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HOME TRIBUTE Video Page Page Deux Storage Main Government Links PSJ Info Religion Services Politics My Links My Blog Writers | Storage 2017December 2017 December 29, 2017: 1:21 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Sorry I didn't get updates done Thursday. I am so busy doing stuff for my trip that I literally got so little sleep last night it didn't register on my Fitbit; even after it got recharged from a low battery! That's bad. Anyways, here's this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 352: No Time!". I won't be posting anything else today since I leave today, and I won't be posting next week at all, except the Flag Friday on Thursday night. I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and Happy New Year and that you all enjoy it without incident. Stay home and stay safe. I'll see you Jan. 8, 2018 (That's so weird.)! December 29, 2017 Oh! I just thought of something to share with you before I go. I found this YouTube video of a drunk squirrel that tickled my funny bone and I thought I'd share it with you. Have a great New Year! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 27, 2017: 10:04 a.m.   Early start today so that I can do this at all. So, let's start with leaving. Three "deep blue states" are losing residents. They're leaving the states of CA, IL and NY, and going to places where the taxes are lower and the atmosphere is nicer. No, I don't mean atmosphere as in air quality. I mean more freedom and less PC. Good for them, but if they're going to try to turn the states they move to into leftist blue states then as far as I'm concerned they should have stayed right where they were. December 27, 2017   Did you have a merry Christmas? It was a good Christmas for department stores and MasterCard. MC says it was the biggest Christmas in history. Not bad at all for the economy and good for you because your spending means you have hope for the future of your job (income) and you have hope for America as a nation. I like that! BTW, it is a lot more under Pres. Trump than any year of themuslimvileone. Speaks volumes, yes? December 27, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Speaking of the vermin, he was interviewed by Prince Harry and said that he missed creating traffic jams. Really. SMH. December 27, 2017   Judicial Watch has uncovered something that makes me go "Hmmmm..." Is there a political shakedown happening in police departments due to PC monitors? Read the story here and you'll get the details and you may be shocked to know that "Since Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone, who advocates protecting illegal immigrants from deportation, took over in 2016 the agency has had a 10% attrition rate, the records obtained by Judicial Watch show. Ironically, one of the Warshaw monitors assigned to keep MCSO in check is a former Miami, Florida police chief embroiled in a federal corruption investigation. The former chief, Raul Martinez, was among several targets investigated by the feds for helping destroy evidence against drug smugglers, sharing bribes and skimming cash and drugs from seizures, according to a local newspaper report. Martinez invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination before a grand jury."That's pretty bad and it's shocking to me that no one has stopped this. I think you should read the story and see what themuslimvileone allowed to be set up. It's ridiculous. December 27, 2017   Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and has been since the time of King David. When Pres. Donald J. Trump decided to announce that America will be moving its embassy to Jerusalem it was a big step and it was a bold step. Now, Israel is going to name a train station after Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's nice. December 27, 2017   Patrick Buchanan asks, "Did The FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?" Well, DUH! Of course they did! themuslimvileone had turned the FBI into a political arm of his administration, not used it as an investigative tool for good. The FBI to themuslimvileone was just another way to get what he wanted done. No one who isn't in a coma can deny that. December 27, 2017   Another good reason to NOT use marijuana: cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, a condition that makes you vomit and is very painful and if you smoke marijuana "multiple times a day for months, years or even decades" you are more likely to suffer from it. You will be vomitting and writhing on the floor. Is it any wonder, considering how much you don't know about how the marijuana is raised and what chemicals are used on it? There is no "full disclosure" clause in marijuana. You don't get a label like you do with breakfast cereals. December 27, 2017   I have a problem with the University of Wisconsin-Madison course, "The Problem of Whiteness". (Really.) I think that the people who are pushing this nonsense are racists and I think that they need to be "re-educated" and that one of the only reasons they do this crap is to stay in power and keep getting paid. It's ridiculous and I think they should all be fired. No one can change the fact that they are born into a certain race and skin tone. You have no guilt in that and there is nothing wrong with being born caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, "African-American", Middle Eastern, etc. The problem arises when other people can't get over the fact that your skin tone is different from theirs. They need to get over it and they need to move on to real problems: like their need to manufacture problems! December 27, 2017   Brexit:   It's going to happen and now, even people in the EU want it to happen. This is according to the YouGov survey the British government did. I think it's a good thing for Brexit to happen. Never give up your sovereignty as a country. Don't let other countries tell you what to do. I hope Brexit stays on track and that soon we'll see England have its own identity and its sovereignty back. It would be a good thing for the British people. Maybe with the success of Brexit the rest of the EU will fall apart, too. December 27, 2017   Is there soon to be another attack on America, as a PLO member warns? I hope that IF it is tried that it is also prevented and that the person or people who plan to do so get arrested and thrown into Gitmo for the rest of their lives. December 27, 2017   Guess what? The tax cut the Republicans put together actually does help families and the left doesn't want you to know that. Too bad you have a brain of your own and you know how to use it (unlike lefties/progressives/liberals). December 27, 2017   Chess champion gives up chance for title and monetary gain for her principles. I commend Anna Muzychuk for standing for her principles and I respect her decision. Being able to do the right thing even though you will lose out because of your principles is a rare commodity. She is someone I admire. December 27, 2017   NFaiLaughing:   Oh, look! The NFL is taking a knee. They cancelled Sunday Night Football for New Years' Eve. I guess they suffered a collapse of some sort. I wonder what tht could have been. Whatever could have made them do something like that? I wonder if the initials collin kaepernik have anything to do with it? December 27, 2017   Aaaaahhh... public schools:   Tests to get to be a certified teacher are getting way too easy but many teacher candidates still have difficulties passing those tests! If a person who wants to be a teacher can't answer the questions mentioned in the story they need to give up teaching before they start and they need to go sell shoes or something. Homeschool your children, folks. Homeschool your kids. December 27, 2017   If you child starts talking about being a different gender than the one they were born with (there are only two genders), then you need to read this and be aware that there are people who will help push that agenda and encourage your child to "transition" and do permanent har to their bodies even at a very young age. If you need help, reach out to the support groups for parents and find a good Christian psychologist/psychiatrist to help in this situation. It is a spiritual battle as much as a physical or psychological battle. You need to turn to GOD and make sure you speak the promises of GOD over your child even before this crap starts. When they are young, start speaking the promises of GOD over them. When GOD is in control He wins. December 27, 2017   United Airlines gave a paid ticket-holder's seat away to sheila jackson lee. Can you believe it? I didn't know they were so liberal. I used to like United. Now? Not so much. December 27, 2017   December 27, 2017   Well, I'm going to close with that for today. Remember that I'll be out of town from Dec. 29th to Jan. 7th, so there won't be any updates then. I'll do my Flag Friday before I go, of course, so I won't miss that. I may have to do two of them so that I can just make one pic public on Jan. 5th after posting it before I go. We'll see how it all works out. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 26, 2017: 12:57 p.m.   I didn't get to do anything Friday although my intent was to do so because my hubby had the day off and I completely forgot about that when I posted my Flag Friday pic. Sorry about that. I also couldn't think of anything to do as a Christmas gift for you. Sorry about that also. I do have to tell you that on December 29th we will be going out of town until January 7th, 2018 (boy that's weird, writing 2018). It's a special occassion in our family and we must go celebrate it. I won't be posting during that week at all. I won't have the ability to do so, either. So, we'll just muddle through with the first week of 2018 and we'll build from there. OK? December 26, 2017   You need to read the article about the Ann Coulter Breitbart interview and consider what she says. Illegal immigration and DACA will ruin America because we are not Mexico North. We are America and we should not be overtaken with those who refuse to come here the legal way and who want to be given all kinds of taxpayer dollars and who want to make us assimilate to their culture, instead of them learning English, becoming "Americanized", and assimilating to our culture. Why bother immigrating if all you want to do is make the country you go to illegally into the country you're leaving? WHy bother leaving? December 26, 2017   rosie o'sicko:   Again, she breaks the law by trying to BRIBE lawmakers into voting the way she wanted them to on the tax cut bill. She should be charged because she was totally serious about the offer and she should be found guilty of attempted corruption and bribery and she should be sent to federal prison for no less than ten years. That's what she deserves. December 26, 2017   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   As he has travelled to different countries he has been able to strengthen ties and make good things happen for America in other countries. I like that. He's also been accomplishing 81 major things that are good for America while undoing eleven of themuslimvileone's horrible things. I love it! Also, the United Nations Ambassador, Nikki Haley, after the vote to rebuke America for deciding to move our embassy to Jerusalem, decided to save American taxpayers some money and to cut $285 MILLION from the U.N. funding budget. That's with Pres. Trump's support, I'm sure. Excellent! Because of Pres. Trump's policies, Americans had a very merry Christmas and spent money because they believed that they would have a job come January. Retailers are happy and people got bonuses and it's all because of Pres. Trump's policies. It's a good thing! Some people think that the economy is going to keep booking and we'll be on the road to prosperity and greatness (MAGA!) for at least a while longer and I agree. Pres. Trump fulfilled his promise in that, too! December 26, 2017   I'd like to remind you of the difference between Pres. Donald J. Trump and themuslimvileone. Look at the list above and then re-read the story about themuslimvileone allowing Iran to bring COCAINE into America so that he could get a legacy item done. Can you imagine? themuslimvileone is/was so vile that he belongs in the deepest pits of hell because he tried to destroy America and did everything he could -- including IMPORTING DRUGS (as did the crooktOOns!) into America -- to destroy AmericaNs. It's not good enough for the lefties/progressives/liberals to just destroy the country we love, they have to destroy the people too! December 26, 2017   Is anyone surprised that the robert mueller investigation of Pres. Trump is a "trainwreck of misconduct"? Does it surprise you that they do anything they can to point the finger at Pres. Trump -- without evidence, without him having anything to do with the government when most of the alleged misdeeds took place, or anything else to stand on? The fact is that the lefties/progressives/liberals are still trying to do everything they can to punish Pres. Trump for winning election. They are not trying to get hillosercrooktOOn into office; even they don't want that. They're just angry that someone not within their "sphere" is president and that he was elected against all odds and against their express wishes. The "elite" are supposed to be in control, to win, to be the last word in everything. Last year's election, that was not the case and when the "We, The People" voted for the man we believed in, then we had the final word and they had to sit, stunned, in front of their television sets, computers, teleprompters and watch it happen, incapable of stopping it. They hated that and still do. They still want to take back control at any and all costs and if that means throwing hillosercrooktOOn under every bus in the nation -- and her bullybub crooktOOn with her -- then that's the price they are willing to pay to get Pres. Donald J. Trump out of office. They're despicable. December 26, 2017   Hubby called and he's on his way home from the grocery store. Didn't know he'd be home early today, but he is, so I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 22, 2017: 2:28 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering was delayed by my computer doing updates and then not working properly after the updtae. That's irritating but I had to be sure to post my tribute because I mean every one of them and I hope you all know it. "Tribute To Our Heroes 351: Adeste Fideles" is this week's offering. I hope you like it. Sorry about the delay in posting it. GOD Bless You All. Hope to see you later today but if not it will be Tuesday, for certain. December 21, 2017: 2:20 p.m.   "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."If you don't get that, you may need a remedial reading course or thirty. December 21, 2017   MAGA:   Success! In his first year in office, Pres. Donald J. Trump has repealed 11 of themuslimvileone's "legacy items". That's a great, great thing! I'm very happy about that! He's done 81 (eighty-one!) "major achievements" so far and that's in one year! Pres. Donald J. Trump does not slow down, does he? It's all good, folks! It's all good! December 21, 2017   After the Republicans passed the tax cut bill yesterday AT & T announced they'd be giving bonuses and investing in America. Today, we have at least three other companies saying they will be giving bonuses to their employees and doing good things for America! That's not something you'd see under themuslimvileone, now is it? That's how to get it done! December 21, 2017   I'm sure that the dumboRATS think it is something they will be commended for by their supporters to wish death on VP Pence and others since the tax bill passed, but it's not acceptable behavior. If a Republican/Conservative had done this the left would be all up in arms and they'd be calling for someone's beheading because it's not acceptable behavior. Why is it okay for the left to wish death upon several people and the left does not call them out? Is it because that's what we've come to expect and accept from the left/progressives/liberals, so we do nothing when we see it happen again? The left has no boundaries when it comes to bad taste and behavior. December 21, 2017   Defund the United Nations:   The U.N. today passed a resolution "nullifying" America's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. To which U.S. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, responded "We're taking names" and defunding those countries is a strong possibility. I hope she won't do anything that would back America down from unfunding the U.N. I think it's time to do just that: in triplicate if necessary! December 21, 2017   To me, this is another sure sign that Pres. Donald J. Trump is a great president, mcCONnell is siding with Pres. Trump as he figures out who is winning. He'll go kiss whoever's backside necessary for him to get or stay in power. December 21, 2017   As we all thought was happening, Fakebook "stifles" those it disagrees with. Not just here in America, does it do so, but worldwide. It helps oppressive regimes silence their detractors. Isn't that special? December 21, 2017   GASP!:   What's this? What's this? U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is asking for more info on the Uranium One deal that hillosercrooktOOn did with Russia. Could this be the beginning of the truth being allowed to come out and the crooktOOns actually having to face real consequences for their actions? Could that be? I hope so! December 21, 2017   Finally!:   The "rape culture" at college campuses has finally been investigated honestly and found to be a LIE. Women in college are less likely to be raped than in other venues. So the college profs who teach that LIE should all be fired because you shouldn't be able to teach a lie and keep your job. Same goes with "global warming" liars, commies, socialists, and lefties/progressives/liberals who LIE about our economy and Conservative values and beliefs. Fire them all! December 21, 2017   I'm going to close with this for today. Did you know that the accusers against Pres. Donald J. Trump are financially backed by thevilegeorgesoros? Yep. Question is, is he bribing them to lie, or is he bribing them to lie? (Get my drift?) December 21, 2017   I'll post my Flag Friday posting this evening and maybe I'll get a Christmas present posted to you (I'll try but I don't know what that will be yet), but Monday is Christmas so I'll not be doing updates on Monday. I've got to wrap more presents (thought I was finished but we did more shopping yesterday) and some more Christmas decorating, so I'll go for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 20, 2017: 3:56 p.m.   Again I have a few minutes to do some blurbs and I have such joy in the first one that it's almost unbelieveable. Can you believe that the Republicans actually passed tax cuts? Even with ROTTEN ryan in the leadership position they did it! That's the power of Pres. Donald J. Trump (love saying that even more now)! We're supposed to start seeing the changes in our February paychecks and that could mean that in the tax code for 2017 taxes due April 15th, we'll see a lower tax bill as well. Wouldn't that be nice? I'd love that! Wouldn't you? Thanks, Repuublicans for such a nice surprise! I honestly didn't expect it! December 20, 2017   MAGA:   Since the tax bill passed, AT & T has said that it will give its employees bonuses and increase their capital spending in America. That's good for America! Hurray! I wonder how many more companies will be doing good things for their employees since they'll be paying lower taxes and can afford to do so? Also, Fifth-Third Bank decided to follow suit. Good! And, Congress did another surprising thing in opening oil drilling in Alaska so that America will be energy independent! Amazing! December 20, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   In the tax bill passed today that Pres. Trump has promised to sign, and thus will become law, the "individual mandate" is elimintated and the penalty you've (I've been) paying for not buying into the unconstitutional program is gone! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! It's about time the U.S. Constitution's authority be restored! December 20, 2017   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   Pres. Trump declared that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem and that America will move our embassy to Jerusalem a few days ago. That's a great thing! A few countries followed suit, but now the United Nations (a blackmail organization if ever I saw one) has decided to try to pass a resolution rescinding that decision and preventing America from moving our embassy. To which U.S. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, said she will be "taking names" of the countries that vote in favor of the resolution and Pres. Donald Trump said that he would be cutting off funding to any country that voted for the resolution. I love that! December 20, 2017   Wow. I wonder if the illegals voting in VA elections had anything to do with the closeness of this race? In 2016: "Virginia’s election officials are enabling illegal registration and voting by foreign citizens, according to an extensive new study, titled 'Alien Invasion in Virginia,' by a former Department of Justice civil rights lawyer."So who won by U.S. CITIZENS voting is what should be looked at. All other votes should be thrown out. In America, citizens have the vote, but illegals and non-citizens should not have the right to vote. They should have to wait until they are citizens to get a say in who runs our country. If that's not something they want to wait for, they should go back to their home country and vote there! December 20, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   Ruh-Roh! He's testing missiles with internationally illegal warheads on them! He's testing anthrax warheads. I hope that a Seal Team or their equivalent from another country is ready to take him out and stop this threat! If not the world will be paying for their own inaction. The T3 doesn't like to take "No!" for an answer and if he wants to prove his grit to his generals he'll attack a convenient (weak) target as soon as possible to show them that he's tough. His ego is as big as his hairdo weird. December 20, 2017   SMH:   Why does cnn keep proving they are idiots? I don't know how they can face themselves in the mirror. Or maybe they don't. I wonder how many of their homes have no mirrors? December 20, 2017   al frankenstein:   The man who "won" by suing is leaving by sex-ing. He decided that women were objects and that they didn't deserve his respect and that he could do whatever he wanted because he thought "it was funny". Well, how funny is it now, frankenstein? Kiss your cushy job goodbye and your perks goodbye and your political career goodbye. It's hard to downplay it when you've got pics that your own brother took and you've admitted to it. As far as I'm concerned, good riddance. December 20, 2017   Hubby's home! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 19, 2017: 3:48 p.m.   Guess what!? I've caught up enough to be able to give myself about an hour to do some blurbs! I'm surrounded by unwrapped Christmas presents, the big fat Christmas tree sits undecorated in the living room and the lights are as yet unhung, but I have time to comment on a few things! Hurray! Surprise! I'm so shocked! Let's get started! December 19, 2017   themuslimvileone:   I've said for years that he is an evil creature who hates America and more proof just rolled in. He allowed cocaine to be brought into America and he did so because he wanted a legacy in getting the nuclear deal with Iran. No one in the msm is reporting on that and they don't care that people's lives were affected by the cocaine he allowed into the country. Imagine how many people were hooked on that crap because of themuslimvileone. Imagine how many people may have died because of his policies and ego. Now tell me he was good for America. I dare you. December 19, 2017   MAGA!:   Pres. Trump wanted tax cuts and he is getting them if the Senate cooperates tonight in their vote, we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief! It's going to be a much better April 15th next year if the Senate cooperates! Let's get this done! Another sign of the good Pres. Trump has done for America: the U6 unemployment number is down to 8.0 (up one tenth from Oct., but better than anything themuslimvileone ever even imagined). The lowest number themuslimvileone ever saw was 9.0 U6 unemployment. Pres. Trump is sooooo much better for America than themuslimvileone ever thought of being! Don't believe me? Check the facts that the left/progressives/liberals don't want you to know. December 19, 2017   Well, well, well. Look at that. I'm not surprised, but some may be. One of Pres. Donald J. Trump's accusers in the "sexual harrassment industry" (lawyers get a lot of money from it, as do magazines and news orgs; industry) has been found to have begged him for a job before she accused him of sexual assault. Her sexual assault claim is based on an alleged 1990 assault, but in 2015: "New York cosmetics executive Jill Harth lobbied to become the soon-to-be president and pitch her new line of makeup before accusations that he allegedly assaulted her sexually in the 1990s became public."So is her accusation a part of payback for him not hiring her, or is it because someone offered her enough money to make it worth her while? It's something to be aware of when it comes to this industry. People make false accusations all the time. It is a very dangerous game some people are playing right now. When you hurt someone's livelihood and you stop them from having a way to provide for their families you don't know who is going to react in an unpredictable way. The fact is that if the accusation against someone is not true -- and not all of the accusations are -- then the accused may decide to even the score in a way that is way over the line. It's a possibility that the accusers need to think about before they make a false accusation at the behest of any organization, political party, or vengeance prompts you. It's not right to make a false accusation (nor is it right to perpetrate sexual assault on anyone), but if you are considering lying about an accusation you may want to reconsider and tell only the truth. Lies may cause you more harm than good. December 19, 2017   NFaiLaughing:   Awww... They got what they asked for and the fans are finding better things to do with their money, their time and their loyalties. Good! If the NFaiLaughing isn't going to police their own organization then the fans have a say in what they choose to do as a result of that lack of discipline. I won't allow pro-football on in the house. My hubby watches college football a very little, but pro-football is not to be within these walls. It's something we agree upon. December 19, 2017   December 19, 2017   Hubby just got home. Gotta' go! See you tomorrow, I hope! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! December 15, 2017: 12:04 a.m.   Flag Friday:   I can't believe how busy things have been this year and this month/week/today! It's been so difficult to find time to do updates (and almost anything else) and I have to admit that I am disappointed in my inability to find/make the time to do updates recently. I want to do so, but when it comes time to sit down and do the updates, it seems like a phone call changes my plans. So today I did my "Tribute To Our Heroes 350: A Beautiful Weed" and hope to be able to do another update between today and Christmas. At least I'm hoping to get that done. We may wind up going up to Georgia to our farm before Christmas, although that's not the plan today, but whichever way it works out, the good news is that we close on the last portion of our purchase for the year in just over ten hours. Our attorney is meeting with the sellers and they'll sign the papers and our attorney will file the papers with the County up there and we'll officially own the fourteen acres we wanted for this first buy. Next year we've been promised the opportunity to purchase another seven acres and maybe another uncle will agree to sell us his seven acres, but we don't know that portion for certain yet. We'll have to play that by ear. Meanwhile, we've been setting the house up on the farm to suit our plans, desires, tastes. It's been a lot of work but also a lot of fun. The neighboring trailer is now off of the property we close on in a few hours, and the view is so nice! We can see a lot more birds in the trees over there! It's been a lot of fun and it's been interesting exploring the property, the towns around our property and the storage areas of our property. We'll see what we find! Besides that exploring/sorting/etc., we've been finishing the bedroom, took our 2004 van up to my Mom for her to use along with the bedroom furniture we removed from our bedroom. It's good furniture, but it didn't fit the decor anymore. We've also been trying to prepare two houses for Christmas, redecorate most of one (and the bedroom of the other), and we've just had a crazy year of being busy! It's difficult to do updates when all of that is going on and you have to get it all done! Agree? So please forgive my laxness in updates. I sincerely apologize but I think - hope - you understand! Maybe I'll see you for some updates later. Right now my plans are to do so, but recently my plans have been made to be broken a few hours later, so we'll see. Have a great day! December 8, 2017: 12:06 a.m.   Flag Friday:   I missed the whole week as I did prep work for closing on the third piece of property in Georgia, and doing Christmas stuff, running errands, getting things done for taking stuff up to my Mom, etc., etc., etc. It's been a very busy week but I try to always remember to do my "Tribute To Our Heroes 349: Cookie Cutter House". I always want to remember you, your sacrifice, your selflessness. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! Next week I hope to be able to get back to regular updates next week. I can't guarantee it, but I will try. I know that the first part of next year I will miss a week so I'll try to fill the rest of this year with updates -- after this weekend. It's already packed! Enjoy it! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 30-December 1, 2017: 11:50 p.m.   Flag Friday:   It's that time again. Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 348: The Standard and the Bar". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I don't know how much - if any - time I'll have for updates today. I have a lot of things to do and although I'll try to get some blurbs done, I can't guarantee it. We'll see what the day holds. If I don't see you later, have a great weekend. December 1, 2017: 11:22 a.m.   Getting an early start because I have to stop early and I have time for only a few blurbs, so let's get started with the amazingly dumbfounding verdict in the Kate Steinle case. It's a sign of the times that the jury decided to spit in the face of the victim, the victim's family and Lady Justice herself in order to make a political statement and to stand with illegal immigrants. The problem is that they chose to spit in all of those faces at the cost of their souls and bringing about more illegals entering the country who may wind up impacting their own lives. What will they feel if it is their relative next? Will they then be happy that they did this to Lady Justice when the jury finds the murderer of their loved one innocent in order to send a political message then? Lady Justice is supposed to be blind to all of that, but not to the facts of the case. In this instance, the jury only considered one thing: immigration status. Lady Justice weeps beneath that blindfold because of this verdict. December 1, 2017   NFaiLaughing:   They keep kneeling and keep losing audience. What the NFaiLaughing doesn't seem to realize is that the public doesn't watch sports to hear the athletes spout politics. If we wanted to watch politics we'd find Milo, Ben Shapiro, or Rush Limbaugh. The stadiums are emptying and shall continue to do so until they realize that standing for our national anthem means something to the fans. If this is difficult for them to understand then that explains full well why you don't see Ph.D. after their names. December 1, 2017   I wish that al franken would have to leave the Senate and he'd take the other sexual predators with him. I wish john conyers and others would be forced out and that special elections would have to be held and that true Conservatives would win every seat. Wouldn't that be nice? December 1, 2017   I'm going to call that it now. Have to go get busy. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 2017 November 30, 2017: 4:42 p.m.   Been a very busy day today so I have only one blurb to share today. In this month's pooper-paper the usual suspect writes on page five in the "Is Hate Speech Free Speech?" section: "We all know the extreme limitations of Free Speech [sic]; yelling FIRE in a theater, etc., but does Free Speech [sic] really mean you can say or write anything? I read on a website that the opinion of the writer was theFirst, although she misquoted me and mangled my words and made such a bad mistake in it she totally misrepresented what I said, she got that from my November 7, 2017 blurb:"'First Amendment means that you can say anything you want to anyone, a single person, a group of people, or a government entity that doesn't insult them, or hurt their feelings, or makes them cry'"(reference to bullied children?) "November 7, 2017   SMH:   Idiot leftists are at it again. Not only are they proving they don't understand the First Amendment but they're wasting your taxpayer dollars by forcing the issue in court and making the federal government protect against their idiotic law suit. The morons at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (lefties) are suing to make Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that) stop blocking people on the dead blue bird so that everyone can get his tweets who wants to follow him, whether they want to do so just to complain at him, berate him, or are truly interested. The thing they don't seem to understand is that what the First Amendment means is not what a lot of lefties/progressives/liberals think it means. It does not mean that just because someone is saying something everyone has the right to hear it, nor does it mean that everyone must listen to everyone's words. It doesn't mean that the speech has to be "nice, fair and politically correct enough to fit into a safe space" as some lefties want of all speech. The First Amendment means that you can say things that anyone -- a single person, a group of people, or even government entity -- disagrees with, don't like, insults them, or even makes them cry. You have the right to say all of that! You have the right to say something that hurts another person's feelings. You have that right! You have the right to say that the government or any government entity is wrong, out of control, stupid, or corrupt. You have the right to say that! You have the right to say that you stand with Israel and that you want Islam to be defeated as a terrorist organization. You have the right to say that! You have the right to say that your governor is good, bad or indifferent. You have the right to say that! What the consequences of your First Amendment declarations are not governed and you may be sued by someone, or someone may exercise their First Amendment rights and argue with you. That's the way the system works. But what you do NOT have the right to do is to stop me from exercising my First Amendment rights by crying, or complaining that I hurt your feelings, or saying that I'm evil. None of those will stop me and if you can't handle it, then too bad for you. I don't care. Cry me a river." Second, the ONLY legal limits to free speech are listed here but does not include the idea that someone cannot say something that hurts another person's feelings. It states that we may not say something that "To incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “[S]hout[ing] ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”)."Incite actions" does not mean that saying that someone is ugly "incites actions" against anyone! Nor does it mean that saying someone is wrong "incites actions" against them! It does not prevent anyone from saying something offensive because saying it is not bringing about physical harm because of another's actions! Note that distinction: "To incite actions that would harm", not words from other people: ACTIONS. Actions are physical violence; touching, hitting, throwing objects at, clubbing, shooting, running over, etc. Those things are covered in the anti-free speech law; you cannot encourage others to physically hurt someone. In other words, if I'm saying that the author of the pooper-paper article is wrong (yet again), that is not cyberbullying, it is a statement of FACT. I have NEVER advocated physical violence except in self-defense. If someone touches you first, you touch them back harder. Otherwise, keep your mitts to yourself. Read the "Storage" pages I have kept up and you'll see that my history proves I have never advocated physical violence. Never. Thus, I have never crossed the boundaries of free speech. Third, she goes on to talk about "Cyber Stalking [sic] and Cyber Bullying [sic]" and about how serious things are and how they are against the law in Florida. If she knew anything at all about the law, she would know that cyberbullying as defined in FL SS is covered under "Title XLVIII, K-20 EDUCATION CODE, Chapter 1006, SUPPORT FOR LEARNING" (their caps), and there is nothing in the cyberbullying law that covers anyone outside a public school setting. Read the statute. It's all about what happens either in school, or to school-age children and school employees. It's not about adults (or those who are chronically old enough to be called "adults, although they don't act it) being protected from hurt feelings. It's not about adults disagreeing. It's about school children! Read the blurb I wrote and tell me that you see anything I wrote that would delineate school children. See anything? No? Why did the pooper-paper author then insert that paranthetical phrase, "(reference to bullied children?)"? I was commenting on what an organization consisting of adults suing to stop President Donald J. Trump (an adult) from operating his dead blue bird account the way he sees fit. Nowhere did I write about bullied children! Can anyone say "Squirrel!"? Fourth, "Cyber Stalking" as defined in Title XLVI CRIMES Chapter 784 ASSAULT; BATTERY; CULPABLE NEGLIGENCE "(d)'Cyberstalk' means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific person, causing substantial emotional distress to that person and serving no legitimate purpose."So some may say, "See you are cyberstalking her!" Wrong. When I comment on the author I don't do so "causing substantial emotional distress"; I have no control over her emotions. I have no control over how she reacts to anything anyone does, says, or does not do or say, including myself. I've used the example before: If I say "Hello!" or "Good morning!" to someone one day they may take offense and if I do not do so the next day they may just as easily take offense. You've seen those people. You've met them and dealt with them yourself. You have no control over how someone reacts to anything emotionally. I cry at the stupidest things: commercials showing a bride, is that "substantial emotional distress" because the commercial made me cry? I cry over cute animals dying. Is that "substantial emotional distress"? I cry when children do heart-touching things (like when the kid spontaneously ran over and hugged Melania Trump. Is that "substantial emotional distress"? It also means nothing because the FL State Statute does not define "legitimate purpose". When I comment on rupe I am correcting an error, asserting the TRUTH, reminding people of the past, etc. All of which are a "legitimate purpose" if ever there was one! Fifth, if she's going to quote me she needs to get it right. Compare the two quotes and you can see where she made the mistake and how it made her article make no sense whatsoever. If what you say "'doesn't insult them, or hurt their feelings, or makes them cry' [italics added]"then why on earth was she writing about "Cyber Bullying" [sic] and "Cyber Stalking" [sic}? That's the author all over. Sixth, where is her source for this quote? She has been forced (by moi) to not only use quotation marks around the quotes she uses from other sites (as she did here), but she never listed the website she got the quote from. Where is her source? Why not name it? Why would she choose this particular quote to not source? That's the way things go in the pooper-paper articles written by that author. What else can one expect? November 30, 2017   That's all for today. Hubby's home and I have things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 29, 2017: 1:48 p.m.   I don't know about you but I really, really like the White House Christmas decorations that Melania Trump chose. I think it's beautiful. What thinks you? November 29, 2017   The lefties/progressives/liberals' pro-women, women's rights narrative has fallen apart so hard and fast lately that it's taking out their favorite talking heads, including Matt Lauer, and their favorite story-teller. Maybe now we know where the title "Lake Wobegon" came from? November 29, 2017   They're so pro-women, that when it comes to the legislators who kiss their butts and vote in line they refuse to kick them out or even censure them. Neither al "frankenstein" nor john conyers are being asked to resign. Way to go, lefties/progressives/liberals. You really care about women. November 29, 2017   MAGA:   When themuslimvileone was prezidunce we never saw any kind of economic growth but Pres. Donald J. Trump gets 3.3% growth in the third quarter of this year after all of the numbers are in! That's amazing! Also, stocks are setting records again. He's good for America! November 29, 2017   I love the way Pres. Donald J. Trump uses his tweets to rile the left and make them go all "Harumph!" It's so good and the way they respond is so funny! He loves to tweek them and watch them twist in the wind. He's excellent at it and I love it! November 29, 2017   November 29, 2017   November 29, 2017   We need to kick this government agency to the curb, fire every employee and start a deep, far-reaching investigation into what they were doing because there is evidence of wrong-doing that could include everything from money-laundering to fraud. If that be the case, then people involved should be thrown into prison to rot. That's taxpayer money they're messing with in that agency. Why is it okay to mess with that instead of being punished for ripping off the taxpayers? Anyone involved needs to face federal charges and go to prison! November 29, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   North Korea's leadership and military complex are a threat to the rest of the world. It's time to take action to prevent them from doing any more rocket launches and to prevent them from going further into nuclear development. I'm not saying that their civilian population needs to be harmed, but their tyranny and their military needs to be taken out. I understand that some in the military are not really supportive of the funny-hair-cutted tubbyrant, but if the leadership is taken out and there is someone who can pull support behind him (or her) and get the same power and fear that the TTT has then the leadership will not change directions, goals and beliefs, just tyrants. A leadership that wants to treat its people well, allow economic growth and free markets of both ideas and the economy is what that country needs. They need elections that are really elections and they need to allow their people the freedom to choose who to support, what to do with their own time and what to buy, grow and believe. If someone could make that happen, that would be best for N. Korea. I've said in the past that carpet bombing with M.O.A.B.s would be a solution to the problem, and it would. However, I was half-joking about that, because it would solve the problem (the serious half) but it would also take out the civilians who yearn for freedom (the joking part). They need the chance. When will someone (whether it be their own security forces or specialists from France, Russia, or America) go in and take that TTT out? It is what would be best for their people. November 29, 2017   Read this article: "Katie Hopkins: Get Furious and Fight Back" and heed her warning: DO NOT let America be England! Fight back! Stand up! Be ready to defend your beliefs, vote for the most Conservative candidates you can find and if you are in doubt, take the fall back position of voting for those who are pro-gun, pro-small government, pro-lower taxes, pro-life, and then hold their feet to the fire to make them keep their campaign promises! Don't let politicians LIE to you anymore! Pay attention! When you see that they've lied, call them on it! Write, call, go to their offices! Make them keep their campaign promises by letting them know that a) you have their backs, or b) you will hold them accountable! Stand up for America! Don't be afraid! Stand strong or be England! November 29, 2017   Do you Uber? I never have; never will. Now they're under federal probe for espionage allegations. Espionage: "§ 791 - Repealed. Pub. L. 87–369, §?1, Oct. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 795]That's what Uber is under investigation for? Wow. Not a good thing. November 29, 2017   Another one bites the dust!:   A leftie/progressive/liberal Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) leaving Congress to form leftie/progressive/liberal organization to fight against the wall and for open borders. Well, "don't let the front door hit you on the backside as you leave." We don't hate to see him go; we're glad. I wonder if he's actually leaving now so that when allegations come out about the Congressman's sexual misconduct he'll be already outta' there? Just asking. Just asking. November 29, 2017   South Australia is getting ripped off by Musk but that's what happens when you swallow progressivism hook, line and sinker. You fall for anything when you believe everything the left/progressives/liberals tell you. November 29, 2017   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 28, 2017: 2:27 p.m.   Had a hard working weekend! We went to our Georgia farm and cleared out anything we didn't want that my mother-in-law left behind, moved furniture around, and started the process of making the place our own. We bought small pieces of furniture, lamps, and storage; donated lots of stuff, and have more to donate. We brought things home for friends and neighbors and we worked so hard and long that we didn't finish until after three in the morning Saturday and I walked a total of 34,393 steps according to my FitBit! My feets are tired! Anyways, hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet and we packed: both suitcases (one each) and vehicle with things to take up there. We had turkey creole for dinner: Yummy! Let's get started with today's blurbs before I have other things to do, though, okay? November 28, 2017   themuslimvileone:   I don't know about you but for me the last year has so eased the pain and distate of the previous eight years of themuslimvileone's preziduncy that it almost seems like I lived through a really bad dream during that time. Part of that really bad dream was the cost of his vacations totalling (so far?) a whopping $114,691,322.17! That's because he lived high on the hog while he was in the Red House and he didn't care that you were living on toast and water while he ate Kobe Beef and lobster dinners at our expense! His preziduncy really was a bad experience for those of us with a brain and paying attention. The brainless loved his preziduncy because they didn't know anything was wrong. Too bad it effected them, too, although they were too stupid to realize it. He was bad economically, a really bad prezidunce and increased conflict between races. He deflated the American dollar and was bad for the environment (lefties, are you paying attention?). He was such a bad prezidunce that the rest of the world considered him "a clown". Yeah. He was that impressive. themuslimvileone was the worst prezidunce ever and will probably keep that record. November 28, 2017   Fake News:   The "Fake News of Record", cnn, decided to set aside a day to throw a hissy fit and cry baby about Pres. Donald J. Trump. Oh, wah. November 28, 2017   SCOTUS:   They've got an important privacy case coming up that - depending upon their ruling, of course - may lead to you having less privacy on your cell phone, or they may rule that law enforcement must have a search warrant to get to your cell phone records. I'm all for the government having to get a search warrant before invading anyone's privacy. I think that ruling should be in favor of search warrants being needed. If law enforcement doesn't need search warrants for cell phone records, then where does that lead? What will be the ending point there? November 28, 2017   Wait. What? Are you serious? Nah. Can't be! Are you trying to make me believe the U.S. Senate is actually getting something done? No way! Moving a tax cut bill through a committee? Can't be! They don't do anything except talk in front of cameras and have expensive tastes in all they do that YOU can pay for! November 28, 2017   Russia. Russia. Russia:   "Judicial Watch today announced it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit last month against the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to obtain a legally mandated, unclassified report on Russia’s meddling in foreign elections (Judicial Watch v. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (No. 17-cv-02073))."It's a shame that themuslimvileone's deep state loyalists are trying to sabotage Pres. Donald J. Trump's presidency. They need to "Move On". They need to retire. They need to go hide back under the rock they came from! November 28, 2017   Build The Wall:   Drug cartels are using any means possible to get their drugs into America. They don't care about the laws we already have; all they care about is the money they will make from selling the drugs. I wish the U.S. Border Patrol would catch every one of them and put them all in jail. November 28, 2017   thevilegeorgesoros:   Want to know the truth about him and his evil? He's a racist who uses race as a tool for his own political ends. He's despicable and he was themuslimvileone's mentor; perhaps he still is. November 28, 2017   If gloria allred, the despicable, were so certain of her client's honesty, why won't she agree to third party verification of the handwriting in the yearbook? Hmmm? She afraid of something? She afraid to find out that the handwriting is NOT Judge Roy Moore's handwriting? If that be the case, that should be the end of her career. She should be disbarred. November 28, 2017   Yet another dumboRAT sexual predator? How many will there be when it's all said and done? Do we have numbers that big yet? November 28, 2017   NFaiLaughing:   How low can they go? Their ratings took another hit. Even on the second biggest football day of the year (behind the Super Bowl), Thanksgiving Day's ratings dropped by 10%. Wal-Mart workers don't make as much as the NFaiLaughing, but it's better than being homeless. November 28, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   He is an egotistical maniac who needs to be stopped. He launched another missile today that allegedly will be able to reach anywhere in the U.S.A. I wonder if the telemetry works as well as the rocket. Launching it up is different than launching it at and having it hit the target. Of course, if it just hits America - even in the middle of the Mojave - it will be bad enough, but aiming at NYC and hitting the Mojave means that it's not perfected yet. I'm wondering if they're showing height because they don't have maneuverability. November 28, 2017   Good News:   Well, that's a nice way to close the blurbs for today. Another liberaleftie resigns his television spot and says he won't talk politics anymore. His silence will be golden. So long, moron! November 28, 2017   I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 24, 2017: 1:14 a.m.   Flag Friday:   I hope everyone had a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving and that you remembered the reason for the day: thanking the Lord GOD Almighty for His provision and for helping us through another year. If you haven't remembered that, remember to watch the Truth About the First Thanksgiving by Prager U. Then I hope that you enjoy the "Tribute To Our Heroes 347: Thanks Giving" and I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I will not be posting the rest of the day today. It's the start of the holiday season and between getting ready for that, setting up another whole house and getting things finished in our master bedroom (hit a few small snaggles), life has been crowded. I do hope that you will enjoy the weekend and that if you go shopping, remember that the gifts only mean something if you give it with love, instead of obligation, with your heart instead of your wallet, and your love instead of begrudging it. The best gift you can give is your time, effort and attention. Maybe you can try that. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 21, 2017: 1:25 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I was doing stuff for the farm. It's difficult and time consuming trying to figure out what to take up there when we haven't had the chance to inventory anything. We know some things were moved north, but we're not certain on some of the other items. That's the hard part: I don't want duplicates but I don't want to go without something that I want to have up there, either. Maybe getting it all done right now isn't practical in the long run, but it sure is tempting to get it out of the way immediately so that when we go up there we'll be able to not pack, just go and have everything we want. That's the goal; the way to get there is the problem. November 21, 2017   Net Neutrality:   Remember a few years ago when themuslimvileone handed the internet's control over to the United Nations (a horrible move on his part)? Remember how we were facing totalitarian control over the internet because of that? Well, FCC head, Ajit Pai, has a solution to all of that. I support his idea: "I’m proposing today that my colleagues at the Federal Communications Commission repeal [themuslimvileone’s] heavy-handed internet regulations. Instead the FCC simply would require internet service providers to be transparent so that consumers can buy the plan that’s best for them. And entrepreneurs and other small businesses would have the technical information they need to innovate. The Federal Trade Commission would police ISPs, protect consumers and promote competition, just as it did before 2015. Instead of being flyspecked by lawyers and bureaucrats, the internet would once again thrive under engineers and entrepreneurs."Doesn't that sound so much better? Why not Contact Comm. Ajit Pai and tell him you support his plan. It is what's best for the internet, free speech and freedom in general. November 21, 2017   Judicial Watch is trying to force Kentucky to clean up its voter rolls because... " Kentucky was one of 12 states to which Judicial Watch sent notice-of-violation letters this year threatening to sue because they have counties in which the number of registered voters exceeds the number of citizens of voting age. Both the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and the Help America Vote Act require states to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voting rolls."I wonder if that's how mitch mcCONnell keeps getting re-elected? Just asking. November 21, 2017   I'm sorry, folks, but I just don't trust the Senate's quick-step to tax reform vote. That's because I don't trust the leadership (mcCONnell) and I don't believe that the leadership wants what's best for America. I think they want to make it look like they're doing something good, all the while on the sly they're doing something else to benefit themselves and make the rest of us -- anyone not in their "sphere of influence" -- pay for their perks. Never trust the folks who put themselves above any law. Never trust someone who says, "You must. I may." November 21, 2017   Muslims and their apologists are in an uproar over the fact that parents did not want their children taught Islam in their public school. Oh. Wah. Find a safe space and suck your thumbs in silence. We don't want to hear it. This is a Christian nation, not a Muslim nation and we shall not be over-run! November 21, 2017   Who is trying to cover up the murder and attempted murder of two U.S. Border Patrol agents and make it no big deal (my words)? This is not a case of an accidental fall, an "oopsie", or a boo-boo. It's a murder and attempted murder! Why is the U.S. Border Patrol not dealing with it as such? November 21, 2017   themuslimvileone's Legacy:   A "judge" appointed by themuslimvileone has blocked Pres. Trump's order witholding federal funds from "sanctuary cities" until they comply with the law. These activist judges need to be sanctioned from above and either kicked from the bench or told to stay in line. If I were U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, or anyone else in power, I'd take each one of these rulings to the Supreme Court and ask them to sanction the judge who made the ruling. I believe they have the power to do so. If not them, then I'd find the organization/person/people who can! They're not interpreting the law as is their duty, they're interrupting the law, which is wrong! November 21, 2017   When the left has an agenda and a goal, they will push it to even the youngest of us and they have no scruples in trying to destroy people's futures with their moral-less rewriting of right and wrong. When you have no basic morality you push immorality. November 21, 2017   Look at that! My hubby's home! Going to go spend time with him! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 17, 2017: 12:06 p.m.   The Leonids Meteor Shower is tonight and tomorrow night! Find a dark place and look up! November 17, 2017: 12:41 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 346: The Place Left Unset". I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today! November 17, 2017: 11:07 a.m.   It's less than a week before Thanksgiving. Can you believe it? Time flies? I can't believe how quickly the year passes sometimes. This year doesn't seem to have been as quick as other years, but maybe that's because we've done so much that looking back on it makes the year seem longer. It had to have been to have gotten all of this done, right? Are you feeling the same? I started Christmas shopping a while back and have a few more presents to choose and purchase, but it still seems to be coming so quickly! I have two houses to decorate this year, too! How am I going to do that with all of the sorting and organizing I have yet to do at the other house! Yeow! I'm a little panicked but I'm not going to allow it to get really bad. I know that the farm is a first year thing, and that there are still a lot of things to do there - putting our furniture in place that we already took up there, or plan on taking up there, buying other pieces, changing out decorations, taking loads of stuff to be donated, replacing dishes and cookware she took with her, etc. - so decorating for Christmas will happen, but it won't be a stress point (I hope) if it isn't perfect. I know that I'll be busy, but it's so worth it! Anyways, let's get started. November 17, 2017   Remember how the dumboRATS were always saying that Republicans hate women and that if Republicans had their way that women would be second class citizens, Republicans are misogynists, etc.? Now, thanks to the al franken (or, as Pres. Trump calls him, "Al Frankenstein") dumboRATS have to face the facts that it's not just Frankenstein who is a dumboRAT sexual predator, but that bullybob crooktOOn is also a sexual predator. What are they going to do with that? Who knows. The crooktOOns are usually slick as snot when it comes to getting away with things: nothing sticks to their teflon selves. Well, maybe now, with everyone throwing hillosercrooktOOn under the bus and her losing her popularity, maybe their "slickness" has started to fade away and they will be forced to face real investigations (unlike those in the past) and real prosecution. Let's hope so! November 17, 2017   Have you noticed how desperate the dumboRATS are to get Pres. Donald J. Trump (still love saying that) and how they'll do anything to accomplish that? Well, they're trying harder: six dumboRATS introduced articles of impeachment on the House floor. The sponsoring dumboRAT idiots:
November 17, 2017   This is kinda' creepy. Head transplants? Really? Can you imagine the freaking out that the head will be doing? Can you imagine waking up to that? I can't. It would be totally freaky. November 17, 2017   I wonder how far away from being correct the report predicting a dumboRAT wave in coming elections actually is. Will dumboRATS win back the House, Senate, etc.? Or will America see the better economy, better trade deals, better employment numbers, etc., and stick with Republicans who helped get America there? Will they vote for Republicans who can actually stand up and stand with Pres. Donald J. Trump, or will they stay home thinking that he doesn't need more help and allow antifa and blm to get busloads of "voters" (not necessarily citizens or even residents) to the polls and allow them to decide the future of America? Will you vote? November 17, 2017   I see nothing else out there that I want to comment upon today so I shall wish you a wonder weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 16, 2017: 2:55 p.m.   Maybe today I'll actually do just a few blurbs because I do have more stuff to get done today. We'll see how this goes. November 16, 2017   Those Judge Roy Moore accusers' stories are falling apart slowly but surely. The yearbook thing is falling apart. It may well have been a forgery. It may have been a "Roy" but it probably wasn't "Judge Roy Moore". He wasn't even the D.A. at the time so why would he sign it "D.A."? This is the woman whose stepson says she's lying. A body language expert also says she's lying. And if you want to know her motive for lying about Judge Roy Moore how about his refusing her divorce action? Would that make her angry enough to lie about him? Remember: she says she had no contact with Judge Roy Moore after the alleged sexual contact. Now we find out that she was in his courtroom and that he ruled against her. Is she a liar? She's lying, so how about the rest of them? We now know that Judge Roy Moore was NOT banned from the mall as one of his accusers has said. That was a lie, too. Isn't it possible that they were put up to it by the DNC? Check their bank accounts to find out if they have a sudden influx of deposits or a single large deposit. Do they have a new car in the driveway? Are they suddenly traveling all over the place? What were they offered to lie about this? And when they are proven to have been lying all along, doesn't that do a disservice to all of the real victims of sexual molestation and the believability of their true stories? That never matters to the dumboRATS. Remember: the dumboRATS hired women to lie about Pres. Trump so why wouldn't they do so against Judge Roy Moore. He will be a staunch Conservative vote who will not back down and may bring a spine to the Senate Republican Caucus and actaully make a difference and have influence over the republiRATS. They don't want him in there! They'd rather everyone disbelieve all women who come out with accusations for the rest of humanity's existence than have Judge Roy Moore as a Senator. November 16, 2017   al franken, on the other hand, we have picture proof and an admission of guilt for his sexual misconduct. He is guilty as sin. He needs to resign and get help. He also has a history of doing and saying things that the left is allegedly against. "'I just don't like homosexuals. If you ask me, they're all homosexuals in the Pudding. Hey, I was glad when that Pudding homosexual got killed in Philadelphia.'"Will al franken, Senator from Minnesota, be kicked from office, or forced to resign? Remember, this is the guy who sued and sued and sued before he was declared the winner by a three judge panel. Now I wonder if Minnesota thinks they did the right thing in handing the Senate seat to him. After all, there is another accuser and his "jokes" include rape fantasies. How Senatorial! November 16, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The best way to do this is to quote the story: "A previously deported illegal immigrant gang member charged with attempted murder and kidnapping this month was arrested by U.S. Marshals in Ft. Collins, a northern Colorado sanctuary city that ousted a finalist for police chief over his support of immigration enforcement."How disgusting is it that innocent people have to die to prove that the enforcement of our borders and our immigration laws is of utmost importance and should be a paramount concern to all parts of the federal and state governments? I am disgusted with those who support "sanctuary" anything! May GOD have mercy on their souls! November 16, 2017   Mistrial in Mendendez corruption trial? I don't get it. I just don't get it. November 16, 2017   House of Representatives pass tax reform bill. May I tell you what I think will happen here? I think that this is a just for show thing. ROTTEN ryan didn't do anything spectacular here. He just wants to be reelected next time. He knows the Senate won't pass this bill, nor will they find "reconciliation" between the House and Senate bills. They'll fiddle-faddle around, always in front of the cameras and for the record, so that they can get reelected, and they'll make sure that nothing happens that will be good for America. Can you tell I'm a little cynical when it comes to the federal government's "representatives"? November 16, 2017   I think it's possible that Tom Cotton is brilliant but that doesn't mean that his brilliant idea will be supported by the House leadership. It's disgusting that it won't be, but it doesn't negate Cotton's brilliance. Now all we have to do is to get the House leadership up to Cotton's level of brilliance. Anyone have any idea how to transplant brains? November 16, 2017   Come on, Pres. Trump! Choose people with spines! Prevent the continuation of DHS caving and allowing DACA illegals to "refile" and stay! It's time to "Make America Great Again!" and you don't do that by caving to leftist/progressive/liberal pressure! You do that by standing strong and holding the line! November 16, 2017   hillosercrooktOOn:   That's rich! She says that calls for investigations into her Uranium One deal are "personally offensive" and thinks it is an abuse of power. Excuse me? She is the one who abused her power as SoS, in doing a deal that would personally enrich herself and her family foundation. So how is it that it's an "abuse of power" to look into her wrong-doing? Just as bad is shep smith trying to defend her and making a fool of himself in the effort. Add to the "journalists" that are supporting hillosercrooktOOn jonah goldberg of National Review, a magazine I used to respect until they went all PC during themuslimvileone's administration. They lost their way and their journalists lost their souls. It was a choice they made but it was sad to see. November 16, 2017   I'll close with that for today. Have to go do some stuff around the house. I'll post my Flag Friday pic and poem tonight as usual. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 15, 2017: 10:25 a.m.   Judge Roy Moore:   Everyone is saying Judge Roy Moore was "inapporpriate" with teenage girls when he was younger (and a dumboRAT), but the msm seems to totally ignore joe bumbling biden's hands all over females of all ages. They brushed bullybob crooktOOn's misconduct under the rugs (had to be more than one he was so bad). They ignored all of the hollyweirdos' misconduct and "toxic" cultures at various left-wing businesses. But they ignore the fact that the stepson of one of Moore's accusers says she is lying. They hide the fact that the reporter who broke the alleged sexual misconduct story has a history of making stories up, one of the women who accused him worked with the hillosercrooktOOn campaign as a sign language interpreter and is seen in pics with multiple dumboRATS. The timing with all of this seems so fishy that it stinks to high heaven. The left only pulls out this kind of crap when it really matters. They hire people as they did with Pres. Donald J. Trump's accusers, and pay them to libel and slander a good man because it's something that America holds sacred: a woman's security and the safety of her body (unless they're covering antifa violence, raped by multiple Muslim men, or fighting on the front lines; then they're fair game). I will state it unequivocally: Judge Roy Moore is innocent of all sexual misconduct charges against him. The lefties/progressives/liberals will be found to be quietly admitting it and celebrating their victory if they get him to step aside, step down, or can keep him out of office in any way. All those years as a judge and no one came forward against him, even when he kept the Ten Commandments in his court room and was dinged for it? Suddenly he's in front in the polls and - oh, my! - he's a sexual predator? No. He's innocent and these women have been lying since the start. November 15, 2017   Is the stock market getting nervous and facing a big crash? Is the bubble about to burst? Or is it just taking a deep breath and getting ready to run again? What thinks you? November 15, 2017   November 15, 2017   I'm glad that the rule of law is returning under U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. It's what the Founding Fathers wanted and thought was best for America. Let us hope that this continues no matter who is president. November 15, 2017   themuslimvileone's administration can't fade into the background and go silently into the retirement life, can they? He has spoken up and criticized Pres. Donald J. Trump, and his wife and his "formers" have done so as well. Take, for instance, former National Security Advisor (very poor job of it, too) and U.N. Ambassador (another botched job), susan rice, who can't keep her pen from paper. She can't find anything that Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that!) is doing right; even when she hasn't a clue (which is always). November 15, 2017   Thank you to Prager University for the educating videos I've been watching about different subjects. This time, I think this one needs to be shared. It's the Truth About the First Thanksgiving by Prager U. So when the left/progressives/liberals tell you that the pilgrims brought disease and death and were horrible people for coming over here, put them on "ignore". They haven't a clue anyways. If you don't like Prager U, maybe you'll watch the Ben Shapiro version. Whichever, it's important to not allow the left/progressives/liberals tell you the Thanksgiving story is about caucasians being horrible people. It's time to have the truth about Thanksgiving told. November 15, 2017   This is sad. Border Patrol/ICE agents feel betrayed because Pres. Donald J. Trump allowed some of themuslimvileone's administration to stay in place and now the BP/ICE agents are not being supported, are being told to put their own lives in danger to avoid "offending" illegals, and (understandably) the BP/ICE agents are angry. I think that Pres. Donald J. Trump should immediately replace themuslimvileone's people who are still in higher offices with people who are loyal to the rule of law and to him and his administration. Replace themuslimvileone's perps with good men and women and the BP/ICE agents will be able to wear their body armor and stay safe while enforcing the rule of law. It's time to tell themuslimvileone folks to "move on"! November 15, 2017   Fake News:   LOL! Pres. Donald J. Trump reminds us that cnn is fake new and "Loser[s]"! I love that. The reports I saw (not from them) but from those who follow their "make fun of Pres. Trump" lead were laughable at best. Desperation does that to the left. November 15, 2017   I believe that the reporters here have the truth in their hands. The Russian meeting that Donald J. Trump Jr., took was probably an intentional setup by the dumboRAT party. They were trying to make it look as though the allegations they would later use against Pres. Donald J. Trump were true via that meeting: "Right before the meeting with Trump Jr., Veselnitskaya huddled with Glenn Simpson, the head of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm hired by the Clinton campaign. After the meeting, they apparently met once again, perhaps to debrief Simpson.If the crooktOOn campaign had not met with this woman (Veselnitskaya) then maybe they'd have a way to disassociate themselves from the whole setup. But they always believe that they are so smart that they won't be found out, even though they are doing wrong and that even if they do get found out that they won't be held accountable because they're "special" so they don't even try to hide their tracks. They leave their fingerprints on things and think no one will check for fingerprints. Remember all of the suspicious deaths surrounding the crooktOOns? Yeah. Don't trust anything they say. November 15, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Let's hope that Senator Lankford is correct and doing away with the "individual mandate" can be done away with soon without hindering the passage of a tax reform bill that is better than those they've publicized so far. The "individual mandate" should be totally done away with and it should never have been done to begin with. It was, is and always will be wrong. November 15, 2017   Papa John's Founder, John Schnatter, has backed down from his anthem kneeling criticism. That's too bad. I was thinking he was a good guy and his company was worth doing business with. Now I can't make myself think that anymore. Too bad for Papa John's. They could have had more business. November 15, 2017   Did you know that the October 2017 U-6 unemployment number was 7.9, a number we've seen only once (Dec. 2006) since 2001? Yep. Pres. Donald J. Trump has done so well by America that our unemployment number is lower than it has been in the last sixteen years with one exception in 2006 (before themuslimvileone's administration). Did you realize that? November 15, 2017   Wait. What? The Ninth Circus reversed the travel ban ruling? The Ninth Circus did something right? Check and see if the clock ran out on the world's ending! Quickly, man! November 15, 2017   On that note, I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 14, 2017: 12:37 p.m.   Again, just a few blurbs today because life is busy and I have things to do. So, let's get started. November 14, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   The Treasury Dept. was ordered to pay back all of the money -- $8.1 MILLION taxpayer dollars -- and they basically said, "I don't think so. We don't need to do that." It was ordered to pay the money back but... "An audit conducted by the inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), [themuslimvileone’s] disastrous initiative to rescue the nation’s ailing financial institutions, exposed the $8.1 million waste in Nevada’s Hardest Hit Fund last year. The money was spent on outrageous things like employee outings, staff lunches and gifts, parties, a fancy car for a supervisor and severance pay for a top official. The Treasury Department never bothered trying to recover the money, according to the audit, and the fraud continues to grow. In its lengthy report the watchdog directed the Treasury Department to recover the misspent taxpayer funds. In these cases, there is rarely any follow up but a U.S. Senator investigating the Hardest Hit Fund transgressions demanded that the Treasury Department recoup the money. The agency fired back that it disagreed with the audit’s $8.1 million figure and determined that only 1% of the money needed to be reclaimed."In other words, right and wrong never mattered to themuslimvileone and the people he hired. What mattered is that they get to act like kings and queens at the taxpayers' expense and get away with it. All that ever mattered to themuslimvileone was doing everything he could - with whatever helpers he could use to do so - to destroy America. That has always been his goal, his heart's desire, his determined life's accomplishment. He hates America with a purple, black and blue (like a bruise) presence and he'll do anything at all to kill her. Problem is, he's gone but his cohorts in trying to kill America are still in power. They need to all get fired! November 14, 2017   hillosercrooktOOn:   Considering the fact that we still don't know the truth about the e-mail server, about BENGHAZI, about her part in the Russian dossier, about the wrongs she has done, then how on earth can a judge dismiss a lawsuit to force the truth into the open? Remember: On Thursday, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, appointed to the court by [themuslimvileone] in 2010, dismissed the case which was brought by Cause of Action and Judicial Watch based on a Federal Records Act line that compels the archivist to work with the U.S. Attorney General’s office to recover any documents that were 'unlawfully removed from that agency.'"Yep. themuslimvileone's administration screwed America in many ways and many times and his appointees are still doing so. I wish he had never been prezidunce. Then we wouldn't have his idiotic, partisan appointees still doing the wrong thing all the time! November 14, 2017   I like what Sen. Rand Paul is proposing. I like setting themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX on the road to the death star and I like changing the tax plan that the RepubliRATS came up with that wasn't all that great. I think that ROTTEN ryan is a bad leader and that he's way too comfy with the dumboRATS and with supporting them (kissing their backsides) so that they won't try to get him unseated. That's all he's doing right now: whatever he can to keep his seat of power. That's the way people who get in power do things: kiss up to stay there. November 14, 2017   Drain the Swamp!   I think Pres. Trump is correct. We MUST drain the swamp and get on with the business of the people. If we didn't have a swamp, we wouldn't have to remind people that there are still 27 leak investigations open and some of those are from three years ago and leaks of classified info! themuslimvileone hired those who would do his bidding; right, wrong and national security be damned! November 14, 2017   Judge Roy Moore:   There are people in power who want to get rid of him and one of those people is mitch mcCONnell. mcCONnell is behind this because he wants to prove to Steve Bannon that Bannon doesn't have the ability to get people into the House and Senate. mcCONnell is supporting the "women" because mcCONnell is more interested in preventing Judge Moore from being in the Senate than in supporting the women. It's more about revenge against Bannon than anything even close to the truth about Judge Moore. November 14, 2017   Planned AbortionHood:   Ruh Roh. There's going to be a Senate investigation into the illegal selling of baby bits by Planned AbortionHood. I hope they throw the proverbial book at them, defund them and put them into the hands of a special prosecutor after recommending maximum charges. That's what I would like to happen, but I seriously doubt it will. The left seems to get away with murder and then selling the body bits and more because no one has the courage to stand up to them. I hate that. November 14, 2017   Another business has regrets about dissing those on the right. It's Keurig's turn to apologize to Sean Hannity for saying they wouldn't advertise with him because of his support for Judge Roy Moore. They also decided to not advertise on Breitbart, but on that one they haven't apologized nor have they walked anything about Breitbart back. I remember what happened to Kellogs after dissing Breitbart and I bet that if Keurig doesn't back off of the Breitbart diss that they will face the same thing. That's a shame. I would never have tasted coffee if it weren't for Keurig's K-cup offerings from different companies. I love the current seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte by Gevalia and the Cinnamon Sugar Cookie by someone else, and other K-cup offerings. If Keurig doesn't back down, I, too, will be dropping my Keurig fix and go without K-cups. I'd rather put my money where my mouth is than to support those who do not support me. Besides, I can always buy Black Rifle Coffee, a veteran-owned company that supports Conservative values and America as it was founded to be. Keurig? "W'o needs 'em?" November 14, 2017   Tampa, FL:   There's a serial killer in town and his fourth victim was found this morning. If you go to or live in Tampa, be careful, keep your eyes open and moving, and stay safe. November 14, 2017   Pres. Donald J. Trump:   He has made a choice for his I.C.E. Director and the guy's a "hard liner" when it comes to immigration. I like that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director is going to be a hardliner (if approved) but I wish that the DHS person he chose were also a hard liner. That way they could work together to protect and defend our borders and it would be a good team with the same goals. As it is, the DHS person, Kirstjen Nielsen, is an open borders advocate and doesn't want any part of America secured against invading hoards. That's not going to be easy to work well with when it comes to securing our borders. Pres. Trump needs to drop the DHS hopeful like a hot potato and find someone who is PRO-AMERICA and secure borders. November 14, 2017   Lowering the bar:   In France, they don't like how many reports there are of little girls being sexually abused so they drop the age of consent so that it's no longer an illegal act, just consensual sexual activity. It's not a crime to have sex with a teenage girl anymore if they do this. That will cut their crime rates to new lows, but legalizing anything makes that thing no longer a crime. You can legalize murder and the murder rate will drop but that doesn't mean that it's no longer murder! France is just a wimpy country filled with wimpy residents who are too scared of Islam to stand up and protect their own daughters! I would not want to live in or visit France under these circumstances. It's sickening to think of what they could legalize soon to make sure that they don't have to look as though they have a spine! November 14, 2017   Wow. Did more blurbs than I thought I would. So, I'm going to close for today. I've got to clean my gun after going to the shooting range and I need to do some stuff around the house. I still have to find places for the things that came out of the china hutch we took up to the Georgia farm. Then I have to figure out which dishes I want to take up there. There's a lot to do when you have two houses to provide for. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 13, 2017: 12:00 p.m.   Just a few updates today, I think. I have things I want to do that are not website things. Had a busy weekend: post card show, errands, house stuff, sending some furniture to our Georgia property, and other things. It was fun but tiring. Anyways, let's get started with the few blurbs I'll choose. November 13, 2017   Do you believe the Judge Roy Moore accusers? Personally, I do NOT. I remember how many times gloria allred has shown up with women making accusations against other men and then they are found to be totally false, the women's accusations found to be totally flawed and their life stories conflict with the alleged "facts" they are using to make the accusations. From an allegation proven false against Pres. Trump (more than one liar there), to Herman Cain's accusers, to Meg Whitman who was a victim of gloria allred's after a false accusation of "enslavement" of an immigrant worker. gloria allred is the bottom of a bottom feeder. She's a "puppet of the democRAT party and she's nothing more than worm excrement. She is the last tool of their arsenal when it comes to trying to defeat a Conservative, or destroy anyone. Apparently she likes being a tool. Same thing is happening with Judge Roy Moore. Don't believe any of it! Watch the accusations all fall apart as he sues the WaPo and maybe some of his accusers ("accusers" being those paid by the dnc, themuslimvileone's organization, or thevilegeorgesoros to do so). November 13, 2017   Bumbling Biden:   He's considering running for prezidunce in 2020! Can you imagine? We have so many sound bites in which he is proven an idiot with his own tongue, as well as the stupid things he has done, written and voted for that I cannot imagine he has even the slightest, remotest, most outrageous.... Wait. It's dumboRATS who would be voting for him, so yeah. He has a chance to get the nomination (they have a history of voting for any idiot who comes along; witness bullybob crooktOOn, themuslimvileone, bernie sanders, hillosercrooktOOn, bumbler himself for all those years), but not the actual Oval Office. Not if he's running against Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that) in 2020! November 13, 2017   November 13, 2017   British Idiocy:   Really, prince charlie? Really? "Foreign Jews" responsible for Middle East problems? May I take a moment to laugh out loud at charlie boy and to then say "I Stand With Israel"? I would say this is youthful idiocy considering that he wrote this in a letter over thirty years ago (1986), but I cannot excuse his "solution": "I know there are so many complex issues, but how can there ever be an end to terrorism unless the causes are eliminated?"If "foreign Jews" are the problem then "the causes are eliminated" is the solution; as in "the final solution"? Hitler much, charlie boy? Hitler much? November 13, 2017   I wonder if, considering charlie boy's idiocy above, England will stand with the upcoming nine U.N. anti-Israel resolutions, or if they'll vote against them? I Stand With Israel. England I totally disrespect. They've become a laughingstock of idiocy. The U.N. may have as many as twenty anti-Israel resolutions to vote on soon: "Nine drafted texts, of what will likely be a slate of 20 anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian resolutions, were overwhelmingly affirmed Friday in New York at a meeting of the Fourth Committee – also known as the Special Political and Decolonization Committee – which is made up of the 193 UN member states."The U.N. is totally screwing up. The TRUTH of Israel's existence is that Jews purchased most of the land which makes up Israel. Jews did that. They purchased the land. What is wrong with legally purchasing land? It was acknowledged by the United Nations themselves in 1947 that "'Palestine was part of the Province of Syria' and that, 'politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity.' A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: 'It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria.'"So the United Nations today is taking a totally erroneous pathway, ignoring the truth, ignoring their own records of statements made within its walls by prior leaders regarding the subject, and siding with the modern day anti-semitic LIARS who are trying to destroy Israel. That's not just wrong, it's dooming themselves and their own countries! GOD blesses those who bless Israel! To not support Israel is to put one's own country in peril! That's stupid! November 13, 2017   Aaaahhh... British Public Schools:   Homeschool your kids, folks. What happens in Europe moves over here. Homeschool them for their safety, mental health, and sexual identity security. Don't let them be corrupted and scared into being politically correct. Protect their courage. Protect their identity. Protect their bodies and minds. Homeschool your kids. November 13, 2017   We "bitter clingers" are finding it necessary to cling to our GOD and guns, in church and elsewhere. It's better to protect lives than to be sitting ducks. Pack heat and it's going to be a good day. November 13, 2017   There's our delivery! Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 10, 2017: 12:12 a.m.: Veteran's Day (Observed):   Flag Friday:   I tried to post my weekly tribute but flicker.com is down and that means that I have no way to post it until they're back up. I'll try again later but I won't be able to post until they're back up UPDATE 8:07 a.m.:   Hurray! Flickr is back up and running and I posted my pic after trying until almost two this morning. So, my "Tribute To Our Heroes 345: Where Once Was the Shadow" is now available. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless you all! I will see you later today since my schedule has cleared for today. It's been a busy, busy, crazy month and it's going to slow down for a little while after this weekend, so that's a good thing. I'll be able to post more often. See you later today. November 10, 2017: 10:28 a.m.   The people who support james comey are supporting someone who has been doing things that are illegal since the get-go. He not only decided that hillosercrooktOOn was innocent before interviewing her (or doing much of an investigation: in other words, purely through party association), but he also has been leaking info illegally. He really shouldn't have been anywhere near power, but themuslimvileone likes having people whose scruples are nonexistent as his servants. November 10, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Of course the Environmental (mostly "mental") Protection (yeah, right) Agency has wasted $1.5 MILLION over a two year period on parking! Parking! The EPA (yeah, right) is paying that much for parking?? Amazing. Can someone please slap them? "While it certainly constitutes the squandering of taxpayer dollars, the EPA parking bruhaha is nothing compared to some of the agency’s scandals over the years. During [themuslimvileone's] administration the EPA gave leftist groups tens of millions of dollars to help poor, minority and indigenous communities attain 'environmental justice.' Some of the agency funds went to groups that help illegal immigrants, among them a New Jersey nonprofit (Lazos America Unida) that advocates on behalf of the 'Mexican immigrant community' and a Missouri farm workers’ group that aims to increase awareness about the dangers of sun and heat exposure in migrant populations. Judicial Watch sued the EPA earlier this year for records about the controversial environmental justice grants because the agency ignored a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that dates back to 2015."Yeah. themuslimvileone doesn't care about America. He cares about destroying her. Always has. Always will. November 10, 2017   I wonder if people are thinking that Steve Bannon "encouraged" mark cuban to get into the 2020 presidential race (allegedly) because Bannon wanted cuban as president. I think that if (if) Bannon did "encourage" cuban to get into the presidential race, it was probably as an easy opponent to defeat. The thing with politics is that sometimes you have to consider the opponent and the appearances. When Pres. Trump whoops cuban's butt it would be one television personality and well-known person against another and cuban's loss would be seen as a huge win for Pres. Trump and a good way to teach the left that it doesn't matter who is put up against Pres. Trump, it's going to be a Pres. Trump win. November 10, 2017   Travel much? Do you realize that the Transportation Safety (LOL!) Administration is charged with keeping travelers in America safe? Yeah? Do you know that they recently FAILED 80% of the tests given them but that it's an improvement from the 95% failure rate of a few years ago? Yeah. Feel safe now? November 10, 2017   Ohio's capital, Columbus, is funding terrorism. Isn't that special? They tax their citizens to fund the terrorists who want to kill those citizens. Sweet! That's what happens when you elect lefties/progressives/liberals. November 10, 2017   I hate AT & T. They have a monopoly here in PSJ and they are the only hard line (phone line) provider of telephone and internet service in PSJ (at least the part west of I-95) and they know it and act appropriately. I don't believe that I've ever had a customer service encounter in which the problem was solved with the first call. I don't think I've ever had a problem that was solved in one phone call; it usually takes at least three. I don't think that I've ever thought of their service as worth the price we pay. If I could get away from AT & T, I would go as fast as I could to get there. Now, they are creating a problem with the Trump administration's top anti-trust attorney because years ago he expressed an opinion that he then did not know he'd be handling later. I hope it makes him have to rule against it. That would prevent AT & T from expanding via buying Time Warner. That would make me smile. November 10, 2017   Hey, people of Kentucky, are you paying attention? Are you actually awake? Have you let your mind wander and you've forgotten to even read a newspaper? Why on earth do you keep sending mcCONnell to the Senate? He doesn't support Pres. Trump's agenda: "Senate Republicans unveiled their tax reform bill yesterday, cutting taxes while keeping [themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX] penalty for not carrying health insurance intact and rebuffing President Trump’s demand for an immediate reduction in the nation’s sky-high corporate income tax rates."He needs to get booted hard and fast! Get him out of there! What are you thinking!? November 10, 2017   I want you to red the whole article here and then tell me I've been wrong in my assertions that Islam is a religion of violence and that all Muslims -- even those who don't actually do the murdering themselves -- support terrorism. Read the whole article. Then tell me I was wrong. November 10, 2017   I am so jealous of people getting snow! I love snow and people up north are getting it and I'm not. No fair! November 10, 2017   I Stand With Israel:   I agree with Rep. Jordan, move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem NOW. Just do it! November 10, 2017   I'm sorry for the people losing their jobs, but I am not sorry for the company who did the transgender men in girls' bathrooms thing. No. I'm not sorry to see the company lose business, but I am sorry that their employees must suffer because of their stupid decision. Similar sentiments for the employees at ESPN because of their upcoming additional layoffs. Sorry for the employees, but not the company. November 10, 2017   Now the naacp is saying that we need to abandon the "racist national anthem" and I think that's not just absurd, it's not patriotic, and it's stupid. I wonder if, like the NFaiLaughing, the naacp will actually lose memberships and popularity because of their stupidity, or will they gain support? What thinks you? November 10, 2017   I hope that this pro-DACA woman is NOT CONFIRMED to be DHS head. I'm wondering what Pres. Trump was thinking when he chose her and how much influence the ultra-liberal/lefty/progressive, jared kushner, had in this decision. Please don't let her get approved. Let her be denied approval. That would be great for America! November 10, 2017   Aaaaahhhh... Public Schools:   School has been back in session since August and I knew they would be there; the stories of teachers seducing students, multiple counts of sexually abusing students and lying about sexual misconduct in order to get another teaching job in a different school district. Top it all of with a student making an accusation of inappropriate behavior against a teacher and the student getting suspended for 180 days! That's public schools again this year. Just think: when I did the search for this I did a "news" search and I only went down to stories that were less than eighteen hours old! That's not since August when school started. It's stories posted in the last 18 hours! Homeschool your kids, folks. Keep 'em safe at home. November 10, 2017   I'll close with that for now. My hubby is moving the furniture and things from the farm in Georgia to Ohio today and we sent some furniture up to the Georgia farm from here, so we are making it more ours now and that feels good, but the timing could have been better. Both of us belong to the Space Coast Post Card Club and we have our Annual Space Coast Post Card Show this weekend but he can't be there to help now, so it will be just me going down to help the rest of the (very small) Club get the Show done. If you'd be interested in finding something new to do this weekend, come on down and check out post card collecting. It's educational, fun, an easy to store collectible, and it doesn't have to be an expensive hobby. You can collect cards that are less than $1 each, or up to thousands each. You can find almost anything you collect or like on a post card. Interested in airplanes? You can collect airplane cards of all kinds. Interested in animals? There are a lot of animals on post cards. Interested in outhouses (I kid you not)? There are outhouses on post cards. Come check out the Show. U.S. military veterans and active duty people get in free with proper military identification. Or you can get in for $3 if you're over twelve, under twelve is free; get a coupon here to save $1 off admission no matter who you are. Whatever you choose to do this weekend, enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 7, 2017: 3:43 p.m.   I just finished a new blog post titled, "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors"? I hope you read it and that it makes you think. Have a great day. November 7, 2017: 11:01 a.m.   I Stand With Israel:   The "tolerant left" (I use quotation marks because there is no such thing as tolerance from the left) is at it again. On college campuses they are still intolerant toward Jews and at McGill University they have been very active in enacting their anti-semitic hatred: "Lew and two other directors identified as either Jewish or pro-Israel became instant targets of a campaign of hate laced with blatant anti-Semitic overtones. Campus BDS groups held several meetings to formulate a response and founded the so-called 'Democratize SSMU' movement. But Democratize SSMU was anything but democratic. Its raison d'être was to seek the removal of Jewish and anti-BDS students from SSMU’s Board of Directors and place BDS back on the agenda."Colleges throughout America and the Western world are going through this anti-Israel stupidity due to leftist/progressive/liberal activism, hatred and intolerance. Anti0semitism on colleges is growing and is such a huge problem that the House Judiciary Committee is actually investigating the problem. If you stand with Israel, too, look into the activities and attitudes of the college you are considering sending your children to. Ask blunt questions. Ask to speak to the student body president and ask them about the student body's activities and beliefs regarding Israel. If you want to see how colleges have been doing, this is the Top 10 anti-semitic colleges list of 2015, and I'm sure there are more recent lists out there. Ask if the college you may be considering paying for is pro-Israel or even just pro-First Amendment. If you want to pay for anti-semitic activities spend your money at a college that is anti-semitic. If, on the other hand, you want to support Israel then be sure to NOT spend your money attending or sending your child to a college that will teach your child how to be an anti-semite. It's not what they are supposed to learn in college, but it is what is being taught. November 7, 2017   It turns out Ronan Farrow is actually a pretty good reporter/journalist. If the story he tried to report on hollyweird's sexually predatory creeps all those years ago had run the story would have been a turning point toward the good for hollyweird back then. The left had other plans. Instead, they refused to print the story anywhere and they continued to hide the known sexual predators from the public (in other words, the lie of ommission). When you protect sexual predators you are aiding and abetting after the fact, but the left doesn't care. They wanted to stay part of the pack - hyenas do that, then they eat their own. That's part of what we're seeing now. In Farrow's latest article about the sexual predators he tells us of the spies that were used to keep people quiet. It wasn't just sexually predative, it was mafia-esque. November 7, 2017   I like that President Donald J. Trump did NOT bow to PM Abe in Japan as did his predecessor. Pres. Trump did us proud! November 7, 2017   I wonder if Donna Brazile in writing her book sealed her own doomed fate or prevented her own demise because she already went public with the things she knew and they know they can't shut her up. It's ridiculous that the crooktOOns get away with so many bad things, but with people coming forward maybe it will keep them tied up with damage control that they won't have time to make people pay. November 7, 2017   How cool is this? Laser weapons on fighter jets? Wow. I don't want to live near the test range for those weapons, but I do think it's a cool development. Hope they figure this out quickly, easily and cheaply. That would be great for taxpayers! November 7, 2017   I have to agree with him: the stock market went up thanks to confidence in Pres. Trump. He says so and so do I. November 7, 2017   Did the U.S. Air Force mess up and did that lead to Sutherland Springs' church shooter's ability to pass a background check? It looks like the USAF may not have forwarded to civilian authorities the court-martial for domestic violence information which would have prevented Devin Kelley from buying guns. The Air Force isnt' perfect, I get that, but their carelessness may have cost lives. November 7, 2017   I don't know if U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, did or did not recuse himself from investigating anything hillosercrooktOOn, but if he did he needs to have his tail kicked up between his eyes for being just that stupid. If he has not, that's good: investigate her. If he has, then what was he thinking and someone kick him in the backside today, please. November 7, 2017   Maybe the Sicily election results is a portend of things to come for the EU. Sicily is facing a lot of problems with the Muslim invasion of their country and they just voted for more Conservative leaders. Maybe that will start the turn around for their country. November 7, 2017   Sen. Ted Cruz says that themuslimvileone's administration failed to prosecute people who LIED on their background check forms while trying to make gun purchases. If that's true, themuslimvileone broke the law and he should be prosecuted for failing to prosecute. We have the laws that are in place to prevent the kinds of things that themuslimvileone's administration did and allowed to happen but he refused to do anything to stop the bad things from happening. If he actually gave a crap about America and her citizens, we'd have never gone through a lot of the crap we did during his administration. Remember, we have immigration and border laws but he ordered the U.S. Border Patrol to "stand down" and not stop illegals from crossing our borders. Remember that? Yeah. themuslimvileone didn't give a crap about the law. He was the law in his own mind and actions. He didn't have to care about the illegal alien invasion of our country because he was above all of that and he would not be affected by it while he was in the Red House and afterward with his now-millions of dollars (how did he get rich in the Red House?). He still hates America and everything he says and does proves it. The despicable, vile creature. November 7, 2017   I hope his constituents recall, impeach whatever this clown. This dumboRAT - emphasis on RAT - CA Rep. ted lieu walked out on the moment of silence for the victims of Sutherland Springs, TX shooter, Devin Kelley should not be in public office if he's going to totally disrespect those who were murdered while in church. He disrespected an eighteen month-old baby's death by walking out as well as the deaths of every victim and the injuries of those who have survived. lieu [sic: no respect thus no caps] is yet another despicable dumboRAT. He needs to get kicked out of office, but he is from CA, so I bet he'll be lauded. CA is full of morons. November 7, 2017   Former FBI director, james comey, changed his wording in his statement regarding hillosercrooktOOn's e-mail scandal from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless". To me the former is indicative of prosecutable charges; the latter, not so much, which was his intention. November 7, 2017   I have no problem with FEMA helping repair damaged churches after disasters. I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with it if the government decides to attach some sort of political test or rules to the help and if they insisted any church/synagogue/mosque were made to comply with government instructions and mandates after they accepted FEMA's "help". That's one of the dangers of government/church interaction: the government is wont to try to interfere with the church if the church accepts anything from the government; even tax exempt status. November 7, 2017   November 7, 2017   SMH:   Idiot leftists are at it again. Not only are they proving they don't understand the First Amendment but they're wasting your taxpayer dollars by forcing the issue in court and making the federal government protect against their idiotic law suit. The morons at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (lefties) are suing to make Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that) stop blocking people on the dead blue bird so that everyone can get his tweets who wants to follow him, whether they want to do so just to complain at him, berate him, or are truly interested. The thing they don't seem to understand is that what the First Amendment means is not what a lot of lefties/progressives/liberals think it means. It does not mean that just because someone is saying something everyone has the right to hear it, nor does it mean that everyone must listen to everyone's words. It doesn't mean that the speech has to be "nice, fair and politically correct enough to fit into a safe space" as some lefties want of all speech. The First Amendment means that you can say things that anyone -- a single person, a group of people, or even government entity -- disagrees with, don't like, insults them, or even makes them cry. You have the right to say all of that! You have the right to say something that hurts another person's feelings. You have that right! You have the right to say that the government or any government entity is wrong, out of control, stupid, or corrupt. You have the right to say that! You have the right to say that you stand with Israel and that you want Islam to be defeated as a terrorist organization. You have the right to say that! You have the right to say that your governor is good, bad or indifferent. You have the right to say that! What the consequences of your First Amendment declarations are not governed and you may be sued by someone, or someone may exercise their First Amendment rights and argue with you. That's the way the system works. But what you do NOT have the right to do is to stop me from exercising my First Amendment rights by crying, or complaining that I hurt your feelings, or saying that I'm evil. None of those will stop me and if you can't handle it, then too bad for you. I don't care. Cry me a river. November 7, 2017   I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 6, 2017: 1:14 p.m.   Fascist Antifa:   One of the organizers for the violent protests that antifa protests usually are is a public school teacher in a L.A. public middle school. She doesn't want her activities to be made public so she's fighting Judicial Watch in court to try to keep the truth of her hatred of America from being known. They did a records request in CA and she sued to prevent the release. I have a bet to make. I bet Judicial Watch wins (CA has its own version of the "Sunshine Law" that they don't always stick to) because they are just that good. November 6, 2017   hillosercrooktOOn:   A former acting director of the FBI after James Comey's firing is being investigated by Judicial Watch because it has been learned that he did not recuse himself from the hillosercrooktOOn e-mail server investigation, even though his wife's campaign received $700,000: "The news that Clinton used a private email server broke March 2, 2015. Five days later, former Clinton Foundation board member and Democrat party fundraiser, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe met with the McCabes to recruit her for a run for the state Senate. She announced her candidacy on March 12. Soon afterward, McAuliffe-aligned political groups donated nearly $700,000 (40% of the campaign’s total funds) to McCabe’s wife for her campaign. Around that time, Gov. McAuliffe would also come under criminal investigation by the FBI."Sounds to me like not only should he have recused himself, but he should also have resigned at that moment. He didn't, because dumboRATS don't find anything wrong with whatever they do - legal or not - and that may lead to his downfall. He may rue the day he acted like hillosercrooktOOn and her bullybob. He's not that special. He can't really get away with stuff like that. They can. He can't. The new book by Donna Brazile tell us that she wanted to replace crooktOOn as the dumboRAT candidate after the 9/11 memorial collapse. There's no reason to replace a candidate after a bout of dehydration and pneumonia, which is what they said was wrong with her, yet Brazile wanted to replace her for a temporary problem? I don't think so. If someone gets the flu, or pneumonia, etc., you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You keep the baby, throw out the bathwater and keep going. But Brazile wanted to replace crooktOOn? Sounds like a slip of the typewriter keys to me. November 6, 2017   In Sympathy:   Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Sutherland Springs, TX, after the atheist Christian-hater killed at least 26 and injured 30. He targeted his ex-wife's parents' church and thought Christians "were stupid": "'He was always talking about how people who believe in God were stupid and trying to preach his atheism.'"So those who are going to be blaming the "right wing", or the "religious right" can take that and shove it. It's not Christians and law abiding non-Christians who shoot people! Get that through your thick skulls, idiots out there! November 6, 2017   There's a power struggle going on in Saudi Arabia and it's strange to see princes arrested (and there are a lot of princes) and accused of corruption. I don't know what is going on here (I have my suspicions but I won't voice them here yet), but I do believe that it may have an impact on the price of gasoline here. Keep an eye on this and see if it correlates with the price of go-juice. You may want to start stocking up on the Publix gas cards that give you a 20% savings. We may need it. Of course, with President Donald J. Trump in office, we may not need it so much because he opened up the possibilities for us to use our own sources to provide those needs. That's a great thing! November 6, 2017   Yet again, it's proven that it is the left that is the violent wing of the political spectrum. His leftist neighbor tackled Sen. Rand Paul from behind and left Sen. Paul with five broken ribs and some bruises and scrapes. All Sen. Paul was doing was working in his own yard and this leftist neighbor tackles him from behind. Sweet (sarcasm). November 6, 2017   I don't know if this is good or bad. The top three people at the Federal Reserve are leaving and that allows Pres. Donald J. Trump to appoint more people, so maybe it could be good for us. I don't know. I do know that I wasn't a fan of themuslimvileone's appointee, yellen. What's going to happen from here, I don't know. November 6, 2017   Ruh roh. Rich people worldwide are hiding their money in tax-friendly countries but now their tax havens are being exposed. I don't like taxes so I don't really mind people trying to get out of paying them, but that doesn't mean that the rich should be able to hide their assets and not pay taxes. I think that the tax rate for everyone should be the same ten percent across the board. The rich would gladly pay that considering that they pay at least 35% now. Why not just do a flat tax? November 6, 2017   NFaiLaughing:   They continue to cut their own throats and make fans leave them high and dry. Empty seats equals lower owner revenue. Lower owner revenue means cuts to services for the players, perks and pay. Players are cutting their own pay without even realizing it. It's amazing to see and I'm proud of the fans for standing up for their country and their flag. Now let's see how long it takes for the players to see pay cuts and teams folding. November 6, 2017   Hurray! Another Pres. Trump victory! The Republicans are revising the alleged tax "reform" bill that had some good and some bad in it, hidden tax hikes, surcharges, themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX still funded, etc. Maybe this time ROTTEN ryan will do something right. Don't count on it, mind you, but with Pres. Trump in office and "We, The People" having a better voice now, we may be able to get them to keep working on it until they get it right. I would love to see that! November 6, 2017   I am sorry to see this story about many U.S. Navy officers being under investigation for possible illegal activity. If I had my way all of the allegations would be proven false, but I doubt that will happen. It's sad. November 6, 2017   Sorry about this but I must go. Mom's on the phone. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 3, 2017: 12:10 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 344: GOD-given Words". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! November 3, 2017: 11:51 a.m.   O'Keefe:   I love this guy. Ever since his ACORN sting with Hannah Giles, this organization, this man, has been an inspiration to me. I've enjoyed his work, his chutzpah, his courage. He doesn't back down and he doesn't give up. He's been sued by a lot of people and organizations and he's still out there swinging to get the truth to you. If he didn't do it, I can't imagine who would. There isn't another organization out there, nor another person, who is doing the sort of work O'Keefe is so I'm very glad to help him out with a donation when I can. If you value the truth also, you may wish to give him a little "Thank you!" for standing up to the corruption and the liars and exposing them for what and who they are. It's all of us doing a little bit that will help him through all of these running-scared liars who are trying to shut him up via law suits. Let's not let that happen. November 3, 2017   Yeah, U.S.A.G. Jeff Sessions, why aren't you investigating hillosercrooktOOn? Get your butt in gear, boy, and get it done! Prison is her rightful place! Let's do this! I don't care if you have recused yourself appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her and get it done! Make her next pantsuit prison orange! November 3, 2017   Wait. I thought it was only the men on the political right who are the misogynist pigs. Why is it that we are hearing the names of so many men on the left who are the actual pigs? The latest is a Mother Jones magazine bureau chief who is accused of misconduct. Maybe it's just my imagination but it sure seems like there's a lot of misogynism on the left. November 3, 2017   Reporters "literally know nothing" when they are being interviewed for their first jobs. That's an incredible statement for someone who is trying to hire someone to cover politics in an informed manner. The linked FrontPage Magazine story gives you great insight into how the news is covered (or should I say "written to order"?) and how the left controls what people think by how they cover the news. They try to convince readers/viewers that they are unbiased, but as Pres. Trump puts it, they're "fake news" and they slant the story to make the left be the good guys. In other words, they are paid to be mouthpieces of the left. Why anyone listens to, watches, reads the leftist/progressive/liberal msm I have no idea. November 3, 2017   I know Pres. Trump loves his children but there's an in-law that he should avoid and kick out of his sphere of influence, and that person is Jared Kushner. I think that Kushner's possible bad judgement, has led to trouble for the president and it's just not reflecting well on our president. I think that if Pres. Trump were to tell Kushner he's a great son-in-law because he treats Ivanka and his children well, but that he no longer has a place in the White House sphere of influence it would be better for Pres. Trump. I think Pres. Trump realizes he has to do this sooner rather than later because it's rumored that Pres. Trump blames Kushner for part of the Mueller investigation. It's time Kushner go away as an advisor. November 3, 2017   We thought yesterday that the Republicans were doing something good with their newly released "Tax Reform Plan" but that depends on who is reading it. For example, Forbes likes it, National Review does not. I'm not certain what to think of it. I heard all kinds of stuff about it, but I haven't read it yet. If you want to read the whole thing, here's the full text right from the House Ways and Means Committee and you can make up your own mind. Listening to Rush I heard about a hidden higher tax bracket that is raised to 46%! I don't care how much money you have, if you earned it legally and morally that money is YOURS and you shouldn't have to hand over almost half of that money to the government! GOD only asks 10% and He is much better and bigger than the government! Let's change to a flat tax of 10% for everyone and then we'll be playing on a level playing field and no one gets anything except $500 deduction per dependent and deductions for charitable giving. I say to keep the charitable giving deduction because it is those charities that take some of the burden off of the taxpayer/government. If we don't have charitable giving deductions then the government will be taking that money and taking more of our paychecks in order to provide for those who would otherwise be going to charities. It's time to do a flat tax. November 3, 2017   NFaiLaughing:   A U.S. military veteran who was offered an award for his service to the community by the New Orleans Saints (Haints?) but he chose to decline it because the Saints have been "taking a knee" during the national anthem. The Saints, in turn, decided to throw a hissy fit and publicly diss him. "[The veteran] has chosen very publicly not to accept this honor and refused the opportunity to promote the very cause for which he was being honored and distract from awareness we hoped to build throughout our community."The Saints and all of the other NFL teams need to realize that they are cutting their own throats and that when they wind up unemployed and the NFL destroyed, they have no one to blame but themselves. Their children will be so proud. November 3, 2017   Until the NFL destroys itself, the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in 17 years. That's a great thing! Let's see what the NFL's destruction does to that number. The "services sector" is booming and that's more jobs. Maybe former NFL players would make good waiters? November 3, 2017   Dead Blue Bird:   I wonder how many of those on the dead blue bird who are protesting hillosercrooktOOn's innocence and are expressing their anger at Brazile and the Cheekbone Cherokee are actually bots. After all, there are 23 MILLION coulb be BOTS that are represented as actual people on the dead blue bird, so what if all of those people expressing anger at those throwing hillosercrooktOOn under the bus are bots? What if there is NO SUPPORT for hillosercrooktOOn on the dead blue bird, but the bots make it look like there is because the company wants to continue to kiss her backside? What if it's the bots making all of the pro-left/progressive/liberal tweets? Remember: 23 MILLION possible BOTS are tweeting as actual people. What if? Hmmmm? November 3, 2017   Osama bin Laden's alleged death (I'm still unsure without the release of the pics), resulted in a cache of paperwork from his compound that provided America with a lot of intel on the inner workings of his terrorist network. themuslimvileone refused to release more than a few of those papers but now we have a huge document release from that raid and we'll see what they tell us. I wonder if those documents could have been manufactured between the alleged death and today. Just wondering. I'm just a wee bit skeptical when it comes to trusting anything that was said/done/reported during themuslimvileone's administration. I wouldn't trust him past what I could throw him. November 3, 2017   In the EU, it has gotten so bad for Christianity that they are taking the crosses off of statues that depict Christian/Catholic people and taking away the rights of Christians because it's "offensive" to Islam. Thank goodness Hungary is standing up for religious freedom and maybe that one light that is not being put under a bushel basket is going to shine bright enough for others to be drawn to it. I have little faith in the EU, but with that one light, there is still hope. November 3, 2017   I think that the NSA, DHS, etc., have way too much time on their hands and that's what leads them to figure out new ways to spy on Americans. Now they want facial recognition for while you're driving your car! They'd put cameras on posts wherever they choose to spy on people and see which direction you are going, whether you're alone, what you had on, and when you went past that camera; as well as the next and next and next. Is that what you want; to be spied on all the time for no reason? November 3, 2017   pelosipig:   Again, a brain malfunction makes me say she needs to retire. She really is in some sort of medical malfunction of the brain. She needs to retire. November 3, 2017   That's all I found for today. We'll be here this weekend, working on our lot next door and more finishing touches on our master bedroom reno. Slowly, slowly it is coming together and I'm very pleased with it. Pics after it's completed. Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 2, 2017: 3:40 p.m.   MAGA!:   Things that are showing that Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that!) is good for America:
November 2, 2017   hillosercrooktOOn:   Ruh. Roh. Another dumboRAT is throwing hillosercrooktOOn under the bus! Rats desserting a sinking ship? Yep. It's better to tell the truth about her than to go down with her so they jump ship and let her sink with just her bullybob and dogter. They'll all three go down soon, if dumboRATS have their ways. It's better to throw them under the bus than to lose the game for a long, long time and that's what will happen if the crooktOOns stay in power in the dumboRAT party. So it's bye-bye crooktOOns and hello, whoever can get them a win (even if it's the sequined cowboy hat wearing wacko liar). Not only are the dumboRATS abandoning her, but she's fallen from #2 to #65 most powerful woman in the world. The whole world is turning their backs on her. Oh. Boo. Hoo. So sad. Too bad. She must have a hissy fit nightly with this kind of news out there. I can't imagine her having anything breakable left. Oh, and included in the donna brazile book that throws hillosercrooktOOn under the bus it also states that crooktOOn also had full control of the dnc finances. That's part of the reason the dnc is not doing well right now. They haven't fully recovered from her mismanagement of their finances. I would say "poor hillosercrooktOOn" but, no. I don't feel sorry for her. When you do that much wrong it's bound to catch up with you sooner or later. I'm glad I was around to see it. In fact, with all of the information that is coming out now about her, there's no doubt she colluded with Russia, not Pres. Donald J. Trump. Awww... too bad dumboRATS. November 2, 2017   BTW, can you consider all of the info above, and all of the other stuff that's come out in the last few months about hillosercrooktOOn and her allies in the dnc and in Russia and the fact of the uranium sale that brought her family "foundation" millions of dollars and even begin to believe she's an honest person? Even with all of this info and the proofs out there, will she be indicted? I seriously doubt it because 93% of the grand jury pool voted for her in the presidential election last year. That's slim odds. They'll have to bring the goose that laid the golden egg to do so right in front of their eyes to convince some while others will stay loyal to their pantsuited godess. I don't know if anyone on the jury will be able to see through their starry eyes to the truth, but if they do, the walls start closing in on her and then she'll plead "I'm sick!" and reveal the truth about what her illness is and what we saw on the 9/11 memorial day when she was practially thrown into a waiting van. This is my prediction for anything close to an indictment of her. She'll cry "I'm sick! Feel sorry for me! You can't indict a sick woman!" Give me a break. November 2, 2017   hollyweird:   The sexual predators of tinsel town are being outed and whether it's a gay actor, a grabby director, or whoever, it's about time the truth comes out about the way hollyweird preaches one thing and does another and everyone there knows the truth but covers it up so that they can become or stay famous and maybe be rich some day or stay that way. hollyweird is not about right and wrong. It's just like the dumboRATS: Power and money are the focus and they'll do whatever they must to get or remain in both. November 2, 2017   Rush Limbaugh tells us the TRUTH about alleged "Russian election interference". The heads of internet companies like google, the dead blue bird, etc., testified before Congress that ads were purchased after the election and that the ads purchased were less than one percent of the total. In fact, the actual number was four-one-thousandths of a percent! That's 0.004% of the ads on those sites were about the election. Plus the ads were AGAINST Pres. Trump, advocating for people to protest his presidency! So how on earth is that "Russian collusion" on Pres. Trump's part when the ads were against him? DUH! November 2, 2017   November 2, 2017   Desperate much? The dumboRAT candidate for Virginia governor, ralph northam, coordinated with the Latino Victory Fund to pay for the sick ad that showed an Ed Gillespie supporter trying to run down minority children in a black pickup truck with a Confederate flag on the back and an Ed Gillespie bumper sticker. That's the despicable move of a desperate candidacy and a sick candidate. I hope he loses big time and gets the floor wiped with him. I hope he winds up crawling to the local fast food restaurant to try to get a job and no one will hire him after he helped put that ad on the air. He's rotten to the core and hungry enough for power to do that and that makes him a bad person, IMHO. He needs to lose. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or desperate creep.) November 2, 2017   That's all I see that I want to comment on today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! November 1, 2017: 2:54 p.m.   I started reading an article about a city making "public records" secret and automatically thought it would be a CA city. Wrong. It's a CO city and the reason they're trying to do a CYA is because they discriminated against a Conservative candidate for Chief of Police for the city of Ft. Collins. According to sources, Ft. Collins chose to kick the Conservative U.S. Army veteran who supports Arizona's state immigration policies out of the running for Police Chief and claimed that the Judicial Watch story that first appeared in September had "inaccuracies" in it and they started trying to hide the facts. "Ft. Collins officials claim that the records involving the alleged inaccuracies surrounding the police chief selection process cannot be provided because, the 'material is so candid or personal that public disclosure is likely to stifle honest and frank discussion the government.'"So if the people of Fort Collins, CO, have a Police Chief that is liberal who won't enforce existing laws, or who decides that their property isn't as valuable as the alleged "rights" of an illegal immigrant who wants to steal that property, then they'll know whom to thank. November 1, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Another "Allahu Akbar" attack has happened. This one in NYC and it has taken the lives of at least eight people in New York so far. Eleven others were injured and it's my prayer that they all fully recover. The Muslim murderer was part of a dumboRAT (Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer sponsored) "diversity" program that focuses on bringing in people from countries that have lower immigration numbers. The way Rush Limbaugh teaches about it is very enlightening. I think that the program needs to be shut down, as Pres. Trump has said. Look at the first "qualification" for the program: "If you were not conceived in a qualified nation, there are two separate ways you may have the ability to be qualified. Was your marriage partner born in a nation whose locals are qualified? If that is a yes, then you can use the nation of your mate’s conception—given that both you and your mate are named on the chosen section, are issued different visas, and enter the United States at the same time.""Conceived"? Conceived? Who the heck asks Mom and Dad, when and where was I conceived? Really, how many times has this program been LIED TO in order to get "qualified" for this piece of garbage?! It's absurd! Conception tests? But wait! I thought that life doesn't begin at conception so how can they use a conception test for immigration but not for abortion? Remember: this program was put together by dumboRATS Ted Kennedy and Chuck Schumer and they supported and sponsored a bill that has a conception test as a qualifier for immigration but both deny that life begins at conception when it comes to abortion! How is that possible when immigrants can come over depending upon where they were conceived but a child in utero here is a lifeless blob as long as the mother wants to abort it? Hmmm? November 1, 2017   I am so glad that the "establishment" is crumbling and that they are in "free fall" poll-wise. I'm hoping this means that they will realize that running for office again is not going to be something they should even dream about. I'm hoping that more of the RINOs and kiss-butts in both the House and Senate are realizing that all of the brown-nosing they've done to the dumboRATS and the msm has ruined their careers and they might as well hang it up. I think that maybe the writing is on the wall for some who have already realized it, as well as those who have realized it but are too stubborn to admit it. I can't imagine mcCONnell being re-elected, but his constituents keep doing the dumb over and over and over again. Why, only heaven knows, but he keeps getting re-elected. Maybe next time (he's not up for re-election until 2020) his constituents will be wide awake and actually vote for a True Conservative. Let's hope that those who wish to destroy America (especially pelosipig, waters, schumer, mcCONnell, ROTTEN ryan, all RINOs, etc.) get dumped by the electorate ASAP. That would be good for America. November 1, 2017   I'm gonna' go for now. Hubby's home and Mom's on the phone and I can't type and talk at the same time. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 2017 October 31, 2017: 1:15 p.m.: Halloween:   It's Halloween and tonight across the nation children and adults will dress up as someone besides themselves and go to parties, or out "Trick or Treat"-ing. Some will dress as something others find offensive: an "Native American", a member of the Taliban, a police officer. On college campuses nationwide, there are strict rules so that the snowflakes there won't feel offended or need their safe space for the evening. Personally, I don't "celebrate" Halloween, so when colleges need to discuss "offensive" costumes I wonder why they don't just ban it and get it over with. But that's part of the PC problem: banning Halloween costumes is a step closer to banning free speech and limiting our freedoms. That, I cannot support, so free speech your costumes and don't worry about what other people think of them. Let them be "offended" (brainwashed into believing that they are - or someone else is - somehow "injured" by your one night costume) and let them howl and screem, run to their safe spaces and whimper into their blankies while sucking on their pacifiers. It's okay. Enough running to their safe spaces may innoculate them to the harsh realities of Halloween costumes and, like changing diapers, they'll get used to the look and smell of it and finally be capable of handling life without bubble wrap around them. The same goes with free speech and "hate speech". Let them hear the words that allegedly burns their ears, hurts their feelings and go deep into their souls as though those words were knives and maybe then they'll figure out that "hate speech" is still FREE SPEECH. The First Amendment was written so that people can speek out against the U.S. government and so that people can say things that others do not like to hear. Read what some of the Founding Fathers wrote about each other and you'll see things like: " "a hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman." -- Thomas Jefferson's critique of Pres. John AdamsYeah. That's what the Founding Fathers thought Free Speech was. If someone said either of those things about you, would you be hiding away crying crocodile tears in your safe space, or fighting back as Adams and Jefferson did? Are you a person of strength and character who has a spine, or are you a snowflake who needs the bubble wrap and padded room, shout down different opinions and shut down peaceful meetings because those people think differntly than you type? I doubt any of the latter (with a few local exceptions) are here anymore. They're already sucking their thumbs and crying. The locals have given up on shutting me down although at least one may have given it a half-hearted try: "'Also a deputy friend told me to find the host and appeal to them .Of course, PSJ History is not on Globe net and hasn't been since I bought it. So she was wrong and PSJ History as well as MaureenRupeExposed are still up and Free Speech wins. October 31, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   How much money has to be wasted before Americans stand up and say, "ENOUGH!"? It's time to stop wasting your hard earned dollars and to start letting you keep more of your money in your pocket. No more using it to "rebuild" Afghanistan! It's not "rebuilding", it's tents. It's not helping when the murderers in the land come destroy everythng as often as they can. It's not doing any good when all it does is make those trying to live in those tents sitting targets! Let's stop being stupid with your taxpayer money! Keep it here and allow us to keep more of what we earn! October 31, 2017   Sorry but I gotta' go! My hubby's home now and will have to go back to work this evening for however many hours, so I'm going to spend time with him. See ya' tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 30, 2017: 12:46 p.m.   The survey is done on our Georgia property and we got the fence line marked and we'll be able to do that the next trip up. We posted the "No Trespassing" signs and we will be buying the rest of the property we've agreed to purchase as soon as the house there is moved. It still seems a bit surreal, but it's happening. We own fourteen acres of Grandpa's farm and we're tickled pink about it. Next year we've agreed to purchase seven more acres from an uncle and may do another seven from another uncle and then we'll own all but one tract of it, which is owned by someone outside of the family. We'd love to buy that back. October 30, 2017   The Paul Manafort charges may be thrown out of court if the Mueller investigation violated Manafort's constitutional rights. We'll see what happens, but you need to know that the Manafort charges are not related to the "Russian dossier" hillosercrooktOOn and the dnc paid for during the election. They went into Manafort's house with a search warrant for info on any Russian ties regarding interference in our election system. They found paperwork about things he had done years and years ago that were not covered in the search warrant. That means that if they ceased those documents they were taking things illegally. That's unconstitutional and any judge worth his salt will throw that evidence out of court because it was illegally ceased and inadmissable in a court of law. We may be talking minute possibilities here, but it is the law. Actually, I'm surprised the judge (unless it's a themuslimvileone appointee) didn't already throw that evidence out instead of using it to base an indictment on. Do you realize that she still can't take responsibility for her loss? She's so power hungry that it has made her delusional. October 30, 2017   LOL! That's too good! The Drudge Report didn't have the link about the judge "Earlier this year, [U.S. District Judge Amy Berman] Jackson -- a Harvard Law School graduate -- dismissed a lawsuit brought against former Secretary of State [hillosercrooktOOn] by relatives of victims of the 2012 Benghazi attack."So do you think Manafort can get a fair trial with her as judge? I had not seen that link when I wrote the blurb above, but I know these lefties/progressives/liberals so well that I don't have to see the link to know what to expect. Too good! October 30, 2017   When the left covers for their candidates (hillosercrooktOOn, etc.) they have to do so in every way possible. It's sad that the website chooses to push the "Russian backed" dossier and that they have no shame in doing so. We all know by now that the dossier is what the crooktOOns, dnc and themuslimvileone paid to get. So why does the left still make the same stupid excuses and do all they can to cover for them? When one puts their party ahead of their country, you are hating the country and you need to leave, IMHO. If you don't love America, leave America. That's the way I think. Why stay somewhere you are miserable? October 30, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Do you know that themuslimvileone's "organizing [against] America" helps fund the group that did the "Russian dossier"? Yep. He still tries to do whatever he can to destroy America. He hates - hates - that Pres. Donald J. Trump is undoing his legacy and I bet we'll see more crud like the "Russian dossier" as we go through the next four years. I bet that while he's trying to destroy Pres. Donald J. Trump and his administration and presidency, he's making money hand over fist in the stock market and elsewhere because of President Trump's effect on America. So that means that themuslimvileone is an idiot. No news there. Between him, the dnc and hillosercrooktOOn paying for that "dossier", we have a deeply, widely corrupt leftist organization trying to destroy America and Pres. Donald J. Trump. October 30, 2017   I wish we had a House and Senate that were controlled by True Conservative Republicans instead of RINO republiCAN'TS! If we had True Conservative Republicans themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX would be gone already, the tax cuts Pres. Trump wants and will help America would be done already and the things that need to be done would have already been accomplished while more good things for America would be on the way and coming from the House and Senate instead of just the White House! But, no. We have ROTTEN ryan and mcCONnell and all we get is whining and impeding. Can we slap them? October 30, 2017   It looks like Mueller's probe is causing people to sweat. Or at least, that's the image presented. Friend of hillosercrooktOOn, Tony Podesta is "stepping down from" his job at a lobbying firm after being targeted in the Mueller investigation. As I said much earlier, maybe Pres. Trump decided to allow Mueller to stay on because Trump knew that Mueller would find things on hillosercrooktOOn and follow it where it would lead. We'll see what happens, but I'm betting that if Mueller is a man of integrity (if), then we'll see many more hillosercrooktOOn friends, maybe family and herself even, facing indictments. Or maybe that's just my personal daydream. Watch and see. October 30, 2017   Planned AbortionHood:   An "insider" is speaking out about the truth about what happens inside abortionhood clinics: "You can feel the death"That's Planned AbortionHood in a nutshell: death. October 30, 2017   The left is so far gone, and so hateful of America that they met witl Al Qaeda and ISIS leaders... to figure out more tactics, or what? Edward Klein in his new book writes: "'There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups,' stated the FBI field report, which was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017, and which is being published for the first time in my new book All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump."That's shocking! They hate America so much that they'll collude with ISIS, Al Qaeda and whoever else they can to destroy America and anyone wanting to "Make America Great Again!" The left is despicable. October 30, 2017   It's amazing to think that anyone would support him, but kiss-up kasich may run for prezidunce again. Sigh. When will he realize America does not want him? When will he finally get slapped upside the head hard enough for him to wake up and smell the coffee and see the "No Go Zone" for himself? He'll never be prezidunce. We don't want him, no matter how many times he repackages himself. How many incarnations of a preziduncial candidate can there be before people start thinking of him as schizophrenic? He needs a good friend or family member who cares about him to sit him down and tell him, "No! Don't even think about it. You are not that person and America has already said that how many times to you?" He ran in 1999 while a freshman Congressman (themuslimvileone did so as a Senator), then again last year, and now he wants to run again? He's pro- immigration, pro-environment (hamster on a wheel), and he's a non-starter. He doesn't run well and if he ever writes a book about it, he'll be another hillosercrooktOOn author: everyone is responsible except me! October 30, 2017   America needs to be careful for this happening here. In Sweden, a passenger jet was sabatoged while in a hanger and it could have been a disaster if not found before take off. I hope that American hangers are more secure than that. October 30, 2017 &nbps NFaiLaughing:   They keep shooting themselves in the foot and they are going to alienate so many fans that they will wind up losing their jobs and broke. They will have to sell their million dollar homes, their fancy cars and their bowl rings if they keep this stupidity up. I don't expect them to listen, because as I have said, you don't see "Ph.D." behind any of their names. October 30, 2017   Do you support the "Ten Commandments Judge", Judge Roy Moore? If so, you must be a bigot and a hater. Don't ya' love their panic? October 30, 2017   I think that the transgender ideology is dangerous and that the Virginia candidate who is transgender and targeting Kindergartens: "kindergarten children should be taught in an 'age-appropriate' fashion that children can change their sex."That's the same lesson that a few months back, made children cry because they thought they could suddenly become the opposite gender. Mental illnesses shouldn't be taught as okay in public schools and the transgender thing is a mental illness. The victims of that illness should be getting mental help, not trying to spread it like the mumps. October 30, 2017   If you think that children who are diagnosed with Downs Syndrome in the womb and that the woman needs to kill that baby because of it, you need to watch Frank Stephen explain why you should NOT support that line of thinking. ALL life is precious if innocent. If you're a murdering scumbag rapist, or something similar, you are not innocent and you need to pay for your crime. Innocent life in utero is NOT to blame for anything that happened: not even the pregnancy that begot them! Don't make the baby pay for something it had nothing to do with: the pregnancy or the Downs Syndrome! Don't kill innocence personified! October 30, 2017   I'll close with that for today. Tomorrow is Halloween, so if you take your children out there be very careful. Don't let them eat any of it until you've checked it out. Better safe than sorry. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 27, 2017: 12:39 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 343: Grandpa's Farm" and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I will be posting only a few blurbs later today for updates. We're going back up to the property we purchased from my mother-in-law (that was part of Grandpa's farm) and my son will be here to take care of things here. We're getting a survey done and we want to be there to see the process and figure out the kind of fence we may want to use. There's something called a "hog fence" and maybe I am wrong but we may use it to seperate our property from the neighbors. I don't know. We'll see what happens. Until updates, enjoy your day. October 27, 2017: 1:40 p.m.   Let's start with the few blurbs I'll be doing today with the fact that the top 20% income earners pay 95% of taxes. So why would anyone want to make the rich pay more? If they're paying 95% of the taxes don't you think America is getting enough out of them? How about we start taxing those who do nothing but take and make them pay a little bit -- $100 maximum, for instance -- and make them participate in the tax system so that they can understand what it's like for the government to take as well as give? I think that would change some attitudes in America, don't you? October 27, 2017   hillosercrooktOOn:   Everyone who has been paying attention (or at least those who are not on the left/progressive/liberal side) knows by now that the crooktOOns paid for the Russian dossier that she alleged proved Pres. Trump collusion with Putin. As more of the truth comes out we'll find out not only that she paid for it but she and bullybob made up the crud that's in there and that they used some of the things he did as stuff to write about Trump. What she has done has been considered CRIMINAL. Will she pay the price? What thinks you? October 27, 2017   A Pres. Donald J. Trump supporter is ahead in the polls for Nevada's primary. That's excellent (not that I trust polls after the 2016 election)! Let's hope that Danny Tarkanian wins giving Pres. Donald J. Trump another vote for his agenda! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anyone else.) October 27, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Yet another price hike in 2018 will make this piece of garbage 34% more expensive for some. That's ridiculous! Add to that the fact that over half of the counties in this country could have only one insurance choice in 2018 and you have people dropping it right, left and center. Good! If they keep it up it's going to "die on the vine" like we've been predicting for years ("we" being Conservatives). October 27, 2017   ROTTEN ryan:   He doesn't want to secure our borders and enforce existing laws regarding immigration, he wants to "fix" themuslimvileone's free pass program known as DACA. I think he needs to go. I think he should retire, be impeached by his constituents, be recalled, whatever or however they would have to do (not by violence) to get him out of office. He is a RINO and he needs to go! One of the problems with DACA (that ryan probably doesn't want to "fix") is that 44% of DACA illegals worked without SSNs. There's another aspect this story, as well: "[T]hese individuals were unable to legally obtain Social Security numbers for their pre-DACA employment,which means that they used fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers that all-too-often belong to American citizens, including American children".So whose children are having their identities stolen? Yours? Your grandkids'? Why should they pay a heavy price for DACA recipients? Why are your grandkids not as important to lefites/progressives/liberals as DACA "DREAMers"? October 27, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Remember Fort Hood's Major Nidal Hasan and his attack on his fellow soldiers there? Remember how the left - including themuslimvileone; especially themuslimvileone - refused to call it a terrorist attack, but instead labeled it "work place violence"? Well, we all knew that it was a terrorist attack and that "Allahu Akbar" was yelled as Hasan shot his coworkers and others. Those who were wounded but survived received no recognition and now a father of one of those injured is suing for a Purple Heart for his wounded son. It is only right that his son receive the Purple Heart because he was wounded by an enemy attacker and he was serving his country while he was wounded. That deserves a Purple Heart for all survivors. It's despicable that themuslimvileone refused to allow the Fort Hood attack to be classified as a terrorist attack. It's not as if Hasan did it from the goodness and kindness of his heart! October 27, 2017   Well, I've got other things to do to get on the road. Enjoy your weekend (I will enjoy mine!). Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 26, 2017: 11:34 a.m.   hillosercrooktOOn:   She and her bullybob have been crooks for most of their lives. They've loved money and power and they have done anything it takes to get either or both. Now we have even the msm throwing them under the bus and covering the truth about them and that's amazing. I can't remember ever thinking that the msm would actually tell the truth about the crooktOOns, ever. Yet, here is something that they are actully doing so. I am totally shocked. I am also wondering what the New York Post is wondering, is this finally treason? Now they also have to worry about their part in the Russian hotel dossier and whether it broke federal election laws. That could be another problem for them in the very near future. Add to that the fact that there are still scandals left out there from the crooktOOn days in the White House and there's a lot of prison soup possibilities for the crooktOOns. I would love to see them in prison orange or stripes! They deserve nothing more and nothing less. I wonder when the left will do the same thing for themuslimvileone; start telling the truth about him and the world flips upside down. October 26, 2017   Now we know that the crooktOOns paid for the Russian hotel dossier, along with the DNC, and that themuslimvileone used it to spy on Donald J. Trump as a candidate. Isn't that special? Isn't that also called "collusion"? That's a crime, too. October 26, 2017   Friends of mitch mcCONnell are allegedly "targeting" Steve Bannon. I think they've tackled the wrong person and the wrong issue. The person/issue they should be tackling is mcCONnell's RINO-ness and his kissing dumboRAT butts. If they are saying Bannon is bad and wrong, they're not only mistaken, they're willfully deaf, dumb, blind and stupid. But that's no surprise. When you look at mcCONnell you have to remember that he's not a Conservative. He's a RINO. He's nothing more and never will be. October 26, 2017   England:   They've had an increase in "sexual grooming" offenses of young children yet their "priorities" are "hate crimes"? Their "hate crimes" include name calling and bacon while little kids - we're talking not yet ten years-old - are being groomed for sex. Add to that the fact that the "police" in England are providing cover for Islamic terrorists and you've got a really screwed up country! England, you're a bunch of idiots. I can't imagine having my priorities so screwed up! October 26, 2017   NFLaughable:   How low can their ratings go? If they don't straighten up and start realizing that their fan base is leaving them (big time) that they will be closing their gates and the league will be shutting whole teams down. Can you imagine the worst football teams of the last thirty years GONE? Yeah. I can see that happening because the teams are not supporting the beliefs and desires of the fans so the fans are saying "Kiss my backside" to the teams. It's going to happen before the teams - those pampered multi-million dollar players who think they're demi-gods - realize their actions speak louder than their words. When the NFLaughable finally realizes that they're dumb as a box of frozen steaks their fan base will be so far gone that it won't matter anymore. It will take years before anyone will be able to fill a modern stadium again. When that happens, all they can say is "We asked for it." October 26, 2017   What thinks you: Will cable companies and satellite television providers have to bow to the internet competition forces and lower their rates and actually give their customers what they want? They are losing customers left and right so will they finally wise up, and give customers choices they want instead of throwing trash into the packages they offer while they put the stuff they know you want to watch only into the highest priced packages? Or will they continue down their "We're the only choice you have" road and continue to offer forty channels of sports no one wants to watch (one sports channel I saw while in a hotel on vacation was showing curling), music channels few want to listen to, and filth no one at all should see? I had Dish Network for years, but when they raised their prices again and we talked about it, we went to HD antenna and we receive over thirty English-speaking channels (including three shopping channels: trouble!) and we haven't paid to watch regular television for years. We now have a smart television and we watch YouTube channels, as I've mentioned previously, and for that we have to have internet service, so we do pay for that, but we would have that anyways for me to have my website. If you want to save fifty bucks a month, try an HD antenna. You may not get Lifetime, HBO, or Nick at Night, but it's a lot cheaper and you find time to do other things. October 26, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   I wonder how much of the $1 TRILLION Social Security payments are paid due to fraud. I know they have a history of being defrauded. In 2013 they paid approximately $1.29 BILLION in fraudulent claims to one portion of the program alone! Also, how much of this trillion is due to fraud that is encouraged by dumboRATS in elected positions who are seeking votes? October 26, 2017   It's time the left/progressives/liberals acknowledge that Islam is antisemitic and that they should be doing the BDS thing for Islam, not Israel. Israel is a great nation and one of our greatest allies and the idiots pushing BDS (even in the U.N.!) need to realize that it is Islam that is the hate group. Look at what their Koran/Qu'ran teaches and the Hadith has in it. You'll see full force hate in those places. Israel wants to be left alone to run its own country in peace and Jews to be allowed to live without fear. That's not asking too much. It's what every country and every human wants. What is so wrong with that? I also don't think that the BDS idiots should be allowed to force Israeli Defense Forces to be tried outside of their own country. I think that if the crime is committed in Israel they have the right to try the offender in their own country. There is no World War that would initiate the war tribunals of WWII. Israel has the right to exist! I stand with Israel! October 26, 2017   Parents, check your kids' phones. Do it on a regular basis. Go online and watch videos on how to undelete the things they try to hide. Make this a prerequisite to having the privilege of having their own phone. Make it a daily or weekly event. This will protect them, against all of their protestations, and isn't that your job as a parent? If you find out your thirteen-year-old daughter has been using an app to get "morning after" pills without a doctor's prescription or your permission, then won't that be a heartbreaking eye-opener? Won't you be astonished that your daughter at that tender age is sexually active and that she didn't feel comfortable enough with you to talk to you about all of that? It's a shame that parents are afraid of parenting nowadays. Saying "No!" may make them angry for a while, but when you realize later how much it actually protected them you won't regreat it, even if they don't realize it until much, much later. Be a parent, not a door matt. October 26, 2017   Well, that's it for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 25, 2017: 11:55 a.m.   hilloserclintOOn:   Can you believe it? The FBI has admitted that it has yet to process 40,000 e-mails she tried to delete from her records and they've had them for a year. Yep. There are still revelations to come out about how crooked she and her bullybob are. I'm betting those e-mails were witheld because they contained the most damaging info and the deep state folks are still trying to protect her. Of course Judicial Watch had to sue to get that admission and to get the order to release them, because of the deep state idiots, but Judicial Watch is getting the truth and that's a good thing. I can hardly wait to see her in prison! With all of these "revelations" of the clintOOns' wrongs, the "elites" are distancing themselves in an effort to protect themselves from the stain of the clintOOn's scandals. The "elites" knew nothing, were not aware, wouldn't have supported if they knew, etc., etc., etc. What the "elites" forgot was that bullybob and hillclintOOn were crooks and liars from the time they saw the draw of the governor's mansion in Little Rock, Arkansas, so what made the "elites" think that the White House was going to be any different for them? They started out as crooks and remained so. A tiger cannot change its stripes; especially when it enjoys it so much! October 25, 2017   Excellent news! AZ Senator, jeff flake, is retiring and won't run again! Another RINO bites the dust! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! That's so good! I can hardly wait to see the Senate full of True Conservatives! That would be so good for America! I'd love to see that! Wouldn't you? Also, will Ben Sasse of Nebraska be next? October 25, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Of course themuslimvileone did all he could to prevent illegal aliens with records of crimes from being prevented from entering America. That's probably why his administration did nothing to fix the unreliable e3 service they had to use: "The computer system used by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) front-line border protection agency is slow, frequently blacks out and can’t prevent the entry of inadmissible aliens with 'harmful intent,' a disturbing federal audit reveals. Incredibly, thousands of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents rely on the flawed information technology (IT) system to fulfill their duty of securing the nation’s borders and keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the United States."Questions: Who chose this system to use as any part of our national security system? Who knew about the problems with the system prior to signing the contract for use? How far up the chain of command did the information of the unreliability of this system go: who knew and when did they know it? When will it get fixed and who will be in charge of ensuring that no governmental agency uses the system ever again? If they can't answer these questions with solid answers and with a date-certain of all governmental agencies disconnecting from this e3 server then why are we paying for this non-service that is endangering our very lives and safety? Should we start dispensing to the government our taxes as we see fit until they have a "Come to Jesus" moment and decide to undo all of the bad that themuslimvileone, bullybobclintOOn, etc., have done and we get our America back? I like that idea. October 25, 2017   Did I tell ya'? It was the clintOOns who had the Russia connecitons, not Pres. Donald J. Trump. They paid for the "dossier" on Pres. Donald J. Trump to be made up. They paid for the lies and kinkiness that they accused Pres. Trump of doing, knowing full well it was all a lie and they used to try to get into power and to be able to keep receiving millions of dollars from Russia as they were at that time. The DNC knew it was a lie. The DNC helped pay for the fake dossier. All of this while planning on running again in 2020 (mark my words); she's still paying her aides and it's not for nothing. She's too in love with money to do that for no reason whatsoever (unless it's to keep them quiet). October 25, 2017   In Oregon, there are more people on food stamps than in public schools. Sounds to me like every child in the school system is in a family on food stamps. So no one in Oregon who has at least one student in public schools is on public assistance? I dont' buy that. Or would it be that there are private schools with super high enrollment numbers of people who can afford to feed themselves? I don't buy that, either. I think there's some fraud going on somewhere and that it needs to be found, stopped and prosecuted. October 25, 2017   Remember the IRS scandal in which they targeted Conservatives and Conservative groups and slowed or disapproved their applications for non-profit status, or targeted them in some other way? Yeah. That was only the tip of the iceberg. They did everything they could to prevent Conservative groups from getting anything, gaining anything, growing, or otherwise flourishing under themuslimvileone's administration. Even while doling out your taxpayer dollars they wanted to ensure no Conservatives got any of the slush fund themuslimvileone used to reward his buddies. He is a despicable, vile creature and I'm so glad and proud of President Donald J. Trump undoing so much of themuslimvileone's actions and "legacy" (a legacy I would not want if I were he). October 25, 2017   LOL! Yet more proof that leftist/progressive/liberal ideas are a failure! A pizza shop they opened two years ago with wages much higher than minimum wage is closing its doors because they can't keep it going. They have found out that the high wages thing may be a nice idea but in business reality it's not a workable model. If they had any business acumen at all, they would have figured that one out without going through the expense of setting up a business and going through the licensing, inspections, training, purchasing food supplies, tables, napkins, soda machines, getting vendors, hiring employees, and advertising. If they had any business sense at all, they would have just put the numbers on paper before they went through all of the rest of the process and figured out, "Well, that doesn't work at all!" Morons. October 25, 2017   Idiot billionaire, michael bloomberg, says Brexit "stupid" thing to do. (He also bashes Pres. Donald J. Trump, but that's nothing new for lefties/progressives/liberals.) He'll be eating his words in a few years after Brexit actually happens. Things will be so good in England's economy that the lefties will be scratching their heads and whining that they didn't make any money off of it. October 25, 2017   Peace and Tolerance: &nbps Another convert to Islam was arrested after making an ISIS style video and being found with an "inert bomb" at a Miami mall. He was here under the "Temporary Protected Status" of a Honduran refugee after Hurricane Mitch hit his home country, but should have been deported many times over in the eighteen years since he came over because he's a criminal! This is why we need to control our borders and deport those who overstay visas, who commit crimes in America or who were criminals when they came in, and who do not assimilate to the American way. If we do not we shall face more of this. October 25, 2017   Disgraced NYT: &nbps Not only do we know that they hate Pres. Donald J. Trump, thanks to James O'Keefe's Project Veritas videos, but we also know that they love communism. So why would anyone want to read them? You can't rely on the "objectivity" of a "newspaper" that has such a bias against and for anyone/anything. If you hate someone you cannot cover them fairly. If you love an ideology you cannot cover it fairly. A "new reporter" is supposed to keep themselves and their personal likes and dislikes out of the story; that's called being "unbiased". However, when you have such biases and you do not openly admit them and you still report on the people you hate and the subjects you love then you are slanting a story in favor of or against something/someone. In my case, I am a Conservative and I do not hide that (hint: see header at top of almost every page). Anyone who comes here and expects to see praise for the left is delusional. In the NYT's case they are not openly admitting their biases and they want you to think that they are covering things "fairly" while they are actually so biased it's ridiculous! October 25, 2017   It's time to dismantle the deep state and to fire everyone whose loyalty is not to America as they should be, but to a man - themuslimvileone - or a "side" (the dumboRATS) and to restock with people who love America and will do their utmost to help "Make America Great Again". Let's not allow dumboRAT or themuslimvileone loyalists to destroy what progress we've made since January 20th's swearing in of Pres. Donald J. Trump. The stock markets have been going up, up, up; the unemployed have been getting jobs; food stamp recipients (except for in Oregon, apparently) have been dwindling in numbers; new homes are selling at a ten year high; the mood in America is improving because of the previous truths. We do not want all of that to go down the tubes because of some themuslimvileone loyalist doing what he can to destroy America as did his mentor. October 25, 2017   House and Senate:   They are still making excuses and trying their darndest to NOT get Pres. Donald J. Trump's agenda done. They have given healthcare reform a pass, and financed "dreamers" staying in America to do whatever harm they want here. They whine about any changes Pres. Donald J. Trump tries to accomplish and operate in secrecy so that he cannot comment upon their doings and get the American people to support him and not their left-leaning plans. They even think they can target YOUR 401K and take it from you in any way they can and that you'll put up with that. You'll accept it because, after all, they know what's best for you, your family and your retirement. They want your money and they'll take it any way they can. That's the current House and Senate. It's a good thing Steve Bannon is taking scalps! Those he's targeting deserve to be kicked out! When will he target ROTTEN ryan, that's what I want to know! October 25, 2017   Yet again, a "college" is caught being anti-Christian. Kent State University circulated a poster that had "You Need Jesus" as an example of "Free Speech or Hate Speech"? May I take a moment to say that the administration at Kent State definitely does need Jesus if they think that's hate speech? Give me a break. October 25, 2017   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 24, 2017: 11:23 a.m.   Thought I'd start the day with something so stupid that it makes me shake my head in wonder (yet again) at the left's idiocy. On November 8th you may wish to have some earplugs handy because the lefties/progressives/liberals are going to demonstrate their stupidity yet again by screaming at the sky to commemorate the election of President Donald J. Trump (Love saying that!). Yep. You read that correctly: they're going to scream at the top of their lungs for no reason whatsoever, unless you count President Donald J. Trump's victory as a reason to scream. They're that insane (inane, too). Being on the left really is a menal illness. October 24, 2017   Speaking of the left and their mental illness, they also have a hatred for America that makes them try to undermine America and all she stands for. The article linked is by Walter E. Williams and you know how much I love him, so read the article and enjoy! He is a wonderful author! October 24, 2017   England:   Is there nothing stupid they won't do? Their latest: they've decided to NOT prosecute ISIS terrorists: "A top UK official told the BBC last week that ISIS terrorists from the UK returning from Syria and Iraq will not be prosecuted. Instead, the government will try to reintegrate them back into society because they were 'naive' when they joined the genocidal terrorist group."DUH! What are they thinking? Should they bring those terrorists to tea with the Queen so that they can learn that England is not such a bad place after all and the crumpets are delicious and, after all, we're not going to put you in prison so don't hurt us! England, you're a bunch of cowardly idiots without the capability of thinking. No wonder you'll have even more terrorist attacks. You ask for it. October 24, 2017   Niger:   The deaths of four American heroes were not the fault of Pres. Donald J. Trump, it was themuslimvileone's doing. He sent troops over there. The camera-seeking Congresswoman with the stupid cowboy hat needs to shut up until she's ready to blame the right person: themuslimvileone. October 24, 2017   I am glad that RINOs are falling "by the wayside" and that it's going to be good for America. One of the most recent to fall is bob corker and I'm very glad of it! I wish all of the RINOs would choose to not run again and that they would all be replaced with true Conservatives (yes, using my definition)! That would be good for America! October 24, 2017   October 24, 2017   NFLaughable:   Now MLB (Major League Baseball) is more popular than football and the football players whose paychecks will suffer because of it have no one to blame but themselves (with some exceptions, of course). I wonder if those geniuses who are bringing about their own demise are even smart enough to understand why they'll be losing their jobs, why their pay will be cut prior to losing their jobs, or why no one is thrilled to meet them anymore. Instead of being adored as they go to their favorite steak place, they'll be ignored and they'll miss the adoration and wonder "What happened?" Morons. If they want to disrespect the American flag, that's their problem. We have the right (I may even say the "responsibility") to make their words and deeds reflect upon them as only we can. Stop buying their stuff and don't speak to them, look at them, write to them, listen to them, watch them, or support them in any way, shape, or form. That's what they've earned. October 24, 2017   MAGA:   Okay. I dare anyone to try to convince me that if hilloserclintOOn had won that the stock market would be breaking records previously thought to have been "never going to happen" territory. Come on. Try to convince me that the stock would be doing this under a hilloserclintOOn administration. You can't do it, can you? Then there's this: 1.5 million people no longer on food stamps since Pres. Donald J. Trump. Tell me that would have happened under hilloserclintOOn. Not going to happen. October 24, 2017   Desperation Time:   DumboRATS are getting so desperate to stop Pres. Donald J. Trump that they're actually calling psychologists to talk to them about whether Pres. Trump is sane/mentally fit. Any psychologist who says he isn't fit should lose their license to practice, first of all. Second of all, that speaks more to the mental health of the dumboRATS than of Pres. Donald J. Trump. They've lost it because they've lost power and control. That's making them nutso and they're so crazy now that they can't even see that it's they who are insane, crazy, unfit, not Pres. Donald J. Trump. That's called "delusional" behavior and the left is deeply into it because of Pres. Donald J. Trump. I love it. October 24, 2017   Kid Rock not running. Oh well. That's fine with me, but it isn't nice for those who were counting on him. I don't think he should have toyed with people like that, either. Of course, it could be that he caved to the pressure. Who knows? October 24, 2017   Okay. Gotta' go. Security issue. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 23, 2017: 11:45 a.m.   Spent the weekend at the place we bought from my Mother-in-Law. She had a medical incident and it
was bad enough that she realized she couldn't live alone anymore so she moved up to Ohio with her daughter and we went up to our house and
property to check to see what we may need to fix, or how to stop the mice from climbing in through the plumbing holes. Yeah. October 23, 2017   pelosipig:   I think all of that "Speaker One" flying went to her head and now she's having brain trouble again. Why can't she admit that she isn't all there anymore and announce her retirement? I'm sure the dumboRATS would find a way to fill her seat with someone equally as incompetent and leftist/progressive/liberal. October 23, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   I can't believe we're doing this and yet again we find out that themuslimvile put America at risk and he did it on purpose: "The program is known as Antiterrorism Assistance (ATA) and the U.S. State Department funds it. From fiscal year 2012 to 2017, the agency doled out $715 million to train about 56,000 security force officials from dozens of “partner nations.” Nearly 3,000 of those participants were trained at facilities in the United States with anemic oversight from the government. The goal is to enhance the capability of foreign partners to prevent acts of terrorism, address terrorism incidents and capture and prosecute individuals involved in terrorist acts. The problem is that the program itself is vulnerable from a security standpoint, according to a federal audit released this month. Participant data is inaccurate or incomplete and training facilities are susceptible to breaches and attacks, the probe found."If themuslimvileone did NOT do something to put America in danger, I'd be shocked at that. The fact that we're finding yet another way he endangered America and Americans is no surprise to me. I expect nothing less. October 23, 2017   The problem with themuslimvileone's hatred of America is that his hatred of America impacts others besides America and it's just wrong: "The Somali terrorist who stabbed a Canadian police officer and ran over four pedestrians a few weeks ago entered the United States through the Mexican border and was released by [themuslimvileone’s] Department of Homeland Security (DHS), allowing him to continue his journey north. The ISIS operative, Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, was ordered deported, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokeswoman told various media outlets recently, but was released on an 'order of supervision' and the feds never saw him again."Is anyone surprised? His hatred of America has resulted in the injury of others; this time in Canada. When will they and others realize that themuslimvileone was as much a danger to them as he was/is to us? When the history of themuslimvileone's preziduncy is written it shall prove yet again that he was the worst prezidunce ever. October 23, 2017   Is Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, on his way out or not? If so who will replace him? If it is Nikki Haley, I think that would be a good choice, but she's also needed as U.N. Ambassador. Can she do both? She's been very good as U.N. Ambassador, so the problem would be to find someone who would be as good at the U.N. as she. Who that would be I have no idea. Maybe Ann Coulter? October 23, 2017   "Russia" Investigation:   I thought that this is why Pres. Trump would not shut down the Mueller investigation. It looks like the investigation has turned up some possible dirt on clintOOn associates and when it's all said and done, will the whole thing be about the clintOOns' corruption and their fraudulent "foundation" they used to accept bribes as "donations"? The facts lead where the facts lead. They'll lead to the clintOOn corrupt crime family and maybe to prison time for all three and others surrounding them. That is, IF the facts are followed to their correct and legal conclusion. October 23, 2017   NFLaughing at them:   The idiots who "took a knee" to demonstrate their unity with those who were "protesting" something -- it changes almost daily -- have seen that there's a price to pay for thei dishonoring our national anthem and flag. Empty seats don't pay well, do they morons? October 23, 2017   President Donald J. Trump (still love writing that!) has promised there will be no tax hikes on 401K accounts. Good. The government doesn't need to take away parts of our retirement savings. It needs to allow us to keep more of our own money not take more of it. Thank you, Pres. Trump! October 23, 2017   Parents why pay for your children to go to college if all they're going to get is brainwashed into being a leftist/progressive/liberal and have the expression of their traditional family beliefs quashed? College nowadays is more about leftist indoctrination than an actual education. If you want to send your kids to college try Hillsdale College. It doesn't accept a penny of any taxpayer dollars: federal, state, local so there's no control from outside what your child is going to learn and that will be traditional family values, reading, writing and arithematic. October 23, 2017   A Saudi Prince agrees with me: Bitcoin is going to implode and that's something I've been saying for a while now. Maybe now people will start paying attention. October 23, 2017   Along with pelosipig, I wish mcCONnell would go away and that all of his buddies (ROTTEN ryan, etc.) would go with him. He's been a RINO for years and years and years and he's not good for America and he needs to leave. October 23, 2017   Another dumboRAT who needs to go away is crazy maxine waters. She's been saying she's going to impeach Pres. Trump since before he was inaugurated and she needs to either put up or shut up. She's using her impeachment excuse to get votes for releection because she knows that the idiots in her constituency who voted for her are stupid enough to believe that she can do so. This, folks, is what happens when people don't educate themselves before they vote. October 23, 2017   Hubby's home! I'm going to go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 19-20, 2017: 1:11 p.m.   I won't be in town nor near the internet from this evening until Sunday evening so I posted my Flag Friday pic early today. As usual my son will be here to take care of things. My appointment is coming up so I have no time to post other things, but here is my "Tribute To Our Heroes 342: Taking a Knee". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! October 18, 2017: 12:47 p.m.   Judicial Watch's efforts to get to the truth about hilloserclintOOn's e-mail scandal has revealed that "carlos danger" had 2,800 e-mails on his laptop computer that were from the State Department and that should not have been off of secure servers. That's 2,800 State secrets that hilloserclintOOn had the chance to share without oversight, sell without stopping and to give to whomever she pleased for whatever she could get in return. She and her whole entourage and family disgust me. They would sell their souls, if they had one, for a profit. October 18, 2017   Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, says that the House and Senate need to put a wiggle on getting tax cuts done or the stock market will crash and then all of that growth and profit will be lost. (Paraphrasing what he said.) Well, I think that the tax cuts are needed, that they are a great thing to do to help our economy flourish even more and that they will help everyone in America who pays income taxes (not those who don't). I don't know that the market is tied to the tax cuts, though. I think that the market is flying higher and higher right now because America has hope again because Donald J. Trump won the election and his policies and practices are giving Americans the courage they needed, the faith they lacked to invest again. While themuslimvileone was in office they couldn't trust him to not do something daily that would hurt the market for them but give his buddies more taxpayer dollars. That's why the market was down for so long; themuslimvileone's administration did things to depress the market for the "Average Joe" while giving bailouts to his buds. Now there is a different leader, someone who understands business and who wants America to be "Great Again" and who is doing everything he can to help that happen. That's what America needed, not racism, bowing to foreign leaders, apologizing for America worldwide and hating half of America. It's astonishing how bad themuslimvileone was for Amerca. It's disgusting that he had the support of those on the left/progressive/liberal side. They should have been trying to stop him, not encouraging him to do more harm. October 18, 2017   DumboRATS have been struggling to raise money since Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory (I love saying that!) and they were hurting bad. Now it looks like that problem has been resolved, but I find it just a little bit suspicious that there are so many $33,900 donations from "homemakers" and such. Considering the Federal Elections Committee's "Citizen's Guide" you can give "$32,400 per calendar year to a national party committee. This limit applies separately to a party’s national committee, House campaign committee and Senate campaign committee. [their bolding]"So if all of these $33,900 donations are to the Democrat Congresional Campaign Committee (and they are), then aren't they all over the legal limit? October 18, 2017   hilloserclintOOn:   I think she needs to shut up and go away; disappear into nothingness and never be heard from again. She is wrong on so many things and she is incompetent, politically illiterate, for sale and foolish. Remember the "Reset" button she gave to the Russian representative? Yeah. Foolish. Her "uranium deal" with Russia is now going to get a full Senate Judiciary Committee investigation (and it's about time!) and that will prove her corruption. She is just wrong in every way possible. She's one of the most corrupt people on earth (her bullybob being another at the same level with daughter-water following closely in her parents' footsteps)! Everyone they hung out with or currently hang out with either already were or become corrupted by them. They need to be put in prison away from the general population so that they can't corrupt anyone else! October 18, 2017   We're seeing yet another "legacy" being "Trumped" as Pres. Donald J. Trump undoes the Iran nuclear deal and ketchup kerry cries about it. He had a part in that deal and he's upset that it's his legacy being undone now, too. Oh, wah. October 18, 2017   October 18, 2017   Okay, Ireland. You did STUPID with all caps. You don't honor a murdering dictator in any way, shape, or form. You chose to do so. Are you catching stupid from England? It's just wrong. Recall that stamp and apologize for being so darn idiotic. October 18, 2017   If you want to argue with those who say that we need to make "rich people" pay more taxes, show them the figures straight from the IRS numbers and you may be able to... Sorry. What was I thinking? Those who say stupidity like that aren't interested in the truth and the numbers. They're interested in the feelings associated with making the "righ" pay more. It makes them feel like they're hurting them and that makes them feel good, justified, powerful. That's why the lefties/progressives/liberals all cry "Make the rich pay their fair share!" as long as "the rich" doesn't include them (as pelosipig, maxine waters, etc.). October 18, 2017   When Pres. Donald J. Trump fired james comey he did the right thing and comey's draft letter exonerating hilloserclintOOn BEFORE interviewing her is why it was the right thing. IMHO, james comey is not and was not interested in upholding the law (if he had been themuslimvileone would never have hired him in the first place). All he was interested in doing is protecting those in power and kissing themuslimvileone's backside. He was a power broker and a butt-kisser, IMHO, and that's why he wrote that letter so far ahead of time. His intention was to never do a correct and legal investigation, but to do a cover up to protect those who signed his paycheck and could give him a bigger paycheck later (if hilloserclintOOn had been elected). That's the same route loretta lynch went: she could have been given the same or a better job by hilloserclintOOn if the country had been stupid enough to have elected her. Thank the good Lord we have an electoral college! October 18, 2017   Smirk. That's rich. The crooked eric holder says Pres. Trump "not smart or tough" on crime? Says the U.S. Attorney General who allowed and endorsed themuslimvileone to release thousands of federal prisoners and thousands more illegal alien criminals some of whom were dangerous, violent people. eric holder, shut up until you hold themuslimvileone to the same standards. October 18, 2017   I don't see anything else I want to comment upon today so I'll go do other things. I may not do an update tomorrow. I have things to do and errands to run, an appointment to keep. Then on Friday I'll be out of town and my son will be here taking care of things. I'll post my Flag Friday probably tomorrow afternoon and make it public at the same time. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 17, 2017: 11:42 a.m.   Today's a special day in our family so I'm going to do just a few blurbs then go work on things I have planned for today. Let's get started. October 17, 2017   hilloserclintOOn:   She is still screaming about Russia allegedly helping Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love writing that) win the election. Their dirty tricks and electronic interference allegedly stole the election from "Old Ms Entitled-To-It". They did everything they could to help Pres. Donald J. Trump get that title, she says so in her blame everyone but herself book. Too bad the facts are totally different. For instance, if they wanted Donald J. Trump to win, why would they be giving her the money that they could have been using to try to help him? "The Hill noted that Bill Clinton and his family foundation got millions from figures tied to the uranium company while Hillary Clinton led the State Department and served on a panel that helped seal the deal. But the report also says evidence indicates Russian nuclear officials 'routed' millions of dollars to the U.S. to benefit Bill Clinton’s foundation, while citing new allegations about a Russian plot that preceded that deal.Yeah. Lame excuse for losing when you know all of this and were personally involved in selling out America and helping Russia and taking their millions of dollars. She and her bullybob spouse need to be in prison for being traitors. Of course, none of this matters to the left. They still have a pipe dream of her being prezidunce. In fact, Harvard professor, Lawrence Lessig has the plan all worked out. What, exactly, has he been smoking, inhaling, drinking, injecting? October 17, 2017   Really, NFL? You're endorsing political bills now? Really? Have you a single brain cell in your body? Is that in your job description somewhere? Have you not learned anything from the kneeling fiasco that is turning your audience away en masse? You're not only endorsing a bill, you're hosting an "activism summit" for those who kneel? Really? Kiss your dollars goodbye because you just gave your jobs and your millions the kiss of death. May as well find a Wal-Mart greeter outfit because you're going to need it! October 17, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   In 2016 America was invaded by a record number of illegal aliens and now we need to figure out how to get them to go home. We need to focus on those who were violent criminals who crossed our borders and those who became violent criminals after they came over. Send those back first and immediately, no long stays in detention facilities that are nicer than the homes they left in their native countries; just send them back with an under the skin tracking device like people have inserted into their pets. Any time they cross the border an alarm could be activitated and USBP could respond immediately to that area. If the device has been removed they get an immediate trip to prison, no hearing, no questions asked. They are not U.S. citizens so the U.S. Constitution does not apply to them. There is no right to a hearing, speedy trial, attorney, etc., unless you are a U.S. citizen so they would be "Too bad, so sad" and straight into prison, and the harshest prison available, too. Maybe that would deter the others trying to cross our borders. October 17, 2017   Baby Killing:   Another abortionist has been caught with baby bits, this time in his car. He had "14 containers" with baby body parts in the car and he may have been performing "illegal home abortions". When you hate humanity and you have no soul you can condone stuff like that. If you are a human with a beating heart that can actually still feel things, you think that's disgusting and should be stopped. October 17, 2017   Heads Up!   China put a space station into orbit back in 2011 and now the orbit has deteriorated so much that it is going to come crashing back to earth but no one knows where it will make its impact. I don't know if anyone has a way to control some of it, but they say "slight changes in atmospheric conditions can alter the landing site 'from one continent to the next'" so keep an eye on the skies for the next few months. Who knows? You may see a spectacular show as it streaks across the sky above you, or you may watch its remains slam into the ocean while you lie on the beach. Anyone have a steel umbrella? October 17, 2017   James O'Keefe of Project Veritas released another New York Times video and this one is just as eye-opening as the previous videos. It's a shame that they lie to their readers and think they can get away with it, but that's the left all the time. They think that none of their lies will be found out (remember the lies told to Port St. John about their effort to incorporate PSJ, Williams Point, Delespine, Hardeeville and Frontenac as well as part of Canaveral Groves?) and they are so surprised when the truth comes to light and people turn away from them. That's the left all the time, and remember, to them, the lie is justified to enable them to get their own way. It's the old "The ends justifies the means" thing and they don't care that lying is wrong ("Thou shalt not lie." is a Top Ten with GOD.) and that the truth always comes out, sooner or later. The fact that the NYT got away with it for so long is sad because they should have had more journalistic integrity than they apparently do, and they should not have been writing as though they were trying to tell you the truth and nothing else; that their "Opinions" or "Editorials" page was the only section with opinions involved. A lie is a lie is a lie. The NYT and other news outlets have been doing it for years. October 17, 2017   ISIS:   Their people have been surrendering in large numbers (1,000 of them in one group!) and they've been losing a lot of ground to defeat as well. That's a great thing! Very happy about that. Hope that trend continues until ISIS is gone completely; not only in the Middle East but also in America and Europe and all across the globe. October 17, 2017   I have to admit that I'm glad Bannon is winning! I think what he's doing - taking on the "establishment" (read: RINOs, kiss-butting the dumboRAT party, those who sold out to stay in power positions, etc.) Republicans - is a great thing and if he got rid of ten of them and replaced them with true Conservatives then he'd have done America a wonderful favor and given us a gift of making the rest of the RINOs afraid to NOT be Conservative and we'd be able to "Make America Great Again!" Let's support Steve Bannon and his efforts because you know the lefties/progressives/liberals (including the msm) are not going to. I think it would be great for America! Let's do this! October 17, 2017   Judicial Watch has a video that you need to watch about the IRS scandal. Judicial Watch is doing great work and I support them both in words and financially. Maybe you could spare $10 to help them do the heavy lifting of finding the truth about themuslimvileone's administration as well as all of the wrongs done by the clintOOn crime family? If so you can donate here. October 17, 2017   The left has a history of pushing for "gun control" (sight alignment, smooth trigger pull, control recoil, sight alignment...) but the FBI says four times more people stabbed to death than are killed with guns. Sounds to me like we need "knife control" than gun control. "Do you want your steak whole or put into a food processor? Knife? No, sir. We can't give you a knife. You may use it for something other than your steak." Wake up, people! October 17, 2017   Wow! Things went faster than I thought today and I've done more blurbs than I planned so I'll close with this one. 2016 had a 61% increase in law enforcement line of duty deaths and that's not just a shame, it's wrong. It should not have happened. When those who kill law enforcement officers think that they have been wronged, or if their house is robbed, their car stolen, their child kidnapped, they call a cop. Why on earth are people attacking law enforcement when law enforcement is there to help everyone? I don't get that. It needs to stop. BLUE LIVES MATTER! October 17, 2017   Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 16, 2017: 12:45 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because I have an errand or two to run. I thought I'd have another but after praying about it, it's not necessary. Anyways, let's get started with some good news from the Donald J. Trump administration. The Health and Human Services department has released its plan for the upcoming years and it includes some great news! My bolding in the following quotes: "HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception."That looks like the Trump administration is very PRO-LIFE and very much in favor of the human baby in the womb. I LOVE IT! Thank you, Lord GOD Almighty for a president who will protect people "from conception to natural death"! That's the first step in being a godly man! Praise the Lord! October 16, 2017   Does it seem to you the way it seems to me, that hard core feminism is only for those people who will support, defend and fund abortions? That's what the weinstien accusations are showing, is it not? October 16, 2017   Aaaaahhh... public schools:   Some school systems are (can you believe the stupidity?) pulling "To Kill A Mockingbird" from their library shelves and reading lists because it could make some people "uncomfortable". More like because it shows the truth that not everyone who was a Southern caucasian male was a racist! That's a myth straight from the lips of the leftist/progressive/liberals of the past and of today. They tell the lie often enough and they make it the truth, until and unless someone investigates the facts and then they find out the dumboRATS are the racists and always have been. The KKK was founded by dumboRATS in an effort to resist Republicans' efforts to bring about true equality for blacks. The dumboRATS defended slavery and did everything they could to prevent blacks from having equality in America for years. Their latest effort is the welfare state in which they convince blacks that "white America" owes them and therefore blacks don't have to do anything but vote dumboRAT and blacks will be taken care of just like on the plantation life when their plantation managers and white owners "took care of" the slaves. It's the same thing. It's just that now blacks are able to "FIND THE TRUTH" and when they do they stop voting dumboRAT and start thinking for themselves. That's something dumboRATS don't want and they don't like it at all. Look at the praise the dumboRATS gave KKK member Sen. Robert "Sheets" Bird when he died. Yeah. DumboRATS are for racism because it keeps them in power one way or another. Learn from history or you'll repeat it. October 16, 2017   Walruses are subject of lawsuit? Yep. An environmental (mostly "mental") group is suing Pres. Trump's administration for not listing walruses (why isn't it "walri"?) for not putting them on the endangered species list. If some environmentalists had their way we'd have every animal and plant species on earth on that list - except the things they enjoy eating - and we'd have all live on air. October 16, 2017   EnviroHamsterWheel:   NASA has been kissing the "global warming" backside for years but even NASA's numbers show sea levels have fallen for two years so what do they do? They try to hide the facts. Of course. It's still controlled by themuslimvileone's people so you know they're going to hide the truth. October 16, 2017   From Bruce Thornton's writing to GOD's ears, I pray. Is Pres. Donald J. Trump's victory "The Beginning of the End of Progressive Domination?" Let us pray that it is so. I'm so tired of the lies of the left/progressives/liberals! I look forward to the day when they're all out of office and they're in their little "safe spaces", crying hysterically because they're out of power and looking for their binkies to suck on to comfort themselves. October 16, 2017   Seriously? Seriously? In England they've come up with more stupidity. I expected nothing less. No more "he" and "she", just "it"? October 16, 2017   For those of you who do not know the facts, the Truth About Bowe Bergdahl is a video on LunkersTV that you need to watch in order to understand why his guilty plea is absolutely warranted. He is a traitor and a deserter. He had already scheduled flights to the Middle East for his Mom and wife (on video just after 13:45). That's telling you that he was a deserter, not a prisoner. You don't schedule flights for your Mom and wife before you leave if you're not aware you're going anywhere. He's a traitor, no matter how much themuslimvileone's administration loved him. In fact, they probably loved him because he was a traitor! October 16, 2017   hilloserclintOOn:   I think the world has realized that hilloserclintOOn's bloom is off the rose and she has lost her luster. She couldn't win a "Worst Pantsuit Contest" if it depended upon a vote of the people nowadays. If it depended on the vote of strictly leftists/progressives/liberals, she'd struggle even there. People are ready to move on. She's not, but they are. On her book tour she continues to blame everyone but herself (she can't do that!) and she chooses to be outrageous and insulting as she compares "Russian hacking" to 9/11 terrorism! (Unbelieveable!) She's keeping predator weinstein's donation to the clintOOn slush fund and she is defending kneeling during our national anthem! Isn't that the very definition of a despicable person? To me, it is. October 16, 2017   Good question: Is the current atmosphere in American colleges bringing about the end of American universtities? If it means that those who receive federal, state and local taxes are defunded and made to survive on their own merit and the funding of those who believe in and support the leftist/progressive/liberal idealogies of the universities pushing idiocy and stupidity like gender neutrality, the anti-Israel BDS movement, the silencing of non-leftist voices (i.e. Conservative/Christian), the pushing of BLM falsehoods, etc., then let's make that happen. Let's allow those who support the stupidity and brainlessness of silencing those the left disagrees with and the brainwashing of the students there, then let them pay to keep their brainwashing machines going. Make the colleges/universities support themselves, not the taxpayers foot the bills. That should be the way every college does it: whether they are leftist/progressive/liberal or Christian (Regent University, Liberty University, etc.), they should not receive a half-penny of our taxpayer dollars but should instead survive on the donations of those who support the way and the things the college/university teaches and on the tuition of their students. If that results in a smaller class size, fewer professors and fewer classes, so be it. Remove federal, state and local tax subsidies from ALL colleges/universities no matter what they teach and you'll see what the truth is regarding what the students really value and what they really want to learn. You'll also find out the truth about what parents want to pay for in an education for their children! I'm guessing it's not transgender studies. October 16, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Can you believe it? Pres. Donald J. Trump has signed an executive order that does away with the subsidies to the insurance companies that themuslimvileone illegally did in order to keep the companies in the program and to keep them from going under after themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX was signed without reading it by the House and Senate. (Remember, pelosipig saying "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it"?) Of course there will be a fight against it. Naturally the left/progressives/liberals will fight to keep paying companies they like who support them financially subsidies so that those companies in turn will keep giving to them. October 16, 2017   Well, I've got to stop for today. Hubby called and asked me to join him somewhere so I'm going to go. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 12-13, 2017: 10:12 p.m.   Missed updates today because I had an unexpected visitor and very little sleep so I did something unusual after my visitor left: I took a nap. Turns out it wasn't a long nap but it was very needed. Then my hubby came home and you know the rest. Anyways, I am going to bed early so I can do updates tomorrow and I needed to post my Flag Friday for this week: "Tribute To Our Heroes 341: You Made Me Brave". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll see you tomorrow for updates. October 13, 2017: 2:53 p.m. &nbps It's Friday the 13th and you're safe and sound and nothing bad is going to happen. Why that whole thing started, I don't know, but it's a bunch of hooey. Do you know that on cruise ships (at least on those I've been on) they don't have a Deck 13; a lot of tall buildings (if not all) omit that floor as well. Isn't that silly? Anyways, let's get started for today. October 13, 2017   Judicial Watch is a great organization and does things for America that most Americans should be thankful for. Like still trying to find out what the lynch/bullybobclintOOn tarmac meeting was about. We all know it wasn't about "grandkids" as they told us. That was an absolute lie. Now there are more records of the tarmac meeting taking place and who knows what other info they have about what was talked about in that airplane secret meeting? I'm sure Judicial Watch is going to stay on top of this and release what they find and then we may get to know the truth about what was discussed during that airport meeting. I'm sure it wasn't "grandkids". I think you may agree that it was more likely about hilloserclintOOn's guilt and the fact that lynch would not pursue charges against her, although lynch knew hilloser was totally guilty. That's what the meeting was about: protecting hilloser and we all know it. More info may come to light about other hilloser lies after a court reviews unredacted e-mails between SoS hilloserclintOOn and Gen. David Patraeus. We'll see what kind of trouble she gets into if anything illegal comes to light. It is the "Deep State" protecting her right now but let's see what happens if they find proof of wrongdoing and Judicial Watch gets that info and... Will the fit hit the shan [sic - think about it]? October 13, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Judicial Watch is also tryingi to get to the bottom of how much of YOUR taxpayer dollars were spent bringing illegal aliens into our country via flights you paid for! You read that correctly. Thanks to themuslimvileone, you've been flying illegals into America; at least, your money has been paying to do so. Isn't that what you want? themuslimvileone used your money to try to help him destroy America and he did so at every opportunity in every way imaginable. He still is a vile creature. October 13, 2017   I wish that mcCAIN'T would go away. I wish that he would just resign and go "quietly into that dark night" of political obscurity and never be heard from publicly again. That would be good for America because his latest publicity stunt, leftist/progressive/liberal butt-kissing is to promise to block tax cuts. He's a traitor and a moron who needs to go away into obscurity and if he can't do that then maybe the rest of the Republicans should just put him on ignore anyways. I think that would be good for America. Don't you? October 13, 2017   Woops! Hubby's home. He'll be going back to work tonight for something so he's home and I'm going to go spend time with him. See ya' Monday and have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 11, 2017: 3:07 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today, I think, because I have the flu. I think I got it on the cruise and I don't really want to sit here staring at my computer screen for hours as I do this today. So, let's get started, no matter for how long. October 11, 20917   There's a small, but very old, pharmacy in Washington D.C. that serves Capital Hill and delivers medicines to the House and Senate for their members. The pharmacist says that they even deliver Alzheimer's medications and that "'It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.'"That's probably what is happening to pelosipig and all of her brain freezes and weirdness lately? Alzheimer's is a horrible thing to go through and a heartbreaking thing to watch. IF that is what is happening to her (and who knows how many other Senators/Congressmen) then they should have the courage to resign. They'll still get their pay (they made sure of that), but they won't have to worry about whether they have their pants on when they go to the House floor to speak. October 11, 2017   October 11, 2017   I think that Pres. Donald J. Trump has a great idea here! "Fake News" should result in loss of license. I think he's absolutely correct! If you're going to represent something as being "factual and true" but it absolutely is NOT, then you should lose your license! If you watch local news or network news, record how many times they lie: date, time, story, reporter, falsehoods and facts to back you up. After you've ammassed about twenty of these lies (should take about a week), send in a complaint to the FCC. Remember, the FCC is under the Trump administration now. It's time to hold the liars' feet to the fire. October 11, 2017   Ivanka, you're well spoken, well dressed, successful, educated, etc., etc., but you're also a leftist/progressive/liberal who is wrong on most things. Maybe you should educate yourself better instead of being a puppet of your college professors and the left. October 11, 2017   RepubliRATS:   I don't believe that the truth is in the headline: "Bannon Putting Senate Majority At Risk in 2018, Republicans Warn". What I think is wrong is that the RepubliRATS don't fear for their majority they fear for their very own seats and being replaced by someone who will support Pres. Donald J. Trump's agenda and help "Make America Great Again". That's closer to the truth about what they fear, not the majority. They don't want to lose their fat paycheck, ritzy party invitations and power. Fear Bannon, RepubliRATS (including marco rubio), because you should. October 11, 2017   Bullying:   I have always said that if children are bullied that Mom and Dad should be there to encourage and support them in their own self-worth and to comfort them and that is all children really need. I've said that bullying makes one stronger (I was bullied a bit as the shortest kid in the whole school). When we put children into a protective bubble and never let a negative thought, a bad experience, a disappointment, a hurt of any sort to ever come near them they grow up with false expectations of what life should be like and that leads to adult depression and disillusionment and suicide. If you want to help your child grow up to be a productive, well adjusted adult, don't protect him/her so much! Bullying doesn't automatically lead to bad things later in life. Bullying, dealt with via strength, putting the bully on "ignore", or other tactics, is part of life and always will be, but it can -- and should -- make our children stronger, not weaker. Snowflakes are born when parents and schools over-protect and create false expectations. Don't do that. Allow some hurt into your child's life and it will be better for him/her in the long run! October 11, 2017   I'm going to close for today. My flu symptoms need some attention and I'm going to go lie down. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 10, 2017: 12:57 p.m.   Many of you have been taught that Christopher Columbus was a bad man who brought disease and bad habits, ecological destruction and death to the Americas. You have been taught a LIE of the left/progressives/liberals. In fact, Columbus was a very good man, a Christian man who saw the things that happened here in the Americas -- even prior to his arrival -- and was appalled by them. The sex slave trade was already in full swing, there were cannibals in the Caribbean (the Caribe Indians). Christopher Columbus did not start all of that stuff happening. Read his diary (also available in eBook form or in print) from the voyage to discover America. It's ridiculous that the left/progressives/liberals are trying to make Christopher Columbus into someone he never was. It's another rewrite of history that they are trying to get away with. Do not believe the lies: FIND THE TRUTH! October 10, 2017   Okay, I'm going to say a few things here about the NFL players taking a knee and disrespecting our flag and national anthem. 1) When the NFL players get paid if they think that the knee they are taking is to protest the racism that is America, then they should return that paycheck and never accept another one because it's due to the lack of racism in America that they had the chance to earn that ridiculously huge paycheck. 2) If the NFL owners want to pay someone to play the game and can tell them to be in bed at 10 p.m. the night before a game, to eat at a certain time, no drinking the night before a game, etc., then they can mandate that they stand during the national anthem. 3) If the NFL dies from this they have no one to blame for their lack of future huge paychecks but themselves. They thought they were being cute following a disrespectful, entitled idiot and we'll see how long they enjoy unemployment before they realize that they should have not disrepected our flag, our anthem and our heroes who bled and died for the things the flag and anthem stand for. And 4) In taking a knee they brought more attention to the anthem and to how the majority of Americans feel about both flag and anthem. They actually defeated their own purpose and didn't even realize it. Duh! Of course, I have yet to see a football player with a Ph.D. behind his name while he is playing. October 10, 2017   James O'Keefe is at it again, thank goodness! I love the things he does and I think it's wonderful that the truth is getting out there. They've done so much good for America that I consider O'Keefe a national hero. I think he should get a civilian hero award from Pres. Donald J. Trump. Anyways, this time O'Keefe is showing the TRUTH of the NY Times and how they cannot be trusted to just report; they have a leftist/progressive/liberal angle that they push and they cannot be trusted. Thanks, James O'Keefe for showing us the truth! October 10, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Did you go to work today, last week, or last month? Ever wonder how much of the paycheck you earned those days went toward dealing with illegals? Well, look at the total amount spent on illegal aliens: $134.9 BILLION a year! Read the full report here of how that money is being used and where it comes from. Then consider the fact that illegal aliens protest America, they come here and use $134.9 BILLION of OUR MONEY to take care of them and then they protest US? That's not just wrong, that's ungrateful! Send them back for their ungratefulness! Also, we need to sue and shut down "sanctuary cities" so that there are no "safe spaces" for illegal alien invaders to run and hide in. If people want to come here, they need to do so legally as did our great-grandparents and other ancestors. Breaking our law to get here and expecting us to support you is theft! It's breaking and entering and demanding to be allowed to stay in our house and be supported. No way, Jose! October 10, 2017   I don't understand the U.S. Border Patrol. They now have someone who is supporting them and their role in keeping America safe, and they forget to secure weapons and drugs and stop doing their jobs? Is this making sense? October 10, 2017   hollyweird:   Why would anyone cover up for and help hide the truth about harvey weinstein? He was a known hollyweird pervert and sexual predator and yet hollyweird and leftist politicians who knew him put up with it in order to get what the perv could do for them. He did fundraisers for bullybob and hilloserclintOOn (I'm sure bullybob enjoyed the other perks he may have been providing) and themuslimvileone got money from (maybe still does with his "Organizing for [Destroying] America" organization) him, but he probably knew, too; especially since malia interned with weinstein's company. So why would anyone help cover up predatory sexual behavior? Money makes the world go around, the world go around, the left go around... October 10, 2017   Thoughts and prayers to victims of CaliMarxifornia's wildfires. It's bad out there again this year. Will this one be found to have been started intentionally? I don't know. I do know that the firefighters are heroes. October 10, 2017   I agree: republiRATS MUST stand with Pres. Trump to get Pres. Trump's agenda done! If ROTTEN ryan, mitch mcCONnell, et al, won't do it, then we need to replace them with true Conservatives and we need to start with the leadership! Get ryan and mcCONnell out of there! Wipe the simpering snakes out of there and replace them with Conservatives with a steel-hard spine! That's the best thing to do for America right now! Let's do this! October 10, 2017   I don't know if I -- or the courts -- would/should trust a trace elements fingerprint test to discern my guilt, presence, use, or whatever the inventors may assert is possible. I think I'd want to have more than an incidental trace element of anything to "prove" my guilt or innocence. Just because it's new technology that doesn't mean you can trust it. Remember tech has a history of failures and we need to be careful of our rights and freedoms before we just cave to new technology and all of its sometimes-false promises. October 10, 2017   I agree with the Hungarian government minister who says that thevilegeorgesoros has "Satanic Plan". I think soros has a plan on everything and anything he can to put more money into his own wallet. I think the man is evil and I wouldn't trust him past what I could spit on him, if I'd waste the spit. October 10, 2017   I wish that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner would stop influencing Pres. Trump. They have the wrong ideas and I think that when they speak, because he loves them, he listens and is sometimes swayed by his heart for them. If he wants to do what is best for America, Pres. Trump needs to continue to listen to us, to "We, the People", instead of his children. It's about time America was made great again, but it won't happen if she and her hubby get tehir way. October 10, 2017   President Donald J. Trump did a good thing when he changed the birth control "mandate" into an individual decision for the employer/organization. If business or anyone else does not want to include abortion services as one of the services they will pay for, they don't have to do so. They can skip birth control benefits and the employee can still go to get it elsewhere. When you mandate that people act against their beliefs - as themuslimvileone was doing - it's against the First Amendment and totally unconstitutional. I don't know how this made it so far into our lives without being overturned somehow. It's about time that someone do what is best for America because themuslimvileone certainly wasn't doing so. October 10, 2017   The Dead Blue Bird:   They're censoring Conservatives and preventing an opposition voice to fight the lefties/progressives/liberals (which tells you that they are lefties/progressives/liberals). I'm therefore not surprised that they silenced mention of Planned AbortionHood's selling of baby bits claiming it's "inflammatory". "Inflammatory"? No. It's the truth and if the Dead Blue Bird can't handle the truth, they need to get out of the public arena because they're just a bunch of spinelss wimps who encourage spinelessness. When you have a spine, it doesn't matter what others think of you or your beliefs. When you have no spine (as the left apparently doesn't), then everything everyone says, thinks, does is an upsetting, major event in the lives of melting snowflakes and they cry for their binkies and safe spaces. Gag. October 10, 2017   Really? Really? "Witness Whiteness" says St. Louis school. How absurd, ridiculous, stupid, inane, lame, politically correct, twisted and derogatory can they get toward something that is not the fault of anyone on earth!? If you are born white, you can't change it. Nor can you change if you're born with dark skin. You can't change it (disease can, but even bleaching cannot really change it). I can no more stop being "white" than I can stop being DNA female, a chocoholic, a Christian Conservative. I did not decide which parents conceived me and gave my DNA and skin tone to me. How on earth does "witness[ing] whiteness" do anything except try to make a child feel guilty for the fact that they were born to a certain parentage and there's nothing they can do to change it but feel guilty and be PC in their actions, words and beliefs. It's mind control and brainwashing and nothing more. It needs to stop and it needs to be stood up to! Stop the political correctness of white-guilting! It's not in anyone's control to whom they are born and what skin color they have! Why make anyone feel guilty about it, or hate someone for it? It's ridiculous on every level and toward every skin tone. Stop it! Shame on you! October 10, 2017   I'm going to close with that for now. After the previous blurb's link's stupidity, I need to go paint something just to get my irritation level down. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 9, 2017: 4:07 p.m.: Christopher Columbus Day:   Well, that was a surprise! I had been working on getting things done for a paragraph on the Comm. John Tobia idea of getting rid of the PSJ Advisory Board (which I've been trying to do since its inception) when my HTML program crashed. Ugh. Now I'm starting that over and found out that the file I wanted to link to was now giving me trouble and I had to find the scan and upload it again. Ugh. What a way to start the day! Anyways, for the PSJAB, years ago, I did the research and found out that they were doing things that resulted in an e-mail from then-Commissioner Truman Scatterbrain to then-Chairman of the PSJAB, carmine ferraro, that threatened "potential criminal prosecution" of the entire PSJAB! That's amazing! It's also very telling. I want you to have the right to do with your property what you want to do, without interference from your neighbor! If you own something, you have the right to do with it as you please (with very few exceptions: if you own a puppy I don't think you have the right to beat and starve the puppy, things like that should be prevented) or else you don't really own the property. If you want to put a back porch on your house and your neighbor thinks it is a bad idea, your neighbor can go try to stop it at the PSJAB, the Planning and Zoning people, or the BOCC itself. The difference being that the PSJAB has a lot of folks like those who tried to incorporate us. That's a big difference between the PSJAB and the other possibilities. With the P and Z Board, at least the neighbors have to make the effort to go down to Viera during working hours, most often; same with the BOCC. With the PSJAB's stacked deck you had to convince those who were not likely to side with you to allow you to do "X" with your own property! That's just wrong! It's not property ownership if someone else gets to prevent you from doing something to anything you own. I am so much FOR the destruction of the PSJAB and the Merritt Island duplicate that I urge you to contact your County Commissioners and tell them to shut down the Port St. John Dependent Special District Advisory Board and Let Freedom Reign! October 9, 2017   I wish that President Donald J. Trump (still love saying that!) would order his people to be more transparent and that Judicial Watch didn't have to sue them in order to get information. It would be nice if when they requested the Mueller "Russian investigation budget" that they would just be sent it immediately, and without further delays or excuses. That's one thing I don't like about what is happening with themuslimvileone's appointees and hires being in office still; they don't cooperate and they make things harder and they leak like a fully opened faucet. It's ridiculous. We should fire them all! October 9, 2017   themuslimvileone's IRS:   They didn't just target the Conservative organizations for delaying their applications for non-profit status approval, but according to new documents, they used your TAX FILING to decide whether to push his healthcareTAX onto you! The IRS under themuslimvileone: "coordinated with the Department of Health and Human Services and [themuslimvileone's] White House Behavioral Sciences “Team” in a $5 million program to pressure Americans to sign up for [themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX]."Not only that but also: "The documents also contain inter-agency agreements between the IRS and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) devised to circumvent potential legal prohibitions on unauthorized disclosure or inspection of taxpayer information collected by the IRS."In other words, themuslimvileone used your IRS tax return, shared it with at least two other governmental agencies - which is totally illegal -- and they used the info to decide whether to contact you and try to pressure you to sign up for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. Isn't that special? Don't you love that he saw fit to share your tax info with all and sundry? Isn't that what the prezidunce and the IRS are supposed to do? Don't you love that you could definitely trust themuslimvileone to obey the law in everything he did and in everything he told his administration to do? Wasn't it sweet of him to make sure that you were offered the same kind of secrecy and privacy as his medical records, college transcripts and grades, and other things relating to his life? Yes, he protected you as well as he protected himself, didn't he? October 9, 2017   I hate to stop here but my HTML crash resulted in a longer delay than I expected and now it's almost five and my hubby is home. We have to put trim up in the master bedroom since we have the closet door and we installed it yesterday and it looks so good! Sorry about that, but it's something I didn't intend to happen. It's going to be a better day tomorrow, if I have anything to say about it. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! October 7, 2017: 1:52 p.m.   Sorry to disappoint my detractors out there but I didn't drown, the ship didn't go down in rough seas and I am back from my cruise vacation to Nassau, Bahamas; Antiqua, Martinique, Barbados, St. Lucia and St. Kitts. It was a very relaxing cruise and our two shore excursions (a submarine ride near Barbados and a narrow gage train ride in St. Kitts) were excellent. No matter how relaxing the vacation, the reality that hits you when you get home is still jarring. Traffic was horrible in Miami, we got an e-mail about ten minutes after we got onto the road about a health scare my mother-in-law had and she's now living with her daughter; my hubby got a phone call and then an email about an issue at work; then another email about a totally different issue, and as I texted with our son I found out our air conditioner was malfunctioning at home! Sigh. We contemplated turning around and sneaking back onto the Celebrity Equinox. Next week I begin updating regularly again (I hope). Until then, I'll post these links to my last week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 339: Face the Midnight Rain" and "Tribute To Our Heroes 340: A History of Service". I hope you like them. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough and GOD Bless You All! Until Monday, See ya'! September 2017 September 22, 2017: 12:20 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 338: His Headstone" and I hope you like it. It's the last update until after my cruise although I will be writing two more poems and posting them on my flickr.com account while we are out because I'll write them and post the picture and poem but not make them public until the Thursday night/Friday morning they are due. They'll be up there, but not linked here until I return. So enjoy the next two weeks. Keep an eye on what's happening with politics and remember that no matter what you read about Pres. Donald J. Trump (as in the rumor that he was not removing America from the Paris climate accord), it is quite possibly (maybe even probably) a lie because the msm wants to make him lose his supporters and they'll do anything they can to make that happen. I can't say I am fully 100% convinced that Pres. Trump is going to keep 100% of his promises, but I can say that so far, he's kept more of them than most other presidents in recent times. Not since Pres. Ronald W. Reagan have I been so happy to see a man keeping his political promises and I'm quite happy that this president, Pres. Donald J. Trump, is doing his utmost to do just that. Now if he could get the House and Senate to cooperate with him we'd have an even better America and every American would have Pres. Trump to thank for it. See you in two weeks! September 20, 2017: 2:43 p.m.   Sorry about the absence since my last posting. I have been focusing on trying to get the master bedroom stuff finished, but no matter what our timeline, my shoulder/back injury had a different plan as do the vendors from whom we bought new closet doors and cabinets. I've been doing the painting on the trim work, but yesterday I aggravated the shoulder/back thing and I was walking around last night in a lot of pain. We thought our closet doors would be available yesterday. They didn't show up. I am expecting our cabinets this week, but so far nada. If they don't get here soon we'll be gone on our cruise and our son (who will be here the whole time we're gone) will have to accept the cabinets. That's not what we wanted because we want to check them out before the delivery guys leave. Anyways, it's been a busy, trying, painful time since the Friday before Irma came through when my shoulder/back injury occurred. The problem for the website is that the shoulder is also irritated by reaching forward to type on my computer. That means that I can only do it for a little while before I know I'll pay a price. The last update taught me that. I just wanted to let you know that there won't be any updates except for Flag Fridays between now and the next time I do a whole day's worth of updates. Flag Friday I will create before midnight tomorrow and I'll post one and link it but the next two Flag Fridays' links won't go up until I get back, although the pic and poem will be available at my flickr.com account. I don't like to open my website and do updates via a public WiFi connection. It's not safe and it's not smart. I don't want to take that risk. I hope you liked Pres. Trump's U.N. speech as much as did I. It was a phenomenal speech and I think it was worthy of America no matter what hilloserclintOOn says! Anyways, I'll see you in a few weeks, plus this Thursday night/Friday morning's Flag Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 15, 2017: 1:00 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 337: Bikes Around the Moon". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today. September 15, 2017: 1:00 p.m.   I wanted to take a moment to say a prayer for the latest London bombing victims. I hope the authorities find the people responsible and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, and not make excuses for them. There is no excuse for what these perpetrators do. Also, I did remember 9/11 on Monday. I didn't have electricity for most of the day so I couldn't do updates and mention it then, but it was on my mind. Always remember 9/11. September 15, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   themuslimvileone and his freeloading family did a lot of travel at our expense and we now know that at the very least they cost America $105,662,975.27! Over one-hundred million dollars for them to globe trot? Not worth it. They did nothing but spend our money and try to destroy America while spending our money. What good did having them travel so much do? Not a thing. Not a single good thing came out of all of their travel and all of the money (that we know of so far) got America any good thing out of it. That's despicable. September 15, 2017   I hope that james comey winds up in prison. I want the Senate committee hearings wind up with the truth being known and him and his cohorts who put the law after their loyalty to the dumboRAT party and they'd all be put in prison for betraying America to protect their political party. You don't put a party ahead of a country. If you do that you put your family, friends, neighbors, future, etc., in jeopardy. That's not the way to do things. I taught my sons that their priorities and moral decisions should be based upon GOD, country, family, in that order. james comey, all of his cohorts, loretta lynch, themuslimvileone, etc., etc., etc., all put their political affiliation ahead of GOD ("Thou shalt not lie."), ahead of country (protecting hilloserclintOOn and her lies ahead of letting the truth come out and letting the chips fall where they may) and family (in letting their family pay the price the rest of us have been forced to pay because of their not putting country ahead of their political party). It's all wrong. He had a chance to set things right but we know that he had already decided not to pursue hilloserclintOOn and allowing the BENGHAZI assasinations to not be fully and properly investigated, etc. He needs to face the consequences of his choices and actions. If he doesn't, there are now two Americas: the left's America in which they can do anything they want (antifa to themuslimvileone) and those on the right are blamed for everything and jailed for doing absolutely nothing wrong. That's the America we've lived in for the last eight years. It's time that changes. It's time for the existing laws to matter again and for those who have broken it from themuslimvileone to every antifa urine bag thrower to be prosecuted for their wrongdoing. September 15, 2017   I wonder if this is a trap. Castro is allegedly going to allow FBI agents to investigate the harm Cuba has done to our representatives over there. I wonder if they're allowing it in order to do the same thing to some FBI agents. I don't trust the Castro regime. After they harmed our people that should have closed the doors to Cuba again and put stricter sanctions on them than have ever been before. You don't get to use any sort of weapons against Americans and still get the benefit of our tourist dollars. I would shut Cuba down faster than you can say "Castro." I'd close off tourism there, cut all imports/exports and make the Castro regime as miserable as I possibly could without actually firing a weapon. No one harms Americans and gets away with it. Why isn't something being done about this? September 15, 2017   Free Speech:   Has Pres. Trump been duped? In an effort to shut the lefties/progressives/liberals up about the Charlottesville rally gone wrong, he signed a "resolution" that could be a threat to your free speech. Let us hope that he wakes up and undoes what he did in signing that anti-free speech declaration. I pray he does. Otherwise, because I write things on this website that some may be upset about or feel insulted by, I would be subject to their anti-free speech push and my website could be shut down. The problem would also be that the lefties/progressives/liberals who have exercised their free speech rights on the dead blue bird, on fakebook, or on their personal websites won't have the same standards applied to their words. They'd be left up, left alone, allowed to continue to write against the Conservatives of America and that would result in a lopsided internet (what themuslimvileone wanted to do with the "Net Neutrality" rules) and the only sources of info out there would be the leftist/progressive/liberal sources. All else will be labeled "hate speech" and shut down. Offense does not equal "hate". As I've said before if you say "Good morning!" to a co-worker one day with a smile on your face and a nice tone in your voice they can take offense because you spoke to them. The very next day if you don't say "Good morning!" they can take offense because you didn't say it. We cannot regulate emotional responses. We cannot enforce rules that will result in only sweet, nice, loving emotional reactions. There is no way to do that. Do you want to try? No one except the left would be allowed to say a word and their words to us would not be "sweet" words. This is true fascism. This is truly what antifa should be marching against, but the left can never admit that the left is the problem. The left can never admit that they are in the wrong. All they want is control and to shut you up as they take your money and control your life. September 15, 2017   Fake News:   LOL! Apparently msnbc thinks that a year-and-a-half old of a sneezing baby panda is more important than the interview they were conducting with hilloserclintOOn at the time. The sneezing baby panda story was eighteen months old! What "breaking news" and why is a baby panda sneezing (eighteen months ago) news? Amazingly fake news. They're doing nothing but trying to "humanize the shrew". Proving to the msnbc audience that hilloserclintOOn does have a sense of humor and can laugh at cute things and can smile genuinely is nothing more than an effort to repackage her for the next presidential run. That's what you see happening here, folks. Mark my words. September 15, 2017   Do you want to read hilloserclintOOn's latest whine fest, "What Happened", or would you rather not? Me? If I ever read it I'll be buying it from Goodwill instead of the bookstores. I don't want her to get a dime of my $1.99 for the hardback or $.99 for the softback of her tripe. It's a bunch of whining and lies and excuses and finger-pointing and "It's everybody's fault but mine!" Give me a break. If you want to see another opinion of it, check out Chad Prather's review and you'll laugh yourself silly while getting the truth. It's hysterical, guys. If you need a little pick me up, watch Chad. He's that good. BTW, the bad book reviews at amazon.com have been cut from the book's page by amazon. They're (again) protecting her. When will they learn? September 15, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   He has launched another missile. We need to do something about that. I don't mean the duck and cover they're teaching in Japanese schools (as they taught us when we were kids). I mean something like a hundred M.O.A.B. bombs on top of the TTT's head. I don't care if those supporting his tyranny get a M.O.A.B. dropped on their heads, also. After all, they're doing nothing to stop his reign of terror and he's getting his butt kissed every moment of the day by those around him. If they loved their country they'd do something to stop those who believe in doing the horrendous things this bad haircut clown is doing. If they loved their children, they would support anything that would get their children out from under this tyrant, give them a chance to live free and give their children a chance to make their lives better than their grandparents, mom and dad had it. But, no. That's not happening. The generals surrounding him are sucking up as hard as the msm did to themuslimvileone and they're doing nothing toward helping freedom squeeze into that sucked-dry country. September 15, 2017   Gotta' go! Computer's acting up and I don't trust what it's doing to not be a viral attack. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 14, 2017: 1:04 p.m.   How did you make it through Irma? Everything okay? Have water and electricity? Stores are opening back up and that's a good thing. I was surprised by how many things closed down and stayed closed after the storm this time. I've wanted a Mocha Frappe for days but been unable to get one because the place they come from is closed. Sigh. That's such a small thing, though and we have been very blessed. We didn't lose electricity until about 2:00 a.m. Monday morning and it was on before 8:00 p.m. that night. Water was off when we woke up Monday morning, but it was back on a few hours later - with a "boil water" notice. So we have both electricity and water and we are very grateful. Thanks to all of those who worked their backsides off (and still are) to return water and electricity to our homes and businesses. It's something that we take for granted until the power goes out or water doesn't come out of our faucets, but we do appreciate you. I don't know if my woodburning student, Sammy, still works for FPL, but I do know that they work hard - especially after storms come through - and I thank them all. Didn't do updates when our power returned because we were dragging tree limbs to the roadside and we were doing other "clean up" things. We lost some limbs (a lot) and a tree split in half and we had to cut that down. We lost some fence panels but they were old and it was expected. We bought fence panels to do the boarding up so we have panels and found fence posts at a home improvement store so we're good to go. Now all we need is the energy to put them up! We've been so busy with so many other things that a hurricane on top of it is exhausting. We still have bedroom furniture in our living room because we didn't get to take it up to my brother due to the hurricane coming when we had it scheduled. Now we're expecting the cabinets we're using to replace the furniture to arrive and we have very little room to put them until we get them installed. Add to that our cruise is coming up soon and the fact that my hubby is still working full time and we have our plates full! Yes, the cruise is still on, they just changed our itinerary so we'll be seeing more places we've never been before because St. Maarten/St.Martin and St. Thomas are off the itinerary due to the damage done to those islands. Pray for them. I put my website updates on hold for a few days because my hubby was home and we were cleaning up, and we still have plenty to do to get ready for cabinets, cruise and finish cleaning. So, I'll be doing a few blurbs weekdays for what's left of this week and next then I'll be on our cruise and unable to update. I don't use public WiFi hotspots to do updates because of the security risks, so while away I won't be doing updates except for Flag Friday, which I'll have to do one of while we're gone, but I won't be posting the link here until we get back. I'll find the things that I think most important and post a few links today and then I'll go do some painting on the baseboard, one more crown piece and three door trims and I think that will be done. I'm not trying to keep everyone in suspense, it's just that our "best laid plans" have not gone as well as we'd hoped and we are just playing by ear. So that's the news from this end. I'll do some blurbs. September 14, 2017   hillloserclintOOn:   Shock. Surprise. (No, not really.) She "mishandled" more classified information than previously thought. Judicial Watch also found "many instances of Hillary Clinton donors receiving special favors from the State Department"Do you understand what that's saying? She was selling America out for her own benefit. Shock. Surprise. Has anyone been alive in the last twenty-four years who has not been aware of how crooked she is, was and always will be? No? I didn't think so. The one thing that the clintOOns have in common in their "marriage" is that they both love power and money. That's all they have in common. It's what keeps them alive. The woman thinks of herself as a "genius" so consider that when you think of how crooked she is. Maybe she's a "criminal genius"? September 14, 2017   pelosipig:   She's sick. I mean literally has something physically wrong with her. If she isn't then how do you explain this and all of the other times we've seen her do this in other speeches? She can't remember how to pronounce people's names and she tells people to applaud her. She's losing her mental capabilities or she's appearing in public under the influence, or she's got an undisclosed medical issue that is doing this to her. I don't know what it is, but should she be voting on anything that has a legal consequence for you if this is the best she can do? September 14, 2017   DACA:   If Pres. Trump truly want to "Make America Great Again" then he needs to consider Americans first and if that means sending some "DREAMers" back, then so be it. People should NOT benefit from breaking the law, nor from their parents breaking the law. The parents brought their kids over here because that would help them get back in if their kids were allowed to stay. "Anchor babies" don't have to be born here under DACA, they could have walked over, been carried over, or ridden a donkey over our border and they get the benefit of breaking our immigration laws. That's not fair to those immigrants who came over legally and it's not fair to American citizens born here, whose parents were born here, whose grandparents and great-grandparents were born here after their great-great-grandparents legally immigrated to America! American citizens need jobs and to give illegal alien invaders the chance to take away jobs from American citizens is wrong in every way! "Make America Great Again" is not just for immigrants! It shouldn't benefit just them! America and Americans first! September 14, 2017   Planned AbortionHood:   They're choosing their partners wisely. They chose to team with satanists to push abortion. That's appropriate as an indicator of what abortion is and from whom it originates in the soul. It's a very clear indication of what both organizations think of babies' lives. Remember, it has been part of satanists' rituals to kill and abuse children since the "religion" started. Even back in Old Testament times people sacrificed their children to false gods. No wonder Planned AbortionHood pairs with satanists: their both blind to the suffering of children. Planned AbortionHood is so hateful against babies that they teamed up with OKCupid to allow people to make matches with others who staunchly support Planned AbortionHood. That's how sick these people are. I'm disgusted by the abortion industry and disgusted by the sickness of their supporters. If anyone wants to do something human, save a child from these monsters! September 14, 2017   Well, Gooooolly! Whoever would have thunk it (sic)? Another time themuslimvileone's administration has lied about its doings. Susan Rice, themuslimvileone's "national security adviser", finally admits that she did in fact have people "unmasked". For how long did she deny it? Now that there is proof she did so she comes out and admits it. That's how the left/progressives/liberals work: they won't admit the truth until you have the proof of the truth and can wave it in their faces. They lie. They lie. They lie. Until they are forced to admit the truth because they can't deny it anymore. September 14, 2017   BENGHAZI:   Contractors who should have handled the security at the U.S. Embassy in Libya were pressured to stay silent about the "poor choices" themuslimvileone's Secretary of State (hillloserclintOOn) made about security there. Pressured to stay silent, they are coming forward now because "Jerry Torres remains haunted by the fact that specific bureaucrats and policies remain in the State Department after the Benghazi attack despite the change in administrations. 'A U.S. ambassador is dead and nobody is held accountable for it. And three guys … all died trying to defend him,' said Torres, the company’s CEO and a former Green Beret.I've said it before and I'll say it again: themuslimvileone and hilloserclintOOn have BENGHAZI blood on their hands. September 14, 2017   Antifa:   Have you read the handbook? Steve Kurtz has and the handbook doesn't come out very well. September 14, 2017   Is Amazon helping others break the law? If so, that's wrong. They need to face the consequences for their actions. Prison sounds like a good place to start. September 14, 2017   I'll close for today. Have things to do. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 8, 2017: 12:39 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 336: Calendar Days". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! Be safe out there during this storm. Think before you act and consider the possibilities. Don't let Irma write your obit. September 7, 2017: 3:29 p.m.   If you are staying through Irma you need to keep an eye on what is happening with her. You can watch the missing "spaghetti models" at this website and see what the models are predicting to happen with her. At the NOAA website they've taken away the "spaghetti models" and have just the "cone". As I've watched it the "cone" model has moved further east and as I look at the "spaghetti models" I see that they have gone further east as well. I talked to my hubby while I have been looking at the "spaghetti models" and I did the research and found out that the longitudinal lines (degrees) are approximately 69 miles per degree so if it's off the coast by five longitudinal degrees that means that the eye is approximately 350 miles off the coast. Don't mistake my meaning here: It is a huge storm and if you think that 350 miles away won't mean anything to you, you're wrong. There will still be plenty of rain, storm surge (maybe not thirty feet high but still storm surge) and there will be strong winds. Me? I'm staying. I've stuck it out through a category four (I have been told it was a four, but I don't recall) and I don't think that I'm going to be bugging out for this one. I hear all kinds of "be afraid" things on the radio and television for Irma, so if you think you should be bugging out, go for it! If you are not comfortable with the situation by all means, get out! If you don't have confidence in your ability to make it through safely then you need to find somewhere north and maybe a little west to go take shelter for forty-eight hours after Irma comes through. It's not something to ignore your gut about. If you feel in your soul that you should leave, do so! It may be that your house can make it through safely and that you are certain that the construction is up to hurricane codes, that's great. But do you know that your soul hears from GOD and that if you ignore His prompting that the tree next door may come down on the house that is standing so strong and firmly against Irma's winds, but the tree's roots were diseased and didn't pass the same inspections? I urge you to listen to your gut. I urge you to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and to listen and obey His urging. It may save your life. If you are staying, please remember to get your medications refilled just in case the pharmacy is closed when you run out. Remember to let your loved ones know that you will be at "Shelter X", or with your neighbor, or with your son at his house. Wherever you will be, let others know. That way if something happens at your house but you're at your son's house, then those who see your house with the tree on top of it, will know that you're at your sister's in Oklahoma. Do all of the things that you are supposed to do with water, and bathtubs, and all of that. You may not be able to drink the bathtub water, but you will have water to wash your hair. Charge everything you have right now. If you have an external battery backup device for your cell phone, tablet, etc., charge that, too. Charge any taser devices you may have now just in case your home is damaged and you need to defend your life and property from looters. Charge your extra car batteries, or boat batteries in case you can use them for other things. We used to get a vase and put water in it and stick a shrimping light (which hooked up to a vehicle battery) into the water and that's how we had lights for days after a hurricane knocked down a tree down the street and took our electricity with it. If you are staying be sure to have pet food and kitty litter if needed. You may want to grab some puppy training pads because you won't want to walk the dog in the middle of the storm. You can put them in a big trash bag and tie that shut and put it in the garage to get rid of the smell, but that's a lot better than walking a whining, desperate dog in the middle of the eye wall, agree? If you want to watch the storm, it's better to stay close than to go driving around. Stand on the front porch and watch it so that you can duck back inside if a huge wind heads your way. Don't go lookie-looing if you have a spare half hour here and there. It could lead to an encounter with a downed powerline you didn't even see. If you have the urge to see it happen, watch it from inside if you can. After the storm be aware of the same thing: leaving the house to lookie-loo may lead to an encounter with a downed powerline that you didn't notice. That won't be good for you or for the vehicle you're in. Check on your neighbors and make sure they're okay. If there is anything you can do to help each other, do so. Help doesn't always arrive quickly when a lot of people may need help. They have to prioritize and they have to take the calls as received. If your cat went missing don't call emergency services. If your mother-in-law is stuck under a fallen tree and she's in water hip deep, call emergency services. Use your common sense (yes, even for your mother-in-law) and leave the 911 services for those who are really having an emergency: life or limb at stake, someone getting raped, beaten, robbed, that sort of thing. Don't bother them for being unable to get your dog to come inside, or french fries being cold, etc. That's ridiculous but there are those who call 911 for ridiculous reasons. Don't be one of those idiots. Hurricane Irma is the real deal. That doesn't mean that it's going to kill everyone and everything in its path. Hurricane Irma has done some real damage and it is a dangerous storm. If you feel like you should get out, do so. If you are going to hunker down, be sure you know what you're getting into. I've stayed through every storm since I moved here to PSJ. I don't remember ever bugging out so I'm pretty familiar with what to expect. It can be scary. It can be unnerving. If you think you can handle that and that your house or apartment is up to keeping you safe, use your head and do what you need to do to stay safe. Just remember, I'm not encouraging you to stay or go. I'm saying for you to do as you think you should. If the little tug on your heart is to go, GO! If you don't have that and you're quite comfortable and at peace about staying, it's quite a ride. Everyone be safe. Use your heads. If you can't do that, then maybe go to a shelter where others will use their heads to keep you safe. Until my "Flag Friday" posting this evening, that's all for the next few days. I'll be busy with prep work so this is as much in the way of updates as you get until after the storm with the exception of "Flag Friday". Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 6, 2017: 2:57 p.m.   Been painting crown moulding and baseboard and trying to get our master bedroom redecorating closer to finished before the cruise we scheduled before the end of the month. Problem is Hurricane Irma hit a lot of the ports we are supposed to go to so I don't know if the itinerary will change before we go or if it's going to be a lot of going in circles on the water. Also, with Hurricane Juan out there, what does that do to our cruise? Sigh. Keeping our bags ready but don't know if we should pack them or plan on getting a refund from the cruise line. Hoping for cruise; ready for whatever. Let's get started. September 6, 2017   It's something to be prepared for if someone takes out our power grid. It is a possibility that I don't know if most of America is ready for, but if you get the chance to get a generator do so. It's good to have for hurricanes (like now) and it's good to have if someone takes out power grids, or power plants. It's time to think the unthinkable; ask Europe. September 6, 2017   Want another good reason to end DACA? How about the DC Metro shooter? "22-year-old Cesar Morales... "...had just served a five-year sentence after getting convicted of several gun charges involving the 2013 shooting of a D.C. man. Washington D.C.’s mainstream newspaper reported that the Federal Bureau of Prisons said Morales walked away form a halfway house overseen by the Baltimore Residential Reentry Management Office, which supervises facilities in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware and D.C. Morales was moved to the halfway house as part of a system to help inmates transition back into society. If Morales is in the U.S. illegally, he should have been deported not transitioned back into society."That's what some "DREAMers" are doing: shooting up America! It's time to stop this nonsense and start enforcing our immigration laws! September 6, 2017   I've said for a long time that james comey was not to be trusted with any investigation and now we have proof that he did NOT want to pursue the hilloserclintOOn email investigation. He didn't want to look into the tarmac meeting between bullybob and lorreta lynch and he didn't want anything bad to happen to any dumboRATS. We have the draft statement clearing her before the investigation was even complete and we have themuslimvileone to "thank" for not prosecuting her. themuslimvileone has never cared about right and wrong, all he has ever cared about (and all he continues to care about) is power. Right? Wrong? What are they as long as he has his? Leftists/progressives/liberals always watch out for each other and always do what is wrong for America. It's time that stopped. September 6, 2017   If Conservative ideas are making a huge mark on American politics right now and we have Steve Bannon, et al, to thank for it, good! It's time that America step away from the precipice of the dangerous erosion of morality, Conservatism and Christian beliefs freely practiced and start supporting our U.S. Constitution and our troops! It's time for America to be a proud nation with real morals again! September 6, 2017   If President Donald J. Trump is looking for a "permanent DACA deal" that will make "everybody happy" he's not going to get a DACA deal. It's just that simple. The dumboRATS will want the kitchen sink, the mega-free pass, the no-questions-asked entry into our country, as well as a few hundred million dollars thrown to their coffers in order to do anything that would even begin to cover their demands for a deal they would accept. That's not going to make people like Sen. Ted Cruz (I hope), Sen. Mike Lee and others along those lines happy, so Pres. Trump may as well get over that idea right now. It's not going to happen. Why should the dumboRATS compromise when they think that if they cry loud and long enough Pres. Trump will cave under the pressure? They'll hold things hostage, they'll whine at the media daily, and they'll get the rent-a-mobs out in every U.S. city if they need to, but they're not going to compromise because "compromise" to them is always - always - Republicans caving. There will be no such thing as a DACA with "everybody happy". September 6, 2017   Come on, Judge Roy Moore! You can do this! Get elected and get in the Senate and kick some mccAIN'T and grahAMNESTY backside! Let's do this! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or 10 Commandment hating idiots.) September 6, 2017   hollyweird:   We've known for a while now that they hate Christianity and they hate Conservativism, and they hate Conservative Christians. Now they prove it yet again, en masse by saying "f u" to Christians who don't support DACA. That's me they're saying that to, as well as others. It's time Christianity realize that hollyweird is not our friends, they don't write storylines we should be watching 96% of the time, and they don't a flip what we believe, think, want, like or dislike. They want to say it again and again and again to Conservative Christianity: "f u". Well, for the most part I have turned them off. I can't think of a single hollyweird produced show I've been watching faithfully for the last six months or so. I used to be a big fan of NCIS (Agent Gibbs played by Mark Harmon is my favorite), but I haven't even watched that on a regular basis lately. I forget it's even Tuesday. I've got a "SmartTV" and I watch a lot of YouTube channels on it. I watch
September 6, 2017   Are you tired of your views and beliefs being on the leftists' "Black List"? If so you can sign the petition to stop the "Black List" efforts of the leftists. We can fight back without antifa violence. Septemeber 6, 2017   See? I'm not the only one who has noticed that every time themuslimvileone speaks he's LYING. There are a LOT of people who have realized he wouldn't recognize the truth if it kissed him on the lips, slipped him the tongue and grabbed his crotch at the same time. He can't spell the word "Truth". September 6, 2017   A "new" themuslimvileone? Considering the link above, why on earth would anyone want another liar extraordinnaire? But, that's what the Guardian said about a MI gubernatorial candidate. If anyone knows who themuslimvileone is, they don't want another one anywhere near a position of power. Considering what themuslimvileone did to America when given the chance (and the lack of spine on the republiRAT side of the House and Senate -- mcCONnell, bonehead and ROTTEN ryan), I can't imagine anyone wanting a Muslim governor. But it was a leftie/progressive/liberal paper so it had to be "the ultimate puff piece, shameless in its utter lack of objectivity and balance, and it began, as such pieces invariably do, with an anecdote calculated to win sympathy for the subject."In other words, they would put lipstick on a jackass (the dumboRAT party's mascot) but it's still a jackass. You should read the PJMedia story and if you know anyone who lives in or votes in Michigan, send them the link and encourage them to read it, too. It unveils the unrealized contradictions the Guardian's "puff piece" has in it and makes you want to alert those who may be subjected to the left's lies and unacknowledged contradictions about yet another leftist/progressive/liberal Muslim, Sharia-endorsing candidate they may want to stay away from. "Voters seem eager to embrace El-Sayed, and fourteen months before the gubernatorial election the media on both sides of the Atlantic are already selling him every bit as eagerly as they sold [themuslimvileone]. How far we have failed to come!""Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." -- George Santayana. Let's learn from history! September 6, 2017   I'll close with that for now. I've got to put a second coat of paint on some baseboards and door trim pieces. If you're going to be prepping for Hurricane Irma, I wish you the best. I don't think it's going to be as bad as some say. I think it will stay east of us quite a bit and we'll get some wind and rain; maybe not as bad as Matthew but some. We'll see. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 5, 2017: 2:47 p.m.   I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day, if only in that they had a great picnic or a good time sleeping in. Anyways, let's get started. September 5, 2017   I heard something on Rush today that I couldn't believe so I checked it out for myself. They say that DACA "for the children" all the time, but since when is a 30 year-old a child? Yep. themuslimvileone decided " You may request DACA if you:Child? Thirty-one? First he makes a "child" anyone who is 26 who can stay on their parents' medical program, then he extends "childhood" until the age of thirty-one? Oh, my goodness. That's absurd. It's time for themuslimvileone's "childhod creep" to stop. It's time to make people who are over here as "anchor babies" (31 year-old anchor babies?) to be sent back to where they came from and if they want to return to come here after paying the fees, filing the proper paperwork and returning LEGALLY. If they refuse to do so they never cared about being an American citizen in the first place, they just wanted to take American jobs, get American money and break our laws as they benefit from being here. It's time the nonsense stops. It's time to say "No more DACA!" no more "DREAMers" (31-year-old "DREAMers"). It's time to put Americans back to work and to say "Enough!" to the lawlessness of the former administration. Our laws existed when he signed this idiotic Dictatorial Order. It's time to put an end to every DO he signed and every lawless deed needs to be undone. Let's make themuslimvileone's legacy one of reversals! I want to remind you that unconstitutional (but that doesn't matter to some judges), and that in 2014 the House voted to defund it, and that he recruited for it (and if memory serves correctly, sent admin people down to Central America to recruit for participants). themuslimvileone's goal was to use DACA people to overwhelm the system and shut it down as well as getting more dumboRAT voters into America. Too many people are finding the "Red Pill" of coming out of being a leftie/progressive/liberal and the dumboRATS needed to restock. Thus, DACA came into existence and people started coming to America. It's ridiculous. Remember, they knew it was illegal and yet, they continued to push it. They also use your taxpayer dollars to fly DACA folks into America. It's time to get rid of it altogether, not six months from now but now! Let's MAGA! It's time to stop this program that basically created "anchor babies" and to start putting America first again! Also, let's kick out every Senator or Congressman who is supporting keeping this rotten Dictatorial Order. Let's start with ROTTEN ryan and go from there! September 5, 2017   Of course, the House and Senate are going to use a bill that no one can vote against to load it up with pork and more spending on the "let's get re-elected list". It's absurd that they get to do this, but they do get to write their own rules so it's not surprising. It's abhorant that they are using Harvey relief funding to raise the debt ceiling, but that's what they are doing. They think we'll believe that if we don't raise the debt ceiling (something dumboRATS love) we won't be able to help Hurricane Harvey victims. Well, they're not just saying you're too stupid and weak to know the truth (we'll be fine without raising the debt ceiling) but they're also tying Harvey to raising the debt ceiling so that you won't get mad at them for raising the debt ceiling. They think you're stupid. September 5, 2017   Hurricane Irma:   Have you noticed that the only thing NOAA is showing nowadays is the "cone of uncertainty"? They show that cone so that they can say that it may go "hither, thither, or yon" but they only show a cone that will panic people. They no longer show the pics of the models and the lines they think the hurricanes may take, like the "highprob-sep5.png" pic here. As Rush was saying today, are they just trying to create panic so that businesses will benefit via the sale of supplies, gas and water; and people will watch television coverage more; and the government will feel important? Is that what's going on? Is the goal at NOAA to scare people so that you will become more reliant on government? True story: My sister called me years ago when a Cat 3 hurricane was going to hit the west coast of Florida and she was in S. Korea with her husband. She was scared because she was watching CNN, FoxNews, etc., and they were all saying that it was going to be a killer storm and they had people panicked. She wanted me to evacuate and go north so that I would survive. I told her it wasn't going to be that bad and not to worry. The storm blew a few small branches down, may have knocked down a fence panel that was loose to start with but we forgot to fix the screws in it, and maybe we had some standing water in our yard for a few hours. That was it. It was nothing by the time it got to us. In Tampa, it was worse, but I don't know that anyone died because of that particular hurricane. It's all about the info you get about the storm that makes you panic or not panic. I check alternate sources so I don't get only one source info and I don't panic about things. I'm not saying that Hurricane Irma isn't going to hit Florida. I'm saying that you need to check other sources and find out for yourself what someone besides NOAA is saying in order to make an informed decision. Remember, NOAA has been endorsing the "global warming" LIE for the last eight years so we know we can't always trust them. September 5, 2017   It's the U.S. Virgin Islands confiscating guns and ammo that tells me that they are leaving people to be victims instead of capable of defending themselves and others if those who have harmful intentions try to do something. It's not right to assume that those who own guns legally are going to automatically become law-breaking thugs when a disaster happens! It's a stupid assumption and it makes an a--hem out of you, etc. It's what anti-gun governments do all the time, but it's not a truism you'll consistently find! People who are law-abiding enough to register their purchase, to bother getting a CCW in the first place, or who jump through whichever hoops their governments dictate, are not suddenly made into murderous reprobates because of a storm! It's a ridiculous and erroneous assumption! It's those who have not registered, applied for a CCW, etc., who should be allowed to keep their guns because those are the law-abiding, legally owning folks who will not rob, loot and murder innocents (homeowners to cops) just because there is chaos and opportunity. The law-abiding are the folks who will prevent that sort of behavior, if given the chance and allowed to keep their guns! Don't be daft and take it away! DUH! September 5, 2017   I'm glad that Pres. Donald J. Trump is going to sell more military equipment to Japan and S. Korea because it's going to mean that they have the opportunity to defend themselves better than they would otherwise. That means that they won't as much help from us. That's always a good thing when you don't have to ask someone else for help. It feels good. Let's hope that N. Korea gets the message and decides to behave. September 5, 2017   I'm going to stop for today. I have to do a security scan because I got a warning thing and it's going to take a while. Sorry about the early departure but security is important when it comes to updating my website. Agree? Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! September 1, 2017: 1:36 p.m.   Flag Friday:   Sorry I'm late for my posting but hubby and I were finishing putting down the hardwood flooring in our bedroom and it made me forget for a little while. I did get it done and "Tribute To Our Heroes 335: Instincts" is my offering this week. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! I do appreciate your sacrifice. GOD Bless You All! See you later today if everything goes as planned. Later today we put our new closet organizer in after we do the baseboards and crown moulding in the closet. Then we'll do the crown and baseboards around the rest of the room, put up the accent wall tiles and wait for the cabinets and closet doors. It's slow going but it's so worth it! See you later! September 1, 2017: 2:18 p.m.   ROTTEN ryan:   A new study showed that getting rid of themuslimvileone's DACA would give Americans 700,000 jobs so to have ROTTEN say to keep DACA is just wrong! He's supposed to support America and Amertcans not non-citizens. What is he thinking? Or a better question may be is he thinking? He's actually agreeing with themuslimvileone's admin. He's also kissing the backside of at least one tech company (Microsoft) because they use "Dreamers" (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). That's just not right. He's a RINO, a republiCAN'T, a republiRAT. He's a brainless, dumboRAT kissbutt amoeba. It's time to put America - and Americans - first. Let's MAGA! To help do just that, Texas is suing to try to FORCE the ending of DACA. I like that. September 1, 2017   Can you believe she said it? DiFi actually said that the left/progressives/liberals should "be patient" with Pres. Trump and that as he learns in office he may be a good president. Of course, that infuriated her leftist buddies and she's facing a backlash for saying to "be patient" with the president. Isn't that "tolerant" of the left? Isn't it getting along and "co-existing" with others unlike you? Isn't that what the left/progressives/liberals always say they want: tolerance? Of course, it's always those on the right being tolerant of the left, never vice versa for them. DiFi is finding out just how much "tolerance" her side has of those who dare to speak out of turn, step out of line, say anything besides the words allowed. It's not acceptable. It's persecutable, and prosecutable and they will go after DiFi's head! It's a tough lesson to learn for the left but it's a good way to be "red pilled". September 1, 2017   Why would anyone want the internet to be more controlled than google, facebook and twitter are trying to make it? Why would any logical, thinking (not feeling) human want the internet to be controlled by large companies and not by those who would rather have the internet be a free exchange of ideas? The less "government" the better, IMHO, so how is the ATandT effort to have "differential rates for consumers for the content they want on the internet" a good thing? ATandT is not my favorite company on earth. They have a large monopoly and where I live they are one of two ISPs and the other is a satellite service and I've had satellite television and know that it goes out with every storm, really cloudy day, etc. I doubt the satellite ISP would be willing to prorate the bill for those missed service days, so I stay with ATandT. It's not because I want to, it's because I have no other choice. They have me captive and they know it. That's means they don't have to worry about whether things work, or about treating you well when you call customer service. It means they can basically say, "Want internet or not? If you keep complaining, I guess the answer is 'Not.'" That's why monopolies are dangerous and are bad for customers. When they have you by the nose they don't have to be good. My round-about point is this: ATandT isn't out for your best interests, IMHO, they're after their own wallet-enhancement. So that should tell you something. September 1, 2017   I have to admit that medical science is doing things that awe and amaze me. This story about regrowing limbs for our military personnel is one of those things because I can't imagine having thought of that. Salamanders? Mice? Wow. Talk about outside the box! Good for our military! I hope some of this works and works very, very well! September 1, 2017   I agree with Judicial Watch: Pres. Trump should tell the DOJ to go after hilloserclintOOn with all their might, weight and determination. They should want to "Find The Truth!" and let the chips fall where they may. It's the truth that matters, not protecting a dumboRAT! September 1, 2017   It looks like Judicial Watch will be finding out more truth for us with a lawsuit against the DOJ hoping to find out about the ties the DOJ had/has with hilloserclintOOn. They guy they're helping to sue the DOJ is a former FBI agent and it's he who says, "I’m not the only retired (or serving) FBI special agent who is concerned about Mr. McCabe’s conflicts of interest on the Clinton email matter.'The agency seems to be illegally hiding records about this scandal, which is why I’m heading to court with Judicial Watch.'"So a former FBI agent is saying that the DOJ gave the clintOOns special treatment. That's no surprise to me. Is it to you? September 1, 2017   It's time for us to stop funding terrorism against ourselves and others. It's time we tell the U.N. to pound sand. It's time for us to stop funding them totally. No more American money, no more American help unless there's a natural disaster somewhere, and no way are we ever going to obey your dictates for us to pay for everything under the sun! It's over. The free ride is over! We won't be funding terrorism against us anymore! September 1, 2017   More proof that it's the LEFT that gets violent, not the right. Ten instances of recent attacks by the left on journalists should prove yet again that it's the leftists/progressives/liberals (antifa, blm, etc.) who think it's okay to hurt people and break things because they're being paid to do so. I think that anyone arrested doing violence at one of their "protests" should also be charged with being a hit person, taking money to do violence. Hurting someone intentionally is called assault and it's illegal. They need to prosecute everyone who does so and they need to prosecute the organization (the "rent a mob" companies who put these thugs on their payroll and on the streets) who is paying them to do so. Once you start enforcing existing law you cut down on the activity, especially from those who are doing the hiring. Let's make them pay for their illegal activities, too. They are not immune. September 1, 2017   I just got a call from my hubby. He's almost home so I'm going to go. Enjoy your weekend. BTW, the flooring is finished. Tonight we do baseboard, crown moulding and closet organizer. Hurray! Hurray! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 2017 August 31, 2017: 1:57 p.m.   It's a great day to be alive and it's going to be a wonderful rest of the year. I don't know why I think so, but for my family and I good things have been happening and more good things are on the way so I'm just in a very optimistic mood. Hope your family is being blessed as well. Let's get started. August 31, 2017   When Pres. Donald J. Trump said that he would delete the DACA program the lefties/progressives/liberals got all whineybutt. The problem with them getting whineybutt is that even mark zuckerberg's study said that doing away with it would give 700,000 Americans jobs. That's Americans getting American jobs. That's a very, very good thing! Let's do this! Almost an hour later, I spot the headline that Pres. Trump set to announce the end to DACA. Love it! August 31, 2017   I like the CATO Institute and have been receiving their newsletters for years, but I disagree with their request for Pres. Trump to dump "extreme vetting" because it will cost immigrants thousands. I think it's necessary to do this. I think that if we can actually weed out those who want to come here to suck on the American teat and do nothing to help themselves and those who would harm Americans because that's their "raison de vivre", their religion demands it, then it's a good thing for America. I don't want people here who will harm our children, our elderly or anyone they get the chance to, nor those who will get in, sit down and say, "Okay, now you owe me. Give me everything I want or say I need." Neither of those kinds of people should be here. If anyone wants to come here after going through the proper preparatory processes, filling out the proper paperwork and getting here legally, without plans to overstay their visas or marrying an American to get instant "stay" status, then they're welcome. My ancestors did it that way a few generations back. They did it legally and for those who want to do it any other way, I say, "NO! Do it the way my ancestors did or don't do it at all!" That's the way it should be! August 31, 2017   I also disagree with the person who wrote this Breitbart story that posits that President Donald J. Trump may be taught a lesson that he doesn't have as much influence over voters as he thinks he does. If Judge Roy Moore wins in Alabama that's the lesson that's the take away. Problem: If Judge Roy Moor wins in Alabama (and I hope he does) then it's a win/win for President Donald J. Trump. Consider: If Strange wins (establishment republiCAN'T), Pres. Trump wins because he is the one who endorsed Strange over the objections of myself and many others. If Moore wins, then Pres. Trump gets another senator who will be in his corner, support his agenda, fight against mcCONnell and the other leftists/progressives/liberals in the Senate. Either way, Pres. Trump wins so what is the Breitbart writer thinking? August 31, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Of course with a program designed and funded by themuslimvileone, they waste the money that is supposed to be spent on helping "the hardest hit". The left/progressives/liberals love to spend YOUR money so much that this report shows:
August 31, 2017   I wonder if the SPLC is seeing the writing on the wall in that they are losing any and all respect anyone outside of the leftist/progressive/liberal wing of the far left ever had for them. I wonder if that's why they're transferring millions to offshore accounts. I also wonder what that word "Poverty" is doing in their title if they are transferring "millions" into offshore accounts. What about helping the needy those in "Poverty" who may need help with that money they're, instead, transferring offshore? How about they do what their name says? Or, are they LIARS in both name and action? Just asking. August 31, 2017   hilloserclintOOn:   Ya' know, no matter how hard she tries to prove she's "one of us", no matter how much she tries to tell us - pound it into our heads with a sledge hammer if need be - that she's a patriotic American just like those of us in "fly over country", she can't make me believe it. She can't make me believe it because she keeps doing things that prove that all she wants to do is hang with the rich folks and be rich herself. If that were not the case why would she be charging $2K+ for book signings? Yeah. She's a money grubber extraordinnaire. She loves money more than she loves her Mao pantsuits. August 31, 2017   There's another hurricane out there. Where will it go? Don't know quite yet but it may be something to keep an eye on. August 31, 2017   Yesterday we saw Chick-fil-A rescuing Harvey victims and today we see Pizza Hut delivering by boat. We're working together to get through this and we're not above asking for the unexpected if need be. Don't be too proud to ask for help even if it's from a fast food place. Who knows what will come of it? August 31, 2017   If this article is correct then we need to see Pres. Trump take some decisive action to get rid of those who are doing this as well as those who are insubordinate and disobedient to the POTUS. If he says "do this" they need to obey. Otherwise, he needs to remember his days at nbc and say, "You're fired!" and enforce it. Have security bodily throw them out of the White House and off the grounds if needed, but get rid of them! August 31, 2017   Well, my hubby's home. We have some stuff to do so I'll go for now. See you later for Flag Friday! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 30, 2017: 9:41 a.m.   Hurricane Harvey:   The Texas rain totals (so far) are astonishing. Rain was forecast to continue until tomorrow and the totals will be higher, but Harvey left early. Texans need help and I know Operation Blessing is probably already there, helping, feeding, providing dry blankets, or anything else that is needed and I've given to them for years, so if you want to give to help Texans out, please know that you can trust Operation Blessing and your money will be put to good use. There have been people who have been stories of price gouging and that's just not right. An emergency is something we should all pull together and work with each other with our best intentions for our community, not for our wallets. Those who price gouge during an emergency should be ashamed of themselves and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I'm hoping that the rains will cease tomorrow and that the weather will allow us to start recuperating, rebuilding and regrouping. It's difficult to do that while the rains pour down (ask Noah). Consider giving a donation to help Texans start that process. We've been there, done that. Let's reach out. August 30, 2017   pelosipig:   Wait. What? She condemns "antifa" violence? There must be something wrong with her! I can't imagine her doing that unless she's decided to run for office again and her constituents say she should. Or, maybe her brain function has malfunctioned again? Should she be censured? "Pelosi had previously called for the House to censure Trump over his response to Charlottesville, but with the increasing rise of left-wing violence, on Tuesday she released a statement condemning the left-wing rioters."How on earth does that happen? August 30, 2017   A bullybobclintOOn appointed judge dismissed Sarah Palin's case against the NYT. I looked him up and on the Wikipedia page about him, I see this statement: "Swarthmore, in conferring his honorary degree, noted that Rakoff is 'broadly recognized as a legal thinker, scholar and judge who not only elucidates and enforces the law, but interprets, defends and challenges it in light of the principles of ethics and social justice that it is designed to serve' [my bolding]"So he's a sitting social justice warrior. This is what the courts have come down to: social justice? Sarah Palin had the NYT by the nose and they were going to be lose their case. The social justice judge saw this and decided to save the NYT's bacon. He dismissed the case because he didn't want the NYT to have to lose face to Sarah Palin's victory. That's just wrong. August 30, 2017   Sexual promiscuity is making things that were once considered gone come back. That's how it's happening with the return of syphilis in the USA. That's one of the reasons I think that schools should not teach sex education that focuses on having sex, but they should teach it as an abstinence focus health issue. If you don't want teenagers to face the possibility of certain cancers later in life because of HPV (human papillomavirus), then teach them to not have sex until they're married. HPV is the "precursor" to cervical cancer and other reproductive organ cancers in both males and females. It "causes most cervical cancers, as well as some cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus, rectum, and oropharynx (cancers of the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils)."HPV is not always transmitted during sexual contact (CAUTION: Pics of genital warts), but abstinence is a good way to help ensure that your chances of getting it are reduced. Those at greatest risk are those who have multiple sexual partners so if you have just one (your spouse) after marriage you're sure to not take anything into the marriage bed. August 30, 2017   I haven't done an endorsement in the Alabama Senate race as yet. I know I do not like the person President Donald J. Trump endorsed, but I do like and endorse Judge Roy Moore because of his stance FOR the Ten Commandments and free speech and other Constitutional issues. I think he's a great man and I am glad he's doing well and hope he wins election and kicks the guy Pres. Trump endorsed (a ROTTEN ryan/mcCONnell republican't) to the curb. I would much rather see a Constitution-supporting guy in office than someone who ignores it for political power. (Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anything or anyone else. It's free speech, folks, something Judge Moore would defend!) August 30, 2017   Leftists in America are trying to prevent anyone from giving to organizations they don't agree with. They are doing their utmost to blacklist, destroy and block anyone who has the courage and audacity to be different from them. They want to be the only ones with a voice. They will do whatever they can get away with in order to shut Conservative voices down. Is that what you want? Is that what is good for America, for your children? Or do you think that you should stand up and find a way to give to any organization you believe in and want to support? If that be the case, find a way. Don't let the leftists/progressives/liberals win. Give to the organization of your choice, who speaks for and supports the things you do. Remember: If the lefties/progressives/liberals consider them a "hate group" that probably means they are Conservative and that's why the left wants to shut them down. August 30, 2017   Fake News:   They did it again. The idiots at cnn did a kissbutt piece on Elian Gonzalez's story through the rose colored lens of smooching Castro's backside. What is this? An effort to find out how low they can go? August 30, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   I wonder if anyone would stand in the way if they saw a Seal Team going after the TTT. Would they open the door quietly for the Seal Team, show them which room he's in and step aside, or would they raise the alarm and try to save him? I wonder if one of the generals he surrounds himself with would be just as bad - or, heaven forbid worse than - the TTT. I wonder if anyone believes that the TTT is loved within his country, or if he is still in power only because everyone fears for their lives but yearn for freedom. I don't want to see him attack another country (any country), and I wonder if there is a move afoot (so to speak) to stop the problem at the source. If there is a Seal Team on their way that would be a good thing. GOD speed to them, safe journeys, and good success! August 30, 2017   hillclintOOn:   Want to watch an interesting video? It's kinda long (23+ minutes), but it tells you about the huma abedin participation in the hillclintOOn campaign and all of its ins and outs. Grab a coffee, tea, or a bowl of popcorn and a soda, sit down and learn. August 30, 2017   google:   Want to know what happens when you criticize google? Mr. Barry Lynn, who happened to criticize google and agreed with the EU's fine of google in an antitrust case. Like free speech? Don't like google. August 30, 2017   Let's hope that this time President Donald J. Trump succeeds in reforming and lowering our taxes. That would be great and good for us and America! August 30, 2017   Joel Osteen's church and the response (or lack thereof) to the flooding in Houston and the displaced people needing shelter has been rather convoluted and confusing. First the church wasn't open, then it was, then it was flooded and not open then it was open from day one, but flooded but it wasn't safe for people to be there, but they're open for business to distribute food and supplies to people, but they were not needed as a shelter until a few days later when they started taking people in............. Whew! My head is spinning from trying to keep up! August 30, 2017   It's time antifa gets classified as a "terrorist organization" and they be put on watch lists and their violent troublemakers arrested every time they even think of picking up a stick, stone, foot, or fist against anyone. It's time that they be held accountable for breaking the law and the cops start enforcing the laws that make it illegal for them to harm others, break things and stifle free speech in any way, shape, or form. "Let Freedom Reign!" August 30, 2017   I'm going to close with that for today. Things to do, things to do! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 29, 2017: 1:23 p.m.   Leftist LIES:   It's not the right that is full of racists and those who do violence against people and things, it's the left. That's been proven over and over and over and over again. If you want to know the truth about who is the racist, look at the lefts'/progressives'/liberals' actions lately and you'll see the truth - if you look at it honestly and with your eyes wide open. We see the left breaking things and hurting people so that they can do so. We see the leftist leaders willing to do anything to help destroy America. We see the left lying about who is being the racist and who is more accepting of those who are unlike themselves. When you have the "antifa" movement do things like they did in Berkeley this weekend, then we see the truth of the problem; again, if we are willing to look with our eyes wide open, allowing the truth to hit those on the left in the face with it's open palm as a slap of reality. It's not the right side of the political spectrum that is violent. Violence is always -- always -- started by the left. Those on the right sometimes get to finish it, stop it, make the instigators on the left go away, but it's the left who, a huge percentage of the time, if not absolutely always, start the violence. It's time that the left start policing its own. It's time they start laying down rules that include things like "Don't hurt anyone. No violence!" instead of "By Any Means Necessary", including violence. August 29, 2017   Wow! Look at that! I am amazed. Denmark is lowering taxes in order to "make it more attractive to work". What? You read that right. Can you imagine if the republiRATS (ROTTEN ryan, mitch mcCONnell, et al) would get off their duffs and out of the way of President Donald J. Trump's tax cuts and how much that could do for America's economy? If Socialist Denmark can see the truth of that matter, why can't some Americans? Are some here wearing political blinders, or are they just stupid? You tell me. August 29, 2017   MAGA:   Consumer confidence up again in August and that means people are spending money, which is good for the economy, which is good for America. Excellent! On the flip side, it also means that supply and demand for homes is also changing and the increased number of those who are now looking for homes are making the prices go up. So we have good news that is good for all, but good news that makes it more difficult to buy a home because of high prices. Also, President Donald J. Trump is pushing for more Americans to have American jobs, and that includes reviewing a program that brought young foreigners into America to fill jobs that young Americans could have had. I like that he's trying to make American jobs available to Americans. That's as it should be and that's what is going to help "Make America Great Again!"Then there's the "extreme vetting" he's going to do for green card applicants. That will also allow more Americans to have jobs. I love it! The more Americans employed the better we all are! August 29, 2017   I wish that the letter to dump mcCONnell had succeeded. He's a republiRAT and a disgrace to the party. He is nothing but a dumboRAT in RINO clothing. He really does need to retire or be retired by his constituents. Another term for mcCONnell would be bad for America. Wake up, Kentucky! Stop voting for the RINO! He's been in the Senate since 1984 and that's much too long! I'm now in favor of a term limits law and we can start with him, mccAIN'T (in Congress 1982-1986, in the Senate since 1986), ROTTEN ryan (in Congress since 1998) and a few others I can think of. Agree? August 29, 2017   Since the Tubby Tiny Tyrant has been sabre-rattling so much America has had to do what is necessary to keep us safe. That includes testing new nuclear weapons and other things. As long as they test those weapons safely I'm fine with that. I believe that a strong defense is a strong deterrent and if that includes better nuclear (pronounced "new-clee-ar", not "new-cue-lar") weapons, so be it. I would rather use them on another nation that is trying to harm us than to have that nation succeed in using nuclear weapons against us. If you disagree, consult the First Amendment. August 29, 2017   I wonder if ROTTEN ryan will allow some little upstart to move a freedom agenda forward in the House? If not, bad on ROTTEN. Those who are supporting this agenda need to go straight to the microphones if he stands in their way. They should go straight to the microphones if the lefties/progressives/liberals say anything against it. They should be sure to name names and point fingers and flat out state in no uncertain terms that the person/people standing in the way of their freedom agenda is the obstructionist and is against freedom. Let's see who squirms quicker then? August 29, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Why? Why would anyone who had failed the DHS job interview have to be polygraphed? Are they thinking that the person who failed the interview would be better under the polygraph machine? Are they thinking it would be less nerve-wracking to be on a polygraph machine? What are they thinking? August 29, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Of course, they've found yet another lie he has told. It's not
surprising considering he started out lying to us and never stopped. This time, they've found out that his alleged "Teen Pregnancy Prevention"
program was a complete sham:
August 29, 2017   Melania Trump has the lefties/progressives/liberals so irrate in her beauty and style (after the dumpy/frumpy muchelle whom they lauded with high praise for her gag-worthy "fashion sense") that they jump all over stupid stuff that they can't think ahead about. She goes onto Marine One with five-inch stilleto heels, and they jump on her for it. Then she comes out of Marine One in tennis shoes and they've got to find a way to justify their previous sneering. Get over it, lefties. She's a gorgeous woman with a high fashion style that far surpasses the mishmashed muchelle. Learn it. Live it. Love it. August 29, 2017   Okay those of you who work for big corporations. It's time for you to start turning the tables on the leftists/progressives/liberals in the company and to start using their tactics against them. Every time a leftist/progressive/liberal tries to say something that you don't like you need to scream bloody murder about your "feewings" and how hurt they are and how threatened you feel and how you need counseling and a safe space. Let's turn the tables on them, use their own tactics against them and push this until they cave because it's no longer their exclusive tool. You'll be mimicking them, of course, and not really in need of "safe spaces" and counseling because you're stronger than that and you can handle it, but at the same time you will receive your free speech rights back or at the very least limit their speech as they have been succeeding in doing to you. Turn the tables on them. Get "threatened" by their rhetoric and hateful vitriol and be sure to make a scene about it and go to HR and to the infirmary (if there is such a thing in corporate America nowadays). Be just as wimpish, delicate and pansy-ish as they and be sure to make a huge scene about it. We'll see whether they have eyes to see. August 29, 2017   Charlottesville:   The leftists/progressives/liberals in charge of the city on that fateful day are so busy pointing the finger at each other and throwing each other under the bus that they're doing absolutely nothing to help heal their city. Idiots and morons alike, they'd rather save their own political backsides than help heal the rift within their city their own one-sided actions created within their city on that day. As far as I'm concerned, they should both lose their jobs as well as the Chief of Police, the cops who participated in the "stand down" order, and the State Police head who also gave the "stand down" order. So that's at least the Mayor, Chief of Police, City Manager and the head of the State Police as well as an unknown number of "law enforcement officers" who put the demoRAT party and their goals ahead of their oath of office that day. Oh, let's throw the Governor, terry mcauliffe in there too. After all, he was in control of the State Police and he said, "Stand down", too. It's time they get their just due and get their butts fired for their folly and the injuries to people and damage to personal property and the deaths that occurred due to their folly that day. Putting a political party ahead of people's lives is a strong reason for firing, don't you think? August 29, 2017   I agree with this article about Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the charges brought against him being purely political as well as the current complaints about President Trump's pardon being purely political. The left/progressives/liberals thought they had a scalp and Pres. Trump denied them that scalp. It was a beautiful thing to watch and now the left has to twist in the wind and the wind was taken out of their sails and they are whining loud and long about it. BooHoo. August 29, 2017   I can't believe the stupidity of this act. A public relations nightmare? How about the implications for the Lord Jesus Christ? Osteen just gave GOD a black eye, figuratively speaking. What was he thinking? A church should be a shelter in a storm and there are very few storms worse than Harvey. The church is the first place people should be able to expect a warm welcome, hot coffee/tea/cocoa, dry blankets, a cot to sleep on and a shoulder to cry on! Osteen kept his doors closed and locked. That was not just a bad decision, it was an ungodly one. August 29, 2017   "Brexit" (or not?):   It's been a while since the June 23, 2016 Brexit vote but nothing, so far, seems to have been happening to head England out of the EU. There have been plenty of stories online about why it should not happen, about why it should be voted on again, or about how the House of Commons, etc., etc., etc., should have their say over the will of the voting public, but nothing has actually happened. I wonder if they're going to fiddle-faddle around with this so long that people will basically forget that the vote actually happened and they'll carry on with their lives as if it never happened and the end result will be that England stays in the EU. After all, if you ignore the vote and the resulting action the vote should have been done the vote is automatically nullified no matter what was the will of the people. August 29, 2017   So I'll close with that for today. Oh, and if you're wondering why I didn't do anything for the Houston Hurricane Harvey (alliteration?) relief stuff, it's up there on my perma-link to help disaster victims in the table. See it? Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 28, 2017: 10:19 a.m.   Let's see if we can get a full update done today considering how early I'm starting. Hopefully I will be able to do that. Let's get started. August 28, 2017   themuslimvileone:   How many times did he lie to America during his candidacy and his administration? If the records were all found (as Judicial Watch and other organizations are doing) and examined, tallied and correlated, the truth would come out that themuslimvileone always lied to America about the important things. JW found themuslimvileone lied to us about how his "Clean Power Plan" would save lives. Well, guess what? He LIED, as usual, so the plan was not good for America and it wouldn't save lives. In a back and forth question and answer between agencies: Question: "...all of those reductions come not from the impact on global warming or carbon emissions but entirely from anticipated reductions in emissions of fine particulate matter and ozone that you forecast will come from changes made to reach the carbon reduction goals?"The problem: "[themuslimvileone's] EPA sought to force industry to reduce carbon output, therefore, electricity producers would have no choice but to redesign factories in a way that also produces less fine particulate matter (soot) and ozone emissions into the atmosphere."So, he lied to America about his plan to save lives. Every time his lips move he lies. That's all there is to it, America. It's disgusting that he can't tell the truth. Lying has become a natural thing to him, just like the clintOOns because they've done it so often. Once liars get to that stage there is no going back. He will always be a habitual liar. August 28, 2017   Judicial Watch has also been trying to get to the truth (a hard thing to do when dealing with themuslimvileone's administration and its leftovers) regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline that will bring jobs to America and our own oil so that we won't be dependent upon the Middle East for theirs. Judicial Watch is trying to find out what themuslimvileone's EPA said to and was told by the "environmental" (mostly mental) groups that were trying to stop the pipeline. Of course, they'll find lies themuslimvileone's administration told. We can all look forward to finding out which lies, how many and what kind of lies they told. Trust me, there will be lies. August 28, 2017   President Donald J. Trump has made it okay to let local law enforcement receive surplus military equipment. On one hand, that's going to save the cops money and get more use out of our taxpayer dollars. On the other hand, it makes one wonder how that military grade equipment can be used against the "civilian" population. I can see a need for it when blm, antifa and other leftist/progressive/liberal groups start hurting people and breaking things, but I worry that it won't be used for just that. Under Pres. Trump is less likely to approve of or encourage the sort of use against peaceful assembly that themuslimvileone did, but it still concerns me that there are still governors, mayors, etc., who will use it for nefarious purposes. August 28, 2017   North Korea is trying to get around the sanctions Pres. Trump has enacted against them. Problem is, they have "friends" who have been trying to help them do so. Those friends have been money laundering for them and doing other things that shouldn't be happening. N. Korea is threatening to nuke us and they're still trying to manipulate us. Sounds to me like it is up to Pres. Trump to put the right pressure on N. Korea to make them behave. Let's see what he comes up with. August 28, 2017   More lies:   themuslimvileone lied to America about the way he "closed" deportation cases while in office. He "administratively closed" up to 200,000 deportation cases and allowed the illegals to stay in America and do as they wish. themuslimvileone, liar extraordinnaire. August 28, 2017   How long before the new Confederate memorial in AL is defaced, torn down, destroyed by blm and antifa? Is Alabama courageous or foolish to put a new Confederate memorial up at this time? I don't know which, but it's there and I expect it to be at least defaced within the week. August 28, 2017   Hurray! D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) is suing the " SPLC, GuideStar and Amazon for "defamation, religious discrimination, and trafficking in falsehood" because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has designated (falsely) the DJKM as a "hate group" because they stand for religious freedom and traditional family values. Amazon is being included becaues they "kept the ministry off of its charity donation program, Amazon Smile" using the SPLC's "hate group" designation as the excuse. GuideStar adopted the SPLC's "hate group" designation list in June and marked DJKM on its website as a "hate group". I know the DJKM and I know that they are as far from a "hate group" as can be imagined. They are very loving, forgiving, acccepting and Christ-like, but that doesn't mean that they have to approve of every deviant behavior mankind wants to create. I support DJKM and I stand with them and approve of their law suit. We know that "'Therefore, as a matter of law, religious based opposition to same-sex marriage and the homosexual agenda is not hate speech, but rather is a position that the U.S. Supreme Court has labeled 'decent and honorable,' the suit explained.'"After all, we've seen the SPLC as the liars they are after their designation of Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller's organization as "hate groups" and we know that those labels are intended for nefarious purposes: "While DJKM is a Christian ministry, the implications of the SPLC smear campaign go far beyond the issue of religious freedom. If the SPLC will smear with "hate" labeling any conservative organization, and if GuideStar and AmazonSmile will blindly follow their lead, free speech will become a dead letter."In sticking the label onto Christian people, organizations and ministries the SPLC is trying to silence all Christians and doing their best to promote hatred of those organizations. After all, we've seen how the left/progressives/liberals use the "hate" label as a justification for violence and harm. If the SPLC were to be held accountable for all of the harm their labels brought about they'd be out of business and in jail. I hope the DoJ starts an investigation into the SPLC's part in violence nationwide. August 28, 2017   Content of Cops' Character:   Once again, cops "officers stepped aside" letting antifa "anti-fascist" hate groups to get to those peaceably assembled (exercising their Free Speech, First Amendment rights) and allowing the antifa hate group to physically harm those who were peaceably assembled. The content of the character of those "law enfocement" officers is therefore deemed extremely lacking because they chose to be democrats instead of law enforcement. They chose to obey their chief's orders instead of the law they are personally sworn to uphold. They chose to allow violence instead of protecting those peaceably assembled when they knew that stepping aside would bring about physical bodily harm to those who were doing nothing wrong. Hate trumps the First Amendment when it comes to cops protecting the innocent. Hate trumps the law when it comes to antifa wanting to hurt people who disagree with their leftist/progressive/liberal views. Hate trumps doing their jobs when it comes to obeying the law they swore to uphold and they show the content of their character. Shame on them! Shame on the "law enforcement officers" who refused to do just that! (BTW, I want to know how much those "antifa" violence mongers were paid per hour by thevilegeorgesoros and themuslimvileone's group to be there and hurt people?) August 28, 2017   I'm so glad that Pres. Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio and I support Sheriff Joe if he decides to run against Sen. Jeff Flake for AZ's second Senate seat. I think that themuslimvileone's charges against Sheriff Arpaio stem from Arpaio's spine to stand against themuslimvileone. Sheriff Joe said things like what's in this fundraising letter against themuslimvileone and themuslimvileone did not like it. That's why themuslimvileone decided to get one of his flackie judges to bring charges against Sheriff Joe. It's amazing that themuslimvileone was prezidunce and decided to side with illegals instead of the law, but he did exactly that. So I hope that Sheriff Joe Arpaio wins the Senate seat and he gets to help vote out themuslimvileone's stupid laws and themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. Wouldn't that be a delicious revenge: for Sheriff Joe Arpaio to cast the deciding vote against themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX? Poetic justice? August 29, 2017   I think that a movie about leaving Westboro Baptist "Church" isn't worth wasting the time, energy and effort on, but hollyweird thinks differently. I agree with the people who left the "church" but I disagee with doing a movie about it because it just brings the "church" back into the limelight where it loves to be. I consider the movie a bad idea and I think that they should cancel it and let WB"C" die on the vine from lack of attention. I consider WB"C" totally outside of the "church" designation and just as specious a "church" as is scientology. I don't consider either of them worthy of the "church" designation. Considering what Leah Remini is disclosing about scientology they should lose their designation and WB"C" should, too. August 28, 2017   I think that Pres. Trump has been listening to his loved ones too much and that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump need to leave the White House and just be there as guests and family members, but not as advisors. They're helping kickout the good people and keep the bad people who will steer Pres. Trump in the wrong direction, influence him toward progressivism (as they are) and allow those who like Islamic terrorism to have a victory. Gorka's exit was a bad move and it should not have happened. Jared wanted it so it happened. I think that is a bad sign. Is Pres. Trump turning back into the duck I said he was in April 2016? I hope not. He was doing well for a while there. Let's see what happens and if he starts listening to KellyAnn Conway and those with similar goals and beliefs, or if she's the next exit we get to bemoan. August 28, 2017   England:   Do they try to do the wrong thing or are they just that hapless, or just plain stupid? They put a Christian girl into Muslim household as they put her into foster care. They removed her cross, put her into a household that doesn't speak English and in which the woman is under the veil and under control of the male of the house. The girl is five; only four years until she can be "married" to the male of the household and their "relationship" consummated! Is England really that dumb? Apparently the actions of the child services folks there prove that they ARE! This little girl is doomed to be "married to" and raped by the household male and there is nothing England will do to stop it unless enough of a ruckus is raised about their stupidity and the CHRISTIAN GIRL is removed from the Muslim house and allowed to be fostered by a Christian relative (whom she does have) or fostered in a Christian household. That's the facts of Islamic belief: nine-years-old and consummation go hand in hand. That is what this little girl has to look forward to. England, you're full of idiots. August 28, 2017   clintOOn:   Once again that family's idiocy rears its vacuum-spaced head. chelsea's tweet make it sound as though she spent a year in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's jail. She has a college degree (from Harvard, no less!) and she can't put together 140 characters into a comprehensive message? Really? Apparently, all of that alleged education did nothing to help. Of course, those who know her say say "'stupid' is an understatement". No wonder she gets upset when people laugh at her. Is there an axiom somewhere that says that you know you're stupid when you're too stupid to know it, if not, there should be one about her! (BTW, did you know there are two explanations about why her mother chose the name "Chelsea" for her?) August 28, 2017   You need to read this article, Daniel Greenfield's "The Church of the Left". Read it and learn. Read it and realize what's happening in America and learn to fight back! Stand up for what you believe in with your words, your votes and with your money! Don't vote for someone who is going to vote with and for the left at every opportunity. Don't support anyone who is going to use your money to act against you. Don't sit silently and hope that someone else says what you want to say, or what you're thinking. Speak up! Stand up! Use your voice, money and vote to defeat the left and stand up for America! August 28, 2017   I'll close with that for today. I hope to see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 25, 2017: 12:27 a.m.   Flag Friday:   Sorry I've missed more days. Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 334: City Solitary". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I hope to see you later today. We've been making slow but steady progress with the master bedroom redecorations and it's turning out beautifully. The house is a mess with master bedroom clothing on a rolling rack in the family room, along with my hats in hat boxes, and the things we decided to donate to a local charity in three boxes/bins are there, too. The living room is full of things that came out of our bedroom, but we don't know how much of it is going back in yet. The hallway has flooring, paint cans (full and almost empty) and baseboard that blocked my office door for two days. We have almost everything we need to complete the room except the new closet doors, the Schuler cabinets we ordered, and the time to get it done as quickly as we wish. Between that and the issues we have to work for our Georgia deal, well, let's just say that there have been other things I've focused on for a few days. Hope to see you here later today because if all goes well, I'll be able to do updates! August 25, 2017: 3:46 p.m.   LOL! That's too funny! Remember when Canadian Prime Minister, Gary Trudeau, was welcoming immigrants with open arms? Well, the bills are starting to come in for that nonsense and now he's retracting that welcome because he's finally realized that actions have consequences! Tough lesson to learn when your people are having to pay "nearly $2.6 million (Canadian) per month" for only 4,000 immigrants seeking asylum. Just think what the cost would be for the whole number! Yeow! Canadians are going to be hurting because all of those "refugees" have to find housing, food, clothing, medical care, etc., but until they do so their people are taxed to pay for their welfare status. That's a huge chunk out of the average Canadians' spending ability. If he has the ability to buy a new car and pay the $350 monthly payment now, he's not going to be able to when the total bill and all of the other immigrants get their share. Poor shlubs. The Canadians are paying for their leader's stupidity. August 25, 2017   President Donald J. Trump:   What is he doing? I thought he was going to be more Conservative than to continue anything themuslimvileone was doing besides normal bodily functions. Now he's funding the food desert program lie? No. That's not something he should be doing. People on welfare buy the food they want to eat and not what the government says they should eat and that's why they don't eat fruit and veggies. They don't want to eat fruit and veggies or they would buy them in the first place! Throwing more money at the "problem" is not going to change their choices. Education may help, but just giving the program more of our hard earned dollars won't do squat unless you change the choices of those on the program. Let us not do stupid more than once. Let us choose instead to make food stamps (especially for single people with no children) a diminishing return program. If you don't go out and get a job, your food stamps gradually diminish to nothing. This could happen over a period of two years. When you first apply, you get the full amount. Each month you do not have proof of employment afterward you get a percentage less in taxpayer help. At the end of two years all help ends because you don't have a job. I think that if you are a single, childless person that should be enough time to be able to get a job. Exceptions would be allowed for a very few people. I think that if our U.S. military veterans who are without a limb or otherwise severely injured in your service can go out and get jobs then the able bodied, or those who make excuses, among us who want to sit at home and do nothing except get their welfare checks, live in government housing and watch television should be kicked out of that housing, lose all welfare help and not get food stamps after two years. Then they'd have to get off their backsides and do something to support themselves. August 25, 2017   Lookie there. My hubby's walking up the driveway. Well, I guess I'm surprisingly finished for today. Sorry about that. Have a great weekend! I'll be working on my master bedroom. Maybe we'll get the flooring down as we've had planned for a while now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 22, 2017: 3:46 p.m.   Just a few blurbs today because it's been a busy day and it's going to stay that way. We have to go get more paint to finish the ceiling in the closet (pale blue), paint for the wall color because we have some little touch ups to do, and special order the closet doors, the crown moulding, baseboard and get the tape for the floor underlayment. We ordered the new closet organizer last night and it will be here in the next week or so, and the flooring is in the hallway. All that's left is waiting for the cabinets to come in and for us to install them. That will take another three weeks. Hopefully they get here before we leave for our cruise! Yeah. Lots of stuff happening this year at our house. Last August we purchased the lot next to us, and since then it's been a very eventful year. This is all still amazing to me and I thank GOD every day that He is blessing us. We've learned so much about Him and who He is since finding Joseph Prince's ministry and we have changed what we believe about GOD and since our change in beliefs we've been showered with blessings to such an extent that we talk often about how incredible this experience has been. I never realized that believing in GOD's grace as something besides salvation, but as a whole life of blessing, protection, favor, forgiveness and health before finding Joseph Prince. Now we see Joseph Prince's teachings in action because we believe in the grace of GOD for all things, not just saving our souls from damnation. It's incredible. Watch a few of the teachings of Joseph Prince and see what you think for yourself. Research as I did and see if he is speaking truth, lies, mumbojumbo, or heresy. I found truth and it changed our lives. August 22, 2017   Mob Rule:   Why is America bowing down and kissing the backsides of the few, the offended, the leftist rabble-rousers? Why is it that instead of locking them up, the government - federal, state, county and city - are saying "Yes. Whatever you want. Just don't hurt us!"? This needs to stop. It used to be that we had a rule of law; now it's the rule of the lawless! Why? We're changing our monuments - or the leftists are changing them for us - and it's become those who are willing to hurt people and break things (NOTE: Cached page because I can't get to Heritage the normal way. Is google messing with Heritage Foundation's search engine results? You can't get to an article there because every search result for them takes you straight to their "Join Us" page and nowhere else. Sounds to me like if that's the game they're playing Heritage should be suing them.) who are in control. That's not just wrong, it's stupid! What happened to the rule of law? What happened to not defacing public property? Those statues belong to all of us and not just those who are allegedly "offended" by them. Your taxpayer dollars serve to keep them up, to fix them, to mow the grass around them or repair the cement sidewalk to them. Why are the leftists/progressives/liberals who are willing to break the law and hurt people and break things allowed to do so instead of locking all of them up as soon as they do anything that crosses the legal line? Arrest them all and make their fines steep and climbing for every offense and maybe they'll stop this nonsense! Maybe. August 22, 2017   PayPal:   Speaking of lefties/progressives/liberals, PayPal decided to back down from its ban on Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller's website as well. They faced a huge backlash and a lot of questions that they couldn't answer - and lost some business, I'm sure - so now they've decided that maybe they can let Jihad Watch and Geller's website and other sites they were banning to collect donations through them. Victory for the good guys. August 22, 2017   In a victory for the bad guys, though, there will be no "America First" rallies Saturday, September 9th because of all of the leftist/progressive/liberal nut jobs who have vowed to attend and hurt people and break things. It's not an exercise in free speech the left wants. It's an exercise in "violence is control". The problem is still the city/county/state governments who do nothing except help the left commit their illegal deeds and hurt people and break things. We have the cops to blame for this. If they were people of character instead of just taking orders and allowing those in the Conservative side to be injured until they fight back, then there would be none of this violence happening. Cops are supposed to be the "Thin Blue Line" and not the "Thin Democratic Blue Line". There is a difference! August 22, 2017   Hubby's home. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 21, 2017: 2:58 p.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Yet another HUD official caught using YOUR money for her benefit. There's a long history of HUD people being corrupt and that tells me that it should be shut down or at the very least revamped with greater oversight from more honest... Woops. Sorry. "More honest" government officials or agencies? What am I thinking? It's this kind of thing that makes the powers that be think they have to raise the debt ceiling. mitch mcCONnell wants to do so, hopefully against President Donald J. Trump's wishes, and we all know that ROTTEN ryan will go along with it because that's what his puppetmaster, bonehead boehner, would do. It's ridiculous that they no longer consider our dollars as being our dollars, but instead as something that they can reach into our pockets anytime they so desire and take as much as they want. Don't ya' love big government and all the spending they love to do at your expense? Maybe mcCONnell's low poll numbers will finally result in him being voted out of office and being replaced by a True Conservative! Wouldn't that be nice? August 21, 2017   Judicial Watch and other organizations are trying to help clean up the voter rolls around the nation. Georgia is one of the places they're trying to help accomplish that goal. Remember a few weeks ago they told us about California counties with more voters registered than vote-eligible residents: "11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%)."There are problems nationwide with voter rolls and the fact that there are supervisors of elections around the nation who will turn their elections over to a political party's victory as opposed to an honest election (as in these eleven CaliMarxifornia counties) is an abomination. We need to be able to trust our elections. We need to be able to say with confidence that there is no one voting who should be voting, there is no one voting more than once in any way, shape, or form, and that there are no election officials who "find" election ballots who are "finding" ballots that were not legally cast. Those "found" ballots are so very suspicious because they seem to come in so very handy in tight elections, or where there is a possibility of the leftist/progressive/liberal candidate losing. If we can't have election integrity (remember: "integrity" means "firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values" (thanks, Merriam-Webster) and that "code of especially moral" values is the code of law. When we have existing laws that people break - even elected officials - they have to be held accountable and their peons have to be held accountable. If we don't hold elected officials accountable then whom can we hold accountable? Remember that they work for us, not vice versa. We should hold their feet to the fire every time they do the wrong thing instead of the right. August 21, 2017   I wonder what is going on with the U.S. Navy and the collisions their ships have been having. Is this something with their equipment malfunctioning, "operator error", or is it that people were targeting our ships and there is a concerted effort to bump into us? August 21, 2017   The Charlottesville attack of the peaceably assembled statue supporters by the lefties/progressives/liberals has brought to a boil the idea of pushing to destroy monuments to the leadership of the Confederacy or those who owned slaves, part of America's history, and presidents of the past's presence on any public memorial. Problem is that the percentage of supporters for that idea is tiny, compared to the 90% of Americans who support keeping the past presidents on our memorials. It's a reminder that "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" (George Santayana) and if the infinitesimally small number of people who are willing to hurt people and destroy things are willing to continue down this road the whole nation will be doomed to repeat something. The question is what part will we be repeating: the riots and destruction of things and hurting of people, or the slavery? I'm looking at the way the left is pushing their agenda forward and I wonder if it's possible if they are wanting the slavery part back, in reverse: blacks owning whites, or lefties/progressives/liberals owning Conservatives. They support ISIS and Islam, who also supports slavery. What will prevent this from happening? It has to be the Conservatives with a voice. We have to stand up and talk to our family members, friends, neighbors, etc., in an effort to spread the word, the ideas of Conservatism may vary from person to person and you may have your ideas while I have mine, but there are always similarities and the core value of most Conservatives' lives is this: there must be an unchanging moral core upon which we base our decisions and that moral core guides us in every decision. Whether that agrees with what you think about the core of Conservativism is something that we can discuss, but we do not have to agree on everything to both be Conservative. However, we must be willing to stand up and say, "No! This line you do not cross!" Or, to quote Gandalf, "You shall not pass!" That's what it is we have to be ready, willing and able to do. We cannot allow the decline of our nation via the lefties/progressives/liberals' actions in order to just get along with those who would destroy her! If you love your children and grandchildren you will start standing up for their futures! August 21, 2017   Do you use PayPal? If so, they're censoring and crippling Conservative, Robert Spencer, disallowing him from accepting donations via their system. PayPal based its decision on the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center's [my bolding]) assertions that Robert Spencer (prolific author and anti-jihadist) stop using their services because his organization, Jihad Watch, is allegedly a "hate group". The SPLC is "essentially a fraud" and "the SPLC shuts down debate, stifles free speech, and most of all, raises a pile of money, very little of which is used on behalf of poor people."In other words, it's a leftist/progressive/liberal group with a sweet sounding innocuous name that lures people into thinking that they're "one of the good guys". Bullpuppies. They're no more a "good guy" than is satan. They're leftists who want to move America into communism/Marxism/Stalinism/etc. One look at their website and you can see who they are and how left/progressive/liberal and despicable they are. Look at their board of directors and do more research on them yourself. IF you like free speech and you like having the ability to support Jihad Watch, you may do so via Stripe and help Robert Spencer out. I don't know a lot about Stripe, but I'll be checking into them because I am a PayPal customer and I don't think I want to do business with someone who kicks Robert Spencer out for his exercising his First Amendment rights, since my website is probably as controversial as his. I haven't monetized my website; I accept no donations and I pay for its existence myself. So that's not a PayPal problem. However, if they can drop Robert Spencer as a customer they can do the same to me. Can they do the same to you? Why not call them at 1-800-212-3852 and find out if they'll drop you for your free speech rights? August 21, 2017   Bradley (now "chelsea") manning has decided that America can't be America and that we should have no borders, no prisons, etc. He needs to tour the border area, talk to the parents of those who have been murdered, raped, robbed by the illegal aliens invading our nation, then see what he thinks of his stupid ideas. If that doesn't convince him, then maybe he should go live illegally in Mexico for a while and find out what their immigration laws are and how differently they treat their illegal aliens from how we treat ours. (Yes, I'm saying "he" because his DNA is still male. Changing the exterior of a male doesn't change the genetics.) August 21, 2017   Are you happy with the fact that internet companies are breaking "net neutrality" laws? Are you aware that google, GoDaddy and CloudFire (never heard of CloudFire before) decided to censor free speech coming from Conservatives? Does it surprise you? It sickens me that they are doing this. It also sickens me that there is no push back. Why is it always okay for the left/progressives/liberals to do this but when the Conservatives try to do something they are hushed, shamed, smacked down, etc.? It's time that stops. It's time Conservatives' rights are protected and respected as the Founding Fathers intended! August 21, 2017   I'm going to close with that for today. Have to get some things done and I'm not getting it done here. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 18, 2017: 12:10 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering: "Tribute To Our Heroes 333: Silent Midnight". I hope you like it. I thank you for your service and can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! August 18, 2017: 5:12 p.m.   Hubby went in early and came home early so while he's at the store I'll just drop a word or two in here. Can you believe how many scalps the left has taken at the White House since January? It's irking. I wonder if they'll want to rewrite history if they do put on enough pressure to make Pres. Trump step down and then they'll quickly wipe his name from the presidential history books, just as they're doing with the history of America's days of division and slavery. I wonder if they'll ever be satisfied no matter how much "Conservatives" cave and give in to them. I wonder if it's at all actually possible to appease them enough to shut them up. I don't believe we should appease them at all. I believe Bannon should have stayed in office as the Presidential Advisor and I think that those of us on the right should go ahead with our plans and tell the lefties/progressives/liberals to put it where the sun don't shine. That's what Pres. Trump should do: ignore everyone else and keep his promises to us! I'm so tired of the appeasement. Fire the dumboRATS in the administration, they lost the election and shouldn't be in office anymore. Get rid of McMaster and all of the people who are not loyal to Pres. Trump and let's get on with MAGA! If this is not what Pres. Trump does soon he will be out of office because there will be no one there who has his back besides Pence and Pence is not enough! It's time to remember who won! Let's get back to doing what he promised to do and put the rest of the world on IGNORE! Hubby's home again. Fast trip this time. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 17, 2017: 3:35 p.m.   Late start today because I went shooting with Sorrell (with a helper holding my hat) and had a great time, as usual. We really enjoy each other's company and are alike in many ways. We laugh a lot, even at the range, but even with the laughter, we always put safety first. What was nice is that after our shooting, a range officer came up to us and complimented us on our skills and told me I am a good coach for Sorrell. That was so sweet! I've been shooting longer than Sorrell, but she's doing great! She's a great student and has natural skill. She wants me to join a shooting club, or shoot competitively. I don't know. I have only been shooting twice this year and the link here is today's targets, so what thinks you? Let me know. Maybe I'll check it out. Who knows? For now, I'll get started with a few blurbs before my hubby gets home. August 17, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Another terrorist attack; this time in Barcelona, Spain. Just think how many lives could have been saved if people in Spain were allowed to have a handgun to stop the terrorists. Would that not be better? August 17, 2017   Any of the "corporate followers" (they're certainly NOT "leaders") who followed the leftist agenda and dropped out of the President's councils should be held to account for it. If you think it's okay for the corporate world to abandon the goal of helping the MAGA goal because they're afraid of the lefties/progressives/liberals who are whining about President Donald J. Trump's "not strong enough" condemnation of the skinhead who murdered that young lady and injured others, then support the corporate followers and their businesses. IF on the other hand you believe that it takes courage, strength and personal responsibility to stand with the President and work toward a better America, then think about joining me in choosing to not use those products, or visit their businesses. Personally, I have some Campbell's soup that is going into the trash can, but it's up to you. August 17, 2017   I Stand With Israel:   Hurray! Judicial Watch is suing the DH[IN]S for records on the BDS movement. BDS = Boycott, Disinvest and Sanction Israel which will result in Israel's economic ruin. That's the goal; the total destruction of Israel. Those involved in it are usually leftists/progressives/liberals and they don't want Israel to be a success because they realize that if you get rid of Israel then Islam has total control of that area. That would not be good for America, but that doesn't seem to bother them. If half of the lefties/progressives/liberals had the brains to figure out that GOD is for Israel and that we are commanded to be pro-Israel, too, then maybe they'd fall into line with GOD. I doubt they'd do so because a lot of them are atheists. The other problem is the fact that the lefties/progressives/liberals think that if we just treat Islam differently, if we're "nicer" to them, then Islam would straighten up and fly right. Sure they would. Islam would straighten out enough to come enslave or kill them, too. Duh! August 17, 2017   Fake News:   The absolute, total, irredeemable morons at cnn are saying that the Barcelona attack is a "copycat" of Charlottesville! IF the Islamic terrorists of Barcelona's attack were copying Charlottesville, then how did a previous truck attack happen on France's Bastille Day on July 15, 2016? Morons! How is it always that cnn blames America for violence but not the terrorists who are famous for and proud of their murderous ways and who did that Bastille Day truck attack last year and many other truck attacks? No, of course cnn blames a nutjob here in America for inspiring the Islamic terrorists in Barcelona and there is no other possible answer for why they did it besides "copying Charlottesville". cnn is such a lame excuse for news that I'm shocked - shocked! - that anyone bothers spending the electricity on watching them! IMHO, cnn watchers are as lame as the network itself! August 17, 2017   I used to respect bill kristol. Since themuslimvileone ran for office, kristol has done a switcheroo and is no longer interested in the truth and helping make the country great again (MAGA), but he does have an intense interest in "staying relevant" and he is trying to keep his face in the public no matter what it takes to stay there. He's a sad case of fame addiction but, to me, he has compromised way too much with the lefties/progressives/liberals and he's lost my respect so I can't stand listening to him anymore. Everything I see of his lately is negative against Pres. Donald J. Trump and against everything I believe in and want for America. To me, kristol is a traitor, but that's just IMHO. He used to espouse similar core beliefs to my own. Now he espouses nothing but leftist/progressive/liberal tripe. Did he sell out or do they have something on him? August 17, 2017   Charlottesville:   For those of you who have been wondering what "antifa" is, Brandon Darby explains it and tells us about their background. Basically, they're no different than "Occupy Wall Street" and "Black Lives Matter" or any other for hire leftist group. thevilegeorgesoros or any other dumboRAT calls up the "Rent-a-Mob" people and there are buses dispatched full of people being paid $25 hourly to protest in Charlottesville! So was the young lady who died there actually "standing up for what she believes in" as is being said about her (creating a leftist saint) or was she just making some extra money on the side via showing up to stand around and yell for a couple of hours? Will we ever know? Apparently, the NYT has researched and found out that it wasn't just nazis and skinheads who were standing up for the statue in Charlottesville, but there were others there who defended the history and the truth of America's past. ("Those who do not learn from...") so - again - Pres. Trump was correct when he said that there were "some fine people on both sides" there. Shock. Surprise. The lefties/progressives/liberals were wrong again and jumped to the wrong conclusions again. What is that the trillionth time? Not only do they jump to the wrong conclusions, but they approve of the violence "antifa" (Rent-A-Mob) was committing against the peaceful rally goers. Isn't it always okay for the left but never for the right? August 17, 2017   I'm going to make this the last blurb for today because it's good news and I want to end on an upbeat note. President Donald J. Trump has given U.S. military veterans expanded college assistance so that they can have a better life after they serve our country. That's excellent for them and for America! MAGA is working! August 17, 2017   Have a good evening and I'll see you later for the Flag Friday post. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 16, 2017: 2:39 p.m.   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   How old is your vehicle? Is it over seven years old? Is it over ten? Is it a luxury sports vehicle that costs loads of money? If you're the average American your vehicle is probably 11.5 years old and it's not a luxury sports car. Although, even though you don't drive a new luxury sports car you have been paying for them: "A foreign company hired by the U.S. government to mentor and train Afghan intelligence officers billed Uncle Sam for more than $50 million in luxury cars — including Porsches, an Aston Martin, and a Bentley — and the lucrative salaries of executives and their spouses (who didn’t do any work). The firm also spent $1,500 on alcohol and $42,000 on automatic weapons prohibited under the terms of the contract, according to figures provided by a U.S. Senator from a federal audit that has not been released to the public."Is it any wonder you've been eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the last six years? August 16, 2017   Charlottesville, VA:   Putting the truth to the Gov. mcauliffe LIE that the nazi/skinhead/etc. rally participants had weapons stashed around the city, the Virginia State Police denied Gov. mcauliffe's assertion. There also was no "better equipment" being carried/worn by the nazis/skinheads/etc., according to the VA State Police. Gov. mcauliffe needs to stop lying through his teeth and admit that it was those who came to protest the rally who started the violence. I wish things had ended differently and without anyone hurt or dead. Whether we agree with their ideals or not, the fact is that the nazis/skinheads/kkk had a permit to assemble and were doing so peacefully. It wasn't I who gave them the permit, and I totally disapprove of their ideals and beliefs. However, we have men and women who have died to protect their First Amendment right to free speech and allowing them to be attacked until they decide to fight back in a deplorable way and to disallow those we disagree with from exercising their First Amendment rights is a slap in the face to those who have paid the price to protect those rights! We must allow those we disagree with to peaceably assemble and speak. Do we need to give them special privileges or special, seperate laws? No! By no means! But to peaceably assemble and to speak their minds we must allow, or we deny the courageous, loving sacrifice of those who paid the price! Those who came and started throwing the bags of urine are the people who should be reviled in this case. People like themuslimvileone's supporter who helped make the violence happen should be under fire, not those who were peaceably assembled until the leftist/progressive/liberal troublemakers started their nonsense. August 16, 2017   If the lefties/progressives/liberals are serious about the whole erasure of history - any history - that they don't like, specifically racist history right now, they have to be willing to have it effect those they idolize. They should remove twelve memorials that commemoriate known racists. Otherwise, they are being hypocrites. Oh! Did I say that? August 16, 2017   BTW, if the lefties want to destroy every monument to the past, every reminder of our history, how long will it take for them to demand our money be free of our Founding Fathers' images? Is this something you want? Do you want to relearn the look of our money, again? August 16, 2017   Russia probe:   Well, it's suffering its first hiccup: its top FBI investigator has left. Bye-bye. Gone. Au revoir. Ciao. Adios. Maybe he'll come out and tell what he found objectionable that would explain why he up and quit something the lefties/progressives/liberals want so much. Maybe he'll come out and tell us what they've been finding about hilloserclintOOn and that the investigation has shifted. Maybe that's the truth of the matter and maybe he liked it or didn't like it. Truth is, the investigation - if it's truly looking for the truth - will find stuff against hilloserclintOOn and they'll wind up prosecuting her, instead of the trash they're going for against Pres. Donald Trump. August 16, 2017   Those who are stupid enough to try to remove and hide destroy the truth of our history ("Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" - Santayana) are also stupid enough to mistake a peace monument for a "pro-Confederate statue". If some of these protestors (bought and paid for by the likes of "Organizing for America" - themuslimvileone's group - and thevilegeorgesoros) had half a brain they'd be able to tie their own shoes instead of having to wear slip-ons. SMH. August 16, 2017   If "racism" is so important and repugnant to the lefties/progressives/liberals, how about they protest ESPN for the auction of black men in their Fantasy Football set-up? After all, it was kinda' like having a slave auction, was it not? People on the block and going for pennies on the dollar? Why are they not protesting the black "comedians" who use the "N-word" as a laugh line? Why are they not protesting TV shows that depict the black family as broken instead of a healthy, functioning, caring unit with a Mom and Dad (female and male, respectively) with however many kids that the two of them had together after they were married and the Mom and Dad 40 years of wedded bliss instead of 40 days of an extended overnighter? Why is it only the actions of certain people who get protested? Again, bought and paid for, bussed in to do the bidding of the powerful leftist/progressive/liberal puppetmasters instead of thinking for themselves. When will the "useful idiots" brain up? August 16, 2017   Former Congressman, Corrine Brown, was found guilty on 18 of the 22 charges against her back in May of this year. She wanted a new trial or to have the convictions thrown out, but the judge denied that. Will she be spending time in prison? Or will she find a way to plead "racism" and get off scott free? What do you think? August 16, 2017   Personally, I wish mcmaster would go away. I don't like him. I don't trust him. I don't think that he's loyal to President Donald J. Trump considering that he is firing all of the Pres. Trump loyalists in the N[IN]SC. It's mcmaster who should be gone, not those loyal to Pres. Trump and America. August 16, 2017   Total Eclipse:   The eclipse will take place on August 21, 2017 and there are all kinds of fears surrounding it. Authorities are afraid of everything from traffic backups to medical emergency preparedness to animal attacks. Yeah. It's almost like we're living in the Middle Ages because of all of the hype surrounding this non-event. Why can't people seem to remember that it's a natural phenomenon and that it's nothing to be afraid of and that if they tell people "go arounds" for the traffic stuff, post cops to direct traffic, redirect to detours those who are there for the viewing and need a place to park, remind people to not look directly at the eclipse as it happens and watch where they're going and other common sense things, then it's not going to be a big thing. It's going to be an eclipse of the sun, hopefully not a tragedy. Let us apply some slim amount of wisdom to this. Me? I've learned my lesson. I've seen one and not interested in seeing another. August 16, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Unfortunately for America the republiRATS in the House and Senate have been all talk, no action when it comes to repealing this piece of garbage and they've broken their promises of the last seven years while blaming Pres. Trump and us for their inaction. Isn't that special? This means that the subsidies will continue, as insurance companies consider leaving it, or leave it altogether in some states. Insurers have been learning that no matter the promises, the hopes they had, the lies told to Americans about keeping their doctors, etc., themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is just not working. It's time this thing be killed by the House and Senate and give it a swift death instead of a painful, lingering, bit by bit gangrenous death that hurts more people, states and companies than it otherwise would have. It's time to shoot it in the head and get it over with. August 16, 2017   Hurray! Denis Prager wins! He gets to conduct an almost-sold out orchestral piece tomorrow night at the Santa Monic Symphony Orchestra! There are only two rows that are not sold and the orchestra board and most of the orchestra stood with Denis Prager and that is a great thing! I'm hoping that there won't be a bunch of liberal loonies who will disrupt the performance tomorrow night, making fools of themselves and preventing what should be a relaxing, enjoyable evening for thousands of people. August 16, 2017   I'll close with Prager's (hopefully) good news because my hubby just got home. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 15, 2017: 3:13 p.m.   Probably just a few blurbs today because I have to go get the flooring that came in yesterday, but we didn't know about its arrival until this morning. They called last night, but apparently I was... indisposed... and we didn't see that they had called just before nine and we wouldn't have had time to get up there to get it anyways. Oh, well. We will be ordering our cabinets and picking up our flooring and some more primer so that we can finish the painting that was delayed by buying my mother-in-law's property. All kinds of fun and a lot of work, but it's well worth it. I'm looking forward to the finished product and, as I said, I'll post pics when it's finished. Let's get started. August 15, 2017   I admit that I find this chain of events a SMH moment. President Donald J. Trump retweeted a cartoon that someone had changed to reflect Pres. Trump's winning against CNN and because of the "sensitivities" of the post-Charlottesville vehicular homicide the lefties/progressives/liberals are all up in arms. Truth: The original cartoon was of the dumboRATS trying to stop the "Trump Train" and not succeeding. I wonder which they are more irritated about: the "sensitivity" portion of the alleged "bad timing" for retweeting the image, or the fact that it was of the dumboRATS' incapability to stop Pres. Trump. Kinda' makes one go "Hmmm...". August 15, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   Considering the fact that he has now backed down from his threats and is biding his time until he starts the threats again, I think President Donald J. Trump's words of strength were a very good deterent for the TTT's threats. I wish Pres. Trump would do the same to the msm and lefties/progressives/liberals here. Just stand up to them and tell them what-for as he used to. Now he's listening to those who back down, undo tweets and apologize or redo statements. He needs to do Donald J. Trump more often than he is currently. That's the guy we want in office, not someone who is listening to the spineless panty-wastes whose advice he seems to be currently taking. Spine up, America! Spine up! August 15, 2017   It's amazing (and disgusting) to me that bernie sanders is considering another run for prezidunce. He is pushing his socialist agenda via promising Medicare for all and wants to make America a socialist country. That's not something I agree with. It's something that is repugnant to me and to a lot of Americans who prefer freedom to very high taxes and government control over everything. America was founded on the government being controlled by the people, people who have rights given to them by GOD and whose rights were delineated in the U.S. Constitution and its amendments, and not on the idea of taxing everyone so much that we can't survive here and we have to work all year to survive and give the government 65% of our earnings so that they can pay for everyone's everything. Look at any country with socialized medicine and you'll see long waits for operations, euthasia legalized and pushed, and people's children being forced via the medical system and the courts to die because their system thinks that the cost of treatment is too high and that child is not valuable to the system because it can't pay taxes. That's what socialized medicine leads to and we've seen it way too often that death becomes the government-sanctioned choice instead of paying to keep someone alive. As far as I'm concerned, sanders can take his socialized medicine and shove it where the sun don't shine, but apparently hilloserclintOOn and dws do! August 15, 2017   Why is it that so many FOX News people are doing stupid? I haven't seen FOX for a long time because we got rid of our satellite dish a while back (at least two or three years ago). I know that Roger Ailes left amidst allegations that I bet were never true in the first place, but the left knows it's an effective tool to use against those on the right to accuse them of sexual harrassment so they coordinated the attack to get rid of him. As he left, from what I can tell, FOX News went downhill quickly. They were already going down slowly, but since Ailes' departure, they took off the brakes, totally got rid of all restraints, and are headed downhill at breakneck speed and seemingly enjoying the ride. That's no way to stay in business when you're allegedly a Conservative news organization. FOX News: I predict that within three years you'll have a hard time staying in business and you will be looking for someone to buy you since few are interested in financing your folly. August 15, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Did you know that the feds have again collected a record high in payroll and income taxes in the first seven months of this year? Why is that when we have nothing - nothing - getting accomplished by the House and Senate? Why is that? They won't repeal themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, they won't pass tax reforms, they won't do anything that President Donald J. Trump and those of us who voted for him want, yet they still need all this money? For what? What is it they're going to do with this money when they refuse to do what America wants? Look at that sentence again: what will they do with the money since they refuse to do what America wants? Does that not leave but one thing: what America does NOT want? Why are we paying taxes? To be made to pay more? August 15, 2017   Catholicism:   I don't understand how any priest can consider the confession of a sexual assault against a child something to be protected with the excuse and covering of the "sacredness of the confessional". When Jesus said "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."I think that speaks volumes as to how Jesus feels about children and how much He cherishes them. I think that any priest, pastor, or anyone who knows about child sexual abuse and hides it in any way should consider the consequences and I think that they should have to pay a price for hiding it. It's called "accessory after the fact" and priests who hear the confession of child sexual abuse (or rape of anyone) should have to turn them into authorities or face ten years in prison. No priest is above the law. Romans 13 states: "1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."Priests should obey GOD and His instruction to obey the law! August 15, 2017   As I said just a few blurbs today and I was correct. My hubby just got home. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 14, 2017: 2:35 p.m.   I will never condone anyone starting violence against another human or against the American flag. I will always condone someone defending themselves against the violence started by someone else against them. That being said, I will remind you that until the lefties showed up and started throwing bags of urine and the left started the violence, the Charlottesville rally was a very peaceful event. It was the left that started the violence and it was the left who usually does start the violence. Sometimes those on the right wind up paying the ultimate price. This time it was a young lady who paid the price. I am sorry for the lady who died and my condolences go out to her loved ones. The "alt-right" people had a permit that a judge said was okay for them to receive and until the left started the violence it was all going smoothly. The fact that the police chief and mayor told the police to not protect the "alt-right" until ordered to, A.K.A. "stand down", is despicable and the blood of that young woman is on the police chief's and mayor's hands as much as it is on the hands of the crazy racist who mowed her down. When the police allow violence from the left toward the right, the right is being labeled as the "property of the left" and, just like slavery, the left is allowed to do whatever they want to those who disagree with them and it's okay with those who are supposed to enforce the laws. So the left owns the right nowadays, and as seen in many incidents of leftist/progressive/liberal violence against the right with police standing idly by watching because they were ordered to "stand down", violence is condoned by those in power and those in the msm and the political powers that be. As in slavery, as in domestic violence incidents before the 1990s in which a man was allowed to beat his wife and kids because they were his "property", the right is now the allowed victim, the approved beat-upon, the look-the-other-way of the era. That's how much the left hates civil rights and how much they believe in them. They only want civil rights enforced for a select group who agrees with themselves, and those who disagree, think differently, believe something else, don't have civil rights and can be punched, kicked, beaten, brutalized, have urine thrown on them or any other disgusting and abusive thing the left wants to do as long as it's being done to those who disagree with them. The police won't interfere. The police there apparently value their jobs more than they do the force of law and their oath to enforce those laws. The fact that there was not a single cop who disobeyed those "stand down" orders speaks volumes toward the content of the character of those cops. If I were a resident of Charlottesville I'd be worried about my own safety if that's the character of the police force there. As Rush Limbaugh points out, how far do we go to get rid of the alleged reminders of slavery? Do we ban books and movies as tear down statues and rename buildings, parks and streets? August 14, 2017   "the 'right of law-abiding citizens to keep and to bear arms is not a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees…'"Wow. That's the Ninth Circus (maybe they smoked too much weed before the ruling?)! Those who do not think things through have used the Charlottesville CAR attack to go anti-GUN. Say what? Duh. August 14, 2017   MAGA:   President Donald J. Trump's RAISE Act will increase wages and put millions of Americans to work for years to come. This, according to the "Penn Wharton Budget Model group" who looked at the facts in the Act and how they will impact the future. Add to that the stock market's performance lately and you have some really good news. Pres. Trump is also making judicial appointments for over one-hundred judicial vacancies. If he is appointing people as good a Justice Gorsuch then we'll have our courts straightened out soon! It's about time the lefties/progressives/liberals were ousted from the courts and they are replaced by those who put the law first. It's time to start enforcing the law from the bench! August 14, 2017   hilloserclintOOn:   It may surprise some to know that there is still an ongoing investigation into her e-mail scandal and into what she shared or didn't share with others. That means that while she was using her home server and she was sharing classified info with all and sundry, she still can be held accountable for selling America to the highest bidder. She is still in danger of being held accountable. Will it ever happen? How long can you hold your breath? Actually, I don't know. I hope and pray that all Americans are to be treated the same under the law, no matter who they were, no matter to whom they are married, no matter who their friends. Is she "special", an "untouchable"? So far, she has gotten away with much more than any Republican you can imagine, but she has not been held responsible. Let us hope that she will be held accountable soon. Let us hope that America's laws apply equally; without prejudice or favoritism. August 14, 2017   mitch mcCONnell:   Why can't he get anything done? IMHO, it's because he's kissing the backsides of the lefties/progressives/liberals in the Senate and House, not wanting to upset them and be disinvited from attending their swank soirees. But, there are other opinions out there, and you may also blame TX Sen. John Cornyn, Majority Whip. He's apparently not cracking that whip enough, or maybe he's just not making contact with the business end of it. Whichever, the fact is the Senate has done nothing since Pres. Trump was sworn in, no matter what they promised to get re-elected. RINOs do that. People should remember this when it's time to vote again. August 14, 2017   I don't understand why people think it's okay to blow things up to make their point. It's not just wrong, it's stupid. All blowing things up proves is that you have no regard for the law and you have no regard for anyone or anything besides your own desires. It proves you're a selfish S.O.B. and you should be in prison for carrying out any kind of attack, whether it's just buildings and things destroyed or whether people are injured and killed. You belong in prison for trying to kill people and break things that are not yours. You're selfish and conceited and you know best, and that makes you do things that are horrible. You belong in prison. August 14, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   As they throw homosexuals off the building, or celebrate the deaths of 15 Israelis, or chant "Death to America!" as they increase weapons funding for their terrorist organizations, let us hope that all Islamic terrorist groups collapse as ISIS is allegedly collapsing. I think that Islamic terrorism is not just the world's biggest problem, it is the biggest spiritual problem of the world. Pray that ISIS members will turn from their wickedness and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and give their hearts to Christ. The problem will be solved and there will be much more peace on this earth. August 14, 2017   I wonder why it is that it's Sheriff Joe Arpaio who was convicted of disregarding a court order and not themuslimvileone who was convicted of treason. I wonder why it is that themuslimvileone got a free pass to try to destroy America, instead of Sheriff Joe Apraio who is hoping for a pardon from President Donald J. Trump. It should be themuslimvileone facing jail time for his efforts to destroy America, instead of Sheriff Arpaio for defending her. August 14, 2017   Silicon Valley Elitism:   Those in the computer capital of America apparently think that they are better than and smarter than the rest of us and that they should be the only ones with free speech rights. They are trying to silence those of us who do not think like them. Like Hitler, they want to produce a country -- world? -- of people who think like they want us to think, believe what they want us to believe, work like they want us to work, drive like they want us to drive, etc. They are the engineers of this master race of Silicon Valley sycophants and it's their way or they will shut us up and shut us down. Is that what you want? August 14, 2017   Well, my hubby just got home. I'm going to go spend time with him. Maybe we'll be able to pick up the new Brazillian Cherry hardwood flooring for our master bedroom redecoration project tonight. That would be nice. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 11, 2017: 12:01 a.m.   Missed yesterday as I ran errands for our current project. One of them took over three hours; a lot longer than I scheduled for it. But, that's the way redecorating goes. When you think things are going smoothly it suddenly goes awry. Anyways, I did find time to do my Flag Friday for this week and it's "Tribute To Our Heroes 332: Like Grandpa". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! Hope to see you later today. August 11, 2017: 4:47 p.m.   A later start than I had planned today, but when you're excited and happy about something and can't get to sleep you have to catch up on some shut eye somewhere. I got about four hours of sleep because my hubby is in Georgia buying some of his Grandpa's land (yes, the inspiration for my Flag Friday poem). This is something we never thought we'd do. In fact, when we spoke about it to others or just the two of us, we always said, "What would we do with it?" We literally had no interest in owning it. Then last week my hubby spoke to his Mom and her tone of voice and the worry in it moved his heart and he prayed that if GOD wanted him to buy the land that GOD would move me to tell him a certain thing. Of course, the fleece my hubby asked for concerned me so he couldn't tell me but ten minutes after he prayed that prayer, I said to him the exact words he had asked GOD to tell him, even though we had both agreed that buying that land was something we would not be interested in. I told him, without knowing about the fleece, that if he thought GOD wanted him to buy the land that he can do so, it's okay with me. Those were the exact words my hubby asked to hear! He waited over five hours to tell me about his prayer and since then neither of us have been able to sleep because we're so excited about doing something we never wanted to do! When something is good and right in GOD's eyes, suddenly it becomes exciting and wonderful in your own eyes, too. So, we're in the process of buying the portions of my hubby's Grandpa's farm that we can buy. We'd be the third generation to own it and we're trying to buy all of the five pieces the land was divided into so that each of his children got a portion. One piece already sold outside of the family but my hubby is telling them that if ever they want to sell we're interested in buying it. We want to put together a family land trust so that the land stays in the family bloodline in perpetuity. Anyone who owns it will have to be a direct descendant of Grandpa's. I think he'd like that very much. I loved my hubby's Grandpa very much and I think this would honor his memory perfectly. Thus, the lack of sleep, the excitement and distractedness. Add to that the redecorating of our master bedroon and there's a lot going on in our lives right now. So, let's get started for today's updates and as I learn more about the land trust I'll let you know. August 11, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   He keeps threatening and threatening and the lefties/progressives/liberals shake in their shoes. Meanwhile, President Donald J. Trump (love saying that!) is standing firm and unafraid of the TTT's threats and warnings. In doing so, Pres. Trump is winning and making it clear that America is going to protect herself and her territories as well as other nations in the TTT's crosshairs or way. The TTT needs to be sure that if he launches an attack he is already in a safe spece for himself because his nation will pay a very high price. It isn't just America saying so, it's the rest of the world, too. Maybe the TTT should rethink his blustery moves. He may have a spoiled brat ego, but is he that stupid? I suppose the world will find out soon enough. August 11, 2017   BENGHAZI:   It's about time we get the "Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" from hilloserclintOOn and Judicial Watch is succeeding in doing so. It's time that America - and the families of the victims - get to see exactly what went on at the time and what (if anything) she or themuslimvileone and his administration did about it. Personally, I think they did nothing. They didn't care because it wasn't something that 1) they didn't expect, 2) hilloserclintOOn and themuslimvileone gave a crap about and 3) they agreed that four American lives was a small price to pay for allowing Islam to have its way in the world. Personally, I think that hilloserclintOOn sent Ambassador Stevens over there knowing the danger he would be in because he knew something about her and she did not protect his location. That act alone, to me, speaks volumes. August 11, 2017   Judicial Watch is also supporting the transparency push of an audit of CaliMarxifornia's judicial disciplinary board. They have been "operating in secret" for fifty-six years although they are funded via taxpayer dollars. That means that there has been no oversight, no one holding them accountable, no way to determine if there has ever been a judge disciplined by that board at all! How can any agency get taxpayer dollars and not be held accountable for fifty-six years? That's not just disgusting, it's wrong and it should never have happened! If you are going to pay for something, you have the right to know what that something can do, has done, will do, is doing. For that organization - and other taxpayer funded entities and employees - to try to prevent the people paying the bills from finding out what they are up to is wrong. IMHO, any taxpayer funded agency that refuses to be audited, plays games that push back the audit's happening, or tries to remain opaque needs to be defunded and shut down. Of course, we are talking about CaliMarxifornia, so the people don't care about transparency, all they care about is being PC. As long as the agency supports that, the people are fine. August 11, 2017   Wait. What's this? (Gasp!) Another dumboRAT in legal trouble? I thought dumboRATs were pure as the wind-driven snow, but apparently not. Of course, that list didn't include bullybobclintOOn and his impeachment for lying under oath which we all know he did but the republiRATS in the Senate didn't have the courage to convict him. It also didn't include anthony weiner and others. It's amazing that the lefties/progressives/liberals cast so much dirt on Republicans (real ones, not RINOs/republiRATS), when their own house in a total mess. August 11, 2017   I thought I'd share a good giggle with you today. You may like to go into the weekend with those memes in your head. August 11, 2017   I think that men and women are created differently by GOD and that women were not supposed to be in combat positions; especially not those that demand intense physical activity for long periods of time without rest. A female Navy Seal applicant has dropped out of the training program. I don't understand why women are so determined that they can do everything a man can do (and do it better) when the truth is there are things that women will never be able to do (father a child, for instance) and things a man will never be able to do (I'm talking DNA male, born male and not surgically made to resemble a male) like conceive a baby. There are doctors working on fixing that, but that doesn't mean that it was a natural thing. Without surgical intervention men will never be able to be "Moms" and I think that the doctors working on that are being Dr. Frankensteins; doing things that were never meant to be doing and considering the high number of transgender suicides and the Hippocratic Oath to "do no harm" how can doctors continue down the road to their patients' destruction? I think the medical community needs to take a step back and examine carefully the road they've taken in this area and reconsider continuing. If a 40%+ suicide rate is not enough evidence that gender-reassignment surgery is doing harm then I don't know what would be convincing evidence. Agree? August 11, 2017   Seriously? People are paying for this? Maybe its move up the charts is because people realize just how noisy their lives have become. Maybe people realize that a little peace and quiet is a good thing. I don't know. I just hope that people realize they can get the same thing for free. August 11, 2017   MAGA:   President Donald J. Trump has been doing away with regulations and that's good for America. It means more freedom for us. He's also made it possible for American businesses to have great successes and when they have successes, we do too. More Americans are employed than the whole span of themuslimvileone's administration and that's good for all of us, too. America is coming back and it's a great thing! August 11, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   If it's not dead because the House and Senate killed it, it's killing itself in that it is losing insurers left, right and center. Insurance companies are leaving hand over fist and soon "1,409 counties, over 40 percent of counties nationwide, will only have one health insurer on [themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX] exchanges."That's themuslimvileone's plan: Kill health insurance for all so that the government would have to take it over. Step one toward the socialism he wanted to take us to, then on to communism, and finally, Shariaism. That's where we were headed until November 8th of last year. I'm so glad President Donald J. Trump is in the White House! He's taking us away from that path and onto a better road! August 11, 2017   Well, I'm going to close with that for today. I have things to do. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 9, 2017: 12:31 p.m.   Missed yesterday because I went and got another crown. My tooth had a few fractures in it, but they were stable until I clenched my teeth at night after that $900 was taken out of our account fraudulently. That made me clench my teeth so hard as I slept that I woke up with sore teeth and a sore mouth. It also destabilized the fractures and made them wider and it was time to deal with it. Yesterday I spent 2.5 hours at the dentist's office and got a new crown. My dentist has the best toys! I watched as a new machine carved out my crown and made it look like my tooth and then they "cooked" it and within twenty-five minutes of starting the machine, my new crown was ready to be fitted. That used to take two weeks because they used to send molds off to a labratory that would make the crown and send it back and I'd have to go back in. I watched as the machine carved my crown out and it was fascinating. I want one, but they say that those machines cost as much as a house. Yikes! Sorry about missing yesterday, but I think you understand. August 9, 2017   themuslimvileone:   I admit that I hoped against hope that he would go away, disapear into the obscurity of post-preziduncy silence, dissipate like the fog of a spring morning, but no. He will not go away. He has to make sure his destruction of America is complete, can't be turned around, undone, corrected, obliterated. He has to keep working to destroy your future and everything you hoped for. He wants the government to keep taxing you more and more and more, instead of allowing some of your hard earned money to stay in your pocket, he wants the government to take it all. That's despicable, IMHO, but it is what themuslimvileone wants. Why can't he just disappear into obscurity? He needs to go away, just as do the clintOOns. Something else that needs to go away is themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX that people would rather pay a fine than sign up for. It's time that the lily-livered, spineless RepubliRATS stand up and keep their campaign promises to get rid of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX and let the free market take over again! It's time for freedom's return! August 9, 2017   I support Leah Remini and her crusade against the "church" of scientology. I have investigated that organization before and I think it's nothing but a bunch of power-hungry people who fancy themselves as "gurus" and who perpatuate an expensive myth in order to keep raking in other people's money so the leadership of the organization can keep living in the lap of luxruy with the minions -- even young children -- can be their worker bees. It's not a religion. It's a power trip for irresponsible, egotistical idiots who need to be dethroned. BTW, have you ever wondered about the weirdness in Mormonism and their belief in the planet "Kolob" and that man can become gods themselves? Yeah. You need to beware of them, too. August 9, 2017   Marijuana:   I've never tried it. I don't want to try it. I lived next door to a marijuana user as a teen and when he smoked it, it was extremely stinky. Those who do use it, apparently face a higher risk of high blood pressure death: "People who smoke marijuana have a three times greater risk of dying from hypertension, or high blood pressure, than those who have never used the drug, scientists said on Wednesday.So don't use marijuana, folks. It's bad for you in ways you don't even know yet. August 9, 2017   google:   How many years ago did I encourage you to distance yourself from them? We need to do so as a nation - as a world - and not let those who would use intimidation against non-PC employees and vehemently hate free speech. That's what google is. They need to be gone. August 9, 2017   I think that there's someone else who needs to go: National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster. He is bad news all over the place and he needs to be gone. I can't imagine President Donald J. Trump (I love saying that) having an easy time with anything as long as McMaster is still in office. Kiss him goodbye. Kick him to the curb as was done with Mooch. August 9, 2017   First Amendment:   If you think that everyone in America realizes that you have the First Amendment right to free speech just as they do, think again. If the Wall Street Journal thinks you're not allowed free speech because you disagree with what they want and think, then why should we buy their newspaper, or go to their website? Remember: Newspapers are briefly mentioned in the First Amendment, too, but they don't want to give you your portion of that Amendment. Typical leftists/progressives/liberals/commies, they think that only the "elite" get any rights, and they -- not you -- are the "elites". Ego anyone? August 9, 2017   For those of you who are "right-wingers" and Christians who think that we need to be "nice" to win the battle because, well, Jesus was nice, think again. Being "nice" only means you won't stand up for anything to anyone. Dennis Prager says to FIGHT the lefties/progressives/liberals/darkness because if we don't, we lose. Do you get that? We lose. We must fight! We must stop this "being nice" nonsense and be strong and stand and fight. We are called to "Put on the full armor of GOD": "10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.""Oh, but that's spiritual warfare, not physically standing up and calling someone out on the evil they're doing. We can't judge someone else." I can hear some of you whining. Wrong! Read the Bible in context and read it fully with understanding. That crap about "not judging" is usually taken from Matthew Chapter 7 where it says: "1 'Do not judge, or you too will be judged.'"Most people stop there and use that as an excuse to not stand up. Read the rest of it and understand: "2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."So you can judge others if you are 1) willing to be judged using the same standards and 2) if you are innocent and not doing the things you are accusing and judging others for doing. Meaning, if you are telling someone that stealing is bad and you are a thief, you are wrong in two ways. You are judging them guilty for doing the same thing you are doing but you hold yourself innocent, better than they. Also, you would be irate if someone used the same standard for you and told you that you are doing the wrong thing by being a thief. You'd make excuses, denials, resort to ad hominem attacks. IF, however, you tell someone not to steal and you are not a thief yourself, then you are not judging them as someone who is innocent of thievery. If you tell a liar to stop lying when you do not lie, then you are innocent of being a liar. If you tell an adulterer to stop committing adultery, while you are in an adulterous relationship, then you are being a hypocrite and GOD hates hypocrisy, and those verses apply to you. The verses are not saying not to judge people. They are saying use a just measuring stick that you abide by yourself. That's what the verses mean. Stop "being nice" and start using that armor for what it was meant: battle! Stand up for what is RIGHT in America, in your city, county, state and neighborhood! Don't let America be pounded into the ground by the lefties/progressives/liberals because you are too scared to be thought of as "mean". It's important that you stand. It's important that you do something to fight back. It's important that you use that armor for something besides just polishing it. August 9, 2017   mitch mcCONnell:   He's someone else I've wanted gone for a while now. I think he's a spineless wimp who needs to be booted because he can't - won't - get anything done. He refuses to help President Donald J. Trump get his agenda done. He is a RINO and needs to be voted out of office -- or recalled -- as soon as possible. He's been there way too long. He's got too much of his own skin in the game to be an effective legislator anymore. He's legislating for his own benefit instead of the benefit of America. He's afraid of losing power, income, perks and he's selling you out to those things. Anyone in his district who votes for him is shooting themselves in the foot. Not smart. August 9, 2017   Eat more salt? That's what one scientist says will make you healthier. Eat what you want, just bless it all in the name of Jesus and you will be healthy. That's the Word of GOD and He knows best because He made you. August 9, 2017   Canada is dealing with the influx of immigrants who are leaving America by sending troops to build a compound on their side of the border to house them as they are processed. The troops will leave after building the housing area, so they won't be there to help keep things stable, but they'll probably be back if trouble starts. Canada may be doing their citizens a huge disservice. August 9, 2017   MAGA:   Food stamps? Enrollment down in forty-six states! That's excellent! There are "economic booms" going on and that means that people in those cities with "economic booms" are having an easier time getting employment and getting off of food stamps because they can now feed their families. That's good news for all Americans! I love that this is happening. I'm so glad themuslimvileone's legacy is being dismantled step by step by step! August 9, 2017   Well, I'll close with that for today. We've got some great things happening for us here and we are in awe and amazement at the goodness of GOD. We are so very thankful and humbled that He is so gracious and generous. I can't give details yet, but great things are happening and I'll tell you when it's all finalized. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 7, 2017: 3:28 p.m.   Well, we got half of our master bedroom painted with two coats of paint over the weekend. We have to move the furniture and get the other half of the walls done, then remove the carpet, put the tile on the accent wall (also painted with two coats), order the cabinets, put down the hardwood floors and then take the furniture we have now up to my Mom's house because she wants it for my brother. When our cabinets get installed it will be a beautifully simple, elegant bedroom with plenty of storage and an antique desk, a cedar chest, our bed and the cabinets that will go bed to wall, floor to ceiling (around a window) at the head of the bed. I'll post pics when it's completed. I'm so excited! We also made a big decision this weekend. It's going to add something to our future that will be good for us and for our kids and extended family. I look forward to seeing how this works out. It's a big step and I hope it works out the way we have planned. Let's get started. August 7, 2017   "The reason we have a global warming crisis is because crisis sells. It allows politicians to tax, spend and assert more control."Remember that, and that I told you that years ago. August 7, 2017   MAGA!:   Hurray! More jobs for Americans! It's not just the jobs, though, it's the "Trump factor" that is fueling our push toward American greatness again. It's President Donald J. Trump's (I love saying that) attitude, goals, platform, promises, hard work, work ethic, etc., that is making this happen. We have an America that is growing, getting stronger, gaining respect, making a difference for the good in American lives again. We're making history with highest stock market numbers and we're below 9% in the U6 unemployment numbers for the first time since themuslimvileone was sworn into office in January of 2008! If that's not good news, what is? August 7, 2017   Did you hear about the dumboRATs who are suing the dumboRAT party and dws? No? Can you imagine the msm actually reporting that the dumboRATS are suing their party and its former leader because of the fraud they did to collude against bernie sanders in order to throw the party nomination to hilloserclintOOn? "150 Democratic voters and donors are also accusing their party and Wasserman Schultz of breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, unjust enrichment, and negligent misrepresentation for secretly helping Clinton get the presidential nomination over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders."Yep. It's all being hushed up because no one wants people to know that the DNC did something wrong and are being held accountable for it by their own people. It's about time someone within the dumboRAT party called their leaders on the carpet. Let's see what happens here. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this lawsuit. I don't know if it's going to be good, bad, or indifferent for the future of their party, but I think that it will have a very negative impact if it goes against dws and the party if the the defendants (DNC and dws) lose the suit. I also think that if the 150 plaintiffs win the lawsuit, it has the slim chance of making the dumboRAT party a better, more honest party. Notice I said "slim". We'll see. August 7, 2017   Judicial Watch is warning CA about its voter rolls. You see, they have more voters than they have residents who are of voting age in eleven counties in CA. (And dumboRATS and the msm say there is no voter fraud?) So, either CA clears the illegal voters or they will be sued by Judicial Watch. Trust me, Judicial Watch is good and when CA loses they'll have to do as Judicial Watch wants - and the law dictates - anyways. August 7, 2017   Remember the lynch/clintOOn tarmac meeting that Judicial Watch is all over right now? They're trying to get to the truth about that meeting and what happened, but most of the information has been blacked out -- which is supposed to be done for national security reasons, but what national security reason would there be for bullybobclintOOn and the U.S. Attorney General, loretta lynch, have to discuss? He wasn't supposed to have access to national security information and she was supposed to be charged with other duties having nothing to do with national security. It's a farce that the pages were redacted. It's an effort to hide the truth, not to let the truth be known. themuslimvileone doesn't want any part of the truth of his preziduncy to be known. It would let the people know that he hates America and tried his utmost to destroy her. August 7, 2017   maxine "crazy" waters:   She's such a liar. She's saying that Pres. Trump can't be trusted when in fact, it's waters who can't be trusted. She played the system to get out of her indictment, but she insists on being the loudmouth and doing the wrong thing. I think it may be time for her to face the music of her own wrongdoing. It's time to hold dumboRATS accontable all over America. August 7, 2017   Yet another ridiculous ploy of the lefties/progressives/liberals is to "find" things that aren't there. Just as they "found" the right to privacy in the U.S. Constitution to allow abortions to happen, they are "finding" bias and bigotry: "The attempt to find systemic police bias has come to this: the difference between an officer saying 'uh' and saying 'that, that’s.'"Yeah. It's that ridiculous. When people try their darndest to find bigotry even when the normal person would not see it, they have to dig it up somehow, then it's not those who are being studied who are the bigots. August 7, 2017   Why are people afraid of the August 21st solar eclipse? Why are some states prepping for it "as thought it's a natural disaster"? It's an eclipse and it's going to draw a lot of tourists, so states are afraid of not having enough potties. OOoooh. Scary. August 7, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   I think it's time we teach kim jung un a lesson. Let's MOAB his palaces and shut him up. August 7, 2017   GAB.ai wants to hire the google staffer who wrote an "internal memo" that criticized the company for being so politically correct. That's how certain everyone is that the staffer will be fired for confronting political correctness and saying it's bad. You can't do that. It's never good to say something PC is PC. It'll always get you in trouble. The truth hurts PC people and telling the truth about PC being PC is very hurtful to them. August 7, 2017   I'll use this as my last link for today because it's important. There was a genetic study that proved the Bible was correct about whether the Israelites obeyed GOD's order to kill "all who breathed": "Johnston quoted the book of Joshua, saying that the Israelites actually did slaughter all of the Canaanites. Joshua 10:40 says Joshua 'left no survivor, but he utterly destroyed all who breathed, just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded.'So the genetic study proved that some Canaanites survived, just as the Bible said they had. More proof the Bible is the correct, inerrant Word of GOD. August 7, 2017   I'll close now. Hubby should be home soon. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 3-4, 2017: 11:28 p.m.   Sorry about missing yesterday and today for doing updates. I had things going on that involved both the bank stuff that needed my attention. We've made some progress on our master bedroom redecoration, too. I chose the flooring and the accent wall tile and it's going to be beautiful. Anyways, here is the Flag Friday for this week: "Tribute To Our Heroes 331: Looking Back". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! August 4, 2017: 3:26 p.m.   I just renewed MaureenRupeExposed.com. I gotta' keep on top of things or I lose something important. So, I renewed that, but I'm thinking of letting some of my other domain names expire. I'll keep PSJHistory.com going, but I may let things like the domain names "HappeningsExposed.com", "AmyTiddExposed.com" and "PSJIncorporationExposed.com" expire because they'll stay on PSJHistory.com but they won't have a separate name that redirects to the specific section of PSJHistory.com, which is how I had it set up for every section of PSJHistory.com as well as paying for PSJHistory.com. In other words, I have been redirecting all of the domain names of each section of PSJHIstory.com with their URLs to the sections of PSJHistory.com that I set up for each of them. Since the price went up for each domain name and for the private registration of each of them, I'm going to let those three expire to keep costs down, but their sections in PSJHistory.com will remain active so that I will be able to update them as needed and keep you informed, but not have to pay the almost $20 each for their individual domain names and the privacy protection that I buy with them. Okay? August 4, 2017   MAGA:   President Donald J. Trump (I love saying that) is achieving a lot of the things he promised to do. His policies have given Americans hope again and it shows in the shrinking trade deficit, in the record number of employed Americans and the new jobs that are being created! It's amazing to go from themuslimvileone's hurtful, hateful, irresponsible, damning policies to those of President Donald J. Trump and see the blaring, in your face, lightning strike differences! If anyone still doubts that President Donald J. Trump is doing a great job of Making America Great Again they're willfully deaf, dumb, blind and stupid! It's ridiculous to think that dumboRATS are still opposing him. They apparently don't want America great again! They want themuslimvileone's policies back because they think that if they make people go on welfare, food stamps and other government programs that it will make them become dumboRATS and they'll gain voters and remain in power no matter the damage they're doing to America. They apparently think you are stupid and don't realize that it's their policies, plans and desires that harm America and harm your pocketbook and your way of life! It's ridiculous that they think you're stupid enough to fall for that. August 4, 2017   Ya' know, U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, is going to have a lot of work to do to find all of the ways themuslimvileone was breaking the law, undermining the U.S. Constitution, and other all the other things they were doing. To undo the tangled knot of wrongdoing and deceit themuslimvileone was doing will take at least two years and I bet they find a lot of crap that themuslimvileone and his closed-door cabinet flackies were doing. From eric holder and susan rice to hilloserclintOOn and loretta lynch they all broke the law and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Jeff Sessions is just now starting to look into "slush funds" the DO[IN]J had to pay leftists/progressives/liberals to do themuslimvileone's (and thevilegeorgesoros's) will. They will find so much illegality that it will leave people's heads spinning. Hopefully, they'll have the courage to enforce the law and to do the right thing and press charges against all involved! It's time the dumboRATS face consequences for their illegal acts! Let's get the scales of justice balanced again and put the blindfold back on her because it shouldn't be the political party affiliation that decides whether someone gets off scott free or prosecuted for sneezing the wrong way! Justice is supposed to be blind! Let's return the blindfold to her and balance the scales again! No favoritism for dumboRATS! Justice should be blind! August 4, 2017   Build The Wall!:   Sanctuary cities gained popularity under themuslimvileone, as city councils ignored the laws and boldly proclaimed that they would give sanctuary to illegal aliens invading our country and that has resulted in a lot of American citizens being murdered, raped, injured and having other crimes committed against them as illegal alien criminals roam free and without fear of being caught. It's time that stop and illegal aliens be found, arrested and returned to their native country as our border wall is built. Until then, Jeff Sessions is blocking police assistance programs until those cities stop giving "sanctuary" (breaking U.S. laws) to illegal aliens. August 4, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Okay. This is unique. An attorney in Virginia Beach is for fraud because they didn't repeal it. What? Yep. He's saying the Republicans committed fraud because they promised during themuslimvileone's administration to repeal themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, but now that they've had the chance and the Republican President Donald J. Trump who says he's waiting for it "with pen in hand", they refused to do so: "The GOP 'has been engaged in a pattern of Racketeering which involves massive fraud perpetrated on Republican voters and contributors as well as some Independents and Democrats,' the suit said. Racketeering, perhaps better known for use in prosecuting organized crime, involves a pattern of illegal behavior by a specific group."I can't say that I disagree with the tactic. I think it's a unique possibility for getting the Republicans to stop acting like dumboRATS and start keeping their word. They promised and promised and promised and promised that they would repeal it if we gave them the House and Senate votes. We did that. They said they couldn't do so while themuslimvileone was in power because he'd just veto it anyways and they didn't have a veto proof 2/3 Republican membership. We gave them a Republican president and they still refuse to do what they promised to do. I like this tactic. I'll like it even more if it works to light a fire under Republican butts to keep their words! August 4, 2017   Another "What?!" CA kicks ICE workers out of offices. "California’s top labor law enforcer wants federal immigration agents to stay away from offices where state investigators weigh claims about underpaid employees and workplace retaliation."Really? That's amazing. Why would the CA state employees want that? What are they afraid of? I think it's time CA be investigated for financial ties to Mexico. "Follow the money" is always good advice. August 4, 2017   August 4, 2017   I didn't see my hubby pull into our driveway so I was surprised by our front door opening. It's time for me to go. We have some work to do this weekend on our master bedroom redecoration. We get to pain the walls and maybe we'll buy the flooring and tile for our accent wall. We'll see. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! August 1, 2017: 1:00 p.m.   MAGA:   Some said that the numbers Wall Street is reaching are impossible. Well, apparently not; at least, not with Donald J. Trump as president. August 1, 2017   "'We know we are violating numerous constitutional rights here, but if you do not comply, we will remove the boy from your home,' the judge said."That judge needs to be removed from the bench and the Michigan child services rules changed to comport with the U.S. Constitution! How many other states have stupid rules like this and use children as pawns against the Second Amendment? It's absurd! Apparently we still have a long way to go before every American who has not lost their civil rights due to their own behavior or mental illness has their constitutional rights protected from over-reaching leftist idiots. August 1, 2017   Mexico's drug cartels are angry at us. So, who cares? Don't just inspect every cargo truck, inspect everyone and everything that crosses the border and intercept every ounce that tries to cross the border. Then we'll see how long they stay in business. I think that's a great plan. Let's inspect everything and everyone. Better than letting drugs into our country. August 1, 2017   August 1, 2017   Yes! Do it! Let's build that wall and bypass the whiners, the environmentalists (especially the "mental" part) and the irate protestors and just secure our border! It's said that "good walls make good neighbors" so if it's true for your backyard, why would it be bad for our international neighbors and national borders? Don't we want to be "good neighbors" to them, too? Let's just get that wall built and worry about everything else later. It is America's RIGHT and DUTY to build the wall to protect her citizens and her borders from those who would break the law to get here and do harm to those who belong here. If anyone wants to come to America let them come here the LEGAL way as did my ancestors. That's the only way anyone should be allowed to come over here and make their way into citizenship or "permanent resident" status. August 1, 2017   Do a few state wins portend the future for the Republican victory record, or are they a fluke? DumboRATS have gotten a few victories in local races and they're saying it means they'll take back the House and/or Senate in 2018. I think they're counting chickens way before time, but that's the way with politics. I can't say I've never done so. Heck, I predicted in 2008 that themuslimvileone would be impeached in his first year! I was wrong: He did things that deserved and legally could have led to impeachment but I didn't count on his skin tone being the threat that it was against them. "Racist!" was held over their heads like a cauldron of boiling oil and the RepubliCAN'T party, shaking in its proverbial boots, didn't dare to even whisper the word. They knew he was breaking the law but because they would have been labeled "Racist!" and riots would have been ordered to happen in the streets with dumboRATs and thevilegeorgesoros paying people to riot, burn, break and harm the RepubliCAN'Ts didn't bother trying. In so doing they allowed great harm to happen to America and they are just as responsible for themuslimvileone's agenda and damage as is he. August 1, 2017   I think we should all write to President Donald J. Trump (his White House e-mail link and his campaign e-mail) and tell him to defund Title VI as he put in his proposed budget of earlier this year. If Title VI is allowed to continue it does harm to our ally, Israel and allows terrorists to get taxpayer dollars. How smart is it to fund something you are allegedly trying to defeat? It's time to focus on defeating terrorism and to totally defund every aspect of it in every nation of the world. No taxpayer dollars should be spent funding terrorism. August 1, 2017   So do all kiss-butt liberals have to smear President Donald J. Trump before they get the whole story and the truth? Yes, that is a rhetorical question. Again, the harry potter novel author, j.k. rowling smeared him, lied about him, and didn't have all of the facts before she set out mouthing off. It's not the first time, nor unexpected, but it is funny since there are hidden Conservative messages in her books. Not just a few, either. There are so many that the "Conservative messages" story has a part two and now, a part three! Sounds to me like j.k. rowling speaks out of both sides of her forked tongue. (Mixed metaphor, I know, but you get the idea.) August 1, 2017   Little Miss Pretty:   She still can't beat reruns, although she's not fired yet. I wonder when they'll give up the ghost on her spectral audience and just admit they made the wrong call in hiring her in the first place? When she decided to make her living by posing, scantilly-clad in questionable poses (do the search yourself), that told me that she gave up on her brain and went with her body and lost all credibility. I wouldn't trust me to tell me the time, much less report on the state of the nation. August 1, 2017   Puerto Rico is bankrupt. They've hit rock bottom and they can't rely on tourism dollars to bail them out because it's still a strong component of their economy with multiple cruise ships stopping there on a weekly basis, but they still can't make it economically. So, they are turning to marijuana to try to get their economy stabilized. They put the word "medical" in front of it, but when the economy is hurting so much I wonder how strictly they'll enforce the law before they go outright legalization and make it a "come and smoke" tourism industry that they can make even more money on. If you go on a cruise to Jamaica you'll be warned before docking that you can't bring weed back with you and that it's considered a serious offense if you are caught doing so. People have been kicked off the ship for doing so. I wonder if - or how long it will take - Puerto Rico will go the same way. Personally, I don't understand why they don't change their tax structure, their benefit structure and their anti-corruption laws to protect the money they do have before they go the drugs route. Will Puerto Rico be the next Mexico with their drug cartels? Will the cartels just make a Caribbean move, if they have not done so already? August 1, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Great. Just what we need. (*Sarcasm.) Now osama bin laden's son, hamaz, is threatening terrorism on America. Isn't it time that people admit that Islam is the problem, not the outlier? It's time to admit that the teaching of terror, murder, harm, etc., is a mainframe tenant of Islam and that it is the problem. It's not the "few and far between" when we have people born here, raised here, and brought into Islam here who join the terrorists within the "religion" and start doing horrific things! That proves that it's the "religion" when the only thing that changed was their affiliation. Until they had something that condoned that sort of act they were not doing the horrible things that would have gotten them shot here, or at the very least thrown into prison for the rest of their lives. When you have something that intimidates, prevents, controls, tamps down, whatever your inner violent impulses and you choose to go embrace something that not only allows them but encourages them, and your tendancy toward violence is not just praised but you are told you will be a hero, remembered and praised after you are dead and in death you will be greatly rewarded, then how could anyone with that tendancy not commit violence? It's a given! Add to that the fact that themuslimvileone condoned Islamic terrorism and financed it with our taxpayer dollars and you have a big problem with Islam! Let us not condone nor ignore this! We must take decisive action prior to anymore terrorist attacks on American soil. August 1, 2017   The lefties/progressives/liberals have gotten so scared - petrified, more accurately - of Conservative ideas that they don't even want to allow a Conservative to conduct an orchestra even when said Conservative (Dennis Prager) wouldn't be saying a word! Lefties/progressives/liberals keep astonishing me with the new lows they hit when it comes to trying to silence Conservative voices - even when it's the voice of a moving conductor's wand. August 1, 2017   Last but not least today, I received an irritating e-mail from the Webmaster@brevard.org: "On July 25th, 2017, the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners voted 3-2 to take steps to increase taxes. According to Fla. Stat. Section 200.065, the millage rates which the Board approved to send to the Property Appraiser would result in a tax increase of more than $1 million. If these rates are set, Brevard County homeowners will receive a 'Notice of Proposed Tax Increase.'That's disgusting to me because I endorsed Rita Pritchett because she told me that she was a Conservative and didn't like taxes - while talking to her in her church. Did she lie? In the May 23, 2017 BOCC meeting she said, "Commissioner Pritchett stated she is pretty consistent with her views; she thinks the County has adequate funding; she knows these are last years and there are some non-recurring; she has a different ideology and her thought is to give the Department heads an amount of money and they need to come up with budget that is frugal; and she expects that from them, because if not, then it is the County Manager's job to start looking for new Department heads. She added for clarity in the past six years, and seeing the tightening of the budget, she is comfortable waiting to see what comes in with the new budget. [my bolding]"You tell me which is the real Rita Pritchett. If you don't want higher taxes show up at those meetings, or write to Comm. Rita Pritchett and tell her what you think of her voting IN FAVOR of higher taxes for you and yours. Let's see which Rita Pritchett is the real Rita Pritchett. Right now, I can't say. August 1, 2017   That's it for today. Be at those meetings or enjoy paying higher taxes. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 2017 July 31, 2017: 11:25 p.m.   I missed Friday. I fully intended to do updates but my Momma called and when she is on the phone everything else waits. I can't type and talk to her at the same time or I'll be typing what I'm talking about and talking about what I'm typing so it's best if I just talk to her and enjoy what time I have with her. That's as it should be. If we don't enjoy today with our loved ones when will we enjoy them? Don't live with regrets, folks. It's better to say "I'm sorry" today than to live with the regret of never having made yourself say it when you had the chance. It's better to laugh with someone while you have the chance than to say "I spent too much time putting other things and other people first." I can't do that to my Mom. I try to not do it to anyone I love. If you get the chance to do so, call your Mom today and talk to her and tell her how much you love her. It will mean the world to her. Also, we got another surprise Friday regarding the fraud that's been happening on our bank account. My hubby checked the mail when he got home and someone had opened an account at a different bank with our money and we received the debit card for it. We could have handled it two different ways: One legal, the other not so. We could have taken the debit card and removed every penny from that account that was ours (up to $900), then walked away satisfied, which would have been the illegal (but truly tempting) way. Or, what we did do was contact the bank the debit card was issued from and tell them it was fraudulently opened with our information and that they need to close it and start a fraud investigation from their end, which was the legal thing to do. We are also in contact with the Brevard County Sheriff's Office and their "Economic Crimes" division and they'll be doing their thing. We also instituted more security steps and are going to be doing even more. One of the things we shall be doing from here out is to purchase gas cards at a discounted rate when Publix puts them on sale every other weekend. We get $50 worth of gas for $40, and it prevents anyone from skimming our debit card on a gas pump. More security and a 20% savings, win/win! Think of the ways you can save yourself the headaches of having your info stolen and used to do this sort of thing. Start using PayPal with its secondary level of security and the code they send you to confirm that it's you doing a transaction via their payment method. Other places have the same thing available (Amazon allegedly does but it hasn't worked for me yet.), so if you have the chance to do so, register for that with all of your online vendors. Ask your bank if they can institute something like that for your debit/credit cards. No harm in trying. Always insist that you enter a pin or at least have to use your signature. That way there is some sort of verification for who is using your card. Look online for more suggestions for your credit/debit card security. There are a lot of ways to help you secure your identity and financial information, so don't be a victim via your own inaction. Be proactive in this and prevent many "Tylenol moments". July 31, 2017   Judicial Watch is looking into the FBI's "acting director", Andrew McCabe and I think it's high time someone start investigating the leftovers from themuslimvileone's admin. They all need to be kicked to the curb immediately if they are doing anything to leak info or overturn or aid in the destruction of President Donald J. Trump's presidency. There is no reason to do the things they are doing. They know for a fact that hillloserclintOOn broke several laws, as did themuslimvileone, but that didn't bother them a single iota. There is no proof or evidence of Pres. Trump or his family breaking any laws but they do all they can to distract people and cast aspersions on his character and that of his children. It's time this nonsense stop. It's over, or should well be. After all, the "Trump/Russia collusion thing" has fallen apart completely but you won't hear that in the msm or the leftist/progressive/liberal "news" anywhere. It's broken down, chipped to pieces, ripped to shreds, exploded into thousands of bitsy pieces but the left/progressives/liberals won't let it go. They have to keep this up to distract you from the truth: They are the crooks, not President Donald J. Trump. Look at all of the lefties Trump swept out of office and you'll see the truth: They did wrong, not he. It's time to stop the witch hunt. It's time to stop the nonsense. It's time to stop wasting the taxpayers' money and get on with doing the business of the American people! July 31, 2017   Considering what we're personally going through right now with the fraud committed against our bank account, I can't imagine working for the government and allowing millions of people's bank info to be knowingly unsecured and leaving it open to compromise on purpose. But, I'm a good person. themuslimvileone ordered the website to start operations before it was ready and as a result millions of users' personal and banking information files were open to hackers and anyone with that sort of bent worldwide was able to get the info. Can you imagine? I can't. That's what themuslimvileone did on pupose! It's ridiculous to think that anyone needed the website up so quickly that they'd agree to have their bank info and personal info compromised in order to get to use the "healthcare" scam that was themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. This speaks so loudly and clearly about what themuslimvileone thought of your financial wellbeing, does it not? July 31, 2017   I agree with President Donald J. Trump. I think that Congress should be paying the same for their healthcare insurance as those on themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. That's the way it is supposed to be. After all, they are no better than the car wash guy, the grocery checker, the midsize company CEO, or even the huge company CEO who was supposed to sign up for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, so why shouldn't they be forced to buy it, too? I think it's only fair. Make Congress use what they try to force us to use. That's fair. July 31, 2017   This! YES! dumboRATS do see government as the way to get anything done. They also see government as them being in power but the rest of us doing without and having to kiss their backsides! At least, that's the way they want it. It's their fantasy. It's their goal. July 31, 2017   MAGA:   Wow. That's amazing. Never thought stocks would do this because of Donald J. Trump winning the election! It's amazing! Hurray for us! There are all kinds of new opportunities out there now. Creative people are doing a lot of new things in this new, hopeful, upbeat economy since Donald J. Trump won the election (I still love saying that!). For instance, there is a company that is helping Conservatives in CA leave and move to TX. That's a new business model that hadn't been around before. Good for creativity! July 31, 2017   So if Putin likes Pres. Trump so much and did everything he could to help Trump get elected, why is he kicking 755 American diplomats out of Russia? Don't you think that if Putin loved Pres. Trump so much as to help get him elected that he would allow his diplomats to stay in Russia? It makes no sense to do everything you can to help a candidate get elected via cheating then to kick the same person's representatives out of the country, now does it? July 31, 2017   Did you know that in the White House Bible studies are happening? Yep. They're studying the Bible. That's as it should be. Not having GOD involved in national decisions is going to lead America down the rabbit hole. Inviting GOD in is a great thing and it will help them lead America back to greatness! Who goes? How about: "Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars."That's a good thing, folks. It's a good thing. Just think where Joseph would have been if he hadn't asked GOD for guidance in interpreting pharoah's dream about the kine and the stalks. If Joseph had tried to go that alone he could have gotten it wrong. He asked GOD for help and that's how he became the second most powerful man in the land. Talking to GOD should be happening on a regular basis in every house, not just the White House. Try it in your home and see what happens. July 31, 2017   Race hustler, al "Give me your money" sharpton is such a ridiculous characture of himself. He's reached the point of no return, I believe, and he needs to slink off into obscurity and back under the thumb he crawled out from under. His comments on Pres. Trump's speech are asinine. He should be embarrassed every time he opens his mouth, as should pelosipig and many other lefties/progressives/liberals (national and local). July 31, 2017   It's a tropical storm, folks! Calm down. Declaring states of emergency already? I repeat: It's a tropical storm! It's going to huff and puff and blow a few small twigs down. Get real! July 31, 2017   I will never - never - believe that the left cares about minorities, or about "black lives matter" until and unless they do something about the black on black violence in Chicago. IF ever they decide that black lives really do matter instead of just their votes matter to keep lefites/progressives/liberals in office, then they'll do something to actually curtail the violence. They have yet to do a single thing so I don't believe their lies that they care. They have used the black population of America to get their votes and keep them dependent upon the government via welfare programs and other handouts. That's all the left cares to do: bribe black people with "freebies". Freebies don't bring back a four-year-old boy. This is typical liberalism: Life doesn't matter (witness their holy grail of abortion), votes do. July 31, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Australian women "need Muslim men to fertilize them" says one Muslim in Australia: "'Your men are a dying breed, Australian women need us to fertilise them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies while beer swilling, cigarette smoking, drug injecting can only dream of what Muslim men are capable of,' he said."Leftists hate American "rednecks" and Conservatives whom the lefties say want to keep women "barefoot and pregnant" but I bet you a dime to a dollar they would back this statement because a Muslim said it. Australians also prevented an Islamic attack that could have taken many lives. In Hamburg, the knife attack was carried out by a Muslim and in Iran, the Ayatollah Khamenei wants Muslims to defend the Temple Mount. Problem: if you read the Robert Spencer book, "The Truth About Muhammed" you will learn that there was no link between Islam and the Temple Mount until much later and it should actually not be considered an Islamic holy site at all. July 31, 2017   pelosipig:   I think she's totally delusional. I know she's been having health issues lately (considering all of the videos of her mucking up her words, ideas, her lack of memory, etc.) but really, who believes that? Who believes she's going to ever be Speaker of the House again? Maybe she actaully does believe it. If so, it proves even more how delusional she is. Sad to watch it happen so publicly. July 31, 2017   Well, I've got to tackle more of this financial crud so I'll go for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 28, 2017: 1:12 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 330: Paine and Burke". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! July 27, 2017: 3:10 p.m.   White House Leaks:   I wonder why the perpetrator of the leaks thinks it's a good idea to do this. If it is reince priebus who is leaking, it's time for something to be done to stop the leaks; no matter who is doing it, it should stop today. I don't know why it's so competitive up there. They're supposedly all trying to do the same thing, what's best for America. So why try to "shiv each other"? Why not just get the job done without the leaks? Why try to break each others' jaws before a word is said? I don't understand adults going to do a job that should be done expediently, enthusiastically and inexpensively is being done slowly, tediously, as though they're dragging a dead weight behind them, while stabbing each other in the back. I thought that President Donald J. Trump had assembled a great team who should be working together and kicking the lefties' butts, not each other's. Maybe if the leaker is found and fired immediatly the team can get on with getting the President's agenda accomplished and putting the American people first again. July 27, 2017   Tubby Tiny Tyrant:   I think that there should be action taken now to stop N. Korea's weapons progress and to tell them that their days of testing and threatening are over. They need to have a boot put up their backside so hard and so far that they won't be withdraw it for decades to come, if ever. N. Korea's Un is acting as though he's the king of the world (especially since themuslimvileone did nothing to prevent his development and attitude), but it's time to teach him that his little country (about the same size as Pennsylvania) is no match for the superpowers of the United States of America or even against Israel, England, or anyone else. I know they have the backing of China and probably Russia (Did Russia steal their elections?), but that doesn't mean we should put up with being threatened and having our citizens imprisoned and killed by their Tubby Tiny Tyrant. Let's kick his butt so hard the only thing he can see is boot laces and be done with it. July 27, 2017   Dead Blue Bird:   Yet another nail in the blue bird coffin as another bad report about their user numbers results in investor jitters. Awwww... Too bad. (*Sarcasm, of course.) Check out GAB.ai where free speech is allowed and where the growth rate is still going up. July 27, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   There are RINOs out there who refuse to vote to repeal this piece of garbage. They would rather see people paying out the nose, losing coverage altogether and being unable to afford to go to the doctor if they actually had to than to upset anyone on the dumboRAT side of the House. It's ridiculous. These six Senators - "Dean Heller (R-NV), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), John McCain (R-AZ), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Susan Collins (R-ME)" - need to be voted out of office forthwith and they need to be scrubbing floors in hospitals so that they can see how themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX ruins families' lives and the former Senators cannot afford to sign up for it anyways so they'll be stuck paying the penalty. Let's do that to them and then maybe they'd understand why their votes were the wrong choice! Face it, even they know that 15 million people would opt out of this garbage if they could. So why postpone the inevitable and keep making us pay for it? July 27, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Will the waste never end? No. Not as long as we have people whose focus as soon as they enter office is fundraising and re-election. We have been spending $10 Million to teach foreigners how to come over here and be approved for citizenship: "The U.S. government just announced it’s spending $10 million to help foreigners seeking American citizenship by offering them free English, history and civics courses as well as naturalization legal services. [themuslimvileone's] administration dedicated north of $62 million to similar initiatives and there was tremendous hope that President Donald Trump would put a stop to the madness, or at least slash funding. [my bolding]"This madness needs to end. themuslimvileone funded this with so much of YOUR money so that foreigners could come here and vote for dumboRATS. That's all this is: a taxpayer-funded voter registration drive in foreign countries for the dumboRATS. That's how much America meant and means to him. It's all about destroying America and then themuslimvileone will be happy. He's still working on that legacy, folks. That's his goal still. If he achieves that (with the help of dumboRATS and the likes of hollyweirdos and thevilegeorgesoros) he'll forget about the healthcareTAX and what happens to it. He'll be proud as a peacock for the rest of his life if he can completely destroy America. That's his legacy goal. He allowed stuff like the DH[IN]S' really expensive "conferences" that cost taxpayers loads of money: "DHS held 911 conferences totaling $21.8 million during a recent two-year period, according to a federal audit released this month by the agency’s Inspector General. In fiscal year 2014 DHS spent $11.4 million on 433 conferences and $10.4 million on 478 conferences in 2015. At the time, federal agencies were required to report all conferences that cost more than $100,000 each, but DHS kept two out of every three that cost north of $100,000 secret. The agency watchdog doesn’t provide the exact number, but reveals in its report that the total of unreported conferences was a whopping $3.5 million for the two years examined by investigators."Don't ya' just love government accountability? July 27, 2017   debbie wassy-schultz:   Her IT guy was arrested trying to flee the country and that's when she decided it was time to fire him. After all the other stuff he did - at her request? - she decides to fire him as he was trying to leave the country and after he sent a lot of money to Pakistan (Whose money: did he have that much in his sock drawer, or what?). It's time she be put under oath and testify before Congress (and before a court of law) and we get to the bottom of the lies, cheating and election fixing the dumboRATS did during the last election to ensure hilloserclintOOn's nomination. I don't know what dws and her IT guy had together, but he means something to her. The guy's bad news for her, though because he left stuff that law enforcement wanted behind when he moved out of his house and rented it to a former "and his Navy officer wife": "Imran Awan and his family then reportedly began trying to terrorize the Marine veteran and his Navy officer wife into returning the equipment, calling them repeatedly, arriving at the home three or four times, and threatening to sue if the equipment was not returned. Instead, the family turned the material over to the FBI."Sounds like he was scared spitless over what he knew was on those things he left behind. He is going to be part of the ruination of the dumboRAT party, dws and perhaps even part of the undoing of hilloserclintOOn. Who knows? Maybe we'll get blessed and the truth of themuslimvileone's participation in the lawlessness of the dumboRAT party will come to light and he'll be negatively impacted as well. We'll see. Watch this one carefully, folks. If there is any - any - Republican interference with the truth of all of this coming out then that Republican needs to be voted out of office as soon as possible; especially ROTTEN ryan and mcCONnell! July 27, 2017   There have been drugs found in . Ford cars manufactured in Mexico So which does this prove: that you should never buy a Ford product or that you shouldn't move your industry from America to a foreign country? Or perhaps it's both? July 27, 2017   LOL!:   Really? Another dumboRAT proves yet again they don't understand the U.S. Constitution and the laws. He doesn't like Pres. Trump using the Dead Blue Bird? That's laughable. It's absurd. It's typical of dumboRATS. July 27, 2017   Woops! Hubby's home! I'm going to go spend time with him. See you later for Flag Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 26, 2017: 4:45 p.m.   Sorry about missing Monday and Tuesday. We've had a thing going on with our bank and we had to go in and try to figure things out after someone took $900 out of our account illegally. Yeah. Fun. That's almost our complete budget number for the floor of our master bedroom redecoration project. We didn't go looking for our master bedroom flooring this weekend as we expected; we stayed home and had no debit card to use because ours has been frozen since last Friday. Why can't people be good and not steal from others? We paid for/will pay for their lack of morals in at least five ways (six if they get both prison and probation):
July 26, 2017   Judicial Watch, as always, has some interesting updates for us. "Carlos Danger's" laptop has some 7,000 e-mails from hillloserclintOOn. But... "Our legal team pushed for all these records to be released more quickly but the Justice Department’s attorney said that her State Department agency client shouldn’t have to push more records out because of supposed diminished interest in Clinton emails 'since November'! The Justice attorney also blamed President Trump’s hiring freeze as another reason the records are dribbling out. I suspect President Trump will blow a gasket when he finds out his agencies are actually slow-rolling the release of the emails that Hillary Clinton tried to delete. [my bolding: November - election.]"Also in the weekly update is the fact that the IRS has not been obeying federal regulations on how to keep records (in other words, hiding things) and that it means that Judicial Watch's records request has been stymied at least a little due to the IRS's total disregard for the rules. Well, shock surprise! Also, remember that Judicial Watch hasn't given up on making our elections trustworthy and stopping the fraud that the dumboRATS have been committing. It's a good thing, too, folks. Remember how many times we found cheating during themuslimvileone's two "victories" (if you win via cheating it isn't a victory), and in the last election for hilloserclintOOn. We need to stop the nonsense of one person voting multiple times, illegals and dead folks voting, prison inmates voting without having their civil rights restored, etc. DumboRATS use those things - and fictitious characters like Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Pluto - to "win" elections. It's gotta' stop. July 26, 2017   SMH.   Apparently there are residual idiots still working in the federal offices because this is dumb as a box of rocks. They had to hold a "lengthy hearing" to figure out if a terrorist released by themuslimvileone before he left office who rejoined Al Qaeda is an "enemy belligerent"? Really? How low an IQ must one have to even question it? He "rejoined" Al Qaeda! What better sign do they need, a tattoo on his forehead and backside: "Enemy Belligerent!"? Why don't they just go bang their heads against a wall to see if they can knock some sense into themselves instead of wasting the taxpayers' money on a "lengthy hearing"? SMH. July 26, 2017   LOL!   The lefties/progressives/liberals have no senses of humor whatsoever; at least not where it concerns us. President Donald J. Trump on Mt. Rushmore? Let's see what the next at least four years hold first then we'll make a better decision, but if it's going to be like what I expect it to be (hope it to be), why not? If he's a great president, he's a great president and deserves to be up there. They need to get over it. July 26, 2017   Ya' know, I don't have a problem with Pres. Donald J. Trump banning transgenders in the U.S. Military. I think that there are certain things that the taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for and that sort of surgery is one of them. I also think that it's a mental illness that should be addressed via psychiatry as the former Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist-in-Chief has said for years. It's a mental disorder that should be treated via psychiatry, not chopping something off or adding something to. You don't "treat" kleptomania via giving them an ID card that gives them the right to steal, nor do you "treat" someone - especially not young people - by changing their exterior gender because their XX or XY chromosomes are still the same! You can't cut something off or add something to and say it's fixed when it comes to humans. If you could the procedure would "cure" everyone and there would be ZERO transgender suicides after their procedures were complete and the hormones had time to kick in. It's not the outside that's broken. It's the inside and that is what needs to be addressed. July 26, 2017   I gotta' go. Hubby's home and we have some master bedroom redecorating stuff to do. Hope to see you here tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 21, 2017: 12:48 a.m.   Flag Friday:   This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 329: Tough Choice". I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll see you later today, if everything works out the way it's planned. You know, "The best laid plans..." Like on Wednesday, I thought my son was going to come over here for a visit, but it turns out I went over there, picked him up and we went thrift store shopping and antique store shopping. Had a great time, but didn't get to do updates. Sorry. Anyways, I'll try to see you later. Keep smiling! July 21, 2017: 2:17 p.m.   I think that Kellyann Conway is correct. Mueller's "investigation" is out of line. If you disagree picture this. Cops knock on your front door at 8:30 a.m. and hand you a piece of paper that says, "Search Warrant" on it, but nothing else. You have no idea why they are there, you have done nothing wrong, your family has done nothing wrong, yet there the cops are pushing their way into your house. They say that the piece of paper gives them the right to search your house for anything and everything and they will search your financial records, question your family and friends, search your computer, search your cars, talk to people you do business with, question your neighbors, dig into the things you've said online and in public writings and meetings, etc. They will investigate the past twenty years of your life, demand answers of you, make you and your family testify under oath in which anything you and they say or don't say can and will be used against you in a court of law if the "investigation" finds anything they think they can use against you in any way, shape, or form. Now, remember: the "Search Warrant" only says those two words: "Search Warrant" and it does not meet the legal requirements of a real search warrant. According to the Fourth Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."According to FindLaw.com there are certain requirements that should be met before a search warrant is issued and: "Searches are generally considered reasonable when: 1) a judge issues a search warrant based on probable cause; or 2) certain situations occur that justify a search without a warrant (a search for weapons after an arrest, for example)."Would the search of your house, finances, personal computer, dresser, car, letters, e-mails, public speeches and public writings be considered okay under those circumtstances? Remember that search warrants have to state certain things: "A Search Warrant is a judicially approved document that authorizes law enforcement officials to search a particular place. To obtain a search warrant, a police officer must provide an account of information supporting probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime will be found in a particular place or places. The officer must also make a list of the particular places to be searched and the items sought. Finally, the officer must swear to the truthfulness of the information. The officer presents the information in an Affidavit to a magistrate or judge, who determines whether to approve the warrant.Thus, according to the Legal Dictionary, a warrant has to list the things they are searching for and where they will be searching. IF the "investigation" into President Donald J. Trump and his family were being legally conducted there would be a search warrant, duly sworn by an officer of the law (FBI, CIA, whoever) and there would be a list of items they should be looking for and where they would be searching to find those things. The problem is that there is no such sworn affidavit, there is no warrant, there is no list of things they're searching for, they're just searching, hoping to find something to say "Gotcha!" with. The same idea as the scenario I set forth with a cop searching your house. Would you feel like the two word "Search Warrant" that "allowed" them to come ransack your home, life, property and look into everything about you was a valid, reasonable search? Or would you be incensed and try your best to demand they leave your property and then start legal action against them for violating your Fourth Amendment rights? President Donald J. Trump, his whole family and most of his advisors should do the same thing as you would be doing: legal action after kicking their butts out of your house. July 21, 2017   President Donald J. Trump:   Meanwhile, he goes about "Making America Great Again" via jobs being increased, industry being supported and people going back to work and being able to feed their own families. He's also sending illegal aliens back to where they came from quickly and that's undoing another policy of themuslimvileone. That's good for America, too. Within the first six months he's doing great things. Even the OMB director is saying it's all good. That's pretty good! He called it "MAGAnomics". Love it! July 21, 2017   This disgusts me. I can't imagine a mother being proud that she raised her son to be so heartless and callous that he could watch a mentally disabled man drown and all her son did was laugh, mock and film it all. That's what three Cocoa teens did. I can't imagine how horrible those Moms should feel about the values they instilled in their children that my child could actually act like that while someone was obviously in distress and all my child did was laugh about it. At least, I hope she feels horrible; all three Moms whose children did that should feel like total failures. Their children are akin to monsters and I hope that those teens are haunted by the memory of that man drowning while they laughed and mocked. I hope they dream about him every night. I hope they dream that they changed places with that man and they are the one drowning while the man laughs and mocks. I hope that they experience night sweats and horrors like a lifetime druggie going through the DTs every day from now until they turn their lives over to Christ and ask forgiveness of their sins and their callousness in this particular instance and only then will their guilty dreams and horrors be stopped. That's what I hope for them because that's what they deserve. July 21, 2017   Another good reason to not do drugs: they make you a moron. July 21, 2017   July 21, 2017   I wonder how long corporal punishment will last in that Texas school district? Answer: Until the first lawsuit a parent brings because the school punished their little baby. (BTW, the origins of the term "corporal punishment" were of a curiosity to me, so I looked it up.) July 21, 2017   It's going to be an interesting read when I download "FAKE SCIENCE" by Austin Ruse, a Breitbart News contributor. I look forward to reading it. July 21, 2017   Storm's coming so I'm going to close with that for now. Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 20, 2017: 12:16 p.m.   I hope everyone is ready for a good laugh because I have a link that will make you laugh. maxine waters to run for prezidunce? Can you imagine? I can't imagine her getting past the fourth state primary, but it may be a fun show to watch. After all, she's dumb as a box of rocks and if she ever had anything important to say she did so sixty-eight years ago, so I'm sure that the seventy-eight-year-old waters is finished with the best part of her life. Still, I'd love to see her reaction to her loss after loss after loss. July 20, 2017   Some "Never Trumpers" can't get past the idea that their candidate, hilloserclintOOn, isn't president and "what difference does it make?" They equate the two alleging that Pres. Trump's policies aren't that different from what hers would have been. I'm sorry, but that's worse than dumb; beyond idiotic; way past stupidity. They're nothing alike and if she had won - by hook and crook - America would still be free falling into oblivion as the dumboRATS want it and her hubby and themuslimvileone started it. July 20, 2017   themuslimvileone:   E-mails prove that he was working AGAINST America and Americans in order to try to destroy as much of America and as many Americans as possible. That's all there is to it. He hates America and he's still doing all he can to destroy America. He wants a "Post-America World". Remember he read the book after he was sworn into office. It confirmed what he wanted. It made a statement. It gave his ideal a vision and pathway he still follows and desires to accomplish. July 20, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Wait. What? Really? WOW! Republicans with a spine! They do exist! Amazing! They're looking at a way to go around ROTTEN ryan in order to do a full repeal of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. Wow. I hope and pray they succeed! I want this to happen and work! Let's do this! If they do this, we should be donating to their reelection campaigns! Anyone who helps this happen deserves a round of applause, and those who spearhead it, who put their names to it and take the biggest risk, deserve to be reelected. Good for America and good for them! Since it's such a big failure and the Republicans are trying to find ways to get rid of it, the dumboRATS, ever the "I take no responsibility" party, blames YOU for its failure. Yep. They don't blame themselves for not taking the time to read it ("We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it": Remember?/) They don't blame themselves for the fact that it was designed to fail (even harry reid and Tom Coburn agree on that). They don't blame themselves for the "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor..." LIE that hilloserclintOOn (D) spread, as well as mary landrieu (D), Sen. Kay Hagan (D), harry reid (D), Sen. Shaheen (D), and other dumboRATS guaranteed the lie. They blame YOU for its failure, even though they LIED to YOU to get their own way and to pass a law that they knew was designed to fail and they chose to pass it anways -- without even reading it. Remember that. July 20, 2017   Media Whore:   Is there anything evil, vile and disgusting this woman won't condine or do in order to get on television? When will she announce her run for Congress or the Senate in order to get on television one more time? She reminds me a lot of lena dumbham and all of the ridiculous things she does to get her face out there one more time. She also reminds me of miley cyrus and her ridiculous efforts to be noticed any way she could. Luckily cyrus has calmed down a bit in the last several months and we haven't seen much of her (thank goodness!) anywhere. This media whore, the murderer-supporting idiot is taking up the slack, though, so there's still plenty of idiocy out there. July 20, 2017   President Donald J. Trump:   He has done a great thing in reversing the anti-Christian refugee policy of themuslimvileone. (Remember when themuslimvileone said he was a Christian? Would a Christian have an anti-Christian refugee policy?) Do you know of the five victories we've had militarilly under Pres. Donald J. Trump? Doesn't get much air time, does it? The msm won't tell you about his successes, they just want to paint a negative pic of him any way they can. He's even set up an advisory panel on infrastructure so we can rebuild our airports and bridges. That's a good thing, too. There are way too many bridges in America that are unsafe. We need to fix that. We don't need to lose more lives to unsafe bridges. He's also ending themuslimvileone's program to arm Syrian rebels. Arming the rebels led to some of the weapons -- a lot of them -- ending up going to Al Qaeda, etc., and themuslimvileone wound up "a laughingstock across the Middle East. He was a "laughingstock" everywhere, not just the Middle East. He was a total failure. July 20, 2017   Fake News:   When will they learn? Never. They're so far removed from reality and truth that they are going along their merry little ways lying through their teeth even though their own networks will debunk their lies later. It's ridiculous. It's something that those who watch the Fake News liars are too stupid to catch. That's why they keep lying to their faces. It's sad to think that that many people are that dumb. It's because of the Fake News' lies that I hope Breitbart succeeds. Let's help them reach the goal of getting rid of all the Fake News idiots. America and the world would be a better place. July 20, 2017   Don't believe what you're reading about Pres. Trump and Jeff Sessions and any ill feelings between them. I think that Pres. Trump was disappointed that Sessions caved so easily and thought Sessions should have had a stronger spine instead of recusing himself from Russia probes and I think that if Pres. Trump had told Sessions that he would stand behind him and backed him that Sessions would have not recused himself. There isn't a Republican Senator or House member who is used to having the backing of the President to stand firm and do the right thing, so Sessions had at least eight years of no backing. No wonder he thought it would be what the new president would want. Sessions tried to placate someone who was in the White House, as he thought it would be appreciated that he do. What he didn't realize was that Pres. Trump is a totally different person from themuslimvileone and now there's a whole kettle brewing that should not have been put on the stove at all. It was brought about by the conditioning of the last eight years, not because Sessions actually has no spine. At least, that's the way I see things. Hope I'm correct. Of course, the Cheekbone Cherokee would love to see Sessions quit, Sessions is going to stay and do what is best for America. If that includes more caving, he should quit. If, on the other hand, that means standing for TRUTH, America and enforcing the law equally without prejudice regarding political party, religion, gender, age, influence, or wealth, then let him stay and do his darned job! Especially if that includes pressing charges against themuslimvileone, his administration and hilloserclintOOn! July 20, 2017   I Stand With Israel:   In Berlin a despicable - but predictable - trend has emerged of using "You Jew!" as an insult in schools. Germany welcomed Muslims in and now they have this antisemitism rearing its ugly head, but it's not just antisemitism. They have children acting as "morality police" against other students. If you say the wrong thing, wear a skirt too short, eat ham, you face their ire. It's not safe to have children acting this way. If they act this way at such a young age what are they going to be doing when they're in their twenties? July 20, 2017   Woah! Coffee is supposed to wake you up not do other things! I wonder how many women were happy about their hubby's improved... Well. Anyways. Some people will miss that coffee. July 20, 2017   Sen. mcCAIN'T has a brain tumor, and that's too bad. But what's worse is the left's wishes for his death before they found out about the brain tumor. Leftist/progressive/liberal hatred has no limits, does it? I don't like mcCAIN'T but I don't want him dead. I wouldn't mind if he changed his mind and became a True Conservative, but I doubt that will happen unless this brings about a wake up call. I don't know what the future holds for him, but I know that it's a tough time for his family and him. I pray for blessings and strength. July 20, 2017   Aaaaaaahhhh... Public Schools:   Another Florida teacher arrested for having sex with a student. I don't know what the count is nationwide, but it's to the point of absurd and scary! Parents should homeschool their kids for this reason! Here in Brevard County, another teacher was accused of sexual misconduct with at least one student. Last month in Lake County a teacher tried to have sex with a 12 year-old! He even brought "emergency contraceptives" so that he could do so! He was talking to someone online he thought was a kid but, thank goodness, wound up being an undercover agent! How many teachers are predators who know where to find vulnerable, unloved children who want to do anything they can for "acceptance"? How many teachers are willing to push the boundaries for their own sexual desires? How many teachers went into teaching just so they could be near their potential victims? How many students have to be victimized before the educational system decides it's enough? It's a nationwide pandemic and it's not just wrong, it's a scandalous tragedy. According to an article in USA Today, "A total of 2,570 educators nationwide were punished for sexual misconduct from 2001-05"! Let's stop this outrage and start putting our children ahead of the new car, house, pocketbook, whatever! Homeschool your kids! That number is back in 2001-2005 and it's only gotten worse since then! Homeschool now! July 20, 2017   That storm is overhead. I'm outta' here! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 18, 2017: 11:11 a.m.   IRS Abuse:   I think Judicial Watch is correct: the IRS does need to be investigated for their abuse of power. They need to be thoroughly investigated and those who have been breaking the law should pay the price for it. The government is not above the law. To not prosecute them for it is saying that the government - especially the IRS - is above the law and not accountable to the law and that's wrong! Everyone in America is accountable to the law. The IRS is not better than the law and they need to be prosecuted for doing the wrong thing and working against the American people! July 18, 2017   ROTTEN ryan and mitch mcCONnell:   Do you realize they head the "most unproductive Congress in 164 years"? Yeah. They both need to get the boot in the keester and get kicked out of the House and Senate altogether, not just as leaders. Get them and their kiss-butt ways out of there and get someone with a spine and the determination to do the right thing in there! Let's get rid of the dead wood and get some real spunk in there! July 18, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   If you walk your dog around the wrong person worldwide nowadays, you, too, can get beaten because in Islam dogs are "unclean" and they get "offended" when they see them. That's why in Muslim countries dogs can be mistreated and tortured and it's okay. That's the way you treat things that are "unclean". Isn't that what we want here in America? July 18, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   I agree with President Donald J. Trump. Let this crappy piece of legislation fail. It is well on its way to total failure. I think it would be a better thing to let it die the ignominious death it should die. It's only appropriate because it was designed to fail and it was designed to put America into a socialized medicine mode. I do not want socialized medicine and I think that when the inevitable failure does happen that the free market should be able to step in and work better now that we've had a taste of the misery that the next-best-thing to socialized medicine brings us. If Congress needs to act after the collapse and failure then and only then should they step in. Let the free market work. It's the way America was founded and it's the way we should work. July 18, 2017   July 18, 2017   Shades of "Veejer": "peculiar radio signals" from space! I wonder if it's one of our own from years ago malfunctioning while traveling farther and farther away, or if it's that "someone" found one of ours and started tinkering with it, or if it's "someone" out there wants to communicate with us and is sending us signals to say "Hello!" or "We will conquer you!" Don't know which it is, or if there are many others, but whichever, I like space and the intrigue it holds. BTW, while speaking of space, remember that the next solar eclipse visible to us is August 21, 2017. Be ready and remember to not look directly at the sun while it is happening. Been there, done that. Still can't see my hand in front of my face when I go into our bedroom while my hubby is sleeping. Almost ran into the closed bathroom door last night. Learn from my curiousity-induced mistake. Use the safety precautions recommended to keep your sight safe. I know how it turns out if you don't. July 18, 2017   Let's get someone with a spine into the Jeff Session's seat. Let's get Mo Brooks for Senate elected and let's start replacing all of the wimps and cowards (starting with mcCONnell) out of the Senate and House and start doing what's right and best for America instead of what's best for the glad-handing donors. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or cowardly opposition.) July 18, 2017   Awwww... Someone should bring the animals from Puerto Rico's zoo over here so they don't starve to death. The zoo is not being funded because Puerto Rico is broke and the animals are doing without care and food because of it. I hope Busch Gardens or some such organization will step up and help out. Maybe someone should start a "Go Fund Me" page for it, or maybe an "Adopt the Animal" thing for the animals at the Puerto Rico zoo. Something needs to be done to help those poor creatures. They didn't ask to be there and they didn't spend the money that drove the island into bankruptcy. They should not be the ones who pay the price. I wrote to Bush Gardens via their "Contact Us" page and asked them to team with other Busch Gardens throughout America and maybe with zoos (Miami, D.C., San Diego, etc.) to help the animals in Puerto Rico. I'll let you know if I hear anything back. July 18, 2017   I wonder what is causing CaliMarxifornia's drinking water to have cancer-causing toxins in it. I wonder if it's something in the pipes they use, the long trip the water has to take to get to them, the enviro-loco laws they have that prevent good cleaning of the water, or what. I don't know, but I hope people are not drinking it, using it for cooking, or brushing their teeth with it. It needs to be cleaned up before people ingest it. That's just sad that they can't trust their drinking water. I wonder if they're going to ask for help from America when they still want to secede. July 18, 2017   Do you have children who enjoy using "smart toys", toys like tablets that can connect to the internet, or cell phones, or a myriad of other devices? If so, you need to consider your child's safety before you give them a connected toy that can turn into danger for your child. Be a smart parent/grandparent/friend/relative. Don't give children a way to be contacted and found by strangers who want to do them harm. Think non-connectivity instead of connectivity. It's safer for your child. July 18, 2017   Woopsie! This may sound like a good thing for those with a student loan from this organization, but if they don't keep up the payments and do what they are supposed to do, it will catch up with them sometime, somewhere. If suddenly those papers were found and they hadn't kept up, that's a lot of paying things back to catch up on. I hope those students have already learned a great teacher and don't put their future financial well-being in jeopardy for a little more cash in hand now. July 18, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Just because he's out of office that doesn't mean he's finished destroying America yet. Don't trut this vile creature and don't forget all of the damage he did while he was in the Red House. He hates America and will continue doing all he can to destroy her! Don't let his words fool you! July 18, 2017   I would have loved to have seen this introduction. David Horowitz introducing Milo Y? Really? That's too good! I love both of them but wish they'd use cleaner language, but I'd love to have heard a clean version of the day. July 18, 2017   Okay. Count me totally shocked. French President, Macron took a stand against anti-semitism and anti-Zionism. I didn't expect that. I never would have thought those words would escape his mouth. He ran on such a hidden platform that I am totally surprised by this. Good for him! Stand with Israel! It's a good thing! July 18, 2017   When it comes to President Donald J. Trump, the whole world has crazies who hate him and sometimes, unfortunately, they are in control of popular events and want to ban President Donald J. Trump. Idiots do as idiots do, and it only makes them look as bad as they really are, but they need to (sooner or later) get a grip! It's time to accept the fact that President Donald J. Trump is just that: President! It's time! July 18, 2017   Awww... Good doggie! That's a hero dog! July 18, 2017   Oregon, a very liberal state, making heroin and cocaine possession into a misdemeanor is going to be bad for the state, not good for it. Anytime you make a bad thing more accessible it's always going to turn out horribly. That's the thing lefties/progressives/liberals don't understand: If you start with bad, add bad to it, you get even "worse bad", not good. Two wrongs don't make a right so what is Oregon thinking besides "Let them do wrong."? July 18, 2017   "Now, imagine your disbelief as your lawyer tells you that you won’t be allowed to call the girl as a witness, or even mention her name at your trial. The jury will only hear from the assailants and won’t even know there was an innocent child you were defending. All they’ll be told is that you shot people for no apparent reason and that on top of seeing you serve up to 25 years in prison as a convicted felon, your 'victims' deserve hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial restitution."That's where our courts are headed and I pray that this guy gets found completely and irrevocably innocent and that the perps who paralyzed their female victim are sent to prison forever and beyond. Within that story was another story about how a hacking case could affect your Second Amendment rights. Incredible how sick and twisted our "justice" system has become under the guidance of lefties/progressives/liberals. SMH. July 18, 2017   On that irritating note, I'll close for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 17, 2017: 2:06 p.m.   Well our new project has gotten off to a great start and this evening we do the next step, so I'll probably be sore tomorrow. Oh, well. That's the joys of owning your own home: you get to do all of that yourself, and pay for it yourself, and that's fine with me. Better than renting, IMHO. July 17, 2017   hillclintOOn:   More e-mails received via lawsuit reveal that she gave special treatment to her donors while she was secretary of state. Yep. She made promises and delivered on them in exchange for money. She sold America out and was happy to do so to get the almighty dollar for herself. Isn't that wonderful? What price a Hermes purse, hillclintOOn? What price a designer Mao suit? "In July 2009, in reference to the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, Clinton Global Initiative head Doug Band told Abedin that she 'Need[s] to show love' to Andrew Liveris, the CEO of Dow Chemical. Band also asked for Liveris to be introduced to Hillary, 'and have her mention both me and wjc'. Dow gave between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. Band also pushes for Clinton to do a favor for Karlheinz Koegel, a major Clinton Foundation contributor, who wanted Hillary Clinton to give the 'honor speech' for his media prize to 'Merkel.'She sold you, your children, mother, uncles and aunts, cousins, neighbors, coworkers, etc., etc., etc., out for money. She sold America out for cold, hard, sometimes-foreign cash. When will she go to prison for that? When? July 17, 2017   Judicial Watch is watching presidential travel expenses that we pay for and they got more info on themuslimvileone's expenses (although they still have not received all of the expenses associated with themuslimvileone's and family's travel). In order to be fair they keep tabs on President Donald J. Trump, too, because we still pay for all of that travel (although Pres. Trump said while campaigning that he'd travel in his own private jet if elected, the security detail had something else in mind and prvailed). It's time that presidents - every president - realize that we are not their piggy bank when it comes to travel. It's time for them to stay home once in a while. The White House is a pretty nice house and it's time they realize that there's "No place like home". Get a grip. If they want to reimburse us for it, that's fine. I'll take that. Let them travel. But until then, they need to cool their heels and have a movie and popcorn night at home. July 17, 2017   Did you know that Winnie The Pooh is banned in China? He's used as a "stand-in" for China's president, and they use the character to ridicule the president. Since the Chinese leaders cannot stand to be ridiculed, they ban the character. Sounds like the leftist/progressive/liberal snowflakes here. July 17, 2017   In I Timothy Chapter 2, we are ordered to pray for our leaders: "1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;So this "pastor" saying that praying for President Donald J. Trump is "theological malpractice bordering on heresy" is not just wrong, it's unbliblical. If he's a "pastor" he should know and understand the Bible better than this. He should know that it's correct and obedient to pray for our leaders. I prayed for themuslimvileone that he accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, that he learns how to tell the truth (because he never told the truth a single time while in office or campaigning), and that the truth about his betraying America be prosecuted and that he spend the rest of his life in prison. That's how I prayed for themuslimvileone. Saying that we should not pray for our presidents is an alleged "pastor" speaking out of his ignorance or hatred of President Trump. July 17, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The Border Patrol is happy. President Donald J. Trump's policies has made their lives easier. Fewer people are crossing our borders illegally, illegals are self-deporting and illegals who registered to vote are being unregistering. It's all good, folks. It's all good. July 17, 2017   Another person trying to do harm in D.C.? A D.C. cop was injured as a vehicle was driven into barriers. Note the slant nbc puts on this. They don't mention the guy who shot the Republicans at baseball practice. They don't mention the March 10, 2017 incident in which a man jumped the White House fence. They didn't mention the 12,000 death threats against President Donald J. Trump between Jan. 20th when he was sworn into office and Feb. 3rd, when this article was written. No, the article focuses on the incidents that took place during themuslimvileone's administration, trying to make it look like themuslimvileone was more threatened, more hated, braver for continuing to live his life as he was under such a threat. There were already more threats against Pres. Trump in the first three weeks of his presidency than in the first term of themuslimvileone, but nbc can't mention that! No. They have to try to glorify themuslimvileone. Idiots. July 17, 2017   I'm going to go for now because I have to do something for our family that requires phone calls and research. If I get the chance and time to come do more blurbs, I'll post them above this one. We'll see what happens. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 14, 2017: 1:06 a.m.   It's Flag Friday so here's my "Tribute To Our Heroes 328: Eagle's Thunder" tribute this week. I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll see you later today for updates. July 14, 2017: 1:16 p.m.   The "investigation" (read: Salem Witch Trials) the left/progressives/liberals are "doing" into Pres. Donald J. Trump and all of the leaks (read: lefties still in office and doing themuslimvileone's and hillclintOOn's bidding), is a loaded farce looking for a place to spill out into the streets in violent protests. That's the way the left thinks they can control the narrative: get any allegation they can, publicize it to false outrage and get their busloads of hired protestors to fill the streets, hurt people and break things and then the left counts it as a win because it gets more minuts on the msm than the TRUTH of Pres. Donald J. Trump's innocence and his son's innocence. If they can create havoc, get their paid protestors out there to hurt people and break things, they think they've won because of the coverage disparity. That's the left's current holy grail: coverage minutes. If the msm didn't fall for it this time, and instead paid more attention to the truth of the First Family's innocence, then the left will be defeatd. We all know that won't happen because the msm is part of the leftist/progressive/liberal machine. July 14, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   It's incredible to think that the lefties in Phoenix will order cops to NOT ask about immigration status in defiance of the law. What do they think they're doing? I hope USAG Jeff Sessions sues Phoenix to get them to obey the law. I hope he has the person who issued the order arrested and prosecuted. I hope the person who gave that order gets three years in prison for breaking the law. That's what is going to be necessary for the left/progressives/liberals to get the message that the law applies equally to all citizens and laws governing the way illegal aliens invading our country are handled must be enforced. Put the Phoenix order-giver in jail and put him/her in there with any cop who obeys that order! July 13, 2017   catholicism:   Really? A catholic papal advisor wrote a rant against we "southern evangelicals" and their literal belief in the Bible as a whole. catholicism says that it is based in biblical beliefs, too, but their brand of belief must be acceptable to this clown, while mine is not just wrong, it's dangerous. This is the modern catholic church under poop francis. Breitbart writer, Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D., commented on the rant and defended us much better than I could ever hope to accomplish, but I will add my two cents worth here. If the catholic church can say that their current stances under poop francis are biblical because they adhere to the leftist/progressive/liberal ideals where does the Bible stand on those ideals besides total opposition to them? The papal advisor's words speak for themselves: "Rushdoony’s doctrine maintains a theocratic necessity: submit the state to the Bible with a logic that is no different from the one that inspires Islamic fundamentalism. At heart, the narrative of terror shapes the world-views of jihadists and the new crusaders and is imbibed from wells that are not too far apart. We must not forget that the theopolitics spread by Isis is based on the same cult of an apocalypse that needs to be brought about as soon as possible. So, it is not just accidental that George W. Bush was seen as a 'great crusader' by Osama bin Laden. [my link]"So the catholic papal advisor is saying that because I believe the Bible I'm as bad as an ISIS murderer? Can anyone say SLANDER? This, catholics, is what the church is teaching you. Is this what the previous leaders of your organization taught? If not, how did poop francis get so screwed up? July 14, 2017   It's looking more and more like the Donald J. Trump, Jr. meeting with the "Russian lawyer" was a dnc set-up to try to implicate the Trumps. She was seen hanging with more dumboRATS than Trump people and she was given special clearance to enter the U.S. by themuslimvileone. So where is the link besides this one meeting with Donald J. Trump Jr.? One meeting does not a tie make. Have you ever met briefly with someone who later turned out to be a not-so-nice person? Should that tarnish your life forever? Is it a sin to talk to someone whose background and true identity/ties you are not familiar with? No? Then why the witch hunt against Donald J. Trump Jr.? It's all an effort to tarnish President Donald J. Trump. It's a smear tactic. That's all. July 14, 2017   This woman is as much of a media whore as the kardashians. She's a mockery of herself, she spends so much time seeking attention and yelling into microphones. She should be ashamed of her own behavior, and the fact that lefties/progressives/liberals are using her to further their agenda tells us that she's nothing but a "useful idiot": someone they use for a while to make noise then push under the bus when they've served the momentary need. I give her another three months before tire tracks adorn her face and she runs around saying, basically, "Listen to me! Look at me! I'm somebody! I'm important!" She's pushing shariah law here in America and it's not just bad, it's dumber than a box of rocks; but I insult the rocks. July 14, 2017   Charlie Gard:   I still find it reprehensible that the National "Health" Service (socialized medicine) in england has any say whatsoever in what happens to an eleven-month-old child. I can't imagine that anyone would step between the parents and their decision as to how to treat and what is best for their child. That boggles my mind. Now, since the N"h"S's administers agreed to give them 10 more days, the U.S. specialist is going over there to see if his treatment may help Charlie Gard, instead of waiting for the N"h"S to choose to allow the parents to come here. I'm glad the specialist can travel to try to help Charlie, but why did it have to get to this point? Wouldn't treatment earlier have helped Charlie more, rather than delaying treatment and possibly allowing more damage to be done by the lack of treatment rather than treating it as soon as possible? Sometimes time is of the essence, and in this case, it could have made a huge difference. July 14, 2017   I want you to read Bruce Thornton's article about the "elite" and their false outrage over the current "much ado about nothing". It's going to tell you why you should not be swayed by the alleged "outrage". It's more about "one of them" not being in office than anything else. In other words, ignore it. It's all a put on. July 14, 2017   Did you know that YOU are paying the salaries of terrorists? Yep. We've been supporting the Palestinian Authority -- a terrorist supporting group. You've been helping pay their salaries: "The salaries increase on a sliding scale. The more carnage inflicted, the longer the prisoner sentence, the higher the salary. Terrorists receiving a five-year sentence are granted just a few hundred dollars each month. The bloodiest murderers are paid as much $3,000 monthly. Checks are sent directly to the prisoner, who appoints a power of attorney to distribute the funds. [my bolding]"You've been financing the P.A. "American foreign aid payments amount to roughly $400 million per year."President Trump's administration is trying to stop this, with the Jared Kushner meeting with Pres. Abbas being part of that effort, but Abbas vowed to never end payment to those who kill, maim and harm. Sounds to me like the House and Senate need to totally stop all payments to the Palestinian Authority forever and forever. We should not fund anything/anyone who pays people to murder us. Doing so is just stupid. July 14, 2017   Why are the American taxpayers subsidizing Amazon? I don't understand why we pay them $1.46 for every box they send out to fulfill an order. Why are we doing that? "With high volumes and warehouses near the local depots, Amazon enjoys low rates unavailable to its competitors. My analysis of available data suggests that around two-thirds of Amazon’s domestic deliveries are made by the Postal Service. It’s as if Amazon gets a subsidized space on every mail truck."Sounds to me like we need to change something. I don't like subsidizing big business. July 14, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   I wonder what mitch mcCONnell traded, what deals he made to get the Senate's version of the repeal and replace bill passed. I don't know that it will be good for America. Let us hope that no matter what mcCONnell traded off themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX continues to die on the vine so that even if the House and Senate fail to do the right thing here the thing dies without their replacing it and the free market kicks in and consumers get to figure out their own health care insurance. That's what a free market is for: allowing us to make our own choices. July 14, 2017   I think that the chances of Fakebook's zuckerberg gets elected prezidunce are slim to nill. People remember that Fakebook censored Conservatives, censored their links to Conservative news sites, basically silenced their free speech rights up one side and down the other and that zuckerberg was the head of that silencing. Prezidunce? I think not. July 14, 2017   I have a problem trusting something that says it's going to be traveling super-fast inside a vacuum and that humans should trust it and travel in it. What happens if the pod leaks? Will the oxygen in the pod leak into the vacuum and suffocate the passengers? Will there be drop down air masks as in airplanes? What will protect the people from the pod breaking up if it has a flaw in it? So many possibilities and so many things that could go wrong I hope they take the time to do this right before risking lives. July 14, 2017   I will close with that for today. I hope you have a great weekend. We'll be starting on another project and I'm looking forward to this. It's going to be good and if it turns out the way I want I'll post pics some day. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 13, 2017: 3:34 p.m.   Well, I'm back. Had a great time with my Mom and we went all over the place! Well, okay. Three states. But we had a great time! We went to see a cavern, went on a steam locomotive train ride, did some gemstone sluicing, and last (but certainly not least), did our first experience in a mystery room. You go into the room, find clues, solve puzzles that lead to more clues that lead to more puzzles to solve for more clues to solve the final puzzle. It was great fun but the room beat us. We were told we did very well for first timers in getting 3/4 of the puzzles solved. We had a great time and the birthday girl got a present related to that day's activities as well as the activities, room and board and transportation. It was fun for all of us and we laughed a lot. If ever you get the chance to do a mystery room it's great fun. Give it a try. For now, let's get started. July 13, 2017   I think it's about time that Congress be on themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX as the rest of us are mandated to do. If we have to they should have to. They are not above us. They are not immune to the laws they voted into being. If America has to, they have to and that includes the penalties! July 13, 2017   If you are "lost in the weeds" about the DJT Jr. story, Rush has all you need to know. It's not what the lefties/progressives/liberals want you to think. It's no big deal. To use Van Jones' words, it's a big "nothing burger". Donald J. Trump Jr. did nothing wrong, nothing illegal, nothing to even gasp about. He broke no laws. The left is still just doing a big "Squirrel!" to keep you focused on the molehill they keep trying to make a mountain out of so that you don't look at the crap they keep doing on the side. Don't let the lefties/progressives/liberals distract you. Stay focused. Keep your eyes on their nonsense of the lies they try to tell to get their own way. The battle is not DJT Jr. It is the left. It has always been the left. July 13, 2017   Charlie Gard:   It's time that england's "high court" kiss Charlie Gard's parents' butts and allow them the rights and privileges GOD Himself gave to parents worldwide and allow Charlie's parents to make choices for their child. england's "high court" (AKA "conceited court") is not the parent here but they think that because they went to "university" that they know better for that child than his parents? Puhlease! Considering the educational system of england I think that the parent's intrinsic love and humanity toward their child is a better education than any court system over there -- in england or in the eu (No respect = no caps.) -- could ever dream of having! This has gone on too long. I hope Charlie's parents hire some personal security people who will help them storm the hospital, take their child out of that monstrous place and get on a private jet that is waiting for them closeby and they scoot their tails to America to get their child some real care! That would be a good thing to do! Yes, they'd probably wind up on prison if they went back to england, but as far as I'm concerned, I'd give them amnesty to come here with Charlie and take up residency to preserve their family! That's my thoughts on it! July 13, 2017   john mcCAIN'T:   IMHO, he's guilty of treason and he needs to be kicked out of office by his constituents. I wish they'd throw him out on his head and put someone in there who was a TRUE Conservative Christian who would support President Donald J. Trump (Love saying that!). Stop voting for mcCAIN'T! Kick him out! July 13, 2017   ROTTEN ryan:   Another opportunity lost as the wimpy, dumboRAT-butt-kissing Speaker lets "national reciprocity stall." He is a disgrace to the office and he needs to be replaced, too. Kick him out and put someone with a strong Conservative spine in there who will be able to lead Congress into implementing Pres. Donald J. Trump's agenda. We voted for him and for his agenda. The House and Senate need to get it done! July 13, 2017   It's good to see a good guy doing well. Tim Tebow is on a hitting streak. Hope it continues for him and that he can really put together his game and be promoted to the major leagues and make some history and good money for his family. That's always a good thing. July 13, 2017   Why is it that the lefties/progressives/liberals/Marxists/Communists get a free pass while they rip off the American taxpayers but if there's even a hair's breadth possibility of a sniff of scandal for a Conservative that the left is all up in arms, screaming about "treason", "collusion", "impeachment", etc.? Is there a double standard somewhere out there? (Rhetorical question, of course.) July 13, 2017   pelosipig:   What is wrong with her? She's acting more and more bizarre. It's almost scary. July 13, 2017   July 13, 2017   Speaking of "Big Lies", I have to admit that I'm shocked by this video of Camille Paglia's views on hillclintOOn. Wow. Have you seen that before? I don't usually watch/read Paglia, but I did so last night when I saw a title on YouTube of one of her videos. I got curious and watched and admit that I think she has a brilliant and uncompromising mind. She is a clear thinker, who may draw the wrong conclusions, but she's willing to listen -- well, if she ever takes a breath -- to the other side, she is willing to research for herself and she's willing to learn for herself. That's unusual in a leftist and it's a very refreshing thing. I do admire her for that. I'd love to talk to her -- well, maybe listen to her for hours; as I said, "if she ever takes a breath" -- but I doubt we'd find much more than our opinions on hillclintOOn in common. July 13 2017: 4:28 p.m.   OOps. Hubby's home. Gotta go! See you later for Flag Friday! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 6-7, 2017: 11:27 p.m.   I'm out and about but I still wanted to thank you for your service with my usual "Tribute To Our Heroes 327: The Zoo". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! See you next week. Enjoy your weekend! July 5, 2017: 2:59 p.m.   I thought I'd be able to do updates today, but time slipped away and I'm getting ready to leave for a few days. It's a special day for someone in my family and I'm going to go to their house, pick them up and take them on a trip so I'll be gone until the middle of next week. Sorry. Be sure to check out my My Letter to the Editor responding to the rupester's April "I am an Immigrant" crap. I don't know if it upset anyone else as it did me, but I thought her statement within that segment was despicable. Speaking of despicable, cnn hunted down the meme maker who created the original Trump taking down cnn video and threatened to expose his identity if he didn't apologize and if he ever does anything they don't like again. He apologized because even though he's a middle-aged man (with a daughter) and not a teenager (as some are reporting) that doesn't mean he wants his real name, address, etc., out there for nutcases like the guy who shot the Republicans at baseball practice to find him. Ya' know, it's despicable that cnn thought that threatening someone for exercising their free speech. That's conduct unbecoming a news organization: especially when they share the First Amendment with his free speech rights, and the protection of a "free press". They're both in the First Amendment but cnn apparently thinks they both only apply to them. I wish the guy would make a new meme up. I wish he would make a meme of the same video, but make it cnn taking down cnn. That makes sense nowadays, does it not? They keep shooting themselves higher and higher; in the foot, then in the shin, today in the groin... Sounds to me like a cnn taking down cnn meme is appropriate. See you mid-next week! Hope you all had a good 4th of July! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! July 4, 2017: 3:43 p.m.: Independence Day:   I wanted to write something for Independence Day so my offering is: "Independence Day 2017: The Shot". I hope you like it. I hope you have been enjoying your Independence Day and that you remember the reason we celebrate it. It's about the principles our Founding Fathers engraved on America's soul: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" and what they sacrificed after vowing their "Lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" and some paid the price of that pledge. Remember that sacrifice and remember that there are men and women today who are carrying on that tradition. I thank them all. June 2017 June 29-30, 2017: 9:18 p.m.   Posting this a little early today so that I can get other things done and because I had part of the poem in my head and it's easier to get a poem finished while it's with you. Tomorrow's Flag Friday is "Tribute To Our Heroes 326: A Songful Tune" and I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough. GOD Bless You All! See you tomorrow. June 30, 2017: 1:30 p.m.   Rush has a guest host today so I can do updates while the guest host is on. While Rush is on I'm too busy listening to try to do updates during Rush. I have a tendency to try to type what he's saying instead of completing my thoughts on a subject if I try to update with Rush playing. That's not a good thing. So let's start today with another lawsuit by the good folks at Judicial Watch against the EPA. Did you know that themuslimvileone's administration was breaking the law for almost a year after a legal ruling against them doing so? "A December 2015 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report concluded the EPA’s use of Thunderclap to send out messages boosting the Waters of the United States rule (also known as the Clean Water Rule) “constitutes covert propaganda” and violates the legal prohibition on propaganda by a federal agency."Yep. He broke the law. Thumbed his nose at the law and said, "I am the law. I can do whatever I want." That's themuslimvileone for you. He broke the law any time he chose and knew no one would prevent him. That's a dictator or tyrant not someone who was the "leader" of the free world for eight years. It's ridiculous and he needs to be put in prison for the rest of his life because of all of the laws he intentionally broke. June 30, 2017   Another example of a heartless leftist/progressive/liberal in jane sanders, wife of bernie sanders. She is in a heap of heartless trouble and she brought it all upon herself. I wonder what else they're hiding that she did. How many closets have been opened? June 30, 2017   SMH. christ matthews' "thrill up the leg" used to be over themuslimvileone and his crips crease in his pants. Nowadays the thrill up his leg is from fantasizing about Trump murdering his son-in-law. That's sick and twisted. It is chris matthews, though, so who is surprised by that? June 30, 2017   I think that cnn has shot itself -- not in the foot, as most do -- in the heart. They're bleading out and they know it, thus the hateful, drowning man actions. For instance, the latest James O'Keefe video shows a cnn associate producer saying voters are "as stupid as sh**". Well, he didn't use the asterisks. Yep, America, that's what cnn thinks of its viewers. Isn't that wunnerful? Do you want to watch a network whose opinion of you is that you're "as stupid as sh**"? Do you trust what they're telling you if they think that you are stupid? Will they believe that you will trust everything they say if they think you're stupid? Is that what you want to watch? If not, you may wish to change your news sources. BTW, watch the WHOLE video on that link. It's eye-popping! BTW, while they are dying, they shoot themselves again via doing another Trump/Russia show. This time it was a one hour "special" (on cnn that's also known as a "Big Lie"). What is a word that begins with "C" and means "stupid, ignorant, dumb, idiotic, immoral, egotistical liars". Oh, yeah. That's right. They're already the "clintOOn news network" and that works for that definition as well, so it's already covered. June 30, 2017   President Donald J. Trump:   I'm very glad that he's out of patience with N. Korea. That means that there will be no more slaps on the hand or "sanctions" and "bad boy" speeches at the U.N. It will be action and that action will be decisive. When they tortured Otto Warmbier to death (he died here, but was killed there) that was way beyond the boundaries of any patience. I have a solution for N. Korea: Carpet bomb with MOABs and the problem will be solved; especially if they target the places that the Tiny Tyrant is known to hide. While he's losing patience with N. Korea, he's apparently losing patience with cnn, as well. He's considering suing the "horrible human beings". I think he should do so. I think he should sue them for every penny they have and all of their sets, all the way down to their make-up department's brushes and lights! That would be good. We'd be rid of another set of liars on television. We need that. June 30, 2017   Sigh. This will be the last time I mention these two clowns, but I did want to encourage everyone to watch Fox and Friends. Not because that's what the two crybabies want President Donald J. Trump to do, but because it's a lot better show. While we're mentioning the two crybaby users, can you imagine what will happen during their divorce? If they're this horrible now, what will their divorce look like? Oh, my goodness, it's going to be a blood bath and I bet he will admit that she was bleeding through her facelift bandages during their divorce! BTW, since the lefties have so sweetly pointed out that "all three" of Pres. Trump's wives have had facelifts wouldn't that mean that he would recognize a face lift when he sees one? I mean, really. If he says that she was bleeding through her facelift bandages, she probably was. June 30, 2017   I think this is a good idea. repeal themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX first. Just get rid of the government's involvement in healthcare completely. Get them out of it. Then, if they ever think of it, if they can agree on it, then and only then -- sixty, seventy, a hundred years from now -- they can try to replace it. I like that. June 30, 2017   The SPLC is one of the leftist/progressive/liberal hate groups that target Conservatives and blame us for their wrongs. Typical leftists/progressives/liberals, this election has made them even crazier. Love it! June 30, 2017   No matter how much money themuslimvileone threw at Puerto Rico they still went bankrupt and are struggling with how to preserve historic buildings and do other things government should do. Another bankruptcy in the headlines is Illinois and they're hurting because of pensions and all of the leftist/progressive/liberal policies they've had in place for years. Pensions have driven multiple cities bankruptcy, too. In fact, way back in 2010, there were 32 states that were officially bankrupt: including FLORIDA. Did you know that? Apparently we came out of it because in 2015 we are no longer on that sort of list. (Scroll down for the map of states still broke.) So even with themuslimvileone as prezidunce, Gov. Scott (2001-present) got us out of that mess. I think that speaks volumes. Thank you, Sir! June 30, 2017   If themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is left in place as is, we'll have the same deplorable death sentence for babies from death panels as a couple in England is facing. They could bring the baby to America for experimental treatment, but the socialized medical care there doesn't want to pay for it. They did crowd funding and raised the money to do the travel and treatment themselves, but the medical board there and at the European Court of Human Rights forbad them from taking their baby out of the country to get medical care so that the baby could "die with dignity". Excuse me?!!! They want the baby -- a symbol of hope, continuance, love, and innocence -- to die with dignity instead of getting treatment? That baby doesn't understand what "dignity" is. It will struggle for every last breath, panic when it can't get enough oxygen and it will cry in pain when it doesn't get enough food or water. Is that "dignified"? It's inhuman to not even try to save a baby. It's monsterous. I can't imagine anyone being so heartless and conceited enough to say that they are better arbiters of that baby's fate than the parents and they choose to MAKE the baby die without trying everything in their power to save that child! The EU's superiority complex has gone way too far in this instance and it's time it gets reined in! I hope those parents have the courage to take their baby out of the hospital and out of the country for treatment even without the EU's permission! Stand up to those heartless wenches and busturds on the European Court of Human Rights and tall them where to put their ruling and come over here with your baby and try to get help! That's a plea from my heart and the heart of most human mothers everywhere! June 30, 2017   The U.N. is a disgrace and needs to be abolished. It has so much hatred against Israel and America that it's basically an American-funded anti-American anti-Israel hate group now. It needs to go away. They've shown their antisemitic side yet again with yet another Pro-Palestinian forum in which Israel is hated on for living in its own land. Yep. They hate Israel for allowing Jews to live in Israel. That's screwy, but that's the way the U.N. works: Hate America and Israel first. Speaking of Israel and Muslims, there is a post I will be putting up later today that I have to reformat. It is on this subject, kind of, and it's in response to the nonsense that morondupe wrote in her April 2017 page 6 pooper-paper rantings. I wrote it in the hopes of getting the pooper-paper owner/editor to publish it so I wrote it in Word, and the formating is different than HTML, of course, so I will reformat it and post it either as a page here in my rupeadupe section or on my regular blog. I'll post a link, don't worry. June 30, 2017   I don't understand people who don't consider their children as precious, special and worthy of protection. I just don't get that. That's why the EU's European Court of Human Rights is a disgrace to me and why I agree with sanctioning eight countries for child sex slave trafficking and using child soldiers. So your twins, a girl and a boy, are six and they come and take the boy to be a soldier to die in the place of the "adults" too cowardly to take the bullet, and the girl to have sex with those same "adults" (perverts) who are too cowardly to try to get a grown woman to agree to sex with them. Is that the way it works? Those countries are: "Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen."Notice that they're all Muslim majority countries? That's how Islam teaches people to value their children? Who would ever want to have a child in that religion? SMH. June 30, 2017   THIS is what I want to see happening all over America and all over Israel! Take back our countries and let freedom ring! Good for them! June 30, 2017   I hope that the residents of SanFranInTheCan have money to burn. After all if you're going to be paying illegal aliens $190,000 because a cop turned that alien in to ICE, then they must have plenty of spare dollars in their pockets to give to the city. June 30, 2017   I'm going to close with that for now. There's so much more to cover but I need to get things done and I will be back later today or tomorrow with the letter to the pooper-paper so I'll link that above. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 29, 2017: 6:38 p.m.   I know it's late but I had to post a few blurbs because it's time for some good news. The thing I wanted to start with is the House passed Kate's Law and another one that will "deny federal funds to sanctuary cities". It's about time! Let's hope the Senate passes this, too! That may teach "sanctuary cities" to follow the law, instead of trying their darndest to disobey it. June 29, 2017   Let's hope that these 66,000 illeglas arrested never get to break another law here in America. Either they're in prison, or they're kicked out of America and they are never coming back. Personally, I prefer the latter because then we won't be paying for their housing, food, clothing, dental and medical care and all of that. June 29, 2017   I'm not surprised by the fact that it was time for susan rice to testify before a Congressional committee, but I will not be very surprised if she says anything besides "Under advice of my attorney, I plead the Fifth." They don't like to answer questions. They like to make false accusations against others and ask questions, but those in themuslimvileone's administration don't like to be the one answering the questions. Even if they do they lie, as did loretta lynch, eric holder and hillclintOOn they never face the consequences of those lies. Maybe President Donald J. Trump can make that change. I'd love that. June 29, 2017   Well, DUH! People enjoy spending the money they earned. To have to have a poll to find that out? Duh! June 29, 2017   I heard about the brouhaha with the two msnbc morning hosts and I thought, "Yeah. So?" What's the big deal? She's a feminazi and she's supposed to be strong enough to handle what a man says to or about her. Why does she need all of these people coming to her defense and aid? It's supposed to be that feminists would be the first to say "I am strong. I can handle this." but, no. I think if she has had a facelift (and looking at the pics...) then went to the Mar-a-Lago and Pres. Trump saw her face bleeding through the bandages then what's wrong with saying so? The President telling the truth is a refreshing change after eight years of liar-liar pants on fire. It's nice. June 29, 2017   Speaking of liar-liar, valerie jarrett is the same and she's lying about themuslimvileone's "transparency". Transparency? Where? What? Did his fingernails grow long and very thin, thus transparent? No? Then he had nothing about him that was transparent. Nothing. He was opacity itself. His whole administration lied, obfuscated, did the "Squirrel!" on a regular basis, etc. The fact that they keep saying it doesn't make it true. They're doing the old "If you tell a lie often enough" thing. She needs to go to prison for her lies. That would be a novel thing: a dumboRAT being held accountable for their own actions. June 29, 2017   Well, hubby's been home but busy pressure washing things and he's finished now so it's time for me to go spend time with him until time for the Flag Friday. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 28, 2017: 2:58 p.m.   There's a reason the lefties/progressives/liberals hate James O'Keefe (and I love him). He gets them on video admitting their collusion, lies and deceptions and then he shows those videos to the public. The current videos with cnn employees admitting to their collusion to defame President Dondald J. Trump and his administration and family is in phase two and it's making the cnn folks and others in the msm absolutely bonkers! I love it! June 28, 2017   Speaking of the idiots at cnn, they are using -- and PBS is cooperating with them using -- Elmo to diss the travel ban. Duh! Did they stop to think that President Donald J. Trump has been very successful (moreso than I thought he'd be) in getting the Republicans in the House and Senate to do his bidding (even in the healthcare bill) and he could talk to them about what kind of funding PBS (and thus, Elmo) gets in the future? He has already put out a sample budget that cuts funding for PBS/NPR so isn't that a dangerous game to play, putting Elmo into politics? Duh! June 28, 2017   pelosipig:   I wonder when it's going to be announced that she has died in her sleep, or she has had another stroke and is in the hospital, or whatever. Considering how many times her brain has betrayed her in the last eight months or more I think there's something seriously wrong with her. This video of brain freezes is startling in the number and frequency. I wonder if she's trying to hang in there until she has to run again, or until she can work out another way to benefit her hubby's business with lots of taxpayer dollars. Whichever, she's not looking like she's playing with a full deck. But that's been the truth since she entered politics. June 28, 2017   Is this really the case? Do networks really believe they have the right to tell you for whom to vote? If they believe that, it's no wonder they think they can get away with the lies they've been telling for years about Republicans and Conservatives. Remember the lie they told about Sarah Palin's campaign wardrobe? Yeah. They do that sort of thing all the time. It's time you stop listening to the msm and start doing the research for yourself. Or, on the other hand, you could come here and see the research I put out and make your decision based on the facts I find. June 28, 2017   I hope ROTTEN ryan gets a solid Conservative Christian opponent who wins election and gets to replace him and defeat someone who wants to keep themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. I want ryan outta' there! But I don't want another harry reid in. So, Wisconsin, figure out how to get a real Christian Conservative to run and I bet they'd have a solid chance to beat them both. (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any campaign, committee, candidate, or anyone or anything else. This is moi and moi alone exercising my First Amendment rights! So stick it.) June 28, 2017   It's time our U.S. military veterans get their due respect, their due treatment and their rights returned to them along with their facilities giving them the right to use those facilities and all of the promises given to them by the government when they signed up to serve kept! In L.A. (of course), they have a huge property that was donated for V.A. use in 1888 and was supposed to be used for disabled veterans. Problem is, they keep veterans off the property instead of using it for their benefit. The V.A. was sued: "In October 2015, former VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald and attorneys representing homeless veterans reached a settlement, vowing that the campus would be dedicated to serving and housing veterans in need, particularly those who were female, aging or disabled."The problem is, the V.A. still hasn't kept its promises. The veterans of L.A. are still being abused, ignored, left untreated, and not housed by the V.A. That's not just wrong, it's immoral and illegal. I'm glad Judicial Watch is suing them again! Whoever is in charge in L.A. needs to be fired and the whole staff there replaced or facing criminal charges. Let's get this fixed for our veterans! June 28, 2017   Moms and Dads, you need to consider how colleges are teaching your children to be snowflakes and crybabies and that everything said, unsaid, done and not done is an offense to them and they should be up in arms all the time. This kind of "teaching" is creating mental health issues for college students because they know right from wrong and they know that what they are being taught is wrong but to "fit in" and get an "A" from their leftist/progressive/liberal professors they have to act a certain way, think a certain way, speak a certain way, participate in protests and sit-ins, die-ins, whatever so that they can pass. It's ridiculous that going to college can screw up your mental health but that's what lefties do: they screw with your head and they enjoy it. It's the power over the students they want and get and then abuse. It should not be allowed, but it's not only allowed, it's encouraged and praised! June 28, 2017   I have followed Jay Sekulow since he first came under the wing of CBN's Pat Robertson and I have been a fan of his legal acumen and keen mind since the first time I saw him. He's brilliant! I also want to know what he wants to know: "Why don't we have a special counsel reviewing" themuslimvileone? (Sekulow doesn't say "themuslimvileone", I do; thus no quotes around it.) and his inaction when he found out that Russia was allegedly involved in trying to hack our elections? I still say that the Russians did not hack or try to hack our elections it was the DH[IN]S and the NSA under themuslimvileone but they were leaving false footprints. I believe with every molecule in me that it was themuslimvileone's intent to hack into the different states' election machines and give the election to hillclintOOn so that his legacy would not be destroyed. Remember that I bulletpointed for you the way things worked in all of that back on March 21, 2017 "Russian connection". I think it's time that people remember it was themuslimvileone who tried to hack our elections, not the Russians. I want that prosecuted. June 28, 2017   Uh oh. Now a dumboRAT admits that she gave money to a foundation linked to the Russian ambassador that the Trump admin. people are getting "investigated" for talking to! Where's the special counsel investigating her? June 28, 2017   Did you know that the lefties/progressives/liberals are allied with radical Islam? Yep. A new book shows you who and how. You need to "Find The Truth!" about who your enemy actually is. If you want to support the left and their support of beheading women for walking to the store without a male relative with them, throwing homosexuals off of rooftops with their hands tied behind their backs, the rape of little girls, female genital mutilation, then support leftists. IF, on the other hand, you would prefer to stand for FREEDOM and America, then support Conservative candidates. Think before your align yourself. It matters. June 28, 2017   June 28, 2017: 5:00 p.m.   Well my hubby just called and he's leaving Publix and on his way home, so I gotta' go! Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you here tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 27, 2017: 2:59 p.m.   Fake News:   Well, well, well. It looks like cnn has been "O'Keefed" (My verb, Rush), outed on video for the fake news they really are. The people there have admitted to an undercover O'Keefe staffer that they know the Trump/Russia story is a bunch of bunkem but that it's helping their ratings so it's okay with them to keep the lie going. They admit that they know it but they prefer getting the money and the slight bump in viewership. That's their priority: not truth but money. cnn: may as well be the "DNCCNN". That's who they serve, not the public and not the "Five W's and the H" of real journalism. It's just so easy to get idiots to believe anything and that's who watch dnccnn. So they play to their audience. It's amazing to see that they like to lie to people and that the people who watch them are stupid enough to keep watching! cnn's audience: boxes of rocks and their human IQ equivalents. Too bad there are still people out there willing to defend the liars. June 27, 2017   Part of the reason I don't use google as a search engine is because they are very pro-leftist and the results of searches on their engine are always very pro-leftist. The EU has decided that they stacked the deck a lot and the EU has fined them $2.7 Billion! Wow. I know google has made a lot of money lately but I didn't know it was that rich! Lefties like to pay google to run their ads on them! This is a "free market" in America that allowed them to get that rich: a free market that their supporters want to destroy, but c'est la vie. In America that's the way it works. June 27, 2017   What? Gov. Chris Christie may be extorting $300 Million from an insurance company? Judicial Watch is wondering (and doing FOIA requests to find out) if it's Christie doing a favor for a friend via forcing a big company to buy his friend's failing small company. If so, the way he's going about it is ridiculous and it can cost Christia a lot. I wonder if his friend is worth that much to him. I've never been a fan of Christie, but this knocks my opinion of him down even farther. Shame on Christie if Judicial Watch's suspicions are true. June 27, 2017   Judicial Watch is suing the EPA to find out if themuslimvileone's "clean power claims" were accurate. It's not as if they have even the slightest, remotest, most miniscule chance of being accurate, considering that every time -- every time -- his lips moved he was lying, but it's good to have the proof and to publish it. People need to know when themuslimvileone has lied. After all, if we can prove it for every lie then we can totally debunk his preziduncy and proove my assertion (since early 2009) that he was/is the worst prezidunce ever. June 27, 2017   If you read this article you'll read part of the ideas in the two books by this guy I bought Monday. I'm looking forward to reading them. I suggest you do, too. He's got some good points. June 27, 2017   MAGA:   Consumer Confidence Index moves up yet again since Pres. Trump was sworn in. In fact, it's "hitting a nearly 16-year high" and that means that it's higher now than the whole time through themuslimvileone and most of G.W. Bush. Impressive. President Donald J. Trump is "Making America Great Again" and he's making friends worldwide (even if the lefties/progressives/liberals don't want to admit it). It's good for America. June 27, 2017: 3:43 p.m.   That storm is just overhead right now so I'm going to shut it down early because it looks like it's going to get bad. See you tomorrow. Stay safe. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 26, 2017: 3:05 p.m.   SCOTUS:   They gave Pres. Trump a victory that means that some people will be banned from entering America and others may be legally deported if they are from known terrorist active countries. That's all President Donald J. Trump was trying to do: Keep you and your family safe. He didn't want to allow terrorists into America. Is there anything wrong with that? Do you want more nine-elevens? Do you want more New York marathons? Do you want more Americans who are going about their lives being killed by the terrorists who came here under false pretences? They also ruled that churches may receive state funds if they are "generally available benefits based purely on their being a religious institution." They ruled last week that some people who lie during their citizenship application process may face something unexpected: "The Supreme Court on Thursday held that federal law authorizes courts to strip immigrant citizens of their U.S. citizenship if they obtained it as a result of making false statements to the federal government."They didn't do all good, though. The lefties/progressives/liberals on the court banded together to give birth certificates with same gender parents allowed to be issued. That's scientifically impossible, but the SCOTUS ruled that it's allowable. How dumb is that? They also allowed a drug dealer to stay in America allegedly because of "bad lawyering". SMH. Remember, all of these rulings were heard before Justice Gorsuch was part of the SCOTUS. Would things have been different if he were there to hear the oral agruments? I can't say. All I can say is that they screwed up on two of the rulings. I do know one thing, though. No matter what their ruling, they can't adjudicate real science. GOD decided who a Mom and Dad are, not the SCOTUS. June 26, 2017   themuslimvileone:   He ruled the administration via hiring idiots who thought and believed as he did, who would follow his lead to hades and back and who didn't have to be asked or told twice to do something illegal. That's why it is no surprise that we find out that his DO[IN]J and the AFT obstructed the Fast & Furious investigation. They interfered and tried to hide the facts and kept the truth from coming out about Border Patrol Agent (BPA), Brian Terry's, murder. (Raise your hands if you're surprised.) themuslimvileone never cared about BPA Brian Terry being murdered. What he cared about (and still cares about) is destroying America. That has always been his goal and is still his goal. He will do everything he can to aid in that endeavor. He's a vile creature. June 26, 2017   I think this is hysterical! The DHS under Pres. Trump is doing good things. Now they have defunded themuslimvileone's fave Islamic groups and decided not to have an "Iftar" dinner! Not only did they defund themuslimvileone's favorite ISIS-linked and terrorist-linked groups, but they funded peace-promoting orgs and police departments! Love it! That is so good! I bet themuslimvileone is rolling over in his grave -- or will be when he gets there years after the humiliation of President Donald J. Trump's complete dismemberment of themuslimvileone's legacy. I am loving it up one side and down the other! June 16, 2017   Honestly, this comes as no surprise to me. If you want to look at dirty tricks, behind the scenes shenanigans, and low-down, rotten deals to do the wrong thing instead of the right, look to the dumboRAT party. They are lower than low and they have no problem doing illegal, immoral, wrong, dirty, whatever-it-takes-to-win deeds. They can't win on their party platform so they have to cheat, lie, steal, coerce, pay people to vote illegally and more than once, etc. They know they are losers lumped together for a losing cause so they do whatever they can to win. It's almost sad; if it weren't so disgusting. Remember: themuslimvileone was part of the lying and he did it every time his lips moved. His administration will go down in history as the worst preziduncy ever and one of the most corrupt, most opaque and most wicked. That's because it was. June 26, 2017   Remember when President Donald J. Trump tweeted that he hopes that there are no recordings of the Trump/Comey meetings because Comey was denying that he told Trump that there were no investigations into Pres. Trump? Remember that? Now we find out that a NSA whistleblower says that there probably is at least NSA recordings of their phone calls. So Pres. Trump was correct in at least the phone call arena when he tweeted that "recordings" tweet. Considering that themuslimvileone increased the NSA's and DHS's and all of the other spy agencies' permissions to spy on Americans and that includes the incoming president. themuslimvileone needs to go to prison for all of the wrong he has done. I hope that all of these investigations are looking for the truth not just anything they can try to attribute to Pres. Trump. If they find proof of themuslimvileone, hillclintOOn, or loretta lynch, eric holder, etc., doing illegal activities will they prosecute that, or just ignore it as usual? That's what I want to know. June 26, 2017   themuslimvileone's hirees are still doing nefarious deeds and trying their utmost to sabotage Pres. Trump and our nation and allies. It's time they are all FIRED and they are prosecuted for the leaking they're doing that damages America's safety, military operations and our allies' security. If they are still serving and they were hired by themuslimvileone fire them all and replace them with people whose allegiance to America we can count on! That's the one biggest complaint I have about Pres. Trump: he has left so many traitorous leftists/progressives/liberals appointed and hired by themuslimvileone in office. I hate that. June 26, 2017   What? The U.S.S. Fitzgerald did nothing to avoid the collision even after being warned of being on a collision course? That's astonishing, if true. I can't imagine a U.S. Navy ship not trying to avoid a collision. There would be no reason to do so. The only reason I can imagine it happening is too controversial to post right now. But I do have an idea as to how it could happen. If I'm right, there will be a problem for the military that could have huge repurcussions. June 26, 2017   "Little Miss Pretty":   How low can she go? Ratings take another fall. Awww... Too, too bad. (*Sarcasm.) June 26, 2017   "Socialist" bernie sanders and his wife are under investigation and it turns out that, as president of a college, she allegedly lied on applications for a loan that she wanted the college to get. Not only did she lie, she lied big time (allegedly). It also turns out that he also doesn't live like a socialist because he owns three homes and his last year's income was over $1 Million! Socialist Sanders did not redistribute it to each according to their need, that's for sure! June 26, 2017   I wonder how much thevilegeorgesoros would pay for this island paradise? I lived in Puerto Rico while a child when my Dad was stationed at Ramey AFB there. We lived there for three years and I enjoyed the island. As a kid the heat didn't bother me. As an adult who visited the island in December of last year I saw the island through new eyes. It's still beautiful but their mismanagement via their government despite America pumping money into their islan nation, it didn't help and I saw a sad situation. I remember as a child getting home after visiting Aquadilla and seeing people beg for money to buy something to eat. Both an old man and a little boy (seven or eight) held their hands out to us as we passed by. As an enlisted man with five kids and two adults to feed we didn't have a lot of money for ourselves, and sharing it was difficult. Our Dad forbad us from giving money to off base beggars (I never saw any on base). It was hard obeying his instructions but I did it. Then I went home and cried for them. It was so sad seeing people beg, but with the bankruptcy of the nation, there will be a lot more beggars on the streets soon and the tourists who go there on cruise ships will be surrounded by them. That will be an even sadder situation than I saw as a child. Pray for the people of Puerto Rico. June 26, 2017: 5:10 p.m.   Well, my hubby's been home for a few minutes now and I want to spend time with him. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 23, 2017: 2:53 p.m.   Sorry to be a little late tonight. I tried to upload today's Flag Friday earlier but I guess my ISP was doing maintenance because I tried to get online on four different devices but none of them could do so. I checked to make sure i paid my bill via my cell phone and regular cell service, but that wasn't the problem, so I am left to assume that it was the ISP. I hope they got things figured out. Anyways, "Tribute To Our Heroes 325: Her Momma Told Her" is up and ready for your perusal. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! June 23, 2017: 3:08 p.m.   It's a good thing that there is actually a judge in or near CaliMarxifornia who still has some legal common sense and who will do what is legally right, not just politically correct. A judge dismissed fourteen of fifteen charges against the people who recorded Planned AbortionHood's people talking about selling baby bits for a profit. That's great! Now we need that last charge dropped and the First Amendment will be well served and the freedom of the press will be upheld. June 23, 2017   pelosipig:   I have to tell you: If she's actually ousted by the dems I think that would be a good first step toward getting their party headed in the correct direction. If they get rid of her, maxine "impeach Trump" waters, al "Sue 'till I win" franken, chuck u. crybaby schumer, debbie "Everyone else is lying, not me" wassie-schultz, and a lot of the rest of their "leadership" it may be that many of the people who have stopped believing in the dumboRAT party may (may) go back to them. I wouldn't bet my last wooden nickel on it, but there is a slim, minute possibility. June 23, 2017   I love Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton and I think they're doing GOD's work and making our politicians toe the line is a great thing! That's why I'm glad to see that they are asking that the House and Senate do away with their exception for themuslimvileone's healthcare TAX. I think that would be a great way to make them want to get rid of it quickly and for good! June 23, 2017   I don't think that the taxpayers should have had to pay for this lawsuit, but themuslimvileone had other ideas. He sued Disney over a "Rastafarian" who worked as a chef but had unwashed hair in long dreadlocks and he wouldn't cut it. Disney had the right to ask, he had the right to not comply. If the cook had a problem with it the cook should have sued on his own behalf, and the government should have stayed out of it except for the judge involved in the ruling process. It wasn't themuslimvileone's place to file on the cook's behalf. It was the cook's responsibility, IMHO. This cost American taxpayers and that was just wrong. June 23, 2017   President Donald J. Trump:   I love this! He's trolling the dumboRATS and the press at the same time with his tweets and I think they're not only politically astute, but they're a sharp slap across the face to the dumboRATS while being questions that need to be answered. It's time that those questions be answered honestly by the dumboRATS and it's time to hold their feet to the fire and make them swear under oath the answers to these questions. They'll lie, that's a given, but let's see how many of them we can get on perjury. June 23, 2017   DumboRATS fired someone for saying he's glad Scalise got shot and he wishes he was (bad word) dead? Really? Making an example of the guy to prove that they're not hateful is not changing the truth about their hatefulness. It's just showing that they throw one guy under the bus so that they can be "redeemed" from their own statements along the same lines. He was their sacrificial lamb. Why don't they fire maxine waters, or hillclintOOn, or others? They have all been guilty of hate speech, so why are they still in positions of influence and power? That sacrifical firing guy should sue them for singling him out. June 23, 2017   loretta "Phoenix airport" lynch:   I think the Senate hearing into her actions should be watched carefully by every Conservative out there because I truly believe you will see a totally different hearing for her than for the Trump administration officials. She's supposed to be answering questions about the actions she took last year including how she treated the clintOOn e-mail scandal. She treated it with kid gloves and asked others to turn a blind eye. It's about time and I hope they find enough evidence and lies to put her in prison forever. June 23, 2017   Did you hear about the 30 GOP members of Congress threatened or attacked since May. That's just wrong. It's also to be expected since the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" set in on election night, 2016. The left is so full of hatred of President Donald J. Trump that they have to find an outlet for it, and that includes GOP Congressmen who are easier to get to than the President. It's time this stops. The left always accuse the right of being the hateful people, but look at who the victims are here and who the perps are and you'll see the truth. Don't believe that it's the left who is fueling the hatred? Check out the "Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut's" professor's post in which he says that he wishes that all whites would "[f******] die." Yeah. He's teaching the students at Trinity College. Is he getting paid with taxpayer dollars? If so, that needs to stop immediately. June 23, 2017   If you want to know the truth about what Islam teaches and believes and why Islam is responsible for a large portion of all terrorism worldwide, you need to read "The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology" (available here). You may wish to check out his other books at his author's page and choose a few more that will educate you about the truth of Islam's violence. June 23, 2017   Five days ago we lost seven U.S. Navy sailors in a collision off the coast of Japan, and the investigation is now showing that the freighter was on autopilot and the USS Fitzgerald we have no idea what happened with them. Did the lookouts not see the oncoming freighter? Was the radar not working properly? Was there fog in the area? What happened and why was it not avoided? This information will be of little solace to the loved ones of the seven fallen seamen, but I hope that soon we will all have answers. Pray for their families and for the injured. June 23, 2017   America is under an opoiod addiction epidemic. Part of that epidemic is because there are doctors out there who write prescriptions by the thousands to people who don't have a need for it, haven't had exams or tests and those doctors should spend the rest of their lives in jail, lose every dollar they received for writing those prescriptions and they should lose their medical licenses. Every doctor out there who is helping get people addicted should suffer the same fate as thes they've found in Staten Island, NY. It's disgusting that they have sworn to "do no harm" and then turn their backs on that oath in favor of the almighty dollar. I hope they find GOD's forgiveness in prison because they're in great need of it. June 23, 2017   I think this story is hillarious! Women are preferring the "Dad bod" to a six pack bod? I think I know why. I think that women don't trust men who spend so much time working on their looks because they think that other women will be coming on to them and tempting them and that will lead to infidelity. Women don't like being cheated on so maybe the "Dad bod" thing will help prevent that. Or, maybe I'm wrong and it's all a reflection of women still finding bullybob clintOOn so charismatic that they're attracted to similar body types as his. (*snort, smirk) Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yeah. Right. June 23, 2017   Tell me how Russia developed laser weapon technology before the greatest country on earth (America)? How is that possible? Why did that happen? I think themuslimvileone messed the funding of our military up so badly that even if we were in the development stages of laser weapons he probably defunded it and made sure that is "greater flexibility" included allowing Russia to get ahead in this area. We are behind the curve on this people, and it isn't a good place to be. June 23, 2017   I suppose we're going to have to implement a "Reciprocity Law" when it comes to LGBTQetc. laws because the way CaliMarxifornia does things states will have to know the LGBTQetc. laws in each state they consider going to before they book the travel. I think there should be a database, chart, or spreadsheet that will allow employees to find the information quickly, as long, that is, as it has actual links to the laws of the other states, instead of just personal opinion. BTW, if you don't think (as do I) that CaliMarxifornia is being ridiculous then maybe you agree with them? It's stupid. Just plain stupid that they are doing this. I'm so glad that the old saying, "As goes CaliMarxifornia so goes America" is no longer true. If it were we'd all be nutcases. June 23, 2017   I can't imagine that themuslimvileone campaigning for dumboRATS will help. I believe that his eight years destroying America, dividing us, wasting our money by giving it to his buddies, raising our taxes, destroying healthcare and lying to us about it ("If you like your doctor..."), the way the rest of the world disrespected America while he was prezidunce, traveling all over and staying in luxury hotels at our expense while Americans lost their jobs, their houses, and all security they ever thought they had, allowing his cronies to get away with breaking every law under the sun, as did he, won't do the dumboRATS any good. His reputation preceeds him. They're sending out a rebuked loser to do a losing job. His eight years were totally rebuked by the election of his polar opposite -- President Donald J. Trump -- instead of his coattail rider, hillclintOOn. themuslimvileone will do no good. He's a stain on their party, not a bonus. They've done stupid yet again. June 23, 2017   I admit that I am not happy with every pick Pres. Donald J. Trump has made for his cabinet. One of the worst picks, IMHO, is the Education Secretary, who is now pushing the transgender agenda onto our schools. She needs to be FIRED NOW. This isn't what the schools system is supposed to do. They're supposed to teach reading, writing, arithmetic, true history (not PC), science, and gym classes, not PC sexual preference acceptance agendas. She needs to be fired. June 23, 2017   June 23, 2017: 5:00 p.m.   Okay, I'm going to go start my weekend with that. My hubby is on his way home and I've got to call my Mom. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 22, 2017: 3:10 p.m.   Illinois has had financial problems for quite a few years. Fiscal responsibility doesn't seem to be in their dictionary. Now, they are so broke (and having difficulties finding anyone to borrow from) that on opinion writer says to "dissolve" the state of Illinois. While I totally disagree with that idea, I think it's time for them to get their act together and pass a forced balance budget act and within that act make it a perpetual, impossible to change bill. Then the governor has to sign it and if I were a lender I'd put that as my caveat to lending them a penny. Someone apparently has to teach Illinois lawmakers that balancing a budget and not spending money you don't have is the adult thing to do and that if they can't do that, they need to step aside and let the people of Illinois elect someone who can. June 22, 2017   The Senate Republicans have made their healthcare bill public. It's some good, some bad and you can read it here. It's already lost the support of the four most Conservative Senators and I think it needs some tweeking. I would like to see the bad taken out and the good left in. I don't think, for instance, we need to "stabilize the market" with a $15 billion annual bail out package to the insurance market. That needs to go away. If they can't stand on their own without taxpayer gifts to them, then they need to fall. Just like auto makers in themuslimvileone's 2008 subsidy package, the health insurance market needs to figure out how to survive without taxpayer money. By the way, pelosipig wants to know what is in the law? Remember this? Yeah. She's a hypocrite. June 22, 2017   pelosipig:   Wow. Talk about delusional! That's an ego on two legs and a case of scotch! She really doesn't like it when anyone says anything negative about her. Remember when she was Speaker and she commandeered an Air Force plane to be her personal "Speaker One" to ferry her around hither, thither and yon? She wasn't very happy when it was taken away, or when it just wasn't available. She demanded and got it in 2007 from the House during the Bush administration (Yeah. I was surprised to find that out again, too) from spineless RepubliRATS in the House. They've been spineless for a long, long time. It's time they find one! June 22, 2017   I think that President Donald J. Trump is right. I think that the dumboRATS are the ones who colluded with the Russians, not his campaign. Even former themuslimvileone DH[IN]S advisor, Jeh Johnson, said it Trump/Russia didn't happen. The dumboRATS won't tell anyone the truth about it, though, because it's all about trying to do the "Squirrel!" thing. We're guilty so look over there! Don't look at us! Look over there, anywhere over there! Look! Look! But don't look at us! Remember folks, anytime the dumboRATS accuse someone else of something, it's usually because that's what they're doing. June 22, 2017   "Little Miss Pretty":   Will she get the axe? Do you think nbc wants to stick with someone who can't even draw enough viewers to beat cbs's reruns? If she can't beat reruns, then how can she be a success? That's pathetic! Those who tuned in for the first show (Putin's interview) were probably tuning in for curiosity's sake more than for her. Or, they were interested in seeing if Putin admitted any collusion with Trump's campaign. Whichever, it's still a losing game for nbc to keep someone who can't beat reruns! How long do you think she'll last there? Will she find out that the bridges she burned at Fox News were the only hope she could have had to stay on air on a major network? Will she wind up in a small Kansas station reading the teleprompter again because that's the only one who would take her, or on a morning (or would it be a "mourning" with her on it) show somewhere in a small L.A. station, hoping to get hired for guest spots on sitcoms? Either way, she made her bed. Let's see how long she's comfy lying in it. June 22, 2017   D.C. is doing stupid in a big way. They're now offering "gender neutral" drivers licenses! How on earth do you do that? You are one or the other: you have XX or XY DNA (with acknowledged exceptions). To issue a "gender neutral" drivers license is to break federal law and to deny science. Even in the stated exceptions, there is a scientific gender determination and it is wrong to deny it. June 22, 2017   MAGA:   Another businesses are considering investing "Big League" in America and building a factory here. There's another opportunity for people here in Oakland County, MI because "A.Raymond Corporate North America, Inc., (Rochester Hills), Comau, LLC., (Southfield, Royal Oak and Novi) and GEDIA Michigan, Inc., (Orion Township)" are investing and bringing 349 jobs to the area and investing $40 million to do so. It's all good for America and Americans. June 22, 2017: 4:21 p.m.   Ooops! Hubby's home! Going to go spend time with him! Back for my Flag Friday post later tonight! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 21, 2017: 7:56 a.m.   I've been up all night and I'm in a really great mood! I've enjoyed watching the Republicans win the GA 06 special election and the SC special election, too! It made me smile and I think I've been smiling most of the time since I found out. It was a great night! Happy camper! Can you imagine what all of the snowflake lefties/progressives/liberals are doing right now? They awoke to two Republican victories and somewhere in their pajamas they felt a warm spreading wetness. They ignored it and crawled back into their beds, pulled the blankies over their heads, put thumbs into mouths and tried to cry themselves back to sleep. It had to be a nightmare because it couldn't be real. They were told dumboRATS were going to win in Georgia! The polls said it would happen. Their leaders spent wads of money on buying the win. What happened? Why did it always happen this way since Trump got into office? Poor, poor babies. June 21, 2017   It's the first day of summer and there's already a Tropical Storm (Cindy) heading toward the panhandle. I have a relative who lives up there (well, her whole family is there, too, so it's more than one) and I know she's busy getting things ready. They live very close to the gulf and they own property that needs to be taken care of that is their farming property, so they'll be hustling if they haven't already finished the preps. They're pretty much a get it done early family, so I'm sure it's almost complete by now. I'll have to call or e-mail her later and see how things are. Anyways, if you're over there and reading this take care and remember that there is no phuysical property item (house, jewelry, books, pictures, etc.) that are worth losing your life over. If you have a situation that could be dangerous human life always comes first. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Things can be replaced, or remembered fondly. People are irreplaceable. June 21, 2017   I'd rather be dealing with a tropical storm than with a heat wave as is the West. I don't do heat well and Phoenix, Los Vegas, or any of the others whose temp is high right now is not good. Give me snow and sixteen layers of clothing and I'm a happy camper. So is everyone else since they don't want to see me in fewer clothes! I hate the heat and if given the chance I'd live in the North Pole. Love snow. Love cold. Love the beauty of it. Heat? No. Hate it. June 21, 2017   Really? Really? I just heard on the radio that it's "National Selfie Day". Really? Why? Why does anyone think that a "National Selfie Day" is a good idea? I think I've taken maybe five selfies my whole life and I don't plan on making it more. I think "selfie sticks" are one of the worst inventions ever! I think that cell phones should be sold without cameras in them, or at least cameras you have the option of turning off completely! Selfies? Who needs them? June 21, 2017   Why is it that it took Puerto Rico to go bankrupt before they suddenly like the idea of voting "Yes" on statehood? Why is that? Is anyone else feeling like they'd be using us instead of joining us? If they value statehood for something besides paying off their debt, I propose that we postpone statehood status and all other benefits of being a state until they pay off their own debt. Only then should America consider statehood for Puerto Rico. I know it sounds harsh, but it would allow them to enter on good footing and to not immediately make our flag have to be redesigned; and it would mean that "We, The People" would not be responsible for paying off the debt they got while we are trying to pay our own down. Sounds like a good plan to me. June 21, 2017   They're now saying that being married makes males more prone to getting fat. Considering that it also usually means that there are regular meals, a set dinner time, and other things that make him be somewhere at a certain time and place to eat, it may be predictable. At least, that's what I hope. Either that or they just start eating the monthly chocolate with us. I know I had monthly chocolate, but I didn't share. (wink) June 21, 2017   Tiny Tyrant:   I think N. Korea needs to straighten up before its people pay the price for the TT's ego. Their tyrant would run and hide in his bunker while he let his people fry, so I really don't want anyone to have to do something to make him straighten up and stop threatening the whole world. But when he starts messing with nuclear weapons that's when it's time for us to stage our military and ensure our own country is not hit by them. It may be that N. Korea will be facing some tougher times soon. We'll see what they do, but right now it doesn't look like they're ready to behave. I'm sorry for the North Korean people if their dictator/tyrant brings harm upon them. I hope it doesn't come to that. June 21, 2017   If the dumboRATS really were interested in getting to the facts behind their allegations against President Donald J. Trump about his alleged Russian connection, then why on earth are they blocking people from testifying before Congress? I thought they wanted to get to the truth. I thought they were serious about getting the facts. If they were, wouldn't they be "racking and stacking" witnesses and getting them in, out and through as quickly and efficiently as possible? Why stop them from testifying if it matters to them? I think this is an effort to keep accusations alive more than to get to the truth and drop the whole thing because there was never anything there. That's what I think: there's nothing there. President Donald J. Trump is absolutely innocent but the dumboRATS don't care about that. They want to carry on the "investigation" circus for as long as possible in order to associate guilt with him because if there wasn't something there this would all be over by now, right? The dumboRATS are a despicable, vile, putrid, black-hearted pile of filth who wouldn't know the right thing to do if it kicked them in the groin (trust me, it would never consider kissing them on the lips!). Unfortunately, as we've seen with some of the actions of their "rank and file" that description is now bleeding down from their leadership and people in public office already to some of the "flyover country" folks. That's how bad their leadership has gotten: they've infected the normal folks we used to be able to count on to think for themselves, act morally (with few exceptions and for the most part) and to not shoot us as we play baseball. The dumboRAT party has a lot to answer for to their rank and file. I hope someone decides to sue them to make them change. June 21, 2017   Author/Professor says "[T]he Democrats are nothing now but words and fantasy and hallucination and Hollywood"I think they're more than that. You may have read my description of them in the previous blurb. I agree with her, though. The dumboRATS have "destroyed journalism". They destroy everything they touch. If you don't believe me, ask hillclintOOn, ossoff, bernie sanders, et al. June 21, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Oh, please, Lord, let this actually happen! Let there be a complete, thourough and honest investigation into themuslimvileone's admin and make him go to prison for the rest of his life for what he did to America. Please, Lord! They'll be looking into themuslimvileone and loretta lynch, ex-U.S. Attorney General, and the clintOOn e-mail server investigation and any interference themuslimvileone and lynch may have run to keep clintOOn from facing prosecution. Good! It's about time! I hope they all three spend the rest of their days in prison! June 21, 2017   Why is it that everything that has to do with the Civil War (war between the North and the South) has to be hidden, removed, taken down if it has anything to do with the Confederate side of it? They're removing every jot and tittle of the history portion of the war. What are we teaching our future generations: that there was a Civil War but there was only one side? There was a war, but you don't need to know about it? There was a bad side and a good side and we removed all of the bad side stuff? Remember the quote, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it"? What are we leaving around for the future generations to learn from so that the do NOT repeat it if we remove, cover up, hide, etc., all of the things that remind us to not do that again? If Germany removed all of the Molocaust death camps, all of their reminders don't you think it would be likely to happen again? I think we need to stop removing those Confederate memorials, flags, etc., and start remembering the lessons we should have learned from that horrible portion of our history. Let us not be so politically correct that we are more intersted in hiding the truth than admitting it and learning from it and teaching our children how to avoid repeating it! June 21, 2017   I remember the time of the false accusations leveled against childcare providers. I remember some of the trials and I remember thinking that the children may be telling the truth but that there were so many things that we didn't get to know the facts for that I couldn't make up my mind. If I had seen the reports that have since been released, I think I would have donated to their defense fund (if they have one). The way the "investigation" was conducted was sketchy at best (criminal at worst) and the facts needed to come out a long time ago. I'm sad that this couple had to stay in prison for so many years after a false accusation that, with a little bit of work on the police department's part, would have prevented their long, unjustified sentence. I wish I could turn the clock back for them. June 21, 2017   Hey, if you like watching the sky as I do, you may want to start prepping for the total eclipse of the sun visible from all of North America in two months! It should happen on August 21, 2017 and -- trust me -- you should not watch it with your bare eyes. There are ways to watch it that are safe for your eyes. I didn't do that when I was a kid. I looked directly at it while it was happening. To this day I am almost completely blind in the dark (I can see with headlights, flashlight illumination, etc.), and I have to wear sunglasses in the sunshine and on certain cloudly days. If I go up to snow country I have to wear sunglasses up there, too. I wish I had watched safely when I was a kid. I remember the flare and the edge, but what a price to pay! June 21, 2017   ROTTEN ryan:   Well, yeah, duh! We do blame him for "holding up" the Trump agenda. He's the Speaker of the House and should be leading in the effort to get the whole agenda passed. Is he? No. Is he trying to pass something similar to it? ryan? No. He's kissing dumboRAT backside so hard that his lips are in permanent pucker mode and he's a disgrace to his office and should be removed by his fellow Republicans and someone with a spine allowed to lead. He's rotten to the core and he needs to go. June 21, 2017   I can't imagine the pain the Warmbier family is in right now. I've never lost a child -- especially not through a tyrannical regime's abuse of him while he was in their captivity -- but I do know they're hurting. I can't imagine how much the leftist media's hatefulness toward their son has hurt them before, and now, even more. I wonder if any of those acid tongued devils felt even the slightest nudging of regret for what they had written for his conviction, or if they felt any kind of human pity on his family or him since his capture. It's ridiculous that they choose to write their vitriol, but when a white male American -- even if he may be one of their side -- is in peril from a cruel dictator, the left finds ways to celebrate it and to rub salt in a wound that will never heal: before the wound is completely formed in this case. I believe they may have no soul if they can sleep soundly at night after the things they wrote about thim. June 21, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Another hour, another attack. That's the world European children are growing up in and ours will grow up in if we continue to allow Islam to infiltrate our country as it was allowed under themuslimvileone's administration. It's time it stops or we'll see a suicide bomber in the airport, too. June 21, 2017: 10:26 a.m.   Well, that's it for today, I think. My eyes are starting to feel very tired and I've nodded off here a few times. So it's time to get some shut eye after being awake for twenty-four hours almost to the minute. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 20, 2017: 3:12 p.m.   Have you ever been so focused on getting one thing right that you screw up something else? A few minutes ago I was ordering my new obsession, Incoco nail polish, and had a gift card. I tried to make sure I did the gift card properly but messed up the delivery. I found a way to right it, but I'm shaking my head at myself for being so single-minded that I messed it up in the first place. If you like to have nail polish on your nails but don't like the mess and bottles, this is a really nice alternative. I tried them on a lark but found out that my nails like them and since I've been using them for the last three months or so my nails have been growing -- for the first time in my life! -- and all but two are beyond the end of my fingertips. I can honestly say I can't remember that ever happening before without having gels on. Gels, however, screwed up my nails and it took a long time to get my nailbed straightened out and for the holes the gels ate into my nails to heal. I'll never do gels again, but these press-on nail polish things in cool designs and colors I'll use for a long time! I do recommend them, just don't buy the ones I want, okay? June 20, 2017   themuslimvileone:   How on earth does he get away with doing the same kind of hijacking of important papers from our government to put them in his library that the clintOOns did? Remember Sandy Berger and him stuffing clintOOn papers from the National Archives into his pants and socks and walking out with them? I thought we would have learned from that fiasco, but no. Now we have themuslimvileone taking papers to put into his "library". I wonder which part of the "library" they'll wind up in before anyone knows that the location is the shredder, then the incinerator. That's what I expect to happen, not themuslimvileone handing them over in April. I would get an injunction against him preventing him from destroying anything -- and I do mean anything -- at all. If there's a paper napkin with a doodle on it, it needs to be available for public and prosecutorial inspection. After all, we know how many times themuslimvileone was NOT impeached after he broke laws (plural). So let's see if he tries to get away with the same kind of crud after he's out of office. My guess: Yep. He will. In his own mind, themuslimvileone is not only above the law, he is the law, so why would any law apply to him if he didn't want it to? June 20, 2017   Why is it that in order to get information from an administration that pledged to be "the most transparent" administration, we have to sue them? Judicial Watch had to file yet another lawsuit against themuslimvileone's administrative abuses in their hiding of travel expenses. One would think that since they're out of office that would be a walk in the park type request: May I have it? Yes, you may. If they didn't have anything to hide and they liked transparency, then why are they still trying to hide things from the public and Judicial Watch, specifically? themuslimvileone was not a "transparent" prezidunce. He was and is a liar, cheat, tyrant and hater of America. He needs to be in prison the rest of his life for what he did to America. June 20, 2017   themuslimvileone appointed an idiot judge (who thinks like he does) and that idiot judge decided to release an illegal alien gang member because of "family unity" and due process rights! Well, DUH! Illegal aliens do not have due process rights! Those are reserved for American citizens! To give illegals OUR rights is to water down our rights, our citizenship and our country! If this idiot judge, "U.S. District Judge Elizabeth K. Dillon" had any idea what the U.S. Constitution she swore to uphold and defend had the slightest idea what it said she would never have ruled the way she did. It needs to change, folks. She needs to be fired as does every judge themuslimvileone or bullybob clintOOn ever appointed! Get them out of their so that they will stop ruling stupidly! June 20, 2017   Oh, my goodness! This should be laughed out of possibility! Can you imagine eric holder as prezidunce? Really? I think it would be another themuslimvileone administration, and maybe even a little worse. After all, he found out how far he can go because of skin tone while he served under themuslimvileone, so he'd push it even further. America would be Venezuela immediately. We don't need that. June 20, 2017   June 20, 2017   An independent investigative organization has looked into the Seth Rich murder and released their findings and those findings say: So Seth Rich was murdered and in #3 we see that he may have been murdered by "a hired killer". Remember that he was on his way to speak to the FBI regarding the DNC's collusion to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the Democratic primary. It's time this is seriously looked into by an unbiased law enforcement organization and that his family gets some real closure when the murderer and those who hired him are caught and put behind bars forever. It's time. June 20, 2017   I think that ossoff if incorrect: His potential constituents do care that he doesn't live in the district. I think they care because they want someone who is in their area to represent them because someone who lives nearby will understand your road issues better, your school issues better, your plumbing issues better, etc. To say that someone doesn't live there but it doesn't matter is putting blinders on to reality. June 20, 2017   Illinois has had a financial problem for a while now, and it's now gotten so bad that it's in "banana repubic" territory. That's bad. It's time that they stop spending money on things that buy votes but do nothing to help people. It's time to focus on getting the budget balanced and to stop figuring out how to make group "W" happy by throwing money at them and to start figuring out how to pay the bills! I will not pay for their bailout. I refuse! June 20, 2017: 4:19 p.m.   Oops! Gotta' go! Hubby just got home and we have plans. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 19, 2017: 2:40 a.m.   I've been working on something that was inspired by a conversation I had with a family member a few months back. We discussed the implications of the Book of Job in the Bible and what the story should mean to Christians. I disagreed with her perspective on it -- the traditional Southern Baptist position -- and wrote about my perspective of Job and his story. You may be interested in reading "Job: A Different Perspective" and I hope you learn to read what the Word of GOD says, instead of reading into it, or reading what is not there. Don't let your beliefs be based upon a false teaching. Read and study the Word for yourself. Otherwise you'll believe that GOD hurts you and that's not Love which we know GOD is. June 19, 2017: 1:05 p.m.   The SCOTUS -- with Justice Gorsuch -- has stood for free speech and the First Amendment in a ruling supporting "offensive" trademarks. Sounds to me like the Redskins will be able to keep their name and trademark. I like that. June 19, 2017   Sounds to me like there are companies out there who are either extremely careless or they're totally incompetent at securing YOUR information. The RNC worked with a company that exposed 200 million voters' registration information exposed to anyone who looked for it. There was not even a password required to see the information! That's not just wrong, that's bad! (It's also irresponsible and stupid!) It's time we take back the security of our own information and start holding companies accountable. We stand to lose our bank accounts, good reputation, financial well-being and peace of mind when there are incidents like this all over the place. We need to hold companies accountable. If I were a Republican I'd be all up in their business right now! June 19, 2017   "Little Miss Pretty" is finding out she's not as popular and important as she thought. She thought she'd be able to bring her viewers with her when she left FOX, but they abandoned her and let her try to use her body to get what she thinks she wants. Thinking people think that the mind is more important than the body and face, and that's why she is losing numbers. She may be "Little Miss Pretty", but when she showed her true political and moral side, we found out she's nothing more than a teleprompter reader. That's not good enough. We want someone to read the teleprompter who believes in the principals we do. Once you prove you don't, you're gone. June 19, 2017   I hope that Karen Handel wins in GA tomorrow. I support her because the left is "unhinged" and they don't need to have any more people in office until they regain some sense of decency and morality. When you applaud shooting Republicans that's just wrong. This election needs to get a Republican victory all the way, in a huge win that will make the disgusting dumboRATS cry so hard they wet themselves. June 19, 2017   Another leftie/progressive/liberal idiocy that shows President Donald J. Trump (I love saying that) being assissinated is running in NYC. I think they're ridiculous for doing this but they have an agenda and they want to make themselves look as hateful and idiotic as possible. They succeed, and I'm all for free speech -- which this stupid play is -- so I don't mind them making themselves look hateful and idiotic. The problem comes when those who do not support their idiocy storm the stage and make themselves look bad, too. Don't do that. The only people who will go to this stupidity is those who already believe in the whole idea of assassinating President Donald J. Trump (hehehehe) and if those of us who disagree with that idea go to see it to protest it, we are boosting their numbers, making their hatred more legitimate and giving them bragging rights. Just put them on ignore. They hate being ignored. June 19, 2017   I have to agree with Prof. Alan Dershowitz. The alleged Pres. Donald J. Trump/Russia probe is way too political and no one pushing all of these investigations is actually interested in the truth they're after anything they can make up to say "Gotcha!" with. Truth is President Donald J. Trump is correct: It is a huge witch hunt akin to the Salem trials and it's no more based in the truth than those long ago trials. June 19, 2017   I think that not only should the Republicans cancel the August recess but they should actually get something done while they are still there allegedly working! Come on, Republicans! Do something good for America!!! Kill themuslimvileone's healthcare atrocity! Lower our taxes! Pass President Donald J. Trump's proposed budget, the one that defunds PBS, Planned Parenthood, the National Endowment for the Arts, etc. Get something good for America done! Don't just attend your fancy lunches and the wasteful hearings on the false accusations against President Donald J. Trump! Do something good for America! I dare you! June 19, 2017   Another SCOTUS ruling has me a little torn, I admit. I stand for the First Amendment but if that means that children -- or anyone -- will be targeted via the First Amendment and the internet, then it's difficult. I hate the victimization of children. I hate that there are perverts out there who will use the internet (or candy, or a doggie, or anything else) to get access to children to hurt them. The ruling was about a specific case, but it will have far reaching ramifications and unintended consequences. That's the part that bothers me. GOD protect our children. June 19, 2017   I wonder if this FOX News anchor is talking about running against john mcCAIN'T when he says he's considering running against a "sitting Republican senator" in the South because he talks about someone who was elected as a Conservative but was not a Conservative at all. Sounds like mcCAIN'T. June 19, 2017   Yet another great day on the stock market since President Donald J. Trump took office! I love it! MAGA is working! June 19, 2017   Judicial Watch is going after james comey's alleged memos. I say "alleged" because he says he wrote memos to himself all the time after meetings but it was later found out that he lied about that. So, let's see what Judicial Watch comes up with because they are on top of things! I love them! June 19, 2017   I actually agree with the SBC on this. Planned AbortionHood does need to be completely defunded. Stop all tax dollars from going to them: all, including federal, state, county, city and township. If everyone does not benefit from it, there should be no taxpayer dollars going to it. That's why I believe the federal government should only be involved in the U.S. postal service, roads and bridges, defense of our nation (and other nations if absolutely necessary), and very little else. The Supreme Court needs to stay in effect to protect the people's rights. The President's powers do not need to be taken away or over by Congress or the Court. Congress and the Senate need to get their acts together and stop infringing upon our rights and start realizing that they do not have to be involved in every little jot and tittle of every second of our lives. They need to dial it back and give us freedom again! That's what the government was supposed to do: protect us from itself. Instead, they now legislate everything from what kind of toilets we use and how many gallons of water they use to flush, to what kinds of gasoline we put in our vehicles and what kinds of cell phone techonologies our cell phones can use (look it up). It is time freedom returns to America and the government get out of our everyday decisions and lives. June 16, 2017   I haven't used Michelle Malkin as a source for a long time. I don't really remember why, maybe because I just forgot to check her daily, but I must admit that I am in total agreement with her on today's posting: "Rape fakers must pay a higher price". She is absolutely correct and if women make false claims that she was raped, she usually gets away with a slap on the hand after ruining a man's -- or several men's -- life/lives. It's time to start punishing the "Wolf!"-criers and to start making them serve at least a year for making the false claim. If a woman has really been raped, the rapist should go to jail and I'm all for castration of the perpetrator. First time offenders won't repeat. When, however, it is a false report, the woman gets to say, "Ooops. My bad." and she is hailed by some on the left as having been brave enough to stand up to the male and even if it is a false report the man probably had it coming because men are evil anyways. That's the left! It needs to stop. Maybe we should start with putting lena dumbhead in prison first for her false claim and for stating that she molested her little sister. Start there and others will stop the nonsense? June 19, 2017   It's about time Republicans question loretta lying lynch! She met with bullybob clintOOn in Phoenix, AZ, and it's time that we get her under oath and pry the truth out of her lying lips! How much you wanna' bet she pleads the fifth for every question? She needs to be in prison until she answers questions! So does bullybob! June 19, 2017   I'm surprised. I'm surprised that this is actually Jason Chaffetz saying Pres. Trump lacks transparency and that themuslimvileone was more transparent? Really? Chaffetz? You smoke much of that? June 19, 2017   Cheekbone Cherokee:   I wish she would just go away. She needs to retire, be impeached, be voted out of office, whatever. She needs to go away; quietly. (Not that that's possible.) She has threatened President Donald J. Trump that he hasn't "seen nasty yet". Does she forget that john mcCAIN'T and others believed the fake news "golden showers" lie? If that's not "nasty yet", then I don't know what is. June 19, 2017   June 19, 2017   ROTTEN ryan:   I am not -- not -- a fan of his. You know that. That's why I am glad to hear that he has opposition for his next election. I hope that a true Conservative Christian runs against him and that the Conservative Christian wins, but maybe if he had a real challenger to face maybe he'd straighten up and find a way to do the right thing and be a Conservative for a while. That's what we need. That or him stepping down as Speaker and letting a true Conservative lead. Maybe then we'd get something good done. June 19, 2017   This whole thing with the "Special Counsel" investigation is a rotten technique used to make people think the worst of President Donald J. Trump (rub it in enough yet?). "If he needs to have a "Special Counsel" investigating him, it must be bad!" is what the left/progressives/liberals want people to think. All of this "investigating has found nothing. It's all a huge waste of taxpayer dollars and a way to prevent the House and Senate from focusing on getting the president's agenda done. (If they're in meetings they can't vote on anything President Donald J. Trump wants to do.) It needs to stop. It needs to be shut down. All they're doing is temper tantrum crap. The problem is that robert mueller's enjoying it too much and he's loving the limelight instead of admitting the truth -- there's nothing there -- and shutting it down. It's a waste of taxpayer dollars and I want to know to whom the bill should be sent when they find nothing and have to give it up. I think it should be billed to the DNC. Agree? June 19, 2017   I also think that this article by Daniel Greenfield is absolutely correct and we should do as he suggests! Let's impeach everyone who says to impeach President Donald J. Trump. That would be a great start! Then we can impeach all of the other dumboRATS left. I like that! June 19, 2017: 3:02 p.m.   I enjoyed being back today. It's nice to have the opportunity to speak my mind. I'll close for now and try to see you again tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 16, 2017: 1:16 a.m.   It's Flag Friday time and I can hardly believe that I'm able to do this! It's all good, folks! "Tribute To Our Heroes 324: Memory's Beach" is my offering this week. I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! See you later! June 16, 2017: 3:50 p.m.   I told you I'd be here and here I am! Sorry it's so late but Mom called with an iPad problem and I tried to help but she said it was on the charger at the time and she couldn't follow my suggestions until later. Really, Mom? Yes. Really. I asked that she call next time at the beginning of the problem so that I can help her while her battery is good. The life of the family IT person is never dull. Anyways, let's get started before this storm comes right over the house. It's getting darker and darker out there. Hope everyone makes it safely through this storm. June 16, 2017   I'm so glad that President Trump (I still love saying that!) is dropping most of the Cuba deal themuslimvileone made. It's not a good thing that themuslimvileone did. He was doing everything he could to destroy America and now a lot of what he was doing is being undone by President Trump. It's all good and I love it! It's because of this kind of actions that his poll numbers are up and we're "Making America Great Again!" Love it! June 16, 2017   Yet another crazy act by a leftie/progressive/liberal in which he shot innocent people. There are so many lefties/progressives/liberals that commit violent acts that I don't know how the left can blame guns when they should be looking in the mirror and blaming themselves! If it were actually guns that were the problem then wouldn't every gun in the hands of someone who is not a cop wouldn't it be that every non-cop gun would shoot someone? Wouldn't that be actually happening? It's not guns that are the problem. It's the lefties who own the guns. Now we have four people recenlty wounded by a leftie/progressive/liberal who hates Republicans and a Congressman who is facing the battle of his life. It's time to face facts and for people to know that it's the left that is the real danger not guns! Time for a reality check! Another reality check: lefties are responsible for this guy but they can't stand taking responsibility because that would mean them admitting they are wrong to say and do the things they do. Being adult enough to take responsibility would almost kill them all. June 16, 2017   I make a prediction to you that Texas's anti-Shariah law will be challenged in court and that the lefties/progressives/liberals will support the pro-Shariah side. I support the First Amendment, however when it comes to Shariah law, that's a set of laws that would be different than the laws that America operates under and, therefore, an alternate form of government. There is no other religious practice in America that I am aware of that says that they operate under different laws than the rest of America. Even Mormonism and Scientology operates under the same laws (witness the FBI raid on the Scientology offices in 1977). It's time to realize that Islam is not only a religion it's a governing body that creates laws that make women less of a human than her rapist. It makes females something to use and abuse and ensure that they cannot enjoy sexual relations because if they do, they will be loose women. It makes the male patriarchy of Islam the arbitor of who lives or dies on a whim and beheading, assisinations, or stoning is done to anyone they so desire for any reason they can find. That is NOT American. That is not what we believe in, not who we are. The left will support it, because they want the votes, but if it were their daughter facing beheading because her clothes didn't hide enough of her body I bet you they'd fight hard to save her life, even up to the point of trying to kill those threatening their daughter. Shariah and America do not go together. June 16, 2017   Can I tell you something I find disgusting? Senator john mcCAIN'T continues supporting the FSA, a terrorist organization. That's disgusting. Why does he keep winning reelection? When will his constituents stop voting for him? June 16, 2017   It's time that people realize that it isn't President Donald Trump who broke the law, it was/is James Comey who broke the law and admitted to it in Congressional hearings. The only reason the msm is still reporting on "investigations" into alleged President Trump and "collusion" is because they want to paint him as a bad guy because hillclintOOn lost and they can't stand that the candidate they supported was defeated by anyone. Trust me, they'd be doing this to a purple-tri-headed-Cowanatallator if it had defeated hillclintOOn. It's a matter of power for them and the American people denied them the power of choosing the winner in the 2016 election and they hate that. James Comey needs to be prosecuted for breaking the law, as do others in his circle of lefties. June 16, 2017   Collegiate hypocrisy rears its usual head again. A leftie/progressive/liberal professor who bashes capitalism earns a ripping $170,000 annual salary. Let me guess that if the college offered to lower his salary to $12,000 he'd sue their backsides off. June 16, 2017: 5:04 p.m.   Well, hubby's home so I shall go. Take care over the weekend. These storms can be scary. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! June 15, 2017: 5:01 p.m.   I'm BACK! And I've got more and better security and I'm going to be posting again on a regular basis starting tomorrow! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! I will see you later tonight to do my Flag Friday tribute and I will be happy to be here! It's really rotten when others think nothing of interfering in the lives of others via malware, viruses, worms, spyware, etc., and making things difficult for them. My Momma taught me that if something doesn't belong to you do not touch it. Those who do malware, viruses, etc., didn't have Mommas who taught them that, or they didn't learn the lesson at all! It's time for malwares, etc., to be totally banished from the face of the internet and whoever figures out how to do so will be the most appreciated person on earth! I'll see you later tonight! Hurray! June 9, 2017: 12:29 a.m.   I'm still trying to get this mess straightened out with my HTML program. I found out that there definitely is a malware bug in my computer, but none -- NONE -- of the scans I did found it. That's frustrating. I wound up doing something that will wind up fixing the problem after a week or so. I wasn't planning on fixing the problem this way, but needs must. Anyways, here's today's "Tribute To Our Heroes 323: Long, Silent Years" because even though I have to go in the less convenient way, I will do what it takes to give honor to those who serve us. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll see you for updates as soon as I can. Until then, I ask for your patience. June 7, 2017: 4:12 a.m. Well, we're back! My hubby and I went on vacation from May 27th to June 5th. May 27th we flew to Portland, Maine, then drove to Bethel, Maine that day, staying in a B&B overnight there. May 28th, we got up and did some tourmaline mining and drove north to Bangor, Maine, where we stayed in a chain hotel with the worst beds of the trip. May 29th, we got up and left Bangor for Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada where we stayed at a chain hotel. May 30th, we left Saint John after doing some birding, and drove across the eight mile bridge into Prince Edward Island where we did some sightseeing and birding and stayed in another really cute Bed and Breakfast. May 31st, we birded PEI a little more then caught the 1:00 p.m. ferry from Wood Islands to Pictou, Nova Scotia then drove northeast to Sydney, NS. There we stayed in a nice hotel with a great restaurant! June 1st, we left Sydney and drove southwest, stopping at a wildlife park we saw advertised on a road sign and saw some of the animals in the park that we had hoped to see in the wild. We finished the drive to Digby, NS, where we stayed in the Bayside Inn B&B, and ate at the Fundy Restaurant. They were both great experiences. June 2nd we took the Digby to Saint John ferry back to Saint John, NB, and drove from there to Ellsworth, Maine. We had planned on doing the Digby to Ellsworth drive but it was 9.5 hours and that was too much! Taking the ferry saved us 5.5 hours of driving so it was a good deal. We checked into a chain hotel in Ellsworth, Maine, on June 2nd and did laundry next door because we packed light and needed clothes. The next day we birded a little after breakfast until we had to be at the local airport for a scenic aerial tour of Acadia National Park. It was great and Dan, our pilot, was very good. We picked up our pizza order and went back to our room after more birding and June 4th we checked out and drove to Wiscasset, Maine where we stayed in an independent hotel/lodge. There, we checked in, and left our bags then went to our East Egg Island boat trip to see the Puffins! I love Puffins so this was a treat! We did see a lot of Puffins as well as a Basking Shark, seal, terns, sea guls and Black Guillemots. It was fun, if a bit (a lot!) chilly. June 5th we checked out of the Wiscasset lodge and drove to the Portland International Jetport after making a stop at a jewelry store where my hubby bought me a little something. Our flight home was delayed a little but that was okay. I bought the Leah Remini book, "TroubleMaker" and read 1/3 of it while we waited an extra hour. It's very good but it has language in it that isn't safe for children or work. I don't like coarse language but the subject matter (her life in the cult of Scientology and leaving it) is important and I tolerate the language to educate myself on the cult's conduct. Made it home safe and sound (as you may have guessed). Anyways, I am still trying to figure out how to do my updates the regular way. Right now I'm working via the back door again, so it's not my normal way. I want to get that fixed, but I'm not sure how to do so. I'll figure it out but be patient, please. I'm trying. Hope to see you later today. Oh! I did do a Memorial Day Tribute To Our Heroes and a Flag Friday pic for the Friday I was gone and posted them before I left, making them public while I was gone via my iPad. Here's last week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 322: Brothers Do". I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough! Hope to see you later! May 2017 May 26, 2017: 12:45 a.m. It's been tough week computer-wise. My computer was not cooperating and it still isn't allowing me to get into my website. Again, I'm using my "back door" method. I have to post my "Tribute To Our Heroes 321: Wiped a Tear Away" Flag Friday poem and pic. I also had to remind you that I won't be able to post at all for maybe the next two weeks due to my computer malfunction and due to the fact that I will be out of town. I hope you enjoy my tribute and I want to thank you all for your service. I can never say it enough. GOD Bless You All! Have a great two weeks and I'll get this mess of a computer problem figured out in the meanwhile. See you in about two weeks. May 22, 2017: 3:50 p.m. Well, it's been an eventful few weeks, hasn't it? I now have a problem with getting my website to open and went in the "back way" to get this little blurb done. I can't say that I will be able to get anything more done, but I wanted you to know I am trying. At the end of this week I'll do my usual Flag Friday and do as many updates as possible until Friday evening, but with things going so wrong for my website right now, I can't guarantee anything except trying. After Friday's update (however much I get to do of that), I won't be posting for a week. I'll be out of town so I'll update my Flag Friday but I won't be able to do anything else from May 27th to after the first week of June. I'm sorry for the lack of updates this month Some of it was life happening (and death) and some of it is technical difficulties. My apologies and I am trying. I'll keep working on this. I've figured it out before but it does take some time. Patience is a virtue, but not the only one. See you as soon as I can. May 18-19, 2017: 8:09 p.m. I post an early Flag Friday this week because I worked yesterday and this afternoon to get my computer to finally connect to the internet and I want to strike while it's still working! Sorry about no updates but, as I said, I had a virus/worm/malware attack and my IP address was changed to something else and wouldn't reset until I figured out a go around/back door. So I'm online now, let's hope it's a continuous work. For now, "Tribute To Our Heroes 320: The You". I thank you for your service and I can never say it enough. GOD Bless you all! Hope to see you for tomorrow's updates. May 16, 2017: 5:15 p.m. Hello! Long time no see! Sorry about that. Friday my son suprised me and visited (and I gave him a haircut) because he had to work on Mother's Day. He brought me a teal designer scarf. It's pretty. The weekend was busy and Monday I ran an early morning errand that messed up the rest of my day and I worked on getting my cell phone straightened out during business hours. Cell phone: If you use an unlocked cell phone or a no-contract cell service (Net10, Tracfone, one of WalMart's services, etc.) you need to know that if your cell phone has been getting spotty service for the last three months it may not be your phone... but it is, kinda'. The fact is that Verizon, whose cell towers the no-contract phones utilize, has changed all of their tower technology to CDMA technology instead of GSM. I had a GSM phone that worked fine until three months ago and when I got fed up I ordered a new GSM phone, believing that it was the phone's problem and that GSM was the correct technology. The new phone (BLU Vivo XL2) was as bad as the old phone in getting service, so I called my provider and after three calls and three hours on the phone with them, the rep finally told me that Verizon (whose service I chose through Net10) had changed to CDMA phones and that's why my GSM phone was acting up. It was reaching out to a tower much further away so the signal was weak and I wasn't signed onto that service. Last night I went to WalMart and bought a $99 iPhone 5s and signed up for one of their services because the first two of Net10's customer service reps had not even tried to help me. I wasn't happy with that so I switched to Total Wireless. I can't recommend them yet because I've had them for less than 24 hours but if I am happy I'll let you know in a few weeks. Anyways, that is what prevented me from doing updates yesterday. Today I ran errands and visited a friend. My friend is doing much better and I'm glad of it. Now, if you'll pardon the lateness of the start, I'll get this thing going! May 16, 2017 Tubby Tyrant: N. Korea's rebellious leader is still lobbing missiles and trying to intimidate the rest of the world. The problem he may face is not just that of condemnations and sanctions but they may face the ultimate retaliation if they reach our protectorates or American shores. It would be bad for them if they actually do what they're threatening. Some say that they are hacking banks, etc., to fund their weapons. I don't know why the people of N. Korea put up with it, why his generals allow him to do this crud, since they are such a small country for being the world bully, but their "leaders" are leading them into total annihilation. That would be sad for N. Korea and it would be difficult on the countries around them, but if their "leaders" insist on being bad, that's the price that will be paid. The rest of the world does not have to tolerate bad behavior: especially bad nuclear behavior. When you play with the nuclear weapon it's going to be you who gets burned. At least, that's what the countries around the world are telling N. Korea. Why don't some of his generals take him out to save their people? One life to save many - North Korean and any of his target countries - would be a good thing. May 16, 2017 DH[IN]S has been giving out Visas to dangerous people and allowing them to overstay their Visas for years. Now, at their website, the DH[IN]S removed the report that told the truth about the Visa overstays. "Here are the overall figures that illustrate how bad the problem is; of more than half a million visa overstays identified by the DHS watchdog, a mere 3,402 were caught by federal authorities. It gets better. The various unreliable databases that ICE uses also provided inaccurate information on the 0.4% that got busted, according to the report. 'In some cases, the individuals arrested had been reported in DHS systems as having already left the United States,' the report states. 'Because this information was not recorded, ICE personnel were unable to provide an exact number when asked during our audit.'"That percentage is so small it doesn't even rank a failing grade. If you want to keep America safe you must do a whole lot better. May 16, 2017 themuslimvileone's wicked sycophants are still trying to undermine Pres. Trump. They're such butt-kissers that they can't admit that their guy is out of power and their girl blew her chance big time by thinking it was owed her. They should all be fired immediately because their loyalty is not to a man, a woman, nor a political party, it is to America. Or at least, it is supposed to be; their loyalties, however lie elsewhere. They need to be fired. May 16, 2017 james comey: Speaking of people who needed to go, he is gone but getting revenge. He did everything he could to protect hillclintOOn, themuslimvileone, loretta lynch, etc., but he does everything he can to undermine Conservatives and Pres. Trump. Sounds to me like a partisan hack and he should never have been appointed to any federal position, especially since his true colors shine through so very well that even the msm has to notice. It's ridiculous that the Trump administration allowed him to stay on for as long as they did. He should have been fired ten seconds after Pres. Trump was sworn into office on Jan. 20th. May 16, 2017 Do you appreciate your taxpayer dollars being used to put up an anti-Trump billboard that has swastikas on it? Of course, seen in a historical light, it could be that the swastikas used to be a sign of good luck so maybe they were wishing Pres. Trump good luck? (A little tongue-in-cheek to poke at the lefties.) May 16, 2017 I wonder how Pres. Trump's speaking to Muslims is going to impact their idea of what is happening with ISIS/ISIL and the rest of the mainstream terrorist groups. I wonder if it will make them stop funding the terrorists via the mosques, or if it will make them fight back against the terrorists. Or, maybe it will be a bad thing, I don't know. I do know that Muslims who give to mosques are sometimes unwittingly funding the murder of innocents worldwide. I wish they would stop it. May 16, 2017 clintOOn hit machine: I believe that the clintOOns are closely connected to some of the many, many deaths surrounding them and the latest may be Seth Rich's death that was shut down by themuslimvileone's administration as the murderer was protected. Sounds to me like way too many other mysterious deaths surrounding the clintOOns. It's time they be held accountable and Seth Rich's family deserves to know the truth. I believ he was murdered because they found out he was leaking docs to WikiLeaks. That didn't make hillclintOOn happy and that made him a walking dead man. My sympathies to his loved ones and I hope the clintOOns pay the price soon. May 16, 2017 Apparently part of England has an incest problem and the infant mortality rate is high due to relatives too close - "first cousins or closer" - conceiving a child. That can lead to birth defects and terrible problems for the child. England needs to educate their people as to what is proper and what is not; what kind of relationships can harm a child and with whom to not have sexual relations. It's unthinkable to me to have sex with a cousin, someone closer? Ewww. May 16, 2017 hillclintOOn: They are so money hungry and so greedy that they will accept any money anyone wants to throw at them, no matter where it comes from, who it hurts, what they have to do to get it, etc. She betrayed America as SoS and we have proof of that. Considering she was only SoS, what did her deplorable bullybob for cold, hard cash while he was prezidunce? They both need to be locked behind bars on Alcatraz for the rest of their lives. May 16, 2017 Fake News: They're obsessed. It's not just the crappy news network it's most of them. They hate Pres. Trump and they want to be able -- some day, any day! -- to slap each other on the backs, high five each other and toast their success in getting rid of him. That's their goal. That's why I will never watch them. I can't tell you the last time I watched the network news casts. It has been years. I stopped because I couldn't stand their support of bullybob-money-grubber clintOOn, and only watched the Fox coverage of "Shock and Awe" while shep smith was still considered a Conservative. I may have seen it once or twice since then, but really, that's the last time I sat down to watch it. Wish they'd all go off the air. May 16, 2017 We know themuslimvileone has blood on his hands after he gave away classified intel. That's indisputable. We know that Russia supports the Taliban and that, according to the leftist/progressive/liberal Daily Beast, they also support ISIS. So if they already give support to the Islamic terrorists, wouldn't they already know where the terrorists are and what they need, etc.? So what is the big dippy deal about Pres. Trump proving he has the intel on ISIS that the Russians already have anyways? Does the msm not realize that the Russians are supporting the terrorists means they know this stuff? DUH! May 16, 2017 Sen. Cornyn, this isn't good enough! Build a whole wall, not just ten miles of it, and stop people from coming over our border illegally, don't help them do so. If you're going to propose stupidity, at least wrap it up better! May 16, 2017 themuslimvileone did everthing he could to destroy America while he was prezidunce and - even to his last few moments in office -- he kept trying. He will be recorded as I said on my original blog on March 24, 2009, he is "the WORST POTUS EVER". History will shake its head at him and wonder why he chose to destroy America, why he chose to break the law so often and why he chose to be such a bad example to his community. His legacy will be defeat, destruction, unemployment, inflation, a failed "health care insurance" scheme, a failed school lunch program, Kobe beef and lobster dinners while America survived his preziduncy on peanut butter and jelly. History will tell of his vileness. And if it doesn't some of us will. May 16, 2017 Well, I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 11-12, 2017: 11:44 p.m. Missed the last few days because we suffered a great sadness in our family. It has been a very tough week. Topping it all off, my hubby's truck has a problem that left him stranded at Publix with ice cream melting. I went down and rescued the ice cream (and him, but the ice cream was the priority) and we called our insurance company and they sent a tow truck and we got it home. (If you don't have roadside assistance through your auto insurance, check and see if it's available. Ours costs us less than $4 every six months and we have the same benefits as the triple alphabet club. Yours may cost a little more -- my Mom's costs her $14 annually per vehicle -- but it could save you some bucks!) Anyways, between the sadness and the truck and an appointment I had today I've been otherwise occupied and haven't done updates. I hope you understand. Today I give you my weekly tribute: "Tribute To Our Heroes 319: Flight of Laughter's Sway". I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough. GOD Bless You All! May 5, 2017: 12:50 a.m. This week's Tribute poem was a tough one. I knew I wanted to start it a certain way but afterward, it was like pulling an elephant's tusks without putting him to sleep. This one was difficult. Because of that, I hope you like it very much. This week, "Tribute To Our Heroes 318: Warrior Daughter". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I will "see" you later for updates since my hubby has the day off (too many hours trying to launch last Monday's rocket) and he's going birding with his brother. I thought it would be good for the two of them to go alone today because it has been a tough past few weeks for his brother. I wanted them to be able to talk brother talk if they needed to. So, I'll try to see you this afternoon. Oh, and Rush is out today so Mark Stein will be in for him today. I like him but not as much as Rush. If I don't focus on Mark I can get more done. May 5, 2017: 3:35 p.m. The U6 unemployment rate is below 9 for the first time since 2007. That's before themuslimvileone's administration came in and now, just after he's gone, the unemployment rate went from a high under themuslimvileone of 17.1% in 2009 and 2010, to now 8.6%. That's huge. themuslimvileone can't blame Bush for his 17.1% high since it was over a year after he was sworn in. His numbers were ridiculously high and now Pres. Trump is putting America back to work. "Make America Great Again" is America working! May 5, 2017 Pres. Trump is MAGA, but the msm is fighting him tooth and nail. They're also throwing a hissy fit (like spoiled little two-year-olds) because his first 2020 campaign ad has a shot of talking heads on their networks and the words "Fake News" superimposed over those faces. Truth hurts: especially when you're a Crybaby News Network. May 5, 2017 Tiny Tyrant: I think that if he needs to worry about anyone killing him he should watch his own generals, not worry about anything Pres. Trump is doing. It's crazy to accuse Pres. Trump of trying to kill him. Pres. Trump doesn't have someone over there to do so. If Pres. Trump really wanted him dead he'd probably drop a MOAB on his complex and take out those who would be next in line at the same time. If you're going to kill a tyrant why would anyone leave those who would step in to take his place and possibly be an even worse tyrant? Don't just kill the queen, kill the replacement ants, too. May 5, 2017 I don't know about you, but I think james comey needs to go. He should be kicked out of the FBI, his credentials taken away and everything he has in his desk that is not his personal belonging kept and reviewed by those loyal to Pres. Trump. He wanted the idiotic lie of the Russian hotel report to be true! He wanted it to be "included in January's final intelligence community report on Russian meddling in the U.S. election". How absurd that is since the guy who made up (and I mean as in thought of the lies in his head and used them as examples of things to look for on a person they were trying to discredit) has admitted that it was just an example and not to be used as facts! Why Pres. Trump kept conehead comey on the payroll, I have no idea. He needs to go! Maybe if enough Senators find out via asking for information, as Sen. Rand Paul did, that they were surveilled under themuslimvileone's administration they'll finally cut conehead comey loose. I certainly hope so! He's still loyal to themuslimvileone and the left. That's why he refuses to recommend charges against anyone on their side, but I'm sure he'd recommend them against any Republican! May 5, 2017 BENGHAZI: Maybe, finally, we'll get the TRUTH about BENGHAZI now. A judge has ruled that the State Dept. must release hillclintOOn's e-mails that reveal how themuslimvileone reacted to the attack that killed four Americans. It may also prove to those who refuse to accept the truth that they knew all along that it wasn't the YouTube video that made the Muslims who killed those four Americans angry. It was an orchestrated attack and it was known to be coming and themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn refused to do anything to help those Americans until it was too late. They both have BENGHAZI blood on their hands but they refuse to take responsibility for it. Maybe with the release of these e-mails the truth will be known and maybe the two liars (and other liars in their administration) will be held accountable. Maybe then the parents of those they lied to at the arrival ceremony for their loved ones' bodies in flag draped caskets will finally get to know the truth. I pray so. I pray that the liars will be held criminally accountable and spend the rest of their lives in federal prison. May 5, 2017 This is sad. Muhammad Ali was a racist hater. He used to do "anti-white" tirades in mosques. He called caucasians "white devils". Isn't that nice? Now his family is trying to fake his message as one of love and inclusion and acceptance of all people. He was a Muslim hate-filled bigot. Sad to see him so revered in America where he benefited from his talent in the boxing ring and made himself rich and famous when he hated the country that enabled that to happen. We "white devils" are so horrible that he died a net worth of about $50 Million! And yet he hated "white crackers". Sounds like themuslimvileone and those who follow him. May 5, 2017 I don't know how this Data Act came about, but it "is truly revolutionary: citizens should be able to closely track how the government is spending their money."So maybe that will help us hold government accountable; that and the "While the DATA Act focuses on spending, the OPEN Government Data Act proposes that all government data�with exceptions for national security, privacy and other concerns�be placed online. The �Open, Public, Electronic and Necessary Government Data Act� (full title) requires that all federal agencies publish their data in an accessible, easily readable open format. It creates a single portal for government data and strips the private sector contractor Dun & Bradstreet of its proprietary hold over public data through control of the current coding system."That could save the taxpayers a lot of money because themuslimvileone's administration was so opaque that the taxpayers of America were put on the hook to pay for themuslimvileone's administration to hide the truth and fight the lawsuits that were brought to get the truth from themuslimvileone to the tune of $36 Million in his last year in office alone! He spent over $478 million in answering FOIA requests -- for those he did answer, which weren't many. Can you imagine a better way to spend that sort of money? I certainly can! (Our military veterans sure could have used that money for taking better care of them!) This needs to happen. We need to have a transparent government and we need to be able to find the info ourselves, instead of having to jump through hoops at a Congressman's office, or going to an independent organization's FOIA lawsuit report to get the info. It's OUR government, "Of, by and for the people", allegedly. We need to remember that. They need to be reminded! May 5, 2017 Wow. That's surprising. The Dow Jones made another record high today. MAGA is working! May 5, 2017 Has the leftist/progressive/liberal candidate in the French election been caught committing tax evasion? If so that candidate, Emmanuel Macron, may have a big problem on his hands. Not only does it look like he's (allegedly) hiding money in the Cayman Islands, but he's been lying on his election filings and that's not going to play well in Marseille or anywhere else in France. Woopsie! May 5, 2017 Sorry, but DUH! The dumboRAT party's "Holy Grail" is abortion. It is their god. It is their handhold and their rock. If they have anything they hold as sacred it is their support of killing babies! They live, eat, drink, sleep and sell it! It is their reason for existing! Without abortion there would be no dumboRAT party! Not even the libertarians are as strong on abortion as the dumboRATS and that's because the dumboRATS have to have that in order to help them get any kind of support whatsoever. They're being taken over by the lunatic left and they're losing people because they're not "far enough left" and it's hard to keep people from abandoning them for the Socialist Party USA, which is so far left that they call for the legalization of prostitution and other immoral ideas. It's time for the left to stop faking their "conservatism" and to start admitting they want anarchy and lawlessness and they want a world without "right and wrong" but with "if it feels good to you, do it". That's what they want. They want destruction of "right and wrong". It's a sickness. May 5, 2017 Ewwwwww! Eating boogers good for you? I think not. Double Ewwwww! That's icky. May 5, 2017 WikiLeaks has shown the world the CIA's attack virus, "Archimedes". themuslimvileone has been doing things to Americans that we are just now finding out about and he should be held responsible. He did this. He impacted you and your family in more negative ways than anyone realized and I'm grateful that WikiLeaks has pried open themuslimvileone's administration on information they never wanted us to have. I like WikiLeaks. May 5, 2017 If I had a kid who wanted to go to UC Berkeley (or any of their other branches), I'd tell them I won't pay for them to learn anti-free speech crap and if they want to go there they have to pay for it themselves. I don't understand why anyone would willingly send their child -- precious flesh and blood, skull full of mush -- to a "college" that would inculcate them into the socialist/Marxist/communist point of view. I just don't get why the greatest country on earth has "colleges" that teach things that are directly against what our country stands for. If they don't like America, I recommend they move to Iraq and see how much love they get there. May 5, 2017 Why do people think that the police are so stupid they won't be able to figure out their fake hate crimes and think that they won't pay for doing what they alleged others were doing? They must believe that they are smarter than the cops, or at the very least, a better liar than those they are accusing. Either way, they're morons. May 5, 2017 themuslimvileone: We continue to find the things that themuslimvileone did to spy on Americans, to protect hillclintOOn, and to do nothing to prevent N. Korea from developing their nuclear weapons program. If they launch a successful nuclear weapon, themuslimvileone is to blame. May 5, 2017 May 5, 2017 Another good thing: Pres. Trump has given A.G. Jeff Sessions "major leeway" to allow churches their First Amendment rights again! That's excellent! I don't think that just because you're a church you should be silenced on political matters. I believe that the more you involve Christ and GOD in every aspect of your life and society as a whole the better things will be. To gag churches regarding politics and politicians is to tell them that the pastor is to be silent on all aspects of life except what goes on inside the church building and everything else is off limits because the government says it is. That's not just wrong, it's dangerous. To say that churches must be silent outside the confines of their buildings is religious persecution. May 5, 2017 I'll close with that for today. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! May 4, 2017: 3:42 p.m. It was before 3:00 p.m. when I brought up my web browser and was going to start updating my website for today. As I signed in to check my e-mail (the first step of any computer time) my hubby pulled into the driveway and my updates for today went by the wayside. Sorry/Not Sorry but I'd rather spend time with him than doing blurbs. I think you understand. I'll see you later tonight when I do my weekly tribute and I hope to do updates tomorrow. Right now I don't plan on going birding with my hubby and his brother tomorrow to a great birding place. I plan on staying home, but I was told there could be a fallout tomorrow because there is a possible storm coming through and that means the birds will be "falling out" of the sky because they're so tired of fighting the storm's winds and rains. Well, that is very tempting, but right now I don't plan on going tomorrow. We'll see if things change. I hope to do blurbs tomorrow. I'll leave it at that. Enjoy your Thursday. See you for the "Tribute". May 2, 2017: 3:10 p.m. Missed yesterday because my hubby was involved in that launch that went up yesterday morning and after he was finished with the process he came home and we got to spend time together. It was nice; especially considering how many hours he worked on that launch! At least he has accumulated time off so that we can have a few days to remember what each other looks like now! We've got some great things we are going to do soon so the rest of the year will be fun, but the first part was very trying. So, yesterday I took the chance to spend time with him again. It was nice. Let's get started for today. May 2, 2017 Breitbart found this report of federal employee pay and how they are the only "non-elites" who have not suffered under themuslimvileone's administration. They found, in fact, that (Breitbart link): "[F]ederal workers tend to earn far more than their private sector counterparts. Between 2010 and 2015, federal workers with a high school degree or less had wages that were 34 percent higher than private sector peers and benefits that were 93 percent greater, for a total compensation gap of 53 percent. For workers with a bachelor�s degree, the wage gap was 21 percent, composed of a 5 percent wage gap and a 52 percent benefit gap."Is that a surprise to anyone? That's why the "deep state" was so loyal to themuslimvileone and why they still support him. He still uses them to do his bidding. He doesn't need his "brownshirts" yet. He has them. Question is, how far will they go for him? We've already seen the leaks they've done against Pres. Trump. What won't they do? May 2, 2017 ROTTEN ryan: Why does anyone trust the bonehead boehner puppet? Why? He's trying to block Pres. Trump's wall. He needs to go! Why was he ever re-elected? May 2, 2017 Hey! My hubby's home! I'm outta' here! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 28, 2017: 12:42 a.m. Flag Friday: This week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 317: Butterflies and Lilacs". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! See you later today. April 28, 2017: 4:01 p.m. Just a few blurbs today because I have things to get done. So let's start with a Judicial Watch story that really irritates me: corruption within a law enforcement agency. In El Paso County, TX a guy was fired for corruption: "His name is Jesus 'Eddie' Campa and back in 2014 federal, state and municipal law enforcement sources told Judicial Watch the top cop was criminally indicted for embezzling [($5.6 million)] in Homeland Security funds. At the time Campa was chief deputy of the El Paso County Sheriff�s Office (EPCSO), a Texas agency responsible for patrolling more than 1,000 square miles with a population of about 700,000." Afterward, he was hired by a small school system (in Ector County, TX), then he was hired to be the Police Chief in Marshall, TX. All of this even thoughFew things are more frustrating than a corrupt cop and this guy is paying no price for his corruption. Instead he seems to get a pat on the back, a "good ol' boy" handshake and a wink and a nod at his past deeds as he's hired yet again at the taxpayers' expense. This needs to stop and the people of Texas need to tell this guy in no uncertain terms to take a hike. If the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement won't do anything about this guy then the people of Texas towns, cities, counties and school systems should. Any entity that even considers hiring this guy should be held accountable and the people -- the taxpayers who would be paying this guy's salary -- should stand up en masse and tell their elected officials "No! We are not going to pay for corruption! We are not going to be victimized by this clown and we refuse to allow his hiring! You hire him and we will immediately do a recall election and you will lose your jobs!" Corruption within law enforcement is just beneath corruption in elected office to my way of thinking. When bullybob clintOOn and hillclintOOn were in office they were so corrupt that their pockets bulged with the bribery money they took. The deaths surrounding their time in office is an abomination (You may or may not be able to say that you know someone who was so surrounded by death, but how about someone who moved to a whole new city and the deaths moved with them? Ever think of that?) Corruption is wrong and it's contagious. One bad apple tends to spread to those who surround it. Do not let corruption stand. Stamp it out at the first opportunity and never allow it to sprout again. Definitely don't hire someone who has been indicted for it! April 2017 March 2017 March 31, 2017: 1:02 a.m. Flag Friday: Today's offering and thanks is "Tribute To Our Heroes 313: Song of Solomon". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I may or may not be back later today. That depends on if my hubby gets to take comp time and come home early. His hours have built up again and it's possible (we'll see) that he could come home early. If so, I won't be posting anything else today. I don't know about you, but I'm hoping he gets to come home early. No offense, but he's a little more interesting than doing updates. 'Nuff said. March 31, 2017: 2:53 p.m. Well, hubby came home for lunch but couldn't stay. So much for his comp time. Anyways, let's get started. March 31, 2017 Ahhhh... Public School: The Dept. of Education has been asked to stop indoctrinating our children into Islam via their "Islamic studies" lessons. The alleged "goal" is to make children unafraid of Islam, but the truth is that they're not just educating them into what Islam teaches (to make them not fear Islam, they'd have to lie to them about its beliefs) they're indoctrinating them into accepting it as their religion or at least as a possibility. I'm sure Baptist, Mormon, Catholic parents who actually believe in their chosen religion do not appreciate that. But that's the public school system: teach your children anything they want and then blame you for what happens afterward. Teachers don't have to take responsibility for their lessons when it comes to acting out. They just take responsibility for the students' grades on the tests. That's all they're concerned about. Isn't that wonderful? Now, since two mothers have objected to the teaching of Islam to their children, they've been threatened in their neighborhood and had to hire attorneys. Their children were being "indoctrinated" (not my word, read the link) and they asked the school to drop the curriculum. They did stand up and faced persecution because of it. Two mothers who were watching out for their children were verbally attacked because they didn't want their children to have to accept Islam. How wrong it is that this is happening? March 31, 2017 Peace and Tolerance: We have to accept the indoctrination of our children into Islam but Islam can raise a fuss about a gay teacher for their child? Is that fair? Is that tolerant? And then a Rollins College (in Orlando) Muslim teacher can suspend a student who is Christian because he objected to being taught that Jesus didn't die on the cross and that Christ's apostles didn't think of Christ as being GOD? That Muslim teacher apparently has never read the Bible and has no clue what she is talking about! But, she can suspend a Christian because he objected to that and to a discussion in class in which a Muslim student said that non-believers should be beheaded. Then, to top it all off, that Muslim teacher lied and said that the student was threatening her and stalking her when he had proof he wasn't where she said he had been. Of course, the college stood with the Muslim. Isn't that unexpected? March 31, 2017 Fake News: The lefties are at it again. This time it's Sec. of State, Rex Tillerson who is the subject of a "fake news". You know what "fake news" is, don't you? It's lying. The left just won't stop their lying. They've gone so crazy since Pres. Trump won (still love saying that) that they don't want to stop themselves. They can. However, it suits their purposes and helps them try to reach their goals so they won't stop. They really do want to destroy America. March 31, 2017 Let's go ahead and get Judge Gorsuch confirmed so that the SCOTUS will have a full bench and we can move forward with confirming the next one that is vacated. We know that the youngest amongst them is 62 (Kagan and Roberts) and the eldest (Ginsburg) is 84 so there is a possibility that Pres. Trump could appoint at least two more, maybe three. Can you imagine how great that would be to have a majority of SCOTUS justices who were like Antonin Scalia? I'm drooling. March 31, 2017 hillclintOOn: How did this happen? She and six aides maintained access to top secreat and classified information after they left the State. Dept. How did that happen? They were supposed to be debriefed, hand everything in and give up all access to everything that they previously had access to. There's a problem with this. Don't you think? Does she still have that same access? Is she still viewing and receiving classified information and if so, with whom is she sharing it, to whom is she selling it? March 31, 2017 As I've said, considering that we have proof that themuslimvileone's administration tried to hack at least three states' election systems, how do we know that it wasn't they who tried to muck with the 2016 elections? They developed computer programs to make it look like it was others (Russia, N. Korea, China, etc.), but it was themuslimvileone who was trying to make hillclintOOn win. Too bad they couldn't cheat enough to make her win. America voted against PC, against lying and opacity, against deceit, against more spending, against more debt, against more favoring of Islam over America. America won and hillclintOOn and themuslimvileone lost. No computer program could do otherwise. March 31, 2017 Baby Lives Matter: A woman was 21 weeks pregnant and the baby had a tumor on its heart. If you're a baby killer, you abort the baby and say "I'll try again and get a healthy baby." If LIFE matters, you do what these people did: find a way to save that baby by performing surgery on the baby while it was still in the womb. The baby is now thriving and the family returned to Uruguay. Planned AbortionHood is so sad. March 31, 2017 I want to know why it's wrong for Japanese whalers to hunt whales but it's acceptable and legal for American Eskimos to do so? Why is that? Japan has a long history of doing so, an ancestral and cultural history of using the products of and eating whale. Why is it wrong for the Japanese, but okay for the Eskimo? March 31, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: I'm glad that we won't be paying for housing, feeding, clothing and the medical and dental care of imprisoned illegals. U.S.A.G. Jeff Sessions is deporting them quickly and that's saving taxpayer dollars. Love it! March 31, 2017 Trump Derangement Syndrome: Easter eggs? Smirk. March 31, 2017 I'm so glad I no longer live in CaliMarxifornia! When we were there things were still pretty sane there. Now? Jerry Brown wanst a $52 Billion tax increase! That's billion with a "b". Clear the roads that head out of CaliMarxifornia because there will be a massive, huge, ginormous, exodus if it gets passed. They won't levy it on the tech giants, nor on the hollyweirdos, but on the "little people" who already struggle to pay the taxes there and who can't afford to buy a home. With prices up over the $400,000 mark on the "average" home, how many CA residents can actually do that? After all, they're paying the CA minimum wage of $10.50 an hour, they're paying property taxes, 39.5 cents per gallon in gas taxes, VAT tax of 1.25% making sales tax as high as 9.75%, they have a state income tax which, using their calculator and the income of $48,526 annually, came up with a state tax rate of $3,906 for single no dependents. That's 8% of your annual income that the State of CaliMarxifornia takes! Remember, that $48,526 is just a number I plugged in. The real median income in CA is $64,500 which would mean that the State would take even more of your income. Can you now see why I predict a huge exodus? March 31, 2017 Spacey Space: Does part of the universe not even exist? That's what a "simulation" suggested: "[A] new study has questioned whether dark energy exists at all, citing computer simulations that found that by accounting for the changing structure of the cosmos, the gap in the theory, which dark energy was proposed to fill, vanishes."So science doesn't know everything about how the universe began? What? Wait. I thought they knew. I thought that they were close to proving that GOD does not exist and wasn't necessary for the creation of the universe. They used "placeholder plgus" (dark matter) to explain away the discrepancies to make their ideas work. Now they are saying "Woopsie!" and their theories are falling apart. Those who accept their theory (and it was only a theory) mocked those of us who believe in GOD as the creator. Now we know that they used the "placeholder plug" of "dark matter" as their "god" particle and now it's our turn to mock them? Aww.... Too bad. March 31, 2017 March 31, 2017 Well, I'll stop there for now. Hubby's on his way home and I've got other things to do. Have a safe and happy weekend. See you next month! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 30, 2017: 3:01 p.m. Peace and Tolerance: Can you believe that CAIR is so "tolerant" that they are trying to ORDER the USAF to fire an instructor who teaches anti-terrorism classes at the "United States Air Force Special Operations School (USSAFSOS) in Florida." They want him gone because they don't like the fact that he has studied Islamic terrorism for many, many years and is considered an expert in the field and he has a long history of association with a think tank that is "dedicated to investigating the operations, funding, activities and front groups of Islamic extremists worldwide" and has written a book about how they operate. In other words, they don't like the fact that he tells the truth about Islam. Let's see how Pres. Trump and his administration handle this demand. If he caves that speaks volumes. If he keeps the guy, that, too, speaks volumes. Considering he mentioned "Islamic terrorists" in his inaugural speech, I am hoping he'll keep the guy. March 30, 2017 With "friends" like these who needs enemies? The EU head is threatening to "break up" the United States. Thanks for the offer, but CaliMarxifornia is already trying to do that. One at a time, please, one at a time. March 30, 2017 March 30, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: I don't want to think that Pres. Trump is making a mistake in listening to the wrong people but it's hard to think he's listening to the right people considering that he is threatening to work with the dumboRATS, he wanted ROTTENCare and he isn't pushing his own agenda as he should. Whatever happened to Kelly-Ann Conway, Steve Bannon, etc.; that group of people he used to listen to? He needs to start listening to those who are Consservative: truly Conservative and ignore the rest. That's what he needs to start doing. He needs to get back on point and keep his promises to the American people. March 30, 2017 Russia-Gate: Russia is denying any interference in our elections and I must agree with them. I've outlined to you before why I think the election -- if hacked by anyone at all -- may hae been hacked by themuslimvileone's administration instead of the Russians. To think that the Russians (especially Putin) cares who they call Mr. or Ms President is ridiculous. They could care less who our president is. They would do the same thing no matter who is our president. They don't meddle with our elections because they don't care who is in charge over here. They'll still attack if they so desire; still carry out their military exercises and do all of the usual Communist things without giving a blink's worth of care as to who is our president. That's what the left forgets. Putin is laughing at the msm here and the left and their false assertions. March 30, 2017 Well, it's been admitted. themuslimvileone's former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Evelyn Farkas, said it out loud, on television. They DID spy on Pres. Trump and his team. And Pres. Trump is inviting lawmakers to come see the docs that prove it. Why is this not being investigated all over the place? Why are they still holding hearings on Pres. Trump's alleged associations with Russia when themuslimvileone has broken the law over and over and over and over again? When will the Republicans stop caving in to the lefties/progressives/liberals and their false allegations and start standing up to them and telling them to take a flying leap? Why do Republicans always have to waste taxpayer dollars investigating something everyone knows is a lie instead of looking into the truth of the absolute lawlessness of themuslimvileone while he was in office (and that he continues to do via the "deep state")? Why are the Republicans so scared of winning!? March 30, 2017 I admit that I have mixed emotions about this bit of internet policy news. On the one hand, it makes it easier for corporations to track where we go online and for them to target marketing at us via that tracking. On the other hand, how many of us have grown so used to the stupid little ads here, there and everywhere online and in apps that we don't even see those ads anymore? Even the pop-ups are just considered nuisances instead of opportunities to garner business. We see KMart, for instance, pop-up and all we do is close it as soon as possible, even if they are advertising a camera similar to the one we were just looking at elsewhere. It is bad in that corporations should not be allowed to spy on me, but it's a waste of their time and resources to do so because if they irritate me enough I vow to never shop there. My privacy matters to me, but if they're going to invade my privacy they are going to pay a price in the long run. March 30, 2017 We need to go ahead and confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch, but dumboRATS like schlimey schumer are swearing they're going to block his confirmation, via fillibustering and complaining about the fact that Republicans didn't hold a confirmation hearing for themuslimvileone's choice to replace Justice Antonin Scalia. The dumboRATS started the "SCOTUS wars" so why are they crybabying? Oh. That's right. They can't do anything but crybaby. It is their modus operandi: whine loud enough until you get your way. Too bad Republicans haven't yet learned to ignore their whining. BTW, if you support the 2nd Amendment you should encourage your representatives to vote for the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch. March 30, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Have you noticed that the Rockville, MD, rape case in which two illegals raped a 14 year-old in school is getting little to no attention from the lefties/progressives/liberals? Why is that? Remember that we live -- according to the left -- in a "rape culture" in which all men are rapists, (even our "medical" professionals are toeing that line) and in colleges across the nation, men are encouraged to "confess" how horrible they are. So why is it that the lefties/progressives/liberals are not covering the rape of a fourteen-year-old girl by two violent gang members? Where is the outrage on college campuses? Where are the celebreties holding fundraisers for the victim? Where is the ellen degenerate or oprah show doing a masked or pixelated interview with the victim and offering her help? Where is the left? Silence speaks volumes. March 30, 2017 Considering the silence of the left regarding the subject in the blurb above, when they do speak up they show how petty they are and how ridiculous they have become. A joke needs an ethics review? Really? Get a grip. March 30, 2017 I'm going to sign off for now. See you at midnight for my Flag Friday posting. Sorry about misspellings today. My few hours of sleep made me nod off almost the whole time I was trying to do updates. Tired does not make for a good sleplre [sic]. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 29, 2017: 4:36 p.m.: Late start due to errands I had to run. Let's get started and see how many blurbs I can get done before my hubby comes home. (HSN is on in the background and they have buttercream cut-out cookies and I'm so tempted!) March 29, 2017 Hurray for England! They did something good for them and actually started the Brexit process! PM May did a great thing! England will not regret it! March 29, 2017 "Since 1998, more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that '�there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth�s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth�s climate.' Included are atmospheric physicists, botanists, geologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists."That's way back in 2012 that the article in Forbes was written. Now, I bet there are even more scientists who have or are willing to sign that public petition. From the same Forbes article: "So where did that famous 'consensus' claim that '98% of all scientists believe in global warming' come from? It originated from an endlessly reported 2009 American Geophysical Union (AGU) survey consisting of an intentionally brief two-minute, two question online survey sent to 10,257 earth scientists by two researchers at the University of Illinois. Of the about 3.000 who responded, 82% answered 'yes' to the second question, which like the first, most people I know would also have agreed with.Pretty sneaky to do things that way, isn't it? Of the 10, 257 members of the American Geophysical Union 3,000 responded to a survey, but they used only seventy-seven (77) people's responses to get to that "98% of all scientists"! That's 98% of 77 American Geophysical Union members: not even close to "all scientists"! That's where the BIG FAT LIE came from: 75 American Geophysical Union members said they believe that humans are causing "global warming". That's "consensus"? That's 98% of all scientists? Ridiculous! Now do you see the BIG FAT LIE? You should! March 29, 2017 ROTTEN ryan: I hope, I hope, I hope that he has lost so much support after the "ROTTENCare" debacle that he is forced out of the Speakership. I hope, I hope, I hope. Put Mike Lee, or Tom Cotton in there and that would be good for America! We'd see things get done! March 29, 2017 Ivanka Trump to become "unpaid federal employee". How does that work? An "unpaid" employee is also known as a "volunteer". But she's doing this so that she can calm the alleged concerns of those who want to crybaby and wail that she won't be subject to the same federal disclosure rules, FOIA rules, etc., if she's just an informal advisor. I don't care if she's one or the other, I think she's good as an advisor to her Dad. March 29, 2017 hillclintOOn: More e-mails came to light due to Judicial Watch's persistence and they show that she sent even more classified e-mails than previously known. She has never cared about America nor keeping America safe. All she has ever cared about is money, power and how to get both. I'm so glad she is NOT our prezidunce; so very, very glad she didn't win! Now she's back from under the woodpile and trying to rebuild her brand so that her idiot daughter can ride her and bullybob's coattails in a future run for office I wonder how long it took hillclintOOn to come up with her latest little ditty: "Resist, insist, persist, enlist". R.I.P.E.? For what? March 29, 2017 I urge you to Boycott California in every way you can think of and find. They have gone crazy and they have charged the journalists who got the video of Planned AbortionHood's people allegedly admitting to selling baby body parts with 15 felonies. That's ridiculous and absurd and it's a chilling thought -- or very well should be -- for every journalist who has ever done any reporting or undercover video in CaliMarxifornia. Freedom of the press is protected in the First Amendment: "Amendment IFreedom of the press was constitutionally protected for a reason: so that there would be someone with the power to report on -- thus keep in check -- the activities of all government entities. That's also why we have the Freedom of Information Act and Florida's Sunshine Laws. If someone wants to strap on a hidden camera somewhere and go do what these two brave souls did and they find the TRUTH they should be getting kudos from everyone (except Planned AbortionHood), not facing felony charges! It's ridiculous that their bravery and finding the lawless deeds of Planned ParentHood is being turned into an anti-Christian, anti-Conservative, anti-LIFE state run persecution and prosecution! Boycott everything California from movies to fruit and produce to websites! Do not go there, do not support them in any way, shape, or form! Remember, they showed us the TRUTH! CaliMarxifornia is prosecuting them for the TRUTH! March 29, 2017 I just spoke to my hubby and he's on his way home. So, I'll go for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 28, 2017: 1:08 p.m. Is it any surprise to anyone that Congressman, alcee hastings, is in trouble again? He's as corrupt as bullybob clintOOn and he's still allowed to stay in office. DumboRATS have no standards for their lawmakers except that they must vote for the dumboRATS and their causes, no matter what. As long as a legislator will vote as told the dumboRATS will keep that person in office and support that person to the hilt. When was the last time you saw a dumboRAT say that a dumboRAT must go after finding out that the dumboRAT did something despicable, illegal, immoral? Yeah. Monica Lewinsky didn't make them turn against bullybob, nor will this latest kerfuffle make a difference for alcee hastings. March 28, 2017 Speaking of how low dumboRATS can go, we must mention the insane maxine waters and her floor of the House rant against Pres. Trump. As my hubby pointed out the other day while we were talking about the dumboRATS' misbehavior and craziness since Pres. Trump's victory (I still love saying that.), he asked about that rule of the House that says that House members are not to: "Not only is it inappropriate to address the President directly (Members must always address the Chair), but it is improper to refer to the President in a personally offensive manner."She needs to be reprimanded, at the very least. She should be censured, recalled by her constituency and probably investigated for past deeds now that there's not a dumboRAT in the White House who would stand by her and probably pardon her. She needs to get her craziness out of there! March 28, 2017 I am proud of Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA [Really! CA! Wow!]) for saying he will not recuse himself in the "Russian probe". He's the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee and he found proof that Pres. Trump and his people were included in surveillance material that was collected by themuslimvileone's administration and told Pres. Trump about it -- and here's where he allegedly did something that irritated the dumboRATS but that was NOT illegal -- before he told the Congressional dumboRATS. He found the truth and told the President the truth and that's what he did wrong. Oh, boohoo. March 28, 2017 Now that the truth has come out that there was NO collusion between Pres. Trump and any Russians, there is intel that hillclintOOn has ties to them so now Pres. Trump is calling for an investigation into the clintOOns' ties with Russia. Good. I hope it happens and that they wind up spending the rest of their lives in a federal penitnentiary. That would be true justice based upon facts and not political favoritism. I love it! March 28, 2017 I wonder how many dumboRATS were sent straight to their safe places or the bottle (filled with whatever their beverage of choice is) by this Berkeley poll that says that even in California (really!) regular democrat voters want their "leadership" to work with Pres. Trump, not against him. pelosipig is spinning, apoplectic, in her future grave in disbelief. Despite the poll and the wish of the people, L.A.'s dumboRAT mayor isn't listening and refuses to obey the law and obey the "No 'sanctuary city' laws". He's signing up for his own upcoming defeat. See me smile? March 28, 2017 Fake News: Now for the truth about it: lefties are the ones who fall for it. So if "fake news" helped elect Pres. Trump, are they saying that lefties voted for Pres. Trump? Just asking. March 28, 2017 I love that the dumboRATS are losing despite all of their chicanery, crybabying and shouts of "Russian interference". I love that they just keep on losing seat after seat after seat. Louisiana's dumboRATS lost another state seat yesterday and didn't flip any seats they bragged they would. See me smile? March 28, 2017 After the "ROTTENCare" debacle, a smart Alabama Congressman, Mo Brooks, has filed a two sentence repeal bill that would shut down themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX entirely. I hope this gets passed. I hope the Senate agrees and passes it, too. I believe Pres. Trump would sign it. Find your Congressman's contact info, contact him/her and tell him/her that you want to express your support for this excellent repeal bill. It hasn't been assigned a number that I see, as yet, but if it gets to committee and to the floor for a vote telling your representatives to support this bill would be an excellent thing to have in place already. We need to do this! March 28, 2017 Now we're finding out that tech companies have been playing loose and free with the H-1B work visa for getting illegals here to work. They "used the false documents to replace American workers at Stanford University, Cisco, and Brocade. Nonetheless, the employers were not looking to use the H-1B workers, despite being named in the false documents allegedly produced by the two men."Liberals will do anything to harm America and American citizens if it meets their agenda, won't they? I bet you they both vote dumboRAT and they think themuslimvileone was perfection on a silver platter. Morons. March 28, 2017 ROTTEN ryan: Good. He's "wounded" and now has to face the tax cut battle. I hope that he does step down and that a real Conservative gets the Speakership. That would be good for America and we could get something done instead of watch ROTTEN fail because he's a dumboRAT buttkisser extraordinaire. He needs to go, along with grahAMNESTY, mcCAIN'T and all of the RINOs. March 28, 2017 We need to get rid of the TSA. Children being thoroughly felt up by a TSA perv needs to stop. We should do what Israel does and screen our passengers by talking to them, watching their reactions, watching for sweat, nervousness, obfuscations, not touching their bodies in humiliating ways. It's ridiculous. It's a total, "abominable failure" and it needs to be cut by 75% and its employees retrained to screen people the way Israel security does. No more touching. March 28, 2017 I hope they do it. I hope Russia does release info themuslimvileone wants kept secret. I think it would be good to know what themuslimvileone did behind our backs. His "transparency" was truly opacity and if he ever told the truth the world would flip over. He's still a despicable creature. March 28, 2017 SMH. Typical dumboRAT misbehavior as chuck schumer makes a scene yelling at a Pres. Trump supporter at a ritzy NYC restaurant. They really are losing their minds, folks. They just can't handle losing. See me smile? March 28, 2017 Pres. Trump's plan to defeat ISIS is working. Do you hear about that in the msm? No? Shock. Surprise. March 28, 2017 Is it a surprise to anyone that we paid a record amount in property taxes in 2016? themuslimvileone had a huge influence on our economy and on other things. I betcha' we can "thank" him for this, too. March 28, 2017 Lefties/progressives/liberals made a rule that is blatantly racist but it is still in effect. Schools with higher "white" counts get lower or no funding. That's not just racist, it's wrong. What does skin tone have to do with the need for funding? There are many poor "white" people, too. Why is it all about -- 100% of the time -- skin tone, gender, sexual preference, etc., to lefties/progressives/liberals when it is allegedly Conservatives who are the bigots? Hmmm? March 28, 2017 Well my internet is acting up a bit, slowing down a lot, so I'm going to close for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 27, 2017: 3:53 p.m. Hello, everyone! Had a great weekend and hope you did, too. We changed the color of our family room walls. I did them in the fall of 2015, but I tried to do what the "designers" said was a "more sophisticated palette" but and I tried to like it but last summer I had to admit I hated it. It was depressing and boring and dull to my eyes. Last week I chose colors I wanted and Saturday and Sunday we spent moving furniture around, cleaning under and behind them, painting (I do the cutting in) and polishing furniture. Basically I did my spring cleaning as I repainted the family room. It's now a gorgeous blue and with a red accent wall and an off-white ceiling (which is going to be the trim color, too). So now we've gone patriotic in our family room and we've got Americana in there with my hubby's fishing display (not yet finished), his Thomas Kinkade prints, bird prints, fishing print, etc. It's going to be a great look when it's all finished. I post pics. Anyways, because of all of that and the fact that I still have some cleaning to do in there because my ankle was acting up (my doc said it would take two to three years for the ligaments to heal properly), I wound up sitting down in the evening instead of finishing the polishing. That needs to get done so I can wash the displayed items and get those back in place. Are we having fun yet? (Yes.) So let's get started. March 27, 2017 "The EPA�s controversial 'environmental justice' programs provide taxpayer funding for environmental and other left-wing interest groups."He has been underhanded and sneaky and, basically, vile, since he was in college. I'm not surprised by this, but I am disgusted by his lies. His underhandedness encouraged others to obfuscate, too. "Scientists" were cooking the books and fixing the numbers to maintain the LIE that is "global warming" and our government knew about it but hid it from us. Remember, there is no such thing as "global warming" and, yes, there is scientific data to back that up. So when you hear all of the scare tactics, remember that it's not about the earth, it's about controlling you and nothing else. I'm so very, very, very glad that Pres. Trump doesn't believe the LIE that is "global warming". I'm also glad that America is opting out of the Paris Climate Agreement. It's a good thing. Meanwhile, the environMENTALists here will sink to new lows to fight the Keystone Pipeline. How crazy can they go? We'll find out. March 27, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: I think that Pres. Trump and A.G. Jeff Sessions are doing the right thing in taking away the funding of "sanctuary cities" and enforcing the law. Laws are laws for everyone, not just for American Citizens. It's the citizens of America who are hurt, bear the financial burdern of the illegals getting to take cover and stay in "sanctuary cities" and it's time that stops. It's time for America to protect its own. If illegal aliens are allowed to keep invading our country more high school rapes will happen. It's time to put America first and our citizens' safety first and to stop the PC idiocy. Build the wall. Enforce the law. No more crybabying about the illegal aliens' lives when our lives are at stake. Ask yourself this question: How many stories have you read lately about an American citizen shooting an illegal for no reason whatsoever? How many? If you answer is a big fat "Zero" or maybe "One", then you have your answer as to which side does more harm to the other. Illegal aliens need to be sent back to their homeland and made to apply for legal entry into America. If they aren't willing to do that, then arrest them, put in Alcatraz for entering our country illegally and make them work twenty years for room and board to earn permission to apply for entry without guarantees that it will be granted. That will cut way back on illegals crossing our border. Make it unpleasant to do so and the numbers will fall. March 27, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: It's time for this to happen. I am so glad that it's finally being looked at. It's time to streamline the federal government and to make our bureaucracy as small as possible. Fire people, please! We need to get rid of layer upon layer of government officials, employees, empire builders, and bureaucrats. That would be good for America! Something else that will be good for America: reworking the tax codes and giving Americans tax cuts! That would be excellent! Let's do this! (Start with the penalty for not having themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX! March 27, 2017 Shock. Surprise. DumboRATS are delaying the vote on Judge Gorsuch. Who didn't expect that? They're so predictable. March 27, 2017 Another "Shock! Surprise!"? clintOOn advisor has ties to Russia that he did not disclose and he "may have violated federal law" by not listing it on his paperwork. Well, gooooolllly! Whodathunkit? A dumboRAT hiding things from us? Not possible! Is it? (Sarcasm. Totally Sarcasm.) March 27, 2017 Are Germans daft? They just gave Merkle a win? That's not just daft, it's dangerous for their own country. It will soon be a majority Muslim country and then those who voted for Merkle's party will regret the day and their votes! I wonder how the women who voted for Merkle because she is a woman will enjoy wearing hijabs. That's what is coming to them thanks to their stupidity. March 27, 2017 Have a driver's license or a passport? Guess what. Your picture for those things may be in the FBI's facial recognition database without your knowledge. Isn't that wonderful? Your name, picture and facial features are entered into the database with the criminals and your face is compared to the faces of criminals' faces even though you have done nothing wrong. You didn't do anything wrong in applying for a passport but your passport picture is being used to list you with criminals. You did nothing wrong in getting your driver's license; in fact, you were obeying the law in doing so. Your picture and name and info wound up in the FBI's criminal facial recognition database. Isn't that nice to know? Totally innocent people are winding up in a criminal database! That's the FBI out of control. They have no reason to do that but they think it's perfectly acceptable. That needs to stop. That database needs to be cleared of all innocent people's pictures and regulations need to be written to prevent the innocent from being included in their -- or any other -- criminal databases. If you're not a criminal the FBI nor any other law enforcement organization should have your info, face, or anything else of yours in their criminal database! It's just wrong! March 27, 2017 Aaaahhhh... Public Schools: In Charlotte, NC, they're trying to keep a first grade pro-transgender agenda that they've been teaching the children. I think that's ridiculous. It harms children to have that sort of nonsense taught to them and it encourages abnormal behavior. This sort of nonsense led to the PA school system making a boy change clothes in front of a "transgender" girl. The girl was claiming to be a boy (Will she change that opinion later? Who knows?) and she was in the boys' locker room and the DNA boy was uncomfortable changing in front of her. (I refuse to call her a "him" because she isn't and never will be a DNA "him".) For standing up for his own privacy and comfort level, he was told to subjugate his own privacy and comfort in order to make her more comfortable. That's ridiculous. The DNA male should not be forced into discomfort because the DNA female says she's a boy. This is senior high school where children are undergoing a lot of changes and some are quite confused about who they are and what their futures are going to be. I don't think that forcing one DNA gender to undress in front of another DNA gender when they're not okay with doing so is just doing harm to both children. It's tough enough to undress in front of your own DNA gender, throwing the opposite gender into the mix (no matter which gender they're "identifying with" at the millisecond) is just doing more harm. It's wrong. So is allowing the transgender wrestler to wrestle against DNA males when she is DNA female. It's irresponsible and it's kissing the backside of the lefties who make noise about this kind of crap (and it is crap) to get attention and to make this sort of thing important when the reality is that their whole agenda to harm children is the important thing. Abortion harms children and they love abortion. So when did children's rights become so important to them when abortion takes away all chances of children having any rights? March 27, 2017 Hey, Gals, what is wrong with you? If a guy wants to throw this kid of rock at you CATCH THEM! Catch the rocks and catch the guy! Come on! I love it when my hubby buys me diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, kunzite, morganite, tanzanite, diaspore, chrome diopside, bixbite, fluorite, tourmaline (my favorite gemstone), etc., etc., etc. If a guy is willing to buy gemstones for you, he's at least worth a look. Don't ya' think? Stop being such wimps! Catch those gemstones and then catch the guy; or vice versa. March 27, 2017 Did more blurbs than I expected to do. So, I'll go because my rock thrower will be home soon. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 24, 2017: 12:12 a.m. Flag Friday: Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! "Tribute To Our Heroes 312: Laughter Envied" is my offering for this week. See you later. March 24, 2017: 1:30 p.m. My apologies but there will be no updates today for two reasons. First, I spilled my coffee all over my desk and it got on my computer's power cord, which has a boo-boo in it and electrical tape covering that boo-boo (thanks, recliner) and the electrical tape feels a little wet. Better safe than sorry. Second, my hubby surprised me and came home a little while ago because he's got more than enough hours in already this week and his work was complete so he came home to keep his overtime comp time down. So, I'm going to go spend time with him. Thanks for dropping by and I'll see you Monday, unless I spill my coffe again. Have a great weekend! March 23, 2017: 3:12 p.m. Peace and Tolerance: Yesterday's London terrorist attack was done by an Islamic terrorist, although the paper in England writing about the attack didn't use the words "Muslim", "Islam", or "Islamic". The guy's name was Khalid Masood and in the background story about him they do admit that he was a Muslim. I knew as soon as I heard about it that it was a Muslim. I posted it yesterday and there was no information about the attacker when I did so, but we all assume it's going to be so, do we not? Islam has earned the reputation of being a murderous organization and when we hear about the sort of attack that was done yesterday we all know that it was 99% chance an Islamic tarrorist. Why does the world not just face it and unit behind the fight to defeat Islam and its bloody teachings? March 23, 2017 "ROTTENCare": Good! I'm glad it's on "life support" and it may not even be voted on. It needs to go away. A total REPEAL vote needs to be taken, instead of giving us a half-baked, we'll keep most of it, but what we don't keep we'll make worse piece of garbage bill. I'm glad that there are True Conservatives out there who are withstanding the pressure and who are going to do what's best for America and NOT give in to the pressure. We don't need another overbearing, over-burdening healthcare bill. We need freedom and we need the opportunity to make our own decisions and our own choices. We don't need the government telling us what to buy, from whom to buy it and when and how to buy it. Freedom solves all of that. If we don't want to buy healthcare insurance, we should not have to buy it, but nor should the rest of America be forced to pay our bills for getting medical care. We need to pass a law that says that if you go to a doctor's office or an emergency room that payments can be accepted and that if you can't make payments you can do something else to work off any resulting debt. You can work in the yard of the hospital, or sweep the sidewalks around the hospital, or you can barter services: if you are an artist, you can barter art work, a secretaries can do typing, or cashiers can work in the gift shop of a hospital, not getting paid until their debt to the hospital is paid in hours worked. Let's do something that protects people from having to pay for others' non-payment, but also gives those who cannot afford emergency care the opportunity to do something to pay their own debt. I don't know if that would work, but it's better than the government telling us who, what, when, where, why and how to buy healthcare insurance and healthcare! March 23, 2017 Do you own an iPhone? If so, the CIA may be spying on you. They infected "factory fresh" iPhones with spyware and they can tap into your phone anytime they want. They've been doing this since 2008, so you may want to either check your iPhone for the programs listed in the link, or switch over to another base operating system: WinPhone, Android, or whatever. Personally, I'm going to check my iPad for the programs listed and try to delete them if I find them. I don't know if it's possible to delete them, but I can try. March 23, 2017 Own a cell phone? They specify smart phones, but I'd say that most phones are dirtier than a toilet. Eww. I wipe my phone down when I clean my glasses so maybe mine's a little cleaner. Glad I don't put it to my face much; I use the speakerphone option most often. Use glasses wipes because they have a lot of alcohol in them and they can clean your phone. March 23, 2017 Bob Woodward says that themuslimvileone's people could be facing criminal charges for spying on Pres. Trump. I agree with Bob Woodward and hope that they all wind up in prison for the rest of their lives! March 23, 2017 NYC may be getting a new skyscraper that is quite different. I hope that they do get to build it and that it's a safe, easy to live/work in building. It's a really cool design and I'd love to see this done. March 23, 2017 More proof that actors/writers/directors/broadway just doesn't understand America as we see it: a stupid new play that presents America "an apocalyptic America where stadiums are turned into prisons and people become sick, hungry and frightened."under Pres. Trump and his Conservative policies. It's ridiculous, but that's the "elites": ridiculous. March 23, 2017 Leave it to the dumboRATS to do what is BAD for America and WRONG for their political careers in today's political climate. They now say they'll filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch's confirmation to the SCOTUS. How dumb is that? Can anyone count how many of those who filibuster are cutting their own political throats? At least half? On the same subject, we have a shocking commitment from grahAMNESTY to "do whatever it takes" to get Judge Gorsuch confirmed. If that be the case grahAMNESTY's support for illegal alien amnesty will be swept out the door and he'll not have the opportunity to kiss the backsides of the lefties/progressives/liberals on that issue. I hope he keeps his word this one time! March 23, 2017 I don't know which part of this story I find more shocking: West Point's speaker, or the official's choice. West Point has such a thing as a "Trans event"? That's surprising, too. How crazy is it that your taxpayer dollars were used to hold the event, book the speaker and pay for his room, etc., and all of that. How crazy is that? March 23, 2017 I wonder if the former Starbuck's CEO has any regrets for saying he'd hire illegals over Americans. Things have certainly changed since he said that, at least for the company he used to run. March 23, 2017 themuslimvileone: He did spy on Pres. Trump. Well, shock, surprise! March 23, 2017 In Cuba, a Christian leader was sentenced to three years in prison for saying something bad about the Castro regime. This is the land that themuslimvileone "regularized" trade with, opened up to American tourism and the hollyweird elite love to praise and visit. Christians being imprisoned for speaking against the dictators and themuslimvileone wants to encourage that. As I said, I don't care how much he tried to tell us that he is a "Christian" (his lips were moving), his actions speak louder. March 23, 2017 Aaaaahhhh... public school: A fourteen-year-old girl was brutally raped by two illegal aliens and the school superintendent is saying the victim's parents are racists! Can you imagine? He needs to be fired and never hired again. I agree with MD's Governor who asked these questions: "'Why is an 18-year-old man in a class with 13 or 14-year-old girls? Why was his status not known to those folks? Why was he allowed to enter the country after he was picked up for illegally crossing the border�both of them?'"Why was the opportunity set-up by the government for the rapists to do this? I think themuslimvileone's administration should be held accountable as accessories before the fact.; March 23, 2017 Talking about what illegals do in our country, Ann Coulter says we've now hit "full on crazy". I can't disagree when it comes to what the lefties/progressives/liberals are doing. They're cutting their own reelection chances by one third in their support of illegals and they're making themselves look out of touch with their anti-Trump rants (see, for instance, pelosipig). March 23, 2017 Well, hubby's on his way home. Gonna' go. See you for Flag Friday! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 22, 2017: 2:43 p.m. Peace and Tolerance: Islamic attacker in London runs people over then exits car and stabs people; four dead, many more injured. The attack happened on the anniversary of the Brussels attack and ISIS and other Muslims celebrate the attack. Again, this speaks volumes about what Islam is: an organization of death, force, power and hatred. If it were truly a religion it would not do this sort of crap. Any religion worth following is not a murderous tyranny, instead it encourages its people to be better, help others, do good and love mercy. I see none of that in Islam. If it had any mercy whatsoever it wouldn't do any of the things it currently does except (allegedly) help their own poor (Anyone see any proof that it does that anywhere?). This is Islam: "Murder 'R' Us. March 22, 2017 Pres. Trump was correct: themuslimileone was surveiling him. Shock. Surprise. Pres. Trump didn't lie. He knows who themuslimvileone is. He knows that themuslimvileone considers himself above the law and that because of that belief themuslimvileone has broken the law so many times it would take two weeks to list them all. That's why I so love having someone who does not consider himself above the law (or the law itself as themuslimvileone did) in the White House: "[T]he surveillance appeared to be legal but that [House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.)] was concerned because it was not related to the FBI�s investigation into Russia�s meddling in the election and was widely disseminated across the intelligence community."So they weren't just spying on Pres. Trump for whatever reason -- NOT the alleged "Russian connection" -- they were sharing the info they gathered with all and sundry. In other words, they were trying to do as much damage illegally as possible. Question: Did they share the intel they gathered with the hillclintOOn campaign? March 22, 2017 California, hurry up and leave already! The legislators there are warning companies to NOT work on the border wall or they may face the State "divesting from" their company. Sounds to me like government interference in a private company, which is socialism at its base. California, you're headed toward socialism and you are going to be empty if you keep going down that road. The "elite" may stay (or some even flock there), but the "Average Joe" will leave and you'll be hurting even more for money because we all know that hollyweirdos and Silicon Valley elites don't like to pay taxes (or they wouldn't use tax havens) but they do like to tell others to do so. California is signing its own death warrant. Duh. March 22, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Speaking of the wall, this is why we need a border wall. We need to stop the importation of not just violent illegal aliens but we also need to stop the importation of drugs that comes with an unsecured border. We need to stop this and we need to stop this now. March 22, 2017 Tiny Tyrant: His bragging about reducing America "to ashes" may have to wait just a little bit longer after his latest test resulted in a misfire. The missile burned on the pad. Oopsie. March 22, 2017 Dead Blue Bird: There's no hope. Take it off of life support. Even Pres. Trump can't save it. Go ahead and say your goodbyes, get the tissues out and make sure you have a backup plan. The Blue Bird is going to die. It's terminal. It's all over but the fat lady singing. Taps are being practiced in the back yard. So sad. (Not.) March 22, 2017 googlywoogly: Did they break the law by not taking down extremist material? IF so, what (if anything) will happen to them for breaking the law? Let's watch this to find out. When was the last time you used googlywoogly? I haven't done so in years. In fact, the web browser, Opera (which I use), has it as their default search engine. I haven't changed it because I get a kind of perverse pleasure in going to the search and typing in Bing.com and then using it to do my search, but letting googlywoogly see that I am changing from them to Bing is going to irk them. I'm just so mean. March 22, 2017 March 22, 2017 What is he up to? He worked for themuslimvileone so I don't trust him, so what is he up to? themuslimvileone's DH[IN]S compliments Pres. Trump? What is he up to? March 22, 2017 Woops! Mom's on the phone so I'll go. I can't do updates and talk to Mom at the same time. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 21, 2017: 2:44 p.m. hillclintOOn: It's time to figure out how much damage her "private server" has done to America. That's what Judicial Watch is pushing for and I am glad someone's going to have to look into it, but if the results are what I think they will be, then America needs to throw her backside in prison for the rest of her life. Throw mrs. carlos danger in there, too, since she knew about it and didn't do anything to right the situation, as well as her other cohorts, and include themuslimvileone in the prison sentence as well because he wrote to her at her private server and didn't make her stop using it. He allowed her to betray America because it worked well with his goal of destroying America (which he's still working hard to do) so he needs to be in prison for the rest of his life as well. The lefties/progressives/liberals are not immune - no matter how much it seems as though they are - from prosecution. They need to pay the price that the "Average Joe" would be paying if he had done the same things. We have no royalty in America no matter how much they act as though they are. BTW, what is she going to "come out of the woods" to do? Betray America some more? March 21, 2017 Do you use a Garmin GPS or something similar (cell phone apps included)? If so, you may not be using as much of your brain as possible while trying to navigate the town. This may be true, but if I rely on my brain to get half of the places I try to go I'd never get there. Before I got my first Garmin I had difficulties getting places. I'd call my hubby and tell him where I was and ask how to finish the route, or how to get home from there, or whatever. With Garmin I can get as lost as I can be and still get home because I get lost without it and find my way out of lost with it. I love my Garmin. I will keep my Garmin. I will use my Garmin because without it, I'll go back to being lost a lot. If it's not somewhere I go on a regular basis I don't feel a need to remember how to get there. After all, there's always Yahoo maps, or something similar, so why use my brain for that? I can use it for other things like brownie recipes, another form of navigating, right? After all, if I can't navigate my way around a recipe I shouldn't be leaving the house at all! March 21, 2017 Oh, my! Twitching (birding) is cool in England. Whoever would have thought that I'd ever be involved in something "cool"? But, remember: you don't have to dress like a twitcher to be a twitcher. Also, they now say that "access to nature" may reduce obesity. Well, that may or may not be true. Almost everyone can look outside and see "nature" of a sort: birds, waves, trees, whatever. That doesn't mean that they are going to start dropping pounds. So what is the big deal with "access to" nature? I say to look at the funding for this "study" and then you'll figure out why the results were as reported. "Follow the money" as Rush says. March 21, 2017 With all of the "immigrants" England has let in, I wonder if they'll enjoy the Brexit (if it ever happens) and the fact that the EU will not be able to force them to accept more immigrants. The EU has decided it can do that. Those countries that joined the EU and are now wanting to send the "immigrants" packing are probably regretting having joined right about now. Can you imagine your neighbor telling you that you will have to allow squatters to camp in your back yard, front yard and garage, even though you don't want them? Yep. That's what is happening in the EU. So glad Pres. Trump won and we are heading away from globalism! We'd be in the same predicament in a few years if hillclintOOn had won. March 21, 2017 If -- if -- this poll is true, HURRAY! That's excellent! I think a Le Pen win would be great for France if she keeps her word. It would be great to see France do a 180 and get out of the immigrant trouble they're currently facing. It's not safe in France and the French people are afraid of being in their own country because of the "immigrants". Women are not safe. Violence is at an all time high. There are troops and police everywhere trying to prevent attacks and harm. France has become a police state in an effort to prevent its people from being harmed by the "immigrants" who feel that France owes them everything they demand. France has already faced unreasonable immigrant demands that they should say a loud and resounding "No!" to, but France is France and they've learned so very well how to surrender. A Le Pen win would be the start of a spine for the country if she wins and keeps her word. That's a good thing. March 21, 2017 I think that Amazon.com is doing something good; both for their company and for their customers. If I buy something I think is a brand name - purse, craft product, shoes, whatever - it really should be that brand name for real. If it's counterfeit, I'm getting ripped off and the brand is getting ripped off. That's not right, so I'm glad Amazon is doing the anti-counterfeit push. It's a good thing and I wish other websites that sell brand names would do the same. March 21, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Build the WALL! The Trump administration has started taking bids and he's keeping his promise about doing this, so let's get this done! It's good for America and what's good for America is good for you and I. March 21, 2017 "ROTTENCare": Is Rep. Gohmert correct? Is Pres. Trump being "set up for failure" in accepting ROTTEN ryan's bill as a good thing? It has made Pres. Trump do something truly icky: team with mcCONnell and that, to me, means that Pres. Trump is trusting the WRONG people here. I know he likes the idea of allegedly saving $600 BILLION with the "ROTTENCare" plan, but I don't think that the number is correct, nor do I believe that socialized medicine is a good thing. Let the people decide what they want, how much they want and with whom they want for healthcare insurance, as well as for their doctor and hospital care. That's the correct answer to this problem, not another government bill to control what we can or cannot purchase with our own hard-earned money! If the government is between you and your choices, it's a bad choice every time. Don't support bad choices. Push for a total REPEAL of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX and then for your RIGHT to spend your money as you see fit and to decide what you want, how much of it you want and from whom you wish to purchase it. That's FREEDOM. That's what America is supposed to be: FREE! March 21, 2017 I think that there are dumboRATS out there who are delusional, disassocated from reality and so very desperate for the return of their power seat in the Oval Office that they have lost touch with their real political situation. maxine waters is one of those and pelosipig another, and the former snl star and person who sued and sued and sued and sued until he "won", al franken are all either already there, or are well on their ways to losing it. Hands up to show you're surprised? No hands? Thought not. March 21, 2017 Aaaahhhh... Public School: In my wildest imaginations I could never have thought that a public school in today's world would hold a mock slave auction in class and actually put a black student on the bidding block. Talk about STUPID and insensitive and wrong! What was that teacher thinking? SMH! That's unthinkable to me! It was allegedly an "impromptu" activity conducted by a "substitute teacher" and not condoned, planned, nor anything else by the district nor the regular teacher, but still! SMH! March 21, 2017 "Russian connection": Now this thing has gone so far that the FBI is investigating Breitbart and InfoWars. I've given you the truth about:
March 21, 2017 I'm going to let you think on that. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 20, 2017: 3:09 p.m. themuslimvileone: Of course he can't admit the truth of anything. Part of his lack of transparency (no matter how much he promised it, remember his lips were moving) his administration will be remembered as one of the most opaque and corrupt administrations in U.S. history! Part of his opacity is his hiding of the student loan default stats that Judicial Watch is hunting down. We know he hid $77 BILLION in "climate change" money throughout his budgets so that he could keep funding his buds, and that he spent $36 MILLION hiding the TRUTH from us, and he hid the $400 MILLION cash payment to Iran from Congress and America. Transparent? Where? Even worse than hiding the taxpayer money he manipulated at will is the fact that he is still hiding the TRUTH about BENGHAZI and he will continue to LIE to cover up his part in the deaths of four Americans. He's a despicable creature and always will be. March 20, 2017 The lefties/progressives/liberals are so scared of the swamp being drained of all of its leaches, roaches, snakes and slime that they are holding fake hearings trying to intimidate Pres. Trump into stopping doing the right thing. I don't believe that Pres. Trump will be intimidated into NOT draining the swamp and making it harder for the lefties/progressives/liberals to hide in their muck and mire. I think it's going to be a subzero day in hades before the lefties/progressives/liberals make Pres. Trump kiss their backsides. At least, I hope that's the way it is. March 20, 2017 I hope that Judge Gorsuch is confirmed to be on the SCOTUS at his hearing. I know the dumboRATS will be throwing a hissy fit about it and that they don't want him but they can't find anything bad about him. He gets great reviews from the local attorneys who appeared before him, the American Bar Association gave him their top rating and eleven former female clerks (and 39 other clerks as well) all right great things about him. There is one former administration employee who alleges that he's anti-women, but one must consider the source. I hope he gets confirmed and that America can return to a more Constitutional construct, as the Founding Fathers designed. March 20, 2017 Why on earth Pres. Trump did not fire james comey as FBI director, I will never know. james comey is a disgrace and a partisan hack who should have been fired the moment Pres. Trump was sworn in. james comey doesn't care about the TRUTH, he cares about partisan politics and protecting themuslimvileone and hillclintOOn. That's why he should have been fired with the first breath out of Pres. Trump's mouth. I think that Pres. Trump should have started his inaugural speech with "All of you who were hired in the last eight years as themuslimvileone's slackee, his butt kissers, anyone above midlevel management, you're fired. Pack your stuff and get out!" That would have brought the house down all over America. It probably would have been something the msm could whine about even now, but it would have saved a lot of headaches for Pres. Trump. He should know by now he can't trust ROTTEN ryan, james comey, any dumboRAT, or any RINO. He needs to learn this quickly, as in yesterday. March 20, 2017 IF there were anything actually on Pres. Trump, don't you think that the alleged multi-year investigation into Pres. Trump, his family and his associates would have revealed something that could have prevented him from being even nominated much less elected, if there were something he was doing wrong? Would not the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any of the other law enforcement alphabet have swooped in and arrested him if he were actually doing something wrong? My goodness, how long do they have to investigate someone before they can finally let it go? They've got a current "ongoing investigation" according to james comey and they have been looking into him since the Bush administration! Where is the smoking gun? The loss of hillclintOOn is the gun? Then how did she win the "popular vote" and how did the election machines change Trump vote to hillclintOOn votes if Russia was helping Trump win? Hmm? How on earth can anyone say that the Russians were helping Pres. Trump when all of the cheating we saw was clearly done to help hillclintOOn? To say that the winner of the electoral college numbers was cheating when the electoral college numbers are defined by the popular vote in each state is like saying that the Russians waited until all of the votes were cast and then they switched them around from state to state so that they could manipulate the numbers to make Trump win the electoral college. Is that what the idiot dumboRATS are alleging? If so, where is the proof? The investigation has been going on since November, so where is the evidence? The numbers were not under the control of each state, so wouldn't the investigation be done in each state? See any evidence of the FBI or anyone else checking with your local Supervisor of Elections regarding the election numbers in your city/county/state? No? Well, gooooollllllly, why not? If the numbers were generated here, then why isn't the investigation going on here? The fact is, the "investigation" is nothing more than the dumboRATS and their partisan hacks (james comey and others) trying to deny Pres. Trump his authority, his presidency and his rightly elected power. They're jealous and they're throwing a hissy fit. That's all there is to this. March 20, 2017 Sanctuary: SMH. In order to make themselves feel good about not being bigots lefties/progressives/liberals put your safety and lives at risk. They don't care about your safety and your children's safety as long as they can pat themselves on the backs for not being haters. OOooh... They're not haters, so that makes those of us who stand with the law and with protecting our children haters? In their opinions, yes. But they're better than us so they release dangerous prisoners back into the American population so that they can feell good. They'll feel good until they, themselves, are victims of those they release, or until someone they care about winds up raped, dead or both. Why can' tthey realize that just because they provide "sanctuary" for bad guys that it doesn't innoculate them against becoming their victims? They should learn to think, not just do whatever it takes to feel good about themselves. March 20, 2017 Tiny Tyrant: He's sounding more and more and more like a looney-toon. He thinks he can annihilate us? He's got another think coming. His ego is a whole lot bigger than him. March 20, 2017 Oh, come on, California! Go ahead and exit already! We'd love to have you issue passports to your residents so that they can come across the state line into America from CalMexifornia. Let's see that happen. We're tired of hearing your superiority spat at us, your whining stench wafts our way and stings our noses and eyes and your liberalism/progressivism is even worse than the stench of your whining: it is human waste personified. Stop asking America for aid and start standing on your own two exiting feet! Get out and get on with it! March 20, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: They are "Making America Great Again!" as we drill for our own oil and we don't have to count on OPEC oil for as much. That's a good thing. We can do this! We can provide our own oil and we can totally stop buying from OPEC and make them figure it out themselves. That would be a GREAT thing! March 20, 2017 I'm going to stop there for today. I just remembered I wanted to make some phone calls for an important event and I hope I'm not too late to get the info today. It's something I'd like to get done. Sorry. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 17, 2017: 12:31 a.m. It's Friday and that means it's time for this week's tribute: "Tribute To Our Heroes 311: "Mother Earth"". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! "See" you later today. March 17, 2017: 3:07 p.m. Just a few blurbs today because I have something I want to get done. So let's get started. March 17, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: The msm is having a cow over the things Pres. Trump chooses to retweet. Um... msm, get a life! He can retweet whatever he wants. It's ridiculous that they are having cows over Pres. Trump retweeting something some of his most vocal supporters say, or a two day old news story. The msm needs to get a grip. I LOVE that Pres. Trump's budget increases funding for SCHOOL CHOICE by $1.4 BILLION while decreasing funding to the federal Dept. of Education. That means that there would be fewer federal employees who can try to tell you what to do to educate your children. If you want to homeschool them, put them in a private school, or take them to a different public school than is in the district, then you'd be able to do that. School choice is the right choice! Another great thing it does is that it upsets the lefties/progressives/liberals. That makes me smile. Pres. Trump's budget is good for businesses and that makes it good for America. Working citizens are happier citizens and they can afford things for their families and their futures. That's always a good thing. I believe that themuslimvileone did wire tap and spy on Pres. Trump. Think what you may, themuslimvileone's history proves he's not above doing so. Now, we have a FBI computer stolen out of a vehicle and on that computer was a floor plan of Trump Towers. So what if the computer -- and others like it -- were used to get listening devices and spy cameras into Trump Towers? The options are that and for security details knowing the floor plan, but there are possibilities out there for other uses besides security, yes? I kinda' hope that Pres. Trump does go "full Andrew Jackson" and tells the judges who are ignoring the law and the U.S. Constitution (which they're supposed to be using to make rulings) and ruling on their personal biases instead of law to take a long hike on a short pier. That would be epic! March 17, 2017 The federal judiciary is out of control right now, thanks to lefties/progressives/liberals being appointed by various and asundry presidents -- the most egregious of them having been appointed by (of course) themuslimvileone. If they are allowed to continue down the road they have so far travelled they risk putting our Constitution in the trash and our country would be a judiciary ruled country. No more Representative Republic (what our Founding Fathers gave us), no more democracy (Constitutionally designed Electoral College majority wins; county, city and state candidates win via most votes, ballot initiatives that meet the required standard for votes is approved, etc.), we would be controlled and ruled -- RULED -- by the whims of whatever judge the matter is taken before. It would be anarchy with one judge overturning the other, overturned by another. There would be no stability and no telling what would happen at the SCOTUS. Would they be able to control the lower courts? Let's nip this one in the bud. It's a dangerous road to go down. March 17, 2017 mcCAIN'T: I think he's losing his marbles. He needs to take a step back, take a deep breath and regroup, refocus and get a grip. He keeps showing his irritation at Pres. Trump for Pres. Trump's victory when mcCAIN'T couldn't get elected in an empty room (although, admittedly, I did vote for his running mate, Sarah Palin and he was the "Blue Light Special" [discounted item] that was included in the vote). mcCAIN'T should resign or at least make peace with Rand Paul. Hard to believe mcCAIN'T is a registered Republican (actually a RINO) and that he's attacking our Republican president so vehemently and so often even after Pres. Trump released his dream budget. After all, it should have been a dream Republican budget, too. That just proves, yet again, that mcCAIN'T is no more Republican than the very ill pelosipig. March 17, 2017 I agree with Prime Minister May (gb): Scotland should not have a referendum right now on leaving the rule of England. They should wait until after Brexit and then hold the referendum and choose then whether independence would be a good thing. If their people choose independence from England (which I think they should) then they can choose whether to re-enter the EU as an independent nation. That would be a much cleaner break and a cleaner EU re-join. No dragging part of England back into something they've already voted to exit, no muddying the waters. Wait. Give Brexit a chance to do its thing, vote to exit England's rule and re-enter the EU as their own country. Keep it clean. It will certainly be easier in the long run. March 17, 2017 The Tiny Tyrant is making all kinds of threats right now and it's making people wonder what he really would do. He refuses to give up any of his weapons and refuses to stop testing things (weapons and the rest of the world's patience) and so we may have to consider a "preemptive strike" against North Korea. Here's the thing: A preemptive strike will do one of three things: Best choice, shut him down. More probable, anger him and make him do more. Third and worst possibility: make Russia (who provided some of his weaponry) and China (who provided the rest of it) join the Tiny Tyrant in his anger and start a real war -- possibly WWIII. Considering how Pres. Trump handles things it would be possibility one or two, not three. I don't think Putin and China wish to have a war with America with Pres. Trump in control. If it had been themuslimvileone, they'd have no problem making him roll over and surrender (he'd do so in half a French minute), but with Pres. Trump I don't see that happening. He'd bomb the heck out of N. Korea then say, "Okay. Who's next?" I like that. March 17, 2017 Well, that's going to do it for today. I have to get my project done. Y'all have a great weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 16, 2017; 2:09 p.m. Missed yesterday because my Mom called just after noon and we talked for almost four hours. As usual we laughed and laughed because we get goofy together and we talked about her birthday plans for a while. I know the first part of what I want to do for her, and she knows that part, too. The rest of it, I don't yet know. We'll see what I can come up with as the surprise part. Anyways, that prevented me from getting updates done because I can't talk to my Mom and focus on updates at the same time, and we all know my Mom comes first. Sorry to have missed it, but that's the way it goes. March 16, 2017 March 16, 2017 The left/rogressives/liberals are unhinged, bat-crap crazy right now because they've lost the White House, the Senate and the Congress. They've seen something happen that in their wildest dreams over the last eight years could never have happened; they're almost completely out of power. They're stunned and their safe places are so full of used tissues right now that they'e got to stand up to get in (no, they haven't cleaned them up because they can't figure out if they're recyclable). They hate your Second Amendment rights and they try to deny you your First Amendment rights. Take for instance, googlywoogly choosing to flag "offensive" search results. Offensive to whom? My website will be flagged up one side and down the other if it shows up at all. But, hey, I'm proud. Speak up, Conservatives. Be flagged by the left/progressives/liberals because if you're upsetting them, you're doing something RIGHT! March 16, 2017 Well, so much for my love of McDonald's Mocha Frappuccino's. They just sent a tweet to Pres. Trump: "@realDonaldTrump You are actually a disgusting excuse of a president and we would love to have [@themuslimvileone] back, also you have tony hands.'"They claimed it was a hack of their dead blue bird account. I hope it was a hack attack. I love those Frappuccinos! IF it was a real tweet from corporate, I will NEVER visit a McDonald's again. March 16, 2017 I LOVE this budget! It cuts (Sources: Breitbart.com, The Wrap.com, Reuters.com, FOX News.com:
March 16, 2017 What happened to the left's/progressives'/liberals' crybabying about an alleged Pres. Trump/Russia conspiracy? Did it quietly sink into the sunset because the left realized that it wasn't effective? Yes? Oh, my! Liars and snowflakes and tears, oh my! Liars and snowflakes and tears, oh my! The left: if you can't win, whine. March 16, 2017 Spring break is coming but the feds say don't go to Mexico to celebrate spring break. It's not that safe anymore. A friend of mine goes down there a lot (comparatively speaking) and I worry about her while she's there. Stay safe. Choose a better location to party for spring break. Don't put yourself in danger for cheap tequilla. March 16, 2017 mcCAIN'T: Why can't he just realize that he's making himself look more and more foolish? He's really "unhinged" according to Sen. Rand Paul. I have to admit, considering the things mcCAIN'T has said and done since Pres. Trump was sworn into office I agree with Sen. Paul. March 16, 2017 ROTTEN ryan: I wish that there would be a coup against ROTTEN ryan and that he would be removed from his Speakership. He needs to be recalled by his constituents. He's fighting against his own party in support of something the American people do not want: ROTTENCare! Why would he keep pushing something that just makes themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX a slightly altered continuation and that doesn't help our wounded military veterans? Remember: it cuts funding for the disabled and some of our war veterans are disabled. Why would he do that? He needs to go away. March 16, 2017 Judicial Watch is supporting Ohio's efforts to clean its voter rolls and they filed an amicus brief ("friend of the court" brief) hoping to get the Supreme Court to allow maintenance of Ohio's voter rolls. This is because: "'[themuslimvileone's] Justice Department and its allies on the Left were fanatical in their efforts to undermine election integrity measures like the efforts to keep clean voter lists in Ohio,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Dirty election rolls mean dirty elections.� The Supreme Court should reverse the Sixth Circuit decision and allow the Ohio to continue to ensure that dead people, those who have moved to other states, and other ineligible names are removed from its voter registration lists.'"Of course themuslimvileone wants to keep "dirty election rolls" in every state he can keep them! If there are unauthorized voters (or dead people, fictitious characters -- Mickey Mouse, etc. -- and multiple registrations in multiple districts by one person) then the lefties/progressives/liberals have a better chance of winning in that county/district/city/state. That's the goal: winning. If they have to win by cheating, so be it. The ends justifies the means for them. March 16, 2017 It's apparently okay for the lefties to physically attack conservatives just because you disagree with them. It doesn't matter that they've never done anything to you. What matters is that the left is "offended" and that makes it all okay to beat someone with whom you disagree. It's not really okay. It's wrong and it's illegal. Does that stop them? No. Their irritation is more important than the law. Right and wrong? Out the window. What matters is that those on the right have to pay. That's the America themuslimvileone ushered in and approved of. Thanks for violence and more blood on your hands, themuslimvileone! You're a really vile creature! March 16, 2017 madcow maddow: Really? She didn't really, did she? Yep. She made a fool of herself -- again. She teased and touted getting Pres. Trump's taxes and that she was going to release them then made it into something that even some on the left mocked. She really can't do anything right, can she? March 16, 2017 Can you tell that the IRS is still under the management of themuslimvileone's cronies? Proof: they approved the "after school satan club's" tax exempt status in 10 days! Remember how long it was taking Tea Party groups to wait and then be denied tax exempt status? Yep. Now in ten days satan's followers can get tax exempt status because they don't support doing the right thing, but the wrong. Those who follow satan (according to the Bible) are wrong and doomed but the IRS gives them tax exempt status in ten days. I suppose if you're going to hell you may as well go quickly. March 16, 2017 pelosipig: What is wrong with her? She can't have meant to speak like and do this. I think she's sick. She has some sort of problem. March 16, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Thanks, Illegals! Some of you have been saving American taxpayers $$$ via cancelling your own food stamps! We appreciate it very much! Please encourage your fellow illegals to do the same. It's only a matter of time until America's budget will be in the black again and with your help we can get there faster! Mucho gracias! March 16, 2017 Wow! That's excellent! Judicial Watch is suing the Do[IN]J to get info on the sneaky, underhanded, illegal Phoenix tarmac meeting between billybob clintOOn and then-U.S. Attorney General, loretta lynch. You remember the airplane talk about their "grandkids"? Yeah. That one. Judicial Watch is on the trail! Excellent! March 16, 2017 Well, that's it for now. See you about midnight for the Flag Friday posting. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 14, 2017: 4:59 p.m. Late start because I was searching for an important piece of paperwork and in searching began re-organizing. I do that a lot. Yesterday I was running a lot of important errands. We met with an attorney regarding the paperwork of our lot purchase. When we bought the lot next door we found out that it had the wrong entity named on it and we couldn't combine the two lots into one until we got them both into the same legal name so yesterday was spent getting that straightened out and taking it to the Clerk of Courts office to get it recorded there. Then we'll be able to get the two pieces surveyed and we'll be able to combine the two pieces into one yard. Then we can build on the now-empty lot as is our plan. My hubby finally gets his man cave. He'll be a happy camper. We also get a guest room out of it, and I get a bigger office. It's a win/win/win situation and I'm tickled pink. March 14, 2017 "ROTTENCare": Named after ROTTEN ryan, of course. I hope they get rid of this thing completely, then follow that up immediately with getting rid of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX. "ROTTENCare" cuts funding for the disabled which, naturally, would include our wounded military veterans and more people would be forced to buy it, even though people don't want it. It's so bad that it could bring ROTTEN ryan and "ROTTENCare" both down! Which, actually, would be a good thing so what's wrong with that? Getting rid of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is very important and Pres. Trump promised us he would do it. He didn't realize then that ROTTEN ryan is a LYING WORM, but Pres. Trump hadn't been dealing with ROTTEN for long and apparently didn't realize that he was such a good liar. Getting rid of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX won't kill anyone but it would be GOOD for America and FREEDOM! March 14, 2017 Tiny Tyrant: Kim Jung-Un is rattling his plastic sabre again. He is threatening America. To that I reply with three words: Carpet Bomb MOABs. He wants to do something bad to us? We can wipe his whole country off the face of the earth. Why is he evven trying to play power games with us? He really should get his ego in check. With themuslimvileone as prezidunce, he may have been able to scare someone. With Pres. Trump in power, the President is no more afraid of the Tiny Tyrant than I'm afraid of my stuffed Minion. Thinking of it, if you made Jung-Un yellow... March 14, 2017 themuslimvileone: Excellent! Judicial Watch is going after the whole truth of what themuslimvileone did to get the LIE started that Pres. Trump worked with Russia to tamper with our 2016 election. They filed a FOIA suit for: "Any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to the investigation of retired Gen. Michael Flynn�s communications with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak between October 1, 2016 and the present.Good! Now we get find out the TRUTH about how much rottenness themuslimvileone did to start the rumor. I hope they prove that thevilegeorgesoros and themuslimvileone colluded to try to steal the election FROM Pres. Trump and that themuslimvileone was involved in so much more. He is a wicked, evil, totally untrustworthy creature. I hope both he and thevilegeorgesoros spend the rest of their days in a federal prison. March 14, 2017 What?! UCF has a socialist fight club that promotes violence against REPUBLICANS? And YOU pay for this school with YOUR taxpayer dollars? Yep. "The group is called Knights for Socialism and, though there are hundreds like it in college campuses across the country, it appears to be in a class of its own for openly threatening violence. Judicial Watch obtained records under Florida�s Sunshine Law about the group which is operating at the University of Central Florida (UCF), a publicly-funded institution in Orlando with an enrollment of about 55,000."Yes, Sirree, Bub! UCF is encouraging violence against Conservatives. Does that not tell you something about how the college thinks about what I and those like me think, believe, want for our country? Isn't that special? March 14, 2017 Well, hubby's been home for a little while now, we just found out about a death in the family and supper just arrived (pizza!), too, so I'm going to go. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 10, 2017: 12:13 a.m. Flag Friday: "Tribute To Our Heroes 310: Iced Tea". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I hope all of them get to come home soon! March 10, 2017: 1:50 p.m. Wasting Taxpayer $$$$: Can you believe how low the lefties/progressives/liberals have gone since Pres. Trump (I still LOVE writing and saying that!) was sworn in? It's disgusting that they have chosen to take the low road: so low that it's now "racist" to end a wasteful EPA program! It's YOUR money but they want to try to paint you with a broad and bad brush of being a terrible, racist person because you support someone who wants YOU to keep more of YOUR money and have MORE FREEDOM! Let's cut back on wasteful programs and put in prison those who defraud the American people of their hard earned money and then we'll see some real savings and a lot less fraud if they know they can wind up in prison for twenty-five years! March 10, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: Thanks to Pres. Trump's policies and practices, America has more jobs, more Americans are gainfully employed, construction is UP and the U.S. debt is DOWN $60 BILLION just since his inauguration! That's amazing! In fact, even Bloomberg is reporting more "comfort" than in a decade since Pres. Trump's inauguration! That's good for America and it's thanks to Pres. Trump being elected! Aren't you glad he won instead of the dumboRAT candidate? March 10, 2017 I've predicted for the last two years or so that themuslimvileone would not leave office and would instead find a way to stay in office under a declared Marshall Law. That's the way I thought things would work out because of how little themuslimvileone respects and obeys the laws of the land. I didn't think of him doing it the way he has though, creating a shadow government and trying to ruin the country via his cronies still in office. He's a despicable and vile creature. His half brother, who released a copy of themuslimvileone's KENYAN birth certificate yesterday, would agree with me. March 10, 2017 ROTTEN ryan: His alleged "reform" bill for themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX is bad in SEVEN ways and I think they missed a few. I think this "reform" plan is ROTTEN's way to give Pres. Trump a black eye for defeating him in his presidential bid. He hates the man who defeated him and is doing all he can to kiss up to Pres. Trump while simultaneously stabbing him in the back. ROTTEN needs to go away. He's certainly not doing his constituents any good with this farce of a "reform" bill nor with his "work ethic". Eight work days? Really? And he wants to get paid a full paycheck for that? They should recall him! March 10, 2017 While I don't agree with what I consider an exageration of the results, there is a study that says that daylight savings time may be "killing you". I've said for years we shold do away with DST and stop setting our clocks ahead and back and ahead and back. It's stupid. If we want to save money (and daylight?) why not just split the difference and set our clocks back half an hour in the fall and stay there forever? That would make it a happy medium and we could all get on with our lives. In lieu of that, just choose one and be done with it! Let's stop this idiocy of saving daylight. We can't do that because there is no piggy bank big enough! Come on people! Choose one. Stick with it. No more back and ahead! BTW, we're supposed to do the "Spring Ahead" stupidity this Saturday night/Sunday morning. Don't forget. March 10, 2017 Dead Blue Bird: Now they find out that almost 48 MILLION accounts are BOTS! Not nearly so popular as they allegedly were, now are they? Blue bird liars. Blue bird fakes. Blue bird's trying to keep their stock up and lying to the world to do so. Priorities? March 10, 2017 Fake News: It's been known for at least a few years that Planned AbortionHood does NOT do mammograms but that doesn't stop the idiot dumboRAT, chuck schumer, from saying they do. Planned AbortionHood does NOTHING but ABORTIONS in 99% of their facilities. They do everything they can to talk, cajole, shame, bully, ridicule, or all but physically force a girl/woman to get an abortion. It's ridiculous to think that they have any other agenda besides keeping on killing babies. They don't care about anything else besides killing babies or they would have been the first ones to denounce and excoriate the butcher, Kermit Gosnell when his house of abortion horrors was finally brought into the light. Did you see any of them or any of their supporters doing so? No? Speaks volumes doesn't it? March 10, 2017 Braniac Lefties: SMH. I'm so glad I didn't have mouth full of tea or coffee when I heard about this on Rush. He read the tweet and I cackled. The left: The "High IQ Crowd" strikes again. March 10, 2017 I don't think this is a good thing. I can't imagine our government not having the resources within itself to spy on you, but there's a report saying they hired the "Geek Squad" from Best Buys. That's pretty amazing considering how much of our money our government spends on spying on us. BTW, would you want anyone from the "Geek Squad" knowing stuff about you that you didn't want them to know? That's what is going on here. March 10, 2017 Space: India lost contact for eight years with a satellite they launched and now it's been found orbiting the moon. Also, speculation that there may be alien life out there that could be trying to communicate with anyone else out there is getting attention because of radio bursts being picked up by our instruments. Do I believe in extraterrestrial life? I believe in GOD and he's extraterrestrial, but otherwise, not really. I've seen some things that made me go "Hmm..." but I haven't gotten to the point where I'd say "Yes." ET is not real to me. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but right now, I think the "Fast Radio Bursts" (FRBs) are something other than ET. March 10, 2017 More leftist stupidity in saying "teach tolerance". No. Don't "teach tolerance". Instead put boys in a boys' locker room and girls in a girls' locker room. That's the answer! Duh! March 10, 2017 Well, my hubby is on his way home. It's Friday and you have a great weekend and stay safe! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 9, 2017: 2:58 p.m. Missed the last two days because yesterday was a special day in our family. It was a "get ready" day on Tuesday so I missed it, too. Sorry about that, but there are some things that are more important than politics and updates. Let's get going for today. March 9, 2017 I hope that someone has told Pres. Trump about the need to stop giving girls the HPV "vaccine". It's not a vaccine, IMHO, it's a deadly cocktail that should not be given to our daughters (or anyone else). The fact that Judicial Watch has exposed the fact that it can really be bad for people didn't seem to matter to themuslimvileone: "Regardless, the government has continued promoting the vaccine while covering up its debilitating side effects, recommending it for girls�and more recently boys�starting at age 9. [themuslimvileone's] administration gave dozens of state and municipal health agencies tens of millions of dollars to boost the number of adolescents that get Gardasil. This includes targeting low-income and ethnic minority populations that receive 'culturally sensitive' intervention in a variety of languages, including Spanish, Mandarin, Armenian and Korean. U.S. law forbids lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers, but Judicial Watch has obtained records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded nearly $6 million to dozens of victims in claims made against the very HPV vaccine it is pushing on children."themuslimvileone no more cares/cared about children than he cared about anything besides having and keeping power and his destructive plans toward America. Part of destroying America is destroying our CHILDREN. That's what he set out to do with this Gardasil push and his groupies and like-minded ilk. He has always been evil, but to target and destroy our children is rotten to the CORE and wickedness personified. You don't hurt children! That's part of being human! You protect them, not target them! themuslimvileone deserves to be in prison for targeting children for sickness and death! He's no better than ISIS! March 9, 2017 "Russian Election Tampering": Rush points out that the dumboRATS started it and now they've shut up about the false allegation. DumboRATS said back in October that it was "impossible" to steal our election because it's so "decentralized" and they carried on and on about it because of then-candidate Trump saying that hillclintOOn was trying to steal the election. There is plenty of evidence of cheating on the dumboRATS' side, so it's not as if then-candidate Trump was incorrect. hillclintOOn herself said that her opposition should accept the election results no matter what they are. Now, all these months later the dumboRATS -- and hillclintOOn herself -- are trying to say that the election results were wrong becasue "the Russians helped Pres. Trump steal the election". Well, didn't they just finish saying that the election cannot be stolen? Now the dumboRATS are fixing the investigation to "prove" that there was nothing the dumboRATS did that was wrong, although if you look into it honestly, how much thevilegeorgesoros or dnc money will you find there trying to get hillclintOOn elected? March 9, 2017 mcCONnell: Shock. Surprise. mcCONnell says "tax reform will have to wait". He also says that Mexico won't be paying for the wall. Wow! Did anyone see that one coming? mcCONnell needs to go. Why he's still there I have no idea. What is wrong with his constituents? Are they blind, stupid, or dumboRATS? Thank goodness Pres. Trump is determined to get tax reform done "by August". I love that! The more Pres. Trump does the more I like him. March 9, 2017 I was going to wait to post this one until the last of the day, but I can't wait. I have to LOL now! Even gender-swapping hillclintOOn/Trump couldn't make hillclintOOn more likable! She was disliked by even the lefties/progressives/liberals who assumed they would like her even as a man! Her own words doomed her from the start. Maybe now some of the lefties/progressives/liberals will start realizing that you can't just vote according to gender, or political party, or whatever. Educate yourself and think! Don't take it for granted that it's all good because of a single letter behind someone's name! I've endorsed someone other than Republicans because I have found that not all Republicans are actually Republicans; that's how the term "RINO" came to be. March 9, 2017 I wish ROTTEN ryan would listen to Sen. Cotton and reconsider the ROTTEN "healthcare replacement bill". The House should have new leadership, someone who isn't a bonehead boehner handpuppet. ROTTEN ryan needs to go. March 9, 2017 themuslimvileone: He's running a "shadow government" trying to bring Pres. Trump's administration AND AMERICA down. The shadow government needs to be taken apart. People need to be charged, arrested and put into prison for a long time when they commit sedition against our government, and especially our president. It seems to me that themuslimvileone is the head of a thevilegeorgesoros-funded mafia that has already been implanted into our government and that is doing everything he tells them to bring America down. Sedition and treason are federal offenses and themuslimvileone and thevilegeorgesoros and their cohorts should be in prison for the rest of their lives for doing this! March 9, 2017 I think that if a real investigation into themuslimvileone's Do[IN]J is done that there will be jaws dropping worldwide and people going to prison forever. The truth will shock and appall and if the lefties/progressives/liberals have their way, themuslimileone and his mafia servants will get away with all of the wrong they have done. Illegalities should be prosecuted. There should be no quarter given when those breaking the law are in the highest offices in the land. I don't care how much the left/progressives/liberals whine, cry, scream, obfuscate, cry "Squirrel!"; themuslimvileone's administration (all of it) should be thoroughly investigated and the mafia broken up and imprisoned. That's what they deserve if the truth be known. March 9, 2017 The CIA -- with themuslimvileone's blessing and encouragement -- has been spying on everyone and even using your phones, televisions and other electronics devices to do so. That's why I go low tech and tape thick and opaque paper over my computer cameras, put label maker pieces in front of cameras on my iPod, iPad and other electronic devices, and have a double layer of glued paper between my cell phone camer and the cover on my camera so that I can slide it down, take a picture, and slide it back up to cover the camera. I knew themuslimvileone's administration was quite capable of doing crud like this. They also had hacks for cars so that they could do quiet assassinations. Isn't that sweet? A lawless government is NOT a government, it's a MAFIA. themuslimvileone ran a MAFIA and still does. Just think: there's more TRUTH to come about how themuslimvileone's MAFIA behaved while he was in office. March 9, 2017 Again and again and again the LIES about fake "hate crimes" are found out. This one was allegedly related to a woman's support of "Brexit" (I support it, too). Most hate crimes being reported lately are lies about Conservatives attacking those who disagree with them. It's disgusting that people think that filing a false police report is a good way to silence their opposition. They're wasting the police's time and they are wasting the opportunity to learn and grow, as well as hurting their own reputation and sometimes gaining a police record for filing a false report. People who LIE about attacks are prone to being found out. Why they don't realize this I have no idea. Maybe it's more proof of "Stupid is as stupid does." March 9, 2017 Pres. Trump: Uber lost $2 BILLION, Snapchat lost $514 MILLION, the dead blue bird is still down, Kellog's sales are still hurting after they dissed Breitbart and cnn's so low they stoop to eating human brains. The left is trying their darndest to fail, but Pres. Trump is bringing JOBS to Americans! He's keeping his promises! How much do we appreciate that? March 9, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Illegals are creating a "child rape epidemic" in America and that's not right. We need to close our borders, kick illegals OUT and reclaim our nation! We are America and we need to have a nation that is safe to raise our children in, not being bossed around by those who do NOT belong! Let's protect our neerest and dearest before protecting those who would do our neerest and dearest harm! Make America Great -- and SAFE -- Again! It's time! March 9, 2017 March 9, 2017 Well, hubby's going to be home soon. I'll be back for Flag Friday's posting. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 6, 2017: 3:15 p.m. Russia/SpyGate: I have to admit that the dumboRATS right now are making me so irritated with their LIES and their obfuscations and their make-believe outrage over their own false allegations about Pres. Trump and the LIES they are telling about him. The TRUTH is that themuslimvileone has an acknowledged history of SPYING on people so why would anyone not think that it's quite plausible that themuslimvileone spied on Pres. Trump? I mean, reality check: themuslimvileone has done it to several others and themuslimileone is a known LIAR, and that means he's quite capable of doing the same to Pres. Trump. My question is why is Pres. Trump allowing themuslimvileone's shadow government to make these false allegations and why hasn't he FIRED everyone who is loyal to the left and themuslimvileone and taking thevilegeorgesoros dollars to do their bidding? Why haven't 1,000 people been fired since Pres. Trump been sworn in, as should have been done immediately? He needs to do it NOW. Fire their butts and let them worry about getting picked up by themuslimvileone's "Organizing [to] 'F' America" (Sorry. Did I get that wrong?). The msm is helping themuslimvileone in his effort to destroy America and we should ALL hold them as responsible as themuslimvileone. We know they're still supporting themusimvileone in everything they do, write and say, so why would anyone trust a word they say? (Hey, don't believe me ask pelosipig.) The NYT reported on themuslimvileone's spying on Pres. Trump, but now they're trying to deny it! The msm is colluding with themuslimvileone to destroy America. They apparently hate America as much as does themuslimvileone, otherwise they wouldn't have been helping him for the last eight years and even now. It's time for the "deep state" to become the "GONE state"! The TRUTH is that Pres. Trump is innocent of all charges, but the lefties/progressives/liberals are yelling "Squirrel!" by pointing at Pres. Trump and making false allegations against him to prevent you from looking at hillclintOOn! They are yelling loudly and pointing right to prevent you from looking left. It's a typical tactic of the lying left. Don't look at the TRUTH, look at and focus on the LIE that they want to use to distract you from the TRUTH. That's the way they work. They're doing this so that you don't look at why nothing is being done against hillclintOOn for her selling America to the highest bidder via the clintOOn "foundation". They're worried about what will be found or else they wouldn't be making this much noise. March 6, 2017 Wasting Taxpayer $$$$: Why are we spending OUR money so send malaria treatment drugs to Africa where they're being sold on the black market? If we wanted profiteering swindlers to have the drugs why not just let thevilegeorgesoros handle it? "Through a variety of programs the U.S. government has spent billions of dollars to combat malaria in Africa in the last few years. One USAID program alone has dedicated north of $72 million since 2011 to give 19 African countries free malaria drugs, $15 million in 2016 alone."Sounds like something themuslimvileone has engineered to get money to his cronies in Africa. He certainly didn't do a thing to prevent it, did he? Also, the American people have been paying for left wing activists to push for leftist/progressive/liberal agendas. It's time that stopped. It needs to stop TODAY. Agree? March 6, 2017 Windsor CA police chief who was sworn into office swearing to "uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution" vows in letter to NOT obey the law. When he was sworn in as police chief, that was the deal: he enforces the LAWS of the United States of America, of the State of California and of his county and city to the best of his ability. His job description does NOT include "helping others break the law". It does NOT include "ignore and deny the authority of the federal government". It does NOT include "help illegal aliens to break America's immigration laws". He may as well take down the website "Crime prevention", "Identity Theft" and "Citizen Concerns" sections on his police department's website because he is ignoring all concerns and laws in those areas via stating he'll stand with the illegal aliens invading his city. Saying that he is the grandson of illegal aliens who snuck across our border and now he's a police chief (I use the term loosely since he is refusing to enforce the laws of the nation) only proves that he willing to break the law to benefit himself and others. This, to me, makes him no better than a mafia boss. March 6, 2017 I hope she does win. It would be soooo good for France to have Marie Le Pen win. They'd probably exit the EU and they'd reclaim their country. March 6, 2017 We just had the strangest thing happen. A BCSO Deputy came to the door asked if anyone had a phone number ending in **** (Number witheld) and had anyone dialed 911 from our residence? I told we had no one with that number here and that there were only two of us here but no one had that number. I invited him in to talk to check for himself and he did come in and found nothing amiss. I asked if maybe they had called from the lot next to us because it is ours and we sometimes find people over there who don't really belong there and maybe someone got hurt over there. The Deputy and I both looked. He said it was all clear. So we don't know what happened or why, he thought maybe someone dialed 911 as they were driving past, but it made me go "Hmmm..." Is this similar to being "SWAT-ed"? If so, not funny. March 6, 2017 Judicial Watch is exposing opium use by our troops in Afghanistan. That's so sad. Why is our DoD not doing something to prevent it and why are they not bringing our troops HOME? Pres. Trump promised to allow them to win, but even if they win if they're addicted to opium, heroin or any other drug while they're there returning home won't be enough. Our troops are going to need more help than PTSD and marital couselling. It's going to be a harder return than ever with that sort of monkey around their necks. Bring our troops home now! March 6, 2017 I don't know how the FBI justifies this but I am glad that they got 200 pedophile perverts under lock and key. March 6, 2017 I agree with the Heritage Foundation's Dept. of Energy recommendations. "Refocus" them into a more streamlined, more specifically focused department and take away some of their regulatory abilities on the average citizen. I love their recommendations and hope Sec. Perry will do every one of them! March 6, 2017 Well, I gotta' go. Hubby called and is on his way home and asked that I do something before he gets here. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 3, 2017: 12:22 a.m. It's Flag Friday and it's time for "Tribute To Our Heroes 309: Baubles" and for me to say it again: Thank you for your service! I can never, ever say it enough! GOD Bless You All! And a reminder that I will probably not be doing updates today due to the fact that I have an appointment that may take my update time. It's important and I can't skip it. So have a great day, an excellent weekend and remember that GOD LOVES YOU! March 2, 2017: 11:22 a.m. Missed yesterday because I had only about 1.5 hours of sleep and I knew my brain wasn't working well enough to compose a sentence, much less understand what I was reading. Spent the afternoon (after early morning company left) making birthday cards for upcoming birthdays instead. Glad I did. My card making experience was a lesson in how to make things work after my tired brain screwed things up. I had some creative solutions and nothing was actually wasted (although things were shortened), so it was still a productive day after a few "That didn't work." mess ups. The cards came out well, and I learned about how to make lemonade out of lemons: again. Let's get started on today's blurbs. March 2, 2017 I like Ann Coulter's latest article at Breitbart. I think healthcare insurance should be available across state lines, there should be massive competition for you to choose whichever health insurance provider you wish, and that the price of health care -- insurance as well as operations, doctors' office visits, treatments, etc. -- will go down with competition and free choice. If you are forced into something the price will stay high because the company has no worries about you NOT choosing them. If, in the other hand, you can decide to NOT choose them, the price will go down as a way to entice you to buy their product. Do you buy the expensive shoes, ice cream, car, handbag while it is on sale, saving you money, or while it's full price and you save nothing? Most of us do the former. So why not in healthcare insurance? Let's open the gates as wide as they can be opened and let the free market decide who succeds and who loses out. That's the way things were supposed to work in America all along. March 2, 2017 Judicial Watch (love them!) is still after the TRUTH about hillclintOOn's e-mails and what she's been hiding from the public. She is afraid of that happening because she faces prison time if some of them are recovered. She's gone way across the legal line and I'm sure there's proof out there. We just have to find it. March 2, 2017 A few days ago Pres. Trump was being mocked for talking about the negative impact Islamic immigrants were having on Sweden. He was correct and the negatives are not over yet. Pres. Trump correct? That doesn't matter to the press! They still have to mock him and try to say that he is wrong, an idiot, a loser. The poor msm is getting their heads handed to them on a silver platter (or gold plated, with Pres. Trump in charge), and they're too stupid to know it. Poor babies. March 2, 2017 If Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, won't replace the "taxpayer advocate" then Pres. Trump should. She's been more of an advocate for themuslimvileone's administration than anything else and she needs to go, IMHO. In fact, while they're dealing with IRS rules, why not simplify the rules altogether and make them understandable by everyone so that there are no more loopholes, the average citizen can read and understand them and they're only about forty pages long to read? Why not make a flat tax with only a few exemptions and we all pay 10% and nothing more and nothing less -- unless we use those exemptions? I think that's what should be done to the IRS. Then we could cut those regulations by 75% like Pres. Trump has promised and we could save the taxpayers a lot of money via getting rid of IRS employees and we could shut down at least a few tax scam attorneys and companies. It's a win/win/win/win/win situation! Let's do this! March 2, 2017 I STAND WITH ISRAEL: Anti-semitism is on the rise in Florida and I think that stinks. I think it needs to be quashed and I think that part of the reason it is more prevalent is because of the Muslim immigrants that themsulimvileone brought into America. Islam teaches hatred of Jews and other "infidels". Having more Muslims means more anti-semitism. It needs to stop and we need to send EVERY illegal immigrant (and most "refugees") back to their home country until they can come to America the right way as did our ancestors. If they want to go through the paperwork, the waiting period, the background checks, the health screening, then it's okay with me for them to come over. If they just want to break our laws and come over ILLEGALLY, then they can hike right back out of here because they don't belong. No profitting from breaking the law is the way I look at it. Getting to stay is profitting. Kick them out! March 2, 2017 This is a BAD IDEA. Gaming brings bad things, not good. Let's not do this! March 2, 2017 More attempts by themuslimvileone to destroy A.G. Jeff Sessions makes themuslimvileone's actions more and more despicable. He should be brought up on charges of sedition. BTW, the reason themuslimvileone wants to kick Sessions' out of office is because themuslimvileone knows that Sessions will prosecute what he finds that themuslimvileone did while he was prezidunce. themuslimvileone's actions prove that he's doing a CYA and he's running scared. He's trying to LIE about Sessions because he's afraid of Sessions. themuslimvileone's petrified that he'll wind up spending the rest of his days in a federal penitentiary because Sessions won't be afraid of being called a racist when he finds the truth of what themuslimvileone and his whole administration has done. Every one of them will wind up with charges against them if they can't prevent Sessions from finding the truth. That's why the left/progressives/liberals are so vehemently against Sessions. They're SCARED. Remember, themuslimvileone and the left/progressives/liberals/msm are so desparate to deny Pres. Trump his advisors that they used a PROVEN LIE to try to defeat Pres. Trump in his effort to get great people into office. They're using "political theater" to try to do the "seriousness of the charge" idiocy to get Sessions to resign. It's a lot of lefties making things up in order to give themuslimvileone's administration COVER. THEY'RE AFRAID. March 2, 2017 I never thought I'd say this but I actually agree with ROTTEN ryan in this ONE thing. I can't believe it. March 2, 2017 Meanwhile, the lefties are out there LYING about what they did or did not do along the same lines of what Sessions is being accused of doing. Hypocrisy, anyone? March 2, 2017 the despicable themuslimvileone: His heart is so set on destroying America that he's still pushing for it. He's pushing so hard that he even had valerie jarrett move in with him and he's heading the sedition! He should be arrested for it -- another reason he's fighting A.G. Sessions staying in office -- because he's still doing all he can to keep his "Destroy America First" agenda. He'll take Pres. Trump down at all costs and if that means destroying everything patriotic Americans believe in, so be it! He'll do it because he hates America and all we traditionally stand for. He failed in his agenda while he was in office, now he has fewer legal limits on his actions and fewer people telling him, "No!" so he's going full throttle against America. He's a horrible creature and he needs to be shipped to ISIS in a gift box and let him join them. He's doing everything he can to accomplish their goals anyways, so why not send him over there? March 2, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: Pres. Trump is good for America and even the coal mining industry that themuslimvileone tried to destroy (along with everything else in America) is already seeing a revival! That's a lot of jobs and a lot of people who have real "Hope" for "Change" now. It's a very good thing! He's also pushing to protect America via increasing and improving our military abilities and our troop numbers. I bet it won't be difficult to get people to re-enlist under Pres. Trump. Our troops are now proud to serve because they have a President who cares about them and honors them instead of belittling, ignoring and mistreating them while they serve and after they've been wounded for our country. I want you to read what Pres. Trump said in his address to Congress speech and tell me you don't feel better about America. I want you to remember that he is in the process of keeping his campaign promises and that means something to you and to me. As he keeps his campaign promises remember that he did that speech in front of Congress, the Senate and the SCOTUS members as well as in front of television cameras and everyone who watched it, read about it, heard it later all have both a vested interest in Pres. Trump keeping his word as well as in what he said. I don't know about you, but I will support Pres. Trump in what he said and in his efforts to keep his word. If he can accomplish that we will all benefit and America truly will be "great again!" March 2, 2017 Peace and Tolerance: If you are traveling via airplane anytime soon, you need to know that airports are under threat again. Islam wants to do everything it can to make people convert, even if it isn't a willing conversion. Islam is a problem that isn't going away and you need to be on guard against the terrorism that grows out of it. Be ready and be strong! March 2, 2017 Fake News: You can't trust the msm. If you read something or watch something that they release, produce, write, then you know you can't trust it. For instance, nbc is LYING to its viewers again and the WaPo LIED to its readers about Russia hacking into the power grid. It's not just the msm, but watch for fake news from all dumboRATS as well. Remember, in the fake news department there is nothing sacred; they lie about anything and everything. So when they say "X" believe "Y" and you'll be much better informed. March 2, 2017 So when will the lefties/themuslimvileone go after Dr. Ben Carson since he was confirmed as the Housing and Urban Development head? How long until they try to destroy him? Who is doing the research to dig up dirt on him right now? themuslimvileone's team is going to have to go pretty deep and pretty far back to find anything on this guy. He's a decent guy and I don't think they'll be able to throw much at him. They'll try. Oh, how themuslimvileone and his ilk will try, but I doubt it will succeed. It's ridiculous that themuslimvileone and his lefties/progressive/liberal helpers are trying to destroy America. I wish we could kick them all out and send them to Mars! March 2, 2017 IF the cnn info in this story is true, even their viewers liked Pres. Trump's speech. I think that's hysterical. I doubt they expected to see that kind of results out of their audience. I wonder how many of them waited for the camera to be off of them before they slammed their foreheads against their desks? March 2, 2017 Did the dumboRATS refuse to honor a Navy Seal widow by refusing to stand? Some reports say yes, others show some of them sitting, while lefties say they stood. So which is it? Does it matter? We all know how the left/progressives/liberals feel about the military anyways, so what does it matter for one incident? The overall disdain that the left has toward our military in general is more than last Tuesday's speech. We see it in...
March 2, 2017 Didn't expect to do this much. I'll go for now. May or may not be back tomorrow except for the Flag Friday posting. I have a something to do and it may take my updates time. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 2017 April 28, 2017 dumboRATS: An internal report by the dumboRATS themselves revealed just how scared they are of telling the truth. They wouldn't even let their own membership take copies of the report home and they only allowed meeting attendees to see the report under direct supervision of staffers! Cowards! They can't face the truth that it wasn' Putin who made hillclintOOn lose. She spent $1.2 BILLION on her campaign (Isn't it dumboRATS who scream that there's "too much money in politics"?) but still couldn't make the people in middle America (A.K.A. "flyover country") love her? That's just too telling. Remember, if you take CaliMarxifornia's votes -- even the illegal votes -- out of the mix, she would not have won the popular vote, either. But we have the Founding Fathers and the Electoral College to thank for her election loss. They did think it through and did protect our country from just such an eventuality. Thank you, Lord! April 28, 2017 I may mostly agree with this first 100 days grade, but I think that Pres. Trump's grade could have been better if he hadn't trusted ROTTEN ryan. No one should trust ROTTEN ryan. He's not a trustworthy man. I used to think he was, but in the last eight years I've seen him deteriorate into a butt-kissing, mealy-mouthed, mud-sucking worm and if that's too nice a description. Being bonehead boehner's puppet is not a good thing for anyone, but ROTTEN is carrying it off with aplomb and distinction. Pres. Trump's grade, in my book, will immediately skyrocket when he learns whom he can trust and whom he should never trust a word they say. ROTTEN ryan is one of those people. April 28, 2017 April 28, 2017 I'm not sorry, but really? Jeraldo Rivera rips symbolism? That's rich. But I get what he's saying. A hunger strike without the hunger is not a hunger strike, it's words. And, thanks to Chelsea Clinton, we all now know that "Words without action are ... meaningless. Words with inaction are ... just words. Words with opposite action is ... hypocrisy."Yeah. She really wrote that. Excuse me, Chelsea but your stupid is showing. April 28, 2017 Well my hubby just pulled into the driveway. Gotta' go! Enjoy your weekend! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 27, 2017: 3:07 p.m. I don't think I'll be doing many blurbs today so let's get started and see what happens. April 27, 2017 Why do we have a dictionary? Why? Does anyone know anymore? We have a dictionary because words are supposed to have specific meanings and words with their meanings are listed in the dictionary. When the left takes our words and their meanings and twists them 180� out of their true meaning then there is no more need for a dictionary if we won't stand up and tell the left to take a flying leap and leave our words alone. "Gay" used to mean "happy, joyful", but not anymore. The left has stolen that word, twisted it into something totally unrelated to the original definition and made it into something to suit their purposes. "Gay" is no longer "happy", it is sexual. How did that happen? In the same way, the left is stealing another word: fascist. Fascist has a definite meaning: "a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government"So the left has taken over that word, too, twisting its meaning into "disagreeing with anything they want, bellieve, or say". Now, because they believe that the GOP is "fascist", they have made so many threats of violence that Portland's rose parade has been cancelled. That's ridiculous and this kind of terrorism needs to be stopped right now. They stopped Ann Coulter's speech and now the rose parade in Portland? That's terrorism and it needs to be addressed by law enforcement and stopped now! April 27, 2017 If I lived in Oregon, I would leave it immediately because they're crazy up there! The police in Portland refuse to do anything to stop the terrorism of the left as they threaten violence and shut down a rose parade, but the police respond to a cat with a "gun shaped stick"? Really? That's insane. April 27, 2017 What is wrong with the dumboRATS in the House and Senate lately? pelosipig and others have been having brain problems. The latest example: mad maxine. She really does need to retire and give America a rest from her insanity. The nation would be so much better without a lot of the current ilk of dumboRATS and it will be nice when they are gone. April 27, 2017 Hey! Mark Levin has a good question: "Why aren't the first 100 days a measuring stick for Congress?" They have been interfering with Pres. Trump's agenda and not delivering on their own promises for years, so why is it that they are not held accountable during that 100 days, too? I know ROTTEN ryan should be gone ASAP because he's a dumboRAT kissbutt. I know there are several RINOs there (including ROTTEN) who need to be kicked to the curb, so why is it just Pres. Trump who is under the microscope during this timeframe? Maybe we should change that. April 27, 2017 Pres. Trump has decided that it's better to renogiate NAFTA than to delete it, so to speak. He wanted to get rid of it altogether but he's thinking that renegotiating it would be better for America. I don't know what the renegotiation will look like, what changes it will bring about, but if it makes things better for America -- and I do mean a lot better -- then I'm okay with renegotiating it. I just don't want America to lose out because our negotiators were really bad. I want excellent negotiators and I want them to make NAFTA a win/win for America and American businesses and employees! As long as they're renegotiating NAFTA, why don't they work on reworking the H-1B visa, too? It needs to be revamped and made to work for America instead of against us. It's our own visa, we issue it, we should not be harming American workers by doing so! April 27, 2017 CaliMarxifornia: They're one step closer to socialism. They like the idea of being PC and that has led them so far left that they can't even see the right (right side of anything; right as in Conservatism; right from wrong; right as in Constitutional rights) anymore. They are headed down the wrong path and they are very deteremined to do so. Mass exodus shall follow. April 27, 2017 I don't think that freezing human's brains and thawing them to put into donor bodies is such a bad idea that -- if it ever comes to fruition -- it will make anyone who actually goes through the procedure go insane. They'll have a very hard time dealing with the fact that their memories are of a certain face, body, physical abilities and other people in their lives. Whose family do you "keep" if you have the memory of family A but the body of family B? What do you do for a birthday: your mind's birthday, or your body's; or do you celebrate both? It's a bad idea all the way around. Just because something can be done that doesn't mean it should be done. Put the brakes on here and now while we can and before anyone is subjected to this vile experiment. It should never be done! April 27, 2017 I have to admit, I'm not easily surprised by the lengths and depths of bad that Communism brings out in its adherants. This, though, banning names admittedly shocks me. Of course, it is China, so I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. April 27, 2017 This is what America will face if we don't put a stop to the far left's agenda. All women will have to wear a headscarf in order to make sure that the Muslims in Austria don't get offended. He better be glad that I don't live in Austria because I would never do so. I have scarves, plenty of them, but I won't be told by the government what to wear nor why to wear it. I'm not going to be forced to do something -- anything -- so that I won't offend someone. I've covered that before: you can't control what someone is thinking or feeling. No matter what you do, say, or wear, they can still take offense for anything at any time. Austria's president is stupid for thinking otherwise and every non-Muslim female should rebel. April 27, 2017 thevilegeorgesoros: Finally a voice that someone will listen to from someone who thinks the same as I. Hunary's Prime Minister says that soros has "ruined the lives of thousands" in Europe. I say he's trying to do so elsewhere, too. IMHO, soros's soul reason to live is to make money at any cost, and if that cost is to destroy any country on earth, as long as he makes megabucks from doing so, he will do it. Other people's lives don't matter to him. It's the power and the money that matter: both his. He is a sick-souled man and he is despicable. April 27, 2017 Build The Wall!: It's important to know how politicians mislead the public regarding building the wall and the repurcussions of doing so. The truth is that the wall needs to go up; whether it's actually used in only specific areas, the whole border with Mexico, or all the way around America, I don't care. I want our southern border with Mexico to be secure! Surprisingly, the RNC Chair is correct: the Republican base will leave them and the Republicans will be left high and dry for not keeping their word. It's time the Republicans figure out who they are being supported by and who they answer to. It's wake-up time and they really should listen and respond. If the Republicans won't respond and build the wall -- fund it and support it -- then let's at least use El Chapo's money to do so. If you want to sign the petition to use the money seized from El Chapo to build the wall, click here. WARNING: signing it will probably get you e-mails from Sen. Ted Cruz's re-election campaign so be prepared to "Unsubscribe" if you so desire. April 27, 2017 If you hear people say the lie that cutting taxes does not help the middle class, here is the truth in easy to read form. Know the facts and you'll be able to stand firm and know the truth and that's where you will get strength and be able to put the truth to the lie. April 27, 2017 At least one IRS employee has been committing identity theft and using other people's identities to get their tax refunds. That's the kind of IRS themuslimvileone ran. Is it any surprise to anyone? April 27, 2017 themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX: This piece of garbage that pelosipig said "We have to pass it to find out what's in it" about, has increased the mortality rate. It wasn't just a financial disaster for all concerned (except one or two of themuslimvileone's buddies, I'm sure: follow the money), but it made people who needed healthcare not get it and, thanks to themuslimvileone, they died. themuslimvileone has more blood on his hands. He's a murderer. He's responsible for this. April 27, 2017 I'll make this my second-to-the-last blurb for today, but it's a good one. Did you know the Grand Jury had an investigation into hillclintOOn going on? I wonder what the investigation was about: her family "foundation" (AKA "Get rich quick scheme"), her selling of America's top secret information to the highest foreign country bidder, her use of a private server to store that information for sale, her accepting millions of dollars from foreign entities and then, suddenly, lo and behold, that country/business/person getting a sweet deal with America's money, or some other scam, fraud, treason she was doing? They say it was related to her e-mail stuff, but which aspect of it, because she used her e-mail to do all of the above? Another pertinent question: is the investigation ongoing, or did it get swept under the rug after her defeat, or after that tarmac meeting at the Phoenix airport between Loretta Lynch, then-USAG, and her bullybob hubby-bubby? April 27, 2017 I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 26, 2017: 1:21 a.m. "Earth Day": Personally, I think it's a bunch of hooey, so I wrote a blog about it. "'Earth Day': Hypocrisy on Parade?" You may believe in the whole idea but I don't and I don't have to bow down to those who do. So if you don't like it, kiss my "shiney behiney" and go cry to Momma. You shall never make me believe. See ya' later today. April 26, 2017: 11:02 a.m. I hope that someone shows Pres. Trump this story and that he orders the FBI to release every piece of data, every file, every jot and tittle of the Cardillo case information they have. Everything should be made public and if the FBI is responsible for that NYCPD patrolman's death then they should be held accountable and admit their fault and face the family. The NYCPD should also release every bit of information they have and they should face the family, too. It's time to put this case to rest with the truth revealed. April 26, 2017 themuslimileone did nothing good for America and, guess what, he did nothing good for our elections, either. Thanks to his attitudes and his Do[IN]J suing to keep our elections filled with fraud, we know for certain that NC elections were defrauded. "Less than a year after a federal appellate court sided with [themuslimvileone's] administration to strike down North Carolina�s election integrity reforms, a state audit reveals that hundreds of votes were illegally cast by felons and non-citizens in just one election. Voter impersonation, double voting and irregularities in absentee ballots sent via mail also tainted the election, according to the investigation conducted by the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE). The probe analyzed records from the 2016 general election."So themuslimvileone helped commit voter fraud. Indict him as an accessory before the fact.
April 26, 2017 It's ridiculous that the UC Berkeley administration allows its students to get away with breaking things and hurting people because they disagree with what the person might say. These violent, spoiled brat monsters are in need of a good butt-whipping instead of more coddling and placating, but UC Berkeley just tells them that it's okay if they break things and hurt people when they're upset. I'd love to see the Dean of UC Berkeley say that if it was his house they were breaking! After all, they're upset and it should be acceptable if they break his stuff, too, right? They're all but guaranteeing violence if Ann Coulter speaks at their campus, near their campus, or practically at all anywhere in CA. I know she can't count on Berkeley's mayor because he is a leftist/progressive/liberal extremist anyways, so he'd be glad to see her run out of town, with or without violence. Lefties really do need to go to prison when they break the law. They are not above the law, no matter what they think. April 26, 2017 Tiny Tyrant: Rattle. Rattle. He needs to be kept in check. If not by the Chinese then by us. They could start WWIII and if we have to prevent it, then let's get it done! April 26, 2017 Why does this sound good except for the "Well, what if...?" part of my instincts? Tax reform to "cash flow America"? Sounds good except... And I have no idea what that "except" would be but it's instinct that it sounds like a better deal than it would actually be. April 26, 2017 I don't know that I believe the polls about the France elections. After all, they said that hillclintOOn would win, too. So, no matter what the polls say, Marine Le Pen may still win and I hope she does. April 26, 2017 ROTTEN ryan: Under his "leadership", the republiRATS may fund Planned AbortionHood but not the border wall? Yep. That's what ROTTEN ryan does for America: as much harm as themuslimvileone. Whose butt is he kissing? They say they're still working on revamping themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, but their "repeal with amendment" effort isn't going to make me happy unless and until it is completely and irrevocably repealed and those of us who have paid the penalties get a complete -- every penny -- refund of those penalties. Then I'll be happy. Let the free market work, folks. It works when given the chance. April 26, 2017 Well, shock, surprise! themuslimvileone spied on Americans using a blimp! A blimp? That's what the report says. It's totally illegal, but since when did that ever stop themuslimvileone? He was/is, after all, above the law and a law in and unto himself. He didn't have to obey the existing laws. He'd just put those on ignore and do whatever he wanted. Laws? No such thing for themuslimvileone. April 26, 2017 This has got to stop. 1,000 people shot in Chicago so far this year. That's one thousand people who didn't have to die but because it's the culture of death there, the culture of "you dissed me", the culture of drugs and violence these mothers are mourning their losses, friends and families have holes torn into their hearts from a loss that didn't have to happen. It's wrong. It is so totally wrong. April 26, 2017 The NRA is going to do "a series of lawsuits against CA", hoping to get the Second Amendment reinstated in CA where they have very restrictive laws about guns and ammo. It's so restrictive that there's a waiting period for ammo purchases! That's just wrong. The first lawsuit is to get the ban against "assault weapons" declared unconstitutional. Sounds good to me. I want one of those things (at least one) and the Second Amendment does not say what kinds of guns we have the right to carry, it says we have the right to carry. "Amendment IISee anything in there that says that we can only carry a certain kind of "Arms"? Is there a restriction about where we can carry those "Arms"? No? That's all that matters. Our rights are clear: we have the right to "keep and bear Arms," and it "shall not be infringed." It shall not be violated, transgressed, encroached upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another, act so as to limit or undermine (something). Considering how clear it is, how anyone can say it isn't our right is just confirming that they are leftists/progressives/liberals to the max. That's all it means. So, the NRA is doing a good thing. It's about time. April 26, 2017 pelosipig: She's either sick, drunk, or something is going terribly wrong with her single functioning half-brain cell. To check it out watch the video. She needs to step down. If she can't get through a seven minute speech she can't get through a House debate. She's in bad shape. April 26, 2017 Pres. Trump gave a legal Executive Order to enforce existing laws regarding "sanctuary cities" and an idiot themuslimvileone supporter who happens to be on the bench (a "judge") put a stop to it. This will be fast tracked to the SCOTUS and with Justice Gorsuch on the bench, I'm betting the judge is overturned. That "judge", U.S. District Judge William Orrick III, needs to be disbarred and removed from the bench, unless it's a park bench where he's feeding the pigeons. Along the "sanctuary city" lines, we have the story of the Texas Senate that voted to defund the state's "refugee office". That's good. I like that. April 26, 2017 I've joked before that I want a USB port behind my ear so that I can plug a thumb drive in there and improve my memory. Would I actually do it? No way. I will never be "chipped" to buy things, nor will I ever have any sort of computer stuff put inside me. I refuse to go "bionic" and I refuse to be an experiment that could go horribly wrong. What could go wrong? What if a computer with connections into your brain could delete your thoughts without you even being aware that it had done so. If you usually voted dumboRAT but were thinking about voting for the Conservative candidate because you think she would be better for America instead of the leftist/progressive/liberal and someone didn't want you to do so they could make that thought go away and you'd be voting for the dumboRAT without even realizing that you had thought about voting for the Conservative. There are so many negatives with going "bionic" that I know that I will never be headed down that road. April 26, 2017 YES! YES! YES!: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I LOVE Sen. Ted Cruz's suggestion! Use "El Chapo's" money to build the wall! We have seized $14 Billion of the drug lord's money, let's put it toward building the wall and we can save the citizens of America a LOT of money and Mexico willl be happy because they won't be paying for it, either. Use El Chapo's money to build the wall. That's an excellent idea! April 26, 2017 I'm going to close for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 25, 2017: 2:36 p.m. Sorry I missed yesterday's updates. I intended to do them but my Mom called and I had promised to buy her an engine rebuild kit for her van (my brother is the world's greatest mechanic and he'll do the work but they couldn't afford to buy the rebuild kit) so I got online and found one for her after she called and said that the block had been acid washed and no damage found. So they're going to rebuild the engine and there's one dent in the van my brother wants to pop and it will be very close to being in the same condition she originally purchased it. She's had this van for thirteen years, if I remember correctly, and loves it. Since she wanted to keep it I had to do my part and help her do so. Thus, I spent my updates time yesterday on the phone with the two of them and finding the correct kit for her vehicle. It was a bit of a challenge but I did it and I think I'm dealing with a reputable company because they have 100% positive feedback with over 100,000 feedback ratings. Anyways, I spent my update time on helping my Mom so I think you'll understand that. April 25, 2017 You need to start doing your research now on the candidates for next year's elections. If you don't stay ahead of the game you are behind the eight ball and the wrong person winds up in office (see the last eight years). Don't rely on others to do the research because that just means you have to take their word for everything. When I do the research I put links to the things I find out, but I don't cover every candidate because I have a life. So do your own research. It's important that you learn how and that you remember it's important. That way you can teach others in your sphere the truth about the candidates and you can teach them how to do their own research. Let's learn how to help others "Find The Truth!" and teach them to pass it on. April 25, 2017 Wow! Did you see that? The housing market is the strongest ever. That's pretty amazing. It's turning into a seller's market which means prices will go up, up, up. So if you're in the selling mood, you may get a really great price. We've already been contacted by a real estate agent trying to get us to sell our next door lot that we bought last year. No way, no how, ain't going to happen! April 25, 2017 googlywoogly: It's going to change its algorithm in an alleged effort to fight "fake news" and "hate speech". Okay. Anyone who believes that can stand on their head, spit in their own ear, touch their elbows to their backside and nose at the same time and twiddle their toes while whistling "Dixie". (Of course I'd like to see someone try that!) April 25, 2017 MAGA: Pres. Trump is ending another of themuslimvileone's policies and it will help protect America because the amnesty was for people from major Muslim countries. themuslimvileone used any excuse possible to bring Muslims into America to try to destroy her. Now we're slowly closiing those down. Hurray! Let's see if it's true that immigration "hard liners are on the rise" in the Trump administration. I hope it's true. I hope it's true. I hope it's true. (*clicking red shoe heels together three times*) Also, Pres. Trump is "embracing tax cuts" and that's a good thing for everyone! We need to do this! I hug them, too. He's also "keeping his pro-life promises". I like that, too. He's also taxing Canadian lumber because they tax our products (like milk). I am liking a lot of what he's doing. I hope that he is going to keep all of his campaign promises to us as he is doing on his pro-life stance. He really does need to do that if he wants a second term. I think he's got a chance of a second term, considering that the number of illegals crossing the border is way down in certain areas. That's a good thing. April 25, 2017 Watch out, lefties/progressives/liberals, the lies against Conservaties are going to be fought in court and Sean Hannity is leading the way! It's time that these liars get held accountable and that if they want to continue their lies that those who are being lied about fight back and do so as hard as possible, and make it devastating to the liars. Sue them in a court of law, sue them for every penny they currently have or ever will have, sue them to stop them from ever lying about anyone ever again. That's the way it should be. Liars should never prosper. April 25, 2017 Tiny Tyrant: He's asking for trouble. His rockets have been failing on a semi-regular basis so now he's "detaining" Americans without cause. He's doing everything he can to flex a muscle besides those around his mouth. The problem is he doesn't understand that the more he does the more he puts his own country -- and his own tyranny -- in jeopardy. If he does enough to put America in danger Pres. Trump will carpet bomb N. Korea with MOABS and then the Tiny Tyrant will be all-gone-bye-bye. He'll be toast and he won't be able to rattle his sabre anymore. Poor idiot. April 25, 2017 Doesn't this screw-up make you feel like the "deep state" is so very competent? I just wanna' dance with joy thinking of how organized and capable our government employees are! (*Sarcasm, of course.*) April 25, 2017 What if themuslimvileone's administration was wasting your money in a huge way and giving your taxpayer dollars to theilegeorgesoros's organization to spend as thevilegeorgesoros dictates? It's happening, folks. It's happening to the tune of (are ya' ready?) "nearly $5 million" from 2012 to 2016. What was that money used to do? "The U.S. government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with leftwing billionaire philanthropist [thevilegeorgesoros], records obtained by Judicial Watch show."So our money has been spent -- again -- to help a buddy of themuslimvileone destroy another country and make thevilegeorgesoros more money to help him support themuslimvileone. It's an "I'll scratch your back..." situation and it always has been. This is why themuslimvileone did all he could to help thevilegeorgesoros: buddies help each other out. All thevilegeorgesoros thinks about is money and power and themuslimvileone is a pea in the same pod. They're both evil and I look forward to seeing them both arrested some day to spend the rest of their evil lives in prison. April 25, 2017 The left has lost it. They are allegedly anti-gun but since Pres. Trump's election lefties/progressives/liberals have been buying guns and now they're using them against those they disagree with. You see the difference, don't you? Conservatives own guns to protect us from those who may try to harm us, our loved ones, others, or our property. Lefties/progressives/liberals own guns to use them against those who disagree with them on any litle issue. Look at a leftist wrong and you could end up with a bullet in your shoulder. I wonder if anyone has done the math to figure out what the percentages are when it comes to lefties using guns to kill people as opposed to those on the right. It needs to be a constant reminder: Lefties kill. Let's keep our heads about us and stay vigilant. Never take your eyes off the enemy. It is when you aren't watching that bad things happen. April 25, 2017 NSFW or Children: Why? Why on earth would someone -- anyone -- do a "study" about the sexual propensities of French voters based upon their political affiliations? Why? Are the French that... (Watch which word I choose here...) ridiculous about everything except surrendering? Are they that focused on sex? Obviously, the answer is yes. One may wonder if it is the French obsession with sex that makes them surrender so easily. Maybe they just want to get on with their next sex act while they let others take care of keeping them free to do so? April 25, 2017 themuslivileone: He's been taking a chapter out of bullybob's book on how to get super-rich after being prezidunce. He's charging a bunch of money for giving speeches. When he transformed his "organizing for America" into his personal charity, I saw that he was following in the clintOOns' footsteps. Too stupid (or too stoned?) to think of it himself, he'll probably follow them to prison, too. At least, I hope so. April 25, 2017 This is funny! It made me LOL! April 25, 2017 It's called "Free Speech" First Amendment protected and it's also known as part of American history so I have no problem with Belleiew, FL flying the Confederate flag in their city hall. I have no problem with that, but there will be protests and violence until it is taken down and an apology issued, I'm sure. That's how the left gets its way: hurt people and break things. It's disgusting. April 25, 2017 April 25, 2017 Another leftist/progressive/liberal judge has blocked Pres. Trump's unfunding order for "sanctuary cities". We need to dump those judges who protect their leftist agenda instead of the U.S. Constitution. It should be the law that if a judge rules against the U.S. Constitution that the judge is immediately and irrevocably fired, dismissed, removed from the bench by the bailiffs in the court room and never again allowed to appear in a court of law and permanently loses his bar license. That's what I would like to see done to those judges who refuse to obey the U.S. Constitution that they swore to protect and defend. They need to be outta' here! April 25, 2017 I hope that the Republicans in Congress dump ROTTEN ryan soon. They really do need a true Conservative Speaker in there and they need to fire ROTTEN ASAP. April 25, 2017 Babies' Lives Matter: Had to do one more link because it matters. This story about a young woman who died because of an abortion happens more often than Planned AbortionHood will acknowledge and they protect the butchers who kill the babies, leave parts of them in the mother's uterus, perforate the uterus and then send the woman home to bleed to death with parts of her baby deterioriating inside her. That is the truth of Planned AbortionHood. They don't give a crap about the baby or the woman or they wouldn't protect the butchers like Kermit Gosnell and the murderer who killed Cree Erwin and her child. April 25, 2017 I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 20-21, 2017: 11:16 p.m. This will be my only posting for Friday since I will be out of town. I give you my "Tribute To Our Heroes 316: Forever -- and Longer". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I'll try to see you Monday. April 20, 2017: 12:27 p.m. Just a few blurbs today because I have an appointment to keep. So let's start with the bad move Congress is trying to do to our troops. Congress wants to back out of part of the enlistment deal that they gave to our troops to pay for their G.I. Bill stuff. They want our troops to have to pay "a new $2,400 fee on troops who want to sign up to get the G.I. Bill after discharge". That would mean that even though our troops put their very beings on the line for America, America can't be thankful enough to help them out a little in return? The G.I. Bill: "Service members can use their GI Bill benefits to further an education, including on-the-job training, non-degree programs, apprenticeships, as well as a traditional college education, including associate�s, bachelor�s, master�s and even doctorate degrees."The problem is that a lot of people think that it's free, but our troops already pay for it: "The truth is that the GI Bill isn�t actually free. Service members need to sign up for benefits and in doing so, forfeit $100 a month for their first 12 months of service. This amount can seem like a fortune for E-1s who make less than $1500 a month, but the benefits far exceed that initial $1200."Our troops deserve better. They don't need to be taxed more for something that should be their fair due after putting their lives on the line for our country. If you agree, let your representatives know. Contact them and tell them to STOP breaking America's word to our troops! Our troops deserve better! April 20, 2017 April 20, 2017 I think the Cheekbone Cherokee is slandering Trump voters like me. I didn't vote for him because of racism, I voted for him because I want America to be great again. I think we should sue. April 20, 2017 I think that if Pres. Trump listens to his liberal advisors he needs to be reminded by those of us who voted for him that his promises should mean something to him and that the "Art of the Deal" includes keeping his end of the bargain. I believe that if we write to him and tell him that we took him at his word -- whether he was talking to the extreme end of the deal or no, we believed him -- and that he needs to keep that word he will do what he promised. April 20, 2017 I have to go now. Sorry I can't do more. BTW, there will be no updates on Friday (tomorrow) because I'll be out of town. I'll try to post on Monday and I will do my Flag Friday tonight. Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 19, 2017: 10:59 a.m. Missed two days due to an intestinal bug. Feeling a bit better today, still low on energy but at least I'm not nodding off every hour and actually wanting a nap. So, I'm back and I hope to stay back for a while. Let's get started. April 19, 2017 Let's start with good news today. I am so very happy that the case against a U.S. Veteran has been dismissed. All he did was put little flags like those you wave during the Fourth of July celebrations, or parades, or whatever, on a fence owned by the federal government and themuslimvileone's administration chose to prosecute (and persecute) him for putting an American flag on the fence of the Los Angeles Veteran's Administration! How absurd is that? Add to that, the V.A. was pressing charges against the same man for taking pictures of the Veteran's Administration policemen who were taking down the flags and who were harrassing him. How absurd was themuslimvileone's adminstration for doing this? How absolutely absurd? I hope Pres. Trump turns the L.A. V.A. clinic around and makes them serve the veterans of America and make things better for our veterans. It's important that the L.A. V.A. be veteran friendly instead of picking on them and denying them access to the grounds. The land and building are supposed to be for their benefit, let's make that happen! April 19, 2017 Judicial Watch is (again) suing the IRS to make them preserve their e-mail records so that they can retrieve those e-mails and see what the IRS was doing behind our backs and how they targeted different Conservative groups and how they coordinated that effort and who all was involve. How much you wanna' bet they find out that themuslimvileone was not just "in the loop" in knowing about the targeting, but also that he ordered it? Anyone taking bets? April 19, 2017 themuslimvileone: He has more blood on his hands than anyone knows right now, but daily we find more. For instance, in 2015 drug overdoses killed more Americans than WWI. That's because themuslimvileone allowed the Mexican drug cartels to cross our borders with impunity and allowed their mules and smugglers easy access and permission to stay once they got here. That's how they got their southwest tendrils all the way into the northeast cities. themuslimvileone has a lot of blood on his hands. For 2015, everyone who lost loved ones to drugs should write themuslimvileone a thank you note. April 19, 2017 Did you buy themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX plan via their website? If you did have you had your identity stolen and had to go through the long, hard slog of getting that mess cleared up? themuslimvileone is to blame for that, too. He ordered the website up against the advice of the people hired to test its security. They said it wasn't good enough to go public with it but that didn't matter to themuslimvileone. So if you've had to go through that PITA process, you may wish to consider sending him a "Thanks for nothing!" note. I'm sure he'll take it as a compliment. April 19, 2017 I'm so glad that the dumboRAT didn't win outright in Georgia's Special Election for District 6's replacement for Tom Price who was chosen to be the new HHS Secretary. I'm glad it's going to a runoff and I hope that the Republican wins. Karen Handel is the Republican who will be running against the dumboRAT in the June election and she also tried to get Susan G. Komen to stop funding Planned AbortionHood. She is not popular with the left because she's pro-life, against themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, pro-build the wall, wants lower taxes and pro-voter ID, and that means I like her! Vote Karen Handel for D6 in Georgia! I doubt that anyone in GA will see this, but it is still fun writing it! (Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anything else. It's just free speech and moi.) April 19, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: I feel sorry for the residents of New York state because their state Attorney General decided that the state would become a "sanctuary" state and ordered cities to accept the tyranny of the state A.G. and adopt illegal alien sanctuary laws. That's not just wrong it's stupid. The people of NY will be victims and they'll have the liberal state AG to thank for it. Maybe another note is needed? April 19, 2017 Speaking of illegal aliens, in Poland they're finding out that it's a "bloody harvest" to allow all of those immigrants and the lie of "multiculturalism" being good for a nation. They're paying the price and they're realizing it may not be too late to stop the mistake and turn it around and save their nation. The problems with multiculturalism are clear, but the biggest two are: 1) If someone comes to your country and doesn't want to assimilate and become part of your culture then they create enclaves of their culture without adopting our way of life, our language, our beliefs and it is a constant clashing. 2) If you go to the countries the immigrants came from there is no reciprocity. If I -- or anyone else -- were to move to an Islamic country they would never allow us to maintain our ways of life in their countries. We would be expected -- commanded -- to adopt their way of doing things, women to wear hijabs, etc. That's not just wrong, it's dangerous. Let's not be blind about what happens with "multiculturalism". Open your eyes. Face reality and then you can protect yourself, your loved ones and your country. Otherwise, "multiculturalism" will eat America alive, as it was/is Poland and other European countries. April 19, 2017 I don't know what the truth is about Bill O'Reilly, but he may be off of FOX News but if he's innocent, who is to say it's not for his better to be out of there? After all, if the people speaking against him are lying and his company didn't stand behind him, then who needs that company anyways? IF, on the other hand, he's as bad as his accusers charge, then he should be gone anyways. I don't follow O'Reilly, I don't particularly like him, but I don't like to see an innocent man falsely charged, so if he is innocent of the charges, then he is probably better off leaving FOX because it seems they're not all that wonderful a place to work anyways. What do you think of the O'Reilly situation? I don't know what to think of it, but I hope the TRUTH comes out, whatever it may be. April 19, 2017 As an Air Force brat who married an Air Force brat who served over twenty years in the Air Force as we raised two Air Force brats and whose extended family members served in the Air Force (get the idea that Air Force is in our family?) it's sad to see the Air Force so depleted. The "readiness level" for our USAF is below that of the Carter era and that's not just wrong, it's dangerous for America. We need to fix this ASAP. April 19, 2017 Maybe I was sick for two days because it was Tax Day yesterday, and I realized that our taxpayer dollars are wasted by a lot of the government agencies that get a portion of our dollars. April 19, 2017 Speaking of taxes, the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman, Kevin Brady (R-TX) has asked the DOJ to investigate former IRS employee, Lois Lerner. I like that and hope it happens! April 19, 2017 Peace and Tolerance: If we want to see another sure sign of the sickness that is Islam's Sharia Law, female genital mutilation is close to the sickest you can get there. It's happening in America and the msm is ignoring it and helping Islam hide it. Can you imagine putting your twelve-year-old daughter through the cutting off of part of her genitalia -- without anesthesia and without any kind of numbing agent? All they do is hold the girl down and cut her because that's what Islam demands. They don't want women to be able to enjoy sex because it will lead to them being loose women. The only one allowed to enjoy sex in Islam is the male and they can have sex with whomever they want (even men as long as it's not commmon knowledge). We need to stop this practice first in America, then worldwide. It's barbarism, it's wrong and it's anti-women. So why do the lefties not protest this practice and try to prevent it? Remember, the left says that Islam is for women (they claim all kinds of good things about Islam and defend it ad nauseum but that doesn't make them true) but if that is being FOR women, I would hate to see what the left/progressive/liberal version of being against women would look like! April 19, 2017 There was another planned attack on France that was prevented. It was Islam that was trying to hurt more people in the name of their god. I hope that this planned attack makes people vote for Marie Le Pen and that she keeps her word after her election. I hope she sends Islam back to the countries it came from and that she secures her country from terrorists and makes France a good place to visit again. That would be very, very, very good for France and its people. April 19, 2017 "Science:" How many times have you been told to eat a "healthy" breakfast of low fat, no sugar, fresh fruits, etc.? How many times has your body wanted bacon and eggs and pancakes dripping with syrup and a few sliced strawberries with a coffee and orange juice on the side? Hmm? Well, it turns out that the bacon, pancakes, etc. may be healthier than you thought! Of course, you have to look at who is paying for this, but right now the "science" is that this will be healthier for you than other breakfasts. It will give you more energy and get you through the day. Sounds to me like it makes sense; get some good stuff in you to burn off during the day. That's the way to do it! April 19, 2017 So, I will close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 14, 2017: 12:14 a.m. Flag Friday: It's time for my weekly tribute and this week's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 315: Americana". I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! April 14, 2017: 5:02 p.m. My hubby stayed home today because he had way too many hours and had to take some comp time, so we went out and about and we got home just a little while ago. Sorry about no updates, but I did want to wish you a very Happy Easter and I pray that you will reflect on the wonderful gift given you this day: Jesus Christ died in your place so that you could live eternally in heaven with GOD the Father and with Jesus in heaven, in the presence of pure love, in the peace of no condemnation and complete acceptance. GOD LOVES YOU and He wants to spend the rest of eternity with you in his presence. That's the greatest gift: You can accept it or reject it. It's up to you. I pray you accept it. April 13, 2017: 2:16 p.m. Did you know that when someone is elected to office and goes to D.C. to serve the people who elected them, they have to pay their party's committee (RNC or dnc) an annual set amount if they want to have a position on a committee, or a leadership position? That's what one Congressman says in his book, "Drain The Swamp". Yep. The book review says that Congressman Buck reveals: "[W]hy nothing gets done in Congress, and it isn't because of political gridlock�in fact, Republicans and Democrats work together all too well to fleece taxpayers and plunge America deeper into debt."That's why I want to get rid of ROTTEN ryan and all of the bonehead boehner republiRATS. They are too comfy and too busy enjoying the good life at our expense to do anything good for America. All they're concerned about is doing what is good for themselves. They've lost their ability to listen to their consciences -- if they had one when they were elected -- via silencing it via stuffing fancy hors d'oeuvres in their ears as the love of money covers their souls. Good men, maybe once, become corrupted via the demand to "pay to play" in order to fulfill their campaign promises to their constituents and the thin air of heady treatment and celebrity life. It's a hard thing to turn down when the pressure applied is, "Do it our way, or you don't get anything done. Our way, and we'll give you this thing you promised your constituents. Your way and we'll bury you and everything you stand for." That's the D.C. way: become corrupt or you'll be nothing. Corruption loves company and when good people get exposed to that kind of filth they find it difficult to do anything besides follow suit. I'm proud of Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) for telling us the truth about how D.C. works and how corruption is the mother's milk of its politics. April 13, 2017 Considering how horrible the D.C. corruption is -- and is accepted by our representatives! -- I wish our representatives would take the advice of this author and do it her way. If they'd do that it would be better all the way around for everyone involved. Let's see D.C. do that and clean up their own act and maybe America could recover from the disease of welfare and government handouts and from the "Swamp Fever" that infects our politicians. GOD help America if D.C. isn't soon cleaned up. That's why I voted for Pres. Trump. I hope and pray he keeps his promise to drain that swamp and he keeps it soon. April 13, 2017 It's so sad that political correctness is the sacred rule of most colleges nowadays. Sometimes the cost of political correctness is students pay the ultimate price because they are falsely accused of doing something wrong and the college goes public with the allegation and the student's life is ruined. Examples:
April 13, 2017 Yesterday I wrote a blurb about possible voter fraud in Texas (again). Today, Judicial Watch warns eleven states to clean up their voter registration lists or face lawsuits. Good! We need to be able to trust our elections. We need to be able to elect our representatives without a loser being cheated (ACORNed) into office. If it weren't for the cheating that ACORN did for themuslimvileone I truly believe that he would never have been "elected". We know they cheated and America's last eight years would have been so very different (and thus, the world's) if he had never been ACORNed into office. Political correctness went so far as to corrupt our electoral process because authorities were afraid to say anything to prevent it, to correct it, to check for voter fraud. It will always be considered a questionable result if the truth be told about his election. Too bad no one in authority has the courage to do the work. April 13, 2017 The whole of themuslimvileone's administration -- every moment of it -- is full of illegalities, wrong doing, lies, betrayals of America, and downright treason. Now we have to find out what the EPA was hiding from America by possibly using a cell phone encryption app called "Signal" and then communicating with each other via that app. What were they doing? What were they talking about? It's supposed to be available to the public: "The most transparent administration" themuslimvileone promised us. (His lips were moving.) I also want to know how many other government departments and people were using the same kind of obfuscation techniques. After all, we now believe the EPA was doing this, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt (she admitted to having done so in the debates) that hillclintOOn used a private server for her e-mails and that she and six of her aides maintained access to top secret information after she left the SoS office, and that themuslimvileone communicated with her on that server so he also knew about it. What else did they do to hide the truth from us? April 13, 2017 Hey! Pres. Trump took my advice -- well, partially. He actually used a MOAB against ISIS. I love it! Good for us! He's serious about defeating them and I hope that this first MOAB bombing is the start of the end of ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. I hope it takes the fight out of N. Korea, too. Maybe it will scare them enough to make them behave. We'll see. He's also keeping his "build the wall" promise and his administration is supporting our Border Patrol agents. That's all good! April 13, 2017 hillclintOOn: She doesn't want us to build the wall but if we want to keep our country safe, our children safe, and enforce our existing immigration laws, then we need to build the wall. She's a loony-tune two-time loser who needs to go crawl back into the woods and get out of our faces. She is setting up another run but she won't make it then, either, and she'll be a three-time loser and isn't that enough? Well, that is if she lives that long. Her health issues may not allow that. Remember her September 11, 2016 collapse? Remember her multiple seizures and her coughing fits? Yeah. She may not make it to the next election. April 13, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: Pres. Trump has done something else to keep his promises. He took another step to defund Planned AbortionHood. I love that! Every time he does something that undoes the harm, the horrible, the despicable, the illegal things that themuslimvileone did while in office I am very, very happy! I admire and applaud Pres. Trump for being pro-life and for doing things to protect prebirth baby humans. Babies' lives matter. April 13, 2017 No! That's crazy! No way! Is someone on hallucinogenic drugs (and lots of them)? April 13, 2017 I think it would be a great thing -- if she keeps her word -- if Marie Le Pen won the election in France. That would make lefties/progressives/liberals crazy and it would be good for France. I'm looking forward to watching the reactions around the world if she does win. April 13, 2017 Is England's government "institutionally biased against Christians"? That's what the former Archbishop of Canterbury says. I have to agree with him. I've watched over the years as Christianity in England became more and more of a minority and as it became okay to arrest street preachers in England because their preaching was considered "hate speech" and as Christianity all but died in that country. I don't care if the Queen (or King) is the head of the Church of England if they aren't doing anything to help people stay connected with the Church and they're doing nothing to set a good example as head of the Church then they're failing in that portion of their jobs. I've seen the Queen go to church, but have you seen their families live lives of good example? I have not. From Prince Phillip's multiple affairs (whose example his Charles followed), the "royalty" of England are bad examples as Church of England leadership. April 13, 2017 I'm going to close with that for today. I painted the baseboards today and they need to be installed. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 12, 2017: 1:51 p.m. Another Republican win! In Kansas, a Republican won the sepcial election and dumboRATS are so irritated they can't see straight. A Republican won because themuslimvileone, pelosipig and harry reid proved how horribly a country run by leftist/progressive/liberals would be. No one wants that anymore! Now we just have to get the same results in the Georgia special election. That would be a very good thing. Pray hard. (Just in case: Paid political advertisement. Paid for and approved by Linda McKinney 6025 Keystone Ave. Port St. John, FL 32927, Independent of any candidate, campaign, committee, or anyone or anything else. AKA: Free Speech.) April 12, 2017 In San Diego, CA, they raised their minimum wage to $15 an hour and now they're starting to pay the price. restaurants are closing and as they close, other businesses will follow. Which small Mom and Pop shop can stay open if they have to pay their niece and nephew $15 hourly to sit at the cash register a few hours after school or on weekends? How can a small shoe shop stay open if they have to pay their twelve employees $15 an hour? It's going to happen. CaliMarxifornia businesses will be closing if they have to pay their people $15 hourly. There are other cities and states that have the $15 minimum wage that will be seeing the same closures soon. It's going to be up to the legislators in those places to lower the minimum wage back to a reasonable wage to keep people from closing shop because they can't afford to employ anyone. April 12, 2017 themuslimvileone's LIES: We now know that susan rice and themuslimvileone LIED about the chemical weapons being given up by Assad while themuslimvileone was in office. They told us that they had verified that every chemical weapon had been gien up. They lied. It's just that simple. Yes, themuslimvileone LIED. His lips were moving. He also LIED to us about his own involement with Russia and how much he did for them. It's not Pres. Trump who was a friend to Russia. It was/is themuslimvileone and his regime. They did everything they could to destroy America; even kissing Russia's butt. Shock. Surprise. April 12, 2017 Will we be on the hook for Puerto Rico's bankruptcy? I hope not. I liked the country while we lived there as a kid and my Dad was stationed at Ramey AFB. They are not a state and every time they've voted on statehood they've turned it down, but they want us to bail them out because they're under America's protection? No. They've made the mess. Let them figure out how to clean them up. I was there again in December for a few hours when my Mom and I went on her Christmas present cruise. Their financial woes were showing full force then, and I am not going to be held hostage by Puerto Rico to fix all of the things they should have been doing right, instead of using money for other things (art, anyone?). April 12, 2017 Pres. Trump has caught all kinds of trash after saying that themuslimvileone had spied on him and his election staff. I believed it because of the history of themuslimvileone in being above the law. Turns out, Pres. Trump was being spied on and the FISA warrant was requested by themuslimvileone and received. themuslimvileone was trying his best to stay in office, but couldn't find a way to make treason accusations against Pres. Trump and refused to make them against hillclintOOn, although they would have been true against her. themuslimvileone should be in prison for the rest of his life; so should hillclintOOn and half of themuslimvileone's administration (including the "Deep State" still in office). Too bad that will never happen. Turns out the one thing themuslimvileone said with his actions but not his words that was the truth is that because he's the "first black prezidunce" he is above the law. April 12, 2017 N. Korea's Tiny Tyrant: After the meeting with Pres. Trump, even China knows that Pres. Trump is serious about stopping N. Korea. N. Korea has been coddled for far too long and it's time someone stop him from feeling like the spoiled brat of the family and start acting like a responsible adult and behave. The news is reporting that Navy Seals are training to take the tyrant out. I wonder what will happen in N. Korea if that does happen. Who will step into his short shoes and what the country will look like then? After all, this is the sort of tyranny they are used to having as their leadership. Will a son, cousin, uncle, or just a general step up to be the next KJU? Does the world expect N. Korea to rejoice and celebrate that they now have freedom if we do take the TT out? Will they rally around the idea of suddenly having the chance to hold elections and the people will elect a House, Senate and president? What do people think will happen to a country that has grown used to this sort of fear on a daily basis? The people are used to being scared of saying the wrong thing in front of the wrong person in case they get turned in. Free speech? What is that for them? Will they understand the opportunity they have to change their country for the better, or will the next (possibly worse) tyrant step in and make things even worse for the people and those nuclear weapons be available to do his/her bidding? Think it over before you take that kind of action. If you take out the TT and leave a void, that void could become our worst nightmare. If you take out the TT and stay and teach the people what freedom and a representative republic (what America is) looks like and how it works, then there is the good that could come of it: A free country where tyranny used to be. Problem/Question: How much would it cost America to stay and help and (conversely) how much would it cost us to not do anything? We're almost darned if we do and darned if we don't. Pray for Pres. Trump to get wisdom from GOD. April 12, 2017 Woah. That's gutsy. Or foolish, depending upon how you look at it. NC tries again to ban same-gender "marriage". They're saying that the SCOTUS overstepped their authority to take away states' rights and a bill has been introduced that would ban same-gender "marriage" and nullify existing same-gender "marriages". I applaud their chutzpah and I applaud them for standing with GOD and biblical values. Bravo. Bravo! April 12, 2017 Pres. Trump/VP Pence: What was it that idiot "actor" used to always say: Winning! Putin "backed down" and met with SoS, Rex Tillerson, after saying he would not. Pres. Trump seems to have a way with people and Putin is not immune, even from afar. He got a win with the Kansas Republican winning the special election there; Neil Gorsuch is now a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and jobs are up; manufacturers are pledging to build here and hire here; regulations are getting chopped on a regular basis. His wife is also winning: the magazine she sued has settled and is paying her about $3 Million and apologizing. Good for her! The Trump/Pence presidency has been good for America! Excellent! April 12, 2017 If you want to figure out what to think about the current FCC "net neutrality" kerfuffle look at who supports keeping "net neutrality" google, NetFlix, Amazon, Facebook, etc. and who is against keeping "net neutrality": Ajit Pai, small ISP owners, small techies (as opposed to Silicon Valley techies); amazingly, Verizon and MetroPCS oppose this piece of free speech stealing garbage (my words, not theirs), too. "Net neutrality" is named such so that it can fool people who do not do their own homework to find out what the truth is about what it is and what it does. It's named to fool the lazy left into supporting it. Well, it worked. Now those on the right have a voice and we should do our utmost to support deleting "net neutrality" laws. It's important and we need more freedom, not less, which is what the end result of "net neutrality" actually does. April 12, 2017 Question for you: Is the msm in France trying to hide the truth of Le Pen's popularity so that they can give hope to the left in their country by reporting on the leftist candidate's "late" popularity surge, or is it really happening? Remember how the msm here reported about how well hillclintOOn was doing and how popular she was even though we found the truth in the "alternative media" and saw that her rallies were small and no one was showing up? Remember the Tim Kaine (her running mate) rallies that were also smaller than small? Is the media in France doing the same thing with the Le Pen/Melenchon race? It's something to consider. It is possible, considering what the msm did here. Personally, IF Le Pen will keep her word and take France out of the EU and send the immigrants back to their own countries, I support Le Pen. April 12, 2017 Build The Wall: Mexican officials have been lying through their teeth in negotions over a cartel member's extradition. They followed themuslimvileone's example and tried it on, but they were caught and it matters that they lied. With themuslimvileone no one but Conservatives cared. Mexican officials have not been as favored as themuslimvileone. Maybe they need to scream "discrimination" and "racism" as loud as they can and people will start ignoring their lies, too. April 12, 2017 Another fake hate crime exposed: arson blamed on white guy was actually done by a black man. He burned a market owned by "an immigrant from Bhutan" (Bhutanese?) and left a note that implicated a non-specific, white, Trump supporter. Class act, bigot. April 12, 2017 More possible voter fraud hapening in Dallas, TX. It seems to me the left cannot accept voting as a valid determiner of our elected officials. They have to interfere, cheat, lie, defraud in order to win, so that's what they do. It's not the Russians who muck with American elections: it's the dumboRATS. Mark my words. April 12, 2017 I'll close with that for today. See you tomorrow unless life intervenes. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 11, 2017: 2:07 p.m. Only a few updates today. I'm going to spend the afternoon making curtains for our family room. I told you we repainted, now it's time to put all of the stuff on the walls and that includes curtains. So, I'll do just a few blurbs and then do some sewing. April 11, 2017 Yesterday I posted a blurb about themuslimvileone's hatred of America and how he thinks we are a racist nation. Has he checked Libya out lately, one of the countries in his father's home continent? They're openly selling people from West Africa as slaves and themuslimvileone thinks America racist? Libya is a Muslim nation and they think that slavery is okay. themuslimvileone's religion allows Muslims to have slaves -- and most Islamic countries allow slavery even today -- so how on earth is America a racist country when we abolished slavery way back in Abraham Lincoln's time? Hmm? It was Islam that was bringing slaves to America in the first place, so why is it okay for them but America is "racist" for doing the same thing Islam still does? themuslimvileone proves yet again he's a moron. April 11, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! U.S.A.G., Jeff Sessions, stops "catch and release" of illegals crossing our border! They're no longer going to be treated like prize trout, but as people breaking our existing laws and no longer released back into America's neighborhoods to commit whatever crimes they desire as we pay for their very existence. They're going to booked as felons and they're going to be treated as criminals as they should be! April 11, 2017 "Amendment IISee anything about a "good cause"? No? Then every SCOTUS justice should side with the opinion that the 9th Circus be overturned (yet again) and that people in California may purchase a firearm without needing a "good cause". They have the right to own a firearm; several if they so desire. The 9th Circus was wrong in ruling that people needed a "good cause" because those words are not in the Second Amendment.
In other gun news, Judicial Watch is suing "seeking records of communications related to a proposed reclassification that would effectively ban certain types of AR-15 ammunition as armor-piercing."Sounds to me like Judicial Watch will help us get the "assault weapon" crap shut down for... Well, not necessarily "for good", but at least until Pres. Trump is out of office. That's a good thing and maybe it will help our Second Amendment rights be given a firm enough foundation in today's age to make it impenetrable; even by AR-15 bullets! I'd like that because I want one.
April 11, 2017 MAGA: It's an amazing and heartening thing to see that since the inauguration of Pres. Trump, job creation continues to climb and themuslimvileone's lies about creating jobs is put to shame. I love it. April 11, 2017 I heard Rush talking about this and I am very glad that this change is happening. Millenials are not going to be the death of America. They shall be the rebirth of traditional American values and if you don't believe it, this study says millenial men want their wives to stay at home and be the homemakers, raise the children, treat them like the man of the house. Also found is that millenial women want to be the homemaker and raise their children and do creative things like knitting and crafts and all of the traditional things Moms do. America will be a "traditional" America again, thanks to Millenials who are finding out that the lies of the left are destroying the family, destroying children's lives, destroying our future as a nation and destroying them if they go along with the lies. That's a good lesson to learn and a good thing to turn away from. I'm proud of them! April 11, 2017 Communism: N. Korea is still threatening to nuke America and China executes its own citizens who disagree with the government or cause any sort of trouble. Speak out in either country and you're likely to die or be severaly punished and sometimes they'll make your loved ones pay the price, too. That's why I fight for freedom and our Representative Republic (our form of government) any time and any way I can. I don't like the idea of our country becoming a tryanny and our freedom being lost to those who want to control us instead of support our freedom. April 11, 2017 If you're planning to go to Hawai'i anytime soon, you may wish to know about the brain worm that is spreading there. It's called "rat lungworm" and it's spread by rats, snails and slugs and it can be fatal. Wash all fresh fruit and veggies thoroughly before eating them. This is a nasty disease, folks, and it's better safe than sorry. April 11, 2017 It's been a tough few weeks with all of the fires in our state, so many the Governor has declared a state of emergency. Before you go out and about, check for road closures, for heavy smoke areas, be aware of health risks if you have asthma, or other lung problems. If you have to out consider taking something to cover your nose and mouth with if you're going near the smoke. Watch for embers if there is a fire near your home or property. Stay tuned to local stations for emergency warnings and if you are told to evacuate do not hesitate before doing so. Your things can be replaced; you cannot. Take your animals if you can, and maybe grab your house insurance paperwork, and get your family members and go. It's better to lose the house than to be buried because you tried to save it. April 11, 2017 I'll close with that. Ya'll be careful out there. I'm going to make some curtains. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 10, 2017: 2:47 p.m. Over the weekend we had a sad anniversary. It's been a year since my bro-in-law died suddenly. It still doesn't seem possible and I caught myself three weeks ago wondering if he had heard about "X", then remembering he probably hadn't heard about it, nor does he care. He's walking streets of gold in the presence of the Lord GOD Almighty, so why would he care? Anyways, it's been a year and it doesn't seem possible: neither the fact that he's gone, nor the fact that it's been a year already. April 10, 2017 MAGA: Pres. Trump is keeping his word again. That's always a good thing when you give your word to you keep it. We will see more savings thanks to federal agency cuts and we'll look forward to having more of the cash we worked hard to earn in our own pockets to spend! Since Pres. Trump was sworn in and started enforcing our laws, the number of illegal aliens crossing our borders has dropped drastically. That's a good thing, too. Also, when Chinese President Xi Jinping was here talking to Pres. Trump, Trump got trade concessions from China and that's good for America. Another win. Speaking of winning, Toyota is going to invest $1.33 Billion in KY to update its plant and to keep employing Americans. Win! We're on our way, folks. We're on our way! April 10, 2017 I wonder what they'll find in a gloria allred investigation. I wonder if they'll find that she is being paid by the DNC without them actually being a client? What thinks you? April 10, 2017 Rumble, Rumble, Toil and Trouble: Why did Russia build a compound in Nicaragua? What is he doing there and why is he over here in our hemisphere building things? Also, why did Nicaragua cooperate and let him do that? What did they get out of it? What they're going to get is trouble, but why would anyone do that considering how bad it will be for them and their people? Putin and N. Korea are pushing their limits, while China is taking steps to stop N. Korea, which is good for America and the rest of the world. I think Pres. Trump needs to get Putin over here and sit him down and tell him what for and what's what so that Putin, too, will straighten up and do what's right. It seems to work out that way whenver Pres. Trump gets a face to face meeting with world leaders. They're putty in his hands. Now, we need some Putin putty. Or maybe I should word that differently...? April 10, 2017 themuslimvileone: As I've said a thousand times, themuslivileone hates America and thinks we're a "racist society". Well, if we're a "racist society" he is even moreso a racist. His actions speak louder than his words did, that's for certain! They say he's "writing" his memoirs. Is that going to be the same ghost writer as did his other two books about his ego, or will it be a different writer doing the work while he takes the glory? How many minutes after his book gets published do you think it will take for people to start announcing all of the lies they find in it? It's tempting to get a give-away of the book going for the person who gets closest to the minutes after release before the "he lied about X" start coming out. I'd give the winner a copy of the book. Oh. Wait. No one would enter if I offered that as a prize. Hmmm. Let me think about that one. April 10, 2017 In England, did you know that teens can change their gender even against their parents' wishes? I totally disagree with the State -- any State -- interfering with parental rights. Before a child is eighteen-years-old then the parent gets to make all legal and binding decisions for their child (with the left in charge the exception is abortions), from getting tattoo to getting vaccinations so how on earth can a parent's right to prevent a child from changing their gender before they reach eighteen be interfered with? It's wrong. Parents worldwide get to make decisions for their child until that child becomes eighteen (or twenty-one if the child lives under the parents' roof still, IMHO). That's what is right. Too bad the left continues to encourage people to believe confusion and lies and they like to help people ruin their lives. Death seems to be the left's favorite thing; from abortion to suicide after gender change operations, the left loves death. April 10, 2017 Another tragedy at an elementary school as shooter injures two and kills two. Police believe it was a murder/suicide. Thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones of the victims. April 10, 2017 Why on earth, someone please tell me, does SC keep re-electing the disgraced john mcCAIN'T? He makes a continual fool of himself. He does things that are not good for his political party, for his state, or for America. He uses his position as Senator to get an audience but he says things that makes his audience shake their heads in wonder. Why does he insist on demonstrating his foolishness? I just don't get it. What's the old saw: "It's better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt"? He should remain silent; but he's not alone. April 10, 2017 Peace and Tolerance: They bombed two Coptic Christian Churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday. That's not tolerant. That's hatred and power hunger and death: the tools of Islam and the only thing they know. They do the most barbaric things you would never even begin to think of in the name of their world dominance organization called "Islam". If that's the kind of "religion" anyone wishes to follow that's sick. Islam is not a "religion" it is a power hungry, world dominance hate group. April 10, 2017 Shock. Surprise: Yet another dumboRAT under thevilegeorgesoros's control. Are there any dumboRATS who aren't under his control, who haven't taken the money he offers to sell their souls to do his bidding to destroy America? Is there one out there in a national office who has not filthied their hands with his dollars? I'd be shocked if there is one. Totally shocked. April 10, 2017 Finally some good news for today! Ladies and Gentlemen, we now have Justice Neil Gorsuch of the United States Supreme Court. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! April 10, 2017 Fake News: In a recent effort to smear someone they don't like nbc used a known leftist organization as their source. They have used this staunch hillclintOOn supporter's organization -- which has been hijacked by lefties -- to bash then-candidate Trump and now he and his nominees before. "The Anne Frank Center For Mutual Respect" is what the organization is now called, but really, folks. Would Anne Frank really say she supports "mutual respect" for Hitler's Nazi regime as they killed her and her family after all those months (over two years) in the attic? Would she really do that? Her name and her legacy have been hijacked by the left and they're doing her suffering and her memory a grave disservice. That's the typical way the left does things: hijack a famous name or cause and change it around to be 180 degrees away from what it was supposed to be. They are despicable that way. But it doesn't stop them. April 10, 2017 I'm going to make this my last real blurb today (besides my "bye-bye"). It's a fun bit from Rush Limbaugh about the news anchors who thought they had it all figured out and knew what the person was going to say and they thought he was going to bash Pres. Trump. He, to their grave dismay, had other plans. Read it and weep, lefties. April 10, 2017 I'll close with that for today. See you tomorrow if things go as planned. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 6-7, 2017: 11:05 p.m. Flag Friday: Today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 314: The Honorable Way". I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! Sorry I missed today (the 6th). I had errands to run and things to do, so I did those things. I hope to be able to do updates for Friday. Let's see what the day holds. April 7, 2017: 12:55 p.m. Pres. Trump/VP Pence: Another victory and another promise kept! "Justice Gorsuch" is a reality! Pres. Trump promised to appoint SCOTUS justices that were along the same lines as Justice Antonin Scalia and he did! Another promise kept and another great thing for America! Excellent! I am so looking forward to his appointing two more justices! Maybe another will be later this summer, who know? There have been a lot of reports lately about Pres. Trump's advisors and staff being at each others' throats and that there will be a resulting replacement cavalcade. The stories are multiple and they all have the same target: Steve Bannon. I won't believe that he's under the gun to be forced out until he actually does leave but until then, consider the possibility that it could be the left's and msm's effort to try to apply pressure both to Bannon and Pres. Trump to make it happen. "Tell a lie often enough", you know the rest. I don't know if any of those reports have even a vowel's worth of truth to them, but until you see Bannon actually leaving with his box of stuff, don't count on it happening. He's a good chess player and I'd hate to play poker with him so remember that it's possible he's not so easy to get rid of as some may believe. April 7, 2017 themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX: Judicial Watch has sued the IRS to get information on who they shared YOUR info with! "'Once again we have evidence that [themuslimvileone's] administration misused the IRS, this time to promote its ill-fated health care scheme,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. �As the Trump administration and the Congress wrestle over [themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX], it�s important to understand the full extent of [themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX's] ongoing assault on taxpayers and the rule of law.� And it would be nice if the Trump agencies would stop the stalling and finally begin obeying the freedom of information law.'"So themuslimvileone was sharing my taxpayer info with others? We never bought into the program. We always paid the penalty (for which I want a full refund because it's unconstitutional to penalize me NOT buying something; do they do that with Nike shoes?). Did you buy into the failure that is themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX because you did not want to pay the penalty, or because you were afraid not to obey? Also, this thing is going to be a total failure on its own so why bother with trying to undo it as a law? Just let it collapse under its own weight. In Iowa, Aetna Insurance is leaving it, as they have in other states, and other companies have left it nationwide, so why waste the taxpayers' money with bills, hearings, committee meetings, etc., when we won't have a say in a few months as to whether or not it survives? With no insurance companies willing to participate in it then who will be there to buy from? Collapse will happen in the next year or so. As long as those of us who never bought into it and were penalized -- forced to pay for other people to have insurance coverage because we didn't want it -- get a full refund for every penalty, then I'll be very glad to see it go. Otherwise, I'll just be glad. Let's hope it takes less than a year for this to happen. I don't want to pay another penalty. They're getting very expensive as the price to pay for other people to have insurance goes up. April 7, 2017 Border Wall: Of course, the left/progressives/liberals are doing everything they can to prevent the border wall from being built. It's going to take forever to actually get it done because they are using alleged "endangered species" lies to block it: "Wildlife conservation groups are collaborating with a federal government agency to halt construction of the southern border wall by fudging science to claim that unimpeded trans-border corridors are essential to an 'endangered species' with 99% of its population in Mexico. Under the plan, large areas of Arizona and New Mexico would be prohibited from erecting a border wall so that jaguars�which don�t even occupy the area�can roam back and forth between the two countries. More than 3/4 million acres in Arizona and New Mexico would be designated as critical habitat for jaguars under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), which specifically states that critical habitat can only be designated for the United States."The "federal government agency" that's helping them do this: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). They're lying about jaguar habitat, about a "big cat expert's" research and about everything else they can lie about in order to prevent the wall from being built. This will wind up in court, I suppose, but it should be an easy victory for Pres. Trump -- unless the judge the left finds after their shopping around is a complete leftie wacko treehugger who thinks it more important to "save the whales" than to save a human baby in the womb. If that's the kind of judge they find, the wall will be greatly delayed. April 7, 2017 Pres. Trump ordered a strike on Syria last night after Assad used chemical warfare weapons on people in his country. Chemical warfare weapons are outlawed worldwide and in 2013 Assad signed an agreement not to use them. He broke that promise and so he had to pay a price. If he is allowed under another president to get away with doing that to his own countrymen, what will prevent him from doing so to another country? Pres. Trump acted reasonably in order the strike. Now, Russia seems upset about it. Too bad, Putin. We did the right thing. April 7, 2017 Pres. Trump should remove every holdover from themuslimvileone's admin. Every person who was hired for a leadership position of any kind should be gone and someone loyal to the U.S. Constitution and to doing the right thing should be hired in their place. Note I did not say that they should be somone loyal to Pres. Trump? I don't want Trump kiss-ups to be hired. I want people who hold in reverence and esteem the U.S. Constitution to be hired. Kiss-ups only cause trouble for the next person. People who believe in and hold sacred the U.S. Constitution will hold America as a nation sacred and will do all they can to "protect and defend" "We, The People" instead of a president. That means they can serve without danger to America for many administrations. It's a good idea that needs to happen. April 7, 2017 MAGA: It's only been a few months since Pres. Trump was sworn into office and America is already seeing some great results. The latest: U.S. manufacturing jobs at 8-year high! The latest U6 unemployment numbers are below nine for the first time since December of 2008, right before themuslimvileone was sworn into office! That's incredible! As he comes into office the numbers jump up and continue to climb up to a high of 17.1% in late 2008 and 2009. Now themuslimvileone is gone and the U6 number is now 8.9% for the first time since December of 2008? That's very telling about how much themuslimvileone cared about creating jobs for Americans. It's also disgusting that he cared that little. April 7, 2017 We need to get the empty seats filled with Pres. Trump's appointees on these two committees so that we can undo them and make things better for America. We could get rid of the Dodd-Frank bill and make the housing siutation better if we can get Conservatives appointed to these two organizations. That would be great! Pres. Trump needs to fix this ASAP so that they can do no more harm to America. April 7, 2017 Peace and Tolerance: Again the Muslim death and power organization called a "religion" murders in the name of its "god". Why would anyone follow a "religion" that tells you to kill for it? Why? Could it possibly be because those who choose it already have death and power in their hearts anyways? Just asking, folks. Just asking. April 7, 2017 CaliMarxifornia: Yeowzah! The idiot governor over there is raising the gas tax by 12 cents per gallon! Ouch! That means that most of the illegals in CaliMarxifornia won't be able to drive a car and go to work, no matter who they voted for! That means more unemployed people in CaliMarxifornia and that means higher state taxes so that they can afford to pay all of the welfare, uneployment benefits and housing, health care, etc., for all of those illegals. Ain't that grand? April 7, 2017 The allegations against Pam Bondi have been dropped due to lack of evidence and there is nothing for the left to whine about -- well, except that they failed to get Bondi's head on a silver platter. That will still make them whine, but now we can thumb our noses at them and put the left on ignore; again. April 7, 2017 Florida's Supreme Court has another Conservative justice on it. See me smile? April 7, 2017 Don't these idiots have anything better to do? Another day, another "protest march" for the left. I guess if you're unemployed, unhappy with your own life, take orders easily from others, hate America, are a mindless robot and have to go with a crowd to feel like you belong somewhere, then, yeah, I can understand why you act this way. Otherwise, it's amaing to me that anyone can be so programmed to jump whenever anyone on their side snaps a finger. April 7, 2017 Ahhhh.... Public Schools: Really? The teachers' union thinks it should issue press releases on Justice Gorsuch's confirmation and Syria? Is foreign policy their focus? No? Is the SCOTUS their focus? (Poem?) No? Then why on earth do they think America gives a two hoots about what they think about it? When the public school system has become not an educational focus but a political tool that tells you that your children are learning nothing but the politics that the teachers' union want to teach them and how to think the way the union wants them to think. Your children are being used as political pawns in the public school system. When they cannot read above fourth grade level when they graduate high school that's pretty bad. When their vocabulary includes words like "safe space" and "transgender" but not the truth about the Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, then your children are being short changed and used. Period. April 7, 2017 On that wonderful note I'll close for the weekend. Ya'll have fun this weekend and stay safe. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 6, 2017: 12:22 a.m. Many people believe as I do that GOD is real, that He exists and loves us so much that He became man (Jesus Christ) to live amongst us, sinlessly, and to die in our stead on a cross after being beaten, spat upon, whipped beyond recognition, and as He died He asked GOD to forgive his murderers. Many don't believe in that, or at least say they don't believe in it but their hearts whisper the truth to them, whether or not they listen. To help people understand what I know to be true, I give you proof of GOD: "How I know GOD Is". If you want to deny it, ask your heart first. April 5, 2017: 12:59 p.m. Steve Bannon fired? No. Not really. He was used as a "place holder" until the person Pres. Trump wanted to put in there was found. It was a temporary position to help Pres. Trump ensure that there was a return to the proper functions the NSC was supposed to be doing. Under themuslimvileone they had gone way over the lines of their proscribed duties and done things they should not have been doing (ask susan "unmasked" rice, former NSC Advisor to themuslimvileone). Now that it's back on track, Bannon was pulled out to focus on other things to help Pres. Trump get his promises done. Read the "rice" link and find out a lot more about how she used her power to do things that should not have been done. She and themuslimvileone broke the law, but that should not surprise anyone, should it? April 5, 2017 MAGA: We saw our debt grow and grow and grow under themuslimvileone but now we see that the general financial outlook for America over the next twenty years is $10 Billion saved by repealing things themuslimvileone tried to do. That's Pres. Trump keeping his promises, folks. It's a good thing. April 5, 2017 Peace and Tolerance: Russia defended its buddy-friend-like-minded-tyrant, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, against charges that it was he who used chemical weapons against his own people. So if it wasn't he, then who? Was it ISIS? If so, why is Assad not fighting ISIS? If it wasn't Assad nor ISIS, then who? It wasn't America, and Syria allegedly "agreed to" a no chemical weapons treaty in 2013. But there is no evidence that anyone else did it, and Assad has a history of chemical weapon use, so if he's done it once, twice, ...? And while we're on the subject, you must read this article about Nonie Darwish's newest book: "Wholly Different: Why I Chose Biblical Values Over Islamic Values". I am going to download the Kindle version and read it ASAP! Won't you join me? After all, who would know the difference better (besides someone who had just researched it thoroughly) than someone who used to be Islamic? April 5, 2017 Why is the EU protecting thevilegeorgesoros? What would make them protect $uch a $icko, $elfish, $oB? April 5, 2017 I wonder which came first: the sinusitis or the depression? Are people with sinusitis being emotionally affected by their chronic sinus problems because they can't breathe so their brain isn't getting as much oxygen as it should, thus the depression? Or is it that the depression makes people focus on things that wouldn't bother them at all if they weren't depressed? Is this going to result in a new "syndrome" or "disease"? "Fibromyalgia" may or may not be a disease associated with inflammation but, like the ever expanding criteria to diagnose autism, will chronic sinusitis become one of those "everyone has it" "diseases"? How long until there's a support group? (BTW, never mind writing angry e-mails. I don't care if you think I'm awful.) April 5, 2017 dumboRATS/DUMBOrats: This one has got to be the latter. "Terrorists lie"? Really? SMH. Can someone check to see if his brain ran, screaming, from his head years ago? He really is an idiot. Maybe that's why they're leveling the false claim of "plagiarism" against Gorsuch. Maybe they're saying it because none of them have a brain. After all, those he is accused (by the dumboRATS) of plagiarizing have come out and said that he did not plagiarize them. DumboRATS are just desparate and dumb as a box of rocks -- with apologies to the rocks. April 5, 2017 So tell me who it was who sold Pepsi on the idea of the world's stupidest commercial of late? What Pepsi exec is going to be fired for that dumboRAT move? April 5, 2017 I must agree with Ann Coulter: themuslimvileone should be under oath and testifying about why themuslimvileone's administration spied on then-candidate Trump during the campaign and after he won but before he was sworn in as President (love saying that). Too bad he'd have to speak in order to testify and that would mean his lips would move and that would mean he's lying, even under oath. He does not know how to tell the truth and he wouldn't do so if he knew. He hates the truth. He despises it because it means that the truth about him would come out and his lies would all be exposed and his power is in the lie and in the lie standing. Being under oath would mean nothing to themuslimvileone. Remember, it's okay for Muslims to lie if it helps you accomplish your goals as a Muslim. Destroying America was themuslimvileone's goal so lying was approved of by his religious beliefs. He did nothing wrong in his own mind and belief system. He feels no guilt. He could pass a polygraph test (lie detector test) with flying colors because he doesn't believe his lies to be lies, but rather, a way to accomplish his goal: destroying the "Great Satan" and killing the country with the most "infidels". So, Ann, although I agree with you, I don't believe for a nanosecond that it would accomplish anything besides impressing the left with how well he lies under oath. April 5, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Our Border Patrol heroes are going without training and gear while their high-muckety-mucks are holding a "leadership meeting" in the Caribbean? Yep. That's the way themuslimvileone set them up. For those actually on the border, no training and no gear means no enforcement unless they wanted to risk their lives confronting the illegal aliens invading our country. While the big wigs enjoy the Caribbean, they go without. That's just wrong. It doesn't make their jobs any easier to have their bosses in the Caribbean spending their budgeted money on extravagances instead of safety gear for them. Meanwhile, in TX the Travis County "Sheriff" refuses to obey "ICE detainer requests" (ICE is Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and when they tell a Sheriff to detain someone, the Sheriff is supposed to do so. Refusing to do so 204 times is ridiculous and that "Sheriff" needs to be removed from office and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I hope Pres. Trump makes an example of this "Sheriff" and does prosecute "Sheriff" Sally Hernandez and I hope she winds up in prison for ten years. Then he can go after other "Sheriffs" who are refusing to honor their oath of office and "protect and defend the U.S. Constitution" and American citizens! April 5, 2017 pelosipig: She has lost all of her marbles. She's looking for them, but what's left of her brain probably doesn't even recognize what a marble is anymore. Now, she's attacking Ivanka Trump for no reason, and she's showing how "leftism" is her life's blood. If I were her constituent I'd be so ashamed of her that I would work to recall her and get her out of office ASAP. She's an embarrassment and nothing more. She turned a blind or approving eye to everything themuslimvileone did to destroy America, but she says that Pres. Trump is "'not acting in the interest of the American people.'"? She's got to be brain dead or just as evil as themuslimvileone; or, most likely, both. April 5, 2017 The Loonie Left: False outrage is a tool that often backfires. How long will it take for false outrage to backfire? The loonies are out there, folks. They like to stir up trouble to bring attention to themselves. That's rather like poking a viper until they get bit. Let's hope someone has the anti-venom available: a swift kick in the butt and a good, hard look at reality. Morons. April 5, 2017 My last link for today is that I agree: Conservatives SHOULD celebrate Pres. Trump! We should support him, celebrate him and do what we can to stand up for him to our friends and family. He is doing good things. Let's help that happen! April 5, 2017 That's all for today. I have things to do so I'm going to go do them. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! April 4, 2017: 12:32 p.m. Missed yesterday because my son asked me to find something online for him that I thought I could find in five minutes. Wrong. I looked all day for it and never got just the right thing. I found something close, but to get what he actually was hoping for would have cost over $100 and he didn't want to pay that much for it. My challenge is often the fact that I don't like to give up on something that I'm sure I can do, find, accomplish, whatever. You've seen the T-shirts: "I'd stop drinking coffee but I'm not a quitter."? Yeah. Me, too. So I'll get started for today and my son isn't going to ask me to find something for him today. April 4, 2017 Our friends at Judicial Watch have gotten their hands on more than 6,900 pages of additional documents not given to the Congressional investigation and that shows that even though themuslimvileone's IRS changed the methods they used to target Conservative groups and prevent their receipt of any kind of non-profit status, they continued to do so after it was discovered. They just used different methods to determine how to slow or deny their applications. Isn't that just what we would expect themuslimvileone and his ilk to do? April 4, 2017 Now we have proof that it was themuslimvileone's National [In]Security Advisor who unmasked the Trump team's names and all of the resulting illegal activities of themuslimvileone's team. Pres. Trump's people did nothing wrong. What was wrong was the illegal unmasking of the American citizens that themuslimvileone's team made happen so that they could leak things to the press and try to destroy Pres. Trump and any hope he ever had of winning or of a successful presidency. She's so nasty and underhanded that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) likened her to "Typhoid Mary". I'd say combine "Typhoid Mary" with the Mrs. O'Leary's Cow (of Chicago fire fame). She's that bad. Of course, all of the prominent dumboRATS of the last twenty years have been just like her. The msm is trying their darndest to protect her and her boss, themuslimvileone, via instructing their viewers to ignore the story! That's very telling! When you have a "news" organization -- cnn -- telling its viewers to ignore the truth what does that tell you? It tells you that you are not getting the truth from them. They don't care what the truth is, they care that they get to tell you what to see, think, believe, feel. That's their truth. Control is what it's about. They want to control you into thinking the same way they do, believing what they believe, and voting the way they want you to vote. None of that has anything to do with the truth, which is what a "news" organization is supposed to be about. When I took journalism, it wasn't about telling people to be like me; it was about the "Five W's and the H": Who, What, When, Where, Why and How". That's what we were supposed to write about, not telling our readers to ignore the truth. They want you to ignore the evidence that themuslimvileone is behind this Russia story, and just believe everything they tell you. Can you imagine real jouranlists doing that? cnn is nothing but a dumboRAT talking head show. April 4, 2017 The EU is slitting its own throat and committing its own conquests via bringing in Muslim immigrants. They're defeating their own countries, culture, people and political processes. That's just idiotic, stupid, ignorant, lame, brainless, etc. They're telling countries that they have to accept mass migration into their countries or they must leave the EU. I'd be outta' there so fast their heads would spin off! I hope France's Frexit happens as Marie Le Pen wins and takes France out of there and saves their country. Six years from now the rest of the EU will be Muslim and regretting having not seen it coming. Blind and stupid leading the blind and ignorant always ends in disaster. April 4, 2017 Illegal Alien Invasion: Let's do this! Extreme vetting is something we need to do! I like this! Let's get this going! April 4, 2017 MAGA: Since Pres. Trump took office we've watched and cheered as he has kept his promises (or tried to -- "ROTTENCare"), he's met with business leaders who have promised to bring or keep jobs here in America, sighed with relief and contentment as his team has undone a lot of what themuslimvileone has done and now the trade gap is shrinking and that means good things for America, too. We should all be cheering and happy and celebrating. Too bad the other side won't see the good he's doing because he doesn't wear Chairman Mao pantsuits. Maybe if he put one on? Another promise he has kept is that he is defunding another U.N. organization and not giving it anymore of your taxpayer dollars! They're defunding the "the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) 'supports, or participates in the management of, a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.'"Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! I love it! Oh, and just in case you didn't see it: the border wall bids are due in TODAY! Yep. Another promise being kept. Love it! Something else to love: illegal immigration is down 67% since Pres. Trump took office! Excellent!
April 4, 2017 Contact lenses that tell you when you're sick? What if you can't wear contacts? I used to, but now I can't. I don't think I'd trust all of this. I just don't think it's going to be a good thing. April 4, 2017 themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX: I want it gone. G.O.N.E. Gone. I want nothing of it to remain except the bad memories so that we may learn from history and not repeat it. If Pres. Trump is going to get the Freedom Caucus to go along then he's going to have to do something more "intriging" than offer to allow states to get rid of two of the provisions of this crap law. We need to get rid of all of it not part of it and then leave the states to figure out the rest of it. If there's going to be a federal law it has to be applied equally across the board and that means that States can't say, "Oh. Federal law? Let's leave off this part and this portion here. We just won't do that." It's either a law or it's not a law, applying it partially in Oklahoma with parts F and H gone, but in Florida parts B and X gone, and in Ohio parts W and M gone is no way to have a law! It's a law or it's not a law. Which is it going to be? Federal laws are not salad bars. We don't choose what we want. We get the law as is, across the board, no substitutions. After all, either we're all equal under the Fourteenth Amendment: "Section 1.So we are either under the law's "equal protection" or we're unequal via states picking and choosing. Which is it? Come up with something better. Do away with the whole thing. I support the Republican Congressman, Mo Brooks, repeal bill. One sentence and it's completely gone. Let's do this!
April 4, 2017 themuslimileone's taxation of Americans is still being felt and having a huge negative impact on Americans, even those who became Americans via immigration. For instance, U.K. politiician, Boris Johnson, is leaving us (SOB! BooHoo! Weep. Weep. Weep. Sarcasm.) because of the taxes he'd be paying here. He likes the idea of keeping as much of his money as he can, as do most people. With themuslimvileone's tax policies in effect he can't do that so he's outta' here! Lah-ti-froggy-dah. I get it, really I do, but who needs foreign nationals who become Americans so that they can save their own pounds, shillings and pence? What I would prefer is someone who wants to come to America, integrate into our system, our way of life, our beliefs and become Americans. If all they're trying to do is save their money, who needs them? We need people to come here and become us; not fakers like the current onslaught of Muslim immigrants who want to change us into them. We have no need of that. We don't want that. April 4, 2017 Fake News: Of course, it's not Breitbart that has it. That's who they always point the finger at when the lefties/progressives/liberals are crying about it. They point and scream, "Squirrel!" but the truth is that it's abc who has fake news, along with the other "alphabet channels" like cnn, cbs, msnbc, etc. They don't mind telling you a lie if it makes someone they despise look bad. They'll carry that lie to their graves with their chins held high because they're actually proud of the lies they tell if it will condemn a good cop via their lies? The msm doesn't care about his rights, freedom, family, reputation, or anything else that has to do with right and wrong. They wanted to frame a cop. They succeeded. Nothing to see here, folks. Move on. They are also trying to frame Pres. Trump for doing something that is totally legal and ethical in that he can take as much of his money out of his blind trust as he wants. There's nothing wrong with it and there's nothing illegal about it, so the lefties/progressives/liberals are trying their darndest to make it into a big dippy deal. Don't fall for the lie that it's illegal and wrong. Pres. Trump is doing nothing wrong in accessing his own money. Period. April 4, 2017 I have to admit that when I heard about this story a few days ago, I was honestly flabbergasted. After a few days of letting it sit with me I think I've found the very definition of the lefties'/progressives'/liberals' reaction proves they are the very definition of CRAZY. I will no longer ask if they're insane. I think they've absolutely proven it. I don't think my hubby has ever had dinner alone with another woman who wasn't a relative. I can't swear to it, but I can't think of a single instance in all of our years of marriage that he has done anything close to that. VP Mike Pence and his wife are guarding their marriage and that makes leftis/progressives/liberals cray-cray. Marriages should be more like the clintOOn marriage, the abedin/carlosdanger marriage, the Michelle Kwan marriage? The left is deranged, insane, immoral and immature. I hope and pray that the Pences keep up their marriage-guarding behavior. It's a great thing! April 4, 2017 England's PM May: Wow. She's not politically correct, is she? She's jumping down the throats of the National Trust for dropping the word "Easter" from their annual "Easter Egg Hunt". I agree with her. There is no reason at all to have an egg hunt if it isn't for the "Easter" part of it. Otherwise, why hold it at this time of year, and why eggs, and why do all of the regular "Easter" stuff if you're going to drop the "Easter"? PC has gone way too far here and it needs to be kicked out on its furry little bunny tail. Return "Easter" or stop doing the egg hunt at all. April 4, 2017 Peace and Tolerance: The St. Petersburg bomber was Muslim. Yet another proof that Islam preaches, teaches and encourages violence toward non-believers. If you are not Muslim, you are an "Infidel" and although Ahmed the Dead Puppet Terrorist of Jeff Dunham fame says it as a joke, the real life Muslims will actually kill you. It's taught that if they do so and kill themselves in the meantime they will go to heaven. Fourteen more people died and forty-nine others were injured so that the world will learn that Islam is neither peaceful nor tolerant and we had better beware of it and stop it in its tracks before it is too late for us all. If this is peace to them then why are we saying we are at war with only ISIS? They kill anyone in the way, it doesn't matter who they are, as long as ISIS wants to do so, they'll kill. They'll even use chemical warfare to kill those in their way if that is what it takes. Islam: an organization devoted to killing and power. It's not worthy to be called a "religion" with the kinds of followers it has designed. Oh, and insult the "prophet" and you DIE! Peace and tolerance. April 4, 2017 Being a GIA certified AJP, gemstone collector and lover of jewelry, this little ditty interests me. The Pink Star diamond sold for $71.2 million and at 59.6 carats of natural pink, internaly flawless (IF clarity rating), "Fancy Vivid" gorgeousness it rocks me! I've wanted a natural pink diamond for a long time. Most pink diamonds are heat treated and their color isn't as subtle, as pastel as a natural pink diamond. Heat treated diamond colors are more harsh, so I want a natural pink; even a tiny one will do. I would love to see the Pink Star diamond in person some day. I'd love to loupe it. I'm sure I'd have to wipe the drool from my chin and chest afterward, but it would be awesome to do so, surrounded by armed guards, of course. Not that they'd have to worry. I'd never steal it, but, drool may just spill over onto it and they may have to clean it afterward. April 4, 2017 I'll close with that bit of drooling info for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice -- Jesus Christ -- given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! March 1 to April 3, 2017 I don't know what happened to these days. I will continue to search for them and when/if I find them I will return them to their proper place. This irritates me. I know I had a glitch during this time, but I remember having all of the days still. Where they went, I don't know. I'll keep trying to find them. February 2017 February 28, 2017: 2:34 p.m.   Wow. Can you believe it's already the end of February? Time flies when you have a good man in the Oval Office. America is more upbeat now and the country has real "Hope" and real "Change" from the former administration's destruction of the American dream and the American promise. I'm so glad that Pres. Trump won! February 28, 2017   thevilegeorgesoros:   I've said it before and I'll say it again: he is an evil, despicable, vile, horrible, greedy, heartless man. He has been trying to destabilize Macedonia (with themuslimvileone's help, of course) and he's behind the anti-Pres. Trump protests. He's so greedy, selfish and narcissistic that he thinks the only thing that matters in the world is what he can do to get himself more money. He will burn in hell with that attitude and I'm hoping that if he doesn't change his ways and accept Christ into his heart as his Lord and Savior that he will burn in hell with his money burning with him. He needs to realize how little money means in the long run. Remember: In heaven we walk on streets of gold, not because it's such a ritzy neighborhood but because GOD is illustrating for us just how little gold and other wealth-related items (walls will be made with precious gemstones, etc.) mean when you are in the presence of GOD, His love and His grace. That may be something thevilegeorgesoros will ever understand and may pay the ultimate price for his love of money which is the root of all evil. If this Bible verse is not perfectly illustrated in this creep (and in the clintOOns and themslimvileone, pelosipig, etc.) then there can't be a perfect illustration of it. February 28, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   Pres. Trump is good for America and the Consumer Confidence Index shows it. It's up again and we're seeing it and feeling it across the nation. I think it will jump again after his speech tonight and I think America will appreciate his inviting the widows of slain law enforcement officers to that speech. I think it matters when the president honors law enforcement, instead of ridiculing them. Now all Pres. Trump has to do is bring the RINOs like ROTTEN ryan into line. We need to get ROTTEN out of power. He needs to go yesterday [sic]! He is ROTTEN to the core and he's bonehead boehner's puppet. We all know that the crybaby bonehead was the kiss butt of themuslimvileone and other dumboRATS so to have his marionette in power is a problem. We need ROTTEN gone! We also need to have another SCOTUS vacancy so that Pres. Trump can appoint at least one more in the mode of Justice Antonin Scalia (a strict originalist). We could have more FREEDOM and less government intrusion if we could get at least one more SCOTUS justice. Two more would be even better! February 28, 2017   Really? A bunch of fuss over this? After themuslimvileone put his feet on the Resolute Desk? The Resolute Desk has a real history to it and it is made of wood, not something that should be used as a foot stool, but respected if only for its age. They didn't complain when he did that. February 28, 2017   Fake News:   Hey, cnn. Check the law. Being an ILLEGAL ALIEN means just that: ILLEGAL. You can't make it okay! BTW, speaking of FAKE NEWS, those of you who get your "news" from places like politifact are getting fake news. They say that Pres. Trump's deficit reduction info was correct then rated it "Mostly False". Huh? When Pres. Trump says something that is true they just can't admit it, and they have to label it "Mostly False" that tells you beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are more partisan than factual. They don't care about the facts but they do care about who is stating those facts. Fake news is the result. Hypocrites. If the TRUTH is dependent upon who is speaking then people are not interested in the TRUTH. The earth is spherical, no matter who says so. If Pres. Trump said so would the left/progressives/liberals deny it? Probably. February 28, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Never one to let tradition override his ego, he's not going to keep his big mouth shut even though that's the tradition. He needs to abide by the tradition if he doesn't want to make himself look even worse. Him getting active and spouting off about things will only make him look petulant and spoiled, but what else would we expect from a grown man who acts more like a spoiled rotten three-year-old? February 28, 2017   Remember when themuslimvileone was ACORNed into office and the House and Senate vowed to work with him? Well, they did and America suffered because of it. Now the shoe is on the other foot and dumboRATS need to work with Pres. Trump but they vow not to. They're only shooting themselves in the foot. But when you're as "incompetent" as pelosipig you don't care that you're shooting yourself in the foot, you just keep shooting. February 28, 2017   Are you or your children (or grandchildren) totally addicted to technology? If so, you may have "nomophonia" or any of the four new technology-related diseases. Can you imagine? February 28, 2017   February 28, 2017   Well, my hubby will be on his way home soon so I shall go. Back tomorrow, barring unforeseen circumstances. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 27, 2017: 3:30 p.m.   Missed Friday because my hubby, bro-in-law and I went down to the Ft. Lauderdale/Miami area and did some birding for two days. We didn't see as many of our "target" birds as we hoped, but we saw others that made up for it. I got at least three "life birds" (first time I've seen them since I started birding) and even my hubby and brother-in-law saw at least one or two life birds each. Pretty good trip. February 27, 2017   Planned AbortionHood:   There are a lot of problems with abortion clinics. Abortion monster kermit gosnell and others like him, like this guy in CA who seems to be as big a danger to mothers as to babies. The "fake news" people help these monsters keep killing people -- women and babies -- and they know that they're LYING to people but they don't care. Abortion -- baby killing -- is their one test for whether to support anything or anyone and if they have to LIE to make sure that the babies DIE, then so be it. They would rather LIE to everyoe than do or say anything that would save one child's (or woman's) life. Abortion is evil and it's murder. Those who deny that deny science. Science says that a single cell can be alive and all children start with at least two cells -- one from the Dad and one from the Mom -- so why is a human baby not defined at conception as life? It has all of the cellular activity of a human, so why is it that a baby is not defined as human until after the mother decides she wants it, or until after birth? "Science" supporting abortion is politics disguised as "science" and those who support abortion LIE to keep it that way. Killing babies is the left's/progressives'/liberals' touchstone. Without it they will die like those they hope to abort. Let's make that happen via educating women and girls as to what abortion actually does and let's make America PRO-LIFE again! February 27, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   Pres. Trump promised to "Make America Great Again" and a lot of people are watching his actions since taking office and 60% of us have "Hope" and are appreciating the "Change". People are believing in Pres. Trump and they're optimistic about America because he's undoing what themuslimvileone did to America. That's a very good thing. He's taking federal hands off of decisions that the states should be in charge of and telling governors to make those rules. That's a necessary thing because federal government intrusion into state affairs abounded in the last administration. The closer to home the decisions are made the better, in most instances. He's also doing something that was absolutely necessary: allowing voter ID laws to be enacted by the states, which restores election integrity. That's been needed for years! I hope Florida soon enacts voter photo ID laws, too. Then that they crack down on the fake ID industry that will immediately flourish (probably already does) in all states who enact those laws. He's putting together a budget that rebuilds our national defense system, including rebuilding our military. That's also necessary because themuslimvileone weakened our military and did all he could to leave America defenseless. For those of you who are still saying that the Russians helped Pres. Trump win the election, there is still no evidence of such a thing happening. Remember all of the voting machines that changed Trump votes to clintOOn votes? If the Russians has helped elect Pres. Trump why change Trump votes to clintOOn? That's not a good way to help Pres. Trump get elected, now is it? Come on, people. Use some common sense, please! Meanwhile, look for more fake news to LIE to you because he blasted them at CPAC during his speech. They're angry that he's calling them out and they hate that he has their number and that he doesn't fall for their kissing up and backstabbing. The backstabbing he expects and the kissing up he distrusts, which means that he sees right through them and they hate that. He's smarter than they thought he was and they don't like that they have less power now and that Pres. Trump is diminishing their power further by educating the American people about how the msm LIES to them. He's good. He's good. February 27, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   I think that Congressional junkets should be cut to a mear NOTHING and ZERO budget for it and if Congressmen want to travel to get info they either use a military plane that is already going there and they stay at a hotel they pay for and that if they want to travel that way for their job it's okay with me. As it is, we're paying WAY TOO MUCH for taxpayer-supported travel. Make them do teleconferences, travel on military transport, stay in hotels that THEY pay for without giving tehmselves a pay hike for travel expenses. We already pay them enough. We shouldn't have to foot the bill for them to go galavanting the globe and staying at the Ritz so that they can "hold meetings". It's more important that they save us money than that they impress "Joe Kvankialiaona" (made up name as far as I know) by buying him supper that cost us big bucks we could use to put shoes on our children's feet! February 27, 2017   Question: Will California (soon a separate nation?) ban cell phones if the government report does NOT have the damaging information in it they want it to have? Or will they say, "Oh. False alarm." and let it go at that? My guess: They'll try to ban them anyways because they don't believe anything that doesn't agree with the things they want to be true. Would it surprise anyone? February 27, 2017   "When once you practice to deceive..." it catches up with you. I'm sorry for her but not so much that I want to pay her rent. I'm sorry that she chose to embarrass herself as she did. I'm sorry that she chose to deceive so many people. I'm sorry that she chose to use race as a tool for self-enrichment instead of telling the truth about her own race and just helping people. But, like the Cheekbone Cherokee, she chose to LIE to get what she wanted and to use the race card against those who didn't agree with her, and to further her own careers on the backs of those she alleged to be. She chose one of the worst lies someone can tell to make more money and more fame for herself. That's pretty despicable and probably why the "only" job offers she's getting are not the kind of jobs she wants. She brought it upon herself but I don't understand why. February 27, 2017   I STAND WITH ISRAEL:   More vandalism in a Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia makes me wonder if this uptick in anti-semitism is related to themuslimvileone's importation of Muslim illegal immigrants. The incidents have been on the rise since we've been invaded so it seems to me that there could be a correlation. I also think it's time for Holocaust denying books to be taken off of store shelves worldwide. I think it's time for the TRUTH of the Holocaust to be acknowledged by EVERYONE worldwide: America to Japan, Norway to Germany, Africa to Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia to Morocco. It's a FACT that Hitler rounded up Jews and put them into "concentration camps" (AKA death camps) and gased them, let his barbarians experiment on them, starved them, used them for forced labor and forced sex slaves, did horrible, unthinkable things to them just because they were Jews. We have the proof in the pictures our own liberating troops took as well as the actual buildings that were built for the purpose, and the eyewitness accounts of the survivors, the papers of the Nazi regime and the testimony of the trials held at Nuremberg, Germany. Denying the existence and TRUTH of the Holocaust is like denying the world is a sphere. You can say it all you want but that doesn't mean you're correct. It's time the TRUTH prevail. It's time that publishers STOP publishing books denying the Holocaust. It's proven historical FACT. Accept it. February 27, 2017   I hope that Pres. Trump does fire this guy. If he's "abusing his authority" (and every day he goes to work he is doing so because he has no CONSTITUTIONAL authority according to one judge's ruling) he needs to go; like, yesterday. He probably should have never been given the job in the first place because the job should have never been created. themuslimvileone did a lot of creating new federal positions that should never exist and giving power to his cronies via those jobs. Now it is time to clean house, sweep out the leftovers and dust bunnies (those who do nothing at work but show up, like the U.S. Postal Service employees. It's time to vacuum out the dust bunnies, chop off the dead wood, fire themuslimvileone sycophants and "Make America Great Again!" Let's DO THIS! February 27, 2017   "Higher Edumacation" [sic]:   Parents, why send your children to a ridiculously expensive "institution of higher learning" (college) if they're going to get so "edumacated" that they believe their college loans will be forgiven? Why? They are certainly not being taught there how the real world works. You know, the real world in which a bill is a bill and your pay can be garnished for it, your house can have a lien placed against it, your car can be repossessed when you don't pay the bill for it? Yeah. That real world. If the "college" you're paying for your child to attend is teaching them that their student loans are not a bill and that the cost will be forgiven, then why are you taking out a second mortgage in the first place? Why not just tell your kid to show up and tell the college that they're going to attend classes but that no one is going to pay anything for that privilege since the loans would all be forgiven anyways? See how Harvard, Yale, UCSB, UM, or even a local community college handles that. I dare you. Tell your kid to just show up and tell them they're not going to pay. Let's see what reality check happens. February 27, 2017   I better go. Hubby's on his way home and I prefer to be with him than to sit here typing. Back tomorrow, barring unforeseen circumstances. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 24, 2017: 1:00 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and that means it's time for my weekly tribute. This week it's "Tribute To Our Heroes 308: Sweetpea Madeline". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! Please remember that I won't be doing updates today due to an event I have to go to. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your weekend! February 23, 2017: 2:27 p.m.   Today's posting will be (except for Flag Friday tonight) it for this week. I'll be busy tomorrow so there will be no Friday updates. February 23, 2027   February 23, 2017   How about that? Someone else who thinks that Pres. Trump is going to be able to appoint another SCOTUS justice. I didn't think Ted Cruz would be agreeing with me on anything. February 23, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   With ROTTEN ryan in the Speaker's seat, and him being bonehead boehner's puppet, when bonehead says it's not going to be repealed is that because he instructed ROTTEN ryan to make sure it doesn't? Remember, he is the string-puller on ryan, the puppet-master and when bonehead speaks, ryan listens. Bonehead just told ryan to NOT repeal it. Isn't that sweet? The House is lagging while the Senate is roaring, ready to go. ROTTEN ryan is the plug, at bonehead's behest? Remember, that Pres. Trump did an Executive Order telling the IRS: "To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) and the heads of all other executive departments and agencies (agencies) with authorities and responsibilities under the Act shall exercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act that would impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications. [my bolding]"I'm tempted to include a note to the IRS in my tax return telling them to keep $150 of my expected return because I don't have themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX on a family member that the law demands be covered. We've paid the penalty for the last two years. I think that the $150 is a reasonable compromise and it meets the requirements of both the law (I would be paying a fine) and the Executive Order (the IRS would be obeying the President by accepting my offer). Win/Win. Now I just gotta' talk my hubby into it. February 23, 2017   James O'Keefe just put a bounty on the msm. He offered a $10,000 bounty on their heads. He also released 119 hours of cnn recordings that may or may not have some bad things in it. There's more to come but right now people are pouring over it them in the hopes of finding the smoking gun that will put cnn on notice that we've got their number. I think they should be sweating bullets about now. If they're not, they may be regreting it. I love James O'Keefe. February 23, 2017   The dumboRATS are so lame. They've lost and can't figure out why, nor how to handle the loss. They are clamboring to find relevance again, struggling with the fact that they see power slipping through their fingers and they can't get a grip to hold onto it. They're so desparate to hold on that they're talking about impeaching Pres. Trump. Sounds to me like they forget that the House and Senate are both Republican controlled. Yes, the Senate has more RINOs than it should, but the dumboRATS are really dreaming if they think the American people will allow them to impeach Pres. Trump. February 23, 2017   Why do parents spend money on sending their children to idiot liberal colleges? Why? They learn things like wanting safe spaces where no whites are allowed. Really. Why spend money sending your children to learn idiocy like that? It's not just wrong it's stupid. February 23, 2017   Speaking of stupidity, I wonder if this was some of that or if it was someone making a point. Someone set up a "free food cart for black people only". How much you wanna' bet you'll see the reactions on YouTube before long and -- if they're trying to prove a point -- you'll see the outrage of discrimination, or if they're trying to say people are racists, you'll see the video edited to show people hating on blacks. Which is it? We'll soon find out I bet. February 23, 2017   Pres. Trump has issued 73% fewer regulations than themuslimvileone's daily average in the last two months of his administration. Remember, some of the fewer regulations he did put into place were regulations that got rid of the regulations already in place. Pres. Trump promised to cut regulations by 75%. Let's see how long it takes for the lefties/progressives/liberals to start crying about it. February 23, 2017   Talk about nerve. The lame mccAIN'T is acting as though he won, visiting Syria -- and our troops -- as though he were sworn in on Jan. 20th. It's disgusting. He bowed out last year, lost eight years ago and bowed out previous years. It's time he stop trying to undermine Pres. Trump and start helping Pres. Trump implement his agenda as America wanted him to do. February 23, 2017   IF -- big IF -- Le Pen does what she has promised to do (as Pres. Trump is), then I hope she wins "bigly" and that she sends immigrants back to their home country and that she takes France out of the EU and that she puts her country's sovereignty ahead of political correctness and ahead of being "nice". It's time France learn how to NOT surrender at the first sign of resistance. Marie Le Pen may be the person who teaches them how. At least, I hope so. February 23, 2017   NC billboard making people angry. Sounds like people don't like free speech in NC. They don't like men being told to be responsible and they don't like women being told that they should appreciate it. I think it's a message that needs to be sent. What gets people's knickers in a twist over that? I don't know. February 23, 2017   Well, hubby's home soon so I'll be going. Remember Flag Friday tonight and no updates tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 22, 2017: 3:44 p.m.   Got to looking at Zulily.com and got very distracted. It's hard to keep track of time when I'm on there, especially when they have brands I like, or crafting supplies. I love to do artsy-craftsy things and I've recently gotten into designing and making my own cards and guess what they have at Zulily today. Wouldn't ya' know it? My sister-in-law is big time into scrapbooking, going on cruises to do so, traveling the country to attend special events and she's so creative that (although I have not seen her pages lately) I bet her stuff is just phenomenal! When she was into quilting she put fabrics together that I didn't think would work until I saw the quilt. They blew my mind. Nowadays, when I find HSN having a sale or craft event, I text her; same with anything else I find on sale for scrapbooking. We kinda' shop together, but we take turns spending more than we should. Sometimes I'm good and sometimes she is, but you can bet it's necessary for us to get those things for our upcoming projects. We need them. It's not an extravagance. KnowhatImean? (Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.) February 22, 2017   themuslimvileone:   If I had to find a story that perfectly sums up the way themuslimvileone's administration treated out American veteran heroes, it would be this story. In May of 2016, a 74 year-old Veteran being SUED by themuslimvileone's administration for putting two small American flags on a Veterans' Affairs building's fence, and for taking a picture of the Veterans' Administration police (Did you know there was such a thing? No? Nor did I.) At the same time as this guy was being arrested and charged, another American veteran hero was detained and handcuffed for holding an American flag above the fence of the Veteran's Affairs office's fence by the same Veterans' Affairs police. This happened in -- surprise, surprise -- California: "Rosebrock, 74, along with fellow veterans, Hayes and others, have been assembling at the site nearly every Sunday and Memorial Day since March 9, 2008, to protest what they believe is the VA’s failure to make full use of the valuable West Los Angeles property for the benefit and care of veterans, particularly homeless veterans.For this a Vietnam veteran was arrested? That's what I will always remember about the way themuslimvileone's administration treated the U.S. military. He abhored them and neglected them and arrested them to prove it. themuslimvileone is despicable. February 22, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   I hope that Pres. Trump listens to Judicial Watch and deletes this regulation that "tries to create an unconstitutional Native Hawaiian Government". The people who pushed for this were trying to divide Hawaii into natives and non-natives via bloodline. That's something called "racist", is it not? Polynesian vs. non-polynesian is how the dividing line was supposed to go; basing someone's ability to participate in votes for that shadow government on who is in your ancestry. That's not just wrong, it's illegal. America is not supposed to base voting rights upon race: "AMENDMENT XVThink about this:
February 22, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Americans don't really want a bunch of illegal aliens to be brought into America, no matter what their age. They just don't want to have to pay for their everything: healthcare, housing, education, food, clothing, etc. Americans are tired of paying for everything for everyone else and not having enough for their own families! Send the illegal immigrants BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM! It's not right to forcibly take from one person so that another person can have 'X' no matter what 'X' is! If person A has a 9-5 job and they're working hard to feed, clothe, house and educate their families and person B wants the same things as person A has, does that give person B the right to say, "Hey, hand it over, dude. You have enough. I want what you have. Give me 20% of your paycheck." Is that fair to person A? If so, why and how? Why do you think it's fair; or is it only fair if person A is not YOU? How is it fair? Is it fair to give to person B because they don't have as much as person A, or should person B be forced to work hard for it because it is better for the development of his personality, his character, his work ethic if we don't just hand things to him because he wants it? I say make people work for the things they want, no matter what they are. If someone wants food, make him work for it. If someone wants housing, make him work for it. If someone wants designer clothing or thrift store clothing, make them work for it! That's what is best for people: develop their work ethic and their character, not their ability to throw a hissy fit until they get what they want! These are not two-year-olds we are dealing with. Give them nothing except a ticket home, and if they are two-years-old, send them home with Mom and Dad where they belong! February 22, 2017   Wait. What? Someone in California has the brains to see the TRUTH? Since when? I thought that was outlawed in California. It's real, though. The Whittier Police Chief said that it was because of Gov. jerry brown's policies of early releasing dangerous felons that a COP was murdered? Kudos to the Whittier Police Chief for stating the obvious and the TRUE, but as I said, I thought common sense and thinking were outlawed. What is he still doing there? February 22, 2017   I love this guy. James O'Keefe is doing yoeman's work and making the lefties/progressives/liberals crazy as he releases the TRUTH about them to the American people and the world. They hate that. That's why I love him and support his organization. Now, he's going to be releasing "hundreds of hours" of cnn TRUTH. I don't know how he's doing this, but I'm glad he's doing it. Maybe it will wake some folks up out there. Maybe it will get through thick skulls that the msm is a lefty/progressive/liberal propaganda machine and nothing more. The msm is so untrustworthy that I don't bother watching them anymore and haven't done so for -- how long has it been? -- about ten years, if not more. I stopped watching "FOX News" (and I use the term "news" loosely) even before we got rid of satellite service and went to HD antenna only. O'Keefe is going to upset the other side and they'll cry foul and run to their safe spaces and whimper and hate (as only the left can do). I can't wait to see it! February 22, 2017   Don't ya' think there are some on the left who need to retire, take a hike, get out of the spotlight because they're only making themselves look worse and worse and worse and worse (I can go on)? Those who come to mind immediately, maxine waters, pelosipig, elizabeth "cheekbone cherokee" warren, al "I'll sue until I win" franken and others on the left. I wish they'd go away and stop humiliating themselves in public. They really do need a muzzle to prevent themselves from saying stupid stuff again and again and again and again (I could go on). February 22, 2017   Pres. Trump is GOOD FOR AMERICA:   Another thing that has been happening -- besides the market hitting new highs, Gitmo staying open and sanity has returned to bathroom rules -- is that Americans are buying homes at faster now than in the last ten years. We have real "Hope" for "Change" again. We are responding appropriately. I love it. February 22, 2017   Well, my hubby is on his way home and I want to get some things done tonight. My bathroom is the next spring cleaning project and I think I'll start cleaning out from under the sink tonight. I like to reorganize things every now and then so this will be my chance. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 21, 2017: 3:48 p.m.   Well, the lefties/progressives/liberals did it. They have claimed another scalp. Milo has resigned from Breitbart. Personally, considering how brash he always has been and how he has always admitted when he said controversial things and owned his words, I believe what he has said about the video being deceptively edited and that he was being taken out of context. If I am wrong, so be it, but I believe that this is a witch hunt based on a false narrative created by leftists/progressives/liberals because Milo was effective against the political correctness of the college clubs that stifle free speech and any possibility of free THOUGHT. Milo encouraged people to think outside the PC Box and when people do so they realize that it is the left/progressives/liberals who are brainwashing them, oppressing them, preventing them from speaking their own minds and only encouraging them to think group-think and to speak-group speech. The left cannot stand opposition and freedom. The left is out to stop anyone from thinking for themselves and from speaking their own thoughts unless those thoughts are considered "correct" and in line with what the leftists/progressives/liberals want people to think/speak/be/believe. Milo taught college and high school students to think; even if it was provocative in-your-face harshness that he used to do so. That's why he was targeted and that's why he had to be taken down. People cannot think for themselves and outside the PC Box. It's not allowed. Freedom be darned! It's conformity they want! February 21, 2017   mitch mcCONnell:   Remember when Pres. Trump was first sworn in and he met with the chinless wonder and was promised support and that they would work with Pres. Trump? Well, of course that was a BIG FAT LIE. mcCONnell is a RINO, dumboRAT kiss-butt who wouldn't be able to make his shaking hand sign anything that was truly Conservative if his life depended on it. He's way too PC to trust with anything at all, much less the future of Pres. Trump's agenda. I hope and pray that mcCONnell with soon resign. It's time he and ROTTEN ryan be gone. February 21, 2017   I think this is funny. Leftists/progressives/liberals who own corporations like burlington and nordstrom's are getting rid of all Trump family products and product lines, but that doesn't stop them from succeeding. Ivanka's perfume is number one on Amazon since the lefties started punishing her for her father's election. Poetic justice? February 21, 2017   I wonder if, after all this bad weather in CA, they're going to look for the country they want to secede from for help in the clean up/rebuilding. I'm guessing they probably will. I think we should say, "Aww... Too bad." They don't want to be part of us, let them stand on their own two feet. Let's see how long they want to secede. February 21, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I'm glad Pres. Trump is doing something to secure our borders and to make America a nation again. Making border security a priority is making America a nation again because if you don't have borders you don't have a nation. Think of it: if you own your house and the land your house is on, that's your property, right? What happens if your neighbor starts telling you that they get to use your land whenever they want for whatever purpose they want? What if they start crossing the property line and start partying on your property? What if they not only party on your property every weekend, but during the week they start gardening on your property and build a shed for their gardening supplies on your property? What if they start walking in your back door as they garden and use your bathroom, raid your refrigerator and use your phone? What if they start watching your television and start pushing you off the couch and then go to your bed to sleep? Is your property truly your property if your neighbor is acting this way? No? Same with the illegal alien invasion. What would you do, though? Go to their house and start watching their television and eating their food, etc.? What if they put an electric fence around their property that they had the control for and locked their doors and windows securely? What if you couldn't get into their property but they had full run of yours? What then? Is YOUR PROPERTY actually YOUR PROPERTY if the neighbor gets to act this way? If not, that is exactly what the illegal alien invasion is doing to us as a nation and what Pres. Trump is trying to prevent. February 21, 2017   themuslimvileone:   He We seem to be finding more bad things he did in his last days as the days go by. For instance, we just found out about the arms he sold to Kenya on his last day in office. Sounds to me like if we follow the money we'll find a friend of his. Betcha' that's what we'll find. The contract will "primarilly benefit [L3's] Platform Integration Division in Waco, Texas" even though the company hasn't made the kind of aircraft contracted. The contract is for twice what a NC company would build the airplanes for, and Kenya isn't happy with that. It's all a puzzle within a puzzle within a conundrum, but that's the way themuslimvileone did things: on the sly and convoluted as possible. February 21, 2017   Let's hope and pray that republiRATS will have the courage to stand up and do what's needed to get Neil Gorsuch approved as the next U.S. SCOTUS justice. I would LOVE to see this happen. Then when rbg goes we'll have another Pres. Trump appointee and then he'll get to do another (at least three total) in the first four years of his presidency. Won't that be great?! February 21, 2017   Well, hubby's home so I shall go. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 20, 2017: 6:08 p.m.   Hubby went to a work related function so I've come back to finish what I started. For instance, that blurb I wanted to do but couldn't find the link for has been found. It is that the IRS has announced a "blind eye" this year for the box relating to whether you have health insurance coverage that meets the requirements. That means that it's still the law that you are supposed to have it, but they're obeying Pres. Trump's Executive Order about finding ways to decrease the fees, penalties, fines, etc., that would result in sticking to the strict letter. Which, in turn, could mean that those of us who refused to buy into a forced situation won't be fined for standing up for our rights to spend our money the way WE chose to, instead of being bullied by the runaway government of the previous administration into purchasing something we didn't want to purchase. Rush Limbaugh, for instance, didn't have health insurance and paid cash for everything he had to have done. He was fined for not having it, too. Now, if you don't tell the IRS (whose business it was NOT in the first place) whether you have health insurance, then they're still going to process your tax return filing and ignore that box. Considering how many insurance companies are no longer participating I can't understand how they can demand you have it anyways. After all, if no one sells shoes in the shape of squares how can you buy square shoes even with a government mandate? It's ridiculous. Also, the IRS has warned people that there is a scam going around in which you may get a call allegedly from the IRS in which they are threatening legal action against you. They instruct you to visit the local office or call them at the number given and then you'll be able to stop any lawsuit against you. Well, the IRS has that scam on file and there are many other scams that you need to be aware of. Remember this: Real IRS communications are in writing. We went through that last year when my hubby may have transposed two numbers in a SS number on our filing. There were something like ten back and forth letters and they NEVER called us. All communications were on IRS official letterhead and had real numbers for calling them. NEVER send anyone money or give them any credit or debit card numbers, purchase gift cards to send them, or anything else over the phone. IF it's the real IRS you can go down to their established offices (no "new" offices that are just being done, or are "branch offices" or subsidiaries or "subcontractors for" the IRS are trustworthy) and talk to a real agent and get things straightened out there. DO NOT give people the chance to rip you off by letting fear drive you. It's 98% of the time a scam so don't panic. February 20, 2017   themuslimvileone:   His "scandal free" administration has yet another e-mail scandal to worry about. This time it's Jeh Johnson, former head of the Department of Homeland [IN]Security (DH[IN]S) and three of his top people who used unsecured servers to send sensitive information. "Judicial Watch previously uncovered documents revealing that Secretary Jeh Johnson and 28 other agency officials used government computers to access personal web-based email accounts despite an agency-wide ban due to heightened security concerns. The documents also reveal that Homeland Security officials misled Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) when Perry specifically asked whether personal accounts were being used for official government business."The "scandal free" administration is FAKE NEWS from LYING kiss-butts. His administration was so scandal-soaked that they'd have to be wrung out for six years to get all of the scandals out! Actually, there are at least eighteen scandals in themuslimvileone's administration and if you add this one, that's at least nineteen scandals! I'd say that was a record, but I think the clintOOns had more. February 20, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Still wondering how anyone can believe that Islam is either peaceful or tolerant considering that they honor murderers and they blame white people for the world's ills. This is a dangerous thing, folks. With the influx of Muslims themuslimvileone brought into the country joining up with Farrakhan's group (infiltrating and then taking it over, mark my words) this could lead to big trouble. I hope law enforcement is keeping an eye on this. February 20, 2017   DumboRATS are playing a dangerous game. They're saying Pres. Trump is mentally ill and trying to invoke the XXV Amendment (25th Amendment) to say that they will remove him from office. What they're not remembering is that Vice President Mike Pence is MORE Conserveative than Pres. Trump and they will not be able to pull the same bull**** twice. Pres. Pence would be a lot more dangerous to their desires than Pres. Trump. Pence has been a governor who supported school choice, coal miners, the Second Amendment, etc. He is the Conservative's Conservative. If the dumboRATS did manage to get rid of Pres. Trump by hook and crook (it would have to be thus), they'd have Pres. Pence to deal with and they'd be having even more panic attacks and need even more therapy and safe spaces. They're dumber than they look. February 20, 2017   How many times have I encouraged you to eat what you like and to bless every bite of food that goes into your mouth? "Healthy living" advocates have said to "eat this, not that" for years then a new study finds that the allegedly healthy is not so healthy and the allegedly bad is not so bad, or even good for you (remember eggs being bad for you?). Now, a new study has found that antioxidants may be bad for you instead of the miraculous wonder drugs they have been painted as for the last how many years. Eat the food you want. Bless it before you eat it. Then you will be healthy because what GOD has blessed CANNOT HURT YOU! Don't be afraid to eat the things GOD blesses. He does not want you unhealthy and He does not want you sick or hurting (Remember that "with His stripes we are healed" (also here) and if you are healed by His stripes how can food He blesses make you ill? Remember that I am not a doctor, so listen to your doctor over me, but take this into consideration while you are talking to your doctor, while you are praying, reading your Bible (I hope you have a Bible.) and while you are considering your food choices. What GOD blesses cannot hurt you because a blessing can't be bad for you. February 20, 2017   I've found a new group that I like: Rebel Media is fun, educational, controversial, and sometimes Conservative. I haven't watched every video so I can't swear that they're always Conservative, but what I've seen so far is pretty good. They don't always cover politics but they do so often enough that I have watched a few of their videos. Warning: sometimes they don't bleep every word that my Momma wouldn't want to hear (and therefore, I would not use), but they do bleep the worst of them in the videos I've seen. Check them out and if you like them subscribe. They're worth a watch. February 20, 2017   I want to close with this for tonight's update, but read below a few blurbs from earlier today.
Just wanted to give you a giggle from Mark Dice before I go for the day: February 20, 2017: 4:04 p.m.: President's Day   Just a few blurbs since I got a late start and my hubby's on the way home already. This morning I heard multiple helicopters overhead and wondered what was up. They stayed overhead for what seemed like a really long time so I got online to see if I could find out what was going on. Nothing was on the news yet. My hubby called later and said he heard at the gas station that it was a bomb scare at Fay Blvd. overpass. Well, nice to know that the Sheriff's Dept. thought it important to notify those of us who live nearby. I live (as the crow flies) less than a football field away from the overpass but no one told me about a possible bomb. Maybe they thought it was just a tiny bomb, not somtehing that could be a danger to the houses nearby. I wonder what it turned out to be? February 20, 2017   What happened to the left's/progressives'/liberals' favorite mantra of "Separation of Church and State"? Do you hear them screaming and crying and finding their safe spaces as a Catholic Bishop (and nowadays, the pope) gets involved in supporting their side? No? Hm. Imagine that. February 20, 2017   The Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) "disinvited" Milo because of his alleged support of pedophilia and NAMBLA-type relationships. Milo, in fact, does not support child rapists and responded that he actually outed three of them. Is CPAC afraid and caving to the PC crowd, or are they just afraid of being targeted by anti-Milo people and because of the possible violence that could accompany his participation they've shaken in their shoes and caved to the threat of violence? February 20, 2017   Is the TSA keeping you safe as you fly around the world? Nope. February 20, 2017   I've made a decision. I will no longer comment on the stupidity coming out of hollyweird and the idiocy that spews from the mouths of elites as they criticize our country, Conservatism, or Pres. Trump/VP Pence. I will not give anymore web space to the likes of those who fly to "global warming" events in private jets after filming three days worth of explosions and car crashes with huge crews of people who had to be trucked out to the location with all of the equipment it takes to film those scenes, then they criticize my beliefs, my country and MY PRESIDENT because they think they're doing so much to "raise awareness" that they are better than us because they get screen time, web space, whatever. All they are is hypocrites and I don't think hollyweird hypocrites deserve space or even the time it takes to type it up. I refuse to give them the time of day. So if you want to see the latest stupidity of the likes of those idiots, please check out other websites. I won't be publicizing them because "Any publicity is good publicity" to them and I refuse to do that. February 20, 2017   john mccain't:   He's such a disgrace. He really should be ashamed of himself. He's doing everything he can to make himself popular with the lefties/progressives/liberals. He should go ahead and change parties. He's been a RINO so long he can't even say the word "Republican" anymore. February 20, 2017   The dead blue bird:   How many companies are currently trying as hard as this one to cut their own throats? They're now "ghost" deleting "offensive" (to themselves) tweets from anyone's account they choose. This is NOT Free Speech, First Amendment protected, but they are doing it anyways. It makes people angry, makes them want to find another venue to speak their minds and they go elsewhere and the dead blue bird winds up losing key people, losing stock profits and losing its users. When you shoot yourself in the heart (think target, kellogs, etc.) you have to expect to have at least some major damage. Why do companies do that? February 20, 2017   Hubby's almost home and I will go for now. There was a blurb I wanted to touch on but I can't find the link so I'll have to skip that one. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 17, 2017: 1:44 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and I forgot to post it after I uploaded it to my Flickr account so I shut my computer down and was about to put things to bed when I remembered and brought my computer back up. So, without further ado, "Tribute To Our Heroes 307: The Metal Knew". Thank you for your service. I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! (Time corrected.) February 17, 2017: 2:03 p.m.   Fake News:   Well, well, well. Yet more LIES from the msm and they wonder why so many think of them as "fake news"? Or do they know they're "fake news" but they used to get away with it and now they're no longer able to LIE to us and that's what is upsetting them? From false news reports about the reserves being called up to help round up and deport illegals to the msm accusing Pres. Trump of antisemitism they LIE, they LIE, they LIE. Even FOX is getting into fake news propagation. FOX claims to be "Fair and Balanced". I have never considered them so. They've always been a little Conservative, but a LOT leftie-liberal. They give so-called "Conservatives" two or three hours a day and that makes them "Fair and Balanced"? Aren't there 24 hours in a day? You take that and divide it in half ("Fair and Balanced") and you get 12 hours, not two or three. What's balanced about giving Conservatives (using three hours as a base) 12.5% instead of 50% of the alleged "Fair and Balanced" bit? FOX is no more "Fair and Balanced" than am I. I have a decided opinion and I have the right to speak my mind and beliefs, thus my website looks as it does. Apply that same idea -- opinions and beliefs -- and you get the truth about who FOX is considering that they give about 78.5% of their time to lefties/progressives/liberals. They LIE to you with "fake news" too. February 17, 2017   Hurray for Boeing! They did great! The people there voted to NOT unionize! That's a good thing! It's a very good thing! They voted overwhelmingly (just over 700 "Yes" votes) to stay non-union. With about 3,000 employees, that's a big black eye for unions. They can't even make it close. It seems most of SC is anti-union since only 2% of the state's employees are unionized. Excellent! Great job, Boeing employees! Very good! February 17, 2017   Woops! Hubby's home. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 16, 2017: 3:27 p.m.   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   Did you have the joy of listening to the President's press conference today? You know, the one in which he again ripped the press? I loved it! "The press has become so dishonest..."THAT is the absolute TRUTH and it's so good to hear the President speak the TRUTH! We didn't have that in the WHOLE last administration! The TRUTH matters and to hear the President speak the TRUTH is so refreshing and wonderful; especially when he speaks the truth about the LYING PRESS. LOVE IT! Pres. Trump also announced another cabinet position and that's good. He has learned that there are intel reports being withheld from him while those in the "intel community" -- the clintOOn and themuslimvileone appointees still in office -- are literally working AGAINST AMERICA and leaking information that some of us consider worth pressing TREASON CHARGES! While Pres. Trump is eating the "so dishonest" press alive, his poll numbers are jumping up. That's because people want to have a President they can trust and that they agree with. We see him doing what he said he was going to (and doing it quickly) and that's making him more popular on a daily basis. He's doing what ROTTEN ryan and the RINOs won't do: keeping his word. Wish ALL Republicans were like Pres. Trump in keeping his word! He's also appointing his own investigator into the leaks and that's a great thing! February 16, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Pres. Trump promised to repeal this piece of garbage and he's trying, but as Ann Coulter points out the republiRATS in Congress passed SIX (6!) repeal bills during his administration but now they can't figure out how to do so? Really? They're dragging their feet and making excuses because ROTTEN ryan is vowing a bill next week but his record isn't real good on keeping his word. His butt-kissing is so annoying and he's kissing the dumboRATs' butts! He needs to be removed from office and become the D.C. streetsweeper. (Although, he'd probably leave half of the papers on the street because someone in the DNC asked him to!) On this issue, Sen. Rand Paul is trying to take the lead and he's trying to drag others along, kicking and screaming, behind him, but they're really not interested although the American people are! They say republiRATS are getting "nervous" about the slow pace of getting anything done. As well they should be because they're NOT doing the will of the American people and that will cost them! America is tired of the butt-kissing and the deal making and the "reaching across the aisle". We want to MAKE America GREAT AGAIN! Let's stop delaying it! Get rid of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX and let's get back to FREEDOM in choosing our own healthcare insurance and make it possible for us to do so without limits! Let us choose across state lines (increases competition nationwide), let us choose the kind of coverages we want (improves competition of program choices) and let us choose whether to have a deductible that's high, low, medium and who gets covered on it as long as WE are willing to pay for our choices: key word OUR. Let's do this! February 16, 2017   February 16, 2017   $$$$$ Stock Market $$$$$:   WOW!!! Since Pres. Trump was elected, the stock market has gained $2 TRILLION! Do you know what that means for 401Ks, etc.? That's amazing! It's been great! Thanks, Pres. Trump! You've been good for America! February 16, 2017   Why is it that there are people out there who think nothing of hurting people and animals? They behave as though they don't know right from wrong and they wouldn't care if they did. These three men behaved that way. They are ridiculously callous in the treatment of not just a turtle, but also the man who tried to stop them from hurting the turtle. It's hard to imagine what the souls of those men looks like, how hard their hearts. How can they do that? Who raised them? What were they taught to be able to misbehave like that? Pray for them. Their souls are in need of it. I wish they had met this squirrel before killing that turtle. It may have been a deterrent! February 16, 2017   thevilegeorgesoros:   Talking about hard heart and dark soul, this guy tops the list! He is evil, vile, destructive, hateful of America, the definition of greed and avarice. He's also a politically destructive entity who thinks that if it benefits him, his wallet and his beliefs that's all he seems to care about. Look at all of the bad he's done to other countries and to America and you can see how horrible he is. For instance, he's behind the "tax day protests" and he's paying people to disrupt town halls and break the law to protest Milo's talks. He's despicable and beyond contempt. I pray for his children to be different from their dad, to be kind, generous, Conservative Christians with good souls. Join me in that. February 16, 2017   themuslimvileone:   With the economy that themuslimvileone created we have him to thank for people being "big league" in debt. They had no jobs so it's no wonder people lived on credit cards. Losing your job is no fun but that's what themuslimvileone ensured: a lot of Americans out of work while illegals took jobs Americans could have had. He owes America an apology, but we'll never see that happen. February 16, 2017   The left/progressives/liberals "poo-poo" the idea of voter fraud in America but there has been massive evidence of it for years but they just keep making fun of the whole idea. In the 2016 election we have an illegal alien who can be deported (according to a court's ruling) because she committed voter fraud. We know it happened more than once so I think it needs to be taken seriously, not mocked. We must be able to trust our elections or why bother with elections at all? February 16, 2017   Religious Freedom:   In Washington State, they've kissed religious freedom goodbye after their "supreme" court ruled against the CHRISTIAN florist who refused to do the flowers for a "gay wedding". I hope this goes to the U.S. SCOTUS after Gorsuch is sworn in and that the florist wins there. It's not right that someone should be forced to participate in anything unless they already have a signed contract to do so. The florist had no contract; they refused one, but the government in Washington State is so leftist/progressive/liberal/anti-Christian that they are doing their utmost to discourage Christians from being in their state at all! February 16, 2017   Hubby's home. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 15, 2017: 3:14 p.m.   hillclintOOn:   While SoS (with her in office, it meant Save Our States!) she was a threat to America and she should be in PRISON, not considering another run! She was always bad for America (as was her "hard dog to keep on the porch") so why does anyone want to have her as prezidunce? She would have been a disaster! The Court is still allowing discovery or conflicts of interest with clintOOn and the family "foundation" (read: personal enrichment program) and there could still be some charges filed from that. Considering how many times clintOOn LIED to us, about little things like her name and big things like BENGHAZI, which is now admitted to having been a LIE, it's amazing that anyone would still support her. Birds of a feather. February 15, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   How much of YOUR money does it take to proove themuslimvileone was helping Muslims do bad things? He gave them $8.5 BILLION of YOUR money to allegedly stop the cultivation of poppies (from which opium comes) but of course, themuslimvileone didn't tell us that what he was doing was helping them fund the cultivation of poppies. Isn't that wunnerful? Your money going to help grow the plants to get people worldwide hooked on drugs. Can you imagine doing anything more important with YOUR money? (Sarcasm, of course.) February 15, 2017   I Stand With Israel:   Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, is here and it's the first time in eight years that he has felt a truly genuine welcome in the White House. He wasn't ushered in and out of the back door, and he wasn't LIED to but the administration. Now he can believe that America is truly Israel's ally, unlike when themuslimvileone was prezidunce and he would LIE to Netanyahu's face while simultaneously stabbing him in the back. I'm glad Pres. Trump is standing with Israel, too. That's a good thing! February 15, 2017   Pres. Trump's Administration:   The lefties/progressives/liberals/themuslimvileone's supporters still in federal government office are telling every lie they can to take Pres. Trump down and to destroy trust in his administration. The problem is that when those of us who trust Pres. Trump to do what is best and right for America -- and therefore us -- see what the lefties are doing we just shake our heads over them even more. They make bigger fools of themselves and we just shake our heads. When the truth comes out it will wind up that Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn did nothing wrong. They'll find out that the left is spinning it up into more than it actually was -- with the help of the msm, of course. They don't want you to remembeer that themuslimvileone's people were talking to Hamas and Iran during his 2008 campaign, so what's the difference between that and what Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn did? Oh. That's right. Flynn was working for Pres. Donald J. Trump (I still love saying that!). Personally, I think the the Flynn thing was all about themuslimvileone getting him back for being tough on Islam. Read the timeline in that link and you'll see that Flynn said things like: "Flynn told a journalist he was forced out because he opposed [themuslimvileone's] hesitant policy in the Syrian civil war, which allowed the growth of the Islamic State and other radical groups to flourish."That's why I think the lefties/progressives/liberals/themuslimvileone supporters targeted Lt. Gen. Flynn. He stood up to themuslimvileone and we know that's not allowed. Those still in the employ of the secret spy agencies, security agencies, State Dept., NSA, etc., who support themsulimvileone (and hillclintOOn) set this up and they're trying to make it all sound as bad as possible when it probably isn't anything at all. It's a lot of hoopla about nothing. February 15, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   It's over and it's not because of the Republicans hating people and wanting everyone to die as the lefties would have you believe. It's because the biggest insurer around besides the feds, Humana, has announced it's leaving the program. It will no longer be part of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX program. See me smile? Now we have to hope that the republiRATS in the House and Senate will have the courage to get rid of it since that's what America wants. I still think the vast majority of republiRATS need a spinal transplant. It's DYING and everyone knows it so why won't the republiRATS go ahead and take it off of life support? We can't afford it anymore! I won't pay another year's worth of penalties for NOT having it! KILL IT ALREADY! February 15, 2017   Whatever happened to him? Didn't he used to be considered a Conservative? No? Oh. Sorry. My mistake. February 15, 2017   pelosipig:   Can you imagine what kind of expenses we'd have associated with having her in power again if hillclintOOn had won? Remember when she commandered an Air Force plane to use it for her own, personal Air Force One? So now all we have to put up with is her stupidity. She is such a disgrace to her party. She needs to retire and be put into a mental care facility. February 15, 2017   I agree: monopolies are BAD. That's why I want ATT's monopoly on service to our area to be done away with. They have us at their mercy because there is no real competition in this area so they can charge whatever they want after buying everyone else out and monopolizing this whole county. I'm glad Pres. Trump is blocking at least one deal that would result in a monopoly anywhere on anything. February 15, 2017   Thanks to the policies and LIES of themuslimvileone and his administration, America's "economic freedom is at a historic low". Is anyone surprised? February 15, 2015   Isn't it sad to be a leftie right now? (See what I did there?) They're so upset about Pres. Trump that they are saying they won't pay their taxes until he releases his tax returns. They want him to do so just in case they could find something -- anything -- to use against him from his tax returns. This "tradition" didn't start until Pres. Nixon, so it's not something that has been done forever, nor is it a law: "There's no law that requires Trump to disclose the returns, since the papers are considered private information."It's something Nixon did to prove he wasn't a crook. Well, his taxes didn't, but... So let the lefties/progressives/liberals fail to do their taxes. Let the IRS come knocking on their doors and taking them to court. We'll see how long they like their own stupidity then. February 15, 2017   Love TRUMPS Hate?:   No. The left's version of "love" knocks out people they disagree with! That's love? Is that what their marriages are like? Aren't they supposed to "love" their spouse? What if their spouse knocked them out? Would they come to and go straight to bed to have sex with them? Isn't that part of the experssion of "love", having sexual relations? Or would they wake up, call the cops and press charges? It's time for them to define their version of "love", don't you think? February 15, 2017   Really? Really? This will never catch on among the average American woman. American women prefer freedom to the imprisonment of the hijab. We enjoy wearing short sleeves, shorts, and bathing suits to the beach. That's freedom. Being able to wear what I want to wear, go where I want to go (without a male escort) and do what I want to do is freedom. To me, hijabs equal oppression and male control, not freedom. Hijabs won't catch on. NY fashion week just proved they're about the political side of fashion, not about fashion. February 15, 2017   I hope Geert Wilders wins because he has been brave enough to speak the truth about Islam in his country and in the world. He has faced threats, ridicule and all kinds of hatred because he tells the truth and he has stayed strong and still speaks the truth. Strength is needed to be in politics, but he has demonstrated an extraordinairy ability to face the crud and still speak the truth. I support him. February 15, 2017   Do you have a Yahoo.com e-mail account? If so, they've announced another breach and they're warning people about it just now, even though it started in 2015. Timely warning, yes? (Sarcasm.) If you have an e-mail account that is not on a highly secured server (as our government computers should be) do yourself a favor and don't fill out all of the information you have the option of giving them. I give the bare necessities and don't give more information than they absolutely must have for account set-up. That way if someone does breach your account info all they get is the basics. Sometimes that's all that's needed for identity theft, but why make things easier for them to do even more damage? Stick to the very, absolute basics in the info you give anyone. It's better that way. February 15, 2017   Florida legislators are considering a bill to "protect religious experssion in public schools". That means that Christian children would not be punished for praying over their meal, reading their Bibles (or even carrying them) in school, or for organizing a Bible study or Bible club in school. That's a VERY GOOD thing! Hope this passes with flying colors and is so well written that no idiot judge will be able to overturn it! You watch; the lefties/progressives/liberals will do their darndest. Some idiot organization like the "Freedom From Religion Foundation" or some other atheist organization will sue to stop it. I hope they take a copy of the U.S. Constitution and write this bill so well that the lefties/progressives/liberals/atheists can crybaby all they want and it won't make a atom's worth of difference. Let them whine but don't let them take away public school attendees' First Amendment rights! February 15, 2017   Former U.S. Congressman, Corrine Brown's, assistant has pled guilty and may testify against her in the fraud case against her. She had an alleged charity set up, but the money wasn't being used for what it was supposed to be used. It doesn't look good for Brown but let's see what happens. February 15, 2017   Well, I'll close with that for now. Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day. Mine was a little sad. My Mom lost someone dear to her and she called and we talked for a while and it was sad. She is heartbroken and that makes me heartbroken. I did know the person a little, and I know her son is in a bad place right now, so it's not a good situation all the way around. The system let this woman down and she died in her mid-thirties because the system was playing hardball and not giving her the medical treatment she needed. She had heart problems and lupus and diabetes and other things wrong with her, but the system wouldn't pay for her treatment even though she died twice during the health crisis that revealed the lupus about eighteen months ago. It's a very sad story and my Mom helped raise this woman after her Mom kicked her out as a teen, and she's gone because of the federal system trying to keep her health expenses off of their books. That's the truth of the matter. So my Valentine's Day didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. We did go out to dinner and sat by the river and talked as we are wont to do. But this did put a dampner on things. Anyways... Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 14, 2017: 4:49 p.m.   Happy Valentine's Day! I won't be doing updates but I did want to tell you that I appreciate all of you who visit and I am flattered that you choose my website to visit. I appreciate every minute you spend here and I'm humbled by it. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day and that you get to spend it with someone you love. Me? Hubby will be home soon and we have plans. So I wish you joy, happiness and love this Valentine's Day and I'll do updates tomorrow; as long as life doesn't interfere. See ya'! February 13, 2017: 5:06 p.m.   Can't do but a blurb or two today because I had errands to run but I did want to give you the proof that themuslimvileone IS A TRAITOR. He hired Muslims to spy on America's most sensitive information and caused the death or injuries of at least four American Navy Seals. This is themuslimvileone's fault and it is themuslimvileone's modus operandi. He is responsible for betraying America via his hiring practices and via with whom he chose to associate. He should be hung on the highest yardarm! He has been despciable since before he was ACORNed into office and he remains a despicable TRAITOR until this day! Someone, please, arrest and charge him now! February 13, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   What will happen for this year's taxes since Pres. Trump has ordered federal agencies to find ways to not enforce it via his Executive Order to: "[E]xercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act that would impose a fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications."So what do this year's taxes look like for you? For me, we've paid the penalty for two years and I would love to get a refund of those penalties. I'd also like to NOT pay the penalty this year because of Pres. Trump looking out for us. Agree? Hopefully it will be totally gone soon. February 13, 2017   Steve Bannon's Navy service and his disappointment in Jimmy Carter shaped his life. The fact that Carter flubbed the hostage rescue really shaped Bannon's political career and life. Interesting reading. February 13, 2017   Well, hubby just got home. Gotta' go! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 10, 2017: 12:24 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and my offering and thanks to those who serve or have served this week is "Tribute To Our Heroes 306: The Rebel and the Regulated". Valentine's Day is four days away (are you read?) so it's a love story, of course. Thank you -- and your families -- for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! February 10, 2017: 12:41 a.m.   I couldn't wait for this one: Florida lawmakers wanna' ban "sanctuary" anything! Our State House is trying to stop cities, counties, etc., from welcoming illegals and protecting them from deportation! Excellent and good for US! I am very glad and grateful! Let's make this happen! February 10, 2017   Fake News:   cnn's "jokenalists" (as in their "journalism" is a joke) are upset that they're Fake News reporters. They say that calling them that is like saying the "N-word". Boo. Hoo. Poor babies aren't in power anymore because we've seen how they LIE to us and we don't trust them anymore. Now they realize that if we don't trust them we don't watch them, visit their website, follow them on "social media" (anti-social media, more like). My, how jokenalists whine! February 10, 2017   Cheekbone Cherokee:   Speaking of jokes... She is a major one. She doesn't think American companies shouldn't hire Americans. In her book Americans apparently don't deserve to feed their children and pay their bills, but illegals should be able to do so for their families. She's such a fake she pulled a publicity stunt for her book launch via her Senate floor speech. She's ridiculous but she's also a very good picture of what a dumboRAT is nowadays: a liar, publicity hound, do anything to get more money, anti-American and an embarrassment to her skin. February 10, 2017   I support Israel and I hope that Pres. Trump does move the embassy to Jerusalem where it moves. That's what should happen. Why the delay, I don't know. Maybe Pres. Trump should just say, "Go!" and be ready to defend Americans no matter what happens. Let's do this! February 10, 2017   Of course the 9th Circus is going to side with illegals. Did anyone expect anything different? It's all about denying America being America and denying Pres. Trump his rightful authority under the U.S. Code, Title VIII Chapter 12, Pres. Trump has the direct authority to do what he did. The 9th Circus, on the other hand, does not have the authority to do what they did because the previous court didn't have the authority to intervene in the first place. Since when, however, did that stop leftists/progressives/liberals from doing the wrong thing every chance they get? Thank goodness Pres. Trump is fighting back! February 10, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   Meanwhile, the State Department is betraying Pres. Trump and bringing illegals in left, right and center: probably up, down and backwards, too, considering how much the people there have kissed the butts of ketchup kerry and hillclintOOn for the last eight years. They need to all be FIRED! February 10, 2017   Wow. Mississippi! Are they gonna' do this? Death by firing squad? That's radical. May cut down on crime there, but be very certain that you've got the right person. Although, dead is dead so I suppose it doesn't matter too much how you get there. Like I said, it may cut the crime rate, but I can't guarantee it. Ask Chicago. February 10, 2017   Pres. Trump's new FCC CHairman is already trying to save Americans money! I'm happy and impressed! That's fast work and a great idea! February 10, 2017   I think it's possible that the Tesla company is owned by leftists/progressives/liberals. They like to talk the talk but they don't like to walk the walk. Workers are complaining of low pay, long hours and unsafe working conditions. Sounds like the typical hypocrisy of the left. Do they pay everyone the $15 minimum wage lefties like to tout? I doubt it. February 10, 2017   Lefties/progressives/liberals are at it again. They lost but when they lose they don't really like to give the winner his due, as the Republicans did for themuslimvileone. It's crybaby stuff, but they are trying to block another of Pres. Trump's picks. Is it a surprise to anyone? Nope. February 10, 2017   I bet Nordstrom's will regret cutting Ivanka Trump's line. They're going to give her line up and -- because people perceive it as purely political punishment because of her helping her father -- people who support Pres. Trump (and Ivanka) will start buying her clothing line via Amazon.com's Ivanka Trump store or other places. So, Nordstrom, you'll be the loser this time. February 10, 2017   February 10, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Wow. That's icky. Muhammad used to have sexual fantasies about the Virgin Mary. That's according to a hadith that is considered "reliable". For someone who doesn't think that "infidels" are going to be in heaven, why on earth -- or should that be how in heaven -- is Muhammad marry Mary or anyone else he fantasized about, Moses's sister and Pharoah's wife, among others? I think he was a little mixed up. After all, someone in heaven (presumably Muhammad in Islamic belief) can't marry someone in hell, can he? Talk about a long distance relationship! February 10, 2017   Watch out, America! dumboRATS in Congress are trying to undermine national security. Let's hope that this gets nipped in the dumb bud and our nation is kept safe. February 10, 2017   No one allegedly knows what eric holder does for CA. That's easy. Anything he gets paid for: legal or not. February 10, 2017   Well, I didn't expect to do this tonight, but since I did I probably won't be doing updates later unless something really juicy turns up on Breitbart or Drudge or other sites I visit. We'll see. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 9, 2017: 2:01 a.m.   I just finished a blog I feel it's time for others to read. It's available here: "GOD's Protection of Cain". If you're a bigot you need to read it. If you're a racist, you need to read it. If you base your unjustified hatred of others on the Genesis account of Cain and Abel, you need to read it. Remember: If you're slandering GOD's Word, He will not hold you UNaccountable. Repent now. Get right with those you've wronged and with GOD and stop the nonsense. Now is a better time than TOO LATE. February 9, 2017: 3:42 p.m.   AMERICA WINNING!:   Kellogs said late last year that they didn't want to advertise on Breitbart.com anymore because the readership of Breitbart.com does not reflect their company's values. Since then those of us who read and support Breitbart.com have stopped buying Kellogs products. Kellogs' choice to announce their leftist/progressive/liberal leanings has cost it 39 distribution centers and up to 1,100 full time employees will lose their jobs. That's their employer's doing. When you do the "basket of deplorables" thing there is a price to pay; ask hillclintOOn. While I'm not happy about the job losses I believe that with all of the companies pledging to build in America, to create new jobs, etc., those employeees won't be unemployed for long. The blue bird is dying a slow, slow death and it's not getting any better. Leftist/progressive/liberal store, target, is closing stores, too. Remember their bathroom policy? It's causing them to lose money and that's their choice, too. Even better, Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed as U.S. Attorney General today. Add to that the fact that Pres. Trump has announced an upcoming tax cut package and the resulting stocks rising and you have yet another WIN! As soon as Sessions was sworn in Pres. Trump handed him three EOs: "[D]irecting federal law enforcement to step up their efforts against international drug cartels, creating a national task force on violent crime and launching an effort to protect local police from violence."That's another WIN for the American people! Then there's a new poll that shows that America trusts Pres. Trump more than the msm! America and traditional American values are winning, folks! It's all good! February 9, 2017   Question for you: If the White House is "besieged by leaks" is it actually "leaks" or is the White House phone bugged? All of the recent leaks were phone call leaks. If I were Pres. Trump I'd have someone I trust figure out if the phones are tapped. That sounds like it's the most reasonable answer to me. Who is it who did the tapping, though? Is it the FBI, Secret Service, CIA? Whoever it is, the truth needs to be found and found quickly. February 9, 2017   pelosipig:   She has opened her mouth again which means she has embarrassed herself again. Now a Zionist group wants a retraction because of her slander against Steve Bannon, Pres. Trump's advisor. She called Steve Bannon a "white supremacist", which he is not. What in the world was she... Oh. Never mind. Asking what she was thinking would have been a rhetorical question. It's not as if she's even capable of doing so. The people in her district are idiots for electing her over and over and over again. But she does represent SanFran so is anyone surprised? February 9, 2017   The lefties/progressives/liberals hate Jews and Christians to a degree and vehemence never before seen. (Are they learning how to do so from ISIS/Al Qaeda/Islam?) Proof is in the unexpected and decidedly UNconstitutional ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals in the Fourth Circuit. They ruled that a Jewish woman who works for the Airport Authority in D.C. and has taken the last two days of the Jewish Passover off for the last 26 years and was punished for having done so in 2013. That court was so cowardly that: "In a highly unusual move, the court delivered its denial in a so-called 'unpublished decision,' which cannot be cited as precedent in any future cases in that circuit. When the ruling was handed down on January 26, 2017 as 'unpublished,' legal experts opined that the unusual status, 'reduced the likelihood that it would be noticed or criticized by lawyers.'"That court is full of cowards. They didn't want people to know that they had ruled against the First Amendment's religious clause and that they were targeting a Jewish woman. Anti-semitic misogyny doesn't play well in America. BTW, the Fourth Circuit covers Washington D.C. and area in case you were wondering. Hearing the case, shockingly, were a George W. Bush appointee, a George H.W. Bush appointees and a Reagan appointee. What were they thinking? What is it we aren't seeing? February 9, 2017   Woops! Hubby's home. Gotta' go. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 8, 2017: 3:07 p.m.   Do you know that YOUR taxpayer dollars are being given to foreigners so that they can leave their home countries and become refugees? Yep. We're paying for the travel costs of people leaving one country to go to another country -- except, of course, we had no say in it and if we wanted to do some traveling we couldn't do so because our money is being taken from us and used to pay for foreigners to do the traveling! Don't ya' love that? "According to the agency’s website, it spent nearly $545 million 'to provide new beginnings to the world’s most vulnerable refugees' in 2016 and more than $2.8 billion to 'humanitarian assistance overseas.' It provided $103 million directly to the UN’s International Organization for Migration."Isn't that just what you want the government to spend your hard-earned money on: relocating others on your dime? February 8, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   After Pres. Trump was sworn in -- after he won the election (I still love saying that!), actually -- businesses have been vowing to start businesses here, open new plants here, keep businesses here, or to employ new people here in America. It's been amazing and wonderful to watch the prospects for America's great future start shining again! I have been loving it! Another example: Intel vows $7 BILLION AZ investment with 3,000 new jobs! That's so good for America and AZ. It's happening because they believe that Pres. Trump will be good for their business and when it's good for their business it's good for America. Broke companies, companies that are leaving, or over-regulated can't hire because they can't afford to do so. Now business owners have hope and that hope is translating into jobs for Americans. It's all good. Something else he's doing is slowing down the ATT/TimeWarner merger. I think that's a good thing. I like competition and when one competitor buys another it lessens competition and starts down the monopoly road. Here in PSJ we have a problem with that because ATT is our only choice for telephone and internet service. Well, not the only choice. We could go with a satellite service for a whole lot more, or we could go with someone who would charge us for over the phone lines internet service, but we'd still have to pay ATT because it's their phone lines. So they have us stuck and there is no competition. I've tried for years to get out from under the ATT thumb but have yet to find a reasonable alternative. If anyone knows a good alternative for where I live (west of I-95 in PSJ) let me know because I'm so tired of ATT that it's almost palpable. Every month we have to pay that bill it irks me. So, I think Pres. Trump is doing a good thing in preventing the merger. Let's have MORE competition, not less. Meanwhile, the 9th circus court is considering Pres. Trump's Executive Order abotu immigration. If you heard Rush today, he explained the TRUTH really well. The judge who put the temporary restraining order on Pres. Trump's EO was not just wrong, he was breaking the law and made an unconstitutional ruling! He is supposed to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and the laws, but no; he had to be an activist judge and go against the law. He ruled on his own personal feelings and beliefs, NOT on the law. For anyone -- especially members of the House or Senate -- to say that it was wrong of Pres. Trump is an outright LIE. In 1952 the House and Senate were controlled by dumboRATS and it's just wrong for the judicial branch to insert its nose into something they have no authority over. I support Pres. Trump and VP Pence and I think what they are trying to do -- getting blocked by leftists/progressives/liberals a lot -- is good for America. I resent the left's intrusion interferencing into "Mak[ing] America Great Again!" They should give him a chance as we had to give themuslimvileone a chance. Too bad all he did was try to destroy America when he should, but refused to, have done good. February 8, 2017   February 8, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I think that themuslimvileone did our Border Patrol Agents a grave disservice and that he has blood on his hands for the deaths that he helped bring about via Fast & Furious and his "don't fire back" rule and his importation of violent criminals. I don't think this agent would have been assaulted if themuslimvileone hadn't taught illegals that it's okay to do so. I wonder how long the DHS secretary is going to last since he is now saying that defunding "sanctuary cities" (AKA Law-breaking cities) will be on a "case by case basis". No. There are existing laws that say that America's borders mean something and that the laws meant to prevent illegal crossings should be enforced and obeyed by everyone, not just those who agree with it. If the law-breaking city officials think it's okay to only obey the laws they feel like obeying what laws will they stop obeying after immigration laws? Will the Constitutional Amendment against confiscating your property be obeyed? What law will they choose to disobey in order to benefit those who are like them, with whom they agree, etc., next and is your property safe in those cities? February 8, 2017   I'm terrible. I don't feel sad, worried, alarmed, or any other negative feeling about the thousands of dead bees. I don't like bees and I'm not a big fan of honey, so to me, it's not a bad thing. Others say that if the bee goes extinct then we'll starve because I believe the Bible's promise that ""But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."It's not bees who provide for us: It's GOD. So bees can die off en masse for all I care. We won't starve but the alarmists -- who all have the same agenda: CONTROLLING YOU -- are crying "Be afraid! Be very afraid!" It's about controlling you not about the world's food supply. Do you see any of these fear mongers doing anything to help build the food supply or are they all trying to stop you from doing X? See what I mean? February 8, 2017   EU falling apart:   Yet again, Greece is on the brink and the rest of the EU is going to have to bail them out or watch it fail. (I encourage them to do the latter.) It's what Brexit was all about: not having England pay all the bills while the other countries took advantage of the situation. Brits did the smart thing and voted to leave while their parliament is trying to prevent it, not listening to the people's voices. (I wonder if they're actually going to wind up staying, but that is yet to be seen.) Meanwhile, Italy is leaning closer to the EU exit thing, "falling out of love with the Euro" and wishing for the days of the lira. Maybe Italy will be the next country to leave. Maybe it will be France (Yeah, right! They're afraid to leave because they're afraid of everything except sex and croissants -- in that order!) Anyways, the EU is doomed. Between Germany and its faltering economy because of mismanagement and the immigrants merkle keeps kissing up to and the cost of those immigrants, and the Brexit fight and the violence those immigrants bring with them, I predict the end of the year failure. Nice Christmas present for everyone in Europe. February 8, 2017   Whimper. So jealous. February 8, 2017   You need to read this article by David Barton: "Is America a Christian Nation?" Spoiler alert: the answer is a resounding, unqualified, undeniable YES! February 8, 2017   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 7, 2017: 3:08 p.m.   Scam Alert:   I have been intending to tell you about a new scam that has been going on and I just remembered so here it is. You may get a phone call in which one of the first things you hear is "Can you hear me?" or something similar. If this phone call is from a phone number you don't recognize or not from a person you trust just hang up. What is happening is that people are calling, asking that question and then using the recording of your voice saying "Yes" to the "Can you hear me?" question, but they're using that recording after a recording of them asking if they can create a credit card account in your name with your information they already bought, stole, or received one illegal way or another. So, it's up to you to be diligent. Do NOT answer phone calls from phone numbers you do not recognize. Let it go to voice mail and then if they don't leave a message DO NOT call them back if you have that capability. If it's not for nepharious purposes that they've called then there will probably be a message from them. If it's people trying to steal your identity they may leave a message, but it's up to you to discern whether they're good guys or bad guys. Be smart about your own safety and identity security. Don't be scammed. Don't talk to people whose phone numbers are blocked or whose phone numbers you do not recognize. People are not basically nice; if they can take advantage of you some will. Be aware of that and be careful. If you give them an opportunity they will steal you blind, leave you broke and laugh about it as they do so. February 7, 2017   This is why we need to close our borders: Mexican drug cartel has been operating in NC and they were busted with huge amounts of heroin, illegal guns, etc. It's time to close our border with Mexico, drop their "Most Favored Nation" (MFN) status as a trading partner and stop exporting or accepting imports (human or otherwise) from them until they will do something on their own side of the border to shut down the drug cartels. The problem is that the government of Mexico is sustained partially by the money they get from those cartels -- either as a government or a corrupt official -- and they don't want to stop that cash flow. We need to cut all ties with Mexico until they decide that having a good relationship with America is a better benefit to their people than having the drug cartels and what they do to the people of Mexico: murder, rape, etc. We haven't been tough with Mexico since the Alamo. It's time we change that. February 7, 2017   I don't know if I should do this but I'm gonna. LOL! All the losers accepted money fom thevilegeorgesoros. All of them: rubio, ROTTEN ryan, mccain't, etc. took his money. ROTTEN ryan accepted $10,800 from him, so don't count on him doing anything good for America or helping Pres. Trump at all. Lindsey grAmnesty accepted $3,500; rubio accepted $2,700. All of the big name losers -- hillclintOOn to rubio -- accepted money from thevilegeorgesoros. I think that's funny and I thank the Lord that those who accepted the contaminated money lost. It's a good thing. February 7, 2017   I hope that the left is held responsible for any violence or attempts on Pres. Trump's/VP Pence's lives because they SHOULD BE held responsible. They are trying their darndest to make people angry, enrage them, get them mad enough to do something stupid. Well, they should be held responsible because they're an "accessory before the fact." If you disagree with someone you use words to disagree with them, not physical violence. You don't encourage others to shoot someone, hit someone, run over someone, etc. Free Speech is supported here, but that does not equal free violence. Use words, not violence. Vent, yes; touch or injure, no. Never do physical violence unless you have to protect yourself. Don't start it, but if someone attacks you, defend yourself and finish it. That's the difference between the lefties and I: I support self-defence, they support starting violence. Don't start it, finish it. February 7, 2017   The left is delusional. pelosipig is still blaming Bush and maxine waters is confused (to put it mildly). The lefties/progressives/liberals really need to clean the closets of these musty old lefties and get some new blood in there. Their leadership is so old that goofy moments like these are becoming the rules rather than the oddity. Makes one wonder if it's retirement time. It may be better than to have to explain away more insanity. February 7, 2017   hillclintOOn:   Speaking of delusional, she thinks that "the future is female". First, how sexist is that? Second, after Pres. Trump's policies start benefiting the women with the stupid hats on their heads and the vulgarities on their lips, does she really think that they will vote for her next election because she wears the same stupid hat? Third, if thevilegeorgesoros pays them again they may march again, but what will they do in the privacy of the voting booth? No one goes in there with them so it's likely that once they start benefiting from Pres. Trump's policies the privacy of the voting booth will deliver the same results of the 2016 election: she loses. People voted against the continuation of themuslimvileone's policies via hillclintOOn because his policies were not benefitting themselves. People vote with their wallets and their hearts: the combination, not the one or the other. If your wallet is starving to death and there is no relief in sight with one candidate then people vote for the other candidate because no matter what their hearts say their bellies still need to be filled. Once Pres. Trump's economy gets going there will be fewer and smaller protests because people like full bellies, a reliable job with good pay and a way to pay their bills. If women think that going backward to themuslimvileone's economy is something they want, then they're idiots and deserve to wear those stupid hats. February 7, 2017   "Among elderly violent crime victims about 59% reported being victimized at or near their home."It's ridiculous to think that they should not have the ability to protect themselves just because someone else is paying their bills. Should we do that for everyone who has made bad financial decisions? How about the person who has a history of bouncing checks, or going over their credit card limit, or everyone who has declared bankruptcy? They've made bad financial decisions and maybe someone else should be handling their finances, should they have their right to own a gun taken away? The left is doing the same thing to Social Security recipients. It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL and it's wrong. Let's encourage them to have guns and to protect their ears, let them have suppressors, too. I can hear the left's minds exploding right now. February 7, 2017   Smokin' Something:   al franken for prezidunce and leftists fear suspicious deaths? SMH. February 7, 2017   Rotten RINOs:   Now they're getting nervous about repealing themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX and making excuses about it. I bet over half of them ran on the idea and promise of voting to repeal it. Cowards. They should all be replaced. February 7, 2017   SanFran offering "free college" to every resident. Full disclosure: I lived in CA for over six years and went to college there, too. I paid very little "tuition" but I did pay for my expensive college books. So I know a little of what I speak here. I don't have a problem with them offering "free college" for their residents as long as the rest of the country -- or the whole state -- doesn't have to pay for the city's decision. If SanFran wants to pay for it, that's fine with me. Just keep the cost in SanFran. February 7, 2017   the dead blue bird:   Its taking itself out. I can't believe they're doing something else to cut their own throat but they are. They're "clamping down" on more Conservative free speech, which they falsely label "hate speech". They don't learn from their stock prices plummeting, or from masses of people leaving the platform due to their censorship. All the dead blue bird seems to want to do is silence Conservatives and make their platform nothing but a safe space for leftist snowflakes. That's why I recommend GAB.ai for Free Speech. February 7, 2017   BENGHAZI:   A survivor of BENGHAZI is slamming Senate dumboRATS for their hypocrisy. Rightly so. They know nothing but hypocrisy. If one of them lived a day without it, that would be a first time miracle. February 7, 2017   I'll close with that. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 6, 2017: 3:12 p.m.   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   Pres. Trump is doing so well for America that, even with the illegal temporary restraining order, illegal aliens are still self-deporting and Canadians are whining about it because they're going north. Aww... Too bad. They welcome Muslim terrorists in other ways so they may as well throw open the doors here. Did you know that VP Pence took two wounded U.S. Veterans to the Super Bowl? He's a really good guy; good heart, good politics. I like him! Speaking of the Super Bowl, how many of you liked the results? My hubby didn't. He said that the Patriots were known for cheating; which may or may not be true, I don't keep up with that, but I was rooting for Tom Brady. I rooted for him because everyone said he was too old and because he is friends with Pres. Trump and I knew it would yank the chains of the lefties/progressives/liberals if Brady won. Well, Brady won and the left ... went nutso ... and had to find someone to attack to vent their frustration. Awww... Poor babies. I relished the win because I am not into football but it was almost an "In your face!" moment to the left because a friend of Pres. Trump's won. It was delicious. The absolute best part? Pres. Trump predicted the win with a very close winning score prediction. Not bad. He does much better than the last prezidunce. The lefties have been trying to say that Pres. Trump isn't the one making the decisions that it is Steve Bannon, but Pres. Trump put that LIE to rest. Whether the lefties are going to print it anywhere, I don't know. They love trying to make Conservatives look as bad as possible, no matter how much they have to LIE. A lie is the left's second favorite thing, just after abortion. February 6, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   The Executive Order that Pres. Trump did to try to protect Americans against terrorists was stopped by a judge who didn't have the jurisdiction, but the left went there anyways. Now, the decision may be headed to the SCOTUS. We have only eight justices currently so it may be that they will stick to the law, or it may be that they'll split 4/4 or that Kennedy will rule with the lefties so that there will be a confirmation that the illegals have the same rights as American citizens (which they do NOT: read the Constitution). One of the leftovers from themuslimvileone's administration is getting involved in it, too. It's disgusting to me that the left/progressives/liberals are doing this to us. Americans have died at the hands of illegals and for the left to help murderers of American citizens stay here is beyond despicable. That is how thevilegeorgesoros does things: he tries to destroy as much of the world as he can in order to add to his own wealth. Whatever cost to other people has to be paid, he doesn't care. He cares about his own wallet and nothing else matters to him. He doesn't care about the people who get hurt while he pays for rioters at UC Berkley, or the property destroyed; it helps his wallet. He doesn't care aobut the people killed by those who have no right to be here he is all for them hurting people as long as it helps his wallet. That's why I call him thevilegeorgesoros: he's been an evil creature since he was young and hasn't stopped since. I hope and pray that his three sons and one daughter don't follow the same evil pathway. Pray for their salvation. February 6, 2017   February 6, 2017   Wouldn't it be nice if everyone in positions of authority were held to higher expectations and standards? For instance, would it not be nice to have college professors and administrators who had to tell the truth and who had to deal openly and honestly with both students and parents? (Can you imagine that rabbit hole actually happening?) There would be no teaching of "global warming", the left's LIES about abortion not killing a baby, the Founding Fathers would be honored and their quotes used in context... Imagine your children being taught like that (Go to Hillsdale College!)! Imagine what the future of America would look like if the professors had to tell the TRUTH instead of the lies professors say. America would be so much better! February 6, 2017   What are they hiding? That's the question everyone should be asking and demanding to know the TRUTH about what is being withheld from America. That's what Judicial Watch is trying to get the FBI to tell us about the clintOOns. Why are the FBI protecting the clintOOns? Because themuslimvileone filled every department and organization with his own ilk; people who will protect the left at all costs. Now Judicial Watch is still trying to get to the truth, and the FBI is trying to make them wait two years to get the truth about hillclintOOn. That's just wrong. Pres. Trump should FIRE everyone who is preventing the truth from coming to light. That would solve the problem. February 6, 2017   Remember when Pres. Trump said that millions of illegals voted? Yes? Well, Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton says that it's "naive" to think that illegals aren't voting. It's not just "naive", it's willful ignorance. You may as well bury your head in the sand. February 6, 2017   Pres. Trump is heading to England soon but the Speaker of the House of Parliament says "Not welcome" to address Parliament. Well, lah-ti-dah. Who wants to address a bunch of namby-pambies anyways? If I were Pres. Trump, I'd snub them altogether. I'd meet with the Prime Minister again, but then turn to sight seeing but nothing else; unless Prince William invites them to dinner. That would be nice. February 6, 2017   Awww... Too bad. (NOT!) angela merkle's poll numbers continue to plummet. That's because her policies brought danger to Germany, especially its women. Since she invited and encouraged all of those Muslim immigrants the crime rate in Germany has absolutely skyrocketed. That's what themuslimvileone was trying to do to us and what Pres. Trump is trying to PREVENT from happening to America. I think we should support Pres. Trump's efforts to "Make America Great Again" and to keep us SAFE! Stand against the left and stand for America! Agree? February 6, 2017   Well, my hubby is going to be home soon so I'll go. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 3, 2017: 12:47 p.m.   It's Flag Friday and that means it's time to honor our heroes with this week's "Tribute To Our Heroes 305: Arcturus Sky". Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! I don't know if I'll be doing updates today because my hubby may be coming home early and we have projects around the house we want to get done. So, we'll see if he can actually use his overtime as comp time and make it home at lunchtime. If so, enjoy your weekend and we'll try to get together again on Monday. Until next time, See ya! February 3, 2017: 2:46 p.m.   Well, themuslimvileone's people are still in office and they're doing everything they can to make Pres. Trump's life miserable and to undo what he is trying to accomplish that is good for America and our families. Pres. Trump is keeping his promise to curtail illegal immigrants from terrorist-supporting countries from coming into our country: which will help our families stay safe. But, no; the lefties/progressives/liberals appointed by themuslimvileone -- whom Pres. Trump should have fired two minutes after being sworn in -- have to try to protect themuslimvileone's horrible legacy of transforming America into Somalia Two. Don't ya' just love the priorities themuslimvileone's supporters have demonstrated day in and day out for the last nine years? Despicable. February 3, 2017   Planned AbortionHood:   The truth is coming out: the only reason they ever do an ultrasound is to help in the abortion process. They sometimes do an ultrasound to make sure the baby isn't too old to kill because of some states having restrictions after a certain number of weeks. Otherwise, if you're interested in a well-baby check or finding the gender of your child that you want to keep, they'll turn you away flat. MURDER is what the Planned AbortionHood business is about. As I've said before, if I hire a hitman to kill my husband and he succeeds and we get caught, we both go to prison for a very long time. I hire a hitman/"doctor" to kill my baby and we both get praised by the left. What's the difference? The baby is a target of the left/progressive/liberals and it's acceptable to kill babies because it helps ensure a "sustainable population". It also, according to the founder of Planned AbortionHood, Margaret Sanger, a way to allow only those deemed "fit" to have a child via a state-issued "child permit". She thought that only those who can afford to maintain a married (one man/one woman) household and checked by the state should be able to receive a permit to have a child -- a single child -- and that this would be part of the law she wanted to be enacted that she deemed the "baby code". In this code, Sanger would have codified: "Many groups of the socially unfit, as for example the feeble-minded and the criminal, are not sufficiently susceptible to education or the moral pressure of the community. For such people sterilization is indicated."She was also a racist who thought that blacks should not be allowed to have babies because they were an inferior race: "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."Considering how many wealthy blacks there were in the nation at the time Sanger was around, who else was she referring to for the most part when she talked about those who could afford to have a child? This is the foundational principles Planned AbortionHood was built upon and still practices today. Look at where they put their abortuaries and you'll see that 79% of them are in black and Hispanic neighborhoods. I thought that lefties/progressives/liberals were all about supporting the underdog, the poor, the disenfranchised, the minorities of the nation. Looking at what the left supports -- does its best to ensure it happens, what are they really supporting? February 3, 2017   Leftist Derangement Syndrome:   The world of the left/progressive/liberals is being threatened by the mere presence of President Trump. They're getting more and more deranged (BAD LANGUAGE) because of his electoral victory. Proof: check out the things they're saying and the pictures (disgusting) they're using. The left is so unhinged that they're really sounding and acting deranged. Even those on the left who are kissing up to Pres. Trump are still calling for his impeachment, which is psycho in and of itself. It's so prevalent that it has even "hurt close relationships". People on the left are losing their minds because Pres. Trump won. It's not a pretty sight, but it's better than having to endure four years (or less considering her health issues) of hillclintOOn, is it not? After all, some of the derangement is just funny, while other parts of it deserves legal prosecution and prison time. LDS is a sad malady that is sweeping the world, but it is treatable. All they need to do is accept reality: Pres. Trump WON. I love saying that! February 3, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   In France, a Muslim did stupid and attacked military people who had automatic weapons. The problem: He brought a knife to start a gun fight. Moron alert! Darwin Award winner? February 3, 2017   February 3, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   I am soooo glad that Pres. Trump is trying to undo Dodd-Frank! It was a bad deal for America from the get-go and it needs to be undone. It is a big part of the reason that people lost their homes a few years back, and it was responsible for the "predatory regulators" and one bad law can lead to another: "[T]hey made things far worse, creating a destructive bubble and then reacting by passing another disaster-laden law – Dodd-Frank."So for Pres. Trump to get rid of it is a very good thing! Let's do this! He also recognizes that it's the professional rabble-rousers who are out there hurting people and breaking things. UCB and other places where the lefties/progressives/liberals are "protesting" are being used by thevilegeorgesoros as a way to pay others to go in and hurt people and break things. He and the DNC are trying to make it look like people are unhappy with Pres. Trump for as long as they can create the illusion to use it to their advantage. That advantage would be in getting more press coverage of unrest and trying to keep those spineless republiRATS in the House and Senate afraid to stand up and do the right thing. If they can keep the republiRATS shaking in their socks they can prevent real change from happening as Pres. Trump is trying to get done. That's what the violence is about, a few scaredy-cat Congressmen. We should just kick them out and move on. Get someone in there with a spine! All RINOs, you're on notice! February 3, 2017   Anyone remmeber "clock boy"? Well, all the fuss his father and Islamic countries made over the alleged defamation of the kid has resulted in a full dismissal of the case and now he and his family have to pay all court costs of those who had to defend themselves against the lie that the kid was "defamed". It was intended to be a publicity gimmick (as was his sister's gimmick before him) and now that little ploy may have gotten him a scholarship in Qatar but didn't want to live there and moved back to America because he likes it better here (which sane person doesn't?). Now they have the expense of paying their own lawyers and the court costs of all of those they alleged were defaming them. Sweet! Take that "clock boy"! Next time you want to scare the pickles out of your classmates, think twice about the resulting costs you'll incur when you lose your defamation lawsuit. You may want to rethink making bomb-look alikes and taking them to class from now on. February 3, 2017   Hey, RINOs! Get a spine! Do the right thing! Be brave for once in your lives! Work on overhauling our taxes and make things better for America! It's OUR money! You didn't work those hours it took to be paid that money. It does NOT belong to you automatically! It is OURS. Do the work needed to help us keep more of it! Or face a real re-election battle that you are unprepared for! Get busy doing the will of the people for ONCE in your careers! Do this and repeal themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX as well and you will finally be doing the right things! Follow Pres. Trump's lead. Lower our taxes! February 3, 2017   I'll close with that. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! February 2, 2017: 3:56 p.m.   Sorry I missed the last two days. I got caught up in my Spring cleaning and when you're going through your closet, keep going! If you stop it will never get done. Yesterday my hubby took the day off to compensate for all of the hours he's been working lately. We spent the day together running errands (including donating the closet clean out results) and shopping. It was a nice day. Anyways, let's get started with the few blurbs I'll be doing today. February 2, 2017   Judicial Watch has found more proof of hillclintOOn selling access to donors who wanted to buy influence. Her Bestie made sure that donors got to go to lunch with her and I'm sure clintOOn appreciated it very much, which is what the donors wanted. I wonder how they'll survive now that they have nothing to sell. I wonder if they'll prostitute their daughter for the same kind of access since there is speculation that she'll be running for the Senate in a few years, or if hillclintOOn will be trying for the next presidential election run (If she survives that long). Whichever, they have to figure out how to live on the millions they milked out of his and her terms in the offices they held. I hope someday they get indicted for accepting bribes and have to turn all of that money over to the U.S. Treasury so that America can benefit from it instead of just two corrupt politicians. February 2, 2017   I think this is funny. I don't really give a crap about an Al Qaeda terrorist's beliefs about a female guard escorting him. I honestly don't. In America he is considered a terrorist and he has done things that are deserving of punishment. Let a female guard be part of that punishment. When you take into consideration the evil that he has helped do, a female guard should be the least of his worries! February 2, 2017   Thanks for nothing, themuslimvileone. You put America at risk but that was your plan all along. A government audit confirmed that Islamic terrorists are operating on our border with Mexico but you did nothing to prevent it. You, in fact, encouraged it. You are a worthless, vile, evil, lower-than-worm-poop creature and I hope that you will one day wind up in prison for it. You deserve it. February 2, 2017   If you have Conservative views in California, don't count on being allowed to speak. The lefties/progressives/liberals don't like you being able to voice your opinions because you may just convince others that what you are saying is correct and if they have a change of heart that would mean a defeat for the lefties/progressives/liberals and they can't have that! Oh, no! Conservatives are not allowed to say anything, write anything, think anything, do anything because it sets a precedent and that's not allowed! California and Conservatism do not mix, proven by the actions of the UCB students/idiots who deny Milo his First Amendment rights via destroying things. The worst part? They are so STUPID at UCB that they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. College education: We'll burn down our own campus so that we can stop one person from exercising his First Amendment rights. Did that really impact Milo? Did it hurt him in any real way? Or does it just prevent them from going to classes later this week since they damaged their own school? Milo went on with his life. They will be paying higher tuition to go to the college (AKA Brain-washing institute) they wanted to go to, but burned for the sake of "protest". Smart. Next time why don't they just cut their own ears off or stick chopsticks into their ears so they'll go deaf and won't have to ever hear a Conservative speak again? UCB students are learning how to be stupid and they're paying to do so. Can I get a good "Amen"? February 2, 2017   For how long have I been saying that themuslimvileone brought illegal immigrants into America? Now there is NO DOUBT that it was themuslimvileone who did so. He not only invited them in, but he worked a really bad deal -- AFTER TRUMP WON THE ELECTION -- (note the date of the story's publication: November 12, 2016? They set Pres. Trump up.) with Australia so that they will come here and Australia got what? They got to get rid some of the people on two islands who were coming to Australia from other countries, but that Australia knew some could be terrorists so they kept off their mainland and put them a safe distance away. themuslimvileone and ketchup kerry did this on purpose. They set America up to face this kind of backlash during Pres. Trump's administration. This kind of bad faith dealing is the true measure of who themuslimvileone is: despicable. February 2, 2017   During themuslimvileone's administration he chose sycophantic, unqualified lefties to do his bidding. One of those kiss-butts is encouraging a military coup against Pres. Trump. Problem is, the U.S. military supports Pres. Trump. Getting them as a whole to commit a coup -- treason -- against Pres. Trump is going to be impossible. If one or two malcontents did something I wouldn't be surprised. After all, if Fort Hood can happen so can a military member try to harm Pres. Trump. Glad the Secret Service is there. Hope all fo them will do their jobs. February 2, 2017   Ya' know, I agree with Tamron Hall. I think nbc is doing the wrong thing. BTW, did you hear Rush Limbaugh today? Did you hear how he introduced the story about this? LOVE IT! February 2, 2017   Is Steve Bannon, former Breitbart editor, the second most powerful man in the world? If so, good for America! Conservatism has a real voice and that is GREAT! I love it! February 2, 2017   Remember those stupid signs the lefties/progressives/liberals carried - and still carry - "Love Trumps Hate"? IF that is what they really believe then why on earth are so many of them encouraging violence in the streets? Is that love? Sounds more like hate to me. So why on earth are they encouraging violence unless their signs were LIES? Rhetorical question. Never mind. February 2, 2017   Remember how often themuslimvileone took credit for how "great" the American economy was and how many people he allegedly put to work? He was so full of himself and he lied about his success. Well, the numbers are in and during themuslimvileone's administration the U6 unemployment number never went below 9.2%. That's the "official" number. Take all of the true information into account and the unemployment number was more like 23% under themuslimvileone. Where is the success in that? February 2, 2017   Did more blurbs today than I thought I'd do, but I'll close with this one: "Fake news" had no effect on the election results according to a study done by Stanford and New York Universities. So there you have it: cnn's lies allegedly didn't help Pres. Trump get elected. February 2, 2017   Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Pray for America, for Pres. Trump's safety and health and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Thanks for visiting! Until next time, See ya'! January 2017 January 30, 2017: 3:19 p.m.   Missed Friday. Sorry about that. Got busy helping my hubby get ready to go see his Mom for the weekend. He and his brother went up and had a good visit. It's important that you spend time with your parents when they are getting older. You never know when the call will come and you won't have the chance to do so anymore. Anyways, let's get started for today. Januarty 30, 2017   Judicial Watch is still on the search for the TRUTH about hillclintOOn's e-mails. A judge ordered 30 more e-mails to be handed over for inspection because they were previously blacked out (redacted). Who knows what damaging info was in them since the redactions can be used to protect someone as well as something (preferably America). What the e-mails will show once the redactions are removed, who knows? But it's not possible to find out without seeing them so I'm glad Judicial Watch is on the case. They need to keep searching, digging and demanding that the previous administration's opacity be reversed into transparency. They're doing a good thing! January 30, 2017   For those of you who are agreeing with Pres. Trump's assertion of "millions of illegal votes" cast
to help hillclintOOn "win" the popular vote in 2016's election, here is some backup proof of election insecurity: January 30, 2017   Those themuslimvileone appointees and hirees whose loyalty is still to him and to his agenda are still in office and still accepting taxpayer dollars as their pay. They need to be fired and Pres. Trump needs to start replacing people who will honor his agenda and not leave those lefties/progressives/liberals in office. Why? Because leaving them in office results in them still covering up the Muslim link of the Ft. Lauderdale shooter. They omit that component completely. It's the TRUTH: the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooter converted to Islam ten years ago in 2007 and he was in touch with ISIS or ISIS-type organizations! Why would they NOT put that in the report? To cover for Islam and because that was the order of themuslimvileone: don't tell the truth about Islam. Hide their hatred of America and import more so that they can kill the infidels. Don't ya' love that he hates America -- and US -- so much? January 30, 2017   themuslimvileone:   He needs to shut up and go away. The tradition is that former prezidunces don't comment on the current president's actions. That's the tradition. Too bad themuslimvileone's ego can't allow him to follow tradition. He is urging "community organizing" because Pres. Trump decided to follow themuslimvileone's lead in putting a temporary halt to allowing Iraqi "refugees" into America. In fact, Pres. Trump's actions are very much based on what themuslimvileone did while he was prezidunce. So how can the lefties/progressives/liberals be upset with Pres. Trump, while it was hunky-dory with them when themuslimvileone did it? Why is that? BTW, you know all of those (now violent) "protests" that "popped up spontaneously" after the announcement? The airport protest where people converged on the same location with all kinds of signs that they just happened to have on hand, and with the slame slogans to chant? Yeah. Those. They're organized and coordinated by the dumboRATS and paid for by thevilegeorgesoros and other lefties. They're trying to make elected, spineless republicans quake in their shoes and control them. This is the way the left/progressives/liberals do things: control via chaos. It's the Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" way of getting their own way: throw a community organized temper tantrum like spoiled three-year-olds and see how many "adults" (elected officials) cave. That's not "democracy" that's blackmail. That's the left. January 30, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   They're doing a GREAT job at keeping their campaign promises and of turning things around to "Make America Great Again"! I love it! Part of that is starting the process of getting rid of federal regulations. I think that we need to cut federal regulations by 85% no 75%. Return to freedom and we'll all be better off! Pres. Trump's pick for SCOTUS is going to be announced tomorrow and I'm sure it will be a good one. I know it will be good, but I hope it's GREAT! I would prefer the most Conservative, originalist, Founder-focused, Christian person he could choose, but I don't know which that would be, nor if they'd stay that way once they get on the SCOTUS. So, I'll just wait and see because none of us can say what the future holds and we saw that justice john roberts was a supreme disappointment. We don't want that again. Pres. Trump's policy of allowing our Border Patrol agents to do their jobs has increased their morale "exponentially" and is going to help keep America safe. Pres. Trump's new policies are helping police morale, too. While those cops still under themuslimvileone's policies are commiting suicide at record rates. Pres. Trump is doing a very good job and I think that the longer he is in office, the more I like him. I'm glad. January 30, 2017   Yeah. Right. (Sarcasm.) Scientists with an anti-creationist agenda say they have found our earliest ancestor. They say that's my great57-grandfather, but they're truly saying that GOD did not create the earth and "all things that are therein", and that's why they want you to accept the LIE that the little bug that used to live at the bottom of the sea is your ancestor. Not only are they wrong, they're condemned if they don't change their hearts and minds. That's sad but it's also their choice. January 30, 2017   Hubby just came home so I'll give you a funny before I sign out for today. January 30, 2017   That's all for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 27, 2017: 4:02 a.m.:   A little late due to my getting wrapped up in something else and time going by faster and sooner than I realized. Today's (late) Flag Friday is "Tribute To Our Heroes 304: Off Key". I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! January 26, 2017: 1:00 p.m.   Judicial Watch is still working on getting the TRUTH out of the previous devious administration. To that end, they announced today that they are Ketchup kerry and dapper clapper because they refused to find out the truth about how much damage hillclintOOn's use of an unsecured internet server for her official top secret and above e-mails has done to our country and our national security. It's going to be a long hard slog but Judicial Watch is still at it because it is important and it matters. The clintOOns have sold our country out for every cent they could get from it and it's time the truth become known and that they pay a price for putting our security at risk and selling us out. It's time. Judicial Watch also tells us about an upcoming test of Pres. Trump's beliefs and character. We'll hope for the best but I'm not going to make any promises. I hope he agrees to tighten the regulations and make the program more transparent and more controlled. If not, well, that tells us all something, does it not? January 26, 2017   You have probably heard by now about the fuss being made about Kellyanne Conway's use of the term, "alternate facts". I wanted to remind you that it is a valid term and that she used it properly. For example, if you have a recipe and in that recipe you have seven ingredients: flour, sugar, eggs, baking powder, vanilla, salt and chocolate chips and the media chose to focus on the salt and baking powder it wouldn't sound like a very appetizing recipe, would it? But if you take into consideration the rest of the ingredients, then you have a better picture of what the recipe is and you may want to make it up. Right? That's what happened with Kellyanne Conway's term, "alternate facts". They are still facts, but they are a different part of the recipe of events, numbers and focus she was looking at instead of just the salt and baking powder the press was focusing on. Kellyanne was correct and her terminology accurate, not something to mock. January 26, 2017   In England apparently the voice of the people has to be approved by the Parliament because a court says the people's voice isn't enough. Now they are trying to fast track the bill and then -- maybe; if someone doesn't find another way to delay or stop it -- Brexit may happen. Voting in England apparently doesn't mean much. The majority voted to exit the European Union and take back their country's independence and their own history, freedom and voice. That's what the people wanted. Will the people's voice ever count in England? Maybe the Queen should step in? January 26, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   I hope Pres. Trump puts these guys on a bus back to Mexico and puts the "refugees" on their with them! The State Dept. bureaucrats who are defying Pres. Trump and continuing the importation of dangerous people to help destroy America need to be exported with the "refugees"! Kick them out! If they're trying to bring in people who put our children and our Moms at risk, kick them out! Make them go live in the countries they're importing from so that they can find out first hand what they're trying to do to America. That may not cure them so send their wives, children, Moms and Dads, too. Maybe when they see their wife in a burqa they'll change their minds about trying to do that to America. January 26, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   I love it! Pres. Trump left abc reporter stuttering. Pres. Trump brought up tomorrow's "March for Life" and chided abc's reporter for not covering it as much as the msm does anti-American marches. Love it! How did abc get back at him? They played ad for presidential assissination show during the interview. Are they encouraging a hit like the paper in Germany and a few "actors" and "singers"? Yeah. Pres. Trump is on the lefts'/progressives'/liberals' hate/hit list. I sure hope his Secret Service agents like him a lot or are just willing to do their jobs! I think Pres. Trump is doing a great job so far! I think he'll keep it up. I think America will be better because of Pres. Trump. GOD bless him and watch over him and keep him safe and healthy. January 26, 2017   Remember that the dumboRATS are saying that Pres. Trump won because of Russian hacking our election? It wasn't Russia. It was themuslimvileone's administration hacked our election! They hacked into Georgia's election system! Seriously! It was themuslimvileone who was trying to manipulate our election, not the Russians! They hacked Georgia TEN TIMES but their firewall prevented them from gaining full access and it got the IP address from the originating computer. That's how we know it was the DHS who did the hacking. Now if they hacked Georgia but failed, I wonder how many others they actually succeeded in getting into? Remember those Trump votes that got changed to hillclintOOn? Was themuslimvileone responsible for that? January 26, 2017   In multiple confirmation hearings that are happening to confirm Pres. Trump's picks for cabinet and other positions, the dumboRATS are so desperate to nail the nominees that one or two dumboRATS are willing to try to use fake events to deny the nominee his/her office. Sen. patty murray is trying that with HHS nominee, Tom Price, and he's just stating the obvious: "That didn't happen." dumboRATS like to LIE to try to get people to cave, withdraw, go away, shiver in the corners, but Pres. Trump's nominees are not doing so. That irritates the left so much that they hit the "crazy" button and lose their marbles. I like seeing the left go crazy. It's rather entertaining. January 26, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Hurray! Another good thing is happening toward getting rid of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX: an emergency Senate panel meeting to repeal/replace it is in the works! That's a great thing! They're acting quickly, so let's hope that it's going in the right direction. Pres. Trump spoke with Congress about it and encouraged them to act. January 26, 2017   Aaaaahhhh... Public "Education":   A lot of teachers were reading the teachers' union voting information and didn't look into the truth for themselves, apparently, because a lot of teachers are losing it now that Pres. Trump is in office. Like this teacher in Dallas, TX who projected a picture of Pres. Trump on a classroom wall and shouted "Die! Die! Die!" as she pointed a squirt gun at the image and shot water into its face. Unhinged, anyone? Were there kids in the classroom? We don't know. Then there is the Texas teacher who seduced her student and paid him $28,000 to keep quiet about it. Also the NJ teacher who blamed her Muslim upbringing for her having sex with her student. Back to Texas for the teacher impregnated by her 13 year-old student! And the Ohio teacher accused of having sex with his student, and the Iowa teacher charged with the same thing. If it's not sex, teachers are sometimes accused of physical abuse like choking a student. It's public school, folks. Are your children going there? January 26, 2017   themuslimvileone:   Do you know he has the worst SCOTUS record in modern history? He lost more cases than any other president in modern history. He was wrong more often, had bad ideas, bad arguments and was unconstitutional more than any other president. He was also allegedly a "Constitutional scholar". Shock. Surprise. Really! You can't make this stuff up, can you? January 26, 2017   I'll close with this cutie for today: "Hey! This is library!" Love it. Watch the video then read the story, too. It's typical. January 26, 2017   Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 25, 2017: 3:21 p.m.   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   Now this is what keeping your campaign promises looks like. It's the first time in eight years we've seen our president actually do that. Pres. Trump says border wall starts ASAP. Which, in real time, could begin in "months" which, along with other things, will give the Border Patrol another tool they need to enforce our borders and do the jobs they were hired to actually do. He's also dealing with sanctuary cities and he's going to try to end them. He's doing a lot of the things he promised. With these promises being kept, the Dow Jones is doing great! He's making me so happy! January 25, 2017   In the next few weeks you will be told that Pres. Trump used brain-washing, mind-control techniques to get you to vote for him, or that he used some sort of evil data gathering that told him more about you than you know about yourself. Guess what: He used what was available to and probably used by the dumboRATS as well. His data company hire was just better at it. He didn't use mind control or any other evil things to make you vote for him via scare tactics or playing on your sympathies, or anything that the dumboRATS did. The dumboRATS are just upset that they lost. Was their research company a friend's company (scratch my back, I'll scratch yours) that was incompetent and that resulted in their loss? Who knows. What they're trying to persuade each other to believe right now is that it needs to be looked into to find out if Pres. Trump did something like mind-control. Wah. Crybabies can't admit they lost because their ideas were not wanted and their candidate was not liked. hillclintOOn was untrustworthy and she proved it over and over and over again. BENGHAZI was her fault. Pres. Trump was liked and his policies were wanted. The Middle East bloodshed was her and themuslimvileone's doing. Every mess that America has been in for the last eight years is the fault and doing of the left/progressives/liberals/dumboRATS. That's why Pres. Trump is Pres. Trump! Get over it, dumboRATS! You only have yourselves to blame, not just a great research company! January 25, 2017   Why do hollyweirdos think they are so special, precious, respected and hallowed that they think they can get away with anything without facing consequences? They're finding out that they do have to face consequences. Even madonna is facing consequences for her foul drivel at the alleged "women's march" last Saturday. I don't think it was a "women's march" because they did not acknowledge all women, nor did they agree that women are allowed to think differently than they. I saw an Info Wars report (Caution: Language) in which the female reporter was assaulted and told that a woman who was pro-life could not be a feminist. That speaks volumes. For the lefties/progressives/liberals, abortion is the defining belief for being a feminist. If you are not for abortion you must hate women. That's ridiculous. I'm pro-LIFE and a feminist. I believe that men should open the door for me because I'm better than a man and they should serve me. I believe that I should be protected by a man because I'm special and I deserve to be protected. I believe that a man should offer to help me carry things because I like to have my hands free to file my nails, talk on my phone and do other female things. I believe that men should give me the best, give me first choice, give me first entry because I am number one and I should have all of that -- and more. That's my version of feminism. And if you can't agree with me, think I'm horrible for writing things like that, or think that Im misogynystic because of what I wrote, who cares? Enjoy. I don't give a crap what you think of me so go have fun think it. I don't care. Oh, and by the way, if you're a guy reading this, be sure to bring me a mocha frappe when you come back to this site. Don't forget the chocolate syrup on top. Because I'm that kind of feminist. January 25, 2017   msm:   You can tell who the msm supports because they covered the idiotic, foul-languaged, lame "wackofeminist march" 129% more than they covered the March for Life! Shock! Surprise! The msm is/are just as lame as the wackofeminists. This year's March for Life is THIS FRIDAY, January 27, 2017 and you can still register to participate. If you're pro-LIFE, you need to know why the lefties/progressives/liberals are so afraid of ultrasounds and hate the idea of legislating that girls and women have an ultrasound before an abortion. They're afraid that if they see the faces of their babies that the hallowed abortion will not take place. Abortion being the lefts'/progressives'/liberals' holy grail that cannot be allowed, encouraged, nor leglistlated! Studies show that when girls and women have an ultrasound before an abortion that they change their minds and keep their babies. That's why the lefties/progressives/liberals don't like ultrasounds. Babies cannot be allowed to live. January 25, 2017   All right! That's so good! Pres. Trump has put a hold on paying Palestinians the $221 MILLION that themuslimvileone promised them! Happy Dance! Happy Dance! That's OUR money he just prevented from leaving the country! Excellent! January 25, 2017   For those of you who have been avoiding the Drudge Report lately due to the attacks against it and the viruses planted on it, I've been using Opera browser to go to Drudge and haven't had any trouble with it. You may wish to consider having two browsers on your computer. I have both of them open right now (Microsoft Edge and Opera) and they get along fine. January 25, 2017   Another good thing Pres. Trump is doing: He's making the feds vet Muslim "refugees" that themuslimvileone allowed to come in without proper vetting. That's good! Now we can send back those who are here without having been vetted and those who should not have been allowed in at all! It's imperative to the safety of the nation that we do this! January 25, 2017   Now that Pres. Trump has started the ball rolling on the destruction of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, health insurers are looking at policies with fewer risks. They're having to do so because Pres. Trump won't let them do anything that will be as bad as themuslimvileone's. He's watching out for America and the industry is responding to his leadership. Good! January 25, 2017   More PROOF that a high minimum wage results in fewer jobs: SanFran jobs are disappearing as restaurants close because they can't afford to pay their waitresses -- a lot of whom supported the wage hike -- at least $15 per hour. If Florida does that -- or any other state -- waitresses, busboys, cooks, fast food workers, store clerks, and a lot of others will be fired as companies struggle to stay afloat. We warned them but CA is CA and they think they know best. It's the state's superiority complex that has damaged their residents and is resulting in a leaving CA in droves. They're taking elitism to new heights as they try their darndest to prove they're better than the rest of us but their people suffer as a result. "Stupid is..." January 25, 2017   Pres. Trump still wants a forensic audit of the 2016 election and I don't blame him after all of the things that we saw during the elections with vote machines changing Trump votes to hillclintOOn votes, etc. True The Vote agrees that an audit needs to be done. Look at their database of election crimes and you'll see a small portion of why it needs to be done! Our elections should be fraud-free and without a doubt trustworthy, but they're not. Both Republicans and dumboRATS believe there has been fraud so why NOT do a forensic audit? If both sides think it's happening then something must be making them think so! Let's FIND THE TRUTH and get to the bottom of what is happening and who is doing it and then we'll know. Or is the dumboRATs' resistance to a forensic audit due to the possibility that they are the ones committing the fraud? Just asking. January 25, 2017   Fake News:   Of course abc is going to do something stupid! Why on earth did Pres. Trump agree to an interview with them? I don't get that, but they had to fake up a pic to promote the interview. They are inept and put in a snowstorm outside as they mocked up a pic. That's a forehead hitter for sure. January 25, 2017   And so it begins: Christianity is now under attack by lefties/progressives/liberals as we supported Pres. Trump in large numbers. How predictably absurd the left is. As soon as something happens they don't like they attack Christians for winning. If you're a Christian expect the persecution to increase but know that you are the winner as they do so: "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake."That's what Jesus said. So rejoice that the lefties/progressives/liberals are BLESSING YOU as they persecute you because GOD will BLESS YOU as you go through their persecutions. Also, stand up against them because you are already victorious in Christ Jesus and you WILL WIN. Don't be afraid of them. Don't cave in to them. Don't try to get along with them. Fight back. Go toe to toe, eye to eye and nose to nose and know that you will WIN. GOD has promised this. Do not acquiesce. Do not try to placate. Stand and they will lose. January 25, 2017   In Austria, a pro-gun advocate was sentenced to five months in prison for saying out loud that Islam has declared war on the West. For speaking the TRUTH he was sentenced to five months in prison. I'm so GLAD that hillclintOOn LOST (I LOVE SAYING THAT!) because if she had won we would be facing the same thing! So glad I can write and say "Pres. Trump" and that Islam has declared war on the West, on Christianity, on anything/anyone who is NOT them. It's the TRUTH and I can speak the truth! January 25, 2017   I'll close with that for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 24, 2017: 5:01 p.m.   Just a few quick blurbs today because of the late start and my hubby is on the way home. Had a dental appointment today and (as usual) had a great time. My dentist calls me "Little Miss Sunshine" because I'm usually bubbly and happy and goofy, which he can be, too, so we get along well. Today we traded bad one liners and laughed a lot, as usual. Now, on with the few blurbs. January 24, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   For those of you worried about Pres. Trump rubbing elbows with the untrustworthy, spineless weasel, ROTTEN ryan, worry no more. Trump hired a bulldog to keep him in place. I'm not saying Hahn is a dog, just that her actions will make him either toe the line, or show his true colors at which time everyone -- especially his constituency -- will realize what he's all about: kissing the backsides of anyone who can give him another inch up ladder, another knot up the rope, or another dollar in his pocket. He's a phony, plastic banana, fox in the hen house, IMHO, and he needs to be kept on a tight chain or just exposed and kicked from office, preferably the latter. The American people are noticing what Pres. Trump (Do you realize how much I love writing and saying that as opposed to "prezidunce hillclintOOn"? We could have had that, and I'm so very, very glad we didn't!) is doing and they're liking it! His numbers are up. Good for us! Does it say anything about Pres. Trump's credentials that he has already hired Breitbart's Steven K. Bannon to be part of his team, and he's hiring the National Security writer, Dr. Sebastian Gorka and Julia Hahn is a Breitbart writer as well. So he's emptying Breitbart of its staff so they have to find new writers and he's using Conservatives to be his advisors. Loving that! Today, he signed four Presidential memorandas and one executive order including some that expedited two oil pipelines; the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline. He's doing such great work he's probably accomplished more than themuslimvileone did in his eight years of lobster and kobe beef diiners, golf and vacations! Because of him being President Trump, the CDC has cancelled a "climate change" conference! That saves taxpayers dollars and tells us that the "green" LIE is coming to an end! Hurray! Remember, the one thing that Republicans did absolutely correctly during themuslimvileone's administration was to NOT take up the matter of the scotus replacement for Justice Scalia. Now, President Trump gets to announce next week his choice to replace Scalia, and he has a lot of good choices to consider. People say Judge Gorsuch is a top contender and that's a possibility, but Pres. Trump is known for surprises and it may be someone even more Conservative, who knows? Whoever he chooses it will be good. January 24, 2017   Do you remember the stupid stuff ashley judd said in her "speech" at the women's march protesting President Trump? Do you know she didn't write those words? A 19 year-old donut maker wrote it. Yep. She gave credit but she was also just doing whatever it took to get her name out there and be "relevant" again. hollyweird just gets more and more vile, does it not? Imagine if hillclintOOn had been elected how ugly they would have been in celebrating! January 24, 2017   Did you know the idea of being a "snowflake" meaning being too easily offended and too wimpy started via the left/progressives/liberals referring to each other? Do you know that the author of "Fight Club" is now telling "snowflakes" to toughen up? I love it! January 24, 2017   The left/progressives/liberals accuse Conservatives of being violent. If we're so violent why is it that it's always Conservative who are getting beat on, threatened, hit, egged, etcetera? Right now Kellyanne Conway has Secret Service protection because of credible threats by leftists against her. Lefties/progressives/liberals are the violent ones, proven over and over and over again. Speaking of the Secret Service, this agent should be fired. If she wouldn't take a bullet for Pres. Trump if assigned to protect him then she is refusing to do her job, carry out her sworn duty and she should be fired forthwith. Or relegated to emptying the trash cans in every office daily after sorting and delivering the office mail. January 24, 2017   Sorry but that's it for today. Hubby's home and I'm going to go be with him. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 23, 2017: 3:45 p.m.   Late start today because my internet is acting up. It won't take me to the website I want to visit the first two or three tries, then the next try it goes there. Irritating. So I'll do a few blurbs today and then I'll sign off because I don't want to get frustrated. I'll just go do more spring cleaning that I started early this year and try again tomorrow, deal? January 23, 2017   Pres. Trump/VP Pence:   They're doing what they said they would do in their campaign! How about that? A candidate who wasn't a politician (is now) is keeping his campaign promises! Very unusual, but that's what happens when non-politician Conservative Christians run, if Pres. Trump is any indication. He's getting rid of the BAD trade deal, TPP, implemented a federal hiring freeze except for the military, and DEFUNDED International Planned AbortionHood! He can't do the domestic version (Congress has to do that), but what he's legally able to do he has done and that's very good! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! All three things are EXCELLENT! Very GOOD! Superb! Wonderful! Praiseworthy and necessary! I'm proud that I voted for him. He is doing so well that even the AFL-CIO president is praising him! (That's amazing!) So he's winning the praises of union leaders and he's telling business leaders he wants to cut regulations by 75% "or maybe more". That would mean more freedom! He's also serious about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. I LOVE IT! That's where it should have been all along! Add to all of that the possibility that he may not make us do themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX fees, penalties, etc. Wouldn't that be excellent!? I've had to pay the penalty for not having the insurance themuslimvileone wanted to FORCE us into for the last two years. I hope Pres. Trump not only stops the penalty but also gives REFUNDS for those of us who were penalized for standing up for our own rights and freedom! That would be a true sign of what he thinks is right and it would be another reason to be glad he won! Can you imagine hillclintOOn doing ANY of these excellent things? January 23, 2017   I hope angela merkel loses big time. She -- like themuslimvileone -- has done everything she can to destroy the country she was supposed to serve and defend. She is another reason to NOT elect lefties/progressives/liberals to ANY public office except dog catcher! January 23, 2017   Aaaaahhhh... Public Schools:   In Philadelphia there is a "teachers' group" that is trying to get the blm ideology taught as a part of the curriculum in the classroom. They want to teach things like "The Revolution Is Always Now" to the youngest students, inculcating racist ideas into the very youngest, and science lessons about "skin color for older ones." In other words, they want to start making it a part of the formal education system in the "City of Brotherly Love" that children should grow up hating their classmates because their skin color is different than theirs. (Apparently, it's also an anti-cop curriculum.) Who is the racist? BTW, not all of the teachers in the system like the idea, which gives me hope. Maybe Philadelphia's parents will step in and ensure that this invasion of blm curriculum, anti-cop hatred and racist ideology won't be taught. January 23, 2017   Something good must be expected out of Pres. Trump and VP Pence considering how many companies are building again, hiring again, giving their employees hope again. After all, we have seen so many companies making plans to build, hire and expand since Pres. Trump's win that it's encouraging everyone with a brain. We see today that FoxConn may build a plant worth $7 Billion here and Kroger is adding 10,000 jobs so get in line with your applications! Amazing what has happened to the job market since Pres. Trump's election! Hope and Change. Great stuff! January 23, 2017   zuckerberg is a cow. He's shooting himself in the foot with the Hawaiian locals and suing them for their land interest is not a good neighbor policy. If he thinks that just because he's got bucks that he can do this without hurting his personal interests and reputation, he's not just wrong, he's ignorant; but that's just IMHO. No. I think he's proving it daily. Remember his assertions that Fakebook didn't censor Conservatives? Yeah. And when he said that he didn't manipulate the trending topics? Yeah. He's a LYING cow. Hawaiians should take action to fight back and keep their land interests. I hope the natives win. January 23, 2017   Pro-LIFE:   Polls show that more and more and more people are becoming (if not totally pro-life) at least in favor of restricting abortion and even more are absolutely pro-LIFE than used to be. People who FIND THE TRUTH about abortion often turn away from it, hate the idea of it, find it barbaric and are stunned that they were NOT taught the TRUTH about what abortion is and does. Babies are becoming more precious to those who are learning the TRUTH and that's a good thing! I just found this, too: Both the House and Senate are pushing defunding bills for the local Planned AbortionHood and other abortion fundings! S. 184 and the H.R. 7 would both be moves in the right direction! This is so good! Babies would have more of a chance! People need to realize that babies are humans and that they have the "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"! January 23, 2017   January 23, 2017   I love Col. Allen West and his article "The Grand Delusion of the Progressive Left" is another reason to love him. He's absolutely correct and so good! Wish he had been a Pres. Trump pick for something. That would have been good! Not too late, Pres. Trump. Not too late. January 23, 2017   Do you think that even some lefties/progressives/liberals are waking up to the falacies, harm and wrongs of their previous beliefs/actions? Maybe. There is some hope. After all, 74% of CA residents don't want "sanctuary cities". That's a move in the right (and correct) direction. There's also the fact that they're also "open to" ridding the nation of the Cheekbone Cherokee by voting her out of office. That would be such an excellent thing to do! I hope they go for it! January 23, 2017   themuslimvileone:   I was hoping that I would never have to write about that evil creature again, but he keeps doing things that make me want to inform you about his vileness. This time, on his way out of office (almost literally), he gave $221 MILLION of YOUR MONEY to Palestianians. That's despicable. It's wrong. It's proving yet again that he is no more a Christian than is satan. No wonder he had a lower overall approval rating than George W. Bush, whom he blamed for everything under the sun! I think that's not just funny but also poetic justice! January 23, 2017   Pres. Trump is doing so much good that I hope he also defunds NPR/PBS and we will be pay less taxes with all of the extraneous crap that the left/progressives/liberals take money from our wallets to fund. No NPR/PBS, no National Endowment for the __________ (fill in the blank), no anti-American or racist groups funded like the NAACP, CAIR, UNESCO, the United Nations, the Boy Scouts, etc.; all of those and more need to be defunded. If we want a "charity" to be funded we should be able to choose to take the money out of our walltes ourselves and give it to them, not the government deciding which "charities" we give to for us! Defund them all! January 23, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   In SanFran, CA, the county warned employees to protect illegals before the Pres. Trump inauguration: "Bay Area government document states that city and county employees acting in their official capacities may not use city funds or resources to assist or cooperate with any investigation, detention, or arrest procedures conducted by federal immigration authorities and relating to alleged violations of the civil provisions of federal immigration law. The new memo further outlines the other provisions of the county’s sanctuary statute, including forbidding workers from denying illegal aliens city or county benefits on the condition of immigration status and banning them from requesting or giving out information regarding the release status of an immigrant. San Francisco public employees are also prohibited from responding to a federal immigration officer’s request for notification of an individual’s release, presumably because they have been earmarked for removal."Remember: your taxpayer dollar helps fund all of the illegal aliens in SanFran so YOU are also paying for their misbehavior and lawless acts. Don't you think that should change? January 23, 2017   I'm going to close with that for today. To do today's updates I had two different browsers open and my tablet sitting beside me with the Drudge Report up because Drudge has been under attack lately and going to him on my PC was causing trouble so I used my tablet and it was safer. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 20, 2017: 12:43 a.m.: Today's The Day: Freedom Friday!:   It's Flag/Freedom Friday! This is a glorious day and a day to celebrate! I don't know if I'm going to be doing updates later today or just partying all day, but whichever, it's Flag Friday so here's my offering for this week: "Tribute To Our Heroes 303: Marine In The Mirror". I hope you like it. Thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! Now go party hearty! Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to whatever music you enjoy! January 20, 2017: 2:34 p.m.: TRUMP IS PRESIDENT!!!   Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! It happened! I would have laid you 50/50 odds that themuslimvileone would do something -- anything -- to try to stay in power and continue his destruction of America. He shocked me and actually left! I am so happy! I watched the inauguration on Right Side Broadcasting Network.tv and it was a little delayed but it didn't have the leftist/progressive/liberal slant from the commentators. It was much better that way. Then when we watched the actual swearing in, we turned the sound down and listened to it on Rush. We did notice that they didn't show hillclintOOn very much, and that when they cut away to themuslimvileone he was not smiling during Pres. Trump's speech. I loved it! Trump's speech slammed themuslimvileone and the dumboRATS without naming them and they cut away to themuslimvileone and he was not happy. I smiled; he did not. America smiled, dumboRATS did not; idiots are whining nationwide. I'm happy. My Trump/Pence yard signs are still up. I'm eating celebratory sweets and having a Mocha Cappuccino. Those who don't like it, tough. January 20, 2017   Illegal Alien Invasion:   In the previous administration (LOVE that!) the Border Patrol was ordered to NOT enforce our borders. They were hogtied into helping illegals come into our country and they were prevented from deporting illegals. Alleged deportations were LIED about. When you have a prezidunce who LIES every time his lips move he forces those under him to LIE as well. When you have a flea infested dog as prezidunce he gives everyone he deals with fleas. That's what we just waved goodbye to. Now our Border Patrol will be able to enforce existing laws and actually do the jobs they were hired to do and the law states for them to do. No more hogtying them. No more ordering them to stand down. No more helping illegals cross our border. America is a NATION again. Thank you, Lord! January 20, 2017   LOL! 'Nuff said. But now there's another LOL. Oh my. He never stops, does he? January 20, 2017   As Pres. Trump signed his first bills into laws pelosipig, of course, was kissing up and making sure she was in the picture. I hope Pres. Trump sees right through her kissbutting and puts her on the "Don't trust" list. January 20, 2017   Remember when themuslimvileone gave chris matthews the "thrill up his leg" as he kissed themuslimvileone's backside? He so partisan and BIASED that he said Pres. Trump's speech was "Hitlerian". He's a ridiculous excuse for a news anchor. He's not a news anchor. He's a partisan hack. January 20, 2017   Back in November I "endorsed" Marco Rubio because I thought that none of the other Republican candidates had enough name recognition to defeat the dumboRAT candidate. He has been such a disappointment in the last four years but now, he's a shame and disgrace. Why doesn't he just switch partise since his head is so embedded in the dumboRATS' backside? January 20, 2017   I said yesterday that I'd show you a pic of my shooting range results, so here ya' go. I love going to the range! January 20, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   This is what themuslimvileone invited into our country. This is the kind of hate-filled, soulless, heartless power structure themuslimvileone wants to control America. Thank the good Lord above that Pres. Trump won and this murderous power structure will lose in America and maybe the rest of the world as well! January 20, 2017   I have been a supporter of a small, balanced, defense-centered budget for many, many years. The Heritage Foundation has a plan that could start us down the road to a balanced budget and we could do that pretty quickly. That would be very, very good. January 20, 2017   Awww... too bad. Smallest violin. January 20, 2017   Well, I'm going to close with that for today. It's a GREAT DAY, folks. Take time to reflect on what it could have been and give thanks that it wasn't. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 19, 2017: 5:44 p.m.: Less Than 24 HOURS Until FREEDOM!:   Late start because I've been out and about with a friend. We had lunch, then went to the shooting range (pic later) and got Mocha Frappes on the way to her car. It was her first Mocha Frappe and she loved it and I've been addicted since my first taste two years ago. Anyways, came home and minutes later Mom called and I got to talk to my brother, too. Great day of laughter, fun, shooting -- always fun! -- and friendship. I love my life. January 19, 2017   Trump/Pence:   Making life even better: Trump is going to be sworn in tomorrow (HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY!) and he's going to do things that I agree with like cutting funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, and National Endowment for the Humanities and he's even looking at making PBS a private entity, NOT FUNDED by taxpayer dollars! Excellent! Has he been listening in on my conversations? It sure seems like it because I've been saying the same thing for the last ten or twelve years! It's about time someone listened! They certainly started off well by bringing in the transition on schedule and UNDER budget! That's impressive. According to this story Trump will be signing "as many as 200 Executive Orders" that will UNDO what themuslimvileone did via Executive Orders. That's going to save us some money but themuslimvileone's administration has so many lefties/progressives/liberals in it that they are considering leaving in droves after Trump is sworn in and that will make it even easier to save money! They're taking the guess work out of who to keep and how to cut which office. That's nice. January 19, 2017   Just as we all thought -- well, those of us who aren't clintOOn kissbutters -- when clintOOn and lynch (attorney general) met on that plane in AZ there WAS a deal made to keep hillclintOOn out of prison. Did anyone with half a brain think otherwise? January 19, 2017   I'm not happy about people losing their jobs but I am happy about Kellogs paying a price for not supporting free speech. It's never a good idea to NOT support Free Speech. The companies that think they are better than the "average American", who think that we are beneath them, or that we are less than those who think the same way they do, are not just wrong, they're stupid. They can think so, but saying it in a public place is stupid. Of course they're going to pay a price for doing so! January 19, 2017   Judicial Watch is, as usual, trying to keep the records from being destroyed so that the truth can be known and -- perhaps -- down the line, later on, charges can be pressed. We'll see what happens. Hopefully it will make a difference in what the future holds for themuslimvileone's administration's liars, cheaters, etc., which, if truth be told, would be almost every one of them. January 19, 2017   What used to be a respected newspaper has fallen to such a liberal low that now they're just birdcage liner, the NYT published a FAKE NEWS story about Rick Perry and others ran with it. The NYT should be ashamed of itself but I bet the editors/publishers were slapping themselves on the backs for the damage they thought they had done. They've, frankly, made themselves ridiculous. Speaking of FAKE NEWS, cnn is now off of YMCA televisions because people have figured out they're FAKE NEWS. Lying does not pay. January 19, 2017   themuslimvileone:   His last acts in office are damaging America and putting people's lives at risk. Isn't that what we all want in a prezidunce? Someone who has put wrong ahead of right all the time, every time? He has been despicable since day one and will be despicable until after he dies because that's how long America and Americans will suffer from his despicable actions. January 19, 2017   Well, I'm going to call it a day (night, actually) for now. I hope you are celebrating Trump's swearing in tomorrow. I will be! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 18, 2017: 1:32 p.m.: TWO DAYS UNTIL FREEDOM!   Peace and Tolerance:   The Ft. Lauderdale airport shooter's ties to Islamic terrorism have been confirmed by the FBI. He converted to Islam in 2007 and he was killing the infidels as Islam teaches. Islam is about death and the power that terrorism via death brings about. Don't believe it? Look at how they are doing things. If they just wanted to convert people, they'd be preaching on the street corners (except the women, they can't do that without an acceptable male escort, thanks to Sharia Law), trying to bring people to agree with them via discussion. Is that what is happening? No. It's trucks plowing through crowds, burning little babies alive in front of their parents and then beheading the parents, it's shootings, bombings, terror and death they choose to use. It's death first, then see how many people will tremble in the corner instead of opposing them. Death and the power that results from death. That is Islam. January 18, 2017   BENGHAZI:   Judicial Watch is still pursuing the TRUTH of what happened there and still having difficulties getting to the TRUTH through themuslimvileone's administration. Themuslimvileone's administration is still stonewalling Judicial Watch's efforts and trying to prevent them from getting to the TRUTH. Judicial Watch reminds me of a pit bull who has latched its jaws onto something and just won't let go. I'm so grateful they are the "pit bulls of TRUTH". America still needs one with themuslimvileone's lies and the hillclintOOn wrongdoings still to be fully uncovered. Thanks, JW! I appreciate it and I support you. January 18, 2017   Racism:   Why is it that when a black person says anything good about performing for Trump's inauguration that it's not considered a step toward ending racism, but it's automatically branded as "bad" by blacks, or that they are being "bamboozled", or they get called "mediocre negroes". (Really!) I wonder how brainwashed and group-think-inculcated those naysayers have to be in order to do that. Aren't they embarrassed to show that they haven't a clue as to how to think for themselves? If they can't do so why are they bothering to speak at all? January 18, 2017   NSFW or CHILDREN:   The video below has some bad words in it, some bad people in it and some
bad plans in it. This makes it not safe for work or children, nor should it be safe for the people in the video who are planning on breaking
federal law in the way they want to disrupt Trump's inauguration. Lefties just can't accept that they lost so they have to continue their
crybaby temper tantrum. They have to be "the rebellion". Remember, don't let your kids watch this: January 18, 2017   I said back in March of 2009 that themuslimvileone was "Already A Loser" in which I finished with: "I judge B. Hussein O. as a negative influence because he laughs as others are suffering (calling it "gallows humor"), he plans more hard times for everyone in America — not just the rich as he promised during his campaign — making even those who wish to emulate him to have a more difficult time in the process. B. Hussein O. has totally messed up in his first sixty days with the worst budget in the history of the whole of America's existence. And for this I condemn him to being already the worst POTUS ever. Let me repeat that: B. Hussein O. is already the WORST POTUS EVER.My observations are proven true yet again. He has the worst score in HISTORY. The public also ranks his performance over the last eight years as a negative: minus nine percent to be exact. I saw less than three months after he was sworn in that he was "a loser, a gamer and a fraud." It's sad that America had to go through eight years of the loser and watch America suffer under the WORST POTUS EVER. Now we have the benefit of seeing Donald Trump take over in two days! It's like I wrote in "The Truth of Light" in 2013 after reminding people of themuslimvileone's record: "But remember...The "spark" lit "by one man's breast" is the spark of hope that Donald J. Trump brought to America. The truth of light is that that spark in Donald Trump's chest lit the light in others' chests and that spark grew and its spread made the light shine brightly in the dark hopelessness and gloom of themuslimvileone's eight years of destruction and racism. That one person who answered the call was Donald Trump and it was he we rallied around and who revived the flame. So eight years ago, I said themuslimvileone was already the "Worst Potus Ever" and then in 2013 I predicted that Trump -- not by name but by events -- would happen to change things for the better. I should be Rush Limbaugh! January 18, 2017   Although themuslimvileone is getting the worst record in history score, and the bad score from the American people, the lefties/progressives/liberals in the msm are still trying their darndest to make it look like people loved him. Awww.... too bad the TRUTH is the msm "tweeked" the poll numbers to make it look like themuslimvileone is well loved and respected as he leaves office. They LIE to you all the time. That's why we have to FIND THE TRUTH! January 18, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   I hope that the House and Senate read and learn from the Heritage Foundation's plan to make the death of the hated healthcareTAX as smooth as it can be and that a replacement is NOT put into place but, instead, that the free market shall be allowed to take over and that we will be allowed to choose from plans and companies across the nation, that pre-existing conditions will be covered (although it may cost the patient more) and that they do away with the twenty-six-year-old "children" coverage. I think that if you're legally adult enough to vote, sign legally binding contracts, drink whatever you want to drink, etc., that you're no longer a child. If you're still in college and living under your parents' roof then maybe cover that -- until age twenty-one. Then you're on your own for healthcare coverage, or you can get a rider on your parents' policy and pay for it yourself. You'll have an established record of coverage, therefore you don't have to worry about "pre-existing conditions" not being covered but you can still have coverage that is consistant, continual and the price won't increase. That's fair, isn't it? January 18, 2017   Trump/Pence:   He's hitting the ground running. See me smile? January 18, 2017   Well, I think I'll stop there for today, folks. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 17, 2017: 4:45 p.m.: Three Days Until FREEDOM!   Just a few notes today because I ran errands and visited a friend and my hubby just pulled into the driveway, so I haven't had time to do this. Sorry. The first note: Hubby was at Drudge Report the other day and a window popped up and said that "they" had taken control of his computer and to contact them to prevent damage to his hard drive. I told him to NOT obey. I told him to turn off his internet connection. Then shut his computer down. He hard crashed it because he couldn't get his web browser to respond. Then I told him to make sure he pushed keys on the keyboard while the power was off to ensure that all of the electricity was discharged. Then he could turn his computer back on, with the internet connection turned OFF and to run a scan on it to find the trojan/worm that the window had put on it. He ran a thorough scan and found a virus and we deleted that. Then I told him to turn his computer off again, push keys to discharge power, then to turn his computer on again, connect to the internet and update his virus definitions and run another full scan after downloading the virus definitions. After that, another turn off, power discharge, and he could use his computer normally again. It worked. You should follow the same process if you get a similar window pop-up. DO NOT obey the blackmail. You will wind up paying sometimes over $100 to get back into your computer. Immediately disconnect from the internet. Turn your computer off. Discharge power. Turn it on while disconnected from the internet. Run a virus scan and delete all viruses/worms/trojans. Turn off and discharge again. Turn on computer, turn on internet and download newest virus definitions. Disconnect from internet and run another thorough scan. Delete any problems found. Turn off your computer and discharge the power, then you can use your computer normally again. This will prevent the hostage-takers from demanding money from you. DO NOT obey their demands. Fight back. Follow these steps. Your computer will probably be safe. I am not on the "Geek" anything, but I do have experience with this and my way seems to work very well. January 17, 2017   The second note is that even the Congressional investigation into Planned AbortionHood found that they were more geared toward making a profit off of abortions than of serving the women they were allegedly helping. They focused on the money and they worked with body part harvesters to make even more off of each dead baby. That's heartless and soulless, which is what working in that industry (and it is an industry) does to those employed there: it rips out their souls just as the baby is ripped out, piece by piece, from their mommas' wombs. Imagine seeing those baby bits on a daily basis and thinking only of how much money you can make from them. No remorse, empathy, sadness; nothing that can mark you as human anymore because all you see is dollar signs. The abortion industry does just that. Your flesh is a shell of dollar sign heaven. Babies should be the most precious and protected of humans because they are a new beginning, new hope, new possibilities. They have done no wrongs. They did not ask to be conceived. They are there because of the actions of their parents or -- rarely -- because of a rapist's actions. They have no history of wrongdoing. Babies are innocent and they pay the price of a soulless monster and an industry that preys on the fears, confusions and heartlessness of women who believe the lies of the industry and those who profit from it. Abortion is MURDER. It's hiring a hitman to kill a baby. The hitman and the person doing the hiring deserve jail time. Instead the baby is the only one who pays a price and it has done nothing to deserve the death sentence. Planned AbortionHood needs to be defunded. I don't want my tax dollars going toward killing a single baby. Do you? January 17, 2017   I'll close with that. Sorry it's so short today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 16, 2017: 2:00 p.m.: FOUR DAYS UNTIL FREEDOM!:   Friday we went birding and I saw my first Common Goldeneye duck and my first Smooth-Billed Ani. I was very pleased that they were easy to find this time. Sometimes birding is a whole day of nothing. Friday it was drive up, there it is! Nice. Pics later. January 16, 2017: Also MLK Jr. Day:   Does it surprise anyone that the LEFT is planning violence and attacks against Trump supporters for
inauguration events? I didn't think it would but the lengths to which they are willing to go just to throw a crybaby temper tantrum is
astonishing and disgusting. January 16, 2017   Although it's been proven to be a LIE time and time (and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time) again, another LYING LEFTIE implies that it's the RIGHT who is violent and racist. Fact is, the LEFT does the violence. Every act of violence LYING lynch cited there it was a leftist who did something bad. It's the LEFT who are the racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. It's the LEFT who always says "Tell us every detail about your life so we can put you in box "X" and we can label you and we can use you to further our cause." That's what the LEFT does. They like to imply that it's the right, but it's the LEFT who does that. History has proven so. January 16, 2017   It's been eight years of themuslimvileone but pelosipig still blames Pres. Bush for everything that has happened under themuslimvileone. How ridiculous can she be? Is there any portion of reality that seeps through her delusion? When will she retire, quit, be impeached, recalled, whatever, to get her delusions out of power? January 16, 2017   Trump/Pence (Four more days!!!):   They're setting up a program to help families of those who are/were killed by illegal alien invaders including those illegals in "sanctuary cities". BTW, do you know where the "sanctuary city" idea originally came from? It's a GOD-designed thing where people who commit manslaugher - defined in the Bible - as those who kill someone without "malice aforethought". Seriously, the Bible says that it's for those who accidentally kill someone, not for those who are murderers! Refuge cities are from GOD, not set up the way the lefties/progressives/liberals/nutjobs are using it. It's not to protect illegal aliens and murderers; it's to protect those who accidentally kill someone from their victims' family members and the family's effort to get revenge. The way the lefties are doing "sanctuary cities" is a totally different thing and it's destroying America and hurting innocent American citizens! The current "sanctuary city" idiocy is just wrong and needs to be stopped! January 16, 2017   G.Britain:   I think their current immigration policy is so inviting that there are a lot of people lying to take advantage of it. Too bad the country is so politically correct that they can't admit it and they are too cowardly to fight the battle that is needing to be fought: the battle to stop immigration, return the current influx to their home countries and to stand up to Islam and make sure that their country is not converted via force, intimidation, political correctness, or birthrates. Otherwise, England will become Englandistan and they'll deserve to be so because they were too spineless to stand up for their own country! January 16, 2017   January 16, 2017   Good for Toby Keith! He's performing at the Trump inauguration and he's refusing to apologize for it. He's standing up for freedom and he's a brave soul for doing so. Good for him and good for us! I'm disappointed that country singer Garth Brooks is too much of a coward to do so. I really like his voice and am a fan of his older records. I haven't heard much lately but he used to do great stuff -- The River, The Thunder Rolls, etc. Brooks disappoints me, but Toby Keith I'm really impressed by. Good for him! January 16, 2017   dumboRATS:   They're choosing to not attend Trump's inauguration. Which, IMHO, is fine with me. The fewer dumboRATS around the better, but that's just me. My question is, are they actually staying out to "protest" Trump's win, or are they staying away so that they can avoid being hurt in case their LEFTIE friends do go through with some violence on that day? Are they being "free speech protestors" or cowards? January 16, 2017   THIS is themuslimvileone's legacy. There is no doubt that the blm excuse and themuslimvileone's attitude are a blanket approval for violence and destruction. This is themuslimvileone's legacy. He owns this. January 16, 2017   I have to admit that the PULSE shooter's wife's arrest surprised me. I didn't think themuslimvileone's FBI would do so since he is so forgiving and friendly toward Muslims. I wonder if she's going to be on his "pardon list". He certainly didn't want to admit that the shooter was Muslim. Now he has to see the wife arrested, too? Pardon will be on his mind. Let's see what he does. January 16, 2017   Wasting Taxpayer $$$$:   Fish on treadmills and other ridiculousness is what your money is being spent on under themuslimvileone's administration. Did you know that themuslimvileone has spent over $1.4 BILLION on PR and advertising to us? How much of YOUR MONEY would you prefer to be spent on YOUR CHILDREN, YOUR medical costs (especially those who have themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX), YOUR house repairs (or buying a house)? But no. themuslimvileone takes it from your pocket and uses it to advertise to you. Aren't you glad he's almost gone? Four more days of his ridiculousness and he'll be out the door! (Still hoping he won't declare an emergency and Marshall Law.) January 16, 2017   Thanks to themuslimvileone, for the first time EVER, AMERICA made the list of the 12 worst Christian persecution nations. America, the world's Christian nation, on the 12 worst Christian persecution nations list! That's disgusting and it's thanks to themuslimvileone. He participated in the persecution ("bitter clingers") and his speeches and policies encouraged it. He is a despicable creature. January 16, 2017   Our Founding Fathers believed in the Bible and founded America as a Christian nation. Don't believe me? The TRUTH is that they loved the Bible and read it often. They studied it and some of them translated it from the original text languages. Christianity is our nation's history. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. January 16, 2017   I'll close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 13, 2017: 12:20 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and it's time for "Tribute To Our Heroes 302: The Sandy Beach". I hope that you will like it. I thank you for your service! I cannot say it enough! GOD Bless You All! By the way, I won't be doing updates for the rest of the day today if our plans do not change. My hubby's been working a lot of hours and he thinks he'll be taking some time off today. I hope it works out. He's been working too much! And for those of you who may be interested to know, Spot died just after 5:30 p.m. It was very difficult. January 12, 2017: 2:39 p.m.   Sorry I missed yesterday's updates. My son and I have been taking turns sitting with a dying pet. He is old, developed epilepsy in the last few months and he's down to just breathing and having seizures. He hasn't eaten in days and hasn't gone potty in the same amount of time, so he's definitely leaving us. It's just a matter of time. We've done all we can to make his last days comfortable but it's still very difficult to watch; especially the seizures. That's so hard. He's not gone yet, but he's sleeping and hopefully, if mercy visits, he'll not wake up and he'll have no more seizures. Sleepy well, old boy. January 12, 2017   Loser hillclintOOn:   I have a question for you. How do you know that it wasn't someone on her staff -- or hillclintOOn herself -- who leaked the e-mails just before the election? How do you know that it wasn't they who ensured the re-opening of the FBI probe so that she would have an excuse for her loss? Instead of investigating the FBI's handling of the events why not investigate further the clintOOn staffers and what they were doing during the run-up to the election? After all, if they had the same numbers others saw before the election (enough bad news to cancel the fireworks), then how do we know they didn't set up an excuse for her loss via releasing e-mails? It's the kind of games the clintOOns are wont to play, is it not? Now there is going to be a massive waste of taxpayer dollars to make it look like all kinds of things worked against the dumboRATS and to make hillclintOOn lose the election when we know for certain that it was the dumboRATS who are the cheaters. So how do we know they aren't just making excuses so that their ill-informed voter base will have an excuse for being angry and blaming the Republicans and Russia for their loss? BTW, Rush asked today how the Russians helped Trump win when it was hillclintOOn who allegedly won the popular vote? (I still believe that if you take away all of the illegal votes that Trump will have won that, too. More on that later.) Also, if hillclintOOn was cheated AGAINST by the Russians, then why do we have confirmed reports of Texas voting machines switching vote TO hillclintOOn, not away from her. If Russians interfered to prevent hillclintOOn from winning, why would the machines have been changing Trump votes to hillclintOON instead of the other way around (clintOOn votes to Trump)? The Trump-to-hillclintOOn change happened not only in Texas, but also in the Pittsburgh area, Maryland and NC. So how did Russia allegedly hacking our election help Trump? January 12, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   Someone get a coffin, it's dying! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! We've paid the unconstitutional penalty for the last two years for refusing to buy this piece of garbage. It's about time the stupid LIE dies. I want a refund for those penalties and I want the free market to be able to work again! Don't repeal and replace. Just repeal and let the consumers choose from whom they wish to buy insurance and let competition happen and let the buyer decide, not the government! Let FREEDOM REIGN! January 12, 2017   I think themuslimvileone has so politicized the FBI, CIA, etc., that they are being used to try to smear Trump and any other "enemies" of themuslimvileone and to do his bidding in his last eight days in office. I think that themuslimvileone is even more despicable than he usually was for doing so. He has made the heads of those agencies meant to help keep America safe into strong-arm, untrustworthy, kiss-butts (james clapper especially after he submitted his resignation last Nov.) that the men and women who serve in those organizations and do the actual WORK of them are now being shamed by their kiss-butt bosses, political kowtowers who can't seem to borrow a spine long enough to tell themuslimvileone "No." January 12, 2017   MAGA:   Now, Amazon will create jobs in AMERICAA and that's a great thing! More Americans will be working after Trump's election than have been employed in the last three years of themuslimvileone's administration. You already heard about the Fiat Chrysler jobs and the Ford jobs in Kentucky. Now we have Amazon and 100,000 new jobs. Also, potential illegal alien invaders are returning home of their own accord instead of crossing our border and waiting to be forced out by Trump. It's the "Trump Effect", folks. MAGA is working! January 12, 2017   It's working! Trump has been having his nominees face a "murder board" that simulates facing the Senators on the Senate's Confirmation Committee and preparing them to face the tough questions and making their approval go as smoothly as possible. Now, his Secretary of Defense nominee, Gen. James Mattis has done a great job of answering his questions without committing to anything the lefties/progressives/liberals would not want to hear. I loved this answer of his: "[W]e have to stay focused on a military that is so lethal that on the battlefield that it will be the enemy's longest day and the enemy's worst day when they run into that force".I love it! I agree with that! I think it's an excellent way to create a military force! Good answer! January 12, 2017   I hope Brits aren't stupid enough to believe this hate crime hoax. Some people are blaming even discussing Brexit causes hate crimes. Really. SMH. If Brits are stupid enough to fall for that they're stupid enough to deserve what they get when they stop discussing Brexit: even if that means staying in the bad-for-them EU. January 12, 2017   thevilegeorgesoros:   I wish that America would deport him and deny him any power whatsoever here, as his home country, Hungary, is trying to do. I think he is one of the worst wastes of human skin anywhere on the planet. He ranks right up there with Stalin, Hitler and themuslimvileone in my book and if I had my way he'd be on the first plane to nowhere I could find. If he got on a rocket to Mars that would be fine with me. I hope and pray that his offspring (still can't imagine anyone wanting anything to do with that wickedness!) won't be as bad as he. The good news: he lost $1 BILLION since Trump won! January 12, 2017   Here's another thing I wish would happen in America: a burqa ban is happening in Morocco and I think it should be banned here, too. I know, First Amendment and all that, but it's also a security issue since Islamic terrorists can be male or female and with a burqa on you can't tell if someone has a bomb strapped around their waist. If Muslim parents can send their little daughters into a police station with a bomb around their little girls (under their burqas), and three women enter a police station -- in burqas, one with a bomb -- and all die because the cops could defend themselves, then why don't we ban it here to prevent the same sort of thing? Is it better to prevent an attack or clean up afterward? "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Don't you think? Oh, and for those of you screaming at your computer because I wrote this, shut up. You can't say that Christians do the same thing, so you have to take it for what it is meant to be: a security issue, not a religious freedom thing. Religious freedom does not include the right to kill others for not being your religion. It does include the right to practice your religion as you see fit, but not the right to kill others in the name of your religion. So take your objections and put them where the sun don't shine. January 12, 2017   I hope that Trump stops America from paying for this nonsense, too. We shouldn't have to foot the bill for prisoners' transgender operations, for their sex-change treatments, hormones, or anything else to do with the gender they "identify" as. We should put them into the prison they deserved when they committed the crimes they are convicted of and let them deal with the consequences. It was their choice to commit the crimes and if they have to have "severe distress or anxiety" afterward, so be it. It was their choice and we shouldn't have to pay for their choice to change their bodies after their crime. Nope. Americans should be able to spend their money on their own families and their own hopes and dreams, not on a criminal's anxieties. January 12, 2017   I'm not sorry. You show me a robot with HUMAN DNA and I'll think about whether they should have "human rights". Until a robot has HUMAN DNA, they don't get the same rights I have. Until they are my equals in DNA they are not my equals in rights. Period. January 12, 2017   Trump/Pence:   Judicial Watch says Trump's business plan to prevent conflicts of interest is "on the right track." So for those who are worried about it, deep breath and exhale. Relax. He's not going to make himself richer. He's going to focus on doing what is right for America and for you. Don't believe it? Leave now. You won't be happy with him anyways, no matter how well he does for America. MAGA won't make you happy because you refuse to be happy unless your people are in power. Leave now so you can be happy. Otherwise, shut up. January 12, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   TRUTH: the Fort Lauderdale Airport shooter converted to ISLAM in 2007! "The public records uncovered in the days after the massacre suggest Santiago (Hammad) is a radical Islamic terrorist that’s seriously committed to Islam. Besides taking on a Muslim name, he recorded three Islamic religious songs, including the Muslim declaration faith ('there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger') known as the Shahada. He also posted a thread about downloading propaganda videos from Islamic terrorists on a weapons and explosives forum. The investigative news site that unearthed this disturbing information connected the dots between Santiago, who is of Puerto Rican descent, and Hammad, an identity he created in 2007."As soon as I heard about the shooting I said "It will be 'Allahu Akbar. Mark my words." to my hubby. He said we have to wait and see. He waited. I knew. Now we see who was right. January 12, 2017   I'm going to go check on Spot. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 10, 2017: 2:35 p.m.   Sorry I missed Friday and Monday. My hubby's schedule is a little erratic right now and he got home earlier than I expected (made up for it by working Saturday part of the day and next Saturday, too) Friday and Mondy. I took down Christmas trees (four) on January 3rd and have been trying to get my house put back together since. I have to wait on my overworked hubby to get some things done because he has to finish putting the trim back over the doors before I can put anything on the glass shelves we installed over five doors in the living space. It's going to be easier to decorate for the holidays with those shelves and I like that. I can also put different things over the doors besides just garlands. I have plans. I have plans. Anyways, it's life and it happens and I will get started for today. January 10, 2017   Judicial Watch (whom I love and support) is going after the DH[IN]S records they've been trying to get for months! A judge just ruled that the administration has to hand them over and now Judicial Watch will be able to tell us the TRUTH about what the administration has been doing via the DH[IN]S: "'The Obama gang is creating another email scandal with Jeh Johnson and the Department of Homeland Security,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 'We know there are likely government records on Jeh Johnson’s and other top DHS officials’ personal email accounts. That the Obama administration hasn’t lifted a finger to retrieve these public records is criminal.'"I wonder if Jeh Johnson learned how to handle e-mails from hillclintOOn. This administration is so corrupt and so opaque that it's taking multiple lawsuits to squeeze any answers out of them at all. January 10, 2017   Judicial Watch isn't just watching over the shenanigans of themuslimvileone's administration but they're keeping CA in check, too. Well, CA and eric holder, themuslimvileone's former attorney general. He was such a bad attorney general that he had to leave because he was very partisan and he was probably impeachable and he hated Breitbart News, but he quit because of scandals that he allowed and participated in. He impeded the Fast and Furious investigation and he refused to investigate dumboRAT donors -- even one who embezzled over $1 BILLION from his clients -- but he did go after George Zimmerman AFTER he was found NOT GUILTY in the Trayvon Martin case. It's ridiculous that anyone would consider eric holder for any job besides burger flipping, but that's the way lefties operate: the ends justify the means and if someone is willing to break the rules to achieve the ends desired, then it's okay with the left no matter what the means are. Two wrongs always equal a right in the leftist/progressive/liberal mindset as long as it is they who are doing the wrongs.. January 10, 2017   themuslimvileone:   He is destroying records as he leaves office so that he won't face the consequences of his illegal activities, hatred of Conservatives, Christians and Republicans -- and America. He is a despicable, vile creature and to think that he was in the people's house for eight years is heartbreaking to me. If he had been a man of integrity and honor, he could have been such a wonderful president. But he is not a man of integrity and honor; he never has been and never will be. He should have been so much more. January 10, 2017   Trump/Pence, President- and VP-elect:   (Only ten more days of using that term. I can hardly wait!) On the flip side of what themuslimvileone did to America, with Trump's election, we have small businesses optimistic, Trump's cabinet is a "dream team" of experienced, successful, sometimes visionary people who know what it takes to build something into a success and will run their departments leanly, successfully and at as low a cost as possible -- I hope. I look forward to the end of themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX, to the end of themuslimvileone's hatred of America being in control of our great nation and to themuslimvileone's backside being hit by the back door as he leaves for the final time! Trump will be so good for America if he keeps his promises. If Pence helps him stay on track and the two of them work to really Make Americ Great Again, we can all breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to a really good four to eight years. January 10, 2017   hillclintOOn:   She thought she had the votes of young people sewn up. She spent millions of dollars to make sure that the college and just graduated folks voted for her. Too bad they still didn't like her. She may have thought she was going to get every young person's vote, but she didn't. See me smile? January 10, 2017   Food stamps used online? Yep. themuslimvileone has allowed people on food stamps to order what they want online. "To eliminate the welfare stigma, the administration renamed food stamps Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the rolls swelled to an astounding [S]46.5 million in 2016. This cost American taxpayers and eye-popping $70 billion, according to government figures."Don't ya' love how your taxpayer dollars are being spent? (Sarcasm, of course.) January 10, 2017   Lefties are planning on rioting at Trump's inauguration. Isn't that special? They can't stand not being in power. If hillclintOOn had won they'd be partying all night long as America went down the tubes under her preziduncy. With Trump's win (HURRAY! HURRAY! HURRAY!) the lefties/progressives/liberals have to throw their hissy fits. They can't behave like adults. They have to act like spoiled three-year-olds. It's ridiculous how they misbehave and get away with it. They need to learn to how to grow up! January 10, 2017   January 10, 2017   I'm going to close with that for now. I have to reorganize my craft room if I'm going to be able to use all of the craft things I got today from HSN's 24 hour craft sale. I was so bad! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 6, 2017: 12:39 a.m.   It's Flag Friday and today's offering is "Tribute To Our Heroes 301: Brown-haired Boy". I hope you like it and that you remember to thank our Heroes for their service! I thank you for your service! I can never say it enough! GOD Bless You All! January 5, 2017: 3:05 p.m.   theegotisticalmuslimvileone:   Can you believe the guile of that creature? He gave himself a "Distinguished Public Service" medal! That's not just disgusting, it's the height of conceit! The last thing themuslimvileone should be accepting is a medal for "distinguished service"! Criminutly! He deserves that as much as he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize (after all, he has been "at war longer than Mr. Bush, or any other American president."! Peace Prize? Really? Now a "Distinguished Public Service" medal? He didn't serve the public, he served himself! Look at how much his travels cost us: more than $96 MILLION! His golf trip with Tiger Woods cost US -- you and I -- $3.6 MILLION! His wife enjoyed the good life on YOUR DIME! I'm sure Malia's trip to Mexico ($115,500.87) was enjoyable for her, but WE PAID FOR IT! Let's not forget all of the people they travel with and how much those extras cost: Meryl Streep going to Africa with msthemuslimvileone, msthemuslimvileone's mother goes with her everywhere, and the truth is that it costs Americans $1.4 BILLION ANNUALLY to keep themuslimvileone and his freeloader family in the Red House because they love the luxury lifestyle! And HE got the medal for "Public Service"? Really? It should be given to the taxpayers of America for putting up with the a**hole for eight years! January 5, 2017   The lefties/progressives/liberals/dumboRATS are trying to "Bork" Sen. Jeff Sessions and prevent him from being confirmed as U.S. Attorney General. They hate him because he is a strong Christian Conservative who doesn't back down and who believes that America is better than themuslimvileone has been doing. They hate him because he is interested in getting to the TRUTH and the TRUTH will hurt them, their platform, their power base. That's what they want to preserve more than anything else: POWER. They need it like a kitten needs its momma's milk. Power is their life's blood. January 5, 2017   BLM:   Hey, "Black Lives Matter", lefties, themuslimvileone: YOU are responsible for the brutal hate attack against this young man. He wasn't bothering any of the perpetrators. He had on something with "Trump" on it and that made the hateful creatures take him and cut him, beat him, make him drink out of a toilet and yell at him, while holding him captive for as long as forty-eight hours! He's a young man who had done nothing to them! He thought one of them was his friend! This is what themuslimvileone is responsible for because he condones this sort of action (Remember his "stay on course" remark to the Ferguson crowd?). He has blood on his hands and hatred in his heart and he shows it all the time! He is despicable in so many ways and for so many reasons! Add don lemon to the "despicable" list! He doesn't think that what the perpetrators did here was "evil". And he says the perps had "bad home training"?! Who raised him, wolves?! January 5, 2017   themuslimvileone's healthcareTAX:   It's going to go Bye-Bye if the Republicans don't gut it the scotus may! Donald Trump, President-elect (LOVE saying that!), is tired of dumboRATS and their excuses and whining about his determination to dismantle the "lie from the start" but dumboRATS can't help but whine. Boo. Hoo. Poor babies. January 5, 2017   As themuslimvileone leaves so does the crappy school lunch program his wifeypoo put together. You remember: the program that included food that was molded, children would not eat, experts said didn't contain enough calories for growing children, etc.? Yeah. That "lunch" program is going bye-bye, too. Children all over America rejoice! January 5, 2017   DumboRATS will never give up trying to do everything they can to stay in power. It's their aphrodesiac, their reason to live, their mother's milk. Without it they go crazy. Without it they shrivel and die. Without it they crumble. Poor babies. (Not.) January 5, 2017   Trump/Pence, MAGA:   It's already happening. The American people are optimistic and buying as they see real hope for the first time since themuslimvileone lied to America about "Hope" and "Change". Now, we're seeing it for real as themuslimvileone leaves and Trump takes office. Trump is encouraging manufacturers to stay in America and his interest in keeping jobs here is resulting in companies staying here. American manufacturing staying here means jobs for Americans. That's a good thing. January 5, 2017   Arnie isn't cutting it. Will he be "terminated"? Placing bets? January 5, 2017   I'm going to close with that for now. I have things to do. I'll see ya' later for Flag Friday! Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the Sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! January 4, 2017: 1:27 p.m.   themuslimvileone:   New year, same old thing. He's doing everything he can to start a war so that he can declare Marshall Law and stay in office. Remember, he has "news"papers willing to help him spread false stories, so what is to prevent him from doing something similar in order to declare Marshall Law and not leave on the 20th? The dumboRATS would help him stay (after all, a third term for him would be better than a Trump presidency in their eyes), and his childish behavior signals that he's throwing a temper tantrum and is infantile enough to take that temper tantrum to new heights. He's doing everything he should NOT be doing before the 20th: transferring Gitmo prisoners, pardoning and giving "clemency" to thousands of prisoners already in our prisons, taking land for the federal government to control, trying to deny senior citizens of the Second Amendment rights, while pardoning "gun-toting criminals" so that those old folks will become unarmed victims thanks to themuslimvileone. He's banning offshore oil drilling when we most need it, LYING (again) about Russia hacking to help the Trump campaign (he lies so much that there's a blog about it with THREE pages of his lies!) and his administration has had at least 18 MAJOR scandals even though his sycophants say there were no scandals. To top it all off, he's throwing himself a huge party at OUR EXPENSE before he takes his final farewell (if he goes)! Isn't that wunnerful? He's such a bad prezidunce that -- as I predicted back in March of 2009: the year he was sworn in -- he is now considered by others as being exactly what I said, the worst prezidunce ever. When I said so in March of 2009, few would have thought me correct. Now tell me I was wrong. I dare you. January 4, 2017   President-elect Trump:   His team is asking border wall questions. That doesn't make the lefties/progressives/liberals nor themuslimvileone happy, but it does make me happy! He's going to keep his promises. That's a good thing. It's also a good thing that his inauguration celebrations will be smaller and fewer than the last two dumboRAT celebrations. He's already saving taxpayer dollars in security, employee, food and alcohol costs. That's nice. I like that. I hope that he does a great job replacing some federal judges and filling vacancies with staunch constitutional conservative, pro-gun judges; especially the "9th Circus [sic] Court" needs a make-over. They've been a thorn in freedom's side for a long time and that rotten garbage heap needs to be cleared out! Because Trump WON (I love saying that!), there are jobs being created (lots of them) or kept in America, and people "see a brighter future" for themselves and their families. themuslimvileone promised "Hope" and "Change" but it's Trump who is delivering it! January 4, 2017   Of course, the lefties/progressives/liberals/whiners have to protest Trump and I bet it's not going to be a nice, orderly, non-violent, non-break-things, clean up after yourself, law-abiding kind of march. Those women will be baring their chests to protest Trump, which is about as stupid as stupid gets. What harm does it do to Trump to have a woman he doesn't know, has never met, etc., bare her chest in protest? It's just an idiotic thing to do but I bet it happens. Of course, planned abortionhood will be there. January 4, 2017   I Stand With Israel:   Israel has been under attack not just by Muslim nations, but from
themuslimvileone and the United Nations. In fact,
U.N. "schools" have erased Israel from school textbooks. It's not the first
time they've found out that people have done this, just the most recent attack on Israel's sovereignty. If you want to stay on the biblical side
of things, stand with Israel. If you want to be wrong, stand against Israel. themuslimvileone is always wrong; when it comes to
Israel or anything else: January 4, 2017   Peace and Tolerance:   Muslim terrorists are in Central America and they are planning attacks on America and themuslimvileone is intentionally doing this and is welcoming terrorists in! He turns a blind eye to employees taking bribes to letting drugs and terrorists into our nation and -- to what should be America's total astonishment and disgust -- he condemned people not trusting Islam while he visited a mosque last February! He's not doing anything good for America because he hates America! He hates America with a purple passion and has proven it for eight years so why is anyone trying to paint his preziduncy as a good thing? January 4, 2017   January 4, 2017   I've got an errand to run so I'm going to close with that for today. Enjoy the rest of your day and leave time to reflect on the sacrifice given for you. Remember that "gun control" is being able to keep your shots in the target's "X" ring. Keep your eyes open, your gun close, your right to Free Speech available to tell the PC crowd to kiss your shiny "behiney". Remember, FREEDOM starts with YOU saying "NO!" to DICTATORSHIP at every level! Remember to sign up for GAB.ai and experience Free Speech at its best! Thanks for visiting! Pray for America and for the Spirit of the One True GOD to sweep across this land and start a great revival and that GOD will forgive our sins and heal our land. Pray for themuslimvileone to be stopped in his tracks. Pray for our troops and their safety and quick return. Pray for Islam, atheists and N. Korea to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Israel's protection and success. Pray for Christians worldwide to be kept safe and to realize who they are in Christ and the authority they have in His name over their (and His) enemies. Pray for peace. Pray for each other and for me, please! GOD Bless America and YOU! Until next time, See ya'! Remember to check Storage 2009, Storage 2010, Storage 2011 And, as usual, this whole site is COPYRIGHTED to myself and I reserve all rights to it. If you wish to copy any portion of this site for any reason whatsoever, you must contact me prior to (before, ahead of) copying anything on this site and get my permission to use it. Otherwise, you will face legal charges of copyright infringement. I own it all, folks, so hands off. |