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HOME TRIBUTE Video Page Page Deux Storage Main Government Links PSJ Info Religion Services Politics My Links My Blog Writers | Storage 2018December 2018 December 27-28, 2018: 11:47 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 404: Letter Home". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I didn't do updates today because I have a standing appointment every Thursday and today was no different. I may or may not be able to do updates Friday because we will probably be going to the farm Friday and I don't know what time we will be leaving. Sometimes our plans change unexpectedly; more often than not it seems. I would like to get on a regular updates schedule again but that shall have to wait until after January 6, 2019 (weird to type that), due to other obligations. It will be okay, just busy for a while. I hope you have a great weekend. December 26, 2018: 11:16 p.m.   Pres. Trump's administration still has a lot of holdovers from themuslimvileone's administration and Judicial Watch has shown that radical leftist groups are getting YOUR money to help push themuslimvileone's radical leftist agendas. For instance: "During [themuslimvileone’s] tenure Choice Neighborhoods received a breathtaking $375 million, according to HUD figures. A substantial portion—$120 million—was rewarded as a parting gift in 2016, the HUD numbers reveal and the largest chunk—$122.27 million—was allocated in 2010 when [themuslimvileone] launched the program. Like many of the former president’s initiatives, large sums of cash went to leftist nonprofits and community groups that aligned with his liberal agenda. Back in 2012 Judicial Watch reported that the administration paid half a million dollars to study the effectiveness of Choice Neighborhoods, including the challenges of brining healthy food options to poor areas and the characteristics of the neighborhoods being targeted for transformation."Sounds to me like Pres. Trump needs to fire every federal employee who is still loyal to themuslimvileone and get something good done for America via draining the swamp and saving the American taxpayers some serious cash. It's time to do so! December 26, 2018   Ruh. Roh! Look at that! dumboRATS blinked! While they did so, Pres. Trump changed "catch and release" policies. How long do you think it will be before the dumboRATS figure it out and start the stampede to the microphones to do what they can to stop him? I am a bit surprised they haven't been yelling from the rooftops already. I like how Pres. Trump did that. Let them sleep; he'll keep right on working for the American people. December 26, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   ICE doesn't have to tell a town before it releases hundreds of illegal aliens into small towns and don't stick around to watch what happens. It's time the people get a say in this. It's time the people get to say whether we want those people released into our towns. It's time "We, The People" get a say! December 26, 2018   Fed. Chair, Jerome Powell's decisions have hurt not only the American economy, but has ruined the Chinese economy also. Sounds to me like he may have done us a favor on the one end, while harming America on the other. Fire his butt. December 26, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   In African countries there is a malaria problem. Annually, America has given -- given -- millions of dollars worth of anti-malarial drugs to the governments of the countries on that continent, only to have those drugs stolen and sold for a profit. They've known about the problem for years but have done nothing to stop it. Why don't we send a team over to distribute the drugs quarterly and then not have to worry about theft? Why don't we try something to stop this? Why is YOUR taxpayer dollar not considered precious enough to put a halt to the program if YOU'RE being ripped off via theft of the drugs, while others are making millions of dollars off of what you paid for? Let's not throw good money after bad. Let's either stop the drugs from being sent over, attend the distribution ourselves, or find another way to not waste our taxpayer dollars. If we keep this up, it's madness! December 26, 2018   Idiot Extraordinnaire:   Morning joe-nut-job has not read the Bible in a very long time. How do I know? Because he misappropriated a Bible story and used the lesson in the wrong context and tried to get all righteous on us but screwed it up totally. He asked, "What would Jesus do?" when it came to little kids and crossing the border illegally and separating the children from their parents. He tried to paint it as though Christ would have been PRO-Illegal alien invasion. Well, if you read the Bible, you will find that GOD Himself is VERY PRO-BORDER. Read what GOD said about the borders He created for the land He gave the Israelites in the Old Testament. Read also what GOD said about Israel defending those borders. Then read the story about what Jesus said about "suffer the little children" to come, Jesus was not talking about them coming to the land of Israel. He was talking about the little children coming TO HIM, coming to Christ as in accepting HIM as their Lord and Savior. He wasn't saying to allow immigration; He was saying to allow children to come find a relationship with their Savior. BIG difference than what the idiot extraordinnaire was pushing. How many really, really, really, extraordinnairily stupid dumboRATS are there? I don't think there's a number big enough! December 26, 2018   I'm going to stop there for today. I have an errand to run and it will take a while. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 25, 2018: 2:25 p.m.   Merry Christmas!:   My Christmas gift to you this year is a poem, "GOD's Puzzling Cup". It's about what Mary, Christ's Momma, may have gone through when she was told she would bear the Son of GOD. It's not the "Mary, Did You Know?" type poem. It's a bit more real and more down to earth than that. I hope you like it and I hope everyone is having a wonderful, joyous, Christ-centered Christmas. Thank you for visiting my website as often as you do, first or last time, or even to keep an eye on it because you hate it. GOD Bless you all and I hope to get back to posting regularly soon. The next two weeks or so are going to be very hit and miss because we must go to Georgia to check on the farm and we will spend a special day up there. After January 6, 2019 (that was strange to type), we'll be back here and I'll be able to post more regularly. My cold is going away and I can see again, and my left ear has finally equalized and I can hear out of it and I am not dizzy all day. That's a good thing. Anyways (ramble, ramble), Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a happy, safe New Year. December 20-21, 2018: 11:30 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Sorry I've missed a week now. I thought we'd be going to our Georgia Farm last Friday but my hubby came home sick from CaliMarxifornia. He had a really bad cold and I woke up sick Tuesday morning, with the same cold. It's probably the worst cold I've had in my life. I've always wondered why they say that people with colds sometimes have "runny eyes". I've never experienced that - nor known anyone who does - until this particular cold. That's what has kept me from doing updates: it's hard to see the computer screen. This week's Flag Friday is "Tribute To Our Heroes 403: Eighteen Minutes of Time" and I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I pray GOD will bless you all! I hope to see you next week. December 13-14, 2018: 11:35 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 402: A Single Star" and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I won't be posting today. I have been busy with Christmas decorating (we opened about 70 bins of decorations to go through, use, or store again), and my back was not happy with me vacuuming last night. I should have known better, but I was determined to get things done, so I did it and paid the price. Sigh. Stubbornness is a curse -- and a blessing, depening upon the situation. Anyways, I hope you have a great weekend and I will see you again NEXT WEDNESDAY. That's the first time I'll have the time to do updates. I have company coming over Tuesday, busy Monday and Georgia farm this weekend. Please be patient with me. See you next week. December 12, 2018: 3:15 p.m.   Not a lot of time for updates today so I'll just do a few. I may or may not be here tomorrow and Friday (except for Flag Friday, of course), due to a standing Thursday appointment and going to the farm on Friday. This time we may get to leave earlier than normal because my hubby's going to have all the hours he needs for Friday and may take at least part of the day off and we may or may not leave early. Either way, I doubt I'll be here Friday because we have things to do to finish decorating for Christmas. We need to get it done because we have company coming next week and want the house all decked out for Christmas before they come. I hope I get it all completed. I still have a whole list of things and my back is still twinging. So, well see how things work out and IF I can do updates, I will, but if not I hope you understand. For now, I'll get those few blurbs done. Let's get started! December 12, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The left/progressives/liberals never want to close the border -- or even protect it from being breached -- because they want the future voters to vote for them. It's all about the power for them and when they get caught wanting illegals to enter they then have to try to spin the truth into a "He did it! It's his fault!" while pointing at Pres. Donald J. Trump. Too bad the cameras were there and showed the truth. Well, I for one, hope that border wall pelosipig and schmuuzer don't want does get built, even if the military has to build it. I don't care who builds it, I just want it done. I want our country to be secured. I don't leave my car doors unlocked and open, nor do I leave my house doors unlocked and open. I don't allow anyone who wants to come in, into my house. I use discretion and do what I can to protect my house, my belongings and -- most importantly -- my family. Don't you do the same? If you do, why would you not support building the wall and securing our nation? December 12, 2018   Leftist Racism:   Again, the truth is shown about the "Women's March" leadership and it's shocking to see how racist the "Women's March" leadership is! The left always accuses Conservatives of being racists but the fact is, it's the leftists/progressives/liberals who are the racists. But that's their old trick: Whoever they are, whatever they are doing accuse the RIGHT of being and doing what they are and what they are doing. It's the old reverse psychology thing: When you want to distract others from the facts of your guilt, be the first to point the finger and say, "He's _____________!" It's a trick the left/progressives/liberals are very adept at and these "ladies" are no less skilled than pelosipig, et al. December 12, 2018   Another leftie is swearing to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump, with or without a crime to charge him with. That's interesting since the leftie is the new NY Attorney General! Her oath of office has nothing in it about swearing to destroy innocent people! What on earth is she thinking? Oh. Sorry. She's a leftie. She doesn't think. December 12, 2018   Gen. Michael Flynn:   This should be subtitled, "An Innocent Man Ruined by the Left". Anyways, the truth about thevile robert mueller's tactics includes the fact that before all the kerfuffle, Gen. Flynn was giving a White House tour to FBI agents whom he didn't know were actually "interviewing" him during that tour. They told him NOT to have his attorney present and he thought it was a training thing for the FBI! He made a few jokes and was very casual with them -- friendly, even -- and they used that White House tour as as part of the "evidence" against him! Seriously! Is that beyond ridiculous? Add to this ridiculousness the fact that they DOCTORED 302 document MONTHS AFTER they ambushed Gen. Flynn (what else do you call the White House tour "interview" he didn't know was an interview?)! The Deep State FBI is full of despicable, underhanded, dishonorable people. I hope they all get found and fired and charged with breaking the laws they have and have to serve prison time and can never get work in law enforcement again! They give law enforcement a bad name, which begs the question: Where are the investigations into the dishonorable FBI and why is no one stopping this crap? These agents are hurting the rest of the federal law enforcement agencies and giving them all a black eye. Why are they being allowed to get away with this? Where is the DOJ? Why isn't the FBI being cleaned out? Who is supposed to be overseeing them and telling them to straighten up and fly right? They're as low as snake poop! December 12, 2018   YouTube:   Hurray! They caved! Now Gavin McInnes has his account back! He was meeting with his attorney to sue the company and YouTube caved. They are part of the Big Tech companies who are trying their darndest to silence Conservative voices and ideas. They mess with the "Notifications" buttons of those with whom they disagree, demonetize their videos and do whatever they can whenever they can to shut accounts of Conservatives down. I subscribe to Matt Carriker's Demolition Ranch, a channel about guns and shooting (Of course!), and his notifications are sketchy, but that's YouTube's doing. They control that. I subscribe to LunkersTV, about family, fishing, hunting and the life of Robert Terkla, and his notifications are sketchy. I subscribe to Lake Fork Guy, a channel about hunting, fishing and family (heterosexual couple with a new baby), and his notifications are sketchy. The same goes for Googan Squad, Flair, APBassing and others. That doesn't even account for the political channels I subscribe to: Chad Prather, Project Veritas, Reason TV, Prager U (which YouTube messes with continually!), and Mark Dice (always demonitized), Campus Reform and Steven Crowder and others! YouTube is getting so bad for censoring Conservatives that people have started trying other channels. There are others out there and YouTube better be careful or they will die on the vine as the dead blue bird is doing and I wouldn't shed a tear. December 12, 2018   Islamic Violence:   Yet another attack on innocent civilians from a Muslim man screaming "Allahu Akbar!" This time the guy attacked a Christmas market -- a place that should be peaceful, fun, awe-inspiring, friendly, jolly, joyful, but he made a place of terror, making him a Muslim terrorist. He kiled two and injured twelve others before he was stopped. The world needs to acknowledge that Islam teaches this kind of behavior and that we need to combat it wherever we meet it. This is where the Second Amendment in our U.S. Constitution makes a huge difference. As long as the Muslim terrorist chooses "gun free zones" to attack in, those of us who have the ability to stop him cannot do so because we have to leave our guns elsewhere due to the laws and the fact that we are law abiding citizens, while he doesn't care about the law. He wants to kill others, the "infidels", and claim his place in paradise with his virgins. It's time the world admits that Islam is a problem (that googley-woogley is helping harm others), face that fact and be ready to defend innocent lives against it. If we don't do so we will have to bury many more innocent people -- victims of Islam -- and we will have to some day choose Sharia or fighting it. Prepare to fight, convert and serve, or die. Those will be our choices sooner rather than later as they get bolder with numbers. December 12, 2018   I will close with a little levity here. It's Christmastime and, according to the lefties/progressives/liberals, everything is bad about it. Don't smile. Don't enjoy. Don't have a "Merry Christmas!" That's not allowed. Be a Grinch because it's better to be angry, jealous, envious, mean, selfish, greedy. That's what Christmas is supposed to look like, according to the left. They're all more interested in "equality"; you can't have more than anyone else so Christmas is a horrible thing! Don't you dare get a present better than or one more than the poorest of the poor because if you do, you're getting more than your fair share! Someone give them a pacifier and put them to bed. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 11, 2018: 12:59 p.m.   Project Veritas has done a very good thing. They've succeeded in their lawsuit that changes the law regarding recording government officials. The ruling in their case makes it legal for people to record public officials and to do so secretly, without the government official knowing it is happening. This will force transparency onto Massachusetts' government officials and it will make it better for the people of that state. It's a very good thing! December 11, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Thought the numbers of illegal aliens that have already invaded our nation was under 10,000,000? Nope. A new study reveals that the number is actually 22,100,000 illegal aliens in the U.S.A. That's a LOT more than the left/progressives/liberals want you to believe. They always try to paint the picture a little fuzzier than it actually is: fuzzier to make it friendlier, cuter, not as threatening, blurrier. The truth is that they want to give all of those illegal aliens the right to VOTE in our elections and they believe that if they do so they will be elected in perpetuity as all of those illegals bring in their family members and have babies here that will grow up to vote dumboRAT, too. They don't want to ever be out of power again. They will do whatever it takes to remain in power. Power is their god and if they have to allow baby murders (abortion) to keep that power, so be it. If they have to allow NON-CITIZENS to vote, so be it. If they have to allow felons -- violent or otherwise -- to vote, so be it. If they have to send ballots to the whole of the Middle East and allow ISIS to vote, so be it (bit of an exageration but don't be surprised if you see it proposed by them some day). POWER: it's what makes the dumboRATS go 'round. December 11, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion 2:   Why is this important? Because it's not just our elections and our security and our families' safety that are at stake, it's also our health. Illegal alien invaders are bringing with them TB, Hepatitis, HIV, etc., some diseases we had basically irradicated in our country. We had not seen some of these things for years and now we are seeing illegals carrying those diseases into our country and TB, dengue and Chikungunya. If you think it's important that your children NOT be exposed to these kinds of contagious diseases, then you should SUPPORT the wall. If, on the other hand, you don't care about your Mother getting dengue fever, then maybe you should support the illegal alien invasion. After all, you don't need your Mother. December 11, 2018   googley-woogley:   The CEO is testifying before a congressional committee and he is saying that humans can't control the search results, even though they are the ones doing the programming for the algorithms that return the search results. For instance, the search results that return for the word "idiot" has images of Pres. Donald J. Trump as the first images for the word. So no one told the algorithm to do that? Really? When you look for a definition of "idiot" do you think of a particular person, or the actual definition of the word? Personally, I know a few idiots (no names need be mentioned, but they know who they are), but when I look for the definition of the word, it is words that should be brought up, not a picture of a particular person. The word "idiot" means: "A foolish or stupid person".(Funny aside: When I did the search I clicked on the "Images" tab and there was a picture of themuslimvileone: went to the original page for the image because the URL for the search results was too long.) associated with the word, but I didn't see one of Pres. Donald J. Trump until WAAAYY down the page. That's one of the benefits of using a search engine besides the "g-one". I use Bing and it was not a surprising result to see themuslimvileone high on the page. December 11, 2018   Conservatives Being Censored:   Now YouTube is getting
in on the censorship of Conservatives. The Founder of "The Proud Boys", Gavin McInnes, was targeted
with a
bogus copyright infringement complaint
so YouTube shut him down -- allegedly until the investigation was complete -- but they decided to
They've decided to use this golden opportunity to shut down his account, kick him out of earning a
livelihood, and shut him up even though they've found out that the copyright complaint was bogus.
The tech giants are taking upon themselves the role of "god of December 11, 2018   MAGA!:   China blinked. Pres. Donald J. Trump put tariffs on their products coming into America and China did likewise with our products, raising them to a ridiculous number, but then, they blinked and they have lowered their tariffs again and America -- Pres. Donald J. Trump -- won again. December 11, 2018   Really? Is this what the idiots have come to? A woman (look for her picture on a "g-one" search result soon) is demanding that satanists 11 rules be displayed beside a four word sign that has the word "GOD" in it: "In GOD We Trust". She (allegedly) isn't a satanist, but she is demanding that a sign with "the eleven satanic rules of the earth" (no caps because I refuse to respect or show respect to satan or anything to do with him), be displayed beside the four word sign. How many words would that give satan compared to the four GOD gets? I think that would show a little bias, but I wonder if the Adams County Board of Supervisors is going to cave to be PC. Would you want that done if you lived in Adams County, or in the County you currently live? I wouldn't. Look for her picture on the next "idiot" search engine result. December 11, 2018   themuslimvileone's administration:   His former admin people are all up in arms and they're doing everything they can to try to help take Pres. Donald J. Trump down. While one of them, john brennan, threatens Pres. Trump (brennan is themuslimvileone's former CIA Chief), another wants Pres. Trump to lose his citizenship (a former U.S. attorney), and another says Pres. Trump will be behind bars (former Solicitor General)! Sounds to me like they're doing his bidding still and doing everything they can to try to help themuslimvileone protect what is left of his dwindling legacy. Pres. Donald J. Trump has (thankfully) been undoing all of the crap themuslimvileone did to try to destroy America and themuslimvileone's entire administration is dropping everything to try to prevent that. It's all about themuslimvileone and his ego. He's still out there taking credit for what he DIDN'T do. He's all about "Look at me! I did that!" but while he was prezidunce, he was always saying, "You didn't build that." Remember that? Remember how YOU never got any credit for what you have built, but now he's trying to take credit for what Pres. Donald J. Trump has done? What happened to "You didn't build that"? If YOU didn't build it, then how can he take credit for anything? He didn't build anything. How can he even begin to think that we would give him credit for building anything he won't allow us to take credit for building? Double standard, anyone? December 11, 2018   alexandria ocasio-cortez:   Oh, my goodness. I'd say "SMH" but I'd be lying. It's not a surprise that she's saying stupid stuff again. It's à prévoir of her. But, really? She's claiming that the age restriction in the U.S. Constitution for when a man may become President of the United States of America "only applies to men". Really. She did say it. She actually said that. She probably has never read the U.S. Constitution so for her to be MISquoting it is not a surprise, but really? Okay. I am SMH. December 11, 2018   themuslimvileone 2:   I forgot about this. I had forgotten that he meddled in the French election to get Macron elected. Now the French people are regretting going along with themuslimvileone's meddling. Remember, themuslimvileone meddled in the elections of SIX FOREIGN COUNTRIES so why would he or any other dumboRAT have a problem with someone meddling in OUR elections? December 11, 2018   Have you read or seen the facts regarding the current "cause celeb" and their efforts to get a murderer released from prison? The murderer's name is Cyntoia Brown and she doesn't appeal her sentence for murder (Life) on the basis of self-defense; that's not something being claimed in her appeals efforts. She is claiming "cruel and unusual punishment" in her appeals for being sentenced to life for murder. Uh. What about her victim and his family? Weren't they given a much harsher sentence? But I digress. This "cause celeb" is getting help from a number of celebrities, including kim kardashian, who got Pres. Trump to pardon another woman in prison. I hope that if Pres. Trump gets approached again that he will look hard into the facts of the case and tell all of the celebrities pushing to free a murderer to pound sand. It would be a good thing for someone who shoots a man in the back of the head while he sleeps to serve her entire sentence. December 11, 2018   December 11, 2018   SCOTUS:   A coming case may give the people more freedom from governmental regulations and from un-elected bureaucrats controlling them in every way possible. A case about something called the "Auer" deference which gives the government agencies more "weight" in the court room while considering cases. So if you sued the government because an agency turned you down, in court the judge would have to give more "weight" (value, importance, legality) to the agency's side. Now the SCOTUS may overturn that and you would enter court on equal footing, not with an automatic deficit. I hope they overturn Auer. That would give more power to the people and take some away from government agencies. I like that, don't you? December 11, 2018   Election Fraud:   Do you know that there is at least one election in NC that is still unsettled? The State Board of Elections refuses to certify it and there is one Republican candidate who won but hasn't been allowed to be given that designation because of the State. Now we have at least one elections official resigning because things "have gotten way out of hand" with the elections being held open and fraud being confirmed. "A few years ago, Lutz [the person resigning] started a political consulting firm with McCrae Dowless, who has been dubbed a “person of interest” by the state elections board in the probe. Dowless, a former Democrat, has a criminal record that includes prison time in 1995 for felony fraud and a conviction for felony perjury in 1992.So a Republican won by a few hundred votes, and dumboRATS may have cheated, but I'm sure that they didn't cheat to benefit the Republican, so why the delay? IF the allegations are that the dumboRATs cheated in favor of the Republican, then I can understand a delay. This? No. Remember, it says "a former Democrat" in the story, but with his felony conviction he does not have that designation due to his loss of voting rights. So, he's a "former", but that doesn't take away his beliefs, personal relationships, nor the things he wants to accomplish in his heart. I seriously doubt he cheated to benefit the Republican, don't you? December 11, 2018   I'll close with that for now. I missed yesterday because I pulled a muscle in my back and I was hurting. Today it's better (although still twinging) and I'm hoping to get the rest of my Christmas decs up. Have you done your Christmas decorating? I still have to make my Christmas cards, too! I'm behind this year. Going to Georgia has put a bit of a slow down in my activities. It's all kinds of fun owning Grandpa's farm (most of it), but that doesn't mean that it's not a learning curve. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 7, 2018: 12:13 a.m.   Flag Friday:   It's hard to believe I've missed most of the week already. Sorry about that. I've been busy with life, a death of a pet, and Christmas preps. My apologies. For today's offering I give you "Tribute To Our Heroes 401: In Idea". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless you all! I'll try to get to do updates later today. I cannot promise it, but I will try. Life around here has been a little crazy lately. Sorry. See you later today if things work out prefectly. Have a great day! December 7, 2018: 1:37 p.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Do you know that YOUR MONEY is being used to subsidize thevilegeorgesoros? Do you think that the things he's doing are good for America, for your future, for your progeny? If so, you're an idiot. If not, maybe you should contact your U.S. Representative and your U.S. Senators and tell them (to quote themuslimvileone) to "Knock it off!" Your taxpayer dollars should not go toward things like "The U.S. government subsidizes billionaire George Soros’ radical leftist agenda dedicating hundreds of millions of dollars to his deeply politicized Open Society Foundations (OSF) worldwide, records uncovered by Judicial Watch show. In a special investigative report Judicial Watch documents the financial link between U.S.-funded entities and OSF affiliates to further the Hungarian-born philanthropist’s agenda seeking to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. The special report also illustrates the financial and staffing nexus between OSF and the U.S. government. [my bolding]"Suggestion: Don't read the report if you have high blood pressure or other physical problems that could lead to hospitalization if stressed. December 7, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   I wonder if this judge's ruling will actually lead to her facing legal action after all of the wrong she's done. A federal judge has allowed "discovery" into her e-mail usage for while she was Secretary of State. This will help us discover how far she went while SoS in selling America out for her own benefit. She wanted to be as rich as the person she admires most: those with more money and power than she. It's all about money and power to her and those of her ilk. She will do anything for those two things. If satan promised her those two things in exchange for her grandchildren, I think she'd only pause a millisecond before accepting the deal. I think she's that awful and power hungry. She looks the other way at her "hard dog" and his travel with a known pedophile, so how much imagination does it take to believe she'd sell her grandkids out since she doesn't care about the children sexually abused by the pedophile her hubby pals around with? She's a special kind of wicked and she will pay in hell for it. December 7, 2018   I like this idea of transparency in filing corporate paperwork. I think it's time that America gets to know who is benefitting from what corporations do. I think it's a good way to prevent shell corporations from doing illegal things and the person who benefits from it not being held accountable. It's time for America to be able to find out -- preferably, very easily -- who is doing what to them and how much they're making in doing it. Transparency in government is important, too. Let's make this law apply to our government as well. Like, say, when our legislators funnel contracts to their own family members. Agree? December 7, 2018   MAGA!:   Well, there are some bad news items out there, but overall, it's a good time for America. A fifty year low for unemployment? That's something themuslimvileone said we would not have, no "magic wand" could produce, now he's out there saying "I did that!" It's so funny watching him beg for attention, credit and relevance. He's such a schlub. December 7, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump has decided to nominate William Barr, who wrote an op ed supporting the firing of the reprehensible james comey by Pres. Trump. Barr also did the right thing while he was Attorney General under George H.W. Bush (and robert mueller worked for him then) and refused to appoint a special prosecutor to go after Bush 41. The left will, of course, do everything they can to paint Barr as a bad guy, as a failure, as someone who can't serve because of "X", "Y" and "Z" and then starting over again at "A"! Barr is getting some support from Sen. Lindsey Graham, another nice sign of his turn-around from being a kiss-butt to the left. I am glad Graham is going to support Barr's nomination and I hope that he can pull enough Senators into doing the right thing -- probably kicking and screaming -- and that Barr gets confirmed, even though dumboRATS are demanding he promise to support the mueller investigation. SMH. December 7, 2018   Did you expect the reprehensible james comey to cooperate with the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee? He's not. Anyone who has been paying attention could have predicted that. He's that smug. He thinks that his "in" with robert mueller and his own belief that he (comey) is smarter than they, and that he's got the power to make anyone cave after enough pressure and the right kinds of threats; witness the "lied to the investigation" indictments of Manafort, Flynn, Papadopoulus, etc., that have been little things: a date, a time, a person present or not present; things that the mind remembers later, but not at the point of pressure. It's like trying to recall someone's name when you're talking about who was at the party but not being able to recall it until you're not trying to recall it. That's what he has "indicted" people on. He's going to do whatever it takes to make sure that the truth of NO COLLUSION never gets out. December 7, 2018   DumboRAT LOSERS:   pelosipig is still sick, still a muddle-headed (America has "three coasts" now!) and embarrassingly ill (President "Butch"? Really?) and she is going to again be the Speaker of the House! This is what we will get (while speaking about the George H.W. Bush funeral): "She said, 'It was beautiful. It was lovely and bi-partisan and unifying for our country,' strangely adding, 'So as we are inspired once again by that as we was— were by the passing of Sen. McCain.'"Twilight Zone music plays. Of course, the dumboRATS are now famously electing people who not only don't have a clue, but some of them are total, absolute ignoramouses. That's not Twilight Zone, that's Bozo the Clown music you hear playing now! Welcome to the dumboRAT Party! What a future they have going now! But wait! There's more! Want to see more dumboRAT stupidity? Check out this Pinterest page. You'll have to do so without liquid in your mouth unless you want to ruin your computer. December 7, 2018   In the blurb above I linked to a Pinterest page and I found this image on the page that I wish I had come up with myself! It is SO TRUE! What an insight! December 7, 2018   Merry Christmas?:   Seriously? A moronic "professor" ("Professing" what? His own ignorance?) says that GOD was a "predator" for impregnating Mary without her consent. Uh. No. Read the Bible, it says And Mary said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."Let me repeat: "Be it unto me according to thy word." That's CONSENT! If the guy had bothered to read his Bible -- oh, heaven forbid any college professor do that! That's sin! -- he'd have seen the same thing that those of us who have read it actually see: CONSENT! (Morons make me crazy.) December 7, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today before my head explodes with the insanity of the left and their outrageous stupidity. It's like a growing mold in the dumboRAT party that their leaders -- and a lot of their rank and file -- are showing themselves to be totally without a single brain cell and without morals or love of America as well. It's sickening. Can you believe it's only 18 days until Christmas?! Yeow! Where did the last two months go?! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 3, 2018: 3:42 p.m.   RINO-RATS:   Of course, ROTTEN ryan would lead the weak and snivelling republican'ts to go along with allowing illegals to stay and they're trying to do just that. The lily-livered, spineless, yellow as daffodils republican'ts are bending over backwards (as they have been doing every time they get out of the majority; and sometimes while IN the majority) to kiss dumboRAT backside. They LOVE kissing dumboRAT backside under weak "leadership" who can't stand to not be loved by the dumboRATS. It's time we get smart and stop allowing dumboRAT supervisors of elections to STEAL elections from Republicans who WON, but got sued, recounted, ballots "found" or whatever out of their victory. It's time we hold the republican'ts' feet to the fire and demand they stop kissing dumboRAT backside and start acting as though they care more about "We, The People" than they do being invited to the lefts' parties! It's time they stop being politicians and start being REPRESENTATIVES AGAIN! December 3, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I am disappointd in him in this one thing: He has not kept his "Build That Wall!" promise and he doesn't seem eager to do so. He seems to want to dangle it in front of our faces and keep promising it, but he seems to enjoy NOT delivering it. He can blame the dumboRATS all he wants, but he has the power to do other things with some of the money he's spending but he has yet to spend money on the main thing he was elected to do: BUILD THE WALL! It's time to secure our borders. It's time that we stop pussy-footing around and start getting serious about securing our nation. We don't go to bed at night with our front and back doors wide open! We close and lock the doors and we set our security systems (if we have them) and we go to bed hoping that those steps will be enough to prevent a wayward soul from breaking in and stealing from us, or doing us harm. If you don't want to close the border doors, then go to bed nightly with your doors open and see how well you sleep at night. It's the same thing. Pres. Donald J. Trump needs to get back into his "I'll keep my promises" mode and he needs to build that wall! December 3, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   They're still on their "speaking" (read "coughing") tour and they're still having to cut prices on their tickets because their tickets are not selling. Awww... Too bad. Yet, the left can't seem to let go of the bad idea of her running again. They're addicted to telling her "Run! Run!" then staying home on election day. Is this some sort of sadistic movement within the dumboRAT party? December 3, 2018   Social Media:   How about that? A social media platform that is banning adult content instead of embracing it. I am shocked -- and pleased. Add to that, the "grindr" president said marriage is between a man and a woman! What? It's amazing to find someone with the guts to say that. The way I understand it, grindr is a dating app for gays. The president of a gay dating website saying "Marriage is between a man and a woman" means he'll probably be unemployed soon. December 3, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump alleged that themuslimvileone's administration wire tapped his phones during the 2016 campaign. Of course themuslimvileone denied it, but considering that there were at least (at least) SIX spies sent to infiltrate his campaign that worked for themuslimvileone. SIX people from the "Deep State" (the left's second most powerful system in America) tried to infiltrate Pres. Trump's campaign and they had plans to break the law and tie him to their illegal activities so that they could prevent him from becoming president. Those are the actions of someone who CERTAIN that, not only would their chosen successor lose, but that they wanted to ensure that anyone who would find out the TRUTH about what they were doing would turn that truth over to law enforcement and they would face consequences they didn't want to face. It's hard to explain away some of the wrongdoing themuslimvileone was doing while in office, so if it all came out into the open, I'm sure he'd be stuttering and stammering all over the place trying to blame anyone -- including his wifeypoo -- and throw anyone under the bus to prevent himself from being held accountable. He's never been held accountable in his LIFE and I'm sure that his daughters would face the firing squad after he threw even them under the bus without him batting an eye, as long as it meant he'd stay out of trouble. December 3, 2018   googleywoogley:   When will they, fakebook, the dead blue bird, etc., be held accountable for the things they did to try to influence the elections in 2016 so that hillosercrooktOOn would win? When? We know that they have a history of changing search results to favor the dumboRATS and the lefts' pet projects ("global warming", illegal alien invasions, etc.), so when will they be held accountable for "interfering" in our elections, as they allege Russia did via putting ads on fakebook? An ad is far less intrusive than engineering the search results to favor the dumboRATS, aren't they? So, googleywoogley, when are you going to fess up and face the fines, jail time, whatever? December 3, 2018   My hubby called and he's on his way home so I'm going to move some blurbs to Page Deux, and Storage then get off of here. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 2018 November 29-30, 2018: 11:24 p.m.   Flag Friday:   It's time to post this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 400: His Dove" and I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough. GOD Bless You All! I'll try to do updates on Friday. I went and got our Christmas tree today and I'm chomping at the bit to get it decorated, so I'm liable to put Christmas decorations ahead of blurbs. I'll try to be good, but we may have to put updates on hold until Monday. We'll see. Until next time -- whenever that will be -- See ya'! November 30, 2018: 2:59 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   How did she get jeff sessions in her back pocket while he was U.S.A.G.? Why did he put the crooktOOn Crime Family ahead of the rule of law and doing the right thing while he was in office? Why do I say this? It was jeff sessions who ordered or allowed the fbi to raid the home of a whistle blower who informed authorities of her wrong doing! They raided the whistle blower's home and searched it for six hours and they knew about these papers for a long time prior to the raid, and they knew that the DO[IN]J's Inspector General knew about these papers having been turned over to the proper authorities already. "The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election."So why did the FBI get ordered to raid the home of the whistle blower, but not the crooktOOns? Do you see something as being screwy here? I certainly do, especially when you consider that hillosercrooktOOn was SoS when the illegal activity occurred! That's when the whistle blower's documents were found and turned over to the IG, but nothing was done except trying to cover for hillosercrooktOOn! Can you see how wrong this is? Why does the whole of the American political industry bend over backwards to protect the crooktOOns? What do they have on every American politician that makes them all afraid of teh crooktOOns and of crossing them? Why do the crooktOOns always get special treatment and NO PROSECUTION for ANYTHING ILLEGAL they do? Why? Who have they threatened to murder, or what do they have on these politicians and agents that everyone is afraid of them? November 30, 2018   Everyone Pres. Donald J. Trump appoints will be taken apart and thrown to the wolves by the Deep State and the left. It's now happening to Acting U.S.A.G. Matthew Whitaker because he refused to not stop mueller's investigation. Anyone who won't help protect hillosercrooktOOn must either die or be fired and disgraced. Trust me, this guy won't be just fired and left at that. He must leave in disgrace with the threat of prison over his head. That's how desperate the left/progressives/liberals are to protect the crooktOOns. They must destroy people, not just defeat them. They're getting more despicable by the day. November 30, 2018   Alaska Earthquake:   If you want to help the people of Alaska after the earthquake you may wish to donate to Operation Blessing and their Disaster Relief program. They go, they work, they bless, they stay until the job is done. November 30, 2018   Good for Texas! Their A.G. has files a lawsuit against San Antonio's police chief because the police chief broke Texas law and released illegal alien invaders before notifying the proper authorities (ICE) that they had found illegal aliens invading our nation. ICE should have been there to screen them, identify them and do their jobs, but the police chief prevented that. Sounds to me like the police chief should be fired right now and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But, I'm just mean. November 30, 2018   ROTTEN ryan:   He's leading the republiRATS who are RINOS and those who are new to the system and afraid to stand up -- and the weak ones of the allegedly "spined" Republicans -- to work with dumboRATS to BAN the question on the U.S. Census, "Are you an American citizen?" The RINOS want to BAN that question! That's not just WRONG, it's ABSURD! Why don't we just have one political party from now on: the PCP -- Politically Correct Party? That would solve all of their problems because then they wouldn't even have to pretend that they are the opposition to the dumboRATS! ROTTEN ryan is allegedly leaving the House and it won't happen a second too soon! After him, there's allegedly a stronger Republican leader coming up to be the House Minority Leader, but if he's not stronger than ROTTEN, then why bother? November 30, 2018   Seriously? Seriously? Violating the Hatch Act for tweeting "MAGA"?! That's the heighth of absurdity and it shows just how much the Deep State wants to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump and anyone in his administration! Let's get a grip, people! November 30, 2018   alexandria-ocasio-cortez-cookooo:   She said what? She thinks that her election win was as big an accomplishment as landing on the moon? Ego much? November 30, 2018   LOL!:   Awww... poor baby. Canada's justin trudeau throws a hissy fit (small one because he is small) after Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto, Pres. Donald J. Trump and the crybaby signed the NAFTA replacement, USMCA, and refused to show the signed agreement. Pres. Trump and Pres. Nieto were showing theirs off, but little baby trudeau wouldn't hold his signed agreement up. I guess he's strong enough to lift the pen, but not strong enough to lift the paper and folder it was in. Aww... Maybe he needs to do some bicep curls to help him out. A personal trainer may need to volunteer to help him man up. He's such a crybaby he wouldn't even say the acronym. Someone grab him a binkie! November 30, 2018   Wow! Talk about a LIAR! The Pakistani PM is not just wrong, he's an outright LIAR. He said that there is "no mention of Jesus in history". IF that be the case then why does Josephus ben Matthias mention him and why did Eusebius of Caesarea, also known as Eusebius Pamphili, a historian of Christianity, exegete, and Christian polemicist mention him? Why are there other historic records that mention Jesus Christ? Why is the Bible being constantly proven correct via archeology, in many ways and and many times. The Bible is accurate, true and correct and nothing anyone says against it is going to make a difference in that but it may help convince someone to NOT believe it and their decision will take them straight to hell. I can put it no plainer than that. November 30, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. My hubby is on his way home and we're going to put up our Christmas tree for down here tonight. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 29, 2018: 11:19 a.m.   I have a limited amount of time today, so let's get started! November 29, 2018   Second Amendment:   A Washington State police chief has decided that it's his duty to stand up for the U.S. Constitution and the people's Second Amendment rights rather than inforce a law that goes against the U.S. Constitution. It's a rare thing nowadays, but this Republic, Washington Police Chief, Loren Culp, has decided to do what is right instead of what is PC. I'm proud of him and I hope and pray that if the left comes after him (and they probably will) that those of us who believe in the Second Amendment and our U.S. Constitution will stand up and stand with Chief Culp. I hope and pray that we support him en masse and that, as a result, the left backs down and allows him to stand up for the residents of Republic, Washington, and that Chief Culp is not just supported by the residents of his town, but re-elected for years to come! I'm wondering if CaliMarxifornia will ever get the Second Amendment back for its people. They have gone so far away from the 2A that they're about to become a gunless society -- unless you are a celebrity -- except for government officials. That means that CaliMarxifornians will be totally defenseless against a tyranical government, or someone bent on harming others. This even though "The U.S. Supreme court has unequivocally stated in McDonald v Chicago and Heller v District of Columbia that the 'open carry of a loaded weapon is the core right protected under the 2nd Amendment.'"So when will CaliMarxifornians get that Second Amendment right? Even more pertinent to me, when will the SCOTUS's decision reinforcing FLORIDA's right to "open carry of a loaded weapon" be given to us? After all, that U.S. Constituional Second Amendment has already been interpreted by the SCOTUS, so it should be available to US, here in Florida, should it not? November 29, 2018   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump is keeping most of his promises (I'm still waiting for him to keep his border wall promise) and one of them was to "Make America Great Again!" That one, economically, he has kept because America is now "the world's most competitive economy"! How about that!? That's very good for Americans and for our allies. I hope that continues and that it only gets better as we grow stronger! Undoing the damage themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn did to America is a wonderful thing! November 29, 2018   Loonie Lefties:   They're losing it. We've all seen the lefties/progressives/liberals becoming so unhinged after Donald J. Trump won they've lost their minds! It's rather amusing, but it's also telling. Can you imagine how nutso they'd be in control? Yikes! So, so, so, SO glad she lost! November 29, 2018   Stripper News:   I don't know if I believe this. She says that she had no idea that the slimy "attorney" filed the lawsuit against Pres. Donald J. Trump in her name. I have two thoughts on this: 1) She's doing whatever she can to try to get out of paying the $342,000 she was ordered to pay after she lost that lawsuit. Or 2) Her "attorney" -- if he actually did so -- should be disbarred because he filed a false lawsuit that his client had no idea about. In other words, he was doing everything he could to make a name for himself, while (apparently) biting off more than he could chew (maybe wrong wording?) when it comes to a lawsuit against Pres. Donald J. Trump. He really is a worm, isn't he, but his client is no better. November 29, 2018   pelosipig:   Okay. So the idiots on the left are going to make her Speaker of the House again. How stupid can you get? She is the one whom Judicial Watch found out was making taxpayers pay for her family to fly around in "Speaker One", a taxpayer paid for USAF plane that she DEMANDED to have provided for her at OUR expense. Judicial Watch PROVED it, but the left still tries to hide it claiming -- not that pelosipig did NOT spend taxpayer dollars -- but that she spent less than someone else. Spending "less than" does not negate how much she spent! It's absurd to say that she DIDN'T do something by saying that someone else did it MORE. Any two-year-old knows that! They place the blame on someone else totally, not saying "He did it more", but "He did it," period! The left is so stupid they don't even realize that they're admitting she did it simply by saying someone else did more! DUH! November 29, 2018   Fake News:   Another left wing effort to prevent a judicial nominee from being confirmed has -- thank you, Lord! -- failed big time. Judicial nominee, Judge Thomas Farr was said to have allegedly been supporting voter suppression, allegedly associated with a white supremacist group, and their efforts were televised on msnbc. There, one of the reporters who hates Pres. Donald J. Trump fronted the effort to push the false narrative against Judge Farr. The Senate confirmed Judge Farr to be a federal district judge in North Carolina's Eastern District. They succeeded in blocking him once, twelve years ago (with the help of the NAA[L]CP), but this time they failed. I'm very glad because Pres. Donald J. Trump is nominating judges from a list of recommendations given him by the Federalist Society and they are a Conservative group, and they put the list together with the help of other Conservative groups. It's a good thing for the rule of law and for the U.S. Constitution and America! Hurray! November 29, 2018   bullybobcrooktOOn:   There are new proofs of his twenty-six (26!) junkets with pedophile perv who liked having sex with underage girls and beating them, too. While crooktOOn enjoyed the perv's company, Pres. Donald J. Trump (before being president) banned the perv from his Mar-A-Lago property. Speaks volumes about who is the nicer, better man. November 29, 2018   Okay. I've been hoping that Pres. Donald J. Trump would do this for a while now, and it's getting a little tiresome waiting for it and having it dangled as a "possibility" so often. Just DO IT! Release the unredacted FISA warrants and all of the associated documents and allow America to make up our own minds about it! Let us see the LIES the left -- hillosercrooktOOn included -- put together to try to prevent Donald J. Trump from becoming president. Desperation leads to rash acts and hillosercrooktOOn was desperate because she knew she was NOT going to win, so she had to whatever it took to take him down, no matter how vile -- and unbelievable -- it was. It's time that the TRUTH be given to the American people and that we get to read the LIES she paid for ourselves. It takes away the power of the left/progressives/liberals and it gives us the information we deserve to have. Just release the documents: all of them and unredacted! November 29, 2018   themuslimvileone:   "Look at me! Everybody, LOOK AT ME! You must LOVE ME! I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT! I'm the good guy here!" That's what he may as well be saying outright because his other words and his own deeds are saying it for him. Four-year-olds want a lot of attention and he's acting just like he's four. It's time he grow up and GO AWAY! November 29, 2018   I'll be back for Flag Friday this evening, but for now, I've got to go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 28, 2018: 1:19 p.m.   hilloser and bullybob crooktOOn:   They are has beens in the biggest way and they can't face that fact. They opened their "speaking" tour (more like a coughing tour for hilloser) with 83% of the seats EMPTY. Sounds like the 17% who did buy seats had nothing better to do, or are still holding on to the past as are the crooktOOns and their "glory days". Pathetic, isn't it? BTW, she's still sick. November 28, 2018   Witch Hunter, mueller:   Thank you, U.S. Senate! They have again blocked a bill to protect robert mueller. This will prevent him from going as low and dirty as he wants to without facing consequences via being fired. It also protects the truth and those who are being targeted, for ruination and financial disaster via his constant badgering, questioning and illegal actions in how he is conducting his witch hunt. Thank you, U.S. Senate and the Good Lord Above! It will help protect innocent people like Jerome Corsi whom the Witch Hunter has targeted. Too bad it didn't protect Gen. Mike Flynn, who has already been ruined by the despicable "sink or burner", mueller. I wish he would face the same hell as he puts these people through. I hope he gets financially ruined and that there is no "Go Fund Me" account set up for the creep. I find mueller as despicable as I find themuslimvileone. People, thank goodness, have started to catch on to his tactics and he's no longer getting what he wants. They're fighting back and he's not happy. Awww... Too bad! November 28, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   LOL! I love it! He is so good! When he tweets it makes the left/progressives/liberals crazy! It makes them lose their marbles (I'd say "brains", but they have none, so I can't say that)! Like the image he retweeted that is the latest to send them over the edge. I love the image! I think it's absolutely appropriate and it should be a reality. I wait for and long for the day when that image will be reality. I hope and pray that it will someday be reality! The left/progressives/liberals, on the other hand, hate it with a purple passion. Awww. Too bad. November 28, 2018   College Stupidity:   One college's version of a "self-defense weapon"? Hockey pucks. I kid you not. Talk about stupid! This is beyond stupid! Have they never heard the old saying, "Never bring a hockey puck to a gun fight"? It's absurd! How can they even look their professors in the eyes as they hand them their hockey puck self-defense weapon? Can you imagine: "Here, Professor Simmons."Can you just hear that conversation now? Really? This is IN COLLEGE! Why aren't our alleged college professors capable of thinking better than this? Why can they not see beyond their politics and into the clear, obvious truth of their dangerous stupidity? November 28, 2018   CAIR is at it again. For allegedly not being a terrorist organization (so say they), they certainly are bad at proving that. They support terrorists and terrorism, that's beyond a doubt. They also want Israel's leadership terminated because Israel's leadership won't do what CAIR wants them to do: cave to Islam. That's why Israel's leadership must be "terminated". In Islam, that means "dead". Isn't that special? November 28, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   It's gotten so bad that even msnbc is admitting that the caravans are full of young men NOT coming here for "asylum", but rather, for American jobs! They want to put Americans out of work so that they can send money back to their hometowns and their families they left there. Is that a sign of people needed to flee persecution? No. There is no real reason to allow all of these people to enter our nation in any way besides the traditional, legal route. If they can't do that, they don't need to be here! November 28, 2018   China has a history of "disappearing" people and they've done so yet again. A prominent photographer has disappeared on his way to visit a friend and his wife (here in the U.S.) can't find out what happened to him. China needs to be boycotted by every country on earth until they straighten up and fly right or (if I were in charge), I'd be more than glad to blockade their trade routes and do everything I can to make them come to their senses; after, of course, sending in our spies to get rid of the supplies of the people in charge so that they won't be able to let the people starve while they still feast. November 28, 2018   Sen. Rand Paul has a history of not supporting foreign aide to anyone. He's keeping with his beliefs and doesn't want to help Israel. While I respect him sticking to his principles (no matter how wrong they are), I believe he's wrong in doing so. I also think that he needs to figure out the importance of Israel and how the tiny country is so important to GOD's plan. It's time for the Senator to give himself a reality check and read his Bible for how we should behave toward Israel. I Stand With Israel! November 28, 2018   Heroes:   Our deepest sympathies to those who lost loved ones in Afghanistan. The attacks on our troops need to stop and we need to finish this. MOABS work. November 28, 2018   Heroes 2:   Our Heroes may be experiencing more than PTSD and symptoms that are obvious to doctors and passersby. There may be residual effects of the things they were exposed to while in the Gulf War and it's time for the V.A. to pay attention and that's what is being recommended in a study on the subject. It's time to pay attention to our troops. It's time to treat their ailing children. It's time to do what's right for them. It's time. Let's do this! November 28, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He's a joke. He's no longer even to be taken seriously. He's nothing more than something to laugh at while pointing the finger at him. He's a shame and a disgrace. He's an ego on two legs with well-creased pants over them. He's no better than a "Knock Knock" joke gone wrong. He can't get over his hatred of America and he needs to go far, far away. The sooner the better! November 28, 2018   I think that there's something wrong with this practice. When you're so incompetent -- or corrupt? -- that you can't even run a recount properly, you are incompetent beyond belief. It's not right that brenda snipes get $130,000 in pensions when she leaves office in January. Stupidity, corruption and incompetence should NOT be rewarded! November 28, 2018   Fake News:   For those who believe that the NRA is in decline, think again. The NRA is just fine. For that, I am glad. I am no longer a memo, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy that they are not hurting. November 28, 2018   It's good to see someone who still has the courage of his convictions. "My Pillow" creator and owner is investing in a pro-life film. It's the story of a former abortion clinic worker and how she became pro-life and started an organization to help others leave the baby-killing industry. I like that. I'm glad that there are those who want out and that they have help out there waiting to get them out. A job pays the bills, but what price does one choose to pay for your soul? November 28, 2018   Some people just don't learn from their previous mistakes, do they? Former themuslimvileone supporters are eyeing "Beto" O'Rourke as their next "Hope" and "Change" candidate with a good crease in his pants. Do they have... Sorry. Almost asked the rhetorical question, "Do they have no brains at all?" It would have been moot. November 28, 2018   I'm shocked. Surprised. Stunned, even. The Republican won in Mississippi and I have yet to hear about a lawsuit against her win, or an election official "finding" votes, or "finding" ballots in a closet, or anything like that. It's amazing! November 28, 2018   Why would the U.S. State Dept. (in recent past under the tutelage and control of the likes of hillosercrooktOOn and john Ketchup kerry) hire a horrible never-Trump-er? Tells us that they are still under the control of themuslimvileone and those who worship him. We need to clean out every federal agency and get rid of all those who "resist" Pres. Trump and all the good we want to do for America and the world. November 28, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today, but I do want to give you a giggle before I go. Watch the video of a wife's pranking her husband in the funniest way I've ever seen! Hats off to you, Meredith C. I LOVE IT! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 27, 2018: 2:30 p.m.   I'm glad someone is trying to get to the truth regarding the U.S. service men and women who were lost/captured during the Vietnam war. Judicial Watch is suing the DOJ for the records they have never really released. There may be some of our men and women over there still; not just remains, but prisoners still held alive and still living the nightmare. I hope that isn't the case, but with regimes who think that they have the right to do whatever they want to anyone they want no matter how cruel, horrible, inhuman, or how much pain it inflicts upon the person[s] they may wish to harm, there is no telling how long they will continue with their despicable acts. It's like themuslimvileone and his destruction of America and how much he wanted to continue it. Remember, he recently said that he thought he'd have easily won a third term if the Constitution and his wuggly would have allowed. He wanted to continue his destruction of America and thought that YOU wanted him to be given the chance. Yep. That's exactly why Pres. Donald J. Trump is in office: America didn't want a continuation of themuslimvileone, via his third term or with hillosercrooktOOn! November 27, 2018   Honduran President's brother arrested in Miami for drug trafficking. I'm glad they got him because he is one of the reasons so many people in America are hooked on drugs and doing all kinds of things to get ahold of them. I know someone who tried a lot of different illegal drugs when he was young and he is on prescription meds now for what those drugs did to his brain. It's sad to think that drug manufacturers and sellers choose to make their money off of ruining lives. If they had a heart instead of a cash register, they'd stop what they're doing and do whatever it takes to reverse what they have done. Some people don't have a heart and their cash register is their god; ask the crooktOOns. November 27, 2018   If the Senate "gets" to vote on a bill that will protect the PARTISAN robert mueller and his "investigation" (equivalent to the Salem witch trials in which the women got the choice of being drowned or confessing and being burnt at the stake), as some think will happen, I hope they vote to NOT approve such a travesty and that, instead, they vote to NOT protect mueller's "drown or burn" efforts. I wish the whole mueller witch hunt would have been shut down the day after it started because we all know it was based purely on partisanship and nothing else. Everyone charged with anything has been charged with something besides the things they are allegedly looking into. Everyone involved interviewed by the mueller witch hunters has been intimidated and threatened, has been told they could face years in federal prison, or worse, and it's all an effort to put someone in the Oval Office besides Pres. Donald J. Trump. What the lefties/progressives/liberals seem to forget is that even if mueller did get Pres. Trump to resign (miracles do happen), then we'd have Pres. Mike Pence, which would be good for America, too! Either way, they don't get the "hilldebeast" (as Rush calls her), which seems to be what they are after and the only thing that could placate them. November 27, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   First, I am not absolutely certain, but it seemed that I put this term on my website, then Rush started using it, now everyone is calling it that. Second, the timeline that Judicial Watch put together proves that it was themuslimvileone and thevilegeorgesoros who organized the illegal alien invasion caravan that is trying to break into our country. People are up in arms about the fact that our Border Patrol Agents used tear gas to prevent them from harming others, but they didn't say anything about it when themuslimvileone's admin gassed people 80 times! The fact is that most of the people in those caravans are young men who demand to be let in, some of them not from Central nor even South America, but from other countries worldwide. There are known criminals in these caravans and the left/progressives/liberals would allow them into our country, too, without concern for our own families and our safety. November 27, 2018   It's election day in Mississippi, and they say the Republican is ten points ahead of her dumboRAT (my word) opponent. I wonder if the votes actually come out that way, if the dumboRATS will sue, recount and sue some more until the dumboRAT is declared the winner, no matter what the voters actually wanted and who they voted for. Would it surprise anyone? November 27, 2018   I wonder if Pres. Donald J. Trump will actually choose John James to replace Nikki Haley. I don't know anything about the guy except that he tried to unseat dumboRAT, debbie stabenow, and failed, and that's sad. She should have been outta' there! Maybe he'd be a good person to be U.N. Ambassador, I don't know, but if Pres. Donald Trump does choose him and he's approved, I hope that he's as good an ambassador as Nikki Haley is/was! Can't go wrong if he's as good! November 27, 2018   Aaahh... Public Schools:   Another Conservative treated like dirt by a public school teacher who hated the fact that the male student was wearing a MAGA HAT! Oh, panic! Idiot teacher tried to make it sound as if it's the fact that he was wearing "a hat", not a MAGA hat, just "a hat". Rrrriiigggghhhhtttt. The stupid teacher actually said the kid was "acting like an a**hole" and the teacher took the other students -- those not wearing a MAGA hat -- to another class and left the MAGA hat-wearer in the classroom by himself. Yet another illustration of how wrong our schools have gone. This is what happens when Christians take their hands off of anything and give it up to satan. November 27, 2018   Fake News:   I think that the anchors on cnn are lying disgraces to the journalist field. I think that they are nothing more than readers of anti-American, anti-Conservative talking points and that if they had the brains it took to use a semicolon, they'd be a step ahead of those on msnbc. For instance, the idiot, andy cooper mocking Pres. Donald Trump is akin to a rock mocking Stephen Hawking. If andy is so smart, why is Pres. Trump's financial portfolio is based upon his building on what was given him from his Dad. The one mocking him, on the other hand, is reading news for someone else and being paid for it. Mind you, it's not a bad way to make a living -- after all, Little Miss Pretty did so -- but it's a big difference between doing that and creating things, making payroll, dealing with the tax issues, etc., as does Pres. Trump. November 27, 2018   More Fake News:   Now we find out that the article that the British paper, "The Guardian", had to quietly edit a story that was a lie about Paul Manafort meeting with Julian Assange. They published a lie and they got caught at it and now they're trying to change their story quietly even though a lot of people already read the LIE and took it as "gospel" because it was in the paper. That's the way they do things on the left. If they can get the LIE out to enough people via publishing it first -- with the plan to print a retraction or correction later -- then enough people read the LIE and take it as fact that it stands as "the truth" even though the publishers/writers know it's a lie. People trust the papers they choose to read unless they're doing opposition research. Sometimes I read websites that are leftist/progressive/liberal websites so that I can see the lies they're publishing and know what to expect to hear from certain people. That's always fun, but it's also disgusting reading the knowing falsehoods found in them and knowing that there are people out there who are swallowing it all hook, line and sinker. People need to "FIND THE TRUTH!" and not just accept what the left tells them as gospel. The left wouldn't know the gospel truth if it kissed them on the lips, slipped them the tongue and grabbed their crotches at the same time. November 27, 2018   Biblical Archeology:   Well, look at that. They've found more proof that the Bible is true. They've found an animal that they're calling a unicorn, just like the Bible says in nine verses! So the Bible is again proven correct by archeology and those who choose to deny the Bible's TRUTH and accuracy are in denial. November 27, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn and bullybob:   They're starting their "speaking tour" (read, "Money Making Tour") and there are a few people interested in what they have to say, but not as many as they'd like. They haven't sold out the venue for the first stop and if protestors wanted to pay their money and get in and say something about bullybob's treatment of women (rape, sexual assault, sexual harrassment, etc.), I'm sure they'd love to hear it. A second venue has even more seats available. Awww... too bad. (*my bad*) November 27, 2018   Islamic Violence:   A Muslim in L.A. decided to try to run over Jews going to Synagogue and was charged with a "Hate Crime" because he was screaming "[bad word] Jews" over and over as he tried to run them over. Wait. What religion was the perpetrator in this instance? Oh. Yeah. Muslim. Again. November 27, 2018   Do you have a listening device from one of the big tech companies in your home? You know, an "Alexa", or a "Siri" or whomever built in and listening so that it can order things for you, remind you of appointments, etc.? Well, how would you feel if you found out that it's going to be monitoring things like your mood, your children's behavior, your movements, etc., in the near future? Do you want the big tech companies monitoring how your children behave; if they throw a temper tantrum and you send them to their room, or if they ask for cookies twenty-five times daily and how many times you give them cookies, or whether they go to bed at what the big tech companies think is a reasonable time? Do you really want big tech companies knowing how often you and your husband argue, what you argue about, or how loudly, or quietly, you argue? Do you want them to know when you're "in the mood for love" or when you're feeling depressed, or like you want to jump through the roof with all of the energy you woke up with that morning? Do you want them to know all of that about you? How about them knowing and sharing that info with others, because you know it's going to happen. How about them tracking all of that stuff and then the machine talking to you about whether you are sad about your friend's unexpected death and would you like to speak to a counselor about it, or maybe just talk to the machine about it? How about if it asked you how you liked the sex you and your husband just had? How much info do you want these big tech companies to know about you, and what do you want them to be able to do with that info -- without your permission? Have one of those devices? Unplug it, take out the batteries and throw it into the middle of the trash compactor and crush it until it's little bitty pieces. That's the safest thing to do with one of those. Oh, and remember: they can still listen via your cell phone, too, so be careful with that, too. That's why I cover the cell phone's cameras and carry my phone around in a wristlet; so that I can protect my privacy as much as possible. November 27, 2018   I'm going to close with that for now. My hubby's on his way home and you know I like spending time with him. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 26, 2018: 4:23 p.m.   Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, that you remembered to give thanks to GOD above for His blessings upon this land, for His protection over America and for the good He has done for you. We had ten days at the farm, in a way. We drove twice to and from Ohio to our farm, going up to pick my mother-in-law up, driving back down to the farm the next day, spending Monday through Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) at the farm, then driving back to Ohio on Friday, returning to the farm on Saturday evening, returning to Florida on Sunday evening. Whew! I have been on the highways a lot for the last two weeks and GOD has truly watched over us and kept us safe! I am very grateful and thankful to Him for driving for us and for those around us -- even thouse who just about clipped us as they took our lane! So, we had an adventurous and fun Thanksgiving and we got to see some family members we hadn't seen for over thirty years by going north to pick up my mother-in-law. It was good to see them. Anyways, let's get started for just a few blurbs. My hubby's already headed to the grocery store from work so I'll only have a little time. November 26, 2018   Fake News:   When the left wants you to feel sorry for someone they'll stop at nothing to get that sympathy so that they can manipulate you. Their latest effort was the photo of the illegal alien invading our country with her two shoeless kids. It was faked and a set-up and there is proof. They tug at your heartstrings to make you want to help people, to make you think that it's "not nice" to say "No!" to these people, to make you want to allow them in. It's nothing but a manipulation, folks, a bad, proven hoax and they did it to LIE to you! Want to know more of the TRUTH about it? watch the Judicial Watch video that will make you shake your head. November 26, 2018   themuslimvileone:   Remember when he did his FAKE "Stimulus" package? When he took money out of your pockets and put it into the pockets of his rich, leftist buddies? It was nothing but "fairy dust", but that is what themuslimvileone specialized in: fairy dust. Well, it turns out that anything he touched or supported was a total failure. Everything from his FAILED and AWFUL healthcareTAX, to the Chevy Volt, which bombed as well. Whatever he touched or touches falls apart or dies, and whatever he says is a LIE. How anyone can respect or admire this loser, I have no idea. November 26, 2018   November 26, 2018   I wonder if this idiot's comparison of the Holocaust to the caravan has given even more of her constituents "buyers' regret". I cannot imagine seeing the things o-c has not been able to intelligently speak about and the stupid things she does say when she opens her mouth and NOT having "buyer's regret". She is as stupid as themuslimvileone. I wonder when she'll say we have over 57 states as themuslimvileone said. Or, will her stupidity be even worse? Whichever, I can't imagine having that amount of dumb "representing" me as rat catcher, much less U.S. Representative! Idiots should not be allowed to run for office, but they do -- and even worse is that they get elected by other idiots! "Stupid is as stupid does", but how stupid can they get? November 26, 2018   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   Don't take my word for it. I'm not the one saying it. Judicial Watch says that she's NOT FIT to chair the House Financial Services Committee. She's as corrupt as they come and to have her put in charge of anything financial with the taxpayers' dollars is dangerous to our financial well-being. "Among her most corrupt acts as a federal legislator is steering millions of federal bailout dollars to her husband’s failing bank, OneUnited. Waters allocated $12 million to the Massachusetts bank in which she and her board member husband held shares. OneUnited ended up stiffing American taxpayers and will probably never repay the bailout money. Judicial Watch investigated the scandal and obtained documents from the U.S. Treasury related to the controversial bailout. The famously remiss House Ethics Committee, which is charged with investigating and punishing corrupt lawmakers like Waters, found that she committed no wrongdoing. The panel bought Waters’ absurd story that she allocated the money as part of her longtime work to promote opportunity for minority-owned businesses and lending in underserved communities even though her husband’s bank was located thousands of miles away from the south Los Angeles neighborhoods she represents in Congress."She deserves to be in prison, not in charge of more taxpayer dollars she'll funnel toward her own benefit. November 26, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   I bet years from now, after they're dead and gone, someone will actually do a book exposing the TRUTH about how corrupt the crooktOOns are, how they did all kinds of horrible things to get the money they coveted and worshipped, and how the dead bodies piled up around them and no one saw a thing suspicious or wrong with it. Mark my words. It will happen. Everyone will be so innocent and unaware of what they were doing, of course, but they will probably never face any kind of prosecution for their wrongdoings. That's why I have to agree with Judicial Watch that it's outrageous that the DO[IN]J and State Dept. are still protecting her. I wonder if they're protecting her because they don't want to be one of those bodies, or because she has something on them? Which do you think? November 26, 2018   The White House Christmas decorations are beautiful and I think they're a lot classier than previous years. Remember themuslimvileone's Mao ornaments and the crooktOOns' condoms on White House Christmas trees? Yeah. Pres. and Mrs. Donald J. Trump are a whole lot classier than the lefties who preceded them. November 26, 2018   Well, my hubby's home so I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 15, 2018: 7:22 a.m.   Flag Friday:   I'm posting this early so that I can get things ready to go to Georgia and spend the next twelve days away from this computer and the ability to do any postings here on my website. I did post a second Flag Friday picture already, but it's marked "Private" so I can write a poem before Thanksgiving and get it posted via the WiFi in my vehicle using the already-posted pic. This is how I figured out to not miss any postings. Without further ado, here is this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 398: Extra Setting". I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you on or after Nov. 25th. I hope you all have a wonderful and "Happy Thanksgiving!" November 13-26, 2018: 3:08 p.m.   Schedule:   First, I need to tell you what the schedule is going to be for the next few weeks. I'll be here for a little while tomorrow, do a few blurbs because I have an appointment. Thursday, another appointment interferes with the schedule here, but I will be posting a Flag Friday early so that -- and here comes the big thing -- we can go up to our Georgia farm after the appointment on Thursday, do a few things up there, leave Georgia on Saturday to go pick up my mother-in-law, stay up there overnight, then drive back to our farm on Sunday. We'll stay in Georgia with her until the Friday after Thanksgiving, drive back up to where she lives with her daughter (my sister-in-law), and go back to our farm on Saturday, returning to Florida on Sunday evening, after Thanksgiving. Whew. That's a lot of driving but it's going to allow my mother-in-law to come down to where she used to live and visit two of her brothers, a sister-in-law and others there in the Georgia area. She'll get to see how we've changed things in the house she used to own (we bought it from her). She'll get to be there when we talk to our attorney up there and finish the purchase process for the two pieces of Grandpa's farm that our uncles own, giving us 4/5 of the original farm land. I've done what I can to make things pleasant for her, including putting up a beautiful Christmas tree and doing a little decorating elsewhere in the house. I'm hoping everything goes well and that we have safe drives north and south both times. So that's the news for the next two weeks. I'll try to get Flag Fridays done for both Fridays I'll be out of town so check my Flickr account to see those. How does that sound? November 14, 2018: 12:39 p.m.   Florida Elections:   Well, shock, surprise! Federal investigators have found out that dumboRATS are cheating in changing dates on ballots that arrived the day AFTER the election closed. It's not just happening in the brenda snipes' Broward County. It happened in FOUR counties and the dumboRATS did it. They're doing everything they can to steal this election, too, folks. "'Florida law requires that the voter signatures on mail ballots match the signature of the voter, but Dem lawyers are asking a judge to throw that law out [and] force Florida to count ballots with signatures that don’t match the voter signature on file,' Senator Rubio explained."A show of hands for those who are surprised by this? Remember, folks, the dumboRATs do NOT care about the rule of law. All they care about is getting and maintaining power for themselves. That's what matters to the dumboRATS, and that's ALL that matters to them. That's why they don't care that they're breaking the law to get power. They want power so badly that they'll do anything to get it and keep it. That includes giving the vote to illegals and non-citizens. They think that anyone they allow in -- no matter how dangerous that person may be to your children or yourself -- that those people will, en masse, vote dumboRAT. That way the dumboRATS will never, ever, face a moment out of power again. That's the goal. Will it destroy America? Yes. Will it make our nation more dangerous for our families? Yes. Will it make America weak and tear it apart? Yes. Do the dumboRATS care, give a moment or millisecond of time to be concerned about all of that? Not just "No", but "Heck NO!" That's why we must reverse the trend to cheat in elections (dumboRATs do it all the time: how many times have dead people and fictional characters voted?) and that's why folks like Judicial Watch and other organizations are monitoring the recounts. Cheating once is bad enough, but "finding" votes at this late date must be prevented. They're not "finding" votes, they're manufacturing them by now and it must be stopped! November 14, 2018   Georgia Election:   The same kind of thing is happening in Georgia as stacey abrams is trying to steal the election for governor there. Power: it's the dumboRATS' reason to live. Without it they go insane (witness antifa, the women's marches on Washington D.C., etc.), and shrivel up and die. That's why we must keep them out of power! (LOL!) November 14, 2018   When idiots vote in a brainless twit they get a representative who knows nothing but how to lie. Oh, I'm sorry. That's the usual kind of representative dumboRATS vote for. Well, in ao-c, they got what they paid for. November 14, 2018   SMH:   This is disappointing, but not totally surprising. FoxNews has chosen to back cnn's lawsuit against Pres. Donald J. Trump, etc., for revoking the press pass of the loser-ego, jim "cry baby" acosta. I'm disappointed because FoxNews should be different from the msm, but they aren't. I've said for a very long time that they aren't Conservative, nor are they "Fair and Balanced". In a 24 hour broadcast day three of those hours being hosted by a "more Conservative" host than the usual leftist-of-the-left anchors. It's sad to think that FoxNews is considered the "Conservative" wing of the broadcast industry when, in actuality, they are more along the lines of the "moderate" wing. It's time to realize that the only Conservative -- TRUE Conservative -- media is Rush Limbaugh and a few others; one or two of whom appear on FoxNews for a few hours a week, and on the radio. I listen to most of them. November 14, 2018   Health Watch:   Have children who have cold-like symptoms? Be careful with them. There is a rare illness that is paralyzing children and that starts out looking like cold symptoms, then a week later, your child can be in real danger. If something seems "off" about your child after a cold, get him/her to a doctor immediately. November 14, 2018   "the ocean is still likely warmer than the estimate used by the IPCC. However, that increase in heat has a larger range of probability than initially thought — between 10 percent and 70 percent, as other studies have already found."That's just one paper that was checked by someone who didn't swallow the "Global Warming" lie. Imagine what would happen if EVERYTHING the "Global Warming" pushers were using to push their LIE. Lying is acceptable to get and maintain POWER over what you can and cannot do for "Global Warming" pushers. They are just like the dumboRATS: power at any and all costs. November 14, 2018   Archeology:   The Christian Bible is the most archeologically supported scripture or spiritual book on earth. It seems like almost monthly there are new archeological evidences of the accuracy and truth of the Christian Bible. We have yet another archeological find that may even show the face of Jesus as a youth. If any of the other religions on earth were true, they would have as much archeological evidence of their veracity as does the Christian Bible, but they don't. There is no religion that is as archeologically supported as biblical Christianity. Maybe it's something you should consider for your life? November 14, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. I have errands to run before going to Georgia. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 13, 2018   Judicial Watch is still on the trail of getting the truth from hillosercrooktOOn. I don't know if she'll ever tell the "truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" on anything she has done, but they're still trying. I hope that it comes down to her going to prison for a very, very long time. I think she'll lie, cheat, cry, plead poor mouse, etc., to stay out of prison, but she needs to be there forever. It's time. November 13, 2018   FL Elections:   There is a report that "civil rights attorneys" were handing out ballots AFTER the elections so that they could be counted. It's illegal to count those ballots, but that doesn't stop the dumboRATS from doing anything they can to illegally cheat themselves into office. That's the way they do things: lie, cheat and steal to get into power. It's that important to them. Integrity? Nah. No one needs that; especially not voters! All anyone needs is dumboRATS in power! It's all about cheating dumboRATS into power. Power, power, power: all they want -- and will do anything to get -- is power. November 13, 2018   dnc: Dumbies Naturally Corrupt?:   Judicial Watch is also going after the dnc and the records associated with the Awan brothers who were their IT guys, who hacked into the dnc computers, got Senate and Congressional info illegally and then wired loads of money to their Pakistan relatives and tried to leave America after arrest warrants were issued for them. One got out. The other was at least questioned. dws covered for them, and Judicial Watch is still trying to get to the bottom of this. So, that's the way things stand there. I'm thinking that it's about time! November 13, 2018   A Maine Republican doesn't want a machine to decide if he won his election by calculating an algorithm. That algorithm was set up by a human, with political views, who may very well lean left. So, he's suing to prevent that algorithm from deciding if he actually won. I don't know why they would use an algorithm when they have votes to use instead of a computer program. After all, the computer (hopefully) doesn't vote, nor does it have the right to make this choice. It's the voters who decide, not a computer! It isn't registered to vote, yet an algorithm would be basically doing just that! That needs to stop! November 13, 2018   Brexit:   I'm surprised to see a deal being announced and I'm even more surprised to see that there are MPs ready to resign over any deal that would keep the UK obeying the EU for years after they "leave". I would hope that those MPs would be staying to fight the crap that May is putting the UK through. It's time for them to finally exit and it's time for the EU to let the UK go and it's time that the UK stand up for itself and tell the EU to go pound sand! November 13, 2018   Fake News:   The idiots at cnn are suing everyone because the egotist's, jim acosta's, press credentials were pulled due to his boorish behavior. He needs to face the fact that in the White House, the President (Donald J. Trump) gets to decide whom he welcomes in and whom he does not. When someone berates, criticizes and hounds the President and acts out against a young lady who was trying to do her job, then I think it's absolutely correct to revoke his press creds. After all, the First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."Where does it say anything in there about abridging the freedom of the press to be in the presence of the President? It says that "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press". It doesn't say that the press MUST be given access to the presence of the President. It doesn't say that the President can't decide from whom he will take questions. It says that "Congress shall make no law [my emphasis]", not that the President can't kick someone out of the press corps due to rudeness, abuse and physical assault. This law suit is a grandstanding event by cnn and acosta, nothing more. Read their tripe of a lawsuit filing here. Be ready to offer them tissues. Notice how often they toot their own horn about being a "respected", "trusted source" (Yeah. They really say that: "Fake News" itself. Nerve.) and how many people they reach. I think that part is also a lie because if you look at their ratings, they're third at best and the Walking Dead gets almost three times cnn! Dead people rank higher than cnn? That's appropriate. November 13, 2018   Hubby surprised me and came home a little early so I'm going to go for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 8-9, 2018: 11:23 p.m.   Flag Friday:   I posted Tribute To Our Heroes 397: It Hurts Sarge" and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! November 9, 2018: 9:13 p.m.   Election 2018:   It's not over until it's over and the dumboRATS keep trying to steal the election. That's not just the words of the Conservatives and Republicans, a progressive candidate says so, too. The Supervisor of Elections in Broward County -- a dumboRAT, of course -- seems to think that it's okay to cheat in order to win. "The ends justify the means" seems to be the left's modus operandi nowadays. They're more than willing to do whatever it takes to win and maintain/regain/get their almighty god: POWER! If they have power they are happy. When they don't have power, they have nothing: no life, no happiness, no strength in their bones. They're a big blob of wimpiness and they don't like being blobs of wimpiness. POWER will make them happy, like chocolate does moi. That's why they keep "finding" ballots that "haven't been counted yet" (air quotes around that) with just enough dumboRAT votes to give the dumboRAT the victory. That's the way these people work. Cheat until they win. That's all it takes. That's why Gov. Scott has ordered the State Police to seize all ballots in Broward County. They need to seize all voting machines and all records, too. They need to question employees under oath and get to the TRUTH about what this woman has been doing to CHEAT dumboRATs into power. If she's done it in one election, in a single race, it's a crime. If she's done it in multiple races in multiple elections, it's an even worse crime. Either way, she needs to go to prison. Naturally, a hillosercrooktOOn buddy is trying to allow the crooks to continue with their election fraud. A similar thing is happening in the McSally/sinema race in AZ. SMH. November 9, 2018   Dept. of Veteran's Affairs:   Apparently it's not just our U.S. military veterans they enjoy hurting, they also enjoy cruelty to animals. They've been told to stop but they haven't done so. They have been torturing animals in cruel and horrific testing: for what purpose, I don't know. The article didn't say, but it needs to stop. They ignored the mandates sent by Pres. Donald J. Trump and the head of the Veteran's Administration and continued their insanity. How anyone with a soul can do the sort of things these heartless creeps were doing to animals I have no idea, especially after they've been told to stop by the President! How defiant is that?! November 9, 2018   Grain of Salt:   It's being said -- by cnn, of all places -- that Pam Bondi is in the running to replace U.S.A.G., jeff sessions. I think she would be a great pick! I think she would have the experience needed to get the job done right, the courage to do it without flinching, and the character to not be afraid of those who would try to intimidate her into not doing her job. She's got a spine and I would not be surprised if she went after hillosercrooktOOn and all of the lawless folks of themuslimvileone's administration. The others I don't think would be as good, but I don't know. I may be wrong (yeah, right!). Who knows? November 9, 2018   With jeff sessions out as U.S. Attorney General we have a temporary in. His name is Matthew Whitaker and he may be able to withstand the pressure from the dumboRATS and he may even start investigations into the dumboRATS and some of the crap they've been doing. That would be a refreshing change of pace. Usually, lately at least, dumboRATS have been getting away with everything and facing no consequences, so this would really be something different until Pam Bondi (or someone similar) will be sworn in. November 9, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She is a racist. She has said some things that have woken people up to that, and now, with this latest remark, she proves it again. When asked about her remarks, "young people" said it was still racist. Wow. Can you believe that? She says something racist and "young people" still consider it racist, instad of just dismissing it. That's a switch. November 9, 2018   This is why we need to limit our immigration numbers to those who are willing to come through the normal procedure. Those are the people we want: they're willing to obey the laws, do things the right way and start off on the right foot. If we don't do that, we have a lot of illegal alien invaders who come here and some of them vote in our elections (see, for instance, CA, TX and others). That's why there are leftist radicals winning elections in districts with a lot of foreign-born people. If you want to "Make America Great Again" make sure that people who want to come here are coming here LEGALLY. November 9, 2018   Aaahhh... Public Schools:   New report card guidelines were released by the Dept. of Education's, Betsy Devos, and some of the new items shown on report cards I think are very good. For instance, your child's report card is now supposed to show the numbers of violent incidents, the number of arrests, etc. in your child's schools. I think that's great and good info for parents to have. However, there are still bad things and they're not calling it "Common Core" anymore, but elements of it are still being used in 42 states. So, there are still improvements needed, but maybe it's small steps. Who knows? The Dept. of Education may be as full of themuslimvileone's supporters and hardcore lefties as is the FBI and DOJ. It's hard to crack a rotten egg because of the stench, but getting into it a little at a time and stepping away to breathe may be Devos's way to go. November 9, 2018   pelosipig:   I don't understand America. I don't understand how dumboRATS won the House when we all know that it's important to keep the House Republican if you want to secure our borders. Now, we have a dumboRAT (big emphasis on RAT) controlled House and they are already talking about amnesty! What is wrong with America that they did this to us? The illegal alien invasion was one of the big reasons Pres. Donald Trump is in office and now this? Why? Did America really want to have all of those illegal aliens invading our nation? Or do they want foreigners to come to our country through the legal channels as they should? Why elect dumboRATS to the House if they want to have our borders -- our nation -- secured? It makes no sense, unless there was a lot of cheating. November 9, 2018   ROTTEN ryan:   Of course, the ryan led Congress didn't do much to help them get elected. They tout the tax reform, and that was good, but it was on Pres. Donald Trump's instruction and encouragement that they did so. Without that, I doubt that even that would have happened. In fact, rotten ryan actually Pres. Trump's DACA plan, his tariffs on steel, Trump's lower immigration numbers, and other things. Rotten ryan was a weight around Pres. Trump's waist as he tried to do good things for America. I'll be glad to see rotten go away! November 9, 2018   I agree with Pres. Donald J. Trump. I, too, will never forgive themuslimvileone for what he did to America. He was evil and he hated (still does) America and he should never have been prezidunce. He was awful for America and he did so much harm to us and to her that his legacy had to be reversed and I'm glad and grateful that Pres. Donald J. Trump is undoing so much of what themuslimvileone did. November 9, 2018   Again, the dumboRATS being in control of the House means nonsense being done. For instance, after the tragic, horrific shooting at the bar in CaliMarxifornia, they're promising "bipartisan, common sense gun control! The problem -- and what PROVES THEIR IDIOCY -- is that CaliMarxifornia has some of the strictest, most narrow gun control laws in America and this still happens there! More "gun control" does not STOP bad people because bad people do not obey the law! If a felon wants to get out of twenty years in prison and go out and get a gun to shoot the attorney who helped convict him, he's going to be able to find someone who will sell him a gun, or he'll steal it from someone, and he'll go find that attorney and do his evil deed. There are laws against him owning a gun, laws against him shooting someone and laws that say the person who sold him the gun will be punished, but does that stop him from getting the gun if he really wants it? No! Gun control laws do NOT stop people or we would NEVER have these mass shootings -- or any shootings -- in the first place if laws prevented bad people from doing bad things! Laws only control the law abiding people, those of us who choose to be good and not break the law. It doesn't stop those who choose to ignore the laws and go out and do whatever they want in the first place! More laws only control those of us who obey the laws! Idiots want to prevent those of us who obey the laws from getting guns to enable us to protect those who do not have them. The CA shooting happened in a gun free place: all bars are gun free, except that law didn't prevent the bad guy from taking his gun in there to shoot good people who left their guns home! Idiots think otherwise! November 9, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   He's wasting more money in paying "protestors" to march in support of the mueller investigation. That's a waste of money. If Pres. Donald J. Trump wants to fire mueller and stop the investigation by declassifying everything to do with this nonsense "Russian collusion" allegation, Pres. Trump has the right, power and authority (via the U.S. Constitution and other laws) to do so. It's his right. In declassifying everything you'll be able to see that. You'll see the LIES in the FISA warrants, you'll see the dossier LIES that the crooktOOn campaign paid a foreign agent to put together. You'll see the LIES the left put together to try to keep Pres. Trump out of office. You'll realize that, no matter what they say, the hillosercrooktOOn campaign knew early on that they would not win and they went to desperation ideas to try to steal the election via false allegations. It's not a confident opponent who stoops to this kind of thing. LIES should never win, and in this case especially, the liar was not rewarded with a victory and we are so glad! November 9, 2018   Don't ya' love that there are leftists/progressives/liberals out there who think that if you're "white" you must be racist -- or as bernie sanders says -- at least "uncomfortable" about voting for a black candidate. Townhall's writer translated that to "being afraid of..." but, I don't think that is what sanders was saying. I think he was saying that, because of themuslimvileone and what he did to America, that "white" people are concerned and uncomfortable voting for another black person because maybe the black person will want to do the same things that themuslimvileone wanted to do. I think he's possibly correct. themuslimvileone has ruined things for black candidates for a while. November 9, 2018   Violent Antifa:   Wow. Look at that. Former NYC police commissioner says that the FBI must label antifa as a "domestic terror group". I agree. They've done some horrible stuff and they target innocent people for violence, hatred and mob attacks. They need to be put on the domestic terrorist group list and on the hate group list. November 9, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. I won't be here Monday because I'll be in Georgia again. Getting ready for Thanksgiving week, which we'll spend in Georgia with our son down here to watch over things and feed the cat. My mother-in-law, whose house and property we bought in Georgia (along with other family members' properties) will be down for Thanksgiving and we're taking her to see her brothers and a sister-in-law for what may be their last visits. Sad to think of but there are health things happening with all of them and reality bites. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 8, 2018: 12:36 p.m.   I missed yesterday because I had to run an unexpected errand to Melbourne and had company when I came home. Sorry about that. I was pleased with what Brevard chose to do for itself in the elections, for the most part. I saw that all of the Republican candidates won in Brevard, so Brevard's Red Wave really was a tsunami. Most of the Amendments passed, even the one that will probably make it very difficult for Pres. Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence to win here in 2020. That was not smart, Florida. You gave "non-violent" felons a blanket forgiveness and thought with your heart instead of your head and that's not good. You have a brain for a reason, use it. Anyways, most of my recommendations did well. I am glad, but I see a difficult road ahead for Pres. Donald J. Trump and everyone associated with him because the dumboRATS cheated as much as they can get away with (see Texas dumboRATS, for instance) to win and they are dead set on getting rid of Pres. Trump and Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Is that what you want? Is that what should happen here where the people voted and put a man in office and the power-hungry, sore losers do everything they can to undo what the people wanted? Well, that's what we're going to see, thanks to the idiots who voted dumboRAT. Thanks for nothing, morons. I have stuff to do today, too, so I will only do about four blurbs today. Sorry. November 8, 2018   SCOTUS:   What will the left do when Pres. Donald J. Trump gets to appoint another SCOTUS Justice? With RBG's health in decline it may be that the opportunity will present itself in 2019, if not sooner. How crazy will the lefties/progressives/liberals go then? Be careful when it happens, because they will probably be even crazier than with Justice Kavanaugh. That hardly seems possible, but they are known for pushing things even further left than it was. May get dangerous. November 8, 2018   Another system failure in the bar shooting that killed over ten people (reported
numbers differ), and a former
U.S. Marine corps member
who November 8, 2018   cnn:   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! The White House has suspended The Ego's press credentials until further notice. Because of an incident at a press conference in which he accosta-ed a young lady, they won't allow jim "look at me!" acosta in press briefings anymore. I admit to dancing on the inside when I heard this news. It made me that happy. November 8, 2018   Idiot dumboRATS elected a Muslim who danced with a Palestinian flag after her victory. She celebrated by wearing the flag of Palestine, although when she became a U.S. citizen (necessary for running for public office) she swore allegiance to AMERICA, not Palestine. Why, if her loyalties are with and TO America, did she not use an American flag for her celebration? Riddle me that, moron dumboRATS. November 8, 2018   Another leftie decides to hate on America in a foreign country. This time it was expected, though, becuase he has a long history of hating America and the white Christian and Jew. louis farrakhan chanted "Death to America!" while visiting Iran. He denies it, of course, but there is video. In today's society if you say it in public -- and sometimes in private -- it will come back to bite you. November 8, 2018   antifa mobs:   They've doxxed Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter and others and now Carlson's wife and children live in fear because an antifa mob -- MOB -- is outside chanting "Tucker Carlson we will fight!That's not something that you should get away with. That's a verbal threat and his wife and four children are hearing that chant while he's a work. Should they be frightening innocents? Should they be allowed to do that? Should they want to do that? The left is full of useful idiots and this is just one of their uses. Too bad they don't realize that as they do their master's bidding they are putting themselves at risk. After all, it's not the dnc leaders, thevilegeorgesoros, or themuslimvileone who are going to be arrested and maybe fired after it's found out that they acted so horribly. Useful idiots will pay the price while those who pull the strings get away with it scott free. Isn't that special? November 8, 2018   jeff sessions:   He's OUTTA' HERE! Now Pres. Donald J. Trump can appoint a new U.S. Attorney General who will be there for him, who will do what he's supposed to do, who won't recuse himself from doing his darned job and from investigating things that the LEFT are doing and enforcing the laws that will protect our nation! thevilegeorgesoros's Move On.org is defending him so you KNOW he was a tool of the left while he was USAG. So glad he's gone! Good bye and "Don't let the front door hit you on the backside..." November 8, 2018   LOL!:   DumboRATS want, "none of the above" when it comes to those who are interested in being the dumboRAT nominee! That's too good! I wonder if they'll actually go with "Beto" O'Rourke and try to push him as another themuslimvileone? If so, he'd better check the crease in his pants if he wants to get the nod! November 8, 2018   Jeff Sessions may be gone, but his department was still full of PC crap while he was there. Proof: His DOJ "charged a hotel discrimination for not hiring immigrant in fraud infested asylum program". Disgusting, DOJ. Absolutely disgusting. How about stopping the PC nonsense and doing your job? Hmm? Wouldn't that be a novel concept? November 8, 2018   Mexico's new president is going to make matters worse instead of better. He's goint to help the cartels bring more drugs into America and be more violent against us. Sounds to me like he's on their payroll. Does it sound that way to you? November 8, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Millions of YOUR taxpayer dollars were siphoned from aid accounts and sent to al Qaeda by "non-governmental organizations (NGOs)" and that organization? It's one of the usual suspects: "USAID [U.S. Agency for International Development]", an NGO used by the left to do its bidding. Anyone surprised? November 8, 2018   I'm going to stop there for today. I have things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 6, 2018: 10:17 a.m.: Election Day   If you have not yet voted remember to do so today. It's your last chance this election cycle to vote for yourself, vote for America, vote for more prosperity, more strength, more jobs, higher wages, the rule of law, the respect of the world, the lower taxes you're paying, the right to "keep and bear arms", the First Amendment and for a better world for your grandchildren, then vote for the Republicans who are helping create all of this. Replace every dumboRAT with a Republican. Remove dumboRATS from office for their efforts to besmirch a good man's -- Brett Kavanaugh's -- name with false allegations and lies from the left. Remove dumboRATS for wasting your taxpayer dollars on that crap and on the false allegations of "Russian collusion", which they've looked for evidence of for two years and found nothing because it never happened (not in the Trump camp, but it did happen in the crooktOOn camp and they're not investigating her for any amount of time, much less two years!). Remove dumboRATS from office because they're doing everything they can to keep themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX and to keep your healthcare costs high. Remove dumboRATS from office because if they get their way, the internet will be controlled by them and everything you say will have to be passed through their "permission" algorithm. If you say the wrong thing, you'll be shut down, a la the dead blue bird. Elect Republicans if you like FREEDOM vote Republican. It's the best thing you can do today. (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or political party. I say this because I believe it, even though I'm not a Republican -- I'm No Party Affiliation.) November 6, 2018   If you think that dumboRATS are sure of their "Blue Wave", then you've got another think coming. If they were so confident, why are they insulting their party members? Vote for mccaskill, "you liberal _____________"? Really? Is that all they've got left, calling their constituents names? I thought name calling was bad, after all, they complain when Pres. Trump says anything at all negative about anyone and he's raked over the coals. When the left gets upset and calls names? It's all okay. Isn't that fair? November 6, 2018   Fake News:   The msm likes to say that they're unbiased, don't have a "side" and don't want you to know that both of those ideas/statements are a LIE when they say them. For instance, the reporter who called a Republican candidate's campaign office trying to get an interview and after being unable to reach anyone, left a message. The problem is that she thought she hung up, but didn't, and her comments after the message were recorded as well. That's when the NSFW/C begins because the reporter decided to express her true feelings by cussing the Republican candidate running against thevilegeorgesoros's puppet, debbie stabenow. Yeah. No bias, huh? November 6, 2018   Speaking of bias, msnbc has already posted a graphic that has andrew gillum WINNING. Uh. Problem. The voting isn't finished yet and the polls are still open. Wishful thinking perhaps? Or BIAS? November 6, 2018   Red Wave?:   When you look at the size of the rallies Pres. Donald J. Trump puts together it's amazing! He has been drawing "bigly" crowds and people are excited to be there. His last rally, last night at his Missouri rally, he brought Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others to Cape Girardeau and they had a really good time! (And I missed it! Darn!) Republicans are "outperforming" dumboRATS in this election so far, so let's keep that going! Red Wave! Red Wave! Red Wave! (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independant of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) November 6, 2018   "Russian collusion":   This is why we need to vote Republican. If dumboRATS get into office they'll push this crappy LIE again although there is NO EVIDENCE of any collusion, they can't back away from the LIE totally. After all, if they win anything today, they'll do everything they can to impeach Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's their priority because they have nothing else. They have no new ideas, no goals to help America; it's all destroy, destroy, destroy. That's all they know. Is that what you want? (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independant of any candidate, campaign, or committee. November 6, 2018   Want to know why voting REPUBLICAN is so important? It's because of the sneaky, underhanded, expensive to the taxpayers ways that the dumboRATS are planning to use against Pres. Donald J. Trump. They want dumboRAT Attorneys General in office so that they can sue Pres. Trump again and again and again and again... You get the picture? Vote Republican! It's going to save America! (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independant of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) November 6, 2018   themuslimvileone:   Meanwhile, he can't fill a postage stamp! He is "campaigning" for dumboRAT candidates, but he can't stop talking about himself. Got ego? Poor fool. He's got nothing anyone wants anymore and he's too conceited to realize it. November 6, 2018   There are hollyweirdos who are just regular liars and then there are those who are total liars and a late night show idiot is the latter. November 6, 2018   When -- WHEN -- dumboRATS lose their wave and don't even get a drip, they'll make excuses and I'm sure one of those excuses will be "Russian interference!" They'll make every excuse in the box and if they have the chance, they'll blame everyone from Mickey Mouse to "Russian collusion". Well, they'll try but there's a new investigation that says "a secret assessment sent to the White House last week by an intelligence task forces found no evidence of foreign actors attempting to tamper with election infrastructure,"See that? "No evidence of foreign actors attempting to tamper with election infrastructure." So those who have been claiming "Russians tampered with our elections", need to shut up and quit making bad excuses for their party's loss and instead of doing that, how about they start improving their own party? Hey, now there's an idea! November 6, 2018   November 6, 2018   stacey abrams:   What an idiot. She says that banning guns is like banning radar detectors. What? Yep. She said it. The problem is, a radar detector hides a crime -- speeding -- by telling you where the radar is and allowing you to slow down before your crime may have been detected. A gun, on the other hand, owned and used by a law-abiding citizen can PREVENT a crime by a bad guy with a gun and evil in his heart. So how does her comparison stand? It's so wrong it's stupid! IF she had a brain she'd call it a blender. (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independant of any candidate, campaign, or committee.) November 6, 2018   Islamic Violence:   They've found 200 mass graves of ISIS victims, thousands of them. ISIS claims that their god tells them to do this and that it's the way to bring about world dominance and peace because their god will rule the whole world after they kill everyone else. I don't think a god like that is worth worshipping. I don't think a god that says for you to die for him so that you can murder others as you go out is worth worshipping. I think that's an abomination and not worthy of anyone's anything except desspising that god. Those who say that all religions worship the same god have no clue what they are talking about. This is not the way the GOD of the Bible does things. Look at my chart comparing the Christian GOD to that of Islam and you will see they are not the same. The GOD of Christianity loves you, loves the people in the Middle East, and, yes, even loves ISIS members and wants them to change their hearts and minds and follow and love Him as He loves them. That's not what the god of Islam wants. He doesn't want love, he wants you to die for him and kill others as you do. I'd rather worship my GOD who loves me and doesn't ask me to kill anyone. Wouldn't you? November 6, 2018   Why is it news that "It's okay to be white" posters were posted on campuses? Why is that of interest to anyone? It's not as if we choose our skintone before we are born, so what's the big deal about skintone? No one asked to be conceived, born, or born into a particular skintone family, or on a particular continent, into a particular religious belief, or in a particular country. We don't have a choice! I'm "white" (although you can't really call me "white"), but I didn't ask to be born caucasian! I just AM. That's why skintone doesn't matter to me. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." That's the way I was raised. No one's skintone matters! It's not an issue unless and until someone else makes it an issue. Why should "white privilege" be a thing nowadays? It shouldn't be anything! It's not an issue, it's stupidity! It's pure, plain, outrageous stuidity. November 6, 2018   I'll close with that thought today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 5, 2018: 2:35 p.m.   thevilegeorgesoros:   He and hillosercrooktOOn have been working together to destroy America and control the world for a long time. Now we find out that the evil alliance continued while she was SoS (a rather ironic abreviation since she was the one trying to sink our ship!). They were doing everything they could -- legal or not -- to destroy as many countries as they can so that they can get their heart's desire: a one world government with THEM in charge. Isn't that special? Aren't you glad they have so far failed? November 5, 2018   FoxNews is allegedly (at least their favorite slogan is) "Fair and Balanced". If they were why do they use the same phrases, by-words, etc., as the rest of the msm? Also, why do they kiss the msm butt by agreeing with them to not run a Pres. Donald J. Trump ad that tells the truth about the caravans that are heading toward America to force us to let them in? Why is that? Oh, and remember, you can't call it a "caravan". That's not allowed. You can't use your whole vocabulary anymore because it may hurt someone's poor wittle feewings. [sic] It's absurd and ridiculous, but that's the world we live in, and will continue to do so, until the dumboRATS are resoundingly beaten for thise election cycle. November 5, 2018   Voter Fraud:   We are constantly told that there is no such thing and that if it does happen, it's an evil Republican doing the bad and it has nothing to do with dumboRATS because for them "Every vote counts!", right? Well, guess what? They have busted a dumboRAT voter fraud ring in Texas, where voting machines were changing votes and four women were busted a few weeks ago for voter fraud. But it's not just happening in Texas. It's also happening in Georgia, according to the NAA[L]CP and the abrams campaign. It's time that the machines we are supposed to trust with our vote are made tamper-proof. It's also time that those dumboRATS who are in office be forced to NOT "find" ballots in trunks, closets, drawers, their mother-in-law's wedding cake topper inside her freezer. It's absurd and ridiculous how much the dumboRATS want to cheat to win. Have you ever heard of "found" ballots in a Republican-run election office? Hm? No? Well, shock, surprise! November 5, 2018   therepugnantloserfakerkhan:   He went to Iran and decided it would be a safe space for him to lead a chant: "Death to America!" What? Did he think the American people wouldn't find out about that? If he wants America dead, how about we refuse re-entry to him? After all, why would he want to be back into a country he wants dead? Sounds reasonable to me. November 5, 2018   While driving to our Georgia farm and around that area, I noticed how many Kemp signs were in the yards we passed. As soon as we cross the border they start showing up. I finally saw an abrams sign last visit, but it was the only abrams sign I saw in yards. I may have seen a sign near a polling place, but I don't even remember for certain on that, just giving it the benefit of the doubt. I said Kemp was going to win because of that. Now, it looks like Kemp has taken the lead and so has his fellow Republican in Montana. There's going to be a red wave -- a "bigly" red wave -- here in Florida, too. I have seen Scott, DeSantis and other Republicans' signs all over, but very few dumboRAT signs. I smile as I notice them. I smile as I think of Wednesday morning and the snowflakes crying on national television again. Big ol' crocodile tears rolling down their cheeks, or while they scream at the top of their lungs -- after making sure a camera was on them. I love thinking about that. Another pelosipig Speakership? I don't believe it is going to happen. No one wants Ms Skeletor. We've had enough of that and we've moved on to bigger and better and good for America. We've seen the difference between leftie progressive (themuslimvileone, etc.) and Conservative capitalist (Pres. Trump, etc.) and we've seen the results of the different belief systems. We have learned the hard way that Conservative Capitalism is much better. Why go backward? Vote Republican and see what the future holds as we build upon the good Pres. Donald J. Trump has done for the last twenty-two months. Ride the Red Wave and hang ten more million jobs on the dumboRATS' noses as even more people become employed under Pres. Trump's policies! (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anyone/anything else. It's all mine, folks. All mine.) November 5, 2018   A caller said a bomb was in the building next to where Pres. Donald J. Trump was going to hold a rally in Cleveland. IF it was a real bomb, we don't know; the authorities are not saying. IF it were real and had gone off while the rally was taking place, hundreds (if not thousands) could have been hurt or killed. I hope they find the sicko who called the bomb threat in, and I hope that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I hope that if there was a bomb that they really do throw the key away after they lock him up. November 5, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   We know that there are at least -- at LEAST -- 300 known convicts and gang members in the caravans. We also know that there are already 1,100 illegals crossing our borders daily. We don't need more illegal alien invaders to deal with. In Texas alone in the last seven years, there have been 270 THOUSAND illegals booked into TX jails. That's way too many people crossing and being criminals. Just processing these people, trying to find out who they are and if there's a real reason to grant them "asylum" (most illegals -- on advice of dumboRAT immigration attorneys -- lie about that nowadays and we allow it to happen). It's time we just stop them at the border and tell them "Turn around. Go home. You are not welcome here to cross our borders illegally or to LIE to us about a need for asylum. Take your children home. Make your own country better." It's time America stands up for herself and we protect our borders and our citizens! November 5, 2018   If you want to see a potentially laughable situation, ask the FBI which kind of agents they sent to monitor elections in nineteen states. Ask if they sent agents who are still kissing themuslimvileone's and hillosercrooktOOn's backside or if they sent agents of integrity and honor? I know there must be some FBI agents with integrity and honor out there who can monitor our elections. If they sent those loyal to the lefties/progressives/liberals, then we should have observers watching the observers because those FBI agents can do as much damage and cheating (strzok, page, comey, rosenstein, etc.) as those who have been caught in Texas. It's time to have election integrity be a main goal of every state of the union. We need to be able to trust the results of our elections and to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no intereference of any kind, no "found" ballots, no voter intimidation (new black panthers, anyone?), no voter fraud and vote stealing. It's time to "True The Vote!" and it's time that we don't have to even think about a single vote being fraudulent, stolen, or threatened out of existence. It's time! November 5, 2018   Mail Bomb Sender:   His mother says he's been mentally ill "for a long time". I believe it. November 5, 2018   There's another study about the "safety" of medical marijuana and recreational marijuana and it found that if you have Type 1 diabetes, don't use marijuana! As I've said over and over again, there is NO good use of marijuana. It's not recommended by any of the major support organizations for the ailments it is said to help. There are always drawbacks that are not announced and it's always a problem that is found too late to prevent someone from dying. Is that what you want? November 5, 2018   SCOTUS:   Wow. Did you think this would happen? They've allowed Pres. Trump's undoing of "net neutrality" to stand. I thought for certain there would be such a fuss over it that they would almost have to take it on and make a ruling, but no. They chose to allow the current status stand. I am glad. November 5, 2018   I hope that there are no Lowe's store closings in this area. My neighbor works at the Titusville store, and I love Lowe's. They've been very good to the military and they have treated us very well when we shop there, when we had our kitchen redone by them and when we have a problem, they make it right. Lowe's has been a good store and I don't know why they're having trouble so I hope this is temporary. Keep an eye on your local store here. Let's hope we don't have to drive a long time to get to our home improvement center of choice. November 5, 2018   Violent Leftists:   There have been so many attacks on those of us on the right since 2016 that it's hard to keep up with. That's why I'm glad that someone out there is keeping track for us and has found 639 acts of violence against Trump supporters and Conservatives. What I want to know now, is how many of those 639 acts of leftist/progressive/liberal violence were prosecuted, or the perpetrator even found? Did any of them actually go to jail? That's what I want to know. November 5, 2018   James O'Keefe has found many dumboRATS who have been LYING to their constituents this election and he's gotten the proof on video. Now we know about another LYING dumboRAT and this one is LYING about being a practicing nurse. She went to school for it, but she doesn't practice being a nurse. She has never had any patients. She has been telling people she's a nurse, but she has no patients, so is she? Just asking, folks, just asking. November 5, 2018   Brexit:   I hope that theresa may actually helps this thing to happen, instead of impeding it. The deadline is soon but may has been dawdling. She doesn't want to! Waaahhhh! November 5, 2018   I ask that you pray for these anti-abortion ballot initiatives all pass and that more babies' lives will be saved. That would be a wonderful gift to the world and it would please the Lord GOD Almighty. Remember, when it says in the Old Testament that "thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech,"? I firmly believe that abortion is the modern day equivalent to allowing our seed to "pass through the fire to Molech". Abortion is the modern equivalent of being sacrificed to a false god -- the god of sex. Isn't a baby's life worth more than a climax? November 5, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 2, 2018: 12:54 p.m.   Flag Friday:   I'm a little late in posting this tonight so please forgive me. I remembered it about twenty-five minutes ago and as I came back to my office to write the poem, GOD gave me something that I really like and hope you do, too. This week's Tribute is "Tribute To Our Heroes 396: In Her Eyes". Can you believe I've done that many Flag Friday pics and poems? Of course, they didn't start out as being poems, just Tributes, but that's what they evolved into. Now I'm wondering if I should stop at 400, or keep going a little longer, or maybe never stop. What thinks you? For how long should I write these poems and post Tributes? I need to be able to some day get my Thursday evenings back to myself so I can plan to do something other than being near a computer at this time. Or, maybe just learn to write early and often and have enough pics on hand to make it work. I don't know. I'm trying to figure that part out. Let me know what you think I should do. Remember, I reserve the right to publish any and all e-mails received with comments about myself or my website. Yes, that does mean "publish" as in put your e-mail on my homepage, then Page Deux, and on to Storage 20** (insert year). If you don't want anything nasty that you may say to me on my website, then keep your negativity to yourself. I enjoy publishing the bad because no one would believe the good! ;0) Have a nice evening and I'll try to do updates later today! See ya'! November 2, 2018: 2:38 p.m.   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Personally, I think that the "attorney" who filed this lawsuit against Pres. Trump for enforcing our border and trying to prevent the caravans from entering America illegally should LOSE THEIR LICENSE to practice any kind of law in America. If they don't, then at the very least they should be censured and suspended for five years. A lawsuit to force our country to STOP enforcing our laws is ridiculous to put it mildly. Why can't America be America instead of being forced into becoming a Middle Eastern country, a Central American country, a satellite of someone else's homeland? Why can't we be allowed to be AMERICA? You need to know that if they are allowed in, they will bring TB, Dengue, Chikungunya and probably other deadly diseases that America had done away with on our soil. If you want a return of polio, and all of the deadly illnesses of the past, then we should welcome the caravans. If you want your children to stay healthy, keep our borders CLOSED and SECURE. November 2, 2018   bullybob crooktOOn:   He's no longer the draw he used to be. The left is asking him to stay away in droves (so to speak) because of his history of raping and sexually molesting women. He used to think he was all that and a box of cheese, now he has to pay someone to be with him in any way. He's no longer the draw he used to be. He's a has been, a washed up used-to-be, an asterisk of sexual immorality. (Hey, that's kinda' a poem.) Poor, poor egotist. November 2, 2018   andrew gillum: &nbps We've seen the Project Veritas video of his campaign staffers saying that they have to LIE to people to get their votes. We've seen that they don't want people to know about that; "That's not for them to know". Just like the McCaskill, Sinema, O'Rourke, Heitkamp and other dumboRAT campaigns, gillum's campaign is not telling people THE TRUTH. They choose to LIE to people because they want the power. That's what it's about and apparently that lesson is getting through to some of their supporters, too. For example, the gillum supporter who took an elderly lady's phone from her and threw it to the ground. Is that the kind of influence you want as a governor? Do you want a governor who, like themuslimvileone before him, encouraged physical violence and whose followers willingly obeyed? If you want another themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn in office, vote for gillum. If you want law and order and civility and honor, vote for Ron DeSantis for Governor. He's the best choice. (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or any other influence. I think for myself.) November 2, 2018   Fake News:   I think polls are fake news as well as cnbc, msnbc, nbc, cbs, abc, npr, cnn, hnn, etc. I think polls are far too skewed to trust. They speak to more dumboRATS than Republicans to get the results they want then report those results as though it was an actual fair poll. Well, don't listen to the polls. The left does most of the polls and there are those on the left who want to LIE to you about everything. For instance, the website Axios is lying to its readers saying that America is headed to a recession. With the numbers we're seeing (see below) for jobs and wages, they tell their readers we're headed for a recession? Got integrity? The left knows its readers are ill-informed and they want them that way or they wouldn't be LYING to them! Get out there and VOTE and VOTE for the most Conservative person you are able to vote for. That's what will save America from the clutches of the idiots the dumboRATS run. Let's not go backward -- back to themuslimvileone's time and ways. Let's move forward and keep "Making America Great Again!" Vote Conservative, Vote Republican to give Pres. Donald J. Trump as much support as he can possibly have! Let's GO REPUBLICAN or go backward! (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or any other influence.) November 2, 2018   The difference between the enthusiasm on the right and the left? Trump = 27,000 attendees and themuslimvileone about 1,000. That's a HUGE difference: 26,000 more people showed up in a cornfield, in 50ºF temps and a drizzle, compared to being inside a high school gym (that wasn't even full)! themuslimvileone even got heckled while speaking in support of gillum. Poor baby. Enthusiasm advantage: REPUBLICANS. November 2, 2018   MAGA!:   If you think that Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing a good job, then you will like these numbers: America is adding more than 1,000 manufacturing jobs A DAY and we're hiring more people all the time! If that's not good news for you then you're a moron. If that's not a good thing to keep up, then you're an idiot. If that's not a good thing for your neighbors, relatives and others, then you're selfish and you need to grow up. Let's keep this going and do more of it! Vote Republican to help Pres. Trump keep this growth and good news going! (Paid political ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee or any other influence.) November 2, 2018   FBI:   Judicial Watch is suing them because the FBI chose to not use a text message record keeping system and now we can't get Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) records that would and should include text messages if the FBI had put a system in place -- in accordance with the law -- to record those texts. Now anything that the FBI doesn't want the people to know about within text messages can be (and probably has been) deleted and "disappeared" instead of turning them over to the record keepers, putting them in a recording system, or turning them over to FOIA requests. That's not right, it's illegal and Judicial Watch is suing the FBI because of it. I hope JW wins and wipes the floor with the smug FBI. They are not above the law (nor is anyone else) and for them to act like they don't have to obey the law is ridiculous. November 2, 2018   Voting Age 16?:   Washington D.C., our nation's mentally ill capital, is going to vote this month -- what day is not mentioned -- to lower the voting age to 16. How mature and informed are you when you're sixteen? You get your news from your leftist teachers, fakebook, the dead blue bird, yahoo news (not news: slant), hollyweirdos and the msm -- that's IF you're paying attention at all. If you're so stupid that you'll listen to those influences you shouldn't be voting in the first place. I wonder if we'll ever come to a time when so many people are considered too ill- or un-informed that there will be a test proposed to see if they're too ignorant (not knowing the facts; not "stupid") to vote. I think that if you're going to vote you should be able to carry on a reasonably informed converstaion on the issues and candidates you're going to be voting on. If you can't speak with some knowledge on all of the issues you should not be voting. Inform yourself first, then vote. Otherwise you are helping things happen that you don't necessarily want to happen. Inform yourself on the issues and candidates this weekend and Monday, then vote on Tuesday and vote informed. November 2, 2018   A country that is doing the right thing for their people is Hungary. They chose to support marriage and the nuclear family and because of that, marriage is up, abortion is down and their country doesn't need "immigrants" to replenish the workforce. That's the RIGHT way to do things. Marriage and families matter. Instead of supporting single-motherhood and babies born out of wedlock America needs to support marriage and families staying together and working through tough times together. If you want do something for "health care" that ALL of America would benefit from, I'm FOR offering marriage counseling at a taxpayer subsidized rate if the family stays together. Make it a benefit to NOT get divorced and to have babies only within the sanctity of marriage and that will benefit ALL of America. Old-fashioned, yes, but it WORKS. November 2, 2018   Ann Coulter wrote a history of what she is calling "The True History of Millstone Babies". Those "millstone" babies are A.K.A. "anchor babies", which Mark Dice actually had -- had -- a funny video about but apparently YouTube took down. It had the anchors of msnbc, cnn, etc., cry-babying and a baby superimposed over it them. I think that YouTube was wrong in removing the funny video. After all, it's Free Speech and it's not physically harming anyone, so what's the big dippy deal? November 2, 2018   Thought I'd give you a giggle to end the links with. There was an Islamic terrorist who "threatened" to behead Pres. Donald J. Trump but used a faulty translator app to do so with and his threat turned into a kiss and hug. How funny is that?! I love it! November 2, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 1, 2018: 12:25 p.m.   I have just a little time to spend on this today so I'll do just a few blurbs then have to go. Let's get started. November 1, 2018   andrew gillum:   If you've been watching what Project Veritas has been doing you know that they've been inside dumboRAT campaigns and have videos of their staff -- and the candidates themselves sometimes -- saying things that should upset their supporters. They've all said that they have been LYING to their supporters. They've been LYING so that they can get more supporters as they try to show that they are "moderates". Well, that can't work when James O'Keefe and his people are around. His newest release is andrew gillum's LIES being exposed and I bet his supporters won't be happy about it, either. There are those who understand that he's been LYING to them all along. But there are others who didn't realize it and I bet they'll be irritated to say the least. What's that old saying, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."? Makes all those dumboRAT LIARS sound like deadly spiders, does it not? Maybe that's what happened to his rally with Bernie Sanders? Question for you: Do you think gillum, like the crooktoons, will ever be incarcerated for what he has done? (Paid politcal ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney, 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign or committee. It's Free Speech, First Amendment protected, so deal with it.) November 1, 2018   Violent Islam:   In Pakistan, a Christian woman was found guilty of blasphemying Islam because she drank out of the same cup as Islamic women. That was in 2009. Her appeal was just ruled on and she was found innocent and ordered released because the Supreme Court of Pakistan found that the verdict was based upon flimsy evidence, bad procedure, and that the prosecution had "categorically failed" to prove its case. In the meantime, two men were murdered because they stood up for the Christian woman, a fatwa has been issued against those who help her and there are thugs on the streets ready to harm those who will support the ruling, or just to hurt others and break things because they didn't get their own way. (Sounds like blm or antifa, doesn't it?) This is Islam. Right and worng don't really matter. What matters is what their feelings. Little babies act like that, too, do they not? November 1, 2018   Fake News:   This is one of the DUMBEST things I've seen in a while. Get this one. The L.A. Times endorsed the caucasian candidate in English, but in their Spanish version, they endorsed the Hispanic candidates!b Do they not realize that there are people who can read and understand both languages? Do they think their readers... Sorry. Almost asked a rhetorical question. Of course they think their readers are that stupid. They believe they are superior to their readers and believe that they can think circles around their readers. Too bad they lost on that bet. November 1, 2018   November 1, 2018   SCOTUS Justice, Brett Kavanaugh:   Someone started a GoFundMe account for his defense that was not used by Justice Kavanaugh, so he decided to donate that money to Catholic youth programs. I think that's a sweet thing to do. Agree? November 1, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   I thought they were all about "Women's Health" so why are they donating big time money to pro-ABORTION dumboRATS? Is abortion the only "health" matter that matters? If so, how about the health of the women they've aborted? Those little girls don't grow up to be turnips. Doesn't their health matter? November 1, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   It's time to protect our borders and Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing just that. It's a good thing to finally see that. I've hoped that someone would do so for many a year. Now, it's happening as the three caravans of foreigners are headed our way demanding entrance into our country, demanding jobs that we could do, will do if given the chance. That's why Pres. Trump has sent our troops to the Southern border. He's trying to protect us from those who are violent and hiding within the caravans, and from those who would come and take American jobs, get free-to-them-but-cost-us housing, food, education, healthcare, etc., etc., etc. It's time to defend our country from those who do not want to do things the RIGHT way: file the paperwork, go through the LEGAL immigration process, live here legally or not at all! November 1, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump says that "The Blue Wave" is dead! I believe it, too. I've been watching things and I've been noticing the signs in the yards. I've seen WAY MORE Republican yard signs than dumboRAT signs. I Georgia, where we go almost every other weekend, I see Kemp signs over abrams signs by nearly 20 to 1. It's Kemp, Kemp, Kemp everywhere! I enjoy it. Here, I see a lot of dumboRAT signs around voting places, but almost nowhere else. I don't see people excited about the dumboRATS (see the link about the gillum rally above) and I don't see the alleged blue wave the left is pushing. Remember they lied about the hillosercrooktOOn's lead and popularity. Is the msm (with the help of pollsters) LYING to us again? November 1, 2018   If you like what Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing for America and for you, then you need to VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 4. Why? Because all of those felons, you know the left is going to try to convince to use their restored voting rights to vote against Pres. Trump. It's better if each individual's rights were restored after they face a board that decides on an individual by individual basis whether they get their voting rights back. If a person embezzles thousands of dollars from their employer, gets caught and faces over forty counts of felonies, accepts a plea deal down to a single conviction and does everything the judge orders, that person can apply to get their voting rights back and receive them if the board agrees to it. A blanket forgiveness of every person my mean nothing more than repeat offenders who learn nothing from their crimes except that it's all okay, they have no consequences to face. VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 4. (Paid politcal ad, paid for and approved by Linda McKinney, 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign or committee. It's Free Speech, First Amendment protected, so deal with it.) November 1, 2018   I did more than I thought I would so now I have to boogie. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 2018 October 31, 2018: Halloween: 2:25 p.m.   I went and voted today. While there I met a woman who had a bunch of DeSantis/Nunez signs and when I saw her I said, "Go DeSantis!" and whooped. She stopped to talk and I said that we can't have andrew gillum because he's just a male hillosercrooktOOn: corrupt and anti-American but not paying a price for it yet. She said, "That's right. He's doing the same kind of things but no one has arrested him yet." She said "Thank you!" for putting it that way. It helped put it into perspective. I hope she uses that line because it's so very true. Anyways, I brought home a DeSantis/Nunez sign for my front yard because she offered me one and I voted for him so I accepted. Glad to have it. Let's get started. October 31, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Her security clearance from her SoS days was just recently rescinded (August 30, 2018) and Judicial Watch is trying to find out more info on her security clearance. They're trying to find out if their lawsuit had anything to do with it, but also if she requested it be rescinded (as some of her buddies claim) or if the Trump administration finally got tired of her abusing it and pulled it under her protest. It's time we find out ALL of the LIES the crooktOOns have told and ALL of the laws they have broken and we make them face the legal consequences of their corruption and lawlessness. If they don't face the consequences, then they have special privileges that allow them to break the laws of America and that's not right. There is no royalty in America who can get away with anything they want without repurcussions here on earth. We know they'll face eternal consequences, but consequences here on earth are important, too. They should be held totally accountable for their wicked deeds and treason. I hope it happens soon. October 31, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He's another person who needs to face the consequences of his wrongdoing. He released five Taliban members "in exchange for" an American prisoner, but he chose the worst five people he could to release back to the Taliban to help them. He is said to have chosen the "Taliban Dream Team." That's why he needs to face consequences: because he chose to "give aid and comfort to our enemies" which is treason. He definitely broke the law: And those five men "'The five terrorists released were the hardest of the hard-core,'...That's irrefutable. "The secret exchange violated the law and written White House rules. The nonpartisan investigative arm of Congress, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), determined that the president broke a 'clear and unambiguous' law when he traded the high-level terrorists for [Bowe] Bergdahl, who went AWOL in Afghanistan in 2009. According to rules issued by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) the violation is serious and can carry severe consequences. They include fines, imprisonment, administrative discipline, suspension from duty without pay or removal from office, the rules specifically state. [my bolding and italics]"Now let's see if themuslimvileone EVER faces those "serious" consequences as he very well should. Let's see what happens if anyone anywhere has the courage -- and the chutzpah to do the RIGHT thing -- and arrest and charge themuslimvileone. I would love, love, love to see it happen. I'd dance in the streets. October 31, 2018   Fake News:   SMH. Don't you get tired of hearing these idiots spout their stupidity? I am very glad that I don't have cable/satellite because if I did I may be switching channels and run across one of these idiots and have to hear their voices. I don't think I could handle that without vomiting. So, I'm glad we chose a HD antenna and free television. It's a good thing because the stupidity is strong on the msm. I wonder if the perpetrator this time even realizes what he said. Probably not. Probably doesn't have the brain cells to realize it. More's the pity. He really could have been so much more. October 31, 2018   More Fake News:   This time it's a different idiot, different msm channel, but the same idea: FAKE news. There's a big LIE going around Georgia that has been totally discredited, but the left still uses it. Not only does the left keep using it, but the leftist msm keeps letting them get away with it. Don't ya' love that? The leftists/progressives/liberals LIE and the msm just lets it happen, treats it like it's the truth and takes it all very seriously without even cracking a smile about the LIE being repeated again. That's some kind of mental illness, isn't it? Just asking. October 31, 2018   MAGA!:   Are you seeing good things happen with your take-home pay? Has the tax cut helped you, your business, or your employer? That's probably what a LOT of people are seeing as "worker pay rises" (by 3.1%!); the fastest rate since 2008. Ten years of slower increases and now we see, because of Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and practices, a faster rate of increase and a good future for those who are getting more money in their pocket. That's excellent! We also are seeing more people employed and that is good for America, too! Thanks, Pres. Donald J. Trump! October 31, 2018   themuslimvileone 2:   He and his muggly "may" do a netflix show about "disorder in the Trump administration". They have to break the tradition of not commenting on the administrations that follow your own, don't they? They have to try to make Pres. Donald J. Trump and his America, his administration, the improvement in the world's view of America and our strength since Trump took office look as bad as they can with their LIES. themuslimvileone and his muggly are afraid of their legacy being undone and their reputations as being "wunnerful" suddenly disappearing. Why are they afraid of that? It has already happened, so it's not as if they can prevent it. October 31, 2018   November Nightmare?:   It's Halloween and it looks like the left/progressives/liberals are trying to give America our worst nightmares: THEM in charge! It would NOT be pretty, folks. Picture every horror story ever made -- including all of rosie o'donnel's movies, all of whoopi goldberg's flicks, all of robert deniro's shows, everything lena dunham has ever touched, etc. -- and you'll see how bad it would be if dumboRATS win next month. It's a possibility if we don't get out and vote. We Conservatives need to be out there, voting, encouraging like-minded people to vote and helping the MOST CONSERVATIVE candidates get elected. We need to do this to help Pres. Donald J. Trump accomplish his agenda. We need to do this because if we don't we'll see more stupidity from the left and we'll be paying for it with our taxpayer dollars. Is this what you want? October 31, 2018   NSFComputers:   If you have anything in your mouth, swallow now before you spew your coffee/tea/cheeseburger all over your computer/tablet. Now that you have an empty mouth, we can continue. I love that Pres. Donald J. Trump has sent stormy daniels and her attorney a $300,000 bill! That's PERFECTION! I LOVE IT! That's so very, very, very, very, very good! I can't imagine anyone else doing that. I can't imagine mitt romney doing so given a similar situation, nor even "Little Marco" or any of the others who ran in 2016. I'm so glad Donald J. Trump won! It's perfect! October 31, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   IF you don't like America being a sovereign nation, then you MUST vote dumboRAT. IF, on the other hand, you LIKE AMERICA BEING A SOVEREIGN NATION, VOTE REPUBLICAN. That's the crux of the matter. If you think that a border is a border and that if we tried to do the same thing to Honduras, Costa Rico, Nicaragua, El Salvadore, or Guatemala, they would stop us cold and not allow us into their countries, then you're right. There can be NO COUNTRY without borders. If there are no borders then we all own it all. There would be no France, no Australia, no "Great" Britain, etc. That's why I LOVE that Pres. Donald J. Trump says that "our borders are sacred". Read that again: SACRED. It's not just "nice". It's sacred. It's something to be proud of, to want to keep, to enforce. Without borders how could you tell what is your sister's or your own? Or how could you tell the guy next door that your fence is NOT on his property but on your own because you had it installed a foot within the surveyed property YOU live on? How? I want to know that. October 31, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Maybe I should say, "and family" because they were all welcomed to a hospital with shouts of "Thank you!" and "Love you!" Yeah, well, that last was directed at Ivanka Trump. A male shouted it even though her husband was with her. It was a wonderful welcome and the left hates that it happened! Awww... Too bad. Poor babies. Even YouTube tried to bury the video I had to do several searches to find! That's very telling, is it not? October 31, 2018   Will the FISA court take Rep. Mark Meadows' advice and review the LIES they were told by the FBI's anti-Trump operatives (especially strzok and page) or will they ignore the lawlessness of themuslimvileone's administration and the hillosercrooktOOn campaign? I hope that there is at least ONE FISA JUDGE who will do the right thing. I am not too hopeful that they will do the right thing, but maybe ONE FISA JUDGE will. Maybe there is a conscience amongst them after all. Let us hope and pray so. October 31, 2018   I'll stop with that for now. Be careful this Halloween. You don't know how crazy the world has gotten until it actually impacts you. If something seems suspicious, contact the authorities and tell them. Better to have someone questioned than to let someone evil go free. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 30, 2018: 3:00 p.m.   Sincerest Sympathies:   I don't understand anti-Semitism. I truly do not. I don't know how anyone can read the Bible and come up with some of the lies and inaccuracies they belileve. The Bible just doesn't support anti-Semitism in any way, shape, or form. Yet we have idiots out there who choose to blame their own failures on innocent others. I pray for the Pittsburgh victims and I pray for their surviving loved ones. October 30, 2018   Veterans Administration:   Is there a "Murder Curtain" at V.A. hospitals? Are there people in V.A. hospitals who have been killing our veterans -- those who deserve our respect, best efforts and thanks -- instead of treating them? If so, that needs to be not only stopped and prevented, but also prosecuted as the murderous crime it is and the perpetrator needs to be sent to prison for the rest of their lives (however short that may be). October 30, 2018   I wonder who's going to pay for damage to the last Russian aircraft carrier? It's not going to be the taxpayers of America, I hope. I think Russia should pay for their own repairs, no matter how much it cost. Let's pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump should say, "Sorry Putin, but we got nothing for you." if asked. October 30, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   There is a rumor about Pres. Donald J. Trump saying that he's going to ignore the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment and change "birthright citizenship" via Executive Order. If you read the Fourteenth Amendment, it reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."If you read John Harrison's take on it, there is NO "birthright citizenship" if the U.S. government does not have the "full territorial prescriptive or adjudicatory jurisdiction because of its relations with another sovereign or quasi-sovereign such as an Indian tribe. (Prescriptive jurisdiction is a sovereign’s authority to prescribe legal rules. Adjudicatory jurisdiction is the authority of a sovereign’s courts to make persons parties to cases before them.) When the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted, the leading examples of people present in the United States but not fully subject to its territorial jurisdiction were foreign diplomats, who enjoyed diplomatic immunity under international law, and those members of Indian tribes whose relations with their tribes limited the authority the United States exercised with respect to them. The debates in Congress on the exception from the citizenship rule focused mainly on members of Indian tribes who fell into that category."So, Pres. Donald J. Trump may be able to direct ICE and other agencies to send back all of those who were born here but were not under our "jurisdiction" and their Mommies and Daddies. I think that's a good enough place to start. Send back those who came here specifically to take advantage of us and our goodness. Of course, rotten ryan disagrees with Pres. Trump's idea. He'd rather have the illegal aliens be able to come here, have their "anchor babies" and get on the public teat than stand up for America and put America (and Americans) FIRST! I'm so glad he's not running for re-election! It's so obvious that those who break our laws to cross our borders illegally should NOT get to benefit from having a baby here on American soil and become instantly citizens that even the leftist, harry reid said it should NOT happen! Yes, it was years ago, but he still said it on the floor of the Senate -- back in 1993! Don't allow the bused in "caravan"! October 30, 2018   MAGA:   Sounds to me like there is joy in most of the land, whether the left sees it or not! October 30, 2018   #MeToo? robert mueller ACCUSED OF RAPE!:   Wow. Talk about the worm turning! Who will the left believe now? (No pun intended.) A "credible" woman has come forward and accused robert mueller -- he of the infamous "Russian collusion" investigation and the man in DC with the most "integrity" according to many lefties -- been accused of RAPE. Wow. There will be more info on Thursday at noon, but so far we hear that the alleged incident was in 2010 and that it allegedly happened in NYC at a hotel. Now, mueller is using the power of his office to go after his accusers! The victim of his sexual predatorism and the witnesses to the aftermath are being targeted by mueller and his sycophants in the FBI. That's not right. The left is also saying that the woman has allegedly been paid by someone on the right to make a false allegation. I don't think it's a false allegation. He is a power-hungry leftist who is not above using that power to target his accuser and her witness, so why would he not use his power to accomodate a rape? I believe the accuser, but I may be wrong to do so. I don't know. We'll see what happens Thursday, but I wonder if mueller will step down before then. October 30, 2018   claire "Clueless" mccaskill:   She can't understand why people don't like "career politicians" and she calls it "the weirdest thing". Clueless much? And she wants to represent the people of Missouri? Really? She can't even understand this much, how can believe she could represent them on more serious matters? October 30, 2018   Wow. That's a win! Judicial Watch helped get the Ohio voter rolls cleaned up and the left tried to UNdo, putting those inelligible voters back on the rolls, but a Federal District Court has ruled that the removal of those 1.5 MILLION inelligibles was legal and should stay removed. Hurray for Ohio! That's a great thing! October 30, 2018   The Dead Blue Bird:   They just keep digging their own grave over and over and over and over again. They love digging it because they won't stop. They just they've suspended Laura Loomer until AFTER the election! To me, that speaks VOLUMES. That's saying that the information she is trying to get out to voters via her feed is too good and will have an impact on the elections and they don't want to see that happen because Loomer is a Conservative. The Dead Blue Bird does not enjoy seeing lefties lose so they must silence anyone who may tell the truth about them and who may "Red Pill" or #WalkAway someone who reads her articles. The Dead Blue Bird is a leftist organization and they just keep digging their leftist grave deeper. Free Speech -- your First Amendment rights -- do NOT exist on the Dead Blue Bird. Do a search about free speech and the Dead Blue Bird and you'll get more proof. October 30, 2018   Well, that's a surprise! Do you realize that the leftist (only turned "right" in 2016), bomber, cesar sayoc worked at the same strip club that stormy daniels performed at once? Yep. The bad-bomb-to-dumboRATS-sender worked at the same strip club. Fancy that. BTW, I don't believe that cesar sayoc is a REAL Republican. A REAL Republican would not do what he did. A TRUE Conservative would not do what he did. I still believe that he is a leftie in sheep's clothing and that there's more to this than we are being allowed to see. Too much weirdness is surrounding this whole thing. I wonder if the packages were all delivered prior to their alleged discovery and that they were just brought out at the same time to make it look more important? There's something fishy about this whole thing and I wonder if sayoc's Mom or someone close to him got a bump in their checking account or something like that happened recently. Something doesn't add up and we're not being shown the whole truth. Also, I've been wondering how he allegedly drove that van without being stopped, ticketed and told to remove the stickers from his window considering that he couldn't see out the windows while driving. How did he check his blind spots or see the police or emergency vehicle behind him with all of those stickers? He can't have driven that van anywhere with all of those stickers on them. How did this happen? Something is fishy. Could this sayoc guy be the equivalent of the video maker they blamed for BENGHAZI? Just asking, folks. Just asking. October 30, 2018   andrew gillum:   He used to run an radical youth organization that "whose mission was to challenge U.S. 'predatory capitalism,' abolish the prison system, fight a 'spiritual resistance' battle against 'Christian hegemony,' redefine the meaning of 'borders' while aiding 'undocumented' aliens, and enact the 'collective liberation' of 'communities of color' amid what it described as the scourge of 'white supremacy.'"So does that sound like someone you would like to have as governor of Florida? I don't think so. I endorse his opponent, Sen. Ron DeSantis. Vote for DeSantis so you don't get a corrupt crackpot! (Paid political ad paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or anti-Christian hater.) October 30, 2018   I will close with that for today. I hope you have a great evening. Oh, yes, sorry I missed yesterday but we were in Georgia and I didn't know that my hubby had the hours to be able to stay up there for Monday. He surprised me with that option and we decided to do so. We did get a lot done: I mowed the yard for about three hours and got about ten acres done. My hubby worked on replacing the vanity and sink in the middle bathroom (there are three bathrooms and three bedrooms), and we replaced the faucet in the third bathroom's sink. We finished cleaning out the storage shed and took a lot of stuff to the thrift store in town. We decorated a little and did a few other things. It's all good and I'm loving how our home is turning out. It's fun to decorate and make it our own. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 25-26, 2018: 11: 47 p.m.   Flag Friday:   It's time for this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 395: Nurse Times". I hope you enjoy it and I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I hope that you all have a great weekend! I plan to! Oh! And just one thing for Friday: I wanted to let you know that ALL of the groups OPPOSING Amendment 3 are casino owners and those who benefit from the gambling industry. That's why I say to VOTE YES on Amendment 3 because you know that if casino owners DON'T want you to do so, they have plans to increase the casino presence in Florida -- whether or not we want that. See? I was right again! October 25, 2018: 2:38 p.m.   Fake News:   The leftists in the msm are saying that Pres. Trump should "claim responsibility" for the bombs because they say that he was "inciting violence" with his words. Uh. maxine "The Mouth" waters incited violence but no one is asking her to apologize and take responsibility for what she said. Also, eric holder called for violence, but where is his responsibility. The same goes for robert deniro, themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn and others on the left, but the msm is NOT calling for them to "claim responsibility" for the violence they encouraged. Pres. Donald J. Trump never incited violence, according to a three judge panel that ruled he had NOT incited violence against three of hillosercrooktOOn's paid protestors. A three judge panel ruled that Trump was innocent. That speaks volumes, but the left doesn't listen. They plug their ears to all of the wrongs their side does and with the rest of their fingers, point at Pres. Trump and say, "It's him! It's him!" and go crying to their safe spaces. Now we find out that the "bombs" were probably inoperable" and that I was probably correct: this was a put up job by someone on the left trying to make points for the left via sympathy. After all, if someone's trying to blow them up, that someone must be someone on the right, correct? The "Evil Right" is the danger here, not AntiFa, not themuslimvileone's Brown Shirts, not illegal alien invaders, not MS13 gang members, not Shootcago: the "Evil Right" should be feared because they must be the ones sending "bombs". I think it's actually someone on the left who is trying to make it look like that, or it's someone on the left who is totally dissatisfied with the leadership they've been receiving and is angry at all of the perceived "leaders" of the left. They are the ones who get violent so they are trying to make it look like an "Evil Right" person is responsible, but it's actually someone on the left who is angry at losing all the time. October 24, 2018   Major Ewww!:   MN State dumboRAT Rep., Ilhan Omar, married her brother in 2009 and didn't divorce him until questions started being asked and investigations done in 2017. Incest is illegal in America. I don't know how that got past the voters in MN, but they have been misled by the lie that Omar did not do such a thing. There is a lot of evidence that proves she did so. Again, Ewww! October 24, 2018   I TOLD YOU SO!:   As I have said since I first heard about this "caravan" it is now CERTAIN that thevilegeorgesoros is behind it. His "Open Society Foundation" is behind this caravan and he's financing the invasion of our country. I suggest the U.S. government arrest him for sedition and for organizing an attempted overthrow of America. I was RIGHT. I knew it as soon as I saw it. It's the LEFT who wants to destroy America and he's the money pot that helps finance it all! He's evil! October 24, 2018   chelsea crooktOOn:   She has admitted that she "thinks about" running for office. Aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!! What is it about power and the crooktOOns that they can't give it up? Why would she want to run for office when she has a rich hubby and a corrupt parental unit that has taken money from every bad person on earth and given America's secrets to those who are our enemies in exchange for that money? Why? So that she can experience the thrill of committing treason for herself? Is that the draw? Her historic hand in the effort to destroy America? Why can't they all just go crawl back into the deep, dark, slimepit they crawled out of? They need to just go away and enjoy their ill-gotten millions and leave America and Americans who love her alone! October 25, 2018   LOL!:   "Porn Lawyer" michael avenatti and his Kavanaugh-accusing client were referred for criminal investigation by Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Chuck Grassley. I like that. It's time that the Senate start holding liars responsible for their lies. I think it's clear that the "testimony" she wrote was a bunch of hooey and that if her attorney were any good he would not have allowed her to submit perjorious testimony in any form. Now, avenatti is unhappy about it. Awww... Too bad. October 25, 2018   Little Miss Pretty:   Awww... Her lack of brain got her into trouble again. She is now fired by nbc because she didn't use her singular brain cell to prevent her from supporting children wearing "black face" for Halloween. Seriously! She's a moron. October 25, 2018   john kasich:   I disagree with his asssertion. I strongly and thorougly disagree with his assertion that the Lord doesn't want us to oppose the "caravan". I think that when GOD gave Israel to Moses and the Israelites that He also commanded them to defend their land against invaders, He promised that land to them in perpetuity and He wanted them to protect their GOD-given right to that land and to its defense. I think GOD would say the same about America, the only nation on earth founded as a Christian nation and in His name. That's all there is to it. Another dumboRAT spouting off when he should keep his mouth shut. Shock. Surprise. October 25, 2018   andrew gillum:   He's been under FBI investigation for possible involvement in voter fraud and he's been under FBI investigation for corruption as well. In the voter fraud thing, his brother has been voting via absentee ballot in Florida elections using an address where gillum used to live for at least three elections while marcus (the brother) was living in Chicago but andrew was down here. Gillum's sister, Monique (who works for the Southern Poverty Law Center -- shock, surprise) did a similar thing, but she's voting from NY or AL. In the FBI corruption investigation, gillum is being investigated for taking tickets to a Broadway show, and for other possible questionable activities. If you have already voted, I hope you didn't vote for him. Think the crooktOOns all over again. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, committee, campaign, or crooked politician. It's Free Speech, folks. Get over it.) October, 25, 2018   The Dead Blue Bird:   It's bleeding users again. This time they estimate the decline in users to be nine million users gone! Wow. That's excellent! R.I.P. Blue Bird. October 25, 2018   I'm going to stop with that for today. I have things to do and places to go. See you later for the Flag Friday posting, but there won't be updates on Friday because we're headed to our farm. Both uncles who own part of Grandpa's farm have agreed to sell us their parts and we'll add another fourteen acres to our current fourteen and then we'll need just one more parcel of the original thirty-five to have all of Grandpa's farm put back together. Anyways, see you later tonight for Flag Friday, then if all works out for it, again on Monday for the usual updates. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 24, 2018: 2:25 p.m.   Had a good report from the dentist yesterday; son had no cavities and we went to pick something up at Ossorios afterward. Yum! Then came home and did some work around the house and had a very productive day. Today, I do updates and the never-ending housework. Sometimes I do understand why women have been called "housewives". Houses are higher maintenance than men! (Bwahahahaha!) October 24, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   You've heard about the two "caravans" that have started from Central America and is headed to our southern border. Now we know that they have dangerous people in them -- including terrorists from all over the world -- and that makes me wonder who organized this? It doesn't happen that one person says, "I'm going to walk to America, a two thousand mile walk. Why don't you come with me?" and thousands of people say, "Okay. I'll join you." That just doesn't happen. It doesn't happen especially when the number is now estimated to be 14,000 people hoping to be able to FORCE their way into our country! These people are being paid to walk/ride to America and to do so at this time. This is an organized effort by thevilegeorgesoros and his foundations (Open Society Foundation, etc.) and other leftist/progressive/liberal dumboRATS. I have no respect whatsoever for those who wish to destroy America, the greatest country on earth (especially after Pres. Donald J. Trump was elected). My wish for all of those who want to destroy America is utter and total failure. I want them to be driven in disgrace from polite society. Oh. They're already there because they associate with the likes of the crooktOOns, hollyweirdos, themuslimvileone, dws, etc. If that's not a "Basket of Deplorables" I don't know what is! October 24, 2018   There have been crude bombs delivered to some of the people listed above, but none went off. I have said many times: use WORDS, not violence. Don't physically harm people. That's not allowed and it's good that anyone -- ANYONE -- who does physical violence gets caught, tried, proven guilty and put in prison for years and years for their crime. Violence solves nothing. Use words. Discuss. Argue. Don't harm people with physical violence. The crooktOOns, The Mouth and others got the packages and the list makes me scratch my head. It's either someone with a known mental illness, or someone on the left who is trying to make it look like the left is being targeted by the right. It's too pat. Its timing is too suspect (like the Kavanaugh accusers). If it were a real effort to harm them then why didn't the "bomber" make it to where any of the bombs actually exploded? This is a set-up to make the people on the right seem like the violent "mob" the left so hates to be called out on. Mark my words. And I found out twenty minutes after writing this blurb that I'm not the only one who thinks this is a fake attempted attack. October 24, 2018   I've commented on this before, but I'm going to say it again: Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Biology is not based on externals! What your DNA says you are, YOU ARE, no matter what you do to your body. Just because you put makeup on to make you look like a puppy for Halloween, does that mean you're a puppy? No? Same with "gender". You can wear a tractor tire around your middle but that doesn't make you a John Deere. You can make a suit of moss but that doesn't make you the north side of a tree. Your exterior doesn't make your gender. If you have gender dysphoria get help, not an operation! Remember, the government-run schools of our nation have been pushing abnormal sexual ideas on our children for the last few years. It's time to stop the insanity and return to DNA and normality. October 24, 2018   Two Bartow, FL, satan worshipping girls were planning to attack and kill fifteen of their fellow students. They were hoping to kill those smaller than themselves (they are 11 and 12) so their victims would have been 10 and under. Can you imagine being that young and that hateful? Those who worship satan get twisted. They have no right or wrong, or any sense of proportion. They want to do all the harm they can because they believe it gets them more power through satan's being pleased with them. What they don't realize is that satan is never satisfied. You can never do enough harm to others - or to yourself - to please him enough. You just have to keep serving and serving and serving and doing more and more and more. It's like a never ending cycle and at the end you will lose to him. Those serving satan pay the price, ultimately, and get nothing out of it except pain and imprisonment (of one sort or another) for themselves and those whose lives they impact. If you are serving satan now, turn away from him and call on the Name of Jesus Christ and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior and give Him your full heart, mind, spirit and soul. He will help you and give you peace. His burden is light while satan's is heavy. You must choose. Can you imagine being the parents of these girls? Are they satan worshippers as well? Or are they shocked, appalled and ashamed of their daughters' plans? October 24, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   His Communist/Leftist/Marxist organization, MoveOn.org has been campaigning for the leftists/progressives/liberals who support it. They want to get voters to turn out to vote for the candidate of thevilegeorgesoros's choice. They want the useful puppets to say, "Yes, Master!" and go vote as told, just as they've done since bullybobcrooktOOn was "elected" into office. I wonder about something, though. I wonder how they're contacting Mickey Mouse to vote so often and all those dead people, too. Doesn't that raise questions about what kind of text messages they're sending? Maybe one from another dimension? (Yes, I'm being facetious.) October 24, 2018   Slight change in direction here for a moment. I just like the story of the intact ancient shipwreck recently discovered in the Black Sea. It's in great shape for being 2,400 years old! It's an amazing sight and I hope it teaches us a lot. Question is, how do they study it without raising it and how do they preserve it after they raise it? Will it start falling apart after being exposed to oxygen after all these years? The Black Sea area it was discovered is "anoxic" - without oxygen. What do they do to prepare it for exposure to oxygen after all these years? Interesting find with an interesting future. October 24, 2018   BAM!:   I was born in Texas (got the birth certificate to prove it) and I take a casual to not-so-casual interest in what happens there. When I see Sen. Ted Cruz start batting beto orourke around, I smile. When I see him make an ad that hits a homerun in more ways than one against his opponent, I just have to smile. It's time for beto orourke to be sent back to obscurity. We don't need another leftist/progressive/liberal in any government office. We need TRUE CONSERVATIVES to help Pres. Donald J. Trump "Make America Great Again." Cruz's opponent would not do that. October 24, 2018   I think that Pres. Donald J. Trump inviting black Conservatives to the White House is a good thing, but I think that they will be harangued on the way in. They'll be called "Uncle Tom!", or "Aunt Jemimah", or something to do with kissing the "white man's backside". The left hates it when people of any faith, color, creed, ancestry start thinking for themselves and making their own decisions -- especially when it's a person they used to think they could control with "group think" and peer pressure. They abhor that! If you don't believe me, I found out that The Dead Blue Bird suspended one of them after she announced that she will be accepting Pres. Donald Trump's invitation. See? I know the left like I know the dust in my china hutch. October 24, 2018   Ahhhh... Public Schools:   How many times do I have to do a list like this? I hate having to do it, but I think it's the right of parents to make informed decisions about where to educate their children. I think that when the only place that covers this kind of list is a local paper most of those papers do their best to cover it as little as possible and to downplay the actual numbers as much as possible. The truth is that there are teachers who are predators and we all know that predators go where their victims congregate. Schools are part of that.
October 24, 2018   themuslimvileone:   As usual, he's trying to take credit for something he had nothing to do with. His "BIGLY" ego is on display yet again. Will he ever outgrow that? I doubt it. Anyways, he's claiming credit for our current economy and growth, but according to National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, "[W]ith all respect to [themuslimvileone]. Under his stewardship, the so-called recovery was, I don’t know, 2% average per year, which is really the worst since the, I believe, since the Depression. And already, we have beaten our critics, including [themuslimvileone's] staff people. We’re running an economy that’s 3-4% economic growth.'"Yeah. themuslimvileone's lips were moving. October 24, 2018   Well my hubby is home so I shall go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 22, 2018: 3:08 p.m.   Missed a few days last week due to life happening. I had errands to run, appointments to keep, friends to meet, things happening on our property, and just crazy all the way around. It was interesting and tiring, but this week will be a little better. I only have one daytime appointment and that's tomorrow, so I probably won't be doing updates tomorrow, but we'll see. For now, let's get started. October 22, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   There are two illegal alien invasion parades on their way to America. Honduras is sending most of its people to try to overwhelm our country. Between the two of them, there are no less than 9,000 Hondurans (and others; how many Mexicans, etc., joined them?) trying to force their way into our country. What happened to LEGAL immigration? What happened to the proper process? What happened to the RULES? Do those mean nothing now? Who is paying for all of these people to eat, drink water, rest, get transportaion on their way to America? Who organized this? There wasn't a guy who walked through a village in Honduras and said, "Hey, I'm going to America, come with me." Who paid for this? Think thevilegeorgesoros and the DNC. Rush says it's the drug cartels, but I think not. After all, it's the dumboRATS who use illegal alien invaders to VOTE for them so that they can remain in or gain power! Isn't that what this is about? Getting all of those Hondurans into America so that they can ILLEGALLY vote for dumboRATS? Thank goodness there is a man with the courage to try to stop the parades of illegal invaders and who puts America -- and the rule of law -- first! October 22, 2018   Fauxcahontus:   Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I can't breathe! I can't breathe! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! Too stupid! October 22, 2018   The Mouth:   She may be as ill as pelosipig considering that she's having the same freeze attacks as pelosipig. I think they should both retire and make room for someone without glitches. Maybe someone with a brain would be a good addition to the dumboRAT party? October 22, 2018   Well, this will help dumboRAT Senator, cory booker, as a man comes forward with sexual assault allegation. After all, the dumboRATS LOVE when someone on their side inappropriately sexually assaults someone -- or is that only bullybobcrooktOOn? -- and this will give him "street cred" with his followers. They stood by harvey weinstein as the case against him allegedly crumbles, and now they'll stand behind cory booker. After all, all's fair in power wars when you're a dumboRAT. Right? October 22, 2018   pelosipig:   The lefties are trying to protect her via lying about the protest against her in order to smear Miami area Republicans. The left = LIARS? Nuff said, agree? Oh, and can you imagine her as "prezidunce"? She claims that people ask her to run "all the time". Right. October 22, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Heard of the alleged "blue wave" that dumboRATS are touting in order to try to depress Republican turnout? Most of us hear it and discount it. After all, Pres. Trump pulls "BIGLY" crowds compared to the "crowd" creepy joe biden and andrew gillum drew. (Notice how the barriers are penning people in to make the press's pics look like there are a lot of people attending, but the reality is that beyond the barriers the rest of the gym is EMPTY.) Pres. Trump gets 100,000+ people excited and signed up to attend, and (according to the venue's count, which I don't trust and the pictures don't support) "at least 700" attending the biden gillum rally. Wow. Talk about a blue wave. It's going to be a "Blue Wave-GOODBYE!" And good riddance! Pres. Donald J. Trump is "Mak[ing] America Great Again!" And I love it! October 22, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Her friends say she WILL RUN in 2020. Ugh. Here we go again. Watch for the cheating to start now because if she's going to run there will be CHEATING. She doesn't know how to do ANYTHING legally. She knows she's an unpopular, shrill, shrew who cannot win legally so she MUST cheat to get anywhere close to a win. That's the way she's always done it. Check her background even while her bullybob was governor of Arkansas and while she was the flOTUS. She cheated, lied, and did everything she could to get more money and power for herself and her family. Sad thing is, the daughter is following in her parents' footsteps. I don't blame the daughter for her parents' actions, but I do blame her for joining them in their illegal activities and influence pedaling for her own enRICHment. October 22, 2018   Fakebook:   Leadership is still leaving it, as well they should. I know that advertisers are leaving it and isn't very secure and its reputation is in the toilet. I know it has lost users here and in Europe and I think it's only right when people leave a platform that spies on them, lies to them, censors people and does everything they can to manipulate the news people get their to ensure that only one side is heard. They operate like a very closed, tyrannical site and they should go out of business because of their own actions. Let the people choose which site to use and they prefer freedom to leftist control. October 22, 2018   What?:   Wow. I didn't know they could do this without some kind of help. Exploding toilets? If you have a "Flushmate" you may wish to find a replacement. October 22, 2018   Be careful out there. If you feel strange symptoms, you may wish to check with your doctor as a "mysterious illness" similar to polio is "more widespread" than first reported. This is not a good thing. October 22, 2018   The "attorney" who "represented" stormy daniels (Not her real name) has been sued by his former partner and the judgment came down today that he has to pay his former partner $4.5 MILLION and top it off with the fact that he's been evicted from his office. I don't like to kick a dog when he's down, but he did bring it upon himself. After all, if he weren't the fame-seeking clown he is none of this would have... Well, I can't say that, can I? After all, I don't know all of the particulars about his partner's lawsuit. Maybe he wasn't fame-seeking back then, who knows? October 22, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump is headed in the right direction. He's considering undoing another themuslimvileone legacy: transgender ideology crap. He's deciding whether to make our DNA -- XX or XY -- be the determining factor in how we are classified as male/female. I think that's the BEST way to do it. Our exteriors do NOT determine whether we are DNA female or DNA male. If you die and your body isn't found for years afterward and all they have to work with when your remains are found is bones and teeth, they can test your DNA and your DNA will say male or female, not "Transgender" or "Cisgender" or any other PC crap. It's time to get back to reality and let our DNA be the determining factor in the issue. Are the exception to the XX/XY rule? Yep. Those people will be given that exemption. The rest of us need to go by the DNA and not allow the externals to decide what we are called or what bathroom/changing room we use. It's biology, folks, not choice. October 22, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump's appointed judges have been ruling against racial preferences because "'For every person you ‘help’ due to race, you necessarily hurt another person due to race,' Trump-appointed Judge James Ho recently explained".That's true. It's good that Pres. Trump's judges realize that. It's a good thing. October 22, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   He apparently thinks he is a god and that he rules the world. He destroys whatever he touches except for his own wealth. Now he's trying to destroy America and he's trying to stop BREXIT. It's not his business to singlehandedly try to prevent the will of the people of "Great Britain". They voted to leave the EU and their leadership should be making sure that the will of the people is done. Of course, the will of the people hasn't meant much in GB since they crowned a king over themselves. So, it's no surprise to me that the will of the people is being thwarted by not just thevilegeorgesoros but also by the PM, theresa may. She's a pro-EU idiot, too, and she's doing everything she can to NOT leave. October 22, 2018   Important reading if you want to know more of the TRUTH behind the "Russian dossier" that the left/progressives/liberals tried to use to destroy then-candidate, Donald J. Trump's chances of winning in 2016: "Ted Malloch: Meet the Ohrs". This will tell you a lot of background into the LIE that the dumboRATS put together in order to make hillosercrooktOOn the next prezidunce of America. I'm so glad they FAILED! October 22, 2018   I'm closing with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 18-19, 2018: 10:21 p.m.   Flag Friday:   It's almost Friday and that means it's time to post my pic and poem. It's a little early but I thought that since I didn't get to do updates today or yesterday that I'd go ahead and do this now. So, I give you "Tribute To Our Heroes 394: Best Friends". I hope you like it. I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll try to do updates on Friday. I can't guarantee with my schedule lately, but I will try. Hope to see you tomorrow. October 16, 2018: 3:27 p.m.   NOTES:   1) There is an Atlas V launch tonight that you may wish to watch. Also, there won't be updates tomorrow if I have my way. 2) It's a special day in our family and I don't want to spend the time at the computer so the only thing that MAY be updated tomorrow is my Flag Friday posting. Just thought I'd let you know. October 16, 2018: 11:05 a.m.   Fauxcahontus:   So, who is more Native American than she? Almost everyone. Even Asians can be said to be part "Native American" since Native Americans descended from Asians. So who is to say that the "Native American" infinitesimally small portion of her DNA isn't actually Asian ancestry instead of "Native American"? After her claim to be "Native American" (I use quotes because it's a basic fact that migration happened from Asia to America, thus "Native Americans" were actually Asians.) the Native American Tribes are angry at her for continuing her claim after DNA showed a 1/512th or 1/1,024th part "Native American" for Fauxcahontus. Sounds to me like she's been conducting "cultural appropriation" for a long time and -- after watching the new commercial she came out with -- so has her entire family. She needs to apologize, admit her lie and promise to never claim "Native American" again. Will she? Only if the Tribes keep up the pressure and don't let her get away with the claim anymore. They didn't even compare her DNA to Asians, the "birthplace" of "Native Americans", but they used people from Peru, Brazil and Colombia instead. Truth is, her ancestors -- those with more "Native American" blood than she -- were some of the people who were rounding up Cherokees for the forced march, "The Trail of Tears." So why were they rounding Cherokees up instead of being force-marched to their new reservation since they had more "Native American" blood than she? Remember that her story is that her parents had to ELOPE because of her Mother's "Native American" blood. That's the story she tells. Eloping for that? Why doesn't anyone point out the bigotry that she descended from? Isn't that what she wants us to know about? October 16, 2018   DumboRAT LIAR:   Another dumboRAT LIAR has been brought into the light by Project Veritas and James O'Keefe is again proving that he needs to stay funded with your donations. They've gotten Claire McCaskill LYING about what she actually supports and what she wants for her constituents. She is anti-gun, pro-abortion and pro-immigration, but she refuses to tell her constituents that info. She hides things from her so that she can LIE her way into re-election. Isn't that what we want in our representatives? We want them to LIE to us so that we can vote for LIARS to do our bidding? Right? If that is what you want from your representatives, you may want to consider going to Russia. They'll do that and so much more there! October 16, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   There is yet another group of Central Americans marching toward America's southern border and they think they have the right to be allowed in. Well, I think we should tell every single one of them, "Turn around and go home. You don't have the RIGHT to enter America. If you want to come in, do the paperwork, then wait to enter legally. Right now, turn around, go home and make your country better instead of abandoning it." That's what we should do. Will we? Not until we get a spine. October 16, 2018   "Deep State":   Did you know that they investigated andrew mccabe for leaking about their General Michael Flynn investigation? Yep. Apparently they did. I think that if they did an investigation into his leaking they should also have investigated other leaks and they should have fired a whole bunch of people in the FBI for doing worse. Too bad themuslimvileone decided that the federal agencies under his administration were to be used to target those who disagreed with him instead of for the purposes they were intended. The "Deep State" in America under themuslimvileone really got a stronghold in their respective agencies and we need to weed them all out and fire them. Let's replace the "Deep State" with a "Loyal to the Constitution State". That's what we need! October 16, 2018   Kanye (Ye) West is going to be hated on even more after posting more independent thinking tweets. The left hates it when people think for themselves and he's a big star with a lot of followers and he may influence some people to follow him down the "independent thinking rabbit hole" and actaull get Red Pilled and #WalkAway. That scares the left because it means one less person they can control. That makes them crazy. Good on Kanye (Ye) West! October 16, 2018   NFaiLaughing:   They're still losing viewers on television and ticket holders at stadiums. I like that. If they're going to allow their players to disrespect the American flag and those who died for it, then I'm glad that the NFL is losing. As far as I'm concerned they can lose every viewer and every ticket holder because the American flag is more important than the stupid game. Good riddance. October 16, 2018   themuslimvileone:   Some are complaining that Pres. Donald J. Trump has increased the deficit by 8%. I am not happy with that, either, but -- BUT -- at least he's doing good things with it. He's MAGA and we're all benefitting from it. When themuslimvileone did it, he increased the deficit by 28% but does the msm or do the left actaully care about that? Nope. It's just Pres. Donald J. Trump's 8% that they care about. When themuslimvileone did things to benefit his cronies the left didn't care. When Pres. Trump benefits America, they hate it. Does that not make you want to go "Hmmm..."? October 16, 2018   I think everyone should read John Hawkins' "The 25 Reasons I'm Not a Democrat". Some of them are totally obvious (to those with brains), some will make you laugh out loud and some will make you go, "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that." Read why Hawkins is not a dumboRAT and know that I agree with him. Do you? October 16, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I think he's correct and good to point out the msm's hatred of Conservatives and how they are treated differently than anyone on the left (at least, anyone who stays there and has not been "Red Pilled"). When he called out leslie stahl during the interview instead of waiting until afterward, I was so proud of him! He had her so flustered! She isn't used to people fighting back and pointing out her bias on the air. She really did want to nail him (you can see it in the questions she asked and the attitude she took), but he nailed her. I tip my hat to him! October 16, 2018   A dumboRAT has removed from his website a reference to his terrorist grandfather as a "legend". He may have been a legend but when you gain your legacy via killing innocent people, that's nothing fro your descendants to brag about. I wouldn't be proud of a grandfather who had killed people. Why a leftist/progressive/liberal thinks it's okay, I will never know. October 16, 2018   pelosipig:   Even if her numbers are correct, and only a 25,000 vote difference would make her Speaker again, is that what you want? Do you want a Speaker again who demanded and got a "Speaker 1" taxpayer paid government plane to use because she was Speaker of the House? Do you want her (as some allege) to be able to charge YOU for her booze? Isn't that what you want? October 16, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. My computer did another update (UGH!) and it has started its usual post-update horsepucky so I'm going to let it get over it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 15, 2018: 10:45 a.m.   Found out that things at the farm were just fine. We had a short 2" around four foot long dead pine limb down and that was the worst of what happened at the farm. Well, that and drinks? we had to mow the field/lawn again. We've owned the farm for just about thirteen months now and the field was previously rented out to a farmer who was planting crops there. We cancelled that contract and didn't have the ability to mow the field (seven acres takes a long time with a push mower) until recently so we've been mowing a half acre at a time to get the tall stuff and then the whole area that we previously mowed. Right now we have gotten up to everything done except about 1.5 acres that have been mowed. That is going to be easier to mow as the weather cools, but this visit I mowed for about six hours over smooth areas near our driveway, and furrowed areas that hadn't flattened out yet and hadn't been mowed in a year. That was fun. I was sore for the rest of the day and into yesterday. All kinds of fun. So very grateful that we have the riding mower with a 52" cutting area now. It makes it easier, faster and it does a good job. We may be abusing it (over-using it, at the very least), but we are getting the job done with our John Deere E180. That's why we're going to be getting another one: make the job go even faster! Anyways, wanted to let you know it was all good. Let's get started. October 15, 2018   Judicial Watch has been trying to get to the truth behind the TSA's wrongs for a long time. Suing them has been effective, but slow (as with everything themuslimvileone's administration was doing), and finally they've forced some truth out of them. There is a law that says that whistleblowers are protected and can't be retaliated against. Well, that's not how the TSA handles whistleblowers. The TSA punishes whistleblowers and continue doing the wrongs that they have been doing since allowed to get away with it by themuslimvileone's administration! The TSA even "obstructed the federal probe by withholding documents and information from Congress." They are used to the way themuslimvileone did things and are not used to having to do things the right way, the legal way. It's time the TSA's leadership was overhauled and those in control replaced with people who want to keep America safe by changing the way that agency does things and by making the laws that govern it matter to the people who are doing the wrongs. It's time that the whole of the government start working FOR and WITH the people, not against us. October 15, 2018   Islamic Violence:   In Brooklyn, NY, a Jewish man was attacked and beaten by a man shouting "Allah!" To me that doesn't sound like a Christian man, another Jew, nor even a Buddhist. That's a Muslim who decided that it was his duty as a practicing, obedient Muslim to beat an innocent Jew just for being Jewish. That's called a "hate crime" and it needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Will that happen in Bill de Blasio's NYC? I seriously doubt it. After all, NYC is the home of "tolerance" on the east coast, is it not? October 15, 2018   Fauxcahontus:   Does Sen. elizabeth warren really have "Native American blood" in her after all? If she does, according to an alleged DNA analysis, she has it from six to ten generations ago. Ten generations? That would make her 1/1,024th American Indian. Lot's of Indian in that. Remember, the story appears in the Boston Globe, so take it with a grain of salt. Remember, also, that "The inherent imprecision of the six-page DNA analysis could provide fodder for Warren’s critics.""Inherent imprecision"? If it's an imprecise test, then the results will be imprecise, too, would they not? So even if the American Indian blood is allegedly from six generations ago (as opposed to ten generations), then could that not still be "imprecise" -- also known as -- "incorrect"? So the "inherent imprecision" of the DNA analysis says that she has Native American blood in her, but it could be "imprecise" enough to be wrong. Even if the results are correct, that still disqualifies her from claiming "Cherokee" because the results do not specifiy which "Native American" ancestry she allegedly has, nor is it a big enough portion of her ancestry to qualify her to be admitted into any of the Cherokee nations. In fact, the "average white person" has more Native American DNA than she does! (Now that's funny!) She messed her own claim over with this, much to no one's surprise. It's not bad enough that she messed her own claims over, but she also created a distraction that more experienced dumboRATS dinged for the timing. Awww... Too bad. BTW, my best prediction is that she WILL run in 2020. She is getting everything lined up to do so. She's not waiting until after the November elections are over to "take a hard look at it", she's running. Can you imagine? October 15, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   If Fauxcahontus is running in 2020, and hillosercrooktOOn runs as well, what would that cat fight look like? After all, some of the left still fantasize about a hillosercrooktOOn preziduncy. What would it look like to have both the Faux and the crook running against each other? I think it would be the worst cat fight of all time. I think it would get mean immediately. I think it would ge so mean that people's eyes would be watering from laughing at it, or from crying because of it. Either result would be acceptable. I'm sure they'd enjoy taking each other out. October 15, 2018   BENGHAZI:   I think it's time for a little reminder that the muslimvileone LIED to America and it was his administration that came up with the "internet video" talking point that made an innocent man spend years in prison because of a video no one watched. That would be like blaming my anti-themuslimvileone healthcareTAX video will be to blame when that monstrosity finally gets blown out of the water and sinks into oblivion: assuming that Republicans will ever get the spine to make that happen. I think that something big is going to happen soon regarding the BENGHAZI thing and I don't know what it is, but it's time to keep your eyes open and see what is going to be sprung soon. Let's pay attention and see what we can find out. October 15, 2018   Gotta' take a break. Hubby's home for lunch! Back in an hour. October 15, 2018   DSA ocasio-cortez liar:   She says that if the dumboRATS win they will "pack" the SCOTUS and it won't be with Constitutional Conservativesk, that's for certain! October 15, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Georgia's dumboRAT gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, lets the cat out of the bag by saying that illegal alien invaders are part of the "Blue Wave". If they can't win legally they will win by getting illegal alien invaders to vote by hook or by crook. Illegals DO NOT have the RIGHT to vote in our elections! They cannot be part of the "Blue Wave" that the dumboRATS are already sure is going to happen unless the left is going to find a way to CHEAT, CHEAT, CHEAT in our elections and make sure that those illegal alien invaders are voting ILLEGALLY in our elections. They're using those people crossing our borders to get elected -- ILLEGALLY elected, but elected, nonetheless -- and to gain seats in the U.S. House of Representatives (and in State Houses), so that they can have a majority no matter what. That's the goal: POWER for dumboRATS. They'll get it by CHEATING and any other means they can. That's why they're being so violent right now (did you read about the Portland, WA, brawl?); so that they can scare people into staying home on election day and not take the chance of being beaten up by the leftist mobs! October 15, 2018   "Russian collusion:"   One of the key players in the LIE that is the "Russian collusion" claim is Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS, and a dumboRAT operative. He has ties to themuslimvileone and to hillosercrooktOOn. Want to know more? Read about the guy who refuses to testify before Congress and isn't being held accountable, just like hillosercrooktOOn. Isn't that special? October 15, 2018   lgbtq etc.:   Isn't that special? A man won the WOMEN's World Cycling Championship. A man won. He says he "identifies" as a woman, but he's a man. He doesn't believe that he should have to undergo surgery or even take hormones to help him be more feminine. He just says he's a woman, and voila!, he's a woman. Isn't that what makes today's gender identity idiots made happen? He can't compete among real men, so he says he is a woman and beats all of the real women at his chosen game. If you can win within the rules, then change the rules, right? October 15, 2018   A Republican candidate says she received a death/rape threat letter and posted a pic of it, and the left/progressives/liberals automatically said it's fake. The problem is, what if it's real? What if she actually did get the letter with the threats in the mail and she really does have a stalker? Will any dumboRAT step forward and protect or defend her if they see someone physically attack her? I doubt it. DumboRATS will stand there and cheer, even if it happens in front of her children. I firmly believe that's what they have gotten down to (and yes, I do mean "down"). It's a psychological defect within the left right now that they have no idea of what "right" and "wrong" are. They really do need help. IF, on the other hand, it is fake, then the candidate who made the claim needs to be prosecuted for making the false claim. Lying is a sin, too. Either way, there is something wrong here and it's one side or the other. Question right now is, which? October 15, 2018   I hope that the dumboRATS firing this guy for defending the flag and a cop will "Red Pill" the guy and they will lose the whole family due to their firing someone for saying he stands for the flag, kneels for prayer and that a friend of theirs was really emotionally torn up because he wound up shooting someone. That's all bad to the dumboRATS. You don't support the American flag and you certainly don't admit that you pray to GOD -- especially while kneeling, oh my goodness! -- and you don't support a cop! Those are things that dumboRATS in power don't do! How dare he admit he did that stuff? He must be taught a lesson! How dare he! October 15, 2018   U.S. Border Patrol:   I like the way this guy gets his point across. He told reporters to try camping by the river to see how safe they'd be due to illegal aliens crossing our border. I think that's a good tactic. If any of them would take him up on his challenge, I doubt. But that speaks volumes, too, does it not? October 15, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Ya'll have a wonderful evening! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 12, 2018: 12:44 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 393: America Liberty Jones" and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I will be getting ready to go to the farm this weekend and I have at least one big errand to run prior to our leaving so I won't be able to do updates later today. Considering that, I hope you have a great weekend and that you will pray for our country. Our midterm elections happen in a few weeks and I will pray that the most Conservative candidate is elected. I hope that I have chosen the correct candidates to recommend, above, and that they will all do what is best for America and that they will remain true to the U.S. Constitution. I don't want dumboRATS nor RINOs to be elected. That would be a danger to America and to all of the good Pres. Donald J. Trump has done. And for those who say that our First Amendment Free Speech rights need to be labeled, I add the usual disclaimer: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anti-free speech morons. There. That should cover it. October 12, 2018: 12:07 p.m.   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Talk about MAGA! Wow! He has 289 accomplishments both big and small that he's done since he got into office. That means he's kept a LOT of his promises, and has done so many good things for America that it's astonishing. I have only a few minutes to be online before I have to load things up and go, but I had to post this while I was thinking of it so that I don't forget it. Of course, how could anyone forget 289 accomplishments in less than two years?! It's a big thing and it's a great thing for America and for us -- even those who hate him and wish him dead are benefitting from this list. They won't admit it, but they are. I am so very, very grateful that we have Pres. Donald J. Trump instead of the shrill shrew of hillosercrooktOOn. NONE of this would have happened with her in office and I praise GOD for Pres. Trump's victory! Thank you, Jesus! October 12, 2018   While we're talking about the benefits those who do NOT support Pres. Donald J. Trump, let's mention the violence of those same people who benefit from his actions against those of us who support him. The left has committed 594 acts of violence against Conservatives and Trump supporters since he announced his candidacy. The left is unhinged, wacko, crazy, violent idiots and they need to learn how to control themselves. They need to be taught that it's NOT okay to do physical violence just because they are upset. If Conservatives look at leftists sideways the left calls the cops. If we get bloodied and bruised the left justifies it because they were mad and it's the Conservatives' fault! That's the response of two-year-olds, "You made me do it!" Will they ever, ever grow up? October 12, 2018   Hurray and Praise the Lord! American Pastor, Andrew Brunson has been released from Turkey's custody and can return to America! Pres. Donald J. Trump and the Lord's efforts paid off and Pastor Brunson's family will soon be able to celebrate his return home! That's so wonderful! Good news! October 12, 2018   Desperate times call for desperate measures? A group of "witches" want to put a "hex" on Justice Kavanaugh. Is there nothing the left won't stoop to in order to be in control and gain power? A hex? Really? Pray for SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh (love writing that, too!). Pray for his protection, his health and his family. COver them in prayer, not because of the "witch's hex" that has been promised, but because he deserves our prayers for all of that considering how much crap he's already gone through and the fact that the left never gives up that easily. Pray for him to have wisdom to make wise rulings and to see deeply into the case and to see the Lord's way and His ruling. We will never go wrong with GOD's guidance. October 12, 2018   October 12, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He still has plants inside the agencies that we are supposed to be able to depend upon to do the right thing and to carry out the President's -- current President's -- orders and will. His people are still covering for themuslimvileone's anti-gun agenda. I think that they all need to be fired. Let's fire all of themuslimvileone's supporters and all hillosercrooktOOn supporters and start with a fresh batch of people who are loyal to three things only: America, the U.S. Constitution and doing the right thing. You can't do the bidding of themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn and do the right thing. You cannot be loyal to the U.S. Constitution OR to America and follow themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn. Those are mutually exclusive; you must do one or the other but you cannot serve the master of themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn and the U.S. Constitution. They are on exact opposite ends of the spectrum of right and wrong and we know that serving the U.S. Constitution and America is what those people are under oath to do. So they either uphold their oath, or they get fired. I say fire them so they don't go back on that oath ever again. Let them start over in a new job instead of doing additional damage to America. Agree? October 12, 2018   The IPCC is trying to hold the world hostage for $38.4 TRILLION. Thankfully, Pres. Trump isn't buying into it. He is saving America a lot of money by not caving. I love it! Thank you, Mr. President! I am so glad you won! October 12, 2018   I will stop there for today. Have a great weekend, as I hope to have, and if you get the chance, stop and smell the roses, watch a beautiful sunset and thank the Lord above that we are America and we have a great President Donald J. Trump to lead us and to see through the lies of the left. I am extremely grateful. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 11, 2018: 1:35 p.m.   Hurricane Michael:   He's not yet over the Atlantic ocean and he has left a path of destruction in his wake. Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas felt at least some of its fury and Tyndall Air Force Base in the panhandle of Florida was hit hard. I'm sure that there are families who will have a hard time recovering from it because they were evacuated but their belongings were not. They will have to start over and that means costs associated with moving, replacing the things that were ruined, and generally getting back on their feet. That's not an easy thing to do with the low pay our military members receive (being an AF brat who married AF and raised two sons on that pay, I know!). So, if you'd like to help our U.S. military members who were impacted by this storm, you can give to CBN's Helping The Home Front to help military families, or give to any of their other relief agencies. They help a lot of people and they are very trustworthy. I've given to them for years and years and I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to give. I'm sure CBN's Operation Blessing is already there with food, water, and other forms of help. If you'd like to volunteer to help with their efforts to help others, you can volunteer to help in any of the places they're still working: Hurricane Florence relief, Haiti, etc. They're still in so many places helping people that it's an honor to support them. October 11, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch has been on the case of the classified e-mails she said were not on her server, but that certainly were there, and they have filed enough lawsuits to be able to proove that there are more classified e-mails than previously thought and they won't make England's leadership happy because some of them discuss classified info regarding their dealings in Ireland. Isn't that special? Selling out one of our strongest allies is not exactly trust-building. "'We continue to uncover the mishandling of classified information in [hillosercrooktOOn's] emails that she tried to hide or destroy. This is further evidence of the urgency for the DOJ to finally undertake a complete and legitimate criminal investigation,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 'Attorney General Jeff Sessions should immediately order a new investigation of the [hillosercrooktOOn] email scandal.'"I think that U.S.A.G., jeff sessions, is a crooktOOn kissbutt, so him investigating the crooktOOns for real is questionable at best. I seriously doubt that he'll do anything that would shine a negative light on them. He loves them too much, or is too afraid of them and their list of dead people, I don't know which. I wish that someone who would go after them tooth and nail would be made our U.S.A.G. and that we'd get equal justice under the law. That would be a good thing. They need to be taken down and all of the money they obtained by selling America and her allies out should be confiscated and put into the U.S. Treasury as payment for them selling us out. October 11, 2018   Kanye West:   I am proud of him for making up his own mind and for thinking for himself. I am proud of him for standing up to the lefties/progressives/liberals who support nothing but "group think" and condemn his individualism. I am glad he went to the White House and met with Pres. Donald J. Trump and said what he said about feeling "like a super hero" when he puts on the MAGA hat. Kanye West is a real man because he's able to stand up to those who say that he has to think like them if he's going to remain their friend. Kanye West has the gonads to do this and I'm proud of him. Of course, cnn calls him the "token Negro" for doing this. They are the racists, not Pres. Donald J. Trump. cnn has nothing going for it besides group think. They are one of the mouthpieces of the left/progressives/liberals who want to be nothing but America-haters. They want only Communists, Democratic Socialists and Marxists to have anything at all to say in America and any kind of power or influence in America. Kanye West, you're a real man. Good on ya'! And of course, the left loses it again. They hate anyone who thinks for themselves instead of following the group think and towing the leftist line. Candace Owens offered to raise $100,000 to have a debate between herself and another person of her choice to debate don lemon and bakari sellers (both of cnn) because of their racist remarks against Kanye West. I bet you they refuse the offer. But, it's not just black cnn who melted down after Kanye West met with Pres. Donald J. Trump. msnbc's folks were off-kilter, too. Poor babies. Kanye West is making black youth rethink their allegiance to the left and that scares the pudding out of the left. October 11, 2018   Conservative Books:   Michael Savage has a new book out, Stop Mass Hysteria: America's Insanity from the Salem Witch Trials to the Trump Witch Hunt as does Camille Paglia. She thinks "feminism" has destroyed America; something I've said for years and years. My aunt was shocked when I said it to her in a phone conversation about fifteen years ago. Now I'm being proven correct by a "feminist" (old-fashioned feminism, not modern). I love Paglia's speeches -- most of them, some I disagree with -- and I think that if you watch/read her you will find a great mind, if not one you totally agree with. If you've read this website for any amount of time, you have seen me say this before. Another book to read is Tucker Carlson's "Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution". It's going to be one of those that I download to my Kindle and read soon. Of course, I have over 250 books on my Kindle and over half of those I have yet to get around to reading, or am in the middle of reading, so Tucker may have to wait in line. Whenever you get around to reading it, I think reading these books will make your brain work better, your understanding of today's America expand and your insight into the left deeper. That makes it all worthwhile. October 11, 2018   Who came up with this ridiculousness? How did such a horrible bail system get put into place without someone stopping it? In Massachusetts, even violent repeat criminals get bail and released to commit more horrible crimes against the people of the commonwealth and who are innocent victims of the wrongs of their government releasing those criminals. It's not just wrong, it's dangerous and it is a sin of the government that they are doing this! Innocent people should not be put in peril because of their government's laziness and desire to be the leftist who released bad guys so they can look good to the rest of their leftist cronies. It's wrong and it needs to end today! In fact, there is a financial incentive for the criminals to be released: "The controversial system, the only one of its kind in the United States, uses bail commissioners—many with no legal background—to determine if an arrested individual should be released. If the defendant goes free on bail, the commissioner gets $40 for going to the courthouse and doing the paperwork and the commissioner only gets paid if the perpetrator is released. That means there’s a financial incentive to get people back on the street. Incredibly, the commissioners don’t need to have a legal background. In fact, an investigation conducted years ago by a Boston news outlet revealed that bail commissioners include retired teachers, carpenters, couriers and high school guidance counselors. [my bolding]"The people of Massachusetts should immediately contact their governor and State representatives and get this changed! Their lives are in danger if this system continues! October 11, 2018   msthemuslimvileone:   SMH. I can't understand why she thinks that her hubby bubby's "Hope" and "Change" -- which she "changed" to "promise" -- are the right message for today's children. One word means nothing when it comes to a message. "Hope" meant what? What does it say about the carrier of the "message" when the "message" is "Hope"? Hope in what? Hope in whom? Hope for what or whom? What is it that is supposed to give them "Hope"? Yet, it's all about the one word message and whatever they read into that one word that the left relies on. They are supposed to create their own message in their own heads based upon "Hope", "Change", or "promise". That's the left's trick: create a one word message and allow their followers to fill in the blanks. That's how their message can get to so many people. Everyone can create their own message based upon what they think they want in their lives, from that parcitular candidate, for that particular instant. It's a constantly changing idea that morphs into the present second at a moment's notice and if you're as brain dead as the left is, you fall for it every time. The left is full of it and maybe that should be the Right's message for the next few weeks. October 11, 2018   LOL:   I don't know anything about "Kid Rock", but I do know that I like his response to a reporter's question. Touchè! October 11, 2018   Leftist doxxer actually had drugs in his possession when they searched his things. Sounds to me like he wasn't just a doxxer but he was a druggie, too. Employed by the left, can you imagine that? Oh, my! October 11, 2018   pelosipig:   If she gets back into the Speaker's seat she wants to make the House's priority -- priority -- Pres. Trump's tax returns. What? They don't want to find ways to help your life be better, or make your world safer? No? They want to get ahold of Pres. Donald J. Trump's tax returns and do what? Try to destroy the man whose tax cuts made your life better, your paycheck bigger and your children's lives better? Is that really her focus: taking down the man who blessed you in such a way that he made things better for you and your employer so that they can do more for you, too? Isn't that a wonderful thing, taking away the blesser of your lives? I think not. October 11, 2018   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS -- used to be the DH[IN]S) is now coming up with a plan to protect America against "EMPs - Electromagnetic Pulses". EMPs can be created by exploding a nuclear weapon high in the atmosphere that would result in an EMP moving out from the explosion site and destroying or at least interrupting all electronics that are in use at the time. Some say it would destroy even those that are not in use, I don't know which is true, but at least a LOT of our electronic devices (plug-in and battery operated) would be useless from that point. Protecting against such a thing will be tricky. I don't know if a lead blanketing type thing or a Faraday cage would protect replacement batteries, or not, but we do need something that would be in place to get those systems back up and running. We need to be able to get medical machines, traffic systems, water systems, etc., up and running after an attack and we need to be able to implement it quickly. Our country being paralyzed for hours leaves us vulnerable to any attacks that would follow an EMP attack. Let's not put ourselves in that situation. October 11, 2018   Did you know that the Soyuz launch was today and it had ISS astronauts onboard and it malfunctioned? It had one American astronaut and one Kazakhstan cosmonaut, Nick Hague and Alexey Ovchinin. They are both safe and well, but they had a bumpy ride. I'm glad they made it back okay. It was a 7G return. Can you imagine? October 11, 2018   Space:   More deep space transmissions are being found and I think that's interesting. I just want to be sure that it's not coming from one of our long-ago-launched space exploration satellites that have reached the far areas of the galaxy. Can you imagine if Voyager is the source of some of these and another of our early launches the source of some of the others, etc.? Wouldn't science feel foolish? Just asking. October 11, 2018   I'll close with that for today. I'll do my Flag Friday tonight but I don't think I'll be posting tomorrow. We're headed to our farm and my hubby has accrued time that may allow him to leave a little early for this pay period. We'd like to get there before sunset so we can see how we came out of Hurricane Michael at the farm. We may have a limb down here or there, or a little tree blown over, but we don't expect worse than that. Enjoy the weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 9, 2018: 1:28 p.m.   "[A]ccording to a groundbreaking analysis by Australian researcher John McLean it’s far too sloppy to be taken seriously even by climate scientists, let alone a body as influential as the IPCC or by the governments of the world."The numbers were so bad that the IPCC used a number allegedly found at (get this) St. Kitts in the Caribbean as being at "0 degrees C for a whole month, on two occasions".Can you imagine?! Yet, the global warming crowd used those numbers for years to push "Global Warming"! Zero degrees centigrade in St. Kitts! The average celsius temp for St. Kitts in the coldest month is 24! Yet, "scientists" used the zero degrees celsius number for how many years? Really? Now if you take that zero and use that as a starting point to measure temperature increases, going up from that to twenty-four (the actual number), you can maybe see "climate change, or global warming". But if you see zero degrees celsius at St. Kitts (in the Caribbean) most people with integrity and BRAINS would say, "No. That's gotta' be a mistake." Did "scientists" do that? No. They used the obviously wrong numbers for years to push their agenda -- and their funding. Isn't that something to believe in? Isn't that something that you can say was correctly done and very much based in real "science"? Or does your two-year-old tell you more truth that "global warming" liars? You figure it out. October 9, 2018   U.S. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, has handed in her resignation, effective 12/31/18. I find that very sad. She has done so much good for America and for the U.N. and shown them that America can't be intimidated and pushed around anymore. I wish she could stay for the whole term of Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!), but I understand why she's leaving. It's been intense for her and it's time for her to get out of the stress and to relax a little and spend time with her family. I'm sure that she will enjoy that; when you have a Conservative reputation and you're working for Pres. Donald J. Trump, you're a target of everyone from "The Mouth's" followers to hollyweirdos and freaks. She needs time to decompress and get away from that and to spend time with her family. I'm sorry to see her go, but I understand it completely. October 9, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She says that "civility can be returned" to America, but only if dumboRATS win the House and/or Senate again. It's only they who can be the creators, arbiters, dispensers of "civility". They are the ones who are civil. They have manners. It is we Conservatives who are the monsters. It is we Conservatives who are rude and uncivil. Uh... Is that why we see all those Conservatives acting like lunatics? Oh. Sorry. I'm wrong. That's not Conservatives. That's all of those crazy, unhinged lefties. My bad. Remember, if you want more of that, elect more lefties. Remember, it's the left/progressives/liberals who have committed 583 attacks against Conservatives. So it's not Conservatives who are the uncivil ones. It's the left/progressives/liberals. Shock. Surprise. BTW, she's still sick and if you watch the video until the end, you can see that she's still wearing the back brace. Glad she didn't win in so many ways! She also says that there's a difference between her "hard dog to keep on the porch's" accusers and those of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Yeah. With her hubby's accusers, there were witnesses, there was evidence, there was immediate (or early) reporting of the incident at least to friends and family members. There is a difference in that their reporting wasn't just during convenient timing of "election season". October 9, 2018   The Florida panhandle is under Hurricane Michael warning. A few of my relatives live up there and I hope they are safe. I have invited her to come down but they're staying put. October 9, 2018   Those anti-Trump idiots are still out there, and a lot of them are in our governmental agencies. For instance, I believe rod rosenstein is a never-Trumper. His buddy says he wants to take Trump out. Would it surprise you? October 9, 2018   Do you believe the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ? I don't know if I believe it to be, or not, but I do know that there is a new sculpture based on it and the sculptor is very talented and did an excellent job. October 9, 2018   There's another look into the msm's coverage of Pres. Donald J. Trump and they found that the coverage of Pres. Trump is still 92% NEGATIVE. Even with that much negativity, he still has a polled approval number of 51% and he is still Making America Great Again! He is making the numbers all good:
October 9, 2018   You want to know why the left/progressives/liberals/dumboRATS want to have illegal alien invading our country? It's so that they can count them in the census and get more seats that way, and so that they can register them to vote illegally as CA is doing. Isn't that a good way to secure America's future: cheat in the census count and in our elections? Makes you want to trust dumboRATS, does it not? October 9, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump met with rod rosenstein and now says that dumboRATS colluded with Russia. That makes sense considering how much hillosercrooktOOn did to curry favor with them, including selling them 20% of our uranium so that they could give it to places like Iran for nuclear weapons. Isn't that special? October 9, 2018 SCOTUS Justice, Brett Kavanaugh:   He spent his first day on the bench today and had the extreme pleasure of seeing one of his previous rulings upheld by them via not choosing to hear a case and letting his ruling stand. In that case, he overturned themuslimvileone's rule regarding "greenhouse gases". How gratifying is that?! Good for the SCOTUS! I'm so proud of them! October 9, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 5, 2018: 12:40 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 392: Hurry, Hurry". I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I can never say that enough! GOD Bless You All! Hope to see you later today to do updates, but I have errands to do so we'll see if I can get both accomplished. Until then, See ya'! October 5, 2018: 2:57 p.m.   Have time for a few blurbs today because I finished errands earlier than I thought. So, let's start with another Judicial Watch lawsuit. This time, they're suing for the records of themuslimvileone's anti-gun efforts. Well, not quite anti-gun, but definitely anti-ammo for the AR-15. They've been fighting hard to NOT comply with open records rules: "'Simply put, the ATF refuses to comply with federal open records law,' Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. 'The ATF has withheld records for over three years concerning the Obama administration’s shady attempt to institute gun control by restricting ammunition instead of guns.'"Of course they've been fighting it since themuslimvileone was in office. He didn't want to obey ANY rules! He thought he was god, not prezidunce! October 5, 2018   Judge Brett Kavanaugh:   Now we find out that the friends of his first accuser have been pressured to change their testimony and there is PROOF of the pressuring. It's absurd how desparate these idiots are to prevent a pro-life judge and a good man from being confirmed to the SCOTUS. When it gets so bad that they have to LIE and pressure others to LIE, you know that the TRUTH is as far from them as light is to darkness. People who live in darkness and enjoy it don't like the light. That's what we are seeing with these bottom dwellers and gollums. Well, look at that. The left has gone so far as to even make some RINOs do the right thing. We saw Lindsey Graham go ballistic on dumboRATS. We saw Mitch McConnel grow a chin and now we see Jeff Flake saying he'll vote FOR Kavanaugh? As I type this, Susan Collins is speaking and it sounds like she's going to vote FOR him. If there is a tie for this, it is a rule that the VP breaks the tie. If it comes to that, there will be violence in the streets as the lefties/progressives/liberals throw their predictable hissy fit and cry in the streets, believing that them not getting their way is enough of a reason to give them the legal right to hurt people and break things. They are all wrong, but that's what they believe. Anyone who hurts people or breaks things, tresspasses, or starts a fire needs to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. October 5, 2018   MAGA!:   Hurray! Even more people are employed this month and the U6 unemployment number is 7.5% while the U3 rate is 3.7%! That's excellent! That's Pres. Donald J. Trump's "magic wand"! He unleashed the economy with his policies and his "Put America First" policies. I love it! October 5, 2018   My hubby's home so I'm going to go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 4, 2018: 11:16 a.m.   How about all of this Judge Brett Kavanaugh crap the left/progressives/liberals are putting out? They've paid people to lie about him and they've gotten the opportunity to smear him and his good name, to try to destroy his reputation, destroy his family (would a wife who believed the allegations stay with him?), harm his parents' relationship and pride in him? That's not just wrong, it's wicked. It's evil to do the things they've done. They've found out that the people who are accusing him have been disbelieved and found to be lying. For instance, the prosecutor who questioned both Judge Kavanaugh and the first accuser, Ford, said she was lying. Ford also gave some sob story about why she has two doors on her house. She LIED and there are those who wonder if she intended to send it if Mitt Romney won because Judge Brett Kavanaugh was on his short list of possible appointees. The second accuser is just as bad a liar as the first. Ronan Farrow looked into her story and found out she was lying, as others have found. The third accuser is just a plain old lefty lunatic. I think the guy is innocent of the accusations against him. I don't think that he should take his relationship with beer so lightly, but I can't say that he lied under oath because most of the evidence and witnesses say he's not an alcoholic. I know a little about security questions they ask and alcoholism is one of the first. If Judge Kavanaugh were an alcoholic, it would have already been discovered and it would have been something that all of the reports would have had in them. There is no way that would have made it past the investigators. It looks like the reasonable Senators who have read the FBI's final report on Judge Kavanaugh are satisfied with the report and its thoroughness. They found nothing, as predicted. Shock. Surprise. It's so good that even jeff flake said it was a thorough report! Yep. Too bad the dumboRATS are still trying to delay by saying it's a "cover up". They need to get a grip and sign off on this. Do you know why they aren't cooperating on his confirmation? It's not because of him being a Pres. Trump appointee. It's because of Roe v. Wade! They fear their god -- abortion -- would be overturned with another originalist on the SCOTUS. They don't care who appointed him, they are worried about abortion's future. They cannot abide the possibility of it being overturned if he -- or anyone else they disapprove of -- being confirmed because abortion may be at stake. That's the truth of the matter. October 4, 2018   I like this! Republicans are raising LOADS of money after the leftists/progressives/liberals attacked Judge Brett Kavanaugh and after the way the dumboRATS acted and the way they treated him. That's such a good thing! Also, the Republican enthusiasm has soared after the way the dumboRATS treated Judge Kavanaugh, and the dumboRATS have been losing in the "enthusiasm" column. Isn't that wonderful? DumboRATS again shoot themselves in the foot with their dedication to their god, abortion. When you worship at the altar of the god of death, you die yourself. October 4, 2018   pelosipig:   She needs to get a grip, too. She's still sick and she still needs to retire and take care of herself and spend time with the grandkids. She is saying that Republicans are "cowardly and patriarchal" while she supports men who actually hate women enough to vote to kill them in the womb! Does that make sense to you? She's an ill moron. October 4, 2018   Judicial Watch has been on top of a story being totally ignored (or mostly ignored) by the msm because it doesn't matter to them that our U.S. military veterans are being shorted by the left. Now, JW has found out that there is "rampant fraud and corruption involving the illicit land sharing agreements made by crooked VA officials." A federal audit proved that there was fraud involved: "The OIG reviewed 40 land use agreements and determined that 11 did not comply with the WLA Leasing Act, other applicable federal laws, or the Draft Master Plan (DMP). Also, 14 non-VA entities were operating on campus with either an expired or no documented agreement."Can you imagine any responsible federal entity acting in such a way? Fraud was committed against our veterans by the people in charge of that facility and who profited by the use they permitted. "Earlier this year an official at the same L.A. VA facility where Rosebrock got prosecuted for posting American Flags got charged for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from a vendor that defrauded the VA out of millions. ... In January the corrupt VA official, Ralph Tillman, agreed to plead guilty to two felony offenses for taking over a quarter of a million dollars in bribes from a parking lot operator at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System in southern California."I'm not surprised by this crap anymore. I'm surprised that it took Judicial Watch and lawsuits to find this stuff out. The federal government, since the crooktOOn administration assigned so many lefties to power, has been corrupt and uncaring and filled with (as James O'Keefe's Project Veritas is proving) filled with Democratic Socialists who want to destroy America and capitolism as we know it. That's what happens when you elect leftists: they love destroying what is good. October 4, 2018   Speaking of leftists who want to destroy what is good, they include those who are stupid enough to destroy themselves in search of a "score" against those they hate on the other side. Take the doofus dumboRAT who doxxed three Republican Senators and is now under arrest and has now ruined his future job possibilities, in the real world, but in "Lefty World" (LW) he has just enhanced his resumé. He's so proud of himself, I'm sure. But can future employers trust him? Will they appreciate the lawlessness? Or will they shy away from him because they know that he can't be trusted with secrets? October 4, 2018   Iran:   The "supreme leader" is threatening to "slap" the U.S. because of sanctions against Iran. Sounds to me like it's time to do a first strike against Iran with more than sanctions. October 4, 2018   Feel like you need a hug today? Find a loved one, a friend, or even someone you've been arguing with and "hug it out". According to a study, it actually helps. So if your child is being beligerent, hug your child. If your husband is being unreasonable, hug him. If your wife is being a pain, hug her (then duck and cover because she'll see right through this). What about it? Need a hug? October 4, 2018   Socialist, alexandria ocasio-cortez:   She's got an ego on her! She is already thinking that she will some day be President of the United States of America! Yeah. She's already talking about her upcoming "inauguration" and signing bills! Let us hope and pray that the only bills she'll ever sign are the bill she gets from the power company, the phone company, the water bill, the credit card bill, etc. An ignorant, egotistical socialist is what did so much damage to America under themuslimvileone the last eight years. We don't need to go back to the rot that he created by again putting an ignorant, egotistical socialist in office. We need to learn our lesson from that horror and never go back! October 4, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   We have PROOF that he was working to channel money to a "mercenary army" of "far left activists" in Albania. He's doing his utmost to destroy another country, but this time he's using your money to finance it. Isn't that wunnerful? Don't ya' just love thevilegeorgesoros? He wastes so much of your money on his evil desires. When is he going to go to prison for this? That's what I want to know! October 4, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   There's a new study by MIT and Yale that shows 22.1 MILLION illegals living in America. That's what the dumboRATS desire because during the next U.S. Census they will have the possibility of getting more dumboRAT U.S. Representatives because they assume that the more Hispanics there are the more dumboRAT votes they'll get. They just KNOW that all of those illegals will vote for them because they are the ones who "give" (American taxpayer dollars pay for those gifts; every one of them!) the illegal alien invaders all of those "freebies": free education, healthcare, housing, food, etc. That's why the left loves illegal alien invaders. They want the census to find more people in the states in which they usually win. That will give them the House forever because the House's number is based upon population. The U.S. Census counts illegals because they've always blocked the question "Are you a citizen of the United States?" They block it because if the answer is "no" they should not be counted and without counting them there will be no more seats for dumboRATS to fill in those states. It's a twisted way and an evil use of the U.S. Constitution, but they will do whatever backdoor, backhanded, backroom way they can to get and maintain POWER. That's what it's about for the dumboRATS. They want POWER at any and all costs and, yes, that includes the cost of destroying America as we know and love her. October 4, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She's still "bitter" (to say the least!) and still blaming Russia. She's still making excuses after almost two years. She's a sad, angry woman who can't believe that the she lost due to the Founding Fathers' foresight. I always knew they were smart, but her defeat proves to me just how smart our Founding Fathers were. I appreciate them so very much! October 4, 2018   Brexit:   To this day, there are people in England who want to stop Brexit. I think that's absurd. Exiting the EU for England will give them not only their country and sovereignty back, but will also give them more money in their pockets! They will have control over their own country again, instead of someone in Brussels, or elsewhere in Europe telling them to do "X", fund "Y" and provide "Z" to others in other countries, or in their own country. It will give them more say over what happens in their own back yards, yet some of the idiots in England want to prevent it from happening. How idiotic is that? SMH. October 4, 2018   MAGA:   There's more good news for America in the jobless claims arena. The numbers are even lower than expected in those who are making "jobless claims". That's good for Americans and for America. I love it! October 4, 2018   chelsea crooktOOn is "suddenly" $6.6 MILLION richer? She is stupid and "weird" very conceited and privileged. She has made sure of the latter herself. She's disgusting and she doesn't rule out a run for president. Can you imagine? October 4, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. I want to look into the Amendments that are on the ballot so that I can tell you what I think of them. I want you to remember that if a certain person or certain organizations support something, it's probably a better thing to NOT support it, and vice versa. So if, for instance, the League of [Liberal/Leftist} Women Voters does NOT support something, you should probably vote FOR it. That's the rule of thumb, but I will look at and investigate each amendment soon and post what I find and think on my "Endorsements" page above. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 3, 2018: 4:33 p.m.   Hey! Look at that! I'm back on my own computer and doing a little update. "A little" because I only have time for this paragraph. I just got word we're to have company for a little while tonight so I have to go get a few things done. Vacuuming doesn't do itself, unfortunately. Anyways, I am back on my own computer and able to do updates from here. How about that? I'm so glad that GOD gave me ideas to fix this computer and to figure out how to get around the password change the hacker did! GOD is SOOO GOOD! I'm sorry I don't get to do political blurbs, but I hope that I will get to do so tomorrow. Until then, have a great day and don't forget to save time to put GOD, country and family (in that order) first. Thanks for stopping by! October 2, 2018: 11:23 p.m.   We are back from our cruise and it wasn't a great one, but we did have fun with our friends, and their friends whom I now consider friendly acquaintances. The six of us had fun and that's what made the whole thing bearable. On the negative side, we had the laziest room attendant we've ever seen -- in a suite cabin! She hadn't wiped down the "wood" in the suite for who knows how long and there was a big drip stain beside the refrigerator cabinet, the toilet had mold growing in it at the water line because it hadn't been cleaned in so long, the floor of the dressing room didn't get vacuumed while I was there, the soap splash from our showers stayed on the back of the bathroom doors for two days, and she argued with me that the bed had pillow tops on them in suites so she didn't think an "egg carton topper" was necessary for my back! The food was like Cracker Barrel food -- without the flavor -- with the exception of some of the desserts. I reported smoking in our area -- outside of a designated smoking area -- and the "Customer NO Service" desk attendant told me to find out who it is and tell them so they could do something about it! Our room attendant told me she had told three ladies who drank a lot to not smoke in the area at the end of our hallway (there's a door that goes out onto a little sitting area up there and she found them there). The second time I called "Customer NO Service" to report it, they said they'd investigate it, but I never saw anything happen. The third time I told someone directly in security and he seemed to take it seriously. (BTW, the first two days it seemed like they were smoking marijuana.) The app we downloaded and then made an "in app purchase" for the $5 "Chat" app was useless. I'd like a refund for that. They told us three times that they would clean the balcony, but didn't do it until the third day, but asked us to not use our balcony for all three days. Inconvenience your customer, then don't do what you say you're going to? No. At both ports, Bermuda and Grand Turk, someone was taken from the ship in an ambulance and whisked away. Other than that, Carnival is not bad, is it? I'm hoping to be able to do updates from my own computer tomorrow. I got it up and running again this afternoon, but I have a few more things to fix that the hacker messed up so I'm hoping to be able to fix the last things and get going on my own computer. Whoever hacked my computer did a bad thing and really irritated me, but they didn't keep me down. The best part: I'll be able to do a Flag Friday from my own computer this coming Friday. We'll see. Until next time, See ya! September 2018 September 20-21, 2018: 8:48 p.m.   Flag Friday:   I had to post my Flag Friday pic from my cell phone after I ran out today and took some cell phone pics for it (and next week's). It was fun because I saw the flag I'll use next week and spoke to a guy about his flag and told him about my Tribute series and he wanted to see them so I gave him my website card. This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 390: They Have Due". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! My cruise starts tomorrow and I will be doing a posting from there since I have flag pics on my cell phone now. The only problem is that I won't be able to put the link here until I return on Saturday. So, look for it on my regular Flickr.com account and we'll see you from one computer or another on or after the 29th! Have a great weekend and great upcoming week! September 20, 2018: 2:23 p.m.   Whew. I'm so frustrated with my computer. It told me yesterday that I had a hacker trying to gain access into my computer. It suggested closing all of my programs and restarting my computer so it could undo what the hacker was trying to do. This is a trusted firewall/security program that is even recommended by Kim Komando so I trusted it and shut down all of my programs and restarted. My computer hasn't done anything except turn on and show me the logo while it cranked and cranked and cranked as it said it was trying to start. Well, that and run the complete check (5 hours of checks) and frustrate me. My hubby was kind enough to allow me to download my HTML program onto his computer and I did all the things I had to do to be able to get to my website. I didn't sign off properly yesterday, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do a Flag Friday or anything else. It has been a nightmare. Whoever tried to hack me, I hope your computer gets hacked by someone better than you and that you will experience three times the frustration I have with what you did to my computer. My readers need to know that tomorrow I will be leaving for a nine day cruise to Bermuda. As usual my son will be at the house protecting things and feeding the cat, and I will upload one Flag Friday tonight, but next week's I will have to upload at the same time, keep it in the "Private" setting, and then from the ship I will make that one public, but won't be able to do a link here until after I get home on the 29th. So there will be no updates next week at all. I won't be hearing the news, reading my usual sites, or having the fun of doing blurbs for you. I'm sorry. But I do get to see Bermuda, something I've wanted to do for quite a while. My hubby has also wanted to see it since he was a kid and all of his friends had visited it already. This will be interesting, I hope. We get to cruise in the Bermuda Triangle --- oOoOoOoh! I'll see you later tonight with my Flag Friday. Until then, I'll be packing, finding things, and trying to figure out where I put "X". Have a great day! September 19, 2018: 12:59 p.m.   Sorry I missed Monday and Tuesday. My computer did an update of Windows and when it did that, it did the usual problem thing, then I found out that my computer's (laptop's) battery has a little bit of memory in it because it seems like it had a virus in it. I tried and tried and tried and tried to get the thing to open and run, but it wasn't until I took the battery off of it and ran it without the battery in that my computer started acting properly. With the battery in I was unable to get the thing to open properly. It would go into the password screen, I'd give it my password, then it would work and work and work and then ask for my password again! Literally two hours trying to figure out how to make it open without that situation. It was the frustration level that made me try it without the battery and, voila!, it worked! I'm still using it without the battery and it's working just fine. Did you know your battery had a little memory chip in it? Nor did I! Apparently it does, though, because that's what seems to have been causing my computer's problems. So, let's do a few blurbs today. Just a few, though, because I have to get ready to go on a cruise on Friday with my hubby. We're going to Bermuda! More details on that tomorrow. September 19, 2018   "Deep State":   It's real. They have proof that it's real and they found a person who was definitely targeted for destruction via the "Deep State". Add to that James O'Keefe's Project Veritas video of a "Deep State" operative bragging that he does Democratic Socialist of America work while on State Department time -- your taxpayer dollars are paying him while he works to subvert the nation. (Isn't that special?) I think it's ridiculous that it's so difficult to fire government employees. I hope he is so ashamed, so harshly punished that he chooses to resign today. September 19. 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   When themuslimvileone was in office he wasted a LOT of taxpayer dollars. I don't think you'll be surprised to find out that he spent approximately $90 MILLION to help a few dozen women get jobs. "The U.S. government has blown almost $90 million on a doomed project to help Afghan women enter the workforce with a big chunk of the money going to a [hillosercrooktOOn]-aligned 'development' company that reaped big bucks from Uncle Sam while [hillosercrooktOOn] was secretary of state. The cash flows through the famously corrupt U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID), which is charged with providing global economic, development and humanitarian assistance. In this case USAID allocated $216 million to supposedly help tens of thousands of Afghan women get jobs and gain promotions over five years. Known as 'Promoting Gender Equity in National Priority Programs,' the endeavor was launched in 2014 and tens of millions of dollars later it’s proven to be a major failure. [my bolding]"Let me guess: the crooktOOns benefited financially somehow from this taxpayer-funded scam. Would you be surprised? It doesn't end there, either. There is more wasting of taxpayer dollars and a lot of YOUR tax money is going into trying to destroy or transform America. In fact, it's so bad that another group has put up a website against it, and it will make your head spin! It's no wonder our deficit is so huge considering how much of OUR money is wasted by the left/progressives/liberals who, when in control, do this kind of crap! I want to send all of them to Mars! September 19. 2018   Fake News:   The left/progressives/liberals are still trying every LIE they can come up with to shut down Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination and get him to back out or get the committee to not approve his nomination, or get the full Senate to vote against him. They don't care which way it happens, they just need to stop him because they think that if he is approved he'll help overturn Roe v. Wade. As usual, they LIE about Pres. Trump's reaction and what he allegedly said. Of course, there's no truth to what cnn's chris cillizza said, but that doesn't matter to cnn. They want to do every bit of damage to both Pres. Donald J. Trump (LOVE saying that!) and Judge Kavanaugh that they can, truth can take a flying leap off the highest cliff in the world. What matters to the left is that they get power back and prevent Conservatives from having power. The left is losing its mind. It's fun to watch. I enjoy it very much. September 19, 2018   How big an ego -- and how scared must the lefties/progressives/liberals be -- to DEMAND that the DO[IN]J and FBID DEFY Pres. Donald J. Trump's Constitutional authority to ORDER the declassification of the "Russian dossier" and FISA warrant information files? I think that they'll find out that even their constituents will be shocked to see how lame it was and that their constituents will be appalled by their representatives' cooperation in trying to ruin President Donald J. Trump's presidency with such lame information and easily seen LIES. pelosipig, schumer, schiff and warner (not familiar with him, but apparently he's the Vice Chairman, U.S. Senate, Select Committee on Intelligence. I think that last part must be a typo. Lefties on an "Intelligence" committee? Really? What are they there for: to search for their marbles? It's a huge oxymoron! September 19, 2018   U.S.A.G. Jeff Sessions:   Pres. Donald J. Trump is very unhappy with him. He's so unhappy with the way Sessions is handling things that Pres. Trump says he "doesn't have an Attorney General". That's pretty bad because if he doesn't, whose A.G. is Sessions? Or do you see what I see and know that hillosercrooktOOn hasn't yet been charged, that the illegals are still crossing our borders -- and being allowed to stay -- than have been allowed to stay in a very, very long time. That's Sessions' failure. That's his domain and he's not doing his job there or anywhere else or in any other way. He's basically being a seat-filler, a john mcCAIN'T, a lindsey grahAMNESTY: a loser and a leftist. He may as well be eric holder. September 19, 2018   DumboRAT Vote Fraud:   Yet again, another dumboRAT is recorded telling people to "vote early and vote often". "Often"? Then he says "Whatever you can get away with"! He's encouraging voter fraud! He's telling dumboRATS to vote more than once, which is TOTALLY ILLEGAL! Yet, the people there laugh it off! Encouraging people to CHEAT OUR ELECTIONS is NOT FUNNY! It's ILLEGAL! How can we trust our elections when it's been proven time and time and time again that it's the dumboRATS who do this sort of thing? They don't need to claim RUSSIAN interference in our elections. DumboRATS cheat enough to put anything the Russians could do -- if they actually did anything -- to shame! Look through my "Storage" pages and you'll see link after link after link of stories about finding that dumboRATS bussed people to voting polls, voted for them, helped people vote in more than one precinct, paid them to vote for their candidates, "found" ballots in close races (BTW, why is it that "found" ballots are only "found" in elections' offices run by dumboRATS?). I think we don't need Russian interference to find voter fraud: we have the dumboRATS and their cheating already! September 19, 2018   Election Integrity, 2:   It's about time that every county, every state, every city, everyONE be forced (if necessary) to clean its voter rolls, as was a Texas border county's and now the American citizens who live there may be able to better trust their election results, instead of thinking that what should have been was prevented from happening thanks to the illegal aliens voting in that county. I think that EVERY election roll in America should be cleansed and cleared of the names of dead people, felons without voting rights restored, illegal aliens, multiple registrations for the same person, fictitious characters' names (Mickey Mouse votes more often than you or I), paid participants without legal rights to vote, etc. If we cannot trust our voter rolls, then we have no real "government of the people, by the people, for the people". We may as well just hand control of our country over to the left/progressives/liberals as they have wanted for the last seventy years. They want the Conservatives to throw up our hands in disgust and frustration and give up on our elections so that they will have total control. Let's surprise them and NEVER GIVE UP ON ELECTION INTEGRITY! Stand against VOTER FRAUD! September 14, 2018: 12:19 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 389: Emotional" and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I don't know if I'll be doing updates later today because we may run up to our farm and see if there was any damage done by Florence. I don't know how high the winds got/are getting up there, how much rain our farm received, or if there are any trees down, electricity working, or whatever. We need to check on that and deal with the things we may have to deal with and come home having done what is needed, or at least done what can handle the "emergency" stuff then come back for the rest of it. We'll see what happens but right now today looks a little hectic. Maybe I'll do some updates, or maybe I'll be getting ready to go north. No idea. We'll see. Okay? September 14, 2018: 1:35 p.m.   I do get to do a few blurbs today so I'll start with the LIES the msm are telling about our U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, in the "curtain fiasco" the msm is pushing. They are saying that Nikki Haley ordered expensive curtains for the U.S. Ambassador's residence (the one themuslimvileone's U.N. Ambassador lived in prior to Haley). The problem is, that it was themuslimvileone's admin who ordered them. Yep. It took the company two years to make the custom curtains and get the motors to open and close them with a remote control and deliver them to the residence, which is now occupied by Haley. She didn't order the curtains, she knew nothing about them until they showed up, and for all we know they may not even be her taste, but the left and the msm are so busy LYING about it that they don't care that Haley DID NOT order those curtains. That was done by susan rice during themuslimvileone's administration and no one made a peep about it then. September 14, 2018   Judge Brett Kavanaugh:   In his confirmation hearings they tried and tried and tried to get something on him, but they got nothing. They tried every dirty trick in the book -- minus one, and that one they pulled out yesterday. They tried to "Anita Hill" Kavanaugh, with the dummy, difi, introducing an alleged victim letter that she said she sent to the federal authorities to investigate what was alleged in the letter. Too bad the FBI has already investigated Kavanaugh so many times that they already know he's a good guy and they aren't interested in looking into the allegations. I find the allegations very suspicious because they come after Kavanaugh had been vetted for many other appointments, after years of public service and after they tried everything else. I think that this letter is a last ditch effort and for all we know it was totally false and it was an attempt to slander a good man; which is what I believe it is. I think that the left/progressives/liberals are capable of LYING about anything and when they are in a fight that they really want to win, they'll try every dirty trick in the book. There is no "right and wrong" for the left. It's all about "the ends justify the means" and if they can end someone's possibilities of holding an office they don't want that person in, then they're justified in whatever actions and words they use. That's the left's way of doing things. It's despicable. There are also 65 women who went to high school with Kavanaugh who wrote to the Senate committee saying that even in high school he was a man of integrity and honor. Bet the msm doesn't report that. Now the dumboRATS on the committee have submitted extra written questions they want Kavanaugh to answer. They submitted 1,287 questions for Kavanaugh, more than all of the nominees prior to him combined (a combined total of 1,247 questions). The dumboRATS on the committee are doing their utmost to stop him, delay things and make things so difficult that he'll just drop out of the process and give up on it. I hope Kavanaugh sticks in there and shows them that they can't get away with that crap with him, he's not a quitter and he's not going to give them a victory! September 14, 2018   googley-woogley:   Why are they trying their darndest to harm America? They claim to be a bunch of migrants who came here as refugees and such, but they are haters of America -- except for the money they can make here. It seems to me the more we learn about googley-woogley the worse they are. I find them totally rotten, despicable and more than a little silly and creepy. September 14, 2018   Another federal employee who worked for themuslimvileone is accused of wrongdoing. This time, it's sexual harassment at the EEOC of all places! This woman demanded sex in exchange for favorable treatment, but also demanded that male employees bring her flowers on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and other things. It's yet another sign of how corrupt that administration was and its hires continue to be. September 14, 2018   I'm so glad that Judicial Watch keeps suing and suing and suing in order to bring the TRUTH to light regarding themuslimvileone's administration and hillosercrooktOOn and all the wrongs they have done. Tom Fitton, head of JW, says that their search for the TRUTH regarding the crooktOOn e-mail server is still ongoing and they are not going to give up. With JW on the case, hillosercrooktOOn will be made to pay the price because there can be no "equal justice under the law" if she gets away with breaking the law and faces no consequences. Judicial Watch is trying to make sure she faces consequences as is only proper. They're also still looking into the strzok/page e-mails in their search for the TRUTH regarding the FBID's and DO[IN]J's Deep State activities in trying to prevent Donald J. Trump from being President Donald J. Trump and their actions in using an unsecured devices (like hillosercrooktOOn): "Judicial Watch announced today that it has received 47 pages of records from the Department of Justice, including email exchanges between fired FBI official Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page revealing that FBI officials used unsecure devices in discussing how the U.S. could improve the sharing of sensitive data with the European Union top executive governing commission."Sounds to me like themuslimvileone's entire administration was trying their best and working hard to enable spying on America and to ensure that anyone who wanted our secrets would be able to get them without much effort. Don't ya' love that themuslimvileone's administration was trying to help our enemies get our secret, top secret, and compartmented information via unsecured (no password needed in some cases) devices? Isn't that sweet of them? September 14, 2018   the idiot chelsea crooktOOn:   I firmly believe that what comes out of a worm's butt has a higher IQ than this amoeba. She is incredibly stupid (even her parents' friends say so) and for her to say that it's "unchristian to end legal abortion" clearly illustrates how stupid and brainless she is! GOD does not like abortion. GOD creates life and in Jeremiah 1:4-5 the Bible (GOD's Word) says: "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."In fact, the Bible (GOD's Word) says something about GOD knowing us in the womb 76 times! So how on earth is it UNchristian to STOP murdering what GOD has created? I bet she is for keeping whales, minks, birds and tortoises alive, but not human babies! As I said, what comes out of a worm's butt has a higher IQ than chelsea crooktOOn. September 14, 2018   If you think that the judicial branch at the lower levels is out of control and doing more harm than good, you're correct. That's why President Trump's administration and the House are trying "to rein in lower court judges". I think that's a good thing. Lower court judges have gotten so power hungry that they have been publishing rulings that try to control the whole country. That's now the way they're supposed to do things, but they've been doing it. Now that will change to only controlling those involved in the proceedings, as it should. Now maybe we can have some semblance of order and not look quite so crazy. September 14, 2018   TDS:   Of course the msm has to try their best to make Pres. Donald J. Trump (still LOVE saying that!) look bad, but with others there who will publish the TRUTH, they fail miserably after the TRUTH comes out. Like the pictures of Pres. Trump on 9/11 the msm published, compared to what they didn't show. It's ridiculous. The msm is so scared of Pres. Donald J. Trump (LOVE saying that; so glad hillosercrooktOOn LOST!) that they are doing their utmost daily to shoot his presidency and popularity down. Their efforts are in vain and they should go whimpering back to the dark, dirty corners they came from. September 14, 2018   Fake News:   The left (msm included) is so busy trying to blame Hurricane Florence on Pres. Donald J. Trump (LOVE saying that!) that FEMA has posted a "Rumor Control" page that debunks the LIES the lefties/progressives/liberals are pushing against Pres. Donald J. Trump and their effort to try to blame him for Hurricane Florence and other things. I don't remember any previous administration having to have a "Rumor Control" page in which they put the TRUTH to the LIES of the left/progressives/liberals for a hurricane. It's gotten so bad that this step was necessary. How absurd is that? September 14, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   Their new leader is just as big a liar and obfuscator as the previous leader. Planned AbortionHood is all about KILLING BABIES. That's their focus, how they make most of their money -- well, that and selling aborted baby parts -- and what their goal is and was when they were first started. Killing babies is their raison d'être and it always will be. "Health care"? Really? Ask the dead baby torn limb from limb and dumped after being counted if it got health care. September 14, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Are "anchor babies" citizens at birth or not? I say "No!" they are not. Many scholars agree with me. "Many leading conservative scholars argue the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not provide mandatory birthright citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens or noncitizens, as these children are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction as that language was understood when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified."There's also the simple fact that there are laws against people being able to benefit from breaking the law. That's why mass murderers are not supposed to be able to write a book about killing sixty people and making money from that. Someone being able to stay in the country because of their "anchor baby" (and the "anchor baby" itself) is a benefit and that's not right. Someone coming here illegally and demanding to be allowed to stay because they timed their illegal invasion just right so they could give birth here (or get pregnant once they arrive so they can give birth here) is absurd. Mexico does not reciporcate in that kindness, and any Americans who tried that trick would be sent packing with their child! NO other country has the same policy! It's NOT right to have an "anchor baby" policy. It should never be right to benefit from doing wrong! September 14, 2018   I'll close with the fun thing I saw today. It's Tucker Carlson interviewing "Creepy Porn Lawyer" and if it doesn't make you laugh I hope your day improves at least a little by watching it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 13, 2018: 12:18 p.m.   Pres. Donald J. Trump is correct: Hurricane Maria did NOT kill over 3,000 people in Puerto Rico. The official death toll after Maria -- including months AFTER the storm came through -- was 64. It wasn't until much later that a ridiculous "study" was done (and, yes, I use the term extremely loosely because the "study" was bogus in the way it was conducted) by someone with an agenda and who allegedly found out that everyone who died after Maria had come through was classified as a death associated with Hurricane Maria. The study was conducted by a Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and they are a degree program school, but they lean way, way, way left so of course the results will be anti-Trump! IF you believe the ridiculous number the "study" came up with, and take into consideration the 2017 population of Puerto Rico was 3,674,347 the "study's" death toll of "4,645 hurricane-related deaths between Sept. 20 and Dec. 31 2017" would be just over one thousandth of total population of the country. Sounds to me like there should be all kinds of new graveyards in Puerto Rico. Problem is, reading their study you see that they are full of it. IF their "study" was correct, then why is the George Washington University "study's" death toll 2,975? So two different entities -- both left leaning by a long shot -- did two different studies on how many people Hurricane Maria allegedly killed in Puerto Rico over the same time frame, then why is there a 1,670 dead people difference? I mean, if we are to trust these "studies" then why aren't their numbers the same? If their work was trustworthy, would they not have come up with the same number, instead of a 1,670 dead people difference? Does this not make you want to question the results of both "studies"? I know I and Joel B. Pollak at Breitbart do. September 13, 2018   googley-woogley:   Have you seen the tape smuggled out of the building? Have you seen them lament hillosercrooktOOn's defeat? Have you seen that they are so far left that it's almost a given that they will be doing the WRONG things instead of the right? If not, watch it here at Breitbart.com and you will understand why I've said for years to not trust them. They are not a company I think is worth trusting. I still need to get off of their blog spot, which I intend to do but life gets in the way of. I can't think of anything else I use them for, except that in order to have a blog on their blog space I did get an e-mail address there. Oh, and I use YouTube, which they created or purchased. I subscribe to about thirteen channels there and I like those channels. I would have to discuss with my hubby (who likes the same channels plus another fishing channel and a "farm" life channel), and my son who has his faves if I were to shut down our household use. It may happen for that, though. I wonder if I contacted the channels I like (Off The Ranch, Vet Ranch, Demolition Ranch, Lake Fork Guy, a putt putt golf channel, a channel about a couple building their own house, etc.) if they'd be willing to move to a different site, or if they'd post at both places. Yeah. Like that's going to happen. September 13, 2018   September 13, 2018   The House Oversight Committee has the names of the "reporters" (read: leftist hacks) who helped the FBID LIE about then-Candidate Donald J. Trump. Those reporters knew their sources were anti-Trump, but they used the lies anyways. I think that America needs to know those names, every reporter who agreed to spread the LIES that the FBID (Federal Bureau of Investigation in DISGRACE) fed info to and we need to be able to judge for ourselves whether we want to watch/read/listen to those reporters anymore for ourselves. We need to know. We need to be able to make up our minds as to whether we want to trust the information that reporter, that show, that paper, etc., is trustworthy, could possibly be true, or is another big pack of LIES that the left puts out however they can through whomever is willing to help them LIE. I want to know. September 13, 2018   DO[IN]J:   Of course, the left covers for each other. That's exactly what's happening with a judge linked to Bruce Ohr who has chosen to DELAY the release of the Bruce Ohr documents that Judicial Watch has been asking for and trying to get ahold of for months. Not only has the friend of Bruce Ohr -- the judge who should have recused himself -- willing to delay the release of the documents, but he decided to delay them until well after the midterm elections this November. If this isn't a cover up job, then what is? Answer me that. September 13, 2018   Ketchup kerry:   Talk about chutzpah and treason! He has been holding secret meetings with Iran and advising them to NOT deal with Pres. Donald J. Trump but to wait until the dumboRATS get back into office (at which time they'll send them more pallets of cash?) and negotiate with the dumboRATS. Gateway Pundit reported that a while back but now ketchup is admitting it himself. It's time he face some consequences for this. He needs to be testifying before Congress and face charges. September 13, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   What are these doctors doing?!!! This is absolutely absurd! Doctors are performing double mastectomies on girls as young as thirteen years old!! That's absurd! Why? Because they think that they're "transgender". Of course a few years ago they believed they could be unicorns, so why not support their belief that they were born into the wrong bodies? This is medical malpractice at its peak! Why do these idiot doctors -- whose Hippocratic Oath includes "I will do no harm or injustice to them." -- still have medical licenses? When these girls wake up in ten, fifteen years and realize they've made big mistakes in having the surgeries done, are you going to be willing to put your taxpayer dollars to work to pay for them to have breast implants and to have their created penises removed? Gender dysphoria used to be treated with psychiatric treatment, but now it's treated as a given that children, minors are wise enough, informed enough, mature enough to make those decisions? Where are the parents? Where is their concern for the drastic decisions their child -- CHILD -- is trying to push through? Why are these "parents" not pushing back? Why are the "parents" not saying, "No! You cannot do this! You are not mature enough to make that decision and you're not going to mutilate your body at this age. If you still want to do this after you are out of my house and on your own and can pay for it yourself, then go for it. I refuse to do this to you and for you! No. Absolutely not!" Why can "parents" not say that nowadays? Is it because they're afraid their child will go to a leftist/progressive/liberal teacher at school, or a similar "pastor" who will notify leftist/progressive/liberal authorities and their parental rights will be usurped through the courts and the CHILD will be allowed to do so on OUR dimes anyways? I don't know. I do know that the doctors who are cooperating with this are insane and the "parents" who are allowing it are committing child abuse! September 13, 2018   Wow. Talk about needing psychiatric help, this democratic socialist candidate really needs it! She's done some crazy things and her primary is today. She's scary strange and I hope she loses because I think she has some realy psychological problems. Impersonating someone, changing her background (a la the Cheekbone Cherokee), claiming she was from a "working class family" but has a $600,000 trust fund (according to her own attorney), she has lied about whether she has a college degree (she has not) and she switched from being a pro-life Republican to the Independence Part, to now a pro-abortion dumboRAT. She's in need of help. September 13, 2018   themuslimvileone:   His ego has again reared its ever-present head and he's out there patting himself on the back again. (Has anyone else noticed his left arm has gotten longer from all that self-congratulatory back-patting?) He is again denying reality but that's no surprise to us, is it? As the author of the article, David Harsanyi, says, "'While [themuslimvileone’s] self-reverential speech was crammed with revisionism, the most jaw-dropping contention from the former president was probably a defense of his record on free speech: 'I complained plenty about Fox News,' the scandal-ridden [themuslimvileone] explained, 'but you never heard me threaten to shut them down, or call them 'enemies of the people.''"Sorry. Didn't intend to make you spit your drink all over your computer. Yeah. He said that. If you recall, he did want to shut down FOX News. His lips were moving. He was lying. September 13, 2018   The new, leftist pushed, bob woodward book has hit the shelves and is allegedly selling hand over fist (although one must wonder if it's the unions buying cartons full to make the sales look great as they did with themuslimvileone's and the crooktoons' books). One must also wonder if the good sales numbers are because China is pushing it, too. That speaks volumes, does it not? I am highly suspicious about the whole book and its beginnings, considering what we've found out about woodward being on the FBID's payroll for years and the lies we've been told are in the book. I don't trust it and don't plan to read it. Why waste my time reading lies, as I did with themuslimvileone's books? It would be like reading hillosercrooktOOn's "What Happened?" or her (or her hard-dog-to-keep-on-the-porch's) other autobiographies. If I want to read lies, I have enough locals to read for that. September 13, 2018   Well, my hubby is home a little early so we can finish installing the new back door. I'll see you later tonight for my Flag Friday posting. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 12, 2018: 2:58 p.m.   Ugly Lefties:   I don't mean just looks here, folks, I mean their hearts and actions, too. Like the lefties who removed American flags from graves of servicemen and women and urinated on those flags! That's disgusting and I hope these creeps are arrrested and prosecuted or at the very least shamed into an apology they won't mean at all. At least make them say the words, with or without it meaning anything to them. I know they don't think what they were doing is wrong, but let's at least force the issue. Disgusting cows. September 12, 2018   bob woodward:   It's being proven now that he was working for the FBID since his "Deep Throat" days so now we know that his anti-Trump book is an FBI hit piece. Another proof of the Deep [Throat] State working against the will of the people who elected Pres. Donald J. Trump. Sounds to me like it's all about getting dumboRATS back in power. September 12, 2018   Deep State:   We also know that the FBID has been sending what they hope will be "damaging" information to one leftist reporter at the WaPo. The Deep State thought it was oh-so-clever doing this crap, but it's all coming to light and they are paying a higher price than they thought possible. They trusted their overlords to keep them safe and protect themselves. Aww... too bad. This is what happens when you trust the wrong people. September 12, 2018   BENGHAZI:   Six years after the horror of what themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn did to the Libyan embassy we find out that they not only DID NOT ACT to protect Amb. Stevens and the others who died or were injured there, but they also fired those who survived and took away their security clearances preventing them from getting hired by any government contractor again, and then they LIE ABOUT IT EVEN TODAY! Of course, it IS themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn, so what do we expect of them besides lying? Oh. That's right. Embezzling (crooktOOn), a death count higher than Saddam Hussein in his last hours of power (crooktOOn), taking credit where it definitely is NOT due (both themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn), and doing everything they can to destroy America (both). That's not what America deserves. That's not good enough. We deserve much, much better! Don't you agree? September 12, 2018   I LOVE THIS!!! Judicial Watch, I LOVE you! They've filed a complaint against Senator corey booker because he bragged that he was breaking the rules and releasing confidential documents. I think that's excellent! He wanted to brag about it. He stated he was doing so at least five times during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing and tweeted about it. Now let's see him squirm while he tries to get out of facing the consequences. I love to watch worms squirm! September 12, 2018   This is how the left/progressives/liberals work; behind closed doors, in the darkness, in secret plots to do the wrong thing. A "Sheriff" -- sworn to uphold the law and to enforce existing laws and the U.S. Constitution -- had a secret agreement with the leftist ACLU to "stop detaining illegal" alien invaders. That's not what the "Sheriff" is supposed to do. "In 2011 Indiana passed a measure prohibiting the implementation of any policies that restrict local law enforcement agencies from cooperating with federal immigration authorities. The ACLU-Marion County Sheriff agreement violates that state law".Sounds to me like that "Sheriff" needs to be fired and replaced with someone who knows how to enforce the laws that are already on the books instead of making backdoor deals. September 12, 2018   September 12, 2018   Fort Hood:   A judge has ruled that the U.S. Army has to explain to him why a soldier who separated his shoulder trying to stay alive and protect others does not deserve a Purple Heart medal. The Fort Hood terrorist attack was made by Congress as a terrorist attack that deserved to be eligible for Purple Hearts and all war-related awards and benefits, but someone appointed by themuslimvileone has again denied this soldier his Purple Heart. Judicial Watch sued and the judge ruled for Judicial Watch in demanding that themuslimvileone's appointee explain herself! I doubt that she'll be able to do so to the judge's satisfaction and I believe that she will be ordered to allow the Purple Heart for Sgt. Joshua Berry. I think that would be justice and justified and I hope that themuslimvileone's appointee loses her job! September 12, 2018   serena williams:   You've by now heard about her Open temper tantrum, right? Well, I don't watch tennis because I don't find it interesting. I don't play the game (tried it when I was in my teens, didn't like it), and I'm really disinterested in anything to do with it unless it's a player with class who treats others well and thinks that the way they conduct themselves is important re.: role-modeling for the young players who wish to be world-class players. Those players I do respect and I do think that they add to the draw of tennis, or any other sport and the leaders within it (that's another reason why colin kaepernick will never have my respect). When I heard about williams's temper tantrum and the things she said and did and what her temper tantrum did to her opponent, I lost all respect for williams. Then I heard what Rush Limbaugh had to say about it and I had to agree with him. She did the sport of tennis no favors, just as john mcenroe has done to the men's tennis circuit, I don't think that either of them are worthy of being "world-class" nor do I think that they deserve to be considerd role models. If anyone who has gotten that far as to be in the top of their sport, they need to purport themselves as though they are role models and seeing this kind of behavior from male or female in any sport is disgusting. I don't understand their childishness and I certainly don't understand williams throwing that "I'm a woman out here fighting for women's rights" crap into the mix, nor the "I'm a mother" thing. How lame is that? She was losing because of her own actions (and that of her coach, but the rules state that she is responsible for that, too, so stop the whining, williams), to complain to the judge that she was losing because of HIS actions is irresponsible and childish. Also, if she and her sister are so great at tennis, why do they have to have a women's circuit, why not combine them and make men play women? I'm being facetious, of course, because both of the williams sisters chose to play someone ranked around 200 on the men's circuit in order to be able to keep up with a man and they both lost to that guy, Karsten Braasch. After that defeat, both sisters revised their chosen male ranking to 350 on the male circuit. Why not play #1 male to #1 female if they're so good? If the genders are so wonderfully equal at everything, why not? Even the williams sisters know the answer to that one. Remember, they started out with #200 on the men's circuit then revised it down after resounding defeats. Speaks volumes. Oh, and you may want to watch this video about the incident, too. It's very good and it's where I got the info about the williams sister's matches against the #200 ranked male. September 12, 2018   fakebook:   You know they're censoring Conservatives, right? Now they're censoring anyone who espouses anything that is even remotely against the left/progressives/liberals. For instance, they've banned #WalkAway founder, Brandon Straka right before his big event and he was using fakebook as his organizing tool for the event. Isn't that special? They silence him right before his event. It's called sabotage and fakebook just did it to him. I hope and pray he finds another way and that fakebook's fear of all things Conservative or pro-Free Speech does not impact his event. I hope that there are thousands and thousands and thousands of people who show up there and show the left/progressives/liberals who are leaving the dumboRATs and leftists and choosing FREEDOM over PC and the left's/progressives'/liberals' destructive agenda. IF you're still on fakebook (Heavens, why?) for goodness's sake LEAVE IT! Shut down your account and get off of there! Go where FREE SPEECH is welcome and where the liberals do NOT OWN the place! Try GAB.ai, where FREE SPEECH is still the norm (even Free Speech we disagree with). Find a place that supports Free Speech for everyone not just for those who are in lock step with the leftist owners. It's time to teach them that they cannot be against you and you still use their site. September 12, 2018   Kenneth Starr says that the crooktOOns are "fundamentally dishonest". How big a "Well, DUH!" can I put on here without breaking computers? September 12, 2018   Dem. gubernatorial candidate, andrew gillum:   He's bankrolled by hate groups and thevilegeorgesoros and millionaire leftist, tom steyer. He's also still under FBID investigation and he's lousy at math. Nope. That's not what I want in a governor. I'm voting for Ron DeSantis. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39272, Independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or FBID investigation.) September 12, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   They've hired a new president who happens to be a Chinese immigrant (whose parents may have come over here after having been forced to have abortions due to China's one baby policy), and who has a young child of her own, but doesn't see the irony of her intro to the world as their president. An educated woman with an agenda of killing babies is not a smart woman, it's an agendaed woman. There is NO SCIENCE behind the idea that killing a baby is not murder. If an amoeba is alive, then so is a fertilized egg and a zygote. Definition of life: "All organisms are made up of cells, have different levels of organization, use energy, respond to and adapt to their environments, grow and reproduce. If something does not exhibit each of these characteristics, it is technically not living."So a zygote (completed in the first FOUR DAYS after conception) is alive. Why does Planned AbortionHood NOT want you to realize that? Remember: If they have to LIE to you, all they want is to have power over you. September 12, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 11, 2018: 3:47 p.m.: Always Remember:   Today is the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America in which airplanes hijacked by followers of Islam were flown into both World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and (because Todd Beamer and other passengers fought back) crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands of Americans died, as did people in both WTC towers from other countries, and the people in the hijacked planes were killed on impact. My brother-in-law was working in the Pentagon at the time, but had a meeting in another building and had left just minutes prior to impact. My Aunt Sue was scheduled to be in one of the WTC towers that day to work a business deal for her employer (a power company for which she was Treasurer), and a friend of mine whom I met afterward worked in one of the WTC towers and was waiting for the elevator on the ground floor when the plane hit that tower and she left because something told her to. She survived and has a wonderful husband and two sons today. Today is a difficult day for those people, I'm sure. "Survivor's guilt" is real and I don't know that any of them have that problem, but I do know that they had skin in the game that day and because two of them were related to me, so did I. For me, it's personal. For me, it's real and for me, I shall ALWAYS REMEMBER. That's why I wrote what I shall consider my whole update for today: 9/11 Memorial Poem: The God of HatredThat's my update for today. ALWAYS REMEMBER. It wasn't a one time thing. Islam has continued to try to reign in terror since its inception. Do not think that they are confined to the Middle East and beheading whole towns of Christians there. It's here. It's now. It's time to face the facts. Let us be ready. Let us beware. Let us ALWAYS REMEMBER. GOD Bless the heroes of seventeen years ago today, the families and loved ones of those who were murdered and the people who have given their lives in the battle against the murderous beliefs. GOD Bless them all! September 10, 2018: 3:02 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I'm trying to get ahold of my Mom, who lives in SC and I want to make sure she's going to be okay through Florence. I have tried to reach her, but no luck yet. Knowing her, she's taking people around to get their meds, or food in the house, or whatever. She's like that: doesn't know a stranger and doesn't know how to stop doing for others, even those taking advantage of her. I'll keep calling and make sure she knows she can come down here if she wants. I'll get started on the few blurbs I'll do today. September 10, 2018   Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS):   The Mouth is at it again. She still wants to "impeach" Pres. Trump. I think the only reason she keeps saying it is because it has gotten her more shouts of approval than she's heard since she ran for office. She's unused to this kind of approval from people so she's milking it for all it's worth. More derangement comes from the bulbous moore and Publicity Pigg, and from themuslimvileone and his delusions. Let's not forget the hollyweirdos who are suffering from TDS. The left/progressives/liberals are all falling apart because they didnt' get their way. Poor babies. Poor, poor babies. Get them their binkie, someone! September 10, 2018   No matter how you look at it, Publicity Pigg was correct in one thing: the old folks don't want to go away and make room for the youger socialists/leftists/progressives. They want to hang onto power for as long as they can. From pelosipig (even though she should retire) to kamala harris, the dumboRATS in power don't know how to give up power. They crave it, live off of it, love it, are addicted to it. That's why they've got TDS; power was supposed to be theirs but it isn't. Awww... too bad. September 10, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I LOVE THIS! He had the chutzpah to close the Palestinian mission in D.C. because they won't cooperate in peace talks with his administration and Israel! That's EXCELLENT! September 10, 2018   John Bolton, National Security Advisor, says International Criminal Court "is dead to us". That's another great thing! "The court, established in 2002 in The Hague in the Netherlands, has the power to prosecute individuals for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity. The US never ratified the Rome Statute that established the court and [Mr. George] Bush, in the early days of the still-ongoing war in Afghanistan, never ratified it."That's another thing: they can't hold anyone to a treaty/pact/etc. if they don't sign onto it. The ICC is not a good thing because they try to be more powerful than the courts within any and all countries. So it's a good thing that Bolton is telling them "No way!" I love it! September 10, 2018   Mom has called so I will go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 7, 2018: 12:16 a.m.   Flag Friday:   It's time for the weekly "Thank you!" to our military and this week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 388: Small Towns" in which I thank the small towns that contribute so much to our U.S. military service members: almost almost 44% come from the South. So my hubby's family's service -- those who call Georgia "home" -- is not surprising. What you may not realize is that all of the LIES you've been told about those in the military are so very, very misleading. For instance: how many times have you heard that minorities are over-represented in the U.S. military? That's not true: In 2014 most of the military, 67.1% was considered "White". Our military officers are highly educated; most with college degrees. The last LIE that the left uses against the U.S. military is that the people who enlist or become officers have no other options; it's the refuge of the dregs of society. Not true. Those who enter the U.S. military are more likely to come from high income households. They have opportunities elsewhere; they just choose to serve you and America instead. That's part of the reason I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll try to see you later today. September 7, 2018: 2:31 p.m.   "Transgender" Insanity:   It's so stupid what is happening with this "issue" (label is a better word; a useful tool of the left) that it's time we put this nonsense to rest. It's bad enough that the snowflakes are scared of words, thoughts, ideas, "labels", and other fake outrages that they are trying to prevent anyone from speaking the TRUTH about this -- or any other -- issue. The TRUTH is that it's currently cool to be trans. A study reveals that peer pressur and prior mental illness makes children more likely to be drawn into the "trans" identity lie. There are not that many TRUE trans people; but if it's cool and that's what you have to do to fit in, then some children who are not taught to be strong in themselves to not worry about what others thought of them will do whatever it takes to fit in. They sink to (as Rush calls it) the lowest common denominator (the thing they can find that they could possibly have in common with others to be able to be accepted into the first group that will accept them; the higher groups reject them, so they sink to the lower and lower groups, thus LCD) in order to fit in. If they can be accepted by the "cool" kids or the "preppies", or the "braniacs", that's where they will stop and fit in there. If, however, they cannot fit in there, they try the next highest groups: jocks, goths, loners, rebels, whatever. If they can't fit in there they will find whatever will accept them: trans, junkies, Loosey Lucies, whatever. Peer pressure is a **tch. IF your child is not strong enough in and of themselves to NOT give in to it, to NOT consider it important to fit in, then you have a higher chance of your child coming out as trans or any other sexual disfunction. The school system is pushing this crap and the colleges do so even more. If you want your child to NOT go through this crap, teach them to value themselves as they are, to not think that others' approval is important, that they should make others fit into their accceptance group and if they won't conform to your child's standards, then your child doesn't need that person as a friend or in their lives. Otherwise, America could be facing what the idiot Brits are facing with their transgender prison population problem: "Campaigners say the plans would put vulnerable women at risk, with a report looking into Ministry of Justice figures last year revealing almost half of transgender-identifying inmates housed in prisons across England and Wales were sex offenders."Brits are idiots. They really are. September 7, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   I told you the other day that the people protesting Judge Brett Kavanaugh's hearings were probably being paid by him, and it turns out that I was absolutely correct. He is STILL trying to destroy America and STILL trying to make America a loser again (as he worked with themuslimvileone to accomplish), and he is doing all he can to prevent Pres. Donald J. Trump and those of us who support him from having a positive impact on America. The way thevilegeorgesoros and themuslimvileone treated America do things we would be Venezuela if they got what they wanted (even though themuslimvileone is trying to take credit for this economy). When you pay people to go make fools of themselves for a few bucks, that tells you how much they value their own reputations and how little self-respect they have. I can't imagine how anyone can be proud of making such fools of themselves. September 7, 2018   MAGA:   Speaking of Pres. Donald J. Trump's GREAT economy, August's U6 unemployment rate is 7.4%, down a tenth of a point, with the U3 number stable at 3.9%, which is considered FULL employment. We have a lot of great economic news all over the place thanks to Pres. Donald J. Trump! Wages are going up, utilities are lowering their rates and some say it's as good as it gets! Remember when themuslimvileone BLAMED Pres. George W. Bush for all the bad things themuslimvileone did to America? Now he's taking credit for all the GOOD things happening in America? Why is it that while themuslimvileone was in office all the bad things were someone else's fault, but while he's no longer in office all of the good things his successor is doing are allegedly themuslimvileone's doing, in themuslimvileone's own mind and words? Why is that? He takes no credit for anything that happened -- all bad -- while he was in office, blaming his predecessor, but takes ALL credit for all of the GOOD that is happening AFTER he's out of office. Does that make sense to anyone? Got ego? Yes. He does. He has an ego that puts others to sleep! September 7, 2018   That recent "anonymous" NYT op ed that said that Pres. Trump is so bad that the "steady state" within the administration is trying to prevent him from ruining their "steady"? Yeah. That one. What if it's an FBID agent who wrote it (one who is a "Deep State" agent), or a White House maid/cook/page who wrote it but was given a better job title to make sure that it was taken seriously, or it was Bob Woodward who wrote it in order to give credibility to his book's lies? Pres. Donald J. Trump thinks that it should be looked into by the U.S.A.G. I doubt it will happen, with jeff sessions being so busy targeting Republicans who could help protect America and prevent the impeachment of the greatest president in the last fifty years, but Pres. Trump can ask. I don't like nor trust jeff sessions. He used to be a pretty good chairman of whatever committee he used to lead, but since he became U.S.A.G. he's been a sad disappointment. September 7, 2018   NFaiLaughing:   Their opening ratings at multi-year low. Wait. Is that violins I hear? Very, very small violins? September 7, 2018   Well, I was going to do more, but my hubby's been working hard this week and he had enough hours to come home a little early, so I shall go. Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 5, 2018: 1:35 p.m.   Are you lonely, feeling isolated, do you not do well in social situations? Making GOD your friend helps alleviate that. GOD loves you very, very much and He wants to be your friend, to be there for you, to bless you. He wants you to feel His love and acceptance. All you have to do is accept the greatest gift of all: Jesus Christ, GOD's Only Begotten and Beloved Son, came down to earth to live a sinless life and to give that life as a substitute for YOU (and everyone else who was ever born), so that you can have eternal life with Him in heaven. GOD loves you so much that part of Him, His Son, died a horrific death so that you won't have to spend eternity in hades. GOD loves you so much that He and His Son made this plan before the earth was formed because they knew that there had to be a way to cleanse us of our sins and make a way for us to enter eternal life in His presence so that He can love us for eternity. GOD didn't make us to punish us, but to love us and He created a way to accomplish that goal long before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye (as the saying goes). GOD Loves You. He wants to be your friend. He wants to have a relationship with you. He wants you to accept the gift of eternal life in heaven. We will all have eternal life: it's up to you to choose which eternal life you want. You can choose heaven or hell. It's up to you. GOD will not force you. GOD will not change the rules for you. He made the rules long, long ago and His Son died in obedience to those rules. If GOD changed the rules for anyone, it would mean that His Son died that horrible death for nothing. He cannot do that. Jesus died for you and GOD's rules apply. If you want eternal life in heaven instead of eternal life in hell, make your choice: the Greatest Gift, or the horrific eternity. It's up to you. September 5, 2018   Brett Kavanaugh Hearing:   How about that? There's actually a dumboRAT who is telling the truth. Amazing. Pres. Donald J. Trump has changed Washington D.C. if there's a dumboRAT telling the TRUTH! Astonishing, but it is happening. Sen. dick durbin (D) told the truth by admitting that they are opposing Judge Kavanaugh because Trump appointed him. "“Over and above all those things is this: you are the nominee of President Donald John Trump".A dumboRAT who tells the truth in Washington D.C. Wow. Now that's having a real impact to make that happen!! September 5, 2018   Judicial Watch is finding more information about the hillosercrooktOOn e-mail fiasco. The facts are so damning that I don't know how she is not in prison already (besides the fact that dumboRATS apparently have absolute power and immunity from prosecution in D.C.), and I don't know how james comey and his FBID (Federal Bureau of Investigation Disgraced) can allege that they did a good job. JW writes: "RealClear Investigations’ reporter Paul Sperry recently reported that 'only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails [found on the Weiner laptop] were directly reviewed for classified or incriminating information. Three FBI officials completed that work in a single 12-hour spurt the day before Comey again cleared [hillosercrooktOOn] of criminal charges.' [my italics]"Sounds to me like james comey and his FBID should be ashamed of their lack of applying the law equally and that they played favorites, giving hillosercrooktOOn all kinds of favoritism. Or maybe they were afraid of being added to the crooktOOn's hit list. Either way, it's a shame and disgrace and the FBID should be dismantled because no one trusts them anymore, or they should at the very least have a clean out of those who are still loyal to the crooktOOns and/or themuslimvileone. The "rank and file" are allegedly tesitfy against comey and mccabe (and I bet that would include rod rosenstein, too). Let them testify! Subpoena them! It's time to get this done! September 5, 2018   How much do you think the protestors at the Kavanaugh hearings are being paid by thevilegeorgesoros? How much do you think the capital police are being paid by the same idiots to allow the protestors to keep interrupting the hearings instead of clearing the chamber of spectators? How much are the dumboRATS benefitting for doing this kind of ridiculous showboating and obstruction? Do they not know that America likes Kavanaugh and Pres. Trump? What kinds of stupid do you have to be to do this crud? Or is it just plain corruption? ***UPDATE: I closed this blurb then went to The Gateway Pundit's site and saw that my assertion that the protestors are being paid IS TRUE. How prescient was I? I did NOT see that story before I asked the question about them being paid. I saw the story after I had closed up this blurb and was looking for my next blurb to do. Amazing, aren't I? (*wink*) September 5, 2018   It's about time! Republicans are allegedly going to ask Pres. Donald J. Trump to declassify all of the "Russian dossier" related documents. Yes! Let's do this! Let's stop allowing the dumboRATS to make a big fuss out of something that has been totally, thoroughly and irrefutably debunked and include all of the FISA warrants, and every document related to this farce and let the public see it all! Let's get the TRUTH out there and let's let the left/progressives/liberals know that they can't use this as leverage anymore. It's time. September 5, 2018   Our "Senator", marco rubio, is a little testy at times, yes? He just threatened Alex Jones. Sounds to me like he needs a lesson in temper control? September 5, 2018   Looks like "nike" is getting "nixed". They're paying a high price for their stupidity. They are losing fans, losing stock dollars (falling 3 percent in one day) and I think it will get worse the longer they cling to their anti-American spokesfool. September 5, 2018   Look at the strange phenomena scientists have discovered on Saturn. That's pretty interesting. I wonder what causes it and why it goes so high into the atmosphere. GOD works in mysterious ways. September 5, 2018   Fakebook:   "Alternative facts" are what they use to determine fake news? "Alternative facts"? Really? Okay. So what "alternative facts" are they using? Can we at least know that? I mean if you say that "alternative facts" are being used to decide which team won the 2017 World Series, what would that look like? Would it mean that all teams won because they participated, or that someone besides the Houston Astros won? Whatever "alternative facts" are applied, they must have a different outcome than actual facts. It's time that "alternative facts" be sidelined instead of mainstreamed. It's time to shut down the whole lie of "alternative facts" and to return to reality. Real facts and reality are the only way to operate in the real world. Let's stop this "alternative facts" crap and do away with the whole idea of someone on the other side of a computer being able to decide if you're participating in "inauthentic behavior"; (unless, of course, you're being paid to protest something you have no clue as to why you're protesting). There is no fairy land with "alternative facts" unless you're mentally ill. The that's a whole different ball game. September 5, 2018   Is elon musk having a mental breakdown? He has done and said some really strange things lately. Some of his statements have resulted in his Tesla stock falling drastically and now he's restating as "fact" something that he had already apologized for. He's making unfounded accusations against one of the Thailand soccer team's rescue divers, saying he's a pedophile. Question for you: unless musk went to the same underage brothels in Thailand and recognized the rescue diver as being someone he saw there, how would musk be able to make an accusation like that? Just asking, folks. Just asking. September 5, 2018   Islamic Violence:   Those who go to other countries to seek "asylum" are not always the sweet, innocent people they want us to believe. There are those "migrants" who go to other countries to hurt people and break things, to make that country as poor and unproductive, as third world as the countries they leave. For instance, in clueless England there was a plot to use car bombs to kill Brits. Brits are idiots, but they don't deserve to die from their stupidity. If ever they got smart enough (yeah, right) to realize that they're putting themselves in danger and that they need to secure their borders, put tighter screening processes into place and to undo every portion of Sharia Law that they've allowed to take hold (especially female genital mutilation), then their country will be better. Do I ever expect England to do so? Nope. Too stupid to protect themselves. What else explains their policies? September 5, 2018   themuslimvileone:   UGH! He's back. Why can't he just go away and leave us alone? He loves that limelight. He loves the cameras. He loves the stories written about him: except those that say that dumboRATS want him to NOT campaign for them. They know that those he touches lose and they don't want the curse of themuslimvileone to defeat them. His ego is so big he doesn't even realize that the reason they don't want him is that they see him as a negative instead of a positive. If ego was helium his feet would never touch the stratosphere. September 5, 2018   Catholic Church Sexual Assaults:   It's time that someone outside of the Church looks into the wrong doings of the "priests" and "bishops", etc., there. It's time that law enforcement start looking at the facts and start charging "priests" and "bishops" and others with crimes. Just because they are in the Church, that doesn't mean that they are immune to the law. Finally a legislator in NJ is asking for an investigation. It's time to put the full force of the LAW upon the Catholic Church and to make them accountable as are the rest of the world. Just because they serve the Catholic Church that doesn't mean that they should be allowed to get away with hurting children and sexual conduct with their adult parishioners. When it's wrong, it's wrong. September 5, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 4, 2018: 3:05 p.m.   I hope you all had a great weekend and a safe and healthy Labor Day yesterday. We spent the weekend at our Georgia farm and mowing the lawn, getting things installed and mowing the lawn... and mowing the lawn... and mowing the lawn! We have over seven acres of yard that we mow and keep as a lawn. We have about five acres of bumpy, lumpy yard because that's what used to be rented out to someone to farm it (after Grandpa died and my hubby's uncle could no longer farm it), and now we're growing grass there for us to be able to have a yard worthy of croquet, badminton, bean bag toss, and those kinds of games. It's a big job, but my hubby bought a John Deere E180, 54" cut, for us to use, and we plan on buying me one, too, so that we can cut the job in half and get the other acreage into shape as we get more of the 14 acres into shape. We also sealed the deal with my hubby's uncle to buy the seven acres he inherited from Grandpa and we will close in October, making our farm twenty-one acres. I love it! We are trying to get all of the land that Grandpa used to own back into one piece and to keep it in the family. I hope and pray we can do so. Anyways, we had a great time and I hope you did, too. Let's get started with a few blurbs for the day. September 4, 2018   themuslimvileone:   The reason his DO[IN]J went to the FISA court to get a warrant against Carter Page, a then-Trump advisor, is because they knew that the "judge" (really, themuslimvileone's hack) in the case would do whatever themuslimvileone asked. That's what we're finding out. The FISA court didn't care about the rule of law, they just signed off on whatever themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn wanted. He kissed butt and ignored the U.S. Constitution he was sworn to uphold. Isn't that exactly want the Soviet Union looks like? September 4, 2018   Fake News:   When the likes of cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc, pbs, npr, etc., report that there was another school shooting, and that brings the total up to "X", they're probably using FAKE STATISTICS that themuslimvileone's people (hold overs) put together. It's a shame that the "news" media has no desire to fact check anything before they put their LIES together to try to convince everyone that Pres. Donald J. Trump is a horrible president and needs to be impeached for breathing. It's absurd that the FEDERAL government was LYING to us: "In an amusing story, a government-funded media outlet notorious for its liberal slant found that the overwhelming majority of school shootings listed in a federal report never occurred. The embarrassing blunder involves Department of Education (DOE) figures stating that schools around the U.S. reported an alarming 235 shootings in one year. National Public Radio (NPR) launched an investigation and actually contacted every one of the schools included in the DOE data, which was gathered by its Office for Civil Rights. The figures focus on the 2015-2016 school year and reveal that 'nearly 240 schools…reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting.'So when you hear about all of those horrible, tragic school shootings that the left is using to try to scare people into getting rid of guns, take that with a huge grain of salt. Who knows who put together the "statistics" they were using, but the fact is they were NOT "statitstics", they were LIES. Take care whom you listen to. It may be the difference between truth and LIE, fact and fiction. TRUTH is always better. September 4, 2018   You've heard about the idiotic nike ad, haven't you? The one featuring colin kaepernick? Yeah. That ridiculousness. It's hitting nike hard, and rightly so. They're getting a lot mocking memes and I'm sure they'll lose some business over it. They won't lose mine: I've never bought a nike product. Not that I had anything against them, but their shoes and my feet didn't get along, so I never bought a nike product. I don't think my husband has, either. However, I will laugh at their choice and at the well-deserved reaction. September 4, 2018   AZ Governor, Doug Ducey, did a good thing in deciding to NOT appoint mcCAIN'T's wife or daughter to his vacated Senate seat, but to instead appoint an experienced Senator, John Kyl. He has a good Conservative rating among Conservative organizations, and he knows the ins and outs of how to do things, instead of being led astray by those who would have been able to manipulate mcCAIN'T's wife and daughter. I'm glad Gov. Ducey thought this thing through and that he made a wise decision. September 4, 2018   Tropical storm Gordon is out there heading up the Gulf and may hit the FL border with AL as a Category 1 hurricane. How about that. I see that there may actually be another, "Helene", and "Florence" is still out there just churning. It's "the heart of" the hurricane season, but I don't know that we'll get anything out of it. We'll see. I will remind you that there are stations/channels out there that like to scare people into watching/staying tuned. My sister called me from a foreign country when a Category 3 hurricane was heading our way years ago, thinking that if we didn't evacuate we were surely going to die. That's how scared she was after watching the network news. I told her to check noaa.gov, or other resources besides the msm and she wouldn't be so scared. We were fine, were going to ride it out at home and she shouldn't be afraid. We had some tree limbs down, a few fence panels blew down and we had some standing water in our front yard's dip. Other than that, we had nothing in the way of damage thanks to my hubby's preparations and GOD's hand over us. The moral of the story: even weather channels and weather forecasters have to get ratings. Don't believe everything you hear from those looking for ratings. September 4, 2018   Judge Kavanaugh Hearings:   If you think this thing is a circus, then you have Sen. chuck schumer to thank for the circus. He is part of the planning committee that ensured this circus would happen, instructed the security team to NOT vacate the gallery and who wanted all of these disruptions to happen. dumboRATS do that: plan disruptions on the sly and then act as though they are just ordinary Americans who are so concerned they had to come make fools of themselves. The fact is, they were probably paid by either thevilegeorgesoros's organizations or themuslimvileone's Organizing For (AGAINST!) America to be there and to be loud. That's more likely what happened. Thanks to dumboRATS, there have been at least 62 interruptions, and Judge Kavanaugh's little daughters had to be rushed from the room in case it got dangerous and because the protestors were so hateful. I can imagine it being very harrowing for his little girls to listen to the hatred of the protestors and the "Senators" (Partisans) who were part of the coordination of the chaos. This is what the left has shrunk to: screaming and disrupting instead of using logic, reasoning, talking and reasonable discussion. They no longer have enough brains to use the latter technique. All they have is red hot hatred, anger and fear of Pres. Donald J. Trump's success. Remember, when Pres. Donald J. Trump succeeds, America wins, is made great again, and the American people are reminded how good America is with a Republican Conservative in the Legislature, in the Senate and House, and in the SCOTUS. It's going to be good to see Judge Brett Kavanaugh as a Justice there. It's going to be even better when we get to see who Pres. Donald J. Trump appoint at least one (if not two) more SCOTUS justices. After all, Ruth Buzzy-Ginsburg (I know it's Bader, but it's funnier this way), won't last forever and she is 85, drinks before SOTU addresses (so much that she falls asleep), and she's had health problems. I think two bouts of cancer and a heart problem is significant enough to consider the strong possibility that Pres. Trump may be able to appoint her successor. Let's see how the left/progressives/liberals react to that! Heads will explode! (Get your popcorn ready.) September 4, 2018   MAGA:   Look at that! In America, our manufacturing is up 14% and we have jobs that start at $75,000 but we can't get them filled because they are technical jobs: skilled labor, but not a "college" degree needed. We need to teach people how to make a living, not just how to be educated! Let's educate them on how to survive via their own efforts and not via expecting to have a job handed to them on a silver platter after graduating "college" with a degree in wasted time. It's absurd to think that "college" promises jobs to people who studied stupidity like "Lesbian Literature", etc. Jobs like that exist only in the very few places that stupidity is pushed: "college". No, if you want a real job, that pays well, that you can get benefits and take care of your family well, go to Miami where they are trying to hire skilled workers and pay them well. You'll get hired easily as long as your record is clean and your work ethic good. Go for it! September 4, 2018   Shootcago:   You know you've really screwed things up when even dumboRATs won't support you and want you to stay in office. I mean, they even stood behind the likes of bullybobcrooktOOn, rapist and liar, and themuslimvileone, attempted destroyer of America! Fortunately for Shootcago, rahm emanuel had no such luck. He chose to not run for a third term as "Who Cares Mayor" of Shootcago because evereyone there and elsewhere has lost all belief in his ability to stop the black-on-black shootings that happen daily there. This, folks, is what happens in most dumboRAT cities after so many, many, many years of dumboRAT control. It's time for people to wake up and start electing Conservatives so that they can have safer cities for their children and so that they can expect their teens to live beyond their 18th birthday. September 4, 2018   Catholocism:   I hope the pope is paying attention to the example he's setting in saying that silence is a virtue regarding the child sex abuse attacks that "priests" are doing on children of all ages. The Catholic Church has done itself no favors in allowing homosexual "priests" to be ordained and add to the Catholic Church's shame. When the Catholic Church decides it's better to protect the Church than the children, that sounds to me like Jesus Christ Himself would be saying "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."The Catholic Church is going to pay a HUGE PRICE because they are "offending" the little ones and they are covering it up and condoning it. The pope himself helped pedophile priests escape prison time, transferred a Bishop he knew to be sexually abusive of adults and children in his parish. I think the Catholic Church is at the tipping point and that this pope is a sham and doing great harm to the Catholic Church. He will be the undoing of the whole thing, or at the very least, the drastic shrinking of it. I'm guessing they will lose 80% of their flock and that priests will start being held criminally accountable by the countries, states, cities they reside in and in which they do great harm to the children they should be helping grow spiritually, instead of abusing sexually. As for those who are helping hide the predators and who are doing the abuse: May GOD have mercy on their souls because I could not. September 4, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   Iranian Foreign Minister has admitted that his regime has worked with thevilegeorgesoros and that thevilegeorgesoros has helped them. That's "giving aid and comfort" to the enemy and that's treason. Sounds to me like thevilegeorgesoros needs to be in prison: maybe an Iranian one where people don't have rights. Sounds like justice to me. September 4, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 2018 August 30, 2018: 4:02 a.m.   Early Flag Friday:   It's Thursday morning but I must do the Flag Friday posting today. We're going to our farm this evening after my hubby gets home and it's going to be a late arrival, but that gives us more time on Friday to get things done and to relax up there if we get the chance. I'm taking a lot of decorative items up there to finish some of that up. I love finding things at thrift stores to do so, and I got blessed during my latest foray into thrifting: I got deluged! It was wonderful! We'll be up there until late Monday so I hope to be back on Tuesday. Until then, here is "Tribute To Our Heroes 387: Words Enough". I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See ya' Tuesday (I hope)! August 29, 2018: 2:11 p.m.   Congratulations to the winners of the primary elections on Tuesday. Of the candidates I endorsed, it looks like all but two of those won. I am sorry that the voters chose to elect a school board member who thinks that it's more important to teach children how to learn "emotionally" (crying is not something that needs to be taught), and I'm sorry that the voters chose to keep curtis smith as their D4 Commissioner. I think they did themselves a disservice. Otherwise, of the candidates I endorsed who were up for election on Tuesday (I jumped to the General Election in some cases), I'm pleased with the results. Of course, of the dumboRATS, I don't care who won except in the governor's race because I think that the farther left their candidate is the easier it's going to be for Ron DeSantis to defeat him. That's a good thing. And, no, I don't think DeSantis intended his comment to be a racial slur. I think it's a turn of phrase he grew up with and it means "let's not screw this up" and he used it without thinking of the possible reactions of those too-sensitive lefties and scared righties. Get over it and stop being "emotional". It's words and if the left can't take words, then they need to go to a padded room and stay there. BTW, GREAT JOB, Republicans who came out to vote! You showed up in great numbers and you got the job done! I have been unable to find the exact numbers for turnout for Brevard County, even when I look for the details, but Rush says Republicans showed up, and I trust him. August 29, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She has more blood on her hands! Because of her use of a "personal, private" e-mail server, the Chinese imprisoned and killed 18-20 CIA spies after they hacked her server! She is guilty for allowing that information to be readily available by using an unsecured, non-government server as law dictates and she should be charged with being an accessory before the fact! She is guilty of helping the Chinese government murder Americans! How many people have to DIE before this filthy female is put in prison and held to the same legal standards as you and I? How many people can the crooktOOns KILL before those in power are willing to say "Enough!"? How many people can they KILL before law enforcement somewhere has the spine to go after them? Why are they immune from the law? Why do they get away with so much? Murders surround them! Those trying to spill the beans on them DIE on the street (Seth Rich), die mysterious deaths (Vince Foster), die in unusual ways (Ron Brown: died in an alleged helicopter crash with a bullet hole in his head, but not ruled murder). How many people will be added to the crooktOOn body count? It's time they face justice! August 29, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Well, it's not just dead people she creates to protect herself. She also laundered $84 MILLION and Federal Elections Commission records PROVE that she did so. So she'll be going to jail when? I want to know. When is it going to happen? When is she going to have to answer to the law as we would? When? She's not a queen! She's not a tyrant (not officially, at least)! She's not "special"! She should be behind bars and be there NOW! August 29, 2018   MAGA!:   They've looked at the numbers again and they had to adjust the GDP for the Second Quarter UP to 4.2%. Sounds to me like they should expect better and better and better. After all, themuslimvileone promised us that we should "get used to" the poor economy as "the new normal". He didn't want Americans to have any hope (even though that was what his campaign ran on: "Hope" and "Change"), so he told us to "get used to" the bad economy he tried to and succeeded in creating. He liked us suffering. He liked seeing Americans unemployed and in the line to get a government check, to get food stamps, to get help. That's how he thought he could create more dumboRAT voters. Little did he know that when someone with a real plan and a real LOVE of America was offered to us -- even to those who had to stand in the unemployment line -- we would jump at the chance and we would experience REAL "Hope" and "Change"; from his destruction to "Making America Great Again!" That's what he is seething about daily. He hates that Pres. Donald J. Trump is undoing his destruction. He didn't want that to happen. Bite me, themuslimvileone. Or should I say, America bit themuslimvileone? Yes. I like that. In more good news, Americans are happier with their jobs now more than any time since 2005. They like the wages, the benefits (now that themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is gone) and they like that they have a choice in whether to leave and find a better job, because jobs are out there. It's all good! August 29, 2018   Portland, OR's, mayor ordered his police department to NOT respond to calls for help from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents even though the protestors who surrounded their building were damaging property and attacking ICE officers. That's not just wrong, it's illegal and immoral. Not only that, but... "Mayor Wheeler’s selective enforcement order conflicts with PPB rules. The Biased-Based Policing Policy states, 'The Bureau is dedicated to offering courteous and professional service delivery and providing equal protection, a fundamental right under the Constitution, to all members of the community.'"Well, what happened to that? The ICE building and its employees are part of the community. Where was there protection? Oh. Sorry. What was anyone thinking? That mayor is a leftist/progressive/liberal and he doesn't care about the rules, the law, right and wrong. He cares about his leftist agenda. Nothing is more important than that: not even lives. August 29, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   Do you like him? Do you agree with what he stands for and what he wants to do to America? Do you like the fact that he poors millions of dollars (that the left never complains about) into our elections to get those who hate America elected? He was a major supporter of themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn. He also poored thousands into Andrew Gillum's campaign. Of course, that shouldn't surprise anyone. thevilegeorgesoros loves any socialist, and Gillum is a socialist. I don't want him to win in November because that will mean yet another person trying to destroy America as we love her, and starting here, in Florida, no less! That won't be good for us. I endorse, of course, Ron DeSantis wholeheartedly! (Paid political ad. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or vilegeorgesoros.) August 29, 2018   Weather forecasters are saying that the hurricane season in the Atlantic MAY BE starting to heat up. I don't know that there is going to be a hurricane, but since the forecasters are trying for the drama, let's just remind you to get your generator out and run it to make sure it is able to operate if needed, check your batteries and make sure you have enough on hand, your flashlights for working, and all of the other stuff you may need. If it does heat up and storms start popping, you will need to be prepared. If it doesn't, then you've just done a responsible thing and there's no harm, no foul. I sometimes wonder, though, if the weather services like to push a little harder on the "danger" of what is going to happen, or what could happen, so that they will have viewers, keep their funding, etc. After all, if there is nothing for people to worry about there is no need of them downloading the app, watching the news for more info, or anything else. That impacts funding and funding impacts vacations, college for their kids, etc. Taxpayer dollars at work, ya' know. August 29, 2018   Federal Bureau of Institutional Disgrace:   Yet more proof of their corruption under themuslimvileone. He politicized the former FBI into the FBID and now they are a disgrace. Bruce Ohr's testimony revealed that they not only spied on then-candidate Donald J. Trump, but that they re-hired known liar, Christopher Steele, whom they had previously fired because of his unreliable information, and they used those lies to put together the "Russian dossier", and to get the FISA warrant. They lied to the FISA judges and knew they were lying to further a political agenda and career: hillosercrooktOOn's. "Appearing on the Fox News Channel’s Hannity, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) revealed that Ohr identified 'half a dozen senior FBI and Department of Justice officials that he told of his involvement, his wife’s involvement, all of the details of their interactions with Christopher Steele, with Glenn Simpson, with the payment.' Ratcliffe, troubled by the embattled Justice Department’s interview, offered sober advice to the Ohr family: 'I’d retain a really good lawyer.'It's not just a disappointment to the House, it's a disgrace to the FBID and it should be addressed immediately and the whole department needs to be drained. The FBID is the swamp! August 29, 2018   When idiots want to tout "properly executed" socialism ("Socialism done right" so to speak), they usually point to Norway as a wonderful example of what utopia would look like if we did socialism correctly here. We could be as wonderful as Norway. Utopia awaits! Problem is, Norway is not a truly socialist country. Their way of doing things are not truly socialist. That's the truth of the matter. If you think that socialism is a bad thing and that even where they say it works, it's not really socialism and that means it's not a good thing to point to, then you need to remember that those candidates (Gillum, Ocasio-Cortez, etc.), who want to implement socialism here, are probably not well versed in true socialism and what it does to countries that implement it: Venezuela. Yeah. We don't want that, do we? (Paid political ad. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or Venezuela.) August 29, 2018   How often do you catch a flight somewhere and sit down, sigh a little that you made it on time and are actually off of your feet for a few hours until you land and your rushing around starts again? You get comfy, try to fall asleep (or fake it to prevent a conversation with the stranger beside you), and take it for granted that you are in good hands via the pilot and air traffic controller? Well... Thanks to themuslimvileone you may want to rethink that part. He turned air traffic controller hiring into a quota system and forgot about "merit-based" hiring. They used to hire people based on skills, experience, training. Now it's skin tone, nationality, religion? Not safe. We need to change this. Lives are at stake. August 29, 2018   I'm going to close with that for now. You need to know that I won't be posting anything on Friday except Flag Friday. I'll be in (you guessed it) Georgia at our farm. We have some more things to do and it's slowly getting done, but the list is still too long to not go. We have things to take up there, things to install, change, etc. It's fun and challenging, and I love it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 27, 2018: 10:46 p.m.   Tomorrow is Election Day! Remember to vote tomorrow. Remember to check out my list of Linda McKinney endorsed candidates so you can see the person I think will do the best job for Brevard County. I think it's important that people do their own research but if you're a Conservative and think that smaller government, lower taxes, etc., then you may like my recommendations. I do research the candidates and I pick those that I think are the best for Brevard and for MY beliefs. I used to post everything I found out about every candidate, but that was an awful lot of HTML coding so I decided to only post those I wanted to endorse. Read the list and see if you agree. August 27, 2018   Have you checked Judicial Watch lately? Have you seen their weekly update this week? Oh, my goodness! Judicial Watch's update includes the information that they found proof of hillosercrooktOOn's private e-mail server may have been hacked, but... "[T]he FBI never did anything with that information. It happened just a few weeks before James Comey’s email press conference, where he said [hillosercrooktOOn] shouldn’t be prosecuted. Given the volume of information we shared with the FBI, we knew they hadn’t fairly evaluated it before Comey’s press conference. So we had alerted the FBI to a potential breach of [hillosercrooktOOn's] servers by, it looks like, Russian interests in 2016, and they never did anything with it."Isn't that important to know? If james comey and robert mueller were actually interested in the TRUTH and JUSTICE don't you think they would have done something about it back in 2016 when Judicial Watch found this info? Yes? Did they do anything with it? No. So what does that mean? August 27, 2018   Crapope:   The pope has been saying it's terrible that “atrocities” had been happening within the church. If that is how he really feels and what he actually thinks, then why is he now dodging questions about the Cardinal he reinstated after finding out that the creep was a sexual predator? Hmmm? This guy gives the papacy a bad name. He is worthy of being defrocked. August 27, 2018   You can tell that some of themuslimvileone's cronies are still in power when they order a state agency to NOT comply with a Sunshine Law request. Yeah. That happened. Remember that Miami pedestrian bridge that collapsed in March? It's about that. "The government has tried to conceal details of the catastrophe and local media outlets have been forced to take legal action to uncover the truth. The key agencies involved are the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the federal agency responsible for conducting accident investigations. Agents in NTSB jackets descend upon the scene of every civil aviation accident in the U.S. and other 'significant' accidents involving various modes of transportation. The goal is to determine the probable cause of the accidents and issue safety recommendations that can prevent future disasters. Part of the process is releasing information to the public. However, the Miami bridge debacle, which was mostly funded by a U.S. Department of Transportation grant, has been veiled in suspicious secrecy."The FDOT (Florida agency) has been ordered by the NTSB (federal agency) to NOT disclose the requested information because allegedly they are involved in an "ongoing investigation". A Florida Judge, Kevin Carroll, saw around the Feds' assertions and ordered them released. How much do you want to bet that the Feds drag their feet and take as long as they can in releasing the information? August 27, 2018   How much do you know about james comey and robert mueller's friendship and how they've worked together for years and how they work together to ensure they financially benefit from their friendship? How much do you think they'd do to ensure that they are both as rich as they can get before their day is done? Do you think that going after Pres. Donald J. Trump is going to stop if they can financially benefit from it? Think about that. Think about how much destroying America is worth to them. Then ask youself how much they want before they'll stop? Is not what they already have enough? August 27, 2018   MAGA!:   Black owned businesses are booming! They're UP 400% since last year! WOW! That's incredible! No wonder the popularity of Pres. Donald J. Trump is up in that demographic! Who wouldn't like a president who is making that possible instead of saying unemployment is the "new normal" like themuslimvileone? I think that Pres. Donald J. Trump's way of doing things is SOOOOO much better! August 27, 2018   Wow! Did you see this, too? Stocks hit 8,000 for the first time! That's amazing. Pres. Trump's policies are great for America! August 27, 2018   googleywoogley:   This is another reason I'm going to spend some time soon moving all of my blog posts, including my most recent, "The Left: America's Radical Islam" off of Blogspot (a googleywoogley company) to my own website. Do you know that 96% of the Trump search returns go to LIBERAL sites? Yep. That's how people get information from googleywoogley on Pres. Donald J. Trump. They're directed to liberal sites so that they can read the LIES that the left/progressives/liberals love to tell about anyone who does not agree with them. It's ridiculous. It shows how scared they are of the TRUTH, though. It reveals so much about them that it's almost laughable for them to deny it. Of course, they are doing themselves no favors. When they have to prove themselves that desperate to hide the TRUTH, then they're showing their fear of it. They don't want people to "FIND THE TRUTH!" They just want people to read the lies. googleywoogley is a fraidycat. The bigger picture and problem is that they're "fostering insanity" (also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome which is actually a thing that more and more psychiatrists are treating. The left/progressives/liberals are losing what little they have of a mind because hillosercrooktOOn actually did what she expected to do: LOSE. Poor idiots. Want proof of what I am saying? The Jacksonville video game tournament shooter was a leftist/progressive/liberal who used to call Pres. Trump's supporters "Trumptards" and and said we were "mentally challenged". Deranged lefties are dangerous. They say we are, but it is they who pull the triggers. August 27, 2018   I don't understand the nerve of some people on the left. Of course, I should understand it because they all think they're better than everyone else and that they are entitled to everything and anything they want: power, position, praise, money, respect, favor, help, fame; whatever. So why does the nerve of rod rosenstein ordering a Trump-appointed U.S. attorney to recuse himself surprise me? You read that correctly! rosenstein had the nerve to move the Michael Cohen case to NY and he ordered an attorney Pres. Donald J. Trump appointed to the Southern District of NY before the Cohen case was moved to the S.D. of NY. It was rod rosenstein who signed the FISA warrant request against Pres. Trump's campaign. It was rod rosenstein who covered up for the alterations the FBI did to Gen. Mike Flynn's testimony! I think it's time that rod rosenstein face justice and face some hard questions of his own. If he refuses to answer, and sits there smiling smugly (as did peter strzok during his elusive "testimony" before Congress. It's time the left/progressives/liberals/themuslimvileone holdovers/kissbutts/sycophants are held accountable to this nation! They need to face real consequences for betraying us! Now we find out that Cohen's attorney is lying about what his client has on Pres. Trump. Shock. Surprise. The left/progressives/liberals have nothing left but LIES. That proves how desperate they are. August 27, 2018   There are some people who are not fit to wear the black robe of a "judge" or "justice" and one of those is in charge of the hearings for the five people arrested in NM for running a compound where children were starved and taught how to shoot up schools. That idiot who is sitting on the bench (it should at best be a little league bench) is saying that the prosecutors have an "anti-Muslim bias". Starving children and planning jihadist attacks isn't bad enough for the "judge" (in this case the idiot in the black robe) to admit that the defendants are the problem, not the prosecutors? How about the fact that they now know that those five were planning an attack on an Atlanta hospital? Will that prove the prosecutors' bias, or the five defendants' danger to society? Idiots in black robes are a real danger to America. We need to be rid of all of the idiots and get "originalists" in there who have a real spine and will stand up to the antifa and msm crowd and do the job they are supposed to do: enforce the law! August 27, 2018   john mcCAIN'T:   He died this weekend and my condolences do go out to his family and friends. Do I mourn him myself? No. I do not. I do not consider him a hero and have never done so. I consider him someone who milked his father's and grandfather's accomplishments for all they were worth and got himself a cush job on coattails of others who suffered in POW camps in Vietnam as much as or more than he but without the celebrity. I consider him a poor presidential candidate and when I endorsed him, I did not endorse him, I endorsed her. I endorsed Sarah Palin, not mcCAIN'T. I never did like him. I never thought well of him. I only thought poorly of him. I don't like people without a core and I think that he was one. I have a few relatives like him and they are hard to deal with because they are wishy-washy and haven't a solid, foundational, unchangeable, core belief system by which they abide. That means that one minute they can "believe" "X", but ten minutes later they can believe "Y". I think mcCAIN'T was that way. Otherwise he wouldn't have been reaching across the aisle with his lips to butts so often. For instance, for the first part of his life he was a "dove" and later in life he was a huge "hawk" and wanted to go to war with everyone. Maybe to relive his glory days? August 27, 2018   chelsea crooktOOn:   She is not just disgustingly stupid and vile, she's wrong about abortion making us richer. Can you imagine anyone thinking that? Common sense tells us it cannot be, but since when does a crooktOOn h have common sense? The facts: "The truth is, instead of adding $3.5 trillion to the economy, as she claims, abortion to date has subtracted $62 trillion from America’s GDP. And that number is climbing rapidly. Market researcher Dennis Howard estimates that 'by 2040, that cumulative deficit [from abortion] will likely reach $400 trillion.' {italics in the original]"So she's disgustinbly stupid, vile and always, always, always wrong. Just like her parents. August 27, 2018   Snowflakes:   I wonder what today's snowflakes would do if they had lived in ancient times when an insult was a real insult. What would they do if someone said that they'd had sex with their brothers and sisters? Oh. Sorry. Today's snowflakes would do so, given the chance. So, let's look at insults in ancient Rome and how they were seriously more insulting than today's "hurtful words". It's time for people to toughen up and it's time for snowflakes get real. They need to stop melting at the least amount of heat and realize that life is hard; harder when you're stupid (Thanks, John Wayne), and even harder when you are WANTING to feel hurt, insulted, unsafe, scared. That's what today's snowflakes are doing: looking for a reason to be those things. Of course, if they really want that, let's give it to them. After all, we can't let them be disappointed, too, now can we? August 27, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 24, 2018: 12:04 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's pic was inspired by something I found on Flickr.com. I found out that the Department of Defense has a Flickr account! How about that! "Tribute To Our Heroes 386: Looking Down" is today's offering. I hope you like it and I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll probably not see you later today, thinking about it. I have an errand to run and it will take a while to get there and back so I'll probably be back on Monday. Have a great day and an even better weekend! August 23, 2018: 7:14 p.m.   Sorry I didn't get updates done today. I was babying my arm and doing other things: dishes, cleaning, you know, that sort of thing. I did, however, get a blog post written. "The Left: America's Radical Islam" presents my thoughts on how the left of America is acting and how they are copying radical, violent Islam/ISIS and how it is a danger to America, to you and to freedom. Read it and learn. It may open your eyes more than you think. See ya' tomorrow, maybe. My hubby will be home from CA tomorrow so it may depend upon whether he sleeps on the red-eye plane ride home. If not, I'll try to do updates on Monday, full updates. Hopefully, by then my shoulder will feel much better! See ya'! August 21, 2018: 12:27 p.m.   Didn't do updates yesterday because I irritated an old shoulder injury and it's not easy to sit at my computer and do the updates. My shoulder doesn't like reaching right now and I have to reach a little to get my updates done. It's not stretching, it's just my arm isn't straight down. I've been wearing a sling to rest my muscles because I irrated them via doing some exercises. I thought six months would be a long enough recovery time, but the little helper muscles apparently disagree. I'm ouchy right now so I don't know how many updates I'll do, so let's get started and we'll see what happens. August 21, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The Fake News Brigade has reported a story in such a way to make our Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents look heartless, but of course, they left out a critical part of the TRUTH. They said that a man was arrested while stopping for gas on the way to the hospital to take his wife for her C-section. What they didn't say is the man is wanted for MURDER. Why is the left so willing to ignore that part, and how can anyone think that the baby's future is best served growing up under the tutelage and influence of a MURDERER? Duh! It's not just murderers that need to be deported immediately. Under themuslimvileone's rules and hatred of America, we have allowed in pedophiles. Isn't it better for America and Americans -- and the rest of the people here legally or illegally -- to have those people off the streets? What is the left's major malfunction when they prefer to have murderers and pedophiles on the streets of our nation? Sickos. At least it seems that CaliMarxiFornia is waking up. Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced a bill in a committee that would have paid for ALL healthcare for ALL illegal immigrant invaders (he didn't use those words, though). Its estimated cost? A slight $3 BILLION. I guess even CA folks sometimes get a clue. August 21, 2018   themuslimvileone:   Why is it that anything he did was just fine and dandy with the left, but when Pres. Donald J. Trump does something, the left has a hissy fit and says it's wrong and someone's going to sue? Why is that? When themuslimvileone took away people's security clearances it was fine. When Pres. Trump does it, he needs to be impeached. Where was impeachment talks when themuslimvileone did the same thing? Hmm? Why was he given the free pass? Lefties/progressives/liberals? Oh. Sorry. Just answered my own question by pinpointing to whom the question was being asked. My bad. August 21, 2018   Un-Social Media:   The lefties/progressives/liberals who own the "social media" websites are doing exactly what I was talking about above: doing to the right what they refuse to do to the left. Conservatives are being silenced and censored by UN-social media because the left/progressives/liberals know what happens when the TRUTH starts being heard by those on their side: "Red Pilling" and #WalkAway are effective and the left/progressives/liberals hate that they are losing people left, right and center because when people wake up, they leave that way of thinking, they #WalkAway from the left/progressives/liberals and refuse to go down the "stupid" hole again. Brains enjoy being used and exercised and allowed to do somethings besides atrophy; which is what the left/progressives/liberals want people to allow their brains to do. It's always good to see the people's brains waking up and being used and being able to exercise those little grey cells. It's good to see that people are actually allowing it to happen. The left is so upset that's why they censor people. August 21, 2018   I wonder how many people attending attending this event actually are terrorists, and how many are "regular Muslims" who live the Muslim lifestyle, but don't kill others? If you want to have your eyes opened as to the reality of why Islam is different from Christianity and why it is a danger to America, read Nonie Darwish's Wholly Different: Why I Chose Biblical Values Over Islamic Values. She says what I've known and believed in a gut level way but been incapable of putting it the way she says it. She lived the Muslim life as a Muslim woman in a Muslim country for the first thirty years of her life then came to America and becamse a Christian. She knows both sides of the story. Her explanation of how Islam works and what its adherants believe will allow you to understand the real differences between us, down to our souls. GOD is able, willing and desirous of bringing Islam to Christ and changing their hearts, souls, beliefs, understanding, desires. But we must pray for them because if Islam doesn't change, the world will be at war: a war between Christianity and Islam that will tear the world apart. Read her book. It's the best, most educational book I have ever read when it comes to understanding the heart of Islam and the real, true, deep differences between Islam and Christianity. August 21, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   Baby-killers that they are, there is even more evidence that they have been selling baby body parts. There are at least twelve more videos of Planned AbortionHood's admitting to selling baby body parts. If you find that sickening, then how about considering how horrible it was for the baby as its body was ripped apart piece by piece? How about considering how much any living thing wants to live? How about considering how much the pain that child goes through as it tries to escape the abortionists' forceps? Selling the body parts after tearing a child apart is not the worst of it. It's the abortion itself. How horrible for the child to not just be torn apart but to be sold in pieces afterward? How heartless does one have to be to do so, and to support that? You want to know for certain how sick Planned AbortionHood people are? They created an ice cream name "Rocky Roe vs. Wade." How sick is that? Totally disgusting. August 21, 2018   Why are lefties/progressives/liberals so anti-Semitic? Why do they want to elect those who hate Israel? Why don't they want to support a country who helps nations worldwide in times of need? Why don't they want to support a country whose people invent so many helpful products and who are the VICTIMS of terrorist attacks and NOT the perpetrators of them? Why does the left hate Israel? I believe that it's because Israel is GOD's chosen people and even though the left denies believing the Bible, they still believe that GOD has a special interest and a special heart for Israel. The left denies believing the Bible, but their actions belie their words. August 21, 2018   I have a dear friend who sent me info from someone/something called "Q". I didn't know anything about this person/thing/entity until that e-mail. I still know next to nothing about it/them/he/she/it. That's why this article about "Q" caught my attention. I will read the whole thing and find out more and I urge you to read it, too. The "Q" stuff I have read was a little "iffy" and I told my friend so. I wonder if "Q" has done anything close to due diligence on the info "Q" releases. I don't know. As I said, the info I received was "iffy" because I did look into it, doing searches and finding that the info, as it was, could use some more basic info to fully inform those reading it as to whether what they were saying was going to result in anything. From what I read via my own research, it was going to be nothing. To this day, to the best of my knowledge, it is still nothing. "Q" therefore was just making smoke signals, with no real fire and a few mirrors. August 21, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Unfortunately, her ego is as big as her lust for money and power. Right now, she's helping raise money for others but I believe that's a precursor to announcing her own candidacy for 2020. I think that her back brace and the rest of her health issues should prevent that, but no. Her ego must be mollified and she has to try again to make you love her (Shades of "Evita!"). She's so desparate to be the nation's first female president (I thought that gender didn't matter anymore, so why is it that the left so wants a president with a vagina?) that she'll put her own health at risk (shades of pelosipig) and she'll risk it all to be able to get that. How much money can she raise as a failed candidate, failed SoS, failed U.S. Senator (name ONE accomplishment during her Senatorial time: ONE)? How much money can she get after being such an utter disgrace and a traitor? Of course, we are talking about lefties/progressives/liberals, so there must be some support for a traitor. We're tired of her and of her family. No more crooktOOns! August 21, 2018   Federal Bureau of Institutional Disgrace:   Can you believe that they LIED about George Papadopoulus and the files are showing they either lied or are incompetent? Does it surprise anyone after themuslimvileone got ahold of them? He corrupts anything and everything he touches. Papadopoulus's wife knows they lied, too. It must be difficult to think that the TRUTH matters not to the Federal Bureau of Institutional Disgrace. August 21, 2018   My arm is telling me to stop now. Have a great day! Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 16-17, 2018: 10:51 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Sorry I didn't get to do updates today. I had company. "Tribute To Our Heroes 385: Marionettes" is this week's offering. I thank you for your service, whether in tanks or elsewhere. I can never say it enough and I hope that GOD will bless you all! I won't be doing updates tomorrow, either. We will be going to our Georgia farm and leaving early so I won't have time for updates. I hope you all have a great day and an even greater weekend! Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 15, 2018: 2:52 p.m.   I hate it when my computer does an automatic update of its programming. I absolutely hate it. Every time something negative starts up afterward and I have to spend hours (usually) figuring it out and cleaning up the problem. My computer did an update yesterday as it shut down. Today I turned it on and it was running slow as molasses on ice: it took no less than twenty minutes to shut it down fully, and while it was up it took five minutes after I clicked on something for it to actually respond. Can I slap my computer AND the updates, please? It makes me crazy to wait for a response. I used to wait like that when I had a Commodore 128, without a modem (installed my own), that used to use 5.25" floppy drives (Ask your tech savvy uncle)! I installed my first modem and it was a 14.4K, which used to take so long to get online (remember the sound of a modem connecting?) that I could use the facilities, wash my hands, get some tea and a snack and go sit down and still have to wait two more minutes! Yeah. That's what my computer felt like this afternoon. It was a little faster, but not by much. Thank you, Lord, that You gave me the brains with which to figure out how to fix the speed problem! Otherwise, this computer would have been throw out my window right about now. August 15, 2018   People on the left and "Never Trumpers" are giving money to strzok allegedly to crowd-fund his defense. Actually, they're not crowd-funding his defense, they're showing him their approval of his effort to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump even before he won the election. The left must support those who did so. They hate that Donald J. Trump won so they support those who tried to prevent that. It's time for the left and "Never Trumpers" to accept facts: there will never, ever be a hillosercrooktOOn preziduncy. It just won't happen. We do not want her. She's wicked, evil, corrupt to the "nth" degree, and as anti-American as themuslimvileone, not to mention greedy as hades. She is NOT FIT to be the leader of the free world. August 15, 2018   You do realize, don't you, that strzok didn't act alone: there are other fbi agents who were accomplices in his effort? Yep. Just because one rat in the swamp is gone, that doesn't mean the swamp is drained. It's time to tell every fbi agent to "Stand up and put your hands in the air! Leave your hands in the air as you march to the door where you will be patted down and if you don't have any memory devices on you, you will be cleared to go to the waiting area where we will clear your desks, and bring your personal belongings to you at the waiting area. You are all FIRED! Do not sit down. Touch nothing. Just walk toward the exit. Do it NOW!" Then after an examination of the government computers they were working on, to see who is doing the right thing and who is colluding against our president, those doing the right thing can be re-hired. Those in collusion against Pres. Donald J. Trump get to face the consequences: fired and perhaps prosecuted. That's what I want to happen. August 15, 2018   It's time to realize that what I've been preaching to you for the last five, six, seven years is correct. I'm not the only one saying so. Get your kids out of public schools and home school them! Do it for their own good! If you don't you have no one to blame but yourself! You need to listen to the podcast on that link. Do it and educate yourself about your child's "education". Listen to me this time! August 15, 2018   The Colorado baker who won at the Supreme Court after they ruled that he didn't have to bake a cake for a homosexual couple is being hounded by the left as they try to drive his business into bankruptcy and force him to close. This poor guy did nothing but say, "I'm sorry but my religious beliefs won't allow me to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding." For that, he must lose his business, face persecution and prosecution, and be forever considered an enemy of the way the left wants things? That's not the spirit of the law, nor is it the actual law. The law says that we have the freedom of religion and that if we think that doing something is wrong in GOD's eyes, we have the right to NOT participate and NOT condone, promote, nor have anything to do with that particular thing? What is it about the left that they don't get that? I believe they do understand that but they don't want to admit it. All they want is to intimidate those of us who do believe in Christ into NOT speaking about what we believe, silencing us about the Lord GOD Almighty, and in doing so, allowing their depravities to flourish and grow. That's why they want to silence us: their depravities. August 15, 2018   Violent Lefties:   Yet another case of the left losing it and actually doing harm to someone. It's time that their followers realize that it isn't the right who are violent Nazis. The left, time after time after time, is the actual violent and harmful side. It's getting so dangerous out there for those of us on the political right who are a danger to anyone. That's for certain! August 15, 2018   LOL! It's too good! It wasn't just Pres. Donald J. Trump who fired omarosa four times! Do you know who else fired her four times? Any guesses? bullybob crooktOOn fired her 4 times, too! How sweet is that? Too funny! Now the left is upset that Pres. Donald J. Trump said she was a "dog". They're calling him a hater for doing so. Well, he doesn't use it just against women: he has called males "dogs" nine times, and the left calls Conservative women even worse, so why are the lefties/progressives/liberals whining? They are worse than Pres. Donald J. Trump, so why are they complaining? August 15, 2018   Another "Never Trumper" loses his election bid. Voters want people who will support the President. August 15, 2018   Now John Brennan's security clearance has been revoked by Pres. Trump. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! August 15, 2018   Violent Islam/Federal Bureau of Institutional Disgrace:   Five Muslim adults have had a compound in New Mexico in which they have been training children to commit school shootings. Those Muslims were known to the Feds. The locals got tired of waiting and went in, arrested the five Muslims adults and found children abused, starved and one dead. DumboRAT "judge" Sarah Backus: "There is a public danger argument, which is why the state wanted the suspects to remain in jail until trial. Well, Judge Sarah Backus felt differently, saying the state failed to meet that benchmark in their preliminary arguments and allowed most of the detained to be released on $20,000 bond. Siraj remains in custody due to a Georgia warrant for his arrest, he’s accused of kidnapping his son, who died while allegedly performing an exorcism. Siraj’s father, same name, is an unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings."How can a man who was training children to commit school shootings NOT be "a pbulic danger"? Hmmm? Idiot "judge" I want you to answer that question! Do you have children who attend schools near where those Muslim monsters were training children to be heartless assasins? If you do not, then ask your neighbors, brothers, sisters, or others within the community who do have children that you put in danger, whether those parents consider the people she released to be "a public danger"! Moron! August 15, 2018   Baby-Killing Left:   This is sickening. The despicable chelsea crooktOOn, demon spawn of the crootOOns-who-should-be-in-prison, makes a horrible claim: "abortion has $3.5 TRILLION to our economy". Say what? Yeah. Listen to her "logic": "'It is not a disconnected fact... that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right?That's such flawed, illogical logic that it could be refuted by a monkey. First, because it ASSUMES that every woman who entered the work force during those years had done so because they were able to AFTER they'd had an abortion. Second, because the economy does not make its existence on abortive women's backs, no matter what the left says and if you want a better idea as to why our economy grew in that time frame, check the chart here. Tax cuts, military build-up, good economic policies of Republican presidents (compared to the lousy ones by dumboRAT presidents), etc., are why our economy grew $3.5 Trillion in those years. Third, even the huffpo says that women aren't that big in the work force as they used to be. So how does that square with the economic growth relying on women in the work force? Fourth, if women allegedly get paid 77% of what men do for the same job, how can that growth be caused by someone who gets paid so much less than men? Hmmm? Fifth, what about the things that America lost when women entered the work force? Economic growth (even questionable growth) is not the be all, end all of our existence. If our children suffer (and we know they do) because of both parents working outside of the house then we pay a much worse price for any gains they allege. Sixth, where does she get her numbers? I can't find that alleged growth number anywhere I've looked. According to the only info I have found that relates even closely to the start of women entering the work force in the 1970s, the economic growth is related to BOTH male and female contributions: "Back in the 1970s when women and a huge cohort of baby boomer men were entering the workforce, 65% of GDP growth arose from workforce expansion. Today, nearly 80% of growth is related to productivity increases, according to the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI). [my italics]"This was reported in the Wall Street Journal, written by Joanna Barsh and Lareina Yee and was a "Special Report produced exclusively for The Wall Street JournalExecutive Task Force for Women In The Economy 2011". This is the closest I can get to what the demon spawn was saying. IF you take out that part in italics, the 65% of GDP growth during the mentioned time frame, then MAYBE you can make the case she is. Which is typical of the LEFT: leave part of the truth on the sideline, throw the males' contributions on the ground and stomp on it, then give females all the credit so that they can push their agenda. In this case the agenda is abortion. Typical leftie/progressive/liberal. Tell a LIE as the truth and then never give a source so you will have to accept their LIE as gospel. I refuse to play that game. August 15, 2018   Hubby's home. Going to go spend time with him. Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 14, 2018: 3:18 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have to go run errands with my hubby as soon as he gets home. Already ran errands this morning, so more to come. Let's get started. August 14, 2018   Who believes that a woman who begged to be rehired by the same man she's now accusing to be a "racist" actually is racist -- when the begging woman is black? Hmmm? Would you work for someone you heard say the "N" word if you were a black person? Or is she lying? After all, the person she says would cooberate this lie says he never heard it and there is no tape. Even NPR's people said she's a liar who contradicts her own book. Book!? Her own actions put the lie to the allegation! Black people don't go to someone who used the "N" word and say "Give me back my job!" unless they really are an "Uncle Tom" as Conservative black people are accused of being. Now her allegations are falling apart and she better have a place to go besides back to Pres. Trump. He won't take her back this time! Let us not forget that omaros actually defended him TWICE against claims of "racism"! Twice! Not once. Not just early in the relationship. TWICE. She knows he's not a bigot, but it's a good tool to try to give the dumboRATS because there are those who won't think, just react. What she doesn't realize is that there has been a growth in employment for the black community that hasn't been seen since the 1960s or earlier. There are record wages for the black community. That means more black people are earning more money. Sounds like something a racist president would definitely do, right? Idiocy is omarosa. She's made money from working for him, now she's doing all she can to earn money from working against him. Sounds to me like she's milking it both ways. I'm glad Pres. Donald J. Trump is suing her for breaking the non-disclosure agreement she signed. I think it's only right. August 14, 2018   Violent Leftist:   Ruh. Roh. Looks like the truth is coming out about Rep. Keith Ellison. Now a second ex says he abused her and police reports confirm the allegation. Sounds like he should be reviled and kicked out of office by his peeps. If not, double standards much? August 14, 2018   "Democratic" Socialist:   Well, it seems that everything ocasio-cortez touches turns to stone; and I don't mean gold nuggets! She's turning everything into losers and disappointed wannabes. She endorses them and they lose. They lose because she's a liar, making fact-checkers work overtime and because she hasn't the foggiest idea what she's saying so it's no wonder it's easy to mock her. When the left hands you a gift, don't refuse it! August 14, 2018   Federal Bureau of Institutional Disgrace:   Employees who are pro-hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone plotted to keep using disgraced christopher steele even after he broke fbid rules. They did everything they could to prevent Pres. Donald J. Trump from becoming president. They did everything they could to stay in power. They did everything they could to KEEP BREAKING THE LAW. That gives us all sorts of confidence in the fbi, does it not? Add to all of this the possible bruce and nellie ohr tie and you'll see just how far they went to hide things and that - as I've said since the beginning - themuslimvileone was in on this whole fbi/steele/Russian dossier/hillosercrooktOOn LIE that is "Russian collusion". They had to get hillosercrooktOOn elected to keep the power structure going for the fbi/nsa/cia to be able to harrass U.S. citizens, to enable the IRS to keep targeting Conservatives, to enable the EPA to keep taking land and roping it off and away from the American people they were allegedly getting it for, to keep themuslimvileone's lawlessness hidden and in the darkest, best hidden closets possible. If it weren't for Pres. Donald J. Trump winning, all of that would have continued. Now, the TRUTH is coming out and the TRUTH is that the left's control of everything for the last eight years before Pres. Trump's win resulted (as it usually does) in rampant lawlessness, blatant law-breaking, wilfull abuse of power and a concerted effort to destroy America. That's why they have to stop Pres. Trump's presidency. If they can't overthrow the American government now, their wrong-doings will come to light and then people won't love them anymore. Not to mention they should be in prison for the remainder of their lives. August 14, 2018   My hubby is on his way home so I'll go for today. Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 13, 2018: 2:18 p.m.   Well, that was a bummer. I expected to stay in Georgia until later today but my hubby's job interfered in that. The company won a contract and he's again program manager for part of it and he had to be at work today to talk to people the contract is going to employ. He used to do this for another contract, then he gave the responsibilities to another person, now he's got it back. He will be managing fifty or so people, some in CA, CO, DC and of course here in FL. Sigh. More work, more stress, more need for the farm! The up side: Sometimes I'll be able to buy a ticket and accompany him to CO to see snow! Love that! Anyways, I'm here so I'll do some updates. August 13, 2018   Federal Bureau of Institutional Disgrace:   They've finally FIRED the Smug strzok. It's about time. He, mueller, rod rosenstein, james comey and strzok's lover, lisa (spread 'em) page, have done more damage to the reputation of the fbi than anything that has happened in the last fifty years. They are all disgraces to the organization and it should be pointed out that they've broken laws to do what they've done. That means they all need to be in prison. In fact, someone has looked into it and comey and mueller have made MILLIONS from their corruption. It's time that the truth be found, published and the chips where they may. If they all wind up in prison (as they should) so be it. I hope they do. Speaking of what a disgrace the fbi currently is, they intervened to get a MILITANT ISIS member RELEASED from jail! Isn't that what you want the fbi doing? Is your family safe with the fbi doing this kind of crap? August 13, 2018   This is what I've been saying for the last few weeks: Republicans NEED to show up at the polls because if they do, they'll give Republicans a HUGE Senate majority. That would be a GREAT THING! It would be a very good thing for America and for our future! Let's do this! GO VOTE! DO NOT STAY HOME! Do the right thing for America, for our future, for our businesses and for our children! If you've got a tax to pay, vote Republican. If you have a bill to pay, vote Republican. If you have a business to run, vote Republican. If you have a child to raise, or grandchildren to love, vote Republican. I don't mean just Republican. I mean, TRUE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN; no RINOS allowed! That's how to do what is best for America. Let's give Republicans a huge victory this November and let's help "Make America Great Again!" Imagine what we could do if Pres. Donald J. Trump were not blocked by dumboRATS in everything he tries to do! Vote for TRUE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS! (Paid political ad; paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or RINO.) August 13, 2018   Is the left using ham radio to avoid surveillance; or, more importantly, to start an insurrection within Ameica? They've done all they can to destroy America and we haven't found much in the way of how they are doing it. IF they are using ham radio to help spy on then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign, and it can't be surveilled, then can't they use it to coordinate their destructive operations, protests, etc.? Ham radio is "old school" and people don't pay much attention to the old school, low tech stuff nowadays. To defeat the high tech, go low tech: put a double or triple layer of paper over your computer's camera and no one can watch you no matter how good a hacker they are, nor what kind of camera they have. Low tech defeats high tech so maybe it's time to pay attention to the old fashioned? August 13, 2018   Ben Shapiro has said that he may vote for Pres. Trump in 2020. He's a "Never Trump" person, but he likes that Pres. Trump is more Conservative than Shapiro expected him to be. I have been paying attention to Ben Shapiro for a while now and I think that, while he has a brilliant mind (especially in his own estimation), he is not my favorite person. If his ego gets much bigger he'll be hillosercrooktOOn. He's got some opinions I totally disagree with, and I think Shapiro sometimes does a little more harm to what he allegedly supports than he does good. I think he needs to calm his ego, and rethink his "Never Trumpism"; not just to avoid primarying Pres. Trump, which Shapiro thinks would be a big mistake, but because Shapiro can't admit that he was, or ever is, wrong. August 13, 2018   Woopsie! A Georgia dumboRAT candidate who advocated for strict gun control shot her campaign treasurer and let him lie in her apartment for "roughly a week" and turned herself in for his murder after his body was found. If this is the kind of candidate dumboRATS support, then Republican should have no problem winning an overwhelming victory in November. After all, you can follow in the Pharisees' footprints and scream "Give us Barrabas!" (a murderer), or you can vote Republican and not support the party that screams "Give us Barrabas!" (Paid political ad; paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or murderer.) August 13, 2018   Not only do dumboRATS have murderers as their candidates, but they may have an abusive man in MN's 5th District, and they support socialism over capitalism and that means that your business is going to be owned by everyone: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."So if you own a business - especially a successful business - your business would be commandeered by the workers and they would then own your business and make all of the decisions for the business. If you were giving them a starting wage of $15 hourly, they could vote to take the owner's pay and instead of giving it to the owner, they could use it to make the workers' pay $17 hourly. Or, they could vote to shut the company down if they decided that it wasn't something they liked being done anymore. So dumboRATS don't want Americans to own guns, they don't want capitalism to be able to make dreams come true, and they don't care if maxine "The Mouth" waters and others encourage violence toward Conservatives and anyone who doesn't think like them, but they want to change the whole nation into something never before seen: Amerika. Idiots. Vote Republican. Save America. (Paid political ad; paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or socialist idiot.) August 13, 2018   Violent Islam:   When evil wants to find an outlet, they'll use whatever tool they can put their evil little hands on. When they can't use IEDs, guns, or grenade launchers (ISIS), they use knives or commit 15 acid attacks a week in England. Problem is, England hasn't outlawed acid yet. I guess that's next. England is a country of victim-to-be idiots and violent "immigrants". Too bad no one in their government cares enough about the people who are their own "citizens" to do anything to protect them because they're too busy being PC. Queen E. isn't paying attention or just doesn't give a crap. Nice queen. August 13, 2018   Shootcago:   In rahm emanuel's Shootcago, there were over 70 people shot the weekend of August 3-5; and this last weekend there were "at least 33 shot" in Shootcago. Sounds to me like there is a lack of respect for the preciousness of human life in Shootcago, and like the current mayor doesn't care about the people who live there and their safety. He's a dumboRAT. He doesn't have to care. All he has to do is keep promising the people who vote for him free stuff and he'll be cherry for years to come. Life? Who cares? Give them free stuff and they'll vote to keep him in office. It's a violent, mercenary, heartless circle of power, greed and death. Why do dumboRATS vote for free stuff instead of for principle? August 13, 2018   Do you believe omarosa? I don't. I think she's lying. I think that after twelve years of working with Donald J. Trump if he were actually a racist who used the "n" word she would have known it a long time ago. If he did use that word and she continued to work for him why would she do so? After all, Trump fired her FOUR TIMES and she kept going back to him, begging for a job. He's a softie so he re-hired her, and now she's written her alleged "tell all" book with some allegations in it that makes her going back to work for him after being fired so many times even more questionable, but also probably means she needs a lawyer because she recorded the President without his permission and she was using a recording device inside the White House (shades of Nixon!). She is a horrible person who has done nothing but use Donald J. Trump as a cash cow since the fist day she met him. Now she's trying to cash in again and I hope it backfires on her in spades! August 13, 2018   I have a serious question for the dumboRAT party. Is this level of violence what you want to promote, condone and inculcate in your rank and file party members? Is this what you want your party members - those in "fly over country" to those in big cities but who don't have a position in the party except to vote for you - to do? You want them to want to kill, beat up, pee on the President of the United States? Why does your leadership not condemn that sort of rhetoric? Why doesn't the dumboRAT party's Tom Perez, head of the dnc, or any other "leader" in the party step up to a microphone somewhere and tell their rank and file members to NOT be violent, NOT hurt people and break things, and why don't they give a crap unless it directly affects them? What is wrong with the dumboRAT party that violence is okay with them? As long as they are not hurt, their car is not torched or their property not vandalized, then it's fine with them. Why is that okay? Why doesn't the rank and file membership do something to change the leadership? Where is a conscience within the dumboRAT party? Or is that gone and replaced with the greedy need for power? August 13, 2018   Fake News:   They're so scared that they are losing relevance that they are coordinating over 100 anti-Trump editorials on the same day. "Yeah. That will do it. A concerted effort will put a stop to Pres. Donald J. Trump's administration because everyone will turn on him after they read all of these editorials against him on the same day." Can anyone say "Running scared"? Absurd idiots. August 13, 2018   MAGA:   Yes, it IS Pres. Donald J. Trump who is responsible for great economy and it's NOT themuslimvileone. You need to get a grip if you think that we can thank the one who tried his darndest to kill America and to destroy her in every way for this rebounding economy. We are recovering from the damage themuslimvileone did, not benefiting from it. We are fighting back thanks to Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and we are going to be better than ever before. We do NOT have themuslimvileone to thank for that. We owe him prison time, not thanks! August 13, 2018   Hubby's home. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 9-10, 2018: 11:29 p.m.   Flag Friday:   I didn't get to do updates today because I had errands to run, including getting my husband from the airport. He was in California and got home safely. Now, I give you this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 384: Snapshot of Love". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! We'll be going to our Georgia farm this weekend, so I may or may not get time to do updates tomorrow. I don't know what time we'll be leaving, but we plan on staying until sometime on Monday. I'll try to do updates on Tuesday, if things go as planned. I hope you've taken the time to educate yourself on the candidates. At the very least look at the info I provided in my Endorsements for the FL Attorney General and the Moody/White race. What you need to know is that the info used against Ashley Moody by White is VERY misleading. Read the link about it and know that if they have to mislead you to win, they will also mislead you while in office. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anyone or anything else. It's free speech, folks.) I'll go for now maybe I'll see you later, maybe not. If not, enjoy your day and your weekend and I'll try to do updates Tuesday. Until later, "Hasta la vista, Baby! August 8, 2018: 3:18 p.m.   I will only do a few blurbs today because I have other things to do. Well, that and something else, but I'm not going to share that. I'll get started with di-fi's ties to China go deep and way back. It's amazing to think that someone we should have been able to trust for all these years has been selling America out to a country sworn as our enemy and that wants to destroy us and take us over. She, like so many other dumboRATS, needs to be impeached, tried and found guilty on all charges and put into prison for the rest of her life. While di-fi's spy (alliteration) was in her office and employed by her, China was murdering our CIA operatives and sources. I wonder if that's just a "coincidence"? August 8, 2018   What life is like for Christians in N. Korea is what life will be like for Christians in America if the left/progressives/liberals get tehir way. Christianity is already one of the handful of groups it's okay to target and discriminate against. Imagine if the left gets its way and Christianity is treated here as it is within the communist countries worldwide. For instance, in China, they recently started coming down hard on Christians, banning all church activity, putting Christians on house arrest and seizing Bibles. It's going to be that way in America if we allow the left to have their way. We must stand up and we must be willing to stand our ground. August 8, 2018   For those of you who do not know, it's time for a history lesson on the bloodthirsty terrorist, che guevara. You need to know the truth about the left's favorite son. August 8, 2018   If you live in Florida's 22nd Congressional District, there is something you need to be aware of. There is a possible shady dealer running for office there. Check out The Gateway Pundit's article, The American Perspective's article, and Javier “Javi” Manjarres' campaign website article about his opponent. It's something you need to inform yourself about. IF you are considering voting for Nicolas Kimaz/Imaz, you need to read those pages. I don't know if I need it for this paragraph, but just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee or anti-Israel candidate. August 8, 2018   There is hope that the despicable robert mueller's "investigation" into Pres. Donald J. Trump and all of his associates, friends, family, acquaintances, employees, strangers who passed him on the street may see a ruling that could shut it all down. FINALLY, a judge who is not a far-left wacko will be ruling on the whether it is a legal investigation. I hope and pray that the judge actually rules according to the current LAW, not according to hatred of this administration. Let's pray for the LAW to be applied, not ignored. August 8, 2018   Blue wave? Nope. Ohio's 12th District yesterday went to the Republican. Yes, more voters who were dumboRATS turned out in the primary states, but the fact is the people that Pres. Donald J. Trump endorsed won their primaries. He also endorsed the Ohio candidate, Troy Balderson, who won. It's vital that YOU get out and vote in the primaries August 28th and in the November 6th General Elections. YOU MUST VOTE. You must not assume that your vote won't count. You must not assume that the other side has it sewn up, or that your side has it sewn up. You MUST VOTE. If you do not you are abrogating your responsibilities as a citizen to be involved in the "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" because YOU ARE "the people" Abraham Lincoln refered to. If you do not get involved and stay involved, that idea, that promise, that hallmark of American greatness shall DIE and then we shall be just another kakistocracy like the rest of the world. August 8, 2018   For those of you who are considering sitting out this year's elections, you need to know that the left has a plan to STEAL all elections in the future. They have a plan and it is a well-funded effort, thanks to thevilegeorgesoros and others like him. I still believe that's how themuslimvileone got elected: voter fraud is/was rampant and he milked it to the "nth" degree. He was a community organizer who organized voter fraud so he could get into office. That was his forte and I'm sure that thevilegeorgesoros chose to fund him because he liked that aspect of his abilities and his organization. Don't allow the fraud to win. YOU MUST VOTE or lose America as we know and love her! Get involved! Get up off your duff! Go VOTE! August 8, 2018   "Science" has gone so far astray it makes me nauseaus. From the "global warming" hoax to human/ animal hybrids, science has gone to hades in a handbasket. It's now more about creating politically-based "science" than anything close to real science, or something more akin to Frankenstein-creating; how far can you go before society puts a stop to it, than anything else. "Science" also tries its darndest to knock down the Bible and the GOD of the Bible. That's an agenda-driven goal in search of pathway to belief, not "science" proving anything. True "science" goes where the evidence leads, not decides what evidence to look for and discard the rest. True scientists are willing to accept the TRUTH when found, not ignore it, hide it, or try to negate it. Ask the atheist geneticist who tried to disprove GOD but found FAITH IN GOD as the evidence mounted and convinced him of the TRUTH. That's what TRUE SCIENCE does: proves what is REAL, and doesn't care about politics. August 8, 2018   I'm going to close with that for now. As I said, I have other things I need to get done. Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety, health and continuance in office, for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 7, 2018: 3:56 p.m.   "Russian dossier":   When hillosercrooktOOn paid for the dossier to be made up, did she or did she not already know that the FBI had already been paying the author for his lies? Did she glom onto someone that she knew was already crooked and deemed by the FBI to be "not suitable for use as a source" because she knew that he would do whatever was asked of him for the right price? She knew this guy was for sale, because the FBI told her so. I think themuslimvileone's administration helped set the whole dossier lie up and that they are complicit in the anti-Trump LIE. If themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn had an iota of integrity, honesty, honor they would not have done what they did. Too bad integrity, honesty and honor are things those two can't even spell. August 7, 2018   Speaking of people who can't spell integrity, honesty or honor, james comey's e-mails have been ordered preserved because they can be used in future cases against comey and others. I'm hoping that USAG, jeff sessions, is doing more than receiving a paycheck and kissing rod rosentstien's backside, and if he is maybe he's looking into the james comey LIES. Then after he's finished with comey, Lord willing, maybe he'll look into the rest of the "Russian dossier mafia": rosenstein, robert mueller, strzok, page, themuslimvileone, etc. Pray hard for that to happen. August 7, 2018   I love that they got a good judge who is a good man for the Paul Manafort trial. After all, it's basically a show trial/witch hunt from ill-gotten evidence and wrongly acquired information and I'm shocked it has gotten this far. But, the judge in the case is tough on the mueller team and even brings them to tears. I love that! August 7, 2018   Leftist Lunatics:   It's gotten so crazy that a black cop who shot someone back in March he thought had a gun, was getting married but "blm" crashed the wedding and confronted the cop and the "blm" group (probably paid for by thevilegeorgesoros) had to be removed by other guests (I'm sure the cop had cops as his groomsmen and guests). I can't imagine how desperate they have to be for attention and publicity to crash someone's wedding like that. That's just pathetic. Not only did lefties crash a wedding, they also were notified that Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens were eating breakfast at an outside table and were mobbed by angry lefties. All Charlie and Candace, both of Turning Point a Conservative organization, were doing is having breakfast and people were notified, gathered and started yelling at them, getting in their faces, throwing things at them. The cops were called and Charlie and Candace had to be protected from the lefties. How can lefties/progressives/liberals say that it is the right who are the haters when they get in their vehicles, travel to wherever a Conservative can be found, and get out and angrily yell at total strangers on a regular basis? How is the Conservative peacefully eating breakfast with a friend be the "hater" when it is the left/progressive/liberal who goes to those efforts to make sure they can go yell at someone? THINK, people! Eating breakfast with a friend, compared to driving to where those peaceful people are, getting out and yelling at them? Which is the hater? Can you see who the real fascists are? August 7, 2018   MAGA!:   I love this! Someone went through and found 700 Trump tax cut good news items! Seven HUNDRED good things that have happened because of the Pres. Donald J. Trump (with Republican help) tax cuts. That's amazing! We would have never ever seen that under hillosercrooktOOn. I'm so very grateful that she LOST!!! August 7, 2018   Leftist Censorship:   Full disclosure: I am not a big InfoWars nor Alex Jones fan. I use his site sparingly and usually only if I can find confirmation of the story elsewhere but they have more info on their site. However, that doesn't mean that I think that InfoWars or Alex Jones should be silenced as the left is trying to do. I think that Free Speech means Free Speech for everyone; not just those you agree with. I don't agree with the huffpo, but I don't call for their silencing. I don't agree with hillsercrooktOOn, but I don't call for her silencing (I do think it would be better for America if she shut up and stop trying to get elected to a power position, but I don't call for her silencing). The left, on the other hand, always tries to silence the everyone and anyone who disagrees with them. The funny part: InfoWars' app is more popular than cnn and several other leftist orgs. Sounds like InfoWars has the last laugh. (*smile*) August 7, 2018   Leftist Censorship 2:   The Dead Blue Bird (TDBB) is infamous for trying to silence the Conservatives on their site. TDBB does everything it can to try to make their site a fascist/leftist utopia. They recently took down an ad from a Conservative because they deemed it "hate speech". If you look at the ad, it's not racist or hateful it's the story of how her parents were married within twenty-four hours of her father pointing at her mother and saying he was going to marry her because he didn't want to go to war for the Pol Pot regime. Single men were all sent to war so that they would not be able to get married and have children. More people meant more food that needed to be provided to the people, and the regime didn't want to do that, so single men were sent away to die. That's the kind of government leftists/progressives/liberals all want. Elizabeth Heng, a Cambodian refugee, was doing nothing but telling the TRUE story of her family and how her parents stayed together and are hapilly married still, 48 years later. TDBB took that as "hate speech"? That's not just stupid, it's wrong and it's TDBB LYING about what they were doing and why. They knew it was a very effective ad and they didn't want it to work to help her win. That's the TRUTH of the matter. August 7, 2018   Yet another never-Trump idiot takes a dive in the polls. WI State Sen. Leah Vukmir was found out via video of her holding her nose and saying that he was "offensive to everyone" (I bet she hasn't turned down the benefits of his tax cuts, has she?), and that she wasn't a "Trumpkin"; an insult she picked up from fellow never-Trumper, Charlie Sykes. Now she has nose-dived in the polls and I bet WI tells her in no uncertain terms via a sound defeat that they don't appreciate her smearing of their support of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Lefties never learn, and I'm glad! August 7, 2018 &bnsp The left loves to tout the integrity of our elections (unless someone they don't want to win actually wins) but they refuse to look at or even acknowledge things like this. In one Georgia precinct, 670 ballots were cast with only 276 voters in that precinct. Watch. The left will say "Cheating doesn't happen!" because they want to protect the illegal votes their voters cast in order to make the dumboRAT win. (I wonder how many times Mickey Mouse voted in that precinct this election?) Mark my words. August 7, 2018   I watched a PragerU video last night on YouTube that I have to say I am in TOTAL and ABSOLUTE AGREEMENT with. It's called "Make Men Masculine Again" and I think everyone should watch it. I have a masculine man. He is the only person on earth to whom I listen and obey. It's not a negative thing: he isn't violent against anyone (on the contrary he's one of the most gentle people I know: besides, he knows I'd shoot him if ever he got violent). I am blessed to have a masculine man. But there are a lot of "men" out there who are either afraid to be masculine, afraid to be the final decision maker, afraid to be the one who stands up and says "No! This isn't going to happen. Not on my watch!" There are "metrosexuals" who are more interested in manicures (what a bad name for something a "metrosexual" [read "sissy man"] does!) than in being the manly man they should be. If men were men again America would be better. Men don't let guys (not men) abuse women, harm innocents, make unreasonable demands, yell at people having breakfast. Men are men because they stand up and do the difficult things, not kowtow to some feminazi ideal of a guy who will follow orders as long as they get laid at the end of the day. There are guys and there are men. I married a man. August 7, 2018   Crappy Colleges:   Don't pay loads of money to send your kids to crappy colleges. It's a bad move and it's going to lead to the learning nothing but how to hate America and hate Israel. For example: "Judicial Watch launched an investigation after the University of Arizona (UA), located in Tucson with an enrollment of about 40,000, announced that it hired Noam Chomsky to teach a general education course for undergraduates titled 'What is Politics?' In the announcement UA describes Chomsky as a 'world-renowned linguist' and one of the 'most cited scholars in modern history.'"The problem being: "The reality is that Chomsky is an extreme leftwing propagandist who defends communist regimes—including those in Vietnam and Cuba—and openly supports the anti-Israel and anti-U.S. terrorist organization Hezbollah. In fact, Chomsky met with Hezbollah leaders in Lebanon even though the State Department lists the group as a terrorist organization and the elderly professor has publicly supported the militant group’s right to be armed."Remember, the University of Arizona accepts taxpayer dollars -- lots of them -- and in doing so they are supposed to be operating in the Sunshine and even though Judicial Watch requested records about the hiring of Chomsky, it took UA four months to comply with the FOIA request from JW. If you're going to pay for your child to be educated there, do you want him/her to be taught to hate America? I looked up the costs for such an "education": "University of Arizona tuition is $10,752 per year for in-state residents. This is 57% more expensive than the national average public four year tuition of $6,841."Even with taxpayer dollars kicking in, it's "57% more expensive than the national average"? That sounds like a waste of both taxpayer dollars and parental money! Especially considering what people are going to "learn" there! Don't do it. Don't send your kids - and your dollars! - to UA. Make a better choice. August 7, 2018   Aaahhhh... Public Schools:   The left doesn't wait until college age to star indoctrinating your kids into their twisted mindset. It starts much earlier. Like the drag queen reading to kindergarteners. It's time that PARENTS stand up and put a stop to this absurdity! Teachers do NOT get to teach YOUR kids what to accept or not accept as "normal". YOU should do that. It is NOT their duty, right, nor prerogative: at least, it should NOT be! What are you going to do to protect your five-year-old from getting indoctrinated into the gender-bending mindset? It's not their job to do this! It's wrong and it should be STOPPED. As a PARENT it is YOUR JOB to stop it! My kids are grown and I homeschooled them. I protected my kids and I didn't let them get taught that crap. What will you do to protect yours? August 7, 2018   I hope that Michigan voters today vote for someone OTHER THAN a guy with ties to linda sarsour. He's a Muslim and if he - or other Muslims who support Sharia in America - get into power they will inflict Sharia law on America and Americans and we will ultimately wind up being subservient to Islam if we don't stop it now. We are AMERICA, the greatest country on earth and we shall NOT be overthrown by Muslim's Sharia! We have a Constitution and we shall obey it, not Sharia! August 7, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 6, 2018: 7:15 p.m.   2018 Endorsements:   (NOTE: I updated this page on 10/31/2018) because I missed four candidates in my original posting. Now I have covered everyone who is on MY ballot, but I don't have everyone on YOUR ballot. Do some research. Simple search engine results can reveal a lot. For instance, one of the updates was chosen because his opponent is supported by the N.O.W. and we know that is NOT someone I would endorse.) I was not able to finish my "Endorsements" page over the weekend, so I dedicated today to doing so. My list of Linda McKinney endorsed candidates is available for all to see. If you think like me, you'll probably like them. If you're a leftist/progressive/liberal you'll hate them. I don't personally know many of the candidates (I've met a few of them for a few minutes, but don't know them personally: they've never been over to supper, or anything like that). If you have information that tells you to NOT vote for a particular candidate that I have endorsed of course, vote otherwise. This is the best I can do with the information I can find over the internet. Remember to VOTE or you don't get to complain about those you didn't want being in office. Go VOTE!October 8, 2018: 5:47 p.m. Amendments Recommendations   I took the time to go through the amendments that are on our ballot next month and I have put together my recommendations. They are on the "Endorsements" page, below the candidates. Take the time to look them over, read them for yourselves and do your own research. Don't be a sheeple. Research for yourself what these are about and you may see -- after doing your own research -- why I suggested supporting or not supporting each amendment. August 3, 2018: 12:37 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Sorry I missed yesterday. My hubby was home sick and I put that ahead of doing updates. He's in bed so I've got the "Tribute To Our Heroes 383: Cinderella Sky" posted and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service. I cannot say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today if things work out right. Until then, See ya'! August 3, 2018: 2:49 p.m.   MAGA:   So the July unemployment numbers are out and the U-3 official unemployment rate for July 2018 is 3.9% (not seen since Dec. of 2000) and the U6 is 7.5% (not seen since May of 2001). They also revised May and June's numbers UP so their numbers were actually better than previously reported! So we have a LOT more people employed than when themuslimvileone was in office. (Of course, that's not what you'll hear from the left.) Not only are more people working, but they're getting PAID MORE, too. We not only have a highly employed populace (everyone in America), but we also have the highest rate of employed AMERICANS in a decade (that includes the lousy eight years of themuslimvileone)! That's a sure sign that the "Make America Great Again" thing is working! Pres. Trump's policies of pushing employers to hire Americans is working and that's good for America! I bet there are more Americans who will have a better Christmas this year than any time in the last ten years, as well. Thanks, Pres. Donald J. Trump! (I still love saying that!) We'd have never, ever seen that under hillosercrooktOOn! August 3, 2018   SCOTUS:   I hope and pray that Brett Kavanaugh does get confirmed to be our next SCOTUS justice. That is looking more and more likely as he wins over even a leftist feminist and she endorses him. I bet her peeps are spitting nails at her. Poor babies. August 3, 2018   I hope this story is incorrect, but there is a story out there that says the NRA is in financial trouble. I don't want them to go out of business because they have been the strongest, loudest voice for protecting the Second Amendment that we've had in America. I don't always agree with their stances (or lack thereof) in certain areas, but I do think that the NRA is a historically useful and effective advocacy group. How they overspent $46 Million in 2016 I don't know, unless it was in supporting pro-Second Amendment candidates. However, I do think that they have been targeted by the left for a very long time and that the state of NY has finally found a way to hurt them as much as they can. Personally, I think that's despicable. August 3, 2018   Build The Wall!:   This is why we need to secure our borders. When people get to smuggle six possible terrorists into America, we have to take a stand and put the safety of our children and families, businesses and shopping places first. We cannot have another 9/11 because we are too wimpy to say "NO!" to those who want to break the law by coming here illegally. Those who came here legally (like my ancestors) are those we WANT to be here. They give us the chance to vet them. They want to come assimilate and become Americans. They don't want to start out on the wrong foot via breaking into our country and breaking the law to get what they want. That's not right. We don't need to have the expensive costs of their medical care, housing, education, etc. It's time to put America and Americans FIRST. It's also time to put those who want to come here legally first. August 3, 2018   The left loves to have elections that turn out exactly as those in power want them to turn out (think the left/progressives/liberals wanting hillosercrooktOOn to take the throne after themuslimvileone was finished with it). That's why flakey loved "democracy" in Zimbabwe as six were killed in election results protests. When you delay the announcement of the results by three days you can "find" a lot of ballots for your side in those three days. No wonder there were protests! That's also what the left/progressives/liberals do: "finding" ballots is the norm for their side. August 3, 2018   I don't know how anyone can think that the left/progressives/liberals are going to have a "Blue Wave" in November, especially considering the fact that even an ex-pro wrestler with an "R" behind his name -- and some good stances on the issues -- beat his dumboRAT opponent to become the new mayor of Knox County, TN. Who would have thought that? Not I. I didn't know anything about this race, but it is a little surprising to me. I'm happy he won, don't get me wrong, but wow. It is a bit of a telling tale. August 3, 2018   If the NYT is the "paper of record", then what kind of record do they want to have when they hire a known (and proud) racist, bigot and man hater? Their new editor has tweeted things that are NSFW or Children and are so filled with hatred of white people and men that if someone on the right wrote (tweeted) the same things that person would have been on the spit and over the fire by now. What's worse, the NYT stands by the hiring. She is full of hatred and she has said she's proud of her hatred of whites (especially men) and nothing is done about this bigot. The left's hypocrisy and double standards are so evident that even blind people see it. Well, blind people who are not lefties/progressives/liberals. August 3, 2018   The crooktOOns:   They have even more blood on their hands. An abortion baby-killing pill that he fast tracked has killed at least 22 women and caused harm to others: "A controversial abortion drug rushed through the government’s approval process by the [crooktOOn] administration has killed nearly two dozen women and produced serious adverse effects in thousands of others, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. Nearly 100 women who took the drug (Mifeprex) had ectopic pregnancies, the records show, and hundreds of others required blood transfusions and hospitalization. Judicial Watch has investigated the government’s handling of Mifeprex, also known as RU-486, since the [crooktOOn] administration aggressively shoved the abortion pill through the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval process in an effort to appease radical pro-abortion activists. [my bolding]"RU-486 - AKA the "Morning After Pill" - has also been approved by themuslimvileone's administration for "expanded use". This medication has been known to have harmful effects on women for years and years but the left/progressives/liberals keep pushing it so that women can continue being used by men as sexual satisfaction machines without any kind of emotional, financial, or relationship responsibilities afterward. For the left all women are one thing: vaginas. That's all they see, that's all they care about when the left sees a woman. That's why they care so deeply about their god, abortion. If they can keep women sexually active outside of marriage, they can have their voting machine going via supporting the carelessness of extra-marital sex. It's all about votes and if the left/progressives/liberals gave two whiffs about women they would push for abstinence until marriage, low divorce rates and adoption instead of abortion. You can tell what the left cares about because their actions speak as loudly as their baby-hating words. August 3, 2018   Despicable robert mueller:   His team is not doing well in court and the judge seems to be losing his patience with them. No wonder: all they have is a hope and a prayer to get a conviction and the judge sees through their ploy to try to get to Pres. Donald J. Trump via prosecuting Paul Manafort. I'm glad it is this judge who is hearing the trial. I can't imagine if one of the leftist/progressive/liberal judges who already hate Pres. Trump had gotten this thing. It would be a farce and Paul Manafort would already be in the deepest part of a federal prison with no hope of ever seeing daylight again. August 3, 2018   Stupid, Heartless England:   What a horrible, vile nation! I can't imagine a government approving this unless they are full of mysoginists! They're allowing mentally disabled women to be forced into marriages, raped and then their Muslim "husbands" can get visas! That's STATE CONDONED SEXUAL SLAVERY! How dare the vile England condone this?! How low can a nation go? Where are the protests to protect these women? Where is the Queen standing up and saying "This must stop!"? This is as low as I've ever seen a country go without being controlled by Muslims or Hindus. England, the once "great", has become the vile. I despise her. She has gone so far wrong I doubt she will last much longer. Either she will collapse of her own vileness or GOD will destroy her for her condoning of all that is evil and wrong! August 3, 2018   Where is the special prosecutor looking into the Chinese mole who worked for di-fi for 20 years? Where is the lefts'/progressives'/liberals' outrage that we have Chinese interference and collusion (they employed someone within the government to spy on America) in our country's government? Where is crybaby acosta on this? Why isn't he questioning her and frowning because someone told him "No."? What will happen to di-fi for allowing this person access? Oh. Sorry. Never mind those questions. She is a leftist and we all know that lefties never pay a price for their wrongs anymore. They're special. August 3, 2018   I'm going to close with that for now. I have been doing some research on the candidates and found that I have to ask the question: Is "United Conservatives" or "Conservatives United" a RINO PAC, a dumboRAT PAC, or a LYING PAC? Nothing they have said, IMHO, is absolutely true, without misleading anyone. I've heard their ads and I think they're very misleading. Also, don't try to find their website. Last time I went there my computer popped up a virus attack warning and I had to get offline and run a security/virus scan. Just know that if they have to mislead you to get your vote, they'll mislead you after they're elected, too. Know that. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 1, 2018: 3:00 p.m.   Happy 30th Anniversary, Rush!:   Did you listen to Rush Limbaugh's 30th anniversary show today? I did. I listened to the congratulatory call from Pres. Donald J. Trump to Rush and I felt like in that call I was listening to history being made. I listened to the most successful, most influential radio show host in world history receive a call from who will be known as one of (if not the) most successful, most influential presidents in history. It made me happy, proud, patriotic and so happy that Donald J. Trump won, instead of hillosercrooktOOn! It was a great moment in history and I am glad I was alive and listening! August 1, 2018   Sorry I missed yesterday. I tried to do updates until I realized that the reason I was having such a hard time getting my computer to cooperate was because it was doing a monthly scheduled deep dive security check. It checked every bit and tittle of my computer and I was glad for it -- after I figured out that that was why my computer was going soooo slow. I clicked on something and waited almost five minutes for it to happen. I was about to throw it across the room, but then I saw the security check going on. I prefer to have a secure, safe, virus-free computer to stopping that and doing updates. If I had something on my computer that would have been transfered to my website that could infect your computer I would hate that. I think you would, too, so I just let the scan take place and decided to do updates when I could. It's all good, folks. It's all good. August 1, 2018   Fake News:   I think this is hysterical. I always love it when the people who make America great decide to tell the meanstream media that they are fake news. I think the meanstream media is so full of lefties/progressives/liberals and those who hate America, hate Americans, hate everything America was built upon and those who built her (our Founding Fathers), that I refuse to watch them. I haven't seen a meanstream media fake news broadcast in probably ten years, or more. The last time I remember watching them was probably during "Shock and Awe" when we went into Iran and the meanstream media decided to tell America that our troops were facing an insurmountable army in Hussein's "Elite Guard" and that we didn't stand a chance. Boy, were they proben wrong then, and daily since. That's why I love it when Americans stand up and call out the meanstream media and say it out loud that they are "Fake News". I especially love it when Pres. Donald J. Trump says it. Does it upset the meanstream media? Yep. Do I care? Nope. If they ever start telling the truth, then maybe I'll start watching them. Until then (if ever) I'll be happy to use the alternative news sources and "FIND THE TRUTH!" myself. August 1, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He's trying to get the republiRATS in the House and Senate to cooperate with him in getting the border wall built, but they are afraid. They worry about someone thinking a little less of them and not donating to their re-election efforts for their next run to stay in power. Little idiots are ready, willing and more than able to put America last -- and definitely behind their desire to stay in power -- so that they can keep their drivers, their special treatment, their perks of office and their ability to enter office with little only to leave office with millions. That's what's important to them: their back pockets. America is being sold out by multi-term money grubbers. Let's change that. Vote for TRUE CONSERVATIVES, new people who don't want to sell America out but who do want to help Pres. Donald J. Trump accomplish his promises. Vote Republican as often as you can, but don't vote for RINOs. I'll be doing my research this week and posting next Monday as much as I have for each candidate. I'll put a link at the top of the page. Look for it next Monday. August 1, 2018   Aaaahhhh... Public Schools:   In NC, hundreds of elementary teachers flunked the math portions of their qualification test. That should mean that they won't be able to teach until they can learn enough math to teach their students properly how to do the math they will need to learn. I don't understand how they got that far without being able to pass the test. How did they get into the classroom without knowing the basics of math? I cannot do advanced maths -- algebra (except the most basic), calculus (no clue), that sort of thing -- but I can do the basic, elementary stuff. How can an adult not know that? Geometry was like art to me so that was never a problem. Fractions was a bit confusing but I passed the test without a problem. Decimals, not a problem; same with division, multiplication (I learned my multiplication tables before my two older sisters memorized them), adding and subtraction were all easy. Maybe it's the "New Math" that Common Core put into place. If that be the case, I can't really blame them for failing. After all, Common Core math is a crock of confusing, multi-step mush that is worse than a root canal without anesthesia. What would make teachers actually agree to teaching that crap I have no idea. Sorry. Misspoke there. I do know what would make teachers teach that: teachers' unions. August 1, 2018   Well, look at that. A country that is trying to "be nice" but also trying to save their nation. Can you imagine that? Denmark has decided that it is going to start teaching Muslim migrant children how to assimilate and become true citizens and how to live there and understand their culture and how to fit in and speak the language. That's a good first step. Now they have to close their borders to any more Muslim migrants and to do the same teaching to their parents and grandparents. That's what is going to save their nation in the near future; not just after fifteen years passes and those little ones are ready to enter school. Let's hope that other countries with an illegal alien Muslim invasion start doing the same thing. August 1, 2018   Is what South Africa is doing in taking away caucasian farmers' land what we can expect to see requested in the future? Is America headed down the same road? Are the "sins of the father" to be paid for by the innocent descendants? If you had nothing to do with what happened in the past because you weren't even born yet, why should you pay the price of what your great-grandparents did? What is to be done for those who say it's not fair that you own land because your great-grandpa came over and took it by violence or dirty dealing from someone else? Should you be punished for his deads? I don't think that's justice. I don't think it's right to punish someone for the sins of others. I think it's like saying that "Mr. Jason X. Roberts" robbed a bank but never got caught and never spent any time in jail, so his grandson and namesake, "Jason X. Roberts, II" (not a real person, to the best of my knowledge; a random name), should be put in prison for his grandpa's bank robbery. It's not right to punish the grandson; it wasn't his doing. For someone to say that they get to steal from one person the land that their grandparents or parents took one way or another is to say that "Jason X. Roberts, II" should be jailed for the bank robbery he never did. South Africa demands the land of white farmers; blacks in America demand "reparations". What is the difference? August 1, 2018   While America's left/progressives/liberals march inexplicably toward Socialism, Venezuela is dealing with its total failure and Canada's Ontario is backing away from the precipice of putting Socialism into full practice. Everywhere it is tried, it is a complete, utter, and total failure but dumboRATS in America are too stupid to acknowledge that fact. They keep pushing for it because they refuse to see the failure of socialism worldwide. "Stupid is as stupid does" and the left proves it daily. August 1, 2018   the feckless pope:   Really? He thinks that "money, drugs and vanity" are idols that should be put aside? Really? Prove it, pope. The Vatican has an art collection that is considered "priceless" (well over billions of dollars) and they have "several billions" of dollars in gold. How about the Vatican sell off all of those assets and instead of drinking out of solid gold chalices, they drink out of regular glass - or even crystal? Could the pope's hypocrisy be any more clearly illustrated? August 1, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Some say she's going to run again in 2020, and if that be the case (and it does seem to indicate it), then her "women's voting rights drama" is going to be a campaign ad that isn't listed as such. There will be no disclaimer "This ad paid for and approved by hillosercrooktOOn...", nor will there be any announcement at the beginning or end that it is a political piece in favor of her. It will be just a push piece (don't watch it; expect to find out that there is some sort of subliminal suggestions in the "drama"). She'll do anything to get that Oval Office. August 1, 2018   Socialist "Slick sanders":   His son is getting paid to do nothing and it's allegedly a "non-profit" organization. If you read about the "non-profit", you see that it's a shady deal and it's all about keeping their kids employed via influence. Slick is the nicest word I can come up for the way bernie "Slick sanders'" world works. Shades of the clintOOn foundation. August 1, 2018   Befuddled pelosipig:   Why is she still in office? After all these months of her confusion and nonsense, one would think that her constituents would want her out of office so that they can be represented by someone competent to hold office and who can put two sentences together without a brain freeze, without getting lost and confused and without stumbling over my words and "Uh... Uh... Uh..." It's time she admits she has a serious medical condition (besides her ego) and that she announce her retirement. She needs to be out of office and taking care of herself. She needs to spend the rest of her days with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren (If she has any; I don't know.) so that she can make their memories of her special instead of "Grandma never wants to spend time with me." It's time she quit so that she doesn't die in office, or on the floor of the House spitting venom at Pres. Donald J. Trump and True Conservatives who love this nation. Can you imagine how fervently satan is looking forward to getting his hands on that? August 1, 2018   There's a new painting from artist Jon McNaughton that has lefties in an uproar, as do most of his paintings. It's Pres. Donald J. Trump crossing the swamp and it's a great painting. That's why the left/progressives/liberals are in an uproar. They hate the symbolism and they hate that someone can portray Pres. Trump in a positive light. August 1, 2018   rotten robert mueller:   He's got Paul Manafort in court but the judge is blasting mueller because the "star witness" may not appear in court. Manafort's partner may not be testifying and the judge, who has already blasted mueller at least a few times, is not happy with mueller. The judge realizes that mueller is wasting the court's time and that if mueller had anything real on it that there would be an easy closing of this case. Too bad mueller oversold his case and that he had to do all he could to ruin a man's reputation, life and family while mueller was doing all he could to get a popular president and anyone associated with him. mueller is a rotten, evil man and he needs to be disbarred and probably put in prison for all of the wrongs he has already done - to Pres. Trump's team as well as to others! August 1, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   While running for the office, he promised to not take a salary. He has kept his word, donating every paycheck to a charity of his choice. This time, he donated his entire paycheck to repair military cemeteries and the meanstream media has ignored the story. Pres. Donald J. Trump has not made a penny out of his win and every penny he gets goes to some charity benefiting others, yet the leftist/progressive/liberal meanstream media will not report on that. That's evil. August 1, 2018   England:   I am glad that Tommy Robinson - the anti-immigration activist - has finally released from prison and I hope that this will bring England to the realization that they can't silence people and think that silencing them will solve the problem. It doesn't. It addresses nothing that is wrong with their system, that has already happened, none of the bad deeds the Muslim migrants have done, etc. Nothing is fixed by silencing those who are pointing out what is wrong. It's a strong arm tactic that only serves to bring more people willing to speak the truth to those in power out of the woodwork. England has been a stupid country for quite a while now. The problem is, they keep proving so. August 1, 2018   My hubby's home so I'm going to go spend a little bit of time with him then I'll be back at my computer working on the candidate information page. Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 2018 July 27, 2018: 12:31 p.m.   Flag Friday:   I am glad to be able to post this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 382: 'Good'". I hope you like it and I am so very thankful for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! My hubby said we may stay in Georgia until Monday afternoon, so I probably won't be posting until Tuesday, unless something changes again. My life is full of last minute changes. Learn to roll with it. July 27, 2018: 3:37 p.m.   MAGA:   I have just a few minutes but this news was so good that I had to post it. Remember when the lefties said 4.0% GDP was "impossible"? Well, the latest GDP numbers were released and this year's 2Q GDP was a "whopping" 4.1%! I thought that was "impossible". So now we see that Pres. Trump and his policies are doing the "impossible" that is good for America and you and I. Hm. I think that gives Pres. Donald J. Trump reason to rub it in a bit. After all, he is doing the "impossible". I'm sooooooooo glad Pres. Donald J. Trump won! "Impossible" things are happening every day! (With thanks to the Cinderella song "Impossible; It's Possible" by Rodgers & Hammerstein.) July 27, 2018   That's it for today. Have a great weekend and remember that I won't be her on Monday (unless my hubby changes our plans again). Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 26, 2018: 2:28 p.m.   I thought we'd be on our way to our farm by now, but my hubby checked the weather report for this weekend up there and we will be going to a rainy, wet weekend in which he can get no lawn or field mowed. So, we delayed our leave-time and will be going tomorrow afternoon. If we can't get the outside work done that we go up there to do then staying inside during a rainy weekend is our only choice and we have some curtains to change (the new ones are so cute and I'll post a pic after they're up), some little additions for decorations, an 1870-1895 antique desk to use as a night stand in the third bedroom, a cute, cute, cute little clover leaf table to use somewhere (probably up there, but maybe down here), and that kind of thing to do. We have new curtains for the dining room and living room (not the so cute ones; those are for the family room) to put up, too. Slowly but surely we're making it our own. I am loving how this is turning out! Anyways, I'll post my Flag Friday pic this evening and I'll get started on updates now. July 26, 2018   Election Information:   There is an ad going around that Adam Putnam put out that is (to say the least) deceptive. In this ad against Ron DeSantis, the Putnam ad says that Ron DeSantis wants to increase your sales tax to 23%. What the Putnam ad did not tell you is that the Ron DeSantis plan would do away with (delete, stop, replace, etc.) the annual April 15th income tax and the corporate tax that business owners have to pay. So instead of paying up to 45% income taxes (for the very rich) we'd all be paying 23% sales tax on every purchase. I don't like the idea, either, and the bill went nowhere, but the idea to get rid of the income tax is a good one. Remember, anyone who has to mislead you, as does the Adam Putnam ad, to get into office (power) will mislead you while IN power. I cannot endorse Adam Putnam because of this ad. Therefore, I endorse Ron DeSantis for Governor. His website is RonDeSantis.com and apparently, he was endorsed by both Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, which are great endorsements to have. He must have been very flattered. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anyone else. It's called "Free Speech", the "First Amendment", etc. Don't like it? Tough!) July 26, 2018   Fakebook:   As they try to silence Conservatives and quelch our voices (trying to stop the lefties/progressives/liberals from hearing the truth and trying to keep them from doing the #WalkAway thing, or from getting Red Pilled), they have gone farther and farther left, more and more into censoring anyone who doesn't agree with zuckerberg or the rest of the administration of fakebook, and trying to discourage the voices that are fighting back against this sort of tyranny, he has lost subscribers -- and almost $17 BILLION (after losing over the weekend a whopping 24%!) That hurts even thinking about it! Can you imagine trying to carry that around as gold?! You'd never take another step! He's trying to be the controller of free speech. He's is succeeding a little, but he's losing big time, so in the long run, he's the loser while the rest of us whom he is trying to silence are going elsewhere and still raising our voices. It's not difficult; just keep trying. You will be heard. July 26, 2018   NSFW or Children: Hollyweirdos:   Yet anothr hollyweirdo has a sexual fantasy involving children. In this particular case, though, the child is Barron Trump and a hollyweirdo has drawn him without pants on while playing a virtual reality game, with his Dad right behind him fully clothed. I don't know why hollyweirdos have the fixation on child sex, but they certainly seem to have that mindset. I wonder if the men who get to hollyweird have to not only be able to act, direct, whatever, but also have to have a pedophilia bent. If so, which hollyweirdo haven't we found out about yet? Just asking. July 26, 2018   dumboRATS:   Quick question for you: What scares the puddin' outta' voters? The current crop of dumboRAT candidates, that's what. It's not just the newbies like the Socialist, bug-eyed ocasio-cortez, but it's the old, decrepit, broken minded pelosipig, The Mouth maxine waters, etc. They scare voters! I don't blame them from being scared! Can you imagine any of those weirdos in office or staying in office? I can't!! July 26, 2018   Why did someone smash Pres. Donald J. Trump's Hollywood Star of Fame star? Because they're a lunatic leftist, and if they don't have their own way, they are not going to be happy and they must destroy as much of America - or as much of their target's property as possible. Lefties: crybabies throwing temper tantrums daily. July 26, 2018   ROTTEN ryan: Of course ROTTEN is going to side with the leftist! He chose to NOT impeach rod rosenstein today, and shut down a vote on that. ROTTEN is WRONG to do so. He needs to stand down and start letting the membership do as they see fit. If ROTTEN doesn't have the courage hold the vote, he can step aside and let someone else run it! BTW, it's not just ROTTEN who is not taking impeachment of rosenstein farther: USAG, jeff sessions, is praising the decision to stop moving it foward as well. July 26, 2018   Turkey is holding an American citizen and hasn't released him as VP, Mike Pence, has asked. All the pastor did was be a pastor: spread the Word of Christ. That's illegal in Turkey and in Greece and other places. In this instance, though, Turkey has held this guy for two years already and he has been released from prison (thanks to Pres. Trump's leadership) but he's on house arrest and unable to leave Turkey, nor is he allowed to preach the Word, so that's not free. Turkey needs to release Pastor Andrew Brunson completely, and they need to allow more freedom to everyone within their country. I don't expect that freedom part, though. Turkey is a Muslim country: "Approximately 99 percent of the population is officially Muslim, the majority of whom are Sunni."So don't hold your breath there. July 26, 2018   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton says that Republicans are "horrified" of holding her accountable for her call to harrass, follow, stalk, intimidate, yell at, verbally attack, dox, etc., Conservatives and Pres. Trump's people. They are scared that she'll speak even more and they can't stand her voice? No. They're cowards with yellow spines under the "leadership" (read: shaking in their shoes in a darkened corner) of ROTTEN ryan. He's kissing dumboRAT butts so hard that he can see nothing butt crack [sic]. July 26, 2018   "Russian Collusion":   The thing that got this whole LIE started was the State Department. "Documents released on Saturday related to the wiretapping of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page reveal information that contributed to the government’s application to monitor Page originated with the State Department under [themuslimvileone's] administration in October 2016."Remember who used to be in charge at the State Department? Correct: hillosercrooktOOn. Almost daily, we are finding out that it was a widespread dumboRAT concerted, coordinated effort by the dumboRAT "Deep State" to keep Donald J. Trump out of office and that they did everything they could for over a year before the election to make it look like he was a Russian spy, in collusion with Putin, or whatever other ridiculousness they could throw a wall and get to stick for as long as it could, until they could come up with some wacky new allegation that they knew their buddies in the msm would spread and build on for them. That's the truth of the whole "Russian collusion" thing: dumboRATS KNEW that hillosercrooktOOn didn't have a snowball's chance in hades on its worst days to win so they did every crooked thing they could to make things as bad for her eventual opponent as possible. She lost anyways. That tells you how little the American people wanted her. Fact is, she would have been BAD, BAD, BAD for America -- continuing the policies and practices of themuslimvileone and further destroying America as we love it. I cannnot imagine how different America would be now if we had themuslimvileone's stand-in as our current president. I would hate that as much as she and themuslimvileone hate America. July 26, 2018   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Here's yet another good reason to deconstruct it, get rid of it, destroy this (instead of America). In Wisconsin, the State has been ordered to pay for gender reassignment surgeries. Yep. A leftist/progressive/liberal judge has ordered the taxpayers of WI to pay for one guy and one gal to be externally altered to resemble the other gender. That doesn't change their DNA so if they died and their bones were found somewhere the he would be identified as a he because his DNA would say so and the external resemblances would be gone, and the she likewise. Changing your appearance does NOT change who you are. It's like saying that putting on a banana suit for Halloween makes you a fruit. It's like saying that wearing drag makes you a female. It's like saying that cutting something off, changing something, and getting hormone treatment makes you into a snake, zebra, octopus, koala bear, whatever. It just doesn't do so. Get mental help, don't make the taxpayers pay for surgery that doesn't change anything, just makes you more suicidal. July 26, 2018   Do you bank at Bank of America? Do you have a "safety deposit box" there? If so, you need to know the bank doesn't keep them "safe". I have suggested getting out of BofA for a few years now. My hubby has promised to get our small deposits there redirected, but has yet to do so (maybe this will make it happen). I think they're an awful company. The branch at the front of PSJ closed down recently. My hubby went there to get some cash out of the machine, but it was all gone: signs, machine, everything. Thanks for the NO notice, BofA. If you have a BofA "safety deposit box" check it, make sure everything you have in there is still there, and then close your box account out, taking your valuables with you to a different bank. At the very least take pictures of the contents, take your jewelry to be appraised if you are going to return it to the box, and then make sure you keep your box payments up, that you visit your box monthly so they won't consider it abandoned, and that you question your branch's managers about how they handle "safety deposit box" procedures for drilling, opening, notifying and put them on notice that you want to be notified of any changes regarding their boxes and YOUR box in particular. If they do something to your box without notifying you, then you need to contact the OCC with the details. Be sure to include the names of everyone in that branch who may have been involved in tresspassing into your box. July 26, 2018   I'm going to do my Flag Friday later this evening, then tomorrow there won't be any updates (that's the current plan, at least), so I'll see you again (hopefully) on Monday. Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 24, 2018: 1:52 p.m.   July 24, 2018   I think you should be contacting your Senators and Congressmen and ask them to support our troops and vote YES on H.R. 5515, funding our troops and getting them new equipment. It would be a very good thing! July 24, 2018   Judicial Watch's, Chris Farrell, agrees with me: the DO[IN]J and Failed Bureau of Investigation (FBI) committed criminal acts and that means they should be in PRISON. Let's do this! July 24, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump has been putting tariffs on other countries because the trade situation with them has been lopsided for years and it's a way to make them come to the table and renegotiate the trade agreement with them and it helps our workers and will help our farmers in the long run. Meanwhile, the farmers are getting a helping hand and that's okay with me. I own land in a farming community (will probably never actually be a farmer; don't want to work that hard) and I see how hard they work, how much they have to go through to get their cotton, corn, peanuts, blueberries, etc., to grow and I can't imagine living that life. It's so hard and so much work and I wouldn't be able to grow anything because I'm not good with plants. So, I can't be a farmer: unless it's farming dead crops, which isn't really profitable. July 24, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Is she wearing a life alert-type device? If so, what is it for? What medical condition would need something like that? I used to wear one when I was allergic to cayenne pepper (before GOD healed me). I could inhale as little as three parts per billion of cayenne pepper in the air and go into anaphylactic shock, but now I have it in my house and can open the container and take a deep inhale of it and have no problem. GOD is good! He can heal her, too, but the point is, most often those things are worn for possible life threatening medical conditions. Does she have a life threatening medical condition? If so, what would that have meant if she had won? July 24, 2018   pelosi--p-p-p-uh....p-ping..pig:   Speaking of a dumboRAT with a medical condition, nancy pelosipig is having difficulties speaking again. She can't continue like this without her constituents noticing and there seems to be a growing concern over her lack of mental acuity. She is slurring words and having brain freezes almost daily now. It's time for her to admit she has a problem, retire and let someone else take the spot she can't get richer without. She also LIES to postal carriers about the BIBLE! You're not supposed to LIE about the BIBLE! That's not just wrong, it's dangerous to her soul! What a moron! July 24, 2018   Meanwhile, Pres. Donald J. Trump has record setting approval numbers and neither hillosercrooktOOn nor pelosipig can claim that. He is popular and getting moreso as people are Red Pilled and #WalkAway. I LOVE IT! July 24, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Another dumboRAT found to be LYING to constituents: anyone shocked? No? Didn't think so. This time, it's claire mccaskill who received $131 MILLION from TAXPAYERS! "Businesses tied to U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill’s husband have been awarded more than $131 million in federal subsidies since the Missouri Democrat took office in 2007, an analysis by The Kansas City Star found."That's how people enter Congress or the Senate as someone with an upper middle class family, and wind up richer than snot. (I know, gross.) They are not supposed to do stuff like that, but they learn how very quickly and start stuffing their pockets as soon as they can. July 24, 2018   Fake Hate:   Another day, another hoax aimed at making Conservatives seem like rotten people. Too bad the truth will out, because in yet another instance, the TRUTH is that the waiter made the the story up. He told others that the customer stiffed him on his bill and wrote "We don't tip terrorists" on the bill, too. The worst part of the story is that the story says that the waiter/liar is a "Christian". I doubt it. Not if he did this. July 24, 2018   Black Conservatives face discrimination and shock daily. Blacks aren't supposed to be Conservative, or so goes the general impression and stereotype. Blacks are supposed to be kept on the dumboRAT plantation via welfare programs, free abortions, free smart phones, public housing, etc. But that's not the case, thankfully, and there are many Red Pilled and #WalkAway people of every race who are waking up because of instances like this. Two Black Conservatives who were denied an Uber ride because one of them had a MAGA hat on. That's the beginning of the end for a lot of people: seeing the truth for themselves wakes people up. These two had already been woken up, but it stirred something in them; something that will grow and make an impact. I look forward to watching wo see what happens. I bet the Uber driver who turned them down was a leftie/progressive/liberal who will soon enough regret his/her actions. America has a brighter future because of the idiots on the left who are alienating so many people. That's wonderful. July 24, 2018   MAGA:   American workers praise Pres. Trump's tariffs because "in the long run" it will be better for America and American workers. It's a good thing. Let's keep putting America first and putting American workers employed! July 24, 2018   Islamic Violence:   Again, another Muslim decides that in the name of their god he has the right - duty, actually - to "kill the infidel" (non-Muslim), and shot 15 people, two of those died. He may or may not have been mentally ill, but the fact is he was Muslim and he shot fifteen people, killing two. Mental illness or not, he did it. As did the Muslims who followed a family member into a store and threw acid on a three-year-old family member because the mother took him and his three siblings and ran for her life from the family. She was trying to get free, but "Honor Killings" are the norm in Islam and the three-year-old was harmed because some male Muslim's "honor" was damaged. That's not "honor" that's damaged, it's EGO, pure and simple. He never thought she'd have the courage, the self-esteem, or the wherewithal to leave him. His ego was damaged ahttps://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/07/24/community-dispute-three-year-old-acid-attack-victim-police-protection-father/nd so he had to get revenge. Honor has nothing to do with it. It's all MUSLIM MALE EGO. Islamic violence will continue to raise its ugly, heartbreaking head for as long as we tolerate it, kowtow to it and refuse to name it for what it is: a religion of death and destruction to anyone not willing to join it. Was Hitler any worse for what he did to those who refused to join him? He was killing "infidels", too, just under a different name. For as long as we kiss its backside, there will be Muslims willing to kill anyone who is not a Muslim. Is that what we should tolerate and kissbutt? How many and who will have to die before we stand strongly against this jihad? July 24, 2018   themuslimvileone:   The truth is he broke the law so many times that if he were prosecuted like the rest of us would be he'd never see the light of day again because he'd either be shot for treason, or in prison for the rest of his life. He's got nowhere to hide when the FISA warrant is presented in full and I'm hoping someone somewhere leaks that soon. I hope themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn, susan rice, loretta lynch, eric holder, joe biden, bullybobcrooktOOn and chelseacrooktOOn (and quite a few others) all wind up in prison forever. I think they've earned it. July 24, 2018   Scientists say, "Don't 'find your passion' to find happiness. A new study says it's a bad idea. I've thought that for years, even before Mike Rowe said it. July 24, 2018   I'm going to stop here for today. I may have to do my Flag Friday tonight, post it and then head to Georgia on Thursday because tomorrow I'm going to go to St. Augustine to vote for my son's entry in the Promenade the Alcazar art contest. Voting is tomorrow and Thursday and I think his entry, viewable in the lower left hand corner of the mosaic of entries on that page, is wonderful and I think it is a winner (and even the winner)! Then Thursday my hubby and I go to our Georgia farm, so I'll try to get Flag Friday done either tonight or tomorrow, but I won't be posting for the rest of the week, so you'll have to check my my Flickr account to see the Flag Friday for this week. Enjoy the rest of your week and your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 23, 2018: 2:54 p.m.   Hope you had a great weekend! Sorry to end that with a bit of troublesome news. Experts are saying that's there's a "high risk of losing control of the AIDS epidemic". That's not okay. That's a deadly auto-immune disease that is spread via bodily fluids. If you are HIV positive and you do certain activities (sharing needles, spitting on someone, donating blood to someone, sexual activities, etc.), you can get the auto-immune disease. That's not what any human wants for anyone else. It's a sad and horrible thing to die from. But, the experts are saying that it's spreading quickly in some countries because their governments have stopped funding the prevention of, or the treatment for AIDS. That's a tragedy that you will die because of your own actions, even if your actions were not intended to harm yourself or others. If you are concerned about AIDS or its spread (via HIV), then please at least educate yourself as to how to try to diminish your chances of getting sick. No matter who you are, please protect yourself. Remember, though, that condoms are NOT 100% effective and they are also not always used properly. The BEST way to prevent any exposure to diseases is (the least favorite word after "Pres. Trump" nowadays) abstinence. If you're not married, don't have sex. If you are married, have sex with your spouse only and exclusively. That's the best and only way to prevent the spread of STDs. Be moral. July 23, 2018   Chicago mayoral candidate hands out money to potential voters. Um. Isn't this called "vote buying" and isn't it illegal? Isn't this something that should be looked into by law enforcement? I can't imagine this being legal. July 23, 2018   dumboRATS are still pushing to have no borders at all, and to let in anyone and everyone who wants to come into America. Sounds to me like they're running out of voters who will stay true to their Socialist agenda and they're looking for a new voter base in the illegal aliens. Desparate times. Desparate times. July 23, 2018   robber [sic] mueller:   He's still peddling "The Big Lie" that Pres. Donald J. Trump colluded with the Russians. I wonder why anyone believes that "Big Lie", but I do know that he's been ordered to name the five folks given immunity by the judge in the Manafort case. It looks like it may be John Podesta's brother, Tony, who got immunity: of course, since they're trying to protect them from prosecution, which both Podestas deserve. I wonder who the other five are: hillosercrooktOOn, bullybobcrooktOOn, dumbie-wassie-stupidz, huma abedin? Are those the people that robber mueller gave immunity so that they can never be prosecuted? Would anyone be surprised? (UPDATE: Nope. Those are not the five that mueller protected. A new article I found says the people are five others; basically unknowns.) July 23, 2018   I LOVE this idea! I hope that Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) actually does "revoke the security clearances of 'Deep State' operatives". I hope he does that TODAY. No, I wish he had done that 18 months ago! Every "Deep State" idiot and traitor needs to lose their security clearances, badges, access to any information, access to any computer or hard copy of anything at the FBI or any other government agency. I wish that he would have someone with the authority to do so to go into the FBI office, stand on a chair and section by section, say "Everyone attention! Look at me! Stand up and put empty hands above your heads. Put all phones down. Leave open anyhing you were working on! You are all FIRED! Take nothing with you and file quietly out this door, where you will be searched for papers, portable drives of any sort, or any computer storage device. You will be given your personal belongings later in the evening. Go straight to the (wherever) and stay there. DO NOT take your cell phones. Start walking now! Walk now!" and that's how they'd do it, section by section, floor by floor. Everyone who is loyal to themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn would be weeded out and those who will work for the American people and Pres. Donald J. Trump would be immediately rehired. Those who have been working to undermine this administration would be summarily dismissed, their personal items boxed and given to them by someone else and they would be stripped of all badges, all security clearances, all privileges and access. That's how I'd love to see it done. Wouldn't that be cherry? July 23, 2018   Fauxcahontus:   I am so surprised (and disgusted) that the msm is still trying to paint her as an "outsider". Outsider? Really? She's been working in DC since "Warren chaired the 2008 Congressional Oversight Panel on TARP", and her history of LYING about her ancestry (allegedly "Native American" because of her "high cheekbones" (If that's all it takes to claim a minority status, do I get to claim the throne of England because my great-aunt said that I was a distant descendant of British Lords and Ladies? Is that all it takes? If so, move over, Charlie and Will, I'm coming to England! July 23, 2018   I think it's time to call some folks out. I think it's time for the left/progressives/liberals and certain never Trumpers (Ben Shapiro included) to admit when someone says something (especially in writing and in public), they need to be held accountable to their own words; especially if those words were not a once in a lifetime thing, but a pattern of ongoing tweets that support child rape! I don't care how many hollyweirdos come out in support of pervert, james gunn. I don't care what this actor or that singer, or the other weirdo thinks about his words. I care that he said them and he should be held accountable. It's not a joke when you speak positively about child rape over and over and over again. That's like saying that the lamest "Knock knock" joke you've heard since you were a kid is still funny after fifty times! IF he was telling a joke, and no one laughed (although I'm sure other pervs supported him), don't you think that anyone with a sense of humor or any self-aware human would stop "joking" about something NO ONE should laugh at? He kept it up for years and years and he got more and more disgusting in it! That's not joking, no matter what his mother and brother have to say in his "defense"! I don't care that they want to protect their family name; he did it. He is the perv who kept on saying it. He hasn't done so in public lately because he has a name to protect and money enough to worry about losing it. It's time that this guy saying he's a salacious child predator publicly be held responsible for his own words. When you're admitting to wrongdoing publicly how can you expect to NOT be held responsible? Just because he got away with it for years that does not mean that it shouldn't be prosecuted now. Murderers get away with it sometimes for years and are still prosecuted so why should some pervert pedophile not be held accountable? July 23, 2018   I have a related question for you. If the perv pedophile, gunn, should be fogiven (ask Ben Shapiro) for his "years ago" tweets, then should not this business owner also be forgiven for using a slogan that sounded anti-Hispanic years ago? Why is it okay to hold him accountable for a slogan he used years ago that may have been interpreted as bigoted compared to the tweets of the perv? Why is there a double standard for hollyweirdos? Why are they allowed things that the rest of America is not? Are they somehow "special"? Are they better than the rest of us? If the answers to those two questions are resoundingly "NO!" then why should not gunn be held accountable as this lawn care business owner is? July 23, 2018   I LOVE THIS! Pres. Trump's approval numbers are higher than a few weeks ago and some of the "best presidential approval numbers in a century"! Wonderful! That's so excellent! I'm glad that he is popular because it's putting the left/progressives/liberals into a tizzy. It's amazing to watch all of their efforts to alienate his voters - and those flocking to him via the #WalkAway movement and Red Pilling - from him come to naught. I love that he's not the usual politician but someone who can look the left/progressives/liberals in the face and say "Up yours!" That's so excellent! July 23, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump has nominated many judges and had many of them approved by the U.S. Senate. That's a good thing because his judges have been protecting the Second Amendment and your right to "keep and bear arms" and that's what will protect the rest of your rights. I am very, very glad that Pres. Donald J. Trump won! I can't imagine hillosercrooktOOn or even bernie sanders appointing similar judges. They'd have gone as far left as possible and we'd be lining up to hand over our guns by now. Well, the sheeple would be; not I. To quote Charlton Heston, "From my cold, dead hands." Molon Labe. July 23, 2018   It's about time this thing was released! The FISA court document that the desparate robert mueller and james comey and themuslimvileone used to get the FISA warrants against Pres. Donald J. Trump have been finally released and they show that the "Russian dossier" is what themuslimvileone's administration (and hillosercrooktOOn) used against President-Elect Trump to get the FISA warrant. In other words, they LIED to the judges, they LIED to the American people and they LIED for a very long time about this whole shenanigan. It's time they be brought up on charges of falsifying documents, lying to a judge, perjury, etc. and it's time that they be put in prison for their LYING to everyone! It's time they face the same justice as you or I would get after having done the same thing! Let's do this! July 23, 2018   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   LOL! She's deplorable. She is now crying about those who support Pres. Donald J. Trump are actually following her own advice and are confronting her about her words and actions and she doesn't like that! Poor baby doesn't like to have her own advice, her own words followed when it's used against her. It has to be that only the left/progressives/liberals can confront Conservatives, but the Conservatives cannot confront her or her ilk because that's not acceptable! That's harrassment! That's wrong! That's dangerous! That's her getting a taste of her own medicine and she can't stand that! July 23, 2018   My hubby's home. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 19-20, 2018: 11:40 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Missed today. I stayed up so late this morning that I didn't get up until after noon. Then I had things to get done, so I didn't have the time to do updates today. My apologies, but I did get the "Tribute To Our Heroes 381: An Answered Prayer" done. I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll try to do updates tomorrow. July 20, 2018: 2:42 p.m.   I hate to go here, but there is info that is important for you to know, so I will warn you NSFW or Children (Language): Another Disney scandal in that one of their directors is a pervert. He jokes about child rape, says he attends NAMBLA meetings, says he wants to rape his sleeping female friend, and other horrible things. He has done this for many years! He's a twisted pervert and works for Disney and he's allowed to continue to do so. Why was Roseanne Barr fired by ABC (who owns Disney) for one allegedly racist tweet, but this guy is allowed to keep his job while being a disgusting thing, incapable of thinking a decent thought. If I hadn't been disgusted with Disney's policies and movies years ago and stopped going there or going to their movies years ago, I would do so now. Fact is, I haven't been to a Disney park since our sons were about seven and five; if not younger. That's over twenty-five years ago, and it may be even longer! What will it take you to stop going to this company that is supposed to be pro-children but has this kind of perv working for them and has known about his tweets for years? July 20, 2018   We got to see more of the strzok-page texts because Judicial Watch doesn't take "No" for an answer. They prove that not only do they hate Pres. Donald J. Trump, but they also hate the FBI. Hating the place you work is no fun, so why they stayed there is a mystery to me, but that was their choice. They stayed for the power and for the possibility to damage Pres. Trump because they were in a position to do so; legally or otherwise, honestly or via lies. That's the truth about the strzok-page thing and the rest of the Deep State. They have the power and they will use it. That's why we need to drain the FBI swamp along with the rest of the Deep State swamp in D.C., and do it NOW! July 20, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   It's horror stories like these that make it necessary that we build the wall! We need to protect American citizens, our country and our children from those who come over illegally who want nothing but to do more harm. If we cannot keep out the violent illegal aliens, then we cannot protect our children and our people. That's not acceptable. Build the wall! Do it NOW. July 20, 2018   Islamic Violence:   In Germany, the situation has gotten so bad that buses won't go to the migrant heavy areas for fear of their passengers being attacked. It's pretty common, but now the passengers are being stabbed instead of their luggage being stolen. That means it's time to protect the innocent and the people who have lived there their whole lives and whose families have been there for centuries. It's time to figure out what your priorities are: PC or people's lives. Don't continue being stupid, angela merkel. July 20, 2018   themuslimvileone:   Just because he has left "public service" (AKA in his case, finding ways to destroy America), that doesn't mean that his hypocrisy is no longer prevalent in his life. He owns a $8.1 MILLION house but attacks "the rich" for their large houses! When it comes to themuslimvileone, his name and picture should be included in the definition of the word "hypocrisy" in every dictionary! July 20, 2018   What? I wonder what the heck this person is thinking? Do they not read history at all? Registering Jews to "buy kosher meat"? Registering them? Why? What purpose would it serve, besides enabling targeting in the future? This is a ridiculous, nonsensical idea and it needs to be resisted tooth and nail. I would even go so far as to say that if this gets implemented that countries throughout the world need to boycott Austria until this registration program is shut down. The alleged reason for his "registration program" is to cut down on the number of animals slaughtered annually. Question for him: According to the Quaran Muslims are supposed to have their meat slaughtered in a certain ritualistic fashion, similar to Jewish and kosher. In Islam it's called "halal" meat. Will he want to register Muslims, too? July 20, 2018   The Left's Trump Derangement Syndrome:   Wow. It's getting weirder and weirder out there when it comes to the left/progressives/liberals and their TDS. They really have lost all common sense, all sense of right and wrong and all sense - if they ever had any - of decency. In one instance of TDS, a USA Toady [sic] reporter tweeted that a Trump aide's two-year-old daughter be sent out to be raped by a known pedophile (sick!). And another leftist/progressive/liberal idiot spit on a kid and took his MAGA hat. These are the kinds of things that the left considers OKAY because it's TDS time and they can no longer control their inner spoiled (almost left out the "p" in that word, which - in some cases - would be appropriate) brats. It's time that they realize patience runs out and the police won't allow this crap forever. They will be facing charges soon and they don't care. When will they learn that there are laws for reasons - including immigration laws? Idiots don't think. They feel. They feel like being babies so they act like it. Temper tantrums are their norm. It's indicative of a lack of brains. July 20, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She has some nerve! She accused Pres. Donald J. Trump of not defending an ambassador when Putin asked to interview him. That's rich! She abandoned Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others at BENGHAZI and it's absurd to think that she has the nerve to say anything about abandoning an ambassador! Add to that, the ambassador she abandoned is DEAD, but the one that she accuses Pres. Trump of abandoning is still here in America, still alive and well, and still free - even though if he was guilty of "financial crimes" he may wind up in prison, here in America. One must ask why the difference between her support of the ambassadors? Why does she abandon and allow to be murdered Ambassador Stevens, but defend and get all hyped up over Ambassador Michael McFaul? How much did McFaul donate to the crooktOOn foundation in order to buy her allegiance and protection? Just asking, folks. Just asking. July 20, 2018   Hello! My hubby's home so I'm going to go spend time with him. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 18, 2018: 2:43 p.m.   I recently realized that I have not looked into who is running for office in Brevard or Florida or anywhere else for this year's mid-term elections. I will try to fix that and do the research needed to get some recommendations posted in the next few weeks. I did check with the Supervisor of Elections website and found out that a lot of candidates had declared and withdrawn already (not just those the rupeadupe is focused on), but that happens every election. People announce, start campaigning, find out how much work it is, or how little support they have and decide to not run (well, those with common sense decide to not run, others continue and get trounced then crybaby about it). Anyways, I'll try to get into my research phase of this soon and I'll post my recommendations as soon as I can. We all know that elections are about getting the job; some don't care what they have to do to get there. Some will lie about who they are. Some will put a (R) behind their names in order to get elected because they realize that Brevard County is more Conservative than leftist/progressive/liberal. It's the people who do so that I warn you about. Do NOT vote based upon a letter behind a name. Vote on the candidate's records -- public records at the Clerk of Courts office, organizations they belong to, causes they support in words and deeds, etc. -- and let their campaign promises roll off of your backs like water off a duck's back. Election time is not a time to trust people. Believe that every candidate is LYING to you to get your vote unless and until YOUR RESEARCH proves otherwise. Take every word a candidate says with a huge grain of salt and check for yourself to see if they're speaking truth, or campaigning. There is a difference. Also, look into the referendums and amendments and be sure that you are informed of what is happening there. It's not a good thing to vote blind. That's how we got stuck with pigs having rights in our Florida Constitution. Yeah, folks. Pigs - oink, oink - are in our Constitution. Idiots without any idea of why pigs are separated from their babies (they EAT THEM if given the chance) did a petition and people with heart but NO KNOWLEDGE signed it and now pigs in Florida have the Constitutional right to be able to eat their babies. Isn't that special? July 18, 2018   Hurray! Kentucky has been ordered to clean up its voter rolls thanks to Judicial Watch and its doggedness. They refuse to let go of that issue and are doing a great thing for America! Thanks, JW! I appreciate it and support you for doing the hard work! July 18, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   How on earth is our government using YOUR money to Colombia's "famously violent Marxist guerrilla."? How can our government do that? I think Pres. Trump needs to put a stop to this immediately! Realize, themuslimvileone supported it and approved of it! "The cash flows through the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and is used to support extremist groups that want to rewrite Colombia’s history by granting terrorists from the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), the guerrilla formed by communist farmers in the country’s central region, the same rights as legitimate police and military forces. The movement, supported by [themuslimvileone's] administration, also seeks to rebrand decades of massacres, kidnappings, child soldiering, and drug trafficking by a criminal syndicate as simply '50 years of armed conflict.'"It's time to stop supporting Marxists worldwide. America does not believe in Marxism, Communism, Socialism as the best way to govern a people. It's time that our Representative Republic (NOT a "democracy") is touted worldwide as the best and ONLY way to govern a people with the PEOPLE'S best interest in mind. No monarchy, tyranny, "ism", or anything else is better for the people as a whole than our Representative Republic. Period. July 18, 2018   googleywoogley:   EU: $5 BILLION fine. Ouch. Hehehehe. July 18, 2018   Leftist "film maker" got caught by a sharp-eyed gun store owner lying as he allegedly tried to buy a gun there, but when confronted sacha baron cohen left quickly, even leaving is crew behind. He is a fool. He proves it daily. The gun store owner had his number as soon as he walked in. He should be accompanied by a sign saying, "Moron Alert!" everywhere he goes. July 18, 2018   Sigh. When will the dumboRATS start putting America first, instead of their POWER in America first? They are again threatening impeachment and if they try to go that route, they will lose bigger and harder than they've ever dreamed of. They are idiots, though, so I would not be surprised to see them try to go down that road. Let's just hope that if/when they do, they are approaching it with their "eyes wide shut", so that they are blindsided as hard as possible. Maybe then they'll learn ----- What am I saying? dumboRATS do NOT learn. July 18, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He did a great job at the Helsinki summit, even if the left doesn't want to admit it. What the left/progressives/liberals are not admitting is that they, too, benefit from the policies of Pres. Donald J. Trump so they KNOW he's doing well for America, but they can't say it to the public because the left is more interested in destroying America and having power for their ilk than in what is right and good about America and what is best for most of us. All the left wants to do is destroy America and keep power for themselves. That's all they want: POWER in every way, shape, form they can get it. July 18, 2018   Socialist liar, ocasio-cortez, says to occupy airports and ICE offices. She's the idiot who can't tell you what she means by Israel "occupies Palestine". She didn't have a CLUE what she was saying. She's an ill-educated idiot (with a Boston University degree in economics and International Relations, no less!) who does nothing but parrot her college professors' words without understanding what she - or they - are or were saying. She thinks she's going to be elected and that she's going to one day be president. President? I think not. Elected to the House? Only to be impeached. July 18, 2018   That's unexpected! Earthquakes in England? Totally unexpected. July 18, 2018   msthemuslimvileone:   She's spouting off again, and as usual she is not just wrong, she's totally, completely, absolutely WRONG, and she is too stupid to know it. The info is out there, but she's incapable of looking it up and finding the truth, so she's proving her stupidity with every word. She said Pres. Trump is "mediocre". What? IF she looked up the FACTS, she'd find that Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies are doing more good for America than anything her husband dissed (he'd never think of implementing it)! Pres. Trump has done more good than themuslimvileone in every measurement! The problem she has is that Pres. Donald J. Trump is UNdoing every horrible, destructive, bad thing her idiot husband, themuslimvileone, did to America and she can't stand the fact that it's "Making America Great Again!" because she and themuslimvileone (and the left/progressive/liberals) never wanted that. I'm so glad she's disappointed. It makes me happy that Pres. Donald J. Trump is UNdoing what themuslimvileone did! It's a very wonderful thing! July 18, 2018   Why is it that when lefties/progressives/liberals are doing dirty deeds they hide behind the curtains and pull the levers and try to destroy Conservatives with any lie, any tactic, anything they can, but they run away when exposed? Why not be proud of your dirty work and stand up and say, "Yeah. That was me." Of course, we see it over and over and over again when it comes to lefties/progressives/liberals. Run! Hide! Momma's skirts are calling when they're discovered! That's the way it is with "sleeping giants" founder, matt rivitz. His Momma's skirts were calling and it's hide and seek time because he was discovered to be the evil guy behind the sleezy organization. Too bad for him, those who discovered who he is are promising more information to come soon. I think that's excellent! July 18, 2018   Fake News:   I almost spewed coffee all over my computer when I read about the stupidity of msnbc. They "exposed" an antifa account allegedly run by Russians, but the account was a parody account and they took it seriously. Apparently there is no such thing as "investigative" reporting at msnbc. If they had done even cursory checking they could have found this out, but why take the time? July 18, 2018   Let's get real here. Remember that the dnc and dws had a server and computers that she let the Awan brothers deal with and that they were allegedly "hacked" by the Russians and that the dnc refused to "allow" the FBI to check into that and examine the computers? Remember that the FBI said, "No? Okay." and went home? Remember that? (Since when does anyone get to say "No" to the FBI? Has the FBI ever heard of a subpoena?) Then the dnc went to an organization called "Crowd Strike" to have their computers and server "examined" and Crowd Strike reported that, yes, the Russians had hacked the computers. Really? Well, it turns out that the Crowd Strike expert used to work for robert mueller at the FBI. That means that the "evidence" that Russian had hacked their computer may or may not have been real because mueller's team has a history of LYING about things. Remember, strzok and page worked for mueller. So did mccabe, who has been under investigation for the crooktOOn e-mail stuff: also "Those concerns came after revelations by media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, that a political action committee affiliated with Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has ties to [the crooktOOns], contributed almost $500,000 to the 2015 Virginia state Senate campaign of McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe. (She lost the election.) She also received $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is connected to McAuliffe, a Democrat."Stuff like that is why mccabe was fired. So the FBI has been run by liars and cheats (james comey lied to Congress, too, remember) since themuslimvileone got to populate the FBI with his people. The FBI has a huge black eye because of themuslimvileone's people. They need to be purged and new, honest, America-loving patriots put into lead positions that will prevent this sort of mess from happening ever again. July 18, 2018   Sick pelosipig:   She's had yet another episode as she gave a short speech and she needs to retire. She has lost support within her own party and she needs to retire and take care of her own health. The stresses of office can't be good for whatever she has going on. It only exacerbates the problem. I think she needs to retire and enjoy what time she has left with her family. It would get her out of America's hair, too. Bonus! July 18, 2018   Nutflix [sic]:   After they contracted with themuslimvileones to have a show on their network, they lost loads of subscribers. Now, they are doing a anti-Christ show about a twelve-year-old boy who is reincarnated as Jesus Christ and he comes to America. Say what?! You read that correctly. They're taking Buddhism and Mormonism and sliming them all over Christianity and trying to blend the three. It's a ridiculous concept, totaly against the teachings in the Bible, and it's strictly done to be shocking and controversial. Well, let them be controversial. I will never, ever watch a Nutflix [sic] program. I have never done so because I don't have Nutflix, and I never will. Will you? Have you cancelled yet? If not, now may be the time. July 18, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 17, 2018: 3:43 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I wasn't feeling well. Today I got a late start for the same reason, but I am on the mend and I will do a few blurbs before my hubby gets home. So let's get started. July 17, 2018   Fakebook:   Are you on that mess? Do you watch how things happen there and scratch your head in wonder as to why the left gets all kinds of passes but Conservatives get punished all the time? Yeah? Well, we've found out that fakebook has been eliminating traffic to Conservative websites since the 2016 election. They didn't like the-candidate Donald J. Trump winning, so they did what they could to prevent people from getting to the truth that isn't available on the msm websites and networks. Does the truth matter to fakebook? I think not since their actions speak volumes. Get off of fakebook, the Dead Blue Bird, and other things like that. Learn to get your news from alternative sources: Breitbart, Drudge Report, The Gateway Pundit, Judicia Watch, Malkin's sites, etc. Then don't just go to those, do searches and find the other stories that you haven't seen on those websites. Trust me, do a search for "public school teacher guilty" (nothing else; you'll get plenty of results) and read the stories that return from that search. Do a search for "Second Amendment" or "gun control" and see what happens. You may be astonished. July 17, 2018   MAGA:   The economy is going strong and the unemployment numbers are still good (not as good, but still good), housing starts are up, all because of Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and goals. I think that's wonderful. July 17, 2018   The VIOLENT LEFT:   A Portland, OR, "gallery" has decided that an image of Pres. Trump being beheaded is art. Art? No. It's incitement to violence. A Rembrandt is art. A Picasso is art. A depiction of beheading Pres. Donald J. Trump? That's expressing the wishes of the likes of antifa, hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone, fauxcahontus, michael moore, hollyweirdos, thevilegeorgesoros, etc. In other words, they're kissing the backsides of their base. The owner must be a leftie/progressive/liberal in order to approve that being on display. I thought the left cares about kids. How about the kids who get to walk by and see that? Don't the left/progressives/liberals care that those kids could be traumatized by the image? No. Apparently not. They don't care about kids; they just use them. July 17, 2018   LOL!:   True love. Ain't it sweet that the left/progressives/liberals experience it via cheating on their spouses and having affairs? Isn't it sweet that when the mud starts getting thrown that true love gets thrown under the bus? Yes, folks. That's what we see happening to the lying smirker, peter strzok, get thrown under the bus by Lisa Page, his adulterous lover. Yes, she lurbed him so very, very much that when push came to shove she chose to save herself: "Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) told FOX and Friends on Tuesday that Lisa Page admitted her text messages with Peter Strzok meant 'exactly what they say.'"So she admits that when he testified before Congress, he committed PERJURY and LIED THROUGH HIS TEETH while he smirked about it. He thought she considered him "all that" and that she would NEVER throw him under the bus. He thought that since only the two of them knew for certain what their words actually "meant" (although words mean things), that he'd never be held accountable for his own LIES and his desire to prevent Pres. Donald J. Trump from being sworn into office, or from completing his first term. Too bad his adulterous girlfriend decided that her freedom was more important to herself than the LIAR she chose to jump into bed with. I wonder if she realized that if he'd LIE about their affair to Congress that he's probably LYING to her, too? Maybe the blinders were taken off? Also, I wonder how she could even think of jumping into a relationship with a guy who thinks he's so smart that he can outsmart Trey Gowdy and other Congressmen, and whose smirk I'd have to wipe off of his face if he ever showed it to me. Did she ever see it directed at her? If so why did she not have enough self-esteem to right then and there smack the pudding out of him? He's a smug, lying jerk and I hope that he is sent to prison immediately and that he spends the rest of his days there. July 17, 2018   ROTTEN ryan:   He needs to be kicked out of office. He's a weasel. He's a dirt bag. He's a kiss-butt to the dumboRATS. He needs to go and go NOW! July 17, 2018   Crazy CA:   Again, a CA "judge" chooses the left's agenda over America. Judge Dana Sabraw "barred" family deportations. I'm sorry. In the separation of the U.S. government, the judiciary is NOT supposed to interfere in the executive branch's legal orders. The SCOTUS has already ruled that the President has the right to do the immigration policy of America and some weaselly worm of a "judge" in CA decides to stand in his way? Not acceptable! This "judge" should be impeached/recalled, whatever it takes to straighten out the CA judiciary (and the 9th Circus), and since the "judge" did this based upon a request from the ACLU (do they forget that the first letter stands for AMERICAN?) I think they need to be defunded by anyone who is backing them, and lose their tax exempt status! Let's do this! July 17, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Rumor has it she is considering running again in 2020. I think she'll be dead of natural causes (if you consider cyrrhosis of the liver caused by heavy drinking natural) before then, so it's a moot point, but whatever. Fact is, she is not wanted by 73% of the dumboRATS polled. She's not wanted, nor is bumbling biden. "As for [hillosercrooktOON], 58% now believe she has been bad for the Democratic Party. Only 22% think she’s been good for Democrats, while 12% say she’s had no impact on the party."Yeah. She's got a snowball's chance in hades on its worst day if she thinks she's going to win in 2020. But considering her health issues (check out all of the stories and pics even all the way back to the third debate between her and Trump. Look closely and you can see that same protrusion at her shoulder blades. Is she wearing a back brace that long ago? If so, was she healthy enough to have been elected back then? Since that debate, we've seen her collapse during the 9/11 memorial service, heard and seen her coughing fits, and heard about her drunken rage on election night. Do people really want someone with bad health and a drinking problem in the White House? I don't! July 17, 2018   The left likes to tell us that there is no vote fraud in our elections (tell Mickey Mouse that). The fact is that the left supports, encourages, promotes, instigates, organizes and hides the vote fraud and that's why they hate organizations like "True The Vote" and other places that the voter registration rolls are being purged of false records. In Texas, there's yet another investigation into voter fraud going on and it needs to be done nationwide and all of the fake/false records need to be purged and the election process needs to be protected from further fraud and ONLY AMERICAN CITIZENS who have not lost their voting rights and who are properly registered will elect our future leaders. That's the way it is supposed to be. The left doesn't like that, though, and they want to make sure they get illegal votes so that they can win continually with no fear of being kicked from office by the legal voters so they can stay in office and continue to get rich off of the sweetheart deals they can make while there. It needs to stop and it needs to stop NOW! July 17, 2018   Hubby's home and he's not feeling well. I'm going to go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 12-13, 2018: 10:24 p.m.   Flag Friday   I'm a little early with the posting this week, "Tribute To Our Heroes 380: Simple Words", but I'm tired from driving home from Georgia, so I'm posting it so that I can go to bed. We had a great time; my hubby and I alone at first, then my Mom joined us, then my hubby left on Sunday and Mom and I had a great time (as usual). She went home Wednesday, I did some more stuff up there, and came home today. Just so you know, I probably won't be posting for this Friday. I have to run errands since I've been gone for a week so I won't have the time to do postings. I will try to see you Monday. July 13, 2018: 1:45 p.m.   Thought I wouldn't be here to do updates today, but my hubby called and changed my plans. So, I thought I'd do a few blurbs before I go do some needed upkeep around the house. I also wanted to show you my my latest addition to our farm's antique collection. I bought an etagere that I just love and it's in our master bedroom up there. I still have to populate it with more pretties, but I have some antique fans, old gloves and hankies that I can put in it, and I have more porcelain items, or glassware to use on it. It's such a pretty piece that I don't want to stuff it so that it has a chance to shine as well, but I do have to put things in it that would belong in it. After all, I can't really put a computer on one of those shelves and use it that way, can I? July 13, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   LOL! Too good! I love how he handles the press! I think it's excellent! He refused to take a question from the arrogant beast, jim acosta from cnn the fake news network. He has told the world - again - that cnn is fake news. It's the truth and it's so fun to watch the fake news folks twist in the wind. BTW, Pres. Trump is absolutely correct when he says that mass migration is ruining the EU's culture. The Muslims want to tear down and destroy churches that date back to the 300 A.D. era. All of those churches would be destroyed if Islam gets its way. Not to mention all of the no go zones in the EU, how can this NOT change the EU? How can a foreign invasion NOT change a country? Thousands upon thousands of foreigners with the same religious beliefs that are different than the beliefs of those practiced in that country for hundreds of years by nature and by numbers MUST change a country. There is no getting around it without Islam assimilating and becoming Catholic, or protestant. We know that is not going to happen, so de facto, there IS change. Anyone who cannot see that is delusional or blind. July 13, 2018   The left is so proud of this guy that they scrambled to protect him during his smug testimony before Congress. dumboRATS did all they could to prevent him from having to answer questions, to make him look innocent as a new born lamb. I hope that this guy gets not only investigated by the next DO[IN]J head; as soon as jeff sessions is fired for being incompetent and doing nothing to enforce the law against the left. He's sitting there being paid for doing what? Breathing? As far as I can see, that's ALL he's doing! He needs to get off his duff and get something done to earn his pay! If he wants to change my mind on his needing to be fired, then I need to see the law applied to the left/progressives/liberals as equally as it would have been applied to me if I had done the crap that they had done. You and I would have been in prison for at least a few years by now if we'd done the ILLEGAL things that themuslimvileone's administration has done, or that hillosercrooktOOn and her cronies did, or that dumbie-wassie-shultz did. It's all slanted to protect the left and that needs to stop and change! No one is above the law and no one should be given special treatment! So why are the left not being prosecuted? jeff sessions, you are a disgrace to the office! July 13, 2018   The VIOLENT Left:   The left is so far gone that they have lost all sense of right and wrong. (Of course, when you hold baby-killing as your holy grail, why would anyone think that life matters to the left?) So when we find that there have been no fewer than 447 VIOLENT ATTACKS that the left has done since Pres. Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy how many of you are suprised? Me? I think the number is higher because not everyone has called the cops, not everyone has reported to the hospital, not everyone was harmed in front of a news reporter, or had it on video to prove it. I think the number is over 600. If you disagree with the left, they believe - thanks to modern day "colleges" and what they learn there and in public schools - that it's their right or even DUTY to attack you and do you physical harm. That's how they stop you from speaking out. That's how they silence the opposition. Sounds like Nazi Germany. July 13, 2018   Fake News:   If you think that dumboRATS are not desparate to win this November, check out what dumboRAT Sen. bob menendez (D-NJ) did to try to defeat his opponent, Republican Bob Hugin. menendez set up a FAKE health care news website so that he could diss his opponent's views on healthcare. "The site, with the exception of a small-print disclosure at the bottom and a link to Menendez’s campaign website, does plenty to leave the impression it is a journalistic outlet and little to make clear it is a political messaging tool.When we see the leftist dumboRATS resorting to the kind of cheating hillosercrooktOOn did (with help from so many other dumboRATS), and what those facing real challenges from Republicans who support Pres. Trump's agenda, then we see how confident they are (NOT) in the alleged "blue wave" that isn't going to happen this November. I mean, really, this is low. July 13, 2018   Woopsie! Hubby's home! Going to go! Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 3, 2018: 2:27 p.m.   My hubby and I talked about it and instead of leaving this evening after he gets home from work we are going to go to our farm tomorrow morning. Our son will be here to take care of things here and we'll go up to the farm, do some work up there, and my Mom arrives Friday. She and I will stay up there until the 11th or so but my hubby will, unfortunately, have to come back here on Sunday. I'll miss him but Mom and I have a good time together so we'll have that time together, then we'll say our goodbyes and I'll be home sometime next week. I will post Flag Fridays for both weeks, but I may or may not get one done today for this week and post the link here, but if not I'll still have it on my flickr.com account so you can check there to see them. I can't do HTML programming while up there because we have no internet and we only have the wifi that is in our vehicles, which does not transmit HTML for some reason. Let's get started for today. July 3, 2018   As my son calls it, "Wuhlmert" has stepped in it again. They just aren't careful with what they allow to be put on their marketplace website and they wound up allowing "Impeach 45" t-shirts and baby clothes to be posted there. At least, that's their excuse. What thinks you? Did "Wuhlmert" know that the clothing (Women's t-shirts to baby clothes) was being offered, or were they more victims of their own laziness? July 3, 2018   A supporter of themuslimvileone is the person who has been arrested and charged with threatening Sen. Rand Paul's children. He allegedly said that he would "leave his children's bowels splayed out across the floor". This guy is from Berkeley, but used to live in KY, Paul's state of residence, said he would "gut [Sen. Paul] like a dog". I wonder how he knows how to gut a dog. Maybe they should be investigating him not just for threats to Sen. Paul's family, but for cruelty to animals, too? This guy's a typical dumboRAT lunatic. He thinks that "all's fair" as long as he gets what he wants: a dumboRAT win - specifically, his own! He wanted the seat that Rand Paul filled. (Aww... Poor baby.) The left has gone so far as to be disgusting creatures. The sickness is spreading, too, as we see more of this type of hate speech from the left. Remeber that used to be actor peter fonda wanted to put 12 year-old Barron Trump in a cage with pedophiles? (fonda is screaming for attention). Yeah. We have the left going super-sicko because they didn't get their own way. When a two-year-old gets told "No", they throw a hissy fit on the floor, kicking and screaming, trying to get someone to cave in to their desires. That's what we have here, but on a much more dangerous scale because adults - well, those who should be adults - have a higher capacity for perversions and a better chance of carrying out their threats. These things need to be taken seriously and the punishments need to be fines, the longest time in prison possible and restraining orders to add further protections against the perps contacting or threatening them again. It's time to fill the prisons with not first time drug offenders, but with those who think it's okay to threaten or to actully physically harm others because the spoiled brats didn't get their own way. July 3, 2018   Who are the "Deep State" left/progressives/liberals protecting? Is it dumbie-wassie-schultz, or hillosercrooktOOn, or the dumboRAT party as a whole, or thevilegeorgesoros and all that he has paid for? If they aren't protecting someone - or someoneS - then why would they immediately stopped every avenue of investigation after Imran Awan pled guilty to "making a false statement on a loan application". The feds said, "Okay. That's good enough. We're done. Nothing else to see here, folks. Move along. Move along. These aren't the Pakistani IT spies you are looking for." Why would the feds ("Deep State"?) do that if they weren't protecting someone else? If you say "look no further" who is it they think you'll find if you keep looking? Who are they protecting? Is it maybe james comey, rod rosenstein, or themuslimvileone? Just asking. We know they're targeting Jim Jordan (R-OH) because he's being considered as a replacement for House Speaker, ROTTEN ryan. Who on the left is the Deep State protecting for the dumboRATS in the Imran Awan investigation? We find that out, we find out who is behind all of this. Remember one thing: when hillosercrooktOOn was asked to take over the dnc, she agreed only if she could control the money of the dnc as well. The dnc - idiots that they are - said, "Okay." So who are they protecting? Follow the money. July 3, 2018   Are you among the 59% of Americans who think anti-Trumpers will get violent? Do you believe they will "incite a civil war"? I think that if there is an upcoming civil war (within the next five years the poll says), that it will be smaller on the left/progressive/liberal side than they currently believe. Considering all of the "Red Pilling" and the #WalkAway movement and those who are leaving the left because they see good things happening in America and to them personally because of Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies the left will be at least 20% smaller in five years than today. They are shooting themselves in the foot every time they open their mouths. Yes, thevilegeorgesoros and hillosercrooktOOn, and themuslimvileone are organizing violent riot events - that were allegedly set up to be "protests" - but that doesn't mean that people can promulgate that kind of anger at the order of those idiots and losers forever. People get tired of being angry all the time. They get tired of being called upon to put their own lives and arrest record on the lines instead of those wishing to have the violence, anger and arrests doing it for themselves. Their eyes are being opened by the left and they're realizing that it's not right to ask others to do your dirty work all the time while those paying for the riots are hiding in air conditioned luxury buildings and flying in their private jets while eating filet mignon as the rioters get arrested in the heat of summer and eat jail food. The leftie "little person" is going to wake up to the fact that they are being used and they are considered nothing more than "useful idiots" and that they need to stand up against their puppet masters and say "Heck no! We won't go!" to them. It's time the rioters wake up. It's time they realize that they are being used. They are ruining their own hope for a future with their arrest records on behalf of the rich. Yeah. Maybe they didn't realize they were working for the rich while protesting the rich! Idiots. Useful idiots. July 3, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I thought the left supported "Seperation of Church and State". IF the left, does, then why is this leftist church commenting upon the illegal alien invasion of our country by putting the Holy Family in "ICE detention"? Lefties: Hypocrisy is them. July 3, 2018   Speaking of hypocrisy, the NYT is keeping its adulterous "journalist". Her married lover (and 31 years her senior), "former Senate Intelligence Committee aide James A. Wolfe" has been indicted: "Federal prosecutors issued an indictment for Wolfe in June, accusing him of leaking sensitive information to journalists, including Watkins."So is that the way the NYT thinks it's appropriate to get its news: for women to use their bodies as "payment" for information? Is that acceptable in the left's book of "ethics"? Is that how they think that women are "empowered"? Or is it just that they support "slut power"? July 3, 2018   Will CaliMarxiFornia become three states? The movement is "gaining traction" because the people in CA are not ALL lefties/progressives/liberals and those who are not want to get away from those who are. They don't want to be controlled by the left, with no say in their own government and what the government does to them. That's the situation in a lot of instances right now because the left has so much control of everything in government and the hollyweird left is a big influence on those who don't care to use the brains GOD gave them. They know more about the immoral kardashian sisters than they do about the rights the Founding Fathers gave them, the current state of their own country, and about the rest of the world. It's all about celebrities and trying to be one themselves for some people. That's why so many people who don't live that way want out of CA. Establishing their own state and breaking away from that situation is a viable option. I think they should be able to at least vote on it. Agree? July 3, 2018   Hey! Hubby is home! Gonna' go! Have a great 4th of July AKA Independence Day! See you some time next week! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 2, 2018: 8:33 a.m.   Early start today because we couldn't sleep last night. Both my hubby and I tossed and turned last night and we don't know why, but here I am so. Tomorrow I either leave for our Georgia farm, or I get ready to go there for about two weeks. My Mom (and maybe her sister, my aunt) will be coming down on Friday to spend some time down there with me. My hubby will be there for a few days with me, then Mom and my aunt come down and my hubby leaves and Mom, my aunt and I spend a few more days there, then they leave and I do a few things that need to be done up there. This will be my longest stay up there since we purchased the place and I look forward to it. Every time we visit it we either work our backsides off (needed), or we recently got the chance to just relax and not do a lot of work. It's getting to that place where we either have to wait to get more done because of other things happening, or we have to choose which project to do next. Carpet needs to be replaced, the fireplace wall is going to get redone (definitely), the kitchen cabinets are going to be replaced, the master bathroom is going to be remodeled, and about a dozen other projects need done. We have pecan trees already up there that need to be planted and we have a pond to work on since it hasn't had any attention since probably the 1980s or earlier. There's so much to do and so little cool weather to do it in! You know how that goes, don't you? Anyways, that's the schedule for the next two weeks (or just under that). I'll be back in town probably the 12th or 13th. We'll see. July 2, 2018   dumboRATS LIE:   Yep. You know it's true. They LIE. The most recent example is from a Socialist, the new "rising star" of the dumboRAT party, the one who took away the establishment's "next Speaker of the House" if pelosipig didn't get it; Ocasio-Cortez LIED about her upbringing. She said she grew up in the Bronx. She was only there until she was five, then she grew up in the wealthy Westchester County. No more Bronx for her after she was five. She went to a better place with her parents but she omits that from her campaign's "About" page which includes her attending school in Westchester County's York, but leaves out the part that she grew up there, not just travelled there for a better school. The website page leads one to think that she stayed in the Bronx: "From an early age, Alexandria grew up with a deep understanding of income inequality. The state of Bronx public schools in the late 80s and early 90s sent her parents on a search for a solution. She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40 minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx."So she LIED. She didn't want people to know about growing up in a "rich" area. She wanted everyone to think that she understood their "struggle", that she could identify with them because she grew up poor, too. Yeah. Right. She LIED. I wonder if she's one of themuslimvileone's Brown Shirts he organized during his campaign and preziduncy. Remember his "volunteers" and his "brown shirt army"? Yeah. Is she one of themuslimvileone's accolites? Remember his City Year youth? Yeah. They're at the age when they can start running for office. Watch out. It's going to be a bumpy ride. July 2, 2018   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   Did I tell you it was all about power? She's admitting it. She actually said that Chuck Schumer and other dumboRATS "will do anything to protect their power". She will, too, so why is she casting stones? She's the one encouraging others to harrass people, to follow them, to be outside their homes and scare their children. She's the one doing that. If that's not someone who will "do anything" then what is? July 2, 2018   Now that Conservatives are supporting Free Speech (First Amendment) rights, the left is suddenly against it; but only for those who oppose the left. It's not about the First Amendment for them. For the left it's about POWER and their power is YOUR lack of power. Their POWER is in YOU having none. Their POWER is in you being silenced. That's what the left wants, even if it includes silencing some on their own side. As long as it silences those who oppose them, what does it matter that others are silenced as well? This is one of the reasons the #WalkAway campaign is so successful: the left is losing members because of the left's mad desire for power. Between #WalkAway and people being "Red Pilled" the left is shrinking under the weight of their own hatred. It's a beautiful thing to watch. July 2, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   The government made $4 BILLION in "improper payment to food stamp recipients". That's FOUR BILLION DOLLARS of YOUR money. Yep. They try to make it sound better by saying that some of those "improper payments" are on the "under-paid side". Yeah. Right. How much of that $4 Billion, 2%, 3%? Or is it that they are just trying to sugar coat the waste? Another way the government has been wasting your money is that they used it to "promote" lgbtq "pride". I have asked the question before, but I'll ask it again. Why is "pride" associated with this particular SIN? Do you see "adultery pride parades", or "murder pride parades", or "stealing pride parades"? No? Then why is it that the world has fallen for this hoax of "gay pride"? Why would anyone be proud of being sinful? July 2, 2018   My condolences to the victim of a police shooting on Portland State University. The victim was doing nothing but trying to break up a fight. The fight was between a friend of his and another guy and the victim had a concealed carry permit. The victim's gun fell out of his holster and when the victim reached for it, the cops shot him in the back. In this instance, the cops were white (I believe) the victim was white and the cops shot the victim in the back. Where are the protests and where are the leftis marching and raising fists for this guy? July 2, 2018   When it comes to Portland, OR, though, don't think that the university is an isolated incident. Portland Police seem to hate America as they pull the permit for a PRO-America rally and "declared the scene a riot when counter-protestors erupted in violence Saturday. "Counter-protestors": those with the permit were PRO-American, so those who protested were ANTI-American. Sounds like Portland Police supports the ANTI-American folks more than the PRO-American side. Is anyone surprised? July 2, 2018   More Leftist LIES:   They're attacking and ruining the business and reputation (and peace of mind) of an innocent woman with their LIES (of course, the left's msm get into the game of ruining her reputation). There was a discussion about immigration and a teen took part and a caucasion female participated and was FALSELY accused of calling the boy a "dirty mexican" and saying other disparaging things to him. It was a LIE. Both the accused womand and the teen boy say that she never said the things she is being accused of, and they both say it was a very civil discussion between them, but the truth is not the left's goal. Their goal is division and with division, divide and conquer. If the left can divide us they can control us and that's exactly what they want. That's why the movements mentioned above (#WalkAway campaign and being "Red Pilled") are so important. When the left loses members, we gain members. When those who are waking up to the TRUTH about the LIES they've been swallowing for years and years they shake their heads in astonishment and wonder how they were so duped for so long. It's good to see people becoming "woke" and we on the Right welcome them home! July 2, 2018   I love James Woods! He is a hoot and I love his sharp sarcasm when dealing with the left. For instance, he just reamed "publicity whore" jim acosta. Woods is so good! Love him! July 2, 2018   Wow. As goes CA so goes America? IF so, then we should be expecting to get our privacy rights back after CA passed a "consumer online privacy act". Yeah. You read that correctly. CA passed a bill that gives: "(1) The right of Californians to know what personal information is being collected about them.Not as strong as I would want, but it's a good start - especially for a CA bill! July 2, 2018   The left can protest separating (temporarily) Hispanic children from their parents when they're crossing our borders illegally, but when confronted about the TRUTH of what abortion is, the left loses their bananas! (I'd say marbles but they lost those long ago.) Irony, anyone? July 2, 2018   Another irony? Censorship denier is censored. A pro-Trump candidate denied that the left censors those on the right, but her video was taken down "'because your campaign features a Republican candidate as a recipient, it will be suspended in 10 days time.'"Wow. No censorship from the left aimed at the right? Hm. I wonder what she considers being defunded then? July 2, 2018   I'll close with that for today. I don't know if I'll get to post tomorrow, but if so it may be just a few blurbs. If I don't get to do blurbs tomorrow, then I'll be back in two weeks. I WILL NOT be able to post the links to my Flag Fridays from the farm, but I will post the pics and poems to my flickr.com account, so keep an eye out for them. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 2018 June 29, 2018: 12:15 a.m.   Flag Friday:   It's time for my weekly "Thank you!" and this week's is, "Tribute To Our Heroes 378: 'Be Free!'" I hope you like it and I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I hope to see you later today for updates. June 29, 2018: 2:28 p.m.   What are you doing this Independence Day (July 4th)? Are you celebrating it with a cookout, a party, a picnic? Are you going to fly the American flag as is this town - the whole town? I love this! I wish that every American citizen would fly an American flag on Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, July 4th and President's Day. I also think we should fly them on (perhaps) an unexpected day: Thanksgiving. What better way to display how grateful you are that you are an American citizen, with all of the rights that America's Founding Fathers established as LAW for us, than to fly the American flag on the day we celebrate our predecessors' survival and our country? June 29, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The left/progressives/liberals hate America so much that they want to do away with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and not stop people at our borders -- as long as they'll vote for dumboRATS, I'm sure. It's not just one dumboRAT. The list I found (retrieved 6/29/2018, around 3:00 p.m.):
June 29, 2018   If you city's politics are so bad that cops start leaving in droves, then it's bad. That's what is happening in Seattle, WA. Cops are fed up. They don't want to work under those conditions anymore. It's time Seattel holds the city council accountable to "We, the People" so that they can have the police protection their taxpayer dollars are supposed to be used for. If the city council's politics are so bad that cops won't work there, then it's time the people recall those city council members and they should stop paying that portion of their taxes until the city council gets the message. June 29, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   One of the most misogynistic women out there, she supports the harrassment of women in the Trump administration. Of course, after she and her team lied about, maligned, derided, slandered and abused the MANY women bullybob crooktOOn raped or had an affair with, how can anyone be surprised that she thinks it okay to harrass more women? She hates other women because she isn't them. She isn't successful on her own merits. She isn't pretty and has never been. She isn't someone others look up to (not really). Her greatest "attribute" is the fact that she can come up with lies in a heartbeat and she can repeat those lies ad nauseum until they are believed by the gullible and willing. Other than that, she has absolutely nothing to recommend her. She is one of the stupidest people on earth, one of the darkest souls around and her thirst for power is in the upper echelons of those desiring it. If it weren't for her hubby few would ever have heard of her and she hates that. June 29, 2018   When the shooting happened yesterday in a Maryland paper's offices, people rushed to blame it on someone. Sean Hannity said it was maxine "The Mouth" waters' rhetoric that caused the shooting. The left immediately said it was Pres. Trump to blame for the shooting. A Reuters editor also blamed Pres. Trump. Of course, lunatic jimmy acosta accosted the attention of the audience members during Pres. Trump's tax speech and wouldn't "be shushed" while he screamed, "Mr. President, will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"Turns out, it was neither The Mouth, nor Pres. Donald J. Trump. It was a sicko who had been fighting with the paper since 2012 for exposing his stalking of a woman and he had sued the paper, and went and shot people there. It wasn't political. It was his twisted sense of victimhood that made him go kill those whom he thought responsible for his trouble. June 29, 2018   If you're a military spouse (and we have a lot of those around here) who wants a job, then President Donald J. Trump is trying to help you get a job. The unemployment number amongst military spouses is 16%, that's four times the national number and it's something that Pres. Trump is going to work on fixing. June 29, 2018   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   IF - a big IF - she is actually "very serious death" threats then the people doing that should stop. Don't threaten people. Don't hurt people. Don't kill people. Use words to argue with them, but don't threaten them. Don't put your hands on people. That's the way to do it properly: words to argue, not threaten and words only. During my involvement in political debates, or fighting against the wrongs that the local home owners' association was doing, or trying to get the PSJAB to toe the line, I never touched anyone. They touched me (and my then-minor son; and others) but I never touched anyone. I didn't call the police - they did, trying to use the police as a weapon against me, not for any real reason for calling them. One guy called the police on me for taking notes! Yeah. That's the way the left operates. Don't threaten people. It's not worth it and they only get to be thought of as someone who is looked up to on their side. Never create a martyr for the left. They love being martyred. Remember: the left is the culture of death and some want it. June 29, 2018   Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:   Yep. You can tell she's a leftie/progressive/liberal. Her lies are huge, early and often and she doesn't care as long as it gets her what she wants: POWER. Remember: she wants to be prezidunce. Power. June 29, 2018   dumboRAT Desparation:   They really are discombobulated about the Justice Kennedy resignation. They're going to do everything they can to stop Pres. Trump from getting an appointee approved. They are so scared of the truth and the actual U.S. Constitution's statements in plain words in black and off-white that they must scream and shout and plot and cheat to get their way. Abortion may be on the SCOTUS schedule sometime after Pres. Trump gets to appoint another - or two more - SCOTUS justices and that is their holy grail and it's just NOT going to happen if they have anything they can do about it! How dare Pres. Trump get to appoint more than one justice to flip the balance of the SCOTUS to a more originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and the law based (allegedly) upon it? That cannot be allowed to happen! The left will do anything to stop it! They'll even pray if they have to (to Gaia, of course). June 29, 2018   Wow. The people in Iran have been marching in the streets for the past few days asking for freedom and democracy (a Representative Republic is better). Now they're so determined to get freedom that they are attacking the cops and beating them up! That's not a good idea because those participating in that activity will probably wind up in jail, not a good place to be in Iran. However, the call to freedom is strong and it abides in every human heart because GOD put it there. I hope they get that freedom soon; without having to harm people to get it. June 29, 2018   Books:   I listened to the stand-in for Rush today, Gregg Jarrett, and I pre-ordered his book, "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump". I think you should read it, too. FIND THE TRUTH! June 29, 2018   I'll close with that for this week. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 28, 2018: 12:47 p.m.   SCOTUS:   Yesterday we found out that they had done a bang up job in their rulings lately, putting the U.S. Constitution at the forefront of their decision-making process (five of them have), and then we found out that Justice Kennedy was retiring in a few weeks (July 31st) and that Pres. Donald J. Trump gets to appoint his replacement. I think it's hillarious the way that the left and hollyweird are handling the news, and how the dumboRATS are scared of Pres. Trump's replacement ability. Their totally unhinged. They don't want Pres. Trump appointing any more Conservative justices because if the justices stick to the U.S. Constitution then the left/progressives/liberals will lose all of their power and their icons -- hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone, thevilegeorgesoros, etc. -- may have to face the music of their illegal actions and actually be tried and found guilty and go to prison! Imagine that: equal justice under the law! Wow! That can't be allowed to happen, now can it? They're melting down and coming unhinged over a second appointment from Pres. Donald J. Trump, so can you imagine how crazy they would be if Pres. Trump's prediction of FOUR appointments comes true? They'd be puddles of whimpering blubberers wetting themselves and repeating, "No! It can't be! No!" while trying to figure out which finger is their thumb so they can suck it. Can you imagine if he did appoint Sen. Mike Lee? We'd see the left's/progressives'/liberals' heads explode! June 28, 2018   "Russian Collusion":   I see in the news that the FBI/DO[IN]J are still trying to cover their backsides. They're doing everythng they can to help strzok stay out of jail for what he did, ensuring he didn't answer questions he should have had to answer. Add to that, rod rosenstein is also refusing to answer questions, about whether themuslimvileone's administration had anything to do with the "Russian Collusion" crap, or anything else. He's a smug little worm, isn't he? He and those who are helping him need to be fired right now, need to be put into prison until they are willing to answer EVERY question put to them and they need to be fined $10 MILLION each for the crap they've put our country through and that's just the start of the taxpayer dollars they should have to pay back. Their actions brought about this folderol, and their bank accounts should have to pay the taxpayers back for it! June 28, 2018   Messed Up Mexico:   How can a country this messed up have MFN status? I don't get that. Mexico has had 130 political candidates MURDERED from the time their election cycle started until now. Can you imagine? How messed up is that?! Their MFN status needs to be stopped until they can get their act together. We need to close our borders - both ways, in and out - until they get things straightened out. It's not a county - it's a cartel. That's who runs that whole nation: the drug cartels. It's time that the government stop being corrupted by them and make the nation's welfare as their priority, and fight the cartels, stop the illegal invasion of America, and focus on getting their mess straightened up. Of course, Mexico has long been run by murders, so I suppose they're just carrying on the tradition started by their ancestors? Just asking, folks. Just asking. June 28, 2018   This is the way that anti-American leftists should be handled. When they try to help illegal alien invaders take over our country, and they disobey the law and disobey the orders of the law enforcement agents arrest them, then tear down their tent city. Then deport them to the country they so favor. If they like the people from Central America, South America, or Mexico so much, let them go live amongst them down there! Deport them to the Latin America country of their choice. Let them go live there and be amongst the Latinos they love down there. We don't need to change our country into a Latino country in order for the left to live amongst them. Oh. Sorry. That's not why the left is supporting the invasion of our country by those from Central and South America - and any other country. It's because they believe that they will be able to get those folks to vote for the leftist/progressive/liberal candidates and then the left will be perpetually in power. That's what they want. The problem with that kind of muddled thinking is that they're not taking into account the fact that even as far back as 2014, Hispanics support strong border security! Also, most Americans want a strong border, and that includes stopping illegal FAMILIES! June 28, 2018   Remember, EVERY SENATE dumboRAT signed onto a bill by Sen. di-fi that would STOP all border enforcement. That's ALL border enforcement. We would, effectively, have no borders. Anyone who wanted to come in, could. There would be no security checks, nothing to stop drug smugglers, nothing to stop child traffickers, nothing to stop violet criminals or ISIS from crossing into America from either Canada or Mexico. That's what EVERY dumboRAT Senator signed onto. Is that what you want? If not, vote for Republicans or kiss America goodbye! Vote for Rick Scott for Senate. Remember, Bill Nelson is a dumboRAT Senator and he is included in the EVERY. Nelson signed onto that one and another anti-American immigration bill. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney, 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or America hating dumboRAT.) June 28, 2018   MAGA:   Wow! We never, ever saw this during themuslimvileoen's administration! We didn't even see it in any of their LIES during his administration! The FED is predicting a 4.5% GDP growth for Q2 this year! That's amazing! "Despite constant skepticism from both sides of the aisle about his lofty growth targets, President Trump has managed to increase the GDP growth rate by more than 100% while also pursuing mercantilistic trade policies and increasingly selective merit-based immigration policies."That's what is making things better for America and Americans. We would NEVER have seen that under hillosercrooktOOn since she would have continued to sell America to the highest bidder (treason) and would have continued themuslimvileone's policies of intentionally destroying America. Thank the good Lord above that Donald J. Trump won! June 28, 2018   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   Ruh roh! It seems like she should not have opened her mouth to encourage people to harrass the Trump administration (or supporters) because now Judicial Watch is encouraging an investigation into whether The Mouth's words of encouragement for harrassment, following, screaming at, etc., Trump folks and supporters, may be a violation of the law. Is she inciting people to committ violence? If so, that is a definite violation of the House ethics standards (not that The Mouth could even spell the word), and she should have to pay the price for doing so. The price? Probably a slap on the wrist considering she's a dumboRAT. If she were a Republican she'd be hounded out of office; not for dumboRATS, though. They get to walk scott-free. I wish they had a conscience that they would have to answer to, but they don't, so they'll just have to face their Maker when they die, and I'd rather not face their fate after that moment! The Mouth will find out if they sell ice in hades. June 28, 2018   It seems to me that the rosenstein, strzok, comey, mccabe, page, etc., cabal are not afraid of the House committees they are called to testify before. They seem to scoff at their subpoenas and smirk in the face of their hearings and questions. They don't take them seriously at all. Witness the way both strzok and rosenstein reacted during their recent appearances before the House committees. Well, the House may not get to the truth regarding the "Deep State" and everything they've done to FRAME Pres. Donald J. Trump, but that does NOT mean that others have given up. In fact, it seems to that Judicial Watch and their lawsuits and appearances in court are having better success. We may get to the truth - slowly but surely - but we probably won't see it with these smug, nose-in-the-air rosensteins and strzok-types testifying before a committee they hold in disdain. No, we will get the truth through Judicial Watch and their lawsuits and then the left will be in deep doggie doodoo. How many of them will flee the country as Judicial Watch closes in but before the whole truth is found? Will it include hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone leaving? I'd rather see them perp walked into jail, then tried and put into prison orange. It's just something I hold near and dear to my heart. June 28, 2018   Socialism:   Inflation up 43,378% in Venezuela. That's what Socialism, done according to the real rules of what Socialism is, does to a country. That's what the idiots in just voted for in NY and she wants to be president of the United States of America. If dumboRATS had their way, would they vote her into that office? Would they want America to slide into the abyss of 43,378% inflation? Or would they want that only for the working man, but they'd enjoy the riches Socialism gives to those in power and takes from those who are not within the upper realms of government? Is that what you want for America? June 28, 2018   "That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law;"Notice two things here: 1) They had a religious test: no Catholics were allowed to have arms. 2) They said, "as allowed by law". In our Bill of Rights, we MADE our laws and we had no religious tests for those who wished to "keep and bear arms". Puritans, Protestants, Catholics, etc., could all "keep and bear arms" as long as they were here in America. That is what helps keep America a free nation. We don't have to worry about our Constitution being usurped by already established laws, as did the Brits. We look to our U.S. Constitution FIRST AND FOREMOST, as long as we have Constitution-affirming SCOTUS justices. Otherwise, we may as well be "subjects" as the Brits were. That's part of the reason the left/progressives/liberals are so panicked about the SCOTUS appointments Pres. Donald J. Trump gets to make. The Second Amendment will be upheld. June 28, 2018   I'm going to stop with that for today (BTW, yesterday's chicken noodle soup was very good!) Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 27, 2018: 12:41 p.m.   SCOTUS:   This is a day that will live in union infamy! The ruling against compulsory payments to the union for representing the workers in contract negotiations, and other items of negotiations, has just taken a BILLION dollar bite out of the unions' coffers. The ruling was 5-4, Conservatives winning again, and unions taking it in the shorts. I'm very happy with the ruling (dancing on the inside), remembering being in a union for about three months while I worked at a base commissary in CA, and remebering how the unions did things there. For instance, they made me a shop steward as soon as I joined because they didn't have anyone in the union who was a cashier. I had joined to have some backup on my efforts to make the head cashiers and managers allow cashiers to count their drawers at the start of the day, count every pull, and count our drawers at the close of the day. The union had me attend a training meeting that was scheduled for four to six hours. I attended and it only lasted about two hours. When they closed the meeting I asked what I was supposed to do now. They told me to go home. I said I was on the clock and being paid for that time, and couldn't go home because that's not right. They told me, firmer this time, "Go home." I went back to work and reported the union for billing the commissary for time they spent at home. I wasn't on the schedule for the rest of that day so they put me to work (I was being paid) straightening shelves and bagging bulk cashews. Unions have been on my "NO!" list ever since. BTW, this is the same commissary I turned in to the OSI for embezzlement. Someone was taking money -- hundreds a day sometimes -- and blaming the cashiers. When I got the already existing rules enforced that said that we must count our drawers before we go to our stations, and close and count each pull, and count our own drawer each night, the cashiers were safeguarded against being blamed, and I heard after I left there that two people went to prison for the embezzlement. I cause trouble wherever I go. June 27, 2018   SCOTUS 2:   One justice, kagan, is angry about the union ruling. She accused the five winners of "weaponizing the First Amendment". Oh, like giving people the right to choose whether they gave money to an organization they were NOT a member of? That's weaponizing the First Amendment? Taking away the unions' ability to reach into workers' pockets and take money out of it even though that worker is not a union member makes the ruling a "weapon"? Sounds more like giving the workers the right to FREE SPEECH again instead of mandated speech via union payments! Lefties lose and they have to throw a temper tantrum. June 27, 2018   SCOTUS:   Wow! That's good news! Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement July 31st! Kiss it goodbye, lefties! Kiss it goodbye! "Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music!" Now Pres. Donald J. Trump gets to nominate the replacement! WooHoo! June 27, 2018   Fake News:   There is a new poll that says that 72% of Americans think the msm is reporting "fake news" and that they're doing it intentionally. America is waking up. America is finding the truth for themselves. America is not liking what the left/progressives/liberals are doing. That's a good thing. June 27, 2018   Oooohhh! Very good ad! I think that this thing run widely, often and long should make the left lose every marble they ever had. Which, for some, would be not many. Or, they could just run this VIOLENT, curse laden video of dumboRATS. It's dumboRATS encouraging violence against those who don't think/believe like them. Hurt anyone who opposes you is what the left has sunk to. Desparation breeds violence and the left is desparate to win and get back into power any way they can. Sounds like totalitarian regimes to me. June 27, 2018   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   Muslims are attacking Israel with "terror rockets" again. It's nothing new. The Gaza Strip has been part of the anti-Israel cadre for years. They do all they can to kill Israelis and to shut down the country, to make it stop existing. Do you realize that the lefties/progressives/liberals in NY just voted for an anti-Israel zealot? Yep. The person they voted for in the dumboRAT primary is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and she supports "Palestine" instead of Israel. "Ocasio-Cortez’s anti-Israel views, like her other socialist policies, are ill-informed and would have devastating consequences if enacted. She is not stupid: far from it, the Boston University graduate is whip-smart. But like other far-left millennials, she has mastered the finer details of a fictional universe."Yeah. That's who the left just voted for: "a fictional universe" believer. Sounds like someone who should be in Congress; someone who may as well still believe in Peter Pan? June 27, 2018   LOL! The restaurant that kicked Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and her part of eight out is staying closed until July 5th. They found out that if you do stupid there is a price to pay. The employees who voted against serving Sarah, who went across the street and harrassed her family at the second restaurant, and who did so with their employer and with pride are not getting paid for this time-frame, I'm guessing. I wonder if they're still glad they did so. June 27, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She is so UNpopular that even in Ireland (land of my Dad's family), she is greeted with furiosity. They were angry that she had "done nothing to progress the causes of women". We'll ignore the grammar and the fact that she was getting an "honorary doctorate" from Trinity College, Dublin, and focus o the fact that she's unpopular with almost everyone: left, right and center. She can't win. She can only be rewarded for losing. Isn't that something we should all celebrate: her losing? I'd like to add to her awards. I'd like to give her the official (and first) honorary doctorate. There. Now she has yet another honorary doctorate. Doesn't she feel better now? I doubt she feels better since she is still making excuses for her loss. So... Maybe that will help. At least she's being acknowledged for it. June 27, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Wow. This is strange. A guy in India worships him as a god. Where's that "Outer Limits" music? June 27, 2018   Okay, House RepubliCAN'Ts, it's time to fish or cut bait. You either stop threatening and take action against rosenstein, or you admit you're all just dumboRAT kissbutts. It's time to choose. Choose wisely. June 27, 2018   I AM PRO-LIFE:   This story tells you PART of the reason why I am pro-life: "Robert Rho, a NY abortionist, severed [the woman's] uterine aorta, tore her cervix, and perforated her uterine wall."Women's lives matter and to have this happen - more often than we know - is unacceptable. I don't know the gender of the aborted baby, but it doesn't matter. That baby was a human life and he killed it at the mother's request, and took her life as well. He deserves more than fifteen months to four years in prison. He deserves life in prison, after all he took two lives! June 27, 2018   If you're tired of the Senate's "do-nothingness" and you're tired of the Senate's lack of spine, then I suggest you ignore the polls and vote FOR Rick Scott, Republican, so that he can be another vote FOR Pres. Donald J. Trump's agenda and help get things done, instead of being part of the group blocking things. Here's Rick Scott's campaign page and I hope that if you like what Pres. Trump is doing, vote for Scott. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney, 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anyone wishing to stop my First Amendment rights!) June 27, 2018   maxine "The Mouth" waters:   Ruh. Roh. She hit a reporter questioning her about her call to violence against and harrassment of Conservatives and that reporter has filed assault charges against The Mouth. Good for the reporter! I'm hoping that The Mouth enjoys getting a dose of her own repurcussions after her calls for her followers to do similar things. It's time she pay for her stupidity. June 27, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. I shall celebrate Justice Kennedy's retirement tonight with homemade chicken noodle soup, a glass of wine (maybe) and a sweet, sweet reflection on what it shall mean to freedom and America. I hope you will reflect, too. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 26, 2018: 2:28 p.m.   SCOTUS:   I think it's a wonderful thing that the SCOTUS is sticking by the U.S. Constitution and that they have ruled in favor of travel ban from five countries and it was a sight for sore eyes. It's so good to see the Constitution upheld! They also ruled that CA pro-life counseling clinics don't have to cousel FOR abortion alternatives to those who come to them. That's another win for life and for liberty! The U.S. Constitution upheld again! Upcoming case rulings are going to be released soon (some as early as tomorrow), so keep an eye out for that. Let's see if the U.S. Constitution is about to be returned to as the ultimate arbiter of the law. June 26, 2018   After the SCOTUS rulings, Pres. Donald J. Trump is asking for more "Build the wall" money. I think that's a very smart move. Now that the SCOTUS has ruled the Republicans don't need to be afraid of doing so because if the SCOTUS had ruled the other way, they'd be so afraid that they would have already passed a law giving all DACA and all illegal alien invaders of any age immediate citizenship as soon as they step toe on American soil. Let's see if ROTTEN ryan pulls the yellow off his spine long enough to do the right thing and fund the wall. June 26, 2018   Apparently, not all of the SCOTUS justices liked the ruling. Not only did themuslimvileone's appointee, Sotomayor, side with the minority, she had a twenty minute rage against it. Awww... too bad. June 26, 2018   It wasn't the SCOTUS, but it was a court that threw out the lawsuit alleging the top five oil companies were responsible for "climate change" and that they had to pay. Well, too bad. A judge threw the whole thing out. U.S. District Judge William Alsup did the right thing. I disagree with his "reasoning", but I absolutely agree with his ruling. June 26, 2018   The "Blue Water" Navy folks got a surprise by the House passing the bill that could give them back their benefits. if the Senate passes the bill or something similar. I don't know all of the details here, but they served during the Vietnam War: "...sailors aboard aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers and other ships who contend they were exposed to Agent Orange through the ships’ water systems. The dioxin-laden herbicide has been found to cause respiratory cancers, Parkinson’s disease and heart disease, as well as other conditions."I think they could have been exposed. After all, certain things have certain symptoms and when your own government exposes you to such bad crap, it's time for the government to step up, admit it, and treat those who are suffering due to their government's actions. It's time we step up and take care of these sailors and ensure they get the benefits they deserve. June 26, 2018   Leftist Extremist Violence:   It's time we start calling it what it is. Those on the left don't care about right and wrong, they care about POWER and them having it. If they don't have it they will fire bomb people's cars, houses, whatever, until they get their power. In other words, they'll turn into terrorists, throw extreme temper tantrums in order to get what they want. Little babies, all, they want to kill for power. Sounds like Muslim extremists, does it not? June 26, 2018   Speaking of Leftist Extremism, maxine, The Mouth, waters needs to be censured. Considering that she's still calling for violence, her followers' potential victims are getting guns and concealed carry permits and if one of The Mouth's followers gets shot due to their own violent acts against a Trump administration person, will The Mouth be held accountable as an accomplice before the act? I think she should be. Do you? June 26, 2018   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   I hope this bill passes and is made into law. It's a bill that strengthens an existing law and "help stop left-wing attempts to urge companies and consumers to boycott Israel. [my bolding]"I think that's an excellent idea! I think the left should stop trying to kill an existing country. They don't try to kill England, Norway, Uganda. Why Israel? They need to stop with their kissing of Islamic backside and get a grip. Israel is here and it has a right to exist. We've moved our embassy to Jerusalem and at least nine other countries (besides America) already had embassies in Jerusalem: embassies to Palestine. So now we have to do what we can to keep boycotts from happening. I think it's a good thing. June 26, 2018   Build The Wall: It's time that the left realize that they are in the minority in America, especially when it comes to the border wall. Most people want the wall and want to secure our borders instead of allowing all and sundry to come here and do whatever they want, and the dumboRATS to find a way to allow them to vote - dumboRAT, of course. We have drugs, gangbangers and convicts coming into our country and only Conservatives and Pres. Trump are willing to try to stop it. I wrote to President Donald J. Trump that I think we should start putting tariffs on every pound of drugs that crosses our borders via Mexico. If we tax Mexico for the drugs they allow to cross their northern border then they aren't trying to prevent it from coming into America and that's not a very friendly thing to do for a nation with MFN (Most Favored Nation) status. I also suggested that we put a tariff on Mexico for every person they allow to enter our country because they had the option of making the effort to prevent it. Instead, the local governments - and perhaps the nation's government - are so corrupt they accept money from the drug cartels and coyotes who are using innocent people to carry the drugs across our borders and doing all they can to invade our nation. Maybe taxing Mexico harshly and removing their MFN status will help straighten those two situations out? I doubt Pres. Trump will implement my suggestions, but what if? Would it make a difference? June 26, 2018   As someone who just bought farm land in Georgia and who will soon own twenty-one acres (at least), I think that the suicide rate among farmers is alarming and needs to be addressed. I don't know why farmers are killing themselves, but I hope and pray that the number falls and is below average. Farmers are some of our most precious resources. Food does not grow itself. If we ignore our farmers and their plight then we lose our food as they die. Children are not always willing to pick up where Mom and Dad left off. We've watched over the forty years of our marriage as the children in our farm's area grow up and leave, choose other careers, get college educations and go elsewhere. Farming is hard, back-breaking work with long hours, little to no thanks and an ungrateful nation consuming the goods you plowed, planted, watered, fertilized and harvested. You get nothing out of it, for the most part, but a little money and the satisfaction of knowing that you grew the things you sold. It's time farmers get their due and we, as a nation, thank them for their labor, their dedication and their way of life that leads to such heartache some can't take it anymore. Eat supper today? Breakfast? Thank a farmer. June 26, 2018   themuslimvileone:   I believe that he is thevilegeorgesoros's pupet and that he and googleywoogley are teaming up to control the world. How is that? You control information, you control how people react to that information and what they think, who they trust, what they believe. If you can find nothing on the internet but leftist information demonizing the Right and Conservatives, Christianity and heterosexuality, then you're going to believe that all of that is bad. When you believe something is bad you don't want to be that. When you believe that all of that is bad, you want to fight -- and vote -- against it. That's how you control the world. themuslimvileone and thevilegeorgesoros are partners in the crime of trying to re-make the world in their own images. That's a disgusting thought, but 99% probability of being absolutely true. June 26, 2018   Who is going to be the next U.S. Senator from Utah: mitt romney, or Utah State Rep. Mike Kennedy? I don't know which is more Conservative because I don't know much about Mike Kennedy, but I do know that I saw romney campaign and didn't like what I saw there. I did for a little while, then I saw him get more desparate as time drew nearer. I don't like what I saw then. I am NOT giving an endorsement in this race, but I will say that if history is any teacher here, we'll see desparation turn an otherwise viable candidate turn into a grasper. That's sad. June 26, 2018   This is amazing. My jaw almost hit the floor when I read that even Sweden is questioning the welfare state! Woah! That's amazing! They're a socialist country! How on earth does this questioning come about? I'm shocked! Sweden, the country that loves to give things away and pay high taxes, is considering not doing so anymore? What is this world coming to, and thank you, Pres. Donald J. Trump! June 26, 2018   I hope that the House Freedom Caucus does file impeachment charges against rod rosenstein of the DO[IN]J and that they throw his backside in prison! The House committee has the right to those documents and they have been stonewalled for months and months as the FBI and DO[IN]J try not to disclose the information requested (I'm sure it's because it will incriminate people the left doesn't want incriminated). I think it's time the law is enforced and that the House get the info they requested. The DO[IN]J needs to be shut down if they keep trying to live outside of the law and put themselves -- and those they are protecting -- as above the law. Just shut down the entire DO[IN]J. Fire everyone there. Go into the building, get up on a sturdy table and tell everyone, "Everyone put your hands in the air! Keep them there as you immediately exit the building. Take nothing with you!" Goose step them out of there, confiscate all papers, all computers and recording devices and make sure that they destroy nothing. Search all of them for government info on the way out. Allow them back in the next day long enough to collect their personal belongings and then give them their paperwork for being fired. Then start anew with new hires, new attitudes and new allegiances. That will straighten things out. Oh, and do the same at the FBI if things don't improve there. June 26, 2018   The dumboRAT intern who yelled an obscenity at Pres. Donald J. Trump in the Rotunda of the Capital has been suspended but not fired. I think she needs to be fired as was a Republican aide after criticizing malia and sasha themuslimvileone. I think that if you're going to work for a dumboRAT Congressperson, you need to conduct yourself better than al franken while he was a Senator, better than maxine "The Mouth" waters now, and better than bullybob crooktOOn while he was prezidunce. Otherwise, what are you doing in those hallways at all? June 26, 2018   I'm going to stop with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 25, 2018: 2:58 p.m.   Leftists Deranged:   The left is choosing to go scream at people on the right so that they can try to kick Conservatives/Pres. Trump supporters out of "polite society". Take, for example, Florida's A.G., Pam Bondi, getting screamed at by three "grown men" (spoiled babies, more like). Then there's Sarah Huckabee Sanders getting kicked out of a restaurant with seven of her party members because the restuarant owner and employees are anti-Trump. That restuarant, Red Hen, in Lexington, VA, should be closed down because of lack of business. After all, if they don't want to accept the "spends the same as leftist money" of an eight person order, then they deserve to go broke. Also, there's the The Mouth, maxine waters, who tells her followers to continue to do those kinds of things wherever they find them. Sounds to me like the left has really lost their marbles (what little they had). It's funny to watch until it changes from words to actions. Let's stop it here. Isn't it the left/progressives/liberals who say they're the "kind" people, the "nice" people, those who "love" everyone? What happened to that? Is this what they consider nice, kind and loving? Pres. Donald J. Trump has responded to The Mouth. Tom Steyer is spending MILLIONS encouraging the impeachment of Pres. Donald J. Trump after the midterms. He thinks the dumboRATS are going to be victorious in November to gain control of the House and Senate and they will have the numbers to impeach Pres. Trump. Deranged. Totally deranged. June 25, 2018   SCOTUS ruling:   Wow. Look at that. They did another thing right. They ruled against SEC judges and said they had to be appointed by the President or by department heads. It's a step in the right direction. "'The Court also held that under the Appointments Clause, the SEC commissioners acting together qualify as a department head. “But the Commission had left the task of appointing ALJs, including Judge Elliot, to SEC staff members,' the Court noted. June 25, 2018   Wait. What?!:   In Iran, protestors took to the streets screaming "Death to Palestine!" They want democracy (a Representative Republic - as is America - is better). Is this supposed to happen: one Muslim country wishing for "Palestine" (a non-existant country, a people but not a country) to die? Sounds like something's changing in Iran. Freedom has a way of finding cracks in tyranny. June 25, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She's in another foreign country making more excuses. She's now blaming the electoral college, which is not to BLAME for her defeat, since it is THE LAW. It is the law and it was our Founding Fathers who were smart enough to think ahead and to see that the voices of those in "flyover country" needed to have equal weight as those in the cities populated with the leftists/progressives/liberals. Our Founding Fathers were smart and they foresaw the future and what those in power and who don't like America were going to try to do. They were prescient. I am so glad we have the country our Founding Fathers created; although I do wish they could have foreseen the likes of hillosercrooktOOn and her Porch Dog, as well as thevilegeorgesoros, and put something in place for them to be powerless to screw America over. June 25, 2018   Build The Wall!:   The Border Patrol has been so maligned lately that it's no surprise that so many on the left hate them and have been releasing their phone numbers, addresses, etc., and the left has been harrassing them. They do this even though the Border Patrol is full of good people, including this Agent who got a broken ankle trying to protect a "little old lady": "Approximately 200 protesters were bussed in from all over the state by the League of United Latin American Citizens. The demonstrators had formed a mob to attempt to stop the transport bus from moving the illegal aliens to another facility."That doesn't sound like the picture of the Border Patrol that the left is painting, now does it? That is not what they want you to think of the BP Agents. They want everyone to hate them. Don't. They're trying to protect this country and your family. June 25, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   I hate this. I hate that our money is being spent on school books that glorify terrorism. "As the UNRWA’s largest donor in 2017, Uncle Sam doled out a whopping $364 million, more than double the amount of the second-largest contributor, the European Union. The money helps provide millions of Palestinians throughout the Middle East with healthcare, food, schools and other vital services. Earlier this year the Trump administration slashed the funding by more than $300 million until the UNRWA, part of the famously corrupt United Nations, makes critical changes. The head of the UNRWA said in a mainstream news report that the shortfall in U.S. funding means there may not be enough money to re-open schools in August and September for the new academic year. Considering the PA curriculum that’s a good thing and likely part of the change that the Trump administration is seeking.That's what your money is being used to support. Is that what you want? I say, America should get out of the United Nations, throw them out of America and let those countries fend for themselves. It's never a good thing to support terrorism. June 25, 2018   The Disgusting john mcCAIN'T:   Did you know that he encouraged the IRS to be turned into an attack dog against Conservatives? Yep. He is a disgusting creature. His staff encouraged the IRS to "audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous". He didn't care that it would shut down organizations (like "True The Vote", the Tea Party organizations nationwide, etc.), he wanted them gone so that they couldn't help America be saved from the horrible consequences of being unable to trust the integrity of our elections (it's bad enough that we have Mickey Mouse and dead people voting, he apparently didn't want ANY scrutiny of our voting rolls), but to encourage financial ruination? That's despicable, heartless, criminal. He's a cad. June 25, 2018   I agree with the guy who wants to MIGA (Make Italy Great Again!): the politics of Italy needs to be cleaned up. I wish him luck and safety. After all, the guy above him is part of a crime syndicate, so he may be playing with fire. June 25, 2018   June 25, 2018   College?:   Want to send your child to a "college" where these things happen? Sounds to me like "college" should be a NO-GO Zone for anyone, especially eighteen-year-olds! Don't do it, folks. Save your money and send them to Hillsdale College, Regent University, or similar colleges. If you take the chance of an "Ivy League" "college", I think you'll be vastly disappointed.June 25, 2018   Well, I had a wonderful weekend with just my hubby and I at the farm. We relaxed, did some small decorating tasks and mowed some of the fourteen acres, and we bought a new antique for it. We wound up buying the etagere I saw up there when all four of us were there and I took our youngest son to my favorite antique furniture store. I realized that there was a piece missing and the owner lowered the price from $895 to $500, so it will be delivered when I am next up there! Love it! It's going in the master bedroom and it's gorgeous! I'll post a pic when we get it in place and polished. My hubby's home and I'm going to go spend time with him. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 22, 2018: 12:16 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 377: My Little Girl" and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I can't say whether I will be doing updates today because my husband and I decided spur of the moment to go to our Georgia farm this weekend. We have a small "To Do" list but it's going to be worth the trip. Our son will be here to watch over things so it will be just the two of us. We didn't really plan to go, but the following weekend we have a meeting to attend so we can't go then, and my Mom wants to meet me at the farm for a few days in early July, so getting those things done is a good thing. Blurbs may or may not get done today, but I did want to ensure I got the Tribute To Our Heroes done. I may see you later today, or it may be on Monday. We'll see. June 21, 2018: 3:18 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   Guess what. There is someone who has filed a RICO - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - lawsuit against the crooktOOns, thevilegeorgesoros, john podesta (usually at hilloser's right hand, beside the former ms sexting weiner), David Brock and others. I wonder if themuslimvileone was included as one of those named. I also wonder if it will go anywhere and get anything done. After all, how many federal judges did the Porch Dog (bullybob) appoint? How many of them have been to the crooktOOns' house for parties, donate to their "foundation", or have friends in common? Or, another consideration is how many of them remember Vince Foster, Seth Rich and others who have crossed the crooktOOns? Would you want to allow that lawsuit to go forward, or to rule against them? I wonder how many judges will find ways to recuse themselves from this trial. Let's keep an eye on it and see what happens. We can but pray that GOD will make them -- finally -- for their wrongs. June 21, 2018   ROTTEN ryan:   He's at it again. He's such a horrible RINO that I wish he would retire today, no the day after he got sworn in. I wish he would be thrown out of office for doing the things he has done, that his constituents would recall him and he'd never hold even "Dog Catcher" as an elected office again. He is an ineffective "leader" because he LIES to America and he lies to Congress and he kisses dumboRAT backside (witness his latest "amnesty" bill). He needs to go. He has said he's going to not run again, but he is such a liar, I wonder when he's going to announce he is staying. He needs to go. June 21, 2018   themuslimvileone:   If you have a problem with the way Pres. Donald J. Trump is treating child illegal alien invaders, then read what themuslimvileone did to kids while they were in his custody! That's disgusting! He was sued and the suit was settled in January after the suit alleged themuslimvileone allowed: "migrant youths as young as 14 to be abused, tied up, left naked in solitary confinement, and denied health treatment at a juvenile detention center in Virginia in 2015 and 2016"The left's messiah's halo is slipping? The left thinks he was such an angel and Pres. Donald J. Trump such a horrible person that pelosipig says Pres. Trump is "outside the circle of civilized human behavior". So what themuslimvileone did to the child illegal immigrant invaders was "inside the circle"? Did she see the pictures from yesterday's blurbs from themuslimvileone's treatment? June 21, 2018   The left has such icky imaginations that they say that they want someone on the right to be whipped while naked in public in a cage, or their imaginings are so twisted that they seriously ask this sort of question of Donald Trump, Jr. It's so icky that I won't validate it by putting it on my website. If you're thinking that lefties/progressives/liberals are the "good guys", look at the things they say they want to do to others then tell me they're good. It's disgusting and it's twisted. How can that be good? June 21, 2018   Stupid Brits:   Rape in London has risen 20% and murders by 44% after their migrant policies changed to include anyone from Muslim countries who wanted to come in. They opened their borders and now their tourists are paying for it by being raped and their residents/subjects are paying for it via the high murder rate. Will England wake up and admit they were wrong and should reverse their open borders and start shipping people back to their homelands? Or will they continue to make their people pay the price of their political correctness? My guess is that it will take someone rich and famous getting injured or murdered before they'll even consider changing things. Even then they'll probably do it wrong. England is an old country who should have learned from its mistakes over centuries of wars, invasions and monarchs. Too bad they only study history in order to memorize which king was a "good king" or a bad. To me, any nation whose people allow the continuation of a monarchy without voting to get rid of the bowing knee and tugging of the forelock is a nation of fools. June 21, 2018   Muslim Violence:   After there being 200 incidents of Muslims attacking non-Muslims in Europe, Europol is warning there will be more. Well, DUH! It takes a rocket scientist? June 21, 2018   Well, I wonder how long she'll keep her job. I hope that she enjoys her temporary noteriety because it will come back around to bite her, "bigly". She organized the group that yelled Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, out of the restaurant, but she works for the DO[IN]J. Can you say "Deep State"? June 21, 2018   hollyweird:   I think this Breitbart article by John Nolte, "Nolte: Peter Fonda vs. Roseanne Proves #TimesUp Is a Big, Fat Fraud" is a MUST READ. He argues that the fact that Roseanne Barr's loss of her series for her racist tweet compared to the way that the idiot, peter fonda, is being treated after his tweets about Kirstjen Nielsen being whipped, naked in a cage in public is proof that the misogynistic left have no real bite behind their "#MeToo" bark. It's all talk, no real depth to any of their actions. In other words, "#MeToo" was only skin deep in hollyweird, as is their airbrushed beauty. June 21, 2018   NFaiLaughing:   I have to admit something. I admit that IF the NFL failed, went under, died under its own stupidity, whimpered to a puddle of melted machismo, I would not mind that at all. As a wife of someone who doesn't watch the NFL that much, I still would not mind Sundays without those games, Mondays without those games and any other day that ends with "day" without those games. The players' desire to keep kneeling during the national anthem, and their fighting the new rule against it, will probably result in at least a few players coming out and defying the rule. I hope that if that happens that the NFL does enforce the rule, but if they don't and it continues, as some players seem to want, then I wouldn't mind them going under. I hope that all of the office employees, grounds employees, stadium employees, etc., get new jobs with equivalent pay, but the players? Nah. If they're going to disrespect our flag and our national anthem (thereby our country), they can live off of what they have now. Make them figure out how great America is by learning the hard way how great they had it, but screwed it up. June 21, 2018   There is a guy out there who is saying that today, the Summer Solstice, is the beginning of the end. He's saying that the Bible's rapture is going to start soon and that the Christians of the world will be taken up to heaven. There is one problem with this. The Bible also says that "32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."So no one can look at all of the signs the Bible talks about and figure out when the Lord shall return and take His followers up to heaven and leave the darkness of the unbelievers' hearts in control. No one can figure it out because only GOD knows when our hearts have become wicked enough. You want to know the truth? I think that we can look at Sodom and Gomorrah and see what happened there. GOD allowed it to continue for so long that it took the people living in the area crying out to Him before He chose to do something about it, before it got to be too much. Even then, when Abraham pled with the Lord to not destroy the whole city if he could find 50 righteous, 45 righteous, then 40, 30, 20 and finally 10 righteous people there, the Lord would not destroy the cities for those ten people. Given that standard, the Lord (I believe) will not destroy the earth for America's sake because America has a lot of people who believe in and follow the Lord and those are the ones considered "righteous". I think that taking all of the believers in America and elsewhere throughout the earth will prevent this from being the day, or anytime soon from being the rapture. If I am wrong, so be it. You'll know when I'm gone. But, if I'm right, and this guy is wrong, then know that GOD is not fed up with the wickedness of people yet and He is still witholding judgment because of those of us who know and follow Jesus Christ. Will you join us in doing so? Remember, the Lord didn't find even ten righteous people there. He only found Lot (Abraham's brother, for whom Abraham argued), and Lot's wife and two daughters. His daughters were married but those men refused to listen and wouldn't come with Lot. When the angels said, "Okay. Time's up." the angels carried Lot, his wife and his two daughters (four righteous people; less than the ten the Lord had promised to spare the city for) outside of the city and saved their lives, but destroyed the city. That's what the rapture is: GOD saving the righteous and destroying the rest. Will you be amongst those carried outside the city? June 21, 2018   Marijuana:   "Compassionate" lefties, libertarians and others are so caring that they pushed to get "medical marijuana" legalized in all fifty states so that those in pain and suffering could have the pain relief of "medical marijuana" and the alleged "benefits" it can give to those suffering. Awww... How sweet. Too bad marijuana use LOWERS PAIN TOLERANCE and puts the LIE to the "compassionate" part of "medical marijuana"! So what they've actually accomplished is making those they were trying to help experience MORE PAIN instead of less. Isn't that just the way the lefties' efforts always turn out: sound good but have disastrous results? June 21, 2018   Do viruses play a part in Alzheimers disease? That's something that the researchers are looking into. It seems that those viruses may be two common herpes and others, as well as how the brain fights infections of viruses. I don't know what the results of this part of the research into this horrible disease are going to be, but I hope they find a cure. I watched with a broken heart as my husband's grandpa went through this and it made me so sad. I love that man to this day and I wish he didn't have to go through that. It was so difficult. I have one solace: Grandpa was a Christian and I will see him again. June 21, 2018   Deep State:   Did FBI agents loyal to themuslimvileone and to hillosercrooktOOn tamper with evidence in the Michael Flynn case? Did FBI agents in the Deep State alter the interview records in order to affect the decision to prosecute him? If so, that's not just wrong, that's illegal and that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. June 21, 2018   I think I'll stop there for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 20, 2018: 2:46 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   The fuss about Pres. Donald J. Trump's (still love saying that!) treatment of child immigrants is not a real problem. It wasn't he who came up with the law, it was the dumboRAT-controlled House in 2008 who created the law that did the separation, and it was George W. Bush who signed the law. It is a LAW, not a policy, not an "Executive Order" that created this "problem". If you want to know the truth about this and the treatment of children after this dumboRAT-created law, then look at how themuslimvileone treated unaccompanied minor immigrants. Pres. Donald J. Trump is not mistreating the kids. These kids are getting three square meals a day, medical care, baths, tooth brushes (and being taught how to use them), and being taught basic hygiene standards. These are things they never got at home. themuslimvileone got no heat for how he handled things but when Pres. Donald J. Trump does at least as well as themuslimvileone, he gets all kinds of heat. Why the difference? Why the fuss? It's just another attempt to separate Pres. Trump's supporters from him. The msm and the left are doing their best to do so. Will you fall for it? I won't. June 20, 2018   The left is so despicable and depraved that they are advocating things like pedophile assault of Barron Trump, an eleven-year-old boy, an innocent child who had nothing to do with the "unaccompanied minor immigrants" problem, or with what the adults did or did not do! Yet, the moronic, evil peter fonda - brother of Hanoi Jane - that they should rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with adult pedophiles and let what happens happen! That's so offensive I doubt he any longer has an ounce of morality within his darkened soul. After fonda tweeted his suggestion, his mother praised him (sick bi***) and, of course, the Dead Blue Bird hasn't taken action against fonda's tweets. They are leaving it up. When Donald J. Trump, Jr. stood up to fonda and told him to "pick on someone a bit bigger", another idiot on the Dead Blue Bird then threatened Jr's. three-year-old daughter! The left is a bunch of sick, twisted, child-haters or they wouldn't support this sort of threat, so why would we believe they give a rat's patutti about Hispanic immigrant children? Hmm? BTW, fonda will probably be getting a visit from the Secret Service because Melania notified them of the tweet and they'll be investigating. I'm sure he won't like that. I hope they arrest him because he does/says something stupid while they are there and he winds up in jail for a month, at least! June 20, 2018   It has gotten so bad out there that bernie sanders supporters are stalking members of the administration and hounding them out of restaurants! So why would they do this? Because she is Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and it's okay to treat anyone related to Pres. Donald J. Trump, or in his administration, as war criminals. Someone even said she should be raped! The sick, twisted minds of these dementoids is scary. That's why we need to practice our Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms" and use them if needed! Don't be fooled that they want to be thought of as "caring people". They only -- ONLY -- care about power and being in it. June 20, 2018   Well, would you look at that. I'm shocked and surprised that the "Deep State" has allowed any evidence to survive, but they have. They didn't destroy hillosercrooktOOn's laptops, nor those of her aides. Sounds to me like there should be plenty of evidenceon those things to put her away for the rest of her natural life. Her aides will go with her for at least a while, no doubt, but maybe not their whole lives. After all, they are younger than she. Who knows? Maybe she will be the one who helps put them there after she rolls over on them to try to protect herself. She always has thrown others under the bus to save herself (witness BENGHAZI), so what is going to stop her from doing so again? June 20, 2018   james comey:   I wondered if something like this had happened. It may be that he reopened the hillosercrooktOOn e-mail case because some of the GOOD FBI folks still left actually leaked info to Congress so that there would be pressure put on comey to do the right thing. It's good to know that they were doing what they could to help get crooktOOn and her ilk equal treatment under the law: treatment that you and I would get if we did the same things! Unfortunately, those good FBI agenst were fired by comey after the leak. June 20, 2018   Deep State:   themuslimvileone so politicized everything he touched that the FBI, IRS and other federal agencies became weapons used against America and the American people, but to protect those he wanted to protect. He protected thevilegeorgesoros, his other donors, hillosercrooktOOn so she could continue his legacy (and protect his secrets), and others. Now we're finding out that those at the highest levels of the FBI and DO[IN]J at least. Note that those are two agencies directly under themuslimvileone's (and now Pres. Donald J. Trump's) authority. We know now that the Deputy Attorney General helped with hillosercrooktOOn's e-mail cover-up. Yep. Rod Rosenstein played a part in the cover-up and now the Congressional committee knows it and the Conservatives (those who care about the law) are livid. He knew about peter strzok's anti-Trump/pro-hilloser proclivities but put him on the case anyways. Now the committees are considering a subpoena for strzok. I don't expect him to tell the truth under oath, but the committees may get him to do so. Whether he tells the truth depends upon how much time he's willing to do to protect hilloser. We'll see. After all, right now the FBI and the DO[IN]J are both ignoring subpoenas from the House Intelligence Committee, so why would we believe that the FBI agent would give a carp [sic] about the law, the Congressional committee, or right and wrong? He is a leftist/progressive/liberal. He is above the law and that's the way it shall remain. June 20, 2018   msm:   The msm is so wrong, so lame, so desperate to paint Pres. Donald J. Trump and his administration (and campaign) that one msm network actually reported that Paul Manafort pleaded guilty to FIVE chareges of manslaughter! It was a big, fat LIE, but who cares about a lie when it comes to making Pres. Donald J. Trump looking bad and destroying the reputations of those who helped him get elected, his family members and anyone who supports him? The msm is willing to destroy anyone who gets in the way of them taking America out of the hands of the duly elected president, Donald J. Trump, and presenting it on a platinum platter to hillosercrooktOOn. That's their goal and favorite dream. June 20, 2018   MAGA:   Manufacturers are optimistic about America's future and their part in keeping people employed because of Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies. Also, there are fewer people are filing for SS disability benefits and "Fewer than 1.5 million Americans applied to the Social Security Administration for disability coverage last year, the lowest since 2002. Applications are running at an even lower rate this year, government officials say."That's excellent news! Even better, young people have hope now and they're actually moving out of Mom and Dad's place and earning enough to feel like they can make it on their own. That's so good! Mom and Dad may miss them for a little while, but they'll get used to it. Or, they may not miss them. They may dance with abandon in celebration. June 20, 2018   I want to live right next to this billboard. Someone has a great idea. I want to put one of these up in Florida. In fact, let's concentrate all of the lefties/progressives/liberals in NY, CA, DC, OR, WA and IL and put fences around them and then we can have them all in central locations where they can't do anymore harm. Let's do that! Unfortunately, the billboard owner has said the billboard ("Liberals, continue on 1-40 until you have left our GREAT STATE OF TEXAS [caps in original]") will be taken down. Darn! Coward. June 20, 2018   I hope that the organizations considering suing the SPLC DO sue and that they run the leftist/progressive/liberal/georgesoros-funded organization out of business! The organization is a LYING organization and they like to falsely label Conservatives groups as "Hate Groups" and let's get an investigation going into their finances. After all, how many "NON-PROFITS" have $90 MILLION in overseas accounts? That's what the SPLC has in offshore accounts. Why are they allowed to be considered by the IRS as a "non-profit"? Oh. That's right. It's thevilegeorgesoros's organization. They like the crooktOOns and themuslimvileoen so the law doesn't apply to them. Sorry. Forgot for a moment. June 20, 2018   pelosipig:   Well, lookie here! There are a bunch - a bunch - of dumboRATS pledging to dump pelosipig. I bet she's not happy with hearing about that. Not that she'd remember hearing about it if she did. Or maybe she'd be finding out about it several times a day; each time it's news to her. I don't know. I do know that it's a good thing to drop her like a scalding hot potato and it's time that she be retired to take care of her ever-failing mind. She really does need to spend time with her family before she won't recognize them anymore. June 20, 2018   Are you a United Methodist member? If so, do you realize that there are some church members who think it's a crime to enforce the existing laws of the United States of America and want USAG, Jeff Sessions, "directly engaged" for doing so and the loudmouthed idiot, maxine waters wants him kicked out of church? As a member of the United Methodist Church I think that the Bible commands us to "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" and to obey the laws of the land: "13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, 14 or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. 15 For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. 16 Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God. 17 Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king."If you want to engage Jeff Sessions, why don't you "engage" him in following his example in following GOD's command and obeying the laws of the land? Hm? Why not stop your leftist/progressive/liberal nonsense and start following Christ, instead of Political Correctness, and start obeying the Bible? Hm? "Engage" that! June 20, 2018   Well, hubby's home. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 19, 2018: 1:50 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   I wonder why themuslimvileone's administration allowed this to happen. Was it because he not only gave Iraq 1.7 BILLION DOLLARS on a pallett, he also wanted to allow Muslims to fund Muslim extremism via OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS! themuslimvileone gave Somali Muslims a behind-the-scenes tour of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Los Angeles International and Columbus, Ohio's airport and that allowed welfare fraud to result in this: "[S]ome of the individuals sending large amounts of cash abroad receive taxpayer-funded government assistance in the United States. Sources interviewed for the story say it’s “welfare fraud,” mostly involving government-subsidized daycare. A separate investigation conducted by the same media outlet five years ago, uncovered huge daycare fraud in Minnesota that exposed how businesses were gaming the system to steal millions in government subsidies meant to help poor families with childcare expenses.We will never get that money back. She may or may not go to jail, but she doesn't have the ability to pay that money back. Our taxpayer dollars were spent to pay for those non-existent children she claimed to be giving care to and she helped it get smuggled out of the country. Kiss your hard-earned money goodbye. You may see it again in the form of your friend, relative, or neighbor fighting those who were trained by their own money to attack America and Americans. Otherwise you will never see that money in any form again. It's not as if themuslimvileone wanted you to see that money again except in that particular way. He wanted to do all he could to get money to Muslim nations so that they could attack and harm America and Americans. He was raised by those who hated America, he was taught to do so further via his Muslim education in the Phillipines and he was then sent to his Communist grandparents who hated America to finish his hatred. That's why he has done and continues to do all he can to destroy this great country. We have themuslimvileone to "thank" for this. It was his doing, his plan, his desire that defrauded America and will put Americans in harms way sooner or later. Mark my words. He has American blood on his hands again. June 19, 2018   All the rage right now is to try to get Pres. Donald J. Trump to "keep families together" instead of separating children from their parents - or from those who are using them as shills to get the possibility to stay in America. It's something that the left/progressives/liberals are pushing harder than the homosexual agenda and they're trying so hard to pull at the heartstrings that:
June 19, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She is a felon and she deserves to be behind bars. She has done so many things that have been illegal that I'm appalled she isn't yet in prison. She is being treated as a queen, a "special person above the law" and that's not what America is about. Do you realize that she was NOT under formal investigation "at any time in 2015-2016"? Do you realize that? Her hubby-bubby met on the tarmac of a Phoenix airport with loretta lynch and about that meeting the truth is not yet known. Now we find out that she gave lynch "highly classified material" while hillosercrooktOOn was campaigning in 2016, and we don't know what lynch did with that material, nor how she used it. The intermediary, a hillosercrooktOOn campaign employee, Amanda Renteria, denies the allegations, yet it is in e-mails that it happened. Question: How did hillosercrooktOOn still have possession of "highly classified material" in 2016 during her campaign, when she was ousted from office as SoS in 2013? She should have turned over ALL materials having to do with being SoS. She should have NOTHING in her possession that would be considered "highly classified material" in 2016 because by then she'd been out of office for three years! Why did she have that material and what did she do with it, and how did she GAIN from it? She does NOTHING that does not work to her own advantage. What did she get out of it? June 19, 2018   james comey:   It's good to hear that he's under investigation now because he is a disgrace to the FBI and to those who want to serve with honor, distinction, integrity and honesty. It's a shame that those at the top were themuslimvileone's appointees and that they moved their sycophants and butt-kissers to the top. Those who are the best were left behind to be left voiceless and to watch their job's respect and integrity be whittled away by those "deep staters" who were kissing themuslimvileone's backside and siding with hillosercrooktOOn to get her elected and at least four more years of his policies (if she survived those four years). He is a gray cloud over the honest people serving still and he needs to be put in prison for his deeds, as do robert mueller, mccabe and others. June 19, 2018   Leftist "Morality":   If you want to know how "moral" the left is, look no further than this. Encouraging illegal immigrants to stabe Border Patrol agents and rip their hearts out if they try to take the illegal immigrants' child away is about as immoral as you can get. Advocating murder because the ICE/BP agent is trying to uphold OUR LAWS is disgusting. Nowadays what else do we expect from the left? June 19, 2018   This is good news. Cigarette smoking is not very popular anymore. As someone who doesn't like the stink of cigarette smoking, and who thinks it's a hazardous substance for people's health, I'm glad to see this number go down. I think that it should be taught in school what cigarettes do to you, and that the truth about marijuana's dangers should be taught in school, too. With marijuana being "normalized" and the left lying about it not being a gateway drug, I think that it should be mandated by the local school boards that the TRUTH be taught about all things: marijuana, creationism (it's the truth), cigarettes, premarital sex, abortion, history, etc. If school is supposed to prepare people for life then it should prepare them with the truth, not lies that will put them in danger later. If the lies lead to false beliefs, then should not the schools be held accountable if their misinformation leads to someone's death, drug addiction, or sterilization via botched abortion? June 19, 2018   pelosipig:   Wow. She's really sick and may be off her meds, or they're not doing her any good now. She told a press conference "'Don’t stick peas up your nose.'" Huh? Meds! Meds! She needs her meds! June 19, 2018   I thought I'd close with an educational video link. You need to watch Prager U's, "Intersectionality" video. It's a term being tossed around by the left/progressives/liberals and you need to understand it. This may make you shudder as you consider their stupidity, twisted desire to be a victim, and encourage victimhood. Why anyone wants to be a victim, I don't know. It seems, however, to be the goal of those on the left. They do their utmost to try to find another way to blame others for whatever happens or doesn't happen in their own lives, no matter how lame the attempt, how flimsy the links, or how ignorant and ridiculous they sound. Snowflakes blame others for their own meltdowns when the truth is that it was their own idiocy in staying out in the sun too long for their sunburns, melting, or anything else. The truth is the left/progressives/liberals are infamous for not taking responsibility for anything. They can't even take responsibility for their own feelings anymore. They say things like, "You made me feel threatened!" No. I can't make you feel anything. You chose to feel that way because you're a slithering ninny-butt and if you had even half of a vertebrae you'd be able to handle me writing this about you. Go cry. I don't care. June 19, 2018   I'll close with that. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 18, 2018: 1:45 p.m.   We had a great time up at our Georgia farm! We were blessed to be able to have both of our sons up there with us from Wednesday to Sunday and we had a very nice visit and we accomplished a lot and we talked and played Scrabble and did a funny puzzle and relaxed and watched the birds. All four of us got to see the Bob White Quail, and we worked together to get 90% of our list accomplished. It was a wonderful visit and we hope to be able to do that again soon. I'm very glad we were able to do that. We loved all four of us being there together! June 18, 2018   Do you like it when a company takes YOUR taxpayer dollars to do things to bash America, undermine your beliefs, or to teach people to hate the cops? That's what Starbucks has done. They get a lot of our taxpayer dollars and when they closed for "re-education day" (my term) they used that time to teach their employees to hate cops, to believe that cops were all racists and did nothing but show videos of cops attacking black people. That's not retraining, that's brainwashing. Those are the tactics used by the Nazis to engender hatred and fear of Jews. Guess who Starbucks chose to do that brainwashing. Go back to the first link to find this quote: "Additionally, the anti-bias curriculum that was recently forced upon 175,000 employees was designed by a nonprofit that’s largely funded by leftwing billionaire [thevilegeorgesoros]. The group’s (Perception Institute) leadership has close ties to Democratic party politics, including Planed Parenthood and the [themuslimvileone's] administration, Judicial Watch’s investigation found."Isn't that what you want YOUR taxpayer dollars spent on? You want to give those people your cash? Don't buy Starbucks anymore, folks. If they want to give money to those kinds of people/organizations, then they don't need your dollars, do they? June 18, 2018   Build The Wall!:   We need to secure our borders, not just to protect our country, but to stop attacks on our Border Patrol agents. If we don't secure our borders with a wall, proper lighting and surveillance, and guard dogs accompanying the Border Patrol. I'd say "Guard ELephants" if it would make it more intimidating to those who would cross our borders illegally, or if it would make the drug smugglers stop. We need to drop the designation of Most Favored Nation, and if they would lose that - have tariffs imposed on everything (especially drugs found to be from Mexico), then maybe they'd try to stop the drugs from entering our nation, and try to stop them from being manufactured in their country. Maybe they'd make the effort to stop drugs from being brought into America if they had to pay such a high tariff on them that the tariff would be more than the corrupt Mexican government could be making from allowing and supporting the exportation of drugs. Maybe that's part of the answer. Maybe we could do the same thing with illegal immigrants? Put a tariff on every person who is found to be crossing our border from Mexico and make Mexico pay a price for not doing their part in stopping the illegal crossings? It's something to think about, yes? June 18, 2018   Robert Mueller:   LOL! This is too funny! I think you all need to read this story of how incompetent the Mueller team is! Read the story at Gateway Pundit about the Russian company that Mueller's team "indicted" for "collusion" and tampering in the 2016 elections. I think you'll laugh hysterically at Mueller's team and rightly so! They are unhinged, unglued, incompetent and doing everything they can to make this thing stick to a company (spoiler alert) that didn't even exist when it supposedly did the wrong it was indicted for! Read the story, folks. It's hysterical! June 18, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   It's time to read the Inspector General's report on the james comey investigation into her e-mails and how screwed up it was. Judicial Watch read the report and found that "[I]t has destroyed the credibility of the Department of Justice and the FBI."Judicial Watch also said of the report that "a politicized FBI and DOJ then so obviously refuse to uphold the rule of law."That's not just sad, it's reprehensible. themuslimvileone has done everything he could while prezidunce to destroy America and put the dumboRATS into power - by hook or by crook - forever. That did not work because Americans across this great land were fed up with his crookedness and voted for Donald J. Trump. I am so very grateful that they did so! I am so very glad that the Founding Fathers set up a system that allowed the voices in "fly over country" to be just as heard and count as much as those in the leftist-controlled cities. GOD did well in giving them that idea. I hope and pray that soon hillosercrooktOOn will be in prison orange and enjoying her new digs in a 10x10 cell. I will celebrate with champagne that day! Ditto for the days that themuslimvileone and her hubby-hard-dog-to-keep-on-the-porch are put in prison, too! June 18, 2018   Hey! My hubby just came home! He's early! So, I'm going to go spend time with him! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 13, 2018: 12:01 a.m.   Flag Friday early:   Missed posting on Tuesday because I had errands to run and some ran longer than expected. I post this early because I head out to our farm in Georgia tomorrow and will be there until sometime Sunday. I didn't want to miss posting the Flag Friday pic on my website, so I give you "Tribute To Our Heroes 376: Maybe When She's Older". I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All and I plan to see you Monday of next week. Enjoy the rest of your week, and remember that GOD LOVES YOU! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 11, 2018: 9:09 a.m.   I wonder how many people - everyday Americans - would consider swearing your office oath on Malcolm X's biography as a valid oath of office. Would you like your Commissioner to be sworn in on Malcolm X's biography? I don't think I'd consider it a valid oath. I think I'd consider it a slap in the face of my country, my beliefs, my traditions. Would it stand in a court of law that a witness decided to be sworn in on the same book - Malcolm X's biography? I doubt it. I think that the people who elected this radical will be recalling her before her term is up. If not they'll pay for it the hard way. June 11, 2018   I've heard so many lefties say that they're moving to Canada because of Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory, but I haven't seen it happen. I wonder if they think that Trudeau's actions - telling immigrants not to come to Canada - are just as racist as they claim Pres. Trump's actions? Or do they give Trudeau a pass and just hate the fact that someone who loves America won and that's why they hate Pres. Donald J. Trump? It's not that lefties wanted to have anyone who loves America in the White House. What they wanted was someone who loves them more and that's what keeps them in power and influence. June 11, 2018   Meanwhile, the number of Americans buying guns continuesto increase, or, there are current gun owners buying more guns each, whichever. But we're not going to let anti-gun zealots (idiots) take away our Second Amendment rights! But, States, when there is a problem logging into the NICS database, don't continue to issue permits, like Florida did when an employee lied about having done those checks. She couldn't log in, didn't tell her superiors (or anyone else) for forty days, then she told the people who run the database, but not her superiors. When they found out they fired her (rightly so), but the damage has been done. Now they have to fix the problem. What an idiot that employee was! Who hired her, trained her, supervised her? Fire them, too! June 11, 2018   I hope that Congressman, Devin Nunes, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, actually has the teeth to make the DO[IN]J deliver on the documents he wants. He's investigating the "Russian collusion" lie and I think that if the DO[IN]J refuses to turn over the papers I hope he can throw them into prison until they agree to do so - unredacted! If they turn over only redacted papers, then he needs to throw them in jail until he gets to the TRUTH surrounding this whole LYING MESS. The truth is the left/progressives/liberals and hillsercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone did this and they spied on Americans and they ruined lives so that they could get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump as soon as possible after he won because they knew hillosercrooktOOn was an absolutely rotten candidate and would definitely lose. That's why they started the lie. It's not because they expected America to believe it. It's because they did not care about the TRUTH, they just cared about the damage they could do and the fuss they could keep going with the help of the msm. Truth does not matter to them. What matters to them is power and control. June 11, 2018   I like that people are realizing that Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing good tihngs for America. His approval numbers are up; higher than themuslimvileone at the same point in his occupancy of the Red House. America approves, unless you're a leftist/progressive/liberal and then you're crazy as a loon. The left can't wrap their heads around the fact that he won, that he's good for America, or that "We, The People" approve of him. That just bugs them. June 11, 2018   IF there was any collusion at all in the last election, it was between the left/progressives/liberals (hillosercrooktOOn and her ilk) and anyone willing to give her money. For instance, there is an allegation about her campaign getting $84 MILLION total from dumboRAT committees in the different states. Did she raid their coffers and use that money for herself, or is this all just a big misunderstanding? Or is it something else? We'll see. June 11, 2018   ROTTEN ryan:   He needs to go. He needs to be gone, kaput, bye-bye, outta' here as soon as possible. He is pushing amnesty and he's having a negative influence on the Republicans. One must wonder why it is he's still around at all. June 11, 2018   Let us hope and pray that Pres. Donald J. Trump gets our Ship, the U.S.S. Pueblo, back from the North Koreans after they seized it in WWII. I was appalled to read that when bullybob crooktOOn was prezidunce, he allowed North Korea to move OUR SHIP from one of their ports to another, while we watched, and told our Navy to "stand down" and not recapture our own ship! The crooktOOns have always been bad for America and always hated our military and this is just another in a long list of despicable things they did to America that are finally coming to light. What other atrocities have they committed that we do not yet know about? June 11, 2018   When will London get tired of the fact that its mayor, Sadiq Khan, is bad for London? His policies have made it a very dangerous place to be and he needs to be recalled. It's ridiculous what is happening over there. They took away guns, then knives, but stabbings are still happening all over and with increasing frequency. He and his policies are a danger to the people of London. Why is he still in office? Oh. That's right. I temporarily forgot. There are a lot of stupid people in England. They tolerate this sort of thing so they can be politically correct. Stupid is as stupid does and England is full of it. June 11, 2018   Sorry, but I've got to close with that. I have other things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 8, 2018: 12:20 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Missed doing Thursday's updates because I went to lunch with my son then did some shopping until he got off work, then we went to the thrift store we love and did more shopping. We had a great time as always and I found a few things where he works that I bought (he works retail) and I found a few things at the thrift store that I liked. We drove home through the terrible storm and we both made it safely. So, I missed the updates. Sorry, but not sorry. Family is important to me. So here is my "Tribute To Our Heroes 375: For This Land" for our heroes, a family member of sorts since my hubby, my Dad, both of my sisters' husbands, my brother, my father-in-law and other family members have served. So that makes those who serve America in the U.S. military are family. That's part of the reason it is so important to do this and why I feel so bad when I forget. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll try to do further updates later today. June 8, 2018: 2:48 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn's e-mails:   Through yet another lawsuit, Judicial Watch has uncovered more e-mails that the FBI and DO[IN]J were withholding and the truth that "'These emails are astonishing, no wonder the FBI hid them from Judicial Watch and the court,' stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 'They show anti-Trump, pro-[crooktOOn] FBI Agent Peter Strzok admitting the decision not to prosecute the [crooktOOn] email issue was made back in April 2016 – long before even [hillosercrooktOOn] was interviewed.' [my bolding]"So if there is such a thing as "Equal protection under the law", why was hillosercrooktOOn given special treatment, protected from her TREASON and all the other wrongs she did and given a pass by the leftie, james comey and all the rest of the left? Why? How does that happen in America? themuslimvileone and the crooktOOns are in cahoots in this thing as are the rest of the deep state because they all banded together to try to destroy America via carrying on themuslimvileone's policies and practices. That's despicable. She needs to be in prison for the rest of her short life and the rest of them need to accompany her! June 8, 2018   The computer server that was key evidence against the IT worker dumby-wassy-schultz hired and whom we know was spying on dumboRATS in Congress, has been stolen and is gone; it's been "physically stolen". I wonder if anyone has asked dumby-wassy-schultz what she was doing when it went missing and if she has any witnesses to prove she was doing that? June 8, 2018   I am glad that the Communist West Point grad has received an "other than honorable" discharge from the military. He disrespected his country, his Commander In Chief, his commission and his school's honor system with his actions and he deserves "other than honorable". He is going to have to face the consequences of his choices and I think that's entirely appropriate. Better that he face the consequences of his choices than that those he would have served with to find out too late that he can't be trusted to have their backs, to not betray them to uphold his personal beliefs, or whatever. It's time young people start learning that their choices have consequences. June 8, 2018   Anthony Bourdain committed suicide, as did designer, Kate Spade. I don't know why people do that. I understand despair and not wanting to continue down a path that seems unending, but carrying through with suicide I don't get. I wonder who will be next, since these things usually happen in threes. If you are considering suicide, please consider this, too: When you commit suicide, it opens the door and "gives permission" to those around you to do the same. I have seen it happen. When one person commits suicide, within a relatively short period of time, someone else in their circle of family or friends does the same - often in the same way. So, effectively, when you commit suicide you are encouraging those around you to do the same. You are opening that door to them, giving them "permission" via your own suicide to do so. Is that something you want to do? If not, please seek help. Contact your local pastor, priest, a family member, friend, someone who loves you, or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; call them at 1-800-273-8255. You don't need to face the pain alone. You can get help, someone to help shoulder the burden. You can get through the rough days, the tough times do not last forever. If it's darkest right now, remember the dawn is coming! Get help. Don't try to go it alone if you have pills in your hand, the bathtub full, or the thing around your neck, the gun in your hand and loaded. Don't believe the LIE that it won't get better. It does if you give it a chance. June 8, 2018   China stole our military secrets via hacking into a computer owned by a defense contractor. I think that the Chinese government needs to face sanctions and that we would be smart to not put our secrets on servers and computers that stay available 24/7/365. We need to start using exterior hard drives that are disconnected, then put into safes that stay locked until that info is needed again and that the people who work there are not allowed to enter or exit the area with any sort of recording devices - hard drives, SD cards, thumb drives, CD/DVDs, etc. There has to be a way to keep our secrets secret without crippling our research and development. Maybe centralizing them to one location and implementing the strictest security protocols would work. I just don't think that we need to go through this again and again and again before we learn our security lessons. Let's prevent this, not deal with it after it's too late! June 8, 2018   What in the world is Pres. Donald J. Trump thinking, keeping "Look at me!" Rudy on the team? At the very least there should be a gag order on Rudy and if he can't keep his mouth shut he should be fired. That's what I think. June 8, 2018   I wish that Islam would learn that no matter how often they chant "Death to Israel!" the Lord GOD Almighty will protect His Chosen People and He will defend them, as He did in the Six Day War and at other times. Israel is a nation that deserves to exist and whose land was put together legally and purchased from people who decided to sell it. If I bought my neighbor's land for a price we both agreed upon, would that make me a horrible person? No. Would it make my neighbor a victim? No. So why is it being painted that way for Israel and Islam? Watch a video about the TRUTH of Israel's creation. June 8, 2018   I cannot believe that the Southern Baptist Convention, a Christian organization I chose to affiliate myself with years ago, is going through what some may call a "Christian #MeToo Movement". It's women v. men and I am beginning to think it's a disease spreading like wildfire; more than an actual problem being addressed it's a problem seeking publicity for the cause rather than cure for the ailment. The SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) is correct in its "complimentarianism" approach to the male-female relationship regarding Church leadership roles. Females are not biblically supposed to teach adult males in the church setting. That does not mean that they cannot teach at all. Women are biblically allowed to teach children and other females in any capacity; in church or otherwise. For an adult female to teach an adult male in the church setting is wrong in the eyes of GOD. For any male to sexually molest, abuse, or belittle a female within the church because she is a female is wrong in the eyes of GOD. If you're a church leader, you should know this and be acting accordingly. If you choose to do the wrong thing instead of the righ thing, I think and hope you face the full consequences of your actions be they firing or prison time. You know how to do the right thing: choose to do it. June 8, 2018   If this is what Austria has to do to protect its country then they should do it. II have no problem with protecting your land and your people. That's what a country's government is supposed to do! Austria has the right - even the responsibility - to do this. I'm glad they've chosen to take this step. Maybe other countries will follow suit. June 8, 2018   I hope that Pres. Donald J. Trump does NOT lift the ban on marijuana. Whether people admit it or not, it is a gateway drug and those who start there often go on to something that's harder. If we want to be like San Fran all across America, let's do this. If we want to be like Sweden, New Zealand, or Poland, then we should legalize marijuana use. If we don't want to have drug parks, taxpayer funded needle exchange facilities, or that sort of thing, then marijuana and all other non-prescription illegal drugs should remain banned. June 8, 2018   pelosipig:   Her health problem is not getting any better. She isn't any better at math, either. She needs to retire and make room for a younger person to take her place. Maybe a true Christian Conservative could do that. (Evil moi!) June 8, 2018   I will stop with that for today. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 6, 2018: 10:16 a.m.   Missed Monday and Tuesday of this week. Monday I was busy running errands and had the great pleasure of finding a stylist who knows how to cut hair properly! That is a real treat when you have had the experience (several times) of having someone cut your hair who doesn't listen to what you want and winds up cutting your hair in whichever way they want. Yes, it may be shorter, but it's not right. Monday I found someone who does it right! That's a very good thing! Tuesday (yesterday) I tried to do updates but my computer had done an update and that update messed my computer up so badly that I wanted to throw it against the wall. I spent hours yesterday fixing the problem that the update created and, as you can see, I can now use it for what I want. When I tried to do updates yesterday my HTML program came up but only showed a blue background and vertical stripes - which it isn't supposed to have. There were no words showing, just stripes. Maddening. So glad GOD gave me the ability to fix certain computer problems! Thank you, Lord! June 6, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She is still under investigation; if not by the federal government, then at least by Judicial Watch who is forcing the release of information and still suing for more info. Today, there is a court hearing regarding the e-mails she sent to others and they sent amongst themselves. It's time the truth be known about the e-mails she sent and what she promised to others and how much she made in selling America's secrets. It's time she be held accountable for her actions and that she be made to pay for her own wrongdoing. She is guilty of so much that she just keeps getting away with and I don't know how she does that... unless I consider the very long list of people who are dead and who were going to release info about her, who knew the secrets she kept, etc. Then maybe I understand. One of the crooktOOns' former supporters has finally wound up in prison where he and they belong. It's about time. What's that old saying? "Show me a man's friends and I'll show you the man"? Considering who the crooktOOns hung out with doesn't that speak volumes? June 6, 2018   There are people within the GOP who are RINOs and they're not just Senators and in Congress. There are "megadonors" who are pressing for amnesty so they can have cheap labor and they would rather put our country and children at risk than have to pay people more. That, to me, is treason. It's not just our country at risk via the dumboRATS getting all of those illegal aliens given "amnesty" votes, it's the fact that our children may pay the price for the violent and pedophile illegals allowed to stay because they may work for cheap, but their neighbors pay a much higher price. It's not right and it's a danger to the citizens of this country and to our country's sovereignty. How many will those "amnestied" people bring into our country and who will pay for that? If ROTTEN ryan caves to the RINO megadonors, I hope it's the last thing he gets to do to harm our country! June 6, 2018   themuslimvileone:   I can't imagine anyone being surprised to find out that he tried to let Iran basically launder money. This was after the "Iran deal" in which he said that they wouldn't be able to do anything financial that would touch America's system. Then he "[U]nder [themuslimvileone], the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars. If the Omani bank had allowed the exchange without such a license, it would have violated sanctions that bar Iran from transactions that touch the U.S. financial system."The reason this scheming LIE to the American people failed is because the banks themuslimvileone's administration tried to get to cooperate refused to do so citing the law and Iranian deal he had just put together! "The effort was unsuccessful because American banks — themselves afraid of running afoul of U.S. sanctions — declined to participate. [themuslimvileone's] administration approached two U.S. banks to facilitate the conversion, the report said, but both refused, citing the reputational risk of doing business with or for Iran."Thank heaven for the integrity of those two banks! But look at the rottenness of themuslimvileone's actions: he made the deal, then he tried to go around his own deal to benefit - yet again - Iran, the country he was allowing to develop nuclear weapons! Does this sound like a good thing for America, for your children? In how many ways did he do his utmost to harm America? He deserves to spend the rest of his life in the deepest, darkest dungeon of the harshest prison on earth! June 6, 2018   Fakebook:   Yes, they, too, do whatever it takes to earn money via selling YOUR info. They even sold YOUR info to a Chinese firm "flagged" as a national security threat against the U.S.A. Do you work in a sensitive field? Do you have a security clearance? Do you know that Huawei and ZTE are both "flagged" as threats and that you should not own a cell phone made by them? That's who Fakebook sold your info to. Did you tell them they could share your info with a "flagged" company? No? They did it anwyays. That's part of their user agreement, them selling your info to whomever they want. Do you like that? If not, get off of Fakebook. Delete everything you can from your timeline and your profile and get off of Fakebook. It's better for you and for your children. June 6, 2018   Cancer:   Do you have cancer? Do you know someone who does? Our nephew's wife was diagnosed Saturday with acute leukemia (which form, I don't know) and she's in Cincinnatti undergoing treatment in a hospital as I type this. I pray for her and I pray that her doctors tailor her treatment to her genetic profile, which is the best way to treat this stuff nowadays. There is all kinds of new info coming out about how to treat cancer and it's giving people hope for a full recovery and sometimes without undergoing chemo therapy for breast cancer and other good news about its treatment. I am so glad that the research has made these advances possible. I pray that our nephew's wife benefits from the advances and she has a quick and full recovery without fear of relapse. June 6, 2018   Aaaaaahhh... Public Schools:   A school teacher in PA has been fired (very unusual) because she was accepting bribes for good grades. I wonder if she would have been fired if she had shared the proceeds with either the school system or the union? Just asking. At least she wasn't found guilty of assaulting a student, as was a NJ teacher. Nor was she having sex with a student, as was a FL teacher (or should I say "another FL teacher" since we seem to have a lot of that). So we've seen corruption, violence and statutory rape in public schools in just three links. Sounds like a good place to send your kids, right? Home school your kids, parents. It's the best thing to do for them. Put a nicer car, bigger house, better vacations, and brand name clothes on hold while you put your kids first. You had them because you wanted them. Why hand them off to others to raise and to do as they wish with them while under their care? Home school for your children's well being. June 6, 2018   SCOTUS:   If you haven't heard about their ruling in the bakery versus gay wedding read Ben Shapiro's view of the ruling and you'll be better informed as to how poorly the SCOTUS did. They really dropped the ball on this one. June 6, 2018   MAGA:   Things are looking great for America's economy and that includes the U6 unemployment number at 7.6%, the lowest number we've seen since 2001! The U3 rate is 3.8%, lowest we've seen since April of 2000! That's amazing! That's also, depending upon how you look at it. Bloomberg says it's the lowest number in 48 years! Thanks, President Donald J. Trump! That would have never happened in a hillosercrooktOOn administration! June 6, 2018   D-Day 74th Anniversary:   Today is the anniversary of the deciding action against Hitler's Nazi regime in Europe. Next year they plan a huge anniversary event and annually we want to remember those who served, gave their all, and never came back. GOD Bless all who served, and the families of those who never came back. It's so difficult to deal with that, but their sacrifice is so very much appreciated. June 6, 2018   Parkland Shooting:   The Sheriff's Deputy who did not enter the building where the shooter was killing students says he's not a coward and he was "doing things" while he stayed outside. The parents - especially those who saw the video, I'm sure - disagree with his statement. I don't blame them. June 6, 2018   DO[IN]J IG Report:   Lynch and Comey "defied authority" and that's just the beginning. I think it's going to hit the fan soon and when it does, it won't bode well for comey and lynch. If that's the first leak, what's yet to come? June 6, 2018   Did you know that the FBI was spying on American citizens even though "According to Kevin Brock, the Former Assistant Director of Counter-Intelligence at the FBI, opening a source to spy on a US citizen before opening an official investigation is prohibited by the FBI."Does it surprise you that themuslimvileone allowed this? June 6, 2018   Well, gotta' go. Mom's on the phone and I was finished anyways. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 2018 May 31-June 1, 2018: 11:41 p.m.   Flag Friday:   I hope that you have a great weekend. I have a long weekend of work at our Georgia farm planned and I hope to get it all done. I probably won't be posting anything for this Friday except for this "Tribute To Our Heroes 374: The Fear". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 31, 2018: 2:18 p.m.   Build The Wall!:   It's about time the wall between Mexico - a terrorist supporting country - and America be built. The Customs and Border Patrol agency released a statement that said they were building in an area known to be a Mexico helping ISIS terrorists area and it's time that this be stopped. Why Mexico still has MFN (Most Favored Nation) status with all they do to harm America, I have no idea. That needs to change and change immediately! May 31, 2018   I think it's time that the msm stop trying to paint their "reporting" as anything besides kissing leftist/progressive/liberal backside and bowing to those who think the same as themselves. It's time that people realize that the left/progressive/liberal media all think alike and all believe the same thing, want the same thing, and try to help the same things happen. So is it any surprise to anyone that joy reid is a 9/11 "truther" as revealed in her old blog postings? Yes, folks. She believes the government - under Pres. George W. Bush - brought down the World Trade Center buildings, the Pentagon and crashed the plane in Pennsylvania. SMH. The msm is full of idiots. Why anyone watches them anymore I have no idea. May 31, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump is considering pardoning some people, after he already pardoned AZ Sheriff, Joe Arpaio; I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, accused of lying about who "outed" Valerie Plame (her hubby did); Kristian Mark Saucier, a U.S. Navy sailor who was convicted of keeping "classified materials"; and Jack Johnson, a boxer who was imprisoned for interracial dating (remember those horrible days?). Now he's considering Dinesh D'Souza, Martha Stewart and former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. So when he thinks someone has been unfairly treated, he is willing to take a look at the truth and the way things were handled and it doesn't matter which political party the person belongs to. Stewart and Blagojevich are both dumboRATS, but Pres. Trump is considering pardoning them anyways. That's fair. May 31, 2018   googlywoogly:   Do you do business with them? Have accounts with them? Are you a Republican? I'm not a registered Republican and haven't been for many years now, but I am a Christian Conservative and I think that googlywoogly labeling CA Republicans as "Nazis" is despicable. Because they have done this, in the near future I'll be moving all of my blogs to my own website, closing that blog down and closing my gmail.com account and thus, have nothing more to do with them. My default search engine is either Duck-Duck-Go (which doesn't track you and can't be used in ways like fakebook, the dead blue bird, and others do), or I use Bing (which is better than googlywoogly), but probably uses them in the background. At least they say they don't track us, but I'm not certain about that. Anyways, I'll be closing all googlywoogly things and not using any of their services anymore. Is that something you should consider, too? Are they considering you a "Nazi"? May 31, 2018   pope a dope:   He says he'll "never again" "cover up for clergy sexual abuse". How about he first say "I'm sorry for having done so already", or maybe "I'll defrock everyone found to have any part in doing so!"? How about he stop being a political and sexual leftist. He endorses homosexuality and says GOD made homosexuals that way, totally contradicting the Bible on the subject. Romans 1:21-32 says in part: "24 Therefore God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.Note that it says that the "women exchanged" and the "men abandoned", not that GOD made them that way! It was a choice! It was the people who did this, who made the choice. Notice the ONLY role GOD had in this was in giving the people who burned with lust toward their own kind up to their lusts. GOD did not MAKE people homosexual, He allowed it. GOD gives all of us free will. The pope is not just wrong, he's teaching unbiblical principles. He's an ill-informed, unbiblical pope. He needs to get his heart right with GOD. You can't teach unbiblical things while your heart is right with GOD and you know His word. He needs to study the Word, not go PC. May 31, 2018   Poll:   A new poll shows Sen. Ted Cruz leading in his bid to retain his Senate seat. I prefer him in the Senate to being in the White House since I saw his true self as he ran for president. I also much prefer him to any leftist/progressive/liberal that is his opponent, so I'm happy about that. Let's see if this poll holds up come November. I hope it does and that Cruz wipes the floor with him. May 31, 2018   I still love the fact that we have President, Donald J. Trump as opposed to hillosercrooktOOn! I find over and over and over again that I am not alone. That's why I thought you may like memes from election night video of ben rhodes trying to digest the fact that she lost. It's a beautiful thing! May 31, 2018   What? Cong. Trey Gowdy, are you on Ambien, too? Americans "want" the FBI to use informants inside political campaigns? What is going on with that? May 31, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Now this is a reasonable person who loves America and wants what is best for the nation. I sincerely commend her. May 31, 2018   cnn:   How low can their ratings go? If they keep falling and falling and falling and falling and falling, as they have been, they'll hit negatives in no time! They'll have to pay people to watch them, but I don't think they have enough money for that. What say you: one year, three? Maybe it's just months before the crooktOOn new network folds up and dies. Wouldn't that be nice? May 31, 2018   I'm going to close for now. I'll be posting my Flag Friday pic later tonight and I may or may not post anything tomorrow. We have to go back up to our Georgia farm because we have company coming up and down (some from Florida, some from Ohio) in the next few weeks and we have to get things done up there. So tomorrow right now is questionable. We'll see how the timeline works out. Either way, see you later tonight for Flag Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 30, 2018: 1:07 p.m.   Just a few blurbs again today because I have an appointment to get ready for in a little while. So we'll start with Cheekbone Cherokee praising China. They have a "whole-government" approach to things, don't ya' know? "Whole government" makes it sound like something good, like "Whole Foods", or "Whole Person" treatment (Body, Soul, Spirit, Mind). She's totally wacko, but that doesn't mean that lefties/progressives/liberals won't elect her. Wacko is their favorite brand. May 30, 2018   According to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, themuslimvileone's former A.G. approved targeting of then-candidate, Donald J. Trump. Well, shock me, surprise you. We all know themuslimvileone had to approve this sort of spying and lying in order to protect his legacy and his reputation. After all, it's not something that we don't expect from themuslimvileone, now is it? May 30, 2018   I have to agree with Pres. Donald J. Trump. I, too, wish he had chosen someone besides Jeff Sessions to be U.S. Attorney General. Sessions is a huge disappointment to me. He really should be doing more kicking butt and taking names. FBI heads should be rolling over there, but they're not. How many people has he even fired? Where are the "deep state" people being fired and let go at record numbers? Why is he not cleaning house? Why is he not admitting to the truth? Why is he such a pacifist when it comes to defending America from the leftist deep state? Why? Jeff Sessions needs to go. May 30, 2018   MAGA:   It's a good thing that Pres. Donald J. Trump got out of the Iran deal. The Iranians have been cheating for years and they don't intend to stop now. May 30, 2018   David Publicity Piggy:   LOL! Love it! Army Ranger and BENGHAZI survivor, Chris Paronto, sets anti-gun teenage "wannabe somebody" straight. I bet Piggy went home and cried to his Mommy while sucking his thumb and wetting his pants. Oh, my goodness, he needs to go away.
May 29, 2018: 3:44 p.m.   SCOTUS: For now -- mark those words -- they've allowed to stand an Arkansas ruling that restricts "morning after" abortions. Let's pray that the attorneys filing against abortions are smart and file based upon legal rulings, not based upon shaky grounds. If the attorneys filing against abortion providers use strong grounds and legal precedents, then we have every hope that the SCOTUS will find (especially if Pres. Trump gets to appoint a Kennedy replacement) in favor of allowing the baby to live. Choose life, SCOTUS, choose life! May 29, 2018   themuslimvileone:   Netflix is "Nutflix", IMHO. Putting together a show about themuslimvileone and his ms? Really? And it's not "going to have a political slant"? Really? So this isn't about ms putting together a public persona so that she can run in 2020? It isn't copying "The Donald" and his "Apprentice" program so that she can build name recognition and create a personable facade so that she can become even close to considered "electable"? Yeah. Right. May 29, 2018   dumboRATS:   Show of hands: anyone surprised that there is MORE evidence of political cover up in their "security scandal"? What is dws hiding? What does she not want the dumboRATS at large to know about? Why is she covering up anything and everything to prevent hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone from finding out? Of whom is she more afraid: the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, or hillosercrooktOOn and her ever-growing list of dead people? May 29, 2018   Oops! My Mom is on the phone and I'll go talk to her. Sorry about that. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 24-25, 2018: 3:49 p.m.   Flag Friday and Memorial Day Poem:   I must post my pic and poem early this week because we're headed to Georgia again. As you know if you read the last paragraph yesterday, we'll be going from Georgia on Saturday to SC to take some stuff to my Mom. We'll drop stuff off, pick her up and go up to NC to spend some time exploring up there (birding and stuff) and we'll go back to SC the next day (Sunday) and drop her off at her house then go back to our Georgia farm on Sunday. Monday we'll be headed back down here. Monday is Memorial Day and it struck me this year about how people "celebrate" Memorial Day, so I wrote "Tribute To Our Heroes 373: Memorial Day Spirit" to express my thoughts on that subject. I hope you like it. I thank those of you who served. I can never say it enough. GOD Bless You All! Can't do more than that today. I apologize. Busy times right now. I hope you have a good weekend and that your Memorial Day is more than ten seconds of "memorializing" those who died for our freedoms. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 23, 2018: 2:12 p.m.   Sorry I missed Monday and Tuesday. Last week I didn't realize that Monday was a special day in our family and thus the day was taken off. Yesterday I had a day of running errands and getting things done. One of the errands was going to Sears to pick up some more vacuum cleaner bags and seeing them having their going out of business sale was sad. My son went up there with me and he wanted to walk around the store and look and remember when he was a kid and going to Sears to shop. He recalled playing the Sonic the Hedgehog game on a Sega system there while we looked for clothes for them. I was surprised he was so sentimental about it, but I was a little, too. We stopped shopping there on a regular basis when their clothes stopped fitting properly and their Craftsman tools stopped being totally reliable. Sometimes things we get sentimental about surprise me. Anyways, I'll get started for today. May 23, 2018   Deep State:   There are people within in the FBI and other organizations who wish to be whistle blowers on comey, lynch, holder, etc. but have not been given the chance because Congress hasn't subpoenaed them. It's the only way they can do so safely, without fear of repurcussion, and they want to do so. I wish that Congressman Trey Gowdy or Devin Nunes would get them subpoenas and hear their testimony so that we can "FIND THE TRUTH!" about what happened during themuslimvileone's administration and how they abused their powers and broke the law so that they could do whatever they darned well pleased. themuslimvileone has always thought of himself as "special" and he continued to do so while in the Red House. If Gowdy and Nunes want to get to the truth about this "Russian collusion" crap or anything else here, they need to subpoena these FBI agents who want to tell the truth about what themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn and ketchup kerry and the rest of the clowns in the circus did. Let's do this! May 23, 2018   Don't Believe the Polls:   When you read things like dumboRAT claire mccaskill down by over 7% in a recent poll, it makes one's heart go thumpity-thump, but don't believe it. It may make one happy and want to jump for joy, but we can't believe the polls (remember, they forecast hillosercrooktOOn's eminent victory). We must decide now to do our investigations into who the candidates are, what they stand for, what their backgrounds are, who their friends are, what organizations they belong to, etc., so that we can VOTE IN NOVEMBER for the most Conservative candidate on the ballot. If you don't vote Conservative you're voting for the destruction of our country and for the destruction and undoing of every accomplishment of Pres. Donald J. Trump. Don't be complacent! Do your homework and don't trust those who hate Pres. Trump and this country to be the only ones at the polls this year! Get your head in the game now and do your research! Then vote in November or pay the price in higher taxes, less freedom and more government control over every area of your life! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 39227, independent of any campaign, candidate, committee, or political party. These are my beliefs and my words. Don't like it? Bite me.) May 23, 2018   New documents released through lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch shows that there WAS hillosercrooktOOn "Russian collusion": "A March 28, 2013, email from now-Deputy Executive Secretary in the Office of the Secretary of State Baxter Hunt shows the Podesta Group, led by Tony Podesta, a [crooktOOn] bundler and brother of [crooktOOn’s] 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta, represented the Party of Regions, a pro-Kremlin political party in Ukraine.There's more in the link above, so check it out. If you want to find "Russian collusion" look no further than the hillosercrooktOOn and her buddies. She's crooked as the day is long -- if not moreso. May 23, 2018   Say WHAT?:   The marital cheaters, peter strvok and lisa page, are just now being asked to not destroy records? That's unbelievable! They should have been perp-marched out the door as soon as their collusion was found out and they should have been made to leave everything there except the clothes on their backs - which should have been body-cavity searched so that they didn't pull a Sandy Berger and stuff things into their pants. Those two should have been unable to enter the building as soon as it was found out that they were doing everything they could to interfere in a presidential campaign. Jeff Sessions, U.S.A.G., needs to be fired because he is so lacksidaisical in the performance of his duty vis a vis protecting records and firing ne'er-do-wells! Put Trey Gowdy in there! May 23, 2018   An idiot judge appointed by bullybobcrooktOOn, has ruled that Pres. Donald J. Trump cannot block dead blue bird trolls from his blue bird stream. She equates the First Amendment's right to Free Speech to an UNconstitutional non-existent "right" to be heard. She is a federal judge! She should know the difference between speaking and being heard. Apparently, she does not or her ruling would have been in favor of Pres. Donald J. Trump's ability to block trolls. I think she needs to be fired. May 23, 2018   If the Mexican mafia controls L.A. jails that is a really bad situation and needs to be fixed. It also speaks volumes about the law enforcement authorities who are supposed to be in control of the jails there. What are they doing to stop the Mexican mafia, or are they on the payroll of the Mexican mafia, or what created that situation? Maybe they were threatened by the Mexican mafia. Maybe they put their hands out and turned a blind eye. Who knows? But it needs to be looked into and rectified, even if it means a lot of people are fired. May 23, 2018   NFaiLaughing:   Well, would you look at that? They've finally realized what side their bread is buttered on and made a policy that says that those who wish to kneel for the national anthem can stay in the locker room during the anthem, but those who take the field must stand at attention. How about that. Their wallets were hurting pretty badly before their heads were screwed on straight. I wonder how long this decision will stand before the players' union decides to sue to stop it, citing "Free Speech" issues as their defense for the kneelers. Let them kneel. Let them be fired because they destroyed attendance at the game America used to love. Let them find out that they are not the apple of America's eyes and that the millions of dollars they were making is now gone because of their own disrespect of America and our national anthem and we'll see what they do afterward to make a living. If they so despise America, let them move out and find another country where they can make that kind of money for playing a game. I dare them. May 23, 2018   No Longer "Boy" Scouts:   During their 2019 24th annual "Jamboree", they're now giving out condoms, and allowing alcohol consumption in specified areas. Why? So that the girls who are now in "Boy" Scouts will not get pregnant during Jamboree? Really? Or is it so that gay sex won't spread disease during Jamboree? (Although even the FDA says: "The most effective way to avoid getting an STI is to not have sex. Another way is to limit sex to one partner who also limits his or her sex in the same way. Condoms are not 100% safe, but if used properly, will reduce the risk of getting a STI. [my bolding]"Nice of the "Boy" Scouts to consider that.) So if you've got a child - or an adult - involved in "Boy" Scouts (now also populated by "girls") then you have the "Boy" Scouts (now just "Scouts", I suppose), condoning sexual activity at their event. Isn't that what you want for your "Scout"? My husband is an Eagle Scout from way back when it used to mean something. I hope he will send his Eagle pin back. May 23, 2018   Blue Lives Matter:   Another race-baiting attempt to destroy a cop's career (and life) was tried on by the liar, shaun king, formerly of blm and of racial mud-slinging. King claimed on both his dead blue bird account and on his fakebook account that a black woman who was stopped by a Texas State Trooper had been raped by that trooper until bodycam evidence proved otherwise. Then he took both posts down but never admitted he lied and never apologized to the trooper. She got an attorney who believed the lie until he saw the bodycam evidence then he issued a statement that denied her claim. Shaun King, for the LIE! May 23, 2018   SpyGate:   Now even James Clapper admits to spying on Pres. Trump campaign. The left is trying to convince us that it was "a good thing" because they were trying to "protect then-candidate Trump". Yeah. Right. You know what this thing reminds me of, this "Russian collusion" lie? It reminds me of the way the left used to represent the McCarthy investigations ferreting out Communists inside America and the Hollyweird elites. They used to HATE this kind of investigation. Now they support it, revere it, and want it to continue because... Well, because it suits their purposes: Destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump and America. That's their goal and it has been for the last twenty-five years since the bullybobcrooktOOn era. They've wanted to destroy America since thevilegeorgesoros turned his attention to America and gained political influence with the left. They love his money and they'll kiss his anything to get it and obey his every demand and command to keep getting it so that they can stay in power. The left/progressives/liberals in power are nothing more nowadays than his puppets and willing lap dogs. Remember, there was more crooktOOn collusion than they ever tried to lie about for Pres. Donald J. Trump and his associates. For the crooktOOns, the collusion never stops. It's all about them, their money and their power. Let's hope it all stops soon, or they'll still be able to destroy America, their main goal, even while not in power. May 23, 2018   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   If you have a student in public schools who makes good grades and gets to make a speech at graduation, remember to tell them that their rights do NOT stop at the school house doors. According to many legal decisions, the student has EVERY RIGHT to include "Christ" or "Jesus" or "GOD" in their speech and the school has NO RIGHT to stop them, make them remove such references or threaten them with being unable to speak at all if the references are not removed. Your student earned the grades and the right to make the speech comes with it. It's your student's First Amendment right to mention Christ if they so desire. See also, the ACLJ story here, United States Attorneys’ Manual (USAM) Repect For Religious Liberty update, and this article at the Heritage Foundation on Free Speech on college campuses. May 23, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He was always no good for America. He always hated America and still does - except for the money it can give him and his nothing wife. As a result of his idiocy and hatred for America, and his rotten deal with Iran they're still moving toward nuclear missiles that can hit other nations. He did this. The blood will be on his hands, and if the Iranians (and themuslimvileone) have their ways, there will be blood. May 23, 2018   SMH:   Unbelievable. Stupid is as stupid does. The left proves it daily. I suppose mayor bloombergermeister will not be happy until NY is experiencing the same kind of exodus as Illinois because of taxes. If you want to destroy an economy, raise taxes. If you want to help an economy, lower taxes. That's how Ronaldus Maximus (Ronald Reagan) helped America and how Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing it. For the stupid bloombergermeister to say opposite after seeing with his own two eyes how lowering taxes helps people is just plain stupidity, IMHO. He needs to get a grip. May 23, 2018 On that note I shall close for the day. I'll be posting a little tomorrow, and my Flag Friday pic will be early because we're headed to the farm and then to SC to drop some stuff off at my Mom's and to pick her up and take her to NC where we've got a surprise activity planned for her and then we'll take her back home Sunday, go back to the farm and come home to Florida Monday. It's going to be a lot of driving, but it will be worth it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 18, 2018: 1:33 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Forgot to mention that my son was coming over yesterday and that we would be spending the day toodling around and having fun. We visited two antique shops, Bluebird Cottage in Cocoa and Wildwood Antique Mall in Titusville. Then we went to the Bonefish Grill for supper. That was yummy! Anyways, that's why I missed Thursday's posting. So now I give you "Tribute To Our Heroes 372: Pure Happiness", to say "Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All!" I also want to say that I won't be posting later today, either. My hubby is going to try to get home early and we're going to go north a few hours to see a Harlequin Duck that has been reported at a marina up there. He's been there for a year, so it's pretty sure he'll be there this weekend. Let's hope we get to find him and get a good pic. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 16, 2018: 2:06 p.m.   MAGA:   How do you feel about the direction America is going? Are you hopeful and optimistic for it? Do you think America is going in the right direction? If so, you're not alone. 57% of the people polled agree with you. That's a higher percentage of positive feelings about the direction our country is going than at any time during themuslimevileone's entire eight years! Take that, themuslimvileone! Now we do have hope and change! May 16, 2018   It's not just I who thinks that the "Russian collusion" investigation is actually an attempted coup against Pres. Donald J. Trump. I think it's a horrible, vindictive, hateful thing that the left is doing here and if I had a dime for every LIE they have told since Pres. Trump (then-candidate Trump) won the Republican primary I'd be as rich as Donald J. Trump! May 16, 2018   Let's see if the release of the transcript of Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting at Trump Tower with the Russian who said they had damaging info on hillosercrooktOOn - the transcript that proves Donald Jr. was telling the truth - will put the left to silence. I seriously doubt it will, but there's no harm in hoping. The left/progressives/liberals will find another excuse, another lie to tell, another way to try to harm the entire Trump family. Hades has no fury like a leftie denied power. May 16, 2018   May 16, 2018   School resource officer - NOT in Broward County, FL - stops armed former student on school campus. This is what happens when courage is present and the call of duty is stronger than the fear one feels in facing an armed person. This is what school resource officers are supposed to do. This is what a good guy with a gun does when a bad guy with a gun is prsent. Good guys need guns. So do good girls. May 16, 2018   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   I hope that the meeting between he and Pres. Donald J. Trump does happen but that Pres. Trump remembers that he should NOT trust the tyrant. The T-cubed (TTT) could be lying, as do many tyrants (see themuslimvileone), and T-cubed could be trying to create a false sense of trust and security. That's something to beware of. Tyrants are NEVER to be trusted. Tyrants who abuse their own people and create want and lack because they deserve to be the only ones living in luxury (see themuslimvileone), are not worthy of trust, respect or any other good thought/reaction. T-cubed is a spoiled little monster who has no problem murdering his family members. That's something that should be always kept at the forefront of negotations. He needs to not only disarm and destroy his nuclear weapons - verified by America and the rest of the world - but he also needs to be sworn and verified to have stopped the terrorism he rules his people with. He needs to be made to become a benevolent ruler, not a murderous thug. May 16, 2018   I think that Turkey is in a heap of trouble and that they are being led by someone who is trying to make the world an Islamic caliphate. I think that his urging of the Islamic countries to unite against the west is a dangerous thing. I hope and pray that his country will vote him out of office soon and that Turkey will go in a different direction. Right now, though, I think that Turkey is a dangerous influence and that it needs to be put on the terrorist watch list. May 16, 2018   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   If you believe that the people hurt and killed in the uprising against Israel at the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem were "innocent bystanders", you've been totally misled and you need to "FIND THE TRUTH!" Most of them were members of Hamas and their survivors are going to be paid by Hamas for the rest of their lives because their family member martyred themselves in the cause of Allah. When it comes to Israel, a lot of Muslims - countries and individuals - are so full of hatred for Israel that they are willing to lie, cheat, steal, dig tunnels under the ground to enter Israel, and (this is the worst of all) they're willing to kill their own children in order to maybe harm or kill one single Jew. That's despicable. I can't imagine killing my child so that I could harm or kill someone else, no matter how much I didn't like the other person. It's all about the hatred and obeying the Koran/Quran. I STAND WITH ISRAEL. May 16, 2018   With crud like "No Whites Allowed" days on a particular college campus - Evergreen State College - why would anyone pay to send their child (or themselves) to college? Particularly this one? Why would anyone want to attend a college - any college - that had professors that preach crud that supports this, or administrators that allow this? What is college nowadays besides a place to go learn the ways of the radical left? If you don't want to become a brain dead radical leftist, why go to college? There are exceptions, of course. You can go to Christian colleges like Regent University, Liberty University, etc., or you can go to the best college I can recommend, Hillsdale College, where you go learn about the U.S. Constitution and the Federalist Papers, etc., as the foundational portion of every government course. You can get many degrees there, but everyone learns about the U.S. Constitution and what it means to a free America. I think this is the best education you can get for yourself or your child. May 16, 2018   Witch Hunt:   In the robert mueller probe, here is the list of twelve of the "most egregious crimes, conflicts of interest, and unconstitutional acts" that have been committed in the effort to railroad Pres. Donald J. Trump out of office. The left is doing their darndest - laws be dam*ed - to get him out of office because they wanted hillosercrooktOOn in office so that she can help hide the illegalities that themuslimvileone's administration have done. With her in there, we'd never know about some of the crud themuslimvileone allowed. I'm surprised we know what we do about BENGHAZI, but imagine if we didn't have the Deep State still helping cover up the truth about that fateful, horrible night. We could have four Americans still alive if it had been handled differently, but so far we've been blocked from finding out what the truth is about that murderous event in which hillosercrooktOOn did NOT pick up the phone. This still needs to be opened to the American people, especially to the families. This list of twelve is only a partial list, and all of them should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and those responsible put in the deepest hole-of-a-prison America has. May 16, 2018   Some of our Senate members are being pressured to withstand Pres. Donald J. Trump's Iran policies because they accepted donations from Iran and now Iran is trying to blackmail them. The list of Senators who took money from Iran is:
May 16, 2018   It's been said that Former CIA Chief led the anti-Trump "counter-intelligence" operations. So it was someone themuslimvileone appointed who was doing the big LIES against Pres. Donald J. Trump and, thus, themuslimvileone's administration was part of the LIES. This is the type of thing that should be prosecuted and people go to prison for a very long time. That includes themuslimvileone, hillosercrooktOOn, ketchup kerry and others. May 16, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 15, 2018: 2:34 p.m.   Can you imagine anyone charging a U.S. military veteran for taking "unauthorized" pictures of American flags at the Veteran's Administration in Los Angeles? Can you imagine that? It happened, and the stupid cops there went along with the V.A.'s stupidity, and it went to court. Judicial Watch defended him and WON, with a judge recently ruling in favor of the veteran. I think that the judge did the right thing. Whoever heard of "unautorized" pictures of an American flag? It's not just stupid, it's unthinkable. May 15, 2018   I totally and absolutely disagree with the allegations of this alleged GOP strategist. When Pres. Trump followed many of his predecessors' promises to move the U.S. Embassy to the capital of Israel, Jerusalem, he didn't "destabilize" the region. He kept his promise and those who were protesting, comitting violence and using the occassion as an excuse to draw blood were the ones with blood on their hands! Pres. Trump did nothing wrong! He followed through on his promise, and those who chose to harm others because they now have an excuse are to blame. If Pres. Trump had said he would go visit, without moving the embassy, those same people would have been there drawing blood. If Pres. Trump said he'd send Israel a present of a statue similar to the Statue of Liberty, those same people would be protesting and drawing blood. If someone sneezes, and they hear another person say "GOD Bless You!" those same people would be out there drawing blood! It has nothing to do with Pres. Trump: it's a convenient excuse for those who wish to create havoc and draw blood to do so, just as with the blm movement, ISIS, or Antifa/Anonymous! Those who wish to harm others will use any excuse they can to take the opportunity to do so! Apparently, this strategist agrees with Turkey's accusations and that makes them both wrong. Remember: the people who chose violence also chose to bring a baby into the area and allege that she died because of the IDF using tear gas to disperse the violent crowd. They lie about the baby's death, but that's not a surprise because it's very convenient that the baby was allegedly there because of a "mix-up" and that other children were there (allegedly eight children were killed by the IDF; what were they doing there, too?) because that's how Hamas works. They bring children into war zones to make sure that they get the public's sympathy. It's not the first time they used children to gain sympathy. It's a common practice to fake injuries and use children as human shields. If a child was wounded, it's because their parents chose to take them into harm's way and sacrifice them to martyrdom for the sake of their cause in the name of "Allahu Akbar!" Don't blame America, Israel, or Pres. Donald J. Trump! Even themuslimvileone's Ambassador to Israel agreed with and defended the move! So get over it! May 15, 2018   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   He's throwing another temper tantrum and saying he's not going to meet with Pres. Trump. I bet you he'll be there and I bet he'll try to assert himself and his tiny country will be used as a threat, but he knows that if you strike a tiger you better be able to outrun it. He knows his country hasn't got a chance. He'll be there and he'll think of himself as a great negotiator until he meets an actual deal-maker. Then he'll realize he hasn't got a chance. May 15, 2018   I think that socialism is bad and it's been proven to be a failure every time it is tried. Sweden is finding that out. They need more "workers" to handle all of the claims that its growing population is going to be making. Those employees will have to come out of the same pool of workers available to the non-governmental jobs, so there will be lots of competition per employee. The fact that the economy is going well right now does not promise welfare state (socialism) will work in five to ten years, though. The growing population will make a growing claim, as will the retirement of the elderly workers and there's the end of that bad experiment. May 15, 2018   Fakebook:   So how many fake accounts does it take to make the name stick? How about one BILLION fake accounts? Would that be enough to make the name stick? May 15, 2018   I am very glad to hear that dumboRATS are supposedly worried about the upcoming elections. It used to be reported that there was going to be a definitive "Blue Wave" (oooohhhh!), but now they are allegedly sweating that they won't have that wave and may actually experience no changes because they will lose elections, not win them. I'd LOVE to see thirteen Congressional seats go Republican - to TRUE Conservative Republicans - and two Senate seats go to TRUE Conservative Republicans. That would be good for America and good for you and I. It would also be good for Pres. Trump because it would make his agenda easier to get through instead of having to try to force the likes of ROTTEN ryan and john mccAIN'T to get things done. I can't imagine pelosipig as Speaker again. Can you? May 15, 2018   Ketchup kerry: TRAITOR:   Yes, he is a traitor. He is having secret meetings with Iranians in Paris and he's trying to undermine Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies. I hope kerry gets charged with TREASON as he deserves! He's so eager to protect his own legacy (as well as themuslimvileone's) that he'll commit TREASON to do so. That's an ego-and-a-half but it's a dangerous and stupid move: for himself and for America. May 15, 2018   john mccAIN'T:   Some say that he's being "mean" for not inviting Pres. Trump to his funeral. I don't think it should matter who attends a funeral: the person for whom it is being held won't know. However, that's my way of thinking, not everyone's. I think that mccAIN'T may be bitter because of Pres. (then-candidate) Trump's comments about mccAIN'T's captivity as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, and that's okay. I don't blame him. Do I think that mccAIN'T should forgive Pres. Trump? Absolutely, but not for the reason most people think he should. In the Bible we see this: ""But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions."He has the right to be upset. But if he wants to face the Lord with a clear heart, and a mind at rest, then it's in mccAIN'T's best interest to forgive Pres. Trump and all others with whom he has a beef. It's not good for people to hold grudges, but it's impossible for people to be forgiven if they do not forgive those who have done something wrong to them. For the sake of his soul, forgive Pres. Trump, but that doesn't mean he has to invite him to his funeral. You can forgive someone without wanting to spend time with them; even after you're dead. Do it so that you can check that box of "Forgave others" and his soul has a better chance to rest in peace. May 15, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   I am happy to see that Hungary is standing against him and his machinations. They're on the verge of kicking his foundation out of the country and it's a very good thing. I wish America would follow Hungary's example and do the same thing! May 15, 2018   Ruh. Roh. IF this story is correct, then the Cheesecake Factory is in trouble. They berate a black man because he was wearing a MAGA hat? Not only are the employees wrong to do so (the guy is allowed his First Amendment right to wear whatever hat he wants: except in public schools, of course [sarcasm]), but they're going to anger the Conservative majority if this is not fixed by corporate quickly and completely. Conservatives remember. Ask Kellog's. May 15, 2018   Build The Wall!:   It's time to use the money that is captured from drug cartels and human trafficking to build the wall and protect American citizens from the violence of the drug cartels and the traffickers. It's time to do this and make sure that the cartels learn they can't keep getting away with this nonsense and harming our children with their drugs. Let's do this! May 15, 2018   Is this happening in a lot of leftist/progressive/liberal groups? Are they eating their own in many places? If so, good! That has a tendency to Red Pill people and I like that! May 15, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 14, 2018: 2:54 p.m.   I hope all of the Moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day. I did some target practice at the farm, did some decorating, and we did a few other things there and we drove home. That was my day, but I had already gotten my Mother's Day gift and the day before we purchased a new dishwasher and microwave for the farm, and an antique (1895-1910) desk that I'm using as a television stand, so I am not complaining. Anyways, let's get this day started, shall we? May 14, 2018   Today is a historic and spiritually significant day. Today America's U.S. Embassy opened in Jerusalem, Israel. We moved it from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem because it was something that has been promised but not delivered by many past presidents, and now Pres. Donald J. Trump made history by keeping his word - and the words of those who previously promised (including themuslimvileone) but not delivered. Most of Israel is thrilled and celebrating the move and opening of the embassy, but the Islamic world and leftists/progressives/liberals are NOT happy. Ever notice how closely the left/progressives/liberals mirror the same beliefs/attitudes of the Islamic terrorists? May 14, 2018   If you want to talk about "collusion", talk about themuslimvileone's FBI/DO[IN]J collusion in trying to frame Pres. Donald J. Trump for anything they can come up with. They're despicable and the whole "collusion" thing is ridiculous, but that's the way the dnc works: be outrageous with the LIES and tell them as often and for as long as it takes to make enough useful idiots believe it so that you can continue wasting taxpayer dollars on a supposed "investigation" which means doing their dam**est to frame Pres. Trump! It's absurd and it needs to stop now! Everything the dnc and the hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone's administration did needs to be investigated and real consequences faced after a REAL - not rotten to the core - legally correct and consequence-bringing investigation. May 14, 2018   We know that stormy daniels has an attorney, and that she's got little to no moral character (porn star, stripper, multiple affairs with married men; how is she paying her attorney?), and it's no surprise that she chose an attorney who has a similar problem with character. He didn't file his federal taxes for three years, his coffee company went bankrupt, he left bills unpaid for years. He's a basic n'er-do-well and his client deserves him! This is supposed to bring down Pres. Trump? I think not. May 14, 2018   Our thoughts and prayers are with First Lady, Melania Trump as she recovers from surgery. I hope she has a quick and easy recovery. May 14, 2018   Hawai'i:   It's not slowing down. The lava, steam and other indicators that Kilauea may be erupting keep increasing. I don't know how much this will affect those who live on the big island, but I hope that no more homes are destroyed (or even damaged) and that everyone stays safe. Building on a volcano is not always a good idea. This island could be totally blown to smithereens by the volcano, or it could settle down after venting its pressure and things return to "waiting for the next event" statuts. That's all it is when you live on a volcano: waiting for the next event. I visited Hawai'i for just over a week while my sister and her husband were there. We stayed at her house at the Air Force base there, and it was a beautiful place but it was so hot (I have never liked heat nor done well in it), and I loved the color of the water around it, but I would never want to live there. It's gorgeous, unquestionably; live there, no way. I'm not a fan of volcanoes. We do need to keep the people there in our prayers, though. They need to stay safe and alert and be able to get away if needed. May 14, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He has more blood on his hands. It's thanks to his policies that the Parkland HS shooter was NOT dealt with properly and was allowed to do his evil deed. themuslimvileone allowed that to happen. It was his policy, his "PROMISE" program that prevented the shooter from being dealt with and kept him from being locked up before he shot up the school. themuslimvileone did this as much as did the shooter. themuslimvileone has MORE BLOOD on his hands; the blood of children. May 14, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   She's going away, but she has to do stupid first, just as do most lefties/progressives/liberals. cecile richards really does screw things up as she exits. So, why should we care? Because it's the TRUTH that matters and when she finally discloses it, that matters! She admits that they make most of their money via abortions and that is something to take note of! She admits it so it can no longer be a hidden TRUTH since she admitted it herself. Planned AbortionHood is an accurate name for this inhumane murder of children in the womb. May 14, 2018   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Did you know about this? Do you realize that themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is now UNCONSTITUTIONAL and destroyed? "One of the provisions included in Republicans’ tax reform bill will end the monetary penalty imposed by [themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX] in January 2019 without ending the mandate to purchase health insurance — something Congress likely couldn’t have done under the budget reconciliation rules used to pass the tax bill. By removing [themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX] over msyey fine — or, according to Roberts, the 'tax' — the Affordable Care Act likely became, or will become, unconstitutional under the opinion issued by Roberts and the dissent published by four other justices in the 2012 case.How many of us are going to be out on the street dancing if/when this happens? I will do so. I'll go dance in the street when it's announced. Gladly do so. Will you? May 14, 2018   May 14, 2018   Does it surprise anyone to find out that 80% of U.S. colleges have NO Republicans in top spots at their colleges? No? Hm. Why are we not surprised? May 14, 2018   Hubby's home so I'm going to go. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 11, 2018: 12:06 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 371: The Stars His Ceiling". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! May 11, 2018   While I'm here for my Flag Friday posting I thought I'd also post a link to a video I found surprisingly affirming of things I've thought and believed for quite a while. I give you the Reason TV's "How Big Government Backed Bad Science Made Americans Fat". Watch it and realize that it's not what you eat, it's whether you ask GOD to bless it that determines whether it will harm you. I wrote about that in "My Biblical View of Food". Now it turns out my beliefs are being confirmed. Watch it and weep, lefties/progressives/liberals. I'm correct again. May 11, 2018   Going to Georgia later today so no further updates today. Have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 10, 2018: 4:12 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I was running errands and got my eyes checked and new glasses prescribed. I chose the frames and they're gorgeous! I admit to being excited about shifting from cheaters to real glasses because I got such beautiful frames. Dr. Webster, of Oveido and Port St. John Eye Care does an excellent job of checking my eyes and the prescription for the lenses he gave me will bring my eyesight back to 20/20. I like that! I'll be able to do counted cross stitch again without using another magnifying thing. That's good! May 10, 2018   MAGA:   When Pres. Donald J. Trump shut down America's participation in the Iranian nuclear deal, I was very happy and proud of Pres. Trump. I didn't know all of the details about it, but I knew that it was a bad thing for America, and I wanted to link to Rush's explanations as to why it was a bad deal for America.
May 10, 2018   My hubby just got home. I am going to go spend some time with him. I'll see you later this evening when I post my Flag Friday pic. I probably won't be posting tomorrow because we're going to Georgia. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 8, 2018: 4:35 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have been busy and out and about and have just a little bit of time before my hubby gets home. Let's start with this: the County wants to raise our taxes for fire services and that didn't bother me until yesterday. Why yesterday did it start bothering me? Well, we own fourteen acres of land with a house on it up in south-eastern Georgia. Remember, that's fourteen acres. We bought seven of those acres and the house from my mother-in-law, five from her sister's (my hubby's aunt's) heirs, and two from one of the aunt's sons to whom she had already given it. So that's seven acres plus five acres plus two acres: fourteen. Yesterday we received our estimated tax assessment notice and on the two acres, we're paying #1.06 for fire services, on the five acres we're paying $2.48 for fire services, and on the seven acres, our bill is going to be $10.06. That's $13.60 for fire service to cover fourteen acres of land that has pine trees, scrub, hardwood trees, farm land lying fallow, two sheds, a 1904 square foot house with a carport, two screened porches and a storage container on it. Thirteen dollars and sixty cents compared to what Brevard wants to charge us ($147.06) for half an acre; plus a fifteen percent increase over the next few years. Both properties are in unincorporated areas of their respective counties. Let me put it this way: BREVARD COUNTY: $147.06 = 0.5 acres     VS     GA County: $13.60 = 14 acres ![]() Do you see why it bothers me now? Yeah. There's quite a difference. I think we need to make Brevard County re-think their designs on more taxes. So much for having five alleged Republican conservatives (RINOS) on the BOCC, huh? May 8, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   I have to admit that I clapped, and was very happy when he undid yet another of themuslimvileone's fiascos and efforts to destroy America. When he announced today that he was NUKING the nuclear deal with Iran, I was so very proud of him (and so very glad hillosercrooktOOn didn't win!). He took yet another step in the right direction and toward protecting America and our best interests (and in the world's best interest as well, no matter what other countries' leaders think). I bet themuslimvileone is spinning in his grave. Oh. Right. He's still kicking. I bet he's going to be spinning in his grave over Pres. Trump's undoing of every vile thing he did or tried to do to America. He'll hate Pres. Trump even while themuslimvileone burns in hades. Awww... Too bad. May 8, 2018   Got Hypocrisy?:   Why does the left scream loud and long about the "white male privilege" then protect white males exercising that "privilege"? Why? Because hypocrisy is one of their most used weapons. They get to scream at Conservatives that we are "privileged" in one way or the other, then when the truth comes out that it is the LEFT who abuse women and physically harm them, they protect those who are accused by their victims. hillosercrooktOOn did so with bullybob's accusers: remember the "Bimbo Eruption" team she headed and all of the smears she used against Monica Lewinski, Juanita Broadrick, Paula Jones, etc., etc., etc.? Remember the line that was popular for his accusers: "That's what you get when you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park." (James Carvil)? Yeah. But when it is found out that men who give to dumboRATS and Planned Parenthood, and other leftist causes are outed as rapists, molesters, abusers, then it's also found out that the lefties/progressives/liberals knew about it all along but covered it up so that they can keep getting the creeps' dollars. Priorities. May 8, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   He thinks he's a king maker and he's so evil I really despise the man. Now, he's meddling in another election and trying to ensure that his puppet is the one who gets into power. He's trying to get his puppet in at San Diego, CA and make it to whatever he wants done gets done. Puppets are paid for and obey their master's bidding. Remember themuslimvileone was one of his puppets. May 8, 2018   I'm closing with that. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 7, 2018: 2:28 p.m.   I received the delivery I was expecting (new furniture for the family room) and have a few minutes here to get some blurbs done. I don't know how many, but there's no harm in trying, right? May 7, 2018   I hope and pray that this judge is a nightmare for mueller, as the story predicts. I hope that the whole mueller investigation is tossed out and that everyone targeted by this rat is is exonerated and sues mueller personally for his targeting them and doing all he could to ruin their lives. He's a scumbag-extraordinnaire and I hope he gets every case thrown out and that those who pled guilty get pardoned or their plea overturned and "Not Guilty" substituted and that they get everything overthrown, too. I think robert mueller is a despicable, vindictive, egotistical creature and he needs to get his legal face figuratively kicked in. (No, I'm not inciting violence. I'm encouraging rule of law and he's breaking it any way he can get away with.) May 7, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Tell me something. If she had "no intention" to do anything wrong -- as the despicable james comey and robert mueller asigned to her before they questioned her - why is it taking so many lawsuits to get her to give up the papers and info she had "no intention" of doing wrong with? Hmmm? If she's as innocent as the wind driven snow (as comey alleges), why isn't she cooperating? May 7, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump is keeping his promises and one of those promises is a Jerusalem U.S. Embassy and that opens next week. They're putting up street signs for it now. Love it! May 7, 2018   Awww... I just got a sweet invitation from my son, so I'm going to shut this down and accept the invitation. Sorry it's such a short day. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 2 For May 4, 2018: 9:43 p.m.   Flag Friday, Early:   I am still trying to figure out whether I will be going to Georgia tomorrow, as planned. I am torn: half yes, half no. I just have to decide. I'm praying about it, and maybe will be going; maybe not. So, as a "Just in case", I give you this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 370: Using Pictures" just in case I do go. If I stay home, I'll be doing update blurbs for Thursday and Friday (if things go as then-planned) below this paragraph, but if I go, I wanted my Flag Friday honoring our Heroes to be available without worrying about it. I didn't want to forget you. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! May 4, 2018: 2:52 p.m.   It's Friday! That means that this weekend I have things to do for delivery of our new family room furniture (for our family room here in Florida) that will be here on Monday. I have to figure out what to do with the old stuff (some goes to my Mom) and find a place to store the flooring we got to go on two of the kitchen walls at our farm. It's fun to decorate but getting the time to do so in two places is sometimes challenging. Anyways, I'll do a few blurbs today and then start my weekend, so let's get started. May 4, 2018   MAGA:   The official U3 unemployment number is 3.9%, a number so low we haven't seen that since late in 2000; and the U6 is 7.8%, again, so low we haven't seen that number since July of 2001. That's amazing, folks! A lot of people are working at jobs that pay well and it's something that themuslimvileone told us would never happen again because he told us that a bad economy was "the new normal". With Pres. Trump's policiies, everyone who wants to work is working, or will soon be employed. People are building houses again and that's because people have been working again and they're believing in the American dream again! That's excellent! May 4, 2018   China has done something that is inexcusable. They used a laser against U.S. pilots even though the pilots were flying NOWHERE near China but near a military base that America uses in Djibouti. China does, by the way, also have a military base in Djibouti, but when we have a military exercise to do that does not mean that they can take aggressive military action! They injured our pilots! They need to be severely sanctioned at the very least! May 4, 2018   "Russian investigation":   The judge who is hearing part of this thing is fed up with mueller and this whole farce. He's showing his frustration and his questions are proving that he's fed up. I'm glad that there's a judge out there who is seeing through this idiotic witch hunt. I wish that all judges would be as Originalist as our Founding Fathers, but they aren't and we sometimes get jerks and idiots like are on the 9th Circus. This judge is NOT one of those. His eyes are open and the truth is hitting home with him. I hope he throws the book at mueller and fines him for wasting the court's time. I also hope he recommends that all of the attorneys who are helping with this nonsense lose their privileges to practice in any state! That would be excellent! May 4, 2018   Lameness ensues after nbc's joy reid and tom brokaw faced their demons of homophobic remarks and sexual harrassment respectively, but nbc chooses to stand by their disgraced talking heads, even sending out a letter "victim shaming" the ladies whom brokaw was accused of harrassing. SMH. It's not okay for anyone on the right to do anything like either of these two are accused of (or in reid's case, did), yet for the left, it's all hunkey-dorey because they're better than those on the right and they care more than the right so it's okay for them. You know, they have to have some sort of stress relief after "caring" so much, so it's okay for them. Don't ya' think that's fair? May 4, 2018   The crooktOOns:   They're trying to revamp the image of their "foundation" (read fundraising company) and putting their daughter, chelsea's, face on the effort to make the family more money. They paint it as trying to help people and trying to work against "'climate change, poverty, gender inequality, and other pressing issues facing their generation'"The problem being that they have been found to do NEXT TO NOTHING to help anyone but themselves. Check out the Guidestar page on the crooktOOn's "foundation", and even though Charity Navigator has somehow been switched from having a warning about them and saying they couldn't be rated because they don't provide enough info (as they used to have), the crooktOOn's rating there has been put near perfect. How, I don't know. I think I'd like to see how much they donated to Charity Navigator, a non-profit organization. May 4, 2018   Aaaaaahhhh.... Public Schools:   In New Jersey, public school union leaders protect sexual predator teachers and Project Veritas has the proof and confronts them with it. I want to know when teachers will start standing up against the corruption of their own union and will do something to stop the corruption of their reputations as a whole because of the perversions and violence of the wicked. Evil prospers when good men (and women) do not stand against it. Teachers are NOT standing against the evil in their midst. They sit by and wait for their pensions at the expense of the students they profess to love. That's not love, teachers; well, not of your students, it's loving money more than them. That's the reputation you are embracing because of what you allow of your fellow teachers. I despise that. Home school your kids, people. It's better than allowing other teachers to watch as your child is victimized by the few so that those who do not participate but protect can benefit later. May 4, 2018   Ooops! It's later than I thought and I've done more blurbs than planned so I'll stop there for today. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 3, 2018: 3:20 p.m.: National Day of Prayer:   I have just a little while to do updates today because I again have things to do. I chose to stay home this weekend after talking to my hubby and getting an "assignment" from him to do some research down here for future upgrades to both houses; here and our farm. So I stayed home and will do that and we'll go north next weekend after my hubby gets home. For now, let's get started with today's blurbs. May 3, 2018   Had to open it back up after finding this story on GAB.ai about another body added to the crooktOOn list. This time, it's a doctor who exposed the crooktOOns' foundation corruption in Haiti. He was stabbed in his bathroom and bled to death, the police took one look and said it was a suicide and closed the case. A little suspicious? You tell me. May 3, 2018   When I first read this story about Heritage Foundation's support of censorship I was upset. I have supported that organization almost since it first came into being so it surprised me that they support Fakebook's and the Dead Blue Bird's right to censor content on their sites. Then as I read the story, read what they said about why they support censorship at those places, I agreed with them more and more. They do have the right to censor what they allow to go on their website, just as do I. It's my website. If someone writes in and says "You have to post my comment!" I can tell them to go jump in a lake. Just like me and my fictitional writer, those two entities have the right to say, "Nope. Not here." Otherwise, it would be okay for me to be forced to allow anyone who made the demand to be published on my website. I cannot say that it would make me happy to be forced to publish anyone's ideas, words, beliefs besides my own. (Would you want to be forced to do so?) So, I stand with the Heritage Foundation on the right of Fakebook and the Dead Blue Bird to censor whoever they so desire. They just have to deal with the consequences of a loss of users and advertisers when they do so. If I asked for leftists/progressives/liberals to come write for me and started posting their crap do you think I would be able to maintain a readership? (I have no advertisers and have not monetized my website, so I can't lose anything there.) Same as the local pooper-paper has the right to have whomever he so desires to write for him: notice how skinny that paper has gotten lately? May 3, 2018   For how long after the left really sinks their teeth into Kanye West do you think Adidas will stand by him? I'm thinking it's just starting and the left hasn't gotten to its peak viciousness as yet, but when they do, Adidas, West and "hot potato" will have something in common. May 3, 2018   "'Instead, we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.'"That statement, in and of itself, means they would take away ALL handguns as well as anything outside of BB guns and muskets! Do you realize that the military uses handguns as backup firearms for close-up combat? Sometimes it's a Beretta, sometimes it's a Smith and Wesson, whatever, but "semi-automatic assault weapons" simply means anything that fires nowadays that isn't the two aforementioned items. My handguns are not revolvers: they are considered semi-automatic weapons. They use a magazine (AKA a "clip") and they can fire with every trigger pull with which there is a projectile in the chamber. The fact that they are sometimes used in combat by the military means they could fall under the definition of "semiautomatic assault weapons". They could also take revolvers because if you have a strong enough hand (as do I), you don't have to use a revolver as a single action (pulling the hammer back manually before pulling the trigger). You can squeeze the trigger and rely on the hammer to be pushed back with the trigger mechanism and the firing to turn the cylinder. I have fired a revolver that way and it is almost as fast as a semi-automatic handgun. So when they say "military-style semiautomatic assault weapons" they are trying for EVERYTHING except BB guns and muskets. In other words (again) "All for me, none for thee." They would get to keep their weapons and their bodyguards would, too. We'd have to turn ours in. Is that what you want? May 3, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump is again standing up for people of faith. He actually hosted the National Day of Prayer. I think that's great. I hope that we can live the next seven years (finishing his first term and throughout his second), without having any incidents from people of "faith" who hate Christians and our Christian nation, and that we can rely on cooler heads to rule there. However, if an attack happens, Pres. Trump will have to make it clear that there are "people of faith" who want to do harm to innocents of other faiths and that we cannot allow Christianity to be damaged here because when we do so we harm America and we harm our future. Pres. Trump, as will every president following him, have to choose which "faith" to protect and which to condemn. I believe he will choose the correct faith. May 3, 2018   I am so glad that abortion is being exposed for the LIES the left/progressives/liberals have told about it for the last sixty-plus years. It's a good thing and it's wonderful that millenials are becoming pro-life (although they don't want to be called that). It's good to know that babies in the womb are starting to matter to young people. I'm also glad to see that law makers around America are starting to notice the swing in support and that because of that swing, the SC Senate voted to go pro-life in almost all situations, and that Iowa is banning abortions after six weeks. Life in the womb is starting to matter again. That's a wonderful thing and GOD will bless this nation because of it! May 3, 2018   Honor Our Heroes:   I hope that our Veterans (HEROES) will soon be getting the treatment they need. Goodness knows we've seen our veterans get the short end of the stick, get ignored, get abused and wasting away due to neglectful treatment. It's time we change that. It's time we start taking the sacrifices and health needs of those how served seriously. We need to help them as much as we humanly can, do our best for them in every way, and when we find neglect, put it to serious punishment! It's never good to treat those who did the most for your country as if their needs do not matter! They DO matter and it's time to show them so! May 3, 2018   May 3, 2018   Did more blurbs today than I expected but I need to go now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 2, 2018: 4:30 p.m.   Had a lot of things happening today so I got a late start after dropping my hubby and his brother off at the airport. They're going up north to see their Mom for Mother's Day, taking her birding while they're up there, and visiting with his sister and other brother while there. Didn't get to sit down to do my own thing until now. Let's get started. May 2, 2018   Got Hubris?:   Really, a whole lot of hubris. That's what it takes to make the kind of statement that msthemuslimvileone said: "'I know you are me, and if I can be standing here as your forever First Lady, then you can do anything you put your mind to.'"I think that she defeats her own purpose with that statement. She CANNOT stand there as their "forever First Lady" because she isn't. There is NO SUCH THING as a "forever First Lady" and her aspiring to be a nonexistent creature (unicorns, anyone?) speaks volumes about her conceit and negates the statement in and of itself. Can you imagine her standing up there and saying that she wanted to be their "forever First Cookie"? Hm? Or their "forever First Unicorn"? Or their "forever First Breath"? No. She isn't any of those things and she never will be. She's asking for them to put her on a pedestal and make her an icon when she hasn't earned the right to ask. She's asking - instructing them - to consider her something that takes away the right of someone else to be: America's "forever First Lady" is Martha Dandridge Custis Washington and will forever be. msthemuslimvileone can never change the history of America and change that. Nor should she desire to. May 2, 2018   I have to admit that I'm glad that Pres. Trump's new attorney will probably prevent him from sitting for an interview with the guy determined to get rid of him. I think that's a good defense attorney: one who doesn't allow you to be put into a position of danger. Let's hope and pray that it works out the way the article is written and Pres. Trump never sits for an interview with the vindictive robert mueller nor any of this team. The only interview Pres. Trump should sit for is one with Rush Limbaugh for his newsletter. Let's hope he does as good a job for Pres. Trump as he did for bullybob crooktOOn during his impeachment process. He didn't lose his presidency, but he did go through the process; so he was impeached, but he wasn't convicted. Think of it this way: He was on trial but not found guilty because the dumboRATS and RINOS acted to protect him, even though all of America knew him to be guilty, thanks to that little blue dress. May 2, 2018   May 2, 2018   Fakebook:   What better way to prove you are NOT serious about making a change than to hire an anti-conservative and racist to advise you on how to stop being anti-conservative. Really. That's what they've done! I give this one of the biggest "DUH!" awards ever! May 2, 2018   May 2, 2018   themuslimvileone's LIES:   As we saw throughout his preziduncy, we see again via the PROOF that Bibi Netanyahu brought forth: he never had a deal with Iran that would cut off their nuclear program. "Their new narrative is that they always expected Iran to cheat, but that is not at all what they told the American people during [themuslimvileone's] second term."He LIED so that Americans could DIE if the program continued. Isn't that wunnerful of him? Not only that, but his administration LIED TO US in 2016 when they denied exemptions within the deal. Don't ya' love that themuslimvileone put YOUR FAMILY'S lives at risk for his legacy? Yep. He lurbs you. May 2, 2018   MAGA:   I LOVE THIS! Pres. Donald J. Trump is looking for ways to "roll back spending" in the spending bill (kinda' known as a "budget" but not technically) he signed back in April that made Conservatives so angry at him. I'm very happy with that decision because a $1.3 TRILLION spending bill is not what America needs right now. Let's do this! May 2, 2018   A new head of the State Department takes a long-missed view of the position: Pompeo thanked GOD for the opportunity, and that hasn't been done in a very, very long time. It's nice to have a president who thinks that having faith in GOD is an important aspect of the whole idea of serving our country. That's a great thing! May 2, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. It's getting late and I need to figure out supper. Have a good evening. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 1, 2018: 2:30 p.m.   My goodness, where has the year gone? It's May already! Where has the time gone? I have things to do today so I'll be doing just a few blurbs today (at least that's the plan right now; I may find more than I expected that is interesting to me and do more than planned) so I can get other things done. I plan to go to the farm on Thursday so I need to get things ready here. Of course, I'll try to get the Flag Friday posting done on Wednesday before I leave so I won't have to remember it up there, and I won't be late. Let's get started. May 1, 2018   I'm so grateful Judicial Watch stays active and on top of things. They really do try to keep things in order and to inform us about what is going on in our nation. For instance, did you know that there are ISIS members coming into America via Mexico? If not, read the story and be appalled. If you already knew this because of previous JW postings, it's an update. Either way, it's irritating that the southern border of America is not a border, but Swiss cheese. May 1, 2018   themuslimvileone's "legacy":   I think it's absolutely wonderful that his "legacy" is being undone! I think that he tried his darndest to harm America, to destroy America, to delete her influence, affluence, history. He hates America and should never have been cheated into office (dead people voting, multiple votes from one person, fictitious people voting, felons voting, busing people to vote, paying people to vote for a candidate, filling out people's ballots for them, etc., are all illegal, so he was cheated into office). Now, we see that his awful, harmful, scandalous, treacherous legacy is being undone by so many of Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and practices. I am glad that a lot of people are coming to realize it. The Daily Caller did a podcast in which they discuss his Iran deal being undone. Listen to it and smile the whole way through. The fact is that themuslimvileone's decision to do the Iran deal was not just bad, but it actually endangered the whole world because we know now that Iran LIED to everyone about their plans and what they were doing. Liars like to work with liars, that's why themuslimvileone did the deal and gave them so much money. He knew that they wouldn't tell the world that he was trying to help them destroy America and other western countries. He should be in prison (or hades, whichever comes first). May 1, 2018   Wow. The vitriol directed at Kanye West for deciding to think differently than "blacks are supposed to think" is horrible! The left/progressives/liberals are coming unglued and are doing all they can to silence and destroy him! Even the unhinged maxine waters is telling West to shut up! I wonder if she should be reminded about what the First Amendment says about "Free Speech"? What thinks you? May 1, 2018   The father of one of the Parkland school shooting victims is suing the "school resource officer" who stayed outside while his daughter was shot and died inside on that horrible day. Holding the guy accountable for NOT doing his job is a good thing. I don't know what will happen here, but I hope that at the very least, a lesson is learned: if you're not willing to face the perpetrator of a crime (especially a shooter) you shouldn't be a cop, nor should you be put in charge of keeping anyone safe. You are incapable of doing so if you can't make yourself step in front of the shooter. That's all there is to it. The "school resource officer" was useless and not a resource that day. He should have been replaced long ago. May 1, 2018   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   I've said for a long time that you should home school your children. Now, we find out that even in 8th grade, 65% of the kids can't read and 67% can't do basic math! That's EIGHTH GRADE! By then they should not only be able to read to grade, but they should be able to add, subtract, multiply, divide, do decimal addition and subtraction, be at least familiar with doing basic fractional problems, and they should have been introduced to both algebra and geometry. In the schools in cities historically run by dumboRATS, their proficiencies in both math and reading were extremely low: 5% to 14% proficiencies. That's not just ridiculous it's an indicator of how bad public schools have gotten. Public schools are more concerned with teaching students that it's okay to consider yourself "non-gender conforming" (i.e. a porpoise trapped in a human female's body) than it is to learn how to add 27 + 48! Why can't students do that? Because it doesn't count as being politically correct and teachers don't care to teach it if it doesn't help them destroy America as all dumboRATS want! Most of the teachers' unions are filled with dumboRATS and run by them and if the dumboRATS are in control you know that it's all about their power, children's futures be darned! Don't believe me? Florida's kids ranked 36th in math; 26th for reading. Is that good enough for your kids? May 1, 2018   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   Condoleeza Rice thinks that "experts" should handle the negotations with Murderous Mushroom. I think that Pres. Donald J. Trump should handle it, with his military advisors in the room, because Pres. Trump has made more headway and given less to the N. Koreans than she did as Secretary of State. Is she claiming that she did better? If so, she's wrong. Let Pres. Trump handle this, little lady, and don't forget to make some sammiches [sic]! (Yes, that's going to catch flack from the idiot left, but I don't give a flip. They can kiss my sammich [sic].) May 1, 2018   I'm going to close for today on that note. I have to go start some laundry and all of that kind of stuff. Things to do before going to the farm. We got the flooring we are going to put on the kitchen wall that has the oven and fridge on it. It's going to look so good with the open shelves and pipes holding the shelves. I'm looking forward to getting it done. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 2018 April 30, 2018: 2:49 p.m.   I told you so!:   When the allegedly student-run "March for Life" rally was held earlier this year, I said that it was NOT student-led, that some organization was behind it and that the students were not responsible for putting the whole thing together, they were being used as useful idiots. As usual, it turns out that not only was I correct, but we have audio that proves me correct. It's true. Gabby Gifford's organization put the thing together and Southwest airlines donated the seats for people to go to D.C. FREE of charge as long as they wore their anti-gun t-shirts while on the planes, and they got special perks while in D.C. Want proof? Milo has the audio recording of one of the meetings. Yep. Click on the link and listen to the audio recording and you'll see that the students (not even david publicity piggy) had nothing to do with organizing the rally. It was all Gabby Gifford's gun-hating organization putting it all together. Don't ya' love how the left/progressives/liberals all LIE to you? April 30, 2018   I Stand With Israel:   Of course, liars are out there. We know that. Everyone knows that. Some choose to admit it, others choose to not. Israeli PM, Bibi Netanyahu, chooses to face the facts and find the proof that his nation's intel is correct. For instance, they have proof that Iran LIED about stopping their nuclear weapons program. Show of hands: anyone surprised? Wait. What? What? Germany's parliament recognized Israel as the Jewish State and legitimate homeland? Really? That's unexpected. They're so PC over there that they won't even stand up for their own homeland, so seeing them stand with Israel is a shock! Also shocking is that Roseanne Barr claims to have thanked Pres. Trump for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. She says she may want to move there one day. Okay. Is tomorrow too soon? April 30, 2018   I'm so glad I didn't follow through with my early ideas of being a journalist. I can't imagine being a journalist in today's world because the left/progressives/liberals have so taken that field over that they celebrate their conspiring to sell the same LIES, use the exact same phrases ("gravitas", etc.), support the same political and social ideas (progressive Marxism), and their hatred of anyone that does not agree with them. I also disdain the left's/progressive's/liberal's total control over the field and their choice to accept and condone trash as "comedy". When this is what they laugh at, you know they've lost their way. It's disgusting that they have the audacity to praise and make excuses for what passed to them as "comedy". It is, IMHO, very telling that protecting this sort of depravity is what they are choosing to do. But, they have gone so far down the idiocy hole that they know no better and have lost all sense of right and wrong, so it doesn't surprise me. Remember: they say things the left will hate (ask joy reid) and then they delete those things if they remember to, and they are still protected by the left. Sounds like the left loves hypocrites. Oh. That's right. I almost forgot. The left IS HYPOCRISY personified. April 30, 2018   Poor Kanye West (whoever thought that would be said, right?). He is being tarred and feathered by the left/progressives/liberals as being "crazy" because he has chosen to think for himself. He has chosen to NOT stay on the dumboRAT plantation under the left's slave-master whip and he is stepping up and meeting with Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk (both of Turning Point USA) and thinking for himself and the left hates that. All blacks are supposed to be dumboRATS and supposed to be under the dumboRAT thumb, whip, control. Those who dare to do otherwise are hated, despised, called "Uncle Tom", etc. I think Kanye is strong enough to take it. I hope his wife and her family will continue to stand by him. April 30, 2018   Make America Repubican Again:   (With apologies to Pres. Trump.) We see that since, Pres. Donald J. Trump came into office and started implementing his policies, doing things the way he thinks things should be done in America and de-regulating Americans so that freedom again allows them to be productive, dumboRATS have been losing support among millenials. Hmmm. That's not supposed to happen. That must be making the left/progressives/liberals scratch their heads, tear out their hair and pound their desks. Awww. Too bad. More work for the psychiatrists. April 30. 2018   The dumboRATS (and in this instance they really are RATS) have been delaying and preventing Pres. Trump from getting a permanent Veteran's Administration head in place since David Shulkin quit, then Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, the president's physician, was basically LIED ABOUT by a dumboRAT congressman at his confirmation hearing (and nothing ever happens to the dumboRAT who makes the false allegations), even though the Secret Service has denied those allegations and said "'Over the last 48 hours, media outlets have alleged that U.S. Secret Service personnel were forced to intervene during a Presidential foreign travel assignment in order to prevent disturbing (former) President [themuslimvileone]. The Secret Service has no such record of any incident; specifically, any incident involving Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson," the Secret Service said in a statement.So a dumboRAT LIES and another man's future DIES. His reputation is besmirched, his good name gone, and he has to face the questions and resulting distrust of his friends and acquaintances. It's wrong and it needs to stop. For every dumboRAT false accusation against good men (Gen. Mike Flynn, Adm. Jackson, etc.) there needs to be a resulting defamation law suit. All of the LIES used to destroy good men should be held up for public scrutiny and the left/progressives/liberals need to be FORCED to admit they were LYING and that they were just trying to destroy another good man! This needs to STOP! Anyways, the Veteran's Administration needs a head because of the state of "health care" the V.A. is giving our HEROES. Would you stay to be treated in a room like that? I would NOT. April 30, 2018   So we find out now that the testimony of U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, related to the "Russian collusion" allegations and what he did prior to the elections is TRUE. There is now confirmed witness statements (NOT just "unnamed sources) who say that Jeff Sessions DID tell Papadopoulous that he coud NOT meet with Russian representatives for the Trump team before the election of Pres. Trump because of the "Logan Act". More proof the LEFT LIES ALL THE TIME. It's ridiculous how many LIES they will tell to try to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump and anyone else who does not agree with them. April 30, 2018   themuslimvileone's FAILURES:   SMH. He gave $1.7 BILLION (not just the $400 MILLION CASH first reported) to Iran allegedly to release four American hostages. That's OUR money and we could have used it to help pay down our debt, to fix up a lot of the Veterans Administration hospitals and health clinics around the country, or to fix roads and airports, or even to feed Americans. But, no. themuslimvileone chose to send $1.7 BILLION to Iran so that they could use that money to build their nuclear WEAPONS program so they could use nuclear weapons against America. themuslimvileone has always hated America (as a lot of Muslims do) and he as more than happy to finance our demise for the Iranians. Now, the Iranians are saying they're going to pull out of themuslimvileone's $1.7 BILLION deal and all of that money -- the money that came out of your pockets -- was sent over there for...? For what? What did they use it on? What progress did they make on their nuclear weapons with OUR MONEY? If they use a nuclear weapon against anyone - Israel, America, Europe, another Muslim country, China, anyone - the world will have themuslimvileone to thank for it. Moron. He started as the worst prezidunce in U.S. history, and he finished the same way! April 30, 2018   Dead Blue Bird:   More proof they tried their utmost to help the left, selling them info (YOUR info, if you have a blue bird account) and doing things like shutting down and suspending the accounts of Conservatives. Don't trust the blue bird, folks. It's not the blue bird of happiness unless you're a leftie/progressives/liberal, and then only if you stay on the plantation. Start thinking for yourself, no matter who you are, and you are immediately destroyed by those who used to be your "friends". April 30, 2018   I think it should be made illegal (if it isn't already) for anyone closely related to a Senator, Congressman, president, Cabinet member, etc., to make a profit from doing business with the federal government, or a foreign government like mitch mcCONnell's family did. I think that this is why he is so liberal; so that he can kiss enough dumboRAT backside that they won't raise a fuss about his wife's family's deals with foreign governments under his watchful eye. He needs to be kicked from office and maybe prosecuted for breaking whatever laws cover those transactions (if any) and if he spends the rest of his life (and his wife spends the rest of hers) in a federal prison, so be it. Same holds true of pelosipig and her hubby who has benefited from a lot of the laws she has voted for, and anyone else. April 30, 2018   Finally someone else is speaking the truth about robert mueller besides a few Conservatives (Sara Carter the most and best), and it turns out that Rep. Louie Gohmert has figured out that mueller "'identifies people he doesn’t like and destroys them. Leaves terrible destruction in his wake.'"Gohmert has never spoken a truer word. robert mueller is as despicable as the previous administration and the administration he wanted in place: themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn. He needs to be in federal prison, not heading a special investigation! April 30, 2018   Election Integrity:   Hurray! A court has ruled that Texas's voter ID law is constitutional and Judicial Watch is trying to get Alabama's voter ID law upheld, too. If I came to you and said I was from the IRS and I get to take all of your money because you owed the government, or even if I said I was from a local business and asking if you'd like to do business with us, wouldn't you like to see some ID? Wouldn't you at least expect to see a T-shirt with the business's logo on it? If that's what you would expect for someone knocking on your door, why not expect ID from someone seeking to help decide who gets to be President, Senators, Congresspeople, etc., in our elections? It's uncommon sense ("uncommon" because apparently dumboRATs don't have any) to ask for ID. If you are NOT a U.S. citizen (citizen) you should not be voting in our elections. Period. April 30, 2018   I don't know where you went to college, but if you went to college in Auburn, Alabama or to college in Huntersville, NC, you may want to pay close attention to what your eyes are telling you. There are way too many cases of a rare eye cancer being found in people who went to college in those two places. If you have anything you think may be a symptom, contact your doctor immediately. April 30, 2018   Hubby's home. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 27, 2018: 12:47 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 369: She Fights For Him" and I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I will never be able to say it enough. GOD Bless You All! I'll try to see you later today. That's the plan, at least. April 27, 2018: 2:33 p.m.   If kids in college were not being taught this nonsense, do you really think they'd be protesting free speech by anyone and everyone they disagree with? We have college indoctrinators (AKA "professors") to thank for this nonsense and the teaching of communism, fascism, and totalitarianism. They want total control over what everyone thinks, feels, says, does. If they don't get that, they aren't happy and we have public school and college "teachers" to thank for teaching them that. If they were not taught that they are snowflakes, but instead, are taught that you are strong, capable, intelligent, independent, do you think they'd be this idiotic, close-minded, selfish as to demand that the Founding Fathers' statues be taken down and everyone else shut up if they don't agree with the "students" (read brain dead robots)? Colleges are doing their students a real disservice in trying to train them to be totalitarianists. They are doing the nation a disservice as well. Don't attend nor pay for your child to go to a college that teaches this nonsense. It's a recipe for disaster for their lives, and for our nation. April 27, 2018   RedState is making changes. Hmm. I think it's a good thing because RedState has been notoriously anti-Trump. They were in the group of "Never Trump-ers" (as far as I could tell) and it was hard to go to their website considering the vitriol I saw directed at the man who has been "Mak[ing] America Great Again!" I didn't understand it. Now, they're trying to clear out the "never Trump" reporters because I'm sure it's affecting their bottom line. When people stop going there (as did I) you lose ad revenue because your click count drops. So, RedState is making changes to stay in business. Nothing wrong with that. April 27, 2018   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   (My Mom calls him "Baby Dumpling"! Love it!) He's saying "No more war", but I agree with the Breitbart article's advice, "Be very skeptical". It's not a smart move to trust a liar. Ask the victims of bullybob crooktOOn, or the Jews of Hitler's Germany. They are/were both liars and liars should NEVER be trusted. The people of Port St. John can attest to that, considering what we were told was going to happen if we did NOT incorporate. Those things never happened and we are fine without incorporating and we are fine without a home owners' association to "protect" us. Never believe liars. April 27, 2018   I think that what the left has done to Michael Flynn is a tragedy, a travisty and a good lesson as to why lefties should NEVER be put in positions of power ever again! He should SUE the heck out of those who took his reputation, his job, his savings and his house because they did so based upon a political agenda, not TRUTH, not EVIDENCE, not REALITY. They LIED the whole way through his ordeal and now he's broke, lost his home and he's got no reputation besides a man who allegedly lied to them. The problem is, the FBI's own report says "no deception" from Flynn was detected, yet he's lost everything because they told EVERYONE ON EARTH he had lied. He needs to sue the butts off of themuslimvileone, james comey, mccabe, clapper, crooktOOn, etc., because they all had a part in his ruination and none of them have even blinked about having done so. April 27, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Now joy reid is wasting taxpayer money via filing a police report saying her blog account was hacked and the homophobic postings put in there by the hacker and she's got law enforcement looking into it. Her employer, msnbc is standing behind her they say until after the investigation is over and they know for certain that the hacker did this, not reid. The problem with that nonsense is that we know that reid did this because we have heard from the "Wayback Machine", a nonprofit website that archives websites for later searches as a public service, has said that the blog was not hacked. Also, the Library of Congress has archived her blogs way back in 2006 and they see the original homophobic blogs there, too. Hacking? Nope. Her original writings? Yep. Busted! April 27, 2018   I will always feel sorry for the wife of peter strzok because the whole world knows that he was having an affair with someone and I don't know how she found out about it. Can you imagine finding out by hearing about it on the news? Anyways, more e-mails between her cheating, lying, good-for-nothing spouse and his slut mistress, are available to read and it may be interesting reading to some, but I'm not sure if I'm going to take the time. I don't know what those two immoral people will be saying and I don't need to read their trash. It may be interesting to read about what they say about Pres. Trump and their hatred of him and how they conspired against him (with others: hillosercrooktOOn, etc.). But, do I want to put up with what else I may have to wade through in order to get to that? Not really. I thought you may be able to do so without taking a shower, though, so I post the link. April 27, 2018   The truth about the "Russian collusion"-cum-no-holds-barred investigation against President Donald J. Trump is that it is being financed by TAXPAYER DOLLARS and some rich dumboRAT donors. They want Pres. Trump out of office so badly they'll put their money where their mouths are. Good. I hope they go broke trying to get him out of office. As long as they are spending their money and not ours, they can do their darndest. I think that robert mueller's already crossed several legal lines and is doing things he should never have done, ruining lives along the way. He will hopefully one day pay for that wrong (sue him, Mike Flynn) and no one has been able to kick Pres. Trump out of office. Let's see how crazy they get. I bet Pres. Trump being in office is putting a lot of money in the pockets of psychiatrists and out of the pockets of leftists who need the help! April 27, 2018   Election Integrity:   A Texas (no surprise here) State Senator is pushing to have NONcitizens removed from voter rolls in a county that has a history of voter fraud. I think that's a great idea and I would hope that EVERY county in America would want to and actually do the same thing. Citizens get to vote, not illegals, not noncitizens, not visitors. Otherwise, why would we ever say that "the people" elected anyone? "The People" has always stood for "We, The People", the citizens of the United States of America. Voting is not open to anyone who decides to go to the polls. Americans don't get to vote in France, Italy, England, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Canada, Mexico, etc., etc., etc., so why do lefties/progressives/liberals want people from around the world to be allowed to vote here? Answer: they want anyone to be able to vote here because they assume that those from elsewhere will vote for dumboRATS. They want others to vote here so that they can stay in power. That's the thing: POWER. It's the pablum of the left. April 27, 2018   Fake News:   LOL! Again, the msm has it wrong and Pres. Trump has it correct. North and South Korea agreed to "complete denuclearization" even though the Associated Press reported that it hadn't happened after Pres. Trump tweeted about it. The AP again has egg on its face. I wonder if they like 'em scrambled? April 27, 2018   I'm so proud of Pres. Trump for keeping his promise that America would move our embassy to Jerusalem! He is doing so and he's doing so on a significant day: May 14th, the 70th anniversary of Israel's independence. Israel is so happy about it - and the other countries who followed America's leadership and are also moving their embassies to Jerusalem - that "Trump Town" is a suggested name for the area the embassies will be in. That would be cool. I bet it would make themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn and her dog so jealous! Pres. Trump's legacy writ large in Jerusalem! That would be so good! April 27, 2018   I'll close today's linked blurbs with the fact that the House panel has completely CLEARED Pres. Trump of any kind of "Russian collusion". It was/is all a witch-hunt trying to get him out of office and the left/progressives/liberals are LYING and trying everything they can to get him out of office that they put themselves in legal jeopardy and wrote books proving their wrongdoing. The left is full of people with IQs of about 45. They think they're smart, but their actions prove otherwise. April 27, 2018   I'm done for today. Have a great weekend! Hope to be here Monday, but the Lord may have other plans for my time. We'll see. I'll try, but He works in mysterious ways. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 26, 2018: 11:16 a.m.   MAGA:   Well, lookie there. The trade deficit is down and it's good for our economy. Fancy that. Pres. Trump put a tariff on goods from China and a lot of people screamed "It's going to hurt America!" Looks to me like it's not hurting us at all. GDP is expected to be revised up and that's good, too. Pres. Trump was (lefties will hate this) correct. Then there's the fact that "jobless claims are at their lowest since 1969"! That's good for America and good for American workers. Let's celebrate that! April 26, 2018   I wish the Trump team would stop allowing RINOS and dumboRATS to take heads. They took another via the presidential doc stepping out of being nominated for the Veterans' Affairs chief. It's time that this nonsense stop. If he was good enough for themuslimvileone, why is he not good enough for Pres. Trump? April 26, 2018   I love it when Tucker Carlson gets a little riled up. He really does have a pit bull thing going on some days and the joy reid homophobic e-mails he's latched onto. She'll be off the air in about six weeks, I'm thinking. April 26, 2018   Of course the left/progressives/liberals are LYING about something a Pres. Trump appointee said. They are "selectively editing" (nice way of saying LYING) and using half the quote they should be using. He talks to every constituent, some lobbyists who donated to him, and no lobbyists who didn't. That's SOME lobbyists, not all, and they left out the "every constituent" portion. They are trying to paint him in as bad a light as possible. He has done nothing wrong, and they're trying to get rid of him. The msm is doing this and it's despicable. They need to all go out of business. Wouldn't that make life better? April 26, 2018   "Russian collusion":   Did you know themuslimvileone's administration made the arrangements for the Russian ambassador to the Republican National Convention? According to Judicial Watch: "The Obama-era State Department funded and made arrangements for foreign ambassadors to attend the RNC convention. Current Attorney General Jeff Sessions, then a Trump campaign adviser, reportedly met with Kislyak at the convention and subsequently recused himself from the Russia investigation."So maybe the whole "Russian collusion" thing is a set-up by the dumboRATS and the fact that they funded it and did the whole "Russian dossier" thing was a frame up by the hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone team. Also, consider this: "Kislyak has reportedly suggested that he also attended the 2016 Democratic National Convention, but an official from the DNC said 'the group could not release the list of attendees due to security concerns, but could find no indication Kislyak attended. No one remembered seeing him there.'"So if he's at the DNC as well, why isn't there a "DNC/Russian collusion" story? Why is it only the Republicans who are allegedly guilty before being proven innocent in the msm and to the left when their side did the same thing? BTW, who said that Pres. Trump (then candidate Trump) even met the guy if he was at the RNC? After all, he may have met with many people that night, but does anyone know that he met with the Russian Ambassador, or for how long, and if in private or out in the open and what they may have talked about? Don't you need some privacy and at least an hour to set up something so sneaky as Russia hacking our election to control the win? April 26, 2018   Have you noticed how, suddenly, Kanye West is getting trashed by the msm as having "another nervous breakdown" after praising Pres. Trump and Conservative commentator, Candace Owens? Watch how thoroughly they take him apart now that he has dissed themuslimvileone. He'll be not just having a nervous breakdown but he'll be a leper before they're finished with him because he dares to think for himself. He dares to not toe the line and kiss the left's/progressive's/liberal/s backsides and make his own mind up about things. How dare he step out of line! He must be destroyed! That's the left. They destroy anyone who dares to think. April 26, 2018   If you pay for your child to go to college, or if you go to college yourself, ask yourself why you're spending so much money on institutions that think that an idiot "professor" like this is worth going to the expense for. She has tenure, folks. She celebrated the death of Barbara Bush, calling her an "amazing racist", and has called for violence against "white people" and she has tenure. She is a Muslim racist who uses her tenure as a shield and can get away with saying anything she wants no matter how outrageous and offensive to the rest of mankind. Her "college" is allowing her to do so and refuses to take any action against her. That's not just wrong, it's putting a stamp of approval on calls for violence against people based upon their skin tone. That's illegal, but the "college" doesn't care. She's got tenure. April 26, 2018   Stupid Brits:   The British healthcare services (and, yes, I use the term loosely) is again denying parental rights in order to ensure a child's DEATH and that his parents can do nothing to get him treatment. Even the police have weighed in, trying to censor those on "social media": "the police force warned Alfie supporters that they 'are being monitored' and that any offences including 'malicious communications' will be investigated and where necessary 'acted upon.'"This is England, where they bend their knees to queens, princes and princesses, lords and ladies, etc. They put such "respect" into an accident of birth, yet other people's lives apparently don't matter. Ask yourself if the latest "royal baby" born just a few days ago would be treated the same way if this horror had happened to him. Would he be forced to die, Prince William and Kate be forced to watch their child die as the British "healthcare services" chose to not allow them to get their child treatment? Would that ever happen? Would the police threaten their supporters? If not, then the British "citizens" are still nothing more than "subjects" and highly disposable to the Crown. That, to me, is despicable and makes the whole royal family and monarchy despicable and that system should be done away with. April 26, 2018   Well, that's a surprise. UC Berkeley must face the lawsuit that charges that it discriminates against Conservative speakers by charging outrageous fees, changing venues several times and at the last minute, etc. I'm glad. I hope UC Berkeley loses big time because they are discriminating against Conservatives. Let's just see what it's going to cost them. Hopefully, a WHOLE LOT. April 26, 2018   I'm going to close with that for now. See you this evening for Flag Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 25, 2018: 12:56 p.m.   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   His nuclear testing has apparently stopped but why it stopped may now be a matter of "impossible to proceed" instead of diplomacy. It looks like his test site has collapsed and it may be exposing other countries to nuclear radiation. So he may not be able to nuke anyone with a rocket, but he may still be nuking them with radioactive vapors escaping the collapsed site. Does he care? No. Probably not. April 25, 2018   Little Miss Pretty:   Well, lookie here. She has been designated the "least liked" media person and her ratings are abysmal. Awwww. Poor baby. April 25, 2018   Let's hope that what looks like may be a win for America at the SCOTUS doesn't turn into a loss for America. After the last big ruling in which Justice Gorsuch (allegedly an "originalist") sided with the lefties/progressives/liberals I cannot say that I trust the SCOTUS to decide for America instead of against us. Let's wait and see. April 25, 2018   April 25, 2018   What does this say about the upcoming November elections? Debbie Lesko won AZ special election and she's a (Gasp!) Republican! Oh, no! I hear dumboRATS crying all around America. Poor, poor babies. Don't get complacent, folks. It's time to make sure that you are paying attention to the local elections, to those who are running and to those who are going to be TRUE Conservatives. If you don't already know who that is, FIND OUT. Don't vote for RINOS! They only have the (R) designation behind their names but actually vote dumboRAT. Don't vote for that! Vote for TRUE Conservatives ONLY, if and when available. If you can't find one, find the closest thing. April 25, 2018   Aaaaahhhh.... Public Schools:   A Fort Wayne, Indiana, teacher forbid a student from using FoxNews as a source because they are "fake news". The teacher flipped out and told the student to look up (on googleywoogley, mind you) Trump's lies! Amazing. Disgusting. I seriously doubt she faced any disciplinary action worse than the principal telling her to stay calm and not do that again. At least this was political instead of sexual like a lot of public school teacher offenses. Like this guy in Deleware who wanted to have sex with a fourteen-year-old girl, after watching her father have sex with her to prove he wasn't a cop. Ew. Then there's this ex-teacher who pled guilty to sex with a student. Home school your kids, folks. It's safer for them. April 25, 2018   Roseanne's ratings crashed and burned this week. I don't know if that's going to be a permanent place for them, or if it's a one week fluke, but they didn't do well. I think that the more left/progressive/liberal elements of the show are hurting their ratings because people like the main character's support of Pres. Trump but they can't ignore the boy dressing in girls' clothing and the "adults" in the show supporting it, nor the leftist characters in it. It's hard to stomach on the msm's news coverage daily, so why would anyone willingly watch that crap for half an hour weekly? I think it's doomed by its own "inclusiveness". Bye bye. Don't let the front door hit you on the backside as you leave. April 25, 2018   Ruh. Roh.   joy reid's "I was hacked!" excuse collapsed under the weight of TRUTH. It turns out the Library of Congress archived the homophobic blogs or joy reid back in 2006 and they have the proof that it wasn't a hack. It was reid herself who wrote the homophobic blog posts and there's no denying it now. Hypocrisy much? April 25, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   It looks like she was doing everything she could to cover up for harvey weinstein. She cancelled an interview with Ronan Farrow because she found out he was asking questions about her favorite bundler. Between this and the "Bimbo eruption squad" she headed/heads for her "hard dog to keep on the porch", she is NOT supportive of #MeToo. Does she not support #MeToo because she's never been there? April 25, 2018   I wonder what's going on with Amazon and googleywoogley/Alphabet and the "pricing issue" that the NYSE suspended trading their stock. I wonder how long that will last. I think it's a temporary issue; maybe a few hours or days will pass before they are reinstated and trading is allowed to begin again. I don't know, but I wonder what will happen with the prices. April 25, 2018   April 25, 2018   As usual, the left/progressives/liberals are the ones who get hateful and threaten serious bodily harm. For a "climate change denier" his inbox is full of hate mail and he's threatened daily with death. Sounds to me like the left is still nutso and getting even moreso daily. Anyone surprised? April 25, 2018   It looks like Russia's covering its tracks to avoid being held responsible for the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter in the U.K. This looks like the old KGB is back in place - if it ever stopped. April 25, 2018   Stupid Brits:   Now it's not just London. Now, stores are refusing to sell knives; even steak knives or any other "kitchen knife", and politicians are banning "home delivery" of knives (Amazon wouldn't be able to deliver a knife set to anyone's home). What's really stupid? The police are setting up "street corner bins" for people to drop their knives into so they can turn in their knives without fear of repurcussions, and conducting "sting operations" against knife vendors. Can you imagine what's next? Cricket bats? Ropes so that people won't be tied up or strangled? When do they get to the point where they set up a drop off point for the human hand? After all, all of these banned items (guns, knives, whatever else they choose to ban) are controlled by the human hand. When will they have to come turn their hands in so that only those "trusted enough" - police, council people, prime ministers, royalty - are allowed to keep their hands? April 25, 2018   Let's see what happens here. We may have to wait a long, long time to find out the truth, but what did james comey and themuslimvileone talk about when they met and how often did they meet? That's what a law suit filed by Judicial Watch and The Daily Caller Foundation is trying to find out. comey claims he was an independent FBI director, so let's see what the records reveal. April 25, 2018   LOL! LOL! LOL!:   Well, that's NO surprise! A few months back (in 2017), Finland said they were going to try a LIMITED experiment giving 2,000 people a fixed income every month whether or not they worked for it. People chosen were unemployed and did nothing but feed from the government teat all day every day, and they were going to get about $500 (U.S.) monthly. Well, they tried it. It turns out they're already giving up on that idea. They're letting the program "expire" at the end of this year. I wonder why? Maybe the last paragraph in the article has the answer: "[F]indings by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) may hold some answers to the early end of Finland’s experiment — after the report showed that basic income paid by the government could actually increase inequality rather than solve it, and would require a 30 per cent income tax rise to pay for the policy."Imagine that. April 25, 2018   Fauxcohantus: She's got an opponent in her MA Senate race who is an actual, real, lineage confirmed, bloodline American Indian. He has a sign that says that "Only a Real Indian can defeat a Fake Indian" and Cambridge is trying to make him remove it. He's suing to be able to keep it up. I support the real Indian. I think he should win simply because he is a real Indian and he doesn't have to LIE about that to get the benefits of it, as did elizabeth "Cheekbone Cherokee" warren. April 25, 2018   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 24, 2018: 1:15 p.m.   I thought I'd start today with a story that touched me and made me grateful for creative minds and caring hearts. This story about a man who was considering suicide via jumping off a highway overpass was talked out of it, but as a precaution, law enforcement called upon truckers on the highway to come park under the overpass so that the suicidal person wouldn't have as far to fall and would most likely survive. Truckers responded and parked their trucks under the overpass and sat there until the suicidal person was no longer considering jumping. They put their schedules on the line so that they could save a life. The cops were creative in their efforts and a life was saved. Well done, everyone! April 24, 2018   The stormy daniels thing is still out there blowing wind, and her attorney is trying to make hay out of the fact that he cancelled an appearance on FoxNews and didn't reschedule or do a recorded interview to be aired later, then said Fox was "protecting President Trump" and attacking FoxNews's Martha McCallum. That's not just wrong, it's him LYING. If he lies about this what else is he lying about? What happened to that CD/DVD disk he sent a picture of and tried to make it a threat or a big deal? How much is the dnc paying her for keeping up this charade? April 24, 2018   I'm so glad that Scott Pruitt at the EPA is taking steps to protect America and to prevent future administrations from doing the wrong thing instead of the right thing. The problem is that future administrations have the option of undoing by hook or by crook the good he's doing. Evil finds a way. April 24, 2018   I love how Pres. Donald J. Trump (still so grateful I can say that!) just shuts down the press. He has a real knack for putting them in their place. Love it! Even when he's saving their bacon they still try to embarrass him, try to destroy him and try their darndest to get anything they can on him. Ungrateful jerks. April 24, 2018   Stupid Brits:   Wait! This cannot - cannot - be happening! This cannot be! There is no way this is real! They outlawed knives in London so how on this green and blue earth can three teens be stabbed overnight in London? How does that happen? They outlawed knives! How can anyone be stabbed after they outlawed knives?! This is incredible! Has anyone told the Pope so he can declare it a miracle? Someone call the Pope! It's gotta' be some sort of miracle since they outlawed knives and we all know that those who want to break the law obey the law about knives and guns, don't they? Don't people who break the law obey just those laws surrounding weapons? We have people here who want to outlaw our guns, take away the Second Amendment and delete your right to "keep and bear arms". They know that people who want to shoot someone will always obey gun laws that prevent them from owning a gun, or from shooting someone with a gun if they do get one. Right? (Do I have to say that this is, of course, all tongue in cheek sarcasm? If so, I feel sorry for the world.) April 24, 2018   mad maxine:   She's so insanely stupid she needs to be in a padded cell somewhere. She says that "Comey has no credibility" but that "she believes him about Trump". "No credibility" usually means that there is no reason to believe him about anything. So if you don't think there's a reason to believe him about anything why would you believe him about just this one thing? Perhaps because it fits with what she wants: to get rid of President Donald J. Trump? Perhaps she has an agenda that aligns with comey's agenda and that's why she believes an unbelievable person? April 24, 2018   Yet another dumboRAT proves that their double standards know no bounds. As a leftie/progressive/liberal she speaks with a forked tongue espousing equality for all when in public, but in private wishing she could punch an Asian in the mouth. Sweet. Things for this woman are going from bad to worse to dumber than dumb. No surprises there. April 24, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   America is giving YOUR taxpayer dollars to a Scandinavian group that helps Islamic terrorists. Is that good, right, fair? No. It's none of those things. It needs to stop. April 24, 2018   I love Prager University and I love the little videos they put together. They're smart, short, easy to understand and cover important topics. I would like to offer you their thoughtful video about GOD or the "multiverse". Watch it and think about what you watched. Then tell me that those who are atheist don't live on faith in their beliefs instead of "science" and reasoning. They're living on faith; just not faith in someone. April 24, 2018   Why is the pro-gun Parkland student being harrassed by the police who allowed so many of his classmates to die? The kid, Kyle Kashuv, went to the shooting range with is Dad and received some instruction from a professional instructor and the cops interrogated him like he was a criminal for doing so. Those cops need to be fired and the police chief (and I use the term loosely) needs to be fired and they all should be sued for their actions or lack thereof. They are a disgrace. April 24, 2018   cnn:   Their jim acosta says that about Americans... "'...they don’t have all their faculties in some cases — their elevator might not hit all floors.'"And his does? He has all of his faculties? Is that why he lies so well and is so left/progressive/liberal? He's all kinds of mentally sound? Yeah. Right. April 24, 2018   I agree with Judge Napolitano. The dumboRATS are trying to frame Pres. Trump. What else would you call it? April 24, 2018   I think the Koch brothers need to go away and stop trying to control Congress via their cash. Amnesty does NOT need to be passed ASAP. DACA is NOT good for America. Their influence buying needs to be stopped short and the resignation of ROTTEN ryan will help with that, I hope. April 24, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, is trying to protect America against the illegal alien invasion that is the "caravan" of people trying to cross our southern border. We need to not only build the wall, but we need to also make the wall secured underground and in the air, and we need to prevent them from coming by sea as well. In other words, we need to protect America. I think it's worth doing. April 24, 2018   We know one thing about the FBI: they have people within their ranks who are in the "deep state" and are looking after the best interests of - not America - but hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone. That's how the "deep state" is doing things right now. They're putting America last, which shouldn't be a surprise. The "deep state" has the litle guy and the big guys, one of whom was andrew mccabe, former Deputy FBI Director. It's been suggested that we watch and are careful about what he's LYING about. What? Does it surprise you that the man would LIE? He's a leftie, isn't he? April 24, 2018   There have been companies who have published press releases or tweets about abandoning the NRA and anything to do with them who are now understanding that doing so is dangerous to their bottom line. For instance, Ace Hardware started down that road, but changed its mind. Now we find out that cooler company, Yeti, is walking back their anti-NRA previous statements. I'm glad they're coming back to the light. That's good thing. April 24, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 23, 2018: 2:08 p.m.   I'm back from Georgia. Had a great time up there and got a lot accomplished. We got a 40 foot shipping container delivered for storage of lawn equipment. When you have fourteen acres (soon to be 21 acres), you need a lot of lawn equipment! We are learning that the hard way. We're considering buying a tractor. Us. A tractor! Amazing. We also put almost all of the wall decorations up that I wanted up (missed one), and took measurements to start the renovations in the kitchen. We have almost finished the master bedroom, worked on the master bathroom (the shower and toilet are on the other side of the room), and the kitchen plans are under way. It's going to be a lot of work, but it's going to be worth it. We have a lot of plans for up there, but it's slow going because we live down here and we have only weekends most of the time. Slow but steady will make our farm the place we want it to be. That, and buying all of Grandpa's farm land back (after buying Uncle Dwight's) and a few additional acres. We'll see how that goes. Anyways, we are back and we are glad we went up there. It was great to get so much done! April 23, 2018   You need to realize that there is a difference between the way hillosercrooktOOn's e-mail treason and the Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) "Russian collusion" investigations were/are conducted. If you can't see the favoritism between the two you must be deaf, dumb, blind and extremely stupid. Diapers much? April 23, 2018   Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton says that james comey is an anti-Trump activist and cannot be trusted. That's how bad things are with him and why comey can't be trusted. When you have an agenda like comey's and the left's, you will do anything to accomplish that. james comey is not to be trusted. April 23, 2018   If you want the TRUTH about what is happening in the White House, don't listen to the msm. They like to blame it on Pres. Trump, but it's not the case in most instances, that he's the one to blame. For instance, in the case of the former Veterans' Affairs chief, David Shulkin, he wanted to be treated like a king. He wanted all kinds of special concessions and treatment, but Pres. Trump kept telling him, "No!" He wouldn't stop requesting special treatment so Pres. Trump fired him. That's a good thing. We don't need a prima donna at the V.A. That's a job where the veterans should be treated as special, not the department head. April 23, 2018   Which will it be, "Allahu Akbar!" or insanity in the latest case of vehicular terrorism? I'm guiessing the former. April 23, 2018   MAGA:   Fourteen states have hit record lows in unemployment numbers! That's excellent! That's Pres. Trump's policies at work! We know it's Pres. Trump's policies because one of the fourteen is CaliMarxiFornia and we know that jerry brown hasn't been good for his state, so it must be Pres. Trump! April 23, 2018   Hypocrisy Much?:   Ruh. Roh. Another msm anchor has been found out. joy reid's anti-homosexual blogs have turned up and she's now on the hot seat. She's saying that they were "fabricated" by hackers, but I seriously doubt that. Not because it cannot happen (it certainly can) but because if they had been posted by someone else, why would they not have made a point of bringing them to the public's attention years ago when they were originally "hacked" (the site has been shut down for several years, so it had to be years ago)? Sounds to me like she's trying to cover her tracks from before her "big break" and trying to keep a cushy job that puts her on the television she loves to be on. We'll see whether another leftie is held to the same standards the left holds the right. If not, as I asked, "Hypocrisy Much?" April 23, 2018   Do you parent your children or do you let electronic devices placate them and keep them quiet so you don't have to worry about being the one to amuse them? Do you see young children with smart phones and think, "Well, it keeps them quiet", or do you think, "That can't be good for that young a child"? Which do you think? Do you know that a quarter of six and unders own a smart phone? That's how parents get out of making the effort of keeping their child occupied and well-behaved: stick a smart phone in their kids's faces and bring up an app they enjoy and that's how to "parent" in today's world. Moms and Dads, if that's how you "parent" you're doing your child and your relationship with your child great harm. You are doing more harm than good in sticking a "smart" phone (iPad, etc.) in front of your child's face daily. Take the time and make the effort to get down on the floor and spend time playing with your child. Get cuddled up and read to him/her, on a bus, in the park, at a picnic. Do something to make a personal connection with your child because if you don't, when that child grows up you will not have a son or daughter, you will have someone without a connection to you and won't want to spend time with you when you deeply want to have a relationship with your child. Your grandkids will also suffer because they will be raised the same way you raised their parent. Is that what you want? April 23, 2018   Does it surprise you that most of the leaker's Scott Pruitt info is WRONG? When the Deep State targets you, they have to lie to get you. When the truth is revealed it's always disgusting that the left is willing to lie so much. Lies have a way of being found out and the left is learning that the hard way. April 23, 2018   I planned on doing more but my son's on the phone and I can't type and investigate and do a conversation with him at the same time. So, I'll go and wish you a great day! Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 17, 2018: 10:45 p.m.:   Early Flag Friday:   I thought I'd be able to do updates today but we were so busy doing errands for me to get ready to go to the farm that I didn't have a chance. My son had a dental appointment I took him to, did some shopping for a gift for a friend, picked up my son, went to the grocery store, the bank, another grocery store, and home to work on getting things ready for my friend's visit and heading north almost as soon as my friend leaves. I got things done, but not the blurbs. Sorry about that. Sometimes things get in the way. The Flag Friday offering this week had to be posted early so that I don't forget and post it late. I'd rather post it early than late, because I don't want our troops to think I forgot them. So I offer you "Tribute To Our Heroes 368: Dumping Grounds". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All, even those who seem forgotten. We do remember! April 16, 2018: 10:35 p.m.   Sorry about missing updates on Friday (the 13th!) but my son came over to visit without telling me about his visit before he came over, so it was a very nice surprise and not at all bad luck on the 13th. When we're together as a family it's very good. I gave him a haircut (as usual) and he showed me a piece of art he's working on (it's gorgeous!) and we talked. By the time he left my hubby was home so there wasn't enough time to do updates. Again, sorry about that. Anyways, the rest of this week is planned to be updates today and tomorrow, company again on Wednesday then I leave for Georgia after my company leaves, and my hubby comes up on Friday. We are going to get some work done and we're going to get another delivery that will help our system work. "System" being where we leave certain tools we use; those we use mostly on the farm will be left up there; those we use mostly down here, will stay down here, of course. Anyways, I'll do a Flag Friday early this week, post it and let it be early. It's better than forgetting. So let's get started for today. April 16, 2018   Judicial Watch says it so much better than I, but we agree: the "deep state" is out to get Pres. Trump and they'll ignore the rule of law in order to do so! They don't care about the law. They are the law as long as whatever they do helps them get rid of Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's the problem with what we see happening now in the State Dept., the FBI, the Do[IN]J, the CIA, etc. They were filled with those loyal to themuslimvileone and the crooktOOns. They want to get rid of him because he's not going rubber stamp the wrongs that they want to allow to happen, the wrongs that they want to do, the wrongs that they want to ignore from the past that those they are loyal to committed and they are protecting. When you have a deep state that is loyal to a person not to the nation, then we have a problem. The deep state that Pres. Donald J. Trump is dealing with is loyal to themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn and the deep state peeps are doing everything they can to protect those two. That leads to failure to prosecute wrongdoing, protectionist policies and acts directed toward those they are loyal to, and to prejudicial actions against the current president, Donald J. Trump. That's the deal: it's like being loyal to a KING/DICTATOR, not the nation they are supposed to be loyal to. BTW, it's also TREASONOUS. April 16, 2018   Islamic Terrorism:   ISIS is threatening to attack NYC and I hope that this is being taken seriously. It's something that, if it does not happen, that's wonderful. If it is attempted, I hope and pray that NYC is ready for something to happen and catches it prior to the actual attack and prevents any harm. ISIS needs to be defeated in every way, shape and form; in proposed attacks, in its ability to harm others, in the ability to get their servants/slaves to do their bidding. Let's pray for NYC's safety and the total, absolute, complete, irrefutable defeat of the evil that is Islamic terrorism. It shall not win here! April 16, 2018   MAGA:   How about that? Thanks to the governors who are pushing it, and thanks to Pres. Donald J. Trump signing an executive order that makes it federal regulation, welfare recipients have to work to get help. Now, we're seeing food stamp use drop ("half a million in a single month") drastically and we're seeing benefits of making people take responsibility for their own well-being (well-fare). "Welfare to work" should include public housing, food stamps, medical care, any utility payments, publicly funded cell phone use, and any other taxpayer funded programs. If you are unwilling to work to earn the right to those programs, you should not be allowed ON those programs. No one should get to ride on the working taxpayer's dime. No work, no welfare. No work, no "freebies" (free to you, not to those who work to pay for you). That's the way it should be. Why should every employeed person have to pay extra taxes to pay for the laziness of those choosing to sit on their butts all day? It should not happen. No work, nothing for you from taxpayer funds. Period. April 16, 2018   pelosipig:   What a liar! She didn't object when themuslimvileone sent troops to Syria. He's the one who started America's presence there, so why would the left/progressives/liberals have a problem with Pres. Trump continuing themuslimvileone's policiies? If it's good enough for themuslimvileone, why are they up in arms over Pres. Trump continuing the policy? Double standards, anyone? April 16, 2018   Question for you. When two LIARS are trying to tell the "same" story, what winds up happening? The TRUTH loses and the two LIARS wind up in a five-year-old's fight: "You're the liar!", "No, you are!", etc. You know how that sounds. You've heard little children doing that. You've heard how obnoxious it is, how maddening, irritating, whiny it sounds. That's what we're seeing between former U.S. A.G., loretta lynch, and former FBI Director, james comey. They're five-year-olds. They act like it and they prove it daily. LIARS lie. Learn to recognize it when it happens. With the left/progressives/liberals, it's every time their lips move (and often when they type or write). April 16, 2018   MAGA:   Under Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and leadership, the economy is having a field day! Retail sales are picking up, too! It's all goood and we're seeing more good coming our way. April 16, 2018   Oh, woe is me! Poor little beggar, james comey, wonders if he helped elect Pres. Trump. If he did, he's still doing everything he can to destroy him, so he's cancelling out what he may have played a part in. Sounds to me like he's a partisan person who should have never been in control of the FBI, much less in charge of anything besides his own tie. April 16, 2018   LOL!:   The left/progressives/liberals are so incompetent that they can't even blame james comey for defeating hillosercrooktOOn's presidential bid (remember the re-opening of the investigation a few days before Nov. 8th's voting) without getting hillosercrooktOOn hit hardest. That's pathetic. She lost because she was an awful candidate, a much-reviled person and a liar, traitor, and for sale to the highest bidder. That's why she lost: she is who she is. It was hillosercrooktOOn who lost for hillosercrooktOOn. No one else had to do anything else for her to lose. I sometimes think a rock could have won against her. Certainly a kitten could! April 16, 2018   bumbling biden:   It would be a better idea for him to sink quietly into the sunset and never open his mouth about politics again than it is for him to keep opening his mouth and proving how stupid he is. Maybe some day he'll open his mouth and not put his foot, elbow, or a bunch of chips in it. If he ever had a brain he lost that a long time ago. He must have laid on his side and let it roll out his ear. April 16, 2018   ATTENTION:   Have you bought eggs recently? What company are they from? Some are being RECALLED due to possible salmonella contamination. Check your eggs and check the FDA's press release about the egg recall. Don't eat the eggs! Check them and if you're unsure, go ahead and take them back to the store. Better safe than sick. Been there. Done that. Don't plan on going back! April 16, 2018   Okay. I'm going to close with that for today. Remember my schedule will make my last posting day tomorrow for this week and I'll do my Flag Friday on Wednesday (if not Tuesday) because I'll be up at the farm Wednesday to Sunday. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 13, 2018: 12:04 a.m.: Friday the 13th:   Flag Friday:   It's that time of the week. It's Friday. This time it's Friday the 13th. Are you superstitious? I'm not. So, anyways, here's this week's Flag Friday, "Tribute To Our Heroes 367: Me". I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today if all goes as planned. April 12, 2018: 1:01 p.m.   We all know that Laura Ingraham was being boycotted by several of her advertisers because she allegedly said something bad about david publicity piggy. I found the big list of companies the child-cum-dictator wants to leave Ingraham's show. I contacted a few of them. I got a response from two. Ace Hardware said "When a reporter contacted our Care Center last week regarding our plans to advertise on The Ingraham Angle, the information we had at the time was incomplete and thus misleading, and we apologize for that.That sounds to me like they're not really pulling their ads from her show, there's a chance that their ads will run on her show, but they could also not run. So Ace, at least, seems to be backtracking a little. I also heard from Expedia.com because they were on the list and I did business with them last year, I contacted them as well. From them I received "Thank you for contacting Expedia about closing your account. We can provide the information regarding this matter.So I guess they don't mind people leaving. Expedia.com apparently doesn't care if Conservatives drop them like they dropped Ingraham. Okay. Fine. I did close my account and it's never going to be opened again. Thought you'd like to know that the boycott isn't actually standing up and it's not as bad as the left/progressives/liberals want you to think. Ingraham is back and she's stronger and more determined than ever and that's a great thing! April 12, 2018   I'm a big fan of Prager U and I'm glad to see that they are suing googleywoogley/YouTube for free speech violations. I hope and pray they win that lawsuit and teach those two entities are taught that America's free speech clause includes people using their services! One Prager U video, "Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks inspired one of my favorite Conservatives to write an article about the same subject. Read Dr. Walter E. Williams' "Black Political Power Means Zilch" and learn the truth. It's never like the left/progressives/liberals want you to believe. April 12, 2018   It's being said that House Republicans want ROTTEN ryan to step down NOW. Sounds good to me! April 12, 2018   Judicial Watch is still trying to get to the bottom of the Uranium One sale that hillosercrooktOOn did under themuslimvileone's approval. Maybe one day we'll get to see her in prison orange. I hope so. I hope that between Pres. Trump, Judicial Watch, other organizations that are still on this, and some Conservatives in the House and Senate (a few), maybe we'll see the crooktOOns have to face the consequences of their treasonous ways. April 12, 2018   pelosipig:   She's still sick. She still needs to retire and take care of herself. She can't get through a short press conference without twitching and misusing words. She really should retire and get the stress of office off of her body and maybe she'd be healthier. In the meantime, she gives her detractors more ammo to use against her. Stupid is as stupid does and pelosipig is stupid to continue making appearances while ill. If she doesn't want people commenting upon her misuse of words, then she shouldn't give people the chance to hear/see it. April 12, 2018   A judge appointed by themuslimvileone (Shock. Surprise.) has ruled that illegals can sue for discrimination because an employer asks them for a green card. It's the law that they have a green card to work in America. But with themuslimvileone and his followers/ilk since when does the law matter? Remember, they are the law. April 12, 2018   Speaking of discrimination, this is exactly that: "An Indian reservation along one of the most perilous sections of the Mexican border won’t allow National Guard troops to enter its land, which is a notorious smuggling corridor determined by the U.S. government to be a 'High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).' Sources inside the U.S. Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies working along the Arizona-Mexico border tell Judicial Watch that the tribe, Tohono O’odham Nation, has banned National Guard troops deployed by President Donald Trump to help crack down on a crisis of drug smuggling and illegal crossings along the 2,000-mile southern border. 'They told us they don’t want white man on their land,' [my bolding] said a high-level federal official working in the region. 'The agency, of course, is going to cater to that.'"So American Indians are allowed to discriminate against whites, but whites cannot discriminate at all. I get it. How about the Border Patrol puts together a group that is entirely non-white, would the Indians allow them on their land then? April 12, 2018   MAGA:   March's U6 Unemployment rate was 8.0% (down .2%), which translates to a U3 (Official number) of 4.1%. The economy is forecast to do well this year and into 2019. Pres. Donald J. Trump has just signed a work requirement for welfare recipients (finally a President who did that!), and even BET founder says Trump's policies are good for black workers. So President Trump and his policies are doing GOOD things for America and Americans. Let's cooperate with that and let's remember that in November. April 12, 2018   It's about time! Rep. Devin Nunes finally got deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein, to give him the docs used to start the FBI's Trump/Russia investigation. Sounds to me like this will be released (that committee has been very transparent) and we'll soon all have a good laugh at what the hillosercrooktOOn campaign put together in their desperate attempt to harm then-candidate Trump's campaign. That's going to make her look even more pathetic. She can never admit that most of America did NOT want her so even before she lost (I'm sure the pollsters were secretly telling her she was losing, although they cooked the poll numbers to make it look to us as though she was going to win) she was using any trick in her crooked little book to create excuses, stop candidate Trump, or whatever else she thought she was going to do with that "Russian dossier". In other words, she has proven with the "Russian dossier" that she's a pathetic grasper who can't win people's hearts so she'll force her way into power by any means possible. That's the truth of hillosercrooktOOn. April 12, 2018   I'm glad that the President of the United States of America, Pres. Donald J. Trump (still LOVE saying that!), supports our Free Speech rights. I hope that people will stop using fakebook, the Dead Blue Bird and other "social media" outlets that do NOT support EVERYONE'S First Amendment rights. If you want a Dead Blue Bird type ability, but not the anti-Conservative bent, try GAB.ai and you'll see something similar, without the discrimination against Conservatives. It's much better than fakebook and the Dead Blue Bird. It's Free Speech. April 12, 2018   SMH:   We have a male rachel dolezal. A white dumboRAT male from NC said: "'I’m a member of the African-American community,' Shipman said. 'I’ve been where you are. I’ve been in your communities.'"Why? Why would a white person think that they can get away with claiming "blackness"? Why appropriate that? Do dumboRATS think that it's something they can get away with, or that claiming it gives them more credibility with their constituents? How can it give them more credibility when it's unappreciated by their constituents? SMH. April 12, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. See you tonight for my Flag Friday posting. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 11, 2018: 10:38 a.m.   Did you know that True The Vote and other Conservative groups are STILL being targeted, prosecuted and persecuted by both the IRS and the DO[IN]J? Yep. In a video from last week we learn True The Vote's leader was targeted by themuslimvileone's entire administration and in this week's video we found out that the IRS and DO[IN]J LIED to True The Vote and the court. If you think that the ATF, FBI, DO[IN]J, OSHA, etc., should continue to harrass and target Conservative groups and individuals, then you should be put under the same scrutiny. IF, on the other hand, you believe that True The Vote should be able to help bring about election integrity and clear the voter rolls of illegals, dead people, felons who have not regained their voting privileges, Mickey Mouse and Mickey Spillane, etc., then you should join me in DONATE TO TRUE THE VOTE and help them fight back and fight the entire Washington D.C. establishment. The government agencies (Do[IN]J and IRS specifically) are doing the bidding of lefties/progressives/liberals bidding so that they can keep allowing the fictitious characters, illegal aliens, dead people and others to vote for dumboRATS. That's what they want and that's why these government agencies are continuing to target groups -- especially True The Vote -- who are trying to stop election fraud. DumboRATS NEED these fraudulent votes in order to win and stay in power. The government agencies know that with dumboRATS in power they can waste taxpayer dollars, break the rules, be as bad as they want to be and nothing will be done to stop them. It is called "the swamp" for a reason. Donate to True The Vote and contact Pres. Trump at his campaign (2020) website, or at the White House. Tell him that the DO[IN]J must stop LYING to True The Vote, must stop targeting them and other Conservatives and tell him to call off the dogs of the IRS. This has gone on since 2010 and it's time that it be halted by someone more powerful than the DO[IN]J swampthings and the IRS mudrats! It's time to "Make America Great Again!" April 11, 2018   Fakebook:   Amidst all of the kerfuffle about Pres. Trump's alleged use of their info gathering ability via Cambridge Analytica, Republican Senator Tillis had the guts and chutzpah to ask zuckerberg about themuslimvileone's use of their info gathering. The article doesn't say how zuckerberg responded (but this one says he denied favoritism), but in the Senator's remarks was an assumption that he should not have had: "'At least there should be a business code of conduct that says that you do not play favorites.'"No. He clearly doesn't understand lefties/progressives/liberals. They DO play favorites. It's the only way they can win. Considering zuckerberg's "testimony" (he's NOT under oath so can it be called "testimony" or is it just talk?), I don't think that ANY Conservatives should use fakebook at all. Get off of it and when you close your account tell them why. I left them years ago after only about eighteen months of being there. April 11, 2018   Drain The Swamp!:   WoooHooo! ROTTEN ryan has announced his retirement! He won't be running for re-election! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! One less swamprat in the swamp! Now let's replace him with a TRUE Conservative! April 11, 2018   Wow. The FBI is in heaps of trouble with what they've been up to under themuslimvileone's administration and instruction. Now, a Congressinal committee is saying that if the FBI does not cooperate and do so quickly, they will not only hold the FBI in contempt, but they will impeach its leader, Christopher Wray. That's a heads up. I wonder how that's flying in the hallowed halls of the FBI's headquarters. I'd love to be a fly on the wall and hear all of the laughter. It's not as if the FBI gives a flip about a threat like that. They'll just do some digging, try to find some dirt on the people on that committee (if they don't have it already) and make sure that all complaints against them go away. That's how the FBI does things now that the crooktOOns and themuslimvileone taught them to do so. If you don't believe me, look at what happened to True The Vote. April 11, 2018   I lived in CA for six and-a-half years, in Lompoc first, then in base housing of Vandenberg Air Force Base. I'm so glad I don't live there anymore. Jerry Brown has turned that place into a far-left progressive nightmare. He's chosen to sue the federal government (again) over EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt's cutting of EPA regulations that kept manufacturers hogtied to a classification they were slapped with years ago, even though they lowered their pollutant emissions and should now be able to be classified into a different category. The EPA simply said, "Okay. You've cleaned up your act so we'll give you an 'Atta' boy!' and make you keep fewer records but you can't go back to the pullutant emissions you used to have or you'll be back in the higher category and have to keep the tougher record standard." That's what is happening here, and the idiots of CA's government don't like it. Boo. Hoo. April 11, 2018   Despicable robert mueller:   This is how you can tell that he's out to get Pres. Donald J. Trump, instead of doing a legitimate investigation of the "Russian collusion" charge. He is digging into a $150,000 donation to a Pres. Trump CHARITY but ignoring the MILLIONS the same guy gave to the crooktOOns. That's very telling, don't you think? Double standard, anyone? Look at the facts: "Pinchuk personally hired Doug Schoen as his lobbyist in Washington, D.C., in order to curry favor with the State Department. Schoen was [bullybob crooktOOn]’s former pollster and a personal aide. He registered as a foreign agent and lobbyist for the billionaire. The billionaire paid him at the rate of $40,000 per month to set up the private State Department meetings, according to The New York Times.Sounds to me like a set-up. But the Despicable robert mueller has to try to find something dirty on Pres. Trump. It's his life's work. Read the Sara Carter info on mueller and you'll find out he's not a good man. April 11, 2018   "The response to Susan’s work is politically motivated, not an argument against her conclusions. The journal’s response to this article and to her complaint was also political. Sadly, BioScience [is] not a credible scientific journal anymore. We have fake news and fake science."Amen and Amen! April 11, 2018   Alan Dershowitz says that raiding Trump's attorney's office was "unconstitutional". Shock. Surprise. The Despicable robert mueller does something unconstitutional. Fancy that. April 11, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 10, 2018: 11:07 a.m.   It's federal taxes are due in SEVEN DAYS. Yep, seven days. They moved it from April 15th this year so you have ONE WEEK to get things done. Are you ready? April 10, 2018   I wonder what U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, is up to. I admit, on a trust scale of 1-10, I trust him about a 3. It's not fun to think that we've gone from two attorneys general (eric holder and loretta lynch) under themuslimvileone to another attorney general under Pres. Trump that I cannot trust. America needs an administration in which we can trust every portion. If we trust only 10% of an administration, that's not good enough! If we trust only 80% of an administration, that's not good enough! We should be able to trust the people who work FOR us! I wish Pres. Trump could get that fixed and that he would start with Jeff Sessions. U.S.A.G. Sessions is doing things that leave me scratching my head and wondering "Why?" For instance, he has a themuslimvileone appointee looking into the Uranium One sale. Why on earth would Sessions do that? Does he expect anything from the investigator besides "Nothing wrong was done. Everything was above board."? hillosercrooktOOn sold America out for her own profit! She committed TREASON and Sessions has a themuslimvileone appointee investigating the sale that themuslimvileone had to approve before it happened? Sessions? Have you lost your ever loving mind? April 10, 2018   The Do[IN]J under themuslivileone (hence, loretta lynch for it was her era), was complicit in the FISA warrant request for warrant to spy on then-candidate Donald J. Trump. "Communications uncovered by congressional investigators reveal the FBI may have improperly coordinated with Department of Justice officials in an effort to pressure those officials to expedite a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance warrant on a former volunteer with the President Trump’s campaign, congressional officials said."Sounds to me like a conspiracy to keep Trump from becoming President. The question becomes: Did they believe he was that strong a candidate and that's why they conspired to keep him from winning, or did they know that hillosercrooktOOn was that weak a candidate and that's why they conspired against Trump? Which is it? I think I know. April 10, 2018   I'm glad of this: John Bolton is cleaning house to stop the leaks. I like it! April 10, 2018   Fake News:   LOL! LOL! LOL! Of course they got the "Russian bot" stories wrong! They don't care about the facts, they just care about the "narrative": the story they want to tell, no matter if they get everything in it wrong, as long as they get the idea out there, who cares about facts? Bots are not tracked. So how can anyone tell us what Russian bots did? Hmmm? The lefties/progressives/liberals are all about the story (read: LIE), and if they can tell that "story" often enough and enough of their useful idiots hear it, it becomes the left's "truth". That's how the left does things: tell the same LIE until it is believed. Their useful idiots don't think; they follow. Their useful idiots don't investigate; they believe. Being on the left takes a lot of faith; as long as it's not in GOD. It's all about the "story"; truth be darned. April 10, 2018   America is in danger. The FBI - even under U.S.A.G. Jeff Sessions (for whom I am so very quickly losing all respect) - is doing things that they should not be doing. Under orders from robert "I must stop Trump" mueller, they raided Pres. Trump's attorney's office, took information and did so after mueller telling Pres. Trump that he's not under criminal investigation. If there's no criminal investigation into Pres. Trump, why would mueller have the FBI raid Pres. Trump's long time attorney's office? They don't raid offices for non-criminals, do they? In a civil matter, wouldn't they just ask for papers, get a subpoena if needed, and go in a dignified, gentlemanly manner and get the papers in the subpoena? "Raiding" denotes a kicking in of doors, unexpected arrivals, dark of night, but I don't know that they did it that way. I just know that this raid is a dangerous precedent for America and it puts a dent into a standard of our justice system: attorney-client privilege. Now if the judge asks your attorney if you told him/her that you did steal the car (for instance) your attorney will have to tell the judge? If there is no more attorney-client privilege, that's what shall happen. Is that what you want? April 10, 2018   BLM?:   Nope. The largest blm page on Fakebook is an hoax run by an "Australian union organizer". Well, I guess black lives matter for "Likes" count. Did Fakebook know it was a scam? Maybe. There were complaints about it being fake. Did that matter to Fakebook? Apparently not. They did nothing about it for the longest time. Question: If Fakebook will allow people to make fake pages for an organization, refuse to take action against that fake page, and allows them to make money off of the real organization's name, is Fakebook just being racist, or do they just not care about the TRUTH? April 10, 2018   Fakebook (again):   Did you know that they have been allowing body parts of threatened species to be sold on Fakebook? Yep. They apparently don't care about endangered animals, either. Fakebook cares about one thing: the money it can make off of you and your info, and the money it can make off of advertising. Right and wrong? Nah. Don't worry about those piddly little things. April 10, 2018   Leave it up to the dumboRATS to try to protect the guy who is doing so much wrong right now that it's ridiculous and the guy should be fired and have to pay America back for the money he's wasting. Yep. I'm talking about robert "Get Trump" mueller. DumboRAT, chuck schumer, wants to introduce legislation to protect robert mueller so that he cannot be fired. What's next? A bill to protect pelosipig so she won't have to retire, lose her seat, or die? It's gotten that bad, folks. It's that bad. April 10, 2018   I've warned for years against the legalization of marijuana - even "medical" marijuana - and now there's a medical study that says that continued use of marijuana - even as a "medicine" - can cause what is known as "Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome". It's so common that the weed's name is used in the sydrome's name, so that must tell you that they are definitely linked. The news stories are varied in which approach they take: some focus on the extended use of marijuana and how it impacts the body, others focus on the "hot showers seem to relieve the pain" thing. How long does your hot water heater last for hot showers? The stories that focus on that part of it don't tell you that the pain returns after the water gets cold. The fact is marijuana use is bad for you. If you want to smoke it to "treat" X, then you could be opening yourself up to having to be treated for Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, as well. It's your choice. Be sick or be sicker. Or, you could ask Jesus Christ to heal you with His stripes. He took a scourging so that we can be healed. Talk to Him and ask Him to heal you. What can it hurt? It won't hurt like Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, or anything you may have been using marijuana to "treat". No harm in trying, is there? April 10, 2018   A funny thing to end with: Reporters vs Marines. Semper Fi! April 10, 2018   The storm is upon us. I shall go for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 9, 2018: 12:09 p.m.   "FIND THE TRUTH!":   We've heard the "free market" criticized and ridiculed for the last ten years or more and I'm quite fed up with it. The free market means that if you have a product idea, and you want to go through the steps to develop that product, getting it patented, finding a manufacturer when your orders are more than you can produce by your own efforts, and marketing it, etc., then you can make money -- a lot of money -- on that product. That's the free market. That's why we have shwos such as "Shark Tank", or HSN's product development contests, and others. We have the free market because the guy who invented "My Pillow" decided that he had a better idea for a pillow and took his idea to market. The market -- you and I -- decided that they like the product, or disliked the product and chose to purchase it or not purchase it. That's the free market: you're free to buy or not buy, invent or not invent, build or not build. In other words, see how Prager U describes it and the benefits the free market brings to us all! April 9, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Don't you love giving billionaires your taxpayer dollars for them to use to destroy other countries? That's right. It wasn't even spent here in America. It was used by billionaire thevilegeorgesoros to try to destroy Albania. Yep. Not only did YOUR money get spent by thevilegeorgesoros for trying to overthrow Romania and Colombia, but he used YOUR money to try to destroy Albania, too. His efforts to rule the world for his own financial gain have been funded by YOUR TAXES. Don't you love how themuslimvileone helped his buddies to YOUR money but did NOTHING for you? He will go down as the worst prezidunce in U.S. history, as I've said since 24 March 2009. He was an awful prezidunce. He will ever be. April 9, 2018   I'm so glad that Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) is standing by EPA head, Scott Pruitt. I hope he continues to do so. I think Pruitt is doing a great job, getting rid of so many bad regulations and making it easier for people to actually own (in the truest sense of the word) their own land. We own fourteen acres in Georgia, to become twenty-one acres later this year. We have a pond on part of our current property and if we had the old regulations to worry about we would have to go to the EPA to get permission to refresh the pond, to re-dig the former depth, width and lenght of it, and to put any fish in it. My hubby's grandpa owned and farmed the land for years and he had the pond dug out before there was an EPA. We would like to make that pond the way Grandpa designed it, put a pavilion down there near it on an existing cement pad and be able to fish our pond. Thanks to Pres. Donald J. Trump and Scott Pruitt, we can do that without a lot of government hoops to jump through. We own our land more now than if hillosercrooktOOn had been elected because she would have kept themuslimvileone's course and our land would have been less ours. April 9, 2018   Fakebook:   They've been so horrible in the way they've done things that even "Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak", is closing his account. I like that he's taking a stand against the censorship, the political activism, the lopsidedness of their work. (Do you realize that they're tracking people who aren't even on fakebook?) Fakebook really has dug its own grave. Their users are leaving in droves, and their "propaganda platform" is being exposed and the nails in their coffin are increasing in number and size. They've done it to themselves and have no one else to blame. They're so ridiculous about it that they've declared Diamond and Silk "unsafe"! How? How on earth are those two women "unsafe to the community"? Ridiculous is as ridiculous does and fakebook has passed way beyond the point of ridiculous! Ridiculous is what they're seeing in the rear view mirror! They've touched the boundaries of paranoia! I wonder if the fakebook propaganda use for the left/progressives/liberals is why themuslimvileone signed the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act" in 2013 (and this bill, the "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012", which is horrible by itself, but together they are really bad), so that fakebook and his allies could publish themuslimvileone's lies and not be called out for it because they were doing the government's bidding? themuslimvileone was all about himself, his power, his money, his ego. The world revolves (yes, still) around him. Narcissist much? April 9, 2018   It hasn't been just fakebook that has been doing crap. Now we find out that YouTube has been tracking children and targeting children with ads geared to their age group. That's not just wrong, it's scary to think that they can figure out which users are children and which user is an adult. How do they do that? Why would they think of doing that? Why track anyone? Why not just let us use the product without trying to glean information and make money off of us? We can no longer rely on any service or company to do the right thing unless we stay vigilant. We need to be the monitor of our own information and make our own decisions as to which company we do business with. Put your money where your mouth is and don't spend money or TIME at a website that's going to make money off of you secretly, or off of your children in any way. If they can track which user is a kid, what is to prevent that info from being hacked by a pervert and your children targeted in other ways? We've already seen problems with creeps hacking child monitors and watching children via those, what else could be happening without our knowledge? (BTW, to take simple steps to prevent that sort of thing, get some card stock from a craft store or office supply store, cut two squares out of it and tape those squares over the lenses of any cameras connected to the internet or capable of bluetooth access. This is a simple fix for disallowing anyone from remotely accessing your camera without your knowledge. I do it to all of my internet connected cameras.) April 9, 2018   I'm glad to know that Pres. Donald J. Trump listens to and watches Conservative commentators to keep him on the "straight and narrow". I don't care whether his advisors are happy with it (they aren't). I'm glad he watches the people that are True Conservatives and that he thinks that keeping them happy is a good thing. In keeping them happy, he'll be keeping me happy and that is what I want him to do: keep True Conservatives happy. I like that. April 9, 2018   john mccAIN'T:   I'm sorry he's got brain cancer (surprised he has a brain to have cancer in), but that doesn't mean that he gets a free pass. He is wrong to blame Pres. Trump for anything and everything that he thinks is bad or wrong. He's now blaming Pres. Trump for Assad's chemical attack on his own people. This, after themuslimvileone's whole admin claimed that they had convinced Assad to get rid of all chemical weapons. Funny thing, then, that he could still use chemical weapons on his own people a full fifteen months after themuslimvileone left office. If Assad did away with his chemical weapons did he suddenly start manufacturing them again as soon as themuslimvileone left office? Remember, john mccAIN'T also blamed Pres. Trump for:
April 9, 2019   How about that? Pres. Donald J. Trump gets to make a ding in the Ninth Circuit judiciary's make-up, perhaps changing the most leftist/progressive/liberal court in the land. I hope and pray that he chooses the most Conservative, most originalist person he can find and appoints him/her to the post and that the House confirms him/her quickly. I'd love to see the Ninth go True Conservative and deal CaliMarxiFornia a true change and a head-spinning defeat. BTW, R.I.P., Judge Stephen Reinhardt. April 9, 2018   How long will it take for john mccAIN'T to blame Pres. Donald J. Trump for Iran "restarting" its nuclear program? I use quotation marks around "restart" becauase I don't believe they ever stopped it in the first place. Remember, themuslimvileone LIED about the deal he cut with Iran. He said the deal would "ensure Iran's nuclear program is and remains exclusively peaceful."Uh. No. Look at the words in the first link of this blurb: "The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization disclosed on Sunday that the Islamic Republic has maintained the ability to restart the full-scale enrichment of uranium—the key component in a nuclear weapon that was supposed to be removed from Iran as part of the nuclear agreement—in just four days."So where/how/when did themuslimvileone's deal "ensure" anything? Did themuslimvileone LIE to us again? Were his lips moving? April 9, 2018   Islamic Terrorism:   In France, Jews are being murdered, attacked, raped and tortured just "for being Jews". When we give cover via "hate laws" to terrorists and to those who have an agenda of converting the whole world via force to their religion then that's insanity at its core. It's crazy to protect those who want to do the utmost harm to you. You don't rape, torture and kill an 87 year-old neighbor who has known you since you were seven because you love her. You do so because you hate her and you hate all those like her. That's a "hate crime" and that's what should be being prosecuted. But no. In France and elsewhere throughout the world it's the victims of Islam's followers who will be prosecuted because they try to defend themselves, because they say something against Islam, or because the governments are too cowardly to stand up to Islam for their own citizens and for what is RIGHT. France's white flag has been waved way too often in their history. It's time they stand up and fight for something and that something had better be their people, not the Muslim "immigrants" (invaders!) who are killing innocent people for no reason other than that they can! Government of France, you disgust me! BTW, London is heading down the same path and now they're implementing "knife control". Give me a break. Stupid is as stupid does and England keeps trying to prove that point over and over again. April 9, 2018   Congratulations to Laura Ingraham on her return to FOX News. I'm glad FOX chose to stand behind her and that Ingraham had the courage and spine to make that return. It was NOT a suspension, nor was it an unplanned vacation to get away from the heat. It was a planned vacation that she had planned to spend time with her family and now she's back and she's going to be better than ever after experiencing the left's/progressive's/liberal's targeting for herself. It's not as if she's never been targeted previously, but the wimpy, cowardly companies who caved to the left has never reacted in such a way before. So it's good that she's standing tall and basically giving the left a nose-thumb. It's kinda' like watching Pres. Donald J. Trump do so. It's always fun to watch. BTW, take that david publicity piggy! I hope that those advertisers who boycotted Ingraham remember that Kellog's dissed Breitbart's readers and look what happened to them. Personally, I quit Expedia, won't be shopping Nestle' or Ace Hardware, nor other boycotting companies anymore. Let's let them feel the burn of what they espouse. April 9, 2018   I think that after all of that crud it's time for a good giggle. I give you a funny wisdom teeth removal video. I laughed myself silly at this one. I hope you like it, too. April 9, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 6, 2018: 12:28 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 366: Four Gen Cross" and I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I can never say that enough. You've done the extraordinairy, the thing that most of us cannot or will not do. GOD Bless You All! See you later today, if things go as planned. (NOTE: I was brushing my teeth before going to bed when the realization hit me that the WACs were not started until 1941 so for the "Six Gen Cross" to have worked the ladies would have had to start having babies and joining the military extremely early in their lives. I don't hold with that sort of thing, so I came back to my office to change the poem to suit the math better. It may still be unperfect, but it's much better than twelve-year-olds in the military and having babies! See ya' later! April 6, 2018: 1:49 p.m.   Judicial Watch, as ever, is on top of the dumboRAT/Awan brothers scandal that involves "political corruption, alleged cybersecurity breaches, the potential sharing of private constituent info, possible large-scale fraud, cover-ups, and threats to our national security."If you're a dumboRAT how do you like the idea of the Awan brothers having access to your info and doing whatever they so desire with that info? How do you like that your party is so corrupt that they will cover for these brothers and protect them, even from the top, dws, to the least of the dumboRAT newbie congressman. Isn't that comforting to know that your info and trust are so valuable to them? April 6, 2018   ms themuslimvileone:   I think she laughs too soon, too much and too falsely. She thinks themuslimvileone was "the good parent", but if he was the "good parent" why did he not provide for his children? Unemployment under themuslimvileone was 9.0% to 17.1% - all of those people had to be on welfare, or do without. That's not being a good parent. Not providing for your family is a bad parent, not a good parent. Under Pres. Trump, the U6 unemployment rate has been 9.2% (right after he took office) to a low of 7.9%; numbers themuslimvileone never wanted nor dreamed of having. Under themuslimvileone healthcare costs rose to ridiculous costs under themuslimvileone. So Pres. Trump is taking that plan apart to reduce costs. themuslimvileone promised to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he lied and he started sending our troops to Syria also. Yeah. That's a "good parent" thing: send more of your children to DIE. Thanks, Dad. Under Pres. Trump's policies, the war in Afghanistan changed to an America winning. The same is true in Syria and Iraq. So themuslimvileone sent our troops to die, but Pres. Trump is sending them to WIN. Trump wins that "good parent" battle, too. Under themuslimvileone the economy stank and it was thanks to his policies that it did. Under Pres. Trump, the economy is great and growing and he wins again under the "good parent" contest. Under themuslimvileone, race relations worsened and he encouraged it to do so. He didn't encourage his family to get along, he encouraged racial division. He was an awful "parent" in every way, but especially that way! Under Pres. Trump, he's done more for America's black families than themuslimvileone ever did and black support of Pres. Trump is growing. Pres. Trump wins the "good parent" points on that, too. So, ms themuslimvileone, you're LYING through your teeth, as usual. April 6, 2018   Pres. Trump was making Russia pay for "meddling in the 2016 elections" and other things, and he is sanctioning Russian companies. He is doing something few presidents have ever had the nerve to do. themuslimvileone never did it; instead, he promised more "flexibility". April 6, 2018   Pres. Trump needs to get rid of leakers within his administraion and start enforcing a policy of keeping the underlings' mouths shut until and unless he explicitly gives that person the green light to speak on any given subject. He needs to start firing leakers and getting his team under control. April 6, 2018   Only with Pres. Trump would a GROWTH of 103,000 jobs last month be reported as BAD news. It's absurd. Under themuslimvileone if one person gained employment they reported it as the greatest job growth ever. Under Pres. Trump, it's 103,000 in one month and it's horrible news. How absurd and biased. April 6, 2018   Taxes:   How many times annually do you hear the phrase "The rich need to pay their fair share!"? Well, how about paying 87% of income taxes, is that enough of a "fair share"? It's an election year. You'll hear it all the time. Throw that 87% number at them because it's the TRUTH. April 6, 2018   Fakebook:   For how long have I been telling you to get out/off of fakebook and the Dead Blue Bird? It's been years. Now we find out that every fakebook user's info has been compromised. So now do you think it's a good idea to get off of it? Don't you love that they've sold your info, tracked your likes, dislikes, etc., to allow others to use that info to sell products and politicians to you? Do you like the fact that your info may be now floating out there for anyone with the right amount of money to purchase and use as their own identity and leaving you with debt you didn't create? Yeah. Get off of fakebook. It's safer to do so than to stay on. Remember, it's not just fakebook. googleywoogley does it, too! April 6, 2018   The left/progressives/liberals have such closed minds that they hate anyone who disagrees with their stance and set out to totally destroy anyone who disagrees. They have been very effective because of their dogged determination to stifle free speech and silence dissent. Right-wing people and companies have been targets and it's time that it stop. We have the right to speak and if they don't like it, they don't have to listen, but the left doing their darndest to destroy anyone who has an iota of a difference in thought or belief has to stop. It has gotten ridiculous! April 6, 2018   April 6, 2018   On that note, I'll close for the day. Have a great weekend and enjoy the rest of your day. Leave time daily to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 5, 2018: 1:57 p.m.   crooktOOns:   They get more favorable treatment than any twenty shysters you've ever seen. They don't get prosecuted for treason when they should. They don't get investigated properly for the wrongs they committed as Arkansas governor, when they should. They don't get the television treatment other do. For example, two shows about bullybob's IMPEACHMENT were cancelled on the same day and will not be aired. If these were stories about G.W. Bush, would that have happened? Would it have been acceptable to the left for the shows to have been cancelled? No? Then why is it okay for the crooktOOns to get preferential treatment? April 5, 2018   Tacky. Tacky. Tacky: but most dumboRATS are. That's why no one is surprised by idiot kamala harris's death joke about Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's acceptable for the left/progressives/liberals. If someone cracked a similar joke about themuslimvileone that person would have been made to apologize. harris? She'll probably win the Nobel Prize's Humanitarian Award. April 5, 2018   Ugh. Does this kind of activity mean ms themuslimvileone is considering a run for president or any other public office? I hope not. I hope that there will never be a day when she is on the public payroll. I hope she spends her days as the most important roll she can play: Mom. Otherwise, the rest of us will have to figure out how to keep our food down. April 5, 2018   Fakebook:   Well, DUH! I mean, come on! zuckywucky, you're just figuring out that giving user data to outside sources was a bad thing? You're supposedly smarter than that. Note the "supposedly". April 5, 2018   "Russian collusion":   I am very glad that Rep. Devin Nunes is still trying to get to the bottom of the "Russian dossier" and who was behind it, how it was used, and who knew it was totally false, made up, and written by the hillosercrooktOOn campaign and the dnc. We also need to find out if the FISA judge was in on it and if he/she knew that it was all fake before issuing warrants. It's time the FISA judges have their feet held to the fire, too. We have the right to know and we demand the right to know! April 5, 2018   LOL! pelosipig:   If promising to raise taxes if the dumboRATS get control of the House and/or Senate this November is the way she thinks dumboRATS should be campaigning, let them campaign! Let's make sure this promise is so thoroughly published and widely distributed that there isn't an American on earth who hasn't heard that promise by November's election. We need to give Americans MORE of their money back, not take more of it away! Let's do another TAX CUT not raise taxes on Americans. pelosipig is an idiot. But you all know that. April 5, 2018   I'm glad that Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that) has some support from Republicans and that he has chosen people to run government agencies who are "draining the swamp". We need to not just drain it, we need to clear out the vermin within it! April 5, 2018   david publicity piggy:   I can't believe that this thing is being perceived as a "child" first of all. He's 17.5 years-old; old enough to enlist in the U.S. military, to do an interview in which he says of his "old a** parent" that he/she doesn't know how to send an iMessage, and tries to take down a journalist who allegedly "mocked" him over not being accepted into the colleges he wanted to go to, he's not acting like a child. He's acting like a DICTATOR with a bad attitude! Second, he is nothing more than a useful idiot who will learn that, as soon as he can't get television coverage anymore, the left who is supporting him will drop him like a blob of lava. The problem is, he's not yet smart enough to have figured that out! Additionally, his parents are apparently not smart enough to have put a stop to his being used by the left, so that explains why they let him skip school to do the left's bidding. That's just wrong! What his parents are allowing should be considered child abuse! Third, what is he going to do in six months when he's again a nobody? What will the loss of this instant fame going to do to his psyche? What will he do to get the attention he so obviously craves? What will he do to make his face a prominent feature on the front pages again? When is his book going to hit the shelves -- you know, the one shadow written (like hillosercrooktOOn's ninety-nine thousand books) by some lefty paid by folks like thevilegeorgesoros -- that tells how traumatic it all is that he had to go through that shooting and how it made him so "woke" that he had to go put his fist in the air like the Black Panthers of old. Yeah. When is this apparently spoiled brat going to get the good rhetorical spanking he needs, or at the very least a night in jail for doing something he shouldn't have done in order to get back on the front page? Which do you think will come first? And if you think I'm a terrible person for saying this about a "child", then remember that the "child" is the one who put himself out there as the "authority" on the gun issue, and he's trying to take away my Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms" and that matters to me. He is absolutely and totally fair game. You try to take away MY RIGHTS, I have the DUTY to comment upon and fight your deeds and words! April 5, 2018   CaliMarxiFornia:   It's nice to see that there are still places in CAMF that will stand up and do the right thing and not allow the State to intimidate them into breaking federal laws. More cities are rebelling against the "sanctuary" state and saying they will cooperate with both federal laws and the feds regarding illegal immigrants. That's a good thing! It's not easy to stand up against the leftist tyrannical bullies who think they know best, but more and more people are realizing that they can and that they have the courage to do so! It's a good thing! I bet that there will be cities in Oregon who learn to stand against their governor, too. April 5, 2018   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   Hamas has been attacking Israel again and they have done so via getting their people to sacrifice themselves for money for their families. That's kinda' sick, IMHO. Poor people are sacrficed in the name of attacking Israel because the people at the top of the pile of Hamas's henchmen won't go face the Israelis themselves. Cowards have others do their bidding. Why doesn't Hamas's leadership go to the front lines if it's so important to them? Israel's land is Israel's land and it is sovereign. That's not just myself saying so, it is the former Qatari prime minister, the Saudi Crown Prince and President Donald J. Trump in word and deed, have all said Israel is a sovereign nation and it has a right to its land. Remember that Israel owns that land not just by gift from GOD (see Old Testament), but also via purchasing it from 1840 to 1948 from its prior owners. When you PURCHASE land, do you give (as in without any form of payment) it back to the prior owners just because their descendants demand it back? Would you give your yard and house to someone whose parents owned the empty lot years ago? No? Then why should Israel do that for Hamas and Palestinians? April 5, 2018   I'm so glad Rex Tillerson is gone. Not just because he seemed to be the antithesis of Pres. Trump, but also because of his wasting of Taxpayer Dollars! It's good that Pres. Trump is learning who is the right person for the job and getting rid of those who aren't. That's smart. You don't keep someone on just because you don't want to be thought of a "messy" because you are firing some of them. Doing so is stupid. I don't think of Pres. Trump as stupid, except sometimes when it comes to his kids and his sexual activities. Sometimes he may be too ruled by heart, ego, or lust. The lust thing doesn't affect me, but I do feel sorry for Melania and Baron. They have to bear the publicity brought about by his possible wanderings. April 5, 2018   April 5, 2018   I'm going to stop with that until my Flag Friday post tonight. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 4, 2018: 2:39 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   Oh, WAH! BooHooo! Sob! Choke! Cough! Wahhhhh! She's still at it. April 4, 2018   Don't trust the alleged conservatism of roseanne barr. She's not a TRUE Conservative and her show is not written by her. She's just the actor doing her lines and hitting her marks. April 4, 2018   YouTube shooter was a wannabe starlet who thought that she should be famous. You can see in the pics that she thought she was all that and a pot of tea, and because of that she should be famous. YouTube did that for her (in her own mind) until she stopped getting views. That's when she lost it. Fame? Gone. Aww. Too bad. That's not a good enough reason to go through the hoops that CA has people go through to legally buy a handgun and go shoot people at YouTube. It's ridiculous. What price fame? The cops in the area were warned about her, questioned her and let her go as not being a threat. Cops need better discernment. April 4, 2018   Fakebook:   It turns out they "shared" the info of many more people than first released. The actual number is more like 87 million users and that is something every user on there agreed to in the Terms of Service. You can't stop them from doing something YOU agreed to allow them to do. You can't complain when they do what they tell you they WILL do. Their TOS (Terms of Service) and Privacy Policy (PP) were posted for all to read. I read some of them before leaving Fakebook years ago and shook my head through it saying, "What? I didn't realize I was signing up for this!" I kissed Fakebook goodbye immediately. I know they can still share my info, whatever I left there, or whatever they collected on me while I was there. I agreed to that when I signed up. But that doesn't mean I wanted to continue being stupid enough to stay there. If you like your privacy, read the TOS and PP BEFORE you sign up. It's the only way to keep your info safe. Then they did another stupid: they banned depictions of Christ's crucifixion during Easter because of "graphic content"! Well, DUH! Christ's death was graphic, painful, bloody, horrible, but the depictions don't show the half of it! What they were actually doing is silencing Christianity's reason for observing the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of GOD! It's ridiculous! April 4, 2018   cnn: Fake News:   They are so fake that they can't even get in the top 20 for the first quarter. It's nice to see that people are opting for something besides all "Russian/Trump collusion" all the time. People are tired of the lies and the anti-Trump-ness of cnn. Lies do get tiring. That's another reason hillosercrooktOOn is so unpopular. April 4, 2018   bullybobcrooktOOn:   Like his wife, who can't admit she lost the election on her own "unlikeableness" (new word?), bullybobcrooktOOn has no scruples when it comes to ignoring the rules during an election and this time he is admitting it! The rules do NOT APPLY to the crooktOOns! That's the thing! He admits to "interfering in the Israeli election" and isn't ashamed, held accountable, sent to Israel to face prosecution (which he should be), or anything else. He gets to be proud of interfering in another country's election and he gets to do so with impunity. Since when do we have a King and Queen of WRONGDOING who get to do anything and everything they want -- rape to selling our uranium to Russia, White House affair with an intern to putting Compartmented e-mails on a private, unsecured server so she can sell them to whomever will pay the price; not to mention all of the suspicious deaths surrounding them -- and keep getting support from the leftist/progressive/liberal side of the political spectrum? Is it because they give back as good as they get when it comes to money and favors? Or is it because everyone is afraid of them and all of those mysterious deaths? April 4, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   Speaking of people who face no consequences for their evil actions, here's another who interferes in the elections of other nations and faces no repurcussions. thevilegeorgesoros tried to influence the Hungarian (his home country) election. I wish he would accept the Lord as his Savior, change his heart and ways and use his billions for good instead of evil and monetary gain. He could do so much for the people of the world but instead uses his money for bad and his own enrichment. Selfish is as selfish does. April 4, 2018   PGA minus First Amendment:   The PGA has published a list of things that people attending the Masters Tournament and they include the term dilly dilly which means (according to the Urban Dictionary) "A word that shows 'approval' of an action. It can also be used as a sort of cheer."So approving of something at the Masters Tournament is against the rules? That's one of the SILLIEST things I've ever seen! Talk about DUH-worthy! How lame has America become? April 4, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Don't believe the stories you read in foreign papers about the "caravan" deciding to NOT come to America. I won't believe it until I don't see it happening. Just because they say they're stopping that doesn't mean they are, nor does it mean that they won't find another way to cross our border. They have their agenda, their leaders (thevilegeorgesoros and his organizations, along with the dnc and their staff), and they're not going to be happy with being stymied. No. They'll do what they can to be here and be in our faces making more demands. Their helpers will see to it. April 4, 2018   themuslimvileone:   For how long have I been telling you that themuslimvileone and thevilegeorgesoros were linked arm in arm and that themuslimvileone was thevilegeorgesoros's puppet? More proof has shown up via a law suit from Judicial Watch that they are partners in crime and think with one evil mind. They both need to be in prison. April 4, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. I have something I need to get done. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 3, 2018: 11:23 a.m.   Our weekend at our farm was fun because our son went up there with us. He enjoyed seeing the place again and hadn't been up there for about fifteen years or so. He walked as much of the fourteen acres as he could the night we arrived, by flashlight and then again the next day. Our refrigerator arrived and was installed, but it was 1/2" too tall for the cabinets. We had measured the refrigerator, but not the wheels underneath. Silly us. So, we wound up taking the upper cabinets on that side of the kitchen down. We have a "U" shaped kitchen up there, plus a "galley" side that is where the range and refrigerator are with some upper and lower cabinets. The uppers are now on the carport. We'll put some open storage up there for a while until we decide what to do with the wallpaper (too country for my taste) and find its replacement. While in bed last night waiting to go to sleep I thought of an option I'll share if we decide to do it. I'll post pics in my Flickr.com account when the kitchen remodel is complete (or maybe while we're working on it) and let you see how it's going. Anyways, that was all fine, not a real problem, but the problem arose when we ate at a local restaurant and I got food poisoning. I wound up sick Saturday night, puking my supper up, shivering so hard that I had a sore core Easter Sunday and just feeling awful. That wasn't fun. What was worse is that my hubby ate a little of what I didn't finish of my restaurant supper and he got a little ill, too! Not good. Easter was spent doing a little planting of sunflower seeds (three kinds and some grow up to twelve feet tall!) and some bulbs for Buttercup somethings. (They're pretty, what do I care what the name is?) Now all I have to do is sit back and let someone else tend to them because I can't touch them now. I don't have green thumbs and, unfortunately, I tend to wind up killing plants I try to take care of instead of helping them grow. We left there late (9:30 p.m) and got home late, with my hubby unable to sleep and me getting other things done, our son sorting family pictures he brought home, none of us slept Sunday night. So that was fun. Today's better; we all slept well last night and we're all feeling better. It's a good day. So how was your weekend? April 3. 2018: 2:36 p.m.   I've been intending to do this and finally remembered. You've been hearing or seeing anti-Ron DeSantis ads from the "National Liberty Federation" that end with a "Conservatives like us" statement. That sounded fishy to me, so I wanted to look into it. The "National Liberty Federation" (articles of incorporation here) claims they are conservative. They changed their name here and have yet to file 2018's paperwork, neither name, by the way, shows up on the IRS's tax exempt searches. However, the "National Liberty Federation" is also listed as a "social welfare" organization and constributions are NOT tax deductible. Their contact person is Everett Wilkinson and he is on LinkedIN. Looking at the list of organizations doing similiar work will make a True Conservative's hair curl! I see NO Truly Conservative organizations listed there! If they're doing the same thing leftist/progressive/liberal organizations are, then why listen to what they're saying anyways? FIND THE TRUTH and learn about the people talking about what matters to you. Don't take just anyone's word for what matters most: Our Country's future. So do I want "National Liberty Federation" to defeat Ron DeSantis's bid for FL Governor? Nope. I want DeSantis to win. (Now it's a Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and Approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign and/or committee. It's my own research and my own opinion. It's also free speech, so bite me.) April 3, 2018   Some will say I'm advocating for school violence or gun violence of any kind. Nope. It's more a matter of "pre-judging" for me. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty" or even waiting until AFTER an actual crime has been committed? We are acting BEFORE a crime has been committed and punishing someone BEFORE they do anything! That's shades of the "Pre-Crime" unit in the Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report". We don't do that in America! We don't assume that because someone is acting weirdly that they WILL BE COMMITTING a crime! That's not America! That's not how we do things! Yet, Gov. Scott and the Republican held House and Senate did exactly that! That's totally UNAmerican and very leftist! I totally disagree with it! What if the person is watching little kids play on the playground? Are we going to arrest them and assume that they are pedophiles? No? If we are not assuming guilt on the part of people doing other things that do NOT involve guns, then how on earth can we justify assuming gun violence for those who do other LEGAL activities? April 3, 2018   dumboRATS:   They've put America at risk for their own benefit in so many ways that it's hard to keep track. Now we find out that they exempted Pakistani aides from background checks because they wanted the expertise, but not security for America: "Every one of the 44 House Democrats who hired Pakistan-born IT aides who later allegedly made 'unauthorized access' to congressional data appears to have chosen to exempt them from background checks, according to congressional documents."So the dumboRATS care more about getting their internet technology stuff done than they do about America. That's ridiculous. It's wrong. It's unforgiveable. April 3, 2018   College "Life":   Why do you pay so much money for your kids to go to college? Do you really want to pay for colleges to hire people to push ABORTION and other leftist/progressive/liberal causes? Is that why you're paying $60,000 annually to send your child to get a "higher" education? Do you like paying for pushing abortion? Really? Are you pro-life and still paying for pushing abortion? Are you pro-Second Amendment, and still paying for anti-gun efforts? Why? It's your choice what you pay for via where you send your child to college. YOU choose what to finance. So why not choose to finance a college that doesn't spend YOUR money on that crap? Send your child to Hillsdale Colleg for a GREAT educaation and NO leftists/progressive/liberal agenda being pushe and financed by YOU. Then there's George Washington University (he's rolling in his grave considering what his namesake has become) and their "Christian Privilege" seminar of which "[a] description of the workshop suggests that Christians in the USA unfairly 'experience life in an easier way than non-Christians' and therefore 'have built-in advantages over non-Christians.'"This is happening the Thursday after Easter. Colleges are spending money on crap like this. Why send your child to a college in wich this sort of nonsense is taught? Why? April 3, 2018   There's a new book out that I think I'll read. It's "Fraud and Fiction: The Real Truth Behind Fire and Fury" and it's going to be a great read, I can tell. If you had the misfortune of spending good money on the lies of "Fire and Fury", read "Fraud and Fiction: The Real Truth Behind Fire and Fury". It's going to open the eyes of those who believed the lies and poor more cold water on the left and their lies about Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's time to call the left to heel. This book is a good part of that. April 3, 2018   googlewoogley:   If they aren't worried about the TRUTH being put out there by Breitbart's "Masters of the Universe" Town Hall, then why would they schedule their "Day of Action" on the same day? The fact is, they hate the TRUTH, they hate Christianity and America and they hate losing the power of controling access to the TRUTH and how you hear the "news". When they control what you read, hear, see, smell, taste, feel, they control YOU. When you don't venture out of the bubble the left/progressives/liberals put you in, then they control you and what you believe to be the truth. That's their fortè: keeping you in their bubble, controlling YOU. Is that what you want? You want someone else controlling what you think and believe? Puppet much? April 3, 2018   It's been a while since "Net Neutrality" was brought up, but it's still an issue and it's still important to YOU and I. If you want to know the truth, read the "5 Things You Need to Know About Fake Net Neutrality". It's a sponsored article, but that doesn't mean that it is not true. It's important for you to know this stuff so that you can choose to believe the TRUTH to make your decisions on. Otherwise, every decision you make will be based upon a falsehood and that's never a good place to start. April 3, 2018   Fake News:   SMH. Amazing. IDIOT at msnbc says that Pres. Donald J. Trump (still like saying that) is "basically a dictator" because he likes "creating things". Say what? Can you imagine anyone saying the same thing about hillosercrooktOOn, themuslimvileone, or pelosipig or her hubby? Can you apply that logic to hollyweird? They like "creating things". How about we apply that illogical statement to jim carrey and his "art", or to snoop dog and is "music", or to ellen degenerate and her "show", or miley cyrus and her stupidity, or the National Endowment for the Arts and the "artists" they support with your taxpayer dollars? SMH. April 3, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Pres. Donald J. Trump will send troops to our southern border which is a good thing because then we'll be easier able to build the wall with the military budget. There's a concerted effort to bring illegal aliens here via a "caravan" that is marching to our border. They're demanding that they be allowed into our country and have a list of other demands that includes: "We demand that Mexico improve its capacity to grant refuge to Central Americans. Despite recent advances, Mexico’s legal system falls alarmingly short of addressing the current refugee crisis, disproportionately impacting Central Americans.So our court system is bad and our immigration officers are violating their rights? How about OUR LAWS? What happened to OUR RIGHTS as U.S. Citizens to NOT have our country INVADED? How about OUR RIGHT to have our LAWS respected by those who want to be our next door neighbors? How about OUR RIGHTS as a country to enforce our borders without which we would have no country? BTW, who do you think is financing this push? Who do you think is trying to overwhelm the system by organizing this "caravan" and trying to make it a push so big it will overwhelm the system and make it all but impossible (in the organizer's opinion) to turn them down? Who do you think made sure that a lot of these "asylum seekers" were lgbtq? How can we turn down the people who are just trying to find a place that will accept them outside of their rural, strictly Catholic upbringing? They're not accepted where they are. They need "refugee" status, not to be sent home! How dare we enforce OUR LAWS regarding their desire to invade our country!? This is thevilegeorgesoros and leftist organizers. Mark my words. April 3, 2018   I hope that National Security Advisor, John Bolton, is the first to "prioritize religious freedom". Christians need to have their rights protected, not just diminished by every group, college, organization, governmental department in existence. I hope he does protect Christianity. We have failed for sixty years to do so. It's time we start! Our parents sat silently, hands folded in their laps, while prayer was taken out of schools and abortion became the law of the land and we saw the Ten Commandments relegated to the Church only. They were silent as the courts diminished our rights as Christians and we were told to sit down, shut up, and never mind the others being given "rights" we were never allowed. It's time we stand up with John Bolton and start saying, "We're Christians in a Christian nation and we won't be stepped on anymore!" April 3, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 2018 March 29-30, 2018: 12:33 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Posted my Flag Friday pic early so that I don't forget. I don't want to do that again. We're leaving for our Georgia farm tomorrow afternoon so I had to get "Tribute To Our Heroes 365: The Welcome" posted before we go. I've got to go pick someone up at the airport so I won't be posting anything today, unless plans for what we're doing after the airport change. We'll see, but right now the next posting will be Monday. I hope you have a wonderful, blessed, Christ-centered Easter and remember that we are not celebrating the eggs, the children, the chocolate, the bunny. We are celebrating the fact that Christ was the Only Begotten Son of GOD and lived a sinless life (the only person to ever have done so) and was betrayed, arrested, falsely accused, beaten, mocked, spat upon, and had nails driven through his wrists and feet and hung upon a wooden cross for hours as He paid for our sins, died a horrific death and rose again three days later and is alive today at the right hand of GOD Almighty. He did that for you. He did it for me. That's what we are celebrating. All that other stuff takes our eyes off of Christ. Remember Him this Easter. March 28, 2018: 1:49 p.m.   I think that U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, should fire robert mueller and stop his fishing expedition and his illegal activities. As investigative reporter, Sarah Carter, writes, he's not a good man (BTW, read Sarah Carter's website and you'll know more about this man and all the wrongs being done since the special counsel was appointed than you ever thought could possibly be done in America) and he needs to be fired immediately. It's time that the U.S. Constitution be followed - it basically demands it - and that this thing be shut down. It's not about the TRUTH, it's about destroying Pres. Donald J. Trump's presidency. That's all it's about. March 28, 2018   Idiotic "March for Our Lives":   For those of you thinking that the parade supporting the deletion of our Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms" was a kids' march, think again. Only 10% were teens and the rest were adults, mostly women, and it was all organized, paid for, and provided by the left/progressive/liberal organizations who "Never let a good crisis go to waste." It's more about the optics of the march, as proven by the fact that the msm focused on getting pics and videos of kids, not of showing the 90% adults. The left says they're don't want to repeal the 2nd Amendment and (believe it or not) I believe them. The left/progressives/liberals have never wanted to totally destroy the Second Amendment, just YOUR right to "keep and bear arms". They started buying guns en masse after Pres. Trump won the 2016 election so they don't mind themselves owning guns. They just don't want YOU to have the right to own one. The left is all about and has always been about "All for me, none for you". That's what communism/Marxism/socialism is: a power structure, not a government. They don't want to destroy THEIR right to "keep and bear arms", just YOUR right to do so. Remember all those hollyweirdos who want to take away your right to "keep and bear arms", but employ armed men (not being sexist, it's just usually burly men you see being their body guards) to protect their precious little backsides. They don't want that to stop. They just want to keep YOU from being able to fight back. The leftist politicians have the same goal: YOU must lose your 2nd Amendment rights, but NOT them. You are the bad guy because you are NOT them and you do NOT agree with them so YOU must be wrong, bad, dangerous, disarmed. It's time people realize this. March 28, 2018   I think that Super-Moron, joy behar, needs to be off the television forever. She has no scruples, attacks Christianity as "crazy" and if she has two brain cells to rub together it would have to be to destroy the final two still holding on inside her wee cranial cavity. I'd say she's dumber than a box of rocks, but I'd be insulting the rocks. March 28, 2018   Disasters:   Titanic. The Hindenberg. Fakebook. 'Nuff said. March 28, 2018   Cop killer in CaliMarxiFornia gets death penalty and I hope they actually do it before CA changes its mind on the death penalty. They are so far left I wouldn't be surprised if they soon outlaw it (as has been tried in the past) especially since the double murderer (both cops) has sworn to escape and kill more people. He needs to die ASAP instead of making it possible for him to escape and kill others. CA, get this one right. March 28, 2018   maxine waters:   Talk about someone who needs to go, she's an insane idiot and I can't imagine anyone voting for her, but apparently, in her district, lack of a measurable IQ doesn't matter. March 28, 2018   MAGA:   The 4th Quarter GDP has been revised UP to 2.9%. That's better than they originally reported and it's making good things happen. Let's keep this going! March 28, 2018   College:   You pay a LOT of money for your kids to go to college and to get "a good education". Too bad that stopped happening in most colleges years ago. For instance, at Holy Cross College (a Jesuit started institution), the New Testament studies teacher says that Jesus Christ was a "drag king" and worse: "'[Christ] ends up appearing as a drag-kingly bride in his passion.'"Really. That's what they're teaching in a college's New Testament studies program in a college founded by Jesuits. You pay for that for your kids? Why? March 28, 2018   bumbling biden:   He's backing down from his claim that he should take Pres. Donald J. Trump out back and beat him up. He has "sheepishly" apologized. Is he admitting he's a baaaaaaaad boy? (Sorry. Couldn't resist.) March 28, 2018   CA Rebellion:   There are now some cities, counties and organizations that are not obeying CA's "sanctuary" laws. They decided that it's better to obey federal law than to be at odds with Pres. Trump. I think that's a very good decision. I'm proud of them! March 28, 2018   Judicial Watch is trying to find out how much influence thevilegeorgesoros had in themuslimvileone's admin and I hope that they get the truth because he and his influence needs to go away. He's wickedness in old skin. March 28, 2018   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Get ready. There's another huge cost increase coming. You may love that you got it cheap at first, but nowadays they want your firstborn along with your money, house, vehicle, retirement 401K, etc. That's the way it was planned all along. Now coming due is the bill that they knew they couldn't put out there for the first year. They wanted to make it seem "nice" at first. It's after you got signed up, used to it, etc., that they increase the taxes for it. Now you pay the price I said all along was going to happen. Remember my 2009 video? See what happens at the end? Yep. As usual, I was right. March 28, 2018   Do you have young children? If so, beware the medical gestapo lurking in your child's dental office, doctor's office, etc. They will turn you in to local authorities for not scheduling your child for regular dental cleanings, doctor's appointments, etc. and DCF (or its equivalent) will be knocking on your door. Don't schedule an appointment at all until you look into both the state laws and the medical office you are considering. If they have the gestapo attitude, then skip it. Don't let that office get their tentacles into your family. They will do their utmost - even turning you into the state - to keep your money coming into their pockets. Beware. March 28, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Remember that we'll be going to our Georgia farm on Friday and I won't be posting. I'll do a few blurbs tomorrow, and the Flag Friday posting, but Friday nothing. We have to be back on Monday, so I'll try to post then. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 27, 2018: 3:36 p.m.   Been a busy day again, and will continue that way, but I wanted to take the time to sit down and do some blurbs, even if just a few. So, let's get started with the important ones. March 27, 2018   I bet mitt romney will be running for Senate or president in 2020. He's trying to sound more conservative than Pres. Trump, so he's running for something. It's amazing. He could't defeat a known liar and anti-American prezidunce so what makes him think the American people would want him in any national office? Got ego? March 27, 2018   We've been hearing about the dumboRAT sweep come November's midterms, but it's probably not going to happen. We've seen pollsters be wrong before. Remember the "hillosercrooktOOn's going to win big time!" forecasts? Yeah. The left loves to spew their victory ahead of time, but they aren't all that good at delivering it. Let's wait and see what happens, praying daily along the way for true Conservatives to win every seat that's up. We've already had too many dumboRAT wins this year. We don't need to allow anymore. March 27, 2018   March 27, 2018   So, the rumor is that ROTTEN ryan may step down. He may not only step down, he may retire and leave the House entirely. Okay. Someone tell me why I'm smiling as I type that. March 27, 2018   It's about time someone start draining more of the swamp. NSC Director, John Bolton, is ready to do that and I wish him all the best and great success in doing so. It's time to get rid of the entrenched, pro-leftist leakers who are doing all they can to undo Pres. Trump's election: illegally endangering our nation to get their revenge. It's ridiculous that they think that their agenda is more important than the election Pres. Trump won legally and in accordance with the way our Founding Fathers set things up. They need to go away and be fired and they need to let America enjoy the benefits of having our President put America first! March 27, 2018   Mike Rowe says that the "epidemic of fatherlessness" is partially to blame for the way children are acting out: school shootings, hyper-sexuality, rebelliousness, zoning out on their phones and think of "social media" as the most important thing, etc. I have to agree, but I would add that it's not just fatherlessness, it's the fact that children are taught to NOT respect human life. Abortion is more important than giving birth to a child and if you don't agree with that you're a horrible person and need to be re-educated in a government program. It's also the public school system teaching children that they are not "boys" and "girls", they are, instead, "Zi" and that means that your sexuality is not real, it's changeable, it's fluid and that now you can have sex with anyone and anything. The dehumanizing of our "gender identities" is another way to desensitize the children to their humanity and the fact that they are flesh and blood. They are made in the imeage and likeness of GOD, but when they are not "male" and "female" but "It" or "They" (even when it's a singular person), then they don't think of themselves as humans made in the image and likeness of GOD, their Creator. Life - in all its glory and frailties - matters less when we are not being referred to as humans: male, female, boy and girl, man and women. Without that we are entities. We are less than human and we are exposable. School shootings happen because of this. March 27, 2018   crooktOOns:   Yeah. They're all for women. Uh huh. Yep. That's why she was in charge of destroying the women she called the "Bimbo Eruption". She took great delight in mocking and destroying them. Very much for women there. And unless she's the one doing the bashing of women who didn't vote for her. Then she's not for women; neither is he in any of this, either. Oh, and of course, there's the they'd lose money thing. They don't support women if they'd lose money themselves if the truth were known about the women they used to get that money or power. Their gods, "Filthy Lucre and Power", are not going to be denied and if it would cost them a red cent or an inch of power, it's not going to happen. March 27, 2018   March for Our Lives Hypocrisy:   Yep. The left is at it again. Hypocrisy is their favorite place to be, their favorite thing to do, their favorite exercise. Proof: al sharpton's bro charged with murder via gun violence the day after attending and marching in the parade. Also, one of the "musical" performers there was arrested for a gun crime last year. Worst of all: the "March for Our Lives" anti-gun march was protected by military weapons, which the march was allegedly against. Got hypocrisy? The left answers "Hypocrisy is us." March 27, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   Their tweets are as stupid as stupid gets. They tweeted that they "[N]eed a Disney princess who's had an abortion."Yeah. Really. The problem is, Disney was probably listening. The question is, how long will it take to get it animated and will they show the actual abortion? Princesses are, traditionally, thought of as pure, sweet, virtuous, courageous, strong, willing to do what is needed to make things better or right. An abortion doesn't really fit into that description, does it? Will that stop Disney from doing it? Probably not. March 27, 2018   U.S. Census:   Pres. Donald J. Trump has done something that is a good thing; he put the citizenship question back on the census. That's making the the left go crazy but it's not likely to reduce participation. So this year I'll be answering at least one more question to the U.S. Census. If they send me a "Community Survey" I don't think I'll be participating at all in that. March 27, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 26, 2018: 9:12 a.m.   Friday I didn't get to do updates because I was running errands all over the place. I got it all done but it was all kinds of hectic. I don't even remember all of the things I had to do, but it's done. This week, we'll be again going to our Georgia farm and spending the weekend up there. We have a delivery of a much needed new refrigerator that we have to be there for. That means we'll be spending Easter there, among the memories of Grandpa whose farm it was years ago. I miss him still and going up there is a good memory of the man who loved and accepted me into the family as soon as he met me. It's a place that I've prayed the Spirit of the Lord over, a place of peace and love, joy and laughter and it's one of my favorite places on earth. I look forward to it. So, Friday will be a no updates day, but I will do a Flag Friday before I go. For today, let's get started! March 26, 2018   Judicial Watch has a few things that you need to know about. Start with the fact that they're still finding proof of the crooktOOn's pay-to-play and how corrupt they are. They've also uncovered the fact that themuslimvileone's money handouts are still ongoing and that - although he's out of office, his programs and sycophants are still in power - they're still wasting taxpayer dollars. It's time all that stops. It's time to start paying attention and -- hang it all -- it's time that Pres. Donald J. Trump stop believing the lying, backstabbing, dumboRAT butt-kissing RINOs and start telling them "You do it MY way and stop lying to the American people!" We need to have a House and Senate that is held accountable to us not we to them! We need to change that in America! JW is looking into the "Russian dossier" and finding undisclosed truths regarding it. They discuss robert mueller's "ethical issues" related to his ongoing, never-ending, illegal fishing expedition for anything he can get on any Conservative, especially Pres. Donald J. Trump. It's organizations like Judicial Watch, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), O'Keefe's Project Veritas that we need to support and donate to. It is their work that helps return America back to the people and that helps right the wrongs that U.S.A.G. Jeff Sessions is so slow to fix, the FBI head, Christopher Wray, and others have failed to act upon. We can't get the government to do their jobs, so we have to support those who will act on our behalf to force the issue. It's time to make our voices heard by supporting these other organizations that will speak on our behalf. March 26, 2018   Now the Senate dumboRATS are going to be looking into Fakebook and other internet companies because Fakebook sold the info of their users to -- heaven forbid! -- a company that would later work for Pres. Donald J. Trump's campaign to do the same thing that themuslimvileone did. Oh, how dare that campaign do the same thing as themuslimvileone! A Republican cannot do that! dumboRATS are so up in arms they're going to spend taxpayer dollars on looking into why that happened and how to prevent it from ever happening again. How dare Republicans do something that a dumboRAT had already done and think they can get away from it! That should never happen! March 26, 2018   Build The Wall!:   It's starting now and it's not going to end until it's done, I hope. Let's get this done! March 26, 2018   March 26, 2018   Sick. Weird. Unusual. Strange. Odd. What next? When a woman can "marry" a tree then what is it that won't be allowed? "Marrying" a tree is nutty. It's wrong. It's NOT a "marriage". The tree could not give its assent, could not say "I do". So the word "marriage" or "marry" is totally inappropriate and inapplicable. It's a sham and it's hopefully going to be laughed at and scorned as well it should! March 26, 2018   It's "a political hoax" is what Christopher Ruddy, CEO of Newxmax says. I don't know what it is, I just know that when the dumboRATS could no longer deny that the little blue dress of Monica Lewinsky was real and the DNA on it was bullybob crooktOOn's semen, that they reacted with "It's just sex." Remember that? The dumboRATS defended crooktOOn that way. They demeaned adultery into a casual encounter that means nothing, breaks no rules, hurts no one, and basically, should be okay with everyone on earth. The problem is that there is something wrong with it, it means a lot to the person who is married to the adulterer, it hurts the spouse a lot, and it isn't okay; not with everyone on earth and not with GOD Almighty. He put the subject in the "Top Ten" list of commandments: "Thou shalt not commit adultery."So whether it's bullybob crooktOOn, or Pres. Donald J. Trump, both men messed up if they have committed adultery, but the left/progressives/liberals only condemn one. Why? It's their moral equivalency thing: if you're on their side that makes you moral. If you're not, that makes you immoral, no matter what. That's called a "conscience of convenience", IMHO. I didn't watch it but the "60 Minutes" interview with "Stormy Daniels" is said to be a "big fat nothing". I don't know why anyone thinks that the left is going to tell the truth about anything on television and what to expect, but it was hyped to the hilt to wind up with... What? Nothing? Not worth it. Why did the left even bother? Then there's the Thursday interview on cnn with another woman alleging an affair that was watched by a few hundred people, maybe? If it's fair for the left to defend bullybob crooktOOn and his multiple affairs, why is it also fair for them to attack Pres. Trump for his possible affairs? They can't have it both ways. March 26, 2018   I was so mad at Pres. Donald J. Trump for signing the fiasco of a lying RINO bill last Friday that had one good thing (and possibly only one!) in it, but so much bad that I couldn't believe H=he did that. It's like he kept promise after promise after promise, then suddenly, he didn't keep his promise. I think he should have kept his promise, but him signin the bill had more to do with funding the military than anything else. He wanted to give them a raise and wanted to fund military equipment. We got all of that. That's all good, but there was so much bad that I was angry. However, I will learn from Townhall's Kurt Schlichter and not "lose my mind" over it. Let us hope that Pres. Trump keeps this promise: "I will never sign another bill like that again." I'll hope we can hold him to it. March 26, 2018   How about that? Andrew McCabe, the guy the FBI IG FIRED, has admitted he was "not fully accurate" in what he said in his testimony before the House. He was "distracted and confused", he says. Oh, well. That makes his lies and flubs all explained and all of them okay with us! Right? Give me a break. March 26, 2018   National Security Advisor, John Bolton, says that Pres. Trump employing "shock therapy". I think he's right. March 26, 2018   Sweden:   I'm glad that Sweden is finally taking a step toward protecting children. They voted to STOP recognizing child marriages. Excuse me? That's right. They voted to STOP recognizing Muslim marriages of an adult male to a little girl as young as six- to nine-years-old since that's what Muslims do to follow what Mohammed did: married a six-year-old and allegedly waited until she was nine to consummate the marriage (to rape her). Islamic men follow his example since he was the "perfect example" of how to be a Muslim, so they "marry" six-year-olds and sometimes those little girls are raped that night, sometimes they are allowed to go back to their Mom and Dad and then raped by their husband when the girl turns nine. It's a horrific event for the little girl and it's time that ALL NATIONS on earth take a stand against this abomination! Good for Sweden! However, they are also kinda' screwy in that they are trying to blur the gender lines by intentionally doing "social engineering" in schools so that they can make boys more like girls and girls more like boys and there will be no "he" and "she", no "boy" and "girl", just... What? "It"? It's time to stop this nonsense and start acknowledging that "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."That's how GOD created us. He did not make us "It". He made us to look like and be like Him. How can you denigrate something so wonderful and beautiful as being made in the image and likeness of GOD? Why "fix" what isn't broken? March 26, 2018   Heads up! Chinese space station to fall to the earth in the next week to ten days. Most of it will break up and burn up in the reentry process, but not all. There's no telling where what is left will land, but it is extremely unlikely it will hurt any people. That's only happened once in sixty years, so wear a hard hat maybe, but don't think it's going to fall on you. Maybe your neighbor.... (*wink*) March 26, 2018   I'll stop with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 23, 2018: 12:37 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 364: Steven's Scarves" and I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" and GOD Bless You All! I don't know if I'll be able to do updates later today. I need to get a haircut and while I'm out doing so I have some shopping to do so I may try to get that done immediately after. That means I'll be out for the update time and I wouldn't be able to do them. I can't guarantee I will not get updates done; if I can I will. However, I plan on being busy before my hubby comes home so it may not happen. Just in case I do not get updates done, I want to remind you all that the idiocy of "Earth Hour" is this Saturday at 8:30 p.m local time. Turn ALL of your lights ON and be sure to be baking something and washing a load of towels or something that needs hot water. Do everything you can to undo the efforts of the others. It's our little rebellion against the PC earth-worshiping crowd. I do not worship nor revere the created, I worship and revere the Creator. "Earth Hour" is a bunch of hooey. Turn ON your lights, every light in the house and outside. March 22, 2018: 2;19 p.m.   "Bodget" (sic):   ROTTEN ryan is at it again. He and his peeps put together a bodget that was designed to put Pres. Trump into a "rock and hard place" situation. They wanted to make sure he was going to be blamed for not building the wall he promised because it wasn't funded in this bodget. They wanted to make sure that the Senate had the chance to force a shutdown of the government and they did everything they could to make Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that) look bad. I hope he calls them on this bodget and refuses to sign it and goes on television and makes a speech scolding ROTTEN and his gang of establishment republiCANTS and that he makes sure the people of America know that it was ROTTEN who did this, not him. That's what he should do: VETO IT and explain why. But it looks like he may sign it. That would be so wrong. But that's exactly what pelosipig is chortling about. She's such a despicable oink. March 22, 2018   MAGA:   Pres. Trump promised to make things better in America and he's doing just that. In 2017 alone, we added 700,000 new millionaires to the list of rich people (who, if the left gets its way, will be taxed more to give to them). I think they're paying their "fair share" (which is what the left always says) because a record amount of taxes were collected in 2017. We're talking $404,509,000,000 in federal income taxes alone! That doesn't count the $386,153,000,000 in state and local taxes. If you think that we need to raise taxes on anyone, look at those numbers and explain to me why the government needs more. Please. March 22, 2018   "Russian collusion":   It's all over but the clean up of the hearing rooms. The House has decided to close down another investigation into the lie of Trump/Russia collusion. It's been a LIE from the start, so why this thing got - and is getting via mueller - so much taxpayer money spent on it, I have no idea. We know that it was hillosercrooktOOn and the dnc who wrote the darn thing. We know that it was hillosercrooktOOn and her people who got christopher steele to push it. We know that it was hillosercrooktOOn, the msm and the dumboRATS who have been pushing the LIE for all these months; even though they've known it was THEY who were the colluders all along. So why don't "We, The People" send the dumboRATS and hillosercrooktOOn the bill for these fiasco investigations? Let them pay for their LIE. It's about time we hold them accountable. March 22, 2018   Did you get a mumps vaccine when you were a kid? I did. Hated it. Don't like needles. Now they're saying that the vaccines you got as a kid may not be effective any longer. They're encouraging you to be sure to get your child vaccinated (although some think it's the MMR shot that gives kids autism) and after a while they may encourage adults to get a third shot just to ensure immunity. Have you had the mumps, or at least its vaccination? If not, you may want to think about it. March 22, 2018   Fakebook:   They want to investigate themselves and when you allow that, you're allowing the fox to investigate himself over chicken house break-ins. It's not something that should be allowed. We need to shut down the government rather than throw open the gates to more foxes. It's absurd. March 22, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He is still so adamantly against you having the right to defend yourself that he and his wifeypoo are supporting students Saturday march against the Second Amendment. They don't care that the bad guys have guns (witness his inaction on Chicago's gang murders), but they do care that you have the right to fight back and defend yourself. It's time for armed security detail to quit because they carry guns and if themuslimvileone and his wifeypoo don't like guns, then why use guns to protect those two? The armed guards should be withdrawn and let's allow themuslimvileone and his family fend for themselves. Let's see how they like that idea. March 22, 2018   March 22, 2018   I agree with Pres. Trump. I'm also tired of China's stealing trade secrets from us. It's time they be punished for it and that's exactly what Pres. Trump is doing. Good! March 22, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Excuse me, loser, but your hypocrisy is showing again. You need to stop doing that. March 22, 2018   There's a book I must read that is called Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer. It tells the truth about people like mitch mcCONnell and others use their political offices to make themselves and their families RICH. In fact, Mark Levin thinks that it's so bad that mitch mcCONnell should be kicked out of office. I agree. The book also tells us about other people and how they use their positions of power to make their families rich: from joe Bumbler biden, to ketchup kerry and others. It also tells us five things we may not have known about the way things are done in American politics. Try not to gag. March 22, 2018   March 22, 2018   pelosipig:   She's still sick and she needs to retire and take care of herself. She is hanging on so tightly because she wants to be Speaker of the House again and she wants that Air Force airplane to be at her beck and call again because she loves the feeling of power. Power is her drug, her aphrodisiac, her addiction. She needs to get over it and she needs to retire and face the fact that she is ill and needs to reduce the stress on her life in order to prolong her life, or at least take the time to enjoy her family before she won't recognize them anymore. March 22, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 21, 2018: 3:21 p.m.   Due to the lateness of the start today I will only have time for a few blurbs. I apologize for missing yesterday's updates. Went out and about to run work-related errands with my hubby and got home just before that storm blew through. It was intense! My neighbor's gutter blew down on one side of his house, we lost a pretty big limb out of a maple tree and one of our screen panels blew out, saw other small limbs down around the place. How did you fair? Anyways, let's get started. Just a few, though. My hubby just called and is on his way home! March 21, 2018   Congratulations and "Job Well Done1" to law enforcement officers who found the Austin bomber and had him in such a situation that he blew himself up. I don't know if it's over yet, as far as whether he has accomplices, or whether he was working on orders from others, or whatever. I do know that this guy used a device already in his car to kill himself when the police were after him. Let's hope there were no accomplices, people giving him orders (and making the bombs for him?) or other bombs out there. Let's hope Austin can breathe easy again. March 21, 2018   What is up with the way these kids were raised? First Dylan Roof went to a black church and killed six people, then his sister is arrested with weapons at school. True, they weren't guns, but what she said was very racist. She needs to get some help or she may do something similar to what her brother did. Pray for her. March 21, 2018   Fakebook:   I think it's funny that the left, as a group, throws shade on the right as a group and then when someone on the left is found to have done something that the left suddenly disapproves of, the left really turns on that person/business/entity. Those poor sods get to find out what the wrath of their own ilk feels like and it's never fun for them. They are massively nasty and must utterly destroy whatever/whoever they target or they're not happy. The only way to get back into their "good graces" is by giving them loads and loads of money. That's what zuckerberg is going to have to do and maybe even then, the left won't accept the company and the person again. After all, he helped themuslimvileone and allowed the Trump campaign to use the same kind of technique to get elected (allegedly), and that's something that is not acceptable to the left! How dare he do anything that helped to prevent Her Vagina-ness from being elected?! How dare he! He will have to give a lot of his money - personal fortune and business portions - away to "acceptable" organizations in order to buy their good graces. My question is, does one of the richest men on earth have enough? March 21, 2018   Build The Wall!:   Ann Coulter points out yet another reason that we need to control our borders and we need to send illegal aliens back to their home countries. We need our U.S. Constitution to stay America. We don't need foreigners to come into our country and start trying to disassemble the First and Second Amendments. That's exactly why the lefties in power want to have all of these illegal aliens in our country: so that they can deconstruct America and our freedoms. We will no longer have free speech or the "right to keep and bear arms" if the left and all of these illegal aliens get to stay. We need those two to remain free! Let us never give those up! March 21, 2018   The left cried when former FBI deputy director, Andrew McCabe, was fired and they blamed Pres. Donald J. Trump. But they were wrong. Pres. Trump did NOT fire McCabe. The FBI fired McCabe and there were good reasons to do so. The FBI's own Inspector General had the goods on him and what he did to deserve being fired. The FBI did the right thing. March 21, 2018   Aaaahhh... Public Schools:   A miracle has happened! A teacher was actually fired after going batcrud crazy over a student wearing a U.S. Marines sweatshirt! Wow! A teacher fired? That's incredible! March 21, 2018   Hubby's home so I shall go spend time with him. Hope to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 19, 2018: 11:10 a.m.   Flag Friday:   I did do a Flag Friday pic and I did upload it via my hubby's truck's WiFi hotspot but it would not allow me to open an HTML page and update it. So, although my pic and poem, "Tribute To Our Heroes 363: "Help Me!" Call" was up on Friday, I couldn't tell you about it. My apologies. March 19, 2018   Fakebook:   They've been allowing people access to YOUR information for "educational purposes" but it wasn't being used that way. Allegedly, Pres. Trump's campaign used the info, but I've read the interview with the guy who allegedly did the program and I don't know. Something is not adding up in my mind. It doesn't seem right. Keep an eye on this and see if you see things change with all of this. It's "iffy". The fact is, that themuslimvileone did the same kind of thing and he was praised for doing it. Now that Pres. (then candidate) Trump has benefitted from it, then it's a horrible thing? Double standard, anyone? March 19, 2018   robert mueller:   You think he's doing a good job "getting to the bottom of the 'Russian collusion'" thing? You think he's trustworthy and competent? He's INcompetent. He and james comey are both bunglers and they are screw ups. Why is anyone trusting them with a "big" investigation? They're breaking the rules to do what they're doing! robert mueller should be FIRED immediately! Not only because I believe that Pres. Trump is innocent of wrongdoing in this case, but because the American taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill for a lawless investigation that is being used as a strong arm mafia to ruin anyone they target and to destroy careers, families and fortunes. Look at what they did to Mike Flynn, a good guy who was totally ruined by robert mueller. It is unconscionable that this is happening in America! The tactics robert mueller and his crew are using are more appropriate for the Soviet Union! Fire him and make him pay back not just the taxpayers but also those he has ruined! As you can see, Pres. Trump has good reason to mock mueller and his "investigation" the way bullybob crooktOOn did while he was being investigated for the Lewinski affair with the Kenneth Starr investigation. If it's fair for crooktOOn to do so, it's fair for Pres. Trump to do so. March 19, 2018   Do you want to go back to having dumboRATS in control? Do you want to go back to having a Congress and Senate that do nothing, or do you enjoy them giving you money back in your pocket and out of the federal government's coffers? If you want to have less money (the dumboRATS in control of the House means they'll undo the tax break the Republicans and Pres. Trump gave you) and they'll try to impeach Pres. Donald J. Trump, removing the guy who wrangled the Republicans into doing things FOR YOU, instead of against you. Now, it's being reported that the dumboRATS will gain control of the House this November and that they are locked in to a way to do so. They may fail that, or they may have no real road, no real lead; the "polls" were wrong with hillosercrooktOOn's inevitable win. They could be wrong (lying) here, too. March 19, 2018   Are dumboRAT members of the U.S. House of Representatives being blackmailed by someone they used for some of their computer needs? The DNC's debbie wasserman-schultz hired, protected and sang the praises of after his arrest, could be blackmailing House members. They are refusing to press charges against him. Question for you: Considering how close he and dws were/are, and how much she stands up for him, what has he told her and, now, what does she know about the dumboRATS that they don't want out? She's still in Congress. What is she doing with the information IF he shared it with her? Isn't that the perfect place for keeping fellow House members silent? Agree? March 19, 2018   I agree with Judicial Watch: U.S.A.G. Sessions did the right thing in firing McCabe. It was the right thing to do. To have him get federal retirement would be to give the taxpayers a bill for the rest of his life to support someone who broke the rules. That's not a good deal for the American taxpayers. You don't let the wrongdoers get money from taxpayers for the rest of their lives when they broke the rules while they were employed by the taxpayers! Breaking the rules while employed by us then expecting a retirement pay from us is wrong. He knew what could happen and chose to do the wrong thing anyways. He's to blame for his own demise and his own firing. I'm glad he was fired before he got retirement (so far). Let's hope it stays that way. March 19, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   What is this about? Why does it deserve American taxpayer dollars to fight Fake News in KENYA? What? Yes. Kenya. We are not spending taxpayer dollars to fight it here, in America, but in Kenya, yeah. Let's do that. No. Let's not. March 19, 2018   Parkland School Shooting:   Ruh-Roh! We've been wondering why the school Resource Officer stayed outside during the shooting and wondered if that was sheriff's office policy: don't confront. Well, now we know that the handbook says first on scene confronts suspect. Woopsie! They didn't do things by the book. They ignored the book. That's bad. March 19, 2018   When the #MeToo thing was hot it was learned that the U.S. House was involved in paying off employees to keep them quiet about the sexual harrassment House members allegedly participated in. The top spot is held by dumboRAT, alcee hastings (FL) with at least one $220,000 settlement for one victim. That's not half the story, though. Some of the payouts were from the House member's office budget and those were not reported in the OOC payouts. (Note that not all of the payouts were for sexual harrassment, some were for other complaints.) Sounds like they need to start obeying their own laws; in all things, not just this. March 19, 2018   Islamic Terrorism:   The Islamic persecution of Christians worldwide is getting worse, more frequent and more intense. In some countries it is an accepted norm to kill Christians and in others, it's just a cyber security threat -- for now. If we don't prevent the spread of violent Islam in America, we'll be facing the same kind of thing here. We're already protecting Islam from dissent and questions. How can we prevent the murder of "infidels" (anyone who does not believe in and follow Islam) if we can't even ask questions about it and of it? If we're being silenced from asking questions, how will that evolve into our ability to protect ourselves from "grievous bodily harm" from Islam? How? We need to face the facts: Islam is responsible for a large portion of the terrorist attacks globally: "The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL [ISIS]) remained the greatest threat globally"That's according to a State Department report in 2015 (during themuslimvileone's administration when ISIS and all Islam was being protected by themuslimvileone). When do we face the fact that Islam is a danger to humanity? March 19, 2018   Brexit:   This Brexit thing isn't a Brexit. There's no EXIT involved if they agree to obey the UE's rules and kiss the EU's backside, keeping their borders open until the EU says they can close them. The story says open borders until either 2020 or 2022, but if they have to obey all EU rules, then if the EU says for them to keep their borders open indefinitely, that's the way it has to be. Sounds to me like May has turned to December in that romance and doesn't have the grit to stand firm and tell the EU where to put their rules. England had a chance to be their own country again. May just blew it. March 19, 2018   It's not going to be a "sneak" if he announces his plan to get DNA from the Cheekbone Cherokee. Radio host, Howie Carr, is telling everyone he wants to "sneak" DNA from elizabeth warren. That's absurd. She'll be very careful now that he's told the world, agree? March 19, 2018   Speaking of "global warming" idiots, a Washington D.C. councilman blamed bad weather on the Jews controlling it! Say what? Yep. Idiots are everywhere. March 19, 2018   Treason:   dumboRAT, Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY), has allegedly encouraged people to "take up arms against Pres. Trump". Sounds to me like that's treaston and should be stopped. It should be looked into by the powers that be. This guy needs to face at least an investigation and a good slap on the wrist for his treason! March 19, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She is trying to defend her put down of women who didn't vote for her and she's failing miserably. She still tries to sell the notion that anyone who doesn't support her in any way, shape, or form is under the control of someone else, incapable of thinking for themselves, an idiot (takes one to know one?), and a ne'er-do-well. It's time she moves on and starts trying to get her head around the fact that she's not a person anyone wants in a position of power. She is not trustworthy, a likeable person, nor is she proving me wrong in any of my assertions about her. She's proving my assertions absolutely correct. March 19, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Sorry I missed last Wednesday's postings. My son surprised me with a visit and stayed until almost midnight. It was a fun visit and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thursday we were on the road north and that evening through the wee hours of this morning we were traveling or at our Georgia property. We bought a new refrigerator for up there (the one we're replacing is probably twenty years old!) and a new couch for the family room. We worked hard and it was exhausting work, but it's getting us closer to the day when we can go up there and simply relax. I look forward to that. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 13, 2018: 2:36 p.m.: National Jewelry Day:   Our plans have been made for a weekend at the Georgia farm. We hope to get some of the work done that had been postponed while I recovered more fully from my fall and deep tissue bruising. I am still not 100% but we need to go up there and get some things done anyways, so we're thinking we'll leave Wednesday evening, get their just after midnight (towing the trailer full of things like a new headboard, a mattress for the third bedroom, etc.) and driving my hubby's new pickup truck. So we'll be able to take a lot up there and hopefully be able to get a lot done. As usual, I'll either use the WiFi in the pickup to post my Flag Friday pic, or I'll do it early. Not sure on that one yet. Anyways, just a few blurbs today because I don't see that much that I'm interested in "talking" about. March 13, 2018   Rex Tillerson is fired after going rogue. He was trying to find a way to "salvage" the Iran deal, which isn't what Pres. Trump wanted. Going on his own to do something against the boss always gets you fired, even in a private company as small as the local tire shop. Don't think that this is chaos. This is Tillerson being fired for insubordination. BTW, he's being replaced by someone much better for America: Mike Pompeo is going to be better for Pres. Donald J. Trump and for us! March 13, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Really, Leftists? Really? Baltimore is starting a "legal defense fund" for illegal aliens: "Less than a year after Baltimore prosecutors ordered staff not to charge illegal immigrants with minor, non-violent crimes because it could get the offenders deported, Maryland’s largest city will hire immigration attorneys to help those facing removal. It’s important to note that Baltimore has the nation’s highest per capita homicide rate and has been coined the deadliest big city in the United States by a mainstream newspaper. Nevertheless, a city panel approved spending $200,000 this month to pay for lawyers to represent illegal aliens with deportation orders."I think that this kind of action is going to make people who value their families, who think that safety for their children and loved ones is important and who don't want to pay extra taxes for this kind of nonsense will start leaving these illegal alien supporting places. When the citizens must put their own safety on the back burner and their loved ones' deaths are considered of less importance and value than the illegal aliens who murdered them -- and adding insult to injury in that the victims' families have to pay taxes to defend the person who murdered their child or something similar is beyond the pale. It's too much to ask. It's ridiculous. It's going to be a disaster when those places start emptying out and becoming illegal alien havens because there's no one else there. Remember one thing, illegal alien supporting cities: they're illegal because they don't want to be known by the government. That includes not paying taxes so they aren't known. If they are your reason to exist, your city won't be capable of existing soon. Is that what you want, morons? March 13, 2018   lack-of-joy behar:   She finally apologized to America for saying that Christians who believe they hear from GOD or Jesus are crazy and mentally ill. She spent a lot more time making her "crazy" statement than she did on her apology. To me, it isn't enough. I don't watch the show because none of those idiots interest me. I don't care if they have Ann Coulter, Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch), or known Conservative actor, Tom Sellek on their show. I don't watch it because the hosts are idiots. Should she be fired? I don't really care if she's fired. I couldn't give a flip. If she is fired it's because of her own stupidity. If she's kept on it's because of the producer's stupidity aligning with hers. Don't watch the show, let the ratings drop and it will be over with soon enough. March 13, 2018   Eeewwwww!:   This is sick. But I expect nothing more of a "professional atheist". Of course, the atheist knows he's wrong but he's getting attention with his anti-GOD rants, so he sticks with it because he's all about the attention and money he gets from his professions of atheism. Oh, well. Remember one thing: There are NO atheists in hell. Once there, they ALL believe! March 13, 2018   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   A Massachusetts judge has ruled that the contraception mandate cannot be forced onto those employers who have a religious or moral objection to the mandate. That's excellent! Not only is that excellent, but the Trump administration's statement regarding the ruling is also excellent!: "[A] U.S. Department of Justice official said in a statement sent to Breitbart News. 'In these cases and others, the Department of Justice will continue to vigorously defend religious liberty.'"I love it! March 13, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She's not happy with Pres. Donald J. Trump's ideas on tariffs. I know that's important and all of that, but what really strikes me nowadays about most stories about her is how so many of them start off the story: "Failed presidential candidate"Let's say that again: "Failed presidential candidate"Doesn't that just roll off the tongue and stir your heart to joy? Don't forget that during the campaign we had videos of her showing she's ill and that she is in need of constant medical attention. Remember, she traveled with a nurse and maybe even a her doctor. Now, we have video of her practically falling down stairs in India and being held up by two men. No one else had difficulties getting down those stairs. There were at least six others with her at the time and none of them had difficulties gauging the steps' depth, height, width. They all made it down fine. hillosercrooktOOn is still sick and it looked like she didn't have her special glasses on that help with that. That's probably why she had such difficulty with such an easy task. The truth is she was never fit for duty. I'm so glad she has that moniker, "Failed presidential candidate". Failed. What a nice word in this situation! March 13, 2018   MAGA:   You know what is happening because of the focus of that previous blurb? Small business optimism at highest since 1983 and it looks like prices are not showing signs of inflation! That's excellent, too! Love it! Thank you, Mr. President! March 13, 2018   aclu:   Yes, lower case because they don't deserve the respect represented by upper case. I despise the aclu. I think they're part of the reason America has so many bad laws, bad ideas being implemented (like the mentally ill roaming our streets thanks to the lawsuit they brought), and I think that they are trying to destroy America. Thus, I don't like them. Now, they're defending illegal aliens against America because they believe the LIE that Pres. Donald J. Trump said something about countries being "sh***ole" countries. There are people who were in that meeting who said they never heard him say that. Even if he did, it's not the people of the country he was downing; it was the country's leaders who are corrupt and take all of the aid sent to their countries. If a government is not good to the people it's the government that makes the country a s-hole country, not the people. So what if he did say it? If it's true all he was doing is telling the truth. The aclu is also suing America to enable illegals to use their children as anchors when they come into America as a family unit. If there aren't enough beds to house the adults, they have been getting "free passes" to enter because the children could not be separated from their parents for too long. Now, the Trump administration is trying to put a halt to that and the aclu is trying to keep it going. Illegal aliens are more important than the law to some people and that's because illegals help them turn America into something it was never intended to be. March 13, 2018   I'm glad that Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) struck down the Boardcom/Qualcomm thing. It protects free speech across the internet and it prevents China from taking over the internet. That's a good thing! March 13, 2018   Wow! Did more blurbs than I thought I'd do. I'm going to close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 12, 2018: 2:46 p.m.   I hope you had a great weekend. I had a pretty good weekend. My hubby started work on our master bedroom redecorating project again, and we got some of the accent wall done! It's gorgeous! We have been working on our master bedroom since late July/early August of last year, but with my hubby's work schedule, getting the Georgia farm cleaned out and redecorated with our furniture, our wall decorations, our dishes, etc., and travel (an eleven night cruise, an anniversary trip to the Biltmore hotel for five nights, and other things, it's been hit and miss, a little here a little there. Now we're seeing real progress on the accent wall and I'm so thrilled! I keep walking past it and running my hand over it. It's just so beautiful and well done! Thank you, hubby! Love you much! March 12, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   Judicial Watch has a video explaining what he's doing to Guatemala and that explains why I call him "thevilegeorgesoros." He's evil, conceited, willing to destroy everyone else to get what he wants, and thinks his money and power are all that matters in the whole world. He's evil. He's vile. He is teaching his four children to be like him. Pray for them. They need Christ in their hearts and lives so that they won't think that money is god. Besides, his children becoming Christians will be the last thing he wants and it will irk him to no end. If he's in his grave when the last one accepts Christ, he'll roll over in his grave! March 12, 2018   Austin, TX, has a bomber on the loose. I don't think it's terror-related. I think the perp has someone specific in mind that he wanted to injure/kill and that he's sending bombs to others to hide the targeting. I could very well be wrong, but that's how I see it. Maybe I'll be proven totally off base, but what I see right now makes me think that there was a specific target and that the others are just to hide the fact. March 12, 2018   pelosipig:   She's sick. She has something wrong with her brain: alzheimer's or some other form of dementia, I don't know what, but I do know that this isn't normal and it isn't good for her ability to govern. Her doctor needs to tell her to retire, to reduce the stress on her health, and to take it easy and enjoy her family while she can remember them. This has been going on for a long time and she needs to face the facts. She needs to step down and allow a younger person with all of their mental faculties to be elected. March 12, 2018   I wanted to ignore all of this crap about "stormy daniels" but I think it's time to take this on. I have read some leftist/progressive/liberal writings on the alleged affair and how Conservative Christians are "giving up their moral high ground" because we dismiss this alleged affair while dumping on bullybob crooktOOn and others about their immorality in having affairs but accept it in Pres. Donald J. Trump. Okay. Take this one step at a time:
March 12, 2018   March 12, 2018   MAGA:   Pres. Trump's policies are stumping the "experts" because everything they think is going to hurt America is actually making America better, richer, more powerful, more respected. His tariffs had the opposite effect to what the "experts" predicted. The market is up and it's all good. Americans like having jobs and being given hope by a president's policies. That has a positive effect on the market and the left/progressives/liberals are all scratching their heads. They can scratch until they reach their brains, but they'll never understand him because they don't think outside the usual leftist/progressive/liberal box. That gives Pres. Trump a real edge. March 12, 2018   Dead Blue Bird:   Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) has proven that they've been censoring the Drudge Report. Free speech doesn't exist at the dead blue bird. It's only leftist speech that is free there. Conservatives need not apply. March 12, 2018   Cheekbone Cherokee:   Someone offered to pay for a DNA test for "fauxcohantus" Sen. elizabeth warren (D-MA), but she refuses to take the test. She doesn't want proof that she is NOT a Cherokee in almost any degree. If she is 1/64th, or 1/128th of Cherokee heritage, I think most of us would be shocked. She says that she "hasn't benefited" from the claim of her alleged Cherokee blood. What a lie. She used her alleged "Native American" heritage to her own benefit in college and in running for the Senate. If that's not benefitting from her LIE of Native American heritage, I don't know what is. I have similar family lore in my family; we allegedly were part Cherokee. When I looked into it and found PROOF that we are NOT Cherokee, I changed my own beliefs. I have some in my family who refuse to do so, even though I presented them with the PROOF that my family's background has nothing to do with being Cherokee; it has to do with someone trying to get free land via claiming Cherokee blood. It was all a scam that no one else in the family would help perpetuate. This happened 100 years or more ago, yet the lore persists that we are Cherokee. Why don't people figure out how to get over the lie when they find out the TRUTH? "FIND THE TRUTH!" is my motto. I adjusted based on truth. Why can't the Cheekbone Cherokee? March 12, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   LOL! LOL! LOL! She's so STUPID! She told people in India that American women -- white American women -- voted against her because their husbands told them to! She's so delusional! The truth is, my husband votes after I do the research and he fills in his sample ballot the way my research tells us to vote. Usually, he votes straight down the ballot the way my research tells us to vote, but sometimes he votes for one candidate that I don't support. He leaves that research to me. If he has some information that I had not yet heard of he tells me about it and I can change my candidate before I vote, but usually, it's me who decides what to do in the voting booth. I wouldn't be surprised to find out it is that way in other households, too. March 12, 2018   March 12, 2018   "Russian Collusion":   It's being proven time and time and time again that the dumboRATS participated in collusion with Russia, not Donald J. Trump. He had nothing to do with anything Russia. He's being proven innocent time and time and time again, while the dumboRATS are now known to have financed the "Russian dossier" and to have helped them buy Uranium One putting America in danger, and other things that amount to treason. DumboRATS did that, not Trump. Every time the investigation looks under another stone, another dumboRAT is found. It's quite amazing to see how many of them have dirty hands in this. March 12, 2018   Hollyweird:   They stripped "A Wrinkle In Time" of its Christinaity and it bombed. When the author has Bible verses quoted in it, but those are either removed or taken out of context to push another agenda, then you have a bomb. GOD will not be mocked. Those who do so do it at their own peril. March 12, 2018   Aaaaahhh... Public School:   A teacher decided to take "justice" into her own hands at a kids' little league game and beat a woman for wearing shorts that didn't meet her approval to the game. I guess she considers herself above the law because she pled "Not Guilty". I suppose it's better than the teacher who was found guilty of sexual abuse and is now charge with taking naked photos and videos of students. Sounds like a real National Teacher's Union winner. CaliMarxiFornia has another winner for the Teacher's Union, as do Ohio and unfortunately, Florida. Home school your kids, folks. It's safer for them. Put them first or face the regrets. March 12, 2018   MightyMouth, maxine waters:   She wasn't always so supportive of "partisan impeachments". She defended prezidunce bullybob crooktOOn during his impeachment. She didn't think that partisanship was good back then. She uses it now and uses the reasons to NOT impeach bullybob crooktOOn to IMPEACH Pres. Donald J. Trump. As I said earlier, hypocrisy is their favorite position. March 12, 2018   Interesting reading about internet free speech and the possibility of taking down the "deep state" and their influence and leaks. I like the idea, but I don't know the website well, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt. March 12, 2018   I'm going to close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 9, 2018: 12:09 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Plans changed and I will be here for Friday's updates, but until then, my Flag Friday posting for this week is "Tribute To Our Heroes 362: The Quiet Hero". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll try to see you later today. March 9, 2018: 2:55 p.m.   The Broward County Parkland school shooting is still making headlines. The deputy on duty as the resource officer that day said in a released statement that he stayed outside because he thought the shots were coming from outside the building, but the recording of the radio call he made proves he told dispatch it was coming from inside the building. He lied to cover his own butt. His boss, Sheriff scott israel, is no better. He's trying to prevent the release of surveillance video that would show exactly what the resource officer and his other officers did (and did not do). He's trying to cover up the fact that his policies were to protect his officers, not the unarmed public they are sworn and paid to protect. This is why we need to "keep and bear arms", not why we need fewer. March 9, 2018   Bumbling Biden:   How much humiliation and rejection can one man take? The Bumbler is about to find out. He says he's going to run for prezidunce again in 2020. Really? How absurd. He loves to be rejected and this will be just another instance of that. There is a silver lining, though. We get to watch him lose. Watching dumboRATS lose is always fun. March 9, 2018   MAGA:   You want to know why the dumboRATS will lose in 2020? Look at the stuff Pres. Donald J. Trump is doing for America. The February unemployment numbers are out and the U3 number is still 4.1% while the U6 unemployment number is still 8.2%. We have a record of number of Americans employed. We have more economic good news than we expected and we have more historic highs in the stock market. It's all good news. We even have steel mills restarting after Pres. Donald J. Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs were signed into place. Steel and aluminum workers are going back to work and Americans getting paychecks from jobs they want is a wonderful thing! The good news is for everyone and if the left/progressives/liberals think they are going to win against a record like that, they're delusional. March 9, 2018   pelosipig:   Speaking of delusional, pelosipig is delusional if she thinks people are not noticing she's physically not well. She needs to see a doctor, resign from the House and take care of herself so she doesn't keep the stress (if she even knows she should be stressed) piling on her that is probably adding to the severity of her mental problems. No kidding. She has grandkids who love her (maybe great-grands) and her kids love her and I'm sure they want to keep her around longer rather than shorter. She needs to retire, take care of herself and spend time with her family while she can remember who they are! Why does she not realize that? Is it because she is still trying to throw as many beneficial contracts to her husband as possible? She has done it before. Before she leaves the House, how many more times will she do it? Realize that the previous links are five different stories from five different instances. THere were more, but that's all I had a sentence to cover.
March 9, 2018   Oh! My hubby's home an hour earlier than I expected so I'll go. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 7, 2018: 1:16 p.m.   I have time for a few blurbs today. Have prep work to do for a special day tomorrow (no updates) and then going to our Georgia farm this weekend (no updates on Friday, except for Flag Friday). So, I have about ninety minutes for this. Let's get started. March 7, 2018   We were warned that Texas was going to go blue (dumboRAT) big time yesterday in the primary race (which on the face of it is a supremely stupid statement considering it's a primary - but I didn't think of that yesterday) and I denied that would happen (see yesterday's second blurb) without much cheating. As usual, I was correct. Look at the vote results and you'll see that in most races the Republican candidate not only got more votes than their top dumboRAT opponent, but often doubled or more the top dumboRAT'S vote count. That doesn't sound anywhere close to "going blue" to me. Good for you, Texas! Keep fighting the good fight and stay Conservative and stay Republican! BTW, while looking at the results, be aware that the results are not reported in a consistent pattern. Sometimes the Republican results are on the left, sometimes on the right, so be aware of what you're looking at. March 7, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   He's in the process of buying up the nation's attorney generals county by county, state by state. In yesterday's Texas primary, the candidate he sunk almost $1 million into won his primary against incumbent, and anti-sanctuary city A.G., Nico LaHood (D). thevilegeorgesoros is doing this around the nation and I can't help but be concerned about it because he's buying his way into more influence and his goals are not my goals. He really is a horrible thing. Unfortunately, he has four children and it looks like at least one of them is turning out just like him. Ugh. March 7, 2018   Hehehe! Pres. Donald J. Trump mocks pelosipig with a little joke: "'A typical family of four earning $75,000 a year will see an income tax cut of more than $2,000,' POTUS added. 'That’s not crumbs. Slashing their tax bill in half.'"As you know, pelosipig has been calling the Trump tax cut for American families "crumbs" since it happened. She she praised themuslimvileone's $40 tax cut but calls Pres. Trump's $2,000 tax cut "crumbs". Let me guess that she didn't major in math -- or even counting! (She went to Trinity College and got her BA in Political Science: shock, surprise.) March 7, 2018   Another advisor is out at the White House, and this one's a good loss. He fought Pres. Trump's economic plans and was a globalist (wanted our policies to take into account the whole world, not America first) and, IMHO, it's good to see him go. So, let's hope he chooses someone who wants to put America first and will consider that as the top priority in every decision. March 7, 2018   It's nice to finally see U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, do something to show support for Pres. Donald J. Trump's promises, plans and ideals. He's suing CaliMarxiFornia over their disobedience to federal immigration laws via declaring themselves a sanctuary state, and allowing (encouraging and supporting) sanctuary cities and the warning of illegal aliens about I.C.E. raids. It's good to see Sessions finally get off his butt. March 7, 2018   john mcCAIN'T:   I've considered him a despicable person for a long time, but with the news that he wanted to use the "Russian dossier" to blackmail Pres. Donald J. Trump to resign. It doesn't surprise me, but it does sicken me. I hold mcCAIN'T in complete and utter contempt and cannot respect him a single iota. I voted for Sarah Palin when he was the blue light special on the ticket, but I can't imagine anyone finding out his recent shenanigans supporting him past wanting him to resign. March 7, 2018   March 7, 2018   Let us hope that the SCOTUS rules conservatively in these two cases: Knick v. Scott, and Gundy v. United States. In the latter case "That doctrine provides that a law is unconstitutional when Congress delegates its lawmaking authority to the executive branch."Thus, handing off the law-making ability of who must and how they must register for the sex offender data base makes the law unconstitutional. We can find a way to fix that, and the positives for this thing are enormous! Can you imagine the good of making it impossible for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX executives to write "laws" about who has to sign up, etc.? Imagine the number of regulations that could be done away with when it comes to the EPA, the IRS, the FDA. Freedom would be given back to the American people and we would start to own our properties again, keep our money again, run our own lives again. Wouldn't that be wonderful!? March 7, 2018   My time is up for updates today. Gotta' go get ready for tomorrow's special day. BTW, remember that tomorrow I won't be doing blurbs because it's a special day at our house (although I will be doing Flag Friday), and Friday I'll be getting ready to go to Georgia. We have a third bedroom that we're now ready to put together and some more cleaning out of things to do (sheds have yet to be tackled) and preparing for my Girl's Weekend is essential. I have art to hang on the walls, things to put on the built-in shelves, new dishes and pots and pans to put in the cabinets. It's going to be a busy time between now and then and right before our weekend, I'll be up there for the whole week prior: Saturday to the closing Sunday. So I'll be doing Flag Friday tomorrow night, then post again on Tuesday through Friday (if all goes as planned) of next week, then off for at least a week. So, enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 6, 2018: 2:36 p.m.   Feb. 21, 2018 (second blurb) I said that the ACLU had blood on their hands because of the lawsuit they used to close down so many mental institutions and now I find that Dr. Walter E. Williams writes, basically, that I am correct and that "Worst of all is the fact that the liberals who engineered the shutting down of mental institutions have never been held accountable for their folly."The fact that the left supports civil rights for the mentally ill is okay; but even civil rights when someone is a danger to others must be back-seated in order to save lives. How any people would be alive today if the civil rights of a mentally ill person did not trump the LIVES of their future victims? Common sense dictates that it is better to use caution than to regret not. March 6, 2018   Rush says not to worry about today's Texas primary elections. I have to agree. The state of Texas will not go blue. They're too conservative in Texas to think it's possible. IF, on the off chance it does go blue (and I seriously doubt it's possible without a LOT of CHEATING), I think it's possible that there should be a massive investigation into how many illegal aliens voted, how many felons voted and how many dead people voted. That's the only way Texas will go blue. If the left wants you to believe that Texas is going blue because of their anger over Pres. Donald J. Trump being in office, then they need to consider the facts of this president's good he's done for the people of Texas (and the rest of the nation). By now, Texans are seeing their pay increase from the Trump tax cuts. By now, Texans are seeing the benefits of not having an individual mandate for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. By now, Texans are seeing their companies giving pay raises and bonuses because of the tax cuts. Texans aren't stupid. They know why this stuff happened. They know on which side their bread is buttered - and who voted against their butter. March 6, 2018   I support President Donald J. Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum. I have no problem with putting America first and American workers first. Apparently, ROTTEN ryan has a problem with tariffs. He's whining all over the place about it. I wonder if he's getting some benefit we don't know about from not having a tariff on those things? Just asking. March 6, 2018   Why is the left so vile? I don't understand why they automatically jump to "racist" when it's totally inappropriate, inapplicable, unrelated and just plain out wrong. Yet, they persist. Ad hominem attacks are de rigueur for the left because they have no other recourse. They have no ability to argue logically, applying reason, and are incapable of tying a fact statement to another fact statement (premise upon premise) to build an actual argument. They immediately snap to ad hominem and think that it's a good enough "argument" to say "But you're fat!" (replace "fat" with "ugly", "poor", "gay", or the insult of your choice: which makes me wonder yet again why the left uses "gay" as a pejorative when it suits them but is also a protected class in their lexicon and beliefs). I think that only those who are incapable of logic and reasoning jump to ad hominem attacks and the rest of us laugh at their lameness. March 6, 2018   I love U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley. I think she's great! I love her strength and courage. I love that she stands up for America, America's interests and America's allies. That's why she stands up for Israel on a regular basis and I love it and I stand with Nikki Haley and I Stand With Israel. Brava, Nikki Haley! Brava! March 6, 2018   While I agree with chelsea crooktOOn that Ivanka Trump is open to criticism because she works as an advisor to the President, I do not agree with her that Ivanka should be questioned about what her father is doing. Ivanka does not control her father; as we've seen. I think that it's possible chelsea crooktOOn is just out there to plant political seed for a future run for office. Her parents want her to be president some day. It would make up for hillosercrooktOOn's failures. Right now, chelsea is probably planting seed for local office (state representative, city council, etc.), but her parents will pressure her to stay in politics (and if she's got their genes, she'll fall in love with the power and money - legal or otherwise - it will bring her) and shoot for the highest office in the land. Until she gets that, she will not feel her mother's love nor acceptance. March 6, 2018   Fake News:   cnn is so desperate they've sent a reporter to Thailand to talk to a prostitute who claims to have damaging info on Pres. Donald J. Trump. I wonder if they enjoy wasting money like this. I wonder if they get their jollies talking to prostitutes since they seem to believe them so much (the "Russian dossier" has prostitutes in it giving "golden showers"). Why anyone would waste their time watching this slosh I have no idea. March 6, 2018   When you have an industry in America that is trying to stay afloat, to continue employing American workers, to continue to produce a product for other industries operating in America that need their product, then it's imperative to try to keep that industry going (unless it's an illegal industry like prostitution). I think that this guy's ideas on steel is right on the line and it's a very important consideration to look at when it comes to tariffs on aluminum and steel. It's necessary to protect America and Americans in more ways than one. Let's do this! March 6, 2018   March 6, 2018   Warning:   I think that hillosercrooktOOn will definitely be running in 2020 because all of the crooks who surrounded her are running for public office and if they get into office before she gets cheated into office then they will be able to protect her when she betrays America for money (commits treason) and they'll be her cushion to prvent the law from getting too close. They'll be thrown under the bus until someone finally gets fed up with being thrown under the bus and starts to speak out and tell the truth. We will need someone who knows where the bodies are buried (maybe that's a bad choice of words, considering the death toll surrounding the crooktOOns). Look at the fact that donna shalala is running for U.S. Representative in Miami; she's past president of the crooktOOn foundation. A former aide is going to run for CaliMarxiFornia's governor. Another former aide is running for governor of Maryland. Also, the former Secretary of Agriculture under bullybob is running for Congress. So what do you think? Will hillosercrooktOOn backpedal on her "I'll never run again", and this is part of the build-up, or is this just a coincidence? March 6, 2018   Former presidents used to keep their mouths shut instead of commenting on the current president. You never heard "dubya" nor his dad condemn themuslimvileone's actions. Yet, because Pres. Donald J. Trump is an outsider "dubya" thinks it's okay to trash him. "dubya" do yourself a favor and shut up. March 6, 2018   It's time dumboRATS be held accountable for their anti-semitism. They are wrong in their stance and they are wrong in associating with louis farrakhan, a known anti-semite. The left needs to understand that Israel has the right to exist and that they got that land fairly and legally and it's not a good idea to diss them. GOD blesses those who bless Israel. It's time the left start blessing Israel. That will happen about the same time pigs start flying. March 6, 2018   Did you know that the whole "Trump/Russia collusion" thing was started by someone who gave MILLIONS of dollars to the crooktOOn foundation? He not only gave MILLIONS, but he gave that money out of the Australian (as in the country of Australian) treasury. Sweet! Must be nice to accept foreign funds when it's totally illegal to do so, but not get called on it. The crooktOOns have been getting away with too much for too long. It's time to put them under the same laws we lived under. They're not royalty here. March 6, 2018   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 5, 2018: 2:07 p.m.   Wow! That was a surprise! I am so humbled, honored, shocked that Friday's "Tribute To Our Heroes 361: $1.28" went wild! It made "Explore" on Flickr, it has so far, garnered 13,101 views and over 60 faves! I'm so surprised! It was astonishing and I'm gobsmacked! Thanks, everyone! I appreciate it very much! March 5, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He did everything he did to destroy America and he was helping thevilegeorgesoros try to do the same thing to other countries -- using YOUR taxpayer dollars! "The reality is that Velásquez appears to be part of a broader effort launched under [themuslimvileone] — and apparently supported by the Trump administration — to destabilize moderate and conservative governments abroad. Judicial Watch uncovered details of a similar initiative in Macedonia, where [themuslimvileone's] administration spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government by colluding with leftwing billionaire philanthropist George Soros. In Guatemala, [themuslimvileone's] administration meddled to protect guerrillas backed by communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Secretary of State [hillosercrooktOOn] helped oust an attorney general that was replaced by a sympathizer of the guerrillas, Claudia Paz y Paz."I must argue the statement "and apparently supported by the Trump administration" because I don't believe that he has personally known about this stuff yet, although it is apparent that the State Department has thorough knowledge of the effort. I think that Pres. Trump has been so busy doing other things that focused on MAGA that when he gets time to deal with this he will NOT like it and he will put an immediate and thorough stop to it. The premature conclusion by Judicial Watch of Pres. Trump's alleged support of this program is a bit of a stretch, IMHO. The fact that Tillerson has not put a stop to it yet does not mean that Pres. Trump supports it. March 5, 2018   Judicial Watch is trying to get to the truth about the "Russian dossier" and hillosercrooktOOn's part in putting it together. She was desperate. She knew that the polls were lying for her. She knew that people didn't (and still don't) like her. She knew her reputation as a shrill, dominating, loud, demanding, conceited, money-grubbing, self-righteous, entitled shrew was not selling well with the American people. She knew the only thing going for her was the fact that she has a vagina. But she also knew that it wasn't enough to have a vagina. She would lose if that's all she had to offer and it was all she had to offer. So she did anything and everything she could to get into the power she so longed for and felt owed. She paid for and helped write the "Russian dossier" because her vagina was not enough to win. Now, both the House and Senate have sent U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, letters stating that the "Russian dossier" was UNVERIFIED information, which is not supposed to be allowed in FISA requests. So they broke the rules for the crooktOOn application? Shock. Surprise. March 5, 2018   The NRA is fighting back against the "Time's Up" campaign and calling out specific names of those who have cried loudest -- usually while showing their own hypocrisy -- and created a new ad that the lefties/progressives/liberals will soon be shouting "I'm scared! They called for me to be targeted and I'm sure a nutcase will soon be trying to kill me because the NRA told them to in their ad!" Mark my words. The left will see that ad as a bullseye on their chests. It isn't, but that is how they will see it. March 5, 2018   I agree with Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!). He needs to protect America first and let the rest of the world's countries worry about themselves for a while. Let them figure out how to do good things for their own people, not try to make America do all the good for their people while all they do is sit back and tax their people. It's not fair for the American people to pay for everyone's everything worldwide. I don't want to keep doing that, do you? The "establishment" folks are all in a tizzy about it, but I support Pres. Trump in his trade stances. America First! Remember, the EU has tariffs on aluminum and steel, too. So why is that Pres. Trump doing the same thing is wrong? March 5, 2018   I still believe that the stock market will settle down and it will reach amazing numbers in the next few months. People will begin to see their IRAs, their 401Ks, etc., growing and growing and growing and it will be good for America. We'll be very happy campers again soon. March 5, 2018   Ya' know, if the idiotic maxine waters had a brain, I might believe her promise to her followers that she'd "take care of" Ben Carson. She also promised them "reparations" (A.K.A. making white people give everything they want to black people), and wants the White House to have another dumboRAT in it. She's not only a corrupt idiot, but she's delusional. She's living in a $4.3 million mansion outside of her district, and in a highly segregated neighborhood, and if she washes her own dishes, I'd be surprised. Reparations? She wants reparations? How about she pay reparations to those she ISN'T representing but they pay taxes for her to NOT do so anyways? How about that? March 5, 2018   It's about time! It's time to protect the American public from having to pick up the costs for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac loans that were given out to those who were known to be incapable of paying those home loans back! It's time to protect you and I who pay our mortgages and foot our own bills and stop making us pick up the tab for the FM2 slackers who bought houses they should have never had the opportunity to own while the banks - under Dodd-Frank - knew that they were bad loans backed by the American people without our approval, knowledge, or vote. You know who doesn't want this done? The cheekbone Cherokee is all up on arms over it because she supports the rest of us picking up the tabs for the slackers who don't want to pay their own bills but want a house as nice as those of us who do. It's time that stops and all of those people who didn't pay their mortgages need to be put in debtor's prison until they do! It's called "FRAUD" when you get a home loan without the ability to finish the payments. Why are they allowed to get away with it? March 5, 2018   Millenials like to tout their IQ and their electronic gadget prowess, but they are dumb as a box of rocks in reality. They believe the dumboRATS and a lot of other lies that they read, hear, watch so they are more easily scammed than their grandparents were. That's because millenials were not taught how to think critically and logically. They were taught that feelings matter more and because they feel things, they are better people. Better at getting ripped off, maybe, but not more informed, better educated, nor better citizens. They are useful idiots and the left takes full advantage of their stupidity. March 5, 2018   mrs. themuslimvileone:   Got ego? March 5, 2018   Another leftist/progressive/liberal put people's lives at risk. She wrote an article revealing the identities of ISIS-threatened (and Fatwa'd), Pamela Geller's, daughters! That's not just wrong, it's dangerous! If something happens to those girls I hope the author, the leftist idiot Taylor Lorenz, is held accountable as an accessory before the fact! Muslims have already tried to kill their mother! Fatwas include the family members of the person targeted. Not only has she put their lives in danger, but because of her outing of their identities, but she's getting them FIRED from their jobs! If I were in their shoes, I'd sue the butt off of that idiot! I'd sue her for loss of income because it wasn't until her article that anyone knew or cared. March 5, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Hope to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 1-2, 2018: 11:43 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 361: $1.28". I hope you like it. Thank you so very much for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! If this or something similar is you, please know you are not alone and you can get help. We really do care about you and want you to feel our love and appreciation for your sacrifice. March 2, 2018: 1:32 p.m.   That dumboRAT memo that they wanted released but had so much secret info in it that the FBI had to redact parts of it in order to protect our country (yeah, they wanted to do that, daring Pres. Trump to allow that info to go public: traitorous idiots)? They claimed that it had "proof of corroboration" but as usual, they LIED. "'There was nothing there that actually corroborated anything that was specifically said in the Steele dossier,' a source who has seen the memo told TheDCNF.So we see that they try to protect hillosercrooktOOn (they claim that the "political motivation" for the source of the dossier is in a footnote) and themuslimvileone. In doing so they also try to protect themselves via saying that there was reason for doing the FISA warrants (original and three renewals) besides the "Russian dossier". It's absurd. The sore losers are still circling the wagons around their lying, corrupt, treasonous, entitle loser, hillosercrooktOOn because if they can't protect her from the truth then she may wind up in prison. If she goes, do they go with her? March 2, 2018   Tell me that james comey was apolitical (unbiased and on neither side) when in fact he had secret meetings with themuslimvileone and he was active in prosecuting Pres. Trump and following themuslimvileone's lead in everything he did, said and ordered. He is so partisan that if themuslimvileone or hillosercrooktOOn said shoot your brains out he'd open a gun cabinet and ask what caliber he should use. The FBI, IRS, EPA and other federal agencies were so corrupted and used as attack dogs against Conservatives and themuslimvileone's political enemies that they should all be fired and they should start over with a clean house and look into prosecuting several players in each of those agencies. themuslimvileone was a dictator, or as close as America ever needs to be to having one. He was corrupt, evil, dishonest, vile, egotistical and hated America with a purple passion. He proved it daily with his deeds, no matter what his lips lied. BTW, how do you close an investigation but continue questioning people about the things you were investigating, unless you had already jumped to the conclusion and declared the principle suspect innocent, as the FBI - james comey specifically - did with hillosercrooktOOn? March 2, 2018   March 2, 2018   The good "Christian" (I lose the term sarcastically), themuslimvileone, was the only ex-prezidunce in good health who chose to NOT attend Rev. Billy Graham's funeral. He is such a dedicated believer that he couldn't even take time to honor a man who brought so many to Christ and with whom he met in 2010 for a photo op. He wanted to give some credibility (at least a little) to his claim of Christianity. Too bad his actions speak louder than his lying lips. March 2, 2018   pelosipig:   She's sick and she needs to retire. I've been saying it for a while now, but every new video makes me more concerned for her health. She needs to retire and take care of herself or someday she'll have a press conference and a journalist with some spine will ask her about what's wrong with her and why she's making so many mistakes. She is ill. She's probably one of those on the alzheimer's medication list that is delivered to members of congress on a regular basis. March 2, 2018   When Venezuela became a socialist nation they chose to hurt their people with the ravages that accompanies that "government" system (good for a few; bad for most). Reading the stories, some heartbreaking, about the struggle that socialism brings about via placing everything under government control, it's just an amazing thing to think that the people didn't see the trend and turn things around via vote when they had the chance. Why did they believe the lies? How can people be so gullible? How can they believe someone who never keeps their promises? Do they not have eyes to see and ears that hear, brains that think about the things they see and hear? Oh. Sorry. I just realized the same kind of people voted for themuslimvileone twice and hillosercrooktOOn as well. Thank GOD we had more sense than to do that again! March 2, 2018   Facebook and the Dead Blue Bird are so far gone that it's ridiculous. If you want to be on social media, don't do the "usual suspects" because they're very leftist and hate Conservatism, the U.S. Constitution, etc. If you want a social media outlet go to GAB.ai and join them. They are relatively new but they're more for free speech than the others. If you run into someone there who dislikes your thoughts, you'll not be able to shut them up by crying about it. You'll have to stand on your own two feet and fight back. That will serve to make you stronger in your beliefs, or to change your mind; or to make you go cry in your safe space if you're a snowflake. Whichever, the most popular (if you count bots as people) places are dying of their own stupidity. Try GAB.ai and get a better result. Remember, insanity is sometimes defined as doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result. Touching a hot burner with your bare hand will always hurt you. March 2, 2018   After the GA legislature deleted Delta's tax cuts because they disassociated themselves with the NRA, I am so very proud to own fourteen acres and a home in GA. That's just tickling me pink! March 2, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The SCOTUS has ruled that illegal aliens in custody don't have to be given a custody hearing every six months, nor do they have to be released if they don't get those hearings. Illegals can stay in custody until the decision regarding their deportation can be made. That's a good thing! Thanks, SCOTUS! March 2, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. I hope you have a great, wonderful weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 1, 2018: 2:05 a.m.   My Blog:   I just finished writing a new blog about a subject my brain has been cogitating on for a while now. I read my Bible through front to back annually (sometimes twice in a year) and I read the passages recently about GOD carrying on a conversation with Satan while both of them were in heaven. What? Realizing that took me aback because I was always taught (since my "born day" probably) that sin cannot enter into heaven. But didn't Satan sin? Wasn't he the epitome of sin? How on earth can Satan be in heaven talking to GOD if sin is not allowed to enter into heaven? Thus a search began. The surprising results of my search are my latest blog, "Can Sin Be In Heaven?" Read it. You may learn something and you may be surprised. It's available for your reading pleasure so I hope you indulge. See you later if things go as planned. March 1, 2018: 2:13 p.m.   I'm back and I read the paragraph above and had to edit it. When I wrote that up this morning I was extremely sleepy and the paragraph showed it. Sorry about the bad spelling, the repitition, etc. I cleaned it up. Let's get started with what stirs me today. March 1, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   It disgusts me that in Los Angeles, the V.A. was using land that was supposed to be used for veterans as a money-making opportunity as they rented out the property to profit-making businesses and collected their monthly payment for rent. That's rotten to the core (especially when you consider that the V.A. was having veterans arrested and prosecuted)! The V.A. people there should be ashamed but I doubt they were. They've now had to pay to different businesses $287,318; $435,000; and $108,278 TAXPAYER DOLLARS because they had to -- thanks to a law suit to stop this abuse -- break the lease agreements, and pay the companies for breaking the lease. March 1, 2018   "'Precedent shows that similar cases heard in federal court have been unsuccessful for plaintiffs looking to pin the global challenge of climate change on manufacturers,'"Hurray! I hope they lose every time! March 1, 2018   Collusion:   Wow. The leftist candidates, hillosercrooktOOn and bernie sanders both accused Pres. Donald J. Trump of colluding with the Russians to interfere with our elections and steal the election from hillosercrooktOOn. Why they would do that when they know hillosercrooktOOn is for sale, I have no idea, but that's the allegation (LIE) they like to spread. Now it's coming out that not only did hillosercrooktOOn "play footsie" with different foreign entities, but so did bernie sanders and he's being fined for it by the FEC. Collusion is okay for the left, but if they can scream that someone on the right did it they can force millions of taxpayer dollars to be spent in a witch hunt? Ridiculous. March 1, 2018   I absolutely agree with Cong. Jim Jordan (R-OH), we do need a special prosecutor to look into the FISA warrant fiasco. That whole thing stunk to high heaven and hillosercrooktOOn's fingerprints are all over it. She was desperate and did everything she could to win: lie, cheat, accept foreign money, sell America's secrets, collude with foreign spies, etc. She needs to face prosecution, be found absolutely guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and spend what's left of her days in the toughest federal prison availabe for women. She deserves nothing less but if she deserves anything more, it's the hangman's noose for treason! March 1, 2018   Wow. That's bad. CaliMarxiFornia ranks 50th for "Quality of Life". I thought it was supposed to be a mecca of wonderfulness. I thought that their progressive mindset and leftist beliefs and practices were creating an amazing utiopia. No? Well, DUH! March 1, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   NYC is helping illegals stay in country to keep a cheap work force. They don't want to pay a good wage for their janitors, so they help them hide from ICE agents and do everything they can to not cooperate. If I were ICE, I'd arrest the people doing the helping, including the mayor. Let's see how long they keep those illegals hidden while they're in jail and being fined $1,000 daily. That's what I'd do. But I'm mean and horrible. March 1, 2018   BENGHAZI:   Reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, was one of the best, most effective reporters (one of the only reporters) covering the BENGHAZI attacks honestly and openly. Her reports brought out the facts surrounding themuslimvileone's NON-response, and hillosercrooktOOn's NON-response (she didn't answer the phone at three in the morning as she promised). Sharyl was responsible for the truth coming out about the "Stand down" order themuslimvileone gave and other truths surrounding the BENGHAZI attack. Now, she has gotten her computer returned to her and she has found out that themuslimvileone's administration replaced her hard drive with another and kept the original. There was something on it they didn't want known, wasn't there? March 1, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   Don't think that they'll be opening up to the whole truth about their disturbing practices and history, but they have cracked the door open enough to admit that their founder's goal was eugenics. Margaret Sanger was a racist and wanted to create a perfect human race, without "people of color", without people with disabilities, without people who disagreed with her view of what is good and right about humanity. Sounds like nothing has changed in the Planned AbortionHood playbook nor in that of those who support them (think hollyweird and thevilegeorgesoros, etc.). Abortion is wrong. Abortion is murder. Abortion kills a living human being. Abortion also harms the mother emotionally, physically and spiritually. Abortion is bad for the country. Abortion cannot be blessed by GOD. Abortion hurts the community and the country that supports it. Abortion should immediately be made illegal and all abortion providers jailed as well as all women who get an abortion jailed. Hire a hitman to kill your husband and you and the hitman go to jail. Same thing with a child in the womb. The abortionist is the hitman and the woman the person who hires the hitman to kill the child within her. Put them both in jail. Oh, and put Planned AbortionHood in jail, too. They deserve it for all the laws they've already broken! They're so terrible they don't want women to know the truth about abortion: It's murder. There's now a SD law (that they will fight) that mandates telling women that the abortion they are about to receive will end a human life. How long before Planned AbortionHood sues to stop the mandate? Despicable murderers. March 1, 2018   The unemployment numbers for February are not out yet but there is another number that speaks to us. The number of layoffs "fell to the lowest level since 1969". That's forty-nine years since we've seen these kinds of numbers. That's excellent! March 1, 2018   The person who sent the "white powder" to Donald Trup Jr., (but his wife opened the envelope) has been found, and as usual, it was a dumboRAT leftist. She had two little kids in the house! They took the family to the hospital to be careful. I'm sure they were all petrified for a while! That's not funny and it's not something that a good person would do. Only a rotten sucker would do that. You don't mess with the families. If you have a problem with people you don't get physical. You TALK but nothing more! Use your words! If you can't change them with your words then you're not smart enough to be dealing with them in the first place! If you can't change them with your words you don't have the right to get physical and scare them. That creep is the lowest of the low and I hope he rots. March 1, 2018   I'll be back tonight with my Flag Friday but until then I'm gone. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 2018 February 28, 2018: 12:54 p.m.   Sorry I missed Monday and Tuesday. I had an unexpected heartbreak when my cat suddenly died on Monday. I miss her so much. I took Tuesday off to do some "retail therapy" with my son and it took mind off of her loss for a while, but not totally and the pain is still very present. I miss my cat. Muffin was my buddy. She was partially born on my lap and she died on my lap. She will be forever missed. February 28, 2018   If U.S. A.G., Jeff Sessions, doesn't start taking his job seriously (instead of using it to protect the former administration), he should be fired. He keeps covering up for themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn and others who should be going to prison for the rest of their lives. It doesn't get much plainer than the information we have on what hillosercrooktOOn did with the classified and Top Secret and even compartemntalized e-mails she used her unsecured private server to send and receive, sharing them with all and sundry and allowing who knows how many to "hack" into (with her permission, probably) her server and get the information that could be a danger to America. Sessions needs to act as though he gives a crap about enforcing the law he was sworn to uphold and defend and if he doesn't, fire his butt! February 28, 2018   Dick's Sporting Goods announced it will stop selling "assault style rifles" - again. They did this after Sandy Hook, too. How long was it before they stocked the shelves with "assault style rifles" again and started selling them after the backlash hit their bottom line, or after the "Atta boys!" stopped? Are they doing this for "good" PR, or do they actually believe in banning "assault style rifles"? Either way, hypocrisy reins. February 28, 2018   Now I see the end goal. I know why the lefties/progressives/liberals see nothing wrong with hillosercrooktOOn using a private e-mail server and selling our secrets to the highest bidder and then making a fuss over alleged "Russian interference" in our voting system. That goal? They are pushing this nonsense in order to (as Mark Levin said in 2013), nationalize our elections. IF they can shout it loudly and long enough to make a lot of idiots believe it, they will do their utmost to nationalize our elections in order to "prefent" Russia (or any other country) from interfering in our election. The problem is that with our elections nationalized the federal government will be in control of voting machines and in control of the results reporting. IF the federal government gets in control of our elections, and a lefty/progressive/liberal is in office, how often after the first federally controlled election with them in office will a True Conservative (as opposed to a RINO) get elected? That's the end goal here. They keep screaming "Russia! Russia! Russia!" so that enough idiots will believe it and push to get federal control of elections in order to keep our elections safer. If the feds get control of our elections there will never be another True Conservative elected for president or dog catcher and there will be no stopping America from becoming a Marxist nation. This is something that cannot be allowed to happen. It must not happen. Do not fall for the lies of the left. Educate yourself and stand firm in protect States' rights to control elections and the reporting of the results. February 28, 2018   With Pres. Donald J. Trump in office, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) is trying to maintain some of its federal funding via starting a new "Conservative" talk show. How "conservative" it shall be is still up for grabs, but we'll see. They have a former glenn beck's "The Blaze" employee and a frequent "NewsHour" guest as the hosts who will interview guests. I wonder how much control the hosts will have over the wording of the quesitons, the tenor of the questions, the guests and the whole show's presentation. I wonder if the hosts will have any input into all of that, or if they'll be forced to kiss butt and go left in order to keep the gig. We'll see. I give it about six months, tops, because PBS probably won't allow True Conservatism to have a voice there. It would "Red Pill" too many of its viewers. February 28, 2018   Oh my goodness. I thought it was over. I thought she had decided to not run. However, she still expects to run if "God tells her" to run. If He does, it may be His purpose to do so in order to teach her some humility. When she loses "Hugely!" she will have to admit that not everything she does is golden and that may teach her to not think so highly of herself. Her views on "god" have changed over the years, apparently:
February 28, 2018   I wonder if this is true or going to change anything if it is true. Does our brain keep going for five minutes after we die? Or is the Bible true that if we are absent from the body we are present with the Lord (that is, in heaven)? If our brains keep going for five minutes, does that mean that we are caught between two worlds? Or does it mean that there is still some electrical activity in the brain and that is what the scientists see? I choose to believe the Bible and that when our bodies die we go immediately to be with GOD in heaven where not all of us will stay. Sadly, some will enter into GOD's presence only long enough to be condemned because they refused to accept His Greatest Gift, His Son, Jesus Christ. That's the only way to stay in heaven. Otherwise GOD must keep His word and His word says eternal damnation for those who refused His Gift. Which will it be for you? February 28, 2018   I tried to do updates from Judicial Watch but their website as of 2:21 p.m. today was down so I can't do updates from them. Sorry. I'll check with them tomorrow. February 28, 2018   I wonder when enough will be enough and robert mueller will stop trying to FRAME Pres. Trump? He's been at it for over a year now and he has nothing. He digs in to more areas of Pres. Trump's life and he looks under as many couch cushions and lamps as possible, into every file he can get his hands on, forensically inspects every electronic device he can and still finds nothing. So he says, "What else can I falsely accuse him of in order to get something on him?!" He figures the longer and deeper and farther back he digs he'll certainly find something! I have a qustion for you, though. First, he is digging into things he was not authorized to dig into, and going into areas he wasn't scheduled to go, so when is enough enough? Second, if someone did the same to him what would they have already found on robert mueller? I want Pres. Donald J. Trump to appoint a special counsel to find out the answer to that last question. That's only fair. February 28, 2018   LOL! LOL! LOL!:   I think this is hysterical! All those companies who stopped being "associated with" the NRA after the FL school shooting have now paid a price for disassociating with the NRA. Those companies have "unfavorable" numbers that have at least doubled for most of them since their announcements. As for me? I quit my association with the NRA years ago because they told me that they were a "One Note Nellie" and that their focus was not the periphereal subjects of the gun debate but just the guns themselves (which has apparently changed since they now do a "Support Our Law Enforcement" push along with other "social issues"). Back then they didn't think peripheral issues mattered to them and they told me so; so I left. Now, they've learned their lesson that the fringes being frayed lends to the total destruction of the blanket itself and they've started acting like they want to protect the blanket; fringes and all. That's what I've been wanting for years so I am seriously considering re-joining the NRA and my hubby is doing the same. They may be the only place in America where my Second Amendment rights mean something to anyone besides myself and the person I may one day protect from harm because of my Second Amendment rights. My guns protect more than me, but we must have the right to carry them to do any sort of protecting at all. February 23, 2018   Touche!:   LOVE IT! I want this guy to run for President in 2024! Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz skewered adam schiff by reintroducing the bill schiff used to try to give presidents (themuslimvileone specifically) the ability to assign ALL FISA judges! Gaetz reemed schiff a new one by reintroducing this failed bill because schiff wanted themuslimvileone to have that ability, but he doesn't want President Donald J. Trump to have the ability. Gaetz was paying attention on that date and now he used that bill to its best advantage: shutting schiff up! February 23, 2018   Is this what the dumborats want to do in America? South Africa's parliament just voted to be able to confiscate land owned by peach-toned with rosy highlights skinned people's land without compensation. The government just steals it and doesn't give the owners anything. They do nothing for the people who worked there for years to buy the land, or to those whose families have owned it for decades or longer. "Reparations" anyone? February 23, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump: HERO:   He stopped a mugging! In 1991 he saw a guy with a baseball bat hitting someone and Trump jumped out of his limo and intervened to save the victim. I think that the left is trying to ignore this truth. February 23, 2018   I'm going to stop for today. See you tomorrow, if things go as planned. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 23, 2018: 12:34 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 360: No Place Like Gnome" and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today if all goes as planned. February 23, 2018: 3:47 p.m.   Just a few updates today because I want to do a painting for the farm. So let's get started. February 23, 2018   "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""Infringed" means limited. If my rights shall not be limited then an AR-15, AK-47, or any other gun is my RIGHT. That's what the Founding Fathers set up. It's MY RIGHT to have those guns, and no governor has the right to say that I cannot. The U.S. Constitution trumps Gov. Scott. If he tries to take away my rights no Republican, no Conservative, no Second Amendment believer should vote for him ever again. February 23, 2018   I wonder if this is what it seems. A guy in TX found a surveillance camera on his property and took it down. Two law enforcement agencies said they owned the camera and wanted it back. He refused and is suing the federal government for putting the camera on his property without permission and without telling him it was there. Now, I say that I wonder if this is what it seems because it was on his property which is near the Texas/Mexico border and it was allegedly used to watch the border. What I wonder about is if the law enforcement people were spying on the border, or if they suspected the farmer/attorney of something and were spying on him, which is illegal if they didn't have a search warrant, and breaks the Fourth Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."So if they were pointing the camera at his property, not the border, they were basically spying on the farmer/attorney. If they were spying on the border the camera should have been pointing at the border. The story doesn't say which way the camera was pointing. Whichever way it was pointing, the fact remains that this is shady one way or the other. If they wanted to put the camera on the border, they should have approached the farmer and gotten permission (otherwise they were trespassing), and if they were spying on the farmer/attorney they should have a search warrant, in which case they should be able to get a court order for the farmer/attorney to return the camera. So, this rings false to me. This is "iffy" at best. I wonder why the law enforcement agencies handled it this way unless they were doing something wrong. You don't threaten someone to return property that was illegally put on someone's property unless you are hiding the truth. What were the law enforcement people up to in this case? February 23, 2018   john mcCAIN'T:   It's coming out now that the way he did things was just to kill then-candidate Donald J. Trump's presidential bid. mcCAIN'T has been a RINO for a long time but this is beyond despicable. February 23, 2018   themuslimvileone's administration:   Now we know that loretta lynch, the former U.S. Attorney General under themuslimvileone, used an alias to conduct official business so that she could protect herself from anything that may come out later. Too bad he hired so many idiots that they don't know anything about the way the internet works and that their ISPs are traceable to their offices and sometimes directly to their computers, depending upon whether they used a masking program. It's ridiculous that they thought they could get away with forever the wrongs they have done, but they think of themselves as gods on earth so they thought that - being above the law as they consider themselves to be - they don't have to worry about their wrongs coming back to bite them in the tush. I'm so glad it does. I hope that all of them (themuslimvileone on down) spend the rest of their lives in federal prisons. Gitmo is pretty empty, let's fill 'er up! February 23, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   This is PERFECTION! Pres. Trump has decided to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem in May 2018, on the anniversary of Israel's declaration of independence in 1948. May 14th is the date and I love it! I'm so glad that President Donald J. Trump is keeping his word and doing what he promised to do in Israel. Others have given it lip service (including themuslimvileone and bullybob crooktOOn) but none of them delivered. President Donald J. Trump has not just mouthed the words, he's taking action! That's so wonderful! February 23, 2018   Fake News:   The crooktOOn news network (cnn) doesn't know how to stop and report the news without bias and without hatred of President Donald J. Trump and all who voted for him. In fact, they hate us so much that they got an elderly lady threatened and abused with the way they rdid their story, surprising her and accusing her of cooperating with the Russians in their alleged effort to influence the 2016 election. They even published her full name: "After CNN published her full name, the woman received waves of abuse and harassment, with CNN consumers calling her a 'stupid old hag,' a 'traitor,' a 'treasonous hillbilly,' 'ugly,' and 'racist trash.'cnn did this on purpose. Sweet, yes? Then they accused one of the school shooting survivors of lying about their "townhall" (even their PR people participated in calling him a liar) but the kid is standing strong and standing by the TRUTH. How do I know that what the kid said is the TRUTH? An adult has the same kind of experience with cnn: they want a certain story and if you're not willing to toe the line and do it there way, then they aren't interested in what you have to say. Personally, I believe the student and the adult who say that the cnn townhall was scripted based upon past incidents of cnn's bias and setting things up to have a specific outcome. They have a history that supports my belief in their setting this up as a scripted event. Remember the hillosercrooktOOn townhall event they arranged? Yeah. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That's why we keep having school shootings: we have not learned from history. We need to secure our schools with identity cards that are almost impossible to duplicate or fake, make every person who enters the property (not just the buildings, the grounds, too) have an identity card and use it to gain access, monitor with armed guards those entrances, have those guards on premises the whole time students are there (one guard per 500 students), and arm some of the teachers on a rotating basis so that no one will know which teacher is carrying that day. Make our schools safe this way and you won't have repeats of the horrors we've already experienced. February 23, 2018   Well, my hubby's home so I'm going to go. Have a great weekend and take care of yourselves. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 22, 2018: 12:13 p.m.: George Washington's Birthday:   The "celebration" for it is now "President's Day" (Which includes the worst prezidunce: themuslimvileone. How convenient that it was changed.), so today I choose to commemorate a good president, George Washington. We should always remember his birthday. February 22, 2018   Judicial Watch:   As usual, they are watching out for you. They have found out that the secretary who lied to her boss at the Veterans' Administration about a law suit against a veteran for putting a little flag on a V.A. property's fence and taking pictures of it, is now found to have lied to her boss about whether his wife could travel with him at taxpayer expense. The correct answer was "No!" but she lied to people and helped waste taxpayer dollars because the wife's air trip was covered by you and I: "Because [the secretary’s] actions may have violated criminal statutes, the OIG referred the matter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for criminal prosecution, but the agency decided to let it slide. This is typical of the dysfunctional manner in which government operates."#AskJeffSessions why he didn't prosecute a liar who was breaking the law and wasting taxpayer dollars. We need to stop this crud and we need to hold their feet to the fire. If we let everything slide, this administration -- at least the DOJ portion of it -- is no better than themuslimvileone's. That's bad! Judicial Watch is also reminds us to not give up hope that someday there may actually be a real investigation and accounting for the crooktOOns and that: "'FBI agents in the Arkansas capital, [John Solomon] wrote, 'have taken the lead' in a new Justice Department inquiry 'into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.'"Good! The American people need to know that there is no one - no one - in America who is "above the law". I don't care how "charming" bullybub is, nor how scary hilloser is. We need to hold the law in much higher esteem than either of them and we need to apply the laws to them just as to anyone living next door to you. If that can't be done, then we don't have a Representative Republic (which is what the Founding Fathers gave us), we have an oligarchy. That's not allowed in America. We should not let that stand. February 22, 2018   Fake News:   "Momma, he did it again!" (see second 26) cnn has been doing Fake News for a long time now, and they're not going to change when they have the opportunity to "Never let a serious crisis go to waste". They used the Broward County school shooting to advance their political agenda by planting "scripted" questions at their town hall and made sure that Conservatives's questions were disallowed. cnn: They make up the news, not report the truth. They also stand silently by as idiots jeer at a rape victim and her desire to have had a gun to protect herself from her attacker. Class act, cnn? Then, they attacked Gov. Rick Scott for not meeting with the students who showed up at his office, but they didn't say for quite a while why he didn't meet with them. He was at the coach's funeral who shielded students with his own body and died to save those kids. That's what the Fake News cnn forgot to mention. They need to go away. If they were dropped from every satellite dish list, every cable list and no one visited their internet pages, that would be good for America. I hope it happens soon. February 22, 2018   Was everyone in themuslimvileone's administration a crook? Were they all as corrupt as he is/was? Were they all out for nothing more than to destroy America as the Founding Fathers created her and to take as much taxpayer dollar with them as they left office as they could possibly get their hands on? Is that what happened not just with hillosercrooktOOn as she was SoS, but with her replacement, "I served in Vietnam" (then threw someone else's medals over the White House fence) ketchup kerry as he funneled MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to his daughter? Corruption and vice were rampant in themuslimvileone's administration. There has been ZERO agencies that have not been found to have been affected by the crookedness and idiocy of themuslimvileone and his appointees. There needs to be a complete wiping out of every appointee, hire, and devotee; fire them all and as they are fired, confiscate every file, electronic transmission, cell phone, computer, etc., etc., etc. so that we can find all of the crap they've done and file charges against them and all of their cronies. Everyone themuslimvileone hired needs to go. Everyone still loyal to themuslimvileone or the DNC needs to go. Fire them all. February 22, 2018   Social Media:   It's apparently not just the Dead Blue Bird that is struggling to keep people using it. They've burned their own feathers and lost users left, right, center, top, bottom, front and back. Duh. It looks like another "social media" platform is hurting as well; SnapChat has been taking a steady turn downward. With today's five second attention span social media platforms are rising and falling as quickly as one night stand (a.k.a. "hook up") pants. May as well call "social media" platforms "hook up forms". Social media has a more permanent ring to it, but there seems to be no permanency to it. February 22, 2018   lgbtq...wocnoiknconedcnalownecnewucnaoikdncowuencqwhecojnwcnudenfowncowecoqwefoujwo Right?:   There's finally getting to be voices of reason and logic, of medical truth and psychiatric reality hitting the topic of sexual identity disorders. Homosexuality, transgenderism, bisexuality, etc., are all political and anti-religious movements and are being pushed as an in your face "civil rights" movement. In reality, it's a moral issue and it's a movement that is angry at GOD and being pushed by some powerful people with a lot of money so that those people can make more money. Read the excellent article by Jennifer Bilek, "Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?" Think thevilegeorgesoros and others who stand to benefit financially from transgender medications needed to make "the change" and the prosthesis needs of those "becoming men" (their DNA still says otherwise), and their political ideals are pushed by these people so that they can have more power. Your kids are being used as a social experiment so that these heartless goons can make the almighty dollar. Scientific evidence shows that 80-95% of children with gender dysphoria (the desire to be a gender other than what they were born) is outgrown by "late adolescence" and that allowing children to start the transition is dangerous to their mental well-being: "A review of the current literature suggests that this protocol is founded upon an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the long-standing ethical principle of 'First do no harm.'"It's time that parents be parents and tell their confused, trying-to-fit-in child a firm, heartfelt, caring "NO!" to their cross-dressing, gender-bending and their desire to do something that will permanently damage themselves. It's time for parents to be parents. It's time for the word "No!" to be considered a good thing again and to be considered a LOVING WORD because you don't let your child go play in the middle of a busy airport runway nor do you let your child start hormone treatment therapies that will change their outward appearance but do nothing to change their hearts, minds, spirits, or souls. If your child is having difficulties dealing with their gender, help them by getting them to a Christian psychiatrist who will help them accept that they don't have to change their outward appearance - which is all any of this does - to be loved and accepted (non-Christian counselors may support their desires, not help them out of it). They need to change their souls and accept the way GOD made them, not change what basically amounts to a change of hair color. Nothing they can to do their outside appearance will change the way their hearts, minds and souls feel. Only Jesus can do that. They need to get right with the Lord and find their true identity in Him. There is hope and help for people struggling with their gender identity and there is at least one place to get that help. Don't go down the rabbit hole and don't take the blue pill. Trust GOD. He has the answers if you're willing to listen. February 22, 2018   Our U.S. Embassy in Montenegro was attacked but the only death was the attacker. The difference betweent themuslimvileone's administration and the Trump administration is palpable. Remember the BENGHAZI Four. February 22, 2018   February 22, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He's not a "Top Ten" prezidunce. That's what Matt Margolis writes and I agree wholeheartedly. themuslimvileone was the WORST prezidunce EVER. Period. End of story. No doubt about it. No questions asked. He tried his darndest to destroy America and everyone who loves her. He created more division than anyone I'm familiar with in the last two centuries (Margaret Sanger comes a close second). He was and remains to be a despicable monster whose loathing of America and the American way was clearly visible with all who had eyes to see. I hope the whole truth comes out one day about his hatred of America and that everything he has ever done to try to destroy her is found out and made public for all to see. I hope it happens within his lifetime so that he can see his legacy burn, and that his wifeypoo will be there to watch it, too. It's time thay have their comeuppance! February 22, 2018   I'm going to close for now. I'll see you later today for the Flag Friday posting and I'll try to post tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 21, 2018: 12:51 p.m.   R.I.P.:   The Reverend Billy Graham went to his eternal reward and entered the presence of GOD today. He's walking streets of gold, has no pain, is able to eat anything he wants without gaining an ounce, knows what it feels like to be in the presence of pure, unadulterated love, acceptance and grace. He is in a better place and is alive and well. I pray for his family's peace with this. I know they will miss him, but most will see him again ("most" because I don't know if everyone in his family has put their trust in the Lord) and will be able to rejoice in the Lord with him in heaven. Those who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior will see him there. Will you? February 21, 2018   The Broward County school shooting that happened last week is a tragedy and I am so sorry for those kids: survivors are hurting; witnesses are stunned, angered, depressed; their families mourning, angry, in disbelief that this could happen in their child's school. This didn't used to happen - especially with the frequency as it seems to be now happening. People are pushing gun control because of this shooting. They seem to forget whom to blame: the shooter and those who failed to act to prevent him from getting the chance. The FBI dropped the ball at every turn, local law enforcement failed to act, as did his parents or grandparents. The biggest culprit in this besides the shooter himself, though, to my way of thinking is the ACLU's lawsuit that prevents the involuntary institutionalization of those with mental diseases because the mentally ill have rights, too. No one is denying that they have rights, too, but it is NOT wise policy to approve of dangerously mentally ill people roaming our streets and not being able to do anything about it because of the ACLU's interference. The blood of those seventeen young people falls on the feet of the shooter, the FBI and their dropped ball, and the ACLU for their original law suit that started this train down the wrong track. The ACLU MUST bear some of the blame. February 21, 2018   Sigh. The Conservative CPAC conference is always such a drama. It's always this person said this, that person said that, the other person said... Yadayadayada. It's getting on my nerves. Why can't they start organizing the thing with the idea that all non-violent Conservative voices are welcome and can be heard? Why should Milo cause consernation, or Pamela Geller's free speech panel be cancelled because it has a certain writer on it when it's all about Conservative issues but the organizers sometimes seem to think that Conservative issues are only the issues they agree with, and the same beliefs they have. A Conservative organization should have a bigger tent than their own ideas. I don't agree with every Conservtive on everything (witness my disassociating with glenn beck - whom I no longer consider a Conservative), but if I were to go to an event that he was going to be speaking at one of the several meeetings organized for it, I would just avoid that particular meeting, not want it cancelled. People can go and listen and find out for themselves how wrong or right the speakers are, they don't need me to prevent a speaker to protect them or their ideas. I believe people are strong enough to come here and read opposing viewpoints from their own, and if they stay and read, they may learn something, may decide to hate me and totally disagree with everything I say, think, believe and do, or they may just shrug and totally dismiss my site. That's all fine with me! That doesn't mean that I have to shut those people down. They have the right to think me a "horrible woman"; and I have the right to consider their disdain a badge of honor. February 21, 2018   I have to admit that I don't trust this guy and although I know he's Pres. Donald J. Trump's (still love saying that) son-in-law, that doesn't mean that I believe he deserves special treatment. It's not a good thing to have a lefty as a Conservative White House advisor. He needs to be heard as a son-in-law, but not as an advisor. He'll still have Daddy-in-Law's ear because Pres. Trump loves his daughter, Ivanka, and as her hubby, kushner would always be welcome unless he mistreated Ivanka. (Then he'd have a really bad life because I'm sure that Pres. Trump would do everything he could to make kushner pay.) For some reason, I just don't trust the guy. I don't like his politics, his associations, his friends. His desires are too far left for my tastes. I can't trust him. February 21, 2018   Will the peace plan for Israel and Palestine work? Ambassador Nikki Haley hopes so. It's a long, hard road to try to make "peace" between the two because Palestinians do not want peace. They want to annihilate Israel, wipe it off the map, kill all Jews and then take the land that is now Israel. That's why it's so difficult to broker peace between the two. When one does not want peace, it's difficult to get them to swallow it. February 21, 2018   LOL!:   I think this is hysterical! Anti-Trump folks now need his endorsement. How the worm turns (It burns! It burns!)! Too funny. February 21, 2018   Double Standards:   I think it's quite telling that a female CaliMarxiFornia state representative refuses to resign after the #MeToo worm turned against her and at least two male staffers accused her of sexual misconduct. Sexual harrassment can only happen one way: male to female, but females are not capable of sexual harrassment? Is that it? Is it like racism only being something that "white people" (peach base tones with rosy accents) can do? Yeah. When you set "standards" that only apply to one group of people then you are a hypocrite and there is no standard. But that's what the left does all the time. February 21, 2018   Do you count calories so that you can lose weight? New study says don't do that. It's quality food not quantity, they say now. It's neither. Read "My Biblical View of Food" and you'll understand food much better than any study they can come up with. February 21, 2018   Mr. Mercury has had a wild ride in Denver, Colorado! The temperature went down 72 degrees in forty hours! That's summer weather to very wintery temps very quickly! I am jealous. Do they get snow today? If so, I'm even more jealous. February 21, 2018   I agree with Pres. Donald J. Trump: #AskJeffSessoins why the dumboRATS and themuslimvileone are not under investigation for all of the alleged "Russian tampering" in our elections. Also ask him why hillosercrooktOOn is not facing charges yet for her handling of our national security e-mails and secrets. #AskJeffSessions why he isn't doing the right thing and pressing charges against her and her boss. I think that's something that needs to be done. February 21, 2018   We don't want "No Go Zones" in America but if we allow unfettered immigration as the EU has done, we'll have just that. We don't want canabalistic immigrants and we don't want to be have to avoid certain areas to stay safe. That's not acceptable in America. February 21, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   Apparently google loves Planned AbortionHood because they like to protect the via placing in "Restricted Mode" videos that tell the truth about them. That includes this video by PragerU that was restricted for a while, until a petition garnered more than 450,000 signatures and then google made it available again. The whole LIE of Planned AbortionHood giving "medical services" besides abortions is a LIE. It's a deception that you need to be aware of. You need to know the TRUTH and you need to be able to spread the TRUTH! "Find The Truth!" and it shall set you free! February 21, 2018   Dead Blue Bird:   An ex-executive for the poor dead thing says it was "built on a Fisher-Price infrastructure" (LOL!) and that it's an "a[hem]-backward tech company". Tell us something we don't know. February 21, 2018   pelosipig:   Let's hope that she just goes away, not just loses her leadership role. She needs to retire, be retired by her constituency, or whatever it takes to make her stop faking representation of her constituents. I can't imagine anyone hiring her in the mental state she's in, nor keeping her on in her present medical situation. If you owned a company would you hire her after all of her medical problems? She needs to retire and take care of herself instead of desperately holding onto the power she loves so dearly. February 21, 2018   Yes, I missed yesterday's posting because I was still in Georgia at the farm. We didn't get as much done as I had hoped because I stumbled over something and fell and bruised my shoulder and hip. It was not fun, but I still managed over 6,000 steps the next day. I was hurting but I did it. What we didn't get done is the stuff that took more lifting, more reaching, and that sort of thing. I have to put bedroom three together with the bed frame that was in one of the sheds and we're ordering a mattress for it so that it can act as a daybed in our game room and a guest room. We still have to finish putting the "utility closet" area together where we removed the upright freezer in the utility room and we're going to hang coats and put dirty shoes when we come in and hang our broom and mop. We have to get some new pots and pans (the dishes, silverware and glasses I ordered are here or on their way) and get the shelf paper down for those areas. We got the mouse problem under control and haven't seen any signs of mice inside for the last three visits, which is good. We still have some land clearing we want to get done on seven of the acres, some trimming and mowing to do, and that sort of thing outside, but that's a slow process and we'll get there. We have to get that done before we can clean up the pond and rebuild it. The shooting range is going to be built before summertime, and the picnic pavillion will be done when we do the pond. We'll get the master bathroom redone after everything else is set and complete. I have some paintings to do for it, too, as well as other decorating odds and ends. So we'll do all of that but not before my March "Girl's Weekend" with my mom, sister and aunt, which is what we're focusing our efforts on right now. Next time we go up I won't fall and we'll be able to do more. Sorry about missing yesterday, but we had the chance to stay and do more, so we did. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 16, 2018: 12:46 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is a free verse poem and I hope you like "Tribute To Our Heroes 359: Marian's Song". May it help someone. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! If all works out as planned, we'll be going to Georgia this weekend and our son will be here to take care of things and feed the cat. This means I won't be doing updates or blurbs for Friday. It also means I won't be doing updates on President's Day because it's a three day weekend and my hubby's off and we'll be up there until late afternoon Monday plus the ride back means a night time return. We'll have internet only through our new vehicle (and if the Wi-Fi hotspot works but we'll see about that) so no updates until Tuesday at the earliest. I hope you have a great weekend! See you Tuesday (I hope). Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 15, 2018: 11:01 a.m.:   I will do just a few blurbs today because I have to go out and take some Flag Friday pictures. I've run out and I'm in need of fresh stock, so I'll drive around Port St. John and get some more pics of more flags in people's yards, or on their houses. I like that PSJ is so patriotic and I can depend on it to give me new flag shots. Once I use everything PSJ has to offer I'll have to head north or south to the rest of Brevard and that will take more thought. I don't know the ins and outs of Cocoa or a lot of Titusville. I don't know where all of the housing developments are nor how many of them are "deed restricted" and don't allow flag poles or flags to be displayed at all. PSJ doesn't have that problem and I'm glad. I could never live in a deed restricted community. I hate the thought of anyone telling me what I can or cannot do with anything I own. Either I own it and can decide for myself what to do with it, or I only have possession of it and someone else tells me that I can use it this way, that way, or the other way; or I can or cannot do "X" with it. It's ridiculous that anyone else gets to tell you what to do with your property. Deed restricted communities need to be banished from a free country! Anyways, I digress. I will do a few blurbs then go get some Flag Friday pics so I can post tonight's pic and poem. February 15, 2018   I agree with Tom Fitton, of Judicial Watch, that we need to know what themuslimvileone knew about the "Russian dossier" and when did he know about it, as well as what he did with it. I believe he knew all along that it was being done, it was all a lie and that the DNC and hillosercrooktOOn paid for it as well as had input into what went into it. I think it was collusion between the leaders of the left that got that whole thing done and used against Pres. Donald J. Trump. I also believe that the FISA judge was shopped and that they chose to submit the "Russian dossier" very carefully so that they would be certain to not be laughed out of his/her chambers. Remember, the first time they asked for a FISA warrant it was denied. Then they went and put this piece of garbage known as the "Russian dossier" together and - voila! - it was magically delicious! The fact is, themuslimvileone was cooperating with the dirty tricks of the hillosercrooktOOn campaign because if she lost his history of using the IRS's power, the DO[IN]J, the FBI, etc., as weapons against Conservatives and Christians would be fully known and that, too, would help ruin what he considered his legacy. "Fundamentally transforming America" was his goal and he did what he had to do to try to conver America into a Marxist police state! February 15, 2018   My condolences and prayers to the people of Broward County after the horrific school shooting there. I wish the FBI had been more careful with their investigation prior to the shooting and that the perp had been prevented from carrying out his threat/promise. This could have been prevented. themuslimvileone so politicized the FBI that they have failed to do their real jobs in favor of spying on Americans instead of protecting them. This lies at the feet of themuslimvileone and the FBI. February 15, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I'm wondering if illegals being warned about Florida arrests are actually being arrested and deported, or are they being arrested and released? That's what I want to know. If they are being arrested and deported, hurray! If, on the other hand, they're being arrested and released back into the same community, that's wrong. They should be deported and only deported; not just moved from city to city to city. Let's actually kick them out of our country and keep them out! February 15, 2018   Hubby's home for lunch. Going to go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 14, 2018: 11:45 a.m.: Valentine's Day:   Happy Valentine's Day! I have missed the last two days because I got involved in other things. I did a few "Spring Cleaning" projects, switched a few things around and found out I have more table cloths than I realized; but that's good because I now have two tables to put cloths on (One here and one at our Georgia farm.). I also found out I have more cloth napkins than I realized, but some of those will go up north, too. Anyways, I hope you're having a great Valentine's Day so far. I got my present already and my hubby got his yesterday. We're treating each other very well for this Valentine's Day, and got great presents! Anyways, let's get started. Febraury 14, 2018   I like that people are trying to "Find The Truth!" along with Judicial Watch and a few other orgnizations. I'm glad that BuzzFeed is suing the DNC to get to the truth and find out about the DNC's part in the "Russian dossier". It's time that the dumboRATS be held accountable for the lies they've been participating in, the lies they spread about the Donald J. Trump candidacy (and presidency) and the lies they tell daily about anything and everything (even things that do them no good to lie about!) and it's time they have to stand and face their lies and have to suffer the consequences for them. It's time to stop the dumboRAT party lies! February 14, 2018   Woopsie! Things like this don't stay covered up forever. "When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas" is the old saying, which is what Rep. keith ellison is learning. Associating with loudmouth louis farrakhan is not a good look for a U.S. Representative. It reeks of racist idiologies, Islamic sympathies and lying to his constituents since "Ellison has repeatedly promised the public that he left Farrakhan in the past."If he's "left Farrakhan in the past" why is he still going to meetings Farrakhan holds, still accepting his phone calls, etc.? Is that what a good representative does: lie to you? February 14, 2018   Deep State Lies:   When the head of the Veteran's Administration asks you a question, should anyone be allowed to LIE to their boss and get away with it, without being fired? I don't think they should. It shouldn't happen, in particular, when it pertains to a U.S. military veteran being prosecuted for hanging a little flag on the fence of the VA in Los Angeles. Everyone who participated in the LIE that sought to put a veteran in prison: "high level VA officials responsible for gathering facts about a case for the agency’s secretary instead circulated serious falsehoods."They should ALL be fired: everyone who helped with that LIE or any other falsehoods to their boss should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY. I strongly suggest they not only be fired, but that they be held financially responsible for the guy's legal expences. It's time the left/progressives/left find out that lying will not go unpunished! February 14, 2018   Las Vegas Shooting:   It's no surprise to me that there ares till unanswered questions surrounding this thing. It's taken too long to get the few "answers" we do have, but how reliable are those answers? "three experts agreed the report sidestepped many issues surrounding the shooting. 'There a lot of inconsistencies that just don’t line up with the narrative,'"Maybe we'll have the truth about Vegas in a year or two. Whenever it does come out I still believe they will find that he had help. I don't believe he acted alone. February 14, 2018   pelosipig:   LOL! LOL! LOL! Too funny! The "Crubs Act" is introduced and it will allow any bonuses given to workers in 2018 to have $2,500 of it be tax free! Remember when pelosipig said the Republican tax cut was "crumbs"? She did this after praising themuslimvileone's $40 tax cut. She's not very good at math, is she? She's such an idiot. February 14, 2018   romneybus:   Oh, NO! He has decided that he's going to run for the U.S. Senate and try to replace retiring Orrin Hatch. We don't need him in the Senate because then he'll run for prezidunce. I don't trust him after I saw his last preziduncial run. I don't think he's what America needs. I think he's a RINO; a well-intentioned RINO, but a RINO, nonetheless. I don't believe he'd be good for America. Let's not do this. February 14, 2018   I saw Shaun White drag the American flag on the snow after his win, and when he did so I yelled at the television, "Get the flag off the ground! Pick up the flag! Don't drag it on the ground!" I knew he couldn't hear me, but I couldn't help but yell at the television for what he was doing. My mom was on the phone with me at the time and she understood what I was doing but was a little surprised by it. I think that if an Olympian wins I understand the emotion and that they may not be intentionally disrespecting the flag, but if a coach or anyone on the American team - handlers, parents, etc. - see it happening, they need to step in and immediately correct the faux pas. It's not a good thing to drag our American flag on the snow, step on it, or burn it. I don't like that at all. I know it's free speech but that doesn't mean that I have to watch Olympians drag our flag on the ground! I have watched Shaun White since he was much younger while he competed in the "X Games" and I used to think they were crazy (now I just think they're a lot more gutsy than I). Now that he's an Olympian (and has been for a few Olympics now), I still like him, but he's not going to get my support if I see him do that again. Our flag means more to me than any Olympian. February 14, 2018   Illegal Alien Invasion:   First, a "top" immigration attorney has been stealing identities and using them to get credit cards he then uses for himself. Isn't that sweet? Can't trust anyone nowadays, can you? Second, another leftist/progressive/liberal "judge" rules against Pres. Trump's deporting DACA "dreamers". It's an idiot judge who rules that way. The President has every right to set immigration policy: themuslimvileone did, why not President Donald J. Trump? February 14, 2018   PC Puke:   It's officially gone too far. Now the idiotic NYT is figuring out whether white children can wear "Black Panther" mask. It's not just idiotic, it's ridiculous. Of course they can! How many black kids have worn Spiderman, Superman, etc., masks in their lifetimes? It's ridiculous! We've gone a few steps too far in the PC world. Time to run it around. February 14, 2018   If you hate a political person you don't go after his/her family! That's going way too far! If you hate Pres. Donald J. Trump, you don't go after his son and his son's family! Whoever sent the "white powder" to Donald J. Trump, Jr., should go to prison and for a very long time so that anyone else thinking about doing something like that will be discouraged. It is not right. It is not acceptable. It is wrong in every way. February 14, 2018   Did you see the official "portraits" of themuslimvileone and his wifeypoop? They're hideous! They're so bad that people are taking every opportunity to poke fun and laugh at them. The "artists" were themuslimvileone's and his wifeypoop's choice, and they should have chosen better. They prove yet again how stupid they are. February 14, 2018   msm traitors:   The msm here is so busy making a fuss over a brutal murdering woman that they forget the country she murders for is still holding three Americans prisoner under unthinkable conditions and tortured at least one of them into a "confession" of espionage! What are the msm traitors thinking? (Are they thinking?) It's a disgusting spectacle to see the msm kiss her butt because she has been "smiling" (as though that's so unusual for the N. Korean people? Bigoted much?) while ignoring the truth about N. Korea and how they treat their people. If smiling makes them ignore this sort of brutality against the people they rule over, why isn't Pres. Donald J. Trump being praised? He smiles a lot. February 14, 2018   I Stand With Israel:   I think the reason - one of the reasons - operatives in Israel are targeting Bibi Netanyahu is because he and Pres. Donald J. Trump seem to be on the same wavelength. That's why they are trying to push Netanyahu out of office with what appears to be false charges. I really hope they don't succeed. I don't know who the PC crowd over there have waiting in the wings to take his place, but it will be a grave mistake to put someone without a spine in there right now. I hope Netanyahu beats them and keeps his office. He is what Israel needs right now. February 14, 2018   The stock market may have been artificially manipulated into losing so much in the last two weeks. Would it surprise you? February 14, 2018   Since it is Valentine's Day, I thought it may be of interest to you to read the "History of Valentine's Day" I also thought that you might be interested in how much GOD LOVES YOU (Source: Joseph Prince Online ). For more that will tell you of GOD's LOVE for YOU, check out Joseph Prince's message here. GOD LOVES YOU and on this Valentine's Day I want you to know that. February 14, 2018   I'll close with that. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 9, 2018: 12:10 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 358: War's Tools". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today, if all goes as planned. February 9, 2018: 2:02 p.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   Is anyone surprised that, as SoS, she allowed a radical Islamic "scholar" BACK into America has been jailed in France for rape? Well, DUH! She didn't care about the safety of America and Americans, all she cared about as SoS was how to milk the position for money for her "foundation" (slush fund for her and bullybob) so she can live high on the hog. The creep is also accused of "seducing" teenage girls while he was their teacher in Geneva, Switzerland. Nice guy hillosercrooktOOn chose to allow into America, yes? "Secretary of State [hillosercrooktOOn], a self-proclaimed women’s rights activist (her [hillosercrooktOOn] for America policy included confronting violence against women and has a section on sexual assault) went to bat for Ramadan."She's such a liar. She only cares about her two gods: Power and Money. Other than that, I think she'd even sell her grandkids for a couple million. Remember her e-mail scandal? Now we find out that the FBI "missed" e-mails marked "Classified" that were on her private server. "Missed"? Really? Their eyes just didn't see them, or they covered them up for as long as they possibly could? This is so bad that even Trump-hater, and disgraced FBI agent, strvok, wrote: "'Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks (C) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this,' he texted."I tried to find out what "ICIG" means but it must be higher than other security clearances because it wasn't even listed on the State Deptartment's search results page, nor on the FBI's security clearance FAQ page. If hillosercrooktOOn was putting that on her unsecured server that sounds to me like she needs to be in prison. She put our national security at risk by using that server and she needs to pay the price for her lawlessness. She knew the rules because she was briefed on them before she took office. She chose to break the rules because she has never been made to play by the same rules the rest of us do. She needs to be in prison for the rest of her life. She committed TREASON. February 9, 2018   Judicial Watch:   I am grateful for this organization because they love to "Find The Truth!" That's what they are after with their latest lawsuit, trying to find out if crumby comey coordinated with the FBI before testifying before Congress: "'Mr. Comey seems to have protected status for any misconduct and we want to know if he had a special deal for his book from his friends in the FBI,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 'The Deep State is in cover-up mode. The FBI, DOJ, and the Special Counsel are stonewalling our requests for Comey documents.'"The lefties/progressives/liberals (and comey is one) all work the same way: LIE, LIE, LIE and if you get caught stall until you can figure out a way to get out of admitting the LIES. That's the left's M.O. Look at every lefty in power and you'll see that I tell you the truth. February 9, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   Fact is, he's more accessible to the press than themuslimvileone ever dreamed of being. He is more transparent than the administration that promised to be the "most transparent" administration. Well, themuslimvileone's lips were moving so that, of course, means he was lying. February 9, 2018   thevilegeorgesoros:   He is spending his money to buy wins and people. Without his backing Rep. adam schiff would not have been in office. He's been funding attorneys general, allowing him "to influence local criminal justice policies all across the country"Sounds to me like he's trying to buy power across America and in doing so he's buying a country. The question becomes, to what end? Why would he want to own America? Or, at least, why would he want to be able to have that kind of control over America and the rules of criminal justice and the House and Senate? What is he after? Do you trust him? February 9, 2018   PRO-LIFE!:   Iowa! I love ya'! The Iowa state Senate voted to pass a bill that criminalizes abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected on an ultrasound, which usually happens about 6-9 weeks after conception. This would mean that anyone performing an abortion after an ultrasound that showed a baby's heart beating would face "a Class D felony and subject to five years in prison and a fine of $750 to $7,500."That's excellent! The baby should not pay the price for what the daddy did. The baby and mom are innocent, but the mom used to be able to choose to punish the baby, too. That's not right. Punishing an innocent baby is not the answer. It's not the baby's fault. It's the daddy's doing, and the baby should not pay the price for something it had no control over. I'm hoping that this bill actually gets signed into law. That would be step one and I bet you the feminazi warriors (who look like they've lost a lot of battles) will mob Iowa with protest marches and lawsuits to try to stop Iowa from self-governance concerning protection of a baby's life. They hate babies that much. February 9, 2018   The lgbtq gestapo is at it again. It's okay for a churh to offer biblical counseling to teenage girls confused about their sexuality and wanting to talk about it. The Bible has better answers than "If it feels good, do it!" which is what the lgbtq people want you to do. The problem with that counseling is that when it comes to doing the right thing sexually, it's not as "exciting" as doing the wrong things. People addicted to pornography have a porn problem because they get caught up in the excitement of doing the wrong thing. It's a high, an adrenalin rush, and that leads to addiction. The fear of being caught, the naughtiness of the rule breaking, the thrill of seeing/doing what you sholdn't, all lead to addiction. Ask a thief why he keeps stealing and he'll say because "it's a rush". Same with homosexuality and other sexual confusions: it's a rush. Going where the parents don't want you to go, where you know that the GOD of the Bible says not to go, where social norms and your deepest heart acknowledge that it's not right; that is better handled by words from the Bible than by the crap that the world and lgbtq people will counsel. I see nothing wrong with biblical counseling as long as it doesn't go to physical or psychological abuse. February 9, 2018   themuslimvileone:   His Do[IN]J was so corrupt and politicized that Jack Crowe of The Daily Caller made a list of ways themuslimvileone used it as a political tool. Some of the examples: "Fast And Furious" "DOJ’s Community Relations Service Provided Security For Racial Protests"That's just three items on the list. Read the whole list and their explanations at The Daily Caller. It'll make your head spin. February 9, 2018   When will the investigation start into the Warner collusion with Russia stuff? After all, he was in touch with a Russian oligarch's aide for a while. When does Warner have to go testify in front of Congress about the things he told Russia via his contacts with his Russian friend? Hmmm? Lefty hypocrisy again? February 9, 2018   February 9, 2018   Michelle Malkin writes a compelling article about Daniel Holtzclaw's flawed conviction and his loss of parole. This guy is innocent and those who put him in jail need to be fired and pay retribution. This is an injustice to the "nth" degree. He needs to be freed. February 9, 2018   That's enough for today. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 8, 2018: 2:06 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have things to do, so let's start with a better understanding of the way our national budget is handled. Dr. Walter E. Williams writes "Let's Limit Spending" and it is well worth your reading (as is everything Dr. Williams writes). He is so very, very good and he has an admirable brain and knows how to use it (very rare nowadays). Read it. You will learn something. February 8, 2018   #ReleaseTheMemo:   We've now seen the Nunes memo, and the "Russian dossier", now we have the Grassley FISA memo and according to the author, Guy Benson, it's much more troublesome to the dumboRATS and hillosercrooktOOn and themuslimvileone's whole administration than is the Nunes memo. Read what you can of it (it's redacted) and see what you think of it. Do you think it's "more damning" than the Nunes memo? February 8, 2018   The clown at themuslimvileone's DO[IN]J is stepping down for "personal reasons" and leaving the DO[IN]J. Good! I hope he has to hire an attorney to help him get through the upcoming attorney for obstruction of justice and being too much of a hillosercrooktOOn fan to make her abide by the same laws we have to! I hope he goes to prison with hillosercrooktOOn and that they both - along with about fifty other dumboRATS and FBI/DOJ/DHS/NSA/ETC employees) stay there forever. They deserve nothing less. February 8, 2018   MAGA:   There are even MORE companies giving raises, bonuses, etc., to their employees since the Republican -- not a single dumboRAT voted for it -- tax cuts. Here's another list of companies blessing their employees. That's excellent! Maybe now we'll see the public realize that tax cuts are good things, not bad. Let's hope it makes a difference in their lives (as keeping more of their money should) and that they see that the Republicans did this for them. Maybe we'll see them vote Republican in the upcoming midterms. Wouldn't that be nice? February 8, 2018   Isn't this convenient? The former DHS Cybersecurity Chief says that Russia did hack into some voter rolls, a very small number of them, but that she didn't think any of them were changed. Perfect timing for the dumboRATS pushing the Russian collusion and election interference story, correct? Three things about this:
February 8, 2018   January's unemployment numbers are out and the U6 unemployment number stands at 8.2%., while the U3 rate is 4.1%. That's really good. The U3 number hasn't been that low since December of 2000. The U6 number first hit again in Dec. of last year (higher than the Oct. low of 7.9%), and prior to that since March of 2007. That's the whole eight years of themuslimvileone without numbers this low and he still tries to paint his preziduncy as good for America? He doesn't understand the word "good", does he? February 8, 2018   I agree with Sen. Rand Paul. Bring our troops home and then throw a parade for them. Bring them home. Let the Middle East destroy itself then we can go in and take the oil fields over and have nothing to do but say, "Hey. Losers weepers." (That's going to trigger so many snowflakes!) February 8, 2018   I'm not surprised the Senate budget has nothing in it to fund the border wall. That's mitch mcCONnell, in a nutshell: no courage and not doing the right thing. He needs to fund the wall. They spend a phenominal amount of money but don't spend it in the right places and ways. It's not all bad; they fund our military. Otherwise, it's mostly a pile of stink. February 8, 2018   Idiot dumboRATS have been crying "Impeach Trump!" since election night, 2016. It's not something they're willing to give up on, although they've got nothing to impeach him on besides "We don't like him!" and "He hurt our feelings!" (Crybabies.) They're using that rally call to waste their time and money -- which will lead to wasting taxpayers' time and money if they have their way -- and hired fifty people to help with the impeachment push. To me, that's disgusting. That's also quite desperate. Poor babies. They didn't win. That must mean that someone cheated because they didn't win. It was theirs. It was all theirs. They had the perfectly flawed candidate and they knew that the world awaited the first prezidunce with a vagina. It was in the bag. But, wait! They lost! This can't be! Oh, no! What went wrong?! Wasn't a vagina enough!? Who cares what is attached to the vagina!? Who cares what the flaws, attitudes, personality and proclivities of the person attached to the vagina were? It was a vagina! It was supposed to win! The world wanted the vagina! It was time! But they lost. The vagina lost. It made them all lose their minds. What power a vagina has. February 8, 2018   I'll close with that. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 7, 2018: 2:22 p.m.   #ReleaseTheMemo:   We've heard all about the memo and now they've released it, but what about what the memo was about? Do you know anything about it? How would you like to read the "Russia dossier"? Well, here's the Russian dossier in PDF format. Read the lies that we now know that hillosercrooktOOn PAID FOR THE DOSSIER and the Devin Nunes memo proves this. There is also speculation that she not only paid for the dossier but also helped put things in there, wrote it in part. As I've said before, she probably wrote most of it and used bullybob's proclivities to base the most twisted allegations on her own hubby's activities. We also now know that themuslimvileone was kept abreast of everything she did. He likes lying so much he wanted to be in on the lies against candidate Donald J. Trump, too. SMH. There's a timeline of this illegal action by hillosercrooktOOn and it may rock your world. Read it. "Find The Truth!" You'll have to find it because you won't get it from the left! February 7, 2018   If people in Phoenix, AZ, want to make the power company fix their plant they need to stand behind the woman leading the charge, as well as put heat on the high cost law firm who is helping the power company, Salt River Project, get away with NOT fixing the plant for years. I wonder if the high cost law firm is full of dumboRATS or Republicans? Hmmmm.... Jennings Strouss should be held responsible along with the Salt River Project if anything goes wrong and people get hurt. I'd love to see them held accountable for aiding and abetting before the fact. February 7, 2018   pelosipig:   Babbling on behalf of illegal aliens invading our nation. She babbles so long and (so poorly) that she even puts her fellow dumboRATS to SLEEP! pelosipig knows which side of the bread her mansion's garden and cleaning are buttered on or she wouldn't be wanting to keep all of the illegals in the nation. If they were costing her money she'd be ready, willing and able to get rid of them. But, no. She believes they will vote for her if she can help keep them in America. She hasn't any guarantees, but that's how the dumboRATS think: anyone they can bribe with programs paid for by YOUR money is going to vote for them. Or at least that is what they believe. I wish she would retire. We'd all be better off. February 7, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   We know that she used an illegal server while SoS and that she knew it was illegal because she was briefed by security personnel before she entered office. We also know that she had top secret designated e-mails on that server. We also know that she knew her e-mails were on an illegal server and since themuslimvileone wrote to her there, we know he knew it was illegal as well. In other words, anything illegal hillosercrooktOOn did was fine with themuslimvileone and he did a lot of it, too. They both consider themselves above the law and they both need to be in the federal penitentiary for the rest of their lives. February 7, 2018   Totally jealous. I want! February 7, 2018   Deep State:   More e-mails were released from those between Strvok and his mistress, Lisa Page, and they prove that both of them hated Trump. (Too bad, Pres. Donald J. Trump won anyways.) It's disgusting that themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn led this kind of "government" (read: Dictatorship). They could have and should have been so much more. Now we need to clear the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, DHS, etc., of all of the traitors who have participated in this sort of thing and broken the law to help a political party instead of putting the law first and their personal political beliefs last. They need to go! February 7, 2018   BitCoin:   I've said it's all smoke and mirrors, a promise without a basis, value based on someone's hopes, etc., but now, someone else is saying that they and other cryptocurrencies will fail and they may be replaced by other cryptocurrencies, but those will be a slippery slope, too. If I give you a rock from my front yard and tell you it's value is $100,000 and you go get it tested by a gemologist and find out it's just a rock does that mean that my word will be good enough to make you give me $100,000? Or will that valuation that I give you be enough to make others want a rock from my front yard and pay me a fantastic amount of money, too? No? Same with BitCoin. It's a hoax based on a promise made up from a daydream. If you believe in that sort of thing I have a plant that will cure pseudohypertoxicosisloxiasemiapraxis, too. (There's no such thing.) February 7, 2018   No. This is something we don't need. We don NOT need a eric holder preziduncy. He was a bad, horrible, lawless A.G.. We don't need him as a second themuslimvileone! February 7, 2018   MAGA:   The Republican tax cut is still being felt in a positive way in that yet another company gives bonuses to its employees. The list is over 300 now and it's growing. I wonder when the left will realize that tax cuts help people and start pushing for tax cuts on a regular basis. Oh! Wnat was I thinking. The left can't do that! It would be too Conservative, too Reaganesque, too Republican, too RIGHT. Sorry. Momentary lapse. It won't happen again. February 7, 2018   Too Funny!:   The dumboRAT who is trying to get more face time (I'm thinking he's wanting to make himself a recognizable figure for a future preziduncial run: Can you imagine?) has found his face being recognized as a foolish one. Rep. adam schiff fell for a prank played by Russian comedians. Stupidity shows no matter how hard dumboRATS try to hide it. February 7, 2018   themuslimvileone:   He has American blood on his hands via the Fast & Furious program, BENGHAZI, terrorist attacks he helped happen via his immigration programs, his orders to our troops to not fire first in Afghanistan and Iraq, etc., etc., etc. The opioid epidemic is also laid at his feet in a Senate Homeland Security Committee report. Is anyone surprised? February 7, 2018   This is how it should be. America is selling oil to the Middle East. How sweet it is! February 7, 2018   We need to stop associating with the murderous tyrant of Syria, Bashar Al Assad, because he continues to use chemical weapons against his own people. He's a horrible excuse for a human being that only GOD can love and he needs to be either brought to his knees before Christ to repent of his sins and change his soul and actions, or he needs to be sent to his judgement day where he'll find out how much he harmed his people, his soul and his eternity. February 7, 2018   I'll make this my last linked blurb for today. I have a guess as to what hillosercrooktOOn is going to do with the next four years (if she surivives that long). I think she's going to try to go the route that algore went, into the "Climate Change" scaremonger category and she will try to make huge dollars off of scaring people into giving to her foundation again so that they can help fight "global warming" in which "women will pay the highest price" (of course). She'll do anything but sell her body to get the almighty dollar (her god) and the only reason she won't be selling her body anytime soon (besides to science after she's finished with it) is that no one would want it. She's going to do her darndest to milk the "global warming" LIE for all it's worth so that, like algore, she can go places, be "important", and milk money out of the rich and famous. Money makes the crooktOOns go 'round, after all. February 7, 2018   Did you see the launch last night? I saw it from my back yard and got this pic of Space X Heavy's launch. It was a lot quieter than I expected and I barely heard the two sonic booms of re-entry. It was a beautiful launch, though, and I hope that it does make launching cheaper, safer and better for our space program. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 6, 2018: 1:25 p.m.   Well, I didn't get to do regular updates on Friday because my hubby had enough hours accrued during the previous four days to come home at lunchtime and stay home. I like that. Anyways, we had a great afternoon and enjoyed the time together. The weekend went well, getting my Valentine's Day present a little early and getting things done around the house. I hope you enjoyed the weekend, too. Yesterday I got involved in a project and didn't get updtes done. Sorry about that. Here I am today, so let's get started. February 6, 2018   It's time to take Amtrak off the rails and do a detailed inspection of all of the trains, every car, every engine, every inch of rail. We don't need anymore loss of life nor anything like this train falling apart to cause even more deaths. It's time to take Amtrak offline and get serious about its safety. It's also time to stop funding it with taxpayer dollars! We need to stop the trains so that incidents like the Georgia derailment, the SC Amtrak/CSX collision (being blamed on CSX but who knows?), and the other Amtrak crashes that happened in the last few months! It's time to get this thing off the taxpayer dime and held accountable. February 6, 2018   Judicial Watch:   I love this organization and I'm so glad they're suing the DOJ to get the Russia "collusion" FISA docs. When - not if - they get the documents we will be able to see what the lefties/progressives/liberals/crooktOOn camp used to get the (complicit?) FISA judge to give them permission to spy on candidate Donald J. Trump's campaign and workers. I bet ya' they will find that the crooktOOns used so many lies (they know how to do nothing else) that it will blow even some lefties' minds. It will be nothing but a bunch of "What? They got a wiretap warrant with that? That's not evidence! That's gossip! That's hearsay! That's a crock!" It's time the crooktOOns were held accountable for their illegal deeds. It's time they learn they are NOT above the law. It's time themuslimvileone learn the same lesson and when (not IF, when) they find out that themuslimvileone was complicit in this illegal act (and others) they will try their darndest to cover it up. Watch all hades break loose when Judicial Watch gets those documents. The left will spin faster than they've ever spun before! I can hardly wait for their foot to fall off the pedal and they come crashing down on the bar (if you know what I mean). February 6, 2018   Shades of Hawaii's nuclear warning! Tsunami? Really? A practice tsunami warning was supposed to be sent out but some of the people who received it got a real, not practice, warning. Some people along the east coast and gulf coast received real warnings and panicked. I don't know what happened there, but bill deblasio laughed it off. Can you imagine? Why are all of these false warnings happening now? Note that this never happened under themuslimvileone, or if it did, it was hushed up very well by the msm and never reported on. Why now? February 6, 2018   FISA Memo Wars:   LOL! dumboRATS are so stupid. They accuse the Republicans of having sources and methods in their memo, but the reality is that the dumboRAT memo has to be redacted because they have sources and methods in the dumboRAT memo! dumboRATS are such hypocrites. They need to get a grip and stop lying to America! They've found out that some of the people involved in the BENGHAZI cover up were also involved in the "Russia collusion dossier". That tells you how much of a LIE the whole dossier is. We know at least part of the TRUTH about BENGHAZI, and that truth is that crooktOOn was Secretary of State at the time and she and themuslimvileone both failed to act to protect the Americans in our embassy there. They didn't do squat to protect Ambassador Stevens or anyone else there. Both themuslimvileone and hillosercrooktOOn told our military to "stand down". They let Americans die. They both have American blood on their hands. They both deserve to be in prison. The same people who helped cover up BENGHAZI are helping cover up the "Russian dossier-gate": "It was recently reported that Winer, the former special envoy to Libya, wrote a two-page memo based on information provided by Steele, an ex-MI6 agent who investigated President Donald Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC."The left is full of despicable people. Talk about a "basket of deplorables"! February 6, 2018   How about that? This is a CA judge? Wow. He ruled FOR cake shop owner and that the cake shop owner did NOT have to design and bake a cake for a gay couple. That's amazing. It's also excellent! His reason: "'For this court to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment,'"So the First Amendment, according to Judge David Lampe, protects the business from having to do something that goes against the owner's religious beliefs. That's according to a CA Superior Court judge, Judge David Lampe. I wonder how long until the U.S. Supreme Court hears their case concerning a CO Christian bakery owner and a gay couple's wedding cake. I hope the SCOTUS rules the same way Judge Lampe did. The First Amendment that should trump political correctness every time. February 6, 2018   Do you meditate? Do you believe it leaves you relaxed and less stressed, or aggressive? A new study says it doesn't leave you any better than if you hadn't meditated. Woopsie. I guess you should try taking a deep breath and just letting go. Try to "Live the Let Go Life" and you'll be much more relaxed. It's all about letting go. February 6, 2018   Hubby's home so I'm going to go. See you tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 2, 2018: 1:14 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 357: Time and Tock, Tick the Clock". I hope you like it. Support our troops while we can. That's not possible when they're no longer here. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today. February 1, 2018: 12:43 p.m.   Can you believe it's February already? Can you believe that maxine waters is an elected Congressperson? Can you believe that people would may vote for her actually do? I am so amazed that this attention-hungry madwoman is consistently voted into Congress and that people actually trust her to do the right thing for our nation! She's been in the House since 1991 and her constituents aren't voting her out! What does that say about the people who are in that district? Should we worry about their mental health and check the water there, or should we wonder how bad her opponents must be in order for her to stay in power? Either way, she's a fruitcake and she is an embarrassment to the nation. She needs to be taken away by Russia. They're missing a few nutcases over there. February 1, 2018   #ReleaseTheMemo:   The dumboRATS are so afraid of this memo being released that they keep trying to find a new way to cast aspersions on it and those who are going to release it. If there really was Russian collusion then why are they so upset that the Republicans want to show the American people how it was done, how the FBI found more information about it, and if they have released the proof of the Russian's interference in our elections? Don't you think Americans should know all of that? Wouldn't you think that the dumboRATS would be happy to have the FBI vindicated in their investigation? Or is it because the dumboRATS really want to hide the fact that the FBI has been used as a political tool and that they are not unbiased as they are supposed (alleged) to be? The truth is the lefties/progressives/liberals are afraid of the truth coming out and that the truth shows that themuslimvileone and his cohorts used every portion of the government to play partisan politics and they did so until the last second they were in power. February 1, 2018   I think that the dumboRATS were showing their IQ level during the SOTU address Tuesday night. Candy Crush is just their level. Does it surprise anyone? February 1, 2018   Wow! Pres. Donald J. Trump has really been doing well for the Repubican Party! They raised $132.5 million in 2017! That's not bad, but will it be enough to get people as good as Trey Gowdy in the House and Senate to replace all of those retiring and leaving? We need to get great, titanium-spined Christian Conservatives in the House and Senate so let's hope they use that money wisely to back the right people. Otherwise, we may as well have more dumboRATS in office. February 1, 2018   Newsweek used to be a respectable magazine but not for the last few years. Now, we find out that they've committed ad fraud and have been "buying traffic". Not the acts of a respectable magazine. February 1, 2018   Really? Hamas leader crybabies about being labeled a "terrorist" by the U.S.A.? If he doesn't like the label he should change what his organization does from terrorism to charitable work. If he doesn't want to be called a terrorist, then maybe he should stop being one! February 1, 2018   Planned AbortionHood:   Their former leader, pro-abortion-to-the-max, cecile richards, is so hard up to kill every baby humanly possible that she thinks it is "shameful" for doctors to opt OUT of abortions. When a doctor chooses to NOT be involved in doing abortions, cecile richards' "standards" state that the doctor is wrong to do so. That's a horrible belief system to have. To NOT murder an innocent baby in the womb is a bad thing to the left? How sick and twisted does one have to be in order to think like that? The woman is demon possessed. February 1, 2018   MAGA:   Pres. Donald J. Trump's policies and the Republican tax breaks have combined to result in over 300 companies giving bonuses, raises and/or increasing 401(k) contributions. That's incredible! themuslimvileone and the dumboRATS could never make that boast! They've always been more interested in punishing companies for everything they do and shutting down or exporting as many companies as possible, this kind of thing happening has always been impossible under dumboRAT administrations and desires. Also, look at this news: the economy is forecast to grow 5.4% in the first quarter of 2018, something themuslimvileone never saw, and would never have allowed nor wanted to happen! That's amazing! February 1, 2018   I would be shocked -- shocked -- if dumboRATS gain any seats whatsoever if the economy continues going the way it currently runs. There was a short period of time in which "polls" (those oh-so-reliable polls) said the dumboRATS were going to "sweep" the 2018 elections and that Pres. Donald J. Trump would then have a dumboRAT House and Senate to contend with and that would be much better for America and the entire world. Now, poll numbers may have shifted a bit and the dumboRATs aren't so sure anymore. Pres. Trump's economy is doing very well, and when people start seeing more money in their paychecks this month thanks to the Republican tax changes the dumboRATS (who refused to vote for it) will solidify the Republicans in their seats and Republican newbies into office. dumboRATS overplayed their victimhood. They'll be out of office for quite a while. February 1, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   A program that pays people - dumboRAT voters - to recruit people to sign up for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is full of (Shock! Surprise!) fraud. Is it a shock to anyone that it is lunatic, maxine waters, who is proposing a new bill that would waste $1.2 BILLION MORE of your dollars if the bill gets passed? Let us hope that the House tables this until the end of time! May I suggest contacting your representative and asking them to table until the end of eternity H.R.4784 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)? It's a total waste of your taxpayer dollars, especially considering that themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is dying on the vine. February 1, 2018   I think that when it comes to "collusion" there is none better than the crooktOOns and their political sidekicks. There is now evidence that themuslimvileone also plays a part in "collusion", although not with Russia. He colluded with the State Department (who was in charge there?) via giving classified records to a dumboRAT Senator, ben cardin, in an effort to "undermine" candidate DOnald J. Trump. The documents show that Russia was trying to influence European Union elections and policies via finding friendly people who would go to conferences and vote for policies that were more friendly to Russia and Russia's interests. That's nothing like what the left is alleging Pres. Trump was supposedly involved in, but they tried to use it as "proof" that Russia was trying to influence our elections, too. Sounds to me like if anyone was "friendly" toward pro-Russia policies it had to be the leftists/progressives/liberals on the left who think that Communism is a beatiful thing -- as long as they are part of the bourgeoisie. If they were some of the "little people", the proletariat (the laborers), they wouldn't like Communism for long. February 1, 2018   NSFWorC:   College? This is college? Really? Is this what you want to pay for your children to "study"? "Pleasuring" yourself? Really? Whatever happened to reading, writing, arithmetic, history, languages, the arts, science, critical thinking and logic? Instead of those things colleges think that "pleasuring" yourself is something to focus on? Really? If that be college, I'd rather not! Also, it's not just "pleasuring" yourself that makes college a questionable "education" nowadays. I'd rather put my child in the living room reading books from early American grade schools! They're focused on the right things and they're harder than most modern college exams! February 1, 2018   pelosipig:   Can you believe this demented idiot? She says that a thousand dollars that some people will get to spend because of the bonuses companies are giving (see list of over three hundred companies giving bonuses, raises, and improved 401(k) contributions, above) is "crumbs" (although she bragged about the bragged about the $40 they got from themuslimvileone's efforts), and when people get angry at her for doing so, she's stupid enough to say it again! Well, dementia-DUH! Woman, get a grip and some better meds! Retire and take good care of yourself, bounce your grandkids on your knees and forget their names all you want, but you need to step down because you're not fit for anything besides bouncing grandbabies! You're past it and you need to retire! February 1, 2018   I'll close with that for today because I've got things to do. See you tonight for Flag Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 2018 January 31, 2018: 3:35 p.m.   It's been a busy day so I have only time for a few blurbs since my hubby will be home in an hour or so. Let's get started with the SOTU (State Of The Union) address that was so spectacular that 75% of Americans approved of it! That's pretty darn good! I watched every moment, saw every dumboRAT grimace (pelosipig sucking her teeth), saw the dumboRAT who couldn't stand the "USA! USA! USA!" chants and left the House. He was so upset that people liked America he had to leave. Poor, poor gutierrez. He hates America that much? I think it's funny that the chants started because of the Campus Reform video that asked about the SOTU and the chant that started -- realize they did the interviews at NYU two days BEFORE the SOTU address and college idiots were already commenting on how horrible it was. I thought that was hilarious! Too good! I think Pres. Donald J. Trump was very good and that the speech was excellent and that it was perfect for the time, the place and the truth of what is happening economically. It's all good. It's all good. January 31, 2018   Fake News:   cnn has lost whatever credibility - no matter how miniscule - it had left with the idiocy of the ignoramus, brian karem, who didn't even know that "In God We Trust" is America's motto. He thought it was "E Pluribus Unum" - From One, Many. Idiot. Any fifth grader should know that America's motto has been "In God We Trust" since 1956. I learned it as a kid and I thought that it being on every "coin of the realm" may have been a clue. But, apparently not. Some people apparently slept through fifth grade. Of course, that would have to include themuslimvileone who made the same "E Pluribus Unum" mistake in 2010 - while he was prezidunce. (Thus the "dunce" portion of his name.) January 31, 2018   MAGA:   Since the new year, the private sector (as opposed to the government sector) has increased payrolls by 235,000, 49,000 more people employed than expected. That's excellent! Add to that, the fact that since Pres. Trump was sworn in, people's pay has increased at the fastest pace since 2008! So more people are working and they're getting paid more, and because of the Republican/Trump tax overhaul, they will be taking more of that money home with them to spend as they see fit! I LOVE that! January 31, 2018   I'm sorry for the man who lost his life in the truck/train crash in VA. I'm praying for the other person in the truck and for the GOP members who were injured slightly. I don't know what caused the accident but I am glad it was not worse. January 31, 2018   #ReleaseTheMemo:   It's time that the American people get to read the memo and we get to "Find The Truth" about who did what during the election. Too bad the deep state FBI people are still trying to block its release. We have the right to know! It is OUR government, "Of the people, by the people and for the people" as Pres. Lincoln said in his use of the quote by John Wycliffe, a Christian author, and Bible translator of 1834. (Learn more about John Wycliffe here.) It's time we get to the TRUTH - "We, The People" govern the representatives, not vice versa. January 31, 2018   I am sad to say that one of my heroes of modern day legislators (a hard place to get) is leaving the House. Trey Gowdy is leaving as of the end of his term. How do we replace him with someone as good as he? We need to keep the Conservative/Republican lead in the House and Senate - grow it if possible. We're losing so many Republicans that I wonder if they're being forced out via some sort of shenanigans. We need a Christian, Conservative, Republican House and Senate, Lord, hear our prayer! January 31, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   When a probe into anti-hillosercrooktOOn bias at the DOJ and FBI was announced dumboRATS was all for it. When the truth comes out that the DOJ and FBI were both very PRO-hillosercrooktOOn they disregard the findings and pooh-pooh it. Anything that does not agree with what they think, believe, want they have to put on "ignore" to keep from crying in public. If they don't like it, it can't be true. Oh, well, I suppose that's human nature, but to such an extent that they're delusional? That's sad. January 31, 2018   Well, hubby just got home so I'll go. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 30, 2018: 2:30 p.m.   Tonight is the State of the Union (SOTU) address, after which it is rumored and speculated that Pres. Donald J. Trump may release the memo the dumboRATS don't want let out. Some thought he may release the memo via reading it during the SOTU, or just releasing it while he was speaking. However and whenever it's done, the dumboRATS don't want it released because it will embararass some of them and it will show the TRUTH about themuslimvileone's administrative and political use of the FBI, DOJ, office of the Secretary of State, etc. They politicized everything and anything. If they could find a way they would have even used toilet paper for political purposes! themuslimvileone's administration in the/ Red House demonstrated clearly and utterly that he was the Worst President In History! That's why the dumboRATS are already trolling with impeachment ads and bringing in "dreamers" as their guests to sit in the gallery and distrupt Pres. Donald J. Trump (Still love saying that!) January 30, 2018   Speaking of the "Russia investigation" (the memo addresses it), there is allegedly another "dossier" out there. This one was allegedly written by someone close to the hillosercrooktOOn campaign and supposedly has some of the same salacious allegations in it. So you have a stupid "dossier" written by two seperate people, one a former MI5 spy and one a close hilloercrooktOOn bud and they have the same info in them? Does that seem to you as mere coincidence, the possibility of the allegations being "true" or that hillosercrooktOOn made up the lies within both "dossiers" herself? You have to admit that the fact that she paid for the Christopher Steele "dossier" and is good buddies with the alleged author of the other "dossier" sounds a little suspicious and maybe hints at crooktOOn's involvement in the actual writing. Perhaps she used some of the things her own hubby did as inspiration for the more perverted details? January 30, 2018   Loser:   The ridiculous mm (I refuse to use his name anymore) is a white male complaining about "white privilege". In other words, he's kissing leftist backsides and trying to fit in and be relevant in any way possible. He's doing the "Look at me! I care!" crap in an effort to get someone to like him. Poor old sod. He's just a footnote now and will be forever more. Hurray! January 30, 2018   Mexico:   I think that America should drop the MFN (Most Favored Nation) status of Mexico as a trading partner until their government gets the drug cartel violence under control and makes their country safe to visit again. Unless they do so and until they do so, the drug lords there are so violent that they will kill anyone who looks at them the "wrong way" and they do with impunity. They know their govenment is corrupt and all they have to do is hand over large sums of cash to the right person and they get to do whatever they want and nothing is said or done to stop them. Drop Mexico as a MFN and stop all - all - trading with them, stop all aide and disaster relief and block tourism to Mexico and see how long it takes the government to start caring about the drug activities in their country. People's lives are being taken by cartel violence or taken via drug use and the Mexican government does nothing to try to prevent it. It's time that change. January 30, 2018   I love this article describing why bill kristol should be broken up with by True Conservatives (but I insert the "True"). It is a very apt demonstration as to why no Conservative needs to pay any attention to what kristol has to say. He went leftie/progressive/liberal when themuslimvileone was cheated into office and he has never looked back. kristol is a "never Trump" idiot who used to be considered a solid Conservative and was respected. Past tense, was. January 30, 2018   Las Vegas Shooting:   Are police still looking for a second person of interest? Why did it take a court order to get info released? At least one investigator says he's sure that Paddock acted alone, but I don't think that's possible. The way the whole thing went down, I don't believe he transported all of that ammo and all of the weapons by himself into that suite, nor do I believe that there was only one shooter (Paddock) up there. I think it's quite possible and probable that there were two shooters, one shooting from broken window #1, and the other shooting from broken window #2. I think it was the second shooter's responsibiity to keep the cops at bay down the hall while Paddock continued shooting innocent people down below. I think the second shooter left before or after shooting someone in the hallway. I think the second person left calmly, methodically, blending in with the rest of the panicked people, faking panic and acting like others and thus got away. That's my belief. I may be so totally off base that I look like a kook, but what better fits the facts? January 30, 2018   LOL! LOL! LOL!:   I wonder how someone who wouldn't recognize the truth if it kissed her on the lips can "fact check" anything! That's allegedly what the liar and never Trump hardliner, the laughable maxine waters, is pledging to do for the SOTU tonight. If the truth came up and kicked her in the face she wouldn't recognize it. I'm uncertain if she even knows for sure what her name is without checking her driver's license! Top that off with the fact that she can't tell the truth if her life depended upon it and you get a "fact checker" who can't recognize a fact. How does that work? January 30, 2018   Brexit:   If this is true, PM May needs to go. She is doing her country a disservice and she is not going to be respected by the world's leaders so she may as well hand in her resignation right now. Put someone in there who knows how to do well by the people of England, who supports Brexit and wants to make England a strong, independent nation again and then they can negotiate with the EU. Until then it's going to be a hard, slow slog until the government gets fed up with May and kicks her butt out (finally!). January 30, 2018   The EU:   Finally! People in Europe are starting to get fed up with the mass migration supporting elitists who think that because they are in power or rich that migration won't effect them or touch their lives and are looking at maybe voting for "pro-soverignty populists" as their candidate of choice. It's about time that European countries stepped back from their stupidity of allowing unchecked immigration from Muslim countries to destroy their nations, their identity, their peaceful existence, their children's safety and their national security. It's time that Italy becomes Italy again, sending back immigrants or making them assimilate, learn Italian, learn their way of life and learn how to become their Italian neighbor's best friend instead of a danger to them and the Italian way of life. It's better to have a sovereign country than to have anyone else telling you what to do while they do something totally different. Fair for the goose, etc. January 30, 2018   Let us hope that with the deep state idiots that themuslimvileone brought in and who are still loyal to his way of doing things, that this government lawsuit against an American business is the last such wrong that the Trump administration ever does. Let us hope that this is never allowed to happen again. January 30, 2018   Cell phone 5G is not going to be "nationalized" nor is it going to be something that the government will control. Don't listen to the naysayers/alarmists. Think about the way Pres. Donald J. Trump built his own company and how he believes in individual businesses making a big difference. That's what he believes in, so I don't know why anyone would want to believe that he would approve of the government doing anything close to the rumored lies. January 30, 2018   People in America support zero migration over other migration levels. It's time for us to take a step back and find out what it would be like to take a breather and what that would mean to our country. Maybe just a one year break would be good. That would allow us to find out what's what, who's who, and what we could be doing better and what we're doing wrong regarding migration. Isn't that a good thing to find out? January 30, 2018   Hubby's home. Gonna' go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 29, 2018: 1:27 p.m.   We're back from our Georgia farm and we had a great time! We went to confirm our delivery time for our table, sideboard and bench and wound up buying three more antiques to be delivered the same day! We bought a beautiful corner hutch that needs glass shelves made for it (but I forgot to make the template for that), a cute little chair to go with my desk from Asheville, NC, and an end table I want to add a better finish to. I also thought I'd share a better pic of the dining room table because the pic from my cell phone (the previous pic of it) wasn't that great. So now you can see part of what I was doing in Georgia. We also cut down some shrubs that were not doing well, a small tree that was growing into a camelia bush we like, and did other ground maintenance. We did some cleaning of what used to be an aunt's property next door that we now own free and clear (have the deed in hand!) and did some plinking with my Christmas present 22 rifle. Love it! It was fun! My hubby set the metal disk targets up and we went about 70 feet away and I only missed twice with the first clip. Then the chamber in the 22 started heating up and it made the conditions just right for my glasses to fog up and I missed more when we shot the second clip. That wasn't good, but when I could see, I hit every target -- even though the biggest was probably five inches around! Great fun! Now you know why I like to go to Georgia? Antiques, fourteen acres to do with as we wish, country quiet, shooting on our own property (no going to the range), a second home to make our own, deer, bunnies, possoms, cats and dogs in the yard, almost thirty varieties of birds visit our property daily. It's all good. Now, I'm back, so let's get started! January 29, 2018   I wonder how scared people are of "Secret Empires" coming out. I wonder if anyone will face the wrath of anyone because of this book. I wonder if it's going to make a difference (I hope it does). I don't know if this is going to be a "bombshell" book, or just a fizzle that makes a little noise for a little while then just drops from public view (as some in power places wish), but it will be an interesting read. I plan to do so, although my reading list is rather long and I can't guarantee I'll get to it within the next few weeks, or perhaps the year! We'll see. January 29, 2018   Just because you have an office that has a lot of perks that doesn't mean that you also need a rain forest. I can't imagine working at Amazon. I think it may be a little fun for awhile, but I don't think it would be something I'd want to do. January 29, 2018   FBI:   It's about time some of the "deep state" starts leaving office and that the whole bureaucracy get cleaned out of themuslimvileone's devotees. We don't need them in office to play havoc on the whole administration. They're doing thevilegeorgesoros's bidding and kissing the left's/progressive's/liberal's backsides and we need them outta' there! Breitbart has updated their story to show that the guy has been "removed" from office, not that he chose to step down. Which is true, I don't know but it's on there as of this moment. January 29, 2018   #ReleaseTheMemo!:   The House Intelligence Committee is voting today whether to release the memo and tell us the TRUTH about what the crooktOOns did. It's time and we have the right to know! #ReleaseTheMemo and let us see what the crooktOOns and their cronies did. Let us "FIND THE TRUTH!" and let the chips fall where they may. January 29, 2018   While I'm no longer a big fan of Ted Cruz, I am NOT in favor of his dumboRAT opponent winning the seat. Let's do what needs to be done to keep Cruz in the Senate. It's much better than having another leftie/progressive/liberal in office, right? Janury 29, 2018   "College" Brainwashing:   LOL! This is a funny one. The left has so indoctrinated the students under its care in colleges that the students have learned to not think for themselves, not investigate anythng at all, and to not stay informed. That's the truth of the left's brainwashing their victims: they teach them to not think. They teach them to not use logic (probably can't even spell it) and to ignore the truth when it does present itself. Students at NYU hate the State of the Union address BEFORE it was given. That's typical of the left: hating anything to do with the right, even though the things they have NOT done. January 29, 2018   Hurray for Tom Brady! He did the right thing and I'm proud of him! He is a good dad! If someone wants to verbally diss an adult, that's okay; Free Speech, Second Amendment all that. When a creep disses your little girl still in the single digit ages as a radio show host did Tom Brady's daughter, Brady hung up on the show to "evaluate" whether he wanted to ever come back on the show. Good for Brady! He did the right thing! Oh, and so did the station when they suspended the guy who called Brady's daughter an "annoying little pissant". I hope the guy is fired. January 29, 2018   Is the Catholic church kissing China's backside? Under this pope I wouldn't doubt it. This pope is an idiot. He's done so much to harm the church he allegedly loves that he should be impeached by the College of Cardinals and kicked from office. He is no more a man of GOD than is a billy goat. January 29, 2018   How do you know the deep state is still in control of a government department? When an organization that "blast[ed]" Pres. Donald J. Trump (Still love saying that!) gets the biggest slice of taxpayer dollars after doing so. That speaks volumes. Pay for play? January 29, 2018   If the stories are true, the Republicans and dumboRATS need to give all of the money to a counseling service for victims of sexual abuse, instead of just promising to give it to a "charity". Some politicians have their own "charities" and the money could go right back to their own pockets. Remember the crooktOOns' "foundation" that benefits themselves? Remember Corrine Brown's fake charity that put her in prison? Remember that pelosipig has her own charity. They shouldn't be donating to just a "charity". They should donate "dirty" money to a specific charity that will help the victims of the person who dirtied the money. That is what ALL politicians should do with donations received that they want to distance themselves from the alleged perpetrator of wrongdoing. January 29, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   She actually "appeared" on the Grammy's last night, and Donald J. Trump, Jr., did well by the American people. He tweeted after her appearance, "Getting to read a #fakenews book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency. #GrammyAwards"LOL! LOL! LOL! LOVE IT! Ya' did good, kid! Ya' did good! BTW, did anyone watch it? According to the ratings the answer is that the numbers were down; way down. Awww... Too bad. January 29, 2018   What? Why are these colleges allowing this to happen? What is it they are teaching, or allowing on campus that makes students decide to drop out? Some historically black colleges are only turning out a 20% or less graduation rate. What are they doing wrong? Or, maybe the better question would be what are they NOT doing right? Maybe too much PC and victimhood studies? January 29, 2018   PC wins. Cleveland Indians get rid of "Chief Wahoo". That's stupid, but when the PC crowd gets their knickers in a twist a lot of people give up and let go of seventy years of history and tradition. It's a shame spines have lost their value. January 29, 2018   Crybaby whiner falsely accused Ivanka Trump of blocking him from entrance to a party but now admits he lied. Well, shock, surprise. Losers have to blame someone else -- a winner -- for their losses because they can't face the fact that they're not all that and a box of cheese. When will they learn? January 29, 2018   Aaahhhh... Public Schools:   A teacher in CA was caught telling his students that our military members are, "'They’re the frickin’ lowest of our low...'"Yeah. This is what public schools are teaching your children. You know, the children who may have been considering going into the military to serve this great country and possibly give their lives so that the idiot saying that crap has the freedom to say it? Yeah. Those kids are being told that. Isn't that what public schools are supposed to be all about? Homeschool your kids. It's better for the country. January 29, 2018   Islamic apologist rewrites history and says that after WWII, Jews "killed and tortured" Germans! He also says that there weren't six million Jews killed in Nazi Germany's Auschwitz, etc., because there "weren't six million Jews in the world" at that time! Disgusting. He needs to shut up until he gets a real education and learns the truth, not just the anti-Semitic propoganda! January 29, 2018   I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 24, 2018: 12:42 a.m.   Flag Friday:   It's early for Flag Friday but I'd rather post it early than late, as I did during my trip to the Biltmore Estate. I will be out of town starting tomorrow late afternoon through Sunday (my son will be here to keep an eye on things) because we will be receiving the antiques we bought for our Georgia farm and having a great time up there. Also, we will get to pick up the last deed to the properties (three) we purchased. Hurray! So, here's an early "Tribute To Our Heroes 356: How?" Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll see you Monday! January 23, 2018: 1:34 p.m.   I remembered! Here is the link to what Rush has to say about the "missing" FBI texts. He's right on the money (as always)! Those "mising" texts were after the texts we do have that speak of a "secret society" and "jaw dropping" information about the Mueller special investigation. The guy, Strzok, says that he believes there is "no big there there [sic]" yet, this idiotic "investigation" (witch hunt) goes on and wastes even more taxpayer dollars! So far this investigation has cost the American taxpayers at least $3.2 MILLION -- and that's in early December! How much more has been spent on this farce? It's outrageous except that we are finding out the TRUTH about the FBI and its deep state idiots and political operatives. That's the only thing it has been useful for so far. BTW, You may want to know that there is more info about mueller than you'll hear on the msm. Did you know that he helped cover up a 9/11 investigation? "Court documents recently filed by the government further rock the credibility of Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller because they show that as FBI Director Mueller he worked to cover up the connection between a Florida Saudi family and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The documents reveal that Mueller was likely involved in publicly releasing deceptive official agency statements about a secret investigation of the Saudis, who lived in Sarasota, with ties to the hijackers. A Florida journalism nonprofit uncovered the existence of the secret FBI investigation that was also kept from Congress."When you keep something from Congress, you're keeping it from "We, The People" and that's why JW called it a "cover up". Robert Mueller is not qualified to do any investigation on anything but the inside of a prison cell. January 23, 2018   dumboRATS Losing:   After losing the government shutdown fiasco, the dumboRATS are trying to regain the trust of the media, the "dreamers" and their base. To that end, the dumboRAT-in-Chief of the Senate, "Little chuckie" schumer has reneged on his wall compromise offer. They're flailing in the wind and their dreams of another pelosipig speakership are dying. Imagine how much that makes me smile. January 23, 2018   Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, says Common Crap Core is dead? BS say Conservatives! Renaming the "standards" that Common Crap Core used does not do away with it. It renames it, but it doesn't mean that the same idiocy is not being taught and that the same idiocy is not being applied to every public school across America. DeVos needs to go. Her father's (Edgar Prince, who helped start the fundamentalist Family Research Council) beliefs and character should not have been attributed to her. Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree. January 23, 2018   January 23, 2018   Bitcoin:   Its recent up and down and up and down and rollercoaster ride of "value" (smoke and mirrors) has people wondering if there is any use for the "blockchain" that enables Bitcoin to be used and have any real-world application. There may or may not be a "blockchain" revolution in the future that allows more people to use the technology. However, the technological use does not have to be associated with a financial transaction, nor does it have to try to emulate money in any way. Blockchain technology can be used for other things without the smoke and mirrors of Bitcoin or any other tech dollar. January 23, 2018   Aaaahhhhh... Public Schools:   Another incident with a teacher has happened. This time, it's in L.A. and a male teacher stripped naked and chased 2nd and 5th graders around the playground. I don't know if he was on some kind of prescription drug he had a bad reaction to, or if he just chose that day to let his true self show (no pun intended), but he chose to chase kids while he was buck naked. Isn't that why you send your kids to public school? January 23, 2018   Little Miss Purdy:   To megan kelly: DUH! There's a reason jane fonda is called "Hanoi jane" and there's a reason her name makes people angry (and rightly so). Get a grip brainless! jf betrayed our troops and gave comfort to the enemy! Treason makes people angry! To her unusual credit, kelly got this one correct, but her words needn't have been said. All she was doing was trying to put it out there that she (kelly) was supporting our troops and that she thought jf was wrong in what she did. She's trying to claw her "Conservative" credential back on the names of those whose backsides she was kissing before her job was in jeopardy. January 23, 2018   How many companies will you allow to have cameras and microphones inside your house before enough is enough? Do you recall hearing about some of the tech companies spying on you -- us -- everyone via turning on the microphones and cameras on their cell phones and smart televisions? The technology you are using now may have a camera and mic. Do you want one an Alexa, or something similar in every room? I ask because now Apple wants an "Alexa" thing in your home, too. Remember how many times things have been ordered from Amazon because Alexa is always listening? What if she listens and records? What if those recordings are handed over to the federal or state government? What then? Do you really want a camera and mic that can be controlled by someone else in every room? Me? I keep my cell phone in a wristlet that I carry around the house for just that idea: it mutes sounds and voices and it prevents any camera activity that I don't want. If they can turn it on all they'll see is the inside of a Patricia Nash wristlet. Awww... Too bad. January 23, 2018   I gotta' go. Hubby called and we have to run an errand together. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 22, 2018: 1:23 p.m.   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump wins again! The dumboRATS not only caved, but they caved HARD! They really did lose to Pres. Trump and it was so fun to watch. When the shutdown happened I had every confidence that it would work out this way. I don't know why, but this time, I had totaly peace about it and knew that Pres. Trump would prevail. I'm beginning to wonder if it's going to be like he said while still a candidate: "We'll win so much you'll get tired of winning!" I don't think I could ever get tired of winning because it's so good to see it happen for a change! After eight horrible years of losing and diminishing and themuslimvileone bowing to leaders of other countries, I am so glad to be a strong, prosperous, great America again! January 22, 2018   When the dumboRATS caved hard the stock market celebrated their caving! It's amazing to see that the stock market favors Republicans. (LOL!) I know that's not true, but it was fun to tease with! No harm in giving them a good ribbing, is there? January 22, 2018   I have to remember to post a link to what Rush Limbaugh has to say about the allegedly missing five months of messages the FBI allegedly LOST between Peter Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page, sought in the "Russia probe". It's so very convenient that the five months "lost" were five months that may have uncovered collusion between the FBI and the DNC and/or the hillosercrooktOOn campaign. I bet those things are somewhere out there. I wonder if WikiLeaks has them... January 22, 2018   Hubby just called and I have to go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 19, 2018: 3:14 a.m.   Flag Friday:   It's that time and I have for your this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes: Sisters". I hope you like it. I thank you for your service! I can never, ever, ever say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll see you later today. January 19, 2018: 4:16 p.m.   The blog I wrote is "My Biblical View of Food" and I hope you read it and investigate what I say. If I am correct, and I believe I am, then you may want to think about how you think about food. January 19, 2018   Government Shutdown:   Remember, if it's going to happen it's because the dumboRATS WANT it to happen! They don't care about anything except their own power and they're trying to blame the Republicans for a government shutdown hoping that people will be inconvenienced and dumboRATS will stay in front of microphones everywhere screaming, "Blame the Republicans! Blame Trump!" and they think they'll get more votes that way come November. The dumboRATS are getting everything they want, but they have to shut down the government in order to cry "Foul!" as they campaign for November. They want people miserable and blaming Republicans when the dumboRATs know darn good and well that dumboRATS like chuck schumer are to blame! The vote has to be 60 (sixty) Senators, but none of the dumboRATS will vote for it so that they can force a shutdown. It's all about November's elections. The dumboRATS want to paint the Republicans as bad people because they can't paint the economy as bad! Don't blame the shutdown (IF it happens) on Republicans and President Trump; it's all on the dumboRATS. January 19, 2018: 2:17 p.m.   Release The Memo!:   It's a memo by House Intelligence Committee is said to have things in it that will likely result in prison time for some people. Those people being members of themuslimvileone's FBI and DOJ; perhaps even hillosercrooktOOn's campaign as well. It's "sickening", "troubling", "shocking" according to various members of the House. Sounds to me like people may have a price to pay for LYING while serving the two Naster LIARS: themuslimvileone and the crooktOOns. The adults in those families can no more tell the truth than they can walk on the surface of the sun and not get burned. They're all despicable and should probably all be in prison (muchhell may not deserve prison, just ridicule). It's time that "We, The People" get to read the truth! Why? Because one Congressman, Gaetz, said that the memo proves "[T]he investigation underway by special counsel Robert Mueller as 'a lie built on corruption' and claimed people would 'go to jail' over the contents of the memo."Let's see who should "go to jail"! Anyone want to bet one of them would be james comey and another robert mueller? After all, if the FBI paid for the author's travel it sounds to me like they subsidized the fake (read LYING) dossier and that is paying for "evidence" -- which is not evidence at all, but it is blackmail. Sounds like trouble for the FBI! January 19, 2018   I like this! U.S. oil output to surpass Saudi Arabia? Sounds like we can get off the Middle East's expensive oil and start being oil independent! That would be not just good for America, but great for America! Let's do this! January 19, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch has kept at it and now has even MORE PROOF of classified e-mails on her unsecure server. She has broken the law in this area in so many ways and so many times that it should be a given that she's going to prison for espionage. She has gotten special treatment long enough. The only way I can think of for her to escape prison all this time is the huge numbers of deaths surrounding her. Will she threaten some of the investigators or their families now and make them back off, or will she be finally made to face the music and consequences of her lawlessness? Right now your guess is as good as mine. January 19, 2018   Haiti:   You gotta' watch the video of Tom Fitton telling the TRUTH about the crooktOOns and Haiti. You gotta' watch it. Warning: Put your pillow under your jaw first. January 19, 2018   Really, chris matthews? "to some people, Obama is 'still the president.'"That's pathetic. You need help if you think/believe/want to believe/desire for themuslimvileone to be prezidunt still. He tried his darndest (and worse) to destroy America and he partially succeeded. That's why Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that!) has had to undo as much of themuslimvileone's dastardly deeds as possible. Anyone who wants themuslimvileone to still be in power wants to destroy America with him. Anyone who thinks themuslimvileone was a good prezidunce is a delusional idiot without an iota of logic, reasoning, or understanding. January 19, 2018   I'm going to go post a blog I wrote a while ago and do a few other things online and then I'll be doing housework and those kinds of things. I'll try to remember to post a link to my blog here but no guarantees. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 18. 2018: 2:43 p.m.   Thought I'd be on my way to Georgia by now, but after talking to my hubby and finding out he really wanted to go up there with me, we decided to wait and go next week after my dental appointment and after things settle down at work for him. He is busy right now and by next week things should be quieter. So, I will do my Flag Friday on tonight and I will do updates for today now. Let's get started. January 18, 2018   Fake News:   This isn't "Fake News" but it is about Fake News, so it's in that category. Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that) released his list of Fake News award winners and they're all well deserved! BTW, you'll be surprised by none of the winners. They're all Fake News purveyors! Enjoy that and then enjoy the Breitbart News Fake News Awards. It's a great list of Fake News purveyors, too! Both lists make lefties scream. Oh, wah. BTW, the Fake News purveyors who accused the doctor who gave Pres. Donald J. Trump his physical of lying about Trump's health are getting backlash from (of all places!) themuslimvileone staffers! They all say he won't lie. Sounds to me like the Fake News folks have more egg on their faces. January 18, 2018   Who decides what is "too high" for the stock market? Who decides how high it "can" or "should" go? You? Me? Some Wall Street "expert"? I think that as long as the American people are still willing to buy, to trust in the American economy and to invest their hard earned money, the market will be fine and go as high as we invest in it to go. There are some, however, who are sweating about it. Nervous Nellies need not invest. Januray 18, 2018   The grandparents of the thirteen children starved and abused by their parents say that the parents were "model Christians". WRONG! "Model Christians" don't treat their children like this! "Model Christians" don't lie to people about where their children are. "Model Christians" don't even begin to think of doing this sort of torture to the ones they love! This isn't about being "Model Christians", it's about abusing the children that GOD put in their care! Are those grandparents deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to not have seen this? Did they notice nothing when they did see the kids? Open your eyes about your own families and if there is something bad going on, step in and stop it! Anyone who treats kids like this should spend the rest of their lives in the same situation and conditions they put those kids through! January 18, 2018   pelosipig:   She's going to be a judge on RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars? Really dignified thing for the second most powerful House of Representatives Minority Leader to do. There may be a silver lining, though. Maybe while guest judging (I thought we weren't supposed to judge people anymore.) pelosipig will reveal her true self and show just how sick she is. Maybe people will be shocked at her lack of mental acuity and they'll realize she needs to retire. Let's hope that they'll see the truth. If hollyweird is its usual self, if she does show how sick she is via stammering, slurring her words, being incapable of remembering names of people, places, things, etc., they'll never shelf that episode and just hide the truth for her. That's the kiss-butt nature of hollyweird and dumboRATS. January 18, 2018   People are starting to wake up to the TRUTH that the Republican tax plan is a great thing! dumboRATS do not like that. They're not happy at all that the American people are seeing great things happen around them, that their paychecks will have more in them starting in February (for almost everyone who hasn't already received a bonus, pay raise, etc.). America sees a big difference between themuslimvileone's administration and the Pres. Donald J. Trump administration. That is making a huge impact and I believe that if America keeps going down this path, if Pres. Donald J. Trump keeps his word and does the things (wall included) he promised then we will have an America strong, proud and a real world leader again! GOD Bless America and GOD Bless Donald J. Trump for keeping his word! January 18, 2018   January 18, 2018   Isreal is building a wall. It's doing so underground to keep terrorists from tunneling underground and entering Isreal from the Gaza strip. I applaud their efforts and hope it succeeds. I also hope that America does the same thing: build an underground and above ground wall and help prevent drug smugglers and illegal immigrants from crossing into America. If you have no borders, you have no country. January 18, 2018   NFaiLaughing:   Awww... poor babies. They've lost 23 MILLION viewers since 2016? Look in the mirror, pro football. You did this to yourself. January 18, 2018   ROTTEN ryan:   Even though he's been following Pres. Donald J. Trump's lead never trust ROTTEN. He's not worthy to turn your back on for a heartbeat, especially if he has cutlery in his hand! January 18, 2018   Really, L'Oreal? You've gone totally PC? That's just stupid. I like one of your products very much but you disappoint me greatly. I may start looking for something else. They may want to rethink the person they chose to model for the hijab wearing person. She has a dead blue bird account that is virulently anti-Semitic. That's not good for their PC push, having hatred included as a model. You can contact L'Oreal and tell them what you think about their anti-Semitic choice. They may not yet know that they've chosen someone so vile. January 18, 2018   Veteran's Administration:   SMH. The L.A. branch is the branch that prosecuted a veteran for putting a little flag on the fence and who kicks veterans off the property but apparently takes bribes from corrupt vendors they choose to do business with. Sounds to me like someone belongs in prison and the American taxpayers should be reimbursed every penny by those involved. Take their house, cars, clothes, television, computer, dog and goldfish and sell it all if need be to get every penny back! January 18, 2018   March For Life:   I stand for life, for babies inside the womb, for their "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" as our Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence. I don't believe that abortion solves anything. I don't believe that abortion is right for anyone. I don't believe that abortion makes good birth control. When I was pregnant with both our sons I told my husband (and made him promise that he'd carry out my wishes) that if it came to a choice between me or our child, to save our child. I had lived well enough and long enough to understand that our child needed the same chance to do the same thing: Have life to live well. Our sons were born healthy and at full term and I am so grateful. We never had to make that choice, but I already had: let my baby live! That's what being a Mom is: putting our children first. Women, don't kill the innocent baby that had nothing to do with what happened to you as you went through the most horrific moments in your life. It's not a baby's fault that its father was a scumbag rapist who should be shot through the head after being castrated without anesthesia. It's not the child who did that. It is as innocent as you in the rape. You were violated in the most terrifying and horrific ways, and your life was changed forever as you became a victim of a violent act. Don't make two victims pay for the price of his evil. January 18, 2018   We need immigration reform. We need to start the "Extreme Vetting" process Pres. Donald J. Trump has spoken of. Why? Because "3/4 of convicted terrorists" came here legally through a very flawed immigration system. We need to change that to 0%. Let's protect America and our children, family, friends, neighbors. Start the "Extreme Vetting" process for everyone wanting to come here! Do it now! January 18, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 23, 2018: 1:34 p.m.   I remembered! Here is the link to what Rush has to say about the "missing" FBI texts. He's right on the money (as always)! Those "mising" texts were after the texts we do have that speak of a "secret society" and "jaw dropping" information about the Mueller special investigation. The guy, Strzok, says that he believes there is "no big there there [sic]" yet, this idiotic "investigation" (witch hunt) goes on and wastes even more taxpayer dollars! So far this investigation has cost the American taxpayers at least $3.2 MILLION -- and that's in early December! How much more has been spent on this farce? It's outrageous except that we are finding out the TRUTH about the FBI and its deep state idiots and political operatives. That's the only thing it has been useful for so far. BTW, You may want to know that there is more info about mueller than you'll hear on the msm. Did you know that he helped cover up a 9/11 investigation? "Court documents recently filed by the government further rock the credibility of Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller because they show that as FBI Director Mueller he worked to cover up the connection between a Florida Saudi family and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The documents reveal that Mueller was likely involved in publicly releasing deceptive official agency statements about a secret investigation of the Saudis, who lived in Sarasota, with ties to the hijackers. A Florida journalism nonprofit uncovered the existence of the secret FBI investigation that was also kept from Congress."When you keep something from Congress, you're keeping it from "We, The People" and that's why JW called it a "cover up". Robert Mueller is not qualified to do any investigation on anything but the inside of a prison cell. January 23, 2018   dumboRATS Losing:   After losing the government shutdown fiasco, the dumboRATS are trying to regain the trust of the media, the "dreamers" and their base. To that end, the dumboRAT-in-Chief of the Senate, "Little chuckie" schumer has reneged on his wall compromise offer. They're flailing in the wind and their dreams of another pelosipig speakership are dying. Imagine how much that makes me smile. January 23, 2018   Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, says Common Crap Core is dead? BS say Conservatives! Renaming the "standards" that Common Crap Core used does not do away with it. It renames it, but it doesn't mean that the same idiocy is not being taught and that the same idiocy is not being applied to every public school across America. DeVos needs to go. Her father's (Edgar Prince, who helped start the fundamentalist Family Research Council) beliefs and character should not have been attributed to her. Sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree. January 23, 2018   January 23, 2018   Bitcoin:   Its recent up and down and up and down and rollercoaster ride of "value" (smoke and mirrors) has people wondering if there is any use for the "blockchain" that enables Bitcoin to be used and have any real-world application. There may or may not be a "blockchain" revolution in the future that allows more people to use the technology. However, the technological use does not have to be associated with a financial transaction, nor does it have to try to emulate money in any way. Blockchain technology can be used for other things without the smoke and mirrors of Bitcoin or any other tech dollar. January 23, 2018   Aaaahhhhh... Public Schools:   Another incident with a teacher has happened. This time, it's in L.A. and a male teacher stripped naked and chased 2nd and 5th graders around the playground. I don't know if he was on some kind of prescription drug he had a bad reaction to, or if he just chose that day to let his true self show (no pun intended), but he chose to chase kids while he was buck naked. Isn't that why you send your kids to public school? January 23, 2018   Little Miss Purdy:   To megan kelly: DUH! There's a reason jane fonda is called "Hanoi jane" and there's a reason her name makes people angry (and rightly so). Get a grip brainless! jf betrayed our troops and gave comfort to the enemy! Treason makes people angry! To her unusual credit, kelly got this one correct, but her words needn't have been said. All she was doing was trying to put it out there that she (kelly) was supporting our troops and that she thought jf was wrong in what she did. She's trying to claw her "Conservative" credential back on the names of those whose backsides she was kissing before her job was in jeopardy. January 23, 2018   How many companies will you allow to have cameras and microphones inside your house before enough is enough? Do you recall hearing about some of the tech companies spying on you -- us -- everyone via turning on the microphones and cameras on their cell phones and smart televisions? The technology you are using now may have a camera and mic. Do you want one an Alexa, or something similar in every room? I ask because now Apple wants an "Alexa" thing in your home, too. Remember how many times things have been ordered from Amazon because Alexa is always listening? What if she listens and records? What if those recordings are handed over to the federal or state government? What then? Do you really want a camera and mic that can be controlled by someone else in every room? Me? I keep my cell phone in a wristlet that I carry around the house for just that idea: it mutes sounds and voices and it prevents any camera activity that I don't want. If they can turn it on all they'll see is the inside of a Patricia Nash wristlet. Awww... Too bad. January 23, 2018   I gotta' go. Hubby called and we have to run an errand together. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 22, 2018: 1:23 p.m.   MAGA!:   Pres. Donald J. Trump wins again! The dumboRATS not only caved, but they caved HARD! They really did lose to Pres. Trump and it was so fun to watch. When the shutdown happened I had every confidence that it would work out this way. I don't know why, but this time, I had totaly peace about it and knew that Pres. Trump would prevail. I'm beginning to wonder if it's going to be like he said while still a candidate: "We'll win so much you'll get tired of winning!" I don't think I could ever get tired of winning because it's so good to see it happen for a change! After eight horrible years of losing and diminishing and themuslimvileone bowing to leaders of other countries, I am so glad to be a strong, prosperous, great America again! January 22, 2018   When the dumboRATS caved hard the stock market celebrated their caving! It's amazing to see that the stock market favors Republicans. (LOL!) I know that's not true, but it was fun to tease with! No harm in giving them a good ribbing, is there? January 22, 2018   I have to remember to post a link to what Rush Limbaugh has to say about the allegedly missing five months of messages the FBI allegedly LOST between Peter Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page, sought in the "Russia probe". It's so very convenient that the five months "lost" were five months that may have uncovered collusion between the FBI and the DNC and/or the hillosercrooktOOn campaign. I bet those things are somewhere out there. I wonder if WikiLeaks has them... January 22, 2018   Hubby just called and I have to go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 19, 2018: 3:14 a.m.   Flag Friday:   It's that time and I have for your this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes: Sisters". I hope you like it. I thank you for your service! I can never, ever, ever say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll see you later today. January 19, 2018: 4:16 p.m.   The blog I wrote is "My Biblical View of Food" and I hope you read it and investigate what I say. If I am correct, and I believe I am, then you may want to think about how you think about food. January 19, 2018   Government Shutdown:   Remember, if it's going to happen it's because the dumboRATS WANT it to happen! They don't care about anything except their own power and they're trying to blame the Republicans for a government shutdown hoping that people will be inconvenienced and dumboRATS will stay in front of microphones everywhere screaming, "Blame the Republicans! Blame Trump!" and they think they'll get more votes that way come November. The dumboRATS are getting everything they want, but they have to shut down the government in order to cry "Foul!" as they campaign for November. They want people miserable and blaming Republicans when the dumboRATs know darn good and well that dumboRATS like chuck schumer are to blame! The vote has to be 60 (sixty) Senators, but none of the dumboRATS will vote for it so that they can force a shutdown. It's all about November's elections. The dumboRATS want to paint the Republicans as bad people because they can't paint the economy as bad! Don't blame the shutdown (IF it happens) on Republicans and President Trump; it's all on the dumboRATS. January 19, 2018: 2:17 p.m.   Release The Memo!:   It's a memo by House Intelligence Committee is said to have things in it that will likely result in prison time for some people. Those people being members of themuslimvileone's FBI and DOJ; perhaps even hillosercrooktOOn's campaign as well. It's "sickening", "troubling", "shocking" according to various members of the House. Sounds to me like people may have a price to pay for LYING while serving the two Naster LIARS: themuslimvileone and the crooktOOns. The adults in those families can no more tell the truth than they can walk on the surface of the sun and not get burned. They're all despicable and should probably all be in prison (muchhell may not deserve prison, just ridicule). It's time that "We, The People" get to read the truth! Why? Because one Congressman, Gaetz, said that the memo proves "[T]he investigation underway by special counsel Robert Mueller as 'a lie built on corruption' and claimed people would 'go to jail' over the contents of the memo."Let's see who should "go to jail"! Anyone want to bet one of them would be james comey and another robert mueller? After all, if the FBI paid for the author's travel it sounds to me like they subsidized the fake (read LYING) dossier and that is paying for "evidence" -- which is not evidence at all, but it is blackmail. Sounds like trouble for the FBI! January 19, 2018   I like this! U.S. oil output to surpass Saudi Arabia? Sounds like we can get off the Middle East's expensive oil and start being oil independent! That would be not just good for America, but great for America! Let's do this! January 19, 2018   hillosercrooktOOn:   Judicial Watch has kept at it and now has even MORE PROOF of classified e-mails on her unsecure server. She has broken the law in this area in so many ways and so many times that it should be a given that she's going to prison for espionage. She has gotten special treatment long enough. The only way I can think of for her to escape prison all this time is the huge numbers of deaths surrounding her. Will she threaten some of the investigators or their families now and make them back off, or will she be finally made to face the music and consequences of her lawlessness? Right now your guess is as good as mine. January 19, 2018   Haiti:   You gotta' watch the video of Tom Fitton telling the TRUTH about the crooktOOns and Haiti. You gotta' watch it. Warning: Put your pillow under your jaw first. January 19, 2018   Really, chris matthews? "to some people, Obama is 'still the president.'"That's pathetic. You need help if you think/believe/want to believe/desire for themuslimvileone to be prezidunt still. He tried his darndest (and worse) to destroy America and he partially succeeded. That's why Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that!) has had to undo as much of themuslimvileone's dastardly deeds as possible. Anyone who wants themuslimvileone to still be in power wants to destroy America with him. Anyone who thinks themuslimvileone was a good prezidunce is a delusional idiot without an iota of logic, reasoning, or understanding. January 19, 2018   I'm going to go post a blog I wrote a while ago and do a few other things online and then I'll be doing housework and those kinds of things. I'll try to remember to post a link to my blog here but no guarantees. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 18. 2018: 2:43 p.m.   Thought I'd be on my way to Georgia by now, but after talking to my hubby and finding out he really wanted to go up there with me, we decided to wait and go next week after my dental appointment and after things settle down at work for him. He is busy right now and by next week things should be quieter. So, I will do my Flag Friday on tonight and I will do updates for today now. Let's get started. January 18, 2018   Fake News:   This isn't "Fake News" but it is about Fake News, so it's in that category. Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that) released his list of Fake News award winners and they're all well deserved! BTW, you'll be surprised by none of the winners. They're all Fake News purveyors! Enjoy that and then enjoy the Breitbart News Fake News Awards. It's a great list of Fake News purveyors, too! Both lists make lefties scream. Oh, wah. BTW, the Fake News purveyors who accused the doctor who gave Pres. Donald J. Trump his physical of lying about Trump's health are getting backlash from (of all places!) themuslimvileone staffers! They all say he won't lie. Sounds to me like the Fake News folks have more egg on their faces. January 18, 2018   Who decides what is "too high" for the stock market? Who decides how high it "can" or "should" go? You? Me? Some Wall Street "expert"? I think that as long as the American people are still willing to buy, to trust in the American economy and to invest their hard earned money, the market will be fine and go as high as we invest in it to go. There are some, however, who are sweating about it. Nervous Nellies need not invest. Januray 18, 2018   The grandparents of the thirteen children starved and abused by their parents say that the parents were "model Christians". WRONG! "Model Christians" don't treat their children like this! "Model Christians" don't lie to people about where their children are. "Model Christians" don't even begin to think of doing this sort of torture to the ones they love! This isn't about being "Model Christians", it's about abusing the children that GOD put in their care! Are those grandparents deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to not have seen this? Did they notice nothing when they did see the kids? Open your eyes about your own families and if there is something bad going on, step in and stop it! Anyone who treats kids like this should spend the rest of their lives in the same situation and conditions they put those kids through! January 18, 2018   pelosipig:   She's going to be a judge on RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars? Really dignified thing for the second most powerful House of Representatives Minority Leader to do. There may be a silver lining, though. Maybe while guest judging (I thought we weren't supposed to judge people anymore.) pelosipig will reveal her true self and show just how sick she is. Maybe people will be shocked at her lack of mental acuity and they'll realize she needs to retire. Let's hope that they'll see the truth. If hollyweird is its usual self, if she does show how sick she is via stammering, slurring her words, being incapable of remembering names of people, places, things, etc., they'll never shelf that episode and just hide the truth for her. That's the kiss-butt nature of hollyweird and dumboRATS. January 18, 2018   People are starting to wake up to the TRUTH that the Republican tax plan is a great thing! dumboRATS do not like that. They're not happy at all that the American people are seeing great things happen around them, that their paychecks will have more in them starting in February (for almost everyone who hasn't already received a bonus, pay raise, etc.). America sees a big difference between themuslimvileone's administration and the Pres. Donald J. Trump administration. That is making a huge impact and I believe that if America keeps going down this path, if Pres. Donald J. Trump keeps his word and does the things (wall included) he promised then we will have an America strong, proud and a real world leader again! GOD Bless America and GOD Bless Donald J. Trump for keeping his word! January 18, 2018   January 18, 2018   Isreal is building a wall. It's doing so underground to keep terrorists from tunneling underground and entering Isreal from the Gaza strip. I applaud their efforts and hope it succeeds. I also hope that America does the same thing: build an underground and above ground wall and help prevent drug smugglers and illegal immigrants from crossing into America. If you have no borders, you have no country. January 18, 2018   NFaiLaughing:   Awww... poor babies. They've lost 23 MILLION viewers since 2016? Look in the mirror, pro football. You did this to yourself. January 18, 2018   ROTTEN ryan:   Even though he's been following Pres. Donald J. Trump's lead never trust ROTTEN. He's not worthy to turn your back on for a heartbeat, especially if he has cutlery in his hand! January 18, 2018   Really, L'Oreal? You've gone totally PC? That's just stupid. I like one of your products very much but you disappoint me greatly. I may start looking for something else. They may want to rethink the person they chose to model for the hijab wearing person. She has a dead blue bird account that is virulently anti-Semitic. That's not good for their PC push, having hatred included as a model. You can contact L'Oreal and tell them what you think about their anti-Semitic choice. They may not yet know that they've chosen someone so vile. January 18, 2018   Veteran's Administration:   SMH. The L.A. branch is the branch that prosecuted a veteran for putting a little flag on the fence and who kicks veterans off the property but apparently takes bribes from corrupt vendors they choose to do business with. Sounds to me like someone belongs in prison and the American taxpayers should be reimbursed every penny by those involved. Take their house, cars, clothes, television, computer, dog and goldfish and sell it all if need be to get every penny back! January 18, 2018   March For Life:   I stand for life, for babies inside the womb, for their "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" as our Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence. I don't believe that abortion solves anything. I don't believe that abortion is right for anyone. I don't believe that abortion makes good birth control. When I was pregnant with both our sons I told my husband (and made him promise that he'd carry out my wishes) that if it came to a choice between me or our child, to save our child. I had lived well enough and long enough to understand that our child needed the same chance to do the same thing: Have life to live well. Our sons were born healthy and at full term and I am so grateful. We never had to make that choice, but I already had: let my baby live! That's what being a Mom is: putting our children first. Women, don't kill the innocent baby that had nothing to do with what happened to you as you went through the most horrific moments in your life. It's not a baby's fault that its father was a scumbag rapist who should be shot through the head after being castrated without anesthesia. It's not the child who did that. It is as innocent as you in the rape. You were violated in the most terrifying and horrific ways, and your life was changed forever as you became a victim of a violent act. Don't make two victims pay for the price of his evil. January 18, 2018   We need immigration reform. We need to start the "Extreme Vetting" process Pres. Donald J. Trump has spoken of. Why? Because "3/4 of convicted terrorists" came here legally through a very flawed immigration system. We need to change that to 0%. Let's protect America and our children, family, friends, neighbors. Start the "Extreme Vetting" process for everyone wanting to come here! Do it now! January 18, 2018   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 17, 2018: 12:54 p.m.   Warning: Not Safe for Work or Kids:   I start with this blurb because it's important to know that the college "rape culture" is still being used against men on campus and it is not going to change unless and until men stand up and fight back! If you go to college as a male -- especially a white male -- you are immediately deemed a racist, bigot, homophobe and potential rapist. Don't let that assumption stand. Start something to fight back against this lie and against the automatic labeling of the heterosexual white male! Remember the idiot college student who carried a mattress around with her to shame the college "rape culture"? Do you know that there is a lawsuit surrounding that idiot girl and that the guy she alleges raped her was her absolute obsession? The college allowed her to carry the mattress around, and the college actually semi-subsidized the naming and shaming of the guy she alleged raped her, which broke the college's own policies. Guys, fight back! Don't allow yourselves to be automatically labeled as bad men! Stand up! January 17, 2018   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   The results of his physical were released yesterday and they were very good news. He only takes a mild cholesterol medication and needs to lose ten pounds or so, but is otherwise in excellent health! The msm, as usual, could not accept the truth and had to find ways to lie about Pres. Trump's health and find a way to intimate (or outright accuse) that the doctor was lying to them. Is there anything the left/progressives/liberals won't LIE to you about? One LIAR went so far as to diagnose Pres. Trump with heart disease on the air. That's desperate! January 17, 2018   Has everyone heard the hoopla around the idea of oprah winfrey running for president in 2020? Do you think it's a good idea? I think it would be a real disaster for her and that it would crush her because she would realize she's not as popular and golden as she seems to think she is thanks to years of msm adulation. Her polling numbers are just what I'd expect them to be: she'd lose. Remember her "Everyone gets a car!" fiasco? She gave the entire audience a car and forgot that there would be taxes and registration fees? People couldn't afford that so the "free car" turned out to be not free. Remember that? Imagine her doing a budget? Remember the girl's school she started somewhere in South Africa? Yeah. Remember that the people she put in charge there wound up being rapists and were raping the girls in their "care"? Imagine her picking a cabinet? She doesn't think things through. She doesn't seem to be able to judge people's character well enough to not choose a rapist to put in charge of girls. This woman as president would be as bad a disaster as themuslimvileone! January 17, 2018   Lefties have been crying "Death! Disaster! Destruction!" for so many years one forgets all of the harbingers of disaster that have been shouted from the rooftops for years. One of those things that were shouted was that the earth could not sustain the population if we all continued to have children. This resulted in more abortions, families shrinking, and people being afraid of the "Population Bomb" (as the book was partially titled). Breitbart's James Delingpole reminds us of that scare tactic and that this is the 50th anniversary of the warning and none of us are supposed to be here. The earth was supposed to have killed us all off by now. Oh, well. Like algore's dire warnings of the impending end of the world due to climate change ("Global Warming"), and the never-occurring doom that he warns about consistently and constantly, the "Population Bomb" also failed to show up and kill us all. The Bible says that "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."If GOD is going to supply all our need then don't we need fresh water, fresh air, enough food, enough space to live? He shall provide all of that, so why does anyone listen to the lefties/progressives/liberals' lies anyways? Get a grip, people! January 17, 2018   Dr. Walter E. Williams has a brilliant mind and is one of the intelects I trust almost implicitly. (There are few I trust absolutely and implicitly, so he's very high on the list.) I therefore highly recommend that you read his recent article about the electoral college and learn from him. It's an absolute on my list: "Constitutional Ignorance -- Perhaps Contempt" will teach you more about the electoral college and why it's a good thing than anything I've read before. There have been times I've not liked the electoral college, but with Dr. Williams' article, it will be harder to do that. Read it and learn how it protects our country. January 17, 2018   MAGA:   Another "Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!" moment! Breitbart wrote about two themuslimvileone holdovers who were messing things up and now, they're stepping down. Another "Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!" is that the 9 of 12 themuslimvileone appointees on the U.S. National Park Service advisory board have resigned and that's going to make our national parks even better for Americans! That's such GREAT NEWS that I feel like dancing. That's not something anyone wants to see (not even myself) so you should be glad I just feel like it. I have as much rhythym as a five legged cow on speed. It's not a pretty sight, folks. But what is a pretty sight is that America is working again! That's awesome! It's going so well that even Apple is going to build here again! Who would have ever seen that under hillosercrooktOOn? January 17, 2018   "Amendment II"Infringed" means limited, broken, outlawed. If I can carry in Florida but not in New York, that is infringing upon my right to "keep and bear" my firearm. If I can carry in Florida but not in CaliMexifornia, then my right to protect myself is being denied by the State and that is infringing upon my right to life if someone threatens to kill me. If I have to protect others with my firearm, I am more than willing to do so, but if I am in Washington D.C> and cannot do so because they don't have reciprocity with Florida the State is infringing upon someone else's right to life because they denied my right to "keep and bear" my firearm. That's why national reciprocity is so important. The background check has already been done. I've already passed the safety course. I've already been fingerprinted and photographed and have jumped through all of the hoops the State demands. I am not a threat to anyone who is not doing wrong. Yet, thanks to mitch mcCONnell's delays I cannot carry in certain states because he chooses to ignore the opportunity to give me the Constitutional right to what I already should have. (Note: Check for reciprocal states with Florida here.) January 17, 2018   A question that pops into my mind for those who are working so hard to help DACA "Dreamers" stay here is "How many of them employ those dreamers as gardeners, maids, etc., and don't pay their Social Security taxes for them, or don't pay them minimum wage, or whatever because they know that their "dreamers" won't make a fuss due to fear of deportation? How many of them are trying to keep their cheap labor? January 17, 2018   Make America Pro-Life Again:   Pres. Donald J. Trump will be the first sitting president to address the March For Life anti-abortion rally on Friday. GOD Bless Him for doing so and for having the courage to stand up for babies! I think this is wonderful and it speaks volumes as to who this man is! Not even Ronald Reagan did this and I loved Ronald Reagan! January 17, 2018   Space:   A "potentially hazardous" meteor is heading this way and some people are scared about it. No reason to be scared, folks. It's not going to do anything to us. It's going to be over two million miles away from us, but some are shaking in their shoes. SMH. January 17, 2018   Bitcoin:   I think it's been a great ride for this wisp of smoke based on a mirror and delusion, and now it's time for it to come to an end. This latest fall in value may be the beginning of the end for it, but if it isn't, there's still time to get out. Bitcoin was based upon nothing but someone's idea that it was of value and let's do this! It never existed, but it cost something. It was people paying to be let in on a dream. It is amazing that anyone bought into it, but they did and they will learn their lesson the hard way. Sad, but when you buy into smoke and mirrors, that's what happens. January 17, 2018   I'll be doing a Flag Friday later today because if things go as we hope we will be heading up to Georgia tomorrow evening and I don't have internet up there. Well, I kinda' have it, but I don't knwo that I have enough time on my data card to do updates. So I'll be posting it tonight, and Friday I won't be missing like I did while on my Biltmore vacation (my apologies again). Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 16, 2018: 1:32 p.m.   Hello! How are you? I have just enough time to do a few blurbs today. I have to get ready to go to Georgia on Thursday and get things set up there to receive our new antique furniture. "New antique": that's an odd phrase, but it is new to us, although at least two of the pieces are over eighty years old. Ya' know, at my age that doesn't sound quite as old as it used to. I wonder why... (*wink*) You may notice that I sent some of the dates to the back pages. Page Deux and Storage 2017 both have additional months on them. I try to keep everything except storage pages shorter than those final pages so that they will load relatively fast. I can't guarantee split second because I don't know what your internet speed is, nor can I guarantee that I won't be a bit verbose some months. You know, just a little. Sometimes I have more to say: it's not unusual. Get over it. January 16, 2018   MAGA:   Remember when themuslimvileone was saying to get used to the "new normal"? Remember when Rush said themuslimvileone deserved "no credit" for the current boom in the economy? Remember you were here and saw it when the stock market topped 26,000! Isn't that an amazing thing? It was said to be all but impossible that it top 25,000 and now look at it! That's astonishing! January 16, 2018   Is Pres. Donald J. Trump (Still love saying that!) a racist? When Jesse Jackson honored him it wasn't for being a racist, it was for a "lifetime of service to African Americans". Racist? Wouldn't Jesse Jackson know? (A bit tongue in cheek, but it's still true.) January 16, 2018   Gotta' sneeze? Go ahead and let 'er rip because it's safer than suppressing it. Yep. Suppressing a sneeze not only hurts but it's dangerous! Who'd'a thunkit? January 16, 2018   Fakebook:   Yet again they change the rules to push fake news and their leftist/progressive/liberal agenda. Is there anything lefties won't do to lie to you, brainwash you, keep you tied to the government teat and their lies? January 16, 2018   It's a MIRACLE!   Wow! Has anyone ever predicted this would happen? I seriously doubt it. The Associated Press (A.P.) has admitted Pres. Trump has kept many promises his first year in office! I'm sorry. I should have told you to sit down first. Are you okay after hitting your head in your faint? Yeah. I was sitting down, so I'm okay. Did you ever think this would happen? Pres. Trump has really done amazing things and this is probably the biggest! January 16, 2018   The "dossier" hillosercrooktOOn and the DNC paid for against then-candidate Donald J. Trump, was nothing but a hoax that was intended to be leaked so that people would not vote for Donald J. Trump. Apparently, hillosercrooktOOn knew she was going to lose and got so desperate that she had to resort to the lowest of the low. This has been found out and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now we find out that the info in the lying "dossier" may have paid his "sources" for some of the lies within the lying "dossier". Why does this matter? Well,
January 16, 2018   If I were Pres. Donald J. Trump, I'd go to the American people and tell them that Sen. schumer is blackmailing me by trying to hold my reputation hostage. If I were Pres. Trump, I would tell the American people that schumer is trying to smear my name and that it's despicable and below the office of senator that schumer holds to act in such a way and that schumer should step down after putting on such a display. That's what I think Pres. Donald J. Trump should do. He should tell the American people that schumer's tactic is blackmail and unbecoming the office of U.S. Senator and schumer should step down. Fight fire with fire, just make sure your fire is hotter and bigger! January 16, 2018   The Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, declared DACA "unconstitutional"! I agree! It is unconstitutional! Why can't the dumboRATS see that? They can't see it because they don't want to stop bringing in people from other countries who will believe that the dumboRATS are on their side and will take care of them, protect them, provide for them -- all free to them but not free to you! That's the thing that the dumboRATS want you to forget about: the cost of DACA. It's going to cost YOU but not them. Remember, the dumboRATs exempted themselves from having to sign up for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. How many other "laws" have they exempted themselves from? I love that the Homeland Security Secretary talks this way! January 16, 2018   Now we find out that the DHS folks -- under Pres. Donald J. Trump -- are getting ready to take "sanctuary city" leaders to court, and that the DOJ is going to appeal the pro-DACA ruling and try to shut the program down. It will be good for America if we shut that program down and put America first. Let's do this! January 16, 2018   James O'Keefe:   I love this guy! He's so courageous and he leads others who are courageous. He's awesome. One of the things he has found out about the dead blue bird is that the algorithms that are set up to shut people down (shadow banning some) targets those who visit Breitbart, and if you notice, I do that often. It's a good thing I'm not on the dead blue bird because if I were I may be shadow banned there. I was on it for a while (about eight months) but it wasn't worth the time and effort to me. While there, I did learn about GAB.ai so I think the time there was worth it. Well, finding GAB and needling lefties and getting followed by The Real James Woods. That was nice. I find that I'm not a "social media" type, though, and I don't do GAB either. I like it better than I liked the dead blue bird, but it takes too much time and effort, so I don't do it, either. I stayed on Fakebook just over a year (if I remember correctly) but posted rarely. Social media and I don't get along maybe because I have this outlet and I do it at specific times and then it's done for the day (except Thursdays when I do two updates, regular and Flag Fridays). Anyways, social media is all about being a haven for lefties so who wants to hang there anyways? January 16, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   An audit of the DOD's efforts to rebuild Afghanistan found at least $675 million wasted: "Due to poor planning, disastrous contracting practices and lack of oversight only $70 million of the $316.3 million spent on contracts to fully met their deliverables. That’s a dismal 22% success rate."That's ridiculous. That should never happen. Waste should be the last thing that happens in our DOD. We need every dollar to help our troops. When we give up that kind of money to waste it means there's a tank, helicoptor or part of a Navy ship, or even hundreds of bullet proof vests that our troops are going without. I find that despicable. Who is going to be held accountable for this? Anyone? January 16, 2018   Good for Dana Loesch! I'm not a huge fan of hers (she gets on my nerves for some reason), but she is absolutely correct about Bradley Edward Manning (A.K.A. "Chelsea" Manning). If he died in the desert and his bones were found and they tested the DNA to find out about the person who died, the DNA would come back male, not female. You're born male or female; DNA determines that. If you are choosing to be something other than what your DNA says, then when you die and they test you, your DNA will tell the truth about who you are. That's a fact. If you have to change the outside to match what your inside is telling you, then you are confused and need mental help, not an operation. The operation is a quick, easy fix, not a mental health thing. Fixing your mental health will be better for you than changing the outside appearance and making you even more confused. Consider: if you are having difficulties believing that you are a male (or a female) as your DNA says you are, then won't you still have difficulties dealing with the fact that you did all this to yourself via operations and make-up? After all, cutting something off or adding something to (both, actually: Males get their penis cut off and breasts added; females get their breasts cut off and a penis added.) your exterior appearance doesn't mean your brain will be able to cope with that easily. You're having drastic operations to fix a confusion in your head. Get the head right and the operations won't happen! January 16, 2018   I'm going to close with that for today. Did a lot more than I thought I would. I guess I had a lot to say. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 15, 2018: 1:49 p.m.   Well, that was fun! We went up to our GA farm Friday afternoon and we got up early Saturday morning and got a phone call from the delivery people saying that they'd be there within the hour. That was before nine in the morning so we received our new stove and had the rest of the day to do things we'd hoped to get done. That was a blessing! We wound up going to Lowe's, Wal-Mart, Ross and an antique shop in which we found three items: a dining room table from the 1930s with five chairs, a sideboard to put tablecloths and extra table stuff in, and a bench for the master bedroom. Now, I have to go back up to Georgia on Thursday so that I can be there for delivery of these beauties! Oh, poor me! (*wink, wink*) January 15, 2018: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:   Yep. I didn't put this in the first blurb. I think that this is an important day but I think that when this day was created (in some states in 1971, federally in 1986) the former presidents we honored in January were reduced to a single day, Presidents' Day, and Lincoln and Washington were relegated to asterisks when they contributed more to this country than did Mr. King, IMHO. Washington was the first President, an example to those who followed in how to be president, not king. He was a Christian, humble man who wanted only to establish America as a land of freedom for people and who thought it important to start that process as a strong nation, not divided on every thought, but united on the idea of escaping England's tyranny. This is what led him in his Revolutionary War leadership as general of the U.S. forces, and what led his presidency. He was not in favor of every bit of the U.S. Constitution, but he signed it to start us down the path of liberty. Lincoln did all he could to keep America from becoming a divided nation but to preserve that union while freeing slaves from bondage. He was murdered for his efforts and he was a Christian man, too. He was instrumental in doing things that allowed Martin Luther King, Jr., to have his day in the sun, yet he was relegated to the asterisk. I don't think it's appropriate to relegate presidents who were icons in America's history to the asterisk in order to honor someone else who was never president. I think Mr. King may have been an even greater man had he lived, but we'll never know. I just think that in asterisking our most iconic presidents we are diminishing the accomplishments of their presidencies and focusing on things that are too recent to see the whole picture of the full repurcussions. History will tell (as it did with Washington and Lincoln) what effects Mr. King's efforts had on America, but fifty years is not yet enough history. January 15, 2018   Hmmm... This is irritating. My computer did an update the other day and I haven't been online since then until today. Today the web browser is acting up something fierce and it's irritating. I've restarted my computer thinking it may have been a read error, but it's doing the same thing: freezing up a lot. It's making me want to throw it against a wall. I'll give it one more chance then I'll shut it down for the day because I have little patience for this kind of behavior. January 15, 2018   Ya' know, considering the things the now-reprehensible mitt romnot has not lately, I'm hoping he loses every election he ever goes out for. Now he's believing schumer's lies and criticizing Pres. Trump. romnot is an idiot. He needs to go silently into obscurity and stop making a fool of himself. If he thinks that criticizing Pres. Trump is the way to get elected, he's not just an idiot, he's politically unaware. January 15, 2018   Considering that we now have at least three people who were in the room at the time denying that Pres. Donald J. Trump said that alleged "sh**hole" comment (and stupid wannabes believing it), I'm glad that some people are putting it into perspective. It's about time that people compare what they are alleging about Pres. Trump to themuslimvileone's actions and words. Remember that themuslimvileone called Libya a "sh**show" NINE times in one interview! Nine times! That's compared to Pres. Donald J. Trump's ONE time, and it's compared to the fact that it was on a public interview, not in a private meeting that there are still different versions of his words: the leftist liars, or the truthful refuters of those lies. Is there a double standard here? Did durbin rush to the microphone after themuslimvileone's interview to condemn him and act all offended? Nope. Double-durbin did nothing of the sort. All he did is support him. When will the left/progressives/liberals stop with their double standards? My guess: never. January 15, 2018   dumboRATS:   There are now (count 'em) four dumboRATS who have alleged that they will be boycotting the Presidential State of the Union Address because Pres. Trump is who he is. I bet the audience for the SOTU Address is going to be a lot better looking without those dumboRATS in it! January 15, 2018   January 15, 2018   The left has been screaming that Pres. Trump is everything negative they can think of since he announced his candidacy. They've accused him of misogyny, racism, being a hate-monger, elitist, and more. Problem is, none of it is proving true and his support amongst blacks is on the rise. No wonder. Under Pres. Trump, the black unemployment rate is at its lowest rate in 17 years, (or since 1972 depending on the website you go to). With that kind of unemployment rate, I think it's a reasonable thing to do to like the President who made that possible. BTW, did you know that President Trump (before he was president) paid for Guatemalans' eye surgeries so that they wouldn't go blind? Racist much? January 15, 2018   Hate Crime HOAX:   When people LIE about a "hate crime" it prevents others from being believed and it makes it seem even more senseless to have such a thing as a "hate crime". You cannot legislate emotions. You cannot demand nor command emotional fealty. Thus, "hate" crimes are a non-starter and a non-entity, except in the political world. Thus, when a hoax crime like this is reported it makes things less believable for "victims" and sheds more light on the politics of the law: more power for the left and less freedom (even emotional freedom) for all. January 15, 2018   pelosipig:   Oh, no she doesn't! I think the left is counting chickens before they hatch and that the "lock" she allegedly has on the Speaker seat is a wish and a prayer! I don't think she'll be banging that big gravel again. I don't think she has the mental capacity to run the House again (not that she ever had it). I think her health problem is too big for even the left to ignore and that they do NOT have the ability to win the House right now. Chickens are not guaranteed just because they have eggs. If so, there would be no quiche. January 15, 2018   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   What? Why? How? How on earth did America wind up with a mango board wasting $6.7 MILLION annually? "Based in Orlando, Florida, the National Mango Board has a generous $6.7 million annual budget, according to USDA figures."For that American taxpayers have to dole out $6.7 MILLION ANNUALLY? Stop the waste! Get rid of the mango board! I love mangos, but this is ridiculous! January 15, 2018   Immigration:   This is why dumboRATS WANT massive immigration from poor countries. If they can bring people over here, get them on the government teat of which dumboRATS are in control, then dumboRATS believe that they will have a continual voter base that will never leave them and people will keep dumboRATS in control and in power forever and ever and ever. What the dumboRATS seem to forget is that people have brains. Even though they may come over and be part of the dumboRAT voting machine for a few years, there is a phenomenon known as "Red Pilling" that makes people's eyes open wide and they leave the dumboRAT machine and start thinking for themselves. Pres. Trump's election has done a lot of that with the popularity of Pres. Trump soaring among black people and the fact that red pilling is happening daily and being recorded and reported on and if lefties/progressives/liberals have an iota of a brain within them they, too, can be red pilled. January 15, 2018   James O'Keefe and the Dead Blue Bird:   Are you on that? Do you know that they are collecting everything you post and saving it in a giant file on you? What do they do with that information, those pictures, those thoughts and comments? They sell it to advertisers. Everything you post is now in advertisers' hands. If you are into sexual posts, you probably get e-mail or snail mail about pornography because of the dead blue bird. If you are into horseback riding, you receive horse riding ads. If you are into electronics, the same. The dead blue bird is using everything you post for their own profit because -- as I said -- they're selling your info without passing the profit onto you. They're making money off of your thoughts, the cold you had, the day you found out your Mom had cancer, the day your dog died. They are making money off of your LIFE and not sharing the profit with you. Did you know that? January 15, 2018   U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, before he died, spoke favorably of Donald Trump. He liked Trump and thought he was refreshingly honest. That's nice to know. I trusted Justice Antonin Scalia and thought he had a great mind. I'm glad he thought well of Donald J. Trump, it puts me in good company. January 15, 2018   How do you protect your children? Do you teach them about "Stranger Danger", "Good Touch and Bad Touch", when to run and scream, how to avoid pervs online? How about how to avoid drug dealers on Fakebook? Yep. It's another danger you need to be aware of for your kids. It's also another good reason to keep your kids off of Fakebook. If I had young kids today, I would use the toughest parental filter ever found to keep my kids off of social media. They'd never see the dead blue bird, fakebook, instagram, etc., if I had my way. I'd sit beside them every second the computer is turned on if I had young kids. It may drive them crazy, but at least I'd be sure they were not exposed to crap. January 15, 2018   Crazy CA:   Arrested for feeding the homeless? El Cajon, CA did just that. I think it's heartless, but CA is full of strange ideas. January 15, 2018   On that note, I shall go for now. Remember that later this week I won't be posting anything except Flag Friday and that will go up Thursday morning. For now, enjoy the rest of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 12, 2018: 12:06 a.m.   Flag Friday:   I remembered and I got it done! I'm so glad! I hate forgetting, or being incapable of doing a Flag Friday due to not having internet capabilities. So I'm glad to be able to present to you my "Tribute To Our Heroes 354: Lilting Hands" this week. I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I don't think I'll see you later today. We did get the Christmas tree down but I have to find the instructions for
January 12, 2018: 12:05 p.m.   I have time to do a few blurbs so let's do it! January 12, 2018   Fakebook:   The "social media" folks are all in for changing the internet to leftie/progressive/liberal only. They're determined to silence Conservatives and Christians. They despise the truth and traditional values. Is anyone surprised? January 12, 2018   CaliMexifornia is allegedly the leader of the nation. The saying is "As goes California so goes the nation." I'm so glad that's not the truth. CaliMexifornia is full of lefties/progressives/liberals and they want nothing more than to have a socialist state. Well, they do until they get it. Then they'll live with it for a while and realize that it's not everything they thought it would be and they'll want to undo their own stupidity, but it will be a lot more difficult than they thought. CaliMexifornia is too stupid to think about what they're doing to realize that they're headed in the wrong direction. They shall learn the hard way. January 12, 2018   pelosipig:   She's sick. I mean, literally, she has a physical illness of some sort (I'm thinking Alzheimer's or something similar) and she needs to retire and get the medical help she needs. If she could retire maybe the illness will slow down its progression. I don't know, but when you give speeches like this (with notes!) you don't need to be representing anyone. You need to retire and let your body use its energy to get better or slow the progression of the illness. I can't believe her constituents are allowing her to continue "representing" them while she is in this condition. She's not healthy and she doesn't have the mental capabilities to make decisions on what is best for herself, much less her constituents or the nation! BTW, she's also a huge hypocrite! January 12, 2018   blm:   Does that stand for something other than blackmail? They're so full of it that they will push and scream and make a fuss until they get paid off and then they'll go quietly until the next opportunity to get more cash. That's what it's all about for them: cold, hard cash. If it were really about anything else, don't you think -- after all this time -- that there really would have been a change (any change) by now? January 12, 2018   Dead Blue Bird:   They, too, want nothing more than to silence Christians and Conservatives because they like "celebrities" on their platform and they like to "appease" them. Stupid to do, but when you have no brains in the company what do you expect? January 12, 2018   SMH:   This isn't church. This is a sorry excuse to worship a weed. The Lord has nothing to do with this. I cannot imagine Him condoning this. He told us not to get drunk. If He's against getting drunk, He's against us getting high. Marijuana damages brain cells and I'm sure He wouldn't want your brain damaged because you chose to worship something He created instead of the Creator of that thing. But, people will continue to do whatever they wish and call it "Okay" because it's what they want. They don't care what He wants because if they did they'd read the Bible - His Word - and learn exactly what He wants and do what He wants, and follow Him, instead of wasting their GOD given talents and whatever intelligence He gave them on destroying their brain cells. Hedonism destroys bodies and souls. Don't go there, folks. It's not good for you. January 12, 2018   MAGA:   Again, the stock market is setting records, and last Christmas's sales were superb, and 90% of employees will see more in their paychecks starting next month! Now, that's good for America and it's "Making America Great Again!" Yes, you benefit from the stock market's soaring numbers, too, if you have a 401K, or some other investment in the market, with the right investments in a well-managed portfolio, you can make a really great return with these numbers happening. My hubby manages his own and he does really well! It's thrilling to hear the reports and to knwo that he is that good with following the promptings of the Lord and see the benefits of obedience. I'm so glad Pres. Donald J. Trump won! We're all seeing such benefits from it! NONE of this would have happened if hillosercrooktOOn had won! January 12, 2018   I've got to go get the rest of my chores done. We're headed to our Georgia farm again this weekend and I have to get things ready. Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 11, 2018: 1:41 p.m.   Time for just a few blurbs today. Getting ready to go north again. We have a new stove arriving Saturday and have to be there to let them in. I thought it would be just me going up there but it looks like my hubby will be able to go with me. Hurray! So, we leave tomorrow after work and get there late Friday evening and get our new stove/oven/range Saturday and do some errands and work and Sunday afternoon we leave for Florida again. Yesterday and Tuesday I missed because Tuesday I had company all day and yesterday I went down to see our son and spent a few hours with him. It was fun. So today I do a few blurbs because I'm still getting ready to go to Georgia this weekend and that includes taking down our "Big Fat Christmas Tree", doing laundry, etc. For now, let's get those few blurbs done! January 11, 2018   James O'Keefe:   Love this kid! He's at it again. He's exposing the left's Dead Blue Bird for their efforts to ensure that their platform is all about group think/group speech. If you believe in America, GOD, free speech, the U.S. Constitution, the Second Amendment, you're a "redneck" on the Dead Blue Bird and your account can be shadow banned. Isn't that wonderful? Aren't you glad that you have an alternative at Gab.ai? You have an option. Gab is more about Free Speech and the First Amendment than the Dead Blue Bird has ever dreamt of being. Check them out and see for yourself. You need to know that Free Speech includes speech you don't like and can block (words, phrases, people) so that you aren't subjected to foul language if that isn't something you want to see. But the First Amendment is still available there. Check it out and see for yourself. Oh, and of course, the Dead Blue Bird shut down O'Keefe's account after his expose. Anyone surprised? January 11, 2018   MAGA:   Wal-Mart has decided to give its employees better pay and benefits thanks to Pres. Donald J. Trump's (I still LOVE saying that!) tax reductions. It will make it possible for those people to spend more, pay their bills better and contribute to the economy more. It's a win/win/win and we have Pres. Trump to thank for that! Speaking of "Great Again", the U6 unemployment rate for December 2017 was 8.1% reported (but I think it was lower and will be adjusted down) with a U2 rate of 2.0%. That's excellent! So using the U6 reported rates, we had an averaged U6 unemployment rate in 2017 of 8.55%. That's lower than any of themuslimvileone's years. Now, there are over 100 companies giving bonuses to their employees because of Pres. Trump's tax reforms! Also, have you seen what the stock market is doing lately? It's smashing records left, right and center and it keeps going up! It may take a small step back here and there, but it's climbing, folks. It's climbing! That's all good, folks! Remember, it was the Republican House and Senate who voted to do this and that NOT A SINGLE dumboRAT voted to give you a tax break! Remember that during the elections this year. You do not have a single dumboRAT to thank for your better economic situation. Not a one. This is all Republicans and Pres. Donald J. Trump. January 11, 2018   Fakebook:   Really? Do you want this? Do you want Fakebook to have cameras and microphones in your home? I think that would be a horrible idea. Think of the implications. Think of the lack of privacy. Think of the recordings they could do of "private" conversations. Think of all of the stories you hear about the "Alexa" thing or the google thing taking moments of conversations to order unwanted products, children finding out how to order things, etc., and think of the things they will hear and see if this thing is in your house. Shades of The Truman Show! Not a good idea! January 11, 2018   January 11, 2018   Woopsie! Secret satellite missing? Hope they have a search and recovery crew out looking for it. Don't want it to fall into the wrong hands, do we? We already know that the Russians have had spy ships off our coast (as well as submarines) and that it's not a good idea to let them get that satellite. Let's pray that America get that thing before someone else does! January 11, 2018   On a personal note, this outrages me! I love koala bears and collect them. My collection is probably over 400 koalas at this point. I think they are the best animals on earth and they're cuter than cute! To see a story about someone screwing one to a post is just so disheartening. I can't imagine anyone wanting to do that! It's not just cruel, it's heartless! How could anyone do that!? January 11, 2018   We can but hope that angela merkel is done. Let us hope that she loses her next election and that someone with some sense gets into office! January 11, 2018   I like this! Work for Medicaid required? That is an excellent idea! My Mom retired just last year a few weeks before her 80th birthday. She didn't want to retire, but she was forced out of her job and she can't find another, so she's retired. She actually gave all of her nursing uniforms away, so that makes it pretty official. I think she'd love to see young people who want to take advantage of Medicaid to be forced to work in some way. She always worked, why shouldn't they? January 11, 2018   Walter E. Williams:   His article yesterday about "Dirty College Secrets" is something you need to read: especially if you have kids you're considering sending to college! January 11, 2018   I will close with that for today. As I said, just a few blurbs. I'll post my Flag Friday pic tonight and then I'll be back on Monday. I may have time to post tomorrow, but I doubt it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 8, 2018: 3:26 p.m.   Happy New Year to you and yours! We had a great time on our trip and we saw snow and my Mom had a great time, too! It was fun, relaxing and very good for us. We went to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC, and stayed at the Inn on the Estate, a swank hotel, in a very nice room with a bathroom to dream of, and my Mom had a little smaller room next door. My hubby and I visited the Biltmore Estate house the day before we picked Mom up just to make sure she'd be able to do the entire tour (she could and did), but I also took loads of pictures that day so that the next day during the Candlelight tour I could focus on Mom and making sure she was enjoying it and not hurting. She has a metal hip and sometimes in the cold it hurts her, so I didn't want her to have to walk if she was in pain. She did fine. Then we went to the Stable Cafe and ate dinner there. If they tell you that it's a diverse menu and the lowest priced restaurant on the Estate, don't believe them. It's closest to the house, yes, but it's very expensive ($180 for three of us) and it's not a diverse menu, there are only a few choices for appetizer, entree and dessert, but they're all expensive. Anyways, it was a fun trip, and we went to our Georgia farm for a few days first (Dec. 29th - Jan. 1st) and for a day after (Jan. 6th-7th), where we plinked a little with Keith's new air guns. We definitely have to sight in the rifle. It was way off! Oh! We also bought an old desk for our farm, and (I'm still not sure why) a gout stool from the 1930s. Anyways, that's our trip and we had a great time and after a great Christmas and the trip, it's time to settle down and get back to work -- for a few days. I will probably be headed back to the farm on Thursday because we had to buy a new oven (stove, range, whatever you call it) and it will be delivered Saturday so someone has to be there. We'll see if I actually go or if I postpone delivery, which is an option. I enjoy the farm the best when my hubby is with me. I wonder why... January 8, 2018   Flag Friday:   I forgot to post my Flag Friday pic until Friday afternoon and I was on vacation without my computer and on my iPad I have no HTML program (that I know of) so I couldn't put the link here. I'll do that now. My "Tribute To Our Heroes 353: Vacation Mode" is up and ready for your enjoyment. Sorry it was late and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough and GOD Bless You All! January 8, 2018   Hollyweird:   Can you believe it? The ridiculousness of this idea has me shaking my my head. Really? The dumboRATS are so desperate they'll get oprah winfrey to run for prezidunce? That's not just stupid, it's beyond! It's the dumboRATS looking for a puppet. They really do want someone they can miniputlate and pull the strings on and she'll dance to their tune. That's all they want. They don't want someone with a brain, ideas, etc.; just a puppet. I bet the speech she made at the most recent hollyweird patting itself on the back show omitted the fact that in her own school girls were being raped on a regular basis. Does anyone remember that when it comes to kissing her backside and the "rape culture" of hollyweird? Hypocrites. January 8, 2018   themuslimvileone:   Really, they are absurd. They are egoes on legs and they keep pumping their egoes up bigger, bigger and bigger. Don't believe me? Check out the plans for his library and tell me he doesn't have a desire to waste as much of YOUR taxpayer dollars as possible. He's a real piece of satanic work. January 8, 2018   MAGA:   A 2018 building boom is coming up so be ready to be employed, buy a house (15 year loan only) and to be able to say, "Hey, I remember when this was just a bunch of grass and dirt!" like we did with Viera years ago. Remember what it looked like with all that water last summer? Remember when it looked like that almost every day? Yeah. Now the government of Brevard County has based itself in flooded cow pastures and people have built high priced homes there. I suppose that's the price of progress: cow patties and swampland appropriate places for government centers. January 8, 2018   Don't believe a word you hear that comes from this book. So many people have denounced almost every statement in it that it looks like it's nothing but a pile of lies. It's not a surprise that it's being touted by the left/progressives/liberals but it is surprising that anyone would publish something so blatantly and provenly filled with lies (not "errors": outright lies). I don't know what the publisher was thinking - besides "Destroy Trump!" - but if I were one of Pres. Trump's advisors I'd advise him and everyone lied about in the book to sue the hades out of the publisher and the author. Teach them a lesson by taking every penny and their underwear if need be. Lies like these should not be allowed to stand. Teach them a lesson. Sue them to the max. January 8, 2018   pooper-paper:   In this month's article the usual suspect wrote about how terrible Willow Creek's growth is for Port St. John and how our schools will be overcrowded, etc., etc., etc. I wonder how many of you lived here in 2001 when she and her cohorts, amytiddlywinks, marytees, and randyrodriguez pushed for PSJ's incorporation and how they decided that they were the unelected representatives to PSJ and they went up to Titusville and decided to negotiate -- on our "behalf" and without our voting them into office to represent us -- our northern boundaries with that city. Remember the results? "Happenings," July, 2001, page 32, PSJ4T wrote: "'It is for these reasons, that it is the position of Port St. John For Tomorrow (PAC), that in an effort to move the Feasibility Study forward, we are in agreement with the City of Titusville’s request and Brevard County, District 1’s concurrence, to use Kings Highway as the Northern Boundary line for the purposes of the approved study, with a caveat stating that by agreeing to this new boundary line, it will in no way preclude us from meeting the minimum statutory requirements in order to be considered a city.'"So she's complaining that the City of Titusville is expanding its city when she was one of the UNELECTED parties at the meeting that agreed to the City of Titusville's ability to come to that boundary. Yes, it is beyond the Kings Highway border, but that was part of the agreement, too. The Willow Creek development was already in the works so there should be no qualms with its growth. But, no. One of the unelected people who took it upon themselves to represent PSJ as a whole without us asking them to, is now complaining that something she disagrees with is happening and will impact PSJ after she agreed to Titusville being that close to us? Oh, WAH! Question and Caution: Is this part of an initial push to start the incorporation effort again? Remember back in 2001 when they started pushing hard for incorporation and actually incorporated PSJ4T as a PAC - after being in existence for a while previous to incorporating - they used all kinds of scare tactics against Titusville and Cocoa both. They said we would be forced onto Titusville's sewers because Titusville needed the money and we would be their cash cow. (Did that happen?) They said Cocoa was going to incorporate us because we were already using their water and the law says that if utilities were provided by a city that the city had the opportunity to incorporate the users because of their service provisions. It was a lie, but that never stopped the PAC. Remember all of the lies? You can read more about it at my website, PSJ History.com in the PSJ Incorporation section. They used a lot of crap against both cities (Titusville and Cocoa) and they misled people left, right and center. It was an amazing lesson in how to research and "FIND THE TRUTH!" and in how to get the truth to the people and I hope that we learn from the past instead of repeating it. That's why I continue this website, too. I have no desire to go through the crap again. January 8, 2018   NFaiLaughing:   How many kneelers does it take to make the whole NFL unemployed? When the next year season starts and they still refuse to stand for the National Anthem and to honor our heroes and our flag, then we'll see how many kneelers it takes. I have a prediction: If they don't get this thing settled and there are no kneelers at the beginning of next season, the NFL will no longer warrant being on television and they will lose sponsors left, right and center and they will no longer be a favorite with America's sports fans. It's not smart to shoot yourself in the foot, but as I've said before, how many Ph.D.'s do you see after an NFL player's name? January 8, 2018   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! There is a judge out there with a sense of right and wrong and with knowledge of the law and the U.S. Constitution! The Bundy charges have been dismissed and themuslimvileone's DOJ has been ripped a new one! That's not just good, it's entirely justified! Excellent! January 8, 2018   pope what'shisface:   It's time that this pope stop getting into everything under the sun and start paying attention to his own stupidity. He's so wrong on everything that it's almost comical. January 8, 2018   Hubby's home. Gotta' go. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! Remember to check Storage 2009, Storage 2010, Storage 2011 And, as usual, this whole site is COPYRIGHTED to myself and I reserve all rights to it. If you wish to copy any portion of this site for any reason whatsoever, you must contact me prior to (before, ahead of) copying anything on this site and get my permission to use it. Otherwise, you will face legal charges of copyright infringement. I own it all, folks, so hands off. |