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HOME TRIBUTE Video Page Page Deux Storage Main Government Links PSJ Info Religion Services Politics My Links My Blog Writers | Storage 2019Storage 2019 is set up a little differently. We have the months in correct order (as opposed to end of year to beginning of year as in previous Storage pages), but the days within the months are still first on bottom to last day of the month at the top of the section.January 2019 January 31, 2019: 2:35 p.m.   I've got a few minutes to do updates today, so I will be able to do just a few blurbs. I have to get ready to go our Georgia farm sometime in the next 24 hours (when keeps changing) so I'll post some of the things I find then be gone until Monday. Missed yesterday because I went to see my son and spent more time there than I expected. Had a great time, but it was definitely longer than I planned on spending. You need to know that I won't be here most of next week and part of the following week as well. My hubby and I are going to the freezer (Minnesota) to go birding with my brother-in-law from Feb. 6th through Feb. 12th. It will be a fun time seeing birds I've never seen before, some of which I've been wanting to see for a few years (Snow Owl, three or more different buntings, tanagers of different sorts than are down here, etc.). So I'll be gone tomorrow, back (hopefully) Monday and Tuesday, and then we'll be gone until the 12th. My son will be here at the house to protect it and feed the cats, and our neighbors always keep an eye on things (as I do for them), so our house will be fine. Then I'll be over in the Orlando area on Feb. 14th taking a friend to get an out-patient operation. Busy life. January 31, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Judicial Watch is keeping up with the many, many wrongs of the "Deep State" and themuslimvileone's holdovers and they've found more fraud in the government's systems that should have been stopped YEARS ago, but wasn't. Of course, with themuslimvileone's administration's way of doing things, the perpetrators were allowed to steal $2.7 MILLION from America via the food stamp program and those perpetrators are -- shock, surprise -- Muslim felons (one is a convicted felon, the others are not; they're all Muslim). " 59-year-old Amin Salem, is a convicted felon with a history of food stamp fraud yet the feds took six years to bust him and he remained a qualified food stamp retailer. The other man, Mohamed Salem, is his 32-year-old son and federal prosecutors say they operated a highly lucrative food stamp trafficking ring in the Cleveland area with the help of a buddy named Zahran al-Qadan.It's time that themuslimvileone's holdovers are FIRED and that those who are loyal to America, loyal to the law, who know the difference between right and wrong and choose to do what is right REPLACE themuslimvileone's holdovers and that swamp is drained and we save Americans' tax dollars. It's time to do this right. January 31, 2019   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   Another hollyweirdo has fallen prey to TDS. He faked a hate crime against himself, claiming that Trump supporters beat him up, poured bleach on him and put a noose around his neck while screaming "This is Trump country!" Too bad the police investigating the claim have found a video of him in the hotel lobby without any injuries and without a noose around his neck, even though later -- after the time he claimed the attack happened and he was seen on video unharmed and un-noosed and walknig past security personnel without telling them he'd just been beaten up -- he was found by the police with the noose. Problem is, even if his time for the attack was a bit off, that doesn't mean that the attack actually happened since he's refusing to cooperate with the investigation. The police have been trying to check the actor's phone, but he refuses to hand it over to them, even though doing so could help prove his allegations. What's wrong with him? Does he not know that if he was on the phone with his manager at the time and his manager is saying that he heard the assault happen, that the phone would give them at least some small modicum of evidence? Apparently that's not something the hollyweirdo cares about. January 31, 2019   I think Judge Napolitano is WRONG. He said " No way will a federal judge allow this" (what the despicable robert mueller's team did to Roger Stone) to be used as a basis for prosecution. I beg to differ with Judge Napolitano. He is wrong because the mueller team has a penchant for shopping things around until they find another anti-Trump judge and they use his/her court to do whatever nefarious deeds they can so that they don't get challenged with THE LAW, with right and wrong, with the U.S. Constitution's guarantees against the wrong-doings of a wayward prosecution and wilfull abuse of power. The friendly, anti-Trump judge (and, yes, I do use the term loosely), will allow the despicable mueller and his team to run roughshod over the law, over Roger Stone's constitutional rights, over all sense of legal decorum and do whatever they want that will get the results they want. The judge they choose to put this before will probably be appointed by either themuslimvileone or the hard-dogcrooktOOn and the judge will have voted for, donated to, and wanted hillosercrooktOOn to win and will allow all of this as payback because she didn't win. This is a show of force and power and it's nothing more than trying to get to Pres. Donald J. Trump and convince all of America that he won by cheating. They have no proof of anything about cheating, no evidence of it whatsover, but that doesn't matter. They'll indict his friends and supporters on "process crimes" and then prevent them from being able to defend themselves against the charges because they won't give them access to the paperwork that has the basis of the allegations! It's nothing more than a bad, crooked, smelly, underhanded, rotten to the core prosecutor abusing power because his higher-ups want him to and because he can. January 31, 2019   Blame Congress. They used the TSA "security fee" that was implemented after 9/11 for things other than the security for our airports and airplanes. They diverted the $507 MILLION collected monthly to other things. This means that TSA employees didn't get paid during the shutdown and that the security issues of our airports were not addressed as they should have been because Congress appropriated that money for other things: "Security Fees and used the money for other causes not related to air security. This predates the recent government shutdown and indicates where the 'safety and security of the American people' sits on the congressional list of priorities."Yeah. It sure does. January 31, 2019   Hubby's on his way home so I'm going to go. Remember I won't be here tomorrow (unless the day to go north has changed yet again [can you tell I'm exasperated?]) to do blurbs. Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 28, 2019: 3:22 p.m.   Not a lot of time to do blurbs today because I'm going to start taking down my Christmas decorations. I put them up late so I kept them up a little later than most would allow, plus I was waiting until my small dinner party last night to take down the Christmas decorations. I wanted to have a festive house for the guests. We had a great time, ate salad, homemade lasagna, green beans, garlic bread and my own invention "Koala Pie" in three flavors. It was fun. So, anyways, I'll get started. January 28, 2019   FAKE News:   I have NEVER thought of FoxNews as being a "Conservative" news channel, but now they're not just proving it, they're going overboard to prove it! They have sided with microsoft and "NewsGuard" and they are saying that those two are reliable news sources -- even though NewsGuard has labeled as TRUE a PROVEN HOAX! They have done this on more than one occassion and they are still being touted by FoxNews as "good"? FoxNews, I'm not surprised, but I am still disappointed. You are betraying the whole idea of your alleged motto of "Fair and Balanced". That, to me, makes you a liar. January 28, 2019   Violent Islam:   They have bombed a Catholic Church in the Philippines and killed at least twenty people in a suicide attack. Islam has a long history of killing people because they are not considered "equal" to Islam and they consider we "infidels" to be not worthy of consideration unless we are paying protection money (like a mafia organization) "jizyah", or we are converting to Islam. Otherwise, we're only good for torturing, raping, tormenting and killing. That's Islam: convert or be tortured and die. We don't agree with the policy here, but we're allowing it. January 28, 2019   GODLESS NY:   The New York legislators who voted to pass a wicked, evil, vile abortion bill that allows babies to be killed up to the moment before birth is not just horrible that way, but it's horrible in that it allows for a baby who survives abortion to be MURDERED after it survives! It's true! It is so bad, that I hope and pray that the people who voted for this awful bill will be punished by the Lord GOD Almighty! I pray that they will face the consequences of their horrible vote and that every baby who is killed because of that horrible vote haunts their dreams: daydreams as well as nightmares! They put New York as the greater hub of baby hatred, baby MURDERS and GOD will judge them! Not only have they have also decided to turn their backs on RELIGIOUS EDUCATION for the children of their state! If I lived in NY right now, I would be gone TOMORROW! I would be leaving the state as quickly as I could! I don't know why anyone would want to live in a state that hates babies and religion! It's time that the NY legislator face some cold, hard facts: people like religion and babies are not disposable. Their Moms chose life for them, not strictly because she had no choice, but because they understood that a baby is a gift FROM GOD. Babies are wonderful people to be cherished, and they're not to be murdered and it's awful that the NY legislators have chosen to vote to kill them. GOD cried when they did that. January 28, 2019   Despicable robert mueller:   It's time to end this stupidity and to admit that they have NOTHING on Pres. Donald J. Trump regarding collusion with the Russians, or anything else. They keep indicting people around him on "process crimes" (not answering the same question slightly reworded for the fiftieth time exactly the same as the previous forty-nine times) but they have never done anything against him. They keep trying to apply pressure via those arrests and threatening his family and other friends, but going through the Roger Stone info will be -- what's the best word? -- "fascinating [their italics]. I think that he should countersue the DO[IN]J and find out what they are doing and how they conducted their "investigations" into everyone and that would also be "fascinating". It would also put that who DO[IN]J team in prison if true justice were to be served! January 28, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Ruh roh! It looks like she'll be running again in 2020! She and her "hard dog to keep on the porch" went to Puerto Rico over the weekend and started accusing Pres. Donald J. Trump of preventing aid money from going to Puerto Rico. They're doing everything they can to get money into their "benefit the crooktOOns" organization and that includes taxpayer dollars from your back pocket or purse! It doesn't matter to them that Puerto Rico officials are as corrupt as they are, they have to blame Pres. Trump. She's running. When she goes around trying to milk the corrupt for more money, that tells us she's running. Ugh. January 28, 2019   My hubby's home and I need to go do things. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 25, 2019: 2:09 p.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. I had errands to run and things to do around the house and I had an appointment to get my teeth cleaned. After all of that I went to visit a friend and did more errands and then went shopping with my hubby. We got a great thing at the thrift store we visited: we got a metal rooster for our Georgia farm! He's perfect for what we want and we are so thrilled to have him! We drove by the donations door and my hubby looked in and said, "They have a chicken." I wondered if we could ask them to price it and allow us to buy it. We decided there was no harm in asking, but we forgot about it once we got inside and were looking around. We were pleased to see, an hour later, an employee coming into the main store with the chicken (rooster, actually) in her hand. I asked if it was for sale and she said yes. So I asked if I could buy it and she handed it to me. It was just a gift from GOD for us to get it. We've been looking for chickens for our farm and now we have our second one. We want to build a chicken coup, put our metal chickens in it and let people drive by and think we have chickens. We will have chickens; just not live chickens. It's a bit of fun for us and we're thrilled to have "Rusty" our new rooster. January 25, 2019   Senate Malfeasance:   The "Ethics Committee" for the Senate has decided that sen. corey booker has done no wrong in breaking the rules -- even when he bragged about breaking the rules! -- in his "I am Spartacus!" moment (that he so wrongly claimed the glory for). He relesed Senate confidential records and he put secret info on the internet in a publicly available form and it was an eggregious wrong he willfully committed and the ruling harmed our belief in our American system and in the sanctity of the rule of laws, of equal treatment under the law, etc. Our U.S. Senate's "Ethics Committee" has done great harm to America and to the whole idea of fairness under the law. Let us contact them (202) 224-2981 and tell them that what they have done is WRONG! January 25, 2019   Covington Catholic:   WooHoo! I LOVE THIS! They are going to be suing a lot of the people who LIED about them and who wished them physical harm! There is going to be a team of FIVE high profile legal teams, all working to make the people who were encouraging people to find, doxx, harm, and harrass the INNOCENT Covington Catholic kids pay the price of their lies and wish for harm to children. I am SO GLAD that they have decided to fight back hard! That's excellent! I'm proud of them and hope that they win EVERY case! I also hope that they include the Dead Blue Bird in their lawsuit and they make it pay for every tweet that was posted and allowed to stay up while the truth came out and the Dead Blue Bird did nothing to stop it, to remove it, to get the truth out to the world. They just allowed the harrassment and threats to the children to continue. I hope the Dead Blue Bird gets sued so hard and fined so much that the company will DIE. I hope this puts them out of business. That would be excellent! January 25, 2019   "Russian Collusion":   It's so wrong what the despicable, vile robert mueller, is doing. He's an evil leftist who should be fired and put in prison for all of the wrongs he has been doing during this investigation. He's wasted millions of taxpayer dollars and he's getting nothing but process crimes (if you're questioned for fifty hours about something that allegedly happened two or more years ago and you're asked the same question -- with slightly different wording -- and your answer is not 100% the same as you previously answered ["somewhere around 10 p.m." compared to "just after 10 p.m."] that's a "process crime"). The good news is that Roger Stone, who was arrested this morning while it was still dark, with loads of FBI agents with high power weapons drawn and pointed at his family, is going to fight this thing tooth and nail. Even worse, the robert mueller FBI team had alerted cnn to film the raid and they were gleefully reporting that this guy who is so close to Pres. Trump was arrested. Then they made sure that local leftists were alerted about his release on bail so that they could be at the court house so they could yell at him. Despicable beyond words. BTW, since when do people who commit a "process crime" get arrested using the same methods they'd use with a known murderous drug kingpin? FBI agents with drawn automatic weapons and body armor for Roger Stone? They say even the judge saw it as ?excessive". So why did they do it that way? Why not put on a show for their buddies at cnn? They had alerted them that they were planning on doing it at that time. Make the show big. Make it spectacular. Make it a "Wow!" factor and be sure to do the perp march. The normal would be to contact a "process crime" suspect's attorney and tell them that their client must report to such and such a place before such and such a time or they will come and find the suspect. But, no. The despicable robert mueller has to do the hollyweird version so that cnn would get some good video. Roger Stone has an attorney, and has another attorney who has offered to represent him pro bono. That attorney thinks that they can beat the despicable robert mueller in court and I hope that he not only wins, but that Roger Stone gets a summary judgment of innocence and that the mueller team is fined and forced to admit to wrongdoing here and everywhere else in this case. Read what people are saying in that last link: "Kurt Schlichter @KurtSchlichterIt's all about the show for cnn. Now cnn and the despicable robert mueller and his buddies may have bitten off more than they could chew because Judicial Watch wants to know how cnn got tipped off about the upcoming Roger Stone raid. These procedures are not supposed to be publicized but somehow, cnn just got lucky and was at the right place at the right time, early in the morning at a specific address? Riiight. This is about putting on a good show and it's about furthering the goals of those who want to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's NOT about crime: it's about revenge for him winning. January 25, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump has done everything he can to get a wall done and the dumboRATS -- "Rats" doubled now -- have done everything they can to keep our borders open so that they can have a permanent flow of new dumboRAT voters. They believe that if they give away enough free stuff to people that those people will always vote for them. Why that isn't considered vote buying -- a FELONY -- I have no idea, but that is the way dumboRATS do things -- break the rules and get away with it scott free -- and they have no plan to ever obey or enforce any laws whose breaking of those laws may benefit themselves. Now we have a temporary reopening of the government, they say three weeks, and Pres. Trump has proven he is willing to work with them via this move. The ball is in their court. Will pelosipig actually cooperate or will she renege as I expect from her? The three weeks open will allow people to be paid, will allow Pres. Donald J. Trump to give the SOTU in the House -- if pelosipig will say "Yes" to that -- and will allow the Super Bowl attendees to have FAA air traffic controllers available to direct air traffic to the Atlanta airport safely. I think that was the biggest determining factor. Pres. Trump knows that he can't trust pelosipig or schumer farther than he can throw them. I think the safety of the Super Bowl audience was Pres. Trump's main concern. At least, that's what I hope is happening here. January 25, 2019   MAGA!:   Wow! Have you seen this? We have 35+ ECONOMIC GROWTH!! That's incredible! Remember when themuslimvileone said the "new normal" was a bad economy? He said we'd never see good economic growth again. He said that Pres. Trump wasn't going to be able to fix the economy and the jobless rate because he didn't have a "magic wand" so Trump wouldn't be able to fix themuslimvileone's mess. Well, guess what? Pres. Trump's policies have fixed themuslimvileone's mess and it's all good. Too bad themuslimvileone is still out there claiming credit for the good economy that Pres. Trump created. I hope that history shows the truth about themuslimvileone: I wrote a blog that he was "Already a Loser" way back in March of 2009 (three months after he was sworn in!). I think that I am being proven correct daily. January 25, 2019   msm:   There is a NY Times reporter, Dan Levin, who is trying to fish up "horror stories" of kids in Christian schools. He's out there trying to paint Christian schools as places where kids are taught non-PC ideas, where punishment is akin to being put in shackles and given forty lashes, where teachers are stricter than strict and ever day is a painful experience, and where the effects of this kind of education leads to twisted minds, horrible memories, PTSD-type results and a lot of people suffering the after effects of going through such an ordeal. Is there a day that goes by in which the leftist msm does not try to find another way to tear down the fabric of America and its freedoms? The First Amendment guarantees the right to the free exercise of religion: "Amendment I (1791)So why does the msm do this: try to paint religious education -- or education with a religious foundation or emphasis -- as a terrible thing? If you undermine GOD, you undermine right and wrong. There cannot be any right and wrong in leftist world because if there is, then every tactic they use, every lie they tell, every abortion they endorse, every sexual deviancy they support is wrong and that makes them wrong. They can't be wrong, so there must not be a GOD. They have put themselves ahead of GOD and that proves that GOD is not real to them. It's all about them. January 25, 2019   The muslim congressperson, ilhan omar (who was married to her brother and committed immigration fraud, but was still elected to the U.S. House), gave her brother a nice job in Somalia's government by endorsing the new president down there. It's time that she gets arrested and deported because immigration fraud isn't supposed to be a precursor to being elected to the U.s. House of Representatives. It's time to hold her accountable, not just for her attacks on the Covington Catholic school kids, but also for how she came into the country: illegal is ILLEGAL. It's time she face the consequences of doing that. Also, incest is still illegal in most states in America. She needs to face the consequences of that, too! January 25, 2019  
January 25, 2019   Wouldn't it be nice if sen. mitt romney was in the Senate who we thought he was when he ran for president all those years ago? I thought he would be a good guy, a reasonable president and someone who would be a more Conservative option compared to themuslimvileone. Well, in the Senate, he's a big disappointment. I think that rotten romney will be voted out of office at the first possible chance. He is not helping America. He is kissing leftist butt and no one needs that. January 25, 2019   I'm going to close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 23, 2019: 10:35 a.m.   If you have a loved one who is confused about which gender they are have them look down, it will answer their question, but if that doesn't satisfy them, do NOT encourage them toward "gender reassignment" surgery. It is a lie straight out of hell that they can change their outsides and be happy. How many people say, "If I can lose weight, I'll be happy." or "If only I can be richer, I can be happy." ("Richer" because compared to third world countries most poor people in America can be considered "rich".) How often have those things happened to the person wishing to lose weight and that weight loss had no effect on their "happiness quotient"? How often does a person get a pay raise, new job that pays more and their "happiness quotient" still not gone high enough? It's not the externals that make one happy. It's the internals and the person saying "I'm a different gender than what I see in the mirror." is having a mental issue, not a physical issue. There are many "transgender" people who are now getting their operations reversed because the operation didn't make them happy, it makes them suicidal because they realize how drastic a mistake the operation was. Changing your exterior has become so easy nowadays that it's like walking into the drug store and getting a bottle of aspirin and thinking it's going to make one happy. How many people have plastic surgery so that they can be "_____________er" but it doesn't help them be happier? Same thing applies to the "gender reassignment" surgery, except getting a boob job is quite different than having a penis prosthesis that doesn't change a thing. People need to realize that their gender is not just their externals. It's in their DNA, it's in their hormones and it's in their very cellular structure. Changing what's between their legs doesn't make a hill of beans of difference when it comes to whether you're happy with yourself because you're still what GOD made you all the way to the cellular structure, your skeletal structure, your hormonal make-up, and so many other ways. Your body knows this. When you go to surgery, you're lying to your body and it creates a disonance between your brain's make-up (yes, men and women still have different brains and if you can't lie to your cells, when your brain sees what it knows is not true, then your brain starts having a problem and this is what causes so many transgender people to attempt suicide. (NOTE: In the study that I linked, there is a strange sentence: "In particular, 65 percent of those with a mental health condition that substantially affects a major life activity reported attempting suicide." Umm... I may be wrong here, but thinking you're a different gender than what your body says you are IS a "mental health condition that substantially affects a major life activity", is it not? So wouldn't the actual number of suicide attempts be, in fact and according to their own words, 65%?) January 23, 2019   Fake News:   It's been a week since the left lost its ever-lying mind over a lie pushed by the left on the Dead Blue Bird, other social media and in the msm. The Covington Catholic lie is now coming back to bite some "journalists" in their butts (or elsewhere). They have started being fired over their social media posts promoting violence against the INNOCENT Covington Catholic school kids, and I'm thinking we'll see more people who are going to be joining the first one on the unemployment line. It wasn't just the msm and hollyweirdos who were LYING about the Covington Catholic teens. A freshman dumboRAT congressperson, Ilhan Omar, joined in the LIES: "-The boys were protesting a woman’s right to choose & yelled “it’s not rape if you enjoy it”She should be fired, too. Why do Americans put up with idiocy "representing" them? If you have an idiot representing you, then you have no one to blame but yourself. You voted for the idiot (most often; sometimes they're appointed by a governor). Fortunately, there is an attorney who chose to represent the Covington Catholic kids pro-bono (for free) and he's told the idiotic ilhan omar to retract her statements or be sued. I hope she refuses to retract and that she faces a huge lawsuit and major monetary loss. This would teach her that she is not immune to the law. Sharia will not protect her from America's laws. January 23, 2019   Venezuela's socialist regime is about to fall, and life in Venezuela will get worse before it gets better because after the regime is gone -- with Venezuelans' money in their pockets, I'm sure -- they will have to work hard to figure out what to do afterward regarding a government, and even harder to rebuild their economic foundation. When Socialism is implemented it ruins countries, lives and futures. It cannot be allowed to gain footing in America. Why anyone would vote for a dumboRATic Socialist (the moron, aoc, etc.) I absolutely do NOT understand. Socialism's history is plain to see, but those who do not learn from history -- as bernie sanders and aoc are proof -- are doomed to repeat it. If they want to repeat the history of Venezuela here, they got another think coming (as my Mom says). It's time to put Socialism in the dustbin of history and to never allow it to rear its ugly, destructive head again. January 23, 2019   Islamic Violence:   Three men were arrested in Michigan for providing material support to ISIS. They wanted to "‘kill non-believers’ and use a car to mow down infidels here in the United States if they could not travel overseas to join ISIS." Isn't that what we need here, in America? We need "cultural diversity" so that Muslims can come over and -- as these men are -- become "naturalized citizens" and still have their loyalties to others instead of to America. We used to make people assimilate into the American way of life and learn English, learn our history and our ways and become Americans, not just drag their home country and violent beliefs and hatred against America here. It's time for America to rethink our immigration laws, to trash all of them, shut down ALL immigration for a full year and to reset the system with new laws, new requirements and then reopen immigration to those who want to come here legally and who want to become Americans fully accepting our ways, our beliefs, our laws and our choices. If someone wants to come here and drag their home country along with them, they can just stay in their home country. No one should bring England to America, Somalia to America, Mexico to America, etc. We need to have people who are willing and desiring to become American to come here. No more enclaves of Islam, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Ghana, China, etc. America. Period. January 23, 2019   Stolen Valor:   The liar, nathan phillips, is at it again. He said during a television interview that he served in Vietnam in 1976 but there's a problem. America withdrew its last troops from Vietnam in 1973. (Duh! He should have at least done his research before he told his latest lie.!) There's another problem. One of the students he LIED about has a grandfather who is actually Native American and who is a Native American and who DID serve in Vietnam! So nathan phillips was LYING about a kid being racist against Native Americans whose grandfather is Native American (thus making the kid part Native American, too). Does that make sense to anyone? This nathan phillips guy is despicable. Not only has he used stolen valor to raise money for himself, but he has lied about and bullied minor children. Add to that he went AWOL three times while he was in the military! That makes him a lying, bullying, coward who is nothing more than a leftist tool. January 23, 2019   Sen. Lindsay Graham:   I don't know what happened to him after Sen. john mccAIN'T died, but he's changed and I like the change! He is now vowing to do investigations into themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn! He grew a spine, found a voice and is out for bear! I LOVE IT! I hope and pray he's going to stay this way! I would hate to see him again become the lily-livered-kiss-butt he used to be. January 23, 2019   pelosipig:   With her back on the Speaker's seat (UGH!), she is going to be trying everything she can to use YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS as a Golden Ticket for her travel desires. She wanted to see the whole world while she was last in the Speaker's chair and now we can look forward to that same routine. If it weren't for Pres. Donald J. Trump stepping in and blocking the junket, she would have been in Belgium partying it up with a side trip "to see our troops and gather intel" (I'm sure.) as a cover excuse, so thank goodness Pres. Trump stepped in! She has a history of using our military as her personal airline, going around the world if she can get away with it. In one of her trips, she went to Italy and Ukraine at a cost to taxpayers of $185,000. She even made sure she had an "escort officer", whatever that is! "The Italy trip included Milan, Rome and Naples with visits to the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel, Duomo and viewing Da Vinci’s 'Last Supper.'"Do you really enjoy paying for her and her husband as well as other Congresspeople to make tourist trips on YOUR dime? When was the last time you could afford a trip to Italy for you and your spouse? I've never been. Why does she get to travel on my dime to go see the Sistene Chapel? That's got nothing to do with her doing her job as a Congressperson. Why should we pay for that? I want a refund! Don't you? After all... "Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol. [my bolding]"With pelosipig, you not only pay for the travel and hotels, but you buy her and her buddies the BOOZE, too! That's why I named her "pelosiPIG": she gobbles up as many PERKS as she can force from the American taxpayer's dime. She's a swine. January 23, 2019   Deep State:   A judge appointed by themuslimvileone has stepped in and stopped Pres. Trump's energy production efforts during the government shut down. He ruled: "'The Court hereby enjoins the federal defendants, BOEM, and any other federal agency or entity from taking action to promulgate permits, otherwise approve or take any other official action regarding the pending permit applications for oil and gas surveys in the Atlantic'".In effect, he has said that if the government can't do "X", then it can't do "Y" either. I think that the government should decide what it is funding and what it is not, not a judge appointed by themuslimvileone. Pres. Trump should decide that. January 23, 2019   Brexit:   Two experts in the field of "why things fall apart", and why countries experience rebellions, say that if Brexit is not done -- some in parliament are trying to ensure England stays in the EU -- England will fall into a "dirty war". That "dirty war" could include things like we see in France with the "yellow vests". England had a referendum for the people to decide whether to stay in the EU or leave it. The vote was close, but the majority voted to leave the EU. If the parliament decides to ignore that vote, they do so at the country's peril. Just because the Brits "keep a stiff upper lip" that doesn't mean that they will tolerate the parliament's ignoring their vote. The people have spoken and England is supposed to pay attention to and had promised to obey the results. For that vote to be basically ignored and the people's voice to be "poo-pooed" will result in an England that the parliament apparently believes is impossible right now: rebellion against the powers that be who seem to think that the people can be ignored. It's going to be an interesting few months ahead. Let's see if the British people are so enamored of kissing royal butt and allowing others to rule them, or if they have it within them to rebel and to take control of their country back from those who would tell them their voices don't count anymore. I hope for the latter. January 23, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) is calling pelosipig's bluff and plans to deliver the SOTU address from the House on Jan. 29th, as previously scheduled. After her stunt in trying to prevent it, he decided to show up based upon her previous, Jan. 3rd, invitation, and not worry about her alleged "security concerns". I LOVE IT! I hope he keeps pushing and makes her back down every step of the way! January 23, 2019   SCOTUS:   If they rule as I hope they do, gun rights will be given a boost and laws that prevent people from carrying outside of their homes, or just on the way to a gun range will no longer exist. I hope and pray that the SCOTUS rules as I believe the U.S. Constitution says it should: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" means that it won't be limited. The laws some states and cities have implemented have so severely limited our Second Amendment rights that it's like the Second Amendment doesn't exist at all. Come on, SCOTUS, do it right this time! They ruled correctly -- if temporarilly -- in the case against Pres. Trump's ban on transgenders in the military. The SCOTUS upheld his right to do so. It may be changed later, but for now, it's a good thing. January 23, 2019   January 23, 2019   SLAM!:   A watch company has decided to respond to the PC Gillette ad of a week ago, and -- BOY! -- they did it right! Watch the ad and see if you agree with me. I LOVE IT! Touchè! January 23, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 22, 2019: 3:10 p.m.   I'm sorry I missed updates on Friday. It was my desire to do so, but life happened and the errand I had to run to Melbourne took longer than I thought it would and then I had a few unexpected things to do before we left for our farm, so I stayed quite busy before we left. I was hoping to get to do updates but it was not to be. So here I am today, after time at the farm and ready to go for as long as I can. BTW, I didn't get the chance to explain that I have found a way to stop doing Flag Fridays. My last Flag Friday was "Tribute To Our Heroes 405: So Long!" and that's how I ended it: by saying "So Long!" I still and will always thank everyone for their service and I am eternally grateful for your sacrifices, and I pray that GOD will immensely bless you all! January 22, 2019   FAKE News!:   The msm was at it again over the weekend. They didn't do their due diligence and they didn't even care about looking for the TRUTH, so they smeared some Catholic school kids from Covington, KY, and accused them of being racists and of being horrible people because they had "MAGA" hats on! It wasn't about the kids -- who were the ones who are now being threatened with all kinds of things --- on the Dead Blue Bird and elsewhere, even though the Covington Catholic kids who were being taunted by "Black Hebrew Israelites" and being called names, and threatened. The "Black Hebrew Israelites" (who preach that only Black Hebrew Israelites will go to heaven and other such nonsense), were the aggressors, and this "Nathan Phillips" who became the centerpiece of the smear against a Catholic school's children (let me repeat that: children) was sure to get into the middle of it. It turns out the guy is is practicing STOLEN VALOR, saying he served in Vietnam, when he actually DID NOT. Makes one wonder what else he is LYING about, does it not? If he'll glom onto military "service" as something that he should be respected for, even though it is an outright LIE, what else has he LIED about? He's a bully to young men, trying to intimidate them, and he's a LIAR to boot. Despicable cowards seeking glory do this kind of crap, not men of honor. Then, of course, the msm had to pile on to the LIE he spread because anyone wearing a MAGA hat must be full of hatred, mustn't they? Even now, after the TRUTH has come out, cnn refuses to let go of the LIE. If you watch cnn, why? You get nothing but FAKE NEWS, as Pres. Donald J. Trump says. Why would you tolerate being LIED to all of the time by the msm? You wouldn't tolerate that much LYING to you from a co-worker, a family member, a friend, or even a stranger! Why do you accept it from a main stream media outlet? Why? Stop it! Support the TRUTH! And in a twisted, sick process that the left loves to participate in, yet another leftist female has offered a BJ to anyone who commits violence against the Catholic school kid. What is it with leftist women and BJs? Do they really enjoy doing that so much that they'll hand it out like Halloween candy? Or cigars? January 22, 2019   SOTU:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has said he will deliver the SOTU in the House even without pelosipig's welcoming gaze. I kinda' hope he pushes the issue and walks into the House without her confirming his welcome. I would love to see the Sargeant at Arms remove the President of the United States from the House. I would love to see what happens afterward. I am sure he'd then give the SOTU from another venue, but pushing the issue would be delicious! January 22, 2019   john "Ketchup" (Shutup?) kerry:   He needs to shut his trap. Every time he opens his mouth he shows just how stupid he is. He is now saying that Pres. Trump should resign. Pres. Trump should NOT resign. He's doing just fine. The msm and the despicable robert mueller should resign (as well as pelosipig, schumer, etc.) but Pres. Trump should not resign. He needs to stay right where he is, doing more things to "Make America Great Again!" January 22, 2019   Parkland School:   If you recall the Sheriff's officer who stayed outside during the shooting, he has been fired. The Sheriff, on the other hand, refused to step down or admit wrongdoing, and he was recently fired by our new Governor, Ron DeSantis (thank goodness). Unfortunately, one of the Sheriff's lackeys is still there. How, I don't know. The article says he's employed by two states (How, I don't know.), and he has suddenly become a Republican (he used to be a dumboRAT while Sheriff Israel was there). He needs to go, too. It's time to drain the Florida swamps. It's time to clean Florida's swamp house. It's time to get rid of the dross and keep the refined stuff. No more lefties! January 22, 2019   WORKERS BEWARE!:   The clown who is going to some day run for president (Mark my words!), john morgan (of the law firm by the family name), has decided to try his hand at yet another leftist voter favorite. He's now trying to force Florida into a $15 minimum wage via getting it onto the ballot, and we know that lefties will vote for that although it is NOT good for those who earn minimum wage! Look a all of the recent evidence:
January 22, 2019   Hubby's home! I'm going to go! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 17, 2019: 3:44 p.m.   Pres. Donald J. Trump: WINNING!:   pelosipig has cancelled Pres. Donald J. Trump's State of the Union (SOTU) address to the joint Houses and lied about it being a "security concern". Well, the pelosipig found out that two can play that game when Pres. Donald J. Trump cancelled her flight, told her to fly commercial and blamed it on the government shutdown she is ensuring continues. He says that she can't go until she negotiates on the shutdown because he'll keep the government closed and that military airplane she was trying to take is not going anywhere. He's CIC (Commander In Chief) and he can do that. I LOVE IT! Of course, pelosipig is angry and spitting bullets but who cares if she's angry? The American people are angry at the dumboRATS (bigger and better RATS now than they used to be) for doing this to America. Between the dumboRATS in the House and Senate and the Fed's Powell, they're working hard to destroy everything good Pres. Trump has done for America. He's decided to play hardball and I couldn't be prouder of him! January 17, 2019   I like the way Sen. Rand Paul thinks, sometimes, and I think that in this particular situation, he's not only correct about pelosipig, but he's also got a great idea to move the SOTU to the Senate. Who needs pelosipig when you've got two Houses to choose from and then the Congressfolks who want to go see it can go, and those who wish to boycott it can boycott it. The Senators who wish to boycott it will do so, I'm sure (think schlimey schumer, et al) and Pres. Donald J. Trump (still LOVE saying that) can give the SOTU (rbg won't be there to fall asleep, I'm sure) and pelosipig can continue with her hissy fit and temper trantrum. Problem solved. January 17, 2019   Goodbye, RBG?:   It seems like the reports of SCOTUS Justice, ruth bader ginsburg, may not be recuperating as well as was previously being reported. It looks like now she may have pneumonia and may be "fighting for her life". We'll see if her determination to stay on the SCOTUS bench will do what it takes to get her back to her seat, but it's not an easy task, I'm sure. How many people will be trying to donate their lungs or other organs to her for this round? IF she recovers, there is a rumor that she will retire at the end of January. Oh, my. Won't the left go bat poop crazy when Pres. Donald J. Trump gets to appoint another SCOTUS pick? I can hardly wait! January 17, 2019   crooktOOns:   A federal court has ordered "discovery" on her e-mails, the BENGHAZI atrocity, and other horrors of themuslimvileone's administration. Judicial Watch has stayed on top of this and they're not a robert mueller-leftist-kiss--butt so they'll get to the TRUTH and ALL of America and the world will know that happened, why it happened, who is responsible for it happening and what illegalities were hidden, covered up, and lied about and who did the covering up and lying. Heck, they may even face grave consequences for the first time in their lives. I hope that the judge who ordered the "discovery" phase allows this to go to trial and that Judicial Watch is co-council with the prosecutor and that they throw every book in the Library of Congress at the crooktOOns and everyone -- everyone -- else involved. I would love to see the crooktOOns, themuslimvileone and everyone from his administration in prison orange. Wouldn't john "Ketchup" kerry look good behind bars throwing his prison rats over the fence in protest? January 17, 2019   Build The Wall!:   The private fundraising campaign is in full swing and has raised over $20 MILLION to pay for the wall. The left has done everything they can to discourage donations, to try to smear the U.S. military veteran who served and lost three limbs in serving our country, and who is doing everything he can to Make America Safe Again. Do you want to give? You can give to build the wall here. If you shut your doors at night, lock your car at night, have a fence around your own back yard, then you may want to understand why America needs a wall. January 17, 2019   Awww... Too bad!:   Muslims in CAIR are angry at our new Governor, Ron DeSantis, because he "opposes airbnb's anti-Israel policies". Tsk. Tsk. It's called "Free Speech", CAIR. Ever heard of it? January 17, 2019   BaBYoc:   I'm sure a lot of her constituents are already having "buyer's regret" because she has as much gray matter in her head as does a dried, skeletal skull of a dead cow. She is as bright as a dark hole and she's as experienced as a two-year-old (and about as savvy). Her and her political stunts -- like the one she pulled today -- are going to get her in hot water sooner rather than later and I'm sure going to enjoy watching her boil. Remember when she threatened Donald Trump, Jr.? Yeah. She's a moron. She really is so full of herself that I'm surprised she has room to breathe with her ego in the way. January 17, 2019   Kakistocracy:   During themuslimvileone's administration everyone he put in charge of anything was corrupt. They were either breaking the laws already on the books, putting new -- illegal -- laws on the books for us to follow, giving their buddies financial kickbacks, taking bribes from foreign countries (crooktOOn), or other such illegalities. Now we find out that they corrupted the FISA courts as well as all the other things they did that were totally illegal. I hope to see everyone who served in a leadership position (and several dozen corrupt FBI, CIA, etc., agents) in prison orange before too long. They all deserve it: especially themuslimvileone for appointing such abhorrant people to positions of power in our government! January 17, 2019   Sen. Lindsay Graham:   (Yes, he's earning my respect.) The left is trying to make him disappear via making false allegations against him (NSFW or children) and saying that Pres. Trump has bribed him or something. They are scared because of rbg's failing health and the fact that he is head of the Judicial Committee and they want to handicap him into NOT voting FOR Pres. Trump's nominee, whoever that shall be. One of the new Muslims in Congress has said this and she alleges that the reason Sen. Graham is cooperating with Pres. Trump (with his new-found spine) is becasue Pres. Trump knows that Graham is a homosexual and is holding that over his head. DUH! She doesn't even know how blackmail works! She's outing him and saying that that's what Pres. Trump has on him? Does she not even realize that by saying that homosexuality is what is being used to blackmail him makes it impossible for that to be used anymore? DUH! Idiots elect idiots and this one is just as bad as aoc! There is NO PROOF that Graham is a homosexual, and even if he were, with today's age, what does it matter to anyone except Muslims who want to throw homosexuals off of tall buildings with their hands bound behind their backs? DUH! January 17, 2019   Wasting American Taxpayer $$$$:   During a shutdown one would think that the government money that is spent would be spent wisely. Well, one should be able to believe that, but, unfortunately, our government is not filled with wise people. They're spending YOUR money on Coat Rican youth and in Mozambique (at least it's not on flights for pelosipig!) and it should not be happening. What are we doing that we keep electing fools who don't put America first and who don't think that YOUR MONEY is something that they should be careful with? They find loopholes (and write them for themselves!) and use them to NOT pay taxes like you and I do, but they sure do enjoy spending OUR money! We really should be more careful with whom we elect. January 17, 2019   Ka-BAMM!:   The left's anti-Trump writers are so desperate that they like to write and drivel. Too bad that drivel can be so easily debunked that a baby can usually handle the task. January 17, 2019   Woopsie! A long-serving Republican U.S. Congressman from PA, Tom Marino, is resigning his House seat effective January 23rd and I'm sure it's going to get dicey in the race to replace him. I don't know who the Governor of PA is going to appoint to finish Marino's term, but it's going to be dumboRAT, Tom Wolf, who chooses his successor, so I'm sure it's going to be a leftist like he is. Wunnerful. January 17, 2019   The Dead Blue Bird:   Well, what use is that? They've lied about NOT being a leftist organization; lied about NOT silencing Conservatives; lied about NOT doing everything they can to help get dumboRATS elected, and now they are teaching dumboRATS ONLY how to use their platform better to get more votes. It's no wonder their user numbers are falling and people are leaving it in droves. Can anyone blame them? January 17, 2019   Hubby's home. Going to go! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 16, 2019: 4:11 p.m.   Hello!   I'm back! Just a little blurb today to say that things have settled down in life here and I'm going to be back more often than the last three weeks or so. My back is well on the mend and my cold's lingering cough (always have them) is finally going away and life has settled down as far as other commitments and appointments and all I have looming ahead of me is trips to Georgia to go to our farm and a trip coming up to go birding in cold weather. I'm looking at temps as low as -24 F for the trip and I have to admit it's been a long time since I faced that kind of cold, so I'm not sure if I'm excitedly looking forward to it, or if I'm excitedly dreading it. Whichever, that will be next month so until then, I'll be posting as often as life allows. Which, right now will be tomorrow and maybe Friday, then to our farm we go until Monday afternoon/evening (MLK day is a federal holiday and that's Monday), so I may have two days to get things going again. Politically, a lot has happened since I last posted. I hope you've been keeping up with all of it because it affects you and your family and your rights, property, taxes, etc.: illegal alien invasion, the health of RBG (SCOTUS Justice ruth bader ginsburg), the "Russian collusion" allegations and the despicable robert mueller investigation -- read "Treasonous Witch Hunt" -- the government shut down (which proves how little we need of the many, many unnecessary positions being staffed daily that have no reason to be there [except, of course, my neighbor's job: we need him to work. He's a good, reliable, patriotic, exemplary American and he needs to keep working].) Anyways, there are things happening that every patriotic, red-blooded American needs to be aware of and keep his/her eyes on and stay informed about. I hope you have been doing your "due diligence" while I was busy with life and just keeping your heads up and your eyes open. I plan to be here tomorrow -- after I do a driving lesson and some shopping for our Georgia trip -- and I hope to do a full update tomorrow. I'm going to say "Adios!" for now because my hubby is on his way home. Until tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 2019 February 28, 2019: 10:34 a.m.   Just a few short blurbs today because I have errands to run -- one of them a very fun errand. Let's get started. February 28, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Does it surprise anyone that there is proof of "irrefutable crimes" and that they have put their own wallets ahead of our nation's security, and thereby, put your children and mother at risk from the security breaches they facilitated? The fourth part of The Gateway Pundit's series about the crooktOOns is available today and it looks like they sold out the places they frequent first. They allowed foreigners -- unvetted, uncleared, unchecked -- access to places in NYC, DC, Philadelphia, New Jersey, etc. Sounds to me like they don't mind the people they saw daily or weekly being killed by terrorists. After all, they didn't know who they were dealing with, they just wanted the cash. That's what mattered to them. They got it, too, after selling America out: "The startling observation of the visit to the DVIC by the group from AGT is that this group appeared to circumvent the procedures in place to prevent illegal entry to the site. This is evident from the visit scheduling details. The parties involved utilized private email communications to workout the details, and curtailed official vetting, approval, background checks, which were apparently never conducted.Do you understand why their name is not clinton, but crooktOOn now? They sold us out. They should be in prison for TREASON but the DOJ/FBI covered it up. February 28, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He walked away from the negotiations with North Korea because they would not agree to something America wanted. That's the way to do it: show them that you don't need to get the deal, that you're willing to allow the tough sanctions to stay in place for as long as it takes to get them to agree to the rest of the things we want, then you can reward them by lifting the sanctions we want to lift. We can't give up every pressure point we have on them or they won't bargain with us. We must keep something to dangle in front of them to keep them talking and to keep getting our way. It's like when you were a teenager and your little brother wanted his toy back that you had and held just out of his reach. You made him promise to do or not do "X" and when he promised you gave him his toy. (Unless you're a single child don't tell me you never did something similar!) That's called a negotiation and you use what you have to get your way. Pres. Trump is very good at it. I like that. February 28, 2019 I agree with The Gateway Pundit's, Jim Hoft, who thinks we should get rid of the current Fed chair. Jerome Powell has done enough damage to America's economy. We need someone in there who doesn't hate America and won't do things to destroy prosperity. Let's remove this clown and start over with, say, Thomas Sowell. That would be a great choice! Or maybe Sarah Palin. She would be good, too. She loves America and would do good things for our economy. I don't know who would be best, but I do know that what we have now isn't good and should be replaced. February 28, 2019   Gotta' go! My son's here for the errands we must run! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 27, 2019: 4:18 p.m.   Fakebook: &nbps I see that they proposed yet another way to silence Conservatives on their site. The First Amendment doesn't matter to them nor the Dead Blue Bird as long as you're a Conservative. If you have good arguments against leftism, if you are persuasive and intelligent, or even good at memes, you must be silenced! It's all about making sure that those who do NOT think like them are silenced and cannot influence anyone to change their opinions and leave the lefties in their tears. Pretty sad state of affairs when a huge tech company like Fakebook is afraind of a few voices of Conservatism when they have all that power and money. If they weren't afraid of Conservatives, why would they silence them? BTW, we do have proof Fakebook is doing this. James O'Keefe and his volunteers got it on video! February 27, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   She lost the election, which means that themuslimvileone's legacy won't be secured (in fact, as you know, Pres. Donald J. Trump is undoing the whole thing -- thank goodness!) nor will his or her secrets. That's why she and themuslimvileone have decided to do everything they can -- everything they must -- to do the SQUIRREL! of making these lying allegations against Pres. Donald J. Trump. They have to keep orchestrating the LIE so that they can keep people from seeing anything that may be revealed about themselves. They're afraid of the truth coming out and the public paying attention to it. February 27, 2019   The IDIOT, aoc:   The left can't stand it when anyone criticizes her and her "Green New Deal", even though both are soundly and unequivocally deserving of criticism. They go absolutely bonkers and deeply into protective mother mode when she is criticized. They may as well dedicate the rest of their lives to doing so because she will be giving us opportunities to criticize her and point out her obvious stupidity on a regular basis for as long as she's in public office and beyond. For instance, her obviously stupid and expensive "Green New Deal" will require a "police state" to enforce it but aoc doesn't think things through and doesn't have any kind of logic and reasoning to apply to the whole idea of her drastic, communist plan. I bet there's even an idiotic saying on her tombstone; probably one from her upcoming comic book! You know, something like, "We’re gonna flip this seat red" when she's supposed to be supporting turning things "blue"? Yeah. Moron alert. February 27, 2019   It's sad to say that I may be quitting doing business with yet another company I thought I could trust, but such may be the case. First PayPal closed down GAB's account (or that may not be the first, but it's the one I can think of right now), now they admit that they look to the extremely leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for whom to ban! The SPLC is so far left that if the earth were flat they'd have fallen off the edge of the earth years ago! How can PayPal say that they trust their opinion as to with whom to do business? It's not like have a balanced input via looking to the Heritage Foundation or Breitbart to get the other side of the coin before making a decision (as would be a smart move and a good PR move, but who said the left is smart?), no. They make sure they listen to only one side; the left, and that makes sure they have nothing but one side and nothing but hatred for anything this side of rosie o'donnell. PayPal may be losing my business. How about yours? February 27, 2019   Rat Testimony:   The liar, michael cohen, has been already sentenced for lying and yet, he LIES again and again and again in his testimony and effort to impeach Pres. Donald J. Trump. He LIED so much today that even cnn had to admit he was lying! That's incredible! It's hard to get cnn to admit the TRUTH about anything besides the date, time and their names! To get them to admit that michael cohen was LYING to Congress is a real triumph of cohen's ability to screw things up! Too bad that abc and nbc said that he was telling the truth! How delusional and determined to protect hillosercrooktOOn is that? February 27, 2019   The Dead Blue Bird:   They're so anti-Conservative that they've been shutting down accounts of Conservatives by the droves. Now, they are supporting Sharia Law and telling Michelle Malkin that she violated Pakistans' blasphemy laws. Michelle Malkin lives in America. She is a citizen of this country. She is not subject to Pakistan's laws, but the Dead Blue Bird wanted her to get an attorney because she was violating a foreign country's laws. I am amazed and appalled that the Dead Blue Bird considers Pakistan's laws not only applicable to an American citizen but also something that an American company -- created and incorporated here, operating under America's laws -- would help a foreign country try to intimidate an American citizen! How appalling is that? How idiotic is that? If she lived in Pakistan, she would be subject to their laws. She lives in America! The Dead Blue Bird doesn't care about that. They are helping a foreign country threaten an American citizen and try to intimidate an America citizen when they should be standing up for the American citizen! How awful is the Dead Blue Bird that they will do this; especially to a woman, considering the history of how women are treated in Islam! What's next? If Malkin doesn't kowtow and cave to Pakistan's laws the Dead Blue Bird will try to force her to undergo FGM? That's part of Sharia and Pakistan's laws, too! Stand up, America! The Dead Blue Bird IS NOT FOR YOU! They are AGAINST YOU and AGAINST AMERICA! February 27, 2019   Obviously, a network "comedy" that is named "Blackish" would criticize Dr. Ben Carson because he's a Conservative and he doesn't toe the leftist liberal line. It must be okay to trash talk him and his reputation. The left. They can't stand an independently thinking black person. February 27, 2019   Leftist Violence:   Yet another person who was wearing a MAGA hat has been attacked and there's video and it's another ridiculous episode of the left being incapable of handling FREE SPEECH in any form that doesn't comport with their wishes. If you have a different point of view, you are going to be attacked, slandered, lied about, harrassed, beaten by those on the left. That's what the left has done to America. Is that what you want? February 27, 2019   I'll close with that for today because my hubby's home. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 26, 2019: 1:50 p.m.   Leftist Hate:   So a 7 year-old kid sets up a hot chocolate stand to raise money via private donations (a la Brian Kolfage) and lefties go inside and complain about the hot chocolate stand to the owners of the store he's in front of. The store owners caved to the hate and shut him down. Then the parents of the kid set up a fundraising account on Venmo and shared the story of his hot chocolate stand and the desire to help President Donald J. Trump build the wall. People donated. Venmo decided that the kid's funds were not to be given to him until he turns 18 as though they had the right to decide that they were the guardians of the kid and the money he raised. That's called "confiscation" and it's illegal for a private entity to do so. The kid even had a donor who said that they would match whatever the kid raised, but Venmo decided they knew better than the parents and were more honest than the parents and siezed the money. I think that Venmo needs to hear from a few (okay, thousands of) people about their arrogance and interference in the kid's endeavors and the parents' right to be guardian of the child's life and money. February 26, 2019   Islamic Hatred:   This is what happens when you elect Leftist Islamists into our House and Senate. Two females who both LIED to get where they are -- rashida tlaib LIED about her address to run for the Congressional district she thought easiest to win, and ilhan omar LIED in court documents for her divorce. That's called "perjury" and it's punishable under the law. The evidence is out there for all to see. Why are these two females still in Congress? Why are they not in jail? Not only are they LIARS to get into positions of power, they have been the first to sign the pledge to impeach Pres. Trump. So they want to get rid of someone LEGALLY in office, while THEY try to stay in office after LYING to get there. Double standards, anyone? February 26, 2019   Islamic VIOLENCE:   Yet another "Allahu Akbar!" attack in which a knife wielding Muslim attacks a cop and pays for his attack by getting shot. Hear about it on the msm? No? Shock. Surprise. They like covering for Islam. February 26, 2019   SICK pelosipig:   She needs to step down instead of demanding to be Speaker of the House again, she needs to retire. She's had enough time on the government teat and her retirement pay will be enormous compared to yours -- with YOU paying for it. She is sick and needs to retire. She needs to get out of the stress of public office and take care of herself and enjoy time with her grandchildren (hopefully, that's what her grandkids would enjoy, too). Her health is more important than her gavel, or at least it should be! February 26, 2019   bernie "Commie Butt Kissing" sanders:   He hemms and haws about when he'll release his tax returns, but he and other dumboRATS are determined to get Pres. Donald J. Trump's tax returns. The dumboRATS want to subpoena Pres. Trump's tax returns when they could just ask a buddy in the IRS for them and they'd be handed over without all the fuss of a subpoena. The Deep State works for the dumboRATS so all they'd need is to invite one of the DS members to breakfast, ask the favor and it will be delivered forthwith. But, bernie's tax returns? He's already declared and he ran in 2016, so where are his tax returns? He never released them last time he ran, so why won't he release his tax returns? I'm thinking that this "SOCIALIST" who believes in government control over wealth, although he's in the "millionaire class" himself, Hypocrisy is the dumboRATS' modus operandi. February 26, 2019   RINO Alert!:   She's at it again. Alaska's murkowski to vote with dumboRATS to block Pres. Donald J. Trump's emergency declaration to get money to fund the border wall. She is a RINO and has always been so. I don't know how the people of Alaska -- a mostly Conservative state -- has voted that into office. I really don't understand it. February 26, 2019   Speaking of "mostly Conservative state[s]", a new study by Gallup has found that there are only six states in America in which more people self-identify as liberal than as Conservative. That's what the survey found. Those states are NOT surprisingly,
February 26, 2019   Fauxcohantus:   She says she won't take big money .... but only for the primary. After the primary -- assuming she wins -- she'll take any money offered to win against the Republican nominee because Republican nominees are evil and must be defeated no matter who they are! Big money is more than welcome then! Bwahahahaha! Evil Republicans must be defeated! She needs to step down and step into a little, tight, white jacket and hug herself for a long time. February 26, 2019   The IDIOT, aoc:   We've all heard about The IDIOT's "12 years" message and her very expensive "Green New Deal", but the fact is that we've heard all of the "World's going to end in ____ years!" scare tactics before. Remember when the Grandfather of "World's Going to End" warnings, algore, stated in January of 2006 that "Global Warming" was going to melt the ice caps and the world would become "Water World" and we'd all drown? Didn't happen. Remember how that led some people to start demanding electric cars, and that we lower emissions to unprecedented rates? Yeah. Then remember how he said a similar thing in 2009, but giving us five years? Yeah. Didn't happen. Then remember how we found out that global sea levels have been falling and that the whole "Global Warming" thing was based upon "stystematic science FRAUD [my caps]", and how the "hockey stick graph" was based on doctored numbers. Remember how the whole global climate change thing was a big, fat scientific LIE and that it was funded by the left and that the reason scientists were LYING to the public was so that they could get more funding to keep their programs going, and other reasons? Yet, The IDIOT, aoc, echoes algore's dire predictions, and expects the American people to have forgotten all of these dire predictions made by someone old enough to be her grandfather -- the actual Grandfather of Global Warming disaster predictions -- and everyone falls in line and forgets algore? Hello? Consider this a gentle reminder. Fight back with the algore reminder. Don't let this scare tactic work just because an IDIOT little girls says and -- even scarier -- believes it. February 26, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn (and family):   We've found out that for certain they are CROOKS: "The DOJ terminated its internal investigation in 2016 despite clear and irrefutable evidence of criminal activity and hid it from the public!"That's right. The whole crooktOOn foundation is irrefutably crooked. That's because they were selling our nuclear secrets and the DO[IN]J was covering up for them! That's james comey, rod rosenstein, andrew mccabe, lisa page, peter strvok, etc.! They were covering up for the crooktOOns when they had "irrefutable evidence" that the crooktOOns had done illegal things to make themselves richer! The crooktOOns' greed and worship of money is reprehensible and sickening when they will sell America out in order to get money! How evil is that? They sold out every child, grandmother, military member, wife, husband, son and daughter in America so that they could go to Martha's Vineyard and fit in. How disgusting! They're greed is vile and they should be in prison for the rest of their lives -- chelsea, too! -- because the evidence is "irrefutable"! February 26, 2019   Babies' Lives Matter:   Leftists hate babies. I can say that because they proove it time after time after time. Their most recent effort to proove they hate babies? EVERY preziduncial dumboRAT Senator voted AGAINST babies who survived abortion getting any medical care to help them live. EVERY preziduncial dumboRAT Senator. They proove again and again and again that they hate babies. They hate babies because it would mean that women choose life if given the TRUTH about what abortion is. When a woman sees an ultrasound of her baby she chooses life most of the time. How often is "most of the time"? Women who see an ultrasound image of her baby in her womb, 78% of them choose to keep her baby. That's why dumboRATS also do NOT want women to have to undergo ultrasounds of their child before abortions. Can you imagine looking into the face of your child and then choosing to kill it? 78% of women chose to give their baby a chance to live, to be born, to grow up and to have a good life. Leftists don't want that to happen. They hate babies. February 26, 2019   Racism Is Real:   Sigh. The lefties love to discriminate against white peole -- especially the white cis-gendered male -- and if that means speaking another language to discriminate, then that's what they'll do. Like trevor noah (who?) did at the "Oscars". He said something in Xhosa (an African langauge), and told the audience that he said that "'In times like this we are stronger when we fight together than when we try to fight apart.'"The problem is that he actually said "'White people don’t know I’m lying.'"The question that raises with me is "How does he know that anyone there will understand what he's saying?" After all, is it not RACIST to assume that ALL BLACK PEOPLE at the Oscars or watching will understand what he said? Is it not RACIST to ASSUME this? Is it not RACIST to think that people here in America, but with certain skin tones will be able to understand Xhosa? He looks at a person's skin and asumes? Trevor Noah is a racist. Febuary 26, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 25, 2019: 3:01 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   It's no surprise that Judicial Watch has discovered yet another crooktOOn cover up. Okay. Show of hands. Anyone surprised? Nope. Didn't think so. February 25, 2019   Wait. "Little Marco", is that you? Are you acting like you have a spine? Really? I admit to being shocked. Of course, he'll probably be running for prezidunce against Pres. Trump in 2020, so he has to start somewhere, right? February 25, 2019   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   An idiot judge in the U.S. has wrongfully reinstated a law suit against people in America for their support of Israel: "The claims are broad: Civil conspiracy; war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide; aggravated and ongoing trespass; RICO, and; war crime of pillage."He is suing because the 53 people named in the suit support Israel's control over the "disputed territory" and the idiot judge, Circuit Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, ruled: "'[C]ourts could rule on whether the defendants conspired to expel non-Jews or committed war crimes 'without touching the sovereignty question, if it concluded that Israeli settlers are committing genocide.'The "disputed territories" in the suit is the "West Bank" of which Israel owns and is sovereign over, but is trying to make peace with "Palestine" via allowing "settlers" to use that land. Israel has bent over backwards to do what it can to make Islam stop attacking and killing Jews in Israel, but the Muslims refuse to accept any kind of compromise all they want is Jews dead and Israel obliterated along with anyone who supports them. Judge Henderson was nominated by George H.W. Bush and I think he did this bad judge in an effort to appease the left, considering her reputation. She also allowed some of the spurious complaints against Judge Kavanaugh to go foward. I'm sure it's not because she's a leftist political hack, right? February 25, 2019   Boycott This Bank:   We stopped doing business with Chase bank a long time ago. Now they have further earned Conservatives' dropping them like a hot potato -- well, actually, they're dropping Conservatives like hot potatoes. So they're asking you "Excuse me, Sir/Ma'am, are you a Conservative? If so, we will be closing your account now and forcing you to do business elsewhere." Isn't that sweet? I think that if they don't want to do business with your fellow Conservatives, don't do business with them. Yes, it's a form of "Free Speech" I suppose, but that doesn't mean that it's a good business practice. So, let me say what I think is going to happen. The bank will force all Conservatives out of doing business with them, other Conservatives will not do business with them because they are doing this to other Conservatives, and Conservatives will cancel their credit cards with Chase, switch their other loans out to other banks, and in general stop frequenting their establishment. That will make Chase happy until they realize that it was Conservatives who paid their bills, Conservatives who didn't pay two months late, and Conservatives off of whom they were making money because lefties don't think they have to pay their bills; that's up to the "gubment". Chase will subsequently have to do a "reorganization" (A.K.A. a form of bankruptcy) and then a few years from now there will be no more Chase bank because they were stupid enough to choose left instead of RIGHT, wrong instead of RIGHT and stupidity instead of RIGHT. That's what they chose so it's their own funeral they are arranging. February 25, 2019   Fake Hate:   Leftists are insane. The "actor", jussie smollet recenlty faked a hate crime on himself, and now there's yet another fake hate crime that has been discovered. This time it's a "transgender activist" who KILLED HER OWN PETS in order to FAKE a HATE CRIME so that she could get the pity of the left! She KILLED HER OWN PETS -- two German Shepherd dogs and three cats! FIVE OF THEM! FOR FAME! That's how INSANE the left has gotten! She killed her own PETS! This after the left calls the right "Crazy", or "Haters"? Really? Have they looked into the mirror of their own souls lately? February 25, 2019   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   Since the Russia conspiracy theory is failing, they have moved on to something else. Now they're trying to say that he tried to kiss a woman while on the campaign trail. There are multiple witnesses who say IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, but it is still being pushed by the left since everything they have tried has FAILED MISERABLY. Fact: "Two people Ms. Johnson alleges to have witnessed the encounter, a campaign staffer and then-Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi both denied seeing the kiss, in an interview with the Washington Post."I see the left as being about as reliable and honest as an earthworm's poop. Oh, and by the way, the accuser: "Alva Johnson said she’s a registered Democrat who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and in 2012 — but became interested in the Trump campaign because of a politically active Republican family member."Wait! A dumboRAT making false allegations? Really? GO Figure! February 25, 2019   China's "Social Credit" system is already silencing some in China. I bet if the left got the chance to do the same thing, they'd implement the same thing as China and they'd be sure that it was those of us on the Conservative side who disagree with them. How many of us would be silenced if the left got the chance to do the same program here? Would you be one of them? February 25, 2019   The IDIOT, aoc:   She pushes her "New Green Deal" that MUST be done within twelve years or "The world is going to die! We're all going to die!" but she doesn't tell you that it's going to actually cost EVERY HOUSEHOLD $600,000 and won't do a darn thing because it's not feasable! Even The IDIOT can't stand by her own words because you can't trust her words! She says in one sentence that we have to "reject the politics of fear" but in the next sentence, she pushes her idiotic "New Green Deal" and says we're all going to die in 12 years! Anyone afraid now? How about those kids who demanded difi back the "New Green Deal"? Were they afraid? Even those kids said that they are the ones who will pay the price for the lack of action! Are they afraid? She's such a moron. February 25, 2019   I'll close with that for today. My hubby's going to be home in a minute or two (he called). Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 22, 2019: 1:32 p.m.   Judicial Watch is supporting the monuments in America that have a "religious component", including the WWI veteran's memorial cross. The First Amendment stands for the free exercise of religion and the left wants to take down all of the monuments that have anything to do with a religion (except satanism, I'm sure) because they try to say that crosses and other such symbols are government sponsored religion. Wrong. It's a symbol of the majority of America's beliefs, yes. But it states: "'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.'"The Founding Fathers were talking about the government not helping a religion become established as the "government mandated" religion as in the "Curch of England" in which the government actually established, started, founded, and pushed the "Church of England" so that King Henry could divorce yet another woman and marry again. When the Roman Catholic Church would not allow his third or fourth divorce, he said, "Well, then. I'll just leave your Church and I'll start my own church in which I'll be the head and you won't have any say because I'll be the 'pope' and enable myself to get a divorce!" (Not an actual quote, but you get the idea.) That's what the Founding Fathers were trying to prevent, not the government using Christian symbols on its property, allowing Christmas parties on its premises, or even allowing Nativities to be displayed on government land. The left tries to make it seem like it's illegal for the Cross to be used in government cemeteries, as memorials they fund, or anything or anywhere else they don't like. The problem is, they don't have a legal foot to stand on until they appear before the leftist judge (usually appointed by themuslimvileone or bullybobcrooktOOn) and that leftie sides with the lefties in the court and gives them everything they so desire. That's why it's important for the judges appointed to be Constitionalists and Conservatives. Without Constitutionalist judges we will have no more America and no more rights; only lefties would have either of those. February 22, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   TGP has Part III of the TRUTH of her crimes. How many more parts will it take to cover all of them? To cover absolutely all of them, we'd see TGP doing about 4,202,402 parts to the reporting. It would take that many. February 22, 2019   The IDIOT, aoc:   Does she really want to "make a whole new country"? Is that why Socialists are openly running for Congress? It used to be that only bernie sanders was openly Socialist and proud (notice I said "openly"). Now it's him, aoc and others who are more than pushing America toward socialism and communism. Let's not follow them into that dark hole. Let us cling to the Founding Fathers and what they wanted for America and its people: freedom and the free exercise thereof. February 22, 2019   Leftist AG:   Aaaahhhh... Priorities. February 22, 2019   Two Finger Violins (pianissimo):   The crooked "cop" (and I use the term loosely and only because of his current title) rod rosenstein is singing his swan song. He's bewailing the fact that his days as a law enforcement guy "are coming to an end". Well, light the fireworks and hold the parades! Party well into the night! One less swamp monster in the swamp! Hurray! February 22, 2019   February 22, 2019   I agree with the Sec. of State, Mike Pompeo, in not allowing an ISIS bride to return to America. First, she's NOT a U.S. citizen because her father was a diplomat stationed here when she was born, and that's what our Founding Fathers wanted and believed in. Second, she chose to leave America and go to help ISIS kill people. Third, now that she has a child, she wants to come back, "admitting her mistake" and that she has "ruined her life"; yeah, so what? She made her bed. Let her lie in it. She's in a Syrian refugee camp and should be made to stay there. February 22, 2019   Think being in the military is a life choice you want to make? I spent a good part of my life as a military brat, then married a military brat who joined the military before we got married. I remember military housing at four Air Force bases, and they weren't bad, but they weren't upgraded, either. The pay is low, the medical care is no longer what it used to be (not dinging my medical experiences, just know what used to be when I was a kid but what I'm not seeing now: dental used to be covered for kids and spouses but is no longer covered). Now the V.A. is being exposed as being a horrible place to work and to get medical care, and some military housing is "horrific". If you're willing to put yourself throug this to serve your country -- and everyone who lives here -- then I thank you from the depths of my soul. I know what the sacrifice is (to a small extent at least) and I think you're doing a great thing. Thank you. February 22, 2019   CaliMarxiFornia:   They received $2.5 BILLION taxpayer dollars from the federal government to build a high speed rail but didn't do the project. In fact, it's recently been cancelled by their governor. Now, Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) wants the taxpayer money returned to the federal government and he's finding innovative ways to do so. I hope he succeeds. America could use the money for other things -- perhaps renovating the military housing that is so in need of being redone? February 22, 2019   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   New Jersey: what can be done with this kind of stupidity? They've actually (and amazingly) passed a bill to keep Pres. Trump off the 2020 ballot unless he turns over his tax returns. I'm sorry, but: 1) The IRS is full of leakers, so why don't they ask the IRS who already has his tax returns. 2) There is NO LAW that states that a candidate for president MUST make all of his records public -- neither themuslimvileone nor the crooktOOns did that. 3) Since when does Pres. Donald J. Trump need NJ to win election? He lost it in 2016 to hillosercrooktOOn, so what good would it do him for 2020? 4) Can anyone say "Partisan"? 5) I think that Federal Election Laws may have something to say about that because in doing this they are actually disenfranchising anyone in NJ who may have wanted to vote FOR Pres. Donald J. Trump and the legislators' stupidity has just prevented that. Lawsuit, anyone? "Stupid is as stupid does" (Forest Gump) and those with TDS are certainly stupid. February 22, 2019   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   The costs are -- again -- going up; this time by 15%! I told you way back in 2009 it would break your budget, and for those who were promised that "previously existing conditions" would be covered, they were: IF you could afford 20% higher premiums or other increased rates. Now, we find that the republiRATS led by the spinelss yellowbellied, ROTTEN ryan, COULD HAVE shut it down, but didn't. They were fed false numbers from the allegedly non-partisan CBO (Congressional Budget Office) that LIED to them and to the American people about how much it would cost and who it would hurt to shut it down. So now we have this stone around our necks and we owe it to the LIARS -- themuslimvileone to hillosercrooktOOn to the House and Senate and the CBO -- for that stone. This stone needs to go away. This stone needs to be taken off of our necks and we need to have the LIARS kicked out of office -- elected or hired! February 22, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 21, 2019: 2:36 p.m.   Sorry yesterday's post was so short (but important). I sat down to do the updates and was told that we needed to go to the bank and handle a problem my husband found online. We were given access to what he thought was someone else's account but turned out to be an account my husband does have access to via another account with an organization. The update the bank did over the weekend updated everything and combined access to authorized accounts but we didn't know that was going to happen, so the sudden access to another account was alarming. We got that straightened out and we went to get the oil changed in my vehicle ("Ace"). Thus, my update time was taken up with going to straighten out something we didn't need to straighten out. Sorry about that. Let's get started on today's updates, shall we? February 21, 2019   Violent LEFT:   Yet another leftie thinks it's okay to physically attack a person whose views do not caress, agree with, conform to, and kiss the backside of his own. A Turning Point USA volunteer was repeatedly hit by a violent leftist while signing up those whose point of view aligned with Turning Point USA's on the U.C. Berkeley campus. Police don't know who the guy is yet, but there is a picture of the violent, hateful leftist who has no problem with physically attacking someone who won't kowtow to his own political ideology. The msm is not covering any of the recent attacks because they apparently think that anyone who is on the Conservative side must deserve to be physically punished for not agreeing with them and their violent buddies on the left. UNlike the FAKED jussie smollet attack, the left really does get violent and they really do hurt people and it's time that it stop. Those in leadership positions on the left need to start teaching their people how to oppose those with whom they disagree WITHOUT PHYSICAL VIOLENCE. If the left cannot or will not do so, they need to be policed to the "Nth degree" to prevent them from reaching out and hurting someone. February 21, 2019   FAKE hate: jussie smollet:   Yep. It's over. It's been PROVEN that he not only FAKED the attack on himself at 2:00 a.m. that fateful morning, but that he also sent himself the letter that threatened himself and that had crushed aspirin in it. He is now in Chicago PD custody and faces at least some disgrace if not jail time for the hate hoax. IF justice is served, he will serve time in jail and several people who support Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that) will sue him, every "news" outlet (including FOX) who reported the hoax and perpetuated the LIE that it was Trump supporters who beat him up, and they will have a class action lawsuit against them for slandering all of us. Rush says that smollet was targeting Pres. Trump, but I say he was targeting the folks who support him -- you and I. I think we should sue. February 21, 2019   FAKE NEWS:   I say that we should sue partly based upon the fact that now that the msm, "FAKE NEWS" people are being sued by Covington Catholic students I think that more lawsuits against the msm, "FAKE NEWS", folks would be a good way to put them on notice that we, the Conservatives who are daily slandered by them, will no longer tolerate their LIES about us and their false stories about us. They don't cover the violence of the LEFT, but they will LIE by reporting UNTRUTHS about Conservatives; or anyone even considered so by the left. Any time a bad thing happens, it is the default position and supposition of the left msm to jump to the conclusion that the perpetrator MUST BE a Conservative. The TRUTH is that it is RARELY the case that a TRUE CONSERVATIVE is the person who starts the violence. That never stops the msm from jumping to that conclusion, though. Remember how many times the left has started out by reporting that it's Conservatives' fault that something bad happened? How many times has a leftist, anti-semite, Trump hater been the shooter when the msm blamed a Trump supporting Conservative? It's disgusting and it's time that it ends. The msm needs to get their heads out of their butts and they need to figure out that just because they're kissing power's butt right now that it doesn't mean that they won't be the first ones in the gulag of the powerful lefties they put into power if today's world falls apart. After all, the msm knows the secrets and hasn't published them yet, so the powerful will have the msm by the private parts and will be able to silence them later if need be. That's why the secrets should be told now by the msm: it keeps the "powerful elitists" from stepping out of line and prevents them from being tyrants. If the msm waits to tell the secrets by the time the msm is ready to yank the leash on the powerful, the powerful may be too powerful for them to do so and the msm will be sitting behind bars crying to their own shadows because that is all available to listen. February 21, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Someone within the FBI and DOJ was considering pressing charges against her but was talked out of it by leadership. She's also the one who has been colluding with Russia! That's the way it always works with leftists: they blame the Conservatives and innocent people of the wrongs they themselves are doing. That's why they love to cry "Squirrel!" It gets our eyes off of them and onto the wrong person. Think jussie smollet, bullybobcrooktOOn and the aspiring factory bombing, and other situations. It always turns out that they love to do things to say, "Don't look at this crooktOOn scandal! Look over there! Look! There's something going on over there!" But hillosercrooktOOn did the dirty deed and actually committed TREASON and she is a TRAITOR to the United States of America and she needs to be arrested, charged and spend every minute of the rest of her sorry days in a federal prison in prison orange (which will look really bad on her skin tone)! February 21, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I sometimes wonder how ann coulter (whom I can't figure out) can get up in the mornings unless her motivation is to just be controversial. She supported Pres. Donald J. Trump before he was elected, but now she says he's not keeping his promises. The problem with that assertion is that he IS keeping his promises and it's not just Pres. Trump who says so. He's done very well at keeping his promises. I think ann coulter has a problem with NOT being controversial. She has to be controversial and she wants to be controversial. Without it, she loses her audience and she loses contracts. Remember, she supported Pres. Trump so much while he was running that she wrote a book, "In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!" Now she's dissing him? I think controversial ann coulter is now proving herself more like glenn beck: although while he licks his finger and sticks it into the wind to find out which way it's blowing, she does so to find out which way it IS NOT blowing and goes that way. February 21, 2019   The IDIOT, aoc:   She has trouble coming for her and I seriously doubt that the leadership in Congress will do much -- if anything -- to help her get out of it. She is in the midst of a corruption imbroglio. "'funneling money to Roberts - who [Ocasio-Cortez] says is her spouse - is unethical and maybe illegal. And AOC didn't disclose this income, and didn't claim Roberts as a spouse, in her candidate financial disclosures,'"Riley Roberts is the guy aoc lives with and says publicly that he is her "partner", but not her "spouse". Read the whole story in the link and find out that she's nothing more than a sleazy politician who did a whole lot of wrong to get where she wanted to be, laws be darned and ethics ignored completely. It's not a surprise. Lefties like to break the rules that only apply to everyone else and not to themselves. She's not only facing an investigation because of her wrongdoings during her campaign, but there's a HUGE billboard in Times Square in NYC that slams her for NYC losing the Amazon HQ. She was one of the people who pushed squashing the deal and now New York has lost a lot of jobs. This is what happens when you elect idiots and Socialists. When they're one in the same, it's even worse. February 21, 2019   Dear SJWs:   Did you know that Che Guevara was a racist homophobe? No? Read his own words. February 21, 2019   MAGA:   Jobless claims fall further than expected. That's a great thing! Officially, the January unemployment U3 rate was 4.0; the U6 number was 8.1, a number themuslimvileone could only dream about. February 21, 2019   I'm glad they caught this guy before he could do any harm. This Coast Guard Lieutenant meant to harm as many people as he could in an effort to make "white" people the only survivors. That's not just wrong and evil, it's stupid. GOD made everyone, not just "white" people and GOD loves everyone not just "white" people. For anyone choose to harm someone because they're not "white" is racist, stupid, unChristian and wrong. If you don't like someone because of their skin tone deal with your heart, not their skin tone. It's a problem within YOU, not a problem outside of their control. February 21, 2019   Babies' Lives Matter:   CaliMarxiFornia has been ordered by a judge to pay three PRO-LIFE crisis pregnancy centers $399,000 each because they can't be forced to offer abortion info when it goes against their religious beliefs and convictions. Good for the judge and good for the First Amendment! February 21, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   A former federal immigration judge defended Pres. Trump's border wall and basically said the lawsuit against it filed by fourteen states was a waste of time and money. Wasting time and money seems to be the dumboRATS' favorite pastime nowadays, though, so they will push it to the SCOTUS so that they can try to win election in 2020 on the backs of wasting taxpayer money. Isn't that special? The lefties who vote for the dumboRATS are so stupid they vote for the people wasting their money. Not a good thing to do if you want to be considered intelligent in any way. February 21, 2019   Marijuana Use:   Do you smoke marijuana? Do you know or love someone who does? Do you know the dangers of marijuana -- I mean the dangers besides the normal things they talk about. I mean the TRUTH that they DON'T tell you. Truths like daily marijuana use is connected to the onset of schizophrenia and violent behavior. Did you know that? No? You need to read the link. Read it. Then get rid of any marijuana in your posession or house. Do not allow marijuana into your life. It's much more dangerous than they tell you! February 21, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 20, 2019: 1:35 p.m.   "Further, to protect the population of the state no person shall possess a firearm of any kind if: 1) they have been convicted of a felony; 2) convicted of three or more misdemeanors; 3) had their drivers license suspended or revoked for driving under the influence, careless or reckless driving, or excessive speeding; 4) has been the subject of two or more domestic abuse emergency calls or investigations; 5) they are a person whose mental condition has been affirmed as temporarily or permanentlY psychologically disturbed by a person with a medical degree; 6) or if they are a person who has made any substantiated threat of violence against another person. The provisions of this section are self-implementing and are immediately in effect upon adoption. [my bolding]"Note two things: 1) the "person with a medical degree" need not be a psychiatrist or anyone in that field. It can be any medical degree and if your doctor, LPN, or PA has a thing against guns and they find out that you have a weapon in your home, they can order your guns confiscated. 2) "Excessive speeding" as a reason to take away your Second Amendment rights? Really? Does this tell you how desparate these people are? The people trying to do this are the Stop the Killing Committee and they get their funds mostly from the president of the committee, Donald Cleveland, so far. He's not very good at doing the legal paperwork for his committee. Let us NOT allow this to get approved or even put on the ballot. We have a Second Amendment RIGHT to "keep and bear arms"! Do NOT SIGN THIS PETITION! Hat Tip: CocoaC. February 19, 2019: 2:31 p.m.   Wow! That was a break! I had a great time in Minnesota birding with my husband and brother-in-law and I saw about ten life birds (birds I've never seen before -- at least, not since I started birding in 2016). It was cold, cold, cold up there but we still went out, even with a whindchill factor of -22F! We went out in the mornings, usually, and stayed out until at least dusk, then had supper, decided what time to wake up and get going the next morning and went to bed to repeat the whole thing again. I did break the pattern on Sunday the 10th to stay home, decompress (going all the time stresses me out) and to have the time to read my Bible as much as I wanted; something I didn't have the chance to do when I was getting up, getting ready and out the door within an hour. I handled the cold pretty well after I figured out how to layer for it properly and how to wear my "Mad Bomber" fur hat. It really made a difference in my warmth! I was surprised at how much warmer I felt with the flaps down. I may have looked goofy, but it was a small price to pay for my face not freezing. We had a safe trip, very little slippage during the long drives to the different birding places, went to Wisconsin and found the Snowy Owl and I loved just looking at the snow, snow, snow, snow, snow! It was beautiful. I took a pic of the last time we backed out of the driveway as we left our VRBO rental and it snowed that night, too! Can you imagine how much more snow they had? Yeow! The person we rented the house from is the Mayor of the town and she had arranged for someone to come and snowblow the driveway regularly so we were able to get out of the garage and driveway without difficulty. It was a great time, even if the hours were a bit early. February 19, 2019   bernie Socialist sanders:   Well, it's "offical" [sic], he's running for prezidunce again. The commie lover is going to try it again. I suppose he thinks that the success of fellow socialists (aoc, the Muslims who ran, and others) being elected indicates that it's his time, but I think he's got another think coming. Americans as a whole don't really like socialism. They prefer America as the Founding Fathers intended her to be: a Representative Republic. That means that the laws that are voted into being by our elected representatives are what rule the land, not majority rule. "We are a nation of laws" (John Adams; a Founding Father) and that's why we are not a "democratic Republic" or any other nonsense you may hear. Anything that includes "democratic" includes "majority rule" in which if there are fifty males at a bar and one female and the men vote that they're going to all have sex with that woman, she has no say in the matter and she gets raped by fifty men. A Representative Republic, on the other hand, says that there is a law against rape and that those fifty men had better behave because if they don't then the cops will be called by the woman and all fifty men will be escorted straight to jail for threatening grievous bodily harm (assuming she gets to call the cops PRIOR to being raped). A Representative Republic has most of those men trying to behave, no matter how many want to rape the lone woman because the law-abiding amongst them know that it's wrong to rape someone and know that there is a price to pay for that action. In a "democracy" the cops would not be called because that's what the majority wanted and no laws were broken when a majority present were voting FOR the rape. That's the difference that the left does not understand; or at least act like they don't understand. I sometimes wonder if they have the brain cells to do so, but sanders' desire to be president and make America a Socialist/Communist nation is NOT what most Americans want, IMHO. Do you want that? February 19, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   She has been protected by the lefties in the Deep State and now Judicial Watch has the proof that they knew she was breaking the law and the charges that could/should be filed against her and they made a chart of what those charges could/should be and what the resulting sentences could/should be. If that is not admitting that she was breaking the law then what is? February 19, 2019   College "education":   Again, the lefties in the "colleges" you pay good money to send your kids to, or pay to go there yourself, are so full of leftists that they are teaching crap to your kids. "Crap?" you may ask, but check out this list of crap courses -- most targeting Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love writing that!) -- and consider how stupid they are making their students. Read the list and realize that it's not just sad, it's quite "ridiculous". Are you enjoying wasting your hard-earned dollars on these crappy "college" courses? Or would you rather actually learn something useful besides how to be a stupid leftist? February 19, 2019   That's sad. I can't imagine why it's okay to do this, but El Paso, TX is a major route for incoming drugs and illegal alien invaders (including Islamic terrorists) and a "city is a rats’ nest of law enforcement corruption" and I wonder if the Mayor of El Paso is allowing it because he's in charge of the police. That's not just wrong, it dumb. It's putting the people of El Paso at risk. Also, "In the aftermath of Judicial Watch’s story about Islamic terrorists operating in Juárez, Beto O’Rourke, the former congressman that’s holding an anti-Trump rally during the president’s event at the El Paso County Coliseum, tried to silence federal law enforcement sources. O’Rourke, who represented El Paso in the House before a failed Senate bid, has long declared that Juárez is safe even as the notoriously violent region adjacent to his district is renowned for beheadings, gunfights, kidnappings and drug trafficking."If they're allowing Islamic terrorists to come into America, then the feds should go into El Paso and take control of that situation and that town and stop the corruption and stop the flow of drugs, illegal alien invaders and Islamic terrorists from coming into America. This isn't what is supposed to happen in America, but when lefties get into power this is what happens. So sorry, Americans of El Paso. Your law enforcement and Mayor should care more about you. February 19, 2019   jussie "Lying Racist" smollet:   He LIED about his supposed attack and the police are finding the truth and it turns out he actually set the whole thing up himself and hired his "attackers" and blamed white Trump supporters for the alleged assault. He knew better but he LIED about the whole thing. Now it's all falling apart for him. His part is being written out of the show and he may be facing an indictment for lying to the police and that would NOT be good for him. Sounds like LYING is not such a good idea after all, huh, jussie? February 19, 2019   Woops! Hubby's home! I'm going to go! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 4, 2019: 2:41 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I got a late start. We went to our farm for the weekend, got our Christmas decorations taken down (boo!), and started mowing a different part of what used to be a cotton field, but didn't get it finished because an Uncle stopped by and visited for a while and by the time we finished visiting it was too dark to finish. The next day (Sunday), when we planned to finish it, it had rained and the field was all soggy. We didn't want our John Deere mowers to sink in the slog, so we gave up on that, did a few other things, cleaned the house and headed home. Oh well. That's the way it goes on a farm, whether you're plowing fields and planting things, or you're just trying to create a huge yard, it all depends upon the weather. February 4, 2019   Fake News:   The msm has known - or at least suspected -- for a few days now that the hollyweirdo actor who alleged that two men in MAGA hats beat the hades out of him in Chicago recently was a total fabrication. The proof is out there but the msm likes the narrative that anyone who supports Pres. Donald J. Trump must be violent extremists who like to beat total strangers up just because of their skin tone. That's what the leftist msm wants you all to believe. Too bad we all know better! February 4, 2019   DumboRAT LIES:   Well, how about that? Yet another dumboRAT has LIED about his war service and claims he was in Desert Storm. Actually, he wasn't. Someone uncovered the truth about his military service and it wasn't directly in Desert Storm, it was during the timeframe of Desert Storm, but he didn't see armed combat, didn't serve on the front line as a medic, didn't get shot at, or even near. "He was a child neurologist working at the Army’s Landstuhl Hospital in Germany. The way I understand neurologists, they treat brain diseases not gunshot wounds. It looks like he specialized in child neurology before, during and after the time he was at Landstuhl.So here is proof of yet ANOTHER dumboRAT LYING and another dumboRAT with STOLEN VALOR! They are despicable! They hate war unless it can help get them elected! Hypocrisy, thy name is dumboRATS! February 4, 2019   Speaking of dumboRATS and their hypocrisy, they hate violence (unless it's them doing it) and they think that art is anything they say it is, not something with line, balance, flow, color, etc., taken into consideration. So of course, their hatred of Ivanka Trump leads to violence on display. They "created" a piece of "art" (major quotation marks around that), in which viewers are invited and encouraged to throw crumbs at a vacuuming Ivanka. How on earth that is "art" I have no idea. It does prove how stupid they are when it comes to "art", but it doesn't satisfy their need for violence against anyone with whom they disagree, so expect more stupidity and even worse ideas for violence against anyone who doesn't think like them. It's coming, folks. Be prepared. February 4, 2019   Will the dumboRATS be able to use RACE in the next election? They're fretting, worrying and wringing their hands! What has Gov. Northam done? His racist photos (which he chose to use on his own senior yearbook page) are making it hard for them to say that the dumboRAT candidates are as pure as the wind-driven snow. Have they forgotten about?:
February 4, 2019   Is this really what America believes? Does America really feel this way? Do they really want to "soak the rich"? Do they not understand that when it comest o the dumboRATS' desire to do so -- and they're pushing everyone else to want to do so -- that when they start high, the dumboRATS ALWAYS GO LOW!? Do people not understand that? I mean, that if they start with the millionaires they end with those who don't make millions. They always end up hurting everyone except themselves and their rich buddies. That's the way the dumboRATS roll: anyway that benefits themselves the most. Ask pelosipig, aoc, maxine "The Mouth" waters, etc. They won't tell you the truth, but even in their lies you'll find the truth if you look and listen. Is this what you really want, America? Punish those whom you would love to be like? If so, you're wishing to be their next target! You're not really that stupid, are you? February 4, 2019   The Despicable robert mueller:   He's so "virtuous" that he and his band of hustlers tipped off cnn about Roger Stone's arrest (and yes, they have proof) and made sure that their favorite co-conspirator was there to cover it. There is "collusion" afoot: the despicable robert mueller is in collusion with the dumboRATS and the msm to try to destroy America and Pres. Donald J. Trump in particular. It's wrong and it's time that it stop! Someone in authority needs to step up and put their foot down on his neck, or Pres. Trump needs to sue him for all the crap he's done. What grounds would he use? I don't know, but something needs to be done and if it takes a non-themuslimvileone appointed judge to have a hearing and find out all of the crap this clown has done then so be it! It's time to put an end to this charade! February 4, 2019   msm BIAS:   DumboRATS always get a pass when it comes to wrongdoing and the msm reporting -- NOT reporting -- on it. Take the Judge Brett Kavanaugh nonsense that they focused on and over-indulged in for a month during his confirmation hearings. They tried to make everyone think he was a horrible person and had raped at least four false accusers. Would they do that to a dumboRAT? Nope. There were accusations against VA Lt. Governor Fairfax before the election but they spiked it. They didn't cover it at all. Same with the SEVENTEEN (17) women who accused bullybobcrooktOOn! So now we have the msm helping cover up sexual assault by dumboRATS - again. Yet more proof of their bias and their protecting and helping the dumboRATS no matter how bad they are. If I were a female reporter for one of those msm outlets who help cover for the dumboRATS I'd be walking into my boss's office, demanding they cover the story fully and then if they wouldn't do so, I'd quit and go tell the truth elsewhere. It's time that female reporters actually stand up for women! February 4, 2019   The "Super Bowl" happened yesterday. Yawn. So what? I stopped caring about football when they started taking a knee. I used to love the Miami Dolphins -- from the time I was a teen and they had Refrigerator Perry and the line that went with him -- but now the pic with this article tells you why I'll never watch them or any other football game again. CBS is claiming that they "didn't know" if a patriotic company supporting the National Anthem could "pay for the spot" so they rejected it upon that false premise. Liars. They just didn't want anyone to support the National Anthem when the football players and cheerleaders are kneeling and disrespecting our flag, our National Anthem and those who served and those who died for that Anthem. It's time that the msm be held accountable for their lies and their hatred of America. Let's put them out of business because they don't want to serve you; they want to change America into a socialist/communist country and make YOU serve THEM. That's not going to happen on my watch. February 4, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. Remember that I won't be here Feb. 6th through Feb 12th because my son will be here taking care of things, but I'll be birding with "The Two K's" in Minnesota. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 2019 March 28, 2019: 12:49 p.m.   I'm only going to do a few blurbs today because I have some flowers and other plants to get in the ground (hopefully not six feet under!) and I have to be somewhere this afternoon. Pray for those plants. With me touching them, they need it! March 28, 2019   Do you believe that in America we have one justice system and that we are all working on level ground and if we break the law that laws are applied equally to all of us no matter social status, wealth or poverty, etc.? I no longer believe that. Partially that's thanks to the way the crooktOOns and themuslimvileone are treated, as well as the way the dumboRATS in the House and Senate are treated, as well as their cronies; partially because of the "Russian collusion" LIE. We have been seeing so many people break the laws, brag about breaking the law and nothing happens to them: NOTHING. It's as if they're all jussie smollet and they all get off scott free because they have nothing to fear as long as their buddies are in office or they have friends in high places. We see more evidence of the left's "friends in high places" effect in the lack of prosecution of the guy who doxxed Republicans during the Justice Brent Kavanaugh hearings. He broke the law, he put Senators' lives in danger and it doesn't matter because he's a buddy of DiFi and his parents gave to her campaign. That's all it takes to have free reign of lawlessness in America. Be rich enough to buy a Senator, buy a previous prezidunce (crooktOOns and themuslimvileone), or know someone who does. The rest of us, if we had done similar things, would be in prison for years. Those who know someone, or are someone? Nada. That's not the American way. It's not the way it was supposed to be. It's not the way it should be. It's the way it is. How can we fix that? March 28, 2019 The Gateway Pundit's investigation into the crooktOOn's "foundation" (read: personal enrichment front) has continued and the further they get into this investigation the worse the crooktOOns are. They are TRAITORS: Period. Read every part of the investigation. They're up to part eleven. Let's change things in America and hold them accountable to the same standards and laws WE would be held to. They are not special. They are not royal. They are hicks from Arkansas and they need to face the same punishments we would. March 28, 2019   "Pencil Neck" (A.K.A. "Schiff for Brains":   He has been asked to step down as the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee (a dumboRAT in control of the House Intelligence Committee is as laughable an oxymoron as anything ever seen, but I digress). The Republican committee members are tired of his determination to prove that Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) colluded with Russia in order to defeat hillosercrooktOOn. What does he say in response? Basically, "Meh." He needs to step down and go away. Mr. Bug Eyes is big an embarrassment as is maxine "The Mouth" waters. How they show their faces in public I will never know. Meanwhile, pelosickpig? Bwahahahahahaha!!! Oh, my! That's so ridiculous! March 28, 2019   MAGA!:   I forgot to say something about it earlier, but the February employment numbers were very good! We saw 7.3% as our U6 number and 3.8% as our official unemployment number. We haven't seen those kinds of numbers outside of the Trump administration since 2000. We are seeing great things and I am so grateful that Pres. Donald J. Trump has kept that "magic wand"! #MAGA! March 28, 2019   Do you want to be taught that you are a racist if you're a caucasian? It doesn't matter that you are NOT a racist, that you don't consider people's skin tone, religion, etc., when considering who they are, but (rather) you look at their actions and words and then decide whether to like and appreciate them. According to the left, former U.S.A.G., eric holder, included, you are a racist and need to be taught to understand that truth. You need to be taught how to admit your racism, how to make amends for it to every person against whom you may have hidden, unknown, undealt-with racist hatred deep within your soul. You are guilty of racism if you are caucasian because of the fact that you were born caucasian. How dare you? You are GUILTY! March 28, 2019   March 28, 2019   Free Speech:   "Social media" platforms on the left -- the Dead Blue Bird and Fakebook -- are so afraid of the TRUTH and of their opponents' ideas and thoughts that the Dead Blue Bird has labeled Pres. Trump's tweets as "offensive" and Fakebook is banning more Free Speech. They hate the whole idea of people on the left being exposed to the TRUTH because of the "Red Pill" phenomenon. "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." That's why the left hates us. We speak the truth and that Red Pills people. March 28, 2019   Fake News:   Poor, poor joe scarborough. We can now call him "Jealousy speaks". Someone hand him a tissue and pat him on the back. He needs it. March 28, 2019   Speaking of "Bwahahahahaha!", stacy abrams, WHAT? She's "capable of running" for prezidunce because she LOST her Georgia governor bid? Really? Your loss proves you can run for anything, but it does NOT prove you can WIN. Is she implying otherwise? Or is she as delusional as the rest of the dumboRATS and those who support them? SMH. Up is down, wrong is right, male is female and losing is winning in the dumboRAT party. How on earth do they feed themselves? March 28, 2019   Planned ABORTIONhood:   When the U.S. Senate voted on the "Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" dumboRATS voted against it. They didn't want babies who survived an abortion to be given any medical aid to help them survive. They voted against a baby who could see, hear and breathe the same air they would be breathing if they were in the same room with that child. Now we find out -- what a lot of us suspected -- that EVERY dumboRAT who voted against it took $$$ from Planned ABORTIONhood. Yep. They sold their vote and their souls went with it apparently. Heartless and for sale. Great combo for U.S. Senators, don't you think? March 28, 2019   I got more done today than I thought I would. I'll go for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 27, 2019: 2:15 p.m.   Went to the IRS's website and printed forms, downloaded the instructions and read some of the info they had. The 1040 form has been changed and it looks a lot simpler (two pages printed, but it could fit on one page easily) and they've raised the charitable giving limit (for most situations) to 60% of adjusted gross income (AGI) and that's a good thing. It allows us to keep more of our money. If you have yet to file you may find it easier, even if you itemize and have to file the alternative minimum tax (AMT) form, it still seems simpler. That's just in looking at the forms as I download them; filling them out and getting things right may be a whole 'nother ball game. March 27, 2019   Fake News:   Those who have been peddling the Fake News crap of Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) being in collusion with Russia, or other such nonsense, are starting to feel the pinch of their own LIES. For example, rachel madcow lost 20% of her audience after the robert mueller report proved that there was no such thing as Pres. Trump (or even candidate Trump) colluding with Russia. She was so sure it was going to be a slam dunk when the report came out she was sure she'd get to celebrate big time -- on air -- and get in our faces and say a huge "I told you so!" Well, it never happened and the mueller report said so and now we get to see how the left handles their own comeuppance. It's nice to know that the truth still matters somewhere and, honestly, I am totally shocked that robert mueller's report told the truth. It's amazing because I trusted him -- as I trust the rest of the FBI/DOJ corrupt leftist machine -- as far as I could pick them up and throw them. It's nice to see the leftist Fake News machine being exposed. Let's see how many of them go under. Madcow and msnbc are not the only losers after the mueller report's release; cnn lost 30% of their audience. Please excuse me while I go laugh hysterically in the corner for an hour. March 27, 2019   jussie "Hate Hoax" smollet:   The Chicago PD's police union is allegedly "furious" over Attorney General, kim foxx's, dismissal of all sixteen charges against jussie smollet. They had the goods on this clown but the AG decided -- after hearing from msthemuslimvileon's aide and smollet's family to drop all charges and (adding insult to injury) she had the judge seal the paperwork that had to do with the charges being dropped. We'll never know why or how it happened unless those papers are unsealed. The Chicago PD is right to be furious. They spent all that time investigating a LIE, all of that manpower that should have been used for real crime investigations, and all of that money paying people to investigate a hoax. What should they be doing, celebrating? Making matters worse, the hate hoaxer is considering suing the CPD! SMH. Stil wants attention, doesn't he? March 27, 2019   Muslim Hatred:   More anti-Semitism is apparently supported by Rep. of Hatred, rashida tlaib, after her "special guest" at her swearing in ceremony was seen shouting anti-Semitic remarks outside of the AIPAC conference. Islam and Muslims hate Israel, Judaism and Jews. If you want to find out who is more hateful, go find out who regularly lobs rockets and bombs over borders, targeting schools and markets instead of military targets. Go find out who tunnels under borders and illegally enters sovereign nations to kill people. Find out who issues fatwas against an entire people simply because they hate. Then tell me that Israel is the problem. I dare you. As for me, I STAND WITH ISRAEL. March 27, 2019   Green New Deal:   R.I.P. The dumboRATS couldn't put their names to it as the Senate's Republicans brought it to a vote, so 47 dumboRATS voted "present", a few voted against it and the earth's future for the next twelve years is now "doomed, doomed, I tell you!" -- (Can't find the attribution, but I know it's from someone else.) Anyways, the dumboRATS kissed the earth goodbye (in their own alleged beliefs) by voting "present" or against the Green New Deal, according to the left. Sorry, alexandria occasional-cortex, but your GND is like you, a loser. March 27, 2019   Fake News:   Did you know that Wikipedia is paying employees to silence the RIGHT? Yep. They have decided to be the arbiters of "right" speech and silencer of "wrong" speech and they are paid to protect media, political and tech high muckety mucks from criticism. Those folks can't find their big boy pants so they have to be put into a bubble and protected from criticism. That's okay. Lack of big boy pants won't protect them from other sources. After all, if they can't stand the heat they should get out of the fire? Or maybe just grow a pair. March 27, 2019   Russian Hoax:   So now that it's all over and the mueller report totally vindicated Pres. Donald J. Trump, his administration, his family, his election team, etc., who, exactly, pushed it and pushed it and pushed it? The list of the top 50 Russian Hoax pushers is available here. These are the most desperate people! They can't stand Pres. Donald J. Trump -- now that he's in office. Before he announced he was running, I bet you can find pictures of almost all of them attending one of Pres. Donald J. Trump's parties, vacationing in one of his resorts, or whatever. Before he ran for office, he was a swell guy to all of these losers. Now they hate him and the air he breathes. I wish we had a time machine to go capture the times they said that he was a great guy so that we can compare the "then and now" of their hatred/love. It would be an eye opener! March 27, 2019   DumboRAT Stupidity:   There are some sad, sad lefties who just can't let it go. Rep. eric swalwell is one of them. He is making himself look even more ridiculous, but dumboRATS are good at that. So we'll let him destroy his own reputation and career. Go for it, dumby! March 27, 2019   SPLC, All Fall Down:   First, the former co-Founder, Morris Dees, resigned in a scandal, then the former CEO, Richard Cohen, resigned and a former staffer said some pretty bad things about it, including that the SPLC was a ""highly profitable scam".Now, yet another SPLC member has apparently left amid the racism/sexism scandal that plagues the organization that some businesses used to go to as a source for who is a "hate group" and who the left accepts as being good. My, how the mighty have fallen! March 27, 2019   More Fake News:   I wonder how long the msm will be on television anymore. They've proven themselves to be LIARS so often now that they're losing viewers and credibility (already lost to a lot of us), and now they're using such questionable sources as to be ridiculous. Of course, they've done so before, but they're even farther off the rails now. I suppose they have to do something to keep the gullible watching. March 27, 2019   People who helped get Pres. Donald J. Trump elected have been ridiculed, mocked, harrassed, and even threatened. One of the people who helped get Pres. Trump elected reported the 58th threat against his family to the police and they've been told to be "on guard". If the left can't defeat you, they'll try to kill you -- and your family? That's not just wrong, it's illegal. The people who made the threats need to be arrested, charged and tried. It's getting to be a dangerous world out there. That's why the Second Amendment is so important! The article says that it's since the lefties don't have the mueller report to look forward to they will now try any means at all to get their way. Be aware and be prepared. If you are a Pres. Donald J. Trump supporter, you may be targeted. Don't let the aggressor win. Be prepared. March 27, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   I agree with Sen. Rand Paul: investigate themuslimvileone and his entire administration! Find out what illegalities they committed while trying to FRAME Pres. (then candidate) Donald J. Trump. It's time we look into themuslimvileone and his cronies and his former SoS and we hold them to the same laws as the rest of us must live by. They don't have special immunity just because of who they are! March 27, 2019   LOL! LOL! LOL!:   Too GOOD! The organization who put up the NYC Times Square billboards dinging The IDIOT have done it again! They came up with a real doozy and I think you should take a look at it! You may want to empty your mouth before you click the link, though. Just in case. March 27, 2019   The Vile george soros:   Another of his proteges is breaking the law and encouraging lawlessness. NY Suffolk County District Attorney, Rachael Rollins, is ordering the cops in her district: "new orders for police officers who are no longer allowed to arrest people for shoplifting, for breaking and entering, for destruction of property/vandalism, for resisting arrest, for disturbing the peace, and for drug offenses.So she was sworn in to "uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution" and existing laws and then why is she still in office? As soon as her directive came out she should have been summarily fired and she should have been disbarred. But, no. It's New York. They don't care about the law there. March 27, 2019   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   The Trump administration's DOJ told a federal appeals court that they think that it's "unconstitional and should be struck down in its entirety". Amen and Amen! Let's hope this is a judge (or these are judges) who have a good understanding of the law and who think that the law should mean something instead of changing the law from the bench as Chief Justice, john roberts did when he voted in support of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. It was he, in fact, who "made it" a tax instead of a penalty and that's why we had to put up with it for all these years. We owe Justice john roberts a big kick in the butt! March 27, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 26, 2019: 3:41 p.m.   Missed a few days again because my hubby was home with the flu. I had a touch of it, slight queasiness and a lack of energy, but nothing like he had (sorry, Hubby, but I'm glad). When he's home I don't like to spend time here on my computer. I'd rather spend time with him. I think most of you understand that. After all, my hubby is much better at rubbing my feet than my computer, so there's that. (*wink*) March 26, 2019   How many people on the left are going to be considered "above the law" and not have the laws applied to them the same way it would be applied to the rest of us? Remember the IRS people who targeted Conservatives, but never faced a real punishment for it? Oh, there was a settlement, but the government (We, the People) paid for that, not those who committed the crime. Remember how many times has hillosercrooktOOn committed crimes and never faced anything but ridicule from Conservatives afterward? How many laws did themuslimvileone commit but has he ever faced any kind of punishment? How about the FBI breaking the law while helping hillosercrooktOOn avoid losing the election? Now, a leftie Attorney General allows jussie smollet to walk. Isn't that sweet? AG kim foxx has chosen to allow the hoaxer to get away with the hate crime hoax. Why? Is she a racist against caucasians, too? Will any leftist ever be charged with the crimes they deserve to be charged? What do you think? March 26, 2019   Speaking of lefties who will never face prosecution for their crimes, a Freshman Republican Congresman was forced out of office by a leftist trying to make a name for himself and he did a bunch of wrongs to the Congressman, but never faced anything worse than being forced to stop prosecuting the case. He's still prosecuting others, still trying to get his political career going on the backs of anyone he can. Lefties don't care about right and wrong, the law or anything else except getting power and money at any cost. Isn't that what the evidence shows? March 26 2019   MASA -- Make America Safe Again:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's emergency declaration that is going to fund the rest of the southern border wall stands because the House can't override his veto. That's a good thing. March 26, 2019   FLORIDA:   Do you know that our state could be the 13th state to give illegal alien invaders drivers' licenses? Are you aware of that? Considering that lefties are pushing for "Motor Voter" statutes in which ANYONE with a driver's license can be registered to VOTE in our elections, I think that's a HORRIBLE idea. I don't think illegal alien invaders should be allowed to VOTE in our elections. That's something ONLY CITIZENS should be able to do! That's what the U.S. Constitution says: It's a citizen's right( and duty, but that's not in the Constitution). Is there something you would want to do to stop that? Something like call your State Senators and or your State Representative and tell them to NOT do this. If you don't want to do that, contact contact Gov. Ron DeSantis and tell him to NOT give illegal alien invaders Florida driver's licenses UNLESS part of that license states, NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE as part of the license. IF they put that on the licenses of illegal alien ivaders, that would be okay. The problem is that we have way too many illegal alien invaders here and if they were allowed to vote (more than they already do; thanks, lefties), they would overturn and nullify the votes of U.S. Citizens. Not allowed. March 26, 2019   I think that Pres. Donald J. Trump is correct: I think themuslimvileone had a LOT to do with the "Russian collusion" LIES and with the whole FBI and DOJ being corrupted in order to protect hillosercrooktOOn. I think themuslimvileone had a lot to do with it. I think he knew all about it and helped orchestrate it. March 26, 2019   Bwahahahahahaha!:   The slimey attorney who said he could "absolutely" beat Pres. Trump is now not going to be running for president; unless it's president of the prison's bridge league. He has been charged with extortion, wire and bank fraud. Yep. That's right, folks. Mr. Smooth Ego (the caucasian version) has met his Waterloo because now he's under arrest. The best part is that after his arrest, Donald Trump Jr. went to the Dead Blue Bird and wiped the floor with him. "#MAGA!" I love it! March 26, 2019   pelosickpig:   She is at it again. She's slurring her words and showing the world that she is ill and needs to retire and take care of herself instead of putting under that stress. Watch the video and see if you agree that there is definitely something wrong with her. She's not only stick, but she's also stupid. But we all knew that. March 26, 2019   Muslim Hatred:   Racist ilhan omar is at it again. She's attacking Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu but I bet she'd never think of saying anything close to that about anyone of her own religion. I bet she still touts the glories of osama bin laden, and the "blind sheik" who planned the original bombing of the World Trade Center's parking garage in 1993. She is despicable. She needs to be kicked from office. I wish someone in her district would start a recall effort and be wildly successful in that effort. Same with rashida tlaib and many other dumboRATS. March 26, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. My internet has been very slow and I'm not sure why. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 21, 2019: 3:38 p.m.   Sorry again I missed days. I had errands to run on Tuesday (Lowe's and elsewhere) and in the midst of which I visited a friend who is in the ravages of Alzheimer's. It was so sad because one of the first things he said to me was that it's hard when you "have no memory". It was heartbreaking. Then I went to the thrift store (retail therapy) and the grocery store. I was out all day and didn't do updates, but I also did sleep that night. Stayed up from the time I woke up Tuesday morning until almost 1:00 a.m. Thursday morning. That's why I didn't do updates yesterday: too tired. Insomnia doesn't hit too often, but sometimes it hits for a long time. Anwyays, I'll do a few updates today and then finish some work around the house I wanted to get done. I want to do some touch up painting in my master bedroom because when they came to install the granite on the night stands and window sills they messed up our paint; not terribly, but still want it to be right. Let's get started. March 21, 2019   beto O'Weirdo:   The things that are coming out about him would make most people retire into obscurity, but not this clown. His writing about running screaming children over, to his not safe for work or children trash, then his dirt eating after losing to Sen. Ted Cruz, he's WEIRD. Now he's claiming we don't have a border problem and ignoring "No Parking" signs. I don't think he's a very nice person. I don't consider it nice to tell your wife baby poop is avocado and other horrible pranks. His net worth is around $9 MILLION and his dad was a judge and his step-grandfather was "Secretary of the Navy under JFK". He is used to privilege. His voting record is awful. For instance, he voted NAY on the "Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act of 2018" and he voted NAY on the "Family Savings Act of 2018", etc. He also hates babies. He proved it by saying that he won't support the "Babies Born Alive After Abortion Act". That's heartless. How can he say that after he had three children? It's so awful that these idiots want to kill babies after they are born. It's so heartless. They can look into that baby's eyes and see the desire to live, but say, "No. Kill it anyways." That's heartless. But beto supports that. A Latino columnist says that he's practicing "cultural appropriation" with his nickname. Would it surprise anyone? He's NOT FOR YOU. He's for himself and power. Just like all dumboRATS. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any committee, campaign, candidate or anyone/anything else.) March 21, 2019   Speaking of dumboRAT weirdos, how about someone who did something totally inappropriate with his mother? A preziduncial candidate, the former Colorado governor, John Hickenlooper, took his mother to a PORN movie. How does one even THINK of doing that?! That's not just inappropriate, it's twisted and gross! First of all, porn is immoral. Second, taking your MOTHER to see something like that -- and then WATCHING HER REACTION? Really? How does one think of doing that? I can't imagine it! That's sick! What did he do for an encore -- buy his father some porn magazines and look through them together? This guy's sick. I would not want him to be prezidunce or even gnat catcher. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any committee, campaign, candidate or anyone/anything else.) March 21, 2019   "schiff for brains":   (Thanks, Mark Dice!) He is now in charge of the "House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence" (an oxymoron with the dumboRATS in charge) and he's holding a meeting on March 28 about (get this) "Putin’s Playbook: The Kremlin’s Use of Oligarchs, Money and Intelligence in 2016 and Beyond." Really. It's the "Russian collusion" thing that they're still pushing even though there is no evidence. The only thing they have that is anywhere close to evidence is the fact that Donald J. Trump is president and they hate that. Hatred is there evidence that Pres. Donald J. Trump won. That's enough to prosecute anyone, right? March 21, 2019   Dr. Thomas Sowell says that there is "no hard evidence" that Pres. Donald J. Trump is a racist. That's what the truth is. He used to be liked by the leftist black community, until he won the 2016 election. He won the "Ellis Island Award" in 1986 and was not considered a racist then. In fact, Jesse Jackson gave him an award for being good to the black community. So, Dr. Thomas Sowell is correct. There is NO evidence that Pres. Donald J. Trump is a racist. It's just an easy thing to throw at someone when you hate them. It's A.K.A. Trump Derangement Syndrome. The left is full of it. March 21, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch has done it again. Through presistent lawsuits and not giving up, they have found that she had even more CLASSIFIED e-mails on her server than she wanted anyone to know about. She sold America out. She betrayed America -- America, in which her daughter and grandchildren live! -- to get more money in her own wallet! How heartless and horrid is that? She sold out her grandchildren! She prefers to get money over doing things to keep America and her grandchildren safe! She's heartless! I'm so glad that she was not elected prezidunce! March 21, 2019   Another ant-European Union candidate got a victory! He's a little different in some of the things he says, but he doesn't support the EU and I like that. I don't agree with everything he says ("womenlike rape"), but I do agree with his anti-EU stance. He won in a Dutch election. Let's see what happens. March 21, 2019   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   Pres. Donald J. Trump stands with Israel, too. He has decided that it's time for America to stand with Israel in their sovereignty over the Golan Heights area of Israel! That's EXCELLENT! I'm so proud of him! Next he needs to do the same thing with Israel's sovereignty over the rest of the "Occupied Territories": the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Israel needs to be confirmed as the rightful owners of all of that land. It is theirs and Pres. Donald J. Trump is starting the process to confirm that. I LOVE IT! March 21, 2019   john mcCAIN'T:   People are angry at Pres. Donald J. Trump for criticizing mcCAIN'T and I think that Pres. Trump is correct in is criticisms. I think that mcCAIN'T betrwayed America with his themuslimvileone healthcareTAX vote that kept themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX law of the land after he had promised to vote against it. I also think that mcCAIN'T had a long lasting case of Stockholm Syndrome and that made him do the things he did. He always identified with his captors (the dumboRATS) after his election to the Senate. That's why he always voted with them. March 21, 2019   The IDIOT:   She's so stupid. She didn't consult anyone with a brain to put together her failed "Green New Deal" and the proof is that she has little to no support from "green" companies. I don't agree with "solar power" except for lights to mark the sidewalk, or light your fence, that sort of thing. They work there. Bigger things, I wouldn't trust it to do. Same goes with recycling (a waste of time, money and energy, which is why a lot of recycling programs are dying); it's a waste, too. There is no country on earth that has a truly successful (almost 100% recycling) program. Even though thought otherwise, even Sweden does not do the reported 99%: "In fact, they incinerate about 50 percent of their waste to make heat and energy. And even in their own website, they admit that is not the best approach, that it is not really recycling, and that it takes less energy to actually recycle and reuse than it does to burn and manufacture a replacement from scratch."So The IDIOT's ideas would probably not be practicable even in Sweden. That's not surprising. March 21, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. I have a few things left to do before the weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 18, 2019: 4:03 p.m.   How about that?! I'm back! Sorry for the long absence. I had a fall and hit my back against a blunt object and it bruised and hurt for over a week. Then life happened and I still had to put away my Christmas decorations (my hubby could have done so, but he doesn't wrap them as well as I wish, so I smack his hand if he touches my ceramic Christmas decorations)! Had errands to run, things to do for my family, and still dealing with the back injury that makes me sleep half the night sitting up on pillows. We went to our farm Friday and got stuck in the traffic of bike week and accidents all over Jacksonville. While there we made a table for the middle bedroom and put up a new ceiling fan in the master bedroom because when we were there two weeks ago the old one almost fell on us! My hubby actually was holding onto it when it just let go. New ceiling fan went up, we tried to do a new floor in the third bathroom but we didn't have the tool we needed to cut some trim pieces to allow the new floor to fit under it. Oh, well. That's the way it goes sometimes. Anyways, we had to figure out how to make our time up there productive since it rained off and on and we couldn't mow. All kinds of fun. Anyways, let's get this show on the road for today. I won't do much since I still have to do housework to catch up with the week of back injury (again), but I can do a few now since my hubby is in CaliMarxiFornia. March 18, 2019   Sympathies to all of the victims of the NZ mosque shooter. I always say to use words, not guns, not fists, not feet. I have a problem with people -- anyone -- who uses physical violence as their weapon of choice. I like words because they may hurt your feelings, but they won't cause you to bleed, to have a broken bone, nor to die. Violence is just not acceptable. If you get violent with me or someone near me, I have the right to defend myself and I will do so in such a way that I walk away, but you won't. 'Nuff said. The msm is a problem, though, in that they like to magnify the violence that one nut job does -- assuming it's a "Right Wing" extremist when it's always (99.999% of the time) a left wing nutjob (as this NZ case calls himself an "eco-fascist") but they don't report when the things that the left does (including the things the muslim populations worldwide do to Christians) and that makes them unreliable. For instance, they didn't report on the Nigerian Muslim slaughter of 120 Christians, did they? Do they report on the stuff that Pemela Geller reports on? Nope. The left always defends those who kill or silence Christians and the right. It's time that violence from anyone be condemned by all. Killing is NOT acceptable. The NZ shooter is wrong to have done so, as are the Muslims who murder so many. It's time to stop the murders and start the talks. March 18, 2019   LOL!:   I can't stop myself! I have to post this! It's too funny! "Is Michelle Michael?" That's what themuslimvileone's BROTHER asked in a tweet!! Oh my goodness! I can't imagine what that did to themuslimvileone! I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall when he read that one! March 18, 2019   SCOTUS:   The dumboRATS want to ADD seats to the SCOTUS so that they can pack the bench when they get another marxist in office. Would that be good? Nope. But if they want to add seats while Pres. Donald J. Trump is in office, they must remember that HE would get to fill them all. They'd love that. March 18, 2019   In yet another leftist fail, one of the guys dressed as gals and reading to kids in a public library in an effort to inculcate and normalize more of the same, is a convicted child sexual predator. I think that any parent, guardian, or teacher who takes a child to this "Drag Queen Story Hour" should be charged with child abuse. I know some will hate me for saying that, but I don't care. March 18, 2019   chelsea crooktOOn:   In a probably totally unexpected turn of events the spawn of the crooktOOns was not welcome somewhere even though she is her mother's daughter. She was yelled at when she tried to attend a vigil for the NZ shooting victims because she said something against the anti-semitism of rep. ilhan omar. That makes her (in the view of the left) a racist and a hater. What they forget is that she's married to a Jewish man, so when she spoke out against omar's (constant) anti-semitic remarks she was speaking out for her own family. What right do those idiots yelling at her have to deny her the right to stand up for her own family? They have none, but that doesn't stop them. Poor chelsea. She is stuck between a rock and a hard place of her parents' own making. March 18, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. I am too tired to keep going and I've got things to do. I'll try to get an earlier start tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 1, 2019: 1:22 p.m.   Sorry but I won't be doing any blurbs but this one today because I'm getting ready to go to our Georgia farm this weekend and I still have much to do. I just wanted to let you know that it's going to be just this. If you listen to Rush Limbaugh on 540 AM you have heard an ad against Pres. Donald J. Trump's Medicare Part B reform and the drug prices that are sky high on it. I think that those prices need to come down (my Mom tells me about her two drugs and how much they are: YIKES!) and it scares me to think of how many people may not be filling prescriptions because of the prices. I've told my Mom that if she needs help I can pitch in and make sure she has what she needs, but others may not have that backup system. Read Pres. Donald J. Trump's plan to lower prices in Medicare Part B and think for yourself about whether it's a good thing. I have seen things ripping it, but it is the msm reporting on it. I've heard an ad against it, but I haven't had the time (or remembered) to look into it while I was online. I will try to do so after I return, but the fact is that if there is a solid plan, that won't hurt people and won't dig into everyone's wallets, why not try it? Why not give it a shot? After all, we gave themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX a shot and look at what happened to its prices. Then we have the price of specific generic drugs that used to be less costly, but are sometimes now almost as costly (or as cotly) as their non-generic counterparts. I believe the group is called "Americans for Tax Reform" and they have 56 other groups that are allegedly in agreement with them. They have over $16 Million in assets, were set up by Grover Norquist, and generally, they are considered a good group. The only problem I see with the group coming out against this Medicare Part B reform is that pharmaceuticals as a group donates HUGE money to them. So what does that say? Don't know. I just know that the organization against lowering the price of pharmaceuticals on Medicare Part B receives huge donations from that industry on a regular basis. Make up your own minds. That's all for today. Have a great weekend and I'm going to go get ready to go to the farm. GOD Bless You, Pres. Donald J. Trump and GOD Bless America! April 2019 April 30, 2019: 12:23 p.m.   So here's the deal. My son is going to VA for an event and wants to make the trip without too much expense so he's staying at the farm tonight, going from there to his Grandma's house, then on to the event venue in VA on Thursday. The event lasts until Sunday afternoon so he'll head south back to the farm on Monday, stay the night there and we'll both be back next Tuesday (I think that's the plan at least). He has a flex day so he may stay up north for an extra day and that would make our return on Wednesday of next week. So I won't be posting for a week. I hope you have a great, blessed week and that you stay healthy and safe. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's health, safety and presidency and that he remain in office no matter the left's lies and efforts. GOD Bless you all! See you in a week or so! April 29, 2019: 12:53 p.m.   Sorry I missed the rest of last week. Between being saddened by my friend's loss and life interfering in my plans, I didn't get back to my computer; I barely checked my e-mail! I turned my computer on for the first time in days yesterday, and that's only because I had to work on something for my son and print it out for him. So life, as most of us understand, gets busy and I have to prioritize. Sorry. Life will again interfere this week. I'm not sure for how long I will be gone, but I will be guiding him to our Georgia farm tomorrow as his first stop on a trek north to Virginia for an event. I was thinking of staying a few days then coming home. I can sand some of the mudding we did before we left and take some new purchases for the farm up with me (we are changing out a sink), and do some organizing in the closets, etc. Then I'll be giving him a Garmin and he'll be able to figure out the trip home from anywhere with that, so go up there to let him into the Georgia farm house, stay and get some stuff done, then return. We'll see if life happens and interferes, or if my proposed plan actually gets carried through. For now, let's get started! April 29, 2019   MAGA!:   I'm so very, very, very glad that Pres. Donald J. Trump won the election! He is doing so much good for America and the latest thing he did is that he got America out of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, which was bad for us in the first place, which is probably why themuslimvileone signed it. I'm very glad the Senate didn't ratify the thing and that made it easier to get rid of, but I wish it had never been signed by themuslimvileone (via ketchup kerry) in the first place. April 29, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   We all know by now that she used an unsecured e-mail server and that she had thousands of classified e-mails on that server and that she made excuses and destroyed the hard drives of the things she most feared being inspected. We now know for certain that themuslimvileone had e-mails from her sent from that unsecured server -- even though he claimed that he found out the same way we did; the news reports! Every time his lips moved he was lying. If he was speaking or writing anything besides a grocery list, he was lying. He still is. I hope he learns that those who live by the lie die by the lie. This will come back to bite him in the tuckus really hard. April 29, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   We need to stop the invasion of our country and we need to secure our borders so that those who come into America must all go through the proper channels at airports, at established crossings, etc. We don't do that now and we are finding terrorists are in our nation and how long will it be before they commit another WTC-type attack? We need to stop this nonsense and we need to make America safe again! April 29, 2019   Gun Free Zones:   In yet another "Gun Free Zone", on Saturday, a synagogue was attacked by an anti-Semitic leftist with a gun. This, of course and predictably, led to leftist politicians calling for "gun control". Of course, they know that San Diego is in CaliMarxiFornia, a heavily "gun controlled" state, and that the shooter knew exactly where the "gun free zones" are and where he'd have no one who could shoot back. Isn't that what the left wants for all of us: no chance to fight back? April 29, 2019   Muslim, ilhan omar:   She says Jesus was a Palestinian. Uh. No. Jesus was not "Palestinian", She's not just wrong, she's ill-educated about it: "There is no language known as Palestinian, or any Palestinian culture distinct from that of all the Arabs in the area. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. 'Palestinians' are Arabs indistinguishable from Arabs throughout the Middle East."She's a radical anti-Semite and she has proven that over and over again. April 29, 2019   Dead Blue Bird:   Now they've banned Conservative pundit and actor, (the GREAT and funny) James Woods. They think him quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson is dangerous and it must stop now! How dare he quote an American great? How dare he paraphrase something Emerson said? He can't do that! They can, but he can't! It's got to stop and the Dead Blue Bird is just the one to do it! (Free Speech, anyone?) April 29, 2019   Witches of Leftie-Land:   So the left has gone so bonkers about politics that they have decided it's time to call upon the help of their dark lord and giver of power, satan, so that they can win power back. It's up to them to cast spells to try to help lefties win and Pres. Donald J. Trump lose. When you have to turn to the evil of witchcraft -- something the Bible tells us to stay away from -- to get, stay in, return to, power, you worship the wrong god and your god is going to take you straight to hell. Turn around now, or enjoy the trip to a tortuous eternity; your choice. Choose wisely. April 29, 2019   Good Idea:   I love this guy! A barber in PA has been paying kids to read while he cuts their hair so that he can increase literacy and verbal skills amongst his clients. That's not just a wonderful idea, it's an extra expense to his shop but the kids are more important, apparently. I love this idea and I am impressed with the barber shop guy and the employees who support this practice. We need more of this in society. April 29, 2019   The Poop:   He's at his socialist/Marxist ways again. This time he's targeting America via sending monetary support to illegal alien invaders trying to come to America. That's targeting America and it's making problems for those poor victims of human trafficking and possible violence. That's not a godly thing to do. It's a leftist thing to do. He needs to straighten up and fly right. April 29, 2019   "Etc." community:   I like that someone is admitting that it's "not bigoted for lawmakers to ban child drag queens". I think that any parent who allows a child to dress as the opposite gender for anything besides October 31st is practicing child abuse. I think that parents who encourage little boys to dress as girls or little girls to dress as little boys are abusing their children and they should be sent to parenting classes that emphasize Christian values (I'm a Christian so deal with it) and teach parents how to teach their children to accept the TRUTH of their birth gender, instead of caving to the TREND of the moment and sending them to get hormone therapy to "transition". If you have a child who has gender dysphoria (thinks they are the opposite gender), get your child and yourself help to accept reality. Don't think that just because it's popular that it has to be the TRUTH. "Global Warming" was popular but it wasn't the TRUTH. Same thing here. April 29, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. My son is coming over for his final fitting of some pants I altered for him. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 22, 2019:   I just heard some very sad news. My friend, George "Speedy" Harrell, has died. R.I.P., my friend and I hope you are walking streets of gold. April 22, 2019: 2:19 p.m.   I hope everyone had a Christ-filled Easter. I hope they remembered that Easter is not about bunny rabbits, eggs and chickies. It's about a Risen Christ who lived a sinless life, was horribly tortured and crucified so that YOU and I could be given His righteousness as He took our sins, died on that cross and rose again after three days. Easter is the day we celebrate His resurrection and subsequent ascension. That's what we celebrate on Easter, not flowers, chickies, bunnies, nor even a great ham dinner. It's the Risen Christ, Son of the One True GOD. Do you remember that? April 22, 2019   "Russian Collusion":   The mueller report is out and it's proven that there was no collusion and there was no obstruction of justice on the part of Pres. Trump or anyone else in his administration or in his family. The whole thing was meant to destroy Pres. Trump's administration, but he has been vindicated and the TRUTH is coming out. The whole thing, from the get-go (IMHO) was hillosercrooktOOn's effort to destroy Pres. Trump before he won and after he won she didn't stop it from being used by those who hate anyone without a "D" after their names. If you can get into college without bribing people you don't have to bribe them. If you're in college and you can pass your courses without cheating you don't hire people to do the work for you, take the test for you, give you the answers ahead of the test, etc. When you KNOW you're going to lose, you take these kinds of steps PRIOR to being defeated, failing college or whatever. You stand on your own two feet, your own popularity, your own I.Q. to make it in life. hillosercrooktOOn knew she could not win without cheating, so she hired people to do this crap. That's the TRUTH of the matter. She knew she would LOSE and she knew she had to do something drastic to get things that were "bad enough" to destroy her opposition, the person she was sure she could not win against. The same tactics are being used against her main primary opposition for 2020: bumbling "The Groper" biden has been dissed by the msm now after how many YEARS of his groping, sniffing, etc.? How long has he done this without anything being said against it? Now, suddenly, it's been reported as inappropriate and there have been multiple women who have come forward to complain about it? It hasn't stopped his popularity, so hillosercrooktOOn will move on to something else about him as soon as she can find it or make it up. What will bumbler's steele dossier look like? That's up to hillosercrooktOOn and her goons. Mark my words: the opposition who will stand against her will face destruction. It doesn't matter who it will be -- if her own daughter ran against her, she'd denounce her -- there will be hades to pay for being more popular than hillosercrooktOOn. April 22, 2019   "Russian Collusion" 2:   Now that we all know that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, the dumboRAT$ in Congress should drop their "endless investigations" and they need to get back to doing the will of the people. Oh, sorry. I almost forgot that dumboRAT$ are in charge there and they work against the American citizen and work to DESTROY America. That's what they want because a socialist/communist/marxist America is NOT America. We are a Representative Republic; the only one in the world with a 200+ year history. We have the Conservatives of America to thank for America lasting this long. If dumboRAT$ have their way, this, too, shall change. America will go the way of Venezuela and one of them will be in charge to take it there. Is that what you want? April 22, 2019   Fake News:   There are at least 51 LIES the msm is spreading about the mueller report. Shock. Surprise. April 22, 2019   SMH:   If you have been paying attention to the left, you may be finding out how insane they have gotten. I have been paying attention, but I have to admit that even I can be surprised by the depths of their insanity. They have decided that dogs are a sign of "white supremacy". Sigh. So what do cats symbolize: homophobia? Does owning a bird mean that you hate people with speach impediments? Owning a goldfish mean you hate air breathers? Come on, people! Wake up and smell reality! Not everything is a symbol of something except in your own sick, demented, little bitty grey cell (singular)! April 22, 2019   themuslimvileone:   I've told you from the get-go that themuslimvileone was a part of the kabal to try to get then-candidate Pres. Trump. Now, we have PROOF THAT I WAS (of course) CORRECT. themuslimvileone was involved from the beginning. He gave them a lot of money to create that nonsense and he knew all about it. He is not innocent of this lie. He needs to be held responsible, too. Prison orange will look good on him and on hillosercrooktOOn. April 22, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I think it's a great idea to put illegals in "sanctuary cities" and other places that want to be "sanctuary". If colleges want them, first stop giving those colleges any federal money, then deposit as many illegal alien invaders as they can handle into their yards, dorms, classrooms (again, WITHOUT ANY taxpayer dollars), and see if they stand by their support of the illegal alien invasion. That's a brilliant move on the part of Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that!). April 22, 2019   dumboRAT$:   They are having trouble "finding unity" in figuring out what to do now that the mueller report made hay of their "collusion" and "obstruction of justice" LIES. Which LIE can they go to next to try to stay in POWER? That's what matters to them. They have seen that Pres. Donald J. Trump's is not going to be kicked out of office via the report so they have to figure another way to try to destroy him. Isn't that sweet? They're so determined to destroy anything and anyone GOOD for America. "Make America Great Again!" has never been the dumboRAT$' motto! April 22, 2019   I'm going to close with that. I just found out about George and I'm sad. My sincerest condolences to the family. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! Happy Easter, Everyone! April 17, 2019: 1:11 p.m.   I want to give you a heads up that this will be my last update day for this week. We head to our Georgia farm tonight (IF plans go as currently expected; hubby's job may have some impact on that) and we plan on spending the weekend there getting things done. We will finish the table I painted last visit, get the bathroom walls painted, hopefully the tiles put on the floor and the new vanity and medicine cabinets put in. I would love to have all of that done before we come home. IF we can get that done and the mowing, that would be great. IF we can't get that done, then maybe we can get the temporary (but needed since the floor is showing wear) flooring down in the master bathroom as well, that would be a wonderful (if tiring) thing. The next big project: I've requested the fireplace redo for Mother's Day. Anyways, I'll do a few blurbs now because I'm trying to prep for leaving tonight when my hubby gets home and that means a few things to gather and clothes to wash and all of that, then I'll wish you a Happy Easter and see you next week. Let's get started. April 17, 2019   I hope that Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) listens to Ohio and others who have been wanting it will agree and designate the Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations. That is a much-needed step to help stop the evil of the drug cartels and their murderous ways. They are involved in human trafficking as well as many other evil things besides drugs and they need to be stopped. Pres. Trump needs to designate them as "terrorists" because they are. April 17, 2019   Brexit:   I haven't mentioned this in a long time because there has been so much back and forth and twists and turns as the British swamp dwellers try to stop the people's vote from being listened to. The swamp dwellers don't want to leave the EU because they are benefiting from it somehow, but the people voted and the vote should matter and it is against the vote that the swamp dwellers are acting. Theresa May should be kicked out of office on her rear and someone who will obey the vote should replace her. If the people's voices don't matter then why bother with a vote? (For those of you who are screaming at your screen that hillosercrooktOOn should be in office because the people's voices should matter, the Electoral College was put in place to protect America from the cities and the cheating that the left has done over the years [Mickey Mouse has voted how many times?], so I don't want to hear it.) April 17, 2019   dumboRAT Collusion:   Three of them have signed a secret memo of understanding to target Pres. Donald J. Trump no matter what the mueller report says. They are acting in a coup attempt to overthrow a sitting president and they need to be charged with TREASON. This is nothing short of three unhappy, resentful, power-hungry idiots trying to kick Pres. Trump out of office. Treason is what they are doing and they should be held fully accountable to the law. April 17, 2019   msthemuslimvileone:   She has done it again. Stepped in it and not even realized the stench. She can't seem to stop herself. She compared Pres. Trump's presidency as being the "divorced dad" and it's good for a little while -- until you get sick. She's got an IQ that registers just above breathing, right? April 17, 2019   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   Yet again, wearing a MAGA hat is enough reason for leftists to beat you "to the ground" and think that they have the right to do so because you don't kowtow to them and remove the hat when they command you to. The left has become a bunch of S.S. goons who think they can get away with anything because they are "insulted", "afraid", their "feelings are hurt" and that allows them to do whatever they want to make themselves feel better. If that includes beating a stranger "to the ground", then so be it. He deserved it because he didn't obey! It's all about the rest of us obeying the left which means it's about POWER. That's what they are after, even if it means assault and battery to get it. They're entitled to it. April 17, 2019   Aaaahhhh... Public School:   In Colorado, their sex ed classes will teach children about every sexual option except for abstinence. Not only does it teach about the "Etc." options, but it "HB 1032 would flat-out ban speech that suggests abstinence is the best and healthiest choice. That’s despite the fact that the majority of American teens are choosing abstinence, and Colorado teens have a lower rate of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted teen pregnancies than the national average."Would it surprise anyone that "Planned Parenthood lobbies across the nation for comprehensive sex education bills to be enacted, and Colorado was no exception."So Planned ABORTIONhood is pushing "alternative sexual choices" so that they can have the sexual activity between heterosexual teens continue so that they can do even more abortions and kill more babies and YOUR CHILDREN have to pay the price in every way, shape and form. That's why I hate Planned ABORTIONhood: they have no morals at all. Power, greed and hatred of minorities are their gods and they need to be stopped. April 17, 2019   Fake News DUH!:   Really, cnn? Really? Your talking head thinks that socialism is a good thing? If not, then why try to ding Republicans by saying that they're "trying to turn socialism into a nasty word"? Has anyone at cnn ever looked at the history of socialism and all of the misery it has brought to the people who have struggled and suffered under it? There is a reason why socialism IS a "nasty word" and why it should remain so! Socialism is a horrible thing for those who are not in power, not the "flavor of the month" or who are not kissing the backsides of those in power. If you're not in those categories, life sucks under socialism! Has anyone at cnn EVER read a history book or spoken to those who have lived under socialism? Considering the stupidity they spout there, I sincerely doubt it! That's probably part of the reason their ratings are so low. April 17, 2019   Republican "Leadership":   I think that Republicans have been voting in RINOs "unawares" for a long time. They had ROTTEN ryan, have mitch mcCONnell, john Crybaby bonehead, olympia snowjob, etc., etc., etc., so it's not really a surprise that they don't listen to the people who elected them, they don't stick by the Party's platform they signed a paper to adhere to, nor do they push common sense anything. For instance, the majority (67%) of the Republican hoipolloi believe that these huge numbers of illegal alien invaders coming into our country is bad for America, while only 16% of the "leadership" agrees. The "leadership" is supposed to be represennting their members, those who are the Moms and Dads of America and who wanted them to listen to their voices, but the "leadership" doesn't listen. They listen to the offers of power in exchange for "X" (whatever the current enticement) and they vote against their constituents because them rubbing elbows at swank parties is more important than what their constituents want. The "leadership" of the Republican party needs to have their feet held to the fire or be voted out of office après la hâte! April 17, 2019   Babies' Lives Matter:   Last Friday, Pres. Donald J. Trump held a viewing of the Kermit Gosnell movie that showed the truth of how horrible a person he was and how awful abortion is. The president invited "'An overflow crowd of White House staff and anti-abortion advocates'" to view the movie and it was said that Pres. Trump's people "'come in every day and ook at how they can legally stop abortion.'" The VA governor's statements about abortion "really impacted" Pres. Trump. (BTW, did you know that northam is a pediatric surgeon? SMH!!!) Then the fact that the Senate dumboRAT$ would not vote to protect babies who had survived abortions made Pres. Trump even more determined to stop abortion. I'm so glad he has a heart for babies. That shows his humanity and that he thinks that Americans are precious and that he wants to protect even pre-born Americans. I love that! April 17, 2019   A.G. William Barr:   Wow. This is a surprise. I don't know what to think of him yet, but this is a step in the right direction. He has blocked "catch and release" (to some extent) and leftist judges and organizations are going to have a hissy fit. I still don't know what to think of him, but this is a good way to make me like him. April 17, 2019   "Etc." Community:   "Transgender" is being pushed onto children as a "good thing" so hard with everything from the "Drag Queen Story Hour" to the doctors of America starting children as young as pre-teen (or younger?) being put on life changing and harmful medications when a child says "I'm a boy in a girl's body", or vice versa (girl in a boy's body). Children have no legal standing when it comes to signing contracts, getting their ears pierced, or getting a tattoo, but abortions and gender decisions are pushed by the left as the child's right because it gives the left more voters and more power. If you want to know how bad it is, as Moms dealing with it. Their child is given carte blanche to choose what gender they want to be even as young as five years old. Does it matter that ten months prior that same child thought it was a puppy, a kangaroo, or a butterfly? Nope. The child gets to make gender decisions on a whim and, lo and behold, the "medical community" whose Hippocratic Oath says in part: "I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous."Sounds like the medical community has lost its way. BTW, did you know that the Hippocratic Oath also USED to say, "I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion."? So much for that Oath, huh? April 17, 2019   Woops! Look at that! I got into it and did a LOT more than I intended. Oh, well. That's what happens when things are important. Even more important is your eternity, though, so with that in mind I ask that this weekend you consider what your future holds and that if you don't know The One whose death AND RESURRECTION we commemorate this weekend you give some real prayer and thought to giving your heart to Him. It's choose Christ or spend eternity in hell. Your choice. Choose wisely. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 16, 2019   Hurray! The SCOTUS has overturned the rulings of the lower courts and given property rights back to the people and taken away some of the administrative powers of the EPA and other federal agencies. That's a great thing! Also great is: "Judicial Watch announced today that the Supreme Court of the United States has overturned a lower court decision affirming the conviction of Joseph Robertson, a 78-year-old veteran now deceased who was sentenced to prison for digging ditches on his rural Montana property to protect the area surrounding his home from wildfires. ... Robertson served 18 months in prison and died while serving probation. He was also fined $130,000, a liability inherited by his estate.I'm so sorry that he died thinking that his conviction stood. The SCOTUS made it clear that the conviction -- under themuslimvileone and the dependably idiotic ninth circus -- was to be overturned and the lien on his property (a $130,000 lien!), dismissed. That's so excellent and I'm so glad that yet another abomination from themuslimvileone's administration is being undone! Let FREEDOM ring! April 16, 2019   Notre Dame:   I'm very glad that France is going to rebuild Notre Dame and that they have started the investigation into its origins. I see that a lot of fools have decided to take this opportunity to mock, making themselves look bad and showing their true colors. For instance, I used to somewhat respect Ben Shapiro. Now that he's taken this opportunity to mock both the fire and Pres. Trump, making shapiro look small and idiotic. He has a good intellect, but he sometimes uses it to show himself an arrogant fool. Muslima, ilhan omar, showed her stupidity in that she refused to say the fire happened at a Catholic church, or even its name. Both Niel Cavuto and shep smith both cut off guests when they started to wonder if it was an intentionally set fire. They know that ISIS pledged more attacks, and that at least 875 other attacks against churches in France alone have been perpetrated by Muslims within their borders, and that Muslims laughed while Notre Dame burned, people aren't supposed to wonder if Notre Dame's demise is not an accident. I think that's lame. I think that it is intelligent to think of the possibility as soon as it happens because there is a history of violence from Muslims against churches within the country. What if 875 (some numbers say as many as 1,045 churches since 2016 having been attacked!) churches here were attacked one way or the other by people of the same religion? Would your first inclination be, "No. It can't be them"? or would your first thought be "It's them."? People with functioning brains have the first reaction to something that looks, smells, sounds, tastes, feels and mimics attacks that have already been perpetrated by the same religion against another religion (or religions not itself) as having been done by the same people as did all the other attacks. It's instinctive and it's natural and it's smart to do so. For Cavuto and smith to cut their guests off for thinking that it was Islam who started the fire (remember, there were NO construction workers working on Notre Dame at the time of the fire) as yet another part of their 875-1,045 list of previous attacks. It's not something to discard (especially considering there may have been a man in "Muslim garb" at Notre Dame as the fire started) or disregard because of political correctness, it's natural and intelligent. It will save investigavite time to start there and if there is no evidence to move forward after clearing that possibility. April 16, 2019   Crybaby Leftist:  s Yet another leftie thinks that disagreeing with her is not just bad, it's hate speech to disagree with her. So disagreeing with her is hate speech but lefties being physically violent is FREE SPEECH? That's what the left wants to be the law: only they have the right to be bad and to disagree. No one else is able to disagree. That's just wrong. How dare anyone disagree with them? Can you imagine? So every time she disagrees with me it's her committing a hate crime and hate speech? I think I'll go with that. Fair for the goose, right? It's time someone treat her to a dose of her own medicine and sue her for hate speech. Are there any Conservatives in her district (FL 26th District) who would like to sue her for her hate speech against them? I think that would be hysterical. April 16, 2019   Election Fraud:   The left wants you to believe that it is only those on the right who are capable of election fraud. That's what the alleged "Russian collusion" LIE is all about; the right cheating to win. Election fraud happens in every election and it happens across the political spectrum and this is why we need to stop it. We must be able to trust the integrity of our elections. Project Veritas has found at least three (on that link scroll down for more) stories of people voting in two different states in the same election! We have non-citizens voting in our elections and we have people convicted for voter fraud all the time. Our elections should be trustworthy, but they are not. We must fix this and fix it NOW or the dumboRAT$ will take full advantage of it as soon as they can to put themselves in power and never let it go. April 16, 2019   19!:   Louis Farrakhan has decided to defend ilhan omar by saying that "conspiracy theories" surrounding the 9/11 attacks are backed by 3,133 "scientists" who agree that it wasn't Islamic terrorists who killed all those people, who flew airplanes into the Pentagon, the Twin Towers of the WTC, or tried to fly another into the White House or Capital building but was taken over and crashed into the Pennsylvania field. It wasn't a conspiracy "theory" that Muslims did this. It happened and the Twin Towers fell because of them. BTW, I would like to know the names of all those "3,133 scientists" who agree that the Twin Towers didn't fall because of the airplanes, but because of the government, wouldn't you? If any of you are "conspiracy theorists" about 9/11 who don't think that the jet fuel that burned the Twin Towers would have taken those towers down, think about how steel (which is what the framework of the towers were made of) is made: melted in fire and formed while red hot. Also, that big a hole with the top of the towers coming down hard -- Boom! Boom! Boom! as each floor came down on top of it -- with all of the weight of each of those floors as they collapsed finally hitting the bottom of the holes created by the planes, and you have a collapse that could not have been prevented. Get over it. April 16, 2019   April 16, 2019   Fauxcahontus:   She doesn't want the American people to have access to public lands if she is elected prezidunce. She "promises she will order the construction of solar, wind and geothermal energy projects amounting to 10% of the country’s grid needs… on public lands."There's more idiocy to her madness (or is it madness to her idiocy?) and you can read all about her nonsensical ideas at Medium.com. Be sure to take a hot cup of coffee or tea and a pin to poke yourself with to make sure that you both stay awake and that you're not dreaming. She is just that stupid. April 16, 2019   Evil Insanity:   Wow. The left keeps making itself look worse and worse and worse. Now they're "casting spells" or "curses" on members of the Trump administration? Really? "Curses" like "may you turn into a blintz and be snatched up by a cat"? Really? What, exactly, is a "blintz" and why would a cat want it? Oh. Looked it up and a "blintz" is like a crepe, but a Jewish crepe. So a cat would eat that. Hmm. I think that's "rather stupid" (with apologies to Mrs. Banks of "Mary Poppins"). April 16, 2019   pelosickpig:   She may be a sick person (litterally ill and under a doctor's care and on medication type sick), but she does sometimes get in a really good zinger. I love it! Too bad her mental health is still poor. I wonder when -- IF -- she'll ever put her health first and retire? April 16, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   How much you want to bet that thevilegeorgesoros is the one behind the advertisements in Central America telling the entire population of those countries to go to America and that America will help them and "give them free stuff"? "Illegal immigrants arriving at the southern border are telling reporters they made the dangerous trek north based on promises advertised on television and in their hometown newspapers touting 'free' stuff for illegals in the USA."So if they were promised "free stuff" who made that promise and why? Was it the coyotes who get hired to get people into America, or was it the NGOs (non-governmental agencies) that thevilegeorgesoros started and sent down there to organize these caravans to America? My bet is that thevilegeorgesoros is using these people to try to ruin America's economy so that he can make billions off of the economic death of our country, as he did in England, tries in many other countries and is still trying his darndest to do do to the whole world. He's a horrible man and he has children to continue his legacy. Question is, will they do so? If so, America and the whole world are in trouble. April 16, 2019   MAGA!:   How about that? There's a new poll out that found that 76% of accountants say that Pres. Donald J. Trump's tax cuts for America helped small businesses. No surprise there. It's common sense. April 16, 2019   As most of you know by now, Tiger Woods has won the Masters Tournament; something I never thought we'd see again. I am no fan of Woods because of his "I, I, I, me, me, me" attitude every time he won. When he lost it was never his fault, but when he won it was all his ego that showed its ugly face. I never liked him because of that. I prefer Phil Mickelson because of his humility and humanity, epecially compared to Tiger's ego. I do congratulate him, and I hope that his body is healed and that if he continues to play -- and win, lose or draw -- he gives glory where it belongs: to GOD. Otherwise, he's just another ego on legs. April 16, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 15, 2019: 2:10 p.m.   I am no fan of France, but I do love the architecture there, including the burning Notre Dame. I see scaffolding around it and it may have been a construction spark that started this, or it may be an intentional strike at the iconic building and, thus, the people of France. It may have been a lightning strike, I don't know. Whatever started it, I hope they get to the truth about this blaze and that if it was arson I hope they find the person(s) involved and prosecute them to the fullest extent of France's laws. Of course, that's if France doesn't just surrender. Notre Dame is not the first Catholic church to be burned in France. I'm wondering when all of the Catholic churches will be provided a white flag. April 15, 2019   Do you know who is largely to blame for the illegal alien invasion of America? The answer may surprise and appall you as it did me. The answer: Sen. Ted Cruz. That's disgusting. I thought he was a rather stand-up guy and used to support him for president until I saw how he did things on the campaign trail, then I found out that my gut instinct said to not trust him. I listen to my gut instinct most of the time and found out I had to support then-candidate, Trump. I can't explain this but I am glad that Judicial Watch found out and I'm telling you! April 15, 2019   "Russian collusion":   The mueller report is allegedly going to be released this Thursday.
April 15, 2019   The IDIOT, aoc:   I think this will be the last time I write about her (that's the plan right now, at least) because I think that she's like the publicists of hollyweird: any publicity is good publicity as long as your name is out there. So, I think that maybe I'll stop writing about her just because I don't think that giving her more publicity is a good idea. We all know by now that she's as dumb as bat droppings, so why give her ego more of a boost? I'll just mention here that she doesn't support bumbling "The Groper" biden. She thinks that electing him would be "going back" and she supports impeaching Pres. Trump. So, when is she going to announce that she's running for prezidunce? She's now saying she's saying toodle-oo to social media because it's not healthy. More likely it's because she is tired of her stupidity being thrown back at her and having to face the fact that she's an IDIOT. BTW, does she have a drinking problem? Every time there's a video of her on social media, she's got a drink in her hand or somewhere close by. Maybe she needs some help? April 15, 2019   Do you watch cbs? I haven't been a regular viewer of that station or any o fthe shows on it for a long time now. We watch some regular television, but for the most part our television viewing is of the channels we enjoy on YouTube (not a big fan of that company, but that's where the channels we enjoy are located). So, if you do watch cbs, how do you feel about them having this kind of show on their line-up? Do you like that they seem to push for the assassination of Pres. Donald J. Trump? Is that what you want to support via watching their shows, giving them Nielson points? I don't. April 15, 2019   bernie sanders:   The official U3 unemployment rate is at 3.8% yet mr. sanders thinks that Pres. Trump has turned his back on American workers? Really? He says that Pres. Trump should bascially force GM to keep a plant open. Pres. Trump has tried to get GM to keep the plant open, but GM decided to close the plant anyways. Now they will be laying of 1,600 working Americans and that's not good for anyone. The problem is, that no matter what Pres. Trump said we are a free country and GM is able to make whatever decisions it deems best for itself. So, Pres. Trump told GM that since they're laying off so many more people he won't give them any more federal contracts. That's a good thing, but I think that the head of GM, CEO Mary Barra -- who supports Debbie Stabenow and John Dingell both dumboRAT$, as well as Republicans, to get GM what it wants -- is doing this to spite Pres. Donald J. Trump, after all, when you're on the hillosercrooktOOn shortlist for VP, you really are someone who would hate it when she LOST. Agree? April 15, 2019   Isn't it amazing how the left will support anything until it directly affects themselves? The left LOVES "sanctuary" cities, counties, states, kindergartens. Then when Pres. Donald J. Trump said he is considering the idea of releasing illegal alien invaders into their "sanctuary" cities, the left scream at the top of their lungs, "No! Not in my city!" That's what happened with cher. She loved illegal alien invaders until Pres. Trump started publishing the idea of releasing illegal alien invaders into her area. Then it would impact her and she can't have that! How can anyone even think of inconveniencing her? How can that be?! Nope. Not her. She will prevent that from happening by trying to placate Pres. Trump. Maybe she'll be safe then. SMH. April 15, 2019   Racist in the House:   How can this guy be in the U.S. House of Representatives? He's such an open racist that it's astonishing! He asked bankers testifying before the Finance Committee's banking hearing if they're all seven white. Really. Honest! Why do the American people elect progressively ignorant, infantile, racist and predictable idiots to represent them in the U.S. House and Senate? Why? April 15, 2019   cory "Spartacus" booker:   He has announced his "platform" and it includes things like "affordable college" (to whom: Lori Loughlin and her daughters, or your neighbor working two jobs to make ends meet?); a "living wage" for everyone (what kind of living: the kind of living millionaire bernie sanders does, or the crooktOOns and their multiple mansions -- one of which sold for around $11 MILLION?). Which is it? Me? If he's going to be providing my "living wage", how about giving me the crooktOOns' version? April 15, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He slammed pelosickpig for her do nothing Congress and for investigating the crimes the dumboRAT$ have committed. It's so true and so appropriate to point all of this out. I love that he did this! April 15, 2019   Aahhhhh... Public Schools:   Yet again, the left suffers TDS as another principal has a told a student to remove her "Make America Great Again" hat off and cover up her "Trump — Make America Great Again" t-shirt during "American Pride Day"! I think that's a great hat and t-shirt to wear during "American Pride Day", but apparently the principal is a leftie who doesn't think that the First Amendment is applicable in their presence. So the principal had to apologize and the students may learn something about it: don't think that because you don't like Pres. Trump that you have the right to discriminate. April 15, 2019   Judicial Watch is protecting us in more ways than I can imagine. They've sued and sued and sued for information and they've been keeping an eye on the Deep State operatives who are still doing the bidding of the crooktOOns and themuslimvileone. They're suing now to stop ketchup kerry from acting like a shadow secretary of state. He's not SoS anymore but he's still traveling the world trying to be the powerful man that he allegedly used to be. He's no more than a wannabe, IMHO, so he's going to Iran trying to negotiate keeping America IN the Iran nuclear deal. He's, of course, going against what Pres. Donald J. Trump has openly stated he wants, trying to usurp the real SoS, Mike Pompeo. I think what ketchup kerry is doing is treason and he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent fo the law. So when will kerry be arrested? April 15, 2019   Economic Freedom:   If "Spartacus" booker really wants to provide a "living wage" to everyone, the he needs to stop as many regulations as he can and stop making up laws that prevent economic freedom and growth and he needs to understand that the free market makes people wealthy. When people diss the free market, they're actually saying that they want to limit wealth, make people dependent upon the government (We, The People) and they want to make as many people as possible vote dumboRAT. That's the goal: power for the left. April 15, 2019   Gov. Ron DeSantis is going to speed up his Conservative agenda and I LOVE that! I think that the Conservative -- truly Conservative -- agenda is best for people, for our State and for America. Thanks, Gov. DeSantis! April 15, 2019   The more research is done into the factuality of the Bible, the more they prove the Bible absolutely TRUE. For instance, they have found more evidence of the Exodus being true and the route they took. Researchers went to Saudi Arabia and "'What I found there was simply mind-blowing. I couldn't believe that there was all this evidence for the Exodus and hardly anyone outside this region was aware of it,'"The Bible is real and TRUE, folks. Get used to that FACT. Which means, that if you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then there is no hope for you. Please accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You don't want to spend an eternity in hell, but if you do, it's your choice. Make the right choice. April 15, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   One of the biggest reasons -- besides thevilegeorgesoros paying people to come here -- for the illegal alien invasion is the corruption of the leaders of Central American nations. Shock. Surprise. I bet thevilegeorgesoros has paid them a lot of money for their people to come here. I know he has been arranging the illegal alien invasion at our southern border. How much has he given the corrupt leaders of those countries whose people are fleeing in droves? After all, if you're the despot of 10 million or 10,000 you're still despot and can do whatever you want -- especially with all of the money thevilegeorgesoros gave you. April 15, 2019   I will close with that for today. My hubby will be home soon. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 12, 2019: 1:58 p.m.   I warned you I might miss yesterday, and I did. Driving lessons are getting longer as the student gets better and it's a good thing, but it does take away some of my "what I want to do" time. Responsibilities are just that, so I have to deal with it. It's for a short enough season and it's not a terrible thing to see another person become independent. Let's get started. April 12, 2019   U.S. Census:   Do you think that the question, "Are you a U.S. Citizen?" Should be on the census? It's been on there for 175 years, so why should it NOT be on the census this time? The reason for leaving it off of the census? So that the dumboRAT$ can get more seats in the House (the Senate's number is set and not dependent upon the census count). At least that is what they think the results will be. If there are more people in America -- citizen or not -- then there should be more House seats and since the dumboRAT$ would be responsible for all of those NON-citizens being counted then (naturally, the dumboRAT$ think) those illegal alien invaders of our country would be VOTING dumboRAT when given the chance or just in illegal voting. That would give the dumboRAT$ an unbeatable majority in the House and their power base would be set in titanium. They'd be in power permanently (they believe) in the House and they'd never look back, but they'd continue to look down at we, the little people in "fly-over country". Is that what you want? April 12, 2019   Illegal Alien Invaders:   Sanctuary cities may be getting a new influx in what they allegedly want: illgal aliens. Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) may be releasing illegal aliens into sanctuary cities because that's what they want, is it not? They declared themselves "sanctuary cities" so why not accept them? They should be HAPPY to have them sent there! They should be joyfully welcoming them into their own cities and making parades out of the bus loads of illegals being driven into town. It's time they stand up for their alleged beliefs and accept the illegals, right? Think again. One of "sanctuary city" or "sanctuary" anythings is pelosickpig, but she doesn't want them in her community. So what about the left's support of "sanctuary"? I think that the truth is that they want it "for thee but not for me": They want those who are NOT them to have to deal with the illegal alien invaders in their areas, as long as they -- the liberal, leftist elite -- don't have to deal with the repercussions of their own leftist agenda. Isn't that special? April 12, 2019   You want to see the definition of a leftist's twisted thinking? She attacked a Trump supporter at the airport then when the guy she attacked found out via research that the person who attacked him had a Mom who was very ill and he donated to her "Go Fund Me" page and told his followers to do the same to help with her medical costs, the stupid leftist shut down the account! Can you imagine?! Turning down money to help pay for your Mom's medical expenses because that money comes from caring Trump supporters?! If that is not the definition of nonsense, I don't know what is! (Unless, of course, the "Go Fund Me" page was a lie to start with and the money was making her feel like she was going to be investigated: but I'm just very cynical nowadays.) Anyways, this is a really ridiculous thing to do but lefties never make sense, so why should we be surprised? April 12, 2019   Hateful Muslim, ilhan "I Married My Brother" omar:   She is such an anti-Semite that I'm surprised any can take any of her statements about Judaism as a whole, Israel as a nation, or any Jewish person at all seriously. She tweets stupidity that gets supported by other lefties, then she tries the "Squirrell!" technique by trying to invoke Pres. G.W. Bush on the rubble heap as the told the rescue workers a few days after 9/11 that the people who did this will hear them soon. What? She's in over her head and her low IQ. She needs to just resign and get it over with. The way the rules are written, she'll continue to be paid as a U.S. House member via their retirement program since she has served her prereguisite day on the Floor. Of course, her fellow Muslim had to defend her. rashida tlaib is in over her head, too. She's another low IQ individual who needs to retire and enjoy her days of glory while basking in the retirement check from the U.S. taxpayers. They can take at least forty of their fellow leftists who are also in over their heads with them. Wishful thinking, I know. April 12, 2019   bumbling "Groper Joe" biden:   I bet ya' hillosercrooktOOn is behind the recent hullaballoo over his wandering hands and sniffy-sniffs and now she's making sure to take him out before the possibility of his being her main contender by getting her buds in the msm to release the info they've known about for years. He was against forced busing to desegregate schools. Want proof? It was cnn (the crooktOOn news network) who published the letters. That tells you that they are aiding her in taking out the serious contenders for her run. Mark my words, folks. She's running. She's just being sneaky about taking out her opponents before she announces to make it easier on herself. How much you wanna' bet she's still trying to get info on her biggest opponent: Pres. Donald J. Trump? I wonder how much she has offered Kellyanne Conway's husband, the Trump hater? Just asking, folks. Just asking. April 12, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Want to know just how crooked she is? Read The Gateway Pundit's series of articles about her "foundation's" treasonous money grubbing and tell me she doesn't deserve to spend the rest of her life in the deepest, darkest dungeons of any hard prison in America. Or, better yet, since she loves other countries (or at least their money) more than she loves America, why don't we send her to Russia, Mexico, China, or anywhere in the Middle East to be put in prison there? After all, I'm sure they'd love hosting the former SoS and presidential wannabe. April 12, 2019   The reason so many leftist organizations are trying to prevent people from going to see the movie "Unplanned" is because it's so very effective in its efforts to educate people to the TRUTH of what abortion is. The left's Holy Grail is baby killing and they want to keep that at all costs. Allowing people to have easy access to the movie is not something they want to do. That's why the old googley-woogley labeled it "Propaganda", why the Dead Blue Bird temporarilly suspended its page and why television networks have refused to run ads for the movie. Killing babies is scrosanct to the left. Mothers (pregnant women are mothers) must be allowed to kill their babies and the left will do everything it can to ensure that continues. It MUST happen or they will cry! April 12, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. My computer is acting up again and I have to do some checking on it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 10, 2019: 5:04 p.m.   Only a few blurbs today because of the late start. Gave a long driving lesson today and it went well. Drove up to T-ville and did some shopping then to the grocery store and things went well. So, let's get started. April 10, 2019   pelosickpig:   The first 100 days of her being speaker of the house is "radicalism, resistance and resolutions" but the Represenatative who said this forgot something: a ridiculous amount of committee hearings trying to find something to blame Pres. Donald J. Trump or anyone related to him for wrong doings. They've gotten NOTHING done but complaining about him and trying to get him kicked out of office. They're too stupid to know that they are making complete and utter fools of themselves, but let them. The worse they look to the people of America, the better. Let us not forget that the public is tired of the LIES of the Russia investigation, and the people want the House to do something besides hearings into the same kind of LIES. Let the dumboRAT$ make their demise. It'll be good to be rid of them. April 10, 2019   I saw part of the Congressional hearings on "white nationalism" and Candace Owens is correct, dumboRAT$ were cowards. Is anyone surprised? April 10, 2019   "Russian Collusion" Report:   I don't know about you, but I am hoping that I can trust the new U.S.A.G., William Barr, but I'm not sure yet. I haven't seen enough evidence that he's as good as I hope he is. Right now, he's doing okay. He said at the hearing today that there WAS spying on Trump's campaign. Pres. Trump said that they were spying on him, but the left -- and the msm -- "pshaw'ed" it. Now we know Pres. Trump was right. I wonder if USAG Barr will hold anyone accountable for it? April 10, 2019   April 10, 2019   My last blurb (before my goodbye) will be the "LOL!" that idiots who hate Pres. Donald J. Trump thought was him, but actually turned out to be themuslimvileone's immigration comments. They thought Pres. Trump was a racist, but it was themuslimvileone all along. Boy, were they surprised! Aww... too bad. Their Lord and Savior is a racist. What will they do now? April 10, 2019   I'll close with that for today. If I don't get an early start tomorrow I won't be doing blurbs again until Friday. Sorry, but I have an appointment tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 9, 2019: 11:11 a.m.   DumboRAT$:   Well, as usual, they are going for the political statement instead of what is best for America and serving their constituents. Their "budget" is "reckless" and they don't care. They don't care that they will raise the debt, they care about power and undoing the good that previously was done. "Democrats are trying to put the last nail in the coffin of the Budget Control Act of 2011, one of the few remaining semblances of fiscal restraint left in Washington.So is anyone surprised? It's about buying votes so that they can remain in power. They'll fund Planned ABORTIONhood, all kinds of welfare and "Etc." programs, and they'll fund things for illegal alien invaders so that those who will somehow get registered to vote will vote for dumboRAT$. Isn't that what this country should be all about: being a power base for dumboRAT$? April 9, 2019   chelseacrooktOOn:   If you have a spare snail lying around, please loan it to her. She needs to take it to a surgeon to have its brain transplanted into her own head. She has nothing in there but vapor and moths. She likes to try to zing Pres. Trump but if she thinks her words are zingers she is lamer than a four-year-old's zings. So intellligent, so masterful. Someone make her a guru. April 9, 2019   April 9, 2019   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Want to know what the left and dumboRAT$ are pushing? They are pushing socialized health care and they're trying to turn America's healthcare system into England's, Canada's or elsewhere's. The problem is that in England's (and other socialist medical systems), they are letting people go blind because they don't have the money to pay for all of the cataract surgeries. Is that what you want? Do you think that in socialist medical systems like in England that if the queen had a cataract, or prince Charlie, or one of Diana's sons needed eye surgery that they would have to wait, or go without? Or would they just pack a suitcase full of money and head to another country and get what they wanted without going through their own healthcare system? I bet the queen, all of the princes and princesses would get whatever they want while the average Joe Smith would have to go blind. April 9, 2019   Yet another dumboRAT has announced for prezidunce. This time it's eric swalwell and the reaction has been less than stellar. When do the egos stop in the dumboRAT party? Are they all going to run for prezidunce? Is there a dumboRAT anywhere who doesn't think he/she is smart enough to run the country? Well, anywhere besides into the dirt. Ego and desire for POWER is dumboRAT$. April 9, 2019   Speaking of idiots running for prezidunce, beto o'rourke has a demand on American farmers: give up their "fair share" of crops so that "Global Warming", well, that's good for the planet, right? As someone who owns most of a family farm that has been in the family for at least five generations, even though we're not farming the land, I think that my hubby's Grandpa who owned all 35.4 acres of the farm (we only own 28.12 acres because part of it sold outside the family, but we want to buy the last part), would be angry about the suggestion and that he would probably think the guy is crazy. He'd be right. April 9, 2019   dumboRAT$ HATE BABIES:   She won't give up the LIE that she won the Georgia election, and now she's saying that saving babies in the uterus who have a heartbeat should still be aborted and that the Georgia bill that stops abortion when a fetal heartbeat is detected is "evil". I wonder if her mother would agree? April 9, 2019   Why is the Broward Coward still just "suspended" instead of being "fired" and going away into obscurity and disgrace as should be happening? He is still fighting to get his job back, and as a just in case, he is hoping to be the police chief in Opa-locka. Who in their right minds would hire anyone who told his officers to NOT go into a situation in which they could save lives? Why on earth would anyone think that he would be a good "top cop"? He has disgraced the badge, the uniform, the department he worked for and is an embarrassment to most law enforcement officers! How can Opa-locka even consider him for any position above street sweeper? Oh, that's right. Opa-locka is as corrupt as they come so it's no surprise they want a do nothing police chief. April 9, 2019   More ACLU Idiocy:   Did you know that Florida is a racist state? That's what the ACLU has decided and it's warning "people of color" and immigrants to not come here. That's because of SB 168, which would ban sanctuary cities, counties, etc., and make it illegal for law enforcement to NOT cooperate with the federal law enforcement agencies regarding illegal alien invaders, etc. With Disney World and all of the Disney parks, Universal Studios, Sea World, Miami, five cruise ports, our beaches and other attractions, does anyone think the ACLU is going to be obeyed? There is one positive in their warning: If it kept even a few illegal alien invaders out of Florida that would not be a bad thing, would it? April 9, 2019   Fauxcahontus:   Hahahahaha! That's too good! She's a "distant third" in her own state! That's too good! I wonder if she'll drop out now or wait until she's totally trounced somewhere? She thinks she's all that and a box of Cheese-Its. S.M.H. Forest Gump has a quote here. April 9, 2019   Christianity Under Assault:   In Italy, they are covering crosses with motorized curtains to "avoid offending other religions" (those who do not have a cross as part of their symbolism). So Christianity in Italy is being covered up by the PC crew and in Indonesia, Christian graves -- those with crosses on them -- are being desecrated by Muslims. How much you want to be that the hatred of Christianity that is being condoned by the left here in America is part of the reasons behind the Iranian parliament chanting "Death to America" as they open their session? Christianity is one of the only acceptable targets of any kind of hatred and violence; Trump supporters being the other. If we did the same to the left as they do to us we would be in prison faster than the speed of light. When they attack Christians or Trump supporters, that's okay and we Christians have to just deal with it. Double standards abound. April 9, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch has PROOF that they colluded and conspired to do a cover-up of the role they played in the "Russian Collusion" LIE and what they did to push this LIE. They are crooked as the year is long and if they were kissed on the mouth by the TRUTH, while it slipped them the tongue and grabbed their crotches NONE of them would be capable of recognizing the TRUTH even after that. The left -- and specifically, the crooktOOns -- are as guilty and corrupt as they come. Too bad the laws don't apply to them as it does to the rest of us. Is that what America should be? April 9, 2019   Bwahahaha!:   Sounds to me like there's a Republican with a spine (at least in this particular instance). I like how Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) mocked his dumboRAT counterpart and said "It must suck to be that dumb."LOVE IT! April 9, 2019   Was/Is there a conspiracy against Pres. Donald J. Trump with operatives deep within the U.S. State Dept., and other government agencies? Well, DUH! Of course there IS! What does anyone think took anyone over a year to find out how all of this idiocy came about, but they're protecting the left and still dumping on the right. Conspiracy? Of course there's a conspiracy! April 9, 2019   I'll close with that for today. GOD Bless you! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 8, 2019: 12:32 p.m.   I'm back. This time I think I'll be able to do most of the week. I didn't do Friday because I had unexpected company and spent the day with my company. Sorry, but I think you understand. My hubby is probably still sitting in Atlanta as he waits to continue on to CaliMarxiFornia on business. He won't be back for a few days so I'll be able to set most of my own schedule (driving lessons still to give), so I'll try to get things done here daily. Let's get started for today, shall we? April 8, 2019   TDS:   Yet another leftist has a meltdown when she/he sees someone in a MAGA hat. This person (not sure which gender, so I'll call it an it) melted down in a post office in San Diego and assaulted a Hispanic Trump supporter. Why is it okay for a leftist to assault a Hispanic when it is Hispanics lefties supposedly support? Aren't they all for Hispanics being allowed to illegally invade our nation? Aren't they all for Hispanics getting here and getting voting cards and being allowed to vote for dumboRATS... Oh. That's the problem. The Hispanic at the post office didn't want to vote for dumboRATS. The Hispanic (Paloma for Trump) has broken the rules and decided to think for herself and the leftist didn't agree with that. How dare Paloma think for herself instead of fall into lock step with her leftist wannabe-controllers? Paloma can't do that! How dare she?! April 8, 2019   "College" Daze:   When a guest is (or guests are) invited onto the campus to speak it's considered polite to let them speak, even if you disagree with them. You let them speak, then you raise your hand, wait to be called upon, then speak your mind reasonably. Too bad the lefties on campus ignore those rules and decided to scream like the fools they are. I don't care how much "education" lefties partake of, they're still idiots. They only learn things that will support their biases and will allow them to be even more delusional. Some people enjoy being ignorant and ill-informed and the left illustrates that daily. April 8, 2019   Had to take a moment to check on a few things. It looked like someone was trying to invade my website while I was using it so I checked a few things and hope that I stopped that from happening. Let's get on with the updates. April 8, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Is this what you want? The way those invading our nation are being treated, they are being made to fly those who want to break into our nation and force their way into our welfare state and benefits, becomes forcing those who are supposed to be protecting our borders into being their "uber drivers"? How can that be? We are supposed to be a sovereign nation but with the illegal alien invaders, we have NO sovereignty and we are using our taxpayer dollars to pay the border patrol agents to drive them to their chosen destination. Isn't that what you want to pay for with your taxpayer dollars? No? Well, you bigot! April 8, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He's an ego on legs. Every time he gives a speech it's all about him. It's "I, I, I", or "Me, Me, Me", or "My, My, My". He said it 392 times in a 90 minute speech. That's 4.35 times a minute he mentioned himself in a speech that was supposed to be about "community leadership and civic engagement" but it was not. It was all about him, as usual. If he opens his mouth, it's a lie coming out. If he gives a speech, it's all about him. He has a real narcistic personality disorder and it's brazenly obvious and if someone can't see it they must have voluntary blinders on. April 8, 2019   The "Etc." Movement:   The lesbian/gay/bi/trans/queer/etc. movement is a political and emotional force that is being used to manipulate people into doing things that are seen as "popular" at the moment, but that have lifelong and critical repurcussions. Some little kids are so anxious to fit in that they start finding ways to garner "positive reinforcement" via acting out as part of that community and if Mom and Dad (or others the child seeks affirmation from) start approving of that kind of behavior (because they know they dare not condemn it!), that child will take that acting out and sticking to it for that positive affirmation so desired. Even when the parents don't affirm it, if others do, then the child will stick with the lie of the moment: "Etc." is what that child is and that child needs to go for it even though the child is only seven and needs to have guidance away from, not deeper into, the "Etc." movement. The movement is a health hazard, an emotional hazard and a physical hazard for those who enter it. Yet, those who are PC and those whose agenda makes them push the greater harm on as many as possible keep pushing for its spread and acceptance. It doesn't matter what the parents want, the medical community, activists, leftists with a desire for sharing the misery of their own sorry existence, will push children into that destruction as quickly and as soon as possible -- without a parents' consent or delay. Now we find out that not only does this learned behavior lead to much higher suicide rates, but it also means that the medical community is breaking its hypocratic oath left, right and center! As brave people who have gone through it are telling us, it's not how kids are born, it's the messages they choose to accept about themselves, the things they choose to do to get that positive affirmation, and societal support. When children get more accolades for being outrageous and cross-dressing than they do for being a regular, normal, healthy kid many will go for the outrageous. There are all kinds of mental health problems that people suffer from and that need to be addressed instead of being ignored and allowed to masquerade as an "Etc." persona. Moms and Dads, if your child starts acting out, the first thing to do is find out if your child has been sexually assaulted and if so, by whom. Then get them help in dealing with that. There are many parents out there now facing this "Etc." thing and hurt by the fact that the medical community and lefties in society (and those on the right who are cowards and won't stand against it) get into their business and tell them that they have to allow their child to become "X" in the "Etc." community. They not only have to allow it, but they have to approve of it and support it. That's what the left pushes now. That's not what is best for children and if you are facing something like this, don't support the lie that satan is telling your child. Get your child help from a Christian who knows GOD's truth and will gently guide your child into a healthy self-image and identity. Allowing your child to ruin whatever life they were designed to have via believing the "Etc." agenda is not being a parent, it's being a pushover. Don't be a pushover. Be strong. Do what is BEST for your child and the "Etc." is not best. April 8, 2019   Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS):   So now they want anyone who has anything at all to do with Pres. Donald J. Trump to never be able to get another job once they leave the administration. The left is sending out blacklists to corporations telling them to never employ the following people (the former Trump administration people). Isn't that sweet? If you ever saw blacklisting as the McCarthy era as a bad thing, then why would anyone support this? The left uses "McCarthyism!" as a rallying cry against Conservatives while, in reality and in real time, they practice "McCarthyism" themselves. What is bad for you is good for them as long as it allows them to accomplish their goals. In other words, "The ends justify the means." Right and wrong can go straight to hades; it's them winning at all costs that counts. April 8, 2019   "Russian collusion":   When Pres. Donald J. Trump leaves office in 2025 and newly elected President Mike Pence is sworn into office, the left will still be trying to ensure no one from either administration ever sees a paycheck again, and they'll still be covering up for hillosercrooktOOn. The DOJ and FBI refused to accept evidence of her collusion and TREASON from the Ukraine and they just shoo it away and prevent it from coming out because the TRUTH would force her and a lot of other dumboRATS into prison. It would be "Go to PRISON, Go straight to PRISON, do not pass Go, do not collect $200!" for quite a few people on the left. That would include dws, hillosercrooktOOn, bullybobcrooktOOn, chelseacrooktOOn, themuslimvileone, bumbling "The Groper" biden, etc. There would be so many high powered dumboRATS going to prison that we'd have to build a new prison! April 8, 2019   MAGA!:   More good news for America: the unemployment numbers for March are excellent! The U6 number is 7.3% and the official unemployment number is 3.8%. Those numbers match last month's numbers so we have what is officially considered "full employment" for the second month straight. Thanks, Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that)! That "magic wand" is working over time! April 8, 2019   Fake News:   Sigh. They think you are SO STUPID that they think they can get away with the re-writing of Confederate history. They painted the states that wanted to leave and be able to keep slaveas as being red, instead of dumboRAT BLUE, they made the slave-holding states, RED. That means they want people to believe that it was the Republicans who kept slaves. They showed a map where the slave-holding states were painted BLUE while, in reality, they're red! More trickery to get our vote. Isn't it nice that the left thinks you're that dumb? April 8, 2019   How about that? Vandenberg A.F.B. where I spent 6.5 years is in the finals in running for the headquarters of the U.S. Space Command. I think VAFB would be a great place for it, except for the fact that it does sometimes have earthquakes. They must build the right kind of facility to prevent our Space Command from being taken down during a 7.1 earthquake and leaving us vulnerable. I think here at Canaveral Air Force Station is a better choice, but I'm prejudice. April 8, 2019   I don't support the AARP because of their support for ABORTION. Now I find out that Pres. Donald J. Trump has been giving AARP YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS and I can't support that. Pres. Trump, three words: "Knock it off!" April 8, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. Hope to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 4, 2019: 3:30 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I turned on my computer to do updates but I saw something that made me wonder if I had a virus or some other destructive thing going on, so I spent my update time doing security and virus scans. Better safe than sorry. So, I'll do a few blurbs today. Don't have much time because I hope to visit my friend and I did a long driving lesson for my student today. April 4, 2019   Bumbling "The Groper" Biden:   LOL! LOL! LOL! I love the way Pres. Donald J. Trump tweets! Some hate it and think he's creating trouble for himself and the Republican Party. I think he's taking the left and their little bitty self-esteem and slamming them hard with their own ridiculousness. That's what he did to The Groper. He retweeted a meme of The Groper groping himself! Too funny! I love it! He takes it to them in spades and rubs their faces in it. Too good! Not only is he "The Groper", but he's also a crook! Is anyone surprised? He was, after all, in themuslimvileone's administration, and we know there were no straight dealers there. themuslimvileone wouldn't allow honest folks to work for him. April 4, 2019   The "Tolerant" Left:   Yet again they prove their hypocrisy as they tout their "tolerance" but spew hatred, venom and threats against anyone with an American shirt, American flag, MAGA gear or anything supporting Pres. Trump. I think it's time that they all grow up or be given a spanking. If they refuse the former, they deserve the latter! April 4, 2019   The IDIOT:   Ya' know, I never thought that anyone would take the biggest idiot title away from our local morons, but I think that -- because of her similar self-assurance and braggadocio, and her national platform -- aoc squeaks the title away from our locals and takes the title by just a hair. Now she's saying stuff so ridiculous she deserves a Pulitzer in the field of Idiocy. That is a field they award a Publitzer in, isn't it: Idiocy? After all, they awarded a Pulitzer to themuslimvileone even though he did nothing to deserve it, so they must award one for Idiocy. Oh, maybe that's what he won for, right? Not only is she a prize winner in Idiocy, but she wins for being a whiney idiot. Is there much worse than a whiney idiot? April 4, 2019   Class Acts:   Like his boss, hillosercrooktOOn employs some really classy people. Like the guy who was elated that a guy who had polio as a child and whose legs are still partially paralyzed tripped going up stairs and fell. Hmmm... I wonder if he did the same thing when his boss trips and falls. Is he just as classy then? April 4, 2019   Sore Loser:   She can't give it up. DumboRAT, stacey abrams, says she won the GA gubernatorial election. I think the numbers prove otherwise. She is an ego on two feet and she needs to do the "Frozen" and "Let it go!" April 4, 2019   Hubby called and he's almost home so I'll go. We are going to visit our friend and see how he is doing. I hope he's having a good day. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 2, 2019: 3:41 p.m.   Did anyone "get" you yesterday on April Fool's Day? I thought about posting at the end of yesterday's blurbs that it would be my last posting and that I was shutting my website down. I didn't do so, though, because I didn't want to give that much momentary pleasure to my foes, even though they may have (although I seriously doubt they have the brain power to have figured it out) realized that, it being April Fool's day and all, I was "joshing" them. Anyways, no one "got" me, and I didn't "get" anyone. April Fool's day this year was very mild for me. I remember one year that I told my best friend I was pregnant and I could barely contain myself while I listened to her think about that and say, "Ookaaayy..." She believed me and I had to laugh because I couldn't keep it up any longer. She had forgotten it was April Fool's day when she called. Poor girl. I'm so horrible. April 2, 2019   TDS:   Are you a Pres. Donald J. Trump supporter? Do you like the fact that the DNC Chair says that you're a coward? Don't you think it would be great if some of we Pres. Trump supporters banded together and sued him for defamation, slander, libel, whatever? Sue him and maxine "The Mouth" waters, pelosickpig, and many others on that side of the idiocy spectrum? I think that would be fun. April 2, 2019   We know that peter strzok LIED to Congress in sworn testimony. That's been proven via watching and listening to his testimony. There's no doubt about it. He LIED about a lot of different things, including whether he called Pres. Donald J. Trump a "menace". I think it's the Deep State -- including the FBI and DO[IN]J -- who are the "menace[s]" to America. They are a big problem for America. April 2, 2019   I like Judge Roy Moore and I wish that he had won in his bid for U.S. Senate, but no. The left decided to ensure his failure via a smear campaign and now we have the proof that it was just that: a smear. He's asking "'the Project Birmingham ‘After-Action Report’ widely blamed for promulgating what the media has called ‘Russian-style’ disinformation,'"He was targeted, maligned and LIED about by the left and because of that he lost his bid for the Senate. It's time the left be made to pay for their LIES and it's time that the TRUTH be told about what they did to this man. It's despicable what they have done, but they get away with it because the msm covers for them and helps them do it. I am so glad I didn't carry through with my desire to be a journalist. I would have been ashamed of most of the people in my profession. April 2, 2019   The "Etc." community:   Disagree with the "alphabet soup" agenda? Don't like people attempting to force you to say, do, believe, feel, support, endorse, acquiesce to, kiss up to, bow down to, the gay/lesbian/a-z agenda? Well, if you don't support it (according to some on that wagon), you deserve to DIE. Yep. Support it or they want you dead. That's fair, isn't it? Bow down and kiss their backsides and agree with their agenda, or you should be dead. Isn't that a wonderful, tyrannical attitude to have? You want that to be in positions of power? This time, it's just a magazine editor. Next time it will be, who? A U.S. Senator, governor, or crazy-eyed executioner? April 2, 2019   Speaking of "crazy-eyed executioners", how about this one in (of course), CaliMarxiFornia? She saw an elderly man wearing a "MAGA" hat and decided to chase him out of a coffee shop. When an elderly man can't get a coffee and drink it peacefully at a coffee shop while wearing the hat of his choice which exercises his First Amendment rights, then the left has gone way too far into "Crazy Town" and they need to get back on the "sanity bus" and head back to the right side of the line. This lunatic tried to incite violence not only against the elderly man, but also against his children, encouraging others to find out where they attended school and I'm sure they would hae been harrassed as well. It's time that law enforcement start taking this lack of tolerance seriously and start pressing charges against the lunatics and start making them abide by the same rules the right side of the spectrum is abides. It's time crazies be prosecuted. April 2, 2019   The IDIOT:   S.M.H. It's amazing she can even breathe. Does her brain stem even work? Is she borrowing a snail's cerebral cortex? Is she alive, or is she a robot, with someone else operating her mouth and just making her look that dumb? She really does need a at least one grey cell. Considering how many people were willing to donate organs of all sorts to rbg, won't someone please step up and donate a single brain cell to aoc? Please? She needs one so bad! April 2, 2019   Unexpected Consequences:   In a rather unexpected turn for dumboRATS, there has been a rather shocking side effect of the vote that gave blanket rights to felons to vote. You see, more registered Republican than dumboRAT, which is totally the opposite of what the left who wanted to do this expected. I bet this rattled the left pretty badly. For me? I think it's hysterical! April 2, 2019   Free Speech:   Really? Really? At cnn, an anchor asked ex-FBI diretor if the FBI should have "allowed lock her up chant"? Excuse me?! "Allowed"? The First Amendment does not give ANYONE the right to disallow ANY speech, especially not political speech and the SCOTUS has upheld that for years and years. To ask if the FBI should have "allowed" the "Lock her up!" chant is like saying that the government SHOULD have the right and responsibility to prevent us from exercising our First Amendment RIGHT and to deny us any words that do not please them. This cnn anchor was basically advocating the tyranny of the STATE and if we do not obey, what? Do we go to prison, a re-education camp, or just get flogged in public? What does the cnn anchor want to happen to us if we do not cooperate with the exhiling of our Constitutional rights? Why not contact her and ask what she wants to be done to those of us who do not follow her ideas of "Free" Speech? It may be interesting to find out. April 2, 2019   Eww!:   If you married your own brother and then used campaign money to pay for your divorce lawyer after using your marriage to get him into America -- while you were already married to another man, would you think that it would be a good idea for you to be in the U.S. House of Representatives? Well, that's exactly what ilhan omar did. She committed a crime to get her brother into the country via marrying him while already married to another man. She committed marital fraud via marrying her brother. She committed immigration fraud via the fraudulent marriage. She broke election law by paying for her divorce attorney with campaign contributions. She's a CRIMINAL who puts our LAWS aside to get whatever she wants and yet she is in the U.S. House of Representatives. Disgusting. She needs to be impeached. April 2, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Hubby's on the way home and I need to start working on other things. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 1, 2019: 1:02 p.m.   Missed Friday because my hubby was coming home a little early so that we could go up to our Georgia farm. We had a lot to do up there last weekend and we worked hard; including both of us riding our own John Deere 52" cut lawn mowers for about five hours each to cut all of the fields we own and have cleared so far. Yep. It's that much work. We did take a short break to let the mowers cool down and to sharpen the blades but that's about it. It looks so good when it's all mowed and we finally got the last field done. We have a huge field between the house and the road, a small field behind the house and a medium sized field to the south of the house and it's that field we got fully done this visit. We also did some demo on the hall bathroom, removing the medicine cabinet and vanity and starting the prep work for patching and painting. New floors are going in, a wall color change and new vanity, medicine cabinet and towel bars, etc., will make that bathroom exactly what I want. Then there's just two bathrooms left, the carpet to change out, the kitchen cabinets to change and the flooring there, the fireplace wall to change to stone tile, and a few changes elsewhere (utility room floor needs redone) and it will be what I want it to be. Any volunteers? April 1, 2019   thevilegeorgesoros:   Is anyone surprised that he is doing his utmost to push his radical leftist agenda? He has set up and funded different organizations and campaigns to do so and one of his goals is to destroy America, just as a leftist agenda destroyed Venezuela. It's time that the Conservatives stand up against this creep and that we demand accountability for the left as they try to LIE about Conservatives and frame people -- witness Gen. Michael Flynn -- and we hold their feet to the fire (so to speak) and we make them pay for their wrongdoings as they try to destroy America. This includes the evil rich man named above. April 1, 2019   I previously said that themuslimvileone was responsible for spying on Pres. Trump's campaign just as he was part and parcel of the whole "Russian collusion" effort. Remember, themuslimvileone's policy made Russia a powerhouse again and that he was responsible for the fact that Russian spy planes were flying over American soil and flexed its muscles during themuslimvileone's administration. Putin knew that themuslimvileone is a lily-livered, weak-kneed, spineless, wimpy braggart who has no idea of how to win a war, (witness his horrible war history. Fact is, folks, that themuslimvileone had a huge part in the "Russian collusion" faux conspiracy. He was certain that his legacy was outta' here if anyone besides hillosercrooktOOn was elected, so he was willing to do anything to maintain his horrible, weak, crooked, lawless legacy. He had to get her elected to keep his secrets from coming out. Too bad he lost that bid in more ways than one. Now the truth is coming out and themuslimvileone may have some answering to do! At least, let's hope so! April 1, 2019   Fewer wars? Great idea, but never trust a progessive because most haven't the slightest idea what the TRUTH is and you can't be surprised when they turn around and stab you in the back you so conveniently put beside them. That's my reaction when I see that a progressive wants to work with Republicans (including Pres. Donald J. Trump) to reduce the numbers of foreign wars America is involved in. I like the idea, but not the execution of the whole thing. I will never trust progressives. Never. April 1, 2019   The IDIOT:   I never expected to see so much evidence of her stupidity in one single place, but she has delivered a huge repository of idiocy in a single appearance and it would be funny if it weren't for the fact that SHE VOTES ON THE FLOOR OF THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!!! How did that happen? How did the "Face of Stupid" get into that position? Are the people in her district that stupid, too? Must be since they actually elected her (unless there was massive cheating in the district; which is possible)! She was backed by thevilegeorgesoros to get her elected so now we have proof of what a whole lot of "walking around money" can put into office. Is that what we want: more of The IDIOT? April 1, 2019   Bumbling "Hands" Biden:   Wow. He's creepier than even I thought. He has apparently been groping females for a very long time. He's quite the molestor and sniffer. He's a creep and needs to go. I don't know why his wife, Jill, put up with this for so long. How could she do so? I'd be the first one to hold him responsible and to make his life misery. Where was she during all of this groping? April 1, 2019   Fake News:   Madcow Madnow LIED to her audience as her chyron told the truth under her face on the screen. Can you imagine how much you HAVE TO HATE Pres. Donald J. Trump in order to LIE -- bald faced, obviously and against the written word under your face -- in order to make him look bad to the idiots only listening to your words? She's not just stupid, she radically insane and that was brought about by the Pres. Donald J. Trump VICTORY. (I'm still very pleased with that fact.) She needs to retire and spend some time in a tight white jacket hugging herself. It'll make her feel better. April 1, 2019   Sounds like Chicago is ready for some law and order (as opposed to lawlessness and special treatment after being in touch with high muckety-mucks). Hundreds rallied against corrupt kim foxx, State Attorney, after she dropped the charges against jussie smollet. They want the law to mean something and they don't want anymore favors for "special" people. They want the law to be applied evenly across the board and they want no one to be immune to the consequences of their own lawlessness. Looks like that includes the "influential" kim foxx, who (if you recall) allegedly recused herself from the smollet case (and who was backed by thevilegeorgesoros), and who tells her life story akin to the same story she has heard oprah tell. Her soft on crime approach is hurting the Chicago area. She's a political animal who wants to use her office to further her political agenda of not prosecuting certain people because she wants to put a rubber stamp of approval on their activity. I think it's time she be disbarred, impeached and kicked from office and possibly even prosecuted for lying under oath while being sworn into office! After all, she did swear to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and to enforce the law! April 1, 2019   The Poop:   He's an idiot; a leftist idiot at that. He says that populists are like Hitler. He also says that the border wall to protect America from illegal alien invaders is bad. Let's make something clear here: The poop is a leftist idiot and he's WRONG about our southern border. If he has a problem with our wall, why does he not tear down the wall around the Vatican? He hates walls. Let him start with tearing down his own. After all, a wall is a wall is a wall, right? If the poop thinks walls are bad, why not tear down the walls around his own home? Why not take down the walls that protect him? Oh, some say it's not really a wall all the way around his home, but it is all the way around, look at the map! Just because you can get to places CLOSE TO his home, that doesn't mean that his actual home isn't protected. Anyone can walk NEAR our border, but that doesn't mean that they can cross that line anytime they want. The poop is a leftist. He prooves it with every statement. April 1, 2019   Making me happy, Pres. Donald J. Trump is saying he wants to replace ruth bader ginsburg with a Conservative Catholic judge. (She has finally been seen in public!) That would make lefties' heads explode and the announcement today is probably a fun way for Pres. Trump to make April Fools' day a pinch point for lefties. I LOVE it! April 1, 2019   I'll close with that for today and try to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 2019 'NOTE: May 2, 2019, I fell at the farm and injured my hand and didn't do many updates because my hand was hyper-extended and I couldn't use it for much of anything; especially not typing since a lot of my hand wouldn't do what I wished. That's why May's blurbs are so few. End NOTE. May 13, 2019: 3:34 p.m.   My hand is not as well as I thought it would be, so I only have the ability to do one blurb and that's going to be below. I think it may take another week before my hand is good enough to do a lot of typing and do the mouse for any length of time. We'll see what I can do in the meantime. May 13, 2019   May 13, 2019   So that's it for the blurbs today. I'll do more as my hand allows. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 10, 2019: 12:15 p.m.   I'm back but not for posting anything but this. I had a good week at the farm except for last Thursday, the day on which I messed up my right hand and had to go get x-rays Friday. It wasn't broken, just hyper-extended all over the place. It's been wrapped for recuperation since then and this is the first day I didn't shower and wrap it as I dressed. It needs to recuperate some more so I will start posting again on Monday, if things go as planned. It's been a rough year for minor injuries and I'm hoping this will be the last of them. After all, I don't like not posting, being injured and the recuperation period is irritating because I don't enjoy being unable to do what I wish to do. Makes me irritable. So, I hope to see you Monday. Have a great Mother's Day on Sunday and remember to call, send a gift to or honor your Mom in some way. Visit her grave if you must, but honor her for not aborting you, for raising you in some fashion, or for giving you up for adoption because she wanted you to have a better life. Whatever the case may be, honor your Mom this weekend. I have sent my Mom her gift and I plan to call my sister (she's visiting there until next week) and talk to Mom. Remember to do something for her. Without her you wouldn't be here. At the very least, sit for five minutes and think of the good times (there was some good in there, if you think about it you will remember). See you Monday. June 2019 June 28, 2019: 2:00 p.m.   dumboRATS:   Well, shock me surprise you! She lied. OOoohhh... That's new. Never before been seen from a dumboRAT, has it? No dumboRATS have ever LIED to us! How dare she break their perfect record of honesty! Then she had the gall to lie about raising her hand last night during the debate when trying to cover up stuff this morning! Oh, sorry. That's the complete opposite of what actually happens, isn't it? When kamala harris LIED last night during the dumboRAT "debate" (read: suck-up fest), it was de rigueur, not an unusual event. There were at least nine liars last night that an Austin, Texas, paper found. I bet there were more than that; and that's just in debate two! Imagine how many there would be if we counted the first debate, too! It's sad. Lying is always found out so why do they bother? June 28, 2019   Miracles Happen!:   Can you believe that I agree with something -- anything -- the brain dead joe scarborough said? Yep. I agree with him in this one thing: "Last night was a disaster" for his party. The dumboRATS made themselves look like lying fools and it was a bad show for all. The fact that he happened to realize it means he may have two brain cells instead of the one I credited him with earlier in my opinion of him. June 28, 2019   SCOTUS:   It's amazing that Pres. Donald J. Trump can choose "Conservative" judges to be on the SCOTUS, then they go through the confirmation process, get the fear of the dumboRATS put into them, and start voting against the "principles" that allegedly got them nominated in the first place. We've seen Justice brett kavanaugh, Justice neil gorsuch and the worst offender, Chief Justice john roberts, all play into the dumboRATs' hand via voting with the leftists on the SCOTUS. It's sickening. I think that the statement that Judicial Watch posted regarding the 2020 Census citizenship question is way too mild. I would have hammered every "justice" who voted against the question. There are NO RIGHTS guaranteed by the U.S. Constitutin to those who come to our nation illegally. Just because you are inside our borders (and I use the term loosely considering how porous our borders are), that doesn't make you a U.S. Citizen, no matter what the dumboRATS want to say! Illegal alien invaders don't have Constitutional rights. They don't have the right to vote here, to stay here, to make demands upon our government, to take from us what is rightly our money via the sweat of our brows! They don't have the right and to see the U.S. Supreme Court say that it's a question of someone's motivation is ridiculous! It's not a question of motives! It's a question of "Will it give the government more information that will help us ensure the integrity of our elections, help give local governments an idea as to the make-up of their school systems and give state governments an idea as to what their medical expenses budgets should be where illegals and non-citizens are concerned?" The answer to all sections of that question is YES! A resounding, unqualified YES but that didn't matter to the SCOTUS. Of course it was john roberts (disbar him) who joined the leftists and made it a 5-4 decision. He's despicable. June 28, 2019   It's disgusting. Leftists in Park City, MN, voted unanimously to do away with saying the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance before every city council meeting. That's enough for me to say to get rid of all of them. Then they started hearing from their constituents and changed their minds. It's ridiculous that these leftists are in office in the first place, but to have them vote to do away with a long tradition, with a pledge to America (as opposed to the "Etc" community, or socialism, or anything else besides America)? Beyond despicable. June 28, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Did you know that the DO[IN]J gave her attorney immunity after she LIED to them and they KNEW she was lying. They were totally working to protect crooktOOn and they are continuing to do so. When will this double standard be stopped and the wrongs that the crooktOOns have done be given the punishments they are due? I'm so tired of them being treated as though they are supreme beings, untouchable by "normal people" justice. Is it that they are that "revered", or are they untouchable because everyone knows that they'll wind up dead if they try to put them in prison? Is that why they are always, always, always given a pass? June 28, 2019   I think it's pretty sick that some people on the left push and support people sending their children with coyotes to America, knowing that they could be harmed in the process. Girls, women and boys are routinely raped by their coyotes, but that doesn't matter to the left. What matters is that they can get the illegals here and start trying to buy their illegal votes. If your nine-year-old daughter is someone you love, you don't send her out to be raped so that -- if she survives the journey and the rape and actually make it here -- they can have a "better" future. How many times has rape (especially of young people) ruined their lives? How many times has it resulted in disease, sterility, etc.? Yet, kamala harris supports sending children here via coyote. That's disgusting and she is rotten to the core to do so. June 28, 2019   Candidate crooktOOn?:   It seems I'm not the only one who thinks that the dumboRATS are putting on a good show but are actually going to be running hilloser again. They got all of these "wannabes" to put their names on the dotted lines, but they don't for one iota of a nanosecond actually want them to be the candidate. They want a rematch between Pres. Donald J. Trump and hillosercrooktOOn to prove that it should have been hilloser all along. That's what the American people wanted, as proven by the numbers in the "popular vote" win. Then there's thevilegeorgesoros's money. Where is it going? Is it going to someone who stands a chance? Or is it going to be backing hillosercrooktOOn in 2020's elections? June 28, 2019   When a has-been speaks, does anyone hear anything? That's the question I ask when former prezidunce, peanut carter, says that Pres. Trump is an "illegitimate president". I suppose he believes in the "Russian collusion" lie, or he has the same IQ as his state's main crop. Whichever, he's trying so hard to be taken seriously and be important and we all just wish he'd go away and leave the serious topics to the adults with all of their marbles left. June 28, 2019   Double Standard "Justice":   More evidence that the left gets away with anything it wants because the "ends justifies the means" for them and as long as they are in control (and often when Republicans are in control as well) there is no such thing as "going too far" for a dumboRAT, or "having to face criminal charges" because they cover for each other while slapping Republicans with the most severe punishments they can contrive no matter how small the infraction. The difference between the way Republican Matt Gaetz is treated compared to how pencilneck gets away with absolutely everything is enormous. It needs to be stopped and stopped now with the full force of the legal system behind the change as the two-tiered (one tier for the left; one for the right) system changes and breaks apart its favoritism for the left's liars and lawlessness. June 28, 2019   Sorry I missed yesterday. I had things to get done before an afternoon appointment and my time was taken by life happening. I close for today because my hubby will be home soon, so I will see you (at least it is my intent) on Monday. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 26, 2019: 1:10 p.m.   Trump Derangement Syndrome:   The latest LYING accuser of Pres. Trump and her rape story is falling apart. It's been found that the story may have originated on an episode of popular television show Law and Order SVU! The whole Berghdorf Goodman dressing room rape thing was aired in Season 13 in Episode 11 on that show. The story is very similar to the story the crackpot attention seeking hillosercrooktOOn supporter, e. jean carroll, is spouting. The problem the left has is that usually, eventually, the truth will out and the truth is protecting Pres. Donald J. Trump because he didn't do any of these things the left throws at him. The left should give up and just do what they wanted him to do if his opponent had won: accept the results of the election and sit down and behave. June 26, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The left makes a huge deal about the "humanitarian crisis" at the border (forget the LEGAL crisis at the border) and they make so much noise about it that the Border Patrol has had to pull its people off of the border and put them on dealing with the "humanitarian" part of dealing with all of the illegal aliens invading our nation. The thing the left wants you to forget about is that the illegal alien invaders CHOSE to come here, knowing that the journey was long and hazardous and that once they got here there could be even more hardships, but they still CHOOSE to come. Now, because our BP Agents (a LAW ENFORCMENT entity) is dealing with "humanitarian" issues when they should be stopping the 10,000 new invaders crossing our border because there aren't enough BP Agents doing the job they were hired to do! It's absurd that the left thinks America must be invaded so that the left can get them to be able to vote so that the left can stay in power forever. What is going to be next after everyone in the world is here in America? Are the power-hungry lefties going to give animals the right to vote so that they can use "animal communicators" to find out for whom they would vote and pull the lever for them? Don't scoff, folks. The left is already trying to give animals the same rights as humans. Do humans vote? June 26, 2019   Fake News:   Ever been to the Axios website? No? Nor have I. I don't trust them and it's a leftist website so they lie. Proof of that assertion: they LIED about Pres. Trump's success for the economies of flipped counties. Counties that usually voted dumboRAT but voted for Pres. Donald J. Trump have seen economic success under Pres. Trump but Axios LIED and said they hadn't seen a turn around in their economies and that they are seeing a downturn instead of success. When the left lies the truth comes out so why do they bother? They bother because they know that there is a certain percentage of people out there -- those who get their news from the fake news msm, yahoo and googley-woogley, etc. -- who will believe every LIE the left ever tells because their too lazy and stupid to think for themselves and to go somewhere else besides the usual fake news sources to get a different perspective. It's sad to think that there are so many people who are unwilling to think and to investigate for themselves. But being stupid is very comfortable and if you're in your own cocoon and liking it, you don't want to pull the string that will unravel that cocoon of ignorance. It may mean you have to use the single grey cell that you have left. June 26, 2019   Leftist Targeting:   Are you a Conservative? If you are you may be targeted by the left -- and those companies willing to cave to them -- for getting all of your financial services cancelled by the companies who cave. thevilegeorgesoros is trying to do that and there are companies who have already caved. I think that someone should sue thevilegeorgesoros and take him for every penny he has because of this targeting. He isn't GOD and he shouldn't have the ability to take interfere in YOUR life and YOUR finances. He is a vile thing and he's as evil as satan. He needs to be sued into abject poverty to make him stop this interference in foreign countries' finances and every Conservatives' lives! June 26, 2019   Wayfair Employee Blackmail:   The website, Wayfair.com, has been asked by its employees (the leftist ones, at least) to NOT produce beds under contract with Pres. Trump's administration so that illegal alien children will have a place to sleep. The employees at Wayfair would rather have illegal alien children sleep on hard cement, or dirt than have them sleep in a bed that Pres. Trump ordered for them. First, how kind of the Wayfair employees; very humanitarian of them. Second, trying to blackmail your employer should lead to them being fired, not given the chance to walk out, not do the job, and then come back whenever they decide to. If I were the CEO of Wayfair I would fire everyone who walked out and I would give them an escort into the building to collect their personal belongings then escort them out ten minutes later. Third, how abut the continued work that they would benefit from with an order for 10,000 beds? Wouldn't their families benefit from their continuing paycheck via the order? This is not just ridiculous, it's so far into the realm of "idiotic" that I think it's included in the dictionary's definition of the word! June 26, 2019   pelosickpig:   How much proof do you need that the left doesn't care about the law and about obeying it? Need one more example? Okay, how about the "speaker of the house" (when she actually speaks, instead of stammering and slurring) "denouncing enforcement of a judge's orders to OBEY THE LAW? "At her New York press event, held in the largely Asian district of Democrat Rep. Grace Meng, [pelosickpig] slammed Trump’s decision to enforce judges’ final deportation decisions as 'outside the circle of civilized human behavior,' and insisted that 'a violation of [legal immigrant] status is not a reason for deportation, that’s just not so.'The law is the law. When we have existing laws that say that illegal alien invaders need to be sent back to the country they came from, then what is wrong with doing so? It's the law. It's time to obey the law and it's time for the left to stop trying to break the laws (voting laws, immigration laws, laws against sexual perversions, etc.) and start working for the American people and not for their next illegal voter! June 26, 2019   Leftist Censorship:   It's not just thevilegeorgesoros who is trying to silence Conservatives. Now a knitting site (of all things!) has decided that it won't allow anyone to express support for Pres. Trump or his policies on their website. The left has gone crazy and they've taken knitting with them, I suppose. I do knit, but I've never been to that website (never heard of it before) so it doesn't affect me, but I can't imagine ever going there now because they aren't strong enough for me to even mention my support for Pres. Trump. They don't have the spine to be able to stand up to a mere mention. Awww... Must be hard to be such snowflakes. June 26, 2019   mitten-mouth:   He is such a HUGE disappointment. I have been disappointed by many people but mitten-mouth is just a whole 'nother level. I thought he was a good man, but he's not. He's a power-hungy, self-deceived, narcisistic ego on two legs. He's nothing more than that. He's "deserving" of power, in his own mind. He was robbed because he was supposed to have been elected, not Pres. Trump. He was due. He has the same mindset as hillosercrooktOOn: that they're "royalty" and we must bow down to them. He's rotten to the core, and that's disappointing. I thought at first that he was trustworthy, but now I see he's just another RINO. He's a wannabe and a leftist butt-kissing liar. Must be sad to be him. I thought he had integrity, but I just don't see it. June 26, 2019   dumboRATS subpoena:   They will rue the day that they are doing this witch hunt and do-over for the mueller report. They will continue down the road of making fools for themselves and they keep bringing people in who have a higher IQ in their belts than any of the dumboRATS on these "investigative" committees issuing subpoenas. The dumboRATS are going be handed their stupidity on a platter if they force KellyAnne Conway to testify in the "Russia collusion" "investigation" (I use the term facetiously). All they are going to be doing is giving KellyAnne a platform in which to show them how stupid they are and Breitbart and The Gateway Pundit, etc., will have some really good clips to post. We'll be laughing at them and the left is so stupid they won't even realize it (aoc, anyone?). I suppose I should not discourage them if they want to give people the chance to show how stupid the dumboRATS are, but do they have to do it so often nowadays? June 26, 2019   ilhan "incest" omar:   She doesn't like it when Christians come testify before any committee she is on. All she can do when they show up is criticize them and she brow-beat two Christian pastors who testified before it. She's an embarrassment and she needs to be impeached. She needs to take her stupidity and go back to Somalia where she will be welcome with open hostility because she's a woman. June 26, 2019   Gay "Marriage":   You need to read this opinion piece about the subject of "gay marriage". The author agrees with me that it's not "marriage" yet many think that "gay marriage" is something real. It's not real. It's a crock. There is no such thing as "gay marriage" because GOD created marriage and GOD does NOT condone homosexuality, especially not "marriage", so how can they say that there is such a thing as "marriage" between two men or two women (or three of each, or any other such abomination)? Those who scream that there is no GOD, or that they don't believe in GOD so that permits them to do whatever they want, will find out that gravity works whether they believe in it, or not. It's GOD who created marriage -- real marriage, between a DNA male and a DNA female, for life -- and no matter what the left does, no matter how they scream about it, no matter how many laws they pass to give homosexual "marriage" normality, it's still against GOD and it's GOD who will be the final arbiter. I pity those who support this and I think that they need to repent and turn away from their sin. June 26, 2019   This is so sad. Drunk immigrant killed seven: five former Marines and two spouses. The immigrant (from Ukraine) was driving after at least two previous drunk driving convictions and a drug conviction as well. He was deemed an "immediate threat" because of his drinking and yet, he never got his license pulled. If he had, would he have been driving anyways? He doesn't seem to have any respect for our laws or he wouldn't have gotten more than one conviction. June 26, 2019   Budget Deficits:   The dumboRATS continue to want to spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, even though America has way too much debt as it is. They've put together a "budget" proposal that would fail any eighth grade math class for viability. If you or I ran our households the way the dumboRATS do, we'd be in prison for non-payment of debts and for falsifying income on credit applications. The dumboRATS want to "raise spending by at least $357 billion over two years" even though that would increase our debt to other countries who finance that debt. If you had to go to your neighbors, your family, your co-workers to get money to pay for things you wanted (NOT "needed"; wanted), how long would it take those people to tell you to take a hike? How long before they sued you to get the money you already borrowed from them repaid, as you promised to do when you borrowed from them the previous twenty-five times? It cannot continue if America is to survive. But, maybe that's the goal: destroying America is a favorite idea and goal of the left. June 26, 2019   That's it for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 25, 2019: 2:09 p.m.   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I think that Americans should be disgusted at what the dumboRATS are doing to help destroy our nation so that they can be elected via illegal aliens voting in our elections, even though they are not legally eligible to vote! DumboRATS don't care about America and right and wrong; they care about only POWER and themselves staying in it. Other than that, they couldn't care less about America and American CITIZENS. More proof? CO's law subverts the U.S. Constitution, and would help the left overthrow America's current form of government and kill America's Constitutional REPUBLIC, which is what we have instead of a "democracy". In a Constitutional Republic, the rule of law is the final arbiter of what can happen. The rule of law is everything and is supposed to apply equally to all. In a democracy on the other hand, there would be a vote taken on every issue, and whichever idea, side, proposal, law got the highest number of votes (the "popular vote", vs. the Electoral College equivalent), would be the winner and the high vote getting person, law, proposal, etc. would win and become what would happen. For instance, if a diner was full of 28 males (employees and customers) and one female and a vote took place and all of the males (or even 26 of the males) voted to rape the only woman there, the woman would have no recourse except to go along with it: majority ruled and that's what was supposed to happen. Democracy works that way. IF you have a Constitutional Republic (as we do), then the laws that were already in place would give that woman not just protection because many people don't like the idea of breaking the law, but also because it would give the woman recourse if they went ahead and raped her. In a democracy there would be no punishment for raping her because majority rule would have made it fine to do so. In a Constitutional Republic (as in America), that woman would be able to contact law enforcement and turn every one of the males who raped her into the police and they would all be tried and punished according to the law. That's the difference between "democracy" (majority rule; no recourse, no protection under the law, nothing to do after the majority won) and a Constitutional Republic (laws give protection and recourse): one gives the majority the RIGHT to do whatever they can get enough votes to do. The other says that laws and right and wrong matter and that you cannot do certain things because there are laws against it and there is such a thing as right and wrong. That's why the left wants to push "democracy": they hate right and wrong and want you to believe that America is a "democracy" and that the rule of law is only how many votes you can get at this moment to have permission to do whatever you want! June 25, 2019   I was hoping that this would some day be truly investigated and that the TRUTH would come out about the crooktOOns' drug running while the "hard dog to keep on the porch" was governor of Arkansas (and prezidunce). It's thanks to Judicial Watch that this is being brought up again and maybe this time we'll get to the TRUTH about it. Maybe this, along with all the other illegal things they've done, will finally make the powers that be throw the book at the crooktOOns and America will get what we've wanted for a long time: the crooktOOns (all three of them; and their cronies) in prison orange! June 25, 2019   Scam Alert!:   Rush was talking about a new way crooks have found to get your bank account. They call pretending to be your bank, get your sign in info, and other info from you and then they go into your online banking services and clean you out. Don't fall for this scam. Never give anyone access info to your bank account, your credit or debit card, or any other money info over the phone. Your bank won't call asking for it. That's something banks don't do because they're trying to protect you from getting ripped off. If someone calls and says "I'm from your bank..." UNLESS they are saying that they're checking on whether you made a suspicious purchase and someone in CaliMarxiFornia is using your debit card at a Victoria's Secret (and you don't shop there and you're not in CA), then you can talk to them and say "No. Stop that transaction." Otherwise, tell them that you'll come down and handle it in person if the person calling is looking for access info from you. Never give out access info. They won't call and ask for your credit card number (they have it). They won't call asking for your birthdate, Social Security number, or anything else you've already given them. It's something you have to be careful about. Never give callers anything they can use to get into your accounts or to steal your identity, not even your Mother's maiden name.June 25, 2019   Fake News:   Wow. This is nutso. The latest Pres. Donald J. Trump accuser is saying that rape is sexy. Excuse me?!!!! What is her major malfunction?!!! That's insane! It's not sexy! It's bad and it's demeaning and it's a major destructive force on a woman. How dare she?! I know how she dares. She's emboldened (paid?) by the left and she's a disaster for them, but they're still desperate to do anything to get his support numbers down. This is just another pitiful, pathetic attempt to destroy him, but this one isn't working, either. June 25, 2019   Trump Administration:   Hahaha! Pres. Donald J. Trump has chosen someone to take Sarah Huckabee-Sanders' place. She is a firebrand and she's the First Lady's Press Secretary, who has already called the press "the rabid press corps". This may be a lot of fun! June 25, 2019   Leftist Violence:   A supporter of Pres. Trump who is running for NY's 11 District congressional seat, was assaulted by leftists who were there to counterprotest his group. His group was there to seek the support of the current office holder in an effort to get the stone thrower, ilhan omar, removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee. The leftists also assaulted his girlfriend. Isn't that sweet? Leftists don't have any rule except "Do whatever is necessary (or you can get away with) to stay in power." That's their only rule. Isn't that sweet? June 25, 2019   SCOTUS:   If you like the people Pres. Donald J. Trump is appointing to the SCOTUS you may wish to vote for him in 2020 because you know that the list the dumboRATS are putting together is going to be full of people who hate America and who hate what Pres. Donald J. Trump has done for America and who will vote to UNDO everything he has done. I understand that they want to get revenge on him for undoing most of themuslimvileone's legacy idiocy, but to undo what Pres. Donald J. Trump has done means returning to the harmful regulations (not LAWS, regulations), the previous taxes, the previous unemployment numbers, the previous company closings and leaving America, the previous disdain the world had for America, etc. If that's what you want, vote dumboRAT. If you don't want to go backwards, then vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump, as will I. I do endorse Donald J. Trump for President in 2020 (and 2024, 2028, etc.). (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or anti-Free Speech naysayers. I get to say it because I can!) June 25, 2019   I've got someone coming over in a minute. Gotta' go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 24, 2019: 11:09 a.m.   googley-woogley:   Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's organization, has struck again. They have been investigating googley's bias against Conservatives and their interference in the elections via anti-Trump search results in 2016, and even more anti-Trump fallderall coming in 2020. He's got them again and they are going to hate it. But that's okay. They hate free speech and they refused to show up and testify to Congress (and Congress did nothing about it) and admit that they "aren't going to change" so, who cares what Congress would say. Incredible. June 24, 2019   FailureBureauIncompetents:   Did you know that they -- on a regular basis -- bring criminals acting as "informants" into America and then "lose" them? Yep. You read that right. They choose to believe known criminals, bring them into America to act as "informants" and then lose track of them. In other words, they're importing terrorists to act against America and Americans and they don't mind at all. This isn't the way the FBI is supposed to work (or used to work), but after themuslimvileone and his politicizing every American government agency in America and abroad, what else would we expect? He made the U.S. government into a politburo with himself as the head policymaker and his policy was to win at all costs and destroy America while hindering the Free Speech and lives of as many Conservatives as possible. themuslimvileone's goal was to "Make America Miserable Again!" and he worked diligently on it then, and continues his efforts now. He's a despicable piece of work and I really wish he'd go away. I hear Siberia is lovely at this time of year. June 24, 2019   Hurray for Judicial Watch! Hurray for America! Hurray for our election system! It's about time this was forced into happen. The lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch has forced CaliMarxiFornia to clean up its voter rolls! They have notified 1.5 MILLION people that their names will be deleted because they're "inactive voters", have moved, died or otherwise been deemed needing removal. It's no wonder dumboRATS always win in CaliMarxiFornia! They always have names available to use for their illegal aliens to vote! All they need is a list of voters and that can include the info on who has voted in the last two elections. Assign them a name, give them fake ID, and voila, you have a vote for dumboRATS. We need this because the left desires to use illegal voters to vote in our elections (vote fraud) and for the left to stay in power forever. If you don't believe me, read what an election fraud expert said about it! They want illegal aliens because they want new dumboRAT voters! It's that simple! They don't care about your safety, the safety of your children, the safety of our streets, or your wallet and how much all of these illegals are costing us. They want to use these illegals for VOTES. It's illegal for them to vote but since when does right and wrong, legal or illegal matter to the LEFT? June 24, 2019   Fauxcahontus:   She's at it again; trying to buy votes to get into the White House (with her in it we would have to call it the Zillion Dollar House because of all the money she wants to "give away" -- read tax us for). She needs to stop offering "freebies" because they ARE NOT FREE! They are taxpayer dollars and she needs to stop offering OUR money to buy her way into the preziduncy! The latest is that she wants to give gays "reparations" because they weren't allowed the tax benefit of being able to file "married, filing jointly". Well, no. It's not a good idea because if you do that, where do you stop? Do you give Conservatives tax reparations because we've been discriminated against by the government during the last administration? Or how about give all American CITIZENS tax reparations for all of the money we have been taxed to take care of the illegal aliens invading our nation? We house them, clothe them, give them medical care and dental care, feed them, etc., so where are my REPARATIONS because they're using money on the illegals? Fauxcahontus, pay up! June 24, 2019   pencilneck:   How about that? Who is it that got to him? He's saying he's "not prepared to recommend impeachment" right now. He was six weeks ago. He didn't want Pres. Donald J. Trump to spend one more day in the Oval Office, but now? Not so much. What happened? June 24, 2019   The Dead Blue Bird:   What? I didn't know about this. Devin Nunes is taking them to court. He's suing them for censoring Conservatives! I love this! While on the show, he also said that someone in the FailureBureauIncompetents is hiding the e-mails/text messages that prove what themuslimvileone's DO[IN]J knew that the Steele dossier (the "Russian collusion" dossier) was fraudulent but used it anyways in the FISA court. The problem is, that the FISA court probably also knew that it was fraudulent and issued the search warrants and wiretaps anyways. That FISA judge needs to be disbarred and thrown into prison! I bet it was a judge[s] themuslimvileone appointed. June 24, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has found a way to make the Mexico government do something to stop the flow of illegals into America. He threatened tariffs and suddenly Mexico started trying to stem the flow of people heading our way. In fact, the numbers have "dropped by nearly 1/3"! Pres. Trump is succeeding where no other president has made a dent. I love it! June 24, 2019   thevilegeorgesoros:   He's got so many people on his payroll to try to defeat Pres. Donald J. Trump, to destroy America and to make the world fall at his feet that he is probably feeding the equivalent of the state of New Jersey. One of his organizations is trying to defeat Pres. Trump based on health care, of all things. Just because Pres. Trump is trying to get rid of the socialist themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX (thanks again, CJ john roberts) thevilegeorgesoros is trying to defeat Pres. Trump. It's time that this creep be gone. He is evil and I hope that his children accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and go the totally opposite way of their dad. That would serve him right! June 24, 2019   Muslim Violence:   There have been more acid attacks in England by Muslims; sometimes it's men in burkas and sometimes it's just a guy attacking someone because he can. It's time that Islam be taught that they cannot do this! They need to be held accountable and not given a pass! When you start enforcing the laws across the board, there will be fewer of these attacks and it will be good for England and for the rest of the world. This needs to stop now! And outlaw full face coverings so that the perpetrators can be identified. It's a case of security and if they claim "freedom of religion", England doesn't have that anyways, so that is specious at best. June 24, 2019   Religious Freedom:   In America, we have the First Amendment which is supposed to guarantee us the freedom to practice our religion. If the left has their way that will change as soon as possible. Around the world (including here in America), Christianity is the most persecuted religion and Christians are being killed at higher numbers than has happened in centuries. Pray for your fellow Christians. June 24, 2019   Fake News:   There is a new accuser against Pres. Trump who, when looked into, was found to be a friend of the person who was paying women to allege that he had groped, or sexually assaulted them in some way over the years. This woman alleges that he actually raped her in a dressing room after she agreed to try on some lingerie for him to purchase for another woman. Uh. No. You don't try on someone else's lingerie. You don't let a stranger into the dressing room with you -- while you try on lingerie for his girlfriend. And you don't save the outfit you allegedly wore during that alleged rape -- without washing it for 24 years! -- until it comes in handy two decades later! Then, let's top this whole charade off with her refusing to allow DNA testing on the outfit she allegedly wore that fateful day. Then she says that she doesn't want to press charges because of all the women being raped on the border? Yeah. This is so unbelievable that it's a straight out laughable idiocy. SMH. June 24, 2019   I'm going to close with this last link, but it's a good one! A parade float in the Settler's Day Parade in Highmore SD, got lefties all hot and bothered because hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone were in jail on the float! I LOVE IT! The guy who entered the float said he believes that they have committed crimes and they need to be behind bars. The best part? "The float portrays former President [themuslimvileone] in a cage with [hillosercrooktOOn], while current President Donald Trump stands on the outside."I LOVE that he put Pres. Trump OUTSIDE of the cage looking at those two INSIDE the bars. That is the perfect final touch! June 24, 2019   I've got an appointment to keep so I'll go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 21, 2019: 2:58 p.m.   Just a note to apologize for not doing updates today. My hubby surprised me by coming home early after a week of working late, so I will wish you a wonderful weekend and a good day! I'm going to go spend time with my hubby. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 20, 2019: 11:47 a.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   Of course the FBI did whatever they could to protect her because those who were involved in helping her cover up her wrongs did so because they wanted her to be elected president. They wanted a continuation of themuslimvileone's policies because he used the FBI to actually break the law and spy on Americans he disagreed with. He was/is crooked to the core and he didn't care if he broke the rules because the msm and the left never hold anyone on the left accountable for it. Laws? they don't apply to the left. Top Secret, national security e-mails are meant to be shared with other countries then erased, right? June 20, 2019   You need to support this bill by Sen. Mike Lee. It will stop government departments and organizations from writing regulations that are thought of as "law" and make it "No Regulation Without Representation". That means that the EPA, for instance, cannot make up a rule about a mud puddle in your front yard that will prevent you from doing anything with the surrounding area even though the puddle is gone unless it's the 100 year flood. That means that the IRS can't make rules for you that you have to obey unless the House and Senate vote to make it law. That means that the HHS can't make rules that automatically become law about how you fix your barbecued beef on Saturdays unless the House and Senate vote to make it law. I LOVE THIS BILL! Read more about it here. Support this bill! June 20, 2019   "Reparations":   When people talk about "reparations", shouldn't they be saying what they are actually meaning: BRIBERY? Should the current generations have to BRIBE people to make them behave and stop blaming something that never happened to them and that today's caucasians never did to anyone to make them stop complaining about something that happened over a hundred years ago? Some folks demanding BRIBES are saying that in order to "save their souls" white people need to pay the BRIBE. What those demanding "reparations" don't admit is that, like bribery, once you pay the BRIBE, you will be hit for it again and again and again. Don't believe me? Ask the welfare state. As people who give in and pay kidnappers their demands. Ask your dog who demands to get a treat after doing what you wanted him to do once and you gave him a treat for his obedience. I know of a dog who refused to eat his regular food because he got his owner to give him a treat every time he went outside to go potty; whether or not he went potty! His owner was giving him so many treats he didn't have room for food! It's time we call "reparations" what they actually are: BRIBERY and BLACKMAIL/EXTORTION to try to use guilt to get money out of leftists who still feel guilty for something they had nothing to do with. It's time this nonsense stop. Extortion should not be paid and BRIBERY should not be given. We did not have slaves. My ancestors did not have slaves, but my taxpayer dollars would be used to pay for it. Where is the fairness in that? No "Reparations" -- NO EXTORTION/BRIBERY/BLACKMAIL. Don't do it, no matter what steve harvey says! June 20, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   It's time that the left realize that comparing people on the right to Hitler, or using "concentration camps" as a description of the detention facilities of the immigration system is unacceptable. A "concentration camp" is a place where people were sent to die via starvation, over work, abuse, experimental medical procedures (usually without anesthesia). To say that our country is using "concentration camps" for illegal immigrants is to say that we are putting them into a camp to do that sort of thing to them. We are not. We feed them well, give them medical care, dental care, clothing, housing, entertainment. None of that would be done if we put them into "cncentration camps". But that doesn't matter to the left. They want to make America -- especially Pres. Donald J. Trump -- look as bad as possible. That's the left's thing: they hate America and all who love her. June 20, 2019   "Positive Body Image":   I cannot tell you how tired I am of the back and forth, tit for tat, spit and spat over "positive body image". I know skinny women who wear size four or less who have a worse body image than someone who wears a 3X. I've seen the opposite, too. I've seen size 3X people who have health issues and some who are as healthy as a marathon running vegan. I'm tired of being preached to from both sides and I'm tired of the whole thing! When will people realize that GOD made us all and that some of us are more inclined to being skinny-minnies and some not so? As long as your heart is working well in your body size, your cholesterol levels are good, sugars and A1Cs are good, your liver, kidney and etc. functions are normal, who the heck cares what your body looks like, how much you weigh, or what size you buy? People, get a grip! Stop listening to the leftist media who says to feel guilty for being big, then feel guilty for being skinny, then feel guilty about everything all the time! Have a positive body image when you're size 26; that's fine with me! Have a positive body image when you're a size 2; that's fine with me, too! It's time to be comfortable in your own skin and stop letting others determine what is best for you and what is worst for you. If you're healthy as you are, stay there and let everyone else deal with their concern over what you look like. It's not as if it's actually any of their business! And if being overweight were so horrible for everyone, then why is the diabetes rate falling while the obesity rate is climbing? Why is that? It's time to stop this nonsense and to start listening to your own body. If you're healthy, you're healthy. That's all there is to it. June 20, 2019   SCOTUS:   They've made a correct ruling about a cross on public land. They ruled it can stay and that it does not violate the "separation clause". I see leftists nationwide having a cow. Mmmm. Tri-tip! June 20, 2019   bumblefingers biden's SON:   Why is the msm suddenly going after his son, Hunter? We've known this stuff for a long time because the alternate media (Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller News Foundation, etc.) has been reporting on it, but now the leftist media is going after biden's son, and therefor, biden? Why? First, the story about how he got rich via his father's dealings with the Chinese and other foreign countries. Then they are attacking and piling on with a story about biden's son father a child out of wedlock, too? Suddenly, it's been reported that he was into drugs and prostitutes, via a "Page Six" article. But why is the msm suddenly finding the truth about bumblefinger's son so interesting and willing to publish it? Something is up. Are they taking bumblefingers out so that they can delete all of the other contenders so that hillosercrooktOOn can step in after everyone else is gone? June 20, 2019   bumblefingers biden himself:   When his boss opened his mouth he was lying. When bumblefingers opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it. Like when he said that he wants to go back to the days when he was called "Son" and others were called "Boy". Yeah. His words. Then his surrogates in the msm tried to cover for him and, of course, LIED about to whom bumblefingers was referring. She blamed Republicans for speaking like bumblefingers. She was intentionally wrong (LIED), but it's the msm, what else would we expect? BTW, a leftist has done some work (amazing!) and has found out that he has thousands of FAKE followers on the Dead Blue Bird. Shocked? June 20, 2019   Iran:   They're getting in deeper and deeper and they don't want to back down because it would mean that they won't look tough. Well, what they seem to forget is that taking down one of our drones is considered an aggressive act against America and that we can take decisive action against them because of that. Or, we could just sic Israel's Mossad on them. After all, they've been places inside the Middle Eastern countries that no one would have considered possible. They have, after all, been inside Iran's nuclear archives. We could do that. June 20, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion 2:   NY has decided to issue drivers' licenses to illegal alien invaders, which, some think, will lead to them voting in future elections. (Which is what the left wants, is it not? So they can stay in power forever?) Now, there are some county clerks who refuse to issue them to illegal aliens. I think that's going to get them fired, because NY is a leftist haven, but it's a choice those clerks are making in an effort to protect America and the state of NY in order to prevent illegals from voting (Motor Voter is real). I think this situation should be watched carefully. We'll see how long these clerks last and if they are forced to do so. I think that "conscience clauses" may protect some, but it's not a religious belief (probably) to not want to issue drivers' licenses to illegal alien invaders, so it may not stand. June 20, 2019   U.S. Military Veterans need your help:   Have you read the tragic true story of our military members who were sent to clean up the nuclear test bomb sites from the early nuclear testing? Have you seen the story of how they didn't give them any protective clothing, or even masks to wear so that they wouldn't breathe in the deadly, contaminated sand and dust? Did you read about the cancers they are suffering from and how the U.S. government is hiding all of this and trying to NOT give those veterans their proper pay for being exposed to the nuclear contamination? If not, read the three part story here. Then contact everyone in the government you can and tell them that it's wrong what they are doing to these veterans and that they need to change direction and start paying them what they have earned with their lives and publicly apologize for what they have done to our troops. The government was responsible for their exposure and their exposure made them ill and that's what the government must admit. Pres. Trump needs to make this right. June 20, 2019   College Problems:   A Doane University employee, a librarian, highlighted the college's history of "black face" use via putting a display in the library with pictures from past university events and is now suspended for having told the truth. That's the way with leftists: punish the TRUTH, reward the lie. Is anyone surprised? June 20, 2019   June 20, 2019   Oberlin College LIES:   They continue with their LIES via defending themselves after the judgments against them. They have been ordered to pay over $44 MILLION to the Gibson family and bakery because they LIED about the bakery and family being racists -- of this there is no doubt, there is plenty of proof and thousands of witnesses. Yet, after the verdicts Oberlin published a FAQ denying their slander! The college's administration is blaming the students for the slander of the bakery, even though it was the administration (specifically Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo) who did the slandering! For a college administration to say "It wasn't us it was the students! They did it! They're responsible!" when there was proof of the college Dean of Students (an administrative position) being the perpetrator, is to teach the students that they will be blamed for anything and everything the adults in the administration do. The students will be the scapegoat and they will be the convenient excuse. The students' reputations will be forever harmed because of this fingerpointing by the administration if it is allowed to stand. All parents even considering sending their child to Oberlin should rethink that possibility because the child's reputation is expendable to the college administration, as long as the administration isn't held responsible your child can take the blame. Is that fair or right? June 20, 2019   Funding Sources:   I agree with Tucker Carlson and I think that Republicans need to shove the Koch brothers out the front door and let it hit them on the backside as they leave. It's time to stop kissing the backsides of the leftist Koch brothers and start paying attention to the American people instead of the big money funders who have been leading the Republican Party for way too long down the garden path of leftism. It's time to take their heads out of their wallets and look around and see what is best for America and what the American people really want and need. And we don't need the Koch brothers' influence on the Republican Party! June 20, 2019   Veterans' Affairs:   The courts have allowed a class action law suit against the V.A. to go forward. That's good. The courts allowed it because: "This case — Godsey v. Wilkie — sought relief for veterans facing waits of more than two months for the department to certify their disability benefits appeals claims."Making our veterans wait means that some of them don't get the treatment they need because the V.A. has to "categorize" their disability before the veterans can get treatment without paying for the whole thing out of their own pocket. When these veterans signed up to serve, they signed a deal with the U.S. government that they would serve and the government would take care of their medical needs. To have the government not doing so is a breach of contract and the veterans have the right to sue to change that. I am glad of that. Being a military brat who married a military brat who served over twenty years in the U.S.A.F., I understand what this can mean to a veteran and to those associated with them. It's time the V.A. be held accountable in every way. I hope and pray that every V.A. hospital is being straightened out as well. It's time to fix this, and Pres. Trump has a V.A. Mission Act that may help get the V.A. back to being a good organization that actually serves our veterans instead of letting them die while they wait. June 20, 2019   The sex cult of NXIVM is in court awaiting the jury's verdict. Recall, the crooktOOns were associated with the sex cult and they accepted donations from them, even though the sex cult had CHILD SEX SLAVES and were totally depraved deviants. That didn't matter to the crooktOOns. They don't care who gives them money or from whence the money came. They want to make their wallets fatter and that's all that matters. How disgusting is that? Can you imagine if she had won? June 20, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. I looked for something on the lighter side, but couldn't find something I wanted to post, so there ya' go. It must be summertime in Florida. Here comes the storms. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 19, 2019: 12:03 p.m.: Juneteenth:   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump announced his run for 2020 last night, here in Orlando. It was a great night and it was a HUGE success for Pres. Trump. People wanted to be there and stood in long lines to try to get in, then the afternoon storms set in and some left, but others stuck it out and got in and between 20,000 to 25,000 were in the Orlando venue and celebrated as Pres. Trump announced his run. It was a wonderful speech, a great night for all -- except the dumboRATS and the haters -- and it was a happy evening for us. Pres. Trump raised almost $25 MILLION yesterday and he is now ready to run against the money bumblefingers biden has raised, Fauxcahontus has raised, and against any of the rest of the leftist losers. It's time for America to celebrate success and to celebrate the guy who brought this about and to re-elect the guy whose policies brought this about! I endorse Pres. Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America in 2020! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or crazy leftist hater! It's Free Speech, First Amendment, and if you can't handle it tough.) June 19, 2019   I love it! White House attorneys accompanied Hope Hicks, former White House Communications Director, to testify before the moronic, jerry nadler's, committee and the attorneys wouldn't let her answer ANY questions! One of the leftist dummies asked her where her office was located in the White House and they wouldn't even let her answer that! I LOVE IT! I think that's hysterical! I think Pres. Trump is telling the leftist dumboRATS that he's not going to cooperate with their witch hunt anymore. That's exactly what it is, too. It's a witch hunt as in Old Salem, and if the woman admitted to being a witch, hoping for leniency, she was burned at the stake; if she refused to admit it, she was tied and thrown into the water to see if her innocence would pass the test and let her float. Problem is, they DIED either way because you can't float when you're tied up. There's no way to get your body arranged for displacement. That's what the dumboRATS are doing to Pres. Trump: No matter what he does he is guilty in their eyes and they will never accept anything besides him being guilty. Too bad the American people don't see it that way. There are Red Pill incidents happening all the time, as people #WalkAway from the dumboRAT party and into the TRUTH of reality. It's amazing and wonderful to see. Pres. Trump is doing the right thing and it's making the left crazy! June 19, 2019   themuslimvileone:   As I've said from the get-go, he was involved in the "Russian dossier" thing and he knew exactly what they were doing and he knew how wrong it was, but he did it anyways. He was trying to ensure hillosercrooktOOn's election so that she would keep his wrongdoings hidden. The TRUTH about all of the things he did that were totally illegal, totally TREASON, totally anti-American, totally EGO would stay invisible to most of America if she won the election that they did everything they could to steal. But they didn't count on Pres. Donald J. Trump being able to whip her butt and they didn't count on the reality that America wanted someone who loves America as much as we do. They thought that the Shrill Shrew that is hillosercrooktOOn would win but GOD had other plans. It's a wonderful thing! June 19, 2019   Fake News Faces Reality?:   Even at cnn, they're having to admit that Pres. Trump would win if the election were today. That's because they see the enthusiasm for his candidacy in the American people. They had to admit that the announcement parties across America and the people who were excited about it on social media showed that Pres. Trump was a force to be reckoned with, not someone that America is tired of and distrusts. It's all good, folks. We can do this! June 19, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   He makes me laugh with his constant attempt to take credit where it is NEVER due. He has done nothing and he has always wanted to be the one who gets the credit for everyone else's efforts and accomplishments. Last night, he was taking credit for Pres. Trump's economy. "'Let’s be clear: President Trump inherited a growing economy from the Obama-Biden administration,' Joe Biden wrote on Twitter. 'And now, he’s in the process of squandering it.'"Rrrriiiiggghhhhttt. SMH. In his dreams. June 19, 2019   Pray for Eddie Gallagher:   He served 8 (EIGHT!) tours in the Middle East and he stands accused of "seven counts including premeditated murder and attempted murder", and has pled "Not Guilty". His story is a bizzare tale of snowflake Navy Seals (Seals! The cream of the crop, the best of the best!) who hated him because he was tough on them and made them face things they didn't want to face and do things they didn't want to do. That's what being a Navy Seal does: the toughest things that need to be done. It's sad to read the story about how things got to this point but it's the way things went. It's documented that those making the accusations didn't report any wrongdoing for a long time, but then when Eddie Gallagher got a new position and a Silver Star, they decided that it was time to make things up and make his life hades. That's not an honorable thing to do. It's a cowardly thing to do, but that's what snowflakes do when they hate you. Read the second link, especially, and you'll see how wrong this whole thing is. June 19, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   So you've probably heard the anti-Trump advertisement on the radio, maybe seen at least one of their ads on television (I don't watch much regular television, so I don't know if they have ads on there). But if you see/hear stuff from an organization called "America's Voice", know that they are a PROGRESSIVE, LEFTIST organization that is all about giving ILLEGAL ALIENS the right to vote (cancelling out YOUR VOTE), the right to have all of the stuff you worked your butt off to get, and they give only to dumboRATS who support their cause: illegal aliens invading America and making YOU PAY for it.June 19, 2019   LOL!:   Did you know there was a Broadway show called "Hillary and Clinton"? I never heard of it until the story came out that it was closing early due to low ticket sales. They couldn't get people to flock to the story about hilloser's doomed 2008 campaign? They couldn't draw crowds at the "talking tour" the real hillosercrooktOOn and "hard dog to keep on the porch", either. They bombed there, too. Aww... Too bad. (* Sarcasm*) June 19, 2019   crooktOOn foundation:   Well, well. Who would have expected this? The former "Foreign Policy Advisor" for them has apparently hoofed it or maybe they'll find his dead body somewhere in America that the crooktOOns used to frequent. (I'm betting on the latter.) He was involved in getting money from foreign nations for the "foundation" (read: enrichment scheme for the crooktOOns), and he was part of the investigation into the crooktOOn foundation. Note this: "In 2012 Desai was involved with Hillary Clinton’s brother, the recently deceased Tony Rodham, and North Korea."Now that her brother is dead, I'm betting that this guy is, too. The truth will never come out if people who can tell that truth can no longer speak. Every unidentified body in America and Canada needs to be DNA tested to match this guy. June 19, 2019   Support This Bill!:   Contact your Senators and tell them to VOTE FOR the "Ending Internet Censorship Act". Then tell your U.S. Representatives and tell them to support the bill, too. Demand that they vote to give your voice a place on the internet and that if they don't they lose your vote. It's time for our voices and our First Amendment rights to be enforced.June 19, 2019   After Iran torpedoed the Japanese oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, of course thedespicable-ilhanomar had to blame Pres. Trump because a Muslim is never at fault in her view. Muslims are always pure as the wind-driven snow and sweet as honey in her eyes. Too bad the rest of us know that's not the truth. She needs to go. June 19, 2019   Amen and Amen!:   Pres. Trump's "spiritual advisor" has prayed a very good prayer and I am in agreement with her prayer and I think you should agree with this prayer, too. Protect Pres. Trump, Lord, keep him, his family and advisors safe, healthy and determined to do what is right in Your eyes, Lord, and re-elect him and keep this President doing what is best for America. In Jesus' name, Amen! June 19, 2019   I agree with Justice Clarence Thomas: stare decisis needs a new look. As he said, "After all, if the Dred Scott precedent had not been abandoned, where would the U.S. be today?"Exactly! It's time we look at the U.S. Supreme Court rulings of the past and reconsider some of the obviously erroneous decisions. It's time for Roe v. Wade to be undone by the SCOTUS. It was an obviously wrong decision. It wrote into the U.S. Constitution a non-existent "right to privacy" and it's time that the LIE of that ruling be undone. The woman who was Roe has come out against the ruling. Roe v. Wade was all based on LIES. Don't believe me? Read the TRUTH here. Now tell me the SCOTUS should not revisit that wrong ruling. June 19, 2019   If you use MasterCard, LEAVE IT NOW. Drop it like a hot potato because they've gone completely nutso and they're giving transgenders the right to make up a name to put on their MasterCard. Problem: What if they choose YOUR name? What if they choose to put YOUR name, putting YOUR credit at risk if they default on their payments? What then? I know that there are Social Security numbers, addresses, etc., to clarify which "Mark Zbooinngggo" is which, but the possibilities that they can look up a person's name and address and then claim identity theft ON YOUR PART (them being the victim) is going to be much higher with a false identity allowed. Is that what you want? June 19, 2019   Sign the Petition:   If you think that rashida tlaib and thedespicable-ilhanomar are participating in anti-Semitic hate speech and they need to stop, sign the petition demanding their censure and maybe they will start minding their words. They demand we don't insult Islam (of course, they are Islamic), so maybe it's time they take their own advice and stop insulting another religion. June 19, 2019   mitch mcCONnell:   I never thought I'd be saying this, but I couldn't agree more with him about this issue. "'no one currently alive was responsible for that.'"He said this about "reparations". I didn't have anything to do with slavery in the 1700-1800 era. Nor did you. If your great-great grandfather had slaves, are you responsible for that? No. Are you responsible to hunt down the descendants of the slaves he had and to pay them for their ancestors having been slaves? No. The descendants of slaves were never slaves themselves. As to paying them for something their ancestors went through, when do I get money for the things my Irish ancestors went through when they came over from Ireland? They were not treated as equals in America, either. Should there be reparations for my family? I could demand it. But why? Why not just be happy that our ancestors were here so that we could have the benefit of growing up here in America where we had the opportunity to become successful, live in a country that is prosperous and have the modern conveniences of such a great land? Those who didn't get brought over from Africa, or elsewhere, have descendants who are still living there, in the third world country without air conditioning, without indoor plumbing, without food that is refrigerated. Why not be grateful that they were the lucky ones? Reparations? It has been paid time and agian via the welfare state, food stamps, public housing, etc. Reparations? Opportunity was given you via your ancestors' transportation to America. My ancestors made my life better by coming here. Your ancestors may have been forcefully brought here, but if I were in your shoes and wanted reparations, I'd be talkng to Muslim nations whose ancestors did the actual capture of your ancestors and forced them into the boats. That's where the wrong was started. That's where you should start looking. That's where your future was changed and your being here in America has been a blessing to you. If you can't see that, you're blind. June 19, 2019   I think this is hillarious. Pres. Trump's new protestor policy is very good. I think it will work. I think it will aggravate the left so much that they'll keep trying and they'll be funnier the angrier they get. They'll do stupid stuff and they'll make sure they makes a-hems out of themselves, which is funny to watch. Idiots do enjoy making themselves look stupid. Let them. June 19, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Hope to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 18, 2019: 1:13 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   There were (no surprise here) multiple thirty "security incidents" with her e-mails."Multiple". Then there's "at least" fifteen people involved in these "security incidents" and I bet they find even more the deeper they dig and the closer they get to the truth. She sold America out to fatten her own wallet. She didn't care a bit about America and the citizens who live here. She cared about nothing more than the money she could get in exchange for everything she had or could get her hands on. She is a traitor, pure, plain and simple. Don't believe it? Look at what she ordered done to her devices. She ordered them wiped and destroyed physically. She knew better than to do that. She was hiding her tracks, protecting no one but herself. She knew she was doing wrong and she did her utmost to cover it up. She knows that prison awaits her if the law is applied to her actions. Question is, will it ever be done? June 18, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Let's pray that Pres. Trump is able to get this done without deep state interference. He has promised to start deporting masses of illegal aliens and I hope and pray he gets it done. Not just the people who have been here for five minutes, but also those who have been here for five years or who have five generations who have crossed illegally! Immigration is supposed to be done LEGALLY. Those who go through the process, I welcome with open arms and hope they can make a successful life here, working hard to get what they want as long as it does no harm to others. Those who come here ILlegally, I hope get sent back because they're breaking the law and should not be allowed to benefit from doing so. June 18, 2019   dumboRAT Racists:   The left always says they are the group of "love and acceptance". The problem is that they don't finish the thought: as long as you agree with us. If you are black, hispanic, female, handicapped, gay, whatever, and you think like them, they love you. If you are any or all of those things and you think for yourself and you are Conservative, then they hate you and will hurl all kinds of vile words at you because you are evil if you don't agree with them, even though you tick the boxes they usually love and court. Hypocrisy is the left. June 18, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion 2:   Do you enjoy paying for hormones and sex change surgeries for illegals who claim to be transgendered individuals? You are. Like it or not, they get treatment on YOUR dime. Isn't that what you want? If you don't like this or agree with it, contact ICE and tell them to STOP wasting your taxpayer dollars on that and to start sending people back to where they came from instead of using YOUR money for what you disprove of! They work FOR US (at least, that's what the U.S. Constitution says!), and they need to listen to US! June 18, 2019   MAGA!:   The recent polls we have been hearing about that allegedly have (remember: they LIED last presidential election) the dumboRATS winning are so fake and skewed that it's difficult to say which one is the worst LIE. But, that's okay. They may have the LIE, but Pres. Trump has the LINE. Look at the "crowds" we have seen for all of the oppositions' rallies: 85 is a huge number for any of them right now. Pres. Trump has 100,000 people who wanted to attend his rally in Orlando this afternoon and that's what we saw with the hillosercrooktOOn campaign versus then-candidate Trump's campaign. We saw his rallies draw crowds that always overflowed their huge venues. We saw her rallies draw miniscule "crowds" and it's happening again now. Don't believe the polls. June 18, 2019   I hope that Sidney Powell, Gen. Michael Flynn's new attorney, does expose the TRUTH about "spygate" and how the deep state has been breaking the law since themuslimvileone got into office and started weaponizing every government agency that is in existence. I hope she exposes it all and that Gen. Michael Flynn is totally exonerated and that all charges against him are not just dropped but wiped from the books and that the left/prosecution is forced to publicly apologize. I read the book Sidney Powell wrote (and I highly encourage you to read it, too!), and I think that this whole prosecutorial misconduct thing has gone on long enough and gone way too far! It's time this thing be ground to dust and that Gen. Flynn get his life and reputation back! I certainly hope that things turn around for him, because Powell has that sort of reputation. Let's see what happens. June 18, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   He says he has raised $20 Million for his campaign so far. Well, yeah. When you get donations this big does it surprise anyone? Notice who is donating that money. Law firms. Does that tell you anything? He may have raised a lot of money, but that does not equate to a lot of people at his rallies. Money does not equal votes. Ask hillosercrooktOOn. June 18, 2019   When I was fifteen and became a Christian, I did so in a church affiliated with the Southern Baptist denomination. Since I was baptized into mmembership of the church, I have been associated with that denomination. Recently, I have watched in disgust as the denomination has been taken over by leftists and those who want to destroy the denomination and have succeeded in the most part. At this year's convention, they voted for "anti-Christian racial identity" political methods and I cannot support that. I cannot stand idly by and let them use my name as one of their numbers to be considered "the largest Protestant denomination in North America". That's not going to happen when they have voted to go PC. I will be sending them a letter demanding to withdraw my membership from that denomination. As I left the Republican Party years ago because they lacked a spine, so shall I leave the Southern Baptist denomination because they have betrayed the Lord GOD Almighty and have been sucked down the drain into the politically correct abyss. June 18, 2019   PC Insanity:   In Thomas Jefferson's hometown the mayor is considering doing away with his birthday as a city holiday and changing the holiday to a month earlier and making it "Liberation and Freedom Day" to celebrate the end of slavery. So, Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father; "It is Jefferson who wrote the words that became a promissory note of freedom for all people and that this nation cashed in its own blood. It is he who helped design a nation that has secured the most freedom for the most people in all of human history."I think that the mayor has no clue about history and that she needs to be sent to remedial history classes before she does anything else in office. "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." (George Santayana - maybe) and this mayor is heading down the rabbit hole of repetition. June 18, 2019   "Let a regular army, fully equal to the resources of the country, be formed; and let it be entirely at the devotion of the federal government; still it would not be going too far to say, that the State governments, with the people on their side, would be able to repel the danger. The highest number to which, according to the best computation, a standing army can be carried in any country, does not exceed one hundredth part of the whole number of souls; or one twenty-fifth part of the number able to bear arms. This proportion would not yield, in the United States, an army of more than twenty-five or thirty thousand men. To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties, and united and conducted by governments possessing their affections and confidence. It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops. Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.Hunting? Nope. It's about being able to stand against the GOVERNMENT as those in Europe could not do because they had already been disarmed. That's what James Madison said. That is what the Second Amendment (2A) is about. Hunting? Only if they're talking about hunting down those who wish to oppress the people. June 18 2019   Leftist Hypocrisy:   Yet another dumboRAT presidential snowball-in-hades candidate is expressing his true hypocrisy. He wants KellyAnne Conway gone because of her alleged Hatch Act violations, but defends his own Hatch Act violations. Shock. Surprise. If you want to look up the definition of hypocrisy you'll probably see the first word used to define it is, "Democrat". June 18, 2019   Well, there's the afternoon storm. I'm going to go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 17, 2019: 1:22 p.m.   Our weekend went well. We got most of the wallpaper up in the hall bathroom at our farm, did some work on the floor there, and then we mowed for five hours in the heat. I admit to having to take a break because I was feeling nauseus, dizzy and headachey, and I know that those symptoms mean for me to cool down as quickly as possible. I took a bit of a break (an hour?) then helped with the rest of the mowing. That put our leave time to about 8:30 p.m. and we drove the 4.5 hours home and got here late. It was well worth it, though, because that hall bathroom must be finished! It makes me crazy to not finish projects quickly and this one has gone on long enough. Next time we finish the wallpaper, put in new flooring, place the new vanity (with new sink), put up the new medicine cabinet and do the accessories -- including new shower curtain that goes very well with the wallpaper colors! I'll post a picture when it's complete and you can see for yourself that it's so worth it! BTW, the new look may surprise you: don't think farm. June 17, 2019   I Stand With Israel:   Pres. Donald J. Trump also stands with Israel -- so much so that after Pres. Trump moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem (where it should have been all along), they named a traffic circle, a square, they're naming a train station, and now they're naming a city on the Golan Heights after Pres. Donald J. Trump! That's amazing! That's honoring someone who kept his word. That's how well respected Pres. Trump is in Israel. If you check the WikiPedia list, he already has more things named after him than "Sheets" Byrd! That's quite an accomplishment in and of itself! June 17, 2019   themuslimvileone's economy:   I have been intending to post this link for the last few weeks, but have been busy and completely forgot. The fact is that themuslimvileone was BAD FOR AMERICA and if you can read simple charts that hold the facts, you'll either be too bigoted to admit the TRUTH of his horrible policies being really terrible for America, or you'll be proving yourself to be a leftist hater who refuses to acknowledge reality. Either way, Pres. Trump is SOOOOO much BETTER for America than themuslimvileone was. The numbers are in, they have been analyzed and themuslimvileone sucked for America! There's no two ways about it! June 17, 2019   themuslimvileone:   I've said it all along: HE KNEW about the spying on Pres. Donald J. Trump and he was part of the leadership for the whole thing. He approved it. He figured out how to finance it. He was part of it. Now we see that as usual, I was correct. When it comes to dumboRATS, I know them as well as does Rush Limbaugh. June 17, 2019   themuslimvileone 3:   He should now be prosecuted for treason because he's going to foreign countries, talking to leaders as though he's still prezidunce and telling them who-knows-what. He is also probably trying to cover his tracks in the "Russian collusion" anti-Trump lies. He was in on it from the beginning and he brought others who thought like him along for the bumpy ride, so now he's trying to get foreign leaders to collude with him to cover their tracks. Wait! What was that? themuslimvileone is trying to get foreigners to COLLUDE WITH HIM? Shouldn't he be going to prison for that, or is he allowed because he's themuslimvileone? June 17, 2019   kamala "Hater" harris:   She is NOT pro-military. She has proven it yet again this past Sunday -- Father's Day, 2019 -- via comparing military Dads to illegals and criminals. Yep. That's showing our U.S. military members some love and respect. Say military Dads are like criminals and illegal aliens? Respect, right? June 17, 2019   dumboRAT stupidity:   There is a stupid thing going on with them. There are several states in which the dumboRATS pushed for -- and got -- the approval to give their presidential votes to whomever won the "popular vote" (got the biggest numbers in the overall vote count). The problem is if, say, Colorado gave more votes to Candidate B, but the country voted overall for Candidate X, then the voices of Colorado's voters shall be summarily ignored and given to Candidate X rather than Candidate B. Their votes won't matter at all because they've decided to do this stupidity. The Electoral College was put into place to prevent the cities' populations from controlling everything by having more votes than the rural areas -- Kansas, Minnesota, Idaho, etc. -- and evening things out to give the rural voices as much control as the city voices. The idiots in dumboRAT states are voting to undo the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and they are going to be dumbfounded when the majority of the people of America -- the "popular vote" winner -- will be Donald J. Trump and they still have to give their votes to him, which is what they were trying to prevent. Stupid is as stupid does and to try to change the system to CHEAT the system is stupid. They really are idiots; walking bags of air and skin with nothing inside but hatred of goodness, normalcy, righteousness and right. June 17, 2019   Polls: blah, blah, blah:   A new poll... Yawn. So what? NO matter what polls show right now there is NOTHING that, this far out, will signify anything relating to the actual election. Who cares if they're showing Fauxcahontus ahead on the dumboRAT ticket? Who knows if she'll still be in the running in 2020? She may have dropped out because of health issues within her family, or been eliminated via primaries, or realized that she's just not going to make it against a popular, accomplished, successful Pres. Donald J. Trump. There is nothing to say that Mickey Mouse or Oliver Twist won't enter the race and get more votes than any of the current dumboRAT candidates. Don't listen to polls! They were wrong last election -- even though they tried to get the fix in -- and they're just as likely to be wrong this time. Remember, they LIED through their teeth about the numbers and they did everything they could to suppress the Trump vote. Don't listen to polls! June 17, 2019   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's threat of tariffs on Mexico have had a positive impact on America and on Mexico! The Mexican government has decided to actually take steps to stop illegal aliens crossing the border, human trafficking and the drug cartels! That's amazing and that's the power of tariffs and Pres. Trump's policies. Now we see Mexico raiding drug manufacturing factories and doing so with America's DEA in a cooperative effort! That's incredible! That's something themuslimvileone never got done! June 17, 2019   BREXIT:   Will Boris "BoJo" Johnson, who may replace theresa may as the PM, try to keep England in the EU? If so, there will be a price to pay and MPs will leave his party and join Nigel Farage's Brexit Party and then "BoJo" will not have the power to do anything. Farage will be the defacto PM and they'll have to admit it and allow him to do the BREXIT negotiations and actually take England (finally!) out of the EU. I rather think that would be a good thing. Farage really wanted England out of the EU back before the vote was taken and the majority voted to exit it. It would be poetic justice to see him do the leading out and to see him take the credit for it. I would like that very much! June 17, 2019   Congratulations!:   Congratulations to the Gibson family whose bakery and the owners were slandered by Oberlin College's administration and who was awarded $11 Million for the first part of their lawsuit against Oberlin, and then $33.2 Million for punitive damages! That's over $44 Million total after Oberlin LIED about the Gibson family and the bakery and told people that they were "racists" and had a "history" of racism. That LIE cost the family a lot of business so they sued. The result of the college's LIE: "[T]he jury came back with a verdict saying that, not only did Oberlin College libel and defame this small business and family, they did so in a manner that was intentional."Congratulations to the Gibson family, and I hope and pray that this sends a message to the rest of the left that LYING about people and damaging their reputations is NOT going to be tolerated and it's better for their own wallets to tell the TRUTH instead of a LIE. When Oberlin created an atmosphere of lawlessness what else can they expect when they stand up for that atmosphere and the students who participated in their lawlessness? Oberlin College had many chances to set this whole thing right, but chose not to. They defended their LIE and they continued to smear the family and the business, but now their mouths are shut and their wallet is open. I would love to be a fly on the wall at the next board meeting! I wonder if they're going to close the college to keep from having to pay the judgment, or if they're going to try some sort of stupid trick to keep from paying it. I wouldn't put it past them. Keep an eye on this one, folks. It could be an interesting story from here out. June 17, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I love this idea! I think it's a great idea because it's going to save taxpayer dollars that the left is trying to use to benefit illegal alien invaders. I love the idea that we can make a law to STOP it! Read the bill here. Let's do this! Call your U.S. Senator and tell them you support this bill, S. 131, and you want them to do so, too! June 17, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   She's mad. She's spitting nails. She's crooked as the day is long and as San Francisco's Lombard Street. She's not happy that Pres. Trump told the TRUTH about HER and Russian collusion! She also had Australia, Italy, England and a few other countries helping her LIE about Pres. Trump (then-candidate Trump). She's not happy he mentioned her using foreigners to help her put together the false dossier. She's getting more and more nervous that -- miracle of miracles! -- she may face true justice for the first time in her life when A.G. Barr and Attorney John Durham are on the trail of the TRUTH and when they finish, there will be indictments. This does NOT mean that it's definite that she will be indicted; although she deserves to be after destroying hard drives, deleted e-mails and lied to Congress. We'll see if she is ever held accountable to the LAW for doing those ILLEGAL things. She has so far escaped prosecution, although she deserved a lot of it. Let's see what the Lord has in store for her; payment for her wrongdoings here on earth for us to see and rejoice in, or payment in a much hotter place than a federal pen? June 17, 2019   MAGA!:   People have been watching what Pres. Trump has been doing for America and that's a good sign. It's so good that there is proof he's better for the black community than themuslimvileone ever even dreamed of! Does it shock you? It's no surprise, is it? June 17, 2019   NSFC:   If you're a parent of a teenage girl, you are responsible for guiding them and teaching them right from wrong. If I had a teenage daughter (or preteen), I would NOT allow them to read Teen Vogue's pushing prostitution for girls. Isn't that special? I think I would teach my pre-/teen daughter that Vogue is wrong and immoral for their idea that prostitution is a good thing for girls. It's just unimaginably stupid, but they are lefties. June 17, 2019   I hope that Roger Stone's legal filing in his case is taken seriously by the presiding judge and that it results in a complete dismissal of all charges against him. That's the only legal, logical thing to do considering the TRUTH about the FBI never seeing the actual hard drives. Let's hope the law and logic prevail. June 17, 2019   That's it for today, folks. Hope to see you tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! June 14, 2019: 10:59 a.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday. My sister called just after I sat down to do updates and you know how sisters are: we talked and talked and talked. I can't do updates and talk to my sister at the same time, especially when we're talking about my Mom's birthday! We got her present decided and we're sending her something nice and splitting the cost. It's going to be a good birthday for Mom and it was worth missing updates. Today I am not going to do but one blurb because my hubby checked the weather forecast and found that this weekend's forecast for down here is nothing but rain. I know we have some things we could get done down here while it's raining, but the farm really needs mowed and the forecast for up there is sunshine and partly cloudy skies on Saturday and Sunday respectively. So we're going to go north and mow the lawn and (finally!) get the wallpaper put up in the hall bathroom. If things go well, we may get the new flooring down in it, get the new vanity/sink installed, put the toilet back in place and get the new medicine cabinet installed as well! The toilet paper holder is free standing, the towel racks can go up next time, as well the hand towel ring, but the new light fixture I would love to get installed, as well. Let's see what we can get done while we're not mowing. So, that's what's happening today. Of course our son will be here to take care of house things and feed the cats. So on to our single blurb for today. June 14, 2019   Bad News:   Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the spokesperson for the President, is tired of being lied about by the msm and is leaving at the end of the month to return to private life. That's bad because she's so GOOD! I love it when she takes it to the msm! She is just tired of the fight and the lies told about her and the stupidity of the msm, I bet. That's got to be a part of it. We shall miss her and I hope that her replacement is just as bold and strong as she. June 14, 2019   I can't help it! I'll do one more! The truth will out and the whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork in an effort to make things right within their organization after themuslimvileone's administration weaponized the FBI and other government agencies and polluted them with the foul leadership he installed. Crooked people permeated themuslimvileone's administration because that's who he hung with (show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man), so getting the stink out is going to take a while, but the rank and file is coming forward to fix the reputations that themuslimvileone and his henchmen tarnished. I am glad that they are doing so because otherwise we wouldn't be able to trust any of the government entities that themuslimvileone polluted. It is said that there will be indictments and that people will go to jail. Can I give them a list of those who SHOULD be in prison for a very, very long time? June 14, 2019   So that's what I've decided to do today: two blurbs and tell you I'm getting ready to go to the farm. Sorry, but that's the way the weather ball bounces. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, see ya' when I'm back from the farm! June 12, 2019: 6:09 p.m.   I wrote a blog today that I posted on my website. It is something I think we, as a nation, need to think about and consider, and maybe (just maybe) learn from. It may make you think that I'm a horrible person, but that's okay. I can take it. Think what you may. My latest blog is A Grieving Nation: A Coerced State of Being. You may not like it, but I can live with that. June 12, 2019: 10:51 a.m.   "Russian Collusion":   Does it surprise anyone that Judicial Watch has found out that more dumboRATS were involved in the whole smear campaign against Pres. Donald J. Trump than we were first aware? It's not just hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone and dws, it's a lot more dumboRATS involved than that. They hate the fact that Pres. Trump won, even though before he ran they would attend his parties. After all, hillosercrooktOOn and her "hard dog to keep on the porch" did attend Trump's wedding to Melania as other dumboRATS attended his parties and stayed in his hotels before he was a candidate. They loved him until he ran because they knew him and that he would defeat them. That's the truth about dumboRATS: hypocrisy is at their core. June 12, 2019   How many idiots live in Denver, CO? Enough to vote in an avowed Communist to the city council. Not just any avowed Commie, but one who promised to usher in Communism "'by any means necessary.'"Does that sound like a promise, or a threat? June 12, 2019   Fake News:   Awww... Poor babies. NOT! cnn loses more audience and it's a wonderful thing in my book. I am glad that their lies are losing them viewership. When I took journalism, it wasn't "kosher" to LIE to the readers, or to slant the news. You answered the "Five 'Ws' and the 'H'": Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. That's it, and one of those, the "Why", you couldn't always give. Sometimes there was no answer to that and sometimes there would be an answer later, but revisiting the story later was not always possible. Why did the guy murder his sister, or why did the giraffe escape from the zoo and get hit by a car? Sometimes you can't give an answer to that. Why the legislature is trying to change a law you can tell, but you don't spin it to your political viewpoint, as would cnn and other "fake news" outlets. To me, it's a good thing that cnn and the rest of them are going under. The fewer LIES in the public's ears, the better. I see that the tying tactics are spreading and I bet those who go down that road are going to be going under it, too! Six feet under for "The Hill" and cnn and others who LIE to their readers. Rightly so. June 12, 2019   googley-woogley:   Yet more info proves that they discriminate against Conservatives. A show of hands from those who are shocked by this report? Yeah. That's what I thought. June 12, 2019   Fauxcahontus:   There is a problem with her plan to tax the ultra-rich. That problem? the U.S. Constitution. Of course, she is a dumboRAT, so the U.S. Constitution isn't even considered in her plans. She has no thought toward the constitionality (or lack thereof) of her plans. She just wants to tax people because dumboRATS LOVE taxes -- on others, of course. They do all they can to NOT pay taxes themselves. That's why they exempted themselves from themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. So now Fauxcahontus is trying to do more unconstitutional taxes. Shock. Surprise. June 12, 2019   Christianity Under Attack:   It's time for the Supreme Court to stand up for Christians and do what needs to be done to protect the most persecuted group of people on earth: Christians. It's never okay to say anything negative or do anything negative against anyone but Christians. It's time that Christians stand up for ourselves, too. Don't be a namby-pamby, candy-coated Christian! Be the warrior GOD calls us to be! Stand up for who you are, and for what GOD calls you to! June 12, 2019   themuslimvileone:   As I have said from the beginning, themuslimvileone had part in the spying on Pres. Trump. It wasn't just by chance that his FBI, his DOJ, his advisors, his political party (of which he is the titular head), his Secretary of State, his etc., decided to do the spying and lying. It was by agreement and plan; part of which he had a say and had the authority to authorize. He had part in it and he not only allowed it, he encouraged it to protect his legacy and his secrets! He is as evil as his mentor, thevilegeorgesoros. June 12, 2019   Fake Polls:   The same organization that got the 2016 polls wrong and predicted a huge hillosercrooktOOn victory is now predicting a biden victory. I think that they are just trying to depress Pres. Trump's majority voters because they know that some people will stay home and not vote if they think their candidate is not going to win. Remember, they did that the whole 2016 election cycle. There was not a single poll by a regular polling organization that got it right -- or they got it right and then skewed the numbers before releasing the info and LIED about the actual numbers -- so don't believe the polls this year, either. They lied to us last presidential election, there's nothing to say they won't do the same this time. June 12, 2019   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's tariffs are working! (No surprise to moi.) U.S. manufactuers are returning to America thanks to Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies. That means more jobs for America and more good for the states those jobs are in. It's all a win! (No surprise to moi.) June 12, 2019   Do you have HBO? Are you watching the series, "Chernobyl"? It tells the TRUTH about Communism and how the leadership LIES to stay in power and control the people. That sounds like a certain political party we know of that begins with the letter "D", does it not? June 12, 2019   New study finds that if you want to do well in college, high school, or elsewhere, take notes by hand and that will help you test better and do better. It's all about the amount of effort you put into the thing that helps you remember. June 12, 2019   bumbling biden:   If Iowa is the bellwether state it's purported to be, then it doesn't bode well for him because he can't pull an audience and he can't be considered the leader unless and until he gets that audience. I'm wondering if he's just a place-holder for hillosercrooktOOn. Will he step into the vp position so that she can head the ticket and take "her rightful place" in the White House and replacing Pres. Trump? Is that what is happening here? Don't poo-poo that idea. They are devious on that side and when it comes to dirty tricks, the "Russian collusion" lie tells us just how devious they can be and how low they can go. Lies are the dumboRAT party. Watch out for a bait and switch; especially if she starts campaigning "for him" (ahem!) because we'll know for certain that's not what's happening. Then they'll say, "It's what the people wanted!" Yeah. Right. June 12, 2019   ilhan omar:   Yet another reason to be ashamed of being a dumboRAT, this "Congresswoman" is a liar, cheat, fraud and incestuous brother-marrier, yet she has the nerve to take a hit at Pres. Trump on gay rights? She's Somali! In her country it's illegal and punishable BY DEATH to be homosexual! She's an idiot who can't figure out which country to be loyal to: her ex-country, Somalia, or her current residency, America. She is such a hater of America that she can't say word one good about our nation or our president. It's time that she be kicked out of the country for her fraudulent immigration actions or be put into prison for them and lose her congressional seat. She (and two other female freshan congresspeople) is a disgrace. June 12, 2019   dumboRAT Corruption:   More proof is emerging that another dumboRAT, elijah cummings, has been breaking the law as he and his wife used her "charity" for their own financial benefit. Another show of hands for those who are surprised? June 12, 2019   DOJ, as they're SUPPOSED to be:   The DOJ, under Pres. Donald J. Trump, has done a great service to America and the world. They arrested almost 1,700 child predators in a sweeping sting operation that will help protect children worldwide. THIS is what law enforcement is SUPPOSED to do when operating properly, not spying on presidential candidates and being used as an extension of the dnc. Thank the good Lord that this president has his priorities straight instead of trying to stay in power so hard that he diverted agents to wrongdoing so that he can stay in power! I am disgusted by what the DOJ was under themuslimvileone and every agent there should be ashamed of that time, whether or not they participated in the spying and lying! June 12, 2019   pelosickpig:   When will she give it up? It has been known and acknowledged in the media that she's sick since at least early 2018. She's seen as being "a mess", yet she is sticking around to stay in power, to keep the money she directs toward her husband's business, ensuring her own bank account grows bigger and bigger. This is what keeps her in office: greed and power, and greed FOR power. She is sick. She is ill. She needs to retire or she will die in office soon. Then we'll still have the cost of a state funeral, but at least if she retires soon she'll be able to spend quality time with her family while she can. I think that's more important than power and greed, but apparently she does not. June 12, 2019   Rich men are banding together to silence your free speech. The entitled Koch brothers and thevilegeorgesoros want to silence you on social media so that theirs are the only voices anyone gets to hear. They don't want to allow opposition; they want to silence it. They want to be the "masters of the universe" and if they don't get what they want, they'll keep throwing money at it until they do. Freedom? What's that to those who have that kind of money? They get it because they can pay for it and go elsewhere to get it, or bribe others to get it. You and I? We can be silenced by their dollars. That's the way they see things. Is that what you want? June 12, 2019   Last Link:   Today's "Last Link" may be considered a "microaggression" even though, now, the professor who came up with the idiocy now says "not everything is a microaggression". Well, DUH! You think? June 12, 2019   That's it for now. Hope to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 11, 2019: 10:54 a.m.:   I want to thank "B", who recently took a website of his own down and offered me his weather maps page. I had never thought of putting weather maps on my site, but when I was offered, I jumped at the chance. It's a nice and easy way to check on what I want for myself, but for you, also. Check out the new weather page that B did for me. It will be very useful! June 11, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Pres. Donald J. Trump threatened tariffs against Mexico unless they started helping prevention of all of those illegals crossing into America against the law. That's what I suggested to him when I wrote a note on one of his internet birthday cards weeks ago. Maybe he listened, or maybe he had already discussed it with his advisors, or whatever; the point is, we thought alike. It worked, too. Now we have those illegal alien invaders who are bringing illnesses, who are terrorists in disguise, who are criminals and it's all thanks to the leftists who want nothing good for America, but want anyone they believe will vote for them to be allowed in and to be their power base. They really do love power and will sacrifice America in order to keep it. That's sick. June 11, 2019   Racism:   Isn't this sweet? The House and Senate both want to have a national recognition of racist black men as they seek the PC Road to garner favor with the Muslims of America. They called caucasians "white devils" and "crackers", but that's okay with today's leftists; it's the pandering that counts because honoring these two men will kiss the backsides of the Muslim population and possibly garner the left more votes, and more power. Those two men? Malcom X and Muhammed Ali: "Among them are two key figures in the Nation of Islam, a political and religious movement well known for its racially divisive rhetoric. The group’s doctrine actually states black people created white people in a genetic experiment 6,000 years ago and that 'Judgment Day' means the Gods will destroy the entire white race (devils) and establish a paradise nation ruled forever by blacks. Its influential leader in the 1960s, Malcolm X, is among the Muslims that will be recognized for their contributions to the nation if the resolutions pass. FBI records uncovered by Judicial Watch show that under Malcolm X’s leadership the Nation of Islam followed Mohammad’s interpretation of the 'Koran,' which taught that white people are 'white devils' to be destroyed in a coming 'War of Armageddon. The agency monitored the group closely in the 60s and described it as an 'all-Negro, quasi-religious organization which espouses a line of violent hatred of the white race, Government, law and law enforcement.'"Is this to be "honored" in America? It's not to be honored, but abhorred in my book. Why on earth -- besides pandering to Muslim voters -- would the left choose to honor that sort of hateful rhetoric? June 11, 2019   Social Media Leftists:   Are you on Pinterest? Do you know that they do the same sort of crud that the Dead Blue Bird does? Do you know that they block groups they don't agree with? Yep. They are leftists and they like to silence those who are not like them. They put Frontpage Magazine, David Horowitz's website on a "porn" list so that they would be always blocked, and they did the same with Pro-Life, LiveAction.org! Read about it and watch the video and then tell me you trust Pinterest. They're just as leftist as googley-woogley and the Dead Blue Bird and YouTube. They don't like the TRUTH and they don't like GOD (they did some funky things with Bible stuff, and they don't want YOU to have the free speech to speak, write about or pin what you believe in! June 11, 2019   Justice Shall Prevail?:   The investigation that Special Prosecutor, John Durham, is doing is bigger than most knew. Maybe Durham's prosecutorial experience has taught him that no one is abvoe the law and that the law should apply equally to all across the board. Maybe that's why this thing has gotten so big: he's finding more and more and more laws broken by the lefties (hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone and their cronies) and maybe -- just maybe -- we'll see the law applied and those on the left who have been breaking it with impunity for most of their adult lives will be finally held accountable to the law! Pray that this be the case. June 11, 2019   Anti-Trumper Losing Power:   Well, how about that? The "Never Trumper", justin amash, who helped start the "Freedom Caucus" in the House has stepped down from his leadership position and that's a good start! He needs to be primaried and he needs to be primaried by someone who believes in America, freedom (a lot more than he apparently does), and I hope they WIN. If he doesn't think that what Pres. Donald J. Trump is good for America, I don't know what he is looking at for his decisions. I also don't see what he was looking at when he decided that he was going to believe the lefties and support the impeachment of Pres. Trump. That's just idiotic. He has shown his true colors, apparently. He's going to be outta' there! June 11, 2019   Courage:   Wow. Never thought I'd see this happen. The courageous Governor of Alabama, Kay Ivey, has signed into law a bill that is rather a "throw back" bill. In Alabama, if you sexually assault a child under the age of 13, you will have to be chemically castrated as a condition of your parole. That means that the left will oppose it as soon as possible, they'll sue to stop it and they'll cry about it until they find a judge who will stop it and prevent its implementation until it reaches the SCOTUS. I don't know what the SCOTUS will decide, but it will be challenged by the left. Mark my words. June 11, 2019   BAMM!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump wins "bigly"! LOVE IT! June 11, 2019   pelosickpig:   She says she's not going to talk about Pres. Trump anymore! Well, good! IF she keeps her word (not going to happen), it would be better for her. But, as usual, she won't be able to stop herself and she'll be talking about Pres. Trump again before the week is over. June 11, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion 2:   An idiot bureauocrat has been locking OPEN the border wall gate in the border fence that "We Build The Wall" built. This idiot International Boundary and Water Commission person has decided that her ideas are more important than America's safety. Isn't that special? Got Ego? June 11, 2019   Leftist Hate:   When a Conservative has the nerve to show up at a leftist event, it's a dangerous place for the Conservative. Ask Caitlin Bennett buttigieg supporters assaulted her and her cameraman because they were at one of his events. Lefties talk about love and acceptance, but they are the ones who hate and get violent. They're a bunch of liars and their actions and words prove it over and over and over again. June 11, 2019   SCOTUS WIN!:   Hurray! The SCOTUS, as well as the lower courts before them, have all denied the effort to remove "In God We Trust" from our money! That's a wonderful thing! The leftie who brought the case must be so disappointed. Aww... too bad. June 11, 2019   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   If you have your child in a "public school", you are actually sending them to an indoctrination camp. They are taught to act like others, think like their overseers, be leftists and to conform to whatever the left wants them to do: support abortion, the "Etc." lifestyle, the lie of "global warming", the environmental love that leads to people hating humans, and on and on and on. They don't teach you anything except kissing leftist backside and group think. That's proven yet again when a high school yearbook for a school in PA blurred out MAGA hats of two students whose pic they wanted in the yearbook, but without showing their support for Pres. Donald J. Trump. Silence those with whom you disagree is the most common tactic of the left. They can't stand anyone to be allowed to speak who does not think like them. Conform or be silent! June 11, 2019   MAGA!:   Small businesses in America are more optimistic now and that means that they'll be hiring more, expanding and doing things that will help America because Pres. Trump helped them! It's a good thing! June 11, 2019   Catholic Church Scandal:   "Gay Mafia"? Yep. That's what an insider whistle-blower has labeled what is happening at the highest levels within the Catholic Church and who is in control. They have information on the leadership that they use for leverage and they control everyone via their knowledge and experiences. It's time for the Catholic Church do what it takes to turn their attention to the truths in the Bible and to GOD's love, forgiveness and His way of doing things, not man's way of doing things. Catholics should read their Bibles for themselves and see that it's not the Catholic Church that gets them to heaven (if it were, would there be homosexuals in the Church?). It's belief in GOD's Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and ONLY in believing in Him and accepting Him as your Lord and Savior (not the Church being a "savior") will anyone get to heaven. The Catholic Church has disgraced itself and this poop has done everything he can to bring more harm to the Church rather than doing what he can to make the Church a good organization again, he has made it a laughing stock and a sham. June 11, 2019   Woah! You know things are coming out in a big way when even late night "comedian", bill maher, admits hillosercrooktOOn obstructed justice! That's huge! Are eyes opening? Is the TRUTH finally seeping through the cracks in leftists' skulls? Is it possible that the left is going to be forced to admit that with the truth comes an awakening to the hillosercrooktOOn campaign's lawlessness? I know that there will always be those on the left who will NEVER acknowledge that she did ANYTHING wrong. There will be those who will use the "defense" of "Well, Trump did worse!" because they won't be able to admit any wrongdoing on her part. If she did wrong, then they were wrong to support her and they will never be able to admit that they were wrong; so wrapped up in her victory was their own self-image. That's part of their craziness: losing oneself so much in another person's victory, reputation, goals that you lose sight of your own mental well-being. Their choice, but it's a sad choice. June 11, 2019   aoc: The Idiot:   I'm going to break my promise here because it's so unbelievably stupid, that I'm going to mention her again. She is trying to blackmail America into giving her a pay raise so she won't become "corrupt". Really. She's been in office for all of six months and she thinks she deserves a pay raise when she is the newbie there? She thinks she deserves a pay raise because she works so hard and has done so much for the American people? Really? She has done nothing and she wants a pay raise. Typical Socialist: I'm going to be corrupt so to prevent me from doing something corrupt -- BLACKMAIL IS CORRUPTION -- you must pay me more. Sounds to me like she's already there, not going to become corrupt. She's such a moron. June 11, 2019   I'm going to stop with that head-shaking stupidity. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 10, 2019: 12:53 p.m.   I'm BACK! My hand is feeling much better, although it still gets sore I can deal with this. Our trip to Ohio to "Mom sit" was a success. We took her for a test on her gallbladder and we'll hear about the results later this week. We drove to our Georgia farm on Friday of two weeks ago, then left their Saturday morning and drove to Chatanooga, TN, and stayed the night there. Then we went Sunday to Dayton, where our mom-in-law sitting occurred. We left there about midnight last Thursday and drove until Charleston, WV, because we knew Cincinnatti was a mess with road construction (my in-laws who had gone south for a vacation told us the southbound lanes were stopped on I-75). Friday we drove in rain, heavy, stop and go traffic and fog to Statesville, SC, (don't tell my Mom, she'll skin me for not dropping by, but she was still asleep when we left there the next morning before seven). We left there early and drove to our farm and then came back to Florida yesterday (Sunday). It was a lot of driving, but Ace (our Acadia) did well and we got to shop at Goodwills as we found them close to the highways we traveled. It was sometimes arduous, but it was good. I'm glad we were able to help. Now that my hand is much better and our trip is over, I'm hoping to be able to do this on a regular basis! Let's get started! June 10, 2019   How many times have I said that it was hillosercrooktOOn who had the "Russia collusion" dossier done? How many times have I said that themuslimvileone knew about it all along? As Judicial Watch gets and releases more PROOF of these assertions, I'm proven correct yet again. I'll remind you again that if you are in college and you're serious about doing well, and you study hard and do all of the necessary things to do well, you don't hire someone to write your papers, to take your tests or to hack the computers with the grades in them to fix your grades. That's exactly the sort of things that hillosercrooktOOn did during the election. She knew she wasn't popular. She knew she had NO CHANCE of winning because she's a self-important, angry, evil, murderous shrew, so she tried her darndest to cheat her way into office using every possible tactic she could think of. The only thing she didn't do was military force and if she could have used that, she would have! She cheated and others helped her cover it up and that's why she has to blame everything under the sun except herself because if she doesn't, there will come a day when all of those "Squirrel!" distractions will have to be set aside and her own culpability and lawlessness will have to be dealt with. That's something she cannot stand the idea of: facing prosecution as though she were one of the people she derides; you know those of us who don't rub elbows with the rich and "elite" and hollyweirdos. June 10, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Of course there is government waste because everyone wants their fingers in the pie and on buttons of power. There isn't a single government entity that says, "Please save the American taxpayers some money and do away with this program/department/organization." We see it all the time where there is duplication of efforts, sometimes with disparate goals but the same assignment, as we see in this Judicial Watch story. "[T]he GAO identifies 98 new areas—in addition to hundreds that have been ignored—of fragmentation, overlap or duplication that must be addressed to help curb the waste."This needs to be addressed and stopped. We don't need to waste money, we need to be careful with our money and we need to shrink the swamp and totally drain it! Let's do this! June 10, 2019   "Mueller Report (AKA: LIE)":   The quote that I love: "'Bill Barr is serious about making sure they reestablish the reputation of the FBI and the Department of Justice, and I can tell you that unless someone actually goes to jail, most of the people will think that accountability didn’t happen, but I believe based on the documents I’ve seen, that crimes were committed and people need to go to jail.'"That's the highlight of this Gateway Pundit story. I LOVE that! Let's pray that it actually happens -- AND that it includes hillosercrooktOOn in that category of "actually goes to jail"! Agree? June 10, 2019   The U6 unemployment rate stands at 7.3% and that's translated to 3.8% for the U3, official unemployment rate. It's amazing that this is happening because we were told over and over again by themuslimvileone to get used to it and that our economy was "growing again" when it was NOT. (His lips were moving): "However, as more and more Americans stop looking for work, the Labor Force Participation Rate on [themuslimvileone’s] watch has fallen from 65.7 percent to 62.8 percent, a level last measured before [themuslimvileone] in March 1978. Since [themuslimvileone] took office, this metric has slid 4.1 percent."Pres. Donald J. Trump (I sill LOVE saying that!) has done a wonderful job putting our economy back on the right path. Apparently, Pres. Trump's "magic wand" has been working for the last two years! June 10, 2019   MAGA!:   I agree with Pres. Trump leaving the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. I think he and everyone else should do so because all they want is cheap foreign laborers to come into our nation and take it over as dumboRAT voters. That's what they want: global control of America. That's NOT what I want and I think that everyone who is a Chamber of Commerce member should QUIT that organization and establish a whole new organization whose priorities are America first and America always because without that we will all be lost! June 10, 2019   googley-woogley:   They're at it again, folks. They have tried their darndest to shut down Conservsatives and now they are going after those who are "kinda Conservative". They're a tyrannical organization that apparently thinks that if you don't "think like us" then you MUST be silenced! If you are not a leftist, then you can't be given a place to have a voice. If you're not a pro-abortionist, be SILENT! Shut up! You can't speak because you have no voice here and you're not worth listening to anyways! If you don't agree that themuslimvileone was the world's greatest gift, then you can't have an open mind and you are worthless! If you believe in the Second Amendment, you are a hater and you should be put in prison for the rest of your life! If you don't worship at the altar of the "Etc." community (the alphabet soup that is the homosexual world), then you are a worthless piece of excrement and you deserve whatever bad things happen to you; even if those who think like us are the ones who do it to you! That's what googley-woogley is pushing and doing to Americans and the world. They even cooperate with the Chinese government to silence opposition to China's policies. Power speaks to googley-woogley and googley-woogley listens and obeys, because they think the same way. June 10, 2019   Pro-Baby-Killers:   A hotel owner in Michigan is so virulently in favor of killing unborn babies that she is willing to give a free hotel room to women and girls looking to kill their babies. Killing babies is the left's holy grail and when it is threatened, they will even give up money in order to keep killing those babies. How dark a soul do you have to have to kill a baby in the first place, but to go to such extremes that you will defy your second holy grail -- money -- and give that up in order to get more babies killed? There must be a special place in hell for people who do this kind of thing. Anyone who worships baby killing this much must have a soul as dark as hades. June 10, 2019   Justice!:   Hahahahaha! Another win for the Conservative side! Oberlin college officials slandered a bakery and LIED to students and faculty saying that the bakery was racist for pressing charges against the students who stole from them, so the bakery sued. The bakery not only WON, but they were awarded $11 MILLION in victory money from the college for their LYING to the students and faculty and the slander they perpetuated against the bakery. I'm very happy about that! It's time that the law works the way it's supposed to work and that the PC, SJWs are held accountable for their lies! Good for the bakery and good for the LAW! June 10, 2019   NSFW or Children:   Perversion Personified:   Eeewww. Parents took their children to this raunch voluntarilly? Child abuse is NOT something to celebrate and giving pedophiles a show is NOT something to promote. This is wrong, folks. It's wrong to do, to promote, to take your children to. It's sick and perverted and if someone doesn't like me saying so, tough! That's your problem, not mine! Apparently, the U.S. DOD agrees with me at least a little because they pulled their support from a movie about homosexuality in the military. I'm glad they did so. June 10, 2019   Bwahahahahaha!:   From the perverted to the impossible promise; Irish man promises to prosecute Pres. Trump if he wins the 2020 election for president. How many of you can say "Snowball's chance"? June 10, 2019   June 10, 2019   I'm going to close with this for today. "This" being a great comeback from Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton to the liar and loser, james comey's pandering tweet. I love Tom Fitton! He's great! June 10, 2019   If all goes as planned, I'll update again tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 2019 July 31, 2019: 1:19 p.m.   james "Leaker" comey:   According to a Judicial Watch article, "'Mr. Comey’s illegal leaking these FBI files as part of his vendetta against President Trump (directly resulting in the corrupt appointment of Robert Mueller) ought to be the subject of a criminal investigation.'"Also, he had TOP SECRET memos at his home. Shades of hillosercrooktOOn! Sounds like he needs to be in prison to me. July 31, 2019   Islamic Violence:   Sweet! (Sarcasm.) Two men from ilhan oTALIBANar's home country (she was born there) came here and joined a gym so that they could get strong to do beheadings when they go to Syria. They were "thirsty for blood" and want to kill many people. Question: with that blood thirst what was to prevent them from starting here in America? Somalia: Go to America to be able to do Jihad. Isn't that sweet? July 31, 2019   dumboRAT Hatred:   The guy who did the actual doxxing got four years in prison. Another dumboRAT who helped doxx Republican lawmakers has pled guilty for participating in the effort. Samantha Deforest Davis could face eighteen months of prison time, but the prosecutor is leaning toward leniency. Sounds to me like she needs to be in prison instead of a halfway house or be given home confinement for that time. Prison is what she deserves for putting the lives of the Republican lawmakers and their families (including their innocent little children) in danger. She is a rotten person who thinks that because someone disagrees with her that they deserve to be punished with physical violence and real danger. That's a deranged mind and a dangerous person. Lock her up. Let her share a cell with hillsercrooktOOn. July 31, 2019   dumboRAT Hypocrisy:   SMH. Sen. difi has her full of it. It runs out of her eyes when she cries and seeps out of her ears like wax as she sleeps. She had a Chinese SPY in her employ, under her wing, even as she chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron if ever I heard one with dumboRATS running it), but she disses Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) saying he didn't have any "security experience". I beg her pardon, but what kind of "security experience" did she have to chair that committee? What experience did she have to be a Senator? What experience does she have besides getting rich off of her dealings with Chinese business people? Read the article. She's shameless. July 31, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Wow. What could America have done with the $907 MILLION that they wasted "to give recipients useless 'nutrition education' courses with rates of effectiveness that cannot be assessed."Sounds to me like the dumboRATS must have put those programs into place so that they can give jobs and money to their buddies who ran "nutrition programs" in dumboRAT run cities. Just another pay off to get their buddies rich so they can give more money to the dumboRATS who voted to put those programs into place. Under dumboRATS that's what government is: circular money laundering. The dumboRATS in the House and Senate (and even the preziduncy when they occupy it) vote programs in that will benefit their buddies (like themuslimvileone's "stimulus package"), the buddies get the money and -- lo and behold! -- they give some of it back to the dnc or the dumboRAT politician who is their buddy, who benefits them the most, and they all benefit FROM YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS. Isn't that what you want? July 31, 2019   July 31, 2019   CaliMarxiFornia:   Sigh. Talk about stupid. They never required themuslimvileone to release his tax returns, to release his college or any school records, or to release his medical records, but when it comes to Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that), they have made a law that requires his tax returns be released before he can appear on the ballot in CMF. That's hypocrisy and it's stupid. Where is there a requirement for ANY president to release his tax returns? It's not there. There is not a REQUIREMENT to do so. It is a custom, not a requirement. Some have; some have not. So what's the big deal besides the fact that they're looking for any dirt on Pres. Donald J. Trump they can ever hope to find? July 31, 2019   Planned Abortionhood:   The current chief abortion pusher there is a blatant LIAR and she is being called out on her LIES. She said (falsely) that Planned Abortionhood is "not political". Right. And neither am I. Right? I don't talk politics at all. No one better ever say I do! How dare anyone allege that I'm political! That's just wrong! I don't do politics at all! I'm pure as the wind-driven snow, and I wouldn't touch politics with a twelve hundred foot pole! Anyone saying otherwise... You get my point. I'm glad PRO-LIFE leaders stand up and call out Planned Abortionhood's LIES. Yet another dumboRAT hypocrisy shows its ugly -- and deadly -- head. July 31, 2019   Leftists Crybabies:   The left's website, "Snopes", which claims to verify the truth and debunk lies (all except its own and those of the left), is trying to shut down a Christian satire site called the "Babylon Bee" even though it states on its own homepage that they are a SATIRE site! The left is seeing that people visiting the Babylon Bee website are able to laugh at the left and that means that the left is threatened by the Babylong Bee because laughing at them is bad and must be stopped! It also means that "laughter is the best medicine" to use an old truism and that in laughing at the left they effectively "Red Pilling" people who used to be blind to the left's LIES but via laughing at them the Babylong Bee is revealing the TRUTH. That's why "Snopes" (read "LIES" and "LEFTIST PROTECTION SITE") is doing everything they can to shut the Babylon Bee down. They don't want people #WalkingAway or being Red Pilled. It takes away some revenue from their coffers. July 31, 2019   Here comes the dark grey clouds and the thunder. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 30, 2019: 10:00 a.m.   pelosickpig:   She and her cohorts in the dumboRAT party are so busy NOT doing the work for the American people that just about all they've done in two and-a-half years is hold hearings on the fake "Russian collusion" LIE, and of course, call Pres. Donald J. Trump a racist every hour of the day. They refuse to do any work for America, but they will go to Italy and Ghana, allegedly to "commemorate" the day when the first slaves stepped onto America's shores. They'll go commemorate slavery, with "The Odd" and elijah cummings (whose wife was using her charity to get rich) and sheila jackson lee (corrupt as all get out, as well) and others. pelosickpig (another corrupt politician) doesn't mind doing that whole trip on YOUR DIME. Isn't that sweet? Isn't that what you pay them for? I wonder who picked up the bill for their dining in a five star restaurant: them or US? I'm guessing US. BTW, considering who the "experienced" old hands were on the trip, were they there -- away from oversight and American's prying ears -- to teach the younger folks how to milk the American taxpayers for their own personal gain? Look at the list of corrupt people on this trip, then The Odd were there, too? Was this a "Stop making trouble and we'll teach you how to get rich" trip? Remember, they went there to commemorate the first slaves stepping foot onto our shores, so what are they going to do to help the 9.2 MILLION slaves currently being held and used in Africa today? Anything? Any of them? Sounds like a show trip only (if you don't count the WASTEFUL expense to the American taxpayers, that is), to me. July 30, 2019   I'm hoping that the judge in the Judicial Watch case will speed up release of the strzok/page documents. The more the public knows the more they'll be able to see the TRUTH: the dumboRATS were out to get both CANDIDATE and PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump. They pulled out all of the dirty tricks in their books and they did it with pure determination and hatred of Conservatives and our values. The plot may have started in themuslimvieone's Red House and he did everything he could to help hillosercrooktOOn avoid prosecution. But until the whole thing is actually released -- every piece of paper, every text message, every e-mail -- the whole truth will not be known by the public. It's time to unredact everything and let us all read the whole truth. It's time to be transparent in every part of this whole LIE that the dumboRATS put together from the Red House to the dnc's dws and her Pakistani IT guys who were the actual people who made it look like Russians did the hacking, but who were the ones who left false flags all over the place so that they could "prove" that it was Russian hackers who accessed the dnc's files. The problem is, dws didn't cooperate and give investigators her hard drives. She sourced that out to "Crowd Strike", whom we now know is a oft used by the dumboRATS and who does their bidding. Sounds to me like everyone should know by now that there is collusion at play: dumboRATS colluding with other dumboRATS to LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Isn't that what we've been paying them for for the last ten years: to LIE TO US with every breath? July 30, 2019   Racist:?   If you have to choose between Pres. Donald J. Trump and the "Crook" Al Sharpton as being more racist, whom would you choose? Me? I'd say Al Sharpton is a racist, and Pres. Donald J. Trump is NOT a racist. Look at the past to find the truth. A few years ago -- before Trump ran for public office -- you'll find loads of pics of Trump with black leaders, all of them praising Trump, giving him awards, wanting to be seen with him and saying marvelous things about him. Now? al sharpton says Trump is a racist because Pres. Trump told the truth about Baltimore being "rat infested". I think that the truth may come up and bite those saying Pres. Trump is racist for stating the TRUTH because one of those rats will sneak up and bite the ankles of those denying it has rats! Come on, people! Get real! Don't just fall for the LIES of the left! Open your eyes and jump over the rats (including those in the dumboRAT party)! July 30, 2019   Mass Shooting:   Yet another leftist who thinks that it's okay to hurt people -- indeed kill people -- just because he's angry. I don't know why leftists think that it's okay to harm others when they get upset or angry. That's not acceptable and it's not okay to harm others because of your twisted sense of right and wrong. The left hasn't learned that lesson yet. They want to be able to do harm to anyone for any reason (witness antifa) and that includes killing people at a garlic festival because the shooter wants. It's absurd. It's not controlled by laws, by rules and regulations, either. Those who are willing to shoot someone because that's what they feel like doing don't actually care about the rules, right and wrong, or anything else that would usually be a deterrant (what would Mom say?); they just want to vent their anger and who cares about right and wrong, or what Mom would say? Anger justifies; vengeance dictates; unfairness demands action and that means getting even! That's how leftists think and act. Ask antifa. July 30, 2019   dumboRAT "Debate":   Are you going to watch the next debate? Or should I more correctly call it the "Dumbest Show On Earth"? When you get so many people on the stage with so few grey cells between them, it's gotta be called something besides a "debate", does it not? Also, considering how much they love to try to "give" things away (that the people getting those things actually pay for in tax dollars, so they're LYING to the public by saying that they're "giving" away "free" stuff). So the next "debates" are going to take place in Detroit, MI and it's going to be a free-for-all in give-away claims: free college, free healthcare, free mani-pedis, free abortions, free cars, free houses, free food, free clothing... Nah. It's not going to be that many freebies: YET. July 30, 2019   Family Leave Plan?:   I don't know what to think about this idea, but from what I see so far, it's not so bad. But a dumboRAT -- and a crazy Code Pink one at that -- supports it, so is it a good thing? I don't know yet. We'll see. July 30, 2019   Deep State:   Tom Fitton, of Judicial Watch, "blasted" a departing Deep State operative who tried to help the left cover up their part in the LIE that is the "Russian collusion" story. Tom Fitton is someone I've been watching since he was on a now-defunct show with several young Republican leaders and it was so good. I always admired Fitton's intelligence and I admire his courage and his determination to get to the TRUTH and to apply the law equally to everyone: the "high and mighty" included. July 30, 2019   hollyweird:   An "Angel Mom" -- someone whose child was killed by an illegal immigrant (in this instance) -- asks an important question: when will they care about Americans killed by illegals and when will they care about the children that are trafficked across the border? Hollyweird uses sympathy -- and their ability to ACT like they actually give a darn -- to try to manipulate you into doing what they want and believing what they believe. That's how they try to influence you into voting how they want you to vote. It's all about CONTROLLING YOU and it's all about getting dumboRATS in power. The moronic alyssa milano can cry all the crocodile tears she wants, but it's not going to make me think, believe, or vote like her because she' a moron and I THINK (as opposed to feeling) when I vote. If you vote with your feelings, you vote for people who will manipulate you. If you vote with your head and brain, you vote for people who will work FOR you, not against you as will those who need you to vote with your feelings. THINK. July 30, 2019   rashida "The Mouth" tlaib:   From The Gateway Pundit's writing to reality, let us pray. Will she be re-elected to a second term? I pray not. I hope she gets trounced, absolutely and thoroughly. July 30, 2019   Tech:   While I like the idea that tech companies should be made to do what is right and allow FREE SPEECH FOR ALL, not just some, the chosen few, I don't like the idea of the government trying to regulate how long we can spend on "social media". That's the government getting too involved in our lives. The government would have to have a way to know and monitor how long we are on Fakebook, the Dead Blue Bird, etc., in order to limit our access time. They would have to have a way to cut our router off in order to prevent us from using the internet. They would have to have the kind of information the government doesn't need to have. That's not something we need in our lives. July 30, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Well, look at that. We have a U.S. Attorney General who has the courage to step on toes and not worry about it. William Barr has overturned a Board of Immigration Appeals decision and made it harder for illegal alien invaders to claim "asylum" needs because of being "family members of people being targeted by gangs is not enough to qualify them for asylum.That's good for America and it will help send a LOT of people back to their country of origin! I like that! How long will it take until the left sues to prevent that from being put into practice? Are they for America or against us? July 30, 2019   I have to get this funny link in. I think it's so good! Pres. Donald J. Trump is raking in the donations for his upcoming re-election bid via selling plastic straws with his name on them! I think that's so funny! It's smart and timely and it's a poke in the eye of those who believe the "study" the NINE-year-old kid did about straws in the ocean that has now been deemed as gospel straw truth. He didn't even DO a "study". He made one phone call and used that number and did some math. It wasn't a "study" it was a LIE that he used for his science project and it's now the left's "Straw Gospel". How ridiculous can they get? July 30, 2019   Well, there is the thunder and the dark grey clouds. I do want to say that we had a great time at our farm last weekend. We had a gloriously beautiful day on Saturday, with cooler temperatures and cloud cover but no rain during the heat of the day, and we got the whole yard mowed and it was wonderful. We started renovating the third bathroom -- we already replaced the vanity and put in a new sink -- and started the painting process for in there. We will be replacing the flooring in there, replacing the light fixture and the towel bars, etc., will be changed. It's going to look so different and I am looking forward to getting it all done. I love decorating! Anyways, I'll go for now and I'll try to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 26, 2019: 1:22 p.m.   I have a few minutes to do updates today. Missed yesterday because I had an appointment to keep and things to do before I left. Also had a bout of insomnia yesterday so I went to bed after 9 a.m., making getting up for my appointment difficult, but I did it. Today I have just a few minutes because we're going to our farm again this weekend because we can't go next weekend; hubby will be in Ohio visiting his Mom and I'll be here getting my office reorganized. So, today we go to Georgia and our son will be here to feed the cat and watch over the house, and we'll be back on Monday evening, meaning Tuesday is the first day I'll have to do more updates. So, let's get started today. July 26, 2019   The "Etc." Community:   When transgendered "male to female" athletes compete against females in sports the trans guys have an unfair advantage because their bodies still have the upper hand. Science proves this and there's a paper proving it, but the left is trying to say that the "male to female" advantage those men have is non-existent. The left is full of liars who will lie about anything and to deny the facts, to try to hide the common sense truth, is doing nothing to help the deluded (or determined to win at any cost) men who are willing to "become" female and compete in female sports as females, is doing only harm all the way around. When someone is a pyromaniac, you don't hand them a box of matches and say "It's who you are. Embrace your truth." You keep them away from matches and get them help. There are legal implications to this, too, as a funeral home has found out the hard way. They are facing a lawsuit by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and they may lose the family business after obeying the law as it stands, until it's reinterpreted by some liberal/leftist/progressive judges. They have fought this all the way to the Supreme Court and I hope that the Supreme Court's five allleged Conservatives (Kavanaugh and roberts are squishy; Kavanaugh having been traumatized by the confirmation hearings has been afraid to maintain his integrity and has gone left to appease those who accused him) stand firm and rule in favor of the funeral home owners. If not, there are massive implications to their business and to everyone in America if the judges' rulings stand and redefine words that used to mean something specific into what they want them to mean. Dictionaries are malleable, too, apparently. July 26, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar:   She hates America, her choice for where to live as she "fled" Somalia. She hates America with a purple passion because it is not a caliphate, although that's what she wants to turn it into. She hates America and she hates Israel and everyone in America who support Israel. Don't believe it? She bashed America again in a new NY Times op ed and she doesn't even notice her own hypocrisy in the ope ed she penned. Her first sentence is full of it! "Throughout history, demagogues have used state power to target minority communities and political enemies, often culminating in state violence."Um. How about the fact that her own family was a family of war criminals who are now illegally living in America! Her Daddy "is connected to the former dictator in Somalia, Said Barre" and the things the dictator and his followers did were sick! They used "detained, tortured, and murdered tens of thousands of his people." So she's saying that Pres. Trump is like the guy her family used to support in Somalia? The one her Daddy swore allegiance to, Barre? Is that what she's complaining about? Her hypocrisy is huge, gigantic, enormous as her op-ed states "I started attending political caucuses with my grandfather, who cherished democracy as only someone who has experienced its absence could. I soon recognized that the only way to ensure that everyone in my community had a voice was by participating in the democratic process."She's trying to create the impression that she's fighting for America in fighting the powerful, but in reality she's just trying to gain attention, get to power and overthrow our form of government to create a caliphate and put America under Islamic rule. That's her goal as a Muslim, because it's commanded in the Quran and the Hadith. If this is not so, why is she always attacking America? If she loves America as she lies that she does, then why is she always attacking her? If she is so in love with America, then why doesn't she study the U.S. Constitution and support it instead of doing everything she can to undermine it? I take my words back: she's not a hypocrite. She's just a flat out LIAR. July 26, 2019   I'm going to close with that. I have to go wrap some glasses in bubble wrap that I want to take to the farm and I have other things to do to get ready. Ya'll have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 24, 2019: 12:01 p.m.   robert mueller:   So he's "testifying" (read "lying") before Congress again today. They've already caught him "contradicting" his own words both in his own report and in what he just testified to! He is a liar, a stooge who did whatever the left -- themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn -- wanted him to do. He violated his department's own policy and Pres. Trump's right to be "presumed innocent until proven guilty" and the left still thinks that he's the one who is going to bring down Pres. Donald J. Trump? Really? He's dazed and confused and he's got people there even helping him figure out who is speaking to him! Serious question: Did mueller get the assignment because themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn knew that he has alzheimer's and that he was on medication for it and that he would be incapable of being a threat to themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn if they took his meds away from him? Is that what is happening here: themuslimvileone and hillsercrooktOOn and the rest of the DOJ/FBI are participating in elder abuse? He is obviously in a bad way, and james comey knew it, so that's why he was considered a useful tool and he was chosen to bear this load. How awful are the left to do this! July 24, 2019   mueller's testimony:   According to talking head, Chris Wallace, the testimony is "a disaster for [dumboRATS]" as well it should be. Lies find a way of being exposed and this circus has gone on long enough. When this day is over the left will rue it for a very long time. This isn't just a disaster for them, it's more evidence with which to #RedPill people and that will help people #WalkAway from the dumboRAT establishment and walk toward a better future for America and for themselves. This will lose votes for the dumboRATS and it is opening eyes all around. July 24, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He and hillsercrooktOOn have ties to an Islamic terrorist who lives in Pennsylvania and Gen. Michael Flynn and his business partner (who was just found guilty of illegally lobbying for Turkey: was the guilty verdict the result of a tainted investigation is now the question) were going to expose that FACT and suddenly, they're under investigation by the DOJ? How about investigating themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn?! How about finding the TRUTH about all of that? IF they're helping a TERRORIST what about prosecuting them, throwing them into solitary confinement in prison, bankrupting them? What about RIGHT AND WRONG? Oh. Sorry. That should be considered a rhetorical question because the left has no such knowledge NOR do they have any such thing applied to them when it comes to breaking the law! Don't take my word for it, read what the Former Assistant Director of the FBI said! Laws do not apply to the left! Ask antifa! Ask the crooktOOns. Ask themuslimvileone who broke every law he ever encountered while he was in the Red House! Laws? They're made to be broken for the left! Totally inapplicable! July 24, 2019   googley-woogley:   Yet another insider comes out and states the obvious: they are politically biased. Shock. Surprise! They are the ones who interfered in the election: slanting search results and making sure that good news about then-candidate Donald Trump was hidden from those looking for it. They are explicitly biased and they are a danger to America's future. I hope they go out of business and are replaced by a company that will be good for America and open and honest with people! That's what they deserve! July 24, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   I am glad they're trying to save some money, but why did it take so long to fix this loophole allowing 3.1 MILLION people to use the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (food stamps) when they weren't really qualified for it? "The USDA states that the proposal would save taxpayers $2.5 billion a year and would remove approximately 3.1 million people from food stamps."Did you read that correctly: $2.5 BILLION taxpayer dollars are being WASTED annually on this loophole. It's time that waste be stopped and that we find all such loopholes and close them down and save American taxpayers a whole lot of money and maybe then our taxes can go down in a very meaningful way. Oh, and to save even more money, let's get rid of the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Education Administration, and about a hundred other federal programs that the taxpayers pay for but that serve no federally needed purpose. Education should be as local as it can be; not national. The federal government is there to do the protaction of our nation, to do the infrastructure of our highway system, to play the roll of "oversight", not involvement in our daily dealings and not to mandate that we buy certain things (benefitting the buddies of those in power; a la themuslimvileone giving his buddies the "stimulus" money he said would help America. It's time to put America first, not the left's buddies. That's what is great about Pres. Donald J. Trump: he's doing what he promised. He's "Making America Great Again!" July 24, 2019   2016 Election:   The poor liberal/leftists/progressives. They can't get over it. They can't let it go. They can't figure out what went wrong (in their opinions) and how Pres. Donald J. Trump actually won. They still haven't a clue. So, when a Washington Post guy writes about it and rearranges America to make hillosercrooktOOn win, it's not surprising. It's sad and pathetic, but not surprising. July 24, 2019   "antifa" Violence:   The word "antifa" is in quotes because it should read "Fascist" because that's what they are. In this, I agree with Sen. Ted Cruz; they should be designated as a domestic terrorism ogranization. The FBI Director has a different take on it, but that's going to be part of his demise. When the Anti-Fascist-Fascists are hurting people for peaceably protesting for Free Speech, for the Second Amendment, in support of our president, they need to be brought down and full charges pressed. Any cop who sees them hurting people and breaking things and does nothing to stop them and protect innocent people should be charged with aiding and abetting because that's what they are doing. July 24, 2019   The Odd:   When Pres. Trump's AUDIENCE chanted "Send her back!" at one of his rallies, HE was said to be a racist and a xenophobe. He didn't start the chant. He didn't encourage the chant. He didn't keep it going. Yet, he's the one they are trying to blame for the chant. First, it's called "Free Speech", lefties. Ever heard of it? Second, his supporters were saying the same thing that a member of The Odd squad said about Pres. Trump back in 2015! AND ilhan oTALIBANar said about her political opponent in 2012 said that her opponent needed to be DEPORTED. So who is the bad person here: someone who NEVER said to "send her back", or the TWO ODD SQUAD MEMBERS who actually SAID IT? It's ridiculous and absurd that the liberals/progressives/leftists are blaming Pres. Trump for what others said. After all, he doesn't control the people who come to his rallies; if he did there would never have been any protestors at any of them, and we all know there were many protestors. So the left needs to stop their nonsense... oh. Sorry. They know how to do anything besides nonsense. July 24, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar:   That's a pretty sick chick. She refuses to condemn FGM. She apparently thinks it's okay to sexually mutilate female children so that they will never be able to enjoy sex. That's why Muslims do the FGM: because they don't want women to be able to enjoy sex because they assume that if a woman enjoys sex they will be sluts. Apparently in Islam, women have no self-control and no idea of right and wrong... Oh. Wait. That sounds a lot like the left here! That's why they support abortion, is it not? July 24, 2019   DO[IN]J Bribery?:   The organization, Americans for Limited Government, has requested documents from the DO[IN]J that cover the subject (get this) of DO[IN]J bribery under themuslimvileone's admin. Specifically, they're looking for whether eric holder's DOJ, themuslimvileone's first U.S. Attorney General, accepted bribes. "The Americans for Limited Government requested documents pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request relating to 'alleged public corruption, abuse of power, misuse of power or the otherwise compromised status' as well as 'alleged acceptance of bribes' by Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials."That's so sad that our own government is even considered to have the possibility of being that corrupt, but under themuslimvileone, it became so and it is being proven in the mueller report and his testimony. Everything that is coming out about themuslimvileone's administration is proving that it was as corrupt as the day is long and then some! July 24, 2019   Surprise Vote:   In a surprise move, the House has voted in large numbers against bringing a bill sponsored by TWO MEMBERS of The ODD SQUAD that supports the BDS movement (BDS: Boycott [Israel], Disinvest [in Israel] and Sanction [Israel]) and compares Israel to Nazi Germany (note that the language in the bill is wrapped in the American flag and favorable U.S. history, but -- read the last sentence) is trying to PREVENT anyone in the House or Senate from OPPOSING THE BDS MOVEMENT, which is their First Amendment RIGHT. They are trying to "protect" their own First Amendment, while totally DENYING the right of ANY MEMBER to stand against the BDS movement. Hypocrisy, anyone? The vote supporting the bill to NOT VOTE ON the BDS bill was 398 members voted to NOT vote on the BDS bill, with 34 members voting either "Present", "Not Voting" or "Yea" -- in favor of the bringing the BDS bill to a vote. Of the 34 votes that did NOT vote against the BDS -- ANTI-FREE SPEECH FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS -- bill to a vote, THREE MEMBERS OF THE ODD SQUAD voted FOR IT: The Idiot, The Mouth and oTALIBANar; and TWO SPONSORED the BDS ANTI-FREE SPEECH FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS bill. Just think what could have happened if they had left out this little sentence: "(3)urges Congress, States, and civil rights leaders from all communities to endeavor to preserve the freedom of advocacy for all by opposing antiboycott resolutions and legislation. [my bolding]"Smart group there, huh? I'm surprised the dumboRATS in the House actually caught the implications of that last sentence. Or maybe, it was the Republicans in the House who caught it and informed the idiots on the other side? I don't know. Whichever, it failed to even get voted on. BTW, the TDS-sufferer, justin amash, voted to bring the BDS Anti-Israel bill to a vote. Pathetic. July 24, 2019   Fakebook:   They violate your privacy in so many ways and so many times that I don't know why anyone is on them. I think it's a horrible thing that they, googley-woogley and The Dead Blue Bird are doing and have done that I think they deserve a real hit for it (legal, not physical). Too bad they usually get what Fakebook just got: a slap on the wrist. Your privacy apparently doesn't matter to the U.S. government since they have been spying on you through these companies, too. Who do you think buys the info for a bigger price: advertisers or the government? July 24, 2019   How the Worm Does Turn!:   The dumboRAT State Representative who accused a dumboRAT voter of telling her to "go back to where you came from" has a witness negating her claim and who said it was the State Rep. who said that to the Cuban-American dumboRAT voter! Oh, my! Yet another Hate Hoax brought to life. Yet another dumboRAT found to be a big liar. What they accuse others of, they actually do. Shock. Surprise. July 24, 2019   I'll close with that for today. My hubby and I have a date night tonight, so we'll go have some fun and I'll try to see you tomorrow for at least a little while. I have an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what I can get done. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 23, 2019: 2:40 p.m.   ilhan oTALIBANar:   FINALLY! Someone is going to start the process of holding her accountable for her LIES! Judicial Watch (of course!) has sent a letter to the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics, David Skaggs, asking that she be held accountable for "perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud." WooHoo! It's about time someone stand up to this LIAR and try to ensure she is not above the law, another hillosercrooktOOn, etc. I'm glad they are trying to get her held accountable to the law. It's about time! July 23, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   What on earth are we doing? Why are we spending $50 MILLION of OUR Taxpayer dollars to treat drug addiction in Afghanistan when we have an opioid addiction crisis here? Why are we doing anything there when we have a huge problem here? Oh. I see. If we can stop the addictions there, they won't be wanting to manufacture it and sell it here, is that it? Wrong! The fact that they are addicted to the drug itself does not negate the profit they can make off of it whether or not they are addicted! Money is an addiction, too (as the crooktOOns)! How can anyone believe that we need to handle their problem when all that happens when we try to help the Middle East countries (except Israel, which is in the area), is that it turns against us. I hate that we waste so much money on other countries' problems when we have the same thing here that we are basically ignoring! America first, foremost and always! July 23, 2019   crooked comey:   He lied to Congress while under oath (perjury), not just once, but as often as he could. He did so thinking he could get away with it, I'm sure, but at least one Congressman caught him. Too bad that same Congressman didn't refer him to anyone for prosecution or at least hold him in contempt of Congress! Now, we find out that he had a spy in the White House who was trying to help the dumboRATS frame Pres. Donald J. Trump for anything they can LIE about him doing. They hate him and hate that he won. They're still trying to undo the 2016 election because they don't want the TRUTH of all of the wrongs themuslimvileone's entire administration has been doing to be known. It's all about protecting themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn's criminal behavior and treason. July 23, 2019   Islamic Violence:   How awful is this? Gang raping a 60 year-old woman while yelling "Allahu Akbar!" and she was your teacher, your neighbor and your alleged friend!? She taught Arabic language in the neighborhood and some fo her former pupils were involved in raping her. She was a woman who never married and was a virgin and they gang raped and killed her. Bass turds. July 23, 2019   Ridiculousness:   A poor cow escaped from a halal butcher's place, ran across the street to Home Depot and the employees followed it and killed it in the parking lot. Say what? That's not the right place to kill an animal for eating. But, that's what they did. They slit its throat right there, in the parking lot. I don't know if they obeyed the laws of halal meat when they did so because they are supposed to say the name of Allah and face Mecca, so if they didn't do that, they killed the cow for no reason because it shouldn't be sold as true halal without having done that. July 23, 2019   pelosickpig:   She is pushing the "Russian collusion" thing in a memo that she sent to her colleagues before the mueller testimony. When will they give it up? Only after they are rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Until then, we have to put up with their idiocy, ORRR... we can vote THEM out of office in 2020 and we can be rid of their stupidity then. Sounds like a plan to me! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or commie pushing the Russian conspiracy!) July 23, 2019   England:   BoJo (Boris Johnson) is the next Prime Minister. Really. I don't think he's got the brains it takes to tie his shoes, but maybe I'm wrong about him. I don't know. I do know that it's possible that with him as PM England's part in the spying on Pres. Trump may be revealed and that would be good info to have. I think it's possible it will cause a rift for a little while, but I don't think it will do permanent damage. America and England have worked pretty well together since we kicked their butts in our Revolutionary War and sent them back to England! A problem will exist, though, in that he has a history of kissing Islam's backside. That's never good. BoJo, you're going to be a problem. July 23, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Guatemala has created a problem for their own people. They are not abiding by the agreement they signed with America regarding immigration. That's why Pres. Donald J. Trump is considering tariffs against them. I hope that he not only puts tariffs on them, but that he also sends EVERY Guatemalan who comes into America illegally immediately back to Guatemala and that he taxes Guatemala for the cost of sending their citizens back! July 23, 2019   rashida "The Mouth" tlaib:   She is now trying to outdo the dumboRAT preziduncial candidates for 2020. She is now pushing for a ridiculous $20 minimum hourly wage. Duh. I don't know why dumboRATS cannot learn from history (George Santayana quote goes here), but they don't. They apparently don't even try to learn. After all, the truth about the mandated minimum wage of $15 or more always -- ALWAYS -- lead to people being let go. Don't believe me? Even Congress members admit that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour will KILL 3.7 MILLION American jobs!So when the left says "Higher minimum wage!" they are actually saying "Let's kill more jobs!" July 23, 2019   Spartacus!:   I think he's such a fraud. I think he's a braggadocious, ludicrous, incompetent, lying, coward who, if given the opportunity to actually hit Pres. Trump as he says he wants to do, he'd instead shake his hand and try to kiss up to power and wealth. He's trying to get where Pres. Trump is, or he wouldn't be running for prezidunce, and when given the opportunity to meet the guy who has that spot currently, you don't punch him, you kiss up to him so that he may endorse you over your opponents. Given the opportunity, that's exactly what would happen: not because he believes in the rule of law -- he's a dumboRAT, they don't believe in that -- but because he's naturally inclined to do so. July 23, 2019   kamala "Sex my way to the Top" harris:   The dumboRATS are getting closer to being in an all out cat fight and the closer it gets to 2020's primaries, the dirtier it will be. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), is (correctly) saying that harris isn't qualified. Well, that's true. But what makes Gabbard think she herself is any more qualified than harris? She served in the military? Oh. If that's the qualifications necessary then any U.S. military service person will do, right? Even the guy sitting in the brigg right now would be more qualified under Gabbard's "standards", right? Oh. Gabbard is a sitting Representative for the State of Hawai'i. That means she's more qualified. If that be the case, then, The Idiot is just as qualified as she. So, what makes her more qualified than anyone else? The ONLY "qualifications" are those set forth in the U.S. Constitution: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."So, according to this, Pres. Donald J. Trump is well qualified to be President. According to the VOTERS, he was qualified enough to be president. That's why he's there. BTW, the "natural born citizen" thing? Natural born meant something different than what we've changed it to in order to get more dumboRAT voters. It's not just anyone born here. It has a totally different intent in the U.S. Constitution. Yet, the dumboRATS have twisted it to be friendly to immigrants and their children born here (anchor babies) so that they can get the parents' votes via bribing them with welfare programs paid for by YOUR money. Isn't that special?
July 22, 2019: 1:10 p.m.   Sorry I missed Friday. I hadn't been at my computer for long when my hubby called to say he'd be heading out at 2 p.m. to come home and go to Georgia. That news made me scramble a little because I had gotten a lot of stuff ready, but I "stage" things and prepare them to be loaded. So I had to get the cooler ready with the soft drinks and waters we drink on the way up and back, get our cameras gathered and staged, put our binoculars with them, make sure everything we needed with us (especially the keys to the farm's sheds and container), etc., etc., etc. I shut down my computer and went to get that stuff done and my hubby was home and we loaded things up and left. Traffic was horrible on the way up, though, so we didn't get to the area until eight-ish. Then we stopped at Wal-Mart to get stuff we needed to finish the bathroom. Yep, except for a few touch-ups we need to do on the crown moulding, we're done! The pics of the first view and of the second view are ready for you to see. What thinks you? July 22, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   So he is in a little "tiff" with The Odd, and some people don't like it. I love it. I think someone in power SHOULD be calling out the idiots and that they SHOULD be holding them accountable. Otherwise, they feel empowered and emboldened to do and say more stupid stuff. I think they have a problem coming at them fast, though. Like the loudmouthed snot-nosed kid, david piggybottom, their time in the sun will soon be over and America will move on from them and their idiocy and their stupidity-for-attention and they will fade into the background just as did he. Thank the Good Lord above! July 22, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Want a shock, surprise? There's a new report from a leftist think tank (how about that oxymoron?) that says that the left is LOSING the debate and that Americans want our borders to be secured and we want the people who come here to come here LEGALLY. So the left is trying to go against the American public's desires and they're going their own way, who cares what America wants and thinks? Politicians want what politicians want and the rest of us be darned! That's what "The Odd" and the rest of the left doesn't understand: you can't do that and stay in power for long; at least, not without cheating to stay there. July 22, 2019   Iran:   They're rattling their sabres and they're claiming that they have captured 17 American spies and have sentenced them to be executed. I seriously doubt the veracity of that statement, but I would not doubt that they may have found seventeen Americans, arrested them, charged them with being spies and are going to execute them all because they've charged them with spying. Would anyone be surprised with the idea that a charge is enough to for them to be considered guilty? The left is doing it here to Pres. Trump and all of his administration, so why would anyone be surprised that Iran would do it to Americans there? I hope they have not arrested or charged anyone because their lives are forfeit if they have, but whether CIA (or any other agency), or just a tourist (why would anyone go there nowadays?), I hope that it's all a big lie of someone trying to sound tough. July 22, 2019   Violent Islam:   Do you think that Islam is a "religion of peace"? Really? If you do, ask yourself this question: If Islam is a religion of peace then why do they recruit children to KILL in the name of Islam? Is that peace? Teaching children -- YOUNG CHILDREN -- to kill, to die, to commit suicide bombings in the name of Islam? Is that peace? Is that loving your child? Is that even close to being a good parent? If you believe that Islam is a religion of peace, you're delusional! July 22, 2019   crooktOOns:   Someone is bringing up the Mena, Arkansas drug and gun running? Judicial Watch is still trying to get to the TRUTH regarding what bullybob did and what he knew and what he HID from the public about his involvement and any profit he made from those things. He and his hilloser have always been about their wallets -- it's been their god since they met -- so what how did he profit from the drugs and guns that came through Arkansas' Mena airport while he was governor, Attorney General there, and afterward? Is he still getting paid off for his part in it? Has he found another way to make things work for his buddies? What did he to to accommodate them while he was prezidunce? Judicial Watch is a pit bull when it comes to getting to the TRUTH and they haven't let go of that investigation and I'm glad of it! July 22, 2019   Hong Kong:   The people there never wanted to be part of China again, but they didn't really have a say in it. It's led to some massive, but peaceful, protests. China, however, doesn't like protests. They want everyone to kowtow to their orders, bow and scrape, and obey without question. That's what dictatorial regimes do, what Communists do, what Socialist regimes do: demand unquestioning obedience and loyalty. So, the Chinese government did what Communist, totalitarian governments do: they sent their version of antifa to beat up the peaceful protestors. Note in the pictures that the government goon squad covered their faces just like antifa does here. When people are doing the WRONG thing, they cover their faces because they know it's wrong and they know that they could pay a price if identified. They get to beat people to a pulp (ask Andy Ngo) and not have to worry about being arrested. Of course, when in China or its territories if the government orders you to cover your face and go beat the crap out of your neighbors, you do it, or you pay the price, too. July 22, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He was involved in the spying on then-candidate, Donald J. Trump, and he used YOUR taxpayer dollars to pay stephan halper over $1.05 MILLION to do so! Your taxpayer dollars at work: spying on the next president of the United States of America. They were so CERTAIN that hillosercrooktOOn would LOSE that they took extraordinary measures to try to pre-emptively undo what the American people wanted: someone BESIDES hilloser! That's the way the left works: If they can't have it then neither can anyone else, no matter what it is, they don't want anyone to have it if they can't have it first and bigger, better and more: especially power! July 22, 2019   DumboRAT LIAR:   Again, another dumboRAT in power (State Representative) decides to try to play the race card and LIES about someone telling her to go back to where she came from. It was, of course a LIE, which she was forced to admit to, but she tried to play that card and she thought she would get away with it. Too bad the guy whom she accused of saying that was surprisingly there when the reporter did the story on it. DumboRATS LIE. They do so in order to get attention, to stay in power, to stir hatred and to make others feel sorry for them. Too bad they are such bad liars; most of them, at least. Some thought themuslimvileone was an "excellent" liar, but his lies were very obvious and they are getting more coverage now than they used to. July 22, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar: &nbap She is being looked into by "ordinary Americans" and they're finding the TRUTH about her and about ALL of her LIES. She is now being called a pathological liar and if you look at her background, she has lied about it so much that you can't catch her telling the same story twice. She talks about it a LOT, but she doesn't remember her "facts" the same way twice; changing, omitting, enlarging, or shrinking the events as it seems fit for that audience. In other words, she a female themuslimvileone. He did the same kind of thing. July 22, 2019   Deep State:   I hope that they are fired. I hope that they are fined and imprisoned. I hope that they are stripped of any and all security clearances they have. I hope that they are shown that when you sabotage America's foreign affairs, it's called treason and that means you go to prison for a very long time. What they did is WRONG and they need to be made to pay a price for it besides just being fired. They sabotaged America's foreign affairs. That's above their pay grade, unless they're being paid by someone else to do what that person wants them to do, in which case it's still treason. Prison time either way is what is called for. July 22, 2019   Here comes the storm! Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 18, 2019: 2:16 p.m.   I spent the first hour or more at my desk today doing a fun little thing that I thought of this morning. I really had fun with it and I hope you enjoy it. (I know some of you won't but I really don't care. First Amendment, so too bad.) Here it is: "The Idiot Reads a Book". I love it. I won't have much time here today, so I'll do just a few blurbs and then start getting things ready to go to our Georgia farm tomorrow. I don't know what time we'll be leaving, so I have to get things done today. July 18, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   For those of you who think that "sanctuary cities" are supposed to be a good thing, the truth is that released illegals commit more crimes after their release. Did you know that Pres. Trump: "[P]ublished weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Reports highlighting state and local governments that did not comply with ICE’s detainer program. The troublesome logs included details of illegal aliens who committed all sorts of atrocious crimes after local authorities let them go and identified the law enforcement agency that released them. Published on ICE’s website, the reports ignited outrage among open borders groups and their mainstream media allies, who complained that the information was controversial and discriminatory. One mainstream media outlet actually reported that 'immigration advocates also criticized the list for singling out the criminals among undocumented immigrants without acknowledging the contributions of the broader population to their communities.'"You know what happened? The lefties mobilized and pressured the DHS to remove those lists and to stop publicly acknowledging that this was a problem. You know what I think they should do? They should put that list back up AND publish the lists in the respective cities' newspapers that are uncooperative and make sure they are published near the front page. Call it "advertising" and make sure that locals can see it. Then there would be local pushback on the leadership of those cities where the illegals are being released. Of course, they'd have to go the "independent" paper route because the msm papers would not accept it. Do this in the small papers that are reaching fewer people, but that need the revenue. Maybe we'd see some real change when people know the TRUTH. July 18, 2019   I don't think that Pres. Donald J. Trump is thinking this way, but his "handlers" are worried so he had to do the "I didn't like it" thing. I think that he was okay with his followers chanting "Send her back!" at his NC rally, but some idiot advisor had him say "I tried to stop it quickly." That advisor needs to be FIRED, or FRIED in the pan of Trump followers' public opinions. I wish we knew who told him to do that. I wish that person would be fired. We'll likely never know, though. Although, thinking about it, having oTALIBANar here does help show the TRUTH about who the dumboRATS now are. July 18, 2019   Free Speech:   This guy has courage and creativity and I LOVE IT! He took a "jumbotron" to the dnc's headquarters in Washington D.C. and it was playing on a loop a clip of "the squad" refusing to condemn Antifa and terrorism. Of course, the dumboRATS were NOT happy about it and tried to kick him off of the sidewalk, but he stood his ground. So do you think that "the squad" should condemn the violence of antifa and Islamic terrorism, or should "the squad" be allowed to continue to defend the violence of the left? July 18, 2019   LOL! LOL! LOL!   Too funny! Life really does imitate art and some people will believe it as real. July 18, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar: &nbps When she gets locked up in prison for the rest of her life for committing so many acts of perjury, and fraud (I hope she gets "Life!" as her sentence), then she'll be where she belongs. I hope that she gets put into a cell with someone who is Jewish and has to live with them forever because she's such a heavyweight antisemite! When people complained about Pres. Trump's rally attendees chanting "Send her back!", why is it a problem when she, herself, says, "Our nation back home: "'Ilhan Omar addressing the Revolution Somali Youth League in 2015: ‘You guys have the ability to impact where our nation is headed,’ Rep. Steven Smith posted to Twitter, along with a video of Omar’s remarks during her short tenure as a state representative. ’Not only HERE-in the United States-but even in OUR NATION BACK HOME.'"See? She claims Somalia as her "nation back home" so what's the big dippy deal? The antisemite also needs to be taught that Israel has the right to exist and that her BDS House Bill is wrong. I hope she goes away soon. She's a pain in the sit-upon. July 18, 2019   Fake News:   How many ways can cnn PROVE it's a leftist organization? When they invited several female supporters of Pres. Dnald J. Trump to a focus group, the host couldn't believe it when the women wouldn't agree that he was racist. I am glad they stood their ground and that they had prepared for the TRUTH of who cnn is and expected to get that sort of nonsense from them. The Trump supporters stood firm and cnn couldn't believe that anyone would stand up to them and stand their ground! Good for the women and they deserve their own "Squad" t-shirt! That's a "Squad" I would be proud to belong to! July 18, 2019   crooktOOns:   So if they weren't worried about what could come out of the PEDOPHILE jeffrey epstein thing, why would hilloser be watching for mentions of bullybob with him? Why would it matter if they weren't worried about what might come out of it? Hmmmm? July 18, 2019   Election Meddling:   You want to talk about that? Want to find out the TRUTH about it? How about looking at how American BIG TECH like googley-woogley moved 2.6 MILLION votes to the hillosercrooktOOn column? That's what the TRUTH is. They prevented search engines from showing good things about then-candidate Trump, hid the TRUTH about the horrible things hillosercrooktOOn was doing and they did everything they could to influence the votes of those who are too lazy to do the research themselves and move beyond a googley-woogley search! That's election meddling and it should be stopped RIGHT NOW. If "Big Tech" wants to continue in America, they need to be mandated to tell the TRUTH and to not mess with "algorithms" to make the Conservative candidates lose. It's absurd and ridiculous that they can get away with this: 2.6 MILLION VOTES moved to her. That's election meddling and googley-woogley did it! July 18, 2019   I'm going to close with that so I can prep for leaving tomorrow. Our son, as usual, will be here to feed the cat and take care of the house. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 17, 2019: 12:41 p.m.   Deep State:   Of course they knew! The deep state knew that the "Russian dossier" was FAKE -- a LIE, a MISREPRESENTATION, a SCAM, a FARCE, a TOTAL FABRICATION -- but used it anyways. They knew because they are the ones who helped put it together. They knew but used it to spy on Pres. Donald J. Trump anyways. Is anyone surprised? The left has ABSOLUTELY NO MORAL VALUES. They know nothing of right and wrong. And they don't care if they do know, as long as doing the WRONG thing results in them staying IN POWER, then they'll do the wrong thing, believing that they will never be held accountable anyways, since the LAW does not apply to lefties. They are above the law. If you don't believe it, look at their actions while listening to their words. They want to hold Conservatives to the law, while they themselves BREAK as many laws as they want. Hypocrisy should be a political party and it would be the party of the left. July 17, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   His polling numbers are up as he gets more support for telling "the squad" to stop attacking America. They love to trash America while they are in Congress, and they love to play the victim while attacking her. It's good that Pres. Trump is not backing down and that he is speaking TRUTH to idiocy. It's good that it's making the left crazy. I LOVE IT! And, 9 out of 10 GOP voters APPROVE of his message to "the squad" members: America, love it or leave it! That's been said for years and has never before been considered "racist". But it is Pres. Donald J. Trump and the left tries everything they can to label him as a "racist" or any other negative they can throw at him. If they throw enough, the believe, then maybe someday, something will actually stick. Teflon Don, anyone? I love that it doesn't stick to him because we've seen the truth with our own eyes and we don't believe the lies. You can't convince people of a lie when they see the truth with their own two eyes. It's like telling someone that their house is pink when they are standing there looking at their brown house. They won't believe your "pink-o" lie. Agree? Even better? Pres. Donald J. Trump did a typical Trumpian move and tweeted his "Thanks" for the poll number increase! Bwahahahahaha! That's perfect! LOVE IT! July 17, 2019   bernie "Sinking" sanders:   He admits that his "Medicare for all" is going to cost the U.S. Taxpayers a measly $4 TRILLION ANNUALLY. That's all. A mear drop in the bucket. A tiny, miniscule thing that means nothing to anyone. Right? $4 TRILLION? Can you comprehend that number? Amazing. July 17, 2019   LOL! LOL! LOL!   The ABSOLUTE BEST slam I've heard in a very, very long time! Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) blasted "the squad" as "the reason there are instructions on shampoo bottles"!Is that not the best thing you've heard recently? I LOVE IT! That's so good! I laughed out loud and added, "And 'Warning, do not use iron on clothes while you are wearing them.' stickers, too." It's the four in "the squad" and people like them (who probably respect those four nincompoops) who need those instructions. Sad, but true. We have people in Congress who need instructions on shampoo bottles. SMH. IF this is an example of "peak intelligence" of the dumboRATS, I almost feel sorry for them. Almost. July 17, 2019   pelosickpig:   She should have been banned from the House floor, but dumboRATS prevented that. She was calling the President a "racist", which breaks the rules and sets up a specific path of action after someone does that. She was supposed to have been punished, but the House is ruled by dumboRATS now and they don't care about the rules. They break them, are protected by their cohorts, and get away with their lawlessness again. Another day, another rule broken. Ho hum. July 17, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar:   She doesn't regret her anitsemitic remarks and she admits it. She does, however, say she has "learned" how it is perceived although she "is not anti-semitic". Yeah. She's not antisemitic like I'm not Conservative. We don't believe her lies. She needs to be investigated fully and completely and when they do they'll find she committed FRAUD and LIED on official papwerwork all throughout her entire adult life here and she needs to be in prison or sent back to Somalia to help fix things there. After all, she's now fully qualified to run the country since she's had six full months in the House, right? That's the way themuslimvileone becamse "qualified" to be prezidunce, so why doesn't she take the opportunity to go back and become queen there? She can take her war criminal illegal alien invader back with her. And she can take the opportunity to tell the truth about her gay brother. That would be a bad thing in a Muslim country. Maybe that's why she married him? Even at that, it's still extremely icky. July 17, 2019   MAGA!:   Wow! New jobless claims in America are at a new low at 209,000! That means that more Americans are staying employed and that is good for them, their families, their communities and the American economy as a whole. That's what Pres. Donald J. Trump has done for America. He has done great things for families and for that, and so much more, I'm voting for Pres. Donald J. Trump in 2020! I think you should, too. (Paid political ad. Paid for and approved by no one else but Moi, Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of anyone or anything else including campaigns, committees, or candidates of any stripe or ilk. It's moi. And that's enough.) July 17, 2019   themuslimvileone:   As people like those in "the squad" are screaming about Pres. Donald J. Trump's immigration policies, they completely ignore the fact that themuslimvileone said similar things as Pres. Trump when themuslimvileone was prezidunce. Why have the dumboRATS so changed their alleged stance on the border, when 2.5 years ago their own guy, themuslimvileone, was saying similar things in public, on record, on television, etc.? Why is "the squad" so angry at Pres. Trump when the same policies he is enforcing were MOUTHED by themuslimvileone before him? Why are "the squad" members NOT BASHING themuslimvileone as well? Hmmm? July 17, 2019   Stupid Brits:   They have sentenced the ONLY guy in England brave enough to speak the truth years ago about the "No Go Zones" in London where Muslims have taken control so completely of a neighborhood that if you're not "one of them", you are not welcome and you face a beating if you're male and enter the area, and rape if you're a female and enter the area. The police in London won't even go there because they face the same things. Tommy Robinson reported on that on YouTube, and got sentenced for "Hate Speech" and went to prison. He was freed by a judge after several appeals, but now has been re-sentenced to NINE MONTHS for again telling the truth! It's ridiculous and it's disgusting. England has gone crazy and they have very few people who have a spine. Tommy Robinson is one of those few and they punish him for having a spine! Insanity! July 17, 2019   In New Jersey, they're facing a dumboRAT governor's anti-gun stupidity, as he rolls out new regulations saying that all gun retailers have to have available for purchase at least one "smart gun"; a weapon which is totally unsuitable for self-defense and that is very, very expensive. Some say it's also a first step toward making it impossible to buy guns for the average resident. If "smart guns" are going to be pushed, then those who want to buy a gun may not be able to afford it. Those who already have guns, what will become of those guns: will they have to be "retrofit" or confiscated? Will the smart gun's inneffectiveness be a deterrent to those who wanted a gun for self-defense and home defense? Those, and many other, questions are just the tip of the New Jersey anti-gun direction. When will the anti-gun folks wake up and smell the coffee? When will they realize that the SCOTUS has already ruled that Americans have the RIGHT to "keep and bear arms" and that it's NOT just the military, police, National Guard, etc., who have that right? It's you, your brother, your neighbor, your mother-in-law (hopefully she lives far away from you), etc., and it's ME. I have that right and if I don't use it, I lose it. Stay diligent! Pay attention! Don't take your eye off the prize of your RIGHTS. If you snooze, you lose them! July 17, 2019   Space:   China has a space lab that they are "ready to deorbit", the Tiangong space lab, but the article doesn't tell us where it is supposed to come down. They usually publish a path, who will be able to see it when, where it will probably make landfall, etc. This article doesn't do that. We'll apparently have more info after this Friday's reentry. I would like to have info earlier, but I guess we don't get that. July 17, 2019   Illegal Alien Invaders:   I think Australia is doing it right. They're NOT allowing illegal alien invaders into their country and despite pleadings from the left, they refuse to "soften" their stand and are NOT allowing illegals into their country. I like that! I think that they should do exactly that! The world -- nations -- have a right to say "NO!" to whomever they want! They don't have to allow anyone into their countries if they don't want them there! Even in Mexico it is unpopular! Look at how England is kicking out Conservative Americans because of their Conservatism; England has that right. It's stupid but they have the right! Will the left condemn them for doing so? NO! Absolutely not! But let a nation stand up for the people who have lived there for years so that they don't have to foot the bill that all of these illegal alien invaders will bring about, and they're "racists", xenophobic, haters. Bull! They're protecting their nation from being used, invaded and abused and they're protecting their people and doing what's best for their nation! Instead of fleeing a bad situation, those illegal alien invaders should STAY in their country and make things right there! It's time that the world realizes that those illegal alien invaders have NO RIGHT to DEMAND ENTRY. They have the right to turn around and go home and make their own country "Great Again!" It's their DUTY to do so. But they're cowards and they refuse to do what is right and best for them. Instead they put their own lives and the lives of their children sometimes at risk so that they can go make demands on countries that have no duty to provide for them at the cost of the taxpayers of that nation. This is true of Europeans who are paying for the invasion of their nations, of "Great" Brittain and its underlings, of every nation on earth! Stand up and JUST SAY NO! July 17, 2019   Planned ABORTIONhood:   Surprise! They have "aborted" the president of their organization in secret Board meeting after only eight months. Is that a "Late Term" abortion? I wonder how she feels about abortion now? July 17, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 16, 2019: 11:39 a.m.   Thanks to Judicial Watch Kentucky has to remove about 250,000 inactive names on its voter registration rolls. Kentucky was one of three states that had more voters registered than actual people over 18 in the state! Can you imagine? That's ridiculous! And they FOUGHT to keep it that way! Is it any wonder that there has been cheating in voting all these years? It's time that America cleans its voting processes up and that we have election results we can completely and totally TRUST. It's time to ensure that we have voter ID, we have uniform processes, and HONEST poll watchers and electoral officials throughout our nation, in every county, city, township, etc. We cannot allow the bastardization of our elections to continue and we cannot allow Mickey Mouse and his cohorts, dead people, illegals, and multiple votes from one person to continue! It's time to demand that our elections be honest, completely and absolutely! July 16, 2019   mitt ROTney:   I'm so glad he didn't win. I'm soooo glad he didn't win. He is such a namby-pamby, mealy-mouthed clown. I think he's jealous that Pres. Trump won and that jealousy is making him act out against Pres. Trump and against the best interests of America. Do you think it's good to let the "squad" attack America and Americans? Do you think it's right for the CFCs (Congressional Female Clowns) to be allowed to attack our president but not be called on the carpet for it? They are part of our government and they are saying outlandish things and it's ridiculous to think that he can't call them out on it! But, ROTney, he gets on his high horse and denounces Pres. Trump for Pres. Trump's standing up for himself and for America. ROTney, IMHO, you can take a long walk on a short pier. Mars for ROTney. July 16, 2019   If you love America and love our First Amendment, you need to read the article by one of my favorite authors, Dr. Walter E. Williams. We need to protect GOD given rights and we need to stand up for them every time the left attacks them. It's time for America to be America again! July 16, 2019   DumboRAT Corruption:   A non-profit organization, The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, has asked the Maryland Attorney General to look into the financial dealings of dumboRAT elijah cummings and his wife because an audit that someone got ahold of shows that his wife was "paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to her for-profit LLC" by her non-profit who received the money from donors who had business before her hubby's congressional committees. Isn't that special? Corruption rears its ugly head within yet another dumboRAT's dealings. Shock. Surprise.
July 16, 2019   Deep State:   They're doing everything they can to stay in power and they're trying to prevent Pres. Donald J. Trump from getting rid of the deep state. They love -- LOVE -- power and they cannot give it up because it allows them to cheat at everything with impunity. They don't face the possibility of being caught and punished for their cheating if they stay in power, so they fight to keep it as long and as much as they can. They're despicable worms, but they fight hard to be the head worm. As Pres. Trump and his people are trying to dismantle the deep state and find out who started the "Russian Collusion" LIE, they fight him tooth and nail. The problem is, that under themuslimvileone every government agency was used as a corruptedpower base, as something to get info on people and use it to control them. "The Deep State within the government is corrupt, criminal and cowardly. The DOJ and FBI have obviously been run by [themuslimvileone’s] criminal Deep State. The State Department as well. Nearly every agency in [themuslimvileone’s] government was corrupted during the Obama years. The CIA is no exception and may even be the worse."It's time to dethrone everyone in the deep state who has been a kiss-butt sycophant of themuslimvileone and it's time that they serve time in jail if they don't cooperate with getting the deep state dethroned. It's time to undo the corruption of themuslimvileone's administration and never allow that kind of corruption again! This is his legacy! July 16, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   He's trying to run on themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX LIES? Really? That's been so debunked that everyone in the whole world, not just in America, knows it was and IS a LIE! But, bumblefingers is trotting the LIE back out and using it as a reason to vote FOR him! Lie to the people and say vote for me? I know dumboRATS lie, that's a given. But to LIE a LIE that has been so blatantly and absolutely refuted is just stupid. Oh. But that's a dumboRAT. July 16, 2019   dumboRATS and Religion:   Have you ever noticed that they like to USE the Lord as a campaign tool, but leave Him on the wayside after they are elected? Have you ever noticed how they go to CHURCHES (separation of church and state, anyone) to campaign, but then leave anything from the church except the votes they garnered there? Have you ever noticed how the left likes to get "pastors" -- at least those who claim to be, although their actions prove otherwise -- as useful tools as well? They're doing the same thing this election cycle and they're getting anti-Trump "pastors" to try to get "evangelicals" to NOT vote for Pres. Trump. If you're an evangelical and you vote for anyone in the dumboRAT party, you're voting for abortion which results from sexual sin (fornication in the Bible) most often, for those who hate America, for those who want to destroy our land, which GOD blesses because we are a Christian nation, founded upon Christian principles by Christian people. If you're an "evangelical" and you vote for any of the dumboRATS, you're deluding yourself about your relationship with GOD. You're a church-goer and nothing more. As GOD says, He "will spew you out" of His mouth. Don't claim Christianity, or "evangelical" if you don't even know how to spell GOD, much less know Him. July 16, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar:   She is a congresswoman, somehow, but she has hated America her whole life, even though she came here as a "refugee" (has anyone investigated her claims that she put on her "refugee" application to see if she really had reason to fear returning to her country, Somailia?). If she really was a "refugee", why is her war criminal father here ILLLEGALLY and why are his war criminal buddies here, and DID SHE HELP THEM GET HERE and STAY HERE ILLEGALLY? That needs to be investigated. It needs to be investigated because we know she has already married her brother, which is illegal in America, and we know that she is a liar on other paperwork. Let's see if the LIAR ilhan oTALIBANar has done enough LYING to get her butt put into prison, or maybe even she and her whole LYING family sent back to Somalia now that themuslimvileone is no longer in power. INVESTIGATE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER! July 16, 2019   Pedophile epstein:   They've found a fake passport (Saudi Arabia, really? I guess it fits considering that child brides are a thing in Islam.), a stash of cash and diamonds in the residence they raided. The passport had his pic, but a fake name on it. I think that speaks volumes. His attorney is trying to get him bail, offering $100 MILLION as bail money but the judge is delaying it because -- given the evidence (fake passport, anyone?) -- he's definitely a flight risk. He'd disappear into the sunset, but he'd let his buddies know where he is so that they can come visit and get their fix of young things. All they'd have to do to find him is follow bullybobcrooktOOn and there he'd be! July 16, 2019   I've got to go early today. Hubby called and asked me to do a flyer for him, so I'll shut this down. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 15, 2019: 11:01 a.m.   Have a good weekend? I did. It was relaxing but I got some stuff done and that's always a good thing. I watched my hubby work hard outside, too, and that was difficult to watch because it was so hot outside. He got everything accomplished on his list, though, and that's always good. I'm proud of him. Now, let's get started with today's blurbs. July 15, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump is being "controversial" again. He said that the "Congresspeople" who are from foreign countries should be willing to go back to the countries they came from and fix those countries if America is so bad AFTER they came here and they CHOSE to come here because they didn't like their country anymore. Now people are upset and he doesn't like to back down. I'm glad. It's good to have a strong President Donald J. Trump when idiots like cnn's dummies want him to stop. I love it! July 15, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Even themuslimvileone's people admit HE separated families when they crossed the border illegally. If the left wants to smear Pres. Trump for doing so temporarilly then why didn't they raise all this same ruckous when themuslimvileone did the same thing? Hypocrisy, thy name is dumboRATS! The left has gotten so far out of "norm" that they have forgotten what the hurt actually feels like to have the Holocaust as part of your family's history, as part of your religion's history, as part of your race's history. They have chosen to negate the Holocaust, and co-opt "Never Again!" If they're trying to illustrate how heartless they've become, that's a good place to start. When they try to defend these border crossers they forget that it wasn't for "freedom" or any other esoteric ideal that they came here. Most of those coming now are coming because thevilegeorgesoros is funding their journey and PAYING them to come to America and invade our nation! He's trying to destroy America and he's got help from the dnc and dumboRATS all over our country. It's disgusting. July 15, 2019   Leftist Violence:   The leftie who tried to firebomb an ICE detention facility for illegal alien invaders left his leftie manifesto proving he was proud of his violence. He tried to firebomb the facility and he was shot dead for doing so, as law enforcement tried to protect the employees and people who were being kept there. When the left gets violent, they defend their own violence. When the right says something -- just WORDS -- the left freaks out. Hypocrisy, pure, plain and hateful. July 15, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump has done so much good for America, individually as well as corporately, and there are several stories that show how much he helped people. He helped this CIA agent who was facing a long prison sentence in Italy after themuslimvileone's administration abandoned her and was going to let her rot there, even though she had nothing to do with what she was charged with. Why didn't themuslimvileone help her, a CIA agent in a foreign country? "De Sousa believes that one of the reasons [themuslimvileone’s] CIA didn’t intervene in her case was due to self preservation. They must have thought that 'sacrificing the rank and file would divert attention from the leadership.'"That's the way themuslimvileone operated: protect himself, to hades with everyone else. July 15, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   Israel is a very good country to support: both strategically (they're very good with whatever military ops they attempt and usually succeed; plus they're very inventive and have a lot of really cool things like the things on this 2011 list) and spiritually: ""And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."For bumblefingers to diss Israel is a danger to himself and everything else he wants. He really should rethink the whole anti-Semitic route. July 15, 2019   bullybobcrooktOOn:   When the connection between the pedophile, jeffrey epstein, and bullybob was exposed the wagons were (of course) circled and the left decided to do its utmost to protect bullybob, including going so far as to delete crooktOOn from the epstein Wiki page! That's ridiculous! That's why I love this American Thinker article about the "elephant named Bill"! It's excellent! July 15, 2019   Violent Islam:   There is a history that a lot of people don't know about when it comes to Islam. They have a whole history of violence, beginning to whatever end they have, and Vienna 1683 is part of that knowledge that you need to learn. Get truth and learn history and be prepared because -- to quote George Santayana again -- "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." How much have you learned? July 15, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   If she's traumatized still by her LOSS, how "traumatized" will she be when she has to face what the epstein case will uncover about her and her "hard dog to keep on the porch"? Or will she make that problem go away? As in, is epstein being kept in solitary confinement for his own safety, or is he being kept in the general prison population? If he's in the general population, how long will he be alive? If he gets shanked in prison and dies, the whole thing goes away, does it not? Do you think they'll pursue the epstein black book list folks after he's dead? I don't. What will happen to the case if epstein is "taken care of" before his case even gets truly started? That's something for America to think about: what happened to epstein in prison, if he does die (no matter the reported cause of death)? Who will walk free and clear: pedophiles and perverts. Is that what America wants? July 15, 2019   Saving Babies Born Alive:   Pres. Trump has directed his HHS (Health and Human Services) department -- and they've put together a new regulation to support his mandate -- to tell hospitals that they MUST treat babies born alive after abortion and try to save their lives, just as they do with premature births. I LOVE THAT! I am so thankful that the Lord GOD Almighty made Pres. Donald J. Trump win so that he can save babies and "Make America Great Again!" I am so grateful that it wasn't a hillosercrooktOOn win! She would have supported the whole "kill the baby who survives abortion" murder plan. She would have been all about that. I'm so glad we have Pres. Donald J. Trump! He saves lives! It's a great thing because a new study has said that 95% of biologists say LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION! Considering that the "consensus" of "scientists" say that manmade "global warming" is real, then the consensus of biologists (who are also scientists) say that LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION, doesn't that mean that the left should get behind that consensus/majority and start being PRO-LIFE? Hypocrisy is the left. July 15, 2019   Public School has brought this about:   When you send your children to public schools, they indoctrinate your children into LOVING socialism. The things on that link are what we, as Americans and the world, face in the upcoming near future. After they are "Red Pilled" or #WalkAway, then it's going to be different, but while the people are still STUPID enough to not learn from history, as long as they are ignorant enough to think that "because it hasn't been done correctly" it hasn't worked elsewhere, and as long as there are people pushing sheople into conforming to fit in with their desired "cool and trendy" group, then we will have to fight this hatred of America and we will have to defend our way of life until they grow up or attrition creates the cure. There are old Marxists/commies/socialists pushing the younger generations into this LIE of theirs and when they grow up and drop out, it will (hopefully) die off as a threat to America. By then the left will have come up with another way to destroy America. When we send our children to public schools and traditional colleges (which does not include Hillsdale, Liberty University, those kinds of colleges), then we are sending them into indoctrination camps. They want to teach your children how to think, believe and act like them. Is that what parents want? July 15, 2019   MAGA!:   The June 2019 U3 and U6 unemployment numbers have been released and it's still good news for America. In June 3.7% and 7.2% respectively of the people were unemployed. That's the best numbers we've seen since before the year 2000! That's AMAZING! Thank the Good Lord Above that Pres. Trump won! It's a very good thing! July 15, 2019   Spooks and Kooks:   Do you know what "Area 51" is? Did you know that there are 500,000 people signed up to "storm" Area 51: I believe it's supposed to happen this Friday? Did you know about that? Do you believe there are aliens in Area 51? Do you believe the U.S. government is conducting secret tests with captured (after crashing, presumably) alien aircrafts/spaceships? Do you want to join them? If so, remember: you'll be entering a U.S. military base without permission and that subjects you to legal ramifications. You may also face other things: What happens if you do storm the base and there are unknown technologies to face there? Will you run, face to face, into an alien who is working with our government, cooperating to teach us their technology, or the technologies of their competitors? Will you be able to handle that? What if there is radiation there that, unprotected, you will be exposed to and it won't be the government's fault because you stormed the base and trespassed and exposed yourself to that radiation? What then? Is this a smart thing to do based upon speculation, fear and suspicion? If so, have at it and enjoy your consequences. I'm sure prison is fun while you have radiation sickness and your skin is sloughing off. JK... Or am I? July 15, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Do you know what the Access Board is? It's a board that was put in place in 1973, by a dumboRAT controlled Congress, they are supposed to ensure access for handicapped people, but they're using YOUR MONEY to support LEFTIST policies and people. Isn't that what their mandate was supposed to allow: political astroturfing for leftists? Yeah. You want your money spent that way, right? July 15, 2019   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 12, 2019: 2:19 p.m.   There was no need for him to do so, but Alexander Acosta has resigned. I think that I understand why he did so, but it is a shame that the msm and the left is so focused on keeping people from serving Pres. Trump and allowing this administration to be stable with set officers and Cabinet members. I think it's not just wrong that the left is hounding this president and his people so despicably, it's is a disgrace. The left never did this to themuslimvileone and his administration. They let themuslimvileone's people serve even after their connection to leftist organizations and terrorists or bombers was revealed. It's ridiculous that the left gets to hound people out of office but still get to keep their own jobs when it's revealed that part of that hounding was a lie. Can I send them to Mars, please? July 12, 2019   Coast Guard, WOW!:   That's pretty intense! Our Coast Guard has been intercepting drug runners for years, but this video is just amazing! Talk about courage and daring! Jumping onto a submarine while it's running from them in order to apprehend $232 MILLION worth of cocaine they wanted to bring into America! First, how do drug smugglers get a submarine?! Second, hurray for America that the U.S. Coast Guard is made of heroes who do things like this! U.S. Coast Guard: Kicking butt and saving lives! July 12, 2019   Deep State:   Yet another person who is for the Deep State is an official in the Trump administration and is covering for them and trying to prevent declassification of papers proving they spied on Trump! The papers were ordered declassified two months ago, but this clown, dan coats, is trying to prevent it, giving all kinds of "national security" excuses to stop it. Problem is, the president has already said to do this, but they don't want the truth known because it will PROVE that themuslimvileone had everything to do with it. They don't want that known. Nor do they want it proven that hillosercrooktOOn had the audacity to basically say, "Bleep the law. I'm going to do what I want to get into power!" and themuslimvileone agreed to it because he didn't want the truth of his involvement or his wrongdoings while prezidunce coming out and he knew she would continue to cover up his wrongdoings and continue doing the same wrongs herself. July 12, 2019   Sneaky dumboRATS:   Breaking the law? Who cares! That's how the dumboRATS think when it comes to laws. They find ways around them, unless they come in handy against an enemy; then it's all out "Law! Law! Law!" It's ridiculous to even think of dumboRATS in power abiding by the law anymore. Laws don't apply to those dumboRATS in power. All they mean is a challenge to find a way around. Like one of their latest tricks to get around the law, they put up a website with a complicated, unrelated name and then they post opposition research there and get around the "In Kind Donation" laws and don't have to declare their connections and donors. Isn't that special? They are sneaky and underhanded and ignore the law. They need to be stopped. July 12, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   So now he's trying to be aoc? He is now claiming that he "respects no borders"? Well, I think he does respect some borders. How about the borders around his mansion? Does he respect those and does he respect others to respect them? If he "respects no borders" does he go mow the neighbors' yards for them because his yard is not enough? Just asking. He's not just losing there, but now he's got a pelosickpig problem because this is at least the second time he's been seen slurring his words and otherwise showing signs of health problems. Sounds like he's not going to make it. July 12, 2019   Fauxcahontus:   She promises that, if elected, she will be flooding America with illegals. Isn't that what you and the rest of America wants: more illegals? That's what she's promising. Isn't that sweet? Americans must pay for the illegals until they take a job from an American and then it's just a matter of one or two elections before the dumboRATS will be totally entrenched in power because they think that the illegals they flooded into America will all vote for dumboRATS. Stereotype much? July 12, 2019   bernie:   Why does every dumboRAT candidate think that America is broken? Why do they think that they have to change everything about America in order to make her different than she was founded, and than what she currently is? Why is that? Are they all insane, stupid, or just power-hungry, greedy idiots who love socialism/communism/marxism and want to be the power people who are in charge a AmeriKa? I think it's all of the above, but I'm slightly (read "VERY") prejudiced when it comes to dumboRATS. Take socialist sanders, who wants to do away with the Electoral College, as do so many dumboRATS who hate America. Sigh. Will they never learn from other countries? Are they so conceited as to believe that when they are in power, being a socialist country will work this time because of them, they're that special? Conceited much? July 12, 2019   MAGA!:   The DOW has made another record under Pres. Donald J. Trump! It hit 27,000 for the first time ever yesterday, and as of 3:20 p.m. it was at 27,281.72, that's up 193.64! That's amazing! No one ever thought that would happen, but under Pres. Trump, miracles seem to fly! July 12, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Is she not running/running? In the article at American Thinker, there's a line that goes like this: Hillary is dropping more than hints that she has little regard for the Democrats' large field and that she would be the natural candidate to turn to in the event that none of them gets a majority on the first vote, which then triggers the use of "superdelegates" — party pros and officeholders as convention voters. That's where Hillary's support base would come from."So is she running/not running; is she planning on sneaking in through the back door because no one currently running is going to be able to get enough votes? Is that what she's hoping for and then the Electoral College being given up by so many states and their votes going to the candidate who wins the "popular vote" instead of things working like the Founding Fathers intended to protect the smaller states? Is she trying to become prezidunce by going around the people? If so, is that what America wants? Lawless much? I'm sure she doesn't care about that, but she DOES care about getting BOOED in NYC Billy Joel concert! I'm sure that STUNG, or at the very least shocked. See me smile? July 12, 2019   Citizens and non-citizens: that's what the president is looking for from all government agencies and that's his plan to go around the census. Since the SCOTUS did America dirty and wouldn't allow the question back on the census (which themuslimvileone removed and was usually ON the census), getting the info had to come from somewhere/someone else. It's a solution; not the best, but it's as good as he's going to get until the SCOTUS gets its act together or more TRUE Conservatives are appointed. MOST Americans WANT the citizenship question on the census. So why does the left not? Votes. It's all about getting illegal aliens to vote. Read about True The Vote saw how it happened -- in person, with their own eyes. July 12, 2019   kamala harris:   The woman who used her body to get to the top (read it for yourself), says that Russia is already "interfering" in our 2020 election. Sigh. Give it a rest. We all know that it's a non-starter and that even though they say it, that doesn't make it so! The left: If their lips are moving they're LYING! July 12, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 11, 2019: 3:44 p.m.   Got a late start because I got distracted today. Sorry. I have a new planner I'm doing and I love it and it's very distracting putting it all together. I didn't realize that using a planner could be so enjoyable because I've used them previously but without the decorative aspect. I just used them to write things down, not design. Now I'm spending a lot of time designing and that's a problem, but a fun problem to have! I'll do just a few blurbs because of that, so let's get started. July 11, 2019   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   Yet another person who made an accusation against Pres. Trump is PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be lying through her teeth. This woman is a former dumboRAT who voted TWICE for themuslimvileone, so I think she was a plant and the left was using her to get inside info and the LIE she told to file the lawsuit against Pres. Trump should be considered harrassment, and she should be FINED for wasting the court's time because she knew it was a false testimony in her sworn affidavit to instigate the lawsuit. That's called PERJURY and she should be thrown in jail for a year for that! This is beyond ridiculous! Can you imagine if Republicans were doing this to a dumboRAT prezidunce? It would be howled about! July 11, 2019   Do you fly a lot for business or personal reasons? Do you feel safe? Read what Judicial Watch found out and you may decide to slow down that travel schedule. The Dept. of Homeland INSecurity has been "rushing" airplanes through things in order to keep traffic flowing, but that means that sometimes security is more lax, too. Do you know that "A high-level CPB port inspector with nearly 15 years of experience said Middle Eastern airlines get the 'red carpet.'"Feel safe?
July 11, 2019   Really, dumboRATS, really?:   If they want to be considered being serious about their "investigation" into Pres. Trump, then why on earth are they actually going to interview stormy daniel's previous attorney? Why? Because they're just that salacious? July 11, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Her e-mail server was understood to be a problem a long time before it was publicly known. The State Dept. was even warned about that server but, as usual with the crooktOOns, her lawlessness was ignored. But what do you expect when your boss -- themuslimvileone -- hates America and always has, the fact that she is committing TREASON doesn't matter to him or anyone in the administration who matters. Anyone trying to stop the wrong was probably punished and sent off to the dungeons so why would anyone bother making a fuss about TREASON? July 11, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn 2:   As I said above, she hates America and she hates the whole idea of doing anything that is good for America or Americans (besides her rich buddies and those she can manipulate with the info she has on them) so is anyone surprised that she has been posting instructions in Spanish that helps illegal alien invaders EVADE law enforcement? When you hate America as much as she, there is no limit to what you will do to harm her. Typical dumboRAT, apparently, because pelosickpig is doing it, too. July 11, 2019   Spineless republiRATS:   I don't know who is "leading" them nowadays, but they're acting like they have the wimp, paul ROTTEN ryan, back at the helm. Why, I don't know, but they caved to the dumboRATS and voted to OUTSOURCE American jobs to foreigners via giving the dumboRATS exactly what they wanted and 140 of them voted to betray American workers. That's ridiculous, but it's to be expected out of spineless republiRATS. I hope Pres. Donald J. Trump VETOES this idiocy and makes them "Make America Great Again!" and put Americans first! July 11, 2019   My hubby's on his way home so I'm going to stop there. We'll be in town this weekend (can you believe it?) so I'll try to get blurbs done tomorrow, too; but this time I'll try to not get distracted. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 10, 2019: 12:54 p.m.   Pres. Trump Wins Again!:   Hurray! In another sore loser lawsuit, the people who were saying that Pres. Trump was breaking the "emoluments clause" ("The emoluments clause is a provision that bars US presidents from accepting gifts from foreign governments without permission from Congress first."), has been dismissed by an appeals court. That's excellent! Remember when he was running for office and first sworn in, he said that Americans would get tired of winning? I bet he hasn't tired of it! Hurray for America! They cannot use that LIE to impeach him! That's very, very good! July 10, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   Show of hands: How many are surprised by the fact that bumblefingers is a racist who defends racism as "being good for blacks"? Anyone? No hands? No surprise. BTW, do you know that since he left the VP post he has made $15 MILLION? Yeah. "Middle class" my ahem. July 10, 2019   LOL! LOL! LOL! (Breaking my Rule):   The courts have decided that it's illegal for Pres. Trump to block people on the dead blue bird, so using that idiotic ruling as their basis for lawsuits, her political opponent (yes, the guy running against her) is suing The Idiot because she blocked him, and to make it even funnier, another person she blocked is also suing The Idiot! So currently, and the number may grow, she is being sued in at least two lawsuits by four people (three on one suit, one on the other)! That's hysterical! Let's see her angry her way out of this. Or will she find another group of msm photographers to take pictures of her "crying" over the lawsuits as she faked crying outside a detention center and got called out by Candace Owens for FAKING being at a detention center and for FAKING crying about it. The Idiot is a danger to herself and others with sharp objects and (apparently) garbage disposals. July 10, 2019   pete buttigieg:   His city, South Bend, IN, is experiencing an upswing in crime since he became mayor, and him being on the campaign trail instead of "mayoring" is not going to help his reputation in the city. He's busy showing that he's gay and happily with his partner (it's not a marriage so there is no "husband" and no "wife") that he's ignoring the promises he made his city in order to run for president. I'm sure the people who live in South Bend are not happy with the crime increase and he's not caring, apparently, because he's still running -- away from the promises he made as he ran for mayor! July 10, 2019   DumboRATS' Hypocrisy:   As usual, they're so focused on trying to make Pres. Donald J. Trump look bad that they forget to check for the TRUTH and they used a picture taken during themuslimvileone's tenure to try to make Pres. Trump look like the bad guy. Too bad people looked into it and found out that it was themuslimvileone who originally put kids in cages and that the picture the dumboRATS used was taken during that time. It must be difficult to be a dumboRAT right now. The problem is that people on the Right are paying attention and we call them on their LIES all the time. Lying always bites them in the butt: witness the "Russian Collusion" LIE. July 10, 2019   The Left is trying to get one of Pres. Trump's people to resign because of a deal made when he was an attorney years ago. Alexander Acosta is being tarred and feathered by the left because of the jeffrey epstein deal, and I kinda' understand their distate for it. What I don't know is if their reasons for not going for a slam dunk on epstein are anything that the left will pay any attention to. I think that it's possible that the deal was "reasonable" at the time (I don't agree with the deal at all), but given the situation, maybe it was the best they could do for the time. I don't know. What I do know is that the history of the man is one of integrity and I can't tar and feather him without further evidence. I totally disagree with the deal; that's a given. However, that doesn't mean that it wasn't the best choice at the time. What the left needs to remember is that the left has a lot of people on the plane records that epstein's pilots kept and that they are all going to be expendable, even bullybobcrooktOOn, in the effort to save epstein from prison. Either that, or they'll have to break existing laws to try to protect him. If that be the case, then whose head will they seek in that case? Will james comey sacrifice his own daugther to save hillosercrooktOOn and her bullybob and epstein? Or will epstein be the sacrifice this time? Stay tuned, folks. It will be interesting to see who gets fried. I'm wondering if epstein will be shafted in prison, in order to stop the whole thing. That's an interesting possibility, too. IF it does happen, we know who ordered it, don't we? July 10, 2019   crooktOOn:   It's time that the left play by the same rules that they say that they want the Right to abide by. For instance, the hillosercrooktOOn files on the e-mail server she illegally operated out of her house for Secretary of State e-mails on that unsecured server, must be turned over by Maurene Comey's FATHER before she will be unconflicted for being the prosecutor on the epstein case. Truth is, that epstein had twenty-one (21!) different phone numbers and contact options for bullybobcrooktOOn and that means that in order to prosecute epstein, Maurene Comey must do so rigorously and that could lead to exposing the TRUTH about bullybob. Considering the fact that her FATHER, james comey, defended hillosercrooktOOn and refused to prosecute her after naming all of the wrongs she had done. If her father won't hand over the files on hillosercrooktOOn's e-mails then she is still conflicted because it will look like she will do her darndest to do the same thing for epstein as her daddy did for hilloser. BTW, did you know that there are at least SIX crooktOOn-connected people/orgs involved in human trafficking/child porn? SIX! How can this be accidental? July 10, 2019   MAGA!:   Even the founder of BET (Black Entertainment Television) says that the left has gone too far and he likes what Pres. Trump has done for America. I agree with him. Look at the 3.8% official unemployment rate, with job numbers UP, UP, UP and with black unemployment down. I see why the left doesn't like that the founder of BET has stood by Pres. Trump and complimented him. He's right. July 10, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   How does this happen? Violent smuggler previously released by OUR authorities and then released after only fifteen days in custody. How does that happen? How does someone in the border patrol, ICE, ANY law enforcement agency in America, NOT hold onto this guy? Oh. I see; themuslimvileone was still in office at the time. That explains it! July 10, 2019   angela merkle is sick:   She's been seen shaking violently three times now as she does her state duties. What is wrong with her? No one says, and only denials are given. She's fine, they say, but the people -- and the cameras -- show differently. What is wrong with her? Maybe she'll tell her people the same time pelosickpig tells America what's wrong with her. July 10, 2019   Brit Gone!:   The British Ambassador to the U.S.A. dissed Pres. Trump in official communications to those back home, but now, I bet he wishes he had not done so. You see, Pres. Donald J. Trump is still president, but the Brit is GONE! He has resigned "in disgrace" and he's no longer going to have his cushy job with diplomatic immunity. BTW, that immunity didn't do him any good because he resigned. No one had to try to kick him out. Awww... Too bad. July 10, 2019   July 10, 2019   kamala harris:   An inconvenient truth has again reared its ugly head. Her Daddy, who would know, says that their ancestors owned slaves. Ruh. Roh. July 10, 2019   Idiots Together:   The EX-Republican (YAY!), justin awash [sic], thinks that pelosickpig could lead America into impeachment if she'd only stick to it and that we would all approve. Nope. He's a moron. July 10, 2019   ilhan omar-tian:   If she's so unhappy with America why doesn't she go back to Somalia where she came from? She doesn't like it here, much like msthemuslimvileone, she isn't proud of America or being a Representative, apparently, considering that she still complains about America all the time. She needs to go back to Somalia and see how much better she likes it there. After all, she left there for a reason, did she not? July 10, 2019   Last Link:   U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, is sure he can get "citizenship question" on census. Do you know how happy that makes me? A lot of Americans want that on the census, but dumboRATS don't want it on there because then the TRUTH about how many inelligible voters they've had vote for them are actually breaking our voting laws and defrauding our elections. They don't like the TRUTH known. They would rather defraud our elections and get away with it, thank you very much! Truth? Nah. Not for dumboRATS! July 10, 2019   Okay. That does it for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 9, 2019: 1:40 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   Yet another themuslimvileone has been found to be a corrupt crook who stole at least $40,000 from the government. He liked to hire corrupt people because if you "show me a man's friends, I'll show you the man." He surrounded himself with liars, cheats, thieves, those who took bribes, etc., etc., etc. That tells me that it not only didn't bother him that these things were happening, but that he probably knew and approved of it. After all, America was born a bad country because of its founding, so those who were corrupt were just getting their "fair due". themuslimvileone hates America; always has, always will. July 9. 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Breitbart News has been doing a great job of getting the truth out about all of the illegal aliens invading our nation. They've covered it top to bottom and they've had exclusive stories about it; sometimes because the msm is totally disinterested in telling you the TRUTH about how bad it is. They are now showing us who the importers of the illegals are, those who are at the top of the smuggling operations to bring illegal aliens into America. I like that they are doing real journalism. I like that they are willing to tell us the TRUTH and that they do so on a regular basis. It's not something that the msm is willing to do anymore, unless it's something bad that a Conservative or Republican has been caught doing. Then they'll cover it, but they'll exagerate it to the hilt and they'll carry on and on and on about it. When the left does wrong? Cover it up. Breitbart, I salute you! July 9, 2019   bullybobcrooktOOn:   He is friends with child predator, jefrey epstein, and he liked to accompany him on trips to his island, on his plane, or wherever, and there were 12-14 year-olds there to "serve" them. I'm sure the crooktOOns -- who is already scrambling to hide the truth about his friendship with epstein -- are all kinds of worried. I think that's part of the reason they didn't want then-candidate Trump to win. He was the "the only one" to help with the first case against epstein, even though the left is trying to pull Pres. Donald J. Trump into the epstein wrongs. They know it will be bad for "their faves", but they want to sully as many on the right as they can in the meantime. SMH. The left is scared, but they don't know how scared they really SHOULD BE. July 9, 2019   "Wind and solar are not competitive and never will be. They have been pumped up into supposedly solid investments by means of ill advised subsidies and mandates. At some point, the governments will wake up to the waste and foolishness involved. At that point, the value of these investments will collapse. It won't be the first time that investment experts made bad investments because they don't really understand what is going on."I have said for a long time that neither of the "alternative" sources are good for us. Now I have an expert backing me up. That's nice. July 9, 2019   A new non-profit has been formed by a Conservative attorney (one of the few attorneys who wouldn't be included in the joke about the eleven attorneys at the bottom of the ocean being "a good start") who formed the organization to fight antifa and big tech in their targeting of Conservatives and anyone who disagrees with them. It's nice to know that there is someone else (besides the few existing organizations: ACLJ, Judicial Watch, etc.) who is willing to take a stand. It's good to have another strong, courageous voice against the left. If you want to donate to this organization to stand up against the left in a court of law and elsewhere, you can donate to "Publius Lex" here. July 9, 2019   The Dead Blue Bird:   They're at it again. The free speech deniers at the dead blue bird are censoring more speech. This time they're allegedly "protecting religions", but in reality, they're only doing what they can to protect Islam from criticism. Apparently Christianity is fair game, but Islam isn't strong enough and durable enough to make it through a few harsh words on the dead blue bird? That speaks volumes of what the left thinks of Islam, does it not? July 9, 2019   After an idiot Brit (why are there so many of those?) was exposed for having citicized Pres. Donald J. Trump (probably did so before even meeting him), responded to the "pompous fool" Brit. I love it! The Brit needs to go. July 9, 2019   It's a Florida summer afternoon and here comes the storms. I am signing off so my computer doesn't get fried. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 8, 2019: 2:16 p.m.   I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. I hope you had the chance to watch Pres. Donald J. Trump's event and hear his speech. I didn't get to watch it because we don't get television up there (nor do we have internet, or get many radio stations; boonies, anyone?), so I'll have to watch it later today, but I have hear good things about it. It was a good weekend for us; we got most of the hall bathroom finished. We were putting the door frame back up (you remove it to put wallpaper up), and when my hubby was using his new air stapler he didn't have it quite dialed in and the staples weren't going all the way in. He tried to pull one out to replace it and the frame piece broke, so we had to get all new frame pieces because they no longer carried that size in the style we wanted. We also didn't get the crown molding up, so we'll have to paint all of that and put it up when we go back up there. We'll have to put up the towel bars and that sort of thing, then it will be finished and I'll post a picture of it. I have a video of the "before" of that bathroom, so maybe I'll be able to get a pic from that, but I can't guarantee. I'm quite excited about the changes. It's gorgeous! July 8, 2019   eric swalwell:   He's dropping out of the dumboRAT preziduncial race. Probably the wisest thing he's done since he announced he was running. He's a nobody in the party and he wasn't doing himself any favors. When you're a preziduncial candidate and noone knows who you are, the chances of winning are so slim to nill as to be effectively nill. Like Marianne Williamson, who is she and why is she running for prezidunce? No one knows her and she's just out there being mocked and criticized. Without thevilegeorgesoros's money behind you, like themuslimvileone had, you stand a snowball's chance. I don't think thevilegeorgesoros has any idea who she is, either, so she may as well hang it up like swalwell apparently has. Saves him some of what he may have left of his dignity. July 8, 2019   Socialism SUCKS!:   If you have a family member or friend who thinks they support this idiocy that America needs to become a socialist country, let them read the TRUTH about what socialism results in EVERY TIME it is tried. It's not good, folks. It needs to be stopped here and now in America. July 8, 2019   dumboRATS in peril:   I'm sure she's right. After all, when epstein starts naming names there will be names like bullybobcrooktOOn, (although lanny davis has already jumped into his corner to protect him) and other dumboRATS will be named. I'm sure there will be a few Republicans named, too, unfortunately. When a pervert who enjoys having sex with underage children then he gets others into that, too, then they're all deserving of being locked up for years and years and years. I don't have a problem with them being locked up, but I want it to be EQUAL PUNISHMENT for both dumboRATS (who usually get away with anything and everything: witness the crooktOOns) as for Republicans (who usually end up getting the book thrown at them). I think that Mike Cernovich did yoeman's work in getting the files opened and the resulting arrest was a wonderful thing. Let's get this stopped. Eptstein is a registered sex offender who was supposed to be obeying certain court orders, but wasn't doing so. When a registered sex offender who was having sex with girls around fourteen-years-old repeats after court, he needs re-arrested and charged with new charges, including contempt of court for disobeying the court's orders! Let's put as much pressure on him to get him to name names and give evidence. Let's see who scrambles, like the crooktOOn library is! July 8, 2019  
July 8, 2019   GOD Is GOOD!:   A Christian author, Randy Alcorn, was ordered by a court to pay over $8 MILLION because he led his church (he was a pastor at the time) in a peaceful protest outside an abortion clinic! He was fined, then fined again and jailed because he refused to pay the lower fine, then he was fined by another court the $8.2 MILLION! In each instance, he REFUSED to pay the abortion clinic and he relied on GOD to handle this and he never paid the fine. Instead, twenty years later, he has given to PRO-LIFE and Christian ministries almost the same amount of the court-ordered fine! He has refused to pay the court fine and he has had to live on minimum wage -- and nothing higher -- for the last twenty years and raise his kids on that, because GOD has provided everything the family has needed (including his mortgage!) and they have found the Lord faithful and true in His provision for them for twenty years. What the enemy intended for bad, GOD used for good and for His glory! July 8, 2019   dumboRATS Covered For:   When The Idiot and her "Cohorts Against America" (as I call them), toured a immigrant detention center, they not only LIED about what they saw, but they also ranted, raged and cursed because they hate America and they use every opportunity they have to prove their hatred. The msm, of course, didn't show anyone their lies, their cursing hatred, but the "alternate media" saw it and tells the truth. July 8, 2019   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   If you are a parent with a child in public schools, and there are transgender activists involved in your child's public schools, you need to consider homeschooling. The transgender activists are rude, condescending and determined to be able to indoctrinate your children into someone who wants to be trans, who is confused about their own gender and their trying their darndest to do this to every child. Misery loves company and that's why they enjoy confusing children; so that there will be more "like them" and so that they can have others who will join their own confusion and delusion. It's not just sad, it's child abuse. July 8, 2019   I'm going to close with that for now. My hubby's home and I want to spend some time with him. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Pre-Posting: Happy Independence Day!: July 4, 2019! July 2, 2019: 1:11 p.m.   Remember that I won't be posting tomorrow through July 7th, and will be back in town (that's the plan so far; barring emergency with my mother-in-law) on July 8th. I won't be posting anything after today's few blurbs because we'll be at our farm. July 2, 2019   MAGA!:   Apparently people are happy about how America is doing under Pres. Donald J. Trump because they are donating to his campaign very "bigly"! The President has raised over $105 MILLION in one quarter! That's running dollar signs around the dumboRATS -- several of them combined -- in the same quarter! I love it! Hurray! "Make America Great Again!" is working and people are realizing it and they're seeing all of the things that are making their lives better and voting with their donations for it to continue. I bet Pres. Donald J. Trump wins the popular vote in 2020 and that the states who are voting to give their votes to the popular vote winner are going to be regretting their stupidity. They think they can do an end run around the U.S. Constitution but the Constitution is protected by GOD and by the voters who still have common sense. (BTW, Socialist sanders raised only a paltry $18 million. Awww... Too bad. -- NOT!) July 2, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch is still on the case and they've heard testimony from a former State Department IT guy that he warned her about her private e-mail server and that the deleted e-mails were supposed to be available for the National Archives and for Freedom of Information Act records. But, the rules never apply to hillosercrooktOOn. She deleted over 30,000 e-mails claiming they were about "yoga" and her daughter's upcoming wedding. (If anyone believes hilloser practices yoga, I have swampland in the Mojave to sell you.) She intentionally deleted e-mails, intentionally "Bleach Bitted" her hard drive and then had her hard drives and other electronic devices destroyed (smashed to pieces so they couldn't be recoved by a professional). In other words, she destroyed the evidence against her. Problem is, we've retrieved some of the evidence from huma abedin's former husband's (the sicko, anthony "I sext with teenagers" weiner) computer. That tells us that she was LYING (as usual) about the e-mails she deleted because when she turned over all of the e-mails she deemed "pertinent" to the requests for federal records e-mails she only turned over a small portion of those found on the weiner's computer. She's toast if the law applies to everyone equally across the board. But, with the crooktOOns, that's a pretty HUGE "IF"! Then she has the nerve to say that her "foundation" is scandal free! Yeah. Right! And you're also a sweet, Conservative, Christian woman! July 2, 2019   Violent Left:   The Portland, OR, mayor has been accused of giving an order to "stand down" during the violent "Antifa" riots that injured reporter Andy Ngo. The mayor, of course, denies it, but the police are saying yes, the mayor ordered us to stand down. So, a dumboRAT mayor lied? That's news! That's never happened before, right? A dumboRAT who LIED? July 2, 2019   Desperate dumboRATS:   They're suing the President for his tax records because they are certain that he is breaking the law and not paying "his fair share". It's getting to the point of ridiculous. They have NO REASON to try to get his tax returns -- it's NOT required by federal law that candidates release their tax returns, just financial disclosure forms -- and yet, they are doing everything they can to get that info. There's no reason for them to have it. They just want it because they're still on their "UNDO 2016's election" kick. They'd kick a hungry puppy if they could blame it on Pres. Trump afterward. July 2, 2019   Violent Antifa:   Why does the left always defend and approve of violence against Conservatives? It's disgusting that the left -- as a whole -- thinks it is okay to physically harm people they disagree with. I've encountered it myself when the PSJ HOA had several meetings at the PSJ Library behind closed doors, breaking the laws, breaking the library rules and physically pushing people, slamming the meeting room door on the feet of those trying to get in but they disagreed with, and even drawing blood from a pregnant woman's arm! The left was doing this! They thought it was okay to push a seventeen-year-old minor! They thought it was okay to lock us out of our own library so that they could slander us for ninety minutes because we wanted them to do the right thing instead of the wrong. We had people in there taking notes and we were told what happened. It was incredible. I am so glad that the HOA was forced to disband after they did this. We were fighting back and trying to hold the leadership accountable and for that we were slandered and the usual suspect asked the HOA to join her in a lawsuit against ME because I was telling the TRUTH about them! Antifa has taken this kind of ridiculousness to a whole new level and the left supports it. They support physical violence. What happened to "Treat others as you want to be treated"? What happened to the left being the side that is so accepting of everyone? What happened to common civility and not physically harming others? We are allowed to speak, to vote for whomever we desire, to live free without the fear of physical harm when we speak or vote. We will not tolerate the trampling of our freedoms antifa is doing for much longer. There will be a reckoning; either with the law enforcement entities stepping in and doing something to stop this, or with people just fighting back. It has started to some extent with "The Proud Boys" and I bet it spreads with people tiring of being afraid of leftists and their hatred of free speech and Pres. Trump. July 2, 2019   I must agree with this Holocaust survivor. He's absolutely correct and it needs to happen. July 2, 2019   Cowardly Nike:   They caved again to the kneeler, colin kaepernick, and cancelled a shoe that had a "Betsy Ross flag" on it. They decided that kaepernick is more important than American history, than our flag, than anything the people who wants to support America and they went with someone who hates America and decided to support him. Nike, I call you out as COWARDS and not just cowards, but PC COWARDS. You're also making really bad business decisions so you'll be out of business in a few years (if not sooner) anyways. Just remember as you close your doors: It was YOUR CHOICE. July 2, 2019   IRS:   While they have been targeting Conservatives and delaying 501(c)3 applications for Conservative organizations, they've had the ability to sieze your money for whatever they say you owe. Now, President Donald J. Trump has signed a law making that harder for the IRS. He's doing things to protect you and your family, to make life better for you and to prevent the government from using its previously unrestrained powers to ruin your life. I think that's a good thing. Agree? July 2, 2019   This will be the last link for today. I see that there will be an estimated record 48.9 million people hitting the road for this Independence Day celebration weekend. Wow! We're going to have a lot of company! That's a bit intimidating, but we're going to drive very carefully. I hope the others do, too! July 2, 2019   I plan to see you on Monday after we return from our farm. Please continue to pray for my mother-in-law. Last night she was moved to the ICU and they still haven't figured out what is going on with her. She vomited blood yesterday and she is having wild fluctuations with her blood sugar. It's scary, so please pray for her. Have a wonderful Independence Day! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! July 1, 2019: 3:12 p.m.   We have plans to go to our farm this Wednesday and staying there until Sunday, barring something drastic happening with my Mother-in-Law, that is. She is very sick and in the hospital right now and I am hoping and praying the doctors figure out what is happening to her. IF we need to go up to Ohio, we'll do so, but if we get the chance to spend the entire weekend in Georgia, we'll finish the hall bathroom and be finished with another project there. Cross another off the list! If you would pray for my Mother-in-Law, pray that GOD will show the doctors what is going on with her and that she will be completely and totally healed. That would be a good thing. In preparation for the weekend I'll be just doing a few blurbs today and tomorrow. So let's get started. July 1, 2019   TDS:   The left is so of class acts. (Sarcasm.) Take these two clowns, brennan and comey, who attacked Pres. Donald J. Trump (the greatest president since our Founding Fathers -- even better than Ronald Reagan) while he was at the G20 summit. They have so much class that they should be college professors... Oh, wait! They probably will be because today's colleges hire clowns like these two who do the left's bidding at all costs. They'll be college professors soon enough. The only question is, which colleges are going to hire them first? July 1, 2019   Leftist Violence:   Every -- EVERY -- leftist who does not openly and vocally condemn the violence of the left is tacitly supporting it. It has gotten so bad that:
July 1, 2019   dumboRAT Hypocrisy:   Again, the left shows how many double standards they can drum up to try to prevent Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) from getting the judges he wants to appoint, from having any sort of success, and from having anything anywhere close to a victory or anything that could help him get re-elected. They obstruct judicial nominees, cry about his successes economical and foreign relations-wise, and anything else that could make people realize that Pres. Trump is good for America and for the world. Even the Dow is having the best year but dumboRATS won't admit it. They try to give (and he triest to take) credit for the great economy. It's ridiculous. The fact is, themuslimvileone did everything he could to destroy America and the left triest to give him credit for Pres. Trump's great economy? It's absurd. They lie. They're ridiculous and they're losing. July 1, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Look at the info on this page to see how bad the illegal alien invasion is. It's time for the dumboRATS to stop standing in the way of Pres. Trump trying to protect America and Americans just because they want new voters! It's time. July 1, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump is trying to save Americans an average of $3,100 by getting rid of as many regulations (rules put in place by government organizations, not voted on by Congress) as possible. The dumboRATS don't want him to do so. The dumboRATS want us to pay for everyone's college tuition, which will cheapen the educations of all who got them, but ding those who already paid off their student debt and leave American taxpayers with a $1.6 TRILLION worth of paying for the deadbeats' college education. I say "NO!" we won't do that because it's not our job to pay for your education! I don't get a benefit from it. I don't use your education. I didn't force you to go to college. I didn't ask you to go to college. I didn't have anything to do with the decision for you to go to college, therefore, I have NO responsibility to pay for what you chose to do with your life! NO! I will not pay! July 1, 2019   NSFW or Children:   The newly elected NY AG is a real piece of work. She's already promised to be a "real pain the the" ahem to Pres. Donald J. Trump and she's doing her utmost to keep that promise. I wish Pres. Trump could return the favor and sue her for harrassment. That would be delicious, wouldn't it? July 1, 2019   I'll close with that for today. I'll do some blurbs tomorrow, but not many. Pray for my Mother-in-Law. She needs it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 2019 August 28, 2019: 12:23 p.m.   Are you getting ready for T.S./Hurricane Dorian? The track was updated at 11 a.m., and it's now supposed to make landfall near us. I don't know if that will stay the same, or change later today or tomorrow, but if -- IF -- it makes landfall in America, I hope it goes north and that it's weaker than they forecast. I don't know how it will affect our plans for going to Georgia yet: we haven't yet decided. So, we hope you all stay safe and that the tropical storm/hurricane will turn away and go out into the Atlantic Ocean and dissipate and be done with. That would be good for everyone. Stay safe. August 28, 2019   Fail News:   Pres. Donald J. Trump is catching on. He tweeted today that Fox News is "letting millions of GREAT people down" (his caps). Soudns to me like he's finally realizing that Fox News has been just as liberal and leftist as msnbc for years and that the last time they were anywhere close to Conservative was during the 2003 "Shock and Awe" campaign in Iraq. I remember Shep Smith, whom we used to consider Conservative, narrating it during his air time and when one of the reporters embeded over there with our troops had a technical problem, Shep said "Wawah" because that's what the reporter's voice sounded like. Since then, Fox News has gone totally leftist and I don't think that they've been "Fair and Balanced" since before 2003, but definitely not since 2003. Pres. Trump is right: they're letting people down because there is nothing on television that is NOT "fake news" now. August 28, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   She has really let herself go. Is she eating her sorrow over her 2016 loss, or is it a medical condition, or both? Whichever, I am still so very, very glad that she did NOT win. Too bad the left can't get over that. August 28, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   OUCH! When even your wife says "other candidates might be better" that hurts. It also speaks volumes as to his suitability and his capabilities. Maybe, living with him and all, she realizes that he is not mentally well and that he would not be right for the job because of something going on with his mind. Maybe, for the first time publicly, she's acknowledging the truth and doing what is best for America. Oh. Sorry. Leftists don't do that, do they? Maybe she's doing what is best for him; trying to prevent his further embarrassment? August 28, 2019   China:   They tell the U.K. you "must respect us". Right. When someone demands respect, do you give it to them, or do they have to earn it? I don't automatically give people "respect" when I meet them. I am civil to them, but for them to get my "respect" they have to EARN it. They have to show me who they are, what they believe in, whether they stand up for America or diss her, and if they believe in my Constitutional rights or just theirs. If they believe just in their own rights, then they will try to shut me down every time I try to say something that I have the right to say. China should be treated the same way. They treat their people horribly and they are not good to other countries. They are a totalitarian regime and they deserver NO RESPECT because of what they do and who they are: DICTATORS and they treat their people like worthless, slavish pieces of crud! China cannot demand respect until they change and give their people freedom, stop spying on other nations, stop cheating on every agreement they've ever signed, stop planting spyware in the technology they build and stop stealing from other nations the technology they design! It's time China be held accountable for their wrongs and stop getting a free pass, and that's something that Pres. Donald J. Trump has started doing! It's about time someone do so! August 28, 2019   mueller Investigation:   Despicable leftists robert mueller and andrew weisman set up an innocent woman and sent her to jail -- all while withholding evidence that proves SHE'S INNOCENT! Why are these people still roaming the streets instead of sitting in prison while this innocent woman is set free? Why is that? Is America's "justice" system so skewed, so corrupted to favor the leftists that they are allowed to get away with this crap and face no consequences? If so, why are we called "America" anymore? America is the land of the "free and the brave", not the corrupt and the more corrupt! It's supposed to be the land of "equal treatment under the law", not the left gets away with everything and everyone else must pay the price the left determines! America is supposed to be the land of the U.S. Constitution and all of the protections for its citizens it promises, not the left gets to ignore it for US but apply it only to themselves while we stand idly by sputtering, "But...but... but..." It's not America if we are not all the same under the law. If there is a separation for the left and the right then we are already a totalitarian regime, with the left and the msm being our dictators! August 28, 2019   I'm going to go for now. I'll try to post on Tuesday of next week if we do wind up going to our farm. If we have to stay home due to Dorian, I may be posting on Thursday and Friday. We'll "play it by storm" so to speak. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 27, 2019: 1:55 p.m.   Where did the year go? It's the end of August already? What happened to the rest of the year? How did it get here already? Time flies when you're busy, I suppose and I have blinked and it's August. Or maybe it's because I'm getting old? Whichever, I am surprised that it's now only 120 days until Christmas! Do you realize that? Have you started your shopping and planning? I have started both, but I already wish I had more presents purchased. I like being ahead of the game instead of behind. August 27, 2019   Crybaby Contest:   So there were two dumboRATS on a trip paid for by YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS, to RENO, NEVADA (of course they needed to go there to do their government business!), and they didn't get along, and there's a big brouhaha about who was wrong, who did this, who did that, etc. Both crybabies are going to be dissatisfied unless and until they get the pat on the head as being the one who was the "victim" here. Of course, the female has the foot up because, you know, she's female. Look for the guy to be forced to apologize and be demoted, or some such thing. Victim status weighs heavily. August 27, 2019   Etc.:   So the "victim" status thing is an ongoing thing for the left and now the lesbians are trashing the gay candidate because he's NOT a female. If the candidate is a female lesbian, then maybe they'd get more votes from some lesbian ideological thinkers. But, maybe he can say that he's a transexual lesbian who hasn't had the operation yet and then he'd get their vote? Maybe? August 27, 2019   More Leftist Crybabies:   My goodness! The left needs to grow up and grow spines as they do grow up! These people are supposed to be adults but they act like petulant eight-year-olds! It's disgusting to see people with the bodies of adults throwing temper tantrums, whining about every little thing and pointing their fingers at all and sundry and saying, "He/She/It hurt my feelings!" This NY Slimes guy included, and he needs to grow up and stop trying to cry to Mommy! Heavens to mergatroid! The left is a bunch of ninny-panties! They really do need a good swift kick in the seat and be told to "Grow up!" Can anyone imagine an adult twenty, thirty years ago acting like this? I certainly cannot. It would be laughed about, they'd be scorned and told that they just embarrassed themselves! Today, they're in the federal government, in places of high power (Deep State as well as in Congress: "The Odd", for instance), in state governments as governors, etc. (buttigeig, etc.), and they are an embarrassment to their chronological ages! They should be ashamed of themselves for acting like such crybaby children! If they were the actual age they act like, their parents would be whipping their butts and sending them to their rooms to think about how stupid they are acting! August 27, 2019   N-Fail-L:   First they backed kneeling for the National Anthem and that lost them a lot of their audience. Now a team has offered a woman soccer player a kicker position? That will be interesting to see. She'll last how many games before injury drives her to "retirement"? Or will the guys on the team sacrifice themselves to protect the girl as used to be the norm? Or will the guys on the team want her to learn to fend for herself and allow the other side to target her? I kinda' think it should be the latter. I think that if she's going to play with the big boys she needs to act like one. If she can't handle being tackled, or having to run with them, then she doesn't need to be on the team. Will the Philadelphia Eagles regret the offer? Or should the question be "How long will it be before they regret the offer?" Then, how long after she's let go will it be before she sues for being wrongly fired based on gender, thus discriminated against? August 27, 2019   bernie sanders:   He's to the rescue! Rescuing "journalism" is his most recent idea. He has written that he wants to take steps protect and preserve "real journalism" and that would include stopping mergers that would result in layoffs, and boost unions within the journalism world. Isn't that what we want: more "fake news" protected by government rules and regulations? Not I. I don't want the NY Slimes, or the wap.o.s., or the failing cnn to be protected by the government. There is a reason the First Amendment included the press as something that should not be government controlled, but sanders wants to ignore that First Amendment and put it under government control. That's one of the first things ALL TOTALITARIAN REGIMES do. The press is supposed to be free to criticize the president (unless he's a dumboRAT, then that's not going to happen), but they're also supposed to be free to stand or fail on their own merits. If they fail, they fail. If they succeed it's because they did the right thing; if they fail they did the wrong thing and the people didn't like it and they died because of their own actions. The government is NOT supposed to prop up the "Fourth Estate"; it is supposed to be observed by and reported on by it, but not support it and protect it. Let it die if the people do not support it. That is the way it works in a free country and it should stay that way. August 27, 2019   "The Odd":   Two members of "The Odd" are being investigated or are being sued for assault, because they believe that their religion trumps our laws. Their religion allows them to lie, to defraud, to do harm to others as long as it furthers the cause of Islam. Now, I am hoping that the lawsuit and the invstigation result in both of them being kicked out of Congress, and oTALIBANar being kicked out of the country, with her father and other family members joining the forced exodus! Those two should never, ever have been sworn into Congress! Those who "elected" them are morons who voted for morons! August 27, 2019   robert francis "beto" o'rourke:   He is yet another leftist who won't stand up for babies. When asked if he would stand with a nine month abortion ban, meaning that the day before a full term, viable, healthy baby would be born to a woman tomorrow, would he support a ban on her aborting that baby? He refused to answer that question. Which means that he probably would support the woman killing that baby. If it's okay to abort the baby one day prior to the birth, would he also support "aborting" the baby a day AFTER the birth, as some dumboRATS support? In fact, some dumboRAT students at UT signed a petition supporting the "abortion" of babies UP TO FIVE-YEARS-OLD! FIVE YEARS AFTER THEY WERE BORN! That's murder! That's horrible! That's inhuman! But it is progressives and leftists, both in the dumboRAT party, and other parties (not Republican, I hope!). It's sickening to think that they have so little heart, understanding and compassion. August 27, 2019   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing what is RIGHT and BEST for America where it concerns China. It's time that America be on the winning side when it comes to trade with them and it's time that China start realizing that America is not going to be rolling over and playing dead so that they can get away with trade murder anymore. Pres. Trump is making sure America wins. It's time for America's future to be better via trade with ALL of our trade partners, not with just a few; the rest getting a pass to take advantage of us and to have all of the benefits. "Make America Great Again!" is Pres. Trump putting America first in trade negotiations and that's just what he's doing. I love it! August 27, 2019   Fauxcahontas:   Ruh. Roh. She's not getting the free pass she expected. That may be a first for her and for other dumboRATS, but Native Americans are not accepting her apologies. So, now what does she do? She traded on her imaginary Native American blood -- and prospered from that fake blood -- for years and years. Now that the Native Americans she tried to impinge upon via a blood test that proved she wasn't able to claim it anymore are "hestitant" to accept her alleged apology? Oh. I know. Ignore the fact that she did that for years and she moves on with her life and acts like it never happened. That's what I think she'll do: put it on "ignore" and hope others forget it as she has. August 27, 2019   Lying?:   Are Uber (no elat because I don't remember how to do that right now) and Lyft lying to their drivers and not paying them as promised? If so, that's not good. That needs to be checked and -- if warranted -- charges pressed and all of those drivers paid what they were promised. Agree? August 27, 2019   Last Link:   Guess what promise Pres. Donald J. Trump is DEFINITELY KEEPING? He's been building the wall and he's gotten 89 miles of it done so far! He's keeping that promise, too! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Now all he needs to do is stop the illegal alien invaders from coming and staying! Then America will be better off and our American citizens can have the jobs that the illegal alien invaders are taking away from them. Stop the invasion! Secure our borders all over America and don't let those who come here illegally stay! It's that simple! August 27, 2019   My hubby and I will be going to Georgia tomorrow evening after he gets home. We'll be there until the evening of Monday, Sep. 2, 2019, so I have things to do to get ready. Up there, we will finish the second en suite bathroom (bathroom two of three) and we'll sign the contract to have our kitchen renovated. We're moving the dishwasher to the left side of the sink (from the rights side), putting in all new cabinets, putting in a microwave that opens like a drawer at the end of the peninsula/breakfast bar, raising the breakfast bar area to bar height, painting the two walls left in there, and changing the flooring from the kitchen/dining room door all the way through the kitchen, family room, hallway and utility room to the carport door. We have to mow about ten of our 28.4 acres, pack dishes, figure out the timeline and we're going to do some odds and ends up there. After the kitchen is finished, we plan to renovate the fireplace facings with a tile I found at Floor and Decor and we're going to make the hearth bigger, put in a new mantle (big, black, wooden piece that goes wall to wall on the slanted fireplace wall) and then the last two big projects will be enclosing the carport to make it into a garage, and renovating the master bathroom. Have we got our work cut out for us? Yep. Is it going to be worth it? Oh, yeah. So, I'll go for now. IF I get to do updates tomorrow I will only do a few blurbs. I have to go grocery shopping with our son who will be here to feed the cats, but that's after I take him to lunch at Chick-Fil-A, his favorite place to eat. So if I don't "see" you between now and then, have a great Labor Day and enjoy the long weekend (if you get one). Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 26, 2019: 3:22 p.m.   How was your weekend? Mine was very productive. I got a lot done and crossed several things off of my list, which makes me very happy. I finished one pretty big fall cleaning project (Yay!) and did some things that I've been meaning to do for a while, as well as doing dishes, laundry, etc., the usual household chores. Part of my "meaning to do for a while" list was that I wanted to do another "The Idiot", this one is about the "Green New Deal". I think you'll enjoy it. Another thing I had on my wanna' do list is a blog, which I did get done and it's titled, "Crucifixion of Christ: Our Images Are All Wrong!" It started with me picking up a small book at the thrift store and it went from there. I had never thought of it prior to looking at the book, but I did when I looked through the book. I am surprised that nothing has been said about it, to the best of my knowledge, at least. Anyways, it's because of being so productive that I stayed up until six this morning and then people started texting me, calling me and interrupting my sleep at 8:30 a.m. I'm tired; combine that with the time I'm starting and you get just a few blurbs so that I don't fall asleep while typing. Let's get started. August 26, 2019   Fake News:   If you see how the msm portrays Conservatives and how they accuse us of being "racists" (without any evidence, I might add), then you see the truth about who the racists are and we Conservatives are not surprised. In a study done about racism, it turns out the TRUTH is that minorities are the racists, not Conservatives. That's the truth of the matter. We are the victims -- especially if we're wearing a MAGA hat! August 26, 2019   Conform! CONFORM!:   If you want to see a scary future for the world, look at the "social media" companies and what they are trying to do to the world. Look at how they're trying to make everyone be just like the tech folks want and if you don't conform, you will lose your ability to "______________" (fill in the blank). That's what the tech giants in Silicone Valley (A.K.A. Robot Valley: as they transform people from individuals into "mini-me's" and Fakebook and the Dead Blue Bird try to control your mind) choose who gets "social points". Is this what you want? Do you want to lose the ability to "__________" because mark zuckerberg says you don't conform enough? If so, welcome to loss of your own freedom! You wanted it, didn't you? August 26, 2019   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump keeps winning and winning and winning and as he does, so does America! Now, at the G7 meeting, he was telling China how things were going to go after he raised their tariffs when they said they wouldn't do as he wished. He has won because China caved and agreed to do what Pres. Trump wanted. It's all good, folks. Winning is fun and it's good for America, and that means it's good for the citizens of America. Don't ya' love that Pres. Trump likes doing things that are good for us? I love that! August 26, 2019   Deep State:   Judicial Watch is still chasing the TRUTH about the "Steele dossier" and who did what when, and how the LIES in it helped themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn try to destroy our electoral system. A federal judge has ordered the FBI to search for more documents because the FBI has been delaying, hiding (and probably destroying) documents for quite a while in their effort to protect the previous administration and their wrong doing. It's time the swamp was totally drained and we get to the TRUTH about all of the LIES told against Pres. Donald J. Trump -- before and after he was elected -- and we FIRE and press all available charges against those who helped try to destroy our election! People like strzok, page, mccabe, comey, rosenstein, mueller, crooktOOn, themuslimvileone, etc. need to be charged, tried and convicted and sent to spend the rest of their lives in prison! I would love to see those morons in prison orange, wouldn't you? August 26, 2019   Leftist Fave Revealed as a Liar:   We all know elon musk, Tesla CEO, was a favorite child of the left: he did things that were good for the environment, trying to create reliable electric vehicles. That makes him a wunnerful humane being" [sic], but what they don't tell you is that he has bilked the investors and he knew he was lying to them when he did so. Isn't that sweet? The fair-haired child is evil. August 26, 2019   NY Slimes:   The "Paper of Record" is no longer that, it's now a leftist tool and nothing more. They have decided to LIE about everything they can in order to push the leftist agenda and they have backed anti-semitism. Now they are trying to re-write American history by pushing the "1619 Project" which LIES to the American public (and the world) by saying that everything good that ever happened in America was all based on slavery and the bad done during that time. You read that correctly: everything stems from slavery. Our success as a nation stems from slavery. Our continued prosperity stems from slavery. Everything is slavery, slavery, slavery. In other words, we're all terrible and America sucks and everyone who is not a leftist like them needs to leave the country or just die. It's up to us. August 26, 2019   I'm tired and I'm going to get up and move around so that I don't fall asleep in my office chair. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 23, 2019: 2:26 p.m.   I missed yesterday due to doing fall cleaning (starting early this year because it seems fall is starting early) and then an appointment prevented me from doing them after the fall cleaning project for the day. Then we had a date night to go to. Did you know that there isn't an arcade in Cocoa Beach's Jungle Village Putt Putt Golf course anymore? I didn't. We went looking for it because we enjoy skee ball, whack a mole, air hockey (I'm not very good at it, but I laugh a lot while we play), but we didn't get to play. There was no arcade. We went to another putt putt course farther south and we played putt putt then went to Goodwill and shopped a little. Didn't find a lot, but what I found was good stuff. Got some Christmas decorations, some of the glass pattern I collect and a few books, etc. It was fun and we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. BTW, in case you're wondering, my hubby won by a wide margin at putt putt. Turkey. August 23, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Did you know that you are paying for transgenders' sex change operations? Yep. If you don't like that, you'll love (sarcasm) that a themuslimvileone appointed judge just ruled that WI residents have to pay via MedicAid for those operations. The problem that brings it to YOU, here on the Space Coast, is that once a judge rules one way, other cases are often decided via that judge's ruling. It's called "stare decisis" and it means that you look for previous rulings to figure out whether this was already ruled on by another judge in a similar case to decide what you shall rule on the case before you. The SCOTUS uses it a lot, and when SCOTUS Justice, Clarence Thomas, said that he thought that some previous decisions can be overturned by today's court, the judicial world went crazy. I think that there are a lot of decisions that should be rethought. I think that Roe v. Wade (now that the truth has come out) can be undone via the reversal of "stare decisis" and that it should be done NOW. But that's not the issue here. The issue is taxpayer money being used to pay for something that many of us don't want to pay for. So, that's where "stare decisis" comes in; if this ruling stands, then we in FL may wind up (if we are not already doing so) being made to do the same thing. Not what I want. August 23, 2019   Toxic Masculinity Reversal:   Gillette has awoken to the fact that their male bashing is making the price they have had to pay way too high, so they'ver reversed their course. When you lose enough money, that's a wake up call that's much more powerful than a "woke call". Sounds to me like they've made a good decision. August 23, 2019   Pedostein:   Was he murdered or not? The problem those who know have is that they know. I think they should be very afraid and watching their own backs while they make themselves invisible and unreachable. If they are found dead sometime in the near future, look hard at who the crooktOOns have been talking to lately. August 23, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He and his spouse decided that two mansions (CA and Shootcago) were not enough (they were only renting the one in D.C.), so they are purchasing the one they were vacationing in at Martha's Vineyard. It's on the ocean, and as Rush Limbaugh pointed out, if he really believed in "Climate Change", he would not have purchased the $15 MILLION house on the ocean because of the alleged "rising oceans" issue. Why spend that kind of money on a house you're going to lose to the oceans in a few years anyways? IF you really believe in that kind of stuff, then why waste the money? Unless, like all leftists, you're a hypocrite who says that you believe in that LIE, but your actions prove otherwise? If the oceans are really going to rise and flood the coastlines, then why to the "smart set" on the left keep buying oceanfront properties? If they believe it, they should be acting appropriately, should they not? August 23, 2019   Planned AbortionHood:   They say there's going to be a "public health crisis" because they will no longer receive Title X (Title Ten) funding. It's not as if they don't have other taxpayer dollars they still receive other taxpayer money, unfortunately. It's time to completely remove all taxpayer funding from Planned AbortionHood. It's time that we stop killing babies in the womb and we start considering human babies as precious as whales, dolphins, turtles/tortoises, and the like. When you put a greater value on animals than humans, you are a twisted individual, IMHO. It's time to set things straight and protect pre-born human babies. They're more valuable than any animal! August 23, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I hope Pres. Donald J. Trump actually does this. I hope he actually finds a way to end the so-called "birthright citizenship". "Birthright citizenship" is NOT what the U.S. Constitution supports and for the left to misconstrue it for their own benefit (leftists like it for the votes that come with it) is not just wrong, it's very telling. They will gladly destroy the country as long as (like themuslimvileone) they are in control of America's decline. They just want the power of destroying America, then they can build (NOT "rebuild") her into another country: a Communist/Socialist country. That's what they want. August 23, 2019   Sugar-coating Wrong:   In Scandinavian countries, they have lowered their crime rate by legalizing drugs of all sorts and taxpayers proved needles for injections and cleaning up. Some of those countries lowered their crime rate by lowering the age of consent (BTW, Japan's age of consent is less than 13! Are they insane?!). When leftists want the crime rate to go down, they do whatever is necessary to do to make it seem as though their policies are working, when (in fact) they are not. In SanFranTwistedo, they have decided that they aren't going to call felons felons anymore. No. They are now "justice involved persons". They're not "criminals". They are only somehow involved in the justice system. They could be bailiffs, for all anyone knows, considering the new name for the felons. August 23, 2019   Last Link:   Cheerleading is a tough business, and an Ohio squad decided to raise money via raffling an AR-15 but it has not been well received by the lefties in that area. Awww.... Too bad. August 23, 2019   My hubby's on the phone saying he's on his way home, so I shall go. I hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 21, 2019: 1:45 p.m.   I missed yesterday because I was giving driving lessons and running errands. My hubby should know better by now than to let me go to Michael's (or Hobby Lobby, or other craft stores) alone. Anyways, let's get started for today and see what we find out there. August 21, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   A judge has ordered that there be a hearing in the e-mail suit that Judicial Watch is still pursuing and hilloser is still trying to prevent from happening. The judge in the case is very aware of the wrongs that hilloser has done and wants to get to the TRUTH as much as does Judicial Watch. I hope and pray that the judge has security and that the security is very loyal to the judge and to the TRUTH because if hilloser doesn't want something to happen it usually doesn't -- one way or another. Ask Pedostein. Ask Vince Foster. Ask any of the other 60+ people on the #ClintonBodyCount. Yeah. It's a good idea for that judge to have security and watch his back. UPDATE: A federal judge has "intervened" in the case on behalf of hilloser. What this means for the immediate future, I don't know. I do know that Judicial Watch does not give up. They will still get to the bottom of this but they will have to be a little more patient and keep watching their backs. August 21, 2019   hollyweird:   Never a fan of the television show, "The Simpsons", we now have even more reason to NOT watch the stupid show. They chose to back "The Odd" and bash Pres. Donald J. Trump. Isn't that special? I wonder why they chose to do that? Not really, but you know it was a rhetorical question anyways. August 21, 2019   Polls:   There's another poll out there and it's not a surprise, but it is a thorn in the side of leftists. This poll found that 63% expect Pres. Trump to win reelection. That doesn't mean that they would all vote FOR him, just that they expect him to win. I think that would be an excellent thing to happen. He's been good for America, good for the Space Coast and good for the stock market. We've seen things happen we were promised by the left that we would never see again because of Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and practices. It's time to face the facts, Lefties: Pres. Donald J. Trump wiped the floor with your candidates and continues to win daily. He promised that we would "almost get tired of winning" because we're winning so much. He has kept his promise. He is doing the one thing people expect of politicians and never, ever get: Keeping his promises. That's an unusual thing nowadays. August 21, 2019   Fake News:   The Morning Mouth has stepped deep into stupidity again -- if ever he got out of it, which I seriously doubt -- and he says that Pres. Trump saying (correctly) that Jews who vote for dumboRATS are being unfaithful to Israel. The reason he's correct is because there is a large percentage of dumboRATS who support BDS (Boycott, Disinvest, Sanction) of Israel. Jews voting for dumboRATS are voting for the BDS of Israel; which is voting against their "homeland". I don't use quotes around "homeland" to be mocking, offensive, or anything else negative; but to remind some that the Jews voting for the BDS supporters are not emotionally or in any other way tied to Israel, which makes their "homeland" a nonstarter in their lives. It doesn't matter that Israel would be injured if America as a whole did boycott, disinvest and sanction Israel. How any Jew supports that, I don't understand, but apparently many do. That's being unfaithful, IMHO too. But The Morning Mouth says saying so is being like Nazis. Everything they want to brand as bad is "Like Nazis", isn't it? It's become so common to use that allegation that it is losing its meaning and that's a shame. They should never diminish the evil of what Hitler and his followers did, but the left here does it all the time. The more you define something -- anything -- as "being like Nazis", the more you have to define "like Nazis" down and the less impact it has as to the seriousness of the parallel. It's wrong to do so, but the left likes to do it all the time because they enjoy using what they see as the "worst" analogy they can come up with. If you really want to slam someone nowadays, since the "like Nazis" thing has been so diminished by the Left's use of it, say that someone is "being like hillosercrooktOOn", or "like pelosickpig", or "like ____________" (fill in the blank with the name of the person speaking. It's gotten to the point where the Left's use of "like Nazis" is not even a weight worth balancing. That's something the left has done and it's wrong to diminish that to this point of brushing it off. It doesn't matter to the left that they've overused the lie, it is a useful whistle to their dogs. August 21, 2019   Fake News 2:   So another leftist LIES about Pres. Donald J. Trump and makes the already proven FALSE allegation that Pres. Trump is a racist. Wanna' hear something funny? The guy saying the Pres. Trump is a racist -- and anti-semite -- is a Muslim. Uh. Yeah. He says that Muslims are with the Jews. I'm sorry. When you're finished rolling on the floor with laughter, picking your jaw up, rubbing the disbelief out of your eyes, read that again. He says that Muslims -- their "Jewish cousins from other mothers"-- are with the Jews. Right. That's why two Muslim Congresswomen bash Israel and Jews. Why Muslims kill Jews on a daily basis. That's why 4,000 JEWS DIED in the 9/11 attacks done by MUSLIMS, why a Muslim man beat a Jew and why Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS and others, ALL MULSIM ORGANIZATIONS, have been labeled "terorist organizations" after their attacks on Jews and their willingness to kill innocent people from Jews to Christians to Hindus to anyone who is not "their brand" of Islam. Yeah. Muslims are for their "Jewish cousins from other mothers" -- IF you're talking about the psychopathic cousin who kills his whole family! August 21, 2019   Planned AbortionHood:   They've self-cancelled their Title X taxpayer funding because they chose to NOT obey the guidelines to receive the money. Good. Now they have to get their money from the lefties who support baby killing like variety magazine. They chose to cancel a party after the emmy awards in order to give the emmy party money to the baby killing organization. That's a better way for them to get their money than for us to fund it, agree? After all, how many women on the screens have NOT had at least one abortion? They love that organization because they turn to them all the time. August 21, 2019 dumboRAT Stupidity:   An atheist dumboRAT was "sworn" into office while placing her hand -- I kid you not -- on a Dr. Seuss book. I'm wondering how anyone can take her seriously considering her choice. Maybe if she had chosen the "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" or Aristotle's "Rhetoric" or maybe even Homer, Sophocles, or Herodotus, maybe she could be taken seriously. But Dr. Seuss? Really? How does her oath of office even mean anything considering that she swore to what via whom on which text? She has no backing to her oath. When you swear to something, it's an oath to man and GOD. It's a sacred promise, an involatile vow (like wedding vows are supposed to be), and you should have some solid backing to that oath. Dr. Seuss? No. That's mocking the whole process and it's a LIE that she swore to anything considering that she had no backing to the words she muttered -- probably while crossing her eyes and toes. The people who voted for her deserve what they get. August 21, 2019   TDS: mitt romney has it bad:   I'm so glad that he was never prezidunce. I admit that I did vote for him: he was a better choice than themuslimvileone at the time, but I wonder if the results would not have been similar, if a little less racist, and less illegal. Anyways, he is now saying that he's not "part of the Republican establishment" anymore. So...? He is saying that he used to be part of the swamp and now isn't? Isn't that who the swamp is: dumboRATS and Republicans who are "part of the establishment"? He's saying he's not "the establishment" Republican anymore so he should support Pres. Donald J. Trump but he doesn't. He bashes him. Sounds to me like mittyboy is trying to have his cake and eat it, too. Or, he's just lost his marbles and is searching for a way to be as popular -- with ANYONE who will have him -- as Pres. Donald J. Trump. He's going to lose on that one! Even if the left plays at loving him for a little while, once he's no longer a useful idiot for them, they'll dump him just as they did those before him. How often do you hear of those like david camera pigg nowadays? Useful idiots are a dime a dozen, locally and nationally, so the left uses them up, spits them out and moves on to the next one who can garner headlines for a few minutes. Mittyboy is in for such a disappointment when he finds out that he won't be Mr. Popular for longer than fifteen minutes. He really is selling his soul to be "Somebody". Poor baby. August 21, 2019   Last Link:   A political cartoon is the perfect way to end today. Check out A.F. Branco's take on antifa protestors and the Hong Kong protestors. I agree with Branco. Antifa are idiots. August 21, 2019   Gotta' close with that. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 19, 2019: 1:41 p.m.   Missed Friday's updates because we had to get ready to go to Georgia so we could meet with the people who are going to be making and installing the cabinets for our kitchen reno. We are going to remove the old cabinets, install new flooring, paint the two walls left (one wall - plus the side of the pantry - is already covered in bamboo flooring and the "fourth" is nonexistent because it's open to the family room), and keep the appliances we purchased less than two years ago to replace those that were as old as the house (20+ years). It's going to be fun! We are putting cork flooring down from the carport door through the utility room, family room and kitchen. We're having the cabinets made in pale blue for the lower cabinets, and an off white for the upper. The peninsula will have bookshelves on one side, cabinets on the other and a microwave that opens like a drawer at the end of it. We're moving the dishwasher to the other side of the sink so we will be able to reach the cabinets we need to put dishes away while the dishwasher is open. Where it is, we can't reach the cabinets over the dishwasher's open door. That doesn't work for me. So, it's all going to be more useful, functional and beautiful! I'm looking forward to it being completed and I can sit back and say, "Wow. That's nice!" But, I'm a little biased when it comes to my own designs. Aren't you? August 19, 2019   August 19, 2019   Pedostein:   Now that he's dead there are heads rolling... Well, people being fired because of his death in prison. I maybe shouldn't use that particular terminology considering how a decapitation can be ruled "natural causes" (see James Milam) when it will help cover up for the crooktOOns. The acting director of the federal Bureau of Prisons has now been fired and another innocent person pays the price for the crooktOOns. May be just the move that protects this guy, though. He may be relieved. August 19, 2019   googley-woogley:   Pres. Donald J. Trump says that they should be SUED for "manipulating the 2016 election in favor of" hillosercrooktOOn. I AGREE. I think that there is enough proof that they did manipulate search engine results to favor hilloser and that they did everything they could to help her win. Considering this, and the fact that research has shown that googley-woogley's manipulations helped turn votes to hilloser "According to the newly released Senate report, Dr. Robert Epstein, a psychologist, author and professor, Google manipulated at least 2.6 million — and upwards of 10+ million votes in favor of [hillosercrooktOOn]."Considering that, how do you think that compares to the allegations that Russians interfered with our elections? "At least 2.6 million" and up to 10 MILLION votes IN FAVOR of hilloser? Could the Russians have been influencing or manipulationg that many even if they did find a way to get into one -- or even ten -- voting machines? 2.6 to 10+ MILLION! Darn straight googley-woogley should be SUED. And they should be ordered to stop manipulating the search engine results! August 19, 2019   Opposition to The Idiot:   There are now seven Republicans who are going to run against the reason Amazon didn't put their new headquarters in NYC. I hope the most Conservative of them wins (who that is, I have no idea, thus no endorsements), and I hope they win "Bigly"! That would get rid of one of "The Odd" and and we can pray for and hope for the rest to be defeated by a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, too. That would be good for their districts and GREAT for America! We'd have more Conservative Congresspeople and we could get more things done, instead of just focusing on getting rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump! I like that! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or commie. It's free speech, folks, love it or hate it, I have that right!) August 19, 2019   Hong Kong's Freedom Fight:   I love that they have been using the American flag and our national anthem to bolster their movement. Now, they have adopted Pepe, the frog that croaks "FREEDOM!" (IMHO) and that was GAB's mascot for a long time. I pray that Hong Kong can gain its freedom from communist China and that their fight for freedom does not cost lives, liberty or "the pursuit of happiness". I hope and pray that Hong Kong's determination to stand against the tyrannical threats and violence of China's oppressive government and that their stand -- and, hopefully, success -- leads to the people of China standing against their government, too. Then, that leads to the people of North Korea standing against "Baby Dumpling" (as my Mom calls KJU) and winning their freedom, too! That would be a wonderful thing for the world and for the people of those lands. Pray for them. Pray for their freedom, safety and success! August 19, 2019   The Dead Blue Bird:   Are you still on there? Do you support a company who supports tyrannical, oppressive, violent government control over a country whose people yearn for and demand freedom? That's what you support if you're still on the Dead Blue Bird. They prove that they support that because they took money from the Chinese government to RUN ADS CRITICIZING the Hong Kong democracy protests. Jack Dorsey decided that the freedom he enjoys was less important for the people of Hong Kong to experience than for him to have a few more dollars in his pocket. That's what you support if you're still on the Dead Blue Bird. You support oppression of a people yearning to be free. If he can count YOU and YOUR ACCOUNT as one of the reasons people should advertise there, then he can include YOU as his supporter in his decisions. Is that what you want? You want China to deny freedom to those who long for it and put their lives on the line for it? Really? August 19, 2019   Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS):   The coupe against Pres. Donald J. Trump was in place from at least July of 2016 (pre-election efforts to deny him a win), and we have seen so much of the conspiracy against him that it's dizzying. Now we may see yet another player in the coupe. Was scarramucci involved in the coupe, or was he just another useful idiot hoping to rub elbows with powerful people? Time will reveal the truth, but it's looking like he was yet another wannabe hanger-on. August 19, 2019   Shootcago:   For those who want "gun control" why don't they ever cry about the shootings in dumboRAT controlled towns? Why is it always after a "mass shooting" that they cry over the loss of lives, but when it's a normal, weekly event in dumboRAT towns that people are gunned down, they close their eyes and scream about President Trump being a racist, instead of gun control in that town? Why is it that the left ignores the weekly weekend shootings in Chicago but they want to take away the legally purchased guns of those of us who have never been violent with a gun or any other way? Why is that? Don't "Black Lives Matter"? Don't dumboRAT mayors have any responsibility to do anything to stop the violence in their towns and in their inner cities where most of the violence happens between gangs and previous offenders? Where is the outrage over the deaths that dumboRAT msm-types always ignore? Where are alyssa milano, miley cyrus, cher, to cry over Shootcago's death toll? Hypocrites. August 19, 2019   Crazy bernie:   Wow. This is nuts. He wants to get more people killed? Is that what he's trrying to do? He wants to create an "unarmed first responders" force who will handle things instead of the police. So when they go on a "domestic violence" call, and they are trying to handle the huge argument between at least two people, what do they do when one of the combatants gets a gun and starts letting bullets fly? What do those "unarmed first responders" do then? How many of them would be sacrificed before they decided that the program wasn't going to work? Then he says he wants to "go to war with 'white nationalism'". He will have to find it first. White nationalists are not a huge crowd of people. There are some still around, but there are more whites who have no thought of a person's skin tone than there are those who think that "whites" are superior. Skin tone is something NO ONE has control over and it is not a choice (unless you're a craycray leftist who claims to be black and gets to the head of the local NAACP while LYING about your ethnicity all along: rachel dolazel, shawn king). It's a nonentity in most American's views, IMHO. It is in mine. I will treat everyone with civility when I meet them. Let them show me who they are and if they're an America-hating leftist atheist who thinks that China, Venezuela and North Korea are better ways to do things (or even jolly ol' England), then I will dislike that person FOR THOSE REASONS alone. They could be purple with tan polka dots and maroon stripes; I don't care. You hate America and our Constitution and our rights, I dislike you. Period. That's what matters to most Americans, not race. Sanders reminds me of Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. August 19, 2019   Planned AbortionHood:   WooHoo! IF this story is correct, they just CHOSE to NOT ACCEPT Title 10 funding anymore! There were just too many "restrictions" on them, supposedly, and their choice is to NOT accept anymore Title 10 money -- TAXPAYER dollars that won't go toward killing babies! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Babies' lives will be saved! That's so good; if it's true. I don't trust them farther than I can throw them, so I reserve belief until I see it myself. Let us thank the Lord for His mercy and grace! August 19, 2019   2020 Election:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has confirmed for us that VP Mike Pence will be on the ticket with Pres. Trump for 2020. I thought so, since Pres. Trump had already asked him publicly and VP Pence had already said yes publicly. (If it's not broke, don't fix it, right?) But, there are those who have to have it said multiple times before they listen. August 19, 2019   Last Link:   The left worldwide has lost its ever-loving mind. There's a "psychologist" in Italy who is recommending electric shock therapy if you are perceived to have any prejudices. Don't like people who hate Italy, hate Italians, hate Catholocism? (After all, most Italians are/were Catholic; Vatican and all that.) We're gonna' ZAP that outta' you! Thought police, anyone? August 19, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 15, 2019: 11:04 a.m.   Pedostein:   Autopsy shows he had bones in his neck broken, which is common in homicides. Remember this: "hyoid can be broken in many circumstances, but is more commonly associated with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging…"That's according to Jonathan Arden, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners. So what do you think happened to pedostein? I predicted he'd be murdered when he was arrested. Anyone who pays attention to those who cross the crooktOOns should have seen this coming. Remember, he knew all about strange proclivities, and had a painting of him in a blue dress. Some think the blue dress is just like one worn by hilloser; others think it is because of Monica Lewinsky. Whichever, pedostein knew what bullybob likes and now he's dead and can't speak about it. Isn't that convenient? August 15, 2019   CaliMarxiFornia:   They get more and more twisted, don't they? Now, they're going to be teaching children as young as kindergarten age that any kind of unnatural sexuality -- transgenderism, homosexuality, pedophilia, bisexuality, etc. -- is okay, acceptable and "normal". Isn't that wonderful? Don't ya' love that the leftists are taking over the education systems of America and that your children and grandchildren are being inculcated into the weirdoism of the left's sexual perversions. What happens in CaliMarxiFornia spreads to the rest of America? Is that what you want? August 15, 2019   Republican Victory!:   If "as goes CaliMarxiFornia, so goes the nation", then dumboRATS have a hard timing coming at them in 2020 elections because a "green new deal" candidate LOST and a Republican even got the union vote! Ruh roh, dumboRATS. Sounds like "Danger, danger, Will Robinson!" (With apologies to the robot on "Lost in Space".) August 15, 2019   I SUPPORT ISRAEL:   PM Netanyahu has banned ilhan oTALIBANar and The Mouth from entering Israel. The decision has been made based on a 2017 law that allows "'knowingly issues a public call for boycotting Israel.'"I think PM Netanyahu made the correct and moral choice. I think that it's a good thing to deny entry into your country of anyone who doesn't love her prior to entry for more than just economic reasons. I wish America would follow Netanyahu's lead and do this for people wanting entry here! August 15, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar:   She is such a hypocrite! She doesn't mind her boyfriend and her CAIR buddies having guns, but she wants to take away YOUR guns? I wonder if there could be a hidden reason why she wants YOU to be without the ability to defend yourself and others? I wonder if there's a reason she doesn't mind Muslims having guns, but she does mind NON-Muslims having guns? Do you think there could be a reasonable explanation why Muslims owning guns in America is okay with a Muslim, but not okay with NON-Muslims owning guns in America? You think maybe there's a hidden reason, something she's not speaking out loud to the American people? Maybe? Hmm? August 15, 2019   Bumblefingers biden:   He's not just a groping perv, he (and apparently a large number of his family members) is as corrupt as the day is long. Isn't that lovely? He gets rich. His son gets rich. They betray America to do so and he has the support of the leftists who want him to be prezidunce. Isn't that sweet? What price treason? August 15, 2019   Religious Freedom:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's administration has made new regulations regarding the treatment of religious organizations contracting with the federal government because "liberal groups have brought litigation against faith-based nonprofits and privately owned companies to try to compel them to take actions contrary to their religious beliefs."Now religious companies and orgs will be better protected from leftists who try to quash their rights and want to force Christians (notice it's never, ever Muslims who are sued?) to go against their religious beliefs and do whatever the leftists want them to do. I'm so glad that President Donald J. Trump is president. Can you imagine this rule change if hillosercrooktOOn were in office? August 15, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   She has gotten special treatment her whole life. She has yet to face ANY consequences for her illegal actions in ANYTHING she has ever done! From Whitewater to Vince Foster's "suicide" to pedostein's death, the crooktOOn's have yet to be charged, or even truly investigated by law enforcement for their wrongs. Now we have irrefutable proof that she got special treatment from the FBI (or is it FIB?) after her e-mail private server was revealed. She was never seriously looked into for anything, but we all know she was guilty as sin. What does she have on them that they refuse to charge her? Did they fly on pedostein's airplane, too? August 15, 2019   Leftist Violence:   A Philadelphia man shot six cops before he was arrested and taken into custody and he has been identified as Maurice Hill, a guy with a long rap sheet who apparently hates cops. I hope he gets the death penalty. I think he deserves it after trying to kill six cops. August 15, 2019   MAGA!:   New information shows that Americans' wages jumped and we're making more money! "Wage data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that after-inflation 'disposable personal income' rose by 2.9 percent in 2017, by 4 percent in 2018, and is on track to rise more than 3 percent in 2019. Those numbers add up to a 10 percent rise in three years — giving many voters a reason to stick with President Donald Trump in November 2020."So if you are making more money, thank Pres. Donald J. Trump! It was his policies that brought it about. August 15, 2019   thevilegeorgesoros:   Thanks to Michelle Malkin, we know that it is he who is funding the anti-I.C.E. movement and if any I.C.E. agents wind up getting hurt or killed because of thevilegeorgesoros's policies, funding, hatred of America and all things good, then I think he should be charged for being an accessory before the fact. After all, when you hire people to hate on I.C.E., when one of his "activists" goes farther than soros actually instructed him/her (but probably did not tell him/her to NOT do something more) then it's like hiring a hitman and if he did the hiring, then he is the one responsible and should be put in prison with the hitman. Agree? August 15, 2019   Last Link:  
"Florida Democrat Frederica Wilson told The Hill on Wednesday, 'Assault weapons were designed for one purpose: to kill people in war. Ordinary citizens should not own or have access to assault weapons.' A .22 [semi-auto] target pistol is now an 'assault weapon.'"Remember, she is the one who loves themuslimvileone, wears a stupid "cowboy hat" all the time, and is a proven LIAR about Pres. Donald J. Trump. So she and 199 (at least) dumboRATS are trying to take away EVERY gun anyone besides they and their bodyguards (and those of other "elites") own. Is this what you want? If not FIGHT BACK! VOTE for the MOST CONSERVATIVE candidate you can every chance you get. Don't vote for dumboRATS because you're angry or disappointed in one (or even many) Republican(s). If you do, your rights are burnt toast! Think before you vote about the U.S. Constitution and your GOD-given rights that are delineated in the U.S. Bill of Rights. Don't vote to take those away from yourself and that's exactly what you do when you vote for dumboRATS or third party candidates who will side with them. You must vote CONSERVATIVE and you must vote Republican if possible. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by moi, Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anyone or anything else.) August 15, 2019   So that's it for today. I want you to know that I may or may not post tomorrow. We go back to Georgia for the weekend so we can get the kitchen measured for the new cabinets. We are contracting to have that part done, but we will be doing the tear down of the cabinets, the prep work for the walls to be painted, putting down new flooring and changing a few other things up. It's going to be a quick job because we hope to get it finished by the time my husband's brother and his wife come down to spend just over a week there. I hope everything goes as planned so that it can be ready for them and we can have the dishes back where they belong in the new cabinets and they can be some of the first to see the transformed kitchen. We've already changed the third bathroom, we're working on the second bathroom and we have changed a few smaller things as well. So, we're hoping to get it all done and ready for them when they arrive. Maybe we'll spend the night prior to their arrival there if we still need to put the dishes away. We'll see. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 14, 2019   Deep State:   Does anyone still actually, deeply and truly believe in the "Russian collusion" LIE? If so, they are probably delusional, and a total leftist wacko. Now we have the proof that it was all a LIE, but they still believe, even though almost daily now we receive more proof that deep state operatives made it all up. They were working behind the scenes -- even after Pres. Donald J. Trump was sworn into office -- to remove him from office and to destroy his presidency and they're still at it. That's treason, folks, and they all need to be serving twenty years to life! August 14, 2019   googley-woogley:   Project Veritas has interviewed another employee (former or current, I don't know) and Project Veritas's info from the insider says that googley-woogley was manipulating results to favor the dumboRATS in search results during elections. That's what employee/former employee, Zachary Vorhies, says. He also said "I saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company and I realized that there were going to not only tamper with the elections, but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.'"Maybe googley-woogley isn't that great a company, considering that they have admitted to spying on you, that other tech companies say googley-woogley has been spying on people. Of course, they were censoring Conservative websites like Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit; all websites that I love. So don't ya' think it's possible that googley-woogley was set to try to tamper with elections and "essentially overthrow the United States", if they're willing to admit to having spied on Americans without their consent or knowledge? August 14, 2019   SCOTUS:   It's bothering the dumboRATS that the SCOTUS is not a totally leftist organization. They are promising that if they get back into office and in total control as they truly want to be, they will then transform the Supreme Court in such a way that the SCOTUS will be a leftist kiss-butt and rubber stamp for as long as they want it to be. DumboRATS are not happy unless they can control everything and everyone. That's their goal. August 14, 2019   Leftist Violence:   Despicable. Horrible. Disgusting. Abominable. Those are all words I use to describe the leftists who are in Congress, the Senate, former themuslimvileone's administration members, the crooktOOns, those who support hilloser and the violent members of antifa and those who stand with them. For instance, leftists are threatening the family of El Paso, TX, shooting victims because they had the gall to meet with Pres. Donald J. Trump! How absolutely nauseating is that? They are ridiculously violent and they are hateful and deranged for threatening the family of victims who died because they went to Wal-Mart! They died protecting their children and their family members met with their President so their family (according to the leftists) must also die! Is this normal? Is this what America wants? Is this okay with you? How can this be okay to anyone?! Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. August 14, 2019   Domestic Terrorism:   Did you know about this? Did you know that there is a loophole in federal law PREVENTING the feds from punishing domestic terrorists!? How did that happen? When was that law made and who sponsored the loophole and who wrote the law with the loophole? How did that get passed? Who voted FOR it and who AGAINST? Watch this one, folks. There is a law proposed by Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) that tries to close this loophole and make domestic terrorism a federal crime that the federal government can prosecute. Keep your eyes on this because I want you to see how many dumboRATS vote against this bill. That will speak volumes, don't you think? The bill is still in the early stages and hasn't yet been assigned a Senate bill number, so the full text of it is available here. Read it. Support it. Call your Senators and tell them to support it! August 14, 2019   Pedostein:   The warden of the jail where he died sued former themuslimvileone's U.S. attorney general for "racism" then got assigned the position of warden in the jail where pedostein was murdered/committed "suicide". Sounds like the actions of a typical leftist, right? So, now we find out what happens when you're questioningly qualified and given reward for shutting up and going away quietly. BTW, the prison logs may have been falsified so that it would look like the "guards" were checking on him every thirty minutes. Sounds to me like she deserved to be removed considering all of the wrongs involved here. August 14, 2019   Pedostein 2:   His assistant/madam is a piece of work, isn't she? First, to participate in the "recruiting" of underage girls, to be there watching (participating?) as they were sexually abused and used and ordered to be raped (statutory rape under 18) by other men besides her boss. She is a wicked, evil woman and she considerd those girls "nothing" and "trash". What happened to empowerment for women/girls? What happened to supporting women/girls and the "#MeToo movement"? What happened to all these dumboRATS who KNEW ABOUT what pedostein was doing and DID NOTHING TO HELP THESE GIRLS? Hypocrisy is thy name, dumboRATS! EVIL and WICKED is thy game! August 14, 2019   Shock! An accurate poll?:   There has been a poll done in NC that shows Pres. Trump leading all dumboRATS. Is it an accurate poll? Who knows? Does it matter at this point in our election cycle? No. Is it something to allow you to ignore your civic duty and NOT vote during our 2020 presidential elections? No. Is it probably more accurate at this point in time than those saying the dumboRATS are going to beat Pres. Donald J. Trump? Probably. Do we care what the polls say right now? No. They were not just wrong, but astonishingly wrong, in 2016. All but one poll that I know of in 2016 said that hillosercrooktOOn was definitely going to win; many said she would win in a landslide. Did that happen? We all know the answer to that. So, do polls really matter when it comes to whether you vote, or for whom you vote? I hope and pray that you will vote and that you will vote for the person who is best for America, our children's futures and for our economy. To me, that person is none other than Pres. Donald J. Trump. Do you agree? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda S. McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or any poll.) August 14, 2019   robert "beto" o'rourke:   I thought he had already quit the preziduncial race, but maybe not. I don't know, but the Houston Chronicle is calling for him to get out of the preziduncial race. He may or may not be listening, I don't know yet. However, he has decided to do a "major address to the nation" tomorrow. Maybe he will make it official that he is dropping out, listening after all. I don't know. If he doesn't drop out I'm sure he'll continue to get his usual less than 1% of the support pollsters find for him. Poor baby. August 14, 2019   Christian "Leaders":   Christian leaders have been deciding to publicly denounce their faith and walk away from Christ, and for those who consider those "leaders" as someone to look up to and be deeply influenced by, then it's sometimes difficult to keep the faith when you see someone who influenced you deeply walk away. But, there is a problem with being "deeply influenced" by anyone besides Jesus Christ. You are supposed to be following Jesus, not people. So, if you are sad seeing all of these Christians leaving the faith, then to me, you are following the wrong one. Follow Jesus, not man. You won't be disappointed in Him, nor will you ever be led astray. August 14, 2019   Anti-America:   Someone did a "targeted attack" in which they shot at two Texas I.C.E. facilities. That sounds to me like domestic terrorism. Sounds to me like the Sen. McSally bill needs to be passed and that the person shooting at I.C.E. facilities needs to be chargeable by the federal government! After all, they did shoot at a federal agency. August 14, 2019   Last Link:   This is a funny cartoon and I thought you might get a laugh out of it, unless you're a crooktOOn supporter. August 14, 2019   And so I leave you today. Have you checked out my political cartoons? If not, you may wish to do so. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 13, 2019: 2:36 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have so much to do! I wish there were three of me for this week's list. Add to that, my hubby decided to surprise me with a new kitchen at the farm and we're starting that project, too, and you have a very small window for doing anything on the computer! So, let's get started so I can finish and get other things done. August 13, 2019   Pedostein (jeffrey epstein):   Was he murdered? Many of us think he was. There are just too many similarities with the rest of the crooktOOn body count victims to be a coincidence. There are too many unanswered questions and way too many things that make us want to find out more. So, whatever it was, we need answers. We need to find out if the alleged "shouting and shrieking" heard coming from his cell have anything to do with someone making sure he never talked about the names on his list. Oh, and how on earth did the news of his death get on 4chan before anywhere else? Or, maybe that was just a coincidence, too? August 13, 2019   Fake News Craziness:   Wow. Talk about thin skin! "Fredo" cuomo is so thin skinned about being called "Fredo" that he allowed a guest on his show to call Donald Trump, Jr. "Fredo" without saying a word to stop it. However, when an innocent guy calls "Fredo" "Fredo", "Fredo" gets all upset and threatens to throw they guy down the stairs because "Fredo" gets upset when someone calls him that. Even though he actually called himself "Fredo" in 2010! Hypocrisy, anyone? All of the world's smallest violins are playing pianisimo in unison for him right now. August 13, 2019   Islamic Violence:   Another guy screaming "Allahu Akbar!" has taken the Islamic's Koran/Quran to heart and decided to stab people in Sydney, Australia. One woman died from his attack and another was injured before the public stepped in and subdued him. I hope they did more than "subdue" him. I hope they beat the punk out of him for stabbing an innocent, unarmed female for no reason. What will it take for people to understand that it's important to be able to protect yourself and that Islam is a violent belief system that believes that it's okay for them to harm you but not you to even speak negatively about them, their god, or their "prophet". It's important to understand Islam. It's important to get a Koran/Quran and read what it actually says. Do it. Learn. FIND THE TRUTH! After you read that, read Noni Darwish's "Wholly Different" and you will understand more about Islam than you've ever understood before, no matter how much you studied it in "college". August 13, 2019   bernie "Socialist" sanders:   He is finally admitting that he wants to undo all of the good Pres. Donald J. Trump has done for our economy. He wants to "transform" it and make things WORSE for YOU and for America. Is that what you want? Remember, he has already admitted that he wants to change health care into a $40 TRILLION scheme! He wants to "transform" our health care system, and it will cost much, much more. Is that what you want him to do for our economy? Do you think you're making a better living right now, having more to spend on the non-essentials? If so, would you really want sanders to change that into a negative? August 13, 2019   Pot, meet Kettles:   So when the paper of 15 corrections on ONE story calls you out for the LIES you tell, that's pretty bad! Sometimes it's just funny watching the left be so hypocritical and calling out each others' lies. They are a clown show without the big shoes or makeup! August 13, 2019   Fake News Hypocrisy:   These two really are a pair of idiots who deserve each other. They really are something: what, I think we know. Morons! Anyways, the "Morning Joe" morons did the usual leftist thing and demonstrated their hypocrisy. Is anyone ever going to do them the kindness of telling them they're morons so that they can try to get wiser? If not, people really do want them to continue being stupid in public. I'm sure those two are eager to do so, after all, they've done so for the last how many years? August 13, 2019   Last Link:   Here's something funny today. I found a Christian comedian named Kathy Buckley who is hysterical! Watch a video of her here and enjoy! August 13, 2019   That's it for today. I gotta' go get things done. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 12, 2019: 1:14 p.m.   Missed Friday's updates because I was getting stuff ready to go to the farm. We are doing the second bathroom (second of three) now, and we had things to take with us to help with that. We didn't get to mow because of the rain and heat - 97+ with the "feels like" temp included. It was so hot up there until it rained Saturday afternoon and again Sunday afternoon. Yep, it's summertime. August 12, 2019   August 12, 2019   CaliMarxiFornia:   Did you know that the state legislature passed a law there that would mandate gender requirements for board members? Is that not idiotic? I'm amazed that CaliMarxiFornia has anyone still living there. It's ridiculous how much the people who do this stupidity really want to be involved in every little aspect of everyone's lives. Can you imagine them having a say in every "jot and tittle" of your life? That's what will happen if dumboRATS and socialists get what they want. August 12, 2019   Pedo epstein:   Did I say last month when he was arrested that he would be killed in prison to make this investigation and criminal lawsuit go away? Well, what happened Friday/Saturday with him in his jail cell, where it's impossible to hang yourself? He was going to name names to get his sentence reduced. Now he's suddenly dead? Show of hands: Who is surprised? Yeah. Nor am I. It was totally predictable, and I did so very accurately. You know his cell mate was moved, the cameras suddenly acted up and didn't record the area where he was killed, I mean, uh, found murdered, or... uh... Add the fact that the warden and chief prison psychologist signed a paper that said they agree that he's "not suicidal" despite an alleged suicide attempt only three weeks prior to his murd... death. Add to that, the prison guards watching him -- why would you need an excuse for NOT watching him if he wasn't "suicidal"? -- were massively over worked, one guard on his fifth overtime of the week. Add to that, the woman who was his madam is "in the wind" and no one knows where she is. Now, the Big Question: Who is going to protect the warden, psychologist and the guards of that prison now that he's been murd... successful in committing suicide? After all, they all know what happened for certain. If they start spending money above and beyond what they are paid, then we know something happened there. If they suddenly show up on a coroner's slab, then we know that they have been silenced and even though their deaths may look like an "accident" (or just be ruled as such by a friend of the crooktOOns), then it's apparent that epstein's death is not a suicide, it was a hit, and so will be the prison warden's, guards' and psychologists. Agree? Oh, and if the idiot really wants answers, she may decide to hire body guards for her own personal safety if she really wants the truth. August 12, 2019   "Russian collusion":   Overstock.com president says he has all the info about the "Russian collusion" conspiracy. It's not smart to go about touting your knowledge of the bad things the dumboRATS have done. It's rather a life-shortening experience. This guy needs to watch his back because there will probably be a knife in it soon. If the medical examiner is a friend of the crooktOOns, it will be ruled a suicide. August 12, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He hired bad people because he is a bad person. He hates America and always has. He now has to deal with the fact that one of his former attorneys is on trial and what may come out of that if the truth sworn to under oath is actually told. How many wrongs will come out that he did? Who knows. It's all about covering for the wrongs he did and that's why the "Russian collusion" lie and the mueller investigation were created in the first place. Will the TRUTH come out? That depends on the judge and who is prosecuting. BTW, the guy was also a "legal advisor" to the crooktOOns, so that sounds like he may be on a cold metal table sometime soon, too, if he decides to cooperate and tell the "Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth". August 12, 2019   Amazon Spying:   You've heard about how they've been gathering data and selling it to others, but did you know that they are helping law enforcement with their devices? I have nothing against law enforcement, so don't get me wrong. However, if they are spying on people, that's covert, hidden and not acceptable. You give me a doorbell that can see who is there, record what's going on, and as long as I know that's happening, that's fine. IF, on the other hand, Amazon is using that info, those images in any way to spy on me, to covertly record me, my voice, my anything, then I think that's an invasion of my privacy. IF a "privacy clause" exists at all in the U.S. laws, state statutes, or even county ordinances, then this is certainly a violation of it. IF one does not exist, it is at the very least, a breach of trust and who wants to do business with a company they can't trust? August 12, 2019   Idiot Athlete:   No one ever said that athletes were high IQ people, but this is taking it to a new level of stupid. When you go somewhere in the world that has an athletic event in which you have a part in representing America, you don't take a knee without expecting consequences. You should be kicked off of the team, lose your medal (if you won one), and you should be blocked from ever representing America in any competition ever again. That's the way it should be. You hear America's National Anthem, you STAND, right hand over heart, and you don't diss America while you are representing us. That's the way it should be! If you don't want to follow those rules, then don't try to get on a team! If you think America is so horrible, go live somewhere that meets your requirements! If you think that America deserves to be disrespected worldwide, then stop trying to be its representative, HYPOCRITE! You don't deserve to represent us. You deserve to live elsewhere in a nation that will better suit your tastes. Why not leave now so you can be happier sooner? I know we will be happier without you! August 12, 2019   Immigration:   Pres. Trump is putting a new rule in place that will save American taxpayers "billions": "legal immigrants would be less likely to secure a permanent residency in the U.S. if they have used any forms of welfare in the past, including using subsidized healthcare services, food stamps, and public housing."This is for LEGAL immigrants, so just think how he's going to save us money for those who enter America ILLEGALLY! I hope it's going to happen soon that the government starts doing something about the ILlegals as well. I'm tired of paying for their housing, food, medical care, dental care, clothing, toiletries, etc. Let's fix this problem once and for all: SECURE OUR BORDERS! August 12, 2019   robert mueller:   So science and experts say he LIED to Congress while UNDER OATH. Shock. Surprise. Someone hold my coffee while I faint in shock and wonder. So when is he going to face consequences for having LIED UNDER OATH and to Congress? Never? Oh. That's right. He's a leftist who served themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn. Nothing is going to happen to him. Would YOU get away with the same thing? August 12, 2019   Major EEEWWWWWW!:   A Harvard professor (who was previously Harvard's president) took his new bride on the "Lolita Express" to epstein's sex island! Eeeewww! "Happy Honeymoon! Here's a pubescent girl to do with as you will! Have fun, Sweetheart! I've got my own!" Is that a good way to start a marriage, even if it is your second marriage? What woman - real woman - would tolerate that? I can't imagine agreeing to that. I can't imagine being married to a creep who wants teenage girls instead of me -- ON OUR HONEYMOON! It would be a marriage of days if that woman had any sense of self-respect at all. It's ridiculous that she tolerated that. She must really have no voice at all. August 12, 2019   Fake News:   Now you know you can't trust the msm and their talking heads. Turns out that you can't trust the written word, either. Consider the wapo's story that was so bad that they had to issue 15 corrections on the SAME STORY! They are that bad. Now it turns out that the once-respected NY Times is a proven LIAR as well. So whom do you trust for NON-fake news? Breitbart. The Gateway Pundit, etc. It's the only way to be sure you can see what's happening without wondering if they're lying to you. August 12, 2019   "unless the nations took 'drastic measures, the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years'"Since it's been over ten years since that warning (read "LIE"), then how could he be correct? Oh. I see. He is saying that we are there now. We are at the "point of no return"? He says that sea levels have already started increasing. Problem: sea levels are actually FALLING. He says that "We're seeing huge melting of the ice [in the Arctic]." Problem: the ice is THICKER and actually even is bigger than ten years ago. The left just laps this stuff up as though it were mother's milk, yet the FACTS don't matter and they don't want to hear the TRUTH. Must be difficult living life in a delusion. August 12, 2019   Bumblefingers biden:   Usually, when he's touching girls, it's in a creepy way that leaves one wanting to take a shower for days. On this occassion, though, he did so threateningly, to a young lady who asked him about how many genders there are and if he can name them. He threatened her! That's disgusting. He is a grown man, a grandfather and he thinks it is okay and appropriate to threaten a young lady for asking him two questions? Really? Is that who you want as prezidunce? I don't! August 12, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   I've been saying for the last three years to watch out, she's not finished with her egotistical effort to be the first female prezidunce. She is still full of herself (and of "it"), and she truly wants to be in the Oval Office as the C.I.C. I don't want that, but she does and she keeps foreshadowing it in many ways. Like when she tweeted support for an "assault weapons" ban with a photo of her "hard dog to keep on the porch" signing something at the White House? Is she trying to give hints to her supporters to keep their chins up and their powder dry? Or is she just flouting the fact that her dog signed an "assault weapons" ban and high capacity magazine limit while he was in office? I am more inclined to think the former over the latter. She doesn't care what he did; she cares about what she can do when it's her turn. At least, that's my thoughts on it. August 12, 2019   Okay. I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 8, 2019: 11:41 a.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have errands to run and must go do them soon, but wanted to do some updates. So, let's get started with... August 8, 2019   August 8, 2019   Deep State:   So who arranged this folly? Corruption loves and supports corruption, so who arranged for the corrupt judge to oversee the case of corrupt strzok? I'm sure this is not going to end well for justice but maybe things will go well in that she may wind up being overbooked, or maybe a delay will make it be reassigned, or whatever. I just hope that strzok's case will go before a judge who knows that it's not for whom he was working (dumboRATS) but the law that matters and that just because she's also a dumboRAT that it doesn't mean he's automatically clean as the wind-driven snow. It's about truth and the law and the laws he broke, not about the fact that he was doing the bidding of themuslimvileone as she does. August 8, 2019   DumboRAT is as dumboRAT does:   An unknown candidate for prezidunce, dumboRAT Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX), decided to doxx some of Pres. Donald J. Trump's donors and in the process, he doxxed someone who also supported him. Idiot. That's not all, though. The idiot then doubled down. One of his victims spoke out and asked, "Is he hoping one of us will get shot?" I think that his victim is right on the money in that. The dumboRAT is hoping that those who support Pres. Donald J. Trump will be harmed and that we will be intimidated into obedient silence. They want to rule us by fear. Is that the kind of prezidunce you want: someone who will rule via FEAR? This guy's a truly egotistical moron who learned how to be an "activist" (read trouble maker) via his "activist" mother. She hates caucasians and wants to give a huge part of the western United States to Mexico. Is this what you want as prezidunce? August 8, 2019   Reality Check:   Wow. This is unusual; a dumboRAT who says they're well on the way to losing the 2020 election. He's correct, but it's highly unusual to hear a dumboRAT speak the truth. Miracles happen every day, especially considering the lies they usually tell. At least, if they aren't speaking the truth, the truth hits them in the face. For instance, it looks like the numbers for robert "beto" o'rourke are so low he has decided to "pause" his preziduncial campaign for now. I'm sure he's realizing that he's not going to have a snowball's chance, but it's fun to have the ego to run and have at least a few people stand outside and listen to your drivel, right? A dumboRAT who still hasn't had a reality check is bernie sanders, who honeymooned in Moscow and supports communism and socialism, but he doesn't like to admit that he is a commie himself. His supporters haven't had the reality check, either, because they chanted at one of his rallies "Moscow Mitch!" Excuse me? Mitch mcCONnell didn't honeymoon in Moscow, did he? He doesn't openly support communism/socialism/marxism. So, why do they think that chanting that at the rally for a guy who DID honeymoon in Moscow is a good idea? Reality much? August 8, 2019   Leftist Hypocrisy:   The Dead Blue Bird suspended mitch mcCONnell's account because he posted videos of the protestors outside his house, but the protestors who were protesting him didn't have their accounts suspended. To show the left as they are -- violent, hateful, threatening, vile -- is a suspendable offense, but to be outside screaming into a bullhorn at an elderly injured man (he fell and broke his shoulder) while he tries to recuperate is okay with the Dead Blue Bird. Sweet! (Sarcasm.) Then you have the hypocrisy of the dumboRAT candidate who is selling "You don't have to yell" bumper stickers to raise money for his campaign, but he goes on msnbc and YELLS! Shock. Surprise. What morons. August 8, 2019   hollyweird: &Nbsp You've heard about the movie in which leftist elites hunt "deplorables" for sport, right? If not, then you need to know that it's the way hollyweird see those of us who support Pres. Donald J. Trump. They think that we need to be taken out during hunting season on us. The movie is billed as a "satire", but I seriously doubt that any "deplorable" shot after the movie's release will think their injuries "satirical". August 8, 2019   Last Link:   Stranger things, anyone? This guy is a bit wacko. No, a LOT wacko. He says that those of us who support Pres. Donald J. Trump are getting "subliminal orders" in our heads from Pres. Trump and that we "white supremacists" are acting on those "subliminal" orders. Rrrrrriiiiigggghhhhhttt. I wonder when was the last time he had a good talk with a psychiatrist. He needs to go back and talk. He's really reaching for anything to make his beliefs seem reasonable by using something as far-fetched as "subliminal" messaging. SMH. Must be difficult to have that little grasp on reality.On this day, 8/8, don't forget that Pres. Trump is signalling those "white supremacists" via returning our flag to full staff after a few days at half staff for the victims of El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH. It's that "subliminal" thing, ya know? August 8, 2019   I'll go after that nonsense. The left is losing it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 7, 2019: 2:24 p.m.   I have time for just a few blurbs today. Been busy. Stayed up late last night making Christmas cards again. I really enjoyed making them and coming up with new ideas, so I slept late today because my bedtime was 5:00 a.m. Then I did some stuff around the house and now I'm here for a few minutes and then must go get ready for our date night. So let's get started. August 7, 2019   "An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm."proves my point about "assault weapons" being ANY GUN! If you have an "assault" weapon, that includes anything that can be used to harm others! Baseball bats are "assault" weapons. Hands, feet, teeth are "assault" weapons; are you going to allow the government to pull all of your teeth, or cut off your limbs? They're "assault" weapons, too! "A mere threat to harm is not an assault; however, a threat combined with a raised fist might be sufficient if it causes a reasonable apprehension of harm in the victim."No? Then don't allow them to take away ANY of your guns! August 7, 2019   Deep State Collusion:   Sean Hannity says that when all of the investigations into the deep state collusion to steal an election and falsely accuse then-candidate Donald J. Trump of doing all sorts of wrongs, that the results of the investigations will "shock the conscience of a nation". Yeah. Right. Like the truth of james comey and robert mueller NOT being charged with anything after the results were released from the last finished investigation? They proved those two did wrongs, broke rules, broke laws even; nothing happened to them. We were told of the wrongs they did, but because they're dumboRATS nothing is going to happen to them. We may be shocked by the reports of the TRUTH of what was found out in the investigations, but what will shock our consciences will most likely be the fact that none of the people who were found to be doing WRONG will never see the inside of a prison cell. They'll all be let off scott free because they're leftist dumboRATS and we have a two-tiered justice system: the dumboRATS get away with everything and the rest of us pay for spitting on the sidewalk. It's absurd. Don't get your hopes up until you see the lefties in prison orange and sentenced to more than time served. If any of them go to prison, be sure a miracle has happened. (Yes. I am cynical nowadays about our "justice" system. We see hillosercrooktOOn and her ilk get away with everything and we know for certain that there were "Everyday Joe's" in prison for doing less than what the dumboRATS have been getting away with daily. So, yeah. Cynicism has become my norm when it comes to "justice".) August 7, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Judicial Watch is suing pete buttigeig's city for his part in creating an I.D. card that will help illegal alien invaders get services, get access and probably, get to vote. I am grateful for Judicial Watch's diligence in protecting America and in telling us the TRUTH about how the left works. They really do a great job and if you wish to thank and support them, you can do so here. August 7, 2019   pelosickpig:   In the land of "survival of the fittest", she is not in the top category, that's for certain! She is physically ill and has something wrong with her, proven by the videos of her "unraveling". That leaves her open to attacks and those attacks are coming at regular intervals from the new bloods on the block who don't care about decorum, traditions, rules, manners, etc. They just want to have POWER and they want it NOW! For power they eat their own. Doesn't surprise anyone. After all, when you have leftist socialist/marxist/communist ideas, that's one of the primary rules: POWER at all costs! So we shall get to see pelosickpig taken out by her "political grandchildren" and we'll get to watch as she gasps for air after they go for her jugular and all we'll be able to do about it is say, "See? I told you so." She needs to be very weary of her "political grandchildren" because they have no rules and they watch for weakness and see it in her. There will be no one who has her back. None dare. Their own backs are next in line! August 7, 2019   The Dayton shooter had a leftist point of view and he also attended an antifa rally with the gun he used to shoot and kill his sister and many others. I wonder if he went to where his sister was because he knew it was a "gun free zone", or if he went there because he was angry at his sister (whom he killed). We may never know, but it is a matter of curiosity for me. August 7, 2019   Deep State Nerve:   Disgraced and dishonest FBI agent, peter strzok, is suing the FBI and the DOJ because he says that he was fired over text messages about Pres. Donald J. Trump. Well, when you consider all of the things he did, I would say that the strzok did things that deserve firing. I don't think he'll succeed, but if he does, it's because he is a leftist and we know that the "justice" system is quite leftist friendly. Let's keep an eye on this. August 7, 2019   I'm going to make this idiot's comments the last link of the day: re-raising the flag is sign to "white supremacists". The way he "figured it out" is absurd and sounds like shades of louis farrakhan. It's mind-blowingly stupid. August 7, 2019   I'll close with that for today. I have a date night with my hubby tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 6, 2019: 12:00 p.m.   Leftist Violence:   The Dayton shooter had a definite left bent that is so obvious it can't be lied about even by cnn admitted he was a leftist. They usually LIE about everything, so for them to admit that the Dayton shooter was a leftist is a shock! How did that happen? They told the TRUTH? Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. August 6, 2019   themuslimvileone:   How many times did I tell you during his dictatorship that he hates America? Well, more proof poors in because now we know that many of the people he welcomed in are terrorists. He likes the idea of as many Americans dying as possible because that makes America easier to put into turmoil, chaos and confusion which makes it easy to take over. That's the goal: "[F]ederal authorities in the Grand Canyon State [Arizona] have arrested two refugees from the same continent for conspiring to provide material support to ISIS. In both cases the terrorists entered the United States legally under [themuslimvileone's] era program that welcomed—and offered residency—to hundreds of thousands from Muslim countries notorious for terrorist activity."See? I told you so. August 6, 2019   themuslimvileone 2:   He had to raise his ugly head and say something negative about Pres. Donald J. Trump after the El Paso and Dayton shootings and it wasn't very nice. Former prezidunces aren't supposed to comment on current presidents and now we have him disregarding all of the former precedents and traditions. That's okay, though. Pres. Trump can take care of himself. He fired right back at themuslimvileone and, of course, he nailed him. I love it. He pointed out that there were at least 32 MASS SHOOTINGS during themuslimvileone's time in office. Where did we see George W. Bush blaming themuslimvileone and where were the msm condemning and blaming him? themuslimvileone has no class. August 6, 2019   Leftist Violence 2:   They just can't behave themselves. They love to scream that Conservatives are the hateful ones, but antifa is made up of completely left persons, and the people who do the shootings are 98% of the time leftists, and the people outside of mitch mcCONnell's house yelling for him to be stabbed in the heart are leftists. He's recuperating from a broken shoulder and they're camped outside of his house screaming into a bullhorn "F.... mitch..." etc. They have no idea of what right and wrong are, or if they do, they don't care. They are more interested in getting their anger expressed in whatever way possible -- violence, shooting, screaming, breaking things, doxxing people, etc. -- so that they can get praises and noticed by the rest of the left. They are trying to get famous on the left by being farther left than the other guy. Don't believe me? Look at the dumboRAT 2020 candidates. One goes for free college, the next goes for free college PLUS free books, room and board. It's all about one-ups-manship and going farther than the previous guy. How long will it take for a leftist to bomb a stadium full of people, a crowded shopping mall, or any other venue with loads of people who don't deserve to be hurt? August 6, 2019   Millenial Sorrow:   A new study shows that millenials are the "loneliest generation", having no friends and being sad about it. I can understand being sad about it, but when all of your "friends" are people you've never really met because they're all online and on your miscellaneous "social media" accounts, then of course you're going to be without local friends to be with in person. If you spend all of your time on your phone, tweeting, posting, etc., you lose touch with real people, with how to do conversations face to face, with eye contact that makes you feel like you're actually with humans. It's a good idea to put the phone down, take the time to go meet real people in person and spend time with them because it's better for you than to have online people who will stroke your ego by "liking" a post that a true friend would be telling you "isn't cool". It's time to stop letting social media run your life and get in touch with flesh and bones people. August 6, 2019   "Russian Collusion":   The more info becomes public about the Deep State's efforts to deny then-candidate, Donald J. Trump, his candidacy, his win, his presidency, any peace while in office, the more we see that they were at this for a long time and they were NOT Russians involved in the effort to deny Trump a win, but they were all themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn loyalists who wanted to see themuslimvileone's dastardly deeds kept hidden, his corrupt powers continued in her, and their part in destroying America and our electoral system kept buried under the rocks they all crawled out from under. They're a despicable group that need to spend the rest of their days in prison. I'm in favor of re-opening Alcatraz and putting them all out there, with no contact with the outside world and making them all fend for themselves. Let them garden on the rock and see what happens. August 6, 2019   Leftist Violence 3:   The NY Times had a headline that wasn't as hateful toward Pres. Donald J. Trump as the Dead Blue Bird leftist mob wanted it to be, so they ganged up on NYT in tweets and the NYT caved and changed the headline from "Trump Urges Unity Vs Racism"to "'Assailing Hate But Not Guns.'"So the NY Times has no spine. Shock. Surprise. August 6, 2019   Bumblefingers biden:   He is a liar. He just did an interview in which he spread the LIE that Pres. Donald Trump said something that praised the guy who ran over the protestor in Charlottesville. Bumblefingers is full of it and the TRUTH about Charlottesville is that his first comments asked for unity and peace, and in his second comments Pres. Trump CONDEMNED the guy who ran over the female protestor, in strong language. Where does Bumblefingers get the gall to LIE about Pres. Trump's words when we can look them up for ourselves? Does he think we have no capability to think for ourselves? Bumblefingers, you're a joke. August 6, 2019   I think we need to have a class action law suit against all of the media, the legislators, the social media and tech giants who are all labeling Donald J. Trump supporters as "white supremacists", "haters", "White Nationalists", etc., and we need to SUE THEM TO SMITHEREENS! I am so tired of the whole left appointing things to me that I am not, of being labeled by them things that I am not. I am tired of them having the microphone without a way for us to fight back. I would love to sue their butts off and I'd love to take the smirk off of their faces for their LIES against those of us who think differently than they. I think a BILLION DOLLARS would be a good start. I'd love to see their faces when they can no longer label us and declare we are bad because we support Pres. Donald J. Trump. Would that not be great fun? Wouldn't you love to take all of the evidence into a court of law and see how quickly the ruling comes down in our favor? That would be delicious. Any attorneys out there willing to take the case -- and the resulting money as well as the resulting hatred of the left? August 6, 2019   Leftist Hatred:   While the El Paso and Dayton areas are dealing with the shock of the weekend events, the left has to blame someone besides themselves (they're the ones who like to take guns away from innocent people who cannot defend themselves when a lunatic heads toward them locked and loaded), so they blame us, and they blame Fox News, Pres. Donald J. Trump (as innocent of any responsibility as you and I), the NY Times, or anyone/anything besides those responsible. Pres. Donald J. Trump is offering some ideas to help combat mass shootings including working together with dumboRATS, but you'll never hear anything good about Pres. Trump from the msm, so that will be swept under the rug. That's part of the leftist hatred: not saying anything good about Pres. Trump or his supporters. August 6, 2019   "Etc." Community:   Are there "Whole Foods" stores in our area? If so, do you shop them? Do you have small children? Do you want them to be indoctrinated into the "trans" or "cross dresser/drag" community? If you don't want that, you may wish to stop shopping there because they're doing the drag queen story hour, that helps indoctrinate children into the drag lifestyle. It "normalizes" it, just as television did with shows like "Will and Grace" and gay characters from "Soap" to OITNB (Orange Is The New Black), they've "normalized" homosexuality and now our children think it's okay to be gay. That's not what the Word of GOD says, but it is what hollyweird pushes. No one dare say anything other than "Okay." They did it with homosexuality, and they're trying to do the same thing to trans/drag. Is that what you want? August 6, 2019   Camera Pigg:   Are you tired of this clown yet? I certainly am. He has to find a camera that will point at him and he will do everything he can to be on as many shows as possible. He's as bad as hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone in his desire for fame and influence. He's saying that Pres. Trump didn't visit Parkland after the shooting there. Well, technically, he may (or may not) be correct, but Pres. Trump DID VISIT the victims in the hospital, DID meet with the local police who responded to the shooting, and he DID speak to the press while he was there, so there is a record of him being there. Whether Pres. Trump stepped foot in the actual school is NOT a failure of Pres. Trump. The school was the scene of a mass shooting and it was roped off for the investigation! Does Camera Pigg want Pres. Trump to cross a police barrier and polute the crime scene in order to satisfy Pigg's sense of "I got enough attention"? Is that what would make Pigg happy? Idiot. August 6, 2019   kamala harris:   Let us hope that the question is answered with a resounding "YES!" August 6, 2019   Last Link:   The last link of today will be a funnu one because you just have to know about this! A basketball player, trying to get around a drug test, used his girlfriend's urine and found out he's pregnant! Serves him right! The only problem is, poor baby! Being born to unmarried parents, one of whom is a drug using liar. That's not a good start for a baby. August 6, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 5, 2019: 3:25 p.m.   I am getting a late start because I did some quarterly cleaning before I sat down to start this. I finished my big project of reorganizing my office space and my craft closet this weekend. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I thought the closet would take me hours, but it took about ninety minutes each side and then the whole office was a two day thing. I can get to things easier now and I have much more space because if consolidated craft things and got some purchases out of original packaging and into the storage stuff I already had for it. You know; little things that make a big difference. So, anyways, there isn't much time for blurbs today so I'll probably stick to less than ten and then say "bye" for the day. For now, let's get started. August 5, 2019   Sympathies to those who lost loved ones or were injured in the shootings over the weekend. It's difficult to hear about those and it's sad that so many people think that killing others is okay, but when they see that antifa and hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone, strzok, page, holder, lynch, comey, mueller, etc., face no consequences for their illegal actions, why wouldn't they do whatever they want? After all, if those people don't get put in prison for it, why would they face any consequences, or go to jail for anything they do? Add to that, the left pushes the LIE that it's those on the right who are violent, but it's always the LEFT who does this sort of thing. The left just hides it and blocks the TRUTH and goes on with the LIE of the right being the violent ones. It's ridiculous. You know the TRUTH. You know that it's the LEFT who is always violent. You know that it's the LEFT who does the wrong stuff and they leave a lot of evidence behind in manifestos and other ways to prove it, but the msm, googley-woogley, the Dead Blue Bird and others hide that truth and push the LIE. That's what happens when you deal with lefties: you also have to deal with their LIES. August 5, 2019   "Red Flag" Laws?:   I disagree with this whole thing. Think of "The Minority Report" and remember what happened there. When you have people trying to pre-determine who is going to do something bad before they do it then you have people who can use and abuse the system and who can do so to stop anyone and everyone from owning a gun. Think of the implications of this, Pres. Donald J. Trump, before you do it, please. It's all about the opportunity for abuse that you need to be weary of. Don't do this. The U.S. Constitution says that people are INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. If you haven't done anything YET, how can you be PROVEN guilty when you have taken no action as of yet? Unfortunately, you have to wait until they do something. YOU MUST WAIT because otherwise, you're dealing with an innocent person who is not yet guilty of anything. It's not thoughts and plans that are illegal: it's ACTIONS. Don't do this because (mark my words) it will be abused. August 5, 2019   Judicial Watch is suing CaliMarxiFornia for the new qualification for presidential candidates. They are suing on behalf of four CA residents who say that the CA legislature, in passing such a requirement as having to reveal the last five years of your tax returns, they are imposing another requirement above and beyond what the U.S. Constitution requires, to be considered to be eligible for president. They're correct. I am glad Judicia Watch took the case because they have a history of winning. August 5, 2019   Yep.   I am in total agreement with the Babylon Bee's CEO: Snopes is dishonest and malicious. They are not the reliable source the left tries to push them as being. They are a tool of the left, liars, and biased against Conservatives. August 5, 2019   Baltinightmare:   After Pres. Donald J. Trump called attention to the conditions in Baltinightmare, a Conservative YouTuber decided to do something about it and organized a clean up day for the area. That's what Conservatives do. When the residents saw it, they thanked Pres. Trump for bringing attention to their city and they were grateful to the people who showed up for the clean up day. I have a question for the city of Baltinightmare, though. Who put the trash there in the first place? How did it get there? Did it walk there by itself? Did it blow out of the trash collector's truck? Did it just appear when Scotty beamed it down? Who put the trash there for it to be that bad? Then tell me who is going to prevent it from returning to the same condition in a year? It's the people of Baltinightmare who dropped the trash there and didn't pick it up. It's the people of Balitnightmare who refused to clean it up themselves. It's the people of Baltinightmare who relied on the government to clean up after them. So what is going to happen a year from now? Another group from outside Baltinightmare is going to have to come in and clean it up again because the residents of Baltinightmare are not going to do it for themselves? They have to decide what their priorities are and they have to decide to keep their own city clean, or their city's condition will not improve any longer than the few days it will take for them to drop trash all over it again. It's up to them to keep it clean. It's up to us to call them on their laziness if they don't. August 5, 2019   ilhan oTALIBANar:   Her hubby (whom she's divorcing; and who isn't her brother), is under investigation for tax fraud and his property ownership is quite an interesting aspect for investigation. I hope that it's not just the "Everyday Joe" who is investigating this stuff, but that there are also law enforcement people looking into this and all things ilhan oTALIBANar. If not, why? August 5, 2019   I need to go for now. My hubby just called and said that he's on the way home. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 2, 2019: 11:41 a.m.   It's Friday! Hurray! This weekend while my hubby's in Ohio, I will be reorganizing my craft closet and part of my office. I'll be able to get to things faster afterward (at least, that's the goal). Let's get started so we can get finished and start on my closet! August 2, 2019   MAGA!:   The numbers are in and the economy is going well, with 16,400 new jobs added in July, and with black EMPLOYMENT at record HIGHS! That's something you never saw under themuslimvileone even though he was supposed to have been "for" the black people, or under hillosercrooktOOn! Under Pres. Donald J. Trump we have great employment and we're seeing good things happen. It's all good! August 2, 2019   Fat Loudmouth:   The America-hating, michael moore, says that there are no dumboRATS running currently who can beat Pres. Donald J. Trump. (I agree with him on that.) So he suggests that those who agree with him ask msthemuslimvileone to run and he thinks she could beat Pres. Trump. I think he's not just wrong, he's a moron. I don't think the woman who hated so much about America that she was not proud of her country until her vile hubby got the dumboRAT nomination would want to be president. Queen/Dictator, yes. Prezidunce? Nope. Not enough power. She'd want to be able to order summary executions of those who disagree with her and imprisonment for those who look at her wrong. She'd also like to execute all those who are tearing down her hubby's "legacy", including those who are dumboRATS. Nor do I think she'd win. August 2, 2019   kamala harris:   She's not happy with the fact that Tulsi Gabbard dinged her during the dumboRAT "debate" so she's trying hard to salvage what's left of her viability and trying to hit back with the now-usual saw: Gabbard's a "Russian operative". "Russia. Russia. Russia. Why is it always Russia?" (With apologies to Jan of "The Brady Bunch".) I think harris's record being brought into the public eye again was a good thing. I think she's not happy with the idea of her record being brought up because the things she did are not good. I am surprised that Gabbard didn't mention the race of the people harris kept in prison beyond what their sentences were. That could have been interesting for the audience and the public to hear. August 2, 2019   Spartacus:   He tried to paint himself as a son of poverty during the dumboRAT "debate" and he is LYING to the people who were watching. He's not a son of poverty; he's a Spartacus of PRIVILEGE. He was born to two IBM executives and grew up in a wealthy neighborhood and he never knew poverty while a child or teen. Spartacus is a LIAR. August 2, 2019   Extreme dumboRATS:   So pollster, Frank Luntz, says he has been following political views since 1992 and he's never heard political candidates who are this "hostile to economic freedom". So who is surprised? DumboRATS have been getting more and more radical (antifa, anyone?) and they've been more and more open to speaking their radicalism (open borders, anyone?) and they're moving proudly more and more to the weirdo left (homosexual "marriage", anyone?). They are an aberration to human decency and to the U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers' vision for America. August 2, 2019   LOVE THIS!:   I have seen so many people standing roadside with signs "Veteran out of work, please give," and "Homeless, need help", etc., that the sign the guy in this story held up makes me wish I could see more of them! An unemployed Dad held up a sign that said, "Please take a resume. Laid off. Looking for a job." People took his resume and got hundreds of job offers! He accepted a job at a construction company and he's working. That's creative, thinking on his feet (literally), and it's what America is all about (or at least, used to be) and I'm proud of him and wish that hundreds of others would do the same thing. Instead of standing there with a "give me your money" sign, stand there with your own resume and ask people to allow you to earn your money, not be handed it to you so that you don't have to work! I won't be giving to sign-holders unless you give me a resume and I can hire you to work! August 2, 2019   The "Etc." "community":   There's an excellent article you have to read that was brought about by Mario Lopez's interview of Candace Owens. Ignore the cleebrity names. That part doesn't really matter; those happen to be the people who brought the author of the excellent article to write what he did. The TRUTH that is in the article is the important part. The rest doesn't matter. Read the article that speaks the TRUTH and then STAND. Kudos to Ryan Bomberger for an EXCELLENT article! August 2, 2019   james "Leaky" comey:   He is a hypocrite extraordinnaire. He is also a LIAR. But you all know that, so the thing this time is his statement that he "loves transparency". I guess he isn't a hypocrite extraordinnaire if he's saying that he "loves transparency" when he can force someone he disagrees with and is targeting for destruction to be transparent. For himself and his buddies, though, he HATES transparency because he has been operating in the darkness of the deep state for years! August 2, 2019   China and Hong Kong:   Hong Kong's residents are wanting freedom from China and they want to be their own country. They want freedom and they've been protesting for weeks in an effort to get that. I wish them luck: China is not famous for giving anything to the people they control except abject misery and unreasonable punishments. The government of China is a brutal dictatorship and if the left wants to see reality of what that looks like, they need to go live there and see how good Pres. Donald J. Trump really is. But I digress. Protestors are risking everything for freedom and they asked Pres. Trump for advice on how to get their freedom. Now China's praising Pres. Trump for not giving them advice. I think he didn't give them advice because he can't do so; who knows the repurcussions if he had? Besides which, the people of Hong Kong need to figure it out for themselves and make it happen, as America's Founding Fathers did. We had King George III to deal with and he didn't want to let us go, but we made it happen, whether he liked it or not. (He didn't.) I wish them success in finding a way to be free from China. That would be a wonderful thing for them and for the world. It would also give the rest of China's thumb print countries hope. In the meantime, Pres. Trump has been working toward a fair and equitable trade agreement with China and he is not going to let America be messed over by them to get one. He's going to be taxing them a LOT until there is a deal that will be good for America and the American people. I love that! August 2, 2019   Good Move!:   So the Bureau of Land Management, a federal government agency that used to prevent people from using public lands under themuslimvileone, has just appointed a man known to advocate for public access to government lands -- after all, WE PAID FOR THAT LAND, so we OWN it and we should have access to it -- and that's got the left all outraged and upset. Wait. What's that I hear? The smallest violin the the world? August 2, 2019   "Russian Collusion":   I hope that George Papadopolous's upcoming testimony before Congress will blow the lid off of the LIES of this alleged "collusion". I hope that he can prove to them -- and, thus, to the world -- that Pres. Donald J. Trump, Gen. Michael Flynn, etc., are innocent of the wrongs they have been accused of by themuslimvileone and his cohorts and that he has the PROOF that will put this LIE to rest. I also hope that the "warning shot" he gave will deliver more than the left can handle and that it leaves them skulking away with their tails between their legs. I hope he wipes the floor with them. August 2, 2019   Baltinightmare:   How about that timing? Rep. elijah cummings' home was burglarized HOURS BEFORE Pres. Donald J. Trump tweeted about how bad Baltimore had become. Some people are LYING and saying that it happened after Pres. Trump's tweet, blaming Trump's tweet for the crime. Not only is that a typical leftist LIE, but it's proven false by the timeline in the first link. The police report said the house was broken into about 3:40 a.m.; Pres. Trump's first tweet was after 4:14 a.m. so Pres. Trump tweeted AFTER the event that they're blaming him for being responsible for. How does that happen? Blame Pres. Trump for everything is the left's M.O. right now. Reality, logic, common sense all go by the wayside, as long as they can try to get more people to hate Pres. Trump. It's their reason to live right now. August 2, 2019   dumboRATS Destroy Cities:   If you look at cities that have been run by dumboRATS for years and years you will see that all of them -- without fail -- are a disaster. They are not good for cities and Pres. Trump has called attention to that fact. He called out Baltinightmare, and now he's calling out San Fran and Lost [sic] Angeles. He knows that they were destroyed by dumboRATS' controlling them for years. He knows how good they used to be, how pretty their neighborhoods were and how clean the streets. Now, like Baltinightmare, Chicago, Detroit, NYC, etc., are facing horrible conditions and their long time overseers, dumboRATS all, don't care as long as they get to live in their posh places and attend all of the posh parties, all at the taxpayers' expense. The people who live there need to start looking around with open eyes and realize that they have to take responsibility for not only the condition of their city's streets, parks and neighborhoods, but also for the government they voted to put into place who allow it to get to that condition. August 2, 2019   LOL! LOL! LOL!   I LOVE THIS! There is a new poll that shows that Pres. Trump is MORE POPULAR than "The Odd"! I'm not surprised, but I am glad to see that someone found a way to prove my beliefs! That's excellent! August 2, 2019   I'll close with that for today. My hubby's on his way home and I want to kiss him goodbye for his trip to Ohio. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! August 1, 2019: 12:59 p.m.   I'm going to start with a funny today because everyone needs a good laugh at their adversaries' expense as often as possible (IMHO). So, with that in mind, let's see what's funny to laugh at the left today. For instance, the billboard one gun shop owner posted is TOO FUNNY! I LOVE IT and I'm glad someone has a spine and doesn't mind standing up -- for however long that may be after the left starts trying to hurt him and his family -- and he's giving people something to smile about. I love it! August 1, 2019   Something else to smile about: Remember the "woke" ad by Gillette for their razors that denigrated men and encouraged them to be wimps? That ad has cost them about $5.24 BILLION in lost business. Sounds to me like people don't like "woke". At least, not those with enough testosterone in their bodies to realize it was a slam on them. The soy boys loved it. August 1, 2019   dumboRAT "Debate":   Another thing to smile about for Conservatives is the "debate" that they had last night. It was ridiculous and it was bumbleFingers at his "best", but the "front runner" in some people's opinions took a hard hit from Tulsi Gabbard as she exposed kamala harris's record. I love it when they take each other out. I wonder if it will be a Fauxcahontus v. Pres. Trump election in 2020, as George Papadopolous thinks. If so, that's an easy one. A a fake American Indian compared to a real U.S. President? Someone who lied to get the benefits of being a "minority" who was culturally appropriating to the max as U.S. President? Add to that the fact that she wants everyone to get everything "for free", even though you'd be the ones paying for that "everything"? I don't think so. But it does make me smile to think of watching the election results of that match, and how big Pres. Trump's win will be. August 1, 2019   themuslimvileone:   Another reason to smile: Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton, agrees with me! He agrees with my statement of at least a year ago that themuslimvileone had a part in the "Russian collusion" LIE and that he had a hand in putting the whole thing together. You see, HE also had no confidence in hillosercrooktOOn's ability to beat anyone, so he helped put the LIE together in order to protect himself and the cover she would provide him if (by a long shot chance) actually got into office by taking then-candidate Trump out before election day. That was the goal. They failed miserably, but that's what hillosercrooktOOn does: fail miserably. It's her history and her only accomplishment. That's why she has to do illegal things to get what she wants: she can't get it doing it the right way. August 1, 2019   Budget "Deal"?:   It's not a deal for you and I. I am disappointed in the fact that Pres. Donald J. Trump actually (allegedly) agreed to this spending atrocity. It's wrong to do this deal and I hope he changes his mind (IF in fact he did agree to it with pelosickpig) and vetoes this crappy spending bill. I hope it never sees the light of day with Pres. Trump's signature on it. That would be excellent! August 1, 2019   Florida GUN CONTROL:  
August 1, 2019   Fake News:   Wow. They don't want themuslimvileone to be touched. Never say anything negative about him! That's a big "No No!" in the Fake News world! It's something that will get you targeted as well as tarred and feathered! Watch out if you dare do so! They'll come after you! But that's okay. Conservatives are strong enough to withstand that, but the dumboRATS are snowflakes so they usually cave. Awww. Too bad. August 1, 2019   Foreign Influence:   The left likes to accuse Pres. Trump of being a puppet of Russia and Vladimir Putin, but the TRUTH is, that lefties are kissing China's butt as they try to influence our 2020 election. Why is it okay for them to kiss China's backside and help them with everything they want (including changing a jacket's appearance in a movie) but it's not okay if Russians bought Fakebook ads that supported BOTH others and then-candidate Trump. Why is it that it's not okay for that to happen, but it is okay for the left to actually help, support and endorse the government of China doing all they can to defeat Pres. Trump's re-election in 2020? Double standard hypocrisy is the left. August 1, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   LOL! He's too good! I love this! He gave us another reason to smile (by "us" I mean Conservatives because the left definitely won't be smiling at this)! He watched the "debate" last night and tweeted about it, using hillosercrooktOOn's "stronger together" campaign slogan! That's hysterical! I love it! I bet she downed another one when he did that! August 1, 2019   Almost every candidate for the dumboRAT nomination has been pushing socialism. America, wakep up. This is socialism. In fact, socialism's death count is AT LEAST 138 MILLION people! So why would anyone vote for that? Why would anyone vote for someone who wants America to be a socialist -- murdering, apparently -- country when the death count for that "governing" (tyranny, not governing) is so high and could soon be coming to a neighbor near you; or to YOU. August 1, 2019   Left's Hypocrisy:   Again, they show that the rules only apply ONE WAY: Conservatives have to live by them, they get to break them. During the "debate" last night, "Spartacus" called some countries that illegal alien invaders a bad word, akin to Pres. Donald J. Trump's "hades holes countries", but worse, and the left just yawned and moved on. No one called "Spartacus" out and called him a "RACIST!" No one scolded him for saying such a horrible thing. The msm never even blinked an eye. In fact, they stayed totally silent so as to not bring attention to the matter. What? Is there a double standard out there, ya' think? August 1, 2019   Conflicting Reports:   According to one website james comey may face prosecution after the "da***ng report" by I.G. Horowitz and I think that is only appropriate considering the things he's done. However, other websites are saying that comey won't be prosecuted. Maybe what's happening is that he "won't be prosecuted" for one thing in the report, but he "will be prosecuted" for something else in the report? I don't know. There are different takes on the report that has yet to be released, so right now it's a guessing game, but IF comey is NOT prosecuted for at least some of the ILLEGAL things he has done to help hillosercrooktOOn do the things she did -- break many, many laws and commit treason -- then there is no justice system in America; it's just a FAVORITISM SYSETM and there is no JUSTICE. But I bet you won't see people marching in the streets about this, unless the report that he "will be prosecuted" is the truth. Then maybe. But considering how often he broke the laws and LIED about it to investigators, he needs to be in prison. But will he ever see that orange suit? August 1, 2019   Judicial Nominations:   How about that? mitch mcCONnell is getting something done! He's actually gotten 13 more Pres. Trump judicial nominees approved before the Senate goes back on vacation for however long this time. He's helping Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) transform the judiciary of America and make the law part of the American system of justice again -- except maybe when it comes to the "elites" of the left, but we'll see about that -- and I hope that those judges actually follow the law and the original intent of the Founding Fathers and that they truly do the right thing, all the time, every time from the bench. I want America to be JUST again; "Just" being a nation of justice and equal treatment under the law. I don't want America to have any "untouchables" when it comes to applying the laws to them. I want hillosercrooktOOn, comey, mueller, eric holder, themuslimvileone, loretta lynch, john ketchup kerry, etc., to be treated the same way I, a U.S. sailor, or a Marine corporal would be treated if we did the same thing. Will that ever happen? Lord, please make it so! August 1, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. I have a date to get ready for. Bass Pro is part of it. (Ahh, romance.) Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 2019 September 27, 2019: 12:46 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I had a late night on Wednesday, going to bed about 6:00 a.m. Thursday morning, then I had a late start because of that and had an appointment to get to and errands to do and there just wasn't time to do all the things. Today we're heading back to our farm so that we can finish the flooring in time for the cabinets' arrival on Oct. 2nd, and we have some painting to do that has to be done before the floor is finished. That's something we're hoping to get done this weeekend: everything needed to not have to do much more than putting things back in place when the cabinets are installed. We'll have to wash all of the dishes and put them all back in place, figuring out where things are going to go with the new cabinet layout. We'll have a microwave drawer at the end of the breakfast bar, and we'll have a bookshelf for cookbooks instead of some storage, but we will have extra storage on the family room side of the peninsula/breakfast bar, so we'll be able to put things there. We're getting more drawers, more counter space (microwave in the cabinetry means more counter space), and a breakfast bar that's bar height with storage beneath and a bank of drawers where the dishwasher used to be (it's going to be to the left of the sink now, instead of being on the right). I'm so excited! This is going to be such an improvement! I'm going to be up there for the next two weeks or so, I believe. It may be a little longer, or a little less, but about that. So today's few blurbs will be the last updates until I return from Georgia. So, let's get started. September 27, 2019   TDS - "Impeachment":   It's not going to really happen, folks. They like to string their followers along, but the problem is that the more they cry "Impeachment", the more the American people in "fly over country" are learning about this (those who are wanting the TRUTH and read the reports and transcripts) are saying that it's another "nothing-burger" and they want this ridiculousness to stop and for Congress to get on with working for the American people again. The dumboRATS are wasting so much of YOUR money right now that it's probably been enough to have built at least one or ten fighter jets by now, maybe as much as enough to have built the beginnings of an aircraft carrier! Let's stop this nonsense that the dumboRATS are doing to America, to Pres. Trump, to the world and start spending money on important things! Let's build the wall, instead of building a fantasy of impeachment! This new accusation has been in the possession of pencilneck for at least a month, and he did nothing with it until the rest of the crap they'd use for the new accusations lined up. Don't you find that at least suspicious? The whole report from the whistleblower is linked to thevilegeorgesoros, who hates Pres. Trump. The State Department has already denied part of the lies used in the allegation, and the esteemed, very trustworthy Jay Sekulow, Pres. Trump's attorney, says that a law firm was involved in writing the report, not a whistleblower. Although, admittedly, the law firm made at least one serious error in writing the whistleblower report. It sounds to me like COLLUSION to commit a coup against a sitting president and that's A.K.A. TREASON. Does the msm care that the dumboRATS are committing TREASON? No. They have TDS as badly as do the dumboRATS, and they want hillosercrooktOOn to be president so badly they can taste her whiskey when she drinks! September 27, 2019   bumblefingers biden & corrupt son:   There is a LOT of PROOF that bumblefingers and his son did threaten the foreign government and they did get rich after doing so! They are the corrupt people, not Pres. Donald J. Trump! It's time to face the facts (and reality) and to focus on the wrong doing of the LEFT who actually did it! The left is trying to DESTROY Pres. Trump with the help of the msm and it's time that the TRUTH makes the left actually accountable for their wrongs! We need EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW, not favored political party status. If you're a dumboRAT you can get away with murder (witness ted kennedy) and nothing happens to you. If you're a Republican, people come up with all kinds of LIES against you and they try their darndest to destroy you -- and the left faces no consequences for the LIES and wrongs they do in trying to destroy those who get in their way. This is not what America is supposed to be. America deserves better than lefties who think of themselves as better than the rest of us who deserve to be in power because of their self-assigned superiority. We need to "DRAIN THE SWAMP" of those people, and that's what Pres. Trump is trying to do and that's why the left hates him with a purple passion. Support Pres. Trump of lose all semblances of freedom because once the left gets back into power (witness what they're doing to Pres. Trump), they will do all they can to take freedom away becuase it's freedom that fights their desires and gives us the power to stand up to them. Our Second Amendment rights will be gone and our First Amendment rights will follow quickly after. We will be silenced and shut down, punished for "wrong think" and speaking out of turn. Saying anything negative against them will result in fines, prison time, hard labor if the left gets back into power. Let's not allow that to happen. If you love freedom, love free speech, love your RIGHTS, support and vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump. Doing anything else WILL lead to America's demise. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or corrupt leftie! I WILL SPEAK! Will you?) September 27, 2019   tulsi gabbard:   I heard Dana Loesch reference her as one of the "most dangerous" people right now because she sounds reasonable, and like she's very middle of the road, but the reality is that gabbard is very far left and that electing her would be a huge mistake and a grave danger to America. I don't know if that's going to happen (hopefully not) but I do believe that now that gabbard supports impeaching Pres. Trump she is a danger to America because that means she supports the swamp. Anyone who supports the swamp does NOT support YOU. Am I wrong? September 27, 2019   bernie "Socialist" sanders:   Now he's admitting that not only will his healthcare program NOT be free, he's admitting that anyone earning more than $29,000 WILL PAY MORE for healthcare than they are currently paying. Sounds to me like he LIED to his followers for months. Will his followers hold him accountable? September 27, 2019   September 27, 2019   I'll close with that for today. I have to get things gathered to go to Georgia. Have a great two weeks or so! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 25, 2019: 1:17 p.m.   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   So the complete transcript of the phone call to the newly elected Ukranian president has been released by Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's very telling that it was the Ukranian president who brought brought up bumblefingers biden via bringing up Rudy Giuliani and it was he who said he would cooperate with an investigation into his son. The fact that funding for the Ukraine was not mentioned by Pres. Trump at all nor was any threat made to withhold it doesn't matter to the left. The transcript's completeness does not matter. They are not satisfied with the truth they want to believe their own LIES. You can read the whole trascript easier at Breitbart than at Gateway, so I link to it, too. It's disgusting what the left is doing. You need to know that the "whistleblower" who made these allegations had a "political bias" according to the Inspector General's report on the subject. You need to know that the left is PAYING people to make allegations against Pres. Donald J. Trump -- probably with money from either the crooktOOn "foundation" (she is very angry that "Crowdstrike" was mentioned in the phone call so what has she to hide?), or from thevilegeorgesoros. Wherever the money is coming from, isn't being PAID to make allegations against a sitting President of the United States of America called TREASON for those making the allegations and those paying the accusers? I think there should be charges filed against these lefties, not a faux "impeachment investigation" of Pres. Trump. Remember: The dumboRATS are so afraid of Pres. Trump's upcoming win in 2020 that they even admitted it on the floor of the House when dumboRAT al green said it out loud as far back as 2017! I think they need to be slapped. If not slapped, then at least laughed out of town. September 25, 2019   bumblefingers biden and son:   The "impeachment investigation" is all about the "Squirrel!" of taking the focus off of these two dumboRATS and they are being protected by the left and the msm. The problem is, they keep on talking and with every sentence they speak about the "Ukranian affair", they dig themselves deeper into the LIE. For instance: there is a list of conflicting statements that PROVES that they're LYING about what went on with the Ukraine and what hunter biden did or did not do. Sounds more and more like the other shoe is about to drop and the left is trying to put a lot of padding under it via the "impeachment investigation" so that the shoe doesn't make a sound and is never noticed. Some Republicans are pushing biden to relesae the transcripts of his phone calls with the Ukraine so that we can find out the TRUTH about his dealings with them. The TRUTH will out, but will anyone notice? September 25, 2019   Deep State:   Let us not forget that this phone call and every other piece of real evidence -- not speculation, not feelings, not LIES, not false accusations, not hints and whispers: real evidence -- points to the fact that the whole administration of themuslimvileone was CORRUPT and they should all be in prison for the rest of their lives! This is nothing more than a HUGE SQUIRREL! to keep America looking at Pres. Trump so that they will ignore the TRUTHS coming out about the left via the law suits by Judicial Watch and other organizations! If the left and the msm can keep you looking at the LIES about Pres. Trump, you won't see the TRUTH released by Judicial Watch, and others, you will have to watch carefully to find the release of the TRUTH about themuslimvileone's administration's wrongs. Don't look away from that. Look at the TRUTH. Watch for the TRUTH. FIND THE TRUTH! Don't let it go. Don't forget about it. Don't be distracted by these "SQUIRREL!s". Keep your eye on the prize. The truth will out with or without the law being equally applied to the left and any of them going to prison where they belong after the TRUTH is released. September 25, 2019   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   More proof has emerged that she DID marry her brother and, thus, DID COMMIT IMMIGRATION FRAUD. She needs to be either in prison or deported back to Somalia from whence she came. She can go along with her father who is here illegally anyways. We know this. Why is he still walking free on American soil? Is this really someone who should be in the U.S. House of Representatives? Remember, she's here under a FRAUDULENT NAME, too. She is a lawless person who gets what she wants via LYING. Who paid for her campaign and how was it put into her head that she should run for the U.S. House? I bet thevilegeorgesoros is behind it just as he was behind themuslimvileone. He likes to find the worst of the worst, finance their elections and then use them as puppets to do his bidding. We need to put a stop to this. We need the best of the best, not the worst of the worst. We need more Pres. Donald J. Trumps who LOVE America in the U.S. House, not those who hate her. September 25, 2019   Good News for Gen. Flynn?:   A federal judge has ruled that General Flynn’s associate, Bijan Rafiekian, trial presented "no substantial evidence" and has tossed out the conviction. With no "substantial evidence" against Bijan, what could they possibly have on Gen. Flynn? I am thinking this is going to fall apart soon, and with the help of Gen. Flynn's attorney, Sydney Powell, Gen. Flynn will soon be cleared and he should sue the corrupt individuals -- themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn, etc. -- who put him through this and he should ask for monetary reward for pain and suffering, etc., and get everything back that they took from him via that monetary reward! I am hoping that this actually happens the way I suggest. It would serve the left right! September 25, 2019   DO[IN]J:   I can't understand why people believe that U.S.A.G. William Barr is going to do ANYTHING right, legal, or prosecute the lefties who did all of the wrongs to America and who protects their own. I never believed in him. He is proving over and over and over again that he's utterly useless. He decided to not prosecute the corrupt james comey, or anyone else associated with themuslimvileone and his evil. I think he's a waste of title. Now the DO[IN]J is suing Michigan for denying an Islamic center a permit! What happened to States' Rights? What happened to Federalism? What happened to the right of the people to decide what happens in their own back yards? Yet, the DO[IN]J is SUING Michigan to FORCE them to allow a "Muslim center" (read terrorist promotion and training camp). CAIR is pushing the U.S. DO[IN]J around still and that needs to come to an END and we need a REAL and REALLY STRONG U.S.A.G. who will do the RIGHT and "EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW" thing and that if this doesn't happen then the DO[IN]J should be shut down, defunded and totally kicked to the curb. We need to replace the DO[IN]J with a Department of Equal Justice Under the Law and one with a strong, Conservative, BACKBONED leader! September 25, 2019   September 25, 2019   mitt jealousney:   Sounds to me like he's still sore that he lost his presidential bid and that is making him bitter and that's why he's always anti-Trump. His TDS shows daily and he is going to betray America in order to express his jealousy. He's saying that the Ukraine phone call transcript is "troubling". Oh? What's troubling about it: that it was Pres. Trump, not Pres. romney who made it? September 25, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. I'm going to go visit a friend and do errands. Remember, I won't be here from this Friday (the 27th) until at least two weeks later because I will be at our farm supervising the delivery and installation of our new kitchen cabinets and visiting with my Mom. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 24, 2019: 2:28 p.m.   bumblefingers biden:   So he wants to be prezidunce, but when asked by a reporter to do so, he refuses to say why people should vote for HIM. Uh... Isn't that what running for prezidunce is: telling people WHY they should vote for you, as opposed to voting for the other guy/gal? Isn't that what he is supposed to be saying, "Here is why you should vote for me and why I am the best candidate"? It's kinda' silly to run and then refuse to defend your candidacy. This after he said he'd beat Pres. Trump "like a drum". He's insane. September 24, 2019   September 24, 2019   The Idiot:   I try so hard to NOT pay attention to her, but when she keeps setting her stupidity level at a new HIGH -- after picking my jaw up off the floor yet again thanks to her idiocy -- I have to post it to allow you a good hearty laugh. It's amazing. She's as stupid as a box of rocks, as my uncle would say, but that's an insult to rocks. One of her most recent is the anti-fracking LIE she tweeted. It's clear that The Idiot doesn't understand English because she went to a "fracking" website and "read" about what the pictures showed and totally either LIED about it or misunderstood it. You decide. Did she read it, understand it and choose to LIE, or did she read it, misundertand it, and innocently mislead? Or, there is a third choice: she didn't read a word, but looked at the pictures and said, "Oh, that must be bad because it's about oil." and then tweet her LIE? After all, she's got the IQ of a flagellum, so I wonder if she actually read word one at that site. September 24, 2019   pelosickpig:   It's time for her to go retire and be with her family, but instead of retiring she keeps trying to control what cannot be controlled: outright hatred of Pres. Donald J. Trump and the derangement syndrome that goes with him. It's ridiculous but so is she in so many ways. Now she's trying to push a new disastrous drug price control scheme that would be so very bad for medicine in America. I hope she fails in every way. September 24, 2019   Ukranian LIE:   How does a former VP's son getting rich off of questionable business dealings with the Ukraine turn into Pres. Donald J. Trump's sin? How do the crooktOOns, themuslimvileone and bumblefingers biden and his son all "pillage" the Ukraine and then it's all Pres. Trump's fault and HE is the one who did wrong? How does that happen? How can it be Pres. Trump that did wrong and is allegedly facing impeachment for HUNTER BIDEN'S WRONGDOING when Pres. Trump did NOTHING WRONG!? He's even going to release the complete transcript of the phone call the alleged "whistle blower" is talking about to prove that nothing bad took place, but the left must have their temper tantrum, their final cause, their "glory field" to die on, because if they go through with an impeachment it will go nowhere and they will all look like total fools because the American people are supporting Pres. Donald J. Trump even if some of them are afraid to admit it. In 2020 dumboRATS will lose so badly that the House will go back to the Republicans by a large margin and the dumboRATS will lose seats in the Senate as well. The American people like working and getting higher pay and being able to pay their bills and having some left over money to spend on frivolities. They enjoy that. To impeach the man whose policies are allowing for that over LIES because their little darling LIAR hillosercrooktOOn LOST is petty and childish. But that's a perfect description of the dumboRATS anyways: petty and childish. Their temper tantrum has gone on for almost three years now (election day 2016 to current date) and it's time for someone to spank their butts and stand them in the corner until they can come out, stop LYING and play fair! Oh. They're dumboRATS. They are incapable of doing that. September 24, 2019   Racism Study:   Woops! This was forgotten until now. I intended to post this link earlier, but here it is. Using Artificial Intelligence to do a study, Cornell University found something quite shocking to them. The AI found that minority students are more racist than non-minority ("white" or "caucasian") students! Well, lookie there! Truth hits them between the eyes and I bet they still don't believe it! September 24, 2019   themuslimvileone:   New documents turned over to Judicial Watch PROVE that themuslimvileone was trying to UNDERMINE then-president elect Trump's success. He couldn't stand the idea that someone who wasn't in on the LIES he told, the treasons he committed, encouraged and allowed was going to be in office after him to make him look bad, expose his treason and LIES and to undo all of the horrible things he did to America and the American people. He hated that idea (and still does) and he did everything he could to undermine president-elect Donald J. Trump and any successes he could have had if themuslimvileone hadn't been trying to meddle. September 24, 2019   BREXIT BYE-BYE?:   I knew BoJo would blow it. I said from the get-go he wasn't the right person for the job and that he didn't have the brains it took to blow his nose. But, the Brits vote for idiots all the time (as do certain U.S. congressional districts) and they put BoJo in office and he's messed up. The U.K. Supreme Court has ruled that his "suspending parliament" was unlawful and now BREXIT is at risk. I knew he'd blow it. Now let's see if there is someone out there who will be replacing him and following the will of the people of the U.K. to actually get it done. Support for BREXIT has grown in the popularity since the vote and it's time that it actually happen! September 24, 2019   Took a break because my neighbor had found something for me at the thrift store she frequents and when we got together for me to pick it up from her we talked (as usual) and ninety minutes later, here I am again. So, it's after five and I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 23, 2019: 2:37 p.m.   I am sorry I missed Thursday, but my computer had other plans. It did a 3.5 hour update instead of letting me do updates. We did go to our farm on Thursday and we removed the old washer and dryer and put the new flooring in the utility room and half of the family room, and got the baseboards done in the utility room (on the washer, dryer side) and did the cladding of the kitchen walls that needed it, mudded that and got half of it primed. It's a lot of work to tackle three rooms at the same time, but we have been making steady progress and it's a lot of fun looking forward to the finished product. We added to our work load by experimenting and being able to remove the fireplace trims and hearth very easily and now we can do the fireplace the way I want it, too! New flooring, new cabinets, new wall color, new backsplash, new microwave, new fireplace wall, hearth and mantle: it's going to be a whole different look and it's going to be beautiful! I am so excited! We'll go back next weekend and finish the floors, the paint and a few other touches and that will make the cabinet installation quick and easy. So be ready for me to be gone on Thursday and I'll be gone from Thursday until maybe up to October 16th (if not longer) because I have to be present for the cabinet installation and my Mom is going to come down and keep me company while we watch the installers work. Mom and I always have fun so I'm looking forward to that, too!
September 23, 2019   September 23, 2019   RepubliRATS:   As usual, mitt RATney is dumping on Pres. Trump, even though it's evident that the while Ukranian thing is all garbage. It's ridiculous. Then there's Sen. mike lee's willingness to give jobs YOU could do to people from foreign countries so that he can have more money. He's selling YOUR future, the future YOUR KIDS could have so that he can have a bigger bank account. He used to be someone I respected, until I found out recently about how he's selling America out for his own gain. I think both of these guys are despicable and I think that they need to be primaried in their next bid and that they should both LOSE to someone more Conservative who will support Pres. Trump! PLEASE contact your Senators Scott and Rubio (if you're reading this from outside of the state of Florida, contact your Senators) and ask them to vote AGAINST giving away American jobs to India and to vote against Sen. mike lee's bill, S386! If passed, it will be bad for America and it will be bad for your future! September 23, 2019   Deep State:   The FBI should have to change its name to FBLIE considering how many LIES we've caught them in now. For instance, rod rosenstein, wanted to wear a wire to record Pres. Trump, so he could try to destroy Pres. Trump. We also now know that it was a deep state person spying on Pres. Trump who filed the "whistle blower compaint" that is raising so much ruckous about the Ukraine phone call. While all along, it was NOT Pres. Donald J. Trump who did something wrong. He is allowed to talk to foreign leaders because he's our LEADER, especially when they initiate the contact! The left hates Pres. Trump so much they ignore the fact that hillosercrooktOOn actually worked with Ukraine to commit treason to try to take Pres. Trump down! They ignore the fact that it was themuslimvileone also committed TREASON in trying to take Pres. Trump down! They "forget" that it was themuslimvileone who blackmailed the Ukraine into cooperating with his attempted coup against Pres. Trump! They "forget" that it WAS BIDEN who pressured Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son, now Pres. Trump! They ignore the fact the Ukrainians can tell the TRUTH about who did what to whom with or without them! They completely "forget" that their LIES will be exposed by someone on the other side just speaking the plain, simple TRUTH. The "Ukranian saga" keeps getting more and more ridiculous and it doesn't matter what ketchup kerry says Pres. Donald J. Trump is not the one who did something wrong here! It's themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn, and that entire administration! Someone needs to slap that TRUTH into the public's consciousness! September 23, 2019   I'm going to sign off for today. My hubby is on the phone and has asked me to do some tasks for him. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 18, 2019: 2:41 p.m.   I have only time for a few blurbs today because my hubby called and asked me to go with him to run errands after he gets home, but there are a few things I want you to be aware of, so let's get started. September 18, 2019   September 18, 2019   Deep State:   They protect their own, don't they? When DOJ Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, testified before Congress that he DID refer rottentothecorecomey for CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, the DOJ refused to press charges. How does that happen? The Deep State may include those who we think are Conservatives and are really only kissing the backsides of their friends and protecting their own. It's disgusting. RottenToTheCoreComey needs to be in prison but he's walking free and bragging about getting away with it. America has a two level "justice" system: one for the rest of us, and one for the LEFT of us. September 18, 2019   Privacy Failure:   Do you have any medical records that you believe to be protected by the HIPAA Law? Well, guess what? You may have to rethink that whole belief because millions of Americans' medical records are ONLINE and unprotected. Trust the government or any other agency with your info and you will be sadly disappointed. They have people who just don't give a rip about you and your privacy, HIPAA Act or not. Septemeber 18, 2019   DumboRAT v. DumboRAT:   She's not WACKO enough! That's the problem! The lefties are going to vote on whether to CENSURE the really weird Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for NOT BEING SOCIALIST ENOUGH. That's how bad the dumboRATS have gotten. They punish you for NOT AGREEING WITH THEM, even when you're one of their own. Wouldn't it be nice if this "Red Pilled" Sinema? September 18, 2019   I will close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 17, 2019: 12:52 p.m.   Justice Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome:   So the FAKE NEWS story is that (to paraphrase ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar) "he did something to somebody", and so the story was checked on by some people who actually did some checking. According to Ronan Farrow others, NONE of the accuser's friends back up the claim. It's all about preventing the SCOTUS from becoming PRO-LIFE. That's the truth of the matter. Well, that and the fact that Justice Kavanaugh worked on the Starr Report with Special Prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, during the investigation into bullybobcrooktoon's nepharious dealings while he was prezidunce. They couldn't stand the idea of someone who helped find -- if not expose -- some of the truth about the crooktOOns, so... "Not only was Ramirez drunk that night, for 35 years she couldn’t remember who exposed himself to her. Naturally, that all changed after 1) Kavanaugh was prepared to ascend to the Supreme Court and 2) she spent six days with her attorney, a former Democrat politician, who “helped her” to recall it was Kavanaugh."So it took six days to "help her" recall it was Justice Brett Kavanaugh? That sounds to me more like a brainwashing session, and/or a way to scheme to unseat a SCOTUS justice who will vote against more pro-abortion laws. They're doing this to both punish Justice Kavanaugh for helping expose the crooktOOns during their tenure in the Red House (It's always red when a dumboRAT is in it.) and to protect Roe v. Wade. Ronan Farrow spoke to some fo those who allegedly remembered the incident, but "They all stuck up for Kavanaugh! [my italics]" So the LIE that the NYT told and continues to stand behind is a bunch of LIES and hooie. Also, the guy who is pushing this story, is a "far left hack" who actually defended bullybobcrooktOON for similar allegations! Hypocrisy, much? Isn't that all we can expect from the left and their msm? September 17, 2019   Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome 2:   So the second shoe to drop in this KDS debacle for the left is that now, the "key witness" corraborating CBF's allegations of Justice Kavanaugh's "near rape" of her, is saying the left bullied her into "revising her remarks" to back up Christine Bald-faced-Liar-Ford. She says she was "bullied" into testifying the way she did. Sounds to me like the left is losing and these facts bear that out. Poor whiney babies. September 17, 2019   Good Read:   There's a new book out about what the left doesn't want you to know. It's called, "50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know", and it's available at Books-A-Million and other sources. It's going to be a good read because the left doesn't like to tell you the truth and if you "Find The Truth", it's always better than a LIE. If you have the truth you can make smarter decisions, be more informed and have the truth on your side in conversations. If you are believing the LIE that the left pushes then you are a sucker, falling for the LIE because you're too darn lazy to do the work of investigating for yourself what the TRUTH is. September 17, 2019   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   There is new evidence that she DID MARRY HER BROTHER in order to commit immigration fraud. That's not only ILLEGAL here in America (in Somalia where they came from, who knows?), it's gross! It's called "incest" to marry your close relative and it's not allowed here in America. It especially isn't allowed when you do so to commit immigration fraud! This has been investigated by everyone outside of law enforcement and it's so bad that Judicial Watch has demanded an investigation, but who is acting upon it? No one that I am aware of! It should be a priority with some law enforcement agency somewhere because it's so much fraud that it's dizzying! But, no! The left is blocking any and all investigations (the dumboRATS do control the House) and covering for her so she can remain in Congress and vote as they wish while holding this over her head. Talk about leverage! September 17, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   There is more proof that terrorists are invading our nation and that we need to secure our borders. When terrorists come here and expect to be allowed in because the left protects them, then we have a problem because they will continue to be terrorists here, killing and harming innocent people -- men, women, children, the elderly -- because they hate America and don't want to come be Americans, they want to come do their worst and kill people in order to bring about the worldwide rule of Islam. That's the truth of the matter: they seek world control, not a new life. September 17, 2019   TDS:   The left hates Pres. Trump so much that they did everything they possibly could (short of killing him) to prevent him from winning, from taking office once he did win and to besmirch his reputation as much as they could when all else failed. They did so much evil that that they are covering up, that Judicial Watch has sued yet again to get to the truth of what the left has done. What the left has done is absurd, ridiculous and turbid. To even think that they could get away with all of these LIES makes me angry and makes me hope that the left will face the consequences of their LIES and that they will be all found out, exposed and PROSECUTED and that the left will all wind up in orange jumpsuits, and seeing bars daily, 24/7. That's what I'd love to see! September 17, 2019   September 17, 2019   Brexit:   I hope that BoJo doesn't let me down, but I suspected as much when he won. I don't trust him and I don't think he's got the brains GOD gave a peach, but I may indeed be wrong about that. Whichever, the rumor is that he's considering an old May idea for Brexit and just "spiffing it up" a bit. Sounds to me like a lose/win deal, with the EU the winners and that's not good for the British people. They really don't want the EU to be the rule makers for their money and their taxes. The British people are taxed enough already and don't need to pay for everything the EU demands after Brexit. It's time for the British people to get what they voted for and to get what more and more Brits want. It's time to get out of the EU and if BoJo doesn't do it, then the people need to demand he's kicked out of office and someone who will do the job put in his place! September 17, 2019   Fauxcahontas:   She fakes being Native American and she fakes rally attendance numbers. Sounds to me like LYIING is part of her campaign strategy. Oh. Sorry. I forget. She's a dumboRAT, so of course LYING is part of her strategy. She can't win without lying! September 17, 2019   themuslimvileone:   We may soon have more information on at least some of the illegal activities that he did, encouraged, participated in, commissioned if the documents really are released. I think that he's being protected by the Deep State, by the dumboRATS in the House and Senate, by the msm and if we're ever going to get to the TRUTH about all of the illegal things themuslimvileone did and commissioned, etc., we'll have to go around them, through them and over their heads. The left doesn't want the truth to come out because they will be implicated with him, either because they were participating in the illegalities, or because they knew and did nothing to report him, or because they profited from it politically. They protected lawlessness because they are lawless, too. It's despicable that our nation is run by "elites" who think that the law applies to us but not to them. That is the modus operandi of the left: "Applies to thee but not to me" when it comes to laws. Ask hillosercrooktOOn. September 17, 2019   Last Link:   Today we heard that Cokie Roberts has died. She said that she was "fine" in August of this year, but she died a month later. She may have wanted to keep her health issues private, and I understand that, but it's just another way we are misled by the msm. Lying is second nature to them, and she could have said that she would rather keep things private instead of airing her medical information for the the world to consume. Remember, she is the one who faked that she was reporting from outside the White House but she was actually inside a studio in D.C.! So, my sympathies to her friends and loved ones, but she was no saint (as most of us are not). September 17, 2019   That's it for today. I want to remind you that I won't be here on Friday, and maybe Thursday, depending on how things go, because we have to go to our farm and put in the flooring that had to acclimate to the house for forty-eight hours before installation. We took it up there last weekend, and will go install it in the utility room, family room, hallway and kitchen before our new washer and dryer are delivered on Saturday. Hopefully, we'll get at least the utility room completed (painted the baseboards already), so that we will only have to move the new washer and dryer once. That would be really nice. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 16, 2019: 2:52 p.m.   Killing Babies:   The new "accusations" against Justice Brett Kavanaugh are all about abortion and the left's efforts to make Kavanaugh kiss their backsides by trying to destroy the man's character with the stupidest accusations and worst actors they can find. This is all about trying to make him kowtow to them, but I hope he doesn't cave and that he stands tall and thumbs his nose at them. I hope he is as strong as Pres. Trump wanted him to be. Otherwise, we will have more of the aborted babies found in a murderer's home like we saw with the Pennsylvania butcher, Kermit Gosnell and his house of horrors. It's a mental illness to hold sacred abortion as these people do. It's a sickness that needs to be treated and needs mental help. The sanctity of abortion to the left is in need of treatment so that these kinds of malignancies do not metastisize to others. Abortion is a cancer on America and the world. We need to stop the cancer! Too bad the Mayor of that town supported the horror house. pete buttigieg is a disgrace. September 16, 2019   Planned AbortionHood:   The previous president is having difficulty with her pro-abortion message getting out because, as she says, she is asking them to "stop trying to enforce a gag order" on her! She hasn't turned pro-life (unfortunately), but she has said things, apparently, that Planned AbortionHood doesn't like. They are trying to silence her because she is accusing them of (get this) "'It is deeply hypocritical,' she wrote, that Planned Parenthood, 'would attempt to enforce a gag order on its immediate past President/CEO while fighting the Trump administration’s gag rule on Title X providers.'"So the people she used to work for are trying to silence her after they fought Pres. Trump for allegedly trying to "silence" them! Isn't there an old saying that goes something along the lines of "Turn about is fair play"? Shoe hurts on the other foot, yes? September 16, 2019   SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh:   So the smear story against Justice Kavanaugh had to be corrected. The NYT article changed the article and deleted erroneous tweets. Sounds to me like another smear is about to bite the dust because the woman Justice Kavanaugh allegedly did something to doesn't remember that he allegedly did this thing to her. Her "friends" allegedly reported the story, but she said she doesn't remember it. Even the NYT, the original reporter of the story, has had to say "Woopsie!" Isn't that amazing? Yet another anti-Kavanaugh lie is about to bite the dust and it's should be an embarrassment to the left, but they have no shame so they can't be embarrassed; especially The Odd members, have no shame, and of course, dumboRAT preziduncial candidates. They had to stick their two-cents' worth of nonsense in. September 16, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He knew about the spying on then-candidate Donald J. Trump. He knew about it and he was involved from the get-go, I bet. He had to have hillosercrooktOOn as his successor because then the wrongs he did while in office would never be discovered, nor prosecuted. While I still can't guarantee that anyone will be prosecuted (Republicans have no stomach for doing what's right, instead of just what's politically tolerable.), I can say that Judicial watch is still uncovering those wrongs and bringing light to the evil that themuslimvileone has done to America. I have said it for a very long time: themuslimvileone was the worst prezidunce ever. September 16, 2019   Fake News:   If you read the msm, you read lies. It's proven that there are stories that are complete fabrications and that the lies often get reported over and over and over as real news and facts. THe problem is that there are people who "Find The Truth!" and report the truth and the msm is left with egg on their faces, but they don't care because there are still some people who don't read or watch anything but the fake news. That's why they believe that they can get away with proven lies and they couldn't care less. It's those idiots out there who read nothing else, who fail to -- or probably CAN'T -- think for themselves and they eat the lies up like ice cream and cake. The left needs to learn to question the msm and they need to figure out that the LIES they have been swallowing are poisoning them and their relationship with America. September 16, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   I hope and pray that she will one day wind up in prison orange and that she'll spend the rest of her days in a federal penitentiary. It's what she deserves, what should happen and what, if there is "equal justice under the law", will someday happen to her. She just laughs off her treason and makes fun of America's reaction to it like it means nothing to her. She betrayed America and every person who lives here and she makes fun of it. She laughs about it. She needs to be in a federal pen forever. I hope she gets buried there! September 16, 2019   googley-woogley:   They interfered in the 2016 elections, trying to get hillosercrooktOOn elected. We have proof, we have insiders who say so, and we have e-mail records that prove they interfered in our elections via shutting down websites, censoring news that was pro-Conservatives and pro-Trump and now we know that they silenced a popular Conservative website days before the election. They are evil, and they are power-mad and they think they know better than you so they decide to choose for you what you can see, read and watch. Is that what you want? September 16, 2019   ilhan "Incest" oTALIBANar:   She supports anti-Israel "boycott, divest and sanction" (BDS) and thinks that the Muslim nations are always the victims, always in the right and always the good guys. Of course, being a Muslim herself, that is a bit blinding to reality. After all, on 9/11 Muslims were the real victims according to ilhan "Incest" oTALIBANar. Didn't you realize that? September 16, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I love this! He is saying that instead of all of these millions of dollars spent investigating him, how about investigating the slush fund used to pay off sexual harrassment by Congressmembers, or the sweetheart deals that themuslimvileone is getting now that he's no longer in office? How about we investigate the real problems, instead of the delusional ones the left makes up? September 16, 2019   andrew yang, Law-breaker?:   He's running a contest on his campaign website promising that ten winners will rececive $1,000 monthly for a year. That's a lot of money to give away, where is it coming from? There's the rub. He's using campaign donations and that could be totally illegal. That shouldn't matter to a dumboRAT, though. After all, they don't have to obey the laws since they are above the law and nothing can touch a dumboRAT. Right? September 16, 2019   Lefties Award Their Own:   The "National Women's Hall of Shame... no, sorry, it's "Hall of Fame", has made a fiasco of their own choices, but I'm sure that's nothing new, I'm sure. This year they really did bungle it by inducting a domestic terrorist and Hanoi jane fonda. If you don't recall, angela davis is the domestic terrorist and Hanoi jane fonda helped American service members be tortured and refused to send their notes to the American government after our POWs there gave them to her hoping for our government to help them. She, instead, turned those notes over the the Vietcong who tortured our men because they tried to communicate with the outside world and jane helped that happen. Treason is her middle name, in my book, and I think she should have been arrested as soon as she stepped foot back on American soil. Lefties always praise and award their own for the vilenesses they commit. It's not about loving America for them. It's about destroying everyhing in America that is right and good and decent. September 16, 2019   Last Link:   Msthemuslimvileone is an ego on legs, isn't she? She is selling tickets to her speeches for $4,200! Really? I wonder who wants to see her sit there and stroke her own ego for that amount of money? That's all they'll get for the evening: ego this, ego that, me! Me! Me! I'd barf. September 16, 2019   That's it for today. We had a busy, hard-working weekend and will do so again next weekend, so be ready for no updates on Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 12, 2019: 1:50 p.m.   Always Remember:   Yesterday was the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and we remember yet again how horrible that day was. I hope that the loved ones have been at least somewhat comforted by time and that we can turn this day into something more than just remembering the pain, but into something good. That's why I #FastForIslam on 9/11; if we can bring ALL of Islam to Christ and stop their violence because their hearts, beliefs and actions will be changed then good will come out of it. Did you join me in a #FastForIslam? I went 25.5 hours: 10:30 p.m. on 10/10 to 12:05 a.m. on 10/12. Will you consider -- or maybe even plan and prepare to do so -- joining me next year? Remember, it doesn't have to be a food fast. It can be a fast of television, video games, internet time, etc., giving up something to focus your mind and prayers on the request to change Islam's heart and bring them Christ. I think it's worth it to save souls and probably lives as well. Agree? Missed yesterday because I had a dental appointment on Tuesday to have my teeth cleaned, and while there I was told (I knew it was coming) I needed a crown on a tooth they've been "watching" for a few years. That wasn't the surprise. The surprise was that they could fit me in the next day! That was a shock! I went in yesterday and got my crown (two hours, but a lot cheaper than expected), and went to the grocery store, then did some errands with my hubby. I spent only about thirty minutes at home during the daylight hours while not otherwise engaged and that's not enough time to do updates. Sorry about that, but I don't control my dentist's schedule. If I did, I wouldn't have a new crown yet! September 12, 2019   BTW, the losing, almost non-existent in polling, o'rourke, is saying that credit cards "enable" mass shootings and he's trying to pressure credit cards to stop allowing their use to buy guns. I hope that if any credit card does that, they go out of business quickly and painfully. It will serve them right. The guy urging this is going to lose, so why should any credit card that listens to him be any different? September 12, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Your taxpayer dollars are being spent to abuse dogs. Did you know that? Do you appreciate that? Do you like that? We spend the money to train dogs to sniff out bombs and other things, then we donate them to foreign countries -- many of them Muslim, which (according to their own teachings) hate dogs and considers them filthy animals to be beaten, abused and killed, not kept as pets -- and the dogs donate to them and to other countries are abused. The dogs should NOT be delivered at our expense to abusers. The dogs should not be given to ANY country who has a history of abusing or neglecting ANY dog our money paid for! We should make those countries figure out how to train dogs themselves, not use OUR money and efforts to train dogs then deliver them up to be basically tortured. That's not right and it's not the American way. We need to stop this program for ALL countries that do not take excellent care of the dog our taxpayer dollars gave them. ANY abuse of ANY animal we send to ANY country should result in immediate expulsion from that program for the abusive country. The story will break your heart. Read it with tissues nearby. September 12, 2019   Corrupt dumboRAT:   How about that? A dumboRAT actually is facing prosecution. They're going ahead with pressing charges against andrew mccabe, who lied to the investigators questioning him about all the mess the DOJ and FBI created when LYING about Pres. Trump and "Russian collusion". I am glad to see that at least someone is being prosecuted, but will he be the only one? I hope that they ALL go to prison: from themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn to loretta lynch, james comey, et al. Let's do this! September 12, 2019   Impeachment Inquiry?:   Yeah. Right. It's not an inquiry that is in the traditional sense of the word. It's a political stunt to get him noticed. That's all jerry nadler is trying to do. Well, that and trying to appease the crazy, TDS sufferers that have the loudest voices. Sigh. The left has lost their final marble since Pres. Trump was victorious in 2016. Wait until they find out he has won 2020, too. Or is it just nadler making noise? Probably won't matter: the leftists in the msm will paint it as an impeachment inquiry anyways. They still haven't gotten over the fact that their favorite boy, bullybobcrooktOOn was actually impeached and they're trying to get their revenge for his spouse not winning her chance at total corruption in the Red House. September 12, 2019   Another "NothingBurger":   The Air Force Reserves who stayed at a Trump Hotel in Scotland recently was entitled to do so, practically had no option in doing so and it was all within the budget for them to do so, and there was nothing "unethical" about it. That's what an Air Guard pilot who is now in Congress has reminded people. As usual, the left makes a mountain out of a mole hill and the msm helps them spread the Trump Derangement Syndrome. How absurd shall this get? Who knows. Next time he clips his toenails he'll probably do so with a little baby's teeth after personally pulling them. That's how ridiculous it will get. September 12, 2019   Deep State:   As more information comes out about who they are, what they were doing and what their goal was/is, the more we know that they LIED about everything they did, said, wanted, were, etc., when asked for the truth: even themuslimvileone. They even lied to investigators, but that's being found out, too. The good thing that comes from this is that the "Deep State" will soon be dismantled as Pres. Trump "Drains the Swamp" and America can relearn to trust our government and law enforcement agencies. Let us hope that we can do so, at least. If not, that's a sad state that themuslimvileone left America in. He is the worst prezidunce ever. September 12, 2019   OUCH! That stings!:   I think it's very nice and actually, rather classy of the LIAR's father to tell Justice Kavanaugh that he's glad he was confirmed, even though it was his daughter lying about Justice Kavanaugh! That's just doing the right thing and I think it's classy of her Dad to say so. He is not responsible for what his daughter did. She is an adult and she is held accountable for her own actions. That's as it should be, but he didn't have to actually say what he did, so I give him full credit and kudos for speaking. September 12, 2019   MAGA!:   No matter what the LYING dumboRATS are saying, the Trump economy is BOOMING! It's all good and the left is trying to hide that because they know that their sychopantic followers don't read anything outside of their own little world and they're too darn lazy to pursue the truth and question the LIARS on their own side. It's all about them keeping their own little LYING world together, tucked in snuggly about them so that they don't have to face the truth: they've been WRONG their whole lives and they've accepted the LIES like children asking for free candy, without question as to whether it's laced with anything, or if it's going to rot their teeth. The left: Lazy is as lazy does (apologies to the author of "Forest Gump"). September 12, 2019   Fauxcahontas:   Well, the lies keep getting exposed and the truth is not very flattering to her, is it? After all, she make money off of her alleged Native American ancestry, but the truth is at least one of her ancestors fought AGAINST the Seminole tribe! Well, well. I wonder if that's something she could make some money on now? September 12, 2019   Killing Babies:   The left will do anything they can to kill babies, including going around state laws. Killing babies in the uterus is their "raison d'être" and if they can't kill babies inside their Mommy's wombs they will curl up and die themselves. The left lives on the blood of babies. That's their own life's blood. It's disgusting. September 12, 2019   Area 51:   The guy organizing the "Storm Area 51" event has apparently lost his enthusiasm for his own event (or maybe it was beamed up?), and he's not going to be the organizer or even attend. He was visited by the FBI because he was organizing a storming of a U.S. military base, so they have a tendency to do that when that's your plan. Now he's not going to be involved. I think that's probably smarter than he deserves credit for being. September 12, 2019   Build The Wall!:   OKay, says Pres. Trump. He is doing so and he's building the wall where nary a wall has ever been, which is something his detractors have been saying he hasn't been doing. Well, now he is, so they can shut their pie holes (including Ann Coulter). September 12, 2019   Veggie Burgers?:   So they're as no better for you than real hamburgers, so why would people want to eat them? So they can feel virtuous, maybe? So they can have that feeling of superiority because they care more because they're not eating animals and they're not harming the environment, etc.? Whatever. Veggie Burgers are full of sodium, saturated fats and amino acids that are bad for you, so why bother? Eat a good ol' all beef hamburger (why aren't they called beefburgers, since most often there is no pork -- ham -- in them?) and eat healthier and enjoy the flavor, delicious and wonderful! September 12, 2019   Last Link:   She has no class whatsoever. hillosercrooktOOn mocks America by sitting at an art exhibit and perusing the e-mails she told Congress, the FBI and others that she couldn't find e-mails because those deleted e-mails were all about yoga (anyone believe she actually does yoga?), her daughter's upcoming wedding, and family stuff. Well, turns out they weren't about all of that. Some were highly classified, "eyes only", and she LIED as she betrayed America and you and your loved ones. It's disgusting. September 12, 2019   I'm going to go for now. Don't know if I'll be here tomorrow because we have to go to Georgia tomorrow to work on our kitchen renovations, take up the family room carpet and put the second bathroom back together. If the weather is good, we may be able to mow the eleven or so acres we have to mow. If we have the chance we'll do some cladding of the kitchen walls and some priming of the cladding while the new flooring acclimates. Whew! It's going to be a lot more work, but it's going to be soooo worth it! If I don't see you tomorrow, enjoy your weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! September 10, 2019: 2:53 p.m.   Join me tomorrow, 9/11, in #FastingForIslam so that they will give their hearts to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and their violence will end. #FastingForIslam from midnight tonight until midnight tomorrow night. Pray that they all give their hearts to Jesus and the world will change. September 10, 2019   So the hurricane, Dorian, was a "big nothing burger" to paraphrase lefty, van jones. My husband sent me up to our farm to sign the contract to renovate our farm's kitchen with new cabinets, granite countertops and a few special features, so I went up there on the 29th, but Dorian kept him down here. He told me to stay up there until after Dorian because if the electricity went out I wouldn't enjoy being without air conditioning. What's funny is that when I got to the farm, the air conditioner wasn't working there! I got Comfort Zone Heating and Air to come out within 90 minutes of when I called them and he fixed it within five minutes after he arrived (and sprayed wasps away from the outside unit). It was so nice to have air conditioning again! So I got that fixed and enjoyed the running around to get the contract signed, back and forth, an hour each way twice, to get it done. Too bad their computer wasn't cooperating and we wound up signing the contract at the farm where two of the employees (one who designed the kitchen with me and a manager) came to the farm instead of making me drive two hours again. So it's official. We have the cabinets being manufactured, the delivery date is Oct. 2, and installation can start two days later. Which means that at the end of this month my hubby and I will be up there on the 27th and I'll be staying until after the installation is complete. The best part, though, is that my Mom has decided to come down to the farm and keep me company while the installation is going on! She loves the farm (calls it "Paradise") and will enjoy being there for up to two weeks. We'll have a great time! Anyways, I'll do a few blurbs today since I got a late start, but tomorrow I have another dental appointment so I don't know if I'll be doing updates tomorrow. I got my teeth cleaned today, and they agreed that the tooth they've been "watching" needs a crown and Dr. Lunstrum of Cocoa Village Dentistry, a GREAT DENTIST, has time tomorrow. New crown, here I come! I had them count up the total I'll have after tomorrow, and it's going to be my tenth crown. Sigh. That's a lot of money, but Dr. Lunstrum's prices are a bit cheaper than elsewhere because he makes the crowns there in the office with a 3D printer! How about that! I get to watch my crown being made and it's the coolest thing! Enough of that. Let's get started today. September 10, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   In Mecklenburg County, NC, they voted to be a "sanctuary county" (read: break immigration laws) and the Sheriff has decided that the safety of the people of his county doesn't matter as much as being PC. He has released almost 500 VIOLENT aliens who have already proven they are not safe to be in the community. The Sheriff doesn't care. He released these violent people into the community and I want to know how many of the residents of Mecklenburg County will pay the price for his political correctness and hatred of LAW, which is unredeemable for a Sheriff to show that he doesn't care about THE LAW he SWORE to UPHOLD! He wasn't elected to kiss the leftists' backsides. He was elected to ENFORCE THE LAW, not ignore and defy it! How many little girls will be raped and killed because of his lawlessness? His county will pay the price and he'll get paid by those he is subjecting to the danger! Leftist justice? September 10, 2019   In New Smyrna Beach, just north of us, an elderly woman bought a commemorative brick a year ago for her grandson to look at after she's gone. The problem is, that they're both supporters of Pres. Donald J. Trump, and that's not okay with the people they bought it from, or the people who complained about it because the brick says, "Trump 2020 Drain Swamp Brandon & Oma"That resulted in the brick being quietly removed after someone (or several someones complained). The brick being removed -- and the $95 she paid not being refunded -- is ridiculous. There were probably no guidelines saying that there couldn't be anything on the bricks that would support Pres. Trump, so why is the brick removed? Some snowflakes complained so the woman's brick in honor of Pres. Trump purchased so that her grandson could enjoy it for the rest of his life, is attacking her First Amendment rights and she needs to sue the organization she bought the brick from. Remember, if it can happen it her, it can happen to you. September 10, 2019   rashida tlaib:   She has been a LIAR since she decided to run for public office. Her own father says she lied about her address on her filing papers so that she could rin for the district that was mostly Islamic and most likely be elected. It worked. The Muslim LIAR is in office. Now I hope she faces election fraud charges and her address changes to some prison somewhere. That's where she deserves to be. September 10, 2019   Leftist Corruption:   IF you are tired of the corruption of the left and all of the anti-American crap they pull, check out the Judicial Watch page on how you can help fight corruption. There's no harm in educating yourself about how to try. We need to try. September 10, 2019   TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome):   The dumboRATS have decided part of their anti-Trump strategy for the 2020 elections and someone decided to leak their strategy and tell people what to watch for. I think that it's possible this is a "Squirrell!" so don't believe everything in it. They may change their strategy (if this is their actual plan), or they may be just doing the head fake thing. Whatever; be aware that they hate the man and all who support him so they'll be sure to get down and dirty. That means they may get dirtier than the "Golden Showers Dossier", which is quite icky to start with, but now to go even lower? That's mind boggling, but the dumboRATS are definitely capable. They live in the gutter anyways. Don't believe me, look at SanFran, or their anti-baby "kill them even after they are born" stance. They're gutter all the way. September 10, 2019   Pres. Trump has fired (or he resigned; there are differing stories on this) his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, who disagreed with him more often than agreed. It's Pres. Trump's right to fire him and it's Bolton's right to resign, but whichever happened, he's gone. I'm kinda' glad. I know he was good for a little while years ago, but lately I haven't trusted Bolton much. I don't know what the left had on him, but I think that he was fighting Pres. Trump when he should have been fighting the left and America's enemies more than his President. September 10, 2019   FakeBook:   How about that? There's a federal judge who says that FakeBook's view on their users' privacy is just "so wrong". Can't argue with that. I hope FakeBook loses this fight to give their users' private info to third parties without their users' approval or knowledge and that they wind up going out of business because of it. It would serve zuckerberg right and it would prevent anymore "election interference" via FakeBook. I think even the lefties could get behind that sentiment, right? September 10, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   The Deep State has protected her for YEARS, and we have proof of that all over the place because even now, we know that they were given PROOF of her illegal activities but instead of investigating her, the Deep State launched the "Russian Collusion" investigation into Pres. Trump instead. Isn't that wonderful? She has betrayed America, committed FELONY TREASON, but the Deep State within the FBI and other federal "law enforcement" agencies protected her, as usual. Isn't that nice, that there is a two tiered "justice" system that proves again and again and again that the LEFT HAS NO RULES to abide by, but the right is held accountable to every jot and tittle. Isn't that what America is supposed to be? September 10, 2019   thevilegeorgesoros:   He is evil. He is evil and his proteges are evil. That's why he always backs the wrong-doers of the world. He is the one who bankrolled the group that is attacking Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other judges Pres. Trump has put into office, or wants to be in office. The evil he backs shall come back to haunt him forever after his death, but in life, the best we can hope for is that he loses and loses and loses, as he did with Pres. Trump's victory. I bet he's also behind a lot of the other vile, evil things that are happening in the world today; from the Islamic invasion of Europe, to the antifa beatings and violence that happens daily against America. The fact is, when he gets to hell, he'll be in worse condition and go through more than he ever dreamed of doing to others so I feel a little sorry for him because he has no idea what he's heading toward and how his evil will catch up to him. If he does know, he's apparently not concerned about his eternity because if he was, he'd change immediately. September 10, 2019   I'm going to remind you before I go to #FastingForIslam to come to Christ starting tonight at midnight and going through midnight tomorrow, 9/11. Remember, fasting doesn't have to be not eating food. It could be fasting from watching television, not drinking coffee, not exercising (my favorite!), or not getting online. Fasting for me will mean not eating anything solid, just drinking clear liquids. I can do that pretty easily for twenty-four hours; I've fasted for 42 days before the same way, so I can do 24 hours easily. I hope that it's something you can try. #FastingForIslam so that they will give their hearts and souls to Jesus Christ and then we wouldn't have to fear another 9/11 or any other of the terror attacks Islam is responsible for. Please join me! September 10, 2019   Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 2019 October 31, 2019: 12:18 p.m.   Impeachment Inquiry Vote:   So the dumboRATS decided to put it to a vote and to formalize their fauxpeachment. It's amazing to think that they care so little about the TRUTH, about right and wrong, and America, but care more about the fact that their side LOST in 2016 than any of those things mentioned. It's disgusting that all but two dumboRATS voted for this ridiculousness. It's wrong. I hope and pray that the dumboRATS are made to pay at the ballot box and that they are roundly and totally defeated by Republican Conservative opponents. The way the dumboRATS are doing this is far from fair because their rules take away Pres. Trump's rights, stifle the authority of all Republicans in the committees handling this fauxpeachment process, and they keep things as secret as possible and as authoritarian as possible with the dumboRATS doing all they can to commit their coup with the fauxpeachment covering them. When you have to take away someone's Constitutional rights -- ANYONE'S rights -- to convict them, then that's called WRONG, ILLEGAL, A RAILROADING, A SET-UP, A MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE, etc. The whole thing is based on the TOTAL CORRUPTION of the dumboRAT party and they're doing all kinds of illegal things to cover up their own illegal actions! The "whistleblower" has a HUGE LIST of conflicts of interest, but the dumboRATS don't care about that TRUTH. They just want Pres. Trump GONE. We've already shown that both the repulsive adam shifty schiff and pelosipig are benefiting from their dealings with a Ukrainian arms dealer, but they're saying that Pres. Trump is the one doing wrong here? Where is their impeachment? We know that themuslimvileone was meeting with the Russians a month before Pres. Trump's innauguration, so what were they talking about and where is his impeachment? The dumboRATS are so very, very set on their COUP that they are not even allowing EVIDENCE TO PROVE PRES. TRUMP'S INNOCENCE to be presented during the fauxpeachment! It's an absurdity that they're going through with this and I hope and pray that the U.S. Supreme Court gets involved somehow because this is not just wrong, it's CRIMINAL that they're taking away an innocent man's rights and not allowing even Pres. Trump's attorney to be present to protect him, nor allowing any EVIDENCE to prove his innocence! That's not just wrong, that's COMMUNISM! That's how China, Russia, Venezuela, etc., perform "trials", not how America does it. To take away all of Pres. Trump's Constitutional rights because they want to kick him out of office is wrong! Would you be able to trust dumboRATS with YOUR trial? If they can do this to the "most powerful man in the world", how would they treat YOU? VOTE REPUBLICAN. VOTE FOR THE MOST CONSERVATIVE PERSON ON EVERY BALLOT. This SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN and it should NEVER HAVE GOTTEN THIS FAR. It's been a sham all along. Now it's a shameful sham! Remember: pelosipig admitted it's not about "patriotism", because it's SO UNAMERICAN, so what is it about? REVENGE for LOSING and SELF-PRESERVATION! VOTE REPUBLICAN in EVERY election to prevent this from happening again. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or crappy contemptuous leftie!) October 31, 2019   shifty schifforbrains:   So we now know that the "star witness" he brought in against Pres. Trump in his closed-door, secret and opaque hearings was involved with the same Ukrainian arms dealers as shifty schiff and pelosipig were getting money from. So what is the the problem here? He's testifying against Pres. Trump, making stuff up, and has both an axe to grind and a reason to LIE based upon protecting himself and his own deals! Is that not a conflict of interest? If not, then I don't know what is! Yet, schifforbrains is still pushing this guy and the now-revealed "whistleblower", eric ciaramella. The fact that ciaramella is a former themuslimvileone advisor, and a former bumbling biden employee, a "vocal Trump critic" and was involved in creating the "Russian collusion" hoax. He was moved into the Trump White House in 2017 by john brennan as a SPY to SPY ON PRES. TRUMP, but he never heard the phone call he allegedly blew the whistle on! The leftie dumboRATS are breaking every rule regarding a real impeachment, making new rules, changing the committees who handle a real impeachment, listening to testimony that is A LIE, that they allegedly accept as true (although the dumboRATS no more believe it than do I), and it doesn't matter to them that they are LYING about everything! They want Pres. Trump OUT! That's all that matters because he is making them look bad and they wanted hillosercrooktOOn so that the TRUTH about their CORRUPTION will never see the light of day! Pres. Trump is trying to stop the corruption and they don't want that! We know they are benefiting from their corruption and that they do deals with arms dealers so that they can line their own pockets and that's the TRUTH that is coming out because Pres. Trump is allowing it to come out. If hilloser was in office, the corruption would grow, and America would be suffering for it. Your rights would diminish and even more of your taxpayer dollars would go into the dumboRATS' pockets instead of being used for your benefit. That's why the dumboRATS despise Pres. Trump and those of us who voted for him: their corruption is being exposed and they have to stop it! They want every last dime of taxpayer dollars they can get and he's in their way! He must go! October 31, 2019   mswhineythemuslimvileone:   Oh, boohoo. She can't stop complaining. She can't stop milking the "racist" angle of her crybabiness. She can't stop BLAMING OTHERS for whatever happens in her life. She's got two houses, both MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, and in "white neighborhoods", but she can't stop blaming white people for everything that happens in the black community. If Shirley can't get her hair to do what she wants it to do that day, it's a white man's fault. If Verna can't get a job that allows her to sit on her butt on her own couch and not show up for work ever, but still get paid $20 an hour for watching her soap operas, it's white man's fault. If Jormaquantie can't get into the college of his choice with his 0.46 grade point average and his police record, it's white man's fault. If mswhineythemuslimvileone is to be believed, that's the TRUTH. If she is right, there is nothing that happens anywhere to anyone of color that a "white" person somewhere is not to blame for. That's the problem with this sort of thinking: it absolves everyone who is the "victim" of "whiteness" of their own actions, choices and responsibilities. If you can't take responsibility for your own actions, choices and responsibilities, then why are you wearing big boy/girl pants instead of diapers? Grow up, mswhineythemuslimvileone! October 31, 2019   Pedophiles Get Permission:   A Georgia federal judge has ruled that pedophiles do NOT have to post a "No Trick or Treating" sign outside their house to prevent children from knocking on their doors to receive whatever a pedophile is willing to give them for "Trick or Treat" tonight. "Three of the sex offenders filed a class-action lawsuit last week and U.S. District Court Judge Marc Treadwell has sided with them and granted a preliminary injunction. The sex offenders claimed that the sheriff was trespassing and violated their constitutional rights against forced speech. [my bolding]"So children -- and their parents/guardians -- will be unaware that the house on whose door they are about to knock may hold a pedophile who wants to give those children more than a piece of his Kitt Katt bar! That's an idiot judge who needs to be removed from office! October 31, 2019   themuslimvileone:   So now we KNOW FOR A FACT that the Benghazi attack on the U.S. Embassy was allowed to happen by themuslimvileone, costing FOUR AMERICANS their lives. We also KNOW that themuslimvileone helped hide the facts about the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, saying it was a video that caused it (and he jailed an innocent man for a YEAR to cover up for his own inactions and actions! His INactions in that he did nothing to help the U.S. Embassy personnel; actions because we now KNOW that themuslimvileone was allowing weapons to be shipped out of Benghazi to Syrian rebels and jihadists! I still believe (and always will) that themuslimvileone took hillosercrooktOOn's "advice" and assigned Ambassador Christopher Stevens to Benghazi because she wanted him dead and her State Department was responsible for stirring up the crowd that then killed Stevens and the three others. He had something on her and now he, too, is dead, and themuslimvileone allowed her to murder him at the expense of an innocent man who spent a year in prison. Isn't that sweet? October 31, 2019   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   She is not just a liar, she is an extremist Islamist and a hard anti-Semite. She voted AGAINST the U.S. House resolution condemning the Armenian genocide. She hates Jews and Christians and thinks that wiping them out will bring about the "12th Imam" and the beginning of the Muslim rule of the whole world! That's what she supports. She is a huge anti-Semite and supports anti-Semitism anywhere and everywhere it may exist: in many American colleges, for instance. She supports it. She is happy to see it. She is an extremist Muslim and one must wonder if she were ordered by her Imam to wear a suicide vest into the U.S. House if she would do so. Do you think she would? After all, she feels safe enough in her "victimhood" to break every American law she can (she broke campaign finance laws, broke immigration laws via marrying HER BROTHER to commit immigration fraud, etc.), so what is to stop her from breaking the law that says that weapons of any sort are not allowed in the U.S. House? Who is going to stop her? Is there anyone brave enough to stand up to the predictable cry of "racism" and bigotry if someone did try? If so, it will NOT be a dumboRAT U.S. Congressperson, I can guarantee you that! October 31, 2019   kamala harris:   Things are not looking good for her, folks. She is maybe on her last campaign legs and she has bad poll numbers (polls schmolls), and is laying off staffers. Her campaign manager was getting $10,000 monthly (I want to be a campaign manager!), but he has recently given himself a pay cut. Oh, wah. Let's hope that this is the beginning of the end for her. Then as they all peel off of the dumboRAT ticket, we'll see hillosercrooktOOn be begged to run so that we can have the rematch of the century and we'll finally see her win and be sworn in as she fully deserves to be and all will be right and well in America and the world because we'll finally have a woman -- the most deserving woman in the entire universe! -- sworn in to be U.S. Prezidunce and the most powerful woman in the world! That's the goal, folks. Let's watch and see if my years long predictions prove true. October 31, 2019   October 31, 2019   October 31, 2019   I will stop with that for today. We don't do Halloween, so I won't be handing out candy to kids tonight. I hope you have a great weekend and that you stay safe tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 30, 2019: 2:20 p.m.   Hello! I'm back from the farm and visiting with my brother-in-law and his wife. We also got a lot of work done. We almost finished tiling the fireplace; we have a marble "pencil" to do an outline of the firebox yet to put up and then the tile will be finished. The only thing left is the mantle and I have a unique thing I shall do with that, but I won't tell you what it is until it's complete. I will post a picture of the finished product after we finish the fireplace and we paint the walls of the family room and put the crown, baseboard and chair rail up. I know how it's going to look in my head but there's still some work to do and we'll get it done on the weekends we are at the farm. Slow but steady is the pace and we're really liking the results! So, let's get started with a few blurbs for today. My hubby has already called and said he has to come home early and do some work from home so I don't know when to expect that and I enjoy his company (and he mine) so I'll close it up when he arrives, so let's get started. October 30, 2019   Pedostein:   As I said when he was arrested, he was going to be killed in prison and now it looks like outside medical examiners (those not yet threatened by the crooktOOns) are still saying that it looks to them more like murder than suicide. So when will the truth be found out and released? Only after the crooktOOns are dead and gone will the truth be told about much of what they were connected to and did. Those who know the truth are too afraid, for the most part, to speak it because they want to stay alive. Juanita Broadrick spoke the truth about bullybobcrooktOOn raping her, but she's the exception and look at what they did to her. I wish more people had the spine she does. October 30, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He is no longer prezidunce, but he is still controlling part of America's future via the judges he appointed. For instance, Judge beryl howell has unsealed grand jury testimony -- a clear violation of EXISTING LAW -- and has allowed the dumboRATS access to the secret testimony. The only way grand jury testimony is supposed to be used is in a trial. That's the law. For a judge to rule AGAINST the law that prevents revealing the grand jury testimony is a judge who thinks she is above the law, her opinions and politics are more important than the law and if she can use her power as a judge to help dumboRATS try to destroy Pres. Trump, that's what matters to her. She disregards the laws she was SWORN to uphold and defend as long as she does her part to help try to destroy Pres. Trump and all who support him. This is themuslimvileone's legacy! The judges he appointed are there for life unless there is someone who has the courage to start an impeachment or recall process against these judges! It's absurd that she ruled in favor of the dumboRATS and AGAINST THE LAW, but she was appointed by themuslimvileone to do just that! That's whom he wanted to have in power; those who will rule to protect him and his legacy and the law can take a hike! Remember, it was themuslimvileone who also appointed amy berman-jackson, the corrupt judge in the Paul Manafort case and who ruled against the Catholic Church in the contraceptive services case. This is the legacy we MUST undo before they destroy America via their currupt rulings! October 30, 2019   My hubby just got home. He didn't call me and tell me he was on his way, but there he is, so I will go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 25, 2019: 10:52 a.m.   Just a few blurbs today because we need to get ready to go to the farm. My brother-in-law and his wife are coming to the farm for a few days and we're going to have a nice visit with them there. We were going to take his brother our 2005 Dodge pickup truck, but it had a problem that my hubby tried to fix and in doing so experienced a break in the drive shaft that was just waiting to happen. Good thing it happened while he was working on it, instead of on the road! So we're going to be taking that up to him in Ohio sometime in the future. That's not what our plan was, but it's what has to happen. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Anyways, I'll do a few blurbs and then we'll have to get some stuff done around here. October 25, 2019   I wonder if anything will ever come of the hillosercrooktOOn e-mail thing where they have found that at least 38 people violated the rules for handling classified information. I wonder if the law applies at all to dumboRATS who break the law and any rule or regulation they choose and rarely face any consequences. I wonder if there are two separate classes in America: the dumboRATS and their lawlessness who have no rules applied, and the rest of us who have to face prosecution for everything from parking a car in our own driveway for too long, to a child selling lemonade without a permit. Two classes: dumboRATS and the rest of us. Is that the America we really want? October 25, 2019   "Russia Collusion":   The investigation by USAG Barr and Attorney Durham has become a criminal investigation! That means that they can subpeona people, have trials and get (hopefully) criminal convictions! That would be a really good thing, and it's making those involved more than a little nervous. Now (and it's about time) the dumboRATS and the msm are panicking and afraid, they are already trying to cover for the dumboRATS who are involved -- hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone, comey, rosenstein, wray, biden, abedin, clapper, etc. -- and they're saying that the TRUTH may cause "civil unrest". It will only do so if the left starts the civil unrest as they are likely to do, a la "antifa", blm, etc. We know that the TRUTH shows that mueller and his team set up Trump affiliates to look guilty about little things, and even though we have known that for a while, the left is just now acknowledging that it's part of the story. Now we have FOUR -- count 'em, FOUR -- different reports that will tell us the TRUTH about what happened in the FISA abuse that the left did under themuslimvileone, about the CRIMES that the deep state did under themuslimvileone, about how they set up and have been falsely accusing and prosecuting Gen. Michael Flynn, and finally, the TRUTH about themuslimvileone and biden's PAY TO PLAY scheme that got bumblefingers biden and his drug addled son rich. My question is, how much did themuslimvileone make on the crooked deals? Also, remember that pallet of cash that themuslimvileone delivered to Iran? How much of that went straight into an offshore bank account for themuslimvileone? How much of it went straight into his pocket? Ever think of that? October 25, 2019   Poll-Shmoll:   I don't like reporting polls because they are so easily manipulated and so very, very often wrong. However, I find this one a bit more interesting than the average poll because if the left sees it, they'll be nervous about the results, too. So the poll shows people think impeachment is a "waste of time" (59%) and a little over half (52%) say it's a "political stunt". I agree. I wonder how weighted the poll is, and who paid for it. That info will make it even more interesting, to me at least. October 25, 2019   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   Oh, excuse me! She is so high minded and uppity, that she thinks that most of us can't understand what the dumboRATS are focused on. They're so much better than the rest of America that they are high above our intellectual capabilities. Isn't that wunnerful? October 25, 2019   Last Link:   I'm sorry but I have to comment on this ridiculousness. What is wrong with pelosipig's brain? She said that Rep. Elijah Cummings will lay on the same "catapult" as President Abraham Lincoln! I can't stop myself from seeing him lying on that catapult and someone accidentally letting it fly! Wheeeeeeeee! There he goes! This is the House Speaker, dumboRAT leader, and the third in line to the preziduncy. Can you imagine? October 25, 2019   Okay, that's it for today. As it stands at this moment (and, with my hubby, it is subject to change in ten minutes) he is scheduled to be at the farm with me until Tuesday. IF our granite gets cut and is ready for delivery anytime soon after that, I will be staying up there longer so that I will be there for the granite to be installed. We'll see what happens and when I will be back. Maybe our kitchen will be finished by the end of the month, if the granite gets installed in time and we can get the backsplash done. That would be great! Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 24, 2019: 11:55 a.m.   Faux-peachment:   The Weasel, shifty schiff, has blocked 75% of Congress members from even sitting in the same room as the Faux-peachment hearings he is manipulating in his attempted coup. He is as despicable as the rest of the dumboRAT leadership. They're willing to destroy a successful president and all of us who voted for him in order to get back the power they so crave. They are lying about timelines and what basis they are pursuing their faux-peachment because that power is dangling in front of their eyes and they'll do anything to reach out and grab it. They are totally and absolutely disgusting and they need to be removed from office ASAP, IMHO. October 24, 2019   Americans FIRST:   It seems to me that the CEOs of America are betraying Americans to get a bigger profit. When CEOs want to have India provide workers for over here they are giving jobs that Americans could have had and that, to me, is a betrayal. But the CEOs want that last penny and, to me, that's despicable. Those companies include, but are not limited to: "Cisco, Boeing, Deloitte, Adobe, Caterpillar, Dell, FedEx, Medtronic, Marriott, PepsiCo, and other companies."I hope that they learn the hard way that it's a mistake to put Americans out of work so that they can have the last penny. It's not a good thing. October 24, 2019   Deep State:   The NYC bar has gotten into the impeachment fray and they are saying that the U.S. Attorney General, William Barr, should recuse himself because his name was mentioned in the Trump/Zelensky phone call, which means that he is "compromised" and biased because of that mention. He needs to recuse himself, say they. Problem is, they're an acknowledged anti-Trump organization and they are doing everything they can to protect the Faux-peachment and the left (including bumbling biden) and they're trying to spread doubt about the legitimacy of whatever USAG Barr and Special Prosecutor, John Durham, find. They are trying to make sure that no matter what the TRUTH is that they find on the lefties involved, that it is considered "tainted" or "illegitimate" because it was a Conservative, Trump-appointed person who found it. It cannot be legitimate or true if a Trump person is saying it. That's the left's position. Only THEY can speak the truth, of course. After all, we all must believe every syllable that oozes from between their filthy, lying lips, must we not? October 24, 2019   Standing:   Pres. Trump's not backing down after using the term, "human scum" to describe the people who are going through with the LIES that they have to use in their Faux-peachment. I think he's correct and smart to stand up for the words he used because walking it back means they can manipulate him and his words and they can make him afraid of using certain phrases, which is what the left uses as a power hold over people. Also, it is TRUE that those doing the Faux-peachment are "human scum" and they should be kicked out of Congress, the Senate and especially out of Pres. Trump's administration! Drain the Scum Swamp! October 24, 2019   "Journalism":   Isn't it nice that the left owns the msm? That allows them to do things like this: The Associated Press (AP) actually helped the DOJ spy on the Trump administration and they never admitted it in their reporting to the American people. Have you ever seen the AP stories about their participation in SpyGate? No? Don't you have to wonder why they want the President to disclose every jot and tittle of everything from his taxes to his phone calls with world leaders to his bathroom use (okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea). It's okay for the AP to help destroy a duly elected president of the United States, but they won't tell you that they have done so. Does that tell you anything about how trustworthy the msm is? October 24, 2019   #ProtectJamesYounger:   A Texas jury (I'm ashamed of them doing this in Texas, of all places!) has taken parental rights away from a father who was trying to prevent his ex-wife from giving their seven-year-old SON female hormones and transitioning him to a girl! She has been pushing him toward female since he was a baby, dressing him in dresses, painting his fingernails and telling him he's a girl! This is child abuse, but they found an Alphabet (LGBTQ+) "counselor" who agreed that the little BOY was definitely a girl in boy's skin, and they took nothing into account that the child had been put through via his abusive mother's maltreatment and gender-confusion handling of the child. She brought this on and the little boy she is supposed to love and protect is going to go through hades because his mother wants a daughter, not a son! That's child abuse but no one on the left or in politics is willing to admit it because they are cowards when it comes to transgenderism and the lies and confusion it promotes! Despicable people! October 24, 2019   I have an appointment to be at in a little while, so I have to go. I may or may not see you tomorrow or Monday. Our plans are changing so I'm not sure what to tell you. I may not be back until next Wednesday or later. We'll see what happens. Our Georgia schedule is in flux currently, so we'll have to play it by ear. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 23, 2019; 1:59 p.m.   Hello! I'm here! Yesterday blurbs were prevented because I had unexpected company. I spent the day visiting with my son who came over on his day off and we just talked and he showed me some of the YouTube people he likes to watch and I showed him my favorites (Lumnah Acres, The Real Americans, etc.). It was fun, but he was tired and he fell asleep, and I sat there and worked on a crochet project I started before I hyperextended my right hand in early May. My hand was a little sore from the crocheting, but it was good enough to do two rows of stitches. Slowly it will get done, then I'll be able to wear it. I look forward to that. For now, let's get started. October 23, 2019   Trump Derangement Syndrome:   It's time that the Republicans stand up and go toe to toe with the lefties trying to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump and his entire presidency and the people who support him! It's time and I want you to know that it is starting to happen, but I also want you to notice that it's not the "establishment RepubliRATS" who are standing up for you and I. It's all about the Deep State being protected as they try to destroy America and all who love and believe in her! The RepubliRATS -- mitch mcCONnell, lindsey grahamNASTY, etc. -- are not standing up for YOU, for Pres. Donald J. Trump, for America. The RepubliRATS are doing their utmost to try to unseat a sitting, duly elected, legally sworn PRESIDENT and ignoring the will of the American people! It's disgusting that the mcCONnells/grahamNASTYs of the House and Senate are more interested and more protective of their butt-kissing of the left than of America and our RULE OF LAW. It makes me want to slap them all! The best part of all of this? When they got in there, they ordered PIZZA to show that they were going to stay and be a part of the hearings that Pencil Neck was trying to keep so hush-hush! LOVE IT! October 23, 2019   Deep State:   The left is so enthralled with the idea of a FAKE "impeachment", they have to meet in closed basements and do everything they can to try to keep anything from coming out of those lying meetings from coming out -- except for what they want to be talked about, whether it's in context (or most often; not in context) -- that they don't tell you that their "star witness" was destroyed in 90 seconds flat. The leader of the FAKE "impeachment", shifty "Pencil Neck" schiff, is doing everything he can to try to get a call to be Vice Presidential candidate with the next dumboRAT who is running against anyone besides Pres. Donald J. Trump. He wants more power so badly, he'll kiss Putin's, China's, bullybobcrooktOOn's, or themuslimvileone's butt to get it. Heck, he'd even put his nose up thevilegeorgesoros's butt to get into the presidential quarters. He's a nothing and a nobody and will stay that way because useful idiots don't get those kinds of calls. No one wants a useful idiot in office because they can be useful to others for the right price and after the bigger carrot is dangled in front of them. Useful idiots are useful for only as long as they will do your bidding. When they start getting an ego that's too big for their usefulness, they get disappeared, their dirty laundry gets aired (think Hunter Biden, hillosercrooktOOn's e-mails, al franken's way with women), or something else suddenly makes them resign. Useful idiots are too stupid to do anything except vote as instructed. This is why "The Idiot" and her gang of useful idiots are going to be kept in line and kept around for as long as they toe the line. When they step out of line, they will be out of office as quickly as they were in office. Pencil Neck better watch his back and keep his "P's and Q's" in line. He doesn't want to be disappeared. October 23, 2019   "Lynching":   So that's another word we're not allowed to use? When the dumboRATS used it against Republicans during the crooktOOn impeachment, it was allowed and it was oft-repeated by the msm and the left. It was okay then. It was okay when bumblefingers biden used it around that same time. It is okay to use against Republicans, but it's not okay now and it's not okay for Pres. Donald J. Trump or anyone who supports him (or anyone with an "R" after their name?) to use the word? Words mean things and to have the vocabulary taken away from us one word at a time will eventually (if the left gets their way) lead to Conservatives having only two words left that are acceptable for us to use: "Yes, Master!" Is that what you want? Use the words! Use the words the left tries to take away from you! Stand up for FREE SPEECH and USE YOUR WORDS! DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THEM! USE YOUR WORDS! If you don't you will have only those two left and you do not want that! October 23, 2019   Deep State 2:   So is there an actual "enemies list" that the left has put together to help them target certain people for extermination? Not literal expermination, but political extermination? I think there is one. I think that the left so vehemently hates America and anyone who wants to keep our Founding Fathers' vision of what America is supposed to be that they find Pres. Donald J. Trump a HUGE threat to their desires, plans and ongoing efforts to destroy America and that's why they all suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). They don't want America to be a Representative Republic (as our Founding Fathers created her: NOT a "democracy"). They want America to be a Communist/Socialist/Marxist state where THEY are the ones in power and WE are the worker bees who have to do for them whatever they don't want to do for themselves. WE would pay the taxes off of which THEY would live; do the work they refuse to do; wait on them hand, foot and mouth. WE would be their slaves and THEY would be the ones who order us around and use our labor to benefit themselves. That's what the left wants: POWER over others -- YOU and I -- and leisure for themselves. They want the old system back. You can figure what that old system is for yourselves. Think Russia before Pres. Ronald Reagan said, "Tear down this wall!" October 23, 2019   mitt "Jealousy Is Him" romney:   He has been a virulent anti-Trumper for a while and we found out recently that he called himself "Pierre Delecto" on a secret Dead Blue Bird account that was virulently anti-Trump and that was very flattering to himself; as mitt romney, the U.S. Senator. We found out that he was so virulently anti-Trump that Newt Gingrich says that romney "doesn't matter" in U.S. political history." Wow. He "doesn't matter"? That's true, but it's got to be a slap in the face of The Jealous One to hear someone of Gingrich's stature (climbing back up from the gutter) say it out loud and in public on record. At least, I hope it stung. It should have. Add to that sting the fact that 63% of likely GOP voters want the Republican party to be more like Pres. Donald J. Trump than like mitt Jealous romney. Ouch? Mega ouch! BTW, is there something in the water in Utah that makes their politicians spineless and, thus, unpopular with voters? I thought a Mormon state would have voted for people with bigger spines and more HONESTY. Am I misunderstanding what Mormonism teaches? October 23, 2019   FakeBook/thevilegeorgesoros:   If you're on Fakebook, were you spied on by the State Dept.? Or were you on the left and they didn't care that you were going to the huffpost, or to slate, or whatever? They don't care that you visit some really bad sites and shouldn't be doing so, or that you give to the transgender movement's most recent cause célèbre, and you like to support the left and voted four times in 2016 for hillosercrooktOOn (and plan to do so again in 2020). The left doesn't care that you did/do all of those things! But if you're a Conservative and you're on Fakebook, or use certain apps, then they spy on you and find out everything they can about you so that they can target you. Thanks to thevilegeorgesoros, they can do that and then use anything and everything against you. Is that what you want? October 23, 2019   MAGA!!!:   Did you hear about this anywhere besides right here on Space Coast Conservative? Did you hear that in September, our was U6 unemployment rate was 6.9%, a number NOT SEEN SINCE December of 2000? Did you hear antyhing about that? The official September 2019 unemployment number was the U3 of 3.5%! That's a low, low number, folks! Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and ways have led to these numbers and we have him to thank for it totally and completely! Not only that, but Latino businesses are THRIVING thanks to Pres. Trump's policiies. The left and dumboRATS cannot take ANY of the credit for these numbers. They've done everything they could to prevent the numbers from being good! It's all Pres. Donald J. Trump's doing! Thanks, Mr. President! October 23, 2019   Deep State 3:   U.S.A.G., William Barr, and the investigation by Special Prosecutor, Attorney John Durham, are still investigating the illegal surveillance of Pres. Donald J. Trump (and then-candidate Trump), and they're onto something good, apparently, because they're expanding the investigation and Australia has offered to cooperate with the investigation. Sounds to me like Australia has decided to go with what side their bread is buttered on, instead of sticking with the losing dumboRATS and whatever Australia was offered for their part in the sleazy setting up of Papadopolous, Gen. Flynn and others associated with Pres. Trump (then-candidate Trump). Australia has learned via watching that Pres. Trump is a winner and that if they oppose him, they will lose. Smart move. October 23, 2019   SMH:   Sigh. Politically correct pumpkins. It's gotten that bad. Sigh. October 23, 2019   "Journalism":   The left's msm is still covering for hillosercrooktOOn. The other day she said that both Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein are "Russian assets". The NY Times decided to help her out with that by covering for her and changing her words so that she said that the two women were "Republican assets". With the msm's help, hillosercrooktOOn is an angel who can do no wrong. The TRUTH is she's a power-hungry, self-promoting, greedier-than-thou, commie-crook who can do NO RIGHT. She is so far left she can't even spell the word "right"! October 23, 2019   Local Politics:   I was curious as to whether any of our local idiots had announced or filed to run for political office this year or next, and was very happy to see that none are running for 2019 elections, nor for 2020. I don't know what the cut off dates are for 2020, but I will try to keep an eye on things. Ya' never know when one of them will get the bee in their bonnets again and go for it. Of course, they'll lose, but that's another story. October 23, 2019   Persecuting Christians:   The left hates Christianity and GOD and Jesus Christ and anyone who believes in them. If you're a follower of Christ, you will be destroyed at any and all costs by the left: especially if you are a powerful and influential Christian whom the left thought would never fight back and wouldn't do anything but be so sweet you'd melt in their frothing, anti-Christ mouths. Well, I am happy to report that Dr. James Kennedy's ministry is FIGHTING BACK and appealing a loss against the SPLC's and Amazon's accusations that they are a "hate group". Dr. James Kennedy is someone I am aware of and have heard his messages a few times, at the least, and I have never heard him preach or teach "hate" anywhere about anything, except as GOD Himself teaches it: blockquote
October 23, 2019   Last Link:   I've said it for how long? I've said it and said it and said it. She will probably run again. She thinks that enough of her "foundation's" money and thevilegeorgesoros's money will get her into the place she covets most: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington D.C. They want to pay people to vote multiple times, to vote even though they're inelligible, to use fake names of dead people (even children's names) and to flat out cheat her way into office. That's the only way she could win. No one wants it more than she, but few want her. Is her greed and desire to sell out America stronger than OUR voices? That's going to be up to you in 2020. YOU MUST VOTE and you must vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump. Otherwise, look at your options and you will cry because the rest of them's goal is to destroy America. That's all there is to it. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL, 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or crappycrooktOOn!) October 23, 2019   I did it! I did a complete update today! How about that!? Now I will go for today and I will see you for a little while tomorrow. We will be heading north again to finish what we can of our renovations and to meet with my brother-in-law and his wife up there for a few days. There will be no updates until sometime next week (not sure when I'll be home again). So I'll see ya' tomorrow and then ...? Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 21, 2019: 3:34 p.m.   I expected and planned to do a full day's worth of blurbs today but there were two unexpected delays in my getting things done in the timeframe I wanted. I had to do something for my hubby, and I had to wait in line at Wal-Mart for a manager to come and make the changes to the prices for two items my app said they were from the price that the register was ringing them. I got two picture frames that totalled $13 plus tax for $1.50 plus tax because that's what the app said they would ring. I like that very much, but it took a while to get it done. So, I can do just a few blurbs today, so I'll get started. October 21, 2019   Deep State:   The investigation that is being done into who did what when to whom with the "Russian collusion" LIE and several other wrongs the left chose to do against then-candidate Donald J. Trump and to Pres. Donald J. Trump is heating up and expanding beyond what it was originally supposed to be because they have apparently found "something significant" while conducting the investigation. They have found the lawlessness, lies and perjury and anything else the left had to do to try to commit their coup against Pres. Donald J. Trump and they've probably found that it was a conspiracy against him in which both themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn were involved, as well as many others. Consider how hard people are working to try to destroy Pres. Trump before the investigations are complete and whoever is working the hardest to stop him (and the investigations) are the GUILTY ones who have SO MUCH TO LOSE that they are willing to destroy the country in order to stay in power and out of PRISON. Keep an eye on it, folks. It's going to be a bumpy ride -- and will only get bumpier of Pres. Trump does NOT decide to pardon everyone out of hand. (Which would be a HUGE disappointment to me!) October 21, 2019   So much for that idea. Now my internet is acting up and it's not going to the website pages I want to use to do updates. I'm going to just shut it down for now. Sorry about that. I can't control everything but what I can control, I will. I'm a bit frustrated with it, but what can you do when all you see is the circle going around and around and around? Hope to do better tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! October 18, 2019: 10:33 p.m.   I'm back from Georgia! I was up there from September 27th until yesterday afternoon and I am so glad to be back. The thing that kept me up there is the cabinets for our kitchen renovations up there were delivered Oct. 2nd, then the installation was scheduled to start on Oct. 8th, but that's a whole ball of wax. The installer showed up late on the 8th, said he didn't have the schematics for our kitchen with him, so I showed him the drawings I had, and with my instructions, he unboxed and moved the cabinets into place. Three hours later (approximately) he was finished making excuses and let. The next day, he did a no-show, although he was supposed to be there at 8 a.m., his wife called at 9:25 and said he was dealing with an emergency in an install he had done previously (a lady's plumbing was flooding her house), and we didn't hear from him at all the rest of the day. No word about when or if he'd be there later, so we sat around the house waiting for him all day, with no word. Sweet. When I contacted his supervisor (I thought) about his no-show, I sent the installer the same text message, and he got upset. His start date was a Tuesday; Wednesday he did a no-show. Thursday I had to ask him to come a little later than scheduled because my Mom had driven down and wasn't sure if she could find her way back to the highway without an escort, so I did that and then called him after I got back. He arrived, with attitude, and made excuses to leave early. Friday the attitude arrived and the excuse to leave early with it, so I tried to make sure they took every tool and piece of equipment of theirs I could make them take. Friday evening my hubby came up and I showed him the poor quality workmanship (I have pictures to prove it), and the damage they did to our floor (used a circular saw without protecting the floor and put a big saw gouge in our brand new floor! That's just one of the stupid things they did, so my hubby and I went Saturday to Lowe's (who contracted the installer) and complained and the manager saw the pictures and made copies of my daily notes and was not surprised when on Sunday, we fired the installer, not wanting him back in our house. The guy had been caught in about six lies (big to small), had mocked my husband and I in our own house while we PAID him to work for us, and had screwed up the work so seriously that even the manager and other Lowe's employees who saw the pictures of his "workmanship" (I use the term very loosely), none of them could believe what he did. It was ridiculous. So we fired the idiot and fixed what he had screwed up (except the flooring, unfortunately; we're waiting to hear from Lowe's on that), and did the work he wasn't going to do because he printed out the wrong set of instructions and schematics! Lowe's is working with us to try to figure out a refund for the installation, but the whole experience was so bad that my husband and I decided to NEVER have another contract installer do any work in our house. We'll do it all ourselves from now on (except the granite that we already contracted for in Georgia). To top it all off, the installer accused me of having his tools that he allegedly left on our carport over the weekend, when he left nothing except a bucket of screws, an old screw driver, an old pair of pliers, and some salvaged wood. He loaded everything else into his truck and left after returning OUR table saw to the storage container! He was such a LIAR that I couldn't deal with him. He had told me that Lowe's sold my drawer microwave out from under me so I called Lowe's to find out. They checked, called me back and said my microwave was right where the guy who did the CAD design of my kitchen had seen it the previous day. When I confronted the installer with his LIE, he just shook his head and smiled. The CAD designer said he would never recommend the contractor again and if Lowe's continues to employ this guy, I'd be shocked. If they keep him on, they'd be supporting this kind of treatment of their customers. I hope that they don't believe that Lowe's customers should be treated like this. Let's see what happens. I'll keep you informed. For now, let's get started with a few blurbs for today. I will do a full day on Monday (at least, that's the plan right now), but I have some housework catching up to do since I haven't been here for three weeks, so I need to get that done. October 18, 2019   Conman cummings:   He "signed" subpoenas on his death bed "hours before" he died? Or did he? Some of the signatures are not the same as his previous paper signatures. So, who signed the subpoenas? October 18, 2019   cnn, FAKE NEWS:   Project Veritas has done a WONDERFUL thing and has found someone brave enough to wear a hidden camera and microphone and showed the TRUTH about cnn! I love it! James O'Keefe is doing wonderful work and he needs your support. If finding the truth matters to you, you may wish to consider sending a few bucks his way. October 18, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   He is covering for his and his son's crookedness and he's as corrupt as they get so he's doing all of the fingerpointing elsewhere so that people don't look at him. It's a little ridiculous that people are following the finger and he's nervous about what the TRUTH will show. The TRUTH is that Pres. Trump told the truth about biden's crookedness and biden's son's crookedness as well. They should both be in prison for treason, but the left and the msm cover for those two as if they were conjoined twins with their own bodies. It's absurd. October 18, 2019   "beto" o'rourke:   He is a nutcase, but that's no surprise, most of the left are nutcases, so that's not news. He wants the government to control everything from the kind of gun you can own to whether a church can maintain its tax exempt status if they do NOT support "gay marriage". He wants to to confiscate every AR-15 -- OR IS HE? -- and it's all about the government. He doesn't want you to be able to have your own beliefs, or your Constitutional rights, or anything else that he doesn't deem you worthy of. He gets to decide what you get and when you get it and how much. You can't do that for yourself because you are too incompetent to run your own life; the government -- with him at the head of it -- must do that for you! That's "beto" in a nutshell (or nutcase, as the truth may be). October 18, 2019   Tolerant Lefties:   They made sure they are the ones considered "tolerant" but when you disagree with them or defeat them, they are as hateful as they accuse others of being. They are as intolerant as their lies against Conservatives. Proof: They posted an ad in Times Square that shows how "tolerant" they are. Let's see whether they have any kind of "that's too far" stop. Me? I seriously doubt they have a line they won't cross. October 18, 2019   Good Bill:   No, not bullybobcrooktOOn. I would never say that about him. I mean the bill that limits former presidents' benefits and lowers the tax burden of the American people that pay the benefits they have been getting for decades. I like that the bill will also protect the privacy of the tax returns of former presidents. It's not the government's job to release your tax returns or anyone else's tax returns. It's an invasion of privacy to do so. If you want your tax returns released, you may do so; publish them on a billboard in Times Square if you so desire, but don't break the confidentiality of a person's tax returns to the U.S. government for political reasons. It's not their job to tell the world that you gave $25,000 to the Salvation Army, to a guy on the street, or whatever. It's YOUR choice to release your tax returns, not the lefties trying to kick you out of office, or smear your name. I like this bill and I hope Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love writing that!) signs it. Most past presidents don't need the the current amounts anyways. October 18, 2019   I'll close with that for today. I hope to be back Monday with a full day's worth of blurbs. Have a wonderful (if wet) weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 2019 Happy Thanksgiving!November 27, 2019: 1:40 p.m.   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Knockin' 'em dead with his "Rocky" meme! I love it! He has a great sense of humor and I really enjoy watching him make the left lose their minds! It's too good and it's too wonderful that he doesn't let them get to him. Thank you, Mr. President, for giving Americans something wonderful to be thankful for: HE WON and he is "Making America Great Again!" It's a wonderful, great, exciting thing and it's making the left batcrap crazy! LOVE IT! November 27, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   The leg of the FBI that hasn't been part of the coup has found more hilloser emails that should not have been on an unsecured, private server and it proves yet again that she was betraying America and breaking every law she could to her own benefit. Traitors should hang at dawn and she would be the second in line behind themuslimvileone, and in front of bullybobcrooktOOn and the rest of themuslimvileone's administration, as well as the bumblefinger family. That's the way it should be. November 27, 2019   Gen. Michael Flynn:   His sentencing hearing has been delayed until after the Horowitz report is released on Dec. 9th. That's a good thing because it was the DOJ who requested the sentencing delay! That's an astonishing development! It's also a very good development! It means that the TRUTH will exonerate him totally and I hope and pray that it will also restore to him all of the things he lost during this farce and false prosecution. I hope he sues those who framed him -- strvok, page, themuslimvileone -- personally because it wasn't the government who chose to go after him. It was themuslimvileone and his kissbutt servants who ruined Gen. Flynn's life. It was those who were trying to commit a coup against Pres. Trump and against the American people. Period. I hope and pray he sues them and puts them through the same kind of hades they put him through and that he takes every dime each of them ever had! November 27, 2019   Looney Lefties:   A college professor (can you imagine your children being taught by this looneytune?) thinks that we should rename "Thanksgiving" and make it, instead, "a day or mourning" because of the horrible things the pilgrims did to the Native American Indians. Well, I think that the fact is, that during that initial timeframe, the Indians were impacted by the diseases that the "white" people brought, but there were diseases that the Indians had that the "white" people caught, too. It was a meeting of exposures to new diseases and airborne, and land-held and water-borne diseases, so the "white" folks were exposed to just as many new diseases as were the Indians. It's how they worked together to figure out how to survive, not about the negatives that came from it, but of the positives. Can the left not realize that had that not happened, America would be something totally different now? Can they not be grateful for the fact that the "white" settlers were successful in surviving, even if they were fewer in number after the harsh winter and that they found allies in the Indians who were willing to help them do so? Is not that diversity working together somthing to celebrate? The left is full of hypocrisy, but that's nothing new. November 27, 2019   schifforbrains:   He is a big part of the coup, being the useful absolute idiot that he is. His hearings convinced more people of Pres. Trump's innocence with the things that he did allow, but what would have happened if he had let the WHOLE TRUTH come out? Would the people be happy if they found out that he hid evidence that proved Pres. Trump's innocence? Would his constituents be happy with that, or would they cheer his coup-cover-up as long as it served the "right" purpose of getting Pres. Trump out of office? They're lefties. Is there any doubt about their choice? schifforbrains needs to be in prison for treason. November 27, 2019   My hubby is home early because of Thanksgiving and I will be going for now. I won't be posting (unless something really important happens) until Monday (that's the plan/hope) so I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, remember to give thanks to the GOD who gave us reason to be thankful, and that your holiday is peaceful and not full of political arguments. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 26, 2019: 12:56 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   Looks like he has decided that no one is worthy of filling his dumboRAT shoes in being the next dumboRAT prezidunce. He has said he'd intervene to stop bernie sanders if he were "running away with" the nomination numbers (of course with stupid ideas like taxing even the poor, sanders isn't running away with anything but defeat) and that he doesn't think bumblefingers has what it takes to win and be prezidunce. While I agree with that assessment, I have to wonder who is good enough to fill his holiness's shoes: it wasn't really hillosercrooktOOn. He did appear for her but he didn't do his utmost for her nor did he give her a really ringing endorsement. He did his duty, but he didn't do his best. So who would placate the ego-on-two-legs' idea of his dumboRAT successor? Hmmm. thevilegeorgesoros? Maybe he would do his utmost for the guy who bankrolled themuslimvileone's rise to Senator then prezidunce? Who knows. Ego is as ego does. November 26, 2019   Spying on America:   The left LOVES Communism, Socialism and Marxism (all the "isms" except anything pro-Americanism) and they LOVE to help countries who espouse those views, even if it means American technology is sent to foreign countries via the spying the people China (a communist country) does on us. The way it works, according to Judicial Watch is this: "China uses hundreds of government-funded talent recruitment plans to incentivize individuals engaged in research and development in the U.S. to transmit information in exchange for salaries, research funding, lab space and other perks. The Communists then use the American research for their own economic and military gain".So the dumboRATS want to stop this, right? Think again: "While the Chinese Communists run their illicit operation on our own soil, the federal government’s grant-making and law enforcement agencies sit by and let it happen. This includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the vast law enforcement agency charged with protecting and defending the U.S. against terrorist attacks, foreign intelligence threats and espionage, cyber-based attack and high-technology crimes."So who has run the FBI since themuslimvileone's time in office? DumboRATS who hate America (A.K.A. the "Deep State") and who hate Pres. Trump. Is this what you want? You want YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to be spent to try to "Make America Great Again", but actually have the benefits to go to China? Or will you vote to keep America's taxpayer-funded discoveries and advances got to a foreign country who wants to use those discoveries against those of us who paid for them? Which will you do? Will you vote for the Deep State who hates America or for America and keeping the things YOU PAID FOR in America and thus, be able to benefit from your own money's use? Vote for the MOST CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES ON THE BALLOT and if that means voting straight Republican, so be it. If it means leaving the Republican party candidate unchecked and voting for an Independent, so be it. I have even recommended voting for a dumboRAT ONCE because he was the most open and honest person I found in that race. If you want to have the benefit of your taxpayer dollars, vote CONSERVATIVE Republican. It won't make things immediately better, perhaps, but it is the best thing you can do for America, for yourself and for your children their progeny. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or communist-loving dumboRAT!) November 26, 2019   Polls-schmolls:   Never believe them. Never think that any poll will dictate what is going to happen. That's the RULE of dealing with polls. If they are favorable to the Conservative side, it tends to make Conservatives complacent and lazy: don't do that. If it's against the Conservative side, it tends to make people angry and being angry isn't good for you: don't do that. Look at them as information as to what the dumboRATS will be reacting to because they live and die by the polls. They love polls, believe in polls, and worship at the feet of polls. That's the only reason you need to know about some of them. If there is a "trend" in polling (e.g., the polling numbers showed hillosercrooktOOn was going to be elected), then pay attention, because you know that the left is going to be believing them. If it's a single poll that says "X", so what? It may be funny, interesting, or whatever, but it will probably not be an impact on you. So why say all of this? Because the dumboRATS are seeing a confluence of polling information that says the schifforbrains FAUXpeachment hearings were a total failure with the American public. Ruh-Roh, Gilroy! Ruh-Roh. They were counting on the farce to build support for their upcoming FAUXpeachment full blown hearings and their attempt to undo the 2016 election. They wanted to have their supporters support them in this farce, too. Too bad people lost interest, had their minds changed when they found out that the "witnesses" knew nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing, but got information from their secretary's uncle's gardener's son's girlfriend's dog walker's step-sister's cousin. Yeah. It's that ridiculous. You see, the dumboRATS believe their supporters to be idiots and, often, they are correct. But they don't understand that even idiots can understand what they saw in the schifforbrains circus/farce/political tactic. When it's so clear that even the dumboRATS who voted for schifforbrains can understand that it was all a HUGE LIE and his "witnesses" witnessed NOTHING and had to admit to that fact, that's when the dumboRATS can't believe it. They can't believe that their own voters have enough intelligence to understand that they've been LIED to. Doesn't that speak volumes about what they think of their voters? If you are a dumboRAT voter, should that not disgust you that they think you so stupid? Think about that and what it means for how they treat you. Then vote for them again? Or change the mind Conservatives believe you really do have and use. It's your choice and in that, I am pro-choice. November 26, 2019   Faux-ca-haunt-us:   She is still trying to ignore her low to lower numbers and still pushing for her egoness to be the next prezidunce, in a race against the "MAGA" President, Donald J. Trump. It's one lie after another (Indian, son in public school, etc.) but she keeps on going. She can't admit the truth. (Why do the lefties never admit the truth?) The truth is that she can bring on whomever she wants to be her Veep, even another woman, but it won't get her a win (even if it's a "womyn" or a transgendered male who dresses as a female and is on hormone therapy but hasn't had the surgery yet and whose DNA is XY). What she can't figure out is that even those on the left are tired of lame LIARS. Don't get me wrong. The left LOVES LIARS, they just don't love LAME ones. In the dumboRAT world, you have to be an "unusually good liar" as bullybobcrooktOOn is, to be accepted in the dumboRAT world. If you have the ability to LIE REALLY WELL, the left LOVES YOU. That's the problem with Faux-ca-haunt-us; she can't lie well enough. Her lies are so obvious and easily found out that they are lies so her future is NOT going to be in the preziduncy. She will remain in the Senate and be a thorn in our side there, unfortunately. November 26, 2019   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   Is she a SPY for IRAN? There is an investigation into her for diverting campaign funds to her boyfriend, as well as an ethics complaint filed against her for "perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud." She is a mess and someone who doesn't respect America's laws. She needs to be kicked out of the U.S. House of Representatives and into a prison in Iran. After all, as an Iranian spy, she has been found out and can't be very effective as someone who has been outed as a spy. She needs to be sent back to those who have been paying for her lawlessness and whose religion she observes so that she won't be persecuted for that in her new home. Right? November 26, 2019   Deep State:   What is it about the FBI that seems to lead to infidelity? We saw peter strvok and his lover, lisa page, who were already outed as being Deep State participants who are participating in the coup against Pres. Donald J. Trump and now we see that another "loving couple" -- committing adultery -- are also involved in the coup attempt. So if you're in the FBI and you are an adulteror you will be anti-Trump? Is that what is happening? Or is it that if you have no scruples about cheating on your spouse you are also going to have no scruples about trying to overthrow a duly elected president? Either way, there is yet another adulterous couple who have been found to be involved in the coup attempt. They were taxed with what "evidence" could be used against Pres. Trump, but when the truth came out about this coup and their adultery (I feel so sorry for the spouses who have been crushed by this public humiliation), they started trying to cover things up and to "minimize the damage". Sounds to me like the FBI's corporate atmosphere is one of lawlessness in every law: marital, federal and FBI directives. It is now purely a political think tank that is anti-American and anti-Trump. That's what the FBI has been reduced to. Too bad there are NO FBI MEMBERS WHO ARE PRO-AMERICA AND PRO-TRUMP brave enough to step forward and bring this cabal down! I'm ashamed for them if they are not part of this coup, but don't have the courage to come forward and out the whole thing. There have been stories for months of FBI agents who want to come forward and testify against the coup members. So where are they? Why are they not speaking to the press if they really want to do so? Why are they not meeting with Rudy Giulani, or Jay Sekulow (Pres. Trump's personal attorney), or Jim Jordan, or Trey Gowdy, or ANYONE who could help put an end to this nonsense within the FBI? Where are they? Why have they not come forward? Is the FBI so corrupt that even these alleged anti-coup agents are too afraid to come forth? If so, SHUT THE WHOLE THING DOWN: DESTROY THE FBI TOTALLY and start over without the coup people. The U.S.A.G. started the FBI just after Pres. Roosevelt left office: "On March 3, [1909], an ad hoc committee on the Secret Service suggested that the regular authorization of both agent forces should be made part of the regular appropriations bills of Treasury and Justice. Roosevelt left office the next day, as did Charles Bonaparte. Two days later, the new Attorney General, George Wickersham, issued a formal order creating the Bureau of Investigation. Within two years, Congress had tripled the size of this force and greatly broadened its investigative authority."Sounds to me like it was created against the will of Pres. Roosevelt and it sounds to me like he was correct to have not trusted its creation! November 26, 2019   Leftist LIARS:   The lefties are so afraid that they'll lose to Pres. Donald J. Trump in 2020 that they have come up with yet another way to LIE TO YOU. They will do FAKE NEWSPAPERS presented as "newspapers" but actually they are leftist talking points and spin papers that try to fill their readers' heads with the LIES the left wants them to believe. "[T]he articles she publishes are based on facts, nothing alerts readers that Courier publications aren’t actually traditional hometown newspapers but political instruments designed to get them to vote for Democrats. And although the articles are made to resemble ordinary news, their purpose isn’t primarily to build a readership for the website: It’s for the pieces to travel individually through social media, amplifying their influence with persuadable voters…"How much do you want to bet that thevilegeorgesoros is behind this effort, too? November 26, 2019   Voting at 16:   Brookline, Massachusetts has gone down the rabbit hole and is probably going to regret it in a very big way. They voted recently to allow sixteen-year-olds to vote in local elections. Yes, really. They allegedly won't be allowed -- yet -- to vote in presidential elections, but if the kids prove to be loyal to the dnc, I bet that those children will be voting in the 2020 presidential election as quickly as you can say "But..." That's the goal: do whatever it takes to defeat Pres. Trump and if that means giving voting rights to the illegal alien invaders (even the children) that "right" no matter if they've only been in the country for an hour, so be it. If it means giving dogs, cats and goldfish the "right" to vote, so be it. If it means giving dead people whose intentions were known prior to their deaths the "right" to vote, so be it. What the left will do to win is beyond belief, but they do it anyways. They do whatever it takes for POWER. That's their lifeblood and they won't allow it to be taken away or diminished in any way; nor will they allow their wrongdoings to be exposed so that they don't lose their POWER. It's all about their POWER. "Drain the Swamp" threatens that POWER. That's why they hate Pres. Trump. They believe he'll keep that promise! November 26, 2019   November 26, 2019   Well, that's going to be it for today. I hope/plan to see you again tomorrow, but will take Thanksgiving day and Friday after that off, so I hope/plan to see you tomorrow and then again on Monday. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 25, 2019: 11:05 a.m.   dumboRATS Cheat:   The -- important part here -- IOWA caucuses could be held next year in (get this) CaliMarxiFornia, Mexico, Japan and New Zealand, among other places! Can you imagine? That's not the American way, but it is the dumboRAT way. So if the Iowa -- actually held in Iowa -- caucuses are leaning toward, say, bernie sanders, but those in Florida, Nevada, etc., lean toward Faux-ca-haunt-us then who gets the green light? The person with the most votes? Why should they be declared the winner when it's all about lawlessness and breaking the norms for the dumboRAT party? Why not make the person who gets the fewest votes the winner? After all, if they're going to hold the IOWA caucuses OUTSIDE of Iowa (which makes no sense) then why not switch it ALL up and make the loser the winner? Seems like something the dumboRATS would do this election, agree? November 25, 2019   Hurray for Hong Kong!:   In their elections the pro-INDEPENDENCE candidates now have 278 seats and the "stay with China" folks have only 48 seats. So what does that actually mean for Hong Kong? Well, that depends on how despotic China wants to be and how many people they are willing to kill, harm, imprison, or coerce. If they decide to do the right thing (Communists rarely do the right thing) they will allow the people to decide and then honor their decision as to whether they get independence or stick with the Chinese communist party's rule over them. I think that the people would vote for independence because they tasted freedom while they were under British rule for 156 years. So the people of Hong Kong have not known true freedom like Americans have known since they were first taken into custody by China in the Qin dynasty. That's way too long to have to bow and scrape to an emperor or "royalty". Freedom calls inside every soul and having never experienced it, even those souls yearn. I pray that Hong Kong residents get to true freedom for the rest of their lives! November 25, 2019   Deep State:   In the Deep State setting up of Roger Stone, they did everything they could to intimidate and harrass him. Now we see that the jury has at least one far left guy who has "outed himself" as a leftist and we can see that the jury pool was dirty and that (if the rest of the jury pool is so tainted) there is little to no chance that Stone will have a fair outcome. I really hate what the Deep State has been doing to America. I hope that every member of the corrupt, evil, cheating, liars who comprise the Deep State all wind up in prison for the rest of their lives! November 25, 2019   Deep State 2:   New emails uncovered by Judicial Watch has found more proof of the FBI's corruption and the fact that themuslimvileone's administration was helping cover hillosercrooktOOn's corruption. Shock. Surprise. November 25, 2019   I must leave it at that today. I have an appointment to get the oil changed in my vehicle, so I have to go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 22, 2019: 8:24 a.m.   Missed yesterday because insomnia and errands got in the way. Didn't get to bed until about 6:30 a.m. and had to get up before noon to do errands. Then my hubby got home from California and we spent some time together before getting to bed earlier than usual (for me). Did you get the chance to see the meteor shower last night? We tried for a little while but Orion was low enough in the sky for us to have little or no chance to see anything much below him. That's where they were supposed to be seen but trees and lights were in the way so we came back inside and got some sleep. Today, he's at work for a few hours then we go to the farm. I did, however, want to put a link up that I think will help you understand (if you don't currently, but you're my readers so you probably do get it already) the whole Ukraine idiocy. The left has nothing and that's why they have to keep changing the "charges" they're focusing on as they try to complete their coup against Pres. Donald J. Trump. Read what Rush Limbaugh said and you'll get it and why Pres. Trump did what he did and you'll see that he did nothing -- NOTHING -- wrong. Read it to your family and friends if they don't understand why Pres. Trump did nothing wrong. They'll get it and even more people will see how wrong the dumboRATS are to keep up this farce! November 22, 2019   Deep State:   If you want to talk about wrongdoing, look at what they have been doing under themuslimvilveone! They have been so bad that they are now under criminal investigation! That's what the FBI has been doing: criminal activity! The left wants you to focus on Pres. Donald J. Trump because they don't want you to look at them. It's the typical "Squirrel!" tactic. November 22, 2019   schifforbrains:   Speaking of "Squirrel!", look at what he is trying to distract attention from! He is tied to BOTH corrupt Ukraine companies that are under investigation in the Ukraine and that one of the company's leaders just got indicted in the Ukraine for corruption! And little schifforbrains is tied to the corrupt companies. How much money has he taken for his part in the corruption? How much has he made helping them be corrupt? That's why schifforbrains is getting everyone to look at Pres. Trump. He doesn't want you to look at HIM. "Squirrel!" November 22, 2019   Winning!:   LoL! Pres. Donald J. Trump will appear on the ballots in CaliMarxiFornia even if he does NOT release his tax returns. Even in CaliMarxiFornia there are some judges with Constituional knowledge and common sense. How about that? The CaliMarxiFornia Supreme Court (no less!) has ruled that Pres. Trump does NOT have to release his taxes to appear on the ballot and that's a huge WIN for Pres. Trump. I love it! November 22, 2019   FAUXpeachment:   They are trying to act like they're certain of a victory in the FAUXpeachment hearings because they had a party to either celebrate what they consider their impending victory over Pres. Trump, or they're just putting on a good face to a losing proposition. Whichever, it's tasteless, as usual. Rep. Jim Jordan says that FAUXpeachment is not about right or wrong (it isn't), but it is about dumboRATS being angry about Pres. Trump's win. All of their witnesses have been shot down in one way or another: david holmes being the latest: "Ratcliffe was able to get Holmes to admit that he could not remember any details on the phone call he could never forget."Ratcliffe is a Republican House member and former U.S. Attorney and his questions were on point. The TRUTH will out at these hearings and the public is not watching them anyways, so why the left is going forward with this circus/farce/"Squirrel" is beyond me or anyone else with a brain. It's all about hatred and trying to prevent the TRUTH from coming out. What truth? The truth that the left IS and has been corrupt and if Pres. Donald J. Trump does NOT get thrown out of office, that TRUTH will be uncovered and exposed for the world to see. That's why they have to get rid of him: they don't want him to expose their corruption, thus draining the swamp as he promised to do. They're running scared; very scared. November 22, 2019   November 22, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   So his drug addict, corrupt, lying son has a "love" child with an Arkansas woman whom he has been denying for years. When biden was asked about his grandchild, he blew up and mocked the reporter. Um. Mocking the reporter? Makes sense to mock someone who asked a question about something that has relevance to the fact that bumblefingers has been protecting, promoting and hiding the truth about for years, does it not? I wonder what else bumblefingers is hiding about his son and his son's involvement in Burisma and other corruptions. I wonder, did bumblefingers himself benefited from his son's corruption? Did bumblefingers get any of the millions his son was given? After all, his son could do nothing for those paying for access, it was bumblefingers who could do something for those seeking access. How much, if any, did bumblefingers get? It's worth asking and finding out, is it not? November 22, 2019   MAGA!:   The Pres. Donald J. Trump economy is doing VERY well and people have noticed. A new pollschmoll has found that confidence in Pres. Trump's economy is at an all time HIGH! People are making more money, finding jobs easier and able to spend more of what they get. It's all good, folks, if the dumboRATS will keep their fingers out of the pie we'll be even better! November 22, 2019   themuslimvileone:   Did he actually protect a terrorist in Germany and did that allow the terrorist in Germany to commit the deadly Berlin Christmas Market attack in which 12 people were killed? Did themuslimvileone do that? That's what one witness in Germany a former police officer wrote in his book on the attack. IF that's the truth, themuslimvileone has the blood of those twelve people on his hands along with the blood of so many Americans. He should be up on charges of accessory to murder before the fact. He should be in the deepest, darkest dungeon we could create. November 22, 2019   Pres. Trump:   So Pres. Trump has intervened in the Navy brass's attempt to take away Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher's Trident pin, denoting he's a Seal. They wanted to do so but Pres. Trump has ordered them to "stand down" and not do so. I wonder how many feathers that ruffled on how many peacocks in the military. I also wonder how the Navy brass will next try to punish Gallagher, because trust me, they will try and try and try until they either succeed or they are kicked out by their Commander In Chief. They don't like heroes; especially not heroes who defy them and win. It's time to get rid of the swamp in the U.S. military, too. Let's start with the Navy brass who wanted to get rid of Gallagher. November 22, 2019   Liars:   The SPLC is a LYING organization that the left uses as a battering ram. The ogranization of leftists/Marxists/Communists lies about someone and the left uses that lie to decide whether anyone is worthy of anything. They label people as "hate groups" and googleywoogley and others use that label as a determining factor as to whether the person/group labeled gets to do something, or gets approved for something. It's absurd, but that's the way the left works: they work in concert to deny those who disagree with them. Finding new ways to deny Constitutional rights to those they disagree with is their raison d'être. Now the splc has labeled Latin Rite Catholics as "the largest hate group" in America. What? They accuse those who practice the Latin Rite as anti-Semites, even The Singing Nuns! Uh, no. If you want to look at what Catholics teach, they are not anti-Semitic. They don't go there at all, IMHO. I do know a little about what I speak because my Dad was Catholic as were his whole family. I do have the Catholic Catechism (at least three books on it), and I do have the writings of the Catholic Church and I do read them. Has the splc? If not, they know not what they say and they have no clue what they are talking about. Period. Speaking of Catholics, the CaliMarxiFornia "Supreme" Court has decided that Catholics have to INSURE abortions on demand for their employees. So a Catholic church who employs a secretary or cleaning person who is a female has to cover an abortion for the female secretary and the cleaning person? That's what the CaliMarxiFornia court has just ruled. That's not just wrong, it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Separation of Church and State should be applicable here, if it's applicable anywhere! But, no. The left hates anything that teaches about GOD and if they can force anything that teaches about GOD to do something so ungodly as abortion, the left takes great delight in doing so. It's wrong and evil, but that's the left all over. November 22, 2019   Build The Wall: &nbps How about that? "We Build the Wall" has 35 more MILES of wall planned! How about that? They want to keep building to help protect America and that's a wonderful thing! I like it! Want to help them get that done? You can donate to the "We Build the Wall" effort and help protect America! Let's do this! November 22, 2019   thevilegeorgesoros:   Someone has finally summed up thevilegeorgesoros in a way that I can totally agree with. They say that he's an oligarch in the "classic east European sense". I think that's absolutely correct. Joe DiGenova nailed it! Oligarch means 2) "(especially in Russia) a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence." So he's a mover and a shaker, but he's an evil mover and shaker. He really is vile. November 22, 2019   Freedom Fight:   In Iran, of all places, people are protesting the regime that has kept them under their thumbs for the last forty years or more. They want to have the freedom Iranians used to have and they want it without the religious leaders being in control of everything they do, think, wear, believe. They want Iran to be free. They even tore down a "death to America" banner! Well, one brave woman -- a WOMAN -- did! In IRAN where women have to walk five paces behind their husband, where they have to wear the hijab and burka, and where they have no rights a man does not allow them! SHE climbed the post and tore down the "death to America" banner. SHE did it. Good for her! Question is, will she survive the courage? November 22, 2019   Last Link:   It is funny. 2020 dumboRAT preziduncial candidate, deval patrick, had a rally in which only two people showed up. Bwahahahahahaha! Lots of interest there, yes? November 22, 2019   I got more done than I expected to, so I will close for now. Have a great weekend and I hope/plan to see you Monday! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 20, 2019: 12:24 p.m.   FAUXpeachment:   I'm already so tired of this circus/farce/campaign tactic that I want to just put it on "Ignore!" but I don't think that the LIES that they are putting out in the msm should stand, so I shall continue to cover it at lest a little bit so that those lies can be countered. It's no surprise that the dumboRATS are LYING about this whole thing but the msm loves to push the LIES they think will help the dumboRATS. There is a soundbite from today that would be the right way to shut this circus/farce/campaign tactic down. I wonder if the lefties will play it; doubtful, but I wonder. That soundbite is "I want nothing!"That's what Pres. Trump told Amb. Sondland when asked what he wants from Ukraine. He wants nothing. Sounds to me like the schifforbrains show should be over now, but no. They'll try to squeeze this into a reason to impeach the President; not because Pres. Trump did anything wrong, but because they hate that he won. It's not about wrongdoing here. It's about hatred. It's about getting Pres. Trump out of the way so that he CANNOT "Drain the Swamp!" Draining the swamp is the last thing the left wants. It is, after all, how they go into office as average income earners and leave office millionaires. Ask Hunter Biden. Did you hear that the "star witness" for today has said in at least two ways in two different instances that Pres. Donald J. Trump did NOT ask for "quid pro quo", or any bribery? Did you hear about that? No? No surprise there. The fact is that Amb. Sondland also said Pres. Trump never asked for a quid pro quo. He never asked for anything from Ukraine. In fact, if you recall, the Pres. released the transcripts of the July 25 phone call and within that phone call transcript we see that it was Pres. Zelensky BROUGHT UP BIDENS, NOT PRES. TRUMP! So how on earth is it supposed to be Pres. Trump who was asking for a quid pro quo when it was Zelensky who wanted to do the investigation!? schifforbrains is an IDIOT and him running this circus/farce/campaign tactic reflects his idiocy! November 20, 2019   Deep State:   They hate Pres. Trump so much that Deep Staters destroyed his database for supportive recruits! They wiped out his database of people he had in mind for positions to fill with people who support him and his agenda! They wanted to fill those positions with people who will help destroy Pres. Trump and spy on him and do everything the left wanted them to do. The problem is, they succeeded in filling those positions with people who hate Pres. Trump as much as they, and now we are seeing the results of that Deep State betrayal. Treason, anyone? November 20, 2019   Betrayal:   Okay. This has gone too far. Pres. Trump pardoned U.S. Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher of the crime of posing with a dead body (apparently a no-no in the military) after he had been cleared of murdering the guy whose body he posed with. Pres. Trump pardoned him, restored his rank and pay and restored honor to an honorable man. Now the U.S. Navy brass is trying to demote Gallagher and trying to UNDO what Pres. Trump did for the guy, going against their Commander In Chief and committing what may be called MUTINY. That's a crime in the U.S. Military Code of Justice. Someone accused of such will face a court-martial and one of the punishments for mutiny is death. Do these idiots realize the steps they are taking could cost them greatly, or is it a risk they are willing to take because they hate Pres. Trump that much? Or is it their hatred of Eddie Gallagher and his pardon that makes them risk their own careers? I think Pres. Trump should clear house and drain the military swamp as well, firing most of the higher ranking officers and getting newer blood in to be leaders -- those who support Pres. Trump and his entire agenda! Fire the Generals who don't support him and the Rear Admirals, Admirals, etc. and get real American lovers in there! November 20, 2019   Deep State 2:   The love-birds who were having an affair that was exposed at the start of the anti-Trump coup have been found to have scrubbed their phones just as did hillosercrooktOOn. They did everything ILLEGAL to hide their tracks but the truth has a way of coming out and they should be held to some legal standard so that the "equal justice" standard that the Constitution sets is upheld. Problem is, they're dumboRATS and anti-Trumpers so there is little to no chance of that happening, unless the Lord GOD Almighty intervenes and gives U.S.A.G. William Barr and Special Prosecutor John Durham spines. Let's watch and see what happens, but do yourselves a favor and don't hold your breath. November 20, 2019   Illegal Alien Invaders:   The SCOTUS has a case before them that they shall decide on sometime next year. That case will decide whether those who received DACA status are going to be allowed to stay in America. Remember that word: ALLOWED. It has a specific meaning. The root word, allow, means: "to give permission to or for; permit:"That's the meaning of the word. To say that we are "allowing" means that we have the authority to decide who stays and who goes". Simply by having the discussion we are admitting that WE -- AMERICA -- HAS THE AUTHORITY to decide if DACA recipients stay or go. Which means that because we have the authority to decide that, DACA RECIPIENTS DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE THAT DECISION THEMSELVES, which means that they DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HERE! They are here, but they have no right to be here! There is a difference. The fact that the SCOTUS is hearing this at all means that we have the authority to kick every single DACA recipient out of this country en masse and we have the authority and RIGHT to make every one of them LEAVE. Why is this in court at all? WE have the authority and we CAN AND SHOULD DO SO! It's okay to come here LEGALLY, to go through the proper channels and long process: My ancestors did! It's NOT OKAY to cross our borders ILLLEGALLY, then expect us to say "Okay. We'll provide for your whole existence and give you everything you want but expect nothing in return except that you vote dumboRAT!" That's NOT OKAY! DACA recipients need to go back to their country of origin and if they love America so much those who were sent back should be willing to go through the effort to come back LEGALLY! It's not okay to break our laws and expect to be able to benefit from it. It IS okay to obey our laws and expect to be able to benefit from it. That's the difference! Another consideration to take into your decisions on this subject should be the fact that Over 100,000 DACA applicants have criminal records! Are they the kind of people we want to KEEP here? November 20, 2019   Fake News:   They're at it again, folks. They're trying to make Pres. Donald J. Trump look bad by using stats from themuslimvileone's admin. They're pushing the LIE that Pres. Trump has 100,000 Illegal Alien Invader CHILDREN in custody. The problem is, that stat is a 2015 stat from themuslimvileone's time in office. The msm is a bunch of LIARS and if they had an ounce of integrity they would NOT be doing the things they are doing and reporting the LIES they always print/say. It's a shame that so many "journalists" are no more than paid LIARS, just like leftie politicians, many attorneys and weathermen (but they can't help it; they are taught to use statistical analysis, not look out the window). If you look to the msm for your news you won't get the truth about anything except the sports scores. November 20, 2019   November 20, 2019   November 20, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Do you get to go get massages paid for by the taxpayers and sponsored by your employer? No? Well then, why do we spend mega dollars to teach federal employees how to relax and how to get into your "safe space"? Is that what you want to fund with your money? If not, tell the government! November 20, 2019   Last Link:   During themuslimvileone's reign (I will call it that on purpose), he said with his mouth that he was a Christian, but his actions proved otherwise. He supported Islam more than Christianity and persecuted Christians and Christianity. We have another proof of his NON-Christian actions today. During his reign, he "cut faith-based adoption agencies out of the equation" so that they would not be able to do adoptions for children needing homes. He denied children in need of "forever homes" the chance to have exactly that because he didn't want children to be placed in Christian homes! That's not just wrong, it's EVIL! How dare he make children wait for a Mom and Dad who could love them and raise them in the love of GOD and His grace because themuslimvileone hates Christianity! How dare he?! The fact is, HE DID. November 20, 2019   I will close with that for today. Remember, tomorrow will be the last update for this week because we'll be in Georgia at the farm on Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 19, 2019: 1:40 p.m.   Chick-fil-A:   I'm not the only one saddened by the apparent cave they did to the "ETC." community's demands that they stop giving to Christian organizations that help people and do Christ's work. There are many people who are upset about this decision, and there are many people who will not receive the help that Chick-fil-A's donations to those organizations could have given them. Breitbart writer, Nick Nolte, is calling them out because they put GLAAD ahead of GOD and the Salvation Army is going to hurt because of it. This is a sign of what happens when your founder dies and you replace a good, Christian man with a corporatist who wants to spread the chain, not the Gospel; his son, the founder's son, Dan, apparently doesn't know his real customers as well as he might think. I'm saddened that the leader of a Christian organization has decided to cave and sell out the sacrifice Christ made for him in order to get into "more markets". It will probably mean that -- unless they turn away from this horrible betrayal and back to Christ -- I will be changing my restaurant of choice from Chick-fil-A to something else. The problem is, where do I go from there? Hobby Lobby doesn't sell fast food. November 19, 2019   FAUXpeachment:   I don't know how schifforbrains can bear to show his face in public considering how easily he sets himself up for being beaten up by the Republicans on the committee. He should be ashamed and embarrassed but I doubt he has the ability to be either. Republicans proved that NONE of the witnesses said Pres. Trump "bribed" anyone. Republicans proved that both Vindman and schifforbrains KNOW the "whistleblower's" name. Republicans proved that schifforbrains LIED about NOT KNOWING the "whistleblower's" name! The truth is that schifforbrains has egg all over his face but he's too stupid to know it's even there! schifforbrains' star witness, Vindman, thinks HE creates foreign policy for Ukraine/USA (ego, anyone?)! But Pres. Donald J. Trump reminded everyone that the President sets foreign policy, not bureaucrats. To top this all off, even Vindman said that Pres. Trump has the RIGHT to ask for an investigation! So why, in the name of all that's Constituional, did he take that phone call and run to two other people and tell them that he was "concerned" about the contents of the phone call and set this whole FAUXpeachment in motion? Of course, if it weren't this, it would be something else. schifforbrains was dead set on the whole FAUXpeachment thing one way or another, so it was bound to happen. It's amazing that the taxpayer's money is being spent on his ridiculousness. This is such a boring circus filled with egg-faced LIARS that they are losing support rather than gaining it! If you think this is a good thing, you're an idiot. If, on the other hand, you may not like Pres. Trump but you can see that schifforbrains has nothing and this is all a farce, so you don't like what is happening and want to move on from that, then are you as upset as those of us who support Pres. Donald J. Trump at the COST of this FAUXpeachment? I think the dumboRATS need to reimburse the American people for the cost of their stupidity (all of them would have to go broke and borrow billions if they had to reimburse the full cost, so let's keep it to just this FAUXpeachment circus). I think that we should be reimbursed for all of the work THEY ARE NOT DOING so that they can focus on this circus of smoke and mirrors that is showing them for the fools they are. schifforbrains is doing the left no favors here. Too bad the leadership of the lefties is too stupid to figure that out. By the way, did you know that Vindman was so bad previously that National Security Council people (and Steve Bannon) tried to get him removed but that themuslimvileone's holdovers kept him in place? Yeah. If it weren't for themuslimvileone we wouldn't be going through this FAUXpeachment crap. Don't you appreciate that? November 19, 2019   Crimes Committed:   Have you heard about this? The DOJ has done an investigation and has found that, in the left's effort to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump, there were CRIMES COMMITTED. Now the question is, will the DOJ prosecute those crimes, or will they allow the left to get away with it, as usual? November 19, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   The left is coming up with all kinds of possibilities to explain why Pres. Trump made an "unexpected" stop at Walter Reed Hospital. There are "poisoning" rumors, heart problems rumors; some are saying he's trying to set up his early departure from office based on health concerns so that he won't have to face FAUXpeachment results. It's all over the place. I seriously hope that he is healthy and well and that he has no health issues whatsoever, and that the left can speculate and hope all they want, but it's not going to have bearing on real life. Pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump's health and safety, as well as for his family's health and safety. It's imperative that nothing happens to him because if something does, V.P. Mike Pence becomes President, but I don't know how strong he is and if he'd cave to the left. Pres. Trump, so far, is pretty good about telling them to pound sand after dangling their hopes in front of them then dashing them before their eyes. It's rather fun to watch so I want Pres. Trump healthy so I can enjoy the show. November 19, 2019   SMH:   I am, I believe, a bit dumbfounded by the stupidity of this slogan. Can you believe this slogan is supposed to be an "anti-meth" message? The tagline is "I'm on meth". That's the slogan that South Dakota Governor, Kristi Noem, approved and chose to start the fight against methamphetamine use in her state. I thought Republicans were smarter than this. SMH. November 19, 2019   Sore Loser, stacey abrams:   She is as bad as hillosercrooktOOn when it comes to making excuses for losing her race against an opponent. She is still out there saying that she actually won, but racism was the reason she was not sworn in, or some such nonsense. She out there saying that everything is racist. If you sneeze while talking to her, it's probably racist. She's ridiculous and lame and if she can't admit that she was a lousy candidate that the good people of Georgia (and yes, I can say that because we own 28.4 acres there) decided they wanted someone else. That's the fact that she can't accept. Ego is as abrams does. November 19, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Wow. That's scary. The airplane she was on -- a commercial flight with other people on it -- started falling apart as it approached the runway to take off. There were parts on the tarmac! Twisted metal was picked up by airport employees! Isn't that scary? I wouldn't want anyone to be harmed -- not even the lying banshee -- and I'm glad that the plane fell apart on the ground instead of at 13,00 feet! That's a horrible thing for anyone to experience, no matter who they are. I guess the airplane followed her brace at the 9/11 memorial service. (BTW, remember she said that she "lost her balance", then she had "pneumonia" but didn't tell anyone? Too bad she was hugging people all day "with pneumonia", if we are to believe her.) Yep. It's just another day in the life of hillosercrooktOOn. Things don't like to stay together around her. November 19, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   I bet the "women's libbers" on the left really love what he said! I am sure they support his statement. I'm serious. That's the way lefties operate: as long as it's a leftie saying it, it's okay. If a Republican said the same stupid statment, I bet the left would be all over that person in absolute outrage. He said that a women's rights depends upon where she lives, not the fact that women should have equal rights to men and have the same rights in Uganda, Kenya, Bali, Muslim nations, or China as here in America. No. Women in oppressive countries can keep women under the thumb for as long as they want because they're not here in America. I think that's a really stupid statement. But, I'm a Conservative, so I'm probably considered wrong by the left. November 19, 2019   Worker's Rights:   I am ANTI-union; totally and completely ANTI-union. I make no bones about it and I am not ashamed. I think unions are now useless and more about power and manipulation than about the workers and representing them properly. I hate unions. I think they are evil. Now, there is a bill introduced in Congress, the "Worker's Choice Act", that would take away the exclusive union hold on representing ALL workers -- even those who do NOT belong to the union -- in any and all negotiations between employers and employees. Keep an eye on this one, folks. The "Worker's Choice Act" would be great for employees and it would be yet another nail in the coffin of unions. Win. Win. November 19, 2019   Taxpayer $$$$:   There are people who have done the research and run the numbers and they have figured out that all of those dumboRATS running for prezidunce who are pushing for "Medicare for All" would be making American families POORER! Is that what they want? Oh, yeah! They do want that. They don't want anyone to prosper except for themselves so that they don't have to be in the same "sphere" as the peons, we minions. It's absurd, but it's the truth. They want to be the "high and mighty" who don't have to obey the laws and we can be their little servants who mow the yard, serve their beer, change their children's diapers but aren't equal to them in any way. The left: they want to be the royalty of America, not real Americans. November 19, 2019   Last Link:   The EU has proven in yet another way that they are anti-Semites. It's ridiculous and it proves (yet again) that the EU is full of anti-Semites, those who hate Israel and it's doing all it can to harm Israel short of bombing it themselves. They've decided to label some of the products of Israel as "Israeli Settlement" meaning it was made in "occupied territory" that Israel is keeping from the "rightful owners" and that Palestinians should be given the land. It's absurd and it's wrong and it's anti-Semitic, but they are leftists in the EU, so who is surprised by that? I hope that Israel benefits in some way from this new "yellow star" process. Remember, Hitler started with yellow stars that Jews had to wear and then he moved them to small slums and then he took them to the death camps. Is the EU going to try to follow his lead? November 19, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 18, 2019: 2:08 p.m.   SCOTUS:   The dumboRATS (schifforbrains, specifically) want to see all of Pres. Donald J. Trump's IRS tax returns. Problem is, the want to see those returns so that they can harrass Pres. Trump. That's against the law. Their excuse is just lame for wanting to see his taxes but they are trying to get them anyways. Thank the good Lord above that Chief Justice john roberts said "Nope" -- for now. I don't know if he'll later cave but for now he has said no. Pray for Pres. Trump's presidency, his health and for his protection from the dumboRATS who are trying to bring him down and kick him out of office with all they don't have! They are wasting MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars on this farce and they're doing nothing but trying their darndest to kick Pres. Trump out because they're sore losers. Wasn't it the dumboRATS who wanted a promise from then-candidate Trump that he would accept the election results if he lost? Well, why didn't they have to make the same promise? November 18, 2019   Marijuana:   Wow. Look at that. There are dumboRATS who disagree on something besides who wants to be prezidunce. The bumblefingers said that marijuana may be a "gateway drug" and The Idiot, of course, had to support that! Drugs? Something that could make her even more idiotic and inane? Of cours she would support that! The problem is, that making drugs cheaper and easier is NOT the answer! Don't make them cheaper and easier: make them more difficult to get, more expensive to get and make it a social stigma, instead of a "personal failure" to use drugs. Children should be taught not that drug use is okay, a part of the freedoms we have as Americans, and/or a part of "growing up" and "experimenting". Drugs are NEVER okay! Drug use is a dangerous thing that leads to a life of degradation, squalor and self-hatred (unless you're rich, then there is no squalor until you spend it all on drugs). It's NOT okay to legalize drugs. It's a no brainer to NOT legalize drugs. Marijuana IS a gateway drug: it should NOT be legal. If you don't believe it, look around at what your nieces, friends' sons, or brother/sister/mother/father went through after they were hooked on marijuana! It's NOT okay to do legalize this awful stuff! November 18, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   He decided to complain about Pres. Trump's pardon of three U.S. soldiers but seems to have forgotten about his dear, glorious leader, themuslimvileone's pardon of FIVE ISIS TERRORISTS and the fact that themuslimvileone delivered a pallet stacked with money -- YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS -- that added up to $400 MILLION to Iran! So does bumblefingers have at least a double standard, or is his brain malfunctioning about this, too? November 18, 2019   Fighting Back:   A former Cong. Devin Nunes staffer, Kash Patel, is suing Politico for $25 Million for the LIES they have told about him and it's a good thing. Maybe when he wins he will teach the leftist media that they can't just go around making things up about people and expect to get away with it. They need to have some -- at least a modicum of -- journalistic integrity; although, lately, those two words are an oxymoron. November 18, 2019   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   She has done it again. We know now that she not only gave her lover's company a huge payment earlier in their relationship, but now she has given him MORE money from her campaign coffers. That's totally ILLEGAL, but the law doesn't seem to matter to this illegal alien: she committed immigration fraud, using a different name to enter America, she married her own brother so that she could get him into America as her husband, and she has broken election finance laws to halp her lover. American laws? When it comes to doing the right thing, she has total disdain for our laws and apparently considers herself above the law or she would start obeying them! Of course, with roll models like pelosipig, chuckieshumer, themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn, etc., why would she start obeying our laws instead of just trying to use them to her own advantage? November 18, 2019   Must Watch:   Watch Judicial Watch's "The Constitution Betrayed: Schiff's Assault on President Trump". If you want to understand what is happening with the FAUXpeachment hearings, then watch the video Judicial Watch has posted. You will understand how wrong this whole LIE is and how dangerous it is to America and to YOUR future. Watch the video. Make sure you share it. November 18, 2019   Chick-Fil-A:   Do you enjoy a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, salad, or other scrumptuous deliciousness? I do. I love -- am obsessed with -- their Cobb Salad and have it almost every time I am there. I order it via their app, or in person, and always enjoy it. I have eaten them for the last six months or so as oft as I can. I love them! The problem is, the left hates Chick-Fil-A because they have espoused Christian values for years and they have supported Christian causes with their company's charitable giving. That makes the left crazy, cray-cray, looney tunes, insane, absolutely bonkers, etc. and they want to destroy Chick-Fil-A. Well, they haven't shut it down completely, but they have pressured the company enough to make them stop giving to the Christian charities they used to support with their corporate donations. That's sad that they chose to cave to the lefties: specifically the "ETC." (A.K.A. the alphabet soup that encompasses the sexual deviancies so popular nowadays) crowd. Pray for Chick-Fil-A and that they regain their spines and that they choose to do the right thing and decide to stand for Christ as He stood in their place (and yours) on the Cross. November 18, 2019   Corrupt Cops?:   In Mexico, the drug cartels have weapons, money, drugs, and are not afraid to use any of those tools to get their own way. They kill people, kidnap whomever is useful, and bribe their way into the things they want; whether that be a "blind eye" from "law enforcement" (although with them turning their eyes from it, how can it be called "enforcement?), or a judge who throws out every case against them. Now it looks like some top law enforcement officials were dirty and on the cartel's payroll. Well, shock. Surprise! If anyone is going to be as succesful as the Mexican drug cartels at getting whatever they want, there's got to be at least a few people who are supposed to be stopping them who have been paid to not do their jobs, to look away, to even help them break the law. The Mexican drug cartels -- like most huge illegal organizations -- have no limits because there are people willing to cooperate at a price. Selling your soul to evil results in evil owning you and your soul winding up in hell when the evil that owns you kills you because you are expendable. I wonder when those law enforcement officials will wind up dead at the drug cartel's hands. It will happen. November 18, 2019   thevilegeorgesoros:   Speaking of evil, this guy's a top contender, too. He tries his best to run the world with his billions of dollars and his evil spreads with his money. He needs to be investigated and he needs to go to prison, I'm sure. He named his umbrella organization "The Open Society Foundation", so why doesn't he "open" his books and tell us the name of all of his organizations, where every dollar he spent trying to destroy America and other countries went, whom he owns politically (pelosipig? schifforbrains? crooktOOns?), how many people he employs daily to "protest" things that Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing and how much he pays them to hurt Conservatives who support Pres. Trump (does he pay per punch, or just per incident of harm?), etc.? If he's so much for an "Open Society" then where is his transparency? Where is his openness? Why does he demand from others what he is unwilling to deliver himself? I want to know what he has done to try to destroy America besides what Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and other Conservative outlets have uncovered via their own hard work. In the meantime, the "whistleblower" (A.K.A. john brennan SPY) eric Ciaramella, is still working at the White House and reporting to thevilegeorgesoros all the time, as they keep him updated on whom they are buying off in the Ukraine to try to destroy Pres. Trump, I'm sure. I really, truly and deeply despise this vile thing. He is lower than worm poop in my book. November 18, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   How do they do this? How does the U.S. Postal Service lose $8.8 BILLION in a year? "The USPS has long been a bastion of mismanagement and frivolous spending that has fleeced American taxpayers out of billions in the last few years alone. Typical quarterly reports in recent years include losses of at least $1.5 billion despite operating revenue increases like the one in 2019. One federal audit slammed the USPS for blowing the opportunity to save nearly $22 million had it bothered to maintain its fleet of vehicles more efficiently. A few years before that the USPS blew hundreds of thousands of dollars on professional sports tickets, booze and fancy meals while it claimed to be crippled by an $8.3 billion deficit. The items were purchased by USPS managers and employees with special charge cards issued to U.S. government agencies."Yep. That's the U.S. Postal Service. Isn't that lovely? November 18, 2019   Aaaahhhh... Public Schools:   When a teacher defends having a man dressed as a woman in his class and calls the parents who object to it "bigoted" and says that those parents "'should not have the final say' in raising their own children", that sounds to me as though that teacher should be fired. It's NOT up to the public school system to decide what parents get to teach their children what is right or wrong, normal or abnormal (and no matter what anyone says a guy dressed in women's clothing and parading around in makeup and heels is NOT normal and he is NOT a "she" while doing so!), and no teacher has the right to try to interfere in a parents' raising of their children! The teacher is an employee of the parent and the taxpayers pay that teacher's salary -- EVERY teacher; private schools, tutors, public schools -- and for ANY teacher to try to interfere with their employers' right to raise their children as they see fit is WRONG. I don't care if that teacher has fifty-seven degrees in everything from higher math to biology to psychology to quantum physics; they have NO RIGHT to interfere in how a parent raises a child unless a child is being physically or sexually abused by the parent. Then and only then it's okay to interfere. For a teacher to try to tell a parent that it's "bigoted" to think that a guy parading around in makeup and women's clothing is abnormal is that teacher going way too far! November 18, 2019   Last Link:   Let's hope that Mike Huckabee is correct! I certainly hope so! IF he is, then it would all be worth it, agree? He says that impeachment will lead to a Pres. Trump "landslide" victory! I pray that is the case! I would love for this nonsense to backfire on them big time and then all of that taxpayer money wasted can be said to have gone to a great cause: defeating them again! Agree? November 18, 2019   I will close with that for today. I want you to know that I probably won't be here Friday of this week because my hubby and I will be going to the farm on Thursday night (at least, that's the current plan). He's traveling for work right now and when he returns he'll have enough time on the books to not go to work on Friday so we plan on going Thursday evening and working on the kitchen, family room and grouting the second bathroom's backsplash tiles, too. It's goint to be good to have it all completed and take a break for a while. I hope to have it all done by Christmas and have a little "It's finished!" party for those people who helped us get it done. That's the goal. So, until tomorrow when I hope/plan to do another full day's worth of blurbs, I'll see ya' then. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 15, 2019: 1:13 p.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday, folks. I completely forgot about my hubby's appointment at the auto dealer's for an oil change and to handle a recall for his truck. I had to pick him up at the dealer's and we went shopping for some Christmas stuff and some other stuff. It was nice to be with him early, especially on a date night! We picked up his truck when it was finished and we dropped it off at home then went out for our date. We wound up at the Bass Pro Shop in Palm Bay and had a good talk with the guys behind the gun counter as my hubby surprised me with a new shotgun! WooHoo! I want to take a turkey on our farm next turkey season but I can't take one with a handgun (which is my preference), so I will have to use a shotgun and practicing will commence next weekend. It will be my first hunt and I'm already excited about it! Anyways, that's why I missed yesterday. Sorry. Let's get started for today. November 15, 2019   Medicare for All?:   Anyone who can do basic math can tell you that it proves that "Medicare for All" is a bad idea. It is not just a bad idea, it is a financial disaster for the country. Watch Sen. Rick Scott's (our former Governor) video at the link and see why it would help destroy America. Or, just use your own common sense. Think of it this way: If I earn $100,000 annually and I have to support 10 people on that annual salary, if I have to suddenly support an additional 1,000 people will my annual salary be able to do that? If the answer is NO, then that's the way it is with "Medicare for All"! They have an annual budget. If we think that we can increase that annual budget to cover the whole population (growing daily with the illegal alien invaders the dumboRATS are allowing to invade our nation), then how much in taxes do YOU want to pay out of your already-over-taxed paycheck in order to pay for all of those additional people's coverage? You already pay for those on Medicare, for all of the people on public housing, food stamps, welfare of any sort, for "The Arts" to get money out of your pocket, for a massive, top heavy educational department that dumbs down your kids, for the EPA to tell you that you can't pull up a plant because it's "protected" even though it's on your own land and it's a problem for you, for the grants that people take advantage of and get money out of YOUR pocket to help them subvert the government (thevilegeorgesoros gets $530 MILLION of YOUR money. Now they want you to pay for "Medicare for All"?Does this make sense to you? Do you want to pay for all of that and add "Medicare for All"? Do you think you can afford it? November 15, 2019   SCOTUS:   They are "weighing" whether the children who arrived here (some years ago) under themuslimvileone's DACA rules should be allowed to stay. I hope that they decide that the rule of law is more important than "being nice". I hope they decide that DACA children are no more elligible for protections than any other illegal alien invader of our country. Just because they've lived here for a long time that doesn't mean that they should be allowed to benefit from breaking our immigration laws. They want to come to America and be allowed to stay? Go back to where they came from, go through the proper channels and proper paperwork, proper procedures and come here LEGALLY. Then when you get here, integrate into America and become an AMERICAN. Don't come here and try to turn America into where you left. Learn to speak English! Learn to assimilate! Learn to become like the people you allegedly wanted to be like: Americans! It's not difficult to do! Just do it and don't expect us to pay for you to do so as you go through the process. We are not your caretakers. We are your neighbors; not to be milked for all we've got so that you can have what once was ours. We are your neighbors to be considered as your equals, your friends, your roll models, not your providers! November 15, 2019   "United" Nations (A.K.A.: Leach on America):   They are planning an alleged U.N. summit but they are not actually doing so because it hasn't been voted on by the U.N. It's just a bunch of "organizers" (probably financed by thevilegeorgesoros) getting together and deciding that they are going to bring about an acceptance of abortion where it is unwelcome and they're shutting out the PRO-LIFE message. They've already written their predetermined outcomes and they're not going to allow anyone -- not even the nations they are allegedly trying to "help" -- to stop them. That's the way the left does things: plow over, ignore and physically abuse anyone who stands in their way. Disagree? Look at what "antifa" has done to Conservatives here, or at what themuslimvileone's administration did to target Conservatives. Yeah. That's the U.N. in a nutshell (especially the "nut" part!) November 15, 2019   Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS):   So the left likes to say that Pres. Trump is "corrupt" because he allegedly asked Ukraine's President, Zelensky, to look into the biden family's dealings there and to find out about who was targeting his campaign from that end, right? Well would it surprise you to find out that the bidens accept BILLIONS from the Ukraine and that former Secretary of State, ketchup kerry, did, too? Do you really think it's an impeachable offence for the President of the United States of America to ask a foreign country to investigate (let's not forget this) the FORMER VICE PRESIDENT'S involvement in corruption within a foreign country, considering how that may have impacted America's security? If you have an employee whom you found out was on the payroll of another company and you knew that employee had access to all of your company's secrets, would you be happy to find out about that employee's betrayal, or would you want to find out whether he had betrayed you by selling company secrets, or selling personal info, or info on other employees? Is this something that is wrong to do, or is it something that you, as a CEO of a company with a traitorous employee, would think it necessary to do? That's all that Pres. Donald J. Trump could be accused of doing: the same thing you would do in that situation. November 15, 2019 &mbsp Fauxpeachment:   Congressman Devin Nunes is excellent. He asked shifforbrains how schifforbrains could block questions about the alleged "whistleblower" if shifforbrains didn't know the whistleblower's name to know to block the question. If schifforbrains had any brains he would have realized that he set his own trap with that cautionary memo to not name the whistleblower. That's like saying I don't know what two plus two is but if you say it's four I'm going to ding you for saying "four". Duh. He's such an idiot. In the hearings, it has been pointed out that the dumboRATS have to LIE to try to get this thing going and to try to make people believe in the LIES about Pres. Donald J. Trump that the left keeps repeating. The msm and the dumboRATS are trying to do a coup against Pres. Trump, but the people of America are not interested in it and the left is getting so desparate to kick Pres. Trump out of office that I would not be surprised to find out they were also coaching the witnesses... Oh. That's right. schifforbrains did that during the hearings, so eager is he to get Pres. Trump! This fauxpeachment is NOT about feelings (or at least that's not what the charge is). It's supposed to be about the rule of law and whether Pres. Donald J. Trump -- before or after he was sworn into office -- has broken the laws of America. IF he did NOT break the laws -- and NONE of the witnesses say that he did -- then how is schifforbrains doing this? He's doing it based on the dumboRATS' desire to get rid of Pres. Trump and nothing else. Consider: The former Ambassador to Ukraine has even testified under oath at the fauxpeachment hearing that Pres. Trump STRENGTHENED military support for Ukraine! How is his treatment of Ukraine thus an fauxpeachmentable offence? Duh! The way that schifforbrains is handling the fauxpeachment he's like a mini-Hitler! He doesn't allow Republicans to speak, interrupting them and banging his power gavel, and reading tweets during the hearing. Sigh. This circus side show is so bad that he allowed the former Ukraine Ambassador to compare herself to the four Americans killed at BENGHAZI!!! Absurd? Absolutely. But schifforbrains doesn't see it that way. It's all about getting rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump and that's all that matters. Remember, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko, has testified in the fauxpeachment hearings that Pres. Trump NEVER linked an investigation into bumblefingers biden to military aid but that doesn't matter to the dumboRATS. This fauxpeachment is not about the truth: it's all about getting rid of Pres. Trump! That's what is happening with this fauxpeachment: if they can get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump then the TRUTH of what they have already done in their own corruption will not be investigated. If they can get rid of Pres. Trump before that is investigated and prosecuted then their own wrongdoings will be kept hidden. If he stays in office, they fear for their own corruption and the monetary benefits they have been reaaping from it. Remember: schiff has been tied to a Ukrainian arms dealer, anti-Trump org, Fusion GPS, hunter biden's burisma company, and to pedostein who died in prison awaiting trial. Sounds to me like this fauxpeachment (but a REAL impeachment) should be happening for schifforbrains, not for Pres. Donald J. Trump! November 15, 2019   Double Standards:   Roger Stone has been found guilty of seven "process crimes": meaning he didn't remember every word he told the people who came and woke him up at six in the morning and dragged he and his scared wife out of bed and into the darkness in front of cnn cameras in their pajamas so he's facing fifty years in prison. How about the LIES he has told to Congress and to the hearing he's conducting? How about his LIES to the press, to the public and to his own fauxpeachment hearings? There are NUMEROUS LIES that he has spoken, yet he's not being tried, convicted and facing fifty years in prison. Nor are hillosercrooktOOn, her "hard dog to keep on the porch", themuslimvileone, ketchup kerry, eric holder, loretta lynch (who met with bullybobcrooktOOn on the tarmac when they should not have been talking at all!), or any of the others on the LEFT. Someone on the RIGHT side of the aisle gets all kinds of horrible treatment while the left skates. It's wrong, but that's the way the LEFT does things. This whole scam has been proven to have been a LEFTIST setup, starring bad actors in themuslimvileone's administration. We have PROOF via Bruce and Nellie Ohr's emails. Yet, schifforbrains continues to go ahead with this scam fauxpeachment. It's irritating and ridiculous. November 15, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   She has shocked the world. She said (although I don't believe she meant it) that she takes personal responsibility for her 2016 loss. Jaws. Dropped. HARD. She, of course, didn't mean it, but she had to say it sooner or later so that she can enter the 2020 race again without those naysayers who said that she never took responsibility for her own loss. She had to shut that down before she enters. She has to file in NH today, if she does we know she's running. Whether one of her cronies (huma abedin, or someone else) can do so for her, I have no idea, but if there is a filing for her, she's in it. There are a myriad of questions:
November 15, 2019   Ukraine-Shmookrane:   The fauxpeachment hearings are allegedly focused on Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) and the phone conversations he has had with their newly elected president, Zelensky. In order to prove his innocense, Pres. Trump has released the transcripts of the first, congratulatory phone call and he had already released the second phone call's transcript. So, what is the big deal? They know every word that was said. How can it be a bad thing? The transcripts debunk every allegation so why are they WASTING TAXPAYER DOLLARS with this fauxpeachment? November 15, 2019   RINO Alert!:   Rep. Ben Crenshaw was elected as a Texas Republican, and Texas has been delivering really bad choices lately. They gave us (and presidential hopeful, now zealous-jealous TDS idiot) Sen. Ted Cruz and Ben Crenshaw. Sad. I used to be proud of Texas. Not so much now. Anyways, Ben Crenshaw's history has emerged to bite him in the butt. He bashed Christianity and then-candidate Donald J. Trump, never dreaming that candidate would become president. Now he's acting like he never said any of that. Truth is, he did. It's a shame that so many of the Republican party is a sham when it comes to being TRUE CONSERVATIVES. It's going to be hard to find another Texan who is truly CONSERVATIVE to replace him because he does need replaced. November 15, 2019   The Idiot:   It's shocking that she actually told the truth, but there it is. She said that the reason fauxpeachment was happening was to "prevent a potentially disastrous outcome" in 2020. She was meaning another Pres. Donald J. Trump election WIN! She doesn't want him to have a second term and that's why the left is trying to kick him out of office! Truth is out and it came from an idiot's mouth, thus proving her idiocy. You don't announce your true strategy to the world! I bet she's in hot water now! Hehehe. November 15, 2019   Last Link:   Today's last link is two, actually. First, Pres. Trump tweeted about the fauxpeachment hearings and a female "witness" (former Ambasador) -- which was NOT witness intimidation -- and hillosercrooktOOn tried to ding him for the tweet. She should have kept her fingers out of it. People on the dead blue bird hit her hard and the results are priceless! November 15, 2019   That's it for today, folks. I will try to do a full update on Monday but I do have to do a big errand, so we'll see how that works out. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 13, 2019: 1:09 p.m.   Fauxpeachment:   schifforbrains has been conducting a "public" fauxpeachment hearing today and the thing is a circus of lies, half-brained idiots testifying to hearsay and dictatorial rules laid out by a TDS-suffering chair. It's really bad and it's being called out by Devin Nunes as the farce it is. Schifforbrains has no reason to conduct this fauxpeachment except his hatred of all things American and Trump, and his desire for more power in any form. I bet he's got it in his head that if he does succeed at this farce that he will be the next dumboRAT nominee for prezidunce. That's what he's shooting for: more power, like hillosercrooktOOn, that's all he wants. If he gets more power he can get as rich as bumblefingers biden's son, Hunter. That's his goal. Now the whole dumboRAT party has to face the consequences of this farce. They may hold the hearings but when they fail, the whole world will see how lamebrained the effort was to start with. November 13, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   We know for absolutely certain that she had an unsecured private server that she used for her State Department, classified and unclassified emails, and now we know that she LIED under oath when she denied having sent classified emails through her unclassified server. Judicial Watch has the PROOF and now we should see her arrested, charged with several felonies (including perjury) and perp-marched into a federal prison. Will that ever happen? No. People like to stay alive and if they cross her they have a tendency to not stay alive for long. It's a useful tool, making people fear for their lives. It makes people leave you alone. It's how the mafia works, how dictators work and how the crooktOOns work. Why aren't they up on RICO charges? November 13, 2019   There are more verses in the Bible, GOD'S Word, but this will suffice to teach you that GOD will provide for us the fresh, clean water we need to drink, the clean air we need to breathe, and the food we need to eat. He always has. He created the universe and the earth and all of the plants and animals we eat. So vegans also have to thank GOD that they can eat! It's not as if He wants His creations to starve, to die of suffocation because the air is too polluted to breathe, or to be unable to drink the water because it is so polluted! He provided a way for the earth to clean itself: The atmosphere is efficient at cleaning itself. Worms eat heavy metals and clean the dirt as well as cleaning water with heavy metals in it. You may be surprised by the different ways the earth cleans itself! So tell me that the "climate change" LIE is all about the earth. The earth was already pre-programmed to take care of itself. Those who tell you otherwise are LIARS who want POWER AND CONTROL! There is nothing more to "climate change" than that. November 13, 2019   rbg:   She skipped her SCOTUS seat because she has a "stomach bug". How many lefties are praying to the GOD they don't believe in today that she survive for another few more weeks until the fauxpeachment hearing takes Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) out of office and they can celebrate their victory? It won't happen (thank you, Lord!), but that's what the left is hoping for. They don't want Pres. Trump to be able to nominate another SCOTUS Justice. They would HATE that with a purple, soul-crushing passion. How many hollyweird idiots are contacting their doctors to arrange to donate their organs to rbg so that she can stay alive a few months longer and prevent Pres. Trump from appointing the next SCOTUS? Better yet, how many of them realize that if Pres. Trump is fauxpeached, it will be Pres. Mike Pence who appoints the next SCOTUS Justice and he'll choose the same person or one even more Conservative as the person Pres. Trump would choose! How stupid are the lefties who want to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump? That stupid. November 13, 2019   MAGA:   Research says that Pres. Donald J. Trump is surging with suburban women and that they are donating to his campaign in larger numbers than they are giving to dumboRATS. Sounds to me like the party that is supposedly the party that is "pro-women" is failing in their public relations efforts to make the public think that they are actually FOR women! The left is no more for women than I am for abortion. If the left loved women why would they hate so many of us who are Conservative? Why would they encourage and push for the abortion (murder) of so many women in the womb? Why would they make sure that violence against Conservative women is considered okay, but when it's violence against leftist women, that's not acceptable? If it's just about their side of the aisle, why is it that words hurt, but when it comes to someone on the Conservative side is attacked, there is nothing off limits; physical violence to words that hurt are all acceptable because it's a Conservative woman? If that's acceptable to you, then you are a sick, twisted hateful bigot. If that's NOT acceptable to you, then there is hope for you and you're probably a Conservative -- or close to becoming one. November 13, 2019   Brrrrrrr!:   "Global Warming" on hold? There is a cold front that is slamming into the lower 48 and making a lot of them set record low temperatures and it's making me a bit jealous. I want snow. I want it to snow at our farm this year while I am there and I want to be able to build a snowman! I want to see what our 28.4 acres look like covered in a blanket of sparkling white as the cardinals, tufted titmouses and chickadees pop from feeder to feeder. I want to see the beauty as the snow twinkles in the sun as I walk through it, leaving the first footprints and hearing the crunch as I leave another print debossed in the crystals. I want snow! November 13, 2019   Jobs:   So the unemployment rate went up on tenth last month, but there is good news. There are at least five states with unemployment rates less than 3%! The map in the link is interactive and if you want to see a state's unemployment rate put your cursor over it and the rate will pop up. Unemployment rates under 3% are rare; 5% is considered "full employment", so that's an amazing accomplishment! November 13, 2019   Faux Conservatives?:   I agree with Mark Levin: ann coulter, even though she wrote a book called "In Trump We Trust", she has become a leftist lackey and I can't stand her. I don't know what the left has on her, but she's become an abomination and Mark Levin is right to call her out! Why is she out there demanding Trump must go? She doesn't believe that he is delivering on his immigration policy promises. I slightly agree with her. I don't think that DACA folks should be allowed to stay here even though they've been here for years ILLEGALLY! It's that "ILLEGALLY" part that I have a problem with. There is NOT supposed to be a benefit for someone who has broken our LAWS. If you came over ILLEGALLY, why should you be allowed to benefit from your breaking our border laws? The fact that you've been here ILLEGALLY FOR YEARS that doesn't mean that we should continue to allow your lawlessness! It's wrong to say that the law applies to US, legal U.S. citizens, but NOT to those who break the law by coming here without going through the proper process! There is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE two or three applications of the laws depending on if you're Conservative, a legal U.S. Citizen, or a dumboRAT lawmaker! It's supposed to be "Equal justice under the law" with the laws applied to all of us the same way and at the same time. If there are illegals here who have been here for fifty years or fifty days the law should be applied equally to all of them: send them back to where they came from! Don't allow the law to be squashed for some and applied to others! That's not equal justice! This is America: we should be doing things the American way and applying the law equally, not giving those the left needs to get votes from (and the left themselves) a break because those on the right are too cowardly to stand up for the law! November 13, 2019   Islamic Violence:   An Alabama NON-CITIZEN who left America to become an ISIS bride and called for the murder of Americans is wanting to come back to America and have her "own car". Well, boohoo. She called for Muslims to "'go on drive-bys, and spill all of their blood'" earlier and maybe that's why she now wants her "own car"? She wants to be in America to do what? Kill Americans who are not Islamic so that she can get her place in Muslim heaven because she killed infidels? Is that what she wants? I say leave her where she is and let her deal with it. She made her bed. Let her lie in it. She believes "'Our honor is in jihad, either victory or shahadah [Islamic martyrdom]. These men cry for their lives while we cry for our death (shahadah)!'"Yeah. She needs to stay where she is and deal with that instead of coming back to America (where her diplomat Dad was temporarilly stationed when she was born, thus making her NOT an American citizen) to kill as many as possible. Let her stay where she is. She deserves it. November 13, 2019   Last Link:   Dr. Walter E. Williams says that "Young People Ignorant of History" and that's why they look favorably at socialism. They are so ill-informed because in public schools, socialism and communism are taught to be the best forms of government. They're not told of the atrocities committed under those regimes, just that it's about "inclusivity" and "kindness". That's how STUPID the public schools have made kids. They've dumbed them down and taught them LIES. November 13, 2019   That's it for today's updates, folks. Hope you have a great rest of your day and I plan/hope to see you again tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 12, 2019: 3:08 p.m.   Hey! I'm back! We have granite! Our farm's kitchen is now fully functional with granite countertops, the sink connected, garbage disposal connected and working, and our dishwasher installed and working. We have our drawer microwave, our refrigerator and our range already installed and working so that's not a big deal, but we are very grateful to have our farm's kitchen another step closer to being completed! We still have to do the backsplash, door and window trims, and the crown and light rail. We chose to redecorate the family room and we have a bit more to do on that, but the fireplace is almost complete, the cladding of the walls is almost done and the next steps are giong to happen in two weeks; and I'll be so glad when it's all done! We really do want to go up there and just relax for a weekend. It's going to happen, probably after Christmas, but it will happen! Let's get started on the few blurbs I will be doing today. Tomorrow, I will try for a full update: TRY. November 12, 2019   Well, that was an experience. I was trying to do more updates but my computer froze up and I had to hard crash it. After every hard crash, I check for viruses so I shall say goodbye for today so that I can do that without staying up too much past midnight (it takes that long). Sorry about no updates today. I did put one on the page, but it didn't get saved because the computer chose the "save" moment to freeze. As I said, tomorrow I'll do it right. Bye for now. November 4, 2019: 12:48 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have things to do to get ready to go to Georgia tomorrow. Our granite countertops for our new kitchen are to be installed on Wednesday and I have to be there for that, so I head up there tomorrow. I am very excited about getting that done! Then we can do the backsplash, the crown and light rail and the baseboards, window trim and door trim and then we can finish cladding the family room, mud, sand and paint that, finish the last few tiles on the fireplace, grout it, then the last step is the mantle we are building and doing a special technique on. It's going to be beautiful and I'll post pictures and links to them for you after it's all completed. It's been a lot of work and we'll tackle more of it this weekend, but it's so worth it! Now that you know what to expect (no posts for the rest of the week), let's get started! November 4, 2019   Kanye West:   I don't know him, nor much about him (I know who his wife is, and he has children, but otherwise...), but I know that he is professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Because of that, I hope and pray that his message is real and that he doesn't live it for a moment and then fall away because if he does, he will be taking at least a few of those he is bringing to Christ with him. Pray for Kanye West and that his commitment is real, that the message is truly biblical and that he will not lead people away from Christ in a "movement" that is not of Him. November 4, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Why is the Los Alamos National Laboratory still being funded by American taxpayers? Why are they still open at all? They have a history of lax security and scandals, so why not shut them down? The audit found As usual, it is Judicial Watch who finds the truth for us and tells us what the government is doing without wanting us to know about it. November 4, 2019   2020 Election:   It looks like there is research that shows Pres. Donald J. Trump will WIN in 2020! Of course, the left doesn't want that to be public knowledge, but they don't yet control absolutely everything, so it's good to get that out there. Pres. Trump, according to the research, wins in three different models. This isn't a "poll"; it is research and it takes several things into consideration and uses that to weigh the possibilities. The research says Pres. Donald J. Trump wins in 2020! Sounds good to me! November 4, 2019   Fauxpeachment:   The TRUTH will tell you that this is not a real impeachment proceeding, it is instead, a FAUXpeachment and the TRUTH about it is available at Judicial Watch. Read the link and learn what the TRUTH is. "FIND THE TRUTH!" because the "truth shall set you free"! It's important that you know that pelosipig and Schifforbrains are both LYING TO YOU! Don't listen to them. Read the Judicial Watch TRUTH! November 4, 2019   November 4, 2019   General Michael Flynn:   His attorney is going to ask Judge Sullivan to throw out the ENTIRE CASE against Gen. Flynn due to "egregious government misconduct". I hope Judge Sullivan agrees AND that he tosses the book at the government attorneys who knowingly LIED in his court! I hope he oversees their disbarment! November 4, 2019   Last Link:   Changed:   If you are homosexual and don't have peace in your soul about it, or have been struggling with same-sex attractions, you have an option. You can find help in getting out of the lifestyle and into peace. You can start by reading about those who have already "Changed". Take heart from the story and maybe contact the organizations who can help you find peace. Remember this: GOD LOVES YOU but He is always sad when we sin and when we don't go to Him for forgiveness. ALL of us sin in one way or another. There is no sin that can keep you from His love, but there is sin that can make us feel like we are unlovable. Don't believe that He doesn't love you. That's a LIE straight out of hades. GOD LOVES YOU and He wants you to know Him and to be with Him eternally. GOD LOVES YOU and if you want to come out of the homosexual lifestyle, then you can. It's your choice. Make it for peace. November 4, 2019   I'll close with that for today. I will not be here until next week because I leave for Georgia tomorrow, so I'll say today to have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! November 1, 2019: 1:11 p.m.   Judicial Watch says that this fauxpeachment is not an "impeachment resolution -- it's a coup resolution". Judicial Watch is full of attorneys who have character and integrity and those are their words! It's not an impeachment! It's a coup, thus a FAUXpeachment, as I've been calling it! November 1, 2019   lindsey grahamNASTY:   So he's going to step down from his chairmanship of the Judicial Committee. Well, don't let the front door hit you on the backside as you leave. He has gotten many of Pres. Donald J. Trump's (still love saying that!) judicial nominees confirmed, but other than that, he has just said he was going to do things, but delivered NONE of the things he has promised! He has been all talk with no action on the things that make a difference (besides judicial confirmations). He has been a big disappointment to those who believed his words. I always doubted it, took it with a grain of salt because of his history of being john mcCAIN'T 11, and it has been my experience that says that very few people can change their stripes -- especially those who don't have an ounce of integrity in their bodies to start with, which apparently includes grahamNASTY. Good riddance. The Republicans can get the judicial nominees confirmed without him. November 1, 2019   Faux-ca-haunt-us:   So she wants to have "Medicare for all" as her healthcare plan? She says it won't cost us much, but the truth is that it will cost approximately $52 TRILLION! That's right. It's "only" going to cost YOU $52 TRILLION! That's "more than the 'entire current federal budget'"! Do you know how she plans to pay for it? She's going to pay for part of it by taxing your employer for employing you. Do you know what happens when there's an employment tax? People get laid off, that's what. Fewer people are employed and that means that there will be more people on welfare and in public housing and needing food stamps. So you won't pay a higher tax rate for "Medicare for All", but you WILL pay a higher tax rate to take care of everyone who has been laid off because of the way that she wants to "pay for" her gift to you. Which means that her gift to you will lead to YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT and those who are lucky enough to retain their jobs will be PAYING MORE because they have to put food in your mouth, a roof over your head, clothes on your back, etc. Is that what she calls a FREE plan for you? Either way, you're going to be hurting, so what's "free" about that? Even an Independent billionaire has taken her to task about her plan, but she won't listen to reason and experience. She wants to placate her base's jealousy and hatred of those who have succeeded by the sweat of their own brow, or of anyone who disagrees with them and what they want. She's unteachable; the worst kind of conceipt. Is that what you want for prezidunce? November 1, 2019   MAGA!:   So Pres. Donald J. Trump promised to "Make America Great Again!" and he has delivered on almost every promise he made to us (those he has nto delivered on the left has held up via the courts in front of judges themuslimvileone chose). Thanks to Pres. Donald J. Trump, we now have yet another good news jobs number in that we added 128,000 jobs in October, with the "experts" having forecast 55,000 to 75,000, the actual number was a great surprise! "Prior months were revised upward, indicating that the labor market has been much stronger than initial reports suggested. August’s initial 168,000 was revised up to 219,000. September’s soared from 136,000 to 180,000. Those revisions brought the three-month average up to 176,000."These numbers make the left cringe because strong employment numbers usually equal a strong re-election possibility for the person making this happen. Sounds like the left has an uphill battle to me. Pres. Donald J. Trump has done so well for our economy that, compared to themuslimvileone at the same time in his preziduncy, Pres. Trump has created 9 MILLION more jobs than themuslimvileone. Sounds like a great success story to me! MAGA FOREVER! Vote for Pres. Donald J. Trump's re-election if you want this greatness to continue. Otherwise, you'll see themuslimvileone's economy return and we all know how bad that was, don't we? (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or crappy leftist trying to destroy America!) November 1, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   Ruh-roh! The left has never had the nerve to do this, but now that someone has, I suggest he sleep with one eye open! Trevor Noah asked her how she killed pedostein and I wonder how long it will be before Noah is found without a head and it being ruled a "natural death"? He has asked for it because he had the audacity to ask the question and he had the brainlessness to do so on a television show and it embarrassed her, thus her cackle. It was a nervous laugh, and that means "Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!" Is Noah walking on borrowed time, or did asking the question on television put a little cocoon of protection around him? Watch for news of his floating body. November 1, 2019   SpyGate:   Judicial Watch has found evidence (not hints; PROOF) that the FBI was IN COLLUSION with the DOJ to spy on the newly elected, Donald J. Trump and that it was all done under themuslimvileone's administration and in favor of hillosercrooktOOn. Sounds to me like themuslimvileone should be in court trying to defend himself for TREASON. The last time this was done, those responsible were hanged for their sedition. Sounds too good for Schifforbrains, pelosipig, themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn, etc., but let's go for it! November 1, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I LOVE IT! The left is trying to use the "Ukrainian phone call" as a whipping stick to try to impeach him even though he has released the transcript of the call. So, he has said that he may read the entire transcript on television to the American public so that they can see/hear for themselves what all the fuss is allegedly about. I think that if he tries to do that the msm will balk and choose to NOT carry the "fireside chat" and that he will have a difficult time getting even FoxNews (Leftie populated) to carry it. I think that it may be that the only people who would carry it are those who have already published the transcripts: Breitbart, TownHall, OAN, etc. November 1, 2019   MAFA?: Pres. Donald J. Trump has said that he's quitting NYC because they treated him badly and he's going to be permanently moving to FLORIDA! In 2025 when he leaves the White House in January after Mike Pence is sworn in, Pres. Donald J. Trump will be moving down here to Mar-a-Lago and will make Florida his residence. He is tired of the taxes of NYC and NY state, and he is tired of the way the elites have been treating him since his win. So, he's moving to a state that has no state income tax so that he can save some of his hard earned money. Sounds like a smart move to me! Looking forward to another intelligent resident! November 1, 2019   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   Parents in a Washington state county have fought back against the pro-ETC. (LGBTQ, etc.) sex education curriculum the school district wanted to implement, without regard for the well-being of the children they were going to subject to that sinful teaching. The parents apparently won and the school board backed down and will maintian only a "growth and development" class which will cover what happens during puberty, but not teach them sexual activities of the ETC. community. That's not the school system's job, to teach them about the ETC. community because sexual activity is under the PARENT'S purview and it's their RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to teach their children the morality of sexual activity, spritual importance of sexual activity, when to -- or NOT TO -- participate in sexual activity, etc. It's not the school system's job to do that; they don't have to deal with the consequences so why would they care about what those consequences may be for any child? They just want to push an agenda without having any consequences except victory in pushing their twisted agenda. It's despicable. Add to this the fact that there are people pushing public schools to do away with honors programs because of the "white supermacy" of "high achievement". Really. It's ridiculous, but that's the left! Think about that while you realize that the "National Report Card" shows that the nation's schools are failing our kids and they have NOT BEEN TEACHING THEM to read, write, do math, etc., as they are supposed to be doing! It is absurd that there are so many children in public schools throughout our nation, while parents put a new car, a bigger house, a vacation in the where-evers, as being more important than their children! Homeschool your kids. It's what is best for them. If you don't, you have no one to blame but yourselves for what they learn from the left. BTW, get ready for a shock because you'll get it when you see the sex education they will be getting. November 1, 2019   I'll close with that for today. Next week will be a few blurbs on Monday and then nothing because I have to go to the farm Tuesday to be there for our granite installation on Wednesday. My hubby will come up on Friday and we'll get to work again. After they install the granite we'll be able to do our kitchen backsplash and the weekend will include finishing the fireplace renovation. We'll try to get the cladding up in the family room and then maybe next time we go up we'll be able to finish the family room and then it will be complete! I am so looking forward to that! We plan on having a "house warming" of the finished product so that the people we met (those we like) during the project can see how it looks. When that will be, I have no idea, but soon, I hope. Soon. Anyways, have a great weekend, and I'll see you for a few blurbs on Monday! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! DECEMBER 2019 December 26, 2019: 11:51 a.m.   I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and remembered that Christmas is about Jesus and His birth and that it isn't about the presents and the food and the things we get and do. It's about a Savior who agreed before the world was made to give His life for us. That's what Christmas is all about and I hope you remembered that GOD LOVES YOU and that it was because of His love for you that Jesus died for you. That's what I hope that your Christmas was about. If not, you missed the best part! December 26, 2019   FISA Abuse:   The FISA court is trying to do a CYA and protect itself from being shut down because instead of just going along with the Deep State and themuslimvileone/hillosercrooktOOn's plans to sabotage anyone who is not "one of them" (Lefties), they are now investigating part of the Deep State! I think the FISA courts are AFRAID of what the TRUTH will reveal and that they have to do something to make it look like they give a flip about doing the right thing. They just want more lefties in power and that would give them the opportunity to do more WRONG and more spying on Americans that disagree with the Deep State and all of the evil they want to do. FISA courts should be shut down and their wrongs exposed and the judges face disciplinary actions because of their wrongs. They and the FBLIE are a huge part of the Deep State and they both need to be deconstructed; replacing only the FBLIE with an HONEST organization! Do not reinstitute the FISA courts. December 26, 2019   themuslimvileone:   It was he who used the Deep State to try to destroy a good, decent, honest man whose only "wrong" was that he told the truth about themuslimvileone's support of a terrorist within America! You don't get to tell the TRUTH about themuslimvileone without being targeted by the Deep State for destruction. That is what happened to Gen. Michael Flynn and it needs to be corrected and his money and reputation restored. themuslimvileone is a despicable, evil, low life who needs to spend the rest of his life in a dark dungeon solitary confinement prison; and that's too good for him! December 26, 2019   FBLIE:   Do you celebrate "Kwanzaa"? If so, you may want to know the TRUTH about the "holiday", because it's a tool of the FBLIE. The FBLIE actually used radical groups to help discredit black people and the left and helped encourage the most radical group they could find at the time to do this "holiday". That's the history of the "holiday": it's an effort to split the left and to create hatred. Isn't that something to "celebrate"? December 26, 2019   "[His administration] declared that the NRA’s 'Carry Guard' insurance program was illegal. The program provided insurance coverage for firearms owners in case they were ever charged or sued for firing their weapons.That is not just wrong, it's a problem with the First Amendment because the way you spend your money is a form of Free Speech, according to the SCOTUS. Then there's the fact that the cuomo administration actually allowed other insurance companies were doing the same thing but NY did nothing against them. It's going to be a sad day in NY State because with the evidence the NRA now has the State will LOSE this suit and people in NY State will be able to get insurance via the NRA for concealed carry purposes again. BooHoo, NY State. You lose. People in NY State need their Second Amendment rights as the Founding Fathers intended them so that they can protect their families and property and shoot the bad guys who are trying to do wrong. That's why most people have guns, to protect themselves and their property. The State of NY is wrong in what they are trying to do to the Second Amendment and I hope that cuomo pays a politica price and gets defeated next election. December 26, 2019   College "Education":   Yet again, a CaliMarxiFornia "college" celebrates Muslim terrorism. This is what parents pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send their "young skulls full of mush" to? No thanks! Why would anyone who is not Muslim want to go to a college that silences Conservatives, but celebrates and venerates Muslim terrorists? That's a ridiculous thing to be happening IN AMERICA! If this happened in Saudi Arabia, I could understand it. This is happening at UC Berkeley! Well, I suppose that is similar to Saudia Arabia, isn't it? They are as anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Conservative, anti-Freedom as the Muslims in Saudi Arabia. So I suppose no one should be surprised. December 26, 2019   I Stand With ISRAEL!:   I hope he does this. I hope that Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, actually does annex the settlements on the West Bank and Jordan Valley. I hope that he takes the necessary steps to put Israel back together and back to one piece: ALL ISRAEL should be Israel, not subdivided into Muslim "settlements" that are defacto Muslim encroachments into Israel that are being used as a base to commit more acts of terror against Israel. It's time that all of Israel be Israel again. Let's stop placating terrorists to prevent them from harming people. Kick them out of the entire country and then you won't have the problem from within! December 26, 2019   PC - Live by it, Die by it:   We have political correctness to thank for so much. We have it to thank for hollyweird's strangeness and influence over unthinking, illogical, minimal grey cell people whose intellect is just slightly above that of worms, and we have it to thank for those lefties who dare cross it being taken down. That's what J.K. Rowling is finding out; when you cross PC culture, you will pay a price. That's their modus operandi, unless you're a favorite of theirs. After all, hillosercrooktOOn has said anti-transgender things but she's "special", so she can apologize (with or without meaning it) and she can get away with it. Then again, if you're going to criticize hilloser, you may wind up dead so that probably prevents a lot of backlash against her. December 26, 2019   NSFWorCHILDREN:   Really? Really? Why would anyone allow their child to read this trash? "Teen Vogue" is TRASH. The crud they publish and the idiocy they push on teens is not just MORALLY WRONG, it's borderline illegal, IMHO. When you publish a "guide" to backdoor sex (so to speak) in a magazine that is meant for UNDER AGE children, that's akin to pushing them to being involved in sexual activity which can lead to them getting diseases, having emotional problems, having mental problems, being groomed for pedophiles! The magazine that pushes children toward sexual activity before marriage and adulthood is priming them for adults! Imagine the "freedom" adults will now have to discuss and encourage that activity with adults for the children who actually read that garbage! It's awful and parents should NEVER purchase that smut! December 26, 2019   jeff sessions:   He and his Republican counterpart are leading in the polls against their dumboRAT opponent. That is good, but I don't trust jeff sessions after his short stint as the U.S. Attorney General and I hope his opponent -- IF he supports and will stand with Pres. Donald J. Trump -- beats sessions on election day. I don't want to see another namby-pamby RINO in the House or Senate because it's not spineless mouses like lindsey grahamNASTY who will help "Make America Great Again!" it is those people who will "work with" (read kiss the butts of) lefties and do their bidding and help them cover up their own wrongs while LYING about Conservatives and those who support Pres. Trump as they try again and again and again to FAUXpeach him! Just say "No!" to jeff sessions, Alabama! Just say "No!" (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or coward.) December 26, 2019   thevilegeorgesoros:   Yet again he and/or one of his organizations LIE about Pres. Donald J. Trump and when the TRUTH comes out, they have nowhere to hide. He tries his best to rule the world and those on the left kiss his backside so that they can be in his "inner circle" when he gets to be the dictator of the world and they get to eat at his table. It's rather disgusting to know that he is able to get away with all of the evil he does and that the powers that be are still kissing his shoes. I really wish he would spend the rest of his life in prison, but he'd likely get the kind of sentence pedostein did when he was sentenced to prison down here in Florida: going home daily and spending weekends there, but sleeping in the prison every now and then. That's the power of money and corruption. December 26, 2019   Last Link:   Well, that's good news! It's about time! College students, according to this poll, say that it's NOT "offensive" to say "Merry Christmas!" After all the let has done for the last several years trying to make people afraid to say "Merry Christmas!" college kids are still going to say it because it's not offensive. I love it! Take that, Lefties! December 26, 2019   I want to remind you that I probably won't be posting tomorrow because we'll be going tomorrow to our farm. The current plan is to be there through Jan. 5th as we finish the family room and kitchen renovations and have a little celebration. We also want to fix Peggy, my riding mower, and do the 5.5 hour, two mowers job of mowing the fields! It's going to be nice to get this project completed and we're hoping to come home on the 5th with a finished, renovated family room and kitchen. Our son will be here to feed the cats and take care of things. I hope you have a wonderful, safe, healthy New Year and that you stay home and stay safe! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 24, 2019: 1:31 p.m.   Merry Christmas! December 23, 2019: 2:23 p.m.   Heads Up!:   I will post today and after Christmas on Thursday and Friday (that's the plan, at least) but after that I will not post until after the first week in January. We will be spending Christmas Eve with our family, then Christmas day will be a day off for me as well as for thee (I hope you have the day off, but some will not: cops, nurses, etc.), and then I will TRY to get some posts done the day after Christmas and Friday the 27th. We will be going to our Georgia farm on Friday the 27th, and will stay there until Jan. 5, 2020 (how weird it is to type that!). We have our final push to finish the renovations in the family room and kitchen and we hope to get my lawn mower (Peggy) fixed so that we can mow the 10+ acres of fields that we use as our yard. We still have to order a kitchen window, but that's going to be ordered with the new windows for the family room, so I don't know when that will happen. My hubby and I haven't settled that date. Anyways, that's the news for the near future posts. For now, let's get started! December 23, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   The government bureaucrats are very good at wasting YOUR money. It's ridiculous and it's wrong, but they don't care about right and wrong, they like to fund their buddies and to buy influence, power and perks for themselves via YOUR MONEY. For instance, the idiots who gave more to Haiti even though they already "lost" millions of our dollars, were probably buying the ability to stay in nice hotels over there and get waited on hand and foot when they go (at your expense, of course). We know, via annual lists of waste, that BILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS ARE WASTED ANNUALLY, but that doesn't prevent bureaucrats from finding new ways to do it again and again and again. How LOW could our taxes be if the bureaucracy was forced to stop wasting our money and to use it wisely, prudently and sparcely? I think we could do that with HONEST people in the House, Senate and in draining the rest of the swamp. Maybe the next election will help with that. Let us pray so! December 23, 2019   FAUXpeachment:   The dumboRATS are still pushing this farce/circus/LIE and they are still trying to get more "witnesses" against Pres. Trump -- although ALL of the "witnesses" who testified previously said that they could NOT name anything that Pres. Trump has done that was illegal -- and that they may have additional charges to add to the FAUXpeachment "charges" (made up LIES) they have already put on paper and are witholding from the Senate. Ridiculous as this may seem, the dumboRATS are not above doing any underhanded, sneaky, LYING tactic they can to protect their own illegal activities from being uncovered. That's what this whole FAUXpeachment is about: they're trying to protect their own backsides! December 23, 2019   bullybob and hilloser crooktOOn:   They are involved in so many illegal things that it's hard to figure out which is the worst. They have their "dead people" list of people who worked for or with them, were "friends" with them, were "enemies" of them, or whatever like no othe person who is NOT in a mafia or violent gang. They are now known to have accepting illegal donations for their "foundation" (read: get rich at all costs fund), and the fact is that schifforbrains is involved in that, too and that's part of the reason he was trying to push through the FAUXpeachment idiocy: trying to prevent his participation in accepting ILLEGAL donations from being exposed. If he can FAUXpeach Pres. Trump then all of Pres. Trump's people will be forced out of office and any and all investigations into the wrongdoings of the schifforbrains, et al, group will be set aside. At least, that's what he and his fellow dumboRATS hope. They all have a hand in getting rich under the table, so how many people would they have to FAUXpeach before everyone gave up trying to "FIND THE TRUTH" about the dumboRATS' wrongs? How high can you count? December 23, 2019   pelosickpig:   Even Democrat, Alan Dershowitz says she's acting "unconstituionally"! She has had the vote on FAUXpeachment, but now she's refusing to send the "indictment" to the U.S. Senate so that they can do their part in this thing. They are supposed to be the court after the House was the Grand Jury and handed down the FAUXpeachment indictment. That, according to Dershowitz, is unconstitutional and it's putting her power and authority as House Speaker above the orders of the U.S. Constitution and its instructions on how to do an actual impeachment. She's ignoring it. She has more power than the U.S. Constitution, in her own actions and opinion. She's ridiculously power mad. I wish she would go away. December 23, 2019   themuslimvileone:   He was involved in the whole Steele dossier LIE and I said he was involved from the get-go. He is as rotten and crooked as the crooktOOns but there are few who would admit it. He needs to spend the rest of his days in prison. December 23, 2019   Is this True?:   Tucker Carlson has reported that the Heritage Foundation has been accepting donations from leftist organizations that like to punish Conservative groups and who like to work with big tech and "social media" to shut down Conservatives. If the Heritage Foundation has, and they deny it, then they really should face the wrath of those of us who have supported and believed in them. I saw their formation and supported them from the get-go. If they have started kissing the backsides of the left, then they will no longer get my support or protection. I will stop giving to anything they touch and if they are going south, then what else will go south that Pat Robertson founded? I hope that it doesn't include the ACLJ and Jay Sekulow! I love them! December 23, 2019   Christianity ToGone:   I have watched as the magazine, "Christianity Today" changed from an evangelical, Conservative, Christ-centered magazine to a leftist leaning rag that has little to nothing to do with Christ or anything He would have supported. Hearing that they're dinging Pres. Trump is disappointing, but not surprising. They are no longer a Christian magazine, they're a poor excuse for a waste of trees. December 23, 2019   schifforbrains:   Judicial Watch is suing schifforbrains over his phone records request for Rep. Devin Nunes, and others, and Judicial Watch is having to do the heavy lifting for the FBLIE and trying to get to the TRUTH about how schifforbrains got ahold of the phone records that he should not have access to. It's all about the left getting to do what they want because they have the power to do whatever they want; at least, in their own minds. They get away with it, after all, because the msm and the powers that be (FBLIE and other alphabet organizations) do NOT hold them to the same laws as they would hold Conservatives. Double standards are hypocritical. December 23, 2019   American Courts:   Do you realize that the Senate has been very, very busy for the last three years in approving judges that Pres. Trump has nominated. Now, one in four Circuit Court judges have been appointed by Pres. Donald J. Trump. I LOVE THAT! That means that the U.S. Constitution will be lived by in those courts. That's a GOOD THING! December 23, 2019   December 23, 2019   ilhan "INCEST" oTALIBANar:   She's such a liar. She touted "getting this done" but the thing she was touting "getting done" she actually VOTED AGAINST! She is a LIAR and she needs to be deported back to Somalia because everything she has said, done, or tried has been either a LIE or ILLEGAL since she found a way to LIE her way into America. She needs to be either sent back to Somalia and face whatever awaits her there, or go to PRISON here. Or, maybe BOTH: send her to prison here until she deported to Somalia. Sounds like a good plan to me. December 23, 2019   I will stop with that for now. I may post a "Christmas present to my readers" later today, but that's not even started yet, so we'll see about that. Remember: family will be here tomorrow and Wednesday is Christmas, so I probably won't be posting tomorrow, and Christmas day is a definite "Nope". So just in case, from me to you, "Have a wonderful, Merry Christmas, and remember that it's not about the gifts, it's about the Greatest Gift: Jesus Christ." Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 20, 2019: 12:19 p.m.   FAUXpeachment:   So the dumboRATS voted to FAUXpeach Pres. Donald J. Trump over "trumped up" charges and false accusations based on hearsay and PROVEN LIES, and it went to the full House and the dumboRATS stuck together (for the most part) and -- although so "sad" about it -- they did it anyways. Now, it has been said that pelosickpig won't send the FAUXpeachment to the Senate and that means, according to one dumboRAT "expert", Pres. Trump is NOT FAUXpeached until pelosickpig actually sends the articles of FAUXpeachment to the Senate. Hmm. What do you think that does to the left? Can you say "Even crazier?" Let's see if she ever does send them over. I don't if she will, but I can't swear she won't. Wait and see. December 20, 2019   pelosickpig:   While we wait and see, we'll also be waiting to see if she can remember what day it is, or how to do what she was going to do with those papers. She was having trouble speaking again but that's not new. She's been having trouble for a few years now. December 20, 2019   I'll close with that for today. My hubby's on the phone and he's going to swing by and take me to lunch! Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 18, 2019: 9:37 a.m.   FAUXpeachment:   The vote in the House is going to fall along party lines, with maybe a few dumboRATS voting "No", but if that be the case, there will be very few dumboRATS who break with their leadership because I find that a lot of the time, the pressure from the leadership -- via bribery or threats -- to toe the line is too much for the TRUTH to prevail and the rank and file wind up just bending over and kissing leadership's backside. This is the case in today's vote: the rank and file -- whether or not they believe that Pres. Donald J. Trump did anything wrong -- will vote as told: to FAUXpeach. There are some who will probably immediately regret it, packing their bags to go home as they vote because their constituents will not be happy with them voting to FAUXpeach a president who is doing things to help them. One thing the Senate can do after the vote, according to attorney, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, is to get ahead of it: "[T]he impeachment by the House can still be stopped by announcing now that Adam Schiff would be required to testify in a Senate mini-trial concerning his role in concocting this scandal."My question is, what would compel schifforbrains to tell truth? He can't do so; it would hurt his mouth and kill his congressional career, and probably put him in prison. He has done things that are totally illegal and he has financially benefited from doing those illegal things, hasn't he? I think that schifforbrains is a deplorable idiot and if the Senate would do this, maybe it would bring some TRUTH to this farce/sham/circus/idiocy/LIE. I wish that the SCOTUS would step in and do something to make the dumboRATS stop this, to make them tell the TRUTH (yeah, like a dumboRAT can actually speak the TRUTH) and that this LIE would go away into the dustbin of history. According to rgb, that's not going to happen, because "'The president is not a lawyer. He's not law trained.'" Um. Excuse me? That means nothing! If the SCOTUS wanted to open an investigation into this farce they could. If the SCOTUS knows of wrongdoing they have the right to step in. The fact that they are hesitant to do so speaks more of the leftists on the SCOTUS than on the FACTS of the case -- or of ANY case in front of them! I hate that the dumboRATS are doing this. I hate that they have vowed to continue doing this even if the Senate strikes it down. They will continue the FAUXpeachment crud as a way to cover their own wrongdoings until Pres. Donald J. Trump is out of office in 2024. That's what they have promised. They should be doing the work of the American people, but they can't stop trying to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. I think they are despicable idiots and reprehensible creatures for carrying on this LIE. December 18, 2019   Deep State:   The FISA court has sent a letter rebuking the FBLIE for the LIES told in the spying application the FBLIE filed with them to get permission to SPY on Carter Page, which allowed them to SPY ON PRES. DONALD J. TRUMP. It's something that was covered in the Horowitz report and now the FBLIE has an assignment from the courts. The problem is, the FBLIE can SAY they are doing something and making changes but actually do NOTHING to change (as their response leads me to believe will happen) , to prevent them from doing the same thing to anyone else they so desire. It's going to be up to the rank and file who are NOT corrupted yet to take the necessary steps to change from within. It's not going to be easy: few things worth doing are. However, it's time and it's necessary. If the uncorrupted, honest rank and file will do the work, they can make a difference. It's time. December 18, 2019   The Idiot:   I can't believe that they are so tone deaf, so unaware of their own perversions, so full of projection that The Idiot says it's the Republicans who can't accept the results of any election they don't win. Uh. Has she taken a look in the mirror lately? Has she looked at her party, doing all they can -- legally and illegally -- to overturn the results of the 2016 presidential election? Duh. SMH. It's ridiculous but it's the theme of the dumboRAT Party: whatever they ARE doing, blame the other side for doing it and claim to NOT be doing it. They're delusional and deceptive and deplorable. December 18, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He wrote a letter to pelosickpig, calling her out on the LIES and telling her that she is a disgrace (my word). She is not happy with it, but when the teacher chastises you in front of the whole class, it's never comfortable. I think that she deserved that and so much more. She should be impeached, not Pres. Donald J. Trump. I am so glad he sent that letter. He should have also printed it in the NYT and the big papers around the world! Let's see how she would have liked that! BTW, Pres. Donald J. Trump asks for your prayers today. December 18, 2019   Sentor RINO:   She says she's a Republican, but she as often votes with the dumboRATS as anyone. I don't trust her and I know she has supported things that I totally disagree with, but she thinks that's the way to do it: go along to get along. I think that the only thing Maine needs right now is a REAL Republican to replace susan collins. Maybe that will happen this year, after she shows the public her true stripes in how she votes on FAUXpeachment. We'll see. Either way, I hope that Maine votes for a TRUE CONSERVATIVE and gets rid of "middler" collins. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or crappy RINO.) December 18, 2019   schifforbrains:   I am glad that Rep. Kevin McCarthy decided to introduce a resolution putting on record schifforbrains' illegal acts so that they will be forever on record. I am glad McCarthy decided to do so and that he had the courage to do so. I doubt that the House will pass the resolution because the House is controlled by dumboRATS. It's still going to be on record, unless they take the steps to delete the introduction of the resolution, which would not surprise me. However, it has been introduced and I suppose we have to say that will be "enough" for now because the left controls the House so they will protect each other and themselves. It must be nice to be able to break the rules and the law and cover it up because you and your buddies are in power. Too bad the rest of us can't do so. December 18, 2019   CALL YOUR SENATORS:   There is yet another stupid cave that the Republicans did (or were maybe fooled into doing: if so, shame on them!), that you need to talk to Sen. Rick Scott and Sen. Marco Rubio and tell them to VOTE NO on passing this atrocity that PROTECTS an AMNESTY PIPELINE FOR THE MS-13 GANG! AMNESTY?! Yep. That's what the dumboRATS wanted and the House passed it because there is NO SINGLE ISSUE LAW that makes bills cover only ONE ISSUE at a time and makes it possible to pass a military funding bill that will also fund abortion funding for Planned AbortionHood and other fiascos like that. We need a SINGLE ISSUE LAW, that states that anything that is introduced besides the actual funding bill MUST be only ONE ISSUE and that the record for the vote MUST be a written vote WITHOUT the ability to "revise and extend" remarks for that bill! That's one of the things they use to cover their backsides because the "revise' allows them to erase their own words! We must -- MUST -- get to a SINGLE ISSUE BILL law so that we don't have to vote to fund the military but also vote to give kindergarten kids the right to sex-change operations (for instance)! Agree? December 18, 2019   Immigration GiveAway:   Why is Sen. Mike Lee still in office? Why does his constituency keep voting him in? I want him OUT! He doesn't like Americans getting jobs because he wants to IMPORT people from INDIA to take American jobs! That's not right! He needs to stop that! Americans need the jobs that the people he wants to bring over are going to get. He needs to stop giving away American jobs to foreigners! It's not good for America to keep our citizens UNemployed so that people from INDIA can have those jobs! Sen. Mike Lee needs to go away! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or crappy RINO.) December 18, 2019   Paul Manafort:   He got a nice victory today. A case against him was deemed "double jeopardy" and dismissed and that's excellent! He was part of the Deep State set-up pattern of abuse and if they hadn't been doing the illegal surveillance stuff they actually did, there would be no problem for Manafort. I'm glad that he is getting a break. December 18, 2019   I'm going to stop with that for today. I am so disgusted with the dumboRATS that politics is not my favorite subject right now. I hate what they are doing. I hate that they are convincing idiots that they are correct to do so. I hate that the TRUTH is being subjugated to covering the wrongs of the left. It makes me want to send them all to Mars! If possible, I would give them all a truth pill that would make them all speak the truth and then we'd find out what wrongs schifforbrains, pelosickpig, etc., actually did. That's not possible, so the left is safe in their LIES and their FAUXpeachment goes forward to protect themselves. It's an embarrassment to our nation that they are such LIARS! It's maddening! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 17, 2019: 2:15 p.m.   FAUXpeachment:   The dumboRATS have voted two articles of FAUXpeachment and it is ridiculous but they have done so. They are so anxious to try to cover up their own involvement in wrongdoing that they will do anything at this point to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump (I love saying that; especially now!). Judicial Watch agrees with me: this whole thing is a farce and when the dumboRATS tried to put together their "case" (LIE) they came up empty because ALL of their "witnesses" (LIARS) were made to admit that what they were talking about was either "second hand" or, even worse, third hand and that they didn't have direct knowledge about any of it. The "witnesses" (LIARS) have been made to admit that they cannot identify a crime in anything they just testified to! So why did the House go forward with the vote to impeach? There has to be a reason, does there not? It's to protect themselves. If they DON'T get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump he will keep his campaign promise to "Drain the Swamp!" and that would mean that the dumboRAT swamp creatures (every dumboRAT in D.C.) would have to be exposed as the criminally corrupt people they are thanks to the leadership who teaches all of them how to game the system and enter Congress as a middle-class (or less) financial status and retire rich! That's why they're doing this! We know that schifforbrains, pelosickpig and litromney have ties to Ukraine, so how is it that they are not FORCED to recuse themselves because they have a BIAS? Hmm? December 17, 2019   FAUXpeachment 2:   The Senate has to take the case if the House as a whole has a vote and votes to FAUXpeach Pres. Donald J. Trump, but mcCONnell has some choices that can make this whole thing go away. I don't know if he'll go through with it, but he can dismiss the case and he can get it over with by doing so. The problem is, believing mcCONnell is like trusting lindsey grahamNASTY: you may as well trust themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn. (Like that's ever going to happen!) It's something to consider and if you want to make sure that your President is not impeached, contact mitch mcCONnell's office and tell him to put a stop to this nonsense and to NOT go ahead with this farce and to stop this as soon as possible. I think that's a fair thing to do, agree? December 17, 2019   FAUXpeachment 3:   Now the dumboRATS, in their desperation to get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump, have decided to try to "criminally indict" Pres. Donald J. Trump on some more false, ridiculous charges. They say he committed "wire fraud" because he carried out his duties as President in talking to Pres. Zelensky and that he actually spoke about the corruption of Ukraine. He wasn't talking about the bumblefinger's family when he was talking about corruption. He was talking about the corruption of the previous president of Ukraine! It was Zelensky who brought up Fusion GPS and the bumblefinger's family! Read the transcript! It's surprising that Zelensky didn't also mention hillosercrooktOOn, pelosickpig, litromney and schifforbrains, too! This whole FAUXpeachment is a LIE, a circus, a farce and it's all about trying to protect their own wrongdoing from being discovered. It's about a CYA for the left. That's what this is. December 17, 2019   Election Integrity:   The left hates to see states clear their voter rolls of dead people who have been voting since they died; of felons who have been voting without the right to do so; of those who vote in multiple districts (and multiple times); of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, etc.; of those who have given false addresses so that they can vote in that precinct as well as other precincts (sometimes resulting in 200+ people "living in the same house" (really). They hate it when they have more voters registered than a precinct has residents of voter age and that wrong is prevented from happening in every election! The left HATES it when this kind of deception is prevented and the State of Georgia is purging 300,000 names from their voter registration rolls for this kind of thing, and the left is livid! How dare the State prevent DEAD PEOPLE from voting?! How DARE the State prevent fraudulent votes! How dare the State prevent cartoon characters from voting! "Every vote counts!" and that's why Mickey Mouse, Cinderella and Donald Duck should be allowed to vote, and so should your dead grandma should be allowed to vote! IF you don't allow her to vote, we'll RIOT! Stacey Abrams is not a happy camper because Georgia is clearing over 300,000 names like that! That's how the dumboRATS have been winning for the last twenty years: illegal votes in our elections. They cannot win legally, so they cheat. Leftists are as leftists do. December 17, 2019   U.S. Census:   The Census Bureau is still hiring felons and child sex offenders to enter YOUR HOME and interview you for the census. Is that not precious? They want to put a FELON and SEX OFFENDER into YOUR HOME so that he can see what you have, what your family looks like, what ages your children are, and what they look like so that they can target the one they want. Isn't that sweet of the Census Bureau? Isn't that what we pay them to do? This has been going on for a long time: "A decade after a federal probe exposed the U.S. Census Bureau for hiring serious criminals to enter the homes of unsuspecting Americans to gather statistics for the decennial count, the shocking practice continues."Ten years later, they're still doing it, even after it was disclosed that the Census Bureau was putting YOU AT RISK! I think that the American people should STOP COOPERATING WITH THE CENSUS until the Census Bureau puts YOUR SAFETY FIRST! Don't answer questions, don't cooperate, don't fill out forms, don't let them onto your property even! Tell the Census Bureau to take a hike until they stop this nonsense! DRAIN THE SWAMP! December 17, 2019   I'm going to close with that for today. I have an errand to run and I need to get it done. See you tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 12, 2019: 2:57 p.m.   How about that?! I took a family member to do jury duty this morning, knowing it could take all day as well as part or all of Friday and Monday through Wednesday of next week. I shopped Viera shops until almost 11:00 a.m. when I received the call that jury duty was over and a pick up was requested. I was surprised, but very pleased because I dropped the person off at 7:30 a.m. and three hours later we're headed back to PSJ. That's a good thing! So let's do a few blurbs today and I will see you again on Tuesday. My hubby is talking about taking Monday off because he has the time accrued and we can try to finish the family room in Georgia, which would be wonderful! Then we'd just have to do the small things in the kitchen (backsplash, light rail, crown and window and door trim: if you can call those "small things") and we'll be ready to post pictures. I don't have any real "before" pictures so I may have to look at a video I made of what the whole inside looked like as we first got it in order to see if I can get a "before" pic there. If not, I'll do my best with what I have. Let's get started for today. December 12, 2019   FAUXpeachment:   The dumboRATS have been playing this game for so long that even eric holder is says that William Barr is "unfit to be U.S. Attorney General! This from the guy who was the first U.S.A.G. to be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to give documents to Congress by a vote of 255 to 67! Hypocrisy, anyone? It's the norm for dumboRATS. This whole circus/farce is NOT about allegedly doing something wrong. It's about getting rid of someone the dumboRATS CANNOT DEFEAT in an election in 2020! That's what they keep admitting! They alleged before the "impeachment inquiry" that it was about "bribery" but pelosickpig can't defend that. The dumboRATS are so desperate to do this that they even reached so far afoot as to drag MLK, Jr. into this farce! Desperate doesn't even begin to describe that! "Ridiculous! Absurd! Out there!" is a better way to describe it! There is nothing to impeach him with but the dumboRATS don't care and they didn't give the Republicans their "minority day" in the hearings. It's a sham and the leftists know it! The problem is, that we have RINOs like LIAR lindsey grahamNASTY who will do anything to PROTECT HIS SECRETS AND INVOLVEMENT in the wrongdoings of the left that he has vowed to protect them! What is wrong with the people of South Carolina keep electing this traitor?! Let us pray and pressure our Senators and Congresspeople to SUPPORT PRES. TRUMP and to support AMERICA via voting AGAINST IMPEACHMENT in every case, situation and circumstance and against EVERY CHARGE the dumboRATS and others may bring! December 12, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Do you enjoy paying for college courses like "Queer Arabs in the U.S.", "Power, Racism and Africana Liberation", "Hip Hop Workshop" and "Grassroots Organizing for Change in Communities of Color"? If not, I think I'd contact my representatives and tell them that you don't want to have your taxpayer dollars going to fund that kind of crap. I think it's a crock that should stop. I don't want my money going to that. Do you? Tell Congress to STOP WASTING OUR MONEY! December 12, 2019   dws's buddies:   Remember that she hired the "Awan" brothers (use of quotes because I don't believe that's their real names), to be the IT guys for the dnc? Remember that they tried to flee the country as the feds closed in on them and they had already sent a lot of money home to Pakistan? Remember they are probably the ones who put the "false flags" on the dnc's servers that made it look like the Russians had hacked the dnc's servers (according to the company they hired, Fusion GPS, which is involved in the FAUXpeachment trials and was mentioned several times in hearings as well as in the phone call between Pres. Trump and Zelensky). Anyways, there will be a federal court hearing about them because of Judicial Watch and I'm hoping that more TRUTH will come out about them and their involvement in setting things in motion against Pres. Donald J. Trump. I think they were heavily involved in this whole setup and I want to know what they did to make this happen! Trust me: I know their tactics and they are involved. December 12, 2019   james "CORRUPT" comey:   I think that he needs to be put in prison for the rest of his life, and after the TRUTH comes out he SHOULD be in PRISON! He should NOT be a free man. He belongs in prison! He is being protected by the left and the msm but the FACTS should speak for themselves: he is as CORRUPT as hillosercrooktOOn! December 12, 2019   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   It's sad that the left HATES Israel and its right to exist. It's sad, and -- to me, at least -- quite puzzling. What started this hatred? Why is it ongoing? Who made it a bad thing to like Israel and support her and why? Those are questions I really would like to know the answers to. The left lost their minds when Pres. Trump's executive order that will "effectively interpret Judaism as a race or nationality, not just a religion, to prompt a federal law penalizing colleges and universities deemed to be shirking their responsibility to foster an open climate for minority students."That will help stop the colleges that are receiving YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS from being heavily vested in the "Boycott, Disinvest and Sanction" movement and from targeting Jewish students with discrimination. I LOVE that he is doing that! I like that Pres. Trump is going back to the TRUTH: Judaism is both a RELIGION, race and a Nationality. Don't believe it? The SCOTUS ruled in 1987 that they are a "race". They are a "Nation"; thus, nationality and of course, Judaism is a religion. So it's all three and it is time that the left be held accountable for their BIGOTRY! December 12, 2019   Well, I gotta' go. Hubby is on the phone with me and he's on his way home. I won't "see" you again until I return from Georgia, which will be Monday night if things go as currently planned. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 11, 2019: 10:18 a.m.   Just a few quick blurbs today because I agreed a few days ago to go with my son to New Smyrna today, but forgot about it until he called late last night. So here we go. Deember 11, 2019   Liar lindsey:   He has done it again. He LIES like a dumboRAT because he has to protect himself and his cohorts in crimes. He really is despicable and a cad. He needs to be booted from office by the people in his district. I hope they've been paying attention this year and will do so the next chance they get! December 11, 2019   dumboRATS candidates: They have a problem with their own histories. For instance, faux-ca-haunt-us has a history of standing up for communists and bumblefingers thinks the KKK has "many fine people" in it. Isn't that wonderful? They attack Pres. Donald Trump by twisting his words about the Charlottesville rally and they totally ignore their own candidates' histories. It's a little hypocritical, don't ya' think? December 11, 2019   December 11, 2019   I'm going to close with that for now. I have to get ready to go to New Smyrna. Y'all have a great day! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 10, 2019: 2:45 p.m.   Missed yesterday due to having to run errands. Went to the Titusville tax collector's office and saw three young guys out front getting signatures on a ballot initiative that would protect Florida residents' gun rights via limiting them to the gun control laws that are currently on the books. That would mean that no more anti-gun laws could be passed. I told them they missed an opportunity in their wording. They should have included the wording that the U.S. Constitution IS our concealed (or open) carry permit and that we don't have to have anything else. I told them to look up Wallbuilders.com, David Barton's website that will teach them the TRUTH about American history. After I registered our vehicles (one of which we are giving to my hubby's brother on Saturday), I went to Beall's Outlet where an employee passed out right in front of me as I entered the store. He hadn't eaten much and is hypoglycemic so he hit the floor. I talked to him until the ambulance people arrived, reminding him that he needs to eat the same way GOD eats because he is made in the "image and likeness of GOD" and he cried when I reminded him of that, saying he had gone to a Christian school and believes in GOD. I hope he is okay because he refused medical aid from the EMTs. Anyways, I ran errands until about 5:30 and my hubby was home when I got here so I didn't do updates. Sorry about that. Let's get started with today's blurbs (just a few). December 10, 2019   FAUXpeachment:   There has been abuse of power and it has been all on the dumboRATS' side! It has been found that they created a "untouchables" list of people who are corrupt but can't be bothered being prosecuted. It's okay for them to break the law, but for Pres. Donald J. Trump to be accused of breaking the law is an impeachable offense? Yep. That's the way the dumboRATS do things. They announed their FAUXpeachment articles of impeachment this morning. It's absurd, but that's the dumboRATS all the time now: absurd. They have NO ONE in the party leadership who is NOT a liar, a hypocrite, a corrupt so-and-so and yet that's okay with all of the dumboRATS and their brainless sychopants as long as they get to stay in power and the useful idiots at the bottom get to keep their benefits! It's sickening to see such corruption and idiocy in a leadership position supported by others. Most people with a brain cell in their heads know that the charges are NOT impeachable, they're totally bogus, and they're LYING about everything! I can't imagine being as horrible as these idiots are. I can't imagine being as greedy for power, as totally corrupt, as egotistical and conceited as these idiots. They think they are above the law and able to do ANYTHING they wish and that they'll get away with it because they have done so for YEARS. I really wish we could send them all to Mars! December 10, 2019   FAUXpeachment 2:   Most people who don't support this farce think that the dumboRATS are doing it for the 2020 election, to prevent Pres. Trump from winning and defeating them again. I say that they're doing this FAUXpeachment because they believe Pres. Trump will keep his promise to "Drain The Swamp!" and they are the swamp, so that's why they have to get rid of Pres. Trump: they know he can find out how corrupt they've been and that there will be a price to pay when he does find out. That's why they have to get rid of Pres. Trump: they don't want to go to prison for their wrongdoing! They're doing everything wrong but they don't learn from history, so (to quote George Santayana), "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." The dumboRATS LOVE repeating mistakes and stupidity. It's their favorite thing to do. December 10, 2019   themuslimvileone:   I have said since this whole thing started that themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn were behind the targeting of Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that!) and now it looks like the evidence is proving me correct. Well, shock! Surprise! I know them as well as Rush does. That's what happens when you study at the feet of The Great One for years! December 10, 2019   mueller "investigation":   From the start, this whole thing was planned, executed and orchestrated by themuslimvileone and his sychophants to protect the truth of their corruption and wrongdoings. The IG report on the start of this farce has 17 big errors in it, but it also has proof that mueller TARGETED four Trump people, LIED to a FISA judge (who may have been complicit in the whole thing), planted evidence and inuendo about them, and then indicted them for "process crimes" that would not have happened if they had been doing things legally, ethically and morally! But, no. The fact is, themuslimvileone's henchmen broke the law, broke procedure and regulations in order to get to Pres. Trump and try to scare him into resigning via charging many people around him. When they said "We're coming for Pres. Trump next!" they expected him to cave instead of standing up to them! Romney would have; as would any of the other 2016 contenders. It's an ongoing thing with dumboRATS, abusing power to get people to be afraid of them and what they may do with the illegally gathered info on them. It's a form of intimidation that they use as often as they can because they can't win without cheating! December 10, 2019   USMCA:   I love that Pres. Trump got us out of NAFTA. It was a bad deal for us to be in NAFTA and I'm glad to be out of it. Now that the dumboRATS have touched USMCA, I know it is blemished because they can't touch anything without harming it and doing something to try to make it benefit themselves and their power/greed, so I wish that Pres. Trump had not allowed them to touch USMCA, but they have decided to finally deal with it a vote is scheduled to happen soon. Let's see how badly they mangled it to make it benefit themselves. Did they give their family members some sort of kickback, or did they make immigration beneficial to their party in another way? What did they do to the USMCA to try to benefit from it and mangle it beyond recognition? A good indicator is this statement from Pres. Trump's tweet: "'I’m hearing from unions and others that it’s looking good. And I hope they put it up to a vote.'"For whom do unions traditionally vote? December 10, 2019   msm is leftist:   Sen. Rand Paul asks a good question of them, but don't expect to get an answer. If you do get an answer from the msm, know that it will be a LIE. December 10, 2019   Let Us Pray So!:   There is increasing support in the black community for Pres. Donald J. Trump. His policies have created a 3.5% unemployment rate (U3 number), and of the adult black males the unemployment rate is only 5.5%! That's why Pres. Trump has strengthening support in the black community: they like having steady work and being able to support themselves and feed their families. That's what the American Dream is! We're seeing that Pres. Trump is gaining in poll numbers and that's a good thing if you believe in polls. (I don't, but it's sometimes something to talk about.) December 10, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   I have predicted since the election of Pres. Donald J. Trump (and her defeat -- HURRAY!) that she would run again. I have warned you and warned you that her ego and sense of entitlement ("It was MINE and it was stolen from me!") would make her run again and that the other candidates were just "place holders" for her until she announced at the last minute that she was going to join the race. Well, a new poll says she would be the candidate if -- WHEN -- she gets into the race. Yep. She's going to run (IMHO) and the rest of them will bow out and let her have the spot she was entitled to. It was hers to begin with, right? December 10, 2019   Another bush?:   First of all: NO THANK YOU! Second, He's another RINO bush. He attended an ANTI-TRUMP PROTEST and "'It’s time for new leaders to stand for conservatism that empowers all Americans, placing individuals above government and ensuring we all have the freedom to achieve success in life,' he said in his launch video."He doesn't need to be elected to anything except "GET LOST!" That's all he should be in public life: a has been already. He's a liberal leftist RINO who needs to go away. I hope Texas doesn't elect this liar. I say he's a liar because he is running as a Republican, but he supports the leftist dumboRAT agenda. He's a RINO. I hope he drops out. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keysteone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate or RINO LIAR.) December 10, 2019   December 10, 2019   Last Link:   Really? Merry Christmas and a "Holy Family" is depicted enclosed separately in chain link pens. It's a pro-ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION statement that gets to the heart of the matter: LEFTIST STUPIDITY! The illegal alien invasion of our nation is NOT COMPARABLE to Herod's census in which people had to return to their family's ancestral city to be counted in that census. The illegal aliens invading our country are NOT returning to anything! America is NOT their ancestral home and the "comparison" is totally off base! That means nothing to the left because they love to have illegal aliens come here and vote for them! That's the goal: stay in power and control however you have to! December 10, 2019   I think that's enough for today, considering my late start. I'll try to see you again tomorrow. I will be gone Friday for certain, possibly for Thursday of this week as well. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 6, 2019: 12:39 p.m.   Just a few short blurbs today because I have to get ready to go to the farm. We have to get a few more things done in the family room and kitchen before we can have that project finished and we're so looking forward to having it finished! It's been a long haul and it's been done mostly on weekends, which means no rest for the weary while we're up at the place where we're supposed to be relaxing! It's going to be worth it, but until that finish date, we will work toward that goal. Let's get started here for just a few blurbs. December 6, 2019   FAUXpeachment:   The dumboRATS are having difficulty keeping their members aligned with FAUXpeachment because there are so many dumboRATS who are in pro-Trump districts and they see how lame the whole thing is and that the charges are all LIES, so there are some dumboRATS who have said they will VOTE NO! That's got to put a twist in pelosickpig's knickers! She is doing this based upon the "testimony" of people like george nader, who was recently indicted on child sex charges and is now known to have illegally funnelled MILLIONS to the hillosercrooktOOn campaign! A hilloser supporter testified against Pres. Trump to robert mueller? Shock! Surprise! That's a basis for the whole thing: hillosercrooktOOn LOST and now they're worried about the swamp being drained and their secrets coming out and this is why they have to get rid of Pres. Trump: they believe he will keep his word to "Drain the Swamp!" and that would include them being exposed as crooked as Lombard Street! They can't have that now, can they? This is why, when pelosickpig had a townhall recently, she stressed she had to DENY PRES. TRUMP A SECOND TERM and I'm sure that's because a second term would result in the TRUTH about the Lombard Party of dumboRATS being exposed. The lies are so prevalent that even the phone numbers in the schifforbrains report ARE LIES! It's ridiculous. Agree? December 6, 2019   lindsey grahamNASTY:   He promised. He said he would. He spoke smoke and mirrors. He is a LIAR. His words mean nothing except that he knows how to create words. That's all it is when he speaks: words. It means nothing when he promises something, when he gets "angry" and says he will be doing "X" and he means it. He's a LIAR, and not just a LIAR, a RINO LIAR. He kissed dumboRAT butt and shot down efforts to get schifforbrains' phone records so that Republicans could find out what schifforbrains was doing and to whom he was speaking. Maybe they could figure out from whom he is taking his orders with his phone records, but no. grahamNASTY had to get in the way and prevent that. I hope he gets defeated or recalled soon. He needs to go! December 6, 2019   MAGA!:   Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! They're everywhere and people are being employed in record numbers! That's a great thing and we have Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies to thank for that! "The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years."That includes the unemployment numbers for "black men over 20". Excellent! December 6, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   You want yet another reason to be grateful for her 2016 LOSS? How about the fact that she was made "sick to her stomach" when Pres. Donald J. Trump pardoned three U.S. military members. These men deserved to be pardoned and supported because one of them was totally railroaded by LIES and LIARS, and the two others had done nothing more than those in power had done (and less than those on power -- hilloser amongst them -- had done) and they were paying too high a price for following the examples of the high-muckety-mucks! Pres. Trump was right in intervening in those cases. I am proud of him for having done so. She is the one who makes me sick to my stomach! December 6, 2019   Another Reason to HATE Unions:   They are trying to force teachers in a MA colllege to sit idly by and accept whatever the union members vote without having a voice in their own working conditions because they haven't joined the union. Some of the teachers have decided to sue and it's going to the SCOTUS. The MA laws have them stuck in a "Catch 22" situation. They must join the union they disagree with in order to have a voice, but if they join the union they'll be paying dues to an organization that supports political stances they disagree with. If they don't join the union, the state of Massachusetts has a law that says that if they don't "unions may block teachers from having a say in their own work conditions and workplace rights unless they waive their First Amendment rights"Darned if they do and darned if they don't. So they're taking it to the SCOTUS after the state courts decided to side with the unions. I hope those teachers win and the union is sent packing and that will be a GREAT thing! December 6, 2019   Vote Pro-Trump!:   This guy should be in the U.S. House. Let's see if we can donate and help him get there! The more Pro-Trump people we can get into Congress means the more ANTI-Trump people we GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Let's do this! December 6, 2019   The Idiot LIAR:   Her pants should be on fire because she lies about EVERYTHING! She needs to be fired from her current position and she needs to be investigated for her wrongdoings and lies. Agree? December 6, 2019   That's it for today. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 5, 2019: 1:25 p.m.   FAUXpeachment:   Do you know why this is happening? It's because the dumboRATS believe Pres. Trump's campaign promise that he will "Drain the Swamp". That's why they're trying to get rid of him: so that he won't succeed in draining the swamp and finding out the TRUTH of what they've been doing and from whom they have been accepting hidden bribes. We know that schifforbrains and pelosipig are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer and they've both been connected to hunter biden's Burisma honeyhole, too. It's about self-protection and that's why pelosipig decided to approve formal impeachment articles. They MUST take out the only person willing to stand strong and expose the swamp -- in all of its nefarious dealings, bribery and slime -- so that they (pelosipig, schifforbrains, waters, etc.) don't have to face their doom and disgrace. They like the fact that they went into office as middle class peons and are now in power and richer than they ever imagined. That's why they must get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. They're money train will be cut off if he succeeds in draining the swamp! It's self-protection for the dumboRATS and LIES to help protect themselves as they try to get rid of the best thing to happen to Washington D.C. in ages! The best we can do is pray for Pres. Trump to defeat these crooks and liars and to pray that the SCOTUS steps in and stops this if they can! IF this is not stopped, the dumboRATS will impeach him again and again and again after Pres. Trump is re-elected in 2020. This has to stop here and now. December 5, 2019   pelosickpig:   She's doing this as she has been directed by the others who are younger than she because they know that she is sick and addlebrained and doesn't have full use of her faculties, so they push her around and she does what they want her to do. She's no more the "Speaker of the House" but rather a puppet to the radical wing and those who have the most to hide (like she does). She claims to not hate anyone, waving her Catholocism around like a covering flag. But, as Rush points out, she doesn't wave that same covering flag around when standing up for abortion, she's caught LYING to America (lying is on GOD's "Top Ten" list as a "Do Not Do This!"; where is her Catholocism then?), when she gave Pakistanis access to America's secrets? Where were her so-vaunted religious beliefs then? Where was her "faith" when she accepted illegal campaign donations? Where was her Catholocism when she supported themuslimvileone's betrayal of Israel, GOD's "Chosen People"? She is such a hypocrite that I'm sure that she and the pope would get along grandly! December 5, 2019   Deep College State:   The left tells you that they are the loving, accepting, inclusive group but they LIE about that. They have hit squads established in black lives matter, antifa, college professors, etc., and the proof is in their actions. They don't target each other; they target only those who disagree with them. Take the Harvard "professor" who wants to set up an online fakebook "Supreme Court" to review the claims of those fakebook users who have been shut down so that they can determine if the user's claims of being unfairly targeted are valid and if that user should be reinstated. If they find something that they can deem "objectionable" -- no matter how miniscule and how far they have to stretch it to get to anything close to "objectionable" -- they can pat themselves on the back and choose to say that they were right in banning that user because that user's words/pictures/posts/likes were "objectionable" to them. Notice what effect this will have: anything, anything they decide is "objectionable" and not PC enough is going to be silenced, denied access to fakebook, deemed "bad". This is nothing but a pressure group that will try to enforce group think and anyone who does not buy into that group think will be silenced! George Orwell would be astonished to find out how prescient he actually was! December 5, 2019   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   The "Waste Report" details the different, oft-bizarre, ways the U.S. government finds to waste your taxpayer dollars. Why should we pay our taxes if they're just going to approve using them like in the ways reported here (or on the FAUXpeachment)? They wasted your money by paying for things like:
December 5, 2019   Illegal Alien Invasion:   There are known trails into America and Breitbart is esposing those smuggling trails. It's time that we close those trails down and make human smuggling a thing of the past. It's time to close our borders and make America a secure nation and to enforce our path to LEGAL immigration instead of allowing ILLEGAL immigration. We need to stop the ILLEGAL and encourage the LEGAL. That's what we do to our citizens: try to stop them from doing illegal activities (robbery, murder, rape, embezzling, etc.), so why not do the same for those breaking our immigration laws and entering our country ILlegally? If they don't let you steal from Wal-Mart, why allow illegal alien invaders to steal from your taxpayer dollars and get benefits that you do not: free healthcare, free schooling, free food, free housing? It's about what is right and what is wrong: coming here ILlegally is wrong. Do the right thing. Support coming here legally and making sure that those who want to come here do so the right way. December 5, 2019   Public School?:   There is a shocking development in Arizona. An AZ State Representative, John Fillmore, has introduced a bill that would require the students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily. I don't know what chance it has of passing, but just the fact that he had the courage to propose such a thing for today's anti-American public schools is a good sign. The question is, with only a 31-29 lead over dumboRATS, will that bill pass? For the children's sake, let's hope so! It would be step one to returning the public schools in AZ to order, learning and acknowledging GOD which will be good for them. December 5, 2019   "Journalists" Scared:   They are wondering if schifforbrains have their phone records because he released the fact that he got Rep. Devin Nunes's phone records and some of the msm's phone calls with him are listed -- without showing what anyone said on any of the phone calls because AT & T doesn't have that info (allegedly). How did he get a judge to sign off on getting Rep. Nunes's phone records, I have no idea, but he found some dumboRAT judge somewhere to do so. How far will they go to protect themselves? How low will they stoop to try to prevent the truth of their own wrongdoings from coming to light? How dirty are schifforbrains, pelosickpig, and the rest of the complicit dumboRATS? That's what is to yet be seen. I hope that Pres. Trump keeps digging and finding the TRUTH and that it is released before themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn have him "dealt with". I hope and pray that those tasked with protecting him are loyal to him and will do their jobs when the time comes, instead of feigning distraction, leaving for an undisclosed emergency, or whatever other lie is used to make Pres. Trump vulnerable. I also hope that those tasked with protecting Pres. Trump realize that once approached to step out of the way, that the conversation he/she may or may not agree to obey will put him/her in the crosshairs, too. No matter the answer, their life is over, period. The target may be Pres. Trump, but hillosercrooktOOn will take anyone who can testify against her out as well. I hope they remember that. December 5, 2019   MAGA!:   Wow! Look at that! Jobless claims sink to 203,000 while the service-sector expanded and gave more people jobs! How about that?! Pres. Trump is doing great things for America and it's nice to see so many people working. Good for us! December 5, 2019   Leftist Tolerance:   The only "Constitional Expert" who testified AGAINST FAUXpeachment Wednesday is now being targeted for FIRING by the students at the college where he teaches. Isn't that sweet and tolerant? December 5, 2019 I'm going to close with that for today. Tomorrow we go to our farm and I will try to get the Christmas decorating up there done and we'll try to do more of the cladding, painting and maybe get the backsplash done. Tomorrow I will be doing just a few blurbs so that I can get ready to go north. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 4, 2019: 2:25 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I want to finish decorating for Christmas. Our bin stack for getting Christmas stuff out was (at last count) 74, if I remember correctly. Yes, we did get rid of some stuff last year, but with Christmas stuff, I replace that with new stuff. I like to decorate almost every inch of the house. It's a bit of a job, but the way I have it packaged (if I'm in charge of getting it done) makes decorating a matter of a few days if I get help bringing things in. So, most of the decorating is done, but not all. Let's see if I can get it done today. Let's get started here so I can get finished there! December 4, 2019   FAUXpeachment: &nbps The "legal experts" who have been testifying against Pres. Trump at the "round mound", jerry nadler's, hearings are for the most part leftists who have hated Pres. Trump since he started getting the support of the American people as a candidate. The one bright light is Prof. Johnathan Turley, a democrat, who destroyed the dumboRATS' FAUXpeachment hearings and warned them that they are abusing their power! He said that there has to be "proof, not presumptions", (read: "proof, not your wishful thinking and spiteful, hateful accusations"). The others who "testified" (read: LIED) to the hearing today are, in no particular order, one who donated THOUSANDS of dollars to hilloser and was on hilloser's short list for the SCOTUS (no agenda there, right?) and who committed perjury during her testimony. One who wrote in opposition to bullybobcrooktOOn's impeachment, although there were actual crimes proven in that case, and someone else who hates Pres. Trump. The guy the dumboRATS got to act as their counsel on this, who is asking some of the questions of the "experts" who are allegedly "witnesses", is linked to thevilegeorgesoros. So he's not exactly unbiased, is he? All of this is a LIE, a farce, a circus for those who are too stupid to think for themselves. Those people who get their news from fakebook, yahoo, cnn, msnbc, the msm, are probably eating these LIES for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it's so wrong what they are doing, but to those who support impeachment, it won't matter that it's wrong. It doesn't matter that this whole thing is based upon lefties' LIES, stacked so high they can reach from here to the rings of Saturn! It doesn't matter: they want Pres. Trump out of office because hilloser. That's all that matters. It was her turn and they wanted to keep going down the progressive/leftist road and ruin America. Pres. Trump's success at keeping his promise to "Make Americ Great Again" makes the left snarl and bark like the dogs they are. That's why they hate him -- because they HATE AMERICA FIRST. December 4, 2019   hillosercrooktOOn:   I didn't know those rumors were still swirling around out there. I remember during bullybob's preziduncy that there people who said she was lesbian but I didn't think anyone on the left would bring those questions up. Howard Stern did. I am surprised. She lies every time her lips move so maybe someday we'll know the truth. December 4, 2019   Rewriting History: The NYT came up with a LIE to push in public schools about slavery and the impact it had on America's founding. They went so far that real historians are pushing back and speaking out against it. That's a good thing, but I bet it's only Conservative historians who are saying anything against it. When the left hears a LIE from one of their own ilk, they have a habit of supporting the LIE instead of speaking against it. It takes someone with integrity (like Prof. Johnathan Turley is currently exhibiting, but who will be attacked by the left when he is finished) to speak against the LIE. It is not a surprise that the NYT is LYING about America's past. What is a surprise is that they didn't go even farther left! December 4, 2019   December 4, 2019   Public Schools:   I want to know why schools stopped teaching cursive. I think it was because they said that it was "too difficult" for the students. I think that's a crock. Now, there's a bill in NJ that would make students learn cursive in school. I think that's a great idea and I'm shocked that it was a dumboRAT who submitted the bill! Good for her and good for the kids! December 4, 2019   Leftist Discrimination:   There has been research done that says that 1/5 of left-leaning bosses WILL NOT HIRE anyone who supports Pres. Donald J. Trump. I guess they instruct their HR departments to do social media searches to see what they are writing on their fakebook accounts, what they say on the Dead Blue Bird, and other sites and if the person applying supports Pres. Trump, they won't be hired. That's their choice, but they're definitely NOT getting the best choice of the applicants. Those of us who support Pres. Trump don't want a free ride and will show up on time, work hard to earn our dollar, and take our job as seriously as can be (circus clowns don't need to be serious: ask schifforbrains). The idiot bosses are cutting their own throats and are too stupid to realize it, or they're willing to take the risk to make that infinitesimally small point against Pres. Trump. Doesn't that make them feel like they're hitting Pres. Trump hard? SMH. December 4, 2019   CaliMarxiFornia:   This is RIDICULOUS! A homeschooler has to get STATE approval on which piano lesson can be taught to her daughter in her own home? That's what they're doing in CaliMarxiFornia! It's ridiculous but true. "An education specialist insisted it 'would not be acceptable' because the lyrics included words like 'savior' and 'heaven.'" How absurd is that? She was homeschooling but still had to submit her daughter's music to a public school's oversight?! That has got to change! It should be up to the parent what their child learns, not up to a bigoted, Christ-hating public school official! It's NOT the place of the public school official to kick Christianity out of anyone's life! Agree? December 4, 2019   I will close there. Christmas decorations await! Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 3, 2019: 12:39 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   She says -- liar that she is -- that she is "deluged" with requests to run for prezidunce again. Rrrriiiiigggghhhhhttt. If that were actually the case, I think that she would be in there already. I think it's just her ego "deluging" her. She believes she's entitled to it and that she was robbed during the 2016 election by the Electoral College and that if it weren't for the people in "fly over country" she'd be Dictator; I mean prezidunce. She has it in her head that she was destined to be Dictator of America, Almighty Overseer of All, Queen of Correctness, Lawgiver over Everything. That is what she believes about herself, but those of us with a brain in our heads dread ever happening. She would be more than a disaster. She would be an instant, overwhelming loss and failure of and for America. She should NEVER see the inside of the White House again! December 3, 2019   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Hehehehe. He is good at "speaking truth to power" (as the left likes to say). France's Macron decided to try to ding Pres. Trump for what he and NATO had done in leaving Syria so Pres. Trump asked him if he wanted "some nice ISIS fighters". When Macron tried a rambling non-answer, Pres. Trump dinged him again saying that it was a "great non-answer". I love that he just tells it like it is and makes people face their own words. That's a good thing. December 3, 2019   rupeadupe:   Remember earlier this year she announced a "Small Area Plan Committee" being set up (ostensibly) by disappointing commissioner, rita pritchett? Remember that I cautioned that it could be being used by rupe-a-dupe and those of her ilk to try again to incorporate Port St. John? Well, look at this month's pooper-paper and you will see that she is using the same words, language, sentences even, to go back to the scare tactics she used back in 2001-2002 to try to scare people into incorporating Port St. John and five areas around us who had no say in whether they were included in the incorporation effort she, mary tees, amy tidd, carmine ferraro, randy rodriguez, vaughn kimberling, and others spearheaded. In fact, she says on page six (6): "For everything above, it could all apply to Port St. John or Canaveral Groves. We have two cities north and south of us; the City of Titusville and the city of Cocoa. Forewarned is forearmed."Remember when she was trying to make us all afraid of Titusville and Cocoa? Remember all of the scare tactics she used? Do you know that she has been using that scare tactic since 1999? Yep. In the Port St. John Home Owners' Association (now defunct) newsletter of February 9, 1999, is this: "Vice President's Report: [rupeadupe] reported that the article in Fla. Today regarding a Feasibility Study did not accurately cover the matters discussed. She explained that Statute 180 could allow Titusville to annex to Kings Highway and by doing a Feasibility Study it could delay Titusville extending its borders. A flyer will be prepared fully explaining the process of the Study."She has been using that same scare tactic for twenty years now! Then look at the fact that she and her cohorts in the Port St. John For Tomorrow (PSJ4T as they abbreviated it) negotiated "for us" (without us electing them to do so, without us asking them to do so) with Titusville during the 2001/2002 incorporation push and ALLOWED Titusville to set their southern boundary at Kings Highway! If you don't recall, check out the links on my PSJ Information pages and you will read their words and what they said eighteen (18) years ago to try to sell this crap then. It's been almost twenty years and I bet she wants to try to force incorporation onto us yet again. My question is, has Port St. John gone downhill since we defeated both incorporation and got rid of the Port St. John Home Owners' Association? Have the residents here in Port St. John suffered since their demise? If not, why on earth would we want to become a city and have another layer of government and higher taxes forced upon us? If you are happy with Port St. John as it is, you may wish to consider the life you live now and compare that to the future you could have as a city with government officials in your backyard daily, with taxes that would have to be at least 6% higher on property value alone, and with nothing to show for it except misery. Is that what you want for your future here in Port St. John and in whatever area they would have to incorporate with us in order to have a bigger area to tax to keep taxes in the 6% area? Is that what the surrounding areas of Port St. John want: to be taken into PSJ and made part of us, erasing their own history and uniqueness? If you DON'T want to incorporate, why not contact disappointing commissioner rita pritchett and rupeadupe and tell them that you are not interested in being incorporated and that you want nothing to be done that will head Port St. John and/or its surrounding areas toward that end. That may stop her in her tracks, but it may not. Be ready to speak and speak loudly against this because last time we defeated it by 73% against incorporation and that made some move out of the area and focus on other things, but some pro-incorporation idiots stayed in Port St. John and may now be plotting to try again. Remember, the players this time include some of the players from 2001: "PORT ST. JOHN SMALL AREA STUDY COMMITTEESome of the people are also on the Port St. John Dependent Special District Advisory Board that was initially used as a way to push incorporation (see my PSJ Information pages) and are currently on that board: "PORT ST. JOHN DEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARDDoes that look a little suspicious to you? Porter, rodriquez, rupadupe, kimberling and chinaris all supported incoporation (IF I remember correctly: not certain about kimberling). Remember, back in the day, the people who pushed for incorporation were on the Advisory Board and used it for the purpose of pushing for incorporation and trying to become a city, which is something they were not supposed to do and I got them reined in by the BOCC after reporting their activities. In fact, they were threatened with "potential criminal prosecution" if they met without direction from the County, because they were doing so much WRONG. Remember that it can happen again, and according to the maps I received from Brevard County Sunshine Law request fulfillment, the Small Area Plan incorporates (includes) the Sharpes Area, or at least some of it, but I can't find the Committee on the County's website and I can't find the map on any County website, so are they operating in the dark again, doing things in the shadows until it will be too late to fight it? This may be the start of another incorporation push by rupeadupe and her supporters. If this is the case, I am putting them all on notice that this will not succeed. I am still here and I will fight them again and I will DEFEAT THEM again. I promise them that they will NOT succeed! December 3, 2019   kamala harris:   Another one bites the campaign dust! She's out! She's suspending her campaign and she sees "no path forward". Awww. Too good! See me smile? December 3, 2019 FAUXpeachment:   So they're supposed to vote on FAUXpeachment tomorrow. They have nothing to base an FAUXpeachment on, but they will keep go ahead and do so. It's ridiculous, but that's dumboRATS all over the place: ridiculous. They have decided to charge Pres. Trump with as much as they can MAKE UP and they have stretched the truth beyond recognition. Of course, that's their way: stretch anything they can to get their way. They have released their ridiculous report and they've got nothing. They really do have nothing -- unless you count hatred of Pres. Donald J. Trump and those of us who voted for him as something, because that's all they have. They have hate. I thought they were the party of acceptance and love. December 3, 2019   December 3, 2019   December 3, 2019   Last Link:   I thought I'd end today with something funny. Read "Carpe Dunktum's" Dead Blue Bird thread about how the left reacts to Pres. Trump. Be ready to laugh until coffee (or your current beverage) shoots out your nose onto your computer/tablet/phone. Fair warning: you'll need to be prepared to laugh yourself silly. December 3, 2019   Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! December 2 2019: 3:48 p.m.   Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving and that you had many things to be thankful for. I had many, many things to be thankful for, but the day was not perfect because I woke up with a sinus headache that started the day before. It was a strange Thanksgiving because my hubby also woke up with a sinus headache and we wound up snacking our way through the day. We had smoked the main courses (turkey, cornish game hen, pork loin and beef roast) the day before so we had that for sandwiches. We also did some baking the day before so we had a few desserts, but the usual Thanksgiving it was not. It was quiet, slow and peaceful, something to be thankful for, so we were still happy. My late start today means only a few blurbs will be done because my hubby will be home soon, but I wanted to get more Christmas decorating done. We have over 50 bins of Christmas stuff that I actully use to decorate with, so it does take some time to get things done. I had some portions of the family room started that I wanted to finish, so I did that, housework, some online shopping and then sat down to do my website. Fun day already. Anyways, let's get started. December 2, 2019   Leftist Censorship:   They hate Americans having a voice that disagrees with their point of view: any American who disagrees, not just the "celebrity" disagree-ers (new word). They especially hate it when the person who disagrees with them is popular with the people in "fly over country". That's why they took down over 300 ads from Pres. Trump this year that were on googley-woogley and their child, YouTube. Why? Because they know that if the ads were seen by more people that more people would agree with Pres. Trump and would start supporting him, thus becoming "Red Pilled" and "#WalkAway" would happen and the left would lose yet another supporter, donor and voter. That's why they have to shut Pres. Trump up and down: to protect themselves from losing people to being woken up and leaving the brain-numbed idiot league and joining those of us who support Pres. Trump already. They really hate Pres. Trump's free speech and they hate that people's minds are changed by his words (and his economy!) But I bet you a buck-and-a-half that "social media" places will allow lefties to say any LIE they want: as long as it's a leftie, they're fine with it. December 2, 2019   RINO:   Don't elect RINOs, folks. Just don't do it. They make life miserable for America and those who love her. Like the RINO Georgia governor, Brian Kemp, has decided to go against Pres. Trump's recommendation and appointed a pro-baby-killer to take the rest of the time in office that retiring Senator, Johnny Isakson, after he announced his retirement due to health concerns. I think it's despicable that he replaced a Conservative with a PRO-BABY-KILLING LEFTIST. He needs to be defeated by a TRUE CONSERVATIVE -- and he needs t to take his appointed LEFTIE with him as he leaves! December 2, 2019   I actually heard a child -- sounded like a girl about 10-12 years-old -- who was throwing a temper tantrum in Wal-Mart yesterday, whose mother responded by reminding her to use her coping skills she learned in therapy. The girl's response was "How can I when you keep making me mad?" This is the worst kind of parenting! The girl's mother instead of reminding her that Mom is Mom and she will not talk to her Mother that way, reminded her that it wasn't the proper response and she should use her coping skills, she can do it. How absurd! I wanted to go shake that mother and tell her to woman up! She should have taken that child out to the car and taken away every privilege she had and spanked her butt for talking to her that way and then made her stop crying, suck it up and go back into Wal-Mart and behave like the good girl she is REQUIRED TO BE. That's how I would have handled the little spoiled brat snowflake! Ridiculous that parents are handling their children the way that mother did. How absurd! December 2, 2019   bumblefingers biden:   Eeewwww. Just eewwww. Leg hair. Roaches. Kids on his lap? Everything eeewww! He's icky. How can anyone want to be near this guy? He's creepy! December 2, 2019   Faux-ca-haunt-us:   She's not just a LIAR, she's a PRESUMPTUOUS LIAR who wants to get rid of the Electoral College that protects America from being controlled by the population centers in elections! The Electoral College PROTECTS US by preventing the cities and those who live in them from being controlling the outcome of elections via giving the less populated states a balanced voice with the population centers. Consider this: If you live in a small town, say Cocoa, FL, and you got to vote about something that concerns you greatly, but the people of Miami also got to vote on it, wouldn't you want to have an equal voice with the people of Miami? Would you not want to have your voice heard, instead of it being drowned out by Miami's voice? That's what the Electoral College does: it evenly distributes the ability of the voters' voices to be heard and gives them the weight that the less populated areas need to be able to have their voices heard. Read the transcript linked above and learn about how things work and why it is ESSENTIAL we keep and protect the Electoral College and don't let the left take it away. Remember: a country that is a TRUE DEMOCRACY (our country is a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC) is the same as a restaurant filled with men and one female waitress. If those men have "True Democracy" and they vote to rape the woman then the woman's voice has no say; she's out-voted. In America, though, our REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC means that those votes are negated by the LAW and the woman's voice is equal and if those men try anything then the men who try something are subject to punishment under the law and the woman is safer in our REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC. Isn't that what we want? December 2, 2019   Well, my hubby called and he's almost finished at the grocery store and will be heading home soon, so I will close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Make time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Remember to check Storage 2009, Storage 2010, Storage 2011 And, as usual, this whole site is COPYRIGHTED to myself and I reserve all rights to it. If you wish to copy any portion of this site for any reason whatsoever, you must contact me prior to (before, ahead of) copying anything on this site and get my permission to use it. Otherwise, you will face legal charges of copyright infringement. I own it all, folks, so hands off. |