, there will be fewer people considering doing that to others. Would that not work? Of course, the problem would be to find someone in a civilized society who could actually do the hacking. In a civilized society that's a problem. Without a civilized society, it's apparently not. December 6, 2013   "Unky" complicates immigration reform. Well, yeah. I think people should pay attention to the fact that he got special treatment and others are just being given the politics of "come vote for dumborats and help destroy America". Isn't that what it's all about for thevileone? December 6, 2013   Well, gotta' go. Hubby's home and we have to run some errands for projects around the house this weekend. All kinds of fun! Who knows? Maybe we'll even get a Christmas tree today! Until next time, See ya'! December 4, 2013: 12:20 p.m.   NFL apparently has a problem with you protecting your family. Or is it just caving and cowering because it's not PC to show a gun? They'll show a woman's breast (Ms Jackson), no problem! But a gun? Something mentioned in the U.S. Constitution ("keep and bear arms" is not about your upper appendages!) and that will enable you to survive a violent home invasion is not acceptable, but misogyny is to the NFL. So you can sexualize your women, and that can lead to rape, but you can't defend them? Is that what the NFL is about? Why not ask them about it? I did. December 4, 2013   Some of the country is getting COLD weather. And I'm SOOOO JEALOUS!! December 4, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: JW sues to get to the truth about early enrollment. You have to SUE this administration to get anything even close to the truth. That's how adverse they are to telling the truth at all! Special treatment in there? For harry reid there is since he EXEMPTED his staff from having to participate in it. If it's a LAW it's a LAW. There is no special treatment under the LAW. That's what America is supposed to excel in: equal treatment under the law. Too bad we don't have that anymore. We have a Tyrannical Dictatorship and that means that they get to do whatever they want while forcing us to do whatever they want us to do. Big difference between that and freedom! And of course, dumborat, wassy-shultz, LIES about it to defend it. If wassy-shultz was kissed on the mouth... Nah. Even the TRUTH would never kiss her. Maybe it's wassy-shultz who doesn't understand the system since even blarney carney says to make sure you're actually covered if you enrolled. I mean, come on! Can't they get anything right? No. Nor do they wish to. The more the folks know about thevileone's healthcaretax, the less they like it. So if they find out it's like Stalinism how much will they like it then? December 4, 2013   shock. surprise. Unky stays. And thevileone lied. Yawn. Anything unexpected in that? December 4, 2013   Disability numbers outnumber Greece's population. Americans are claiming disability by the truckloads. In my Mom's hometown almost everyone is either on disability or trying to get on disability. They think it's the easy street to not having to work and still have enough to buy a huge flatscreen television. Don't you love paying for that? December 4, 2013   Progressive websites go to the cats. If that's what it takes for them to stay viable, that's pretty lame. Tells you something about their readership's priorities. December 4, 2013   bonehead boehner abandons immigration standards; supports amnesty. I told you months ago he would do so. He's a coward with as much spine as a jellyfish. He cares not about you and what amnesty will do to the future for our nation, your children, or the federal budget. He thinks he must kiss the backside of his fellow progressives and America be darned. He's timing it just right, but he's still betraying America just like all progressives do. December 4, 2013   thevileone cheers for himself. Ego, anyone? Decmber 4, 2013   NSFW or Kids: Giving up pornography is GOOD for you. It does bad things to your sexual function, so give it up and have better sexual relations with your wife. If you're a woman looking at porn, it's probably got bad results for you, too, but there isn't a report on that yet. POrn kills relationships, people. Porn is not something GOD approves of. Don't start it so you don't have to give it up. December 4, 2013   If History channel does a show about Jesus it will be a piece of garbage. But that's to be expected. December 4, 2013   Radioactive material for "dirty bomb" stolen in Mexico. Who has it? Some of those Muslim terrorists who are massing in Mexico and trying to do bad things to America? We'll see. December 4, 2013   $180,000 on booze that YOU bought the gov before shutdown. Did you enjoy it? Was it something that added to your celebrations? Don't you like the fact that you're buying BOOZE for the gov.? December 4, 2013   TSA to search more cars at airports. That and facial recognition stuff put into place. Don't you love freedom under this administration? December 4, 2013   Socialist to run for Prez? What difference would it be? NONE. December 4, 2013   Interesting poll. I don't like publishing poll links usually, but this one interests me. December 4, 2013   I think I'll close for now. I have other things to do. We'll see if I'll get back on later and do a few more. Until whenever next time is, See ya'! December 3, 2013: 10:25 a.m.   Good morning! Let's get started with
thevileone's healthcaretax
(ugh): It wasn't built with ANY security for YOUR information. They never had it and they opened YOUR info
up to being stolen and used by anyone who could figure out how to get into the system. No security means they didn't give two hoots about keeping
YOUR info safe. If they're that concerned about your personal information when you sign up for thevileone's healthcaretax, how much will they
be caring about your health? Also, for those of you with pre-existing conditions,
a person with cancer was turned down for insurance and is now being AUDITED BY THE IRS FOR SPEAKING OUT
about being unable to keep their health insurance because of thevileone's healthcaretax. So,
where are all of his promises now? December 3, 2013   Republican doctors running for Congress: trying to undo thevileone's healthcaretax will be their main goal. I support them as long as they're not progressives. TRUE CONSERVATIVES are the answer to what this administration has done to our country. Vote for the TRUE CONSERVATIVES -- those who believe in and support the U.S. Constitution all the way -- and you won't go wrong. (See bottom of page for disclaimer.) December 3, 2013   Male and female brains different? Oh, heavens! Whowouldathunkit? Come on. Anyone WITH a brain doesn't need a scientist to tell them that men's brains are different from women's brains. If men's brains functioned the same as women's brains, wouldn't they be able to understand us? Mars/Venus? Cat/Dog? Hello? December 3, 2013   Atheist details her journey to Christianity. One down, how many left? GOD is moving in America and around the world. Islam is coming to Christ in great numbers; in China Christianity is growing. Christianity is growing in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Even in the Middle East, Christianity is growing. Christianity frees people from their bondage, from their fear, from their sins and their past. Christianity brings peace, love and forgiveness of your sins. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;". That's EVERYONE: me, you, your neighbor, son, daughter, mom, dad, hubby, wife, cousin, the Pope, everyone. There has been only ONE who has never sinned: Jesus Christ, GOD's "only begotten Son" who, although He lived a sinless life, went to the cross and DIED for YOUR and MY sins. He gave His life -- willingly gave it up and went to the cross and through all of the humiliation and beatings that went with it -- so that you and I can have eternal life with GOD and Jesus Christ in heaven instead of spending eternity in hades like we all deserve. That's what Christianity does for you. It doesn't GIVE you eternal life because you already have that. It just changes where you spend that eternity. You will be in the presence of GOD and pure, eternal love, or you will be in torment, pain, humiliation, remembrance of all the bad things you've done, and fear forever. It's up to you. It's YOUR choice, not GOD's. He doesn't send you there. He sacrificed His Son for YOU. He offers His Son's blood to cover your sin all you have to do is accept that blood to cover your sins and ask Jesus to forgive your sins, ask Him into your heart and life to be your Lord and Savior. IF you are sincere in asking, you will be saved and your heart and future will change. You will live differently. You will try to not sin. What is sin? Start with the Top Ten list (A.K.A. The Ten Commandments). Then go from there: fornication (premarital sex), lusting after someone, cheating (a form of stealing), and all the stuff your Momma told you to NOT do. Common sense also tells you what is wrong. If it's wrong, don't do it. It's that easy. Remember: Thou shalt not lie (also worded as "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.") is one of the biggies. Don't lie. Simple, really. GOD LOVES YOU -- ALL OF YOU. Not just those who are "good" because "there is none good but one, that is, God:" come just as you are and Christ's blood will cleanse you and that's good enough. Don't worry about cleaning yourself up. GOD can do that if YOU allow Him. Christ's blood is enough to do that. Just ask Him to do so and you will be choosing your eternity: heaven or hades; with GOD and eternal love, or with satan and eternal torture. Your choice. Not GOD's choice, it's YOUR choice. He will not force you. Your choice. December 3, 2013   Big Bro doesn't like kids. Not if they're doing something entrepreneurial and trying to make money. Braces? 'Oo needs 'em? December 3, 2013   Doe Run allegedly NOT an EPA attack on guns and ammo. Do I believe that? No, because I know this administration. But, I am skeptical of anything that puts a positive spin on this administration, so maybe that's just me being hard headed. Watch this one closely, folks. Something tells me that the whole story still isn't out. December 3, 2013   YOUR Taxpayer Dollars spent on art? $1 MILLION for ONE piece. Check out the pic of the piece. It's not that special. $1 MILLION? More like $10! December 3, 2013   Detroit can go bankrupt: unions boohoo. (*smallest violin*) December 3, 2013   Suspense! Will he be able to contain himself?
After all, we know that he gets a "thrill going up [his] leg" December 3, 2013   HEIL! December 3, 2013   FBI impeding investigation into IRS targeting of Conservative groups. They're just taking orders from thevileone. That's all. Following orders, just like the IRS was doing when they targeted the Conservative groups. They're marching to thevileone's tune. Heil! December 3, 2013   Will he be deported? Or will he get some special treatment upon the order of thevileone? What thinks you? December 3, 2013   clintoon supporter seems to think thevileone will make it easy for clintoon. They seem to think that his mismanagement will lead to a hillclintoon victory. PROBLEM: Unless hillclintoon is running AGAINST thevileone in 2016 there's no reason to be grateful for thevileone's mismanagement. Do they know something we don't? Makes you kinda' go "Hmmm...." December 3, 2013   CDC says 62% of HIV+ men have unprotected sex. There is NO such thing as a protection against HIV except for abstinence. Condoms are NOT 100% effective: abstinence is. If you do NOT WANT HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases caught via sexual activity, don't have sex with anyone except your spouse who is free from disease and who is faithful to you. That's it, folks. Until you are married, don't do sexual activities. Stay pure. Stay chaste. It's that easy. December 3, 2013   Chimp = human? Reality check? I understand trying to help the chimp if it was in a bad situation, but it's not now in a bad situation. Also, giving him the same rights as humans? No. Gopher tortoises and scrub jays have too much power to take away our property rights already. We don't need a chimp -- one leads to many -- who can exercise his "human rights" because some animal rights activists think it's a good idea. If the chimp's DNA isn't human (totally human) then he doesn't get human rights. Simple, really. December 3, 2013   I shall close on that weirdness. Until next time, See ya'! December 2, 2013, 3:18 p.m.   I hope all of my readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was just the four of us. We had the "disasters" a few days prior to the holiday so we did some work during Thanksgiving day. We got the utility room painted, the new flooring put down (thanks to our malfunctioning freezer) and the trim work was completed the following day. Now we have a new wall color, floor and trim color in our utility room. The hard part is yet to come: putting all of the stored items back in after going through it to see what we can donate. That and not adding to the storage stuff again (don't we all do that?)! Anyways, it's time to do more blurbs, so let's get started. December 2, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: Considering how his healthcaretax has gone , do you really want him touching AIDS? If it's possible to make a mess of something, thevileone can do so. AIDS research has done some amazing stuff, so thevileone sticking his fumbling fingers into the mix will delay a cure beyond imagining. Now thevileone has folks going door to door to sell thevileone's healthcaretax. They're allegedly "non-partisan". Anyone who believes that I have some swampland on the moon to sell. They're falling WAAAAYYY short of their goals, so the hard sell push-push-push is meant to solve that problem. When no one wants to buy what you're selling, what's the next step for a Totalitarian Dictator? Stop giving you the CHOICE. It will be demanded, just done without your knowledge, or something that you will be signed up with, told about later and the money garnished from your paycheck. Is this what you want? Watch for it. If this thing does not work as voluntary sign-ups, it will be done as mandatory. December 2, 2013   Healthcaretax is not the only thevileone mess up. shock. surprise. December 2, 2013   thevileone gives goodies to his friends again. Isn't it nice that YOUR taxpayer dollars are used to benefit his buddies? Yeah. That's the way he uses his powers: benefiting his buddies and himself. Sweet! December 2, 2013   Bwahahahahahahahaha! That's rich! December 2, 2013   Thanksgiving sales down. Those who predicted a great Thanksgiving weekend were forgetting that the U6 unemployment rate stands at 13.8 even with Christmas hiring going on, what were they thinking? To be optimistic about spending in a country that thevileone has been trying, and trying and trying to destroy, is fruitless, ridiculous and blind! A reality check happened and the reality bites. December 2, 2013   WaPo no friend to Israel; or covering for thevileone? After all, it was thevileone who was in secret talks with Iran so who is to blame? thevileone. WaPo, shame on you! December 2, 2013   WOW! Titus does it again and again and again! That's one amazing talent! The kid's got a great eye for basketball. Don't know how he does it (I can't make a basket most days to save my life), but Titus is awesome! Watch the video and see if you agree. December 2, 2013   They have the same vision of America. They have the same goals for America. Can you imagine another four to eight years of thevileone's policies under hillclintoon? She'd push the same thing and America would be no more. She's "wooing" the black vote, as they did in 2008; maybe she has forgotten her own words of 2011: "So Blitzer then says, 'If the president is reelected, do you want to serve a second term as secretary of state?'That was just two years ago, folks. Did she LIE? Yes. December 2, 2013   MA gun rights being infringed by government bureacracy. It IS MA, so is it any surprise? But to see the Second Amendment rights of the people be trampled upon makes me want those bureaucrats to be kicked out of office. It serves them (Second Amendment ) right! Speaking of the Second Amendment, Allen West thinks the EPA is engaging in "backdoor" gun control. I think he's right! December 2, 2013   thevileone has NEVER been a friend to Israel. He's not trustworthy in anything. Israel has to do without America's help during thevileone's tenure -- for however long it lasts. December 2, 2013   I think Edward Snowden is a hero who did us all a favor. He brought the whole issue of government spying to the forefront of our conversation, to everyone's attention and into the light of day. Now, the U.N. is going to "investigate" all this spying. Where they get the "authority" to do so, I have no idea. The truth is that governments do not trust each other -- even allies -- and spy on each other all the time. It's been acknowledged in movies for years and it's been something given the wink and nod. With Snowden's revelations opening the truth to the public about how much governments spy on the CITIZENS, that's been the straw on the camel's back. Now WE know what they've been doing to US and that isn't flying with the citizens. WE have the right to be free from government intrusion into our private lives. They can read my website all day long (I'm sure they'd get migraines from it) but what I don't put online and what I write to my sister in an e-mail about sending her granddaughter toys is none of their business. That's the part that I think most Americans -- as well as other people in other countries -- are upset about. When the government says that what you deem private (as long as it's not illegal) is not something ANY government should be nosing into. For people to find out that their governments think differently has the whole world upset; and rightly so! December 2, 2013   Hubby just came home, so I shall close with two links: Minion Monday: Hank's SOO FLUFFY! tells you how Hank celebrated Thanksgiving. And, of course, my Flag Friday Tribute To Our Heroes. Hope you have a great rest of your day! Until next time, See ya'! November 2013 November 28, 2013: 5:25 p.m.: Thanksgiving Day!   I promised you something special for today, and I shall not welch on that promise. So, for your Thanksgiving enjoyment, here is something just for today and for you! Enjoy! Thanksgiving Day ![]() © 2010 Linda McKinney November 27, 2013: 7:32 p.m.   I took longer than I thought to run my errands today. It was very crowded at the grocery stores today and I had to go get some of the ingredients for tomorrow's eats. We're not doing it up as big as when the boys were little, thank goodness, but we do like to do some cooking, even if it's a day ahead and having sandwiches Thanksgiving Day. We're not picky about "tradition" when it comes to food because the food is not the focus of our thanks. So I'll do a few blurbs tonight and tomorrow I'll find something to post as my Thanksgiving gift to you. Now, on with the blurbs. November 27, 2013   Is this who actually pushed for it? Why is Bill Gates so interested in gathering every iota of evidence on YOU? What does he want all of YOUR information for? What is he planning on doing with it? He wants all of your info, wants the future generations to all think alike, wants the government in control of everything... What's next: Stepford Wives and robotic voters programmed to vote however the highest bidder wishes? Just askin'. November 27, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: Your taxpayer dollars: $1 MILLION to create LIES about healthcaretax. Fiscal responsibility, anyone? If not fiscal responsibility, how about reproductive "responsibility"? YOU paid for that, too. And, as usual, the msm is helping thevileone look good in all of this. Even though, in real life, this is what thevileone is doing. There's no making thevileone and his administration look good. It's impossible to anyone paying attention. Those of us paying attention are seeing the Dictator-In-Chief make another carte blanch decision that breaks all of the Constitution's rules, but it means nothing to him. November 27, 2013   EPA ready to release tons of new regulations. These are the things that our Founding Fathers wanted to guard against. Too bad the alleged constitutional scholar that is thevileone doesn't give a flip about the Constitution. To thevileone the Constitution is as worthy as the toilet paper he flushes. He's the stuff that is on the toilet paper he flushes. November 27, 2013   The Do[IN]J blocks States' rights. I think that a revolution is going to be coming -- sooner than they realize because they're asking for one. November 27, 2013   Considering how well the "secret" talks with Iran have gone, this does NOT bode well. I think it's a really bad thing. thevileone is selling us out to Hezbollah, too? Wunnerful, wunnerful. thevileone does not care about AMERICAN lives so why would he do something that was good for us? November 27, 2013   More green money down the green drain. That's YOUR taxpayer dollars. shock. suprise. November 27, 2013   Another reason to hate unions. November 27, 2013   My reaction to this atheist organization's act may surprise you, but I don't have a problem with it. The nativity is still up, they are having their say in a peaceful way, and people get to choose which to agree with. That's fine with me. I'd have a problem if the atheists had chosen to remove the nativity via whatever fuss it took. This is the way America is supposed to work: free speech for ALL, not just for SOME. Atheists usually try to silence the religious view. A little surprised in this. November 27, 2013   Our military is so dishonored by thevileone. He does everything he can to disrespect and hamper them. November 27, 2013   Is lying a way of life for this waitress? November 27, 2013   When your only rule is "Kiss the butt of thevileone", it's no wonder. November 27, 2013   Got freedom? Yes? Rrrriiiggghhhtttt.... Not with thevileone in power. If you want FREEDOM, he has to be impeached. It's as simple as that. November 27, 2013   Liar! Liar! Pants on.... BWAHAHAHAHAHA! LOVE the pic! November 27, 2013   thevileone disregards families, too. Traditionally American values? He despises them. November 27, 2013   DH[IN]S to use YOU? Like I said: Got Freedom? November 27, 2013   Your kids go to college for how much and get THIS kind of "edumacashun"? Save your money. Send them to LaLa Land and they'll learn more. November 27, 2013   Wow. Did more blurbs than I thought I'd do. I'll look for something to post for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Other than the special item -- whatever that may be -- I'll be taking the weekend off. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember that the reason for Thanksgiving is NOT the food: but to give THANKS to Almighty GOD. That's the TRUE reason for Thanksgiving Day, not the turkey (ham, whatever). Until next time, See ya'! November 26, 2013: 12:02 p.m.   Sorry about missing yesterday. I had to take 25+ pounds of toys to the UPS store to send it to my grandniece and then did some shopping. When I got home I was online long enough to check my e-mail and then my hubby came home from a twelve hour day and he wanted to talk about Thanksgiving, our upcoming trip and other stuff, so I shut my computer down and didn't get back online until this morning. I did get online afterward on my tablet and saw the horrible headlines at Drudge and shut it down quickly. Sometimes I just want a little bit of good news instead of reading that thevileone is taking away more of our freedom, endangering our children and grandchildren's lives (and financial futures!) and breaking the U.S. Constitution as though it were an old, worn out shoelace. Sometimes I wish I could read that thevileone was just arrested by a CIA agent with a spine. Keep wishing, huh? Now, on with the blurbs. November 26, 2013   thevileone sells America out to Islam. Shock? Surprise? Nope. There isn't one good thing in the Iran deal, and that's his goal: destroying America. If he can get Iran to take out Israel at the same time, BONUS! November 26, 2013   JW has it right: thevileone's choices are "disgraceful". Medal of FOLLY, more like! November 26, 2013   Volcanic rock covering Sicily? This could get worse. Keep an eye on this one. November 26, 2013   There's something fishy about this. Saudi "student" number doubles in TWO YEARS? Be prepared. November 26, 2013   Food prices going up, up, up! Chicken wings will skyrocket. November 26, 2013   Listen to me on this! Karl Rove is NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA! He is a progressive and he's keeping Republicans from being in the "Conservative" column and has done so for years! His leadership has led Republicans in the WRONG direction for years. He needs to go. His "leadership" needs to be disobeyed, done away with, destroyed. He needs to be put on the shelf and ignored as though he were canned liver gone bad in the middle of the deepest jungle. His leadership STINKS. November 26, 2013   thevileone uses planted "heckler" to make excuses and to LIE by saying that he can't do something because he's "constrained" by the Constitution. Since when did he give two flips about the U.S. Constitution except to destroy it and diss it? Since when? He's no more "constrained" in his own actions and deeds (Executive Orders, anyone?) by the U.S. Constitution than is Putin, Kim Jung Un, or any other DICTATOR on earth. November 22, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax:
November 26, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! Have a smile for Thanksgiving. Read that link! November 26, 2013   thevileone's call to close American Embassy to Vatican is "slap in face" to Catholics. Well, yeah! Nothing less than he intended! November 26, 2013   Hamsters are into deception. They have to LIE to get folks to believe in "global warming", "climate change", whatever. Trust me, folks, if GOD wanted us to have to worship the earth as the lefties want us to HE wouldn't have put the verse into the Bible that says, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."Do you need air that you can breathe? You do? GOD will supply. Do you need water you can drink? You do? GOD will supply. Notice how quickly the earth recovers from volcanic eruptions? Mt. St. Helen's recovery is on record and it's looking good! But, no. Hamsters like to try to CONTROL you with fears of damaging the earth. How much OIL is a naturally occurring entity in our oceans? "Scientists have known since the 1970s that accidents account for only a small percentage of the oil entering our waters. In fact, accidental spills of all types—from ships, shore facilities, pipelines, and offshore platforms—contributed just 9.8 percent of the oil entering the marine environment on an annual, worldwide basis between 1990 and 1999 (but just 3 to 4 percent in U.S. waters)."Yet the environmentalist wackos (Hamsters) try to stop oil exploration and drilling at all costs. (Find the TRUTH!) So why do people think that the water is going to be polluted so badly that we cannot drink it? Our water is designed by GOD to clean itself. That's the way HE set things up. So why do Hamsters keep screaming about pollution and "global warming"? CONTROL. Pure, plain and simple: CONTROL. It's another button to push to CONTROL you via environmental regulations, laws and guilt. GOD also reminds us "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."If your master is the earth you will not serve GOD. That's what GOD reminds you of. "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."I refuse to be a Hamster. I will serve the Lord. November 26, 2013   Grunches rein. Bah humbug! November 26, 2013   thevileone wants your Thanksgiving to be about him, not GOD. In his own mind he IS GOD. thevileone wants worship and folks bowing down. Kiss his ring and pull the forelock and say, "Yessir" as you serve him. If this were not so he wouldn't be trying to take away all of the things YOU like and replacing them with what HE wants you to have. Serve him. Serve him. Focus your Thanksgiving Day on thevileone, look away from GOD. In his own mind, thevileone is GOD's "Mini-Me". November 26, 2013   Hefty fee for someone who won't be able to run. I don't believe hillclintoon's health issues will allow her to run in 2016. I think she may have to sit it out because her body will not be able to take the strain, if her health issues have not taken her by then. I don't see her making it that long. I could be totally wrong, but we'll see. November 26, 2013   mitch mcconnell needs to go away. Reitrement is too good for him because we'll still be paying him a Senator's retirement salary. He'll still be spouting off, but he'll have no Senate vote. As far as I'm concerned, he needs to retire, be totally disregarded when it comes to politics and to fade away into the history books of forgotten Senators. I HOPE HE LOSES HIS 2014 PRIMARY. That's what I want to happen. I SUPPORT MATT BEVIN! November 26, 2013   They're spying on your e-mail, phone calls and even what television shows you watch. Isn't that FREEDOM? It is thevileone's version of FREEDOM. He's free to do as he wishes TO YOU. November 26, 2013   Some cities are following thevileone's lead when it comes to freedom of speech. They are wrong. Very, very wrong. November 26, 2013   Brad Thor's new jacket: WOW! November 26, 2013   Smokers beware. BTW, LOVE the pic Breitbart put with this article. November 26, 2013   Since I didn't do updates yesterday I didn't get to post a link to my latest: "Minion Monday: Hank Auditions for Boy Band". I hope you enjoy it and that you have a great day! I'll be doing updates tomorrow, probably post a poem, story or something special on Thanksgiving Day, then I may take the weekend (including Friday) off for the holiday. We'll see. Until next time, See ya'! November 22, 2013: 10:47 a.m.   Fifty years ago today C.S. Lewis passed away. One of the greatest Christian authors ever, he lived a scholarly life, married late and lost his wife to cancer a few years later and wrote books that impact millions still today. His list of books is extensive and well worth reading. I've read almost everything he wrote. I haven't found some of his reviews and poetry, some of his literature compilations, but most of his other things I have read. I have read his "Letters to Malcolm", "Letters to an American Lady", all three volumes of his "Collected Letters", his journal "All My Road Before Me", all three of his Space Trilogy, all of his Narnia books, all of his classics ("The Problem of Pain", "A Grief Observed", "Mere Christianity", "Screwtape Letters", "The Great Divorce", "Miracles", "The Allegory of Love", "The Abolition of Man", "The Four Loves"), some of his poetry, etc. I look forward to the day when I can say that I have read everything he wrote. I also look forward to the day when I can meet him in heaven and we can talk. The world lost a great man fifty years ago today. November 22, 2013   Yes, we also lost John F. Kennedy fifty years ago today, but I think C.S. Lewis was much more important. November 22, 2013   Apprehending illegal aliens "not DOD mission"? Lame excuse. November 22, 2013   Rush is right: Senate really screwed up yesterday. reid's "nuclear option" will be bad for America. Give them an inch and they want the world. dumbocrats never have enough control and power over you. Then the NY Times says "democracy" has returned to the Senate. Uh. Excuse me? Democracy is a rule of the majority. LOWERING the number of Senators needed to end a fillibuster only LESSENS the whole idea of democracy - rule of the majority. It's making the rule of the FEWER more powerful, not the democratic idea. DUH, NYT! November 22, 2013   CO residents to recall more legislators. See me smile? THIS is what the rest of us should be doing to the legislators who do NOT represent us. Let us include pelosipig, reid and others (including the prezidunce) in this movement of enforcing the "YOU WORK FOR US" fact and those who do not follow our lead shall be FIRED! Let's all of us remember that every elected official WORKS FOR US. If they refuse to take our orders and do as the majority of us desire - whether it be regarding our Second Amendment rights or the way they are destroying the rest of the Constitution - we FIRE THEIR BUTTS! That's the way America was set up to work! Let us remember that and RECALL THE LEGISLATORS WHO REFUSE TO DO OUR BIDDING! Let us do that for local people (city, county, state) as well as for federal legislators. Do not let them bully you! Start with mitch mcconnell. The EGO needs to go. November 22, 2013   Raising animals. Parents, your actions and INactions have consequences. Do NOT ignore your responsibilities nor hand them over to someone else. Ramifications are far reaching and permanent. Do NOT raise your children via pushing them away to let someone else raise them, to let their peers influence them, to allow them to search for acceptance elsewhere. Raise your children with your heart, with proper discipline and with all that you can do to teach them to do the right thing all the time. Otherwise, this is the type of kid you wind up with. Remember, if you do wrong, some may make you want to pay. The folks putting out the contract on these alleged two thugs are no better than the thugs. Animals do not value life. Ever noticed that? The two alleged murderers and the Aryans are both animals because neither value life. Life matters. Don't raise animals. November 22, 2013   Transparency? Not for thevileone. He's absolutely opaque. Of course, he has his favorites... November 22, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: russell simmons: it "saved millions already". LOL! What an idiot! Another DICTATORIAL delay decision. Law? What LAW? And, yes, it is going to affect EVERYONE. Well, except maybe thevileone and his family. They're special. Everything about thevileone's healthcaretax is BAD. It's so bad even thevileone apologized for it: three times. Apologies are not enough. Admit it was unconstitutional, repeal it and write a law that says that the government will never again be able to even TRY to FORCE us to buy X from Y; no matter what "X" is nor who "Y" would be. No more government telling us what to buy! Catholic organizations are now exempt for a little while at least. Let's see how long it takes thevileone to find a way around that. Executive Order, anyone? November 22, 2013   WOW! THAT'S COOL! Look to the skies to see the awesome! November 22, 2013   If Afghanistan doesn't want us there, bring our troops HOME! Come on! Let's do this! November 22, 2013   Is there nothing bloombergermeister doesn't want to control? I want a world without progressives/liberals/lefties/commies/marxists/fascist/idiots. Wouldn't that be nice? November 22, 2013   hollyweird getting in on the "EVIL TEA PARTY" movement. Don't watch it. Don't want to watch it. Refuse to watch shows that make Americans -- Mom and Dad and Grandpa and Grandma -- the bad guys. hollyweird is WRONG to do so and they don't have a clue as to what our country was supposed to be. Show me three hollyweird producers who have actually read the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, or even ONE of The Federalist Papers in the last year and I'll show you a miracle. November 22, 2013   Hannukah, Kwanzaa, but no Christmas? USPS at work. thevileone's tentacles reach far and wide within the federal government. November 22, 2013   Politico "turns on" MSNBC. Sounds to me more like a slap on the hand, not a real "turn". November 22, 2013   CA town bans smoking INSIDE YOUR OWN HOME. Excuse me? Is that what our Founding Fathers would have considered FREEDOM? I think that CA has forgotten how to even spell the word! Think I'm wrong? November 22, 2013   Would it surprise anyone? Another "financial meltdown" would suit thevileone just fine. He's trying to destroy America and this would play right into it. See him smile? November 22, 2013   Don't worry. This murdering illegal alien will be out in time to vote for 2014 if thevileone has his way. November 22, 2013   "Psychics" are hoaxers. Not just this one, but all. We're not supposed to have anything to do with all of that crap. It's something we've been warned against: "And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:"Yeah. Don't go to soothsayers (psychics, etc.). It's not a good thing. November 22, 2013   Allen West is right. I love that man! He is correct, good and I want him to be president! November 22, 2013   I shall close today with the Tribute To Our Heroes #139 that I posted today. I hope you will remember our Heroes, our troops who have served us so sacrificially. Never forget their sacrifices. Until next time, GOD Bless You and See ya'! November 21, 2013: 3:12 p.m.   Just a few blurbs for now because I have a sinus headache and looking at the computer screen makes it worse. So we'll get started and soon be finished. November 21, 2013   dumborats break the rules to get their own way. They must have their own way, no matter what it does to our country. Sounds to me like Dictatorship and CONTROL. This is not America as it was founded. Our Founding Fathers knew that this sort of change would result in a lot of bad judges and cabinet members, etc., being appointed. That's why they allowed fillibusters to take place and wanted to make it a 60-40 win in order to pass them. But dumborats don't care about how our country was founded, what is right, nor what the results will be. THEY WILL HAVE CONTROL no matter what is right, nor what rules they have to break in order to CONTROL every jot and tittle. Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Danger! Do you realize that eight years ago he, bumbler, thevileone, clintoon and others OPPOSED the nuclear option? Hypocrisy, anyone? Of course they are! They're dumborats! November 21, 2013   Time magazine says: "[T]he sign that the [redacted] presidency had reached a turning point came not when his poll numbers sank or his allies shuddered or the commentariat went hunting for the right degree of debacle to compare to the rollout of [redacted]care.That's another ally gone. Sounds to me like the cheese may soon stand alone. November 21, 2013   The boy the clintoons sent back to Cuba to a Daddy he never knew asks the prezidunce who would do the same thing -- if not worse -- to release jailed Cuban spies. Sounds to me like the boy is still being used by the Castro regime as a pawn. November 21, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: thevileone and his buds stop calling it by its name so that the debacle won't be associated with them. Run away! Run away! Cowards. They are running away because they know things like plans sold at "exchanges" are not being accepted at some hospitals, people being forced into Medicaid and doctors being concerned about their pay scale. Why should doctors work as a doctor at all if they're not going to be able to pay their own bills that way? November 21, 2013   bonehead boehner speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He used to say he wouldn't bring it up. boehner is a cowardly, crybaby liar. November 21, 2013   "Knockout game" proves animals are on the rise. Three more in Philly, more in D.C., maybe a Representative was hit. The msm is ignoring the deadly "game". Why? It's all about not being called "racist". They're cowards. They don't want to face the truth nor the label because they're telling about a game that mostly black men participate in. I hear chickens. I warned people to be careful who they choose. These clowns chose the wrong guy. GOOD! Seecond Amendment folks: it comes in handy. November 21, 2013   tehvileone's plan to kill online privacy rights everywhere. They won't be spying just on "We, The People", anymore. They'll be spying on the people of Canada, Japan, England, Russia, Norway, Greenland, Australia.... Where do YOUR rights begin and the government's end? With this administration and the dumborats in the House and Senate, there is no such thing as YOUR rights. Can you believe "The United States and its key intelligence allies are quietly working behind the scenes to kneecap a mounting movement in the United Nations to promote a universal human right to online privacy..."Can you believe the UNITED NATIONS is trying to protect privacy AGAINST AMERICA? Amazing. What has this world come to that I support a U.N. movement? November 21, 2013   Finally! The video of this guy being WRONGLY arrested! It proves that the guy did nothing wrong. Ah... our local police and sheriffs. Can we trust them? Arrested for picking up a child at school? Arrested for videoing a cop making a traffic stop (Brevard County)? Arrested for questioning Common Core? Removed from a BOCC meeting because bolin felt threatened? It's NOT MY AMERICA that this stuff is happening in. This is a POLICE STATE. November 21, 2013   Corporations spying on non-profits? Sounds like they're just following the example set by thevileone's administration. November 21, 2013   thevileone wants an "infinite" debt ceiling. Trust me, he would spend it all, too! November 21, 2013   On that wunnerful, wunnerful note, I shall stop for now. If my sinuses start cooperating and my eyes can stay focused, I may come back later and do more. Until next time, See ya'! November 20, 2013: 11:01 a.m.   More wasting of taxpayer dollars. Instead of the feds funding kids' exercising with YOUR taxpayer dollars, why not just let parents decide what their kids are going to do? Isn't that what a parent's job is supposed to be? It's not JUST "Big Brother" anymore; now it's "Big Daddy"! November 20, 2013   Just a little irony (and maybe "karmak payback"?) here. SMH. Repeal it? Admit it was unconstitutional, repeal it, take it out into a huge field and SHOOT it, stand it up and SHOOT IT AGAIN, bury it 1,000 feet deep, in cement with a titanium sealed vault, and then the top of it covered with sixteen feet of cement and "Hazardous Waste" signs posted on the 20' tall electric fence surrounding it. That is what needs to be done to thevileone's (hillclintoon's?) healthcaretax. November 20, 2013   Not just the website, the WHOLE LAW! LOL! Speaking of payback.... Of course, if the website were finished it may help; the website at least, if nothing else. November 20, 2013   Police state exists in TN? Not JUST in TN, though. It's happening in TX, too. In TEXAS? That's absurd! It's TEXAS! If it can happen there it can happen anywhere! November 20, 2013   CO guv not so popular now as once he was. He signed gun control law into being and now he's lost support. Awww... too, too bad. (*sarcasm, of course*) November 20, 2013   Terrorists let in to USA as "refuees"? Yep. They're in KY; with weapons. Now we have even more chances of being attacked. Isn't that special? Folks, the BEST way to deal with this is to hammer your representatives until they do something about the government's history of "Don't see, don't stop!" and to PRAY for the terrorists to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and that He will change their hearts. The cops may not want to catch them, but if we pray for the souls of the terrorists and GOD acts (even if the cops don't), then the terrorists will have a change of heart and become an "infidel" and GOD will get the glory, not the terrorists! Pray that Islam accepts Christ. It's the best way to combat terrorism. November 20, 2013   Paul Ryan caves.
Sounds to me as though they've got something on him. But that's the way the progressives/liberals work./p> November 20, 2013   Sarah Palin wants bashir to be punished. Good! It's time for liberals to start having a price to pay for saying stupidity like this. But it is liberalland on msnbc, so I wonder if there will ever be a price to pay. November 20, 2013   "Youth" abandoning thevileone and his healthcaretax. Good news. Good news. November 20, 2013   This is wrong. Why would anyone with a soul want to do this to a stranger? It can have deadly consequences for the victim, so far, but if they hit someone who isn't knocked out and that someone has a concealed carry permit, the hitter may be the next person to die from this stupidity. November 20, 2013   This is a really, really bad idea. Let us bring our Troops home. Don't leave them in Afghanistan forever to be targeted by Al Qaeda and others. Bring them home to their families. Let them live. November 20, 2013   Did you know about the Groupon mocking of the Gettysburg Address? I didn't until I read the story. Sounds to me like Groupon needs to be ignored when it comes to participating with them. A little side-story: A family event is coming up and a family member was organizing the event and found "a good deal" via Groupon. I investigated the hotel Groupon was giving the "great price" for and found that the general public had posted pictures of roaches in the sinks, paint stained curtains, and at least one box spring that had a huge stain that looked like blood. Yeah. I found a better place for the family event and got better rates and it's a place I've personally checked out. Much better than the Groupon thing. Do a search for Groupon hotels that are disappointments or ripoffs (or disappointing ripoffs) and you'll see at least a few things that Groupon is not good for. I don't know who they have that does "quality control" (if anyone), but from what those stories (videos and written) will tell you as well as personal experience, I deleted Groupon's app from my smart phone a while back. If it doesn't measure up to my standards, why should I have anything to do with them? November 20, 2013   thevileone stole the 2012 election. Root says so because he says the jobs numbers led to people believing that things were turning around and voting for thevileone because of that. Okay, fair enough. But I say, add to that the ACORN folks and the cheating, fraudulent votes, double and triple (and more!) voting some did in multiple precincts, voter intimidation, etc., that made the 2012 election a stolen election, not just jobs numbers. November 20, 2013   How can anyone be so heartless? Planned Kill-Your-Baby-hood opens a kill-your-baby clinic beside an adoption agency. I think their evil, heartless bodies did a stupid thing for their side, though. It could just as easily backfire on them as any other stupid thing they've done. Given a choice -- a REAL choice -- it's possible a mommy could see the adoption agency and CHOOSE that route instead of killing her baby. Let us pray so. November 20, 2013   Israel cut electricity to those who won't pay electric bill. Nothing wrong with that. Oh, and the non-payment folks fund terrorism: perhaps with the money they could have used to pay their electric bill? But that shouldn't matter to Israel, should it? After all, the terrorists just target Israel so why should Israel care if those folks fund terrorism? I mean, really? (*sarcasm*) November 20, 2013   thevileone's buds get more of your taxpayer dollars. Must be nice to have friends in high places who don't think it's a good idea to do things the right way. Agree? November 20, 2013   They make a strong case for homeschooling. This is ridiculous. BTW, a newspaper of the era of the Gettysburg Address is now apologizing for not acknowledging the greatness of the speech at the time it was given. Better late than never? November 20, 2013   U.S. Ambassador to China, Locke, to step down. Who will thevileone tap next: Michael Moore? November 20, 2013   You'd never see an article about progressives like this in America: "Insurrectionary anarchists, with international connections, nihilist values and a penchant for arson, are moving to fill the vacuum on the left"That's the SUBHEAD! You can imagine what the article says! TRUTH! AT LAST! November 20, 2013   Have you heard about this suicide bombing? I had not. It happened yesterday. Where is our news about it? BTW, was OUR money used to fund this operation? Remember: a dumborat Senator says U.S. dollars are going TO FUND the Taliban and Al Qaeda. That's what thevileone is doing. Did YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS go to funding this? November 20, 2013   thevileone is an absolutel moron. November 20, 2013   I shall close for now. Until next time, See ya'! November 19, 2013: 11:09 a.m.   New BENGHAZI photos: where is the TRUTH about BENGHAZI? Where is the accountability? We is the person who was responsible for leaving our people behind to DIE? Where? The Liar-In-Chief is responsible for FOUR AMERICANS DYING. Where is HIS accountability? November 19, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: thevileone: "more than 100 MILLION" people have enrolled in his healthcaretax. Really? Yep. His lips were moving. Sounds to me like those who actually have signed up are being greatly disappointed. It's NOT "100 MILLION" people, that's for certain, so whatever number it actually is, some are not happy with the thing once they get it. Have you tried? Remember: it's all flubbed up and they're not sure when they can get it fixed. But, that's okay. Just trust them. They'll make sure that your info is safe and they'll be sure to get you the best price on the best coverage you've ever had. Right? (*snicker*) November 19, 2013   Sigh: what if... What if the TRUTH had been told about the job numbers before the last election? What if thevileone had not LIED to us about the healthcaretax? What if the TRUTH had been told about BENGHAZI? What if the msm had told the TRUTH about thevileone's healthcaretax? What if people had been diligent and done some research for themselves? What if people had listend to that still, small voice that always speaks the TRUTH to their souls? WHAT IF... What if... FIND THE TRUTH! It MATTERS. November 19, 2013   Court says religious rights violated when banned dagger not allowed in federal building for a Sikh woman who worked there. Excuse me?! Christians are not allowed to PRAY in federal buildings, to carry Bibles in public schools, or to practice their religion at all in any way, shape, or form, without weapons, and this Sikh woman is supposed to be allowed to carry a dagger into a federal building? What about Christians' First Amendment rights and equality under the law? In this administration, there is no such thing. November 19, 2013   Speaking of religion, thevileone dropped "UNDER GOD" from the Gettysburg Address.
Would a Christian do that? No. Only an atheist or someone who is NOT a Christian would do that. His actions speak loudly. November 19, 2013   How many generations will it take to pay off thevileone's debt? November 19, 2013   Islamic blood is better than YOUR blood. That's what they say in the Sudan. A man found guilty of murdering American Diplomat, John Granville, on January 1, 2008 is more important, his blood more precious because he's Muslim. The murderer should not be condemned because, well, the infidels just don't count. Peace and tolerance? November 19, 2013   This administration has so badly messed with our economy that it's hard to say when the crash will come. Oh, it will come. The question is shall it be in the next fifteen minutes, months, years? I don't think it will take years but they're trying to put it off until at least thevileone is out of office. Problem: what if he declares a state of emergency because of the economic disaster he caused and stays in office another ten or more years? Are you ready for that? Where does your treasure lie? November 19, 2013   Homeland [IN]Security still hasn't fired the bullet-buying racist. It's not high on their priority list to ensure that the people working for them are not racists. I mean, free speech and all of that makes it okay for this guy to be buying bullets for the government and still saying that they need to kill all the white people, right? It's not a priority. November 19, 2013   Is this kind of nonsense coming to a school near you? In Canada you're fined if the lunch you send to school with your child is not deemed "balanced" enough. Government overreach is rampant up there and it's exactly where we are headed. November 19, 2013   How now shall we live? Ask the federal government. They publish a new regulation about every 2.5 hours. Sounds like they know what we should do, how we should sleep, where we should shop, what we should wear, how we should stand, cook, buy things online, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Can you imagine what the next three years of thevileone's administration are going to be like? How about a new regulation every hour, or twenty minutes? Shall we be able to breathe without violating one of them? November 19, 2013   Veteran denied return to Citty Commission. It's all hokey, folks. There are rules about this, but he's a registered Republican and a U.S. Veteran. Doing the right thing doesn't apply to this situation because of those two facts: and it's IS Orange County, CA. They care about doing the right thing about as much as thevileone. November 19, 2013   IF this story is true, the cops are breaking the law and should be held accountable. It's not a singular incident that happened here. Law enforcement is out of control and using thug techniques elsewhere, too. I no longer trust any law enforcement officer and will not consider them as a friendly entity because the law no longer applies to them; they ARE the law in their own minds. November 19, 2013   Don't do business with Kleargear.com. They've got a lousy history and they wreck your credit score if you are brave enough to publish a bad review of their service. I haven't purchased anything from them so I'm safe, but this story is enough for anyone to learn from another's mistakes. Don't make the mistake of shopping there. November 19, 2013   "Secure" base full of "hundreds" of ILLEGAL ALIENS. Sounds to me like "secure" is more a matter of opinion than of actuality. Speaking of illegal aliens, they blocked an office in Atlanta to stop deportations and one killed Border Patrol Agent, Robert Rosas, Jr. Seems to me that if you want a good reputation with American citizens (especially those with ancestors who arrived here LEGALLY) you'd obey the laws, try to assimiltate via learning English, get the proper identification cards, etc., etc. But, no. They don't want to do that. They'd prefer to be "special" and have "special privileges" and be allowed to do whatever they can to FORCE America into givng them amnesty. They don't care about the LAWS of America; they'll break every one of them if it gets them what they want. Question becomes what do they want besides being special treatment in being allowed to remain here without going through the proper procedure? What else do they want? Do they want California, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, to be theirs? Is that what they want? November 19, 2013   What do you put on your social media pages? You may be surprised by how much some folks share. November 19, 2013   Gitmo: MILLIONS spent on landscaping and art classes for the TERRORISTS. Isn't that why you pay your taxes: so that the TERRORISTS who tried to kill us or help others do so can have art classes? Priorities. November 19, 2013   So, I'll close today with something that I forgot yesterday. Yesterday was "Minion Monday: Hank is Easily Puzzled". Have a great day! Until next time, See ya'! November 18, 2013: 10:31 p.m.   Yesterday's tornadoes were devastating and our prayers are for those who were affected, and to the families and loved ones of those who were killed. To help, give via the link above. November 18, 2013   JW calls thevileone "lawless". I've said so for a long time, but it's nice to see other organizations catch up. November 18, 2013   thevileone's education czar is a racist. Of course, we knew that thevileone would push racism and use it to divide and conquer since his first campaign for the preziduncy. Now we know that he's not the only one in his administration who has done so. Racist remarks are always okay for the liberals/progressives/leftists. Let one Conservative mention someone's skintone (even in quoting someone's exact words) and that Conservative is a "racist", of course. Double standards work as a tool to keep the opponent down and in this administration ALL AMERICANS are the opponents. Never forget that. It is NOT America he wants. It is AmeriKa. Look at all of the crap he's done to us - legally or illegally, openly or secretly - and tell me I'm wrong. November 18, 2013   dumborat Senator: we all knew thevileone was lying. But they stood by his lies and they defended his lies and they supported him in his lies. So that means that they were lying to us, too. If they have to lie to you that means that they are HIDING THE TRUTH FROM YOU and if they're hiding the truth from you then they're using the TRUTH against you. When they lied to you and said you could keep your healthcare insurance if you liked it -- and all of the dumborats knew it was a lie -- then don't you think that thevileone's healthcaretax has GOT to be something really bad and that they know it's bad, thus the lies? Come on! Think about it. If it's "Wunnerful! Wunnerful!" would they have to LIE about it? November 18, 2013   ketchup kerry and susan rice, thevileone's SoS and Nat.Sec. Advisor, don't see eye to eye. Good leadership ensures the team stays united and on the same page. A mixed international message only proves a weak leader. Sounds to me like thevileone has no control over his people. Shock. Surprise. November 18, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: pelosipig: stumble, bumble, hem, haw... LOL! What a moron. If she had a brain cell, she'd try to use it as a way to sell thevileone's healthcaretax. (Of course, it would fail miserably, but that's beside the point.) Sad, sad case, pelosipig. Her constituents are as stupid as she considering how often she's been re-elected. If they had brains they'd stop doing that. Oh well. Stupid is as stupid does. Meanwhile, "[I]nsurer participation in the Obamacare exchanges represents a 29 percent net decrease in insurer competition nationwide." So much BETTER than what we had. Yes? (Sarcasm.) Even the NY Times is suggesting thevileone's healthcaretax could be "repealed". What if it's repealed? What then? What about all of those millions of folks who were already given the heave-ho because of thevileone's healthcaretax? Where will they be? Left out and struggling to find coverage? What good will all of this do? Don't just repeal it; admit it was wrong and UNCONSTITUTIONAL in the first place. Then and only then can you repeal it, go back to the way it was, and NOT HAVE IT BE DONE AGAIN. If we JUST repeal it we will see it again. If we JUST repeal it, the dumborats will change one or two things and they'll do it all over again. Admit the scheme was unconstitutional then and only then can you repeal it without it being tried again. Mark my words. Remember: this was a political scheme, not about medical care. Since that's all it was, they will try it again. Politics, after all, is win at all costs for them. Even when it comes to helping one child with cancer during the government shut down: ""Why would we do that?"Remember? Politics, not health care. November 18, 2013   Just say "No!" because it's not a good idea. Which means thevileone will probably say "Yes!". November 18, 2013   When did we elect valerie jarrett as prezidunce? She sure does act as though she is. Remember she allegedly gave the "Stand Down" order for BENGHAZI. She's not our C-I-C, but thevileone has made her act as such. That's not what the U.S. Constitution says is supposed to happen. Oh, well. Who needs the U.S. Constitution anyways? With thevileone we have no prezidunce we have a Dictator anyways, so who needs a Constitution? Dictators don't need any such nonsense. November 18, 2013   Navy Seals receive "shabby" treatment from thevileone's admin & his appointed military brass. The way they treat our heroes tells you about what's coming for the rest of us. Is that what you want? November 18, 2013   Surprise! PUBLIC SCHOOL principal gets the TRUTH behind Common Core. Can you believe this? I'm still shaking my head in disbelief. November 18, 2013   Amazing: some folks still believe in thevileone and think he can turn it around: "If three years is ample time to learn say Mandarin, or train to be a teacher, it ought to be enough to learn how to govern better."The author seems to forget: this IS the BEST thevileone wants to be. TRUTH: thevileone is a Communist and his preziduncy is proof of his plans. If you can pass on life and death decisions to an equally unqualified (constitutionally unqualified) AID (link above); screw things up so badly with QE 1 through ad infinitum; give "green" companies OUR taxpayer dollars to go out of business (basically what is happening); LIE to the American people and make them lose their jobs and their healthcare in one fell swoo; etc., etc., etc., then you're TRYING to be this bad. The author refuses to acknowledge that thevileone is doing exactly as HE PLANNED TO DO IT. soros and thevileone WANT America to fail. It has been their plan all along to destroy America and if it were not for "We, The People" they would have already succeeded. November 18, 2013   IMHO, bashir needs to be fired and made to apologize to Sarah Palin. Talk about mysoginy! bashir rolls in it, showers in it, drinks it down like whiskey. bashir has a visceral hatred of Palin and he shows it every time he opens his mouth about her. He needs to be fired. His words are not just offensive to women, but they're offensive to anyone who has a brain and knows how to use it instead of rolling it around the floor like a marble. November 18, 2013   Income gap widening and it has done so even more since thevileone took office. In Washington D.C. there are more 1 percenters than anywhere else. Sounds to me like the governemt is doing what they can to benefit their cronies. Is that what you want? November 18, 2013   Personally, I think if he ran the dumborats would wet themeselves./ He's the guy they sent busses of union thugs after to help recall him, but FAILED miserably. They've been after him ever since, but he's been able to fend them off so far. I wonder how hard they'd try if he ran for thevileone's spot? November 18, 2013   Well, I have things to do and I'm going to stop here and get them done. Until next time, See ya'! November 15, 2013: 12:47 p.m.   This is what passes for "art" and "being famous"? If anyone is desparate enough for fame and fortune to let a sleazeball take icky photos of them they deserve what they get. It may be fame, but it's fame at what cost? Afterward their souls are gone and their fame will be maintained only via getting sleazier and sleazier. Remember, Playboy magazine started out with what we consider "mild" porn in the fifties. I see the covers as I pass them in the antique shops and it's tamer than what we see on commercials for Victoria's Secret. I haven't seen a current Playboy magazine but I betcha' the pics in there now are not what passed for porn in the magazines found at antique shops now. That's what happens with pornography and fame via porn: it must get more and more outlandish in order to maintain -- titilation as well as infamy. So, folks, if you're trying to get famous, think about the course you're willing to take before you attain even the slightest bit of fame. We all know that Paris Hilton got famous for sex tapes, but is that the price anyone should be willing to pay? I hope you think more of yourself and your worth than that. November 15, 2013   The CIA is spying on where you have your money. Yep. They take careful notes and I bet if you're trying to hide some of it, that's going to be impossible very quickly. Remember: Just because thevileone can fund Al Qaeda secretly (with YOUR money) that does NOT mean that you can fund a cruise for your family secretly (with YOUR money). He's special. November 15, 2013   If you want to help natural disaster victims you can give through Operation Blessing and they'll make sure your dollar goes as far as they can stretch it and help as many as possible. November 15, 2013   BEST Anti-Common Core speech yet! He really knows his stuff! Great job! November 15, 2013   Want to keep an eye on our out-of-control government? Download Judicial Watch's "Transparency 101". It's a handbook on how to do just that via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and how to use them. Good Stuff! November 15, 2013   James O'Keefe exposes more "navigators" telling folks to LIE to the government. Don't ya' love that thevileone supports hiring this kind of employee, the kind that will tell people to LIE? Isn't that special? November 15, 2013   FL Mayor guilt of corruption. It's reported that he has ties to Gov. Scott. I don't hold Scott responsible for his friend's actions since the friend made his own decisions and choices. Do I think that it's unfortunate (mildly put) that Scott was buds with the guy? Oh, yeah. All public officials should choose their friends wisely. November 15, 2013   Why have heads not rolled? Because when you're throwing people under the bus that's enough punishment. They're being used as excuses, scapegoats. That's bad enough. Their names have been sullied. Why should he fire them after telling the whole world they're incompetent? After all, if you can keep them around and blame them again later and they take it, isn't that the same as saying they asked for it? Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me? Same thing. Blame me once... November 15, 2013   Australia jumps off the Hamster wheel!!! Japan is headed that way, too!! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! People - and countries - are starting to wake up! When they jump off the wheel of "global warming" worship, it's better for all of us! November 15: 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: thevileone used to tout RESPECT for the Constitution. (snicker-snort) He always has been a liar. This time, he's a wrong liar but that's a redundancy. House dumborats won't apologize for "you can keep it" lie nor for the fact that you're losing your insurance because of thevileone's healthcaretax. Isn't that special? They're not sorry for lying to you. Lying is justified if it gets them what they want. That's the rule for dumborats: the ends justify the means. Even if thevileone has to veto a bill that does exactly what he said he would do via EO, thevileone must maintain control. BTW, how much do you trust the news? If they KNOW thevileone is lying to you it was their duty as a journalist to tell you so. But they chose not to. Does that not tell you something? Now eugenics -- think Hitler's death camps -- is creeping into thevileone's healthcaretax discussion. After all, the Nazis were the National Socialists and thevileone is a socialist, so why not? Why not just do things the same way? Have a birth defect? Watch out! Meanwhile, 39 dumborats break from thevileone & vote for "fix". Um, how many of those dumborats are up for re-election in 2014? Question their motives because if they get re-elected they'll push FOR thevileone's healthcaretax again. Mark my words. November 15, 2013   oprah's so lame she can think of nothing but racism as a reason for folks to dislike thevileone. It's NOT RACE! If Ronald Reagan had done this crap to America and our rights and our quality of life, I would dislike Reagan. But Reagan DID NOT do this crap. Reagan was FOR America. Reagan was FOR YOU. thevileone is NOT. November 15, 2013   BENGHAZI attackers had inside info and knew where the safe room was. Question: how did they get that info? We know that thevileone has financed Al Qaeda and other terrorists, so why would He NOT help the mob attack the U.S. ambassador's safe room? November 15, 2013   LOL! Silicon Valley nerds plotting revenge on NSA! LOVE it. The NSA getting their "come-uppance is a GREAT thing, IMHO. Love it!! November 15, 2013   EPA ruling costing cities thousands of dollars. That's money out of the taxpayers' dollars gone to waste. That's this administration at work! November 15, 2013   Your right to defend yourself is STILL under attack. DO NOT TAKE IT FOR GRANTED! The Second Amendment: USE it or LOSE it! November 15, 2013   Elk desparate for his seven minutes of fame. Amazing video. Tylenol moment. November 15, 2013   Eeewwwwww.... Be careful what kinds of books you check out at the library. Keep them wholesome, folks. Keep it clean or pay the price. Icky. November 15, 2013   I think I'll close on that one. That last posting makes me want to take a shower. No, I have not read the book, nor do I wish to, but, icky! Bleck! Until next time, See ya'! November 14, 2013: 12:50 p.m.   dumborats are scrambling. People are losing their insurance left and right. dumborats are trying to keep from being voted OUT of office They'll do anything to keep from being identified as being RESPONSIBLE for thevileone's healthcaretax. The Dictator-In-Chief is changing the law again to make things benefit himself and his crony supporters. Another sign of his dictatorship. He's a dictator because we are a Representative Republic: a nation of LAWS. IF he can write, unwrite, not enforce, or double enforce, any law he so chooses, he is above the law and immune from the law. Thus, he is a dictator not a president. Our presidents are NOT ABOVE the law: ask Nixon. Thus, thevileone is a dictator. He has NO LEGAL AUTHORITY to do this, but his dictatorial stance is that whatever he says IS THE LAW, no matter what's written down on the books, nor what was voted on in the House and Senate (our Legislative Branch, according to the U.S. Constitution, writes the laws of the land, not the prezidunce). Thus thevileone is a dictator. BTW, a little aside: Have you noticed that now Rush and Glenn Beck are both saying thevileone is a dictator? I wrote Lawless: This Administration is an Acting Dictatorship for GJWHG.com about three weeks ago and now they're using the term, too. Also note that Beck has started using the term "kakistocracy"; something I've been using since at least 2008, probably prior to that. So far ahead of the curve. November 14, 2013   Bwahahahahahaha!!! "Even taking the numbers below at face value, remember that twice as many people watched Sharknado."Perspective. November 14, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax taxes high end houses to fund it. Did you know that? Have a high end house to sell? You'll pay a tax to thevileone's healthcaretax to do so. Isn't that special? "If you are single with an adjusted gross income of $200,000 or file jointly with an income of $250,000 or more, you may be impacted. Once you sell your home, any profits over the first $500,000 are already subject to a capital gains tax. And now those profits will have an additional 3.8% tax to fund Obamacare."Hidden elsewhere? Who knows. But how many ways can they tax you to support other people's healthcare insurance? Thousands. November 14, 2013   Judicial Watch hires "Clinton Expert" to do investigative reporting. I bet the focus for him will be telling the TRUTH about hillclintoon and that will help keep her out of the preziduncy. I can't imagine another term for thevileone, nor its continuance via puppetry with hillclintoon in office. They're of the same mindset and have the same backers (soros) so the two are interchangeable and it would be just more of the same if she got into office. Let us hope JW's newest member will make a huge impact to keep hillclintoon out of office. The truth about her should be known about all aspects of her past. Let's start with her own health care plan promise: If you like it you can keep it. She said the same thing for her own plan. I've thought for quite a while now that thevileone's healthcaretax is just clintoonism warmed over. Is that promise an indicator that I am correct? November 14, 2013   $60 MILLION of YOUR dollars wasted each year via stolen malaria drugs for Africa. Is that why you work so hard: to have the government tax you, take your money and spend it on drugs they then can't deliver to whoever they purchased it for? Is that why you work so hard, or is it to provide for your family; feed, clothe, provide a roof over their heads and an education for them? That doesn't matter. The Dictator-In-Chief is in control. He has the final say in everything: even YOU. November 14, 2013   KILL COMMON CORE! It's a vile thing and it will dumb your kids down so much that they won't even be able to write in cursif. It's a BASIC but they want to kill it. Who can use a signature line when legal signatures have always been in cursif if you can write. Way back when it was just put an 'X' if you can't write. Now it will be just spell your name if you can't use cursif? Not good enough! Common Core needs to die on the vine. November 14, 2013   Beck tears mccain't a new orifice. November 14, 2013   The Dictator's Cabinet is complaining. Awwwwwww.... too, too bad. They helped him try to destroy America and now they're complaining about being left behind by him, being "marginalized". Poor, poor babies. oh, wah. November 14, 2013   People are not happy with the dumborats. TeeHee. November 14, 2013   Solar panels kill RARE birds. Animal Cruelty Task Force kills thousands of animals. And then there's scientists who killed the oldest living creature because they wanted to know how old it was. Sounds to me like animals are better left to the Conservatives who want to eat them, use regular coal or hydroelectric energy, and those who wish to study them for their own benefit. The lefties doing this kind of stuff are clueless, heartless, or both. November 14, 2013   Clueless is as clueless does. DWS is. November 14, 2013   IRS, CIA, etc., got YOUR personal data because you PURCHASED CERTAIN BOOKS? Yep. Isn't that what the government is supposed to do: protect us from those who purchase books? I have three Korans/Qurans, does that make me a Muslim? Nope. I have four editions of the Book of Mormon, does that make me Mormon? Nope. I have Catholic Bibles and Catechisms, does that make me Catholic? Again, no. So what is the problem with owning certain books unless it's about nuclear weapons, chemical warfare, etc.? In those cases, maybe those agencies should be notified. Otherwise, they're messing with YOUR FREEDOM. It should NOT be allowed to happen. November 14, 2013   Good! It took 'em long enough! November 14, 2013   Whistleblowers: silencing the truth-tellers. It's a favorite pastime of this administration. November 14, 2013   Germany has some difficult questions to answer. Why were these paintings not revealed earlier and returned to the families? November 14, 2013   Teaching kids compassion and sharing is NOT a bad thing. But public schools can be raked over the coals for doing so if they team with a Christian organization. Don't ya' love public schools and the totalitarian rule that atheists try to employ over them? November 14, 2013   E-cigs being taken to task now. I've wondered how long it would take. November 14, 2013   Beck uses an awful lot of Rush lately. I guess that's part of Beck's "I wrote a letter" thing. Whatever the cause, he can learn a lot from Rush. November 14, 2013   On food stamps? msthevileone is taking some of the money allocated for YOU. Yep. Her "Let's Move" program is now being funded via food stamp money. If you've taken a cut in food stamp money, you know who to thank. November 14, 2013   I shall close with that for today. Until next time, See ya'! November 13, 2013: 1:29 p.m.   Sex sells thevileone's healthcaretax. Come on, big boy. The ads want you to have sex: just do it! Morality, anyone? November 13, 2013   thevileone's "toxic" administration now has a book written about it. "Life Inside the Bubble" by Dan Bongino is a MUST read for me. How about for you? November 13, 2013   bonehead boehner says "No" to amnesty vote in House. So that's two things he's done right in the last six-plus years? At least he's got that record. Can't say the same about mccain't, pelosipig, reid, etc. Some say it's not dead, but will be pushed through. So we'll see what bonehead boehner's leadership means, won't we? Don't hold your breath. November 13, 2013   Well, DUH! What took them so long to figure that out? The U.S. has been funding the Taliban and Al Qaeda for years! I asked the question on August 16, 2011: "August 16, 2011   Lost or were ordered to give it up? Not an accusation, just a question: Is obamination funding terrorism against our troops with our taxpayer dollars? The wording in the story makes me ask: 'tallied the diversion of funds'. Diversion?"Why does it take other people SO LONG to catch up with me? November 13, 2013   Accountability on parade. Never mind that these "navigators" can be FELONS, they're advising YOU on how to BECOME a FELON, too! So one of them got fired. Wow. That's accountability. Not kathleen sebelius being FIRED for hiring FELONS to ADVISE you on how to LIE on federal forms (a crime), that's okay. But the "navigator" who does what they're allowed to do, well, that person must go. The buck stops at the lowest possible person in this administration. Responsibility NEVER goes to the top. All this crap happening while more Americans lose their "if you like it you can keep it" health care insurance. Where's the responsibility for thevileone's lies? He said that over twenty times in public speeches he made. Where is his accountability? The first month numbers for thevileone's healthcaretax are so LOW. LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! It will starve to death before the middle of next year. That and all the dumborats distancing themselves from it -- and from their votes FOR it -- will doom it to failure before too long. At least, if we are NOT FORCED to prop it up via QE4-149,548,955,848. November 13, 2013   WebMD cashing in on pushing thevileone's healthcaretax. I have visited that website in the past, but won't do so again. I don't like shills. November 13, 2013   Unvillifying Republican moniker in unions leads to victory for Republican ideals. Something to think about: for how long have the dumborats lied about Republican policies and plans and gotten away with it? Tell the truth about Republican ideals (the written platform, not the way the leadership has been doing things lately) and you have a victory even in unions. IF the leadership would stick to the party platform I would return to the Republican Party. The written platform is good and strong and right. The leadership has gotten so far away from the written platform that it has become dumborat-right and nothing more. IF the Republicans want a huge victory in the future, they should stop giving lip-service-only to the platform and start living by their written words. That's what will win. That's what will bring this country back together. The platform is good: the leadership sucks lemons. November 13, 2013   bumbling biden to Catholic clergy: No separation of church and state if we can USE YOU to pass amnesty. He's not offering a bribe, he's just ignoring what dumborats preach constantly. That's because dumborats want separation of church and state until and unless it would help them pass something via preaching it from the pulpit. If the pulpit is preaching against something dumborats want, then dumborats will make churches pay via taking away their tax exempt status. They like to use churches at their whim, but they will punish churches if the church goes against what dumborats want. Isn't that wrong and hypocritical? Oh, but it is dumborats, so it must be okay. November 13, 2013   After Sandy Hook shooting gun permits skyrocket. It's things like this that make people realize that they want to be able to protect themselves instead of relying on the police who will be there in three to ten minutes. It's okay to protect yourselves and your loved ones. That's a good thing to do. Depending upon someone who is miles away when the bad person is right in front of you and they are armed but you are not is just a bad idea. Learn how to defend yourself. Go to a gun safety course, buy a gun, get your concealed carry permit and be able to take care of yourself. Don't rely on a cop being nearby when you need them. That only happens if you're the president. Otherwise, there's no one there but you to protect you and those you care about, or sometimes a complete stranger who is in imminent danger. Don't let the bad guys win. Learn to defend yourselves. Do it today. November 13, 2013   Do NOT ignore the Islamization of America. It will lead to what is happening in Amsterdam and that's not a good thing. Men, look at that picture that heads the story. Which would you rather see your wife dressed in: the head to toe black hatefulness that is the burqa, or what we currently wear in America? Imagine all those dresses in which she looks so good disposed of and replaced with a gray, blue, yellow, whatever, burqa; covered head to toe and all because you refused to stand up to Islam in America. Women, is that what you want to wear: something that hides you so that men can rape you and you will go to jail for being raped? That's what Shariah Law does. It punishes the victim as long as the victim is a woman. Men do you want your wife, daughter, sister, mother in jail because they were raped, or do you want the perpetrator jailed (after the castration that you got to do to him)? Then there's the female circumcision that prevents women from enjoying sexual intercourse. Do you want your thirteen-year-old daughter undergoing that? That's what we need to learn from Amsterdam: WITHOUT OUR FIGHTHING IT HERE, IT WILL HAPPEN. Is that what you want? November 13, 2013   Lotta' good that does us now. Besides, with thevileone in charge did this guy have a choice? Nope. thevileone gets what thevileone wants, no matter what it takes. November 13, 2013   hillclinton making quiet moves toward 2016. They're still well-respected in the dumborat party so I can see a problem here. The only way to keep her out the race is if the truth comes out that thevileone's healthcaretax was originally the hillclintoon healthcare law that she worked on during her "hard dog to keep on the porch['s]" days as president. That would alienate her as the architect for this mess that is thevileone's (hillclintoon's?) healthcaretax. Never mind the website incompetence, that's all on sebelius. We're looking at the law itself; is it originally hillclintoon's? Considering how quickly this thing actually came into being, the fact that hillclintoon was thevileone's main opponent, and the deal that was struck that made clintoon the SoS, it makes me wonder. Which makes the question become, if she is the nominee for the dumborats will she embrace the healthcaretax, or distance herself from it? Hmmm?? Allegedly, though, she's not the architect. Or, at least, it's not being admitted to. Without testifying under oath, though, will we ever know? Even with testifying under oath, will we know the truth? KnowhatImeanVern? November 13, 2013   Proves the fact: more U.S. supply equals lower oil prices for the U.S. May we PLEASE learn from this truth? Please let us develop our own supplies on a deeper, fuller, more continuous level. We need to STOP our dependence upon the Middle East for oil. November 13, 2013   If caught, will these "youth" be prosecuted for HATE crimes? They should be, but will they? Probably not. November 13, 2013   U.S. debt: 70% think we're on "wrong track". Sounds to me like another poll that will be ignored by the powers that be. What else would you expect: thevileone to listen to us? Get real. November 13, 2013   algore cashing in again. So, raise your hand if you're shocked that algore is cashing in on another debacle for the American people. No hands? Didn't think so. November 13, 2013   I must disagree with 90% of this article. I don't think that Islamic extremism is of more concern to those who practice the religion without being extrene. I think that those of us who don't SUPPORT Islam with our tithes and offerings are probably a little more concerned about extremism than those who go to the mosque and support extremism with the money they give their mosques. Otherwise, those who gave their money to the mosques would find a different way to give their money than to give in a way that could possibly support extremism. I don't think that those who do not practice the extremism that is killing people worldwide are as concerned about it because they learn via their reading of the Koran/Quran that it's okay to do so; it is correct to do so. If it's okay and correct to do so, why would it concern anyone who practices that religion that it is actually happening? Yes, it sometimes happens to those within the religion, too (thus, I have no idea why they say know Allah know peace, no Allah no peace: the message if not the exact words). When Islam gets a foothold, peace goes out the window. Sunni is against Shiite and vice versa. Where is there peace in Islam? Nowhere. It does not exist; not even within one's soul for you have no assurance of heaven. Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior and you will know peace. Real peace, real joy, real assurance of heaven. November 13, 2013   Prince ready for retirement pay after NEVER DOING THE JOB. Sounds like our current Red House occupier. He hasn't done the job he was hired for, either. He just made himself a dictator, not a president. At least here he sits in the office for a few hours between golf rounds and vacations before collecting his retirement pay. In England, the "Royal Family" just gets whatever they want at taxpayer expense no matter what. I will never bow my knee to anyone; especially not a "royal" anything. November 13, 2013   I doubt it. Oldest signs of life on earth would be finding the Garden of Eden. Otherwise, they're all wrong. November 13, 2013   When drugs aren't enough... Sigh. Where has the idea of right and wrong gone? Is there never to be a "low enough"? November 13, 2013   I knew in my heart that the scotUS would be too afraid to rule for LIFE. Whatever they have on chief justice roberts is enough for him to obey them. They are allowing children in the womb to be sacrificed on the altar of roberts' sin secret. He will answer to GOD for that. I almost hope that GOD won't have mercy on roberts' soul for it. November 13, 2013   It's time to close for today. I hope that tomorrow roberts will tell the truth about what they have on him. I also hope that you have a good rest of your day. Until next time, See ya'! November 12, 2013: 11:27 a.m.   James O'Keefe is back -- and so good. Watch the videos of O'Keefe's team exposing the "Navigators" who are paid taxpayer dollars to enroll people into thevileone's healthcaretax telling people to LIE on their applications so that they can get YOU to pay for THEIR healthcare. Isn't that special? Also of note: "O’Keefe’s cameras then visit Enroll America, a nationwide nonprofit group that has launched a multi-state grassroots campaign to help millions of Americans sign up for health coverage. Daniel Clayton of Enroll America says the group is “purely nonprofit. It’s not partisan, non-political.” But when Brian Pendleton of Enroll America is introduced at a speaking engagement, Enroll America is described as 'the official group for the DNC [Democratic National Committee].'"Remember: the "Navigators" are also doing voter registration so the fact that they are paying the DNC to enroll people into the healthcaretax and to sign folks up to vote is very telling. It's also probably illegal and dangerous to freedom and election integrity. November 12, 2013   LOL! They're desperate to depict the healthcaretax as a success! So their alleged 3% may actually be a lie, too. How bad is it? That bad. Oh, and let's not forget that thevileone includes his usual discarding of the U.S. military and veterans in thevileone's healthcaretax. Isn't that telling? His actions speak louder than his words. November 12, 2013   Liar 1 advises Liar 2 to keep his "commitment". Riiiiggghhhttt.... And this from the man who cheated how many times on his own wife? Commitment? clintoon can't spell the word. I'm surprised he could even make the word come out of his mouth. November 12, 2013   hillclintoon "trounces" Christie in poll. Yeah? So? Who wants Christie in the first place? That does NOT mean that hillclintoon is unbeatable. Christie can't win against a sock. hillclintoon can't win against a hole in that sock. November 12, 2013   Gotta' do it: "like criticizing the Preparation H people for not offering a replacement for hemorrhoids." LOL! Too good! And Palin nails Lauer; no surprise there. November 12, 2013   Are dumborats scared of their past pledge of support for thevileone's healthcaretax? November 12, 2013   The little thug of North Korea starts killing people. He allegedly killed them for owning Bibles and watching unapproved television shows. This is where thevileone wants to take America. Is that what you want? November 12, 2013   Lefties always lie to slant things. Lefties: Who needs 'em? The Second Amendment: USE IT OR LOSE IT. I WILL USE IT! November 12, 2013   It's getting weird out there, folks. Totally weird. This is what "normalizing" perversion leads to. November 12, 2013   They're trying to track your every move. Big Brother is the prezidunce. November 12, 2013   Dr. Ben Carson is correct. Racism is acceptable as long as it's coming from the left. They're allowed because they PROMOTE racism. It is one of their tools. They use it as a wedge to pry people apart and insert hatred. That's their thing: divide and conquer. Without the scream of "Racism!" by the left how many good things could happen when we work together? November 12, 2013   Question: Did public university label Lincoln as Dem. for propaganda purposes or are they just that stupid? Lincoln is widely known as the president who freed the slaves. If they can rewrite history to make it appear that he was a dumborat then the dumborats can claim that it was they who were the good guys. The TRUTH is that the dumborats were the ones who were trying to KEEP SLAVERY. It is so TRUE that even PBS says dumborats were pro-slavery! That's astonishing! To learn more about the truth of slavery in America, go to Wallbuilders.com and read their historic TRUTH about slavery in America. The TRUTH shall set you free and if people are interested in learning the TRUTH, dumborats will lose quite a few voters. November 12, 2013   Ugh. Not again. Can't someone tell him to just go away? Or, maybe register as what he truly is: a dumborat? November 12, 2013   This guy's got it right. "'There is no constructive immigration bill that can become law because the Democratic Senate and President [thevileone] don’t want a constructive bill,' Brooks said."Absolutely! November 12, 2013   Pushing the agenda: flawed study links gun ownership to racism. I want to know what their definitions were. How did they come up with their “symbolic racism,” or “racial resentment,” definitions? Is gun ownership a definition of "symbolic racism"? If so, then yes, everyone who owns a gun is symbolicly racist, but that is then a given within their alleged study. In this case, there is no study as per se, but a poll to see how many of the people questioned own a gun and the label of racist slapped on all of those who did. That's not a study. It's an agenda. It's propaganda. It's a LIE. In fact, the study was based on a biased definition of racism. "Racism is related to policies preferences and behaviors that adversely affect blacks and appear related to a fear of blacks (e.g., increased policing, death penalty). This study examined whether racism is also related to gun ownership and opposition to gun controls in US whites."It assumes that racism is ONLY TOWARD blacks, and not that racism is multi-racial: Blacks can be racist toward whites, Hispanics can be racist toward whites, etc. A flawed premise ALWAYS leads to a flawed result. Also, how many blacks did they interview or question who own guns? All those gangbangers out there admit to owning a gun? Or was it just legally owned guns owned by white folks they were concerned with? Hmmm? Flawed study. Notice that it was two public universities that did this study: Stanford University and the University of Michigan. Is this the kind of "education" you're willing to pay for? If their published "studies" can be this flawed then how can the rest of their "education" be any better? November 12, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax ties gun control to mental health stronger than ever. If you recall, I wrote an article, "Gun Control Laws: Judge, Jury and Executioner of Rights? Part One" and and Part Two back in May and June of this year. Now thevileone's healthcaretax is making my five month-old article even more important than ever. Read it and learn. November 12, 2013   Help rescue children from sex slavery. Glenn Beck's friend is doing the incredible. He's helping save children from sex slavery: in America and elsewhere. Do you want to help? You can donate now to save a child. They will go in and rescue children from this despicable abusive wrong that adults have put them into and work with law enforcement to get those responsible arrested. Imagine it was your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or friend's daughter or son. Would you help them be rescued? Because it could be tomorrow if we don't do something to stop it today. Give what you can. "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea."Catch those who put children into sex slavery. Catch them, prosecute them and don't let them get away with it. In most cases I would pray that GOD would have mercy on their souls. In this case, however, that's so very difficult because of what they do to the children and the pain inflicted upon those innocents. It's wrong to hurt children. It's evil. Let us fight, together, against it. November 12, 2013   US Airways and American Airlines merger approved. Makes it easier for thevileone to take over the airlines if there are fewer of them. (Yes, that's only HALFWAY sarcastic. Knowing this guy...) November 12, 2013   We can't afford to give $29 MILLION to illegals in medications. But who cares what we can afford? It's only OUR MONEY. That doesn't matter. November 12, 2013   LOL! thevileone is so incompetent! He probably can't even tie his own shoelaces. He's such an idiot. November 12, 2013   I shall close on that note. I hope you have a great day and that your tomorrow is even better. Until next time, See ya'! November 11, 2013: 11:04 a.m.:   Veterans' Day   Sorry I didn't get to update for the last few days. Our event was a huge success. It was a lot of work, a lot of errands to run for it and I was really exhausted on Saturday evening when it was all finished, but it was worth it. We had a great time and -- bonus! -- I found a piece of furniture across the street at a second-hand furniture store that I really liked and bought it and a porcelain figurine, too! The furniture piece is a 1950s mid-century modern desk with a rolltop area with a pullout writing formica writing surface, a door to open with a pull out surface to put a typewriter on, a filing cabinet drawer, cubbyholes to put things in and storage drawers for miscellaneous. It was in very good condition, but needed a good cleaning, and now that the cleaning is done, it's gorgeous! We also got a mahogany mirro in the deal, too, but I think it's older than the 50s. So anyways, I will do a few blurbs then go spend this Veterans' Day with the veteran I'm married to. Okay? November 11, 2013   40% of U.S. Military Veterans need food assistance. Wounded Warrior helps our Veterans, as do Show Your Stripes and there are a lot of other organizations to help our Veterans. If you're a veteran and need help, don't hesitate to ask for it. We can help. November 11, 2013   It's all good; until it isn't. Kiss thevileone's backside and then warn people "Signs are building that it might not last."? Typical liberal. November 11, 2013   I agree with Judicial Watch. I won't be brainwashed, either. Which reminds me: Has anyone else been suspicious about all of those commercials that you've heard since thevileone took office that advertise "Get this important information at www.whateverthenamesare4(or 5,6,7,10, etc.).com"? Has anyone else ever wondered about why there are so many of those things nowadays? Has anyone else wondered what the truth in about those commercials? I checked into one of them once a long time ago. It put me to sleep and it gave me NO useful information. So I'm wondering if it's this administration doing some nefarious stuff via those websites. Are they using subliminal suggestion on them? Putting us to sleep and planting a suggestion into our subconscious minds so that we will listen to them after they make a certain announcement worded a certain way? Is that what's going on with all of those www.whateverthenamesare5.com websites? Can someone save one of those videos and look at it frame by frame and find out if there is something in there? It's too prevalent to not be something bad. So let's find out. Someone with the program to be able to do so, go check it out and let me know. It could save the nation. November 11, 2013   Disaster hits Asia. If you'd like to help, you can donate here to a reputable, reliable organization who had offices in the area and people there and are very experienced in helping out during times like these. They're usually the first folks in and the last folks out. Can you give? November 11, 2013   I've said it for years, now someone else is agreeing with me: thevileone plans to destroy America. And he learned how to do so at Columbia University. Aren't you glad your taxpayer dollars helped teach him that? Come on, now. You gotta' admit that university education was definitely worth it! (Sarcasm) November 11, 2013   ketchup kerry blows it again. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise! Not. November 11, 2013   Is anyone surprised by this? Seriously? November 11, 2013   If they don't have a warrant, don't let them in. Even if they say they have the right to come in and take a look around, don't let them in. Contact your attorney and only AFTER your attorney gets there shoul you consider talking to them. Until then, keep the cops OUTSIDE your home. November 11, 2013   60% DON'T support amnesty. I guess they'll call that 60% bigots because we think that amnesty is a bad idea. Oh, wah. November 11, 2013   Bwahahahahahhahahha!! Serves them right. November 11, 2013   mr and mrs thevileone really care, don't they? Yes, that was sarcasm. November 11, 2013   I'll close on a smile today. My latest Minion Monday picture. I hope you like it. If you have served in our military services, THANK YOU for your service. Happy Veterans' Day. Until next time, See ya! November 7, 2013: 11:48 a.m.   I'm only going to have time for a few updates today so I'll get started. November 7, 2013   House schedules "Keep Your Health Plan Act" vote. They won't get it past the Senate, but why not make a political statement a year prior to an election? After all, it has worked becfore and we'll all believe bonehead boehner really supports US with a vote like this, right? Meanwhile, another 250,000 people lose their coverage due to the requirements in thevileone's healthcaretax. November 7, 2013   AGAIN, YOUR taxpayer dollars used to SPY ON YOU. The NSA, CIA and how many other goveernment agencies make you pay to violate your own Fourth Amendment rights? This administration is OUT OF ORDER and they're doing everything they can to CONTROL YOU. Is that what you want? November 7, 2013   Have a child in daycare? Would you like to believe that they're safe, in a good place and away from most dangers: especially the dangers of pedophiles? thevileone doesn't want your child safe. He puts the LOST (Constitutionally lost) rights of pedophiles ahead of the safety of your child. Isn't that sweet? He cares. November 7, 2013   thevileone will give Iran permission to expand their nuclear program. Then Pakistan is ready to give Saudi Arabia nukes as well. Considering how volatile and emotional the Middle East is, it sounds to me like the Middle East is ready to annihilate itself. Problem is, they'll take others with them. November 7, 2013   thevileone paying back his cronies with YOUR money. shock. surprise. November 7, 2013   This guy's got a real problem with America. Oh, wah. November 7, 2013   GOD will NOT bless NYC because their mayor is going to help kill more babies. I think NYC residents who don't want to watch their city pay the price of their election stupidity should move now. Things are going to only get worse now and when this progressive mayor gets things going his way it can only go downhill from hades. You know that's bad. Run while you can. November 7, 2013   Not a good idea. The idea may have been started with the best intentions (can you believe I'm saying that of schumer?), but it would lead to something totally different. Look at how things always go in government: give them an inch and they take your whole property, life, kids and money. Let us not do this. November 7, 2013   If they want the gov. out of uteruses, shouldn't they also be out of our mouths? What we eat is OUR choice. Where does it say in the Constitution that they can tell us what to or not to eat? Hmmm? Find it anywhere? No? Then they don't have the right to do so. November 7, 2013   If I get the chance, I'll do more updates later, but it's a busy next few days. I have an event I'm involved in on Saturday, but the set-up for it is Friday night and there are errands to run prior to set-up and I have to pick my hubby up today so I have to go. Until next time -- whenever that may be (Monday?) -- See ya'! November 6, 2013: 1:41 p.m.   BCSO arrests man for filming traffic stop? Instead of asking that the man be sure to blur the face of the alleged violator (the person getting the ticket) they arrest the guy making the video. I WILL NOT TRUST THE BCSO EVER AGAIN. The Sheriff told me in an e-mail back in April of this year that he would not take away our gun rights (but that he would obey any laws deemed "constitutional" by the courts so where does that leave us?). With this kind of action by his Deputies, who will have the opportunity to HAVE any GUN rights? Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. The Sheriff should be ashamed, embarrassed and he should remind his Deputies that THEY are NOT the law. The law is written for US to read as well and for them to act in such a way is nothing but POWER HUNGRY ILLICIT ENFORCEMENT OF A NON-EXISTING LAW. It is TOTALLY LEGAL to film Deputies. It is TOTALLY ILLEGAL for a Deputy to arrest someone for NOT breaking the law. The false charge of trespassing on a public right of way is absurd. I'd LOVE to see a lawsuit out of this one. Then there's the New Mexico man who was stopped for a traffic violation, ended up with a colonoscopy at a cop's request. It happened to another man, too! (What is it with Lordsburg, N.M, cops and giving men rectal exams? Hmmmm....) This is a POLICE STATE. When cops start acting as though they MAKE THE LAW UP AS THEY GO and can ENFORCE IT, then we have no rights whatsoever. The BCSO should be ashamed and they should retrain their Deputies. The NM law enforcement? The officers involved should be FIRED, lose all benefits and never be allowed to work in that field again. The MAYOR should make that happen and if the Mayor does not make it happen, they need to fire the Mayor, too! November 6, 2013   57,000+ pages of HillaryCare docs released. Now we get to see if thevileone's healthcaretax is actually HillCare in disguise, as I've suspected for years. November 6, 2013   thevileone built this. No doubt about it. November 6, 2013   $793K of YOUR taxpayer dollars spent on "souvenir"-type crap. That's ridiculous. That's thevileone's admin: wasting money as often as and however they can. November 6, 2013   Gun companies leaving NY. I wonder why.... (Sarcasm.) November 6, 2013   thevileone hasn't got a "transparency" problem. He's just too opaque. November 6, 2013   They lie to get the guy they want elected. dumborats/leftists lie? Who'd have thought it? November 6, 2013   Wanna' sign up for thevileone's healthcaretax? Don't worry. The healthcaretax navigators are there to help. Some are felons, but that shouldn't stop you. November 6, 2013   Devastating healthcaretax facts. As I've said all along, it's bad: really bad. (BTW: I think item one's estimate is LOW.) BTW, unions WILL get their healthcaretax break as they asked thevileone for. Unions did get him elected and make his book a best-seller, so back scratching is going on. Shock. Surprise. November 6, 2013   Why don't I trust this answer? google has done so much that is AGAINST our freedoms (given our info to the government, etc.) that I don't trust them any further than I could throw their barges. Do you? November 6, 2013   thevileone being compared to Nixon in paper that endorsed thevileone. Truth will out. November 6, 2013   dumborat leadership wouldn't know the truth if.... You know the rest. November 6, 2013   TX, you can do better than this. This is NOT how veterans should be treated. November 6, 2013   Another good reason to LEAVE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Don't just defund it. Stop allowing them to use YOUR name on THEIR roles. Leave the GOP because they are no longer "Grand". November 6, 2013   Malkin nails it again! LOVE the title! November 6, 2013   hillclintoon as "transparent" as thevileone. Can you imagine what kind of condition this country would be in if after thevileone we got clintoon? We'd all be trying to leave the PLANET. November 6, 2013   I'm going to close for now. Working on a surprise for my hubby and want to make sure it's finished before he gets home tomorrow. I think he'll like it. Until next time, See ya'! November 5, 2013: 10:45 a.m.   thevileone is now amending his "you can keep it" promise. He says he TOLD you that there were these "IFS" in his statement. IF the plan doesn't make ANY changes whatsoever (no matter how miniscule), that's when you could have kept your plan. Premium going up or down? That's a change! You don't get to keep it. Coverage increasing or cost share changing? Woops! Change! I suppose that's the "CHANGE" he was refering to when he campaigned in 2008. Remember "Hope" and "Change"? Now you know what he was talking about. November 5, 2013   CO counties voting on secession.
If they vote to do so, they'll have a tough row to hoe, that's for certain. I know that the cities November 5, 2013   IRS's Lois Lerner shared Conservative groups' tax info. So that's what this administration thinks about YOUR privacy? Does that bother you? November 5, 2013   If dumborats can't win by telling you the truth, they'll do whatever they can to cheat/lie their way into power. Yep. No surprise there. They'll back someone and put out false info about him in order to defeat a more Conservative candidate. Sounds like business as usual with dumborats. November 5, 2013   DO NOT ARM THE TSA. That would be one of the WORST decisions ever made. I've seen some of those TSA agents in action. With all of the videos out there of TSA agents assaulting women, mauling old ladies, feeling up little kids do you really want to put a gun into their arsenal? What would result in arming the TSA once they are alone in a room with a woman they're allegedly searching? Do NOT arm the TSA. Doing so would result in a whole lot of really bad stuff happening. November 5, 2013   Banana warning! Be careful when you buy bananas. They could have deadly spider eggs on them. Isn't that a surprise to you? It was to me. I always thought produce would have to be checked for hitch-hikers before they entered any country. Maybe England doesn't have that caveat. Maybe it's just England that has to beware of this problem. I don't know. I just know that I am now concerned about buying bananas. Spiders and I don't get along. November 5, 2013   Michael Savage agrees with me: NO FLU SHOTS. If you trust this administration to do what they say they will do, or are doing, then you are deaf, dumb, blind and stupid: times ten. Flu shots? I'm not getting one. EVER. November 5, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax has a paper application ruse. What he can't do online, he'll try to do on paper. He's a liar. He's a liar. He's a liar. November 5, 2013   WaPo's Capehart has to blame Republicans. They can't face the reality that thevileone's healthcaretax problems were caused by thevileone's incompetence. It's just so difficult for the sycophants who are still kissing his backside. They're flailing around trying to find a way to keep worshipping at his feet and keep him on the pedastal in their minds. They must worship him and consider him their god or their lives are over, their hearts are broken. So sad. November 5, 2013   Hamas does PR outreach via female spokesperson. Hamas is a terrorist organization and they're using a female to push the idea of them being the "good guys". Liars will use whatever tactic they must to get their lies believed. November 5, 2013   thevileone's purge of military brass continues. He's ridding the U.S. military of everyone who is NOT totally, absolutely willing to put HIS orders ahead of their oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. He does so because he knows that keeping that oath would PREVENT the military members from obeying the unlawful, immoral orders he will give if and when we rise against him. He'll order the civilian protesting crowd to be fired upon and he expects the military to back him in that. Those who would refuse to take that order are dismissed, false charges are trumped up against them and they are put in jeopardy of one sort or another, themselves. This is part of his bag of dirty tricks and he'll keep using these tactics if we oppose him. I say "Oppose Away!" Let the world see who thevileone is. November 5, 2013   "Wounded Warrior" uniforms? I support them because I think it's right to remind people of what our TROOPS have given for their freedom to sit down and watch a football game. November 5, 2013   Not sure how this will work, but it may be a good idea. I don't think a student should be given jail time and a record for "loitering" on school property unless they're doing something besides loitering; say, selling drugs. November 5, 2013   EDC tries to keep records hidden. Sunshine, anyone? November 5, 2013   Is Brevard School Board finding a way to KEEP Common Core? They're thinking of adding a "supplement" to one of the books instead of just undoing a bad decision to go with Common Core? How absurd. November 5, 2013   On that wonderful note, I'll close for today. Until next time, See ya'!November 4, 2013: 7:20 p.m.   Sorry about missing Friday, folks. I ran and ran and ran all day, then in the evening when I got home I fell asleep almost immediately, feeling totally drained. Don't know if I got ahold of a slight touch of something or just getting old, but I couldn't stay awake. Saturday we ran errands again, this time going all the way up to New Smyrna. Then home late and again asleep. Sunday ran errands early in the morning (yeah, I was up early: amazing, huh?) and then a meeting. Forgot to set my clocks forward Saturday and was early for the meeting, so I did some shopping first then went to the meeting and home and asleep on the couch. Wow. That's not a fun weekend. I hate sleeping. It's boring. Anyways, I'll do a few blurbs today and tomorrow (as far as I know) I have no earrands to run so I'll stay home and get the website updated earlier than today and I'll do my usual twenty+ updates. How's that? Let's get started. November 4, 2013   Death panels? They're here! Some believed the lies that it wouldn't happen. Now we get to say "I told you so!" Too bad some folks don't learn from their mistakes. Not listening to the truth that thevileone lies can make life difficult for those who are hit upside the head by the realization that their messiah has lied to them. Maybe they'll learn a lesson with this one? Probably not. Politicians are trying to not mention it, though. They know it's poison. November 4, 2013   blarney carney loses it. Poor kid. He has lied so often that even he is fed up with the lies. Pretty bad when you can't stand the words coming from your own mouth, huh? November 4, 2013   Free Speech? With this admin, what's that? They don't allow that. They'll try to shut you up in a heartbeat. Don't hurt their "witty-bitty feewings"... they'll cry! November 4, 2013   BENGHAZI: We still don't know the WHOLE TRUTH. When will the TRUTH MATTER to these people? November 4, 2013   Dictator-In-Chief jerks judge around. Glenn Beck is finally calling thevileone what he is: A DICTATOR. He's running roughshod over America in every way, shape and form. He is NOT the President, he's a total and complete DICTATOR. WE MUST IMPEACH HIM. November 4, 2013   "Major credibility"? Really? If numbers give someone "major credibility" then thevileone must be the most credible (meaning "worthy of belief or confidence; trustworthy" person on earth since he allegedly has so many followers and admirers. This preacher hasn't credibility with her message of anti-biblical Christianity. If she wants to experience GOD she needs to stop making Him "hip and cool" enough for her to preach Him and make Him the GOD of the Bible and use that as the standard for her message, not "cool". Everyone and all can and should come to GOD, just as they are, they don't have to clean up their act PRIOR to coming to GOD. He can do that for them. Liars can stop lying (even thevileone); sexually permissive folks can become obedient to GOD's word about NOT fornicating. It's all on HIM to change our hearts, lives, acts and words. We don't have to change first. He will do that for us if we allow Him to do so. Cool has nothing to do with it. GOD and His Son are all it takes. When she says "She prefers a cranky, troublemaking and real God who at times of loss and pain doesn’t have the answers either."That denigrates GOD and makes Him seem like He is not our ALL-KNOWING, OMNIPOTENT GOD. That's just wrong. November 4, 2013   dumborat may be losing lead. Let us all PRAY so and I support Cuccinelli over his opponent. Maybe we'll see a Republica elected there. That would be good. Cuccinelli was the first politician to publicly oppose thevileone's healthcaretax. It would be good to have him elected. November 4, 2013   Any Republicans who vote FOR this should be immediately ousted. Taking away our religious freedom is NOT acceptable. They need to remember that THEY SWORE TO UPHOLD THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, not to destroy it! November 4, 2013   dumborats scrambling to make thevileone's lies into truth. "While Upton’s legislation permits insurers to sell existing coverage plans that would otherwise be banned, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., introduced legislation during the day to go one step further by requiring it."They've got thevileone's back. Oh, and she's up for re-election, so of course.... November 4, 2013   $3,567 EACH in ONE MONTH. That's how much your bill from the federal government rose because of the debt. Don't forget, your children and grandchildren are going to still be paying on this crud he's doing for a long, long time. BTW, that's a $409 BILLION jump DURING THE GOVERNMENT "SHUTDOWN". If the government was shutdown, how on earth did that happen? November 4, 2013   "Global Warming" pause may last 20 years? So why did thevileone just sign an Executive Order making us "prepare for global warming"? if the hamster is not turning the wheel, why are we acting as though the wheel is still turning? He's using the LIE that is global warming to take more CONTROL over us and destroy more FREEDOM. He's a DICTATOR, not a president. He hates America and is doing all he can to destroy her. Don't allow that to happen. Stand strong! November 4, 2013   I'm going to close for now because I have other things to do tonight. So I'll leave you with a smile: "Minion Monday: Hank Needs Milk" is what happens when Hank has a sweet tooth attack. Until next time, See ya'! October 2013 October 31, 2013: 9:39 a.m.: All Hallows Eve   We don't celebrate, observe, or otherwise do Halloween, so our porch lights will be out tonight, but for those who are observing it, stay safe, check the candy before your kids eat it and be sure to carry a working flashight with you and use it when you're in the street walking from house to house. That's assuming, of course, that you're going with your kids to get the candy as should every good parent. I've seen years when young kids are out and I can't see an adult that I can peg as the person watching over them. That's wrong. Don't let your kids go out to strangers' doors alone. Not smart in today's world. I remember when I was a kid there were instances of razor blades, needles and other bad stuff in the candy. They were encouraging people to get their candy X-rayed prior to eating it! Yeah. People do bad stuff. Go with your kids. Watch them. Keep them safe. If you don't go and something happens you will regreat it for the rest of your life. Don't live with regret. Go with them. Besides, you need the exercise. (My bad.) October 31, 2013   Pepper spray launchers in excess? What are they planning for? Why do they think they'll need pepper spray launchers? Expecially $500,000 worth of pepper spray launchers? What do they think we're going to be rioting against? A third term for thevileone? Control. October 31, 2013   Was thevileone's healthcaretax a voter registration scheme, TOO? There's a loophole in the laws that allows thevileone's healthcaretax to be used -- at george soros's suggestion -- to register 68 MILLION people to vote in our elections. Legal, illegal don't matter. What matters is CONTROL. A third term? "They believe one of the underlying intents is to collect personal data and voter registration information and share it with the federal government, which would in turn share it with left-wing groups—in Obamacare they are called “Navigators”—to conduct what is essentially a taxpayer-funded Get-Out-The-Vote operation for the Democratic Party."If his lips are moving, he's LYING TO YOU. October 31, 2013   Competency in government? Want to sign up for thevileone's healthcaretax in D.C.? Tell them your lotto/lottery numbers. Yep. They want to know everything. Not just a little intrusive, is it? Maybe this question would be the question that would finally wake folks up. After all, if you believe your lotto/lottery numbers are the winners, why share them and deplete your take home? October 31, 2013   Mother Jones has a problem with America being a Christian nation. They rake Sen. Ted Cruz's father over the coals for stating that America is a Christian nation. Well, if they would investigate the truth, they'd find that America IS a Christian nation. It was founded as such and it continues to be so when you look at current research that tells us that Americans identifies themselves as Christian to the tune of 78.4%. If that's not a Christian nation, there is no such thing. Mother Jones must have a problem with Christianity if they're going to take Mr. Cruz to task for stating the TRUTH. October 31, 2013   LOL! Creativity reins in the law enforcement community. That's determination. October 31, 2013   The U.N.'s Agenda 21 has not gone away: unfortunately. This thing is SO BAD that there's even an organization called "Democrats Against Agenda 21". A description of Agenda 21 in a nutsell tells you the basics. Let's not let this happen here. We don't need "one world order" we need FREEDOM. October 31, 2013   FAIL! "Hundreds of tests" failed, but it was launched anyways. October 31, 2013   Even google is starting to realize that the government is OUT OF CONTROL. They've "infiltrated" google and they're spying on their own ally. That's paranoia and the pepper spray purchase comes to mind. October 31, 2013   Some of the dumborats who voted for thevileone's healthcaretax are now distancing themselves from it. Poor babies. Their chickens are coming home to roost. (Couldn't resist.) October 31, 2013 &nbssp Sanford, FL, to ban concealed carry for Neighborhood Watch volunteers. Right. Put folks out there to patrol the neighborhoods where they can be harmed but take away their right to defend themselves? Stupid, anyone? October 31, 2013   thevileone can't be mocked? Another thin-skinned, scared of PC-ness organization that has no sense of humor, honor, or ability to recognize Free Speech. They need to get over it. October 31, 2013   Being Human. It doesn't take much. A little thought and effort, that's all. October 31, 2013   thevileone skips out. It's not a shocker there. It's only the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. That's not important, is it? October 31, 2013   Fly much? Hate powering down your electronics? That will change, at least partially, soon. Now if only the TSA would stop feeling us up and being tyrants. October 31, 2013   DeFacto amnesty is already in play. Who needs a new law when they're not enforcing the old laws? October 31, 2013   prince charles is a hamster. His wheel just keeps going and going and going. He can't seem to get off of it. Totally out of touch with reality. October 31, 2013   They know who broke the law, but I doubt anything will happen. The leaker will probably get some sort of quiet raise, promotion, change of position that has both... October 31, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" smashes statute of Mary. I'm not a Catholic so I don't worship, pray to, bow down to, nor pray to Mary, but that doesn't mean I would ever endorse this. Tolerance is NOT part of Islam. Don't let them lie to you. October 30, 2013   In CA, 900,000 lose health care insurance. Despite the 23 times thevileone said "you can keep your insurance". The thing is that thevileone's healthcaretax has clauses in it, from the governing board thevileone created to be over the healthcaretax, that made your "granfathered" insurance obsolete. If you had a plan you liked but didn't meet the requirements for coverage, then your coverage no longer met the requirements that thevileone's team put into the regulations covering thevileone's healthcaretax and without things like maternity coverage for men and for women over 70, their insurance is no longer valid. So they get letters from their current health insurance provider that says that their policy is not meeting thevileone's requirements anymore so it must be cancelled. It's thevileone's administration that is changing the rules and making it impossible for your insurance to be continue covering you, but thevileone keeps blaming the insurance companies. The insurance companies are NOT to blame when they kept you insured for as long as they can under the old rules. When the government changes the rules they have to comply and if the insurance you have cannot comply with the new rules, then they have to cancel. That's the way it works. That's the way it was SUPPOSED to work. That's what it was set up to do: destroy the American health care system, not fix it. October 31, 2013   IF YOU LIVE IN TX, VOTE FOR HIM! If you don't live in TX, send him money when he establishes his campaign fund. Get this man into office! October 31, 2013   Well, I shall close for now. I hope you have a safe evening. Stay out of the streets as much as you can and make sure you're watching your kids. Until next time, See ya'! October 30, 2013: 4:17 p.m.   Dirty Republican politician gets three years in prison. They didn't give him enough time in prison. He should have gotten at least ten, IMHO. But I'm mean. October 30, 2013   The liar-in-cheat hires liars-to-lie. Website never crashed? Okay. Then it must have just fallen over. Then she lied about men "often" needing maternity coverage in their health care plans. Really? I've never seen a DNA male pregnant yet. I've seen the women who was in the process of becoming an "outside" male get pregnant, but her DNA was still female and her uterus and ovaries were still working just fine. DNA males don't really have babies. But will the she-thug be fired? Not according to National Journal. I think she may resign if the heat gets hot enough. So if we keep the pressure on, thevileone will let her resign under fire then replace her with someone even LESS competent but to whom he owes a great deal and it will ba another "you scratch my back" devotees. Wunnerful, wunnerful. October 30, 2013   Brain implants to get online? So if the website you're trying to reach crashes will your brain crash, too? You'd better not visit any government websites! October 30, 2013  This administration thinks YOU are really stupid, ignorant, gullable, easily-led, etc. They think you've got the IQ of a dead flea, otherwise they wouldn't be saying this kind of crap. October 30, 2013   Hollyweird raises $1 Million for opposition to Mitch McConnell? Really? Considering that Glenn Beck reported recently that McConnell told Republicans that if they don't support him they're basically traitors. I think McConnell is losing it. It's all gone to his head and he's so power-hungry right now that he can't stand not having power and being in complete control. He needs to be defeated, but not by a dumborat. He needs to be replaced with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE Republican, Independent, or NPA. If we can get rid of McConnell and replace him with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE that would be a really good thing! October 30, 2013   $252 BILLION in unemployment benefits during "recession". We don't need this. What we need is for thevileone and the dumborats to stop hurting America and to start letting the American people do what they do best: TRIUMPH. They get down to the brass tacks and they do what they need to do to get the job done. They dream big, accomplish miracles and create success if the government will get off their backs and allow it to happen. THAT is AMERICA. That's what we do! To see the feds and the czars and all of the regulations that are destroying America and the American dream (including the amnesty bill they're trying to pass that will also deplete America's possibilities) just irks me to no end. If we can have FREEDOM again, we can have that dream back. We can have the ability to right this ship of American exceptionalism. Set us FREE! Let go of the CONTROL. October 30, 2013   thevileone: "Just shop around" instead of "You can keep your plan". Will he EVER admit that he lied? No. He won't. It's not about the lies for him. He doesn't give a rat's patuttie that you know he lied. He's proud of his lies as long as they help him get what he wants: the ultimate destruction of America. He won't admit to lying to you, but he will lie to you about lying to you after lying to you about lying. October 30, 2013   NSA is spying on EVERYONE! Tel Aviv, Madrid, Moscow, Beijing, Berlin, Stockholm all have possible spy boxes in them. So did America do that, or did someone else and we're just "piggybacking" on their technology? Who else is spying on the whole world? It's not just us. Russia (Putin)? Israel? England? Who else? We didn't get those boxes in every city in the world without help. Holy Moly! They even spied on the Pope! But I'm sure he'll forgive them for their sins. After all, he's like that (can't we all just get along?), ya' know. October 30, 2013   Another gun company leaving NY. SC is the beneficiary of this move and it serves NY right for Cuomo's interference. If he wants to shut down the state completely he's gotten a good start. October 30, 2013   Trouble brewing on the Russian front. Pray that GOD will touch the Islamic people all over the world and bring them to Christ. It's the only way to avoid an Islamic world and total Shariah control. I pray for Islam to come to Christ twice daily, at least, and it would be a good thing for every Christian to do so. It will bring Islam to Christ, save their eternal souls from damnation and prevent at least a few wars if not WWIII. October 30, 2013   The more I learn about the NSA and their spying on everyone (see Pope, above) the more I consider Edward Snowden a HERO because he's the one who told the TRUTH about it and let us know our rights are being infringed upon and thevileone and his administration are breaking the U.S. Constitution big time and not paying a price for it. WE should hold THEM accountable, not they hold Snowden accountable. It's the wrong way around, folks. October 30, 2013 &nbssp Something stinks with this story. There's just something wrong with the numbers. With the record unemployment and the amount of unemployment benefits ($252 BILLION), how can this be true: "The U.S. posted its smallest budget deficit in five years as employment gains helped propel revenue to a record."When the U6 unemployment numbers have never been lower than 13.6% since thevileone was sworn into office, how can employment gains "propel revenue to a record"? Remember, the U6 number is the number of people who are unemployed, have given up looking and are "under-employed" (working at McDonald's instead of using their Master's Degree in Physics, for instance). Having that many folks unemployed for that long and paying that much in UNemployment benefits as well as all of the other wasteful stuff thevileone has done in the last five years, how can that story be even CLOSE to the truth? Something's fishy. So does that take the $1.1 MILLION every American now owes down any? Just asking. October 30, 2013   Islam is recruiting on campus, and lying to your kids about who they are. Just thought you should know. October 30, 2013   Third RINO joins current amnesty push. They're trying to destroy America and it's going to be messy. Why would anyone want to come here illegally and help destroy what they want to have themselves: the American dream? If this thing passes and all of those illegals get immediate citizenry and all of the incumbent benefits, then the system will be overloaded and the illegals who allegedly come here for a better life will have just helped make America into a third world country that can't help them do anything except wish to make it back over the border -- going SOUTH this time! October 30, 2013   Report: Red House "pressured" insurance executives to keep quiet with the TRUTH about thevileone's healthcaretax. Shock. Surprise. October 30, 2013   Look up! Look up! Astronomers discover an "earth-like" planet! That's pretty cool. Will they be able to tell if they're suffering from "global warming"? Can we ship a few folks over there? October 30, 2013   I agree with the ideas here. If you're going to get money from my pocket that I could be spending on what my family needs or wants, then why can't I help set-up the requirements for what it takes to get that money? I think you need to work if you're going to get welfare. I think it's a character-building experience to learn what an earned dollar actually feels like. If you aren't willing to work, I'm not willing to feed you. October 30, 2013   Halloween candy not made in U.S.A.? We don't "celebrate" (observe, whatever) Halloween. We've chosen to not celebrate the day intended for satan and we have never taken our sons out to get candy. We did participate when they were very young with my hubby's family's church event one year, but otherwise, they've never done that sort of thing. We stay at home and watch a video, and post a sign that says we don't do Halloween. If you're going to pass candy out on the day, though, it would be good to know that American employees made the candy that the American children are going to be eating, would it not? October 30, 2013   On that sweet note I shall close for now. Remember that this weekend you set your clocks BACK one hour at 1:00 a.m Sunday so you get a little extra sleep Sunday. If you go to church remember to set your clock back or you'll be there an hour early for Sunday School and if you don't normally go, maybe it would be a good time to start. Until next time, See ya'! October 29, 2013: 12:11 p.m.   Rush Limbaugh's "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims" reaches #1 AGAIN. Good stuff! I am looking forward to reading my pre-ordered copy. I hope it arrives today!
October 29, 2013   Even NBC is admitting that thevileone KNEW he was lying to you every time he said you could keep your insurance or your doctor, he KNEW he was lying to you. He looked people in the faces, straight into their eyes, and LIED TO THEM. If you believed him, you should have trusted me because I've told you all along that he was a liar and that every time his lips moved he was lying. If you didn't believe me, now you know you should have! Remember, he wasn't alone in his lying: all dumborats helped. He's also trying to raise money from this mess. Not satisfied with lying to you for years, hiring a company of questionable repute to build thevileone's healthcaretax website, and not grandfathering in your current health care policies -- which they told you they were doing -- now the dumborats want a refund from the company that built the faulty website. What, wasting $634 MILLION taxpayer dollars wasn't something they thought they could be re-elected on? Aw, gee. Why not? Pssssst! Remember sequestration? Bwahahahahaha! (My bad.) October 29, 2013   NSA angry at thevileone? They say that he KNEW and OKAYED the spying on our allies. Don't you think that's very telling? He doesn't trust us or anyone else to not talk poorly about him behind his back. Insecurities, anyone? He's a whiney, snot-nosed, insecure but power-hungry, ninny who isn't fit to be a butler at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., much less the key occupant. October 29, 2013   Hypocrisy: thevileone and racial profiling. October 29, 2013   Another good reason to NOT do anything on google. What are they doing, with whom are they doing it, and what is the purpose? Full disclosure: I have an Android phone and I wish I had realized that it was a google product (although not started by google, it was purchased by them in 2005) before I had purchased it. October 29, 2013   Even in Oregon, America is RISING! Fighting back and stopping the progressives in their tracks, taking back America from the greasy, crumb-filled hands of the leftists is something that is happening all across this great land! Hurray! Hurray! HURRAY! October 29, 2013   $9.7 BILLION taxpayer loss on GM. Isn't that what you wanted? thevileone's "stimulus package" (or whatever he called it) gave your taxpayer dollars to GM and now that money has been lost. It hasn't been paid back. It hasn't been increased. It hasn't been put to good use. I bet you a buck-and-a-half that the money has been laundered and put back into thevileone's campaign. He will try to go for a third term. He doesn't want to get out of the Red House and all of the accompanying perks (vacations, golf, waited on hand and foot, travel, travel, travel). Dictators like that. October 29, 2013   Amnesty unfair to legal immigrants. Sen. Cruz is correct: it is unfair. Since when did that matter to the dumborats and thevileone? There are illegals who are marching for their "right" to be here. Although they have no RIGHT to be here because in coming across the border without going through the proper process, they are breaking the law by just crossing the border. They know this but they insist that it is their RIGHT to break our laws and to make us pay for them doing so -- in healthcare, in welfare, in the cost of any of them having accidents while drunk driving, in paying for their education, child birth, housing, etc. They play, we PAY. It's not right and it's not fair: not to those who immigrated legally, nor to those of us who would be fitting the bill. In reality, that's every taxpayer! Just because they break the law to come here, does that mean that they'll automatically pay their own way, or pay their taxes once they get their free pass? NO! If they're willing to break the law to come over here, what makes anyone in their right mind think that they'll be willing to OBEY the law after their pass is given? Remember, some of those who are supporting the amnesty push will make a FORTUNE off of the thing if it passes. So what are they trying to do: what's right for AMERICA and your children, or what's right for their WALLETS? Follow the money. October 29, 2013   grover norquist attacks Sen. Ted Cruz. I think norquist should get a reality check. His organization, Americans for Tax Reform, may look Conservative, but their actions speak louder than their words. They won't be getting any of my money, that's for certain. October 29, 2013   Government "mining" social media for what YOU do. Yep. Twitter (which I've written against), FaceBook, etc., all being "mined" for info on what you do, when you do it, etc. Don't you love that? You try to keep your family informed and you're also telling the government what you have been up to. So if they're "mining" for health info, can it be used to deny you healthcaretax coverage because you participate in risky behaviors? Yep. Are you sure you want to post the party info on your account? Some things are better left unsaid, n'est-ce pas? October 29, 2013   Peace and tolerance buries 13 yr.-old alive after raping her. Israel agrees to free 26 "peace and tolerance" criminals and The Blaze has the story of their horrible crimes. If you are giving to a mosque, you are supporting this sort of thing. Is that what you want? If so, you are funding terrorism. If not, find a different way to give, perhaps to organizations that help girls in Islamic countries get help after being raped, burned, or having acid thrown in their faces because a male somewhere didn't think she deserved to have human rights or freedom. Maybe that would be a better place to give your money? October 29, 2013   dumborats are SOOOOO out of touch. They want an automatic debt limit increase for future "crises"? How much debt will your grandkids and great-grandkids have when they're finished? How broke can America be? They're trying to find out, aren't they? October 29, 2013   Clueless? Totally clueless or just LYING again? I'd say LYING, of course. He can't be president and still be that ill-informed. I mean, really? IF he actually didn't know any of this, it's because he didn't WANT to know. He gave orders to do X then said, "But I don't want to know about it." He wants plausible deniabilit on EVERYTHING he does. The problem is, he's totally unbelievable so it's totally implausible! October 29, 2013   Liberal judge strikes down TX abortion laws. Appointed by GW Bush, the guy has ruled FOR abortionists before. He needs to be off the bench. TX needs to recall, impeach, whatever, this guy. October 29, 2013   To close with today, a fun bit of "costumery". This couple did it well! Until next time, See ya'! October 28, 2013: 10:17 a.m.   I'm back! Wow. A lot of stuff happened while I was gone. I didn't have the chance to keep up with all of it because we were scheduled to do a lot of stuff. Our event in Virginia had a full schedule, time with my Mom is always a "go-go-go" time, and then we went to Knoxville, TN where we stayed one night. Then we went to Decatur, AL, two nights and I had time to do some updates, but I use a little common sense and don't open my HTML program while I'm on an unsecured network. I tried to post a picture to my Flickr account while I was there, but it wouldn't post. So, it's better safe than sorry and I have done nothing since the 15th as far as updates are concerned, and only one Flickr upload while I was at my Mom's house. Now, on to the blurbs and a lot of catching up! October 28, 2013: 12:15 p.m.   "LAWLESS: This Administration is an Acting Dictatorship" is my latest GJWHG.com article. I wrote it before I left and mailed it in for them to publish while I was on the road. Thus, it went up last week, but I couldn't tell you about it until now. My next article (which I'm still figuring out) will be posted in the next few days. October 28, 2013   thevileone didn't know? Yeah. Right. Remember when he "didn't know" about the IRS targeting and then it came out that the IRS Commissioner visited the Red House 157 TIMES while the targeting was going on (as if it has stopped)? Yeah. thevileone knows nothing about all of the NSA spying on foreign leaders. Riiiigggghhhhhtttt. October 28, 2013   Do[IN]J FORCES menu change? Did you know that a food allergy is considered a disability and that it's now something the Department of JUSTICE gets involved in? Is anyone else hearing Twilight Zone music? Why is it that the Do[IN]J has time to interfere with all of this, but no time to investigate the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation, or the Brian Terry murder with the Fast & Furious gun? Why do they have time to worry about what colleges have on their menus but not about the lawlessness of the IRS targeting, or BENGHAZI? Priorities are set from above and if the menu is thevileone's priority doesn't that speak VOLUMES about what he thinks is important? CONTROL. October 28, 2013   BENGHAZI has been looked into by CBS. Miracles happen. They -- CBS -- said that the Red House knew and they tweeted that the Red House issued orders for the "quick reaction force" to WAIT. That is what the Red House ordered: WAIT. Four Americans: WAIT. Murder. But they never mention thevileone or hillclintoon by name. Priorities. October 28, 2013   How many negatives have been found about thevileone's healthcaretax? People are finding out that what Conservatives said about thevileone's healthcaretax is true. A lot of people are losing their coverage and they're finding out their costs are going WAY up. It's all bad. It's all bad. Why they are persisting in this is because this is NOT about healthcare. It's about control. They will CONTROL YOU via the healthcaretax: how much you exercise or sleep; what and how much you eat; what you believe (some beliefs are not healthy, don't you know?); what it is to be human. It's all about control. Nothing else matters. And the SuperBowl champs are pushing it? Sweet! (Sarcasm.) October 28, 2013   thevileone's admin wasting $8 MILLION more of your money. Studying how "at risk" populations recover from disasters? Really? $8 MILLION for that? Taxes going down? October 28, 2013   What is soros going to gain by getting amnesty passed? Follow the money. He's all about money. Don't listen to his alleged "compassionate reasons"; he's all about money or he wouldn't have taken down the three countries whose economies he crashed while he cashed in. Was it compassionate of him to ruin three countries' economies and the people who were hurt by it? Pay no attention to the "niceties" he mutters. He's a monster and he is NOT about compassion. He's all about the money. What is he going to gain by bringing in a lot of illegals to America? Follow the money. October 28, 2013   pelosipig wants her airplane back. Let's not allow this to happen. It would be an immediate, extreme, actual disaster for America. Imagine how horrible things would be if the House, Senate and Red House were again all controlled by the dumborats. Remember those two years when pelosipig flew around in her "Speaker 1" Air Force plane? Yeah. That and more we'd be paying for. It would be a total wrecking of our economy and we'd have an immediate kakistocracy (again). October 28, 2013   Libyans to work in U.S. aviation again? "Besides appearing on the State Department’s list of terrorist sponsoring nations for years, Libya is still a terrorism hotbed fresh in American minds after last fall’s Benghazi massacre."I don't think it would be a good idea. October 28, 2013   Stupido-rubio's amnesty turn-around "historic"? I think he turned around only AFTER the Ted Cruz win in Iowa. That's when rubio decided he needed to stop listening to the RINOs he has advising him and get back to the Conservative cloak. Question is, which is the cloak: Conservatism or RINOism? Will the real rubio please stand up? Look back at his record. His record is Conservative. So what influenced him to go nutso and back the Gang of 8 illegal immigration amnesty bill? I don't know but I will forever hold everything he says now as a questionable statement. Lie to me once your credibility is forever in question. Lie to me twice, you are never believed again. October 28, 2013   $47 MILLION to get more little girls on Gardasil? Yep. Your federal government at work. We know that Gardasil is a dangerous drug and that our teenagers (now both girls and boys) are being put at risk because the government thinks that sexually active teens need the government's protection (not parental involvement, nor religious instruction). I think the liberals should be all up in the government's face about this because the government should not be in the reproductive decisions or sexual proclivities of anyone, according to liberals. But, no. They're all okay with this because it means the government controlling your children, and taking that control away from YOU, the parent. Isn't that what you want? October 28, 2013   USPS worker stole $450K worth of gems and jewelry. I used to have absolute faith in the USPS, thinking that nothing I sent could ever be stolen from within the USPS. Then there were all those stories about postal workers who were dumping the mail they were supposed to deliver into their own homes, or dumpsters, or ditches. That shook my faith in the USPS, but not like this. I's another sign of the decay brought about by this administration. October 28, 2013   Pro-baby-killing events scheduled. If you ever want to see the face of pure hate and evil, look into a rabid pro-baby-killing woman. To be able to WANT to kill such an innocent being, someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong but who is sentenced to death for that very innocence, is an indicator of a true lack of soul, IMHO. Someone who incapable of compassion for such innocence, without compassion for the potential of such a life, is someone I don't think I'd be able to be friends with. "What about the mother!?" they'll scream at me. What about her? Is she being killed via abortion? No? She's still alive and breathing? Then there is hope for her to have a better life. The child she carries has no hope if the mother is determined to kill that child. (However, there are mothers who are killed by abortions, too: never forget that, although it gets very little publicity. See Kermit Gosnell.) Now they're scheduling 100 pro-baby-killing events and, to me, that's deplorable. October 28, 2013   Pump more taxpayer dollars into faied program? Study says to do so. Don't ya' love thevileone's administration? October 28, 2013   IL taxing mecca. They have way too many government entities that can tax them. They need to cut back on that. I think Brevard County is close, but not quite caught up to them yet. October 28, 2013   Aaaaahhh... public schools. Flag shirts? Not allowed. October 28, 2013   Mileage tax coming? Oh, and tracking your whereabouts, too. Isn't that what the government should be doing, after all? Then they'll try to tax our breathing and our heatbeats. They'll tax our hair growth and loss. They'll tax our toilet paper use. They'll tax our sneezes. Sounds ridiculous? Ever think they'd consider taxing you for square footage of rainfall diversion from your driveway, roof, patio, etc.? Yep. Liberals/progressives want to CONTROL you in any way they can. October 28, 2013   thevileone: Is he in CONTROL or is an unelected Valerie Jarrett? She holds too much of the CONTROL. That's not how our U.S. Constitution set our country up, but thevileone doesn't care about the U.S. Constitution. October 28, 2013   Why does thevileone still have a campaign website? Why? Because he doesn't care about the U.S. Constitution. He cares about CONTROL. October 28, 2013   I've linked to a story about this before, but I'm doing so again because the truth matters. It always has and it always will. October 28, 2013   Really? Really? October 28, 2013   thevileone has lost the Middle East? Maybe certain people in the Middle East, but not the entire Middle East because Al Qaeda still endorses him, I'm sure. October 28, 2013   thevileone purges military of leaders not ABSOLUTELY LOYAL to him. Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Danger! October 28, 2013   bonehead boehner wants amnesty vote. I think it's a big mistake on his part, but he's prone to big mistakes. Why he is still the Speaker of the House I have no idea. Why have the rest of the Republicans not voted to kick him from the leadership spot? What has he got to hold over them to maintain his position? October 28, 2013   grahamnasty taking a stand for BENGHAZI? Wait. How can he do so without a spine? He's never had a spine. How can he stand? This is an amazing assertion. I wonder how much of a stand it will be and for how long. I'm guessing not much and not long. October 28, 2013   Elmo to spout msthevileone's eating dictatorship. Your taxpayer dollars at work. Even DURING THE ALLEGED SHUTDOWN PBS got $445 MILLION of YOUR MONEY. Now Elmo is going to be spouting the government line. Indoctrination? Propaganda? Both. October 28, 2013   Black mob violence is on the rise. You need to know about it and beware of it. If you find yourself in a situation that feels in your gut uncomfortable leave that situation as soon as possible. Do not wait for it to escalate. Remember it's better to leave than to be carried out on a stretcher. Don't wait for the cops. Don't wait for help. Leave before it gets to a bad point. Listen to your gut. If you are surprised by a situation, remember the Second Amendment is always your best defense. October 28, 2013   UPDATED with link to story: Rush is reporting that Charles Krauthammer didn't understand who thevileone was until at least two weeks into his administration. That makes me smarter than Charles Krauthammer because, if you've followed this website, you've seen that I had thevileone pegged since day one. I'll grab a link to Rush's comments or the story on Krauthammer as soon as Rush puts one up. Until then, I suppose you'll have to take my word for it. October 28, 2013   Politico.com on thevileone's healthcaretax. They even admit Rush is "mostly right" about the fact that you won't be fined or whatever if you don't have a tax REBATE coming to you. If you have to PAY taxes on April 15th, you'll not have your wages garnished, or your house liened, or anything else, except maybe a 1% fine for not paying the fine. That's a LOT LESS than paying the full price for thevileone's healthcaretax! I'd opt for that. October 28, 2013   Minion Monday: Hank's Halloween is how I shall close for this Monday and I hope it makes you smile. His Halloween costume is different than what I thought I was going to do, but I had so many options that I did change my mind. I may still post a pic of what I was planning to do, but we'll see. Until next time, have a great day, and See ya'! October 15, 2013: 11:38 a.m.   I'll be out of town for about two weeks (tomorrow until the 26th or 27th) so I'll be doing very little (if any) updates during tht time. Remember that I will be back and I'll be doing updates at that time. For now, on with the blurbs! October 16, 2013: 1:16 a.m.   "Liberty's Bright Guiding Light" is my lateste GJWHG.com article. I had to post it prior to leaving. Won't be posting much (if at all) until after th 26th, so until then, GOD Bless and See ya'! October 15, 2013: 9:56 a.m.   First the NSA, IRS, FBI, etc., now it's grocery stores that want to spy on you? Is there such thing as privacy anymore? What's your toilet paper watching? October 15, 2013   "Ice bombs" at L.A.X., this time they're near planes. Between dry runs for terrorists practicing on planes again and terorrists practicing planting bombs at L.A. International Airport, sounds to me like flying should be a last resort. Take a train, bus, drive yourself, or crawl rather than fly right now. October 15, 2013   Conservative Catholics not thrilled with Pope's statements. He's done enough to make anyone question him. I don't know why he thinks he should continue to be Pope when the Pope is allegedly the go-between between man and GOD and he says you don't have to believe in GOD to get to heaven. So if that be the case, then there is no intermediary needed, so why is he still the Pope? Shouldn't he just resign after shutting down and dismissing all of the priests, bishops, cardinals, etc.,? If that's what he truly believes, shouldn't he disband the Catholic Church altogether? If that's NOT what he truly believes, then why is the Pope lying to you? It can't be both ways. So which is it? October 15, 2013   thevileone still making it "as painful as possible". These monuments don't belong to HIM. They belong to US. They are paid for with OUR MONEY. What right does he think he has to close OUR monuments? He has no right to do so. OUR money does all this, so WE can visit them any time we want. Move the barriers. Move them and visit OUR monuments. October 15, 2013   Border agents under attack by illegals but our government is SUPPORTING THE ILLEGALS instead of our border agents. That's WRONG. October 15, 2013   Hannity says it may be time for 3rd party. It's about time someone besides me says so! October 15, 2013   Deal time for government shutdown? Preventing the "default" is the excuse, but the government does not default so it's all just a game. They're trying to find as many ways as possible to mess us over again. That's all they're doing. Fiddling with us. October 15, 2013   thevileone "on verge of impeachable offenses". He's been that way for a long time: in fact, since he got "sworn" in. I put the quotes around "sworn" because he doesn't tell the truth so any oath he takes is a lie. There is no swearing with him, unless you're talking about his use of curse words. October 15, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: "approximately 11,588,500 words of final Obamacare regulations". That's new regulations YOU have to obey. Don't ya' love thevileone's healthcaretax? Unions don't love it. They're still trying to delay its implementation. I wonder why... Maybe the corruption the leaders of thevileone's healthcaretax are involved in will get them all arrested and we'll be saved via prison time for them. We could wish. Did you know you have to sign up for thevileone's healthcaretax BEFORE you can see how much it will cost you? Yep. How many will claim "exemptions" for it? That matters because the more people claim "exemptions" (health issues, financial issues, etc.) the more you and I pay. Are you happy with thevileone's healthcaretax? I am NOT. October 15, 2013   Aetna CEO says "There's so much wrong" with thevileone's healthcaretax. Well, DUH! October 15, 2013   Sen. Ted Cruz is correct: TO A POINT. As long as those "bold colors" are also the candidate's TRUE COLORS without lies, obfuscations, misdirects, etc., then, yes, Cruz is correct. Be a BOLD CONSERVATIVE and you'll win as long as you're TRULY A CONSERVATIVE. RINOs need not apply. October 15, 2013   Assad: "Mine!" (thevileone: "Mine!"?) Kick, scream and cry. October 15, 2013   "Intellectuals" still in love with thevileone. An "Ivy League" education only guarantees that you've been indoctrinated enough to please the indoctrinators. It has nothing to do with intelligence; just "intelligentsia". October 15, 2013   thevileone has "gone rogue" says jnap. Wow. jnap telling the truth? Miracle! Miracle! October 15, 2013   Congressman: "Constitutional crisis" if GOP caves. Well, if it's not a "Constitutional" crisis, it will be a crisis in the confidence the people have in any Republican. October 15, 2013   America getting MORE Conservative. So why is the leadership going more LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE? Because they are elitists. They don't care about the representative Republic that we are; they care about what they can make America become. That's what they want. October 15, 2013   Sending your kids to college only leads to this. It's not always a good idea to get a "higher" education because (depending upon your professors) they a waste of time anyways. October 15, 2013   "Extremists" welcomed. Don't ya' love that? October 15, 2013   BILLIONS of your taxpayer dollars go to illegal aliens. Doesn't that just make you wanna' spit? October 15, 2013   So that's going to be enough for now. I'll be out of town for almost two weeks so I'll do just a small blurb here and a small blurb there during that time: IF I get to do any updates whatsoever. So, until next time, See ya'! October 14, 2013: 8:59 a.m.: Columbus Day   hillclintoon should return the money from now-convicted political pal. Will she? Watch and see. I'm not sure on this one. October 14, 2013   You were ripped off over the weekend and you have no say in what to do about it. The Bible says "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." So why is there anything called a "Food Stamp Program"? Even severly handicapped people who want to work can find a way to do so. Ask Stephen Hawkings. So able-bodied people who refuse to work should go hungry. There should be no government programs for this. My Mom is working still and she's 76 and fell last year and broke her hip. She accepts no government "aid" and she provides for herself and my youngest brother. As far as I'm concerned, government aid programs should go by the wayside UNLESS those who want OUR help should be made to WORK to receive it. Even if it's just picking up trash alongside the road, sorting recyclables, or answering phones for the County, City, or State, they should be made to work and learn how to earn a living. That's what I think should happen. October 14, 2013   KY Lowe's does something really DUMB. Fire someone for helping catch a shoplifter? Shoplifting raises the prices of everything you and I pay for because they have to allow for the shoplifters making the stores lose money and they add a little bit to the price to make up for their 3% (or more) losses to due to shoplifting. It's wrong to steal. It's actually one of GOD's big "No-No's". It's number eight on the "Top Ten List". So Lowe's did something really dumb. October 14, 2013   "rev." al sharpton has a revolution on his hands. He may no longer have a strangle hold on the throats of Harlem's people. That would be a good thing because the representation he has been giving them has been lousy (Tawana Brawley, anyone?) and he's given them nothing but a bad reputation. October 14, 2013   Veterans move "barrycades" from memorials to WH. They were tired of being locked out of OUR memorials and the WWII memorial that is on public lands, but funded and built with PRIVATE donations. They were not going to be locked out of THEIR memorial, nor out of OUR memorials. But, don't worry, CNN made sure to MOCK our Veterans and that was something they felt no compunction against doing. CNN had no problems mocking our VETERANS. You know, those who put their lives on the line so that CNN continues to have free speech? Yeah. Those people. CNN mocks those who fought for CNN's First Amendment Rights. Isn't that special? October 14, 2013   Government shutdown? Where? Where?! For bumbling biden all a shutdown means is another vacation on OUR DIME. Tyranny does that. October 14, 2013   People like Sen. Ted Cruz. Not the msm, but the "regular" people, they like him very much. I include myself in that group of folks who like him. But I will remind people that, unfortunately (very unfortunately) he is not a "natural born citizen" so he's not eligible to run for president. I wish it were different, but it's not and I have to deal with reality. Reality is, he's sadly inelligible. October 14, 2013   This is what thevileone wants, too. I can guarantee you that if China and thevileone got their way that the world would destabilize immediately and the whole thing would go to hades in a hand-basket. America is a great influence on the world; taking our influence away would lead to great harm. October 14, 2013   grahamnasty is nuts. thevileone's healthcaretax is NOT good for America. October 14, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax enrollees become "urban legend" because they can't claim millions of folks who signed up. The last number I heard was 51,000 folks had signed up for thevileone's healthcaretax. That's not a lot of people. Some of the people who tried got turned away because of all of the glitches, and some found out that the costs would be way too high for them: whatever the reason, the program is a total failure. October 14, 2013   Desperate times call for desperate measures and when you're so low in the ratings poll that you have nowhere to go but outta' there, you are desperate. October 14, 2013   Dr. Carson's word need to be explained? I thought he was very clear, consice and correct. What's the problem? October 14, 2013   60% want to FIRE CONGRESS? Wow. Sounds like it's time for Congress to bite the bullet and start doing the right thing! October 14, 2013   Visa subsidiary says "No" to gun purchases. Sounds to me like Visa should rethink that. They'll be losing business if they don't. October 14, 2013   If it's not the Feds spying on you, it's the State. Whatever happened to our Fourth Amendment Rights?: "Amendment IVOr did that go out with the bust thevileone sent back to England October 14, 2013   dumborats continue to play games. The truth is so foreign to them that to them it may as well be from beyond Pluto. October 14, 2013   If Conservatives win in France, what will France then look like? I think you'll see major changes, but it won't be reported here in the msm. October 14, 2013   Washington D.C. "can't ignore" these two things? Make a bet? October 14, 2013   I'll close today with a smile for you. Minion Monday: Hank LOVES Big Shoes. He seems to be able to find big shoes almost anywhere they exist! Until next time, See ya'! October 12, 2013: 11:12 p.m.   Just a quick "Look OUT!" thevileone wants the government shutdown to end so they can pass "immigration reform." Thanks bucket-loads, stupido-rubio! October 11, 2013: 10:37 a.m.   Planning to FLY anytime soon? Driving is an option, or maybe should be? Dry runs are being performed. Glenn Beck told the amazing story of the Actor, James Woods, having spotted the 9/11/2001 practice run performed on the plane he was on (and he notified the pilot, who agreed that something was happening), they're seeing those kinds of things again. Dry runs are being performed by both male and female potential terrorists. Do you want 9/11 again? What are they targeting? Are they targeting Disney this time? They're using a flight from D.C. to FL. Think about what your government is NOT doing to keep you safe. Why do burkah-clad women get a "go ahead" when it comes to the TSA checkpoints at the airports? Should they not be subjected to the same security measures because they're dressed in a burkah? If so, can I wear a burkah and get the same treatment? Why is the TSA not worried about keeping us safe, since that was allegedly why they were put in place to do? If these things are dry runs, why is it that the government isn't telling you to be extra weary of your fellow travelers during this time? Hmmm? Does thevileone want you to be safe, or just want you out of the way? October 11, 2013   pelosipig is at stupid again. thevileone's healthcaretax has to be passed before they can know what's in it, now it's "implement it before you can change it". So does she go up to get down? Or left to go right? Or does she think stupid is actually smart? I think that maybe pelosipig lives in backwards world. October 11, 2013   Red House gift shop reflects its occupant: bankrupt in ideals, bankrupt gift shop. October 11, 2013   Enjoy your Second Amendment right to Keep and Bear Arms? Watch the discussion panel that Judicial Watch is hosting on Tuesday. You will learn, be informed and probably be encouraged to stand! October 11, 2013   thevileone is putting us in danger. He is allowing "foreign nationals" free rein at nuclear labs. That's a danger to US, to see thevileone doing this sort of crap really irritates me. He is doing everything he can to destroy America; even with a nuclear incident. Can we fire his butt? October 11, 2013   FINALLY! Even Ann Coulter is finally agreeing with me! Why is it that I can see the truth so far ahead of the famous Republicans? Or is it that they see the truth at about the same time but they're famous and can't throw anyone under the bus until it's so very obvious that it needs to be done that even a fourth grader can say it? October 11, 2013   Another atheist attacks Christ. As I've said in the past, there are no atheists in hell: once there, they all believe. I think that most atheists want to find a way to dispose with Christianity altogether. Sad that they can't accept the fact that we wish them no harm and don't want them to be the atheist in hell, but they want to make us go there. Why is that? October 11, 2013   I LOVE THIS. Mike Rowe is doing a great thing. Read the pledge the kids applying for the scholarship he provides. THAT'S EXCELLENT! October 11, 2013   thevileone "balks" at bonehead boehner's debt ceiling offer. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. That's all thevileone knows. If he can't control it to destroy it, he won't cooperate. October 11, 2013   One man's "Adventure in thevileone's Land". Nightmare doesn't begin to describe it. October 11, 2013   This guy wants to have control (and mind control) of you kids birth to age 20. Isn't that special? He wants to control your kids and make HIS views THEIR views. Your kids are not your own. Your kids belong to the government. You were just the conduit from which their minions spring. October 11, 2013   As of yesterday, 5 (count 'em: 5) people in Iowa managed to sign up. thevileone's healthcaretax sign up; so "easy" it hurts. BTW, did you know that when you sign up for the helathcaretax and the government gets ALL of your online info. We're talking ALL of the websites you've visited, your personal info isn't all it gets. The government gets to TRACK YOUR INTERNET USAGE and it's associated with your Social Security Number, which is now associated with your helathcare records. Don't ya' love it? Go to the doctor's office for a check-up and he'll be able to ask you what you've been doing visiting sites that sell chocolate considering your weight? Or going to sites that sell adventure tourism considering your heart condition? No bunjee jumping for you, no sirree! Don't ya' love that? In an aside, how can you keep your doctor (as promised) when doctors are being fired by their employers en masse? Hmmmmm? Yeah. thevileone LIED TO YOU! October 11, 2013   Considering that google has been cooperating with thevileone will they be taxed on this? I think the tax dodge will be ignored because google has been helping thevileone in his effort to spy on you. Friends of thevileone always get special treatment. It's happened in the past, it will happen in the future. America is not about freedom and opportunity with thevileone in office. It's more about scratching backs. October 11, 2013   Phony ceremonies to honor the dead? I know it's a government lie, but I think the purpose is correct. This is the ONLY kind of government deception I do not have a problem with. October 11, 2013   The IRS has been "telling on" you. They've been telling thevileone about the people and groups who have been challenging thevileone's healthcaretax. The IRS has officially become a part of this administration's enforcement arm. Maybe that explains why the government has been buying so many bullets? October 11, 2013   Aaaahhh.... public schools. Death panels and choosing who will live and who will die. Don't you love the way they "teach" your children? October 11, 2013   thevileone blames Republicans for everything. I mean everything. If he had tracks in the back he'd blame Republicans. (Figure it out.) October 11, 2013   I think they should have said "EVER". October 11, 2013   BOY! Are their faces red? Of all the people who SHOULD get it right, these folks should. Well, we're all human, but what a mistake to make! October 11, 2013   Scare tactics. Beck just said that bonehead boehner is in a meeting, caving to thevileone. Would anyone be surprised? October 11, 2013   Would this STOP the NSA's spying program? I seriously doubt it. After all, once thevileone gets a taste of total control it's difficult for him to let go. He WANTS total control and in order to have that, he needs info on everyone. That's the way it works. October 11, 2013   It's time to choose. Decided this day whom shall you serve? You need to understand what the truth is and you need to know that those who do not care about the truth are part of the problem. October 11, 2013   Don't do this kind of thing! Nor this; treat your children like humans, not baseball bats. Don't be an animal! October 11, 2013   hollyweird sucking up big time. October 11, 2013   boehner CAVES. Didn't I say he would? UPDATE: Offer REJECTED. October 11, 2013   On that irritating note, I shall close for today. I have things to get done and errands to run. Missed yesterday because of an unexpected visit from my son. (I'm a poet!) Until next time, See ya'! October 9, 2013: 2:36 p.m.   New Federal Reserve person used to be thought One is that President Obama or his key advisers think she would do a bad job.She's a Keynesian economist who said, "'We know that long-term unemployment is devastating to workers and their families. The toll is simply terrible on the mental and physical health of workers.'"It's also said about her that "She has been less inclined to wring her hands over the risks that the Fed's easy money policies could create new bubbles or stoke inflation."So basically, we have another classic liberal progressive who doesn't care about what impact HER ideas will have on YOUR wallet. Wonnerful. October 9, 2013: 2:33 p.m.   "Jury Duty's Duty" is my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com. What's funny is that the same day I sent the article in to my editor at GJWHG.com the editor was in the jury pool for her County! That's timing! That's a GOD thing! That's hysterical! October 9, 2013 &nbssp People are FED UP with thevileone's "make it as painful as possible" tactics! He's not doing himself any favors by being spiteful and egomaniacly controlling. He's doing the country a favor by waking even some of is own kiss-butts. October 9, 2013   Bwahahahahahaha! Or is it "Boohooohooohooohooo!"? October 9, 2013   College grad's letter may open some eyes. thevileone's healthcaretax is no good for anyone. It was meant to destroy America: NOTHING MORE. October 9, 2013   Red House/IRS exchanged taxpayer IRS info. As early as May 13th I said that thevileone was responsible for this. Now we're finding out I was right. Again. October 9, 2013   Programmer comments on thevileone's healthcaretax website. I think the rest of us could comment without being programmers: LOSER like this administration. That's what I think of it without having to visit. October 9, 2013   Did you know that when you sign up for thevileone's healthcaretax, they'll share your info with law enforcement? Yep. Also, your credit score will help determine your premium rates? Yep. So if you have bad credit, you'll pay more. (Are we there yet?) And that with all of that info you have to give them your identity may be stolen - by THOSE EMPLOYED TO HELP YOU? Also, yep. But thevileone and his family are NOT ON THEVILEONE'S HEALTHCARETAX? That's right! They don't have to sign up. Aren't they special? Tyrants don't have to live by the same rules. Don't ya' know? October 9, 2013   dumborats running scared. (*smile*) October 9, 2013   thevileone makes the families of fallen heroes "feel the pain". He's a despicable lying worm poop. October 9, 2013   thevileone's LYING to you AGAIN. That's, what, the 22,164,351,546,514,542,152,864,645,165,434,546,584,531,165,164,541,651,651,121,631,651,342,161,643,544,547,758,879,429,879,842,987,495,756th lie since he took office in 2009? About that. October 9, 2013   "MAKE IT AS PAINFUL AS POSSIBLE". -- thevileone. Some were arrested for entering the Grand Canyon. It's PUBLIC PROPERTY -- OUR LAND -- how can they STOP US from USING OUR LAND? We have a GESTAPO! Is this not what were told would NOT happen if he got elected. Well, they LIED again. If the government is shut down, how can they post 4,000+ employment ads? "Shut down", huh? How can they spend $47,174 TAXPAYER on a mechanical bull if they're shut down? October 9, 2013   Remember, if you have a (D) after your name, your leaders are sullying your name. This is the kind of thing they think is acceptable. Appalling. October 9, 2013   Actor, James Woods, wonders if he'll ever act again. When I was on Twitter, I followed James Woods and James Woods followed me. He's a good man who LOVES AMERICA and that's why he stood up against thevileone. If he doesn't work in hollyweird again, I wouldn't be surprised, but I do believe he will work again. He's too good to go unemployed. October 9, 2013   "Closed" D.C. mall but illegals still allowed to use it. Why the different treatment for illegals and WWII VETS? Hmmm? There's a message there. Who set up the stage and the port-a-potties? Hmm? Was that the PARK SERVICE helping the illegals? Hmm? Or did all those illegals do the work themselves since they'll "do work we won't do"? (How often have we heard that?) Hmmm? Also, where was stupido-rubio for the rally since he supports amnesty so much? Hmmmm? October 9, 2013   If you know someone who lives and votes in KY, tell them to SUPPORT Matt Bevin in his run AGAINST mitch mcconnell! It was mcconnell who said that anyone who opposed him was a traitor in a recent closed-door meeting. Support Matt Bevin because he LOVES and KNOWS the U.S. Constitution! October 9, 2013   This guy is an absolute disgrace and FL should be totally embarrassd to have him represent us. October 9, 2013   I shall close for now. Remember to check out "Jury Duty's Duty" at GJWHG.com. Until next time, See ya'! October 8, 2013:: 12:14 p.m.   Sign the Truth Revolt Petition! They're asking the advertisers on the Al Sharpton show to stop advertising there because he is a racist and using race to divide America. I like that idea. I signed the petition. October 8, 2013   Illegals in CA get special rights. They break the law more than you know (read the report) and they get to rally on the CLOSED D.C. mall when WWII Vets are kept out of their memorials! Special treatment for those who are assumed to vote dumborat. That's what this is all about. It's wrong. It's UNFAIR to the American Citizen and it's unAmerican and unconstitutional! Oh, well, that's okay because, hey, thevileone gets to do whatever it wants, right? Would G.W. Bush have gotten to behave this way? October 8, 2013   Congress's gym stays open, but Mt. Rushmore is close? SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR THE LORDS? We didn't used to have a "Lords and Ladies, Dukes and Duchesses, Prince and Princesses" system. Now? I'm not so certain. October 8, 2013   Drones to make "kill" decisions on their own? That's not a good thing. We need to stop that altogether. October 8, 2013   DH[IN]S advisor admits Islamist (terrorist) ties. So what do they do about it? Ignore it. Wow. They really want to keep America safe, don't they? October 8, 2013   Robotic surgery? Not me. Not safe. I think if you're scheduled for it, you need to read this. October 8, 2013   FCC ordering cable company's order of channels? Don't they have better things to do with their time than making sure a certain channel is in a certain place on the channel lineup? How amazing is it that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT would be doing this? To me, it's a huge -- HUGE -- overstep of the Federal Government's Constitutional powers. They don't have the power to do so, but thevileone has them do it anyways. Shows what's important to him, yes? BTW, that channel they wanted moved to a certain area of the channel lineup? Bloomberg News. Anyone surprised? October 8, 2013   I think thevileone's healthcaretax is an ABOMINATION and should be stopped permanently not just delayed. But others don't have my resolve. In Maryland, no doctors have signed up to provide care. Sounds like doctors are totally enthusiastic (sarcasm) about thevileone's healthcaretax. Maryland, you're in good hands! October 8, 2013   ketchup kerry's failures growing. No peace? Blame a dumborat! October 8, 2013   Allegedly "unbiased" group says American adults don't measure up. If you look at the study group's history they are a very liberal group, so take their study with a grain of salt. Or just ignore it completely. October 8, 2013   McConnel denies this but I don't think I trust either side completely. The source for one side hasn't come forward yet. McConnel I've not trusted for a long time. October 8, 2013   thevileone is a TYRANT. He is going way past the boundaries setup for him in the U.S. Constitution and he knows it. He's hoping that his "You're a racist!" mantra will prevent anyone from going against him, but some in the Republican party are doing just that! Hurray. October 8, 2013   Aaaahhhh.... public schools! They're LYING to your children and calling it an education! They're telling the students that the Congress is now "revisiting" the Bill of Rights and that the government has decided that the Bill of Rights is an outdated document. SAY WHAT?!!! It's Common [LYING] Core at its lying finest. Homeschool your kids, folks. Homeschool your kids. October 8, 2013   Speaking out of both sides of his lying forked tongue, thevileone says he "won't negotiate". The problem is he says that, then thevileone tells the PUBLIC that he's willing to negotiate. So which side of his lying forked tongue do you believe? Believe neither. He lies no matter what. October 8, 2013   So if we're in a gov shutdown, how can we afford all these park rangers to do all these terrible things? The WWII memorial shut down, but park rangers are there. They stopped folks from seeing Mt. Rushmore. At Valley Forge they're fining people. They allow an AMNESTY rally on the D.C. mall (with Park Ranger supervision). They're closing access to the OCEAN and there's an alleged "GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN" in which the PARK SERVICE IS SHUTDOWN? Sounds to me like all those rangers are getting overtime trying to keep YOU out of PUBLIC PROPERTY THAT YOU AND I OWN! Make sense to you? Sound like America to you? Dosn't to me. October 8, 2013   thevileone's Hamster adviser finds a way out. Escape! Escape! Who can blame her? October 8, 2013   NTSB NOT investigating metro explosion due to "Shutdown". Right. Any excuse. Any excuse. Lives? They don't matter. Ask harry reid. October 8, 2013   Let us hope grahamnasty is GONE ASAP. He is bad for America; as bad as mccain't, mcconnel and boehner. Let us get rid of these people and replace them with people like Sen. Ted Cruz. That would be GREAT for America! October 8, 2013   Pittsburgh's having a Trayvon Martin day in schools? Making a hero out of a guy who attacked someone for walking behind him? Making a hero out of a guy who was a known burglar? Making a hero out of him? That's just WRONG. October 8, 2013   Nobel Prize for Science awarded although: "It is now almost certain the subatomic particle that brings together everything in the universe has been found". "Almost certain" and FOUND do NOT mean the same thing. I understand that they think they found something exciting and illuminating and all of that, but what if the "GOD Particle" is nothing more than something that helps things spin, or have a certain color, or totally unrelated to being the glue that binds the universe together? What then? And as I've previously pointed out, what happens if they do have the "GOD Particle" does it prove or disprove anything? It still had to come from somewhere. Where did it come from? The laws of physics are still the laws of physics which didn't happen out of chaos. Intelligent design is the only LOGICAL conclusion. Everything else is faith-based on a faulty premise. October 8, 2013   I'll close for now. I will see you tomorrow and I hope that you have a great day! Until next time, See ya'! October 7, 2013: 10:49 a.m.   In October's pooper-paper there was a statement that went like this: "In my research, I also found a concerning statement on state land on the South Water Management District’s website, 'Private landowners and commercial entities that reside adjacent to District canals – who wish for more intense use of public land for their personal benefi t; or whose property is encumbered by a District interest, may wish to apply for the surplus or release of that specifi c interest.' I can understand if an easement is causing a burden, something has to be done, but I don’t understand why we, as taxpayers, should subsidize a landowner or commercial entity by letting them use public land for their personal benefit."The State's website does say that but I looked over the .pdf file that the state links to there and thought I understood the process. To be certain that I was correct, I asked the State about it with this e-mail: "From: Linda McKinneyTo which I received the following response: "Ms. McKinney:To read the .pdf file she attached, click here. So you can see that it's not "we, as taxpayers, should subsidize a landowner or commercial entity by letting them use public land for their personal benefit." One e-mailed question would have told the author of that statement that the land is evaluated by the State, appraised and SOLD TO the interested party at FAIR MARKET VALUE and, thus, it is no longer "public land" and it is NOT public land used for anyone's "personal benefit". It is then PRIVATE LAND. One e-mail. That's what it takes to do due diligence. (To even ASK if you can buy the land costs you $1,000 even if you're TURNED DOWN!) If you're not certain you've got the right end of the stick, ask a question. After perusing the .pdf file I linked to, I wanted to be absolutely certain I got it right before refuting the pooper-paper's author. Thus the e-mail. THE TRUTH MATTERS. FIND THE TRUTH! October 7, 2013   Elderly couple forced out of home: Government shutdown pain. For thevileone to order his minions to "make it as painful as possible" is one thing. But it is okay to disobey an order that is immoral or illegal. That's part of our rights. For the PARK SERVICE MINIONS to actually DO the things that would "make it as painful as possible" tells you truckloads about their own souls. For the park service people to disrespect the WWII Veterans (and get thebumbler's support for doing so), keep privately owned businesses empty, close highway pull-offs so people can't stop and see Mt. Rushmore and other infantile, puerile things, tells you that not only is thevileone a self-centered whimpering, sniveling sissy, but he's also got minions who are evil in heart and soul and will follow wicked orders to keep favor with their wicked leader. All this panic over a 17% government shutdown? Amazing. October 7, 2013   msthevileone's "Let's move" website up; Amber Alert DOWN. Pirorities. What the children eat is more important than helping them stay ALIVE? That's the truth for this prezidunce. (UPDATE: Now Amber Alert is back up.) October 7, 2013   Check this out! I will keep an eye on this site, that's for certain! I like this very much. I want to see the msm have their feet held to the fire and to see who is financing their lies, misinformation and butt-kissing. This is a good idea! October 7, 2013   HALF of disability claims fraudulent and YOU'RE PAYING. Sounds to me like we need to stop the program. Figure out how to fix it before we reopen it and we need to have FEWER attorneys involved in the process. In the small town my Mom lives in, the saying is that half of the town is on Social Security Disability and the other half on welfare. Yeah, it's a dumborat town. (Although even there people are waking up to thevileone and not liking what he's doing!) They say that if you don't receive disability the first time, try twice more and you'll get it; no matter what you are claiming. If you have something that you want disability for (laziness, whatever), just keep applying and they'll give it to you. Your taxpayer dollars at work. October 7, 2013   Terrorist, bill ayers, laments being Sarah Palin's "road kill". Bwahahahahahaha! Excellent! Let's set her loose on all of thevileone's buddies and get more road kill! So good! I love Sarah Palin! BTW, note that ayers considers his bombings of forty years ago a "messy muddle" instead of what they were; domestic terrorism. October 7, 2013   bonehead boehner may deserve caps again if he keeps this up. He's actually doing something right. His standing firm has all but shut down creation of new federal regulations and that's good. I wish I could find a link to give you that said that the NSA spying programs were shut down, too, but, no, that's apparently essential. Again, priorities. October 7, 2013   CA may be waking up to the costs and loses of thevileone's healthcaretax. I can't guarantee it, but once people start getting their bills, they are starting to wake up. When it hits your wallet as opposed to someone else's, it suddenly matters to YOU. October 7, 2013   Spirit of 1771 FREEDOM RALLY! People are getting tired of tyranny! October 7, 2013: SKY ALERT   Meteor shower tonight. Get your telescope out! BTW, you may wish to watch for a 40 ton falling satellite, too! October 7, 2013   Aaaaahhh.... public schools. Did you know that your child would be weighed by the State of Florida? October 7, 2013   $6.5 MILLION Brevard County taxpayers would have to fork over? That's to revamp the Miracle City Mall in T-ville. I say "NO!" If they want to do that project, do it on their own dime, not mine. I didn't ask them to do it. I can shop elsewhere. I don't need it done. NO! I refuse. October 7, 2013   CA: "Sanctuary! Sanctuary!" (Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo). Brown signs bill making CA sanctuary state for "most" illegals. I wonder how that will affect the price of healthcaretax there. It's going to go higher and higher because they deserve "free" healthcare, too. After all, they can't live here and get NO healthcare, can they? It would be mean to make them pay for their own medical care. That's unamerican for illegal immigrants to have to pay for their own medical care. Isn't it? October 7, 2013   Is the msm finally seeing the real thevileone? They may fear him but they still won't tell the TRUTH about him. That means you cannot trust them. October 7, 2013   Four more American heroes lost in Afghanistan bombing. GOD bless their families and loved ones. Bring our troops home! October 7, 2013   If this doesn't at least make you smile, you WANTED thevileone's healthcaretax. It made me smile. October 7, 2013   Russia to mimic thevileone and NSA for Winter Olympics. Monitoring all communications and keeping a close eye on everyone and everything; sounds like thevileone will be in charge over there, too. October 7, 2013   ACLU sides with Conservatives again? This is getting weird, folks. The ACLU is traditionally AGAINST anything Conservatives want. To have the ACLU on the Conservative side tells you something about the extent to which thevileone has gone astray. After all, in almost every -- if not every -- case in which the ACLU sides with Conservatives, it is them against thevileone. It's most bizarre. October 7, 2013   England approves killing babies in utero based upon gender. That's the road to perdition and it's WRONG. Killing babies in the first place is WRONG. Killing babies because they're female (which is the most often choice; as opposed to killing male children) is going to lead to a future for "great britain" that is similar to China where the males of a certain age cannot find a woman to marry. They resort to kidnapping wives from other countries or "buying" a wife. England's making its own bed. I wonder how long before they'll have to lie in it. October 7, 2013   thevileone could end the shutdown any time he wants. Problem is, he doesn't want. He likes having people HURT. It's a control thing for him. He's not hurting, nor would he ever allow that, but to allow us to hurt, that's just hunky-dory to him. He likes it. He thrives on it. He gets a thrill out of it because it means he can control that and -- he believes with that -- control us. That's what he LOVES: the thought, the idea, the reality of CONTROLING US. Got FREEDOM? October 7, 2013   Even thevileone's advisors know the rules, too bad they don't worry too much about abiding by them. Of course, they follow their leader, so it's not a big deal for them. October 7, 2013   North Korea's little chump threatens USA with "ruthless pre-emptive strikes of annihilation." After he takes his best shot we get to take ours? Or should we just warn them via MOAB after their rocket falls into the ocean? October 7, 2013   I'll close today with a smile for you. It is Minion Monday and Hank visits the dentist for the first time. Until next time, See ya'. October 5, 2013: 11:55 a.m.   Just a few little things that interested me and then to my weekend endeavors. First, let's take a look at thevileone trying to make everyone miserable. He's doing this despite the fact that we know that (as we saw yesterday) the shutdown is PROVEN to be a dumborat move and he's blaming Republicans. Too bad thevileone isn't making it painful for everyone. The shutdown tells us a lot about dumborats and they like to make things painful. He's still spent $63 BILLION and borrowed $16 BILLION in the first TWO DAYS! Yeah. He's feeling the pain. That's OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS! Ya' know, he can get away with this crap as along as people don't know he's a dumborat. Some think he's a Republican. Can you imagine if G.W. Bush did the things thevileone is doing? He'd have been impeached two weeks in! If we learn nothing else from this shutdown let us at least learn this: dumborats love power and it takes making US hurt to keep their power and get their own way, they'll make US HURT. Does that not say it all? October 5, 2013   Hamsters released a report saying humans are to blame. It's so sad to see the hamsters clinging to their wheels of lies and deceit. They have a serious problem in that their report has some easily proven falsities. For instance, the report says that each of the last three decades has been progressively warmer than any other recorded decades. The problem with that report is that our air has been getting progressively CLEANER and even China's getting in on the clean air idea. If the whole world is focusing on "clean air" how is the world still warming when it's greenhouse gases (vehicle, smokestack and other emissions) that are allegedly causing the warming? When our air (this is Pittsburgh) used to look like this, Pittsbugh's air now looks like this. While L.A.'s smog used to be like this daily, it's rarer nowadays. So if we have less pullution, but it's pollution that is causing global warming, isn't it a cause and effect thing? They defeat their own argument via using something that is already negated via the changes we've already made. Man made pollution = global warming is their claim. Take away the pollution and with the cause gone, the effect, the alleged global warming, goes away also. They can't have it both ways: lower pollution = global warming continuing (or getting worse, or staying the same). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that their argument is totally bogus, their logic is nonexistent and their reasoning powers are deluded and totally faith-based. Global warming, Hamsterism, is a religious belief and faith-based ideal. Nothing. Since we have freedom of religion (notice that's an "OF" religion, not "FROM" religion) they are free to practice their religion but they cannot IMPOSE it upon the rest of us. If they wish to ride bicycles everywhere they go, use certain kinds of light bulbs, drive electric cars, flush our toilets with a certain amount of water. The ice caps are growing again and the lies of the global warming believers led to this dire prediction: "Only six years ago, the BBC reported that the Arctic would be ice-free in summer by 2013, citing a scientist in the US who claimed this was a ‘conservative’ forecast."When we see how very, very WRONG they have been and even the latest reports are proven false not to mention their "Holy Grail", the "Hockey Stick Graph". Hamsterism is truly a faith. We have an ex-VP who is a profiteer from it, if not a true believer. That doesn't mean that the rest of us must be forced into obedience to its precepts, if not into true believerism. October 5, 2013   That's all that tickles my fancy for a rare Saturday update. Until Minion Monday, See ya'! October 4, 2013: 3:16 p.m.   Rush says dumborats are scared because Republicans are WINNING. You can always tell when dumborats are losing. They start whining, calling names, threatening, being stupid and saying stupid stuff; basically throwing a baby's temper tantrum. Explains a lot, doesn't it? BTW, a Rush caller today pointed out that reid's "Why would we do that?" response to a question about funding care for kids with cancer response is the FIRST DEATH PANEL thevileone's healthcaretax implemented. It was a single man deciding, but it had the same effect. reid yesterday was a one man decision on denying cancer care for children who need treatment to survive. One man. One single, calloused, hateful, heartless man chose to state the dumborat position: "Why would we do that?" Why help children with cancer? That's what the leadership of the dumborat party thinks of the health of children in this nation. Truth. Why would anyone want to be associated with that? Why even pass thevileone's healthcaretax if that's all they think of actually providing healthcare to those who need it? "Why would we do that?" October 4, 2013   Aaaahhhh... public schools: saving money? If this is the kind of math kids learn in public schools, don't just take your child out of public schools, but grab them and run as fast as you can AWAY from that school, do some remedial teaching in your newly established homeschool, and remember to encourage your family and friends to do the same! October 4, 2013   Another lie from thevileone recorded. He's such a liar that that he even lies while sleep talking. October 4, 2013   thevileone's admin takes a hit in court. Hijab ban non-discriminatory. October 4, 2013   Disgusting. thevileone bends over backwards to insult our Veterans. He hates the U.S. Armed Forces. He does everything he can to insult them. From stopping hot meals in Afghanistan for them to TAKING AWAY THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE, he has shown his hatred for the military in many ways. Remember, he's the Commander In Chief and he treats our troops this way. If they don't have reason to disobey an order from him, no one does. October 4, 2013   The Cost! The COST! Sticker shock sets in on thevileone's healthcaretax. Reality bites when your head is up someone's butt. Then there's the fake healthcaretax sites already popping up that are adding to the mass confusion that thevileone's actual healthcaretax sites are generating. Boy, this thing is so perfect! I bet they couldn't have done better if they'd given a troop of monkeys a billion years and a million typewriters with endless reams of paper! No one signed up in KS. Can you blame them? In KY the dead can sign up! But they're also the only ones who can get guaranteed coverage! October 4, 2013   Shutdown: gov tries to close PRIVATE inn. They shut down a PRIVATE air show. Also, thevileone is ILLEGALLY furloughing defense civilians. What? thevileone doing something illegal? Like he's never done that before? Don't forget, now, thevileone is asking for sad stories about the government shutdown. Sob. Sob. boo. hoo. Gov. shutdown a convenient excuse. But that's all it ever is for the dumborats; convenient excuses. If the money was so tight, why is thevileone sitting for a portrait now? Hmmmm? BTW, Thomas Sowell PROVES it's the dumborats and thevileone who MADE the shutdown happen. So don't go blaming the Republicans. The dumborats did this. PERIOD. October 4, 2013   Another good reason to quit Twitter. All "Social Media" is bad news, IMHO. I don't want to be part of it. Beck says we need to be there. I don't see why. On Twitter the only ones who see your tweets are your followers and a few hashtag searchers. Most of the people who follow you are like-minded people. So when you post on Twitter, you're basically preaching to the choir. What kind of good is that doing in a war? You're singing to the troops and keeping up their morale, maybe, but in actually changing someone's mind and getting the progressives/liberals/leftists/commies to know the truth? Not gonna' happen. So why bother being on "Social Media" when it's nothing more than a preaching to the like-minded? Waste of time. October 4, 2013   D: All of the above. October 4, 2013   I hope she's right. I PRAY she's right. IF the "GOP" caves on this, we should impeach every Senator and Representative who votes to cave. IF they cave, kick every caver out. October 4, 2013   Why? Why would a newspaper need this information? Protect your Second Amendment rights, folks. Be vigilant. Stand strong. Use it or lose it. October 4, 2013   Being held "responsible" in the U.S. Military nowadays equates to: "early retirement and full pensions for their fatal negligence."?Doesn't sound like "being held responsible" to me. Sounds like a reward. The world is upside down. October 4, 2013 &nbssp IRS sieze privately owned store's savings for NO REASON. Welcome to Communism. October 4, 2013   Income tax turns 100 years-old; 73,608 pages long. Tell me which IRS agent has read every page and that they understood everything they read. If you can prove to me they've ALL done so, then maybe I'd even come close to a glimmer of trust in them. But, no. Not an iota. October 4, 2013   NRA threatens to sue CA if Brown signs "assault weapons" ban. It'll have to get past the 9th Circuit Court before they have even a glimmer of hope in winning. October 4, 2013   Parental advisory: steroids available online. Don't let your kids get involved in this drug. They're dangerous. October 4, 2013   Common Core: This is the kind of math the Gates Foundation wants for your child. They're the ones bankrolling the ads saying Conservatives like Huckabee, Jeb Bush, etc., support Common Core. "With an edumacation like this, who needs larnin'? Ain't no book larnin' I's needs." Right? October 4, 2013   I'll close today with this story of a 9/11 hero. Read it and remember. 9/11 can happen again. It may not happen in that particular way, but I do believe they want to -- and plan to -- attack us, the "great Satan" again. Never forget. It's not just America they hate: it is us, our way of life, our religious beliefs. So many innocent people died on 9/11/2001 that we need to learn from their deaths and honor them by not letting it happen again. Until next time, See ya'! October 4, 2013: 12:11 a.m.   Ran errands all day yesterday but I had to do a few blurbs to make sure they didn't disappear. Let's start with thevileone's "classy" healthcaretax phone number. Really? REALLY? Yes. It goes with the dumborats' "classy" words and actions lately. Add thevileone's lies and reid's caring concern about kids with cancer and you get the perfect picture of what the dumborats really are at heart. This is what they are. This is reality. Why can't their supporters see that? October 4, 2013   Shutdown puts spies in danger? My question: WHICH spies: those spying on us, or our SPIES SPYING ON US? Hmmmm?
October 4, 2013   thevileone WANTS America to fail! He has done everything he can (legally or illegally; morally AND immorally) to destroy America. He's hoping to accomplish a complete destruction PRIOR to the end of his second term so that he can have a third term -- that lasts a lifetime. October 4, 2013   Businesses trading in American employees for migrant workers to cut back on healthcare costs. Thank thevileone for that. October 4, 2013   Aaaahhhh... public schools... stupid again. The sight of a cop in uniform "too scary" for kids? Why do they teach children that if there's trouble you go to a COP if a COP in uniform is "too scary" for the kids? Duh! They're also afraid of T-shirts. Public schools are making fools of themselves -- and teaching the children in them to be fools, too! October 4, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax people sends SSNs to MN insurance agents. Yep. Sign of things to come. If they can screw things up on that part of the paperwork, what else are they going to be "accidentally" sharing with folks who AREN'T supposed to see YOUR information? Hmmmm? October 4, 2013   30 yr.-old future lawyer now on Medicaid. That's right, Medicaid: at 30. Ridiculous. Now if you're working and paying taxes, YOU'RE PAYING FOR IT! October 4, 2013   No __________ Sherlock! What was your first clue? October 4, 2013   Healthcaretax, government shutdown, the economy, unemployment, and now immigration. dumborats will do whatever they can to destroy America and the opportunities our children and grandchildren should have. They're even hinting at Social Security being in danger. Is there nothing to which these creeps won't stoop? October 4, 2013   I'll close this update with this strange but true story. I wonder if it hurts? Until next time (later today), See ya'! October 2, 2013: 10:24 a.m.   Glenn Beck is today encouraging his listeners to "defund the GOP" because of bonehead boehner's letter to reid asking to help him get the House, Senate and their staff exemptions from thevileone's healthcaretax. I stopped funding the GOP immediately after they attacked Sarah Palin after the 2008 election. I could not support a party that thought it acceptable to treat someone like that. Palin came out later and proved that the things they said were lies and that she had done nothing wrong. But I chose as soon as the allegations started to stop funding the GOP because I don't hang with people who will do crud like that, nor do I give them my money or the honor of using my name on their membership lists. I have not been a GOP member since November 13, 2008. If bonehead boehner is going to ask for exemptions at YOUR expense, then he should be kicked out of office and if that's what the GOP stands for, it sounds to me like the GOP needs to go the way of the dinosaur. October 2, 2013   WWII Vets threatened with arrest for visiting D.C. monuments! Don't ya' just wanna' slap this administration? So what kind of honor is thevileone giving the Vets for whom some of those things were erected? Ridiculous. October 2, 2013   An almost MILLION DOLLAR OUTHOUSE paid for by YOU. Your federal government at work; using your taxpayer dollars so very frugally. October 2, 2013   GOP says shutdown may last for weeks. GOOD! Let it! October 2, 2013   TEA Party.net achieves 3 yr. goal of IRS tax exempt status. The IRS is still targeting Conservatives. Nothing has changed since the truth came out about it. Didn't really expect it to. October 2, 2013   DOJ's attempt to stop Fast & Furious lawsuit is deied by judge. GOOD! The truth needs to come out and we need to get the truth about it. October 2, 2013   reid did get some of the money his cohort went to jail for receiving. Sounds to me like he needs to be in the next cell. October 2, 2013   thevileone's narcissism highlighted by malfunctions? The product reflects its maker. That's what's happening there. His unpopularity is showing, too. and his healthcaretax "navigators" a "fraud-stained". Yep. It reflects its creator. October 2, 2013   Microsoft investors trying to oust Gates. October 2, 2013   Interesting facts about our government when we were a young country. Look at how bloated we got. Look at the number of people we have in the bureaucracy now. It's time to cut back and the government shutdown is a good place to start. October 2, 2013   Group claiming that "Conservatives" support Common Core is actually funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which is NOT a Conservative group. Think about what they're doing: they're lowering standards instead of raising, and they're doing everything WRONG instead of right. Read the stories that tell the TRUTH about Common Core and you won't want your kids to be in Common Core, either. Send the link to your family and friends in other states. Common Core here in FL is under the gun and almost dead. Gov. Scott took us out of Common Core; whether we stay out is up to "We, the People". Stand firm and strong AGAINST this monstrosity that uses graphic sex to "teach" children standards, uses immorality to set standards and dumbs down a curriculum instead of raising it. Common Core is UNCommonly BAD for America. BTW, did you know that Common Core is an initiative of thevileone? Think you should subject your child to what HE wants to teach them? You may wish to join Floridians against Common Core. Just to help your kids stay ourt of it. October 2, 2013   The DNC says they're "broke"? DON'T FIX IT! Let them STAY broke! Considering how much damage the DNC and their beliefs, their people, the legislators in their party have done to America, I say let the DNC DIE on the vine, off the vine, on the hard dessert sand, wherever. Let the DNC die. It's BAD for America and for our future. Let it be broke, stay broke and die broke! October 2, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" kills again. When they stop killing, maiming, raping, burning, beheading, etc., I may start listening to their claim of "peace and tolerance". Until then, nope. October 2, 2013   What kind of impact is the shutdown having? October 2, 2013   Employment report weaker than expected. thevileone is to be thanked for that. He built it. October 2, 2013   Raising the debt limit again? CBO report says they've used "extraordinary measures" to do so without calling it such since May 2013. In other words, thevileone LIED TO YOU about it. shock. surprise. October 2, 2013   Pell Grant spending up, up, up! We're BROKE how can we be spending that sort of money on Pell Grants? October 2, 2013   scotUS to hear case agasint SEIU thugs' home invasion scheme. IF I trusted the scotUS, I would definitely say it was good news. Since I no longer trust the scotUS, I'd say the case has a 50/50 chance of the SEIU losing. If you'll recall, the case was about: "Illinois Democrat Gov. Pat Quinn’s SEIU-pandering executive order to allow union recruiters into the homes of families who provide in-residence care for their developmentally disabled loved ones. The corruptocrats in Illinois violated the privacy of home care providers by releasing their names to union goons looking to beef up their membership rolls. Pam Harris and other parents banded together to challenge the big government/big labor racket."Let us pray for the scotUS and that they will do the right thing. October 2, 2013   On that note I shall close for now. Pray for America. Pray for the PEOPLE of America because the leadership has already shut down their hearts to GOD and to His leadership and guidance. Pray for revival and spiritual awakening. I do twice daily at least. Please remember that "We, The People" are the BOSSES here and if we say "No!" to our government, it's supposed to be "No!" But our government has decided that THEY are OUR bosses. Let us turn that around again to where WE are in control again. Pray for America. Until next time, See ya'! October 1, 2013: 2:55 p.m.   thevileone's healthcaretax goes into effect in a shutdown government. Tell me, how does that happen? If the government is shut down every portion of thevileone's healthcaretax that is a federal entity should be closed today. But, as with thevileone's buddies who got exemptions, his laws and favorite employees get exemptions, too. Then, they "help" him do things and totally screw it up. Shock. Don't worry, though. This shut down affects Congress, too. They have to push the elevator buttons themselves now. I wonder if any of them went to their Congressional Navy Medical Clinic for a broken nail. thevileone pens a "partisan" (expect anything else?) letter after shutdown) and even uses a G.W. Bush quote: "There is nothing more fulfilling than to serve your country and your fellow citizens and to do it well."thevileone could have never come up with that one himself. dumborats blame Republicans, of course. And Republicans blame dumborats. I say "THANK YOU!" to both because as long as they're shut down they're NOT SPENDING OUR MONEY and they're NOT GIVING SPECIAL GIFTS TO PEOPLE and they're NOT SPYING ON US! It's NOT a bad thing for the government to be shut down. Let Congress learn how to tie their own shoelaces again. They're NOT SPECIAL, not Lords and Ladies, not Kings and Queens. Let America reset and get back to where it is supposed to be: "WE THE PEOPLE"! Is this America or a plutocracy? The "shutdown" doesn't stop the "elites" from traveling on YOUR DIME though. You can be unpaid for as long as it takes. How much you wanna' bet thevileone is still getting paid? He is, after all, the Commander In Chief of the U.S. Military and he signed a bill ensuring that the military would be paid. Take America back! October 1, 2013   My latest GJWHG.com article in which I go into detail about the Twitter connection to terrorism and why I closed my Twitter account. October 1, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax went into effect, but no one said it's working properly. And in Michigan, their vehicle insurance rates are increasing because of thevileone's healthcaretax. Yep. That's the way it works. thevileone's healthcaretax makes insurance premiums go up and those who use health care (everyone) pays the price -- sometimes several times over. Don't ya' love it now? October 1, 2013   Japan quits using HPV "vaccine" over fears for girls' health. Too many girls getting seriously ill with this thing. Why anyone subjected their daughters to this thing, I have no idea. It wasn't safe from the get-go. Like the "Morning After Pill" (or RU-486). All of these meds are bad for women but they keep being pushed by people who are allegedly "pro-women". What is so "pro-women" about what they are doing to women -- even very young women aged 10-15? Nothing. Don't you think it's time to stop listening to their nonsense and start teaching abstinence? It's the only truly effective, totally safe birth control and anti-HPV treatment known. October 1, 2013   bumbling biden proves it. Classified document? What classified document? Oh! The one in my hands that I'm showing you? Ooopsie! October 1, 2013   reid's helper gets 2 years: was he covering for reid? Should reid be in the cell beside him? I wonder if we'll ever know. October 1, 2013   IRS still targeting Conservatives: Dr. Ben Carson included. After his Prayer Breakfast speech he was visited by the IRS. So is anyone still in denial on this thing? October 1, 2013   Read the comments: Richard Charbonneau does NOT have my endorsement. Nor will he receive it. I also received an e-mail from him after I posted my first comment on that page asking me to elaborate on my not supporting Matt Nye for any elected office. To me the two of them, Nye and Charbonneau, are peas in a pod: lick finger, stick finger in air, see which way wind is blowing, agree with wind. NOT my kind of candidate. Charbonneau, in fact, told me in the e-mail that: "Robin Fisher and I are not old high school foot ball [sic] buddies, in fact as a Reasonable Republican Conservative I probably don't agree with him on many subjects. Robin is not however a "sexist" that was a cheap shot similar to those that claim any one that doesn't agree with Obama is a racist or Hitler."(Note to Charbonneau: That's called "fair use" and no court in the land will have a problem with that, even though you asked me to not share your thoughts with the public: strange thing for a candidate for public office to do while discussing politics with someone whose vote would effect their lives, n'est-ce pas?) I called Fisher a "sexist" because I've never seen him treat a man in such a way. However, he treats Infantini that way all the time. When I had my one and only meeting with him, he barely listened, rarely looked at me (much less in the eye), and was very dismissive even though I was telling him the history of the staff he chose to keep from scarborough the dull's days in office. I had proof in writing of their actions and deeds and he dismissed them. Perhaps Charbonneau is correct and Fisher isn't a "sexist". Maybe he just hates and dismisses ALL CONSERVATIVES? If that be the case, how is he doing at representing YOU? BTW, Mr. Charbonneau, as a politician asking to represent people it's a good thing to go on the record so that people can see who you are. Keeping things private doesn't tell people about you and if they can't hear every side how can they learn? TELLING me to keep it private only makes me wonder why you would want to hide your political views from the public you say you wish to learn from (and teach them about you) as well as what you don't want them to know. I have a FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to speak in public. YOU SHALL NEVER stop me from doing so about anything I wish to say: e-mails from politicians included and especially! In his e-mail Charbonneau also said he was reading my site but that he didn't agree with much of what I said. Charbonneau, the "Reasonable Republican Conservative" and "reality conservative", stands up for Fisher because they're not old foot ball [sic] buddies and states he doesn't agree with Fisher; but he doesn't agree with me either. RINO, middle of the roader, "moderate", whatever you wish to call him, he is NOT getting my endorsement. Oh, and if you're a TEA Party member (which I am not) Charbonneau throws you under the bus. He says (paraphrased) that you have some great points but that you go "overboard" and that the msm uses that against all Republicans in a way that hurts all Republicans in our elections. No. Not supporting ANYONE who says that the TEA Party -- people gathering to voice their opposition to the government's trampling of our GOD given rights and our U.S. Constitution -- is bad for America. Would you? Neither Nye nor Charbonneau have my endorsement. Not going to happen. Oh, and Mr. Charbonneau, if you care to respond, that's fine. Just know that I may accurately paraphrase anything you write and I may do "reasonable use" quotes as well. So you're free to write and demand all the secrecy you wish to withhold things from your constituency, but that doesn't mean you can hide from them here. October 1, 2013   America is RISING! WWII Vets fought valiantly for our freedom and for the freedom of our allies. Did thevileone actually think that -- after facing bullets, bombs and bayonets in WWII -- a little cord would stop them? What a moron! October 1, 2013   What a crock. October 1, 2013   JW has your back. If you're a patriotic American or a Christian you should support them. They are always watching out for you. October 1, 2013   104 Republicans considering special treatment for illegals. The bill stupido-rubio backs has special treatment for illegals and Michelle Malkin does an excellent job of disecting it for you. It's not a good thing, folks. Natural Born Americans will have fewer rights and different laws to live under if this thing passes. Maybe that's why thevileone's healthcaretax was pushed so hard lately: to distract us from the wrong of amnesty pushing? Squirrel! October 1, 2013   Baby-killing quietly went BACK INTO thevileone's healthcaretax right before it started. Yep. Now you and I pay for abortions. Got freedom? October 1, 2013   On that unlovely note, I'll close for today. Until next time, See ya'! September 2013 September 30, 2013: 4:31 p.m.   Truckers going to D.C.! America is RISING!!!! September 30, 2013   Fisher makes mountain of mole hill. When someone says they're quitting and the boss offers a pay raise to keep them on, but the employee quits anyways, then the person does NOT RETAIN that pay, nor the pay raise. So Fisher's point is moot at best, stupid at least. September 30, 2013: 1:38 p.m.   bonehead boehner standing strong? Now for those atheists out there, doesn't this prove the existence of GOD because (if true) it's a MIRACLE! LET THE GOV SHUT DOWN! If the government shuts down, we won't have the FBI spying on people, the NSA doing the same, etc. We will have some of our FREEDOM during a shut down. It would be a good thing! Malkin has the truth that we are ALREADY ABOVE THE DEBT CEILING. So why is NOW the day when it's so important to worry about the debt ceiling? Think about that one. What do you come up with? UPDATE: dumborat Senators vote against House bill! They're pushing for a shut down, folks. They want to be able to blame the Republicans, but it's their moves that are going to do it. Possibility: thevileone wants you distracted from something else that is going to be released so he wants you looking "over there" instead of at his wrong doing. What will that revelation be? Don't know. Just watch for the late night releases, the little hints, or the stuff on the internet not covered or even mentioned in the newscasts. September 30, 2013   Judge says thevileone's admin committed “grotesque prosecutorial misconduct”. That judge spoke the truth but whoever would have expected it now? After all, they've gotten away with everything so far. It's good to see one judge brave enough to do the right thing! I wonder if he qualifies for the scotUS? September 30, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax website TAKES DOWN word "free". It's no longer being advertised as being "free" now that it's a day away from implementation (and the start of the disaster). They're having to admit that it won't be "free" to anyone. Everyone will pay. That's the part I don't have too much problem with. The part I have a problem with is HOW MUCH, all of the government intrusion into EVERY aspect of our lives -- not just health care -- and all of the government panels, committees, commissions, etc., that makes it a top heavy administration. I don't think many people WANT thevileone and his administration to be standing between us and the health care we want, the doctor says we need, the operation that oculd save our lives. However, that is exactly what this thing does: and it makes us pay exorbitant amounts for it! Don't want it. Don't need it. It won't work. Sign the petitions against it! September 30, 2013   I support this plan: Take away taxpayer subsidies for Senators, Representatives and staff.
Those who make less than $20,000 annually (like my Mom) shouldn't have to subsidize those who make $175,000+ annually. It's absurd that they even wanted
that! But, our legislators seem to think that we are "the little people" and they are the elite, the upper class, the hoity-toity and we should pay
for the privilege of them being alive. I've got news for them: We didn't ASK for them to be born and we could do fine without them. There are better
people than every dumborat serving who could take their places. So they need to get off of their "we deserve" high horses and get back down to
reality and STOP TAKING from the rest of us for their own conveniences! September 30, 2013   Read JW's weekly update: they're suing for records as to why the USAF Academy removed all references to "So Help Me GOD" from their paperwork, and info on the contract with Huma Abedin (a. weiner's humiliated wife). I hope they get to the truth about weiner's wife. I believe she is a danger to America considering her ties with terrorist organizations. September 30, 2013   CNN pulls out of hillclintoon documentary.
Well, that free advertisement for
hillclintoon 2016 is gone. There's still the
"tv movie" by NBC
(and possibly others), so all of the free publicity isn't gone, but
we'll see if any of them do her any good. After all, we all remember this: September 30, 2013   Twitter suggests terrorists to follow.
I've been looking into Twitter lately. Did you know they are owned (majority ownership, not outright) by
Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal who does things like
support suicide bombings and "slitting of throats and shattering skulls.". Yep. That's who owns
Twitter. I September 30, 2013   Twelve minute Susan Rice interview: ZERO BENGHAZI questions. CNN - a kiss-butt network of thevileone's admin. September 30, 2013   billybobclintoon back to his old tricks in campaigning for hillclintoon. He says GOP and TEA Party are taking food from the poor. Anyone who has paid the least bit of attention lately -- or gone to the grocery store -- must know the truth of that statement. We've had a dumborat in the Red House for almost five years now. Does he think people don't know that and don't associate the prices there with the dumborat? Well, there are those deader-than-a-doornail brainless twits out there who still worship thevileone who will believe him, but those (THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE) are the minority. The rest of the people have at least an inkling. September 30, 2013   Issa wants thevileone's healthcaretax to INCLUDE thevileone's participation in it. How hard will thevileone fight that? My guess? VERY HARD! He'll SUE to prevent it. He sues for everything else. September 30, 2013   GROSS! Icky! Nasty! Not for me! Yuck. September 30, 2013   Rick Perry's wife pro-baby-killing. Not a good thing for a Republican presidential candidate. I won't vote for him after the Gardasil decision, that said too much negative about him. Considering that he mandated vaccinations for every girl in Texas -- without parental consent -- and considering that now we know how dangerous Gardasil actually is I could not support him for doing that to anyone. September 30, 2013   Do you know this hand sign? You should. September 30, 2013   I say make funding for thevileone's healthcaretaxes incumbent upon thevileone and his family joining: at full price, without subsidies. I bet it would never get implemented. September 30, 2013   We trust each other more than we trust government. Rightly so, considering the crap this administration and the dumborats (and some RINOS) have been doing. September 30, 2013   thevileone's lip service to supporting Israel is shown up in treatment of leaders. thevileone lies, he lies, he lies. He supports Israel as much as I support thevileone. September 30, 2013   Peace and Tolerance: "Sex jihad" on Islamic women. Where is the N.O.W. on this? Why isn't msthevileone focusing on this instead of what you eat? Why has thevileone himself said NOTHING about this? Islam gets a pass. IF the men doing this crap to women were Baptists, the world would be demanding the mens' heads. Islam? Nope. Silence. Hypocrisy has no standards. September 30, 2013   This administration doesn't want election integrity. If we have to show VALID IDENTIFICATION to vote, then they can't cheat as much. That's why they try to prevent it. The U.S. Constitution is just in their way. Also, this lawsuit goes directly against "Amendment XThat tells you what the "Constitutional scholar" thevileone thinks about the U.S. Constitution. He hates it. It's in his way. September 30, 2013   I doubt it. I seriously doubt the veracity of that story. They have Hollyweird's money and soros's money. With donors that rich they aren't nearly broke. They're just bucking for YOUR money; the nickels and dimes of the people in "fly-over country". They want your pity and your pennies. Tell them "No!" that you need them to help you pay for thevileone's healthcaretax. September 30, 2013   Pray for Maureen Rupe's soul, folks. I've heard she isn't doing very well. Pray that she has an encounter with GOD and that she will be saved and live to tell her family to do the same. It will save her, her hubby, her son and grandkids. I pray at least twice daily for her soul. I hope you will do the same. September 30, 2013   Minion Monday: Hank Pampers Himself in a Candlelight Bubble Bath will close my updates for today. Until next time, See ya'! September 27, 2013: 10:27 p.m.   I'm not the only person who doubts the Bin Laden story. I may have been the first, but I'm no longer the only. September 27, 2013: 9:51 a.m.   Missed yesterday due to running errands and staying busy. I was on my computer yesterday for maybe fifteen minutes prior to leaving the house, so I'm making sure I do this today. Let's get started. September 27, 2013   YOUR taxpayer dollars used to sponsor racist remarks. Yep. This is what thevileone supports. Isn't that special? September 27, 2013   Let us hope it's a hard lesson learned. I pray we have learned the lesson. September 27, 2013   JW's weekly update is interesting. They cover more Fast & Furious information. thevileone's administration is still stonewalling on everything. September 27, 2013   I agree with GOP "leaders" -- who are actually listening to us. Amazing. While only 1% say that they now have health insurance there are others who have lost theirs thanks to thevileone's healthcare tax. So it balances out. September 27, 2013   Poll: Putin better than thevileone on Syria. Well, I hate to say it, but Putin's more focused, stronger, more certain of his information, illucidates the facts better, and seems to have better information than thevileone. Of course, one could say the same thing of an inch worm, but that's beside the point. September 27, 2013   Brevard County makes THE BLAZE. Aren't we proud? September 27, 2013   dumborats are not listening to WE, THE PEOPLE! We don't want their debt, their ridiculously expensive healthcaretax, their intrusion into our lives (NSA, IRS, etc.), their abuse of our rights (gun control), etc. We don't want THEM. September 27, 2013   Just think, if we shut the gov. down we won't have the NSA spying on us, IRS targeting us, etc. Wouldn't that be WORTH a government shut down? I think so! Let's do this! September 27, 2013   Animals act like this. People don't. Don't raise your children to be animals. Teach them to have a conscience. September 27, 2013   thevileone says health care is a "right". No. It isn't. We have the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and none of those includes health care at the forced expense of other people. We can CHOOSE to have health care; that's our right. But to be FORCED into it via government programs, via law, that's government intrusion into our pockets, into our lives, into our business. It's not their business whether or not I have health care. Their intrusion into that personal choice is taking away my freedom. They don't have the right to do that. But thevileone must push Socialism down our throats and that's what he's trying to do. If Republicans and the people don't stand up and fight this even after Oct. 1st, then America IS "fundamentally transformed" into something we were NEVER meant to be. Some House Republicans are standing their ground? Miracles happen. September 27, 2013   Your dollars for Denver tree planting. Isn't that wonnerful? September 27, 2013   I can't tell you how unbelievable this is. He's a hero and they worry about brick? September 27, 2013   Baby-killer asks if mother wants to hold baby just killed. I think that could be one way to stop abortions. Make the mother look at what they just killed. September 27, 2013   Miss Burka World? September 27, 2013   Send your kids to college for this? Thousands and thousands of dollars for them to be taught that? I don't think it's worth it. Do you? September 27, 2013   Sometimes "lost causes" are real winners. Never give up on what's RIGHT. September 27, 2013   Peace and tolerance --- NSFW. If this is Islam, why would ANYONE want to practice it? Why? September 27, 2013   Good! She should get a retrial if the jury was improperly instructed. It's a case of self-defense and no one got hurt. September 27, 2013   Some Hamsters still clinging to their "Global Warming" wheel. Delusions are difficult to let go of when you've built a life around them. Sad to see so many addicted to it. Poor, poor Hamsters. September 27, 2013   Congress getting freebies: does it compromise their integrity? I'll let you answer that question. September 27, 2013   On that note, I'll close for today. I'm going to soldering on scrap to learn for part of my sculpture later today. I've never done that before. I've soldered before, yes, but not on this material or in this way. We'll see how it turns out. Until next time, See ya'! September 25, 2013: 3:20 p.m.   Do you or someone you love have Alzheimer's or similar health issues? What if there was a cure for Alzheimers? Coconut oil could be that key ingredient to helping them. There's no harm in trying it. If you're not afraid of success, why not try? September 25, 2013   Sen. Ted Cruz stood up for America yesterday. Of course, mccain't had to attack Cruz for standing up for America. Even though most of America does NOT want thevileone's healthcaretax, and it's costing LOADS MORE than they said it would. You WILL LOSE the health care plan that you CHOSE, as did Michelle Malkin. (And to the haters who will say "Good! I'm glad Malkin lost her plan!", remember: you are next in line to do so!) The young people are going to be hit hard, too. America is against this. (Well, everyone except thevileone's buddies.) But thevileone keeps going, misleading people about the actual costs. Just because he -- with the help of reid, pelosipig and other dumborats -- can. The ONLY reason they can is because WE LET THEM. We're too lazy, too busy, too preoccupied to do something about it. "WE, THE PEOPLE," are the government. They are OUR employees. What's wrong with US taking control? Remember, the dumborats exempted Congress, the Senate and their staffers from it. It's not good enough for them (or they get OUR money to help them pay for it although they make more than you do) and yet, they make us take it? Where are we? Is thevileone our prezidunce or our dictator? September 25, 2013   thevileone admits he raised taxes. Can you believe he actually told the truth? Why is there not a HUGE press buzz about this? He told the TRUTH?!!! Amazing! September 25, 2013   The Feds (and thevileone) have an agenda behind printing money. They're out to make us into something we don't even recognize. I love this line: "And if Americans find out that the lion's share of their income tax payments are going to service the debt, prepare for a new American revolution."We need that. We truly do. September 25, 2013   U.S. Post Offices are raising their rates again? Remember when we found out that they were paying "thousands of its workers" to DO NOTHING? And they expect us to understand and accept a hike in their stamps? Why should we tolerate that? I say go to the post office NOW, buy a hundred "Forever" stamps now and use those forever. After all, save the money you can while you can and when they hike the price again you'll still be using stamps at today's prices, which are high enough! If you're going to hike our prices to pay people to DO NOTHING, that's not a good enough reason to increase OUR prices! September 25, 2013   I have a suggestion to make this television show more interesting. Let America choose which celebrities go into space via vote, and then we can also vote whether to bring them back! (Just kidding... Except for Michael Moore... and a few others... Piers Morgan?) September 25, 2013   Okay. I've heard enough and seen enough of the bad cop stories like this one to make me say that I no longer trust ANY law enforcement officer or agency. I refuse to trust them because this kind of crap supports the truth that a lot of cops are being TAUGHT that THEY ARE THE LAW, and that the actual written law (i.e. the U.S. Constitution) does NOT MATTER any more. THE COPS ARE THE LAW is their current attitude. Never trust them until they prove otherwise. September 25, 2013   You ARE paying higher taxes everywhere for everything. It's not me saying so, it's proven. September 25, 2013   Eleven months straight of record food stamp recipients. When they employ people to go out and find folks to sign up for food stamps on the beaches of the land, don't you think they WANT it that way? They're trying to turn America into a Socialist/Communist country. Isn't this part of it? September 25, 2013   ketchup kerry needs to be impeached because of this. He's breaking the Constitutional mandate that "He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments."IMPEACH ketchup kerry. September 25, 2013   thevileone claims to be Christian, but enables attacks on Christians. Does anyone believe his claim? I don't. Never have. September 25, 2013   Remaking the World: Progressivism and American Foreign Policy by Christopher Burkett. It's a good read and it will help you understand what thevileone and others are doing -- and why. September 25, 2013   Upcoming scotUS cases are a mixed bag. The First Amendment cases are, of course, important, but National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning could be the most important case because it could UNDO four of thevileone's "recess" appointments that weren't recess appointments because the Senate wasn't in recess. That would be a big slap to thevileone. Let's see if the scotUS has the spine to do the right thing. September 25, 2013   On that note, I'll go for now. Until next time, See ya'! September 24, 2013: 2:55 p.m.   Hello. Hope you enjoyed your weekend. I had a slight case of the flu. Got better Sunday and my son came over on Monday (nice unexpected visit) and we did crafts all afternoon. He made something for himself and I made two necklaces for me. I may post a pic of them later. Anyways, we didn't finish until after six and then my hubby came home and we spent some time together then I made us some delicious pork chops and by then it was late. So, I didn't get updates done because by the time I sat down to even consider doing them it was 11:33 p.m. and I figured I'd wait. Sorry. Now, on with the blurbs! September 24, 2013   "A Class in Conscience Because Society is Lacking One" is my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com. September 24, 2013   Transparency doesn't even apply to their Twitter accounts. That's how "transparent" they are: lying is the cornerstone of their existence. They couldn't spell it if their lives depended upon it. No matter what he promised, HE LIED. That's proven by the fact that even the HuffPo calls him on his lack of transparency. Add Salon magazine calling him on it and you've got even the lefties saying that he's totally opaque, INSTEAD OF transparent! Is anyone surprised? September 24, 2013   Victory of Americans of L.A.! Hurray! It's rare for Americans to win anything with judges in CA and yet, there was a judge willing to do the Constitutional thing. Excellent! September 24, 2013   Ex Royal Marine saved 100 lives from Islamic terrorists. Yeah. He used his own gun to do so. Anti-gun advocates would have prevented that. Peace and tolerance rears its true face in this attack. They were, according to the report, "believed to be members of the Somalia-based Al-Shabaab terror group. [I inserted the link to Al-Shabaab.]" September 24, 2013   thevileone launders $99.8 MILLION through another "green" company that goes belly up.
Don't ya' love how responsible he is with YOUR money? Didn't you feel the benefits from all your money going to that company? Aren't you just so grateful
for his "investment"? Don't you love how much he does September 24, 2013   Grab your guns and hold on tight: thevileone wants them! Yep. We knew it was coming. He's at it again and his buds in the msm are helping him. In uber-lib Maryland people are buying 1,000 guns daily ahead of new anti-gun law. America wants to keep and exercise its Second Amendment rights. It's the only thing that keeps America FREE (and we're learning that even more with this administration) so a lot of us are interested in doing what we can to keep our Second Amendment, GOD-given rights! September 24, 2013   Sen. Ted Cruz starts fillibuster against thevileone's healthcaretax. I believe the Senate will support thevileone's healthcaretax and when they do that, they'll be spitting in America's faces. The rest of us will be messed over while the Senate will maintain their exemptions, and they manipulated the system so that they get a taxpayer-funded "subsidy" for their costs, YOUR family's healthcare costs will TRIPLE! Aaahhhh....thevileone's healthcaretax. Don't ya' love the "equal protection under the law"? September 24, 2013   thevileone's CAIR buddies impeded FBI probe of terrorists. Shocked? Didn't think so. September 24, 2013   Common Core gone in FL? I don't know if it's going to be permanent, or if it's just words, but it's a good start. It's also not safe to challenge Common Core in certain areas. You could get arrested. For more information on Common Core, or to share it with your friends in other states still saddled with this Communism, check out the thorough information you'll find at Grumpy Opinions.com. They've really done the research there! September 24, 2013   U.S. Military has tech vulnerabilities. It's just as thevileone planned it. If he can keep American soldiers being killed and vulnerable, he can prevent them from fighting FOR US HERE, against him. He thinks he's destroying the only capable opposition. What he's forgetting... Well, let's say that the Brits thought the same thing way back when. September 24, 2013   LOL! pelospig is an idiot-and-a-half. Yes. She's that stupid. September 24, 2013   The leader of the IRS conservative targeting scandal retires with full pension. Yep. You get to pay her for the rest of her life for targeting you. Don't ya' just love that? September 24, 2013   CAUTION: Read link without liquid in your mouth or bladder. "World more stable now than it was five years ago..." says thevileone. And he takes all the credit for it to himself, even though thevileone has sent U.S. troops around the world. Isn't that humble? September 24, 2013   CNN anchor hasn't a clue. From what I've read, most of their anchors fall into that category. September 24, 2013   NY cop filmed stealing man's pro-Second Amendment sign. That's not good. If the cops are sworn to "protect and defend" or even "uphold and defend" the U.S. Constitution, this does not bode well for the people of that area. He must be a follower of thevileone instead of the Constitution. Some people just don't get the Second Amendment idea. September 24, 2013   THIS is how cops should handle Second Amendment activists' activities! Hurray for this cop! Excellent! September 24, 2013   Fired for opposing homosexual "marriage"? Whatever happened to free speech and religious freedom, A.K.A. First Amendment rights? September 24, 2013   Could Christians go to Mecca and have a similar march? No? But, peace and TOLERANCE! September 24, 2013   Witness list for Harr/Needelman/Dupree trials proves interesting. Kinda' makes you wonder if there will be other indictments? Just asking. Just asking. September 24, 2013   Finished in Egypt? I don't know.... September 24, 2013   Pres. of Brazil "excoriates" thevileone. (*smile*). September 24, 2013   Republicans leading effort to tax the internet. RINOs leading the push; Conservatives don't want it, but that's not all they're messing up. They need to go back and read their Party Platform. I think they've forgotten it already! September 24, 2013   Some "elected without opposition" for 2013 elections. Remember to keep an eye on the 2014 elections. No telling whose going to turn up. September 24, 2013   I'll close for now with a small smiley face: Minion Monday: Hank Visits a Fun House. Until next time, See ya'! September 20, 2013: 6:14 a.m.   From the Ashes Comes the Phoenix. My latest poem. It's intense and it's a 9/11 memorial poem. September 20, 2013: 2:51 p.m.   Mexico tries to order America around: give 'em a day and thevileone will wet his pants and capitulate. September 20, 2013   GOP show vote to defund thevileone's healthcaretax. It won't get past the Senate so it's just show vote #41. Yawn. September 20, 2013   thevileone's rRadical, pro-baby-killing feminist judge approved for D.C. Circuit Court. That's bad. Life matters and having a radical judge who hates babies still inside their mommies is not going to help those babies. Nor is it going to help the women of the area. Remember, abortion kills females, too. If you can't respect life enough inside the womb, you're going to have little regard for it outside the womb. Both genders are in trouble here: as is our U.S. Constitution -- again. Thanks (*not*), thevileone! September 20, 2013   pelosipig: this lie's so big even satan is laughing. September 20, 2013   Jeb Bush is supporting Common Core hard core. Why? What's he getting out of pushing BAD education? What's in it for him? Does he think it's going to be his ticket to the White House? If so, he's sadly and vastly mistaken. September 20, 2013   dumborats walked out of the BENGHAZI hearing yesterday
because they didn't respect the families of the victims enough to stay and listen to them. That's dirt. That's lower than dirt. Even worse is what
the mother of Sean Smith has to say about thevileone, clintoon, et al:
September 20, 2013   Is this why people are dumborats? So that they can say this sort of thing with impunity? Another thing dumborats do that is disgusting. September 20, 2013   Support for gun control? Down! Hurray. September 20, 2013   Yes! Let's hope it stays that way! Amnesty in the U.S. House may be a no-go! WooHoo! Let's keep the pressure on that it doesn't come to life again. September 20, 2013   hillclintoon already opposing thevileone. I hope that she comes out with the truth about thevileone's paperwork, the truths she found out and the press would listen to her this time through and she could destroy thevileone's reputation and every law he ever signed, every Executive Order would be negated and he'd be put in jail and we'd garnish every cent that is in every bank acount he has! My dream. September 20, 2013   thevileone's such a crybaby. Quick! Someone give him his pacifier! And a more accurate computer program. Oh, and a healthcare program that won't put your private information "at risk". Can you believe he actually admitted it? Shock. September 20, 2013   Continuing resolution: $174,000 to dead senator's wife. What? Frustrating to have such nonsense passed and condoned! Stop it! September 20, 2013   Unemployment down in Brevard? I'd love to see the U6 numbers for this area. The U6 numbers include the numbers of the unemployed who have given up looking for employment and I wonder if the "unemployment down" report would stand. Just a thought. September 20, 2013   Pope is playing dangerously. If he takes the Catholic Church into the "everything's okay" category he will lose the Church a whole lot of people and gain them just a few. The numbers will be enormous. But it's his church to destroy if the people won't stand up to him. C'est la vie! Stand for what you believe in or lose it. September 20, 2013   D.C. wages: Up! Everywhere else: Down. Does that tell you something? September 20, 2013   Food stamp reform pass House but will the Senate pass it, or thevileone sign it? September 20, 2013   thevileone takes on coal. Not a good idea. Coal is good for America and if he had a single brain cell he'd be able to see that. September 20, 2013   This actually surprised me. America is one of only 4 countries that allow abortions after the baby could live outside the womb. Did you know that? I always thought that it was worldwide, abortion at any time prior to birth. That's the impression the pro-baby-killers leave us with: everyone else does it! So I learned something today: never trust a pro-baby-killer's messages. September 20, 2013   I shall close with that today. Oh, well, maybe I'll give you a link to my latest Tribute to Our Heroes; Lapel Pins. Until next time, See ya'! September 19, 2013: 3:25 p.m. Talk Like A Pirate Day!   Arrrrhh, me maties! Let's start doin' us some blurbs! Okay, it's not the same
in writing, but if you talk like a pirate today at Krispy Kremes Donuts you'll get a free donut. Let's get goin' tah da September 19, 2013: 7:01 p.m.   ATTENTION CONCEALED CARRY & GUN OWNERS OF BREVARD: Starbucks has changed its former policy and GUNS are NO LONGER WELCOME in Starbucks. I have never stepped foot in a Starbucks. Now, I never shall. I won't buy their bottled Frappuccinos at any store. I even deleted from my Flickr photostream the one pic I had Starbucks Frappuccino featured. Starbucks does not exist to me any longer. September 19, 2013   Family Research Council shooter gets 25 years in prison. Shock: the feds called the shooting "an act of terrorism"! Wow! They're admitting it finally! A "hate map" helped the shooter target FRC. If the Conservatives had published a map of progressive organizations and called them hateful and something similar had happened would lead to the Conservatives being condemned in the media but it's not going to happen for this situation. Double standards always apply. September 19, 2013   $1.2 BILLION of your taxpayer dollars spent in "overpayments". Don't you just love all of this government carelessness? Just think. In a few weeks they're scheduled to take over your healthcare monies. Doesn't all this waste and all these mistakes just breed confidence? Kinda' makes you all warm and comfy, doesn't it? September 19, 2013   thevileone built this. Dollar at seven month low. Thanks, thevileone! You're still right on track in your efforts to destroy America! September 19, 2013   VINDICATED! Repbulican, Tom Delay's conviction overturned, thrown out, his record cleared and the judge says the case was, "legally insufficient to sustain DeLay’s convictions."The prosecutor in this case shopped six grand juries before he finally found one that would come anywhere close to handing down an indictment. The other five said there wasn't enough evidence to indict. Shouldn't that have told the prosecutor something? But, no. He was under orders from the dumborats and he had to get this done. This is what our judicial system has been brought down to by the dumborats: a tool to get their own way. Delay's nickname was "The Hammer" and he was very good at getting all of the Republicans (sometimes a few dumborats) to vote for what the Republicans wanted. The dumborats had to get rid of him in order to win any votes at all. So they found a prosecutor who did just that... six juries later. September 19, 2013   Putin wants 4th term. He wants to be around while weak-willed, lilly-livered, incompetent prezidunce is in office so that Putin can mock him some more. Putin likes being the strong one and he's determined to display his strength to the mom-jeans-wearing, helmeted schoolyard sissy, thevileone. Putin's in his element. How far will he take it is my concern. September 19, 2013   I support this bill. I think we should do this in Florida. I think EVERY state should do this: federal, too, should do this! If you want to take our money at least do something for it. I think it instills a feeling of accomplishment when people work to get something. It makes that something more valuable. Whether it's a car a teen saved up to buy, a house you're wanting without going into debt, or a book a kid purchases with his own allowance money, that thing, that adventure, that blouse, whatever, is more valuable when you work to get it. September 19, 2013   I DON'T THINK SO! Why should WE pay for something WE didn't make, give them, or have anything to do with? When talking about getting rid of the chemical weapons in Syria, "Assad also said if the United States wanted to pick up the $1 billion, that would help."No way! thevileone has already wasted enough of our money, our great-great-great-grandchildren's money to go from here to Pluto we don't need to waste even more! No way! But thevileone will gladly give our money to them: WITHOUT proof the weapons will ever be destroyed thanks to "his" largesse. Mark my words! September 19, 2013   CBO's records of our debt contradict thevileone's words yesterday. "Now, this debt ceiling -- I just want to remind people in case you haven't been keeping up -- raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote profligacy. All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress. It's a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved." ![]() Yeah. Truth MATTERS. thevileone wouldn't know the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch all at the same time. He proves it every time his lips move. September 19, 2013   I bet it tastes a little like cigars. September 19, 2013   thevileone is using the Navy Yard shooting to raise money? First: Tacky, tacky, tacky. Totally classless. Second: Raising money for...? To push GUN CONTROL LAWS. He's trying to take away our Second Amendment rights and he's using this and other shootings as a way to do so. Hold tight, fight back and stand now, while you still can! Remember, he extended the "state of national emergency" so he has extended powers still. What else does he want to do with his extended powers? Remember, also, that back in August he signed more gun control "Executive Orders". What others is he planning? September 19, 2013   Did you hear about the MANDATORY AIDS TESTING FOR ALL CITIZENS? Executive Order on July 15, 2013 everyone ages 15-65 gets tested for AIDS, whether you've ever done anything to warrant it or not. Invasion of privacy, anyone? Do you feel like your life is now under someone else's control? Freedom, anyone? September 19, 2013   Ted Cruz is doing the right thing which makes him a target for the progressives and idiots. (Sorry to be redundant there.) September 19, 2013   thevileone asks NY Times what he should do about Syria. Excuse me? Asking "journalists" and opinion editors what to do about a national security and world diplomacy event? It's ridiculous! He's so clueless, he's the guy who takes advice from his teenage daughters! September 19, 2013   scotUS to hear another case challenging thevileone's healthcaretax. Shall we be able to say "Hurray! Freedom and our U.S. Constitution won!"? Or shall we be saying, "Justice (air quotes) john roberts screwed us again?" Let us all pray for the U.S. Constitution's victory on this one. Let us hope that whatever they have on roberts that he's man enough to stand up and face it and do the right thing for the future of the country, not just what's convenient to his little secret. By the way, did you know that thevileone says you are WRONG for opposing his healthcare plan? You're wrong. He knows what's best for you and you WILL sit down, shut up and take it whether you want it or not! Arrogant a...hem. September 19, 2013   I sent info to the Commies about this company suggesting that the commies don't grant a tax abatement to it, but the progressive three (bolin, nelson and fisher) voted FOR it anyways. They should not have, but they did. How do three commies spell "regret"? They'll regret it. I don't trust the company and I don't think this is a good thing for Brevard. I could be wrong. Gut instinct says I'm not. September 19, 2013   This is a DESPICABLE, DISREPECTFUL, ARROGANT act on the part of the dumborats! How DARE they? Those families DESERVE a proper hearing and they DESERVE to have everyone present and they DESERVE to have their say and to GET TRUTHFUL, ACCURATE, IMMEDIATE ANSWERS TO THEIR QUESTIONS! But, no! The dumborats walk out, totally disrespecting their losses and the fact that they are supposed to be adults willing to deal with hard truths! That's why they get the big bucks, to deal with difficult, big picutre things, not to walk out when the going gets tough! What COWARDS! When the names are published, I'll find them and post them. Give 'em hades! September 19, 2013   Okay. That one ticked me off. I'm going to go for now because I'm too irritated to not get really aggressive with the dumborats. If you think my daily postings are "full of hate" (you know who), you should see me angry. (*smirk*) Until next time, See ya'! September 18, 2013: 9:34 p.m.   Had errands to do today, so I was out all day. Just a few blurbs tonight (planned that way, at least). If I find a lot of interesting items, there may be more than a few. We'll see. September 18, 2013: 9:31 p.m.   "The Drafted Health Care Application: Summary of a Doozey" is my latest Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com article. The questionnaire is just a wee bit intrusive. September 18, 2013   thevileone built this. Another step toward thevileone's ultimate goal of destroying America. He must be crowing in his sleep. Maybe if he understood how things work he'd be crowing a little louder, but he keeps proving his incompetence. September 18, 2013   Is this timing suspicous to you? Gitmo prisoner released and he's related to Syrian opposition? Kinda' makes one say, "Hmmm..." September 18, 2013   Just a little more hollyweird hypocrisy. The original pot calls the kettle here. September 18, 2013   msthevileone has no authority to spend taxpayer dollars on ANYTHING. A first lady (or first spouse) is not mentioned at all in the U.S. Constitution. She has no power over us except what we give her via obedience. If anyone listens to msthevileone, sounds to me like they deserve what they get. September 18, 2013   House to vote on defunding thevileone's healthcaretax. This is, what?, the 40-somethingth time? Amptjer meaningless show vote. Whatever! September 18, 2013   What the....???? If this is true, someone has to answer for the lives that could have been saved. It's just WRONG! September 18, 2013   Michelle Malkin is correct: government is more dangerous than other things! It's ridiculous how bad our government has become. September 18, 2013   IRS "flagged" groups in 2011 based upon anti-thevileone rhetoric. Some of these groups were newly forming, how can they have had "anti-thevileone rhetoric" if they were just forming? Ridiculous! September 18, 2013   thevileone's speech was a problem. Not just that it had three to be pointed out, but that he hasn't yet been arrested and tried for treason instead of still being in the Red House! September 18, 2013   Woah! I've seen a lightning strike that close. It made me run, but my dog still beat me to the door! September 18, 2013   Robert Spencer is correct: Islam is a religion of hatred. They don't just hate the "infidels", they hate themselves and everyone else. September 18, 2013   Now lindsey grahamnasty is formally rebuked. First it was john mccain't's folks rebuking him, now it's grahamnasty. Seems like their constituents are not happy with being misrepresented. I don't blame them! September 18, 2013   What do Russia, China & Al Qaeda have in common? Hatred of us, of course, but what else? September 18, 2013   Well, I said "a few" blurbs tonight and I'll stick with it since I have more to do and must get done. Today, I was blessed and found Hank's Halloween costume. We don't celebrate Halloween, but I can take a pic of Hank in a costume! (Of course, he won't go trick-or-treating.) Until next time, See ya'! September 17, 2013: 5:11 p.m.: Constitution Day   Wrote my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com today. I'll post a link to it when it's up. It's about the 60 page draft release of the application. Yeowser! It's a lot of very personal and intrusive questions. You may be interested in reading it to find out. Now, on with the blurbs. September 17, 2013   Never forget: we're sill waiting for answers about BENGHAZI. The TRUTH matters. September 17, 2013   Navy Yard shooter was a fan of thevileone who had mental illness problems. Anyone who supports thevileone is mentally ill, granted, but not everyone does this. The shooter really should have been off the streets and in a facility. Of course, the dumborats call for more gun control laws. Shock surprise on that one. The truth is that the guns he used weren't all brought there by him: "[The weapons:] a shotgun -- that investigators believe Alexis brought in to the compound. The other two weapons, which sources say were handguns, may have been taken from guards at the Navy complex."There was no AR-15 involved. And if billyboyclintoon hadn't taken the right to carry away from our soldiers (or not) this sort of thing would never happen. September 17, 2013   DH[IN]S keeps the U.S.A. vulnerable. That's the way they want it. Destroy America and let others help. September 17, 2013   eric holder has been sued by the House of Representatives over noncompliance. holder has been stonewalling and not letting the truth be known by Congress or the American people. So, Judicial Watch is suing him to find out why the stonewalling. Good! That's another reason to love and support Judicial Watch. I do. September 17, 2013   CIA employee suspended over BENGHAZI. The person refused to sign a non-diclosure form because the person obviously has a spine and a conscience. Good for that person! September 17, 2013   thevileone gets even more vile. He's absolutely disgusting and revolting. September 17, 2013   Making less money than in 1989? That's what the numbers show. thevileone built that! And he's trying to make it worse. Naturally! September 17, 2013   Imagine that! Scientists find source of imaginative abilities in our brains. So all of my Hank pictures and my writing and my paintings all come from a specific area of my brain. I always thought my whole brain was goofy. September 17, 2013   sebelius says "Will" then "can" then "may". That's how the uninsured hear things here. It's maybe kinda' sorta' a thing where you could be covered.... maybe... September 17, 2013   hillclintoon to open mouth; lies WILL come out. September 17, 2013   IMHO, Starbucks CEO is nuts. Or just stupid. Or just very progressive. Or all of the above. September 17, 2013   Anyone who values the lives of women would NOT say this: If elected I'll keep open substandard abortion clinics. Guess who: Terry McAuliffe (D) candidate for Virginia Governor. I guess he wants more women dying due to infections and all the other crud like Kermit Gosnell's clinic had wrong with it. McAuliffe should be ashamed of himself. It's not JUST the babies that are being killed by the horror factories. It's girls and women, too! September 17, 2013   YOUR taxpayer dollars: $650 MILLION to illegal aliens in L.A. alone. Tell me something. What benefits do you receive for your taxpayer dollars? Postal service, roads in fair condition, the U.S. military and the IRS there to take your tax money? Yeah. Become an illegal and you'll get a LOT more. September 17, 2013 &Nbsp I say GOOD for the art gallery director. a painting of thevileone is not more sacred than a crucifix, but they put it in urine and called it art (which thevileone refused to denounce). It's not more important than the Virgin Mary that an "artist" did in cow dung and it was called "art". Why not leave up the "defaced" painting of thevileone? Fair's fair. September 17, 2013   More Common Core lies. They're teaching your children lies about the U.S. Constitution. Teach them the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and you can get 10 for $10 here. Keep them close at hand. I carry one with me in my purse. You should have seen how the security personell reacted when they saw it as they were searching my purse at the Viera court house. Funny stuff! September 17, 2013   30 years of being in the U.N.'s minority. It's time we kick the U.N. off of American soil, get all of their "diplomatic immunity" people off of our soil and stop giving our money to the U.N. and all of the evil they want to do to diminish our GOD-given rights! Kick 'em out! September 17, 2013   Rather gross, but WAY cool. Finger growing via pig's bladder. Who knew? September 17, 2013   "Examining the Social Cost of Carbon" by Paul C. "Chip" Knappenberger is a good read. Considering the fact that we know that there is NO SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING, a "carbon tax" (to punish those of us who drive places, do things: the producers of America) to allegedly help fix what manmade global warming is hurting would be just another way for thevileone to launder more money to give to the Muslim Brohood and his other cronies. September 17, 2013   I've used this link before, but it's time for a reminder. FIVE Ways [thevileone] Has Tramled the Constitution. Remember he has done this. It's time to impeach thevileone and get him out of our rights, and into prison where he belongs! September 17, 2013   BOCC mulls a BIG mistake. Four of them will vote in favor of it. Infantini will be the only one with the sense to do the right thing. September 17, 2013   I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! September 16, 2013: 5:17 p.m.   I just found this: Aaaahhhh..... public schools LYING TO THEIR STUDENTS ABOUT THEIR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS. The students should be taught the TRUTH, not a lie. Public schools are nothing more than liberal indoctrination. Homeschool your children. Teach them the TRUTH. September 16, 2013   Sunshine Laws ignored in Hialeah. Watch the video. It will make you wonder what the City officials have to hide since they called the cops on a group of folks filming a public records request and LIED to them about having to have the request in WRITING. The truth is that you don't HAVE to put it in writing. You can walk in off the streets and ask and it is SUPPOSED to be given to you, no ID required, no delays, no excuses. That's the LAW. Too bad some public employees don't give a flying flip about the law. September 16, 2013   Had to get those in. Watch the whole video on that public records one, folks. It's really infuriating. Public officials need to remember that they work for us, not we them! Until next time, See ya'! September 16, 2013: 12:22 p.m.   Hope everyone had a great weekend! I did. So let's start with this: Baby-killing clinics closing at record rates! That's a GREAT way to start the week! People are realizing that babies are babies when they're in the womb, too. The truth about the formation of a child is being told and mothers are choosing to NOT abort their babies. LIFE is winning! So we start this update with excellent news! September 16, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax will question your sex life. That 60 page questionnaire or the 21 page questionnaire for thevileone's healthcaretax will be a bit invasive of your privacy. Want to take advantage of thevileone's healthcaretax? Kiss your privacy goodbye. You'll have to tell them everything they want to know about you, like it or not. Remember, this thing will be administered by the IRS and lying on federal IRS forms comes with stiff penalties. Privacy? What privacy? Is that what you wanted? Also remember, the Senate and House exempted themselves so those pesky questions won't have to be answered by them. Isn't that special? Would it surprise anyone if they made backroom deals to pass this disgusting government overreach? Except in CA, even if you sign up for it, you may not be able to get it. Is there anything this administration CAN'T SCREW UP? September 16, 2013   There's been a shooting spree in D.C. There are currently differing stories about what happened, how many shooters, how many dead and injured, what's going on with the shooter[s], etc., so I'll just say "Pray for the victims, and the for the safety of the residents and law enforcement of D.C." Keep an eye on this story. There's more to be released. As usual, though, thevileone is vile during the attacks. How tacky. September 16, 2013   CO: Hundreds still unaccounted for. The weather is clearing so that's good news. Maybe they can get out and find more people stranded on housetops or in trees. I hope they find everyone and that there are no more deaths. September 16, 2013   Rich & poor gap widens. thevileone has to bear the full responsibility for this. He is the one who built this: without our help. But, as usual, thevileone blames Republicans. He points the finger at everyone and anyone else, but he never -- ever -- takes responsibility for his own actions. Typical progressive leftie. September 16, 2013   CO residents want to build on their recall victory. Now they want to repeal the gun control laws the lefties put in place. CO, the rest of America should follow your lead! Anti-gun laws were struck down in Illinois, too. FINALLY! September 16, 2013   NYC's dumborat nominee for mayor is De Blasio. He'll face RINO Republican nominee Joe Lhota on Nov. 5th. So the only difference between the two candidates will be what letter is after their names? Sounds like NYC will get what they deserve if they vote for either candidate. September 16, 2013   Speaking of elections, Here are the 2013 candidates and issues for Brevard County (some candidates ran without opposition so they are already "elected"); and the 2014 Brevard County Candidates. Keep an eye on the Supervisor of Elections' website, folks. It keeps you well informed. District 1 needs to pay attention to this one: "District 1 School BoardWhy this one? Because I know a little bit about Chinaris. He's married to Carmella Chinaris , of the Port St. John Dependent Special District Advisory Board. She was, as you may recall, she was recommended by the rupester. Birds of a feather. I'm not saying that Ms Haggard-Belford would be any better, but I will contact her and get info from her and share that info with you: IF she responds. September 16, 2013   Wow. House on a buried treasure! Amazing finds all around that area. September 16, 2013   Another fancy party at the Red House while you eat another supper of Peanut Butter and Jelly. Aren't you so glad you have a KING/TYRANT instead of merely a president? It means so much more for us to have a KING. After all shouldn't all KINGS live like he? September 16, 2013   "Journalist" getting defined by Congress: Should that be called "fascist"? Yes. A journalist is someone who reports things. They get information out to others. This website is a place to come and get information. Does that make me a "journalist"? I get information gathered up for you. I sometimes even write the reports on local issues/events myself. So, yes, I am a "journalist" because of the research I do and the articles I write. Will my website -- or the others I write for -- be covered under the Senate's bill? We'll see, but if history is any indication, then I'll have to say no because my writing doesn't kiss the left's backside. September 16, 2013   Peace and tolerance at it again. September 16, 2013   Animals: these people should be shot at sunrise. Warning: Very disturbing content. September 16, 2013   BENGHAZI: Did "probe" protect clintoon, thevileone, etc? They blamed "midlevel" staffers for BENGHAZI, not those at the top; of course! Just as they did for the IRS targeting scandal, it's always the "midlevel" folks to take the fall. It's never higher than "midlevel" that does any wrong in thevileone's world. He must be protected at all costs: inclding the loss of innocent lives and their loved ones never knowing the truth. September 16, 2013   Brain-eating amoeba discovered in LA water system? I didn't know progressivism is spread via water! September 16, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax causes more people to lose their jobs. And he parties at the Red House to celebrate the demise of America and blame Republicans for everything under the sun. Even though it's his doing, not theirs. September 16, 2013   Crud. Now I have to decide if I want to stay on Twitter. I'm not on there very often, actually, but when I do use it, I don't want to be doing "business" with a Saudi Prince. Sigh... For now, though, if you wish to follow me I'm available at my Twitter name: @SpaceCoastCon. I may or may not be back, but if you wish to follow me, that's my handle. September 16, 2013   We still don't know much at all about thevileone. So why are we not surprised? September 16, 2013   One of the 9/11 memorial desecrators is found. September 16, 2013   DO[IN]J "coached" black pastors on how to be political but not lose their pastorate. Does that sound like "equal treatment" to you? No? Shock! Surprise! September 16, 2013   I'll close with a Minion Monday smile. Until next time, See ya'! September 14, 2013: 8:00 p.m.   Just a few blurbs tonight because I'm starting late and have laundry and a few other things still to do. We went out to an early dinner with some friends and tried a new (to us) restaurant, Bonefish Grill in Merritt Island. The best way I can describe it is, YUMM!!! I recommend everything! We had three appetizers: Bang Bang Shrimp (spicy, so if you don't do spicy, don't dip the shrimp, have it brought on the side), the Coconut Shrimp (spicy) and (my favorite) the Bacon Wrapped Sea Scallops! Oh, my goodness, those things are SOOOOOOOO good! I suggested to the manager that they be put on the dessert menu, too; they're that good! Then I had the Chicken Marsala with steamed veggies and broccoli, and for dessert we all four shared a Flourless Brownie with Raspberry Sauce and Ice Cream. Decadent! So very good! The service was excellent, too, so next time you want something good to eat, try Bonefish Grill. I think you'll really, really like it! I give it 10 of 10! September 14, 2013   ABSOLUTELY! I AGREE 100%!! September 14, 2013   Changing the story to fit the TRUTH. Yeah, the Matthew Shepard story was all a big lie. He wasn't killed because of hatred against homosexuals, but because of drugs. He knew his attackers and he'd bought and sold drugs with/to them, as well as having had sex with at least one of the perps prior to their beating and killing him. The TRUTH matters. Even if it doesn't fit certain people's agendas. September 14, 2013   TSA officer arrested for smuggling illegal aliens. So, is anyone surprised. September 14, 2013   U.S. troops on the ground in Syria? Not a good idea. Let's NOT do this! September 14, 2013   Second Amendment getting some bucking up by several States' Legislators. September 14, 2013   CO residents currently missing 172. September 14, 2013   Poor, poor Hamsters! What will they do? Things are NOTHING like they predicted. algore is so disappointed. Poor, poor Hamsters! September 14, 2013   I'll close with this tonight: Here Kitty, Kitty! Yeow! Until next time, See ya'! September 13, 2013: 1:59 p.m.   Chi-town abolishes 1968 gun registry law. Two CO State Senators successfully recalled for their anti-gun stance, despite mega-money from Bloomberg, et al. And, of course, Was-Schultz can't handle the defeat and cries "voter suppression". Right. The dumborats are known to bus people from STATE TO STATE to vote in elections so if they wanted more people to vote, why didn't they put forth the effort? Or were they so convinced that they were going to win due to the amount of money they pumped into the election that they didn't bother busing folks in? Either way, the decision goes to those who actually vote so she has no tear to cry. Unless, that is, you count those over another defeat. America is RISING! September 13, 2013   Why was a terrorist meeting with Pentagon officials for lunch? Kinda' makes me wanna' go "Hmmmmm...." September 13, 2013   Religion of "Peace and Tolerance" calls for attacks on U.S.A. Acid thrown on Catholic priest. Al Qaeda beheads a young man. Here in FL, CAIR is threatening to get an employee fired for his remarks on his own Facebook page. They attack the U.S. Consulate in Afghanistan. They kill people for not paying their "protection tax". Islam: Convert or die. That's the goal. Never forget it. Never give in. Stand tall and fight back. Remember, their "Convert or die" stance includes ATHEISTS. September 13, 2013   I will surprise some: I agree with Gene Simmons. September 13, 2013   msthevileone creates an "environental issue" pushing water drinking. I guess she hasn't heard about this study. Oh, well. It's not as if she cares about your health. She cares about her power over your health just like thevileone. How much you wanna' bet he tries to give his union buddies a break? September 13, 2013   The left is realizing thevileone is not who they wanted him to be. Boo. Hoo. He's not what I wanted him to be: ARRESTED! September 13, 2013   The gubment's going to be watching YOUR credit card transactions. Oh, but don't worry: it's for YOUR protection! Don't ya' love communism in action? September 13, 2013   thevileone's friend given a few helping hands. Shock. surprise. September 13, 2013   bumbling biden blows own bugle. Modesty, anyone?: "[I] understand the Senate better than any man or woman who's ever served in there, and I think I understand the House ..."To quote Michelle Malkin: *snickersnort*. Yeah. Sure he does. Better than the first two U.S. Senators? He's such a liar. September 13, 2013   Senate bill would define who is a "journalist". This definition would ensure NO protection for whistleblowers under the First Amendment. Sounds to me like they're worried about something they think could be coming at them. What could that be? The truth coming out about thevileone? Let us HOPE. Remember, thevileone has a LOT of ex-"journalists" in his administration. Maybe they're looking for a little protection, too? September 13, 2013   $1.3 BILLION overpaid by Social Security administration. That's YOUR money, folks. Don't you LOVE COMPETENCE? September 13, 2013   First Putin, now ketchup kerry's counterpart: Mocking America Russia's favorite pasttime. Sounds to me like they've got reason to do so with these two clowns in office. September 13, 2013   harry reid crying again. Oh, Wah. September 13, 2013   AZ school district pulls sexually explicit book from Common Core recommended reading list. Common Core is ROTTEN to the Core! Any school using that system needs to be shut down and any politician supporting that corrupt "education" (not an education, indoctrination!) needs to be kicked from office, or not elected in the fist place. September 13, 2013   Student protestors defile 9/11 memorial. Why? "The protesters told Ben Kinney, president of the conservative club on campus, they were "confiscating" the flags in protest of "America's imperialism."Two of the protestors published other excuses later, claiming American Indian heritage burial ground, etc., but the school's administrator sent a response: September 13, 2013   Speaking of... Aaaahhhhhh... public schools. Muslim poem but NO Pledge of Allegiance on 9/11? Anyone see a problem with that? I DO. September 13, 2013   "Higher education" takes another downward turn. "Blame Bush" is his mantra now. You'd pay how much to have your child taught that nonsense? September 13, 2013   thevileone to "focus" on the ECONOMY AGAIN! RUN! Run for your money! Hide it! Cover it up! Make sure your job is secure! He's trying to get the rest of us unemployed! September 13, 2013   Why black on white violence matters. It's good for you to read and understand. September 13, 2013   Bwahahahahahahaha! Blarney Carney's at it again. What a crock! September 13, 2013   CA to allow illegal immigrants to practice law. Break the law to get there, be an illegal and profit from it, and be registered at the CA Bar? Riiiiigghhhhttt... They don't stop there, though: they're allowing Non-Physicians to do abortions. How much do you have to HATE babies to do that? How much? Then, CA raises their minimu wage to $10 hourly. Prepare for people to be fired in droves because businesses can't afford that. This will make people leave CA en masse. Which state will they try to take over? Will it be Texas or Florida, or some other poor state? Ugh. CA is becoming Communist California very quickly. September 13, 2013   September 11th's "Million Muslim March" final number: 25. No. Twenty-five. Not 25,000,000. Just 25. As my sons would say "Gaheet!" September 13, 2013   Detroit: Is it too late to save it? I don't know, but some residents are trying. September 13, 2013   Judges getting dumber as courts getting more powerful. So tell us something we hadn't figured out, considering how many bad decisions they have handed down recently. Even the scotUS is -- if not dumbing down -- going PC on us. Laws? Constitution? Nah. That doesn't matter. It's what is PC that counts. Ask justice john roberts. September 13, 2013   Lassoing asteroids? Ambitious NASA project sounds so cool... and dangerous... and Sci-Fi... and difficult! BTW, check the pics at the bottom of that page. They're amazing space pics! September 13, 2013   Three storms, none a threat to FL. Good! September 13, 2013   Keep CO in your prayers. They're being hammered by storms and floods. September 13, 2013   On those notes, I'll close for today. Until next time, See ya'! September 12, 2013: 2:08 p.m.   Just a few updates right now because I have an appointment to keep. So, let's start with Putin, who considers himself "all that", says: "My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal."Notice that he's the one strutting around showing how wonderful he is without a shirt, shooting bears (or whatever) and "clamping down" on resistance to HIS rule because he's "exceptional" enough to stay in power and flaunt his alleged physical prowess. Note also, that a Communist is looking to GOD for affirmation of what he's pushing. They use GOD as a beating stick and have nothing else to do with Him. BTW, Putin isn't quoting the Bible there, but our own Declaration of Independence. I think that's a little "in your face" to thevileone. Putin probably knows it better than our "constitutional scholar", thevileone. September 12, 2013   Pope may allow priests to marry. Considering all of the priest scandals of the last fifteen years, I think that would be a good thing. Two questions come to mind: 1) Would he endorse homosexual "marriage" considering the history of priests and boys? And 2) If priests marry, will the Catholic church then be forced to accept divorce of priests as well? One would think that would be a "No, no!" but, apparently not with this Pope. The problem he is running into is that GOD doesn't change His rules, but the Pope is saying something besides what GOD says. Choosing between the two, I choose GOD every time (of course, I'm not Catholic). So, what is the Catholic church going to look like by the time this Pope is finished with it? Also, if the Pope actually believes what he said yesterday (not having to believe in GOD to get to heaven) why bother having a Pope since the Pope is the messenger of GOD? Why doesn't he just resign? People don't need a go-between for GOD and them if there's no reason to believe in GOD to get to heaven, now do they? Why doesn't he resign? BTW, note the pic used with that story. That's creepy. September 12, 2013   New e-mails prove it: Conservatives WERE targeted by the IRS. Like any of us had any doubt. September 12, 2013   OUR money is going to our enemies: $1.14 billion of OUR money. That's what the money laundering was for: to give "clean" money to our enemies. It's called treason, folks. What shall we do about it? Sign the petition at the link above, then contact your representative and tell them to impeach thevileone, that's what. September 12, 2013   mccain't formally slapped. Not that it matters to him what his constituents think. He doesn't give a rat's patutti. He's there to satisfy his own need for recognition and power. Constituents? What are those? September 12, 2013   Aaaahhh.... public schools. Why not just close them all and we can create homeschooling neighborhoods; your neighbor can teach math because they're good at that. You can teach history because you're good at that. The person down the street can teach English usage (grammar, spelling, punctuation) because they're good at that. You would have total control and you would be aware of what they're being taught because you'd be the main teacher. Sounds good to me. September 12, 2013   Have employee insurance that includes your spouse? Think again. September 12, 2013   Unions say if it can't be fixed, it must be repealed. They're angry about thevileone's healthcaretax. Awww.... too bad. They're realizing they've been lied to by the liar. Duh! September 12, 2013   Speaking of thevileone's healthcaretax, you're going to have to answer questions you don't want to answer. The draft application form is only 60 pages. The condensed version is only 21 pages long and you have to tell them things like your race, national heritage, provide proof of citizenship and give them a copy of your photo ID; amongst other things. Don't you want thevileone's healthcaretax now? September 12, 2013   Well that will do it for now. I must go get ready for my appointment and get there. Until next time, See ya'! September 11, 2013: REMEMBRANCE DAY   Twelve years ago today we were attacked by a belief that we must conform to someone else's beliefs. They will kill us to make it so. A year ago today, the deaths of four Americans proved that the same belief system is still willing to kill us to accomplish their goals. Let us REMEMBER to stand against this kind of tyranny, terrorism and hatred. We were wounded, heart and soul, twelve years ago. Let us not allow it to happen again! September 11, 2013: 10:16 p.m.   Went to my podiatrist's office for my last visit for my foot injury (I'll miss them, they're SO nice!). The good news is that my foot is fine and the two injections he gave me (it could have been four) did the job and he fixed it in just the two injections! Dr. Simonson is SO VERY GOOD! And he's a sweet guy, too. He also has a sense of humor and when someone's going to be giving you an injection in the foot, that's important! Anyways, did other stuff when I got home and it's time to do a few blurbs. September 11, 2013   9/11 Lesson Forgotten: Life is Precious and It Matters! is my latest Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com article. September 11, 2013   GOD BLESS BIKERS! The scheduled march originally named the "Million Muslim March" turned into a few hundred Muslims walking down the street hoping to not be noticed. They did something stupid and wrong by trying to rub America's noses in it on this day of all days and it turned into a flop for them and a victory for American Spirit! GOD BLESS BIKERS! America is stirring! Watch out dumborats! September 11, 2013   hillclintoon associating with a corrupt person? SHOCK! Wow! I never would have thought that possible! Knock me over with a feather! (Sarcasm, of course.) September 11, 2013   "No proof" Assad used chemical weapons, says paper. Considering that other countries say that it was the rebels who used chemical weapons and there is no PROOF on either side, why would anyone think it the WISE thing to do to send our people over there to bomb ANYONE? Consider what Judge Napolitano (no relation to jnap) says about this issue. Then consider what we should NOT be doing. BTW, the woman who suggested and led the charge to decide to get involved in Syria has been forced to resign for LYING on her resume. Birds of a feather. Now it's time to Impeach thevileone. September 11, 2013   Pope goes against Bible. He says something that directly contradicts the Bible and that means the Pope is wrong. The Pope cannot be more correct than the Word of GOD. Especially when the Pope is saying something that the history of the Catholic church teaches against. Hmmm... Sounds to me like Pope Francis is letting power go to his head. September 11, 2013   LOL: Transparency FAIL! thevileone's "transparency" agency has failed to be transparent about ANYTHING he does. Shock. Surprise. Tyrants always control the flow of information about what they're doing (or not doing) and this agency has helped him do just that. YOUR Taxpayer Dollars at work. Donchaloveit? September 11, 2013   NSFW: so long short lived weiner. He lost the NYC mayoral primary (as Spitzer did in his race for comptroller: GOOD!) and his exit was classic progressive. September 11, 2013   AMERICA IS RISING! There are signs all across this land that Americans are getting fed up with the progressive leftists who are trying to "fundamentally change America" into something she was never intended to be: communist. Americans are standing up in big groups like the Bikers in D.C. and in states like CO. It's not the T.E.A. Party by themselves (although some are still active), it's America. America as she should be: We, The People standing up and taking our rightful place of being out there and saying, "No! You're NOT going to do that to OUR Country! We're Americans and we're not going to take this anymore!" Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! September 11, 2013   Peace, tolerance and jizya tax? In other words, if you don't want to be beheaded, you pay to finance our war against your fellow Christians. Sweet? Nope. Right? Nope. Good? Nope. "Tolerant"? Nope. September 11, 2013   Hijabs allowed; baseball caps not. The TSA's double standards don't keep anyone safe except the terrorists. September 11, 2013   Sea World cuts hours to avoid thevileone's healthcaretax fines. Destroying your future is what he wants. Has anyone not had enough evidence of that? September 11, 2013   On eagles' wings -- or wind farms' blades? Sixty-seven eagles killed in five years by the blades of the wind farms. Sounds to me like environmentalist wackos are ignoring the truth in an effort to save face. If their faces had feathers maybe the eagles would matter more to them, but who knows? September 11, 2013   Child rapists won't be deported? Whoever came up with this should be sent to a Mexican prison for the rest of their lives! September 11, 2013   It's almost midnight and I will close with my friend, Political Fireball's remembrance of the day. GOD BLESS AMERICA and keep her safe. Until next time, See ya'! September 10, 2013: 5:31 p.m.   Those of you who missed Rush today missed a REALLY GOOD SHOW. He said everything I was thinking. I was so happy to hear my words get out there! Excellent. Excellent! September 10, 2013   Again, thevileone does the wrong thing. Changing the requirements for Gitmo visitors to suit his pollitical needs? That's just wrong. Anyone surprised? September 10, 2013   So a judge thevileone appointed rules that banning the facial covering for Islamic women violates their civil rights. I think that they should be allowed to wear the hijab to the grocery store, to the park, etc., but when it comes to places where WE would have to show our faces -- going into court houses, at TSA checkpoints, etc. -- they should be made to show their faces the same as the rest of us. Make one line just women screeners and they won't be breaking any Islamic laws. Otherwise, they're being given special treatment, being enabled to endanger the area, it could be used as a cover for a man and he not be checked, etc., etc., etc. There are arragements that can be made so that their religious rights are being observed. Can you imagine having a drivers' license photo with a hijab on? Could the cop tell if that is the license for the person it has been issued to? No. They should NOT get carte blanche to not show their faces in any situation whatsoever! September 10, 2013   Poor hamsters. I think they are so delusiional. They want to believe in disaster and impending doom. Pessimists, all. September 10, 2013   "No one appears in control" says the Washington Post. Welcome to reality! It took them long enough! September 10, 2013   Red line, red line, whose for art thou red line? (With apologies to Shakespeare.) September 10, 2013   Another animal attack and a death from a previous attack. I think it's so sad to see so many people turned to being animals under this administration. I think that says something very telling about thevileone and the example he's setting. September 10, 2013   NSA spying on you is against is wrong; they're admitting they did the wrong thing. Not that it does any good for us, nor that it actually stops it. They are just admitting that ignoring the rules is something they do. It's like "Yeah, so what?" September 10, 2013   Woops! google lost that lawsuit and may face wiretap case. That's another, "Yeah. So what?" They count on thevileone's admin (eric holder, specifically) to bail them out and to give them cover. The info they're gathering is sent the this administration so why wouldn't this admin give them cover? September 10, 2013   Press got initial reports on latest Zimmerman story wrong. Press got something wrong? Really? Shocking! September 10, 2013   The sky is fascinating. Sometimes it's scary, but it's always fascinating. September 10, 2013   There is a LOT of Syria stuff out there right now. I'll give you a few of the best:
September 10, 2013   Sen. Cruz says thevileone's healthcaretax isn't working. We got a reminder of that yesterday. My hubby, an Air Force vet, got a letter from the VA yesterday that is basically a "sales pitch", even though it tells my hubby that he is basically already under thevileone's healthcaretax. It states in part: "Can the health care law help my family members get affordable coverage?I refuse to go on thevileone's healthcaretax. I'll stop seeing doctors before I go on his despicable program. September 10, 2013   I have to write my article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com, so I'll go for now. Until next time, See ya'! September 9, 2013: 1:10 p.m.   This one may shock you: Conservative Black group files articles of impeachment against thevileone. So will it do any good? No. I wish it would, but it won't. The House and Senate would have to have a spine in order for this to make a difference. What we have instead is a bunch of Jell-o® based life forms. Can't make a spine out of Jell-o®. September 9, 2013   Senate probe into thevileone's healthcaretax hiring waaaayyy too many people. What in the world will they be there for? Enforcement? Snooping? NSA-type stuff? Coming to your house and checking to see what's in your refrigerator? thevileone's healthcaretax is still being battled here in Florida and it's losing participants, it's going to cost even more than the last few estimates thought and that refrigerator inspection WILL happen. But the dumborats still want to force you into it. Even though it's NOT WORKING, they'll force you onto thevileone's healthcaretax. Is what you want? September 9, 2013   Syrian "Islamist" (terrorist) group now guides U.S. policy? I don't know about you, but I can see a few problems with that. It certainly doesn't seem like the U.S. Constitution condones that. It doesn't seem wise for the American people's future -- especially for safety reasons -- and it seems to me that we should be the leaders, not the followers. But it is thevileone who is trying to make all of this happens, so things should be bassackwards and inside-out. That's the only way things happen with him leading. September 9, 2013   Bikers: I LOVE YOU! I'm so glad to see someone doing something in defiance of this administration and they're doing it in a big way. I wish every biker out there would show up and ride for America! If I had a motorcycle, I'd certainly try to be there. As it is, I don't even have a Vespa (although I'd love to get one: they're cute and I bet they're fun to ride). GOD Bless Bikers and be safe up there! September 9, 2013   EPA operating "clandestinely". They're obeying thevileone's orders. Not shocked. Not surprised. The power to CONTROL YOU is all thevileone cares about. He'll use whatever he can to do so. EPA? NSA? IRS? All answer to and obey him. They're all his tools to control you. September 9, 2013   People are signaling being tired of "Big Brother" watching them. Bikers riding anyways, people standing up. Watch out! America is stirring! September 9, 2013   Robert F. Kennedy's secret diary has some truths in it. They may surprise you. September 9, 2013   Assad answers questions about chemical weapons. He denies having used them. Russia says Assad is telling the truth. Germany says Assad didn't do it. In June, England said Assad did use chemical weapons. France, playing both sides of the fence, says Assad may not have ordered it, but he's still responsible. (No spine in France.) Some Americans have resources telling them that it wasn NOT Assad, but it WAS the rebels. Iran claims they have "proof" it was the rebels. But the rebels blame Assad. Considering all of this confusion, claim and counter-claim, HOW ON EARTH CAN ANYONE SAY FOR CERTAIN THAT IT WAS ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER AND CHOOSE TO BOMB ONE SIDE AND NOT THE OTHER? How on earth can any bomb be dropped in this confusion? What if we're aiming at the innocent party? IS there an innocent party in this situation? What if BOTH sides used chemical weapons (which seems more likely since there is alleged "proof" on both sides)? Do we bomb one side, ignoring the other side's wrongdoing? Or do we bomb one side and not the other because it is "in America's best interest"? How will that help anything in America? It will anger the side that is bombed as well as the side that isn't because they'll see it as intervention: the "Great Satan" sticking our noses into their affairs again. This is a no-win situation if we bomb Syria. We should NOT do it. Call your representative today and tell them to just VOTE NO! Oh, and don't count on their NO vote if bonehead boehner has his way. He's betraying YOU in favor of being on thevileone's buddy list, the kiss butt. September 9, 2013   We've spent $1,010,354,195 in AID TO SYRIA in ONE YEAR. If we bomb them, how much more of our taxpayer dollars will we have to spend to clean up our mistake? Not to mention how much it will cost us to do so! Save some taxpayer dollars: let the Syrians figure out their own problems! September 9, 2013   Peace and tolerance... Convert or be beheaded. And we're giving $1,010,354,195 in aid to a country that kills Christians? Why are we sending our taxpayer dollars to Syria at all? September 9, 2013   Giggle: I love Malkin's take on the proposed attack. Good stuff! September 9, 2013   I agree with this Veteran's stand. I think the troops deserve a real playing of Taps, not a cheap recording from a horn shaped MP3 player. Honor is not cheap; cheap is not honor. September 9, 2013   ketchup kerry offers an "out" to Syria. Question: If we take control of their chemical weapons, what happens if they are faulty and OUR TROOPS are exposed to chemcial weapons due to the poor wokmanship on those weapons? Is that a chance we should be willing to take? I don't think so. September 9, 2013   This is why it's good to carry your own gun. Calling the cops may have put a report on the books, but this woman would have lost her vehicle in the meantime, and who knows what her vehicle would have been used for by those four guys who were trying to take it from her? Not to mention that if she had complied, what if they had told her to get back into the vehicle? What if they tried to take her with them? Her gun saved her from all kinds of possibilities. That's why people should carry. Fight back. Stand up for yourself. Cops are minutes too late. September 9, 2013   MERS cure on horizon? That would be very good news! September 9, 2013   Fox. Hen house. 'Nuff said. September 9, 2013   Can government control internet access for you? Or should it be limited only to those who have lost their civil rights due to criminal activity? I say the latter, but I'm not a progressive. I think limits like that should only apply to preventing porn (of any kind) from being spread, preventing those in prison from accessing the internet and maybe to prevent the government from spying on us. Otherwise, the internet should be protected from government interference. September 9, 2013   43% now; it used to be 47% who pay no taxes. So thevileone is getting more taxpayers? How is that? Are some of the poor getting into taxpaying? Is thevileone not helping them, or are they just getting that much more in your taxpayer dollars? It's certainly not the job situation with total unemployment consistently between 13% and 17% since December 2008. So what's happening to make more people pay taxes? September 9, 2013   Don't act like animals! Use your brains and words, don't act like animals! September 9, 2013   Watch out! Bernanke and thevileone are at it again! Savings account allowing you to feel "safe" for future? Don't count on it! September 9, 2013   BENGHAZI's whistle blower is being punished for speaking out. Of course he is! The truth doesn't matter to the msm nor to this administration. In fact, thevileone would PREFER that the truth stay hidden. Anyone telling the truth about BENGHAZI is goin to pay a price for exposing thevileone to more criticism. That's what this administration is about: keeping thevileone as a Messiah, not as a fallen angel like Lucifer (which is closer to the truth). thevileone must be seen as a savior, not as the egotistical, blundering, inexperienced, incompetent buffoon that he actually is. His is a true kakistocracy. September 9, 2013   CA: Aaaahhhh.... public schools. Are they going to look in the families' refrigerators? September 9, 2013   Let's hope thevileone is NOT reading about this. He'll be following suit. September 9, 2013   The power of GOD's Word. September 9, 2013   This report is true, I'm sure, but it makes me sick. Islam makes little girls (8 and 9 year-olds) marry men and have sex with them. It condones and pushes pedophilia. That's evil. It's sick. It's wrong. Why women in Islam do NOT stand against that is because they believe that they should emulate the prophet and he did the same thing. A pedophile is a pedophile, prophet or not, and it harming little girls should not be seen as a religious experience that should be promoted. September 9, 2013   How do Hamsters explain this? Poor, poor Hamsters. They just get nothing to go their way. Their religious faith in global warming is proving to be a false religion. Too, too bad. (NOT!) September 9, 2013   I shall close today on something fun. Minion Monday: Hank Dresses for Fine Dining. It may make you smile. Until next time, See ya'! September 6, 2013: 3:33 p.m.   Again, started to shut down my computer when I remembered I hadn't checked my e-mail lately, so I did that. Amazing. She didn't take my advice, that's for certain: Sigh. She wants the Sulgrave Manor attachment there it is. Why quoting from and linking to the Sulgrave Manor website two or three times below is not good enough for her, I have no idea, but it is rupester. She must have it her way. To make it easier to know what she's referencing, here is the Richard Ware thing too. I let my readers "form their own opinions" but those opinions should be based on TRUTH, reality, facts. I link to those things and she has a problem with that? (Anyone else hear Twilight Zone music?) As to my "Buddy of PSJ History fame", I don't know how famous the owner/editor is, but the owner/editor DOES post a contact e-mail. rupester has actually contacted that owner/editor at least twice. So her assertions of the owner/editor's cowardice are false and she knows it. She addressed her e-mail to me, but sent it to the owner/editor of PSJ History. She also sent the owner/editor a blank e-mail with no subject and nothing in the text prior to the e-mail FROM HER that IS posted on the PSJ History site. So she's the PROVEN LIAR. In all seriousness, Maureen, why do you bother writing to me? Why do you do this to yourself? Are you under some duress when you do so? What is it that makes you do something so revealing to your own inadequacies? Maybe you should take some time to consider why you do so. Maybe you should heed your doctor's advice and avoid stress. You know that contacting me is going to lead to stress for you. PLEASE take better care of yourself and stop exposing yourself this way! There's nothing I can do to stop you from doing so, but I can and DO beg you: PLEASE stop making your own life harder on yourself. You really need to stop this. Your letters do nothing to me but give me more giggles. PLEASE stop making me laugh. PLEASE, for the sake of those who love you, for the sake of the gopher tortoises relying on you to get them more EELs land, for the sake of your pretty blue eyes, please, please PLEASE stop adding stress to your own life and writing to me. It really isn't good for you in any way, shape, or form. September 6, 2013: 3:33 p.m.   Started the day this morning with this: Attached to this little screed was a .pdf file from Sulgrave Manor. As usual, sentence by sentence deconstruction shall ensue. Subject matter: We shall see who is wrong and who is correct. I think my readers know what the answer is there. First sentence: I don't have to read ENGLISH history to find out what happened here in America. I'm sure their version of the Revolutionary War is told from a different point of view than the history of the Revolutionary War told here. So why go somewhere else to find out what happened here? George Washington, it has been proven, never even visited England. The Coat of Arms George Washington used here in America is shown below, and linked to his home's website which tells us: "The more recent ancestors of Washington settled in Northamptonshire in central England. It was here in 1592, that Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave Manor had confirmed upon him by Robert Cook, Clarenceux King of Arms, the coat of arms that consisted of a silver background with two red bars and three red mullets. "These details were confirmed to George Washington in a letter dated December 7, 1791 from Sir Isaac Heard, Garter Principal King of Arms of the College of Arms in London in which he also enclosed a copy of the heraldic coat of arms design."I think the British King of Arms telling Washington the design below is proof enough. Or does she not accept the King of Arms' word for it? Also, see the Sulgrave Manor website where it says, "In the spandrels of the doorway were carved the arms of the builder's family [Washington's ancestor's], three mullets (stars) and two bars (stripes); not unnaturally, it has been held that here is the origin of the design of the American flag."That little phrase "it has been held" is a sign of "we think" or "it is believed". A lot of things are "believed" but not true. People used to think the earth was flat. Did that make it so? Look at the facts and you find that Washington's alleged involvement in designing the American flag has been blown way out of proportion; even to the point of fictionalization. The truth lies elsewhere: "As for the design, the vast majority of historians believe that Francis Hopkinson is the most likely candidate. Hopkinson was a Renaissance man of his era. As an artist, writer, inventor and musician, he achieved many feats. Politically he is known for his contribution to the design of the Great Seal of the United States, signing the Declaration of Independence, and serving in a variety of governmental positions."So the Coat of Arms from Washington's family most likely had nothing to do with the design. Second sentence: Um... Check the e-mail from her below. Anyone see anything she "described"? No? Nor do I. So where she comes up with that, I have no idea. Maybe she just thought she described it. I'll give her the benefit of a doubt here and let it go at that. Third sentence: I don't care where the Coat of Arms she describes is displayed in England, nor how far back they go. It's not the one George Washington used here in AMERICA. The Mount Vernon folks have the letters: hard copy proof that Washington the confirmation from England that the Coat of Arms at Mount Vernon were correct. Fourth sentence: rupester thinks she's got me on this so she uses my byline, "Find the Truth!" to try to needle me. Too bad she's lost that effort again. A little (very little) research would have shown her that her beliefs do not stack up to reality, history and proof. Although, she can take some solace. According to the Coat of Arms page above: "The flag of the District of Columbia employs the design from the coat of arms." It's used elsewhere in D.C. as well, so there is that. So that's what started my update day. Sigh. A note to the rupester: Give it up. Every time you contact me I prove my assertions and that you are wrong. There's an old saying you may wish to take under advisement: "'Tis better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt." Think about applying that to your own life. It will make you look better than contacting me and opening yourself up to the truth, to the proof and to the word by word destruction of your assertions. Think about "remain silent" because sometimes it's better to do so. Otherwise, as here, you "remove all doubt" and show yourself in an unflattering light. Now on to something that isn't rupester! September 6, 2013   thevileone being a wimpy one is not giving a good message. Iran is looking to attack our embassies and after BENGHAZI, I wonder how many of them will be closed, or how many more BENGHAZIs we'll have since thevileone is such a coward and inexperienced boob. How many dead Americans shall be the result of thevileone's incompetence? Whatver they have planned, though, I hope that statements like this would give thevileone some determination to keep Americans safe. Also, to threaten a teenager take so little courage as to make those making the threats into nothing more than worms. They're not men, but animals. September 6, 2013: 5:37 p.m.   USAF Sergeant losing his First Amendment rights and facing prison time! Sign the petition to help Sgt. Monk stay out of prison and YOUR future rights! September 6, 2013   Camp Bastion truth is still unknown. I really hate to say it, but the families shall have to wait until after thevileone is out of office -- and a Conservative in office -- to find the truth out about their loved ones. Hiding secrets is something thevileone is very good at because he has help from his administration, the dumborats in both the House and Senate and from everyone who is afraid to stir the pot because they don't want to be called "racist". Truth doesn't matter for as long as thevileone is in power and if a female dumborat is elected after thevileone (or if thevileone declares himself emperor) the truth won't come out until much later. September 6, 2013   bumbling biden wants jnap in the scotUS. As long as she's replacing another liberal justice, Bader-Ginsburg, or similar, that's fine with me. jnap is one of the most incompetent people I've seen in national level politics (fits right in with thevileone), so she's well suited to being appointed by thevileone. Incompetenc is what he approves of and desires in his appointees. Their incompetence makes him look better; or as good as he can. September 6, 2013   mccain't gets an earful on Syria. Syria is NOT something we need to get into. Let us NOT go into that mess and we can let them figure it out themselves. America, stand up. Stand up for NOT going. Contact your representatives and tell them "NO! No Syria!" September 6, 2013   A lesson in hypocrisy: thevileone's 2006 statement on wars. Now he's pushing hard FOR wars. What changed? IMHO, he found out he could kill Americans with wars and make it easier on him to do things that he shouldn't be doing. If he takes out the warriors elsewhere who will stop him here? This Syria focus is all about thevileone, not about truth, what's right for the Syrian people, or "the children". It's about thevileone and what he wants for his future. It's not about a legacy; it's HIS about power. Hopefully our skeptical military leaders will choose to ignore his illegal orders. We have no business going into Syria. The military should know that. September 6, 2013   Michelle Malkin has a great catch! September 6, 2013   90+ MILLION no longer in labor force. That's what thevileone's policies have done. He's destroying America and the American dream. Ask yourself "Why?" Then think about what he could accomplish by increasing the number of people dependent upon HIS Executive Orders for their sustanance. Who will they obey? September 6, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax will force Flagler County to outlaw nicotine use... For County employees. Starting October 1st, smokers, e-cigarette users, nicotine patch users, tobacco chewers, snuff users, etc., need not apply. Freedom anyone? September 6, 2013   Harvard freshmen cheat. "Of the 1,300 students surveyed, 42 percent admitted they had cheated on homework, and 17 percent took shortcuts on take-home assignments."Is this how they learn to do homework in public schools? Come on, parents, raise your kids to do the RIGHT thing, don't ignore the wrong. It leads to worse things than cheating on homework. Boundaries are good for people. Even Adam and Eve -- arguably the freest (most free) people ever -- had rules. Yes, it was only two and they broke one, but they had the CHOICE. GOD had to punish the wrong, so He kicked them out of the garden. Can you imagine what they would have done if He had ignored their disobedience? Teach your kids to do the RIGHT thing always. It makes them feel better about themselves, teaches them to TRY to be good and to know that there are consequences to their actions. It's good for society, too. September 6, 2013   thevileone's additional lies re. amnesty: they just keep coming, don't they? September 6, 2013   I WANT ONE! I wish Florida would issue real ones! I want one! September 6, 2013   Tamu Massif, world biggest volcano discovered underwater. It's amazing what they're finding in our oceans. New, strange looking creatures, volcanoes, and whatnot. Maybe even the City of Atlantis! What's next? September 6, 2013   DOE decides to waste another $45 MILLION taxpayer dollars. Aaarrghh... Can we slap them? September 6, 2013   Hurray for DC Comics! If they'll stand strong and not buckle to pressure, I have no idea. But for right now, they're doing the right thing. September 6, 2013   This is being human. Their mothers didn't raise animals. They did the right thing. September 6, 2013   First Amendment religious freedom rights take another hit in CA. Stand up for your rights or lose them. It's up to YOU to defend and use them, or lose them. What do you want for your children's futures? Freedom, or just PC slavery? September 6, 2013   More money laundering through "green" company. Invest 50 MILLION taxpayer dollars and get a return of only $3 Million. That's thevileone's economic plan for America. Don't ya' love it? Competence at its finest. September 6, 2013   I'll close today with another laugher: ms thevileone is taking credit for "cultural shift in eating habits". Bwaahahahahahahahaha! That's rich. She wishes! Until I can catch my breath and until next time, See ya'! September 5, 2013: 3:33 p.m.   I was just about to close for the day when I checked my e-mail and found the following: She's referring to my September 3, 2013 response to her pooper paper musings in which I pointed out that there being items in Sulgrave manor that used to belong to George Washington doesn't mean that Washington had "regard" for England at all. It shows that someone purchased the items and took them over there, as I pointed out. Someone sending the items to Sulgrave Manor after the Revolutionary War does NOT mean that it was Washington who did so. As to the alleged "ties" Washington had with England, what were they? His great-grandfather came from England, but that does not mean that George himself had any "ties" whatsoever. My ancestors came from Bohemia, England, Ireland (with a family crest) and America (Cherokee: not just cheekbone), but that doesn't mean that I have any ties whatsoever with the foreign countries. The only reason I'd like to go to ANY of the places is for the photographic possibilities. England attacked Washington's birth place and Washington chose to fight against England not to support it. If Washington actually held any feelings for the place of his great-grandfather's birth, would he have fought against it? rupester's right: it was a "rebellion". It was a rebellion that Washington participated in in no small manner! He was a Colonel in the British army here in America for a time, but when it came time to choose sides in that "rebellion" Washington chose AMERICA, not England: "After the battles of Lexington and Concord in April of 1775, the political dispute between Great Britain and her North American colonies escalated into an armed conflict. In May, Washington traveled to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia dressed in a military uniform, indicating that he was prepared for war. On June 15, he was appointed Major General and Commander-in-Chief of the colonial forces against Great Britain. [my italics]"He accepted the position and fought against England. He's the one who "indicat[ed] that he was prepared for war." Someone who had feelings for the ancestral homeland would not induce such actions. Also, I cannot take this (click on it to go to Mount Vernon's website):     ![]() and turn that into America's flag. Actually, nor can history: "An enduring myth surrounding George Washington’s coat of arms is that it provided the basis for the 'Stars and Stripes,' and the Great Seal of the United States. There is, however, no discernible evidence to date that documents any connection between the two, and there are very few similarities. [my bolding: click on Coat of Arms]"(BTW, it also has a crescent moon, was he pushing Islam?) Familial pride does not transfer to loyalty nor regard for a country you fight against. When someone has been away from a country for two generations -- never having visited that ancestral country -- it seems a bit of a stretch to say that Washington had a "regard" for the country. Just because the country gave the family the Coat of Arms, that doesn't mean the country is what he was proud of. It was his FAMILY he was honoring, not the country that family chose to leave. If he had such regard for the country, I think he would have either gone back in his earlier life when things started getting bumpy between the two countries or at least visited it after the war. It makes sense for him to have done so since he was well-to-do after the war and his marriage. Another possibility that just occured to me is that England may have glommed onto the recognition that George Washington was receiving as being the first President of America -- the rebellious, brand new country that whipped England's butt -- and asked for some of his possessions to be sent to the ancestral home. Washington's step-children or adopted children (he never had any children of his own) may have sent some of his things over there upon England's request. Hangers on do that, ya' know. You may or may not have a great regard for George Washington, I never addressed that and really don't care. What I'm interested in is the TRUTH about our First -- and one of our GREATEST -- president. That's what I addressed. September 5, 2013: 1:16 p.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. My son surprised me with a visit and I was doing more fall cleaning. We had a good visit, but he had a cold so I'm hoping I stay healthy. Colds are no fun. Today I have a lot of blurbs for you so let's get started. Septeber 5, 2013   "Freedom? What is That?" is my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns. Think about who wrote the founding documents, their lives, beliefs and the words they chose to use before you say what "Freedom" means. September 5, 2013   CAIR says Muslims are "above the law" and that Muslims don't have to obey the laws of America. They're trying to organize a "Muslim Capitol Day" (video starts automatically) and they're trying to push for our government to exempt them from having to obey our laws. They live here so, legally, they CANNOT receive special exemptions. It's unconstitutional for them to be exempted from the laws if they do not have "Ambassador" or other specific designations. If they're just ordinary, everyday citizens or visitors, EVERY law of America, the states individually, and the city, county, township they are in should apply to them. If not, this is no longer America. If they get their way, it America would then be a Shariah compliant country and we would be their slaves. That's what thevileone wants. September 5, 2013   Jeb Bush to award hillclintoon "Liberty Medal" at Sep. 10, 2013 Philadelphia event. Another leftie gets a lying medal. This award to hillclintoon is about as accurate as the Nobel Peace Prize to thevileone. September 5, 2013   Tropical storm, Gabrielle, is headed away from us. I'd say "Good. We don't need more rain!" but then I'd hear about how far below normal our water tables are or some such nonsense. September 5, 2013   Investigation: U.S. "knowingly" puts our diplomats in danger. "The report has not yet been released to the public but Al Jazeera America obtained a copy and it reveals government negligence that’s downright shocking. It shows that senior officials have stood by while some of the United States’ most dangerous diplomatic posts have for years been vulnerable to attacks like the one that occurred in Benghazi. The State Department has known about security problems but has failed to correct them, according to the panel’s findings. [my italics]"1) Al Jazeera is the first to get U.S. GOVERNMENT unreleased documents? Does that raise any alarm bells in anyone's minds? If not, wake up! 2) "Senior officials stood by" while our people are "vulnerable"? Stood by as in did nothing to protect them. Sending our Ambassadors where they are in harm's way without providing for their security is murder. Is this what thevileone wants? Is that why Chris Stevens was sent to Benghazi: because they wanted to get rid of him? (We must ask the difficult questions to get to the truth!) 3) "[H]as failed to correct them" means that they are willing to let our people DIE in foreign countries if it serves their purpose. What does that say about America? What does it say about thevileone? It says he's a murderer. Or at least supports murder. Then we have peace and tolerance and ignoring what the local residents want. I think we get the picture here. September 5, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! This is so ridiculous! "A fraud-infested government program that gives low-income populations free cell phones should expand in Hispanic communities because it will help bolster employment rates, according to a powerful Latino rights group working to save the program as Congress considers killing it."Stupid is as stupid does. I betcha' thevileone will agree and do what they want. Kissing butt is his fortè! September 5, 2013   So who do you believe a tyrannical Putin, or a LYING administration? Putin has told his fair share of lies, too. So which LIAR do you believe? I say believe neither and DON'T GO INTO SYRIA. Going into Syria will bring about another 9/11. Remember, we've already beenin the region in an operation called "Eager Lion" with other nations. That coalition has fallen apart. No one wants to go in with us -- since JUNE that has happened. Why would we go it alone? thevileone is up to something here. It's not necessarily what the msm is telling you. "Squirrel!" has been a favorite tactic of the left since clintoon bombed an aspirin factory. What is thevileone up to? Remember, during NUCLEAR talks with Russia, thevileone said he'd have more flexibility after the election? Is this what he wanted to be flexible on? Is thevileone setting America up to be hit with nuclear weapons from Russia over the Syria difficulties? Have you EVER seen him push so hard for ANYTHING else? There's more to this than meets the eye. Folks, we need to stand firm AGAINST American intervention in Syria! Contact your representatives today! Tell them to SAY NO TO AMERICAN INTERVENTION IN SYRIA! Or we may all pay a price of "flexibility". Realize: he's already setting up his "I'm not responsible" cover story. So what's coming for us? Because whenever he's not responsible, WE PAY THE PRICE. September 5, 2013   thevileone wants more of your money to give away to others. Shock? Surprise? No. Not really. September 5, 2013   Sexual pervert finally losing NYC's support! Hurray! I was hoping NYC would wake up and come to their senses. Honestly, I am a bit surprised that they have, but I am glad all the same. September 5, 2013   Why Congress should be "pressing" thevileone regarding Syria. Congress needs to say a resounding, firm, large majority, "NO!" to thevileone and Syria. It's okay to stand your ground for doing the RIGHT thing. This Congress needs to learn that. If we were to go into Syria, who would we support? Both sides are doing the WRONG things and we can't stop it from happening by sending our people over there to bomb them nor with boots on the ground. It'll just get more Americans killed! Or, is that what thevileone wants? Consider his whole history before you disagree. Of course, what's the first thing dumborats do? Blame Bush. September 5, 2013   Gun grabbers using feminism techniques. It's laughable, but it's also something that will work on the mindless. How many mindless are there? Waaaaayyyy too many! September 5, 2013   NSA starting gun registry? The NRA has joined an ACLU lawsuit that says it has. Is anyone surprised? September 5, 2013   google wants "right" to continue spying on YOU. Even if the government hasn't asked for your records, they want to keep tracking and reading your e-mails. I got away from google years ago. I have an e-mail account there that hasn't been getting anything but junk mail for I don't know how long. I haven't even checked that account but once in the last year, I believe. Although, I do send e-mails to gmail accounts, I don't use mine. I suggest you consider doing the same. No harm in protecting yourself as much as you can. September 5, 2013   "Exempt America" Rally to be held in D.C. September 10th. It's a rally to encourage Congress to exempt ALL of America from having to participate in thevileone's healthcaretax. I say defund every bit of it -- including the panel that was snuck into the first "stimulus" package -- and just do away with it. We cannot afford it and it will destroy more than it could ever build, no matter what billyboy says. September 5, 2013   CA county voted to leave CA. Okay. I like their independent spirit and support their vote. I wonder what will happen to them, though. Will they be "picked up" by Oregon? They are right up against the northern border of CA. What will they do for the State funds they used to get? Where will they get help in an emergency, or natural disaster? Don't get me wrong: Hurray for them! But I wonder what now? I'm interested in seeing this play out. September 5, 2013   thevileone has not been good for black people. Why blacks still support him, I have no idea. September 5, 2013   Soldier should be Leavenworth bound. He broke our laws, broke his oath and should be in Leavenworth. September 5, 2013   This is being human. It's a whole lot better than the things we've seen the animals out on our street doing lately, isn't it? Do this instead of the things the animals have been doing. It'll make the world a better place. September 5, 2013   Ahhhh... those who support public schools... "Morally bankrupt" to NOT support public schools? Really? Then I must be so. September 5, 2013   T-ville man blames "Bush doctrine" in murdering neighbor. Now, that's a stretch; and totally weird. September 5, 2013   On that note, I'll close for now. Until next time, call your representatives and tell them to say "NO!" to thevileone's wish to bomb Syria or any other action in Syria. Remember: He doesn't care about the children he's been talking about he's using them as props (like he does his own daughters: remember, they "advise" him?). Don't be fooled by his rhetoric. Stand strong and demand your representatives do, too. Until next time, See ya'! September 3, 2013: 1:00 p.m.   Sorry about missing the long weekend. Started my fall cleaning. Went through my shoe collection and found some to donate and some to toss (don't worry, they'll be replaced), did some closet and hat storage rearranging and helped my husband get started on organizing and putting together his office. Years ago he gave up part of his garage for me so that I could have an office. Out of that office I fought incorporation, the 1¢ sales tax and the campaign of you-know-who. It has a lot of good memories, but my office is now the room my son vacated when he moved out and I like it better because it has room for more books. My hubby now has my old office space and he's setting it up for computer use, for making his own flies for flyfishing, and a few other hobbies. We also use that area for storage right now, but we're figuring out how to change that. "This is a long process... You hire a planning consultant" (tiddlywinks, incorporation era, PSJ4T meeting). Anyways, I'm here now and I'll get on with the blurbs. September 3, 2013   Speaking of you-know-who, I must beg to differ with her assumption of George Washington's "regard he held for his ancestral home, before the Rebolutionary War and maybe after." If Washington had such "regard" for it, why fight against it? Why not support the king? Why did he never, ever, visit England? I don't know if the wedding clothes are actually George and Martha Washington's. Their wedding may have taken place at church or at home (differing stories) but everyone agrees on two things: they were married here, in the U.S.A. and that her dress was yellow and her shoes purple (I didn't choose them!). IF their wedding attire is in England, then that's not something they had anything to do with, so there's no proof of "regard" indicated. Anyone can purchase items for sale and take them where they will as long as it's legal to do so. The wedding attire possibly being in England means nothing. September 3, 2013   thevileone is a card carrying member of the Muslim Brohood? That would explain a lot, would it not? September 3, 2013   40,000 longshoremen leave union (AFL-CIO) over thevileone's healthcaretax. It took them long enough to figure it out. They're not going to be helped by thevileone's healthcaretax, they're going to be hurt by it. For them to actually realize it and understand that, is a step in the right direction. It's a good thing. September 3, 2013   The weepy one, bonehead boehner, supports going into Syria. No surprise there. What is a surprise is that Eric Cantor wants to bomb Syria, too. First, before we go bomb anyone, shouldn't we be certain of which side we should be aiming at? Should we be bombing the Assad administration, or the rebels? Who did the dirty? Which one gassed thousands of people? Who is responsible for the death of innocents? No one can say for absolutely certain. So who do we target? If we target the wrong side, we target the innocent victims of the other side. Would that be the right thing to do? No? Then why is anyone in America talking about the possibility of bombing (or any other military action) Syria without solid proof (proof, not hearsay) of which side is acting as the "bad guys" there? Bombing anyone without the correct information is stupid, folly, evil and adding insult to injury. Why on earth would thevileone or bonehead boehner, or anyone else, wish to do that considering what thevileone has already done to America's reputation? Or is that the goal: damage America's reputation even more so that we totally lose the world's respect? Destroy America in every way possible and it will take years to rebuild. Do we have that time? September 3, 2013   Israel should do what Israel has to do to stay safe. I stand with Israel and pray for their safety at least twice daily. I hope Russia stays out of this. I hope that Israel stays smart about all of this and never trusts this administration. September 3, 2013   mccain't is an idiot. I really don't think he has a clue. Maybe he was brain damaged while a prisoner of war or whatever, but this is ridiculous. September 3, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! If they're "secret" how does she know about them? Moron. This woman wouldn't know the truth if it kissed her on the lips, slipped her the tongue and slapped her backside all at the same time. This one's a real doozy. September 3, 2013   This kind of stuff tells you why the msm is not to be trusted. September 3, 2013   Putin's alleged "plan" to put the Islamic terrorists out of business? I don't know if I trust this to actually be Putin's writing, or if it's someone telling us what they think Putin would say (after all, since when would Putin worry about "How do I put this?"?), but whichever; it's interesting reading. Also, Russia issues travel warning about USA. Amazing. Did you ever think that would happen? September 3, 2013   I'm jealous. September 3, 2013   I'm hoping grahamnasty is DEFEATED! That would be SO GOOD for America! Both he and mccain't need to go! The list is long of those who need to go, but let's start with those two and add to that all the others who need to be gone: bonehead boehner and rubio-stupido included. September 3, 2013   NSA spied on Brazil and others. thevileone is so insecure he must spy on people to maintain control? I bet he sucks his thumb in bed. September 3, 2013   I've never been a fan of ross perot (earman), but this makes me dislike him even more. Planned KillingBabyHood is not something that needs more money, it needs to go away. September 3, 2013   Private companies are spying on you, too. Following thevileone's lead, Twitter, Google, etc., are reading your e-mails. Isn't that special? (Sarcasm.) September 3, 2013   NY jury has some sense. Use of "N-word" between blacks still derogatory. Finally! It's about time this was said! September 3, 2013   "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Atheists want to remove the "under GOD" part. Our history proves that America was founded by Christians as a Christian nation and the majority of people here associate themselves with being Christians, so this is another case of the minority wanting to control the majority. Squeaky wheel and all of that, so Christians, let's make some noise! The Becket Fund is standing FOR "under GOD" and we need to support that effort. September 3, 2013   thevileone likes European ideas, why not follow this one? It's something to think about. September 3, 2013   Economy worse than you think. People are hanging onto jobs that they want to leave, but fear being unable to find a replacement job. That tells you the economy has no bright future in their eyes. This is very troubling. September 3, 2013   No pretzel positions for me, thanks. I'd rather pray. September 3, 2013   Another animal; this time shooting a toddler in the head. What is wrong with the people who do this kind of wrong? Do they have no heart or soul? Do they put absolutely no value on human life? A baby, a toddler, an innocent person doing nothing to them and nothing wrong, and death and injury is in their power and they choose to destroy a life? Animals do this. Humans do not. Parents, raise your children better. Do NOT blame "society", it's YOUR JOB. GOD gave them to YOU to raise, not to "society". Do your job. September 3, 2013   Drudge rips Republicans. I must agree with him. September 3, 2013   Sequester must be over because thevileone "Executive Ordered" a pay raise for federal workers. Your taxpayer dollars at work. Remember, that "federal employees" includes those making $100,000+. Enjoying that peanut butter and jelly sandwich? September 3, 2013   This is what being human is about. This is how humans act. These folks were not animals. September 3, 2013   Why is there not a Republican rebellion in the Congress against bonehead boehner? He really does need to go. September 3, 2013   Bakery that refused to do lesbian wedding cake forced to go out of business. Some people reading that story will say, "Good!" but if they'd stop and think about the possibilities, they'd not go there. What if all Christians stopped frequenting businesses that were owned by homosexuals? What would happen to that business? Would they support that? Are there enough homosexuals in every area to support homosexual owned businesses with just the homosexuals of the area frequenting it? If not, then think about the "Turn about is fair play" maxum and don't force Christian companies out of business via harrassment and threats of violence. Christians don't do that to homosexuals, why is it okay for homosexuals to do so to Christians? (And, no, Westboro Baptist and people like them are NOT Christians, no matter what they say.) GOD loves homosexuals just not their sin (nor does He love my sin), but that doesn't mean I have to frequent a business owned by homosexuals, nor that if I owned a business (and I've owned two) that I would feel compelled to do business with them. It's my right to say "No" just as it is their right to not do business with me. Do I have the right to force them to do business with me? If not, then the same holds true the other way around. September 3, 2013   thevileone is not respected. In this ad, thevileone is mocked. He gets what he has earned. September 3, 2013   My friend who lives in Texas is in town this week and we have an appointment to have dinner and see a movie. So I'm going to close with my latest Minion Monday: Hank Goes Fishing. Until next time, See ya'! August 2013 August 30, 2013: 6:45 p.m.   My hubby used his debit card to put gas into his vehicle today at a gas station he had not used in quite a while. When he got home he checked our bank account info online because something didn't seem right at the gas station. What he found out shocked him. He saw that the gas station -- the Chevron station on the east side of U.S. 1 in north Cocoa (by what is or used to be Baker's Baskets) -- had put a $101.00 preauthorization hold on our account plus the actual cost of the gas he had pumped, $25.01: $126.01 total. Yeah. Our jaws hit the floor, also. We went back down to talk to them on our way somewhere else. They said "It's okay. It's normal. Everyone does it." I said that I'd never seen anyone else do it and that I was holding them responsible. Then I called our bank to talk to them. Our bank told us that, yes, Chevron does do ridiculously high preauthorization holds and that Texaco and Pilot also do high preauth holds. So I asked if they could post a website page with a list of companies that do that and she said that they haven't done so but she agreed, it would be a good service. (She also removed the preauth from our account while I was talkig to her! Hurray for our bank's Customer Service!) So I said I'd do it. Remember, getting gas and having preauthorization holds can have an impact on your finances. A hold means that the money they've put that hold on cannot be used somewhere else while the hold is on it. So if you have $157.54 in the bank and you get $35 of gas on the way to the grocery store (not our situation but some are dealing with that), you may not be able to buy anything at the grocery store because you have to have a minimum amount in your bank account and you can't go below it. See? It can really mmess with your financial situation if you are not aware of this situation. So, know that Texaco, Pilot and Chevron gas stations are all using ridiculously high preauths and plan accordingly. Otherwise, your debit card will be denied and you won't be able to buy what you wanted to buy with the money you have in your account. Personally, I don't think it's right that they tie up so much of OUR money -- even for five minutes -- and I won't be buying gas at those places any more. BTW, other companies do this sort of thing, too: Super 8 Motels, other motels and hotels around the world do this sort of thing as well. Debit cards are wonderful things to help stay within a budget. But being aware of how much different companies charge will help you plan appropriately. August 30, 2013   thevileone's laundering more money through "green" companies. Is he laundering the money to give it to the Muslim Brohood? Or is he funneling it to his good buddy, george soros? Whoever it is, they're getting rich from your money. Is "green" in bed with the Chinese? August 30, 2013   Again, I'm in good company and thevileone disses our Founding Fathers. Shock. Surprise. August 30, 2013   Lightbulbs: Stock up NOW! They're still phasing out the 40-70 watt regular bulbs. If you want them, buy them now! August 30, 2013   Sequestration and a war in Syria do not go together. thevileone's going to Congress with his begging cup to enable him to do his umteenth dozen war? A Nobel Peace Prize winner goes into another war. Is the Nobel Peace Prize committee SO VERY PROUD of their decision yet? (#SMH) August 30, 2013   This is where thevileone is taking us. Children taken by force in Germany because the parents chose to homeschool. Now the parents have been told they'll never see their children again. Pray for the parents and children and boycott Germany. Homeschool your kids here if you don't want your kindergartners to have sex ed. Do it while you can. August 30, 2013   pelosipig wants us to go into Syria although she didn't support funding the war in Afghanistan nor being there, until thevileone was in office. She was against the war in Iraq until thevileone's administration when, voilà!, she suddenly supports it. Hypocrisy is her first name, not middle. August 30, 2013   Parents teach your children not to do this kind of crap. It's not that hard to raise your children to know right from wrong. Be a PARENT, not a friend. Be the one who says, "No!" (as Miley Cyrus's Mom & Dad wish they had) because you love them and love means boundaries to teach and protect. If you don't take the time to teach them right from wrong, the judicial system will. Is that what you want? Don't raise ANIMALS! Teach them right from wrong! If you don't they'll pay a price, as will society. Society needs to punish to the utmost things like this. August 30, 2013   This is scary. How many more Islamic terrorists who want to kill American soldiers are themselves soldiers and just biding their time for the right moment to kill as many as possible? August 30, 2013   Why does this not surprise me? I think it's going to come soon enough that the scotUS will rule in favor of homosexual "marriage". I also think it's time for America to hit our knees and pray that GOD will come down and stir hearts, minds and souls and send a revival to this land because we need Him now more than ever before. We need GOD in America! Hit your knees and pray to GOD for revival! August 30, 2013   thevileone plans his wars based upon mockery. Yeah. He knows what he's doing, doesn't he? Will he make the attack on Syria worse because of an 11 yr-old's mockery? Or will he suck that up because it's a friend's kid? Flex, flex! August 30, 2013   NYT admits to being pro-thevileone. Stating the obvious is now news? August 30, 2013   This is a huge DUH! August 30, 2013   Aetna out of another healthcaretax exchange. Who can blame them? August 30, 2013   rubio is paying a price for his amnesty push. Rightly so. You don't go against what is right for America and expect those who love America to support you afterward. August 30, 2013   Fast food pay increases & amnesty: similar results to bad ideas. My first two jobs were in fast food. I know what minimum wage feels like since I supported myself on that wage. As far as I'm concerned, it was a good reason to work hard, distinguish myself and get a pay raise (which I did at both places) and motivted me to go for advancement. If we just give everyone $15 hourly they'll have no reason to move up or on: just like with amnesty. Bad idea. August 30, 2013   Appeals court rules the Red House visitors' logs to be kept secret for 12 years. Kissing thevileone's backside they help him hide the truth. Shock. Surprise. August 30, 2013   SERVES. HIM. RIGHT. August 30, 2013   The Benghazi families should SUE bonehead boehner to find the truth and to make him stop protecting the guilty! August 30, 2013   I agree with David Horowitz! We must start fighting back! August 30, 2013   On that note I shall close for tongiht. Look forward to Minion Monday. I took the pic today and it's fun. I don't know if I'll do updates this weekend. We have plans (if things cooperate) and I don't know how much time I'll have at home. Until next time, See ya'! August 29, 2013: 1:06 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have errands to run. Let's start with a despicable act: Back in January 2013 thevileone approved the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The numbers vary, but could be as high as 1300+. Now Syria allegedly plots cyberwar against USA. And Russia is getting involved, too. Our infamous Nobel Peace Prize winner is so screwed up. How many people have died because he has chosen the absolutely wrong thing how many times? Sounds to me like we need to contact the Nobel Prize Committee and tell them that thevileone's peace prize needs to be rescinded. August 29, 2013   thevileone wants to stop background checks -- for EMPLOYMENT. Have a criminal history of rape, armed robbery, or murder? Nah... Your potential employer (nor the people you'd be working with) doesn't need to know about that. So what if you raped two female coworkers fifteen years ago and are only out due to overcrowding and "good behavior". The sixteen women in the office don't need to know about that. It's "discriminatory". August 29, 2013   thevileone uses Executive Orders to go after guns again. It's time this stop. His tyranny is not welcome! thevileone arms the world while taking your right to keep and bear arms away. Impeach thevileone! August 29, 2013   Considering recent events, I think we should defund the EDC. Just say "NO!" August 29, 2013   Pakistani doctor who helped find bin Laden to be retried. His sentence has been overturned and he'll get another chance to stay out of jail. Good. August 29, 2013   Two more terrorists released to country that supports terrorism. thevileone is arranging things to allow the terrorists to get back into the action as soon as possible. Isn't that special? August 29, 2013   Lowest labor participation rates in 34 years. thevileone did this. He built it because this is exactly what he wanted. His dream is to destroy America and have it be a third world country ruled by Shariah Law and made into Afghanistan II. Little hope, no rights for women, sex with nine-year-old girls, and technology that is back to the 17th Century. Except, that is, for thevileone and his chosen few. That's his goal. August 29, 2013   Some in Congress want thevileone to get Congressional approval for an attack on Syria. If he actually did approve of chemical weapons use in Syria, sounds to me like he's already gone around them. Were they expecting anything else? August 29, 2013   Migraines may cause brain damage. I heard yesterday that migraines two servings of canned Dole pineapple will prevent migraines. So if you don't want to have a migraine, keep Dole pineapple in the house and eat it twice a day. No harm in trying unless you're allergic to pineapple. In other brain news: Are you forgetful? Umm... What did I want to say about that? August 29, 2013   thevileone's hypocrisy is showing again. Shock. Surprise. August 29, 2013   Woopsie! August 29, 2013   Animal having a bad day kills. August 29, 2013   thevileone as special speaker can't draw more than Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck's crowd was 300,000-500,000 and thevileone, billclintoon, al sharpton, oprah winfrey, Jamie Foxx, NBA legend Bill Russell, etc., COMBINED couldn't draw anywhere close to the crowd Glenn Beck did in 2010. Doesn't that tell you something? August 29, 2013   Has chris christie gone insane? August 29, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax is costing a LOT MORE than he said it would. He lied? Oh my gosh! He's never done that before! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! (If you're dense, yes, that was sarcasm.) August 29, 2013   My "just a few" blurbs turned unexpected into quite a few more than I intended. I'll have to hurry to get things done. So until next time, See ya'! August 28, 2013: 3:24 p.m.   Had a surprise last night. My mom told me that she had not yet received her income tax return check and was wondering what happened to it. My husband had done her taxes and that made me wonder even more what was up. So, I found an IRS website page that allowed me to find out what was going on. (Fill out the info here to check your refund if you've not received it yet.) The info came back that Mom allegedly owed $3,716.97 instead of receiving a refund of $236.23. Wow. That was a shocker. Keith rechecked his figures (we kept a copy, as did Mom) and they were all correct. Today, a three way phone call with Mom, myself and a very nice IRS representative and the IRS found out that my hubby was correct: he had not made a mistake, they had. Whoever did the work on Mom's taxes had made a mistake and never corrected it and never sent out the form that said that they "reworked" her taxes and she owed them. So the IRS person today checked it all out and -- lo and behold! -- Mom's refund check for the amount my hubby had figured is on its way! I was very pleased with the way the IRS person handled things. I admit, I knew it was a mistake on their part because, yes, my husband is that good. But I wondered what kind of reception our call would receive since I knew that it was their mistake. Overall, it was handled well and I was pleased with the treatment we received. If they had known I am a Conservative would it have been different? Considering the IRS's recent history, one has to wonder. August 28, 2013   thevileone's administration knows he has no Constitutional authority to send us to war with Syria. But the tyrant does it anyways. When will America say, "ENOUGH!"? When? He's such a moron why do we tolerat his tyranny? August 28, 2013   DHS "rebrands" advocate. "As Congress moved to defund President Obama’s special advocate for illegal immigrants at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the title was quietly rebranded to protect the position, according to internal agency documents obtained by Judicial Watch this week"Sounds to me like thevileone is doing another "work around" the rules. Shock. Suprise. The rules don't apply to him or anyone he supports or anything he wants. August 28, 2013   What is thevileone hiding? Everything. August 28, 2013   Know-Nothing Knox defends and protects BlueWare. The only reason I can think of for him doing so is to hide some involvement of his own. Is that what's happening here? August 28, 2013   thevileone's administration wants to interfere with attorney/client privilege. Tyranny pokes its fingers into anything it wishes. If it sees something it wants to be involved in, tyranny does so. More proof thevileone is a tyrant. August 28, 2013   Fort Hood shooter's sentence: Death. He got his wish. He now considers himself a martyr. I hope they shave his beard before they put him to death. He may die a martyr in his own mind, but at least he'll be one put to death under military code and dressed appropriately. BTW, e-mails prove the For Hood shootings COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED! The FBI could have stopped it. They did not. Fourteen people dead. Almost a full year passed AFTER the FBI had the e-mails and they chose to do nothing. Priorities and actions prove that this administration PREFERS TO PROTECT ISLAMIC TERRORISTS instead of protecting innocent AMERICANS. thevileone should answer for this. He is responsible as much as Maj. Hasan. August 28, 2013   Harvard study proves there's no correlation between MORE gun control and less violent crime. (*raspberry*) to all libs/gun grabbers out there. August 28, 2013   Trayvon Martin hailed as a "martyr"? At the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., rally, they're twisting everything and making a mockery of what MLK actually stood for:
August 28, 2013   Snicker. Smirk. August 28, 2013   I found ununpentium's creation story interesting but I began to wonder, Why? I found that other heavy elements have been created but, what is a "heavy element" and how can it be used and what does our government do with it? So I got a bit of an education from my curiosity. Heavy elements. Who knew? August 28, 2013   CO residents recalling gun grabbing legislators. Good. Any elected official who votes to take away our Constitutional rights should be recalled because they are breaking their oaths of office. They swear to protect and defend, uphold the U.S. Constitution then vote to limit our Second Amendment gun rights? Fire their butts! August 28, 2013   People shouldn't act like animals. If these attacks continue there will be a backlash and it won't make things better. This needs to stop now! Parents talk to your children and tell them to behave, act like humans with hearts, souls and MINDS to use to think about what they're doing. They don't have to act like animals, they have a choice. If they choose to act like animals -- rabid wolves on the prowl for someone to hurt -- then they deserve to be treated like rabid wolves. It's their choice. August 28, 2013   SC city makes homelessness against the law. Rriiigghhhtt. Sounds like a problem enforcing that one; or a big tax hike for residents. August 28, 2013   I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! August 27, 2013: 12:37 p.m.   Judicial Watch asks: "What Is [thevileone] Hiding?" Very good question. Aren't we all wondering that? Or maybe a better question would be "What ISN'T he hiding?" August 27, 2013: 2:07 p.m.   "Illusions of Freedom" my latest Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com article. Read it, learn and think. August 27, 2013   This is what happens to children when parents abdicate responsibility. Michelle Malkin nails it again and I couldn't agree MORE with her. The adults surrounding Cyrus allowed her to be sexualized and to learn that sex sells and allowed her to be denigrated into nothing but another over-sexualized sales organ for the msm and the music industry. Parents, if you're going to allow your kids to try to get into the music industry, don't let them go the route of Cyrus, Beiber, or the other innocents turned lewd, crude money machines who look as though they came out of Hustler's centerfold at age 15. August 27, 2013   Aaaaahhh..... public schools. As I've said time and time and time again: take your kids out of public schools. They've become nothing more than a hunting ground for sexual predators, for those who want to teach liberalism and lack of morals. They over-sexualize our children, teaching masturbation in fourth grade (9 yr.-olds!) and then leave parents to wonder, "Where did you learn this stuff?!" Hello? When you take your hands off the schools, take GOD out of the schools and allow the administration to do as they will with your child's "education", what do you expect? If you're not actively involved in the classroom, don't be appalled at what comes out of it. Homeschool your children or be satisfied with what they're taught by others. August 27, 2013   thevileone takes us to war AGAIN. N. Korea's little punk is trying to support Syria and thevileone's lies are shown again. "Peace in our time" in his January 2013 Inauguration speech. It's now August. It took him eight months to prove himself a liar. Longer than usual. Hm. Maybe he's making progress toward learning how to.... Nah. He'll never know how to tell the truth. August 27, 2013   I think the author here is wrong: thevileone is #1. Al Sharpton may be more vocally racist, but thevileone's position makes him a worse racist because of the example he sets when he demonstrates his racism. August 27, 2013   More jobs lost due to thevileone's healthcaretax. Shcok. Surprise. August 27, 2013   Non-doctors to perform abortions? What will happen if the aobrtion is botched and the mommy bleeds out? Will the non-doctor be licensed to do an emergency hysterectomy, or will an ambulance be called as the mommy waits, bleeding, for that ambulance to get to the hospital where a doctor can save her? Doesn't life -- any life -- matter anymore? Why is life so cheap to some? August 27, 2013   Personally, I think the dumborats use MLK as nothing more than a beating stick. They club people over the head with his words, his name and his reputation, but they themselves ignore what he taught and refuse to apply it to their own lives, beliefs and practices. dumborats have turned MLK into nothing more than an useful tool: powerful enough to kow some, while nice enough to draw others. August 27, 2013   This guy needs to be FIRED. Why are our taxpayer dollars still going to his pay? Fire his backside! August 27, 2013   Are we raising children or ANIMALS? Why would anyone want their little girls to treat another little girl like this? Why? How can anyone support this sort of behavior? When will the parents start teaching their children that this sort of thing is NOT okay? August 27, 2013   FB says thevileone's admin demanded info on 38K accounts. I'm so glad I left FB a long time ago. I was on it for maybe six months to a year but it was boring, unproductive and a waste of time, so I closed my account. Now I'm so glad I found FB boring! August 27, 2013   TEA party saved you money? That's what one report says. Sounds like we need more TEA! August 27, 2013   CA county offering home tests for STDs? Sounds like thevileone's healthcaretax is going to be getting a big bill. Of course, we'll pay for it. August 27, 2013   Respect for life was not taught to all. Some women have no mother's heart. August 27, 2013   CO Sheriffs trying to overturn local gun control laws. Good. It's about time someone stood for the U.S. Constitution and our 2nd Amendment rights. Sheriffs doing so is a good start! August 27, 2013   I really do hope a True Conservative will defeat grahamnesty. That would be so good! August 27, 2013   Defund thevileone's healthcaretax. It would be a good thing. August 27, 2013   thevileone's lies about amnesty exposed. His lips were moving again! August 27, 2013   I'll close on that auspicious note. Until next time, See ya'! August 26, 2013: 5:59 p.m.   More good news today: My hubby had an appointment with a dermatologist today to have some brown spots on his skin checked for cancer and none of them were even suspected to be so. They did take a skin tag off of his back and he's hurting a little, but that's a whole lot better than what the possibilities could have been. We went to lunch together after his appointment, came home to my son surprising us with a visit, but got a call and had to go do something for the post card club. Came back home and now I get to do my updates. So let's get it done. August 26, 2013   The tyrant is at it again. He doesn't care what the law is, he cares what he wants. America? There's no such thing. It's his country now. He can do with it as he wishes and he wishes to ignore the law. August 26, 2013   When ketchup kerry says it, it must be real. When the GW Bush administration said it, it was all lies because, well, "Republicans!" Then they blame the press for allegedly "blurring the red line" thevileone said would be his "action" signal. What a crock. thevileone is the one who is blurring the line. He wants nothing to do with going against the Muslim Brohood. August 26, 2013   Amnesty agreement close. Call everyone you can and tell them to NOT cooperate with this travesty. Our laws mean something. Our laws should have made illegals be deported back to their own country. Our laws mean nothing to this administration. Even worse is the fact that the spineless Republicans are caving to teh denigration of our laws and agreeing to it, helter skelter, and fighting over who is proclaiming their treason louder: rubio-stupido, paulryannot, mccaint, all run to the microphone to scream at the top of their lungs: "I support AMNESTY!!! LOVE ME!!" Guess what. I don't. August 26, 2013   Treasury to meet debt limit in October. Is anyone surprised? August 26, 2013   Muslim Brohood not a favorite with Egyptions? I dont know. I think that perhaps they are not the favorite as far as their running of the country, but I bet you a buck-and-a-half that they like the MB as far as their radical views when it comes to other things. August 26, 2013   It's gotten to the point of ridiculous. Feeding the homeless is a reason for arrest? Puhlease! August 26, 2013   hillclintoon beats christie. We don't need either of them. If they both moved to Mars we'd be fine. August 26, 2013   Lobbyists get taxpayer funded retirements? Why? Why would WE be stuck with the bill for their lobbyig efforts? Why? Because someone set it up that way. August 26, 2013 &Nbsp The V.A. puts our troops first. NOT! They put themselves first and give themselves bonuses even though the vets are in backlog. This administration's priorities are so screwed up. August 26, 2013   Bombing a Veteran's Memorial is WRONG! I don't care who you are, you did wrong. August 26, 2013   Our soldiers need new boots. The ones they're wearing are making their feet sore. It's time to bring them home. Home to be with their families, to wear tennis shoes, flip flops and to play chase or catch with their kids. They've served us well and paid high prices. Bring them home. August 26, 2013   Another animal raised by out of touch parents? Another animal, at the very least. August 26, 2013   Der-Tyrant (thevileone) appears on flag again. I've known about hero worship for a long time, but this is more like making a false god out of thevileone. You know about the boy who prayed to thevileone and what's next? If I had my preference it would be that he is ARRESTED, TRIED & CONVICTED FOR TREASON and spends the rest of his life in prison. Solitary confinement sounds about right. He'd spend less taxpayer dollars there and be unable to write any Executive Orders. August 26, 2013   You can tell a man by the company he keeps so thevileone must be a radical. sustein rears his ugly beliefs again inside the administration. Going more and more radical, thevileone gets closer and closer to Communism and making America go there with him. August 26, 2013   Touchè! I like this college professor! August 26, 2013   Lenders check your FB & Twitter, etc., accounts before deciding credit worthiness. So if you're not meeting their social media criteria, you may be able to borrow $5,000, but unable to borrow $50,000. I guess that is supposed to make us watch our Ps & Qs, but what happened to "Free Speech" in America? Should our credit score count that Constitutional right? I think if someone's writing about how tough times are and asking for a $10,000 vacation loan, they have the right to take that into account. August 26, 2013   If so, see me smile....? I like cold. August 26, 2013   Find a grahmnasty challenger you like & send them $10. Or, send each Conservative opponent $10 each, whichever. grahmnasty's got to go! August 26, 2013   Hehehe... I like James O'Keefe III. That attorney does not. August 26, 2013   I'll close on a fun note today. Since it's Minion Monday, here's Hank getting ready for bed. He likes to read a little first. Until next time, See ya'! August 24, 2013: 1:25 p.m.   Aaaaaahhh.... public schools. Do we send children to public schools just for sex, or should they be taught something besides abortion is okay? If you value your children, for their sakes, for goodness' sake, for sake's sake, homeschool your children! Teach them values, morality, right from wrong, and that THEY are valuable. Teach them that their bodies are not to be given away as way to gain acceptance from whoever will take their bodies. Teach them how to read using Phonics, teach them how to write -- in cursive -- and teach them the truth about America's history (use Wallbuilders.com for the TRUTH). Teach them that GOD loves them and that GOD loves them so much that He gave His only begotten Son to take the punishment for their sins and that the only way to heaven is to accept that wonderful sacrifice as the gift GOD gave for and to them. Teach them that GOD's love determines their value, not what their friends say about them; not what their enemies say about them. Or, you could have teachers coming on to them and their bodies being what school is about instead of preparing them for their futures. August 24, 2013   Hamstergore really is an idiot. Can you believe he used to be Vice President? Yeah. With our current administration our standards have fallen even further than that. Disgusting. August 24, 2013   thevileone is setting it up to make you and I "extremists" and to take away our freedom. After the labeling, comes the reason to "watch" us (spy on us) and after that comes some false pretense to arrest us. After that comes delays and changes, excuses and transfers. How many will disappear? Or will we stand up and fight before that? August 24, 2013   Rodeo clown who wore thevileone's mask gets gig in TX. Good! The tradition is that presidents are presidents, not dictators and tyrants. To have the president -- or his minions -- bent out of shape over the rodeo clown wearing a mask of his face is a show of ego, not leadership. He's throwing yet another temper tantrum and needs to grow up and get over it. August 24, 2013   ForAmerica puts pressure on bonehead boehner hoping to stop funding of thevileone's healthcaretax. Why not join them in pressuring bonehead? Call him at (202) 225-0600, or e-mail him and tell him to NOT fund thevileone's healthcaretax since he thinks defunding it is "not realistic". You may want to use the normal name for it, "*****care" but I won't use his name, so I'll let you use the words. I'll call bonehead and tell him not to fund the ACA, which you can call it, too, if you want to avoid having theveileone's name on your lips. Yeah. I abhor him that much. Anyone who has damaged America as much as he deserves to be abhorred. August 24, 2013   thevileone is sending our troops into another war. If he weakens our defenses enough to basically leave us undefended, that is his goal. Destroy as much of the trained forces as possible to leave it to us, the armed citizenry to defend America. In the meantime, he'll work on disarming us so that we're defenseless. So be prepared to stand strong. Be prepared. August 24, 2013   Four problems with thevileone's college "scorecard" idea. When morons try to think they create more problems than they're trying to solve. We all know thevileone is a moron so of course there will be problems with everything he does. August 24, 2013   Peace and tolerance slits throats and gouges out eyes. So very peaceful. Tolerance personified. Maybe we should stop tolerating? August 24, 2013   pelosipig milks MLK's "I Have A Dream" anniversary. She twists what he wanted, but that's okay. She doesn't have to worry about the truth because she can't even spell the word. August 24, 2013   Here comes the storm and my web browser and HTML program are not working very well together today for some reason. I copy an URL and try to paste it into a link I'm creating and my computer forgets the URL somehow. Don't know what's up with that, but it's frustrating and I don't want to be frustrated, so I'll go for now. Until next time, have a good Saturday and Sunday. As you remember, I don't update my site on Sundays, so I'll probably see you Monday. Until whenever, See ya'! August 23, 2013: 8:55 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today due to the late start. Hubby took the day off today and we went out and about and had fun. He found me a set of eight book, "Fatawa Islamiyah Islamic Verdicts" Volumes 1-8 Collected by Muhammad bin 'Abdul-'Aiz Al-Musnad. They're in beautiful condition and they're going to be great fun exploring! Just opening first volume I see chapters like, "He Who makes Offerings to Jinn shall have no Good Deeds of His accepted until He repents", "Animals slaughtered by Polytheists", "Seeking Blessings from Graves" and "Should We believe that Medical Doctors know what in in the Wombs". He had scooped the whole set up and had them in the buggy before I had even seen them. He knew I'd love to have them and he was so right! So on with a few blurbs, then I'm going to chek out those books! Who knows? Maybe I'll have some additional information for Chart: Compare GOD to Allah. August 23, 2013   thevileone blames Rush Limbaugh for what thevileone has done. thevileone is such a sissy. He never takes responsibility for anything he does. He's such a baby. With all of those "green" companies he bailed out, all of the Executive Orders he has signed, all of the crap he has done he still tries to do the "Squirrel!" routine. The baby. August 23, 2013   Don't you LOVE PAYING FOR THE FEDS TO SPY ON YOU? Yeah. That's exactly what happened. YOU paid to have yourself spied on by the feds. Don't ya' love thevileone's way of governing? (BTW, Sarcasm.) August 23, 2013   The IRS is at it again. American Legion is now being targeted. I think it's time to have a rebellion against the IRS and their unconstitutional power. Remember that the U.S. Constitution says that the powers delineated to the government in the Constitution are the only power the government has. All of the rest of the powers go to the States and to the PEOPLE. The IRS needs to learn that lesson. August 23, 2013   HHS Secretery, sebelius, touts thevileone's healthcaretax. They have to still go out and sell it because so very few of us who are paying attention actually want this atrocity. August 23, 2013   There needs to be a change in the way some children are raised and it needs to change NOW. This is ridiculous. If people refuse to teach their children right from wrong, then they shouldn't have children in the first place. They need to get a gerbil because they're too irresponsible to have children or even a dog. Or are they intentionally raising their children to be animals? August 23, 2013   Myanmar facing Tuberculosis strain that is drug resistant. If you have travel plans to go there, I think I'd check with my travel agent to see if I could get them changed. August 23, 2013   15 people show up at anti-gun rally. Sounds like a big crowd to me! (Sarcasm.) August 23, 2013   Rush's contract renewed. Rush is going to be on for a long time even if his contract had changed, he'd still be there, telling the truth, exposing the left, making the left angry about the truth getting out. It's always fun listening to Rush. August 23, 2013   Court says Christian couple's refusal to photograph homosexual "marriage" illegal. First Amendment? What First Amendment? There is no First Amendent! This administration is taking it away faster than the speed of sound. With this court ruling, I heard TWO sonic booms! It's wrong! It's ridiculous! It's time to make this stop! August 23, 2013   Okay. That's enough for now. I'm irritated and it's not going to get any better after the crud I posted tonight. So, I'll stop for now and until next time, See ya'! August 22, 2013: 11:47 a.m.   Well, that was interesting. I use a certain HTML editor and LOVE it but was told when I "upgraded" to a Win8 computer that it was not possible to use my regular HTML editor and I had to upgrade to the $60 version. Lo and behold, today I did an experiment and guess which HTML editor I'm using. Yep. The one I started with. Have I told you lately that I hate computers? Why do computer companies and software companies think it's okay to do this to us? Now on with today's updates because if I dwell on this I'll get angry instead of just happy that I don't have to buy the newer editor -- again. August 22, 2013   Hamsters took your money to prove you'll get violent? Is there nothing they won't do to prove their religion has merit? Yes, "global warming" is a religion: a voodoo religion, but a religion. August 22, 2013   Is DH[IN]S employee a danger to others? He is one of the people who purchases weapons for the department to use and runs a homophobic, racist website. I say "Free Speech". He's allowed to say the things he wants to say. While I may not like his words (although he does say negative things about thevileone), he has the right to say them. Should he be a purchasing agent for the government? Maybe that needs a review. August 22, 2013   thevileone's friends, the Muslim Brohood, are killing Christians. If you can tell a man by the company he keeps, what does this say about thevileone? I think it speaks volumes. August 22, 2013   I stand with Israel. Anyone attacking them, they attack back. When Israel attacks, they win. I stand with Israel. August 22, 2013   Illegal aliens should be deported. If they want to come here and make a life for themselves, they should do so legally as did most of my ancestors (my Cherokee ancestors were already here). That's the rigth way to do it. Illegal aliens should not be allowed to profit from breaking our law. They break the law when they come over illegally. That's all there is to it. It's as simple as that. To undo the law for those already here (amnesty) is discrimination based upon nationality -- wich is against the law. So to give them amnesty -- allowing them to benefit from breaking the law -- the government has to break the law to benefit the lawbreakers. If that isn't special treatment, I don't know what is and I scream "Discrimination!" because I won't get the same kind of treatment from our government. August 22, 2013   LOL! If you're texting so much that you're sleep texting, you're texting waaaayyyy toooooo much! August 22, 2013   clintoons spent their foundation's money on travel.... and what else? No one knows where all of the donations went except the clintoons and they have a history of not talking. So what will it take to get to the truth? Kenneth Starr couldn't get to the bottom of their scandals during the impeachment trial. So what will it take now that they're out of office and have even more money and more connections? August 22, 2013   Australians threatening boycott of America because of gun violence here. It's another case of the pot calling the kettle if you look at the truth of Australia's gun violence. They may have strict "gun control" laws, but they haven't any success at gun control. Criminals get guns. They get them illegally if they have to. They have no sense of right and wrong so putting a law into place to supposedly control the criminal and their ownership of guns is a farce. Gun control advocates don't understand the truth of that matter although the evidence and history prove it. It's because "gun control" is not about gun control, it's about controlling you the law abiding citizen. Never forget that truth. August 22, 2013   If "young people" want to save money they should ditch thevileone's healthcaretax. It's going to cost them a bundle and since they don't get sick or see doctors as often as older folks they're just paying for the care of others. If young folks back out of it, the plan is even closer to falling apart. Let's see, that's about ten different ways this thing is bound to fail. A true indicator of thevileone's competency. August 22, 2013   Wasting $30,000 to make thevileone's healthcaretax video. That's YOUR money being used to make it all seem wonderful. Is this what you work all day long and miss your anniversary for? No? Do something about it. Vote for a True Conservative next time. Nothing less than a True Conservative will save America. August 22, 2013   Remember when they said you'd get to keep your own healthcare insurance? They lied. Shock. Surprise. August 22, 2013   This is what "colleges" have sunk to? Don't stories like this just make you want to send your child to these colleges? Don't they make you want to spend $250,000 to give your child a "higher" education (higher in which way, I'm uncertain, considering)? It makes no sense to me that anyone would want to spend that kind of money to have their child indoctrinated into the leftist mindset. Some do it, though, instead of letting their child mature, choose the college of their choice and be firmly grounded in the TRUTH and having a firm grasp on it prior to sending them off to the leftist brainwashing machines. Only go to college AFTER you're twenty-five or older. If you wait until then, you're sure of who you are (most of us would be at least) and you're not going to be pressured into caving on what you believe and made into a leftie yourself. August 22, 2013   Filner reaches mediation deal for being a cad. Sexually molesting all those women (18 have now come forward) and getting mediation instead of being kicked out of office (he's mayor of San Diego) makes one wonder how much San Diego values women and their rights. War on women? Is he stepping down? August 22, 2013   WARNING: SEXUAL CONTENT: NOT SAFE FOR CHILDREN: Common Core text books include filth. Aaaaahhh.... Pubic [sic] schools! Common Core should be renamed "Carnal Core". Take your kids out of any school that institutes "Carnal Core" unless you want your child sexualized with the textbooks they're supposed to be learning read, writing, history, science, arithematic and spelling from. It's wrong what they're doing. They should not sexualize the children. Or do they do this to accomodate the pedophile teachers? (Hey, just asking.) August 22, 2013   Another group of people kill an innocent person. Why do some people seem to think it's okay to do this? Learn to do what's right instead of what is wrong. Murder is wrong. August 22, 2013   thevileone built this. But not by himslef, the whole leftist system helped. Can you believe they're actually proud of it, too? Yep. They think they're doing a good thing. How stupid are they? August 22, 2013   A police state is coming if thevileone's administration gets its way. They will FORCE you to obey or be put in prison. Or we can fight back and tell them to take a hike! Stand up, America! Don't be pushed around by those who presume to igrnore the U.S. Constitution and the power given to the people, not the government! Fight back! Stand strong! Don't let them walk all over us! This is America: Land of the Free and Home of the Brave! August 22, 2013   Tampa's Town Hall meeting to defund thevileone's healthcaretax draws 500. It should have had 10,000, but it's a start. August 22, 2013   I, too, want an audit of the EDC. I think there needs to be both kinds of audits AND any contract the BOCC enters into should include Sunshine Law compliance no matter who the contract is with. If they're spending taxpayer dollars, there should ALWAYS be Sunshine Law compliance. The BOCC also told the EDC to turn over BlueWare documents. That was an unanimous vote (shockingly) and I agree with it 100%. They should also have to turn over copies of the documents to the prosecutors in the Needelman, Dupree and Harr cases. They'll probably be subpeonaed. I wonder how bad they'll be. August 22, 2013   The BOCC shocked me by voting to NOT raise garbage collection rates this year. Wait until AFTER the elections, then the rates will increase. August 22, 2013   I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! August 21, 2013: 12:43 p.m.   Missed yesterday because my son came over to visit and brought the computer we got him for Christmas of last year that had gotten a virus and had crashed because of that virus. It did what was said to have been an update of a "trusted" company and hadn't worked properly since. Being the family's computer person, I said I'd take a look at it. No luck. Windows 8 has more bells and whistles, but it's also more difficult to correct problems with. He's going to have to use the warranty and get them to fix it. Have I told you lately that I hate computers? Anyways, more later because I just wanted to get a link up to my most recent Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com story, "Why We Must Elect a True Conservative in 2016". Yeah. We must. Read it. More after I get back from getting an injection into my foot. (Owwwiiiieee!!) August 21, 2013: 3:40 p.m.   Good news for me: No shot! The injections are not needed anymore because the first two fixed the problem. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! I told you Dr. Simonson is a good doctor. Any kind of foot problem, go see Dr. Simonson. Take him chocolate. He loves chocolate. Now I can update my site. On with the blurbs! August 21, 2013   How will the scotUS rule on this? I hope they rule that thevileone has to release everything he's got about the bin Laden raid. Then we'll see my suspicions are correct. If I'm proven wrong, so be it. If not... We shall see. August 21, 2013   CAIR gets police to cancel terrorist training. The radical Muslim group is shutting down anything that would teach law enforcement, students, or anyone else that the last thousand terrorist attacks were done by... MUSLIMS! Amazing. Talk about a break with reality. Either they can't face facts, or they don't want you to know the TRUTH. If they don't want you to know the TRUTH and it's not your birthday they're keeping information from you about, then they're not your friends. Don't trust anyone who hides from you things that can hurt you, things they should have warned you about. They're not your friend. August 21, 2013   Illegal aliens are demanding free organ transplants. Fine. Charge them for the kidney, liver, heart, whatever, the same amount as the operation and hospitalization would have cost. It's worth much more than that since it's saving their lives. Let the bill look like this: Surgeon:       $00.00That should shut them up. August 21, 2013   The RNC hasn't got a clue when it comes to our borders. They really should figure out that millions of "suddenly citizens" would be bad for our economy, for Americans getting jobs, for employers, for our security and safety, for thevileone's healthcaretax, for everything. Brains do not come with elected office and a lot of the folks in office right now (especially the dumborats) prove that daily, but the Republicans are doing a good job of catching up with them! August 21, 2013   I'm not the only one saying that thevileone's healthcaretax is full of corruption. The truth is that it was set up to be full of corruption because it's more of a system of punishing the achievers and rewarding the non-achievers, and putting more of thevileone's cronies into well-paid government jobs than it is about giving you affordable healthcare. August 21, 2013   Prediction: This will happen in a LOT of companies. Want healthcare for your loved ones? Fuhgetaboudit. August 21, 2013   As much as I totally disagree with most of what she says, I can still agree with the question asked What has hillclintoon ever done?. She is rumored to have baked cookies for her daughter, but besides that? August 21, 2013   Syria used chemical warfare against its people. Remember, this is the same country thevileone sold weapons to so how will they use the weapons we sent them? Hmmm? Will they be used to kill Americans? If so, will that finally satisfy some people out there that thevileone has committed TREASON and will that finally make a difference to them? What will it take? August 21, 2013   NSA collected more than "terrorism related" communications. Shock. Surprise. thevileone is getting as much as he can on people so that he can use it down the road. That's all it is. If he goes for a third term, how many people will resist him if he's got their mistress's name and number, the e-mail to their other wife, or the proof of porn site visits? Yeah. That's what is happening. August 21, 2013   I don't really care that thevileone's brother is in the Muslim Brohood. It's thevileone's having his head up the Brohood's backside that bothers me. August 21, 2013   Leave it to MA to do something stupid. August 21, 2013   Peace and tolerance at it again. August 21, 2013   Leave it to dumborats to do something this wrong. I am not surprised by it, but it's just a "shaking my head" moment. August 21, 2013   $9 hourly to sign people up for thevileone's healthcaretax. That's what people in IL are being paid. How much is FL paying them? I don't know, but it's not going to make our future any brighter, that's for certain. August 21, 2013   I don't know if this claim is true but I certainly hope so. America needs it to be true. August 21, 2013   Unemployment numbers up again. That 8.9% is not true when you take into account the folks who have stopped looking for work. They're included in the U6 number which stands at 14%. The real numbers are a lot worse. Thank thevileone for this. He built this. August 21, 2013   Will he use his own money for his plan, or will he want YOUR money for his plan? If he wants to use his own and NONE of ours, that's fine. Let him do it. If he wants a dime out of my pocket -- or yours -- I say "Go away. No way." August 21, 2013   thevileone gives money to his cronies in what used to be called ACORN. Congress defunded ACORN, but thevileone never worries about the law. Tyrants don't have to. August 21, 2013   Why would anyone who is NOT an animal kill someone for fun? Some people sicken me. August 21, 2013   Closing with how people SHOULD behave. Until next time, See ya'! August 19, 2013: 4:13 p.m.   Have I told you lately that I hate computers? Or, at least my Lemon DELL I hate with a purple passion and then Windows 8 is a big PITA (Pain In The Ahem...) Yeah. It won't let me import any of my contacts. It won't let me use my regular e-mail program without PAYING to have the advertising taken away from the e-mail program I used to use (only $19.95 annually!) and it wants me to PAY MORE to be able to use Word. Right. NOT. I have a WORD program that my husband purchased the rights to from work and I'll install that instead of paying more to use something here. I'm so fed up with being MILKED for more money from computer manufacturers that if I could get away with NOT having a computer, I'd shut everything down in a heartbeat! I'm fed up! When I buy a computer, or anything else for that matter, I expect it to work properly for a reasonable amount of time. I expect to be able to use ALL of it -- not just the bare bones -- without having to pay more for it after I've purchased the product I thought I'd be able to use. And I don't want to have to have all of my files stored "In the cloud". What the heck is a "cloud", where is it and why should I agree to that when I want my files here with me?! Aaarrrgghhh.... Also, make all of my Windows files and programs backwards compatible so that if I used them in Win 3.1 I can still get to them NOW. I'm tired of having to find a way to get into old programs that I created way back when but haven't accessed in a while when it was all done on the same format -- Windows! If I had created them on Apple or Linux, that's a different story, but when it's all Windows let me see the old stuff, too: without having to pay more! (Breathe, breathe....) Okay. I'm finished with that rant. Sorry. But I had to get that off of my chest. Now on with my updates. (Breathe. Breathe.) August 19, 2013   For dumborats 2016 is going to be a choice between an idiot a racist with a long history of wrongdoing. Boy! If that doesn't delineate the dumborat party, I don't know what does! August 19, 2013   Republicans, don't. Just don't. August 19, 2013   Remember, we live in bear country. August 19, 2013   Lower garbage collection costs? The County is looking at the possibilities. The $151 price was apparently a bit of sticker shock for some people, so it's a good thing they're looking at lowering the cost. But, still. When they lower the costs that doesn't mean they listened to us in the first place to NOT change the contract. What's wrong with being happy with what you have? August 19, 2013   Remember when Chris Christie kissed up to thevileone after Hurricane Sandy? 100K+ NJ residents losing their healthcare due to thevileone's healthcaretax. I wonder if the kissing up would still be done? Remember, Christie's considering 2016 and a presidential run. I hope NJers and the rest of America has a long memory. If not, they can always count on me to remind them. August 19, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" again shows its ugly head. The truth shows in their actions, not in their words. August 19, 2013   UNemployment still something thevileone's policies have done. Lay this at his feet because he's the one who did it. August 19, 2013   Sen. Ted Cruz makes libs NUTSO! Good! A True Conservative's goal should be to make libs/lefties/progressives nutso. It's the right thing to do. August 19, 2013   algore gave a verbal hamster award. Such an honor for the recipient, I'm sure. (Sarcasm.) August 19, 2013   When will they understand that the TRUTH matters? George Zimmerman defending himself was NOT the wrong thing to do! It mattters that he was able to defend himself when he was attacked. It matters that he survived because he was the innocent one. That's what the evidence showed. That's what the jury decided. The trial proved his innocence, but the left can't let it go. Stand Your Ground, people. Don't budge an inch on this law. It's important! August 19, 2013   Aaaahhh..... public schools! This should tell us all what the unions are for and what power they think they have. They would rather bankrupt a town than that a pedophile teacher stay in prison for his entire sentence. That's not just wrong, that's evil. August 19, 2013   Selling AR-15s again. Some day I'll get me one. August 19, 2013   thevileone has missed at least half of the healthcaretax's deadlines. He's not worried. Tyrants don't have to obey the laws they write. They only worry about enforcing them upon the rest of us. August 19, 2013   $1 TRILLION DEFICIT a year: thevileone did that. And we and our progeny will pay for it. Isn't that special? (Sarcasm. Of course.) August 19, 2013   Good. This was the right thing to do. August 19, 2013   "Asylum" claims from Mexico on the rise. What do they expect after giving classes on how to do so? Remember? Yeah. It's not a good thing they're doing. But it is the dumborats so what else do we expect? August 19, 2013   thevileone releases "highly classified" material as he wishes but when Snowden says thevileone is spying on Americans -- breaking the U.S. Constitution -- it's a bad thing? Explain that to me. Why is thevileone allowed to release anything he wants to and that's okay, but a whistleblower alerts the American people that thevileone is spying on them and the whistleblower is a traitor? I think it's the other way around: thevileone is the traitor, not Snowden! August 19, 2013   This is what Florida should allow! I like it! August 19, 2013   With these numbers, how many teachers will quit teaching and go on welfare? August 19, 2013   Kiss the bull goodbye. No. Not thevileone. The big Merrill Lynch bull. They're being "dissolved". Altough I'd much rather see thevileone go away, it's not happening yet. (When will he be arrested?) August 19, 2013   I'll close with the usual for this day of the week: Minion Monday: Hank Dreams of Waves. He wants to learn to surf. It would probably help if he had feet. Until next time, See ya'! August 17, 2013: 2:39 p.m.   Well, that was irritating. On Wednesday when I was trying to check my e-mail the computer I used to do my updates -- the Lemon DELL -- crashed again and I haven't been able to get it to come back. I'm so tired of that computer. The problem is that I have Windows 8 on this Toshiba and I had to download HTMLKit for Win8 and I'm not familiar with all of the new bells & whistles of this HTMLKit. I think HTMLKit is the best HTML program in the world, but this version (I'm working on the Toshiba today) has has so many more bells and whistles that I have trouble figuring out where each bell is found and each whistle is hidden. So, it's experiment time. Let's see if we can get this to work for at least this explanation. IF I can find out how to make things work, I'll use this computer from now on because my Lemon DELL is just not coming back. I won't give up on it, but I do want to throw it against a wall! Let's see if I can at least get this blurb online. Wish me luck. August 17, 2013   I did it! WoooHooo! We'll do a few blurbs. Let's start with.... August 17, 2013   Scott Ellis is VINDICATED! He said that the ex-clerk was doing things wrong and the arrest of Needelman and Dupree proved it. BTW, their "partner in crime", Rose Harr. turned herself in and will also be prosecuted. Problem is, unless the judge orders restitution to the County, we'll never see any of the money back. Thanks for nothing, Needelman. August 17, 2013   Will thevileone support this? I think it's Egypt's choice. I like the idea, but I don't know that it will happen. August 17, 2013   So that's what I'm going to close with today. I figured out how to do this. I can do it on Monday with my Toshiba and I'll use this one from now on. So, we're good to go. Until next time, See ya'! August 14, 2013: 5:45 p.m.   "Are Atheists Mentally Ill?" It's a valid question and one that someone besides myself asked. Love it! August 14, 2013: 3:27 p.m.   Went and got another shot in my foot today. Ow. I hate needles, but I really like my foot doctor, Dr. Simonson in Rockledge. If you ever have foot problems, go see him. He's a good man and a great doc. (BTW: Me saying he's a good doctor and mentioning him here does NOT mean that he endorses my website. He may hate my website, but I like his doctoring! Okay?) I spent this morning writing my Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com article so that's sent out. As usual, I'll post a link when it's published. So, now I'll do my updates for today. Probably just a few since I want to be more comfy with my foot up. We'll see what tickles my fancy. August 14, 2013   "Detracting From the Detractors" my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com. August 14, 2013   clintoon cronyism? Show of hands: Who is surprised? Seeing no hands, I'd say no one. (Hehe.) Seriously, though, it's not good: "The review echoed criticism of Mr. Clinton’s early years in the White House: For all of its successes, the Clinton Foundation had become a sprawling concern, supervised by a rotating board of old Clinton hands, vulnerable to distraction and threatened by conflicts of interest. It ran multimillion-dollar deficits for several years, despite vast amounts of money flowing in."So how does it run at "multimillion-dollar deficits" when it has all of that money flowing in? Is it going to be hillclintoon for 2016, or hillclintoon in prison in 2016? August 14, 2013   thevileone (the prezidunce) is "flouting the law"? Again, shock. surprise. Whoever woulda' thunk it? August 14, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax gives planned murder-your-baby-hood $375K? Wait. I thought that the House of Representatives (who handles the budget) voted to DEFUND Planned kill-your-baby-hood. How can thevileone just stick a bit of writing into a law and suddenly the vote of the House is overturned? He is a tyrant, a dictator. That's how. (See blurb immediately above.) Along the same subject, this is just tacky. Tacky. Tacky. Tacky. August 14, 2013   thevileone says (basically) you can't prove it! (Picture his tongue sticking out...) August 14, 2013   The one on the left is more intelligent. And much better looking. August 14, 2013   This is what thevileone supported. Remember, he supported the Arab Spring and wanted to fund it? Yeah. He helped bring about all these deaths and injuries. Isn't he just the cat's meow? (Gag.) August 14, 2013   thevileone's priorities really STINK! Bin Laden raid happening so he plays cards? Really? Really? That's a crock. August 14, 2013   Someone's lying. Question is, Who? August 14, 2013   Zero. Zip. Nada. That's the attendance number for a "climate change" rally. I suppose they were more interested in something else. Life, maybe? August 14, 2013   piers morgan is an idiot. 'Nuff said. August 14, 2013   Clown banned for life. Too bad it's not the clown in the Red House. My how the standards have changed. Hypocrasy, anyone? August 14, 2013   This story should have been a major story. Warning: Gruesome story; even Beck made it tamer to cover it. August 14, 2013   thevileone acts as tyrant again and decides for himself what to spend our money on. August 14, 2013   They're trying to take away another word: "Drones" is a NO-No! Fight back! Drones! Drones! Drones! Say the word! Keep the language! August 14, 2013   Common Core to impact homeschooling? Common Core is bad news, in every way, shape and form. Read more here about how horrible and Communistic (new word?) Common Core is! Get rid of Common Core if you want to keep our country. August 14, 2013   I'm very surprised they were sentenced to any time in jail. I expected - because of who they are - to hear that they had gotten "time served" or home arrest (ankle bracelets), or some community service. But prison time? Wow. I'm shocked. August 14, 2013   I suppose that's enough for now. I thought I'd do just a few updates/blurbs, but I got a little carried away. So, until next time, See ya'! August 13, 2013: 1:02 p.m.   We are NOT ALL Trayvon Martin and there should NOT be a mural depicting George Zimmerman as a guilty man displayed in the Florida capital! I think we should all contact Gov. Rick Scott and tell him to remove the lying mural! George Zimmerman was found INNOCENT and to have acted in self-defense because Martin attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman had the right -- even the DUTY -- to defend himself. The mural should be removed immediately because it stands in the Florida capital and is a lie. If we want lies in the capital let the politicians do the lying (it's not as though we can stop them!) instead of a stupid artist with a racist point of view! August 13, 2013   Congressperson says that there are enough votes to impeach thevileone. Too bad there aren't enough votes in the Senate to convict. The problem is, they're too cowardly to TRY. IF they TRIED they could actually make some people more aware and they could actually succeed. They're using excuses in order to not TRY. Ridiculous. What they're saying is that it's more important to not try because it won't work than to do what upholds the U.S. Constitution. August 13, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax delay in implementing caps "not a bait and switch"? The fact that they're changing the rules on an almost daily basis to help ensure dumborats are re-elected tells you something, does it not? Bait and switch? Maybe, maybe not. A useful tool to get the Low Information Voters' (LIVs) voting as desired? Yep. Puppets, all, they will do whatever those giving them the most wishes them to do. When you're hooked onto the taxpayer teat you really don't want to stand on your own two feet and anyone who increases the flow to that teat is going to get their votes. August 13, 2013   Our healthcaretax costs will be MUCH higher than they told us during the selling process. Now, we know it's going to cost us an arm and a leg and there's very little we can do about it (short of rebellion and/or impeachment/jailing thevileone). But, add to that, they're making US pay to help BRAZILIAN WOMEN quit smoking. Don't you love worldwide taxes? Don't you love the fact that thevileone is taking money out of your pocket - taking what could have been spent on YOUR desires - and spending it on women in Brazil? Don't you love that? August 13, 2013   The IRS's Lois Lerner used her personal e-mail to conduct official business trying to hide the truth. Don't ya' just love the way thevileone's administration is doing everything wrong? Why is he allowed to still be in office? August 13, 2013   bonehead boehner getting booed by Conservatives? It's only fitting. When you're as cowardly as boehner and you cave as often on important matters as bonehead does, you deserve to be booed. boehner earned every boo. bonehead deserves every boo. Replace him with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE. August 13, 2013   AZ Sheriff whose county borders Mexico blasts rubio re. amnesty bill. And rightly so. Hehehe... Then Michelle Malkin hands it to him on a platter. August 13, 2013   While I peronally may agree with the sentiments of the judge, I disagree with the judge ordering parents to change their child's name. Parents should be allowed to choose their child's name and name their child as they wish (ask Bruce Willis), even if we don't agree with it. It's part of Free Speech and the judge has no right to deny that, nor to interfere in the parent/child relationship when the parent's naming the child "Messiah" will only lead to teasing but do no real harm to the child. August 13, 2013   hillclintoon botches it. 2016? Heaven forbid. August 13, 2013   Another book for my "Must Read" list. I love to read and the list is long, but I must get to all of them! Right now I'm reading about six books, including "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, "Breakthrough" by James O'Keefe, "Gulliver's Travels" by Johnathan Swift, and others, including the Bible. So, put it on my list and get to is A.S.A.P. August 13, 2013   Israel shoots down rocket near its border and of course, thevileone's admin slams Israel over the way Israel handles its own land. There is no low too low for thevileone, is there? August 13, 2013   This is not good. What I want to know is HOW they failed. In what way? Did they refuse to turn the keys, what? August 13, 2013   In city run by libs for years, they can't even get the election date correct. Typical. August 13, 2013   harry reid's comments are inexcusable. He's a racist using race as a way to further divide America and not looking at the facts and the history of thevileone and thevileone's lawlessness that makes our side stand against thevileone. How about setting aside the talking points and focusing on THE TRUTH? Nope. They can't do that. They must do everything they can to instill race and bigotry into the public discourse. I agree wholeheartedly with Michelle Malkin. August 13, 2013   Lefties break the law and vandalize IO state fair display. Let us remember that just because you may personally disagree with something that disagreement does not give you the right to do that something (or someone) physical damage. Words work. Speak out against it; convince others you are correct. Don't like people eating meat? Speak out and educate others against doing so, but do not damage property that is not yours. If it's not yours, don't touch it! If it is yours, do as you will (property, not people: children, wives, husbands, etc., not included in that statement). Didn't their parents (or public schools) teach them anything? August 13, 2013   States' rights mean nothing to thevileone. He's considering suing NC over their new voter ID law. They have the right to do this to protect the integrity of their elections, but that isn't what thevileone wants. He doesn't want voting integrity, he wants to be able to have people cheat to keep dumborats in office, or put more in office. That's the real reason thevileone wants no identification requirements for voting; so that there can be more cheating for dumborats. August 13, 2013   dumborats don't classify illegal aliens as "criminals". Is that part of the reason they support amnesty, or is it because they want more dumborat voters? August 13, 2013   Davis to run for Gov. of TX? If she does, I hope she's soundly defeated! August 13, 2013   I'll end on that note. Until next time, See ya'! August 12, 2013: 1:23 p.m.   The Perseid meteor shower is tonight. Best times: 1:00 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. Don't miss it! August 12, 2013: 11:28 a.m.   Missed an update on Friday because our whole area lost internet service. A friend walked over from about a mile and a half away and asked if we had internet service. I said that ours had gone out after a power glitch that afternoon and we haven't had it since. He told me that he called AT& T and they told him it would be Monday afternoon before they got it fixed. It did come back Friday evening very late, but it was too late to do updates at that time, so I skipped it. Saturday and Sunday were such nice days that I took them off and got more work done on my sculpture. Our big pieces of metal are cut, our final shaping is done on the base portion, and the under-painting is almost completed. Then, we put the metal on, put the whole piece together and I'll post a pic of it after we have it up. For now, let's get on with the updates! August 12, 2013   PC artist paints the wrong message. She shouldn't have painted the mural to make folks think that Trayvon Martin was an innocent bystander who got mowed down (that happens all the time in Detroit and elsewhere: did she paint that? No? She's capitalizing on Martin's death then and that's wrong.). What the message should have been is to treat all people equally: even someone who defends himself from a thug who attacked him! HT: Amanda August 12, 2013   thevileone embraces another radical Islamist. Shock. Surprise. When does he "embrace" a Christian leader? Don't you know a man by the friends he keeps? ("Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man"?) August 12, 2013   Is the Do[IN]J covering up for thevileone's buddy? If so, it wouldn't surprise anyone, would it? And, it wouldn't be the first time; and it probably won't be the last. So when does this lawless one get arrested? Come on! Someone do the right thing! August 12, 2013   My favorite living being in the Red House gets special treatment. Don't get me wrong: I don't think using taxpayer dollars to fly a dog around is bad policy and a waste of our money. But, of all the "first family" he's my favorite one of them! August 12, 2013   Americans giving up U.S. citizenship in record numbers. They're fleeing thevileone and trying to hang onto the money they've made. August 12, 2013   Illegal immigrants getting "coached" on how to act "afraid". Illegals are being housed at YOUR expense and you're paying for the coaching! Now the whistle-blowers are being searched for: "A San Diego California news station reports the story this week and now the feds have launched a “very intense” search for the leakers. A loophole in the administration’s backdoor amnesty plan is allowing hundreds of illegal aliens into the U.S. from Mexico, federal government sources tell the news station."Don't you love the underhanded way this administration works? No? Nor do I. August 12, 2013   Drug sentences being lessened? That's what the Do[IN]J wants. The "Choom" prezidunce making it easier to get ahold of. Sweet for those who do not value their brains. Their loss. August 12, 2013   GaG! August 12, 2013   Cruz 2016? As the GOP candidate? I would not complain. August 12, 2013   "Official: Embassy closings had no basis in fact". It made no sense to me that they would do that before 9/11 considering the history of things, so I always thought this was just a show of feigned concern on thevileone's part. August 12, 2013   Facebook bans Pro-Israel author. As a buddy of thevileone it doesn't surprise me that the Facebook folks would ban a Pro-Israel author. It just goes with thevileone's territory. Everyone in his sphere kisses his backside. This is just one more kiss. August 12, 2013   Your taxpayer dollars used to run LIE on NPR. NPR ran a three part series of how the Social Services way back when were kidnapping American Indian children and giving them to white people to be raised so that the white folks could get government money for raising foster children. Too bad there was no proof that it ever happened. But, NPR stands by the story. Amazing. August 12, 2013   LOL! This is NOT a good idea. I love the show and have seasons one and two on DVD because we don't get it over the air on HD antenna, but No. Let's not do this. Love ya' Willie, but no. August 12, 2013   I bet bonehead boehner still wants to push amnesty through House. He's still "in negotiations" with thevileone. He shouldn't be in "negotiations" with him: it should be an outright, absolutely certain, "No!" on behalf of the American people! August 12, 2013   Sinkhole opens under Disney resort hotel. As the mouse would say, "That's not good!" August 12, 2013   Jackson proves he's a moron. It would be better if he'd just kept his mouth shut. Too bad he's incapable of that. August 12, 2013   hillclintoon 2016: can she get past her past? I hope not! Remember Vince Foster, and all the other scandals surrounding her? Yeah. Let us remember every one of them: Especially Benghazi! August 12, 2013   Talk about pigeon holing people! "UndocuQueer"? Really? August 12, 2013   CA to register ammunition. CA's going to have a lot of problems down the road because of the way they're doing things today. They're making no sense and they're making CA more dangerous to live in. That means that people who are law-abiding citizens will leave the State for more freedoms and when they leave there will be only criminals left. Sounds like a bad thing to me. August 12, 2013   The helicopter crash that killed U.S. Seal Team 6 members: A scandal BIGGER THAN BENGHAZI? Remember I wrote that there was something suspicious about it back in February 2012 with "Something Suspicious This Way Comes". I think this should be looked at in detail and the truth told for a change about what theveileone's administration is up to. August 12, 2013   Rep. Rohrabacher: Snowden was "loyal to the rest of us." I agree: Snowden did America a favor by blowing the whistle on this stuff -- as long as he's not telling our enemies any secrets he may have learned while working at the job he used to have. I do have that caveat. If he's shared nothing with China, Russia, etc., except for the fact that, yes, we spy on them, too, then he's doing us a favor by letting us know the TRUTH. If he's telling the Chinese or others our secrets, then I have no respect for the man whatsoever and I hope he has to pay for his wrong-doing. If all he's done is told the American people that the government has been breaking the law and spying on US, then Snowden is a hero. August 12, 2013   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools. Again and again and again, public schools sully their own reputations then wonder why parents would rather put their children in private schools or homeschool their children. Peronally, I chose homeschooling because I knew I could do a better job. Now public schools just keep proving me correct. August 12, 2013   I think that's enough for today. I shall leave you with my Minion Monday just to get your week started off well. Have a great rest of your day! Until next time, See ya'! August 8, 2013: 2:48 p.m.   "Dis-SQUIRREL!-tractions: Legalizing Drugs Is Not A Good Argument For 2nd Amendment Rights". My latest GJWHG.com article is up. I just used the linked portion as the title, but the owner of the site wanted it longer. I hope you like it. If not, too bad. August 8, 2013: 12:52 p.m.   Leon Panetta revealed "top secret" info, so why is SNOWDEN seeking asylum? Snoden revealed the same level of information: top secret. But Panetta gets to reveal it because he chooses to and he is not hunted down and on a CIA/FBI "Most Wanted" list? The only difference is what the title after the name is. So we need to reconsider what this administration is doing before we consider Snowden the enemy. Snowden told America what this administration is doing TO US. As long as he's not told other countries any of our military secrets, or any of our capabilities, then he's not done the U.S.A. any harm, so he's still a good guy in my eyes. He's the quintessential whistle-blower at the penultimate of good will toward his country if he's not releasing info to our enemies and only told Americans that thevileone is ILLEGALLY SPYING ON US. August 8, 2013   More dumborats than Republicans say American dream is dead. Could that be because they're the ones helping kill it? August 8, 2013   Feds don't vet airport workers very well. They really need to either hand off that responsibility to locals who can do a better job, or they need to step up their game. Whichever, they're not doing anything to keep you safe when you fly. August 8, 2013   PayPal tests mobile app to use your face to verify payments. This is how it would work: "Using the PayPal app for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone, shoppers can see nearby participating merchants highlighted on their mobile phones. They can then "check into" a certain store by clicking on its name and pay for an item by sliding an animated pin down the screen. The person's name and photo then pops up on the store's payment system. After the customer agrees to pay for the item, the cashier clicks on the person's photo to send the payment through."What thinks you? Sounds convenient, but I'm waiting for someone to figure out how to scam the system. It will happen. August 8, 2013   The Fort Hood Massacre: Remember these facts. Also remember that this guy, acting as his own attorney, seems to be trying for the death penalty in order to become a martyr (I guess he's looking forward to those alleged 72 virgins in heaven.). After killing 14 people (one en utero), he needs to be hanged from the highest tree with the shortest rope until dead. Then he can be cremated and his ashes shipped to Saudi Arabia to be scattered over the sands of his venerated Islamic area. Or, contrarilly-wise, find him guilty then ship him to Pakistan with crosses tattooed on every part of his body. Let's see how that would work for him. August 8, 2013   Herr Bloombergermeister needs to move to his Mother Russia. He's such a Communist! He needs to go away. His ideas to encroach upon NYers' freedoms are never ending. August 8, 2013   Ex-Border Patrol agents say immigration bills would help drug cartels. They would know since they dealt with it on a daily basis. Now, the House is wanting to get it done, too? I think it will be a danger to America in more ways than ten (as opposed to "more ways than one") and I think that if we don't stop the House from doing an immigration bill (that thevileone WILL sign) we will have regrets over every House member and Senator who voted in favor of this mess. When people go to Washington D.C. their brains fall out, is that what happens? There's a D.C. gray matter eater somewhere? August 8, 2013   thevileone won't meet with Putin? Awww... too bad. What happened to his "flexibility"? August 8, 2013   thevileone's planning on policing neighborhoods to enforce diversity? This isn't about "diversity", don't be fooled. It's about CONTROL. He wants it and he is finding as many ways as possible to get it. Fight back! Stand up for your freedom! August 8, 2013   A friend in Victoria, B.C. told us about this now it seems to have moved to America. I wonder if it's the same person doing this. August 8, 2013   Why hasn't Filner been arrested? August 8, 2013   IL university stands behind murderer. He killed his parents and sister when he was 16, claimed paranoid schizophrenia, was treated for six years and released. No further time in jail. No probation. No house arrest. Nothing. He is out scott free. Now he's a psychology teacher? What is his specialty? How to murder your family and get away with it? I think I'd yank my kid so fast from the university that the admins' heads would spin off their spines. August 8, 2013   82% of Americans say Congress doesn't deserve their August break. I'd prefer them to be on break than to be making new laws for us to obey and abide by: including the immigration law that some are trying to push through. Let them go on break. Let them STAY on break! Don't let them put through amnesty for illegals! August 8, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax death panels becoming problem for dumborats. What did they think, that America would welcome death panels? If so, DUH! August 8, 2013   Catholic Bishops funding amnesty advocacy. IMHO, they need to stop. They're not considering our laws and the impact all those illegals will have on America. They're not thinking. They're feeling and feelings without thoughts are dangerous. They lead to murder, to sexual activity without marriage, to theft; all of those things happen because of feelings not being ruled by thoughts. Think, people! Think! It's not hard to do! August 8, 2013   This law needs to be rescinded. It allows law enforcement to be out of control when it comes to your property. "Civil forfeiture allows police to seize suspected illicit goods from people who have yet to be convicted in court. This means that perfectly innocent people could lose their assets and property merely because they are suspected of committing a crime."They're already out of control in so many other ways (no self-control to start with) that it's ridiculous and people honestly do NOT trust their law enforcement agencies anymore. Bot to have them allowed to legally take our property for no reason? Let's change that! August 8, 2013   Can't get it right? Lower the standards. That's the way thevileone's healthcaretax is being run. Doesn't that make you feel good about your upcoming healthcaretax? Don't you have every confidence in this new program? (Yes, that's sarcasm.) August 8, 2013   thevileone's showing his stupidity again. Shock. Surprise. August 8, 2013   Lefties say 80% of Americans "economically insecure". Considering that dumborats control the Red House, Senate, the different departments that thevileone appointed the heads of, all his Czars, and a vast portion of what comes out of the House (Republican cowards don't stand up to them), remember that if 80% of Americans are "economically insecure", IT'S THE LEFT'S FAULT! They did this. Let them take responsibility for their own actions! August 8, 2013   IRS offering fast track approval for Conservatives they targeted. Well, lah-ti-dah. It's about time and the targeting should've never happened in the first place. But libs will be libs and they fight dirty -- without having to pay a price for fighting dirty (unfortunately). So, the Conservative groups should accept that fast track approval, raise massive amounts of money and use that money to help defeat every lib/leftie running in 2014! That's what should happen! August 8, 2013   Check out the new clothing line that an ex-Victoria's Secret model came up with. It honors GOD and it's way better than anything VC could come up with! August 8, 2013   I shall leave you on that uplifting note. Until next time, See ya'! August 8, 2013: 12:03 a.m.   Missed a few days there. Got busy and ran and ran and ran. Today I got that injection in my foot and it's not something I look forward to going through again, but I have to do it at least once more (maybe three more times). Then did some errands and visited my son for a while. Came home and wrote my next GJWHG.com article and sent it in. It's not posted as I write this, but it will probably be up in the next day or two. As usual, I'll post a link when it's available. For now, I'll do a few posts and get back on a good schedule tomorrow. August 8, 2013   eric holder's 4 yr. travel expenses: $4+ MILLION! That's out of your pocket and mine. Sweet! (Sarcasm.) August 8, 2013   Woops! IRS docs tell how hidden intel is used! So the IRS has known for a while now about the spying on us? What does that say about whether you can cheat on your taxes? August 8, 2013   Pentagon's change of same-sex rule another way to get homosexual "marriage" in all 50 states. Or all 58 states if you're thevileone. August 8, 2013   How much money is thevileone trying to squeeze out of JP Morgan? The dumborats setup the system, now they're "investigating" banks that use the system as it is setup? Ridiculous, but that's the way they roll. August 8, 2013   This is WRONG. People need to stop doing this sort of crud! August 8, 2013   Rrrrriiiiigggghhhhhtttt.... Then what do you call this: Court rules no warrant needed to get YOUR cell phone records. Gathering e-mail data, too. Not spying? Rrriiggghhhhttt.... August 8, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax "months behind" in data security testing. So if they implement it before the data security is ready who will be able to find out all about your medical records? Who will be able to see your prostate exam results, or your mammogram results, or your AIDS test results besides yourself and your doctor? The teenage hacker three miles away can see those things? Is that what you want? DEFUND thevileone's healthcaretax! August 8, 2013 &nbs I said only a few tonight and that's a few, I suppose. So, I shall go see what my hubby and son decided about a table. Until next time, See ya'! August 5, 2013: 3:36 p.m.   thevileone wants backdoor amnesty for some without Go8 bill. Court says it's "contrary to congressional mandate". Will that stop thevileone? Nope. August 5, 2013   Great! (Sarcasm.) Now YOU and I will be funding "global undernutrition": $4 BILLION. Do you work all day to pay for someone else's food -- someone in Saudi Arabia, Mozambique, or Fiji? If not, then this needs to go away! "The cash is being distributed through three government agencies, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Treasury Department. USAID, which provides economic, development and humanitarian assistance worldwide, holds the biggest pot of money (north of $2.5 billion), according to the latest Feed the Future progress report. MCC, another U.S. government foreign aid agency that fights global poverty, has more than $981 million and the Treasury Department upwards of $326 million."Do your children get any help from the money taken out of YOUR pocket and given to this "initiative"? If not, why do we allow thevileone to do this to us? When do we fight back? August 5, 2013   Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! thevileone's healthcaretax events are not getting much in the way of attendance. I think that tells us something: no one wants to know how to use it because they don't want to use it! Defund this crappy program! August 5, 2013   Deep analysis of debt ceiling debate. (Sarcasm.) August 5, 2013   Al Qaeda: Gone, or not so gone? August 5, 2013   Cover up a program that was covered up but used to investigate U.S. citizens. It's a totally illegal thing to do without a warrant and without cause, but thevileone had it done anyways. He's getting whatever he can on the everyday citizen so that he can use it later when needed. thevileone has no "too low to go" to get his own way. Will hillclintoon be the candidate for 2016? Only if thevileone will get out of the way and not go for a third term/dictatorship. We'll see what he uses all this info for and then we'll go from there. But, mark my words, it's being gathered for a purpose and will be used one day. It's for what it shall be used that is going to be an even bigger problem for ALL Americans. August 5, 2013   Al Sharpton protege, Tawana Brawley made to pay up on her lost defamation suit. She said that she was raped the investigation proved otherwise. It was all a lie. Now she has to finally pay the judgment against her. It's about time. August 5, 2013   Don't let a progressive get ahold of a news company. If you do, you can kiss it goodbye. August 5, 2013   90% of new jobs since 2009 part-time. Thanks, thevileone, for tanking our economy and our pay! But, what do you expect from a progressive who hates America? August 5, 2013   Speechless. August 5, 2013   Good. It's about time. August 5, 2013   VA gun sales up; crime down. That's the way it usually works out. When the thugs realize that their potential victims may be armed, they think twice about doing the crime. After all, they prefer to rob someone to getting shot. But if they have to face a gun, they usually run. So, crime goes down. It's all good. August 5, 2013   I'm FOR a government shut-down as long as it includes thevileone! Stop him from writing more Executive Orders (tyrannical rules) and we'll be better off! August 5, 2013   Indiana may leave Common Core, drops tests. That's for now, they may rejoin the college entrance exams later. That would be a bad thing to do, but right now this is a step in the right direction. Common Core is BAD for America and BAD for the children. It indoctrinates them to hate America just as thevileone does. A lot of future thevileones is NOT what America needs! August 5, 2013   U.S. debt: $70 TRILLION. How much is that per person? That's $70,000,000,000,000,000 ÷ 315,183,801 (population of U.S.A.) = $222,092,632 (and some change) per person. Do you have that kind of money to give the federal government? That's YOUR part thanks to thevileone and Congress and the Senate. Is that what you want your children to have to pay back? That population number includes them. They have to pay that amount as well; and they're not even working yet (the younger ones)! That's what each of us owes to pay off that debt. And thevileone wants to give $4 BILLION to foreign countries to feed others - money taken out of YOUR pocket? August 5, 2013   NSA spying on America predicted in 1975 by Sen. Church. He realized that if you give the government too much power the government will abuse that power. Case proven. August 5, 2013   I'll stop with another fun thing: It's Minion Monday and this time Hank Goes For A Ride. Until next time, See ya'! August 2, 2013: 6:34 p.m.   BENGHAZI: Read about the TRUTH before thevileone covers it up. Read it, send a link to family and friends, tweet about it. Let others know the truth. August 2, 2013: 3:08 p.m.   Do you like thevileone's healthcaretax? Do you like the upcoming costs (avg. $3,300 per person annually)? Do you like the fact that now, YOU will be financing part of Congress's and the Senate's (and their staff's) healthcaretax costs? Yep. YOU will be helping them pay for their healthcaretax even though the Congress & the Senate get paid $174,000 each ("leadership positions" up to $223,500) Their staff makes a lot of money, too! Do you have that kind of pay? Are you glad to be paying for part of their healthcaretax? Let's not forget the rest of the money they get to spend. Won't you enjoy spending part of your $23,000 annual salary for those making $174,000+? Oh, and the amount you'd be "helping" the Congresspeople and Senators & their staffs pay? Only 75% of THEIR costs; plus your own. Happy! Happy! Happy! Will all those who voted for dumborats and supported thevileone's healthcaretax and want THIS to be part of it contact me and tell me that you WANT to help pay for Sen. Ted Cruz's healthcaretax, please? I'll let you know how many people send me an e-mail about that. Any bets on how many I receive? August 2, 2013   I read an article about Benghazi yesterday and a particular phrase of the description of Tyrone Woods' death (one of the soldiers who disobeyed orders and went to try to save American lives) caught my attention. I wrote a poem about it, "A Gun Caked With Blood" is my tribute to Tyrone Woods. Remember Benghazi! Hold thevileone accountable. August 2, 2013   Was thevileone doing a Fast & Furious at Benghazi, too? He ran guns into Mexico, so why would anyone believe that he WOULDN'T run guns in BENGHAZI? Now, thevileone is hiding the American survivors and, basically, putting them into "witness protection" situations to prevent them from talking to the press and telling the TRUTH? If George Bush did this would the left allow it to happen without saying a word about it? What would the msm be doing if it were Bush doing this? How loudly would they be screaming, demanding answers, howling for "the truth!"? thevileone is such a special person that he gets to do this without being questioned, doubted, or held responsible. Isn't that wonderful? (Sarcasm) August 2, 2013   Al Qaeda rises: embassies close.
I thought Al Qaeda was defeated back during the 2012 election cycle. At least, that's what thevileone said. Proving again, he's a LIAR. August 2, 2013   dumborats want YOU to pay to bailout Detroit. Isn't that what you work all day for: to bailout a failed dumborat controlled city that they bankrupted? Isn't that just what you worked for? You don't work to pay your OWN bills, you work to pay OTHERS' bills! Right? August 2, 2013   The NSA snooping crud is so bad that pelosipig is getting heat from even the left! Good. It's about time the left found something the government does that they don't like. To realize that they're unhappy with a government activity that one of their own came up with and put into practice, is astonishing when you think of it! August 2, 2013   A belated "Happy 26th Anniversary" to Rush Limbaugh! He's been on the air for 26 years and I love every minuted I've listened. My husband teases me that Limbaugh reads my website because I'll get to a story sometimes before Rush talks about it on his show and he says similar things (if not exactly the same thing) about the story. We just think a lot alike, although I'm more Conservative than Rush, admittedly. If you ever do see my site, Rush, know this: I Love Ya', Rush. BTW, you'll never believe who turned us on to Rush. It was an installer for the old cable television provider that ted turner used to own! Yeah, I've been listening for that long! Happy 26th, Rush. GOD Bless you! August 2, 2013   If you have not yet done so, you need to educate yourself on the TRUTH of Common Core State Standards and who supports this rotten program and who doesn't. Find the TRUTH and it shall set you free; and SAVE your child's or grandchild's education! "Common Rotten-To-The-Core" is what it should be called! August 2, 2013   thevileone meets with only those who will kiss his butt. He's a Coward. August 2, 2013   clintoon buddy, Terry McAuliffe, under SEC investigation. Sigh. This is getting old, linking to stories about all of the dumborats who are doing wrong. It's like playing the same song, only louder & longer. BUT, if I don't link to them, you may not hear about it, and if you don't know they get away with more. (Thus, the hush hush surrounding BENGHAZI.) So, I keep telling you about them because you need to know what the TRUTH is: dumborats break the law and they do it all the time. August 2, 2013   "Phony scandal" update via Doug Powers of Michelle Malkin's site. Good stuff! August 2, 2013   25% of new jobs in bars & restaurants. Other 75% mostly part timers. That's because the part timers don't get benefits, the bars and restaurants can pay less than minimum wage because of tips and they don't have to pay benefits, either. I feel for everyone trying to support a family on what thevileone brought to America. I seriously do. August 2, 2013   charlie rangel is a disgrace to himself and the office he holds. August 2, 2013   You think he'll pull a Lois Lerner and plead the Fifth after making a statement? Or do you think he'll do it the right way and just plead the Fifth? Whichever, he'll pleade the Fifth and not incriminate himself, OR thevileone. Secrets. Secrets. Secrets. Whatever happened to thevileone's "transparency" promise? Yeah. He LIED. August 2, 2013   I guess that will do for now. If I find more later, I'll post it then. Until whenever is the next time, See ya'! August 1, 2013: 9:46 p.m.   Late start today because I got up and started running errands almost as soon as my feet hit the floor. Didn't get home until about 8:30 and didn't touch my computer until 8:55. E-mail checks and a look at my latest article at Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com "On The Road To Execution" (it's doing very well) and now it's time to do just a few blurbs. Already tired and my foot is hurting, so it's going to be just a few. August 1, 2013   Let's start with a reminder that came via a HT from AC: remember that the Scool Board is taking a closer look at this book that the school is DEFENDING although the book states that Muhammed is "The Messenger of God"! I think Jesus Christ would argue with that, but ya' know, he'll get the truth into their little pea brains in the end. An eternity in a very hot place is what it may take to prove Jesus correct, but if that's what they want, it is their choice (and in this, I suppose it's okay to be pro-choice!). August 1, 2013   If "DOZENS OF OPERATIVES" were on the ground during BENGHAZI why did thevileone not give THEM the order to help the Ambassador and the three other Americans? Why did thevileone not do something; ANYTHING to help those four Americans? They were asking and asking and asking! They wanted to live! But, no. thevileone had other plans for them, for their wives and Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters and their CHILDREN. thevileone knew what was best for all of them. Let those four Americans die because thevileone had other plans than to save their lives. August 1, 2013   thevileone's free phones -- get as many as you want WHILE THE REST OF US PAY FOR THEM. Isn't that special? August 1, 2013   Barbi twins now Christian, pro-life, pro-gun, etc. I just thought that was an interesting juxaposition to the Playboy appearance. Things change; people change. Let us hope it can apply to those we actually know. That and this story about another porn star finding Christ prove that Christ is more powerefl than porn! August 1, 2013   Desperate times call for desperate measures. This woman is desperate; so very, very desperate. (A little delusional, too, perhaps?) August 1, 2013   Find & contact your U.S. Representatives & tell them to NOT vote on immigration/amnesty bill! We've got enough. We don't need to make it more. August 1, 2013   VICTORY! They ARE kicking playboy, penthouse, and other SMUT mags out of military bases. Excellent! (Imagine. This now gives us something to say thevileone did right. o.m. goodness. August 1, 2013   reid, the dictatorial tyrant. August 1, 2013   HURRAY! Good! We need that. August, 1, 2013   I shall close for now. My eyelids are drooping and I need some coffee. Until later, See ya'! July 2013 July 31, 2013: 1:04 p.m.   JW sues thevileone for records of luxury vacations. Why is it that the "most transparent" administration won't give up any records without being sued for them? Is that transparency? July 31, 2013   clintoon's lewinsky sex tape is found. There are notes, too. When you do the wrong thing, you have to know that it can come back up later. It will bite you again. Too bad billyboy didn't care about that at the time. Of course, hillclintoon can always ask "What difference does it make now?!" July 31, 2013   hollyweird supported HITLER! The Nazi racist. Him. Yeah. They supported him. Not everyone in hollyweird, just some. But still, isn't that telling? Makes McCarthy more believeable, right? July 31, 2013   INsider attacks increase in Afghanistan. Our troops need to be brought home. Why isn't thevileone keeping his word... Oh. Sorry. I almost forgot that he is incapable of keeping his word because he never meant it in the first place! July 31, 2013   NSA tracks your FaceBook posts. That's YOUR FaceBook posts, not just the bad guys; yours. They're watching YOU and gathering information on YOU. Doesn't that make you feel so much better? July 31, 2013   mccain't is such a moron. Another look at the same thing: still a worm. July 31, 2013   More work less of thevileone's healthcaretax? "Working more could ultimately mean thousands of dollars less for you under a quirk in the new health-care law going into effect this fall."Don't you love it? July 31, 2013   Collusion to target Conservative groups? E-mails suggest that it happened. Will any price be paid by this administration? Nope. July 31, 2013   hillclintoon couldn't stand the competition. She and Huma have had a break-up. Awww.... too, too bad. She shouldn't envy Huma too much, though. She's going through what hill went through previously. And what Huma is going through just keeps getting worse. Classy folks, dumborats. All of this and thevileone, too! So proud. July 31, 2013   Congress's amnesty bill being qustioned. I dont' think there should be amnesty at all, so questioning is good! July 31, 2013   "Peace and tolearance" at it again? Targeting Mormons and Catholics. Shock. Surprise. July 31, 2013   thevileone is just ICKY. He chose bumbling biden as his running mate, found out how bad he was, but chose to keep biden on for the next election cycle and now that he's back in the Red House, he trashes the guy to the public? That's just NO CLASS. None whatsoever. But that's thevileone at his core. July 31, 2013   thevileone's admin lies to you again. Actual numbers lower than first reported. "On Wednesday, the Commerce Department reported that the economy grew by 1.7% in the 2nd Quarter. This first estimate will likely be revised in the coming months. The final estimate for the 1st Quarter was revised downward from 1.8% to 1.1% in Wednesday's report. The economy remains essentially stalled."That's what Communism in control does. July 31, 2013   I may have linked to a story about this before but it bears repeating. $36 MILLION to DEAD PEOPLE! thevileone is wasting your money! Do you pay taxes for that? Or is this a money laundering scheme? After all, who cashes those checks? If it was PAID, someone cashed the check. Who did that? July 31, 2013   What happened to his "NO WAY!" statement back in May? Now bonehead boehner says he'll "slow walk" amnesty bill through House. I've thought forever that bonehead boehner would cave. I was right again. July 31, 2013   Hahahaha! Very good title. thevileone makes no sense? He and the Republicans make no sense? SO true! July 31, 2013   Even the ACLU doesn't like court ruling favoring warrantless cellhpone tracking. When the ACLU sides with the American people, you know it's bad! July 31, 2013   Racism in America is getting worse. But it's black against white racism that's getting worse. Sooner or later it will backfire against them and it will be all out war if they're not careful. This admin is not helping, nor are the civil rights scheisters, Jackson and Sharpton. But I don't know that some want anything to be fixed. It's a "right" of "the oppressed" to strike out and do whatever they want to pay others back for their alleged wrongdoing. Problem is, some of us have done nothing wrong to others and for them to hold the whole caucasian population responsible for something that happened -- and was STOPPED -- a long, long time ago is just an excuse for being violent, obnoxious and beligerant. What is right is right, no matter skin color. What is wrong is wrong, no matter skin color. For this sort of thing to happen is WRONG. July 31, 2013   One MILLION foreigners lost track of by DH[IN]S. When someone on Twitter tweeted a link to this story, I said it was a "voting block" they lost track of. Don't you trust DH[IN]S? July 31, 2013   Declassified documents re.: phone metadata collection. Redaction, anyone? (Check out my favorite page, page 8.) July 31, 2013   IF this is true (and I cannot say it is or is not), we were lied to. Shock. July 31, 2013   Dallas's CAIR director says "Muslims are above the law." Really? They can break American laws and not worry about being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? Hmmm. thevileone kinda' seems to agree with that. July 31, 2013   Watch this video and see if you find any parallels between the bloggers and America's internet future. July 31, 2013   I'll end on this today. It's time to start keeping an eye on the Supervisor of Elections' candidates page so that you can contact the candidates and ask questions of them. Start now and you'll be better able to make an informed decision for the right person in the January primaries. Until next time, See ya'! July 30, 2013: 3:43 p.m.   My latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com: "On The Road To Execution" PROVES that thevileone is a COMMUNIST. Read it. July 30, 2013: 2:12 p.m.   Five in critical condition after last night's explosion at Blue Rhino. July 30, 2013   Bradley Manning trial reaches surprising verdict. I thought they'd fry the guy. But, he was found not guilty of aiding the enemy, shocking many. July 30, 2013   pelosipig thinks children are a burden for women. I bet her kids are so messed up. Wouldn't anyone be after being raised by her? July 30, 2013   RINOs applying amnesty pressure to GOP. Why anyone would grant special privileges to illegals, I have no idea. But that's exactly what the Go8 bill does. To sign that into law takes America away from Americans and basically hands it over to illegals. Why do that? What does the NSA have on these folks that they have to betray us? July 30, 2013   Coming soon to an America near you! Well, to what USED to be America. July 30, 2013   Home ownership at 18 year low; rent way up! Welcome to thevileone's way of doing things. Has he made your life better or worse? Gas prices, food prices, clothing prices, housing prices... the list is almost endless of the things he has screwed up. But that's what his voters wanted. If they had to have a black man, why not vote for Allen West or Allen Keyes as write-in candidates? Even Bill Cosby could have done a better job than this Communist! Why not do what's best for America instead of what is worst? Oh, and scroll down and on that same page you'll see that wages are down as well: thevileone is getting what he wanted. Destroy America. July 30, 2013   Her Bloombergermeister's sugary drink size law "unconstitutional" court says. How about that? A court that actually considers the Constitution is still in existence. thevileone will have to change that. July 30, 2013   thevileone proposing buy off program. thevileone wants to "lower corporate tax rates in exchange for a one-time tax penalty to fund increased domestic spending."Tax penalty? For doing what would they be penalized? For being in existence? Why would they be fined for just being a corporation? That's a fine for employing people! That's a fine for building the American dream! That's a fine for choosing to work for yourself instead of the government! That's COMMUNISM! July 30, 2013   Brain eating amoeba at Arkansas water park. Water parks can be a lot of fun, but I don't go. It's probably best. People don't want to see me in a swimming suit. July 30, 2013   thevileone putting together a thought control squad? When was the last time you read the classic "1984"? Read it again if it's been a while. Then you'll understand what this means. A lot of propoganda is headed our way, too. July 30, 2013   Judge ordered Fed Chief, Bernanke, to answer qusetions about bailout of AIG. GOOD! It's about time the Fed be held accountable for something! They've been operating without any sort of oversight whatsoever for way too long! July 30, 2013   Drones used in U.S.; FBI it doesn't require a warrant. Sigh. U.S. Constitution means nothing to those in power nowadays, does it? July 30, 2013   Lee County, FL, Sheriff doesn't support NAACP's agenda. He sent that info to them in writing. I'm proud of him. Read the article and see if you're proud of him, too. Wish BCSO's Wayne Ivey would do the same. July 30, 2013   I don't think gambling is good, but I think the government messed up big time on this one. A legal business retroactively being made illegal? That's just wrong. July 30, 2013   I disagree: GOVERNMENT "charity" is bad, not regular charities. July 30, 2013   Saudis don't want us to use fracking to find our own oil. So, I say "FRACK! FRACK! FRACK!" Get our own oil, refine it here, sell it here. Stop dependence on foreign countries for our gasoline! July 30, 2013   Pope's statements may do real damage to Catholic Church. He's all but condoning homosexuality and that could be a big problem because Catholics claim to follow the Bible and the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin and it's wrong and it's an "abomination". So for the Pope, the alleged representative of GOD here on earth, to say otherwise is a big risk (not to mention wrong and stupid). BTW, if the Pope condones homosexuality, does he condone homosexual "marriage" and, thus, homosexual divorce would be... what to the Catholic Church? Would it be then condoned because homosexuality is wrong and homosexual "marriages" wrong so divorce is now right? How does that work, Mr. Pope? July 30, 2013   Teeth grown from urine? YUCK! I wouldn't want those in my mouth, would you? Whoever thought of doing that? Oh. China. Don't get teeth made in China, folks. July 30, 2013   Communism in action. July 30, 2013   Hurray! The injured vet whose apartment complex told her to remove her flag, now doesn't have to. Pressure from the public after the story aired made the apartment complex change its tune. Good! July 30, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax makes lawmakers' and their aides buy into the program. "But the law does not provide any obvious way for the federal government to continue paying its share of the premiums for the comprehensive coverage.LOL! LOL! They should have found out what was in the bill before they voted on it! Serves them right! July 30, 2013   I think that's enough for today. So I'll leave you with a funny: News Bloopers. Have a great day and until next time, See ya'! July 30, 2013: 1:42 a.m.   Explosion at Blue Rhino plant in Tavares, FL. Big fireball, injuries did occur but the numbers vary, there may be fatalities. Not certain for some things right now. More when I do my updates later. Pray for the employees and their families. I hope there are no injuries of rescuers. July 30, 2013   Could NATO be a really bad thing & our military under its command? Read the article and think for yourself. July 30, 2013   I started with a tragedy, let's finish with a guffaw: Sheila Jackson Lee to head DH[IN]S? Can you imagine? LOL! LOL! LOL! Until next time, See ya'! July 29, 2013: 1:15 p.m.   Hope everyone had a great weekend. We got to spend some time together after hubby's busy schedule. We even went fishing. I caught two little "pig fish" (hubby called them that) and a trout and a catfish. I also caught a crustacean but it would lead to jokes so I'll stay mum. Anyways, I'll start the blurbs with a little giggle. Here's the Minion Monday pic for you to enjoy. July 29, 2013   thevileone and family off to Martha's Vineyard vacation. Vacation from what is anyone's guess. I suppose he could be vacationing from his last vacation, but he's done so little actual work lately (probably a good thing, actually) that his vacation seems a bit superfluous. But, since when has a little superfluosity ever stopped thevileone? How much is this vacation going to cost US, the American taxpayers? I don't know, but considering the costs associated with most of his vacations it's going to be a bundle. BTW, enjoying that peanut butter and jelly sandwich again? July 29, 2013   Republican, Jeff Sessions, may have way to stop GOP amnesty introduction on floor. Let's see if this works. I hope it does. But I don't trust any U.S. legislators right now. Ted Cruz is probably as close as I come to trusting one, since Allen West is not an elected official any longer. Ronaldus Magnus's "Trust but verify" is no longer my modus operandi: it's more like "Don't trust but verify." July 29, 2013   Sarah Palin begrudgingly vindicated. Vindicated by howard dean, no less. Remember he of the scream "Waaahhh! Waaahhh!"? Used to lead the dumborat party. weiner, spitzer, clintoon, dean, thevileone, etc., etc., etc.: considering the "leaders" of the dumborat party, why would anyone want to stay in such a mess? July 29, 2013   I told you on the 25th about a book about Jesus Christ, "Zealot", that was written by a devout Muslim. It turns out the author lies about his credentials. If you can't trust the author, then how can anyone believe the contents of the book? July 29, 2013   CNN: biased, but that's okay? July 29, 2013   It's happening all across America and there's one political party that is supporting this sort of attack: dumborats. This is wrong. All of those teens need to be tried as adults and put into prison appropriately. July 29, 2013   thevileone is an idiot. Israel should not have caved and released terrorists who will only turn around and try to kill them and Americans. It's a bad thing to do, release those who are your sworn enemies. But thevileone only likes those who will try to destroy Israel and America, so that's what he supports. Actions. They speak louder than words. July 29, 2013   9/11 museum director tried to cut famous, patriotic pic. It was too "Rah-Rah America!" for him. Well, excuse me, but we ARE America and that IS our flag the firefighters are raising and we DO want that pic in the museum. Its place is rightfully there because IT HAPPENED. It is part of the history of 9/11! That actually happened and it should be part of the 9/11 story. But, no. The museum guy said, "I really believe that the way America will look best, the way we can really do best, is to not be Americans so vigilantly and so vehemently."Surreal. July 29, 2013   Space is so interesting. July 29, 2013   Let us hope that grahamnasty will be replaced by a Conservative Christian.
That would be July 29, 2013   VA Gov. not doing things right. He's messing up big time and he faces a lot of legal trouble if they want to push it to that. Don't do the wrong thing and you don't have to worry about being caught. July 29, 2013   NSA low-level analysts have "powerful and invasive" search tool. Bend over and cough? July 29, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax cost is out of control. That's an understatement by the link's author, but it's still true. July 29, 2013   The taxman cometh? In Mogadishu, they kill them. I can understand how they feel, especially after reading the article. It's never a good idea to commit murder, don't do that, but I can understand. July 29, 2013   College studen loan rates linked to financial markets. I don't know why, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. If things go wonky with that, there will be more whining and gnashing of teeth and we'll have to deal with it again. My solution: fix it by setting a limit of "X%" and no higher, and make all students pay back all of their loans. No defaults allowed. That would be a good idea. July 29, 2013   LOL! Don't be stupid, folks. Just because you read "soft porn" (is there such a thing?) that doesn't mean you should try what is apparently mentioned in the book. July 29, 2013   Veteran told she can't fly American flag. Her lease states that she CAN fly the flag according to the laws of the state, etc., but her apartment complex said she had to remove it. Free Speech anyone? I think she should sue her apartment complex. July 29, 2013   Cyclospora hits Florida. July 29, 2013   County Commission D4 candidates: read it and find out which current candidate may be the one you want to vote for. Remember: there is enough time for some to drop out, or other changes to happen, so be ready to roll with the punches. So far, all candidates for D4 are Republican: not necessarily all Conservatives, but all are Republican so far. July 29, 2013   I LOVE THIS!!! That's too good! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for them! I agree with the group's stance 100%! I hope this works. Of course, if it does, it will probably wind up with the American taxpayer footing the bill for that, too! Taxpayers can't win with this administration. July 29, 2013   thevileone is abandoning the SAFETY of our troops in Afghanistan! This is SO WRONG! July 29, 2013   GA opting out of Common Core: FL could follow? Let us hope that at least Brevard County does. When you teach in favor of Islam while they're trying to kill us, that's not acceptable. Read the Koran/Qur'an and you'll find out the truth. Check out my Compare: The GOD of Christianity to Allah Chart and see which is better. There's a BIG difference, folks. Let us hope that the Brevard County School Board makes the right decision. Why not contact the School Board members and tell them to get Brevard OUT OF COMMON CORE and to do away with school books that teach favorably of the religion that has sworn to kill us. (BTW, HT to BM for the e-mail about this.) July 29, 2013   I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! July 27, 2013: 3:33 p.m.   Spain taxes the sun? Actually, they're taxing people who don't use as much electricity provided by electrical companies because those people have gotten solar panels. So, in Spain, if you go solar, you're taxed for not using electicity. Don't tell thevileone! He'll follow suit! We'll be taxed for things we DON'T use, too! Think I'm crazy? They already let phone companies charge us for NOT being in the phone book! July 27, 2013   You all know by now that I am no fan of bonehead boehner. I wish he'd go crawl under a rock somewhere and never come back out. But, barring that event, there is another plan. I'm not totally in agreement with the last line. Supporting just any opponent would not do for me. I demand a True Conservative opponent. That I would support. July 27, 2013   I.R.O.N.Y. July 27, 2013   Coffee reduces suicide risks? I started drinking coffee just last year, but not because I was suicidal, just an experiment gone wrong. Thought I wouldn't like it (never have before), but I tried Chocolate Raspberry Truffle and I've been drinking coffee since! I just found Coconut Mocha coffee, too and... YUMMY! July 27, 2013   Phony prez still calling BENGHAZI, etc., "phony scandals". He's such a LIAR. How many Americans have to die before he'll admit to any wrong-doing? How many? When will dumborats start holding him accountable? Or does he get a free ride forever? July 27, 2013   This is WRONG. They were bought off. "They" includes Michele Bachmann. That's BAD. Put not your trust in man (or woman). July 27, 2013   mccain't campaign put gag order on Palin. Told her she "cain't" talk about Jeremiah Wright (thevileone's pastor) and Bill Ayers (convicted bomber), etc. Karl Rove put on the gag order and did the WRONG thing for America. Don't trust Rove: ever. July 27, 2013   thevileone: No more "whistleblower" protection. UNLESS, of course, they're blowing the whistle on Conservatives. Then they'll get all the protection they want, no matter what it does to the country. July 27, 2013   Sowell taks on Ryan's amnesty statements. Go, Sowell! He's absolutely correct, as usual. July 27, 2013   Why are the feds investigating this? It's ABSURD! July 27, 2013   mitch mcconnell mum on defunding thevileone's healthcaretax. If he supports funding this, I hope his constituents recall him. I hope they take the opportunity to tell him exactly how WRONG he would be in funding it. I hope they fire his butt! July 27, 2013   Okay. On this occassion, I can honestly say that I HOPE it's "As CA goes, so goes America". CA voted in a Republican in heavilly dumborat district. Sigh. Enjoy it while you can and hope that it happens again and again and again. July 27, 2013   How much you wanna' bet this hillclintoon series sparks her 2016 campaign? They'll make her as smart as astrophysicists, as compassionate as Mother Theresa, as experienced as GOD, as patriotic as George Washington, as empathetic as you Momma and as conservative as Rush Limbaugh and I - combined. They'll also ignore the scandals surrounding her and BENGHAZI. But we won't forget. Will we? July 27, 2013   Heart stopper? Watch this video. Totally amazing. July 27, 2013   On that hold your breath heart stopper, I shall close for today. "Things to do. Things to do." (Fanny Dashwood, 2008 version, Sense & Sensibility). Until next time, See ya'! July 26, 2013: 4:48 a.m.   I finally got it done. You remember back on July 1, 2013 rupester wrote me another ickee-mail and wanted more attention. I said back then that I'd respond, and I cannot lie about it, so my Response to rupester's July 1, 2013 Rant is now available for your enjoyment. How long before she writes back? I don't know. But I'll keep you posted. July 26, 2013: 4:07 p.m.   Another friend of thevileone blows it & gets rewarded. "Welcome to another installment of No Obama Bundler Left Behind. This chapter stars an elite Hollywood fundraiser who scored a plum diplomatic appointment, slacked off on the job and left her public office in disgrace, and then rebounded from failure as a new Obamacare promoter. Nice crony “work” if you can get it."If you're a friend of thevileone, you could be in a vegetative state and still be given a cushy "job" in his administration and be paid by the U.S. taxpayer dollars and we have no say in the matter. Totally unqualified, inept, or comatose, he'll still give you a job as a reward to those he likes. July 26, 2013   humaweinerabedin "under scrutiny". She was working part time at two jobs: at the State Department (with hillclintoon) and as a consultant for a private investment firm. The "scrutiny" is because she could have used her State Dept. info to benefit investors that the investment firm was advising. This possibility sounds similar to something hillclintoon did. Makes sense to me that huma & hill are doing similar things, not just "stand by your man" things, but possibly illegal things as well. Would it surprise anyone? July 26, 2013   Distance! Distance! pelosipig pushes her former collegue away. He's just a perv, what's the prob? I thought lefties didn't discriminate. I thought they supported ALL SEXUAL PROCLIVITIES. What's wrong with what this guy is doing, huh, lefties? July 26, 2013   Shaking my head. thevileone gets more and more disgusting daily. July 26, 2013   al "Tawana Brawley" sharpton won't like what O'Reilly said. You remember Tawana Brawley, don't you? sharpton did that. He hasn't given up on that sort of sensationalism as a cause. Anything to get in the papers. July 26, 2013   Atheists' slander against Bible debunked. They try, but the Word of GOD is more powerful than their pitiful, lame lies and twisting of GOD's Word. Truth will win. July 26, 2013   Ruhroh. This ain't good. July 26, 2013   What an idiot (and, yes, those are tampons hanging from her ears). July 26, 2013   AMEN and AMEN! If you don't want to have a gun, that's fine! Just don't try to stop ME from having one. It's MY RIGHT. July 26, 2013   Another Ramadan dinner at Red House. Sorry. I just don't get that. As an alleged Christian I don't see how he can host a dinner for those who are the sworn enemies of America AND of Christianity. I just don't understand why he would do that. I did a search for when thevileone hosted a Christmas dinner at the Red House (didn't call it the Red House, though, to get accurate results) and the results were disappointing, but they didn't surprise me. July 26, 2013   Even the IRS employee union doesn't want thevileone's healthcaretax. They know that their members could not afford the $3,300 per person annual median cost. Yes, some will pay more, some less. But that's the middle of the price range. Is that cheaper or more than what you're paying now? July 26, 2013   CA squirrel (no, really, a real squirrel) has the plague. It's not the kind of "Squirrel!" dumborats use to distract people. It's a real squirrel and it tested positive for the plague. How strange that sounds in 2013. When I think of the plague, I think long ago England, not current CA. July 26, 2013   Why is the Defense Dept. (DARPA) studying how to digitally HIJACK YOUR CAR? That means, you're driving down the road and they can take over your car and make it do as THEY want it to do, not as you're telling it to do. Why would they want that? July 26, 2013   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools. Again. July 26, 2013   HP sues Brevard Clerk. July 26, 2013   Because I have to run an errand in a little while, I'll leave you today with this little ditty: Man tries to rob gun store --- with a baseball bat! Bwahahahahahaha! Talk about being unprepared! Oh, my! LOL! Stupid is... Enjoy that one. Until next time, See ya'! July 25, 2013: 10:25 p.m.   A late start tonight so I'll do just a few blurbs. I have to run an errand tomorrow evening so I'll try to get the updates done early, thus just a few blurbs tonight. Does that make sense? To me it does. So, on with the blurbs. July 25, 2013   Sign the petition to DEFUND THEVILEONE'S HEALTHCARETAX. Do it today while you're thinking of it. July 25, 2013   Darrell Issa says thevileone may have done something else illegal: "'It is highly illegal for any federal agency to attempt to prevent employees or contractors from communicating whistleblower concerns with Members of Congress or an Inspector General,' Kohn added. 'If true, this conduct by government officials would be intolerable.'""Highly illegal" -- typical of thevileone. July 25, 2013   From same-sex "marriage" to PEDOPHILES WANTING SAME RIGHTS: marry their CHILD victims. Canada is currently facing this: we are next. The scotUS said same sex was hunky-dorey with them. Now it's going to work its way south and we will be infected next if we don't fight this crap. Whatever happened to any sense of right and wrong? July 25, 2013   Military Chaplain's column offends atheists. To all atheists out there: Oh, WwwaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHhhhhhhhh! Grow a spine. No one in America has the right to NOT BE OFFENDED. It's not in our Constitution. Grow up. Get real. And understand that offense does not equal wrong. July 25, 2013   rubio-stupido didn't know what was in the amnesty bill he sponsored. Doesn't that tell you something? What do they have on him? Why did he support something that he promised he would NOT do prior to the election, then change 180° when offered the chance to sponsor something he allegedly stood against. What do they have on him? July 25, 2013   How pelosipig "saved" the NSA spying on you program. Don't ya' love that? She put forth an effort to make sure that the Fourth Amendment would be trod on. Isn't that special? Something that surprised and disappointed me though was that michele bachmann ALSO DEFENDED the spying. Put not your trust in men -- or women. That spy facility is seven times bigger than the Pentagon. That's a lot of information on what you are doing. And this kind of thing isn't helping. Don't ya' just love what the government's doing now? Is this the America our Founding Fathers envisioned for America? Is this what YOU want for America? You want an America that replicates the novel "1984"? Read it. Find out what the future is if we don't act soon. July 25, 2013   As I showed you yesterday thevileone is saying "phony scandals" about BENGHAZI, Fast & Furious, IRS targeting Conservative groups, NSA spying on Americans, Justice Dept. gathering e-mails and phone call records of reporters. Top Ten Reasons the Scandals Aren't Phony. No matter how much thevileone tries to downplay them, they're real, they're illegal and it's wrong that HE DID THESE THINGS. July 25, 2013   True The Vote counters holder's claims. They're fighting back and I'm glad! They've got a spine. July 25, 2013   College republicans kept from thevileone's event. Lucky them! Well, actually, it's because of "security concerns". Just because they're Republicans they must be a danger to thevileone. Sound familiar? July 25, 2013   Illegal alien raped & killed 93 yr.-old woman, and a 13 yr. old girl was gang raped by 10 illegal aliens. And the dumborats -- and rubio-stupido, mccain't and paul ryan, etc. -- want amnesty. So where is the common sense in that? Where? July 25, 2013   Whatever happened to the First Amendment? Oh. Forgot for a moment. thevileone is in charge and government can do anything it wants. (See "phony scandal" posting above.) July 25, 2013   Have you ever noticed how much Lefties want tolerance only on the part of the Christians but they don't have to be tolerant of Christians nor Christianity? Yep. One way street. Sounds a lot like Islam, yes? July 25, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! July 25, 2013   As pelosipig and reid passed thevileone's healthcaretax in the middle of the night thevileone stacked the deck. Meanwhile, your healthcare choices are going to be more difficult to come by. Is anyone surprised? July 25, 2013   Gentle reminder: Weiner wife has CLOSE ties to Muslim Brohood. It's not as if thevileone doesn't ALSO have close ties to them, it's just that we don't need MORE people in "high places" with ties to the MB. You know, we ARE a Christian nation, not a Shariah Law nation -- YET. July 25, 2013   So much for just a few blurbs, huh? There's so much crud you need to be aware of nowadays that it's hard to NOT give you easier access to the TRUTH. Sorry. Until next time, See ya'! July 24, 2013: 4:30 p.m.   Sorry about missing so many days. Saturday I was busy around the house. Sunday is my usual day off. Monday my son was over and we ran errands then went to Wildwood Antique Mall and I found something in there that I bought. Got a great deal, too! Then we came home and cooked chicken and ribs (indoors because it was raining), then spent time laughing and talking. He left, then found out the storm had knocked a limb down near his apartment and he had no electricity because the limb brought down a power line, too. He came back. Tuesday I ran errands all day again. And when I got home I wrote Define This (that's the title I used; the owner of Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com added thevileone's name: note I never mention it in the article: LOVE the graphic she chose!). Read it and you'll realize just how much he and his ilk are changing the language of America. Redefining words is a Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals tactic. Fight back and refuse to use their definitions! Don't follow where they want to lead you. It's better for America and safer for you! July 24, 2013   The administration destroys $3 million worth of computers: OOOPS. They thought they had a virus and smashed the computers with hammer. Turns it was a false alarm. That's YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS they just wasted. Shock. July 24, 2013   $3 Million of our money to AFRICAN YOUTH EMPOWERMENT: IN AFRICA! It's not African-American youth they're helping with our money. It's kids in Africa. I have nothing against the kids in Africa, but with AMERICA's economy so bad and them wasting so much of our money and our national deficit and debt being so darn high, why on earth is thevileone giving our money to kids in AFRICA? Doesn't he think it would be wiser to use that $3 Million to help kids here? Moron. July 24, 2013   Good on NC! Concealed carry expanded. "The measure will also allow concealed-carry permit holders to store weapons in locked cars on the campus of any public school or university. Guns will also now be allowed on greenways, playgrounds and other public recreation areas."Good! Now in NC if a deranged person gets into the school, someone who is a law abiding citizen with a concealed carry permit can fix the problem. Excellent! Florida, are you watching? Follow suit! July 24, 2013   No BENGHAZI terrorists have been brought to justice. Where is the effort to do so from thevileone? Why does he not give a crap that FOUR AMERICANS were murdered there? Was it because that's what he wanted? Has he adopted the clintoon tactics (Vince Foster, anyone)? July 24, 2013   This is what thevileone supports and rubio-stupido's support is helping happen, too. This should never have happened. The victim is 13! She's still a child and she should never have experienced that horror. But this is allowed to happen in the name of "fairness", of "democracy", of "love" (BTW, Sex is NOT love. If so, all ten men really LOVED that little girl, didn't they?). Yet, she had to undergo that horror because our sick government has the plan of getting more dumborat voters to keep dumborats in power. If this is what a dumborat voter looks like, LET'S DEPORT THEM ALL! July 24, 2013   A clintoon buddy in another scandal. Ya' know, the dumborat prezidunces certainly know how to pick 'em, don't they? Hire people who will break the rules but are so stupid and cocky about it that they get found out and the alternative media gets to call them out on it. Of course, the msm may make a fleeting mention, but if it's a dumborat who would be associated with the scandal, fleeting is all it will get. Of course, they could all be "phony scandals" as thevileone calls them. Who cares about the proof of wrong doing? It's all just "phony". Nothing to see here, folks. Move on. Another "phony scandal" involving another tie to clintoon. Some folks want her for 2016. Is this what we have to look forward to if she runs and is elected? OF COURSE IT IS!!! But don't look at the TRUTH, look at hollyweird actors who support the dumborats. That's what they're trying to distract you with. Truth? Ignore that. It means nothing. As usual. July 24, 2013   I thought that dumborat females were feminists. I thought they were strong and determined to not be controlled by, intimidated by, or LIVE BY a man -- any man. Yet, all these dumborat women are standing by their cheating, sleazy "husbands" (cleave thee only unto her?) even when they should be totally enraged and leave the bumm! But, no. They stay with their hard dog to keep on a porch and live with the humiliation of the whole world knowing that their alleged husbands didn't think they were enough. How embarrassing. Whatever happened to having a spine? The Bible says that infidelity is the ONE good reason to leave a spouse. Even GOD condones divorce in that situation. Why are the dumborat women not taking that offer? Oh, maybe it's because GOD condones it? Or because it's politically expedient for them and they will then have power over their hubbies if they stay? Can you imagine him saying NO to anything they want after this sort of trash comes out and they've stuck with the cheating liars? Yeah. Have them by the zippers. July 24, 2013   Speaking of fake feminists, pelosipig is one. July 24, 2013   Blarney Carney lies again for thevileone. Paid liars: Spokespeople, attorneys and weathermen. Used car salesmen, you're certainly coming up in the world! July 24, 2013   bonehead boehner joins thevileone in attacking a Conservative Republican Representative: Steve King. bonehead is on the dark side and never believe otherwise. He's a coward par excellance! I would LOVE for him to shock me and not cave to pressure for him to bring an amnesty bill to the House floor. I'd LOVE THAT! I'd be knocked out of my socks in shock! We're talking totally gobsmacked. I expect to yawn in bored "I told you so-ism." (NOTE: This last link was posted ten minutes AFTER I wrote my expectations and I found the article -- newly posted at Breitbart -- and linked to it. Prescient again.) July 24, 2013   thevileone to give a communist speech. Watch for him to redefine more words as I point out he does in my Define This article. He is pushing communism/socialism/marxism and if anyone can't see that by now, they must be willfully deaf, mute, blind and stupid: e.g. ignoring the facts. Or just put to sleep by thevileone's speeches. Snoring prevents hearing. Problem is, in his curent round of speeches he's pushing the idea that prosperity comes from the "middle out" as in, the middle class out. That's a problem because, thanks to thevileone's policies, America's middle class is now ranked 27th in the world. As in, we've fallen to the lowest level of prosperity we've seen in quite a while. That's thevileone's policies for you. He has done this to us. And he wants to distract us from that truth with hollyweird folks. Sweet. July 24, 2013   Will CO Sheriffs turn CO around 180°? They're suing over CO's new gun laws. I LOVE THAT! I wish I could trust our Sheriff to act like the Constitution matters. He disciplined a Deputy recently for free speech (First Amendment protected). What does that say about our Sheriff? July 24, 2013   Devout MUSLIM author pens book slamming Jesus; left loves it! "His book is not a historian’s report on Jesus. It is an educated Muslim’s opinion about Jesus -- yet the book is being peddled as objective history on national TV and radio.So why is this being loved on by the left? Because anything that takes a whack at Christianity is good to them. All other religions are preferable to Christianity. Although the GOD of Christianity loves them and wants to save them and sent His Son to DIE FOR THEM, Christianity is the worst thing on earth in their eyes. It's their choice, but their choice will make them pay a long, hot price for their choice. Everyone chooses. July 24, 2013   Warning: Gag inducer. July 24, 2013   Feds: Car manufacturers must make cars "talk to" each other. If they can talk to each other, who else can your car tell about where you are going, how fast you are driving, etc.? What else can your car tell the government about you if they get this done? Is that what you want? July 24, 2013   thevileone's IRS appointee under "scrutiny". Like it's going to matter a hill of beans whether he was involved or if the Tooth Fairy did it? Nothing's going to happen. No one will be really punished for it. thevileone will see to that. He "punished" BENGHAZI LIAR, Susan Rice, by making her ambassador, remember? In this administration, lying is a badge of honor and a resume enhancer. Right is wrong and wrong is right. July 24, 2013   With friends like this, who needs enemies? July 24, 2013   I think I'll leave you today with this smile. Until next time, See ya'! July 19, 2013: 1:15 p.m.   Reality is finally leaking INTO thevileone's healthcaretax statements. They are admitting that you "might not" be able to keep your doctor. Well, that's better than the outright LIE they told previously and it is closer to the (horrible word to them) TRUTH than they have previously stated, but it's still not quite there. The reality is that the system will assign you a doctor and if it's the doctor you currently have then you've beaten the odds because there are already doctors who are leaving the practice of medicine because they see the writing on the wall (and apparently can read it better than this administration). So you keeping your own doctor is a "slim to nil" chance, but the admin is finally admitting that you "might not" be able to keep him/her. Astonishing. They wronte the law, are they just now getting around to reading it? Also, more unions are finding out healthcaretax is not so good for them. Are they also figuring out that they should NOT have trusted thevileone? No one should trust thevileone. No one. July 19, 2013   These people are just opportunists taking cover under a mass of people. They're like a school of fish: safety in numbers. If they want to hurt someone or break things, take things that aren't theirs, then who's to stop them or swear it was they who did so? After all, there were a lot of people out there and how can they be certain it was that particular person? Vandalism, theft, assault are all possible in these mobs and those who participate are using the crowd to do wrong and hope to get away with it. In other words, they're cowards. July 19, 2013   thevileone's eric holder is wrong. "Separate and apart from the case that has drawn the nation’s attention, it’s time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods. (sustained applause) These laws try to fix something that was never broken. There has always been a legal defense for using deadly force if – and the 'if' is important – no safe retreat is available.eric holder's just another liberal leftist trying to take my 2nd Amendment right to self-defense away and I won't give mine up. He can take a flying leap off the world's tallest building before I'll give up my rights. In the meantime, eric holder is keeping Zimmerman's gun from him just in case thevileone and his DO[IN]J can find a way to prosecute Zimmerman, taking away the civil rights of another American. This administration has no interest in doing the RIGHT thing, or in obeying the law. They just want their own ways like spoiled little babies who throw a temper tantrum until Mom and Dad cave. So Conservative, Brad Thor, is stepping in to buy Zimmerman a new gun. LOVE IT! July 19, 2013   Slavery lives in America via Islamic countries' immigrants. If you look at history, Islam brought some of the first slaves to America -- but the religious Puritans donated money and sent them back, not wanting slavery here. That's the truth, like it or not. Islam still practices slavery. If you're black, you may wish to consider that when you consider which religion you wish to support, join, or encourage. July 19, 2013   Detroit: bankruptcy is what happens to dumborat-controlled cities. It can happen to states who have been under dumborat control for a long time, too. CA and OH are headed the same way and if they're not careful it will be too late for them, too. CA seems to enjoy being broke and the people keep voting for going moreso. Stupid is as stupid does and Californians prove it. Problem is that they will look to the rest of us to bail them out when they go three fingers up, blurb blurb, too. July 19, 2013   thevileone talks about Trayvon Martin; in neck-snapping take, tells politicians to butt out. Sorry. But when the penultimate politician tells politicians to butt out of something he's commenting on at the time isn't that just a bit of a "Say what?!" moment? He can comment, but no one else? Free Speech, anyone? Or is he all that and what he has to say is the final arbiter, the be-all-end-all of commentary, on any given subject? Ego. In its purest, highest form. Not to mention he changes the facts of the case: "If Trayvon Martin was of age and was armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?"Martin was the aggressor. There was no ground for him to stand. He was the one taking ground! July 19, 2013   So will the hillclintoon candidacy in 2016 be an easy win or an easy defeat? I don't know if by then another out of nowhere candidate like thevileone will not sweep her aside again and make the wannabe eat his dust. She keeps trying but she may never (hopefully will never) see that Oval Office as her own. I wish there would not be another dumborat president for another thousand years or more. Considering how sloppy the Republicans have been about standing for our Founding principles and our Constitutional rights, we need a third party to be in the White House (after thevileone is gone, it will hopefully be nore more Red). We need a party that will know, believe in, support, follow, and stand for our Constitution, our Founding principles and our GOD-given rights! Which party is that? I haven't found it yet. July 19, 2013   Which photo tells the real story of the Boston Marathon bomber? His "found in a boat" photo? Or his "Rolling Stone" cover? I think Rolling Stone is so wrong in putting him on the cover. Libs. 'Ooo needs 'em? July 19, 2013   What a way to make Breitbart News. Sheriff's Deputy, skittles and tea. SMH. On the other hand, it is Free Speech. So... July 19, 2013   Rick Scott stand for SYG. So far, that is. I don't know if he'll ever cave (hopefully not) but so far he's standing strong FOR OUR RIGHT to not have to retreat. That's a good thing. I support him in this. July 19, 2013   Sooner or later hollyweird will learn. Placing bets on later. July 19, 2013   Four violent gang members off the streets of Atlanta. That's a good start. July 19, 2013   Catholocism has got to get its house in order. Otherwise it will fall even further than it already has. People don't want to be part of a religion that won't police itself and do the right thing when wrongs are exposed. If there is to be a religion that condones wrong, then those who wish to do right will have to leave it in order to maintain their values and principles. Catholics have heard about rampant pedophilia, changing morés and questionable leadership tactics to deal with those issues. Now this? It's time to make it right. July 19, 2013   Study proves throwing more taxpayer dollars at "greenhouse gas emissions" does no good. Okay. Show of hands. Anyone surprised? July 19, 2013   No kidding. July 19, 2013   HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY! Hobby Lobby won again! Question: Will the scotUS overturn all these victories or will they do the right thing? Or, will thevileone just accept this latest court defeat and give Hobby Lobby and other Christian companies/entities a bye and let it go? I seriously doubt thevileone will allow Christians to "opt out" of healthcaretax, so I think it's "Supreme court" here we come. July 19, 2013   The person or people who did this are inhuman. The person or people who held those men should be put in jail -- in similar conditions if I had my way -- and not released until they're carried out in a coffin. July 19, 2013   So is $$$$ why rubio-stupido sold (literally) us out? rubio-stupido doesn't support thevileone's healthcaretax? But he supports destroying America via amnesty? Duh. Conservatives don't want paul ryan to do the same. IMHO, it's already too late, but we'll see. July 19, 2013   First Amendment takes another thevileone hit. What is happening is the left is determined to destroy America and they're getting a lot of help from like-minded lefties. Conservatives have to get active, stay active and stay informed! July 19, 2013   Brevard County unemployment back up to 7.8%. Sounds like it's going to be a while until things change for the better here. Of course, we all enjoy the landscaping projects our taxpayer dollars are funding in Merritt Island and I'm sure that money would NOT be used better doing other things. After all, don't we all want to have pavers of different colors in the median and along the sidewalks instead of grass there? Don't we want it "purdy"? (Sarcasm, of course.) Our County Commissioners who are voting for this crap are wasting our money but they apparently don't care. July 19, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax REBATES coming? Uh, how are they REBATES if we HAVEN'T PAID ANYTHING FOR IT YET? If they haven't TAKEN any of our money for it yet, how on earth can they GIVE ANY OF OUR MONEY BACK? Think, people! This is NOT A REBATE: IT'S A BRIBE. It's a "Sit down. Shut up. Take the money and be glad to be forced into whatever we want you to do." That's what this money is! July 19, 2013   That's all for now. Until next time, See ya'! July 18, 2013: 12:20 p.m.   TSA searching cars at airports now? Is this what should be happening in America? Because you park at the airport you are automatically subject to having your car searched? Whatever happened to "reasonable cause" and the U.S. Constitution? Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Whatever happened to America? This administration happened. That's all it took. July 18, 2013   Prosecutor hit with "whistleblower" lawsuit. The Zimmerman prosecutor, Angela Corey, deserves it. She did everything wrong. She broke the law in her effort to get Zimmerman. She should be fired, IMHO. I doubt it will happen, but she should be. July 18, 2013   Jackson to U.N.: investigate Martin shooting. The United Nations?! Really, Jesse Jackson? Really? They have no authority on American soil. The last place you need to be going is to the U.N. Where you need to go is to a corner somewhere and suck your thumb and whine there. Zimmerman has been found innocent and that's all there is to it! He did nothing wrong! July 18, 2013   IRS hearings still ongoing: Trail leads to D.C. So who believed that D.C. wasn't involved in the targeting of Conservative groups? Anyone? TEA Party candidate, Christine O'Donnell's tax records were breached. When is the IRS going to be held accountable for this? When is the person who ordered it (my belief is thevileone) going to be held accountable?
July 18, 2013   A journalist confesses "creationism" belief and gets excoriated. Until then, she was a believable, trustworthy, well-educated, interesting and correct writer. Let anyone confess belief in anything close to Christianity and the GOD of Christianity and that blows their lives to hades. They are now the complete opposite of what they used to be, at least in the eyes of the left. July 18, 2013   How does the TRUTH about BENGHAZI come out when survivors are FORCED to sign non-disclosure? Ask yourself, Who has the most to hide about BENGHAZI that they would need non-disclosure enforcement, and WHO BENEFITS FROM THOSE AGREEMENTS? Is it thevileone or hillclintoon? I think it's thevileone who is doing this. I think he's the only one with the authority. Why does thevileone NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT BENGHAZI? July 18, 2013   Repubulcan House leaders pushing for amnesty bill. Why do they need lefties to get it passed? Republican "leadership" is caving so quickly that they may as well have written the bill themselves. bonehead boehner is pushing amnesty. Call them all and tell them to STOP IT! July 18, 2013   pelosipig speaks, removes all doubt she's an idiot. Every time the thing opens its mouth. July 18, 2013   bumbler's "fire into the air" is actually done: man arrested. Why aren't people smart enough to realize that they shouldn't listen to bumbling biden? The fact that they do listen to him is very troubling. How stupid do you have to be to listen to and obey someone that stupid? If the person listening is dumber than the bumbler, that's scary! July 18, 2013   FL Legislators unlikely to undo SYG: "boycott FL orange juice" MLK III says. We don't have to try to run and hide and be followed and beaten so the orange juice growers should suffer for that? Uh... I hate to say it, but have they stopped to think that those FL orange growers may LIKE SYG and SUPPORT the law, too? Yes, they like making money, but how many of us will double up on orange juice buying to make sure they don't suffer from a fly-sized boycott? I'll drink orange juice daily, all day if needed. SYG is MY RIGHT and I will not back down. July 18, 2013   Thanks thevileone's healthcaretax and policies! Part-time workers getting fewer and more erratic scheduled hours. Sounds like those who voted for - and cheated for - him have a lot to answer for. The employment situation not the least of those things. Pushing for thevileone's healthcaretax, sebelius over-reaches & overstates. thevileone's healthcaretax is like the "civil rights fight"? Really? Health care, first of all, isn't a RIGHT. It's a bonus, a perk, but it's NOT a RIGHT. But if they tell the lie often enough, it becomes the truth, so they keep pushing it. If you oppose them you're like a segregationist. How desperate are they? That desperate. July 18, 2013   I don't think this is true exclusively in TX. I think that the more the TRUTH about abortion comes out, the more people realize how horrible it is (graphic). The more they learn about a child's development the less they support abortion. When you find out that at nine weeks, your child has fingers, toes, lips, a nose, eyes, ears, etc., that makes the baby "more human" to those who have been told "it's just a mass of tissue". Nine weeks old and a baby has fingers and toes and it is alive, not dead, not in suspended animation. It will soon suck its thumb inside you! (I have an ultrasound pic of my son doing so inside me.) Yes. Your baby is alive and it is YOURS. Unless conceived via force, you made your choice when you chose to have sex. Now choose to not make the baby pay for your choice. Please. Choose life. Give the child up for adoption if you can't raise it. That's fine. But don't think that killing the child will make your life easier. Having an abortion can effect you the rest of your life, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It's all bad. Choose life. TX as a state is closer to choosing life. July 18, 2013   Would he be complaining if those doing the frisking were hot college coeds? Just asking, folks. July 18, 2013   This pastor has the right message. His congregants are blessed to have him. July 18, 2013   NSA "analyzes" FAR MORE people's data than previously admitted. So if you're a lefty and you think they're not looking at you because you are a lefty, you're not safe either. Still support it? July 18, 2013   piers morgan's "balls" (sorry, his word) did him NO GOOD in this debate. morgan really should have kept his "balls" out of it and his mouth shut. But libs never learn. They don't know how stupid they are until they're smacked upside the head with it. That is proven time and time and time and time again. Sorry about the language, but morgan chose the words. July 18, 2013   Gun denied Army vet due to misdemeanor in 1971. He could have a gun to shoot America's enemies and that was hunky dorey. Now that he wants to own one privately, all of that is out the window. 2nd Amendment, anyone? July 18, 2013   If charities are using donations to help others, that's one thing... But if they're leftist charities and they're going to be donating those donated dollars to a leftist candidate, or organization, that's wrong. Let's find out what the charities are doing with the money we dontated for them to (ostensibly) help someone in time of need. Hold them accountable for using the money you donated in the way you intended. Otherwise, they don't deserve your money. July 18, 2013   Finally, remember: don't get too close to the animals, folks. July 17, 2013: 12:30 p.m.   For those of you who don't know, Martin DID HAVE a criminal record. So the idea that he was an "innocent child" is not just specious via the jury's finding of Not Guilty for Zimmerman because it was Martin who was the aggressor, but also because Martin did have a record. Michelle Malkin's piece today is about thevileone's attack on your 2nd Amendment rights via focusing on this case. It's all about YOUR right to carry a concealed weapon and defend yourselves. Don't you love this administration's hatred of OUR Constitutional rights? July 17, 2013   Terrorist teen heart-throb? Rolling Stone has him, too. He kills innocent people at the Boston Marathon and he becomes a celebrity to the sicko left. That's stomach-turning. Good news is still available from one company, though. CVS has announced that they won't sell that Rolling Stone edition. I'm PROUD of CVS for taking that stand. Good for them! Shop CVS this week to say "Thank you!" July 17, 2013   thevileone tracking your every financial transaction. Buy some groceries with your debit/credit card? They've tracked that. Go to the movies and use your card? That, too; they've got it. Go buy some undies at Macy's sale? Guess what? They know what you bought, what size it was and what color. They don't need to search your undie drawer, they've already found that on the receipt info. Don't you love knowing that thevileone knows what size, color, style of undies you wear? Maybe it will serve you well. Who knows when you'll need a presidential pardon... Oh. It's not clintoon in the Red House anymore. Sorry. It won't do you any good. They're also tracking everywhere your vehicle goes. I'm sorry. Is this America? Where is the outrage? July 17, 2013   Spokeskid, car-toon-ey, has to lie like his boss. You cannot, after all, go out and tell the truth when your boss is lying through his teeth. That would make your boss look worse. July 17, 2013   bernanke keeps our money's value low. He does so at thevileone's request, I'm sure. When you have someone in charge who is trying to destroy America, then all those who are below him follow suit. Isn't that special? July 17, 2013   Coward mccain't caves to dumborats again; takes Republicans with him. So tell me, if rubio-stupido, Rand Paul, paul ryan, etc., are stuch strong, staunch, Conservatives, why can they not keep mccain't under control, instead of them following him over the cliff? In the House bonehead boehner's future would be D.O.A. if he passes an amnesty bill. Which is as it shold be. July 17, 2013   Just part of the surveillance systems used to collect YOUR data (and mine). Do you use a "cloud" back-up service? Isn't that making it easier for them to get your info if it's all stored (backed-up) elsewhere? Personally, I stick with an external hard drive that I plug in to back up my stuff. I don't want to make it easy for them to get more info. Why make it easy? Something to think about. July 17, 2013   Every time thevileone says something like this, he turns around and uses the "Executive Order" to do what he just said he CANNOT do. Mark my words: he'll try to use "Executive Orders" to push more "immigration reform" so that he can have more people to help him break the rules. Third term, anyone? July 17, 2013   Genius Jeantel says it's "racist" based on ageism. What? If a teen says "N***a" that's NOT racist, but if an adult uses the same word that's racist? How absurd. Teens don't have one set of "allowed" words while adults have another. We are all Americans and we all get FULL USE of the English language according to the First Amendment. For the Genius Jeantel to say otherwise is absurd. July 17, 2013   A poll worker who cheated FOR thevileone is going to jail. Good! Our elections should be protected more than almost anything else. If they have no integrity we cannot trust the results. Which, considering ACORN's involvement in the last two elections I do not trust the results anyways. July 17, 2013   Her free speech trumps yours. July 17, 2013   Hollyweird hasn't learned its lessons yet. Family movies are the best option to make money. After all, "Despicable Me 2" is doing well while others... not so much. July 17, 2013   This is something to think about. July 17, 2013   Watch the videos of thevileone's nominated U.N. Ambassador BEFORE you support her. She has no business representing the United States of America in anything but leaving the country and acquiring a residence somewhere in... Cuba? Russia? China? Somewhere freedom has no place. July 17, 2013   thevileone is wanting more money, no matter what it takes. Leave the country? Don't worry. He'll get your money there, too! July 17, 2013   Brevard County D2 candidate first look. Remember, some of the candidates may drop out; others may be added (I'm unsure about the cut off date for running). So read what's there and start now your education on the candidates and then keep current with it. It's easier that way. Do searches for their names on the internet (use multiple search engines to get different results), go to their speeches and debates, find out who they are and what they believe by not just listening to their words, but by watching their ACTIONS because they speak louder than their words. Then vote appropriately. Stay informed. You don't want another thevileone, do you? July 17, 2013   Remember: You're getting new trash service soon. You'll have some changes: "The curbside cart collection program will start on Sept. 30. Residents of the unincorporated areas can expect delivery of the new 64-gallon garbage cart and 64-gallon recycling cart between Aug. 1 and Sept. 27."Here's how that happened. So if prices go up (and I bet they do), you know who to send a "Thanks for NOTHING!" card. July 17, 2013   On that malodorus note, I shall close for today. Until next time, See ya'! July 16, 2013: 2:57 p.m.   My latest article for Girls Just Wanna Have Guns.com is now available: "Zimmerman Riots Not About Trayvon Martin's Death" is a bit controversial, but since when did I care about controversy? Remember: the DO[IN]J was involved in organizing protests. July 16, 2013   Dershowitz says civil rights WERE broken: George Zimmerman's were trampled. Is anyone surprised, especially considering what thevileone and his DO[IN]J are doing? July 16, 2013   Search results show 862,000 "Zimmerman verdict riot" results. That's people taking the opportunity to do wrong because they choose to do wrong. Their Moms and Dads should have raised them better. July 16, 2013   Aaaahhhh... public colleges. Absurd. July 16, 2013   Is thevileone tapping Zimmerman family phones? And the fallout continues: Aaaahhh.... public schools and "old school". Why don't we educate the children in how to use the English language -- and to understand it? July 16, 2013   $2.8 MILLION: Purdue's healthcaretax bill. That's ONE university. Want your child to go to college? How much more will it cost you to get them there considering how much more they'll have to pay for health care? Yeah. thevileone did this. July 16, 2013   IRS at it again. Now they're looking into political candidates' and donors' returns for political reasons. The IRS is NOT supposed to be doing this, but under this administration it's all okay. They do as the prezidunce wishes and they have no one to whom they answer. thevileone isn't going to stop what he orders. July 16, 2013   thevileone hands over BILLIONS of YOUR dollars to G.E.: again. July 16, 2013   Are his lips moving? Yep. He's lying. July 16, 2013   I don't think this is a good idea. I just don't trust it. July 16, 2013   This is ridiculous-extraordinnaire. July 16, 2013   Thank you, Panama! They found
this stuff headed July 16, 2013   He's done the deed, now he's silent about it? rubio-stupido has blown it on both sides and has a price to pay for doing so. His choice. July 16, 2013   Rrrriiiiiggggghhhhhtttt.... Anyone who believes this stand on your head and spit in your ear. July 16, 2013   Senate GOP screws up again. Surprised? Not. July 16, 2013   Samantha Powers (U.N. Ambassador nominee) has said some bad stuff about America. That's probably why thevileone nominated her: she feels about America as does he. July 16, 2013   I have to add this: thevilene is threatening to remove combat pay from our troops. That includes: "About 56,000 U.S. troops stand to be stripped of combat pay, including those serving in the Persian Gulf region."He really is vile. July 16, 2013   I went and saw Despicable Me 2 last night. LOVED IT! I laughed until I cried. I love Minions and I love the whole storyline. I posted another Minion Monday pic and thought I'd give you a smile to close out this day's updates. So go see the movie (be prepared to laugh until you cry and your sides hurt and you have a slight headache) and have a great day! Until next time, See ya'! July 15, 2013: 2:11 p.m.   I just sent in my latest article for GJWHG.com. It's not up yet, but I'll post a link to it when it's available. In the meantime, check out what the scotUS did to the Fifth Amendment while we weren't watching. Sigh. Kiss the Constitution goodbye. July 15, 2013   Let us hope that the DO[IN]J is stopped by the FBI. Otherwise, George Zimmerman's legal bills will go even higher. BTW, do you appreciate this administration trying to waste your TAXPAYER DOLLARS via prosecuting (persecuting, more like) an innocent man? July 15, 2013   Which is which? July 15, 2013   Immigration bill has pork, bureaucracy and special treatment. Is this why you pay your taxes? To be discriminated against? To be made to pay for pork? To be taxed more for others' benefits? For instance: "Bilingual and multilingual ski instructors made the cut in the Senate bill, thanks to Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo. (The word “ski” appears six times). Pages 1037-38 describe how they could have an easier time entering and working in the U.S. under a visa program normally reserved for athletes and entertainers and allows them to stay in the country for up to 10 years."Welcome to the new America: Skiing and special treatment for SOME. July 15, 2013   Thanks to thevileone's healthcaretax Part-Time is now the norm. Even restaurants and bars are only hiring part-timers. Question is, how will the tax rates handle a part-time economy? Will they have to go up in order to recoup the losses that should have been coming in with wide spread full-time employment? July 15, 2013   Archeologists find King David era text. The Bible is proven true on a regular basis: archeology playing a huge part in doing so. How often do you hear about that, though? Yeah. There's a reason for that. If archeology is proving the Bible true, then GOD must be real and if GOD is real, then there must be a right and wrong. If there's a right and wrong, then some of the people are wallowing in their wrongdoing and that's what they want. They'd rather stay in wrongdoing than change their ways and do the right thing and follow GOD's way. It's their choice, of course, but it's also their choice to go to hell, straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. When people choose to do the wrong thing, they choose to pay the price for it. Their choice, not GOD's. He made the rules and gives people the chance to obey them. If they choose to disobey, then He can't break the rules to give them special treatment. If He did that there would be no reason to have rules at all, would there? It's your choice, folks. Do the right thing and follow GOD and His ways, or pay the price eternally. It's not up to GOD; it's up to you. He loves you and gave you the way to an eternity with Him via accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior. I urge you to do so. We'll all live forever: it's up to each of us as to where. July 15, 2013   Have you read Orwell's 1984 recently? That's what this administration is coming to. Don't go for the group-think. Stand up and fight back. The "thought police" should not get a footing here! July 15, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax exposes you to fraud and theft possibilities. Is that what you want? All those librarians -- and others -- who will be "helping" you sign up will also know your personal financial info. Now do you want to sign up for the NOT free healthcaretax? Do you trust them? You may wish to rethink that trust, if you do. July 15, 2013   msthevileone advocates walking to school instead of riding bus. There are rules about how far away from the school you have to live before you get to ride a bus. So that's not far enough away, just walk. Okay. I get it. I'll advocate for the same thing if she'll walk to the places she wants to go in D.C. Or, if she'll walk to her shopping destinations in NYC. Or if she'll do nothing but walk while on another taxpayer funded Martha's Vineyard vacation. (Vacation from what? They just got back from South Africa, etc.! What is there to vacation from?!? Amazing.) July 15, 2013   reid "at it again" and threatening to disregard the rules. Shock. July 15, 2013   Orin Hatch did the right thing? Orin Hatch? WOW! U.N. Treaty NOT good for America and Hatch dissected it on the floor and did a good job of it. I'm shocked. I'm pleased, but surprised he actually did the right thing. July 15, 2013   If you don't like corporations getting special treatment, you shouldn't support the "Go8" amnesty bill. Because in that bill corporations get special treatment. July 15, 2013   What do you think of cities charging groups to do workouts in the parks? Personally, I don't think it's right. Their taxpayer dollars are already paying for the park, using it is their right as owners of the parks! Hello! July 15, 2013   Traditional marriage (emphasis on "TRADITIONAL") guards children against poverty. The multiple benefits of traditional marriage should be part of the reason we stand with traditional marriage. It's best for all concerned with America's well-being as well as our children's well-being. July 15, 2013   Shades of "Minority Report". Scans to predict which prisoners will "reoffend"? What about "innocent until proven guilty", anyone remember that? July 15, 2013   Bare Bones 2014 Brevard County Budget: thanks to Tipton. This is another way to get a tax increase. Notice that it cuts the things that make people react:
July 15, 2013   Representative Steve King says "pressure House Republicans" to stop amnesty bill. Target those in VA, SC and OH. Lots of pressure would be a good thing right now. July 15, 2013   So cool. A blue planet 63 light years away. We'll never find our way there, but it's still cool. July 15, 2013   Well that's all for today, folks! See ya'! July 12, 2013: 9:58 p.m.   Sorry about the late start. Got up and did housework, went to my doctor's appointment then did some grocery shopping, then some other shopping and then came home to supper and spend some time with my family. Good news from the doctor: My doctor said that my blood work was "perfect"! My HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and everything else were all excellent! That's a good thing. No cholesterol problems. No nothing. It's a good thing. I told them the joy of the Lord is a healthy thing! Proven right yet again. Not bad for an old lady. So on with just a few blurbs: important things only. July 12, 2013   Secret is out: meeting with liberal journalists and thevileone. Meeting with just the liberal journalists means he's asking them to do something that will favor his ideas. Question is: which liberal journalist has enough integrity to remember the journalistic creed about "unbiased reporting" and will refuse to do thevileone's bidding? Anyone wanna' lay money on the number "Zero"? July 12, 2013   One down, worse to come. How much you wanna' bet the person who replaces jnap is worse than she? Even money. July 12, 2013   A leaky leak about leaking leaks? Wait. Is that right? July 12, 2013   Silicon valley supports "Go8" immigration bill. They need to consider what it will do to their taxes and the cost of their healthcare program. Or, maybe they have and they're just so liberal that they don't give a crap about their employees, they just wanna' kiss thevileone's backside? Who knows. Whichever. It's their loss as well as ours. BTW, paulryan is pushing the thing, too. Whatsupwiththat? Oh, yeah. House R's doing their OWN DREAM act, illegal immigration bill. Everyone in a Federally elected position is trying to destroy America. Doesn't that tell you anything? July 12, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! Too funny! July 12, 2013   pelosipig is in denial, insane, or both. July 12, 2013   Aaaahhhhh.... public schools == again. July 12, 2013   Perry to run for prez: he's off to Israel. That's a sure sign of a presidential bid. I don't think I'd like a president who orders parents to sign over their parental rights and allow the state to make their daughters get vaccinated with Gardasil and all of its potential problems. Don't like that he even considered taking away parental rights -- for anything. The fact that he actually did it gives me pause when it comes to presidential power. July 12, 2013   TX Senate to debate 20 week abortion limit bill. Baby-killers to attend and yell, scream, disrupt and generally make fools of themselves by being as ugly and irresponsible as possible. Shock. July 12, 2013   Republican House lets thevileone's buddy slide on perjury. What? Like they had the gonads to do something right? July 12, 2013   Black Panthers (voter intimidators) plan "rebellion" if Zimmerman acquitted. No matter what the verdict is, no matter what you think of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence, no matter what, to plan for violence is to plan for wrong. Everyone who participates should be arrested and jailed. If anyone gets injured, full charges should be pressed. July 12, 2013   I shall stop for tonight. I hope to have the time to post tomorrow. If the weather is clear enough, I may be able to work on my sculpture. We'll see. Until next time (and if my doc is checking out this website, "Hi!), See ya'! July 11, 2013: 6:40 p.m.   Is Zimmerman trial getting pressured by thevileone's admin? If so, how can there be a fair trial for Zimmerman? Something's fishy here. The DO[IN]J sends folks down to the Zimmerman trial to stir up trouble and ensure that there are protests depending on the verdict, and now this? Hmmmm... Can Zimmerman get a fair trial while this tyrant is in power? If he can railroad Zimmerman, who can he NOT railroad? Or is there another plan in action? July 11, 2013   Hank is out and about again. He is getting around a lot lately. July 11, 2013   HuffPo shocked that their readers supported STOPPING abortion after 20 weeks. I suppose they thought most of their liberal lefties would support abortion no matter what: even partial-birth baby-killing. I am glad they don't know America as well as they thought on this issue. There must be limits -- until we can get the complete outlawing of baby-killing. July 11, 2013   Solyndra friend of thevileone won't face charges. Shock. Absolutely shocked. (Not.) July 11, 2013   reid decides to go "nuclear". If he had an atom in his head to split, that would be feasible. Too bad he hasn't got an atom in there: it's a vacuum, a total vacuum. Break the rules left and right. Rules don't matter. Why would they matter? July 11, 2013   Gas prices set to rise again. $3.39+ isn't high enough for them, they have to make them higher? Don't you love this administration for making sure YOU go broke? July 11, 2013   Why is thevileone doing this? Why? July 11, 2013   thevileone is buying ads to sell healthcaretax. Ummm... It's a LAW. Why are they trying to sell us on a LAW that is apparently ENFORCEABLE? If it's so wonderful, wouldn't we all go running TOWARD it and not AWAY from it? So they're buying ads that are needed to convince us to obey a stupid law they FORCED on us (unconstitutional as it was). Does this make any sense to you? July 11, 2013   Microsoft cooperated with thevileone to allow them to spy on you and read your e-mails? Isn't that lovely? July 11, 2013   More people losing their health care due to thevileone's plan. Isn't that wonnerful? People really did want that. July 11, 2013   Divide and conquer: that's thevileone's plan. It's also another way to destroy America. Whatever tool he can use, he does. July 11, 2013   msthevileone's school lunches aren't being bought by the kids. Anyone with half a brain can understand why. I know a few people locally who are covered by that assertion. Names won't be mentioned, but you know to whom I refer. July 11, 2013   Politicians no longer have a sense of shame. spitzer, weiner, gingri[N]ch, clintoon, etc., etc., etc. (we could be here all night with that list!); none of them seem to think that what they did is wrong, nor worth getting out of the political limelight. Either they have no shame, no sense of propriety, or power is just so addictive that it blots out all sense of right and wrong. I think it's probably both. July 11, 2013   Christians targeted in Egypt again. I think the religion of "Peace and tolerance" is way beyond their tolerance level. Why do we put up with this? July 11, 2013   I agree with this guy. I think "Ooops!" is a big problem. July 11, 2013   Student loans slashed on backs of poor? Read it and find out what I'm talking about. July 11, 2013   That's enough for me tonight. I'm tired after spending so much time in the heat this morning. I wish you all well and I will be late posting tomorrow because I have another appointment, as you know. Have a great evening and until next time, See ya'! July 10, 2013: 6:59 p.m.   This app kinda'... reminds me of something that just happened to me. I wonder why? July 10, 2013: 5:35 p.m.   JW proves: thevileone's eric holder, USAG, is orchestrating the unrest against Zimmerman. thevileone's attorney general is making sure there will be protests. That's stomping on Zimmerman's Constitutional civil rights, but since when did the prezidunce care about the Constitution? That, and the fact that he likes to stir the race pot because that's who he is, and you get a lowdown, dirty, racist, scumbag as our prezidunce. Question: Is eric holder behind the "Free Jahar" chanters, too? Would you put it past him? July 10, 2013   Cantor: delay healthcaretax individual mandate. No. Just get rid of the bill altogether. Destroy it like thevileone is trying to destroy America. July 10, 2013   Judicial Watch, Standing Strong! Excellent! This is an important issue that will play an important part of the future of America. Let us not let this one go on without trying to stop it! July 10, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" tortures Christians. July 10, 2013   I know bonehead boehner too well to be too surprised by this. He's pushing immigration reform behind closed doors. Shock: NOT! July 10, 2013   This bill's got a snowball's chance... Anyone betting on this coming to reality? Not I. Juy 10, 2013   Is this ironic, stupidity on display, or govenment control? I'll not offer my opinion on this one. Some may not like it; others will agree wholeheartedly. What his actions wrought is police brutality and maybe illegality. But that's okay nowadays for the police to get brutal with Conservatives. It's okay. Conservatives deserve it. July 10, 2013   Destruction is the goal of lefties: marriage included. For thevileone it is America he wants to destroy. Homosexuals want to destroy traditional marriage and the traditional family. They're pushing hard to do so. If they get their way, marriage will no longer be a state issue, but a religious issue only. Then they'll go after religion and try to destroy that. It is, after all, the modus operandi of the left: destroy things step by step, one by one, until there is nothing good left. Game, set and match. July 10, 2013   dumborat, gov. quinn (IL), suspends legislators' pay as he throws a hissy fit. They didn't do what he wanted them to so he's punishing them. Waaaahhhhhhh... He should grow up. What AM I saying? He's a dumborat, incapable of doing so. Sorry. I momentarilly forgot. July 10, 2013   Pro-LIFE of BABIES is making a strong come back. I think that's EXCELLENT! I think that as we teach people the TRUTH about this issue they've started changing from pro-baby-killing to pro-baby-living and that is as it should be. Just think what the implications are for the homosexual community and teaching the truth about homosexuality. Or the big government community and us teaching the TRUTH about big government. The implications are enormous and as long as we Conservatives are willing to keep teaching, America will keep turning back to its roots and its Christian heritage. (Which, to most liberals, is the real problem: Christianity is not their thing.) July 10, 2013   Gitmo terrorists still on hunger strike: Malkin "Cry me a river." Bwahahahaha! It's their choice not to eat. I thought all lefties were pro-choice. If they choose to die, let them. The food is still being offered. It's their choice. No one is forcing them to not eat. July 10, 2013   IF THIS DOESN'T TELL YOU WHAT THEVILEONE THINKS OF US, NOTHING WILL!!! Some of you still won't see it. July 10, 2013   Rahm emmanuel "going around new law". Ho. Hum. Yawn. Tell me something I didn't expect. July 10, 2013   HURRAY FOR TEXAS!!! They did GREAT!! July 10, 2013   I think I shall close on that good news today. Hope you have a wonderful night and that I see you back here tomorrow. Until next tie, See ya'! July 10, 2013: 12:59 a.m.   The problem with this is not just that HE ORDERED IT, but that some of them will actually do it. They won't be thinking for themselves, won't be independent enough to figure out that what the prezidunce wants is NOT what's best for America! It's what HE wants and ONLY what HE wants. Tyrant is as Tyrant does. July 10, 2013   NSA spying on Latin Americans, too. So why does that not surprise me? July 10, 2013   House to vote on bill prohibiting IRS enforcement of thevileone's healthcaretax. That would be nice. Too bad the dumborat controlled Senate wouldn't agree to it. Show votes are not worth the paper they're written on. July 10, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! Right... If his hand touched a Bible he'd burst into flames. July 10, 2013   msthevileone's lunches dropped. Not just vomited by kids; dropped by the school system because the kids were HUNGRY even after eating what she said for them to eat. July 10, 2013   thevileone wants to expand the limits on YOUR guns. thevileone doesn't respect the Constitution. He wants to take away guns so that there won't be any pushback when and if it comes to it. That's the point. He doesn't want his followers to face resistance. July 10, 2013   dumborats forget that every woman who used a hanger to perform a home abortion did so as her own CHOICE. There should be a LAW that every female who decides to have an abortion has to sign an agreement BEFORE THE BABY KILLING TAKES PLACE that SHE will be the one to put her baby's pieces into the jar afterward. Every female who chooses abortion should have to face her CHOICE face to face -- even if her child's face is just one of the pieces. Reality bites. July 10, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax will make this kind of thing happen more often. This hospital was wrong in what they did, but it was negligence, not by government's mandate, as it will be during thevileone's healthcaretax. July 10, 2013   Rush did NOT tell a caller to NOT watch Fox News. Politico lied. July 10, 2013   rubio-stupido misread the situation? Or was he blackmailed into cooperating, was he offered -- and tried to take the offer -- power, or what? What happened here? Or is he just rubio-stupido? July 10, 2013   Well I'll stop for now. It's almost 2 a.m. and I have an appointment to make tomorrow. Until next time, See ya'! July 9, 2013: 5:08 p.m.   Late start due to having to run errands. Fair warning: for the next three days I have appointments so my updates may be short and sporatic, or nonexistent on those days. We'll see what all is going on. July 9, 2013   My latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com is out: "Magic Words: The Left's Most Powerful Tool" is available for your reading pleasure. July 9, 2013   Supervisor of Elections, Lori Scott, has announced that the BOCC has approved new voting equipment. Sounds like more money from "We, The People". It may meet requirements, but do those requirements endanger the integrity of our vote? I'd rather do the old fashioned hand marking, hand counting and have it checked via counting machine than trust voting machines that can use wi-fi or anything similar because those are easier to tamper with. But, hey, I'm someone who doesn't trust the government -- at least not THIS administration. July 9, 2013   So what are the rules for taxpayer paid for phones? thevileone can't get the story straight, dueling departments telling two different standards; what is the TRUTH regarding those phones YOU pay for other folks to use? Wouldn't you like to know? July 9, 2013   This won't work. It just won't. But that's what thevileone wants. It's just another avenue to use to destroy America. July 9, 2013   IL now has Concealed Carry! WooHooo! Last state in the union to obey the U.S. Constitution! (Can you imagine them waiting this long to obey the Thirteenth Amendment? What kind of trouble would they be in for having done that? But, the Second Amendment? That took a scotUS ruling to force that to happen. Why? July 9, 2013   Did they use Fast & Furious guns to do this? If so, thevileone, eric holder and anyone else involved in Fast & Furious should be charged as an accessory to kidnapping. That's the law. Why not apply it to thevileone and this whole administration? Since when did our presidents become above the law? Does that not make them TYRANTS, instead of presidents? Anyone who is unaccountable to the people is a tyrant. Who is thevileone to you? July 9, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax is "unworkable". But we've been saying that since its inception, so what's news about that? Maybe the fact that the msm is starting to catch on to that is the news. July 9, 2013   thevileone is a failure. Again, what's news about that? (Are we in rerun season?) July 9, 2013   Would you really want to know? So the blood test says you'll live to your fifties. When you're forty-nine won't you be miserable? At fifty you'll be wondering if the test was a little hopeful and you actually have only two years left. At fifty-five you'll be waking up every day wondering if this would be the day you bit the dust. Either that, or your bucket list items would be done, your loved ones would be left with as much debt as it took to complete that bucket list and you'll go out with a smile on your face, but thinking that you should have done just that one more thing (billybobclintoon will think of the ONE woman in the world he didn't try to have sex with). I think I'd rather be surprised. I'd rather not know when I was going to die. At least not with a test like this. July 9, 2013   Let us pray this works! Otherwise thevileone will sell us out to Russia and Putin will have the opportunity to nuke us at his whim and we couldn't fight back. But that would suit thevileone just fine: as long as he was out of the country at the time (like that would be hard to do). July 9, 2013   thevileone's numbers "don't add up". Shock. Surprise. He's lying again? Are his lips moving? Is he breathing? July 9, 2013   Cut backs on "green" is NOT anti-science. Hamsters still complain about it, though. No matter what you do the earth will be their main concern. That's okay. Let them be hamsters. Hamsters are easily ignored and fun to play with, so it's okay. July 9, 2013   Republicans told to "toe the line" by Cantor. If we can't trust the leadership to do the right thing, I'm GLAD there are some who rebel and stand up for America! Cantor can go climb a tree. July 9, 2013   I must agree: kill the bill. If the republicans take up any immigration bill it would be a very bad thing. Let us hope that the "leadership" realizes that it's just not worth their jobs to do something as stupid as passing the "Gang of Eight" illegal immigrant amnesty bill. Anyone who supports this bill on the allegedly Conservative side will be looking for a job pretty quickly. rubio-stupido is already looking at at least one recall petition. Maybe he's going to have to learn the hard way. July 9, 2013   How lazy do people have to be? Come on. It's a three letter word, "the". It's not that hard; it's not as if it's "tintinnabulation" or something. Come on. Get over it, lazy bones. July 9, 2013   I agree with Infantini. "Succession plan" is a bad idea. Compete for it. That's the legal and right way to do it. July 9, 2013   "Peace and tolerance": root out Christianity. Truth is, there is no tolerance in Islam. July 9, 2013   You are keeping an eye on Chantal, aren't you? If it hits, you may need supplies. Remember to be prepared. July 9, 2013   Bladder cancer test 100% accurate. How do they train the dogs for that? (Don't really want to know.) July 9, 2013   As someone who has sung First Soprano in many choirs (childhood to a few years ago), I find this very interesting -- AND surprising. I had no idea. My son used to sing with me in two of the choirs, so that means that for that time our hearts beat as one? Cool. July 9, 2013   Drool. Butter! Lots of butter! July 9, 2013   If this was caused by terrorists, those terrorists should die the same way as did their victims. It's only fair. July 9, 2013   Remember the ACD is behind the immigration bill. They're founded to support dumborat causes. July 9, 2013   Surprising find. (*snicker*...*snort*....*guffaw!*) July 9, 2013   On that goofiness, I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! July 8, 2013: 1:04 p.m.   Are you ready for a possible hit? Chantal headed at us for now; may change course for all anyone knows, but are you ready, just in case? If you need supplies, here's basic, government suggested, supplies list. I'd do more than they suggest because it is, after all, the "gubment's" list. Yeah. Good enough reason. July 8, 2013   Is Haiti relief from our government just being laundered to help dumborats? Considering the failure of the MILLIONS of OUR dollars that are going over there with little to NO accountability, I betcha' it's going elsewhere from what it's said to be doing. Where is a real investigation into this fraud? Why aren't the dumborats held accountable? July 8, 2013   Perry can run for re-election, just not prez. If Texas wants him again, okay with me. If he thinks he can be president, not okay with me. I don't approve of his Gardasil push because it took away parental rights and that is always wrong. UPDATE JUST POSTED: Perry is NOT running. No comment. July 8, 2013   Egypt going from bad to worse? When there is no solid, moral compass to guide those in power, the power is always used in a bad way (witness our prezidunce). Or, when the "moral compass" is corrupted via the religion it is based upon (would you want a government whose "guiding light" is satanism?), then the government can only be horrible. Either way, Egypt is not in a good way nor will they have much opportunity to get into a good way. July 8, 2013   More Americans on "food aid" than private sector employment. Tells you how effective thevileone's advertising and recruitment efforts are. It also says how badly he has impacted the employment possibilities of the American people. His goal is to destroy America and he's working hard to do so. July 8, 2013   This video made me so angry that I am having diffulculties typing. Does it do the same to you? July 8, 2013   This is what the rubio-stupido bill is allowing. It's wrong, but since when did that matter to the Senate and Congress? Term limits. We MUST institute term limits because the power brokers are those who have been there since time began. They are the ones who can promise things to the newbies and manipulate them. Put them in for no more than two terms each -- and no more -- and there will be no power brokers. Prior to this administration, I had never supported term limits for the House and Senate. Now I do. pelosipig and reid taught me that term limits are necessary. July 8, 2013   Our thoughts and prayers are with the SF airplane crash survivors and those who lost loved ones. What I don't understand is some folks' priorities. July 8, 2013   Strange break-in: someone covering tracks? July 8, 2013   If any of these immorals win, those who voted for them deserve what they get. And they will get, ifyouknowwhatImean. July 8, 2013   Laying even money that is will come true. Anyone doubt it? Because if you did, it's already happening. Boy, were you wrong. Never trust this administration! You CANNOT TRUST THEM. They are absolutely and totally UNTRUSTWORTHY. July 8, 2013   Going swimming or surfing in the ocean or Gulf? Either reconsider or keep your mouth closed. July 8, 2013   From this author's lips to reality, I hope. If bonehead boehner brings anything to the floor it will be a disaster for America. Let us hope that on ONE thing, at least, he has enough pressure on him (I can't say he has enough spine: we all know that's not available) to actually do the right thing and leave the immigration issue OUT of the House. July 8, 2013   Some people want Snowden in their country. I don't want Snowden to share any intelligence with a foreign country. If he told them that America was spying on them and proved it with some minor proof (recorded conversation containing gossip, or some such thing), that's fine with me. If, on the other hand, he revealed our military secrets, that's wrong. I do think he did the right thing in revealing to Americans that thevileone is spying on US. That's something that breaks our Constitution and should be stopped immediately (that info gathering place in Utah should burn to the ground), but foreign countries do not have constitutional rights so it doesn't bother me if they spied on our friends as long as our friends are spying on us. "Trust but verify" sound familiar? If our information was given to the foreign countries, then Snowden is a traitor as much as thevileone is, who also gives away our secrets as well as giving arms to our enemies. Which is the Constituion's definition of treason (See Article 3 Section 3). So who is the bigger traitor? thevileone. July 8, 2013   Thoughts and prayers... July 8, 2013   Rush is right about thevileone and student loan rates. thevileone and dumborats are using it as a campaign tool. July 8, 2013   thevileone: apparently he doesn't have to obey ANY laws. Not even those he allegedly wrote. After all, tyrants don't have laws that apply to them, they just have power. July 8, 2013   Malkin nails thevileone on his "transparency". BTW, Do you really want librarians helping you sign up for thevileone's healthcaretax? Do you want them knowing your medical info as they help you sign up? That's what will happen. Have AIDS but don't tell anyone? They'll know as they help you. Is that what they want? July 8, 2013   CBO looks at cost of caring for aging population. They report: "Assuming that informal caregivers provide care similar in value to that provided by home health aides, CBO estimates that the value of that care totaled approximately $234 billion in 2011 (see figure below). Because many informal caregivers must sacrifice time that might otherwise be spent earning a wage, the value of that care in terms of forgone wages could be even higher."When thevileone's healthcaretax kicks in fully and they take over the cost of people taking care of their loved ones at home (as that quote is referencing), that cost will transfer to the American taxpayers because it's going to be "free" healthcare and why would anyone want to provide home care for their Mom or Dad if they can get Mom and Dad FREE care and allow their own time to be used for what they want: a job, hobbies, etc.? Is thevileone's healthcaretax going to be sustainable with that being just one portion of the costs? Even if only half of the people who are providing home care for their loved ones transfer to thevileone's healthcaretax, that's still $116 BILLION in costs to us. Is that what you want? July 8, 2013   State Dept. official selling visas for sex. This is our national security FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE: not allowing those who are a danger to us to get access to American soil. So, sex was more important? Are your children safer under this administration? July 8, 2013   On that wonderful little safety blurb, I'll stop for today. Remember: YOU are your own best defense. Exercise your Second Amendment rights! (No matter what anyone threatens!) See ya'! (Oh, and "Happy Birthday!" to someone I love.) July 6, 2013: 10:53 a.m.   Spent yesterday in St. Augustine going to antique stores and showing my hubby some of the fun places my sons and I had discovered. We took him to get a cupcake at Luli's Cupcakes. Luli's does NOT endorse my website, my politics or anything else I stand for, but I endorse their cupcakes! I had to try their Strawberry Chocolate cupcake with Blueberry Frosting. YUMMM! Try any of their cupcakes and you'll be going to St. Augustine more often! (BTW: You can order them from their website. Chow down.) Now, on with the blurbs (I want another cupcake...). July 6, 2013   Judicial Watch gets records of how thevileone is gathering YOUR data. He's getting it without a warrant, making all that data gathering totally unconstitutional. Not that the Constitution matters to thevileone, but it should matter to the rest of us. This kind of action by the government is why the Founding Fathers wrote the Fourth Amendment: so that the government would have to get a warrant in order to gather information on, or investigate the people. Problem is, the Constitution only constrains those willing to uphold, defend and obey it. Which proves that this administration isn't worried about obeying the Constitution, or in doing anything else right, IMHO. July 6, 2013   Egypt in turmoil: thevileone doesn't know what to do.
Shock. Surprise. July 6, 2013   Anti-Americanism: up, up, up in Egypt. Sounds like it's going to be more trouble. July 6, 2013   TEA Party ready? Will the House, if they bring an immigration bill to the floor, have a fight on their hands? Opposition or not, the bonehead boehner led House is not listening to the Conservatives -- and the rest of America who doesn't like the illegal immigration amnesty push -- so I don't see anything stopping it. I HOPE I'm wrong. I HOPE I'm wrong. I HOPE I'm wrong, but I give myself a 80% chance of being right. July 6, 2013   BENGHAZI: Looking for Col. George Bristol for more information. It's time to get the TRUTH about BENGHAZI. It's time for us to know what thevileone knew, did, ordered, didn't do, didn't know, didn't order -- AND WHEN. Can Col. Bristol finally give us that TRUTH, or at least some of it? Let us hope so. July 6, 2013   thevileone has done this. ONLY 47% of American adults have full time jobs. I wonder if those who voted for him wanted that. July 6, 2013   thevileone supports the Muslim Brohood. I wonder: will he move to wherever they are still in control when he's finished destroying America? Or will he stay in the land he destroyed to enjoy his prowess? July 6, 2013   Study: Drones kill more civilians. Is that why thevileone wants to use them? July 6, 2013   Research confirms high taxes are bad for America. Surprisingly, it also effects the rest of the world as well (after all, our monies are intertwined nowadays). The results tell us that dumborats are WRONG (surprise!): "that raising marginal tax rates to resolve budget deficits comes at a high price and that a proportional across-the-board tax cut provides successful stimulus that does not necessarily lead to greater income concentration at the top."Lesson: dumborats are NEVER RIGHT about anything. July 6, 2013   A bit of irony for Saturday? July 6, 2013   "Peace and Tolerance" kills 30 children. When it happens here it's an outrage that gets "gun control" advocates all riled up. When Islamics do it, they ignore it and say it's all hunky-dorey with them. Double standards, anyone? July 6, 2013   Lerner wants immunity to testify. I say, "NO! No way." Let us start somewhere with holding this administration responsible for its actions. Let us start here and now: with Lerner and then going from her up the chain to thevileone and hold him responsible, too! They must be held responsible or they are given "special" rights and "special" is not acceptable within the confines of our U.S. Constitution. They are NOT SPECIAL: They are breaking the law. We do not give special rights to law-breakers! Hold them accountable. Make them pay the price for doing the WRONG thing to so many Americans! If we do NOT, "We, The People" shall pay the price in the future for letting them get away with it. It will be WE who are setting the precedence and the next tyrant will push ever further until WE have no rights whatsoever because we did NOT stand for them here and now! July 6, 2013   Deutschland enters dangerous territory for advertising. Remember back in the 1950s when we found out that there were hidden ads and messages in the things we watched? Remember that some movie theaters (drive-ins, too, back then) used to insert subliminal messages like "You're hungry" or "You're thirsty" in one frame in the middle of the film? Your brain would pick it up, although it was not something that "registered" as having been seen. That practice was stopped when it became known. Let us not do this. Imagine how it could be used. Telling people to "obey" would be handy for the government. Not a good thing. July 6, 2013   Pope: Marriage is one man/one woman. If he had said anything else, I -- and a whole lot of other folks -- would have been shocked. IF the Catholic Church ever comes out with a different stance it will be the end of the Catholic Church. Traditional marriage is a bulwark of the Church and if ever they came out in support of anything else, those who are in a traditional marriage and those who support it would have no choice but to leave the Church. Death would come swiftly. It would have to. July 6, 2013   Student loan interest rate doubles. Scared GOP rushes to kiss thevileone's backside. bonehead boehner scurries around like a mouse in the House. July 6, 2013   Seattle homosexuals: agree with us or we'll beat the snot out of you. Homosexual pride parade participants attack non-violent religious protesters. The message the homosexuals are giving: condone our sin or you'll be beaten. Shades of Sodom and Gomorrah. July 6, 2013   Great article about the Left's HATRED of America. Read it and learn; prepare yourself for more of the same and for worse. July 6, 2013   EXCELLENT! WI Governor signs bill requiring ultrasound BEFORE abortion (baby killing). The ultrasound usually shows the mother a living human baby and the truth usually makes a difference. The baby usually lives after an ultrasound prior to baby-killing-abortionists get to do their vile thing. It's a lifesaving step and if the law gets to stand (I'm sure it will be challenged by the hateful, evil beings that support baby killing, this bill will save thousands of lives. July 6, 2013   British empire no more? They've lost themselves to the kissing of Islam's butt and if they had a spine amongst them they would change their course. Any hope of that, considering Prince "I wanna' be a tampon" Charles is next in line? Puhlease. July 6, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: "Fiasco For the Ages"! Absolutely! Although, I think it is a very close second. In first place is thevileone's preziduncy! July 6, 2013   Fast & Furious gun kills another American law enforcement officer. thevileone should be charged as "accessory to murder". He provided the weapon for it. He should be charged! July 6, 2013   Brad Thor predicts bigger scandal than NSA. He predicted the NSA scandal in the novel he released last year. Now he says his new novel is featuring something that is even worse than the NSA thing. thevileone involved in stuff worse than spying on American citizens? Is anyone surprised? Not I. July 6, 2013   Do you know where your line is? I know where is mine: and it's not written in SAND, but in CEMENT. I will not back down. July 6, 2013   On that note, I shall leave for now. Until next time, have a great weekend and See ya'! July 4, 2013: INDEPENDENCE DAY!   I always do something special for certain holidays. Today, a poem for you to think about: "In the Times of In Between". GOD Bless America! July 3, 2013: 10:31 p.m.   Sorry about no updates yesterday. Decided to let the July 1st thing from rupe-a-dupe be foremost for a while. It was something that was important for YOU to know because I want you to look at the tactic she uses. rupester threatens to try to take away MY CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT because SHE deems me dangerous. SHE thinks SHE is fit to decide who gets to carry and who doesn't. SHE gets to choose who gets a concealed carry permit, NOT the STATE, not WE THE PEOPLE: SHE. Oh, HIGH AND MIGHTY SHE. How big of her to think she gets HER RIGHTS AND IS the ARBITER OF MY RIGHTS! REMEMBER THAT ATTITUDE. THAT'S WHO THIS WOMAN IS. Imagine her being District 1 County Commissioner? Puhlease! Take note, Brevard County. This is who she is!!! July 3, 2013: 10:57 p.m.   Tomorrow it's Independence Day. Remember to read the Declaration of Independence because it's what told England to go take a hike. And the U.S. Constitution because it's what started this GREAT LAND, AMERICA! Also, read the history of what our Founding Fathers gave for this country's founding. You may not have learned the TRUTH in public schools, but you can learn it here. Be sure to check out Michelle Malkin's Independence Day offering, too. Independence Day My husband, son and I read the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and all 27 Amendments out loud together today. I also read the two links I provided. Have you read our Founding Documents? July 3, 2013   The GSA wastes YOUR money. It's no surprise considering this administration. Isn't this all about the sort of standard the head of this administration is setting? This sort of thing didn't happen under G.W. Bush, G.H.W. Bush, Reagan, or others who had moral standards; not to this extent. Under this administration and the clintoons, it did and does. So what's the difference with this administration? Why are there so many instances of taxpayer dollar wasting in this administration? Remember; the leader sets the tone. That's why. July 3, 2013   Egypt's thevileone-approved leader: GONE. Muslim Brohood ousted, so who's next? Who will thevileone choose to endorse next, and for how long will that wrong person be in charge until they're ousted? After all, if thevileone approves, it can't be right. 91 examples of "Peace and Tolerance". July 3, 2013   The mark of a TRUE TYRANT: LAWS DEPEND UPON HIM. Just as with morondupe, all tyrants want to CONTROL YOU and everything you do; the laws that APPLY TO YOU AND WHEN they apply to THEMSELVES. Tyranny CONTROLS YOU and benefits itself. Has that anything to do with America? No. Read the links above. Learn. Then take back YOUR FREEDOM and YOUR RIGHTS! July 3, 2013   Certain people say that the things I say disrespect the Red House (used to be the White House until a Commie/Marxist moved in), so if that's disrespecting the Red House, what is calling it a "PRISON" on the "disrespect" scale? That's what msthevileone thinks it is: a "prison". With servants, cooks, staff, secretaries, hair and nail service, limos, Air Force 1, lobster and Kobe beef, tiramisu, champagne, etc., etc., etc. Yeah. Disrespect. July 3, 2013   Surprising link to autism. Something to consider if you're looking for a way to have a baby. July 3, 2013   PC gone WAY TOO FAR! This young man needs to be released. IT WAS A JOKE, idiots. Get over it. July 3, 2013   thevileone's priorities are TOTALLY SCREWED UP! Independence Day fireworks cancelled at military bases. But he gets to rack up $24 MILLION A.F. 1 bill in 2013 ALONE. Totally screwed up. Shock. Surprise. July 3, 2013   Fox News didn't want RUSH saying anything bad about the "Gang of July 3, 2013   Did they forget America? Would it surprise me if they did? July 3, 2013   Shockingly correct protest photos from Tahrir Square. They don't like thevileone any more than do I. How about that? Muslims and I agree on something. Miracles happen. July 3, 2013   Are you picking up the tab for this? It's something to find out. Do you really want others' unpaid bills to be charged to you? Is that what you work so hard for? July 3, 2013   Aaaaaahhhhhh... Public Schools -- again. July 3, 2013   That's enough for tonight. Taking the day off tomorrow to celebrate our Independence Day from England's rule. Let us remember that NO ONE FROM NOR IN England has any control over us. Let us celebrate that fact. Let us remember: AMERICA IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. CELEBRATE THAT! Enjoy your INDEPENDENCE DAY (NOT the Fourth of July: INDEPENDENCE Day!) and remember WHY WE CELEBRATE THIS DAY! Until next time, See ya'! July 1, 2013: 6:11 p.m.   Went to the podiatrist today to find out what is going on with my foot. He says it's not broken (good) but that I may have torn a nerve (neuropraxis) and it may take up to a year to heal (bad). He also thinks I may have torn a tendon on the top of my foot and ordered an MRI (No dye this time.). He also found that the pain on the bottom of my foot was from a different problem altogether: a pinched nerve between the "knuckles" of my third and fourth toes. He wants to give me some shots in my foot to fix that. Ouch. Came home with what I considered, overall, good news to find the following in my e-mail (sigh...) I inserted links to make it easy to find out to what she is referring, or with evidence to prove what I say is true, or with a contrasting website page to disprove what she says. Otherwise, the words, spelling and punctuation are exactly as received: "Subject: Pitiful"I've got better things to do tonight than to write back immediately, so I'll suffice it to say that it would help if rupester would learn to read and comprehend the English language that is allegedly her native tongue (she was born in England, after all!). I never said she had nude photos of herself -- I asked the question. It was she who brought up pornography and it was she who brought up other websites, not I. I only went where she led. Duh! And, how on earth can I come up with something that would be in HER POSSESSION? Other than that immediate guffaw, I will allow you to read for yourselves until I have the time to comment further [my response is here]; which, of course, I shall do. BTW, I'm glad she's not going to run for office again. It's a good thing. July 1, 2013   "I Charge Thee..." is my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com (the magazine rupester is referencing, above). It may make you take a second look at what thevileone is doing to our country; especially needed during our observance of our Independence Day celebrations of our freedom from England's rule! July 1, 2013   Pray for the families of the 19 firefighters who gave all. Heroes gone. July 1, 2013   Friends of thevileone got special treatment: of course. Breaking the rules and the law are no biggie for him and his buds. It's just another day in their own personal paradises. July 1, 2013   July 1, 2013   The DOMA ruling, thevileone's healthcaretax; any surprise? Do the numbers say anything about the way America is reacting to what America envisions its future to be? Or do they just reflect libs not happy that they didn't go far enough? July 1, 2013   Remember the guys in front of the polling place with clubs? One of them got BUSTED on gun charges. I thought the left didn't like guns. July 1, 2013   Another BAD idea from a dumborat. Why is that news? July 1, 2013   Wind energy: MURDERER! A turbine killed a rare bird as bird watchers and biologists watched. Scotland is now short one White-throated Needletail. Choices have to be made and I guess this proves they've made theirs. July 1, 2013   Spying's not unusual, ketchup kerry says. But it is unusual to be so very bad at it that you get caught -- worldwide caught? Or is that something no one would have known about if it weren't for Snowden telling the truth? Personally, I think the truth is best. I'm not thrilled if Snowden is giving away other secrets (nuclear numbers, etc.), but for this sort of thing? Not a problem. Let's all hope someone will do something to help make D.C. a more honest place. July 1, 2013   Lefties: tone deaf, dumb as rocks and opportunistic. But I repeat myself. July 1, 2013   Jihadists use TOR against us. It's paid for by taxpayer dollars. It's more secure than other choices. It's a good place to plan to kill us. So that's why we're funding it! July 1, 2013   Something's wrong with this... can't quite put my finger on what... (Sarcasm, of course.) July 1, 2013   Windy City cop arrested 4 times in 7 yrs still working; $80K annually. Check out the graphic on this one. That's the Mayor (capable of firing cops) thumbing his nose at everyone. Shock? July 1, 2013   I warned you that thevileone's helathcaretax would destroy your budget: July 1, 2013   Don't kiss FL cops against their wills. Where their wills are located on their bodies, I have no idea! Just don't kiss them there! July 1, 2013   Hamsterworld just got a little less green. What a stunner, eh? Amazing. We "flat earthers" have been right all along. No surprise, really. July 1, 2013   I LOVE THIS! If CO doesn't want their business, fine. They'll leave. But they'll raise money to recall the politicians who didn't want their business as they go! Excellent! July 1, 2013   Wildlife conservation efforts to be monitored by National Security Advisor? Wildlife and National Security? Really? What's he going to do, use the wildlife to feed our hungry troops? It would be worth it to me, but the NSA and Wildlife conservation? Really? Unless they're planning on putting little bitty cameras on their little feet and ears to monitor everyone taking a picture of the wildlife, or to use buffalo, coyotes and mule dear to watch border crossings. Maybe that's an option. July 1, 2013   Manufacturing down to lowest levels in four years. thevileone's policies have done that to America. Get thevileone out of office, things start looking up. Unless, of course, you put hillclintoon or someone just as left in the Red House to replace him. Then America is doomed. July 1, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" gang rapes another female reporter: N.O.W. not speaking out. When will news agencies realize that PC is not as important as protecting the women who work for them? Common sense says that you don't send a woman to a volatile situation when it concerns Islamic men in mass quantities. Common sense says "Don't do it!" But, no. PC trumps common sense and women get gang raped because PC doesn't have a conscience. Where is the outrage? Where is the outcry? Where is the N.O.W. standing up for the women who have gone through this themselves? Oh. I forgot. They don't give a rat's patutti about the women. They care about power. July 1, 2013   There's nothing "casual" about the most intimate act two people can do together. It's a good idea to stay pure and celibate until your wedding night. It's a good idea to protect yourself from the hurt, doubts, recriminations and psychological damages that could be done from engaging in what is now commonly called "casual sex" or "hooking up". It's not good for you. We straight-laced Bible thumpers were right about that all along. July 1, 2013   An example of what kind of info ON YOU thevileone is collecting. Do you really want the government to know this? Think about the implications. July 1, 2013   Exactly. maddow is a madcow. July 1, 2013   On that wonderful note I'll close for now. By the end of this week I'll get my response to rupester-dupester posted and, of course, she won't like it. Boo. Hoo. For. Her. Until next time, See ya'! June 2013 June 29, 2013: 4:18 p.m.   A rare Saturday update. Just a few blurbs because I have so many things to do today. I just couldn't resist making sure you saw some of this tyranny. June 29, 2013   Tyrrany: Arrested & jailed for buying bottled water. It was all a mistake, but the feds pointed guns at the girls and scared the puddin' out of them. What ridiculousness. June 29, 2013   Friend of Tyranny, Facebook blocked Fox commentor. For a comment about a song about Jesus saves, a Gideon Bible, and drinking tea, among other things. Amazing. June 29, 2013   Canadian Tyranny: guns confiscated after flood. Shades of Hurricane Katrina? June 29, 2013   Tyranny: This guy wants to ban "everything" that could hurt anyone. Does that include clothing, hands, feet, mouths, arms, legs? Clothing can be used to strangle or suffocate people. Hands can strangle, punch, hit; feet kick, stomp; arms choke hold; legs knee groins. So... How do we satisfy this clown? Tyranny. June 29, 2013   Tyranny: thevileone forces the issue via "Executive Orders". The newest hamster is running quickly on that wheel. Getting more votes and supporters from the left, no doubt. June 29, 2013   Tyranny: DO[IN]J defunds youth programs that reference GOD. Where does the DO[IN]J think the very idea of and principles for "JUSTICE" comes from? GOD! That's from where they come! But, no. Take all references away, breaking the historic record of our nation and delete GOD from as much of it as you can, erasing our Christian heritage. Disgraceful. June 29, 2013   Moron. June 29, 2013   I agree with Sarah Palin. She's absolutely correct. Sarah may be joining me in leaving political parties behind! I'll be in good company. June 29, 2013   On that note, I shall close for today. Other things call to me to be finished and I have to focus on those. I will update late on Monday due to a doctor's appointment. I have to go see if I've been walking on a broken foot for two months. Fun, huh? So until next time, See ya'! June 28, 2013: 3:55 p.m.   What about your children's personal data? Now thevileone wants it, too. Is that what you want? Do you think it's YOUR RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY to protect your child and his/her information? If so, then you need to fight this. June 28, 2013: 9:30 a.m.   thevileone collected -- WITHOUT A WARRANT -- American citizens' financial data. These are NOT the actions of a president sworn to "uphold and defend" the U.S. Constitution. These are the actions of a dictator trying to find something to use against its citizens -- no matter what thevileone has to do to get the info. Break the Constitution? Sure. It's only been in the way of his desires anyways. Laws? What laws? He has no laws that govern him, he's the BOSS. He has no laws that govern the guy in charge. Right and wrong? He couldn't spell the words -- or read them if they're written in cursive. That's the prezidunce we have -- a DICTATOR who cares not about YOUR rights and the law, as long as he can do as he wishes, the rest of us be da**ed. June 28, 2013   Do you go to an NFL or NBA game to watch thevileone's healthcaretax be promoted? That's what the HHS -- Sebelius -- wants to happen. She wants to use popular sports events to help push thevileone's healthcaretax. Don't go to watch the game, go to see your taxpayer dollars at work. Right. What is actually happening is that she's trying to reach a certain audience and she thinks that a sports event is the venue to reach that audience. Think about who watches and goes to those games. Who aspires to play for the NFL and NBA? Then think about thevileone's healthcaretax push. What target is there in that field? Yep. You got it. This administration is nothing if not sneaky and underhanded. June 28, 2013   You're paying for the mom-in-law to go along. I don't see mom-in-laws mentioned in the U.S. Constitution as being part of the deal, do you? June 28, 2013   100%. 100% of TEA Party groups were targeted by the IRS. Is that right? Is that what is supposed to happen in America? This administration is so corrupt that it needs to be disbanded totally. People in this administration need to be in PRISON for breaking almost every law we have! Let's start with thevileone because he does the most and he orders the rest! June 28, 2013   Vatican official accused of corruption. Woops! Time to clean out the Vatican? BTW, when did GOD or Jesus Christ order the Church to get rich? ($10 to $15 BILLION?!!!) Ever see the Vatican and its properties: art, tapestries, sculptures, gold? Hmmm? Just askin'. June 28, 2013   bonehead boehner taking heat. Good! Keep it up! Call him and tell him to DO NOTHING with immigration -- no bills, no votes, no discussions in committees, NOTHING -- for the next 3.5 years until thevileone is out of office. Tell him to -- for a change -- do the right thing and LISTEN TO AMERICAN CITIZENS and NOT illegal immigrants who are NOT CITIZENS! Tell him to man up! Call him at (202) 225-0600 and tell him to DO NOTHING with immigration! Better to let the Senate's errroneous bill die in the House than to counter it with anything: good, bad, or indifferent. The Senate's bill was awful; pork-pork-porkie-pork riddled and ridiculous. Let us not have the House do something just as bad. June 28, 2013   Paula Deen: WINNING! June 28, 2013   thevileone SUPPORTS JIHAD AGAINST AMERICA. Is this the kind of president we want? We have someone in the Red House who HATES AMERICA. Shouldn't we change that A.S.A.P.? When will we stand up? Who will be the one who has the courage to take him into custody, place him under arrest and charge him with treason? Who? June 28, 2013   pelosipig says "Celebrate thevileone's healthcaretax on July 4th. Forget Independence Day and our freedom from tyrannical British rule -- we've allowed ourselves to be under tyrannical rule again; this time from thevileone -- and instead of FREEDOM (what we USED TO HAVE), we should celebrate being under MORE TYRANNY! This from the former Speaker of the House! Really? Do you want that to be Speaker of the House again? Remember: Speaker of the House is SECOND IN LINE to the Oval Office if something happens to a president. Yeah. You want pelosipig to be Speaker again, considering her statements and her past actions as Speaker (remember Speaker One; her private, U.S. Air Force taxpayer paid-for airplane that she abused)? Yeah. Not. June 28, 2013   Hundreds of weapons unaccounted for. This administration hasn't a clue for so much of its responsibilities. Now handguns, rifles and even automatic weapons are missing and they don't know what happened to them. Check the Muslim Brohood. Can they tell us? June 28, 2013   Is this idea something for Florida to consider? Getting the feds out of Florida is a good idea. The less influence and control D.C. has in our lives, the better! June 28, 2013   Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. June 28, 2013   Good for MagPul Industries! If a state doesn't support the 2nd Amendment, they don't support its citizens' rights. MagPul Industries getting out of CO is a good thing. Maybe they should move to FL? Jobs are needed. June 28, 2013   I love Chick-Fil-A's CEO. As a Christian and a supporter of Free Speech (1st Amendment), I think he's right on the money. June 28, 2013   thevileone likes a "national ID card" program. Sounds like more bad things for America coming from thevileone. How much of our personal info will he already have on those IDs without us having to tell him? NSA, anyone? Speaking of thevileone, here's a funny for you. June 28, 2013   Senators didn't listen to the Black American Leadership Alliance in passing the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION bill. That's a bad mistake. June 28, 2013   Really? Really? It's like the Nobel Prize for thevileone. And, remember this if Jeb Bush decides to run in 2016. We don't need another RINO anywhere NEAR power. NO hillclintoon, NO JEB BUSH! June 28, 2013   "Climate Change" will create jobs? Solyndra, LightSquared, A123 Industries...? The list goes on and on and on of the "green" industries that have gone under and left people unemployed! How on earth does anything to do with a falsified tale of climage change create jobs when the TRUTH is coming out now? DUH! June 28, 2013   Tsarnaev indicted: 30 counts against him. I think there's more to this story. I have never believed that the two brothers acted alone. They had help from somewhere: Muslim Brohood, CAIR, someone. This was not two young men's doing. It was better planned than the inexperienced two could do. Who helped them and will that information come out at trial? Will there be a trial or will Tsarnaev plead guilty and abort all efforts to get more info out of him? We'll see. I bet one thing will happen, though. This administration won't make an effort to find out more. The FBI's killing of one of their friends has stopped all of that. Hear anything more of the brothers' associates being questioned? So was the Orlando man a sacrificial lamb? Just asking. June 28, 2013   If my boys were young, I would never let them watch Sesame Street again. This is something you won't have to worry about if you let your kids watch Veggie Talkes instead of S.S. Parents, protect your kids. June 28, 2013   More "Peace and Tolerance" from Islam. If you want to keep an eye on the TRUTH of Islam, check out "The Religion of Peace.com", Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs, Jihad Watch.org, and Stop Islamization of America.us. The numbers are astounding: 21,134 DEADLY ATTACKS BY ISLAMISTS since 9/11/2001. Twenty-one THOUSAND. "Peace"? June 28, 2013   With that amazing blurb, I shall close for now. Call bonehead boehner at (202) 225-0600 and tell him NO IMMIGRATION BILLS! Until next time, See ya'! June 27, 2013: 9:31 p.m.   Late start due to spending time with my sons. They are one of my four addictions: GOD, Country, My Kids, chocolate. Well, the chocolate one I'm trying to overcome. The rest can stay. Since I'm starting so late, I'll only do a few that I think are important or interesting; or maybe amusing. We'll see. june 27, 2013   Laura Ingraham performs one question smack-down of pro-baby-killer. I doubt the baby-killer will feel it for long. Those without a conscience always move on quickly. June 27, 2013   Nuclear secrets stolen from Los Alamos; sold to our enemies. Feel safer? June 27, 2013   FOURTEEN REPUBLICANS SHOULD BE OUT OF OFFICE AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE CHANCE OF CHANGE. They voted for the "Gang of Eight" illegal immigration bill that penalizes US for being American Citizens via giving blanket amnesty and SPECIAL TREATMENT to illegal aliens who break the law to cross our border and live here. The fourteen Republicans who voted FOR the bill:
June 27, 2013   bonehead boehner says House won't negotiate with Senate over bill. Anyone believe him? I don't. If you don't call any Senators, CALL bonehead boehner and tell him to NOT PASS ANY ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION BILLS WHATSOEVER! Tell him to NOT even bring it up. Call bonehead boehner at (202) 225-0600 and tell him to NOT PLAY THE GAME AND TO KEEP AMNESTY OUT OF THE HOUSE! June 27, 2013   Mexico needs to shut up. They KIDNAP people and use them for blackmailing America. What do they know about human rights? Morons. June 27, 2013   FREE SPEECH in a flag. I like this guy's creativity! June 27, 2013   Tax your food so you'll watch what you eat. Is this America? Since when does the government get to tell us what to eat and what not to eat? Oh, that's right. thevileone's healthcaretax is going to do that. I suppose the tax on Twinkies and other fattening foods is going to be acceptable and the government is going to go ahead with it. Sorry. You have no choice. June 27, 2013   IRS is AS CORRUPT AS CORRUPT CAN BE. And they watch US? Why can't we fire them all and start over? We should have a PROGRESSIVE FLAT TAX, lowest rate for the poorest at 4%, everyone pays something; then we got to 6% for middle income; 8% for those making $5 to $10 million annually in ANY way, shape, or form; then 10% for everyone making over $10 million annually, in any way, shape, or form. That's how to keep the IRS small, make sure EVERYONE PAYS something, and to keep taxpayer costs down. GOD takes only 10%, so the government shouldn't get more. If the poorest people pay, too, then they have a stake in keeping costs down for welfare, food stamps, etc. Get rid of the current IRS employees and start over, clean slate. June 27, 2013   If this is the best they can do... For a "star" witness, she isn't shining so bright. I'm sorry. But it's true. She signed a letter she didn't write and can't read because it's in cursive! Aaaahhhh... public schools! She's a SENIOR in public schools and can neither read nor write in cursive? Really? Shining star. Great schools! She also doesn't think "cracker" is a derogatory term. Amazing. June 27, 2013   I'm finished for today. I have to go find my cat. She's stuck somewhere. Until tomorrow, See ya'! June 26, 2013: 12:07 p.m.   I just got the most irritating thing delivered to me via FedEx. FedEx for junk mail asking me to refinance our home through a government program. I was astonished. I immediately contacted the agency that sent us the solicitation and told them to take me off their list of people to send such solicitations to for any and all government programs because I refuse to let the government have anything at all to do with our mortgage. Knowing this administration they'd try to tell me that I couldn't paint my house this color or that; they'd tell me I couldn't have certain of my pets; or that I couldn't have internet access while I have my mortgage through this program. I refuse to do a government refinance program even if it costs us more to pay off our mortgage. I'd rather stand my ground and pay more and have the freedom of knowing it's not under the control of thevileone than to have thevileone anywhere near my mortgage and controlling it. Some may say that it's cutting off my nose to spite my face, but I don't think that is the case. Considering the amount of "Executive Orders" thevileone is spewing forth when will he decided to nationalize all those mortgages that have accepted government refinances? If he decided to do that, he could make your house someone else's house at his discretion and his whim. Better safe than sorry with this admin and if I had to get another job to enable us to stay out of a government program, so be it. My house. My property. My way. thevileone has no say. June 26, 2013   No watchdogs in gov. agencies; thevileone lets them play. That's part of what is happening in our government. There is no oversight. It's as if Mom and Dad are gone shopping all day and the kiddies at home are breaking all of the rules because Mom and Dad didn't hire a babysitter. When thevileone takes taxpayer dollars as his friends' personal entertainment expenses, that's a total waste of taxpayer dollars. But that doesn't matter to thevileone. He wants to destroy America and all she stands for and wasting more of YOUR money is one way he's accomplishing that goal. June 26, 2013   scotUS strikes down DOMA. Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is gone. It's not considered important enough to what used to be the "Supreme" court to defend traditional marriage. What the court is doing is not a good thing. I no longer respect the scotUS (as you can tell by the lack of caps) and I doubt they would do anything to stop thevileone in his goal to destroy America. They'd probably now rule in his favor even if he wrote an Executive Order that all white heterosexual males shot on Sep. 1st., the "scotUS" would now find a way to find that legal and approve of it. GOD save America. June 26, 2013   Another waste of taxpayer dollars: a mouse this time. Is there nothing they won't waste our money on? June 26, 2013   They're all over NYC and coming soon to a yard near you! Privacy? What's that? Living without searches in your own home? What's that? Rights? What are those? thevileone is in control; the Constitution be darned. June 26, 2013   Another dumb as a rock dumborat in the U.S. Senate. Thanks for nothing, Massachusetts. June 26, 2013   More "Executive Orders" (read "TYRANNY") to "save the planet". thevileone joins the Hamster Brigade, not because he believes in what he's doing, but because it's another control lever and his "Executive Orders" (read TYRANNY) can help destroy America. Don't believe me? Name ONE THING he has done that has not -- in the long run -- had a NEGATIVE impact on America, on our freedom, on our finances, on the deficit and debt, on our freedom, on our healthcare industry, on our economy. NAME ONE without a NEGATIVE impact. One. June 26, 2013   Another supporter of thevileone thrown under the bus. For what reason? After doing all kinds of things for "minorities", and donating loads of money to thevileone, she is called a racist because she used the "N" word years ago. You know what? I used to call Brazil nuts a "N-toe" because that's what they were called when I was a kid. I didn't know the correct name until I was in my mid-twenties. (There was no internet back then and I didn't think to look it up in an Encyclopedia. Are they listed as both in there?) Does that make me a racist? No. It makes me someone who used the term for something that was the popular term at the time. The same is true of Paula Deen. When I was a kid "Negro" was the correct word for black people. Now it's supposed to be "African-American", but I refuse to use that unless everyone calls me Bohemian-Cherokee-British-Irish-American and I mean EVERY time they want to refer to me. Hey, use the same standards, okay? In today's society throwing people under the bus is as easy as blinking; as as frequent. When did we get so darn touchy? Man up! June 26, 2013   The people of China are getting a bit unruly. Why is it that as thevileone makes America decline, the people of China -- who have been under tyranny for many, many years -- are getting bolder and braver and are standing up to their tyrannical government more and more? Can we follow their lead, please? June 26, 2013   Our troops are being sent to help Islam again. Question for you to consider: IF a Christian country existed -- say, if England were a really Christian country -- and they needed our assistance -- militarilly or otherwise -- would thevileone go to their assistance as he has all of the Islamic nations? Personally, I seriously doubt it. He's no more a Christian than the earth is flat. June 26, 2013   The IRS WASTED $2.4 MILLION on a PARTY for themselves. They bought wine and porn WITH YOUR MONEY! They bought kazoos, stuffed animals and Nerf footballs WITH YOUR MONEY! Then their high-muckety-mucks refuse to tell the truth about it. They plead the Fifth Amendment so that they don't have to admit to wrongdoing. Then, to top it all off, they give their buddies $500 MILLION in IRS contracts! Remember, these are the people who will be administrating thevileone's healthcaretax and deciding what is "best" for you and your health. They'll be choosing who gets to live and who gets to die. Consider what is in this paragraph alone -- waste of taxpayer dollars (how many lives could have been saved with $2.4 MILLION?), giving their buddies contracts -- who will get health care treatment, who will live and who will be allowed to DIE? June 26, 2013   I agree with Sarah Palin: rubiot-stupido and ayotte should be run out of office on a rail. What do they have on rubio-stupido that they can control him so thoroughly? Is that the way you want your life to be run? Remember all of those NSA files being collected by thevileone? Is that how you want to live your life? Is that what happened to rubio-stupido? June 26, 2013   Well the storm is here and I shut down when it's that close and sounds scary. So, until next time, See ya'! June 25, 2013: 11:35 a.m.   Sorry I missed so many days. As I said previously, Saturdays are filling up with the things I need to get done around the house -- including working on my sculpture with help from my hubby (thus the Saturday work) -- and I was only at my computer for a little while Saturday. Sunday I checked my e-mail and then got offline; maybe twenty-five minutes online and I don't do updates on Sundays anyways. Then I had jury duty on Monday. I had to be in Viera at 8:00 a.m. Argh. I hate mornings. I made it in time, checked in and wondered if they were going to bother me about not filling in all of the info on the questionnaire. I didn't answer the really personal questions: Are you married, singled, divorced, widowed? How many people live in your house and what are their ages? What is your spouse's name, occupation, the employer's address? Those kinds of questions. I did give them my phone number because it had changed and if they needed to contact me for a jury thing, I thought that was necessary. I did tell them that I was a resident of Brevard County (but not for how long) and I did tell them I was a U.S. Citizen. I also told them that I was related to a cop, had been the victim of a crime (our house was burglarized years ago), I never sued anyone (although tempted sorely), I've never been sued (although threatened at least nine times; 7 by her, once each by two others), and I'm not a convicted felon. I felt those quesitons were pertinent to any case that anyone can serve as juror. I was not chosen for being on a jury (maybe because I was related to a cop; don't know), and I was released to go at 11:30 a.m. It was an interesting time. Judge Majeed was very good and his instructive little talk was rather Conservative-leaning, IMHO. I liked that. Now that you know what I've been up to, on with the blurbs. June 25, 2013   Almost forgot: "The N.O.W.'s Wrong-Headedness" is my latest Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com article. Enjoy! June 25, 2013   scotUS says "update data you use" to Congress so that Congress can consider whether the Southern states are still discriminating in vote districting. Yeah. They actually said to use something that is not forty years old. Amazing to think that the Congress would have to get told by the scotUS to use more up-to-date info. Wouldn't they want to do so? Oh, that's right. No, they wouldn't. It would be un-PC to do so and it would take away some of their control. June 25, 2013   Army sergeant who rampaged through Afghanistan village took malaria drug before rampage. He took it outside of its prescribed doses and: "This is why in 2009 the DOD removed mefloquine as the drug of choice in the treatment of malaria. Furthermore, the drug is specifically prohibited in the treatment of patients with head injuries, and in particular, a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is also contraindicated for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Bales reportedly suffered a traumatic brain injury in Iraq in 2010. If so, DOD policy would have prohibited administration of the drug to Bales."So, is the Army at fault for the rampage and murder of 16 Afghanistan civilians or is it all on Bales? I think the Army has some culpability here. June 25, 2013   DH[IN]S admits system they used INEFFECTIVE; after spending $1 BILLION. That's Taxpayer Dollars that it spent on an ineffective system. That's a total waste of YOUR money. It's just amazing how POORLY the DH[IN]S is run, isn't it? Yet, these are the folks who have enough ammo to shoot each of us 10 times. Isn't that a comforting thought? June 25, 2013   Senate -- TRAITORS -- move to pass "Gang of 8" illegal amnesty discriminatory bill. The law breaks our U.S. Constitution. In it, they stuffed it with pork for dumborat districts, they "incentivise" employers to fire Americans & hire illegals, and they subsidize vehicles for "youths". They refuse to complete the border security fence, the CBO "miscalculated" the financial impacts of the bill, and thevileone supports all of this because he has always tried to destroy America. He hates America! Of course! They give illegals free passes on forgeries of social security cards, lying on employment apps, etc., but if you and I did the things they get a free pass on, we'd be jailed and/or fined. That's discrimination based upon citizenship. I think we should SUE the Senate for discriminating against US, the Citizens of America (natural born citizens especially have a case), and we need to STOP THIS BILL IN ITS TRACKS VIA THE COURTS. That's what others do. Why don't we, Natural Born Citizens of America, have the same spine? Stand up, America! June 25, 2013   IRS sent over $46 MILLION in TAX REFUNDS TO ALIENS at ONE ADDRESS in Atlanta. That's YOUR money, folks. That's how good the IRS is. It's also how CORRUPT this administration is. They knew what was happening. After all, "thousands" of returns to the same address, and they didn't know? Puhlease. Remember: THEY get to administer thevileone's healthcaretax. Feel better now? June 25, 2013   Corzine (d) facing charges? How much you wanna' bet he'll be let off with a slap on the wrist? After all, there is a (d) after his name. June 25, 2013   rubio-stupido support hitting rock bottom among Republicans. Rightly so, and not surprising. Did he actually expect something else? Considering the list of things that are wrong with the bill (see above), how could ANY TRUE CONSERVATIVE support this thing? I SUPPORT LEGAL IMMIGRATION; this amnesty bill is crap! If rubio-stupido expected us to continue supporting him through his push of this wrong-headed bill, he's certainly earned his new nickname! June 25, 2013   bonehead boehner is earning his nickname every day. This isn't helping him, either. But, he's got no brain with which to think things through, so it's no surprise. June 25, 2013   thevileone skirts Congress again. Considering how many times he has done so he is a TYRANT, not a president. He's a KING, not a president. He's a DICTATOR, not a president. He's doing everything he wants and no one is even trying to stop him. There is NO separation of powers because he has taken it all. He is totally in control because the Congress and House and scotUS are supposed to keep him in check: but that requires a SPINE. Our country is being destroyed by thevileone because no one else has a spine. Isn't that what we want? Isn't that what we voted for? Amazing. June 25, 2013   If thevileone was truly a Christian, would he support the Muslim Brohood? Would he tell Christians to NOT PROTEST the Muslim Brohood in Egypt? Would he try to destroy America as he is succeeding to do? Would he do ANYTHING he has done? Really? June 25, 2013   Issa issuing BENGHAZI subpoenas. GOOD! It's about time and it's time to make sure that EVERY person who testifies is UNDER OATH. Swear them ALL in, make sure they know that they will face prosecution for lying under oath (perjury) and that you will go forward with prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Or, don't bother calling them and just sweep it under the rug as thevileone and dumborats desire. After all, if you're not going to get the truth, why waste the taxpayer's money? June 25, 2013   Baptists in bed with Muslim Brohood? What is YOUR religion/church doing to stand up for AMERICA? Or is it sitting on its hands and supporting wrong via silence? Is that what you want to support with your tithes and offerings? June 25, 2013   Texas is trying to ban abortion after 20 weeks, dumborat wants to block via fillibuster. Texas is trying to do the right thing; of course a dumborat is trying to block doing the right thing! June 25, 2013   dumborat admits to being despicable. Not really. He just admitted he used despicable means to do something. Using the families of the Newton tragedy is not a good thing. Why do dumborats think it's okay to do that? June 25, 2013   Public school named after thevileone reports rape. June 25, 2013   Bono professes Jesus as Son of God. Wow. That's a surprise to me. It's good, don't get me wrong. It's excellent! But I'm surprised. Of course, I don't know anything about him or his music except that I don't listen to it. June 25, 2013   CA intruder killed after beating man's son and the police are investigating the guy who was protecting his son! Amazing. So glad I don't live in CA anymore! June 25, 2013   NOW is the time go buy an AR-15. The prices have dropped because the panic buying is over. Now go buy that AR-15 and you can save some money and have your AR-15, too! IF you can find ammo for it, that's even better! June 25, 2013   I thought the taliban had agreed to talk with thevileone's representatives & stop their aggressions. So much for that agreement. June 25, 2013   So I'll stop for now. I am sorry for having missed yesterday. I was so tired when I got home because I didn't sleep much Sunday night. I imagined having to explain why I didn't answer the invasive questions and standing up for my Constitutional rights so much that I didn't get to sleep until after 2:15 a.m., and got up at 5:15 a.m. I came home, changed clothes and talked to my son for a while, then fell asleep for a few hours. That always messes up my head because I don't nap. I hate napping. It's boring. But sometimes I apparently need a nap and yesterday was one of those days! So until next time, See ya'! June 21, 2013: 9:12 a.m.   Spokeskid, jay carney, dodges 9,486 questions during press conferences. Why bother having a press conference -- ostensibly to answer questions -- if you're going to refuse to answer? This administration can't get anything right, can it? June 21, 2013   You ARE under surveillance. Like it or not, constitutional or not, YOU ARE under surveillance and there's nothing the courts are doing to stop it. We ARE LIVING IN BIG BROTHER TIMES. The government is watching your every move. They've been watching for a LONG time. And there's nothing you can do about it? OR is there....? June 21, 2013   States standing up and defending their rights; and their citizens' rights! I do hope FL is one of them! June 21, 2013   BENGHAZI photos declassified and released to a British newspaper? Why aren't these in an American paper? Is it because the British papers are still doing their jobs in uncovering the truth about our government and publishing it and our papers refuse to do so? Or is it because this administration hopes the public won't see the BENGHAZI pics if released overseas? June 21, 2013   Don't listen to rap music? Gov isn't "engaging" you. I'd stay as far away from rap as humanly possible. Don't like the stuff in the first place. Don't want a government message in my music in the second. How much of our TAXPAYER DOLLARS are going to be spent on this project? Amazing. Add to that the fact that they're asking the NBA -- NBA! -- to push thevileone's healthcaretax. Is there anything this administration won't use to sway the low information voters? Anything they won't do to brainwash folks? June 21, 2013   Riiiiggghhhhttt.... This will be a bunch of lies from thevileone. I seriously doubt any truth at all will escape his lips. If he had to introduce himself he'd have difficulties telling them his real name. June 21, 2013   Assassin now Iranian president-elect. I suppose that's a "moderate" for the Middle East, considering their history. (Saddam Hussein and his sons, anyone?) June 21, 2013   Liberal women are SO STUPID! Which would Chelsea Clintoon have wanted her grandmother to abort: her two uncles, or her mother -- in which case Chelsea would never have been around to be so stupid. June 21, 2013   bumbling biden hasn't a clue when it comes to WWJD. bumbler took his miniscule brain cell (just the ONE he had) out and played with it until he lost it years ago. June 21, 2013   Penguin in space...! So cool. I'm loving Hubble. It picks up some really great things. June 21, 2013   States that don't stand for gun rights lose gun manufacturers. Makes sense to me. Wish Beretta would move to northern Brevard County. I would love to work there. Employee discounts are a good way to save money on purchases! June 21, 2013   dumborat asks FBI to stop publicizing faces of global terrorists because it is: "'not only offensive to Muslims and ethnic minorities, but it encourages racial and religious profiling,' McDermott claims."Moron. It doesn't matter that someone could actually spot one of the people whose face is being publicized and contact the FBI and help CATCH A TERRORIST. What matters is "profiling". Oooohhh.... PC is such a harsh taskmaster. June 21, 2013   Is the NRA exposing a liar? I'll let you decide. June 21, 2013   AZ election ruling in scotUS changes state plans. It's time the states stand up and find a way to make sure their elections are not corrupted. One way or another, integrity in elections is a MUST. Otherwise, if our elections are stolen from us via fraud, multiple votes from one person, illegals voting, etc., then why bother having an election? Why not just hand it to the party who is going to cheat the most (i.e. the dumborats)? Election integrity is IMPERATIVE. June 21, 2013   I STAND WITH ISRAEL. Sign the petition to show you do, too. June 21, 2013   Hagia Sofia to become mosque. That's not just sad, it's wrong: "Because Hagia Sophia—Greek for “Holy Wisdom”—was for some thousand years Christianity’s greatest cathedral."Wiping out Christianity's history in Turkey is a bad thing. It's not live side-by-side in peace and respect when it comes to living with Islam. It is "Islam ONLY" and no matter who you are, what your history, everything else shall be wiped out and obliterated. Turkey is losing. The world is losing. Islam only. Is America next? June 21, 2013   thevileone says you're a threat to the environment. Since when did thevileone become a hamster? Don't know. He's just using another convenient excuse to control you. Fight back. June 21, 2013   DH[IN]S trains for a terrorist group: "a fictional group called the Free America Citizens, described as “a home-grown cadre of militiamen whose logo would be a metal skull wearing an Uncle Sam hat and a furious expression.”They spent $200,000 to do this. Why? Why are they training to fight US, instead of actual terrorists? Remember all of those bullets the DH[IN]S bought? Need I say more? June 21, 2013   Media biased FAVORABLY to "gay marriage"? Shock. Surprise. June 21, 2013   With that wonderful news, I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 20, 2013: 2:20 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I was gone most of the day again. Went to my hubby's doctor's appointment with him and while there, got my foot X-rayed and blood work done. Switching back to military care is no fun. They try to get all up in your business. I just stand my ground and say "Nope" to things I don't want. After that we got something to eat about 2:20 p.m. because I had to be fasting for the blood work. Long time without food, but not too bad. I've done 28 days as a fast (liquids only: no solid food), and that's a lot longer than sixteen hours! Anyways, after that we spent the day together and did some errands and some shopping. It was fun. Now, on with the blurbs. June 20, 2013   If your church has been following this group's lead, they've been following soros. Isn't it nice to know that your pastor doesn't do his homework? Supporting legal immigrants is fine; supporting the LAW is better. No one should be able to benefit from breaking the law: illegal immigrants included. It's a disservice to those who come here legally and to our country. Did your church support this because the illegal immigrants are people too? Awww... What misconstrued empathy. Really look into the Bible and you find the words, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's...". That's OBEYING THE LAW. In obeying the law for immigration, immigrants would be obeying the Lord, too. We have laws that govern immigration. The illegals are breaking the Lord's commands when they break our laws and cross our borders illegally. Do you support someone breaking GOD's rules; sinning? If so, you and your church may wish to rethink that. If you stand with that sin, how can you stand AGAINST any? June 20, 2013   Catholic churches don't like thevileone. They have a lot of good reasons to not like thevileone. Problem is, where to start with the list? June 20, 2013   I like this idea. We could do this. June 20, 2013   LaRaza - an America-hating org. - got $40 MILLION taxpayer dollars that were allegedly set aside for housing for minorities. Isn't that wonderful? (Sarcasm.) June 20, 2013   dumborats start transition from thevileone to hillclintoon: witchiepoo. Wonnerful. Wonnerful. They're counting their chickens a little early, but if this immigration goes through, that's going to be a given. June 20, 2013   dumborat women scream "War on Women! War on Women!" then support someone who demeans them. Isn't that smart? Typical dumborats. June 20, 2013   More of your hard earned dollars to go to other countries to fight nonexistant "Global Warming". When will we wake up and kill the lie of "Global Warming" and get all of the hamsters off the wheel? Maybe never. Some people enjoy being stupid. Hamsters prove it. June 20, 2013   Malkin's "The Amnesty Mob vs America" is worth reading. As usual, Malkin does it right! June 20, 2013   eric holder is WAY out of line. But he's thevileone's Attorney General, so what else would we expect? Some are still trying to oust holder but the chances are...? June 20, 2013   thevileone's priorities are showing. Slashes food for women and children: increases funding to wineries. Those wineries are owned by his donors, I betcha. That's who thevileone's priorities are. We see that over and over again. June 20, 2013   LOL! dumborats screw up again. Morons. More proof that they're morons. June 20, 2013   Jobless numbers up again. thevileone's America is STILL unemployed. Mac & cheese, peanut butter & jelly: America eats so well while thevileone eats lobster that WE pay for. Are you enjoying that? June 20, 2013   Aaaaahhhh.... public schools. June 20, 2013   The Anti-IRS rally yesterday had a good turnout. Think they'll get the message? I don't. June 20, 2013   thevileone floundering? Let's hope he flounders enough to oust himself. June 20, 2013   Catholic priest "excoriates" pelosipig. I don't blame him. June 20, 2013   Don't forget thevileone's healthcaretax is still out there. It's waiting to spring on us and make us even more miserable. Is this not what people voted for when they voted for thevileone? If not, then maybe they should consider the TRUTH and switch sides. Destroying America is not going to make their lives better. It only gets worse from here if thevileone gets his way. June 20, 2013   *Big SMILE* Gotta' read it. June 20, 2013   North Brevard Flood Watch. June 20, 2013   Hushed up discovery point to truth of the Bible. Well, DUH! June 20, 2013   Monsoon in India: 1,000 dead. You can help. June 20, 2013   THIS is what the FBI is SUPPOSED to do! Not spy on Americans, threaten us, bully us. They're supposed to do what this story tells us about. June 20, 2013   Sigh. I hate it when alleged Republicans are stupid. This is absurd. But when the leadership supports a dumborat "sweetheart", then what can you say about the leadership? RINO. June 20, 2013   Well, that's enough for now. The storm is close and my computer battery may run down before too long. So, I will go for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 18, 2013: 3:14 p.m.   Forgot to show you two of my projects. The first six pics are of my hubby's Father's Day gifts. Well, the gifts I made for him. The camera isn't pictured. The sculpture is still a work in progress, but I'm documenting it as we go and I'll post pics when it's finished of the whole thing, including and especially, the finished sculpture. June 18, 2013: 1:07 p.m.   Judicial Watch thinks the scotUS messed up on the AZ immigration law ruling, too. So I'm in good company. June 18, 2013   Taliban/US peace talks? Check the taliban folks via full body X-rays for explosives before they enter the room. June 18, 2013   Come on, women, MAN UP! Stop being sissies. If you're in the Navy and there's an image you don't like, take the image down. If you're being touched, on the other hand, nueter the creep, then report him and get him jailed, dishonorably discharged and make sure his wife knows. That's how to handle situations. Choose your battles and make sure they matter in the long run. Someone touching is the right battle to fight. Someone posting a "girlie pic"? Just take it down and move on. June 18, 2013   Throwing the "race card" didn't work. And for the next five years, I doubt it will work in jail for this clown. June 18, 2013   rubio-stupido mocked by Sessions. Good. Maybe it will make him take a step back and realize he's being used. BTW, did you realize that the illegal immigration bill that rubio-stupido is pushing: INCLUDES "illegal immigrants with drunk-driving, domestic violence, aggravated assault and child abuse convictions will qualify for amnesty under the immigration bill pending in the U.S. Senate unless an amendment introduced by a Texas lawmaker is adopted."rubio-stupido is supporting this. June 18, 2013   bonehead boehner facing up hill battle over immigration bill. He's rather darned if he does and darned if he doesn't. I think he should NOT support it. It's wrong for America. June 18, 2013   Going to D.C. for the anti-IRS rally tomorrow? I wish I could, but I can't. Glenn Beck will be there. June 18, 2013   8th Grader faces one year IN PRISON for refusing to remove or turn inside-out his NRA T-shirt at school! What happened to the First Amendment? June 18, 2013   Ooohh... Mex. volcano is acting up. Have plans to go south? Be careful! June 18, 2013   I doubt they'll give Rand Paul's amendments the light of day. If they do, I doubt the dumborat controlled Senate will approve any of them. June 18, 2013   Aaaaahhh... public schools. Piercings are essential to education, don't you think? June 18, 2013   Anyone believe that this IRS official is telling the truth? If so, I have a 1,000,000 year-old smart phone to sell you at a really good price! June 18, 2013   LOVE THIS! If you have a crime problem in the neighborhood, be PROACTIVE. Don't depend on the cops who are ten minutes away when the bad guys will have committed their crime and be gone in six minutes. It just doesn't help. Defend yourselves. June 18, 2013   Despicable. June 18, 2013   Total reversal of the usual TSA stupidity. "Cover yourself"? Really? Aren't they usually saying "take things off"? June 18, 2013   Guy who sold television station to Al Jazeera says Keystone Pipeline bad. How much you wanna' bet he finds a way to benefit and make money from it sooner or later? June 18, 2013   Well, I can't argue with his logic. Not that what an attorney wears is going to improve their profession's reputation, but it can't hurt them any more than their actions. The old joke, "What do you call six attorneys at the bottom of the ocean?" Answer: "A good start!" came from the reputation of the legal profession. Worms. Worse than a used car salesman. Those are some of the things others have said about attorneys. (I've said worse, I'm sure.) It was their actions that made their own reputation, so is it any surprise that at least one judge -- a former attorney -- has decided to try to start cleaning up the image of the attorneys in his court? I doubt it will do a flea's worth of good for the reputations of those attorneys if they're bad, but it will at least make a looks difference. It's a start. June 18, 2013   Computers turning themselves on and off at night? A good reason to use that little switch or the "Fn F2" switch to turn OFF your internet access before you shut down your computer. Do it every time you are finished with your computer, while you're at your computer but not online, etc. Better safe than spied on. June 18, 2013   What does he know about GOD? But he stomps on our flag and says our country is GODless. Says the drug using idiot who shot himself in the chest. Riiiiggghhhhttt... June 18, 2013   Taxpayer paid for cell phones being sold for drugs. Your money being used to buy drugs. Isn't that what you wanted? June 18, 2013   Mein Kampf to N. Korean officers from their great punk? What is he thinking? June 18, 2013   Endorsements rolling in for hillclintoon. They owe her so they've got to pony up now. Too bad she's got a snowball's chance WITHOUT cheating. With cheating, she'll win hands down. Unless thevileone stays in office. June 18, 2013   I'm a "Chirper". If you disagree with a Jeb Bush presidential campaign, you're a "chirper" according to Jeb. That's okay. I'd rather be a chirper than someone who supports a Common Core pusher. June 18, 2013   Which reminds me... CCSS pushes book about raising children in order to harvest their organs. The book blames outlawing abortion as the impetus for such an atrocity. Really. It's ridiculous and they want 13 year-olds to read such nonsense. Don't they realize that those kids are too young for such crap? June 18, 2013   I'll close for now with a bit of good news. We can all see this as a good thing: June 17, 2013: 12:49 p.m.   Hope you had a great weekend and the Dads out there had wonderful a Father's Day. I spent some time this weekend working on my sculpture, making gifts for my hubby for his Father's Day stuff, and just spending time with him. It was a quiet weekend, but it was also productive. Now on with the blurbs. June 17, 2013   My latest article is now available at GJWHG.com. Read "America's Defenses: Half Naked and Severely Hindered?" Remember: thevileone has done all of that AFTER winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Amazing. June 17, 2013   scotUS strikes down proper identification laws for voting in America. Now you don't have to have ANY form of identification in order to vote. All you have to do is "swear" that you are a citizen and are legally eligible to vote according to the law of the land. My question: What laws? With thevileon and this scotUS there are no more laws except that those of us who have legal citizenship are no longer have any rights. That's the law of the land now! June 17, 2013   Senate to pass immigration disaster with "over 70" votes. Not a good thing. Question is, what will the House do with it? Will bonehead boehner support passage, too? If so, we should throw OUT everyone who supports it! It's going to be bad for America. But since when did that matter to the lefties? June 17, 2013   Feds suing companies that run background checks. They say that it discriminates because a "disproportionate number" of blacks are excluded from employment after their background checks are done. If they don't want to face the consequences, they shoudln't do the crime. That's all there is to it. But thevileone says that there should be NO consequences and that companies should be FORCED to hire felons. What happens to their company as a result of the company thevileone won't be held responsible for, but that doesn't matter. thevileone is SUING companies to force the to hire felons. Can you imagine what would have happened if REAGAN had done that? June 17, 2013   James O'Keefe is at his finest -- AGAIN! He's so good! June 17, 2013   Double standards, anyone? But of course! 'Tis thevileone. He knows nothing BUT double standards. June 17, 2013   thevileone cut HOT MEALS for our troops but wifeypoop stays in $3,300 per night hotel room?! Must be nice to be a dictator! You don't have to think about anyone but yourself! (Sequester, anyone?) June 17, 2013   A man's DNA is his property? Not according to the recent scotUS ruling so what is the delay in taking the man's DNA? Don't get me wrong: I think he's acting in his own defense (who knows where his DNA is or has been gathered; crime scenes crying out his name?), and he has every right to do so. It's one of those things that I think is testifying against yourself: your own DNA betrays you, so to speak. So, in a way, I support his refusal. On the other hand, if he's refusing just to prevent another of his crimes -- possibly a more serious crime -- from being discovered, then maybe they should get a court order to get his DNA. I don't know if he'd then cooperate, or if he'd continue to try to protect himself, if that is what he's doing. June 17, 2013   Christie? Really? Most favorable rating? Really? Get a grip! June 17, 2013   Well, I am in the middle of something here and that's all I'm going to do for now. Sorry! Until next time, See ya'! June 14, 2013: 11:46 a.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. My son came over -- a little unexpectedly, I didn't know if it would be Thursday or Friday, nor whether we'd be staying home or going out and about -- and we did wind up going out and about. Found a few good things, including something from one of my favorite companies. Hurray. Came home and was just so very tired that I didn't get anything else done yesterday. I didn't even do my housework, just sat down and melted into the couch. I was wiped. Today I had a good night's sleep and got up and worked on my sculpture first thing this morning. Step three is complete and step four is next. The metal work is going to be a bit trickier but I have it figured out. The tricky part is convincing my helper (my hubby) that I'm right in the way I want to do it. Anyways, that's what I've been up to. Now, on with the important stuff. June 14, 2013   Russia hits back as thevileone pushes us into helping the Syrian rebels. Remember that promised he'll have more "flexibility" after the election? I wonder if this is the kind of "flexibility" the Russians wanted? Did they want him to push wars so that they could attack us and weaken us? It seems to me that it is exactly what thevileone is doing. He's "drawing down" our troops, spreading them throughout the world, weakening any chance for success which leads to demoralization of our troops. That and the fact that he's defunding so many programs and pushing technology while defunding that as well. Sounds to me as though he's setting America up for attacks from other countries. Agree? June 14, 2013   Another costly TSA failure: an $878 MILLION failure! Behavior spotting technology can't deliver. Shock. Surprise. If this weren't such a waste of YOUR taxpayer dollars, it would almost be funny. June 14, 2013   Sharyl Attkisson's computer breached several times by this administration. She was digging up the truth about BENGHAZI so they had to try to stop her. After, the truth will only hurt thevileone. He can't let the truth out. June 14, 2013   HHS gives itself bonuses while cutting cancer treatments to patients. Is there a conflict of interest somewhere in there? Something about being able to reward yourself, while cutting the treatment of people POSSIBLY DYING? Something's just not right there, but I can't really put my finger on it, can you? (Sarcasm: just in case you didn't pick up on that.) June 14, 2013   Is this where the money he laundered through green companies went? Taxpayer dollars used to fill the coffers of lefty organizations? Shock. Surprise. June 14, 2013   Are AZ's Gov. Jan Brewer's stripes changing color? She pushed part of thevileone's agenda through; over the objections of Conservative lawmakers in her state. Hmmmm.... Keep an eye on this one, folks. thevileone may have found something to use against her. June 14, 2013   thevileone hides behind third graders to push his own agenda. Isn't that sweet how he always uses children? Such a coward! June 14, 2013   thevileone's supporters: a mixed-up bag. June 14, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax unaffordable?
I told you so in 2008! June 14, 2013   scotUS ruling no surprise. June 14, 2013   Islamic "science"? Interesting read. Also read Robert Spencer's Did Muhammad Exist? VERY good read! June 14, 2013   Smith & Wesson record sales as the FBI says that in MAY ALONE 1,435,917 NICS checks were performed. That's 1,435,917 gun purchases in MAY ALONE. Doesn't that tell you something? We're not going to go down without fighting, folks. We're not going down easy. June 14, 2013   Have you noticed how our local vileone has been building herself up again? In the June pooper-paper she said on page 4: "...one thing that happened made me think. The president of Florida Power & Light introduced me as an environmentalist. That statement may be true, but in the case of our fight with the power plants, I wasn’t thinking about the environment. My driving force was what the pollution was doing to the people of Port St John, Canaveral Groves and Oak Hill. In 1990 we saw the high number of lung cancer, asthma, and other respiratory problems which were more prevalent in our community. We had two active plants within a mile of each other, so of course the fallout was combined, even if both plants were operating within federal guidelines (which are written for one plant, not two).When thepsjvileone starts tooting her own horn and starts trying to tell us how much she cares about us, not just the environment that makes me believe she is considering another run for public office. Ugh. Another try to get into the taxpayer coffers. Another run at those who have little or no brains and who will support her. Another try to get on the taxpayer teat. Something to look forward to, bring back out my rupe-a-dupe pages. Yep. Our local vileone may be considering another run. Can you imagine having both her and thevileone in the Red House in control? I'd rather live in Siberia! June 14, 2013   rubio-stupido keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper. Boy, when he lost his marbles, he lost all his common sense, too! He is out there floundering and splashing and trying to get it wrong just as hard as he can. He's shot himself in the foot and he doesn't seem interested in changing course. So, do they have something on him he really doesn't want released or is he suffering a brain fry or something? What happened to make him this stupid this suddenly? It's amazing to watch. It's also rather sad to see such promise go down the drain. Ah, well. Such is life and death in a political world. June 14, 2013   And on that wonderfully puzzling note, I shall leave you for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 13, 2013: 1:20 a.m.   ADHD IS AN INVENTION, NOT A DISEASE! The "inventor" of the problem admitted so! Take your children off of Ritalin and all those other things and teach them to be good! June 12, 2013: 5:12 p.m.   I had to do it: Rush is right. rubio-stupido is wrong. June 12, 2013: 2:33 p.m.   Corruptocrat CONVICTED! Ricki Renzi, (R-AZ), "The disgraced three-term Republican was found guilty of 17 felony offenses including conspiracy, honest services wire fraud, extortion under color of official right, racketeering, money laundering and making false statements to insurance regulators."Question: If this person were a dumborat, would there have been charges pressed, or just ignored? I say "Ignored". June 12, 2013   If it's NOT EFFECTIVE why are they still spying on US? Because they want to use the information against us, or because THEY CAN! Whichever comes first. June 12, 2013   In order to even recognize "smarter", shouldn't you be so yourself? thevileone fails that test, so how would he know? Read the story and find out. June 12, 2013   Pray for the success of this effort. Banning abortions after a pregnancy's five month mark would be a good start. It will also save some babies' lives -- and probably the lives of mothers, too. June 12, 2013   LOL! Still drinking the Kool-Aid® all these years later. Sad. So sad. June 12, 2013   SHOCK! thevileone's Director of National Intelligence -- oxymoron with this admin -- LIED!! HE LIED!! Just following his boss's example, I'm sure. So for the lefties that makes it okay. June 12, 2013   IRS chief made an astonishing 322 Red House visits! That's in the first four years! How can anyone believe that thevileone had nothing to do with the IRS targeting scandal with all of these visits? Their head-in-the-sand syndrome does not make thevileone innocent. June 12, 2013   Gas prices are GOING UP! thevileone raised the carbon tax. I thought all revenue source legislation BY LAW had to come from the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, how can this be done? thevileone and his magic "Pen of Executive Orders" did it. Which, actually, makes it totally illegal and unconstitutional, but since when did that matter to the left? What does "right and wrong" matter to them? Nothing. June 12, 2013   Bwahahahahahahahaha!! LOVE IT!!! June 12, 2013   Ugh. Just ugh. June 12, 2013   Is America learning the lesson and the TRUTH? Interesting results. June 12, 2013   They're about to be in control of healthcaretax, why sieze records NOW? They're up to something more than what they should be, that's why. June 12, 2013   Immigration bill getting cover to pass; border supposedly being reinforced? Call me skeptical. It's not a good idea. I wonder if rubio-stupido is supporting it because he wants to run for president in 2016 and is thinking that the new citizens will help him get elected? If that be the case, he should be reminded that the U.S. Constitution states that the "natural born citizen" is the only group of folks eligible to be president. He is NOT a "natural born citizen" as our Founding Fathers understood and believed the term to mean. It's like I've explained it before: If you ask the question, "Would a child be a citizen of a country if they and their ancestors had been born in that country over the last 100 years?" The answer is, "Naturally, yes. Absolutely." Contrarilly, if you ask the question, "If someone's Mom and Dad immigrated to a country and then they had a child, would that child be a 'natural born citizen' to that country?" Would you not hesitate a bit before asking the person to define "natural born citizen" and what the laws of that country were? Thus, the one that there is no hesitation about answering "Yes!" to is the one that you know in your gut, by instinct, no matter the country, the child is a "natural born citizen", that's how the U.S. Constitution defined it, too, and you are correct. That's the way to understand the "natural born citizen" clause and that's why rubio-stupido is NOT eligible to be president. June 12, 2013   Sex with girls down to AGE 10: thevileone pushes that. Sounds like Islam to me. After all, the prophet consumated his marriage to Aisha, his six-year-old bride, when she was NINE! Why shouldn't our prezidunce support sex with girls down to age 10? After all, isn't that what all Christianity pushes: OR, no, it's an Islamic belief and practice? Don't thevileone's actions speak louder than his words when it comes to his alleged Christian beliefs? June 12, 2013   On that disgusting note, I shall leave you for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 11, 2013: 8:23 p.m.   Late start today. Had an early morning going with my hubby to a doctor's appointment. From there we dropped a few things off at my son's work place for him and a coworker; then returned something to TJ Maxx. Ever buy a pair of shoes that wasn't a pair because they were -- unnoticed by you -- two different sizes? Yeah. Did that. They were supposed to check, but I didn't notice either, so I suppose that tells me something. It tells me that I really liked the shoes and just trusted that I was going to get a pair. Live and learn: no matter how much you like the shoes, always check the sizes. What else can I apply that lesson to? Don't know yet, but we'll see. Now on with the blurbs. No. Wait. Not on with the blurbs yet. I need to say something. A friend of mine sent me an e-mail today that said that he had decided to shut down his Conservative website because he didn't want to be "on the 'detention list'" and he was concerned by what this administration would do to him. Did you ever think it would get to that, HERE IN AMERICA? We are AMERICANS and we have a FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH! Why is my friend AFRAID? Because he believes that this administration is capable of ANYTHING to destroy America and to shut down the Conservatives in America. Doesn't this tell you something? June 11, 2013   rubio-stupido immigration bill goes to Senate floor for debate -- hopefully AND DEFEAT! rubio-stupido is not going to do well after this. I'll help make sure that he doesn't. June 11, 2013   DHS -- ISN'T TRYING TO KEEP US SAFE!!! "Judicial Watch announced today that documents obtained recently through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) abandoned required background checks late last year, adopting, instead, costly “lean and lite” procedures in effort to keep up with the flood of amnesty applications spurred by [thevileone]’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) directive, which grants illegal aliens a two-year deferment from deportation."The records prove that thevileone is trying to DESTROY AMERICA in as many ways as he possibly can. Is that what you want? June 11, 2013   $1.1 BILLION in "erroneous payments". Shock. Surprise. June 11, 2013   Is the AP losing faith in thevileone? Even if they have, that doesn't mean they'll start telling the truth about everything and start doing things the way they were supposed to do. Let me make a prediction: They'll still be liberals and they'll still be on his side. They just won't be AS kiss-backsidey as usual. They can't help it. Although, I don't really give that as an excuse for them. It's just the truth. June 11, 2013   GOOD! Sue the government for invading our privacy. Sue every company that participated. Sue them and STOP them. June 11, 2013   bonehead boehner has it wrong: thevileone IS THE TRAITOR, NOT Snowden! thevileone is the one who is betraying his oath of office and ILLEGALLY spying on US. Snowden did the whistleblowing. Yes, he spied, but he did it under orders from thevileone. He wasn't the one who ORDERED it. He is the one who EXPOSED it. The difference is the amount of authority that the person has. thevileone has the authority to TELL people to SPY on other Americans. Snowden had no authority. But he does have courage. Let's hope he survives it. June 11, 2013   Tech expert says "Quit [g]oogle and Facebook". That's what I've been saying for how long? June 11, 2013   warren buffet calls hillclintoon #45. More like #2. IfyouknowwhatImean. June 11, 2013   On that smelly note, I'll close for now. I've got a headache coming on and I am tired after only three hours of sleep last night. So until next time, See ya'! June 10, 2013: 11:47 a.m.   Sorry about missing Saturday. My sculpture that I started step two on Friday is coming into shape and I worked on it for about four hours that night, it rained Saturday so I couldn't work on it, so I took a few boxes of donations (big boxes) to a charity. Then did some other stuff while I was out. I was gone most of the day again, so I didn't get much done otherwise. Maybe I should admit that Saturdays won't be seeing much in the way of updates for a while. At least, not until after I get the sculpture done; sometimes not even then. Saturdays may become a "My day" while Sunday is GOD's day. We'll see. But for now, on with the updates, okay? June 10, 2013   NSA leaker, Snowden, comes forth. He is puting himself in danger of "political prosecution" for being a whistle-blower. RINO, King, as well as several other progressives/liberals think it's wrong to tell the truth about thevileone ILLEGALLY spying on Americans. I think that thevileone should be prosecuted for trampling on our rights! If our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights mean nothing, then King is correct: prosecute Snowden. On the other hand, if our Constitution is still a valid, effective governing document, then thevileone is the one who should be in jail awaiting a court date! Read the Declaration of Independence and tell me that King George III did anything WORSE than what thevileone is now doing on a daily basis! Tell me that. Why should we not do the same with our own Declaration of Independence? June 10, 2013   Have you ever noticed that integrity in a leader results in integrity from those under him/her? Haven't you noticed that? hillclintoon's State Dept. had no integrity. Remember, she was under the leadership of thevileone. Don't all these scandals tell you something? June 10, 2013   Our military ordered to NOT read about thevileone's scandals? That's an order that is totally illegal and if they ALL disobey it, they are within their Constitutional rights. Telling the military to NOT know the TRUTH about their c-i-c is not just trampling on their rights, it's an absurd effort to protect thevileone's reputation. Too bad thevileone doesn't give a crap about their rights, about right or wrong, nor about America. He's just in it for the power to destroy America and our rights. That's why he's "thevileone" instead of being respected here. Question: Why is this getting so much coverage now, when it was disclosed by maxine waters months ago? Oh. That's right. It was maxine waters and no one believed her. Shock. June 10, 2013   Hybrid users may face additional fees. Green is as green does. June 10, 2013   Will the scotUS hear the case? Another reason to hate unions. June 10, 2013   thevileone "investigating" its own spying. That's rich. How much you wanna' bet it's not his fault? He had nothing to do with it? He didn't know? Anyone laying odds? June 10, 2013   thevileone wants to tax SOME businesses out of business. Isn't that sweet? He's going to target some businesses -- you wanna' bet it's Conservative businesses (think Hobby Lobby, Chick-Fil-A, etc.) -- to put out of businesses because they don't support him and his agenda. He's going to target those who haven't worked with him to promote the destruction of America. He's going to target those who support FREEDOM instead of Marxism and his agenda to make America a Marxist nation (new name for America if thevileone succeeds? AMarxica?). If you're one of those folks, gird they loins. June 10, 2013   How much you wanna' bet thevileone has no problem with China spying on America and stealing our technology as long as it helped thevileone destroy America? Twenty years from now, who will we be if thevileone has his way? As I said above, AMarxica? June 10, 2013   It's still difficult to get ahold of any kind of ammo. The U.S. government has purchased/ordered so much of it that manufacturers are still trying to get those orders filled and there isn't enough time in the day to produce any for us. That's scary. June 10, 2013   "Super ants" that can't be killed with pesticides? (Are male ants called "uncles"? Just askin'.) So you'd have to stomp all of the ants if they got in your house? Find their nest and stomp all of them? That's a workout! How did they get this "immunity"? Makes you wonder what is happening there, and with mosquitoes, yes? June 10, 2013   rubio-stupido is wrong on this immigration bill. The CBO says it's going to COST us $3.8 TRILLION! Yet, rubio-stupido supports it! How can we afford that?! It doesn't do what the ads tell you it will and it may have been partially drafted by foreign lobbying entities! Is that what you want: an immigration bill approved that was drafted by foreign countries? What advantages to their own citizens could they have put in there? Read the text of the bill (all 331,002 words of it) and tell me if you support that. Trusting this bill and those who suppor it is NOT smart. Don't be "NOT smart." Contact your Senators today and tell them to vote AGAINST the "Gang of Eight" immigration bill. June 10, 2013   Food stamps -- and their recipients -- to decide FL's next governor? Is that what you want? Remember to register to VOTE in the 2014 elections and then to VOTE for the candidate of your choice. Can we put ALLEN WEST on the ballot as a write-in? June 10, 2013   Gun & knife show in Melbourne June 15-16th. Tell Dad his Father's Day present will be a little late and go find something to help him protect himself. June 10, 2013   Palm Bay waives fees in order to grow. Smart move. June 10, 2013   Congress's Verizon service-provided Blackberries open to spying? GOOD! If it's fair for them to do it to US, it's fair for the government to do it to THEM! June 10, 2013   Has the A.P. turned against thevileone? I seriously doubt it, but there's no harm in them airing their current grievances. They'll be kissing his backside again soon enough. June 10, 2013   Peace, tolerance and pedophilia? It's okay in Afghanistan. June 10, 2013   This is what progressives do. They make it easy for themselves, no matter what is right. June 10, 2013   The treatment this reporter received from thevileone's supporters is WRONG. Shock. Surprise! June 10, 2013   Abortionists -- BABY-KILLERS -- are MONSTERS. Anyone who can kill something that pure, sweet, innnocent and defenseless is a MONSTER. No doubt about it. No questions asked. They're inhuman. June 10, 2013   TOTAL CONTROL: that's what thevileone wants. Is that what WE want: the government to know everything about us, to control everything we see, hear and DO? If not, then we need to kick thevileone out of the Red House and make him pay for his wrong-doing. June 10, 2013   I shall close with that for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 7, 2013: 1:52 p.m.   Stupid LIAR, LIAR. Shock. Surprise. It's phone calls and your internet info and anything else he can get his hands on. An "enemies" list? Oh, yeah. He has that. After all, he knows what you said to your Momma on her birthday last February. Why wouldn't he have other information on you, and everyone else? June 7, 2013   Remember, they can't blame Bush for this. More spying to come and they're letting us know about it now? I thought they were saying that they weren't doing this, yet they announce more of it to come. That's the smartest man in the world, the smartest prezidunce ever? Really? *snicker* June 7, 2013   To my way of thinking the people of D.C. deserve this! When you elect someone who has been convicted of using drugs and has spent time in jail for doing so, you're asking for trouble and deserve it when you get it! D.C., you asked for it, you got it. Good. June 7, 2013   ketchup kerry delivers YOUR money to Egypt. Is that mac & cheese still going down well? Don't you love that your taxpayer dollars are being given away to foreign countries instead of being used here to do things for YOU while you're unemployed, or under-employed, laid off because of thevileone? Yep. Must be nice to be able to take from the workers and give to someone in another country whose views you agree with. Must be nice. June 7, 2013   NYT changes editorial to make it less harsh on thevileone. Awww... the poow wittle baby just couldn't take the mean words.... pooow, poooow baby. June 7, 2013   I betcha' thevileone isn't doing anything at all about this dangerous situation. He loves the idea of America being destroyed, no matter how nor by whom. June 7, 2013   Of course D.C. IRS officials knew! When thevileone speaks, D.C. listens! June 7, 2013   Doug Powers' memory leads to this "Aaaaahhhh... public schools!" June 7, 2013   Even some dumborats are jumping thevileone's ship. What does it take to wake the others up: a sledge hammer on their toes? June 7, 2013   India becoming a dangerous vacation destination. Islam is going extreme there as everywhere else and they're targeting other religions to kill. "Peace and tolerance." "Peace and tolerance." June 7, 2013   Root for HALBIG! If Halbig wins, thevileone's healthcaretax could be out the window. Note that "could be". I don't hang my hopes on any one thing except for GOD, so let's root for Halbig and see what actually happens. June 6, 2013: 5:32 p.m.: D-Day Anniversary   On this day when we are remembering those thousands who died to keep us free, it's revealed that an American soldier got a letter of reprimand for serving Chick-Fil-A at his PRIVATE promotion party. Does that sound like FREEDOM to you? The U.S. Army leadership should be ashamed of itself; including its Commander-In-Cheat! June 6, 2013: 3:02 p.m.: D-Day Anniversary   Part II of my article, "Gun Control Laws: Judge, Jury and Executioner of Rights" has been posted. Read it and learn new info about the truth about how gun control laws are partially based on the "mistakes" in the world of psychiatry! Part I of the article is available to read here. June 6, 2013   Have a contract with Verizon? Why is the government collecting info on your phone calls? Ask, also, why Verizon is cooperating. Why didn't they come forward and tell their subscribers about it? It was done under court order and the Red House defended their actions, but that doesn't make it right. You have ONE suspect, possibly two or three. Why get the info for THOUSANDS of people? June 6, 2013   "Unconstitutionally" denying an ILLEGAL ALIEN a driver's license? Um... They're NOT CITIZENS! They have NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!! The Constitution was written EXCLUSIVELY FOR CITIZENS!! Hello? June 6, 2013   DH[IN]S can search laptops and phones on a "hunch". Sounds to me as though there's no Constitution left for Citizens with this administration! Dishwasher spying? The book "1984" was published 64 years ago today. Rush reminds us that thevileone promised he would never do this stuff. National Intelligence Director TESTIFIED that the gov doesn't spy on Americans. Following the vileone's orders? thevileone: liar, liar. June 6, 2013   Michelle Malkin presents the differences between thevileone and G.W. Bush's phone surveillance programs. Read it and weep, Marxist/progressive/liberals. June 6, 2013   FBI LIED to FL officials about 9/11 hijackers family ties: Congressman files suit. When the FBI is that corrupt, that's a problem. June 6, 2013   House votes to delay DH[IN]S bulk ammo purchases. It's just a delay, folks. Now they have to go to the House and say, "Mother, may I?" before they purchase more. That's okay. They've already got enough to shoot each of us no fewer than five times via previous ammo purchases. They really don't need more to get the job done. What the House should have done is made them return that ammo and get our money back and that ammo could go on the store shelves for US to buy! June 6, 2013   Want the truth about thevileone? Go to a foreign paper to get it! The U.S. msm won't tell you the truth! They are part of his cover-up team! They don't care about the truth. Who needs the truth, after all? Well, except for when it's them being spied on, and even then, it wasn't the U.S. msm that broke the story. Doesn't that tell you something? June 6, 2013   Boston Marathon bombers radicalized IN Boston. They learned from the Muslim-Brohood. Yep. They're not radicalized. They're not terrorists. They love America. thevileone has said so! We all know you can trust every word that comes from thevileone's mouth, now don't we? (Sarcasm. Absolutely.) June 6, 2013   eric holder misses deadline: shock. thevileone's admin says he stays. Why would thevileone let him go? holder is taking all of the heat for thevileone's actions and orders. holder is nothing but a shield and thevileone must keep that shield for as long as he that shield is holding. If that shield breaks, it will be thrown under the bus just as thevileone did his grandma. The fact is, holder is an useful tool and when that tool breaks, the tool will be replaced. Period. June 6, 2013   Federal employees got bonuses:$332 MILLION worth! Three out of four workers got bonuses last year. Did you? Must be nice, huh? June 6, 2013   Darrell Issa says IRS "effectively guilty of tax evasion"! That's good! I like that! The ACLJ says IRS did a "willful act of intimidation." That's another good description. Too bad we need those descriptions right now. The IRS should never have been involved in things that make those descriptions necessary. Don't forget: they did all of this WHILE WE PAID THEM TO DO IT TO US. Time for the IRS to go away? I think so. June 6, 2013   DO NOT CONFORM! This kid has courage. Why are we not LEADING this kid in his courage? At the very least, FOLLOW HIS EXAMPLE! June 6, 2013   Bilderberg conference: is thevileone going to attend? Wouldn't surprise me as long as he can go sell us out. June 6, 2013   Even some dumborats are offended by anthony weiner's run for mayor. Okay. That one surprised me. I didn't think dumborats thought anything to do with sex was offensive! June 6, 2013   That's not good. Looks like quite a few of my relatives may be facing the tropical storm's wrath. Hope they're all safe and stay that way. June 6, 2013   If they're going to call holder back, put him under subpoena and under oath! Otherwise, there's nothing to even come close to any pressure to tell the truth. He'll walk away without as much as a "Bad boy!" scolding WHEN (not "if") he lies to Congress again. Leave it to Republicans to be wimps. June 6, 2013   The IRS's lavish spending actually DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!
It has an impact and it's why we should hold every one of those people accountable! This administration -- top to bottom, inside and out -- has an attitude of
entitlement and it needs to STOP! June 6, 2013   thevileone is after your Christmas tree again. He'll stop at nothing to destroy everything good in America; even Christmas. Would a Christian do that? June 6, 2013   Spend, spend, spend! The people's pockets have no end! That's what this administration is doing. June 6, 2013   It's not "inevitable" that "gay marriage" become the law of the land. It will never be a real marriage in the first place and the homosexual agenda is to do away with marriage altogether, so if we cave now it will be to our detriment. GOD established marriage: one man, one woman, period. Yes, in Old Testament times there were many of GOD's favored who chose to commit adultery and have more than one wife. Look at the history of those men and you will see that GOD favored the real wife, not the "tag-alongs" or the "wannabe's" and the lineage of Christ always went through the real wife. It's not GOD's way for men to have more than one wife. That's what He calls sin. One man, one woman, and it is blessed. That's the way it is. Other than that and it's wrong. June 6, 2013   If I used words that are considered curse words by myself, I'd say "Da**!" That's incredible! And on that "Wowser!", I'll close for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 5, 2013: 10:28 a.m.   I can't stop myself. I have to start with Michelle Malkin's excellent Bwahahahahaha! Aren't you glad? June 5, 2013   How good a deal is this for the American Taxpayer? $10 BILLION LOSS on GM. That's the bailout loss the taxpayers are taking on the chin because of thevileone's choice to buck up his supporters in the auto unions. Sweet, yes? (Sarcasm, of course.) June 5, 2013   The woman sent out to LIE about BENGHAZI is now the National Security Advisor. That's thevileone's way of saying, "Thanks for taking the fall for that one. I appreciate it." The problem is, America will pay the price of her inexperience and incompetence -- again. June 5, 2013   Time to DUMP HOLDER! Problem is, he has already exonerated himself from any wrongdoing. Sounds to me as though he's already told himself, "I don't answer to anyone except thevileone. America can go to hades." Does it surprise anyone? June 5, 2013   ms thevileone heckled by lesbian and threatens to leave fundraiser. Aawww.... Boo. Hoo. June 5, 2013   Panetta leaked the Seal info. Another thevileone appointee who can't do it right. His admin is a list of incompetence on parade. June 5, 2013   I no longer trust rubio-stupido; not farther than I could throw him over the border fence, at least. So when he says they don't have the votes to pass the G-o-8 immigration bill I'm HOPING I can believe him. That would be a very good thing to be incapable of passing that bill. A very good thing. June 5, 2013   thevileone has been in league with terrorists for a long time and every time someone writes about it, I hope that it finally sinks in to some folks' heads. It's amazing that people refuse to realize it. June 5, 2013   Were secret e-mail addresses thevileone's way to have a "secret, invisible government"? Come on, tell me it would surprise anyone. Convince me that it's not possible. Tell the man in the moon that it could never happen, thevileone is as honest as... Okay. I can't even associate the word with him, much less the idea. So do I think it's possible. Oh, heck, yeah! June 5, 2013   Heckling at meeting threatening legal action if people post social media postings against Muslims. I can understand legal action if they threatened to kill them, but not if they just said something against them. The First Amendment says we have the right to free speech; not just speech that pleases everyone. If it's manners the First Amendment protected and only manners, then we should all be talking about the weather, biscuit recipes and the latest fashions and nothing more. If, on the other hand, the First Amendment protects ALL speech, then the Muslims haven't got a prayer in a free country of not facing offensive language and they can join the TEA Party in that. I say that unless you're taking actions on those words, they're just that: WORDS. Words can make us sad, hurt our feelings, make us mad, but they don't physically harm us. It's the physical harm that makes legal action necessary; words are okay according to the First Amendment. Read some of the things said and written 200 or more years ago in campaigns and you may be surprised how bad they got. But it was free speech and our Founding Fathers accepted that. They didn't yell, "You're hurting my feelings! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" They manned up, knew it was part of politics -- and part of life -- and they went on with their lives. Muslims -- in America and worldwide -- need to learn to do the same; especailly if they're going to continue with their litany of violence against everyone who is not of their own religious beliefs. That includes Shiite/Sunni/whatever Muslims killing, torturing and maiming each other. America has a First Amendment. One group of people has no more right to shut the rest of us up than we have to shut them up. We will not agree, but that doesn't mean that we shut each other up. That's the beauty of America! We also don't use the bully pulpit of the IRS to shut up groups that oppose us! At least, most TRUE AMERICANS would never think of doing so! June 5, 2013   After attacking hillclintoon, she gets appointed U.N. Ambassador? That tells me that hillclintoon is no longer "Flavor of the Month". She also wants to ATTACK ISRAEL!!! Excuse me?! That's absurd! If thevileone wants to bring about the return of Christ within months, this is how to do it! Are you ready? (BTW, look at the pic of Power on the Drudge Report and tell me she wants to be taken seriously. A "slip dress" and heals? Really? June 5, 2013   This is why we SHOULD CLOSE OUR BORDERS! With Iranian TERRORIST cells in South America, they can work their way up through Central America and through our border within weeks. That's what thevileone wants. It will help destroy America and make Islam the rule of the land. That's his goal. This is what thevileone has done to America. We have thevileone to thank for this. I've warned you and warned you and warned you. Now we're facing the facts of his actions and policies. Is this what you want? June 5, 2013   Did thevileone actually attend Columbia University? Or was it just another in a long list of his LIES? I think it's another LIE. But you knew that. June 5, 2013   "Biblical scholars" take Bible verses out of context to support their political agenda. This sort of thing happens all the time. If they can find something in the Bible they can twist to make fit their agenda, they'll do it. They don't look at the surrounding text, the chapter as a whole, the book as a whole, the Bible as a whole: just at something they can twist to kinda' fit their goal. GOD established marriage as one man, one woman; man's ideas perverted it. GOD loves us and allows our sin, but does not condone it. The Bible reporting on the different marriages that GOD's chosen people -- David, Abraham, etc. -- participated in (polygamy, etc.) does not mean that GOD condoned it. Remember, the marriage that GOD condoned he blessed the most. Thus, the constant struggle between Abraham's REAL wife, Sarah, and his wife's servant, Hagar, had a son, Ishmael, and GOD blessed Ishmael's descendants who allegedly became the Islamic nations; a mighty people. But GOD promised Abraham and Sarah's son, Israel, that it was he that GOD would work through to bring about a mightier nation, descendants as populous as sand on the beaches, stars in the sky, etc., and GOD would bring about salvation through his seed. Man took marriage and it became twisted, just as most things man puts his hands upon. Let us not wallow in wrong just because it exists! Let us instead choose right and raise ourselves from the dirt and filth that some want to keep us in! June 5, 2013   I'll close with that for now. Until next time, See ya'! June 4, 2013: 1:20 p.m.   Missed Saturday and Monday due to being otherwise occupied. I spent Saturday with my husband -- whose work schedule has been crazy busy -- and we went out and about: shopping, dinner, talking, reconnecting; didn't return home until after 10 p.m. and tired. Spent Monday with my two sons; shopping down south at an antique mall, then a thrift store, then antique mall, and another thrift store. At dinner on the way to drop one son off at his apartment, spent some time there, then home. Tired, tired, tired. The foot I injured April 30th still isn't 100% better, it swells and hurts after walking around inside my house; a full day of shopping and spending time with my husband or sons makes it throb. It's worth it, though. So, now you know what I've been doing that kept me from updating, I'll do some blurbs now. June 4, 2013   FBI training curricula PROVEN to have been altered in favor is Muslim's feelings. For instance: "'The Qur’an is not the teachings of the Prophet, but the revealed word of God.'"Excuse me? Article is "highly inflammatory"? Puhlease! This is what happens when you allow CAIR to control your training manuals and you take the whole idea of America away and replace it with Shariah Law. America is a CHRISTIAN NATION: not matter what thevileone says: America IS a Christian nation, as Pew Research found 78.4% of us profess. 78.4% is a HUGE MAJORITY. Why can't thevileone recognize that? Or, what agenda does he have that prevents him from admitting it, working with it and honoring it? Kinda' makes you go "Hmmmm...." does it not? June 4, 2013   thevileone's "Death Panels" aren't in force yet, but HHS Sec. sebelius won't step in to save a life. Amazing. Who needs a whole panel? We've got a bureaucrat making the decision single-handedly. Ego, anyone? June 4, 2013   IRS spends thousands on "employee conferences". Plush hotel rooms and tax-payer billed alcohol? Yep. That's your IRS at work. Oh, that and targeting Conservatives. After all, they work hard terrorizing us. They're... "spending includes $4 million for a 2010 gathering in southern California in which IRS employees stayed in lavish presidential suites that cost American taxpayers $1,500 to $3,500 per night."Must be nice, huh? And you're paying for all of that. Isn't that special? June 4, 2013   hillclintoon's going to run for something.
She got a facelift to prepare for it. Compare the pic in the link and the one here of January 2013: June 4, 2013   SC may become first state to restrict thevileone's healthcaretax enactment. Hurray for SC! FL, are ya' listening? June 4, 2013   Secret e-mails to skirt the laws? thevileone's administration is doing just that. It's a problem that may be bigger than first thought. Transparency, anyone? June 4, 2013   FL: Keep an eye on your back yards! Sink holes are dangerous. June 4, 2013   Hahahaha! Isn't that what this whole administration is? Paid by taxpayers and they're ALL LIARS! June 4, 2013   DO[IN]J targeted reporters critical of thevileone. That's thevileone's idea of America: anyone who criticizes him is to be destroyed. Watch out. Big Brother is watching, listening and targeting! June 4, 2013   Is thevileone like Nixon? June 4, 2013   150 arrested at NAACP-organized protest. They were protesting NC's Republican policies. Useful idiots do that. June 4, 2013   Anyone with a brain in their heads said that the Boy Scouts of America were signing their own death warrant for their organization when they recently approved openly gay boys joining the Scouts. Now, those boys are marching in Gay Pride parades in the BSA uniform. Yes, it defies the BSA rules, but those boys are already defying GOD's rules, so why on earth would they care about BSA rules? Reality check. June 4, 2013   Anti-Israel, clintoon, paid $500,000 to give speech -- in Israel. Well, DUH! Stupid on those who paid him. Just ridiculous. June 4, 2013   Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) is a disgrace to himself. June 4, 2013   I answer the first question in this article with a resounding, "YES!" The Fifth Amendment should stand in this case. June 4, 2013   Is this what America is becoming under thevileone's admin? Remembering Tiananmen Square blocked by China. Tiananmen Square protestors by the hundreds or thousands were killed by government troops for peacefully protesting the Chinese government's policies. Remember the iconic picture of the young man standing in front of the tanks? That's beginning to be what it feels like to be a Conservative in America. Is that what you want? Is it time for our own Tiananmen Square protest? Will thevileone do the same thing to us as China did to their people? IF he did, what would that do to the rest of the country? Would it finally open the eyes of those who are his sychophants? Or would they be glad for it? What would it do to those Conservatives who remained? Is it time to find out? June 4, 2013   Now the Treasury Inspector General is auditing IRS bonuses. The Treasury I.G.? thevileone's left hand is investigating the right hand and even in that scenario, they're still finding stuff that is so bad they can't ignore it. Doesn't that speak volumes? When things are so bad that even their people have to say it was wrong, that's BAD! Tells you something about the leadership, does it not? If the leadership was good, the employees would be good. Bad leadership leads to bad employees and bad employee actions. It comes from the top down. Doesn't that tell you something? June 4, 2013   Scott Ellis should be laughing at BlueWare/BlueGem. He should also be laughing at their attorneys. Amazing. June 4, 2013   "Massive" layoffs in FL. Things looking up? Not yet. Thanks, thevileone! June 4, 2013   AMEN AND AMEN! On that note, I'll end for today. Until next time, See ya'! May 2013 May 31, 2013: 3:59 p.m.   My latest article Gun Control Laws: Judge, Jury and Executioner of Rights? is now available at GJWHG.com! This time, it's a two part series and the next part will be up -- I believe -- next week. This part covers the fact that gun control laws that include the "mental health" issue are taking away more than the Second Amendment rights of people. They're also impacting the Fifth and Sixth Amendments, tearing away the doctor/patient confidentiality idea and completely dismissing the whole premise of "Innocent until proven guilty" and just assigning guilt. That's not the way things are supposed to be done in America. Consider this: If we allow it to be done to one group of people, who will stand up for us when it's our turn and they come for our rights? May 31, 2013   The DHS has time to watch TEA Party folks protest the IRS but is too preoccupied to bother keeping track of "dangerous foreigners with expired visas". So what, exactly, is the DHS supposed to be doing with their time and on who is all of that ammo going to be used? People they lose or people they spend hours watching? Gird thy loins. May 31, 2013   Our Marines are no longer getting HOT MEALS in Afghanistan! They're being made to go without while serving America? That's WRONG. Just plain WRONG. thevileone is their Commander In Cheat and he's getting Kobe Beef because THOSE SAME MARINES HE'S STARVING AND PUTTING ON MREs ARE PAYING TAXES BACK HOME and yet, thevileone thinks it's okay for them to eat cold meals. Isn't that an indication of what he thinks of our U.S. military forces? I think it speaks volumes! May 31, 2013   In Islam, if you're not doing the terrorism, that doesn't mean you don't support it. It's all about the faith, belief in the teachings, what the religion instructs you to do. What's interesting is if you read Robert Spencer's "Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry Into Islam's Obscure Origins" you can see that the whole religion of Islam has been transformed over the years, the Koran/Qur'an amended, and the alleged "prophet" of Islam probably didn't exist or, at best, have as much of an influence on the development of Islam as they allege. It's very interesting reading. Challenge yourself and read it. May 31, 2013   Asteroid bringing its own moon! That's so cool! As you know, I love astronomy and I love looking at the stars and all of that. The vastness of GOD's creation and how much really cool stuf it holds is just another proof of His existence and of His never ending love for us. After all, He made all of this for us, so He must love us so very much! May 31, 2013   Are hillclintoon's 2016 dreams destroyed by BENGHAZI? Let us hope so. The absolutely last thing we need is another progressive/liberal/leftist in the Red House after thevileone vacates it. Let us hope he IS out of there in 2016 instead of declaring himself the "Absolute Ruler of All, FOREVER" and trying to stay on indefinitely. I wouldn't put it past him; although, he may not use those exact words in the title he crowns himself with. May 31, 2013   Speaking of hillclintoon, one of her supporters got over two years in prison for funneling $$ to her campaigns. Interesting to think what other illegalities may have been committed. May 31, 2013   VICTORY FOR SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO!!! Excellent! The recall effort failed and that's a good thing! I'm very glad! May 31, 2013   Lefties: Dirty tricks are okay. Let someone on the right bug, say, harry reid's office and all hades would break loose. Why the difference? Why is it okay for one side but not the other? Why do we accept the double standard? If it's fair for the goose, the old saying goes, but that's not America. Nowadays it's the leftists who are ALLOWED to break the law and the right that is held to the highest standards of comportment and decorum -- even Rush Limbaugh using a word in an appropriate, defined manner is "bad" -- and yet, the left can get away with lying, cheating, abandoning four Americans to die at BENGHAZI, wire tap the press, have the IRS target the right and all of that? It's A-OKAY. Double standards did not build this country and double standards will not keep this country great. They will destroy this country because one side being allowed to do anything they want without restraint or consequences will lead that side to the annihilation of this great land. Is that what they want? Absolutely. May 31, 2013   Iris scans done in schools and the school system deciding what to do with those scans? It's happening. Michelle Malkin has a few things to say about it. Aaaaahhhh.... public schools! They really should be put out of business. May 31, 2013   Amb. Stevens listed as "John Doe"? thevileone had his name hidden from the public record for as long as they could. If he's not responsible for what happened, why the cover-up? May 31, 2013   Tourism warning: Pyramids, ix-nay. There's "lawlessness" in Egypt. Don't go there. It's dangerous and Americans will be targets, I'm sure. May 31, 2013   Christians have the absolutel RIGHT to NOT BE FORCED to go AGAINST THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS! That's part of the First Amendment. But some want to force Christians to do so. If Christians don't cooperate with it, they're going to do whatever it takes to destroy that Christian's business, reputation, good name, life. If what the homosexuals are doing is not the very definition of someone being hateful toward another person, I don't know what is. All the Christian did was refuse to make a "wedding" cake for a homosexual "couple". For that, the Christian must be destroyed? Saying "No" to something is not being hateful. It's a decision, yes, but not based upon hatred. "[T]he baker purportedly politely declined service to the women, citing his Christian faith. Aaron apologized, but stayed true to his values."For that, his life must be destroyed by the homosexual community and those who support it? That's HATE. May 31, 2013   bumbler blows it again. May 31, 2013   jesse ventura is wrong to do this. Suing the author of a book, then switching to suing the author's wife because the author was killed? That's just wrong and desperate. May 31, 2013   If it weren't for the injuries to the wife, this would almost be funny. May 31, 2013   157 Red House visits, the former IRS Commissioner did. 157! Tell me that thevileone was not responsible for the IRS targeting, stalking, harassing the conservative groups. Go ahead. Try to convince me of it. May 31, 2013   Our wounded military members are having their care cut back at both Bethesda and Walter Reed allegedly due to sequestration, but thevileone and his family aren't cancelling their "extended vacation" at Martha's Vineyard! That's an abomination! Putting his vacation ahead of our WOUNDED MILITARY? His "priorities" speak VOLUMES! May 31, 2013   To end today's posts on a possibly upbeat note ("possibly" because I don't know if this will last) Stephen King "chooses to believe in GOD". He also believes in "intelligent design". Good for him! He's right. On that note, until next time, See ya'! May 30, 2013: 12:56 p.m.   Just a few updates today because I have other things I want to get done, so I'll be picky about what blurbs I do. Here we go. May 30, 2013   Medicaid: 72,600,000 on it. And the 10,978,040 on disability? How many of them receive Medicaid as well? Yeah. Welcome to thevileone's America. May 30, 2013   Oregon veteran's gun confiscated because he prevented a felon from breaking into his house. The cops said it wasn't a situation that warranted a warning shot. The shot the stopped the felon from coming through the back door wasn't warranted? I think the Oregon cops are stupid. May 30, 2013   thevileone thinks of himself as a mafia boss prezidunce? No surprise there. He's breaking as many laws as a mafia boss. Probably doing it more arrogantly, but he's breaking just as many laws -- if not more! May 30, 2013   Michelle Malkin's writing on thevileone's healthcaretax is always so good. I love her title for this one! May 30, 2013   10 yr-old needs lung transplant, but policy prevents it. Is there no flexibility in the system that can save a 10 yr-old's life? I think the person closest to their final breath should be the priority in a compatible organ transplant. If they can't do it according to need, then why is there a priority system at all? May 30, 2013   Muslim douses woman with gas, sets her on fire; town reacts. This is what is coming for the rest of the world if Islam doesn't control itself. People don't like living in fear and they turn fear around on the perpetrators and use it against them. If Islam is going to rule by fear, then they shall be afraid, too. That's what the Buddhists are teaching them. That's what the rest of the world will teach them if they don't settle down. May 30, 2013   Pro-Israel groups audited by IRS, too. If thevileone was truly pro-Israel would pro-Israel groups have been targeted? Hmmmm? His own administration puts the lie to his words. May 30, 2013   Was thevileone's admin looking for specific info from A.P., or just on a fishing expedition to find info to use against them to keep them in line? Was the A.P. turning on him and thevileone needed something to stop the turning tide, or was there an actual case to be made for a leaker? IF there was an actual case for a leaker, there was one to five people they suspected, so why get so many people's records? Hmmmm? Why get EVERYONE's stuff, when they knew that all of those folks couldn't have been involved? And why would eric holder have to "judge shop" if it was all on the up & up? Getting to the right judge to get what you want is easy if what you want is a valid concern. Otherwise, you have to get someone who is in line with your way of thinking and will give you anything you want. Sounds to me as if two judges did the right thing, so holder went to another. Should that judge face disbarment for doing the wrong thing? I think so. May 30, 2013   Appeals court lets thevileone hide behind them. Records of the Bin Laden raid are still in "no go territory" because the courts have ruled that it's still a secret to be kept. This is the reason that thevileone should not be allowed to appoint judges; they give him anything he wants. Is he the one who appointed the judges on thie Appellate court? I don't know, but it will only get worse with every judge he gets to appoint. The scotUS has already been corrupted and gives rulings that are contrary to law, the Constitution and common sense. What can we expect if thevileone gets to appoint one or more justices to the scotUS? Chaos. Utter, absolute chaos, IMHO. May 30, 2013   I'm going to stop there for now. I have to divide the article I wrote for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns into two parts becaue it's well over the limit, so I'm doing a two part series of it. So I'll be back online tonight and may do a few blurbs then, we'll see. Until next time (whenever that is), See ya'! May 29, 2013: 12:31 p.m.   10,978,040 people now on disability? Really? Tell me that there are that many TRULY disabled people in America -- with a population of 953,565,000. That's 11.5% of the American population. Remember when it used to be something to be PROUD of to NOT be on the government teat? Remember when "disabled" was a bad word and it was labeled "differently abled" or something similar? Nowadays, it's 11.5% of the population proudly on disability? My back hurts daily. Should I be on disability? My shoulders hurt daily. Now should I be on disability? There are so many things accepted as a "disability" nowadays so that they can get more people on the government dole and voting dumborat in order to stay on the government teat, that America will have no one left working if they expand the list any more. It's ridiculous. May 29, 2013   Michelle Bachman will not run for re-election. She's been beaten up enough and she can probably do with a break from getting smeared left and right and center. I applaud the good fight she put up and I think she did well and accomplished some good things. But I can certainly understand wanting to get out from under the constant barrage of leftist attacks. May 29, 2013   Wleckkehhhey... (yuck). You'd think people trained in germ facts would willingly wash their hands. Yuck! May 29, 2013   Judicial Watch shows "District of Corruption" June 17th on AXS tv. I can't get AXS because I only have a HD antenna, no cable, no satellite dish because we decided to not pay for watching television and wasting time. So, if you get the chance to watch it, please do. Then share the info with everyone you know. May 29, 2013   thevileone's brother got preferential IRS treatment and his "foundation" approved as tax exempt... even though the "foundation" doesn't exist. He and his TWELVE WIVES live in Kenya and have terrorist ties. And this is who the IRS favors for fast approval over the TEA Party and Conservative applicants? Does that not tell you something? May 29, 2013   The IRS high muckety-mucks ordered and committed the harassment of Conservative and TEA Party groups. So if it came from and was committed by the high muckety-mucks, then where did it start? It couldn't have come from the bottom and the bottom ordered the high muckety-mucks to do the harassment. So, that means... (Come on, you know this one.) May 29, 2013   No insurance; cash only. Probably a smart thing to do. Others may wish to follow suit. May 29, 2013   In all this IRS kurfuffle, the House is still investigating BENGHAZI. GOOD! Never forget that FOUR AMERICANS were killed there directly due to the choice of inaction the prezidunce made. It's his doing that they are dead. They could have been saved. HE CHOSE not to help them. That's murder. May 29, 2013   Union workers are waking up -- but their union leaders are asleep. Unions are about nothing more than keeping their bosses in high paying positions and making sure the members do the bosses' bidding in order to accomplish that. Unions are horrible things and should be totally done away with. (How many e-mails will I get supporting unions now? Oh, well.) May 29, 2013   Where was thevileone during BENGHAZI? When he left and said "Handle it" to panetta and clintoon, where did he go and what did he do? That's what I've been wondering since 9/11/12. I think there are a few options: 1) Smoking choom; or doing a harder drug. 2) At a gay bath house. 3) With a mistress/mister besides a gay bath house. 4) Worse. Those are my possibilities. What are yours? May 29, 2013   scotUS again makes the wrong choice. So "planned parenthood", A.K.A. Baby-Killing, Central, keeps getting taxpayer dollars in Indiana. I have no faith in our scotUS. None whatsoever. They are incapable of making good, moral, constitutional choices. May 29, 2013   A good reason to keep repeat offenders in prison forever. Bury their bones in the prison grounds and don't let the taxpayer pay for the transport of their bodies outside of the prison. If the prisoners had to look at a graveyard of their fellow prisoners while they were in there the first time maybe they'd be better behaved on their first release. Cheap tombstones and prisoners digging the graves and carrying the bodies out would be a better deterent than "home confinement". This guy should have never been let out, but two people are dead and a two-year-old raped because of society's demands for compassion. Where was the compassion for his victims and future victims? Keep him in, bury him inside the prison grounds. Maybe in death he could do something good and act as a reminder to first timers that they don't want to be buried beside him. May 29, 2013   Man who attacked French soldier was "recent convert to Islam". What other "religion" turns people evil so immediately? Name one. Even for those who practice satanism in America you don't see the same kinds of actions as in Islam. Why? If Islam is the religion of "peace and tolerance" why do they commit so many heinous acts (WARNING: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: DO NOT ALLOW CHIDREN TO WATCH!)? What is there to celebrate in Islam? What is there to be worshipped? In Islam their god is Allah. Allah is not the same as the GOD of Christianity and the Islamic god wants so much violence and hatred that I wonder why anyone would want to live that life. Why worship hatred? I do not hate. I pray for them at least twice daily. I want them to come to Christ and live in Christ and have a wonderful life in Christ and spend eternity with GOD in heaven, as the Christian Bible promises them. Islam didn't even promise Mohammed eternity; and he was its "main man"! GOD LOVES YOU, yes, MUSLIMS, TOO! Ask Him to show you that He's real and give your heart to him. Your life will be so much better. Ask Him. May 29, 2013   jesse jackson slams fellow dumborat, rahm. School closings are rampant in Chicago (49 elementary schools recently chosen to be closed) and jackson is not happy. Brevard County has a problem with closing four schools. They should be glad rahm is not in control down here! May 29, 2013   Bulgaria goes Socialist. If you keep an eye on the "middle class" there, you may get an idea as to what happens in Socialist countries and what thevileone is trying to do to us. Neither Socialism nor Communism have ever worked as promised and the end result is that everyone suffers except those in charge. May 29, 2013   thevileone is so stupid. May 29, 2013   Ft. Hood shooter wants to represent himself in court. What's that old saying, "Anyone who represents himself in court has a fool for a client."? Yeah. Well, let him. He'll appeal his conviction and it will cost more taxpayer dollars but as long as he's behind bars while he's doing his appeals, it's all good. May 29, 2013   Feds spend $1.3 MILLION of your money to study online sex solicitions. Say WHAT?!!! Yep. That's how thevileone spends your money. Isn't that special? Do you think it was worth it? Did you want your money taken out of your pocket and spent to study internet sex solicitation? If not, why are we spending money on such stupidity? ARE WE NOT THE GOVERNMENT? "We, The People"? Hello? Stand up! Tell thevileone you don't appreciate that sort of waste! May 29, 2013   Tiny Lego® gun causes 6 yr-old detention & apology. Talk about the most absurd of absurdities, this little kid is traumatized by the treatment he received and I bet he now hates school because of the stupidity of the bureaucrats and school administrators involved. Why are stupid adults making kids hate school with treatment like this over the most absurd things? Make kids afraid of guns and as adults they won't own one. That's the plan of the lefties. Too bad their flaw is that some people are still capable of thinking for themselves, even after being traumatized by school administrators' stupidity. May 29, 2013   eric holder's perjury is evident in the A.P. and FoxNews reporter wiretaps and records seizures. Problem is, most people think that because he's black he can't be impeached. Well, that's not what the Constitution states. May 29, 2013   This organization scares me. It makes me think that thevileone is up to something behind our backs. Remember all those pics of DHS vehicles at recent IRS protests? Remember the red jackets of the "city year" people? And others? Is this what they're raising money for? Is the DHS going to have willing cooperation from "civilians" who have been through these other organizations -- city year, etc. -- in order to subdue the rest of us with their new vehicles and all those ammo purchases? What, exactly, is going on with our "[IN]glorious leader"? What is he up to with raising money now? It's not for his future "preziduntial lie-barry [sic]". So what's it for? May 29, 2013   Gibson Guitars raid was political, not legal. That's a problem. That's a HUGE problem. Thinking of the info immediately above this blurb, where else can this sort of thing lead? May 29, 2013   I'll close today's postings with a video that I find very telling. Libs won't like it, but since when did I care what libs liked? Enjoy and until
next time, See ya'! May 28, 2013: 3:45 p.m.   Four different investigations into the IRS targeting scandal. Question is, will any of them do anything besides make noise for a little while before quietly slipping into the sunset and nothing being done to hold those guilty parties responsible for doing something illegal. It IS thevileone's administration, so you know it's not going to be something that the msm will make much ado about. You also know that the dumborats won't support any kind of punishment for those high muckety-mucks who ordered the targeting (thevileone, for instance). So what will be done? "Sweep" and "rug" come to mind. May 28, 2013   Did eric holder lie under oath? Well, there could be some trouble with his perjury... I mean answer. May 28, 2013   Turkey is building "mega-Mosque" in U.S.A.? Why? What possible reason could a foreign government have to build a mosque in America? Oh, besides the idea of making America a Muslim nation. Besides that. Hmmm? May 28, 2013   China's been spying on our weapons systems. Friends don't spy on friends, so they are proving themselves our enemies. Too bad this administration doesn't realize that's the truth of the matter. May 28, 2013   I can't argue with their sentiments on thevileone. He definitely is "morally bankrupt" and lies like a pro. billyboyclintoon hasn't got a thing on thevileone when it comes to lying. May 28, 2013   Ohio schools to teach the TRUTH about Agenda 21? Agenda 21, you will recall, is the U.N.'s effort to make us all cookie cutter, same-same, everyone "equal" (equally miserable) -- except the rulers they choose -- and the environment is the main way to keep us under their thumbs. We would have no rights as Americans; thus no gun rights, no free speech rights, no free press rights, no individual rights, no right to not be searched, etc. Yeah. The school wants to teach the truth about that and progressives hate that idea. The truth is the enemy of progressives, IMHO, and if the truth gets out there it doesn't reflect favorably on them. Oh, waaah. They don't like the truth? They should stop trying to make us all commies. May 28, 2013   Syria no fly zone, thevileone says. We don't need another war. We don't need to have more of our military men and women killed. thevileone wishes to kill enough of them that if we need protection from Putin or an attack on home soil that we won't have the ability to protect ourselves. He is trying to weaken our military enough to incapacitate our ability to fight back. Well, that's not going to work. Not with all of the folks who have purchased weapons since thevileone took office and the lefties/progressives have been trying to take away our Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms". Even if our military is all on foreign shores (a really bad idea to start with) we civilians will fight back and we won't allow America to fall. That's what a militia is for: fighting in case of military involvement elsewhere. Thus, the Second Amendment protects America and our freedoms all the time in every instance: even against the falderal of our own government. May 28, 2013   High school graduation PRAYER gets standing ovation. Atheists whine. May 28, 2013   War memorials left to crumble while thevileone plans vacation in Martha's Vineyard. Priorities. Don't they tell you something about what's important to thevileone? May 28, 2013   YOU are paying MILLIONS for "eyelid lifts". Don't your eyelids look so much better now? My, it makes such a difference on you. I'm sure you're glad you spent all that money on those eyelids. Ain't government grand? May 28, 2013   Amnesty is still a problem. No matter how you look at it, it's going to wind up COSTING Americans way too much. "Amnesty alone costs $5.3 trillion."That's a lot of money you could be spending on something besides peanut butter and jelly for your children. May 28, 2013   rubio-stupido's amnesty bill now OVER 1,000 PAGES! That's what they did to thevileone's healthcaretax bill, remember? "We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it." That's why they make the bills so outrageously huge: so that no member of either the House or Senate will take the time to read it before it's passed and they can get away with it because no American will read it. Is that what you want? BTW, thanks, rubio-stupido for betraying us. Appreciate that. (Sarcasm.) May 28, 2013   Rush takes a call from a really LOW info voter. It would be funny if it weren't so sad and telling. May 28, 2013   Issa subpoenas BENGHAZI records. Let us not forget BENGHAZI. thevileone murdered those four people. Let us find the facts and proescute him for all four. May 28, 2013   Will mcconnel hold onto his seat? That's a question for 2014's elections. Let us hope that if he does retain it, he gets a spine and every Senate seat that's up goes Republican to Republicans with spines. Then we could see an actual impeachment. May 28, 2013   So that's it for today. Until next time, See ya'! May 27, 2013: 12:01 p.m. -- Memorial Day   I want to start this Memorial Day with the fact that I remember and I honor those who have served; the fallen and the wounded, those who came back whole, but broken; those who served during war and during peace. As part of that remembrance, I wrote "The Marble There Said Nothing", a poem for you. I had already written a Memorial Day remembrance for you, "No Greater Love: A Memorial Day Thought", but I thought you deserved another. Thank you for your service. I am humbled by your sacrifice and I can never repay the debt my family and I owe you. May 27, 2013   google glasses "dangerous"? I think about this: if they're always on, how may they be used against us? How many advertisements can we be subjected to? What if the government started using subliminal messages on them, as advertisers used to do at movies to get people to buy more refreshments? What would the message be? How could they be used against us? I won't be using them, that's for certain! May 27, 2013   thevileone wants to tax air travel. Need to fly to L.A. for business? Get ready to pay about $14 in higher taxes on it. Yeah. He'll tax breathing next and launder the money to give it to the dumborat party so that he can have it for his personal use to pay off his cronies and those who cheated to get him into office. That's just the kind of guy he is. May 27, 2013   Durbin questions bloggers' and tweeters' Constitutional right to free speech protection. He is a dumborat, so: "We need to ask 21st century questions about a provision that was written over 200 years ago."My hubby raises a good point: When television was invented -- or even radio -- did the journalists' protection cover those who were reporting on radio and television, or did it just stick with the print media? Of course, you know the answer: it covered the "new media" of radio and television. Thus, to stay current with the "new media" of the New Millenium, the new media of 2013 should also retain the protection of the "free press" First Amendment. Contrarilly, even if it's not a free press coverage, it's still free speech, First Amendment protected, so what is Durbin's problem? May 27, 2013   IRS still targeting Conservatives? Would it surprise anyone? Not I. May 27, 2013   Syria still using chemical weapons? Wasn't that supposed to be against some U.N. law, treaty, or whatever? Wasn't it something the "civilized nations" agreed to NOT do: chemical, bio and nuclear weapons? What does that tell you about Syria? Whether they signed the agreement or not, they have chosen to do this to their own people. Barbarians at the gate. May 27, 2013   "Decades of sexual abuse" admitted to at private school. They won't agree to an independent investigation of the abuse, which is what the victims want, but they will do their own investigation. That's like eric holder investigating eric holder. Who's going to tell more on themselves? May 27, 2013   Military transformed by thevileone. He wants to make it into an U.N. "Peacekeepers", Peace Corps, or ACORN volunteers-type force instead of a military of capable warriors who can and will protect America. Doing all he can to destroy America, thevileone denies our troops their rightful jobs. He doesn't respect the military, that's for certain! May 27, 2013   ketchup kerry kan't keep up. His I.Q. lags behind the questions he's being asked. He hasn't a clue. But he does thevileone's pro-Islamic bidding. thevileone a Christian? Why does he always help those who hate Christianity and persecute Christians? His actions speek louder than his words. May 27, 2013   THIS reporter does what journalists are SUPPOSED to do: FIND THE TRUTH and report it! Reporters have become more worried about being invited to the next D.C. shindig than digging in and telling the truth about what's going on in the world. When Journalism was journalism the truth was told, lies uncovered and law-breakers were found out. Nowadays, the truth is hidden, the lies retold as truth and the law-breakers are the journalists' in-laws and it's not their relative who will go to jail! Nope. Can't even begin to think about telling the truth any more. Except there are a few journalists who still deserve the title. Sharyl Attkisson is one. May 27, 2013   A TX retirement is getting more and more tempting. Texas is doing some really good things. They allow open carry. They got rid of C-Scope for their schools. They are standing up to thevileone's healthcaretax. I am seriously tempted to retire there because of all of that. The problem I still have with it is the "tornado alley" aspect (don't like tornadoes) and the overall weather: too hot and not cold enough most of the time for my winter tastes. I want snow and LOTS of it. Well, maybe there is hope! I just checked and Amarillo gets 17.8 inches of snow on average and that's not tooooo bad. On the other hand, Rangeley, Maine gets 121.3! WoooHooo! That's my kind of snow! May 27, 2013   GOP investigating Sebelius's fundraising for thevileone's healthcaretax. Sigh. The GOP now has so little spine that even if they do find something they'll just pat her on the back and say, "Now, now! We know you didn't mean to do that. Don't do it again. Okay?" bonehead boehner will do the patting, I'm sure, as he whispers in her ear that he's finished with the investigation and she has nothing else to worry about. That's the GOP nowadays. May 27, 2013   Murdoch quotes the Koran/Qur'an? Left field, but okay. Now we have another rich guy who hates America and Christianity? Is that what this is? Or has he just lost his marbles? May 27, 2013   Pressure cooker scare cancels banquet. When my Mom was making pot roasts in the pressure cooker when I was a kid, I never thought of it as a potential weapon. Yes, it did once get funky with it and the lid blew off and hit the ceiling (to this day I don't know what happened, or why), but other than that there were no problems with nor reason to fear the pressure cooker. I even had one myself for a while. I don't think I ever used it; I think I received it as a wedding present, or some such thing. No, the world has changed for the pressure cooker. Now it is a fearful thing -- especially in a public restroom. Not making light of the pressure cooker in the bathroom, it is reason to say, "Wait. That's not right." under any circumstances. It's just so strange to think that the pressure cooker's reputation has changed so drastically and suddenly. May 27, 2013   Why is Mexico getting money from us when they do this kind of crap to U.S. Citizens? We should take Mexico off of the "Most Favored Nation" list and we should stop sending them ANY ASSISTANCE WHATSOEVER until they sign a binding agreement, a contract, with us that they will not do this kind of hostage-taking to our innocent citizens anymore. If they want to hold people hostage, we should go in, guns blazing, and free that person and to heck and hades with any of their government officials and employees who get hurt. Taking Americans hostage is an act of war and America needs to take part in that war. If Mexico insists on committing acts of war against us, we should commit acts of war against them! Mexico is a signatory of the U.N. Convention Against the Taking of Hostages, thus the act of taking an American hostage is an ACT OF WAR AGAINST AMERICA. I say we react appropriately. May 27, 2013   chris christie used to be considered a Conservative. No longer. Nowadays he is thevileone's foremost kiss-ahem. He has sold his soul. Why so many alleged Conservatives do the "I'll kiss your backside" to thevileone, I have no idea unless he's finding dirt on them. Whatever the cause, put not your trust in man. christie is now a non-entity. May 27, 2013   Close the Saudi embassy in VA. Close it. Demolish it. And do not let another one be established. They've committed multiple acts of war against us, too. Why are we allowing them to stay here? May 27, 2013   FCAT scores for Brevard released. FCAT this, FCAT that, FCAT the other. Are the children learning to think critically, deduce and come to logical conclusions? If not, it's all for nought. They'll be capable of only doing FCAT all their lives. They'll be prepared for NOTHING more. Isn't that what the dumborats want? May 27, 2013   Melbourne relationship may not have been as first thought. One side says one thing and, of course, the other says differently. The courts will figure this one out, it seems. Just wanted you to know that it's not exactly one sided. May 27, 2013   Well that's all for today, unless something tickles my fancy later. Remember to thank our military members for their service. Until next time, See ya'! May 25, 2013: 6:44 p.m.   WOW! Look up! Look up! May 25, 2013   As goes CA, so goes the country? May 25, 2013   Native Americans allowed to evade taxes while Conservatives targeted by IRS. Is it any coincidence that Native Americans -- by and large -- vote dumborat? May 25, 2013   DHS -- those with enough ammo to shoot each of us 10 times -- targeting 3D printed guns. Time to be part of the printer revolution? May 25, 2013   Snow for Memorial Day? Okay. I'm totally jealous. I wish it would snow here. When my hubby retires, we're moving to a place where it snows. I bet this is the best news some on the Space Coast have had in years! May 25, 2013   thevileone is not only vile, he's an IDIOT, too. Sorry. That's old news. May 25, 2013   Unions are more and more "disgruntled" with thevileone's healthcaretax. Don't tell me they actually want to STOP it now? No. They just want an exemption FOR THEMSELVES. They don't want to allow US to opt out, just THEM. Typical liberal/progressive. May 25, 2013   dumborat surrounded by sex, drugs and racketeering. Will he still run for president? Knowing how dumborats are accepting the lowest of the low (witness the acting prezidunce), it's probably (as Rush says) a resumè enhancement for dumborats. Hey, who better to know where to get the good stuff and to understand their plights? May 25, 2013   eric holder to investigate holder's investigation of holder? This is how thevileone one thinks. He thinks that this makes sense. He thinks it makes sense. 99% of those of us with brains -- which excludes most dumborats -- know that holder investigating holder's investigation, etc., is stupid. It's an automatic "I plead the Fifth" situation. In other words, thevileone is setting up a cover-up. May 25, 2013   Did thevileone's admin "ask" insurers for "contributions"? Well, DUH! May 25, 2013   hillclintoon for 2016; will weiner be a help? I can't imagine why the dumborats think that sex scandals consider it a resumè enhancement, but they do. May 25, 2013   Well, that's all I'm going to do for now. I have to figure out how to get HTML Kit for Win 8 to work for me. I know how to do part of it, but the final step, uploading, is still alluding me. Until next time, See ya'! May 24, 2013: 1:59 p.m.   There's been an ad playing on the radio for a few weeks now that has been making me crazy. It's an ad that supports the
"Gang of Eight" immigration "reform" bill. You can watch it here (they play the audio on the radio):
"Americans for a Conservative Direction (ACD) was established in April 2013 by the founders of the pro-Democrat organization FWD.us—most notably Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg—to try to persuade skeptical conservative and Republican voters to support 'comprehensive immigration reform' as a remedy for the nation's 'broken immigration system.' ACD is a sister group to the Council for American Job Growth, which was also formed by FWD.us to advocate for immigration reform, but to a liberal/left rather than a conservative constituency. FWD.us communications director Kate Hansen explains that 'maintaining two separate entities ... to support elected officials across the political spectrum—separately—means that we can more effectively communicate with targeted audiences of their constituents.'"Looking into FWD.us you find this: "Launched on April 11, 2013, and drawing its name from President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign slogan ('Forward'), FWD.us is a pro-Democrat organization founded by thirteen tech-industry leaders to promote the passage of 'comprehensive immigration reform' in the United States. Assserting that America was 'built on the ingenuity and drive of immigrants,' FWD calls on Congress and President Obama to 'reform the country’s archaic and broken immigration system [in order] to attract innovators and build prosperous neighborhoods with strong families and good jobs.' In a Washington Post op ed, FWD's leading founder, Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg, wrote that his fledgling group's objective was to attract 'the most talented and hardest-working people' from around the world and thereby bolster America's 'knowledge economy.' 'We have a strange immigration policy for a nation of immigrants,' Zuckerberg said of America, which is home to more than 20% of all the immigrants on earth. 'And it's a policy unfit for today's world.'"So what we're seeing is FL Senator, Marco Rubio, being used by a leftist organization to further destroy America. QUESTION: Was Rubio DUPED and just being used as a naive person who has a voice people will listen to, or was he willing to sell America out in order to gain political power? Whichever, he is WRONG in supporting this bill. Considering all of this, I wrote a little note to Sen. Rubio: "Sir,I want to know. Why would anyone support a bill that, as Ann Coulter says will turn us into Mexico, and were any taxpayer dollars used to support such a thing? IF any of our money was used to do so, I think that's treason. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and those Senators and Representatives who are supporting it should be put in prison for treason as well. If that includes Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, so be it. May 24, 2013   Considering the info above, andwhat immigration can do to a country, I think Rubio and Ryan are idiots for supporting this thing. What are they getting out of it? What is their motivation here? Ask yourself "Why"? May 24, 2013   Instead of "hooking-up" (yes, used intentionally) with leftist organizations and pushing THEIR agenda, Rubio/Ryan should support the Heritage Foundation's immigration stance. It would be better for America and better for their political careers! May 24, 2013   Unions are turning against thevileone's healthcaretax. That's because the cost is going to affect them, too, no matter what he promised them earlier. He lies. That's all there is to it. But the unions were more than willing to support it when it wouldn't affect their membership. They'll do it to you but don't want it done to them. Fair for the goose? May 24, 2013   British terrorist who hacked soldier to death was a convert TO ISLAM. Peace and tolerance showing its lovely face again. Shock. Surprise. May 24, 2013   Holder "might" have perjury problem? MIGHT? MIGHT!? This administration wouldn't know the truth if it kissed them on the lips... (You know the rest). They couldn't tell the truth if their lives -- or jail sentences -- depended upon it. Proof: hillclintoon LIED to Congress. Lois Lerner LIED. Steven Miller LIED to Congress. Douglas Shulman lied to Congress. How many more examples do you need? Perjury? Lying to Congress? It's the M.O. of this administration! May 24, 2013   Aaaahhhhhh.... public schools again. May 24, 2013   OK tornado victims get more help from faith-based charities than from government. I haven't mentioned the OK tornado because I was sure everyone knew about it. I lived in OK when I was a kid. I stood outside and watched a tornado as it formed and hit ground and stayed there for a while. A few days later we found out the tornado hit our landlord's son's house and killed our landlord's granddaughter. When I was a teen I saw the path of the 1974 Xenia, OH, tornado because my science teacher had a pilot friend and they flew the pathway and my teacher took pictures of the destruction. He developed those pictures and brought them in, taped the pathway up on the wall and taught us about tornadoes. It was terrifying. I was the one assigned for Parent's Night to give the info on the tornado path. Not something one soon forgets. I fear tornadoes more than I do hurricanes because I've seen what they can do in such a short, short time. Hurricanes come at you slowly, for the most part, but tornadoes are just there. They come at you quickly and they do all kinds of damage.Of course, my thoughts and prayers are with the people of Moore, Oklahoma. May 24, 2013   thevileone promotes another liar. That's all that thevileone knows: LIES, LIES and more LIES. He promotes LIARS, he hangs with LIARS, he IS a LIAR. May 24, 2013   Bad joke. May 24, 2013   mccain't is a disgrace to himself. He may as well just go hide under a rock because he has become such a worm. May 24, 2013   This is not good for America. More and more people on food stamps means more and more people who will vote dumborat. It's not good. It's dangerous for America. May 24, 2013   U.S. military losing religious rights? It is thevileone, isn't it? May 24, 2013   Another court rules thevileone's recess appointments UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Like thevileone cares about the U.S. Constitution?!! Really? thevileone doesn't care about the Constitution. He cares about destroying America and nothing else. That's where his heart is. You can tell by his actions. Ignore his words because words mean nothing if his actions do not back his words up. Look at his actions. Now tell me I'm wrong. May 24, 2013   On that uplifting and smiley note, I shall close for now. Until next time, See ya'! May 23, 2013: 9:34 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I got such a late start. Had errands to run and things to do and very little sleep last night, so I'll probably get to bed earlier than usual. Let's hope it's not as interrupted as this morning and Tuesday were. Oh, well. On we go! May 23, 2013   Yeah. thevileone did NOT know about the A.P., IRS, etc., scandals. If you believe that, I've got some swampland on the moon for you. May 23, 2013   D.C. court screws it up big time. Shock! May 23, 2013   Boy Scouts to experience a mass exodus. They're ringing their own death knell. Stupid thing to do, but PC is PC. May 23, 2013   Bernanke leaving Fed? He is said to be out by August. Let's see if that actually happens. May 23, 2013   "Blasting" thevileone: the latest media trend? May 23, 2013   Illegal immigrant killed TX Deputy. Whether Houston is a "Sacntuary City" is still up for debate. Question: Was the illegal alien who drank and drove and killed the Deputy there as part of that "Sanctuary City" status idea? Was he there because he didn't think he'd be exported if found? If so, that's a problem that, if solved previously, could have meant that the Deputy could have still been alive. It's something to think about. May 23, 2013   Doc tells Congress to stop abortions. Congress won't listen. Even though it's a Republican "controlled" Congress, I bet they don't listen. May 23, 2013   House says no way to "Gang of Eight" bill. How did bonehead boehner get that right? May 23, 2013   I think I'll stop there for now. I have to get something to eat and I am tired. Tomorrow and over the weekend I will probably be doing very short updates because I have to spend a LOT of time working on my Windows 8 computer figuring out how to do my updates on it. I downloaded the HTML Kit that works with Win 8 and I need to learn it all over again. It is quite different from the one I'm used to. So, until next time, See ya'! May 22, 2013: 4:39 p.m.   This is icky. There are more male/male sexual assaults in the U.S. military than male/female sexual assaults. That's icky. It should be stopped. I think there's a big deal made of the male/female sexual assaults because it makes women "victims" again, but the male/male sexual assaults are covered up and ignored for the most part because it's not PC to mention it and be upset about it. How many mothers want their sons to go into the military and be raped by a male? Not many that I know of. All sexual assault is wrong. In the military, it is especially wrong because the military is supposed to be a place of honor. The high-muckety-mucks should not just give it foolish lip service, they should actually do something that would stop it. There are rules in place to punish perps and those rules should actually be enforced. It should not be swept under the rug, it should not be "moved around" (a la Catholic priests), it should be punished in the strictest way possible EVERY time it is proven. No exceptions; all the way up to C.I.C. May 22, 2013   "No Greater Love: A Memorial Day Thought" is my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com and I hope you like it. May 22, 2013   thevileone's wifeypoop is considering spending TAXPAYER DOLLARS for extended vacation on Martha's Vineyard. Enjoying mac and cheese? They won't be tasting that for another four years. Isn't that special? May 22, 2013   Interesting turn of events? May 22, 2013   thevileone's people wouldn't know the truth
if it kissed them on the lips, slipped 'em the tongue and grabbed their crotches at the same time. No matter what the truth did to them, they wouldn't recognize it because
they're so unfamiliar with telling the truth,
hearing it, writing it,
or allowing it. And that's the truth! May 22, 2013   "Peace and Tolerance" beheaded a soldier in England. Shouting "Allahu Akbar!" while you're cutting a guy up? Very peacefully tolerant. Maybe someone needs to change the meaning of the words so that they'll more closely fit Islam? Just think. If that British subject had been able to carry a gun, he could have shot the men who attacked him with knives, a machete and had an illegal gun. I bet a soldier is a better aim. He would have at least had a chance instead of losing his head to "peace and tolerance". May 22, 2013   Now a drone scandal? What else? Will thevileone announce he's gay to make it all better, or just hide behind stupidity? May 22, 2013   OF COURSE it's the IRS the dumborats are worried about! Who else can they use to intimidate us so easily? The clown in the Red House? May 22, 2013   Special prosecutor for IRS scandal: IMPEACHMENT! Never mind allowing thevileone to appoint a "Special Prosecutor" who -- as thevileone's appointee will favor thevileone -- for this. Just IMPEACH THE DICTATOR-TYRANT! May 22, 2013   Over $1 TRILLION TO FOREIGN BANKS?! With our economy on the verge of bankruptcy, he's giving money to foreign banks?!!! WTHeck!? Destroy America any way he can. May 22, 2013   I guess you can tell something else tickled my fancy (more of today's posts below). I'd better stop. I'm getting angry at all of this crap he's doing. So, until next time... See ya'! May 22, 2013: 9:44 a.m.   Missed yesterday because I was only online for a little while due to it being a family birthday. Birthdays are an important thing in our family, so we make sure we focus on the birthday person and make their birthday special. Last night we spent time together and laughed and laughed and laughed. It was a good time. Sorry for missing the updates, but it was important to my family that I do so. Speaking of birthdays, it is one of my siblings' birthday today and I wish my sibling a Very Happy Birthday and many more to come. She's older than I, so I can always tease her about that. (And I do.) Now, on with the updates. May 22, 2013   True The Vote is suing the I.R.S. over their interference in filings. Good! What the I.R.S. did was not just wrong, it was unconstitutional. What America has the RIGHT to know is "What did thevileone know and when did he know it?" If we do not get the true answer to that question, and the truth about the question: "DID HE ORDER THE I.R.S. TO DO THIS?" then we should start impeachment immediately because he's not willing to govern in the Sunshine. IF thevileone ordered the I.R.S. to do this, then he should be impeached immediately also because he's being not a president, but a tyrant. Tyranny in America shall not stand! Either way, this scandal will "live in infamy" and it proves my March of 2009 assertion that "Let me repeat that: B. Hussein O. is already the WORST POTUS EVER."I saw it coming and I warned you. I knew he would not be good for America. I'm proven right again. May 22, 2013   Another friend of thevileone in charge of something that should NOT be open to other government agencies, but I bet it will be if this stands. Sigh. When will his socialism be stopped? May 22, 2013   The records of PARENTS of FOX News reporters' were seized. Um... That's a little Hitler-ish, isn't it? Don't just investigate the reporter, investigate their families so that the reporter feels even more intimidated? Isn't that WRONG? Isn't that the OPPOSITE of what America is supposed to be? Doesn't that violate the trust we're supposed to be able to have in our government? Doesn't the reporter have a First Amendment right to be "a free press"? I think that what thevileone is doing is despicable and impeachable. May 22, 2013   AZ wins in court!!! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! It's a good thing! Too bad if the "Gang of Eight" get their way that ruling won't last for long. May 22, 2013   Chechen killed by FBI may have been involved in terrorism. He was being questioned about the Boston Marathon bombings. His death does not prove his guilt nor his innocence. May 22, 2013   TEA Party protests the I.R.S. around America today as DHS watches over them with a lot of AMMO available to them. Remember: the DHS ALONE has enough bullets to shoot each American 10 times. That's ten holes in each of us via the DHS ALONE. What happes when the other government entities are taken into consideration? How many bullet holes can your body withstand? Now are you listening to me? May 22, 2013   USELESS anthrax drug purchased for 334 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS. Emphasis on "USELESS". Note the relationship: "An influential Pentagon official who also served as a presidential consultant and Navy Secretary persuaded the U.S. government to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a useless anthrax drug manufactured by his biotech firm."Being a friend of thevileone has all kinds of perks. In this case, $334 MILLION worth of YOUR money. Sweet! (Sarcasm.) May 22, 2013   Sanctuary city, Baltimore: 9 year-old girl pays the price. An illegal immigrant brutally raped her because he got "sanctuary" there. Is that the price you're willing to pay: allowing this kind of creep near your children? Stop "sanctuary cities". May 22, 2013   I bet you $1.50 this timeline changes. I bet ya' it changes to make the Red House the origin of the I.R.S. interference into TEA Party applications. I betcha. May 22, 2013   Fast & Furious, the A.P. wiretapping phone and e-mail records grabbing of the F.B.I., the I.R.S. and the Conservative groups... And don't EVER forget BENGHAZI. New whistleblowers may testify. It's important that ALL of the truth comes out about every scandal thevileone has promulgated. All of his lies and deceits must be uncovered and the light of truth shined upon them. Question: Did thevileone choose to appoint Lois Lerner because of her history of targeting religious groups and that told him that she'd have no problem enlarging her targeting to include Conservative groups, too? The question must be asked. May 22, 2013   dumborats turn on the I.R.S. but it's only to distance themselves from the problem. They don't want to be seen as being complicit in the wrongdoing. Too bad some of them cannot claim exemption to involvement. They may now try, but they're already on the record as having supported it. And there's more than one who did so. Let us not forget that the I.R.S. leaked the info to a DEMOCRAT organization. That's illegal, too. Who will take the fall? The woman who "refused to testify" today? Or will it be the guy who was "fired" (retiring anyways)? It certainly won't be thevileone. May 22, 2013   Freaky farrakhan talks about "satanic Jews". He's committing HATE SPEECH. Why is he NOT ARRESTED? Anyone in Detroit willing to make a citizen's arrest? The cops won't enforce the HATE SPEECH crimes laws on him. Why doesn't a citizen do so? Arrest him, take him to the nearest police station and turn his butt over for prosecution of hate speech. Otherwise, this is a bully law that is intended to only silence SOME and that's TYRANNY, not law. May 22, 2013   Sarah Palin is RIGHT. As usual. May 22, 2013   Rand Paul blasts dumborats for their Apple questioning. They wasted taxpayer dollars in order to draw attention away from thevileone's scandals. It's the typical dumborat "Don't look here, look over there! Squirrel!!" thing. Sometimes I just want to line them up and slap them all. May 22, 2013   In NY, you don't get to stand up against the government, even if you're a Sheriff. No, no! That's not allowed! Exercising your GOD-given rights is a bad thing in NY. Don't do it. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Tyranny is allowed. May 22, 2013   Trayvon Martin's final hour may be a little different than has been reported. May 22, 2013   thevileone's hurting his own cause. Stupid is as stupid does, but it is GOOD FOR AMERICA if he hurts himself. May 22, 2013   I'll stop there for now because I have other things to do. So until next time, See ya'! May 20, 2013: 11:40 a.m.   This whole thing with the I.R.S. is absurdly UN-Amercan. When the government uses its taxing arm to beat up, intimidate, abuse, harrass and spy on organizations that do not support the regime that is currently in power (whether a Conservative president, or a dumborat regime) it is WRONG. It's so very unconstitutional, reprehensible and UN-American that it boggles my mind that ANY American government would want to, actually do, or endorse doing this sort of thing. From James Rosen, of FOX News to Dr. James Dobson of Family Talk Action, from TEA Party groups to Mitt Romney big money donors, the I.R.S.'s bullying tactics were used to intimidate anyone on the right side of the political scale. These actions could have had an impact on the elections, because if your group doesn't have a 501(c)4 designation, you apparently cannot accept donations to give to a political candidate because 501(c)3's canNOT give to political candidates/orgs, but 501(c)4's CAN. This means that all of those TEA Party applications for 501(c)4 status, even though they had alredy received their 501(c)3 status, could NOT give to any political activities UNTIL they received the designation the I.R.S. held up and manipulated the release date for. This means, that those organizations that COULD HAVE given to Mitt Romney's campaign and helped get him elected were prevented from doing so via the I.R.S.'s manipulations and contortions to delay the approval of their applications. Thus, the I.R.S. becamse a de facto arm of thevileone's campaign. This is totally illegal. It is UN-American. It is unconstitutional. But since when did the U.S. Constitution mean anything to the Constitutional Professor, thevileone? Is this what you want? Do you support this ideology? Breaking the law is okay as long as it serves its purpose? BTW, another question that springs to mind is: What else are they hiding? What is the BIG ONE that will come out sooner or later; the one they really dread? May 20, 2013   A UNION thinks the immigration bill is dangerous? A union agrees with me? Amazing. May 20, 2013   LOL! Headlines all over the place. One in particular makes me cringe: thevileone thinks Beyonce is a good role model for his daughters. May 20, 2013   thevileone's admin is responsible for the "leaks" the A.P. reported on. It's not that the A.P. went in and burglarized thevileone's admin's offices, found the info and decided to "leak" it. No, the A.P. got the info from someone within thevileone's administration and they published it. Did the A.P. hold a gun to the admin's head? No. Did the A.P. threaten them in any way if thevileone's administration didn't give them the national security info? No. Someone within the administration decided to impress someone with the info they had and prove that they had it, and gave it to the A.P. reporter who then reported it. My qustion is, someone within the administration knows which reporter they gave the info to, so WHY TARGET THE WHOLE OF THE A.P.'s reporter pool when there IS A NAME that CAN BE GOTTEN from an administration official? The fact of the matter is that they WANTED to target the whole of the A.P.'s reporter pool so that they could get info on all of them and use it for...? Was this a fishing expedition so that thevileone would have a tool to use against them when he chooses to go for another term? May 20, 2013   Smoking gun for the I.R.S. scandal? Red House visitor logs may show some surprising links. May 20, 2013   Dumborats re-taking the House in 2014 now a slim-to-nill dream. My dream? Impeachment of thevileone and a Republican House and Senate that can make it happen. Spines for Republicans would be good, too. Maybe all of these scandals will help provide something similar to a spine, if not an actual spine. Wouldn't that be a wonderful Change? Let us all Hope. May 20, 2013   What are the chances thevileone will support the wrong side? I'd say the odds are about 1000/1. He'll support the wrong side on this one. As he does with everything. Shock. Surprise. May 20, 2013   Another problem discovered with thevileone's healthcaretax. So this is the 21,643,511,354,651 problem discovered? Considering that this thing was passed so that we could "find out what was in it", is there anyone surprised by the fact that there are so many, many, many problems with this thing? May 20, 2013   TEXAS is doing it RIGHT! C-SCOPE (similar to Common Core State Standard) is GONE! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! This is an excellent thing! Now it's even more tempting to move to TX. If they had a place that got more snow, I'd be there when my hubby retires in a heartbeat. But they don't get that much snow, generally speaking, so it's not that tempting to me. I love snow. I want snow. I miss snow. Would that a state in the "lower 49" be up north and like Texas. Is anyone in Wyoming, Maine, Montana listening? BE LIKE TEXAS! (Florida, you should be like Texas, too!) May 20, 2013   LOL! Now will the lefties hate thevileone? No, but it's funny anyways. May 20, 2013   PPPP = Planned Parenthood Pedophile Protection: aborting the child conceived by the rape of a pre-teen, they abort her rapist's child and help him cover his crime. Yet another reason to totally UNfund PPPP. May 20, 2013   hillclintoon has lost some key staffers who won't help her campaign in 2016. That's assuming, of course, that she won't be in jail and unable to run. It's also assuming she would run anyways. After all of the scandals are brought into the open for the next three years, I wonder how many dumborats will be wanting to take the task on of carrying the dumborat's baggage into the 2016 elections. Will they put someone out there who has so small a chance of winning that it's a laughable thing to even consider it: bumbling biden, for instance? Or maybe it will be john "ketchup" kerry? Or, let's really reach, and say they put up pelosipig to run in 2016 for president. What would their chances be after all of the scandals -- and the scandals yet to come -- are revealed from thevileone's preziduncy? Can odds be in the negatives by millions? May 20, 2013   Yet another Do[IN]J wrong-doing makes headlines. Is there nothing this administration WON'T stoop to? Personally, I seriously doubt it. May 20, 2013   They raised the debt ceiling, and reached that ceiling yesterday. Woops. Not enough? Or is thevileone just spending way too much? I think thevileone is just spending too much. Mostly giving it to green companies so that they can launder it for him and give it back to the dumborat party? Just asking, folks. Just asking. May 20, 2013   Immigration "reform" shouldn't cost us more than it can grow our economy. If doing something hurts America, it's easy, don't do it! Simple. May 20, 2013   Dumborat in Arkansas arrested for "extortion under color of official right". Looks like she was following thevileone's example. That's her defense, right there: if it's good enough for thevileone, it's good enough for her. May 20, 2013   YUCK! Don't go to (or in) public pools! They are or could be contaminated with "fecal matter". YUCK! May 20, 2013   Save a child, pay $1,000 fine. May 20, 2013   The I.R.S. is a despicable government entity. Telling a pro-life organization to SUPPORT abortion? That's despicable. It's wrong. It's government bullying. Isn't that what this administration is all about? May 20, 2013   The alleged "Benghazi riots filmmaker" is still in jail. Even though it's been proven that the riots were a pre-meditated attack totally unrelated to ANY film, the framed filmmaker is still in jail. Ambassador Stevens and three others (including two who disobeyed the "stand down" order and saved others' lives) are dead for thevileone's cause and this guy rots in jail while thevileone is given a total pass. When will the Teflon scratch off of this guy? With all of the scandals now coming out, and with more to come, maybe by the time 2016 rolls around? Or will all of these scandals be enough to push the Republicans into control of both the House and Senate in 2014? May 20, 2013   hillclintoon had close ties to CAIR while Huma Abedin was her advisor. Question: Was she also a CAIR spy, carrying secret information from the State Dept. to CAIR and enabling Islamic countries and terrorist organizations to have insider information? The question MUST BE ASKED. She was privy to all kinds of our secrets. What, if anything, did she do with that information? May 20, 2013   Pray for rain on the high plains. It's a short poem, but it's also important that they get rain. May 20, 2013   Is the NFL supporting a radical Muslim? May 20, 2013   Well that's where I'll stop for today. I didn't get back to the updates on Friday because, as I said, I had an appointment and had very little time to do updates. The appointment went well, then my hubby said that he wanted to go out to the Merritt Island wildlife area and look for birds. He's recently gotten into bird watching and I want to support him in that, so I went with him. I was just telling him that I didn't think I had ever seen a scrub jay in person and, voila!, a scrub jay magically appeared very close to us! I got pictures, my husband got pictures and I'll post one of my pics to my flickr account soon. We stayed out for a while, then went to the grocery store and came home late. Saturday I wasn't feeling well, Sunday is my day off. So, I didn't do updates over the weekend. Sorry about that. Until next time, See ya'! May 17, 2013: 2:28 p.m.   Just a few blurbs for now because I have an appointment to get to. IF I can get back to it and do more later today, I'll do so. Until then, let's start with Another scandal for thevileone's administration. I said way, way back in March of 2009: "I judge B. Hussein O. as a negative influence because he laughs as others are suffering (calling it "gallows humor"), he plans more hard times for everyone in America — not just the rich as he promised during his campaign — making even those who wish to emulate him to have a more difficult time in the process. B. Hussein O. has totally messed up in his first sixty days with the worst budget in the history of the whole of America's existence. And for this I condemn him to being already the worst POTUS ever. Let me repeat that: B. Hussein O. is already the WORST POTUS EVER.HE proves me correct. May 17, 2013   thevileone's "foundation" got immediate approval from the IRS, instead of being forced to jump through hoops as were Conservative groups. Instead of being forced to answer questions such as: Is that the purview of the IRS? Does the U.S. Constitution state that the IRS has the right to ask any of these questions? If the answer to those two questions is a RESOUNDING NO!, then why did the employees of the IRS go ahead and do it? Are these people incapable of thinking for themselves? Are they incapable of standing up against wrongdoing and telling their boss, toe to toe, face to face, that the questions are a breach of their responsibilities, overreaches their guidelines and crosses the lines of propriety? The IRS has proven that the agents who participated in this sort of breach (and ILLEGALITY) are more than willing to do what is wrong instead of standing for what is right. What amazes me is that they were willing to go far down the road to pergatory in order to do thevileone's bidding. Where are their souls? Already in satan's dominion and already halfway to hell. May 17, 2013   The IRS official who started the scandal is now in control of thevileone's healthcaretax admin. Can you imagine what kinds of health care questions you'll be getting considering the types of questions they asked that are listed above? Yeow. They'll be asking what sort of positions you and your "significant other" like to use, what type of toilet paper you use (and how many squares) and then they'll say it was all okay. It was just "low level grunts" who did wrong, not the leadership. Is this what you want? May 17, 2013   Well, I have to get ready for my appointment. As I said earlier, I'll try to do more later. Until then, stay vigilant, stay strong, and read the U.S. Constitution and ask yourself this, "Is this administration even remotely close to what this document says it's supposed to be?" If the answer is "No!" then we need to change this administration. May 16, 2013: 1:06 p.m.   The Kermit Gosnell trial was so honest about abortion that a pro-baby-killing reporter became a PRO-LIFE reporter. Anyone who looks at the TRUTH of abortion must -- MUST -- admit that it is killing babies. That's the TRUTH of the matter. There is no escaping it when you look at the facts. Those who support abortion support murder and if they refuse to admit that, they do so for political purposes. Proving that what I yesterday for GJWHG.com. wrote "The Value of Life: No Higher Than What is Politicallly Convenient or Expedient." That wasn't my title, but Regis, the editor changed the title. Which, as editor, is her right. May 16, 2013   This makes me crazy. I really dislike people breaking the law to illegally enter our country and then to live off of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS. That makes me irrate. It is not right that those who are here illegally should benefit from breaking the law! If murderers are not allowed to write and sell a book and benefit from their crime, why should anyone else who breaks the law be allowed to benefit from their crime? A welfare fraud who is caught shouldn't be allowed to keep the things they got via the fraud; an embezzler should not be able to keep the money they stole; a politician who accepts bribes (illegal, but done more than most would acknowledge; otherwise how would so many of them enter with net worths around $300,000 and leave with net worths more lik e $6.5 million?) to support certain bills should not be able to keep their ill-gotten gains. Same thing applies to illegal aliense. Just because they're here illegally that doesn't mean they get to live off of YOUR hard work and not have to pay you back. May 16, 2013   Seriously? 19.5 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS to study the effect of the lie of "global warming" on COWS? COWS?! How ridiculous is that? More money laundering by thevileone. May 16, 2013   WHAT A WIMP! The Marines are there to protect the prezidunce... But from RAINDROPS?! REALLY?! What a wimp. (I'd use another word, but it's rather crude.) May 16, 2013   How many scandals are there now? I think that there are so many that thevileone is going to have a little heartburn for a few days. The problem is, the msm probably won't do the right thing and tell the truth about thevileone's involvement. After all, thevileone set all of these things in motion. He ordered it, supported it, allowed it, didn't stop it, ignored it: all of the previous or a single one of the previous, he's responsible. He's the boss. He's the one who is "in charge." He's the one who answers to US. He, not just others, should lose his job over these things:
May 16, 2013   Speaking of "laser-like focus" on jobs, the latest jobs numbers are not good. Shock. Surprise. Check out the U6 (real unemployment) number. Those are the gov's numbers, not FoxNews' nor Limbaugh's, so you know they're correct. Doesn't that tell you something? Get a quick pic of the unemployment numbers at the Washington Post. Look at the chart that focuses on the U6. Not good. Not good. May 16, 2013   Two "known or suspected" TERRORISTS given witness protection, now...? Were they given witness protection to protect them, or to protect US? If they're terrorists, why are we protecting them? Why not let happen to them what they wished to do to us? Turnabout is fair play, after all. May 16, 2013   I said there would be more: TX baby-killing house of horrors: A.K.A. Gosnell II. Is there another in Charlotte, NC? The baby-killing industry is a heartless industry. Why should it surprise anyone that these things are taking place in abortuaries? After all, as long as the child is dead, who cares how it dies, right? That's how they think and why they do the evil things they do. May 16, 2013   The thrill is gone? Boo. Hoo. May 16, 2013   Another overstepping of their authority by thevileone's admin? Or just being thugs? May 16, 2013   I shall end for now. Until next time, See ya'! May 14, 2013: 6:39 p.m.   Wrote a poem you might like. It's called, "The Truth of Light". I hope you enjoy it. May 14, 2013   IRS scandal: will it touch anyone in this admin? Probably not, but there's no harm in hoping. They released info on Conservative groups including BILLY GRAHAM! That's rather absurd, but that's this administration! They're even being compared to Nixon's Watergate, but I doubt that will phase them. Some little guy[s] will take the fall and taht will be the end of it, no matter how much thevileone knew nor when he knew it. Even if he DIRECTED it to happen (which probably did happen), he'll not be touched. The left will circle the wagons and protect his backside. thevileone's brother's "charity" got approved and NOT leaked but right-wing organizations? Nope. They had delays and their info was ILLEGALLY leaked. Shock. Surprise. Watergate II and thevileone did it. IMPEACH HIM. Yeah. That won't happen. Although, it may be waking some folks up, I don't know that it's a permanent wake-up call or just a temporary, open one eye and go back to sleep kind of thing. May 14, 2013   thevileone's administration is RELATED TO many msm execs. Maybe that's why the msm refuses to touch the truth about him? They don't want their relative to face the music of his wrath? Scaredy-pants. May 14, 2013   I've lived in Puerto Rico. Did so for three years as a child. My Dad was stationed at the Air Force Base there. But when we lived there, I doubt that 1/3 of the nation was on food stamps. It's not right. They refuse to become a part of America -- a STATE -- but they take our money and make us pay for them? Let's stop that nonsense right now! May 14, 2013   Oh, PUHLEASE! Did they also say he had a sharp crease in his trouser legs? Come on! May 14, 2013   holder may have recused himself, but his underling is still under his thumb. Nothing amiss will be found. They'll cover it up, as the left -- say what they may now -- always does. Will the spying on the msm make them look at thevileone a little differently? May 14, 2013   thevileone's claim gets FOUR Pinocchios. Out of four, I might add. May 14, 2013   Absurd! Absolutely ABSURD! That German family who came here for asylum because the German government was going to take their kids away because the parents wanted to homeschool their kids is now denied asylum by thevileone's administration. This is a clarion call to ALL of you homeschoolers out there. Get into a group that has legal counsel and stay there. Do NOT go into the public school system, but join an umbrella group or something similar so that you can have enough money with the rest of the group to have legal counsel when needed. Notice that I didn't say "IF". With this administration and three more years of it, there's going to be a showdown and you need to take cover NOW. If your company has a legal representation subscription service that you can pay a small fee to join, DO IT if you homeschool. Do it now. I urge you to take immediate action. This is the future for you. May 14, 2013   Amidst all of the Benghazigate stuff, the IRS-gate stuff, the Fast & Furious-gate (back burnered currently) stuff, the AP wire tap-gate stuff, now there's a food stamp bill being paraded as a "farm bill". "The “farm bill” is a misleading title for this recurring legislation. It is really a food stamp bill that also includes agriculture subsidies. The vast majority of spending—about 80 percent in the 2008 bill—is dedicated to food stamps[1] and other nutrition programs."That's how things work right now. Misdirect, mislead, obfuscate and outright LIE. Oops. My bad. I've told the truth again. Where is the INTEGRITY and HONOR in our government? Hmm? Can anyone show me where? Didn't it used to be -- long, long ago -- a place where the best of the best served? Where honor mattered? Where anyone with half an ounce of integrity would not be caught dead doing 1/100 of the things being done now? What happened to HONOR? May 14, 2013   China's taking advantage of our looking the other way. They're testing "satellite destroying missiles" and we're having to deal with a lying, cheating, no good prezidunce. Wonderful. May 14, 2013   The United Nations' agenda is showing... No Israel on their map? Very telling indeed. May 14, 2013   Is robin fisher for real? That's an imposter up there saying something about doing away with a tax, right? Oh! Never mind. He's just setting up his run for higher office. He's getting his bona fides for when he runs for State Representative or Senator; or maybe U.S. Rep. or Sen. Whichever. He's got to make himself look more conservative. That's how they get elected. He is being term limited out in 2016, so let's assume he's eyeing a resignation and going for a 2014 run for higher office. Or, maybe he'll hang onto his D1 seat until he finds out if his faux conservatism can win him anything. We'll see. May 14, 2013   Another perv; another black eye for the military. When will that stop surprising me? May 14, 2013   Trayvon Martin's past not relevant? Think again. It all adds up to the full picture of who he was and what could have reasonably been expected of him in a confrontation. You can bet your bottom dollar the jury will know all about Zimmerman's past so they should also be told about Martin's. Fair for the goose... May 14, 2013   A few "Hahahas" to brighten your day: bumbling biden: chocolate shooting guns? And, vindication? That's a good giggle! And it's enough for tonight. Until later, See ya'! May 13, 2013: 12:36 p.m.   Sorry about the missed days. I had to pick my husband up from the airport on Friday and when I did that, instead of coming straight home, he wanted to take me out to dinner and do some shopping. So we did. We didn't get home until late and then got up Saturday and went shopping again. We wound up buying a new computer for me (HURRAY!!! See me smile?) and a new camera for him, some books and a few odds and ends as well as what we needed to make Mother's Day meals. Mother's Day I got two kinds of homemade quiche (bacon and broccoli and ham and spinach), fresh strawberries with chocolate dip, homemade lasagne for dinner and we were going to have homemade cherry cheesecake for dessert, but we were all too full to worry about it. I got the new computer and a very nice purse for Mother's Day and a shawl from one son (I use them a lot) and a cash gift from the other son. I had a good Mother's Day. I hope you did, too. Now, on with a few blurbs. Only a few because I have to run to the post office and mail a box of miscellaneous to my Mom (her Mother's Day gift got there on Tuesday of last week; a new bedding set for her bed) and I have to get my new computer set up to do these updates. Here we go! May 13, 2013   Is it all falling apart? May 13, 2013   IRS targets YOU? On whose orders? Was it something they just took it upon themselves to do? Was it something a "low level employee" decided to do out of the blue? Or, more likely, was it orders from above that had them targetting patriotic Americans? Did thevileone have anything to do with these outrageous questionnaires the IRS sent these groups in order to intimidate them. Is this America? Of course you know that the articles of impeachment against Nixon had as Article 2.1: 1.He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."Yeah. Nixon was kicked out of office and the articles of impeachment against him were drawn up. They considered the stuff thevileone is doing to be worthy of impeachment. In fact, according to the ACLJ's Jay Sekulow interview on Glenn Beck's show today, what thevileone is doing is MUCH WORSE than what Nixon did and twenty-seven groups have been targeted by thevileone's administration's IRS. The ACLJ got involved because of this abuse of power and governmental bullying. Do you have a similar target on your back? When will your beliefs be targeted by this administration? Will you have the ability to hire an attorney such as Jay Sekulow to defend and advise you? If not, start standing up now for others who are targeted or there will be none left to defend you. May 13, 2013   thevileone LIES about BENGHAZI AGAIN. Why don't we just call this administration what it is? thevileone is Prezidunce O.J. Simpson: "If the LIE does fit, you must acquit." (Paraphrasing, of course.) He's the O.J. Simpson of presidents. No matter what the evidence shows; no matter how many witnesses can testify; no matter what the DNA proves, he's innocent because he's NOT GOING TO BE FOUND GUILTY, NO MATTER WHAT. That's the O.J. Simpson thing. We don't have a president. We have an O.J. Simpson; race-based "Get out of jail free" card and all. May 13, 2013   Really? Doctors, hospitals, etc., should DONATE to help implement the thing that will put them out of business? That's what thevileone's Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, wants them to do. Does that make ANY sense to anyone? How stupid a suggestion! Donate so that you can put yourself out of business? Really. May 13, 2013   Kermit Gosnell's jury deadlocked on two counts; PP celebrates... Not really. The jury is deadlocked, but there's nothing in the story that says that PP celebrated. But when you consider that Planned Parenthood -- A.K.A. BABYKILLERS, INC. -- supports Gosnell-type actions via CO law, I can't help but think that PP would celebrate the deadlock. They're heartless. Totally heartless. Remember, there are over 200 counts in the case, so there are a lot of other possibilities to find him guilty. We'll see if the deadlock is for his GUILT or for his INNOCENCE, though. I am hoping that it is guilty because I can't imagine anyone not finding that moving, breathing, responding babies extra-utero are NOT alive. May 13, 2013   Michelle Malkin reminds us to be careful who we follow. The "gun rights activist" organizing an "armed march on D.C." isn't a good person to follow. May 13, 2013   Covering up BENGHAZI is one of thevileone's main goals. He's working hard to keep from being impeached. Is it all falling apart? How many of these hot potatoes can he juggle at one time? How about someone start an investigation into where the money goes when all of those green companies thevileone gives YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to go belly-up? How about someone look into all of the meetings with CAIR and other Muslim terrorist organizations? How about the Fast & Furious thing coming back to the fore? How about other investigations that SHOULD BE DONE, but aren't being done? How would he handle all of that? Would he be impeached then? Would he then have any music to face? How many LIES can he live at the same time? He seems to be pretty good at it. But even O.J. Simpson will be found out some day. He can't be tried again, but he was found responsible in a wrongful death civil suit. When will it fall apart for thevileone? Is the snowball just now starting down the hill? May 13, 2013   Sexual assaults in U.S. Military not as prevalent as you may think. False reports, on the other hand, have increased by 35%! LYING about important, life-changing matters is becoming more prevalent in the military because they're following their "Dear Leader's" example. thevileone is the Commander In Chief and to have the troops lying more often nowadays is just the troops taking their Commander In Chief's example to heart. May 13, 2013   Keep an eye on thevileone's LIES for the next few weeks. As things heat up for him, he'll try to distract more, he'll do things that are equivalent to "Look over there!" in order to get the focus off of Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS scandal, and all of the other things he's done wrong. Keep an eye on how he accuses others; demands special immunities; that we ignore the truth; that we don't investigate anything he's done. Keep an eye on the TRUTH because that's what thevileone is trying to prevent from coming out. Now, I'll go take my Mom's box to the post office and then come home and work on setting up my new computer for use in updating my website and all of that. It's a Windows 8 computer so that's going to take some getting used to, and its IE displays my website as though it was FireFox, the words all underneath the graphics as though the table didn't exist. That means more HTML lessons for me to learn via my books. Sigh... A new computer I needed, wanted, coveted. More work, on the other hand, I did not. But, it's going to be worth it. So, until next time, See ya'! May 9, 2013: 10:19 p.m.   Late start because I had things to do. So we'll get going. May 9, 2013   Disgusting. And even more disgusting. It's all a redirect for the lefties to keep their followers placated. If they're getting an award they can't have done anything that bad in Benghazi and these hearings can't be uncovering anything to worry about if they're getting awarded at the same time. Right? Typical "Squirrel!" tactic. They're so predictable. May 9, 2013   thevileone launders more money and the green company folds. Of course. So what? After all, it's just YOUR money. May 9, 2013   Death panels? But they weren't supposed to have existed. Remember all of the dumborat denials of their existence? Yeah. Let's see how long their denials last now. Then they have to spend $150 MILLION of YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to "teach" people how to enroll in something that could decide NOT to save their lives? Does this sound real to you? May 9, 2013   msm spins to help thevileone. They're still kissing his butt. Someday they'll realize that their bread is buttered on the other side, but they are too determined to spread the leftie mantras to keep the commies moving forward. Keyword "Forward". May 9, 2013   Is thevileone leaving us defenseless? Destroying America is his goal. This is just one step in a multitude. May 9, 2013   I must agree with this; they keep us healthier. May 9, 2013   Man arrested in NYC for toy gun. Remember the story I wrote, "Toy Gun Permits?" Yeah. It's not just a small town in South Carolina. May 9, 2013   The "Gang of Eight" -- including rubio -- should be ashamed of themselves. I've lost all respect I ever had for rubio and I think what he's doing is abominable. He's sold out for power. He is not a man of honor. If he thinks taht this "Gang of Eight" legislation or group will help him become Vice President with Jeb Bush as Prez, he's got another think coming. May 9, 2013   Bwahahahahahahaha... That's dumb! dumborats are sooooo... Well, you know. May 9, 2013   "What's the big deal"? FOUR DEAD AMERICANS! That's what the big deal is! Get real! You sick bast.... May 9, 2013   This is what you get with dumborats in power: DEATHS ARE ACCEPTABLE. Check out the previous blurb if you don't believe me. LIFE MATTERS. It matters very much. Why can't they understand that? May 9, 2013   I have a headache and need chocolate (*smile*) so I'm going to stop there. Until next time, See ya'! May 8, 2013: 5:37 p.m.   There are days when I wonder why I do this. Why I consider it important to help people "FIND THE TRUTH!" Why I spend hours at my computer going to many different websites, picking the stories that I think are important (sometimes a little break from serious and a little giggle) enough to be informed on. Sometimes I don't have the energy or the heart for it and I don't force myself to sit down and do this. Then something happens that makes me WANT to do this, to stick with it a bit longer, to do something to get the TRUTH out there so that others can "FIND THE TRUTH!" without too much effort. That's what Benghazi is: Something that matters and everyone needs to know the truth about. Yesterday I was thinking, "Eh. Why bother?" Today I remember why. So on with the updates. May 8, 2013 BENGHAZI:
May 8, 2013   Judicial Watch sued the DO[IN]J for documents proving coordination of ACLU participation in voter registration clean-up. Judicial Watch is suing because... "The Florida clean-up of ineligible voters came in response to a February 2012, letter of inquiry sent by Judicial Watch to Florida election officials. Judicial Watch alerted the State of Florida that failure to maintain clean voter registration lists violates Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA)."The DO[IN]J has been fighting the legal removal of ILlegal voters from voter registration lists for a long time. JW is just trying to make sure that ONLY those LEGALLY ELIGIBLE to vote can do so. That eric holder and thevileone are fighting this tells you something, does it not? May 8, 2013   How long before thevileone inserts himself into the rescue of those three kidnapped women and turns it into something HE did and how wonderful HE is and how hard HE worked to make it happen and how much money HE budgeted so that those under HIS control could get them out of their and isn't HE wunnerful, wunnerful? How long? May 8, 2013   Another reason we should NOT ALLOW DRONES in America, especially not drones with any kind of weaponry on them. How many hacked weaponized drones would it take to kill innocent Americans? Who would they kill? School children on the playground? Shoppers in a mall's parking lot? People at the beach? Which target would you be: just the person who happened to be there, or the one they focused on? Do you really want a drone over your house, event, or vacation? May 8, 2013   Another reason I have totally lost faith in rubio: his immigration bill stinks. Put not your trust in men. rubio, no matter that he has Rush Limbaugh's support, is no longer on my "I think he's a good guy" list. May 8, 2013   thevileone has racism written all over everything he does. Now he's allocating health care money based on skintone. Racism. May 8, 2013   Warning: STUPIDITY AHEAD! "Global Warming" to push poor women into prostitution. End STUPIDITY. Get off the Hamster Wheel! Learn to THINK. Learn to use the grey cells GOD gave you! Global Warming has been PROVEN to be a HOAX! So why do they keep pushing stupid? Because it serves their purposes and helps keep people under their thumb. If they want to "Save the Planet" they can control you and control what you buy, eat, how you travel, what fuel you use to travel, how much electricity you use (smart meters, anyone?), what kinds of fertilizer you use, etc., etc., etc. THAT'S what "global warming" is all about. It's not about the planet. It's about controling YOU. May 8, 2013   A Republican won the SC special election. That puts the damper on the dumborat's hopes to take over the House in 2014. Let's not fall into complacency, though. No one has faced the ACORN crowd yet. This was a good tihng, but it wasn't the law. Stay focused. Stay involved. Keep your eyes open. May 8, 2013   Twilight Zone music. May 8, 2013   Late term abortionist: baby like meat in a crock pot. That's sick. Sick to SAY, but late term baby-killers DO the unthinkable. Why are babies still inside their mommies the only thing on earth that is considered WORTHLESS to some people? May 8, 2013   BlueGem counter-sues Ellis. May 8, 2013   China backed North Korea's sabre rattling, and now they're challenging Japan's ownership of Okinawa. Sounds to me as though China's building up a whole list of problems they will use to start a war. Keep an eye on China, folks. They're truly dangerous. May 8, 2013   thevileone wants to be able to listen to your converations. The problem is, they have no reason to do so for 99.9% of us, but that doesn't matter to them. Freedom? Not under thevileone. May 8, 2013   GUN CRIME IS DOWN 39% whether the dumborats want you to know it or not! Read the full report. Anyone who says that more guns equals more violence is PROVEN WRONG. May 8, 2013   Almost 11 MILLION on TAXPAYER DOLLAR disability benefits. That's more than the population of Greece. Is that what you work hard to spend your money on? Really? May 8, 2013   Psychiatrists are liars who practice bad medicine? That's according to a "leading" psychiatrist. "Long after the DSM-IV had been put into print, Dr. Frances talked to Wired's Greenberg and said the following:So how can a "mental disorder" be used to delineate who gets to own a gun and who doesn't? May 8, 2013   That's all I'm going to do right now. Until next time, See ya'! May 6, 2013: 12:50 p.m.   Can you believe that, in America, there is a town that issues "Toy Gun Permits?" It's my latest article at Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com. It's amazing. May 6, 2013   thevileone's colluding with terrorist organizations? Would that surprise anyone? "So, it turns out that not only is the Obama administration providing cover, it is also working with known terrorists front groups to help them recruit their followers for key State Department positions."I've warned you since before the 2008 elections that thevileone was a bad, bad man. Too bad some didn't listen. May 6, 2013   This, we don't need. We don't need Jeb's son, George's son, nor any other member of the Bush family to be in politics. Let's be done with that. May 6, 2013   Benghazi information is finally coming out! I saved the report to my website so that you can read the full report. It's an eye opener. It may make you stop supporting hillclintoon's election, and maybe even turn you off of thevileone. It can only get worse when the full truth comes out, since it's this bad with only part of the truth released. May 6, 2013   "Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man" is an old saw that is absolutely true. You don't see a lot of people hanging around with people who do not share at least one or two common interests. So thevileone's terrorist friends should tell you something about thevileone, should they not? After all, if he didn't think it was okay for Ayers to have bombed and killed people, would thevileone hang with him? May 6, 2013   thevileone to graduates: don't listen to the truth. May 6, 2013   Terrorism, Benghazi and now Russia is flying bombers over Alaska. Would this be happening if we had elected Sarah Palin? May 6, 2013   mrsthevileone's school lunch program is being reacted to: May 6, 2013   Internet sales tax; How will it affect you? It's from this administration. Do you think it could possibly be good for you? Nope; it's not. Shock. Surprise. May 6, 2013   Typical lib abuse of funds. When will people wake up? May 6, 2013   Have children? Want some good advice? This NRA speaker gave it. I agree wholeheartedly. Just do it. May 6, 2013   Israel bombed Syria, twice. They did so in an effort to protect themselves from the weapons destroyed in the attack that were headed for Hezbollah. That's the truth of the story. But, look at how one commie website reports it. "Some sources state weapons supplies were bombed at the border with Lebanon, while others claim that an area at the Damascus International Airport was attacked."Trying to make Israel look like it attacked innocent people at the airport? That's low. May 6, 2013   The bill the "Gang of Eight" (including Marco Rubio) supports would cost America $6.3 TRILLION. Is Rubio out of his mind? Where are we supposed to get that kind of money? We're already almost $17 TRILLION in debt! How on earth are we supposed to come up with another $6.3 TRILLION? Contact Rubio and ask him that question. I doubt he'll have an answer. He'll probably say something along the lines of, "It's something we have to get done." Blah, blah, blah. May 6, 2013   Cool. Freedom may have gotten a lift, but the government will be limiting those printers ASAP. How much you wanna' bet those printers start being targeted by thieves? Yep. As soon as the bad guys realize they can do that, they'll get their hands on it no matter what they have to do. May 6, 2013   Maybe Putin's flyovers of Alaska aren't popular with his own people? "Tens of thousands" rally against him? Sounds good to me. He's a tyrant and (even worse!) a bully. Get rid of him. May 6, 2013   Dancing around a golden calf? GOD is not mocked, but He was watching. I wouldn't want to be them. BTW, do they really think that was clever? Lame, yes. Clever? Really? May 6, 2013   Cyberattacks coming. Not that we didn't expect it, just wanted to warn you to be careful. May 6, 2013   This is something to think about when you're online. May 6, 2013   I think that's all for now. Have a great day! Until next time, See ya'! May 4, 2013: 6:37 p.m.   Well, told you not to bet on my choices. I was totally wrong for the FIRST TIME EVER. Missed every one of them. So much for those picks. May 4, 2013: 2:40 a.m.   I've never done this before -- especially not this way -- but I thought I'd take a chance at making
a fool of myself. We'll see how it works out. The Kentucky Derby runs later today and I have looked at pictures of SOME of the horses. I went to the Derby's
official website for the horses in the race but not all of the horses in the race had the pics I would like
to see. When I make my choices, I usually watch the preview and see the horses moving and I like to get a good front shot and a good side shot. I don't know
why, but it seems that my eye can pick the winners if I can see those two shots of each horse. There is one horse, Giant Finish, that doesn't have the
pics I need to see. So, taking that into consideration, and the fact that I usually see ALL of the horses moving (not all had videos available, either),
I will post my picks for the potential Kentucky Derby winnners. Disclaimer: I am not an odds maker. I do NOT bet on the horses I pick nor any other
horse. I do NOT bet on horse races. I do NOT look at the horse's records, their odds, their lineage, their training, or anything else. I just look
at the pictures/video previews of them and make my choices based on their looks and an inate knowledge of horses. I do NOT recommend you bet on the
horses I pick. So, considering all of that, I have FOUR favorites for the Derby win and I post them in no particular order:
May 3, 2013: 2:44 p.m.   Big Brother starts in Palm Beach. Report your neighbors. Get them investigated. Don't let them dislike the government because the government is our friend. I guess I'll be investigated soon, if I haven't already been. May 3, 2013   thevileone sites his OWN ACTIONS as reason for murders in Mexico. He didn't use those words, but Fast & Furious weapons were responsible for at least 300 MURDERS and may have been used to Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. So thevileone doesn't use the words, but he actually blamed himself for murders and injuries via being shot. Problem is, he's too stupid to realize he has done so. May 3, 2013   Europe is going to be overrun by terrorists if they're not careful. Look at what's happening to Paris and tell me that Europe doesn't have to be concerned. Remember, this video was taken back in 2010, three years ago. Do you think it's gotten better in Paris, or worse? Then remember that we have Muslims doing the same thing in New York City. Do we need to be concerned? Yep. Look at Dearborn, Michigan. Need I say more? May 3, 2013   Gang of Eight Immigration Bill -- Easy to see the problems with it. Love this infographic; it's very easy to understand. Maybe even the pribs (progressives/liberals) will get it. May 3, 2013   The left loves anything that helps destroy America. They love cop killers, Islamic terrorists, taking away our GOD-given rights, etc., etc., etc. They'll kiss any backside, love any cause, embrace any issue that will help make America less free, less great, less of what it has been: the BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. Can we ship them to Mars? May 3, 2013   Are all lefties going crazy? The local leftie activist, rupe-a-dupe, writes headlines that say first that Brevard County's doing bad, bad, bad, then suddenly, better; in fact, not so bad at all. Then it's bad, bad, bad again. Now, Hamsgore has the same disease. Maybe it's just something going around? A bug? Or maybe they're just losing it? Amazing how it's affecting so many of them of such diverse situations and backgrounds, though, yes? May 3, 2013   Seriously? Seriously?! Come on! It's a hammer and sickle flag! May 3, 2013   May is "Protect America" Month. I didn't know that. But now I do and so do you. What are we going to do to help in that effort? Suggestions:
May 3, 2013   SC does it RIGHT! South Carolina criminalized enforcement of thevileone's healthcaretax! Excellent! Florida, are you paying attention here? Follow their lead! Come on! Get with the program! We've got a Republican controlled House and Senate and a Republican (allegedly) Governor, let's do this! May 3, 2013   Never forget: We still have no real answers on BENGHAZI. There was a "report" about it, but... "Most shocking is the allegation that eyewitnesses present on the ground in Benghazi on that fateful night—people willing to testify about what they saw—had not been interviewed by the review board or its staff."Say what? They didn't even interview eyewitnesses and they want to tell us it's a complete and accurate report? Truth is, it was as "complete and accurate" as thevileone wanted it to be. Truth? He doesn't care about the truth because the truth will make him look bad. If he cared about the truth he would have also cared about the murders of those four American he aided and abetted in. thevileone just wants a cover up, truth be da***d. May 3, 2013   bumbler biden is after your guns with a new plan. If he's as bad at gun grabbing as he is everything else, let's hope he focuses on this for a long time! It'll keep him out of our hair for other things and he'll fail miserably anyways. His best efforts are 99.99999% of the time fodder for late night jokes. Any odds this new plan will be one of the top ten? Sounds like it's going to cost us in travel expenses, though. But, he may have a surprise hurdle to jump! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let bumbler accept this debate challenge! PLEASE! I'd BUY a DVD writer to record that! May 3, 2013   dumborat durbin defends appearing at commie/socialist group. I don't know why that's a surprise, or even newsworthy, any longer. dumborats are commies and socialists nowadays: at least the leadership is. As the leadership goes, so goes the party? RINOs rule the Republican Party, so does that say something about them? Probably. That's another reason I'm glad I'm not a Republican. May 3, 2013   Jobs numbers a little deceptive. Truth will out. May 3, 2013   Aaaaahhh.... public schools... Thanking GOD as he finished the race via raising his hand and pointing at the sky, his win was taken away by the school system for "excessive celebration". It was actually a very small celebration but the school system decided to trample the kids' religious freedoms. Law suit coming? The ACLJ needs to be involved in that one. That school system would change its mind in a heartbeat! May 3, 2013   Pastor Saeed is still in prison in Iran. He's beaten mercilessly. He's refused medical care. He's an AMERICAN CITIZEN. But he's also a Christian and THAT'S WHY thevileone's administration won't lift a finger to help this abused American citizen. thevileone and eric holder refuse to do anything to help him. If you were in that situation, is that what you would expect from your government? If not, write to thevileone and tell him to get Pastor Saeed out of the brutal hands of Iran. Sign the petition of support for Pastor Saeed Abedini. May 3, 2013   Until next time, See ya'! May 2, 2013: 6:45 p.m.   I have a deep-seated disdain for liars. I despise lying. It's one of GOD's Top Ten in the "No, no!" department. Yet, both sides like to use a lie as their drumstick to beat the drum of "Follow us! Believe what we say!" and that irritates the pudding out of me. My son received an e-mail that made him contact one Senator's office and Governor Scott's office because he was so concerned with a lie. That e-mail said: "I've got bad news.The problem with the e-mail is that the "voluntarily" portion is a lie unless they're talking about people who are going to move to CA, in which case then, yes, maybe it is true. To the best of my knowledge, only in CA, so far, has the "voluntary" self-admission of a person into a mental health facility been used to prevent anyone from getting a concealed carry permit, or from purchasing a gun altogether. The actual bill states: "b. As used in this subparagraph, “committed to a mental institution” means involuntary commitment, commitment for mental defectiveness or mental illness, and commitment for substance abuse. The phrase includes involuntary inpatient placement as defined in s. 394.467, involuntary outpatient placement as defined in s. 394.4655, involuntary assessment and stabilization under s. 397.6818, and involuntary substance abuse treatment under s. 397.6957, but does not include a person in a mental institution for observation or discharged from a mental institution based upon the initial review by the physician or a voluntary admission to a mental institution. [my bolding, italics and underlining]"Therefore, any state that has reciprocal laws with the State of Florida for concealed carry permits would honor the State of Florida's standards and VOLUNTARY admission would not affect the right to purchase. I understand the concerns. But I also understand right and wrong. Lying to get your way is WRONG. May 2, 2013: 3:17 p.m.   Here we go again: immigration bill is like thevileone's healthcaretax. In at least five ways, they are very similar. Why is that? Because they want us to be helpless against them. Control. Control. Control. May 2, 2013   It's human nature to want to keep what you worked for. And in Russia, they're no different than in America in that respect. May 2, 2013   The GOOD FIGHT has started! Election fraud is being found, and those responsible for allowing it, sued. Excellent! It should have been happening all along. Our elections MUST be kept free of fraud and abuse! Election integrity is the ONLY thing that allows us to have any hope in our process of choosing our leaders and if we cannot trust our elections, we may as well just give in to tyranny -- or fight it in outright rebellion! May 2, 2013   Is this part of thevileone's "more flexibility after the election"? Russia is building its nuclear arsenal while we diminish ours. That's not a good thing. thevileone is even willling to allow Russia to destroy America? Looks that way. May 2, 2013   thevileone has too many fond memories of "choom" to try to fight it. Even if that includes helping drug lords in Mexico. Where he goes to get more illegals to cross our borders to help destroy America? Yeah. That sounds like thevileone. May 2, 2013   Do leftists have no soul? What is WRONG with those people? Brain dead from too much choom? May 2, 2013   Stupid is as stupid does: thevileone proves it daily. May 2, 2013   Another way thevileone is wasting money and destroying America. Shock. Surprise. May 2, 2013   Even reckless reid says thevileone's healthcaretax is going to be bad without more funding. Money, money, money! According to reid all we need is money! In thevileone's world! May 2, 2013   We don't want him here and they don't want him down there. he's going to pitch immigration reform but they don't want him. For all I care, they can keep him! May 2, 2013   Charged with a felony for trying to do the right thing, student also gets scholarship! To me, that's a nanner-nanner-boo-boo! Good for him! May 2, 2013   Rich folks love thevileone. He does what he can to help them although he gives lip service to taking their riches and redistributing it to those who have less. It's all lip service, though. His rich folk buds are who keeps him in power. He'd do nothing to hurt them. May 2, 2013   Betcha' the BOCC will find a way to spend every penny. Taxable value for Brevard County up 3.7%. Four of the five will vote to spend; Infantini will be the only one trying to save for a rainy day and save you money! Betcha'. May 2, 2013   Baby-killer video #3. Repulsive creatures, those who would willingly, knowingly kill babies. Lower than worm poop. Be pro-llife and you save the most innocent of all. May 2, 2013   Totally SOLD OUT. And another one bites the dust. Put not your trust in man. May 2, 2013   I can understand the frustration. May 2, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOVE THIS!! May 2, 2013   Citizens United ruling: fostering Constitutional challenges. Here's why the challenges are not worth changing the U.S. Constitution. They want to give Congress the right to limit our free speech and take away our right to spend money as we see fit. Now why would they want to do that? (Sarcasm, of course!) May 2, 2013   I shall close for now. My foot is feeling a bit better, but it's still swollen and so very, very tender. The bruise will be beautiful in its glorious stages and I may even post a picture of it at its finest. Until later, See ya'! May 1, 2013: 3:02 p.m.   Court martial military members who tell others about Jesus? That's what the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is trying to get done. Don't let the name fool you! They are ANTI-RELIGIOUS FREEDOM! They want to silence our troops from sharing the hope of JESUS while they're under fire. If a friend of theirs is severely wounded and may not make it, those who believe in GOD and His plan of salvation are supposed to stay quiet and do nothing for their friend who may face His Maker and Judge and be unprepared to do so. That's hateful. Silencing hope is hateful. Silencing a place in heaven is sending people to hell. That's hateful. May 1, 2013   The Fed is not going to stop trying to destroy our currency until thevileone tells them to. Which, unfortunately, will never happen. May 1, 2013   "Morning after" baby-killing pill available OTC to 15 yr. olds & up. So if your daughter is fifteen or older and sexually active, she can't get a tattoo without your consent, but she can get the morning after pill and have some bad side effects but she doesn't have to get permission from you. She's 15, she can figure out everything for herself. Riiiigghhhttt... May 1, 2013   $2.5 MILLION of your dollars for his last Mexico trip. Oh, is that all? (Sarcasm, of course.) May 1, 2013   Why does the Red House NOT ANSWER TO US? IF he's an elected prezidunce, HE ANSWERS TO US. But, no. He refuses to do so and ignores his responsibilities to play golf, laughs at "transparency" and hides everything he can, mocks the truth and refuses to answer important questions about why he does NOT protect America and Americans. FIVE successful terrorist attacks in FIVE years (NONE successful after 9/11 during Bush's presidency) of thevileone and he refuses to answer questions about Benghazi and Camp Bastion. What happened to a president who SERVED US? That's how it's set up in the U.S. Constitution. But no, WE ALREADY HAVE A DICTATORSHIP WITH THIS PREZIDUNCE BECAUSE HE DOES NOT SERVE US, WE SERVE HIM! That's what he is doing. That's how he is ruling. Are you okay with that? May 1, 2013   Hams-gore still on the wheel. Be afraid! Panic! Or Hams-gore is going to be upset that you don't believe him! Do they have a special looney bin for Hamsters like him? May 1, 2013   Let's see if these guys are taken out of the country by thevileone. Or, maybe, Boston police will stand up for their jurisdiction and not allow that? You think? May 1, 2013   Well it looks like I'm finished for a while because my piece of crap DELL computer is acting up again and won't go anywhere online. When I get my new Acer, I'm going to call my favorite shooting range and ask if I can bring this DELL in and shoot at it. Then I want to send this DELL back to the DELL company that wouldn't work with me to get it replaced or fixed while it was still under warranty. Send them a computer that's full of bullet holes and you think they'll get the idea? Yeah. That's my plan. It's working out for me to stop right now anyways. A metal box fell on my foot last night and my foot is swollen, bruised and hurting, so it's time to stop anyways. We'll see if there are changes that make me think it's broken and go get x-rays if needed, but for now, I'm just in the wait and see game. Until later, See ya'! April 2013 April 30, 2013: 3:30 p.m.   Goodness! Where has the year gone already? It's May tomorrow! Has time flown faster for you recently, as it has for me? Is it just that I'm getting older, or is it that way for young folks, too? Time flies when you're having fun... or a nervous breakdown... or enjoying a nervous breakdown! Anyways, on with the updates. April 30, 2013   This one makes me angry. Very angry! CA CPS and cops take baby out of home for no reason. I bet ya' someone at the first hospital took offense at the couple's desire to get a second opinion, called the cops and told the cops where to find them (otherwise, how would the cops have known?) and it's been that trouble-maker who got the child ripped from his mother's arms. That, to me is not just absurd it should be criminally prosecuted as attempted kidnapping and/or child endangerment! I'm a Mom and I would have ripped anyone's head off if they had tried to take either of my sons away from me. I'm a dragon when it comes to protecting my boys and it's a good thing no one tried to do that sort of crap to me. I think the person at the first hospiteal took offense and did what they did because the couple was from another country originally, spoke with an accent and it was easier to believe abuse because of that. Also, if that had been a rich couple, without an accent would the child have been taken at all? I wanna' slap the CPS worker, the cops who took the child with their hands on their guns and the hospital worker who made the trouble in the first place! This is AMERICA, not RUSSIA and this should NEVER have happened! April 30, 2013   "Vanloads" of YOUR money was spent on food stamps for ILLEGAL ALIENS. Don't ya' love supporting those who break our laws to come over here and take advantage of thevileone's desire to DESTROY America? Supporting those who are destroying you is kinda' stupid, in my book, and to continue to do so is even dumber. Oh, well. It is thevileone's administration. What can we do besides impeach him? Oh. Sorry. It's a dumborat controlled Senate and they would never support that. So just kiss your taxpayer dollars goodbye and hope the illegal aliens who get it use it wisely. Watch as non-citizens get the benefits citizens are supposed to get. Enjoy helping them while you eat mac & cheese and they take all of the benefits of citizenry and drive Lexus cars and talk on their iPhon 5s and eat steaks. Yum. April 30, 2013   thevileone's DoD is wasting $757 MILLION of YOUR dollars. But that's okay! It's thevileone. He's allowed, right? April 30, 2013   It's this kind of crap that tells me just how screwed up America really is. Boston Marathon bombers' family got $100,000 in welfare benefits. You paid them to survive while they planned and executed the Boston Marathon bombings. This is another reason why welfare and all those "benefits" should be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. Stop the welfare and people will have to work for a living, illegals won't flock across the border to come live off of your hard work and we won't be paying hate-filled terrorists to come kill us. Wouldn't that be a good thing? April 30, 2013   Cheat on your spouse? Or are you a "loosey goosey"? You might want to cut that out. There's a new strain of gonorrhea that's considered a "Superbug". In other words, it's resistant to antibiotics and you won't be able to get rid of it. In fact it looks like it could be worse than full blown AIDS: "'Getting gonorrhea from this strain might put someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days,' Christianson said. 'This is very dangerous.'"Being celibate until marriage, then a faithful spouse is a good thing. Don't marry or have sex with someone who has "been around", folks. When you do, you're putting yourself at risk. When you are sexually active outside of marriage, you put yourself at risk and all of those you have sex with at risk as well. Should they start prosecuting people who spread AIDS and this strain of gonorrhea, as well as other deadly sexually transmitted diseases? It is, after all, murder if you spread it knowingly. Think about what you're doing. Don't endanger others or yourself. April 30, 2013   Are gun buy-back programs becoming a thing of the past? I hope so. Especially all of those destroyed guns that we have lost those of historical value, as well as those someone else may wish to own. If you don't want to keep your gun, sell it to someone who does want it, or sell it via a gun store and they can do the proper background checks, etc. Just don't turn it in to be destroyed. That's the road England, Austrailia and other countries have gone down and it makes the people vulnerable to all kinds of wrongs. Let's learn from their mistakes, not repeat them here. April 30, 2013   Squeeeeaaa! LOL! LOL! Squeeaaaa! Tickled pink! April 30, 2013   Noncompliance: a word that should "live in infamy". When the government tells companies to hand over information on a person and the company does not, the gov wants to fine the company. To me, that's government thuggery and it shouldn't happen. But, who am I? I'm just a citizen they could be demanding information about and the company providing a service for me could be the only thing standing between myself and government intrusion into my life. I only have my Constitutional rights, but the government wants to fine companies that help me keep them. Sweet. (Sarcasm, of course.) April 30, 2013   Hey, I'm not complaining! thevileone screwed up again, but on this one, I'm not complaining! April 30, 2013   Aaaahhhhh.... public schools! Even a "$3 MILLION FEDERAL GRANT [my caps]" couldn't help this one. April 30, 2013   If the surviving Boston bomber gets off scott-free, it's thevileone's doing. Point the finger of blame nowhere but at thevileone and his administration. They are to blame. Remember, also, thevileone's missus visited someone who may have been involved. If the Boston bomber faces nothing but deportation, it's all on thevileone. April 30, 2013   Blacks and Hispanics hardest hit by thevileone's policies. Poetic justice being served. They elected him. They are paying the highest price. Sad that so many of them voted on skintone instead of on ethics, beliefs, political stances, ideas and TRUTH. Lesson learned? I doubt it. April 30, 2013   New reports make one question why thevileone and his wifeypoo are cuddling with the Saudis. Is it just the whole terrorists are dangerous thrill they're after? Or do they actually hate America so much that they'll cuddle up with others who also wish to destroy America? Or, perhaps, both? April 30, 2013   I'll close with that food for thought for now. Until next time, See ya'! April 29, 2013: 11:34 a.m.   Sorry about missing Saturday. It wasn't my intent to miss it, but it worked out that way. Part of the reason was that this piece of crap lemon-DELL computer that got locked up on a "Save" command I gave it while trying to write my latest article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns. I waited for over 2.5 hours to see if it was going to do anything right. It didn't. I had to crash the program and find the temporary file. It only had 3/4 of the article and it didn't have one of the changes I had made near the top. Sigh. The rewriting effort took me to 5:30 a.m. Saturday at which time I was falling asleep at my computer, so I shut it down and worked on it after 4.5 hours of sleep. It's posted now and The President: A Thief Skulking in the Night? is available to read at your leasure. April 29, 2013   A SPY infiltrated the U.S. State Dept.? Shock. Surprise. The info was given to a terrorist-supporting organization. Shock. Surprise. The spy got away. Shock. Surprise. thevileone's administration is going to be held accountable. NOT! April 29, 2013   thevileone's priorites are screwed up! Shock. Surprise. April 29, 2013   Anti-abortion group proves how heartless BABY-KILLERS are. "Another video released Sunday shows an unidentified worker in the Bronx saying the clinic would put the baby in a jar of “solution” that would cause it to stop breathing."Not enough for you? How about this: "'When a pregnant woman posing as a patient asked what happens if the fetus accidentally 'comes out' at home before the final procedure, a staff member replied, 'If it comes out, it comes out. Flush it.'"Heartless? Cruel? Murder? Wrong? April 29, 2013   Breitbart was right. No surprise there. The Pigford Scandal has finally been confirmed by the New York Times. The Pigford Scandal, as you recall, was a Dept. of Agriculture program that allowed massive fraud in an effort to give money to a minority race. The program was supposed to be giving money to farmers, but it allowed people who never even saw a farm to file, get the money and walk away without consequence. The Dept. of Agriculture knew it was going on, but they allowed the fraud to happen anyways. That's what Breitbart reported 2.5 years ago; the NYT is late in arriving. Why? Why did it take them so long to even bother looking into this? Breitbart had the facts, the proof. Why did it take anyone in the msm this long to even look at it? April 29, 2013   feinstein's hubby gets contract for CA rail. It's good to be married to someone who can influence others. April 29, 2013   Ridiculous. How petty of that councilperson. But it's a control issue. If she can control the students via complaining about their representation of what being uneducated is, then that's what she'll do. Control them via feigning offense. She should be recalled. April 29, 2013   We MUST secure our U.S./Mexico border. It's imperative. We don't need to give employers of illegals amnesty, either. April 29, 2013   msm still ignores the Kermit Gosnell trial. So when will killing babies become important enough to cover? Probably when hades freezes over. April 29, 2013   Internet sales tax: taxation without representation? Isn't EVERYTHING thevileone does being done without representation? How many "Executive Orders" has thevileone done? Representation? NOT! April 29, 2013   Watch out! Hamsters are going to go NUTSO! Their precious world of alleged "Global Warming" is falling apart around them and they won't know what to do! All of their actions, precautions, warnings, preventions are proving to have been for naught. There's NO SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING CAUSED BY MAN. But they believed the lie and they're now having to deal with the natural cycle of global cooling. What will they do to counter it? Take away more freedom, that's what! You'll have to do this. Change your lightbulbs to that. Drive more, barbecue daily, etc., etc., etc. What will be their new demands? Ignore them. Do not give in! Stand your ground! Tell them to take a long hike on a short and melting iceberg. April 29, 2013   $3.3. BILLION of fraudulent unemployment benefits paid out and the msm ignores it. The msm aides in the destruction of America via hiding things like this. Aren't they special? They don't worry about things like Jackson-Lee's round the world trip and its cost: $23,646. That's just the initial report. I bet it's actually a LOT more! Is this admin spending YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS wisely? Nope. April 29, 2013   How much you wanna' bet the left will still believe his lies? Even money? It won't matter that it's been proven he has lied. Nor that he admits it. Some on the left will stick by his false assertions and say something along the lines of, "He lied, but that doesn't make his results a lie." or some such nonsense. They believe it because his falsified "research" confirmed what they want to believe. It gave them an "out", an excuse for their beliefs. So they'll stick by him because it covers their backsides. That's the true sign of someone incapable of thinking and accepting change and accepting TRUTH. April 29, 2013   So where are thevileone and his promises now? Some people can't accept the reality of thevileone's failures. But, it's the norm in today's America. The lefties lie. The msm supports their lies. Other lefites agree with their lies. So it must be truth. Welcome to brainlessness. April 29, 2013   American arrested in Venezuela. Accused of being a spy, I wonder if thevileone's administration will do anything to help get the American out of Venezuelan prison, or ignore his plight? Will ketchup kerry rush down there in order to get an American out of prison, or will he let the American's family foot the bill for what the State Department should be doing? My guess? The guy's family will foot the bill and thevileone's administration will be playing golf. April 29, 2013   Gitmo detainees on hunger strike. Good. Saves us money and it's their right to do so. Let them starve themselves to death if that's what they want. We shouldn't FORCE them to eat. Nor should we CAVE to their demands. Let us stand strong and let them choose their own futures. If they choose to starve themselves to death, so be it. Choice includes eating. Choice includes refusing food. Choice includes death if that's the way they want to do things. After all, abortion is a choice. Euthenasia is a choice. Why not death via hunger strike? Let them choose. April 29, 2013   During the upcoming hearings, I hope the Benghazi TRUTH comes out. I wonder if we'll EVER know the truth about Benghazi. Thevileone is very good at hiding the truth about himself and I doubt thevileone would want the truth about Benghazi to ever be known. It won't make him look good, whatever the truth is. Otherwise, he'd be touting it all over the place. Anything that makes him look bad? Hidden in deep and dark places. April 29, 2013   Aaaaahhh.... public schools! Wonderful thing to make your grandfathers' participation in saving the world into a bad thing, yes? (Sarcasm.) Not to mention when the "Aaaaahhhh... public schools" trample students' 1st Amendment rights. Teaches them what? To fear the government and their teachers? Sounds about right. April 29, 2013   Poll: More Americans fear the government than terrrorists. I know I do. April 29, 2013   Pray for the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini. He's being held in a prison in Iraq for something he never did. He's a Christian and always has been and he's being beaten regularly but not given medical treatment. Pray for him. April 29, 2013   Taxpayers funding $152,500 to study voice therapy for transgenders. Waste and fraud delineate this administration. Do you want to fund this? No? If not, that's too bad? April 29, 2013   On that wonderfully full, male/female voice note, I'll stop for now. Until next time, See ya'! April 26, 2013: 3:38 p.m.   There is a story going around that is being used to push the PRO-BABY-KILLING agenda. The story is that of Savita Halappanaver and the allegation that she died in Ireland due to the supposed "fact" that she was denied an abortion. Poppycock. Truth: her husband states that an abortion was NEVER REQUESTED. They wanted to save the baby and they wanted to save the mother. An E-Coli infection is difficult to control -- without the complication of pregnancy -- and with a pregnancy, it's even more complicated. Finding the TRUTH about this matter, you will see that the msm and the PRO-BABY-KILLING people have LIED about Mrs. Halappanaver's case. She was already miscarrying when she arrived at the hospital so why would an abortion have been necessary? The resulting E-Coli infection happened AFTER the misscarriage and that E-Coli infection is what killed her. She did not die because she was denied an abortion that was NEVER REQUESTED. Thus, another PRO-BABY-KILLING story bites the dust. FIND THE TRUTH! April 26, 2013: 12:18 p.m.   thevileone hates babies. He supports abortion even after birth. He supports all kinds of abortions. He supports abortions under any circumstances. He supports abortions under any conditions. The only logical conclusion to draw is that he hates babies because he gets angry when a pro-baby-killing bill doesn't get made into law, or whenever a PRO-BABY-LIVING bill DOES get made into law. Anything that happens to help a baby survive makes thevileone see red. Logical conclusion: he hates babies. Question: how can someone who hates babies be good for their futures? What kind of planning for their futures can he make when all he has supported is KILLING THEM? April 26, 2013   Common Core State Standards supporters are getting sexual. They're desperate is what they are. No matter how their stance is explained away they're still doing the wrong thing for your children! April 26, 2013   thevileone's racism is being noticed. This time, it's being noticed by the libs that he's hurting the black population the most. Are eyes opening? April 26, 2013   Call to boycott GE because of their anti-Second Amendment stance. Back on April 24th- I suggested the same thing. Let's do this! April 26, 2013   DH[IN]S using more ammo than U.S. ARMY! You know, the ARMY? They're the ones who are over there in Afghanistan and Iraq trying to finish up a war thevileone said we'd be out of four years ago. Need I remind you that the government (after all of the purchases over the last four years) has more than enough ammo to shoot EACH OF US TEN (10) TIMES? How many bullets can you endure before your government has killed you? Is that the plan? jnap denies it. How much do you trust her? April 26, 2013   Did YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS pay for a cell phone to detonate the Boston Marathon bombs? Remember, thevileone has a program for FREE CELL PHONES via YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS and the two brothers were on government assistance off and on for how long? Did they pay for their own phones? Or did YOU? If it was the TAXPAYER, Ahhhh... welfare: kill Americans via American dollars. Why not? April 26, 2013   Marco Rubio, Sir, you are blowing it big time. I don't know what happened to what you previously alleged was your core value, but I think your core just got up and left a few months ago and you sold your soul to be accepted and liked by those around you. In doing so you lost the support and respect of those of us who matter to your campaign. I think you need to take a hard look at what you are doing, where you are going and with whom you are jumping into bed (mccain't and grahamnasty? Really?) and make a hard, fast, permanent U-turn back to your alleged roots and core. If you refuse to do so and become the Valentine of the left and/or "moderates" (people without core values), then you may as well hang it up because you're in the wrong state to expect support from those on the left and those on the right will have cast you aside already. Mr. Rubio, you are a hair's breadth away from losing all of us. I no longer trust you. How many more will you lose before you wake up and smell the coffee? April 26, 2013   dumborats cave: flight delays and complaints make a difference. I think dumborats are starting to figure out that it's not working. April 26, 2013   Go Missouri! I wish Florida would follow its example! Come on, FL, wake up! April 26, 2013   Support the Ammo Act of 2013! It would limit the stockpiling of ammo by the federal government -- a la jnap, etc. Question: will they ignore it and do so anyways, or will thevileone just write an "Executive Order" that tells them to do so against the law IF the law passes? Yeah. You can tell I trust this admin, can't you? April 26, 2013   Why were his guns confiscated in the first place? Oh. It's CALIFORNIA that took his guns. 'Nuff said. April 26, 2013   So where's the update on the barge explosions? Where is the rest of the info on it? Something being covered up? April 26, 2013   mccain't's arms are stretching again. April 26, 2013   Sen. Rand Paul's drone comments are questionable at best. April 26, 2013   THIS is how thevileone "won" re-election. He was ACORNed back into office. It was the ONLY way he could win. Question: what is he going to do in order to STAY in office in 2016? April 26, 2013   We CANNOT afford this! What is that "Gang of Eight" thinking? They're going "moderate" so that they can be re-elected? No. mccain't is already a leftie, why go moderate? They've gone NUTSO is the only possible answer. Power corrupts. Absolute power makes one NUTSO (thevileone, jnap, holder, reid, pelosipig... Need I go on?). April 26, 2013   I agree with the basic premise: hubris is one of thevileone's failings. He has many, many others. April 26, 2013   Aaaaahhhhh.... public schools. When you send your chidlren to school, do you expect this sort of trash to be taught? Or do you want reading, writing, arithematic, true history and science -- all possibilities of it -- taught, instead of PC crap? Homeschool your kids, folks. It's best for them and their futures. April 26, 2013   thevileone's pick can't do it. Gambling is his weakness. Awww.... too bad. (Sarcasm becomes me.) April 26, 2013   Believing in GOD can help treat depression. If you're depressed going to Him is the best way to get out of it. Knowing someone LOVES you UNCONDITIONALLY is a good thing. Knowing that there is such a thing as absolute truth and right and wrong is a good thing. Understanding that it all fits together into GOD's plan is a good thing. I honestly do NOT understand how anyone with eyes, ears and a working mind can NOT believe in GOD. April 26, 2013   Really? Competence on parade? April 26, 2013   Just think how different the msm's reporting on thevileone could have been if this reporter had stayed in the D.C. reporter's pool. When asked if she was going to stay on and cover thevileone she responded: "'Not at all. He's an inch deep. Bush is a bottomless chasm, a deep, mysterious, emotional, profound man. Obama is all surface — shallow, obvious, robotic, and, frankly, not nearly as smart as he thinks. Bush was the one.'"Can you imagine if she had stayed on and done the job of telling the truth for the last four years? Sigh... What could have been. April 26, 2013   I'll close on that profundity. Until next time, See ya'! April 25, 2013: 4:21 p.m.   Warrantless searches: the new norm? I agree with the author of this article, Bob Parks. The cops should have had a search warrant for EACH AND EVERY RESIDENCE they searched. This kind of warrantless search is NOT supposed to happen according to the U.S. Constitution. Yet, "In Case of Emergency" break the glass, the rules, the law, the U.S. Constitution. Remember; no warrant, no entrance. That's the law! April 25, 2013   Forgot to post something before I went away for my short vacation. Well, I didn't "forget" to post it, I just didn't have the link yet, so here's my latest for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns: "Make Strong What Is Weak". Enjoy! April 25, 2013   See ya'! April 25, 2013: 11:49 a.m.   JW sues Sheriff who refuses to obey the law. He's helping dangerous illegal immigrants stay in America because of his own political views. He's sworn to obey the law but he refuses to do so? Why are the people of his area NOT RECALLING HIS BACKSIDE? The residents of the area have the power, right and duty to kick him out of office. Why are they not doing so? April 25, 2013   Lawmakers and their aides are wanting to opt out of thevileone's healthcaretax. They're special, donchaknow? They don't have to live under the same laws as the rest of us. They get special laws. They get special treatment. They're NOT LIKE US. That's NOT the America our Founders set up. The legislators were supposed to be the regular people, too, living under the laws they make just like the rest of us. April 25, 2013   Remember to fight governmental corruption in any way you legally and morally can. Do NOT become a drone of this regime. Do NOT become a SUBJECT of this regime. Stand up! Fight back! Do what is legally and morally allowed for you to return America to its Founders' intent. April 25, 2013   Another reason America cannot afford Rubio-supported amnesty. Let us not forget that there is a right way and a wrong way. Changing the law to make wrong right does not mean that it actually is. If we legalize pedophilia to age seven does that make pedophilia right or wrong? In some Scandinavian countries they've legalized prostitution down to age thirteen and you can legally buy sex a little thirteen-year-old girl. Does that make it right? If not, Rubio is supporting doing the same sort of thing with illegal immigration and we don't need to support him nor this bill. April 25, 2013   Personally, I don't like an "internet sales tax". It's not only going to cost more, but it's going to have a detrimental effect on the market. Reducing sales means less commerce. Less commerce means less employment. Less employment means more welfare. More welfare means higher taxes and more dumborat voters. That's the goal. April 25, 2013   thevileone's healthcare tax: costs rise, rise, rise. I think that's what thevileone wants because it will help destroy America. Can anyone NOT see the plan now? April 25, 2013   Someone's playing games with YOUR SAFETY. It's sickening to see this unfold. It's appalling to watch the games played to try to protect the accused terrorist -- the one who ADMITTED TO HAVING DONE THE BOMBING. It's thevileone's instructions being followed to put YOUR SAFETY in jeopardy if this terrorist gets let off via thevileone's instructions. Isn't that what you wanted? If not, stand up. Fight back! Get involved in getting this prezidunce impeached! Because if you don't, your safety has more to imperil it than just those two brothers! April 25, 2013   Ammo nearly impossible to get ahold of. That's because jnap in the DH[IN]S and other federal agencies are buying all of the ammo so that we can't shoot back. Learn to make your own. April 25, 2013   FPL's new plant online: prices to rise. Thanks so much rupe-a-dupe! We all appreciate that so much! We need to pay more at this time because we're not taxed enough; our health care is not costing enough; gas prices are not high enough; food prices haven't risen enough. We're just so overloaded with our spare change that we need to spend it on higher electricity costs. We really appreciate that! April 25, 2013   Bondi's going to be running for governor, senator, something. This is purely a political ploy. She is trying to win the enviro-wacko vote before she even announces. Mark my words. April 25, 2013   Yeah! FL Republicans did the right thing! It's about time someone lowered our actual costs instead of lying to us and raising them after a promised reduction (a la thevileone's healthcaretax). Good for us! April 25, 2013   Brevard dumborats encourage drinking! (Alcoholics Anonymous should be grateful.) They're trying to increase their membership via a drinking get-together? Are they also ensuring that everyone has a designated driver before serving them alcohol? If not, isn't that the utmost in irresponsibility? Desparate times. Desparate times. April 25, 2013   Mobile, AL: oil barges explode. First a fertilizer plant near Waco, TX, now this? Anyone want to calculate the odds that these AREN'T terrorist attacks? If there's another explosion anytime soon, the odds will be way too astronomical to make it NOT a terrorist attack. Question is: will that info be released to the public so that we will know and be aware, or will they hide it to protect those responsible and thevileone's coddling of terrorists? April 25, 2013   Taking away your guns to make jewelry? April 25, 2013   Baby-killer, Gosnell's, trial still going on. I hope he gets LIFE IN PRISON. He certainly deserves it. What I want to know is why his employees aren't going to jail with him? They practiced medicine without a license, administered medications without a license -- or training -- and helped him kill babies that were born alive -- either through actual assistance, or vie doing nothing to prevent it. Any which way you slice it, they're guilty, too. Will they see no jail time? April 25, 2013   Sequester may mean YOU can buy ammo in near future. DH[IN]S in budget squeeze may mean that they'll stop ordering all of the ammo manufacturers can make in 24/7 shifts and WE can actually buy some! That would make sequester a GOOD thing in that area! Hurray for sequester! April 25, 2013   thevileone sent our troops into a country that uses chemical weapons against its own people. If they'll use sarin gas against their own people, they won't hesitate to do that and worse against our troops. thevileone should be held accountable for every one of our brave men and women he sent over there and if ANY of them are injured or killed he should face the consequences. Prison for the rest of his life is a good start! April 25, 2013   Authorities changing their stories. Covering for the Islamic terrorist? Religion of "Peace and tolerance" really made an impact this time. It's peace was so evident and its tolerance so overwhelming that it will surely convince us that its rhetoric of "peace and tolerance" is true. Very convincing. April 25, 2013   I shall close and I'll be back tomorrow. Until then, GOD bless and keep you safe, remember that He loves you -- ALL of you -- and I'll See ya'! April 25, 2013: 12:54 a.m.   I just had to post this one. I just found it and thought, "What?! That's ridiculous!" Aaaaaaaahhhh.... public schools. I think public schools overstep their boundaries WAY too often! They're very presumptuous! April 24, 2013: 5:21 p.m.   Had a great time on vacation after... Hubby's job kept calling him even though he was on vacation with me so after a few days of it, he turned his phone off and actually relaxed for a while. That was nice. I don't know why people can't seem to understand that the words, "Out of office" and "Vacation" usually mean just that. They mean that the person is on personal time not work time and they don't want to be working while they're on VACATION. What is wrong with the idea of getting out of the office and away from it all for a while? Does no one understand that concept anymore? My hubby and I don't get away together that often, so when we do I really want him all to myself. We get to talk and relax and laugh and be a couple. When he's getting phone calls every forty minutes that's not what I call "couple time". It's a nuisance and it's NOT a VACATION; it's just working outside of the office and it needs to stop. When he turned off that phone his coworkers should have seen me smile. Now, on with the blurbs. April 24, 2013   Beck proves jnap perjured herself under oath to Congress. I'm glad he's got the proof, but will it make a bean's worth of difference? I'd love to see her in jail. It'll never happen, but I'd love to see someone in this administration pay the price of their wrongdoing. No matter how much proof, she'll get off scott-free because eric holder and thevileone will never prosecute her, nor support Congress if they decide to do so. thevileone will issue an immediate pardon if Congress goes ahead with pressing perjury charges. Or, they could surprise (SHOCK!) me and let her go to prison. Wouldn't that be a first? April 24, 2013   At least one Boston Bomber could have been deported prior to bombing. Too bad this administration thinks nothing of allowing Islamic Terrorists to stay here and do their best to hurt we infidels. Don't you think it's rather telling? A person's actions speak louder than their words. April 24, 2013   Remember when clintoon bombed the aspirin factory? Newly released report has some interesting revelations. Could acting on this info back in clintoon's time -- besides bombing an aspirin factory -- have saved thousands of lives? We'll never know. April 24, 2013   How did this happen? Someone the Russians had warned us about being a really bad guy, a real danger, was receiving welfare and living on our dime while planning on killing us? Sweet. That's thevileone's administration in a nutshell (emphasis on "nut"). April 24, 2013   Wouldn't it be nice if those holding us accountable for our taxes were held accountable for their misdeeds? If those auditing us were half as honorable as most of us then maybe they'd have the right to pursue anyone's erroneous tax filing. Considering this report, I doubt most of them have a snowball's chance of meeting that standard. Now the question becomes: Can we make them pay it back? April 24, 2013   The problem is legal immigration? It's this administration's lack of enforcing the law! We have laws in place. Enforce them. We have the ability to do the right thing, but this administration wouldn't know the right thing if it kissed it on the lips and slipped it the tongue. April 24, 2013   Another green company folds after laundering money for thevileone. When will they have enough and where is it going? Is it going to thevileone's organizing for action? Or is the money going straight into his off-shore accounts? You know, the ones they were taxed $59,372 in 2010 for? Yeah. Those. April 24, 2013   This is crazy. Shouldn't be happening, but it is. April 24, 2013   They're buying BILLIONS of bullets, writing MASSIVE laws, hiring THOUSANDS of new IRS agents, and SECRETIVELY building new court buildings and recruiting welfare recipients for pay. What's going on? thevileone is turning America into a broke, welfare-dependent police state right under our noses, but doing it quietly. April 24, 2013   herr bloombergermeister wants you to lose more freedoms. Of course he does. He's a dictator. April 24, 2013   thevileone is NOT keeping us safe. He just makes believe he is. He and jnap aren't really interested in that. They want tyranny and nothing less. April 24, 2013   GE backs away from YOUR Second Amendment rights. I suggest WE back away from GE. April 24, 2013   jnap lied to Congress under oath and so did hillclintoon. To paraphrase the old saying, "Show me a man's Cabinet and I'll show you the man"? April 24, 2013   Bad idea. Disaster in the making. I won't vote for him. Especially not after his SUPPORT of Common Core State Standards in our public school system! CCSS is going to UNeducate our children, not educate them. It's nothing more than indoctrination and lies. Why would ANY Republican support it? Idiots do, so that makes Jeb Bush an IDIOT. Not going to get my vote. April 24, 2013   bumbling biden is classless. You don't try to make jokes at a memorial service. Not unless you're a family member or a best friend; someone who knew the person very well. Otherwise, it's just tacky. April 24, 2013   Reversing charges; Gosnell's baby killing trial. Judge dismisses, then reinstates murder charge. I think there's pressure building from the pro-death folks. They don't want Gosnell to be found guilty because if he is, then the rest of the baby killing industry is open to similar charges if they've been doing similar things. Life is precious, folks. Don't let it be snuffed out. Caution: Graphic pics on that link. April 24, 2013   On that "lovely" note, I'll close for tonight. So until next time, See ya'! April 17, 2013: 1:52 p.m.   As Usual, I WAS RIGHT! Back on March 29th, I wrote in a comment: "Maybe that’s the point. Maybe in demanding “marriage” if they receive that definition and get to live with it for a while the dissatisfaction will set in and then they’ll demand the end of the institution altogether. Maybe marriage will no longer be the an option any of us will be able to choose after twenty years of “same sex marriage” because after they find out it doesn’t make them happy, they’ll want to end the whole thing. Will they go to the SCOTUS for that, too?"Today my thoughts were proven correct. Do I know these people or what?! April 17, 2013   Danger, Danger, Will Robinson! thevileone is releasing our secrets to all and asundry. Something's wrong here, folks. We just don't know what he's got planned after he tells everyone our secrets. April 17, 2013   Suspect arrested in Boston Marathon killings? IF this is the correct person, no matter who they are or what their motivations, they need to pay to the fullest extent of the law. Machussetts has no death penalty so I hope the perpetrator is given four life sentences -- or one life sentence for each person who dies from his actions. April 17, 2013   See Something Say Something: Empty as the originator's head. April 17, 2013   Ricin sent to Senator. Then allegedly to thevileone, too. Question: How does anyone get ahold of Ricin? It's a plant extract, but to manufacture it is to put your own life in danger, is it not? Why would anyone want to do that? It is considered a "biological weapon" and to mail it to anyone is to be considered attempted murder. Is this a terrorist effort? April 17, 2013   Unions: another reason to not trust them. Support healthcaretax, don't support healthcaretax. Whichever benefits them at the time. No core. April 17, 2013   Lefties: skin tone makes all the difference? Idiots. They love to say they're not racist, but their actions and later words prove otherwise. April 17, 2013   reid admits the truth: It's not "gun control" legislation, it's "anti-gun" legislation. Truth will out. Some in hollyweird support his "anti-gun" legislation. Those poor deluded souls haven't a clue as long as their bodyguards can carry guns to protect them because, you know, they're special. April 17, 2013   Pre-marathon video may show bomber in background. Question: It looks like he's wearing a hoodie. When will they outlaw hoodies? They're used in a LOT of violent crimes! When will they outlaw hoodies?! April 17, 2013   Lefties waste no time trying to use Boston Marathon bombings as fodder to push their agenda. "You never want to let a serious crisis go to waste." Opporutnism at its crassest. April 17, 2013   Ridiculous. That's what I think. It's ridiculous that dodge ball has been banned from schools by lefties. It's ridiculous that the book, "Little Red Riding Hood" has been banned because of a bottle of wine in the picture. It's ridiculous that candy has been banned because of the sugar. Lefties ban anything they can "for the children" and then want to ban the very thing that can protect those same children from death and real danger -- not just the imagined dangers of dodge ball, a picture of wine, and sugar in candy -- is targeted for banning, too? Can anyone with a brain support their efforts? April 17, 2013   Now thevileone is sending our troops to Jordan? WHY? He sent them to Africa. He sent troops to Pakistan, Iran and Syria. How many more places? How many more of our military men and women will have to die to satisfy his blood lust? April 17, 2013   I don't care what the supporters of these pastors/preachers think, I stand for the right of this guy to say this. Do I like anyone he targets? Absolutely. I do not agree with absolutely everything the one person on the list teaches (I agree with the one I support probably 80% of the time), but that's okay. I like the rest of what that person teaches and I believe that the rest of it is biblical. The others on the list? Nah. I don't agree with what they say 90% of the time. The only thing we probably agree on is the basics: GOD is real, He created everything, He has a Son, Jesus Christ, who died for us on the cross and then rose again after three days and is alive today in heaven with GOD and it is through Christ that we get to heaven. Otherwise, the rest of those folks and I probably have very little in common. April 17, 2013   Unless it's a bill that teaches TRUE GUN CONTROL (firm grip, acquire target, sight alignment, smooth trigger pull, control recoil), EVERY "gun control" bill erodes your freedom! I would support a bill that teaches the basics of shooting safety to EVERY Senior in high school; emphasis on SAFETY. I would support a bill that encourages every household to have a gun in it. I would even support a bill that makes the militia a part of America's CURRENT society. Anything else, I WILL NOT SUPPORT. Sign the petition to protect YOUR Second Amendment rights. April 17, 2013   Now the wife is charged, too? What was their marriage? Tag team murdering? Amazing. April 17, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: even dumborats are calling it "a huge train wreck" to implement. Shock. Surprise. It's not as if we didn't warn them. Duh. April 17, 2013   If this dumborat bill isn't one of the stupidest things on earth then it must be a dumborat judging it. Also, ladies and gentlemen, Sen. Marco Rubio has left the Conservative wing of the Republican Party and he's gone all wishy-washy on immigration. Put not your trust in men. April 17, 2013   On that pleasant note (yes, sarcasm), I shall close for today. Please remember that there will be NO UPDATES until after I return from my time out of state. I return sometime on April 23rd so until either later that day, or the following day, I probably won't be updating. I do have an article due for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com, so I may post that. Otherwise, until the 23rd or later, Stay Safe and See ya'! April 16, 2013: 5:07 p.m.   Has it been that long since I updated my site? I hadn't realized that it's been four days. Where did the time go? Life gets busy. April 16, 2013   I did some calculating and found out that my hubby and I paid a higher effective tax rate than thevileone and his wifeypoo did. They paid 18.4% I paid 19.18%. They make a LOT more. Does that seem fair to anyone? April 16, 2013   eric holder wastes MILLIONS of YOUR DOLLARS on conferences. Sequester? Isn't it special that they want to get together? We really shouldn't begrudge them doing so, you know. After all, there is a "budget crisis" going on and there is a bit of inflation out there. Why should we mind them wasting a little of our money? We didn't work hard for that. It's not ours after all. It all belongs to the gub'ment. Right? April 16, 2013   In just FIVE years we could have a secure border! It's in the dumborat controlled Senate's plan! It's practically guaranteed! Ain't that sweet?! April 16, 2013   thevileone wants to get amnesty done in secret. What doesn't he want to do "in secret"? Anything that's wrong for America, he wants to hide until we find out and force it into the public view. When someone hates America as much as does thevileone there is no such thing as "operating in the sunshine", or "open government". It's all darkness and shadows. That's how he operates, a la Saul Alinsky methodology. People turn a blind eye to his underhandedness, his behind the scenes deals and "executive orders" although it all adds up to less freedom for them and higher taxes for them and their children and grandchildren. Why the dumborats get a free pass is because for dumborats, the ends always justify the means. There is no right and wrong when you want what you want and will do anything -- anything -- to get it. Right and wrong no longer exist in his world, nor in the world of his supporters. They've lost their souls for power. That's a sad place to be, but it does not deserve our pity nor our kindness. It was their choice to sell their souls for gain. Now that their souls are gone, they have no one to blame but themselves. They also have nothing to look forward to but their own consequences -- which are never as pleasant as we hope they will be. April 16, 2013   Rubio is caving? Put not your trust in men. April 16, 2013   Seriously? That IS desperate. April 16, 2013   There are no words for the thoughts and feelings, the disbelief and the shock of the events at the Boston Marathon yesterday. Having been out and about for most of the day running errands I did not hear about it until well after five in the evening. There are so many links I could do, so much information out there, but not the one I want to post. I want to post the one that says that they got the person/persons responsible for the cowardly act of setting those bombs and killing people like that. I want to post a link that says "WHY" he/they did such a thing. I want to post that the verdict is in and the punishment will be ___________. That's not possible now. I can only post what my heart says, ""weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.."My heart is broken for all of the people who were killed and their families' loss, for those who were injured I pray for complete and quick recovery. For all who were impacted, I pray for peace and strength. The Drudge Report is covering all aspects of the terrorist act. May those responsible be caught quickly and pay thoroughly for their hateful crime. April 16, 2013   I feel like crying now so I will close for the day. I need to tell you that there will be no updates for April 18th - 23rd because my hubby and I will be out of town. I used to take my computer with me on trips, but we've had too many bad experiences with unsecured internet service at hotels to do that anymore. So I won't be updating during those dates. My apologies. Until tomorrow, See ya'! April 12, 2013: 3:38 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I am apparently allergic to a fruit called "Honey Mangoes". I ate them and found out. I love regular mangoes. They're YUMMY! As a child I spent three years at the air force base in Puerto Rico, Ramey AFB, and we had a mango tree in our back yard. We used to climb it and I think watching my brother fall from the top of the tree helped make me fear heights. But the mangoes were so good! We sold them to our neighbors for 5¢ or 25¢ depending on how big they were. Now we pay over a buck each for them! Sigh. Inflation stinks. I'm feeling better now, although my lips are still blistered and somewhat swollen, the fever is gone and I'm feeling like I actually have enough strength to push the keys on the keyboard down. So, on with a few blurbs. April 12, 2013   Why are there 166 Republicans who don't want a Select Committee investigation into Benghazi? I don't know how many dumborats haven't signed onto the idea, but 166 Republicans? That's not right. You remember what Benghazi, Libya is about, right? A building that was under our flag (meaning U.S. embassy-type protection) was attacked and two Marines refused to stand down and went to help our Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and the others in the building and four Americans (including the two Marines and the Ambassador) were killed. thevileone is said to have watched part of the attack from the situation room, but headed to bed telling the others to "do what they need to do" to handle the situation, without ordering any support after it was requested by the Marines who went to help. Where are the dumborats on this issue? Do they want an investigation? No story I have found even mentions them. April 12, 2013   At least the State Department is going to beef up security at consulates. Day late, dollar short? April 12, 2013   Aaaahhhh.... public schools... What is this, the 2,038,484,030,284,849th story about public schools doing what they shouldn't be doing? Homeschool your kids, folks. Homeschool your kids. That way you get to decide whether they are forced to argue that the Jews are evil and the Nazis the good guys. (Common Core studies: don't ya' love it?) (Sarcasm.) Take GOD out of school and all you have left is worshipping the government. That's part of Common Core State Standards, too, and Florida has Common Core in our schools. Aaaaaaahhhhh... public schools. April 12, 2013   "Big Bother [sic]" government is watching & wasting $1.75 TRILLION enforcing its regulations. Don't ya' love it when your employees try to make you kowtow to them? They work for US. Why are they trying to force us to do anything? April 12, 2013   ketchup kerry follows thevileone's lead and BOWS to world leaders. Making America subservient is a favorite pastime for these idiots. April 12, 2013   Michelle Malkin is right. "Amnesty" is not temporary. It's a gift that keeps on giving. April 12, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! *gasp* LOL! That's funny! April 12, 2013   Priest heading to jail. Don't put your trust in man. Instead, put your trust in GOD alone. April 12, 2013   Kermit Gosnell's trial's media seating isn't a problem. It's getting the media to COVER the baby-killing-s.o.b.'s trial that is the problem. The Blaze has only 11 stories, FoxNews has only 31 stories, NBC News 14 stories and CNN 20 stories and CBS News 22 stories. The surprise winner: ABC News with 223 total stories, pictures, videos, etc. April 12, 2013   thevileone's tax returns are in. He and the wifeypoo paid 18.4% federal taxes. That's less than some of us do. He SAYS he wants the rich to pay "their fair share". So where's his 33%? The vp, bumbling biden, paid only 1.87% of their hundreds of thousands in income to charities. Paying his fair share? April 12, 2013   N. Korea says "nuclear war is unavoidable". "Unavoidable" only because they want to start it. In the meantime, a CO Representative, Doug Lamborn (R) reads from a DoD report that says that NK has nuclear weapons but "reliability will be low". It took the military folks there off-guard to hear that report referenced, but they assured the hearing that the NK nukes couldn't reach us. Um... Do you want to trust NK and this administration's assurances enough to find out via waiting for NK to test that theory? Why is thevileone NOT doing something to prevent a nuclear attack by North Korea? Even if they go after Japan first, Japan is still our ally and why would we want to test the theory of NK's incapability on our ally? Hasn't Japan been through enough nuclear bombings? April 12, 2013   Diplomat's death still being figured out. First the State Dept. (ketchup kerry's domain) released one story, now it's another. Benghazi II? April 12, 2013   I totally DISAGREE with this decision. They did the WRONG thing. April 12, 2013   dumborats refuse to honor one of our closest allies. The dumborats have never had any class, why start now? April 12, 2013   Totally unconstitutional and DUMB, MD goes for a "rain tax". Question: has it ever rained in your back yard, but not in your front yard? Unless they have a rain measure for every four feet or so of everyone's property, they're going to be collecting taxes in excess of what you've actually had happen and that's an unfair tax. This tax is so arbitrary that I bet it gets thrown out if anyone has the chutzpah to oppose it. If they have sensors near the government center, but not in my yard, or the yard of my friends in the southern part of the county, then how on earth can they tax us for "blockage"? Absolutely and totally absurd is this tax. Whoever came up with it needs a psychiatric examination to see if they have any sense whatsoever, and that's AFTER a brain scan proves they have a brain! April 12, 2013   I am going to stop there for now. Until next time, See ya'! April 10, 2013: 4:18 p.m.   Internet's working again; or my computer is working with the internet again. Whichever... The blurbs now continue. April 10, 2013   Do you tithe? Follow the biblical mandate that we give 10% to GOD? Then some of us give offerings, whichi is giving more than your tithe. Well, thevileone is going to shrink the tax credit for your obedience to GOD. You won't get to deduct as much if he gets his way. Isn't that special? (Sarcasm. Of course.) April 10, 2013   If she weren't a leftist sweetie she would not be getting special attention. Hundreds of unheard of inmates each year die from natural causes (illness is a natural cause) in prison annually. But this woman is a leftist darling and she's getting a big push to be released for her last days? Remember the Lockerbie bomber being released in 2009? He lived for another three years after it being said he had "only months to live" when he was released? Yeah. I agree with Michelle Malkin. Don't let someone who aids and abets terrorism against America out of jail. It's not a good move. April 10, 2013   thevileone really does hate America. Everything he does, every breath he takes, every thought he has is to destroy America. Why can't some people see that? Oh. That's right. They're too busy spending other people's money that thevileone gave them to understand that even other people's money won't help them when America is destroyed. They'll be slaves to the State, too, but be too stupid to know it because they already are. April 10, 2013 &nbps CCSS is being resisted by Conservative Republicans. I bet you don't see a RINO standing against Common Core State Standards unless it's election time. Then you'll see them all running to the podium, pushing and shoving, to be the first to speak and kiss its backside while trying to sound as though they're standing against it. RINOs: Can't we send them and their Lefty cohorts to Mars? Please? April 10, 2013   Are these your neighbors signing a "petition" supporting total gun confiscation? Is this America? April 10, 2013   Planned Parenthood baby-killing-office has AIDS scare, workers quit. I can understand their fear of AIDS. It kills, too, but a lot slower than what they do in the clinic. They faced something less painful than what the babies in their clinic faced and they couldn't handle the idea of it? Are their actions admitting that they are baby killing cowards? Yep. April 10, 2013   Does this one surprise anyone? April 10, 2013   Enough for the day unless something else tickles my fancy, makes me angry, or alarms me. Until next time, See ya'! April 10, 2013: 1:11 p.m.   Cops were surveyed and the results were released. Gun CONFISCATION is underway in NY. Does NY have cops? Do you think you can trust cops to protect your 2nd Amendment rights now? How about YOU standing for your own rights? Wouldn't that be better? They're going to have an AWFUL LOT of guns to confiscate. People don't trust thevileone with their Second Amendment rights. That's why the people are buying more guns. April 10, 2013   Common Cores State Standards (CCSS) makes your children Hamsters. Squeaky wheel gets the grease? April 10, 2013   Children should be treasured and protected, not used as sex objects. This should never happen. April 10, 2013   Jay-Z and Beyonce going to Cuba doesn't bother me. But what does bother me is that when they come back, they will not tell the truth about what Cuba is. They won't have seen the forced labor. They won't have seen the want and lack. They won't have seen the dictatorial control. Or, if they have seen it, they won't tell the truth about it. That's what bothers me. What needs to happen is someone of, say Tom Cruise's status goes over there, sees the truth and comes back and TELLS THE TRUTH about Cuba and the conditions that its people live in because of the policies of Castro's regime. That's what needs to happen: a TRULY EDUCATIONAL trip to Cuba in which America gets educated about how the people really live there. April 10, 2013   Security? Nah. We don't need no security there! DH[IN]S ignores biochemical lab security lapses. Your security in the hands of jnap is like sand through her fingers. She's too busy being important to care. April 10, 2013   Internet is acting up again. I don't know what's up with it, but it's making me nuts. Maybe I should throw this computer against a brick wall and send the pieces back to WorthlessDELL. It's so tempting. I will try to do updates later, but I can't promise anything with this computer and the internet. Can I take a shotgun to this thing? See ya'! April 9, 2013: 2:37 p.m.   My latest painting. Thought some of you might like to see it. April 9, 2013   brett kimberlin, convicted felon, still terrorizing people. Adding insult to the terrorism? There are people who support kimberlin and help him. That's appalling, but some people no longer have a sense of right and wrong. So they help a terrorist. He stalks people, threatens their lives and publishes pictures of their kids on the internet along with ideas as to what should be done to the families. He is a dangerous man but law enforcement seems to be just as afraid of him and his supporters as are his victims. He needs to be locked up for the rest of his life, but there's not a law enforcement organization out there who is courageous enough to do so. In fact, in Maryland the Howard County State’s Attorney, Jim Brewer, was too kowed to do anything about kimberlin's threats. When the rule of law is kowed by a terrorist, then there is no law. April 9, 2013   JW uncovers our government's efforts at a fast response. That's a little tongue-in-cheek tease, but it's amazing to think that a response took eleven (11) years. Can anyone say "patient Judicial Watch"? April 9, 2013   mitch mcconnell's office bugged. Someone was wondering what they'd say about Ashly Judd's toying with the idea of running against him? Who knows who did it (may have been a disgruntled mcconnell ex-supporter for all anyone knows) but I wonder if the recordings show anything about how ineffective he is in office. I bet they'd put anyone to sleep. I know! Sell them as a cure for insomnia. April 9, 2013   Duplicate gov programs waste BILLIONS of YOUR dollars. Sequester seschmester, as long as they don't pay the bill, they don't care how much they're wasting. Enjoying that mac & cheese yet? thevileone's private parties are at YOUR expense. April 9, 2013   What is FREEDOM to you? April 9, 2013   Either the talks were totally ineffective, or thevileone said, "Go ahead." Question is, which was it? N. Korea says tomorrow they'll launch a missile. Let's hope that the missile is as ineffective as thevileone's administration at stopping the launch. April 9, 2013   Read this article (and I mean, "YOU NEED TO READ IT!") then read what my latest article for Girls Just Wanna Have Guns.com: In Whose Hands Is YOUR Freedom? Then read what thevileone wants. (BTW, Note that he flew the Newton families on Air Force 1 and that it cost taxpayers how much to do so? Sequester? Not to mention using their tragedy as a backdrop for taking away liberty. If the teacher whose classroom Lanza entered and started shooting up had had a gun to stop him, how many children's lives would have been saved?) 'Nuff said? April 9, 2013   So THAT'S why Yahoo! said "Joel Osteen" was trending. LOL! Some people try to FIND THE TRUTH! themselves and didn't fall for it. April 9, 2013   Cocoa's well has been cleared of E-coli. That's good. Now they have more wells to use to get drinking water. April 9, 2013   Schools lying to students about their 2nd Amendment rights? One father says so. Let's see if it bears out. I did do a search for the stated publisher, found them online, and tried to find the source for the worksheet, but couldn't get to it (IF it's the right source). If they are teaching that American citizens have no right to "keep and bear arms" what is it they are trying to accomplish for future generations? Why teach them they don't have the right to defend themselves? Sheeple, anyone? April 9, 2013   I have owned three small businesses in FL, so I'm surprised by FL's ranking. April 9, 2013   Aww... Come on! Don't do that! April 9, 2013   Gun ban bites back. April 9, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" gang rapes a Christian girl. And the gang tolerated it peacefully. April 9, 2013   Islamic deceit and betrayal? Wow! That's a shocker! April 9, 2013   I'll close for today on this note: bumbler mocks pro-2nd Amendment people. When he mocks you, he mocks your rights. Is that what you want from the vice prezidunce? Until next time, See ya'! April 8, 2013: 1:30 p.m.   First, I want to start with saying a sad goodbye to Lady Margaret Thatcher. She will be missed. R.I.P. April 8, 2013   JW's synopsis their activities on the Benghazi murders that thevileone did not prevent. The full report is available here. Don't you just want to impeach thevileone now? There's got to be a point at which even his most sycophantic suckups say "ENOUGH!" doesn't there? How far will they let him go? There are 700 Special Ops: establish select committee on Benghazi and get the "Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" from thevileone so that they can find out what happened to their comrade in arms. Stand with the Special Ops troops. Sign the petition to end the Benghazi cover-up in which four Americans died without thevileone raising a finger to help them. April 8, 2013   Beretta leaves Maryland because anti-gun laws. I wish they'd come down here! I'd LOVE to work for my favorite brand! April 8, 2013   CATO Institute has some ideas on anti-gun laws. In the first report, I like what they say. Things like: "'The Department of Justice’s comprehensive survey of the 1994-2004 ban concluded that it had essentially no effect on gun violence and, if it were renewed, the effects would be “small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.'"The second report has something I disagree with: "The Second Amendment does not guarantee a 12-year-old’s right to possess a machine gun in front of the White House when the president is walking on the lawn."In that sentence, the commentator is assuming the child has a desire to hurt the president and would use that machine gun to do just that. What if the child is a huge fan of the prezidunce and would never think of hurting him? Does the child's right to have that machine gun near the Red House then become sacrosanct to the author, and the left? Finally, remember this statement: "Marginal gains might be had from, say, regulating gun show transactions or large round magazine sales. But as study after study has shown, no credible correlation can be drawn between such laws and gun violence."Then remember this: TRUE GUN CONTROL is a steady hand, acquiring target, sight alignment, smooth trigger pull and controlling the recoil; in that order. THAT'S gun control. What the left is advocating is ANTI-GUN Legislation and gun-grabbing. To use their terminology is to acquiesce to their definitions and their goals. April 8, 2013   Another green TAXPAYER FUNDED company, Fisker, is going belly-up. More money laundering for thevileone? For what is he going to use all of that laundered money? To who is he going to give it? Which private off-shore bank is it going to for his future retirement? What secrets is he paying to keep quiet? I want to know. Don't you? After all, it's YOUR money. April 8, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax is driving doctors to bankruptcy. We warned you. Did you vote for thevileone because he promised you "free" medical care? Finding out now that he lied as usual? Yeah. I told you so. Now even some dumborats are waking up to the truth. It's not as if they weren't warned. Morons. April 8, 2013   Free Speech: An article for you to read and think about. I have not finished it as of this posting, but I know that the CATO folks are (at the very least) thought provoking. Thus, I feel safe in recommending you read it and think about what they say, even though I have not quite finished reading it myself. Remember to apply what you already know and the principles that apply to the First Amendment as the Founding Fathers intended it. Then make up your mind about what the CATO people say. You see, I don't always agree with libertarians, which the CATO Institute is. April 8, 2013   thevileone "running short of time"? He's trying to establish his legacy quickly this term. Why? Does he want to spend more time on the links? Golfing more is his motivation? Or does he want to travel more at our expense? Why is he in such a hurry? April 8, 2013   Ten questions the Dept. of Energy nominee should be made to answer. I seriously doubt they will be asked, but there's no harm in considering them, right? April 8, 2013   We MUST have gold as our money standard, nothing else will do. Florida should be one of the states that are pushing for their gold from the feds. April 8, 2013   Read up on James Madison, "Father of the Constitution". It may teach you something new. It did me. April 8, 2013   Are YOU a Federalist? Read the article and find out. April 8, 2013   Documents may prove eric holder (U.S. A.G.) is in BIG trouble! They may also include thevileone in the BIG trouble. Let us pray. April 8, 2013   Did dumborats try to gerrymander so much that Republicants [sic] couldn't win? They tried. They tried. Of course, the Republicants do the same thing, just not as vehemently. April 8, 2013   School closings help credit rating. What happened to the Port Authority's donation to the schools of so many million dollars? 1) Is that still being looked into? and 2) Is it legal to do so? and 3) Wouldn't that also help the credit rating? April 8, 2013   thevileone's debt is catching up to him. He wont' be using his millions to pay it off. It will be "We, The People" who have to do that. Don't ya' love him now? April 8, 2013   Scott Ellis's court battle against BlueGem, RoseWare, etc. I love that he stands up for what is right and for our taxpayer dollars. I appreciate him very much! April 8, 2013   I am finished for now. Hope you have a great day and that you stay safe and well. Until next time, See ya'! April 7, 2013: 1:10 a.m.   A quick update because it's a good one: In Whose Hands Is YOUR Freedom? I wrote this Friday and they published it a little while ago. Read it and think. April 6, 2013: 3:13   I'm only doing a few blurbs today because I've got things to work on, but I did want you to read Mark Steyn's article on PC-ness. (New word?) I love his writing and when he stands in for Rush. He's our undocumented alien from across the pond and glad to have him! April 6, 2013   thevileone's admin gives special treatment to celebrities. Shock. Surprise. They've both been to the Red House and it would surprise anyone that thevileone gives them special treatment? Get a grip. thevileone is also not using the celebrities' trip to draw attention to the racial inequalities of the Communist Dictatorship. That's what SHOULD be happening: drawing attention to the lack of human rights, but no. Not in this regime. April 6, 2013   U.S. military proves Mex/US border insecure: Ignored by thevileone. Oh. Sorry. That's not really news is it? It's been happening for the last four years. April 6, 2013   JW sues thevileone's admin for info on thevileone's admin's "Collusion with Radical Left". I love Judicial Watch. Fierce and Fearless! That's what they are. April 6, 2013   thevileone targets retirement accounts. So why does thevileone think that he's the one who gets to decide how much money you (or anyone else: rich and famous or otherwise) need to retire on? Or who is he to say how much you can leave your children (or others) to inherit upon your demise? If he can limit your retirement savings (as he wants to do), then can't he also limit how much you get to leave your children to inherit? Can't he also take what he deems is above the limit for you to have? What gives him the right to do that? Just the fact that he's in power and he wants to do that? Is that what the Constitution says the prezidunce can do? No? Then why would you sit quietly by and let it happen? April 6, 2013   Indoctrination par excellence. April 6, 2013   Believe it when you see it IN ACTION, not just in words. On this one, too. There's something up with this. It's going to benefit THEM, not others. They're much TOO SELFISH to benefit others. Watch. I'm right. April 6, 2013   Updates on the case against the Brunswick, GA, alleged baby killer. I don't understand why this one doesn't sit well with me. Maybe too many Susan Smith episodes have jaded me into thinking that there is always something suspicious in certain cases, but it just doesn't sit right with me. There's something strange about it. April 6, 2013   Beard cutting hate crime. 'Nuff said? (Are we in the Twilight Zone?) April 6, 2013   How far is N. Korea willing to go? Are they certain their nuclear weapons will be capable of leaving their own country before they detonate? Would Kim Jong Un nuke his own people to prove he's "bad enough" to rule that dictatorship? The answer is probably "Yes." He's that egotistical. Watch out. This could get ugly. April 6, 2013   Life imitates art? How many movies use this premise? NASA is now following Bruce Willis movies? Really? We pay for that? Nah. Maybe movies followed NASA's ideas from years ago. Which did which? Does it matter? They're looking at doing something to protect the world that may actually protect it better than recycling and "Earth Days". Although, it won't come to much in the end. The Bible's Book of Revelation states that Wormwood -- a huge asteroid in modern terminology -- will destroy part of the oceans and things will turn worse from there. There's no getting around the Bible, but they can try. April 6, 2013   Hamsters in confusion! GLOBAL COOLING PROVEN! Oh, my! What will the Hamsters do?! "Global warming! Global warming!" cried they day and night. But, no, not true; it was just a fright. 'Tis cooling that is truly going on. But Hamsters can't face facts, because they're dingledons! April 6, 2013   reid's anti-gun plan approved of by thevileone. Wow! Who'ulda' thunk it? April 6, 2013   And on that fun note, I shall take my leave. April 5, 2013: 12:11 p.m.   Woops. I missed yesterday. Got up and got ready to go out and about and checked the reaction to my latest article at Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com and got a little distracted reacting to some of the comments. There were some positive, some negative; as you know the negative doesn't bother me. I've heard enough of the negative comments about myself, my website, my beliefs, my stances, my WORDS over the last ten years to not let any of it bother me. It's just a bunch of fun for me. I enjoy the negative as much as I am surprised by the positive. Surprised not as in "I'm shocked anyone likes my stuff": I'm not. Surprised as in most people will comment only if they disagree with something, and not if they agree. To see 152 Facebook "Likes" (when I'm not even on Facebook) is a bit humbling. Positive written comments are also humbling, some more than others. It's just a fun thing and I enjoy all of it. April 5, 2013   Cocoa water well found to have E-coli. "The City of Cocoa has shut down the well immediately upon discovery of the presence of E-Coli. This well will not return to service until it has been rehabilitated, disinfected, and test show the absence of E-Coli."They're trying to keep it safe, folks. Let's hope it doesn't take long to get that well cleaned up. April 5, 2013   Wanna' see some horrible numbers that thevileone's healthcaretax is bringing about? Did you know it was going to be this expensive? Remember: these numbers are for just ONE STATE. Multiply that by 49. Don't forget the other expenses, too. This one's going to hurt, folks, and hurt bad. April 5, 2013   "Lifeguards" who can't swim: Reverse racism at its finest. The city hires "minority" lifeguards to guard "minority" swimmers, but puts the swimmers' lives in danger with their choices of "lifeguards" who can't swim. Liberal "thinking" never works properly, does it? April 5, 2013   Let murder happen as long as dumborat politicians get to smile and lie about it. Good policy for dumborats. Don't you want to live in Chicago? April 5, 2013   $700 MILLION in taxpayer funded hurrican relief GONE. I wonder how thevileone is laundering this money? April 5, 2013   Unemployment population ratio at 58.5%. This is thevileone's America. This is what he wanted. This is his goal. Is this what you voted for? April 5, 2013   Riiiiiigggghhhhttt.... pelosipig? Really? Duh. April 5, 2013   Something to think about. April 5, 2013   Hurry, hurry! Illegals must get their amnesty! thevileone wants this done and done NOW! April 5, 2013   hillclintoon: women's lib being turned back in U.S.A. Really? She needs to remember who is in charge in the Red House and the Senate (dumborats, both), doesn't she? She needs to remember that the Czars are being appointed unconstitutionally by thevileone. She needs to remember that every legal cabinet position is being filled by thevileone. thevileone is (by his actions and words -- "My Muslim faith") a Muslim and they don't give women the same rights and opportunities as the Western world (i.e. Christians), so why is she surprised by that? April 5, 2013   Gun controllers take Dad's gun after something his 10 year-oldSON said. "The sins of the father"? This is not justice in America. This is not how we do things. Should thevileone's daughters be put in jail because their dad is breaking the U.S. Constitution? If not, then this Dad shouldn't lose his guns and license over something his 10 year-old son said. Especiall since the kid was talking about: "his 10-year-old son and two other students were talking about going to a boy’s house with a water gun, “paint gun” and a BB gun.Come on! Water guns and paint guns and the Dad loses his license and handguns? Really? This is America? Where is the common sense? April 5, 2013   The newest U.N. arms treaty has some HUGE problems. Not the least of which is the fact that the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. signed it! It's ridiculous. April 5, 2013   The Associated Press is censuring its reporters. First it was "illegal immigrant" now it's "Islamist" they cannot use. Since when can an employer limit free speech without having a "National Security" concern? From where is the A.P.'s right to limit their reporters' choices of words allegedly coming? They need to show their reporters that portion of the U.S. Constitution because then they could report it and we could all "find" it in there. Too bad it doesn't exist. April 5, 2013   Next year's taxes will be even higher. thevileone is on the prowl for more. Watch your wallets. April 5, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! When they screw things up, they do it well, don't they? April 5, 2013   15 yr.-old speaks the truth about "assault rifle" bans. They're coming for our guns, folks. Start with this one, move to that one, take them all. April 5, 2013   So where will they put it? Your back yard? My back yard? Where will the new recycling facility go? Let us not forget that some recycling pollutes more than it does good. They've known that since 2006 and recyling is not all it's cracked up to be. So why is Brevard County doing the recycling center? For Political Correctness, that's why. Why not write to them and ask them why. April 5, 2013   Debtors' prisons growing in America. Welcome to thevileone's America! April 5, 2013   On that cheeful note, I'll stop for now. Until next time (Vince you need to start doing your website again), See ya'! April 3, 2013: 11:45 a.m.   Missed yesterday, kinda'. I had the chance to do the updates, but I took the day off because it felt good for my eyes to rest from hours and hours of books and computer, books, computer, books, computer, books, computer, books, computer, etc. That's what the Chart: Compare GOD to Allah took. Sometimes I did eight hours in a row on it -- after doing my updates. That's a total of about eleven hours on the computer in one stretch. My eyes needed a day off. So I did that yesterday. Hope you understand. Now on with the blurbs. April 3, 2013   thevileone's plan is coming to fruition. I told you while he was running for his first term that he hates America and wanted to destroy her. Now your'e seeing that I was unfortunately right. I wish that, on this one, I was wrong. I wish he was a better guy. I wish he was a good president. But he's none of those. He's vile. April 3, 2013   Control the language, control the people. Now we can't say "illegal immigrant"? Watch me. April 3, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! Hypocrisy again on display. Good catch, James O'Keefe! April 3, 2013   Would this have happened during Reagan's time? Absolutely not. N. Korea would not have been trying to flex its spoiled baby muscles. And the world would not be on the brink of nuclear war. Too bad we have a prezidunce who hates America and is willing to allow us to be destroyed. You know, it could be that OUR generals will have to act to protect us without the prezidunce's approval in order to prevent a nuclear war. They'll pay for it with their jobs, titles, retirements, etc., but they could be savings millions of lives. April 3, 2013   If we could get into his personal ideas, what new danger to our freedom would we find? April 3, 2013   First it's medical coverage we are mandated to buy, now it's liability insurance? They tell us we must buy certain light bulbs, toilets, washing machines, health care coverage, vehicle insurance, now liability insurance if you own a gun. Sigh. Whatever happened to freedom? April 3, 2013   Sequestration. Almost $17 TRILLION in debt. No more Red House tours. Parks Dept. making cuts. Etc., etc.,etc. So why is the military ordered to create new vehicle? "The trade-off for providing better protection and the ability to accommodate more passengers typically is a larger and heavier vehicle. Other objectives for the vehicle, such as reduced cost and better maneuverability in urban settings, are more easily met with smaller and lighter vehicles. Although the Army’s program allows contractors some flexibility in meeting various goals, initial designs indicate that the GCV is likely to be much larger and heavier than the current Bradley IFV."So why does the military need an ARMORED VEHICLE for URBAN SETTINGS? Hmmm? Urban = city. Why are they going to need a citified armored vehicle? Think about this people. April 3, 2013   This is an illustration of why I have never liked Bill O'Reilly. When we had satellite television my hubby liked O'Reilly but I just couldn't stand him. I always left the room when he was on. Now that we have only an HD antenna to watch television for free (and a new channel came in this week), I'm certainly glad we don't get FOXNews because I don't miss a thing on there. They'd gone all wimpy before we left satellite anyways (except for Sean Hannity) so why would I bother? April 3, 2013   Red House denies cadre of ex-staffers doing PR for prezidunce. Control the message and the image and the low info voters will believe every lie that favors thevileone. That's what he wants. April 3, 2013   Did your taxpayer dollars help build this? Did it receive funding via thevileone? April 3, 2013   I think this FL House bill needs to be defeated. I don't think that we need to increase the dates of early voting because it increases the possibility (and, yes, the probability) of voter fraud. We don't need this except for the U.S. military people. The rest of us can vote within four days: election Tuesday and the Monday, Saturday and Friday prior to. Otherwise, we should diminish the dates of early voting, not increase. We have absentee ballots and that should cover it. Tell those voting on this thing what you think about the bill. April 3, 2013   70,291,049: What does that number tell you? April 3, 2013   I feel so sorry for the children in this story. They will pay the price for mommy/daddy doing what she/he chose to do. The parent's twistedness will harm the children, open them to ridicule and skew their views of right and wrong. One more step on the road to decline. April 3, 2013   thevileone's alma mater hires convicted terrorists. Doesn't that tell you something? April 3, 2013   aclu makes school take down pic of Jesus: 1st Amendment trodden on. The ACLJ should counter this. I hope they do. April 3, 2013   thevileone is pushing the same tactics that brought down the housing market two years ago. He is TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA. When will people wake up and realize that? April 3, 2013   thevileone is a better weapon against America than bombs. Someone else is saying what I've been saying for years. April 3, 2013   No. No mercy. Period. He showed none to a six-month-old baby he was raping to death, why should he get mercy? April 3, 2013   Answer this question: Why should American CITIZENS give a flip what the Muslim Bro-hood wants? Hmmm? April 3, 2013   FLORIDA: DO THIS! April 3, 2013   United Nations treaty could be bad for YOUR gun rights. The only countries to vote against this treaty, surprisingly, were Syria, N. Korea and Iran; meaning the U.S. Ambassador VOTED IN FAVOR OF IT. thevileone's representative (and allegedly OUR representative) voted in favor of the ATT. Now the Senate has to approve the treaty. Let us hope the dumborats have some fear for their re-election. April 3, 2013   thevileone's peeps cry about Drudge Report. Babies. April 3, 2013   Riiiiiigggghhhhhttt... And there's a swamp in the Sahara I can sell you, too. April 3, 2013   And on that rather sarcastic note, I shall close for now. I wish you well. I wish you a good day. And if something else tickles my fancy, I'll post that later. Until then, or tomorrow, See ya'! April 1, 2013: 12:17 p.m.   That big special project I've been working on since August of last year (some of my work lost to the computer crash of December)? It's finished! Chart: Compare GOD to Allah. Check it out. April 1, 2013   I'd cancel my paper before accepting delivery via drones. If they can deliver your paper, what else can they deliver (bullets?) and what can they see while they're delivering? Privacy issues, anyone? April 1, 2013   It's appalling to me that the fed gov is arguing in FAVOR of possible voter fraud. What is wrong with that picture? Wouldn't you think that everyone would want elections to be honest, fair and legal? Apparently not this administration. They want fraud because it's the only way they can win: especially a third and fourth term. April 1, 2013   Take this advice and actually do the second one. It's important. April 1, 2013   Gov. Rick Perry is under heavy pressure to cave to healthcaretax. Will he withstand that pressure? I don't know. He's got a lot of folks in Texas saying "No! We don't want it!" and some others telling him they do want it. Which will he listen to: freedom of bondage? Hmmm... Predictions, anyone? April 1, 2013   This says it all about google, does it not? A Chavez doodle for Easter's doodle? Really? How inappropriate. He is dead. He hasn't risen again after three days as did Christ. Chavez didn't do any miracles (unless you count destroying his country's economy as a miracle). Chavez wasn't the Son of GOD as is Christ. Yet google thinks it's appropriate to use a Chavez pic for Easter Sunday. What that says about google is volumes! April 1, 2013   How many Fast & Furious guns were use in this string of violence? Shall we charge thevileone with aiding and abetting? After all, did he provide the weapons for these murders? I think it's time we get to find out. Another illustration of thevileone's hatred of America and Americans. April 1, 2013   "Gay marriage" will never be "marriage", no matter what the SCOTUS decides. Marriage was designed by GOD in the Garden of Eden. It was designed as one man, one woman, until death us do part. Gays who want to "get married" will have the same legal rights (obtainable via estate planning, etc.), but they will never, ever have a real marriage. They may have the CZ compared to the diamond, but it won't be the real thing without a different gendered partner in the marriage. They can say they are legally married but to GOD, they are still sinning and to the TRUTH, they won't have a marriage. Marriage has the right mix to procreate. Marriage has the right mix to have the yin-yang of personalities, hormones, temperaments, strengths and weaknesses, as GOD created it. A faux marriage of two of the same gender cannot procreate without outside help, cannot have the same hormones (maybe I should caveat that with the same thing: without outside help, i.e. pills or shots) and will not have the same emotional balance as a real marriage. CZs are not diamonds, no matter how much one may wish them to be. They may look similar to diamonds, but they will never have the same value as a real diamond, the same properties (hardness, refraction, inclusions, origin, etc.) as a real diamond. All CZs are man-made; as are all "same sex marriages". They will never be a real marriage, but instead will be CZs. It won't make homosexuals happy to have a faux, and if the SCOTUS legalizes it, the homosexual community will then find something else to whine about. April 1, 2013   Is thevileone encouraging this? Something is strange that "all of a sudden" the numbers of illegals crossing the borders has doubled. What have they heard down there that we are not aware of up here? Hmmmm.... April 1, 2013   While they denigrate the rich, they live the life of the rich. Shock. Surprise. thevileone and his family spend OUR money to live the "rich and famous" life. Mac & cheese tasting good on a daily basis? April 1, 2013   How awful hollyweird is. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they don't know the meaning of the word. Heck, they couldn't even spell "conscience" much less "right" or "wrong". April 1, 2013   Where are the parents of these sociopaths? Why were they allowed to go out and do this kind of rot? April 1, 2013   Watch out! The Hamsters are confused. What will they do? Will they jump off the wheel? Will they chew through their cages and get out? Will they stop and think? I'm on pins and needles on this one. April 1, 2013   Shoot Dad to please Allah? Peace and tolerance? Does that make sense to anyone? April 1, 2013   I decided that since I've spent so much time on my computer for that special project that I would do just a few updates today and do a few additions I have thought of for that special project since I posted it and then shut down my computer and go do something fun. I think I'll take my camera out and take a few pictures today. Or maybe I'll go visit my favorite shops. I don't know. All I do know is that I've spent so much time working on my computer lately that my eyes were getting too tired to continue on some days. So, time off is a good thing. Have a great day and until next time, See ya'! March 2013 March 30, 2013: 8:13 p.m.   A surprising e-mail came in just a few minutes ago. I had written to Sheriff Wayne Ivey (as some of you know) eleven days ago asking him if he would stand with the 340 Sheriffs across America who had decided and published a statement that they would NOT CONFISCATE our guns as the 340 Sheriffs who had publicly stated so. I did not see his name, nor Brevard County mentioned on the list, so I wrote to ask. Then I sent another e-mail today. Sheriff Ivey responded. He was a little touchy on the subject, but as you can see, I had no way of knowing what he apparently thought I should have known. Read it from the top if you want to see my two e-mails, then at the bottom is my response to him. I'm sending him a link to that page as my response to him and if he writes back, I'll post it, of course! Have a Blessed Easter! Remember the Reason! March 29, 2013: 9:43 a.m.   thevileone uses his "executive power" to take away your 2nd Amendment rights sooner. I won't call it "gun control" any longer. I will call it what it is: taking away the most important of the delineated rights in the Bill of Rights. Stopping the use of the euphemisms is step one to making sure that it is not considered something "nice". Well, all they're doing is stopping "gun violence". No. They're taking away your 2nd Amendment Right; something GOD gave you and the Founding Fathers delineated as one of those things GOD gave you and the government cannot take away nor decrease. Remember, the 2nd Amendment states: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."Note that part: "shall not be infringed"? That means that your right to keep and bear (carry) firearms (guns) shall not (a legally binding term that means cannot, will not, doesn't have the right to) be infringed (lessened in any way, not depleted, not limited, no portion of it taken away). So that means that the government -- no government -- has the right to take away or limit our right to own and carry a gun of whatever sort we wish with however many bullets we wish. "Oh, limiting the number of but bullets and the kind of gun you carry is not infringing," some of you will say. What is it then? If I want to carry an AR-15 what right does the government have -- in light of the 2nd Amendment -- to say I cannot carry it? Would that not be infringing? If I want to carry a gun that has a fifteen round capacity magazine, should I not be able to do so? Or what if I carry a gun that has a nine round magazine and I carry a spare magazine fully loaded with another nine rounds? Would eighteen be too many? According to the 2nd Amendment that is up to ME not the government because my right "shall not be infringed": limited, lessened, depleted, taken away. So those of you who say I don't need an AR-15 can kiss my pattuti because the 2nd Amendment says I can. March 29, 2013: 7:49 p.m.   I'm taking this Easter weekend off unless something tickles my fancy, makes me irritated, or whatever. I may post, I may not. I'll be back Monday, but until then, contemplate the Easter poem I wrote: "And The Nails Went In..." Remember the Reason. GOD bless you! Until next time, See ya'! March 29, 2013   Austin, D.C., L.A., etc., in Un's sights. Map shows missile flight paths to those cities. Baby boy's throwing a temper tantrum and he's going to make his people pay for it. That's the problem with dictators like Un and thevileone: the people always wind up paying for their wrongs. March 29, 2013   The 10 states in the U.S.A. with the most freedom? Florida is ranked #36 at -4.8 (NEGATIVE 4.8!) on the "Personal Freedom" category! That's bad. Very bad. In the "Overall Freedom" score, we ranked 23rd. That's not as good as I thought it would be, nor as good as I would LIKE it to be. What can we do to get #1? Let's start with lowering all taxes and completely doing away with thevileone's healthcaretax. That would help. March 29, 2013   Judicial Watch uncovers more 9/11 truths. March 29, 2013   "Secret" Republican plan to repeal thevileone's healthcaretax. Um. When it's a secret, it probably shouldn't be in a magazine, right? Just saying. March 29, 2013   Bahama beaches to skiing? Your kids get spring breaks like that? Oh, paid for by the taxpayers, of course? Don't you love that? Your Easter break consists of a picnic (if it's warm enough) and a movie as a family if you saved up for it. Theirs -- at YOUR expense -- is Bahama beaches and skiing in Idaho... with security of all kinds... that you pay for... and their meals... and their hotel rooms.... and their flights to and from... and their cars... Sigh. It must be so nice to be that special that you don't have to pay for any of it. You can take your friends and extended family and the taxpayers will pay for it all. Isn't it sweet to be elite? March 29, 2013   SCOTUS's hearing on marriage between two of the same gender not exactly kosher. I think this is a very interesting read. March 29, 2013   thevileone still trying to deport homeschooling German family who will lose custody of their children if the family has to go back to Germany because they homeschool. Germany has no right to take the children away. The reason they are trying to do so is because the parents are Christians. IF thevileone was actually a Christian, would he be trying to send this Christian family back to Germany to have their Christian children taken away? thevileone lies every time his lips move. March 29, 2013   thevileone taxes gas: 9¢ a gallon increase. Wonder which green company it will go to for laundering? And let us not forget It's "for the children". Riiiiggghhhhtttt. March 29, 2013   thvileone presses for BILLIONS in SEQUESTER spending. 'Nough said? March 29, 2013   What took Rubio so long? His name should have been one of the first names on this pledge. Why did he wait until late in the week? Weighing the future vote results? March 29, 2013   Will this "trend" go the same way as Cabbage Patch Dolls, Beanie Babies, and Paris Hilton's latest pet? Careful with this one, folks. It's not something I trust. March 29, 2013   FL tuitions going up? It may be more expensive to go to college here. Also, they're considering banning texting while driving, and they're taking on the State public employees' pension issues. March 29, 2013   hillclintoon's bye-bye cost us $85,000. That's your money she spent saying bye-bye. Don't ya' love it? March 29, 2013   Cyprus's president sounds like thevileone. "Share the burden". Right. When he gives his money up, the "great unwashed" should give up theirs. March 29, 2013   On that note I shall close for now. I may see what tickles my fancy later, but until next time, See ya'! March 28, 2013: 3:40 p.m.   I write for Right Turn Forever.com, too. I've been posting there for about two or three years (the time does fly). Now I write for three websites besides my own: Right Turn Forever, Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com and Grumpy Elder.com. What can I say? I have a lot to talk about. While you're at Grumpy Elder.com, check out Publius Hulda's column on "Nullification". Publius is an attorney and he/she knows his/her stuff! March 28, 2013   This is what thevileone wants to do to us. Count your pennies, folks, and don't trust anyone who supports thevileone. March 28, 2013   Want to be put in jail just for using the internet? That's what thevileone is wanting to do, and dumborats will support him. Is that what you want? March 28, 2013   Questionable report, to say the least. Remember: NONE of the employees at the air traffic control towers being closed are F.A.A. employees. thevileone's administration is just trying to scare you into thinking that there will be chaos in the skies so that you can blame the Republicans for all of the deaths that will allegedly ensue. Get real. Ask nelson why he's lying. March 28, 2013   More red light cameras going up in Brevard although a Florida judge has already ruled them UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So why is Brevard County doing something UNconstitutional at our expense: both in that we pay for the cameras, and that we would potentially have to pay for the tickets?! There's something explicitly not right about that. Why don't you write to the County Commissioners and ask why they're doing something unconstitutional? There's no harm in getting it straight from four horses' pattuties and a Commissioner, right? March 28, 2013   thevileone LOVES wasting your money: $880,000 to study snail sex. That's twisted. I didn't know thevileone was an animal voyeur. I guess he puts your money where his mind is. March 28, 2013   If this is an improvement, I'd hate to see a decline! It would probably mean thevileone and his pampered girls would have to go on a few more vacations. One a month just won't do! March 28, 2013   Whowouldathunkit? A dumborat saw the writing on the wall and decided against running. Wow. Which Conservative told her the truth -- that she'd be creamed like a popsicle in hades? (Assuming no cheating, of course.) March 28, 2013   Chi-town prosecutes few gun crimes and has a HUGE gun crime rate. Now, tell me, does anyone see a correlation there? Come on. Tell me you see the tie. March 28, 2013   Brevard's School District's Fitch ratings. Huh? March 28, 2013   jnap snubs the law and congress. There is something called "checks and balances" built into our way of government. The Executive Branch answers to the Legislative and Judicial: except in thevileone's admin. They're special and they put themselves above the law and they don't care if they're breaking the law. They are in charge and they can do whatever they want. Donchaloveit? March 28, 2013   Snicker. I'm shocked - shocked! - these two didn't go help her get across. Amazing. Secure the borders, folks. If you want to support a quick amnesty and citizenship to all those illegals already over here, do so on the Rush Limbaugh plan: amnesty plus 25 years -- without VOTING at all. My addition to his plan: Give them a special identification card that proves that they cannot vote until 2038 or later. Put a chip into them if they don't want the card. Do what it takes to protect America's elections. Oh, and NO WELFARE programs. No W.I.C., no food stamps, no government housing, no public education, no free medical care, etc. That's my contribution to the plan, too. Just let them come over and get their citizenship, but wait for 25 years until they get any of the bennies. If they are going to break the law to get their citizenship and live here, then they have a price to pay, too, not just those of us whose ancestors came over legally all those years ago and whose ancestors were born here just as we have been. That's the deal I would make: call it "Citizenship + 25" and make it a take it or leave plan. Sounds good to me. March 28, 2013   Sequester? What sequester? How can there be a sequester when thevileone's admin is spending $1.18 MILLION Taxpayer Dollars on PUPPETS? Prove there's a sequester when they're still wasting money on this sort of crap. No wonder America's debt has skyrocketed under this puppetmaster! He's got real strings to pull now. March 28, 2013   Do you trust putin? Hey, folks. You need to pay attention. This stuff could be really heading to a bad place very quickly. What do you think thevileone will do if it does? I'd say "Duck and cover", but he may just hid behind his daughter. March 28, 2013   thevileone's "campaign machine" admittedly still active. So what do you think that means? Third, fourth and fifth terms? You wanna' put any money on it because I wouldn't bet against it. March 28, 2013   If the A.P. had to spell "objective" they couldn't do it to save their lives. March 28, 2013   Where are the gay rights activists? Why aren't they marching in the streets of Saudi Arabia instead of hanging out in front of the SCOTUS building? Hmmm? March 28, 2013   Were thevileone's Fast & Furious guns used in this attack? Were American guns that thevileone sent across the border used to kill cops? If so, why aren't thevileone and holder being held accountable? That's their doing after all. They'd hold a Texas farmer responsible and put him in jail for the rest of his life if one of his guns had been used. How about Fast & Furious guns: shouldn't the same standards apply to ALL citizens of the U.S.A.? Don't tell me the prezidunce is that special. He's just one of us, after all, is he not? A "government of the people, by the people and for the people"? Right? So why would he not be held accountable? March 28, 2013   On that note, I shall close for now. I wish to finish that special project and have it up for Easter Sunday. So, I shall work on getting that finished. Until later, See ya'! March 27, 2013: 11:49 a.m.   CONFIRMED! thevileone does "Fast & Furious" arms delivery to Al Qaeda. WND has been reporting on it for a year. The story was confirmed by the NY Times. Did you vote against this guy in the 2012 election? If not, this is what what your not voting did to us. Now we have to pay for our enemies to have arms to use against us that we payed to be manufactured, shipped and delivered into their hands. Is that what you wanted? March 27, 2013   Judicial Watch is still trying to learn the truth about Benghazi. I support Judicial Watch because the TRUTH matters and they are always trying to "FIND THE TRUTH!" just like me. March 27, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax has voter registration in the doctors' offices? That's what is on the draft application for it. Amazing. Whatever happened to the Supervisor of Elections that we pay to do that? When is it going to be considered important to return integrity (trustworthiness; honesty) back to our elections? All these optional registration places leads to nothing but deception and confusion. If you can register in ONE place only there is a good chance that the records will be maintained properly and there is a lower probability of fraud. If, as thevileone's administration apparently wants, you can register at the DMV, the doctor's office, the Dairy Queen and 7-11, then the chance of fraud increases exponentially. That's how they'll keep stealing elections: register anywhere and you can register multiple times. Too many records to keep track of and at the very least some will slip in undetected: guaranteed. March 27, 2013   Cyprus rips its people off. That was taxation without representation and beyond the government's purview. That was theft: pure, plain theft. March 27, 2013   I'm shocked. It's a nice gesture, but is it legal? That's what they hired an attorney to find out, but it's an iffy question. The county said years ago that they couldn't transfer funds from the Parks & Recs budget to the Roads & Bridges budget to build the west connector in PSJ (I asked) because it wasn't legal to do so. For one government entity to transfer funds to another may be a kind gesture, but I don't know if it's going to be found legal. March 27, 2013   This admin FINALLY admits thevileone's healthcare tax will raise insurance costs. It's about time they admit it. Not only will it raise costs, it will increase the costs up to 80.9%! The average increase is 32%. Is that what thevileone promised you? Is that what the MSM told/sold you? Is that what the right warned you about? I think that it's about time some people started listening. March 27, 2013   Put it on your calendars, show up, and tell them WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE EELs PURCHASES! This county has enough problems dealing with the debt we have and now they want to purchase more EELs land? Oh, the argument will go, but we have the budget for it. I suggest we follow the example of the Port Authority and transfer that EELs money to the County to pay off some of the debt and to keep the County going without having to raise taxes. We do that instead of purchasing more EELs lands to take off the tax rolls. That would be a better use of the EELs budget, don't you think? After all, can't we all pitch in and do our fair share of giving so that we can all benefit from the EELs money, instead of just those who want to protect the iggybiggigy bug? (Hint: there is no such thing that I know of.) March 27, 2013   I think the "moss covered GOP" is to entrenched to be dethroned. I think Rand Paul and Paul Ryan (and other true Conservatives) will have to leave the GOP and go where they can be supported by the leadership, not just a few freshmen. March 27, 2013   We warned you about this, too. The FBI wants to read your e-mail and they're trying to get that now. This admin ordered it, and the FBI will comply. Why they think they swore an allegiance to one person instead of the nation as a whole, I have no idea. They're not under a dictatorship (are they?) so why are they not standing against the illegal requests of an egotistical dictator (thevileone)? Doesn't this tell you something? March 27, 2013   Controversial student union. Making a risky statement, but it's his free speech right. I stand behind his free speech right, but he's taking his safety in his own hands. Why is it that even I am hesitant to wholeheartedly endorse this? Because I know how controversial this thing is and because it may be something that is absolutely correct on the facts he asserts, but it's not PC and it's going to be very hot. That means that anyone who endorses it is going to be maligned as a racist. Well, that's too bad. I endorse his right to do this and he has the courage to do so. I say "Good for him!" March 27, 2013   A 25 yr. fight against the federal government? He did something that the government needed done and then they bashed him for it. The feds: you just can't trust them. March 27, 2013   Marriage was defined by GOD in the time of the Garden of Eden. That was WAY before the United States was brought about, and prior to the U.S. Constitution by at least a few thousand years. Separation of Church and State advocates say they want the Church out of State matters. Since marriage was designed by GOD, that makes marriage a Church matter and the design by GOD is out of the court's, government's or even personal opinion scope. GOD said marriage was one man, one woman, until death do us part. End of discussion. When GOD says that this is the right thing to do, why are people arguing with the One who would know? March 27, 2013   N. Korea keep rattling its sabers. They keep their people in as much dark as possible about the outside world so that they don't have the chance to get information outside of what the government is lying to them about. This keeps the people supporting the government (they have no choice in N. Korea) and it keeps them feeling good about what the government is doing to them. What they won't understand is that if the government does the things they are threatening to do, Little Boy Un will be bringing the wrath of several other countries down on the heads of the innocent N. Korean people. This is nothing more than Un trying to show he's big and bad and he is in control. To me, it's more evidence that he's an immature leader throwing a temper tantrum after one of his generals questioned his leadership. Now the world has to pay for his temper tantrum. Wonnerful. March 27, 2013   The CBO says: "DoD will have to cut back on its forces and activities more each year to remain within the budget caps;So now we have the DoD being reduced again. No bullets (cartridges to be more precise) to protect ourselves with because the DH[IN]S and other federal government agencies are buying them up. No local agencies to protect us because they can't get ammo, either. The feds are under the thumbs of the likes of jnap, holder and thevileone. Who will protect, "We, The People"? That will have to be US. March 27, 2013   Bin Laden's death story now full of holes? It's not looking good for the story. If you recall, in February of 2012 I blogged about the fact that I didn't believe the stories as they were told. I still wonder when it will be found that Bin Laden is still alive? March 27, 2013   I have never trusted putin... Although, admittedly, I probably trust him just a skosh more than I trust thevileone. At least with putin you know where he's coming from, what his goals are, what his beliefs are, what he plans to do to you. With thevileone, he lies, he lies, he lies, so you don't know much of anything until it hits you between the eyes. March 27, 2013   "On The Smug Side of History" is a GREAT title! Read about how liberals are getting too big for their own britches. (Egotistical, not fat.) March 27, 2013   Christians tortured by Muslims IN A MOSQUE. The religion of "Peace and Tolerance" certainly knows how to demonstrate those qualities. My, goodness! I've never seen such "peace and tolerance" as the current spate of Islamic demonstrations of it. They're just so sweet! March 27, 2013   March 14, 2013 I told you about the voter registration law that the FL House was considering. I wanted to remind you to get those cards & letters written to your representatives and tell them to STOP trying to negate the Supervisor of Elections that, in Brevard County, is a Constitutional Officer and we pay very well to keep integrity in our elections. PLEASE contact your Florida State Representatives and ask them to stop that bill! We need to be able to trust our election results, not always think that someone's been cheated into office. The law that the FL House is considering would allow the distrust of our elections to not just continue but to increase. Is that what you want? Contact your State Representative today. March 26, 2013: 1:32 p.m.   Most weekdays I listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh on WFLA 540 AM. Recenlty they started playing an ad that encourages people to "Invest in Belize". My ever-vigilant son, Patrick, got curious about that idea and did some research on it. His research found some disturbing facts and those facts made me do more research. That research made me send the following e-mail to WFLA's Sales Manager, Mark McCauley: "Sir,So you think it will make a difference that the truth is not told in that ad or that the country is part of the sex slave trade? I'll keep you posted. March 26, 2013   Eating more hotdogs, hamburgers and chicken lately? Mac and cheese a family staple now? Vacations scarce or cut way back? Not for thevileone and his special non-sequester-limited family. We pay for their vacations so they can go wherever and as often as they wish. Heck, they can go on vacation and NEVER COME BACK as far as I'm concerned. I'd pay for that. They're going to cost us a bundle, whichever way you look at it. Don't you love their elitist attitudes? March 26, 2013   Challenging the "medical marijuana" use laws in AZ: Judicial Watch agrees with me. March 26, 2013   Kim Jong Un is UNprepared for what he's about to unleash. He's pointing missiles at us. He's threatening to launch them on the innocent American people. We've done NOTHING to North Korea since the fifties, and yet he's trying to start a war with us? He's stupid. March 26, 2013   Herr bloombergermeister is at it again. The idiot's ad is so full of mistakes that it's laughable. March 26, 2013   Wind farm's murderous results. A golden eagle paid the price for a few pennies alleged savings on electricity. Why should a golden eagle -- a protected species -- pay for your pennies of savings? Tell me which is more important: a few of your pennies or the life of a single golden eagle? (Yes. Sarcasm. Of course, it is.) March 26, 2013   This video, seen in schools since 2002, makes me wonder who hates America more: Islamic extremists, or LEFTIES? The video is absolutely appalling. This is "Aaaaahhhh...... public schools! March 26, 2013   After raiding customers' accounts in Cyprus, it's France and Spain's turns. Then who knows where it will go? Will they raid ours next? Probably not next, but if thevileone gets his way, he'll do it to help destroy America as he's always wanted to do. So, are you ready to stand up? March 26, 2013   $100 MILLION to track your children. Bill Gates thinks it's that important to track your kids that he's going to pay for it. Is that what you want? March 26, 2013   Ever want to read thevileone's healthcaretax bill in bite sized pieces? March 26, 2013   Compare the above to this Christian alternative. See which is better suited to your life. March 26, 2013   jnap, she of the 3 BILLION+ rounds of ammo, won't say "No, I won't" to a presidential bid. Can you imagine THAT as prezidunce? Freedom? What freedom? March 26, 2013   Those who support abortion would have had this little girl aborted instead of seeing that she can have a good life with a little consideration of those around her. Haven't we all at some time "relied on the kindness of strangers"? Let us not forget that we have the ability to do the right thing instead of aborting those who may need an extra smile or two. March 26, 2013   Well, AT & T is at it again and my internet service is giving me fits, so I'll sign off for now. Until next time, See ya'! March 25, 2013: 1:34 p.m.   360,000 more rounds of ammo. jnap's DH[IN]S stocks up. How many times will they be able to shoot each of us now? March 25, 2013   So thevileone's family vacations in the Bahamas at your expense while your vacation plans are...? Peanut butter and jelly for a picnic lunch? March 25, 2013   Herr bloombergermeister is at it again. Privacy? What privacy? March 25, 2013   County employee to make a HUGE retirement pay. Is this what our county employees are looking forward to? Don't ya' love the unions who did that to the taxpayes? March 25, 2013   Cyprus banks take customers' money. It doesn't matter that the customers had no say in it. The banks and the government wanted it and they took it. Is that a lesson thevileone is going to learn? March 25, 2013   Gun owners and sportsmen: $1 BILLION for wildlife conservation last year. Don't tell hunters that they aren't for the enviornment. March 25, 2013   Well, I have company right now so I need to go spend time with them. Not trying to be rude to them, since they're in my office with me and we're still talking, but I do need to go. I may do more blurbs later, but if not, you'll understand why. Until next time, See ya'! March 24, 2013: 4:20 p.m.   A rare Sunday update because the sequestration was apparently not such a big deal when it comes to thevileone helping Muslims. I guess we can do without first responders, White House (Red House) tours, teachers, FAA air traffic controllers, open national parks, etc., as long as Muslims get our taxpayer dollars. Maybe if thevileone was a Muslim that would make sense... March 23, 2013: 3:24 p.m.   Something else tickled me. What tickled me is finding out again how long it takes others to catch up to what I've been saying for years. March 23, 2013: 1:58 p.m.   How to Buy a Handgun: Protection or Worst Nightmare? It's my second article for Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com. If you're considering buying a handgun, my article may remind you of something that would be very beneficial to take into consideration when you're even thinking of the purchase. Remember: a handgun is a big responsibility and that's something to keep in mind, too, so read my first article for them as well: What's the Difference Between a Vote and a Gun? (Shameless self-promotion, I know. But it's my site, so I can do it if I want to!) March 23, 2013   reid got a budget bill passed? Well, pick America's collective jaws off the floor and slap the dumborats silly because their "budget" supported the "internet sales tax". That means that for every purchase you make online, no matter where you live, nor which state the vendor is based from whom you are making the purchase, you'll pay taxes on it. Since it's a federal budget, it'll be a federal tax. So thevileone and his cronies are raising your taxes again. BTW, that budget got bipartisan support. Thanks for nothing, Republicans. Oh. That's right. For a moment I forgot and thought that they had a spine! Not. BTW, this "budget" has ZERO deficit reduction and NEVER balances. Sweet! Isn't that just what this country needs? Bipartisan support. BTW 2: they wrote special rules for it: "The Senate plan, in contrast, includes $100 billion in upfront infrastructure spending to stimulate the economy and calls for special fast-track rules to overhaul the tax code and raise $975 billion over 10 years through legislation that could not be filibustered. Even with that tax increase and prescribed spending cuts, the Senate plan would leave the government with a $566 billion deficit in 10 years, and $5.2 trillion in additional debt over that time. [my bolding]"Take away the people's voice much lately? March 23, 2013   How stupid is the U.N.? This stupid. March 23, 2013   Judicial Watch opposes Perez as Department of Labor head. I agree with them. Read the article and you probably will, too. March 23, 2013   HP threatens to sue; Scott Ellis doesn't blink. Needelman created this problem; Ellis will fix it. I hope that with the lawsuit comes the truth about the deal with BlueWare. That's what Ellis is trying to do: "FIND THE TRUTH!" My motto works. March 23, 2013   Jesse "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!" Jackson must have been out of the spotlight for too long. He's on the "Waaaaaahhhh!" Trail again. March 23, 2013   Washington State is in big trouble. They weren't thinking of the consequences when they did this. I feel sorry for the children, not the adults who did this and brought the consequences upon themselves. GOD made those children. How sad that they can't acknowledge that. March 23, 2013   How much did this cost us? As long as he's there and doesn't have to make another trip to do this part of it, that's better than a special trip. But it's going to cost a bundle. March 23, 2013   thevileone doubles down on "assault weapons" ban. Question: When you hit someone with your hand, is that an "assault"? So does that make your hand an "assault weapon"? Should we ban your hands? Should we just go throughout the country and chop off everyone's hands to make sure they can't hit anyone ever again? Need I say more? March 23, 2013   thevileone's admin plays word games. They're shutting down air traffic control towers. But they're shutting down air traffic control towers that are NOT staffed by FAA employees. So they're not actually saving us any money they're just trying to SCARE you into supporting their budgets. Don't you love government manipulation? Don't you love their LYING TO YOU? Four more years of this kind of crap. Wonnerful wonnerful. March 23, 2013   The IRS is wasting taxpayer dollars. They will bully people into paying their taxes so that they can waste them like the rest of thevileone's admin? Of course, it is thevileone's admin, so why is anyone surprised? March 23, 2013   A boo. A hoo. Wah. March 23, 2013   Christian Pastor, Saeed Abedini tortured in Iran and thevileone's administration won't do a darn thing to help him. He's an U.S. citizen! But thevileone won't intervene. He's over there right now and he COULD do something to help Pastor Abedini, who has NEVER been Islamic, get released. Has he? Did he even think of it? The creep wouldn't do squat. March 23, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax is a big burden on everyone. Remember all the sweet lies they told to get support for this horrible law? Remember how wonderful, roses and cotton candy, everything was said to be in thevileon's healthcaretax law? It's all rainbows! Everything's free and no one's premiums will go up and you get to keep your health insurance and your doctor, too! See that happening? Were you LIED to? Were his lips moving? March 23, 2013   Can't eat burgers. Can't eat salads. I know! Let's all just starve to death and make thevileone's healthcaretax bury all of us. They'll be able to afford it then. March 23, 2013   What the ...? March 23, 2013   Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! thevileone helped this happen. March 23, 2013   With N. Korea rattling its saber teaming up with S. Korea is a good thing. I bet ya' it wasn't thevileone's idea. He's incapable of having a good idea. March 23, 2013   It's not okay to not be gay. Sigh. So tired of that lack of morality. So tired of having it shoved in my face and demanded of me, "You MUST ACCEPT THIS!" No. I won't. It's not okay. I don't have to accept your sexuality because it's none of my business with whom you have sexual relations unless it's a child. Then it's my business because you're hurting an innocent child. When it's two consenting adults, you get to choose with whom you have sex, but you don't get to demand that I think it a good thing! I have the right, yes even the Christian responsibility, to stand MY ground and say, "No. It's not okay and I don't have to condone it. GOD doesn't condone it. He destroyed two cities in judgment of it. If that's how strongly He feels against it, why should I, a servant of GOD, go against Him?" If an adult wants to have sexual relations with a person of the same gender, that's a sin. Period. I do not have to condone sin. I do have to LOVE THE PERSON who is making that choice, but I don't have to approve of the choice. There's a difference. If someone wants to wear something that looks hideous on them should I tell them that it looks hideous on them (I've done it; wasn't fun), or should I let them go out and be thought hideous? Which is kinder? Do I stop loving the person because I told them that the outfit looks hideous on them, or do I show MORE love because I cared enough to tell them that what they had on was hideous and I tried to prevent them from being thought hideous looking? I loved them MORE by telling them. It's those of us who try to tell you the TRUTH who love you, not those who just ignore your sin and try to be nice by not telling you the truth. The TRUTH is nicer than a lie every time. Even if it hurts for a while, it's still nicer. As a pastor whose church I attended for a while said, "If you're drowning in the ocean and I say, 'Hey, man, you're drowning. Let me throw you a rope.' Would you look at the person offering the rope and say, 'Don't judge me!'?" That's the same thing. Homosexuality is a sin in GOD's eyes. Those of us who follow Him don't have to accept your sin as being "Okay". We must -- to follow Him -- tell you that your sin is a sin. It's up to you to make it right with GOD and it's up to you to turn from it. We cannot force you to do so, nor can we do it for you. But we can keep telling you the TRUTH and stand our ground for you. March 23, 2013   And on that non-controversial note, I'll depart for now. Until next time, See ya'! March 22, 2013: 10:17 p.m.   We warned you it was coming. They've started reading your e-mails. What's next? Searching your house because they want to? Oh, and it was done via EXECUTIVE ORDER. Totally unconstitutional, but what does thevileone care? He's the TYRANT, not the constitutional prezidunce. He has no rules that apply to him. March 22, 2013   Medicare is in need of an overhaul. First thing to do? Stop all the freebies like those scooters you see seemingly thousands of commercials for: "It cost me nothing because I had Mediare". You know who DID pay for that scooter? You and I. Taxpayer dollars, that's who. That's the FIRST thing they need to put a stop to. I know of one family that gets a NEW FREE SCOOTER every year because Medicare pays for it. They have so many of them that the kids use them for scooter races down the street. Yeah. It's time that kind of waste and abuse ends. March 22, 2013   bumbling biden spends $459,388.65 on ONE visit's London HOTEL BILL! That's YOUR money! That's sequestration? Really? I think there's something fishy about the way they're doing sequestration. BTW, that peanut butter and jelly you're having for lunch daily getting boring yet? Go to work for bumbler and you'll get something a whole lot better! And then there's the $585,000.50 Paris bill. Boy! Sequestration is tough on the V.P.! How will he ever survive it? March 22, 2013   Michelle Malkin explains why Saudi's "fast pass" is dangerous. I told you about the fact that they have given a "You don't have to go through TSA security" to travelers from Saudi Arabia. Isn't there something about Saudi Arabia that just tickles my memory? What is it.... Nah. Couldn't be that 9/11 thing, now could it? "[T]he home of 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers will soon enjoy the exclusive privilege of new entry shortcuts into the U.S."Why is it I have that feeling of "BOY! That's a dumb idea!"? thevileone's administration and the DH[IN]S are both idiots. March 22, 2013   Why do dumborats keep proving they're completely clueless? March 22, 2013   Kids shoot baby in stroller? I'm not certain on this one. If it's true, it's so bad. So bad that they had no idea of the value of life. If it's not quite the way it's being reported... It just doesn't sit right with me somehow. March 22, 2013   NY offers reward for tattletales on gun owners. Tell on Mommy and Daddy and get $500. Tell on your neighbor and get $500. Tell. Tell. Tell. Sounds like Hitler's Germany and Austria: tell on your neighbor. March 22, 2013   We have a disagreement with Canada? I didn't know of any, but apparently thevileone does. March 22, 2013   reid includes background checks for even PRIVATE sales. If I bought a gun from Mr. Smith (whoever that is) and he was not a dealer, just person to person purchase, we'd have to go down to say, The Gun Site and he'd have to prove to me that he has a bill of sale for that gun, The Gun Site would have to run a background check on me for a sale they had nothing to do with, and I'd have to pay for that background check. The government would then have a record of that sale and they'd be able to track that gun's ownership if I sold it years later because I'd have to do the same thing when I sold it. That's IF thevileone hasn't confiscated all of the guns by then. Is that what you want? March 22, 2013   N. Korea using all kinds of propaganda on their people. They're teaching their people that they can beat America? I think hope is fine. False hope is futile. March 22, 2013   Chicago's going through their own sequestration? Their "Mayor" is considering closing 54 schools: in poor neighborhoods, no less. Does that make him a racist? March 22, 2013   Aww. That's not nice! March 22, 2013   thevileone is not liked in Jerusalem. So who can blame them? March 22, 2013   "Progressive Radical" Dept. of Labor nominee's record. I'm sorry. Should we be surprised by thevileone trying to get another "progressive radical" in his administration? Really? I don't think so, but that's because I expect him to want that. March 22, 2013   Aaaahhhh... Public Schools. In Texas, they have something called "C-Scope" which is as bad as "Common Core State Standards" (CCSS). The things they teach can only be called "crap". They're not teaching the children to think, they're making them read GOVERNMENT MANUALS as their reading assignments, instead of the greats like Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, the Brontes, etc. This will turn kids off of reading and make them now want to do their own research into what the government tells them is the truth. When you hate reading you don't want to look into the truth because it means that you have to read to find the truth. Can you tell me what good reading government manuals is going to do for a fifth grader? Is it going to instill a sense of adventure, self-confidence, the idea of right and wrong? No. All of that is gone. Now it's just regulations and processes. Dull, boring, lifeless. That's what they're trying to do to the future: take the life out of it and take the possibility of resistance out of it. It is those of us who think and dream who want freedom not those of us raised on the pap of government programs and indoctrination. America is at stake, but not JUST America. Your children's futures are in the mix, too. Even if they are homeschooled, their futures will be impacted by the whole society and when their neighbors are voting in favor of the state's control all the time, the homeschooled population will be outnumbered and overruled by the majority. That's why you should homeschool, but stay active in politics. Think of your grandkids and their kids. Stay vigilant. March 22, 2013   Cops are begging and bartering for bullets to keep them alive while the DH[IN]S buys 1.6 BILLION bullets and (as I told you earlier) still refuses to answer questions on why they need that many bullets. Isn't that what we want? Our local cops incapacitated when it comes to being able to protect their OWN lives -- much less YOURS -- and they can't buy bullets while the feds buy and buy and buy and won't tell us -- THEIR BOSSES -- WHY? Something stinks. Stinks like death. March 22, 2013   One of thevileone's buds is quitting his FCC position. So thevileone will appoint someone worse. Expect it. March 22, 2013   Seriously? dumborats have corruption? Bribery and corruption? Wow! Who would have thunk it? March 22, 2013   Greenies defeated in scotUS. Good! March 22, 2013   Religious discrimination at FAU? If so, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Stand up for your religious rights, America. As with the Second Amendment, use 'em or lose 'em. March 22, 2013   U of TN told by TN legislators to dump "Sex Week". Why would a college allow a sex week (a week to learn how to be a pervert, among other things) when they should be teaching calculus, physics, history, etc.? I think people learn enough about sex via their own perversions, they don't have to be taught them! March 22, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax making doctors retire early.
It also
makes employers collect employees' health info. A lot of folks
are blaming CVS for telling their employees they have to disclose info. Truth is, it's a requirement of thevileone's healthcaretax. This is exactly what the pelosipig said
they'd have to pass to find out what was in it. March 22, 2013   On that note, I'll leave you for now. Until next time, See ya'! March 21, 2013: 12:43 p.m.   Rush is half right: she's also just making money. She found a song she could sing and dance to, dress up for and wiggle her bits and make some cold, hard cash. That's the point of any song she sings. If she had to sing about something racist in order to make money, would she sing that song, too? What thinks you? Would you want your daughter emulating that? March 21, 2013   I told you what to expect with thevileone's visit to Israel nine days ago (just past midnight). I NAILED IT! I know thevileone so well because I understand what evil is. And he is it. March 21, 2013   ketchup kerry's stupidity continues. He's Secretary of State? Really? Lord help us all! March 21, 2013   Russia's Putin flexing his "I'm big, bad & Russian so I can control you!" muscles. Question: will thevileone cave to him, or will he try to stand up against Putin? March 21, 2013   Hahaha! Cuomo messed up big time! March 21, 2013   jnap refuses to answer congress's questions re.: bullet purchases. I bet she's following orders from thevileone. Question is, why would she refuse to answer to Congress? Isn't that the way the U.S. Constitution has it delineated, separation of powers and all of that? Why does she think that it's her choice to NOT answer? The Executive Branch (thevileone's entire administrative arm) has gotten so big-headed! Why? March 21, 2013   Americans buying MORE guns after Sandy Hook. They've realized that they can't rely on cops to be there with them 24/7 because cops can't be everywhere all the time. They're not omnipresent gods. We have to sometimes defend ourselves. We have to be ready to stop the evil when we see it happening. We have to be the person who responds first instead of waiting the eight minutes or so it will take the cops to get there. Sometimes a minute saves a life; sometimes eight minutes will cost many lives. Will one of them be yours? March 21, 2013   Gold and silver as legal tender? Gold is suppsedly what our currency is based upon, so gold should have always been nationwide legal tender to start with. Adding silver is okay, but is it the first step to a downgrade in our currency? Will the value of the American dollar be debased to silver nationwide? Something to think about. March 21, 2013   feinstein warns reid: doesn't pull her 38... Whew! reid got lucky on that one! March 21, 2013   48% of first children born to unweds: how much bigger would that number be without abortion? Women, stop having sex outside of wedlock. Your child needs a daddy who is committed to you and to your child. This is so totally unacceptable. You really do need to think about the fact that no matter what promises he is making, 9/10 of the time he won't keep them. That means you have only a 10% chance (if that much!) of getting him to marry you and stay faithful to you when you get pregnant. That's not good enough. Think more highly of yourself. You are worth more than that! March 21, 2013   In America? Ridiculous. March 21, 2013   thevileone's admin gives $400,000 to study DUCK GENITALS. Waste, fraud, abuse, illegality and stupidity. That's what the legacy of this administration will be. March 21, 2013   I've been looking and looking but I'm having a difficult time finding things to comment on today. Tickling my fancy is not happening very often, so I'll hang it up for now and try to do more later if I get the chance. Still working on some of those special projects. The biggest one is about 90% finished (guessing) so I'm hoping to be able to post it soon. It may be an eye-opening experience for some of you; others may find it a useful reference. Whichever, I felt led to do this, so I'm hoping it will be useful to someone. Until tickle-tickle, See ya'! March 20, 2013: 11:08 p.m.   I've said for years that PETA is a bad organization. They kill almost 90% of the pets that wind up in their "shelters" -- read "KILL ZONES". March 20, 2013   You scratch her back she'll scratch yours...? Don't ask, don't tell! March 20, 2013   thevileone "hostile"? Really? Toward Israel? Now that's a shocker! (Sarcasm. Of course.) March 20, 2013   Our economy is hurting, but the underbelly is growing. Sounds like the reality of thevileone's economy is hitting home and people are finding a way around it. Americans: we're so resilient and resourceful. March 20, 2013   DHS keeping you safe? I DON'T THINK SO! They're letting Saudi flyers NOT pass through security? Do they really care about your children's security? NOT! March 20, 2013   thevileone's admin released over 200 dangerous criminals within that 2,000+ criminal release they blamed on sequestration. Is there anything they won't do to hurt us, destroy America and endanger our children? Answer, IMHO, is "NO!" March 20, 2013   Something needs overhauled: "There are 10 living recipients of benefits tied to the 1898 Spanish-American War at a total cost of about $50,000 per year."Yeah. That's a problem. Shouldn't benefits STOP when the "child" is over 18 or 21? I think so. March 20, 2013   His lips were moving. Lying. Lying. Lying. Shock. Surprise. Lying. March 20, 2013   As usual, it's Aaaaaahhh.... public schools. Ridiculous. March 20, 2013   That's all that caught my attention tonight. See ya'! March 20, 2013: 1:51 p.m.   1,100 Green Berets speak out in favor of our 2nd Amendment rights. Read the letter and learn, be inspired and know that they still have our backs! GOD bless each and every one of them! March 20, 2013   Read this one, too. Sound familiar? Scared yet? March 20, 2013   Proof of hillclintoon's and thevileone's lies? Decide for yourself. Time for impeachment yet? March 20, 2013   "Turning to"? "Turning to"? He's BEEN there! He thinks he's a king and can sign his way into whatever he wants. "What I say, GOES!" is his thought process. He does what it takes to get his way just like any spoiled child. Or like any tyrant fixed on destroying America. March 20, 2013   $8 BILLION lost to fraud and waste. In Iraq, that's a drop in the bucket to this whole administration. They're MUCH better at it than ANY previous admin. That's part of how they launder their money and get more back to Organizing for America, thevileone's campaign organization. This is his second ACORNed term. Why does he need a campaign group? Hmmm? Think, people, think! March 20, 2013   Brevard school closures may include more schools. My wish would be that they take a strong, close, hard look at the infrastructure of the administrative portion of the school system. How many high muckety-mucks do we need to have overseeing the school system? How many assistant this-and-thats do we need? How many Whatchamacallits do we need? Does the Vice Assistant of the Assistant's Aide's Assistant (not that there is such a position, but you get the idea) need an Assistant? Let's take a hard look at the top first, take the cuts we can there (higher pays and benefits being cut means more savings), then let's take a hard look at the school administrations. Then look at the programs; then the teachers doubling up on subjects (can the science teacher also teach math?) and then look at closing more schools. If it must happen, that's fine. It has to happen. The taxpayers of Brevard have a right to have accountability in the school system with our money as we have with the legislative area of tax spenders. We have the right to have ALL government entities held accountable to us and if the school system has been over-spending then that's one of the truths exposed during a hard economic downturn. Truth will out: maybe in the lawsuit the County has filed against the school system wasting more taxpayer dollars. Welcome to Brevard County. March 20, 2013   HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's rich! March 20, 2013   Atheists sue to remove "In GOD We Trust" from U.S. currency. Hey, all you atheists out there, go eat dirt. There. I finally said what almost every red blooded, America loving, GOD respecting citizen has wanted to say for YEARS. Feels good. March 20, 2013   NJ boy's pic with gun has officials all wacko. They need to get a grip. He was handling that gun correctly. His finger was outside the trigger guard and he was not pointing the muzzle at anyone. He was practicing gun safety properly and they should be proud of him. Instead, the "child welfare" folks visited his house and made sure he wasn't endangered by the gun. I bet that kid could teach those "child welfare" workers a thing or two about gun safety. If they handled a gun they'd probably wind up shooting someone. This kid? Not a chance. March 20, 2013   Another inappropriate appointment by thevileone. "She's a friend" is her best qualification? She's a progressive who believes in Marxism and wants a totalitarian America? That's the second best qualification. Don't ya' love it? March 20, 2013   Even the Vatican doesn't practice what it preaches. Is it hypocrisy, corruption, or spinelessness that goes all the way up? March 20, 2013   U.S. State Department is full of cowards: especially at the top. They didn't say it, so I did. An United States citizen, a Christian Pastor (who has never been Islamic), Saeed Abedini, sits in jail in Iran for turning his back on Islam (which he has never practiced) and the State Dept. refuses to make the effort to get him out. Is this the start of administrative Christian persecution in the United States? Or should the State Dept. and this lazy, good-for-nothing administration do something to actually help its citizen? I think the latter. March 20, 2013   N. Korea threatens to shoot down our planes. I have a solution: Target their nuclear facilities with MOABS. Problem solved. March 20, 2013   ACLJ still fighting against mandated abortion support. The ACLJ is good, folks. I support them and urge you to do so, too. Their Annual Report is an excellent read of freedom loving, family focused, America centered litigation to help America stay America and each lawsuit they're involved in helps set precedents to help YOU stay free! March 20, 2013   I've often wondered if this guy has a conscience. How anyone can go out there day after day after day and lie for thevileone and still sleep at night I have no idea. It's a true puzzle to me. I could not do that job for love nor money -- not even as much as thevileone has laundered through waste, green companies and fraud. I just couldn't lie like he and his boss do. March 20, 2013   Good info to know. You don't have to give your info! March 20, 2013   Muslims don't want thevileone to see reminders of Israel. Well, I'm sure he appreciates that. He doesn't want to see reminders of Israel, either, so he's very grateful. March 20, 2013   Abortion horrors recalled at trial. This is what abortion does. It teaches the young among us that life is cheap and you get teens shooting teens over basketball games, shoes, or being "dissed". You get mothers who leave their kids in cars as they go into the bar to drink themselves silly. You get abortion clinic workers who consider life so cheap that even children who survived abortion can just be killed via breaking their necks (it makes my stomach churn just writing this -- honestly sick). You get a doctor who considers the life of a child who survived abortion so inexcusable that he used scissors to kill those babies instead of trying to then save their lives because he was holding a living human being. Then you get an idiot attorney who cries "Racism!" as part of the defense. The abortionists admitted their deeds in court and the attorney is crying "racism"? How absurd. Read the Grand Jury Report if you can. Caution: it's sickening. This is what abortion does to society. Dehumanizing the least of us is worse than racism: it's secular humanism at its worst. Can you not see that? March 20, 2013   On that note, and I want you to think about that note, I'll close for the day. Until next time, See ya'! March 19, 2013: 5:35 p.m.   Got a late start today because earlier (before noon, actually) when I tried to do updates my internet service started acting up again. Sigh. Don't ya' love AT & T? (Rhetorical question since I know the answer, for myself at least, is NO!) So, I'll try to do as many as I can. We'll see what happens. BTW, did you see that Atlas launch? Rumble. Rumble. March 19, 2013   feinstein's anti-Second Amendment bill probably to sit for a while. I hope they can't get anything past the Senate because the Republicans there decide to grow a spine. Ya' know, I TOTALLY disagree with the left and progressives and dumborats but I have to give their leadership credit for something the Republican leadership has not: a spine. At least they try to do what they want (even though it's destroying America and our future, they try). Yes, it's the wrong thing. But the Republicans are such wimps right now that I can't say how happy I am that I don't have an (R) after my name now and haven't had for over four years now. March 19, 2013   U.S./Mexican border crime so bad it scares reporters away from both sides! Sounds like "Fast and Furious" got a little too "Fast" and a lot too "Furious". That's what thevileone has done. Thanks, thevileone and eric holder! That's just what our two countries needed! (Sarcasm.) March 19, 2013   Your children: guinea pigs for the Feds. Remember some of the side effects of Gardasil? Or some of the others? And there are more reports about how bad Gardasil is. Yeah. Wanna' let your government mandate what shots your kids get? MMR has been associated (anecdotally) with autism. Other vaccines are said to be associated with other problems. Maybe it's time the government got out of mandating things instead of further into it? March 19, 2013   So, so sorry for all involved: Seven Marines killed, others wounded in AZ accidental explosion. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and with those who were wounded and their families. May GOD heal the wounded quickly and completely, and heal the hearts of those who lost their loved ones, too. March 19, 2013   See what happens when you fire BlueWare? LOL! Actually, little joke aside, they're not fired, but they're not training, either. Kinda' makes you go "Hmmmm..." What's up with that? "According to documents filed with the Florida Department of State, BlueWare, Inc. dissolved their Florida Certificate of Domestication and Articles of Incorporation on December 21, 2012. Beasley said that this does not alter a ny Brevard Workforce agreements with BlueWare 'at this time.'"So Needelman's people aren't doing the work he paid them how much to do? $61 MILLION Brevard County Taxpayer Dollars. Sweet! Love it when we pay for something we don't get, don't you? (Sarcasm.) March 19, 2013   thevileone cut back? *mouth agape!* That's going to happen like I'm going to vote for him when he runs again. Riiiigggghhhhhtttt. (Don't tell me I have to explain this one.) March 19, 2013   Shot down on one thing,
Herr bloombergermeister goes for cigarettes now. He WILL control you!
He WILL rule your every thought! He WILL MAKE you do his bidding! You have no choice! Surrender! Surrender! Surrender! Obey! Obey! March 19, 2013   Hot! I was going to say "Cool!" but... March 19, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax law needs to go. It should never have happened in the first place, but it's here and it needs to be gone. When will Republicans get spine enough to do something about it? Uh... When is the Twelfth of Never? March 19, 2013   The first paragraph here answers the "Cheekbone Cherokee's" question from yesterday. It's nothing like she thin... Wait. She doesn't think. That's the problem. March 19, 2013   Our "glorious leader" is so concerned about those seven marines. Can someone just slap him silly, please? March 19, 2013   LOL! Goofy. Just goofy. March 19, 2013   Sheriffs are stepping up! Like this Sheriff did at least twice. Hurray for Sheriffs! I wonder what ours Sheriff, Wayne Ivey, would choose to do. Why not ask him? Let me know how he responds. March 19, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax means appointments for 12 at a time? "Go behind the curtain and disrobe." takes on a whole new meaning! March 19, 2013   They haven't given up on taking over the internet. He's got four more years to make it happen. Stay vigilant! March 19, 2013   It's getting late and I'm going to close for now. I'll let you know if anything else pops up. Until next time, See ya'! March 18, 2013: 1:28 p.m.   Sorry I missed doing updates on Saturday. Spur of the moment landscaping project for our front yard made Saturday an outdoor work day and it wore me out! We then worked Sunday on the project, too, and most of the plants are in, but we have to put the stepping stones back down the driveway and we're going to then do a stepping stone, flower, stepping stone, flower pattern beside that. It will prevent the need for a lot of weeding between flowers and make mowing easier. This is going to be fun, too. I started hoeing the compacted dirt from where the stones were but only got halfway finished when I decided to go eat something besides a protein bar; wound up having a protein bar anyways. It's the only thing that sounded good while I was that hot. So we got most of the relandscaping done this weekend, but have to do a small part of it later today. More sun and heat: yuck. March 18, 2013   Eric Holder needs to be kicked out of office. As far as I'm concerned, since he's supporting the breaking of the U.S. Constitution, he should also be disbarred. Will that happen? Not unless another attorney decides to do something about it. Odds: 99-1, or less. March 18, 2013   My article at Girls Just Wanna Have Guns.com surprised me. It has 207 Facebook shares and likes and 64 tweets. That's very flattering. March 18, 2013   bloombergermeister is at it again. Heil bloombergermeister who must be obeyed! Good grief. What a tyrant. March 18, 2013   carl rove needs to go away. Sarah Palin nails it and rove just whines. March 18, 2013   The truth will out. March 18, 2013   boehner is SUCH a kissbutt bonehead. His own words prove it. March 18, 2013   Scientology is a strange "religion" (cult). You need to stay away from Scientology, folks. It's not safe. March 18, 2013   CNN messed up big time. Poor rapists? Puhlease! March 18, 2013   Cheekbone Cherokee, Warren: $22 hourly minimum wage? My son would like that, but he'd probably be out of a job if his employers had to pay that much to everyone working there! He is a relatively new hire (almost a year) and he'd probably be one of the first out since he was a recent hire. That is something the Cheekbone Cherokee isn't thinking about, I guess. Oh. Sorry. She's a liberal leftie: she can't think. March 18, 2013   NSA "whistleblower" tells truth about this admin's free speech assault? Someone in the admin told the truth? Someone within...? No. He's a FORMER NSA exec. He's no longer within the admin. But he does know how they operated and what their goals were. So he says their going after our First Amendment rights now, too? First and Second Amendment rights gone via thevileone? Sound like a tyranny to you? March 18, 2013   thevileone's priorities show: Mexican food stamps continue: USDA food inspectors bye-bye. Don't you love your money going to Mexico and not to inspecting the food you're feeding your children? Don't you love the priorities of thevileone? (Not.) March 18, 2013   Debt of $16 TRILLION is OKAY; $9 Trillion Bush's debt: BAD! It's called hypocrisy and Sen. durbin is full of it. March 18, 2013   She's going to run; even if she has to run as VP. Whoever she runs with as VP, must watch their backs. Remember Vince Foster, et al? Yeah. Watch their backs. March 18, 2013   Would this investigation happen if the WSJ was a totally liberal paper? If they had never said an unkind word about thevileone, my guess is that the WSJ would not be under the eric holder microscope/pressure valve. What thinks you? March 18, 2013   Thousands want ammo, but thevileone's admin bought it all up. It's hard to find ammo now. I checked one particular website for the ammo I want and it was all sold out. Good luck finding any out there. March 18, 2013   Is he going to borrow the Oscar Meyer vehicle to stage his comeback? If people re-elect that clown, they deserve what they get. Stupid is as stupid does. March 18, 2013   I'm going to stop for today because I have errands to run prior to working on that last bit of landscaping. So, until next update, See ya'! March 15, 2013: 11:28 a.m.   Paul Ryan pushes his budget plan at CPAC. That's fine and dandy, but a budget? An actual budget? Does he really think the dumborats will even allow that to be introduced in the House, much less VOTE on it? It will be referred to committee and held there until the dead cows come home. Oh. Sorry. Dead cows don't come home, do they? I understand it's illustrating and proving the point that dumborats don't want a budget (which totally breaks the Constitution's command that we have a budget and operate from it), but it's such a waste of time with this administration and pelosipig, reid, feinstein, etc., in office still that he may as well have spent his time golfing. March 15, 2013   Benghazi report reminder. We need to "Find the TRUTH!" We need to hold this abominable administration accountable and the TRUTH needs to be known! March 15, 2013   thevileone retros to Nixon-era hamster law. He hates America and he'll do all he can to destroy her -- and, therefore, US. March 15, 2013   thevileone is such a classless jerk. March 15, 2013   Judge says Domino's pizza doesn't have to offer birth control. Good! thevileone is not to be obeyed and bowed down to for this. Excellent! Freedom is allowed to stand by this judge! March 15, 2013   Michelle Malkin: Opt out of data mining your kids! I have said for years that you need to homeschool. Now, even Glenn Beck says CCSS is bad and homeschool your kids. Why does it take the famous so long to catch up with me? March 15, 2013   "Assualt weapons" ban heading for Senate defeat. Yay!!! Something good coming out of the dumborat Senate? Miracles happen! March 15, 2013   pelosipig: "I want us to be on a path to balance the budget in a number of decades." On a path? In a number of decades? When you consider the charts on Paul Ryan's budget this is what pelosipig wants to continue for "a number of decades"! Really! Thus, the nickname: "pelosi-pig". She's a greedy oinker. March 15, 2013   I wanna win this Little League prize! I've entered three contests for one already. Maybe I'll get lucky with a fourth entry? March 15, 2013   frankenfeinstein proposes more regs to counter ACA regs: bad to worse? March 15, 2013   FL Legislature works to ban "internet cafes" like those that Lt. Gov. was involved with. Fifty-seven arrests for money laundering and racketeering and our Lt. Gov. was involved with this? RINOs: hate 'em. March 15, 2013   Your taxpayer dollars are being spent on this stupidity. Where is a sledge hammer when you need one? Can we take a sledge hammer to the cameras, editing equipment and the memory chips (I'm guessing they're using digital cameras)? After all, what they're going to be doing is rewriting history to make it look as though bumbling biden is the smartest man alive (after thevileone, of course). This will enhance bumbler's appeal for the 2016 preziduncial campaign as VP. He's so easily manipulated and controlled, goes along with everything thevileone wishes to do, so they want to keep him on for the third, fourth and fifth terms. In fact, make him Vice-Tyrant-In-Cheats, is what they want to do. They just need to spiff up his image a bit so they'll use YOUR taxpayer dollars to do so. Progressives: If the truth doesn't suit your purposes, create a new truth. March 15, 2013   States must stand up AGAINST the federal government. "Resist we much!" Or lose the country as it was founded (close to that now), and its future for our children's children. March 15, 2013   Paperwork, paperwork, thy name is thevileone's healthcaretax. By the time you get the last page of paperwork completed for the ACA healthcaretax, you'll either be dead or your body will have cured itself. This will be painful, folks. Very painful. March 15, 2013   hillclintoon's e-mail hacked. Sounds like someone may have some secrets coming out. We'll see. March 15, 2013   Are Christians ready for "civil disobedience"? Do they have the courage and convictions to do so? We'll see. March 15, 2013   Priests have a lot of secrets. Ask Benedict, he'll tell ya'. March 15, 2013   Medicare fact: you didn't pay for that. Read it and weep. March 15, 2013   thevileone uses scare tactics against KIDS. Now do you see why I have legitimate reason to call him "thevileone"? He really is VILE. March 15, 2013   If you support abortion, this is whose ideals you are supporting. Educate yourself before you say you support something, or you'll be shocked at how much horrible stuff you'll be supporting. March 15, 2013   I'll stop for now. Remember to check out my article at Girls Just Wanna Have Guns.com: What's the Difference Between a Vote and a Gun? Read it and then educate yourself on the candidates. March 14, 2013: 1:34 p.m.   I told you a few days ago about HB 1259 and said that EVERY Supervisor of Elections in the State of Florida should be up in arms about it. Well, I wrote to our SOE, Lori Scott, about it and she agrees with me! Here's the exchange: "From: L McKinneyTo which Lori Scott responded personally: "Dear Ms. McKinney,As you can see, she doesn't like this bill, either. I strongly URGE you to contact the representatives she lists and that you write to them, call them, go see them face to face, do what it takes to help ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF FLORIDA ELECTIONS. If this bill goes to Scott to sign it, he will sign it and it will become law and integrity in our elections will be as reliable as smoke in the wind. Try as they might, Supervisors of Elections will have no more control over voter registration and how many times a voter is registered (no way to track it properly) than you can control a snowflake melting in a 90° room. It's important folks, that you do something on this one. Really, do something or lose the elections to voter fraud every time. Is that what you want? March 14, 2013   One simple quick question: If they have discovered the "GOD particle", does the prove or disprove GOD's existance? Think of it like this: Did gravity exist prior to the "discovery" by Newton, or only AFTER Newton's naming it? Hmm? If gravity was here PRIOR to Newton's gravity experiments, then someone besides Newton made it; Newton just named it. Correct? So if that be the case, and scientists are just now finding the so called "GOD" formula, what will it prove? Nothing has changed in the creation debate except that have something else that proves that GOD made the laws; men are just now discovering them. March 14, 2013   $1.8 MILLION to promote "healthy lifestyles" for minorities. "For MINORITIES" is the problem I have with it. That's using our taxpayer dollars for discrimination. If they want to spend taxpayer dollars, they should use it for the WHOLE of America, not just certain portions of the population getting the benefits. The Constitution says that it should be for the benefit of ALL: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. [my bolding]"That bolded phrase, "promote the general Welfare" means that if it dosen't benefit EVERYONE, it should not be done for some. General: "1.overall: relating to or including all or nearly all of the members of a category, group, or whole 2.usual: applying or happening in most cases 3.widespread: shared or participated in by many" Notice the word "minority" or "portion" anywhere in that definition? No? Then it should not be done if it does not benefit the GENERAL WELFARE. Period. March 14, 2013   Well that tells us what? Sounds to me as though the Lt. Governor was doing something she knows will come out and it won't be good. RINOs always disappoint, folks. Don't support RINOs. March 14, 2013   bumbling biden gave some bad advice that someone took him up on. Will bumbler be held accountable? Should he be held accountable? After all, the guy could have heard bumbler say something about using a shotgun and that it wouldn't be taken away by the regime and the dumborats. So was he taking bumbler's advice and will bumbler be held accountable? Just asking. March 14, 2013   "DUH!" question of the day. March 14, 2013   I agree: all those "found" votes should be disqualified. If the St. Lucie County SOE is SO DISORGANIZED AND INCOMPETENT that the office FINDS votes in a closet (REALLY?) and they're counted as legitimate, legal votes, that tells me something. What are they doing storing votes in a closet where they can be forgotten? Aren't votes supposed to be entered when they come into the office? And why do the observers not get to see that portion of the count up close and personal? If you recall the incident, the observers for West were kept away from that portion of the recount. Something fishy happened down there, folks. Something very fishy. March 14, 2013   thevileone wants to cut Medicare some more. The elderly will be killed via lack of medical care because some can't afford their own medical care and their children won't or can't step in to help Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa. thevileone is as heartless as Hitler. March 14, 2013   On that note, I shall close for now. I have an appointment to get ready for. I did have some good news today. A friend of ours found a good home for one of the kittens we rescued. Nyah, one of the three who came to us the day before Thanksgiving last year, is now in a new home with a kind owner who has one cat already, and she treats that cat very well so I'm sure Nyah will be treated well also. I'm very happy for that. So until tomorrow, See ya'! March 13, 2013   Did he commit a FELONY in buying that AR-15? I think the Feds would want to know. March 13, 2013: 11:25 p.m.   Check out all of the "surveys" happening this year! Remember when I refused to participate in the "American Community Survey", that totally unconstitutional, truly invasive, busy-body questionnaire I received a few years ago? They told me it was NOT legally required that I respond. I heard a rumor that it was going to go away and Sen. Rand Paul has reintroduced a bill that would make most of the survey purely voluntary. Whether that's going to go through or no, I will AGAIN REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE if I receive a survey from the Census. I will not participate in ANY of their surveys. I will answer the questions: What is your name; where do you live; how many live there with you? I encourage you to do the same. March 13, 2013   Too funny! I laughed and laughed. There are those who won't, but they may need to consider loosening up a bit. March 13, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax raises costs for vets, too. So taking care of Fido will now cost more. It also impacts grocery store delis and bakeries. How are you going to tell a customer how many calories, etc., are in a slice of roast beast when they want different thicknesses in their slices? Hmmmm? How are you going to tell a customer that wants it "shaved" (very thin slices) that it has as many calories as one who wants more of a "slab" (about 1/3 inch); or vice versa? How are they going to regulate how to do that? They didn't think this through very well, now did they? No surprise there. Then there's the way the states are trying to handle thevileone's healthcaretax. They're confused because it's so big and cumbersome and hard to figure out and it has a medicaid trap in it. What does the future of healthcare look like now? Totally confused, dangerous, expensive and unhealthy, that's how it looks. March 13, 2013   NJ woman arrested after trumped up charges from the tax assessor's office. The cops also confiscated her two legally acquired and owned guns because the tax assessor said she made threats against them. What a crock. Is this YOUR America? Is this what you taught your chidlren America is/was? Or is this HITLER'S America? I think the latter. March 13, 2013   Illegals expect thevileone to let them go quickly: "Word of the Obama administration releasing “waves” of illegal immigrants from detention centers around the U.S. spread throughout Mexico, leading to an influx of migrants turning themselves in to Border Patrol with the expectation that they too would be let go."Isn't this the voters thevileone wants? They'll stay in America because thevileone wants them to vote for him a third term, to support the effort. He is going for tyranny, not America. He is now the Emperor/Dictator, as he has been lamenting he is not. March 13, 2013   Oh. My. Goodness. When you join a religion -- or willfully affiliate yourself with any group/organization -- you are doing so at your own desire and you know the rules going in unless you are helping start the organization. When you join an organization that has been established for as long as the Catholic Church (allegedly with the Apostle Peter, disciple of Christ: although I'd argue that until the cows come home) you know what the rules and traditions, the rituals and rites are as you join. Going into an organization just to change it is just being destructive. If you want a "Woman Friendly" Catholic Church, start one yourselves! Don't go into the established, male dominated Catholic Church and try to infiltrate it via going shirtless, making noise, and being destructive of the way it has "always" been done. For crying out loud, get a grip! March 13, 2013   thevileone nominates whomever will follow his rules. It doesn't matter what they do wrongor how poorly they do things, it just matters that they'll do whatever thevileone wants them to do. He doesn't look for qualifications and accomplishment, he looks for kissbutt progressives. March 13, 2013   thevileone's admin giving lots of money to buy obedience in the states. Too bad the states have little say over what they spend that money on. Note the second chart? This is how thevileone tries to get state governments to comply and go along with anything he wants to do. March 13, 2013   thevileone needs a reality check. March 13, 2013   QUESTION: With the U.S. government
buying up all the smallpox vaccines,
controlling healthcare, and now having death panels, what is to prevent them from releasing a smallpox biological attack on US -- on "We, The People" --
and only vaccinating those who agree to certain terms in order to live? RFID implants? Swearing allegiance? What is it going to be that they demand
before children get their vaccinations that sequester was going to cut? March 13, 2013   "Economic growth will remain slow this year, CBO anticipates, as gradual improvement in many of the forces that drive the economy is offset by the effects of budgetary changes that are scheduled to occur under current law." That's the Congressional Budget Office's own report! Can Brevard's economy afford to slow even more? No! We have thevileone to thank for this and the way we should thank him is by impeaching his sorry butt! March 13, 2013   Man jailed for 30 days for laughing in his own home. America? March 13, 2013   thevileone LIES AGAIN. Yes, thevileone DID make the decision to cut the Red House tours. Shock. It's a very public thing to cut and it cuts something that the taxpayers enjoy (seeing the house they pay for and he lives in) so it's a good tool to use against the public and against the Republicans. That's what happened: thevileone found the most sensitive, high profile tool to use. Now he's lying about it. No surprise there. March 13, 2013   I don't agree with this assessment. CPAC is not what it used to be. Yes, there are some Conservatives there, but when they dump some because they're not PC enough, that is just wrong; and it's not Conservative. March 13, 2013   CA keeps this up, it'll be empty. March 13, 2013   Unemployment is still high and this article explains it well. thevileone has done this and his happy about it. March 13, 2013   I think I'll stop there. I now have four special projects to work on. The one that's for you is about 3/4 finished. It's a LOT of research and it's slow going on some of it, but I'm getting there. This one is being backed up multiple times so if I lose one, I won't lose all. Lesson learned. The others, you'll hopefully see at least one of them. The others are just family things. So, until next time, See ya'! March 12, 2013: 12:09 p.m.   I'll start the updates with a good belly laugh. Sad to think, though, that these folks vote. This is what you and I are up against, folks. Remember this and be ready to VOTE in 2014. BTW, speaking of voting in 2014, start now to educate yourselves on the candidates, the issues and the TRUTH. That's what my upcoming article is about at Girls Just Wanna' Have Guns.com. It will be released this Friday and it is my first article as a contributor to that website. I hope you take the time to read it. I'll put a link up when it is released. March 12, 2013   Will Hamas's "declaration of war" start while thevileone is at the Temple Mount? Or will they wait for thebileone (not a typo, just goofing around with it) to leave the area so that they don't kill a fellow Muslim? Just asking. Just asking. March 12, 2013   GOD bless their families and loved ones and protect all of our troops. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all. March 12, 2013   Un wants to UNdo S. Korean island. Oohhh.... So I'm in a fun mood today. Deal with it. With tiny tyrants like this we need to be able to laugh a little. Right? March 12, 2013   This is not the right way to memorialize anyone. If you want to memorialize them you don't do so by associating more bad stuff with their name. Allegedly, he was shot because he pointed a .357 at cops. Not a smart move. To associate a riot with him now, too, is just adding fuel to the bad guy fire. Don't they realize that? March 12, 2013   What a crock o' crap. She didn't say "No" because she was unconscience so it wasn't rape?! Disbar the attorney who said that. Does he want his daughter treated the same way? Would that be okay with him? Or how about his sister, wife, cousin, aunt, co-worker, mother? Is that the precedent he wants to set? What a dumb thing to say. I don't care that he's trying to keep his client from being found guilty. That defense is NO defense; it's a crock o' crap. She didn't have to "affirmatively say 'No'". They should have left her alone because she could not say YES. Anyone who takes advantage of that situation to abuse someone (and rape is abuse) is a scumbag and everyone who participated in the actual event or in this defense should be jailed for no less than ten years. March 12, 2013   We need the Keystone Pipeline; without accompanying "carbon taxes". It would help us get away from the Middle Eastern oil teat. That would be good for us as a nation. The price of gas would go down, we'd be better off as a nation and we could control the flow of oil better. March 12, 2013   I'm not a Catholic, but they need to have a Pope who will clean up the Church. Will they vote for someone who will actually continue the work that Benedict started just before he left? Or will they elect someone who will protect their secrets again and not try to clean out the cesspool portion of the Catholic Church? Yes. Now I've angered some Catholics, but if any Catholic wants to support the cesspool portion of the Church, then they need to be cleaned out of the Church, too! Church and sin are not supposed to go together. To support sin within the Church -- any church -- is wrong. That's not what GOD had in mind when He created the family of GOD that is supposed to be the Church. March 12, 2013   Are you on Facebook? Like your secrets being revealed? That's what they're doing. thevileone's supporters (Google, etc.) are gathering info on you and I bet it's winding up in the government files on you. Don't ya' love it? Isn't that (the word of the day) charming? March 12, 2013   DoD should stay funded. But it is thevileone, so he doesn't care to defend America. He just wants to destroy her and control you. Those are his two goals: the destruction of America and controlling your every move and taking all of your rights. Gun control, anyone? March 12, 2013   Remember: the DHS is buying enough bullets to shoot everyone in America 10 times each! Between the most recent order and the orders from the last four years, they have enough bullets in the DHS ALONE to shoot every American TEN TIMES. Between their purchases and the purchases of the other government agencies, they have enough bullets to shoot every American many more times. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? IS THIS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR? IS THIS HOW THEY'LL CONTROL YOU?! Think about WHY they are buying all of those bullets. WHY? TEN bullets PER AMERICAN BODY. March 12, 2013   Ahhhh.... public schools. Another teacher having sex with her student. Why bother restricting your child from watching porn on the internet, on television, or looking at it in magazines when their public school teachers can teach them about it personally? After all, experience is the best teacher, is it not? Parents, if you love your child, homeschool them. March 12, 2013   "THE BIG LIE" is an excellent read. Take the time to read it and learn. Keep up with the updates as the author continues the series. March 12, 2013   SanFran, as usual, has to be PC. An astonishing number in that article: "'I don't believe these ads in anyway says that all Muslims support jihad, but there have been over 20,500 deadly Islamic attacks since 9-11 ; that's a problem and we need to talk about it,' Pamela Geller said. [my bolding]"I'm sure that's worldwide, but what an astonishing number! My question is, If Islam is supposed to be the "religion of peace and tolerance" why would they choose to kill so many people? Where is the peace and tolerance in that? That's 20,500 attacks: how many people died in each attack and how many were maimed in those attacks? How many children died in those attacks? This administration is always saying "for the children" this, that and the other when it's actually got nothing to do with "for the children". What about thevileone doing something against ISLAM to stop this violence worldwide so that "the children" who are killed in their attacks will be no longer under that threat? Hmmm? If he was actually a good guy, a "great leader", etc., wouldn't he be trying to bring this kind of violence to a halt? If he's doing nothing to stop it, then he's a LIAR and a FRAUD. Oh. I just proved he IS. March 12, 2013   As goes California, so goes America? Guns confiscated. Is this what is in our futures? Is the Second Amendment, any amendment, safe any more? If they can do this (and they want to do so nationwide) for a two day hospital stay, then how far will they stretch it to make it "legal" to take away your guns? Will they say that "bullying" is a reason to confiscate guns? Will our discipline of our children (as in a spanking) make it possible to confiscate our guns? Will they make it impossible to buy or own a gun if you have had a speeding ticket because the law must not mean anything to you if you disregard the speed limit? How far will they push it? Are we about to find out? March 12, 2013   That's what tickles me today. I may post more later, as you know. Until my next posting, See ya'! March 11, 2013: 11:53 p.m.   Voter fraud WAS committed in 2012 election. More proof and if the truth comes out there's going to be more. March 11, 2013   bloombergermeister gets smacked down! WooHoo! Freedom RULES! March 11, 2013   I don't care that the polls say thevileone is "tumbling" in voters' eyes. I want him out of the Red House! Let him be impeached, jailed and made to repay every penny he ever got from the taxpayers, not just dissed. March 11, 2013   Islamic terrorist's attorney requests jury without Jews. Judge says "No!" ("Attorney" should know better! It's not as if, in America, it's going to happen. Get real.) March 12, 2013   thevileone to go to Israel? Uh... Bring in the body double! He'll tell them to give up more territory to Palestine. He'll tell Israel it's all their fault. He'll tell Israel they're bad. Or he'll cancel at the last minute because of an "emergency" at home. March 12, 2013 &nbs Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD! March 12, 2013   thevileone doesn't want to fix sequestration. He doesn't want to "fix" it. He wants to use it to manipulate the "low information voters" that he's still campaigning to. He is a manipulator, evil and horrible manipulator. March 12, 2013   Dem. wants handgun ban, too? Shock. Surprise. March 12, 2013   Well I've looked around enough for now. As you can see, it changed dates while I was doing this bit, so I'll sign off for now and update at least a little later today. I have a time consuming and important errand to do tomorrow, so I don't know how much time I'll have for updates. So if I get a late start, or only do a few, please understand. Until then, See ya'! March 11, 2013: 11:45 a.m.   jnap buys more rounds of ammo: 1.6 BILLION ROUNDS. That's enough ammo to shoot the entire population of America 5.115400 times EACH!! Add that to the previous purchases in 2012 alone of 200 MILLION rounds and 21.6 MILLION rounds. Then there's the 1.6 BILLLION rounds purchased in 2010 and that's over ten bullets to shoot at each of us! Is that what you want? Is that what you voted for? (BTW, remember that other government entities are buying bullets in mass quantities as well.) Are they planning on lining us up and firing en masse, or just reserving all those bullets for those of us who are telling the truth about them? After all, why shoot at someone who is following you, helping you, or believing in your lies? March 11, 2013   A LOT of HYPOCRITES spew anti-gun crap then, like Gabby Giffords' hubby go out and BUY an AR-15. Isn't that special? After all, wasn't it Giffords' injury via a wacko shooter that the left rallied around to start the anti-gun push? Oh, but... but...but... Sputter and spit. It's still hypocrisy. March 11, 2013   Good for Starbucks! I wish more companies would do this! bloomberg does NOT have the right to dictate what you drink, eat, or how big it is. He needs to get a glimpse of the U.S. Constitution and stop breaking it. He is not a king, although he doesn't believe that. March 11, 2013   If you have children in public schools and you don't want them taught Common Core State Standards (CCSS), here's an opt-out form you can fill out and your child will supposedly NOT be included in the CCSS teachings. If you believe that a form will prevent them from being taught the same crap in public schools as all the other kids are being taught, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you. Go ahead and fill out the form and turn it in, don't get me wrong. Just don't believe that your child will actually be taught a separate curriculum. Public schools aren't set up for that. No one is "special" in public schools. March 11, 2013   There are now 47,791,996 people on food stamps. thevileone's economy is SOOOOO wonnerful, wonnerful, isn't it? He's done so much good for America. (SARCASM.) March 11, 2013   feinstein's funny farm fantasies. She's been smoking what? March 11, 2013   Where is the N.O.W. and other "women's" organizations on this? Why don't they care about this issue? Why are girls -- in the womb and under the age of 18 -- just a bunch of flotsam to the N.O.W.? Is it because they aren't old enough to vote yet, and thus, cannot help elect the N.O.W. candidates of choice? Do the girls under 18 get support from the N.O.W. and other organizations of similar bent? Nope. It's only when they can start voting that they become valuable. Amazing. March 11, 2013   How many answers were actually given? March 11, 2013   Detroit Ex-Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, found guilty. A show of hands: who is surprised? March 11, 2013   Egypt's Morsi accepts our money and weaponry, then berates others doing so. As thevileone hands over advanced tanks and F-16 airplanes to Egypt, does he even pause to consider against whom Egypt will use those weapons? Israel is very close, but so are some of our military bases. What is thevileone thinking? Oh. Sorry. Momentarilly forgot he's incapable of doing so. March 11, 2013   Dem. Schakowsky says "assault weapons" ban is "just the beginning". Great. Just what we need. A dumborat that tells the truth about wanting to take away our Second Amendment rights. What's he trying to do, let the cat out of the bag? My goodness! He's not supposed to say it out loud, not to reporters, especially! What is his problem? March 11, 2013   I warned you that thevileone's healthcaretax was bad for America and we shouldn't do it. Now, they're finding out that the thing is bad for the labor supply, too. "Labor market distortions are common within the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA/Obamacare). Employers are faced with uncertainty at every turn. As observed from the recently released Federal Reserve beige book, this uncertainty restrains hiring. [1]"Sounds to me like the healthcaretax is going to be exactly what I thought it wold be: a DISASTER. March 11, 2013   Marriage, as defined in the Bible (one man, one woman, monogamous, together until death do they part), MATTERS. GOD designed marriage way back in Genesis 1, way before the U.S. Constitution was thought of, before America was thought of, before any kind of government was thought of! So what is the problem with standing with the tradition of GOD's establishment of marriage and if it ain't broke, don't fix it? Yes, heterosexual couples get divorced. Yes, there are bad things that happen within the heterosexual marriages: abuse, adultery, sexual deviancies, pedophilia, etc. BUT if homosexual marriage FIXED ALL OF THAT and it NEVER HAPPENED in homosexual unions, then MAYBE I'd support homosexual unions. The problem is, that NONE of those bad things are FIXED within a homosexual relationship. It just adds an additional burden to the union that is homosexuality is sin. Add that on top of the other stuff that happens within a homosexual relationship and you have a lot of disfunction and a lot of pressure on the relationship in the first place. Heterosexual marriage, as it is designed by GOD to be, is the safest, best, healthiest, richest, most blessed thing on earth. If the state interferes in marriage, it is the state overstepping their boundaries for the "separation of church and state" folks to yell about. If they want to play that game, then we can, too. Marriage is GOD's domain. Don't mess with it! March 11, 2013   What is thevileone up to when he changes Afghanistan Generals so often? Kinda' makes me go Hmmmmm.... March 11, 2013   Bill Kristol dropped his gonads long ago. Now he's ripping Sen. Rand Paul's filibuster? What about standing up for Free Speech and the First Amendment, kristol? Hmmm? You going to stand up for that? Absolutley not. He's lost his spine and his gonads. What a waste of space. March 11, 2013   Well, that's all that tickles my fancy right now. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Something to think about: What will soap bubbles look like in heaven? Until tomorrow, See ya'! March 9, 2013: 11:44 p.m.   Remember to set your clocks FORWARD in a few hours. Until then, take a look at the list of 120 (maybe more by now) manufacturers who REFUSE TO SELL weapons to government entities. See me smile? I'm SO PROUD OF THEM! I did not see our local gun manufacturer on there, though. Where is Knight's Armament Company in that list? Contact them and ask them where they stand. Maybe they'd like to get on the list, too? No harm in asking. BTW, they ask that you don't e-mail, use the phone numbers provided. It's their request. March 9, 2013   It was this susan rice who LIED about Benghazi and now thevileone wants her to be National Security Adviser? Really? Security and Benghazi? National Adviser? Really? (Makes a song run through my head... ...(Paraphrased) "Two of these things do not go together. Two of these things are not the same...") Talk about chuzpah! March 9, 2013   I still don't like the garbage pick-up deal. I don't like that small businesses will now pay $600 MORE annually because Waste Management decided to donate to the "Field of Dreams", etc. It smells and it's not the landfill that's doing the stinking! March 9, 2013   It's 11:56 p.m. and I gotta' go. Set your clocks forward. See ya' Monday! March 9, 2013: 1:27 p.m.   Well, Brennan certainly made a good first impression. NOT! March 9, 2013   thevileone postpones honoring activist who celebrates the 9/11 attacks. Probably wanting to find more like him so that thevileone can give them all Presidential Medals of Freedom. March 9, 2013   Twillight Zone music? Say what? "Probably"? March 9, 2013   This is a good ruling, especially when you consider thevileone's AG's recent shenanigans. Drones are in the news and their data is being erased. So a bit of privacy right now is a good thing. March 9, 2013   "Rotten to the Core" Malkin's fourth column on CCSS. Did you know Common Core State Standards has this in it: "Say goodbye to your children’s privacy. Say hello to an unprecedented nationwide student tracking system, whose data will apparently be sold by government officials to the highest bidders."So imagine Pepsi® wants to know about your child's life. Their school has much of that information. Now imagine Pepsi® contacting your child's school and buying the information your child's school has on your child. They have grades; subjects that your child excels in, or does poorly in; home address, phone, etc.; emergency contact info; extra-curricular clubs and activities; whether your child participates in choir, sports, art programs, or mostly study hall; everything that school has, is now open to being bought by a corporation. What if a front organization decides to buy that info for a human trafficking organization? Common Cores State Standards? As I've been saying for years, public schools are not good for your kids and that you should homeschool your kids! March 9, 2013   Juan Williams made me laugh with this one. March 9, 2013   Colorado is heading in the wrong direction. Their lower college tuition is going to NON-citizens. Their gun laws are going the wrong way. What's next: Their legislators will vote to become part of Mexico. March 9, 2013   "Peace and Tolerance" at it again. March 9, 2013   If you teach children that anything even barely resembling a gun (like the recent breakfast pastry incident) is going to get you into trouble, or that any toy with a gun associated with it is going to get you in trouble, won't you start being afraid of guns? Aaaaahhhh... public schools. Brainwash your children to fear guns so that in the future (remember, progressives do things incrementally) those kids as adults will NOT support guns because they'll still remember how horrible they were in their childhood. Isn't that what you send your kids to public schools for? Brainwashing 101: breaking down of personal beliefs is part of it. Did your child (or you) believe that anything was wrong with that wrapping paper you used for your child's birthday gift he gave to his best friend? No? Now your child does because that wrapping paper had a single toy gun on it (miniscule, yes, but it was there) and the teacher saw it and now your child is suspended and their classmates are being offered "counseling" in case they were traumatized. Public schools: warping the future into progressive's wet dreams. March 9, 2013   Are you a veteran? Do you appreciate Sen. feinstein's [sic] remarks? If not, contact her and tell her you don't appreciate her remarks. Be civil. Do not threaten. Just tell her that she's wrong about you. Then tell her where her remarks may reside. (IfyouknowwhatImean.) March 9, 2013   *Snort!* Really? thevileone? Really? March 9, 2013   thevileone is abandoning our troops. When they signed up, they did so with a specific contract between themselves and the government. For the government to abandon that agreement is to break a legally binding contract and every soldier who is now without tuition assistance should join a class action suit against the U.S. government, the Secretary of Defense, the U.S. Army and thevileone. Our Army members put their lives on the line for those people, and now they're being left out of benefits so that illegals can have more? That's not right and the soldiers should sue! March 9, 2013   Pot calls kettle: "It's very sad". Riiiigggghhhhttt. March 9, 2013   IF -- and I say it large -- IF this is true... Can you imagine what it would mean to millions of people? The African continent has millions of people dying annually from the spread of HIV/AIDS and this could save them. Babies could be saved after being infected via their moms. That would be excellent. I just don't know if there is enough proof of its reliability yet. Also, considering that they say that HIV mutations are rampant will the bee venom be effective against all of them, or just certain strains? March 9, 2013   Is that Shep Smith going all conservative on McCain't? Since when is SS conservative? He left that image behind right after the first Gulf War. March 9, 2013   That's enough for today, folks. Unless something else tickle-tickles, until Monday, See ya'! March 7, 2013: 11:14 p.m.   Aaaahhhhhh.... public schools. NYC grads: 80% CANNOT READ. Public schools. Wonnerful, wonnerful. March 7, 2013   He should have gotten the Sheriff's badge, too! This guy deserved more than money. He deserved an apology, the resignation of EVERY officer who had anything to do with his inhumane treatment and the Sheriff's badge. This is not just ridiculous, but it's totally UNconstitutional; something the Sheriff swore to uphold when he took office. This guy had no trial, no conviction, not even an appearance before a judge and the Sheriff put him in jail -- in solitary confinement -- for two years! That's the kind of Sheriff who would do anything thevileone ordered him to do; right, wrong, immoral, illegal, or indifferent. He needs to be out of office immediately! March 7, 2013   bonehead boehner should RETIRE NOW. thevileone needs to resign; or be impeached immediately. Whichever comes first is fine with me. March 7, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! Yeeoooowww! Sharp point. Totally agree. March 7, 2013   IRScare? Is that what the ACA (healthcaretax) should be called? They'll be administering and enforcing so much of it, why not call it IRScare? They will have all kinds of power under the ACA law; more than you may realize after the recent 700 pages of NEW regulations in the law. Dictatorship, anyone? March 7, 2013   Well, that's what tickled my fancy at this time of night. I'll stop for now and I will see you Saturday unless it's something really important. After all, it is a family birthday tomorrow and I don't want to spend hours at my computer doing this stuff while someone special is having a birthday! Agree? Until Saturday, then, See ya'! March 7, 2013: 5:25 p.m.   I'm working with new contacts in so I will probably only do a few updates today due to the adjustment period. It's nice to be able to read and see without glasses again, but it's a different kind of contacts and I haven't had contacts in for a few months because I waited to schedule the exam for them. Life happens. So we'll see what I can do for updates today. If it's short, it's short. Okay? March 7, 2013   Taxpayer dollars at work: development of a discriminatory app. It was designed "In its ardent quest to even the playing field for minorities the Obama administration has unveiled a new housing discrimination application for mobile devices manufactured by the world’s biggest electronics company (hint: its logo is a fruit and its CEO sat next to the First Lady at the state of the union)."Sigh... Don't you love it when your taxpayer dollars are used for discriminating against you? March 7, 2013   Old RINOs rebel against Rand Paul. McCain't and Grahamnesty don't like the filibuster Senator Rand Paul did last night; but the REST OF US DID! Those two RINOs need to be kicked out of office with a HUGE boot! March 7, 2013   Court rules thevileone's admin violated... just about every portion of the Constitution, every law, every moral law, everything right. Oh! No. That was my ruling. The court said they violated the Freedom of Information Act. Shocked, anyone? March 7, 2013   Appalling. If thevileone instructed that American flags be lowered to half mast for Chavez's death, that would be even more appalling. Not surprising, just more appalling. March 7, 2013   Quick! Someone drill a hole in pelosipig's head and see if there's anything in there! Besides tepid, rancid air, that is. March 7, 2013   Another leftist gun-grabber's hypocrisy is showing. Is there anything at all the left ISN'T hypocritical about? I want someone to tell me what they AREN'T hypocritical about. Send proof because I can give you at least TWO instances of them being hypocritical about anything you send me. March 7, 2013   CNN borrows a "selective editing" move from NBC? If Drudge, Rush, Glenn, Ann Coulter, or Hannity did the same thing to them they'd be all up in arms. CNN do it to Conservatives? Fair game. What's right about that? Why the different rules? Do you accept that? Do you watch CNN? Remember, if they can do it to one person, they can do it to another. There are no rules for them. All's fair. You can be next. March 7, 2013   Is this a waste of time & money, or just a PC move? You decide. Or is it setting the stage for the next thing: REPARATIONS? Is that what you want? March 7, 2013   thevileone's "general framework" for peace in Mid East? Israel surrender everything. Israel will be told to give in, give up, sign over, give land, give rights, give everything because, "It's all their fault!" (In thevileone's mind at least.) That's my prediction. March 7, 2013   Pot calls the kettle. March 7, 2013   As I thought, it came to naught. (I'm a poet!) Some goppers refused to stand with Rand. I think they were stupid for not doing so, considering the facts of the way Americans feel right now, but it was their choice. Let's see who holds up in the 2014 elections: those who did stand with Rand, or those who chickened out. I think feathers will fly, but I'm usually an optimist. March 7, 2013   A little note to let you know that I was apparently wrong in my idea that hillclintoon would die within the same 24 hours as Dictator Chavez. I've thought that it would happen for a few months now, but apparently she is still alive. Not being in a cabinet position, or any other government position that I know of, that's fine and dandy with me. March 7, 2013   Snicker. Snort. What? March 7, 2013   He apparently didn't have soros backing him. Otherwise he could have bought enough votes to win, too. March 7, 2013   Hope you're enjoying your usual supper of mac & cheese but that you don't choke on it when you read about thevileone prepping for his Martha's Vineyard annual outing paid for by thee and me. Don't you love that mac & cheese? March 7, 2013   Hey, Dummies! Why ban the word "Christ" when you INVITED MINISTERS TO PRAY? DUH! DUH! DUH! In fact, that town's council is so stupid, I'd have to say "HUD!" ("DUH" backwards) to describe how stupid! Ever feel like you want to get moron insurance to protect you from the rest of the population? March 7, 2013   Another reason to not shop Wal-Mart? Yeow. Mommas don't let your babies grow up with Wal-Mart birthday cakes! March 7, 2013   Something for you to think about. I agree with the premise; the practicality is going to be more difficult. I remember the last Falklands war and I bet there will be another. England's got a tough row to hoe on that one. March 7, 2013   Iran gets more dangerous every day. thevileone won't do anything to protect the world from them, either. It's not that I want our troops in another area over there to die, be maimed and traumatized, but if someone doesn't stop them, there will be a bomb dropped on one country or another. "Which" is the question: Israel, America, or someone else? North Korea is just as dangerous, but thevileone doesn't care. All he wants is to destroy America just like Iran and North Korea. So will he help them do so? March 7, 2013   Sequester savings 1. Sequester savings 2. We're saving on the wrong things. We should cut the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Education Association (NEA), ALL funding to foreign countries, ALL funding to the United Nations, etc. Let's stop nickel and diming it and get serious! March 7, 2013   thevileone's at it again. 2016 doesn't come soon enough. Of course, he'll go for a third term, so it may come too soon! March 7, 2013   WOW! Look at that. My new contacts are working great and my eyes are not bothering me at all, even after all this time online. I think I shall stop for now and because it's a special day at our house tomorrow (birthday for someone), I won't be doing updates unless there's something really impressive. So, until Saturday, See ya'! March 6, 2013: 4:10 p.m.   Religious liberty and Freedom? Not during thevileone's preziduncy! I've advocated homeschooling for years and I have done the same. My two sons went Pre-K through graduating their Senior year of high school homeschooled. I put my actions where my mouth is. I have walked the walk and talked the talk. I have done what I believe in. Now, thevileone thinks that a German couple who fled Germany in order to be able to homeschool -- and KEEP CUSTODY OF -- their children are being threatened with being sent back to Germany by thevileone's administration. If they go back, they'll lose custody of their children to the State: that's guaranteed. But thevileone doesn't care about that because they are CHRISTIAN homeschoolers. If they were Marxists would he be pushing to send them back? Would they be facing the loss of custody of their children in Germany if they were Marxists? The world has turned itself upside down when evil is more accepted than good and Marxism/Communism/Progressivism is EVIL. thevileone (a Marxist) needs to be impeached and removed from office immediately. That would leave us with bumbling biden, but at least he's better than thevileone, and not such a threat to America! March 6, 2013: 1:43 p.m.   There's a bill that has been introduced in the Florida House, HB 1259, that will take away the responsibilities of the Supervisors of Elections throughout the State of Florida (a Constitutional Officer position that we pay $120,786 [as of 10/1/09]) and turn most of the responsibilities over to the TAX COLLECTOR (in our case, lisa cullen) except for the actual running of the elections! We don't pay our SOE that kind of money to do something every other year (i.e. election day duties) and nothing else! I think that separation of powers is more important than ease of use and that we should OPPOSE this bill with everything in us. We need to have INTEGRITY in our elections and from what I see in the bill fraud would be so much easier to commit with this system. I'm tired of having our country run by shenanigans and fraud and I'm ready to put a stop to it! Let's write to our representatives and keep them from passing this bad bill that would have disastrous results for our elections! March 6, 2013   Gardasil: the anti-cervical cancer "vaccine" so dangerous the gov has been giving "victims" payouts. It's something that TX Gov., Rick Perry, should be held accountable for. He signed a bill mandating that all girls 11 and 12 years-old be vaccinated with it. Now it's been found to have horrible side effects: death included. Can you imagine being the parent of a girl who decided to obey the government over listening to your heart and getting your daughter vaccinated and then watch your daughter suffer the consequences? I can't imagine how that must feel. Nor can I imagine making that choice. I would not have had my daughter vaccinated. Government be darned, my daughter's safety comes first. (BTW, if you don't want your daughter to get HPV, teach her abstinence.) March 6, 2013   Rand Paul filibustering Brennan nomination. So, he finally decides to take a stand? Does this mean he's running for president in 2016? Is this his first move? Sorry. The cynic in me comes out. I DO SUPPORT his effort to stop the Brennan nomination. I'm just a little leary of trusting politicians. March 6, 2013   Dictator Hugo Chavez is dead. Three things:
March 6, 2013   BTW, when thevileone is finished with America, this is what she'll look like. He wants the same things Chavez wanted: absolute power and destruction of everyone else. March 6, 2013   Bwahahahahahahaha! Stupid is as stupid does. Ahhhh.... public schools... stupid, stupid, stupid. Amazing. Can anyone see a reason for this besides PC? March 6, 2013   Herr Bloomberg-ermeister goes after loud music now.
Is there anything the dictator doesn't want to control? BTW, has anyone ever noticed the similarities here: March 6, 2013   Collusion within thevileone's administration? Would ANYONE be surprised? March 6, 2013   thevileone doesn't want "people" to be able to own guns. I think it's quite likely. BTW, do you realize that COPS are people, too? They shouldn't own guns for personal use; only get them issued daily at work, use them for their eight hour patrols, then turn them back in? thevileone is NOT a president, he's a DICTATOR/TYRANT. March 6, 2013   Report says Lybia warned of Benghazi attack. Too bad neither hillclintoon nor thevileone gave a crap. American lives worth safeguarding? Nah. Not to those two. March 6, 2013   So tell us something we didn't already know. thevileone "lazy"; bumbling biden "dumb"; gingri[n]ch "...." well. I can't use that word. I don't disagree with his assessment, I just can't say it! March 6, 2013   This is why Rand Paul is filibustering the Brennan nomination. He doesn't like that Brennan supports this idea. Nor do I like that, thus I support Rand Paul's filibuster. You should, too! This is what I just sent him: "Sir,The link is so that you can send him a letter of support, too. Please do. March 6, 2013   Really? CPAC now stand for "Can't Publicly Acknowledge Conservatives". Trump Conservative? Really? L.O.L. March 6, 2013   I'd live next door to my mother-in-law in order to live in a town like this! I LOVE this idea! March 6, 2013   MSM being held accountable for their own actions! WoW! Miracles happen! Good for America! March 6, 2013   What? Ashley Judd for Senate? Seriously? Okay. Based on what? Her figure? Her "caring"? Her... STUPIDITY? March 6, 2013   Iran arrests journalists. Sounds to me like they're trying to hide what they're up to. That does not bode well. March 6, 2013   Jeb Bush, 2016? Nope. I can't support him because of his support of CCSS. Don't remember what CCSS is? Here's a primer that you SHOULD READ. Know what they're doing to your kids, folks. Then decide to HOME SCHOOL! March 6, 2013   Southern Poverty Law Center says WE'RE the radicals, not the government. They don't see thevileone's actions as radical, but mine are. Stand up to this administration, or stand up FOR the U.S. Constitution and you're a radical. You're dangerous. You're someone who should be watched and droned. Oooohhhh. This admin is the real danger to America and the Southern Poverty Law Center is just covering for them, pointing to the right and yelling, "Squirrel!" March 6, 2013   FL legislator: Anger management required for bullet buyers. Guess which side wants that? Yep. It's a DEM proposed law: "The bill filed Saturday by state Sen. Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, would require a three-day waiting period for the sale of any firearm and the sale of ammunition to anyone who has not completed anger management courses. The proposal would require ammo buyers to take the anger management courses every 10 years."Sorry. It's not going to happen. Anyone see that ANYWHERE in the U.S. Constitution? (Southern Poverty Law Center, I should be watched, shouldn't I?) March 6, 2013   Well, I'm going to stop for now. I have another (small) special project to work on and I'm looking forward to getting this one done. It's a craft project and I have been wanting to do this one for quite some time. Problem is, my hubby vetoed my plans for it last year, and it was for him. This year, he tried to tell me what he wanted for that project and it was the same thing I wanted to do last year. Sigh. Sometimes it's like hitting my head against a brick wall. Love him dearly, but sometimes he's just frustrating. Of course, I'm sure he can say the same thing about living with me! Until tomorrow, See ya'! (Vince, that's still for you. Hope you start back up again sometime soon.) March 5, 2013: 3:34 p.m.   thevileone: MAKE THEM HURT! March 5, 2013: 2:53 p.m.   Judicial Watch sues the Treasury Dept. for info: "[T]o obtain records relating to the Obama administration’s approval of the acquisition of the Canadian energy company Nexen Inc., by the Chinese government-owned Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). The $15.1 billion acquisition will allow CNOOC access to drilling in northern Canada and the Gulf of Mexico, while apparently providing a windfall of financial returns to major Obama campaign contributors."Question: Why would thevileone be able to receive campaign contributions from FOREIGN donors since it is explicitly ILLEGAL?: "Contributions and donations may not be solicited,14 accepted, or received from, or made directly or indirectly by, foreign nationals who do not have permanent residence in the United States (i.e., those without green cards). This prohibition encompasses all US elections; including federal, state and local elections. 11 CFR 110.20(b)."So how is thevileone NOT being prosecuted for doing something explicitly illegal? Hmmm? Is he above the law? He's done this many times: donations from Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Paris & China, and anywhere else anyone wants to send him money. Is he above the law? Is he an "Emperor", or a "Dictator"? If not, why is he not in PRISON? March 5, 2013   Pastor stands up for what he believes in: saves child from possible harm. I support Pastor Kenneth Miller 100%. He did the right thing. I would have done the same. March 5, 2013   thevileone's admin. is putting politics ahead of public safety. What? You didn't expect that? Really? JW is also suing for Benghazi videos and pictures so that the TRUTH will be known about what happened and -- possibly -- what thevileone did NOT do to help American citizens. We know now that thevileone said, "Do what you need to do" AND LEFT THE ROOM to never question what happened afterward. He cared NOT about the people there, nor about what his administration did or did NOT do. He left the room and didn't go back. No wonder he has to be sued to get the truth! March 5, 2013   Kissinger warns of nuclear war: thevileone doesn't give a crap. For thevileone, it's a yawner. He SUPPORTS a NUCLEAR IRAN and if they drop the bomb on Israel (I don't know if GOD will allow that to happen, but they may try), thevileone would probably dance in the streets of Tehran while screaming "Allahu Akhbar!" at the top of his lungs. He's lower than a worm's poop. March 5, 2013   Michelle Malkin's cousin is still missing after two years without any new information developed. Keep the family and Marizela in your prayers. March 5, 2013   Sequester: TSA still ordered $50 MILLION worth of uniforms. thevileone must be serious about cutting the budget, huh? After all, the TSA is under his domain. March 5, 2013   Thevileone's healthcaretax could raise other taxes: "a congressional panel has revealed that smartphones, tablets and their various applications could soon be taxed under Obamacare."The "thinking" (read "conniving", scheming", "underhandedness") behind it is that, "[B]ecause the devices are increasingly being used to monitor chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure or health information like diet and fitness. In mid 2011 the FDA proposed regulating mobile medical apps that are used as an accessory to a medical device already regulated by the FDA or transform a mobile communications device into a regulated medical device by using attachments or sensors. If this happens, the new Obamacare tax would apply to these devices."So if you have a tablet, but don't have any conditions that need to be "monitored" your tablet will still be taxed as a medical device. What if you have a tablet but don't use it very often? Will it still be taxed? Ever see thevileone have a tax he pulled back from? There's your answer. Are you ready for the next tax: Breathing? March 5, 2013   MSM: Terrorism? What terrorism? FL resident's conviction totally ignored. March 5, 2013   Oberlin College still generating hate. It's the left's breeding ground of hatred and contempt for the American way. They like teaching their students to hate America. thevileone is so proud. March 5, 2013   Sea Ray in Merritt Island is closing its doors. Sounds different from what the pooper-paper's page five had in its last paragraph this month: "In addition, Brevard is not declining. There have been a lot of technical companies that have started or expanded in Brevard. They include Boeing, Embraer, Harris, AAR Corporation, Intellifuel and others, who have created over 2,200 jobs and invested over $240 million." etc.The pooper-paper went to publication prior to the Northrup Grumman release. In the May and December 2012 and the January 2013 pooper-paper are sections in her "articles" about how bad things are in Brevard County when it comes to Brevard home foreclosures. So with all of these wonderful tech business getting a WHOLE LOT OF TAX BREAKS FROM THE STATE & COUNTY to come here to employ people, why are there still so many housing foreclosures? So which is it? A wonderful future for Brevard or a bad future for Brevard County? Note she has no comment on the fact that ALL Of those jobs came about AFTER THE STATE GAVE THE COMPANIES A TAX INCENTIVE? Yeah. She forgot to "Waaaahhhhh!" about big bad companies getting tax breaks. Woops! She'll get that next month. March 5, 2013   Gotta' go. Time, how it does fly! Until tomorrow, See ya'! March 4, 2013: 4:24 p.m.   Sorry for missing Friday and Saturday. One of my special projects took a lot of time those two days. I thought that one would be over today, but it's going to go on for a bit longer; without taking as much time each day, so that's going to help me get my updates done. At least that's what's planned. So, on with the updates. March 4, 2013   $75 MILLION to figure out "food needs in low income communities". How about the usual: meat, dairy, veg/fruit and starches? Hmm? It's not a study thing. We already know what a healthy diet looks like (not that we always follow it, but we do know what it looks like), why would we have to spend 75 MILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS to figure out the food pyramid they teach in Pre-K? Hmmm? Do it to waste your money, that's why. Say "Thanks, thevileone!" March 4, 2013   Icky. Just icky. I'd be staying inside all day, every day. March 4, 2013   Jealous. Totally jealous. I miss snow. March 4, 2013   thevileone tries for the 5th time to get a radical radical judge confirmed. "President Obama is for the fifth time trying to ram through the Senate confirmation of a radical pro-abortion, anti-gun rights activist to become a judge on the nation’s most important federal appellate court."I think that should tell us something of what to expect for the rest of his ACORNed next four years of dictatorship and tyranny. Does it not? March 4, 2013   "No set price" means there IS A PRICE, it's just not written in stone. Prezidunce for sale, anyone? He's worth at least a pile of crap. March 4, 2013   Gosnell-monster trial starts soon. Abortionist kept babies he had aborted in a freezer and killed women with his incompetence. Abortion kills, folks. It's not just a blob. It's not just a "mass" or a "fetus". It's a baby. Look inside those bags in the freezer and you would see a human baby. That's the truth of the matter. March 4, 2013   What a waste of TAXPAYER DOLLARS! A "Budget Director"?!!! WHAT BUDGET!?!!!? Since when does an administration that HAS NEVER HAD A BUDGET need a BUDGET DIRECTOR?!!?!??!?! It's called "political payback" folks. She scratched his back a while ago, and now he's paying it back in kind. That's all it is. Well, that and almost hysterically stupid. March 4, 2013   bumbling biden.... snort... choke... coffee out the nose. What a moron. March 4, 2013   Buckle in tight, folks, it's going to be a bumpy budget ride: March 4, 2013   Ahhhhh... public schools. They're NUTS. March 4, 2013   thevileone's people have abused more than just Bob Woodward. Shock. Surprise. It's not just thevileone's peeps doing the abusing. Another shock, surprise. Yawn. March 4, 2013   This guy may be too stupid to handle guns. March 4, 2013   bumbling biden is a LIAR. March 4, 2013   BlueWare disinvites Charles Parker. When will Mitch Needelman wind up in prison for what he has done and when will he have to repay the Taxpayer dollars wasted with that company? March 4, 2013   Marines doing nothing worse than their Commander-In-Cheat. You know, when the leader is a crook, those he leads follow his lead. So why blame the Marines? March 4 2013   Well, the internet is acting up and it may be because I've asked AT & T to turn off my phone "service" (yes, I use the term loosely). At the start of every rainy season for the last several years (at least 5-8 years), our phone goes out for a few weeks until we realize that it has done it again. Sometimes it's a month before we realize that we haven't had any phone calls come in. Then we check our line and our phone is out. What if a relative had died in that time frame and all their next of kin had was our home phone? That bugged us. So we'd contact AT & T and they'd tell us to jump through hoops A-Z and 1-10,578 and IF we still had no dial tone, they'd send someone out to check the line. EVERY year, they had to send someone out. EVERY year it was a problem with THEIR equipment and THEIR lines, not inside our house. I try to be patient, but this year I'm tired of it. I don't pay the cost of the stupid bundle that allegedly saved us money in order to have phone service 11 months of the year. So, today I called them and told them to turn off the home phone portion. We no longer have home phone service. It's going to be cheaper and quieter to have just internet. I'm actually looking forward to it. Those of you who had my home phone number can e-mail me and get my cell phone number if you need to contact me. Otherwise, it's no more ringy-dingy! Until tomorrow, See ya'! February 2013 February 28, 2013: 12:43 p.m.   I had to start with the pooper-paper's "misunderstanding" of the internet sales tax based on this article. The pooper-paper "article" is not just wrong, but it is VERY wrong. Shock. Suprise. If you read the bill they're talking about, it is an internet sales tax. But it's a sales tax for the people who LIVE IN OTHER STATES making purchases FROM Florida businesses. She says "The obvious problem I see is if the Internet [sic] sale is with a company based, for example, in New York, wouldn't that be considered the point of sale, not in the state of Florida?" Think about that sentence. Since when can the FL Senate make laws collecting taxes for NY? So, if the state of Florida is making a law about collecting sales tax for internet purchases, wouldn't that tell you that the sale would have to be based here? Hmmm? What the law does is allow Florida to collect sales tax FROM PEOPLE LIVING IN OTHER STATES who buy something online from a dealer HERE, in Florida. The residents of Florida already pay that state sales tax, so it is NOT a tax increase for us. It is a tax revenue stream from those making purchases from outside the state. The Senate has not done it earlier because the businesses in Florida make more sales because they didn't used to have internet sales taxes to collect. It just made it easier for Florida businesses to do business to NOT collect state sales tax from purchasers OUTSIDE of the state. Amazing. Can she not understand the English language at all? Consider this a warning on ALL of the things written by that "author" (A.K.A. hack). If you can't trust her to get it right in that (or all the other things I've had to correct that she has written) then why bother reading her at all? Question: Has she misunderstood her source article, has her source article misunderstood the bill and she just didn't FIND THE TRUTH, or is she taking an opportunity to bash a Republican controlled FL House & Senate? Whichever, the truth is NOT in the article. February 28, 2013   Considering their LEFT turn, I'm almost glad they're hurting. I'm not glad for the employees, but for the corporate? Oh, yeah. When they return to their Conservative foundings selling American made products; being anti-union; taking "green" products off of their shelves; stop shutting down GOD in any way, shape, or form; stop being rude, condescending and mean to their customers; and start taking customer service seriously again, then maybe I'll wish them well and start shopping there again. Until then, I don't mind if pay the price for their own decisions and actions. It's not only Wal-Mart who is hurting, though. Thanks to thevileone's decisions, JC Penney is hurting, too. I bet there are others out there as well. Thanks, thevileone! February 28, 2013   bumbling biden continues his obsession with shotguns. He's a moron. A total and complete moron. If you fire a shotgun through the door as he now suggests, it makes a hole big enough for the guy on the other side to open the door if you miss him. Does he have two brain cells to rub together? (No.) February 28, 2013   Nun killer released by thevileone in illegal alien release. If you can kill a nun, who can't you kill? Be careful out there. February 28, 2013   When this guy screws up, he does it right, yes? February 28, 2013   Hey, it's all he can spare. He's busy, dontyaknow? February 28, 2013   You have to laugh until you realize that some of the folks VOTE! Aaaarrrggghhhhh! February 28, 2013   Reason #293,847,738,299,487,473 to hate unions. They'll get "payback". I bet we'll pay for it. Your taxpayer dollars will be at their disposal yet again. Sigh. Is there no end to thevileone's depraved hatred of America? February 28, 2013   Sequestration? Here are some answers and putting the truth to the lies of thevileone. Someone's got to do it. February 28, 2013   thevileone said you wouldn't lose your current health care. Of course, being thevileone, his lips move so he lied. What do you expect from him besides lies? February 28, 2013   So what do you do when you get there and how do you get back? I'm wondering why anyone would want to go to Mars. We've sent rovers there. We have found nothing that could sustain our lives there. We have found nothing that says crops could grow there. So why would we want to go to Mars? To say we did? Bigdippiedeal. February 28, 2013   Two dumborats trying to put another tax on you. "The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) warns that a tax on financial transactions could “diminish the importance of the United States as a major financial market” and that, in the short run, “imposing the transaction tax would probably reduce output and employment.”Isn't that what thevileone wants: America destroyed? Here's more proof. February 28, 2013   Why do they always use children, cops, firefighters and the "environment" to scare us? Sequestration now threatens Brevard County shores? Puhlease. February 28, 2013   I wonder if the number is actually that high. I'm not sure even 6% of the public thinks the MSM is "very trustworthy". This, to me, is the interesting part: "Forty-two percent (42%) don’t trust the news media, with 12% who believe the news it reports is Not At All Trustworthy."I'm part of the 12%. February 28, 2013   What is it that Brazile can't understand? Is it that something thevileone did affected her in a negative way (her side hurt her)? Or is it the fact that he lied and she had trusted him? Whichever. She is now finding out the truth and that is what the other side has facing them. What they don't understand is that when the fit hits the shan (read it carefully), pelosipig, reid, thevileone, anyone who supported the healthcaretax is going to pay the price politically. We will finally be free of pelosipig! It's still too long to wait. February 28, 2013   Terrorism is still a threat, two reports say. In fact, there have been FIFTY-FOUR terrorist plots foiled since 9/11. Isn't thevileone saying Islamic terrorism is no longer a threat? So what is it that thevileone does not want you to know, or what is it he doesn't understand? February 28, 2013   And with that I shall close for now. If I find something else that tickles my fancy, of course, I'll post that. Until that time, or tomorrow, whichever comes sooner, See ya'! February 28, 2013: 2:33 p.m.   Okay. Something else tickled my fancy. Of course it had to be... Ahhhh... public schools! Indoctrination to worship thevileone, anybody? February 28, 2013: 2:45 p.m.   Planes used for personal use instead of fighting terrorism. Wasting taxpayer dollars is a long time hobby of the federal government, n'est-ce pas? February 28, 2013: 4:15 p.m.   Now something else has done it: Your taxpayer dollars and another cheating green company. "The Treasury Department has awarded the firm more than $70 million as of October 2012,"And they pay their workers $2.66 an hour. Going green anyone? February 27, 2013: 12:32 p.m.   Ahhhh... public schools. 9/11 hijackers were "freedom fighters"? Really? They didn't kill all those innocent people who had nothing to do with whether they were "free" for their religion although they said "Allahu akbar!" right before impacts? No? Revisionist history starting already. Then there's this stupidity. Homeschool your kids, folks. Homeschool them and put the truth and their futures first. February 27, 2013   Woodward says thevileone "exhibiting a kind of madness". So a famous reporter says that thevileone is insane? I'd agree with that. February 27, 2013   thevileone isn't governing in any way. Oversight? What oversight? Pshaw! He has golfing to do! February 27, 2013   LOL! Agree with story, LOVE the pics! Michelle Malkin's at her finest -- again. February 27, 2013   I'm glad I'm not a Republican. I'd be ashamed of what the Republicans in the House and Senate are NOT doing -- STANDING FIRM. Or even standing at all. They cave. They cave. They cave. February 27, 2013   dumborats cannot face what they're doing to the nation. Requesting that the debt clock be turned off in the House while they speak is just proof of that fact. They vote to increase that number all the time, but they refuse to look at the damage they're doing. Reality bites. For dumborats, it bites to see it but not to do it. Amazing. February 27, 2013   Gun advocates are "psychotards"? The Founding Fathers must be included in that statement since they advocated gun rights. I wonder if that NY Aldernut realizes that. February 27, 2013   This Hamster got violent! "Wasting" electricity is worthy of death? Hamsters get a little obsessive, yes? February 27, 2013   Don't put your trust in men, put your trust in GOD alone. Rand Paul voted to confirm Hagel. If that doesn't make you shake your head in wonder, very little will. February 27, 2013   Guntersville, AL, mayor wants to be able to take residents' guns. I think that the people there should recall their mayor. An unarmed citizen is a subject an armed citizen is an equal. February 27, 2013   thevileone is behind fake anti-gun tweets. Shock. Surprise. Yawn. February 27, 2013   Don't get the flu vaccination, folks. It's something I have vowed to never do and now it looks like my instincts were correct. Know what narcolepsy is? Get a flu vaccine and you may end up with narcolepsy. February 27, 2013   This is creepy. So who can you trust? Even SOME babysitters are untrustworthy. Be careful out there. Maybe we should start asserting ourselves a little more? Better safe than sorry type thing? February 27, 2013   thevileone "worried" about the military? Riiiggghhhttt. And I trust China and Putin, too, right? (No. Just in case you're a moron.) February 27, 2013   The parents of this child need help. To allow a six-year-old to do this kind of thing is wrong. Six-year-olds don't know enough to decide not to walk into traffic and the parents are letting him dress as a girl? Really? Hello! The title "Parent" means something! What the heck are they thinking? February 27, 2013   Lying libs cried "Voter suppression" but it was a lie. Surprise, surprise, surprise! (Not.) February 27, 2013   Someone blasts thevileone? Can't be a Republican. February 27, 2013   LOL! What a sissy. Let him leave. He can't handle the "Duck Dynasty" gang? Sissy. BTW, I have seen the show while we were in CO. I laughed myself silly. It was very entertaining, sometimes in a stupid sort of way, but still entertaining. Hubby laughed so hard he had tears rolling down his cheeks. February 27, 2013   I think I'm going to end today's updates with that. So until tomorrow, See ya'! February 26, 2013: 1:23 p.m.   The TRUTH about sequester: "Amy Tidd?@AmyTiddAnd here is the truth. Yeah. Rent her a brain, anyone? February 26, 2013   20 years ago today, the first WTC bombing was done by the religion of "Peace and Tolerance". Remember the "Blind Sheik" (the orchestrator of the bombing) is in our custody and thevileone wants to cut him loose although he's still a threat. February 26, 2013   ABC edits out ms thevileone's lie. Shock. February 26, 2013   Drudge, the answer is "YES!" bonehead boehner WILL cave again. History proves it. Spineless jellyfish. February 26, 2013   Looks like Chris Christie goes the way of boehner. Turns invertebrate after Hurricane Sandy and thevileone's visit. Amazing transformation and ridiculous to watch. Why do so many go spineless? February 26, 2013   Illegals released in FL, TX and LA. Sweet. (Sarcasm.) They're blaming sequestration. See chart above. February 26, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax to raise deficit by $62 TRILLION! Didn't he say it wouldn't cost much? Didn't thevileone say his plan would be "DEFICIT NEUTRAL"? Yep. HE LIED. February 26, 2013   House has flawed bill but it's better than the dumborats' bills. Libs look at it this way and, of course, "Amy Tidd?@AmyTiddTiddlywinks must promote the worst one. February 26, 2013   Hasn't thevileone been demonizing banks? Yes. So why is it that most of them make no profit except what WE GIVE THEM VIA TAXPAYER $$? So why are we giving banks OUR taxpayer dollars? February 26, 2013   Sequestration? Save money via laying off the "loafers". We PAY people to DO NOTHING. Your taxpayer dollars are spent on PAYING PEOPLE to DO NOTHING on a daily basis. Yep. Isn't that sweet? (Sarcasm.) February 26, 2013   It's THEIR yard. Let them grow veggies. February 26, 2013   Rick Scott goes with thevileone re.: expanded Medicaid. Cave. He won't get my vote again. Spineless. February 26, 2013   scotUS lets Constitution wither on the vine. Surveillance is now a government right. February 26, 2013   dumborats propose "we are the world" department. Paid for by taxpayer dollars, of course. Billions of dollars to do so, but that's okay. It's just the future of your children and grandchildren. Sequester? Nah. That part about the government going broke? Ha! You fell for that one? (Sarcasm.) February 26, 2013   Why they're trying to destroy the Republican Party, I have no idea. But it's okay with me. I left the Republican Party in 2008. So I'll watch them go down the drain of their own volition and I'll not be surprised. What I will be surprised by is where the RINOs go afterward. Will it be a new party, or will they become dumborats, or will they try to rejuvenate the Republican Party? Whichever, they asked for it, they'll get it. February 26, 2013   Another way they're trying to destroy America. How many ways do we have to prove it? How many links do I have to post before some of the libs will get the TRUTH into their itty-bitty brains? February 26, 2013   thevileone is trying to make America look like Greece. Is that what you want for your children? February 26, 2013   Taliban attacks NOT fewer as thevileone LIED. His lips were moving! February 26, 2013   Would the Senate's VAWA help this victim? Or would tiddlywinks support the college? February 26, 2013   Well, that's going to do it for now. I hope the weather doesn't get as bad as it the forecasters said it could and if it does I hope you all stay safe. Until tomorrow or tickle tickle, See ya'! February 25, 2013: 6:45 p.m.   Miracle City Mall to become Town Centre? It's a nice look, but will it fly in a city that seems to hate having any successful businesses within its boundaries? February 25, 2013   Of course the Dictator-In-Chief's pay is exempt from sequester. What would you expect, him to be like the rest of us? February 25, 2013   thevileone's lips moved: he LIED about education "cuts". "No federal education program operated by the Department of Education directly funds teacher salaries—this is a state and local responsibility."See? His lips moved. They're moving a lot about sequestration. They move about a lot of "crises" nowadays. His lips don't even have to move for him to LIE. He's pretty talented at LYING, n'est-ce pas? February 25, 2013   Ketchup kerry kan't korrectly korrelate kommutation. Yeah, so mostly they're supposed to start with "c", but I thought it was kute, so I went with it. February 25, 2013   Why are the National Archives withholding release of Robert F. Kennedy records? By gosh and by golly, you'd think they have something to hide! February 25, 2013   Meetings with thevileone: $500K. He's all that! February 25, 2013   Transparent is as transparent does...n't. With thevileone it's all in which side of the mouth you're talking out... Well, I mean... Uh... On which side of the bunker you're.... Uh... How about whose side you're on? Yeah! That's it! February 25, 2013   So the Pope may have been right all along? Just asking. Amazing how much an honest Pope who is blind in one eye can see, isn't it? February 25, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" supporting terrorism? "A federal jury today convicted four Somali immigrants, including a popular imam at a City Heights mosque, of conspiring to provide material support to the terrorist group al Shabaab."Wow! That's a shock! (Sarcasm.) February 25, 2013   Sequestration isn't preventing thevileone from HIRING. "The federal government is facing massive furloughs beginning later this week, but it is still running help-wanted ads seeking workers to answer phones — at up to $81,000 a year — or to drive cars for the State Department, for as much as $26.45 an hour."So why can thevileone afford to hire those folks, but not keep DoD workers? Hmmm? February 25, 2013   pelosipig would die. February 25, 2013   I agree with Sen. Ted Cruz. "In a one-on-one interview at his home in Houston, Texas, Sen. Ted Cruz tells the Brody File that President Obama is, “the most radical president we’ve ever seen.” But he also adds that when it comes to our current economic troubles, “an awful lot of Republicans, failed to stand for principle and contributed to getting us in this mess.”Republican spinelessness contributed almost as much to this mess as thevileone. They should not have let it go this far. They should have impeached him long ago. February 25, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax: shades of Nazi-ism. "The Affordable Care Act sets up a new arena of whistleblower protections for employees who complain that their company-provided health insurance doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do."This is how places like Auschwitz were established: people ratting out their Jewish neighbors, in-laws, bosses. Is this America? February 25, 2013   Federal court ruling: U.S. Constitution's 2nd Amendment, GONE. "With respect to Peterson’s claims against the Denver sheriff, we conclude that the carrying of concealed firearms is not protected by the Second Amendment or the Privileges and Immunities Clause."How long will thevileone wait until he starts using that ruling to confiscate arms? The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals has three judges: "While the decision was written by Judge Carlos Lucero, a Clinton appointee, all three judges voted unanimously against the right to concealed carry, which may surprise some, given that one (Judge Bobby Ray Baldock) was a Reagan appointee, and the other (Judge Harriz Hartz) was a nominee by the second President Bush..."What were they thinking and how long before you get a knock at your door? February 25, 2013   As long as they're not getting taxpayer dollars, I have no problem with this. In fact, I think it's rather sweet and I like the program: as long as... February 25, 2013   I bet this kind of abuse is happening nationwide. Florida should look into how many people here are abusing the system the same way. February 25, 2013   dumborats want to get high. That's why they're dumbos. That wackytobacky will do it to you. Dead brain cells don't function well, now do they? Oh. Sorry. If you're a dumborat wackytobacky user you won't be able to answer that. February 25, 2013   Dressing in burqas for... you guessed it ... public school! Got Islam? February 25, 2013   I warned about this. Private armies being started by Nation of Islam. Are you ready? February 25, 2013   I'll end the day with a reminder to check out MaureenRupeExposed.com. I've sent some stuff over to the owner/editor for use and it's up and you'll see the history of that website in most of its former glory. I didn't have all of the info that used to be up there, but I did have some. It's an interesting read. Until tomorrow, See ya'! February 23, 2013: 11:13 a.m.   thevileone is trying to declare Veterans incompetent and take away their 2nd Amendment rights! It's not just a single Vet, it's many Vets and it's WRONG! When did thevileone declare himself Dictator/Tyrant? Oh, that's right. It was an Executive Order! Remember how thevileone treats our Vets? February 23, 2013   N. Korea threatens U.S. with "miserable destruction". Too late! We've already got thevileone as our Dictator-in-Chief. That's destruction enough. February 23, 2013   Former Secret Service agent tells the TRUTH about "gun control". Watch the clip. It's TRUTH IN SPADES! February 23, 2013   thevileone sends our troops to Africa. If he can keep them elsewhere, he can keep them from fighting back. He can take away their rights -- voting rights to 2nd Amendment -- as he disarms those of us at home. No one will be there to fight back, to resist, to stand up to him. Well, that is what he thinks. BTW, if he wants to use drones, maybe he should tell our troops to read this first. February 23, 2013   I'm so PROUD of these companies! THIS is what I'm talking about when I say we need to do something to stand up for the 2nd Amendment. These companies are taking the lead. These companies have the right idea. Sell to the general public, but not to those who would take away our 2nd Amendment rights. Excellent! Good for them! Although there are some who are not standing up for the 2nd Amendment and choose to sell to those who would take away your gun rights. So find out who they are and don't do business with those companies. Simple as that. February 23, 2013   Cruz speech upsets lefties. Oh, waaaaahhhhhh.... February 23, 2013   Until now I have chosen to not comment on the Pope's resignation. It's his choice, no one can force him to serve, and he's right to step aside if he, indeed, thinks he can no longer serve. Not being Catholic, I don't really care if he stays or goes. However, if has found out about things that make him want to leave, then it's not the Pope's "fault" for leaving; it is the Church's (the congregants') fault for supporting those who are being a detriment to their religion. If you don't stand up for what's RIGHT in anything, then you sit down and let WRONG take over. Your choice. February 23, 2013   Firefighters won't face disciplinary action for appearing with thevileone. They just have to review the rules. February 23, 2013   Band that performed at thevileone's inauguration injured. Considering the fact that the businesses he visits go out of business, the bands who perform for him get injured and the flies that surround and land on him on a regular basis. One of his favorite internet cohorts has toxic vapors seeping up from under it. Could he be, I don't know, perhaps Bad Luck Schleprock? Or someone worse? February 23, 2013   If they help abortion clinics that take away a child's constitutional Right To Life, why can't the gov help churches after a natural disaster? Hmmm? The abortion clinic is breaking the Constitution while killing babies. Helping the Churches recover would be the gov doing exactly what it supposed to do! February 23, 2013   How much you want to bet Perry backs off his stance after he's made his point? February 23, 2013   Heritage Foundation takes a fun look at the "sequester". Very good read! February 23, 2013   BOCC gave Bass Pro tax dollars to come to Palm Bay? I wish they would've done so to have them closer to Cocoa! February 23, 2013   thevileone grabbing land. Dictatorship at its finest. February 23, 2013   I agree: S.E. Cupp isn't all she's cracked up to be. She is so wrong on some things that it boggles the mind. She tries too hard to be hip and in doing so blows it big time as a Conservative. February 23, 2013   And on that note, I have dishes to do and some errands to run so I shall leave you now. Remember, no updates on MOST Sundays, so, until Monday, See ya'! February 22, 2013: 8:39 p.m.   As promised, here are the updates I wanted to do today. A little later than I thought I'd get it done, but family and all that. So... On with the updates. February 22, 2013   Witches? CA has to hire witches? As goes CA so goes America? Let's hope not! February 22, 2013   Hip, Hip, Hurray! Firearm companies saying "NO!" to thevileone's purchases! They refuse to sell to the government! Excellent! The government cannot force them to sell to the gov. They can choose with whom they do business; and thevileone is not acceptable to them! I'm SO PROUD OF THEM! They have plenty of reason to not do business with thevileone. February 22, 2013   Disgraced? Doesn't matter. He'll run for office anyways. February 22, 2013   $50K to Chicago schools to "recover from multiple shootings"? Really? That's YOUR money! Is that why you pay taxes? Is that what you wanted to pay for when you send your check in? If not, then don't support this administration! February 22, 2013   Fibbed? FIBBED? The word is LIED!!! He doesn't know how to tell the truth. His lips move, he lies. He breathes, he lies. His heart beats? He LIES. That's the word that is appropriate. He LIES. Remember him touting FAILED PROGRAM, Head Start? Didn't his lips move for that? February 22, 2013   HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Wanna' see something funny? Check out the editorial cartoons! That's rich! February 22, 2013   thevileone is hurting lower income people. Shock. Surprise: "'It’s a big deal,' says Morgan Housley, a macroeconomic analyst with Motley Fool, an online financial education website. 'The biggest impact is on lower-income households since the payroll tax is regressive, only applying to the first $113,000 of income. Wealthier households don't feel the same pinch because the tax doesn't hit all of their income. Lower-income households also spend a larger share of their income than wealthier consumers.… Low-income families are in one of the toughest spots they’ve been in since 2009.'"Does anyone doubt it? thevileone will hurt as many people as he can. He wants to destroy YOU AND America. February 22, 2013   U.S. Census Bureau doesn't protect your info. It's thevileone's administration spreading its influence throughout the U.S. government. If they can find a way to screw things up, they'll DO IT! Anything to help destroy America. So, so sweet. (Sarcasm.) February 22, 2013   Firefighters face disciplinary action for appearing with thevileone. Tell me when those firefighters became FEDERAL employees and I'll tell you when they will be impacted by sequestration. Yeah. As Glenn Beck pointed out they're not federal employees so it's NOT going to impact them. He's just that stupid. February 22, 2013   Bankrupting future generations is what thevileone is doing. Your children and grandchildren, and beyond them even, will be paying the price for what people are selfishly demanding for NOW. I think it's all about being selfish and that there are those out there who don't care about future generations. I think it's just so wrong of anyone to demand for themselves today and to make the children who had no say in the matter PAY for whatever it is others demand for today. It's wrong. But it's oh, so popular with the libs and lazybutts. February 22, 2013   Ever want to just go off the grid to protect your info? It's gotten to the point when it's so tempting! February 22, 2013   FL ranked as one of best states to own a gun. Well, to be honest, it was ranked by an anti-gun organization as one of the "worst" because FL gun laws are some of the most relaxed in the country. We have been honored. February 22, 2013   thevileone's healthcaretax "nothing to brag about". Really? Wow. I did not know that. February 22, 2013   In over half of gov requests to read e-mails, they had NO WARRANTS. They just decided they wanted to read someone's e-mails and went to the e-mail provider and the provider caved and handed it over. Still feel like you're safe? Have Googlemail? Have Yahoo? Would they demand a warrant and the proper procedure? Would they fight for your rights? Or has your e-mail been read already, without a warrant? thevileone's classes on the U.S. Constitution must have taught how to trample it into the dirt. February 22, 2013   thevileone wants SCOTUS to destroy marriage currently known as one man/one woman. thevileone is a snake and he will destroy as much of everything as he can. His goal is destruction. February 22, 2013   After all of the horrible ads they've done over the last few years, I'm sorry for the employees, but glad to be rid of Abercrombie & Fitch. Immorality should never pay. February 22, 2013   Well, that's all for tonight. I'll see what tomorrow brings and we'll have some fun then if there's anything to have fun with. Until then, See ya'! February 22, 2013: 2:41 a.m.   Will do updates later today. Busy with family things. Having a hard time carving out time to do this update and the reconstructing of the special project. I have put in as many as eight hours in a day on that project and that is just the start of it. In the meantime, you've seen the recent e-mail from the rupester, right? I guess she's still trying to figure out who I am because she sent this to me today: "From: Maureen Rupe rupe32927@earthlink.netThat was it. Just the header without a subject, without a text in the body. Duh! Smart e-mail. Oh, well. What would one expect? February 19, 2013: 1:33 p.m.   U.S. Government goes Hamster. Again. Sigh. Any lie to keep you under control. Any lie to give them more power to tell you what you can or cannot do. Any lie to keep you afraid and looking to the government to be your savior. Are you going to fall for this crap again? February 19, 2013: 2:48 p.m.   Sign Rand Paul's petition to Audit the Fed! If you don't like the hidden spending thevileone and his cronies are doing, let's find out what they've been up to with our money. Agree? February 19, 2013   N. Korea threatens S. Korea with "final destruction" on U.S. soil! This was at the United Nations, folks. They're threatening to totally destroy another country while they are on U.S. soil. (Some will say the U.N. buildings are not on U.S. soil, they're on international soil. Bull.) Only under a weak-kneed-lilly-livered-sissy-spined-cowardly-liar would that threat have ever happened. If Romney was president that threat would have never been made because they would see Romney as stronger than thevileone. Now, S. Korea is in danger. What other countries (besides America) are going to be in danger because of the weakness of thevileone? February 19, 2013   Sequester would be destroying our ability to defend ourselves because the defense budget would take the biggest hit. Meanwhile, one sixth of our budget is spent on welfare-type spending. So what's the sequester going to do to benefit America? Nothing, but that's what thevileone wants. He wants to destroy America in any way he can. February 19, 2013   China's spying on us. So how is thevileone keeping America safe? Can anyone give me two examples -- come up with two, even -- of how thevileone is protecting America and presenting a strong image for us? Anyone? Send me two examples. I dare you. Even Russia is taking advantage of thevileone's yellow spine. Feel safe? February 19, 2013   If you're a woman visiting Colorado (as I did last month) and some creep is trying to rape you, they suggest peeing yourself or vomiting instead of shooting the guy between the eyes. Yeah. Self-defense the liberal way. Don't make the perp pay, pee your pants and scream. Sweet. (Sarcasm.) I'd rather shoot the creep between the eyes, then just to be sure, I'd shoot his wanger off just to be sure that if he survives the bullet between the eyes, he'd still never be able to try to rape another woman. That's how I defend myself and my pants stay dry. In CO they're not so worried about the innocent victims. February 19, 2013   Hagel is bad news and should never be approved by Congress. Of course, all thevileone has to do is wink at bonehead boehner and boehner will start crying and cave. So it's up to the newbies to stand strong. Let's see if it happens. February 19, 2013   Ohio woman may have voted six times for thevileone. Shock. Surprise. It happened nationwide, not just in OH. February 19, 2013   thevileone's curse on businesses he visits still in effect. Remember, he visited Ossorio's so if you enjoy their food eat there while you can! February 19, 2013   Weapons ads being rejected by NBC's parent company. Sounds like they're in cahoots with thevileone. Shock. Surprise. What they don't realize is that the American people who are using their brains don't need the ads to be worried about their future rights and their safety under this dictatorship. We're buying guns anyways, even with NBC censorship! February 19, 2013   Remember when thevileone was Israel's best friend during the third debate? Now his Sec. of States don't go visit Israel and they put Israel on ignore. So was thevileone telling the truth during the third debate or was he lying through his teeth again, as usual? February 19, 2013   Waste at the IRS? SHOCK! Really? It's got 90,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 employees and it's wasting money? Really? Wow. Never would have expected that! (Sarcasm. Just in case you couldn't figure that out.) February 19, 2013   Politico makes excuses, blames thevileone for its lameness. February 19, 2013   As someone who just started drinking coffee, it's good to wait! Coffee linked to smaller babies? As someone who had 8 lb. 15 oz. and 9 lb. babies, maybe I should have been drinking coffee while I was still of child bearing age! I just started drinking coffee in December. I still add things to it (almond extract and half & half: no sugar), but I do drink it. That's something I never thought I'd do. I used to hate the smell of coffee except when it was still in bean form, although I always liked Arby's Mocha Shakes. Yum! Then I started drinking the bottled, cold Frappuccinos from Starbucks. It was downhill from there. Now I actually use the Keurig (the only way I can make a good cup of coffee for him!) we got my hubby for Christmas of 2011 for myself. I told my mom that I'm now a grown-up because I drink coffee. Sigh. I'm getting old. February 19, 2013   Why would they do this? GOD will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7) and NBC and SNL will have a price to pay. Mark my words, NBC is going down. February 19, 2013   Prof. on drugs? How else do you explain this weirdness? February 19, 2013   Do public schools enjoy doing the wrong thing and givine me reason to say, "Aaaahhh... public schools"? Does it just come naturally to libs indoctrinating (as opposed to teaching) the children, or do they plan to do the wrong things? February 19, 2013   Mexico needs to mind its own business and not try to get a registry of U.S. gun owners. Oh, and if they do want a registry, why not start with the people who did Fast and Furious? That's as good a place to start as any, and those guns wound up in Mexican drug cartel hands! Why not start there and with their own people? February 19, 2013   I'm going to stop there for now. Prior to the computer crash that wiped out my computer and made me reformat my hard drive, I had started on a special project. Two days ago I restarted that project and I'm pretty far into it again, but this time, I'm backing it up every few minutes, so I'm working on that again. I'll try to have it up as soon as I can. It's a lot of research and a lot of work, but I think it will come in handy. Until tomorrow, See ya'! February 18, 2013: 12:22 p.m.: President's Day   DH{IN]S wants to watch you with drones... for YOUR safety, of course. It's not because they want to control your every motion, emotion and thought. It's got nothing to... Well, maybe I should rethink that statement. Once they've watched our every move and mapped our brains will they be able to shoot us for our thoughts? Will those "peaceful" drones be later equipped with those capabilities? Just asking, folks. Just asking. Is that what you want? February 18, 2013   Hamsters are on their wheels again. No matter what the weather does, it's always "man-made global warming" with some. Doesn't that tell you something about their agenda and their views? It's got nothing to do with reality; everything to do with an agenda. Hamsters will do that. February 18, 2013   CO's gungrabbing may lose them tax-paying companies. The gun manufacturers and ammo producers may just leave CO if they pass anti-gun legislation. It's going to be a "State of Denial" instead of a free state. February 18, 2013   This is what Americans are buying, no matter what their cowardly legislators want to do to their right to do so. February 18, 2013   If this is what thevileone wants, he'll do an Executive Order (Dictatorship) to get it. Unless, of course, bonehead boehner goes along with it (and cries because of it). February 18, 2013   Chicago Police Chief: 2nd Amendment a danger to public safety. Moron Alert! Moron Alert! February 18, 2013   There's no such thing as "religious freedom" in Muslim countries. It's not allowed to believe anything but what they tell you to believe. Sounds like where America is headed as they push Shariah Law into our lives. February 18, 2013   A.P. spins their erroneous story. Lies make you have to do that. February 18, 2013   Illegals welcome to come live off of your taxpayer dollars. As if we didn't realize that the dumborats do this? Really? Come on! February 18, 2013   thevileone wants to brainwash your children from a very early age. They know government early ed doesn't work (Head Start?). So why is he proposing more of them? Ask yourself why he wants his grubby hands on your young children. Ask yourself what it would accomplish since we know it doesn't TEACH math, writing, reading, etc. What would it teach, then? It would teach dumborat values and global warming idiocy. February 18, 2013   Internet stopped responding again. I'll see if I can do more updates later. Until then, See ya'! February 17, 2013: 3:06 a.m.   I don't usually do updates on Sundays, but this is something GOD has laid on my heart. I think it's time to get it done. An Open Letter to Maureen Rupe is available for everyone, including Maureen, to read. I hope she does read it. I hope she takes it to heart. February 16, 2013: 12:50 a.m.   WooHoo! I just received permission to post the e-mails! So here they are. Enjoy! "-------- Original Message --------To which the owner of PSJ History.com responded: "Dear Mrs. Rupe,Don't you just LOVE it!? Patience and patience and patience. It's a lesson I could learn. Wow. Where do I start? The owner of PSJ History hit most of it on the head. However, something was missed. First, how about the absurdity of alleging that the owner of PSJ History (or I, Linda McKinney) were posting porn anywhere? That's what rupester is alleging: "Maureen Rupe Exposed has gone to many sites as a porn site." That's slander, to say the least. Second, who would want to look at her naked? Third, who has a shot of her naked (PLEASE DO NOT SEND IT TO ME! I VALUE MY EYESIGHT!) to post? Fourth, why would she want it known that she had porn shots of herself? Fifth, why would she want to spread that word and allege that her address and an aerial view of her house were tied with alleged porn? Sixth, as the owner of PSJ History points out, how would rupester know if she wasn't cruising porn sites? After all, do as the owner of PSJ History did: do a search and see if MaureenRupeExposed.com, or Maureen Rupe Exposed comes up with anything close to porn in the search results. If not, then the only way to find it would be to be perusing porn sites to find out that it was up there somewhere. The truth is that it never happened. PSJ History and porn were never tied together and never was porn on PSJ History. Know what I think? I think rupester doesn't know how the internet works and she was flailing around for something -- anything -- to make an allegation that could possibly alarm the owner (apparently she thinks it is I) of PSJ History into making the owner remove Maureen Rupe Exposed from the site. When the owner was considering putting the site up, I warned the owner that it was going to happen, and I don't think I was taken seriously. Now I am. Fact (although many of you know this): when registering a domain name (like PSJHistory.com, SpaceCoastConservative.com, or anything else) you have to go through an organization that does that registration. That organization is called ICANN. They register the names, the basic location where the website is going to be hosted (the computer bank where the pages are stored for access on the internet) and who owns the site (private registrations are acceptable as long as ICANN has access via court order). Then the website's URL is available for use by the general public, often with an "Under Construction" page until the website is put together and uploaded to the internet. When the owner puts the website together (or has someone do so for them) and the pages are uploaded, the "Under Construction" page is taken down and the regular pages are posted in its place. Thus, the owner has control over the website's content, knows where the URL goes (and whether it goes to porn) and is allowed to make additions and changes. Sometimes a website is hacked. It has happened here previously where my site was totally destroyed and unavailable for a week while I rebuilt it. Sometimes hackers do redirect a website. However, the PSJ History site has been available as the PSJ History site every time I have tried to access it and I've known about it since its inception since I was part of the sourcing material for its build-up, so I've checked it often. Allegations of porn and PSJ History are just a slanderous lie on rupester's part. I wonder if rupester thought of the legal liability she has committed in accusing the owner of PSJ History (and, technically, me!) of posting porn online? Could get interesting, folks. Could get interesting. Keep you posted. So that's the letter from rupester to the PSJ History owner. Isn't it amazing? February 15, 2013: 3:45 p.m.   Received a surprising e-mail today. It was from the owner of the PSJ History.com site and it was in response to a letter from "you know who" who had written to the owner. I was included in the "CC" because I was mentioned in the e-mail (apparently it is assumed by "you know who" that I own PSJ History.com). I must say the owner of the PSJ History site handled it with more patience than I would have. Used a similar numbering system, but was much more patient: much. I suppose I've dealt with "you know who" for so many years that it doesn't bother me to just do a smack down of her every time I get something in. But it's amazing how patient the PSJ History owner was. Let's see how long that patience lasts. I will ask if I can publish the e-mails in their entirety and if I can, you'll get to see them. There is one thing that made me laugh out loud and if I'd had something to drink would have made it come out my nose with great force. The owner of PSJ History asked her if she'd been cruising porn sites! If I can publish the e-mails you'll understand and juice may come spurting out of your nose, so be careful over the next few days as you read this site. It's hysterical! February 15, 2013   $20,000 for the cheapest health care plan via thevileone. That's $20,000 for a family of four or five, not the $2,500 savings that thevileone said we would EACH save. So take that $2,500 and multiply that by four (one for each family member in a family of four) and you get $10,000 in lost savings. Add to that the ADDITIONAL COSTS of $20,000 and you have a $30,000 discrepancy between what thevileone promised and what the actual BASIC cost is going to be per family. Is that what you wanted? Is that what you voted for? Is that what you believed in? Hope and change that. February 15, 2013   OUTRAGEOUS! Your money is being spent on THIS?! thevileone's legacy will be a totally destroyed America. That's what he wants. February 15, 2013   More outlandish spending via thevileone and mrsvileone. While you eat peanut butter and jelly, they go on ski and golf trips at your expense. Don't you just love the Dictator? Worship him and the mrs. because they must be worshipped, adored and supported while you do without. Wonnerful wonnerful. February 15, 2013   Illinois may be seeing the results of its high business taxes. Is State Farm moving to Texas? February 15, 2013   GOOD! Wal-Mart is starting to feel the effects of their PC stupidity. I hope they hurt until they turn it around and go CONSERVATIVE again as Sam Walton had the company designed to be. When he died they took it to places it was never meant to go and I stopped shopping there with the first or second turn. Now I hope they see sales plummet until they wake up and smell the coffee and go back where they are supposed to be: America-loving company selling products "Made In America" to American families who want to do what is best for their families, save money and shop at a store that loves the country they love with no more PC nonsense involved! That means sell regular light bulbs, too! February 15, 2013   I expect this to amount to a waste of time. Considering we have bonehead crying boehner to "lead" things, it'll come to less than nothing and a total waste of time. Oh, please, bonehead, SHOCK ME! February 15, 2013   Oh, Look! Two talking morons. February 15, 2013   Carpal tunnel gets a metal? Drone operators, too? That's thevileone's administration. February 15, 2013   A problem for thevileone: "I'm not Emperor." No. He's the Dictator. February 15, 2013   thevileone supports prostitution and gang violence via his policies. Shock. Surprise. Anything to help destroy America and our future; that includes our children. February 15, 2013   Was this vote just for show, or will they do the same thing again? Mitch McConnell, I hope you do it again and again and again and again until Hagel is scrapped. Show a spine again, PLEASE! February 15, 2013   Ketchup kerry screws it up immediately. So what did you expect? February 15, 2013   Malkin: "Democrats Heart Medicare Fraudsters". I love Michelle Malkin! She is so excellent! February 15, 2013   How chivalrous! How gallant! JJJr. implicates his wife in effort to make it easier on himself. Sweet Valentine's Day treat! "I love you, Honey. You spend some time in jail, too!" Yeah. Must be love. February 15, 2013   Shock. Surprise: thevileone's "giving" program getting few responses. That's partially because he or his cohorts would get to choose who gets the money and they're giving it to the same old, same old: PBS, government housing, etc. They've already got our money and they've not been good for society as a whole for years so why would anyone want to give to that? thevileone: If he touches it, it's a screw-up. February 15, 2013   Dismissal recommended for prof who made students pledge to thevileone. And rightly so. February 15, 2013   Brevard Economic Development Council/BlueWare contract still in question. Is there something fishy going on here, or is it just the smell of rotten dealings? Note: "No other county commissioners responded to email requests for comment."Why is that? February 15, 2013   Enterprise Florida needs to go away quickly. Save some taxpayer dollars and the "Good ol' boy" system can be made a little smaller. Good on both counts. February 15, 2013   Well, that's it for now. If I get permission to post the whole e-mail back and forth from "you know who", I will do so. I admit it made me laugh and laugh. I think you will, too! Until later, See ya'! February 14, 2013: 12:39 p.m.: Valentine's Day   Happy Valentine's Day, America! Love freedom and the U.S. Constitution? Those in MO can kiss both goodbye if Missouri dumborats get their way. Maybe we should actually impeach thevileone now because he's pushing for the same kind of thing? Hmmm? It's time. February 14, 2013   thevileone's sotu wish list price: $1 TRILLION PLUS! Yep. That's how much more money he delineated as his wish list during his sot[Lying]u. Wanna' pay for that? February 14, 2013   Hagel vote postponed. GOOD. He's bad for America, a bad choice, and thevileone has already started LYING to cover up for him. If it starts this early, what will a year from his installation look like? Hagel should NOT be confirmed. Choose another loser, thevileone. February 14, 2013   STDs at epidemic levels. Promiscuity amongst teens and young adults, unfaithfulness, homosexual activity, etc., contribute to this epidemic. There is a price to pay for sexual activity outside of wedlock. The price can be very high. A friend of mine was diagnosed with P.I.D. (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) and is probably sterile because of her sexual activity when she was a teen. It's a sad thing to think that people are choosing an orgasm over their futures, but it is their choice to make. When will people put a higher price on their futures, their possible future children, their own value? When will young women learn that they are worth more than an "I love you, Baby. Come on..." and put a higher value on their bodies than getting some loser's temporary approval and alleged "love"? Let us pray it is soon that they learn that. It's costing us $16 BILLION taxpayer dollars, btw. February 14, 2013   thevileone's friends are under FBI investigation. Too bad the FBI is under the auspices of the U.S. Attorney General (eric holder). So that will come to.... A hill of beans, maybe? February 14, 2013   Bill Gates (don't think 'i') pushes Common Core State Standards. Ask yourself "Why?". If he's pushing it so hard what is he going to get out of it? His company won't get better educated people because the kids under this program won't be better educated. His company will be more secure from those who would want to backwards engineer some of their products. Is that why he's pushing CCSS so hard? Or is there something out there that we don't know about? Ask yourself "Why?". There's gotta' be something in it for him, but what? February 14, 2013   bonehead boehner dismisses thevileone's plans. But he has no spine to stand up against it, so it'll probably happen unless, "We, The People" stand against it. Will you be standing? February 14, 2013   U.S. Air and American Airlines merging? Kiss traveling AA goodbye. I've already said I won't be traveling U.S. Air anytime in the future because of the laughable experience we had with them last year. Waiting, plane changes, malfunctions while we were on the plane: we won't be doing it again. Now AA is going to have the same reputation? Sweet. (Sarcasm.) February 14, 2013   Twice as many murders are done via hands and feet as are done with so-called "assault rifles". So we should outlaw hands and feet? We should have to turn them in to the nearest police agency? We should not be allowed to "own" them? Hmmmmm? February 14, 2013   Day of Resistance: Sat., Feb. 23rd: Resist thevileone! It's about time! February 14, 2013   NYC's bloomberg gets into everyone's everything. That's why they call him "Nanny". He wants to control your every move, possession, ingestion, flatulation, dream, yawn and burp. Why is he still in office? Where is the legendary NY-er fiestiness? Where is their legendary outrage? Where is their legendary independence? February 14, 2013   The Whore of Babylon running for 2016? February 14, 2013   Aaaahhhhh... public schools. February 14, 2013   Bwahahahaha....clintoon asked Nixon for advice. I bet that will so disillusion some on the left! They hate Nixon and think he's a terrible, terrible person. It's all so shocking! February 14, 2013   Abortion: It's almost strictly dumborats supporting it nowadays. Surprised? February 14, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" creating NUCLEAR weapons and hating on America. Isn't that just what the world needs? The religion behind almost every atrocity in the last 100 years with nuclear weapons? "Peace and tolerance" at its most powerful? February 14, 2013   Buy apps from GooglePlay? Maybe you should reconsider. After all, every app you purchase gives that app's developer your personal info. Is that what you want? Total strangers to have your personal info: birthday, address, name, etc.? February 14, 2013   harry reid tells another HUGE LIE. Gasp! Such a surprise. February 14, 2013   Yesterday I posted the truth about what was written in the local pooper-paper regarding discontinuing the Social Security tax break. It will raise people's taxes, there's no denying that unless you're deliberately lying to and misleading the people. That's all there is to it. This morning I ran across a scripture verse that just jumped out at me and I think I am supposed to change my tactic due to this scripture. Proverbs 9:6-8: "6 Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.So, instead of writing to her to tell her that you don't appreciate her lying to you, write to her and tell her that you're praying for her to accept Christ. It's always good to know that people are praying for you and it's good to know for what they are praying. Only do so if you can do it without malice, or sarcasm, though. We don't want her having reason to scorn even more, nor do we want to be "reproving" her. We just want her to know we're praying for her eternity to be different than what she has planned. That's all. Wish her a Happy Valentine's day and tell her GOD LOVES HER! February 14, 2013   And on that note, I'll say "Goodbye for now!" Until tomorrow, See ya'! February 13, 2013: 12:56 p.m.   I'm back, fired up, and loaded for bear! Are you ready? (Are you sure?) February 13, 2013   This is what happens when America has a coward for prezidunce. The world is a more dangerous place because of thevileone. February 13, 2013   MSM is SOOOOO accurate. Maybe we should trust everything they say? February 13, 2013   thevileone lies to you every time he opens his mouth. Why would anyone believe a word, syllable, or burp he says? Why? FIND THE TRUTH and then remember it! February 13, 2013   Even thevileone's spokesman can't tell the truth unless it's forced out of him. Why believe anything at all that is coming out of this administration? They are INCAPABLE of telling the truth of their own volition. Remember: if they have to LIE to you, they are trying to CONTROL you. Is that what you want? February 13, 2013   janap can't tell the truth, either. Of course, she is part of this administration, so why should we expect anything more than lies from her? February 13, 2013   dws lies an awful lot, too. Shock. Another dumborat lying. Is anyone surprised? February 13, 2013   Late term abortion kills more than just the baby. This administration's Sec. of Health supports the doc who performed this illegal procedure. Breaking the law runs deep in this lying, lawless administration. February 13, 2013   Chicago: America's future if we don't prevent it. Chicago is a perfect example of what thevileone and his cronies can do to America if we don't stand up to them. Is that what you want? February 13, 2013   Bachman says "Say No To Brennan at CIA". I agree. Brennan is absolutely the WRONG person for the CIA. He's all for killing Americans with drones and without our days in court. Yeah. NOT the right man for the job. February 13, 2013   I like this! February 13, 2013   Laughable lying libs: senator's sex-offender stayed, Sandy stall. Amazing. Do any dumborats in power know how to even spell T-R-U-T-H? No? Didn't think so. February 13, 2013   If you govern via DICTATE, you are a DICTATOR not a president. Don't his actions tell you anything about him? Is that what our Constitution says we are: a dictatorship? If not, why are we putting up with this? February 13, 2013   I LOVE THIS GUY! His ideas are great. His Christian ideas are correct. He should be president, not thevileone. February 13, 2013   Greer pleads guilty.
February 13, 2013   I can't tell you how STRONGLY I DISAGREE with this ruling. It's ridiculous and against the U.S. Constitution. "Shall not INFRINGE upon..." It's wrong, Utah. Wrong. February 13, 2013   DHS: must stand for Deaf, Hypocritical and STUPID. But that's this administration all over again. They ALLEGEDLY couldn't find ANY illegals on welfare last year? That's a commedian's best laugh line, is it not? February 13, 2013   Really, CA. Really? You do your residents no favors. February 13, 2013   thevileone's admin at work. Twitter, anyone? Your taxpayer dollars are paying for that. February 13, 2013   Speaking of what your taxpayer dollars are going to pay for, there's OVERSEAS agriculture, Chinese PIG POOP, ROBO-SQUIRREL and, of course, FOOD STAMPS. Is that what you want to spend your money on? Remember, ever penny the government spends comes from taking it from the citizens. YOUR money is being spent on all of this and more. Is that what you want? Do you want to eat peanut butter sandwiches so that thevileone can spend your money on studying Chinese PIG POOP? No? So what are you going to do about it? Push your Senators/Representatives to IMPEACH thevileone. It's time. February 13, 2013   Remember the "Ground Zero" mosque? The money raised is not being used for a mosque. Caviar, anyone? February 13, 2013   Hahahaha... Libs are stupid. February 13, 2013   It's worth asking the question. February 13, 2013   American Hero laid to rest. thevileone never ordered the American Flag to be flown at half mast for him, but it was for Whitney Houston. How about that for a lack of respect for our American Heroes? February 13, 2013   As usual, she's wrong: "Taxes Returned, not actually going up for MajorityWhen the truth is: "Allowing the payroll tax cut to expire would impose a huge tax hike.""Huge" to the tune of up to $120,000 annually for the top 1%: "Taxpayers across the income spectrum would be hit with large tax hikes, the Tax Policy Center said in its study, with households in the top 1 percent income range seeing an average tax increase of more than $120,000, while a family making between $110,000 to $140,000 could see a tax hike in the $6,000 range." Does she not try to FIND THE TRUTH or does she just push her side's agenda always, no matter the TRUTH? Aren't you tired of that? If you're tired of that, write to the owner of the pooper-paper and tell him so. Then write to her and ask her why she doesn't tell the TRUTH. I'd love to see the answer! Februray 13, 2013   I think I'll stop there for today. I hope you have a great Valentine's Day and that you get what you want for the day. I will. ;-) February 12, 2013: 2:44 p.m.   I have been away longer than I intended. The reasons:
February 4, 2013: 10:38 p.m.   Had a great time in Colorado; saw a lot of snow and really enjoyed the weather. Came home to a message on our answering machine that a family member had died hours before we got home and we are preparing to go north to his funeral. So, I won't be updating my website until after the funeral. The funeral is this Wednesday, Feb. 6th, so I'll be traveling home that evening: updates to be commenced after my return. Apologies for the delay, but it cannot be helped. January 2013 January 26, 2013: 2:57 p.m.   This will be the last update for the next week. I leave Monday for the Denver, Colorado area and will be gone all next week until Sunday, Feb. 3rd, so the updates will start again on Monday, Feb. 4th. So on with the blurbs. January 26, 2013   BlueWare raises more questions. Needelman isn't the only Brevard entity using them, so was the Economic Development Commission. It's all taxpayer money and you'd think that mean Sunshine Law would cover it, right? Not according to BlueWare! January 26, 2013   JW: clintoon corruption "is back". I beg to differ: It never left! January 26, 2013   "Anonymous" is at it again. Seems to me that they're wasting a lot of taxpayer dollars because the government websites that are hacked by them must then be redone by the government employees who are paid by taxpayers. Thanks for the waste of money, "Anonymous". Or should I say "aNOTymous"? January 26, 2013   Read this story and then tell me: Are you happy with this? "An astonishing number of naturalized U.S. citizens have been convicted of grave national security crimes—including terrorism, espionage and theft of sensitive technology—yet the government allows them to keep their American citizenship."Doesn't that tell you how seriously "security" and your safety is taken by thevileone's administration? Yeah. He cares about us. NOT. January 26, 2013   5 minutes = $5 MILLION. Sun pictures are worth that much to you, right? You'll eat mac and cheese for another six months to help pay for that, won't you? I mean, you don't really care that thevileone and mrsvileone are eating lobster while you're on pork and beans again, do you? After all, whatever they want to spend your money on must be okay with you; they're the High and Mighty, the Privileged Few. Why should we care how they spend our taxpayer dollars? They earned it, didn't they? They did the work to get it, they spent time away from their families to get it. They sweat for it. They deserve to spend your money, don't they? Oh. Sorry. It's not YOUR money. It's the government's that they got from YOU. I forget. January 26, 2013   A scientific definition of life: "Living organisms are made up of one or more cells, can grow and develop, reproduce, respond to stimuli, and have a metabolism."So those who went to Washington D.C. on Friday and participated in the March for Life actually did march for the right cause. A baby is started via two cells joining together and within hours they have divided and started the process of making the baby's body, brain, organs, bones, nerves, etc. That's hours, not days, weeks, or months: HOURS. That's why "the morning after pill" is still murder. It still kills a living organism. January 26, 2013   Want to buy a gun, undergo a "mental health check"? That's what bumbling biden wants. I say he needs a "mental health check" for being so ridiculous in everything he does. He is the definition of "imbecile" as thevileone is the definition of two words: "incompetence" and "kakistocracy". Look them up: their pictures are beside the words! January 26, 2013   thevileone: Plagiarism 101. January 26, 2013   As I said, they are the High and Might, the Privileged Few. Now someone else has proven it, and I wrote it before I even knew about the special program. Prescient? No. I just know progressives/liberals as well as I know chocolate! You do realize don't you, that this is why they do what they do? So that they can be the "elites", the Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Dukes and Duchesses over us? They want to feel special, better, more. Too bad they're just incompetents. Nothing more. January 26, 2013   bonehead boehner "regrets" fiscal cliff deals. If he'd borrowed a spine he would have no regrets. Too bad a spine never entered his mind. Now we all pay! January 26, 2013   OSHA: another incompetent, bloated, overpaid government agency that you pay for but that can't even wipe its own nose without help! Why don't we just get rid of all of the incompetents in the government and then we'd have a lower tax bill and a better government? Oh. That's right. It would include thevileone, thebumbler, the AG, some of the scotUS, Lisa Cullen, four County Commissioners (Fisher, Bolin, Anderson and Nelson) and almost all of D.C. ............... sigh.......................... Oh! Sorry. Just thinking how wonderful that would be and got lost in the glory of it for a moment there. January 26, 2013   Gun grabbing excuse making. Here's the whole feinstein bill. It's not a good thing for FREEDOM or for the 2nd Amendment. Januray 26, 2013   thevileone's "Slim Majority Parading as 'We The People'". He lies to say that he is doing what we demand. Or should I amend that statement to just "He LIES"? Yes. January 26, 2013   I bet you $1.50 that thevileone is behind this delay. If he keeps delaying it long enough he can give preziduncial pardons quietly and on the sly and we won't even know about it. Keep an eye on this one, folks! January 26, 2013   Shock. Surprise. NY Times January 26, 2013   I LOVE THIS! I'd vote for that in a heartbeat! I'd say let's make this an amendment to the U.S. Constitution! January 26, 2013   Sad but true. Is this where our education system is headed? Yep. Common Core State Standards is the same type of education. January 26, 2013   Firing Generals to replace them with those who will obey blindly. Put those in control who want power and will do whatever it takes to maintain their power, get in good with those who are in power, etc. It's all about keeping thevileone in power. Remember, they'll shoot Americans in order to stay in good with thevileone, so watch out! Keep your guns. January 26, 2013   I shall leave for the next week on that note. Think about it while I am gone. What is it you want to see in America: FREEDOM or Tyranny? The U.S. Constitution, or the Communist Manifest and Shariah Law? What is it you want? What is it you want for your children and grandchildren? If you want FREEDOM, you MUST OPPOSE thevileone! You MUST. Until Feb. 4th, See ya'! January 25, 2013: 12:27 p.m.   Common Core is still rotten. It's time that parents got involved in their chidlren's education and start demanding accountability in the school system. Accountability for higher standards, instead of lower; more education instead of indoctrination; fewer PC studies and more truth and honest history. For instance: How many of your children know that it was the REPUBLICAN party that was AGAINST SLAVERY? Or how many of them know that SIXTEEN BLACK MEN WERE CONGRESSMENN during Reconstruction (the time immediately following the Civil War)? Ask your child or grandchild if they're taught about those sixteen men. Ask them if they're taught about those men and the fact that they were REPUBLICANS and be astonished at their answers. Then ask yourself why? Yeah. Then tell me they're getting a good education. January 25, 2013: 12:13 p.m.   thevileone stacking the military deck with those who WILL SHOOT AMERICANS IN AMERICA! Don't take this as a far-fetched idea. It is absolutely true. January 25, 2013   eric holder, thevileone's law breaking A.G., begins gun control push. It's started, folks. Be ready. January 25, 2013   Ketchup kerry another algore. Ugh. Just what we need. Another algore to try to control us via the "earth first" crap. Can we send all the hamsters to Mars, please? January 25, 2013   thevileone hates babies so much he's trying to force BIBLE publishers to provide abortion pills! thevileone is evil and he thinks that if he can take away your religious freedoms that you'll lose all of your religious beliefs and you'll be controlled by the state instead of by your belief in GOD. thevileone is tempting GOD a little too much. I think thevileone needs to watch out for lightning bolts because GOD is NOT happy with him. January 25, 2013   Shock. Surprise. thevileone broke the Constitution. Yawn. So what's new? January 25, 2013   thevileone's move to take over America: a network of invested self-interests and military thugs to make America over into the Socialist Islamic mecca. Is that what you want? If not, STAND! January 25, 2013   The TRUTH is gun controls doesn't make for less gun violence. If you want less gun violence, make it easier for LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS to have guns, openly carry guns and be able to protect themselves and others from the bad guys! Doesn't that make sense? Duh. bumbler says it's about "safety" not gun control. It's about the safety of those trying to take away our freedoms, not about the citizens of America. It's about those trying to enslave and imprison us facing no armed opposition. That's what it's about. Gun control is firm grip, target acquisition, sight alignment, smooth trigger pull and controlling the recoil. THAT's gun control. Anything other than that is GUN GRABBING; taking away your Second Amendment RIGHT. Remember that. January 25, 2013   FIND THE TRUTH about America's founding before you spout nonsense regarding it. Some pastors need to stop downing America from the pulpit. Oh, and we can apply the truths and lessons of that era to today's government as well. I strongly suggest you print the article and keep it for you. If thevileone's folks see the article, they'll demand its immediate removal. January 25, 2013   Boo. Hoo. The Left is upset. Oh, waaah. January 25, 2013   I'm not Catholic, but I seriously doubt the Pope would agree with this Catholic hospital's "defense" of the indefensible. Amazing tactic. I'd fire the attorney who suggested that tactic and I'd find someone who can try to find a defensible tactic. Babies who are seven months old in utero can survive outside the womb if they are given proper medical attention. It happens all the time. For a doctor to not respond and just ignore the pages and allow those twins to die, is not proving that they "aren't persons". It's proving the doctor either had other things he was dealing with or was totally irresponsible and should be made to pay for the deaths of the twins. Fire those attorneys. Hire someone who can come up with something that doesn't undo everything the Catholic Church has stood for for years. A little common sense there is called for. January 25, 2013   thevileone is tacky, tacky, tacky. Everyone and everything associated with him is tacky and evil. Why can't people see the truth in front of their blind eyes? January 25, 2013   Tell me The Blaze didn't expect someone who wrote for "American Spectator". Come on. Tell me they're not suprised by that. Please. January 25, 2013   Why is a Mayor telling banks with whom to do business? Freedom, anyone? January 25, 2013   "Bring it!" says Gov. who signed law forcing vaccination of pre-teen girls. Really, Mr. Perry? Really? You're one to talk. January 25, 2013   Okay. Let's go through this again. The earth's current population is about 7,061,812,776. The square meters of the State of Florida is 170,304,000,000. If you take the whole population of the earth and put it all in the State of Florida, that would give every person on earth over 24 square meters each (over 258 square feet). That's TWICE THE SIZE OF THE LEGAL ROOM REQUIREMENT that the U.S. Govenment delineates. EVERY PERSON ON EARTH would have a room that is about 25x10 feet JUST IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. That's what Bindi Irwin has TOTALLY wrong. There is NO SUCH THING AS OVER POPULATION. She needs to be taught the truth. Are your children being taught the truth, or are they also being misled in an attempt to control via fear? January 25, 2013   thevileone: class act, minus the "cl". January 25, 2013   Take that, feinstein! You go, Ted Cruz! I'm glad I supported you. Keep it up! I stand with Ted Cruz! January 25, 2013   N. Korea bangs the war drums. Threatening war with S. Korea. Will thevileone send military help to S. Korea? Or will S. Korea be able to defeat the little mongrel on their own? January 25, 2013   TRUTH. Pure, plain and simple. January 25, 2013   Your DNA is YOURS and without a search warrant, cops shouldn't be able to take it. The technology in this story should NOT be used in America while we are still America. Freedom isn't free. January 25, 2013   Riiiggghhhhttt... Another way to tax us. January 25, 2013   Another reason I don't shop Wal-Mart. Sigh. It used to be such a good store. Now it's gone all stinky-lefty. Means it won't see my business until it changes back to a good company - IF ever. January 25, 2013   thevileone supports the Muslim Brotherhood. "Because where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." What thevileone cares about is Islam and Shariah Law. He'll do whatever it takes to make that happen here and worldwide. Look around. Prove me wrong. January 25, 2013   Ahhh... public schools. January 25, 2013   Did Needelman's attorney commit perjury? Needelman's in a lot of trouble considering Ellis has the proof via having the computers and e-mail being referenced. Ellis is no dummy. When it comes to getting the truth out, he's the guy to do so. The court will hear the truth before too long and then Needelman is going to have "a lot of 'splainin' to do!" Needelman should have seen this coming, but it apparently didn't stop him. Why does it seem that some people think they're above the rules and that if they break those "little people rules" that it doesn't matter and they won't get caught? Or, that if they do get caught they'll get away with it anyways? Do they really think they're that special? January 25, 2013   That's enough for now. Stay vigilant, America. Stand strong. Until later, See ya'! January 24, 2013: 4:57 p.m.   Sat down to do my updates earlier today but before I got started, I got a panicked phone call from my son saying that his car had broken down on the way to work. The only thing I could do was tell him I could pick him up and take him there, but that he would be a little late, so call his boss. Fortunately, his car broke down near our wonderful friend's house in Cocoa, and he called her and her husband picked my son up and took him to work. We're very grateful! I'll go pick my son up when he gets off of work, but until tomorrow, his car will sit at my friend's house and be safe. Thanks, C. & F. T. You know who you are! GOD really did bless us when he allowed us to meet you! January 24, 2013   thevileone's admin is trying to prevent the release of Osama Bin Laden's burial at sea -- IF it happened. I still suspect that it didn't happen at all, but (instead) that thevileone had Bin Laden captured, transported and moved to a villa somewhere in France or somewhere and that our taxpayer dollars are supporting him. thevileone is capable of that, he's as evil as that and he's a Muslim as that. January 24, 2013   More of your taxpayer dollars to fund the global hamsters. This time it's in the TRILLIONS! "The money will promote free trade in green goods and services, achieve robust carbon pricing, end inefficient subsidies and other forms of fossil fuel support and accelerate low-carbon innovation."Wonnerful, wonnerful. (Sarcasm.) Couldn't you use that money, instead, to buy new shoes for your children, pay your water bill, or pay for the medical test you need? January 24, 2013   Why is it that every time thevileone runs for office he is besieged by flies? Hmmmm, Rather gives one pause. Especially when you recall how many times he is associated with flies being drawn to him. A rare thing to have a prezidunce so attractive to flies. Makes me wonder... January 24, 2013   The gun grabbing gets another list of "No-No!" guns. Is this what the Founding Fathers wanted? No? Then stand up and don't let this happen! Stupid hypocrites. They don't even realize that they are the same thing! LOL! bumbling biden is such a dunderhead. Must be sad to be that stupid. January 24, 2013   YEAH! January 24, 2013   The new conscience of Conservatism? (Psalm 146:3) "Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save." That's a much better voice of Conservatism. Trust GOD's Son and follow Him because He cannot be corrupted. If you believe in men (as some believed in GinGri[N]ch, or Jim Bakker), then you can be let down. I do not put my trust in men; in GOD alone do I trust. January 24, 2013   I like this. I think it's excellent. DO NOT GIVE IN! DO NOT GIVE UP! DO NOT LOSE HEART! STAND STRONG AND STAND TOGETHER! January 24, 2013   john kerry to "implement" thevileone's vision. Sounds to me like a disaster in the making. john kerry is about as intelligent as the ketchup his wife used to sell. "Ketchup kerry": it's appropriate. January 24, 2013   A "more Conservative" bonehead boehner? Okay, all together now! Everyone who believes that stand on your head and spit in your own ear; on three! One. Two. Three! Sorry. I see no takers. boehner is still just as squishy, spineless and yellow as he's always been. January 24, 2013   "Smart" electric meter denier arrested for not wanting it. Sounds like a totaliarian government is taking over. You CANNOT CHOOSE to NOT HAVE a "smart meter". YOU MUST ACCEPT IT or you will be arrested. If I'd had any warning that they were coming, I would have denied access, too. It was a surprise to us. January 24, 2013   Protect a child from attacking dogs? Face charges? Incredible. January 24, 2013   "Assault" weapons don't cause most gun deaths, but they'll ban them anyways. Why? Because they're "scary". They look bad. They look mean; evil. That's the start. We let them take those away -- even though they've admitted "assault" weapons are not to blame -- and they'll find a way to make all semi-automatic handguns evil, all shotguns scary and all revolvers a danger to humanity. But that's only for those who have gone to the trouble of buying it legally. For the crooks who get guns illegally, they'll keep theirs and we won't have ours to stand up to them and protect ourselves. That's the way dumborats work. Make us victims and we'll have to rely on them for everything. Is that what you want? January 24, 2013   Typical pro-abortionist: a heartless B. I. T. C. H. Yes. I said it. Got a problem with that? She says some babies -- innocent of innocents -- are "worth sacrificing". For what? So that her heartless self can go guilt-free? January 24, 2013   Ahhhh.... public school. When will parents learn? Home school your children. Put them first. It's best for them and for you. Which would you prefer: staying in a smaller house for a few more years and driving the same car for the next four years, or dealing with your child being molested by a teacher, or turned mind-numbed robot liberal supporter of thevileone for the rest of his/her life? Your choice. Is every teacher in public schools a bad person? No. But why take the chance that your child will get the bad apple? January 24, 2013   Texas has a blue target on it. Hey, libs, here's a clue: Don't mess with Texas. At least, that's what I hope will be a sound warning. If Texas caves, "Houston, we have a problem!" January 24, 2013   thevileone has found a fall guy for Fast & Furious. We need to make it thevileone who takes the fall for things, not just his flunkies. January 24, 2013   Our government debt is up 257% under thevileone. That's going to impact your future and your children's futures and on down the line for quite a while. Enjoy peanut butter and jelly? January 24, 2013   N. Korea targeting the same target as thevileone. Only difference is the weaponry. January 24, 2013   I'll stop for tonight. Hope you have an enjoyable evening. Until tomorrow, See ya'! January 23, 2013: 4:56 p.m.   Internet's back and so am I. Did you know that thevileone's admin is as big as the ENTIRE U.S. POPULATION in 1776? Doesn't that tell you something? January 23, 2013   dumborats are making excuses for thevileone regarding Benghazi incompetence. All those folks in the administration and you'd think they'd be able to protect an Ambassador, right? Nope. They just sat and watched him die. I guess they like reality television. January 23, 2013   Rush's take on the Benghazi hearings was (as usual) BRILLIANT!
And if the Congress is finished
All hillclintoon did was make excuses and shed a fake tear
just as her husband did at the memorial service for Ron Brown: January 23, 2013   thevileone sends one message and the opposite message all in the same day/week/hour? Yeah. The right hand knows exactly what the left hand is doing, right? Too bad it'll probably make him go blind. January 23, 2013   Union membership falls to 70 year low: HURRAY! That's a good start! Now let's just do away with unions completely and totally. Gone. Zero. Zip. Nada. Finis. That would be a good thing! And there's a reason for that drop: "Although [thevileone] has championed union causes, his tax and regulatory policies have systematically discouraged business investment and job creation in America for all workers -- union and nonunion."So he's the one responsible for job losses as well as union losses. No one can blame Bush for that. January 23, 2013   Top 5 answers to "What does it matter..."? It matters but not to progressives/liberals. They don't care that thevileone and his admin lies all they care is that thevileone is still Santa Claus to them. That's the important part. January 23, 2013   The KKK is recruiting. Don't join them. Don't listen to them. Don't allow them to gain power in your communities. They're not a good organization. They're not good for America. January 23, 2013   I don't know why it was called hillclintoon "TESTIFYING" before Congress. After all, it was basically this "I don't know. I wasn't involved. I had nothing to do with it. I wasn't there. I wasn't responsible." So, tell me again, WHY is she Secretary of State if she is never responsible for anything that happens? Hm? January 23, 2013   McCain: Bring Benghazi suriviors and have them testify. What? Is he trying to get them killed? We all know what happens to those who cross the clintoons. Is McCain trying to increase the size of that list? January 13, 2013   In my opinion, there should NEVER be any sort of database whatsoever for any reason that contains any information on LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS. If they're criminals, especially sexual predators, create a database, absolutely. For those of us who abide by the law databases are too easily used for other things. The database that is abused should be destroyed if it contains info on law-abiding citizens. It prevents further and future abuses. January 13, 2013   It's headed the way thevileone wished things to go. Now gun shows are being proactive in banning certain weapons. Amazing. The Constitution is not for thevileone and no one else. Why is thevileone so pro-constitution for himself but not for others? When he is the only one with guns, he is the only one with power. Ask yourself why he wants that? January 13, 2013   CA's laughable excuse for licensing illegal aliens even has some in CA smirking. Those of us with common sense (apparently totally missing in CA) ask the questions: What makes someone with a driver's license a safer driver than those without; haven't those with driver's licenses in the past had any accidents whatsoever? Have no licensed drivers ever broken the law? Has no one with a license ever run a red light, driven drunk, etc., as have and do the unlicensed drivers and caused the same types of accidents? The differences being that in order to get a license, you have to prove who you are, where you live, etc. In order to give licenses to illegals, they'd be able to waive those requirements and just take everyone's word for it. That could lead to multiple licenses for one person under many different names. With the motor voter laws, that leads to multiple voter registration cards and multiple votes. Follow the dotted line to why they support this stupidity! Multiple votes for dumborats is why they want to do this. It's got nothing to do with what's "safer" for CA drivers. Reality bites. January 23, 2013   thevileone has a war on academic standards: another reason to fight implementing "Common Core State Standards (CCSS)". It's not good for your the kids, folks. It's plain as that. Dumbing people down only leads to a population who can't think for themselves and who can't use common sense to figure out that the dumborats are not good for them! Idiots vote for dumborats, so they must create more idiots! January 23, 2013   Carney's dodge: thevileone has believed in debt ceiling standard "forever". But not forever, just since he's been prezidunce. January 23, 2013   With your taxes going up, the non-free health care tax coming at you, perhaps a job loss, are you enjoying your bologne and cheese while thevileone eats: "First Course: Steamed Lobster with New England Clam Chowder SauceRemember: All of that was paid for BY YOU. Now doesn't that bologne sandwich look so appetizing? January 23, 2013   2009-2010: 20% of the laws Congress passed contained unfunded mandates for the private sector (not the States, the PRIVATE SECTOR) (page 16). That's what happens when thevileone says that YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING HE DOES NOT. Your boss pays and you lose your job. He eats lobster and bison and you eat mac and cheese. January 23, 2013   Shock. Surprise. Gov agency harms those it allegedly protects. Wow. Whoever would've thunk it? (Sarcasm. Big time sarcasm.) January 23, 2013   And on that sarcastic note, I'll sign off for now. Until next time, See ya'! January 23, 2013: 11:20 a.m.   I skipped Monday's updates because I didn't want to do anything at all to help glorify "thevileone". "thevileone" is my new name for obamination. I will no longer mention his name, nor even a portion of his name, unless it is used in a direct quote and it is needed for understanding. "thevileone" is going to be the only way I will refer to the prezidunce from now on. So get used to it. Anyways, I didn't want to glorify thevileone's celebrating his cheating his way back into office. So, I skipped Monday. Tuesday I took my cat to be spayed and spent the day dealing with all of that. It was a good thing we took her in when we did. The vet had to do a complete hysterectomy because he found an infection and multiple cysts in her uterus - even though she has never been pregnant. The timing of her spay probably saved her life. She's on antibiotics to help make sure any infection that was in her uterus is checked if it was spreading to her other organs. Spent almost $400 more than planned, but it was worth it. My cat is special to me and it would break my heart if I lost her. She's the only cat who plays fetch with me. So, that's why I was gone for a few days. Now on with the blurbs. January 23, 2013   The saddest anniversary of all anniversaries: 40 years of Roe v. Wade killing babies who have done nothing to deserve to die. The most innocent of innocents - dead because their mother chose to kill them. The babies had no choice in the matter (not to be concieved, not to be killed) and they have no voice to say, "Please, Mommy! Don't kill me! It's not my fault I'm here! I'm alive and I can love you if you let me live!" They have nothing to do with their conception but they pay the price in abortion. Those who had everything to do with their conception (rapists, or those choosing to have sex) are responsible for the child being conceived. Why make the baby pay? My views and some facts on abortion are here. Read it and learn, educate yourself and your children. The fact is the baby pays and society pays. When we remove the sanctity of life, we cheapen it to where people have no respect for life and things like Columbine, the Batman movie premier massacre and the Sandy Hook killings become the norm. Is that what you want? January 23, 2013   JW's analysis and report on Benghazi attack. When the whole truth is revealed it will prove that the thevileone did nothing to protect nor help the Ambassador or anyone else in Benghazi (my prediction, not in the report), and that thevileone as much as murdered those four people. HillClintoon loses her cool in her testimony, and doesn't see "What difference" it makes. Doesn't that tell you something about progressives? They don't see that it makes a difference WHY the Benghazi attack happened. It's like saying that it makes no difference if someone was shot by a civilian who was in fear of their lives, or because they didn't like the way that person looked at them. There IS a difference. There is a vast difference. But they don't see it; or they just don't care that there is a difference. Her testimony is very (self-) defensive. Shouldn't that tell us something? January 23, 2013   bumbling biden looking forward to 2016 prez run. IF he's around in 2016, his chances -- WITHOUT CHEATING -- are slim to nill. By then America's eyes will be opened and it will be an uphill battle at the very least to get him even the dumborat nomination. That's my opinion, but it's really amazing to see how the blind lead the blind and how they all LIKE being blind. So maybe I'm wrong. January 23, 2013   thevileone's admin finds a way to give MORE to those who pay nothing into the system. Take from those who have and give to those who do nothing to earn it. Sweet! Buying votes is still going on. So is there a third term coming for thevileone? Is that's what is going on? January 23, 2013   bonehead boehner "commits" to balanced budget. "Commits"? boehner "commits"? Really? Is it really a "commitment" if bonehead boehner says it? Nope. Not in a long shot. January 23, 2013   thevileone's continued "Calculated Deception". That's a good way to put it, "Calculated Deception". It's all a calculation and it's all deception with thevileone. If he had the truth written on a piece of paper in front of him, he couldn't read it straight, he'd have to lie about it somewhere. He'd go off the paper and do something to try to make himself look better, more caring, more superior. thevileone: truth shall never touch his lying lips. January 23, 2013   McConnell's impression of thevileone's inaugural speech. More grandiosity from thevileone and more "look to and worship me" is how I think of it. No, I didn't watch it, but from what I did hear of it, he was telling America that HE is The Answer and The Provider! All Hail thevileone! He's going to be betrayed by one of those who know him. He's going to be outed by someone who knows. He shall be betrayed because he has done something they don't like. The truth will shock some, rock his supporters to their core, and then some of them will go right back to worshipping thevileone. It will be an amazing thing to watch the worship return. Question is, will it be enough? January 23, 2013   Netanyahu stays. I hope he stands strong for Israel. I hope he doesn't let thevileone dictate Israel's future to him. I hope he does what is best for Israel and not what thevileone wants him to do. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for Netanyahu's courage, strength and health. January 23, 2013   With thevileone's re-ACORNing, the Do[IN]J has support in their fight against Fast and Furious transparency. thevileone no more wants the truth to be known about Fast and Furious than he wants the truth known about Benghazi. Kill the Constitution is thevileone's second term goal. No surprise there, is it? January 23, 2013   I have to stop there, folks. The internet stopped responding to anything I clicked on. I don't know why, but that's what is happening. We'll see if I can do more later. Kinda' makes one go "Hmmmm..." January 19, 2013: 2:48 p.m.   The "Lie of the Year" turns out to be NOT A LIE. Liberals are always wrong, aren't they? Januray 19, 2013   Today is GUN APPRECIATION DAY! Have you hugged your gun lately? Have you bought bullets, a new gun, gone to the range and shot a few rounds, attended a gun show, or bought a gun accessory yet today? If not, you have until midnight. Time to get busy! Januray 19, 2013: 6:52 p.m.   Just checked PSJ History.com and the owner has been doing some great work over there! Good for Port St. John to have a lot of its history online and available. The TRUTH is important and between the two websites, you've got it! There is now at least some information behind every icon: PSJ Incorporation to Amy Tidd Exposed and the old PSJ Civic League to the now-defunct PSJ Home Owners' Association (horrible organization that it became). Check it out! January 19, 2013   "Peace and Tolerance" ends in "Death for All". So how far does "peace" go when it involves Muslims? I think we have our proof - again. January 19, 2013   dumborat, Ray Nagin, former Mayor of New Orleans, indicted on 21 federal counts. Typical dumborat. January 19, 2013   obamination's IRS is so very competent (sarcasm). "While law-abiding citizens get slammed with higher taxes, incarcerated criminals who prepare fraudulent returns are getting tens of millions of dollars from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the agency is doing little to stop the hemorrhaging."My question: Do they WANT to stop the hemorrhaging, or do they use it as a vote buying device so that the felons in prison will vote dumborat? January 19, 2013   obamination's job performance: Then there are the travel days for his campaign (245 "domestic trips,"), and to give some of those 699 teleprompter speeches, attend dinners at other venues outside of the Red House, traveling to foreign countries as prezidunce, and let us not forget those golf outings: 113 rounds of golf. Let's see that leaves about seven days for actually being prezidunce? Too bad one of those wasn't on the day our Benghazi facility was attacked. Don't you wish you had a job like that? All hail a second term. We can call him the 14 day prezidunce when he's finished. Unless, of course, he executive orders himself a third term. January 19, 2013   Sponsors for tomorrow's inaugural spent $160 MILLION lobbying obamination's admin. I tihnk that's a little greasing of the wheel, agree? January 19, 2013   CBS isn't biased, now is it? January 19, 2013   I don't trust this. Something's fishy. It stinks to high heaven and I think it should be looked into. Something's up and he's behind it; he and soros. January 19, 2013   This is not what Islam is supposed to do. It's totally against Shariah Law for a man to rape a MALE; females, sure, go for it. Boys? Not supposed to happen. Girls as young as newborn it's acceptable. Boys? Nope. Not supposed to touch them, nor a grown man. What was he thinking? He probably did his sin here so that he wasn't castrated over there. Let's see if his country tries to get him back via diplomatic channels. If so, he can face two possibilities: 1) Being considered a conqueror for hurting an "infidel" - no matter who the "infidel" was. Or 2) Castration or death for being homosexual. Which do you think Saudi Arabia will do: let him rot here, or bring him home and...? January 19, 2013   Teachable moment: January 19, 2013   Don't put your faith in man. Put your faith in GOD because He won't lie to you. He won't cheat. He won't steal from you. He won't deceive you. Mankind does. GOD does not. Put your faith in GOD, not man. January 19, 2013   Ouch. This makes me smile so big it hurts. Unions lost! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! See me smile! January 19, 2013   Danny Glover is really quite ignorant. If he'd done any reading at all (say, The Federalist Papers, for instance) he would realize that it was protecting the citizens from an out of control government, not slavery that brought about the 2nd Amendment. But the TRUTH doesn't fit the liberal/progressive/gun-grabbing agenda. He won't tell the TRUTH about the 2nd Amendment because it would tell the people that the government's direction is what the Founding Fathers were concerned about, not slavery. So, I'll credit him with ignorance (being ignorant [uninformed] of the truth) instead of just calling him flat out STUPID, as is the other strong possibility. January 19, 2013   bonehead boehner talks tough: the whole world laughs out loud. January 19, 2013   CA asked for it and got it: "Brown's revised budget reflects a steadily worsening fiscal picture for California. On Saturday, he announced via YouTube that the state's deficit had grown to $16 billion, nearly twice what he projected when he released his initial budget proposal in January."When you elect a liberal/progressive/liar, you get what he promised you: well, the opposite, actually. Remind you of obamination, perhaps? January 19, 2013   LOL! These people vote. That's scary. January 19, 2013   It's a red letter day! I actually agree with an atheist! I agree that obamination should NOT be sworn in on the Bible (or two Bibles as he allegedly plans to do). I agree for the following reasons:
January 19, 2013   Ahhh... compassionate liberalism. Gotta' love it when they say they care, but stop feeding the homeless for some insane reasoning. I say "reasoning" because their "reason" is lame: "David Takami with the Seattle Human Services Department said the city does not allow groups of people to feed the homeless outdoors without approval.See? "It's a little chaotic and it can lead to wasted food." Lame. Totally lame. January 19, 2013   Republican Illinois Comptroller with "transparency website refuses to be transparent! Sounds more like a RINO than what should be a true Republican. They're everywhere, aren't RINOs? When are Republicans going to stand up and take back their party from these make-believers who are ruining the party? Hm? When? January 19, 2013   dumborats are no more transparent than that Comptroller. They fight telling the truth and releasing information that we have the right to have, too. With this admin, it's an everyday event. January 19, 2013   Another dumborat does something dumb. I'm quite surprised it wasn't Alan Grayson! Shocked me. January 19, 2013   Tell the TRUTH about enviornmental issues and science? GET FIRED. That is what the obamination admin is doing to truthful scientists. They FIRE THEM for telling the truth -- even telling the truth to their superiors, not the general public. Truth? What truth? Speak the truth? Enhhh. Not allowed. That's bad in this admin. You're outta' there! January 19, 2013   Well, that's all for today. I'm going to go find something for GUN APPRECIATION DAY. Why don't you do so as well? Until next time, See ya'! January 18, 2013: 12:30 p.m.   obamination admin moves to stop JW from getting Fast & Furious truth. obamination is hiding the truth because if the full truth was known even dumborats would want to impeach him instead of just those of us who love the United States of America, all she stands for, how she was founded and our United States Constitution. Don't you find it the least bit hypocritical that obamination arranged to get "assault rifles" to DRUG CARTELS IN MEXICO who then used those "assault rifles" to kill over 300 people (including Brian Terry one of our Border Patrol Agents), but he refuses to support OUR Second Amendment RIGHT? Hypocrisy is his middle name! January 18, 2013   Why is obamination sending so much of YOUR money south of the border? Now it's $93 THOUSAND for composting in Tijuana? Really? Is that what you pay your taxes for? REBEL, America! Refuse to pay your taxes if that (and Fast & Furious-type programs) are what it's going to be wasted on! Make obamination give up the truth. Make obamination come after 90% of America to get their taxes. Hold him accountable via your wallet. January 18, 2013   TSA says "nude scanners" won't be used. Victory or something worse in the works? Don't wave the "We Won!" flag yet. I like that they are outta' here (since I'll be traveling in a few days) but that always means something worse is down the pike with this admin. Be vigilant. Stay informed. January 18, 2013   bonehead boehner - oh he of the lack of spine - "tepid" in response to obamination's gun grabbing, rights trampling agenda. Shock. Surprise. January 18, 2013   Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): obamination "high on his power". Well, we all know obamination likes to "take a tote" now and then. Apparently he smokes more than weed. Or, he just gets high a lot on whatever is available. Wonderful. 2013: America swears in an addict prezidunce. January 18, 2013   I like this reaction. You know, I quit the NRA because they refused to stand for something I thought they should have stood for a few years ago. It was right after I had renewed my membership for a two year stint (naturally). The way they're handling obamination's attack on our 2nd Amendment Rights, I admit, I like. They're not backing down and they're hitting back hard. Too bad they did not take the same stand two years ago when it would have made things easier to fight this. Hind sight is 20/20 and the NRA should be realizing now that I was right. If they keep this sort of fiestiness up, I may consider re-joining. January 18, 2013   obamination's revolution is just starting - with difficulties.
Some think he'll declare himself a January 18, 2013   100 of 132 hostages escaped. One the seven Americans was killed. Until the rest are freed, keep them in your prayers. January 18, 2013   Michelle Malkin loves America, unlike some anti-American Asians. Those who don't like America? Who cares? Just don't let them into our country to do anything: visit Disneyland, sing in concerts, or whatever. Don't let them in. If you hate America, why visit it anyways? Also, don't let them do business here. Hate America, hate American money, too. That's the way I'd do it. January 18, 2013   obamination's "Jobs Council" hits 1 year w/o meeting mark. Tells you how much he cares about you being unemployed, doesn't it? After all, he's the one who calls the meetings. It's not as if he's been too busy, since he has golfed in the last year, has he not? January 18, 2013   How many of you want the bad guys to know whether you own a gun? The bad guys knowing whether you own a gun allows them to target you as easy prey if you do NOT own a gun (after all, if they bring a gun and you have a baseball bat, then it's not a fair fight is it?). Or, if you do own a gun, then they can target you as a place to rob while you're not home in order to get your guns. So, what's it going to be? You keeping your right to privacy and not having your status known all over the place, thus maintaining a modicum of surprise or security in the unknown? Or the bad guys having the foreknowledge of how to attack you and your possessions? My advice, get a good security system including security cameras around your house, and make sure you have a good relationship with your neighbors so that they will keep an eye on your house for you. A good gun safe helps, too, or just shooting straight. (*wink*) January 18, 2013   Must go for a while. Hubby called and we must run an unexpected errand. May do more later. We'll see. Until then, See ya'! January 17, 2013: 11:10 a.m.   Did obamination help illegal sex offender stay in U.S.A.? Wouldn't surprise me at all. January 17, 2013   Graffiti is usually considered bad, correct? Well, that is, unless it's politically correct graffiti, then it's all okay and your TAXPAYER DOLLARS are going to be spent to preserve it. Government waste, anyone? January 17, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" at it again abducting hostages (seven Americans) and while this is happening, obamination tries to take away Americans' ability to defend ourselves. Does that make any sense to you? He does NOTHING when Americans are taken hostage except for taking away our gun rights. Can you imagine a Muslim extremist taking hostages in America but Americans not being able to stand up for themselves? Is that what it's going to be here? January 17, 2013   As usual, dumborats are pushing for more government. Considering how much of our taxpayer dollars have been wasted in the last four years thanks to dumborats, don't you think it's time to tell them, "NO! We won't let you do that to us anymore!"? I think it's time. Recall them all. January 17, 2013   FBI Director finally in Benghazi to "investigate" Ambassador's death. It "only" took 129 days for them to consider it important enough and if there was - past tense - any evidence, or information there that could have proven useful to us, it's gone now. The place was left open to the elements and the "peace and tolerance" folks. Sounds like the only thing they're doing is looking to see if there's anything left to hide. January 17, 2013   Yesterday was "National Religious Freedom Day" and, as usual, obamination demonstrated his hypocrisy in his proclamation for it. If he believed his own words, he wouldn't be fighting those who are trying to stand up for their religious freedoms against his obacaretax proclamations that they must fund abortions, no matter their personal beliefs. January 17, 2013   Will Jones get the ATF back on track or has obamination chosen someone who will follow his orders blindly as do most of his other appointees? Blind loyalty will be a bad thing and will lead to other Fast & Furious-type situations created by obamination. Is that what you want? January 17, 2013   Tax info that will come in handy locally as well as nationwide. January 17, 2013   Inauguration Day: EGO ON PARADE. I won't be watching obamination be sworn in again. It's not as if he honored his oath of office the first time so why should we bother swearing him in a second time? Considering the portapotty situation, it seems others are agreeing with me. When people sell their tickets, that tells you something, too, yes? January 17, 2013   Why should Scott change FL gun laws? Just because obamination neither understands nor abides by the U.S. Constitution that doesn't mean that Gov. Scott should follow suit. One "leader" breaking the law is bad enough! Shouldn't we stop at that? January 17, 2013   If obamination were actually obeying the law, why redact the facts? The truth doesn't need to be hidden if you're obeying the law. If you're breaking the law, though, you are sure to want to hide it. obamination hides a lot from us, doesn't he? Birth certificate, passport, why he's using someone else's Social Security Number? January 17, 2013   Paul's intentions are good, but dumborats will NEVER allow it to pass. Fact: dumborats don't care about the Constitution. All they care about is getting what they want and destroying America while making us slaves. January 17, 2013   Election law blocks private funding for special election for school taxes. The law is the law. A special election must be publicly funded; as in YOU and I PAY FOR IT. So we'll wind up paying for the special election (although we can't afford to do so, we'll wind up doing it) and the Teachers' Union will put on a lot of shows (rallies, etc.), get the kids to cry for us and write letters ot the editor for them, put out a lot of publicity about it and try to get us to fund them even more. Isn't that special? IMHO, the school system should realize that they're not special and they have a budget to live within, too. If teachers can't live on their pay, consider another line of work or learn to do so. After all, "learning to do so" is teaching, is it not? "The state ruling is a setback for parents, teachers and others seeking to put a referendum on the ballot this year providing for a quarter-cent sales tax and an extension of a special property tax set to expire in June. The estimated $24 million that could be raised from those taxes would help the district avoid closing four schools, a 400-person staff reduction and program cutbacks."I'm tired of paying higher taxes instead of tightening the belt. We can't just go along raising taxes any time anyone whines. Learn to live within the means available, not just go put your hand out! It's time for a huge reality check and this should be it! January 17, 2013   Dictators and tyrants use kids as props, just like obamination does daily. I wonder if that's purely a coincidence...? January 17, 2013   Islam has a problem. It's a problem created by following the dictates of their own religion and it means the destruction of their religion as they know it. But will they stop doing this and fix the problem? No. It's already too late and they're doomed. The "peace and tolerance" line may actually come true; although not of their religion's teachings, but of no other choice. NOTE: The article's author's biography is here. (NOTE: Nicolai Sennels did the research and wrote more articles.) January 17, 2013   This is SCARY! Grandmas spying on their neighbors and putting the info into a dumborat database?!
It's happening, folks. It's real. Did you see this reported in the mainstream media? Is this happening in your neighborhood? Is this what the
dumborat grannies in Brevard County are doing; spying on you? Is this what you want, Big Brother in the form of your neighborhood grandma? Really?
Thank the dumborat party for this and then ask them why they want that information? What will they do with that info? Whose hands will it get into and
for what end? Big January 17, 2013   On that note, I'll leave you for now. See any grannies driving around your neighborhood? DUCK! Until next time, See ya'! January 16, 2013: 11:26 a.m.   Won't be doing many update blurbs this morning because I have to go to the dentist in a little while, but I will do some, so I'll get started with the fact that citizens have filed articles of impeachment against obamination. Not that it will do a lick of good, but it's still nice that someone has the courage to do what our House "leadership" (read kiss-ahems) don't have the spine to do. If anyone in the FBI, Secret Service, etc., who could get close enough to him had America's interests at heart, and realized that they owe their allegiance to America and swore their oath to America and NOT TO THE PREZIDUNCE would do a citizen's arrest on him and take him into custody for breaking his oath of office (several times over), for being a TRAITOR and sending our enemy weapons to use against us, and for being a liar and deceiver, than America would reap the benefits. He needs to be out of there before he's sworn back in again and gets to make four more years of destroying us his glorious grand accomplishment. He really is an evil thing. January 16, 2013   Atlas Shrugs receives bully letter from Hamas-CAIR. Trying to stifle the First Amendment, Free Speech rights, is part of the "peace and tolerance" bunch's modus operandi. Pamela Geller is not one to sit down and shut up, though, and they tackled the wrong person on this one. Stand strong, Pamela Geller. We're with you! January 16, 2013   Gun shows from Vegas to Richmond, VA are packed with people buying guns. Gun stores have empty shelves, and are doing a lot of business. obamination has been the best thing to happen to gun sellers/manufacturers in a very long time. Thanks, obamination. January 16, 2013   The list of "Executive Orders" that obamination wants to break the law with (it's all against the U.S. Constitution, our foundational laws) is growing. Now it's twenty-three E.O.s (as far as we know, and counting). Notice how many of them tie doctors into gun control? Notice that 7 of the 23 (1/3 of them) have "health care" as the enforcement arm? Is that what your doctor signed up for, or is that why you go to a doctor, so that he/she can talk to you about guns? Or is it to have your doctor prescribe meds for your flu, allergies, etc.? Doctors are supposed to ask about having guns in your home. If you doctor asks you, look him/her in the eye and tell them it's none of their business, move on. If they persist, tell them you have the right to exercise your choice in health care and you're going to find a different doctor. Do NOT answer the question. All of this is going to cost us $45 BILLION if we have to implement all of the things obamination wants to do. Is this what you want? No more freedom? No more 2nd Amendment right? obamination taking away everything you think is important? January 16, 2013   Because of obacaretax, one hospital will no longer deliver babies. Why? Babies aren't born with guns in their hands, so the doctors won't have to worry about asking the baby about guns in the home. Oh! That's right. obacaretax is driving doctors out of business and increasing costs for hospitals and doctors. That's right. January 16, 2013   What a presumptuous, pompous, superior little twerp. obamination has an ego bigger than the universe! He knows all, is all, understands all, CONTROLS ALL -- at least in his own mind. Israel should send obamination a message that goes something like this: "Thththththththththththththththththththththth! Sit on it."Not that he's got the brain cells to understand it, but it's still fun! January 16, 2013   Humanity is no longer human. Our children are not being taught that life is precious. They've become more like animals than caring, nurturing humans. Joining a gang is just part of the problem. The rest of it is that we don't teach children the value of human life. Moms abort brothers and sisters at an astonishing rate and the surviving children see that. They see their aunts abort their cousins, their neighbors abort the children they would have grown up with and they learn that life is expendable, cheap, easy to stop. It doesn't matter because abortion is the answer and murder is just a late abortion, and obamination's advisors want to abort babies up to two-years-old! That's not just wrong, that's crazy! But it's the way progressives/liberals/leftists think: life is cheap and it doesn't matter what you do to kill someone as long as you vote dumborat. January 16, 2013   The cost of obamination's regulations so far: $518 BILLION. Can you afford four more years? January 16, 2013   I'm sorry, but I must stop now so that I can get ready for my dental appointment. Until later or next time, See ya'! January 15, 2013   So will our local atheist show her support of Rep. Governor, Rick Scott, too? Just asking. If she so desires, tomorrow's her perfect opportunity to show her support! January 15, 2013: 6:52 p.m.   Meanwhile, back in Britain, one victory for Christianity and two losses is the rule. One step forward for religious freedom, two steps back. I've always thought England was a backwards country. January 15, 2013   Scientoloty ad scrubbed. Wonder why. Scientology is a strange organization. They think our bodies are inhabited by alien beings and that we have to get them "cleared" via being hooked up to machines available only at Scientology "temples" and telling the Scientologists our hopes, fears, dreams and deepest, darkest secrets. No worries about all that info being used to control people later. That's never going to happen, no. Scientologists are all so very honest, upright and special people that no one in Scientology has ever done anything wrong. Tell me that and I've got an iceberg in Puerto Rico to sell you. Scientology is a dangerous cult, folks. Stay as far away from it as the earth is from the sun. That's the only way to stay safe from it. January 15, 2013   The scotUS has already ruled on a lot of the 19 Executive Orders King obamination wants to enact. And they've all been struck down. What does that tell you? It tells you that obamination has either taken on the role of dictator and tyrant, he is disregarding existing law and that he thinks he can get away with it. Whether he can get away with it or not is UP TO US, isn't it? If we allow it, put up with it, tolerate it, then, yes, he will get away with it. If he doesn't have opposition from EVERY PERSON WHO OWNS A GUN, WANTS A GUN, WANTS TO SOME DAY OWN A GUN, KEEP THE RIGHT TO OWN A GUN, RESPECTS AND BELIEVES IN THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, then he has gotten away with it. He ignores the House and Senate. He walks all over them because no Republican has spine enough to stand up to him publicly. So it's UP TO US. What will you stand for? Will you stand for your 2nd Amendment rights being taken away, or will you stand for FREEDOM? You decide. You act. You lose your freedom, or you maintain it. It's up to YOU. January 15, 2013   Comm. anderson grabs new job opportunity but remains Commissioner. I bet that's nice for him. He's got some contacts that will come in handy, yes? Meantime, he's asking how Brevard tourism agency is spending our money. Which I appreciate. I don't want our taxpayer dollars squandered. However, I also wonder if the housing market benefits from tourism? Just asking, folks. Just asking. January 15, 2013   FL State Senate panel nixes drones spying on us. So far, so good. Let's keep that trend going! January 15, 2013   Again, that's it for now. Maybe I'll update again later, but maybe not. Depends on if I get started on another project. I've got some needlework I could do that is tempting me. Until next time, See ya'! January 15, 2013: 12:56 p.m.   He's coming after your guns and ammo. obamination is trying to make us helpless against his private army. Remember obamination youth? Yeah. Remember that. Then think of how brainwashed they're going to be. How much they'll follow their leader where ever he leads them, do whatever he tells them, face whatever he tells them to face. If he issues guns, they'll shoot whoever he tells them to shoot. That's why he gets them young and indoctrinates them early. He's already worshipped. And he's trying to prevent you from standing up to his plans. Is that what you want? January 15, 2013   Of course, he'll use the "for the children" crap to sell this lawlessness. He'll have a fight on his hands, but he'll still try to be king. He'll do what he can to FORCE us into his will. To DICTATE to us what we can and cannot have, do, think, feel, say... Of course he has his helpers in the hypocritical msm. And the dumborats are helping him do just that. Is that what you want? January 15, 2013   Never mind what the truth is, obamination wants us UNARMED. Ask yourself "Why?" January 15, 2013   Hamsters in the U.S. gov are at it again. When will hamsters learn to tell the truth? January 15, 2013   Wasting more taxpayer dollars is what obamination excells at. But without a budget, how would he know he's wasting money? Maybe no budget is an "on purpose" thing? January 15, 2013   G.O.P. threatening impeachment if obamination goes for our guns. I think that's a bunch of hooey. bonehead boehner has NO SPINE and he may talk about it, but take action? Not in a million years without borrowing a spine. He's as yellow as a canary. January 15, 2013   This is why you don't look up to man, but put your faith in GOD alone. January 15, 2013   You like this chart? You must be on welfare. January 15, 2013   Move to Texas, anyone? Your gun rights would be protected. Until, that is, Texas is taken over by progressives and they lose their rights, too. That's why we MUST stand up where we are and make the WHOLE CONSTITUTION apply to ALL OF US, not just Texas. Are you standing? Are you involved? Are you writing to your Representatives, Senators, the prezidunce? If not, get busy! And if that doesn't work, stand where you are and be ready. Who thinks the dumborats understand the U.S. Constitution? Apparently, the Mayor of NYC either misunderstands it, or just ignores it as he takes away more gun rights from NYC U.S. citizens. This is AMERICA, we have a CONSTITUTION that is supposed to GUARANTEE OUR RIGHTS. When a prezidunce tries to usurp the CONSTITUTION and replace it with his own rules -- illegal as they are -- that tells you that he is NOT keeping his oath of office to "uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic"; he's tearing the Constitution up, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it gleefully. Opportunity knocks and they'll never let a good crisis go to waste. This is his pride and joy; trying to take away your gun rights. If he can accomplish that, he will be a happy dictator for as long as he lives. Is that what you want? Chavez obamination? January 15, 2013   If obamination's EPA head is doing it, how many others in his admin are? How many of them are hiding the truth of their agenda from us via using other names in e-mails, and other methods we do not yet know about? Remember: if they have to hide it from us, it can't be GOOD for us. They're scheming behind our backs and not letting us see their doings, so they must be doing something we won't like. Is that what you want? January 15, 2013   If Assad is living on a warship, does that bode well? Not only that he's living there and is closer to the war machines, but also because that could mean that his nuclear companies are not as safe as they want the world to think. He may be escaping radiation on that warship and allowing his people to be exposed to it while he's safe. He's that kind of guy. January 15, 2013   Riiiiigggghhhhhhtttt.... "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office said Monday he was never involved in a deal to have a Utah businessman pay the senator to make a federal investigation disappear.You know, I kinda' believe the businessman. reid just seems that slimy. Don't trust him past what I could spit on him - in a desert... without water... for a week. January 15, 2013   Classy. (Sarcasm.) January 15, 2013   obamination sets the standards for how his admin works and apparently a registered illegal sex offender helping get a dumborat Senator re-elected is more important than the safety of the community the illegal sex offender was working and living in. To make matters worse: "arrested at his home in New Jersey on Dec. 6 and has since been released and is facing deportation."Isn't that special? January 15, 2013   Hahahahahahahahahaha! I LOVE THIS! January 15, 2013   If UNIONS are so wonderful, why won't they let non-union workers help with Hurricane Sandy clean-up. Good organizaitons just help and let others pitch in, no matter what their union status is. But unions? Nope. They get protection from the government because they have influence and lobbyists who have big bucks to throw around. I suppose it's okay because unions are dumborat helpers and we all know dumborats have no rules that they have to live by; not even the Constitution, or the idea of helping people because it's the right thing to do. Hurricane Sandy devastated areas are just going to have to deal with it while the unions get their eight (or more) hours and their union pay and union breaks, etc. Your comfort, the health of your family (all that trash piled up draws rats and other creepy-crawlies as well as keeps moisture and molds in the area) must wait for the unions. Oh, well. The union is more important than your asthma, your newborn, or your grandma. Remember that, will you? January 15, 2013   Shariah Law bites back. LOL! He wanted it, he got it, now he has to live by it, too. Live by the sword, die by the sword. January 15, 2013   WONDERFUL! TRULY WONDERFUL! I LOVE THIS!!!! January 15, 2013   And on that fun note, I shall stop for now. As usual, if something tickles my fancy later, I'll update with that. Until my next update, See ya'! January 14, 2013: 12:47 p.m.   Former Michele Bachmann aide making false allegations. Other campaign staffers refuting what the guy is saying. Sounds to me like there is a sour grape at work. January 14, 2013   Oh, No He Does NOT! obamination has ABSOTLUTELY NO EXECUTIVE POWER OVER GUNS. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say that he has any power over guns whatsoever. In fact, guns are mentioned only ONCE in the U.S. Constitution: the Second Amendment and in the 2nd Amendment, the prezidunce is NOT mentioned. So why in the U.S. Constitution does he lie about seeing any sort of power over our gun rights? Figure it out. Wake up! January 14, 2013   "Peace and tolerance" plans attacks on France. I think that the "peace and tolerance" folks need to stop their version of "peace and tolerance" and look the definitions of those words up and start practicing what those words actually mean. January 14, 2013   Shock. Surprise. obamination is breaking the law again. Yawn. January 14, 2013   Seriously? SeriouslY? What a crock. January 14, 2013   Farm subsidies extended in fiscal cliff deal. So farmers get more money while you lose more money? Is that what you wanted? January 14, 2013   obamination going for the big bucks this inauguration. Money talks -- loudly. January 14, 2013   Sorry, folks. Computer's acting up again. Must try to work on that before I can do more updates. My sincere apologies. Until I can get this thing doing something right, See ya'! January 12, 2013: 10:40 a.m.   Sanitizinng obamination's passport records results in being CIA Chief?
Could be. Could be. January 12, 2013   obamination chooses to waste $500 MILLION taxpayer dollars. Another day, another Czar: "...hiring the government’s first 'Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity' to mastermind a multi-million-dollar effort that boosts the number of minorities in biomedical research and slashes discrimination in the federal grant process."Amazing. Absolutely wasteful and absolutely obamination. January 12, 2013   Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is destroying our thinking abilities. CCSS is bad for your children. You should all be against its implementation in Brevard County, and throughout the state and country. It's nothing more than dumbing people down so much that they won't recognize when the government is destroying liberty. It's also brainwashing them to think like a progressive. Isn't that just what obamination and his ilk want? They want you stupid enough to let them destroy America? Put it into the schools and teach the children to not think and they won't have to worry about resistance. Won't that be good for their futures? January 12, 2013   Your paycheck a little smaller this time? Say, "Thanks, dumborats!" January 12, 2013   Shock. Surprise. Another msm idiot gets away with breaking the law. You know, a lot of people complain about the "big corporations" but forget to complain about the "famous" people who get away with murder (Simpson, perhaps?). January 12, 2013   OH school board decides to arm its teachers. That's going to be undone by obamination as soon as possible. He'll take guns away from the law-abiding so that only the lawless will have guns and all of America will look Chicagoland. Isn't that what he wants? Another way to destroy America. January 12, 2013   Paul Ryan to Keynote CPAC? Why? He has been moderating his messages since the election defeat and he's trying to be more "middle of the road" (I'm sure it's because some idiot Republican political advisor is in his ear), so why have him at CPAC? It's supposed to be CONSERVATIVE, not moderate. Not changing to "fit the times". Not wet the finger and stick it in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. CONSERVATIVE. So where is the Keynote CONSERVATIVE speaker? CPAC seems to be moderating as well, so why would any True Conservatives bother going? If they don't support and stand for the issues that I support, I don't support them, no matter what their title, past, nor who they supposedly are. Period. January 12, 2013   Abortion limitations has growing support. The tide is turning. The truth about abortion is getting taught and now the truth is saving lives. Excellent! January 12, 2013   Sen. Majority Leader, harry reid, could be in big trouble. Maybe he'll quit if this is true. Maybe he's got enough conscience to make him do that. ................ Right. January 12, 2013   I'm not alone in my irritation at what obamination and his ilk are doing. Others are also irritated. So why aren't the Republicans standing up and doing what's right? Why? Because their leadership is stopping them. I say, "Fire bonehead boehner TODAY." But what do I know? Januray 12, 2013   I'd rather blow up the whole thing than to see obamination's face up there. January 12, 2013   Another reason obamination is a lousy leader. Or maybe that IS his leadership showing. Which do you think? January 12, 2013   Stupid is as stupid does. What happens if there are two assailants? DUH! January 12, 2013   Well, I've got company coming over so I have to go do other things. Until Monday (since I don't do updates on Sundays), See ya'! January 11, 2012: 11:53 a.m.   A few days ago I told you about the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) in FL and gave links to the truth about the CCSS. That same day I sent the following e-mail to the FL Dept. of Education and to the Brevard County Board of Education: "Sir/Madam,Today, I received the following response from the State: "From: "Parker, Lakeesha"So I sent this in response: "Ms Parker,Aaaaahhhh... public schools. January 11, 2013   Kidnapping? Nah. That's not enough to have an illegal deported. obamination's Amerika. Welcome to it. January 11, 2013   obamination's whole second term thing is going to be a travesty. Swearing in on two Bibles: one of them Martin Luther King's. Then he's delivering the State of the Union Address on Lincoln's birthday? What a crock. How much you wanna' bet someone says it's "more historic" because of the coincidence of the dates? January 11, 2013   bumbling biden: "gun control like air bags"? If a TRUE fact about gun control kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch at the same time he still wouldn't recognize it for the truth it was. He's such a moron. This administration is a true kakistocracy. Any time you have completely immoral idiots in control, that's a true kakistocracy. He has others who join him in his stupidity. No, they're never alone. They come in bundles. Usually as "Blue Light Specials". January 11, 2013   There are some who will stand against this anti-Second Amendment push. Myself included. I bet this grandma would join us! January 11, 2013   Republicans broke their own competitive bidding rules. They're more and more and more like dumborats aren't they? Glad I haven't been a Republican in over four years. Yep. Glad I left that growing mess. January 11, 2013   CA's in dangerous territory; unless the illegals take it over and populate it for Mexico. You know, there are alternatives. We can just hand them California. January 11, 2013   Government controlled health care: OUCH! January 11, 2013   obamination's hypocrisy is showing again. Shock. Surprise. January 11, 2013   Do your kids need braces: obacaretax is increasing the price of them. Aww... And you thought they'd be free under obacaretax? How WRONG you were. Did you vote for him? Too, too bad. January 11, 2013   Hick... booze... welfare... hick. January 11, 2013   Abortion kills more girls than boys. Gendercide. If the N.O.W. really wanted to support women, they'd stop abortion altogether because there are more girl babies aborted than boy babies. In America this is happening, too. It's not just China and other foreign countries. But it's not about women. It's about power and control and dumborat votes. January 11, 2013   Rockefeller decides to stand down
and not seek re-election. Aww. Too January 11, 2013   I LOVE THIS! This is one smart Sheriff! Teach children at an early age how to handle a gun, how dangerous it is (that part MUST be part of the training) and how to decide if it's a situation when they really should get a gun and use it. Make their parents part of the process, and be sure to teach the children right and wrong concerning guns and teach them that it's not okay to use a gun when you're angry, but only when you must protect yourself or someone else. That's the right thing to do. That's the way I did it, just without the Sheriff. Another part of it is to not punish kids who warn about kids who seem dangerous. January 11, 2013   This guy was mentioned last year as a possible pedophile. Now he's dead and he can't be prosecuted. His victims will have to live with what he did to them. While he was alive, he was protected. What about the victims? Where was their protection? This whole story makes me sick. January 11, 2013   No doubt about it: "stimulus" will cause inflation. None of the others helped the economy, why would this one be any different? BTW, remember the definition of "crazy" is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result. Yeah. That's what this administration is doing; expecting a different result from the failures they've already tried. That's not just the definition of crazy, it's also the definition of "DUH!" January 11, 2013   What is an "assault rifle"? Definition vary. Who is to say which is correct? January 11, 2013   Well, that's where I'll stop for now. I have an art project I want to spend some time on today, and I have a bit more work to get my office finished. I have to bring in one of my collections and arrange it. So until next update, See ya'! January 10, 2013: 11:19 a.m.   Thought for a little while my computer was going KABLEWIE again today. I started it up and it said that it had to do "Start-up Repair". It did this two or three times right before it made me reformat the hard drive to get it restored. Back-up time! Yeah. Not happy with this DELL LEMON! I used to love Dell computers. This Dell computer has changed all of that. So keep an eye on this site and if I miss a week or two, you'll know exactly why. Can anyone say it with me? "Aaaarrrrrggghhhh!" January 10, 2013   The "sins of the father" trying to be corrected by the son? January 10, 2013   Own guns? Want to keep them? Stand STRONG. Remember, the U.S. Constitution GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (guns, not your biceps). Do not give in. Do not give them up. Do NOT go along with it. WE THE PEOPLE are the government; not those who are SUPPOSED TO BE representing us in D.C. (including this idiot, commie prezidunce). DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR GUNS. January 10, 2013   Release a terrorist? obamination will do that. It's ridiculous, but it's what obamination will do. January 10, 2013   LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! Maybe by Playboy... Those who made the decision. I don't think I trust them. January 10, 2013   obamination's Amerika: jobless numbers up. Is that what you voted for? My neighbor, who voted for obamination - at least the first time - is now unemployed. She hasn't worked for about seven months. She went through Christmas and the birth of a granddaughter without a job. She's being smart and using this time to go to school for a new career, but I bet she didn't expect this when she went against my advice and reminder (right before she voted) and filled in the circle for "the first black president". Voting for a black man is such a big deal? I've done it multiple times (Alan Keyes got my vote twice; others also). Why could she not have voted for him? He was on the ballot, too. But, no. It had to be the communist, the guy with the biggest freebie promises. When will people learn? January 10, 2013   obacaretax costing more people their hours and/or jobs. People are not being hired because of obacaretax and they're getting their hours cut because of it. So where is the good in obacaretax? Don't forget that it will also cost you more; it's not free. It's a TAX and a government-mandated purchase. So not only do you have to be part of it, but you are also TAXED to pay for everyone else's treatment as well as your own. Isn't that wonnerful!? (Sarcasm.) January 10, 2013   Unions. Strikes hurt the members, but not the bosses. Too bad union members forget that. They do without, but the bosses are still living high on the hog. Their Mercedes are not repossessed, but your Chevy may well be. Is that what you go out on strike for: to let the union bosses have it easy while you do without? Think about it before you go on strike. Let them do without, not YOU. January 10, 2013   Rhetorical question? Totally unconstitutional. That doesn't seem to matter to them. Meanwhile, the NRA is reaping the benefits of obamination's anti-Second Amendment push. January 10, 2013   algore's former employees not sold on Al Jazeera. But they were sold TO Al Jazeera. January 10, 2013   Aaaahhhh.... Public school. Twice. January 10, 2013   I've told people for over twenty years to stay away from diet sodas or anything else with NutraSweet® in it. NutraSweet® is bad stuff, IMHO, and no one should ingest it. January 10, 2013   $1 TRILLION coin? What a crock. January 10, 2013   What is China up to? And why is it "Google Earth" that is making it possible for us to find these things? I thought we had intel and spy satellites that we paid good money for. What's up with that? January 10, 2013   Real I.D. flop only losing $250 MILLION so far. That's "losing" as in gone. As in taxpayer dollars wasted. As in you lose - again! Where do you think obamination sent that money? To his offshore account or to a money laundering "green" company to have it donated back to his still-extant RE-ELECTION campaign? He cannot legally be elected for a third term. That's against the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. So why is he still collecting donations for his "re-election" campaign? January 10, 2013   Why is America now 10th on the "Economic Freedom Index": behind Singapore and Chile? Thanks, obamination! (Sarcasm.) January 10, 2013   Government spending up, UP, UP! The government gets its money via taxes and fees. Every dime it spends comes from US. Aren't you glad they're trying to "give" so much of YOUR money away? Communism, anyone? January 10, 2013   I've checked the PSJ History website recently and the owner has more graphics done and a few more pages up, but it looks like life got busy and more work is still to come. If you want to see a lot of the history of PSj, the incorporation effort, the PSJ HOA"s past, etc., you can go there and read to your heart's content - with more to come, apparently. Check it out. Until tomorrow (if my computer cooperates), See ya'! January 9. 2013: 7:15 p.m.   Sorry about the late posting today. I got up and got going and didn't stop until about twenty minutes ago. It's been a full day and now I get to update. Ready? January 9, 2013   $80.4 BILLION -- BILLION! That's how much it cost to pay all the food stamp costs last year. That includes your money spent on helping illegal aliens; and it's ridiculous. Add to that now IL now gives illegal aliens drivers. That makes Washington state, New Mexico and Illinois that are now giving illegal aliens drivers' licenses. When will WE start standing up for OUR rights and for what IS RIGHT and prevent this nonsense? January 9, 2013   obamination wants to bypass the U.S. Constitution to "Executive Order" your 2nd Amendment rights away. Would you go along with that? I would not. Apparently, billyboyclintoon would help him do that. Rights? Constitution? Those don't count! They don't matter! Let's outlaw those! Have a spine? Get what you can before they're gone. Then stand up for what you have the right to own and shoot! Have a spine! January 9, 2013   dumborats want to raise taxes even higher. Did I tell you? dumborats ALWAYS want higher taxes -- especially on YOU but not them. Be careful. They'll do their best to make your life miserable. Know a dumborat? Thank them for your coming financial difficulties. Lose your home? Thank a dumborat. Or look in the mirror and thank yourself for voting for them, being a member of the party and supporting them in their election bids. You asked for it, you got it. Now don't complain when you're broke. January 9, 2013   TX cuts spending and things are better there. So why can't the Feds do it that way and we'll all be better off? Why? Because obamination refuses to do the right thing. He refuses to help America when he can hurt her. His goal is to destroy us, not to make things better. Proof is in the pudding. The pudding is not just soured, it's curdled. January 9, 2013   Dr. Walter Willliams writes another brilliant column. "Dishonest Educators" will make some complain and cry out loud. Boo. Hoo. January 9, 2013   Lew? BAD, BAD IDEA! But obamination will do it if it will help him destroy America. He'll do all he can to accomplish that goal. January 9, 2013   Teachers' union head: Kill the rich. Unions are so lovely. Teachers in public schools? Yeah. Just as lovely, some of them. January 9, 2013   Do antioxidants CAUSE cancer? Is it better to investigate than to keep taking something that could be bad for you? January 9, 2013   eric holder to remain as A.G. (Sarcasm:) Oh, wonderful. (Sarcasm.) January 9, 2013   Young adults are a "generation of deluded narcissists". So tell me something I don't know. Ever seen some of these young people who think they're all that (Paris Hilton, Snooky [Really? "Snooky"?], Lindsay Lohan, etc., anyone?) Our young girls are, unfortunately, emulating them and our young men are just as bad. They think that just because they ARE, they ARE all that. Why? Because they've not been taught how to tell right from wrong, accomplishment from laziness, success from failure. As long as they're breathing, it's a great thing they are doing. It's time to congratulate them for their accomplishment. January 9, 2013   The Benghazi cover-up continues and will continue until dumborats decide that there is such a thing as right and wrong and that they need to start doing right. So I see that means that it is never going to stop being covered up. January 9, 2013   They're trying to take away our words again. Shock. Surprise. January 9, 2013   The LIE: Fracking is bad for the environment. The TRUTH: Fracking DOES NOT harm the environment. Will enviro-whackos tell you the truth about that? Nope. But you get it here. January 9, 2013   I don't know who slipped it in there, nor how it got through without the public noticing it, but obamination's plan to register guns is BANNED in his obacaretax plan that the scotus upheld. There was at least one good thing that came from it. Silver linings, or will obamination break his own law and still consider himself a wonderful person? My guess: the latter. January 9, 2013   Man/Man and Female/Female weddings now at the National Cathedral. When will it be man/goat? January 9, 2013   Well I'm going to stop there. I'm trying to get ahold of my Mom and talk to her and I can't type and talk at the same time. Can you? Until the next time, See ya'! January 8, 2013: 8:10 p.m.   If you're sexually active outside of marriage, you're in danger of this. It's always best to wait for marriage and then to stay faithful within your marriage. That's the way GOD created and designed us. BTW, He also made rules about it. Remember The Ten Commandments? Yeah. He did that to protect you. But some folks don't want His protection so Gonorrhea it must be. They've all got a problem brought upon themselves by themselves. January 8, 2013   Incrementalism at its finest. NY is really very good at taking away your rights slowly but surely. Remember, YOU have the right to own a gun - or a hundred guns - and you have the right to defend yourself, your family and your property. Any government that says otherwise is a TYRRANY instead of a republic (as America was designed to be). January 8, 2013: 8:08 p.m.   Welcome to obamination's Amerika. Man arrested for videoing police under HEALTH CARE LAW. You asked for it, you got it. Isn't that what you wanted? January 8, 2013   GUN APPRECIATION DAY is January 19th! Go buy a gun, shoot at the firing range, or attend a gun show. Support the 2nd Amendment. It's YOUR RIGHT: USE IT OR LOSE IT! It's THIS SATURDAY, folks. Be sure to go to the range and fire a few rounds, or buy a new gun, some bullets, a holster, etc. January 8, 2013   Woops! Gotta' go! Supper just arrived. Yum! January 8, 2013: 9:49 a.m.   obamination is coming after your guns and obamination's puppet, B. of A., is helping him do so. If you do business with B. of A. is the 2nd Amendment something you support? If so, you may wish to reconsider doing business with B. of A. If you love freedom, guns are our only way to maintain it; especially with obamination as prezidunce. Remember, our gun rights do not come from the government, but from the U.S. Constitution and from GOD. Do not let the right to defend yourself from all enemies "foreign and domestic" be taken away from you! Remember, Gabby Giffords, and others, will try to take your guns. I can understand her wanting to keep certain people (crazies and druggies) from owning guns, but you? Yes. She wants to prevent you and I from owning guns. Is that right? Painting you with the same broad brush as the crazy who shot her? Is that fair? Punish you because of something someone else did? Is that fair? If not, then stand up for your rights! If they can't take your guns, they'll take your bullets and make your guns useless. Stay vigilant! January 8, 2013   More of your taxpayer dollars wasted. Shock. Surprise. January 8, 2013   obamination's thugs exposed in new book. They're the usual suspects but new facts are available. January 8, 2013   obamination's choice: the drones-spying-on-Americans-guy. Yeah. There's nothing in the Constitution that says that it's okay to spy on Americans without cause, but this guy, John Brennan, and obamination are just fine with it. Are you? BTW, notice it's reported in a British newspaper, but here we see next to nothing about it? What does that tell you? Maybe they're trying to hide something? Remember, this is the guy who thinks that Jihad is legitmate part of Islamism. He supports Jihad. And he's the new CIA Director? Good combo? January 8, 2013   Republicans may try to "force" reid into passing budget. It's only been 1,350 days since the Senate last had the budget that the U.S. Constitution says they MUST do. What's another 1,350? After all, it's only the law of the land. Who cares about a little thing like the law? I mean, really, the dumborats are WAY above that. Laws? Who needs 'em? Certainly not the dumboratly controlled Senate. I mean, really. You don't expect them to do something so antiquated as following the U.S. Constitution, now do you? After all, they are the dumborats and they are progressives and that's so much better than the U.S. Constitution, is it not? Really. Get a life and get with the times. It's 2013, for goodness' sake! dumborats are better than the U.S. Constitution! They're above that. Really. January 8, 2013   PP still receiving taxpayer dollars to kill innocent babies. Latest report shows a record number of everything: murders included. I don't pay my taxes so that PP can kill babies. Is that what you want to do with your taxpayer dollars, or do you want to pay the U.S. military, those who work at V.A. hospitals, and things like that? January 8, 2013   Pentagon spending spree at end of year? I support our troops and I support recruiting for our military. I do not support frivolous spending. Do I think that it's good to spend money on a float? No. Do I think it's okay for an ad in a football stadium? Sure; during this particular game. After all, it was "the Marines and Army [who] bought stadium ads at the Military Bowl football game across the country in Washington D.C. [my bolding]" See? Relevant recruiting. If someone's at the game, there's a good chance they support the military and that there could be people recruited there. It's a reasonable expense in my opinion. The float? How many recruits did they get out of a Rose Bowl parade float? But if they're going to complain about the Pentagon's spending on advertising for the military, how about some investigating into the fact that we hear advertising on everything from smoking to washing our hands that is funded by the U.S. government - taxpayer dollars? Let's look into that, why don't we? In fact, back in 2010 John Peeples published an article in American Thinker about it. January 8, 2013   Want to see something amazing? Check out the list of government entities YOU FUND. In all those agencies, departments, commissions, etc., YOU are paying every person, YOU are buying every piece of paper, paying for EVERY moment of travel, funding every seminar, buying every computer for them to use, paying for the buildings they are housed in, paying for the electricity they use to regulate you, and every time they go potty and wipe, you pay for that, too! Is that what our Founding Fathers set up for us? Or was it more about LIMITING GOVERNMENT AND ALLOWING FREEDOM TO THRIVE? Check every alphabet letter and see how many government agencies you pay for. Then tell me if that is what you want to spend your money on. January 8, 2013   FL prof is the Alan Grayson of college. Is he nuts and says anything that pops into his little bitty head? Sounds like it! January 8, 2013   Social "Security" going broke in 18 years? Sounds to me like it's something you shouldn't plan on getting. Surprised, anyone? Rush, et al, have been warning you for years. January 8, 2013   Disney's doing it; how long before the Feds follow suit? Just asking. January 8, 2013   This is happening in FL! Freedom, anyone? January 8, 2013   Do you really pay taxes so that welfare recipients can spend your money on this stuff? Really? January 8, 2013   Jewish dumborats choose their politics over GOD. That's not a smart thing to do. Jews seem to be afraid of obamination while "admiring" him. There's something wrong when they have a love/fear relationship with someone. It seems to me that a psychiatrist would be very interested in that. Abused spouse syndrome anyone? January 8, 2013   Apparently the religion of "peace and tolerance" doesn't apply those to their own children. Beating your son to death and burning his body because he didn't memorize all of the Koran/Quran verses assigned? Really? Sounds like a religion of violence and intolerance to me. January 8, 2013   Egyption magazine: Muslim Brotherhood "infiltrates" obamination administration. "Infiltrates"? More like they were invited in! obamination is a Muslim. He likes and supports their causes and their goals. What he doesn't do is admit to it because of 9/11. Wake up, America! This guy wants to destroy America and this is just one more example of him siding with those who have the same goal. When will some people realize that? January 8, 2013   Come on, America, lighten up! Get a sense of humor and don't be so PC. January 8, 2013   algore take apart bit by bit. Good article! January 8, 2013   Should your kids be taught to feel guilty about success? If they succeed, they should feel bad about it. Thus, the opposite is true: if they fail they should feel good, right? That's what they are being taught. They're being taught to feel good about failure and being on the welfare/food stamps roles. Is that what you as a parent want for your kids? Failure is an option? If so, I can honestly say to you, "Lazy butt. YOU should have taught your kids better." January 8, 2013   In a few minutes (it's now 11:50 a.m.), in T-ville, Scott Ellis gets sworn back into office (at noon) and I say a big "HURRAY!" It's a good thing and I look forward to the next four years of having Ellis back in office. Apparently the residents of Brevard County agreed with me. Also sworn in (at 8:00 a.m. this morning) was Dana Blickley for Property Appraiser at Viera. I say again, "Congratulations!" to both and I'm so glad to have Ellis back! Celebrate, Brevard! January 8, 2013   On that note, I shall end this update. I hope you have a great day and that GOD blesses you today and daily. Until next update, See ya'! January 7, 2013: 11:04 a.m.   Good morning! I received an EXCELLENT article on the education standards many states (including FL) have chosen to adopt and implement in our schools. Our children are being subjected to this standard, but the standard is crap. You can read more about it here: "Debunking the Common Core: the Emperor's New Clothes Narrative". You can read a similar article here: "Best Research Award Winner Says Common Core is Data-less Decision Making". This crap is what your children and grandchildren are being taught. I've already written to the FL Department of Education and the Brevard County School Board about this ridiculousness. Maybe you should do so, too? Write to FL Dept. of Ed. and the Brevard County School Board. Tell them to delete the Common Core State Standard (CCSS) and put into place a better, higher standard that will actually teach our children the RIGHT things instead of just the Progressive things! January 7, 2013   Hagel is a bad choice, but that's what obamination is all about. He really wants to destroy America and this is just another example of those efforts. January 7, 2013   Foreign student Visa laws still not being enforced. This is how some of the 9/11 terrorists got into America, then overstayed their Visas and trained in flying airplanes to do 9/11. If it mattered to progressives that you and your family stay safe, wouldn't they be enforcing the existing laws about student Visas? Truth will out and their actions speak volumes. January 7, 2013   Been paid yet this year? Received a paycheck that was smaller? If not, you will see just that soon. Thank the dumborats. They want to raise taxes another Trillion! I'm sure you'll enjoy them taking even more of your money out of your paycheck. Won't you? I mean, you don't really need it and they do. They have more green companies that need millions of your dollars so that they can go bankrupt six months later after donating a large portion of that money back to the dumborats. Money laundering is essential to their plans and they need another TRILION of your dollars to be able to spend it on their re-elections, don't ya' know? Is that what you want? That's what will happen. January 7, 2013   Yet another obamination nominee that is a terrorist supporter. If obamination didn't hate America, would he be appointing so many supporters of terrorists? January 7, 2013   CBO says unemployment claims shot skyward when obamination was nominated the dumborat candidate.
The chart proves it: "CBO considered would promote employment by increasing incentives for UI [Unemployment Insurance] recipients to take a new job or by encouraging firms to reduce hours worked per employee rather than lay off some workers while retaining others full time. [my italics]"So instead of doing things that would be good for businesses they would be reducing the hours of all of their workers so that more people could be employed. Question: how many people will be under-employed after that idea is implemented and they'll all be on food stamps because they can't afford to feed their children thanks to obamination's policies? Now, thanks to obacaretax, unemployment will go even higher. Yep. He cares about you. Right? January 7, 2013   Entitlements? Yes, they're entitled, college students think. The society of "GIVE ME!" raises its ugly head in our young folks thanks to our public education system. I think it's time to change that. Home school your kids. They'll be better people for it! January 7, 2013   Truth about violent crimes has been hidden from you.
That's because the progressives/liberals want to skew the truth in order to push their anti-gun agenda. "FIND THE TRUTH!" is what you should do daily! January 7, 2013   Liar, Liar, pants on fire! obamination's lips are moving. January 7, 2013   I don't know how I've done it (GOD has something to do with it, I'm sure), but I've been ahead of the throng so far. Standing in long lines at gun shows all across the nation has become common-place. I haven't had to do that and I'm glad. January 7, 2013   Egypt increases "Islamist" presence in government and I betcha' obamination is dancing a jig because of it. He supports Islamism. He supports terrorism. He hates America. January 7, 2013   "Higher education" in America is not an education. It's an abomination. This professor proves it. Georgetown should fire his butt! January 7, 2013   obamination supporters angry at tax increases/smaller paychecks. Oh, but why? It is what they wanted, right? They wanted obamination, they got him. This is what he promised to do; increase taxes and take more from people's checks. Oh, but it wasn't supposed to be from their paychecks! Now they see how the rest of us feel. Shoe pinches a bit when it's on their own foot, right? January 7, 2013   Designate the Catholic Church as a "hate group"? That's what one petition to the obamination administration wants. I would NOT be surprised if it actually happened. January 7, 2013   Want to talk about stupid? The left certainly shows us enough examples of that on a daily basis, do they not? Well, classifying water as a pollutant was one of their most recent examples. What next? Air is a pollutant and they must prevent Americans from breathing it? January 7, 2013   Well, that's enough for today. Until next time, See ya'! January 5, 2013: 10:44 a.m.   Today is "Stand With Hobby Lobby Day". Go to Hobby Lobby (Viera is the closest one I know of) and buy something just to show them you stand with them in their fight for religious liberty! January 5, 2013   Well, that didn't work right! Of course it didn't. obamination thought of it! January 5, 2013   bonehead boehner promises stronger fight as obamination demands debt ceiling increase while on vacation at your expense. bonehead be strong? Right. As strong as overcooked spaghetti, maybe. He's such a wimp. Why the Republicans didn't kick his butt out of the leadership position I have no idea. They should have kicked him out of the Speaker position and run his tail out of D.C. on a rail. He's a waste of space. January 5, 2013   Ted Cruz moves to kill obacaretax! No life support for obacaretax if Cruz gets his way. It will be bye-bye obacaretax and hello freedom! I like this guy! (I liked him enough when he was campaigning to give him a buck or two, so I'm glad he's keeping his word!) It's about time someone in D.C. kept their word! January 5, 2013   Yeah, but, will it actually fly? January 5, 2013   First day in new Senate dumborats propose eight (8) new gun bills. None of them making guns easier to own, less regulated, nor our 2nd Amendment more in force. Naturally. Of course, what they forget is that according to FBI numbers, more people are killed with hammers and clubs annually than with guns. See any dumborats submit a law to outlaw hammers? Of course not. They're just trying to take away your guns. Don't let that happen no matter who your Grand Marshall in the Christ-mas parade is! What they forget is that stories like this are why we need guns. Well, that and to protect us from government abuse and usurpations; like obamination and the dumborats are doing now. obamination doesn't want you to have guns. Remember that and stay vigilant. Also remember that the truth about gun ownership always HURTS the gun-grabbing cause. Tell it loud, no matter who is backing the repeal of the 2nd Amendment! January 5, 2013   bumbling biden's Viagra must have been kicking in lately. Now there's a call for a reality show starring the Blue Pill VP. January 5, 2013   Serpent-head says we're "inhumane". We're not supposed to be standing up against hillclintoon nor what she wants for America (total destruction). We're supposed to let her get away with not testifying about Benghazi and just ignoring the fact that four innocent Americans died there because of her and obamination's lack of a clue. As far as I'm concerned, Serpent-head can shove that fallaciousness. January 5, 2013   Right. Let's not forget how predicitions don't always happen. Mayan calendar, anyone? (Why did those who believed that stupidity not realize that maybe the Mayan calendar ended on Dec. 21, 2012 because the guy who was making it just got tired of doing the job, got too old to do more, or maybe just died? Hmm? Why did so many jump to the "end of the world" scenario and conclusion? It was a ridiculous idea pushed by ridiculous people. Why not think things through? I said nothing would happen and I was right. Why can't people see the other possibilities for themselves? Just asking.) January 5, 2013   Will they mourn the death or celebrate the possibility of more freedom? The death of a dictator is always a chance - even if his successor is already in place - for more freedom. Which will Venezuela do? January 5, 2013   See? I told you so. January 5, 2013   Unemployment: blacks and women hurt worst. Will the LameStreamMedia tell you that? Nope. January 5, 2013   I love this idea! Every retailer should start doing this! Show people just how much obacaretax is going to be costing them. That's how it should be done. Show them with every purchase that it's NOT FREE! Everyone will be paying for it, not just "the rich". Wake up! January 5, 2013   Typical. January 5, 2013   This will raise the cost of food even higher. Will it make food safer? Probably not, just increase costs. Ridiculousness personified. January 5, 2013   Considering how much he cheated, I'm surprised the fine was that low. January 5, 2013   "We've lost respect for life" says Detroit's Mayor Dave Bing. I've said that for years. When a kid knows his mother aborted four siblings after him and knows of one prior to him, what does that teach him about the sanctity of life? When a girl is told by her teachers, classmates and family that getting an abortion solves the problems and will "be best", what does that teach her about the value of human life? When television shows make abortion seem like the perfect solution and that they have no consequences -- except a better life -- what does that speak to reality? In Abortionville, there are no bad consequences, no baby dies. It's just a "procedure" and it's just a "blob of tissue" being expelled. There are no complications that can kill the mother. There are no emotional or mental repurcussions. It's all just beautiful and rainbows, lalalalala afterward. That's a lie straight from hades. LIFE MATTERS. WE DON'T KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE: ESPECIALLY NOT BABIES! At least, we're not supposed to. We're not wired that way. Our souls are damaged when we do that. We lose our humanity. We lose our respect for life. It's all connected, people. Wake up! January 5, 2013   Hahahahahaha... obamination appoints his equals in stupidity, does he not? January 5, 2013   I've always believed that a population that will bow to a monarch is an odd population: British or otherwise. But now a British newspaper has gone too far. Supporting pedophiles? Really? Don't support pedophilia no matter what some are pushing. If you think it's okay then imagine being the child to whom it was done. Maybe you'll realize then how wrong it is. January 5, 2013   Thanks, obamination! January 5, 2013   Well, that's enough for today. I've got to get down to Hobby Lobby! See ya'! January 4, 2013: 9:43 a.m.   Good morning! No updates yesterday because it was my anniversary. My husband took the day off and we spent the whole day together. We went out and about and finally got home after eleven. It was rather impromptu, but fun. Finished the night at Books-A-Million and then Chili's in Viera. So, I didn't get to do updates yesterday. Thought I would after I got home, but it was so late and we came home, brought in our purchases and went to bed soon thereafter. Hope you understand. Now, on with today's updates. January 4, 2013   AFTER FBI find out terrorist helped 9/11 happen, he dined at the Pentagon. I don't know about you, but I have a problem with that. I have a big problem with that. Why on earth would we be that stupid, wining and dining a terrorist at the Pentagon? Why? Add to that ridiculousness: "In addition to the arrests noted by the documents in 2006 and 2007, al-Aulaqi was detained and questioned at New York’s JFK airport on October 10, 2002, under a warrant for passport fraud, a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. However, the FBI ordered al-Aulaqi’s release, even though the arrest warrant was still active at the time of his detention as reported by Fox News Channel’s Catherine Herridge. Once released al-Aulaqi then took a flight to Washington, DC, and eventually returned to Yemen."Really. Isn't that what should NOT have happened, instead of the reality of what actually did happen? What is wrong with American justice when they do that instead of detaining him and putting him in prison for the rest of his cursed life? Instead he went free and helped other terrorist activities happen for years before being killed. Ridiculous. January 4, 2013   Ouch. Those numbers hurt. Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are going to be saddled with most of that ridiculous number. How selfish can America be to put that burden on them so that the "adults" (when we support that sort of thing, how adult are we?) can have what they want now. Grow up, America! Stop throwing the temper tantrum you're currently in (led by the TemperTantrum himself, our crybaby-in-chief) and start realizing that the things you want can wait so that your children can have a brighter future. Wake up! January 4, 2013   Last days of 2012: $40 MILLION taxpayer dollars spent in foreign countries -- to help their people get jobs. Really. (Can we fire obamination now?) January 4, 2013   You may live in FL, but you'll be paying to finish a high speed rail project in CA! Yep. You have no choice. You will pay. Your taxes will be used for CA's failure. Sweet! (Sarcasm.) January 4, 2013   The "Oh-so-principled" algore refused to sell his "Current" television network to Glenn Beck, but he did sell it to Al-Jazeera. An "environmentally sensitive" network sold to an oil backed organization. Hypocrisy on display for all to see, or maintaining your stand? Principle, anyone? January 4, 2013   Those making $30,000 will pay more taxes than those making $500,000. So those of you in that bracket, did you trust obamination and the dumborats when they said you'd be helped with their plan? If so, shouldn't you feel foolish right about now? Or, if not foolish, at least deceived? If not deceived, then you must be drinking the Kool-aid by the barrell! January 4, 2013   One Denny's missed the boat with this one. They kicked cops out for being armed. Duh. Would they prefer their local police NOT be armed? If so, only the crooks would be armed and that would make Denny's more vulnerable. What were they thinking? Or would the more appropriate question, "Were they thinking?" January 4, 2013   bahney fwank wants back in... at least temporarilly. If they let him back in, he'll try to stay. This shouldn't happen, but (considering the fact that everything that should not be happening in politics is currently happening [thanks obamination and dumborats]), bahney fwank will probably be back sooner rather than later. January 4, 2013   bonehead boehner maintains. Republicans are stupid. They must be to do that. January 4, 2013   January 4, 2013   The tradition continues. It's so predictable that it's surprising that anyone with a brain cell in their heads would let him anywhere close to or even mentioning their business. January 4, 2013   obamination rewrites the Constitution again. Again and again and again. He was an alleged "constitutional professor/scholar" so he supposedly knows about the Constitution. IF he knew about the Constitution, he knows he's not just wrong in that, he's way wrong! Just as he's way wrong with all of these "Executive Orders" he's bypassing the Consitution with. He's wicked and evil and should be impeached today! January 4, 2013   CT lawmaker considers publishing gun owners' names and addresses. That's a bad idea; especially from a lawmaker. Good way to lose any chance of re-election. Don't gun-grabbers know that those who own guns have the right to privacy, too? Also consider that if the crooks know that I own a gun but the house next door doesn't have a gun there, you're not putting a target on my back, but on my neighbor's back who does not have a gun. Is that really what they want to do? Gun-grabbers are trying to take your guns while the DHS buys 200,000 more rounds of ammo. Kinda' makes you go "Hmmm..." January 4, 2013   obamination authorizes Gitmo's remaining open and funded. The ACLU, etc., are all upset. boo. hoo. January 4, 2013   A list of what your increased taxes are going to pay for since the "fiscal cliff" deal bonehead boehner agreed to was passed. Included: "A provision that allows motorsport race tracks to more quickly write off improvement costs. Cost: $78 million.There are more in the story, so read it and weep. This is what your increased taxes will go toward: helping Hollyweird included. Sweet & just what we needed! (Sarcasm.) January 4, 2013   As usual, November's jobs numbers were revised up. More people were out of work in November than was originally reported, as has happened every month for the last sixteen months or so. Don't you love that the government and media are lying to you on a regular basis? January 4, 2013   $20 MILLION: that's obamination's Hawaii vacation cost to you and I. That's the figures as they stand. Don't be surprised if the actual number (tallied after the trip is completed) is actually higher. Enjoying that pork and bean lunch? Looking forward to mac and cheese for supper? He eats Kobe beef at your expense. Is that fair? January 4, 2013   Sigh. Contribute enough to politicians and you can get away with anything and everything. January 4, 2013   Republicans in the House lost their chance to rid themselves of bonehead. Backbones are not prevalent there. January 4, 2013   That's it for now. I may check in later today and if something tickles my fancy, it'll giggle. You know what to expect. Until later or tomorrow, See ya'! January 2, 2013: 10:24 a.m.   "Occupy" participants proven to have powerful bomb making materials. Andrew Breitbart was correct: radical is as radical does. Everything old is new again and the sixties shall rise again is what the "Occupy" movement was all about. It is amazing that anyone would want to get involved in that ridiculousness. Standing up for what is WRONG is WRONG. When will people learn the difference between right and wrong? Never if the progressives/liberals have their way. That way they can do anything they want and no one will stand up to them. January 2, 2013: 12:04 p.m.   By the way, those of you who were on my updates contact list need to e-mail me and give me your e-mail address again. In the computer fiasco described below (the first blurb of this year), my computer wiped out all of my e-mail contacts as well as everything else on my computer. I can't e-mail anyone unless I've memorized your address and there are few of those. So contact me and I'll put you back on my list, okay? January 2, 2013   Although I understand the politics of the choice, I'm disappointed that Ryan made it. bonehead boehner I expected nothing less of; Ryan I expected something more. Did you know that this "cliff bill" was so important to obamination that he left D.C. for Hawaii without signing the bill? Yeah. That's telling. Let us not forget that the loophole for wealthy hedge fund managers: SOROS included. obabuds continue to get their benefits and this must needs be. Love it? Not I. January 2, 2013   I warned those of you supporting the Dumborats that things would be bad if they got re-elected. Now you know that I was right -- or you will when you get your February paychecks. That is, IF you get a February paycheck. With the cost of doing business going up so much thanks to the Dumborats don't be surprised when there are more layoffs. Are you ready for a financial disaster in America? Are you ready for inflation? Are you ready for America, as we know and love her, to be destroyed? That's what the Dumborats are trying to do. Happy now, progressives and libs: idiots all? January 2, 2013   Judicial Watch sues over government paid sex changes, abortion and birth control. It's this kind of standing up for what's right that makes me support Judicial Watch. I love that they stand for American values, for traditional family ideas, for the U.S. Constitution and for us. We need to support Judicial Watch and help America stay America! January 2, 2013   obamination heads back to Hawaii -- at your expense. The first portion of his vacation cost us over $4 MILLION and now he's headed back there to spend an estimated $7 MILLION more of your taxpayer dollars. Don't you love that they can have all these vacations at YOUR expense while you're laid off, living on peanut butter and jelly and haven't vacationed in four years? Is that what you wanted when you voted for the louse in chief? Remember: obamination vows to raise taxes even higher. You asked for it, you got it. Happy now? January 2, 2013   You'll be paying more in taxes so that obamination can give more money to his obabuds. Enjoy paying for everyone else's everything? The goal was to make the Republicans into liars in their pledge to not raise taxes and bonehead boehner played right into it. Caved. Gave in. Did the deal. Made himself a liar. I suppose his "good name" isn't more valuable than gold. Oh well, that was his choice. Well, at least the House voted against its own pay raises. Silver lining, anyone? January 2, 2013   Federal Appeals court rules FOR religious freedom and Hobby Lobby (a Christian-founded company, individually and wholly owned by a Christian, run on Christian principles) has another chance to get out of paying for abortions and other such sevices for its employees. Good for that court! They did the right thing. January 2, 2013   Again, the left shows its hypocrisy on parade! Shock. Surprise. January 2, 2013   The Ten Worst Regulations of 2012 may have competition from OVER 400 new laws that came into effect with the start of this year; "more than 29,000 laws were passed by state legislatures" for people to abide by. CA, alone, made 876 new laws for its residents. Isn't that incredible? Are there laws for how you blink yet? If not, watch out, it's coming! January 2, 2013   Despite years of pushing it, and mega taxpayer dollars funding it, "Head Start" programs are a bust when it comes to effectiveness. Liberal ideas always are. January 2, 2013   Osama bin Laden is dead but the war on terror isn't even half over. If it were would Al Qaeda be offering a bounty on our Ambassador to Yemen? Also, Conservatives have been saying for years that we need to secure our borders to keep American citizens safe. It has been proven that Hezbollah has been using Fast & Furious guns (thanks, obamination) and that our borders can be traversed by them, too. Terrorists crossing our borders with Fast & Furious guns is a win against terrorism? Yeah. obamination has lied to you again. Shock. Surprise. January 2, 2013   And I'll end today on a fun note: Save Us, Chuck Woolery is absolutely spot-on, and funny! Have a good day and until tomorrow, See ya'! January 1, 2013: 10:05 p.m.   Well, it's been a long computer problem-filled road and it's not over yet. I got this particular computer (a Dell Inspiron 1710) brand new from Dell in March of 2012. The day after I received it (undamaged box, etc.) I turned it on and sat down to finish configuring the settings for it. It has Windows 7 on it (as you may recall) and I didn't like it back then and still do not like it. Anyways, as I tried to set it up, I had to put my computer down (laptop) and go do something else for a moment. The computer shocked me; a little zap tingled through my right hand fingers. Ouch. Not fun. Then I noticed that the screen went nutso on me. Color bars jumped up and down on it for at least twenty minutes and I had to hard crash it. I let it sit for a while came back and tried again. Same thing happened an hour later. I turned it off and decided to let it sit over night. The next day, it didn't do it at all. I thought it may have been a "new item glitch"; something that would never happen again. It took a few weeks, but it did happen again. About a month after I received this thing Dell "Customer Service" called to see if I was satisfied with my purchase. I told her what had happened and that I hated the thing. She did nothing but say she is making a note of that. The screen thing happened several more times and then, it stopped. Hmmm... Okay. Then this computer started giving me error messages unexpectedly, restarting and going on as though nothing happened. Irritating, but I ran security and virus scans each time and nothing was ever found. Another "Hmmm..." Back in October (or thereabouts), it started giving me the "blue screen of death" mini dumps and restarting itself with that. Okay. Now I knew there was something seriously bad going on. Several complete security checks and multiple system checks later, comes December. This computer did a major dump and shut itself down. It did not restart that time, just shut down. Not good. I've been using computers (and working on them -- hardware and software -- since prior to Win 3.1; back when DOS was the operating system and Enable was a word processing program [my first, in fact]) for long enough to understand that this problem would require something else. I turned it back on and it said that it was doing a "Start-up Repair". It worked that time and allowed me to start in "Safe Mode". I worked on it in Safe Mode for a while (and did some backups, but not enough) and restarted it. This time -- although working seemingly fine in Safe Mode, it did Start-up Repair again but this time it said that it couldn't fix the problem on its own. Big problem. I called Dell. They told me to run a few diagnostics (power button while holding down the function [Fn] key; power button and the space bar; power button and the F2), and told me -- you're going to love this one! -- that my computer was functioning properly. Really? Yep. It's working properly; it's a software problem. Then how, I asked the "Customer Service" guy, does he explain the problem the day after I received it? He said that it's probably still a software problem and that he'll send me a backup disc for my operating system (OS) and that I'll have to reload that and that all my work -- everything I had ever put on this PITA computer -- would be lost. He also said that since I didn't have a software warranty on this computer that I would have to pay for support for that if I desired it. I don't think so. So I'll lose everything I put on it; there's no way around that. Wonderful. There's no way to get back into it to get anything off of it anyways, so I'll lose the few things I had not backed up. PITA, but better than not having a working computer, right? So they sent me the discs (two, actually). I did the reinstall. Now my computer has the OS, but NONE OF THE PROGRAMS THAT I HAD WHEN I RECEIVED THE COMPUTER except a few. It didn't even have Windows MAIL, for goodness' sake! Windows MAIL! Now I feel like I've been cheated because they first sent me a LEMON of a computer, then they did NOTHING about the malfunctions when I told the "Customer Service" person about the problem a month after I received it and then the back-up disc wiped out everything except the OS and I have an almost completely worthless computer that, if I want to use it as I used to be able to, I'd have to pay for quite a few programs to download from the companies that had done the original installations. Not going to happen considering the computer itself was malfunctioning since day one, it is still under warranty until March something, and I should be able to expect a computer to be fully functional nine months after I paid for it when I did nothing to it but run security scans and system checks to figure out why the lemon wasn't working properly! Agree? Two days after I did the reload, I received a "Customer Satisfaction Survey" from Dell. How much you wanna' bet they won't like it? Yeah. I'm going to try to send this thing back, even though it is nine months old. It's been nothing but trouble since the day after I received it and I've told them that from the get-go. But they chose to do NOTHING about it. Now, they're going to do something about it, or they'll find out what it feels like to have a Lindy target on their backs. You think this blurb excoriates Dell? This is mild. I'll keep you posted. BTW, when I do get my full refund, I'm going to buy an ASUS, Lenovo, HP, Sony, Turtleware computer -- ANYTHING BUT A DELL! Now you understand why it's been a while since I've done regular updates. Yeah. It's been fun. And now, on with the updates. January 1, 2013   bonehead boehner and the RINO republicrats caved again. Now you're going to have less money to spend because your taxes are going up and America is going to be hurting so bad. I'm so sorry that they are idiots. I'm so sorry obamination is a creep who hates America with a purple passion and wants to destroy us and her as soon as possible and make us bow down to Islam. I'm so sorry. I wish it were different, truly I do, but that's what America allegedly voted for. Republicrats vote in RINOs like bonehead boehner, "reach-across-the-aisle McC-ain't", and scott brownnoser. RINOs are as much to blame as Democrats; but obamination is the one to blame the most when your children have to do without. Blame obamination because that's who wanted it and pushed for it and made it happen. January 1, 2013   Of course, obabuds get their treats and perks. Rum and algae, anybody? What else would you expect of a tyrant? January 1, 2013   Judical Watch's 10 MOST CORRUPT POLITICIANS of 2012. Notice obamination is on there, as well as hillclintoon and others in the obamination administration. Shocked? No. Didn't think so. January 1, 2013   Tyranny comes in many forms, down many avenues, in many guises. When shall we stand up for what is rightfully our decision? Why is it the government's purview to tell us which products we can or cannot buy? Healthcare, anyone? It always starts small, doesn't it? Toilets must be low use flushers. Washing machines are now front loading to use less water. Light bulbs must be CFL. They're taking away our freedoms and we're letting it happen and watching it slip through our hands like sand! Why? Why don't we fight this? Tell me, please! Someone? Anyone? January 1, 2013   I didn't know this was possible. I thought you had to have a brain before something could be found between your brain and anything else! January 1, 2013   As obamination tries to take away our guns even Russia's Pravda says "Don't give 'em up". Amazing that Russians are more 2nd Amendment friendly than our ACORNed-and-Paid-For prezidunce. That's pretty telling, isn't it? January 1, 2013   Want to talk about hypocrisy, opportunism and a slap in the face combined into one event? "I’m grateful that I was invited as Grand Marshall. Yes, I was riding up front in the 2013 red Mustang convertible."That's moron dupe, avowed ATHEIST saying that the grand pubah of the PSJ Christ-mas parade (hypocrisy maxxed!) asked her -- oh, she of PSJ Incorporation infamy (a slap in the face to all who did NOT support incorporation [73% of us]) to be the Grand Marshall of this year's event. Add to that the fact that she chose the occassion to allegedly think of the Newton, CT victims and added a pro-gun-banning screed to her report of the "festive" occasion. Opportunism knocked and she couldn't wait to answer the door. A hypocritical, Atheist, opportunist, British, progressive, gun banner. Isn't that just what we want as a Grand Marshall for our PSJ Christ-mas parade? randypups did it right this year, yes? January 1, 2013   Well, that's all for today. I'll try to do better with my blurbs this year -- if I can get life to cooperate! GOD bless you and keep you and remember to pray for America's protection from enemies both foreign and domestic -- obamination amongst them. Pray also for the safety of our troops and our children. Until tomorrow, See ya'! NOTE:   This is or may be a paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39227, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate. NOTE:   This is a paid political campaign communication. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, or candidate. NOTE:   This is -- or used to be -- FREE SPEECH: First Amendment, U.S. Constitution PROTECTED! So if you don't like it, get lost! Read another site! Cry to your Mommy! Eat a brownie! Go bumm a cigarette from someone! Suck your thumb! Just don't whine to me! |
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